Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

DEWHURST’S TEXTBOOK OF O B S T E T R I C S & G Y NAE C O LO G Y Edmon: “FM” — 2006/12/22 — 18:53 — PAGE i — #1 Dedica

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Edmon: “FM” — 2006/12/22 — 18:53 — PAGE i — #1


This book is dedicated to my wife, Gill, and my children, Alastair, Nicholas and Timothy and to the memory of Sir Jack Dewhurst.

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Dewhurst’s Textbook of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

EDITED BY D. KEITH EDMONDS FRCOG, FRACOG Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital Goldhawk Road London, UK


Blackwell Publishing

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© 2007 by Blackwell Publishing © 1972, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1995, 1999 Blackwell Science Blackwell Publishing, Inc., 350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5020, USA Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, 550 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia The right of the Author to be identified as the Author of this Work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. First published 1972 Second edition 1976 Third edition 1981 Fourth edition 1986 Fifth edition 1995 Sixth edition 1999 Seventh edition 2007 1 2007 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Dewhurst’s textbook of obstetrics and gynaecology. – 7th ed. / edited by D. Keith Edmonds. – 7th ed. p. ; cm. Rev. ed. of: Dewhurst’s textbook of obstetrics and gynaecology for postgraduates. 6th ed. 1999. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-3355-5 (hardback: alk. paper) ISBN-10: 1-4051-3355-4 (hardback: alk. paper) ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-3355-5 (pbk.: alk. paper) ISBN-10: 1-4051-3355-4 (pbk.: alk. paper) 1. Gynecology. 2. Obstetrics. I. Edmonds, D. Keith. II. Dewhurst, John, Sir, 1920- . III. Dewhurst’s textbook of obstetrics and gynaecology for postgraduates. IV. Title: Textbook of obstetrics and gynaecology. [DNLM: 1. Genital Diseases, Female. 2. Obstetrics. WP 100 D5193 2006] RG101.D5573 2006 618–dc22 2005032517 ISBN: 978-1-4051-3355-5 (hardback) ISBN: 978-1-4051-5667-7 (paperback) A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library Set in 9.5/12.5pt Palatino by Newgen Imaging Systems Pvt Ltd Printed and bound in India by Replika Press Pvt Ltd, Haryana, India Commissioning Editor: Stuart Taylor Editorial Assistant: Jennifer Seward Development Editor: Fiona Pattison Production Controller: Debbie Wyer For further information on Blackwell Publishing, visit our website: The publisher’s policy is to use permanent paper from mills that operate a sustainable forestry policy, and which has been manufactured from pulp processed using acid-free and elementary chlorine-free practices. Furthermore, the publisher ensures that the text paper and cover board used have met acceptable environmental accreditation standards. Blackwell Publishing makes no representation, express or implied, that the drug dosages in this book are correct. Readers must therefore always check that any product mentioned in this publication is used in accordance with the prescribing information prepared by the manufacturers. The author and the publishers do not accept responsibility or legal liability for any errors in the text or for the misuse or misapplication of material in this book.

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Contributors, vii


Professor Sir John Dewhurst, xi Preface to the Seventh Edition, xii Preface to the First Edition, xiii 1


Clinical anatomy of the pelvis and reproductive tract, 1


Maternal physiology, 10


The placenta and fetal membranes, 19



Antenatal care, 39


Normal labour, 46


Fetal monitoring during labour, 56


Analgesia and anaesthesia, 63


Malpresentation, malposition, cephalopelvic disproportion and obstetric procedures, 213

S. Arulkumaran

Puerperium and lactation, 69


Hypertensive disorders, 227

Andrew Shennan

Neonatal care for obstetricians, 81


M.A. Thomson and A.D. Edwards 12

Induction and augmentation of labour, 205

G. Justus Hofmeyr

D. Keith Edmonds 11

Prolonged pregnancy, 192

Patricia Crowley

John A. Crowhurst 10

Preterm labour, 177

Phillip Bennett

James A. Low 9

Multiple pregnancy, 166

Nicholas M. Fisk

A.A. Calder 8

Disorders of fetal growth and assessment of fetal well-being, 159

G.C.S. Smith and C.C. Lees

Pre-conception counselling, 34

Timothy G. Overton 7

Obstetric emergencies, 145

Sara Paterson-Brown 19

Normal fetal growth, 28

Andrew McCarthy 6

Fetal medicine in clinical practice, 132

R.C. Wimalasundera

Jason Gardosi 5

Prenatal diagnosis and genetics, 125

Sailesh Kumar

Berthold Huppertz and John C.P. Kingdom 4

Trophoblast disease, 117

Philip Savage and Michael Seckl

Fiona Broughton-Pipkin 3

Ectopic pregnancy, 106

Davor Jurkovic 15

Alan Farthing 2

Recurrent miscarriage, 100

Raj Rai

Spontaneous miscarriage, 94


Joanne Topping and Roy G. Farquarson

Heart disease in pregnancy, 236

Catherine Nelson-Piercy Diabetes and endocrine disease in pregnancy, 246

Anne Dornhorst and Catherine Williamson

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Renal disease, 260

46 Assisted reproduction, 461

John Davison 29

Geoffrey Trew

Haematological problems in pregnancy, 270


P. Clark, A.J. Thomson and I.A. Greer 30


Nick Panay

Miscellaneous medical disorders, 282

Andrew McCarthy


Obstetric statistics, 289 49

Contraception, 299

Termination of pregnancy, 318


Normal and abnormal development of the genital tract, 327

D. Keith Edmonds 35





The role of ultrasound in gynaecology, 356


Benign diseases of the vagina, cervix and ovary, 606

Joanne Topping

D. Keith Edmonds

Gynaecological disorders of childhood and adolescence, 364


Primary amenorrhoea, 369


Polycystic ovary syndrome and secondary amenorrhoea, 377

Menstrual problems: menorrhagia and primary dysmenorrhagia, 399

Margaret C.P. Rees 41


Cancer of the uterine corpus, 645

Henry C. Kitchener Sexual dysfunction, 651

Fran Reader 59

Ethical dilemmas in obstetrics and gynaecology, 658

Gordon M. Stirrat

Pelvic infection, 414 60

The law and the obstetrician and gynaecologist, 684

Bertie Leigh

Chronic pelvic pain, 423

R. William Stones 44


Premenstrual syndrome, 408

Jonathan D.C. Ross and Peter Stewart 43

Benign disease of the uterus, 636

Mary Ann Lumsden


P.M.S. O’Brien 42

Epithelial ovarian cancer, 625

Hani Gabra

Adam H. Balen 40

Premalignant and malignant disease of the cervix, 614

Mahmood I. Shafi

D. Keith Edmonds 39

Malignant disease of the vulva and the vagina, 591

David M. Luesley

D. Keith Edmonds 38

Benign disease of the vulva, 578

Richard Staughton

The menstrual cycle, 348

William L. Ledger

Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy, 560

Adam Magos

Gillian Flett and Allan Templeton 34

Urinary incontinence, 504

D. Robinson and L. Cardozo

Anna Glasier 33

Pelvic floor dysfunction I: uterovaginal prolapse, 496

Anthony R.B. Smith

Jim G. Thornton 32

Menopause and the postmenopausal woman, 479


Domestic violence and sexual assault, 692

Maureen Dalton

Endometriosis, 430

Stephen Kennedy and Philippe Koninckx Index, 699 45

Infertility, 440

Siladitya Bhattacharya

Plate section can be found facing p. 562

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S. Arulkumaran

John A. Crowhurst

Professor and Head, St George’s Hospital Medical School, Cranmer Terrace, London, SW17 0RE, UK

Consultant Anaesthetist, Mercy Hospital for Women, Melbourne, Australia; and Formerly Reader in Obstetric Anaesthesia, Imperial College; and Director of Obstetric Anaesthesia, Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, London, UK

Adam H. Balen Professor of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Clarendon Wing, Leeds General Infirmary, United Leeds Teaching Hospitals, Leeds, LS2 9NS, UK

Phillip Bennett Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Parturition Research Group, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London; and Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Hammersmith Hospital Campus, Du Cane Road, London, W12 0NN, UK

Siladitya Bhattacharya Senior Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZL, UK

Fiona Broughton-Pipkin Professor of Perinatal Physiology, School of Human Development, Nottingham University Hospital, Queen’s Medical Centre, Derby Road, Nottingham, NG7 2UH, UK

A.A. Calder Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Edinburgh, Reproductive and Developmental Sciences, Simpson Centre for Reproductive Health, 51 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SA, UK

Patricia Crowley Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Trinity College Dublin, Coombe Women’s Hospital, Dublin 8, Ireland

Maureen Dalton Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Barrack Road, Exeter, EX2 5DW, UK

John Davison Consultant Obstetrician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Directorate of Women’s Services, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Queen Victoria Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4LP, UK

Anne Dornhorst Consultant Physician and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Metabolic Medicine, Imperial College London, Du Cane Road, London, W12 0NN, UK

D. Keith Edmonds Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, Goldhawk Road, London, W6 0XG, UK

A.D. Edwards Consultant Paediatrician, Department of Paediatrics, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, London, W12 0HS, UK

Roy G. Farquarson

L. Cardozo Department of Urogynaecology, Kings College Hospital, London, UK

Clinical Director, Liverpool Women’s Hospital, Crown Street, Liverpool, L8 7SS, UK

Alan Farthing

P. Clark Consultant Haematologist, Ninewells Hospital Dundee; and Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Dundee, UK

Consultant Gynaecological Surgeon, West London Gynaecological Cancer Centre, Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, Du Cane Road, London, W12 0HS, UK


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Nicholas M. Fisk

Stephen Kennedy

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Imperial College, London; and Centre for Fetal Care, Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, London, UK

Clinical Reader, Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Oxford, UK

Gillian Flett Consultant, Sexual and Reproductive Health, 13 Golden Square, Aberdeen, AB10 1RH, UK; and Gynaecology Department, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, UK

Hani Gabra Professor of Medical Oncology and Head of Section of Molecular Therapeutics, Imperial College London; and Director of the Helene Harris Memorial Trust Ovarian Cancer Action Research Unit; and Chief of Service, West London Gynaecological Cancer Centre, Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust, London, UK

Jason Gardosi West Midlands Perinatal Institute, Crystal Court, Aston Cross, Birmingham, B6 5RQ, UK

Anna Glasier Director of NHS Lothian Family Planning and Well Women Service; and Honorary Professor University of Edinburgh Clinical Sciences and Community Health; and University of London, School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Department of Public Health Policy, UK

John C.P. Kingdom Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada

Henry C. Kitchener Professor of Gynaecological Oncology, University of Manchester, Academic Unit of Obstetrics/Gynaecology, St Mary’s Hospital, Whitworth Park, Manchester, M13 0JH, UK

Philippe Koninckx Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Oxford; and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Leuven, Belgium

Sailesh Kumar Consultant in Fetal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Centre for Fetal Care, Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, Du Cane Road, London, W12 0HS, UK

William L. Ledger Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Academic Unit of Reproductive and Developmental Medicine, The Jessop Wing, Tree Root Walk, Sheffield, S10 2SF, UK

I.A. Greer

C. C. Lees

Regius Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Glasgow, Reproductive and Maternal Medicine, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, 10 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow, G31 2ER, UK

Consultant in Obstetrics and Maternal and Fetal Medicine, The Rosie Hospital, Addenbrookes NHS Trust, Cambridge, CB2 2QQ, UK

Bertie Leigh

G. Justus Hofmeyr Consultant, East London Hospital Complex; and Director, Effective Case Research Unit, Eastern Cape Department of Health; and University of the Witwatersrand/University of Fort Hare, South Africa

Berthold Huppertz University Professor of Cell Biology, Department of Cell Biology, Histology and Embryology, Center of Molecular Medicine, Harrachgasse 21/7, Medical University of Graz, 8010 Graz, Austria

Solicitor, Senior Partner at Hempsons, Hempsons House, 40 Villiers Street, London, WC2N 6NJ, UK

James A. Low Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada

David M. Luesley Lawson-Tait Professor of Gynaecological Oncology, City Hospital, Dudley Road, Birmingham, B18 7QH, UK

Davor Jurkovic

Mary Ann Lumsden

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Head Early Pregnancy and Gynaecology Assessment Unit, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS, UK

Professor of Gynaecology and Medical Education, Division of Developmental Medicine, University of Glasgow, Queen Elizabeth Building, 10 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow, G31 2ER, UK

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Adam Magos

Jonathan D.C. Ross

Minimally Invasive Therapy Unit and Endoscopy Training Centre, University Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Royal Free Hospital, Pond Street, Hampstead, London, NW3 2QG, UK

Professor of Sexual Health and HIV, Whittall Street Clinic, Birmingham, UK

Philip Savage

Andrew McCarthy

Department of Medical Oncology, Charing Cross Hospital, Fulham Palace Road, London, W6 8RF, UK

Consultant Obstetrician, Hammersmith and Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, Du Cane Road, London, W12 0HS, UK

Michael Seckl

Catherine Nelson-Piercy Consultant Obstetric Physician, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals Foundation Trust, and Queen Charlotte’s Hospital, London, UK

P.M.S. O’Brien Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Academic Unit of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Keele University Medical School, University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust, Stoke on Trent, ST4 6QG, UK

Timothy G. Overton Consultant in Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine, Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Bristol, St Michael’s Hospital, Southwell Street, Bristol, BS2 8EG, UK


Director, Charing Cross Hospital Trophoblastic Disease Centre, Fulham Palace Road, London, W6 8RF, UK

Mahmood I. Shafi Consultant Gynaecological Surgeon and Oncologist, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QQ, UK

Andrew Shennan Professor of Obstetrics, King’s College London, Guy’s, King’s and St. Thomas’ School of Medicine, Lambeth Palace Road, London, SE1 7EH, UK

Anthony R.B. Smith Consultant Urogynaecologist, The Warrell Unit, St Mary’s Hospital, Hathersage Road, Manchester, M13 0JH, UK

G.C.S. Smith

Nick Panay Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust; and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Imperial College, London, UK

Head of Department and Consultant in Maternal–Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Rosie Hospital, Robinson Way, Cambridge, CB2 2QQ, UK

Sara Paterson-Brown

Richard Staughton

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, Du Cane Road, London, W12 0HS, UK

Consultant Dermatologist, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 369 Fulham Road, London, SW10 9NH, UK

Peter Stewart

Raj Rai Senior Lecturer/Consultant Gynaecologist, Sub-specialist in Reproductive Medicine, Imperial College London, Mint Wing, St Mary’s Hospital, London, W2 1PG, UK

Fran Reader Consultant in Reproductive Health, Ipswich Hospital, Heath Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 5PD, UK

Margaret C.P. Rees

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK

Gordon M. Stirrat Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Senior Research Fellow in Ethics in Medicine, Centre for Ethics in Medicine, University of Bristol, 73 St Michael’s Hill, Bristol, BS2 8BH, UK

Reader in Reproductive Medicine, Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, OX3 9DU, UK

R. William Stones

D. Robinson

Allan Templeton

Department of Urogynaecology, Kings College Hospital, London, UK

Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO16 5YA, UK

Gynaecology Department, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Forresterhill, Aberdeen, UK

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A.J. Thomson

Geoffrey Trew

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist/Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow, UK

The Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, W12 OHS, UK

M.A. Thomson University of Glasgow, Reproductive and Maternal Medicine, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, 10 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow, G312ER, UK

Jim G. Thornton Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, City Hospital, Hucknall Road, Nottingham, NG5 1PB, UK

Joanne Topping Consultant in Obstetrics and Early Pregnancy Care, Liverpool Women’s Hospital, Crown Street, Liverpool, L8 7SS, UK

Catherine Williamson Senior Lecturer in Obstetric Medicine, Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Imperial College, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, London, W12 0NN, UK

R.C. Wimalasundera Consultant Obstetrician and Fetal Medicine Specialist, Centre for Fetal Care, Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, Du Cane Road, London W12 0HS, UK

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Professor Sir John Dewhurst

Professor Sir John Dewhurst died on the 1st December 2006. Jack, as he was known to all his colleagues, was a doyen amongst obstetricians and gynaecologists of the twentieth century. His reputation was internationally renowned and he became a worldwide expert in paediatric and adolescent gynaecology for which he received due accolade. He was also an outstanding teacher of obstetrics and gynaecology and as such this textbook that he began in the 1970s is testament to his

dedication to the passing on of knowledge to others. In 1976 he became President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, a post he held for three years, for which he was subsequently knighted. He retired in 1986 after a long and distinguished career but his legacy lives on and he will be remembered by all who knew him with great affection and professional respect. d. keith edmonds


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Preface to the Seventh Edition

As I write this Preface in 2006, the specialty of obstetrics and gynaecology worldwide is going through a crisis of recruitment. It seems to all the contributors to this book a strange and sad time as the fascination of obstetrics and gynaecology remains unchallenged. Since the 6th edition, many advances have occurred and these have led to improvements in healthcare throughout the world. The efforts with regard to maternal and fetal health and to the gynaecological care of women remains a triumph of modern medicine. We hope that the reader will enjoy being stimulated by the fascination and intellectual stimulation that comes from the study of obstetrics and gynaecology. I wish to thank all the contributors who have submitted chapters for the readers’ pleasure, to impart their knowledge and to hopefully see this translated into high quality clinical practice. I would like to thank all of the contributors whose contributions span the breadth of obstetrics and gynaecology and we hope that these individual chapters will stimulate

the reader to a greater understanding and thereafter a healthy appetite for more knowledge. The obstetrics and gynaecology of the future will almost certainly be different from the practice that has occurred over the last 150 years and as the future beckons more specialized individuals, a basic knowledge of obstetrics and gynaecology will still underpin the training of young doctors for the future. I hope this book will continue to provide that wealth of knowledge and stimulate young doctors to join the specialty and become contributors in the future. I would like to thank my secretary, Liz Manson, without whom many of the contributors in this book would have slept very soundly. Her incessant efforts to obtain the chapters have been remarkable and I am indebted to her. I would also like to thank Fiona Pattison at Blackwell Publishing and the editorial team for their support in the publication of this volume. d. keith edmonds 2006


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Preface to the First Edition

Our purpose in writing this book has been to produce a comprehensive account of what the specialist in training in obstetrics and gynaecology must know. Unfortunately for him, he must now know a great deal, not only about his own subject, but about certain aspects of closely allied specialties such as endocrinology, biochemistry, cytogenetics, psychiatry, etc. Accordingly we have tried to offer the postgraduate student not only an advanced textbook in obstetrics and gynaecology but one which integrates the relevant aspects of other subjects which nowadays impinge more and more on the clinical field. To achieve this aim within, we hope, a reasonable compass we have assumed some basic knowledge which the reader will have assimilated throughout his medical training, and we have taken matters on from there. Fundamental facts not in question are stated as briefly as is compatible with accuracy and clarity, and discussion is then devoted to more advanced aspects. We acknowledge that it is not possible even in this way to provide all the detail some readers may wish, so an appropriate bibliography is provided with each chapter. Wherever possible we have tried to give a positive opinion and our reasons for holding it, but to discuss nonetheless other important views; this we believe to be more helpful than a complete account of all possible opinions which may be held. We have chosen moreover to lay emphasis on fundamental aspects of the natural and the disease processes which are discussed; we believe concentration on these basic physiological and pathological features to be important to the proper training of a specialist. Clinical matters are, of course, dealt with in detail too, whenever theoretical discussion of them is rewarding. There are, however, some clinical aspects which cannot, at specialist level, be considered in theory with real benefit; examples of these are how to palpate a pregnant woman’s abdomen and how to apply obstetric forceps. In general these matters are considered very briefly or perhaps not at all; this is not a book on how

things are done, but on how correct treatment is chosen, what advantages one choice has over another, what complications are to be expected, etc. Practical matters, we believe, are better learnt in practice and with occasional reference to specialized textbooks devoted solely to them. A word may be helpful about the manner in which the book is set out. We would willingly have followed the advice given to Alice when about to testify at the trial of the Knave of Hearts in Wonderland, ’Begin at the beginning, keep on until you come to the end and then stop’. But this advice is difficult to follow when attempting to find the beginning of complex subjects such as those to which this book is devoted. Does the beginning lie with fertilization; or with the events which lead up to it; or with the genital organs upon the correct function of which any pregnancy must depend; or does it lie somewhere else? And which direction must we follow then? The disorders of reproduction do not lie in a separate compartment from genital tract disease, but each is clearly associated with the other for at least part of a woman’s life. Although we have attempted to integrate obstetrics with gynaecology and with their associated specialties, some separation is essential in writing about them, and the plan we have followed is broadly this—we begin with the female child in utero, follow her through childhood to puberty, through adolescence to maturity, through pregnancy to motherhood, through her reproductive years to the climacteric and into old age. Some events have had to be taken out of order, however, although reiteration has been avoided by indicating to the reader where in the book are to be found other sections dealing with different aspects of any subject under consideration. We hope that our efforts will provide a coherent, integrated account of the field we have attempted to cover which will be to the satisfaction of our readers. sir john dewhurst 1972


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Chapter 1: Clinical anatomy of the pelvis and reproductive tract Alan Farthing

Introduction This chapter aims to summarize the important aspects of the anatomy of the abdomen and the pelvis, which should be known to the Obstetric or Gynaecological specialist. Many of the investigations and treatments we order on a daily basis require good anatomical knowledge in order to be properly understood.

Surface anatomy The anterior abdominal wall can be divided into four quadrants by lines passing horizontally and vertically through the umbilicus (Fig. 1.1). In the upper abdomen is the epigastrium, which is the area just inferior to the xiphisternum, and in the lower abdomen lie the right and left iliac fossae and the hypogastrium. The cutaneous nerve supply of the anterior abdominal wall arises from the anterior rami of the lower thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. The dermatomes of significant

structures on the anterior abdominal wall are: T7 xiphisternum T10 umbilicus L1 symphysis pubis The blood supply is via the superior epigastric (branch of the internal thoracic artery) and the inferior epigastric (branch of the external iliac artery) vessels. During laparoscopy, the inferior epigastric vessels can be seen between the peritoneum and rectus muscle on the anterior abdominal wall and commence their journey superiorly from approximately two thirds of the way along the inguinal ligament closer to the symphysis pubis. Care needs to be taken to avoid them while using accessory trochars during laparoscopy and to ensure that they are identified when making a Maylard incision of the abdominal wall.

The anterior abdominal wall Beneath the skin and the fat of the superficial anterior abdominal wall lies a sheath and combination of muscles including the rectus abdominus, external and internal oblique and tranversalis muscles (Fig. 1.2). Where these muscles coalesce in the midline, the linea alba is formed. Pyramidalis muscle is present in almost all women originating on the anterior surface of the pubis and inserting into the linea alba. The exact configuration of the muscles encountered by the surgeon depends on exactly where any incision is made.

The umbilicus

Fig. 1.1 The abdomen can be divided into quadrants.

The umbilicus is essentially a scar made from the remnants of the umbilical cord. It is situated in the linea alba and in a variable position depending on the obesity of the patient. However the base of the umbilicus is always the thinnest part of the anterior abdominal wall and is the commonest site of insertion of the primary port in laparoscopy. The urachus is the remains of the allantois from the fetus and runs from the apex of the bladder to the umbilicus.


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Chapter 1

Superficial fascia Tendinous intersections External oblique aponeurosis

Anterior layer of internal oblique aponeurosis Posterior layer of internal oblique aponeurosis Transversus aponeurosis Fascia transversalis

Rectus muscle Extraperitoneal fat Skin Peritoneum Pubis

Fig. 1.2 The layers of the anterior abdominal wall in tranverse section.

are a potential hazard for the laparoscopist inserting ports at the umbilicus.

Epithelium of the genital tract The anterior abdominal wall including the vulva, vagina and perineal areas are lined with squamous epithelium. The epithelium lining the endocervix and uterine cavity is columnar and the squamocolumnar junction usually arises at the ectocervix in women of reproductive age. This is an important site as it is the area from which cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and eventually cervical malignancy arises. The bladder is lined by transitional epithelium which becomes columnar. The anal verge is still squamous epithelium but this changes to columnar immediately inside the anus and into the rectum. The genital tract, from the vagina, through the uterus and out through the fallopian tubes into the peritoneal cavity, is an open passage. This is an essential route for the traversing of sperm in the process of fertilization but unfortunately it also allows the transport of pathologic organisms which may result in ascending infection.

The peritoneum Aorta

Inferior vena cava Palmers point

Fig. 1.3 The umbilicus in relation to the underlying vasculature in a thin patient.

Occasionally this can remain patent in newborns. In early embryological life, the vitelline duct also runs through the umbilicus from the developing midgut. Although the duct is severed long before delivery, a remnant of this structure is found in 2% of the population as a Meckels diverticulum. The aorta divides into the common iliac arteries approximately 1–2 cm below the umbilicus in most slim women (Fig. 1.3). The common iliac veins combine to form the inferior vena cava just below this and all these structures

The peritoneum is a thin serous membrane which lines the inside of the pelvic and abdominal cavities. In simplistic terms it is probably best to imagine a pelvis containing the bladder, uterus and rectum (Fig. 1.4) and note that the peritoneum is a layer placed over these organs in a single sheet. This complete layer is then pierced by both the fallopian tubes and the ovaries on each side. Posteriorly the rectum also pierces the peritoneum connecting to the sigmoid colon and the area between the posterior surface of the uterus and its supporting ligaments and the rectum is called the Pouch of Douglas. This particular area is important in gynaecology as the place where gravity dependent fluid collects. As a result this is where blood is found in ectopic pregnancies, pus in infections and endometriosis which has been caused by retrograde menstruation (Sampsons theory).

Vulva The vulva is the area of the perineum including the Mons pubis, labia majora and minora and the opening into both the vagina and urethra (Fig. 1.5). The labia majora are areas of skin with underlying fat pads which bound the vagina. Medial to these are the labia minora which consist of vascular tissue which reacts to the stimulation of sexual arousal. Anteriorly they come together to form the prepuce of the clitoris and posteriorly they form the forchette.

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Clinical anatomy of the pelvis



Cavity of uterus Squamous epithelium Cervix The Pouch of Douglas

Uterovesical pouch

Rectum Bladder Anococcygeal body

Pubic symphysis

Fig. 1.4 Transverse view of the pelvic organs.

Urethra Urogenital diaphragm

Anus Perineal body


Mons veneris Prepuce of clitoris

Glans of clitoris

Frenulum of clitoris

Urethral orifice Labia majora

Skene’s ducts Vestibule

Labia minora Bartholin ’s duct Vaginal orifice

Anal orifice

Fig. 1.5 Surface anatomy of the vulva.

The hymen is a fold of vaginal mucosa at the entrance to this organ. It usually has a small opening in virgins and is only seen as an irregular remnant in sexually active women. To each side of the introitus are the ducts of the vestibular glands commonly known as Bartholin’s glands which produce much of the lubrication at sexual intercourse. The vulval blood supply comes from the pudendal artery and lymphatic drainage is through the inguinal lymph nodes. The nerve supply comes mostly from the pudendal nerve and pelvic plexus with branches of the perineal nerves and posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh important in the posterior region.

The clitoris The clitoris corresponds to the male penis consisting of the same three masses of erectile tissue (Fig. 1.6). The bulb

of the vestibule is attached to the underlying urogenital diaphragm and split into two because of the presence of the vagina. The right and left crura become the corpora cavernosa and are covered by the ischiocavernosus muscles.

Bony pelvis The bony pelvis consists of two hip bones (consisting of the ileum and ischium) which are joined together by the sacrum posteriorly and the symphysis pubis anteriorly (Figs. 1.7 and 1.8). In addition, the coccyx lies on the inferior aspect of the sacrum. A plane drawn between the sacral promontory and the superior aspect of the symphysis pubis marks the pelvic inlet and a similar plane drawn from the tip of S5 to the inferior aspect of the symphysis pubis marks the pelvic outlet.

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Chapter 1

Clinically the ischial spine is important as it can be felt vaginally and progress in labour can be measured using it as a landmark. Additionally it is an insertion point of the sacrospinous ligament which also attaches to the lower lateral part of the sacrum. Together with the sacrotuberous ligament and the bony pelvis, it forms the borders of the greater sciatic foramen (through which the sciatic nerve passes) and the lesser sciatic foramen (through which the pudenal nerve enters the pelvis). The sacrum and ilium are joined by the very strong sacroiliac joint. This is a synovial joint and is supported by the posterior and interosseous sacroiliac ligaments. The symphysis pubis is a cartilaginous joint with a fibrocartilaginous disc separating the two bones which are firmly bound together by the supporting ligaments. There should be virtually no movement of this joint.

Ischiopubic ramus

Pelvic floor (Figs. 1.9 and 1.10) The obturator internus muscle sits on the medial side of the ischial bone and, together with the body of the pubis, forms a wall that supports the origins of the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor itself is a sling of various muscles which are pierced by the urethra, the vagina and the anal canal. Posterior to the vagina these muscles form the perineal body. The puborectalis muscle forms a sling around the junction of the anus and rectum and posterior to the anus, these fibres are made up by the pubococcygeus which forms the anococcygeal body in the midline (Fig. 1.9). The collection of muscles is variously referred to as the pelvic diaphragm or levator ani muscles (Fig. 1.10). These muscles support the pelvic organs, holding them in position and resisting the forces created when the intraperitoneal

Suspensory ligament of clitoris

Ischiocavernous muscle


Bulbocavernous muscle

Vestibular bulb

Deep layer of superfiscial fascial (Colles fascia) Superfisial perineal compartment Ischial tuberosity Sacrotuberous ligament Levator ani muscle

Inferior fascia of urogenital diaphragm Bartholin’s gland Superficial transverse perineal muscle Central point of perineum Fascia of obturator internus

External anal sphincter Gluteus maximus muscle Coccyx

Promontory of sacrum

Tip of coccyx

Greater trochanter of femur

Symphysis pubis

Ischiorectal fossa Anococcygeal body

Fig. 1.6 The deeper vulval tissues.

Tubercle of iliac crest Iliac fossa

Iliopectineal line

Pubic crest

Pubic tubercle

Fig. 1.7 Bony pelvis.

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Clinical anatomy of the pelvis


Promontory of sacrum

Sacrotuberous ligament Pelvic inlet Sacrospinous ligament

Body of pubis Tip of coccyx Pubic arch

Ischial tuberosity

Pelvic outlet

Fig. 1.8 Bony pelvis.

Symphysis pubis Levator prostate or sphincter vaginae

Perineal body

Puborectalis Pubococcygeus

Anococcygeal body

Tip of coccyx

Junction of rectum and anal canal



Fig. 1.9 Pelvic floor muscles.

Sacrotuberous ligament Linear thickening of fascia covering obturator internus muscle Uterine wall

Ischial spine

Coccyx Coccygeus muscle

Obturator canal

Fig. 1.10 Transverse view of the pelvic floor muscles.

Obturator internus muscle

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Levator ani muscle


Chapter 1

Fig. 1.11 MRI of the pelvis.

pressure is raised as in coughing or straining. The nerve supply is from the fourth sacral nerve and pudendal nerve.

Pelvic organs (Fig. 1.11) Vagina The vagina is a distensible muscular tube which passes from the introitus to the cervix. It pierces the pelvic floor and then lies flat on its posterior surface using it as support. It is approximately 8 cm long and the anterior and posterior walls oppose each other. Anatomical text books can give a confusing impression when showing this structure as an open tube with a lumen. However, on imaging, the normal vagina should not be distended and does not contain air. Projecting into the top of the vagina is the uterine cervix. The areas of the vagina which border the cervix are referred to as the fornices and are labelled as anterior, posterior, right or left. The vaginal wall consists of outer and inner circular layers of muscles which cannot be distinguished from each other. The epithelium contains no glands but is rich in glycogen in the premenopausal woman. The normal commensal, Doderleins bacillus, breaks down this glycogen to create an acid environment.

Uterus The uterus is approximately the size and shape of a pear with a central cavity and thick muscular walls (Fig. 1.12).

The serosal surface is the closely applied peritoneum beneath which is the myometrium which is a smooth muscle supported by connective tissue. The myometrium is made up of three layers of muscle, external, intermediate and internal layers. Clinically this is important as fibroids leave the layers intact and removal through a superficial incision leaves the three layers intact. The three layers run in complimentary directions which encourage vascular occlusion during contraction, an important aspect of menstrual blood loss and postpartum haemostasis. The mucous membrane overlying the myometrium to line the cavity is the endometrium. Glands of the endometrium pierce the myometrium and a single layer of columnar epithelium on the surface changes cyclically in response to the menstrual cycle. The uterus consists of a fundus superiorly, a body, an isthmus (internal os) and inferiorly the cervix (external os). The cervix is a cylindrical structure which is muscular in its upper portions but this gives way to fibrous connective tissue as the cervix sits at the top of the vagina. The cervix is lined by columnar epithelium, which secretes alkaline mucus neutralizing the effects of vaginal acidity. The cervix and uterus do not always sit in the same plane and when the uterine body rotates anteriorly it is referred to as anteflexed and posteriorly as retroflexed. The axis of the entire uterus can be anteverted or retroverted in relation to the axis of the vagina (Fig. 1.13). The uterus is supported by the muscles of the pelvic floor together with three supporting condensations of connective tissue. The pubocervical ligaments run from the cervix anteriorly to the pubis, the cardinal ligaments pass laterally from the cervix and upper vagina to the lateral pelvic side walls and the uterosacral ligaments from the cervix and upper vagina to the sacrum. These uterosacral ligaments can be clearly seen posterior to the uterus in the Pouch of Douglas and are a common site for superficial and deep infiltrating endometriosis. The uterine blood supply is derived mainly from the uterine artery, a branch of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery. An anastamosis occurs with the blood supply delivered through the ovarian ligament and derived direct from the ovarian artery. The round ligament is the remains of the gubernaculum and extends from the uterus laterally to the pelvic side wall and then into the inguinal canal before passing down into the labia majora. It holds the uterus in anteversion, although it is a highly distensible structure in pregnancy. It is usually the first structure divided at hysterectomy allowing the surgeon to open the overlying folds of peritoneum known as the broad ligament.

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Clinical anatomy of the pelvis


Fundus Intramural part Infundibulum

Uterine tube

Isthmus Ampulla

Cavity of uterus Body Fimbriae

Ovarian artery

Internal os Supravaginal cervix

Uterine artery

Cervical canal Vaginal cervix


External os

Lateral fornix

Fig. 1.12 Uterus and fallopian tubes.


Fallopian tubes B

The fallopian tubes are delicate tubular structures which carry the ovum or sperm between the ovary and uterine cavity. The tubes are divided into named regions, most medially the cornu and interstial portion within the uterine wall, then the isthmus followed by the infundibulum, ampulla and finally fimbrial ends. They are lined by columnar epithelium and cilia which together with the peristaltic action of the surrounding smooth muscle propel the fertilized ovum towards the uterine cavity. The blood supply of the fallopian tubes arises from both the uterine and ovarian arteries through the mesosalpinx which is covered by peritoneum.

Ovaries The ovaries vary in size depending on age and their function. They are approximately 2 × 4 cm2 with the long axis running vertically and are attached to the posterior leaf of the broad ligament by the mesovarium. In addition they are fixed in position by the ovarian ligament (to the uterus medially) and the infundibulopelvic ligament which contains the ovarian blood supply direct from the aorta. Venous drainage is to the ovarian veins which drain direct into the inferior vena cava on the right and into the renal vein on the left. The aortic nerve plexus also accompanies the ovary in its descent from around the level of the first lumbar vertebra. The lateral pelvic side wall is covered by peritoneum which is folded to form the ovarian fossa. Pathological adhesions around the ovary will often cause it to be



Fig. 1.13 The axis of the uterus in relation to the vagina.

fixed into the ovarian fossa causing cyclical pain or dyspareunia. The ovary is not covered by peritoneum but is surrounded by a thin membranous capsule, the tunica albuginea, which in turn is covered by the germinal epithelium.

Bladder The urinary bladder is situated immediately behind the pubic bone and anterior to the uterine cervix and upper vagina. It has a strong muscular wall consisting of three layers of interlacing fibres which are known together as the detrusor muscles (Fig. 1.14). The trigone is the only smooth part of the bladder as it is fixed to the underlying muscle. At the superior margins of the trigone lie the ureteric openings and at the inferior aspect the urethra.

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Chapter 1

Right ureter

Apex of bladder Left ureter

Bladder wall T rigone Interureteric crest

Right ureteric orifice

Left ureteric orifice Urethral orifice

Fig. 1.14 The bladder.

An interureteric ridge can often be visualized horizontally between the ureters at cystoscopy and is useful for orientation. The rest of the bladder is highly distensible ensuring that as it is expanded the pressure of its contents remains the same. The bladder receives its blood supply from the superior and inferior vesical arteries which originate from the internal iliac artery. The nerve supply is from the inferior hypogastric plexus. Sympathetic nerves arise in the first and second lumbar ganglia and the parasympathetic supply from the splanchnic nerves of the second, third and fourth sacral nerves. URETHRA

The urethra is approximately 4 cm long in the female adult starting at the internal meatus of the bladder and passing through the pelvic floor to the vestibule. The epithelium is squamous near the external meatus and changes to transitional epithelium about two thirds of the way to the bladder. The deeper tissue is muscular and this maintains the urethral tone. There are no anatomical sphincters but the muscle fibres of the bladder at the internal meatus act as an ‘internal sphincter’ and the pelvic floor as a voluntary external sphincter. URETERS

The ureters run from the renal hilum to the trigone of the bladder and are approximately 30 cm in length. They enter the pelvis by passing over the common iliac bifurcation at the pelvic brim. They then pass along the lateral pelvic side wall before passing anteriorly and medially under the uterine artery as it originates from the internal iliac artery and into the base of the bladder. The ureter comes close to the ovarian artery and vein and can be adherent to these vessels or the overlying ovary in pathological

cases. By passing close to the uterine artery it can be mistakenly clamped and divided as a rare complication of hysterectomy. The ureters are muscular tubes lined by transitional epithelium. The blood supply varies during its course but small vessels along the surface of the ureter require careful preservation when dissecting it free from other structures.

Rectum The rectum is approximately 12 cm in length and starts at the level of S3 as a continuation of the sigmoid colon. The puborectalis part of the pelvic floor forms a sling around the lower end at the junction with the anal canal. The rectum is commonly depicted in anatomic drawing as being dilated, causing the other pelvic organs to be pushed forward. This is because the original drawings were taken from cadavers but in the live patient the rectum is often empty allowing the other structures to lie supported on the pelvic floor. The mucosa of the rectum is columnar and this is surrounded by inner circular and outer longitudinal fibres of smooth muscle. The serosal surface is covered by peritoneum. The blood supply is from the superior rectal artery from the inferior mesenteric artery, and the middle and inferior rectal arteries arise from the posterior division of the internal iliac artery. The nerve supply is from the inferior hypogastric plexus and ensures the rectum is sensitive to stretch only.

Conclusion A clear knowledge of anatomy is required for many gynaecological diagnoses and certainly for surgery. Many clinicians do not gain a full understanding of pelvic anatomy until they start operating and then

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Clinical anatomy of the pelvis

rarely refer back to anatomical textbooks. The advent of more sophisticated pelvic floor surgery and especially minimal access surgery has modified the skills required of a gynaecological surgeon which necessitates the need for greater practical anatomical knowledge.

Further reading Shah Farthing & Richardson Lennard (2003) The Interactive Pelvis & Perineum: Female. Primal Pitures Ltd, Snell R. Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students. London: Little Brown & Co.

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Chapter 2: Maternal physiology Fiona Broughton-Pipkin

The physiological changes of pregnancy are strongly proactive, not reactive, with the luteal phase of every ovulatory menstrual cycle ‘rehearsing’ for pregnancy [1]. Most pregnancy-driven changes are qualitatively in place by the end of the first trimester, only maturing in magnitude thereafter. This chapter gives a brief overview of the major changes.

The cardiovascular system There is a significant fall in total peripheral resistance by 6 weeks gestation to a nadir of ∼40% by mid-gestation, resulting in a fall in afterload. This is ‘perceived’ as circulatory underfilling, which activates the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system and allows the necessary expansion of the plasma volume (PV; Fig. 2.1) [2,3]. By the late third trimester, the PV has increased from its baseline by about RAS activation


ALD (−)




Fig. 2.1 Flow chart of the probable sequence of initial cardiovascular activation. ALD, aldosterone; BP, systemic arterial blood pressure; CO, cardiac output; HR, heart rate; PROG, progesterone; PV, plasma volume; RAS, renin-angiotensin system; Symp NS, sympathetic nervous system; TPR, total peripheral resistance; UNa , urinary sodium excretion.

50% in a first pregnancy and 60% in a second or subsequent pregnancy. The bigger the expansion is, the bigger, on average, the birthweight of the baby. The total extracellular fluid volume rises by about 16% by term, so the percentage rise in PV is disproportionate to the whole. The plasma osmolality falls by ∼10 mOsm/kg as water is retained. The heart rate rises synchronously, by 10–15 b.p.m., so the cardiac output begins to rise [4]. There is probably a fall in baroreflex sensitivity as pregnancy progresses and heart rate variability falls. Stroke volume rises a little later in the first trimester. These two factors push the cardiac output up by 35–40%in a first pregnancy, and ∼50% in later pregnancies; it can rise by a further third in labour (Fig. 2.2). Table 2.1 summarizes the percentage changes in some cardiovascular variables during pregnancy. Measuring systemic arterial blood pressure in pregnancy is notoriously difficult, but there is now broad consensus that Korotkoff 5 should be used with auscultatory techniques [5]. However measured, there is a small fall in systolic and a greater fall in diastolic blood pressure during the first half of pregnancy resulting in an increased pulse pressure. The blood pressure then rises steadily and, even in normotensive women, there is some late overshoot of non-pregnant values. Supine hypotension occurs in ∼8% of women in late gestation. The pressor response to angiotensin II (ANG II) is reduced in normal pregnancy but is unchanged to noradrenaline. The reduced sensitivity to ANG II presumably protects against the potentially pressor levels of ANG II found in normal pregnancy and is associated with lower receptor density; plasma noradrenaline is not increased in normal pregnancy. Pregnancy does not alter the response of intramyometrial arteries to a variety of vasoconstrictors. Nitric oxide may modulate myogenic tone and flowmediated responses in the resistance vasculature of the uterine circulation in normal pregnancy. The venous pressure in the lower circulation rises for both mechanical and hydrodynamic reasons. The pulmonary circulation is able to absorb high rates of flow without an increase in pressure; so pressure in the right


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Maternal physiology

HR (bpm)


8 Cardiac output

20 Weeks of pregnancy










20 Weeks of pregnancy


800 0

20 Weeks of pregnancy

Table 2.1 Percentage change in some cardiovascular variables during pregnancy

Heart rate (bpm) Stroke volume (ml) Cardiac output (l/min) Systolic BP (mmHg) Diastolic BP (mmHg) MPAP (mmHg) Total peripheral resistance (resistance units)


dyn1 cm5



Fig. 2.2 Major haemodynamic changes associated with normal human pregnancy. The marked augmentation of cardiac output results from asynchronous increases in both heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV). Despite the increases in cardiac output, blood pressure (BP) decreases for most of pregnancy. This implies a very substantial reduction in total peripheral vascular resistance (TPVR).


SV (ml)

60 0


First trimester

Second trimester

Third trimester

+11 +31 +45 −1 −6 +5 −27

+13 +29 +47 +1 −3 +5 −27

+16 +27 +48 +6 +7 +5 −29

BP, systemic blook pressure; MPAP, mean pulmonary artery pressure. Data are derived from studies in which pre-conception values were determined. The mean values shown are those at the end of each trimester, and are thus not necessarily the maxima. Note that most changes are near maximal by the end of the first trimester. (Data from Robson et al., 1991.)

ventricle and the pulmonary arteries and capillaries does not change. Pulmonary resistance falls in early pregnancy and does not change thereafter. There is progressive venodilatation and rises in venous distensibility and capacitance throughout a normal pregnancy, possibly because of increased local nitric oxide synthesis.

The respiratory system Tidal volume rises by ∼30% in early pregnancy to 40–50% above non-pregnant values by term, with a fall in expiratory reserve and residual volume (Fig. 2.3) [6]. Neither FEV1 nor peak expiratory flow rate are affected by


pregnancy, even in women with asthma. The rise in tidal volume is largely driven by progesterone, which appears to decrease the threshold and increase the sensitivity of the medulla oblongata to carbon dioxide. Respiratory rate does not change, so the minute ventilation rises by a similar amount. This overbreathing also begins before conception; the Pco2 is lowest in early gestation. Progesterone also increases erythrocyte [carbonic anhydrase], which will also lower Pco2 . Carbon dioxide production rises sharply during the third trimester, as fetal metabolism increases. The fall in maternal Pco2 allows more efficient placental transfer of carbon dioxide from the fetus, which has a Pco2 of around 55 mmHg (7.3 kPa). The fall in Pco2 results in a fall in plasma bicarbonate concentration (to ∼18–22 mmol/l by comparison with 24–28 mmol/l) which contributes to the fall in plasma osmolality; the peripheral venous pH rises slightly (Table 2.2; Fig. 2.4). The increased alveolar ventilation results in a much smaller proportional rise in Po2 , from around 96.7 to 101.8 mmHg (12.9–13.6 kPa). This increase is offset by the rightward shift of the maternal oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve caused by an increase in 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) in the erythrocytes. This facilitates oxygen unloading to the fetus, which has both a much lower Po2 (25–30 mmHg; 3.3–4.0 kPa) and a marked leftwards shift of the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve, due to the lower sensitivity of fetal haemoglobin to 2,3-DPG. There is an increase of ∼16% in oxygen consumption by term, due to increasing maternal and fetal demands. Since the increase in oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood (see ‘Haematology’, p. 12) is ∼18%, there is actually a

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Chapter 2

Total lung volume

Vital capacity

Tidal volume

Inspiratory capacity

Functional residual capacity

Inspiratory reserve volume

Tidal volume Expiratory reserve volume Residual volume

Fig. 2.3 Alterations in lung volumes associated with normal human pregnancy. In general terms, inspiratory reserve and tidal volumes increase at the expense of expiratory reserve and residual volumes.

Non-pregnant Pregnant

Table 2.2 The influence of pregnancy on some respiratory variables Non-pregnant Pregnant – term P o2 mmHg (kPa) 93 (12.5) O2 consumption ml/min 200 Pco2 mmHg (kPa) 35–40 (4.7–5.3) Venous pH 7.35


102 (13.6) 250 30 (4.0) 7.38

Table 2.3 Although the increases in resting cardiac output and minute ventilation are of the same order of magnitude in pregnancy, there is less spare capacity for increases in cardiac output on moderate exercise than for increases in respiration Resting


Cardiac +33% (4.5–6 l/min) +167% (up to 12 l/min) output Minute +40% 7.5–10.5 l/min +1000% (up to ∼80 l/min) ventilation

[HCO3− ]


Hyperventilation Plasma [Na+] Chemoreceptor sensitization Plasma osmolality PROG

Fig. 2.4 Flow chart of the effects of over-breathing. HCO3 , bicarbonate; Na, sodium; Pco2 , carbon dioxide tension; PROG, progesterone.

fall in arterio-venous oxygen difference. Pulmonary blood flow, of course, rises in parallel with cardiac output and enhances gas transfer. Pregnancy places greater demands on the cardiovascular than the respiratory system [7]. This is shown in the response to moderate exercise (Table 2.3).

The circulating red cell mass increases by 20–30% during pregnancy, with rises in both cell number and size. It rises more in women with multiple pregnancies, and substantially more with iron supplementation (∼29% compared with 17%). Serum iron concentration falls, the absorption of iron from the gut rises and iron-binding capacity rises in a normal pregnancy, since there is increased synthesis of the β1-globulin, transferrin. Plasma folate concentration halves by term, because of greater renal clearance, although red cell folate concentrations fall less. Even now, only ∼20% of fertile women in the UK have adequate iron reserves for a pregnancy and ∼40% have virtually no iron stores. Even relatively mild maternal anaemia is associated with increased placental:birthweight ratios and decreased birthweight. However, inappropriate supplementation can itself be associated with pregnancy problems [8]. Erythropoietin rises in pregnancy, more if iron supplementation is not taken (55% compared with 25%) but the

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Maternal physiology

changes in red cell mass antedate this; human placental lactogen may stimulate haematopoiesis. Pro rata, the plasma volume increases more than the red cell mass, which leads to a fall in the various concentration measures which include the plasma volume, such as the haematocrit, the haemoglobin concentration and the red cell count. The fall in packed cell volume from ∼36% in early pregnancy to ∼32% in the third trimester is a sign of normal plasma volume expansion. The total white cell count rises, mainly because of increased polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Neutrophil numbers rise with oestrogen concentrations and peak at ∼33 weeks stabilizing after that until labour and the early puerperium, when they rise sharply. Their phagocytic function increases during gestation. T and B lymphocyte counts do not change but their function is suppressed, making pregnant women more susceptible to viral infections, malaria and leprosy. The uterine natural killer cells express receptors that recognize the otherwise anomalous combination of human lymphocyte antigens (HLA-C, -E and -G) expressed by the invasive cytotrophoblasts. This is likely to be central to the maternal recognition of the conceptus [9]. Platelet count and platelet volume are largely unchanged in most pregnant women, although their survival is reduced. Platelet reactivity is increased in the second and third trimesters and does not return to normal until ∼12 weeks after delivery.

Coagulation Continuing low-grade coagulopathy is a feature of normal pregnancy [10]. Several of the potent procoagulatory factors rise from at least the end of the first trimester (Fig. 2.5). For example, Factors VII, VIII and X all rise and absolute plasma fibrinogen doubles, while antithrombin III, an inhibitor of coagulation, falls. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate rises early in pregnancy due to the increase in fibrinogen and other physiological changes. Protein C, which inactivates Factors V and VIII, is probably unchanged in pregnancy, but concentrations of Protein S, one of its co-factors, fall during the first two trimesters. An estimated 5–10% of the total circulating fibrinogen is consumed during placental separation, and thromboembolism is the main cause of maternal death in the UK. Plasma fibrinolytic activity is decreased during pregnancy and labour, but returns to non-pregnant values within an hour of delivery of the placenta, suggesting strongly that the control of fibrinolysis during pregnancy is significantly affected by placentally derived mediators. Table 2.4 summarizes changes in some coagulation and fibrinolytic variables during pregnancy.






Tissue thromboplastin


VIIIa IXa Phospholipid




Xa Va Phospholipid II


IIa (thrombin)


Fibrin monomer Fibrin polymer XIIIa Ca++



Fig. 2.5 Alterations in the coagulation pathways associated with human pregnancy. Factors which increase during normal pregnancy are printed in bold type. Table 2.4 Percentage changes in some coagulation (upper) and fibrinolytic variables and fibronectin levels are expressed from postpartum data in the same women

PAI-1 (mg/ml) PAI-2 (mg/ml) t-PA (mg/ml) Protein C (% activity) AT III (% activity) TAT III Fibronection (mg/l)

First trimester

Second trimester

Third trimester

−10 +732 −24 −12 −21 +362 +3

+68 +1804 −19 +10 −14 +638 −12

+183 +6554 +633 +9 −10 +785 +53

PAI-1 and PAI-2, plasminogen activator inhibitors 1 and 2; t-PA, tissue plasminogen activator antigen; AT III, antithrombin III; TAT III, thrombin-antithrombin III complex. The mean values shown are those at the end of each trimester, and are thus not necessarily the maxima. Note the very large rises in PAI-2 (placental type PAI) and TAI III complexes in the first trimester. (Data from Halligan et al. 1994)

The renal system The kidneys increase in size in pregnancy mainly because renal parenchymal volume rises by about 70% with marked dilatation of the calyces, renal pelvis and ureters in most women [11]. Ureteric tone does not decrease, but bladder tone does. The effective renal plasma flow (RPF) is increased by at least 6 weeks gestation and rises to some

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Chapter 2

Effective renal plasma flow Glomerular filtration rate

% increase



0 NP

16 26 Weeks of pregnancy


Fig. 2.6 The changes in renal function during pregnancy are largely complete by the end of the first trimester, and are thus pro-active, not reactive to the demands of pregnancy. The filtration fraction falls during the first trimester, but begins to return to non-pregnant levels during the third trimester. With permission from [11].

80% by mid-pregnancy falling thereafter to ∼65% above non-pregnant values (Fig. 2.6). This increase is proportionally greater than the increase in cardiac output, presumably reflecting specific vasodilatation, probably via the increased renal prostacyclin synthesis. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) also increases, by ∼45% by the 9th week, only rising thereafter by another 5–10%, but this is largely maintained to term, so the filtration fraction falls during the first trimester, is stable during the second, and rises towards non-pregnant values thereafter. These major increments do not, however, exhaust the renal reserve. This differential changes in ERPF and GFR in late pregnancy suggest a mechanism acting preferentially at the efferent arterioles, possibly angiotensin II. The filtered load of metabolites therefore increases markedly, and reabsorptive mechanisms frequently do not keep up (e.g. glucose and aminoacids; see below). These changes have profound effects on the concentration of certain plasma metabolites and electrolytes and ‘Normal’ laboratory reference ranges may thus be inappropriate in pregnancy. For example, plasma creatinine falls significantly by the 4th week of gestation and continues to fall to mid-pregnancy, to below 50 mmol/l, but creatinine clearance begins to fall during the last couple of months of pregnancy, so plasma creatinine rises again. Total body water rises by about 20% during pregnancy (∼8.5 l) with a very sharp fall in plasma osmolality between weeks 4–6 after conception, possibly through the actions of hCG. The volume-sensing arginine vasopressin (AVP) release mechanisms evidently adjust as pregnancy

progresses. As well as water present in the fetus, amniotic fluid, placenta and maternal tissues, there is also oedema fluid and increased hydration of the connective tissue ground substance with laxity and swelling of connective tissue. The pregnant woman accumulates some 950 mmol sodium in the face of high circulating progesterone concentrations which competes with aldosterone at the distal tubule. The potentially natriuretic prostacyclin also rises markedly, with a small rise in atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). This stimulates the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) with increased synthesis and release of aldosterone from the first trimester. The raised plasma prolactin concentration may also contribute to sodium retention. It is assumed that glomerulotubular balance must also change in pregnancy, to allow the sodium retention which actually occurs. There is a fall of some 4–5 mmol/l in plasma sodium by term, but plasma chloride does not change. Curiously, some 350 mmol potassium is also retained during pregnancy, in the face of the much-increased GFR, substantially raised aldosterone concentrations and a relatively alkaline urine. Renal tubular potassium reabsorption evidently adjusts appropriately to the increased filtered potassium load. Serum uric acid concentration falls by about a quarter in early pregnancy, with an increase in its fractional excretion secondary to a decrease in net tubular reabsorption. The kidney excretes a progressively smaller proportion of the filtered uric acid, so a rise in serum uric acid concentration during the second half of pregnancy is normal. A similar pattern is seen in relation to urea, which is also partly reabsorbed in the nephron. Glucose excretion may rise 10-fold as the greater filtered load exceeds the proximal tubular Tmax for glucose (∼1.6– 1.9 mmol/min). If the urine of pregnant women is tested sufficiently often, glycosuria will be detected in 50% of them. The excretion of most amino acids increases, which is curious since these are used by the fetus as the building blocks from which it synthesises protein. The pattern of excretion is not constant and differs between individual amino acids. Excretion of the water-soluble vitamins is also increased. The mechanism for all these is inadequate tubular reabsorption in the face of a 50% rise in GFR. Urinary calcium excretion is also two to threefold higher in normal pregnancy than in the non-pregnant woman, even though tubular reabsorption is enhanced, presumably under the influence of the increased concentrations of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. To counter this, intestinal absorption doubles by 24 weeks, after which it stabilizes. Renal bicarbonate reabsorption and hydrogen ion excretion appear to be unaltered during pregnancy. Pregnant women can acidify their urine, but in pregnancy it is mildly alkaline.

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Maternal physiology


Plasma glucose 250

200 38 weeks


Plasma insulin


120 100 80 µu/ml

Fig. 2.7 Responses in normal pregnant women to a 50 g oral glucose load during early and late pregnancy. During early pregnancy there is a normal plasma insulin response with a relative reduction in plasma glucose concentrations compared to the non-pregnant state. In contrast, during late pregnancy plasma glucose concentrations reach higher levels after a delay, despite a considerably enhanced plasma insulin response, a pattern which could be explained by relative resistance to insulin.

10 weeks


38 weeks 40 10 weeks


15 30 45 60 75 90 Minutes

Both total protein and albumin excretion rise during pregnancy, up to at least 36 weeks, due to the increased GFR and changes in both glomerular and tubular function. Thus in late pregnancy, an upper limit of normal of 200 mg total protein excretion/24 h collection is accepted. The assessment of proteinuria in pregnancy using dipsticks has been shown to give highly variable data.

The gastrointestinal system Taste often alters very early in pregnancy. The whole intestinal tract has decreased motility during the first two trimesters, with increased absorption of water and salt, tending to increase constipation. Heartburn is common from the increased intragastric pressure. Hepatic synthesis of albumin, plasma globulin and fibrinogen increases, the latter two sufficiently to give increased plasma concentrations despite the increase in plasma volume. Total hepatic synthesis of globulin increases under oestrogen stimulation, so the hormone-binding globulins rise. There is decreased hepatic extraction of circulating amino acids. The gallbladder increases in size and empties more slowly during pregnancy but the secretion of bile is unchanged. Cholestasis is almost physiological in pregnancy and may be associated with generalized pruritus but only rarely produces jaundice. The cholestasis can also occur in users of oral contraceptives and postmenopausal hormone replacement.

Carbohydrates/insulin resistance Pregnancy is hyperlipidaemic and glucosuric. Although neither the absorption of glucose from the gut nor the halflife of insulin seems to change and the insulin response is well-maintained, by 6–12 weeks gestation, fasting plasma



15 30 45 60 75 90 Minutes


glucose concentrations fall by 0.11 mmol/l, and by the end of the first trimester the increase in blood glucose following a carbohydrate load is less than outside pregnancy [12]. This increased sensitivity stimulates glycogen synthesis and storage, deposition of fat and transport of amino acids into cells. The uptake of amino acids by the mother for gluconeogenesis may also be enhanced. After mid-pregnancy, resistance to the action of insulin develops progressively and plasma glucose concentrations rise, though remaining below non-pregnant levels (Fig. 2.7). Glucose crosses the placenta readily and the fetus uses glucose as its primary energy substrate, so this rise is presumably beneficial to the fetus. Fetal and maternal glucose concentrations are significantly correlated. The insulin resistance is presumably largely endocrinedriven, possibly via increased cortisol or hPL. Leptin has been implicated in altered insulin sensitivity outside pregnancy, but appears not to play a role during gestation, while concentrations of glucagons and the catecholamines are unaltered.

Lipids Total plasma cholesterol falls early in pregnancy, reaching its lowest point at 6–8 weeks, but then rises to term. There is a striking increase in circulating free fatty acids and complex lipids in pregnancy, with ∼threefold increases in triglycerides and a 50% increase in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol by 36 weeks [13]. High density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is also increased. Birthweight and placental weight are directly related to maternal VLDL triglyceride levels at term. The hyperlipidaemia of normal pregnancy is not atherogenic because the pattern of increase is not that of atherogenesis,

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Chapter 2

although pregnancy can unmask pathological hyperlipidaemia. Lipids undergo peroxidation in all tissues as part of normal cellular function. Excess production of lipid can result in oxidative stress with damage to the cell membrane. During normal pregnancy, increases in plasma lipid peroxides appear by the second trimester in step with the general rise in lipids and may taper off later in gestation [14]. As the peroxide levels rise so do those of vitamin E and some other antioxidants: this rise is proportionately greater than that of peroxides so physiological activities are protected. Lipid peroxidation is also active in the placenta, increasing with gestation. Since the placenta contains high concentrations of unsaturated fats under conditions of low Po2 , antioxidants such as vitamin A, the carotenoids and provitamin A carotenoids are required to protect both mother and fetus from free radical activity Early in pregnancy fat is deposited but from mid-pregnancy it is used as a source of energy, mainly by the mother so that glucose is available for the growing fetus [15]. The absorption of fat from the intestine is not directly altered during pregnancy. The hormone leptin acts as a sensor alerting the brain to the extent of body fat stores and rises threefold during pregnancy. It may regulate maternal energy balance.

Endocrine systems The placenta is a powerhouse of hormone production from the beginning of gestation and challenges the mother’s autonomy.

Placental hormones Human chorionic gonadotrophin is the signal for pregnancy, but indirect effects, such as oestrogen-driven increased hepatic synthesis of the binding globulins for hormones such as thyroxine, corticosteroids and the sex steroids also affect the mother’s endocrinological function. The fetoplacental unit synthesizes very large amounts of oestrogens and progesterone, both probably being concerned with uterine growth and quiescence and with mammary gland development.

The hypothalamus and pituitary gland The pituitary gland increases in weight by 30% in first pregnancies and by 50% subsequently. The number of lactotrophs is increased and plasma prolactin begins to rise within a few days of conception and by term may be 10–20 times as high as in the non-pregnant woman; the secretion of other anterior pituitary hormones is unchanged or reduced. Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) and the gonadotrophins share a common α-subunit,

and the rapidly rising hCG suppresses secretion of both follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, thus inhibiting ovarian follicle development by a blunting of response to gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) secretion responds normally to hypothalamic thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH; also synthesized in the placenta). Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) concentrations rise during pregnancy, partly because of placental synthesis of ACTH and of a corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) and do not respond to normal control mechanisms.

The adrenal gland Both the plasma total and the unbound cortisol and other corticosteroid concentrations rise in pregnancy from about the end of the first trimester. Concentrations of cortisolbinding globulin double. Excess glucocorticoid exposure in utero appears to inhibit fetal growth in both animals and humans. However, the normal placenta synthesizes a pregnancy-specific 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, which inhibits transfer of maternal cortisol. The marked rise in secretion of the mineralocorticoid aldosterone in pregnancy has already been mentioned. Synthesis of the weaker mineralocorticoid 11-deoxycorticosterone is also increased by the 8th week of pregnancy, and actually increases proportionally more than any other cortical steroid, possibly due to placental synthesis. The measurement of plasma catecholamines has inherent difficulties, but there is now broad consensus that plasma catecholamine concentrations fall from the first to the third trimesters. There is some blunting of the rise in noradrenaline (reflecting mainly sympathetic nerve activity) seen on standing and isometric exercise in pregnancy, but the adrenaline response (predominantly adrenal) is unaltered [16].

The thyroid gland hCG may suppress thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in early pregnancy because they share a common α-subunit. The thyroid remains normally responsive to stimulation by TSH and suppression by tri-iodothyronine (T3). There is a threefold rise in the thyroid’s clearance of iodine, allowing the absolute iodine uptake to remain within the non-pregnant range. Thyroid-binding globulin concentrations double during pregnancy, but other thyroid-binding proteins do not increase. Overall, free plasma T3 and thyroxine (T4) concentrations remain at the same levels as outside pregnancy (although total levels are raised) and most pregnant women are euthyroid. Free T4 may fall in late gestation [17].

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Maternal physiology

Calcitonin, another thyroid hormone, rises during the first trimester, peaks in the second and falls thereafter, although the changes are not large. It may contribute to the regulation of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D.

The parathyroid glands and calcium metabolism Calcium homeostasis changes markedly [18,19]. Maternal total plasma calcium concentration falls, because albumin concentration falls, but unbound ionized calcium concentration is unchanged. Synthesis of 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol increases, promoting enhanced gastrointestinal calcium absorption. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) regulates the synthesis of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D in the proximal convoluted tubule. There is a fall in intact PTH during pregnancy but a doubling of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D; placentally synthesized PTH-related protein is also present in the maternal circulation.

Renal hormones The RAS is activated from very early pregnancy (see ‘The cardiovascular system’, p. 10). Synthesis of erythropoietin appears to be stimulated by hCG; its concentration rises from the first trimester, peaking in mid-gestation and falling somewhat thereafter. Prostacyclin is a potent vasodilator, synthesized mainly in the kidney. Concentrations begin to rise rapidly by 8–10 weeks gestation, being fourfold higher than non-pregnant values by the end of the first trimester.

The pancreas The size of the islets of Langerhans and the number of β-cells increase during pregnancy, as does the number of receptor sites for insulin. The functions of the pancreas in pregnancy were considered above.

Conclusion This chapter attempts to outline the physiology of normal pregnancy. The changes mostly begin very early indeed, and it may be that two of the major problems of pregnancy, intrauterine growth retardation and pre-eclampsia, are initiated even before the woman knows that she is pregnant. Better understanding of the mechanisms of very early normal pregnancy adaptation may help us to understand the abnormal.


