Does your Love Life Add Up?

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Does your Love Life Add Up?

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Does Your

Love Life Add Up?

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Max has worked as a palmist, numerologist and dream interpreter for the past thirty years. During that time he has written several books on palmistry and numerology, and has also appeared on television and radio, and at mind, body, spirit festivals both in Australia and overseas. He currently writes a regular column for Woman’s Day, and previously wrote for Good Medicine, For Me, Girlfriend and New Idea magazines. Max conducts regular workshops on palmistry and numerology throughout Australia. He is passionate about his work, and dedicated to reading and counselling people to help them to take control of their lives.

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Does Your

Love Life Add Up? How to use numbers to find your perfect relationship


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First published in 2008 Copyright © Max Coppa 2008 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (the Act) allows a maximum of one chapter or 10 per cent of this book, whichever is the greater, to be photocopied by any educational institution for its educational purposes provided that the educational institution (or body that administers it) has given a remuneration notice to Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) under the Act. Allen & Unwin 83 Alexander Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 Australia Phone: (61 2) 8425 0100 Fax: (61 2) 9906 2218 Email: [email protected] Web: National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry: Coppa, Max. Does your love life add up?: how to use numbers to find your perfect relationship. ISBN 978 1 74175 415 5 (pbk.). 1. Numerology. 2. Love – Miscellanea. 3. Interpersonal relations – Miscellanea. I. Title. 133.335 Set in 11/15 pt Berkeley Book by Midland Typesetters, Australia Printed in Australia by McPherson’s Printing Group 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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DEDICATION This book is dedicated to my dear family and friends who have shown me the way to love myself, and to extend that love to others. Most of all, to my heart and love Amanda, who has taught me the value of working at a relationship, and has proven that love has its many rewards. To all of you who love and are loved: love truly is the meaning of life and the answer to life’s many mysteries.

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Love one another, but make not a bond of love Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other’s cup, but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread, but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver to the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping; For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together yet not too near together; For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow Not in each other’s shadow. —Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet (1883–1931)

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Page vii


Introduction to numerology 1 How numerology began 2 How numbers can help us in relationships 3 Your numbers explained 4 Sex by the numbers 5 What the day numbers reveal about your personality 6 Your life grid 7 Compatibility in love 8 Discover your full potential 9 Missing numbers and hidden challenges 10 Imbalance in life and love 11 Feminine and masculine numbers 12 Numerology cycles 13 Ups and downs in love, month by month 14 Where you live and love 15 Your name and love 16 Hidden meanings in commonly used words 17 Celebrity lovers—what their numbers reveal

viii 1 4 7 54 59 66 79 95 105 113 118 121 128 134 137 141 146

Appendix 1: Your personal grid Appendix 2: Practice grids

156 157

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Introduction to numerology

Page viii


This book has been written to help you discover your potential in love and relationships, and your compatibility with other people. Whether you are in love now, are looking for love or simply want to improve your current relationship, this is the book for you. The primary aim of this book is to help you to understand your strengths and weaknesses, and to reinforce the importance of loving and respecting yourself before you set out on the quest for a relationship. You wouldn’t want to have a passionate relationship with or marry someone if you weren’t compatible, would you? Numerology takes the guesswork out of these challenges, and it is both an accurate and effective tool to work with. Numerology shows us how to analyse our abilities, potential, strengths and weaknesses very easily. It is a particularly valuable tool for analysing personalities. The numbers will help you identify if someone is a left-brain thinker (logical, practical and business-minded) or a right-brain thinker (intuitive, creative and artistic), which is important when you are entering a relationship.

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Introduction to numerology


Right-brainers and left-brainers tend to clash if there is no tolerance or understanding in the relationship. While they both have a lot to offer, they need to be in the right space to do so. Well-educated people still make the same mistakes in love as everyone else. There are no courses at university to perfect the art of love, and it is ultimately up to the individual. Pythagoras once said ‘know thyself’ and this is certainly the best place to start. A partnership with someone will not make you happy in itself, as happiness starts from within. In all the years that I have been reading and counselling people, I have found that once people master the above attributes they no longer need to return for readings. The large majority of my readings are related to relationships and I have just about seen it all. Only YOU have the power to change your life. Numerology is an easy way of using simple calculations to identify answers about ourselves, others, our life path and so much more. Its uses are literally endless. By adding different combinations of numbers together we open the doors of possibility and gain insight into the unknown. Your date of birth gives you an easy-to-read blueprint of who you are and where you are going. Numbers are like jigsaw pieces—when you put them together you build a picture and then reveal a story.

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Does your love life add up?

Numerology is one of the best and simplest tools to use; it’s accurate and so versatile that anyone can use it. I have found numerology in particular to be a powerful and revealing tool in my work as a palmist and dream interpreter. It breaks down the readings I do into more detail, especially timings, and this helps with a more accurate reading. The more I use it the more I am fascinated by how it works, and it can work for you too! There are so many books out now on numerology that it often confuses people and inadvertently discourages them from using it. My aim is to simplify it so it is accessible to everyone. In doing so I have kept it straightforward and therefore only use birth dates rather than names— after all, names can change, whereas dates don’t. However, I have nevertheless incorporated a chart for names towards the end of the book should you wish to use it. The purpose of this book is to help you understand yourself and your relationships with others. Numbers are merely a tool to help you make your own decisions. So let’s get started in finding a new way of understanding your potential in love by using numerology as a tool to guide you through life’s ups and downs a little more easily. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Have fun! And remember, know yourself . . . then love begins.

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Chapter 1


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How numerology began

Evolution is the law of Life. Number is the law of the Universe. Unity is the law of God. —Pythagoras

Numbers affect our daily lives in a host of different ways, and one of the oldest is the occult science of numerology. No one can be exactly sure when numerology evolved as a method of forecasting the future. The ancient Chaldeans, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Hindus and Hebrews all developed numerological systems of their own, and to this day numerology is constantly being updated and expanded by various experts and cultures who embrace its doctrines. It has to be adaptable in order to adequately meet the needs of

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the twenty-first century—for example, in today’s society the number seven represents technology and computers. Numerologists believe that we are born at a certain date, hour and minute not merely by chance, but in order to learn important lessons and to perform specific tasks during our lifetime, and that the conditions and vibrations prevailing at the precise moment of birth must be favourable if we are to fulfil our mission in life. Some also believe that the transmigration of souls and the possibility of reincarnation plays an important role in their life. Numerology is also a method of character analysis which uses numbers derived from names and birth dates in an attempt to solve the age-old question, ‘Who am I?’. Its study enables us to take an objective, unbiased look at ourselves and to discover our innate talents and abilities. Through numerological analysis we can not only recognise our limitations, but we can also discover what we are best qualified to do, how we love and how to go about fulfilling our destiny. We are able to calculate our numerological cycles, which enables us to look into the future in an attempt to gain advance knowledge of what could be in store for us, to solve problems and to make decisions. All this and more is possible through numerology. Once we have discovered our personal numbers we can, with patience and understanding, use them as clues

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How numerology began


to solve issues relating to love, career, health, finance, travel and more. Numerology incorporates the Pythagorean belief that all things can be expressed in numerical terms because all things are ultimately reducible to numbers, such as speed, weight, sound, light, volume, and so on. Numerologists generally work with the numbers one to nine as well as the master numbers—eleven, twenty-two, thirtythree, forty-four. Together their meanings encompass all the experiences that life can present. Symbolically they represent the stages through which an idea must first pass before it can become a reality. Understanding the meanings of these numbers and applying them will bring a greater personal understanding of life. It is not necessary to possess powers of extrasensory perception and clairvoyance to practise numerology—just the skill of simple arithmetic is enough.

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Chapter 2

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How numbers can help us in relationships

nn Have you ever felt that you are in the wrong relationship? Have you been disappointed in love? Is your marriage shaky? Do you feel you deserve better in the love stakes? Numbers can give you a complete insight into your potential as well as your strengths and weaknesses, and can put you on the right path to love and happiness. Numerology is a tool to help accurately reinforce the direction of your life, to help you to really know yourself and to find compatibility and lasting happiness. It will help you save years of time and wasted energy. Incorporating numerology in your personal life will help you in many ways, such as: • knowing whether your partner will be faithful; • finding out if a potential partner will be a good lover;

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How numbers can help us in relationships


• identifying if you and your partner have things in common; • foreseeing whether your relationship will last the distance; • understanding your partner’s temperament and personality; • establishing whether your partner has a good work ethic or is lazy; • finding out if they are a true romantic or a practical type, and whether they like to travel; • identifying if they are a ‘family’ person—do they want children and will they be able to handle them. The options are literally endless. We apply maths and numbers to explain most things in our lives, including money, energy, volume, weight and speed, so why not use numbers to work out temperaments and personalities of people? Know thyself and the journey of love will be so much easier. If you have ever asked the following questions then this book is for you: • Will this person listen and understand me? • Can they communicate effectively? • How can I deal with this person’s strengths and weaknesses?

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Does your love life add up?

Does this person value truth, honesty and patience? Does this person have baggage from their past? How can I bring the best out in this person? Is this person honest and ethical? Do they even know what love is? Does this person have what it takes to stick at this relationship and stay for the long run? • Will this person commit to a relationship and deliver? • Will they want to marry and have a family?

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Chapter 3


Page 7

Your numbers explained

To know yourself and your partner is a good start to a great relationship. Numerology is a wonderful way to do just that. In numerology we are mainly dealing with the numbers one to nine (with the exception of the master numbers eleven, twenty-two, thirty-three and forty-four, which are not broken down to one digit), and breaking down a sequence of numbers to form one base number that represents how we are playing out our life. Our date of birth is what we call the top line The day of our birth is called the day number The month of our birth is called the month number

26.8.1973 26 8

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The year of our birth is called the year number The day number plus month number is our temperament number

73 7 (2 + 6 + 8)

When we add the numbers in the top line together (2 + 6 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 3) we arrive at the number thirtysix, which is called the second line of learning. When we add the three and six we get nine, which is called our life lesson number. This is the layout, we use to display the calculation: (+) 7 26.8.1973 36 9 Day number (26) This represents our outer persona and how we portray ourselves to others. Month number (8) This represents our hidden persona and shows what’s important to us beneath the surface.

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Your numbers explained


Year number (73) This represents our love potential, business, wealth and sexuality, and how we will act it out. You only need to use the last two digits to assess this (e.g., 73 not 1973). Temperament number (7) is the day number (2 + 6) + the month number (8) = 16 = (1 + 6 = 7) This represents our inner, untapped drive that is our backup reserve when needed and will help us to overcome weaknesses in our day number. Second line of learning (36) = the total sum of the top line (2 + 6 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 3) This number will show us the breakdown of our life lesson number and what issues we need to address (positive and negative) in order to achieve our full potential. Life lesson number (9) = second line of learning number reduced to one digit (3 + 6) This is the number that shows us how we will ‘play out’ the highs and lows of our life. It shows what we should strive for in order to fulfil our life’s journey. This is about as difficult as it gets. Throughout the book you will be given clear examples of how to work the numbers out as well as detailed explanations of what they mean.

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Does your love life add up?

If it makes it easier for you, a male or female symbol can be added to the top of your calculations so that you stay focused on who you are reading. Men are represented by the plus symbol (+), whereas women are represented by the minus symbol (–). As we know, men and women think and act things out differently. Later on you will be provided with examples of grids, and in each case you will need to identify (by adding the symbol) whether the grid belongs to a male or female. This is an important step as it will help you to quickly identify how this person will play out their numbers. When challenged by any anomalies, such as a male with feminine numbers, you will be able to make an accurate assessment of them. Next I have provided a list of the main numbers we will use (one to nine, and the master numbers eleven, twenty-two, thirty-three and forty-four) and what they mean.

