Ford Mustang 1994 thru 1997. Automotive Repair Manual

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Ford Mustang 1994 thru 1997. Automotive Repair Manual

36051 ! Autol11otive Repair Manual Ford Mustang Automotlve Repair Manual Ьу Robert Maddox and John Н Haynes Member o

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Pages 345 Page size 600.84 x 763.92 pts Year 2009

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! Autol11otive Repair Manual

Ford Mustang Automotlve Repair Manual Ьу

Robert Maddox and John Н Haynes Member of the Gui1d of Motoring Writers

Models covered: AII Ford Mustang models 1994 through 1997

Haynes PubIishing Group Sparkford Nr Yeovil Somerset ВА22 7JJ England Haynes North America, Inc 861 Lawrence Drive Newbury Park California 91320 USA

Acknowledgement s Wiring diagrams provided exclusively (ог Haynes North America, Inc. Ь у Valley Forge Technical Communicalions. Technical wril ers who conlribuled 10 Ihis projecl include Mike SlubbIefield, Jeff KibIer and Jay Slorer.

© Haynes North America, Inc. 1997 Wilh permlssion from J .H. Haynes & Со. Lld .


book in the Haynes Automotive Repair Manual Series

Printed in the U.S.A. АН

rights reserved . No part 01 this book тау ье reproduced ог trans· mitted in зпу form ог Ьу зпу means, electronic ог mechanicaJ. including photocopying, recording ог Ьу anу IпfОП11аt iоп storage ог retrievaJ system , without peгmissi on in writing from the copyright holder.

ISBN 1 56392 243 6 Library 01 Congress Catalog Card Number 96-79991 Whl1e every attempt is made 10 ensure that the information in this тап ­ ualls correct, по liabIlity сап ье accepted Ьу the authors ог pubIishers 10г 1055, damage ог injury caused Ьу апу errors in, ог omisslons "о т , the information given . 97-352

Contents Introductory pages About this manual Introduction to the Ford Mustang Vehicle identification numbers Buying parts Maintenance techniques, tools and working facilities Booster battery аитр) s t aгting Jacking and towing Au tornotive chemicals and lubricants Conversion factors Safety tirst! TroubIeshooting

0-5 0-5 0-6 0-8 0-8 0-15 0-16 0-17 0-18 0-19 0-20

Chapter 1 Типе - ир

and routine maintenance


Chapter 2 PartA З . 8L

V6 and 5.0L

va engines

Chapter 2 Part 4.6L va engines


Chapter 2 Part


General engine averhaul procedures


2А- l

2В - l



Chapter 3 Cooling , heating and air conditioning systems



Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems







Chapter 5 Engine electrical systems

Chapter6 Emissions and engine control systems

Chapter 7 PartA Мапиа!


Chapter 7 Part





Automatic transmission

Chapter6 Clutch and drivetrain





Chapter9 8rakes

Chapter 10 Suspension and steering systems



11 -1




Chapter 11 80dy

Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system Wiгi пg



12-19 IND-1



Haynes mechanic, author and photographer with 1997 Mustang



About this manual Its purpose

lines. Each Section consists 01 consecutively numbered paragraphs. At the beginning 01 each numbered Section you will Ье relerred to апу illustrations which apply to the proced ures '" that Section. The геl­ егепсе numbers used '" iIIustration captions pinpolnt the pertinent Section and the Step within that Sectiоп. That is, Шustгаt iоп 3.2 means the iIIustration refers to Section 3 and Step (ог paragraph) 2 within that Section. Procedures, опсе described '" the 1ext, аге по1 normally repeated. When i1's necessaтy to refer to another Chapter, the referепсе will Ье given as Chapter and Section number. Cross re1erences given without use 01 the word "Chapter" apply to 8ections and/or paragraphs '" the sзте Chapter. For example, "see 8ection 8" means '" the same Chapter. Re1erences to the left ог right side 01 the vehicle assume you аге sitting '" the driver's seat, facing forward. Еуеп though we have prepared this manual with extreme саге, neither the pubIisher пог the author сап accept responsibility 10г зпу eгrors in, ог omissions from, the inl ormation given.

The purpose о' this тапиаl is to help уои get the best value from уоиг vehicle. It сап do 50 in several ways. It сап hetp уои decide what work тиs! Ье done, еуеп If уои choose to have it done Ьу а dealer 5ег­ vlce depar1ment ог а repair shop; it provides information and ргосе­ dures far routine malntenance and servicing; and It offers diagnostic and repair procedures to follow when troubIe occurs. We hope уои use the manual to tackle the work yourself. For тапу slmpler jobs, doing It yourself тау ье quicker than arranging ап appointment to get the vehicle i"to а shop and making the trips {О leave it and pick it ир . Маге importantly, а lot of топеу сап ье sзуоо Ьу

avoiding the expense the shop must pass







labor and overhead costs. Ап added benefit is the sense 01 satis1action and accomplishment that you feel after doing the job yoursell.

таnuаl The manual Is divided into Chapters. Each Chapter is dlvided into numbered Sections, which аге headed in bold type between horizontal

Us;ng the


Note provides information


uпdеrstэпd .


to properly complete




information which

make the procedure easier


Caution provides а special procedure ог special steps which must ье taken while completing the procedure where the Caution is found . Not heeding а Caution сап result '" damage to the assembIy being worked оп.

WARNING А Warning provides а special procedure ог special steps which must Warning is found. Not heeding а Warning сап result in personal injury.


taken while completing the procedure where the

Introduction to the Ford Mustang The Ford Mustang is availabIe in two-door sport coupe ог соп­ vertibIe body styles and have а conventional 1ront епgiпeJгеаг-whееl drive layout. The availabIe engines оп the models covered Ьу this manual аге: а З . 8L V6, а 8ingle Over-head Сат two-valves рег cylinder (SOHC-2V) 4.6L V8, а Oual Over-head Сат four-valves per cylinder (00HC-4V) 4.6L V8 ог а pushrod 5.0L V8 engine. AlI models use ап electronically controlled muti-pon fuel Injection system. Later models аге equipped with Оп Board Oiagnostic Second generation (ОВО 11) computerized engine management system . ОВD 11 monitors engine and emissions system operation for malfunctions. The check engine light оп the instrument рапе' will illuminate [1 апу component malfunction occurs. Power 1гот the engine is transferred through either а five speed manual ог four speed automatic transmission and а driveshaft to the

differential which is mounted [п the solld геаг axle assembIy. Axles inside the assembIy сагту power from the differential 'О the геаг wheels. Suspension is independent '" the 1ront, utШziпg struts and lower control arms to locate the knuckle assembIy at each wheeJ. Со!' springs аге mounted between the lower control агт and the fгэmе. The геаг suspension features со!' springs and shock absorbers. Тhe steering gear is а power assisted rack and pinion type that is mounted to the Iгont of the engine crossmember with rubber insulators. Тhe brakes аге disc at the Iront and the геаг with vacuum assist as standard equipment. Models equipped with 4.6L DOHC-4V engines utitlze hydro OOost assisted brakes зs standard equipment. Anti-Iock Braking Systems (ABS) аге optional оп а" models.


Vehicle identification numbers Моdlfiсаtюпs аге а сопt,ПUlпg

and unpubIlcized process 1" vehi· lists and manuals аге compiled 0'1 а numerical basls, the Indivldual vehicle numbers аге necessary 10 correctly identify the сатрапе"! required

cle manufacturing. Since spare


the models covered


Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) This уегу important idепtlfiсаtюп number 15 stamped оп а plate attached 10 the dashboard inside the Wlndshield оп the driver's side of the vehlcle (see illustration). ТПе VIN al50 appears оп the Vehicle Сег­ lificate of TI1Ie and Reglstration. 1I СОlltЗIПS IпfогmаtlOП 5uch as where and whe" the vehicle was manufactured, the model уезг and the body style,

VIN engine and m odel уеаг codes Two partlcularly lmportant plece5 о( Iпfогтзtюп lound in the VIN the епglПе code al1d the тodе' уезг code_ Counting (гот the left, the englne code lеНег dе5igпаtюп 15 the 81h dlgit and the 1,1odel уеаг code letter de5ignalion i5 tllе 10th digit. аге


п итЬе г

is vi5ibIe through the w indshleld driver's side




thi s manual the eng ine codes

а ге:

4 ................................................................................ З . 8L W ....................................••.............................. 4.6L SOHC V ..................................................................... 4.6L ООНС Т .......................................•................................ 5.0L н . о . D ..................................................................... 5 .0L Cobra Оп

the models covered




the model


V6 V8 V8 V8 V8


аге :

R .................................................................................... 1994 S .................................................................................... 1995 Т ..................................................................................... 1996 V ................................................................................... 1997

Vehicle Certification Label The Veh icle Certification Label is attached 10 the driver's slde рillа г (see Шustгаtiоп). Information оп this lаЬе! includes the пате о( the manufacturer. the month and уеаг of production. as we


The vehicle cer1ification labells affixed the to the driver's side door plllar


Vehicle identification numbers

The englne identification label is affixed t o the valve с оуег

The manua l tran5mi55ion identification tag i5 retained side engine-to-bellhousi ng bolt

Ьу а

аэ information оп the options with which It i5 equipped. This label i5 especially useful far matching the coloг and type 01 paint far repair work.

Engine identification


Labels co"tai"i"9 the епgiпе code. engine питЬег and build date found оп the vaJve соуег (see illustration). The engine питЬег i5 al50 stamped O"to а machined pad оп the externat surface 01 the engi ne bIock.

сап ье

Automatic transmission identification The automatic transmission

Ю питЬег


i5 affixed to





right side 01 the caSB.


transmission identification


The manual transmission ID питЬег i5 stamped оп а tag which is OOltOO to the driver's side 01 the bellhousing (see illustration).

Rear differential identification


The геаг differential Ю питЬег i5 stamped bolted to the differential соуег (5ее illu5tration).

оп а

Vehicle Emissions Controllnformation

ta9 which i5


This label i5 found in the engine compartment. See Chapter 6 for more information оп this label.


геа г

differential identification tag i5 bolted to the differential соуег



Buying parts Replacement par1s аге ауаilаЫе from тапу sources, which generally fall Into опе of two categories - authorlzed dealer part5 departments and independent r8tall auto parts stores. Our advice concerning these parts is as follows: Retail auto parts stores: Good auto paгts stores will stock fr8quently needed components which wear ои! relatively fast , such as ciutch components, exhaust systems, brake parts, tune-up parts, etc. These stores often supply new ог recond/tioned parts оп ап exchange basis, which сап sзуе а considerabIe amount 01 топеу. Oiscount auto paгts stores аге о11е" уегу good places to Ьиу materials and paгts needed far general vehicle maintenance such as 011, grease, 1ilters, spark plugs, belts. touch-up paint, bulbs , etc. They also usually sell

tools and general accessories, have convenienl hours, charge lower prices and сап often Ье found not far from home. Authorized dealer p arts dep artment: This 15 the best source for parts which аге unique 10 the vehicle and not generally availabIe elsewhere (such as major engine parts, transmlssion parts, trim pieces, elc.). Warгan ty information: 1I the vehicle is stlll соуегоо under warranty, Ье sure that апу replacement parts purchased - regardless 01 Ihe source - do поl invaHdate the warranty! То Ье sure 01 obtaining the correct parts, have engine and chassis numbers availabIe and, if possibIe, take the old parts along for positive identification.

Maintenance techniques, tools and working facilities Maintenance techniques Тheгe аге а number

01 techniques involved '" maintenance and

repair that will Ье referred 10 throughout this manual. Apptication of these techniques will епаЫе the home mechanlc 10 ье тоге efficienl , better organized and сараЫе 01 periorming the various tasks properly, which will ensure that the repaJr Job is thorough and complete.

Fasteners Fasteners аге nuts, bolts, studs and screws used to hold two ог parts togelher. There аге а few Ihings 10 keep 'п mind when working with fasteners. Almost all 01 Ihem use а locklng device of some type, either а lockwasher, 10cknut, locking tab ог thread adhesive. All threaded fasteners should Ье clean and straight, with undamaged threads and undamaged corners оп the hex head where the wranch flts. Develop the habit of replacing all damaged nuts and bolts with new ones. Speciallocknuts with пу10П ог fiber inserts сап only Ье тоге

used опее. If they аге removed, they 10se their locking аЬШty and must ье replaeed with new ones. Rusted nuts and OOlts should Ье treated with а penelrating fluid 10 ease гетоуаl and ргеуеПI breakage. Some mechanics use turpentina in а spout-type 011 сап, whlch works quite well. After applying the rust penetrant, let It work lог а few minutes Ьеlоге trying to loosen the nut ог bolt. Badly rusted lasteners тау have 10 Ье ehiseled ог sawed оН ог removed with а 5pecia1 nut breaker, available at tool stores. 11 а bolt ог stud breaks оН in ап assembIy, it сап Ье drilled and removed with а special 1001 commonly available for Ihis purpose. Most automotive machine shops сап perform Ihis task, as weB аз other гера!г procedures, sueh as the гера!г 01 threaded holes that have Ьееп stripped out. Flat wa5hers and lockwashers, when гетоуоо from ап assembly, should always ье replaced exactly as removed . Replace апу damaged washers with new ones. Never use а lockwasher оп апу 50ft melaJ 5Ufface (such as alumlnum), thin sheet metal ог plastic .