References 1. Chapman AB, Zamudio S, Woodmansee W et al. (1997) Systemic and renal hemodynamic changes in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle mimic early pregnancy. Am J Physiol 273(5 Pt 2), F777–82. 2. Chapman AB, Abraham WT, Zamudio S et al. (1998) Temporal relationships between hormonal and hemodynamic changes in early human pregnancy. Kidney Int 54(6), 2056–63. 3. Ganzevoort W, Rep A, Bonsel GJ, de Vries JI & Wolf H (2004) Plasma volume and blood pressure regulation in hypertensive pregnancy. J Hypertens 22(7), 1235–42. 4. Robson SC, Hunter S, Boys RJ & Dunlop W (1989) Serial study of factors influencing changes in cardiac output during human pregnancy. Am J Physiol 256(4 Pt 2), H1060–5. 5. de Swiet M & Shennan A (1996) Blood pressure measurement in pregnancy. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 103(9), 862–3. 6. de Swiet M (1998) The respiratory system. In: Chamberlain G & Broughton Pipkin F (eds) Clinical Physiology in Obstetrics, 3rd edn. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd., 111–28. 7. Bessinger RC, McMurray RG & Hackney AC (2002) Substrate utilization and hormonal responses to moderate intensity exercise during pregnancy and after delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 186(4), 757–64. 8. Scholl TO (2005) Iron status during pregnancy: setting the stage for mother and infant. Am J Clin Nutr 81(5), 1218S–22S. 9. Moffett A & Loke YW (2004) The immunological paradox of pregnancy: a reappraisal. Placenta 25(1), 1–8. 10. Brenner B (2004) Haemostatic changes in pregnancy. Thromb Res 114(5–6), 409–14. 11. Bayliss C & Davison JM (1998) The urinary system. In: Chamberlain G & Broughton Pipkin F (eds) Clinical Physiology in Obstetrics, 3rd edn. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd, 263–307. 12. Butte NF (2000) Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in pregnancy: normal compared with gestational diabetes mellitus. Am J Clin Nutr 71(5 Suppl), 1256S–61S. 13. Herrera E, Ortega H, Alvino G, Giovannini N, Amusquivar E & Cetin I (2004) Relationship between plasma fatty acid profile and antioxidant vitamins during normal pregnancy. Eur J Clin Nutr 58(9), 1231–8. 14. Poston L & Raijmakers MT (2004) Trophoblast oxidative stress, antioxidants and pregnancy outcome – a review. Placenta 25(Suppl A), S72–8. 15. Kopp-Hoolihan LE, van Loan MD, Wong WW & King JC (1999) Longitudinal assessment of energy balance in well-nourished, pregnant women. Am J Clin Nutr 69(4), 697–704. 16. Barron WM, Mujais SK, Zinaman M, Bravo EL & Lindheimer MD (1986) Plasma catecholamine responses to physiologic stimuli in normal human pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 154(1), 80–4. 17. Ramsay ID (1998) The thyroid gland. In: Chamberlain G & Broughton Pipkin F (eds) Clinical Physiology in Obstetrics,

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3rd edn. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd, 374–84. 18. Prentice A (2000) Maternal calcium metabolism and bone mineral status. Am J Clin Nutr 71(5 Suppl), 1312S–6S. 19. Haig D (2004) Evolutionary conflicts in pregnancy and calcium metabolism – a review. Placenta 25(Suppl A), S10–5.

Further reading Chamberlain G & Broughton Pipkin F (eds) (1998) Clinical Physiology in Obstetrics, 3rd edn. Oxford: Blackwell Science. Broughton Pipkin F (2001) Maternal Physiology. In: Chamberlain, G & Steer P (eds) Turnbull’s Obstetrics, 3rd edn. London: Churchill Livingstone.

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Chapter 3: The placenta and fetal membranes Berthold Huppertz and John C.P. Kingdom

The placenta The placenta was already recognized and venerated by the early Egyptians, while it was the Greek physician Diogenes of Apollonia (ca. 480 bc) who first ascribed the function of fetal nutrition to the organ. Aristotle (384– 322 bc) described that the fetus is fully enclosed within the chorion membranes; and it was only during the Renaissance that the term placenta, the word derived from the Latin root meaning a flat “cake”, was introduced by Realdus Columbus in 1559.

Structural characteristic of the human placenta Tissue interactions [1,2] On the gross anatomic level, a placenta can be classified according to whether the physical interactions between fetal and maternal tissues are restricted to specific sites or are covering the whole surface of the chorionic sac and the inner uterine surface. On this level, the human placenta is classified to be a discoidal placenta, confining interactions to a more or less circular area (Fig. 3.1a).

Tissue interdigitations [1,2] The next level of classification is based on the interdigitations between maternal and fetal tissues. In the human placenta, maternal and fetal tissues are arranged in such a way that there are three-dimensional tree-like structures called villous trees of fetal tissues that float in a lake of maternal blood. Like the knots and branches of a tree, the fetal tissues repeatedly branch into smaller and slender villi (Fig. 3.1b).

Tissue interactions [1,2] On the level of interactions between uterine and fetal tissues, the human displays an invasive type of implantation and placentation. The uterine epithelium is penetrated

and invasion of maternal tissues results in erosion into maternal vessels. This type of placentation is termed hemochorial and is characterized by the bathing of placental villi with covering trophoblast directly by the mother’s blood (Fig. 3.1c).

Vascular arrangement [1,2] It is not just the thickness and exact histological nature of the placental barrier that defines the rate of diffusional exchange. Another important determinant is the direction of the blood flows of mother and fetus in relation to each other. The vascular arrangement of the human placenta cannot be clearly defined due to the branching of the villous trees into all directions and a respective maternal blood flow somehow bypassing these branches. Therefore, this unpredictable and variable flow pattern has been termed multivillous flow (Fig. 3.1d).

Macroscopic features of the term placenta Measures [1,2] The placenta at term displays a round disc-like appearance with the insertion of the umbilical cord in a slightly eccentric position on the fetal side of the placenta. The average measures of a delivered placenta at term are a diameter of 22 cm, a central thickness of 2.5 cm, and a weight of 450–500 g. One has to keep in mind, though, that these data may vary considerably due to the mode of delivery, especially content versus loss of maternal and/or fetal blood.

Tissue arrangements [1,2] On the fetal side of the placenta, the avascular amnion covers the chorionic plate. Underneath the amnion, chorionic vessels continue with those of the umbilical cord and are arranged in a star-like pattern. At the other end, these vessels continue with those of the villous


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Chapter 3

Uterine wall

Uterine cavity Cervix Placental shape discoidal placenta

Umbilical cord

Placenta Placental bed


Umbilical cord Chorionic plate

Villous trees Materno-fetal interdigitations villous trees

Basal plate

Maternal blood in the intervillous space




Endometrium/ decidua


Materno-fetal barrier villous trophoblast



MC Villous stroma (c)

Fetal blood flow Vascular arrangement multivillous flow


Maternal blood

Spiral artery

Uterine vein

trees where the capillary system between arteries and veins is located. The villous trees originate from the chorionic plate and float in a lake of maternal blood. On the maternal side of the placenta, the basal plate is located (see Fig. 3.1b). It is an artificial surface generated by the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall during delivery. The basal plate is a colourful mixture of fetal trophoblast and maternal decidua cells, which are embedded in trophoblast-secreted matrix-type fibrinoid, decidual extracellular matrices, and fibrin-type fibrinoid. At the placental margin, chorionic plate and basal plate

Fig. 3.1 Schematic representation of the structural characteristics of the human placenta. (a) The human placenta displays a discoidal shape. (b) The materno-fetal interdigitations are arranged in villous trees bathing in maternal blood that floats through the intervillous space. (c) The hemochorial type of placentation results in a materno-fetal barrier composed of villous trophoblast in direct contact with maternal blood. (d) Fetal and maternal blood flows are arranged in a multivillous flow. Abbreviations: CT, cytotrophoblast; FC, fetal capillary; FEn, fetal endothelium; FEr, fetal eryrocyte; MC, mesenchymal cells; MEr, maternal erythrocyte; ST, syncytiotrophoblast.

fuse with each other, thereby closing the intervillous space and generating the fetal membranes or chorion laeve.

Placental development Trophoblast lineage [3,4] At the transition between morula and blastocyst, the trophoblast lineage is the first to differentiate from the inner cell mass, the embryoblast (Fig. 3.2). Only after attachment of the blastocyst to the endometrial epithelium, further differentiation of the trophoblast occurs. Exact knowledge

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The placenta and fetal membranes


Embryoblast Cytotrophoblast

Uterine epithelium

Uterine decidual stroma


Endometrial gland and capillaries

Fig. 3.2 During implantation of the blastocyst, trophoblast cells in direct contact with maternal tissues syncytially fuse and give rise to the syncytiotrophoblast. Only this multinucleated tissue is able to penetrate the uterine epithelium and implant the developing embryo.

of the processes in the human is still lacking, but it is anticipated that at this stage the first syncytial fusion of trophoblast cells takes place. Fusion of those trophoblast cells in direct contact with maternal tissues generates the very first syncytiotrophoblast and only this layer is able to penetrate the endometrial epithelium (Fig. 3.2).

Prelacunar stage [1,2] At day 7–8 postconception, the blastocyst has completely crossed the epithelium and is embedded within the endometrium. The developing embryo is completely surrounded by the growing placenta, which at that stage consists of the two fundamental subtypes of the trophoblast. The multinucleated syncytiotrophoblast is in direct contact with maternal tissues, while the mononucleated cytotrophoblast as the stem cell layer of the trophoblast is directed towards the embryo. All of the differentiation and developmental stages of the placenta described so far take place before fluid-filled spaces within the syncytiotrophoblast can be detected. This is why this stage is termed prelacunar stage.

Lacunar stage [1,2] At day 8–9 postconception, the syncytiotrophoblast generates a number of fluid-filled spaces within its mass. These spaces flow together forming larger lacunae (lacunar stage) and are finally separated by parts of the syncytiotrophoblast (trabeculae) that cross the syncytial mass from the embryonic to the maternal side.


The development of the lacunar system leads to the subdivision of the placenta into its three compartments. 1 the embryonically oriented part of the trophoblast will develop into the chorionic plate, 2 the lacunae will become the intervillous space, 3 while the trabeculae will become the anchoring villi, 4 with the growing branches developing into floating villi, 5 finally, the maternally oriented part of the trophoblast will develop into the basal plate. At the end of this stage, at day 12 postconception, the process of implantation is completed. The developing embryo with its surrounding extraembryonic tissues is totally embedded in the endometrium and the syncytiotrophoblast surrounds the whole surface of the conceptus. Mesenchymal cells derived from the embryo spread over the inner surface of the trophoblast, thus generating a new combination of trophoblast and mesoderm, termed chorion.

Early villous stage [1,2] Starting on day 12 postconception, proliferation of cytotrophoblast pushes trophoblast cells to penetrate into the syncytial trabeculae, reaching the maternal side of the syncytiotrophoblast by day 14. Further proliferation of trophoblast cells inside the trabeculae (day 13) stretches the trabeculae resulting in the development of syncytial side branches filled with cytotrophoblast cells (primary villi). Shortly after, the mesenchymal cells from the extraembryonic mesoderm too follow the cytotrophoblast and penetrate the trabeculae and the primary villi, thus generating secondary villi. At this stage there is always a complete cytotrophoblast layer between the penetrating mesenchyme and syncytiotrophoblast. Around day 20–21, vascularization (development of new vessels from hemangioblastic precursor cells) within the villous mesenchyme gives rise to the formation of the first placental vessels (tertiary villi). Only later, the connection to the fetal vessel system will be established. The villi are organized in villous trees that cluster together into a series of spherical units known as lobules or placentones. Each placentone originates from the chorionic plate by a thick villous trunk stemming from a trabecula. Continuous branching of the main trunk results in daughter villi mostly freely ending in the intervillous space [5,6].

Trophoblast cell columns [1,2] During penetration of the syncytial trabeculae, the cytotrophoblast cells reach the maternal endometrial tissues while the following mesenchymal cells do not penetrate

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Chapter 3

Chorion Endometrium

Spiral artery

Villous trees

Amnion Uterine epithelium


Umbilical cord

Intervillous space Placenta

Trophoblastic cell column Interstitial trophoblast Intramural/endovacular trophoblast

Fig. 3.3 Schematic representation of the developing embryo and its surrounding tissues at about 8–10 weeks of pregnancy. The amnionic cavity with the embryo inside is marked off by the amnion that has already contacted the chorion. From the chorion, villous trees protrude into the intervillous space where some villi have direct contact with the basal plate (anchoring villi). At these sites trophoblastic cell columns are the source for all extravillous trophoblast cells invading maternal tissues. Interstitial trophoblast cells derived from these columns invade the endometrium and myometrium, while a subset of these cells penetrates the spiral arteries first as intramural and then as endovascular trophoblast cells. Onset of maternal blood flow into the placenta starts in the upper regions of the placenta (the abembryonic pole) where development is slightly delayed. The local high concentrations of oxygen contribute to the regression of villi at the abembryonic pole.

to the tips of the trabeculae. At the tips multiple layers of cytotrophoblast cells are developing, referred to as trophoblastic cell columns (Fig. 3.3). Only those cytotrophoblast cells remain as proliferative stem cells that are in direct contact with the basement membrane separating trophoblast from mesenchyme of the anchoring villi.

Subtypes of extravillous trophoblast [1,2,7–9] The formation of cell columns does not result in a complete trophoblastic shell but rather in separated columns from which extravillous trophoblast cells invade maternal uterine tissues (Fig. 3.3). These cells migrate as interstitial trophoblast into the endometrial stroma, while a subset of the interstitial trophoblast further penetrates the wall of the uterine spiral arteries (intramural trophoblast), finally reaching the vessels’ lumen (endovascular trophoblast) (Fig. 3.3). Some of the interstitial trophoblast cells fuse and generate the multinucleated trophoblast giant cells (Fig. 3.4) at the boundary between the endometrium and myometrium.

conduits to enable adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients to the placenta [1,2,10–12]. However, free transfer of maternal blood to the intervillous space is only established at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy [13,14]. Before the free transfer of maternal blood can occur, the extent of invasion and thus the number of endovascular trophoblast is so great that the trophoblast cells aggregate within the vessels’ lumen and plug the distal segments of the spiral arteries (Fig. 3.3). Hence, before 10–12 weeks of gestation, the intervillous space contains mostly glandular secretion products together with a plasma filtrate that is free of maternal blood cells (Fig. 3.3) [13,14]. The reason for such a paradoxical plugging of already eroded and transformed arteries may be as follows: lack of blood cells keeps the placenta and the fetus in a low oxygen environment of less than 20 mmHg in the first trimester of pregnancy. This low oxygen environment may be necessary to prevent the formation of free radicals that affect the growing fetus in this critical stage of tissue and organ development [15–17].

Plugging of spiral arteries

Onset of maternal blood flow [13,14]

The invasion of extravillous trophoblast cells is the ultimate means to transform maternal vessels into large-bore

At the end of the first trimester the trophoblastic plugs become pervious and maternal blood cells enter the

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The placenta and fetal membranes

Trophoblast differentiation and subtypes Trophoblast of blastocyst

Syncytio trophoblast


Extravillous cytotrophoblast

Villous cytotrophoblast Villous syncytiotrophoblast

Trophoblastic cell column

Interstitial trophoblast

Intramural trophoblast

Endovascular trophoblast Multinucleated trophoblast giant cells

Fig. 3.4 Trophoblast differentiation and subtypes. The trophoblast lineage is the first to develop at the blastocyst stage. From this stage onwards, further differentiation leads to the generation of the syncytiotrophoblast and subsequently into the two main trophoblast types of placental villi, villous cytotrophoblast and villous syncytiotrophoblast. The trophoblast cells that start to invade maternal tissues are termed extravillous trophoblast with its respective subtypes.

intervillous space establishing the first arterial blood flow to the placenta. The inflow starts in those upper parts of the placenta that are closer to the endometrial epithelium (Fig. 3.3). These sites are characterized by a slight delay in development since the deeper parts have been the first to develop directly after implantation (Fig. 3.3). Therefore, at these upper sites the plugs inside the vessels contain fewer cells, enabling blood cells to penetrate the plugs earlier, and blood flow starts first at these sites. Here the placental villi degenerate in larger parts and the chorion becomes secondarily smooth. The regression leads to the formation of the fetal membrane or chorion laeve. The remaining part of the placenta develops into the chorion frondosum, the definitive disc-shaped placenta.


the maternal blood floating in the intervillous space and the fetal vessels within the mesenchymal villous core.

Cytotrophoblast [1,2] The layer of the mononucleated cytotrophoblast cells is the basal layer of villous trophoblast and located underneath the multinucleated syncytiotrophoblast (see Fig. 3.1c). These stem cells rest on a basement membrane, maintaining their proliferative activity throughout gestation. Hence, the total number of villous cytotrophoblast cells continuously increases during pregnancy, from about 1 × 109 at 13–16 weeks to about 6 × 109 at 37–41 weeks of gestation. During gestation, cytotrophoblast cells are prevented from coming into direct contact with maternal blood. Damaged areas of syncytiotrophoblast are filled with fibrin-type fibrinoid (a blood clot product) to cover the exposed cytotrophoblast cells and to separate them and to keep them from coming into direct contact with maternal blood [18].

Syncytiotrophoblast [1,2] The syncytiotrophoblast is a multinucleated layer without lateral cell borders, hence there is a single syncytiotrophoblast covering all villi of a single placenta. Microvilli on its apical surface provide amplification of the surface (sevenfold) and are in direct contact to the maternal blood floating within the intervillous space (see Fig. 3.1c). Growth and maintenance of the syncytiotrophoblast is completely dependent on the fusion with the underlying cytotrophoblast, since syncytial nuclei do not display transcriptional activity. Within the syncytiotrophoblast the incorporated nuclei first exhibit a large and ovoid shape, while during maturation they become smaller and denser. Finally, they display envelope convolution, increased packing density and increased heterochromatinization [19,20]. Syncytial fusion by far exceeds the needs for growth since the syncytiotrophoblast needs steady input for the maintenance of its functional and structural integrity. Consequently, the nuclei that are incorporated into the syncytium are accumulated and packed into protrusions of the apical membrane. These syncytial knots are then extruded into the maternal circulation [21].

Basic structure of villi Villous trophoblast [1,2]

Trophoblast turnover [1,2,21–23]

The branches of the syncytial trabeculae are the forerunners of the placental villi. Throughout gestation the syncytial cover remains and forms the placental barrier between

Like every epithelium, the villous trophoblast displays a continuous turnover comprising: 1 proliferation of cytotrophoblast stem cells,

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Chapter 3

2 differentiation of post-proliferative daughter cells (2– 3 days), 3 syncytial fusion of these cells with the overlying syncytiotrophoblast, 4 further differentiation and maturation within the syncytiotrophoblast (3–4 weeks), 5 aging and late apoptosis at specific sites of the syncytiotrophoblast, and finally 6 packing of old material into syncytial knots and extrusion of membrane-sealed corpuscles into the maternal circulation.

Trophoblast release Throughout gestation, syncytial knots are released into the maternal circulation [21–27] and are mostly lodged in the capillary bed of the lung. Hence, they can be found in uterine vein blood but not in arterial blood of a pregnant woman. It has been estimated that in late gestation up to 150,000 such corpuscles or 2–3 g of trophoblast material enter the maternal circulation each day [1,21]. Current knowledge places the multinucleated syncytial knots as products generated by apoptotic mechanisms [23]. As such, they are surrounded by a tightly sealed plasma membrane not releasing any content into the maternal blood. Hence, induction of an inflammatory response of the mother is not a normal feature of pregnancy. However, during placental pathologies with a disturbed trophoblast turnover such as pre-eclampsia the release of syncytiotrophoblast material is altered to a more non-apoptotic release. This necrotic or aponecrotic release of material could easily induce the endothelial damage typical of pre-eclampsia [21–23,25–27].

the first trimester if the upper side of the placenta is oxygenated by the onset of maternal blood flow, villi display increased evidence of oxidative stress, become avascular and finally regress. These physiological changes at the abembryonic pole result in the formation of the chorion laeve (Fig. 3.3). If such early onset of maternal blood flow and consequently early onset of oxygenation occurs inside the whole placenta damage to the placenta itself will result. The most severe cases are missed miscarriages, while less severe cases may continue but may lead to pathologies such as pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) [13,17]. It becomes more and more clear that in preeclampsia increased oxidative stress is evident; and recent data point to hyperoxic changes or to the occurrence of fluctuating oxygen concentrations [23,30].

Fetal membranes [1,2,33–35] Fluid accumulation within the amnionic cavity, that is, between embryo and chorionic sac leads to a complete separation of embryo and surrounding extraembryonic tissues, only leaving the developing umbilical cord as the connection between placenta and embryo. The amnionic mesenchyme comes into direct contact with the chorionic mesoderm lining the inner surface of the chorionic sac. Both tissue layers do not fuse, and it remains that amnion and chorion can easily slide against each other. As described above, it is only at the implantation pole that the definitive placenta develops. Due to regression of villi, most of the surface of the chorionic sac (about 70%) develops in such a way that the early chorionic plate, together with the amnion, remnants of villi and the early basal plate fuse and form a multilayered compact structure termed the chorion laeve or fetal membranes.

Villous stroma [1,2] The stromal villous core comprises the population of fixed connective tissue cells including: 1 mesenchymal cells and fibroblasts in different stages of differentiation up to myofibroblasts [28,29], 2 placental macrophages (Hofbauer cells) and 3 placental vessels with smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells.

Oxygen as regulator of villous development There is an increasing recognition of the role oxidative stress inside the placenta plays in the pathophysiology of pregnancy disorders ranging from miscarriage to preeclampsia [1,13,15–17,30–32]. During the first trimester, villous trophoblast is well adapted to low oxygen; and it appears that trophoblast is more susceptible to raised oxygen rather than low oxygen [23,30,32]. Hence, during

Layers of the chorion laeve The layers of the chorion laeve from the fetal to the maternal side are as follows (Fig. 3.5): 1 Amnionic epithelium. It is a single cuboideal epithelium secreting and resorbing the amnionic fluid and involved in removal of carbon dioxide and pH regulation. 2 Amnionic mesoderm. It is a thin layer of connective tissue separated from the amnionic epithelium by a basement membrane. 3 Chorionic mesoderm. This second layer of connective tissue is separated from the amnionic mesoderm by slender, fluid-filled clefts. It is continuous with the connective tissue of the chorionic plate. 4 Extravillous trophoblast of the fetal membranes. This specific type of extravillous tropohblast does not display invasive properties and is separated from the chorionic mesoderm by another basement membrane.

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The placenta and fetal membranes

Amnionic epithelium (resting on a basement membrane) Amnionic mesoderm (separated from the amnionic mesoderm by slender, fluidfilled clefts) Chorionic mesoderm (separated from extravillous trophoblast by a basement membrane) Extravillous trophoblast (embedded in self-secreted matrix-type fibrinoid) Decidua capsularis (decidualized endometrial stroma)

Fig. 3.5 Layers of the fetal membranes. The amnionic epithelium is a simple epithelium that secretes and resorbs the amnionic fluid. The two layers of connective tissues (amnionic and chorionic mesoderm) are separated by fluid-filled clefts. The extravillous trophoblast of the fetal membranes displays a non-invasive phenotype and is embedded in a self-secreted matrix, termed matrix-type fibrinoid. Finally, on the maternal side the fetal membranes are covered by capsular decidua of maternal origin.

5 Capsular decidua. This layer of maternal cells is directly attached to the extravillous trophoblast. At the end of the implantation process, the decidua closes again over the developing embryo, generating the capsular decidua. During the early second trimester, the capsular decidua fuses with the opposite wall of the uterus causing obliteration of the uterine cavity.


can be detected within the uterine endometrium. Developmental changes in the structure and organization of the placenta and membranes can be seen by ultrasound [40]. Minor anatomical variations, such as cysts and lakes, can readily be distinguished from lesions that destroy functioning villous tissue, such as infarcts and intervillous thrombi. Small placentas typically have eccentric cords, due to chorionic regression, and can have progressive parenchymal lesions – these features are typical in earlyonset IUGR [41]. Placental location and cord insertion are relevant to document. Pathological placental invasion (placenta acreta or percreta) may be suspected by ultrasound, and can be confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Doppler ultrasound Pulsed and colour Doppler ultrasound are valuable techniques for placental assessment. Umbilical cord flow can be seen at 7–8 weeks, though end-diastolic flow (EDF) is not established until 14 weeks. Early-onset IUGR pregnancies may be characterized by absent EDF in the umbilical arteries [41], associated with small malformed placentas, and defective angiogenesis in the gas-exchanging terminal placental villi [42]. A major role for Doppler ultrasound in placental assessment is to determine maternal flow in the uterine arteries. This screening test is performed either at the 18–20-week anatomical ultrasound or at a separate 22-week visit [43]. Integration of placental ultrasound, uterine artery Doppler and first + second trimester biochemistry screening tests (PAPP-A, hCG and AFP) is an effective way of screening for serious placental insufficiency syndromes before threatening fetal viability, thereby directing care to a high-risk pregnancy unit [44].

Colour power Doppler Characteristics [1,2] After separation from the uterine wall, the fetal membranes have a mean thickness of about 200–300 µm at term. The presence of the decidua capsularis on the outer surface of the fetal membranes after delivery indicates that separation of the membranes takes place in between maternal tissues rather than along the materno-fetal interface. Due to the absence of vascular structures inside the chorionic as well as amnionic mesoderm, all paraplacental exchanges between fetal membranes and fetus have to pass the amnionic fluid.

Ultrasound [36–45] Using ultrasound just a few days after the expected menstrual period a gestational sac with a diameter of 2–3 mm

Colour power angiography (CPA) is an extended application in Doppler ultrasound and velocimetry. CPA can be used to map out the vasculature within the placenta when combined with three-dimensional reconstruction (Fig. 3.6). This technique is able to identify red blood cells in small vessels with a diameter of more than 200 µm [45].

References 1. Benirschke K & Kaufmann P (2000) Pathology of the Human Placenta. New York: Springer. 2. Burton GJ, Kaufmann P & Huppertz B (2006) Anatomy and genesis of the placenta. In: Knobil E & Neil JD (eds) Physiology of Reproduction, 3rd ed. New York: Elsevier. 3. Cross JC (2000) Genetic insights into trophoblast differentiation and placental morphogenesis. Semin Cell Dev Biol 11, 105–13.

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Chapter 3

18w 18w

Maternal UW

CP Fetal


24w Maternal








CP Fetal


38w UW




4. Carter AM (2001) Evolution of the placenta and fetal membranes seen in the light of molecular phylogenetics. Placenta 22, 800–07. 5. Castellucci M, Kosanke G, Verdenelli F, Huppertz B & Kaufmann P (2000) Villous sprouting: fundamental mechanisms of human placental development. Hum Reprod Update 6, 485–94. 6. Kingdom J, Huppertz B, Seaward G & Kaufmann P (2000) Development of the placental villous tree and its consequences for fetal growth. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 92, 35–43. 7. Kaufmann P, Black S & Huppertz B (2003) Endovascular trophoblast invasion: implications for the pathogenesis of intrauterine growth retardation and preeclampsia. Biol Reprod 69, 1–7. 8. Kemp B, Kertschanska S, Kadyrov M, Rath W, Kaufmann P & Huppertz B (2002) Invasive depth of extravillous trophoblast correlates with cellular phenotype: a comparison of intra- and extrauterine implantation sites. Histochem Cell Biol 117, 401–14. 9. Kurman RJ, Main CS & Chen HC (1984) Intermediate trophoblast: a distinctive form of trophoblast with specific morphological, biochemical and functional features. Placenta 5, 349–69. 10. Craven CM, Morgan T & Ward K (1998) Decidual spiral artery remodelling begins before cellular interaction with cytotrophoblasts. Placenta 19, 241–52.

Fig. 3.6 Development of placental blood flow. Left column: Typical 3-D Power Doppler scans from placentas of normal pregnant women at weeks 18, 24, 34 and 38. The flow signals within placental villi (white arrows) increase in extent, intensity, width and height with advancing pregnancy. At term (38 weeks) tree like structures can be visualized. Since only anterior placentas have been used for these scans, the uterine wall (UW) is always at the top of the scan while the chorionic plate (CP) is always at the bottom of the scan. Courtesy of Justin Konje, Leicester, UK. Right column: Synoptic view of characteristic features of placental blood flow throughout pregnancy as depicted by 3-D Power Doppler. Adapted from drawings of Peter Kaufmann, Aachen, Germany.

11. De Wolf F, De Wolf-Peeters C & Brosens I (1973) Ultrastructure of the spiral arteries in the human placental bed at the end of normal pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 117, 833–48. 12. Pijnenborg R, Bland JM, Robertson WB & Brosens I (1983) Uteroplacental arterial changes related to interstitial trophoblast migration in early human pregnancy. Placenta 4, 397–413. 13. Jauniaux E, Watson AL, Hempstock J, Bao YP, Skepper JN & Burton GJ (2000) Onset of maternal arterial bloodflow and placental oxidative stress; a possible factor in human early pregnancy failure. Am J Pathol 157, 2111–22. 14. Rodesch F, Simon P, Donner C & Jauniaux E (1992) Oxygen measurements in endometrial and trophoblastic tissues during early pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 80, 283–85. 15. Burton GJ, Hempstock J & Jauniaux E (2003) Oxygen, early embryonic metabolism and free radical-mediated embryopathies. Reprod BioMed Online 6, 84–96. 16. Burton GJ & Jauniaux E (2004) Placental oxidative stress: from miscarriage to preeclampsia. J Soc Gynecol Investig 11, 342–52. 17. Jauniaux E, Hempstock J, Greenwold N & Burton GJ (2003) Trophoblastic oxidative stress in relation to temporal and regional differences in maternal placental blood flow in normal and abnormal early pregnancies. Am J Pathol 162, 115–25.

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18. Kaufmann P, Huppertz B & Frank HG (1996) The fibrinoids of the human placenta: origin, composition and functional relevance. Annals Anat 178, 485–501. 19. Huppertz B, Frank HG, Kingdom JCP, Reister F & Kaufmann P (1998) Villous cytotrophoblastic regulation of the syncytial apoptotic cascade in the human placenta. Histochem Cell Biol 110, 495–508. 20. Mayhew TM, Leach L, McGee R, Ismail WW, Myklebust R & Lammiman MJ (1999) Proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in villous trophoblast at 13–41 weeks of gestation (including observations on annulate lamellae and nuclear pore complexes). Placenta 20, 407–22. 21. Huppertz B, Kaufmann P & Kingdom J (2002) Trophoblast turnover in health and disease. Fetal Matern Med Rev 13, 103–18. 22. Huppertz B, Tews DS & Kaufmann P (2001) Apoptosis and syncytial fusion in human placental trophoblast and skeletal muscle. Int Rev Cytol 205, 215–53. 23. Huppertz B & Kingdom J (2004) Apoptosis in the trophoblast – role of apoptosis in placental morphogenesis. J Soc Gynecol Investig 11, 353–62. 24. Iklé FA (1961) Trophoblastzellen im strömenden Blut. Schweiz Med Wochenschr 91, 934–45. 25. Johansen M, Redman CW, Wilkins T & Sargent IL (1999) Trophoblast deportation in human pregnancy – its relevance for pre-eclampsia. Placenta 20, 531–9. 26. Knight M, Redman CW, Linton EA & Sargent IL (1998) Shedding of syncytiotrophoblast microvilli into the maternal circulation in pre-eclamptic pregnancies. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 105, 632–40. 27. Redman CWG & Sargent IL (2000) Placental debris, oxidative stress and pre-eclampsia. Placenta 21, 597–602. 28. Graf R, Neudeck H, Gossrau R & Vetter K (1996) Elastic fibres are an essential component of human placental stem villous stroma and an integrated part of the perivascular contractile sheath. Cell Tissue Res 283, 133–41. 29. Graf R, Matejevic D, Schuppan D, Neudeck H, Shakibaei M & Vetter K (1997) Molecular anatomy of the perivascular sheath in human placental stem villi: the contractile apparatus and its association to the extracellular matrix. Cell Tissue Res 290, 601–7. 30. Burton GJ & Hung TH (2003) Hypoxia-reoxygenation; a potential source of placental oxidative stress in normal pregnancy and preeclampsia. Fetal Matern Med Rev 14, 97–117. 31. Kingdom JCP & Kaufmann P (1997) Oxygen and placental villous development: origins of fetal hypoxia. Placenta 18, 613–21. 32. Zamudio S (2003) The placenta at high altitude. High Alt Med Biol 4, 171–91. 33. Bourne GL (1962) The Human Amnion and Chorion. London: Lloyd-Luke Ltd. 34. Menon R & Fortunato SJ (2004) The role of matrix degrading enzymes and apoptosis in rupture of membranes. J Soc Gynecol Investig 11, 427–37. 35. Schmidt W (1992) The amniotic fluid compartment: the fetal habitat. Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol 127, 1–100.


36. Burton GJ & Jauniaux E (1995) Sonographic, stereological and Doppler flow velocimetric assessments of placental maturity. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 102, 818–25. 37. Chaddha V, Viero S, Huppertz B & Kingdom J (2004) Developmental biology of the placenta and the origins of placental insufficiency. Semin Fetal Neonat Med 9, 357–69. 38. Jauniaux E, Jurkovic D, Campbell S & Hustin J (1992) Doppler ultrasound features of the developing placental circulations: correlation with anatomic findings. Am J Obstet Gynecol 166, 585–7. 39. Tabsh KMA (1983) Correlation of real-time ultrasonic placental grading with amniotic lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio. Am J Obstet Gynecol 145, 504–8. 40. Alkazaleh F, Viero S, Kingdom JCP (2004). Doppler assessment in pregnancy. In: Rumack, Wilson, Charbonea, Johnson, eds., Diagnostic Ultrasound, Vol. 2, 3rd edition. Part V Obstetric and Fetal Sonography, Chapter 47, Elsevier Mosby, 1527–55. 41. Viero S, Chaddha V, Alkazaleh F et al. (2004) Prognostic value of placental ultrasound in pregnancies complicated by absent end-diastolic flow velocity in the umbilical arteries. Placenta 25, 735–41. 42. Krebs C, Macara LM, Leiser R, Bowman AW, Greer IA & Kingdom JC (1996) Intrauterine growth restriction with absent end-diastolic flow velocity in the umbilical artery is associated with maldevelopment of the placental terminal villous tree. Am J Obstet Gynecol 175, 1534–42. 43. Whittle W, Chaddha V, Wyatt P, Huppertz B, Kingdom J. Ultrasound detection of placental insufficiency in women with ‘unexplained’ abnormal maternal serum screening results. Clin Genet 2006; 69: 97–104. 44. Chaddha V, Whittle WM & Kingdom JCP (2004) Improving the diagnosis and management of fetal growth restriction: the rationale for a placenta clinic. Fetal Matern Med Rev 15, 205–30. 45. Konje JC, Huppertz B, Bell SC, Taylor DJ & Kaufmann P (2003) 3-dimensional colour power angiography for staging human placental development. Lancet 362, 1199–201.

Further reading For further reading on structural characteristics of the placenta, see [1] or [2]; the definition of fibrinoid, see [18]; trophoblast and its changes during pre-eclampsia, see [23]; a detailed descriptions on pathologies of the macroscopic features of the placenta, see [1]; the classification of villi and the types of villi, see [1]; stereological parameters of the growing placenta, see [20]; syncytial fusion and the involvement of apoptosis, see [22] and [23]; the impact of oxygen on placental development and placental-related disorders of pregnancy, see [16]; the composition and characteristics of fetal membranes, see [35]; rupture of fetal membranes, see [34]; placental assessment by ultrasound, see [37]; placental Doppler, see [40,43,44]; developmental placental pathology, see [1,37].

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Chapter 4: Normal fetal growth Jason Gardosi

Developments in ultrasound imaging techniques and analysis of large databases have improved our understanding of normal fetal growth and maturation. Its understanding is of immediate relevance for the assessment of fetal well-being at any stage of pregnancy.

Length of pregnancy In any large database, the distribution of the length of pregnancy is skewed because babies are more likely to be born preterm than post-term and at a wider range of gestations into the early preterm period. Thus neither the mean nor median, but the modal value is used to denote the typical length of pregnancy. Starting from the time of conception, this typical length of gestation and the fetal age at the end of pregnancy is 266 days or 38 weeks (= conceptual age). In most (but by no means all) cases conception occurs in midcycle and thus 2 weeks are added to denote menstrual age. By convention, gestational age is also expressed in this manner: the formulae used for dating pregnancies by ultrasound, to determine the length of pregnancy at any point and the expected date of delivery (EDD), also add a standard 2 weeks to derive ‘gestational age’. The typical length of pregnancy is 280 days or 40.0 weeks; term is conventionally denoted as 37–42 weeks, preterm as 42.0 weeks. However, these cut-offs may be varied for the purpose of looking at specific issues. For example, prematurity 290 days or even >287 days (41.0 weeks) have been used to study the effects of post-term pregnancy.

Determination of gestational age Accurate dating of pregnancy is important for a number of reasons, each of them constituting milestones which are more important than the prediction of the actual EDD itself: 1 Antenatal screening. Values for serum tests for chromosomal abnormalities (e.g. Down’s syndrome), PAPP-A,

HCG or oestriol are strongly related to gestational age and may give false readings if the ‘dates’ are wrong. This can result in missing that a pregnancy is at risk, or in providing false positives and in unnecessary, invasive diagnostic procedures such as chorionic villous sampling or amniocentesis. 2 Estimating fetal viability at extreme prematurity. Between say 23 and 28 weeks, the chance of a baby’s survival is heavily dependent on the gestational age [1] and inaccurate dates may lead to wrong advice to the parents and inappropriate management. 3 Post-term pregnancy. Prolonged gestation is associated with a rise in perinatal morbidity and mortality. The reasons for this are not well understood, but it has become established practice to offer mothers induction of labour in pregnancies that go beyond 290–294 days. Before the advent of ultrasound, the menstrual age was used to determine gestational dates and the EDD. However, dating by menstrual history has several problems [2]. First the last menstrual period (LMP) may not be accurately remembered in a substantial proportion of cases. Second, dating by LMP assumes that conception occurred in mid-cycle, whereas it may have occurred earlier or (more likely) later. If the usual length of a woman’s cycle tended to be longer, say 35 instead of 28 days, then an adjustment needs to be made by adding 7 days to the EDD. This is often not done, but even if it is, it represents an imprecise science as the actual length of the follicular phase at the beginning of that pregnancy is not known. Dating by ultrasound has made the determination of gestational age more precise. The ultrasound scan dating can be done on the basis of the fetal crown rump length (CRL), which is reliable between 7 and 12 weeks, or in the second trimester, between say 15 and 22 weeks, by the bi-parietal diameter (BPD) or the head circumference (HC). There are few studies which have compared whether first or second trimester measurement is more accurate in routine practice. Between 13 and 15 weeks, dating by ultrasound can be less accurate, as the fetus flexes,


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Normal fetal growth


1200 Scan LMP

Number of births


Fig. 4.1 Frequency distribution of gestational age at birth in n = 24, 524 pregnancies in Nottingham 1988–1995, which had a record of the last menstrual period (LMP) and an ultrasound dating scan. The graph shows a general left shift associated with ultrasound dates.





0 196 203 210 217 224 231 238 245 252 259 266 273 280 287 294 301 Gestation (days)

making CRL difficult, while it may be too early for accurate measurements of the head (BPD or HC). Ultrasound measurement can also have error, but this error is smaller than that of the LMP. Based on studies from pregnancies achieved with assisted reproduction techniques, that is, where the exact date of conception was known, the error of routine scan dating by ultrasound was normally distributed and had a standard deviation of ±4, which means a 95% confidence interval of −8 to +8 days [3]. In contrast, LMP dating error is heavily skewed towards overestimation of the true gestational age, with a 95% confidence interval of −9 to +27 days [4]. One manifestation of such a tendency of overestimation is that many pregnancies which are post-term by LMP dates and considered in need for induction of labour are in fact not post-term if ultrasound dates are used. About three-quarters of ‘post-term’ (>294 days) pregnancies by LMP are not post-term by ultrasound (11.3 to 3.6%) [5]. This would suggest that many ‘post-term’ pregnancies in clinical practice as well as in studies in the literature prior to routine dating by ultrasound were in fact not post-term but mis-dated (Fig. 4.1). As an ultrasound scan is performed in most pregnancies in the UK at some stage in the first half of pregnancy, it is now recommended that gestation dates should preferentially be determined by ultrasound [2]. In many units, practices and protocols have sprung up whereby the LMP is used unless it has a discrepancy of greater than 7, 10 or 14 days from the dates by ultrasound. However, this is not based on any evidence; in fact, even within 14, 10 or even 7-day cut-offs, scan dates are known to be more accurate than LMP dates in predicting the actual date of delivery [5].

Small for gestational age and intrauterine growth restriction The traditional method of denoting a small baby as being below 2500 g, or 1500 g, does not distinguish between smallness due to short gestation and smallness due to intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). The terms small for gestational age (SGA), average for gestational age (AGA) and large for gestational age (LGA) are therefore preferred, which adjust the limit for the average at the respective gestational age. Traditionally, the 10th and 90th centiles respectively are used, although the 5th and 95th, or the 3rd and 97th (equivalent to ±2 standard deviations) can also be applied. However, SGA is not synonymous with IUGR as it includes pathological as well as constitutional smallness. Increasingly, it has become apparent that birthweight and fetal growth vary with a number of factors, apart from gestational age. These factors can be physiological (constitutional) or pathological. Physiological factors include birth order (parity), maternal characteristics such as height, weight and ethnic origin and fetal gender [6]. Coefficients have been derived to allow for the normal birthweight ranges to be adjusted, from which then growth curves can be drawn (see below) [7]. Pathological factors affecting growth include smoking, alcohol, social class and deprivation, multiple pregnancy, and pregnancy complications such as placental failure and related underlying conditions associated with hypertensive diseases in pregnancy, antepartum haemorrhage and diabetes (see Chapter 27). However, such variables should

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Chapter 4

Fetal and neonatal weights at 32 weeks






0 0.8





1.8 2.0 Weight (kg)


not be adjusted for, as the standard should reflect the optimal growth potential of the fetus. For example, it is well established that maternal smoking adversely affects fetal growth; however, the standard or norm should not be adjusted downwards if a mother smokes, but it should be ‘optimized’ as if the mother did not smoke, to allow better detection of the fetus that is affected. In practice, well-dated birthweight databases with sufficient details about maternal characteristics and pregnancy outcome are used to derive the coefficients needed to adjust for constitutional variation.

Fetal weight gain In the first half of pregnancy, the fetus develops its organ systems and grows mainly by cell division. In the second half, most growth occurs by increase in cell size. Determination of what is ‘normal’ is essential for the identification of abnormal growth in day-to-day clinical practice. Imaging techniques have allowed us to get a better understanding of normal fetal growth. They include two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasound as well as assessment of Doppler flow (see Chapter 19). Previously, ‘normal growth’ was inferred from birthweight curves which showed wide ranges especially at early (preterm) gestations and flattening of the curve at term. A marked terminal flattening of birthweight curves is evident in some birthweight standards still in widespread use [8]. However, this is an artefact due to misdating, because LMP error is more likely to over- rather than underestimate true gestational age (Fig. 4.1). Many birthweights end up being plotted at later gestations than they should be, producing the erroneous impression of a flattening of fetal growth at term.





Fig. 4.2 Ultrasound versus birth weight standard at 32 weeks gestation. The line shows ultrasound weight estimations derived from pregnancies which have proceeded to normal term delivery. The curve is characterized by a relatively narrow, normal distribution. The histogram shows birth weights of babies born at this same, preterm gestation in dataset of approximately 40,000 cases in the Midlands. The distribution shows a lower median, a wider range and negative skewness.

Birthweight curves also tend to show a depression or negative skewness at preterm gestations. This is associated with the known fact that many preterm births, including those following spontaneous onset of labour, are of babies whose growth was restricted in utero [9,10]. In contrast, ultrasound curves based on fetuses which continue growth until normal term delivery show no such skewness (Fig. 4.2). In utero growth of the fetus is assessed by fetal biometry, including measurements of the head, abdomen and the femur. The results can be plotted on separate charts to check whether the growth is within normal limits. Alternatively, the measurements can be used to calculate and plot estimated fetal weight (EFW), which is now considered to be a more appropriate method to monitor fetal growth during pregnancy [11]. In fact, longitudinal ultrasound studies have shown that variation and the normal range of fetal weight is constant throughout pregnancy, at about 10–11%, and that growth continues until birth without any slowing [7,12,13] (Fig. 4.3). The dynamics of growth in normal pregnancy can be studied by converting the weight-for-gestation curve into a ‘proportionality’ curve, where term weight in normal pregnancies is equated to 100%. As Fig. 4.4 shows, half of this weight should be expected to be reached at 31 weeks, and a third and two thirds should be reached by 28 and 31 weeks, respectively. Such proportionality curves can be used to project backwards the predicted, individually adjusted birthweight endpoint. These constitutional variables can result in an infinite number of combinations, which require calculation by computer software (such as GROW – Gestation Related Optimal Weight software – to

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Normal fetal growth





Fig. 4.3 Fetal growth curves derived from longitudinal ultrasound scans of normal pregnancies, showing a normal distribution and no flattening at term.




• 100 %

% Weight

90 80 • 67 %

60 50

• 50 %

40 • 33 %

30 20 24





34 Weeks















Fig. 4.4 ‘Proportionality’ fetal growth curve. The line represents an equation derived from an in utero weight curve, transformed into a % term weight versus gestation curve for any predicted term (280 day) birthweight point. % weight = 299.1 − 31.85 GA +1.094 GA2 − 0.01055 GA3 .

produce individually adjusted or ‘customized’ norms for fetal growth in each pregnancy (Fig. 4.5). Thus ‘normal’ growth is not an ‘average’ for the population, but one that defines the optimal growth that

a fetus can achieve, that is, the ‘growth potential’ of each baby. A number of studies have shown that standards for normal birthweight and growth adjusted for constitutional variation are better than local population norms to separate physiological and pathological smallness. Customized standards improve detection of pathologically small babies [14,15]. Smallness defined by customized standards were also more strongly associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes such as stillbirth, neonatal death or low Apgar scores [16] and were more closely linked with a number of pathological indicators such as abnormal antenatal Doppler, caesarean section for fetal distress, admission to the neonatal unit and prolonged hospital stay [17]. Significantly, each of these studies showed that babies that are considered small only by the (unadjusted) population method do not have an increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcome. In the general population, up to a third of babies are false positively small when general rather than individually adjusted norms for fetal growth are used, which can result in many unnecessary investigations and parental anxiety. Conversely, about a third of babies who should be suspected to be at risk are missed. In population subgroups such as minority ethnic groups, application of an unadjusted population standard results

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Chapter 4

Customized antenatal growth chart Mrs Small (1 DOB: 01/01/75) 5000

44 42 40

Para 1 Pakistani Maternal height: 150 Booking weight: 49 Body mass index: 21.8

4500 4000

37w 0d; 2500 g; Amy


36 3000 34 2500

51 32

2000 30 1500





24 X = Fundal height


Weight (g)

Fundal height (cm)


O = Estimated weight by scan


0 22 Gestation week 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 Sunday..... Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov Dec Dec Dec

Customized antenatal growth chart Mrs Large (1 DOB: 01/01/75) 44 42 40

5000 Para 1 European Maternal height: 177 Booking weight: 78 Body mass index: 24.9


37w 0d; 2500 g; Amy

4000 3500

36 3000 34 2500

5 32

Weight (g)

Fundal height (cm)


2000 30 1500 28 1000



24 X = Fundal height 22

O = Estimated weight by scan


(b) Gestation week


24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 Sunday..... 11 18 25 1 Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov Dec Dec Dec

Fig. 4.5 Two examples of customized fetal growth curves, using GROW.exe version 5.11 ( The charts can be used to calculate previous baby weights and ultrasound estimated fetal weight(s) in the current pregnancy. Serial fundal height measurements can also be plotted. The graphs are adjusted to predict the optimal curve for each pregnancy, based on the variables entered (maternal height and weight, parity and ethnic group). In the example, a baby born at 37.0 weeks weighing 2500 g was within normal limits for Mrs Small (51st centile) but FGR for Mrs Large (5th centile) as the latter’s predicted optimal growth curve is steeper. The pregnancy details entered are shown on the top left, together with the (computer-) calculated body mass index (BMI). The horizontal axis shows the day and month of each gestation week, calculated by the software on the basis of the EDD.

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Normal fetal growth

in even more false positives and false negatives. The individual or customized method to determine normal fetal growth is recommended by guidelines of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists [18]. In summary, thanks to imaging techniques such as ultrasound, normal fetal maturation and growth can be better defined. Fetal growth is subject to constitutional variation which needs to be adjusted for. Such adjustment results in better definition of normal growth, and improved identification of the fetus whose growth is pathologically affected.

References 1. Draper ES, Manktelow B, Field DJ & James D (1999) Prediction of survival for preterm births by weight and gestational age: retrospective population based study. Br Med J 319, 1093–7. 2. Gardosi J & Geirsson R (1998) Routine ultrasound is the method of choice for dating pregnancy. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 105, 933–36. 3. Mul T, Mongelli M & Gardosi J (1996) A comparative analysis of second-trimester ultrasound dating formulae in pregnancies conceived with artificial reproductive techniques. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 8, 397–402. 4. Gardosi J & Mongelli M (1993) Risk assessment adjusted for gestational age in maternal serum screening for Down’s syndrome. Br Med J 306, 1509. 5. Mongelli M, Wilcox M & Gardosi J (1996) Estimating the date of confinement: ultrasonographic biometry versus certain menstrual dates. Am J Obstet Gynecol 174(1), 278–81. 6. Gardosi J, Chang A, Kalyan B, Sahota D & Symonds EM (1992) Customised antenatal growth charts. Lancet 339, 283–7.


7. Gardosi J, Mongelli M, Wilcox M & Chang A (1995) An adjustable fetal weight standard. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 6, 168–74. 8. Alexander GA, Himes JH, Kaufman RB, Mor J & Kogan M (1996) A United States National Reference for Fetal Growth. Obstet Gynecol 87, 163–8. 9. Tamura RK, Sabbagha RE, Depp R et al. (1984) Diminished growth in fetuses born preterm after spontaneous labor or rupture of membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 148, 1105–10. 10. Gardosi JO (2005) Prematurity and fetal growth restriction. Early Hum Devt 81, 43–9. 11. Gardosi J (2002) Ultrasound biometry and fetal growth restriction. Fetal Matern Med Rev 13, 249–59. 12. Gallivan S, Robson SC, Chang TC, Vaughan J & Spencer JAD (1993) An investigation of fetal growth using serial ultrasound data. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 3, 109–14. 13. Marsal K, Persson P-H, Larsen T et al. (1996) Intrauterine growth curves based on ultrasonically estimated foetal weights. Acta Paediatr 85, 843–8. 14. de Jong CLD, Gardosi J, Dekker GA, Colenbrander GJ & van Geijn HP (1998) Application of a customised birthweight standard in the assessment of perinatal outcome in a high risk population. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 105, 531–5. 15. De Jong CLD, Francis A, Van Geijn HP & Gardosi J (2000) Customized fetal weight limits for antenatal detection of fetal growth restriction. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 15, 36–40. 16. Clausson B, Gardosi J, Francis A & Cnattingius S (2001) Perinatal outcome in SGA births defined by customised versus population-based birthweight standards. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 108, 830–4. 17. McCowan L, Harding JE & Stewart AW (2005) Customised birthweight centiles predict SGA pregnancies with perinatal morbidity. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 112, 1026–33. 18. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (2002) The Investigation and Management of the Small-For-Gestational Age Fetus. RCOG Green Top Guideline 2002 (No.31). London: RCOG Press.

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Chapter 5: Pre-conception counselling Andrew McCarthy

Prepregnancy care Traditionally obstetric care has been focused on ensuring a ‘healthy’ baby was delivered alive, free of the effects of hypoxic ischaemic damage and of perinatal infection. It is an intimidating prospect to consider that in the next few decades, obstetric care may have to assume greater responsibilities that can shape the lifelong risk of acquired disease for the individual neonate rather than simply immediate neonatal morbidity. It is in this context that prepregnancy care currently takes place. Specific pre-conception counselling arises in a number of different environments. For doctors in primary care it will be dominated by the low-risk woman for whom advice on diet and access to care will be most important. The quality of this advice may have the potential to significantly affect public health. In a hospital setting, it will mostly involve women with specific complications seeking advice on the potential for successful pregnancy and implications for background medical conditions.

Age Questions often arise as to the advisability of pregnancy at certain ages. Advanced maternal age is associated with increased risks of pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, incidental medical problems, aneuploidy and miscarriage. While this may sound overwhelming, and translates into increased maternal mortality [1], the vast majority of mothers in their forties will deliver satisfactorily and should not be deterred from conceiving unless there are specific issues for concern. Often concern about aneuploidy and miscarriage has a greater influence than maternal disease. There are occasions when it is advisable to conceive at a younger age than planned, that is, in the presence of mild renal failure a satisfactory outcome may be anticipated, whereas a delay with consequent loss of renal function may result in a very-high-risk pregnancy. The natural history of background medical conditions

must be considered when advising on optimal age for conception.

Diet and weight There is little that the well-motivated woman can do to affect pregnancy outcome that is based on evidence, but weight has a clear impact on pregnancy outcome, that is, low body mass index (BMI) is associated with intrauterine growth retardation, high BMI with increased fetal weight, possibly greater risks of neural tube defects [2], gestational diabetes, risk of dystocia and shoulder dystocia, anaesthetic complications and other associated morbidity [3,4]. Maternal obesity is increasingly common, with increased calorie intake and increased fat intake. The potential implications of this change on developmental programming are huge, with subsequent increased risk of ischaemic heart disease, hypertension and type II diabetes in adult life [5,6]. There is also the potential for this to be amplified between generations specifically with reference to insulin resistance. The concept of functional deficit in response to adverse intrauterine stimuli must be extended to other stimuli such as medication or toxicology where structural deficits have attracted most attention in the past. Folic acid is important in relation to risk of neural tube disorders. Some studies have suggested that a higher folic acid intake is associated with a lower risk of neural tube defect. This has been addressed in two ways. In the first instance some countries have fortified foods to increase folic acid content. These programmes have met with some success [7]. The alternative strategy is to advise women of childbearing age to take folic acid supplementation by way of tablets [8]. This clearly has the disadvantage that vulnerable women may never receive the message, compliance may be poor and offers no protection to unplanned pregnancies. There is also some evidence suggesting risk of other structural anomalies, that is, cardiac or craniofacial abnormalities, may also be reduced by folate supplementation [9].


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Pre-conception counselling


Table 5.1 Issues that arise when counselling in a low-risk setting Issue



Achieve normal BMI Balanced diet Folic acid 400 mg daily (unless fortified food policy in place) 5 mg for high-risk mothers Avoid excessive caffeine intake [11] Reduce alcohol intake as much as possible Stop smoking Identify potential problems Achieve good control of chronic disease Review medications Identify potential problems, e.g. thrombosis and diabetes Specialist genetic counselling Previous pre-eclampsia or other preterm delivery: offer specialist advice Ensure abnormal cytology appropriately treated Check rubella immunity (varicella, hepatitis B and HIV are normally checked antenatally)

Vitamin supplementation Lifestyle factors

Review past medical history

Review family history Genetic disorders Review obstetric history Check smear history Reduce risk of viral disease

Infants of diabetic mothers are at increased risks of congenital abnormality, though it is not clear that all such abnormalities can be related to HbA1c levels [9,10]. This raises some doubt about the relationship to hyperglycaemia, though small elevations in HbA1c still increase risk of abnormality. It is known that infants of diabetic mothers are at increased risk of neural tube defects. There is concern that hyperglycaemia in non-diabetic women is predicted by high BMI, and that this is associated with increased risk of neural tube defects. Excessive retinoic acid exposure in early pregnancy can also disrupt development, that is, craniofacial and CNS abnormalities have been described with isotretinoin which is used to treat acne [9]. Increased vitamin A intake in early pregnancy has been shown to increase risks of neural tube and heart defects. It is clear that there is a relationship between dietary intake and gene expression in the fetus which influences early development.

Pre-conceptual counselling in the low-risk setting The issues that must be addressed in a pre-conceptual review in a low-risk setting are outlined in Table 5.1. Rubella immunity must be checked. Most women in developed countries will be immune, and therefore particular care must be taken to screen immigrant groups. HIV and hepatitis are not normally checked other than in women undergoing fertility treatment or in immunocompromised groups, though a case can be made for such a check prior to conception. Hepatitis C and varicella may be checked selectively. It is worth enquiring about the health of the male partner. Smoking cessation programmes are more available now and there has been concern about the smoking in male

partner and miscarriage risk [12]. Regardless of this risk, it would be a clear advantage for the father to not smoke and the incentive of a healthy environment for the child may help smoking cessation. Occasionally fathers are on medication which may have implications for fertility and review of such medication may be worthwhile.

Counselling for women with medical disorders Women with serious medical disorders require specific care and counselling prior to pregnancy. The aim is to provide seamless care from chronic disease state to early conception to delivery and back to long-term care. This has not been achieved within many traditional patterns of care. The aims of prepregnancy care in this context are outlined in Table 5.2. It is important for women with certain medical problems that consideration is given to first trimester complications. Women with bleeding disorders will need admission plans in the event of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy and clear plans for ultrasound assessment of pregnancy to try and prevent emergency admission. Hyperemesis can have more profound implications for women with diabetes making control at a critical time difficult to achieve and for women on maintenance medication such as steroids or other immunosuppressive treatment. Thromboembolic disorders can pose very specific risks in the first trimester as vomiting and hyperemesis can predispose to increased risks of thrombosis. Threshold for admission and assessment needs to be adjusted accordingly. Medications should be prescribed pre-conceptually that are in general safe in the first trimester [13]. Some medications are important for long-term well-being and physicians may be reluctant to stop them to await conception.

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Chapter 5

Table 5.2 Issues that need to be considered when giving pre-conceptual advice to women with background medical conditions

Table 5.3 Drugs known to be teratogenic [13] Drug

Vulnerable period Harm




First trimester


Clear contact arrangements with medical team Medications consistent with safe use in pregnancy Or clear plan to change treatment in first trimester Clear plan in the event of first trimester complications Appropriate medication High-quality anomaly scanning as appropriate Availability of perinatal care for late second trimester delivery, i.e. 25–28 weeks Appropriate medical and surgical backup Clear plan for disease flares or incidental complications Smooth transition to optimal treatment to meet long-term healthcare needs


Third Puerperium

Conception may only be achieved after unpredictable periods of time and many will choose to leave women with hypertension or renal compromise on angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, with a view to cessation of treatment as early as possible in the first trimester [14]. The same arguments may apply to warfarin treatment in women at high risk of thromboembolism. It is clear that seamless care with medical clinics is necessary for such treatment plans and well-informed patients. The importance of good control in the diabetic mother has been covered in Chapter 27. Prior to pregnancy assessment of co-morbidities such as retinal disease, renal function and blood pressure control all aid a smooth transition into pregnancy. The cause of renal compromise is best addressed prior to pregnancy, and in the presence of nephrotic syndrome a plan for thromboprophylaxis needs to be instituted. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a specific genetic condition where appropriate dietary treatment can influence disease expression. This will have implications for an infant of an affected mother. Mothers with rare conditions of this nature tend to be well informed and to have ready access to specialist advice.

Conditions in which pregnancy is contraindicated There are some medical conditions in which pregnancy is contraindicated. There is a general reluctance to instruct women not to get pregnant as ultimately it is their decision. In the presence of pulmonary hypertension with up to a 50% risk of mortality it is reasonable to give explicit advice against conception and advise on contraception

Second and third ACE Inhibitors Probably all trimesters Statins [15] Uncertain (evidence mainly relates to first trimester) Antiepileptic First trimester drugs [13,16] Valproate [17] Probably second and third Tetracycline Second and third Retinoids First +?

Warfarin embryopathy (abnormal cartilage and bone formation) Fetal cerebral haemorrhage Warfarin microcephaly Fetal renal dysgenesis CNS and limb defects

Neural tube defects, oral clefts, cardiac defects Developmental delay Staining of dentition Multiple defects described

*This list is not exhaustive. Excellent reviews are available to guide clinicians and there are now many websites that offer continuously updated advice on risks of teratogenicity and the limitations of the advice that may be offered.

accordingly. Some other cardiac conditions may carry similar advice and contraception for this high-risk group may warrant specialist input. Respiratory compromise may mean that pregnancy is contraindicated. It will usually be clear that severe compromise is present in such patients as evidenced by their background medical condition such as cystic fibrosis or their limited exercise tolerance. A specialist opinion should always be sought before informing a patient that pregnancy is contraindicated. In the presence of certain cancers such as breast cancer, the focus will be more on ensuring a specific disease-free interval prior to conception. In the presence of renal compromise, the advice may be that pregnancy is better attempted sooner rather than later, that is, that conception occurs in mild to moderate renal failure rather than severe renal failure with advancing maternal age. Previous breakthrough thromboses in high-risk women may mean that pregnancy should not be considered. Clinical scenarios as described above are excellent opportunities to review contraceptive needs and to ensure that reliable methods, which are appropriate to the medical conditions involved, are being used.

Known teratogens Most drugs are safe to use in pregnancy. When offering pre-conceptual care, medications must be reviewed to ensure that there are no inappropriate risks of teratogenicity. In certain clinical situations some risk must be taken, that is, with antiepileptic drugs (Table 5.3).

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Pre-conception counselling

Table 5.4 Medications for which a washout period may be required Medication

Clinical use




Methotrexate [18]

Rheumatoid arthritis


Rheumatoid arthritis

Very long tissue half-life Very limited data Known potential teratogen But reassuring data available for certain treatment regimes Maintain high dose of folic acid Known teratogen

There have been major advances in drug therapy for women with rheumatic disease. This may result in patients presenting to obstetricians on medication which the obstetrician may not be familiar with. In such situations the doctor must seek expert advice. Some of these medications require a substantial washout period to minimize risk of teratogenicity. This can result in a recurrence of morbidity from the underlying disease, such that most patients would wish to be forewarned, and have a clear plan for assisted conception in the absence of spontaneous pregnancy (Table 5.4). It is clear that there is a paucity of data in relation to the potential for functional deficits following treatment in pregnancy, that is, is there a renal deficit as a result of stopping ACE inhibitors at 6–7 weeks gestation? Or are there subtle immunological sequelae from the use of immunosuppressive treatment regimes in rheumatological disorders? Such putative functional deficits must be weighed against the need for long-term cardiovascular protection and protection against lupus flares. Nonetheless every effort must be made to gather long-term data on the offspring of mothers treated during pregnancy to gather this information. The duration of follow-up required makes this a difficult task, but one which is likely to become more important as healthcare improves, society becomes richer, more drug treatment becomes available and side effects of treatment become less well tolerated.


the professional most involved in long-term management of such patients, that is, commonly the psychiatrist and general practitioner.

Obstetric complications Obstetric concerns may also lead to advice to avoid pregnancy, that is, previous recurrent post-partum haemorrhage or multiple uterine scars with risk of placenta accreta. Women with prior histories of early onset or severe pre-eclampsia or preterm delivery may warrant prepregnancy counselling. Recurrence risks and treatment plans have been addressed in Chapters 13 and 18. Women may come for counselling following a previous traumatic delivery. Such visits are usually very valuable in helping women come to terms with adverse events in previous pregnancies, offering explanations for previous management plans and making clear plans for subsequent pregnancies. It is not uncommon for women to choose not to conceive following particularly traumatic deliveries, as they perceive that they will necessarily be exposed to the same stress with subsequent pregnancies. The extent to which such situations arise has not been sufficiently formally studied. One visit for counselling in such circumstances can be very rewarding.

Organizational issues The need for a smooth transition into pregnancy has been emphasized above. It is also clear that a similar smooth transition must take place after delivery. The puerperium is a very-high-risk time for cardiac patients and is also the time when considerable loss of renal function can occur in women with renal disease. Bleeding disorders can cause major morbidity in the puerperium and optimal control of insulin regimes can help the breastfeeding diabetic mother. Prompt treatment of flares of immunological problems can prevent major problems in the puerperium. It is frequently the case that traditional obstetric care becomes complacent once delivery has taken place. It is vitally important that good communication between specialist and obstetric teams takes place after delivery and that senior input continues for such patients. Plans for this transition must be put in place when care is handed over in early pregnancy.

Psychiatric disease Psychiatric disease also warrants good quality prepregnancy care and counselling. There are often concerns about transmission of mental illness to children, and risks of destabilizing mental illness. The estimate is that there is a 10–15% risk of schizophrenia or manic depressive illness in offspring. Risks of instability and potential plans for withdrawing medication must be discussed thoroughly with

References 1. Department of Health (2004) Report on Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in the United Kingdom 2000–2002. Lemanch, London. 2. Ray J, Wyatt P, Vermeulen M, Meier C & Cole D (2005) Greater maternal weight and the ongoing risk of neural tube defects after folic acid flour fortification. Obstet Gynecol 105(2), 261–5.