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Your numbers explained


One: active and energetic Life lesson: (e.g., 3.12.1975 = 28 = 10 = 1) Keywords

Positive • Energetic • Physical • Proactive

Negative • Pushy • Insensitive • Attention seeking

Love rating n Dull nn Warm nnn Loving nnnn Hot nnnnn Sizzling Characteristics

People with lots of ones in their numbers tend to be overactive, pushy and headstrong. They are the leaders of the pack, and are naturally enthusiastic and keen in relationships. In love nnn

These people have good intentions and can be counted on to keep you on your toes. Life is never dull, and they

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will always be on the run looking for their next adventure. You’ll want to know what they’re on because they have energy to burn. They like to take charge in a relationship, and patience isn’t one of their strong points. Inner feelings

Ones enjoy being part of an active and loving partnership. They need strength and cohesion, and are suited to being in a relationship with a like-minded person. It is important they receive recognition for their efforts, and a simple thankyou can go a long way with them. How to press their buttons

Be confident, enthusiastic and appeal to their ego. Perfect pairings

Ones, fives, eights and elevens. Essentially, these people are drawn to active people who are achievers. Famous ones

Scarlett Johansson—22.11.1984 (28 = 1) Drew Barrymore—22.2.1975 = (28 = 1) Tom Cruise—3.7.1962 (28 = 1) Shakira—2.2.1977 (28 = 1)

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Your numbers explained


What they bring to a relationship

Endurance, stamina, dedication, courage and an element of risk. They are a partner to look up to. What you need to watch out for

Impulsive, reckless, overconfident or self-centred behaviour and a tendency to flirt.

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Two: sensitive and nurturing Life lesson: (e.g., 2.11.1942 = 20 = 2)


Positive • Caring • Well intentioned • Nurturing

Negative • Too emotional • Needy • Lacking stamina

Love rating n Dull nn Warm nnn Loving nnnn Hot nnnnn Sizzling


These people are nurturing, caring and, at times, oversensitive. Their personal life is very important to them, and they are very good at interacting with friends and children. They can fall by the wayside when they are under a lot of pressure and can be high maintenance.

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Your numbers explained


In love nnn

Twos are naturally suited to relationships with others. They are the nurturers who always have your best interests at heart and who aim to please. They are loving partners and terrific parents, and are always there with hugs and kisses for their loved ones.

Inner feelings

They tend to be soft, sensitive and not strongly driven. They are family orientated, very caring and sympathetic to their partner.

How to press their buttons

Bond with them for best results. Romantic walks on the beach, tender kisses, holding hands, cuddling and anything that is touchy-feely will always impress. Making love under a full moon or on a moonlit night is a winner.

Perfect pairings

Twos, sixes and nines will tend to get the best out of a two. People who are deep, sensitive, sensual and romantic are guaranteed to win the heart of a two.

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Famous twos

Robert Duval—5.1.1931 (20 = 2) Karen Carpenter—2.3.1950 (20 = 2) What they bring to a relationship

Reliable, supportive and responsible, they genuinely care about others, are good providers, invest themselves in their relationship and are good family people. What you need to watch out for

Twos can be overly sensitive and often needy, and they need a happy relationship to function well.

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Your numbers explained


Three: fun loving and talkative Life lesson: (e.g., 3.4.1976 = 30 = 3) Keywords

Positive • Communicative • Social • Free-spirited

Negative • Non-committal • Argumentative • Insensitive

Love rating n Dull nn Warm nnn Loving nnnn Hot nnnnn Sizzling


Threes are born communicators—both written and spoken. They love interacting with people and are party animals. They enjoy socialising, and perform best when they are firmly in the spotlight and in front of people. They can be verbally aggressive, cheeky and a little insensitive when they take on too much.

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In love nnn

It is essential that threes be encouraged to express their feelings and ideas in a relationship, and they therefore need a partner who allows them to do this. They are social creatures and they love entertaining others, so friends will always be around them. Life will never be dull with a three. Inner feelings

These people love to talk, listen to music, watch music— basically anything entertaining. They respond best to a partner who enjoys life and can talk on a wide range of subjects. How to press their buttons

Talk intelligently to them. Threes are witty and enjoy provocative and suggestive game playing. The way to their heart is through the mind. They respond well to sexy voices, and simply love music and entertainment. Buy them the latest CD, take them to a movie, or better yet to see a live band. Perfect pairings

Threes, fives, sevens and thirty-threes will get the best out of a three. They like intelligent, communicative and good-humoured partners.

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Your numbers explained


Famous threes

Selma Blair—23.6.1972 (30 = 3) Reese Witherspoon—22.3.1976 (30 = 3) John Travolta—18.2.1954 (30 = 3) Billy Zane—24.2.1966 (30 = 3) What they bring to a relationship

Their ability to communicate and socialise. They make friends easily, have a good voice, are well organised and love to entertain. What you need to watch out for

Threes can be chatterboxes, are prone to lots of late-night partying, are restless and can be hard to pin down at times. When pushed they can be verbally aggressive.

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Four: strong and physical Life lesson: (e.g., 4.6.1947 = 31 = 4) Keywords

Positive • Reliable • Committed • Enduring

Negative • Bossy • Headstrong • Impatient

Love rating n Dull nn Warm nnn Loving nnnn Hot nnnnn Sizzling Characteristics

These people are organisers and planners who love order and systems. They are strong-minded, resilient, stubborn and tenacious. They can be counted on to deliver, but don’t like to be challenged or told they are wrong. In love nn

Devoted and reliable in relationships, fours can be counted on to work at their partnership and be good

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Your numbers explained


providers. They enjoy routine and structure, like tradition, are very handy around the house and will do their fair share of the housework. They enjoy home projects. Inner feelings

Fours find it difficult to change once they have their mind set on something. They are headstrong, but will work with their partner to achieve goals in their relationship. How to press their buttons

These people respond to strength, commitment, clear expectations, and to someone with plans and goals. Perfect pairings

Fours, ones, eights and forty-fours. People who are active, strong and sexually orientated will appeal to a four. Famous fours

Matthew McConaughey—4.11.1969 (31 = 4) Jennifer Garner—17.4.1972 (31 = 4) Helen Hunt—15.6.1963 (31 = 4) Avril Lavigne—27.9.1984 (40 = 4) What they bring to a relationship

Fours are reliable, practical and physically strong, and can be counted on.

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What you need to watch out for

They can be too fixed and stubborn, and can sometimes lack spontaneity and sensitivity.

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Your numbers explained


Five: hot and passionate Life lesson: (e.g., 7.11.1958 = 32 = 5) Keywords

Positive • Fun loving • Lucky • Good humoured

Negative • Over the top • Impractical • Risk-taking

Love rating n Dull nn Warm nnn Loving nnnn Hot nnnnn Sizzling Characteristics

This is the ‘link’ number. Having a life lesson number of five is a powerful thing. Fives are energetic and charismatic. They tend to be enthusiastic and like nice things around them. They can be a little insensitive to people’s feelings, but are good lovers and have luck around them. In love nnnn

These people are true lovers of freedom, and it is essential they have a partner who respects this and gives them

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plenty of space. They usually have a good sense of humour, are creative, passionate and enjoy the social scene. Make them laugh and stay positive, and you’ll get the best out of your five. Inner feelings

Fives are natural achievers, are adventurous and strive to be the best in everything they do. Relationships are important to fives, as are all the trappings that go with them, such as jewellery, fine chocolates, and dining at the best restaurants. How to press their buttons

Take them to a comedy festival or a nice restaurant, book a great hotel and wear sexy clothes or underwear. Perfect pairings

Ones, threes, fives and eights. Fives love flirty, spontaneous and sexually charged mates who can keep their sexual fires burning. Famous fives

Bette Midler—1.12.1945 (23 = 5) Joaquin Phoenix—28.10.1974 (32 = 5) Beyonce Knowles—4.9.1981 (32 = 5) Uma Thurman—29.4.1970 (32 = 5)

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Your numbers explained


What they bring to a relationship

They like to take the lead in relationships, they love their freedom, and they are entertaining and fun loving. They enjoy travelling with their partner. What you need to watch out for

Fives can be self-centred, egotistical and restless, and they tend to go to extremes, for instance by drinking too much or gambling.

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Six: loving and devoted Life lesson: (e.g., 13.10.1972 = 24 = 6)


Positive • Creative • Tender • Balanced

Negative • Vain • Lacking in drive • Idle

Love rating n Dull nn Warm nnn Loving nnnn Hot nnnnn Sizzling


Sixes tend to have good looks and pleasant personalities. They are ‘feeling’ people and need to be accepted and liked by others, so they will try hard to fit in. They are true romantics, take pride in their appearance and like good-looking partners.

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Your numbers explained


In love nnn

These are the true romantics who love nothing more than to surprise their loved one with candlelit dinners, serenades and gifts. Lovers of beauty and harmony, it is important to them to have an attractive mate who loves being doted on and will do the same in return. Their home will be a place of beauty and cleanliness, and they will only buy quality items.

Inner feelings

In relationships sixes are loving, kind and empathetic, but can be easily hurt. They are easygoing and can border on being lazy if not kept motivated.

How to press their buttons

Compliments and more compliments—these people go to a lot of trouble with just about everything they do and appreciate acknowledgement. Quality gifts will impress.

Perfect pairings

Twos, threes, sixes and nines will get the best from them.

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Famous sixes

Britney Spears—2.12.1981 (24 = 6) Justin Timberlake—31.1.1981 (24 = 6) Christian Slater—18.8.1969 (42 = 6) John Lennon—9.10.1940 (24 = 6) What they bring to a relationship

Sixes love beauty, and can often be seen shopping or attending art galleries. They love lazy days spent together with their partner and are very responsive to their partner’s needs. What you need to watch out for

Sixes can be too easygoing at times, difficult to motivate and vain.

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Your numbers explained


Seven: intelligent and inventive Life lesson: (e.g., 13.2.1972 = 25 = 7) Keywords

Positive • Inventive • Independent • Intelligent

Negative • Moody • Intolerant • Cocky

Love rating n Dull nn Warm nnn Loving nnnn Hot nnnnn Sizzling Characteristics

Sevens are thoughtful, quick-witted ideas people. They don’t suffer fools and need intelligent people around them, otherwise you will feel their wrath. They can lose their temper easily, so as a partner of a seven you need to remain positive, be precise and know your facts. In love nn

These people are full of ideas, initiative and drive, but can be a little hard to handle at times. They most often love

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their partner, yet find it challenging to open up and show their real feelings. Enjoyable to be around, they are very intelligent and insightful. Inner feelings

Sevens are often ahead of the times and can be changeable. Life is never dull with them, and once you have won their heart they are yours for life. Keep them challenged; games are good! How to press their buttons

As lovers of freedom, they like to have the space to do their own thing. Anything creative and inventive will get their interest. Science, New Age and technology are areas of particular interest. Flattery goes a long way with these people, so tell them they are smart every now and then. Perfect pairings

Threes, sevens, ones and fives are good companions for sevens. Famous sevens

Keira Knightley—26.3.1985 (34 = 7) Heath Ledger—4.4.1979 (34 = 7) Ethan Hawke—6.11.1970 (25 = 7) Geena Davis—21.1.1956 (25 = 7)

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What they bring to a relationship

Inventive, witty, quick-thinking and intelligent, life is never dull with a seven. What you need to watch out for

Sevens can be restless, moody, impractical, elusive, bad tempered, non-conforming and forgetful.

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Eight: hot and sexual Life lesson: (e.g., 8.6.1938 = 35 = 8) Keywords

Positive • Sexual • Powerful • Driven

Negative • Dominant • Aggressive • Attention seeking

Love rating n Dull nn Warm nnn Loving nnnn Hot nnnnn Sizzling Characteristics

This is one of the ‘power’ numbers. People with eights in their numbers tend to be a driving force; they demand respect and are born to lead. They need a challenge and are motivated by success and material wealth (e.g., car, house, etc.). Too many eights in their date of birth (three or more) can give them quite a temper, and will make them aggressive and power hungry.