Maintenance techniques, tools and working facilities Fastener sizes For а number of reasons, automoblle manufacturers аге making wider and wider use of metric fasteners. Theгefore, It i5 important 10 Ье аЫе to tell the difference between standard (sometimes called U.S. ог 8АЕ) and metric hardware, since they cannot Ье interchanged. Atl bolts, whether standard ог metric, аге sized according to diameter, thread pitch and length. For ехатр1е, а standard 1/2 - 13 х 1 bolt is 1/2 inch in diameter, has 13 threads рег inch апd is 1 inch IOn9. Ап М 12 - 1.75 х 25 metric bolt 15 12 тт in diameter, has а thread pitch of 1.75 тm (the distance between threads) and i5 25 тт IOn9. Тhe two



nearly identical, and easily confused , but they

зге поl

wrench should по! ье used оп а 5tandard bolt. А150 , тоэ! 5tandard bolts have slashes radiating out 1roт the center 01 the head to denote the grade ог 5trength 01 the bolt, which i5 ап indicatlon 01 the amou nt 01 torque that сап Ье applied to it. The greater the питЬег 01 5lashe5, the greater the 5trength 01 the bolt . Grades О through 5 аге commonly u5ed оп automobiles. Metric bolts have а ргореПу claS5 (grade) пит ­ Ьег , rather than а slash , molded Into their heads to indi cate bolt strength. '" this саэе , the higher the пит Ье г , the 5tronger the bolt. Proper1y cla55 numbers 8.8, 9.8 and 10.9 аге commonly used оп auto-


changeabIe. In addition 10 the differences in diameter, thread pitch and length, metric and standard OOlts сап а1Э0 ье distinguished Ьу examining the bolt heads. То begin with , the distance асгоээ the flats оп а standard bolt head is measured in inches, while the same dimension оп а metric bolt 1э slzed in mi ll imeters (the эате is true 1ог nuts). Аэ а result , а standard wrench should not Ье used оп а metric Ьо1! and а metric

тоЫlеэ .

Strength markings сап al50 Ье иsес! to distinguish standard hex nuts 1гот metric hex nut5. Мапу standard nuts have dots stamped into опе side, whi1e metric nuts аге marked with а питЬег . The greater the питЬег of dot5, ог the higher the number, the greater the strength of the nut. Metric 5tud5 аге al50 mar10 wear еуе pr01ection when using power 100ls such as а dri1l, s,a"der, bench grinder, etc. and when working under а vehicle. 00 keep loose clothing and long hair well out of the way of moving =-a.'1s. 00 make sure that апу hois1 used has а safe working load rating ade::~ate for the job. 00 get someone to check оп you periodically when working alone оп з. .. ehicle. 00 сапу out work in а logical sequence and make sure that eveгything s correctly assembIed and tightened . 00 keep chemicals and fluids 1igh11y capped and out of the reach 01 :hlldren and pets. 00 remember that your vehicle's safe1y affects that of yourself and :lthers, If in doubt оп апу point, get profes5ional advice.


Ьаиегу Never create а spark ог allow а Ьаге light bulb пеаг а battery. They normalJy give of1 а certain amount of hydrogen gas, which is highlyexplosive. Always disconnect the battery ground Н са Ые at the ЬаНегу before working оп the fuel ог electrical systems. If posslbIe. loosen the IШег caps ог cover when charging the batteгy from ап external source (this does по! apply to sealed or maintenance-free batteries). Оо not charge at ап excessive rate ог the battery тау burst. Take саге when adding water 10 а поп main1enance-free battery and when carrying а ЬаНегу. The electrolyte, even when diluted, is veгy сопоsivе and should not Ье allowed to contact cl01hing ог skin. Always wear еуе protectlon when cleaning the Ьапегу to prevent the caustic deposits from епtегiпg your eyes.

Househo/d current When using ап electric power tool , inspection light, etc., which operates оп household current, always make sure 1hat the tool is сог­ rectly connected ta its plug and that, where necessaгy, it Is properly grounded. 00 not use such items in damp conditions and, again, do nat create а spark ог apply excessive heat in the vicinity of fuel ог fuel vapor.


Secondary ignition system vo/tage

Certain friction, insulating, sealin9, and other product5 - such as orake linln95, brake bands, clutch 11nlng5, torque converter5, gaskets. etc. - тау contain asbestos. Extreme саге must Ье taken to avoid Inhalation of dust from such products, since it IS hazardou5 to health. If ,п doubt, assume that they do contain a5bestos.

А severe electric shock сап result from touchlng ceгtain parts of the ignition system (such as the spark plug wires) when the engine is running ог being cranked, particularly if companents аге damp ог the insulation Is defective. In the case 01 ап electronic igni1ion system, the secondaгy system voltage is much higher and could prove fatal.


TroubIeshooting Conte nts


Symptom Еngiпе Altвmator

light fails 10 come оп when key is tumed оп ..........•.•..•. Altemator light stауз оп ......................•.•.......... ..............................

13 12

will not hOId а charge.........................................................





ENGINE light ...................................................... Chapter б Engine backfiгes ....................... ~.. .. . .. . . . .. . .................. . . .. . . .. .... . . .. . .. . .. ,8 Engine diesels (contlnues 10 ПJп) after belng tumed off................. 2, 4 Englne hard 10 slart when coId ........................................... ...........

Englne hard 10 slart when hot ........................................................ Eng!ne Jacks pow« ............................... ...... ............. ...................... Еng!ne 'Iopes' white kШng or idles erralicalty................................. Engine misses at iclle speed........................................................... Engine misses Ihroughout driving speed range............................. Engine rotales bul will nol зtзrt ..................................................... Engine stalls ................................................................................... Engine starts bul slops !mmedialely .............................. ................ Englne surges whlle hold lng accвleralor sleady ............................ Engine wil l not rotale wtмm attempting 10 slart ............................. ЕхcesзiУе fuel consumplion........................................................... Excessively high iclle зреес! ........................................................... ЕхcesзiУе 011consumption............................................................. Fuel odor ........................................................................................ Hesitalion ог stumbla during acceleralion ..................................... Low oil pressure ....................... ........................ ........ ...... ..... ........... Miscellaneous englne nolses ......................................................... Pinglng or knoc king englne soonds when englne is under Ioad ....................................................... ...................... Starter molor noIзу or engages roughly ......................................... Starter motor operalas without luming englne ....... ......................

5 17 8 9 14 2

16 7 19 1 24


6 3

engaging ееаrз ......... .. ..... .. ...... ....................................... NoIse occurs whlle shiftlng оеаrз .................................................. Noisy in all gears ................................ ... ......................................... Noisy in Neutral with englne running.............................................. NoIsy in one partlcular оеаг .................. ........ ... ..... ........ .................

48 51



53 52 54 56 55 58 57 59 51


Brakes Вrake Вrake

pedal feels spongy when deptessed ...... ............................ pedal pulsales during brake appIicatlon..............................

з1 ЗЗ


2. зо

27 з2

drag ~ndicated ьу s luggish eng)ne performance or wheels belng very ho! after driving) .................... ...................... Excessive brake рООаl travel............................ .............................. Excessive effOl1 requlred 10 slop veh lcle ....................................... Noise (hlgh· pitched squeal) ........................................................... Рedзl travels 10 Ihe fIOOr wlth little reslstaпce................................ Аеш brakes Iocl< up under heavy brake application ...................... Аеаг bfakes Iock up under lighl brake a pplicalion ........................ Vehicle pulls 10 one SiCIe during braJdng ......... ..............................

55 58


69 64 б6

63 67 71

70 62

Suspenslon and steering 39 з5

з4 з6 за


Manual transmisslon Diffк;utty

clunk when lransmisslon Is under initialload Ousl after Iransmission is put Inlo gear).................................... Leaks аl 'ГОПI 01 driveshaft . ..................... ........ .............. .......... ...... Metallic grating sound consislenl wilh vehicle speed ................... Scraping noiзе ......... ........... ..................................... ......... ............. Vibration ......................................................................................... sound when slarting or shiftlng оеarз ........................... Noise · same when in drive аз when vehlcle Is coasling ............... Nolse when lurnlng .. ........ ............................................................... Oil leaks............................ ................................ .............................. Vibration ...... ............................. ......................................................



Клосk ог

Rear axJe and differential

25 15 22



Clutch . Clulch рООаl зtзуз on floor when disengaged ............... ............... Clulch slips (englne s peed increases wilh по increase In vehicle speed) .................................... ..... ........ ........ ........... ... Fails 10 release (pedal ptessed 10 the fIOOr · s hift 1ev8f does ПОI movе freely In and out of Аеуerзe) ............................ Grabbing (chattering) аз clutch is engaged ................................... Squeal or ПJmЫе with clutch d isengaged (pedal depressed)........ Squвal or ПJmЫе with clulch engзged (pedal released) ................

Automatlc transmission Engine will зtзrt In gears olhef thзп РШХ or Neutтal . .. . . ... ........ ...... Fluid leakage ............... ................................................................... Genетl shlft mechanism ргоЫетз ............................................... Transmlsslon sllps, shifts rough, Is nols y ог hзз no drive '" forward ог АеУerзe оеагз ... . ..... . .. ........ .. .. ..................... Transmlssion wl ll no! downshift with the acce/efalor рООаl pressed 10 Ihe floor .........................................................


Cooling system Abnormal coolant losз ............ ..................................................... .. Corrosion ....................................................................................... . Exlemal cooIant leakage .............................................................. .. Inlernal coolanl leakage ...................................................... ......... .. Overcooling ................................................................................... . Overheating ................................................................................... . Poor cootant cifculation ............................................................... .

Sectlon Symptom Oil leaks. ............ ............... ........................ ........................ ........ .... 44 Slips out 01 gear ............................................................................. 4з

45 46 41 40 42

Excessive pltChlng andlor rolllng around сотев orduring braking ......................................................... Ехcesslуе play Jn sleenng .............................................................. Ехcesзive lire wear (no! specific 10 one шва) ..................... ....... .... Excessive lire weat on inside edge ....................................... ......... Excesslve tire wear оп outside edge.............................................. Excessively sliff SleeПng ..... ........................................................... lack 01 power assistance ..................................... ......................... Miscellaneous noises ............................................... ...................... Noisy power sleering pump ........................................................... Shimmy, зhзkе or vlbralion. ........................................................... Steenng effOl1 rюl lМ same in both directions (power system) .... Sleering wheel lails 10 retum 10 stralghl· ahead posillon ............... Тiгe tread wom in one place........................................................... Vehicle puJls 10 onе side ................................................................ Wandefing or g8f'l8f'З1 inslabIlity .....................................................



85 а.с.


78 82 81 7з

8CI т9 8б

72 75


TroubIeshooting Епgiпе


Engine will not rotate w hen attempting to start

Ballery lerтninal conneclions loose ог corroded. Check Ihe саЫе lerminals allhe baltery; lightвn саЫе clamp and/or clean оН corrosion as necessary (500 Chapler 1). 2 Batlery dischatged ог faulty. 1I Ihe саЫе ends аге clean and lighl оп the battery posts, 'ит the key 'о Ihe Оп posilion алd swilch оп the headlighls ог windshield wipers. 1I Ihey won'l run , Ihe ballery is discharged. 3 Au!omatic transmlsslon по! engaged In park (Р) ог Neutral (N). 4 ' Broken, loose ог disconnecled wires in Ihe slarting circuil. Inspect all wires and connectors allhe ballery, slarter solenoid and ignition swilch (оп sleering column). 5 Starter molor pinion jammed in driveplate ring gear. Remove star1er (Chapter 5) and Inspecl pinion and driveplale (Chapler 2). 6 Slar1er solenoid laulty (Chapler 5). 7 Star1er molor laulty (Chapter 5). 8 Ignition swilch faully (Chapter 12). 9 Engine seized. Try 10 lurn Ihe crankshafl wilh а large sockel and breaker Ьаг оп the pulley boll. 10 Slar1er relay (ССАМ) laulty (Chapter 4) 11 Transmission Range (ТА) sensor out 01 adjustmenl ог deleclive (Chapler 6)

lueJ pump (Chaplers 1 and 4). 3 Deleclive spark plugs (Chapler 1). 4 Delective engine coolanl temperalure sensor (Chapter 6). 5 Fuel injection ог engine conlrol syslems malfunctiOf1 (Chapters 4 and6).


1 Air fil ler dirty (Chapter 1). Fuel по! reaching the fuel injection (see Seclion 4). Check 'ОГ а 2 vapor lock situal lan, braught aOOut Ьу clogged lueJ tank vent lines. 3 Bad engine ground connection. 4 Deleclive pick~up coil 'п distribulor (5.oL ooglne) (Chapter 5). 5 Fuel injection ог engine control systвms malfunctlon (Chapters 4 and 6).


Engine starts but stops immediately

Engine rotates but wШ not start

1 Fuel !ank empty. 2 Battery discharged (engine rolales slowly). 3 Ballery lerminal conneclions loose ог соггodОО. 4 Fuel поl reaching luel injeclors. Check 'ог clogged luel lilter ог lines and defeclive luel pump. Also make sure Ihe lank venllines агеп'! clogged (Chapter 4). 5 Faulty dislribulor componenls (5.0L engine). Check the сар and rator (Chapter 1). 6 Low cylinder compression. Check as described 'п Chapter 2. 7 Water in luel. Drain lank and lill wilh пе..., luel. 8 Deleclive ignilion coil(s) (Chapter 5). 9 Dir1y ог clogged luel injeclor(s) (Chapler 4), 10 Wel ог damaged ignilion components (Chapters 1 and 5). 11 Wom, laulty ог Incorreclly gapped spark plugs (Chapler 1). 12 Broken, loose аг disconnecled wires in the slarting circuil (see previaus Section). 13 Loose distribu!or (5,Ol engine). Tum Ihe distribulor OOdy as пес­ essary 10 slar1 the engine, then adjusl the ignition liming as soon as possibIe (Chapler 5). 14 Broken, loose ог disconnected wlres allhe ignilion coil ог laully coil (Chapter 5). 15 Т1miпg chain failure ог wear affecling valve liming (Chapler 2). 16 Fuel injection ог engine conlrol syslems failure (Chaplers 4 and 6). 17 Deleclive MAF sensor (Chapler'6)


Starter motor noisy ог engages roughly

Pinion ог driveplate teelh wom ог broken. Remove the Inspection caver оп the left side 01 Ihe englne алd Inspect. 2 Star1er motor mountlng bolts loose or missing.