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Chapter 5

3. Kristensen J, Vestergaard M, Wisborg K, Kesmodel U & Secher N (2005) Pre-pregnancy weight and the risk of stillbirth and neonatal death. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 112(4), 403–8. 4. Sheiner E, Levy A, Menes T, Silverberg D, Katz M & Mazor M (2004) Maternal obesity as an independent risk factor for caesarean delivery. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 18(3), 196–201. 5. Lau C & Rogers J (2004) Embryonic and fetal programming of physiological disorders in adulthood. Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today 72(4), 300–12. 6. Armitage J, Taylor P & Poston L (2005) Experimental models of developmental programming: consequences of exposure to an energy rich diet during development. J Physiol 565, 171–84. 7. Mills J & Signore C (2004) Neural tube defect rates before and after food fortification with folic acid. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 70(11), 844–5. 8. Botto L, Lisi A, Robert-Gnansia E et al. (2005) International retrospective cohort study of neural tube defects in relation to folic acid recommendations: are the recommendations working? Br Med J 330(7491), 571. 9. Finnell R, Shaw G, Lammer E et al. (2004) Gene-nutrient interactions: importance of folates and retinoids during early embryogenesis. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 198(2), 75–85.

10. Suhonen L, Hiilesmaa V & Teramo K (2000) Glycaemic control during early pregnancy and fetal malformations in women with type I diabetes mellitus. Diabetologia 43(1), 79–82. 11. Tolstrup J, Kjaer S, Munk C et al. (2003) Does caffeine and alcohol intake before pregnancy predict the occurrence of spontaneous abortion? Hum Reprod 18(12), 2704–10. 12. Venners S, Wang X, Chen C et al. (2004) Paternal smoking and pregnancy loss: a prospective study using a biomarker of pregnancy. Am J Epidemiol 159(10), 993–1001. 13. Jacqz-Aigrain E & Koren G (2005) Effects of drugs on the fetus. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med 10(2), 139–47. 14. Cooper WO, Hernandez-Dias S, Arbogast PG et al. (2006) NEJM 354, 2443–51. 15. Edison R & Muenke M (2004) Mechanistic and epidemiologic considerations in the evaluation of adverse birth outcomes following gestational exposure to statins. Am J Med Genet A 131A(3), 287–98. 16. Kaplan P (2004) Reproductive health effects and teratogenicity of antiepileptic drugs. Neurology 63(10 Suppl 4) S13–23. 17. Adab N, Kini U, Vinten J et al. (2004) The longer term outcome of children born to mothers with epilepsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 75(11), 1575–83. 18. Østensen M (2001) Drugs in pregnancy. Rheumatological disorders. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 15(6), 953–69.

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Chapter 6: Antenatal care Timothy G. Overton

Introduction The care of pregnant women presents a unique challenge to modern medicine. Most women will progress through pregnancy in an uncomplicated fashion and deliver a healthy infant requiring little medical or midwifery intervention. Unfortunately, a significant number will have medical problems which will complicate their pregnancy or develop such serious conditions that the lives of both themselves and their unborn child will be threatened. In 1928, a pregnant woman faced a 1 in 290 chance of dying from an obstetric complication related to the pregnancy; the most recent Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health put this figure at 1 in 19,020 [1]. Undoubtedly, good antenatal care has made a significant contribution to this reduction. The current challenge of antenatal care is to identify those women who will require specialist support and help while allowing uncomplicated pregnancies to progress with minimal interference. The antenatal period also allows the opportunity for women, especially those in their first pregnancy, to receive information from a variety of health-care professionals regarding pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood.

Aims of antenatal care Antenatal education PROVISION OF INFORMATION

Women and their husbands/partners have the right to be involved in all decisions regarding their antenatal care. They need to be able to make informed decisions concerning where they will be seen, who will undertake their care, which screening tests to have and where they plan to give birth. Women must have access to evidence-based information in a format that they can understand. Current evidence suggests that insufficient written information is available especially at the beginning of pregnancy and that information provided can be misleading or inaccurate. ‘The Pregnancy Book’ [2] provides information on the developing fetus, antenatal care and classes, rights

and benefits as well as a list of useful organizations. Many leaflets have been produced by the Midwives Information and Resource Service (MIDIRS) helping women to make informed objective decisions during pregnancy. Written information is particularly important to help women understand the purpose of screening tests and the options that are available and to advise on lifestyle considerations including dietary recommendations. Available information needs to be provided at the first contact and must take into account cultural and language barriers. Local services should endeavour to provide information that is understandable to those whose first language is not English and to those with physical, cognitive and sensory disabilities. Translators will be required in clinics with an ethnic mix. Couples should also be offered the opportunity to attend antenatal classes. Ideally such classes should discuss physiological and psychological changes during pregnancy, fetal development, labour and childbirth and how to care for the newborn baby. Evidence shows a greater acquisition of knowledge in women who have attended such classes compared with those that have not.


At an early stage in the pregnancy women require lifestyle advice, including information on diet and food, work during pregnancy and social aspects, for example, smoking, alcohol, exercise and sexual activity. Women should be advised of the benefits of eating a balanced diet such as plenty of fruit and vegetables, starchy foods such as pasta, bread, rice and potatoes, protein, fibre and dairy foods. They should be informed of foods that could put their fetus at risk. Listeriosis is caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes which can present with a mild, flu-like illness but is associated with miscarriage, stillbirth and severe illness in the newborn. Contaminated food is the usual source including unpasteurized milk, ripened soft cheeses and pate. Toxoplasmosis contracted through contact with infected cat litter, or undercooked


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Chapter 6

meat can lead to permanent neurological and visual problems in the newborn if the mother contracts the infection during pregnancy. (Salmonella food poisoning has not been shown to have adverse fetal effects.) To reduce the risk, pregnant women should be advised to thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables before eating and to cook well all meats including ready-prepared chilled meats. Written information from the Food Standards Agency – ‘Eating While you are Pregnant’ can also be helpful. Women who have not had a baby with spina bifida, should be advised to take folic acid, 400 mg/day, from pre-conception until 12 weeks of gestation to reduce the chance of fetal neural tube defects (NTDs). A recent study has failed to show the efficacy of this strategy in analysing population incidence of NTD. This is suggested to relate to inadequate pre-conceptual taking of folate and/or poor compliance. Suggestions of adding folate to certain foods, for example, flour to ensure population compliance remain debatable. Current evidence does not support routine iron supplementation for all pregnant women and can be associated with some unpleasant side effects such as constipation. However, any woman who shows evidence of iron deficiency must be encouraged to take iron therapy prior to the onset of labour or any excess blood loss at delivery will increase maternal morbidity. The intake of vitamin A (liver and liver products) should be limited in pregnancy to approximately 700 mg/day because of fetal teratogenicity. Because alcohol passes freely across the placenta, women should be advised not to drink excessively during pregnancy. Current evidence suggests that there is no harm in drinking 1–2 units of alcohol per week. Binge drinking and continuous heavy drinking causes the fetal alcohol syndrome, characterized by low birthweight, a specific facies, and intellectual and behavioural difficulties later in life. Approximately 27% of women are smokers at the time of birth of their baby. Smoking is significantly associated with a number of adverse outcomes in pregnancy including an increased risk of perinatal mortality, placental abruption, preterm delivery, preterm premature rupture of the membranes, placenta praevia, low birthweight, etc. While there is evidence to suggest that smoking may decrease the incidence of pre-eclampsia this must be balanced against the far greater number of negative associations. Although there is mixed evidence for the effectiveness of smoking cessation programmes, women should be encouraged to partake. Pregnant women who are unable to stop smoking should be informed of the benefits of reducing the number of cigarettes they smoke. A 50% reduction can significantly reduce the fetal nicotine concentration and is associated with an increase in the birthweight.

Women who use recreational drugs must be advised to stop or be directed to rehabilitation programmes. Evidence shows adverse effects on the fetus and its subsequent development. Continuing moderate exercise in pregnancy or regular sexual intercourse does not appear to be associated with any adverse outcomes. Certain physical activity should be avoided such as contact sports which may cause unexpected abdominal trauma. Scuba diving should also be avoided because of the risk of fetal decompression disease and an increased risk of birth defects. Physically demanding work, particularly those jobs with prolonged periods of standing may be associated with poorer outcomes such as preterm birth, hypertension and pre-eclampsia and small-for-gestational-age babies but the evidence is weak and employment per se has not been associated with increased risks in pregnancy. Women require information regarding their employment rights in pregnancy and health-care professionals need to be aware of the current legislation. Help for the socially disadvantaged and single mothers must be organized and ideally a one-to-one midwife allocated to support these women. The midwife should be able to liaise with other social services to ensure the best environment for the mother and her newborn child. Similar individual help is needed for pregnant teenagers and midwife programmes need to provide appropriate support for these vulnerable mothers.

Common symptoms in pregnancy It is common for pregnant women to experience unpleasant symptoms in pregnancy caused by the normal physiological changes. However, these symptoms can be quite debilitating and lead to anxiety. It is important that healthcare professionals are aware of such symptoms, can advise appropriate treatment and know when to initiate further investigations. Extreme tiredness is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy and affects almost all women. It lasts for approximately 12–14 weeks then resolves in the majority. Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is one of the commonest early symptoms. While it is thought that this may be caused by rising levels of human chorionic gonalotropin (hCG) the evidence for this is conflicting. Hyperemesis gavidarum, where fluid and electrolyte imbalance and nutritional deficiency occur, is far less common complicating approximately 3.5/1000 deliveries. Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy varies in severity but usually presents within 8 weeks of the last menstrual period. Cessation of symptoms is reported by most by about 16 weeks. Various non-medical treatments have been advocated including ginger, vitamins B6 and B12,

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Antenatal care

and P6 acupressure. There is evidence for the effectiveness of each of these but concerns about the safety of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) remains and there is limited data on the safety of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). Constipation complicates approximately one-third of pregnancies usually decreasing in severity with advancing gestation. It is thought to be related in part to poor dietary fibre intake and reduction in gut motility caused by rising levels of progesterone. Diet modification with bran and wheat fibre supplementation helps, as well as increasing daily fluid intake. Heartburn is also a common symptom in pregnancy, but unlike constipation, occurs more frequently as the pregnancy progresses. It is estimated to complicate one-fifth of pregnancies in the first trimester rising to three quarters by the third trimester. It is due to the increasing pressure caused by the enlarging uterus combined with the hormonal changes that lead to gastro-oesophageal reflux. It is important to distinguish this symptom from the epigastric pain associated with pre-eclampsia which will usually be associated with hypertension and proteinuria. Symptoms can be improved by simple lifestyle modifications such as maintaining an upright posture especially after meals, lying propped up in bed, eating small frequent meals and avoiding fatty foods. Antacids (especially Gaviscon® ), H2 receptor antagonists and proton-pump inhibitors are all effective, although it is recommended that the latter be used only when other treatments have failed because of its unproven safety in pregnancy. Haemorrhoids are experienced by 1 in 10 women in the last trimester of pregnancy. There is little evidence for either the beneficial effects of topical creams in pregnancy or indeed their safety. Diet modification may help and in extreme circumstances surgical treatment considered although this is unusual since the haemorrhoids often resolve after delivery. Varicose veins occur frequently in pregnancy. They do not cause harm and while compression stockings may help symptoms they unfortunately do not prevent varicose veins from appearing. The nature of physiological vaginal discharge changes in pregnancy. If, however, it becomes itchy, malodorous or is associated with pain on micturition, it may be due to an underlying infection such as trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis. Appropriate investigations and treatment should be instigated.

Screening for maternal complications ANAEMIA

Maternal iron requirements increase in pregnancy because of the demands of the developing fetus, the formation of


the placenta and the increase in the maternal red cell mass. With an increase in the maternal plasma volume of up to 50% there is a physiological drop in the haemoglobin (Hb) concentration during pregnancy. It is generally recommended that an Hb level below 11 g/dl up to 12 weeks’ gestation or less than 10.5 g/dl at 28 weeks signifies anaemia and warrants further investigation. A low Hb (8.5–10.5 g/dl) may be associated with preterm labour and low birthweight. Routine screening should be performed at the booking visit and at 28 weeks gestation. While there are many causes of anaemia including thalassaemia and sickle cell disease, iron deficiency remains the commonest. Serum ferritin is the best way of assessing maternal iron stores and if found to be low iron supplementation should be considered. Routine iron supplementation in women with a normal Hb in pregnancy has not been shown to improve maternal or fetal outcome and is currently not recommended.


Identifying the maternal blood group and screening for the presence of atypical antibodies is important in the prevention of haemolytic disease, particularly from rhesus alloimmunization. Routine antibody screening should take place at booking in all women and again at 28 weeks’ gestation in those who did not have antibodies at booking. Detection of atypical antibodies should prompt referral to a specialist fetal medicine unit. In the UK, 15% of women are RhD negative and should be offered anti-D prophylaxis after potentially sensitizing events (such as amniocentesis or antepartum haemorrhage) and routinely at 28 and 34 weeks’ gestation [3].


Maternal blood should be taken early in pregnancy and with consent screened for hepatitis B, HIV, rubella and syphilis. Identification of women who are hepatitis B carriers can lead to a 95% reduction in mother to infant transmission following postnatal administration of vaccine and immunoglobulin to the baby. Women who are HIV positive can be offered treatment with antiretroviral drugs which, when combined with delivery by Caesarean section and avoidance of breast feeding, can reduce the maternal transmission rates from approximately 25 to 1% [4]. Such women need to be managed by appropriate specialist teams. Rubella screening aims to detect those women who are susceptible to the virus allowing postnatal vaccination to protect future pregnancies. All women who are rubella non-immune must be counselled to avoid contact with any infected person and if inadvertently she

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does, she must report the event to her midwife or doctor. Serial antibody levels will determine whether infection has occurred. Vaccination during pregnancy is contraindicated because the vaccine may be teratogenic. Although the incidence of infectious syphilis is low, there have been a number of recent outbreaks in England and Wales. Untreated syphilis is associated with congenital syphilis, neonatal death, stillbirth and preterm delivery. Following positive screening for syphilis, testing of a second specimen is required for confirmation. Interpretation of results can be difficult and referral to specialist genitourinary medicine clinics is recommended. Current evidence does not support the routine screening for cytomegalovirus, hepatitis C or toxoplasmosis. Asymptomatic bacteriuria occurs in approximately 2– 5% of pregnant women and when untreated is associated with pyelonephritis and preterm labour. Appropriate treatment will reduce the risk of preterm birth. Screening should be offered early in pregnancy by midstream urine culture. HYPERTENSIVE DISEASE

Chronic hypertension pre-dates pregnancy or appears in the first 20 weeks whereas pregnancy-induced hypertension develops in the pregnancy, resolves after delivery and is not associated with proteinuria. Pre-eclampsia defines hypertension that is associated with proteinuria occurring after 20 weeks and resolving after birth. Pre-eclampsia occurs in 2–10% of pregnancies and is associated with both maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality [5]. Risk factors include nulliparity, age of 40 years and above, family history of pre-eclampsia, history of pre-eclampsia in a prior pregnancy, a body mass index greater than 35, multiple pregnancy and pre-existing diabetes or hypertension. Hypertension is often an early sign that pre-dates the development of serious maternal and fetal disease and should be assessed regularly in pregnancy. There is little evidence as to how frequently blood pressure should be checked and so it is important to identify risk factors for pre-eclampsia early in pregnancy. In the absence of these, blood pressure and urine analysis for protein should be measured at each routine antenatal visit and mothers should be warned of the advanced symptoms of pre-eclampsia (frontal headache, epigastric pain, vomiting and visual disturbances). GESTATIONAL DIABETES

Currently there is little agreement as to the definition of gestational diabetes, whether we should routinely screen for it and how to diagnose and manage it. Accordingly, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recently

recommended that routine screening for gestational diabetes should not be offered [3]. PSYCHIATRIC ILLNESS

The importance of psychiatric conditions related to pregnancy was highlighted in the most recent Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health [1]. At booking, details of a significant history of psychiatric illness should be established and at-risk women referred for specialist psychiatric assessment during the pregnancy. PLACENTA PRAEVIA

In approximately 1.5% of women the placenta will cover the os on the 20-week scan but by delivery, only 0.14% will have placenta praevia. Only those women whose placenta covers the os in the second trimester should be offered a scan at 36 weeks to check the position. If this is not clear on transabdominal scan, a transvaginal scan should be performed.

Screening for fetal complications CONFIRMATION OF FETAL VIABILITY

All women should be offered a ‘dating’ scan. This is best performed between 10 and 13 weeks’ gestation and the crown–rump length measured when the fetus is in a neutral position (i.e. not curled up or hyperextended). Current evidence shows that the estimated day of delivery predicted by ultrasound at this gestation will reduce the need for induction of labour at 41 weeks when compared with the due date predicted by the last menstrual period. In addition, a dating scan will improve the reliability of serum screening for Down’s syndrome, diagnose multiple pregnancy and allow accurate determination of chorionicity and diagnose up to 80% of major fetal abnormalities. Women who present after 14 weeks’ gestation should be offered a dating scan by ultrasound assessment of the biparietal diameter or head circumference. SCREENING FOR DOWN’S SYNDROME

Current recommendations from the National Screening Committee and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence advocate that Down’s screening programmes should detect 60% of affected cases for a 5% false positive rate. By 2007 the detection rate should be 75% for a 3% false positive rate. These performance measures should be age standardized and based on a cut-off of 1/250 at term. There are numerous screening strategies operational in the UK at the present time using either first trimester ultrasound markers (nuchal translucency) or maternal serum markers

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(alpha-fetoprotein, oestriol, free-beta hCG, inhibin-A and pregnancy associated plasma protein A) in either the first or second trimester. Some programmes use a combination of both serum and ultrasound markers. To achieve the 2007 targets, it is likely that combination screening will be required. Because screening for Down’s syndrome is a complex issue, health-care professionals must have a clear understanding of the options available to their patients. Unbiased, evidence-based information must be given to the woman at the beginning of the pregnancy so that she has time to consider whether to opt for screening and the opportunity to clarify any areas of confusion before the deadline for the test passes. Following a ‘screen positive’ result the woman needs careful counselling to explain the test result does not mean the fetus has Down’s syndrome and to explain the options for further testing by either chorion villus sampling or amniocentesis. Apositive screen test does not mean further testing is mandatory. Likewise, a woman with a ‘screen negative’ result must understand the fetus may still have Down’s syndrome (see ‘Fetal medicine in clinical practice’). SCREENING FOR STRUCTURAL ABNORMALITIES

The identification of fetal structural abnormalities allows the opportunity for in utero therapy, planning for delivery, for example, when the fetus has major congenital heart disease, parental preparation and the option of termination of pregnancy should a severe problem be diagnosed. Major structural anomalies are present in about 3% of fetuses screened at 20 weeks’ gestation. Detection rates vary depending on the system examined, skill of the operator, time allowed for the scan and quality of the ultrasound equipment. Follow-up data is important to audit the quality of the service. Women must appreciate the limitations of such scans. Local detection rates of various anomalies such as spina bifida, heart disease, facial clefting and the like should be made available. Written information should be given to women early in pregnancy explaining the nature and purpose of such scans highlighting conditions that are not detected such as cerebral palsy and many genetic conditions. It is important to appreciate that the fetal anomaly scan is a screening test which women should opt for rather than have as a routine part of antenatal care without appropriate counselling (see ‘Fetal medicine in clinical practice’). SCREENING FOR FETAL WELL-BEING

Each antenatal clinic attendance allows the opportunity to screen for fetal well-being. Auscultation for the fetal heart will confirm that the fetus is alive and can usually be detected from about 14 weeks of gestation. While


hearing the fetal heart may be reassuring there is no evidence of a clinical or predictive value. Likewise there is no evidence to support the use of routine cardiotocography in uncomplicated pregnancies. Physical examination of the abdomen by inspection and palpation will identify approximately 30% of small-for-gestational-age fetuses [6]. Measurement of the symphysio-fundal height in centimetres starting at the uterine fundus and ending on the fixed point of the symphysis pubis has a sensitivity and specificity of approximately 27 and 88%, respectively, although serial measurements may improve accuracy. Customized growth charts make adjustments for maternal height, weight, ethnicity and parity. Their use increases the antenatal detection of small-for-gestationalage fetuses and result in fewer unnecessary hospital admissions. While the evidence for the benefits of plotting serial symphysio-fundal height measurements is limited, it is recommended that women are offered estimation of fetal size at each antenatal visit and when there is concern, referred for formal ultrasound assessment. Traditionally, women have been advised to note the frequency of fetal movements in the third trimester. Although the evidence does not support formal counting of fetal movements to reduce the incidence of late fetal death, women who notice a reduction of fetal movements should contact their local hospital for further advice.

Organization of antenatal care Antenatal care has been traditionally provided by a combination of general practitioners, community midwives and hospital midwives and obstetricians. The balance has depended on the perceived normality of the pregnancy at booking. However, pregnancy and childbirth is to a certain extent an unpredictable process. The frequency of antenatal visits and appropriate carer must be planned carefully allowing the opportunity for early detection of problems without becoming over-intrusive.

Who should provide the antenatal care? A meta-analysis comparing pregnancy outcome in two groups of low-risk women, one with community-led antenatal care (midwife and general practitioner) and the other with hospital-led care did not show any differences in terms of preterm birth, Caesarean section, anaemia, antepartum haemorrhage, urinary tract infections and perinatal mortality. The first group had a lower rate of pregnancy-induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia which could reflect a lower incidence or lower detection [7]. Clear referral pathways need to be developed, however, that allow appropriate referral to specialists when either fetal or maternal problems are detected.

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There is little evidence regarding women’s views on who should provide antenatal care. Unfortunately, care is usually provided by a number of different professionals often in different settings. Studies evaluating the impact of continuity of care do not generally separate the antenatal period from labour. The studies consistently show that with fewer caregivers women are better informed and prepared for labour, attend more antenatal classes, have fewer antenatal admissions to hospital and have higher satisfaction rates. Differences in clinical end-points such as Caesarean section rates, post-partum haemorrhage, admission to the neonatal unit and perinatal mortality are generally insignificant [3]. While it would appear advantageous for women to be seen by the same midwife throughout pregnancy and childbirth there are practical and economic considerations that need to be taken into account. Nevertheless, where possible, care should be provided by a small group of professionals.

Documentation of antenatal care The antenatal record needs to document clearly the care the woman has received from all those involved. It will also serve as a legal document, a source of useful information for the woman and a mechanism of communication between different health-care professionals. There is now good evidence that women should be allowed to carry their own notes. Women feel more in control of their pregnancy and do not lose the notes any more often than the hospital! In addition, useful information will be available to clinicians should the women require emergency care while away from home. Many areas of the UK are endeavouring to work towards a standard format for the records. This would be of benefit to those women who move between hospitals so that the caregivers would automatically be familiar with the style of the notes. If we are to move to an electronic patient record, there must be general agreement in a minimum data set and a standard antenatal record would be a step in this direction.

Frequency and timing of antenatal visits There had been little change in how frequently women are seen in pregnancy for the last 50 years. In 2003, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence produced a clinical guideline entitled ‘Antenatal care; routine care for the healthy pregnant woman’ [3]. This document recognized the large amount of information that needs to be discussed at the beginning of pregnancy particularly with regard to screening tests. The first appointment needs to be early in pregnancy, certainly before 12 weeks if possible. This initial appointment should be regarded as an opportunity for imparting general information about the

Table 6.1 Factors indicating the need for additional specialist care in pregnancy Conditions such as hypertension, cardiac or renal disease, endocrine, psychiatric or haematological disorders, epilepsy, diabetes, autoimmune disease, cancer or HIV Factors that make the woman vulnerable such as those who lack social support Age 40 years and older or 18 years and younger BMI greater than or equal to 35 or less than 18 Previous Caesarean section Severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia Previous pre-eclampsia or eclampsia Three or more miscarriages Previous preterm birth or midtrimester loss Previous psychiatric illness or puerperal psychosis Previous neonatal or stillbirth Previous baby with congenital anomaly Previous small-for-gestational or large-for-gestation aged baby Family history of genetic disorder (By kind permission of the National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health)

pregnancy such as diet, smoking, folic acid supplementation etc. A crucial aim is to identify those women who will require additional care in the pregnancy (Table 6.1). A urine test should be sent for bacteriological screen and a booking for ultrasound arranged. Sufficient time should be set aside for an impartial discussion of the screening tests available including those for anaemia, red-cell antibodies, syphilis, HIV hepatitis and rubella. Because of the complexity of Down’s syndrome, this too should be discussed in detail and supplemented with written information. Ideally another follow-up appointment should be arranged before the screening tests need to be performed to allow further questions and arrange a time for the tests following maternal consent. The next appointment needs to be around 16 weeks gestation to discuss the results of the screening tests. In addition, information about antenatal classes should be given and a plan of action made for the timing and frequency of future antenatal visits including who should see the woman. As with each antenatal visit, the blood pressure should be measured and the urine tested for protein. The 20-week anomaly scan should also be discussed and arranged and women should understand its limitations. At each visit the symphysio-fundal height is plotted, the blood pressure measured and the urine tested for protein. At 28 weeks’ gestation, blood should be taken for haemoglobin estimation and atypical red-cell antibodies. Anti-D prophylaxis should be offered to women who are rhesus negative. Afollow-up appointment at 32 weeks will allow the opportunity to discuss these results. A second dose of anti-D should be offered at 34 weeks. At 36 weeks, the position of the baby needs to be checked and if there

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is uncertainty, an ultrasound scan arranged to exclude breech presentation. If a breech is confirmed, externalcephalic version should be considered. If placenta praevia had been noted at 20 weeks a follow-up scan at 36 weeks is needed. For women who have not given birth by 41 weeks, both a membrane sweep and induction of labour should be discussed and offered.

References 1. Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (2004) Why Mothers Die; 2000–2002. London: RCOG Press. 2. National Health Service (2001) The Pregnancy Book. London: Health Promotion England.


3. National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health (2003) Antenatal Care: Routine Care for the Healthy Pregnant Woman. London: RCOG Press. 4. Mandelbrot L, Le Chenadec J, Berrebi A et al. (1998) Perinatal HIV-1 transmission. Interaction between zidovudine prophylaxis and mode of delivery in the French perinatal cohort. J AM Med Assoc 280, 55–60. 5. Sibai B, Dekker G & Kupferminc M (2005) Pre-eclampsia. Lancet 365, 785–99. 6. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (2002) The Investigation and Management of the Small-For-Gestational-Age Fetus. RCOG Guideline (No. 31) London: RCOG Press. 7. Villar J, Carroli G, Khan-Neelofur D et al. (2003) Patterns of routine antenatal care for low-risk pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 1, 000934.

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Chapter 7: Normal labour A.A. Calder

Of all the experiences of the human condition, birth surely represents the most important. Human society places great importance upon it: for social, not to mention legal, reasons knowledge of our birth date is a lifelong requirement. Much more important than its timing is the need for our birth to release us towards independent existence with the fullest possible endowment for physical and intellectual development. Despite its enormous importance it is doubtful if any of us can recollect any of this experience. In contrast, few, if any, women can forget their birthgiving experiences; yet the imperative that the offspring should complete the birth process unscathed applies almost equally to the mother. The spectrum of maternal experiences of childbirth extends from exhilarated, fulfilled and enriched mothers, to those women who are permanently crippled physically or emotionally and even, still all too commonly, those who pay for the experience with their lives. Safe motherhood is a wholly reasonable expectation but one which still ranks too low in the priorities of male-dominated political arenas. Amidst the complexity and sophistication that is modern obstetrics it is important to remind ourselves of the simple objective of every pregnancy, namely the delivery of a healthy baby to a healthy mother. The fullest possible understanding of the birth process, its perturbations and appropriate management policies is central to that objective.

Physiology of the birth process Traditional teaching of the mechanisms of labour has focused on the three participants: 1 The powers. 2 The passages. 3 The passenger. It would be difficult to improve on this approach but before addressing these in detail it is first necessary to consider the pregnancy phase. The labour phase represents a fraction (perhaps only 1/1000th) of the total time between conception and birth. For the preceding 999 parts it is imperative that the mother is not in labour, thus ensuring that the offspring grows and develops to the appropriate

extent before birth. The fetus then undergoes a complex process of maturation. Hitherto dependent almost entirely on the placenta via its umbilical lifeline for nutritional, respiratory and excretory functions, not to mention a host of other regulatory processes, the fetus must be prepared for its adaptation to extrauterine life by maturational changes in several key organ systems, notably the lungs. These processes probably occupy several weeks at the end of pregnancy. For successful reproduction the uterus must display two fundamental qualities. It must first receive and nurture the pregnancy, and it must then launch the finished product into the world. In these two roles it must display diametrically opposite properties and to do so it has two components, very different in both structure and function – the corpus uteri and the cervix uteri. The corpus is almost entirely composed of smooth muscle – the myometrium. This must remain quiescent through almost the entire course of pregnancy before performing its contractile heroics during labour. In contrast, the cervix contains little muscle, consisting largely of connective tissue whose principal component is collagen. The collagen in the cervical stroma must retain the cervix in a firmly closed condition throughout pregnancy and then be capable of yielding during labour to allow passage of the fetus to delivery. Just as fetal maturation is a gradual process, so too is the ‘maturation’ which concerns the corpus and the cervix, and it seems clear that the complex endocrine and other changes which ‘mature’ both the fetus and the uterus are, in normal conditions, intimately linked. While labour proper is generally a process lasting a few hours, its onset, far from being sudden, is the culmination of a gradual process which has been evolving over several weeks. This development phase of preparation for parturition has been suitably entitled prelabour [1].

Prelabour and labour: hormonal and immunological mechanisms The multitude of biological substances which interact in the control of the human birth process seem to increase almost daily. To catalogue more than 60 such factors might


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Table 7.1 A far from comprehensive list of substances and categories of substances which are known to participate in the birth process Lipocortin Lipopolysaccharide Lipoxygenase Magnesium Matrix metalloproteinases Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 Myosin Myosin light chain kinase Neutrophil elastase Nitric oxide Noradrenaline Oestrogens Oxytocin Oxytocinase Phosphatases Phosphodiesterase Phospholipases Platelet-activating factor Potassium Progesterone Prostacyclin Prostaglandin dehydrogenase Prostaglandin E2 Prostaglandin F2α Proteoglycans Relaxin Sodium Substance P Sulphatase Surfactant Vasopressin

Those shown in italic are discussed in detail in the text

seem extravagant, yet such a list can readily be made (Table 7.1). A detailed description of the precise interactive roles of these factors is beyond the scope of this chapter. Discussion is mainly restricted to the roles of those shown in italic type in Table 7.1, since these are of special importance, both to the natural process and to its clinical manipulations. This description is inevitably a gross oversimplification of a hugely complex process, but one which may afford the clinician the appropriate insights with which to manage the problems of labour and delivery.


Everyday clinical experience, not least from the effective use of natural substances or drugs which interfere with their function, suggests that the following may deserve special prominence: progesterone, calcium, oxytocin and prostaglandins (especially PGE2 and PGF2α ). Less obviously, to these may be added: connexin 43, cortisol,



Uterine activity (montevideo units)

Actin Adenylate cyclase Adhesion molecules (ICAM, VCAM, etc.) Adrenaline Bradykinin Calcium Calmodulin Chemokines Chondroitin sulphate Collagen Collagenases Connexin 43 Corticotrophin (ACTH) Corticotrophin-releasing factor Cortisol cAMP cGMP Cyclo-oxygenase-1 Cyclo-oxygenase-2 Cytokines Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate Dermatan sulphate Endothelins Glycosaminoglycans G proteins Gravidin Inositol trisphosphate IL-8 Leukotrienes



Labour 150

100 Prelabour 50

0 15







Fig. 7.1 Schematic diagram of uterine contractility quantitation through the course of labour and delivery (from [2]).

cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP), prostacyclin, the prostaglandin-degrading enzyme prostaglandin dehydrogenase, and various cytokines and chemokines, notably interleukin 8 (IL-8, the neutrophil attractant and activating peptide) and monocyte chemotactic peptide (MCP-1). TRANSITION FROM PREGNANCY TO LABOUR

The classical studies of Caldeyro-Barcia [2] demonstrate the gradual ‘coming to the boil‘ of myometrial contractility during ‘prelabour’ which occupies the last seventh or so of pregnancy (Fig. 7.1). Although the parameter shown on the vertical axis is Caldeyro’s Montevideo unit whereby he quantifies uterine contractility as the product of the frequency and amplitude of contractions, the same figure pattern could be used, simply by altering the labelling, to illustrate a host of other events. These include the concentrations of myometrial gap junctions, those elements consisting of the protein connexin 43 which allow the spread of action potentials between smooth muscle cells by intercellular transmission of ions thereby allowing individual myometrial fibres to change from a disorganized rabble into a disciplined regiment marching to the same drum beat in labour. Equally the factor in question might be the myometrial sensitivity to oxytocin or the concentration of various receptors in the myometrium. Nor does the recipe for this broth contain only myometrial ingredients. To these can be added fetal endocrine changes (which may carry responsibility for initiating the process)

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as well as a contribution from the cervix. The numerical expression of cervical ripening, the Bishop score, also fits Caldeyro’s diagram during prelabour and labour almost perfectly.


The individual myometrial fibre contracts when the two filaments actin and myosin combine by phosphorylation by the enzyme myosin light chain kinase to form actinomyosin. This reaction requires increased availability of intracellular calcium, released from stores within the cell (mainly in the sarcoplasmic reticulum) which may be provoked by oxytocin or PGF2α or both via the second messenger inositol trisphosphate. Additionally, extracellular calcium may be transported into myometrial cells via calcium channels. Conversely, contractility of the myometrial cell may be inhibited by progesterone and by the intracellular availability of cAMP, a mechanism which the use of β mimetic agents as tocolytics seeks to exploit.


The substance most closely associated by clinicians with cervical ripening is PGE2 and this probably reflects a key biological role for this compound. Softening of the cervix entails not only degradation of stromal collagen, but also changes in the proteoglycan complexes and water content of the ground substance, which may be likened to glue or cement binding individual collagen fibrils into the rigid bundles which confer on the tissue its tensile strength. The process of cervical ripening remains improperly understood, but recent studies of a number of inflammatory mediators, notably IL-8 and MCP-1 have focused attention on neutrophils and monocytes recruited from the circulation as likely factors in the process. Neutrophils are a rich source of collagenases and neutrophil elastase as well as matrix metalloproteinase enzymes which play a crucial role in the breakdown of cervical collagen. One attractive hypothesis [3] implicates PGE2 as mainly responsible for vasodilatation of cervical capillaries and increasing their permeability to circulating neutrophils which are captured by surface adhesion molecules and drawn into the cervical stroma under the chemoattractant influence of IL-8. This chemokine is also responsible for stimulating their degranulation within the tissues to release these collagenolytic enzymes. Monocytes are also recruited into the cervix by MCP-1 and might potentially play a unifying role as a source of both PGE2 and IL-8. Both IL-8 and MCP-1 may prove in time to be effective agents in the pharmacological orchestration of cervical ripening.


Studies in humans, subhuman primates, domestic species (notably sheep), rodents, and especially guinea pigs have allowed concepts to be elaborated to explain the biological control of human parturition. As emphasized above, the transition from pregnancy maintenance to birth develops gradually during a month or more of ‘prelabour’. From early naïve concepts which credited the mother as responsible for initiating labour by producing oxytocin from her posterior pituitary, the hypothesis has gradually been developed whereby the control is initiated and largely vested within the fetoplacental unit (Fig. 7.2). The key component appears to be the fetal brain whose influence is exerted on fetoplacental endocrinology via the hypothalamopituitary-adrenoplacental axis. Activation of corticotrophin (adrenocorticotrophic hormone or ACTH) stimulates adrenal production of (1) cortisol which brings about maturation of the fetal lungs with the generation of pulmonary surfactant; and (2) dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate. The latter, a key precursor of placental oestradiol production, ordains a shift in the oestrogen to progesterone ratio in favour of oestrogen and provokes an endocrine dialogue between fetus, placenta, membranes and uterus (Fig. 7.3). Cortisol promotes maturation of the fetal lungs and this, together with similar events in the fetal kidneys, may modify the content of the amniotic fluid and thereby activate the fetal membranes (amnion and chorion), particularly in respect of prostaglandin synthesis. By means of such biological changes in the fetal components – fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid and the membranes – a new dialogue is created with the uterine (maternal) tissues which envelop them – the

Kidney Adrenal Lung

Amnion Decidua Myometrium

Amniotic fluid

Placenta Chorion Pituitary


Maternal circulation


Fig. 7.2 The fetoplacental unit and the intrauterine and uterine structures with which it interacts.

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Cortisol Oestrogen



Progesterone Growth factors ACTH CRF


Fig. 7.3 Scheme of the principal biochemical factors participating in the control of human labour.

decidua, myometrium and cervix – producing a positive cascade of interactions among prostaglandins, cytokines and oxytocin. PROSTAGLANDINS – ESSENTIAL REGULATORS OF PARTURITION

Only one small group of compounds involved in labour, the prostaglandins, appear to play an essential command role. It is probably no exaggeration to state that without prostaglandins labour is impossible, whereas when they appear in abundance labour is irresistible. PGF2α appears to be the principal prostaglandin generating contractility of the myometrium, while PGE2 is more important in the process of cervical ripening. The main sources of these prostanoids within the uterus are, respectively, the decidua and the amnion. Conveniently placed in intimate contact between these structures lies the chorion, a rich source of the prostaglandin-degrading enzyme 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (PGDH). Activation of uterine prostaglandins in labour is vested in the inducible isoform of cyclo-oxygenase, COX-2, and it seems likely that the high capacity of the chorion to metabolize prostaglandins represents a defence mechanism against the early and inappropriate production of prostaglandins before the scheduled time. The influences which may bring about this precocious production of prostaglandins include trauma, haemorrhage and (most importantly) infection, now recognized as a major factor in initiating many premature deliveries. The chorion may thus be regarded as a biological metabolic barrier rather like blotting paper designed to mop up unwelcome prostaglandins.

As is emphasized below, effacement of the cervix is an essential prerequisite to its dilatation and one which depends on the softening and ripening of its connective tissue. Attention has focused on the apparent obstacle presented by the chorion to PGE2 derived from the amnion. It must be conceded that the PGE2 required in cervical ripening might be synthesized within the cervical stroma itself, but an alternative and attractive hypothesis lies in the possibility that a selective loss of PGDH activity in that area of chorion overlying the cervix might afford access of PGE2 from the amnion and amniotic fluid to the precise part of the cervix where it is most required, namely the internal cervical os. Support for such a concept comes from the clinical observation that loss of the fetal membranes from that key site following either their spontaneous or their artificial rupture adversely prejudices the prospects of successful delivery. Recently we have provided evidence that the area of fetal membranes overlying the cervix changes from exhibiting the highest activity of PGDH during pregnancy to the lowest during labour ([4]; Fig. 7.4). Nature may thus have provided a mechanism whereby the long firm cervix is progressively softened and shortened from the top downwards during the process of ‘taking up’ or effacement. Beginning just below the fibromuscular junction (Fig. 7.5) the softened tissue at the internal os is progressively transported outwards around the fetal presenting part and the ‘fore-waters’ thereby bringing the lower portions of the cervix into intimate contact with that fetal membrane source of PGE2 . SUBSEQUENT COURSE OF CLINICAL LABOUR

Clinical labour, as opposed to prelabour, is considered to begin with the onset of regular painful uterine contractions. The events of prelabour should have set everything in place for a comparatively short birth process, but not all labours will follow a straightforward course. In its simplest terms, labour consists of the muscle of the uterine corpus progressively stretching the cervix over the fetal head by means of rhythmic contraction and retraction. This process is usefully compared to pulling on a woollen jumper with a tight polo neck, where the action of the arms represent the contractions of the myometrium, while the changes in the neck of the garment replicate effacement and dilatation of the cervix. This analogy can be carried further with the observation that just as the first attempt at pulling on the garment is generally the most difficult, so too is the first labour. Furthermore, appropriate flexion of the head to present the cranial vertex to the neck of the garment, or the womb, is just as important for the wearer as it is for the fetus.

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PGDH activity (nmoles/mg protein/min)


a, d

3.0 2.5 b




1.5 1.0 a, b, c


Fig. 7.4 Changes in the activity of prostaglandin dehydrogenase in different areas of the fetal membranes between late pregnancy and established labour (from [4]).

0 Cervical



Not in labour




In labour



Fig. 7.5 Shape change in the cervix with the approach of labour (FMJ = fibromuscular junction).


The simplest partogram plots dilatation of the cervix in centimetres against time in hours. This concept was introduced by Friedman in New York in 1954. ‘The graphic analysis of labour’ [5] was the first of a series of classical contributions whereby the science of partography was established, to become the cornerstone of clinical evaluation of progress in labour. Figure 7.6 shows the Friedman curve of cervimetric progress in normal labour. The sigmoid nature of Friedman’s curve is a source of some interest. The gradual rise in the latent phase (0–3 cm dilatation) is followed by the steep slope of the active phase


Cervical dilatation (cm)

Effacement is thus a vital forerunner to dilatation. The uneffaced cervix cannot dilate although this is less absolute in parous women than in nulliparous. Early stages of dilatation appear before the parous cervix is fully effaced.

8 6 4 2 Latent 0


phase 4


8 10 Time (h)

Active phase 12


Fig. 7.6 The classic ‘sigmoid’ curve of progress of cervical dilatation during labour (after [5]).

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Normal labour


8 Alert line Cervix

6 Action line

4 Descent

(4–9 cm) and then a short less steep curve to full dilatation. Although the intensity of uterine contractions may rise during the course of labour, there is no evidence of any significant surge coinciding with the change from the latent to the active phase. Rather the slow rate of cervimetric progress in latent labour has more to do with the evolution of effective uterine contractility and the completion of cervical effacement. The steepening of the rate of progress after 3 cm dilatation is also partly explained by improved alignment of the traction force of the myometrium on the cervix as the latter begins to turn around the contours of the advancing presenting part which also begins to ‘wedge’ its way into the dilating os. By the same token the final deceleration phase reflects mechanical factors, the slowing rate of the final centimetre of dilatation being explained on the basis that the dilating head has farther to travel down the birth canal to stretch the cervix to full dilation as the widest part of the fetal head passes through; in addition, the cervical tissue has to be moved further by the myometrium to reach that configuration. The duration of the phases of Friedman’s original curve is now viewed with some scepticism: a latent phase of more than 10 h seems as excessive as an active phase of less than 2 h seems unduly short. Later studies have modified these initial estimates such that the latent phase might be expected to last between 3 and 8 h and the active between 2 and 6 h depending on parity and other factors including the distinction between spontaneous and induced labours. Of special importance in respect of the latent phase, however, is the almost insurmountable difficulty of defining when it starts. As has already been emphasized, labour evolves as the culmination of weeks of prelabour and the borderline between the two is impossible to define precisely. The second sentence of Friedman’s first paper reads: ‘Of the major observable events that occur during labour, i.e. the force, frequency and duration of uterine contractility, descent of the presenting fetal part, and cervical effacement and dilatation, only the last named was selected for detailed study because it seemed to parallel overall progress best’ [emphasis added]. While one might argue that this parameter is in some circumstances not the best mirror of progress (e.g. when cervical dilatation continues in a labour obstructed by cephalopelvic disproportion) and that ultimately the best measure is descent of the fetus through the birth canal, cervimetry has become accepted as the first measure of progress because it is simple to comprehend, easy to measure, reproducible and subject to little observer error. Later partograms have in some aspects been simplified, while in others they have become more sophisticated (Figs 7.7 and 7.8). The issue of rate of cervimetric progress can be reduced to a target of 1 cm/h (always recognizing that first labours may be expected to









6 7 8 Time (h)


10 11 12 13

Fig. 7.7 The partogram with ‘alert’ and ‘action’ lines proposed by Philpott and Castle [6,7].

take longer). Conversely, a useful additional component to the partogram is a record of descent of the presenting part, since that represents the ultimate measure of labour progress. The refinements of partography suggested by Philpott and Castle [6,7] some 25 years ago not only added alert lines and action lines to the graph with material advantages for clinical management, they also displayed the descent of the presenting part (see Fig. 7.7). The measure of descent is usually made at the same time as that of dilatation during a vaginal examination and is based on recording the level of the presenting part relative to the level of the ischial spines (the station). It should not be forgotten, however, that in circumstances of caput formation and moulding of the fetal head such an observation may exaggerate progress. The simple and often neglected assessment of how much fetal head (usually expressed as fifths) can be felt above the pelvic brim by abdominal examination may in the final analysis represent a more valid and reliable measure of progress. PROGRESS IN LABOUR

The modern approach to labour, and the clinical imperative of ensuring its adequacy, has been influenced by the work of O’Driscoll and colleagues at the National Maternity Hospital in Dublin. Much of this issue is addressed in Chapter 22 of O’Driscoll and Meagher [8] which in its entirety represents one of the most significant milestones in modern obstetrics. Poor progress in labour can be attributed to faults in the powers, the passages or the passenger (P). Faults in the powers should be considered first. Uterine contractions may be hypotonic or incoordinate. Clinical assessment of

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PRIMIGRAVID LABOUR RECORD Name......................................................................................................................... Time of Admission.....................................................Date...................................... Pains.............................Show.....................................Ruptured membranes.......... Delivered


10 9

Dilatation of cervix (cm)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Fetal heart


160 150 140 130 120 110 100














Hours after admission

Liquor Oxytocin Analgesia Time of delivery........... Method................................ Duration...............................

this is subjective and unreliable; external tocography may assist somewhat; internal tocography using an intrauterine pressure sensor may be best but has never really progressed beyond a research tool. In general, if poor uterine action is suspected steps should be taken to improve it. If the fetal membranes are still intact they should be ruptured, but ideally only if the cervix is fully effaced and at least 3 cm dilated. Intravenous oxytocin is the cornerstone of therapy and this issue is addressed in the next chapter.

Fig. 7.8 The simple partogram favoured by the National Maternity Hospital, Dublin.

There is evidence that primary dysfunctional labour may be associated with deficient production of PGF2α [9] but to date no studies have supported the clinical use of this agent to correct such problems, perhaps because it causes unpleasant side effects. Faults in the passages may come from distortion in the maternal bony pelvis by disease, damage or deformity. There is little that can be done to overcome these, and unless they present only marginal difficulty, delivery by

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Normal labour

Caesarean section is usually required. The soft tissues of the birth canal – cervix, vagina, perineum, and so on – may, if rigid, obstruct progress. The passenger may be uncooperative by being excessively large, in the wrong position or presentation, or in the wrong attitude, notably with a deflexed head. If these problems prove insurmountable then Caesarean section is necessary, but in most labours where progress is slow it is appropriate to take steps to maximize the quality of uterine contractility, an expedient which may often overcome minor problems of the passages or the passenger or both. MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION OF NORMAL LABOUR

The first imperative in the conduct of labour is to determine whether labour has in fact started. The accurate diagnosis of labour is essential because so much depends on defining starting points. The diagnosis is often difficult, notably when preterm (see Chapter 21) and reliance on observing contractions is not enough by itself. A progressive change in the cervix over a few hours will confirm established labour, and so a vaginal examination at the time of admission to the labour ward is important to establish a baseline. The partogram should be started ‘provisionally’ unless the initial assessment indicates that labour is unlikely. The mother’s vital signs should be recorded and this should be repeated at intervals, pulse and blood pressure at least every hour and temperature every 3 h. Abnormal recordings require that the frequency of these observations be increased. The mother should be encouraged to empty her bladder regularly and her urine should be tested on each occasion for the presence of ketones, sugar, protein and blood. It is important to establish when painful regular contractions began and what their frequency has been since. A graphic record should thus be made of the apparent strength, frequency and, if possible, the duration of the contractions. FETAL MEMBRANES

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the fetal membranes. If the history suggests that they have ruptured before admission it is important to look for confirmatory evidence of this especially during the initial vaginal examination. Adequate clear liquor draining is generally a reassuring sign that the fetus is in good condition to withstand the rigours of labour. In contrast scanty or absent liquor when it is fairly certain that the membranes have ruptured or have been ruptured should


occasion concern and prompt steps to establish more clearly the condition of the fetus, such as cardiotocography and, if feasible, blood gas estimation. It is important to note the presence of blood or meconium in the liquor. The possibility that the blood may be fetal in origin should always be considered and appropriate diagnostic steps taken. The presence of meconium staining should lead to similar responses in clarifying the fetal condition as should the apparent absence of liquor. The timing of amniotomy is critical. Some mothers resent the assumption that the membranes should always be ruptured when it becomes feasible to do so, a practice of which many obstetricians and midwives can be guilty. Mothers who crave ‘natural childbirth’ may see this as clinical interference and their wish to have the membranes left intact should be respected unless there is a clear benefit to be argued in favour of their rupture. Although Theobald is remembered for his dictum ‘intact membranes are the biggest single hindrance to progress in labour’, if the labour is progressing well, and the mother and offspring seem well, there is no compelling requirement for amniotomy. Nevertheless there would seem to be an optimum time for amniotomy during the course of spontaneous labour. This lies at the point of transition from latent to active labour when the contractions are well in train and the cervix is fully effaced and dilated 3–4 cm. Earlier amniotomy may be counterproductive, but if performed around this point then the subsequent labour is likely to be more efficient. Furthermore, fetal surveillance is enhanced by the opportunity to examine the amniotic fluid directly for meconium or blood staining and by applying a fetal scalp electrode if desired. In addition, although the quality and strength of contractions may be improved there is no persuasive evidence that labour is any more painful. Indeed requirements for analgesia are likely to be reduced partly because the increased efficiency of labour is reflected in its shorter duration.


We have come a long way in the century and a half since James Young Simpson discovered the analgesic effects of chloroform and applied them in the first significant attempts to relieve the anguish of labouring women in 1847. A wide variety of analgesic options have been provided for labouring women; a detailed account of their advantages and disadvantages will not be offered here. The benefits of pain relief in labour, however, extend far beyond mere humanitarian ones, and it should be clearly recognized that appropriate pain relief may improve the general course and success of labour. Obstetricians may

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still argue about whether epidural analgesia can on occasion lead to increased need for other interventions such as operative delivery, or may even adversely influence the progress of labour, but there seems little doubt concerning its overall benefits.
























p 2


3 P White (SHO)


A Smith (Sister)

A Smith (Sister)



C. Jones (Registrar)


A Smith (Sister)

Failure to reach the simple objective of intrapartum care – ensuring the delivery of a healthy baby to a healthy fulfilled mother – results in unhappiness, complaints and litigation, and may even lead to death or damage of mothers or babies. Opportunities for failure are numerous and varied. The proposals with which this chapter concludes are designed to avoid these problems and are based on the following concerns: 1 Problems when they arise often do so from the neglect of simple basic principles. 2 Lines of communication, responsibility and authority need to be clearly defined. 3 Meticulous record keeping is essential, including the need for the author of the record to be easily identified. With this in mind, the three fundamental requirements in labour are to ensure that: (1) the mother is well; (2) the fetus is in good condition; and (3) the labour is progressing. It is imperative to identify who is the lead professional in the care of each and every labour. This is likely to be a qualified midwife in most normal labours, but might be an obstetrician depending on the particular circumstances. In tune with the broad philosophy which has evolved in the latter half of the twentieth century that labour is a journey whose duration and progress should be carefully observed and managed, the three issues listed above should be addressed at regular intervals and recorded in a disciplined fashion, perhaps every hour. Thus at these intervals (and perhaps at longer intervals by a more senior midwife or obstetrician if indicated) the lead carer should formally pose the questions: (1) Is the mother well? (2) Is the fetus in good condition? (3) Is the labour progressing? The answer to each will be either ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘unclear’. If the answer to all three is ‘yes’, no special investigation is called for. If the answer to any is unclear, steps must be taken to clarify it. Where the answer to a question is ‘no’, steps are required to rectify the problem. Examples of problems for the mother include distress from pain, ketosis, hypertension or bleeding. Possible trouble for the fetus would most commonly be fetal heart abnormalities, meconium staining or bleeding. Finally, failure to progress in labour demands early recognition and, where possible, correction.

Observation /u/p


A Smith (Sister)



Fig. 7.9 Scheme for expanded partogram. For each of Mother (M), Fetus (F) and Progress (P) the observer records Satisfactory (s) or Unclear (u) or Poor (p) at each recording interval. Whenever an entry is either u or p a number is entered against PROBLEM/ACTION which relates to an entry in the expanded text, e.g. (1) Progress in labour seems poor, head still 4/5 palpable contractions irregular. Registrar review requested. Signed: A Smith, midwifery sister. (2) V.E. shows cervix 3 cm dilated vertex at 0–3, some caput. Amniotomy performed, moderate clear liquor. Signed: C Jones, obstetric registrar. (3) Slight meconium staining of liquor. Continuous fetal monitoring begun. Signed: P White, SHO in obstetrics.

The record of answers to these three recurring questions could readily be entered on the partogram. Most hospital partograms contain a large section on which to plot the blood pressure and pulse, most of which is largely wasted space. A simple redesign of the partogram to include a requirement to record the above scheme of answers (Fig. 7.9) could constitute a significant advance in intrapartum care.

References 1. Demelin L (1927) La Contraction Uterine et les Discinesies Correlative. Paris: Dupont. 2. Caldeyro-Barcia R (1959) Uterine contractility in obstetrics. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, vol. 1. Montreal, 65–78. 3. Kelly RW (1994) Pregnancy maintenance and parturition: the role of prostaglandin in manipulating the immune and inflammatory response. Endocr Rev 15, 684–706. 4. Van Meir CA, Ramirez MM, Matthews SG, Calder AA, Keirse MJNC & Challis JRG (1997) Chorionic prostaglandin catabolism is decreased in the lower uterine segment with term labour. Placenta 18, 109–14. 5. Friedman EA (1954) The graphic analysis of labour. Am J Obstet Gynecol 68, 1568. 6. Philpott RM & Castle WM (1972) Cervicographs in the management of labour in the primigravida. 1. The Alert line

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Normal labour

for detecting abnormal labour. J Obstet Gynaecol Br Cmmw 79, 592. 7. Philpott RH & Castle WM (1972) Cervicographs in the management of labour in the primigravida. 2. The Action line and treatment of abnormal labour. J Obstet Gynaecol Br Cmmw 75, 599.


8. O’Driscoll K & Meagher D (1980) The Active Management of Labour. London: Saunders. 9. Johnson TA, Greer IA, Kelly RW & Calder AA (1993) Plasma prostaglandin metabolite concentrations in normal and dysfunctional labour. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 93, 483–8.

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Chapter 8: Fetal monitoring during labour James A. Low

What is the problem? The objective of fetal monitoring during labour is the prediction and diagnosis of fetal asphyxia before fetal/newborn morbidity with particular reference to brain damage has occurred. Fetal asphyxia is defined as ‘a condition of impaired blood gas exchange leading, if it persists, to progressive hypoxemia and hypercapnia’ [1]. The operative term in this definition is ‘progressive’. Hypoxemia and hypercapnia as an event during labour may occur in a transient fashion with physiological but no pathological significance. Fetal asphyxia of pathological significance during labour requires progressive hypoxemia with a significant metabolic acidosis. Thus the diagnosis of fetal asphyxia requires a blood gas and acid–base assessment. In respect to intrapartum fetal asphyxia, the threshold at delivery beyond which cerebral dysfunction or brain damage may occur is an umbilical artery base deficit greater than 12 mmol/l.

Relationship of fetal asphyxia to brain damage During the last 50 years, asphyxia has been examined in the research laboratory using a number of different animal models. These studies have confirmed that fetal asphyxia of a particular degree and duration may cause brain damage. However, the striking feature of all these studies is that in spite of a uniform single exposure to asphyxia many fetuses have no brain damage, some will have brain damage and a few fetal deaths will occur. The outcome is influenced by the fetal response to asphyxia. Fetal cardiovascular compensation with an increase of arterial pressure, centralization of cardiac output and increased cerebral blood flow will maintain cerebral oxygen consumption in spite of the hypoxemia. However if the asphyxia continues, a point will be reached when fetal cardiovascular decompensation reverses this process leading to cerebral hypoxia and, if sustained, brain damage. Variability of this fetal cardiovascular response is an important


Fetal asphyxia duration recurrent

No brain damage

Brain damage

Fetal cardiovascular compensation Infection

Fig. 8.1 The outcome, i.e. no brain damage/brain damage is a result of the characteristics of the fetal asphyxia and the quality of the fetal cardiovascular compensation.

factor in the differing outcome in these laboratory studies. Our understanding of the relationship between fetal asphyxia and brain damage has been based on these studies in the research laboratory. It has become evident that the relationship between fetal asphyxia and brain damage is complex and may be influenced by a number of factors including: maturity of the fetus; degree, duration and nature of the asphyxia and the quality of the fetal cardiovascular response (Fig. 8.1). The clinical introduction of microelectrode blood gas systems provided the opportunity to examine these measures in all pregnancies at delivery without risk to the fetus and newborn. Umbilical vein and artery blood gas and acid–base measures at delivery represent valuable reference points of asphyxia during labour. The umbilical vein reflects the effectiveness of maternal fetal blood gas exchange while the umbilical artery reflects the acid–base status of the fetus. Reference data for these measures in the umbilical vein and artery for 21,744 deliveries in our centre are presented in Table 8.1. Recognizing the importance of these measures, recent studies have emphasized the need for quality data to provide the basis for interpretation [2]. Several procedural and technical errors may occur during umbilical cord blood sampling and subsequent blood gas analysis. Optimal


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Fetal monitoring during labour

Table 8.1 Mean blood gas and acid–base measures for 21,744 deliveries


Table 8.2 Prevalence of intrapartum fetal asphyxia Rate per 1000 live births

pH pco2 po2 BD

Umbilical vein

Umbilical artery





7.340 40.4 27.2 3.0

0.07 7.7 6.1 2.7

7.248 54.5 15.1 6.8

0.069 9.7 5.1 3.2

BD, base deficit.

interpretation requires a paired sample from both umbilical vein and artery. Asingle sample from the umbilical vein will define venous metabolic state but cannot rule out an arterial metabolic acidosis. During sampling, two aliquots may be drawn from the umbilical vein. Such a procedural error is implied when the vein–artery pH difference is less than 0.02. The accuracy of the calculated measures of metabolic acidosis is dependent upon the quality of the pH and pco2 estimations. The accuracy of the pco2 estimation should be questioned when the pco2 value is outside the physiological range or the pco2 artery–vein difference is a negative value or less than 4 mgHg. In these circumstances, the interpretation should be limited to pH alone. An umbilical artery blood measure of metabolic acidosis is the best indicator of tissue oxygen debt experienced by the fetus. Recent studies have suggested an increased risk to the fetus begins when the umbilical artery base deficit exceeds the mean [3]. In a study to determine the threshold for significant morbidity, moderate and severe newborn complications occurred only in the fetuses with an umbilical artery base deficit >12 mmol/l. The incidence of moderate and severe complications with an umbilical artery base deficit 12–16 mmol/l was 10% [4]. There is a progression of frequency of such complications with increasing metabolic acidosis with a 40% incidence of moderate and severe complications when the umbilical artery base deficit was >16 mmol/l. The objective of clinical studies since the introduction of microelectrode blood gas systems has been to determine if the concepts emerging from the research laboratory are relevant to the human fetus. The findings are consistent with the contention that a fetus may experience asphyxia without morbidity; however, the occurrence of fetal asphyxia of a particular degree and duration may cause cerebral dysfunction in the newborn [5,6] and in some cases brain damage accounting for handicap in surviving children [7,8].

Prevalence of intrapartum fetal asphyxia The classification of fetal asphyxia in the research laboratory is based upon continuous measures of the degree and

Fetal asphyxia



Prevalence Mild Moderate/severe

73 38 35

25 21 4

duration of the asphyxia and the quality of the fetal cardiovascular response. Since most measures obtained in the laboratory are not available in the clinical setting, the clinical classification of asphyxia as mild, moderate or severe is based on the presence of metabolic acidosis to confirm the occurrence of asphyxia with measures of neonatal encephalopathy and other organ system complications to express the severity of the asphyxia [9]. Clinical studies in recent years have provided insight into the prevalence of mild, moderate and severe fetal asphyxia during the intrapartum period. The prevalence and severity of fetal asphyxia at delivery in preterm and term pregnancies at delivery is outlined in Table 8.2. There is no evidence of an association between mild fetal asphyxia and major deficits while long-term follow-up has demonstrated no association with minor disabilities later in childhood [10]. These findings suggest that mild fetal asphyxia represents a window of opportunity in clinical management when a diagnosis of fetal asphyxia can be confirmed and if necessary intervention initiated to prevent cerebral dysfunction and deficits in these children. Although the prevalence of intrapartum fetal asphyxia as determined at delivery has been established the duration and nature of the asphyxia in most cases is not known. Since the duration and nature of the asphyxia cannot be determined it is not known when the asphyxia identified at delivery began before the onset of labour and how often the asphyxia identified at delivery represents the last in a series of asphyxial exposures that may have begun before the onset of labour.

Prediction and diagnosis of fetal asphyxia The diagnosis of fetal asphyxia requires a blood gas and acid–base assessment. A reliable method to provide a continuous recording of fetal acid–base status in the clinical setting is not yet available. At the present time a diagnosis can be confirmed by means of periodic fetal blood sampling during labour or at delivery for a blood gas and acid–base assessment. Thus, the requirements are criteria to identify the fetus at risk for fetal asphyxia to justify the intervention for fetal blood sampling particularly during labour for a fetal blood gas and acid–base assessment. The clinical paradigm that has been widely used to identify the fetus at risk of asphyxia combines clinical risk scoring with fetal heart rate surveillance. This has not

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resolved the problem due to shortfalls of each element of the paradigm that have become evident with increasing clinical experience. CLINICAL RISK SCORING

The limitations of clinical risk scoring have been demonstrated in several studies. In our experience, 23–40% of fetal asphyxia occurred in pregnancies with no clinical risk factors [11,12]. The term ‘low risk’ based on clinical markers cannot be applied in regard to fetal asphyxia during labour. In those cases in which clinical risk factors were present, a wide range of clinical complications determined risk with no single risk factor demonstrating a strong association with intrapartum fetal asphyxia. The positive predictive value for both antepartum and intrapartum risk factors for intrapartum fetal asphyxia was 3%. Thus clinical risk scoring has a major problem with false positive prediction of intrapartum fetal asphyxia.

Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring The publication by Edward Hon in 1958 [13] reflects the beginning of the expectation that electronic fetal heart rate monitoring (EFM) would be useful in the prediction of intrapartum fetal asphyxia. Observations during the 1960s and 1970s supported the contention that EFM could be a useful screening test for the prediction of intrapartum fetal asphyxia. Our clinical experience paralleled that of other investigators in this field with anecdotal examples of an association between abnormal fetal heart rate patterns and fetal asphyxia with a range of outcomes. Laboratory studies demonstrated a relationship between fetal heart rate behaviour and fetal hypoxemia and metabolic acidosis. Late decelerations have been shown to occur when fetal oxygen tension decreases below a critical level. The interval between the onset of the contraction and the onset of the deceleration reflects the time necessary for fetal oxygen tension to fall below this threshold [14,15]. Late decelerations due to fetal hypoxemia in a previously normoxic fetus are due to chemoreceptor initiated reflex bradycardia which can be blocked by atropine, while in previously hypoxic fetuses the bradycardia is presumably due to a direct effect upon the myocardium [16]. Based on such reports the use of EFM expanded rapidly in the 1970s.

The evaluation of EFM as a screening test There are two requirements for a screening test. The clinical problem must justify intervention. Intrapartum fetal asphyxia is important and in selected circumstances justifies intervention. The benefits of the test must outweigh the harm. It was recognized in the late 1970s that this had not been determined.

The introduction of EFM was associated with a reduction in the number of intrapartum fetal deaths [17]. However, intrapartum fetal deaths continue to be reported in studies of perinatal mortality. In the UK Confidential Enquiry into stillbirths and death in infancy, 9% of all deaths between 20 and 44 weeks of gestation were related to labour and, of the normally formed babies weighing at least 2500 g, 4.3% could be linked to intrapartum events [18]. Well-designed, randomized, controlled trials are proposed as a means of providing a measure of the true risks and benefits of a medical intervention. There have been no randomized clinical trials to compare no fetal heart rate surveillance with intermittent fetal heart rate auscultation. Nine randomized clinical trials, three with electronic fetal monitoring alone and six with electronic fetal monitoring with scalp sampling, have been analysed in the Cochrane Pregnancy and Child Birth Data Base [19,20]. The randomized clinical trials comparing intermittent auscultation and continuous EFM have not provided consistent evidence that EFM was associated with a decrease of fetal and newborn morbidity. The randomized clinical trials have made an important contribution, confirming the occurrence of false positive interpretation of electronic fetal heart rate recording with unnecessary interventions. These studies have demonstrated that electronic fetal heart rate monitoring in relation to intermittent auscultation has been associated with increased incidence of Caesarean section for fetal distress and dystocia, increased operative delivery and general anaesthesia. It must be recognized that these outcomes are not due to the method of fetal heart rate surveillance but are a result of inappropriate interpretation of the fetal heart rate data.

