Longsal Teachings: Volume 2

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Longsal Teachings: Volume 2

Lot sawa Series 154E This publication is intended for those who have already received transmission ofDzogchen from Cho

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Lot sawa Series 154E

This publication is intended for those who have already received transmission ofDzogchen from Chogyal Namkhai Norbu

© 2001 Shang Shung Edizioni

58031Arcidosso GR-Italy

tel: 0564 966039 e-mail: [email protected]



182EN01 -Approved by the International Publica­

tions Committee of the Dzogchen Community founded by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu

Chbgyal Namlchai Norbu


TraruJ!atedfrom the Tibetan and edited by Adriano Clemente with the lcind help of the Author


Shang Shung Edizioni


Tran1latord note to the Longc�al Seriu of Teacbingc�




The Opening ofthe Gate to the State ofAti


The Upa'duha ofIntroduction to the State 77

ofAti The Upa'duha for the SeLf-li!Jeratwn of the s� Lolcac�




The Longsal Cycle or The Innermost Essence of the Dakinis of the Luminous Clarity of the Uni­ verse (Klong chen 'od gsa! mkha ' 'gro 'i snying thig) is the collection of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu's rediscovered teachings. In this series of publications, explanations and clarifications have been reduced to a minimum to emphasize the principle that oral instructions must be received directly from the transmission holder in order to fully understand the text. Moreover, although the Tibetan text of the upadeshas is writ­ ten in verse without any pause in its flow, the trans­ lation is presented in prose and has been divided into small sections.


This publication of teachings from theLongsal Cycle contains three upadeshas received through dreams (mnal chos), including the histories of their discoveries, over a period of time ranging from 1957 to 1989. The Opening of the Gate to the State of Ati (A ti 'i dgongs pa sgo 'byed), written down in 1977, is a special teaching of Padmasambhava, the Ma­ haguru of Oddiyana (VIII century), that explains the conditions of the Teaching in this degenerated age and presents a practice of Purification of the Six Lokas based on the principle of 'reversal' (ru log) of samsara. The dreams through which the upadesha was discovered are connected to Pad­ masambhava himself and to the author's root-guru Rigdzin Changchub Dorje (1826-1961). The Upadesha of Introduction to the State of Ati (A ti 'i dgongs pa ngo sprod kyi man ngag), written down in 1983, is an extraordinary teach­ ing of the great lotsava Vairochana (VIII century) introducing the authentic principle of Atiyoga or Dzogpa Chenpo, in particular presenting essen­ tial instructions on the Four Contemplations of Semde and on the fundamental aspects of primor­ dial purity (ka dag) and self-perfection (!hun grub). The dreams through which the upadesha was dis­ covered are connected to the master Vairochana himself, to the author's root guru Rigdzin Chang-


chub Doij e ( 1826-1961) and to his uncle Khyentse Rinpoche Chokyi Wangchug (1910-1963), who was also one of his main teachers. The Upadesha for the Self-Liberation of the Six Lokas (rGyud drug rang grol gyi man ngag), re­ ceived in 1989 while leading a retreat at Pendine, South Wales, contains instructions of the Vidya­ dhara Nagadhara on how to practice the Purifica­ tion of the Six Lekas in a very special way, by adopting also particular physical positions. I am grateful to Anastasia McGhee, Julia Law­ less, Laurie Marder and Jim Valby for reviewing my English. Adriano Clemente May 2001


ChiigyaLNamlchaiNorhu in 1972

when he


Li11ing at Di.dcua GaioLa, Napied.


Padmadambha"aNangr1i:J ZiLnb'n Merigar Gonpa


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� -{5\'l. From The lnnernwJt E.!Jence

of tbe Dakinid

of the LuminoUJ Clarity of the Univerde


[ THE HISTORY OF ITS DISCOVERY] On the twelfth day of the eighth Tibetan month of the Fire-Bird year [September, 1957], while I Wacf in the meditation ca"e of Samye YamaLung offering a Ganapuja of Rigdzin Dupa together with dome Khampa piLgrimrJ, rJuddenLy in the .1pace in front of me, iMUJe a fi"e-colored thigle the r1ize of a bowL there ap­ peared, "i"UJLy clear, the body of Light of Guru Rinpoche the .1ize of a thumb. For a brief in­ dtant it r1tayed, then duappeared. That night, I had the foLlowing dream. 13