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Your numbers explained


In love nnnnn

Quite grounded and steady in relationships, eights can be counted on, but respond best when they wear the pants in the family. Money is rarely in short supply as eights are very driven and are prepared to work hard and do what it takes to earn. They are likely to have property or investments around them. Inner feelings

They have a strong desire for power and achievement in just about everything they do, and they don’t like to lose. Driven by sex, wealth and success they are a force to be reckoned with. How to press their buttons

Eights thrive on attention and being allowed to take charge. Anything related to sex will get their attention, so take them to a nightclub or put on something sexy. Perfect pairings

Elevens, eights, ones, fours and fives are sure to please. Eights like to be around practical yet energetic partners who are driven to succeed and are indeed already successful.

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Famous eights

Matt Damon—8.10.1970 (26 = 8) Jessica Simpson—10.7.1980 (26 = 8) Anthony Hopkins—3.12.1937 (26 = 8) Anna Nicole Smith—28.11.1967 (35 = 8) What they bring to a relationship

They are tenacious, strong willed, resilient, and hot and passionate. What you need to watch out for

Eights can be overpowering, bossy, greedy, aggressive, adulterous and insensitive.

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Nine: deep and kinky Life lesson: (e.g., 6.9.1983 = 36 = 9) Keywords

Positive • Intuitive • Sensitive • Romantic

Negative • Perverted • Secretive • Unreliable

Love rating n Dull nn Warm nnn Loving nnnn Hot nnnnn Sizzling Characteristics

These people are the deep thinkers who are introspective, sensitive and offer a lot of insight. They are intuitive and rarely miss things. When they are confronted with a problem, you need to know how to push their buttons otherwise they will keep on their merry way. In love nn

Nines perform best when they are in a relationship, and especially when they are with a partner who is

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understanding and supportive. They need to be motivated, otherwise they can dwell on things too much. Highly sensitive, these people can tune into the moods of others very quickly. Inner feelings

Sensitive and intuitive, nines need time out to reflect and think about things. Their emotions are a powerful force, and they don’t always say what’s on their mind, which can frustrate those around them. How to press their buttons

Sexy lingerie, bubble baths, scented candles, poetry and anything romantic that will heighten their senses. Perfect pairings

Nines, twos, fives and sixes. People who are sensitive and emotionally driven are great matches for nines. Famous nines

Sharon Stone—10.3.1958 (27 = 9) Robbie Williams—13.2.1974 (27 = 9) Gisele Bundchen—20.7.1980 (27 = 9) Heidi Klum—1.6.1973 (27 = 9)

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What they bring to a relationship

Intuition, companionship and kinky sex. What you need to watch out for

Secrecy, indiscretions, paranoia, elusiveness, depression, alcohol and drug abuse.

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Eleven: in it for the long haul Life lesson: (e.g., 11.11.1969 = 29 = 11) Keywords

Positive • Physical • Motivated • Independent

Negative • Pushy • Overactive • Demanding

Love rating n Dull nn Warm nnn Loving nnnn Hot nnnnn Sizzling Characteristics

Elevens have a natural drive to succeed and are born leaders in work and love. They are very independent, strong-minded and self-sufficient, and can make their own decisions. They need a strong partner around them, and self-employment will give them freedom. In love nn

These people are energetic and like to wear the pants in the family. Committed and focused on creating a successful

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relationship, they can be counted on to provide. Highly ambitious and headstrong, they can be quite demanding in their partnership, although life will never be dull. Inner feelings

A need for achievement is ever present with these people. They like to take charge and are always looking for new challenges. They respond best to a partner who is strong, focused and self-aware, and who says what they think. How to press their buttons

Arrive on time, be physical and ambitious. Perfect pairings

Ones, fives, eights and elevens. Only success-driven and independent people need apply. Famous elevens

Kevin Bacon—8.7.1958 (38 = 11) Gwen Stefani—3.10.1969 (29 = 11) Jennifer Aniston—11.2.1969 (29 = 11) Gwyneth Paltrow—28.9.1972 (38 = 11) What they bring to a relationship

Elevens are capable of making positive change. Loyal and dedicated, they take pride in their achievements.

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What you need to watch out for

These people may become distracted by too many ideas, or they may be inclined to take on too many projects or relationships at once.

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Your numbers explained


Twenty-two: sexy and loving Life lesson: (e.g., 22.1.1961 = 22) Keywords

Positive • Caring • Loving • Compassionate

Negative • Lazy • Too soft • Self-centred

Love rating n Dull nn Warm nnn Loving nnnn Hot nnnnn Sizzling Characteristics

These people are carers and nurturers. They love their family and everything to do with relationships, and they are committed and home-loving. Highly sensitive, their emotions often get the better of them, and they must be careful to apply themselves in the right areas. In love nnn

Twenty-twos value their relationships highly and these tend to be the focal points of their lives. It is essential that

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their partner be sensitive, romantic and above all family orientated. They are excellent parents and are very devoted. Inner feelings

They need a loving partner who cares for them deeply. They can be easily hurt and have a tendency to stray when not nurtured. How to press their buttons

Show them lots of attention and love. Nice food and ambience are essential. Perfect pairings

Twos, sixes, nines and twenty-twos are good matches for the sensitive twenty-two. Famous twenty-twos

Clint Eastwood—31.5.1930 (22) Sheryl Crow—11.2.1962 (22) What they bring to a relationship

Twenty-twos are sensitive, caring, loving, good parents and very nurturing.

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What you need to watch out for

Twenty-twos can have trouble letting go of their past. They are prone to infidelity and being easily influenced by the opposite sex.

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Thirty-three: flirty and fun Life lesson: (e.g., 5.3.1969 = 33) Keywords

Positive • Expressive • Social • Spiritual

Negative • Melodramatic • Nagging • Easily influenced

Love rating n Dull nn Warm nnn Loving nnnn Hot nnnnn Sizzling Characteristics

These people are positive, dynamic and are very socially aware. They are particularly well-liked by their friends, and thought and expression are keywords for them. Highly communicative, these people need to express what they feel, and thrive on anything involving words, music and entertainment. They are particularly good at word games and are great fun to be around.

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In love nnnn

It is essential these people are in a relationship with a partner who will communicate with them and who will be willing to work through issues together. Thirty-threes are lovers of music, and need a partner who enjoys socialising and who will speak from the heart. Inner feelings

Thirty-threes find it hard to hold things in and are compelled to express themselves. Their partner will have to get used to this. How to press their buttons

Take them to karaoke and let them do their stuff. Make sure they have fun. Perfect pairings

Threes, thirty-threes, sevens and elevens will find the key to a thirty-three’s heart. Famous thirty-threes

Geri Halliwell—6.8.1972 (33) Jessica Alba—28.4.1981 (33) Delta Goodrem—9.11.1984 (33) Ben Affleck—15.8.1972 (33) Lindsay Lohan—2.7.1986 (33)

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What they bring to a relationship

Thirty-threes are intelligent partners and good friends, and they love socialising and going places. What you need to watch out for

They can be guilty of exaggeration, lying, not listening enough and burning the candle at both ends.

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Forty-four: long lasting Life lesson: (e.g., 27.8.1989 = 44) Keywords

Positive • Intelligent • Hard working • Committed

Negative • Fixed • Demanding • Controlling

Love rating n Dull nn Warm nnn Loving nnnn Hot nnnnn Sizzling


These are the judges and planners in love. Hard work is their motto, and they enjoy leading and making important decisions. Even as children they demonstrate a strong ‘wrong versus right’ attitude, and they know where they are going. Don’t give them the run-around or they will come down hard on you.

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In love nn

These people need to have an equally strong partner or they will run right over the top of them. Highly dependable, honest and reliable, you will always know where you stand with a forty-four. Often rigid and inflexible, it will take someone who is patient and understanding to get the best out of them. Inner feelings

It can be hard to get through to a forty-four. However, if you are patient with them you can develop a stable and positive relationship. Be sure to have your facts right with these people. How to press their buttons

Be confident, self-assured and show them what you are made of. A bit of flattery goes a long way, and they like recognition and praise. Perfect pairings

Fours, forty-fours, eights and elevens are strong and positive matches for a forty-four. Famous forty-fours

Hilary Duff—28.9.1987 (44)

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What they bring to a relationship

Forty-fours are in it for the long haul. They are good with finances and they are humorous, physical, strong and reliable. What you need to watch out for

They can be jealous, stubborn and inflexible. Forty-fours can also be stingy and overly practical at times.

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Zeros in your birth date A zero in your date of birth represents ego and will weaken the positive effect of the number it is next to. If you have a zero in your birth date it will be more difficult to express yourself, and you will have to work harder in order to overcome its effect and achieve your goals. For example, using the number ‘10’, the quality of the first number (1), which represents action and leadership, is reduced. It means that this person has the qualities of the one, although won’t follow through and will tend to be egotistical and self-focused. Using the number ‘20’, the quality of the first number (2), which represents emotions and sensitivity, is reduced, which means that this person is withdrawn and lacking in confidence. If a man has this number in his date of birth he will tend to have strong opinions about women, such as believing that a woman’s place is in the home. Even if he seems nurturing, he will tend to be more selfcentred. Using the number ‘30’, the quality of the first number (3), which represents communication and expression, is reduced. It means that this person has the qualities of the three, although will be verbally aggressive and opinionated rather than an effective communicator.

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Points to remember: • When there’s a zero in the number it adds a negative quality to the number that precedes it. • The presence of a zero suggests difficulties in emotional dealings. • The negative effects can be overcome with awareness, patience and discipline. Let’s look at John, who was born on 20.10.1940. The ‘2’ in the day number ‘20’ would normally indicate sensitivity and nurturing, although the added ‘0’ will make John opinionated and chauvinistic. Dealings with money and feelings will be challenging for him, and he will tend to be self-centred. His life lesson (eight) and temperament (three) can make John too grounded and he will see things in a materialistic way, especially seeing as though he is missing a six in his numbers. The missing six will also affect the way John interacts with his partner. John’s father was strong and overbearing, which will most likely result in John adopting the same manner. Money troubles could cause John to be stingy. As you can see, the zeros weaken the positive qualities of the numbers. John will have to consciously work on overcoming these weaknesses in order to turn them into strengths. His life would have been easier if he was born on 2.1.1940 rather than 20.10.1940.

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Let’s look at Lachlan (John’s son), who was born on 10.10.1980. As you will see in this example, negative traits can be handed down from father to son, which will deepen the effect of the zeros. Lachlan’s birth date indicates he is headstrong and can be very opinionated and self-centred. He has a short temper like his father, and he is lacking a six in his numbers which means that love and affection don’t come easily to him. He also lacks a three, therefore communicating his feelings is a challenge and he can become frustrated in verbal exchanges. His father had great trouble communicating with his own father (lack of a three), so the baton has been handed down through the generations. Lachlan has no twos (mother/female) in his top line and no fours (father/male), so the connection with his family can be flawed early in life, making love and connecting with others challenging. When you add Lachlan’s day number and month number together you will see he is a temperament two and when you add the entire top line together you will see he is a life lesson two. This makes Lachlan focus his attention and frustrations on females. Lachlan will see money as his security and salvation, yet he will spend money fast. His relationships will be poor and he may marry more than once.

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If you have a zero in your birth date, with help, guidance and an awareness of your shortcomings the challenges presented to you can be overcome. It is important to know your weaknesses as well as your strengths and to focus your attention on what you need to overcome.

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Chapter 4


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Sex by the numbers

Numerology can reveal enlightening information regarding your sexual style. Listed below, are the traits associated with each number. These descriptions apply primarily to the life lesson number, however, they can also apply to those of us who have more than two of the same number in their birth date. Ones

Ones are very active partners and they have energy to match, so you will need to look after them or they may stray. They tend to have a lean or athletic build, they enjoy sex and need it often. They do need to vary their sexual style or their partner can become bored with them. Sex in weird and wonderful places turns them on. Perfect matches: ones, fives, eights and elevens. Turnons: skin, strong bodies, active foreplay.