Clinical management guidelines for EFM Faced with the available evidence, national organizations began to prepare consensus papers in regard to fetal surveillance during labour. Examples of the most recent clinical guidelines include: ACOG Technical Bulletin Number 207, 1995 in United States [21]; SOGC Clinical Practice Guideline Number 112, 2001 in Canada [22]; and RCOG Evidence-based Clinical Guideline Number 8, 2001 in the United Kingdom [23]. These guidelines prepared by recognized experts in the field endeavoured to reflect the best evidence available at that time. What is missing from all the current guidelines is a specific algorithm for the interpretation of fetal heart rate patterns. The ACOG and the SOGC guidelines classify fetal heart rate patterns as reassuring and non-reassuring. Detailed criteria and time are not noted. The Royal College Evidence-based Guidelines have defined traces as normal, suspicious and pathological. No guidelines have provided

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Fetal monitoring during labour

data as to the sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of the patterns as defined. This issue was addressed by an NIH research-planning workshop in 1997 [24]. The specific purpose of the workshop was to develop standardized and unambiguous definitions of fetal heart rate tracings for future research. Although all members of the workshop were of the opinion that EFM was of value, there was no consensus regarding strict guidelines for clinical management using fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns. The position expressed was that many fetuses have FHR tracings that are intermediate between two extremes, that is, normal and patterns so severe that the fetus is at risk of morbidity or mortality. The workshop concluded that evidence-based algorithms for management awaits further research. This view has been recently expressed again [25].

An FHR algorithm to predict fetal asphyxia Interpretation of the FHR record Two issues important in the interpretation of an FHR record are the classification of FHR variables and interobserver reliability in the visual interpretation of these variables. Many definitions of the individual FHR variables, baseline FHR, baseline FHR variability, accelerations and decelerations have been provided. A good example is provided in the RCOG Evidence-based Clinical Guideline Number 8. However differences of classification criteria remain, particularly for decelerations. In the classification of late decelerations, some clinicians have given first priority to the timing of the nadir of the deceleration, whereas others have emphasized the waveform. In the interpretation of the waveform, both the onset to the nadir [26] and the residual component of the waveform have been examined [27]. Until a consensus is developed, criteria should be clearly defined and consistently used. Although progress is being made in the computer-based interpretation of FHR records, with few exceptions, clinical records are read visually. The limited inter-observer reliability for the interpretation of FHR variables has been well documented [28]. Our experience has demonstrated the following good-to-fair inter-observer Kappa values: baseline FHR, 0.70; baseline FHR variability, 0.55; FHR accelerations, 0.57; variable decelerations, 0.46 and late and prolonged decelerations, 0.57. Scoring FHR patterns over time can offset this limited inter-observer reliability of individual FHR variables. The record should be scored in 10 min epochs (cycles). Determination of the pattern requires careful scoring of a number of cycles that in most cases can be achieved with six cycles representing 1 h of the FHR record. Our experience has been a high degree


of inter-observer reliability in the classification of FHR patterns in 1 h of recording [29].

An FHR algorithm to predict fetal asphyxia We have addressed this question. A matched case control study was conducted in term pregnancies to demonstrate that a threshold of FHR patterns can be defined and that intermediate patterns of FHR can be determined for intrapartum fetal asphyxia [29]. The FHR records were scored for each FHR variable for six 10-min cycles in each hour. FHR variables with an independent association with fetal asphyxia (i.e. umbilical artery base deficit greater than 16 mmol/l at delivery) in this study were absent as well as minimal baseline variability and late and prolonged decelerations. Three FHR patterns were defined based on the presence of these four FHR variables in six 10-min cycles in 1 h. The patterns proposed as an algorithm for the interpretation of electronic FHR records are outlined in Table 8.3. A number of relevant observations emerged from this study. The sensitivity of predictive and potentially predictive FHR patterns was good identifying 75% of the cases with fetal asphyxia. In the 25% of cases not identified, the fetal asphyxia was mild. The positive predictive value of a predictive FHR pattern that occurred in 17% of the cases was very good. However, in these cases the fetal asphyxia was already moderate or severe. The positive predictive value of potentially predictive FHR patterns, 10 and 5% respectively, was very poor. These potentially predictive patterns accounted for over 50% of the fetal asphyxia ranging from mild to moderate in degree. The potentially predictive patterns unless clarified by supplementary tests represent a dilemma for the clinician. The pattern can be ignored and in ten cases, fetal asphyxia will not be present in nine; however, in one case, fetal asphyxia accounting for at least 50% of asphyxia will be present and continue. On the other hand, the pattern can serve as an indication for intervention leading to an unnecessary intervention in nine out of ten cases. Table 8.3 Predictive and potentially predictive fetal heart rate patterns for intrapartum fetal asphyxia Baseline variability (cycles/h) Predictive Potentially predictive #1 #2

Decelerations late/prolonged (cycles/h)

Absent ≥ 1



Minimal ≥ 2 Minimal ≥ 2

+ or

≥2 ≥2

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Can an algorithm of predictive FHR patterns prevent moderate/severe fetal asphyxia Although there is no Grade 1 definitive evidence that the benefits of EFM outweigh the harm, our experience would support the contention that this EFM algorithm used as a screening test can make a difference in the outcome of some cases. The benefits of EFM as a screening test in the prediction and prevention of intrapartum fetal asphyxia derived from a decade of experience was examined in term and preterm pregnancies [30,31]. A predictive or potentially predictive FHR pattern was present in most cases. Intervention and delivery occurred in 98 of the 166 term pregnancies and 21 of the 24 preterm pregnancies. A predictive or potentially predictive FHR pattern was the indication for intervention in most cases. This assessment paradigm did not prevent all cases of moderate or severe fetal asphyxia. However in some cases, prediction and diagnosis leading to intervention during the first or second stage of labour likely prevented the progression of mild to moderate or severe asphyxia and limited the severity of moderate asphyxia.

Supplementary assessments The predictive value of vibroacoustic stimulation with an acceleration response as a means of ruling out fetal acidosis has been equivocal [32,33]. A number of trials of amnioinfusion, particularly in the presence of oligohydramnios, have demonstrated a beneficial effect, reducing variable decelerations and the rate of Caesarean section for fetal distress [34,35]. The assessment of the fetal electrocardiographic (ECG) waveform is an attractive option since the signal can be obtained from the same fetal scalp electrode used for recording the FHR. Laboratory studies have examined the effect of hypoxemia and acidosis on the ST segment. In studies of acute hypoxemia, the ratio of the T-wave height to QRS height increased [36], although this association has not been a consistent finding [37]. Preliminary clinical observations suggested caution in the interpretation of ST waveforms [38]. The recent development of higher order FHR analysis has provided monitoring systems that can add automated fetal electrocardiographic ST segment analysis to the standard FHR and uterine contraction information which have been applied in a number of clinical trials. Meta-analysis of two randomized clinical trials of FHR assessment with the support of ST waveform analysis has shown that the number of babies born with metabolic acidosis at delivery could be reduced in conjunction with a reduction of operative deliveries for fetal distress [39]. Subsequent reports indicate some limitations

of the sensitivity of ST waveform analysis in the identification of fetal asphyxia with a significant metabolic acidosis [40,41]. Fetal pulse oximetry was introduced to provide a non-invasive measure of oxygen saturation to improve intrapartum assessment during labour. However, the randomized clinical trials have not provided convincing evidence that this supplementary test will reduce unnecessary intervention [42,43]. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has been developed as a means of continuous, non-invasive real time measurement of change in fetal cerebral oxygenation and hemodynamics during labour. Preliminary reports of the application of this technology for fetal assessment during labour have been published [44,45]. Although these supplementary tests provide additional information, further research remains to be done before the role of these tests in clinical practice can be determined.

Current challenges in fetal monitoring There are a number of issues that must be considered if the current paradigms are to be effective in the prediction and diagnosis of intrapartum fetal asphyxia. The first issue is to acknowledge the diversity of fetal asphyxia. Fetal asphyxia is not either on or off but rather simulates a dimmer switch that may vary in duration and degree. This may range from mild hypoxemia beginning in the antepartum period as demonstrated in cordocentesis studies to acute near total fetal asphyxia associated with a sentinel event such as a uterine rupture or prolapsed cord. Fetal asphyxia may occur in either a continuous or intermittent fashion, features that may relate to the effect of uterine contractions during labour on utero-placental blood flow. On the other hand, there is a corresponding range in the effectiveness of the fetal cardiovascular compensation that serves as the defence mechanism protecting the fetal brain, a response that may be confounded by the concurrent presence of intrauterine infection and cytokines. In the development of clinical management protocols, it is important to remember that fetal surveillance cannot prevent fetal asphyxia or brain damage due to fetal asphyxia that occurs before fetal surveillance begins. The objective of fetal monitoring is the prediction of mild fetal asphyxia and prevention of progression to moderate or severe fetal asphyxia with newborn cerebral dysfunction and brain damage. The window of opportunity for the prediction and diagnosis of mild fetal asphyxia will vary widely in relation to the diversity of fetal asphyxia. The determination of the duration of this window in the individual clinical situation is difficult because of the limited information available in respect to the duration,

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Fetal monitoring during labour

degree and nature of the asphyxia and the quality of the fetal cardiovascular response. This makes the definition of a ‘decision-delivery time’ in clinical management protocols difficult. At present the primary screening test available for the prediction of the fetus at risk for fetal asphyxia is EFM. The second and most important issue is the lack of a detailed algorithm for the interpretation of FHR patterns with appropriate recommendations for management. Although the FHR algorithm outlined in this presentation requires further testing in clinical trials it highlights the difficulties facing the clinician at the present time. If an algorithm such as this is to be used the FHR record must be continuously scored to identify predictive and particularly potentially predictive patterns. A predictive pattern is an indication for intervention. If the objective to prevent moderate and severe asphyxia is to be achieved, the clinician cannot wait for a predictive FHR pattern at which point the fetal asphyxia is usually already moderate or severe. The key to the problem is the intermediate patterns expressed by the potentially predictive patterns in this algorithm that accounts for 50% of the fetal asphyxia. Potentially predictive patterns require supplementary assessments because of the associated high false positive rate. A blood gas and acid–base assessment is required to confirm the diagnosis. The final issue is a fetal surveillance protocol for ‘lowrisk obstetric patients’ who account for approximately 25% of fetal asphyxia. Current guidelines advocate the use of intermittent auscultation in the surveillance of the ‘low-risk obstetric patient’ even though there are no randomized clinical trials to support the benefit of this procedure. If the goal of prevention of fetal asphyxia is to be achieved, the intermediate potentially predictive patterns must be identified. This requires the early recognition of minimal baseline variability and late or prolonged decelerations by auscultation. Even in a continuously recorded FHR record, the inter-observer reliability for the discrimination between moderate and minimal baseline FHR variability and between variable and late decelerations is low. It is not realistic to anticipate that intermittent auscultation can effectively determine FHR patterns in six 10-min cycles over 1 h to identify the onset of potentially predictive patterns. It is counter intuitive to anticipate that current fetal assessment protocols for ‘low-risk obstetric patients’ are effective.

References 1. Bax M & Nelson KB (1993) Birth asphyxia: a statement. World Federation of Neurology Group. Dev Med Child Neurol 35, 1022–4.


2. Westgate J, Garibaldi JM & Greene KR (1994) Umbilical cord blood gas analysis at delivery: a time for quality data. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 101, 1054–63. 3. Victory R, Penava D, da Silva O, Natale R & Richardson B (2004) Umbilical cord pH and base excess values in relation to adverse outcome events for infants delivering at term. Am J Obstet Gynecol 191, 2021–8. 4. Low JA, Lindsay BG & Derrick EJ (1997) Threshold of metabolic acidosis associated with newborn complications. Am J Obstet Gynecol 177, 1391–4. 5. Low JA, Panagiotopoulos C & Derrick EJ (1994) Newborn complications after intrapartum asphyxia with metabolic acidosis in the term fetus. Am J Obstet Gynecol 170, 1081–7. 6. Low JA, Panagiotopoulos C & Derrick EJ (1995) Newborn complications after intrapartum asphyxia with metabolic acidosis in the preterm fetus. Am J Obstet Gynecol 172, 805–10. 7. Low JA, Galbraith, RS, Muir DW, Killen HL, Pater EA & Karchmar EJ (1988) Motor and cognitive deficits after intrapartum fetal asphyxia in the mature infant. Am J Obstet Gynecol 158, 356–61. 8. Low JA, Galbraith RS, Muir DW, Killen HL, Pater EA & Karchmar EJ (1992) Mortality and morbidity after intrapartum asphyxia in the preterm fetus. Obstet Gynecol 80, 57–61. 9. Low JA (1997) Intrapartum fetal asphyxia: definition, diagnosis, and classification. Am J Obstet Gynecol 176, 957–9. 10. Handley-Derry M, Low JA, Burke SO, Waurick M, Killen H & Derrick EJ (1997) Intrapartum fetal asphyxia and the occurrence of minor deficits in 4- to 8-year-old children. Dev Med Child Neurol 39, 508–14. 11. Low JA, Simpson LL, Tonni G & Chamberlain S (1995) Limitations in the clinical prediction of intrapartum fetal asphyxia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 172, 801–4. 12. Low JA, Simpson LL & Ramsey DA (1992) The clinical diagnosis of asphyxia responsible for brain damage in the human fetus. Am J Obstet Gynecol 167, 11–15. 13. Hon EH (1958) The electronic evaluation of the fetal heart rate. Am J Obstet Gynecol 75, 1215 – 30. 14. James LS, Morishimo HO, Daniel SS, Bowe ET, Cohen H & Niemann WH (1972) Mechanism of late decelerations of the fetal heart rate. Am J Obstet Gynecol 113, 578. 15. Murata Y, Martin CB, Ikenoue T, Hashimoto T, Sagawa T & Sakata H (1982) Fetal heart rate accelerations and late decelerations during the course of intrauterine death in chronically catheterized rhesus monkeys. Am J Obstet Gynecol 144, 218–23. 16. Harris JL, Krueger TR & Parer JT (1982) Mechanisms of late decelerations of the fetal heart rate during hypoxia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 144, 491–6. 17. Quilligan EJ & Paul RH (1975) Fetal monitoring: is it worth it? Obstet Gynecol 45, 96–100. 18. Gardosi J (1996) Monitoring technology and the clinical perspective. Baillieres Clin Obstet Gynaecol 10, 325–39. 19. Neilson JP (1995) EFM alone vs. intermittent auscultation in labor (revised 04 May 1994). In: Keirse MJNC, Renfrew MJ, Neilson JP & Crowther C (eds) Pregnancy and Childbirth Module. The Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Database. The Cochrane Collaborative Issue 2. Oxford: Update Software.

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20. Neilson JP (1995) EFM + scalp sampling vs. intermittent auscultation in labor (revised 04 May 1994). In: Keirse MJNC, Renfrew MJ, Neilson JP & Crowther C (eds) Pregnancy and Childbirth Module. The Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Database. The Cochrane Collaboration Issue 2. Oxford:Update Software. 21. American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1995) ACOG Technical Bulletin. Fetal heart rate patterns: monitoring, interpretation, and management. Number 207–July 1995. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 51, 65–74. 22. Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. Clinical Practice Guidelines. Fetal health surveillance in labour. Clinical Practice Guideline No 112, March 2001. 23. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (2001) The Use of Electronic Fetal Monitoring. Evidence-based Clinical Guideline May 2001 (No. 8). London: RCOG Press. 24. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Research Planning Workshop (1997). Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring research guidelines for interpretation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 177, 1385–90. 25. Freeman R (2002) Problems with intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring interpretation and patient management. Obstet Gynecol 100, 813–26. 26. Hon EH & Quilligan EJ (1968) Electronic evaluation of fetal heart rate. Further observations on pathologic fetal bradycardia. Clin Obstet Gynecol 11, 145–67. 27. Uzan S, Fouillot JP & Sureau C (1989) Computer analysis of FHR patterns in labour. In: Spencer JAD (ed) Fetal Monitoring. Tunbridge Wells: CHP 159–64. 28. Paneth N, Bommarito M & Stricker J (1993) Electronic fetal monitoring and later outcome. Clin Invest Med 16, 159–65. 29. Low JA, Victory R & Derrick EJ (1999) Predictive value of electronic fetal monitoring for intrapartum fetal asphyxia with metabolic acidosis. Obstet Gynecol 93, 285–91. 30. Low JA, Pickersgill H, Killen HL & Derrick EJ (2001) The prediction and prevention of intrapartum fetal asphyxia in term pregnancies. Am J Obstet Gynecol 184, 724–30. 31. Low JA, Killen HL & Derrick EJ (2002) The prediction and prevention of intrapartum fetal asphyxia in preterm pregnancies. Am J Obstet Gynecol 186, 279–82. 32. Elimian A, Figueroa R & Tejani N (1997) Intrapartum assessment of fetal well being: a comparison of scalp stimulation with scalp blood ph sampling. Obstet Gynecol 89, 373–6. 33. Skupski DW, Rosenberg CR & Eglington GS (2002) Intrapartum fetal stimulation tests: a meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol 99, 129–34.

34. Perrson-Kjerstadius N, Forsgen H & Westgren M (1999) Intrapartum amnioinfusion in women with oligohydramnios. A prospective randomized trial. Acta Obstet Gynaecol Scand 78, 116–9. 35. Hofmeyr GJ (2000) Prophylactic versus therapeutic amnioinfusion for oligohydramnios in labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2, CD000176. 36. Widmark C, Lindecrantz K, Murray H & Rosen KG (1992) Changes in the PR, RR intervals and the ST waveforms of the fetal lamb electrocardiogram with acute hypoxemia. J Dev Physiol 18, 99–103. 37. deHaan HH, Ijzermans ACM, deHaan J & Hasaart THM (1995) The T/QRS ratio of the electrocardiogram does not reliably reflect well-being in fetal lambs. Am J Obstet Gynecol 172, 35–43. 38. MacLachlan NA, Spencer JAD, Harding K & Arulkumaran S (1992) Fetal acidemia, the cardiotocograph and the T/QRS ratio of the fetal ECG in labour. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 9, 26–31. 39. Amer-Wahlin I, Hellsten C, Noren H et al. (2001) Cardiotocography only versus cardiotocography plus ST analysis of fetal electrocardiogram for intrapartum fetal monitoring: a Swedish randomized controlled trial. Lancet 358, 534–38. 40. Dervaitis KI, Poole M, Schmidt G, Penava D, Natale R & Gagnon R (2004) St segment analysis of the fetal electrocardiogram plus electronic fetal heart rate monitoring in labor and its relationship to umbilical cord arterial blood gases. Am J Obstet Gynecol 191, 879–84. 41. Kwee A, van der Hoorn-van den Beld CW, Veerman J, Dekkers AH & Visser GH (2004) Stan S21 fetal heart monitor for fetal surveillance during labor: an observational study in 637 patients. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 15, 400–7. 42. Garite TJ, Dildy GA, McNamara H et al. (2000) A multicenter controlled trial of fetal pulse oximetry in the intrapartum management of nonreassuring fetal heart rate patterns. Am J Obstet Gynecol 183, 1049–58. 43. Kuhnert M & Schmidt S (2004) Intrapartum management of nonreassuring fetal heart rate patterns: a randomized controlled trial of fetal pulse oximetry. Am J Obstet Gynecol 191, 1989–95. 44. Peebles DM, Edwards AD & Wyatt JS (1992) Changes in human fetal cerebral hemoglobin concentration and oxygenation during labor measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 166, 1369–73. 45. Aldrich CJ, D’Antona D, Wyatt JS, Spencer JA, Peebles DM & Reynolds EO (1994) Fetal cerebral oxygenation measured by near-infrared spectroscopy shortly before birth and acid–base status at birth. Obstet Gynecol 84, 861–6.

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Chapter 9: Analgesia and anaesthesia John A. Crowhurst

Pain The distress and pain women often endure while they are struggling through a difficult labour are beyond description, and seem to be more than human nature would be able to bear under any other circumstances. Medical men may oppose for a time the superinduction of anaesthesia in parturition, but our patients will force the use of it upon the profession. The whole question is, even now, one merely of time.

These statements by James Young Simpson in 1847 [1] are still most pertinent, as they encapsulate today’s widely held view of both parturients and most perinatal careproviders. Firstly because most of today’s labouring women do not want to suffer severe pain, and more importantly they know that it is no longer necessary to do so. Pain is defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain as: ‘An unpleasant, subjective, sensory & emotional experience associated with real or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.’ In colloquial terms, ‘Pain is what hurts’, and is an unnecessary accompaniment to most labours. Severe pain is common, affecting some 60–70% of nulliparous and 35–40% of multiparous labours. So many factors may contribute to pain in labour that a specific aetiological diagnosis of the causes of such pain is difficult, but ALL causes of pain must be considered, and investigated, before analgesia is administered. While contraction pain, cervical dilatation and second stage labour pain have obvious physiological causes, the basis of severe pain in any individual may be due to obstructed labour; fetal position; extreme anxiety; uterine hyperstimulation; uterine rupture or extant pathology, such as fibromyata or other tumours; haemorrhoids, adhesions or scarring from previous surgery, and so on. The effects of severe pain are principally a sympathetic autonomic response and include exhaustion, dehydration, misery, raised heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen and glucose consumption, decreased blood flow and oxygen to placenta and fetus, hyperventilation and cramps.

Obviously in many individuals such effects are undesirable and in some may even be life-threatening. While many authors distinguish between physiological and pathological pain of any kind, in the individual, if severe enough to exceed that person’s threshold of tolerance, it results in the sympathetically mediated responses listed above. In such circumstances, pain relief should be readily available. Most women desire to be in control when they are in labour, but many cannot achieve this if/when they cannot cope with severe pain. For most women, the duration, nature and severity of pain in labour is unpredictable. Thus it is prudent to advise all expectant mothers to keep an open mind about pain and its relief, and to understand the advantages and disadvantages, benefits and risks of all techniques of analgesia available. In at-risk pregnancies, be they due to fetal, obstetric or maternal factors, analgesia or anaesthesia is almost always required, and frequently recommended. If such risk factors increase the hazards of any anaesthetic procedure, consultation with an anaesthetist during the pregnancy is prudent.

Obstetric analgesia and anaesthesia The ideal analgesic technique in labour should: 1 Provide rapid, effective and safe pain relief for all stages. 2 Not compromise maternal vital physiology or normal activity. 3 Not compromise fetal vital physiology or well-being. 4 Not hamper the normal processes of labour. 5 Be flexible enough to convert to anaesthesia for urgent operative delivery or other intervention, e.g. manual removal of placenta. Meeting such an ideal would leave the mother awake, alert, comfortable and able to void, bear down, and, if desired, even ambulate throughout labour. Unfortunately such ideals are rarely met in medicine, but for the past twenty or so years the development of low-dose neuraxial anaesthesia and analgesia (epidural and combined spinal-epidural (CSE)) has all but achieved these.


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There are two strategies for obstetric analgesia: 1 Reduction of the perception of pain, i.e. reduction of the brain’s perception of, and the body’s and mind’s response to, pain – i.e. reduce the effects of pain. 2 Reduction of the transmission of pain, i.e. reduction of the ability of the nerves to conduct pain. Three methods of implementing these strategies are possible: 1 Psychological techniques, such as a positive attitude, prenatal education, conditioning (physical and mental relaxation) and hypnosis are helpful to many women for mild and moderately severe pain. 2 Physical methods include massage, relaxation techniques and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), but like the psychological techniques listed above, they often fail when pain exceeds one’s threshold of tolerance. 3 Pharmacological techniques may be systemic or regional/ local. Systemic drugs are as effective as they are for trauma, post-operative or other severe pain situations, but in the parturient they may have the disadvantage of affecting uteroplacental blood flow and the fetus, either directly or indirectly. Nevertheless, some gaseous drugs such as nitrous oxide and sevoflurane have extremely rapid action, elimination and minimal metabolism and accumulation, which properties make them ideal for intermittent use, ‘with contractions’. As with all systemic, centrallyacting drugs, however, side effects such as vertigo, nausea and drowsiness limit their efficacy. Parenterally administered analgesics have been popular in obstetrics for many decades, but the same caveats apply. Older opiates such as morphine and pethidine (meperidine) are difficult to titrate to effect; are usually given intramuscularly, resulting in variable absorption and efficacy, and with prolonged, or poorly timed use, accumulate in the fetus and affect fetal well-being and neonatal cardiorespiratory physiology. This is particularly true of pethidine and its primary metabolite, norpethidine, when pethidine is used throughout a long labour. However, two opioids – Fentanyl and Remifentanil – which are potent, short acting and rapidly redistributed and metabolized are most efficacious and safe if given in accordance with approved guidelines and monitoring. Small intravenous boluses of fentanyl (20–25 mcg) may be given in the second stage of labour to alleviate pain and assist the mother to cooperate. This is particularly useful when a spontaneous delivery is imminent and there is no indication for epidural or other anaesthesia. Neonatal depression is uncommon, but if it does occur it is readily reversed with a single dose of naloxone into the umbilical cord vein. Ketamine is a potent non-opioid analgesic, which, in small intermittent intravenous doses (3–5 mg), is useful

too for short-term, late-second-stage analgesia in selected patients. Both fentanyl and remifentanil can be self-administered by patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) devices. Remifentanil in particular holds much promise in this context, but there have been few controlled trials to date. Most anaesthetists would recommend a PCA regime with either of these agents when neuraxial analgesia is contraindicated, provided that attending midwives have been trained in supervising this type of analgesia. Regional, most commonly neuraxial, analgesia has dramatically changed medical and public attitudes to obstetric anaesthesia and pain relief since the 1980s. Although lumbar epidurals have been the benchmark neuraxial technique since the late 1960s, the classic observations of Wang [2] and Behar [3], that demonstrated the spinal actions of neuraxial opioids, opened a remarkable chapter of development of epidural and spinal blockade. When intraspinal opioids are combined with local anaesthetics (LAs), their action is synergistic, enabling lower dose of both drugs to be used to provide neural blockade of varying intensity [4]. These techniques, still widely referred to as ‘epidurals’, include continuous subarachnoid (spinal) anaesthesia (CSA), epidurals, and particularly low-dose CSE are most suitable for labour analgesia in the vast majority of parturients and are quickly and reliably convertible to anaesthesia for operative delivery or other obstetric or surgical interventions [4]. CSE, and less commonly CSA, have largely replaced the use of ‘single-shot’ spinal anaesthesia for operative delivery in most obstetric units in the UK [5,6]. Similarly, low-dose CSE is rapidly becoming the preferred choice of neuraxial analgesia for labour [7]. Caudal epidural block, while useful for some gynaecological procedures, is now rarely used in obstetrics, and is not recommended. Trans-vaginal pudendal block is occasionally used for a ‘lift-out’ forceps or ventouse delivery, but the failure rate is high (30%), LA dose is high, which may cause acute toxicity and there is a risk of injection into the fetal head. In the rare situations when the obstetrician is the sole operator or does not have expert anaesthesia services available, a low-dose single shot spinal anaesthetic at L3–4 or L4–5 is arguably the best anaesthesia for operative vaginal delivery or repair of vaginal/perineal trauma. The most common type of CSE used for analgesia is the needle-through-needle technique illustrated in Fig. 9.1. The procedure comprises a low-dose intrathecal injection of LA, usually bupivacaine (2–2.5 mg) plus fentanyl (15–25 mcg), followed by insertion of an epidural catheter which is used for ongoing analgesia or anaesthesia if required. For anaesthesia the subarachnoid dose is increased appropriately. Compared with single-shot

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Analgesia and anaesthesia

Table 9.2 Requirements for safe ‘walking epidurals’ in labour

CSF Dura

Cooperative, understanding parturient Presenting part of fetus engaged and well applied to cervix Minimal or no motor and proprioceptive block No postural hypotension Continuous fetal monitoring (CTG), when indicated Suitable conditions: good epidural catheter fixation; attending midwife; disconnect (bung) IV line; no shoes; safe, even floor without cables, steps, mats, etc.

Epidural space

Epidural needle

27G atraumatic spinal needle

Fig. 9.1 Needle-through-needle CSE technique. Table 9.1 Low-dose CSE compared with epidural and S-S spinal

Onset of action (min) Median pain score 60–90 min Total drugs dose Observable leg weakness (%)† Postdural puncture headache (%) Hypotension (%)† Failure (i.e. GA is required) (%)† Pruritus (%)† Duration (min)


S-S spinal∗



Fast (1–5) 0

Slow (10–20) 0–3

Fast (1–5) 0

Low 100

High 5–50

Low 0–40




20–80 1.7–6.0

5–10 2–6

5–10 0.3–0.7

50–80 60–240

20–80 ∞

20–80 ∞

Source: Modified from Paech M (2003) Anesth Clin North Am 21, 1–17. ∗ Single-shot spinal anaesthesia dose = 2 − 3x subarachnoid dose of CSE. † These side effects are dose dependent with epidural and CSE. High ranges associated with full anaesthesia doses.

spinal anaesthesia, a subarachnoid dose of 50% or less will provide surgical anaesthesia for Caesarean delivery in >70% cases [6,7]. In the remainder, the epidural is ‘topped-up’ to establish the required level of block. The advantages of this CSE technique compared with epidural injection alone are listed in Table 9.1. Foremost are the rapidity of onset, the markedly reduced failure rate and the reduced density of motor block in the legs, which, with low dose, can be fine-tuned to permit normal ambulation in >90% of labouring women [8,9]. Ambulation in labour has not been shown to significantly affect the mode of delivery, but the ‘lighter’ degree of blockade and the ability to ambulate have been shown to provide much greater satisfaction and ‘control’ [9–11]. To permit safe ambulation, all delivery unit staff must be appropriately trained and certain conditions must be met (Table 9.2). Despite many studies, the only definitive test

to assess a mother’s ability to ambulate is to allow her to judge her own ability. This should be done in stages, firstly monitoring blood pressure and vital signs, including Cardiotocograph (CTG) when sitting on the bedside, then standing. When walking or moving about her room, no mother should be left unattended. Disadvantages of CSE include a slightly more complex technique, but this is easily mastered, and the dural puncture made by the fine gauge, atraumatic spinal needle, which is not significantly different from when epidurals alone are used. Hypotension is uncommon with low-dose epidural or CSE and is easily monitored and corrected [12]. The fact remains, however, that neuraxial blockade is an invasive technique with the potential for serious, though fortunately rare, morbidity. The true incidence of traumatic neuropathy, infections, such as epidural abscess and meningitis is unknown with estimates between 1 in 5000 to 1 in 15,000 [13,14]. These complications can be minimized, if not prevented entirely, with careful attention to skilled technique. Peripheral nerve injuries due to labour and delivery are far more common and have been reported as frequently as almost 1% (96 in 10,000) in a population of women receiving all kinds of analgesia [15]. Such neuropraxias almost always recover within a year. Spinal epidural haematoma (SEH) is a very significant risk in patients with a coagulopathy or who are receiving thromboprophylactic therapy. Following the introduction of low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs), many cases of SEH were reported, especially in the United States, where LMWH doses were 1.5 times that used in Europe and elsewhere. Clear communication between anaesthetist and obstetrician, and strict guidelines must be observed when neuraxial block and anticoagulant therapy are used together. While neuraxial anaesthesia is the most commonly used procedure for operative delivery, it is not appropriate for all women. There are several important contraindications, see Table 9.3. Apart from pain, there are many obstetric indications for neuraxial block in labour. In these cases – breech and other malpresentations; previous operative delivery; large fetus; multiple pregnancy – it is generally agreed that such

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Table 9.3 Contraindications to neuraxial blockade Absolute


Patient refusal Raised intracranial pressure Infection: systemic and localized Uncorrected hypovolaemia Coagulopathy, anticoagulant therapy Spinal/neurological pathology, abnormality Some complex cardiovascular and other conditions Inadequately skilled management team Urgency (Degree of urgency)

mothers should have a neuraxial block administered during labour, so that if the need for intervention arises, the epidural catheter can be quickly ‘topped-up’ to provide appropriate anaesthesia. For instrumental delivery, where maternal ‘powers’ are required, the top-up block can be tailored to provide sensory blockade of sacral dermatomes and up to the T10 level, while retaining motor power in the abdominal muscles. Bearing down can then be instituted in time with contractions. For abdominal delivery, the epidural is topped-up with dosage sufficient to provide relaxation of abdominal muscles, and a sensory block of dermatomes to T4. One disadvantage of neuraxial anaesthesia for operative delivery is that the anaesthesia does not provide tocolysis, although this can be achieved with intravenous glyceryl trinitrate or other drugs, (see ‘Acute tocolysis’, p. 67) Because severe pain increases sympathetic tone with a resultant rise in blood pressure, oxygen consumption and redistribution of cardiac output resulting in reduced uteroplacental perfusion, many at-risk parturients can benefit from optimal analgesia during labour. Pre-eclampsia and other hypertensive states, and other cardio-respiratory disorders are therefore good indications for neuraxial analgesia in labour, even if severe pain is absent. In high-risk patients, neuraxial anaesthesia for surgery or operative delivery is often the technique of choice. Low-dose CSE can provide marked haemodynamic stability in parturients with severe aortic or mitral stenosis; obstructive cardiomyopathy and pulmonary hypertension delivered by elective Caesarean section [16]. Such patients require expert team management, beginning early in the pregnancy. Because maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality is high in such cases, early consultation with a cardiologist and an anaesthetist is imperative so that management plans can be agreed to, both for ongoing monitoring and care, and for elective or emergency delivery. Any anaesthesia in such patients is potentially hazardous, and because neuraxial techniques may fail, a back-up strategy must be planned for, with all appropriate facilities and carers.

Informed consent for anaesthetic procedures Through the 1990s, in developed countries, the number of women receiving an anaesthetic procedure in association with a pregnancy increased to more than 60% [17] in line with the increasing popularity of, and demand for, neuraxial analgesia – older mothers, obesity, increased Caesarean delivery rates, in vitro fertilization procedures and the like. Because ALL expectant mothers may require analgesia or anaesthesia it is imperative that appropriate information on all aspects of pain, analgesia and anaesthesia is given to all women in the antenatal period. When anxiety, fear or refusal is expressed, a consultation with an obstetric anaesthetist should be arranged during the pregnancy. Such pre-education is mandatory to prevent difficulties in obtaining informed consent when the analgesia or anaesthesia is required or requested, especially in urgent or emergency situations and when the mother is experiencing severe pain [18].

General anaesthesia ‘If we could induce anaesthesia without loss of consciousness, most would regard it as a even greater advance’, remarked James Young Simpson soon after a maternal anaesthetic death in the early days of chloroform anaesthesia in 1847 [1]. In 2000, The National Sentinel Caesarean Section Audit reported that general anaesthesia (GA) was used in less than 30% of Caesarean deliveries, and most of these were emergencies [19]. At Queen Charlotte’s Hospital, London, GAis used for only 5% of all Caesarean deliveries. Moreover GA remains the anaesthesia of choice for failed neuraxial blocks; situations when regional anaesthesia is contraindicated and other surgery in pregnancy and the puerperium – see also below. Indeed the ‘greater advance’ prophesied by Simpson can be seen in the marked reduction in maternal mortality as neuraxial anaesthesia has superceded GA during the past 50 years. GA in pregnancy is considered far more hazardous than for the normal population, with airway difficulties, failed intubation, pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents and their sequelae accounting for the majority of deaths. However, the triennial Confidential Maternal Mortality Reports since 1952 repeatedly suggested that most of the direct anaesthetic deaths attributed to GA, whatever the cause, could have been prevented with better communication between obstetricians and anaesthetists. As stated above, ALL gravidae are potential candidates for anaesthesia, and this is often required in an emergency. As expectant mothers are a ‘captive’ population attending for regular antenatal care and review, it is imperative that anaesthetic risk factors be identified, and an appropriate anaesthetic

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Analgesia and anaesthesia

Table 9.4 Principal anaesthetic risk factors Patient refusal of analgesic/anaesthetic procedures Previous complications or adverse reactions to anaesthesia Proven sensitivity or allergy to anaesthetic drugs Severe medical disorders Anticoagulant therapy or risk of coagulopathy Thrombocytopaenia Airway abnormalities Obesity Spinal abnormalities or previous spinal surgery Intervertebral disc prolapse Neurological disease (Some) complex obstetric and/or fetal situations Planned operative delivery or other surgery in pregnancy

consultation arranged early in the pregnancy. ‘At-risk’ gravidae should include all those with such risk factors, even though there may be no perceived obstetric, fetal or medical complications. Major anaesthetic risk factors are listed in Table 9.4, but this list is not comprehensive. Clinical judgement should always govern the need for antenatal anaesthesia consultation in many cases. Because ALL parturients are at risk of pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents, prophylactic antacid and/or H-2 blocking premedication is standard practice before both regional and GA. General anaesthesia is usually used for emergencies and for surgery when neuraxial block is contraindicated. However, in many labours, the likelihood for operative or assisted delivery can be anticipated, and an urgent GA avoided by having neuraxial analgesia already in situ, which can be used to induce anaesthesia quickly when required. Many anaesthetists will recommend a combination of general and neuraxial anaesthesia for Caesarean hysterectomy and other complicated surgery, enabling the mother to be awake for the delivery, and then receive GA for the remainder of the operation. The epidural catheter is then used for post-operative analgesia. Similarly for fetal surgery, or other surgery during pregnancy, combined GA and block is frequently used. Such combination provides optimal tocolysis with volatile anaesthetic agents such as isoflurane. Modern GA drugs do not increase the risk of uterine atony post-delivery, but uterine tone should be monitored closely and appropriate oxytocics administered as needed.

Acute tocolysis Tocolytic drugs are discussed elsewhere, but during operative delivery and fetal surgery the anaesthetist may be required to provide acute tocolysis. Arguably, volatile anaesthetic drugs are the most effective acute tocolytics,


but by definition they induce unconsciousness and thus general anaesthesia. Intravenous alternatives are available, and can be used with regional anaesthesia, but they must be used with caution and appropriate monitoring lest cardiovascular collapse occur. As outlined above, GA, and optimal tocolysis are often preferred for complex surgery involving uterine manipulations, and some multiple pregnancy deliveries, for example, conjoined or monoamniotic twins. In summary, modern obstetrics includes anaesthetic procedures for most parturients. Close cooperation, consultation and planning, minimal use of general anaesthesia, especially in emergency situations have markedly reduced maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity, and will continue to do so. All expectant mothers may require analgesia or anaesthesia, so risk factors must be sought and acted upon antenatally to maintain the impressive record of safety of anaesthesia in obstetrics.

References 1. Simpson JY (1847) Notes on Chloroform. 2. Wang JK, Nauss LA & Thomas JE (1979) Pain relief by intrathecally applied morphine in man. Anesthesiology 50, 149–51. 3. Behar M, Magora F, Olshwang D & Davidson JT (1979) Epidural morphine in treatment of pain. Lancet 1, 527–9. 4. Campbell DC, Camann WC & Datta S (1995) The addition of bupivacaine to sufentanil for labor analgesia. Anesth Analg 81, 305–9. 5. Crowhurst JA & Birnbach D (2000) Low-dose neuraxial block: heading towards the new millennium. (Editorial). Anesth Analg 90, 24. 6. Rawal N, Van Zundert A, Holmström B & Crowhurst J (1997) Combined spinal-epidural technique. Reg Anesth 22, 406–23. 7. Ranasinghe JS, Steadman J, Toyama T, Lai M. (2003) Combined spinal epidural anaesthesia is better than spinal or epidural alone for Caesarean delivery. Br J Anaesth 91, 299–300. 8. Plaat F, Alsaud S, Crowhurst JA et al. (1996) Selective sensory blockade with low-dose combined spinal/epidural (CSE) allows safe ambulation in labour. A pilot study. Int J Obstet Anaesth 5(3), 220. 9. Collis RE, Baxandall ML, Srikantharajah ID et al. (1993) Combined spinal epidural analgesia with ability to walk throughout labour. Lancet 341 767–8. 10. Rawal N (1995) European trends in the use of combined spinal epidural technique – a 17-nation survey. Reg Anesth 20(2S), 162. 11. ‘COMET’ study group UK (2001) Effect of low-dose mobile versus traditional epidural techniques on mode of delivery: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 358, 19–23. 12. Vercauteren MP, Coppejans HC, Hoffman VH et al. (2000) Prevention of hypotension by a single 5-mg dose of ephedrine during small-dose spinal anesthesia in prehydrated caesarean delivery patients. Anesth Analg 90, 324–7.

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13. Ong BY, Cohen MM, Esmail A et al. (1987) Paresthesias and motor dysfunction after labor and delivery. Anesth Analg 66, 18–22. 14. Holdcroft A, Gibberd FB, Hargrove RL et al. (1995) Neurological complications associated with pregnancy. Br J Anaesth 75, 522–6. 15. Wong CA, Scavone BM, Dugan S et al. (2003) Incidence of postpartum lumbosacral spine and lower extremity nerve injuries. Obstet Gynecol 101, 279–98. 16. Hamlyn L, Plaat F, Stocks G & Crowhurst JA (2005) Low-dose combined spinal-epidural anaesthesia for

caesarean delivery of high-risk cardiac disease parturients. Int J Obstet Anesth 14, 355–61. 17. Crowhurst JA (1992) Epidurals in obstetrics – how safe? (Editorial). Med J Aust 157(4), 220–22. 18. Crowhurst JA & Plaat F (2001) Pain relief in labour and the anaesthetist. In: MacLean AB, Stones RW & Thornton S (eds) Pain in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. London: RCOG Press, 356–7. 19. Thomas J & Paranjothy S (2001) The National Sentinel Caesarean Section Audit Report. London: RCOG Press.

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Chapter 10: Puerperium and lactation D. Keith Edmonds

The puerperium is a period that lasts from delivery of the placenta till 6–12 weeks after delivery. It is a time of enormous importance to the mother and her baby and yet it is an aspect of maternity care that has received relatively less attention than pregnancy and delivery. During the puerperium the pelvic organs return to the non-gravid state, the metabolic changes of pregnancy are reversed and lactation is established. In the absence of breastfeeding, the reproductive cycle may start again within a few weeks. The puerperium is a time which is steeped in cultural customs and rituals in many different countries and indeed many of the medical recommendations about the puerperium have developed as adaptations of socially acceptable traditions rather than science. The puerperium is also a time of psychological adjustment and while most mothers’ enjoyment of the arrival of a newborn baby is obvious the transition to becoming a responsible parent and the anxiety about a child’s welfare will influence the mothers’ ability to cope. These anxieties may be compounded if she is tired after her labour or if she has any medical complications. However, the majority of women are subjected to another problem that new mothers find very difficult to cope with and this is the plethora of well-meaning but conflicting advice from doctors, midwives, relatives and friends. Here again, the cultural influences may be at conflict with the mother’s own beliefs. It is extremely important that an atmosphere be created whereby a mother can learn to handle her baby with confidence, and here the influence of midwifery and obstetric staff plays an important role in trying to establish what will be an important part of their lives. In caring for a woman during the early puerperium, the role of the obstetrician and midwife is to monitor the physiological changes of the puerperium, to diagnose and treat any postnatal complications, to establish infant feeding, to give the mother emotional support and to advise about contraception and other measures which will contribute to continuing health. It is important to bear in mind that maternal death may still occur in the puerperium and hence its importance cannot be understated.

Physiology of the puerperium There are two major physiological events that occur during the puerperium. The first is the establishment of lactation and the second is the return of the physiological changes of pregnancy to the non-pregnant state. During the first 2 weeks after childbirth, the changes in the organs are quite rapid but some take 6–12 weeks to complete.

The uterus The crude weight of the pregnant uterus at term is approximately 1000 g and the weight of the non-pregnant uterus is between 50 and 100 g. By 6 weeks post-partum, the uterus has returned to its normal size and from a clinical perspective, the uterine fundus is no longer palpable abdominally by 10 days post-partum. The cervix itself is very flaccid after delivery but within a few days returns to its original state. The placental site in the first 3 days after delivery is infiltrated with granulocytes and mononuclear cells and this reaction extends into the endometrium and the superficial myometrium. By the seventh day there is evidence of the regeneration of endometrial glands and by day 16 post-partum the endometrium is fully restored. Decidual necrosis begins on the first day and by the seventh day a well-demarcated zone exists between necrotic and viable tissue. The presence of mononuclear cells and lymphocytes persists for about 10 days and it is presumed that this acts as some form of antibacterial barrier. Haemostasis immediately after a birth is accomplished by arterial smooth muscle contraction and compression of vessels by the uterine muscle. The vessels in the placental site are characterized during the first 8 days by thrombosis, hyalinization and obliterative fibrinoid endarteritis. Immediately post delivery, bleeding lasts for several hours and then rapidly diminishes to a red-brown discharge by the third or fourth day post-partum. This vaginal discharge is known as lochia and after the third or fourth day the discharge becomes mucopurulent and sometimes malodorous. This is known as the lochia serosa and it


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has a mean duration of 22–27 days. However, 10–15% of women will have lochia serosa for at least 6 weeks [1]. Not infrequently, there is a sudden but transient increase in uterine bleeding between 7 and 14 days post-partum. This corresponds to the shedding of the slough over the placental site and as myometrial vessels are still at this stage larger than normal it accounts for the dramatic bleeding that can occur with this phenomenon. However, it is selflimiting and subsides within 1–2 h. A new endometrium will grow from the basal layers of the decidua but this is influenced by the method of infant feeding. If lactation is suppressed, the uterine cavity may be covered by new endometrium within 3–4 weeks, but if lactation is established, endometrial growth may be suppressed for many months.

Table 10.1 Changes in the cardiovascular and coagulation systems during the puerperium

Cardiovascular Heart rate Stroke volume Cardiac output Blood pressure Plasma volume Coagulation Fibrinogen Clotting factors Platelet count Fibrinolysis

Ovarian function Women who breastfeed their infants will be amenorrhoeic for long periods of time, often until the child is weaned. However, in non-lactating women, ovulation may occur as early as 27 days after delivery although the mean time is approximately 70–75 days. Among those women who are breastfeeding, the mean time to ovulation is 6 months. Menstruation resumes by 12 weeks post-partum in 70% of women who are not lactating and the mean time to the first menstruation is 7–9 weeks. The risk of ovulation within the first 6 months post-partum in women exclusively breastfeeding is between 1 and 5% [2]. The hormonal basis of puerperial ovulation suppression in lactating women appears to be the persistence of elevated serum prolactin levels. Prolactin levels fall to the normal range by the third week post-partum in non-lactating women but remain elevated to the sixth week post-partum in lactating women.

Cardiovascular and coagulation system Changes take place in the cardiovascular and coagulation systems which have practical and clinical implications and these are summarized in Table 10.1. Although both heart rate and cardiac output fall in the early puerperium there may be an early rise in stroke volume and together with the rise in blood pressure due to increased peripheral resistance it is a time of high risk for mothers with cardiac disease. Such mothers require extra supervision at this time (see Chapter 26). Although it is assumed that by 6 weeks the woman’s body has changed physiologically back to the non-pregnant state, it can be seen from Table 10.1 that cardiac output may remain elevated for up to 24 weeks post-natally. During the immediate post-natal period, fibrinolytic activity is increased for 1–4 days before it returns to normal by 1 week. Platelet counts are normal

Early puerperium

Late puerperium

Fall – 14% by 48 h Rise over 48 h Remains elevated and then falls over 48 h Rises over 4 days Initial increase and then fall

Normal by 2 weeks Normal by 2 weeks Normal by 24 weeks

Rise in first week Most remain elevated Fall and then rise Rapid reversal of pregnancy inhibition of tissue plasminogen activator

Normal by 6 weeks Normal by 3 weeks Normal by 6 weeks Normal by 3 weeks

Normal by 6 weeks Progressive decline in first week

Adapted from Dunlop [29].

during pregnancy but there is a sharp rise in platelets after delivery, making it a time of high risk for thromboembolic disease [3].

Urinary tract During the first few days the bladder and urethra may show evidence of mild trauma sustained at delivery although these changes are usually associated with localized oedema. These are transient and do not remain in evidence for long. The changes that occur in the urinary tract during pregnancy disappear in a similar manner to other involutional changes and within 2–3 weeks the hydroureter and pelvic dilatation in the kidney are almost eliminated and completely return to normal by 6–8 weeks post-partum.

Weight loss There is an immediate loss of 4.5–6 kg following birth due to the placenta, amniotic fluid and blood loss that occurs at delivery. By 6 weeks post-partum, 28% of women will have returned to their pre-pregnancy weight and in those women who did not have excessive weight gain in pregnancy, they should have returned to their normal prepregnancy weight by 6 months post-partum. Women with excessive weight gain in pregnancy (>15 kg) are likely to find that at 6 months they still have net gain of 5 kg, which may persist indefinitely [4]. Breastfeeding has no effect on post-partum weight loss unless lactation continues for 6 months [5] and diet and exercise have no effect on the

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growth of infants who are being breastfed and women can therefore be encouraged to return to normal activity and to regain their weight even though they are lactating [6].

Thyroid function Thyroid volume increases by approximately 30% during pregnancy and this returns to normal over a 12-week period. Thyroxine and triiodothyronine return to normal within 4 weeks post-partum.

Hair loss Hair growth slows in the puerperium and women will often experience hair loss as temporarily more hair is lost than regrown. This is a transient phenomenon but it is important for women to realize that this may take between 6 months and a year to return to normal.

Management of puerperium The morbidity associated with the puerperium is underestimated and an important review (Table 10.2) shows that after childbirth mothers have high levels of post-partum problems. Thirty-one per cent of women felt that they had major problems for up to 8 weeks post-partum. In trying to reduce the impact of this morbidity there are a number of principles which need to be applied in planning post-natal care. These include: 1 Continuity of care. An ideal pattern of care is one that offers continuity from the antenatal period through childbirth and into the puerperium involving the smallest team of health professionals with which the mother can identify. 2 Mother/infant bonding. It is now well established that mothers and their partners should be able to hold and touch their babies as soon as possible after delivery. Good Table 10.2 Proportion of mothers having major, intermediate and minor morbidity after childbirth

Minor Intermediate Major

In hospital (0–5 days) n = 1249 Percentage of women 95% CI

At home (up to 8 weeks) n = 1116 Percentage of women 95% CI

67 60 25

74 48 31

64–69 58–63 22–27

71–77 46–57 29–34

From Glazener et al. [15]. Minor problems: tiredness, backache, constipation, piles, headache. Intermediate: perineal pain, breast problems, tearfulness/depression. Major: hypertension, vaginal discharge, abnormal bleeding, stitch breakdown, voiding difficulties/incontinence, urinary infection, side effects of epidural.


post-natal facilities which allow rooming in, privacy and the opportunity for close contact play an important part in helping parents to have a good experience of childbirth. 3 Flexible discharge policies. The optimum duration of postnatal stay varies with the needs of the individual mother and her baby. Some mothers will elect to have a home confinement, some will elect to have early discharge at 6 h post-natally and others may have greater needs, particularly those who have had complicated deliveries and those who wish to establish breastfeeding before going home. The current pressure on maternity services in the Western world means that any length of stay in hospital to respond to maternal needs as opposed to medical necessity has meant that this flexibility has been curtailed. While this has not had an impact on successful breastfeeding, the psychological morbidity may have increased. 4 Emotional and physical support. Mothers require help and support after childbirth and this may come from her partner, relatives and friends. Good professional support is also important and good communication between hospital staff, community midwives, the general practitioner and health visitor is essential.

Routine observations During the patient’s stay in hospital, she will be asked if she has any complaints and regular checks are made of her pulse, temperature, blood pressure, fundal height and lochia. The perineum should be inspected daily if there has been any trauma and the episiotomy or other wounds checked for signs of infection. It is also important that urinary output is satisfactory and that the bladder is being emptied completely. These observations are necessary to give the earliest warning of any possible complications.

Ambulation in the puerperium It is now well established that early mobilization after childbirth is extremely important. Once the mother has recovered from the physical rigours of her labour, she should be encouraged to mobilize as soon as possible. The physiotherapist has an important role to play in returning the patient to normal health during the puerperium and limb exercises will be particularly important to encourage venous flow in the leg veins of any mother who has been immobilized in bed for any reason. Exercises to the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles are most valuable in restoring normal tone which may have been lost during pregnancy.

Complications of the puerperium Serious and sometimes fatal complications may arise during the puerperium. The most serious complications are

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Table 10.3 Deaths from pulmonary embolism reported by Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health

Table 10.4 Deaths from puerperal sepsis as reported in Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health


Total deaths





Total deaths




1985–87 1988–90 1991–93 1994–96 1997–99 2000–02

30 24 30 46 31 25

1.3 1.0 1.3 2.1 1.5 1.3

13 11 17 25 13 16

0.6 0.5 0.7 1.1 0.6 0.8

1985–87 1988–90 1991–93 1994–96 1997–99 2000–02

9 17 15 16 18 13

4 7.2 6.5 7.3 8.5 6.5

2 4 4 11 4 5

0.9 1.7 1.7 5.0 1.9 2.5

thromboembolism, infection and haemorrhage, as well as mental disorders and breast problems.

Thrombosis and embolism The Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health 2000–2002 [7] shows that pulmonary embolism is still a major cause of death in the puerperium. Of a total of 25 deaths that occurred in the triennium, 16 occurred in the post-natal period. Table 10.3 illustrates how the rate of pulmonary embolism as a cause of death has remained static since 1985. The report identifies that there are three major areas that give rise to this increased risk of pulmonary embolism. These were increased maternal age, a family history of thromboembolism and obesity with its associated lack of mobility. Of the 16 deaths that occurred, 7 occurred within 7 days of delivery and 6 in the subsequent 2 weeks. The other 3 deaths occurred after this time. Currently, the use of prophylactic, subcutaneous, low molecular weight heparin as prophylaxis in the puerperium is given only to women who are having Caesarean sections but attention should be given to this increased risk group for prophylactic heparin in the puerperium following vaginal delivery.

Puerperal infection Puerperal pyrexia may have several causes but it is an important clinical sign which merits careful investigation. Infection may occur in several sites and each needs to be investigated in the presence of elevated temperature.

Genital tract infection Genital tract infection continues to present a lifethreatening problem to women and Table 10.4 shows the risk of puerperal sepsis and maternal death over the last 17 years. The most virulent organism is beta-haemolytic streptococcus but more commonly Chalmydia, Escherichia coli and other gram negative bacteria will be the infective agents. Table 10.5 summarizes the main causes of post-natal pyrexia. Early diagnosis and treatment are

Table 10.5 Risk factors for post-natal depression Unmarried Under age 20 Brought up by single parent Poor parental support in childhood Poor relationship with partner Socially disadvantaged Poor achievement educationally Low self-esteem Previous emotional problems Previous depressive illness

imperative if the long-term sequelae are to be avoided. Of importance in the five deaths that occurred between 2000 and 2002, four out of the five became ill in the community and it is important that healthcare professionals who are caring for women after discharge from hospital should be aware of the dangers of puerperal sepsis and the need for early treatment.

Urinary tract infection This is a common infection in the puerperium following the not infrequent use of catheterization during labour. Some women will also develop urinary retention and require indwelling catheters. E. coli is the commonest pathogen and again early treatment is advised.

Respiratory infection These are now seen less commonly during the puerperium as fewer women have a general anaesthetic for delivery. However, chest symptoms may be a sign of pulmonary embolism and in all women who present with any chest problems a possible diagnosis of pulmonary embolism should be considered.

Other causes Any surgical wound should be examined for evidence of infection and this is obviously important following

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Caesarean section. Wound infection may manifest itself as a reddened, tender area, deep to the incision, which may be surrounded by induration. Treatment will depend on the extent and severity of the infection. If the infection is well localized it may discharge spontaneously or if an abscess has formed this may require incision and drainage. The use of broad spectrum antibiotics will be required and bacteriological specimens should be sent for examination. It is occasionally necessary to re-suture wounds after infection but often wounds will granulate from the base and heal spontaneously. The legs should always be inspected if a puerperal pyrexia is present because of the risk of thrombophlebitis and it may also be a sign of deep venous thrombosis. The breasts should be examined for signs of breast infection; breast abscess formation is very unusual until after the fourteenth post-natal day.

Urinary complications Other than infection, urinary retention is the commonest complication following delivery especially if there has been any trauma to the urethra or oedema round the bladder neck. A painful episiotomy may make it very difficult for women to spontaneously micturate and retention of urine may occur. Following epidural anaesthesia, there may be temporary interruption of the normal sensory stimuli for bladder function and over-distension of the bladder may occur. It is extremely important that, in the immediate post-natal period, urinary retention is avoided as over-distension may lead to an atonic bladder, which is then unable to empty spontaneously. If the bladder is distended, it is usually palpable abdominally but if this is not the case or the clinician is uncertain of the abdominal findings, an ultrasound scan should be performed to determine the volume of urine retained in the bladder. The treatment of urinary retention is to leave an indwelling catheter on continuous drainage for 48 h. The patient can be ambulant during this time and after the bladder has been continuously emptied, the catheter can be removed and then the volumes of urine passed can be monitored. If there is any suspicion that further retention is occurring, then a suprapubic catheter should be inserted so that the bladder can undergo a further period of continuous drainage and then intermittent clamping of the catheter can be instituted until normal bladder function returns.

Incontinence of urine Urinary incontinence will occur in many women immediately following delivery and approximately 15% of women will have urinary incontinence which persists for 3 months after birth [8]. However, a recent study by Glazener et al. [9] showed that three quarters of


women with urinary incontinence 3 months after childbirth still have this 6 years later. Urinary incontinence is more frequently seen following instrumental delivery and least frequently seen after elective Caesarean section. Urinary fistulae are uncommon in obstetric practice today although direct injury from the obstetric forceps may occasionally occur. Complications to the ureter are most commonly seen at a complicated Caesarean section when ureteric injury may either result in a ureteric fistula or ureteric occlusion. Women with this type of urinary problem should not be managed by obstetricians but should be referred to a urological colleague for surgical management.

Incontinence of faeces It is now recognized that 35% of women undergoing their first vaginal delivery develop anal sphincter injury [10,11]. Approximately 10% will still have anal symptoms of urgency or incontinence at 3 months post-natal. Again, in the 6-year follow-up study by Glazener et al. [9], there was no improvement in this anal incontinence rate over time and at 6 years the faecal incontinence rate actually increased to 13%. The aetiology of this type of anal sphincter trauma is complex in the same way as the mechanisms that maintain continence are complex. Instrumental delivery is a recognized cause of trauma and randomized trials suggest that the use of the vacuum extractor is associated with less perineal trauma than forceps delivery [12,13]. In looking at the incidence of anal incontinence, forceps delivery gave a 32% incidence versus 16% for vacuum extraction. The incidence of third and fourth degree tears varies enormously from centre to centre suggesting the clinical ability to recognize this type of trauma may vary. In those women who have a recognized anal sphincter rupture, 37% continue to have anal incontinence despite primary sphincter repair [14].

Secondary post-partum haemorrhage Delayed post-partum bleeding occurs in 1–2% of patients. It occurs most frequently between 8 and 14 days postpartum and in the majority of these cases it is due to sloughing of the placental site. However, if this bleeding is not self-limiting, further investigation will be required. Ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity will usually determine whether there is a significant amount of retained products although it can be at times difficult to distinguish between blood clot and retained placental tissue. Suction evacuation of the uterus is the treatment of choice and if this is required, it is imperative that antibiotic cover is given. If curettage is not required immediately to arrest bleeding, it is best to start antibiotics at least 12 h

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beforehand. This will reduce the risk of endometritis leading to uterine synechae. A combination of metronidazole and augmentin can be used in those patients who have endometritis without retained products of conception. In those that do have retained products who require curettage, intravenous antibiotics in the form of metronidazole and a cephalosporin or clindomycin are the antibiotics of choice. Great care must be taken at the time of curettage as the infected uterus is soft and easy to perforate. Rarely, these measures do not result in cessation of the bleeding and in life-threatening circumstances embolization of the uterine arteries may be effective in controlling the bleeding, as may the use of uterine tamponade using a Foley catheter balloon.

Puerperal psychological disorders Mild pyschological and transient depression is extremely common in the few days post-partum. This transient state of tearfulness, anxiety, irritation and restlessness has been variously described as ‘the blues’ and it may occur in up to 70% of women. It is usually resolved by day 10 post-natally and is probably associated with disruptive sleep patterns and the adaptation and anxiety of having a newborn baby. The changes in steroid hormone levels that occur immediately following delivery are not correlated with this transient depressive state and because it is transient no therapy is needed. Post-partum depression occurs in approximately 8–15% of women and this disorder may vary in severity from mild to suicidal depression [15]. The signs and symptoms of post-natal depression are not different from those of depression in non-pregnant women and there are a number of antenatal factors that increase the risk of major post-partum depression. These are outlined in Table 10.5. There is a high incidence of recurrence of post-partum depression in subsequent pregnancies (around 50%). Mode of delivery has not been associated with an increased risk of post-partum depression but early recognition of this condition is extremely important. When diagnosed early and treated the prognosis is extremely good, although symptoms may persist for up to a year. Unfortunately, there may be delays in the diagnosis as this type of depression occurs most commonly when the mother has returned home and is in the community. A worrying trend over the last few years has been that suicide is now the leading cause of maternal mortality. In the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health 2000–2002 [7], there were a total of 30 deaths in the post-natal period in relation to psychiatric disorders. These 30 deaths were the result of suicide by hanging, jumping from a height, cutting of the throat or overdose. It is therefore obvious that patients at risk must be identified in the antenatal period and communication between

the hospital, obstetrician, midwife, GP, healthcare worker and the psychiatric liaison services must be improved if we are to reduce the level of suicide.

Post-natal psychosis Approximately 0.1% of women post-partum may exhibit some signs of psychosis. Post-partum psychosis is usually characterized by an increased degree of anxiety, a combination of mania and depression, suicidal thoughts, an expression of delusion and a wish to self-harm or to harm the baby. Women manifesting signs of post-partum psychosis should be referred immediately to a psychiatrist and transferred to a mother and baby unit where they can be appropriately cared for as 5% of these women may commit suicide and the infanticide rate is also 5% if they are not treated.

Counselling of patients after perinatal death When a woman and her family experience a loss associated with pregnancy, special attention must be given to the grieving that they are going to undergo. Mourning is an extremely important part of coping and the clinical signs and symptoms of grief are important to recognize so that the healthcare workers can be sympathetic to this grieving process. These symptoms include sleeplessness, fatigue, poor eating habits, preoccupation with pictures of the baby, feelings of guilt, hostility and anger and a general disruption in the normal pattern of daily life. Unless the clinicians are aware of these changes, misunderstanding may occur and the ability to help the process of grieving will be lost. These families require a sympathetic person so that they have the opportunity to express and discuss their feelings in an open way. The establishment of identified individuals who are trained to deal with perinatal death is extremely important and centres should have doctors, midwives and counsellors available to help the grieving families. It is also extremely important that trained individuals are able to help the family with the legal and administrative processes that are needed in association with the death so that they are not overburdened with these which will then interfere with their ability to grieve. Counselling and support for these families may need to go on for many weeks or months after the event and appropriate staff must be available to help them.

Drugs during lactation Drugs which are taken by a breastfeeding mother may pass to the child and it is important to consider whether particular drugs will have any effect on the fetus. This

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Table 10.6 Comparison of the constituents of human and cow’s milk Constituent

Human milk

Cow’s milk

Energy (kcal/100 ml) Protein (g/100 ml) Fat (g/100 ml) Lactose (g/100 ml) Sodium (mmol/l)

75 1.1 4.5 6.8 7

66 3.5 3.7 4.9 2.2

is often a difficult problem and the reader is referred to Shehata et al. [16] on Drugs in Pregnancy.

Infant feeding The major physiological event of the puerperium is the establishment of lactation. Some mothers in developed countries still reject breastfeeding in favour of artificial feeding but there is increasing evidence of the important short-and long-term benefits of breastfeeding.