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were offering a Ganapu:fa in that dame

meditation cafJe when in the c1pace infront ofme, iM�e a hig thigle gleaming with thefifJe co!orc:J, the c1ize of a (round) c1hieL'd, there appeared clearLy the ho()y of Light ofNangc:Jld ZiLnbn, the Mahaguru of 0ddiyana,


an eight-year-o[J

hoy, with a c:JmiLing expruc:Jion. He toLd me: "Nohle don! Thi:J i1 the edc:Jence of the c:Jtate of knowledge of the LuminoUc:f CLarity of the Uni­ fJerc:Jel OM AH HUM7� and then duappeared Like a rainhow. Hoping to c:fee Guru Rinpoche again I c:Jtarted to infJoke him ofJer and ofJet; when at a certain moment infront of me, in the c1pace iMWe the fifJe-co!ored thig!e the c1ize of a hig c:Jhie[J there appeared the c:JymhoLic letter dimi­ Lar to the (Tibetan) CA �


if written with

rrwLten got;), foLLowed hy thec1e fJerc:Jec:f in exceL­ lent Tibetan uchen dcript with two doltf, one on top of the other, c1eparating each c:JyLLahle, and the terma c1ign at the end of each Line: 15

g �g �Qg��t::_ � g !_jg �� g T)g Q� �� -..:.


ThiJ opening of the gate to the profound mean­ ing o/At4 Quint&:�r:Jence of the Luminow CLarity of the Univerr:Je, Pith of the Innermor:Jt Elr:�ence of the ocean of V!Jyadharar:J, Ir:� appearing ar:J your gLory, fortunate r:Jon. SAMAYA GYA GYA GYA Alar:!! Human beingr:J aLwayr:J bUr:Jy with activi­ tied Conceive the r:Jtate of knowLedge of Ati ar:J mere wordr:J, Modify the edr:Jence of the teaching with the Law of the eight wor/;)Ly concernr:J And are aLL carried away by the dutraction of emotionr:J... In thu way many verr:Jer:f appeared very brightLy and continuoLMLy. When I



to finuh reading it for the firr:Jt time, I recog-






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ni:zed that what I Wad deeing Wad a dream and I thought: �7 really want to be able to remember all ofthe wordr1 and meaningd upon waking up r� do I read it again a few more timed and while I Wad

doing that I woke up.

After I woke up, I remembered what had hap­ pened in the dream and although I hoped to write down all the wordr1 I Wad only a6le to remember clearly the r.Jerdu quoted abor.Je plUd dome dcat­ tered wordd. But all the meaningr:� remained clearly imprer:Jded in my mind.









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a tiara ornamented with variotM colorr1 r1par­ kling like diamon(JJ. In her handd r1he Wad hot:d­ ing a very big mirror (melong) and r1he gave it to me, r1aying in perfect Tibetan: �zoolc inr1iJe thif mirror! Here are the indicationr1 of the r1piritual activitier:J of your teach•



((Who are you?"� I ar1lced. JVL:th a r1miling exprur1ion, r1he replied: �1Jon"t you recognize me? I am the Protectrur1 of Sacred Placed (Shinglcyongma) who if .1.1

never r1eparate firom you . Although r1he dW not clearly r1ay her name, I weLL underr:Jtood that r1he war1 an emanation of Dorje Yudronma, the great Mentr1iin (Dalcini of the Menmo clar1r1) . Immediately I toolc the mirror in my handr1 and, ;wt ar1 r1he had ex­ horted me, I loolced carefuLLy on itr1 r:Jurface and





f"lla r a-J�' -9�· z:r a-JE.f"ll' �·�� ·Q �%:11 ��r q� · s�: --.:>

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there vividly appeared the root Jymbolic letter of the

lnnermoJt &.1ence of the Dakinu of the

LuminotM Clarity of the UniverJe � blazing with brilliant blue light. Igazed directly at the r1ymbolic letter and remained lilce that for a while. Thenfrom the Jymbolic Letter there dtarted

r1preading very freely many violet (verded) in excellent Tibetan uchen dcript with two dotd, one on top ofthe othelj deparating each Jylfable, and the terma tJign at the end of each line:






g�· a-r a:-r �a-J·� r��r��r 51 � �

g t.sr �D_·��c_ �r �r J;Q}·7· (:).�c3)� �

g �· c3)d-l'�d-J9 ' (:).rQ 9' a-J£0)· a, �· s�� �



A AIM! Human

6eingr1, aLwayr1 bUdy with ac­

tivitied, conceive the r1tate of knowledge ofAti ar1 mere wordr1, modify the ur1ence of the teaching with the Law of the eight wor&Ly concernr1 and are aLL carried away 6y the didtraction of emo­ tioM. ExternaLLy, when the condition ofthe elementr1 6ecomu dutur6ed, there are the ajfLictionr1 of earthqualcu, Landr1Llder1 and drought. InternaLLy, for heingr1, (when) iLLner1r1er1, famine and con­ fLictd arue, activitied andproduction are centered on ward and weaponr1.


� ��· z::I�5)''?a-1�' �·ril5). !.J ' tl}5)�� ��· � �D,. � · q��·��· � qc:_. �tl} � � �J;�·J;�·�tl} �' !_J�' '? J-l � ' lq tl}' � �


In Jecret, hecatMe of the contamination of poidonoLM JubJtancu, the Mamod and the Da­ kinid hecome irritated,

the Eight ClaJJu of the

UniverJe arife in conflict againJt one another and ail kindd of unduirahle calamitied happen. In order to heal Juch a degenerated age and Mtahlifh all heingJ into happinuJ, it id of cru­ cial importance topractice Juch a timely method of the profound eJJence ofAti. When heingJ have hecome miderahle hecatMe their longevity, meritJ, activitied and capacitied etc. have greatly degenerated, they mtMt enter the unelahorated teaching of At4 the quintu­ Jence of (all) Jecret and profound (teachingJ).



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Since aLL the edr:fential ar:1pectr:1 of the r:1tate of knowledge of the ocean of Vidyadharar:f of the univerr:fe are here include� the empowering bledr:�­ ingJ of thu teaching are immear:�urable Like bounoler:fr:f r:1pace. Since thi1 king of kingr:1 of Yoga i1 the total path that 'directly revea& r:felj-Liberation, any fortunate male orfemale perr:fon that wiLL enter into contact with it wiLL certainly realize itr:1 pur­ por:le.

Directly meeting the Ati teaching endowed with the r1ix Liberatioflr:f, the great yoga r:IO rare tofind in the worlJ, the quinte�·�z:q·a-J�·q· �·I:TJ(),. ��·2�rrJ,�q�· ....5q., q·q·sz::·




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�· a.Jlqrll ' �I:tJz:: �· q· � a.J· q· (), �.'?�· �c. · �· s�· q· �O)· .....,


extraordinary upaduha of thil profound teach­ ing I wolce up .Ad c1oon ac1 I awoke I clearLy re­ .

membered what had happened in my dream, do immediateLy I wrote down dome notu, and duc­ ceeded in writing down all the verc1u without any omilc1ion or addition. From that time on I made thu dupreme dtate ofknowledge the centraLpoint of my practice. WonderfuL! MarveloUcJI


Changchu6 Dorje Merigar Gonpa


Khyentde Rinpoche Cho"kyi Wangchug Merigar Gonpa





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� �,� From The lnnermoc�t Ec�c�ence

of the DakiniJ of the Luminou.� Clarity of the UnivercJe




[THE HISTORY OF ITS DISCOVERY] In the Water-Mowe year [Apri' 1972], while I


li�ing in a town called Torre del

Greco near the city ofNaplu in Jouthern Italy, on the tenth day (of the Tibetan calendar) I performed a �ery dimple Ganapuja together with myfrien� the learned Padma Tdering, who had come to �ifit mefrom Germany. That nigh� in the early morning, I had thefollowing dream. I Wad c1itting in the cool c1hade ofa treefull of redflowerd near a c1mail !alee that Wad c1ituated in the mUJ()le ofdome hi!1J with foredtJ, reading a D:wgchen tantra that I thought mayhe coufJ ha�e been the Kunjed Gyalpo. 77

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�I:lj' �� . .q·� I:lj' Q�.:!J�l rs�· �rfl 6-l �· q�Q6-J� ...._,