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Twos can be very sensual and romantic partners. Men who are a life lesson two interact well with females and tend to be smooth talkers. Women who are a life lesson two tend to have a womanly, curvaceous figure with an ample bust. With the right words, music and romantic environment a loving night in can last all night. Perfect matches: twos, sixes and nines. Turn-ons: breasts, arms, legs, sensuality. Threes

Threes are born communicators and social animals who love having fun. Music and light conversation sets the scene for sex, as does role-playing or sexy games. Threes represent communication, so the mouth and neck/throat are their pleasure centres. Being active in their younger years and having an interest in experimentation, it is possible they may have been with many lovers. Perfect matches: threes, thirty-threes, fives, eights, fours and sixes. Turn-ons: music, voices, variety. Fours

Fours are planners in love and can get a little fixed sometimes. As lovers they are physical and can be hot, especially if you need a partner with staying power. If foreplay is what you need then look elsewhere as these

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people are often too practical and may miss the finer points of seduction. They enjoy making love in most places but the outdoors is a definite attraction. Perfect matches: fours, fives, eights and forty-fours. Turn-ons: athletic bodies, massages. Fives

Fives are all-rounders, and not much gets past them. They are hot lovers who are ready for play most of the time, and they enjoy sex day or night. Romance and wining and dining set the mood for them. Try not to let them down in love as they will remind you of this later. For the most part they are good partners who are fun to be with (even if it is only for a one-night stand). The chest, buttocks, neck, groin and hips are their pleasure zones. Perfect matches: ones, threes, fives, eights and elevens. Turn-ons: sexy toys, holidays, excitement. Sixes

Sixes are true romantics, but this doesn’t mean that they haven’t got some go in them. Their partner’s looks will draw them in, so if you want action from these people be sure to dress sexy and smell great! Kinky clothes or underwear work a charm, so be adventurous here. A good night out and the right ambience, and you’ve got yourself a hot date. These people enjoy lots of kissing and stroking.

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Perfects matches: twos, threes, sixes, nines and twentytwos. Turn-ons: dressing up, creams and lotions, leather. Sevens

Sevens are active and headstrong, so watch out for erratic behaviour and mood swings at times. If you conquer their head you will win their heart and you’ll have an adventurous time on your hands. Often quirky and kinky lovers, spark their imagination and suggest new ideas, then let the games begin. Flatter them and stroke their ego, and sex will be hot, saucy and never dull. Hair, face, back, feet, toes and ankles are sure-fire pleasure spots. Perfect matches: threes, sevens, nines and elevens. Turnons: sexy text messages and adult movies. Eights

Eights are hot and active lovers who have no boundaries in sex (unless they have had bad experiences in the past). All types of sex interest them, and they tend to have a healthy sexual appetite and are very passionate. Often the more eights found in their numbers, the more wellendowed they are. Hot means hot with these people, so if you want plenty of sex you’ll get lots with them. Hot spots are sexual organs or anything below the belt. Perfect matches: ones, fours, fives, eights and elevens. Turn-ons: anything sexually orientated.

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Nines are deep and kinky lovers, so their sexual style can be a little left-of-field or even strange at times. Talk dirty to them, experiment with different products or even roleplay and you will get the desired effects. Some might even have different sexual partners at the same time if they think they can get away with it. If you like mysterious lovers or are looking for a ‘mind experience’ rather than just physical passion then nines are it! All erogenous zones will excite these people. Perfect matches: twos, sevens and nines. Turn-ons: making love in weird and wonderful places, especially in or near water. Note: Life lesson elevens, twenty-twos, thirty-threes and forty-fours are much the same as the single-digit numbers except the effect will be enhanced.

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Chapter 5


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What the day numbers reveal about your personality

The day number we are born on gives us an instant clue to our personality type and how the world sees us. This is usually the face that we show to others and the one that comes naturally to us. Those born on a one day are confident and know what they want. They won’t let anything stand in their way, and can be stubborn and a little boisterous at times. They stand out in a crowd, and others will admire their strength and courage. Those born on a two day have a caring and sensitive approach. They can be quite charming, and are touchyfeely types. Men with a day number two are smooth

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operators and are the ones you will want to take home to meet the parents. Women with a day number two are very feminine. Those born on a three day are the silver tongues. They are confident, and once they start talking it’s hard to stop them. They love gossiping and socialising with friends. If they have a little too much to drink they will become loud and boisterous, and can get out of hand! Those born on a four day are the strong, silent type. They tend to have athletic physiques and plenty of energy to burn. They can be people of few words, although they have firm opinions and a good sense of right versus wrong. Those born on a five day like to stand out in a crowd and be noticed by others. Success and flamboyant style go hand in hand with a five, and when you are around them things happen. They tend to have a cheerful and humorous disposition. Those born on a six day tend to be suave and good looking. Always well groomed (even if they are just going to the corner store), they dress to impress and set the benchmark for others. They have good complexions and a carefree nature, although they can be lazy too. Those born on a seven day are bright and quickwitted. They are a wealth of information and are stimulating people to be around. Life is never dull with

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a seven, and repetition is not their friend. Their mind is their greatest asset and is the way to their heart. Those born on an eight day are hot-blooded and driven. Smoldering passion is their trademark, although their temper can get in the way at times. They have strong personalities and are true go-getters. They tend to have a Midas touch when it comes to money. Those born on a nine day are deep and brooding types. They have a personal magnetism about them, are sensitive and will play with your heart, so be on your toes. There is a tendency to bend the truth at times, and they can also be a little kinky. Those born on a ten day are active lovers although they often lack the finesse to go with it. They can be a little selfish at times and tend to have a haphazard approach. They can also be short-distance partners, so keep them on a tight rein. Those born on an eleven day are confident and are not backwards in coming forwards. They are powerful people, and respond well to partners who are equally strong and passionate. They like to take the lead in a relationship. Those born on a twelve day are active and changeable, which can leave others a little perplexed at times. Keeping to dates and times can be a challenge for them. Their active nature is tempered by their deep and caring inner nature.

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Those born on a thirteen day can be loud and even obnoxious at times. They tend to shoot from the hip and will call it like it is. Their witty personalities are hard to resist and they love the social scene. They are fun people to be around and love can be a real hoot with them. Those born on a fourteen day tend to be perfectionists and take a lot of pride in what they do. They are reliable partners in a relationship, although can also be the jealous type. They often have a strong and bold appearance. Those born on a fifteen day have plenty of energy to burn. They are bright and switched-on people who will watch every move you make and respond accordingly. They like to travel and have a keen sense of style. The downside is that they can be smart alecks at times. Those born on a sixteen day are romantic and enthusiastic lovers who won’t take no for an answer. They take pride in their appearance so will look their best and dress very well. They are smooth talkers and know how to turn on the charm. Those born on a seventeen day are headstrong and fiery individuals. They are very exciting to be around, although can be a little temperamental at times. They are highly intelligent and have a dry sense of humour, so life is never dull around them. Those born on an eighteen day are strong individuals, and their good looks and natural sex appeal are a potent

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mix that is very hard to resist (think Brad Pitt). Quite flirtatious and confident in love, they know how to get what they want. Those born on a nineteen day are smoldering yet sporty types, and make a good catch. It’s a challenge to figure them out and it’s even harder to get them to open up to you. This is all part of the game, and they love games. Those born on a twenty day tend to be insecure in their abilities and need extra reassurance at times. Men born on this day can be a little chauvinistic, although with perseverance this can often be overcome. They are caring people and affectionate lovers. Nicole Kidman was born on this day. Those born on a twenty-one day are charming, warmhearted smooth talkers. They love being a part of the social scene and interacting with friends, although when love is in sight their friends will take second place. Those born on a twenty-two day are sensitive, smooth and fun to be around. Natural flirts, they seem to always know the right thing to say and can be very charming. They are born healers and have a close bond with their mother, although they can carry baggage and heartaches from the past. Those born on a twenty-three day are as smooth as caramel and are excellent communicators. They have

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a good sense of humour, are fun to be around and make good companions in a relationship. Their cheerful personality will grow on you. Those born on a twenty-four day are peacemakers, and try to keep balance and harmony wherever possible. Reliable and dependable people, they will have both male and female close friends (yin and yang), and are in relationships for the long haul. Those born on a twenty-five day are thoughtful and caring people who take a great deal of pride in their relationships. They have plenty of energy and make terrific travelling companions. They can also be quite lucky in life. Those born on a twenty-six day are lovers in every sense of the word; warm, passionate and oh so sexy. They love their family and children, and if they take you home to meet Mum and Dad you’re in! Women born on this day tend to have very curvy and/or maternal physiques. Those born on a twenty-seven day are light-hearted and can always be relied on for a joke or two when the pressure is on. As partners and lovers they have most of the bases covered, and lovemaking may never be the same again. Those born on a twenty-eight day need a lover or partner who is a match for their ambition, warmth and sex appeal. They expect others to keep up with them and

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need a partner who will work with them as part of a team. They are generous and will shower you with love and appreciation. Those born on a twenty-nine day have amazing insight, but don’t look into their eyes or you will get lost in there! They tend to have unresolved issues with their mother, so it’s wise to remember that you are their lover, not their surrogate mother. A loyal and faithful partner is also very important to them. Those born on a thirty day are good communicators, although can be very outspoken and opinionated when it comes to topics of interest. They can wear their partners down, but in the next breath will make them laugh and lighten up. Those born on a thirty-one day stand up for their rights and the rights of others, so you will feel safe around them. They have a heart as big as Pharlap’s, and love lots of kisses and cuddles. They can get carried away at times, but their intentions are genuine.

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Chapter 6


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Your life grid

The purpose of using grids is to enable us to see what numbers can tell us about our love and life. It’s a quick way to see what your strengths and weaknesses are, and what your partner’s potential is. Grids are set up like noughts and crosses, and you simply need to fill in the squares to see how your energy and thoughts are put into action. A master grid has been included on page 67 to show where the numbers should be placed and the meaning each number carries. To make your own life grid simply take the numerals from your date of birth and place them according to the positions on the grid. Too many of the same number in a given square will result in an imbalance of that energy (three or more numbers in the one square is excessive). For example, if

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Your life grid


you have three eights in the square you will tend to be controlling, aggressive and highly sexed. 3























female/mother Family Nurturing












male/father Action









Sometimes when we place all of the numbers from our date of birth into the grid, we can see a complete line.

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This adds strength in the grid and indicates a very positive aspect. On the other hand, the absence of a complete line shows that further attention and development is needed in these areas to enable the energy to flow more freely. For example, the lack of a 1–4–7 combination (line of practicality) will make it harder for someone to be practical. They won’t enjoy getting their hands dirty and may lack the discipline to cope with hard times. Here is a guide to what each line means, both in its positive (complete line) and negative (incomplete line) senses.

Line of practicality in love 1–4–7 combination Positive • Handy—great touch • Organised and reliable • Grounded and strong


Negative • Uncoordinated—weak touch • Clumsy • Lacking initiative



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Your life grid


Down to earth and practical lovers: these hands-on people are natural planners. They are reliable and tend to be very grounded. As lovers and partners they are very good in relationships. However, they can be set in their ways as they get older, and they often forget to be romantic and sensitive as they are so practical. The bottom line represents our basic desires and physical make-up, so any numbers on this line will be helpful. People with this complete line in their grid may perform physical work, such as a trade, and will be very handy around the home. They are usually reliable people who tend to be very physical, and as lovers they can last all night.

Line of spirituality and creativity in love 7–8–9 combination Positive • Elegant and stylish • Enterprising and smooth • Idealistic

Negative • No get-up-and-go • Bland and dull • Lacking good presentation 9



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Deep and imaginative lovers: these people are naturally creative, artistic and musically inclined. They are deep thinkers and are not normally practical or structured types. They are romantic and sensitive, and need understanding and open-mindedness in a relationship as they are more creative and less logical. Remember to have patience with these people as they typically need time to chew things over.