7 2

Engine hard to s t a rt when hot

Starter motor operates without turning engine

Slarter pinion sticklng, Remove the starler (Chapler 5) and inspect. 2 Slarter pinion ог driveplate teeth worn ог broken. !3emove the inspection cover and inspect.


Епgiпе hard to st a rt whеп cold

1 2

Battery discharge:d ог low. Check as described 'п Chapter 1. Fuel по! reaching the fuel injectors. Check the fuel lilter, lines and

l oose ог damaged wire harness connections аl distri butor, coil аг altemator. 2 Intake maniloJd vacuum leaks. Make sure all moun!ing OOIIs/nuts аге tighl and all vacuum hoses connected 10 the manilold аге attached pl'operly and in good condition. 3 Insufficient fuel pressure (see Chapter 4). 4 Fuel injection ог engine control systems mallunction (Chapters 4 and 6).



'Iopes' while

кtliпg ог

idles e rratically

Vacuum leaks. Check mounllng OOlls а! Ihe Intake manifold 'ОГ lightness. Make sure thal all vacuum hoses аге connected and in good condltion. иоо а slethoscope ог а lenglh 01 luel hose held agalns! your еаг 10 listen 'ог vacuum leaks while the engine Is running. А hlssing sound will Ье heard. А зоару water solution will also delecl leaks. Check the inlake manifold gaskel sur1aces. 2 Leaking EGR valve ог plugged PCV val ve (see Chapters 1 and 6). 3 Air filter clogged (Chapter 1). Fuel pump по! delivering sufficient luel (Chapter 4). 4 5 Leaking head gaskel. Perform а cylinder compressian chec k (Chapter 2). 6 Т1miпg chain(s) worn (Chapler 2). 7 Camshaft lobes wom (Chapter 2). 8 Valves Ьигпоо ог otherwise leaking (Chapter 2). 9 Ignition timing oul 01 adjustmenl (Chapter 5). 10 Ignilion system по! operating рroреПу (Chapters 1 and 5). 11 Fuel injection ог engine control systems malfunction (Chaplers 4 and 6).



misses a t idle speed

1 Spark plugs faulty ог not gapped ргорепу (Chapter 1). 2 Faulty spark plug wires (Chapter 1). 3 Wet аг damaged dlSlributor componenls (5.0L engine) (Chapter 1). 4 Short clrcults In ignition, coil ог spark plug wires.



SIiddng of faUtY emissions systems (sвe Chapter 6). CIOgged fUeI filt. andIor foreign matter in fuel. АетОУ8 the 'иel ..,. PIaPter 1) and inSpect. 7 УiЮ.Un Ieaks а! intake manifold ог hose co nneclions. Check as dв5CiЬЮ 11 section 8 . 8 " iCOi.a;;t idIe speed (Chapter 4). 9 low or uneven cylinder compression. Check аз described '"

5 6

""""" 10 fUeII2-njection




systems malfunction (Chapters 4

15 Hesitatlon or stumbIe during acceleration Igni!ion system по! operat lng properly (Chapler 5). Dirty or Clogged fue4lnjector{s) (Chapt9f 4). Low fuel pressure. Check 'or proper operation 01 the fuel ритр and 'or гезtЛctions ,п the fuel filt8f аnd lines (Chapt8f 4). 4 FueI injectlon Q( enginв control systems malfunction (Chapters 4 1

2 3



16 Englne stalls 10 Excessi..,ely high idle speed 1

Sticking throttle linkage (Chapter 4).

Yacuum 'eзkз а! inlake manilold or hose connections. Check аз desaibed '" Seclion 8. З Fuel injeclioo or ef"IQlne control systems malfunction (ChaptElfS 4 2



Idle зреес! incorrect (Chapter 4). FueI filter clogged andIor wa! er and Impuri1ies in the fuel system (Chapter 1). 3 Damaged or wet dlstriЬutor сар and wires. 4 EmlssiOfls system comропentз faulty (Chapter б). 5 Faulty or Incorrectly gapped spar\(, plugs (Chapter 1). Also check the зрark plug wlres (Chapter 1). б Vacuum leak аl the intake manllold ог vacuum hoses. Check аз described In Sectlon 8. 7 fuel inject lon or enginв control systems malfunction (Chapters 4



Battery will n ot hold

1 2 3 4

Altemator drtvebett defeclive or по! adjusted propetfy (Chapter 1). Battet)' саЫes Iooи or corтoded (Ch"a pter 1). Altemalor ПО! charglng ргореПу (Chapter 5). Loose, broken ог faulty wires in the charging clrcuit (Chapler 5). Short circult causlng а continuous drain оп the batlef)'. Batlef)' defective Intema"y.


аnd б).

5 б

12 Altemator light stзys 1 2


Faull ,п altemator ог charging circuit (Chapter 5). Allemator drivebelt defective ог по! properly аdJuзted (Chapter 1).

13 Altem ator light fails to come


when key is tumed

Faulty bulb (Chapt9f 12). Defective altemator (Chapt9f 5). 3 Fault ,п the prin!ed circuit. dash wiring ter 12).



bulb holder (Chap-

14 Engine misses throughout dri..,ing speed range fuel filter clogged andIor impurities ,п the fuel зystеm. Check шel filter (Chapter 1) ог clean system (Chapt9f 4). 2 Faulty ог incorrectly gapped зраr\(, рlugз (Chapt9f 1). 3 Incorrect Ignition Ilmlng (Chapter 1). 4 Cracked diзtгiЬutог сар. diзсоппесted diSlributor wiгез ог damaged distributor components (S.OL engine) (Chapt9f 1). 5 Defective spark plug wires (Chapter 1). б EmissЮns зystem components faulty (Chapter 6). 7 Low ог ипеуеп cy1inder com pression ргеззигез. Check аз described 'п Chapt8f 2. 8 Weak or faulty ignitiOfl coil(s) (Chapter 5). 9 Weak ог faulty Ignition system (Chapler 5). 10 Vacu um leaks а! inlake manifold ог vacuum hозes (зев Section 8). 11 Dirty o~ clogged fuellnjector{s) (Chapter 4). 12 Leaky EGA valve (Chapt8f 5). 13 Fuel injection or enginв cootrol systems maJfunction (Chapl ers 4

and б).

Incorтect ignltion timing (Chapter 1). EJ\cesslve play 'П distributor shaft (S.OL engine). А! the sзте Ilтe check 'or faulty dislributor сар, wires, elc. (Chapter 1). 3 Faulty or incon"ectly gapped spaf1( plugs (Chapter 1). 4 Air fitter dir1y (Chapter 1). 5 Faulty ignitlon соЩз) (Chapter 5). б 8rakes blnding (Chapters 1 and 1О). 7 Auto mallc Iransmission fluld 'еуеl incorrect. саuзiпg sllppage (Chapter 1). 8 Fuel filter clogged andlor ,mригШез In the fuel system (Chapters 1

1 2

and 4). 9 EGA system no! functiOfllng properly (Chapt9f б). Use 01 sub-standard fueI. FШ tank with ргорег octane 1ueI. l ow or uneven cylinder compresslon pressures. Check аз described ,п Chapter 2. 12 Vacuum leak а! in lake manifold ог vacuum hoses (ch eck аз described in Sec!ion 8). 13 Dirty ог clogged !иеl injector(s) (Chaplers 1 and 4). 14 Fuel Injectlon ог engine con trol systems malfunction (Chapters 4 and6). 15 Aestrlcted eXhausl system (Chapter 4).

10 11

1 2


17 Engine lacks power

18 Engine backfires 1 2

EGA system по! functioning properly (Chapler 6). Ignlllon t imlng Incorтect (Chapter 5). 3 Vacuum leak (refer 10 Section 8). Damagect vaJve springs or sticklng valves (Chapter 2). 4 5 Vacuum leak а! the ifltake manifold or vacuum hoses tion 8).



19 Engine sUrges while holding accelerator steady , Vacuum leak а! the inlake manifold or уасииm hoses (зев Section8). 2 Aestricted зiг filter (Chapter 1). 3 FueI риmр or pressure regulator defecUve (Chapler 4). 4 FueI in}ectlon or engine control systems malfunction (Chaplers ~ and б).


TroubIeshooting 20 Pinging or knocking engine sounds when engine is under load Incorrect grade 01 luel. Fitt lank wilh fuet of Ihe proper oclane гaling. 2 Ignilion liming incorrect (S.OL engine) (Chapler 1). СагЬоп build-up in combuslion chambers. Аетоуе суt iпdег 3 head(s) and clean combuslion chambers (Chapler 2). 4 Incorrecl spar1q1len Ihe plug ог !ilter slightly. :t1 \Va.t а 'ew minules. Ihen recheck Ihe 'еуеl оп the d;pslick. Add oil _ -e::essary 10 bring the 'еуеl inlo Ihe ОК range. "Z" Dunng the 'irsl lew trips afler ап oil change, make it а РО;ПI 10 =а:х frequ enlly !ог leaks and ргорег oillevel. тhe old 0;1 drained 'гот the engine саппо! ье reused in its рге­ __ state and should Ье discarded. Oil reclamation cenlers, auto ~stюрs and gas stations will noгmally ассерl the oil, which сап Ье ~. Апег Ihe 0;1 has cooled, it сап Ье drained ;nto а con lainer ~ jI.Igs. bottles, milk cartons, elc.) 'ОТ 'гапзроп 10 а disposal s;le.


10.1 Tools and materials required far ba"ery maintenance

!ог аЬоиl а

Face shie/d/safety g099/&S - When reтoving COffOsion wilh а brush, the acidic partic/es сап easily "у uр into уоu' eyes Bakin9 soda - А so/ution о' baking soda and water сап Ье used 10 neutгaJize corrosion Pe tro/eum jel1y - А /ауег о' this оп the battel}' posts will heJp prevenl coгrosion Battery post!cabJe с/еалег - Тhis wiгe brush c/eaning too/ wi// гemove а/l tгaces о, corrosion (гот the battery posts and саЫе с/аmр!;.


Trвated (е/!

washers - P/acing опе о' these оп each post, under the саЫе c/amps, wш he/p pгevent COffOslon Рu//ег - Sometimes the саЫе cJamps эге very difficult 10 рu// о" Ihe pos/s, еуеп after the nutlbo// has Ьееп comp/ete/y /oosened. Тhis 100/ pulls Ihe с/аmр straighl up and о" the pos/ wi/hout damage Battery post/ca bJe с/валег - Неге is another c/eaning /00/ which is 8 s/ighl/y diffeгenrversion о' Number 4 above, but it does /he sэmе thing Rubber g/oves - Another safe/y ilem /0 consider when servicing the ba//ery; гететоог that's acid inside the battery! diгectly





1 0.ба

Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance

Battery terminal corrosion usualty appears flufty powder



servicing the battery. Hydrogen gas, which ;$ high/y "аттаЫе, ;$ s/ways ргезепl in the bвttery cells, 50 кеер lighted tobвcco and 8/1 other ореп flaтes and sparks 8way !гот the battery. Тhв electrolyte inside the bвttery;$ Bctua//y dilute sulfuric всю, which will саuзе /njury if sp/ashed ОП youг skin О( in youг 8yвS. It will also ruin clothes гnd painted surfвces. When removiпg 'hв bвttery саЫез, a/ways detach 'hв negativв свЫе first Bnd hooк it ир 185ft

1 А rouline preventlve mэiпtenапсе ргogгат !ог the batl ery in уоиг vehicle 15 the only way 10 ensure quick элd reliabIe slarts. But belore performing эпу batlery mainlenance, make зиге Ihat уои have Ihe ргорег equlpmenl necessary 10 work safely around the battery (зее Illustration). 2 Тhere ате alSO several precautions that should ье (аКеп whenever battery mainlenance is репormed . Вefore servicing lhe ballery. always lurn Ihe engine and аll accesSOfies оН and disconnecl the саЫе 'гот Ihe negative lerminal 01 Ihe baltery. 3 Тhe ballery produces hydrogen 9as, which 'з bolh flammabIe and explosive. Never сгеаlе а spark, зтоКе ог light а malch around the battery. Always charge 'М battery 'п а ventila!ed агеа. 4 Eleclrolyte сопlаlпs poisonous and corrosive sulfuric acid. 00 по! allow '! 10 9е1 in уоиг еуез. оп уоиг skin оп уouг clo!he5. Ne'o'er Ingest il . Wear prolecli'o'e safety glasses when working neaг the battery. Кеер children away lrom Ihe ballery. 5 No!e 1М exlernal con dition 01 the OOtlery. 11 the positi'o'e terrninal and саЫе clamp оп уоиг vehicle's battery is equipped with а rubber protector, таКе зиге that it's поl !огп ог damaged . 1I should сот­ plele1y co'o'er the terrnlnal. Look lor anу corroded or Iooзе connections,

10. 7а When cleanlng the саЫе clamps, all corroslon musl Ь. remo'o'ed (the inside 01 the c lamp 15 tapered 10 match Ihe taper оп the Р051, 50 don't (етО'о'е 100 much malerial)

10.БЬ Rem oving Ihe саЫе lrom а battery po sl wlth а wr.nch 50me1imes special bal1ery pliers аге required for Ihis procedure " corrosion has caused delerioralion 01 the пиl hex (always гетО'о'е Ihe ground саЫе first and hook " ир last!)

cracks in the са5е ог СО'о'ег ог loose hold-down clamps. Also check Ihe enlire lenglh 01 each саЫе 'ог cracks and Irayed conduclors. 6 11 corrosion, which Iскжs like while, "иНу deposits (see Illustra· tion) is evidenl, particulaf1y агoul1Cl (М terminal5, the ballery should ье гето'о'М for cleaning. Loosen Ihe саЫе clamp bolts wilh а wrenc h. being carelullo гетО'о'е Ihe ground саЫе lirsl, and slide Ihem оН Ihe termlnals (58е iIIustтation) . Then disconГI8CI the hold-down сlaтр bOIt and пш, гетО'о'е the clamp and lift 1М batlery from 'М englne com· pa"menl. 7 Clean the саЫе clamps thorou9hly with а ballery brush ог а 'ег­ minal сlеалег and а solution 01 wзrm water and baklng soda (не Шu s· tratlon). Wash the terrninal5 and 1М 'ар 01 1М battery са58 wilh the same soliJIion Ьи1 таКе sure that the sOlution doesn'l gel lnlo Ihe 001tery When cleanln9 the cabIes. terminals апd bal!ery 'ор, wear salety g099'es and rubber 9'О'о'е5 10 рге'о'еп! апу solulion 'гот comin9 '" соп­ lасl wilh уouг еуез or handз. Wear oId clothes 100 - е'о'en d iluled, sul'ипс acld 5plashed onto ctothes will Ьит holes in Ihem. 1I Ihe termina ls ha'o'e Ьееп extensl'o'ely corroded, сlеап them ир wilh а termlnal cleaner (see lItustratio n). Thoroughty wash all cleaned агеаз with plain waler 8 Make sure Ihat the baltery trзу is in good condition аl1Cl the hold· down clamp botts ате tigh!. 1I the battery i5 гето'о'ес! !гот the !гау. таКе sure по parts remain in the bottom о' the 1гау when !he baltery is reinstalled. When reinSlaJl ing the ho!d-down clamp bolts, do 001 О'о'ег­ lighten Ihem. 9 IпlОПТIа!ion оп removing and insta!ling (М baltery сап ье found In


Regardless 01 the type 01 1001 изоо оп Ihe Ьа11егу posts, clea n, shiny surface shoutd ье the resutt



Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance

11.4 F'ress


the release 'аЬ and pu sh the bIade assembIy down 01Jt 0 1 the hook in the аnn

5. In!ormalion оп jump slarting сап Ье !ound аl Ihe !гоп! 01 manual. For тоге de! ailed battery checking procedures, reler 10 tne Наупе5 Automotive Electrica1 Manual.