:!l � · file:_ � r �� �

C1.!I:lj�·c:_ . q�· ZJ·���

§�· I:ljc:_ . �· �q�· �6-11 ...._,


On the other r1ide of the Lake there Wad a high and rnadr:JirJe

white rock, with a pathway lead­

ing to itr:J top. From itr:J bade a young woman Wad

walking towardd me.· her brownuh hairfell

down corJering her r:Jhoulderr:J, r1he wore a long dredd with patterfld of golden flowerr:J, and her neck Wad ornamented with r1parkling jeweu. When r:Jhe arrirJed infront of me, her expre�Mion Jhowing that r:�he Wad well acquainted with me, Jhe garJe into my handd a bunch ofgold and r:Jil­ CJerfwwerd that woke() ad if they had been made of hee d wingr1, at the dame time adking me.· uu


now are your

I took the bunch offlowerr:J into my two handr1 and replied.· '1 am

wel4 thank you. Where are you go-

tng.?77 •

'1 harJe come to delirJer thi1 mer1r1age to you/'7





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While I Wad thinking: ((Who knouM what kind of tneddage dhe had r� I looked at the flow­ erd weLL and daw that each flower had three pet­ au and that on the three petau, rupectively on the right, on the left and in the mwdle, three dymbolic letterd were dhining brightly and viv­ wly in blue Light. Wondering whether they were reaLflowerd or made ofgoUJ and difvet; I dmelled them and dince they had an orange dcent I came to the concltMion that modt probably they were reaL flowerd. I thought of Mking her what the tneddage Wad, but during the dhort while that I had been dutracted by the flowerd the young woman had vanidhed without a trace. I wondered where the young woman hadgone and I Looked in all directiond, when I clearly daw her climbing upwardd from the top of the white rock on the other dWe. Thinking how it have cou/J been poddiblefor her to reach the peak ofthe rock in duch a dhort time, I Wad a Little adtonuhed. 81







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�· -6' a:.l l f ff ff 92

((Where ha�e thode Dalcini:J gone? I ha�en 't reached the ground yet, what dhaLL I do?'� and I looked up and down, hut dtiLL I cou& onLy dee a fi�e-cofored fog completeLy per�ading aLL direc­ tionr:J.

(How dhaLL I get to the ground now?'� I

thought again and dtarted to worry a Little, hut )LMt at that moment I recognized that I Wad dreaming and I thought.· (7 reaLLy want by aLL meaM to he abLe to memorize thu profound teaching that had been addigned to me by the great madter and ViJyadhara Vairochana!': and again dtarted to read it continuoUr:JLy in a �ery Loud �oice and while doing that my wife Roda, thinking that I Wad being duturbed by my dream, dhoolc me awalce. After I wolce up I remembered my dream �ery clearLy, but when I dtarted to write down dome noted I cou/J onLy precueLy recoLlect the Lined quoted aho�e do I Wad left without the poddibiLity of writing down the text. AiM! 93

--.,J --.,J c-.



--.,J --.,J





c-.. c-..

fl .q· (S\l · 7 · n.r CAJ(:).· � · �Q] � · � · � c:. · 15 �· � · 4-rO-I Q' a-Jc:b' .

(:). �� · o� · �· �· Qj·c;:)· n ro � �· s· .q�· Qj � �· roQ]�· --.,J



..-..... c-.

� �·CAJ � ' l:_J (:). '� Q] C:.. � (:).' � � (l.j" rtj�' � I �

�� �·� �·:::J · cii · � · q � y � qrtj ' (:).E �· �· .q�.q�· � � � --.,J


f!C:. . �. ,:Z:,J ®�·�·a:J· �·�9·(:).� �·sc:.·�.q·�·��·m.q· � ��·��· .q 7 c:_ . gc:. � �

� �· � �· �� rfi· q· rtl · iiz:q· �z:q· �rtl · ZJ· � · �� · q·� z:q · � � · �C:.'J --.,J


c:. �·�·Q � rtj'�rtj' §� · ��· �� rtj ' .q� l .......