Line of thought and intelligence in love 3–6–9 combination Positive • Stylish • Persuasive • Articulate

Negative • Boring • Forgetful • Stuck for words 3



Stimulating and expressive lovers: these are the ‘intellectuals’ who are well known for their sharp minds and

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Your life grid


gifted approach. They need an equally bright and gifted partner as they use their mind so much. A few wellchosen words in the right place will mean a lot to them. They can be egotistical at times and they think they know everything. They deal with facts, so be sure to treat them with respect and appeal to their mind and you’ll get the best out of them.

Line of confidence in love 1–2–3 combination Positive Negative • Gift of the gab • Tongue-tied • Good people and life skills • Disordered • Confident • Shy 3



Confident and fun lovers: these are the ‘front’ people who are not scared to speak their mind and lead others. They are quick-witted, confident and self-expressive.

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Don’t fence them in as they love life—and freedom—and grasp it with both hands. They enjoy being out there and having fun. The consummate party animals, these people can take a while to mature and grow up. This line represents being street-smart.

Line of balance and wealth in love 2–5–8 combination Positive • Financially reliable • Enterprising • Well-balanced


Negative • Lacking initiative and drive • Unbalanced • Broke



Strong and balanced lovers: this is a strong line in the grid and relates to survival and balance. These people enjoy financial security, and some of their wealth may actually come from family or partnerships, including marrying into money. Security, a stable home life, bills

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Your life grid


paid on time and lots of passion are what these people need. Sometimes money can be their main driving force, so it’s best to combine your talents with this partner and save money to build a future together.

Line of drive and achievement in love 1–5–9 combination Positive • Born leader • Ambitious • Dedicated and perseverant

Negative • Unmotivated • Reluctant • Poor judges




Driven and exciting lovers: success and good times usually surround these people as they work hard for what they have. They are good lovers who are enthusiastic and enjoy doing things spontaneously. Achievement in all areas is important to them, and they expect their partners to be equally successful and focused on their goals.

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Line of ideas and initiative in love 3–5–7 combination Positive • Switched-on • Quick-witted and humorous • Innovative

Negative • Sceptical • Lacks initiative • Dull




Imaginative and adventurous lovers: these are the inventors and ideas people who are natural problemsolvers. They are very intelligent, have initiative and will not hesitate to suggest new ideas and concepts. Be on your toes with these people as they don’t like routine in their relationships. Weekends away, spontaneous holidays and making love in unusual places are the order of the day. Costume parties and colourful events will hold interest for them.

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Your life grid


Line of love and desire in love 4–5–6 combination Positive • Dedicated in love • Romantic • Enthusiastic

Negative • Naïve • Lacking balance • Uncommitted




Romantic and dependable lovers: these people are good lovers and are very dedicated to their relationship. They expect the same type of dedication in return, so if you both have a 4–5–6 combination in your numbers love is the food of life. If you don’t have this combination and your partner does, you had better try and keep up with them! These people are very adaptable when their relationships are going well, although they can be difficult to deal with when their love life isn’t going to plan.

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If you don’t have any of these numbers in your grid your relationships will tend to be a little trying, and you will have to be more determined and persevere. Having at least some numbers in the line will definitely help. People with this complete line are demanding in relationships to the point of control, and this can be their downfall. They give 210 percent, and if they don’t feel they are getting the same level of commitment in return there will be sparks. If the two of you have a 4–5–6 combination in your grid then lots of love and passion will be there. Chelsea’s full analysis

Chelsea—13.5.1964 = 29 = 11 (–) 3






First, let’s look at Chelsea’s date of birth. It is a very active day number (an assertive and positive one coupled with a communicative three). It tells us that Chelsea

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Your life grid


speaks her mind, and that she is pushy and sometimes loud. Chelsea likes to stand out and be in the front row. Her five is the lynch-pin in her grid, her deep down strength and drive, as it enables her to make two complete lines (e.g., 1–5–9 and 4–5–6 combinations). The 1–5–9 combination makes her ambitious and focused on achievement while the 4–5–6 combination makes her enthusiastic and dependable. Chelsea wants to succeed and travel, and has a strong business sense. Her six and four give her balance and a strong work ethic, and keep her feet on the ground. It shows she admired her father and got her drive and ideas from him. She may also be attracted to older men for guidance or relationships. Her temperament is a nine which makes her intelligent and she will analyse situations before she makes her decisions. Her life lesson is an eleven, which is great for business (particularly running her own), and she is very independent. Couple this with a full grid, and Chelsea will make a very sound addition to a team and will be more likely to succeed. Her missing secret numbers 2 + 8 + 7 = 17 = 1 + 7 = 8. If she is guided by an astute person all her potential will be realised and she will beat her main challenge in life. As you can see, you can make a quick assessment of someone by simply looking at their date of birth.

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Whether it be love, money, investment, hiring decisions —the list is endless. Keep it simple and numerology becomes a very valuable and powerful tool indeed.

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Chapter 7


Page 79


Compatibility in love

Compatibility between partners in a relationship is very important. Although the old adage says ‘opposites attract’, it is more challenging to sustain a relationship when partners don’t have a lot in common or are simply incompatible. Would you invest in a bad property or a shonky company? Would you buy a car that doesn’t suit your needs? The same goes for love and relationships. If you find yourself watching the clock each day then you are in the wrong job, and if you have to constantly work hard in love with little reward then it is likely that you are in the wrong relationship. Numerology helps us to work this out; it can be done in minutes, but the rest is up to us. Love starts with you. Once you know yourself then you can accept someone

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into your life and make the relationship work. Others can’t make us happy; only we can make ourselves happy. The more we know ourselves, the happier and more relaxed we’re able to be. Each row and column on a relationship grid has significance in terms of meaning: MIND Intelligence and thought BALANCE Harmony and security BODY Grounding and stability

Outer Love Creativity/ person/ and right left brain balance brain

Use your birth date to fill out the grid in the same way you did for the life grid (and according to the same

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Compatibility in love


layout), in order to know yourself better in love. Then check your grid for complete (and incomplete) lines, and read the following pages to see what they mean.

Line of practicality




Positive • Hands-on • Practical • Down to earth • Grounded Negative • Impractical • Clumsy and awkward • Vague and unfocused • Uncommitted

Line of spirituality and creativity 9



Positive • Artistic and creative • Intuitive • Deep thinking • Spiritual

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Negative • Too analytical • Unimaginative • Predictable • Too logical

Line of thought and intelligence 3



Positive • Intelligent • Academically bright • Overconfident • Social Negative • Can be dull and boring • Inarticulate • Challenges in relationships • Forgetful

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Compatibility in love


Line of confidence Positive • Expressive and confident • Outspoken and instigative • Social and communicative • Practical and enthusiastic




Negative • Shy and introverted • Lacking motivation • Poor communication skills • Lacking initiative

Line of emotional balance and wealth




Positive • Personally and financially secure • Emotionally well balanced • Reliable and astute • Dependable

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Does your love life add up? Negative • Financially challenged • Wasteful and sometimes dishonest • Unbalanced financially and emotionally • Disempowered

Line of drive and achievement 9



Positive • Ambitious and determined • Headstrong • Tenacious • Unrelenting

Negative • Lacking drive and ambition • Lacking follow-through • Indifferent • Unmotivated

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Compatibility in love


Line of Ideas and initiative 3



Positive • Quick thinking and insightful • Natural motivators • Inventive and creative • Excellent communicators Negative • Unimaginative • Lacking spark and initiative • Sceptical • Pessimistic

Line of love and desire 6



Positive • Balanced and loving • Committed • Resilient • Dedicated and caring

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Does your love life add up? Negative • Lacking understanding in relationships • Self-centred • Uncommitted and disloyal • Disillusioned

Now that you have interpreted your own love grid, draw one up for your partner or love interest to see how compatible you are. On the following pages are some examples to show you how this is done. Serena and Dylan’s compatibility

Serena—8.4.1975 = 34 = 7 (–) 9






The numbers in Serena’s grid reveal that she is intelligent, bright and uses her head and hands to succeed in

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Compatibility in love


life. She is good with money matters, although lacks the personal skills (lack of number three) due to childhood problems (lack of number two—her connection with her mother). Consequently she may never really feel fulfilled and may not fully understand love. Serena is very talented and will succeed in her career, although she needs a strong partner who understands her and will help her work through her emotional issues. An example of someone who might be compatible with Serena is Dylan, whose birth date is 28.6.1973. Dylan—28.6.1973 = 36 = 9 (+) 3







Dylan has the qualities Serena lacks—two (nurturing), three (communication) and six (balance). He will be able to help her develop these skills, and in return, Serena will help Dylan as she has a four (structure/planning) and five (follow-through), which he lacks.

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Numbers help us see our strengths and weaknesses quickly and clearly, and show us how to improve them. Relationships work better when we communicate. Tamara and Flynn’s compatibility

Tamara—21.6.1963 = 28 = 10 = 1 (–) 3





Flynn—4.4.1974 = 29 = 11 (+) 9




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Compatibility in love


As you can see, Tamara and Flynn’s numbers and grids are very different. The numbers 1–4–7 are located on the bottom of Flynn’s grid, which indicates he is a more grounded and practical type of person. Tamara’s numbers, 3–6–9 are located on the top of her grid, which shows she is more intellectual and communicative. In a relationship together, Flynn may be blocked and fixed in comparison to Tamara’s free-flowing attitude. There is a strong likelihood that they would tire of one another after a time and would not work on their relationship as they are so very different. This is not to say that their relationship can’t work, it simply means that they will have to work harder than most at maintaining their relationship. For example, Flynn would need to open up and talk more to Tamara, and get involved in her interests and social scene. Tamara would have to be prepared to get her hands dirty (for instance, by helping Flynn to renovate a house), and to understand his moods and love of sports in order to please him. If it is possible for these compromises to be made then mind and body will come together and romance will have a good chance of blossoming.

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Kyle and Meagan’s compatibility

Kyle—26.4.1953 = 30 = 3 (+) 3







Meagan—28.5.1963 = 34 = 7 (–) 3







Kyle and Meagan show great promise and compatibility in a relationship. Their grids are very similar, both having 1–2–3, 3–6–9 and 1–5–9 combinations. They will be quite close as they understand each other.

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Meagan brings an eight (passion and wealth) to their relationship, which will help Kyle with gaining stability in financial matters, and Kyle adds a four (grounding and practicality) into their relationship, which will help Meagan with practical day-to-day matters and planning. In Kyle’s grid a strong line of love 6–5–4 between them will ensure that Kyle and Meagan are singing the same song. Kyle is a life lesson three, which shows that he is an effective communicator and enjoys socialising. Meagan is a life lesson seven, which indicates that she is very intelligent and has a spontaneous approach to life. These two have all the right elements to make a very positive and successful relationship. Sometimes two people might be born on different days, yet their grids will be the same. This will help them to be more compatible, to understand each other and to interact effectively. Relationships have a better chance of success when the grids line up with each other and especially so if you have the same life lesson and temperament numbers.

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Evan and Jessica’s compatibility

Evan—17.4.1956 = 33 (1 + 7 + 4 = 12 = temperament 3) (+) 6






Jessica—8.4.1965 = 33 (8 + 4 = 12 = temperament 3) (–)







From these examples, Evan and Jessica have a lot in common. This can be seen by the fact that they share a life lesson number (thirty-three), a temperament number (three) and have similar grids. They could have a successful relationship and even work together as they have many similarities.

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Compatibility in love


It is also important to note that couples with the same life lesson number will often challenge each other, especially ones, fives or eights. In the case where numbers are missing and are slightly different to one another, what is missing in one grid will be complemented in the other grid. Chris and Ally’s compatibility

Chris—5.4.1967 = 32 = 5 (5 + 4 = temperament 9) (+) 6






Ally—7.6.1954 = 32 = 5 (7 + 6 = 13 = temperament 4) (–) 6






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The major difference between these two is their temperament but their life lesson numbers are the same, i.e. 5. Their ‘secret challenge’ numbers will be the same (2 + 3 + 8 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4), therefore they will be able to understand each other and work well in their relationship. To obtain the secret challenge number, the numbers that are missing in the grid are simply added together (but more on this in Chapter 9). In the above example the secret challenge number is a four, and this means that Chris and Ally will need to plan, be more practical and ensure they follow through on what they start. They will both deal with issues relating to their father or males, and will also need to take care of their bodies (particularly their bones).

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Chapter 8


Page 95


Discover your full potential

The purpose of using grids in numerology is to clearly identify our strengths and weaknesses. The maximum amount of squares that you are able to get from a date of birth is seven squares (all except two), and the ideal grid should have all of your birth date numbers spread evenly across the maximum number of squares. Another option is to see your full potential, by which you put all the numbers in your date of birth in the squares together with your life lesson number and temperament number. This may just add another square to the grid or add more energy to an existing square. However, it is important to remember that, as these numbers are not in your actual date of birth, they only represent your potential and will still need to be worked on.

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The temperament number gives us insight into a person’s will and drive. It is the hidden character of the individual that will be expressed when they need it most. The temperament number is an added source of energy or adrenalin that can strengthen someone with soft numbers in their date of birth (twos, sixes or nines) or soften someone with hard numbers in their date of birth (ones, fours or eights). If you have softer numbers in your top line yet have a strong temperament number you will be able to stand your ground when pressures arise. The temperament number is even more important for those born in the 2000s and beyond as there are less strong numbers and more zeros in their date of birth. Points to remember: • Soft numbers: two, six, nine and twenty-two • Medium numbers: three, five and thirty-three • Hard numbers: one, four, seven, eight, eleven and forty-four

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Discover your full potential


Let’s look at the example of Eve, who was born on 2.6.1975. (–) 8 / \ 2.6.1975 30 3 Life lesson





9 Temperament




To discover Eve’s temperament number we simply add her day number and month number together (2 + 6 = 8). This number (eight) will provide her with added strength when it is needed and will enhance her soft day number (two), which can be very sensitive and emotional. Eve will stand up for herself when pushed or challenged and the eight will kick in when she is under pressure. When we include the life lesson number and the temperament number for Eve you can see that it almost

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completes her grid and provides her with even more tools to succeed in love and life. It is important to note that because these two numbers (three and eight) are not on her top line, it means that she has the potential although she will still have to work hard to achieve in these areas. The temperament number should never be underestimated, and can be an excellent source of strength and energy. On the flip side, a soft temperament number can calm a person with very strong numbers. For example, someone born on 8.7.1982 has a strong top line and will tend to be dominant and very strong-minded. Their temperament number will be a six (8 + 7 = 15, 1 + 5 = 6), which will help to soften them and make them a more caring and thoughtful person.

Eve’s full potential map

Adding the life lesson three and temperament eight into the grid shows Eve’s ultimate potential and, as you can see, enables her to form 1–2–3, 3–6–9, 2–5–8, 7–8–9 and 3–5–7 combinations in addition to the 1–5–9 combination she already has. If Eve learns to use her life lesson three (express herself) and her temperament eight (empower herself) she will reach her ultimate potential in life. This is a very good grid for relationships as Eve has

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Discover your full potential


the intelligence, personality, enterprise and ambition to succeed. The temperament eight will enhance her sexuality and passion. (–) 8 / \ 2.6.1975 30 3

Life lesson





9 Temperament




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Ethan’s full potential map

Ethan—6.12.1966 = 31 = 4 (+) 9 / \ 6.12.1966 31 4






As with the other types of grid the negative points to look for are too many numbers in one square (three or more), as they can represent an imbalance or amplified amount of that energy. Also, a lack of numbers in a square, as that makes the square deficient in energy. In the following grid there is an imbalance of sixes, which will make Ethan insecure and obsessive in love and relationships. The imbalance of sixes shows that Ethan is too self-centred and lazy, and will need to be pushed in

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Discover your full potential


order to achieve. He will also have a tendency to stray in relationships if he doesn’t get what he wants. Note: contrary to popular belief three sixes is not the devil’s number! Olivia’s full potential map

Olivia—8.8.1988 = 42 = 6 (–) 7 / \ 8.8.1988 42 6





There is an imbalance of eights in this grid, which will make Olivia over the top about sex and money. She will be bad tempered, aggressive and power hungry. The

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good qualities of the eight are expanded so much that it becomes a more negative influence. Olivia needs to be encouraged to talk more, feel with the heart, have trust and broaden her views in life. If she is guided by a good partner and family, she has the potential to achieve. However, her partner will definitely need to take his vitamins to keep up with her! Michael’s full potential map

Michael—11.11.1941 = 19 = 10 = 1 (+) 4 / \ 11.11.1941 19 10 1




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Discover your full potential


The absence of so many numbers in the grid and the imbalance of the six ones will make Michael hyperactive, impatient and aggressive with very little substance to back him up. He can be very cool and controlling, and hard to live with. The ones make him very driven, although he will have to work harder than most to realise his full potential and turn his weaknesses into strengths. He has no nurturing numbers (twos and sixes) in his grid, which makes it difficult for him to relate to his partner and show his real feelings. The lack of numbers in the grid tells us a lot about what Michael will have to overcome: • Missing two: nurturing, tenderness and affection (both giving and receiving) are restricted. • Missing three: indicates an inability to express feelings and communicate effectively with others. • Missing five: although he is energetic and driven to succeed, he lacks follow-through in achieving his goals. • Missing six: balance, harmony and love are hard to find. • Missing seven: identifies difficulty with creative pursuits and new ideas. • Missing eight: shows a lack of drive and empowerment.

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Once again, these obstacles can be overcome in time with patience, dedication and honesty. Michael must be focused on properly dealing with all of these issues and facing up to his weaknesses. Remember that within our weakness lies our strength sleeping!

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Chapter 9


Page 105


Missing numbers and hidden challenges

When we add up the missing numbers in our grid we can then identify our ‘secret’ challenge number. This number will help us to understand our hidden challenge in life so that we can work towards turning our weaknesses into strengths. The following numbers help us to understand what our secret challenge is. One:

To take the lead and be assertive Initiate and implement new ideas Be physically stronger Believe in yourself

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Does your love life add up? Sort out personal matters Learn to nurture Love Resolve mother issues Sort out family matters Resolve children issues

Three: Communicate Learn to speak up and express your inner feelings Develop your writing skills Be more influential with the spoken word Be part of the team Become a motivator Work on friendships Four: Study Learn to take control in a positive manner Develop strength of character Resolve father issues Become more grounded Get more organised Five:

The link number for success Undertake travel or higher learning Be more positive Overcome self-doubt Visualise and achieve your dreams

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Missing numbers and hidden challenges Six:


Balance and love Love thyself Find balance and harmony in life Find the love that has been missing in your life Nurture yourself Express love more freely Smile more Give big hugs (from the heart)

Seven: Ideas and quick thought Learn from others Don’t doubt your ideas Recognise that brilliance comes in all forms (academically and creatively) Implement your ideas Eight: Money and empowerment Take control and back yourself Listen to others when they give you compliments Take the lead Learn to handle money (attend courses) Nine: Deep thought/spirituality Work on understanding your deeper self Trust your intuition Improve your senses Do more creative work and hobbies

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Below are examples of grids that have missing numbers in them. Ryan’s missing numbers

Ryan—15.3.1978 = 34 = 7 (+)










Ryan is a very bright and gifted person, shown by what is called the ‘St Andrews Cross’ (3–5–7 and 1–5–9 combination together), which indicates high achievement. He has all the power numbers and is driven to succeed. However, what is missing in his numbers is just as important as what is in them. The missing numbers in Ryan’s grid have been included in the shaded area of the grid for ease of reference, and constitute a two (relationships/mother), four (grounding/father) and six

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Missing numbers and hidden challenges


(love/balance)—in other words, the numbers of sensitivity, grounding and love. We can see that Ryan has some difficulties dealing with his mother (missing two) and father (missing four) and this is compounded by the love and self-worth issues (missing six). These missing numbers add up as follows: 2 + 4 + 6 = 12 = 3. Ryan’s secret challenge is to speak up and express his deeper feelings (three) starting with his family and loved ones. He needs to get the love and respect that is missing in his life, then his package will be complete and he will be a more balanced and happy person. Mark’s missing numbers

Mark—25.6.1948 = 35 = 8 (+)










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Mark is a very bright and talented person in his field. He has both sensitive numbers and power numbers, which looks very good. However, he is missing a three (communication) and seven (ideas) in his grid (3 + 7 = 10 = 1), which is action. When we analyse Mark we come to the conclusion that he doesn’t speak up for himself. (Those years in the 1940s were harder as you were told to be quiet and listen.) Mark is good at what he does, although can only work to a formula, and he never thinks outside the square. His greatest challenge is the missing 3 + 7 =10 = 1, which means that he needs to lead and take control (one being the natural leader). If Mark realises this and works towards it he will be fulfilled. He has a lot of potential, but first he must believe it. Note: the decade that a person is born in will dictate how they play out their life and love. In Mark’s case, the 1940s were a tough decade and were very rigid (four).

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Missing numbers and hidden challenges


Lauren’s secret number

Lauren—3.6.1984 = 31 = 4 (–)










Lauren is missing a two, five and seven from her grid. When we add these numbers together (2 + 5 + 7 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5) we get the number five. In Lauren’s case her secret challenge in life will be to overcome self-doubt and remain positive, to focus on higher learning and follow her dreams, and to expand on all of her opportunities in life.

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Shaun’s secret number

Shaun—28.5.1973 = 35 = 8 (+)










Shaun is missing a four and six from his grid. When we add these numbers together (4 + 6 = 10 = 1) we get the number one. In Shaun’s case his secret challenge in life will be to believe in himself, to implement new ideas, to be assertive and to take the lead in life.

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Chapter 10


Page 113


Imbalance in life and love

When there is not a number in the grid that ‘links’ the top line to the bottom line or the right line to the left line, we have an imbalance in the grid. This means that functioning in daily life may be challenging as this way of thinking doesn’t come naturally to you. Every complete line that your date of birth makes in the grid represents a certain way you think. For example the 3–6–9 combination shows that you are an intellectual, whereas the 1–4–7 combination shows that you are more practical and grounded. Looking at the grid on the following page it’s immediately clear that something is wrong before we even start. Your grid should ideally be balanced, like a ship’s cargo: if it’s not distributed evenly the ship can turn over in a storm and it might sink. Help your partner to fill in the

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Pedro’s imbalanced grid

Pedro—13.10.1969 = 30 = 3 (+) 3




missing squares and love will be a much more rewarding experience. In Pedro’s grid nearly all of the numbers are on the top line: 3–6–9. This indicates that Pedro is a very smart and intelligent person, although sometimes a little too smart, and he does not like to listen or be told. Couple this with a negative 30 on the second line of learning and you have an argumentative person to deal with. Pedro has no numbers on the middle line of the grid (2–5–8), which relates to money (or shared money) and partnerships, and no four or seven on the bottom line of the grid, which means that he isn’t too quick with new ideas and doesn’t like to work too hard. Pedro will be a challenging person to deal with. Love and marriage are hard work, and he must constantly work at them.

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Imbalance in life and love


Samantha’s imbalanced grid

Samantha 19.11.1973 = 32 = 5 (–) 3




Once again, this is an uneven grid. Although there is lots of spark, there are no link numbers, except for her life lesson number (five). If Samantha learns to use her life lesson number effectively she can achieve success. She does have a tendency to be critical, indicated by seven and three together. Without any link numbers in her grid, it looks like street lights on the corners with nothing in between to light the way. With no sensitive numbers (two or six), Samantha has another challenge that needs to be overcome. Two, four and six are critical numbers for love and relationships. When the two and the four are missing from the grid it can mean that the parents experienced marital problems. In this example Samantha will need to work through their problems in order to resolve her own.

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Simon’s imbalanced grid

Simon—7.7.1977 = 38 = 11 (+)




Again, this shows an imbalanced grid. Simon has a smart and inventive mind that is very active and never pauses. He takes on too many things at once and may never finish any of them. He has no sensitive numbers, therefore his relationships may be difficult. Simon does not suffer fools, and likes to be around bright and gifted people who are on his intellectual wavelength. He has a strong second line of learning (three and eight) and a powerful life lesson number eleven—a master number. Simon will need to work for himself and be encouraged to follow through with his ideas. He has a quick mind and will grasp concepts fast. However, being a male, the negative aspects of this grid can be compounded even more by ego.

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Imbalance in life and love


Practice exercise Here’s one for you to do. Does this grid look balanced and positive? What type of relationship would suit this person? What is their secret challenge and what are their weaknesses? Daniel—27.3.1985 = 35 = 8 (+)








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Chapter 11

Page 118


Feminine and masculine numbers


Men with soft feminine numbers, such as twos and sixes, may not be as driven as those with the stronger numbers. Twos represent a stronger influence from their mother, therefore they tend to be sensitive to women. Paul’s feminine side

Paul—2.2.1966 = 26 = 8 (+) 66




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Feminine and masculine numbers


Numbers like this don’t mean this person is weak; it just means that they will play things out with more sensitivity than most others. People like Paul will work well with females and will be understood. However, they can get a little sidetracked. Women with strong masculine numbers, such as fours and eights, will be very headstrong. Fours represent a stronger influence from their father. Grace’s masculine side

Grace—24.7.1944 = 31 = 4 (–)






Grace is a very strong-minded and stubborn person. She has three fours in her birth date, her temperament number is a four and her life lesson is a four as well. Her father has been a very strong influence in her life (both positive and negative), and this has made her very competitive and fixed. She will like security, such as a

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large house, money and material possessions. She will be competitive with men yet will prefer their company to that of women. The 1–4–7 combination in her numbers makes her a hands-on person, and she is good with organising and planning.

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Chapter 12


Page 121


Numerology cycles

According to numerology, life runs in nine-year cycles. Events in your life, relationships and career follow a recurring one-to-nine pattern. It is like shedding our skin every nine years and starting again. Cycles can help us to identify key points in our lives—such as marriage, birth and health problems, to name a few—and to anticipate when these events are likely to arise in the future. You can simply pick any trigger point (e.g., a new relationship, job, house, etc.) in life to start from and then see what unfolds. A great way to see how this works is to try mapping your own life. But to start with, let’s look at the example of Peter. Peter—22.6.1947 = 31 = 4

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Peter’s life lesson number is four, which relates to his issues about love, relationships and commitment. These issues stem from the relationship Peter had with his father when he was young. Peter was married at eighteen years, and divorced at thirty-six years (two nine-year cycles). That same year he met someone and started a new relationship, which ended when he was fifty-four (another two nine-year cycles). We can see by this example, that each time Peter reaches the end of his nine-year cycle, he has difficulty realising the lessons he needs to learn (which relate specifically to his life lesson four). Until he takes control of his challenges, these issues will continue to be triggered at these times in his life.

Which cycle are you in? Every nine years we go through change (sometimes in multiples, for example, 9 + 9 + 9 = 27 years), whether it’s in regard to a job, relationship or health, money, and so on. Each cycle has particular characteristics associated with it. To calculate the cycle you are in, simply add your day and month number to the universal year number. For instance, if you were born on 10.3.1956, you would calculate your current cycle (10.3.2008) like this,

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Numerology cycles


1 + 0 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 =14 = 5. You can also use this method to plot the cycles you were in previously. If you want to see what cycle you were in, for example in 1982, you would add the year number (1982) to your day number (10) and month number (3)—1 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 = 24 = 6—to give a six cycle. Below are some descriptions of what we may experience in each cycle we encounter: One cycles relate to new beginnings, and are a good time to start a new relationship or rekindle your current relationship. In this cycle you will have an increased libido and will be full of expectations and energy, and so the chances of experiencing positive results will be heightened. Have a look at your partner’s cycle; if you are in the same or a similar cycle your chances of success will improve even further. A one cycle is full of energy. Your heart’s pumping, you’re looking and feeling good, adrenalin and motivation are high, and if spring is in the air . . . look out! Two cycles relate more to the depth of your relationship. The focus is on bonding, love, nurturing, marriage, children and the home. Issues surrounding commitment settle in after the adrenalin rush and euphoria of the previous one cycle. If you have a lot of twos in your date of birth and are currently in a two cycle then you

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will feel its effects much more strongly, so take care to choose a partner wisely. If your partner is in a two cycle (home, family, commitment) and wants to have children, whereas you are in a five cycle (travel, expansion, opportunity) and want to travel, there may be trouble on the horizon. Three cycles relate to fun, music, dancing, movies, entertainment and socialising with friends. This cycle is intensified if you are a life lesson three or have lots of threes in your date of birth. You will appreciate your freedom in this cycle and may find yourself getting frustrated or testy if you feel stifled or held back. This is an ideal cycle to express yourself and say how you really feel. Speak your mind, make time to enjoy yourself and maybe even buy that new car or outfit that will make you feel good. Four cycles can be a little rigid and slow with lots of planning and hard work required. They are usually easier to handle for life lesson fours or for those with fours in their date of birth as this focus will be more natural for them. For other life lesson numbers it can be quite a grating and challenging cycle, but necessary as the leadup for the five cycle. When men are in a four cycle they will usually find themselves catching up with their mates

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Numerology cycles


(being one of the blokes), fixing up the house or working with their hands. It is not an ideal cycle for love and relationships, and is much better suited to working hard, studying, planning and laying the foundations for the next cycle. Five cycles are a great time for love, travel and excitement. This is an excellent cycle for getting away to a romantic destination, taking long walks on the beach, and for romance and candlelit dinners. It is a lucky cycle, and if you can steal your partner away from their projects at work or home then you can let the action begin! You will feel sexually charged, spontaneous and daring. Six cycles relate to romance, harmony and presentation. Stylish clothes and accessories will be important in this cycle, and it is likely that you will catch the attention of the opposite sex and turn a few heads. You will feel attractive and will want to be where the action is. In this cycle you will have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It is a great cycle for love, relationships and conceiving beautiful children. Seven cycles are exciting with lots happening and never a dull moment. The motto for this cycle is to expect the unexpected! However, it can be a volatile and stressful

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cycle at times, although it is also one where your mind will be sharp and you will be full of energy and creativity. It is an excellent cycle for you and your partner to brainstorm new ideas as you will reap the rewards in an eight cycle. You will be feeling adventurous and daring during this cycle, and will want to stimulate your mind. Eight cycles are passionate times where you will need to watch the barometer on your libido rise. The number eight covers sex, control, money and death so make sure you don’t overdo it. If you and your partner are both in an eight cycle, go to a cabin in the country immediately so that the neighbours can finally get some sleep and have a break from your all-night lovemaking! You will be popular with ones, fours, fives and eights. Moneymaking, business and gambling will tend to be more favourable during this cycle. Nine cycles are deep, smooth and mysterious, so if your partner wants to do something a little different from usual it could be that they are in their nine cycle. These cycles are a little unpredictable at times, and you will be wanting to spend time alone or in quiet contemplation. It is a time where you will be feeling sensitive to your surroundings, so tread lightly. When you are in a nine cycle making love by the ocean (water) will certainly be a turn-on.

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Numerology cycles


Life lesson numbers and year cycles

Every nine years we return to a cycle that is the same as our life lesson number. These are particularly important times, as you are provided with an opportunity to experience growth in relation to your lesson in life. For example, Peter was born on 22.6.1947 (= 31 = 4 life lesson number). When he enters into a four year cycle, such as 22.6.2001 (= 13 = 4), it will be an especially important time for him. He will be able to deal with this four cycle more positively than other people, as he is already familiar with its energy (he is a life lesson four). For Peter to gain the most out of this cycle, he will need to review his life path, plan effectively, work hard and patiently deal with any issues in his relationship. If he does this successfully, he will reap the rewards in his five cycle, which he will enter in the subsequent year.

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Chapter 13

Page 128


Ups and downs in love, month by month


We can use numbers to help us work out our cycles month by month throughout the year, so we know when to expect our ups and downs in love to occur before we get to them. Plotting your monthly cycles is a great way to plan your year step by step. You can pick the high points and the low points and prepare for them accordingly. Below is the grid that will help you find out more about your year, month by month. JAN





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Ups and downs in love, month by month


Universal number

Along the top line we list the months from January to December. We then need to work out the universal number, which is the current year broken down to one single number (e.g., 2008 = 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 10 = 1). So in the universal number line (U/N) we write one, in this instance, under each month. The universal number will not change until the next year (e.g., 2009 = 2 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2). Year number

The year number (Y/N) is our own personal number. For example, if Nick was born on 17.3.1964 we simply add his day number (seventeen) to his month number (three) and the current year number (2008), so 17.3.2008 = 1 + 7 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 21 = 3. Nick doesn’t move into his three cycle until his birthday in March, so in January and February he will still be under his two cycle (our cycles go from one to nine). Universal month number

We then list the universal month number (M/N), which is generally equivalent to the month, as we would write it numerically—one for January, two for February, and so on. However, when we get to October we need to break the ten down to a one (1 + 0 = 1), whereas for November it’s two (1 + 1 = 2) and December it’s three (1 + 2 = 3).

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Once we have listed the universal number, the year number and the universal month number we simply add up the numbers in each column to arrive at a total. In the January column we add 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 (or if it’s a doubledigit number then we reduce that to a single number). Then we move to the February column and we add 1 + 2 + 2 = 5, and so on and so forth. When we have completed this process we can see under each month a single digit. This represents our own personal challenge that we will experience during that month. From this example we can see that Nick’s high points for love and sex will be in February (five), April (eight), July (two), October (five) and November (six). The best month for Nick to socialise will be in August (three).













































































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Ups and downs in love, month by month


Aaron’s year ahead

Let’s take a look at Aaron, whose date of birth is 7.4.1965. (+) 11 /\ 7.4.1965 32 5 Using the example above to calculate Aaron’s numbers, we can now work out his year in 2008, month by month. We know that Aaron’s life lesson is a five, so major changes in the year will be felt by him when the number five comes around again (February and October). This will be a high point for him and a time to excel. JAN












































































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• Aaron will feel a change in April as he goes from a two cycle (family and relationships) to a three cycle (communication and socialising). • Aaron will experience a lucky month in October—he is a life lesson five, in a three year cycle and a five month cycle. During this month it will be a great time for him to travel, invest and seize new opportunities. He will have a tendency to overdo things in October, so must watch what he eats, drinks and spends. • The best time for Aaron’s relationships, love and home will be in March (six cycle), July (two cycle) and November (six cycle). • The best month for sex and passion is in April (eight). • Aaron will be in a four month cycle in January and September. He will have to work hard and may experience challenges during this time. By learning the meanings of each number, you will soon be able to apply it to each month to see how it will influence you personally. This will be especially helpful in picking the best moments for love and passion for you and your partner. Individual days are important too, although not as significant as months. If you have a hard day, work around it and don’t bury your head in the sand as it may ultimately be okay. Get to know what each day number

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Ups and downs in love, month by month


means and you’ll be able to respond accordingly. If you are in a nine day (e.g., 4.4.2008 = 18 = 9), don’t give up. If love isn’t working today then tomorrow will be a better day (one). The numbers will help you to focus on the most important things on that day. But remember, numbers are only signposts on your path; free will and intellect will see you through as you are the master of your destiny and numbers are simply the tools.