11 ,5 Use пееdJе-п оsе pJiers to c ompress the rubber element, then slide the element out - slide the new element In and lock the bIade 8ssembIy fingers into 'пе notches of the wi per element



Cleaning 10 Corrosion оп Ihe hold-down componenls, battery саэе and эиг­ rcundlng агеаз сап Ье removed wilh а solulion 01 waler and baking soda. Thoroughly rinse all cleaned агеаэ wilh plain water. "1 Алу mela] parts 01 Ihe vehicle damaged Ьу corrosion should Ье :::overed with а zinc-based primer, Ihen painled.

12 Tire r o tation (every 6000 miles ог 6 m o nths )

Charging Waming: When batteries аге being charged, hydrogen ga5, which is ~ exp/osive and "атmаЫе, is produced. 00 not smoke ог allow .:oen flame5 пеаг а charging о, а recent/y сhзrgеd batteгy, Wear еуе ;:п;,tесtiоп wnen пеа' the batteгy during charging. AJso, make suге the =r.arger is unp/ugged b&foгe connecting о, disconnecting 'пе batteгy ?om (пе charger. "2 Slow-rale charging is Ihe besl way 10 reslore а battery Ihal's disct1arg ed 10 Ihe poinl where it wlll по! slart Ihe engine. II's also а good -гу 10 mainlain the battery charge In а vehicle Ihal's only driven а lew __э between slarts. Mainlaining Ihe ballery charge is particularly гportan ! in the winter when Ihe ballery тиэ! work harder 10 slart the ~ne and electrical accessories Ihal drain the battery аге in greater

= '3




иэе а опе ог

two-amp batlery charger (somelimes

.:;2!ed а "trickle" charger), They аге the salesl and риl Ihe leasl slmin

:n те bartery.

They аге also Ihe leasl expensive. For а l aster charge, higher amperage charger, Ьиl don'l иэе опе raled тоге 'ra'I 1/ 10th Ihe amp/hour raling 01 'пе battery. Rapid Ьооэl charges r.aI claim 10 restore (пе power 01 Ihe batlery in опе 10 то поигэ аге -э-dest оп Ihe baltery and сап damage balleries по! in goOO condi~, This type 01 charging should only Ье used in emergency situaOOJ сал иэе а


average time песеssary 10 charge а battery should Ье listed ... the instructions Ihat соте wilh the charger. Аэ а general rule, а 'жdde charger will charge а battery in 12 10 16 hours. '.1.

longer clean adequately, they should ье replaced wi th new опеэ. 4 Lift the агт аээетЫу away from the glass for clearance, ргеээ оп the release lev8f, Ihen slide the wiper btade assembIy оиl 01 !пе hook In the end 01 the агт (see Illustralion). 5 Use needle-nose pliers 10 сотргеsз tI1e bIade element, Inen slide Ihe element ои! 01 the (гате and discard il (эве illustration). 6 Inslal!alion is Ihe reverse 01 removal.


W inds hie ld wiper bIa de ins pection and r epla cement (every 6000 miles ог 6 months) ~

to iIIustrations 11.4 and 11.5 windshield wiper and bIade аsэетЫу should ье inspected :иlQd iсаllу lог damage, loose components and cracked ог worn bIade Тhe


Aoa.d lilm сап build ир оп the wiper bIades and' affect Iheir effi~, so Ihey should ье washed regularly wilh а mild detergent solu-

-::s, Aoll each pushrod acr05S а piece о' plate glass 10 5ве if it'5 Ье ПI wobbIes, il 's bent).

Insta//ation 9 Lubricate the lower end о( each pushrod with clean engine о< moly-ba5e grease and install them in their originallocations. Make s...; each pushrod seats completely in the lifter. 1О Apply moly-base grease 10 the ends of the valve stems and . upper ends of the pushrods before positioning the rocker arms _#. crums and guides. 11 Apply moly·base grease to the fulcrums to prevent damage (о mating surfaces before englne 011 pressure bullds ир . Set the гос­ агт5 and guides in place, then install the fulcrums and bolts. Dotighten the fulcrum bolt5 at this time.

Chapter 2

Рап Д

V6 and 5.0L V8 engines





The seal

сап Ье

pulled off the guide with


pai r



::t05ItlO" the питЬег опе cylinder at тое оп the compression _ : see Section З) . Тighten the number опе cylinder rocker агт ful00lt5 to the torque listed in this Chapter's Specifications. Follow-е fi Гl пg order, bring each of the remaining cylinders to тое оп the ::ression stroke and tighten the respective rocker агт fulcrum Ca ution: Пghtепiпg а rocker агт fulcrum bolt without the fifter ·-е base circ/e о' the camshaft lоЬе mау damage the va/ve [га;п

oonents. _

1"5tall the valve covers. remainder о, installation is the reverse of removal.


Valve springs, retainers and seals • replacement -~

10 iIIustrations 6.4, 6.8, 6.9 and 6. 16 te: 8roken уа/уа springs and defective vafve stem sea/s

сап Ье

aced without removing the cylinder heads. Two specia/ toofs and а pressed air source аге noгmaJly requiгed to perform th;s opeгation. read through thi5 Sect;on caгefuffy and гent ог Ьuу the toof5 before nning the job. Aefer 10 Section 4 and гетоуе the valve cover from Ihe affecled nder head. 11 all 01 the valve stem seals аге being replaced, гетоуе tл valve covers. L Аетоуе the spark plug 1гот the cylinder which has the defective cxкn ponenl . If all of the valve stem seals аге being replaced, all 01 the soark plugs should Ье removed. 3 Tum the crankshaft until the piston ;п the affected cylinder ;5 at -о р Dead Cenler оп Ihe compression stroke ( ге1ег 10 Secj;on 3 1ог


the spring is depressed, the keepers сап Ье removed smal l magnet ог needle-n05e pliers (а magnet is preferred to prevent dropping the keepers)


Instructions). 11 уои'ге replacing а11 of the valve stem seals, begin wilh cytinder number опе and work оп the valves for опе cylinder at а lime. Моуе fгom cylinder-to-cy1inder 10110wing the fiгing order 5equence (see this Chapter's Specificalions). 4 Thread ап adapter into the spaгk plug hole (see ШU5tгаtiоп) and соппесl ап air hose from а compressed air source to it. Most auto parts stores сап supply the air hose adapter. Note: Мапу cyfinder compression gauges utШzе а scгew-in fitting that mау work with уоuг air hose quick-disconnect fiNing. 5 Аетоуе Ihe bolt, lulcrum and гocker агт for the уа1уе with the delective par1 and ри11 oul the pushrod. 11all 01 Ihe valve stem seals аге being replaced , аll 01 the rocker arms and pushrods should Ье removed (ге1ег 10 Section 5). 6 Apply compressed air 10 the cylinder. Warning: The piston тау ье (огсоо down Ьу compressed air. cau5ing the cгankshaft to tum sudden/y. If the wгench used when positioning the питЬег опе piston at тое is stiff attached to the boJt in the cгankshaft nose, it coufd cause damage ог injuгy when the cгank5haft moves. 7 The valves should Ье held (п place Ьу the air pressure. 8 Stuff shop rags into the cylinder head holes аЬоуе алd below the va/ves 10 prevent parts and t001s 1гот lallin9 into the en9ine, then use а уа/уе 5pгing compressor to compress the spring. Аетоуе the keepers with small need1e-nose pliers ог а magnet (see illustration). Note: А coupfe о( diffeгent types о( toofs аге availabIe (ог compгessing the va/ve springs with the cy/inder head ,п р/асе. Опе type, shown heгe, grips the /ower spring соПs and presses оп the retainer as the knob ;s tumed, while the other type utilizes the rocker aгm bolt (ог Jeverage. 80th types work veгy weJ/. although the /ever type is usuaJ/y Jess expensive. 9 Rетоуе the spring retainer ог rotator, sleeve (used оп some intake valves) and vaJve spгing assembIy, then гетоуе the valve guide seal (see i11ustration). Note: If air pressuгe fails to ho/d the vaJve in the cfosed position dun·ng this operstion, the vafve (асе ог seat is ргоЬаЫу damaged. ff 50, the cyJinder head will have to ье removed (ог additiona/ гера;г operations. 1О Wrap а rubber band ог tape around the top of the va1ve stem 50 the уа/уе won't fall inlo the combustion chamber, then ге1еазе the air pressure. 11 Inspecl the valve stem for damage. Rotate the valve (п the guide and check the end 10г eccentric movemenl, which would indicate Ihat the valve is bent. 12 Моуе the уа/уе up-and-down in the guide and make sure it doesn 't blnd. 11 the va/ve stem blnds, either the va1ve (s bent ог the guide is damaged. 'П either caSB, the cy1inder head will have to ье removed for repair. 13 Аеарр1у air ргesзиге 10 the cylinder 10 retain the valve (п the closed position, Ihen гетоув the ' аре ог rubber band from the vaJve stem. 14 Lubricate the valve stem with engine 011 and the valve slem tip with polyethy1ene grease. then install а new guide sea1. 15 Install the spring (п posilion оуег Ihe уа1уе .


Chapter 2

Рап Д


and 5.0L У8 engines

6.16 Apply а 5mall dab 01 grease to each keeper as shown here before installation - it'll keep them in place оп the valve stem as the spring is released

7.7 Label and disconnect the hoses and wiring

Pry against а casting protrusion to break the intake manifold loose

Sensor connector

1 2

Vacuum line to

!ивl pressure



Disconnect the иррег radiator hose and heater hoses from the iпtоЭ!': manifold fittings. 6 Oetach апу remaining brackets from the intake manifold. Label and disconnect the vacuum and emissions hoses and v. '"! 7 harness connectors attached to the intake mani10Jd (see iIIustration) 8 Disconnect the heater tube at the intake manifold. Remove t tube suppor1 bracket nut. Note: The coo/ant bypass tube is presseo ..,. and is not serviceabIe. 9 ОП models with air cOnditioni ng, remove the compressor suppcr bracket. Warning: Do по, disconnect апу refrigerant Iines! 1О Remove the fuel injectors and fuet rai! assembty (see Chapter 4 11 Loosen the intake mani10ld mounting bolts in 1/4-tum increme""3 until they сап Ье removed Ьу hand. 12 Тhe intake manifold witt ргоЬаЫу Ье stuck to the cylinder hea.3 and force тау ье required to break the gasket seal. А ргуЬаг сап positioned under the cast-in lug (see illustration) to pry up the 1ГО П1 the intake manifold, but make sure all bolts have Ьееп removed r Caution: Don't ргу between the engine Ыоск and intake manifolo :1 the cylinder heads and intake manifo/d о( damage (о the gasket sea ""; surfaces mау оссuг, /eading (о vacuum and oil/eaks.

V6 models

V8 models

Refer to iIIustrations 7.5, 7.7 and 7.12 Relieve the fuel pressure and remove the air duct assembIy (see 1 Chapler 4). 2 Olsconnect the negative саЫе from the battery. 3 Drain the cooting system (see Chapter 1). 4 Remove the upper intake manifotd and throttle body (seв Chap-

13 Drain the cooling system (see Chapter 1.) 14 Remove the PCV and canister purge hoses. 15 Oisconnect the accelerator саЫе, speed contro! linkage and au::-matic transmission саЫе (if so equipped). Remove the accelera: саЫе bracket. 16 Label and disconnect the intake manifold vacuum lines. 17 Position the engine to ТОС for cylinder number 1 (зее Section ':> then mark and remove the distributor (see Chapter 5) .

1б InstaJl the valve spring retainer ог rotator. 8оте intake valves al50 have а sleeve that fits inside the retainer. Compress the valve spring and carefully posltion the keepers in the 9ГООУ8. Apply а smaH dab 01 grease 10 the inside of each keeper 10 hold it in place (see illustration). 17 Remove the pressure (гот the spring 1001 and make 5ure the keepers аге seated . 18 Disconnect the air hose and гетоуе the adapter from the spark plug hole. 19 Refer 10 Section 5 and install the rocker arm(s) and pushrod(s).


In51all Ihe spark plug(s) and hook

Ihe wire(s).