Advantages of breastfeeding NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS OF BREAST MILK

Human milk is not a constant substance because colostrum differs from mature milk and the milk of the early puerperium differs from the milk of late lactation. Indeed, the content of milk varies at differing stages of the same feed. Nevertheless, the approximate concentrations of human milk and cow’s milk show substantial differences (Table 10.6) with human milk having less protein but more fat and lactose. A number of specific components also differ between human milk and formulae, such as the long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have important neurodevelopmental consequences for the baby [17]. There is no doubt that breast milk is the ideal nutrition for the human baby. PROTECTION AGAINST INFECTION

One of the most important secondary functions of breastfeeding is to protect the infant against infection. This is particularly important in developing countries where it has been estimated that in each year there are 500 million cases of diarrhoea in infants and children and about 20 million of these are fatal. The extent to which breastfeeding protects against infection in infants in developed countries, however, has been a matter of dispute. In a study from Dundee, Scotland, it was found that babies who had been breastfed for at least 3 months had greatly reduced incidences of vomiting and diarrhoea compared with babies who were either bottlefed from birth or completely weaned within a short time of delivery [18]. This


study also found that the protection against gastrointestinal illness in breastfed babies persisted beyond the period of breastfeeding itself and, in the developed country setting at least, was not undermined by the early introduction of at least some supplements. There was a smaller protection against respiratory tract infections but not against other illnesses. A number of mechanisms contribute to the anti-infective properties of breast milk. Breast milk contains lactoferrin which binds iron, and because E. coli requires iron for growth, the multiplication of this organism is inhibited. Breastfeeding also encourages colonization of the gut by non-pathogenic flora which will competitively inhibit pathogenic strains. In addition, there are bacteriocidal enzymes, such as lysozyme, present in breast milk, which will contribute to its protective effect. The most specific anti-infective mechanism, however, is an immunological one. If a mother ingests a pathogen which she has previously encountered, the gutassociated lymphoid tissue situated in the Peyer’s patches of the small intestine will respond by producing specific immunoglobulin A, which is transferred to the breast milk via the thoracic duct (Fig. 10.1). This immunoglobulin, which is present in large amounts in breast milk, is not absorbed from the infant’s gastrointestinal tract but remains in the gut to attach to the specific offending pathogen against which it is directed. In this way the breastfed infant is given protection from the endemic infections in the environment against which the mother will already have immunity. Breast milk contains living cells, such as polymorphs, lymphocytes and plasma cells and although their functions are not yet fully understood they may also be active against invading pathogens. BREASTFEEDING AND NEUROLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT

A number of studies have shown positive associations between breastfeeding and improved childhood cognitive functions, such as increased intelligence quotient, which persist even after allowing for potential confounding variables. For example, one study found that, at 2 years of age, babies who had been breastfed for more than 4 months had a 9.1 point advantage in the Bayley score [19]. Other studies have shown similar but smaller benefits and preterm babies also have improved neurological development if exposed to breast milk [20,21]. The mechanism for the improved neurological development is not fully understood but the presence of long-chain ω-3 fatty acids in breast milk, particularly docosohexanoic acid, may be important; the composition of the infant brain is sensitive to dietary intake but the relationship between the biochemical composition of brain lipid and cognitive function is not yet known. Nevertheless, the possible

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because breastfeeding mothers tend to introduce supplements at a later stage. Nevertheless, mothers with a family history of atopic illness should be informed of the advantages of breastfeeding and of the dangers of introducing supplements too quickly. 1 Ingest pathogen


4 Secrete IgA into milk

3 2 Activate B cells in Peyer's patches

Migrate to breast, become plasma cells

Fig. 10.1 Pathways involved in the secretion of immunoglobulin A in breast milk by the enteromammary circulation. (Courtesy of Professor R.V. Short, Melbourne, Australia.)

beneficial effect of breastfeeding on cognitive function is a topic of great potential importance. BREASTFEEDING AND ATOPIC ILLNESS

There are a number of reports that show lower incidences of atopic illness such as eczema and asthma in breastfed babies. This effect is particularly important when there is a family history of atopic illnesses [22]. When the atopic illness is present, it is commonly associated with raised levels of immunoglobulin E, especially cow’s milk protein. Oddy et al. [22] suggest that, apart from a positive family history, the most important predisposing factor for atopic illness is the early introduction of weaning foods. The protective effect of breastfeeding against atopic illness, therefore, may be secondary, rather than primary,

Breastfeeding may be associated with reduced juvenileonset diabetes mellitus [23] and neoplastic disease in childhood [24]. It is possible that some of these benefits are related to the avoidance of cow’s milk during early life rather than to breastfeeding per se, for example, it is possible that early exposure to bovine serum albumin could trigger an autoimmune process leading to juvenile-onset diabetes. Breast milk is a particularly important ingredient in the diet of preterm infants as it appears to help in the prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis among these particularly vulnerable babies. BREASTFEEDING AND BREAST CANCER

There is an epidemic of breast cancer among women of developed countries in the Western world. A number of recent studies have shown a reduced risk of breast cancer among women who have breastfed their babies [25]. Because breastfeeding appears to have no effect on the incidence of postmenopausal breast cancer, its overall protective effect will be relatively small but the protection offered by lactation still represents an important advantage against a much feared and common disease. BREASTFEEDING AND FERTILITY

The natural contraceptive effect of breastfeeding has received scant attention in the Western world because it is not a reliable method of family planning in all cases. Nevertheless, on a population basis, the antifertility effect of breastfeeding is large and of major importance in the developing world. It has to be remembered that the majority of women in the developing world do not use artificial contraception and rely on natural checks to their fertility. By far the most important of these natural checks is the inhibition of fertility by breastfeeding. In many developing countries mothers breastfeed for 2 years or more, with the effect that their babies are spaced at about 3-yearly intervals. In the developing world, more pregnancies are still prevented by breastfeeding than by all other methods of family planning combined. The current decline in breastfeeding in the developing world is a cause for great concern because, without a sharp rise in contraceptive usage, the loss of its antifertility effect will aggravate the population increase in these countries.

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Puerperium and lactation


Artificially fed children have twice the risk of childhood obesity in comparison to breastfed children [26]. Breastfed children have a significantly reduced blood pressure [27]. These children have a significantly reduced chance of being obese as adults and dying prematurely from cardiovascular disease.


Table 10.7 Prevalence of breastfeeding from birth until 9 months from 1985–2000

Birth 6 weeks 4 months 6 months 9 months





63 41 26 23 14

62 42 28 22 14

66 42 27 21 14

69 42 28 21 13


The mechanisms of lactational amenorrhoea are complex and incompletely understood. The key event is a sucklinginduced change in the hypothalamic sensitivity to the feedback effects of ovarian steroids. During lactation, the hypothalamus becomes more sensitive to the negative feedback effects and less sensitive to the positive feedback effects of oestrogen. This means that if the pituitary secretes enough follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone to initiate the development of an ovarian follicle, the consequent oestrogen secretion will inhibit gonadotrophin production and the follicle will fail to mature. During lactation there is inhibition of the normal pulsatile release of luteinizing hormone from the anterior pituitary gland which is consistent with this explanation. From a clinical standpoint, the major factor is the frequency and duration of the suckling stimulus although other factors such as maternal weight and diet may be important confounding factors. If supplementary food is introduced rapidly at an early stage, the suckling stimulus will fall and early ovulation and a return to fertility will be the consequence.

health professionals should understand the physiology of lactation.

Physiology of lactation At puberty, the milk ducts which lead from the nipple to the secretory alveoli are stimulated by oestrogen to sprout, branch and form glandular tissue buds from which milk-secreting glands will develop (Fig. 10.2). During pregnancy, this breast tissue is further stimulated so that pre-existing alveolar-lobular structures hypertrophy and new ones are formed. At the same time milk-collecting ducts also undergo branching and proliferation. Both oestrogen and progesterone are necessary for mammary development in pregnancy but prolactin, growth hormone and adrenal steroids may also be involved. During pregnancy only minimal amounts of milk are formed in the breast despite high levels of the lactogenic hormones, prolactin and placental lactogen. This is because the actions of these lactogenic hormones are inhibited by the secretion of high levels of oestrogen and progesterone from the placenta and it is not until after delivery that copious milk production is induced.

Trends in infant feeding in the UK Because of the many advantages of breastfeeding, it is important that mothers are given accurate information and encouraged to breastfeed successfully whenever possible. Conversely, mothers who choose to bottle feed should be given proper instructions on best practice and to be supported in their decision. In the UK, about 69% of mothers overall start to breastfeed but many discontinue after a short time. The prevalence of breastfeeding in the UK in 2002 is shown in Table 10.7 and the figures have shown no significant change over the previous 10 years, although a small increase in breastfeeding at birth is noted. Factors which are associated with higher breastfeeding prevalence are higher social class, primiparity, older age of mother and place of residence (mothers in the south of the country have a higher prevalence). In attempting to improve these disappointing low rates of successful breastfeeding, it is important that

Adipose tissue Pectoral muscles

Interlobular connective tissue Areola Nipple

Mammary ducts

Mammary gland lobules

Fig. 10.2 Structure of the lactating breast.

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Prolactin release

Milk-ejection reflex


Sensory input




Prolactin (in blood)

Neural arc

Neural arc Oxytocin (in blood)

Milk secretion

Milk ejection



Fig. 10.3 Pathway of prolactin release from the anterior pituitary gland.

Milk production Two similar, but independent, mechanisms are involved in the establishment of successful lactation (lactogenesis); the first mechanism causes the release of prolactin which acts upon the glandular cells of the breast to stimulate milk secretion (Fig. 10.3) and the second induces the release of oxytocin which acts upon the myoepithelial cells of the breast to induce the milk ejection reflex (Fig. 10.4). Although these two mechanisms are similar, in that they can both be activated by suckling, they are mediated through two entirely different neuroendocrinological pathways. As can be seen in Figs 10.3 and 10.4, the key event in lactogenesis is suckling and the sensitivity of the breast accommodates itself to this important activity. During pregnancy the skin of the areola is relatively insensitive to tactile stimuli but becomes much more sensitive immediately after delivery. This is an ingenious physiological adaptation which ensures that there is an adequate stream of afferent neurological stimuli from the nipple to the hypothalamus to initiate and maintain the release of prolactin and oxytocin, both of which are required for successful lactation.

Milk-ejection reflex Successful breastfeeding depends as much upon effective milk transfer from the breast to the baby as upon adequate

Fig. 10.4 Pathway of oxytocin release from the posterior pituitary gland.

milk secretion. The milk-ejection reflex is mediated by the release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland (see Fig. 10.4). Oxytocin causes contraction of the sensitive myoepithelial cells which are situated around the milksecreting glands and also dilates the ducts by acting upon the muscle cells which lie longitudinally in the duct walls. Contraction of these cells, therefore, has the dual effect of expelling milk from the glands and of encouraging free flow of milk along dilated ducts. This is recognized by the mother as the milk ‘let-down’ and she may be aware of milk being ejected from the opposite breast from which the baby is suckling. In contrast to prolactin, which is secreted only in response to suckling, oxytocin can be released in response to sensory inputs such as the mother seeing the baby or hearing its cry. Oxytocin has a very short halflife in the circulation and is released from the posterior pituitary in a pulsatile manner. As shown in Fig. 10.5 the highest levels of oxytocin may be released prior to suckling in response to the baby’s cry, while prolactin is released only after suckling commences. The milk-ejection reflex is readily inhibited by emotional stress and this may explain why maternal anxiety frequently leads to a failure of lactation. Successful breastfeeding depends upon engendering confidence in the mother and ensuring correct fixing and suckling at the breast.

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Puerperium and lactation




Table 10.8 Ten steps to successful breastfeeding 1. Have a written breastfeeding policy 2. Train all staff 3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding 4. Help mothers to initiate breastfeeding within 30 min of birth 5. Show mothers how to breastfeed 6. Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups 7. Practice 24 h rooming in 8. Encourage breastfeeding on demand 9. Give newborn infants no other food or drink, unless medically indicated 10. Use no artificial teats

20 Oxytocin (ng/l)


16 12 8 4 0 –15

12 4 –8 –4 0 8 Minutes relative to onset of suckling


Fig. 10.5 Pattern of oxytocin release in response to the infant’s cry (C) and to suckling (S). Redrawn from McNeilly et al. (1982) with permission.

Another factor is of potential physiological importance as an inhibitor of breast milk. If the milk is not effectively stripped from the breast at each feed this will inhibit lactopoiesis and lead to a fall in milk production.

From UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative 2004 [30].

concept of ‘baby-friendly hospitals’ has been developed with breastfeeding being an important part of that assessment. The ‘baby-friendly’ initiative has adopted the 10 successful steps to breastfeeding as its central strategy and these are outlined in Table 10.8. Support for the breastfeeding mother is both an art and a science and the reader is referred to some of the detailed texts on the subject (e.g. [28]).


Volumes of breast milk During the first 24 h of the puerperium, the human breast usually secretes small volumes of milk but with regular suckling, milk volumes steadily increase and, by the sixth day of the puerperium, an average volume of 500 ml will be taken by the baby. Once lactation is fully established, an average daily milk volume is about 800 ml. In wellestablished lactation, it is possible to sustain a baby on breast milk alone for 4–6 months.

Management of breastfeeding Despite the fact that it is a physiological event, many women experience difficulties in establishing breastfeeding. The greatest asset that a nursing mother can have is the support of an experienced and sympathetic counsellor. This counsellor may be a midwife, a health visitor or a lay person but the creation of a relaxed and confident environment is vital for successful breastfeeding. Babies are individuals, so there is no simple strategy that works in every case; mothers should be encouraged to learn to respond to their own babies but all too often well-meaning but dogmatic and conflicting advice is given. The best approach is to give mothers all of the options and let them make their own decisions; they will soon learn by trial and error what is best for their own babies. As an important stimulus to the promotion of effective breastfeeding, the

1. Oppenheimer LW, Sherriff EA, Goodman JD et al. (1986) The duration of lochia. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 93, 754–7. 2. Kovacs GT (1985) Post partum fertility – a review. Clin Reprod Fertil 3, 107–14. 3. Greer IA (2003) Prevention of venous thromboembolism in pregnancy. Best Pract Res Clin Haematol 16, 261–78. 4. Rooney BL & Schauberger CW (2002) Excess pregnancy weight gain and long-term obesity: one decade later. Obstet Gynecol 100, 245–52. 5. Dewey KG (2004) Impact of breast feeding on maternal nutritional status. Adv Exp Med Biol 554, 91–100. 6. Larson-Meyer DE (2002) Effect of post partum exercise on mothers and their offspring. Obes Res 10, 841–53. 7. Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (2004) Why Mothers Die 2000–2002. London: RCOG Press. 8. Chaliha C & Stanton SL (2002) Urological problems in pregnancy. BJU International 89, 469–76. 9. Glazener CM, Herbison GP, Macarthur C et al. (2004) Randomised controlled trial of conservative management of post natal urinary incontinence and faecal incontinence: six year follow up. Br Med J 12 (Dec), doi:10.1136/bmj.38320.613461.82. 10. Donnelly VS, Fynes M & Campbell D (1998) Obstetric events leading to anal sphincter damage. Obstet Gynecol 92, 955–61. 11. Sultan AH, Kamm MA, Hudson CN et al. (1993) Anal-sphincter disruption during vaginal delivery. N Eng J Med 329, 1905–11. 12. Bofill JA, Rust OA, Schorr SJ et al. (1996) A randomized prospective trial of the obstetric forceps versus the M-cup vacuum extractor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 175, 1325–30.

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13. Johansson RB, Rice C & Doyle MA (1993) A randomised prospective study comparing the new vacuum extractor policy with forceps delivery. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 100, 524–30. 14. Sultan AH (2002) Third degree tear repair. In: McJean AB (ed.) Incontinence in Women. London: RCOG Press, 379–90. 15. Glazener CM, MacArthur C & Garcia J (1993) Post natal care: time for a change. Contemp Rev Obstet Gynaecol 5, 130–6. 16. Shehata HA & Nelson Piercy C (2001) Drugs in pregnancy. Best Pract Clin Obstet Gynaecol 15, 971–86. 17. Anderson JW, Johnstone BM & Remley DT (1999) breastfeeding and cognitive development: a meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutri 70, 525–35. 18. Howie PW, Forsyth JS, Ogston SA et al. (1990) Protective effect of breast feeding against infection. Br Med J 300, 11–16. 19. Morrow-Tlucak M, Haude RH & Ernhart CB (1988) Breastfeeding and cognitive development in the first 2 years of life. Soc Sci Med 26, 635–9. 20. Lucas, A, Morley R, Cole TJ et al. (1992) Breast milk and subsequent intelligence quotient in children born preterm. Lancet 339, 261–4. 21. Vestergaard M, Obel C, Henriksen TB et al. (1999) Duration of breastfeeding and developmental milestones during the latter half of infancy. Acta Paediatr 88, 1327–32.

22. Oddy WH, Peat JK & de Klerk NH (2002) Maternal asthma, infant feeding, and the risk of asthma in childhood. J Allergy Clin Immunol 110, 65–67. 23. Gerstein HC (1994) Cow’s milk exposure and type I diabetes mellitus. A critical overview of the clinical literature. Diabetes Care 17, 13–19. 24. Davis MK (1998) Review of the evidence for an association between infant feeding and childhood cancer. Int J Cancer Suppl 11, 29–33. 25. Colloborative group on breast cancer and breastfeeding: collaborative reanalysis of individual data from 47 epidemiological studies in 30 countries, including 50302 women with breast cancer and 96973 women without the disease. (2002) Lancet 360, 187–95. 26. von Kries R, Koletzko B, Sauerwald T et al. (1999) Breast feeding and obesity: cross sectional study. Br Med J 319, 147–50. 27. Martin RM, Ness AR, Gunnell D et al. (2004) Does breastfeeding in infancy lower blood pressure in childhood? The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). Circulation 109, 1259–66. 28. Renfrew M Fisher C & Arms S (1990) Breast Feeding: Getting Breastfeeding Right for You. Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts. 29. Dunlop W (1989) The puerperium. Fetal Med Rev 1, 43–60. 30. UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative (2005) @

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Chapter 11: Neonatal care for obstetricians M.A. Thomson and A.D. Edwards

The transition to the extrauterine life Lungs Expansion of the lungs at birth presents a considerable challenge to the newborn infant. In fetal life, lung liquid is actively secreted into the alveolar space and the lung is a fluid-filled organ. During term labour lung liquid production ceases, high fetal blood concentrations of thyroid hormone, adrenaline and corticosteroids cause the direction of fluid flow to be permanently reversed, preparing the air spaces for air breathing. The majority of lung liquid is absorbed into the pulmonary lymphatics and capillaries with a small amount squeezed out of the lungs as a result of high vaginal pressure during the second stage of labour. In response to a number of stimuli following birth which include the change in environmental temperature, audiovisual, proprioceptive changes, touch and physiological hypoxia which occurs when the umbilical cord is clamped a healthy term baby usually takes the first breath within 60 s. The first breaths must generate high pressure within the lungs to overcome several factors, such as the surface tension at the air–liquid interface of collapsed alveoli, the high flow resistance and inertia of fluid in the airways and the elastic recoil and compliance of the lungs and chest wall. Therefore initial respiratory effort results in both large inspiratory breaths which create high negative pressures (20 cmH2 0) within the lungs and forced active expiration producing pressure ranging from 20– 100 cmH2 O. Replacement of lung liquid by air is largely accomplished within a few minutes of birth although this may be delayed if the delivery occurs before the onset of labour or the respiratory drive is compromised by such factors as prematurity, surfactant deficiency, perinatal hypoxia and general anaesthesia. Once expanded, lung compliance is much improved and the pressure required for normal tidal breathing is only about 5 cmH2 O. Failure to reabsorb lung liquid may produce transient tachypnoea in a term baby. Expanded alveoli must be prevented from collapsing again and this depends on the surfactant system.

Surfactant, a complex mixture of mainly phospholipids, with smaller amounts of neutral lipids and proteins is produced by type II alveolar cells. These cells can be identified from about 24 weeks gestation. However, surfactant production is limited until much later in gestation. It is the phospholipids notably dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) which forms a monolayer at the alveolar air–tissue interface thereby significantly reducing surface tension and preventing alveolar collapse. The four surfactantassociated proteins SP-A, SP-B, SP-C, and SP-D each have essential roles; SP-B and C aid spreading, adsorption and recycling of the phospholipids, SP-A has a dual role in improving surfactant function and with SP-D is part of the innate host defence mechanism against infection. Surfactant production and release increases during the latter part of pregnancy under control of hormones such as corticosteroids and thyroid hormone. Maturation of the surfactant system can be stimulated by numerous agents including maternal glucocorticoids. Babies born preterm may fail to clear lung liquid or produce surfactant so that pulmonary compliance remains low and the high negative intrathoracic pressures required for lung inflation during the first breath persist. These infants develop respiratory distress and may require ventilation and surfactant replacement.

The heart and circulation In the fetus, oxygenated blood from the placenta is preferentially streamed through the ductus venosus to the right atrium and across the foramen ovale into the left atrium. Here it mixes with the small quantity of pulmonary venous blood, then passes to the left ventricle from where it is pumped into the aortic root and to the cerebral and coronary circulations. A small proportion of inferior vena cava blood enters the right atrium and mixes with the poorly oxygenated blood returning through the superior vena cava, passing to the right ventricle and pulmonary artery. In the fetus, pulmonary vascular resistance is extremely high and


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very little blood passes from the pulmonary artery into the lungs. Most blood passes though the patent ductus arteriosus to the aorta and supplies the lower body and placenta. The fetal pattern of circulation is dependent on high pulmonary vascular resistance, the presence of the patent ductus arteriosus and the low-resistance placental component of the systemic circulation. At birth, expansion of the lung and the onset of air breathing increase the local oxygen concentration within the lungs which causes a dramatic fall in pulmonary vascular resistance, effected by a complex series of vasoactive mediators which include prostaglandins and nitric oxide. The fall in pulmonary resistance allows pulmonary artery pressure to decrease, and thus right atrial pressure falls below left atrial pressure, so stopping the flow of blood from right to left atrium, and promoting mechanical closure of the foramen ovale. This process is aided by the increase in systemic vascular resistance (and thus left heart pressures) caused by clamping of the umbilical cord with the sudden loss of the low-resistance placental circulation. Increased oxygenation of arterial blood induces closure of the arterial and venous ducts, largely by inhibition of the dilator prostaglandins PGE2 and PGI2 . This system may be immature in the preterm infant and the ductus arteriosus may not close. Lung expansion and oxygenation are thus essential to the circulatory changes at birth, allowing both a fall in pulmonary vascular resistance and the closure of the ductus arteriosus. Situations of impaired respiratory function are frequently associated with pulmonary hypertension leading to a physiological right to left shunt and exacerbation of hypoxaemia. This is evident in respiratory distress syndrome when the pulmonary artery pressure is high, and in conditions such as meconium aspiration or diaphragmatic hernia persistence of the fetal circulatory pattern is the major clinical problem.

Haemoglobin In the term infant, the haemoglobin concentration is high, between 16 and 18 g/dl. Of this 80% is fetal haemoglobin (HbF). HbF has a lower affinity for 2,3-diphosphoglycerite which shifts the haemoglobin–oxygen dissociation curve to the left, leading to maximum oxygen transfer at lower pO2 levels. The proportion of HbF falls gradually during the months after birth and by six months only 5% haemoglobin is HbF. The relatively high total haemoglobin concentration also declines after birth. Haemoglobin is removed through the formation of bilirubin which is removed by the liver; hepatic immaturity frequently leads to jaundice in the

normal newborn infant. Excessive haemolysis or liver impairment can lead to levels of unconjugated bilirubin sufficiently high to cause neurological damage.

Feeding and nutrition Human breast milk is the preferred nutrition source for both term and preterm babies; it is associated with a significant reduction in both morbidity and mortality. Every effort should be made to encourage a mother to breastfeed. There are few genuine contraindications to breastfeeding; these include some rare inborn errors of metabolism in the baby such as galactosaemia. It is not the practice in the UK to encourage HIV-positive mothers to breastfeed; however, this is not the case in developing countries. Breastfeeding is generally safe for the baby if the mother requires medication; rarely breastfeeding is absolutely contraindicated. Examples of drugs which require caution are given in Table 11.1. When prescribing for a breastfeeding mother it is wise to check that the drug prescribed is safe. Information can be found in the British National Formulary; if a contraindication, caution or a potential problem is identified, the advice of the local paediatric pharmacist or local drug information centre should be sought. Often alternative drugs can be prescribed and breastfeeding continued. Information is also available via websites such as Human breast milk is a complex bioactive fluid that alters in composition over time. Colostrum has a greater concentration of protein and minerals than mature milk and provides a large number of active substances and cells. Term colostrums contains approximately 3 million cells per ml, of which about 50% are polymorpholeucocytes, 40% macrophages, 5% lymphocytes and the remainder epithelial cells. Colostrum also contains antibodies, humoral factors, growth factors and interleukins. Table 11.1 Drugs and breastfeeding Breastfeeding contraindicated Cytotoxics, ergotamine, immunosuppressants, lithium, phenindione, chloramphenicol, tetracyclines Example of drugs to be used with caution during breastfeeding Antiarrhythmic Amiodarone Antibiotic Metronidazole Anticonvulsant Gabapentin, levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, pregabalin, primidone, topiramate, vigabatrin Antidepressant Doxepin, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI) Antihypertensive Betablockers Anxiolytic Benzodiazepines, buspirone Radioisotopes

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Neonatal care for obstetricians

The majority of the immunoglobin (Ig) in milk is secretory IgA, with specific antibodies against antigens recognized by the mothers’ intestinal mucosa which protect against the extrauterine environment. However, most circulating immunoglobulin in the human infant is acquired transplacentally. Healthy term infants feeding on demand usually suckle 2 to 4 hourly. On the first day of life they require about 40 ml/kg of milk, and some 20–30 ml/kg more each day until they take approximately 150 ml/kg per day by the end of the first week. Infants weighing 1.5–2.0 kg need approximately 60 ml/kg, again increasing to 150 ml/kg per day after 1 week. Feeding infants smaller than 1.5 kg often requires specialized practices such as gavage or parenteral feeds.

Body composition, fluids and electrolyte metabolism Table 11.2 shows the average body composition of appropriately grown infants at different gestational ages. During pregnancy total body water declines from 94% in the first trimester to about 70% at term. Extracellular fluid decreases from 65% body weight at 26 weeks to 40% at term. Administration of intravenous fluids to a mother or Caesarean section increases the infant’s body water after birth. Following birth, an abrupt contraction of the extracellular compartment occurs; term infants lose about 5% and preterm infants 10–15% of body weight by diuresis during the first 5 days. This important adjustment to extrauterine life is interrupted by stress which causes secretion of anti-diuretic hormone; infants with respiratory problems show little weight loss until the lung condition improves. However, infants who are sick from many causes may also show excessive weight loss and loss of more than 10% in a term infant is cause for concern. The glomerular filtration rate is low in newborn infants and only reaches mature levels by the end of the first year. Thus infants initially require little water, and 40–60 ml/kg per 24 h is adequate. Infants have a concomitant obligatory sodium loss and do not require dietary sodium until weight loss is complete. In a sick or preterm infant, fluid and electrolyte administration must be carried out with great care as well as frequent measuring of weight and blood electrolyte concentrations.

Table 11.2 Infantile body compositions Gestational age (weeks) Weight (g) Water (g) Fat (g)

22 500 433 6

26 1000 850 23

29 1500 1240 60

40 3500 2380 525


Temperature control The placenta is a heat exchanger which transfers heat generated by metabolism from fetus to mother. After birth the newborn infant functions as a homeotherm, maintaining deep body temperature at 37◦ C. Heat control places a large demand on neonatal metabolism and physiology because a large surface area to volume ratio and wet skin make the newborn baby vulnerable to excessive heat loss. Newborn infants have a specialized organ for heat production: brown adipose tissue, which allows nonshivering thermogenesis. Catecholamines are released in response to cold, stimulating oxidative phosphorylation in these cells, where uncoupling energy metabolism from ATP generation allows chemical energy to be converted into heat. Non-shivering thermogenesis is impaired in the first few hours of life in sick infants and after maternal sedative administration. Despite this, the newborn infant has a limited capacity to maintain core temperature. At environmental temperatures below 32◦ C non-shivering thermogenesis increases oxygen consumption and maintains core temperature. However, at environmental temperatures below 24◦ C heat production is inadequate and the body temperature will fall. It is therefore important to ensure the environmental temperature in delivery rooms and theatre is 20◦ C for a term baby and at least 23◦ C if a preterm delivery is expected to prevent initial hypothermia. Preterm infants are at particular risk of hypothermia because of lack of brown fat, small energy reserves, high evaporative heat loss through immature skin and a higher surface area to volume ratio. Sickness places extreme demands on the infant’s homeothermic capacity and an unstable core temperature frequently accompanies severe illness. While a healthy term infant can be adequately cared for by dressing and wrapping in warm blankets, sick or preterm infants require incubators or radiant heaters to maintain a normal core temperature.

Resuscitation of the newborn Assessment and simple resuscitation at birth Most infants born at term and without specific indicators of high risk during pregnancy do not need resuscitation. Almost all those who do can be resuscitated by simple methods using bag and mask ventilation. A small number of term infants and the many extremely preterm infants require resuscitation involving endotracheal intubation. Thus, while having equipment for resuscitation ready, the first task of the attendant is to decide whether resuscitation is required or not. Assignment of American Pediatric Gross Assessment Record (APGAR) scores as described in Table 11.3 can

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Table 11.3 Clinical evaluation of the newborn infant (Apgar scoring method) Sign




Heart rate Respiratory effort Muscle tone Reflex irritability (response to stimulation of sole of foot) Colour

Absent Absent Limp No response

Slow (below 100 beats/min) Weak Some flexion of extremities Grimace

Over 100 beats/min Good; strong cry Active motion; extremities well flexed Cry

Blue; pale

Body pink; extremities blue

Completely pink

The Apgar score is obtained by assigning the value of 0, 1 or 2 to each of five signs and summing the result.

be helpful. These scores are conventionally determined at 1 and 5 min and describe cardiorespiratory and neurological depression. There are many causes of depression at birth, and low Apgar scores are neither evidence of birth asphyxia, nor, except in extreme circumstances, a guide to neurological prognosis. Nevertheless, a low Apgar score signifies a problem that needs explanation and management. It is helpful to commence a time clock at the moment of delivery and some attendants aspirate the nasal passages immediately after delivery to remove fluid and debris from the pharynx and exclude choanal atresia, although many believed this to be excessive for low-risk births. In an infant who breathes immediately on delivery, it takes minutes for the cerebral oxygenation concentration to reach normal extrauterine levels and there is no reason to believe that a short period of apnoea at birth causes significant injury. At least three quarters of normal term infants breathe within a minute of delivery and most of the rest have breathed before 3 min. The low-risk newborn can thus be safely given immediately to the mother, while drying with a warm towel, which should then be discarded, and the baby then covered in dry warm towels to allow skin-to-skin contact with the mother. The infant can then be observed, and failure to breath by 30 s should persuade the attendant that resuscitation might be needed. Initially drying, or blowing cold air or oxygen over the face may stimulate respiration. If this fails then resuscitation is appropriate. In many units preterm babies are placed directly in plastic bags without drying. If the bag covers the whole baby except the face better thermal control is achieved and hypothermia, which is known to significantly increase mortality and morbidity, can be prevented. In infants who have taken a first breath, mask ventilation is highly effective provided the right equipment is used. The mask must be soft so as to form a seal around the airway. Pressurized air or oxygen is provided either by a compressible bag or an interruptible pressurized

gas source; both should have a valve which releases pressure at 30 cm of water. After the airway has been adequately cleared by suction, the mask is positioned over the nose and mouth with the baby lying prone and the bag squeezed (or gas provided) to deliver several long inspiratory breaths followed by regular ventilation at a rate of 30–40 breaths/min. In many cases ventilating with air is as effective as using oxygen. This technique requires practice and obstetricians and midwives should maintain their skills, if necessary, using an appropriate resuscitation dummy. The best guide to successful resuscitation is the baby’s heartbeat. This can be determined in most cases by feeling the umbilical cord or the femoral pulsation, or can be heard through a stethoscope over the chest. A heart rate above 120 usually signifies adequate oxygenation, but a heart rate below this implies a need for more effective therapy. The heart rate provides a more immediate and accurate guide to the baby’s state than respiratory effort or skin colour and, especially for the occasional or inexperienced resuscitator, is the best short-term measure of success or failure. The Resuscitation Council UK course in Neonatal Life Support (NLS) teaches and assesses basic neonatal resuscitation practice (

Advanced life support If mask ventilation fails to produce an adequate heart rate check again for evidence of upper airway obstruction and aspirate the nasal passages and nasopharynx. Meconium present in the trachea should have been aspirated under direct vision using a laryngoscope before ventilation, but this may need repeating. If clearing of the airway and reventilation fails to produce a normal heart rate, endotracheal intubation is required. This technique is not difficult but requires practice and carries a considerable danger in inexperienced hands: the endotracheal tube will enter the oesophagus easily and significantly inhibit ventilation. If

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an infant does not rapidly improve after attempted endotracheal intubation, there is presumptive evidence of the tube being in the oesophagus. It should be removed and intubation repeated. If there is doubt it may be safer to concentrate on bag and mask ventilation while awaiting skilled assistance. Once the endotracheal tube is placed, auscultate the chest over both lungs to ascertain that breath sounds are equal. Inequality implies that the tube has been inserted too far and entered one lung, but could also suggest major problems such as pneumothorax or congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Endotracheal intubation secures access for mechanical ventilation. Initial ventilation should include an inspiratory time of approximately 1 s to distend collapsed alveoli, and peak pressures sufficient to visibly move the chest. Once the alveoli are expanded less pressure is required. Thus the first breaths may require peak pressures of 30 cm of water or more in term babies, whereas after this it is usually possible to ventilate the lungs with pressures of approximately half this, and a respiratory time of 0.5 s at a rate of 40 breaths/min. If there is evidence or presumption of surfactant deficiency, exogenous surfactant should be administered early. Effective ventilation is enough to resuscitate most infants and only rarely is cardiac massage or the administration of blood because of bleeding required. On very rare occasions, endotracheal adrenaline may need to be administered for persistent bradycardia and if this fails intravenous adrenaline may be given. It is no longer good practice to administer sodium bicarbonate intravenously to infants unless blood gases are measured or circulatory failure is very prolonged. Most low-risk infants who require resuscitation can be extubated within a few minutes and can usually be nursed by their mothers as long as (1) there is no specific problem such as meconium aspiration, prematurity or a history of infection and (2) adequate observation can be maintained. Infants who cannot be extubated successfully in this time or who continue to have respiratory problems require admission to a neonatal unit.

Admission to neonatal units Approximately 8–10% of births require admission to a neonatal unit; however, a much small number (2–3%) require neonatal intensive care. The criteria for admission vary between units but should include the following: (1) birth weight less than 1.8 kg or gestational age below 34 weeks, as these infants rarely feed from the nipple and have difficulty controlling their temperature or (2) proven or suspected illness, such as respiratory distress, cardiac disease, fits or sepsis.


Unnecessary admission of infants to neonatal units can strain resources and put the infant at risk of nosocomial disease, as well as interrupting bonding and frightening parents. Adequate transitional care facilities are essential to avoid misuse of neonatal care.

Examination of the newborn infant A preliminary examination is made in the delivery room to establish that the baby does not have a major abnormality such as spina bifida and the full examination at a later time. In this way bonding and the initiation of breastfeeding are not interrupted. A full examination should be carried out on every baby in the presence of the mother before discharge from hospital. Ideally it should take place 24–48 h after birth; however, if discharged before this the examination should still be undertaken. It is then advisable to examine the baby again during the first week of life. Any trained practitioner can carry out the newborn examination. A history should be taken including maternal obstetric and family history to identify problems in the baby that will require further management or follow up. During examination one relies heavily on observational skills. Note abnormalities of posture and asymmetry of facial or limb movements. Evidence of jaundice, polycythaemia, anaemia or rashes is noted and choanal atresia excluded. A systematic search for congenital abnormalities can be rapidly performed by examining along the midline and then passing to the limbs. Starting with the head, the facial features should be noted and thought given to dysmorphic syndromes. The palate needs to be examined visually to exclude a clef palate or bifid uvula which signifies a sub-mucus cleft. The eyes must be examined by ophthalmoscopy to exclude cataracts: in a normal eye the red reflex is immediately obvious. Eye movements may not be fully coordinated in the first week of life and momentary strabismus is common. Examination should be made of (1) the back of the neck and the spine for skin lesions suggesting spinal dysraphism; (2) the anus; (3) the genitalia; (4) the femoral pulses; (5) hips; (6) the abdomen; and (7) the chest for examination of the cardiovascular and respiratory system (chest). Then the limbs are examined: digits need to be counted and palmar and planter creases examined; the ankles should be examined for talipes. Examination of the cardiovascular system includes not only auscultation of the heart but also palpation of all pulses and the liver. Murmurs are not necessarily evidence of cardiac abnormalities, whereas major heart disease can occur in infants with normal heart sounds. Important signs

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Chapter 11

of cardiac disease include cyanosis, tachypnoea, recession and absent or high-volume pulses. Respiratory problems also present with cyanosis, recession or tachypnoea, but these two problems can be separated by echocardiography. If this is unavailable a hyperoxia test may be used in which an infant is given 100% oxygen to breathe for 10–20 min and a sample of arterial blood taken from the right arm. Assuming ventilation is adequate, a baby with lung disease will normally have an oxygen tension exceeding 20 kPa whereas in a baby with cyanotic heart disease it normally remains below 15 kPa. The test is now more frequently undertaken with pulse oximetry substituted for arterial blood gas measurement; however, this is prone to error. As the hyperoxia test is not infallible echocardiography is preferred. Examination of the hip is mandatory to exclude congenital dislocation. The infant lies supine, a femur is held in either hand and the hips fully abducted until the femurs lie parallel to the bed. If this cannot be achieved by gentle pressure, the hip is probably dislocated and ultrasound examination is required. The pelvis is then held firmly by one hand while the other grasps the femur in a vertical position, applying pressure downwards and outwards. If the hip is unstable, this will allow the head of the femur to leave the acetabulum. The examiner then abducts the femur, which rides forwards and inwards as it re-enters the acetabular cup producing a low pitched clunk: this signifies a dislocatable hip. High-pitched clicks can also occur because of ligamental laxity. It is wise to obtain ultrasound examinations of all suspect hips, in infants born after breech delivery and in those with a family history of congenital dislocation. A great deal can be learnt about an infant’s neurological status by observation and assessing posture and tone. A normal term infant when left supine will adopt a position in which the limbs are flexed and adducted. If lifted and held prone the baby will momentary hold its head extended before dropping it forward, with the spine adopting a smooth curvature. Reflexes can also be helpful signs of normality. To elicit the Moro reflex gentle but abrupt neck extension is allowed by moving the head, and this results in sudden extension and abduction of the limbs followed by slower adduction and flexion. Slow rotational movement of the head will also elicit dolls eye movement in which the point of gaze remains relatively fixed despite the movement. If the cheek is touched gently, a rooting response will be elicited in which the baby turns his head slightly towards the stimulus and gives a unilateral grimace. Sucking is a valuable neurological sign, and babies who suck well and effectively rarely have a severe encephalopathy. A complete examination includes measurement and plotting on standard charts of weight and head

circumference; this forms the basis of developmental surveillance in following years. It should also be ascertained that the infant has passed meconium and urine within 24 h of birth. The examiner should be prepared to answer maternal questions and discuss the merits of BCG and hepatitis B vaccination, and routine screening tests if appropriate. Universal newborn hearing screening has recently been introduced in the United Kingdom. Universal biochemical screening for phenylketonuria and hypothyroidism during the newborn period is well established. In addition, galactosaemia, cystic fibrosis, haemoglobinopathies and various aminoacidopathies are screened for in some parts of the United Kingdom.

Disorders in the newborn period Preterm birth Infants born significantly before term usually require neonatal care until around the expected date of delivery. Following the introduction of surfactant coupled with the widespread use of antenatal corticosteroids in the mid-90s mortality rates for these infants fell significantly although in the smallest the risks of death remained high (Fig. 11.1). Rates in the twenty-first century remain similar to those shown. Mortality in extremely preterm babies can be significantly reduced if hypothermia is prevented at birth; this is only possible if the delivery room is maintained at an appropriate temperature. Most survivors do not suffer long-term disability, but in infants of less than 28 weeks gestation some 20% suffer neurodevelopmental impairment. The stress on parents and family of having a baby who undergoes intensive care can be immense. They have to suffer prolonged uncertainly about the infant’s survival as well as a loss of control over their baby’s and their own 100 Neonatal (>27 day) survival among live births (%)


1996–9 80 1991–4 60 40 20



27 25 29 31 Gestation (completed weeks)

Fig. 11.1 Neonatal survival among registered live births. Redrawn from Tin et al. (1997) Br Med J 314, 107–10.

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lives. Careful preparation of parents, with visits to the intensive care unit and meetings with unit staff may help, but the difficulties for families in this situation should not be underestimated.

Respiratory disorders Abnormal breathing is a common presentation of many illnesses in the newborn period. Intermittent or periodic breathing is common and not usually significant. However, a respiratory rate persistently above 60 breaths/min needs further investigation, as do periods of apnoea lasting more than a few seconds, especially if associated with cyanosis and bradycardia. Tachypnoea with recession and nasal flaring is frequently the presentation of respiratory or cardiac disorders, while apnoea may be the presentation of a great many disorders such as septicaemia, meningitis, gastrointestinal obstruction or heart disease. SURFACTANT DEFICIENCY

The respiratory distress syndrome caused by inadequate surfactant production is mainly a disease of the preterm infant. However, it can occur in term infants, particularly those of diabetic mothers or after caesarean section without labour. Affected infants may require mechanical ventilation and intensive care. The classical clinical presentation is an infant with tachypnoea, subcostal and intercostal recession and nasal flaring which becomes progressively worse over the first 60 h after birth, and a chest X-ray showing a ground glass appearance with air bronchograms. It can be associated with pneumothorax, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and intracerebral haemorrhage although in more mature infants it normally resolves without sequelae. The combined use of antenatal corticosteroids and surfactant modify the illness, improving survival and reducing the rates of complication such as pneumothorax and intracerebral haemorrhage but have little effect on reducing the incidence of BPD. CONGENITAL PNEUMONIA

Congenital pneumonia is a relatively common problem associated with a variety of microorganisms. The infant presents with respiratory distress and a chest X-ray shows patchy inconsistent shadowing. Treatment is with antibiotics and intensive care as required. MECONIUM ASPIRATION

Inhalation of meconium before or during delivery can be an extremely severe problem if pulmonary hypertension


with reduced lung perfusion and severe hypoxaemia develop. Meconium may block large and/or small airways and lead to a ventilatory deficit. Although meconium aspiration may be apparent at birth, severe disease may present an hour or more later and it is important that babies suspected of having aspirated are carefully observed. Treatment of meconium aspiration complicated pulmonary hypertension requires expert intensive care. Early surfactant administration may be beneficial, highfrequency oscillatory ventilation and the administration of nitric oxide reduce mortality. When other measures fail extracorporeal membrane oxygenation should be considered.


Transient tachypnoea of the newborn is due to delayed reabsorption of lung liquid which leads to a moderate degree of intracostal recession and tachypnoea. In the preterm infant this can lead to marked respiratory distress, but in a term baby needing high inspired oxygen concentrations other causes of respiratory distress should be excluded.


This is a chronic condition affecting up to 50% of infants born at 26 weeks or less. Premature delivery, pre- and postnatal inflammation and infection, ventilation, oxygen and poor nutrition are among the many factors contributing to the development and persistence of BPD. The underlying problem is an arrest in alveolar and peripheral vascular development. The severity is variable ranging from the need for supplementary oxygen for several weeks to prolonged respiratory support with a ventilator or continuous positive airways pressure and death. A small proportion of babies are discharged home on supplementary oxygen; most outgrow the need by 12 months of age. All babies born prematurely have an increased risk of respiratory illness within the first few years of life. This is increased in the group with BPD and respiratory problems may persist into adult life.

Cardiac disorders Some form of congenital heart disease affects between 7 and 9 per 1000 live births of whom approximately one quarter will present in the newborn period. Fetal anomaly ultrasound can detect many lesions; antenatally, however, some are more difficult to diagnose (see Chapter 17).

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Chapter 11

Cardiac disease in the newborn baby presents in five main ways: CYANOSIS DUE TO REDUCED PULMONARY BLOOD FLOW

The commonest causes are transposition of the great arteries (TGA), right to left shunts such as Tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonary or tricuspid atresia. Administration of 100% oxygen fails to increase arterial saturation and a chest X-ray may show oligaemia. Tachypneoa may occur; however, respiratory distress is often not a prominent feature of the presentation whereas cyanosis may be profound. A measurement of blood gases is mandatory both to the diagnosis and as a measure of the baby’s condition: metabolic acidosis is an ominous sign. For those presenting in the neonatal period immediate treatment is required to prevent the ductus arterious from closing with transfer to a specialist paediatric cardiac centre. CARDIORESPIRATORY DISTRESS DUE TO INCREASED PULMONARY BLOOD FLOW

Left to right shunting though septal defects with a consequent increase in pulmonary blood flow decreases the compliance of the lung leading to chest recession and tachypnoea. The homeostatic response to this shunt is fluid retention, leading to congestive cardiac failure with a large liver and oedema. Infants with large left to right shunts are not particularly hypoxaemic except when cardiac failure is severe. The commonest cause of large left to right shunts are large ventricular septal defect, atrioventricular septal defects and patent ductus arterious. CYANOSIS AND CARDIORESPIRATORY DISTRESS

Infants in whom mixing between systemic and pulmonary circulations is impaired can present with breathlessness and cyanosis. Complex conditions such as transposition of the great arteries may lead to this presentation. SHOCK SYNDROME DUE TO LOW CARDIAC OUTPUT

The clinical picture of shock is a desperately ill infant with generalized pallor, cyanosis, cool peripheries and weak or absent pulses. Breathing is laboured or gasping, and the infant is hypotonic. Neonatal shock is usually due to major sepsis, significant blood loss or major interruption to the circulation such as hypoplastic left heart syndrome, severe coarctation of the aorta or complex cardiac defects. Shock can also be part of the later natural history of other cardiac defects. Causes of significant blood loss in the newborn baby are given in Table 11.4.

Table 11.4 Blood loss in newborn infants Before and during delivery

After delivery

Fetomaternal transfusion Fetofetal transfusion in twins Rupture of umbilical cord vessels Abnormal vessels – varices, aneurysm or vasa praevia Normal vessels – precipitate delivery Rupture of placental vessels Placenta praevia (abruptio placenta) External blood loss Cord stump Gastrointestinal – haematemesis and melaena Skin injury – bruising and incisions Internal blood loss Cephalohaematoma Suboponeurotic haemorrhage Intraventricular, subarachnoid and subdural Liver or spleen – rupture and subcapsular


Murmurs are common in newborn infants and are frequently innocent. A low-amplitude-ejection systolic murmur is audible in some 60% of normal newborn infants. It is normally best heard over the pulmonary area and may be due to a ductus arterious that has not fully closed or a pulmonary artery branch flow murmur which disappears before 6 months of age. Innocent murmurs are systolic, short, localized and may change. Infants may develop murmurs when unwell, because of increased cardiac output or reopening of the ductus arterious. Other causes of asymptomatic murmurs in the newborn period include septal defects, aortic or pulmonary stenosis and Tetralogy of Fallot. A thorough search for other signs of cardiac disease should be made and an expert opinion arranged where appropriate. It is important to remember that the mention of a heart murmur can strike panic into even the calmest of parents and the situation needs to be handled with great tact. Rapid definitive diagnosis by echocardiography is the mainstay of successful management.

Neurological disorders NEONATAL ENCEPHALOPATHY

Neonatal encephalopathy can be caused by hypoxia ischaemia due to birth asphyxia but also by other conditions including metabolic disorders and infections. These conditions should be excluded before a confident diagnosis of hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy due to birth asphyxia can be accepted.

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Table 11.5 Classification of severity of hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy in the term newborn Severity of encephalopathy Clinical features




Level of consciousness Muscle tone Seizures Intracranial pressure Primitive reflexes Suck Moro Autonomic function

Hyperalert Normal None Normal

Lethargic Mild hypotonia Common Normal

Stuporous, comatose Flaccid Interactable Elevated

Weak or absent Weak Generalized parasympathetic activity

Absent Absent Both systems depressed

EEG findings

Weak Strong Generalized sympathetic activity Normal (awake)


10 mm Absence of fetus definition Spontaneous miscarriage Pregnancy loss of 30 is regarded as being diagnostic of the menopause but can be misleading as levels can fluctuate if ovarian activity resumes as often does in the climacteric. Work is currently being conducted to develop an accurate predictive model for the menopause by combining FSH and Inhibin with anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH). There has been a great deal of publicity recently that follicular reserve can be predicted by measurement of ovarian volume [2]. The original work in fact took place over 10 years ago; a nomogram was produced from measurement in over 2000 normally cycling women where the mean volume was estimated to be 3.57 cm3 [3]. Further work is required to confirm the predictive value of this model but it is conceivable that a model could be developed which would combine both hormonal and sonographic measurements.

Premature ovarian failure Premature ovarian failure is said to have occurred when menstruation ceases before the age of 40 years and early menopause before the age of 45 years. Although there are many causes of early ovarian failure, the main cause is spontaneous or idiopathic. The main identified genetic causes are Turner’s syndrome and Fragile X. Recently, forkhead genes (FOX03A defect) have been discovered which lead to early follicular activation and thus premature depletion of the follicle pool. Other causes include FSH receptor polymorphisms, where follicles are present but unable to respond due to the loss of the FSH receptor.

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Menopause and the postmenopausal woman


Secretory Ovulation











Fig. 47.2 Endometrial effects of perimenopause: (a) Normal cycle; (b) Unopposed oestrogen effect. From Kumar RJ (ed.) (2002) Blaustein’s pathology of the female genital tract, 5th edn. New York: Springer.

The proportion of women with iatrogenic premature ovarian failure is growing as increasing numbers of women survive leukaemias, lymphomas and gynaecological cancers due to improved surgical techniques, radiotherapy and chemotherapeutic regimens.

Consequences of the menopause Immediate Seventy percent of Caucasians and Afro-Caribbeans suffer from hot flushes and sweats, the commonest menopausal symptoms. This compares to 10–20% of Japanese and Chinese women and may reflect cultural differences or may be diet related (e.g. isoflavone consumption in Asia). Hot flushes are thought to arise due to loss of oestrogenic induced opioid activity in the hypothalamus leading to thermo-dysregulation. It is thought that noradrenaline and serotonin mediate this activity; hence the rationale for using the alpha agonist clonidine and the selective serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) venlafaxine as alternatives to HRT. Obese women are protected from these symptoms due to their production of large amounts of oestrone and their low sex hormone binding globulin levels which leaves more of the free active hormone. Other typical immediate menopausal symptoms include insomnia, anxiety, irritability, memory loss, tiredness and poor concentration. Mood disturbances can occur due to fluctuation in hormone levels leading to perimenopausal

depression. Falling oestrogen levels are thought to lead to similar falls in neurotransmitter levels such as serotonin which trigger these symptoms [4,5]. Women who have suffered from post-natal depression and premenstrual syndrome appear to be particularly predisposed to depression in the perimenopause. Stabilization of hormone levels, for example, with transedermal oestradiol appears to be particularly effective in ameliorating these symptoms. The effect of menopause on cognitive function is unclear; some studies suggest a reduction in cognitive ability during the menopause transition, for example mathematical or visuo-spatial tasks which can be improved with oestrogen replacement but larger randomized studies are required to confirm these findings. The menopause transition can also be associated with a significant reduction in sexuality and libido. This is not only because of decreased vaginal lubrication leading to dyspareunia but also due to the reduction in androgen levels discussed earlier. In fact, there are more androgen receptors in the female forebrain than in the male which modulate for psychosexual parameters. The drop in androgens is particularly profound in women who have undergone early menopause or premature ovarian failure either spontaneously or due to iatrogenic intervention.

Intermediate Oestrogen deficiency leads to the rapid loss of collagen which contributes to the generalized atrophy that occurs after the menopause. In the genital tract this is manifested

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by dyspareunia and vaginal bleeding from fragile atrophic skin. There is loss of rugations and occasionally stenosis. In the lower urinary tract, atrophy of the urethral epithelium occurs with decreased sensitivity of urethral smooth muscle and decreased amount of collagen in periurethral collagen. All this results in dysuria, urgency and frequency, commonly termed the urethral syndrome. More generalized changes are seen in the older woman as increased bruising and thin translucent skin which is vulnerable to trauma and infection. A similar loss of collagen from ligaments and joints may cause many of the generalized aches and pains so common in postmenopausal women.

Bone mass

Chapter 47


Bone turnover






Age (years)

Fig. 47.3 Bone mass and turnover. From [6].

Long term Osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and dementia are three long-term health problems which have been linked to the menopause. OSTEOPOROSIS

Osteoporosis, or osteopenia, is a disorder of the bone matrix resulting in a reduction of bone strength to the extent that there is a significant increased risk of fracture. These fractures cause considerable morbidity in the elderly requiring prolonged hospital care and difficulties in remobilization. The economic consequences are also considerable: in the UK osteoporosis causes more than 150,000 fractures each year with an estimated cost of £1.75 billion per annum in the UK and $5 billion in the USA. With an ageing population and a real increase in the incidence of osteoporosis, this figure will rapidly rise. Osteoporosis is predominantly a disease of women who achieve a lower peak bone mass than men and are then subjected to an accelerated loss of bone density following the menopause. The hypoestrogenic state leads to activation of the bone remodelling units with an excess of bone resorption relative to formation (Fig. 47.3) [6]. Women lose 50% of their skeleton by the age of 70 years, but men only lose 25% by the age of 90 years. The strength of bone is decreased to such an extent that by 70 years of age, 50% of women will have sustained at least one osteoporotic fracture. Although the process of bone remodelling or its control has not yet been fully elucidated there is, at present, sufficient information available to conclude that ovarian steroids (oestrogens, androgens, progesterone) play an essential role in skeletal homeostasis. The mechanism of action of sex steroids on the skeleton is still not entirely clear, but it has traditionally included indirect effects on systemic hormones that regulate calcium balance and a direct receptor-mediated action. More recently, changes

in cytokine production within the bone marrow, as well as pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic effects in the osteoblastic cells, have been proposed as new perspectives on the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which sex steroids influence adult bone homeostasis. Other factors influencing the predisposition to osteoporosis include genetic and racial predisposition, for example, Afro-Caribbean women are less susceptible to osteoporosis, use of corticosteroids and any factor which predisposes to a hypoestrogenic state including premenopausal amenorrhoea, low weight, smoking and premature ovarian failure. There are several genetic polymorphisms which may predispose to osteoporosis including the vitamin D and oestrogen receptor genes, the collagen 1A1 gene and genes for various cytokines including interleukin 6 and tumour growth factor-β. CARDIOVASCULAR

Women are protected against cardiovascular disease before the menopause, after which the incidence rapidly increases reaching a similar frequency to men by the age of 70 years [7]. Surveys of menopausal women have shown that their perceived risk is that 4% will develop heart disease and 46% breast cancer whereas in reality 50% will develop heart disease and 4% breast cancer. The protective effect of oestrogen in premenopausal women is thought to be mediated by an increase in high density lipoprotein (HDL) and a decrease in low density lipoprotein (LDL), nitric oxide mediated vasodilatation leading to increased myocardial blood flow, an antioxidant effect on endothelial cells and a direct effect on the aorta decreasing atheroma. Cross-sectional and prospective observational studies have shown that women going through the menopause transition have elevation of cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL levels and a reduction in HDL2 levels. A 9-year prospective study of 438 Australian women looked at the risk factors for women

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Menopause and the postmenopausal woman

aged 45–55 years having a coronary event. Significant risk factors included a high body mass index (BMI) (p < 0.001) and a decrease in oestradiol levels (p < 0.001) [8]. A recent study showed that oestrogen status was an independent predictor of atherosclerotic plaque area after controlling for age, hypertension, diabetes, etc. [9]. Even normally cycling premenopausal women appear to have an increased cardiovascular disease risk if they have reduced ovarian reserve. Women with a day 3 FSH > 7 IU/l compared to those with a day 3 FSH < 7 IU/l were found to have significantly higher lipid levels, for example cholesterol (p < 0.001) and LDL (p < 0.019) [10]. CNS

Oestrogen also appears to have a direct effect on the vasculature of the central nervous system and promotes neuronal growth and neurotransmission. Studies have demonstrated that oestrogen may improve cerebral perfusion and cognition in women. In the long term this may prevent diseases with a vascular aetiology such as vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s as the vasculature is clearly involved in this. In addition to the effect on vasculature in Alzheimer’s disease, oestrogen may also intervene at the level of amyloid precursor protein. The failure to show benefit for dementia in older populations, and possibly an increased risk with HRT in some studies (Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study [11]), may reflect the predominance of the pro-thrombotic effect of oestrogen in this age group (see ‘HRT’).

Patient assessment The diagnosis of the menopause can usually be ascertained from a characteristic history of the vasomotor symptoms of hot flushes and night sweats and prolonged episodes of amenorrhoea. Measurement of plasma hormone levels in patients with classical symptoms are unnecessary, expensive, time consuming and of little clinical significance. However, in the young patient or in a woman after hysterectomy, where the diagnosis is more difficult and the metabolic implications are serious, measurement of FSH levels may be helpful, in which case repeated measurements of 15 IU/L or above may be regarded as climacteric. In patients still menstruating, persistent hot flushes and night sweats are suggestive of the climacteric, but in those patients with psychological symptoms the diagnosis may be more difficult even with an elaborate psychiatric history. In such cases it may be justified to give a trial of oestrogen therapy and monitor the response before discounting a hormonal aetiology. After the diagnosis has been established, investigations should be no more than the annual screening which is


normally applicable to middle-aged women. This should include assessment of weight, blood pressure and routine cervical cytology. Fasting lipid profile estimation may be useful in women with risk factors not only from a general screening point but also if the patient is contemplating starting HRT. A reanalysis of the data from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study (see ‘HRT controversy’) in which women with abnormal baseline lipids were excluded found no excess risk of cardiovascular disease [12]. If abnormal lipids are detected these should be corrected by diet and statins, if appropriate on an individual basis, before HRT is commenced. Routine breast palpation and pelvic examination is unnecessary; these need only be performed if clinically indicated. Mammography should be performed as part of the national screening programme every 3 years unless more frequent examinations are clinically indicated. However, if a woman chooses to use HRT beyond the current age of breast screening cessation (65 years), mammographic screening should also continue. In women over 45 years of age it is best to arrange screening before starting oestrogen therapy to identify patients with sub-clinical disease. Endometrial biopsy is not a necessary prerequisite to treatment with HRT unless there are symptoms of postmenopausal bleeding or irregular perimenopausal bleeding. In the few cases where an underlying malignancy is present, bleeding will be irregular after starting treatment, indicating the need for immediate further investigation. The best currently available measurement of osteoporosis risk is dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) measurement of the lumbar spine and hip. Other assessment techniques such as peripheral X-ray screening, for example, proximal phalanx and calcaneal and ultrasound screening are improving in terms of their sensitivity and correlation with DEXA but the latter still remains the gold standard. Markers of bone formation and breakdown can be useful in that changes occur more rapidly than with bone density but their use is largely confined to research. There has been some enthusiasm for the implementation of a national osteoporosis screening programme by measurement of bone density, because prediction of osteoporosis from clinical risk factors and the intensity of short-term symptoms is unreliable. This judgement is premature as no studies have yet demonstrated that bone densitometry is suitable for mass screening. The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has therefore issued guidelines as to which high-risk patients should be targeted for DEXA screening (see ‘useful websites’). The RCP advises that DEXAs are performed no more frequently than every 2 years because changes in bone mineral density are so small that they often do not exceed the margin of error of the equipment and assessor.

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Therapeutic options HRT OESTROGEN

Dosage There is general agreement now that patients should be started on the minimum effective dose of oestradiol, increasing the dose only if needed to alleviate symptoms. Although there is no direct evidence that higher doses of exogenous oestrogen are associated with increased risk of breast cancer or heart disease there is a link with venous thromboembolic risk. Importantly, lower doses of oestrogen are less likely to produce breast tenderness and bleeding problems which will reduce continuance of therapy. The minimum dosages of currently available systemic oestrogen are as follows: • 0.3–0.625 mg oral conjugated equine oestrogens • 1 mg of oral micronized oestradiol or oestradiol valerate • 25–50 mcg transdermal oestradiol • 25–50 mg of implanted oestradiol • 150 mcg transnasal oestradiol • 50 mcg oestradiol silicone ring Data suggest that the benefits of a 2 mg dose of oestradiol for symptoms and bone protection can be maintained by a 1 mg dose and similarly the benefits of a 50 mg oestradiol implant are maintained by a 25 mg implant [13]. Studies are currently ongoing to facilitate the licensing of a 0.5 mg oestradiol containing preparation which appears to adequately relieve symptoms. Exceptions to this ‘low dose rule’ are women who suffer premature ovarian failure who need higher doses of oestrogen to reproduce the physiological hormone levels which would have been present if the ovaries had not failed early. The optimum route of administration or dosage in this group of young women has yet to be determined.

Route of administration If we adhere to the principle that we should try to reproduce the most physiological state possible with a 2:1 oestradiol: oestrone ratio then we should avoid the oral route altogether. Oral oestradiol preparations are partially metabolized to oestrone by hepatic first pass metabolism and therefore do not fully restore this ratio. There are twice weekly or once weekly changed transdermal systems containing either oestradiol alone or both oestradiol and progestogen. The combined patches are available in either sequential or continuous regimens. The hormone is adsorbed onto the adhesive matrix which avoids the skin reactions caused by the old alcohol reservoir patches.