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Chapter 14


Page 134


Where you live and love

Now that the meaning of numbers is starting to become clearer, you might want to analyse where you live by looking at the street number of your house. By doing this you will be able to quickly see what energy you are surrounded with and what you will be dealing with. Like your birth date, simply add all of the numbers together to get a single digit. Here are some examples to get you started: • • • • • •

563 Bourke Street: 5 + 6 + 3 = 14 = 5 26 Norman Road: 2 + 6 = 8 1024 Fairbank Drive: 1 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 7 211 Green Valley Avenue: 2 + 1 + 1 = 4 12 Alexander Crescent: 1 + 2 = 3 33 Milton Grove: 3 + 3 = 6

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Where you live and love


One house—active and energetic. This is a house full of passion and sparks, and can be quite good for business activities. A vibrant and lively environment that will suit the young ones. Two house—quiet and homely. This is a house that is full of love and warmth, and will be a nurturing home for the family. The home is often quaint. Three house—very social (a halfway house). This is a house that is great for entertaining guests. Music will always be playing, and there will be lots of activity and plenty of laughs. Four house—staid, solid and protective. This is a house that is strong and will have crisp, clean décor. Often quite large homes, there will always be odd jobs and gardening to do. Five house—blessed, happy and lucky. This is a house that looks good and appreciates in value. A happy home, it is full of warm energy and success. Six house—warm, happy and good for families. This is a house that is very well presented and visually appealing. Full of love and warmth, it has a pleasant feel.

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Seven house—this house is bright but can have too much energy. It has a modern yet unusual feel to it and is most likely full of the latest technology. It can be a little tense in there at times. Eight house—this is a house that is bold and powerful, and is ideal for a home-based business. It attracts wealth and will appeal to those who want it all. Nine house—this is a house that can feel heavy to some. For best results it needs to be near the water, and is an ideal home for New Age or spiritual types, or those interested in psychology. Your life lesson number can indicate the best house for you to live in as you will be most comfortable with this number.

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Chapter 15 Your name and love


As I mentioned previously, dates are more important than names (names change, dates don’t). However, there are certain times when you will need to work out names. For instance, I find this method useful for analysing business names, naming your child or finding out the hidden meanings/solutions to commonly used words. The following grid shows the numbers each letter is equivalent to: 1 A J S

2 B K T

3 C L U

4 D M V

5 E N W

6 F O X

7 G P Y

Now let’s look at analysing some names.

8 H Q Z

9 I R

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Mary Smith MA R Y S M I T H 4 1 9 7 1 4 9 2 8 = 45 = 9 Mary’s name is a nine, and this makes her deep and a little shy. She is intuitive and highly creative, although will need to learn to assert herself and work at finding her true life purpose. Nine is a spiritual number, therefore many of her life experiences and relationships will be karmic.

Amanda Lee Allwright AMA ND A L E E A L LW R I GH T 1 4 1 5 4 1 3 5 5 1 3 3 5 9 9 7 8 2 = 76 = 13 = 4 Amanda’s name is a four, which shows that she is determined, fixed and stubborn. She has had to overcome challenges throughout her life, which have helped her to learn and teach others. Issues with her father and males have been a test for her.

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Your name and love


Amanda Lee Coppa AMA ND A L E E CO P P A 1 4 1 5 4 1 3 5 5 3 6 7 7 1 = 53 = 8 Once married, Amanda’s name changes to an eight, which gives her considerably more strength and helps her to take control of her life path. She will succeed more easily in business ventures and will be better able to overcome many of the difficulties she has endured. The following examples are of Anna Nicole Smith the American model, actress and reality TV star who was born Vickie Lynn Hogan. Vickie Lynn Hogan V I C K I E L Y NNHOGAN 4 9 3 2 9 5 3 7 5 5 8 6 7 1 5 = 79 = 16 = 7 With a name that has a seven vibration, Vickie Lynn’s early years would have involved a lot of challenges, upheavals and possibly arguments. It would not have been easy for her to understand herself and her purpose.

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Creativity and rebellion would have been high, and this perhaps helped her to reinvent herself and become Anna Nicole Smith. Anna Nicole Smith ANNAN I CO L E SM I TH 1 5 5 1 5 9 3 6 3 5 1 4 9 2 8 = 67 = 13 = 4 Once Vickie Lynn changed her name to Anna Nicole Smith the vibration of her name changed from a seven to a four. This represents a fixed and male-dominated number which gave her additional lessons to learn in life, specifically relating to men. Anna Nicole became a sex symbol and bonded with men in a physical sense, often foregoing the depth of love she really needed. Without adequate guidance, Anna Nicole resorted to drug use and ultimately lost her way in life. Try this exercise with your loved ones and people you know. A good name helps you through life, so pick your children’s names with care.

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Chapter 16


Page 141

Hidden meanings in commonly used words

Now that you can see the importance of unravelling the mysteries behind names, let’s take a look at the hidden meanings behind some popular words that are used every day. Are we aware of the true meanings behind the words we use? 1 A J S

2 B K T

3 C L U

4 D M V

5 E N W

6 F O X

7 G P Y

8 H Q Z

9 I R

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Love LOV E 3 6 4 5 = 18 = 9 As a nine, love represents a spiritual, deep and meaningful number connected to God. Love is what we need the most and is the true meaning of life. Truth T R U TH 2 9 3 2 8 = 24 = 6 As a six, truth represents balance, harmony and love. The old adage tells us that ‘the truth will set you free’. When we are true to ourselves in the way we live and act we find our life is in balance and we have harmony. Fear F E A R 6 5 1 9 = 21 = 3

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Hidden meanings in commonly used words


As a three, fear represents something that builds in intensity when thought or spoken about. Words said in anger (anger is an emotion that is born out of fear) hurt others and are difficult to take back. The spoken word can change the world for better or for worse. Hate HA T E 8 1 2 5 = 16 = 7 As a seven, hate represents upheavals, mayhem and turmoil. Hate can result in sudden outbursts, antisocial behaviour, accidents and health concerns. This is something we must learn to control. Sex S E X 1 5 6 = 12 = 3 As a three, sex represents how we communicate our thoughts and the depth of our feelings through desire and physical passion. A lot is said and done regarding sex in the world (use it wisely).

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Family F AM I L Y 6 1 4 9 3 7 = 30 = 3 As a three, family represents the importance of being a united social group and communicating with each other. When we express our emotions we reach new levels of understanding. Birth B I R TH 2 9 9 2 8 = 30 = 3 As a three, it is interesting to note that birth, sex and family are all linked together, and it reinforces its significance. Marriage MA R R I A G E 4 1 9 9 9 1 7 5 = 45 = 9

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Hidden meanings in commonly used words


As a nine, marriage is represented by the same number as love. It is a very spiritual, sacred and important union that is brought about by love. Forgiveness FOR G I V ENE S S 6 6 9 7 9 4 5 5 5 1 1 = 58 = 4 As a four, forgiveness represents a difficult challenge we need to face and overcome. It is not always easy to forgive others. However, this is a word that offers us an opportunity to learn and gain strength from its use. It is interesting to note that the word FORGIVE = one. This shows us that when we do forgive, the problem is resolved and positive new beginnings can occur—it’s as easy as that. Remember to choose your words wisely as once spoken they cannot be changed!

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Chapter 17


Page 146


Celebrity lovers— what their numbers reveal

Let’s now look at some case studies of famous celebrity couples and see how numerology can help us better understand people and their relationships. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

Nicole—20.6.1967 (–) 8 / \ 20.6.1967 31 4

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Keith—26.10.1967 (+) 9 / \ 26.10.1967 32 5






Nicole and Keith’s grids are very similar to each others, and this is why they get along so well. They may need a few new challenges or they will find themselves getting

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into a rut. Keith’s temperament number (nine) can make him a little secretive and prone to bending the truth (telling a few white lies). It also leads him into experimenting with addictive substances, such as alcohol and drugs. Their secret challenge number is a two (relationships), so they will have a fear of commitment which is brought on by family hassles (relating to the father as there is an absence of a four in their birth dates). There may be a need to have children or adopt children in order to mend their past problems. Nicole and Keith are a close match and their relationship will work in the short to medium term. However, if they don’t adapt and work at overcoming their weaknesses, then problems will present themselves.

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Celebrity lovers—what their numbers reveal Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner

Jennifer—17.4.1972 (–) 3 / \ 17.4.1972 31 4 9





Ben—15.8.1972 (+) 5 / \ 15.8.1972 33 9







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As a couple, Ben and Jennifer blend well with each other and they both help to fill in each other’s grid. Jennifer is a life lesson four, and she helps to keep Ben grounded and provides him with a solid platform to build a successful relationship. Ben has a wealth line in his grid (2–5–8 combination), which is ideal for personal and financial success and also plenty of passion. Ben’s life lesson (thirty-three) shows that he is a good communicator and has a great sense of humour, which helps him to bring the best out in Jennifer. They each have a two in their grid, which is good for their relationship and raising children—so there are bound to be more little Afflecks in the future. They are both missing a six, so will need to learn what the true meaning of love is. They have a lot in common, and their marriage has the potential to last the distance.

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Celebrity lovers—what their numbers reveal Paul McCartney and Heather Mills

Heather—12.1.1968 (–) 4 / \ 12.1.1968 28 10 1 6





Paul—18.6.1942 (+) 6 / \ 18.6.1942 31 4 6







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Paul and Heather’s grids match, which is why they were drawn together. However, as time passed cracks began to appear. This was due to lack of input from both sides, allowing their relationship to become stale. Paul’s day number eighteen means that he is driven to succeed, and coupled with his life lesson four, he will work hard, and truth, order and honesty will be paramount to him. Heather’s life lesson number one shows that she is headstrong and pushy. Couple that with a temperament four and you have got one tough cookie on your hands. With a temperament six (love and balance), Paul gave more than his fair share in their relationship. Heather’s year of birth (1968) shows that she is a very sexual person and could use her sexuality to gain control or compete with men. The missing four in her grid shows that she has issues with males (her father is not a strong part of her life) and hard work does not suit her. Heather recently claimed during her divorce proceedings that she needed $25 000 per day to live, which pretty much says it all!

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Celebrity lovers—what their numbers reveal Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton

Hillary—26.10.1947 (–) 9 / \ 26.10.1947 30 3 6






Bill—19.8.1946 (+) 9 / \ 19.8.1946 38 11 6






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Bill and Hillary’s grids are very similar. Hillary is a day number twenty-six, which accounts for her compassion, drive and dedication, and explains why she forgave Bill’s indiscretion. Her life lesson three (communication) and strong bottom line 1–4–7 combination shows that she is a hard worker who is prepared to get her hands dirty. It is interesting to note that Hillary’s numbers show that she would be a better president than Bill, if she gets the chance! In October 2007, Hillary entered her nine cycle, a challenging time in her career and personal life. She may even receive personal criticism during the US election. Hillary will then enter a very positive one cycle by her birthday in 2008, and this is sure to give her career a well-needed boost. Bill will also enter into a one cycle, so his support and strength will help her a lot. Bill’s day number nineteen shows that he likes sport and also enjoys music. The year he was born (1946) shows that his father was an inspiration to him and he admired him. As a life lesson eleven, Bill is a natural teacher and leader of others, and was a good president, even though he wandered.

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Celebrity lovers—what their numbers reveal


The celebrity challenge for life & love Here are some dates of birth for famous people well known for their high-profile relationships. What can you find out about them? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Where are their turning points? Napoleon I


Shane Warne




Keanu Reeves

Monica Lewinsky

Britney Spears




Patrick Swayze

Donald Trump

Paris Hilton




Mel Gibson

Kate Moss

Jennifer Aniston




Victoria Beckham

Ashton Kutcher

Jack Nicholson




Mena Suvari

Leonardo DiCaprio

Freddie Prinze Jr




George Michael

Kate Bosworth

Jessica Biel




Matt Damon

Penelope Cruz

Shannen Doherty




Jennifer Lopez

David Duchovny

Eva Longoria




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Appendix 1

Page 156


Your personal grid

nn Points to remember: • Love = 2, 6, 9 • Sex = 1, 5, 8 • Strength = 4, 5, 8

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Appendix 2

Page 157


Practice grids

nn → Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

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→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

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Appendix 2: Practice grids


→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

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→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

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Appendix 2: Practice grids


→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

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→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

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Appendix 2: Practice grids


→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

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→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

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Appendix 2: Practice grids


→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

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→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical

→ Mental

→ Emotional

→ Physical