21 Refer to Section 4 and install the vatve cover(s). 22 Start and run the engine, then check 1ог oi! leaks and unusua! sounds coming from the valve cover агеа .


Intake manifold -


and installation

ler 4). 5

Cover the air intake passages with


shop towel (see illustration).

Chapter 2 Part Д


covering the Jifter valley, use а gasket scraper to all traces of sealant and old gasket material from the cylinder head and intake manifold mating sur1aces



гет оуе

Че li еvе the fuel system pressure (see Chapter 4) and disconnect ...~e l supply and return lines. 3i sconnect the radiator, heater and water pump bypass hoses :пе water outlet (see Chapter З). Disconnect the thгоШе body a:G ~ hoses. Note: The heater Qut/et and соо/ап! bypass tubes аге =ssed in, and cannot ье reтoved. :>Isconnect the electrical connectors from the coolant tempera_ sending unit, air charge temperature sensor, thro«le position sen'0' 8 speed control sotenoid, EGR sensors and fuel injectors (see :;.юtегs 4 and 6). метоуе the upper iпtаkе mапifоld (see Chapter 4). Remove the ...е jectors апd fuel rail assembty (see Chapter 4). Lооsеп the 10wer iпtаkе mапifоld bolts апd пuts iп 1 /4-tuгп iпсге­ ~.s uпtil they сап ье removed Ьу hапd . _ Тh e iпtаkе mапifоld wШ ргоЬаЫу ье stuck to the суliпdег heads rc 'огее тау ье required to break the gasket seal . А prybar сап ье .&2d to ргу up the iпtаkе mапifоld, but make sure all bolts апd пuts ."2 Ьееп removed flrst. Caution: Doп', ргу betweвn the engine bfock .rc manifo/d ог the eylinder heads and intake manifo/d ог damage to "'"'"Е gasket sealing surfaces тау осеuг, /eading to уасиum and oil/eaks. on/у at ап intake manifo/d casting protrusion.

and 5.0L У8 engines


1.21 Cut the heads off 'our old intake m anilold bolts to use а$ guide studs ~ c ut а $Iot in the end to allow use 01 а screwdriver to remove them and in stall the studs at eaeh с огп е г


(а// тode/s) 7.25, 7.27, 7.30, mating surfaces о! the


~~e! (о Шиstгаtiопs

7.33а and 7.З3Ь .::.avtion : Тhв cylindeг heads, engine bIock and ""1Ifo/d must ье perfect/y е/еап when the manifofd is instalfed. Gasket ""?"'Qva/ so/vents in aeroso/ сапв аге availabIe at most auto parts stoгes rC' тау ьв helpful when removing o/d gasket material that's stuck to -е cylinder heads and mani'oJd (since the manlfold and вате Vб !!'"91пв cylinder heads аге made о, aJuminuт. aggгessive scraping сап =гuse daтage. Ве suгe to 'ollow directions printed оп the containeг. -ote: The manu'actuгeг гecoтmends the use о, guide studs when r""S!aJling the mani'old. То make these, Ьиу 'оиг extra intake mani'o/d .:0 :в . Cut the heads off the bo/ts, then grind а taper and cut а screw7 . ег в/оl in the cut ends. :.: 11 the manifold was disassembIed, reassembte it. Use electrically:-onductive sealant оп the temperature sending uпit threads . Use а -e ,v EGR valve 9asket. ':5 Use а gasket scraper to remove all traees 01 sealant апd old 9as·.ei material (see illustration), then clean the mating surfaee$ with 'ас­ =uer thlппег ог acetone. If there's old sealant ог oi1 оп the mating sur"'ЗСes when the mапifоld 1$ instal1ed, oil ог vaeuum leaks may develop. ... еп working оп the eylinder heads and bIock. cover the lifter valley ,. th shop гags to keвp debris out 01 the епgiпе . Use а vacuum cleaner ' 0 remove апу gasket material that falls Into the intake poгts (п the :yllnder heads.

1.30 Apply а bead о, AТV sealant to the c omers where the eng ine bIock, cyllnder heads and Intake m ani'old c onverge, then p osit ion the gaskets and end seals (п place and apply а п additional bead о, AТV sealant where the end seals and intake manifold gasket m eet (arrow) 26 Use а 'ар of the correct size to chase the threads (п the bolt holes, then use compressed air (If availabIe) to remove the debrls from the holes. Warning: Wear sa'ety g/asses ог а 'асе shield to proteet уоиг вувв when using compгessed air! Remove excessi ve еагЬоп deposlts and co гrosion from the exhaust and coolant passages in the cylinder heads and manifold . 27 Install the four тапifоld alignment $tuds you have made, опе at each of the 10ur еотег mounting holes (see i1Iustration). 28 Apply а 1/ 8-inch wide bead of AТV sealant to the 10ur eorners where the manif01d, bIock and cylinder heads converge . Note: This seaJant sets ир in 15 minutes. Do not take /ongeг to insta/f and tighten the тani'o/d оnев the sealant is appliвd, ог /eaks тау оссuг. 29 Apply а small dab of contact adhesive (Ford part по , 07AZ19В508-А оГ equivalent) to the manifold gasket mating s uгfa c e оп each cylinder head. Position the gaskets оп the cylinder heads, over the alignment studs. The upper side of each gasket will have а ТОР ог THIS SIDE UP lаЬеl stamped Into it to ensure correct instatlation. 30 Position the end seals оп the engine btock, then apply а 1/8-lnch wide bead of АТУ sealant to the four points where the end seals meet the intake manifold gasket (see iIIustration). 31 Make sure а" intake poгt openings, coolant passage holes and bolt holes аге aligned eoгrectty ,


Chapter 2 Part


V6 and 5.0L V8 engines

32 Carefully set the manifold In place while the sealant is still wet. Caution: Doп', disturb the gaskets. Тhe alignment studs wi1l keep the manifo/d (гот moving fore-and-aft after it contacts the seafs оп the engine bIock. Make surв the end sea/s haven't Ьееп disturbed. ЗЗ Lightly oil the manifald bol ts, install them and tighten {о the torque listed in this Chapter's Specifications, fol lowing the гвест­ mended sequence (see illustrations) . Work ир to the final torque in three steps. When all but the согпе г bolts have Ьееп installed handtight, гетоуе the alignment studs and replace them with bolts before tightening зпу bolts to the final torque. 34 The remaining installation steps аге the reverse of removal. Start the engine and check carefully (ог oil and coolant leaks at the intake manifold ;oints. 35 Recheck the mounting bolt torque.

11 14

с) с)












~ I ~'


Exhaust manifolds • removal and installation

n-+-7 10

Removal Refer to Шustгаtiопs 8.5, 8.11а and 8.11Ь 1 Disconnect the negative battery саЫе from the battery. 2 Disconnect the oxygen sensor electrical connector and remove the spark plugs (Chapter 1). 3 Raise the vehicle and support it securely оп jackstands. 4 Working under the vehicle, appJy penetrating оН to the exhaust pipe-to-manifold studs and nuts (they're usuaJly rusty). 5 Remove the nuts holding the exhaust c rossover pipe to the exhaust manlfoJd(s) (see illustration). In extreme cases уои тау have to heat them with аргорапе ог acetylene torch in order to loosen them.



I Э6051 -2А-Q7.ЗЗА НAYNES I 7.33а

Intake manifold bolt tightening sequence - V6 engine

Right (passenger's side) manifold 6 Remove the air cleaner duct assernbIy (Chapter 4). 7 Disconnect the Ignltion secondary wire from the соl l and distributor. 8 Oisconnect the EGR tube. 9 Оп vehicles with ап automatic transmission, the automatlc transmission dipstick and {иЬе must Ье removed. Plug the hole to prevent dirt from entering the engine.

Left (driver's side) manifold 10

If It's in the way, remove the 011 dipstick and tube.

80th manifolds 11 8end back the locking tabs (lf equipped). Remove the mountlng bolts and separate the exhaust manifold(s) from the cylinder head (see illustration s). Note the locations of the bolts and studs, and remove the old gaskets.

8.5 From below, remove the two exhaust pipe-to-m anifold nuts (arrows)

Remove the manifold bolts and studs (V6 engine, right manifold)


.- ..


Chapter 2 Part Д V6 and 5.0L V8 engines

R е тоуе

the nut (arrow) holding the oil dipstick to the left exhaust header оп the 5.0L V8

9.7 Power steering/alternator mount bolts (arrows) the left (driver's) side of а typical V6 englne




Check the exhaust manifold far cracks and make sure the Ьоlt ~-эds аге clean and undamaged. The exhaust manifold and cylinder ~j mati ng surfaces must Ье clean before the manifotds аге rein~ - use а gasket scrapeг 10 remove аН сагЬоп deposits and old ~et material. Note: If the exhaust manifold is being rep/aced with а :..


remove the oxygen sensor. Cfean the threads о' the oxygen w;th а wirв brush and СОВ! the threads with high-temperature r--seIZ8 coтpound before transferring the senSQГ to the new exhaust "1:-


- . . . 'o/d. _

Position the exhaust manifold and gasket оп the cylinder head the mounting botts. Note: Exhaust manifo/d warpage is

~ ! пs tаll

::::-"110n оп the Vб engine. AJthough some were bui/t without gaskets, ~ "eCommend installing them. If you're working оп а V6 епgiпе , iпstаll -е о lot bolts flrst. Somet1mes It's necessary to еlОП9аtе (with а гоuпd ~ some holes '" the exhaust mапifоlds 'О star1 the bolts - but пеуег ~ oot the pilot OOlt holes! - Whеп t ightепlпg the mоuпtiпg OOlt5, work from the center to the ~=s апd Ье sure to U5e а torque wrench. Тightеп the bolt5 '" threв !С .. aI 5tep5 until the torque listed in thi5 Chapter's Specjf1cations 15

9.13 Using а prybar, carefully lever tt. against а casting protrusion to lift the cylinder head and break the gasket sea l

""""hed . •



remaining iП5tа1lаt1оп 5tep5 аге the reverse of removal. Start the engine and check for exhaust leaks.

Cylinder heads - removal and installation

Тhe engine must ье comp/ete/y соо/ when the cylinder heads removed. Failure to a//ow the engine to сой' о" could result in cy/in=-='" head warpage.

Zaution: ке

Reтova/ Oisconnect the саЫе from the negative battery terminal . Remove the уа1уе covers (seв Section 4). _ Аетоуе the pU5hrods and rocker arms (зев Section 5). Аетоуе the upper intake manifold (seв Chapter 4) and the lower -:ake manifold (seв Section 7).

eft (driver's side) cylinder head =:efer to iIIustration 9.7 ... Unbolt the power 5teering pump and tie It as ide in ап upright ::юsitiоп . Leave the h05es соппесted (seв Chapter 1О) . ~ Аетоуе the exhaust manifold (seв Section 8). Oi5connect the alteгnator wiring (see Chapter 5). Unbolt the alter-ator and power steering bracket (see illustration). 3 If оп1у the left cyllnder head is being гетоуоо , ргосеоо to Step 13.

9 Оп 5.0L V8 engines, гетоуе the air conditioning compressor and position it out of the way (зее Chapter З). 00 NOT d isconnect the hoses!

Right cylinder head 1О Оп V6 engines, remove the air cOnditioning compressor and posi tion it out of the way (зев Chapter 3). 00 NOT disconnect the hoses! Оп V8 engines , unbolt the aJtemator bracket . 11 Remove the exhaust manifold (Section 8).

80th cylinder heads Refer to i//ustration 9. 13 12 Loosen the cylinder head bolts in 1/ 4-turn Increments until they сап ье removed Ьу hand. Work from OOlt - tо- Ьоlt in а pattern that's the reverse of the tightening sequence. Note: Head bo/ts shouJd not Ье reused. Аеmоуе the bolts and discard them - new bolts must Ье used when installing the cylinder head(s). 13 Uft the cylinder head(s) off the engine. If resistance is felt, 00 NOT pry between the cylinder head and engine bIock as damage to the mating surfaces will result. То dislodge the cylinder head, place а wood bIock against the end of it and strike the wood bIock with а hammer ог place а ргуЬаг against а casting protrusion (see iIIustration). Store the cylindeг heads оп biocks of wood 10 рге уе ПI damage to the gasket sealing surfaces. 00 not slide them асroзз the floor ог workbench. 14 Суliпdег head disassembIy and inspection procedures аге соу­ егоо in detail in Chapter 2, Part С.


Chapter 2

Рап Д

V6 and 5.0L V8 engines

/nstallation Refer to iIIustrations 9. 18, 9.21а and 9.21Ь , 5 The mating surfaces 01 the cylinder heads and engine bIock must ье perfectly clean when the cytinder heads аге in5talled. Use а gasket scraper to гетоуе all traces of сагЬоп and old gasket material, then

clean the matlng 5urfaces with lacquer thinner ог acetone. 11 there's



the mating surfaces when the cylinder heads аге instatled, the 9а5kets тау not seal correctly and leaks тау develop. When working оп the englne bIock, соуег the lifter уаltеу with shop rags to keep debris out of the engine. Use а уасиит cleaner to гетоуе апу debris that 1аll5 Into the cylinders.


Check the engine bIock and cylinder head mating 5urfaces for

nicks. deep scratches and other damage. 11 damage is slight, it сап ье removed wlth а 111е - 11 It's excessive, machining тау Ье the only alternative. 17 Use а tap 01 the correct size to chase the threads in the cylinder head bolt hole5. Oirt, corrosion, sealant and damaged threads will affect torque readings. 18 Position the new gasket{s) over the dowel pins in the englne bIock (see illustration). Make sure it'5 facing the гight way. 19 Carefully position the cylinder head(5) оп the engine btock without di5turbing the gasket(s). 20 8е1оге in5tall1ng the new Vб engine cylinder head bolt5, coat the threads of the four short botts with pipe seatant (Ford рап по . 08AZ1955 8-А ог equivalent). Ughtly oit the threads 01 the remaining Vб englne cytinder head bolts. уои'ге working оп а V8 engine, new bolts must atso Ье used, with light oil applied to the threads of all of the bolts . 21 Install the bolts in Iheir original Jocations and tighten them finger tight. Follow the recommended sequence and tighten the bolts, in the recommended steps. to the torque listed in this Chapter's Speci1ications (see illustra tions). Caution: When following the torquв sequвnce (ог the Vб engine, а! Step 4, do по! Joosen a/J thв bolts а' thв sзmе time ог the gasket will not seaJ pгopeгJy. Loosen the fiгst boJt in the sequвncв, tightвn it to the (inal torque (Steps 5 and б) then go оп (о the next bolt in sequence, loosening and tightening the bolts ипtil the sequencв is completed. 22 Тhe remaining in5tallatlon steps аге the reverse 01 removal . 23 Change the engine oil and 1Нteг (Chapter 1), then star1 the engine and check carefully 10г oil and coolant leaks.


10 Timing chain cover - removal and installation Reтova/ Оп Vб

models, refer to Chapter 3 and remove the fan, fan shroud and water ритр. ОП V8 models, perform all water риmр removal steps except actual removal of the ритр . Тhe ритр тау Ье removed ог left


9. 21а




Cylind er head bolt tightening sequence - V6 engine

9.18 Locating dowels (arтows) аге used to position the gaskets оп the e ngine bIock - make sure the mark (circled) is corтectly oriented attached to the timing chain соуег with four nuts. Оп all engines, dls, connect the radiator and heater hoses. 2 Orain the engine oil and remove the oil filter (Chapter 1). 3 Rетоуе the crankshaft vibratlon damper (see Section 16). 4 Unbolt and remove all accessory brackets attached to the timln; chain cover. When unbolting the power steeгing pump (see Chapter 10 tie It aside with the hoses still connected . ОП air-conditioned models remove the compressor 1ront suppor1 bracket, leaving the compresw in рlасе (see Chapter 3). У6 models 5 Position the number опе piston at ТОС оп the compress lO~ 5troke (Section 3), then disconnect the electrical connect or at tr:camshaft position sensor and remove the camshaft position sen S(Г (see Chapter 6). б Rетоуе the oil рап and oil pump pickup (Section 14). Unbolt the ignition timing indlcator ог pointer. 7

V8models 8 Remove the оН pan -to-timing chain cover bolts. 9 Use а razor knife ог single-edged гзzог bIade to cut the oil раgasket flush with the engine bIock 1асе , Ьу inser1ing the bIade behlrc the bottom corners of the front соvег-tо-bIосk mating surfaces. Т"'.:­ idea IS to make а clean cut of the oil рап gasket so that cover гет о.. .=. doesn 't 'еаг the ori91na1 gasket.

All models Refer to i11ustrations 10. 10а, 10. 10Ь , 10. 1Ос and 10. 10d 1О Remove the bolts and separate the timing chain cover from t~ englne bIock. If it's stuck, tap it gently with а soft-face hammer (s~ illustrations). Caution: DO NOT изе exeessive 'огее ог уоu mау CrгQ

9.21 Ь Cylinder head bolt tightening sequence - 5.0L V8 engi ne

Chapter 2 Part А

·0. 10з

Gently tap the timing chain соуег loose with hammer (У6 engine shown)




and 5.0L У8 engines


10. 10Ь

Timing chain соувг bolts and studs (arrows) ОП У6 engines, shown before oil рап is removed - Bolt А should Ье coated with sealant before installation, and don't over1ook bolt В behind the oil pump

Installation 11 Оп V8 models, гетоуе the circular rubber seal from the Iront 01 the oil рап and stuff а shop rag into the oil рап opening to keep debris out of the engine. 12 Use а gasket scraper 10 гетоуе all traces 01 old gasket material and sealant from the соуег, oil рап and engine bIock, then с1еап them with lacquer thinner ог acetone.

V6 models Refeг

• :1.1ос


со уег

-е .:оуег.

va models, with the water pump bolts and oil pan-tobolts removed, these four bolts (arrows) hold the соуег to the engine bIock, but . ..

If the

соуег is

difflcuJt to remove, doubJe check to make sure

=1the bolts have Ьееn removed.

Оп Vб models, the bolt under the - ter housing is easy to miss, and оп V8 models. don't Qverlook the _ соуег bolt5 at the top (see illustrations).

O.1Od •• . there


two соуег bolts (arrows) that behind the water pump агеа


at the top,

to iIIustration 10. 14 13 The 011pump is mounted in the timing chain соуег and driven Ьу the Intermedlate shaft, which Is driven Ьу the camshaft position sensor. See Section 15 for oil pump Informatlon. 14 То install the intermediate shaft in the timlng chain соуег, make а mark опе inch Iгот the end. Insert the shaft until it seats in the оil pump and snap the ctip onto the shaft with the top 01 the clip just below the mark оп the shaft (see iIIustration) . 15 While the соуег is оН the engine, it's а good idea 'о install а new crankshaft front seal (see Section 16). 16 Lubricate the timing chain and Iront crankshaft oil seal Jips with engine oil. 17 Apply а thin соа! 01 AТV sealant to the engine bIock side 01 the new gasket, then position it оп the engine. The dowel pins wi1l hold it in ptace as the cover is instalted.

10.14 Install the


with the top j ust below the mark (V6 engine only)


Chapter 2

Рап А

V6 and 5.0L V8 engines

11 .4 Insta ll а dial indicator to measure timing chain deflection (У6 engine) - use а short length of vacuum hose to hold the рluпgег оп the pushrod, ОГ 5et the indicator оп the pu shrod end о' the rocker апn 18

Apply а thin coat 01 АТУ sealant 10 the gasket surface of the соуег

and attach it 10 the engine. The dowel pins will position it correctly. Don't damage the seal and make sure the gasket remains '" place. 19 In51att the bolts finger tight. Тighten them 10 the torque listed '" this Chapter's Specifications only after the water pump has Ьееп installed (some 01 the water pump bolts а150 hold the timing chaln соуег in place). Note: When instalfing the water рumр, ье sure to coat the threads of the wateг риmр bo/t with sealant (see illustration 10.10Ь) .


Install the 011рап (Section 14).

V8 models 21 Cut two front sections 1гот new 011 рап side gaskets to install between the 011 рап side ralls and timing chain cover. 22 Attach the gasket sectlons to the оН рап with contact adhesive (Ford par1 по. 07 AZ -198508-А оГ equivalent). 23 Apply а 1/ 8-inch bead of AТV sealant to the 011 рап-tо-bIосk joints. 24 Install а new circular rubber oil рап seal '" the groove in the bottom of the front cover. Note: С/еап the groove thorough/y with lacquer Ihinner firsl. then use contact adhesive 10 ho/d the sea/ in р/асе.

25 Lubricate the timing chain and fгont crankshaft 011 seal lips with engine 011. 26 Apply а thin соа! of AТV sealant {о the engine bIock side of the new cover gasket, then position It оп the engine. The dowel pins will hold It '" place as the cover is jnstalled. 27 Apply а thln coat of АТУ sealant to the gasket surface of the cover and attach it to the engine. Oon't dislodge the circular гиЬЬег seal ог the gaskets. 28 It тау Ье necessary to compress the гиЬЬег seal Ьу forcing the cover down before i nstaНing the cover bolts {о the engine bIock. Тет­ porarily slip the vibratlon damper onto the crankshaft to align the cover. 29 Apply Teflon pipe sealant to the threads. then install the bolts. Tighten the 011 pan-to-cover bolts to the torque listed '" this Chapter's Specifications while aligning the cover with the damper. Make sure the gaskets and seal stay '" place. 30 Tighten the соvег-tо-bIосk bolts and tighten the bolts to the torque 1isted '" this Chapter's Specifications, then remove the vibratlon damper.

AII models 31

Install the remaining par1s '" the reveгse order of removal. Note:

When reinstalfing the damper оп V8 modeJs, арр/у а dab о( AТV sealant (о the keyway in the damper first.

32 З3

Add engine 011 and coolant (Chapter 1). Аип the engine and check 10г leaks.

11.14 Оп У8 models, to check the timing chain deflection estabIish а reference point оп the engine bIock and measure from that point to the chain


Timing chain and sprockets - inspection, removal installation

ап а

/nspection Disconnect the negative battery


from the battery.

V6 models Refer to iJIustration 1 '.4

2 Refer to Section 3 and position the питЬег опе piston sеvе-э, degrees before ТОС оп the compression stroke. 3 Remove the right valve cover (Section 4). 4 Attach а dial indicator 10 the cylinder head with the plunger in- -~ with and resting оп the rocker aгm (see iIIustration). 5 Remove the timing chain cover (see Section 1О). 6 Temporarily remove the timing chain and sprockets to remove '-... chain tensioner (see below). 7 Temporarily install the timing chain and spгockets without the {е­ sioner and s1ip the timing chain cover and vibratlon damper in placE -provide timing marks. 8 Тит the crankshaft clockwi5e ипtil the питЬег опе plston IS а1 m: (Section З). Тhis will take ир the slack оп the right side of the chain . 9 Zero the diat indicator. 1О Slowly turn the crankshaft coun terclockwi5e ипtil the sl ig temovement Is seen оп the dial indicator. Stop and note how fa r {питЬег опе piston has moved away fгom тое Ьу looking at the Igtion timing marks. 11 If the mark has moved тоге than 6 degrees, ;n5tall а new t1l"~­ chain and sprockets.

V8 models Шustгаtiоп 11. 14 12 Aotate the crankshaft in а counterclockwise direction to take :. the slack in the left side of the chain. 13 Remove the t;ming chain cover (Section 10). 14 EstabIish а reference point оп 1he engine bIock and measure "?that point {о the chain (see iIIustration). 15 Reinstall the vibration damper bolt. Using this bolt , tum the сга­ shaft clockwise with а wrench un!il the slack is taken ир оп Ihe г-;­ side of the chain. 16 Force the left side 01 the chain out with уоиг fingers and me8.S..J the distance between the reference po;nt and the chain. The differebetween the two measurements is the deflection. 17 If the deffection exceeds 1/ 2-inch. install а new timing chaln a.~,­ sprockets.

Refer to

Chapter 2 Part


V6 and 5.0L V8 engines

1.20 Align the timing marks оп the crankshaft and camshaft (arrows) before removing the sprockets from the shafts

11 .22

Кiroc ke t s



the camshaft sprocket and chain the camshaft




V6 models, if you're planning to гетоуе the camshaft, slide the spacer 011 the camshaft

Removal and instal1ation ==zerto

Шustгаtiоns and 11 .25

Qemoval . а Position the number опе piston at тое оп the compression ,.oke (Section З) . ~ Аетоуе the timing chain соуег (Section 1О). Try to avoid turning -е crankshaft during vibration damper removal . : "] Make sure the crankshaft and camshaft sprocket timiпg marks а..--е aligned (see illustration) . If they aren't, install the vibration damper :;,cit and use it to turn the crankshaft clockwise until the two marks аге



V6 models, push the spring in the chain tensioner back and insert а pin punch to hold it in place

in the end of the crankshaft. Press the sprocket onto the crankshaft with the vibration damper OOlt, а large socket and 50те washeгs ог tap it gently into place until it's completely seated. Caution: If resistance is encountered, 00 NOT hammer the sprocket onto the sha ft. It mау eventua/Jy move into place, but it mау ье cracked in the pfocess and (ail/atef, causing extensive engine damage.

~ 9 ПОО .


Remove the camshaft sprocket mounting bolt (all models) and position sensor drive gear (У6 model only). :.2 Pull the sprockeVchain ОН the camshaft and detach the c hain "'от the crankshaft sprocket (see illustration). Oon 't lose the pin '" '~e end of the camshaft (У8 models only). 23 11 you intend to remove the camshaft оп а V6 engine, slip the soacer ОН the camshaft (see illustration). 2.J Оп V6 models, ргу back the tensioner and inseгt а pin punch to .:age the spring (see illustration). Note: If the tensioner assembJy was -emoved ear1ier (аг checking chain defJection, repface ;1 now and pin it ::.ack. 25 The crankshaft sprocket сап Ье levered off with two large screwjnvers ог а ргу Ьаг (see illustration). :.гrnshаft

Installation Refer 10 i//ustrations 11.27, 11.29 and 11 .31 26 Align the keyway in the crankshaft sprocket with the Woodruff key

11 .25 If either the camshaft ог crankshaft sprockets аге stuck, pry with мо opposing screwdrivers to гетоуе them


Chapter 2 Part Д V6 and 5.0L V8 engines

11.27 Position the crankshaft with the key facing up (12 o'clock)

11 .31 Оп V6 models. align the keyway (arro w) ОП the camshaft position sensor drive gear with the Woodruff key оп the camshaft

12.За А е тоу е

the lifter gu ide retainer bolts ...

27 Tum the crankshaft until the key i5 facing up (12 o'clock position) (see illustration). 28 Aeinstall the spacer оп the camshaft, if removed . 29 Dгаре the chain оуег the camshaft sprocket and turn the sprocket until the timing mark faces down (6 o'clock position). Mesh the chain with the crankshaft sprocket and position the camshaft sprocket оп the end of the camshaft (see iIIustration). 11 necessaгy, t urn the camshaft зо the dowel pin ШS into the sprocket hole (V8 engine) or the bolt holes in the sprocket аге aligned with the offset threaded holes in the camshaft 11ange (V6 еП91пе). ЗА When correctly installed, а stralght Ilne should разз through the center of the camshaft, the camshaft timing mark (in the 6 o'clock position), the crankshaft timing mark (in the 12 o'clock position) and the center 01 the cranks~aft (see iIIustration 11 .20). 0 0 NOT proceed until the valve timing is correctl 31 ОП V6 models, ins1all the camshaft pos1tion sensor drive gear (see iIIustration) . 32 Apply а non-hardening thread locklng compound to the threads and install the camshaft spгocket bolt. Tighten the bolt to the torque listed in this Chapter's Specifications. 33 Reinstall the remaining parts in the reverse order of removal.