.q � ·CAJz:q· � �· -o�·z:q��· 5J�·��'rtl Qj �' '9 C:.'J .q�· �

J;I:!l � ' �I:!l · rl) · � �· �I:!l �· � c:.· J �cb� �· 9 �� · 9 ��· J;z:q�· -o c') ·�z:q· � · a-l cbc'). s �. � � �


00@00 .00@00 On the tenth day of the fifth month of the Water-Mollde year (June, l!J72), while I Wad li�ing in Napled, douth !taL� near the dea in a place caLled Duceda Gaio!a, at night I had the foLLowing dream. I Wad practicing contempLation in an un­ known pLace when duddenLy the Pramoha Padma Pa[{)zinma arri�ed in front of me. She to{{} me: '1 Wad dent by your Guru, the VU}ya­ dhara Changchub Dorje, to give you thu dcroLL which u a manlldcript of the great madter Vai­ rochana '� and Jhe handed me a bLack dcroLL of condWerable Jize. I opened it immediateLy and Jaw the title in Tibetan uchen characterd written in go& in a veryfine handwriting, with two dotd, one on top of the othelj deparating each JyLLable, and the terma dign at the end of the Line:



��� ffic:_• .i; � · r'.l:� - ��nr d-lflr:rD.�f.\ �c:_ · �� -01 �� ·


� � � d. o

�g Q.

��� � !_IO-! ' j�' 1' q�c:_'


!_1'0-j '

� I:!]' D, a:;n.j ' n.j � �

� ��· � � � · 1 �. � z:q · � z::� � · s :x._· qr.:>, � c-...




g � z::�· 0-J(:),·�� · 0-1� · �� · z::� �· (:), s �� � c-...




� ��'!,

From The Innermor:Jt Eir:Jence of the Da-

lcin id of the LuminotM Clarity of the Uni-

The Upaduha of Introduction to the State of Ati. Then I r:Jtarted to gradually read what foL­ wwed:

�� '!,

OMAHHUM I pay homage to the glorioUr:J Samanta-

hhadra! Many unfortunate people Who are conditioned hy conceptr:1 and anaLyr:�i1 Malee Underr:Jtanding an ohject of their mind And r:fo remainfarfrom the profound meaning... ThUr:J there were many Linu written in �err:fe and I recognized that it War:f the r:Jame text that I had already pre�ioUr:JLy read once. When I war:J aLmor:�t at the end of reading the text r:�ome wud


�·.z::r a.J��·��r��· -oc_·�a.J·(J.,jc_Tl-lc_ �·��· (J.,j�· ��� "' � �

....... �

� .......

c_ �· a.lc3) rll 'rll a.l '�' � tll � · � �·� � · .q �· � · �d) · a-I' tll��· �



!.J �' .c:J-6 6-l �· �c_· l �c_·���·�· ct; ��· 2�f .c:J -o�· �.r �

��· � 6-J � ' ("lJ �' �� ·�� �· 6-l ' �.q· � �· � � · � , �· �· 6-l l f I f I f


noifu wolce mefrom the dream, and it WtM dawn. I ()UJn 7t

remember the dream until I had fin­

ifhed breakjtMt, and when I di() I immediately Jtarted writing it down, but auo thi.d time all I could remember were the Lined quoted above. Awt




C\... 'V"




C\... ¥

Cl-ffHl.fO ��r s· qr.r�c:_ · z:q�q· � �·c:_r.r l(J'�nr�r q� · (;\...






�z:q� · �c:, ·� z:ry · z:q� �· ��· s�·C"l � ' Q�z:q · � r �· �� n: : "-.;)

�c:_ · ��· Qq�· s�· se- · t:r q��r c:_ · �c:_ · �c:_ · �·o,��· (;\...








� · �� ·-or:_ ·r � �· C"l� · Z





C:, D,' � c:_· l::J' Q ��· 71 c:. · �C:. ' tij � D. ' 5,�·��· � · �q· I





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$;� � · � , "--.:>

1 06

At a certain moment Idounded an A and imme­ diately anotherA redounded di:ltinctly, hut it Wad not clear whether it Wad an echo ofmy voice or it had i:Muedfrom the dpherical thigle like a clear cryt:Jta� while from the red thigle a red beam dpread ou0 whirling. Recognizing that the red thigle Wad a manifutation of the Dharmata Jtate of my uncle Rinpoche, I prayedfervently: uUncle Rinpoche, pleade neverfort:Jake 1M with your conzpaddionF� and in that moment my vi­ Jion changed. I Wad in front of my uncle Rinpoche in the meditation cave ;iMt Like it Wad in the padt. He gave me a big dcroLL of text and to& me.· �1 have

carefully read thi:J teaching of intro­

duction to the Jtate of D:wgpa Chenpo of your Innermor1t &dence of the Dakin& of the Lumi­ notM Clarity of the Univerde and Ifound it cor-