Oestradiol can also be used transnasally in a ‘pulsed’ fashion which is thought to maintain the benefits while minimizing the side effects of chronically elevated oestrogen, for example, breast tenderness. It is also available as a low-volume daily transdermal gel or even as a silicone vaginal ring delivering oestradiol systemically for 3 months. The nasal, gel and ring preparations are oestrogen alone and should be combined with progestogen in women with a uterus (see ‘Progestogens’). Local (vaginal) oestrogen [14] Recently developed vaginal HRT regimens have managed to avoid the problem of endometrial stimulation. Creams using oestriol do not produce endometrial hyperplasia and the 17β oestradiol vaginal tablet and silicone vaginal ring also provide effective relief of local symptoms without any significant endometrial effects. These preparations can be used without progestogenic opposition but are only licensed for 3 months use in the UK and 1 year in Europe. Options for local vaginal oestrogen are as follows: • 0.01% Oestriol cream and pessaries • 0.1% Oestriol cream • 25 mcg/24 h Oestradiol vaginal tablets • 7.5 mcg/24 h Oestradiol releasing silicone ring • Premarin cream – this preparation can potentially cause endometrial hyperplasia and should not be used without progestogenic opposition for more than 3 months. PROGESTOGEN/PROGESTERONE

Regimens Oestrogen was originally used unopposed in nonhysterectomized women. It was noted that this led to endometrial hyperplasia in up to 30% of cases. Progestogen has therefore been added to oestrogen therapy for the last 30 years to avoid hyperplasia and carcinoma. It is generally accepted that women commencing HRT should start on a sequential regimen, that is, continuous oestrogen with progestogen for 12 to 14 days per month. The typical dosages of the more commonly used progestogens are shown in Table 47.1. Bleeding problems If bleeding is heavy or erratic the dose of progestogen can be doubled or duration increased to 21 days. Persistent bleeding problems beyond 6 months warrant investigation with ultrasound scan and endometrial biopsy. After 1 year of therapy women can switch to a continuous combined regimen which aims to give a bleed free HRT regimen which will also minimize the risk of endometrial hyperplasia. Alternatively, women can be switched to the

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Table 47.1 Minimum doses of progestogen given orally in HRT as endometrial protection

Progestogen type

Sequential combined daily dosage

C19 – testosterone derived progestogens Norethisterone 5 mg Levonorgestrel 75 mcg Levonorgestrel (IUS) n/a Norgestrel

150 mcg

C21- progesterone derived progestogens Dydrogesterone 10 mg Cyproterone 2 mg Medroxyprogesterone 5 mg acetate Micronized 200 mg Progesterone Cyclogest pessaries 400 mg Crinone gel (4 or 8 %) Alternate day/12 days of cycle

Continuous combined daily dosage 0.5 mg n/a 20 mcg (10 mcg in development) 50 mcg 5 mg 1 mg 2.5 mg 100 mg 200 mg Twice weekly

IUS, Intrauterine system.

tissue selective agent tibolone. With both these regimens there may be some erratic bleeding to begin with but 90% of those that persist with this regimens will eventually be completely bleed free. If starting HRT de novo a bleed free regimen can be used from the outset if the last menstrual period was over a year ago. Progestogenic side effects It is vital that we maximize compliance if patients are to receive the full benefits from hormone replacement therapy (HRT). One of the main factors for reduced compliance is that of progestogen intolerance. Progestogens have a variety of effects apart from the one for which their use was intended, that of secretory transformation of the endometrium. Symptoms of fluid retention are produced by the sodium retaining effect of the renin-aldosterone system which is triggered by stimulation of the mineralocorticoid receptor. Androgenic side effects such as acne and hirsuitism are a problem of the testosterone derived progestogens due to stimulation of the androgen receptors. Mood swings and PMS-like side effects result from stimulation of the central nervous system progesterone receptors [15]. Minimizing progestogen intolerance The dose can be halved and duration of progestogen can be reduced to 7–10 days. However, this may result in bleeding


problems and hyperplasia in a few cases (5–10%) so there should be a low threshold for performing ultrasound scans and endometrial sampling in these women. Natural progesterone has less side effects due to progesterone receptor specificity but is only available in a vaginal form in the UK (200–400 mg pessaries or 4–8% progesterone gel) though micronized oral progesterone is available in France. The levonorgestrel intrauterine system, recently granted a 4 year license in the UK for progestogenic opposition, also minimizes systemic progestogenic side effects by releasing the progestogen directly into the endometrium with low systemic levels. However, in severely progestogen intolerant women, even the low systemic levels of the 20 mcg levonorgestrel intrauterine system can still produce side effects. A smaller, lower dose, 10 mcg system is in phase III clinical trial stage of development and should be ideal for the severely progestogen intolerant woman [16]. A new progestogen, drospirenone, a spironolactone analogue, has recently been incorporated with low dose oestrogen in a continuous combined formulation. It is not only progesterone receptor specific but also has anti-androgenic and anti-mineralocorticoid properties, the former making it useful for hirsuitism and the latter for fluid retention. Also, it may have anti-hypertensive benefits. Progestogenic risks The Women’s Health Inititiative (WHI) [17] and Million Women Study (MWS) [18] studies showed clearly that there is an excess risk of breast cancer using oestrogen and progestogen HRT compared to oestrogen alone. It has therefore been mooted that even non-hysterectomized women should be treated with oestrogen-only containing preparations. According to the MWS data, after 10 years of oestrogen and progestogen HRT there would be an extra 19 per 1000 cases of breast cancer and no cases of endometrial cancer; after 10 years of oestrogen alone in non-hystectomized women, there would be an extra 5 cases per 1000 of breast cancer and 10 cases per 1000 of endometrial cancer (total 15:1000). From this simplistic point of view, it would seem reasonable that all women (even with a uterus) should receive oestrogen alone. However, this does not take into account the excess cases of endometrial hyperplasia and bleeding problems. This would generate excessive investigations such as endometrial sampling, hysteroscopies and even hysterectomies which would not be without their own morbidity and mortality. Current advice remains that progestogenic opposition should still be used. However, it is imperative that we continue to seek improved ways of administering the progestogens which are important in protecting the endometrium to avoid progestogenic side effects and

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minimize effects on breast tissue, for example, vaginal and intrauterine progestogens and natural progesterone. However, there is a lack of data as to the risk of breast cancer in women using oestrogen with a levonorgestrel intrauterine system. TESTOSTERONE

Preparations/regimens Unfortunately, only 100 mg/6 months implanted testosterone pellets are licensed for use in women; 25 mg pellets exist but must be ordered on a named patient basis. The realization that there is currently an unfilled market for female androgen replacement has led to the development of the 300 mcg per day testosterone transdermal system to treat ‘hypoactive sexual desire disorder’. While the license for this product is awaited it is necessary to continue improvising if one wishes to use preparations other than implants. One option is to use testosterone gel which comes in 50 mg, 5 ml sachets at a dose of 0.5–1.0 ml/day. If the free androgen index is kept within the physiological range there are rarely any side effects such as hirsuitism. Levels should be checked at baseline and repeated at 4–6 weeks. Research so far has suggested at worst a neutral effect on the cardiovascular system, for example, arterial compliance and lipid effects. Alternatives to this include scaled down dosages of testosterone injections and oral preparations though many avoid the latter route because of hepatic concerns. THE HRT CONTROVERSY

Over the last few years, health professionals and their patients have been inundated with information regarding the potential benefits and risks of hormone replacement therapy. Information is available from a variety of sources; some are more reliable than others. The popular press subeditors, responsible for the headlines, often sensationalize the risks of HRT. This has left the average health professional in a very difficult position as to what to advise their patients and has left patients bemused as to where they should turn to obtain reliable advice. Breast Recent prospective randomized data from the WHI combined HRT study have confirmed the previous observational data from the Imperial Cancer Research Fund [19] (now ‘Cancer Research UK’) regarding the risks of breast cancer with HRT. The WHI study was stopped prematurely by the data safety monitoring board after running a

mean of 5.2 rather than 8.5 years. This was because it was deemed that the risk versus benefit statistic was exceeded due to an excess of breast cancer and coronary heart disease cases in the treatment arm (continuous combined conjugated equine oestrogens 0.625 mg and medroxyprogesterone acetate 2.5 mg). The data from the WHI study suggested an excess risk of breast cancer with combined hormone therapy of 4 cases per 1000 women after 5 years. A further analysis of the data this year detected a hazards ratio for breast cancer of 1.24 (p > 0.001) for an average of 5.6 year’s exposure to HRT [20]. The MWS, a large questionnaire survey by Cancer Research UK of women attending the NHS breast screening programme, reported an increased risk of breast cancer diagnosis with all HRT regimens (Relative Risk [RR] 1.66 95% CI 1.58–1.75); there was a statistically higher risk with oestrogen/progestogen HRT (RR 2.00 [1.91–2.09]) than that seen with oestrogen alone (RR 1.30 [1.22–1.38]) or tibolone (RR 1.45 [1.25–1.67]). This was alarmingly reported by the press as a doubling of risk of breast cancer with HRT, failing to mention the absolute risk in terms of actual numbers of cases. For oestrogen alone it represented an additional 1.5 per 1000 cases after 5 years of use and for oestrogen/progestogen, an additional 6 per 1000 cases after 5 years of HRT. In women aged 50–64, whose baseline risk is 32:1000 anyway, this translated to 33.5 per 1000 and 38 per 1000 cases, respectively. The higher risk estimates from the MWS compared to WHI were probably due to the observational nature of the MWS which underestimated duration of usage of HRT as it did not count years of HRT exposure from baseline to breast cancer reporting on the UK cancer registry. Also, bearing in mind the natural biology of breast cancer development, it is unlikely that the cancers diagnosed after 1 year had developed de novo – it is more likely that these cancers were missed by mammography at baseline and that HRT had acted as a promoter rather than an initiator. Although the MWS reported on there being an increase in mortality, this was of borderline significance RR 1.22 (CI 1.00–1.48) (p = 0.05); the absence of tumour details also made it difficult to draw any definitive conclusions on this issue. Numerous authors have expressed their reservations regarding the limitations of both the MWS and WHI data [21,22]. On the positive side, a second WHI study in hysterectomized women using unopposed oestrogen reported that the rate of invasive breast cancer diagnosed was 23% lower in the conjugated oestrogen group compared to the placebo and this comparison narrowly missed statistical significance (p = 0.06). This result was unanticipated and appears to suggest that it is the addition of progestogen to oestrogen which leads to the increased risk of breast cancer, not oestrogen alone [23].

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Cardiovascular (coronary heart disease and stroke) Initial cardiovascular data from observational studies suggested up to a 50% reduction in risk of coronary heart disease in HRT users and a neutral effect on stroke. The Heart Estrogen Replacement Study (HERS), however, did not confirm these data in women started on HRT for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease and the WHI did not show any benefit in a primary prevention setting [24]. In fact, WHI suggested that after a mean usage of 5 years there was an excess of heart disease cases in the active treatment arm of the study compared to placebo. The study also found an excess of stroke. The cardiovascular risks in WHI were small, equating to an extra 7–8 cases per 10,000 women per year. These were largely accounted for by an excess of cases in the first couple of years of use, probably due to an initial pro-thrombotic effect of the preparation used. The increase in risk for stroke was clearly age related (age 50–59, 4 cases, 60–69, 9 cases and 70–79 years, 13 cases per 10,000 women per year). Encouragingly, results from the conjugated oestrogen only arm of the WHI study showed that there was no significant effect on Coronary heart disease (CHD) (primary outcome) compared with placebo (hazard ratio 0.91; 95% CI 0.72–1.15). This latest result again suggests that progestogen may be the problem with HRT. In view of the data from HERS and WHI, guidelines were issued from the American Heart Association and Medicines and Health Care Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) that HRT should not be used for primary or secondary prevention of CHD. Future work should now focus on new preparations in younger populations of women. A randomized pilot study from the National Heart and Lung Institute in women using another type of HRT (1 mg oestradiol 0.5 mg norethisterone) after myocardial infarction showed a reduction in risk of re-infarction in the active arm of the study. A larger study, funded by the MRC, is planned as a result of these data [25]. A recent meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in women using HRT in over 26,000 women showed that in those who started HRT before the age of 60 years there was a 39% lower mortality compared to those on placebo RR 0.61 (CI 0.39–0.95) [26].


and it may be that the ‘window’ for Alzheimer’s prevention may be in a much younger age group. There is growing evidence that the chief mechanism of action in all types of dementia is infarction secondary to cerebral micro-emboli. This is much more likely to happen if HRT is started in older age group women due to the predominance of pro-thrombotic events in the first few years. In a younger age group, the beneficial physiological effects of oestrogen on blood flow and lipids could potentially lead to long-term benefits [27].

Endometrial cancer Some authors suggest that sequential combined HRT appears to slightly increase endometrial cancer risk with long-term use [28]. However, continuous combined HRT appears to confer a small protective effect as witnessed by the trend towards protection in the WHI RR 0.83 (0.47–1.47) and other studies [16,29]. The MWS Investigators recently published the analysis of the endometrial cancer data [30]. Non-HRT users had a risk of 3 cases per 1000 women after 5 years. Encouragingly, sequential combined HRT appeared to have a neutral effect overall on the endometrium. The study confirmed that continuous combined HRT had a protective effect (2/1000 after 5 years) and that women using oestrogen alone had an increased risk (5/1000 after 5 years). Surprisingly, there were also a larger number of endometrial cancers reported in the users of the tissue selective agent tibolone (6/1000 after 5 years). This can possibly be explained by the fact that higher risk women, for example, with a family history of endometrial cancer or with previous bleeding problems, have preferentially been started on tibolone because it has been viewed as a lower-risk product. The results of a large (>3000 women) two year prospective randomized trial (THEBES) comparing the effect of tibolone to placebo showed no evidence of endometrial hyperplasia or carcinoma with tibolone [31]. The safety monitoring board has encouragingly allowed the study to continue unchanged.

Venous thromboembolism Dementia Observational and case control data suggested a protective effect for oestrogen for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. These data have not been supported by the recent randomized controlled data from the WHI memory study (WHIMS) which showed that there was a two fold increase risk of all-cause dementia [11]. However, the WHIMS data were from an older age group of women (average 67 years)

It is clear from studies including HERS and WHI that there is a two to three fold increase in risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) with oral HRT with the greatest risk occurring in the first year of use. However, recent data suggest that transdermal therapy may not increase the risk of VTE [32]. There is biological plausibility for this; avoidance of hepatic first pass metabolism minimizes adverse effects on clotting factors and the fibrinolytic system.

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Osteoporosis For many years bone marker and bone density data suggested that HRT had a beneficial effect on the skeleton. The data from the WHI study finally provided strong grade A (randomized placebo controlled) evidence for the gold standard outcome measure, that is, prevention of fractures of the hip and spine (5 less cases per 10,000 women per year). Colorectal cancer The WHI study confirmed previous observational studies for the beneficial effect of combined HRT in reducing the incidence of colorectal cancer (6 less cases per 10,000 women per year) although interestingly not with oestrogen alone. As yet, there is still uncertainty as to the mechanism of action of HRT in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.


Coronary heart disease, stroke and venous thromboembolism were considered in the previous section. Natural oestrogens when given to normotensive or hypertensive women do not cause an elevation in blood pressure, and when given in combination with oral progesterone may actually lower blood pressure; therefore, there is no justification for withholding HRT from hypertensive women. Fibroids are responsive to oestrogens, and involute after the menopause. HRT may continue to stimulate these benign gynaecological tumours causing some to increase in size. This can cause an increase in menstrual blood loss, but in practice this does not usually represent a problem as treatment can easily be discontinued. However, in patients with a good indication who wish to continue therapy, fibroid resection, embolization, myomectomy or hysterectomy are all options available. Patients who have suffered with endometriosis and become menopausal, are usually ‘cured’ of their symptoms. Some may wish to consider HRT and recurrence rates of 4% on HRT can be expected. Recurrence of symptoms is alleviated by stopping HRT. Treatment of patients with a past history of endometrial cancer is controversial, but there are reports of oestrogen use without any detrimental effects in stage I to III disease [33]. Squamous cervical cancer is not oestrogen sensitive. There are no adverse data in ovarian cancer survivors although there may be a very small increased risk of ovarian cancer with long-term unopposed oestrogen use in healthy women. There are no data for adenocarcinoma of the cervix, vaginal or vulval cancer.

Breast cancer must be regarded as the principal contraindication to oestrogen treatment, but high-risk women with a strong family history of breast malignancy or those with benign breast disease should not necessarily be denied treatment. It is unclear what the precise risk of breast cancer recurrence is with HRT use. A study in breast cancer survivors using HRT was terminated because of an apparent excess risk. Unfortunately, this led to the premature termination of two other studies running concomitantly in which no excess risk had been detected [34]. A large tibolone study (LIBERATE) in breast cancer survivors is still in progress and encouragingly has been allowed to continue by the data monitoring board.


According to WHI, the risk of breast cancer appears to increase after 4 years. The MWS has shown a significantly increased risk after only 1 year. However, cancers appearing at 1 year must have been present at baseline with HRT acting as a promoter rather than an initiator. An editorial lead in The Lancet written by an epidemiologist [35] unrealistically suggested that the duration of therapy should be limited to 3–6 months. Unfortunately, it is recognized that symptoms often return when HRT is ceased, even after many years of use. If the underpinning principle of HRT is that it should be used to improve and maintain a good quality of life, in women in whom this principle is maintained, it is difficult to argue that they should have arbitrary deadlines imposed on them. Thus, duration of therapy requires careful judgement of benefits and risks on an individual basis. If therapy is to be discontinued, the dose should be reduced in a stepwise fashion over a minimum of 6 months to reduce the risk of immediate severe symptom resurgence.


How are health professionals supposed to react to these data and advise their patients? Guidance from the Medicine’s and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) (see ‘useful websites’) has advised that HRT should not be recommended for primary or secondary prevention of heart disease. It is recommended that HRT be used merely for symptom relief in the short term at the lowest effective dose and alternatives should be considered in the long term for prevention of osteoporosis. Annual reappraisal of HRT use should be carried out with weighing up of the pros and cons on an individual basis. However, the British Menopause Society (see ‘useful websites’) consensus statement advises that prescribing habits need not be changed by the recent studies because HRT

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use in the UK was primarily for symptom relief rather than primary or secondary prevention.

Alternatives to HRT [36,37]

make symptoms worse; the best activity is aerobic sustained regular exercise [39]. Avoidance or reduction of intake of alcohol and caffeine can reduce the severity and frequency of vasomotor symptoms.


Non-pharmacological alternatives

There is little scientific evidence that complementary and alternative therapies can help menopausal symptoms or provide the same benefits as conventional therapies. Yet many women use them, believing them to be safer and ‘more natural’ especially following the current controversies regarding HRT. The choice of treatments is confusing and unlike conventional medicines, little is known about their active ingredients, safety or side effects or how they may interact with other therapies. They can interfere with warfarin, antidepressants and anti-epileptics with potentially fatal consequences. Some herbal preparations may contain oestrogenic compounds and this is of concern for women with hormone dependent disease such as breast cancer. There is also concern about contaminants such as mercury, arsenic, lead and pesticides. Legislation is soon to be introduced which will make it mandatory for herbal preparations to at least be registered with the MHRA. This will at least allow some control over products which may be completely ineffective or dangerous and it is essential that alternatives to licensed preparations should be judged by similar standards.


Why not HRT? There are a number of reasons why alternatives to HRT may be sought. The main reason is that an individual does not wish to use hormone therapy because they are concerned about the potential side effects and risks. There may be clinician concerns because of the personal or family history of the women, for example, cardiovascular disease, venous thromboembolism or breast cancer. It may be deemed that an alternative preparation is actually a better choice than traditional HRT. While many more exist (over 200!) focus here is on those preparations for which some trial evidence exists. The increasing use of complementary therapies has been confirmed by recent studies; 68% of women attending a menopause clinic in London had ever tried an alternative treatment for symptoms and that 62% of these women were satisfied with the results [38].


This vaginal bioadhesive moisturizer is a more physiological way of replacing vaginal secretions than with lubricant vaginal gels such as KY jelly. It actually rehydrates the tissues and provides a reasonable alternative to systemic or vaginal HRT.

Pharmacological alternatives PROGESTOGENS

Progestogens have traditionally been a popular alternative to combined HRT in women with intractable vasomotor symptoms who have contraindications to oestrogen [40]. However, recent studies, for example, WHI/MWS, have questioned the safety of progestogens because of concerns that the increase in risk of breast cancer with HRT is due to the combination of oestrogen and progestogen (rather than oestrogen alone). Thus, caution should be exercised in treating women with progestogens who have an increased risk of breast cancer. The potential risk to the breast also needs to be taken into account when using progestogens as an alternative in those at risk of thromboembolism. ALPHA 2 AGONISTS

Clonidine, a centrally active alpha2 agonist, has been one of the most popular alternative preparations for the treatment of vasomotor symptoms. Unfortunately it is also one of the preparations for which the least evidence exists for efficacy – at best the trial data show a weak benefit [41]. BETA BLOCKERS

Beta blockers have been postulated as a possible option for treating vasomotor symptoms but the small trials which have been conducted have been disappointing.

Lifestyle measures


There is some evidence that women who are more active tend to suffer less from the symptoms of the menopause but not all types of activity lead to an improvement in symptoms. High-impact infrequent exercise can actually

A significant amount of evidence exists for the efficacy of SSRIs and SNRIs in the treatment of vasomotor symptoms. Although there are some data for SSRIs such as fluoxetine and paroxetine, the most convincing data are for the

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SNRI (venlafaxine) at a dose of 37.5 mg bd [42]. The key effect with these preparations appears to be stimulation of the noradrenergic as opposed to the serotonergic pathways, hence the preferential effect of SNRIs. The trials demonstrate a 50–60% reduction in hot flush frequency and severity. This compares with an 80–90% symptom reduction with traditional hormone therapy. The main drawback with these preparations (especially the SNRIs) is the high incidence of nausea which often leads to withdrawal from therapy before maximum symptom relief efficacy has been achieved. Trials in this area are ongoing.

phytoestrogens has stimulated considerable interest since populations consuming a diet high in isoflavones such as the Japanese appear to have lower rates of menopausal vasomotor symptoms, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis; breast, colon, endometrial and ovarian cancers. The evidence from randomized placebo-controlled trials in Western populations is conflicting for both soy and derivatives from red clover. Similarly, there are also debates about the effects on lipoproteins, endothelial function and blood pressure. Currently other studies are underway to assess these products.


Recent work with the antiepileptic drug Gabapentin has shown efficacy for hot flush reduction compared to placebo. Gabapentin at a dose of 900 mg per day has been shown to reduce hot flush frequency by 45% and symptom severity by 54%. Further work is being conducted to confirm the efficacy and safety of this preparation.

Complementary therapies Among the largest group of users of complementary therapies, middle age women, up to 33% of the population have used these preparations at any one time (European Menopause Survey 2005 [43]). It is estimated that the cost of complementary therapies amounts to 17 billion US dollars per annum. The majority of the costs are borne by the consumer as these are unlicensed preparations. These preparations are often used by women as they are perceived to be a safe alternative to traditional hormone therapies. However, the safety of a number of these preparations has been called into question. The current regulation of complementary and alternative medicine is inadequate and fragmented with only osteopaths and chiropractors currently regulated professions. PHYTOESTROGENS

Phytoestrogens are plant substances that have effects similar to those of oestrogens. Since the first discovery of the oestrogenic activity of plant compounds, over 300 plants have been found to have phytoestrogenic activity. Preparations vary from enriched foods such as bread or drinks (soy milk) to more concentrated tablets. The most important groups are called isoflavones and lignans. The major isoflavones are genistein and daidzein. The major lignans are enterolactone and enterodiol. Isoflavones are found in soybeans, chick peas, red clover and probably other legumes (beans and peas). Oilseeds such as flaxseed are rich in lignans, and they are also found in cereal bran, whole cereals, vegetables, legumes and fruit. The role of

Soy Twelve randomized controlled trials have been published comparing various preparations of soy with placebo. Only four out of the nine studies with a treatment phase lasting more than 6 weeks showed a significant improvement in symptoms compared to placebo. The most important of these trials includes a study of 102 women treated for 12 weeks which showed a 45% reduction in hot flushes in comparison to a 30% reduction in the placebo group [44]. Mammographic density, a risk marker for breast cancer, does not appear to be affected by soy preparations even after 2 year usage. However, long-term treatment with soy has raised some concerns with regard to a low risk of endometrial hyperplasia [45].

Red clover Red clover has a high content of the isoflavones biochanin A and formononetin, while soy contains predominantly genistein, daidzein and glycitein. Soy isoflavones and red clover isoflavones display different affinities for the steroid receptors which may produce differential effects on symptoms though this requires confirmation. Five placebo-controlled studies evaluating the use of red clover isoflavones in the treatment of vasomotor symptoms have been conducted. While the doses of red clover isoflavones (40–160 mg) and the duration of treatment (12–16 weeks) varied in these studies, all showed a numerical reduction in the number of hot flushes compared to placebo [46]. However, the differences only reached statistical significance in two out of the five studies [47]. There were no serious safety concerns associated with short-term administration of red clover isoflavones in any of these studies. Breast density does not appear to be adversely affected by red clover although long-term randomized studies of breast cancer incidence are lacking. Endometrial biopsy data are also lacking though ultrasound scans of endometrial thickness have been reassuring.

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Black cohosh Black cohosh is a herbaceous perennial plant native to North America, widely used to alleviate menopausal symptoms. There are four randomized controlled trials using black cohosh but only one of these was placebo controlled. Three trials have shown benefit for vasomotor symptoms including one where black cohosh was compared to conjugated oestrogens but further efficacy data are required [48]. There have been seven serious adverse events reported recently due to hepatotoxicity; one case requiring liver transplantation [49]. There does not appear to be an endometrial effect and there are no clinical trials assessing the effects of black cohosh on the breast. Evening primrose oil Evening primrose oil is rich in gamma linolenic acid. Even though widely used by women, there is no evidence for efficacy in the menopause [50]. Dong quai


counteracted by DHEA ‘replacement therapy’. DHEA is increasingly being used in the USA, where it is classed as a food supplement, for its supposed anti-ageing effects. Some studies have shown benefits on the skeleton, cognition, well-being, libido and the vagina. There is no evidence that DHEA has any effect on hot flushes. The short-term effects of taking DHEA are still controversial and possible harmful effects of long-term use are, as yet, unknown. Progesterone transdermal creams Progesterone creams derived from wild yam have been advocated for the treatment of menopausal symptoms and skeletal protection. Claims have been made that steroids (diosgenein) in yams (dioscorea villosa) can be converted in the body to progesterone, but this is biochemically impossible. Progesterone creams have recently been the subject of clinical trials, and no benefit on vasomotor symptoms was demonstrated [53]. Despite previous claims, there was no effect on bone mineral density. VITAMINS AND MINERALS

Dong quai is a perennial plant native to southwest China, commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. It has not been found to be superior to placebo for menopausal symptoms in one randomized trial. Interaction with warfarin and photosensitization has been reported due to the presence of coumarins. Ginkgo biloba Use is widespread but there is little evidence to show that it improves menopausal symptoms. Some studies have shown a benefit for relief of anxiety and depression. There are claims for cognitive benefits from recent studies in postmenopausal women but these require confirmation from large long-term studies [51]. St John’s Wort St John’s Wort has been shown to be efficacious in mild to moderate depression both in peri- and premenopausal women due to its SSRI type effect [52], but its efficacy for vasomotor symptoms has not been proven. It has potential interactions with various drugs including warfarin and the pill due to induction of the cytochrome P450 enzymes. STEROIDS

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) Blood levels of DHEA drop dramatically with age. This had led to suggestions that the effects of ageing can be

Vitamins such as E [54] and C, and minerals such as selenium are present in various supplements. The evidence that they are of any benefit to postmenopausal women is lacking. HOMEOPATHY

Data from case histories, observational studies and a small number of randomized trials are encouraging but clearly more research is needed. A recent paper reported on an investigation of the homeopathic approach to the management of symptoms of oestrogen withdrawal in women with breast cancer. Significant improvements in mean symptom scores were seen over the study period and for the primary end-point ’the effect on daily living’ scores. Symptoms other than hot flushes such as fatigue and mood disturbance also appear to be helped [55]. ACUPUNCTURE

A recent small randomized controlled trial of 45 postmenopausal women undergoing shallow acupuncture, electro-acupuncture or oral oestrogen administration showed a significant reduction in hot flush frequency in all three groups. The degree of symptom reduction was greatest in the oestrogen group [56]. Although no adverse effects were demonstrated in this study, rare adverse effects such as cardiac tamponade, pneumothorax and hepatitis have been described. Further data are required to establish the precise benefits of acupuncture for the menopause.

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Reflexology aims to relieve stress or treat health conditions through the application of pressure to specific points or areas of the feet. While it has been used for various conditions such as pain, anxiety and premenstrual syndrome there have been few studies for menopausal complaints. One randomized trial has been published so far where 67 women with vasomotor symptoms aged 45–60 years were randomized to receive reflexology or non-specific foot massage. There was a reduction in symptoms in both groups but there was no significant difference between the groups [57].

their significantly higher antiresorptive power. Both these products have grade A randomized controlled trial data for both prevention and treatment of spine and hip fractures (up to 50% reduction), now with 10 year efficacy data for alendronate [58]. There is also good evidence of bone preservation in women who discontinue alendronate though not to the same extent as those who continue therapy. The main side effects of these products are gastro-oesophageal irritation and ulceration although the once weekly preparations have made them more tolerable. To improve compliance, a once a month (ibandronate) and a once a year (zolendronate) formulation are in development.


In December 2004, the European Medicines Agency ruled that HRT should no longer be used as a first line treatment for osteoporosis. This advice was mirrored by the MHRA in the UK who proclaimed that the long-term risks of HRT outweighed the benefits and that alternative preparations should be used for osteoporosis prophylaxis and treatment. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has recently carried out a technology appraisal for three of the main alternatives to HRT, bisphosphonates, raloxifene and parathyroid hormone. Treatment guidelines have been issued (Jan 2005 NICE website) but there is a delay in the advice regarding prophylaxis as it was only agreed to issue the latter advice after protests from the National Osteoporosis and British Menopause Societies. The most commonly employed alternatives to HRT for bone protection will now be considered. Lifestyle measures Every woman should be encouraged to take plenty of regular exercise in addition to having a well-balanced diet and avoiding smoking. There are studies which show that women who take regular weight-bearing exercise have higher bone mineral densities compared to sedentary controls. Exercise appears to reduce bone loss rather than reverse osteoporosis. It also improves muscle tone thus reducing falls. There is also evidence for reduction in bone loss by the daily use of calcium (≈ 1500 mg elemental calcium) and vitamin D (4–600 IU) supplements.

Raloxifene Raloxifene belongs to the group of compounds called SERMS (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators) which are agonistic in the skeleton and cardiovascular system and antagonistic in the breast and endometrium. Raloxifene is the first of these products to be licensed – it produces modest increases in bone mineral density (BMD) (2–3% per annum) and is licensed for fracture reduction in the spine [59]. However, as it lacks grade A evidence for fracture prevention in the hip, NICE have declared it a second line preparation after bisphosphonates (raloxifene).

Strontium ranelate Strontium ranelate is also antiresorptive and anabolic in its action (dual action bone agent). It has recently been licensed for fracture treatment in both hip and spine (3 year efficacy data with 41% reduction in spine fractures). It has the advantage over bisphosphonates that it does not produce gastrointestinal side effects [60].

Parathyroid hormone (teriparatide) The parathyroid hormone analogue teriparatide is both antiresorptive and anabolic and is licensed for treatment of spine fractures. Due to its mode of administration (daily injection) and its expense NICE have advised that it should be used as third line treatment in elderly women with previous fractures with the severest osteoporosis.

Bisphosphonates Bisphosphonates are pyrophosphate analogues which interfere with osteoclastic resorption. Etidronate was the first bisphosphonate to be licensed but alendronate and risedronate are much more commonly used now due to

Statins There are limited data for an effect of statins on the skeleton but benefits have not been confirmed by randomized trials in human subjects.

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Menopause and the postmenopausal woman

Conclusion We must not underestimate women’s desire for a high quality of life in the menopause. Women will continue to demand HRT or a safe, effective alternative for their symptoms. It is, therefore, our duty to strive to provide the best therapy for women to achieve this goal. With every new study there appears to be a change in advice given by the regulatory agencies as to how we should advise our patients, leading to a great deal of confusion. Best practice should involve the following: 1 Discussion of lifestyle measures, HRT and alternatives should take place from the outset. 2 Management should be individualized taking into account risks and benefits. 3 The main indication for use of HRT should be for symptom relief rather than for prevention of long-term problems. 4 Low-dose HRT should usually be commenced, except in premature ovarian failure, and increased, if necessary, to achieve effective symptom relief. 5 Rigid cut off’s in duration of therapy should be avoided with regular reappraisal (at least annual) of the benefits and risks for each individual. 6 Delivery of services should be from a multidisciplinary team if possible with close liaison with allied specialties and experts.

References 1. Landgren B-M et al. (2004) Menopause transition: annual changes in serum hormonal patterns over the menstrual cycle in women during a 9 year period prior to menopause. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 89(6), 2763–9. 2. Wallace WH & Kelsey TW (2004) Ovarian reserve and reproductive age may be determined from measurement of ovarian volume by transvaginal sonography. Hum Reprod 19(7), 1612–7. 3. Goswamy RK, Campbell S & Royston JP et al. (1988) Ovarian size in postmenopausal women. BJOG 95(8), 795–801. 4. Panay N & Studd JWW (1998) The psychotherapeutic effects of estrogens. Gynaecol Endocrinol 12(5), 353–65. 5. Studd JWW & Panay N (2004) Hormones and depression in women. Climacteric 7(4), 338–46. 6. Bjarnason NH (1998) Postmenopausal bone remodelling and hormone replacement. Climacteric 1(1), 72–9. 7. Tunstall-Pedoe H (1998) Myth and paradox of coronary risk and the menopause. Lancet 351(9113), 1425–7. 8. Guthrie JR (2004) et al. (2004) Association between hormonal changes at menopause and the risk of a coronary event: a longitudinal study. Menopause 11(3), 315–22. 9. Christian RC, Harrington S, Edwards WD, Oberg AL & Fitzpatrick LA (2002) Estrogen status correlates with the calcium content of coronary atherosclerotic plaques in women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87(3), 1062–7.


10. Chu MC, Rath KM, Huie J & Taylor HS (2003) Elevated basal FSH in normal cycling women is associated with unfavourable lipid levels and increased cardiovascular risk. Hum Reprod 18(8), 1570–3. 11. Shumaker SA, Legault C, Rapp SR et al. (2003) Estrogen plus progestin and the incidence of dementia and mild cognitive impairment in postmenopausal women: the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study: a randomized controlled study. J Am Med Assoc 289, 2651–62. 12. Jackson G (2003) Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Consensus Statement on HRT. 13. Panay N, Versi E & Savvas MA (2000) comparison of 25 mg and 50 mg oestradiol implants in the control of climacteric symptoms following hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 107(8), 1012–6. 14. Kalentzi T & Panay N (2005) The safety of vaginal estrogen in postmenopausal women. TOG 7(4), 241–4. 15. Panay N & Studd JWW (1997) Progestogen intolerance and compliance with hormone replacement therapy in menopausal women. Hum Reprod Update 3(2), 159–71. 16. Raudaskoski T, Tapanainen J & Tomas et al. (2002) Intrauterine 10 microg and 20 microg levonorgestrel systems in postmenopausal women receiving oral oestrogen replacement therapy: clinical, endometrial and metabolic response. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 109(2), 136–44. 17. Writing Group for the Women’s Health Initiative Investigators (2002) Risks and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal women: principal results From Women’s Health Initiative randomized controlled trial. J Am Med Assoc 288(3), 321–33. 18. Million Women Study Collaborators (2003) Breast cancer and HRT in the Million Women Study. Lancet 362, 419–27. 19. Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer (1997) Breast cancer and hormone replacement therapy: collaborative reanalysis of data from 51 epidemiological studies of 52,705 women with breast cancer and 108,411 women without breast cancer. Lancet 350(9084), 1047–59. 20. Chlebowski RT, Hendrix SL, Langer RD et al. (2003) Influence of estrogen plus progestin on breast cancer and mammography in healthy postmenopausal women. The women’s health initiative randomised trial. J Am Med Assoc 289, 3243–53. 21. Gambacciani M & Genazzani AR (2003) The study with a million women (and hopefully fewer mistakes). Gynecol Endocrinol 17, 359–62. 22. (2003) Breast Cancer and hormone replacement therapy: the Million Women Study (Letters). Lancet 362, 1328–32. 23. The Women’s Health Initiative Steering Committee (2004) Effects of conjugated equine estrogen in postmenopausal women with hysterectomy: the women’s health initiative randomized controlled trial. J Am Med Assoc 291(14), 1701–12. 24. Hulley S, Grady D, Bush T et al., Heart and Estrogen/progestin Replacement Study (HERS) Research Group. (1998) Randomized trial of estrogen plus progestin for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in postmenopausal women. J Am Med Assoc 280(7), 605–13. 25. Stevenson J (2003) Long term effects of hormone replacement therapy. Lancet 361(9353), 253–4.

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26. Salpeter SR, Walsh JM, Greyber E, Ormiston TM & Salpeter EE (2004) Mortality associated with hormone replacement therapy in younger and older women: a meta-analysis. J Gen Intern Med 19(7), 791–804. 27. Kalantaridou et al. (2004) Impaired endothelial function in young women with premature ovarian failure: normalization with hormone therapy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 89(8), 3907–13. 28. Weiderpass E, Adami HO, Baron JA (1999) Risk of endometrial cancer following estrogen replacement with and without progestins. J Natl Cancer Inst 91, 1131–7. 29. Sturdee DW, Ulrich LG et al. (2000) The endometrial response to sequential and continuous combined oestrogen-progestogen replacement therapy. BJOG 197, 1392–400. 30. Million Women Study Collaborators (2005) Endometrial Cancer and hormone-replacement therapy in the Million Women Study. Lancet 365, 1543–51. 31. Ferenczy A. Abstracts of the 7th European Congress on Menopause, 3–7 June, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey. Maturity. 2006; 54 suppl. 1:S1–122. 32. Scarabin PY, Olger E, Plu-Bureau G (2003) Differential association of oral and transdermal oestrogen replacement therapy with venous thromboembolism risk. Lancet 362, 428–32. 33. Suriano KA, McHale M, McLaren CE, Li KT, Re A & DiSaia PJ (2001) Estrogen replacement therapy in endometrial cancer patients: a matched control study. Obstet Gynecol 97(4), 555–60. 34. von Schoultz E & Rutqvist LE (2005) Menopause hormone therapy after breast cancer: the Stockholm randomized trial. J Natl Cancer Inst 97(7), 471–2. 35. Lagro–Janssen T, Rosser W & Van Weel C (2003) Breast cancer and hormone replacement therapy: up to general practice to pick up the pieces. Lancet 362, 414–5. 36. Nachtigall LE, Barber RJ, Barentsen R, Durand N, Panay N, Pitkin J, van de Weijer P & Wysoki S (2006) Complementary and Hormonal Therapy for Vasomotor Symptom Relief: A Conservative Clinical Approach. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 28(4), 279–89. 37. Panay N & Rees M (2006) The use of alternatives to HRT for the Management of menopause symptoms RCOG Scientific Advisory Committee Opinion Paper no 6. 38. Vashisht A, Domoney CL, Cronje W & Studd JW (2001) Prevalence of and satisfaction with complementary therapies and hormone replacement therapy in a specialist menopause clinic. Climacteric 4(3), 250–6. 39. Lindh-Astrand L, Nedstrand E, Wyon Y & Hammar M (2004) Vasomotor symptoms and quality of life in previously sedentary postmenopausal women randomised to physical activity or estrogen therapy. Maturitas 48, 97–105. 40. Loprinzi CL, Michalak JC, Quella SK et al. (1994) Megestrol acetate for the prevention of hot flashes. N Engl J Med 331(6), 347–52. 41. Nelson HD, Vesco KK, Haney E et al. (2006) Nonhormonal therapies for menopausal hot flashes: systemic review and meta-analysis. JAMA 295(17), 2057–71. 42. Loprinzi CL, Kugler JW, Sloan JA et al. (2000) Venlafaxine in the management of hot flashes in survivors of breast cancer: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 356(9247), 2059–63.

43. Genazzani AR, Schneider HR, Panay N & Nijland EA (2006) The European Menopause Survey 2005: women’s perceptions on the menopause and postmenopausal hormone therapy. Gynecol Endocrinol 22(7), 369–75. 44. Huntley AL & Ernst E (2004) Soy for the treatment of perimenopausal symptoms – a systematic review. Maturitas 47, 1–9. 45. Unfer V, Casini ML, Castabile L, Mignosa M, Gerli S & Di Renzo GC (2004) Endometrial effects of long-term treatment with phytoestrogens: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Fertil Steril 82, 145–8. 46. Tice JA, Ettinger B, Ensrud K, Wallace R, Blackwell T & Cummings SR (2003) Phytoestrogen Supplements for the Treatment of Hot Flashes: The Isoflavone Clover Extract (ICE) Study. JAMA 290(2), 207–14. 47. Van de Weijer P & Barentsen R (2002) Isoflavones from red clover (Promensil) significantly reduce menopausal hot flush symptoms compared with placebo. Maturitas 42, 187–93. 48. Huntley A & Ernst E (2003) A systematic review of the safety of black cohosh. Menopause 10(1), 58–64. 49. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Black cohosh (cimicifuga racemosa) and hepatotoxicity. (2004) The Current Problems in Pharmacovigilence Oct:10th . 50. Chenoy R, Hussain S, O’Brien PM, Moss MY & Morse PF (1994) Effect of oral gamolenic acid from evening primrose oil on menopausal flushing. Br Med J 308(6927), 501–3. 51. Elsabagh S, Hartley DE & File SE (2005) Limited cognitive benefits in Stage +2 postmenopausal women after six weeks of treatment with Gingko biloba. J Psychopharmacol 19(2), 173–81. 52. Linde K, Ramirez G, Mulrow CD, Pauls A, Weidenhammer W & Melchart D (1996) St John’s Wort for depression – an overview and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials. Br Med J 313(7052), 253–8. 53. Leonetti HB, Longo S & Anasti JN (1999) Transdermal progesterone cream for vasomotor symptoms and postmenopausal bone loss. Obstet Gynecol 94(2), 225–8. 54. Miller ER 3rd, Pastor-Barriuso R, Dalal D, Riemersma RA, Appel LJ & Guallar E (2005) Meta-analysis: high-dosage vitamin E supplementation may increase all-cause mortality. Ann Intern Med 142(1), 37–46. 55. Thomson EA & Reilly D (2003) The homeopathic approach to the treatment of symptoms of oestrogen withdrawal in breast cancer patients. A prospective observational study. Homeopathy 92(3), 131–4. 56. Wyon Y, Wijma K, Nedstrand E & Hammar M (2004) A comparison of acupuncture and oral estradiol treatment of vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women. Climacteric 7(2), 153–64. 57. Williamson J, White A, Hart A & Ernst E (2002) Randomised controlled trial of reflexology for menopausal symptoms. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 109(9), 1050–5. 58. Bone HG, Hosking D, Devogelaer JP et al. (2004) Ten years’ experience with alendronate for osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. N Engl J Med 350(12), 1189–99. 59. Delmas PD, Ensrud KE, Adachi et al. (2002) Efficacy of raloxifene on vertebral fracture risk reduction in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: four-year

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results from a randomized clinical trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87(8), 3609–17. 60. Meunier PJ, Roux C & Seeman E et al. (2004) The effects of strontium ranelate on the risk of vertebral fracture in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. N Engl J Med 350(5), 459–68.

Further reading Badawy SZA (ed.) (1999) Clinical Management of the Perimenopause. London: Arnold Press. Ernst E, Pittler MH, Stevinson C & White AR (2001) The Desktop Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Edinburgh: Mosby. Panay N, Dutta R, Ryan A & Broadbent M (2004) Crash Course in Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Revision textbook). Edinburgh: Mosby. Rees M & Keith L (2004) The Year in Postmenopausal Health. Oxford: Clinical Publishing. Rees M & Mander A (2004) Managing the Menopause Without Oestrogen. London: Royal Society of Medicine Press. Studd J. (2000) The management of the menopause, 3rd edn. Parthenon Publishing. Zollman C & Vickers A (1999) ABC of complementary medicine. Complementary medicine in conventional practice. Br Med J 319, 901–4.

Useful web sites (the British Menopause Society site) (the medical and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency)

495 (the Premenstrual Syndrome website) (the National Osteoporosis Society) (the North American society) European Menopause Society European Medicines Agency (the International Menopause Society) National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Alternative therapies for managing menopausal symptoms. (The PHYTOHEALTH Network aims to establish a pan-European network of institutions dealing with safety and health effect of phytoestrogens, identification of optimal sources and processing technologies). The NIH Office of Dietary Supplements IBIDS.aspx Office of dietary supplements. IBIDS database. WHI Website Royal College of Physicians Guidelines on Osteoporosis monitorsafequalmed/currentproblems/currentproblems_oct04.pdf Current Problems in Pharmacovigilance Oct 2004: Review of the Evidence regarding Long term Safety of HRT believe_menopausal_symptoms_require_treatment_ with_64_percent_experiencing_severe_problems.asp). (European Menopause Survey 2005, Organon International Website)

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Chapter 48: Pelvic floor dysfunction I: uterovaginal prolapse Anthony R.B. Smith

Introduction Up to half of the normal female population will develop uterovaginal prolapse during their lifetime. Twenty percent of these women will be symptomatic and need treatment [1]. A North American actuarial analysis revealed that a woman up to the age of 80 years has an 11% risk of needing surgery for pelvic floor weakness. Furthermore, if she has an operation, she has a 29% risk of requiring further surgery [2]. These figures suggest that the current management of pelvic floor dysfunction is less than ideal. As the population of the world continues to increase in age, the prevalence of pelvic floor dysfunction is likely to increase. Gynaecologists need to improve their understanding of pelvic floor dysfunction and its sequelae to improve the outcomes from treatment.

Structure and function of the pelvic floor The pelvic floor functions to support the pelvic and abdominal viscera and help maintain control of their contents. It has two major components which are interdependent: the muscle and facia.

Muscle Levator ani muscles consist of pubococcygeus, coccygeus and ileococcygeus muscles on each side which together form a muscular floor to the pelvis. The striated muscle of levator ani is under voluntary control but is a unique striated muscle in having a resting tone. As with other striated muscles its strength can be increased by exercise as with pelvic floor physiotherapy. Contraction of the muscles results in a forward elevation of the pelvic floor which is important in their role in continence. This forward elevation helps to increase the angulation between bladder and urethra anteriorly and rectum and anal canal posteriorly. Increase in this angulation is one of the fundamental mechanisms which aid continence. Thus, the healthy pelvic floor muscle will, at rest, provide support

and assistance with continence. When the intra-abdominal pressure rises levator ani muscles contract and provide additional support and outlet resistance to the bladder and rectum. This reflex response to intra-abdominal pressure rises also requires an intact innervation. Damage to the pelvic floor muscle innervation is likely to impair the pelvic floor muscle responses.

Fascia Fascia envelopes levator ani, attaches it to bone at its origin and holds the two muscles together in the midline. The urethra, vagina and rectum perforate this midline fascia. Thus, the pelvic viscera are supported both by the levator ani muscle below and the fascial attachments which are condensed in some areas and are often referred to as ligaments – the uterosacral, cardinal and round ligaments being examples. There has been much debate for over a century about the structure and function of the pelvic fascia. It is generally accepted that the pelvic floor has evolved as man has assumed the upright stature and this evolution has involved replacement of some of the muscular component of the pelvic floor with fascia to provide additional supportive strength to cope with the effect of gravity. Thus, any factor that influences the strength or integrity of pelvic floor fascia will influence the function of the pelvic floor. These factors may be congenital (such as hyperelasticity of the collagenous component of fascia) or environmental, such as stretching or tearing of fascia during childbirth or heavy lifting. Weakness of the pelvic floor, which may result from impairment of function of either muscle or fascia, can result in uterovaginal prolapse. Prolapse is largely a result of loss of support from the pelvic floor but the pelvic floor dysfunction may produce other accompanying symptoms than those due to the displacement of the pelvic viscera. An understanding of the pathophysiology of pelvic floor dysfunction will help to develop an appropriate management strategy.


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Pathophysiology of pelvic floor dysfunction Muscle The striated muscle of the pelvic floor, in common with other striated muscles throughout the body, undergoes a gradual denervation with age [3]. This denervation will result in a gradual weakening of the muscle over time. While some of the aging effect can be counteracted by muscle training, the impact of denervation will be to diminish the number of neurones which can stimulate muscle fibres to contract. Pelvic floor muscle denervation is increased by vaginal delivery, particularly if the active second stage of labour is prolonged [4]. Caesarean section may offer some protection from this injury. Following childbirth some reinnervation will occur which will result in rehabilitation of the muscle at least to some degree. Reinnervation results in more muscle fibres being innervated by each remaining nerve fibre. This results in the pelvic floor muscle being more vulnerable to age-related denervation since further nerve loss with age will result in a more marked loss of muscle fibre activity. Thus, the damage to the pelvic floor muscle during childbirth often only becomes evident when age-related changes are superimposed. The site of pelvic floor muscle denervation during childbirth is unclear. It has been proposed that stretching of the pudendal nerve distal to Alcock’s canal at the ischial spine results in nerve injury but crushing injury at the neuromuscular junction in the muscle must also be possible. In neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis, pelvic floor muscle may behave unpredictably ranging from inappropriate relaxation causing incontinence to spasm resulting in voiding dysfunction. Women with ectopia vesicae have incomplete development of the pelvic floor anteriorly. This predisposes them to uterovaginal prolapse which is an additional surgical challenge to treat partly because of previous surgical procedures and partly because of anatomical distortion from the absence of a normally formed anterior pelvis (bony and soft tissue).

Fascia Fascia is composed of a number of components including collagen, elastin and smooth muscle embedded in a connective tissue matrix. Each of the components may influence the overall biomechanical properties of the fascia. The following factors have a significant influence on pelvic floor support. CONGENITAL

Congenital differences in collagen behaviour are clinically evident in women who have increased joint elasticity.

Fig. 48.1 Joint hyperextensibility as an index of fascial stretchiness.

Women with hyperextensible joints will also have additional pelvic fascia stretchiness which may be manifested in the development of uterovaginal prolapse at an earlier age. Such women often excel at sports requiring increased joint elasticity (such as gymnastics) and they develop fewer striae gravidarum during pregnancy because of increased skin elasticity. Labour may be rapid because of reduced obstruction from the pelvic floor fascia. Extreme forms of this are seen in Ehrlers Danos syndrome but much more commonly seen are milder forms (see picture of joint hyperextension). It is important for gynaecologists to recognize women who have such problems because their treatment may need to be different. Recurrence after surgery is more likely and use of prosthetic support materials may be advisable (see Fig. 48.1). Some forms of collagen disorder are also associated with clotting problems.


With increasing age fascial tissues become stiffer and more liable to rupture. The young child is invariably stiffer in movement than the elderly adult. The fascia of the pelvic floor will provide weaker support with advancing years. Gynaecologists repairing the pelvic floor often recognize that the tissues used for building a repair are of poor quality and are poorly vascularized. The repair after surgery will heal with less strength and more slowly. The recurrence of prolapse seen after surgery in one out of three cases must in some part be due to a deterioration of fascial strength with age. This is supported by the fact that the longer the follow-up period after surgical treatment the higher the risk of recurrence.

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Most women recognize that their pelvic floor is different after vaginal delivery. Furthermore, regaining the tone and shape of their anterior abdominal wall is also often a difficult challenge. These changes are due to a combination of muscle and fascial changes. There has been much unresolved debate as to whether pelvic floor fascia stretches or tears during pregnancy and childbirth. Some believe that stretching occurs and therefore repair of the pelvic floor during prolapse surgery should involve fascial plication. Others believe that fascia can only tear and does not stretch and therefore repair should involve determining the site of the tears and repairing them (site specific repair - see p. 500).

D 3 cm



Aa Bp Ap


gh pb

Fig. 48.2 Abbreviations: Aa, anterior wall; Ap, posterior wall; Ba, anterior wall; Bp, posterior wall; C, cervix or cuff; D, posterior fornix; gh, genital hiatus; pb, perineal body; tvl, total vaginal length.


The menstrual cycle, pregnancy and the menopause are the most significant endocrine events which may influence pelvic floor fascia. Women often declare that prolapse symptoms are worse around the time of menstruation. This is thought to be secondary to higher progesterone levels increasing fascial elasticity. Recent studies have shown that women examined at the time of menstruation will have a higher stage of prolapse than at other times of the cycle. This has important implications when deciding on treatment. During pregnancy, prolapse symptoms will be more evident in the first trimester but diminish as the pregnant uterus enlarges out of the pelvis. During pregnancy many women develop stress incontinence of urine for the first time. Research has shown that fascial elasticity increases in pregnancy [5] and this probably results in diminished pelvic floor support and a tendency to stress incontinence. Women who develop stress incontinence of urine during pregnancy are more likely to experience the same symptom after childbirth. The prevalence of uterovaginal prolapse increases after the menopause. How much this is secondary to the endocrine changes rather than age-related changes is not known.

Uterovaginal prolapse Description Prolapse is normally divided into anterior, uterine/vault and posterior compartments. Although anterior vaginal wall prolapse is still commonly called a cystocoele and posterior prolapse a rectocoele or enterocoele the difficulty in providing reproducible descriptions for the purpose of research has led to the development of scoring systems. The most frequently used validated method in current literature is a system called the POPQ (Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Quantification [6]. The system is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 48.2.

Symptoms Prolapse classically produces a sensation of fullness in the vagina or a visible or palpable lump at the introitus. This sensation is always posture dependant as are many prolapse symptoms. If the symptoms do not resolve when lying down an alternative aetiology should be considered. Low backache is a common symptom but is also commonly experienced by women who do not have prolapse. Vaginal atrophy, if present, will exacerbate many prolapse symptoms and should be treated as a first priority with topical oestrogens unless clinically contraindicated.


Anterior vaginal wall prolapse may result in a range of urinary symptoms. While women who have anterior prolapse may have stress incontinence, particularly if the urethra is not well supported, they may also have voiding dysfunction secondary to kinking of the urethra. Voiding dysfunction may result in frequency (due to incomplete bladder emptying), hesitancy and a poor urinary stream. Incomplete bladder emptying may in turn result in recurrent urinary infection with accompanying frequency, urgency and urge incontinence. It is important to realize that anterior vaginal wall prolapse does not of itself produce detrusor overactivity which may have an independent pathology. Thus, repair of anterior vaginal wall prolapse may not resolve urinary symptoms if this

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Pelvic floor dysfunction I

is the case. Furthermore, if the anterior prolapse is kinking the urethra, it may be preventing stress incontinence of urine. Surgical repair may then result in the development of stress incontinence de novo which will not please the patient. Occasionally posterior vaginal wall prolapse if associated with obstructed defaecation may result in urinary voiding dysfunction. BOWEL SYMPTOMS

Posterior vaginal wall prolapse may be associated with a range of bowel symptoms. It is often difficult to know whether the bowel symptoms are caused by the prolapse or associated with a fascial weakness which may also be affecting the bowel. Slow transit constipation and diverticular disease are bowel disorders more prevalent in women with fascial weakness. Constipation is a common symptom in women and may contribute to obstructed defaecation. The presence of posterior vaginal wall prolapse may not be the cause of the obstructed defaecation but more a symptom of it. Posterior vaginal wall prolapse does not normally result in ano-rectal incontinence. COITAL SYMPTOMS

Uterovaginal prolapse in all but the most severe cases regresses when a woman is lying in bed. Prolapse often does not interfere with normal sexual activity. However, many women feel unhappy with the vaginal discomfort experienced through the day and the presence of the prolapse can inhibit couples from continuing normal sexual activity for mainly aesthetic reasons but also from concern about causing harm. Additionally, concern about continence or other urinary and bowel symptoms may be inhibiting. Some couples find that the loss of tone in the vagina leads to sexual dissatisfaction for both parties. The growth in interest in cosmetic vaginal surgery and drugs for male impotence may be influencing this area.

Investigation of prolapse symptoms EXAMINATION

General examination should include fitness for surgery. Abdominal examination should be performed to exclude an intra-abdominal mass. A bimanual pelvic examination or ultrasound should exclude a pelvic mass and delineate the size of the uterus and ovaries if present. The patient should be examined in the horizontal position, conventionally in the left lateral position with a Sims speculum. If prolapse is not evident, even with a Valsalva manoeuvre, the patient should be examined in the upright position. It is important to reproduce the symptoms and


signs with which the patient presents. If this is not possible a further examination may be required. Many women are only aware of their symptoms after a long period in the upright position. An early morning clinic appointment may preclude detection of the prolapse. Some clinicians examine women in the lithotomy position. This enables closer inspection of vaginal supports, particularly if looking for site-specific defects in the endopelvic fascia. A second retracting instrument will be required to do this to visualize the lateral sulci. The POPQ examination (see p. 498) gives an objective record of the prolapse stage.


If there are no urinary symptoms urodynamic studies are not justified outside the research setting. If a woman has significant urinary symptoms urodynamics may help define the cause of the symptoms which will enable the gynaecologist to give some prognosis for treatment. Hence, if urodynamics indicate obstructed voiding there is a good prognosis for surgical repair of the cystocoele resolving the voiding dysfunction while if the urodynamics suggest the bladder is atonic the prognosis is less favourable. If urodynamics indicate that the bladder is overactive then it is unlikely that surgery will improve the urinary symptoms. This may influence a woman’s decision on whether to proceed with surgery. The development of stress incontinence is an irritating sequel to anterior vaginal wall repair in some women. Some clinicians perform a urinary stress test with the prolapse reduced either digitally with a sponge forceps or a ring pessary. There is no evidence that this technique reliably predicts which women will develop stress incontinence after surgery.


An anterior rectocoele may result in obstructed defaecation. Rectal mucosal prolapse may also result in obstructed defaecation and will not be apparent on vaginal examination. Proctography can give some insight into factors which may be contributing to difficulty with defaecation and may help avoid unnecessary, unhelpful vaginal operations.


Magnetic resonance imaging has been used as a research tool to try to identify prolapse not clinically evident. It has not been proved to aid or improve treatment outcome to date.

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Some women elect for non-surgical treatment of their prolapse either because: 1 the prognosis offered for treatment is not sufficiently attractive 2 they are unfit for surgery 3 they wish to delay surgical treatment for other reasons. Conservative treatment may involve: Lifestyle advice. This may include advice on diet and weight loss including avoidance of caffeine containing drinks, water intake, fibre content, laxative use and modification of drug regimes, e.g. diuretics. Avoidance of high-impact exercise and lifting may improve symptoms. Pelvic floor physiotherapy. There have been no studies on the value of pelvic floor physiotherapy on vaginal prolapse symptoms. While it is unlikely that advanced prolapse will be helped by pelvic floor exercises, earlier stage prolapse may be improved sufficiently to avoid further intervention. Vaginal pessary. Vaginal pessaries have been available in some form for 4000 years. The first pessaries described were pomegranate skins. Currently in the UK the most frequently used pessary is the polypropylene ring pessary (Fig. 48.3). The most appropriate anatomical configuration for the ring pessary has not been defined but if there is little or no posterior perineal support the ring pessary will often not be retained. The optimal size is usually determined by trial and error. The optimal time interval for changing pessaries has also not been defined, nor has the role of topical oestrogens. In North America a wider range of vaginal pessaries is available ( Companies advise regular washing of the pessary by the patient without any evidence for the value of so doing.

Fig. 48.3 Ring

Pessaries such as the ring can normally allow sexual intercourse without problems although a few women prefer to remove the pessary. Space occupying pessaries such as the shelf pessary preclude normal sexual relations and are therefore unsuitable for sexually active women. The shelf pessary may be particularly helpful for uterine or vaginal vault prolapse. The shelf pessary may be quite difficult to change and can become embedded in the vaginal wall. Careful examination, at least every 6 months is advisable and topical oestrogens may reduce the risk of ulceration and erosion. SURGICAL

Over the last 100 years surgery has been considered to be the treatment of choice for uterovaginal prolapse. The surgical techniques employed until recently have differed little from those described by the surgical icons of a century ago. Increasingly it is being acknowledged that a desirable outcome should include more than a satisfactory anatomical result. Functional outcome may be more important to the patient. There have been very few robust studies of prolapse surgery performed which define both the anatomical and functional outcome with some measure of the impact on the patient’s quality of life. Further research is urgently needed in this field. Surgically the key issues are: 1 which technique produces the best, long-lasting anatomical result? 2 is the use of a synthetic support material helpful? 3 is the abdominal approach superior to the vaginal approach?

Anterior vaginal wall prolapse In 1909, White [7] described the vaginal paravaginal repair to repair a cystocoele (see Fig. 48.4). Four years later Kelly [8] described the anterior vaginal repair with a central plication of the pubocervical fascia (see Fig. 48.4). The Kelly operation became the treatment of choice for anterior prolapse partly because of the simplicity of the procedure and partly because of Kelly’s high standing in the surgical community. Debate about the relative merits of the Kelly type repair and the paravaginal repair continue to this day. A literature review of over 90 articles between 1966 and 1995 by Weber and Walters [9] illustrated the deficiencies of the literature and found that there was no significant difference in success rate between the paravaginal repair (failure rate 3–14%), whether performed vaginally or abdominally, and the central plication repair (failure rate 0–20%). Beck [1] reviewed 246 anterior repairs and noted that 5% women developed de novo stress

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Pelvic floor dysfunction I


Epithelium and fascia

White line

Ischial spine




Fig. 48.4

incontinence and 5% de novo detrusor overactivity postoperatively. Long-standing voiding problems occurred in less than 1%. Post-operative pyrexia developed in 10% of women but the overall morbidity can be described as low. There have been a few trials published on the use of additional support materials such as polypropylene mesh to strengthen the anterior vaginal repair. The results suggest that a reduction in the risk of recurrence is accompanied by a significant risk of mesh erosion. It would appear that the optimal mesh material has not yet been developed. The use of support materials in primary repairs would certainly not appear to be justified.

Posterior vaginal wall prolapse The classical posterior vaginal repair involves not only plication of the fascia underlying the vaginal skin but also a central plication of the fascia overlying the pubococcygeus muscle even including the muscle itself. There can be little doubt that inclusion of the pubococcygeus fascia and muscle will create a more solid repair with accompanying intra- and post-operative morbidity but it

is unclear whether the functional outcome is better. Kahn and Stanton [10] performed a 2-year follow-up of their posterior vaginal repairs performed in the conventional manner (including levator plication). They noted that in addition to one in four of the women having posterior prolapse on examination more women volunteered functional problems with respect to bowel and dyspareunia than pre-operatively. Some have suggested that a transanal approach to rectocoele repair should be more effective for treatment of defaecation difficulty but the limited robust literature available does not support this [11]. Although the site-specific fascial defect repair has been found to be more effective by some surgeons [12] it has not been studied in a robust, systematic manner. Similarly, there have been few studies reported to assess the value of adding support materials to a posterior vaginal wall repair. The risk of mesh erosion must be weighed against the potential benefit of reduced risk of recurrence. Perineal descent is commonly seen with posterior vaginal wall prolapse. Its clinical relevance is not clear but in anatomical terms it indicates either that the perineum is no longer supported by the pelvic floor or that there is weakness of the pelvic floor as a whole. This may be an

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index of the support of the vaginal vault or the uterus and vaginal apex.

Uterine prolapse The current conventional approach to uterine prolapse when a woman no longer wishes to have children is a vaginal hysterectomy with any additional repair to the vaginal walls as appropriate. The vaginal vault is then supported by reattaching the uterosacral/cardinal ligaments to the vagina. These ligaments can also be plicated together in the midline to try to prevent the development of enterocoele. The Manchester repair is now less popular but also employed the cardinal ligaments brought together anterior to the cervix which was amputated as part of the operation. The use of the uterosacral/cardinal ligaments has the fundamental problem that it is the weakness of these ligaments that has contributed to the development of the prolapse. Use of such weak tissues must make the risk of recurrence a concern. There is no evidence that uterine conservation, either by abdominal sacrohysteropexy or sacrospinous hysteropexy provides a lower risk of prolapse recurrence. Nor is there evidence that routine use of sacrospinous colpopexy performed at the time of hysterectomy reduces the risk of vault prolapse though the morbidity of the procedure is likely to be higher. This would suggest that, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, for uterine prolapse the gynaecologist should perform a vaginal hysterectomy with the provision of support to the vaginal vault from the uterosacral ligaments. In the absence of defined support tissue a sacrospinous colpopexy or sacrocolpopexy may be required.

Vaginal vault prolapse Vaginal vault prolapse occurs in approximately 5% of women after hysterectomy. Most studies indicate that an equal proportion of women have had an abdominal or a vaginal hysterectomy which, given that abdominal hysterectomy is performed more frequently than vaginal, suggests that vaginal hysterectomy predisposes to vault prolapse. Vault prolapse is always accompanied by some degree of upper anterior and posterior vaginal prolapse, the latter usually being the predominant component. Frequently extensive vaginal epithelial stretching occurs and this is usually of the posterior vaginal wall (see Fig. 48.5). Failure to treat extensive vault prolapse may lead to ulceration and less commonly bowel extrusion. Vaginal vault prolapse may be treated surgically by a vaginal sacrospinous colpopexy or an abdominal (or laparoscopic) sacrocolpopexy. A Cochrane review [11] has reported that the sacrocolpopexy has a higher cure rate and recurrence, when it occurs, will occur sooner with

Fig. 48.5

a sacrospinous colpopexy. Dyspareunia appears to occur more frequently after sacrospinous colpopexy. The two procedures do not appear to produce any difference in urinary and bowel symptoms post-operatively. Sacrocolpopexy is associated with a longer recovery (when performed as an open procedure) and is therefore more expensive. Adverse events appear to occur with similar frequency and patient satisfaction rates are similar. Both procedures have the potential to cause large volume haemorrhage (sacrum for sacrocolpopexy and pudendal vessels for sacospinous colpopexy). There is conflicting evidence on which procedure produces a more correct anatomical result. Mesh erosion is a significant problem after sacrocolpopexy and infrequently may lead to the need for complete mesh removal. Colpocleisis, whereby the vaginal lumen is completely occluded, may be used rarely in women who are unfit for major surgery and in whom conservative measures have failed. Strips of vaginal skin are removed from anterior and posterior vaginal walls and the two are sutured together.

Conclusions Pelvic floor weakness can result in prolapse with accompanying mechanical and functional symptoms. Improving our understanding of the aetiology of prolapse should help direct the treatment including non-surgical and surgical methods. More research is required into treatment and outcome measures from treatment if gynaecologists are to make significant progress in this field.

References 1. Beck RP, McCormick S & Nordstrom L (1991) A 25-year experience with 519 anterior colporrhaphy procedures. Obstet Gynecol 78(6), 1011–8.

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Pelvic floor dysfunction I

2. Olsen AL, Smith VJ, Bergstrom JO, Colling JC & Clark AL (1997) Epidemiology of surgically managed pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence. Obstet Gynecol 89(4), 501–6. 3. Smith AR, Hosker GL & Warrell DW (1989) The role of partial denervation of the pelvic floor in the aetiology of genitourinary prolapse and stress incontinence of urine. A neurophysiological study. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 96(1), 24–8. 4. Allen RE et al. (1990) Pelvic floor damage and childbirth: a neurophysiological study. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 97(9), 770–9. 5. Landon CR, Smith ARB, Crofts CD & Trowbridge EA (1990) Mechanical properties of fascia in pregnancy: its possible relationship to the later development of stress incontinence of urine. Contemp Rev Obstet Gynaecol 2, 40–6. 6. Bump RC et al., The Continence Program for Women Research Group (1996) Randomized prospective comparison of needle colposuspension versus endopelvic fascia plication for potential stress incontinence prophylaxis

7. 8. 9.





in women undergoing vaginal reconstruction for stage III or IV pelvic organ prolapse. Am J Obstet Gynecol 175(2), 326–33; discussion 333–5. White GR (1909) Cystocele. J Am Med Assoc 21, 1707–10. Kelly HA (1913) Incontinence of urine in women. Urol Cutan Rev 17, 291–3. Weber AM & Walters MD (1997) Anterior vaginal prolapse: review of anatomy and techniques of surgical repair. Obstet Gynecol 89(2), 311–8. Kahn MA & Stanton SL (1997) Posterior Colporrhaphy: its effects on bowel and sexual function. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 104(1), 82–6. Maher C, Baessler K, Glazener CMA, Adams EJ & Hagen S (2004) Surgical management of pelvic organ prolapse in women (Review). Cochrane Collaboration 2005 4, CD004014. Shull BL (1991) Urologic surgical techniques. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 3(4), 534–40.

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Chapter 49: Urinary incontinence D. Robinson and L. Cardozo

Urinary incontinence is a distressing condition that, although rarely life threatening, severely affects all aspects of a woman’s quality of life. Through ignorance, embarrassment and a belief that loss of bladder control is a ‘normal’ result of child birth and ageing, many women suffer for years before seeking help [1]. This is unfortunate because with appropriate investigations an accurate diagnosis can be made and many women can be cured, most improved and all helped by various different management strategies. Urinary incontinence is defined as the complaint of any involuntary loss of urine [2]. Conversely, continence is the ability to hold urine within the bladder at all times except during micturition. Both continence and micturition depend upon a lower urinary tract, consisting of the bladder and urethra, which is structurally and functionally normal. In order to understand urinary incontinence in women it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of the embryology, anatomy and physiology of the lower urinary tract.

mesonephros initially forms a primitive kidney draining into the mesonephric duct on each side. The tubules undergo degeneration but the ducts remain and grow caudally to enter the anterior part of the cloaca on each side. This divides the urogenital sinus into two parts: the area lying between the mesonephric ducts and allantois is the vesicourethral canal and the area below the mesonephric ducts is the urogenital sinus (Fig. 49.1c). The ureteric bud develops as an outgrowth from the mesonephric duct by proliferation of cells. It grows towards the caudal end of the nephrogenic ridge and initiates the development of the metanephros (later to become the kidney) between 30 and 37 days after fertilization. Dilatation of the cranial portion of the vesicourethral canal leads to the development of the bladder. The area of the bladder bounded by the ureteric orifices cranially and the termination of the mesonephric ducts caudally gives rise to the trigone. The caudal part of the vesicourethral canal narrows to form the upper urethra. The urogenital sinus gives rise to the distal part of the urethra and part of the vagina. These developments occur by 42 days after fertilization (Fig. 49.1d).

Structure of the lower urinary tract Anatomy Embryology In women the lower urinary and genital tracts develop in close proximity. The gut is formed by an invagination of the yolk sac and the most caudal part (hindgut) develops a diverticulum, the allantois (Fig. 49.1a). That part of the hindgut connected to the allantois is the cloaca. At about 28 days after fertilization a mesenchymal wedge of tissue, the urorectal septum, starts to migrate caudally and divides the cloaca into a ventral part, the urogenital sinus and a dorsal part, which will become the anorectal canal (Fig. 49.1b). The two are eventually separated from one another when the septum fuses with the cloacal membrane some 10 days later. At the same time the pronephros develops within the mesoderm but this undergoes early degeneration. The

The bladder is a hollow muscular organ normally situated behind the pubic symphysis and covered superiorly and anteriorly by peritoneum. It is composed of a syncytium of smooth muscle fibres known as the detrusor. Contraction of this meshwork of fibres results in simultaneous reduction of the bladder in all its diameters. The smooth muscle cells within the detrusor contain significant amounts of acetylcholinesterase, representing their cholinergic parasympathetic nerve supply. The trigone is easily distinguishable from the rest of the smooth muscle of the bladder as it is divided into two layers. The deep trigonal muscle is similar to that of the detrusor, whereas the superficial muscle of the trigone is thin with small muscle bundles; the cells are devoid of acetylcholinesterase and have a reduced cholinergic nerve


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Urinary incontinence


Urorectal septum dividing the cloaca


Foregut Pericardium Allantois Hindgut Yolk sac

Midgut Allantois




(b) Allantois

Mesonephric duct



Allantois Primitive bladder


Urogenital sinus



Anorectal canal

Metanephros Ureteric bud



Mesonephric duct

Fig. 49.1 Longitudinal section through (a) a 4-week embryo; (b) a 5-week embryo; (c) a 6-week embryo; (d) an 8-week embryo.

supply. This superficial trigonal muscle merges into the proximal urethra and into the ureteric smooth muscle. In women the smooth muscle of the bladder neck is also different from that of the detrusor with orientation of the muscle bundles obliquely or longitudinally; they do not form a sphincter in women. The smooth muscle fibres of the detrusor, trigone and urethra have been shown embryonically to be distinct from one another. The urothelium lining the bladder is composed of two or three layers of transitional cells. The normal adult female urethra is between 3 and 5 cm in length (Fig. 49.2). It is a hollow tubular structure joining the bladder to the exterior and is located under the pubic symphysis, piercing the pelvic diaphragm anterior to the vagina. It is lined with pseudo-stratified transitional cell epithelium in its proximal half and distally by non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. Beneath this is a rich vascular plexus which contributes up to one-third of the urethral pressure and which decreases with age. Beneath this there is longitudinally orientated smooth muscle which is continuous morphologically with

the detrusor, but histochemically distinct. Contraction of this muscle layer leads to shortening and opening of the urethra. The main bulk of striated muscle is located in the middle third of the urethra and is orientated in bundles of circularly arranged fibres, thickest anteriorly, thinning laterally and almost totally deficient posteriorly. This is the rhabdosphincter urethrae, and has also been called the external sphincter or the intrinsic sphincter mechanism. The muscle fibres of the rhabdosphincter consist of small diameter slow twitch fibres which are rich in acid-stable myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and possess a number of mitochondria. This muscle mass is responsible for urethral closure at rest. The extrinsic sphincter mechanism consists of striated periurethral muscle (levator ani) which has no direct connection with the urethra and is situated at the junction of the middle and lower thirds of the urethra. This muscle consists of large diameter fibres, most of which are rich in alkaline-stable myosin ATPase characteristic of fast twitch muscle fibres. This extrinsic sphincter mechanism contributes an additional closure force at times of physical

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Periurethral striated muscle

Extrinsic sphincter mechanism

Bladder Pubourethral ligament

Collagen Intrinsic sphincter mechanism

Urethral smooth muscle Elastic tissue Rhabdosphincter


effort. Together the intrinsic and extrinsic sphincter mechanisms of the urethra produce a greater pressure within the urethra than in the bladder. This is known as the positive closure pressure and is partly responsible for the maintenance of continence. The proximal urethra is supported by the pubourethral ligaments which attach the proximal urethra to the posterior aspect of the pubic symphysis. These were originally described by Zacharin [3]) as consisting of parallel collagen bundles and elastic connective tissue. However, his histological examinations were of cadaveric specimens and Wilson et al. [4] have shown in operative specimens that these ligaments contain large numbers of smooth muscle bundles. Gosling et al. [5] reported that the pubourethral suspensory ligaments are histochemically identical to the detrusor with an abundant supply of cholinergic nerve fibres. But Wilson et al. [4] failed to demonstrate acetylcholinesterase activity in these fibres, thus their origin remains unclear. DeLancey [6] has described two distinct entities: the pubourethral ligament composed of collagen and a pubovesical ligament containing muscle fibres.

Innervation The detrusor muscle is innervated primarily by the parasympathetic nerves S2–4 and receives a rich efferent supply (Fig. 49.3). Adrenergic receptors have also been

Fig. 49.2 The adult female urethra.

shown to be present in the lower urinary tract, with β receptors in the dome of the bladder and bladder neck, and α receptors in the bladder neck and urethra [7]. Sympathetic outflow is from T10 to L2 but it is unclear whether it acts directly on β receptors in the bladder, causing relaxation, or indirectly via parasympathetic ganglia, causing inhibition of the excitatory parasympathetic supply. Visceral afferent fibres travel with the thoracolumbar and sacral efferent nerves conveying the sensation of bladder distension. Urethral smooth muscle is innervated by sympathetic efferent fibres; cholinergic stimulation of these produces contraction. The rhabdosphincter urethrae is supplied via sacral nerve roots (S2–4) which travel with the pelvic splanchnics to the intrinsic smooth muscle of the urethra. The levator ani is also innervated by motor fibres of S2–4 origin, but these fibres travel via the pudendal nerve. This explains why electromyographic activity of the pelvic floor and urethral sphincter are not necessarily the same. The central nervous control of micturition is complex and requires a sacral spinal reflex arc controlled by the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum and subcortical areas, including the thalamus, basal ganglia, limbic system, hypothalamus and pontine reticular formation. There are parasympathetic, sympathetic and somatic afferent and efferent connections from the brainstem. Stretch receptors within the bladder wall pass impulses through the pelvic plexus and via the visceral afferent fibres travelling

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Urinary incontinence

lumen should seal completely. Three essential components of urethral function are required to achieve hermetic closure: (1) urethral inner wall softness; (2) inner urethral compression; and (3) outer wall tension. These three functions are dependent on an intact urothelium, together with a major component from the submucosal vascular plexus as well as the collagen and elastic tissue within the urethra and the striated and smooth muscle.

Inhibition from cortical centres T10– L2


storage phase

β-sympathetic fibres Parasympathetic fibres

Stretch receptors


Stretch receptors

α-sympathetic fibres

Pelvic splanchnic nerves

Pudendal nerve

Fig. 49.3 Innervation of the adult female lower urinary tract.

with the pelvic splanchnic nerves, ending in S2–4 of the spinal cord. This visceral reflex arc is controlled by both the excitatory and inhibitory centres which, under normal circumstances, prevent detrusor contractions and maintain urethral sphincter control, thereby inhibiting micturition.

Functioning of the lower urinary tract Physiology The main role of the bladder is to store the urine which continuously enters it, in order to achieve convenient intermittent voiding. Thus the bladder must act as an efficient low pressure continent reservoir. Urine from the kidneys enters the bladder via the ureters at a rate of 0.5–5 ml/min. Normally, the first sensation of bladder filling is noted at between 150 and 250 ml and there is a strong desire to void at approximately 400–600 ml (bladder capacity). During filling the bladder pressure should not normally rise by more than 10 cm of water to 300 ml, or 15 cm of water to 500 ml. In order to maintain continence the maximum urethral pressure must exceed the bladder pressure at all times except during micturition. Thus, for continence to exist it is not only essential that the intravesical pressure remains low but also that the urethral

During this time the urethra remains closed as previously described. Proprioceptive afferent impulses from the stretch receptors within the bladder wall pass via the pelvic nerves to the sacral roots S2–4. These impulses ascend the cord via the lateral spinothalamic tracts and the detrusor motor response is subconsciously inhibited by descending impulses from the basal ganglia. Gradually, as the bladder volume increases, further afferent impulses are sent to the cerebral cortex and the first sensation of desire to void is usually appreciated at about half the functional bladder capacity. Inhibition of detrusor contraction becomes cortically mediated. As the bladder fills further, these afferent impulses reinforce the desire to void and conscious inhibition of micturition occurs until a suitable time. When functional capacity is reached, voluntary pelvic floor contraction is initiated to aid urethral closure. This may result in marked variations in urethral pressure as the sensation of urgency develops. voiding phase At a suitable time and place, cortical inhibition is released and relaxation of the pelvic floor occurs, together with relaxation of the intrinsic striated muscle of the urethra. This results in a fall in urethral pressure which occurs a few seconds prior to the increase in bladder pressure. A few seconds later, a rapid discharge of efferent parasympathetic impulses via the pelvic nerve causes the detrusor to contract and also possibly to open the bladder neck and shorten the urethra. The detrusor pressure rises by a variable amount, normally less than 60 cm of water in women. However, it may not need to rise at all if the fall in urethral resistance is adequate for the urethral pressure to be lower than the intravesical pressure, so that urine is voided. Once micturition has been initiated the intravesical pressure normally remains constant. The efficiency of detrusor contraction increases as the muscle fibres of the detrusor shorten, therefore decreasing the forces which are required to maintain micturition. Interruption of micturition is usually achieved by contraction of the extrinsic striated muscle of the pelvic floor, associated with a rise in urethral pressure to exceed the

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intravesical pressure and thus stop the flow of urine. Since the detrusor is composed of smooth muscle, it is much slower to relax and therefore continues to contract against the closed sphincter; this causes an isometric detrusor contraction which will eventually die away to the premicturition detrusor pressure. When the bladder empties at the end of micturition, the urinary flow stops, the pelvic floor and intrinsic striated muscle of the urethra contract and any urine which is left in the proximal urethra will be milked back into the bladder. As the urethra closes off, subconscious inhibition of the sacral micturition centre is reinstituted and the bladder storage phase begins again.

Table 49.1 Prevalence of urinary incontinence Age (years)

Incontinence (%)

Women living at home

15–44 45–64 65+

5–7 8–5 10–20

Men living at home

15–64 65+

3 7–10

Both sexes living in institutions Residential homes 25 Nursing homes 40 Hospital 50–70 Data from Royal College of Physicians (1995).

Pathophysiology of urinary incontinence Under normal circumstances, in a woman with a healthy lower urinary tract, urine will only leave the bladder via the urethra when the intravesical pressure exceeds the maximum urethral pressure. In general terms and in the majority of cases of urinary incontinence, the bladder pressure exceeds the urethral pressure because the urethral sphincter mechanism is weak (urodynamic stress incontinence) or because the detrusor pressure is excessively high (detrusor overactivity; neurogenic detrusor overactivity). In urodynamic stress incontinence the factors which maintain positive urethral closure pressure at rest may be inadequate when there is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. This is particularly likely to occur if the bladder neck and proximal urethra are poorly supported or have descended through the pelvic floor, as in cases of concomitant cystourethrocele. An abnormally high detrusor pressure may occur in detrusor overactivity when there is inability to inhibit detrusor contractions. In cases of a low compliance, incontinence may occur when there is a failure of the bladder to accommodate a large volume of urine for a small rise in pressure.

Epidemiology Prevalence of urinary incontinence Urinary incontinence is common. Table 49.1 shows the prevalence of urinary incontinence in women living at home according to a report published by the Royal College of Physicians [8]. Thomas et al. [9] have shown that urinary incontinence occurs twice or more per month in at least a third of the female population over the age of 35 years and, although there is a small rise with increasing age, it is a very common problem in women of all ages. The situation is worst amongst the elderly and in psychogeriatric hospital wards, where up to 90% of female

patients are incontinent of urine. A MORI poll [10] showed that at last 3.5 million women in the UK suffer from urinary incontinence and it is possible that the number is far greater [11]. More recently a large epidemiological study of urinary incontinence has been reported in 27,936 women from Norway [12]. Overall 25% of women reported urinary incontinence of which 7% felt it to be significant and the prevalence of incontinence was found to increase with age. When considering the type of incontinence 50% of women complained of stress, 11% urge and 36% mixed incontinence. Further analysis has also investigated the effect of age and parity. The prevalence of urinary incontinence among nulliparous women ranged from 8% to 32% and increased with age. In general parity was associated with incontinence and the first delivery was the most significant. When considering stress incontinence in the age group 20–34 years the relative risk was 2.7 (95%CI: 2.0–3.5) for primiparous women and 4.0 (95%CI: 2.5–6.4) for multiparous women. There was a similar association for mixed incontinence although not for urge incontinence [13]. In a large study of patients assessed after tertiary referral 60% of women were found to have delayed seeking treatment for more than one year from the time their symptoms became severe. Of these women 50% claimed that this was because they were too embarrassed to discuss the problem with their doctor, and 17% said that they thought the problem was normal for their age [1]. The financial burden of incontinence is also considerable. In 1998 the annual economic cost was projected to be approximately £354 million [14]. Of this total £22.7 million is spent on drugs, £58.6 million on appliances and £69 million on containment products such as pads and pants. Surgery only accounts for £13.3 million whilst the largest amount is spent on staff costs, this amounting to £189.9 million [15]. Worldwide the situation is similar with $26 billion being spent per annum in the United States alone [16].

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Urinary incontinence

Age The incidence of urinary incontinence increases with increasing age. Elderly women have been found to have a reduced flow rate, increased urinary residuals, higher filling pressures, reduced bladder capacity and lower maximum voiding pressures. In a large study of 842 women aged 17–64 years the prevalence rates of urinary incontinence increased progressively over seven birth cohorts (1900–1940) from 12% to 25%. These findings agree with those of a large telephone survey in the United States of America which reported a prevalence of urge incontinence of 5% in the 18–44 age rising to 19% in women over 65 years of age [17]. Conversely, as mobility and physical exercise decrease with advancing age so does the prevalence of stress urinary incontinence.


whilst other authors have reported a rate of urge incontinence of 10% and urgency of 60%. The incidence of detrusor overactivity and low compliance in pregnancy has been reported as 24% and 31%, respectively. The cause of the former may be due to high progesterone levels whilst the latter is probably a consequence of pressure from the gravid uterus. Stress incontinence has also been reported to be more common in pregnancy, with 28% of women complaining of symptoms although only 12% remained symptomatic following delivery. The long-term prognosis for this group of women remains guarded. Continent women delivered vaginally have been compared to those who had a caesarean section. Whilst there was initially a difference in favour of caesarean section this effect was insignificant by three months following delivery [19].


Race Several studies have been performed examining the impact of racial differences on the prevalence of urinary incontinence in women. In general there is evidence that there is a lower incidence of both urinary incontinence and urogenital prolapse in black women and North American studies have found a larger proportion of white than African American women reported symptoms of stress incontinence (31% versus 7%) and a larger proportion were found to have demonstrable stress incontinence on objective assessment (61% versus 27%). Overall white women had a prevalence of urodynamic stress incontinence 2.3 times higher than African American women [18]. Whilst most studies confirm these findings there is little evidence regarding the prevalence of urge incontinence or mixed incontinence.

Pregnancy Pregnancy is responsible for marked changes in the urinary tract and consequently lower urinary tract symptoms are more common and many are simply a reflection of normal physiological change. Urine production increases in pregnancy due to increasing cardiac output and a 25% increase in renal perfusion and glomerular filtration rate. Frequency of micturition is one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy affecting approximately 60% in the first- and mid-trimester and 81% in the final trimester. Nocturia is also a common symptom although it was only thought to be a nuisance in 4% of cases. Overall frequency occurs in over 90% of women in pregnancy. Urgency and urge incontinence have also been shown to increase in pregnancy. Urge incontinence has been shown to have a peak incidence of 19% in multiparous women

Childbirth may result in damage to the pelvic floor musculature as well as injury to the pudendal and pelvic nerves. The association between increasing parity and urinary incontinence has been reported in several studies. Some authorities have found this relationship to be linear whilst others have demonstrated a threshold at the first delivery and some have shown that increasing age at first delivery is significant. A large Australian study has demonstrated a strong relationship between urinary incontinence and parity in young women (18–23 years) although in middle age (45–50 years) there was only a modest association and this was lost in older women (70–75 years) [20]. Obstetric factors themselves may also have a direct effect on continence following delivery. The risk of incontinence increases by 5.7-fold in women who have had a previous vaginal delivery although a previous caesarean section did not increase the risk [21]. In addition, an increased risk of urinary incontinence has been associated with increased exposure to oxytocic drugs, vacuum extraction, forceps delivery and fetal macrosomia.

Menopause The urogenital tract and lower urinary tract are sensitive to the effects of oestrogen and progesterone throughout adult life. Epidemiological studies have implicated oestrogen deficiency in the aetiology of lower urinary tract symptoms occurring following the menopause with 70% of women relating the onset of urinary incontinence to their final menstrual period. Lower urinary tract symptoms have been shown to be common in postmenopausal women attending a menopause clinic with 20% complaining of severe urgency and almost 50% complaining of stress incontinence. Urge incontinence in particular is

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more prevalent following the menopause and the prevalence would appear to rise with increasing years of oestrogen deficiency. Some studies have shown a peak incidence in perimenopausal women whilst other evidence suggests that many women develop incontinence at least 10 years prior to the cessation of menstruation with significantly more premenopausal women than postmenopausal women being affected.

Quality of life Urinary incontinence is a common and distressing condition known to adversely affect quality of life [22]. Research has often concentrated on the prevalence, aetiology, diagnosis and management of urinary incontinence with little work being performed on the effects of this chronic condition, or its treatment, on quality of life (QoL). Over the last few decades interest in the incorporation of patient assessed health status or QoL measures into the evaluation of the management of urinary incontinence has increased [23]. The views of clinicians and patients regarding QoL and the effects of treatments differ considerably. Consequently there is increased recognition of the patients’ perception when assessing new interventions in the management of lower urinary tract dysfunction. The measurement of QoL allows the quantification of morbidity, the evaluation of treatment efficacy and also acts as a measure of how lives are affected and coping strategies adopted. It is estimated that 20% of adult women suffer some degree of life disruption secondary to lower urinary tract dysfunction [24]. The World Health Organisation has defined health as ‘not merely the absence of disease, but complete physical, mental and social well-being’ [25]. Quality of life has been used to mean a combination of patient assessed measures of health including physical function, role function, social function, emotional or mental state, burden of symptoms and sense of well-being [26]. QoL has been defined as including ‘those attributes valued by patients including their resultant comfort or sense of well-being; the extent to which they were able to maintain reasonable physical, emotional, and intellectual function; the degree to which they retain their ability to participate in valued activities within the family and the community’ [27]. This helps to emphasize the multidimensional nature of QoL and the importance of considering patients perception of their own situation with regard to non-health related aspects of their life [28]. Whilst quality of life is highly subjective it has now been acknowledged that it is as important as physical disease state in the management of women with lower urinary tract dysfunction [29]. Consequently the success

of treatment can no longer be judged on clinical parameters alone and quality of life needs to be considered in both clinical and research settings [30].

Quality of life assessment There are many validated questionnaires available although all have the same structure, consisting of a series of sections (domains) designed to gather information regarding particular aspects of health (Table 49.2). There are two types of QoL questionnaires, generic and disease, or condition-specific. More recently the International Consultation on Incontinence (ICI) has published levels of recommendation for both generic and disease-specific questionnaires [31] (Table 49.3). Generic QoL questionnaires Generic questionnaires are designed as general measures of QoL and are therefore applicable to a wide range of populations and clinical conditions. Many different validated Table 49.2 Quality of life domains Domains of quality of life Physical function, e.g. mobility, self-care, exercise Emotional function, e.g. depression, anxiety, worry Social function, e.g. intimacy, social support, social contact leisure activities Role performance, e.g. work, housework, shopping Pain Sleep/nausea Disease-specific symptoms Severity measures

Table 49.3 Criteria for the recommendation of questionnaires Grade of recommendation Grade A Highly recommended

Grade B Recommended

Grade C With potential

Evidence required Published data indicating that it is valid, reliable and responsive to change on psychometric testing Published data indicating that it is valid and reliable on psychometric testing Published data (including abstracts) indicating that it is valid or reliable or responsive on psychometric testing

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Table 49.4 Generic quality of life questionnaires

Table 49.6 Causes of urinary incontinence in women

Generic quality of life questionnaires (Grade A) Short form 36 (SF-36) [32]

Urodynamic stress incontinence (urethral sphincter incompetence) Detrusor overactivity (neurogenic detrusor overactivity) Overactive bladder Retention with overflow Fistulae – vesicovaginal, ureterovaginal, urethrovaginal, complex Congenital abnormalities, e.g. epispadias, ectopic ureter, spina bifida occulta Urethral diverticulum Temporary, for example, urinary tract infection, faecal impaction Functional, for example, immobility

Generic quality of life questionnaires (Grade B) Sickness impact profile [33] Nottingham health profile [34] Goteborg quality of life [35]

Table 49.5 Disease-specific quality of life questionnaires Disease-specific quality of life questionnaires (Grade A) Urogenital distress inventory (UDI) [36] Urogenital distress inventory – 6 (UDI-6) [37] Urge UDI [38] Incontinence severity index [39] Quality of life in persons with urinary incontinence (I-QoL) [40] King’s health questionnaire [22] Incontinence impact questionnaire (IIQ) [41]

generic questionnaires have been developed although not all are suitable for the assessment of lower urinary tract problems Table 49.4. They are not specific to a particular disease, treatment or age group and hence allow broad comparisons to be made. Consequently they lack sensitivity when applied to women with lower urinary tract symptoms and may be unable to detect clinically important improvement.

Disease-specific QoL questionnaires To improve the sensitivity of QoL questionnaires diseasespecific tools have been developed to assess particular medical conditions more accurately and in greater detail (Table 49.5). The questions are designed to focus on key aspects associated with lower urinary tract symptoms whilst scoring is performed so that clinically important changes can be detected. In general, perhaps the best solution when assessing women with urinary incontinence is to use a generic and a disease-specific questionnaire in combination, both of which have been validated and used previously.

Classification Urinary incontinence is best classified according to aetiology as shown in Table 49.6. There are a number of additional causes of urinary incontinence in elderly woman (Table 49.7), many of which can be reversed by appropriate intervention. More recently the term Overactive Bladder (OAB) has been introduced to describe the symptom complex of urgency with, or without urge incontinence, usually with


Table 49.7 Causes of incontinence in the elderly – many of which may be transient Infection (e.g. urinary tract infection) Confusional states (e.g. dementia) Faecal impaction Oestrogen deficiency Restricted mobility Depression Drug therapy (e.g. diuretics) Endocrine disorder (e.g. diabetes) Limited independence

frequency and nocturia [2]. Recent epidemiological studies have reported the overall prevalence of OAB in women to be 16.9% suggesting that there could be 17.5 million women in the United States of America who suffer from the condition. The prevalence increases with age, being 4.8% in women under 25 years to 30.9% in those over the age of 65 years [17]. This is supported by recent prevalence data from Europe in which 16,776 interviews were conducted in a population based survey [42]. The overall prevalence of overactive bladder in individuals 40 years and above was 16.6% and increased with age. Frequency was the most commonly reported symptom (85%) whilst 54% complained of urgency and 36% urge incontinence. When considering management 60% had consulted a physician although only 27% were currently receiving treatment.

Clinical presentation of urinary incontinence Symptoms of lower urinary tract dysfunction fall into three main groups: (1) incontinence; (2) overactive bladder symptoms; and (3) voiding difficulties. Stress incontinence is the most common complaint. It may be a symptom or a sign but it is not a diagnosis. Apart from stress incontinence, women may complain of

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urge incontinence, dribble or giggle incontinence or incontinence during sexual intercourse. Nocturnal enuresis (bed wetting) may occur on its own or in conjunction with other complaints. Symptoms of voiding difficulty include hesitancy, a poor stream, straining to void and incomplete bladder emptying. Apart from the symptoms of lower urinary tract dysfunction, it is important to take a full history from all women who present with urinary incontinence. Other gynaecological symptoms such as prolapse or menstrual disturbances may be relevant. A fibroid uterus may compress the bladder and can cause urinary frequency and urgency. There is an increased incidence of stress incontinence amongst women who have had large babies, particularly following instrumental vaginal delivery, so an obstetric history may be helpful. Information regarding other urological problems such as recurrent urinary tract infections, episodes of acute urinary retention or childhood enuresis should be sought. Urinary incontinence is sometimes the first manifestation of a neurological problem (notable multiple sclerosis) so it is important to enquire about neurological symptoms. Endocrine disorders such as diabetes may be responsible for symptoms of lower urinary tract dysfunction and should therefore be recorded. Some drugs affect urinary tract function, especially diuretics, which increase urine output. In older people they may cause urinary incontinence where only urgency existed previously. Other drugs which affect detrusor function include tricyclic antidepressants, major tranquillizers and α adrenergic blockers. Unfortunately, clinical examination is usually unhelpful in cases of female urinary incontinence. General examination should include the subject’s mental state and mobility as well as the appearance of local tissues. Excoriation of the vulva will indicate the severity of the problem and atrophic changes may reveal long-standing hormone deficiency. A gynaecological/urological examination should be carried out and, although stress incontinence may be demonstrated, this will only confirm the patient’s story; it will not actually indicate the cause. If a neurological lesion is suspected then the cranial nerves and sacral nerve roots S2–4 should be examined. The bladder has been described as an ‘unreliable witness’. The correlation between clinical diagnosis and urodynamic diagnosis is poor and therefore it is unusual to be able to make an accurate diagnosis based on history and examination alone. Urodynamic stress incontinence is the commonest cause of urinary incontinence in women and detrusor overactivity is the second most common cause. These two diagnoses account for over 90% of cases of female urinary incontinence. As their treatment differs it is important to make an accurate initial diagnosis. Jarvis

et al. [43] studied 41 women with urodynamic stress incontinence and 34 women with detrusor overactivity. They found that, although 98% of women with urodynamic stress incontinence complained of the symptom of stress incontinence, so did 25% of those with detrusor overactivity. In addition, 89% of women with detrusor overactivity complained of the symptom of urge incontinence, but so did 37% of those with urodynamic stress incontinence. Thus, it is difficult to separate these two common conditions on history alone. In fact, comparing the initial clinical diagnosis with the accurate urodynamic diagnosis, Jarvis et al. [43] found that 68% of those with urodynamic stress incontinence were correctly diagnosed, whereas only 51% of those with detrusor overactivity would have been correctly allocated.

Investigations Investigations range from the very simple to the highly sophisticated and complex and are outlined in Table 49.8.

mid-stream urine (msu) sample A mid-stream specimen of urine should always be sent for culture and sensitivity prior to further investigation. Although the patient’s symptoms are unlikely to be caused by a urinary tract infection, they can be altered by one, and catheterization in the presence of an infection could result in septicaemia. In addition, the results of the investigations themselves may be inaccurate in the presence of an infection.

Table 49.8 Investigations of female urinary incontinence General practitioner/outpatient Mid-stream specimen of urine Frequency/volume chart Pad test Basic urodynamics Uroflowmetry Cystometry Videocystourethrography Specialized Urethral pressure profilometry Cystourethroscopy Ultrasound Cystourethrography Intravenous urography Electromyography Ambulatory urodynamics

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Day 1 Time



Day 2 W



Day 3 W



Day 4 W



Day 5 W




6 am 7 am 8 am 8.30 9 am 10 am 10.45 11 am

200 200 350

4 pm 5 pm .30 6 pm .15 7 pm

50 200 60


200 100 100

3 am 4 am


100 100


250 200

100 50

40 100

50 200 175

9 pm


200 100 50 150


50 200

100 75


200 150

50 25

200 100




200 100

8 pm

10 pm 11 pm .30 12 am 1 am .30 2 am

300 350



2 pm 3 pm

200 150 200

400 50 200

12 pm 1 pm

200 250

200 150 50 100

150 200

200 100

for. Clearly there needs to be a balance between asking the patient to complete a diary for a long period of time and thus increasing the reliability and the inconvenience this causes. Current practice is to use a five-day chart although some authorities would suggest only three days. The results obtained in each week of a two week diary have been compared [44] and there is a strong correlation between the two weeks suggesting that seven days is an acceptable alternative to fourteen. A short urinary diary of only two days has also been assessed in 151 asymptomatic women aged 19–81 years [46]. Of these women only 8% had a micturition frequency of eight times or more in 24 h with a tendency for the number of nocturnal micturitions to increase with age. Unfortunately, in symptomatic women it is not possible to reliably distinguish patients with urodynamic stress incontinence from those with other urodynamic diagnoses using a frequency–volume chart alone [47].

100 325



pad test

100 100


100 50

100 50

75 150 150

5 am


Fig. 49.4 King’s College Hospital frequency–volume chart. Example of a frequency–volume chart showing frequent small voided volumes.

frequency–volume charts It is often helpful to ask women to complete a frequency– volume chart or urinary diary (Fig. 49.4). This is informative for the doctor as well as the patient and may indicate excessive drinking or bad habit as the cause of lower urinary tract symptoms. There is a tendency for patients to exaggerate their urinary symptoms when giving a history [44] and their recall of incontinent episodes may not be reliable. The frequency–volume chart (urinary or bladder diary) provides an objective assessment of a patient’s fluid input and urine output. As well as the number of voids and incontinence episodes, the mean volume voided over a 24-h period can also be calculated as well as the diurnal and nocturnal volumes. Frequency–volume charts have the advantage of assessing symptom severity in the everyday situation. Self-monitoring techniques may themselves modify the behaviour they are assessing [45]. However, reported micturition frequency and the number of incontinent episodes have been found to be highly reproducible on test–retest analysis [44, 46]. There is ongoing discussion regarding the optimum duration that the charts should be completed

Incontinence can be confirmed (without diagnosing the cause) by performing a pad weighing test. Many different types of pad test have been described. The following is just an example. The subject is asked to drink 500 ml of water. She then applies a preweighed perineal pad (sanitary towel) to her perineum and spends the next hour walking around, performing normal household duties. She performs a series of exercises, including coughing and deep knee bending and washes her hands under running water before the pad is reweighed. A weight gain of more than 1 g in 1 h normally represents urinary incontinence. The 24- and 48-h home pad tests have been described and, although they may be more representative, they require greater patient compliance and motivation to perform.

Urodynamics The term urodynamic studies describes several investigations which are employed to determine bladder function. uroflowmetry Uroflowmetry, the measurement of urine flow rate, is a simple test which can exclude the presence of outflow obstruction, or a hypotonic detrusor, but on its own will not differentiate between the two. Various different types of flowmeter are available and utilize a strain gauge weighing transducer, an electronic dipstick, a rotating disc or ultrasound. In order to obtain a flow rate, the patient is asked to void on to the flowmeter, in private, when her bladder is comfortably full. The maximum flow rate

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45 ml/s


12.5 ml/s

Fig. 49.6 The first cystometer. From Mosso and Pellacani (1882). (b)

Fig. 49.5 (a) Normal uroflowmetry (maximum flow 45 ml/s, voided volume 330 ml); (b) reduced flow rate (maximum flow rate 12.5 ml/s, voided volume 225 ml).

Filling medium

and volume voided are recorded. In women, the normal recording is a bell-shaped curve with a peak flow rate of at least 15 ml/s for a volume of 150 ml of urine voided (Fig. 49.5a). A reduced flow rate in an asymptomatic woman may be important if she is to undergo incontinence surgery as she is more likely to develop voiding difficulties in the postoperative period (Fig. 49.5b).

Water manometer (with ruler)

cystometry Cystometry, which measures the pressure–volume relationship within the bladder, can differentiate between urodynamic stress incontinence and detrusor overactivity in the majority of cases (Fig. 49.6). Simple cystometry is easy to perform and can be carried out in all district general hospitals. The bladder is filled with physiological saline via a blood-giving set and urethral catheter (Fig. 49.7). During bladder filling the intravesical (total bladder) pressure is measured using a central venous pressure line water manometer. This type of simple cystometry is subject to two major sources of error. First, the intravesical pressure cannot be measured continuously during bladder filling so sequential bladder filling must be employed.


T-piece connection


Fig. 49.7 Simple cystometry.

Second, measurement of the intravesical pressure does not always accurately represent changes in detrusor pressure. As the bladder is an intra-abdominal organ the detrusor is subject to changes in intra-abdominal pressure and therefore subtracted cystometry, which involves measurement

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Voiding Filling Stands up Filling volume

Intravesical pressure

Detrusor pressure

500 ml 0.9% saline 100 ml/min

500 ml

100 cm H2O

Intravesical pressure (Pa)

100 cm H2O

Detrusor pressure (Pa-Pb)

100 cm H2O Rectal pressure

Flow rate

Intra-abdominal pressure (Pb)

25 ml/s

500 ml Voiding volume

Fig. 49.8 Subtracted cystometry.

of both the intravesical and the intra-abdominal pressure simultaneously, is more accurate. subtracted cystometry A subtracted cystometrogram can be performed in many different ways, but in the UK the bladder is normally filled with physiological saline at body temperature and the pressure is measured via a narrow fluid-filled catheter using a large external pressure transducer. The rectal (or vaginal) pressure is recorded to represent intra-abdominal pressure and this is subtracted from the bladder (intravesical) pressure to give the detrusor pressure (Fig. 49.8). Catheter-mounted solid state microtip pressure transducers are becoming increasingly popular for bladder and rectal pressure measurements. They are more expensive and less durable than the large external pressure transducers but have the advantage of reducing the bulk of the urodynamic equipment.

The information which can be obtained from a subtracted cystometrogram includes sensation, capacity, contractility and compliance (Fig. 49.9). The urinary residual volume is normally less than 50 ml, the first sensation of desire to void is normally 150–250 ml and the cystometric bladder capacity is normally 400–600 ml. Under normal circumstances, the detrusor pressure does not rise more than 10 cm of water for a volume of 300 ml, or 15 cm of water for a volume of 500 ml, and there are no detrusor contractions during bladder filling. When the bladder has been filled to capacity the woman is stood up and the filling catheter removed. She is asked to cough several times and to heel bounce and any rise in detrusor pressure or leakage per urethram is recorded. She is then asked to pass urine and the detrusor pressure is measured. At some point during voiding she is told to interrupt her urinary stream. The striated urethral sphincter and pelvic floor will contract immediately, but the smooth muscle of the detrusor will not relax instantaneously and

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Fig. 49.9 Subtracted cystometrogram trace showing a picture of low compliance.

the resulting rise in detrusor pressure is known as the isometric detrusor contraction. When the detrusor pressure has fallen to its premicturition level, the subject is asked to empty her bladder completely and any urinary residual volume can be noted. The normal maximum voiding pressure is not more than 60 cm of water in women (Fig. 49.10). videocystourethrography Videocystourethrography with pressure and flow studies, which combines cystometry, uroflowmetry and radiological screening of the bladder and urethra, is the single most informative investigation (Fig. 49.11). It is relatively expensive and time consuming and is only available in tertiary referral centres. A radiological contrast medium such as Urografin is used to fill the bladder instead of saline and a subtracted provocative cystometrogram is performed in the normal way. After bladder filling the patient is tilted erect on the X-ray screening table and

the image intensifier is used to visualize her bladder and urethra. She is asked to cough with a full bladder and the extent of bladder base descent and any leakage of contrast medium are recorded. During voiding abnormal bladder morphology can be assessed as well as the presence of vesicoureteric reflux, trabeculation or diverticula. Occasionally a urethral diverticulum or vesicovaginal fistula may be identified (Fig. 49.12). In addition, bony abnormalities of the pelvis may occasionally be seen. The whole investigation can be recorded on video tape or computer with a sound commentary for immediate and later replay, in order to facilitate diagnosis, audit, data storage, research and education. Although videocystourethrography has no advantage over subtracted cystometry when differentiating between urodynamic stress incontinence and detrusor overactivity, there are some occasions when videocystourethrography is particularly useful. These include patients in whom previous incontinence surgery has failed, mixed or unusual symptoms and neurological disorders (Fig. 49.13).

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Fig. 49.10 A normal cystometrogram trace (the bottom line represents the flow rate, which is normal).

voiding cystometry Following the completion of filling cystometry the filling catheter is removed prior to voiding to prevent any unnecessary urethral obstruction. The intravesical and rectal pressure recording lines are left in situ, allowing simultaneous measurement of detrusor pressure along with the urine flow rate (Fig. 49.14). As with uroflowmetry, the patient is asked to void while sitting on a flowmeter in private. During normal voiding there is a coordinated contraction of the bladder and at the same time relaxation of the urethra which is sustained until the bladder is empty. Women normally void with a detrusor pressure of less than 60 cm H2 O and a peak flow of >15 ml/s for a voided volume of at least 150 ml (Benness 1997). Some women have an excellent flow of urine with little or no rise in detrusor pressure which is simply a reflection that the contraction has occurred in the presence of low outlet resistance. However, if the detrusor pressure during voiding is reduced with low flow rates and a significant postmicturition residual the patient is classified as having voiding difficulty. In women, voiding problems are rarely due to bladder outflow obstruction and much more likely to be secondary to impaired detrusor contractility. Bladder outflow obstruction is characterized by a low flow rate and raised detrusor pressure during voiding. The patient may also be seen to use additional abdominal straining to try and improve the intravesical pressure.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that in some women with outflow obstruction the detrusor decompensates with time, resulting in both low detrusor pressure and low flow rate [48]. In some women, and particularly those with overt neurological disease, pathological contraction of the external sphincter occurs during a bladder contraction. This is called detrusor sphincter dyssynergia (DSD). Characteristically there is a high detrusor pressure during voiding associated with a poor flow rate. In some women urinary retention may occur and catheterization is therefore necessary. Both relaxation of the urethral sphincter and initiation of voiding are subject to cortical influence, so the results of urodynamic investigation may be confounded by embarrassment or an unfamiliar testing environment. Most patients are able to pass urine at the end of the investigation but their inability to do so does not necessarily indicate a functional abnormality. Some women will subsequently have free flow rates and residual urine assessments which indicate normality.

Special investigations Urethral pressure profilometry The resting urethral pressure profile (UPP) is a graphical record of pressure within the urethra at successive points along its length. A number of measurements can be

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Fig. 49.11 Videocystourethrography demonstrating urodynamic stress incontinence. Subtracted filling cystometry showing no evidence of detrusor overactivity and synchronous screening demonstrating urethral sphincter incompetence on coughing.

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Fig. 49.12 Videocrystourethrography: Images.


Extrinsic compression of the bladder by uterine fibroids

Large cystocele

Multiple bladder diverticulae

Neurogenic bladder with uninhibited detrusor contraction and associated leakage

Bladder trabeculation, diverticulae and right sided vesico-ureteric reflux

Multiple diverticulae, bladder trabeculation and an unprovoked contraction with leakage

taken allowing an objective comparison of urethral function between patients and also before and after treatment. Although the concept of measuring the urethral pressure profile appears physiological there is considerable uncertainty regarding its use as a measure of urethral function and also as a prognostic tool. Urethral pressure profilometry has been performed for at least 50 years, initially using balloon catheters and subsequently fluid perfusion. However, both these methods were unsatisfactory as they only enabled urethral pressure

profile measurements to be made at rest and not under stress. Solid state microtransducer catheters are now employed. Two micro transducers are sited 6 cm apart on a 7 French silicone-coated solid catheter. They are gradually withdrawn at a constant rate along the length of the urethra, enabling the intraurethral and intravesical pressure to be recorded simultaneously. Many different parameters can be measured [49]; of particular interest are the maximum urethral closure pressure and functional urethral length (Figs 49.15 and 49.16). In addition, stress pressure

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Fig. 49.13 Subtracted cystometrogram showing a picture of severe neurogenic detrusor overactivity in a patient with multiple sclerosis.

profiles can be performed if the patient coughs repeatedly during the procedure. This enables the pressure transmission ratio (the increment in urethral pressure, on stress, as a percentage of the simultaneously recorded increment in intravesical pressure) to be calculated. Urethral instability or relaxation can also be identified. Although urethral pressure profilometry is not useful in the diagnosis of urodynamic stress incontinence [50, 51], it is helpful in women whose incontinence operations have failed and also in those with voiding difficulties.

of frequency, urgency or dysuria with normal urodynamic results. Cystoscopy may reveal abnormalities of the bladder epithelium, such as inflammation suggestive of infection, petechial haemorrhages or shallow ulcers due to interstitial cystitis. Papillomas or other tumours may be seen. Biopsies can be taken to confirm the underlying diagnosis, for example, mast cell infiltration in interstitial cystitis or a possible transitional cell carcinoma.

imaging of the lower urinary tract cystourethroscopy Cystourethroscopy is normally carried out under general anaesthesia, but local anaesthesia is adequate if a flexible cystoscope is employed. Cystoscopy is particularly useful when there is a history of haematuria or recurrent urinary tract infections, or when no underlying cause can be found for sensory urgency or the symptoms

Imaging of the lower urinary tract can be informative and, although videocystourethrography and cystoscopy are still the most commonly employed techniques, other forms of radiology, ultrasound and, most recently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are being employed increasingly frequently. Micturition cystography has largely been replaced by videocystourethrography, as the morphological

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Fig. 49.14 Voiding cystometry.

Fig. 49.15 Urethral pressure profilometry – normal trace.

information it provides is similar. However, it can be used to diagnose an anatomical abnormality such as a fistula or a urethral diverticulum when lower urinary tract dysfunction is not suspected. Intravenous urography has now largely been replaced by ultrasound of the upper urinary tract. However, it is important to perform an intravenous urogram in cases

of haematuria, recurrent urinary tract infections, voiding difficulties or vesicoureteric reflux (Fig. 49.17). Additional pathology may be diagnosed, such as the presence of a ureteric fistula, a transitional cell carcinoma or calculi. Ultrasound is now routinely used for assessing bladder volumes [52]. Abdominal, vaginal, rectal, perineal and introital ultrasound have all been employed and are

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Fig. 49.16 Normal urethral pressure profile trace.

useful for estimating bladder capacity, urinary residual volume and assessing the upper urinary tracts. However, the role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of lower urinary tract dysfunction is still undergoing evaluation. Transvaginal ultrasound does allow clear visualization of the urethra and urethral diverticula. Bladder wall thickness of an empty bladder can be measured transvaginally giving a reproducible, sensitive method of screening for detrusor overactivity (a mean bladder wall thickness of >5 mm gave a predictive value of 94% in the diagnosis of detrusor overactivity) [53]. Measurement of bladder wall thickness has also been shown to have a role as an adjunctive test in those women whose lower urinary tract symptoms are not explained by conventional urodynamic investigations [54]. Rectal ultrasound [55] and perineal ultrasound [56] have been employed to examine the anatomy and mobility

of the bladder neck and urethra, but it is important to appreciate that ultrasound cannot be used instead of urodynamic investigations which assesses the function rather than the morphology of the lower urinary tract. Three-dimensional ultrasound is currently being employed mainly as a research tool. It can be used to estimate the volume of irregularly shaped organs such as the rhabdosphincter urethrae, which has been shown to be smaller in women with urodynamic stress incontinence than those with detrusor overactivity [57] and has also been shown to correlate with maximum urethral closure pressure [58]. Three-dimensional ultrasound has also been used to measure the levator ani hiatus which is significantly larger in women with prolapse than those with urodynamic stress incontinence or asymptomatic women [59].

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Fig. 49.17 Intravenous urogram showing a right duplex ureter.

MRI is non-invasive and non-ionizing and allows tissues to be visualized in great detail. The urethra, bladder neck and pelvic floor have been examined [60] and fast MRI scan has been used to study prolapse [61]. Recently an erect MRI scan has been described but its applications have not yet been identified [62]. The use of this type of technology in clinical practice is contentious as it is expensive for limited information. electromyography Electromyography can be employed to assess the integrity of the nerve supply to a muscle. The electrical impulses to a muscle fibre are measured following nervous stimulation. Two main types of electromyography are employed in the assessment of lower urinary tract dysfunction. Surface electrodes can be placed on the perineum, vagina or anal canal as an anal plug. The pudendal nerve is stimulated and potentials measured via the electrode. This is inaccurate as the muscular activity of the levator ani is not necessarily representative of that of the rhabdosphincter urethrae. Single fibre electromyography is more accurate


as it assesses the nerve latency within individual muscle fibres of the rhabdosphincter. In this way denervation of motor units can be assessed. Research from Manchester has suggested that the occurrence of urodynamic stress incontinence postpartum is due to partial denervation of the pelvic floor musculature and rhabdosphincter urethrae and is characterized by increased motor latencies [63]. Electromyography is not useful in the routine clinical evaluation of patients with uncomplicated urinary incontinence. However, it may be useful in the assessment of women with neurological abnormalities or those with voiding difficulties and retention of urine. However, work from our own unit showed no difference in urethral sphincter electromyography parameters when women with urodynamically proven urodynamic stress incontinence (n = 33) and a continent control group (n = 35) were compared. Our findings suggested that denervation and reinnervation of the striated urethral sphincter may not be a major aetiological factor in the development of urodynamic stress incontinence [64]. Urethral electric conductance has not gained wide acceptance in the routine urodynamic assessment of women with urinary incontinence [65, 66]. A 7 French flexible probe with two ring electrodes 1 mm apart is withdrawn along the urethra. It measures the passage of urine along the urethra by registering the change in conductivity. This technique can be employed at the bladder neck to assess bladder neck opening, or in the distal urethra to detect urine loss. Different conductivity patterns are associated with different urodynamic diagnoses, and distal urethral electrical conductance has been recommended as a screening test for detrusor overactivity [67, 68]. It is now seldom used in clinical practice. ambulatory urodynamics All urodynamic tests are unphysiological and most are invasive. Various authors have suggested that long-term ambulatory monitoring may be more physiological as the assessment takes place over a prolonged period of time and during normal daily activities [69]. Ambulatory urodynamic studies are defined as a functional test of the lower urinary tract utilizing natural filling and reproducing the subjects everyday activities [2]. There are three main components to an ambulatory urodynamic system; the transducers, the recording unit and the analysing system (Fig. 49.18). The transducers are solid state and are mounted on 5 french and 7 french bladder and rectal catheters. It is our practice to use two bladder transducers in order to reduce artefact. The recording system should be portable in order to allow freedom of movement with a digital memory aiding compression and expansion of the traces which are obtained. An event marker

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is attached to the recording unit allowing the patient to mark episodes of urgency and also to document voids. In addition the recording unit is attached to an electronic (urilos) pad to document episodes of leakage during the study and should have the facility to attach to a flowmeter so as to record pressure flow voiding studies. The ambulatory protocol at Kings College Hospital consists of a 4-h period during which time the patient is asked to drink 200 ml of fluid every 30 min and also to keep a diary of events and symptoms (Fig. 49.19). On completion of the test the trace is then analysed with the patient using a personal computer and the urinary diary. Detrusor overactivity should only be diagnosed if there is a detrusor contraction noted in both bladder lines in the presence of symptoms (Fig. 49.20).

The clinical usefulness of ambulatory urodynamics is limited by the high prevalence of abnormal detrusor (38–69%) contractions in asymptomatic volunteers [70, 71]. However the diagnosis of detrusor overactivity is highly dependent on interpretation of the results; in a prospective study of 26 asymptomatic women the incidence of detrusor overactivity varied from 11.5% to 76.9% depending on the criteria used [72]. However, if the criteria for defining abnormal detrusor contractions are a simultaneous pressure rise on both bladder lines in addition to patient reported symptoms of urgency or urge incontinence the findings are normal in 90% of women which is similar to that reported in laboratory urodynamics. Although ambulatory urodynamics is still considered to be mainly a research tool there is no doubt that it is often exceedingly helpful in cases where the clinical and conventional urodynamic diagnoses differ, or when no abnormality is found on laboratory urodynamics [73]. Ambulatory urodynamics have been shown to be more sensitive than laboratory urodynamics in the diagnosis of detrusor overactivity but less sensitive in the diagnosis of urodynamic stress incontinence [74] although their role in clinical practice remains controversial [75].

Causes of urinary incontinence Urethral incontinence will occur whenever the intravesical pressure involuntarily exceeds the intraurethral pressure. This may be due to an increase in intravesical (or detrusor) pressure or a reduction in urethral pressure or a combination of the two. Thus the fault which leads to incontinence may lie in the urethra or the bladder or both.



Fig. 49.18 Ambulatory urodynamic equipment demonstrating the (a) digital recording unit, and urilos pad and (b) microtip pressure transducer.

INPUT: Pressure catheters Urine loss detector Flow meter

Urodynamic stress incontinence Urodynamic stress incontinence is defined as the involuntary leakage of urine during increased abdominal pressure

Analogue to digital converter Sampling at 10Hz Solid state memory 2Mbyte Internal clock

Diary kept by patient throughout procedure

Personal computer Recording downloaded Traces analyzed on appropriate scale Pressure/flow analysis Diary merged with traces

OUTPUT: Diagnosis.

Fig. 49.19 Schematic flow diagram representing ambulatory urodynamics: 4-h test, standardized fluid intake, instruction sheet.

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Fig. 49.20 Ambulatory urodynamic trace showing detrusor overactivity which is associated with urine loss into the urilos pad.

Table 49.9 Causes of urodynamic stress incontinence Urethral hypermobility Urogenital prolapse Pelvic floor damage or denervation Parturition Pelvic surgery Menopause Urethral scarring Vaginal (urethral) surgery Incontinence surgery Urethral dilatation or urethrotomy Recurrent urinary tract infections Radiotherapy Raised intra-abdominal pressure Pregnancy Chronic cough (bronchitis) Abdominal/pelvic mass Faecal impaction Ascites (Obesity)

in the absence of a detrusor contraction [2]. There are various different underlying causes which result in weakness of one or more of the components of the urethral sphincter mechanism (Table 49.9). The bladder neck and proximal urethra are normally situated in an intra-abdominal position above the pelvic floor and are supported by the pubourethral ligaments.

Damage to either the pelvic floor musculature (levator ani) or pubourethral ligaments may result in descent of the proximal urethra such that it is no longer an intraabdominal organ and this results in leakage of urine per urethram during stress. It has been postulated that vaginal delivery results in denervation of the urethral sphincter mechanism [63]. Snooks et al. [76] employed electromyography to reveal evidence of pelvic floor denervation in women who had delivered vaginally but not those who had undergone caesarean section. They later compared antenatal with postpartum women and confirmed that vaginal delivery results in pelvic floor denervation [77]. In a study of 96 nulliparous women who delivered vaginally, Allen et al. [78] have reported electromyographic evidence of denervation of the pelvic floor in postpartum women with urinary incontinence. A long active second stage of labour was the only factor associated with severe damage. Although pudendal function has been shown to recover with time [76, 79] it has also been shown to deteriorate progressively with ageing and subsequent vaginal deliveries [80]. Because of the increased incidence of pelvic floor trauma with vaginal delivery, especially instrumental delivery, it has been proposed that elective caesarean section should be offered to women who are at increased risk [81]. More recently the ‘mid-urethral theory’ or ‘integral theory’ has been described by Petros and Ulmsten [82]. This concept is based on earlier studies suggesting that the

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distal and mid-urethra play an important role in the continence mechanism [83] and that the maximal urethral closure pressure is at the mid urethral point [84]. This theory proposes that damage to the pubourethral ligaments supporting the urethra, impaired support of the anterior vaginal wall to the mid urethra, and weakened function of part of the pubococcygeal muscles which insert adjacent to the urethra are responsible for causing stress incontinence. Urodynamic stress incontinence is the commonest cause of urinary incontinence in women and represents over half of those referred for a gynaecological opinion. Women usually complain of the symptom of stress incontinence with or without frequency, urgency, urge incontinence or prolapse [85]. Stress incontinence may be demonstrated on clinical examination, but this will only verify the patient’s history and will not diagnose the cause of the incontinence. Usually the diagnosis of urodynamic stress incontinence is made by negative findings rather than positive ones. If cystometry is normal and stress incontinence is observed, a diagnosis of urodynamic stress incontinence can be made. If a woman complains of stress incontinence as her sole symptom and stress incontinence can be demonstrated on coughing, there is a 95% chance that the diagnosis is urodynamic stress incontinence. However, Haylen et al. [86] have shown that only 2% of women who present for urodynamic assessment fall into this category.

conservative treatment Types of conservative treatment for urodynamic stress incontinence are listed in Table 49.10. Conservative treatment is indicated when the incontinence is mild, the patient is medically unfit for surgery or does not wish to undergo an operation, or in women who have not yet completed their families. It may also be useful prior to surgery when the patient’s name is on a long waiting list. However, it is unusual for anything more than mild urodynamic stress incontinence to be completely cured by these conservative measures and most women require surgery eventually [87].

Table 49.10 Conservative treatment for urodynamic stress incontinence Kegel (pelvic floor) exercises Perineometry Vaginal cones Faradism Interferential therapy Maximum electrical stimulation Duloxetine

Pelvic floor muscle training Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) and pelvic floor physiotherapy remain the first line conservative measure since their introduction in 1948 [88]. PFMT appear to work in a number of different ways: 1 Women learn to consciously pre-contract the pelvic floor muscles before and during increases in abdominal pressure to prevent leakage (‘the knack’). 2 Strength training builds up long-lasting muscle volume and thus provides structural support. 3 Abdominal muscle training indirectly strengthens the pelvic floor muscles [89]. In addition during a contraction the urethra may also be pressed against the posterior aspect of the symphysis pubis producing a mechanical rise in urethral pressure [90]. Since up to 30% of women with stress incontinence are unable to contract their pelvic floor correctly at presentation [91], some patients may simply need to be re-taught the ‘knack’ of squeezing the appropriate muscles at the correct time [92]. Cure rates varying between 21% and 84% have been reported [88, 93, 94]. Success appears to depend upon the type and severity of incontinence treated, the instruction and follow-up given, the compliance of the patient and the outcome measures used. However, the evidence would suggest that PFMT is more effective if patients are given a structured programme to follow rather than simple verbal instructions [95]. The success of PFMT may be further enhanced by the use of biofeedback [96]. This technique allows patients to receive visual or audio feedback relating to contraction of their pelvic floor. The most commonly used device in clinical practice is the perineometer which may give women an improved idea of a pelvic floor contraction and provide an effective stimulus to encourage greater and continued effort. Perineometry A perineometer is a cylindrical vaginal device which can be used to assess the strength of pelvic floor contractions. It can be used to help an individual to contract her pelvic floor muscles appropriately and is also useful in detecting improvement following pelvic floor exercises. Perineometers are available for both hospital and home use. Weighted vaginal cones These are currently available as sets of five or three [97], all of the same shape and size but of increasing weight (20–90 g). When inserted into the vagina a cone stimulates the pelvic floor to contract to prevent it from falling out and this provides ‘vaginal weight training’. A 60–70%

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improvement rate has been reported using this technique [98] and two studies have shown that cones are as effective as more conventional forms of pelvic floor re-education and require less supervision [99, 100]. However, longer term studies suggest that initial improvement may not be maintained [101] and their effectiveness in the treatment of urodynamic stress incontinence is limited with a randomized controlled study of conservative treatments showing that only 7.5% of women felt they no longer had a continence problem after using vaginal cones for six months. In addition there was no difference in pelvic muscle strength when compared with the control group [93]. Furthermore there have been some reports that vaginal cones may produce prolonged isometric contraction of the pelvic floor muscles and muscle injury if overused [102]. Maximal electrical stimulation This can be carried out using a home device which utilizes a vaginal electrode through which a variable current is passed. The woman is able to adjust the strength of the stimulus herself and is instructed to use the device for 20 min daily initially for 1 month. Maximum electrical stimulation has been employed in both the management of urodynamic stress incontinence and detrusor overactivity although it has not gained popularity. In a multicentre trial Sand et al. (1995) have shown that this type of electrical stimulator is more effective both subjectively and objectively (pad weighing test) than a sham device in the treatment of urodynamic stress incontinence. In addition a more recent meta-analysis has shown that electrical

Fig. 49.21 Vaginal continence devices. (a) Contrelle (CCT) and (b) Conveen (CCG).



stimulation is as effective as PFMT for the treatment of urodynamic stress incontinence [103]. Vaginal devices There are many women who for various reasons are not suitable for or do not wish to undergo active treatment of their incontinence. They do, however, require some sort of ‘containment’ of their leakage and vaginal devices may be useful for use during exercise on a short term basis. Sanitary tampons are easily available and reduce urinary leakage by elevating the bladder neck and causing a degree of outflow obstruction. However, they are irritant to the vagina when used frequently and sponge tampons are now available which can be soaked in water prior to use and therefore remain moist whilst in situ. The Conveen Continence Guard is a specially shaped vaginal tampon which has been assessed in a multicentre trial of 85 women with urodynamic stress incontinence aged 31–65 years. It was used daily for 4 weeks and assessed both subjectively and objectively using a pad weight test [104]. Overall 75% of the women were objectively improved whilst the device was in situ. More recently the Conveen Continence Guard (CCG) has been compared with the Contrelle Continence Tampon (CCT) (Fig. 49.21) in a prospective study of 94 women with urodynamic stress incontinence [105]. Overall both devices were found to significantly reduce the amount of urinary leakage but this was significantly greater in the CCT group. In addition two-thirds of women preferred the CCT to the CCG. There were no serious


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adverse events and no association with vaginal or lower urinary tract infections.

Medical therapy Whilst various agents such as α1 -adrenoceptor agonists, oestrogens and tricyclic antidepressants have all been used anecdotally in the past for the treatment of stress incontinence duloxetine is the first drug to be specifically developed and licensed for this indication. Duloxetine is a potent and balanced serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine) and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) which enhances urethral striated sphincter activity via a centrally mediated pathway [106]. The efficacy and safety of duloxetine (20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg) has been evaluated in a double-blind randomized parallel group placebo controlled phase II dose finding study in 48 centres in the United States involving 553 women with stress incontinence [107]. Duloxetine was associated with significant and dose dependent decreases in incontinence episode frequency. Reductions were 41% for placebo and 54%, 59% and 64% for the 20, 40 and 80 mg, groups respectively. Discontinuation rates were also dose dependent; 5% for placebo and 9%, 12% and 15% of 20 mg, 40 mg and 80 mg respectively, the most frequently reported adverse event being nausea. A further global phase III study of 458 women has also recently been reported [108]. There was a significant decrease in incontinence episode frequency and improvement in quality of life in those women taking duloxetine 40 mg od. when compared to placebo. Once again nausea was the most frequently reported adverse event occurring in 25.1% of women receiving duloxetine compared to a rate of 3.9% in those taking placebo. However, 60% of nausea resolved by 7 days and 86% by 1 month. These findings are supported by a further double-blind, placebo controlled study of 109 women awaiting surgery for stress incontinence [109]. Overall there was a significant improvement in incontinence episode frequency and quality of life in those women taking duloxetine when compared to placebo. Furthermore, 20% of women who were awaiting continence surgery changed their mind whilst taking duloxetine. More recently the role of synergistic therapy with pelvic floor muscle training and duloxetine has been examined in a prospective study of 201 women with stress incontinence. Women were randomized to one of four treatment combinations; duloxetine 40 mg bd, PFMT, combination therapy or placebo. Overall duloxetine, with or without PFMT was found to be superior to placebo or PFMT alone whilst pad test results and quality of life analysis favoured combination therapy to single treatment [110].

Surgery Surgery is usually the most effective way of curing urodynamic stress incontinence and a 90% cure rate can be expected for an appropriate, properly performed primary procedure. Surgery for urodynamic stress incontinence aims to elevate the bladder neck and proximal urethra into an intra-abdominal position, to support the bladder neck and align it to the posterosuperior aspect of the pubic symphysis, and in some cases to increase the outflow resistance. Undoubtedly the results of suprapubic operations such as the Burch colposuspension or Marshall– Marchetti–Krantz procedure are better than those for the traditional, anterior colporrhaphy with bladder neck buttress [111]. Numerous operations have been described and many are still performed today. Common operations for urodynamic stress incontinence are listed in Table 49.11. A systematic review of the effectiveness of surgery for stress incontinence in women [112] revealed only 11 randomized controlled trials, 20 non-randomized trials and 45 retrospective studies. This review showed that evidence as to the effectiveness of surgery for stress incontinence is weak, but that colposuspension is more effective and long lasting than anterior colporrhaphy or needle suspension. Reliable data on the frequency of complications following surgery were lacking but repeat operations were noted to be less successful than first procedures.

Table 49.11 Operations for urodynamic stress incontinence Vaginal Anterior colporrhaphy +/− Kelly/Pacey suture Urethrocliesis Urethral bulking agents Retropubic tape procedures Transobturator tape procedures Abdominal Marshall–Marchetti–Krantz procedure Burch colposuspension Laparoscopic Colposuspension Combined Sling Endoscopic bladder neck suspension, for example, Stamey, Raz Complex Neourethra Artificial sphincter Urinary diversion

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Symphysis pubis

anterior colporrhaphy Anterior colporrhaphy is still performed for stress incontinence. Although it is usually the best operation for a cystourethrocele, the cure rates for urodynamic stress incontinence are poor compared to suprapubic procedures [113]. Since prolapse is relatively easier to cure than stress incontinence, it is appropriate to perform the best operation for incontinence when the two conditions coexist.


Ileopectineal ligament


marshall–marchetti–krantz The Marshall–Marchetti–Krantz procedure is a suprapubic operation in which the paraurethral tissue at the level of the bladder neck is sutured to the periostium and/or perichondrium of the posterior aspect of the pubic symphysis. This procedure elevates the bladder neck but will not correct any concomitant cystocele. It has been largely superseded by the Burch colposuspension because its complications include osteitis pubis in 2–7% of cases. colposuspension The Burch colposuspension has been modified by many authors, since its original description [114]. Until recently colposuspension has been the operation of choice in primary urodynamic stress incontinence as it corrects both stress incontinence and a cystocele. It may not be suitable if the vagina is scarred or narrowed by previous surgery. The operation is performed via a low transverse suprapubic incision. The bladder, bladder neck and proximal urethra are dissected medially off the underlying paravaginal fascia and three or four pairs of non-absorbable or long-term absorbable sutures are inserted between the fascia and the ipsilateral iliopectineal ligament. Haemostasis is secured and the sutures are tied, thus elevating the bladder neck and bladder base (Fig. 49.22). Simultaneous hysterectomy does not improve results but if there is uterine pathology (menorrhagia or uterovaginal prolapse) then a total abdominal hysterectomy should be performed at the same time. Postoperatively a suction drain is left in the retropubic space and a suprapubic catheter is inserted into the bladder. Perioperative antibiotics and/or subcutaneous heparin may be employed. In virtually all reported series comparing results of a Burch colposuspension with any other procedure to cure urodynamic stress incontinence, the results of the colposuspension have been the best. Whilst the colposuspension is now well recognized as an effective procedure for stress incontinence it is not without complications. Detrusor overactivity may occur de novo or may be unmasked by the procedure [115] which may lead to long-term urinary symptoms. Voiding difficulties are common postoperatively and although they usually


Fig. 49.22 Modified Burch colposuspension.

resolve within a short time after the operation, long-term voiding dysfunction may result. In addition, a rectoenterocele may be exacerbated by repositioning the vagina [116]. However, the colposuspension is the only incontinence operation for which long-term data are available. Alcalay et al. [117] have reported a series of 109 women with an overall cure rate of 69% at a mean of 13.8 years.

laparoscopic colposuspension Minimally invasive surgery is attractive and this trend has extended to surgery for stress incontinence. Although many authors have reported excellent short-term subjective results from laparoscopic colposuspension [118], early studies have shown inferior results to the open procedure [119, 120]. More recently two large prospective randomized controlled trials have been reported from Australia and the United Kingdom comparing laparoscopic and open colposuspension. In the Australian study 200 women with urodynamic stress incontinence were randomized to either laparoscopic or open colposuspension [121]. Overall there were no significant differences in objective and subjective measures of cure or in patient satisfaction at 6 months, 24 months or 3–5 years. Whilst the laparoscopic approach took longer (87 versus 42 min; p < 0.0001) it was associated with less blood loss (p = 0.03) and a quicker return to normal activities (p = 0.01). These findings are supported by the UK multicentre randomized controlled trial of 291 women with urodynamic stress incontinence comparing laparoscopic to open colposuspension [122]. At 24 months intention to treat analysis showed no significant difference in cure rates between

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the procedures. Objective cure rates for open and laparoscopic colposuspension were 70.1% and 79.7% respectively whilst subjective cure rates were 54.6% and 54.9%, respectively. These studies have confirmed that the clinical effectiveness of the two operations is comparable although the cost effectiveness of laparoscopic colposuspension remains unproven. A cost analysis comparing laparoscopic to open colposuspension was also performed alongside the UK study [123]. Healthcare resource use over the first six month follow-up period translated into costs of £1805 for the laparoscopic group versus £1433 for the open group. It is important that this information is made available to women who are undergoing incontinence surgery as most would prefer their stress incontinence to be cured rather than a reduced hospital stay. In addition it has been well established that the first operation is the one most likely to succeed and therefore it is unfortunate if a good outcome is prejudiced by an inferior operation. sling procedures Sling procedures are normally performed as secondary operations where there is scarring and narrowing of the vagina. The sling material can either be organic (rectus fascia, porcine dermis) or inorganic (Mersilene, Marlex, Gore-tex or Silastic). The sling may be inserted either abdominally, vaginally or by a combination of both. Normally the sling is used to elevate and support the bladder neck and proximal urethra, but not intentionally to obstruct it. Sling procedures are associated with a high incidence of side effects and complications. It is often difficult to decide how tight to make the sling. If it is too loose, incontinence will persist and if it is too tight, voiding difficulties may be permanent. Women who are going to undergo insertion of a sling must be prepared to perform clean intermittent self-catheterization postoperatively. In addition, there is a risk of infection, especially if inorganic material is used. The sling may erode into the urethra or vagina, in which case it must be removed and this can be exceedingly difficult. Early reports of the use of needle suspension patch slings using fascia or Gore-tex suggests a reduced complication rate with similar efficacy but long-term series have been published to date. retro-pubic tape procedures Tension free vaginal tape The tension free vaginal tape (TVT, Gynaecare), first described by Ulmsten in 1996 [124], is now the most commonly performed procedure for stress urinary incontinence in the UK and more than one million procedures

Fig. 49.23 Tension free vaginal (TVT).

have been performed worldwide. A knitted 11 mm×40 cm polypropylene mesh tape is inserted trans-vaginally at the level of the mid-urethra, using two 5 mm trochars (Fig. 49.23). The procedure may be performed under local, spinal or general anaesthesia. Most women can go home the same day, although some do require catheterization for short term voiding difficulties (2.5–19.7%). Other complications include bladder perforation (2.7–5.8%), de novo urgency (0.2–15%) and bleeding (0.9–2.3%) [125]. A multicentre study carried out in six centres in Sweden has reported a 90% cure rate at one year in women undergoing their first operation for urodynamic stress incontinence, without any major complications [126]. Long term results would confirm durability of the technique with success rates of 86% at 3 years [127], 84.7% at 5 years [128] and 81.3% at 7 years [129]. The tension free vaginal tape has also been compared to open colposuspension in a multicentre prospective randomized trial of 344 women with urodynamic stress incontinence [130]. Overall there was no significant difference in terms of objective cure; 66% in the tension free vaginal tape group and 57% in the colposuspension group. However, operation time, postoperative stay and return to normal activity were all longer in the colposuspension arm. Analysis of the long-term results at 24 months using a pad test, quality of life assessment and symptom questionnaires showed an objective cure rate of 63% in the tension free vaginal tape arm and 51% in the colposuspension arm [131]. At 5 years there were no differences in subjective cure (63% in the tension free vaginal tape group and 70% in the colposuspension group), patient satisfaction and quality of life assessment. However, whilst there was a significant reduction in cystocele in both groups there was a higher incidence of enterocele, rectocele and apical prolapse in the colposuspension group [132]. Furthermore, cost utility analysis

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has also shown that at six months follow up tension free vaginal tape resulted in a mean cost saving of £243 when compared to colposuspension [133]. A smaller randomized study has also compared tension free vaginal tape to laparoscopic colposuspension in 72 women with urodynamic stress incontinence. At a mean follow- up of 20 months objective cure rates were higher in the tension free vaginal tape group when compared to the laparoscopic colposuspension group; 96.8% versus 71.2% respectively (p = 0.056) [134].

SPARC-mid urethral sling suspension system The SPARC sling system (American Medical Systems) is a minimally invasive sling procedure using a knitted 10 mm wide polypropylene mesh which is placed at the level of the mid-urethra by passing the needle via a suprapubic to vaginal approach [135] Fig. 49.24. The procedure may be performed under local, regional or general anaesthetic. A prospective multicentre study of 104 women with urodynamic stress incontinence has been reported from France [136]. At a mean follow up of 11.9 months the objective cure rate was 90.4% and subjective cure 72%. There was a 10.5% incidence of bladder perforation and 11.5% of women complained of de novo urgency following the procedure. More recently SPARC has been compared to tension free vaginal tape in a prospective randomized trial of 301 women [137]. At short-term follow-up there were no significant differences in cure rates, bladder perforation rates and de novo urgency. There was, however, a higher incidence of voiding difficulties and vaginal erosions in the SPARC group.

Fig. 49.24 SPARC-mid urethral sling suspension system.


transobturator sling procedures The transobturator route for the placement of synthetic mid-urethral slings was first described in 2001 [138]. As with the retro-pubic sling procedures transobturator tapes may be performed under local, regional or general anaesthetic and have the theoretical advantage of eliminating some of the complications associated with the retropubic route. However, the transobturator route may be associated with damage to the obturator nerve and vessels; in an anatomical dissection model the tape passes 3.4–4.8 cm from the anterior and posterior branches of the obturator nerve respectively and 1.1 cm from the most medial branch of the obturator vessels [139]. Consequently nerve and vessel injury in addition to bladder injury and vaginal erosion remain a potential complication of the procedure. The transobturator approach may be used as an ‘inside–out’ (TVT-O, Gynaecare) (Fig. 49.25) or alternatively an ‘outside–in’ (Obtape, Mentor; Monarc, American Medical Systems; Obtryx, Boston Scientific) technique. To date there have been several studies documenting the short-term efficacy of transobturator procedures but less long-term evidence. Initial studies have reported cure and improved rates of 80.5% and 7.5% respectively at 7 months [140] and 90.6% and 9.4% respectively at 17 months [141]. More recently the transobturator approach (TVT-O) has been compared to the retropubic approach (TVT) in an Italian prospective multicentre randomized study of 231 women with urodynamic stress incontinence [142]. At a mean of 9 months subjectively 92% of women in the TVT group were cured compared to 87% in the TVT-O group. Objectively, on pad test testing, cure rates were 92% and 89% respectively. There were no differences in voiding difficulties and length of stay although there were more bladder perforations in the TVT group; 4% versus

Fig. 49.25 Transobturator tape-‘inside–out’ procedure.

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Buffer anterior to rectus sheath

Rectus sheath

Suture between buffers

Symphysis pubis


Buffer Uterus Vagina


Fig. 49.26 Stamey procedure.

none in the TVT-O group. A further multicentre prospective randomized trial comparing TVT and TVT-O has also recently been reported from Finland in 267 women complaining of stress urinary incontinence [143]. Objective cure rates at 9 weeks were 98.5% in the TVT group and 95.4% in the TVT-O group (p = 0.1362). Whilst complication rates were low and similar in both arms of the study there was a higher incidence of groin pain in the TVT-O group (21 versus 2; p = 0.0001).

bladder neck suspension procedures Endoscopically guided bladder neck suspensions [144–146] are simple to perform but may be less effective than open suprapubic procedures and are now seldom used. In all these operations a long needle is used to insert a loop of nylon on each side of the bladder neck; this is tied over the rectus sheath to elevate the urethrovesical junction (Fig. 49.26). Cystoscopy is employed to ensure accurate placement of the sutures and to detect any damage to the bladder caused by the needle or the suture. In the Stamey procedure buffers are used to avoid the sutures cutting through the tissues, and in the Raz procedure a helical suture of Prolene is inserted deep into the endopelvic fascia lateral to the bladder neck to avoid cutting through. The main problem with all these operations is that they rely on two sutures and these may break or pull through the tissues. However, endoscopically guided bladder neck suspensions are quick and easy to perform. They can be carried out under regional blockade and

postoperative recovery is fast. Temporary voiding difficulties are common after long needle suspensions but these usually resolve and there are few other complications. urethral bulking agents Urethral bulking agents are a minimally invasive surgical procedure for the treatment of urodynamic stress incontinence and may be useful in the elderly and those women who have undergone previous operations and have a fixed, scarred fibrosed urethra. Although the actual substance which is injected may differ the principle is the same. It is injected either periurethrally or transurethrally on either side of the bladder neck under cystoscopic control and is intended to ‘bulk’ the bladder neck, in order to stop premature bladder neck opening, without causing out-flow obstruction. They may be performed under local, regional or general anaesthesia. There are now several different products available (Table 49.12). The use of minimally invasive implantation systems (Fig. 49.27) has also allowed some of these procedures to be performed in the office setting without the need for cystoscopy. In the first reported series 81% of 68 women were dry following two injections with collagen [147]. There have been longer term follow-up studies most of which give a less than 50% objective cure rate at 2 years but a subjective improvement rate of about 70% [148–150]. Macroplastique has recently been compared to Contigen in a recent North American study of 248 women with urodynamic stress incontinence. Outcome was assessed objectively using

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Table 49.12 Urethral bulking agents Urethral bulking agent

Application technique

Gluteraldehyde cross linked bovine collagen (Contigen) Polydimethylsiloxane (Macroplastique) Pyrolytic carbon coated zirconium oxide beads in β glucan gel (Durasphere) Ethylene vinyl co-polymer in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) gel (Tegress, Uryx) Calcium hydroxylapatite in carboxymethylcellulose gel (Coaptite) Copolymer of hyaluronic acid and dextranomer (Zuidex) Polyacrylamide hydrogel (Bulkamid)

Cystoscopic Cystoscopic MIS implantation system Cystoscopic Cystoscopic Cystoscopic Cystoscopic Implacer system Cystoscopic

Fig. 49.27 Macroplastique urethral bulking agent and implantation device.

pad tests and subjectively at 12 months. Overall objective cure and improvement rates favoured Macroplastique over Contigen (74% versus 65%; p = 0.13). Whilst this difference was not significant subjective cure rates were higher in the Macroplastique group (41% versus 29%; p = 0.07) [151]. A 12 month open label European study of 142 women with urodynamic stress incontinence treated with Zuidex has reported cure and improvement rates of 78% at 12 weeks and 77% at 12 months [152]. Whilst success rates with urethral bulking agents are generally lower than those with conventional continence

surgery they are minimally invasive and have lower complication rates meaning that they remain a useful alternative in selected women. artificial urinary sphincter An artificial sphincter is an ingenious device which may be employed when conventional surgery fails [153]. This is implantable and consists of a fluid-filled inflatable cuff which is surgically placed around the bladder neck. A reservoir, containing fluid, is sited in the peritoneal

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cavity and a small finger-operated pump is situated in the left labium majus. The three major components are connected via a control valve. Under normal circumstances the cuff is inflated, thus obstructing the urethra. When voiding is desired the pump is utilized to empty the fluid in the cuff back into the balloon reservoir so that voiding may occur. The cuff then gradually refills over the next few minutes. Artificial sphincters are associated with many problems. They are expensive, the surgery required to insert them is complicated and the tissues around the bladder neck following previous failed operations may be unsuitable for the implantation of the cuff. In addition, mechanical failure may occur, necessitating further surgery. However, there is a place for these devices and their technology is likely to improve in the future. There are a few unfortunate women in whom neither conventional nor even the newer forms of incontinence surgery produce an effective cure. For them a urinary diversion may be a more satisfactory long-term solution than the continued use of incontinence aids. It is important to remember that the first operation for stress incontinence is the most likely to succeed. Most suprapubic operations in current use produce a cure rate in excess of 85–90% in patients undergoing their first operation for correctly diagnosed urodynamic stress incontinence. The Burch type of colposuspension has long been recognized as the ‘best’ first operation although tension free vaginal tape (TVT) is now the most commonly performed continence procedure. Whilst transobturator tapes are becoming increasingly popular at present there is little long term data to support their use over the retropubic approach. Subsequent surgery may have to be performed on a vagina which is less mobile and where there is fibrosis

of the urethra. In such cases, a urethral bulking agent may be easier to perform and more effective. Ultimately it is important that the operative procedure performed is tailored to suit the needs of the individual.

Detrusor overactivity Detrusor overactivity is defined as a urodynamic observation characterized by involuntary contractions during the filling phase which may be spontaneous or provoked [2]. It is the second commonest cause of urinary incontinence in women and accounts for 30–40% of cases. The incidence is higher in the elderly and after failed incontinence surgery. The actual cause of detrusor overactivity is unknown and in the majority of cases it is idiopathic, occurring when there is a failure of adequate bladder training in childhood or when the bladder escapes voluntary control in adult life. Often emotional or other psychosomatic factors are involved. In some cases detrusor overactivity may be secondary to an upper motor neurone lesion, especially multiple sclerosis. In such cases it is known as neurogenic detrusor overactivity. In men detrusor overactivity may be secondary to outflow obstruction and will be cured when the obstruction is relieved. However, outflow obstruction in women is rare. Low compliance is said to exist when there is a sustained rise in detrusor pressure without actual detrusor contractions during bladder filling. There are a variety of causes, including radical pelvic surgery, radiotherapy, recurrent urinary tract infections and interstitial cystitis; but the symptoms associated with phasic detrusor overactivity and with low compliance may be indistinguishable without cystometry (Figs 49.28 and 49.29).

Fig. 49.28 Cystometrogram recording showing phasic detrusor instability.

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Fig. 49.29 Cystometrogram recording showing low compliance.

pathophysiology of detrusor overactivity The pathophysiology of detrusor overactivity remains elusive. In vitro studies have shown that the detrusor muscle in cases of idiopathic detrusor overactivity contracts more than normal detrusor muscle. These detrusor contractions are not nerve mediated and can be inhibited by the neuropeptide vasoactive intestinal polypeptide [154]. Other studies have shown that increased α-adrenergic activity causes increased detrusor contractility [155]. There is evidence to suggest that the pathophysiology of idiopathic and obstructive detrusor overactivity is different. From animal and human studies on obstructive overactivity it would seem that the detrusor develops postjunctional supersensitivity possibly due to partial denervation [156], with reduced sensitivity to electrical stimulation of its nerve supply but a greater sensitivity to stimulation with acetylcholine [157]. If outflow obstruction is relieved the detrusor can return to normal behaviour and reinnervation may occur [158]. Relaxation of the urethra is known to precede contraction of the detrusor in a proportion of women with detrusor overactivity [159]. This may represent primary pathology in the urethra which triggers a detrusor contraction, or may merely be part of a complex sequence of events which originate elsewhere. It has been postulated that incompetence of the bladder neck, allowing passage of urine into the proximal urethra, may result in an uninhibited contraction of the detrusor. However, Sutherst and Brown [160] were unable to provoke a detrusor contraction in 50 women by rapidly infusing saline into the posterior urethra using modified urodynamic equipment.


More recently Brading and Turner [161] have suggested that the common feature in all cases of detrusor overactivity is a change in the properties of the smooth muscle of the detrusor which predisposes it to overactive contractions. They hypothesize that partial denervation of the detrusor may be responsible for altering the properties of the smooth muscle leading to increased excitability and increased ability of activity to spread between cells, resulting in coordinated myogenic contractions of the whole detrusor [162]. They dispute the concept of neurogenic detrusor overactivity, that is, increased motor activity to the detrusor, as the underlying mechanism in detrusor overactivity proposing that there is a fundamental abnormality at the level of the bladder wall with evidence of altered spontaneous contractile activity consistent with increased electrical coupling of cells, a patchy denervation of the detrusor and a supersensitivity to potassium [163]. Other authorities suggest that the primary defect in the idiopathic and neurogenic bladders is a loss of nerves accompanied by hypertrophy of the cells and an increased production of elastin and collagen within the muscle fascicles [164].

clinical symptoms Most women with an overactive bladder exhibit a multiplicity of symptoms, including urgency, urgency incontinence, stress incontinence, enuresis, frequency and especially nocturia and sometimes incontinence during sexual intercourse. There are no specific clinical signs and the diagnosis can only be made urodynamically when there is a failure to inhibit detrusor contractions during cystometry. Treatment for detrusor overactivity aims to re-establish central control or to alter peripheral control via bladder innervation (Table 49.13). The fact that so many different types of treatment are available for this condition shows that none is universally successful. Various behavioural interventions (habit retraining) have been successfully used to treat idiopathic detrusor overactivity and have been shown to improve symptoms in up to 80% of women [165, 166]. Unfortunately, these types of therapy are time consuming and require the patient to be fairly intelligent and highly motivated. In addition, there is a high relapse rate and patients do not seem to respond as well on a second occasion. However, it is always appropriate to instruct patients with detrusor overactivity regarding the use of bladder drill, often as an adjunct to drug therapy. The regimen suggested by [167] is commonly employed and is described as follows. 1 Exclude pathology. 2 Explain rationale to the patient.

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Table 49.13 Treatment of detrusor overactivity Psychotherapy Bladder drill Biofeedback Hypnotherapy Acupuncture Drug therapy Inhibit bladder contractions anticholinergic agents musculotrophic relaxants tricyclic antidepressants Improve local tissues Oestrogens Reduce urine production DDAVP (synthetic vasopressin) Intravesical therapy Capsaicin Resiniferatoxin Botulinum toxin

humans and it has been shown that five receptor subtypes (M1 –M5 ) correspond to these gene products [170]. In the human bladder the occurrence of mRNA encoding M2 and M3 subtypes has been demonstrated although not for M1 [171]. The M3 receptor is thought to cause a direct smooth muscle contraction [172]. Whilst the role of the M2 receptor has not yet been clarified it may oppose sympathetically mediated smooth muscle relaxation [173] or result in the activation of a non-specific cationic channel and inactivation of potassium channels [174]. In general it is thought that the M3 receptor is responsible for the normal micturition contraction although in certain disease states, such as neurogenic bladder dysfunction, the M2 receptors may become more important in mediating detrusor contractions [175]. (A) Drugs that have a mixed action

Neuromodulation Cystoplasty Clam ileocystoplasty Detrusor myectomy Other Maximum electrical stimulation Acupuncture Transcutaneous electrical neuromuscular stimulation (TENS)

3 Instruct to void every 1.5 h during the day; she must not void between these times, she must wait or be incontinent. 4 Increase voiding interval by half an hour when initial goal achieved, and continue with 2-hourly voiding and so on. 5 Give normal volume of fluids. 6 Keep fluid balance chart. 7 Give encouragement.

Drug therapy Drug therapy is the most widely employed treatment for detrusor overactivity Table 49.14. From the number of preparations studied it is clear that there are no ideal drugs and very often the clinical results have been disappointing, this being partly due to poor efficacy and side effects [168]. The symptoms of OAB are due to involuntary contractions of the detrusor muscle during the filling phase of the micturition cycle. These involuntary contractions are mediated by acetylcholine-induced stimulation of bladder muscarinic receptors [169]. muscarinic receptors Molecular cloning studies have revealed five distinct genes for muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in rats and

Oxybutynin Oxybutynin is a tertiary amine that undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism to an active metabolite, N-desmethyl oxybutynin [176] which occurs in high concentrations [177] and is thought to be responsible for a significant part of the action of the parent drug. It has a mixed action consisting of both an antimuscarinic and a direct muscle relaxant effect in addition to local anaesthetic properties. The later is important when given intravesically but probably has no effect when given systemically. Oxybutynin has been shown to have a high affinity for muscarinic receptors in the bladder [178] and has a higher affinity for M1 and M3 receptors over M2 [179]. The effectiveness of oxybutynin in the management of patients with detrusor overactivity is well documented. A double-blind placebo controlled trial found oxybutynin to be significantly better than placebo in improving lower urinary tract symptoms although 80% of patients complained of significant adverse effects, principally dry mouth or dry skin [180]. Similar results have also been demonstrated in further placebo-controlled trials [181, 182]. The antimuscarinic adverse effects of oxybutynin are well documented and are often dose limiting [183]. Using an intravesical route of administration higher local levels of oxybutynin can be achieved whilst limiting the systemic adverse effects. Using this method oxybutynin has been shown to increase bladder capacity and lead to a significant clinical improvement [184]. Rectal administration has also been shown to be associated with fewer adverse effects when compared to oral administration [185]. More recently a controlled release oxybutynin preparation using an osmotic system (OROS) have been developed which have been shown to have comparable efficacy when compared with immediate release oxybutynin although are associated with fewer adverse effects [186].

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Table 49.14 Drugs used in the management of detrusor overactivity

Antimuscarinic drugs Tolterodine Trospium Solifenacin Darifenacin Propantheline Atropine, hyoscamine Drugs acting on membrane channels Calcium channel antagonists Potassium channel openers Drugs with mixed actions Oxybutynin Propiverine Dicyclomine Flavoxate Alpha-blockers Alfuzosin Doxazosin Prazosin Terazosin Tamsulosin Beta agonists Terbutaline Clenbuterol Salbutamol Antidepressants Imipramine Amitriptylline Prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors Indomethacin Flurbiprofen Vasopressin analogues Desmopressin Other drugs Baclofen Capsaicin Resiniferatoxin

Level of evidence

Grade of recommendation

1 1 1 1 2 2


Under investigation Under investigation 1 1 4 4


4 4 4 4 4


4 4 4


2 3

C (with caution)

4 4




2* C* 3 C Under investigation

Levels of evidence and assessment with recommendations (see Appendix). * Intrathecal.

These findings are in agreement with a further study of controlled release oxybutynin (Lyrinel XL® ) which reported the incidence of moderate to severe dry mouth to be 23% and only 1.6% of participants discontinuing the medication due to adverse effects [187]. In order to maximize efficacy and minimize adverse effects alternative delivery systems are currently under evaluation. An oxybutynin transdermal delivery system (Kentera)® has recently been developed and compared with extended release tolterodine in 361 patients with mixed urinary incontinence. Both agents significantly reduced incontinence episodes, increased volume voided and lead to an improvement in quality of life when compared to placebo. The most common adverse event in the oxybutynin patch arm was application site pruritis in 14%

although the incidence of dry mouth was reduced to 4.1% compared to 7.3% in the tolterodine arm [188]. Propiverine Propiverine has been shown to combine anticholinergic and calcium channel blocking actions [189] and is the most popular drug for detrusor overactivity in Germany, Austria and Japan. Open studies in patients with detrusor overactivity have demonstrated a beneficial effect [190] and in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial of its use in neurogenic detrusor overactivity it has been shown to significantly increase bladder capacity and compliance in comparison to placebo. Dry mouth was experienced by 37% in the treatment group as opposed to 8% in the placebo group with dropout rates being 7% and 4.5% respectively [191].

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(B) Antimuscarinic drugs Tolterodine Tolterodine is a competitive muscarinic receptor antagonist with relative functional selectivity for bladder muscarinic receptors [192] and whilst it shows no specificity for receptor subtypes it does appear to target the bladder over the salivary glands [193]. The drug is metabolized in the liver to the 5-hydroxymethyl derivative which is an active metabolite having a similar pharmacokinetic profile and is thought to significantly contribute to the therapeutic effect [194]. Several randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trials both on patients with idiopathic detrusor overactivity and neurogenic detrusor overactivity have demonstrated a significant reduction in incontinent episodes and micturition frequency [195–197]. Further studies have confirmed the safety of tolterodine and at the recommended daily dosage the incidence of adverse events was no different to that in patients taking placebo [198]. A pooled analysis of the safety, efficacy and acceptability of tolterodine in 1,120 patients in four randomized, double-blind, parallel, multicentre trials found that both tolterodine and oxybutynin significantly decreased incontinent episodes although tolterodine was associated with fewer adverse events, dose reductions and patients withdrawals than oxybutynin [199]. Tolterodine has also been developed as an extended release once daily preparation, Detrusitol XL® . A recent double blind multicentre trail of 1,235 women has compared extended release tolterodine to immediate release tolterodine and placebo. Whilst both formulations were found to reduce the mean number of urge incontinence episodes per week the extended release preparation was found to be significantly more effective [200]. In addition to increased efficacy extended release tolterodine has been shown to have better tolerability. In a double blind, multicentre, randomized placebo controlled trial of 1,529 patients extended release tolterodine was found to be 18% more effective in the reduction of episodes of urge incontinence whilst having a 23% lower incidence of dry mouth [201]. Extended release oxybutynin (ER) and extended release tolterodine (ER) have also been compared. In the OPERA (Overactive bladder: Performance of Extended Release Agents) study, which involved 71 centres in the United States, improvements in episodes of urge incontinence were similar for the two drugs although oxybutynin ER was significantly more effective than tolterodine ER in reducing frequency of micturition. Significantly more women taking oxybutynin were also completely dry (23% versus 16.8%; p = 0.03) although dry mouth was significantly more common in the oxybutynin group [202].

Trospium Trospium chloride is a quaternary ammonium compound which is non selective for muscarinic receptor subtypes, shows low biological availability [203]. It crosses the blood brain barrier to a limited extent and hence would appear to have few cognitive effects [204]. In a recent placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind, multicentre trial trospium chloride produced significant improvements in maximum cystometric capacity and bladder volume at first unstable contraction. Clinical improvement was significantly greater in the group receiving trospium and the frequency of adverse events was similar in both groups [205]. Trospium chloride has also been compared to oxybutynin in a randomized, double-blind, multicentre trial. With both agents there was a significant increase in bladder capacity, a decrease in maximum voiding detrusor pressure and a significant increase in compliance although there were no statistically significant differences between the two treatment groups. Those taking trospium had a lower incidence of dry mouth (4% versus 23%) and were also less likely to withdraw (6% versus 16%) when compared to the group receiving oxybutynin [206].

Solifenacin Solifenacin is a potent M3 receptor antagonist that has selectivity for the M3 receptors over M2 receptors and has much higher potency against M3 receptors in smooth muscle than it does against M3 receptors in salivary glands. The clinical efficacy of solifenacin has been assessed in a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, parallel group, placebo controlled study of solifenacin 5 and 10 mg once daily in patients with overactive bladder [207]. The primary efficacy analysis showed a statistically significant reduction of the micturition frequency following treatment with both 5 and 10 mg doses when compared with placebo although the largest effect was with the higher dose. In addition solifenacin was found to be superior to placebo with respect to the secondary efficacy variables of mean volume voided per micturition, episodes of urgency per 24 h, number of incontinence episodes and episodes of urge incontinence. The most frequently reported adverse events leading to discontinuation were dry mouth and constipation. These were also found to be dose related. In order to assess the long-term safety and efficacy of solifenacin (5 and 10 mg once daily) a multicentre open label long-term follow up study has recently been completed. This was essentially an extension of two previous double-blind placebo controlled studies in 1,637 patients [208]. Overall the efficacy of solifenacin was maintained in the extension study with a sustained improvement in symptoms of urgency, urge incontinence, frequency and nocturia over the 12-month study period. The most commonly reported adverse events were dry mouth (20.5%),

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constipation (9.2%) and blurred vision (6.6%) and were the primary reason for discontinuation in 4.7% of patients. More recently solifenacin 5 and 10 mg od have been compared with tolterodine ER 4 mg od in the Solifenacin (flexible dosing) od and Tolterodine ER 4 mg od as an Active comparator in a Randomized trial (STAR) [209]. This was a prospective double-blind, double dummy, twoarm, parallel-group, 12-week study of 1,200 patients with the primary aim of demonstrating non-inferiority of solifenacin to tolterodine ER. Solifenacin was non inferior to tolterodine ER with respect to change from baseline in the mean number of micturitions per 24 h (reduction of 2.45 micturitions/24 h versus 2.24 micturitions/24 h; p = 0.004). In addition solifenacin resulted in a statistically significant improvement in urgency (p = 0.035), urge incontinence (p = 0.001) and overall incontinence when compared with tolterodine ER. In addition 59% of solifenacin treated patients who were incontinent at baseline became continent by the study endpoint compared with 49% of those on tolterodine ER (p = 0.006). The most commonly reported adverse events were dry mouth constipation and blurred vision and were mostly mild to moderate in severity. The number of patients discontinuing medication was similar in both treatment arms (3.5% in the solifenacin arm versus 3.0% in the tolterodine arm). Darifenacin Darifenacin is a tertiary amine with moderate lipophilicity and is a highly selective M3 receptor antagonist which has been found to have a 5-fold higher affinity for the human M3 receptor relative to the M1 receptor [210]. A review of the pooled darifenacin data from the three phase III, multi-centre, double-blind clinical trials in patients with OAB has recently been reported in 1059 patients [211]. Darifenacin resulted in a dose-related significant reduction in median number of incontinence episodes per week. Significant decreases in the frequency and severity of urgency, micturition frequency, and number of incontinence episodes resulting in a change of clothing or pads were also apparent, along with an increase in bladder capacity. Darifenacin was well tolerated. The most common treatment-related adverse events were dry mouth and constipation, although together these resulted in few discontinuations. The incidence of CNS and cardiovascular adverse events were comparable to placebo. (C) Antidepressants Imipramine Imipramine has been shown to have systemic anticholinergic effects [212] and blocks the re-uptake of serotonin. Some authorities have found a significant effect


in the treatment of patients with detrusor overactivity [213] although others report little effect [214]. In light of this evidence and the serious adverse effects associated with tricyclic antidepressants their role in detrusor overactivity remains of uncertain benefit although they are often useful in patients complaining of nocturia or bladder pain. (D) Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors Bladder mucosa has been shown to have the ability to synthesize eicosanoids [215] although it is uncertain whether they contribute to the pathogenesis of uninhibited detrusor contractions. However, they may have a role in sensitizing sensory afferent nerves increasing the afferent input produced by a given bladder volume. A double-blind controlled study of flurbiprofen in women with detrusor overactivity was shown to have an effect although it was associated with a high incidence of adverse effects (43%) including nausea, vomiting, headache and gastrointestinal symptoms [216]. Indomethacin has also been reported to give symptomatic relief although the incidence of adverse effects was also high (59%) [217]. At present this evidence does not support their use in detrusor overactivity. (E) Antidiuretic agents Desmopressin Desmopressin (1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin; DDAVP) is a synthetic vasopressin analogue. It has strong antidiuretic effects without altering blood pressure. The drug has been used primarily in the treatment of nocturia and nocturnal enuresis in children [218] and adults [219]. More recently nasal desmopressin has been reported as a ‘designer drug’ for the treatment of daytime urinary incontinence [220]. Desmopressin is safe for long-term use, however the drug should be used with care in the elderly due to the risk of hyponatraemia. (F) Intravesical therapy Capsaicin This is the pungent ingredient found in red chillies and is a neurotoxin of substance P containing (C) nerve fibres. Patients with neurogenic detrusor overactivity secondary to multiple sclerosis appear to have abnormal C fibre sensory innervation of the detrusor, which leads to premature activation of the holding reflex arc during bladder filling [221]. Intravesical application of capsaicin dissolved in 30% alcohol solution appears to be effective for up to 6 months. The effects are variable [222] and the clinical effectiveness remains undefined. Resiniferatoxin This is a phorbol related diterpene isolated from the cactus and is a potent analogue of capsaicin

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that appears to have a similar efficacy but with fewer side effects of pain and burning during intavesical instillation [223]. It is 1,000 times more potent than capsaicin at stimulating bladder activity [224]. As with capsaicin the currently available evidence does not support the routine clinical use of the agents although they may prove to have a role as an intravesical preparation in neurological patients with neurogenic detrusor overactivity. Botulinum toxin In 1817 an illness caused by Clostridium botulinum toxin was first recorded, when Justinus Kerner described a link between a sausage, and a paralytic illness that affected 230 people. He was a district health officer and made botulism (Latin ‘botulus’ meaning sausage) a notifiable disease [225]. In 1897, the microbiologist Emile-Pierre van Ermengen identified a gram-positive, spore-forming, anaerobic bacterium in a ham that caused 23 cases of botulism in a Belgian nightclub. He termed the bacterium Bacillus botulinus; it was later re-termed Clostridium Botulinum [226]. The bacterium produces its effect by production of a neurotoxin – different strains produce seven distinct serotypes designated A–G. All seven have a similar structure and molecular weight, consisting of a heavy (H) and a light (L) chain, joined by a disulphide bond [227]. They interfere with neural transmission by blocking the calcium-dependent release of neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, causing the affected muscle to become weak and atrophic. The affected nerves do not degenerate, but as the blockage is irreversible, only the development of new nerve terminals and synaptic contacts allows recovery of function. The use of intravesical Botulinum toxin was first described in the treatment of intractable neurogenic detrusor overactivity in 31 patients with traumatic spinal cord injury [228]. Subsequently a larger European study has reported on 231 patients with neurogenic detrusor overactivity [229]. All were treated with 300 units of Botulinum-A toxin which was injected cystoscopically into the detrusor muscle at 30 different sites sparing the trigone. At 12 and 36 week follow up there was a significant increase in cystometric capacity and bladder compliance. Patient satisfaction was high, the majority stopped taking antimuscarinic medication and there were no significant complications. More recently the first randomized placebo controlled trial has been reported in 59 patients with neurogenic detrusor overactivity [230]. At 6 months there was a significant reduction in incontinence episodes in the botox group compared to placebo and a corresponding improvement in quality of life evaluation. Whilst the role of Botulinum toxin has been established in the treatment of neurogenic detrusor overactivity the data regarding its use in intractable idiopathic detrusor

overactivity is less robust. A prospective open label study has recently been reported assessing the use of Botulinum-A toxin in both neurogenic (300 units) and idiopathic (200 units) detrusor overactivity in 75 patients [231]. When considering urodynamic outcome parameters in both groups there was a significant increase in cystometric capacity and decrease in maximum detrusor pressure during filling in both groups. Clinically there was also a significant reduction in frequency and episodes of urge incontinence. Interestingly however 69% of patients with neurogenic detrusor overactivity required self-catheterization following treatment compared to 19.3% of those with idiopathic detrusor overactivity. At present the evidence would suggest that intravesical administration of Botulinum toxin may offer an alternative to surgery in those women with intractable detrusor overactivity although the effect is only temporary and at present there is little long term data regarding the efficacy and complications associated with repeat injections [232].

Neuromodulation Stimulation of the dorsal sacral nerve root using a permanent implantable device in the S3 sacral foramen has been developed for use in patients with both idiopathic and neurogenic detrusor overactivity. The sacral nerves contain nerve fibres of the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems providing innervation to the bladder as well as somatic fibres providing innervation to the muscles of the pelvic floor. The latter are larger in diameter and hence have a lower threshold of activation meaning that the pelvic floor may be stimulated selectively without causing bladder activity. Prior to implantation, temporary cutaneous sacral nerve stimulation is performed to check for a response, and if successful, a permanent implant is inserted under general anaesthesia. Initial studies in patients with detrusor overactivity refractory to medical and behavioural therapy have demonstrated that after 3 years, 59% of 41 urinary urge incontinent patients showed greater than 50% reduction in incontinence episodes with 46% of patients being completely dry [233]. Whilst neuromodulation remains an invasive and expensive procedure in the future, it offers a useful alternative to medical and surgical therapies in patients with severe, intractable detrusor overactivity.

Surgery For those women with severe detrusor overactivity which is not amenable to simple types of treatment, surgery may be employed.

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from the dome of the bladder thereby creating a large bladder diverticulum with no intrinsic contractility [240]. Whilst there is a reduction in episodes of incontinence, there is little improvement in functional capacity, and thus frequency remains problematic [241, 242]. urinary diversion

Fig. 49.30 Clam ileocystoplasty.

As a last resort for those women with severe detrusor overactivity or neurogenic detrusor overactivity who cannot manage clean intermittent catheterization, it may be more appropriate to perform a urinary diversion. Usually this will utilize an ileal conduit to create an abdominal stoma for urinary diversion. An alternative is to form a continent diversion using the appendix (Mitrofanoff) or ileum (Koch pouch) which may then be drained using self-catheterization.

clam cystoplasty

Mixed incontinence

In the clam cystoplasty [234, 235] the bladder is bisected almost completely and a patch of gut (usually ileum) equal in length to the circumference of the bisected bladder (about 25 cm) is sewn in place (Fig. 49.30). This often cures the symptoms of detrusor overactivity [236] by converting a high-pressure system into a low-pressure system although inefficient voiding may result. Patients have to learn to strain to void, or may have to resort to clean intermittent self-catheterization, sometimes permanently. In addition, mucus retention in the bladder may be a problem, but this can be partially overcome by ingestion of 200 ml of cranberry juice each day [237] in addition to intravesical mucolytics such as acetylcysteine. The chronic exposure of the ileal mucosa to urine may lead to malignant change [238]. There is a 5% risk of adenocarcinoma arising in ureterosigmoidostomies, where colonic mucosa is exposed to N-nitrosamines found in both urine and faeces, and a similar risk may apply to enterocystoplasty. Biopsies of the ileal segment taken from patients with ‘clam’ cystoplasties show evidence of chronic inflammation of villous atrophy, and diarrhoea due to disruption of the bile acid cycle is common [239]. This may be treated using cholestyramine. In addition, metabolic disturbances such as hyperchoraemic acidosis, B12 deficiency and occasionally osteoporosis secondary to decreased bone mineralization may occur.

Although a large proportion of women complain of both stress and urge incontinence, only about 5% suffer from mixed detrusor overactivity and urethral sphincter incompetence. They pose a difficult management problem. A study comparing medical and surgical treatment has shown that of the 27 women who underwent a Burch colposuspension, 59% were cured and 22% improved; whereas of the 25 who received drug therapy (oxybutynin, imipramine and oestrogen) 32% were cured and 28% improved. The authors concluded that combined stress incontinence and detrusor overactivity should be managed medically initially as this will reduce the need for surgical intervention [243]. In such cases, it is our practice to treat the detrusor overactivity with antimuscarinic agents and to repeat the urodynamic assessment while the patient is taking her medication. If she still leaks without significant detrusor activity and her main complaint is stress incontinence, we would undertake conventional bladder neck surgery. However, if urge incontinence still predominates, surgery may aggravate her symptoms.

detrusor myectomy Detrusor myectomy offers an alternative to clam cystoplasty by increasing functional bladder capacity without the complications of bowel interposition. In this procedure, the whole thickness of the detrusor muscle is excised

Retention with overflow In women, chronic retention with resultant overflow incontinence is uncommon and often no cause can be found. It is one manifestation of the wide range of voiding difficulties which may occur, the major causes of which are shown in Table 49.15. Women with overflow incontinence present in a variety of ways. They may complain of dribbling urine or of voiding small amounts at frequent intervals, or of stress incontinence. Alternatively, they may notice recurrent urinary tract infections. The diagnosis is usually made by the

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Table 49.15 Causes of voiding difficulties leading to overflow incontinence in women Neurological Lower motor neurone lesion Upper motor neurone lesion Inflammation Urethritis, e.g. ‘honeymoon cystitis’ Vulvitis, e.g. herpes Vaginitis, e.g. candidiasis Drugs Tricyclic antidepressants Antimuscarinic agents Ganglion blockers Epidural anaesthesia Patient-controlled analgesia Obstruction Urethral stenosis/stricture Oedema following surgery or parturition Fibrosis due to repeated dilatation or irradiation Pelvic mass, e.g. fibroids, retroverted uterus, ovarian cyst, faeces Urethral distorsion due to large cystocele Myogenic Atonic detrusor secondary to over distension Functional Anxiety

discovery of a large bladder on clinical examination. This can be confirmed by a postmicturition ultrasound scan to assess the residual urine volume or by catheterization, which will reveal a residual volume greater than 50% of her bladder capacity. There may, in addition, be a reduced peak flow rate of less than 15 ml/s. Clinical examination will rule out many of the causes, such as a pelvic mass or a cystocele. It is important to investigate cases of urinary retention thoroughly in order to exclude any treatable underlying pathology. A midstream specimen of urine should be sent for culture and sensitivity, and the appropriate swabs (urethral, vaginal and cervical) should be sent. Radiological investigations should include intravenous urography, an X-ray of the lumbosacral spine and an MRI where indicated. It is particularly important to identify diabetes so that treatment can be undertaken before permanent damage occurs. Treatment for overflow incontinence will depend upon the underlying pathology. If the detrusor is hypotonic, cholinergic agents such as bethanechol 25 mg three times a day may be helpful. If there is outflow obstruction, urethral dilatation or urethrotomy may be required. In cases where no cause can be found, clean intermittent self-catheterization is the best long-term method of management for these patients.

If it is possible, it is far better to avoid urinary retention by implementing prophylactic measures. The human female bladder, once overdistended, may never contract normally again [244]. When bladder neck surgery for urinary incontinence or radical pelvic surgery for malignant disease is undertaken, adequate postoperative bladder drainage (preferably with a suprapubic catheter) should be employed until normal voiding per urethram has resumed. When epidural anaesthesia is used for surgical procedures or childbirth, an indwelling Foley catheter should be left in situ for at least 6 and probably 12 h after normal sensation to the lower limbs is present. Those women who are known to have inefficient voiding (a low flow rate together with a low maximum voiding pressure) should be taught clean intermittent self-catheterization prior to any surgical intervention for urodynamic stress incontinence. Acute urinary retention needs to be dealt with as an emergency. A catheter, either indwelling urethral or suprapubic, should be inserted immediately and left on free drainage. There is no need for intermittent clamping of the catheter as this can lead to further overdistension and there is no evidence to suggest that sudden decompression of the bladder is harmful. The volume of urine which drains should be recorded and if it is over a litre the catheter should be left in situ on free drainage for a week or two before initiating a trial of voiding per urethram. It is, of course, easier to do this is if a suprapubic catheter has been inserted. The urinary residuals should be checked regularly once spontaneous micturition has been resumed to ensure that the bladder is emptying adequately. This can be achieved by ‘in–out’ catheterization, or less invasively by transabdominal ultrasound. Unless there is an obvious cause for the episode of acute retention, investigations should be undertaken. If further episodes of retention occur, it is prudent to teach the woman clean intermittent self-catheterization to avoid damage to the bladder by overdistension should she find herself in the same position again.

Oestrogens in the management of incontinence Oestrogen preparations have been used for many years in the treatment of urinary incontinence [245, 246] although their precise role remains controversial. In order to clarify the situation a meta-analysis from the Hormones and Urogenital Therapy (HUT) Committee has been reported [247]. Of 166 articles identified which were published in English between 1969 and 1992 only 6 were controlled trials and 17 were uncontrolled series. Meta-analysis found an overall significant effect of oestrogen therapy on subjective improvement in all subjects and for subjects with urodynamic stress incontinence alone.

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Subjective improvement rates with oestrogen therapy in randomized controlled trials ranged from 64% to 75% although placebo groups also reported an improvement of 10–56%. In uncontrolled series, subjective improvement rates were 8–89% with subjects with urodynamic stress incontinence showing improvement of 34–73%. However, when assessing objective fluid loss there was no significant effect. A further meta-analysis performed in Italy has analysed the results of randomized controlled clinical trials on the efficacy of oestrogen treatment in postmenopausal women with urinary incontinence [248]. A search of the literature (1965–1996) revealed 72 articles of which only four were considered to meet the meta-analysis criteria. There was a statistically significant difference in subjective outcome between oestrogen and placebo although there was no such difference in objective or urodynamic outcome. The most recent meta-analysis of the effect of oestrogen therapy on the lower urinary tract has been performed by the Cochrane group [249]. Overall 28 trials were identified, including 2,926 women. In the 15 trials comparing oestrogen to placebo there was a higher subjective impression of improvement rate in those women taking oestrogen, and this was the case for all types of incontinence (RR for cure 1.61; 95% CI 1.04–2.49). Equally, when subjective cure and improvement were taken together there was a statistically higher cure and improvement rate for both urge (57% versus 28%) and stress (43% versus 27%) incontinence. In those women with urge incontinence, the chance of improvement was 25% higher than in women with stress incontinence and, overall about 50% of women treated with oestrogen were cured or improved compared to 25% on placebo. The authors conclude that oestrogens can improve or cure incontinence and that the effect may be most useful in women complaining of urge incontinence.

systemic hrt and urinary incontinence Several large scale systemic HRT studies have recently been reported which have led to greater controversy regarding the role of oral oestrogens on the lower urinary tract. The role of oestrogen replacement therapy in the prevention of ischaemic heart disease has been assessed in a 4-year randomized trial, the Heart and Estrogen/progestin Replacement Study (HERS) [250] involving 2,763 postmenopausal women younger than 80 years. Overall combined hormone replacement therapy was associated with worsening stress and urge urinary incontinence, although there was no significant difference in daytime frequency, nocturia or number of urinary tract infections.


These findings have also been confirmed in the Nurse’s Health Study which followed 39,436 postmenopausal women aged 50–75 years over a four year period. The risk of incontinence was found to be elevated in those women taking HRT when compared to those who had never taken HRT [251]. The most recent paper to be reported by the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) writing group has also studied the effect of oestrogens, with and without progestogens, on urinary incontinence [252]. In this study, 27,347 postmenopausal women aged 50–79 years were assessed in a multicentre, double blind placebo controlled trial. Of these, 23,296 were known to complain of lower urinary tract symptoms at baseline and one year follow-up. Overall, hormone replacement therapy was found to increase the incidence of all types of urinary incontinence at one year in those women continent at baseline. The risk was highest for stress incontinence followed by mixed incontinence whilst the effect on urge urinary incontinence was not uniform. These results, whilst supportive of the previously reported HERS study and Nurse Health study, would certainly seem to contradict much of the previous work assessing the use of oestrogens in the management of lower urinary tract symptoms. The current evidence from all trials suggests that oestrogen replacement therapy may have a minor role in lower urinary tract dysfunction and the findings of the WHI studies should not prevent its usage in women who complain of troublesome menopausal symptoms after appropriate counselling and discussion.

Fistulas Urinary fistulas may be ureterovaginal, vesicovaginal, urethrovaginal or complex, and can occur following pelvic surgery or in cases of advanced pelvic malignancy, especially when there has been radiotherapy. The most common varieties in the UK are lower ureteric or bladder fistulas occurring after an abdominal hysterectomy. In developing countries, poor obstetrics with obstructed labour resulting in ischaemic necrosis of the bladder base is more likely to be the cause of a vesico- or urethrovaginal fistula. Fistulas give rise to incontinence which is continuous, occurring both day and night. They are usually visible on speculum examination but cystoscopy and intravenous urography may be required to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment is surgical. Ureterovaginal fistulas should be repaired as quickly as possible to prevent upper urinary tract damage. Vesicovaginal fistulas are usually treated conservatively initially with bladder drainage and antibiotics, during which time some will close spontaneously. Abdominal or vaginal repair is normally performed 2 or

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3 months after the initial injury, although there is now a trend towards earlier repair; if a fistula is detected within a very short period of time after the initial operation, it can often be closed immediately.

Congenital abnormalities Congenital abnormalities are uncommon and are usually diagnosed at birth or in childhood. The most gross abnormality is ectopia vesicae, which requires surgical reconstruction during the neonatal period. Other less obvious congenital abnormalities include epispadias, which can be diagnosed by the bifid clitoris. This abnormality is difficult to treat and may require reconstruction in the form of a neourethra. An ectopic ureter may open into the vagina and cause urinary incontinence which is not diagnosed until childhood, and spina bifida occulta may present with urinary symptoms during the prepubertal growth spurt.

Urethral diverticulum Urethral diverticula are becoming more common, presumably because of the increased incidence of sexually transmitted diseases. They are found in women of any age and lead to various complaints including pain, particularly after micturition, postmicturition dribble and dyspareunia. Diagnosis can be made either radiologically on a micturating cystogram or videocystourethrogram, or by urethroscopy. Urethral diverticula should be managed conservatively initially with intermittent courses of antibiotics if necessary; but if there are severe symptoms, then surgical excision of the diverticulum may be required. It is usual to perform a subtotal diverticulectomy in order to avoid urethral stricture formation.

Temporary causes of urinary incontinence Lower urinary tract infections (cystitis or urethritis) may uncommonly cause incontinence of urine which is temporary and will resolve once treatment with the appropriate antibiotics has been employed. Diuretics, especially in the elderly, may also be responsible for urgency, frequency and incontinence. In older people, anything which limits their independence may cause urge incontinence where only urgency existed before. This applies particularly to immobility, and if an older person is unable to reach the toilet in a short space of time, she may become incontinent. Thus, the provision of appropriate facilities and adequate lighting can alleviate the problem. Faecal impaction may cause urinary incontinence or retention of urine which will resolve once suitable laxatives or enemas have been effective.

Functional incontinence In a small proportion of women, no organic cause can be found for incontinence. Some of them have anxiety states which respond well to physiotherapy or to psychotropic drugs such as diazepam. Immobility may prevent a woman from reaching the lavatory in time and for her simple remedies such as a toilet downstairs or the use of a commode may prevent urinary leakage.

General therapeutic measures All incontinent women benefit from simple measures such as the provision of suitable incontinence pads and pants. Those with a high fluid intake should be advised to restrict their drinking to a litre a day, particularly if frequency of micturition is a problem. Caffeine-containing drinks (such as teas, coffee and cola) and alcohol are irritant to the bladder and act as diuretics, so should be avoided, if possible. Anything which increases intra-abdominal pressure will aggravate incontinence, so patients with a chronic cough should be advised to give up smoking, and constipation should be treated appropriately. Pelvic floor exercises may be particularly helpful in the puerperium or after pelvic surgery. For younger, more active women who have not yet completed their family, a device or sponge tampon may be used during strenuous activity such as sport. Oestrogen replacement therapy for postmenopausal women is often beneficial as it improves quality of life as well as helps with the overactive bladder symptoms. Diuretics, which are often given to older people for fluid retention or mild hypertension, may make their urinary symptoms worse and should be stopped if possible. Women with long-standing severe incontinence, especially the elderly, may be more comfortable and easier to manage with a regularly changed indwelling suprapubic catheter; and for the young disabled, urinary diversion should be considered earlier rather than later. It is not always possible to cure urinary incontinence but it is usually possible to help the sufferer and thus improve her quality of life.

Other lower urinary tract disorders Urethral lesions urethral caruncle A urethral caruncle is a benign red polyp or lesion covered by transitional epithelium usually found on the posterior aspect of the urethral meatus. It is commonly seen in postmenopausal women and although usually asymptomatic it may cause pain, bleeding and dysuria. The cause is

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unknown. Treatment is by excision biopsy followed by local or systemic oestrogens. urethral mucosal prolapse Prolapse of the urethral mucosa also occurs in the postmenopausal woman but in addition, is sometimes seen in girls (usually black) between the ages of 5 and 10 years. It is a reddish lesion which encompasses the whole circumference of the external urethral meatus, thus differentiating it from the urethral caruncle. Urethral mucosal prolapse is not painful but may cause bleeding, dysuria or urethral discharge. It may be treated by excision or cautery. urethral stenosis or stricture Outflow obstruction due to urethral stenosis or a stricture is rare in women. Such lesions usually present after the menopause and are found in the distal urethra. They are often the result of chronic urethritis or may follow fibrosis from repeated urethral dilatations or other surgery to the urethra. The most common symptoms are of voiding difficulties, but recurrent urinary tract infections may occur. Diagnosis can be made using uroflowmetry in conjunction with cystometry or by videocystourethrography. Urethral pressure profilometry or cystourethroscopy will help to localize the lesion. Urethrotomy, either Otis or open, is the treatment of choice, and local oestrogen therapy may be helpful in postmenopausal women. carcinoma of the urethra Urethral carcinoma is rare and is usually a transitional cell carcinoma located in the proximal urethra. Secondary deposits may arise from adenocarcinoma of the endometrium, transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder or squamous carcinoma of the vulva or vagina. Symptoms include haematuria, vaginal bleeding and discharge, frequency of micturition, dysuria and recurrent urinary tract infections. A mass may be palpable or may be seen on speculum examination. The diagnosis can be confirmed by taking urethroscopically directed biopsies. Treatment consists of radical surgery, usually cystourethrectomy and lymph node dissection followed by radiotherapy.

Urinary frequency and urgency definitions [2] 1 Diurnal frequency. The complaint by the patient who considers that she voids too often by day. 2 Nocturia. The complaint that the individual has to wake one or more times at night to void.


3 Urgency. The complaint of a sudden compelling desire to pass urine which is difficult to defer. 4 Urge incontinence. The complaint of involuntary leakage accompanied by or immediately preceded by urgency. prevalence Frequency and urgency are common symptoms in women of all ages which often coexist and may occur in conjunction with other symptoms such as urinary incontinence or dysuria. It is unusual for urgency to occur alone because once it is present it almost invariably leads to frequency to avoid urge incontinence and to relieve the unpleasant painful sensation. Bungay et al. [253] found that approximately 20% of a group of 1120 women aged between 30 and 65 years admitted to frequency of micturition and 15% of women from the same series reported urgency. In this study there was no specific increase in the prevalence of frequency or urgency with age or in relation to the menopause. Over the age of about 60 years it is common for women to develop ‘nocturia’. This increases once per decade of life so that it is not unusual for a woman in her eighties to have to rise four times during the night to void. This represents a relative impairment in cardiovascular function rather than a urological abnormality. causes and assessment There are many different causes of frequency and urgency of micturition; the more common ones are shown in Table 49.16. Clinical examination will exclude many of the causes. This is important before expensive time-consuming investigations are undertaken. As one of the commonest causes of frequency of micturition is a lower urinary tract infection it is important to send a mid-stream specimen of urine for culture and sensitivity. If difficulty is encountered obtaining an uncontaminated mid-stream specimen of urine suprapubic aspiration should be employed. When urine culture is repeatedly negative in a woman with urgency, frequency and dysuria where no other cause can be found, urine should be sent for culture of fastidious organisms such as Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum, which are being seen with increasing frequency in symptomatic women. Those women who have an abnormal vaginal discharge, history of sexually transmitted diseases or obvious vulval excoriation should have vaginal, cervical and urethral swabs sent for culture. Chlamydia may be a causative organism which requires a special culture medium for its detection. If there is a history of haematuria, loin or groin pain, and a urinary tract infection cannot be

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Table 49.16 Causes of urgency and frequency in women Urological





Urinary tract infection Urethral syndrome Detrusor overactivity Bladder tumour Bladder calculus Small capacity bladder Interstitial cystitis Radiation cystitis/fibrosis Chronic retention/residual Urethral diverticulum Cystocele Pelvic mass, e.g. fibroids, ovarian cyst Previous pelvic surgery Urethritis (‘honeymoon cystitis’) Vulvovaginitis Urethral caruncle Herpes Warts Sexually transmitted diseases Atrophy (hypo-oestrogenism) Upper motor neurone lesion Impaired renal function Diabetes mellitus Diabetes insipidus Hypothyroidism Congestive cardiac failure Diuretic therapy Faecal impaction Excessive drinking habit Anxiety Pregnancy

identified, intravenous urography and cystoscopy should be performed and the patient referred to a urologist. In cases of impaired renal function serum urine electrolyte concentration and urine osmolarity should be estimated. A plain radiograph of the abdomen (kidneys, ureter and bladder) is useful in the diagnosis of a calculus and if a significant urinary residual volume is discovered then an X-ray of the lumbar sacral spine should be obtained. The investigations performed should be organized around the patient’s precise symptomatology. However, a frequency-volume chart is often useful as it may identify excessive drinking as the cause of urinary frequency. In addition cystourethroscopy may reveal underlying pathology within the bladder or urethra. For women with incontinence in addition to frequency with or without urgency it is best to organize urodynamic studies prior to cystoscopy as the latter is usually unrewarding. Subtracted cystometry detects detrusor overactivity, which is a major cause of urgency and frequency and also reveals chronic retention of urine with an atonic bladder which

may lead to frequency or recurrent urinary tract infections. For women with frequency, urgency and dysuria without incontinence a cystourethroscopy may be more helpful than urodynamic assessment. Urethral pressure profilometry may reveal urethral relaxation which will cause incontinence [254, 255]. Unfortunately the clinical significance of urethral relaxation is poorly understood. In a series of 107 healthy female volunteers from a gynaecology clinic none of whom had previous urological complaints 16% had pressure variations greater than one-third of their maximum urethral pressures [256] but there was no association with symptoms of lower urinary tract dysfunction. In a large proportion of cases no obvious cause will be found for the symptoms of frequency and urgency. Some patients with negative findings void frequently from habit which usually develops following an acute urinary tract infection or an episode of incontinence. Alternatively bad habits may have been present since childhood, especially if one parent voids frequently. It is interesting that often several members of the same family suffer from similar urinary complaints. treatment This should be directed towards the underlying cause if one has been identified. Those women who drink excessively should be advised to limit their fluid intake to between 1 and 1.5 l/day and to avoid drinking at times when their frequency causes the most embarrassment. Certain drinks such as tea, coffee and cola (all of which contain caffeine) and alcohol precipitate frequency especially nocturia in some individuals and should therefore be avoided. Habit retraining (bladder drill) is useful for women without organic disease and can be undertaken by patients at home [166]. Inpatient bladder drill is more effective but often impossible to organize, and the regimen described by Jarvis and Millar [165] is easy to follow and effectively improves symptoms in up to 80% of women initially. Unfortunately the relapse rate is high [257]. This is mainly due to the underlying factors in the patient’s home environment which exacerbate her symptoms. Sometimes antimuscarinic drug therapy may be helpful. If anxiety or nocturia is a problem then imipramine or amitriptyline 50 mg nocte can be tried. Desmopressin nasal spray or tablets may also be useful in patients who complain of nocturia alone.

Urethral pain syndrome This is defined as the occurrence of recurrent episodic urethral pain usually on voiding with daytime frequency

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and nocturia in the absence of infection or other obvious pathology [2]. The urethral pain syndrome can occur at any age. There are believed to be two basic causative factors – a bacterial and a urethral element. The bacterial element is thought to be due to migration of Escherichia coli across the perineum and up the urethra for which Smith [258] has recommended perineal hygiene, especially after sexual intercourse. In the case of an acute attack many authorities suggest a high fluid intake combined with bicarbonate of soda to alter the pH of the urine and short courses of antibiotics such as co-trimoxazole, nitrofurantoin or, more recently, norfloxacin. Prolonged low dose chemotherapy is sometimes necessary for relapsing and chronic cases. Norfloxacin 400 mg nocte taken for 3 months can be employed. Chlamydia trachomatis is a possible causative organism [259] in which case doxycycline 100 mg nocte for 3 months is an effective antibiotic. Various surgical manoeuvres have been tried for resistant cases of urethral pain syndrome. Urethral dilatation has been employed but there is no rationale behind its use since it is rare to find outflow obstruction in these women. Similarly urethrotomy is sometimes performed. However, it is not indicated and may cause incontinence or a urethral stricture. Rees et al. [260] found that less than 8% of 156 women with the urethral syndrome had outflow obstruction and that the results of urethral dilatation or internal urethrotomy were no better than medication alone.

Interstitial cystitis Painful bladder syndrome is the compliant of suprapubic pain related to bladder filling accompanied by other symptoms such as increased daytime and night time frequency, in the absence of proven urinary infection or other obvious pathology [2]. A cause of painful bladder syndrome in women is interstitial cystitis. Interstitial cystitis produces severe symptoms which include frequency, dysuria, lower abdominal and urethral pain. It affects individuals of both sexes although only about 10% of sufferers are men. Although the peak age is 30–50 years [261] it has also been found in children [262]. The aetiology remains obscure but the absence of any detectable bacterial or fungal agent is a prerequisite for the diagnosis [263]. There is growing evidence that interstitial cystitis is an autoimmune disease. Histological changes in bladder wall biopsies are consistent with a connective tissue disorder. The most common marker is mast cell infiltration of the muscularis layer of the bladder. This was first recognized in 1958 by Simmons and Bruce and, although there is no consensus on the role of mast cells and their usefulness as a diagnostic criterion, two papers have investigated degranulation of mast cells [264, 265] both showing increased degranulation in patients


suffering from interstitial cystitis. Parsons et al. [266] proposed that there is a failure of the protective function of the mucosal glycosaminoglycan layer of the bladder thus allowing infective agents to attack the underlying epithelium and subsequently they postulated that patients with interstitial cystitis have an abnormal sensitivity to intravesical potassium [267]. The diagnosis of interstitial cystitis can be difficult to make. Pain is the most common presenting complaint and occurs in 70% of sufferers. This is usually suprapubic although urethritis, loin pain and dyspareunia are also frequently encountered. A long history of a combination of overactive urinary symptoms (frequency, urgency and dysuria) in the absence of proven infection is often present. Other urinary complaints may coexist. Many of the women have previously undergone hysterectomy although it is difficult to know if this represents a true relationship or just reflects desperate attempts on the part of the doctor to relieve the patient’s symptoms. Clinical examination is usually unrewarding and the diagnosis is often based on the finding of sensory urgency (painful catheterization, urgency and the absence of a rise in detrusor pressure and a bladder capacity of less than 300 ml) at dual-channel subtracted cystometry. Cystoscopy needs to be undertaken preferably under general anaesthesia in order to obtain a good-sized bladder base biopsy. Terminal haematuria at either urodynamic investigation or cystoscopy is suggestive of interstitial cystitis (Fig. 49.31). Characteristically the cystoscopic findings include petechial haemorrhages on distension, especially second fill, reduced bladder capacity and classically, although uncommonly, ulceration. There is still confusion due to the lack of conformity in diagnostic parameters commonly used. Bladder capacity in particular is a contentious issue. Hanno [268] states that the bladder capacity must not exceed 350 ml whereas Messing and Stamey [269] demonstrated that the bladder capacity differed significantly between cystoscopies performed under local or no anaesthetic and those performed under general anaesthesia concluding that bladder volumes were not a useful guide to diagnosis. Gillespie [270] states that restricting the maximum bladder capacity excludes patients who may have early interstitial cystitis and may benefit from treatment before an accepted diagnosis can be established. Table 49.17 lists the criteria for excluding a diagnosis of interstitial cystitis. It is likely that the condition we call interstitial cystitis is the final common pathway of a multifactorial disease process and it is therefore not surprising that many different types of treatment have been proposed (none of which has proved to be completely satisfactory). Both non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as azathioprine, sodium chromoglycate and chloroquine

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Fig. 49.31 Series of cystoscopic images showing gradual cystodistension with haemorrahage in a young woman with interstitial cystitis. Table 49.17 Criteria for the exclusion of a diagnosis of interstitial cystitis Bladder capacity of >350 ml on awake cystometry Absence of an intense desire to void at 150 ml during medium fill cystometry (30–100 ml/min) Demonstration of phasic involuntary bladder contractions on cystometry Symptomatology of