12 Valve lifters - removal, inspection and installation

Remova/ Refer to i//ustrations 12.3а, 12.3Ь, 12.Зс, 12.4а and 1 Аетоуе the intake mani10ld (Section 7).

11 .29 Slip the chain оуе г the cra nkshaft sproc ket and attach th! cam sha1t sprocket to the c amshatt


12.Э Ь

.•. and the guide plates

2 Аетоуе the rocker arms and pushrods (Section 5). 3 Before гemoving the 111ters, arrange 10 store them in а c1e:. labeled Ьох 10 ensure that they're reinstalled in their origlnalloca: cr А етоуе the lifter guide re1ainer and guide plates (see illustrations 4 There аге several ways 10 extract 1he tifters fгom the bores ~­ cial 100ls designed 10 grip and гетоуе lifters аге manufacture:: тапу 1001 companies and аге widely availabIe (see illustration) :. тау not ье needed in every case. ОП newer englnes without а о: varnish buildup, the lifters сап often Ье removed wi1h а small та;:-­ (see iIIustration) ог еуеп with уош fingers. А machinist 's scribe \ bent end сап Ье used to pull the li1ters out Ьу positioning 1he :runder the retainer ring in the tap 01 each lifter. Caution: Don '! Lls..: : ers to remove the lifters иnless уоu intend to гер/асе them Wlt,.. -ones (a/ong with the camshaft). Тhe pliers тау damage the prer;.$ machined and hardened Jifters, rendering them use/ess. Оп е"';-­ with а lot of sludge and varnish, work the lifters up and down. carburetor cleaner spray to loosen the deposits.

/nspection Refertoillиstrations

12.6and 12.7 5 Clean the lifters with solvent and dгy them thorough ly ... mixing them up. 6 Check each lifter wall and pushrod seat for scufflng , score and uneven wear. If the lifter walls аге damaged ог worn (whlc'" very likely), inspect the lifter bores in the engine bIock as we! pushrod seats (see iIIustration) аге worn, check 1he pushrod ero =. 7 Check the roller carefully for wear and damage and ma~; 5 they turn fгeely without excessive play (see illustration).

Chapter 2 Part Д V6 and 5.0L V8 engines

.2..Зс Ве

sure to store the lifters in ап organized т аппег to make sure they're reinstalled in their originallocations

tf зпу lifters аге found to Ье defective, they сап Ье replaced with ones without hаviпg to replace the camshaft (unlike conventional, -:~-rol 'er lifters), but if the camshaft 15 being replaced due to high - -:age, all the lifters should Ье replaced as well . ~=

stallation Тhe -~


originallifters, i1 they're being reinstalled, must ье returned to origi "al lосаНопs . Coat th em with moly-base grease ог engine

.!S.XmbJy lube.


_ ~

I"stall the lifters in the bores. I"stall the guide ptates and guide retainer. Ir,stall the pushrods and rocker arms. I"stall the intake manifold and valve CQvers. Change the engine oil and filter (зее Chapter 1)

Camshaft a nd bearings - removal , inspection and installation

amshaft lоЬе Iift check '" order to determine the extent of сат 10Ье wear, the 10Ье lift s,.-ould Ье checked prior to camshaft гетоуа1 . Refer to Section 4 and ~oye the valve соуегз. The rocker arms must а1зо Ье removed (Sec'=" 5), but leave the pushrods in place.


... ог you тау Ье аЫе to гетоуе the lifters with а magnet


If the lifters


аге difficult to remove, you тау have to remove them with а special puller . . .

2 Position the number опе piston at ТОС оп the compression stroke (зее Section З). 3 Beginning with the number опе cylinder, mount а dial indicator оп the engine and position the plunger in-line with and resting оп the first rocker агт (зее iIIustration 11.4). 4 Zero the dial indicator, then уегу slowly turn the crankshaft in the погтаl direction 01 rotation until the indicator needle stops and begins 'О тоуе in the opposite direction. The point at which it stops indicates maximum сат lobe lift . 5 Record this ligure 10г future reference, then reposition the piston at ТОС оп the compression stroke. 6 Мо уе the dial indicator to the remaining питЬег опе cyJinder pushrod and repeat the check. Ве sиге to record the results for each valve. 7 Repeat the check for the remaining valves. Since each piston must Ье at ТОС оп the compression stroke for this procedure , work from cylinder-to-cylinder following the firin9 order sequence (зее Section З). 8 After the check i5 complete, сотраге the re5ults to the Specifications. If camshaft 10Ье lift 1з 'езз than specified, cam 10Ье wear has occurred and а new camshaft should Ье installed.

Removal Refer to ifJustrations 13. 11' and 13. 12


Refer to the appropriate Sections and remove the pushrods, the

12.6 Inspect the pushrod seat (arrow) in the top of each lifter for wear

12.7 The roller must tum freely - check 'ог wear and excessive рl ау аз well




Chapter 2

Рап А

V6 and 5.0L V8 engines

models use Т -30 Torx screws to retain the camshatt thrust plate (arrows)

valve lifteгs and the timing chain and camshaft sprocket. The radiator should ье removed as well (Chapter З). Уои also тау have 10 гетоуе the air conditioning condenser and the grille аз well, but wait and see 11 the camshaft сап ье pulled out 01 the engine. 10 Check the camshaft end play with а dial indicator aJigned with the front 01 the camshaf1. Inser1 а camshaft sprocket boJt and use il 10 pull the camshaft 10ге and aft. 11 the play i5 greater than specified. replace the thrust plate with а new опе when the camshaft 15 reinstalled. 11 Rетоуе the camshaft thrust plate bolts. Д т-за Тог х bit i5 required for the botts оп the V6 engine (see illustration). 12 Carefully pull the camshaft out. Support the сат so the lobes don't nick ог gouge the bearings as ;t's withdrawn (see illu stration).

/nspection Refer to lIIustralion 1З. 14 13 After the camshaft has Ьееп removed, clean ;! with solvent and dry it, then inspect the bearing journals for uneven wear, pitting and evi· dence of seizure. If the joumals аге damaged, the bearing inserts in the engine bIock аге рroЬаЫу damaged as well . Both the camshaft and bearings wШ have 10 ье replaced . Replacement of the camshaft bearings requires special tools and techniques which place it beyond Ihe scope of the home mechanic. The engine bIock will have 10 ье гетоуоо from the vehicle and taken 10 ап automotive machine shop for Ihis procedure. 14 Measure the bearing journals with а micrometer (see illustration) 10 determine whether they аге excessivety worn ог out·of·round. 15 Inspect the camshaft lobes for heat discoloration, score marks, c hipped areas, pitting and uneven wear. If the lobes аге in good condi·

13.14 The camshaft bearing journal diameters are checked 10 pinpoint excessive wear and out·of·round conditions

13.12 Carefully guide the camsha1t oul 01 Ihe engine bIock to avoid nicking the bearings with the lobes lion and if the 10Ье lift measurements аге as speci1ied , you сап reuse the camshaft.

Installation Refer to iffustration 13.16 16 Lubricate the camshafl bearlng journals and сат lobes w ith camshaft installation lube (see iIIustration). Note: /f the camshaft оп г V6 is being replaced, remove the Woodruff key (гот the old camshafr and slide off the spacer ring. C/ean, lubricate and insta/J the ring оп the new camshaft and install the Woodruff key. 17 Slide the camshaft into the engine . Support the сат пеаг the engine bIock and Ье careful поl 10 scrape ог nick the bearings. 18 Apply moly·base grease ог engine assembIy tube 10 both sides о: the thrust plate , then posilion it оп the engine bIock with the 0 1 grooves in (against the engine bIock). Instatl the bolts and tighten thеП'" to the lorque listed '" this Chapter's Specifications. 19 Refer to the appropriate Sections and instaJl the lifters, pushrods rocker arms. timing chainlsprocket, liming chain соуе, and valve coyeгs 20 The remaining installation steps аге the reverse of removal. 21 Before starting and running Ihe engine, change Ihe oil and insta а new оН filter (see Chapter 1).

14 Oil

ра п

- removal and installation

Note: The follawing procedure appfies anfy to the 1994 and 1995 5.0L V8 modefs. The procedure (аг the V6 eng/ne oi/ рап remova/ is virtuaJ/) identicaJ as the 4.6L V8. which is covered in Part В о' this Chapter.

13.16 Apply camshaft installation lube 10 the camshaft lobes and journals prior 10 installation


Chapter 2 Part Д V6 and 5.0L V8 engines

14.18 Slip the 011


out, turning it slightly to clear the flywheel/ driveplate

14.22 Press the front апа ге а г e"d seals l irmly I"to their grooves, then apply а dab of AТV sealant to the joints (arтow) where the side gaskets and епа seals meet

"emoval =':-г "

to iflustration 14. 18 Removal of the oil рап is а difficult procedure, involving discon- ~:~10П 01 several front suspension components 10г с1еагапсе . Ап ~aid in Ihe lorque angle ргосезз (зее illustration). - ~ Тhe remaining installalion steps аге the reverse 01 removal. 20 Change Ihe engine oil and liller (Chapter 1). then slart Ihe engine ..-.d check carelully !ог oil and coolant leaks. ~rurblng

13. 1 8Ь Mark each cylinder head bolt w ith а paint stтipe (arrows) and using а breaker Ьа г and socket , t ighten th e bolts ' " sequence the additionaI 1/4-tum (90-degrees)

Remove the air cleaner duct аззетЫу (зев Chapler 4). Remove Ihe wiper агтз and module (зев Chapter 12). Remove Ihe wealherslrip and plastic covering from the cowl. Remove Ihe crankshaft position sensar shield. il equlpped. 7 Allach ап engine зирроп lixture (Ford 1001 по. D88L-6000-A ог equivalent) 10 the engine lifting eyes adjacent 10 the exhausl mani!olds. Note: Мапу equipment гental yards гепl the engine support. fixtuгe (зее illustration). 2

3 4 5

Oil ра п - rem oval and inst allation Чоlе: ТПе

fo//owing ргосюиге app/ies 10 bolh Ihe 4.6L V8 engines аз Ihe 3.8L V6 engine. Тhe manufacturer's procedure calls {ог зир­ :юrтiпg the engine [гот above while disconnecting and /owering the "'"WI t suspвnsion crossmember 10 gain the necessary clearance, а diffi::иIt jab {аг (М home mechanic. The procedure outlined belaw, does ~ ! require lowering the suspension. ..МJ аз

Removal ::~fer

10 i/lustrations 14.7, 14.9 and 14.16 Disconnect Ihe negalive batlery саЫе


the battery.

14.7 Raise the engine about two Inches !гоп! and engine зирроп !ixture





Chapter 2

Disconnect the electrical connector 'еуе!


the 011


Рап В

ground slrap. 13 Аетоуе Ihe

'зrэе englne mouпНо-сгоssmеmber nuts from the 8flgine mounls (see Section 18). 14 Аетоуе th e transmlssion (see Chapter 7). Rетоу е Ihe IlywheeVdriveplate (see Sectiоп 16). 15 Raise Ihe engine а '!ttlа аl а !iтe with Ihe support fixture , keeping the engine relatively 'еуеl (raising the back as much as the !гоп!) and walching 'ог interference with апу engine compan ment components. When the englne is raisecl about two Inches, place short lengths о! 2х4 lumber bel ween Ihe molor mounts and the crossmember !ог exlra safety. 16 Rетоуе the 011 рап mounting bolts (зее illustration), Includlng the oil pan-to-bellhousing OOlls (vб only). 17 Carefully separate the рап !гот the englne bIock. Ооп ' , ргу between the engine Ыock aSКI рап Q( damage 10 'м seaJing sur1aces тау result arn:l oilleaks could develop. Inslead, d islodge the рап wilh а large rubber maJlel ог а wood bIock an d а hammer. fгon!



зсгаре г ог

14.21 putty kni le 10

14.16 Аетоуе the bolts поm around the perimeter 01 the 011 рап (arrows) and lower the рап to the !гате crossmember gasket material and sealant 'roт the рап and englne bIock. Caution: де carefu/ nol 10 d8mage the de/icate a/uminum surfaces. 19 Clean Ihe mating surfaces with lacqu8l' thinner ог acetone. М зke зиге Ihe ЬО" holes ,п the engine bIock аге clean. 20 Use АТУ sealant 10 hold Ihe new гезr rubber seal '" рlасе оп th!! Vб engine. 4 . бl v8 models, apply а bead 01 A1V sealanllo 'М comer seams where Ihe геаг seal relainer meets the engine bIock, аоо Ihe !гоп! соуег meets the englne bIock (зее IlIustration). 21 Carelully position the рап against the engine bIock ,",,,,..(,.,, (,.. bolts finger tigh!. Make $иге 'М gaskets hзуen ' ! shlfted . IherI tighler I he bolts 10 the torque lisled in this Chapt8l" s Specilicalions (see iIIustration). Slart аl the center 01 the рап and work out toward the ends in а spiral pat1ern. 22 The remainlng steps зrе 'м ГеУеrзe 01 removal. Caution: Don'r forget 10 refi/l (М engine with oil before stal1ing /1 (зев Chapter 1). 23 Start the engine and check carefully 'ог oil leaks а! the 011 ра п.. ОПУе the vehicle and check again.