1 07


� .:z:: q � . S t:. . -3 �Q] · ...... � r:l.� · l'l1·f' � · q· � �r q � � · A r cf; � · � �:. · z::J -3 � · --3\� L-r

.q �� · � �-r .t::�riJ �� · q· � t:. · l � �· � �· ��f � l:. � J


q� · ��·� � · -3� ·q�· � I:fj� ·

��·� ·��· � ��· �!:. ., ����· z:q�� · z:qry �· � z:q �· -3� · � 9 . 7 l �



- "-





�,� ri]l:. . a;� ' r:l,�·z:q�ll1 · �f'r:l. . r:l.71Jr:l.· ��:. ' Jqtq·ll1 �� "- "-




(§fT)r:l.. � 9 !:. � · q · �:.. � �·�· �� · �:. z:q · ��

1 08

rMpondd in meaning to the direct introduction to the r:Jtate ofDzogpa Chenpo that I my





���· "'l�� �·Q.q�· .c:r Q · .c:r�·CAJ�·�s ·

-C53) ' � ' ���· (J_J·.q�· � ��·�� · � ·��· ���·��·,

1 14

In the Water-Pig year [AuglM0 1983], while I


at Adzam Ling, a retreat and practice

place ofthe D:wgchen Community in the moun­ tairM helonging to the territory of Campomolino, a

"il!age in North Italy, one early morning I

had a dream. I Wad practicing Namlcha Arted on the dWe of a mountain that I thought cou/2 ha"e heen Adzam Ling, when infront ofmy eyu appeared a hig and "ery hright thigle like a (round) t�hie/2 in t�ize. IrMiJe the thigle, in a hlue diment�ion, there "i"iJLy appeared the t�ymholic letter t�imi­ lar to the CA with a cret�cent moon ornament

�� , foliowed by many verdeJ in Tibetan uchen

characterd glittering go&, with two dotd, one on top of the other; t�eparating each t�yl!ahle, and the terma t�ign at the end of the Line. In the he­ ginning the go& Wad dO hright and the letterd do

1 15




0-J�·���·n.� · n. X!L::J�.p:.r �c_· , �Q]' r.:l. 5J' �O-J�· ��· �

q·q��·��· ffi�·� , n.·��· � �· �r::. · � ,

n.�r��� · �O-J·��·qm��·, r� r::. · l �


- - C'...

� r::. · ��r

� q ·�· � ·�· -


�]Il' qn_· 0-J��·�O-J·�· Xlc_ �·�'?�' 0-JE.� ' � r::_ · q· �· �





qr:ra-J �· r::_ � ·�· ��·��·�·��·O-J·���·'-l�J Xlr::_ �· �

� · �c_�·Q]��·��r� ��·'-l �· qm � � · � �·�· ��·�· �·�r::_ · ��·��·��·�· � c_·q�· � �, �

r::_ � · � �·�·

� O-J � ' 5; � ·���·�·n_��· �� . � �' r;j Q' ��· �·�4 �· �





�� · '-1 �1 a; �·�c_·n.Q]r.:l.'�Q]' E.'L::J � �·�·�� · Q]��· �

1 16

dmall that it Wad difficult for me to rea� hut

after a dhort while the dize ofthe thigle increac1ed and alto the Letterd hecame higgelj do that I cou[J read them eac1ily. I graduaLLy read the fJerded of the text and found that it Wad the dame Introduction to the State of Ati that I had already read two timed he/ore in my dreamd. In that moment I alto rec­ ognized that I Wad in a dream and thought: ��Two timed in the pac1t I hafle met thid upadedha in dreamd hut after waking up I Wad not ahle to remember it. Therefore thid time I reaLLy want to memorize it do that I wiLL he ahle to remem­ ber it!"'� hut after I had finidhed reading itfor the decond time the thigle flanidhed in itd own place and Wad no Longer fJidible. In order to tut whether I remembered the wordd or not I recited them from memory and found that I cou&n "'t precideLy remember dome Linu. While I Wad dtiLL