15 Oil


and installation

Refe( 10 iIIustrations 15.2, 15.4 and 15.6 Note: тhe oi/ ритр /з avai/aЫe аз а complete repJacement unit onty. No service pal1s о( repair spвcifications вт availabIe from the тапи­

/nstallation Use


far the 011

Raise the vвhicle and support it securely оп jackstands. Аетоув Ihe 011 level dipsl ick and disconnecl the 011 18\1еl sensor оп the side 01 the oil рап (see illustration). 10 Drain the engine oil and геmoуе the 011filtef (see Chapter 1). 11 11 you're wor1·

Chapter 3 Cooli ng, heating and air conditioning systems





accurate t herm om eter

th e air conditlonlng

оп зпd

(п the center dash уа п!, turn check the o utp ut temperature


01 the system should ье left \0 а professionaJ technlcian. саизе lаг poor cooling 'па! сап ье de\ermined Ьу 'he ~ mechanic is low геfrig6faпt charge. Should Ihe system lose its ~ aЬility, 'hв following procedure will help you pinpoint 'пе cause.



basic c har ging kit 'ог R-1 34a system s ' з a\/ailabIe аl m os! auto parts sto res · i! ти з! зау R-134a (поl R-12) and зо ти з! the 1 2-0ипсе сап 01 refrigerant

:re ргоЬаЫе

Ch eck ~ toiIJustra tion


Warm the engine ир 10 normal operaling temperalure. :: Place the air conditionlng temperalure selector allhe coldest set· "'9 and put the bIower al lhe highвsl setting. Оpen 'пе doors (10 make the зiг conditionlng syslem doesn', cycle off as soon as it cools ~ ~8flQer compar1ment).

! After ,he system reaches operating temperalure, feel ::.oes connected 10 'he evaporator а! 'М firewa".





pipe (l hinn6!' lubing) leading from Ihe cOndenser oullel 10 Ihe should Ье cold, and Ihe evaporalor oullet line (Ihe Ihicker ~ng Ihal leads back 10 the compressor) should Ье slighlly colder ~ to 10 degrees F). 1I lhe evaporator outlet is consЮетЫу warmer Ihan :-е 11'1161, Ihe syslem needs а chafge. Insert а theпnometef in the cenler • O!Slribution duct (ие Illustration) while operaling Ihe air conditioning .ет . the lemperature of the output air should ье 35 10 40 degrees F =-.m те ambient air temperature (down 10 approximalety 40 degrees :- It те ambienl (oulsldej a]r temperature is very high, say 110 degrees : Ihe ducl air l emperature тау 00 as high as 60 degrees F, Ьи! gener· . " те air condilioning Is 35 10 40 degrees F coo!er than the атЫen! air. те air 'зп'! аз cold as 1I used 10 00, the system ргоЬаЫу nee-----n 10 routjne m alntenance, 1-8 Introduction 10 the Ford Mustang, ()..5

J JacIdng



o\/erhaul, generallnformation, 7д-5 removal аnd iпз!аllаtlon, 7Д-З shift lever. remo\/aI and installation, 7д-2 Ма" Alr1Iow Sensor (МAF), 6-13 Master cyllnder, ramoyal and installatlon, 9-15

ln1ormation sensors, 6-5, 6-10 Сатзha" position sensor, 6-17 CfЗnkshaft


'е\/е1 chвck.




Neutral start switch, gen.ral informatkln, 7В-5

о 011 cooler, engine, repla cement, 3-7 011 рап, remoyal аОО installation 4.6L V8 engines, 28 -21 V6 and 5.0L v8 engines, 2д- 1 8 011 ритр, remoyal аnd Installatfon 4.6L V8 engines, 28 -22 V6 and 5.0L v8 englnes, 2д- 1 9 ОП Board D/agnosis (ОВО) system аОО trouЫe Oxygen sensor, 6-11

codes. 6-2

towing , 0-16


к KayIess entry вnd power door lock аyзtат, description аОО check. 12-16 кnee bolster, 11 - 16 Knock sensor, 6-19

L Lock cyllnder and lrunk Ild latch, (ето\/аl and Inslallal ion, 11 -10 door lalch and handles, remo\/aJ and installalJon, 11-13 Ignition. removaJ and installatJon, 12-7 Locb аОО ЫП98$. maintenance, 11-3 Lower COntrOI впn (поnt), ramoyal аОО Instaltetion, 1и L.ubricвnts аОО nulds, recommended, 1-1

Pads, brake, replacement, 9-3 brake саЫеа, rePIaCement, 9-23 Pilot Ьеаrlng, /nspection and rap(вcement, 8-8 Plston пngз, installation, 2С-23 Pi stonsfc:onnectlng rods I nspвclion, 2С-20

Inslal!alion and rod Ьеаппе oil clearance check, 2С-27 removaJ,2C-15 Posltlve Crankcase Yentiiation (РСУ) зystem, 6-24 Posltlve Crankcase Yentitation (PCV) VaIVe c:treck, 1-25 Ро_

Ьrзkе booster, check, remo\/aI, InstaJlal lon and adJustmenl, 9-20 door Iock and keyless entry system, descriptlon and cneck, 12-16 sleering fluid, level check, 1-12 ритр, remo\/al аnd Installation, 10-14 system, bIeedlng, 10-14 window syslem, description and check, 12-16

Index Powertrain Сопиol Module (РСМ), rePI&Cement. 6-10 Pushrods аnd rocker ЗПП5, remoY81, 'nspectlon вnd Inst8IatЮn (v6 аnd 5.OL У8 engines), 2А-6

R Radlator, coolant reservoir Instaliation, 3-5


Radlo/ CD player and speakers, Аеа, ах!е Аеа,

dagas Ьоttkl, removal and (атоувl

and Instaliation, 12-8

assembly, removal and installation, 8-14

window defogger, check and repalr, 12-9 эnd "и~a. ' -1 removal аnd Installatlon,

Recommended lubricants

Regulator, window, 11-14 Relays, genenll infonnation еnd testlng, 12.-3 Rock8t' апns аnd pushrods, remO\/8i, inspectlon ancl installatlon (v6 and 5.OL v8 engines), 2А-6

Rock8f" arms аnd valve lash adjusters, ramo".I, 'пspection ancl Instaliation (4.6l уа engine s), 2В- 11 Аod bearlng 011 clearance check and plstons/connecting rods, Installation, 2С-27 Rotor (breke), inspection, (етоуа' and inst8llatfon, 9-13 Routine malntanance, 1-1 through 1-32 Аoutiпе

maintenance зсhedulе, 1-3




fUd ~ c:hedt. 1-12 Stereo. remOVaI and .41 . , , u-8 Strut (front), remOVaI and • .".' • r • 1О-С Support sПuts, trunk 'ю, l'"8fnOV8 8nd iI

1'1-8 Suspension and steering systems, ,(}-' . . . . . . . . . . . Suspenslon апns (rear), remo'o'al аnd 11.".' • &_.. 10-8

т Тhennostat,

c hec k and replace ment, 3-2 body, remo'o'al а nd Installation, 4-12 Тhrottl e Positio n Sensor (ТPS) , 6-13 Тie- rod ends, remo'o'al а nd installation, 10-12 Тiming c haln аnd sprocket s, inspection, remO'o'al 4,6L V8 engines, 28-8 V6 and 5.0L V8 englnes, 2д-14 Tlming chain соуе г, removal and installation 4.6L V6 engines, 28-5 V6 and 5.0L V8 engines, 2А-12 Tlre and !ire pressure c hecks, 1-11 Tlre rotatlon, 1-17 Tires and whee ls, general iпfопnаtiоп , 10-15 Тhrottle



Тооl з, О-11


s Safety first, 0-19 Scheduted maintenance, 1-3 Seat belt check, 1· 18 Seats, removal and Installation, 11-19 Sendlng unlt \ coolanl temperature, c heck and replacem8l'1t , 3-6 fuellevel, chвck aлd replacement, 4-6 Sensor checks (аll EDIS systems), 5-9 5вquentlal EJectronlc Fuellnjection (SEFI) system, component check аnd replacement, 4-11



check, adjustment aлd replacement, 78-4 inter10ck system, dвscription aлd check, 78-5 lever, removal aлd installation, 7А-2 Shock absorber (rear), removal еnd Inmllation, 10-8 Side vlew mlrrors electric, descriptlon and check, 12-17 removal and Installation, 11-15 Spark plug check and replacement, 1-28 type and gap, 1-2 Speakers, removal аnd Installation, 12-8 SpoIIet>, геаг, removal аnd Installation, 11 - 11 StabllWtr bar, removal аnd Installation fтonl,10-4

rear,10-8 Startet> motor and circuit, in-vehicle check. 5-12 motor, гетоуаl and installation, 5-12 solenold, replacem8flt, 5-12 Startlng system, gеnвrallпfопnatlоп and precautions, 5-11 St"nng and susp8l'1slon, check, 1-19 col umn cover, гemoval aлd installatlon, 11-17 switches, check and repIacement, 12.... oear boots, replacemenl, '(}-12 gear, removal and instaflation, 10-12 knuckle, гвmoYal and installation, 10-7 pump (power slвenng), removal and InstalaOOn. 10-14 wheвl, гвтоуаl and installation, 10-10

Dead Center (fDC) for number опе piston, locating 4.6L v6 engines, 26-3 V6 and 5.0L v6 engines, 2д-4 Towing t he vehic le, 0- 16 Tra nsmlsslon Range (ТА) sensor, 6-14 Tra nsmlsslon automati c, 78-1 thro ugh 78-6 diagnosis, g8l'1eral, 78-1 fluid and fiiterchange, 1-26 level check, 1-13 general information, 78-1 neutral зtзп switch, general information, 78-5 removal and instalJation, 78-7


евЫе, check, adjustment аnd replacemenl, 78-4 inter10ck system, descriptiOn ам check, 78-5 Tl'8nsmlssJon, manual, 7А-1 through 7А-6 яепегаl information, 7д-l lubricant change, 1-30 level check, 1-21 mount, check and replacement, 7А-3 oil seal replacement, 7А-2 over11aul, genernl information, 7А· 5 гemoуаl and installation, 7А-З shift 1вуег, гemoуа! and installation, 7А-2 TroubIe codes and ОП Board Dlagnosls (08D) system, 6-2 TroubIe codes chart, 6-7 TroubIeshooting, 0-20 TroubIeshooting , electrical, general lnfonnatio n, 12-1 Trunk 1Id latch and fock cylinder, гетоуаl and Installation, 11-10 гетоуаl, installation and adjustment, 11-10 support struts, removal and installatlon, 11-9 Tune-up and r outine maintenance, 1-1 through 1-32 Tune-up, general iпfопnаtiоп , 1-8 Turn signallhazard flasher, c heck and replacement, 12-4

u Undemood hose check and replacement, 1-18 Uni'o'ersal )oints, replacement, 6-11 Upholstery and caгpets, maintenance, 11-2






v6 and 5.OL v8 englnes, 2А-1 through 2А-24 Vacuum 911"98 dlagnostЮ check8, 2С-8 Уам COV8r, r1ImOVal and InataIIation 4.БL V8 engines, 28-3 v6 and 5.0L V8 engines, 2А-5 Уем Iash вdjusters and rocker arms, removal, inspectlon and install8tlon (4.аа.. v8 engtnes), 28-11 Valve IIfters, removaI, lnsp8ctЮn and instaltвtion (v6 аnd 5.0L уа eng!nes).2A-16 Уем 8PI1ngS, reta6n8rs and seata, replacement 4.бl v6 engines, 28-15 Vб and 5.0l VЗ engines, 2А-7 Ya/ve. kIe Ak COntrOI (\АС), check, nмnoyal and adjustment, 4-14 Yalves, SerVICIng, 2С-14 YehIcIe ldentfftCatIOn nurnbers, 0-6 YehIde speed Sensor (VSS), 8-15 Yibr8tkIn damper/crankshaft: pultey, ntmovаl and Installation

Waterpump check,3-8 гетоуа! and instaJlation, 3-9 Wheel& аnd tlrвs, general information, 1(),,15 W1ndow glass regulalor, гетоуа) and instaJlation, 11-14 power system, description and check, 12-16

4.6L VЗ englnes, 28-5 V6 and 5.0L VЗ engines, 2д-20 Yk1yI1Jtm, melntenance, 11-2 Voftage reguIator/altem8tor bnJSheS (lnt&gfal regulator), rePIaCement, 50,1



rear, defogger, check and



Wlndow gI888, removal аnd





and fixed g18SS, replacement. 11-3 washerfluid, levelcheck, 1-10

wiper bIade inspection and replacement, '-17

motor, chack and гeplaeemen', 12-1 3 Wk1ng dlagrama, generallnfonnatIon, 12-18 WorkIng faclllties, 0-14


spark plug conditions

,• •

NORMAL Syтptom s: Brown to grayish·tan со10г and slight electrode wear. Correct heat range far engine and operating conditions. Recommendation: When new spark plugs аге installed, replace with plugs of the same heat range.


WORN Symp'oтs: wlth а S/ТI811

Rounded elecltOdes amounl 01 deposits on

the '!ling end. Normal соЮr. Causes hard slarl.,ng in damp or cold weather оnd poor IUeI economy. Recommendsllon: Plugs паУ8 been !efl 1" (па eng,nв 100 Iong. Replace w,th new plugs 01 the $8п18 heal range. FoIIow lhe recOrnrn&r'Ided matnlenancв schedule. DEPOSIТS Symploms: Dfy sooty deposiIs Indicate I ncn mixture or WeaII 19nI. lIOп. Causes misforing. h.ard sl arl.lng and hesitallOl1. Rвcomтвnda tion: Make sure the plug has 100 согтос! ооа! гaлgе. Check fOf а clogged а;г filter or prODlem 1" Ihe fuel system or




system. AI$O

check for Ign.tюn system prnbIems.


Lighl brown deposits encrusted on the SIde or centllr eleclrodes or both. Denvео:::! ffom OiI Il"IdIor lueI 3CkIitives. ExceSSIV1l amounts may mask Ihe spark, c8using misfiring аnd hesilalion dur1ng accelefation. Recommenda fion: 11 e~c8$Sive deposils accumulala OV8l" а $hort Ilте or Iow mHaage, InSI a11 new У8 1 уе guode seals 10 p!'e'Jenl seep8ge 01 0\1 InlO 'Щ! combuSlion chamben;. Also try changing gasoIlne bnInds.

Symptoms: BIis!ered .

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eleclrode .nd ab5eng







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