1 17






� r: r � rcS'r r:l. �z:rr � · I:IJ � ·� � · �:::. �:::. . � .:(.1 J

" �

� �� "



�e: �·�D-.�I:!J�· �� ·q��·7· � �·sO) ·� � · .q1TJr�: � O)· �· �·��� ·�· � O) J �



��·��· � � , "

� r � ·.q 1TJ Q ' � O) . � O) · � � �

1 20

that) my gracioUd Guru


r�itting on dome­

thing lilce a bear c1kin practicing NamkhaArted. When we arrived in hid pruence, my precioUd Guru daw Ud and dmiled. We went in front of bim and ar�lced him

to hledd Ud with hid handc1,

but he touched hid forehead againc1t ourc1 and aJ!ced Ud: ''What id it that you need?7' I daid to my precioUd Guru: '1 have notfuUy underdtood the meaning of the manUdcript of The Introduction to the State ofAti that you dent me, and auo I have not re­ ceived the empowering inc1tructionc1for it. There­ fore thiJ time I came together with Padma Pa[(}zinma to at�lc you to kindly confer the em­ powering inc1tructionc1. 77 My gracioUd Guru replied: '�fright. I wiLLgive hoth ofyou the empower­ ing indtructionc1 of The Introduction to the State









[5�'9'?�-f .q� · z::� �·Qj�d) ' O.f\.l-f��· �r:_. � · q· �tlj·�· ....,


fl.l9� ' !_J �· '?�. �t1J� ��· t�· �� · �� · �� · �·t1J � � · t1J� C. �· �� l � � �· �· �· �9 · � · ��· .q · � 9 · tkj� · r:v:�9 · .q· �?3: �� · � �· ....,





'"' "



-99' �fl.! · ��� 'fJ' �9 · �9 '1)�' � ��· .q· � D-. � fl.! · ��P)' "

�fl.! ' �� · D,� ·�� · � l �



� Q.

� � d_ � 0 �

'7' ���. z:i· rll · �9 · D- a:; n rc1i� � .q� ·n-r� � �

¥'"- ...., g� �· � Q · �� · rll � · �c:: � �·D-��� � "

�� · � 9�' d; 9 �·� · q� � · .q· �� · � 9'9 �c:_ � · � e:: � · .q�· �Xl �l

1 22

ofAti. Sit down comfortahly on the grouno and li.Jten weLL with aLL of your earc:1 ! ''

Then he toolc out a hlue dcroll of textfrom a quite hig damatog (hadlcet) on hid left, opened it,

and dpolce: OM AHHUM

Ipay homage to the gloriolld


Many unfortunate people Who are conditioned hy conceptd and analydid Malee Underdtanding an ohject of their mind: An() do remainfarfrom the profound meaning . . .

He read many rJerded and at the end he dounded a rJery long A, after which he garJe me the dcrol' daying: ((Through thid dupreme dlate of knowledge,

1 23

� �

�nr�· �n r ��·7·� 4: r q�· a.I e. r1I· q�r � �· q � ·sc.:

� �tlJ · � � · nr fl�· q· a.I ijf· q 7fl� · c=if ��·�c_ · q ��· !.!' �

q�·�tlJ·� s ·� �·q�· -.3''l. �9· t7J �·� � r �c_ �r � Q} � r �Q}· �· �� · � Q} �·�� ·r a.Ict;a.I� r Q} ��· tlJ� �· ""

� Q} �· �� ·�9 ' 7' a,]� ·c_ tlj '9' Q} �� ' E. ·� �·�fl�· �� · �

1 24

bring imme!Me benefit to the teaching and heingdr� .Ad



he had pronounced thue wordr:J,

the body of my precioUr:J Guru duappeared. I performed many invocatio!M exprur:�ing the wuh to meet mygracioUr:J Guru again and again, then I opened the r:1croLL and looked. At the heginning

there Wad the r:1ymholic letter r:�imiLar to the CA � �' then wtt. h a crucent moon ornament on top � in Tibetan uchen characterr:J with two dotr:J, one on top ofthe other, r:1eparating each r:�yllahle, and the terma r:�ign at the end of the Line, there ap­ peared the text of the upaduha, in thu way:

