Second Chances LooseID

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Second Chances LooseID

Praise for the writing of Lauren Dane Second Chances Rori is just the type of heroine that I love to read! Comfortable

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Pages 150 Page size 612 x 792 pts (letter) Year 2005

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Praise for the writing of Lauren Dane

Second Chances

Rori is just the type of heroine that I love to read! Comfortable with herself and not afraid to express it and willing to go the distance for how she feels. This story of the trials of her relationships as she lives through love, betrayal, grief and joy is a wonderful read! -- Jet Mykles, author of “Leashed: Two for One Deal” in Howl with Jeigh Lynn and Raine Weaver (coming soon from Loose Id) Rori has some tough choices to make. Is Jude ready to settle down or should she give the hot dominant Zach Helm a chance? In a moving story filled with passion, pleasure, and pain, Lauren Dane answers the questions in her own unforgettable, uncompromising terms. -- Evangeline Anderson, author of The Punishment of Nicollet (Loose Id) Lauren Dane binds an intense look at the dominant submissive relationship with a touching tale of Rori Simon’s emergence as an independent woman. Piercing and ultimately sensual, we watch each sexy link forged in the chain of her arousal and excitement. Definitely not your father’s boy scout rope knot merit badge, Second Chances is a must read. -- Diane Charles Linford, author of Handle Me With Care (Loose Id) Lauren Dane has created a story that encompasses fabulous humour, red-hot sex and deep, soul-searching romance. A terrific contemporary read. -- Saskia Walker, author of “The Strangeling” in Rites of Passion with Sheri Gilmore and Alicia Sparks (coming soon from Loose Id)

Second Chances explores a woman’s heart, one man’s needs, and another man’s desires. Their love will have you gasping - the author’s ability to snag you and draw you into their lives will leave you both crying and cheering for the human spirit’s ability to overcome all obstacles. -- Lyn Cash, author of Kinky Kruising: The Big O (Loose Id)


Lauren Dane

Warning This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

***** This book is rated:

For substantial explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable (BDSM).

DISCLAIMER: Many of the acts described in our BDSM/fetish titles can be dangerous. Loose Id publishes these stories for members of the community in which these acts are known and practiced safely. If you have an interest in the pleasures and pains you find described herein, we urge you to seek out advice and guidance from knowledgeable persons. Please do not try any new sexual practice, whether it be fire, rope, or whip play, without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither Loose Id nor its authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

Second Chances Lauren Dane This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Published by Loose Id LLC 1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-29 Carson City NV 89701-1215

Copyright © September 2005 by Lauren Dane Excerpt of Along for the Ride copyright May 2005 by Saskia Walker All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing, photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

ISBN 1-59632-169-5 Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

Printed in the United States of America

Editor: Irene Williams Cover Artist: Scott Carpenter

Dedication For Ray, who is everything. To those who get my back when things get rough, *smooch* and a million thanks. My life would be a lot less interesting without you.

Chapter One

You can come home again. Bittersweet memories overwhelmed Rori as she pulled her packed sedan up the treelined driveway. From the moment she’d approached the outskirts of town, the memories had rushed back. The girl who left town ten years before didn’t exist anymore, not really. And Rori was back for good. This time older, wiser and stronger. Getting out of the car, she breathed in deep as she stretched. Her screaming muscles and kinked neck were glad of the reprieve after twelve hours behind the wheel. The sound of her name being called pulled her out of her thoughts and she turned around with a smile for her sister Kelly as she came out of the big house. Rori shoved the heap of golden curls out of her face and pushed her sunglasses up onto the top of her head to hold the hair back. “Kelly!” she exclaimed as she rushed toward her sister. After the hug broke, Kelly looked her up and down with a huge grin. “You look damned good, Rori. What the hell?” “You walk or bike everywhere in Paris. Took off those last twenty damned ‘sitting on my butt getting my degree’ pounds.” “I think Max and I should move to Paris, then. Can we leave the boys with you?” Laughing, Kelly tucked a wayward curl behind her sister’s ear. “You look fabulous.” Rori grinned and popped the trunk of the car. “I’d gladly take those boys from you but you know you’d want them back in a few weeks.” Grunting, she pulled bags out, hefting them to the driveway. “Come on then, help me with my suitcases.” “Where’s the rest of your stuff?” Kelly asked, leading her into the house.


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“It’s being shipped, should be here Monday or Tuesday. I knew it would take me a few days to find a place.” Kelly spun to level a glare her way. “A place? What do you mean, a place? No way, Rori. I just got you back! You’re living here.” “Kel, I love you, but you and Max have two kids. I’m a grown woman. I’ll get an apartment or a house. I won’t impose for any longer than I have to.” Kelly turned back and scowled at her before leading the way upstairs to the third floor attic bedroom. “It’s not an imposition! You’ve been gone so long. Stay as long as you want. Max adores you, the boys adore you and I adore you, too. There’s no rush, honestly. I’ve missed you so much, I want you close by.” Sitting her suitcase down, Rori took an admiring look around the room. “This is gorgeous; you’ve done so much to this place.” She kissed Kelly’s cheek. After feeling out of place and anchorless for so long, her heart swelled and she blinked back tears at her sister’s reception. She’d missed her so very much -- missed belonging to someone. “Thanks, it’s nice to know I’m loved. But I need a quiet place to work. And someday, I might actually have sex again so my own place is a good thing. It’s not like I’ll be far away. Oakley is still a small town.” “I want you to be here with me,” Kelly repeated, but with resignation. With a sigh she opened the closet doors and pulled out hangers. “Mom and Howard are anxious to see you, too. She’s pissed that you aren’t staying with them.” Rori snorted as she began to unpack. Kelly began to hang things up while Rori put things into drawers. “I know; Mom gave me the lecture already over the phone last week. And what a treat it would be to stay with her and Howard, huh? Anyway, if I stayed with her, I’d rob her of her righteous indignation. She’s determined to be offended, no matter what I do, so I may as well oblige her and make myself happy in the bargain. She was offended when I went away to college. She was offended when I went to graduate school. She was offended when I moved to Paris. Now she’s happy that I’m moving back but offended I’m not staying with her and her new husband in a two-bedroom condo.” She shrugged. “This way she can be offended no matter what I do. Win -win for her. Anyway, if I didn’t give her something to be offended over, she’d just turn to you. I figure you and I need to take turns.” “I’d say she means well. We both know she does. But I also know she doesn’t spend enough time thinking about the way she talks to you and how what she says affects you. God, it still makes me so mad to think about the way she used to go on and on about your looks!” Kelly fumed. Then, with a resigned shrug she blew her hair out of her eyes and grinned. “Wait until she sees you.” Rori had left Oakley ten years before, with braces, glasses, sporting an awful case of acne, and carrying an extra fifty pounds. Gotten away from a mother who either cooked meals laden with cream or deep fat fried. Worse, she’d also consistently picked at her

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daughter’s appearance. Being away from that constant assault on her self esteem and undermining of her body had been a big healing point. Emotionally, Rori began to shed her old self within weeks. Getting the braces off and a pair of contacts had been the first physical changes. Over the last years she’d shed most of the fifty pounds and the acne had gone away when the diet and stress of her life with her mother had been absent. Now she bore very little resemblance to the painfully shy girl she’d been when she left town. The biggest change though, was on the inside; she finally loved herself and it showed. She’d set goals for herself and had met them. She’d survived. She’d believed in herself and that was the best thing of all. “She saw me two years ago when I came back for Christmas.” Kelly laughed. “Yeah, but with the new hair color and the last twenty pounds, you look hot. Vixenish, even, with those curves. Why can’t I have curves?” “Is vixenish even a word? Well I’m claiming it anyway. You’re so good for me.” Rori laughed. “Heck, I had to catch up with you. You’re five years older than me, have had two kids and look at you! It’s like you get more beautiful each time I see you.” Kelly had always been beautiful, both inside and out. Where Rori was tall and had been gawky and heavy, Kelly was small, like a little doll with giant blue eyes. She’d married her high school sweetheart, Max Harris, who was, of course, the quarterback to her head cheerleader. They were a really lovely couple and their sons were big, like their daddy, with his black hair and Kelly’s blue eyes. If Kelly hadn’t been her best friend as well as her sister, Rori probably would have hated her. Instead, the two sisters, as different as they could be, had always been there for each other, always supporting and loving when needed. Without Kelly, Rori didn’t know if she’d have been able to get past her mother’s constant carping on her appearance. Kelly hung up the last sweater and closed the closet. “Come on downstairs, the boys will be getting home from school soon and they have been talking about you nonstop since you announced you were moving back here. I’ve got today’s paper. Why don’t you look through the ads for places to live if you’re determined that way.” Rori followed her sister downstairs, where they sat in the sunny kitchen and caught up on gossip as they drank iced tea and looked through the ads for rentals. “Aunt Rori!” Shane and Alex burst through the door and suddenly there was a jumble of arms and legs and backpacks as the boys jumped onto Rori, hugging her. “My goodness! Who are these handsome men, Kelly? Wait, are these my nephews? These brawny dudes? It can’t be!” “Aw, Aunt Rori.” Shane, who was twelve, gave her a wry smile. “Can you come to my game tonight? I’m pitching.” “You are? That’s so cool! Of course! In fact, I’ll be at all of your games. I wouldn’t miss them. It’s one of the reasons I came back, you know? To see you and your brother grow up, to go to your games and school stuff, to scare off your girlfriends.”


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“Mine too?” Alex, who was nine, asked. “Not the girlfriend part, girls are gross. I’m in the next league down from Shane. I’m shortstop this year. My games are day games.” “Well good, that makes it easier for me to be at both your games then. Your mom can give me your schedules so I’ll be sure not to miss them. By the way,” she dug in her bag for her keys, tossing them to Shane, “presents for you in the trunk. Go to town.” They scrambled out of the room and through the front door. “You spoil them.” Kelly grinned at her. “Of course I do, it pays to have good-looking men who adore me.” “Speaking of that, Jude is still single.” Kelly shot her a sly look. Jude Callahan, the guy who’d been the star of every one of Rori’s girlhood fantasies. Despite his bad boy behavior, he had always been nice to Rori, even made her feel like an actual girl instead of a shy lump. He was also Max’s half-brother. “That so?” She smiled at Kelly, not even bothering to hide her interest. “Yep. He’s working with Max.” “Jude Callahan is a cop?” She snorted at the irony of the town’s malcontent now in charge of keeping order. “Yep.” “Hmm. I can only imagine what he looks like in a uniform.” Rori raised an eyebrow at her sister, who nodded back and they both burst out laughing. The boys came back into the house clutching their presents. “Aunt Rori, how did you know I wanted this remote control race car set?” Alex asked. “And this mitt, Aunt Rori, it’s the coolest thing ever. Plus the Game Boys are excellent. My old one got busted and Mom and Dad wouldn’t get me a new one.” Kelly looked at Rori, who smiled back at her, without an ounce of guilt. “I’m glad you like it all. Your mom told me that you needed a new mitt and the guy at the toy store said that RC stuff was what nine-year-olds wanted.” She accepted the hugs and kisses they offered. “All right boys, go and do your homework!” Kelly barely stifled a grin, her voice mockstern. “We’ll eat dinner early so we can get to Shane’s game. Daddy will be home in half an hour. Go on.” They ran off up the stairs. “I don’t get kisses like that anymore.” She shot Rori an annoyed look that was ruined by the slight curve at the corner of her mouth. “Kelly, don’t begrudge me the only male attention I’ve had in six months.” Rori laughed at her sister’s put-upon face and brushed her hands off. “Now, let’s get dinner started shall we? I’m going to call these people about the ads.” Rori called and made appointments for the next day to go out and look at two apartments and a small house. Afterwards, she cut up tomatoes and other salad fixings while

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Kelly made a quick spaghetti sauce and boiled noodles. She also called her mother and made plans for a dinner at her condo on Sunday afternoon. “Hey there, Kel!” a deep voice called out from the front hallway. “Hey, Max, we’re back here. Dinner is just about ready; grab the boys will you?” “Sure thing. I’m headed upstairs to change.” Rori set the table and Max came back downstairs a few minutes later, in jeans and a sweatshirt, the boys in his wake. He saw Rori and grinned, wrapping her in a big hug. “Damn, girl! You’re looking good. It’s good to have you back.” “Thanks, it’s good to be back.” And it was. Paris was nice but it was so far away from her family and she’d sorely missed her sister. As they ate dinner the boys chattered about their day in school while the adults chatted about the changes in Oakley and what had happened in their lives since they last spoke. Afterwards, Rori helped clear the table and ran up the stairs to change for the game. She rode over to the park in Max and Kelly’s SUV. Sitting between her nephews in the back seat, she tried to follow along as each of them talked over the other, excitedly telling her about their ball teams and school. When they got to the park, the boys scampered off to talk with friends and Rori took an appreciative look around. The ball fields at the park were bigger these days and fairly comfortable stands had been added. Things had changed in the time she’d been away. “Dude, this place looks pretty posh compared to the old days when your ass would be flat and aching by the time the game was over,” Rori told her sister as they moved into the bleachers to sit and watch the game. “Oh my lands! Rori Simon? Is that you?” Rori turned and saw a small woman with bright red hair and blue eyes. Recognizing her, Rori grinned and pulled the woman into a hug. “Becky! Hi, how are you?” Becky Helm had been a pretty good friend back in high school, but they’d lost touch when Rori had gone away to school. “I wouldn’t have recognized you if you weren’t with Kelly. My god, woman, you look amazing. What are you doing in town? We should get together before you leave and catch up.” “Actually, I’m back for good. I’m a writer, something I can do anywhere. I missed Kelly and the boys so much. I thought I’d try living back here. I’d love to get together! I’ve thought about you often and wondered how you were.” “Are you staying at Kelly’s?” “Yes, for now. I’m looking for a place of my own, though.” “Well I have her number and I’ll call you. We should go and grab a drink, go dancing. I just got divorced and I need to kick up my heels,” Becky said bluntly.


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Rori didn’t know what to say. Divorce was an unimaginable sorrow to her, although she could identify with coming out of a long relationship. “Oh really? I’m sorry. I didn’t even know you got married.” “Paul Prentice. The sorry, drinking, cheating jerk.” “Ah. Well.” Rori’s voice trailed off. Paul Prentice was all of those things even back in high school. “Yeah, I know, it’s not like that’s news.” Rori laughed. “Honey, if making perfect choices was a requirement for living I wouldn’t be here. I’ve just ejected my own sorry, cheating, jerk from my life. We’re better for it.” “True, but the bed gets cold.” Becky winked. “Yeah, it does,” Rori said with a wry smile. “But that’s what down comforters and sex toys are for.” A few moments later, Rori turned back to focus on the game, not wanting to miss anything. The boys were really important to her and unfortunately, she’d missed enough of their lives as it was. Impressed at Shane’s skill, she was proud as she watched him play. After a while she leaned across Kelly to talk to Max. “Dang, he’s just like you, Max.” Max was Mr. Sports back in the day and Shane looked to be a natural, too. “He loves sports but I don’t push. I had enough of that myself. He chose soccer over football this year -- he’s really good. Alex is, too.” Max nodded in the direction of the youngest Harris son who was -- Rori did a double take -- oh good lord, walking over with his uncle Jude. Kelly gave her a subtle pinch and Rori put on her “sort of interested” face as he approached. “Hey, Max, Kel. What’s the score?” he asked absently, handing hotdogs and sodas down the row. “Sorry I’m late, got a call. Jerry Wallace again.” He rolled his eyes, bringing a laugh from Max. Jude looked at Kelly and then at Rori, flashing a saucy smile before turning back toward the field. Moments later he did a double-take, jerking his head back around, really seeing her. “Rori? My god, is that you?” He quickly got up and pushed his way past Kelly, plopping down next to Rori. Rori took a deep breath. Acting, my girl, she told herself. Don’t drool or yank off your

shirt, and remember to breathe. “Hi, Jude. It’s nice to see you. You’re looking good. How are you?” she said smoothly, impressed that her shirt was still on and that she hadn’t grabbed that notable bulge in his lap. “I’m good, working with Max now. I thought you were in Paris?” “I was. Had a lovely flat on the Seine for the last two years. But I missed Kelly and the boys and even my mother. I decided that I could work just about anywhere, so I let Kel talk me into moving back here.”

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“Wow. That’s great. It’ll be nice to have you back in town. I hear you write romance novels.” He grinned. “Yes.” She leaned in and whispered in his ear, “and erotica too, but with a pen name.” Unable to resist, she breathed him in. Damn, he smelled good. He looked good, too. His hair, which used to be long and blond, was now much shorter -- still very sexy. He had a different mother than Max, so while Max had his mom’s blue eyes, Jude bore his mother’s green ones. He wasn’t as broad or tall as Max, either, but he still stood at six feet and had, from what she could tell, very nicely defined arms. “That so?” he drawled with a sexy grin. “I’ll have to read it sometime. You look really good. I like your hair.” “Oh thanks.” Running fingers through her hair and shaking her head she added, “It was always naturally curly, it just needed the right cut and products to get rid of the frizz and ... never mind. That’s probably more than you wanted to know.” She broke off her explanation with a laugh. “Isn’t anyone going to introduce me to the beautiful woman?” Jude and Rori turned to see Ryan Lassiter standing there grinning. “Hi, Ryan. How are you?” Rori asked with a small wave. Ryan cocked his head. “It’s Rori Simon, Ry,” Max helped. Ryan Lassiter was another one of those big corn-fed boys who was easy on the eyes. Rori knew a lot of them because of Kelly’s relationship with Max. Many of them treated her like a little sister, which made things a little more tolerable when she had no date for the prom. At least she had some positive male attention. “Nuh uh! Get out. Damn, girl! How are you?” He hugged her, sitting down on her other side. She caught the subtle once-over he gave her. “I’m good.” Her attention moved back to the game. “Oh, way to go, Shane!!” she called out when her nephew struck out yet another batter. “So, are you just visiting?” Ryan asked and Jude leaned in to catch her answer. “No, I’m back for good. I’m in the process of looking for a place now.” The two men on either side of her were so delicious she forced herself to keep watching Shane. It was either that or take a bite out of one or both of them. Man, she needed to get laid. “You know, there’s an apartment in my complex that just opened up. A two bedroom,” Jude said. “You should check it out. The complex is nice. Quiet. Decent rent, the landlord is a good enough guy.” “No crime because half the police force lives there -- Ryan, Sean, several of the other guys too,” Max added. Rori subtly raised a brow in Kelly’s direction. Her sister nodded in response. “Sounds like I should take a look, then.” Rori had to admit she was curious.


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“Why don’t I take you over after the game? I’m sure the landlord will be around and happy to show you the place,” Jude said easily. “Um, sure. Why not?” “Fine, just push my sister out the front door, Max,” Kelly said with a pretty pout. “Hey, I was just trying to help. She knows she’s welcome at ours as long as she wants to stay, but the girl will want her own life, Kel,” Max said, bending to deliver a quick kiss to his wife’s lips. “I’ve already told you I’ll be in town. I don’t plan on moving away anytime soon. I told you why I wanted my own place.” “You just want to have sex!” Kelly said playfully. Ryan and Jude choked and Rori just rolled her eyes and swatted her sister’s arm. Jude sat there, his thigh touching Rori’s. He kept sneaking looks at her from the corner of his eye. When had the shy, heavyset girl turned into the confident beauty sitting by his side? From her curly, honey-blonde hair to the tips of her shoes, the woman was hot. Smoking, smoldering hot. His eyes were drawn to the slice of bare breast exposed at the top of her shirt, the creamy skin that rose and fell with her every breath. Of course, they nearly fell out of his head when Shane struck a batter out and made that double in the last inning, causing her to jump up and down. Go, Shane! Jude loved his nephews, never missing games if he could help it, but he mentally made a note to help them both practice to improve their skills so that more jumping up and down occurred. He’d always had a soft spot for her. Being the younger sibling of the older brother who everyone worshipped -- Jude understood more than a bit about what it was like to live in the shadow of a guy everyone thought was perfect. Kelly was always popular and pretty while Rori was shy -- not disliked really -- just mainly unnoticed. He’d admired her getting out of Oakley to go to college in St. Louis at W.U. He’d seen her a few times over the years, briefly here and there, noticing the small transformations, but he hadn’t seen her in about five years and he thrummed with the electricity of his attraction for her.

***** “You have a key, so we won’t wait up,” Kelly said quietly into Rori’s ear as she hugged her after the game. They’d stopped a few feet short of the cars to talk out of range of the men. “I don’t plan to be out late, Kel,” Rori whispered back. “Well why not? I’ve seen the way Jude keeps looking at you.” “Yes, and I’ve seen the way the other women have been looking at him. He’s still a skirt chaser, isn’t he?”

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Kelly’s eyes lit with understanding as she nodded. “You’re right to be on your guard about that. If you’re expecting more than a casual relationship he’s probably not what you’re looking for. Don’t get hurt, Rori. I don’t know that he can be caught.” Rori briefly put fingertips to her sister’s face, touched by Kelly’s concern. She’d just gotten out of a relationship with a man she’d trusted who didn’t deserve it. She had no plans to go there again. “Oh, Kel, if I want to catch Jude Callahan, I’ll catch him, trust me on that. But I don’t know if I do or if I just want to get him naked a few times and out of my system once and for all. Hell, for that matter, Ryan is pretty cute too.” She wiggled her brows and Kelly laughed. “You ready?” Jude called out from the knot of men standing near the cars. “Yeah, hold your horses,” she said teasingly as she walked over. She caught her reflection in the shiny paint job of one of the cars in the lot and smiled, happy she’d worn her new low-rise jeans with the short sleeved button down shirt in blood red. She wasn’t model thin; she was curvy and she’d finally realized that her body was sexy and felt comfortable showing off a bit from time to time. It had only taken her nearly thirty years to figure that out. Jude grinned at her as she approached. He waved to Kelly and the boys and turned back to Rori, touching her back to guide her to the car. He unlocked it with his free hand. “An Acura, huh? I would have thought you’d be riding a motorcycle,” Rori joked as he opened the door for her. Looking pleased, he gave her a sexy wink. “I do. A Harley, as a matter of fact. I just didn’t ride it today,” he said as he slipped into the driver’s seat. “Really? You’ll have to take me for a ride sometime,” she said, suggestively. “On your motorcycle I mean.” Rori was not acquainted with the woman who’d taken over her body and mind, but she liked her. “Why, Rori Simon, are you flirting with me?” he asked, pleased surprise in his voice. “Why, Jude Callahan, what makes you think so?” she shot back, fluttering her lashes. “You’ve really grown up.” For some reason, that rankled her. “Mmmm. Well it happens. Look at you, a cop.” “Yeah, strange isn’t it? I find though, that I really love my job. I’m good at it.” “You should be an expert. You broke all the laws you’re sworn to uphold!” She laughed and he joined her. “But I’m glad you love your job. It’s really special when you’re able to have passion for what you do.” He pulled into a smallish apartment complex and into a covered spot. As they got out of the car, she saw the big motorcycle in the next spot and raised a brow. Sleek and powerful, the chrome gleamed and the black leather seat was smooth. She nearly purred -- the damned thing was nearly as sexy as he was.


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“Let me drop off my stuff in my apartment and we’ll go to the manager’s office,” he said over his shoulder as they walked up to his place. Rori trailed behind him. Not that following him was a chore, Rori thought to herself with a smirk. The man had a world-class ass -- rock hard and muscled. She wanted to take a bite. Was it hot? She was flushed just watching his powerful thigh muscles flex and move with that rear end. Man oh man, could she ever make plans for that ass. At the top of the stairs she tore her eyes from his posterior and found herself on a front patio lush with plants. Hmm, well, that was a surprise -- she hadn’t taken him for the green thumb type. Forcing herself out of the lurid fantasy she’d been building with him bending her over the balcony there, the scent of gardenias in the air as he fucked her, his hands all over her body, she followed him inside, doing her best to act nonchalant. Once inside, still acting casual, she stealthily glanced around as he put his uniform in the hall closet and laid down a binder and a messenger-type canvas bag on the table. The apartment was neat and masculine. Dark colors, a giant television and stereo system. His CDs and DVDs were carefully arranged on large shelves that lined the walls near the entertainment center. A nice, big couch and two club chairs rounded out the room. “Nice place you have here. Bet the chicks dig it.” He grinned at her. “I don’t bring chicks here most of the time.” “Ah, don’t want them to be able to track you down, huh?” She snorted. He swatted her bottom playfully. “What an opinion you have of me.” He laughed. “Come on. Let’s go find the landlord.” She followed him out, still feeling the warmth of his touch on her bottom. Lord, she was such a geek for being turned on by a playful swat on the butt. Okay, really turned on. She took a deep breath and tried to get the image of him doing it again, only naked, out of her head. The landlord was in and he happily showed her the apartment, a two bedroom located directly across a grassy strip from Jude’s place. It was nice. The master bedroom faced the small lawn, but the living room faced a copse of trees. It was an upstairs end unit so it would be quiet and she had a cop next door and underneath her. A woman living alone couldn’t ask for much more safety than that. “What do you think, Ms. Simon?” the landlord asked. “I haven’t put an ad in the paper yet. I just replaced the carpet and did some painting. If Jude here is willing to vouch for you, I’d love to have you as a tenant.” “Well, yeah. I’ll take it,” she said to him impulsively, surprising herself. Normally she was meticulous and precise, making lists. She reasoned out each and every point pro and con. But today she felt like tossing all that caution and reason to the wind and with a mental shrug she did.

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And just like that, she had a home of her own. They went to the manager’s apartment to fill out the necessary paperwork and pay the deposit and the first month’s rent. He gave her the keys and a parking space and she told him she’d start moving in that week. As she and Jude walked back toward his apartment, Rori looked up, smiling. “Thanks. I appreciate the tip and the in with the landlord. I hope you don’t mind my being here.” “Naw, it’s nice to have you back in town.” He grew silent for a moment, stopping to stare down into her face. “You know, it is Friday night. You wanna hit the town? Get some drinks, dance a bit?”

Oh. My. God. Jude Callahan just asked her out on a date. In a calm voice that surprised and impressed her she added over her shoulder as she started walking back to his apartment, “Sounds like fun but I need to get changed.” “Why? You look great now.” “For a baseball game, sure. I’m wearing sneakers; hardly what you’d wear to dance in.” As if she’d actually go out in public for a date with him without some more sprucing up! She watched the sensual movement of his body as he walked into the apartment and toward a closet at the other end. “All right, although I still say you look great.” Opening the closet door he turned back around to her and called out, “How about we take the Harley? I have an extra helmet.” “Oh! Yeah. I’d like that!” “Ah ha!” he exclaimed, pulling out a helmet and bringing it to her. Grabbing a dark brown leather jacket from where it’d been hanging over the back of a chair, he held it out to her. “Wear my jacket until we get you back to Kelly and Max’s,” he murmured, helping her slip her arms into the sleeves. The leather smelled masculine and spicy, like him, and felt good around her body. Back in the parking lot, he got on the bike first and turned, helping her up behind him. She clutched his body with her thighs and wrapped her arms around his waist as he started the motor and the power roared through the seat, up into her body. Inside the privacy of the helmet, she wore a goofy grin. What a day. On one hand, it was a ride through town. She’d done it a thousand times. It was uneventful and yet ... here she was, Rori Simon, on the back of Jude Callahan’s motorcycle! She didn’t have to put her arms around him so tight, but she did anyway. Why not? A girl didn’t get ahead in life by being passive. Sadly, the trip was short and they soon pulled up in Kelly’s driveway. Once again, Jude was ever the gentleman and helped her off the bike, even helping her get the helmet off. She walked into the house, tossing her bag on the table in the entry, stopping to drop kisses on the top of her nephews’ heads. Straightening, she told Kelly she’d rented the apartment. “I really like the complex. It’s small and quiet and I’ll get a lot of work done there. I will have to buy furniture, though. I left most of mine in Paris. My books and CDs


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and most of my clothes won’t get here until next week. Can I borrow some linens and things until my stuff gets here?” “Of course.” Kelly’s tone told her it was a stupid question. “You guys want to eat some popcorn and watch a movie with us?” “Not tonight, Kel. Rori and I are going out to celebrate. She says she needs to change so I brought her back here.” Jude gave Max one of those women! looks. Kelly jumped up and began to shove Rori toward the stairs. “Oh, let me help you find something to wear.” Once in the guest room, Rori closed the door behind her and looked back at her sister with a huge grin on her face. “So?” Kelly was practically bouncing up and down with excitement. “So I just rode on the back of Jude Callahan’s motorcycle. I had my thighs wrapped around him! I tell you, Kel, if I got struck by lightning tonight, I’d die a happy girl.” Kelly laughed and gestured toward Rori with a wave. “Keep the shirt, it’s really sexy. That red is great for your coloring.” Rori rummaged through a drawer and pulled out a halter top made from an Indian sari. The material was alive with rich colors -- saffron with eggplant and pink. Rori held it up against her body. “I was thinking this would be nice.” “Oh my goodness. Let’s see it on.” Rori quickly pulled off her shirt and bra and replaced them with the halter. Her natural olive complexion looked almost luminous next to the shimmery fabric. “Oh my! Rori, you look really sexy in that. Oh! You have a tattoo and a belly ring?” Kelly’s voice was tinged with curiosity as she looked closer, examining the intricate Celtic knot decorating the small of Rori’s back. “Pretty!” She playfully flicked the silver hoop with the lapis bead hanging from Rori’s navel. “Who knew you’d turn out to be such a rebel?” “You know, Kelly, I lived a long time as a shadow. I had friends and all, but men never looked at me twice. When I got away from here and began to come out of my shell, I decided that I liked being sexy. I like pretty, sensual clothes. Hell, I like sex, a whole lot!” Rori laughed as she flipped her head over and scrunched her curls. She pulled on some boots she bought at a flea market in London. With a last look into the mirror, she dabbed on a bit of sheer pink gloss. Kelly stood next to her and put her arm around her waist. “I’m sorry, you know.” Rori met her sister’s eyes in the mirror. They had different fathers and looked dissimilar in a lot of ways, but they shared their mother’s nose and lips. Rori looked at Kelly’s pretty blue eyes and smiled. “Why? You have nothing to apologize for. I’m the person I am today because I was able to work past what Mom drilled into my head, because I was able to come to love myself on my own. That’s really important to me. I’ll never be that Rori again,

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and a big part of that is because I had a great big sister who always loved me. I’m finally comfortable with the outside and the inside.” “Well, honey, you sure do look it now. Jude’s eyes are going to pop out of his head.” “I can’t believe I’m going on a date with Jude Callahan.” “Believe it honey! I can’t wait to hear the details. Oh, and Ryan wanted me to tell you he was going to call you and ask you to dinner.” “That so? Well, things are looking up.” “Yeah, screw Jean!” “Well, someone is, I’m sure of that,” she said dryly. She and Jean DuLac, her exboyfriend, had lived together in Paris for the last two years. He’d been so clever and witty. So handsome and charming. Rori cringed, remembering thinking he was the one, the man of her dreams. Problem was, he was also a cheating bastard. Laughing, they went back downstairs. Rori grabbed her own leather coat and threw Jude’s back to him. “Ready?” she asked, trying not to giggle at the men, whose mouths hung open in shock at the transformation. “Aunt Rori, you look hot!” Shane said. “Yeah,” Jude agreed, his voice a bit hoarse. “You ready?” “Definitely.” Rori waved goodnight and turned toward Jude. His hand at the small of her back, he guided her out the door and down the walk to the Harley. She put on the helmet and got on after he did, hoping that she wouldn’t have helmet hair when they got to the bar. “Remind me to never question you when you say you want to go home and change,” he murmured and she grinned.


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Chapter Two The Oakley Bar and Grill, or the OBG, was the weekend hotspot for the young set in Oakley. On weekends, they had live music and a DJ. The dance floor was large and crowded from about ten until last call. During the week they had drink special nights. Rori had always wanted to go there on a date, and now she was. Not just a date, the date. Riding behind Jude on his Harley, the vibrations tingling through her body, her breasts pressed against his back, she’d gotten wet and achy. By the time they pulled into the OBG lot, all she wanted was for him to turn her around and plunge his cock into her weeping pussy. She’d had to take a deep breath and think of England when they got off the bike. She had to admit, as he guided her to a table just off the dance floor, that the place was really all she’d imagined and more. The music was loud, couples were dancing and the buzz of excited, happy conversation hummed through the room. This was a world she’d only been able to imagine when she’d run from Oakley a decade before. Hanging her jacket over the back of the chair, Jude hooked a foot in the rungs at her feet, yanking her chair closer to his -- all while wearing a sexy grin. Her amusement at his irrepressible nature was dulled somewhat when the waitress came by to take their drink order, practically shoving her boobs in Jude’s face in the bargain. Gritting her teeth, Rori pretended she hadn’t seen the whole ridiculous display. Annoying as it was, she didn’t have the right to be jealous of other women; she’d been out with Jude for all of ten minutes. She’d be damned if she’d give any other man the satisfaction of getting publicly agitated by such behavior again. Once the waitress swayed off, Jude leaned over to speak in her ear. “Sorry about that.” His lips brushed the sensitive outer shell of her ear, the warmth of his breath bathing her flesh. She shivered at the delightful sensation and tried without much success to follow what he was saying.

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“About what?” Rori was unable to take a deep enough breath as his nearness worked up her spine. Clearly, he noticed the effect he’d had on her and his lips curved up in a smug grin. “Tonya. She’s an old girlfriend and she still gets a bit physical.” Rori laughed, although she wanted to slap Tonya Big Boobs silly. “Well, Jude, I’m sure she’s not the only one. It’s okay.” Okay, not really. The only thing more annoying than the touchy-feely waitress was Jude’s arrogant comments about her ‘still getting a bit physical.’ Internally she rolled her eyes and let it go. She knew the score, knew the basic facts of the situation and they weren’t going to change. She looked up and toward the door, just as Ryan walked in. Jude looked in his direction, and then put his arm around the back of her chair.

Interesting. Ryan spotted them and smiled, coming over. “Hey, Jude, Rori. What’s happening?” Ryan pulled up a chair. “Rori and I were having a celebratory drink. She rented the apartment.” As he said it, Jude stretched his leg out sot that it rested against hers. “That’s some shirt, Rori.” Ryan’s eyes moved over the fabric and her body, as well. “Sexy. Just like the owner.” He winked and Jude snorted. “Thanks, I made it from a sari I found in a little shop when I was in India. I got this belly ring there, too.” Ryan’s eyes widened as he looked down past the curve of her breasts that had snagged his gaze until she mentioned the navel ring. “You have a piercing?” Jude asked, leaning forward to get a better look. “Yes, that’s one of them,” she murmured into his ear, teasing him. With her hand on his upper back, she felt the shiver run through him and it ignited one of her own. She really did only have the one but he didn’t know that. Of course, she wanted him to, intimately. Tonya Big Boobs came back with their drinks and gave Jude another facial massage with her mammary glands. So conscientious, that girl, Rori thought to herself sarcastically as Tonya finally got around to taking drink orders. At least Jude kept pulling back every time those breasts got near him, clearly uncomfortable with the behavior.

Damn that Tonya! Jude avoided the waitress’ repeated come ons and focused on Rori. He leaned into Rori’s body, breathing her in. Her scent seduced his senses. A hint of flowers, something earthy beneath that. She smelled good enough to eat. “Would you like to dance with me?” he asked, lips at her ear. Catching the way her pulse sped up at the delicate touch, he saw the shiver moving through her body. He liked that he affected her that much. God, he wanted her. Flicking his glance up, he caught Ryan watching them both, a measuring look on his face. Possessiveness roared through him, something altogether new for him.


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Rori nodded as she got up Gesturing for her to precede him toward the dance floor, he guided her with his hand at her neck. He caught the sinuous sway of the tattoo as she moved and traced it with a fingertip, wondering what it would look like as he took her from behind. “Nice,” he murmured, pulling her into his arms, beginning to sway to the slow song coming over the sound system. “You smell really good,” he said, face close to hers, his breath stirring the tiny hairs at the nape of her neck. “Thanks, so do you.” She leaned into him, melting her body into his. He looked down and saw that her eyes were closed, face against his chest, ear over his heart. The sight stirred him. She felt good in his arms. Right. He fought the panic the feeling evoked. The song ended and he reluctantly led her back to the table. Others had joined their little group during their dance. One woman sat in her chair, looking at him like he was a pizza and she was starving. Normally, he’d have been satisfied by that look and would have made an effort to get the woman’s number, but tonight, he just wanted to be with Rori. He moved behind her and kept his thanks-but-no-thanks face on. Rori smirked at the brazen woman, pleased that Jude stood behind her, his arm curled around her waist. She had a good idea that this was the sort of thing one dealt with routinely when one went out with a man like Jude. She didn’t have to like it, though. “You know, we can use this as an excuse to get out of here. Grab your coat,” he murmured. Nodding, she slowly bent forward, pressing her ass against his erection. She looked back over her shoulder at him and smiled as she grabbed her coat. Triumph lit her as she saw the hungry look on his face. She gave a quick wave to the people they’d been sitting with and Jude tightened the arm he’d banded about her waist. Turning to everyone at the table he tipped his chin. “Night all. See you later.” He steered them through the crowded club and out into the cool night air. “Ah, that’s better,” he said softly, bringing her tight against his chest. Rori leaned her head back, looking into his eyes. “You know what would make it even better?” she asked, surprised at how smoky and seductive her voice sounded. The feel of his hard body against her softer one was intoxicating, making her slightly dizzy with his nearness. Their chemistry, their pheromones, mingled and fed off each other, creating a heady mix. “This?” He slowly brought his mouth to hers. His lips were warm and lush. He had one arm wrapped around her waist, her hair wrapped around the fist of his other. He slanted his lips across hers, moving to get more contact, growling as she slid her hands up his chest. The silk of his blond hair called to her and she weaved her fingers through it. She sighed and the tongue that had been tracing her lower lip dipped into her mouth and slid around hers in a sinuous, wet dance. When he sucked her tongue into his mouth his taste exploded through her system. He tasted better than she’d imagined -- spicy, male, hot. She wanted more and squirmed against him, needing to touch him as much as she could.

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I’m kissing Jude Callahan, she thought with a sigh. They slowly pulled apart and she rested her forehead on his chin a moment to catch her breath. Tipping back, she caught his eyes with her own. “I’m glad you’re back in town, Rori,” he said softly. “Me too.” “Let’s go for a ride, shall we?” he asked, his eyes pulling her in. “Okay.” Following him to his bike, she got on behind him, snuggling into his back. They roared out of the parking lot, Rori settling in for the ride. Jude took her down the winding back roads along the river. Reaching a secluded spot, he pulled over. Rori climbed off, but Jude grabbed her, hauling her back on, this time in front of him so that they were face to face. He groaned when she wrapped her legs around his waist. The night just got better and better. Rori hadn’t been this free in a very long time. Hadn’t felt this turned on and desired, probably ever. This man wanted her and there was no disguising the raw hunger in his face or the jut of his erection into the notch of her pussy. It was impossible for her to not grind herself into him, making soft sounds of pleasure that he swallowed into his mouth. He sipped at her, tasted her like she was a delicacy. She felt like a goddess in his arms. His hands, fingers splayed wide on the bare skin of her back, burned into her -- held her in place and to him. She felt, for want of a better word, possessed, by him. It thrilled her, despite some slight guilt. Jude felt the heat of her cunt through her jeans as she ground herself over his cock. The sensation was so deliriously good he lost his ability to think for a moment. His desire to rip open the fly on his jeans and plunge inside of her rode him hard. Forcing himself to hold back, he instead spent his time tasting her lips for what seemed like the edge of forever. Slowly, he moved to her jaw line and finally, the hollow of her throat. Her taste on his lips, her scent in his nose, she was everywhere. The soft sounds of pleasure she made drove him to the point where he was ready to fuck her there, in the open without protection. On that note, barely holding onto his control, he pulled back with a sigh of regret. Looking into those whiskey-colored eyes that were blurred with passion, his desire for her grew into something more than physical lust. Alarmed, he picked her up from his lap and helped her stand next to the bike. “It’s been a long day for both of us. I should get you home.” “Yeah. Not a whole lot we can do here without risking arrest.” Her voice sounded slightly shaky. He helped her back up onto the bike behind him and headed back into town.



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On the ride back, Rori had been grateful for the solace of the helmet. She’d needed to shut out everything but his body in front of her and her racing thoughts about what had just happened. It was more than the sizzling sexual chemistry they shared. More than the kisses and the excitement of the motorcycle ride through the country. She’d just lived out something she’d fantasized through some pretty lonely nights when she was younger. How many times had she conjured up Jude looking at her like she was the sexiest and most beautiful woman alive? How many nights had she lain in bed imagining what it would be like to actually go on a date with him and be seen on his arm? There was something bittersweet about it. All of that yearning finally lived and it was wonderful but she definitely needed to try and keep it in perspective and not view it through the eyes of that girl from long ago.

***** She’d been thinking so hard about the evening she was surprised to look up in what seemed like thirty seconds to see they were pulling down Kelly’s street. This man made her lose her sense of time! It was exciting and yet really dangerous all at once. Once he’d parked out front, she slid off the back of the bike and reached out, putting a staying hand on Jude’s arm. “It’s okay. You don’t have to walk me up.” He snorted dismissively. Getting off the bike, he tossed his helmet on the handlebars. “Don’t even try it. Even when I was the town bad boy I walked my dates to the door at the end of the night.” She thrilled inside at hearing herself described as his date. “All right, I won’t argue, especially if it gets me kissed again.” He put his arm around her shoulder and walked her to the door. On the porch, he pulled her to him. “I think that can be arranged,” he murmured, bringing his lips to hers. Rori couldn’t bite back a moan as his hands slid down her back, cupping her ass, kneading softly. She felt the ridge of his cock like a brand, burning, pressing against her mound, shooting tingles of sensation through her. Her tightened nipples stabbed through the thin material of her top and he responded, moving back and forth, stroking his chest over them with a groan. Before anything else could happen, the door opened, sending them flying apart like two guilty teenagers. “Oh! Whoops, sorry, bro,” Max said with a chuckle. “I thought I heard something.” Rori laughed and kissed the tip of Jude’s nose. “I’ll see you later. Thanks for the ride.” She turned and went inside, feeling the heat of Jude’s gaze on her back as she walked up the stairs. “So?” Max said, grinning. “So what?” Jude responded, annoyed by the interruption.

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“You and Rori, who’d have thought?” Max chuckled. “You coming inside or what?” “No, I have to work tomorrow morning. And just to be clear, there is no me and Rori. I just took her for a drink and a ride on my bike.” “And a tonsillectomy on the front porch.” “Yeah,” Jude said with a smile. “So you know what I’m going to say next, right?” Max asked, turning serious. Jude sighed. “What? Why are you busting my chops? I haven’t done anything.” “Jude, Rori is not only related to me by marriage, she’s been like a little sister to me for twenty years. If you hurt her, not only will my wife kick my ass for being related to you but I’ll kick your ass for hurting such a nice person. Rori is not the usual woman you date.” “Max, why do you assume the worst of me?” Jude’s jaw hardened. “She knows the score. It’s just some fun.” Max cocked his head, searching Jude’s face and finally shrugged with a sigh. “Okay. Just remember what I said. Don’t hurt her, Jude.” “You worry too much,” Jude said, his grin back in place. With one last wave, he turned and walked back to his bike and roared away into the night.

***** The next morning, Kelly and Rori went to breakfast. They’d made plans to meet up with Max and the boys for furniture shopping before Alex’s game that afternoon. They settled into a tiny booth near a large, plate-glass window. The morning sun was warm on Rori’s arms as she read the menu. She ordered pancakes and Kelly ordered the twoegg special and a pot of coffee for both of them to share. “So, you gonna tell me about your date or what?” Kelly asked, sipping her coffee. Rori laughed. “It was ... interesting. He was fun, attentive, sexy. We drank some, danced some, made out on his motorcycle down by the river.” She shrugged. “Well? How was it? I’d be lying like a dog if I denied wondering what he’d be like to kiss.” Kelly leaned over the table as she spoke, snagging a strawberry from Rori’s plate. Rori burst out laughing again and playfully tugged on her sister’s hair. “What do you think? Dude, he’s good. Really good. He left me in quite a state. And if that was his effect and all he did was kiss me? Well, I shiver to imagine what he’ll be like in bed.” She gulped down her coffee and glanced around the restaurant, looking for the server to get some more syrup and stopped in disbelief. Jude sat across the diner. He was in his uniform and flirting with the waitress -- what was it about him and waitresses anyway -- his hand on her waist, rubbing circles on her hip with his thumb.


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Suddenly the warmth of feeling about the night before chilled as reality set in. She turned back and caught Kelly, who’d clearly noticed Rori’s attention snagged elsewhere, craning her neck to see what was going on. “Jeez,” Kelly said with a sigh. “I’m sorry, sweetie.” Rori shrugged. “No, it’s good. I need to remember that despite his sweetness, he is who he is. I don’t own him.” She took a bite of her eggs and smiled. “Lucky for me, there are lots of cute, single men in this town.” Kelly laughed at that and Jude looked up. His eyes lit on Rori, and he blushed a bit, giving her a twinge of satisfaction. She mouthed hi at him and managed to look nonchalant, turning back to her breakfast and her sister. She heard the waitress say something about seeing him that night. Rori narrowed her eyes at Kelly for a moment and then continued to eat, proudly suppressing a snort of annoyance. Men. A few moments later, Jude stopped by their table on his way out. “Hey, you two,” he said. “Hey, Jude,” Rori said lightly. She’d just figured out how she was going to grab Jude Callahan -- she’d beat him at his own game. Smiling at her sister, she tossed down money for the bill and got up. “See you later. Have a good day now,” she said and let him watch her walk out with her sister. “You’re up to something, Rori, I can see it in your face,” Kelly said as they walked up the sidewalk toward the car. Rori tossed a smug grin at her sister and then got into the car. “Oh yeah. You see, I want Jude Callahan -- I have since I was ten years old. And I think I know how to get him.” “How?” Kelly asked warily, putting her seatbelt on. “Jude is used to having women chase him.” Rori pulled back into traffic and idly tapped a fingernail on the steering wheel as she worked it out. Kelly nodded. “And having them want him and then trying to catch him -- which turns him off and bores him and he runs the other way.” “That about describes it, yeah. Dumbass.” “Aside from how loudly that screams ‘commitment-phobe!,’ I’m not going to chase him, Kel. I’m going to turn the tables on Jude Callahan. He’s gonna chase me. I’m going to roll out of bed after we are done and get dressed and go home. Because I will have sweaty, hot monkey love with that man. He’s going to call me and I’ll be busy. Hell, he’s going to be the one looking up to see me with a date. Jude Callahan is going to want me with every single cell in his body and only when he admits it to himself, only when he admits it to me, only then is he going to get me. That is, if I want him by that point. In any case, I’m not going to play his game by his rules.” She shrugged. She did want him. She wanted to draw

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out the Jude beneath all of the cocky asshole he smeared over himself. She knew it was there, she’d seen that Jude many times and had, in no small amount, fallen for him. “Rori, that just might work,” Kelly said thoughtfully. “And it certainly can’t hurt to be squired around town by the hot single hunks of Oakley. You’ll be careful though? He’s big league, Rori. You’re wonderful and he’d be lucky to have you but I think that he’s a master at this stuff.” Rori turned quickly and noted the worried look on her sister’s face. “I know. It’s probably stupid and pointless but as I plan to at least have sex a few times with him, why not see where it can go? It’s not like I’m trying to trap him or anything. Really. I’m just taking the game from his court and pulling it into mine.” Even as she said it, she sensed she was lying to herself but she pushed the thought out of her mind. “Okay, hon.” “But you can’t tell Max. This is top secret.” “Oh, of course. I’m married to him, but he’s still a man, for goodness sake! I do hope you’re going to be all right here.” “No sweat, Kelly.” Rori knew, even as she said the words that she’d most likely live to regret them.

***** “I’ll just have it all delivered to the apartment later,” Rori said as she looked at the couch she wanted. “Nonsense!” Max pulled out his cell phone and began to dial. “Ryan? Are you busy? I’m at Robin’s Furniture and Rori is buying a couch, a bed and some dressers and stuff. Can you help us move it? Great, yeah, tell him thanks too.” He winked, snapping the phone shut. “Ryan and Sean are off this morning, they both have trucks and are more than happy to help.” Rori shook her head and squeezed his arm. “Thanks, but I don’t want to put them out. I know it’s their day off!” “You’ve been in the city too long if you think we’d let you have furniture delivered, honey, when we all have trucks and time,” he said with a laugh. And she realized he was right. She’d forgotten what it was like to be cared for like that. It felt good. “I can’t believe you’re only staying with us one night! I could kill Jude for finding you a place just a few hours after you get into town,” Kelly groused. “Honey, I’m two miles from your house, not in Paris. Heck, I already gave you a spare key.”


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“I do like this bed. You sure you need a king, though?” Kelly walked around the large bed frame, admiring it. Rori merely looked at her sister with a small smile. Kelly caught the look and choked on a laugh. “Someday I’ll actually have someone else in it, plus I like a big bed.” She paid for the furniture and shortly afterward Ryan and Sean showed up, looking freshly showered and bemuscled. Mmmm, big men with big muscles. She enjoyed European men greatly, but she had to admit a preference for homegrown testosterone. She took in the way they loaded her stuff into their trucks, the flex and strain of muscle, the stretch of arms and thighs. As if the day wasn’t hot enough, these men were making it about ten degrees hotter! Ah well, at least it gave her something to daydream about on the way back to her apartment. “Thank you guys so much,” she called out, watching those rock-hard asses move up and down the stairs as they helped carry in her furniture. Unfortunately, her ogling-fun ended all too soon. Five minutes later, three more men showed up to help. Rori was pleased that they made short work of unloading and setting up her new furniture. “I have to go to Alex’s baseball game, but I’d be happy to make you all dinner tomorrow to thank you,” she said to everyone. The announcement was met with smiles and nods of agreement. Ryan looked at her with a grin as he pulled off his tee shirt and wiped it across his sweaty brow. “I’ll hold you to that, Rori.”

Oh my lands! she thought weakly, gaping at the naked expanse of skin. He had coppery nipples and his pecs were well-defined, as were his biceps. He looked gloriously hard. His upper chest and arms had a smattering of the coffee brown hair that matched his head and beard. Her eyes followed the line of his body south, finding the trail of hair that started just below his belly button and disappeared beneath the waist of his low slung jeans ... Mmmm. She was still slightly dazed by all of that sweaty skin when she glanced up to find he’d caught her gawking at him. Shrugging and blushing, she gave him a saucy grin. “Rori Simon, you are one good-looking woman, you know that?” He stepped closer to her and she had to exercise all of her self control not to gulp. He glistened with sweat and she could smell him. Clean, hardworking man. He smelled so good she wanted to lean in take a lick. “That so?” she asked, noting that she’d contained the squeak as much as she could. Maybe she was hungry with all of the licking and biting she wanted to perpetrate on the men in her life. “Mmmm hmmm. What are you doing tonight?” “Going to dinner with you?” She broke her rules about same day dates twice now, but by the looks of that chest and stomach, it’d be worth it.

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He chuckled. “Why yes, that is what you are doing tonight. I’ll pick you up at seven.” “I’ll see you then. I need to get going for now, though. I need to get changed to go to Alex’s game.” “Of course. Enjoy. I’ve got to get all of my errands done so I can nap and rest up for our date.” The smile he gave her made her knees go rubbery. She watched him walk out the door, catching Kelly’s amused grin. “You move fast,” Kelly said with a laugh. “It’s great that you’re here; I can live vicariously through you!” “He caught me drooling over his naked chest and asked me out. It put me on the spot. I’d normally say no to a man when he asked me out for the same night.” She looked at Kelly with a serious face for a few moments until she started to giggle. “Oh, okay! He looked good, smelled good, and I wanted to be squired around on that arm!”

***** “Oh look, Mom and Howard are here,” Kelly said out the corner of her mouth, waving to her mother and her husband. Rori smiled and got up to make room for them on the bleacher seats, hugging them both. “Hello, Howard, Mom, you both look good.” “My goodness, Roberta, you look wonderful. Of course I’d know that already if I’d seen you yesterday.” Her mother took her in with a critical eye. “If you were staying with me instead of your poor put-upon sister,” she added with a sniff.

Aileen Simon, now Frasier, queen of the backhanded compliment. Rori smiled at Kelly then turned to her mother. “I’m not staying with anyone now, Mom. I just got my own place and moved in this morning. I left my new address and what will be my phone number on your answering machine. You excited about your upcoming trip?” Rori had learned the fine art of the conversation segue years ago. “Oh, well isn’t that nice? Very responsible of you. Thank you, honey. I’m sure we’ll check the machine when we get home. Howard and I are leaving for our vacation to Hawaii tomorrow, as you know. But we’ll be back for our dinner on Sunday, I promise.” Howard, Aileen’s third husband, just sat there smiling. He adored Aileen and Aileen adored that he adored her. Aileen had never been one to be without a man for very long. Kelly’s father, Price, was first and he died when Kelly was just three. Then came Rori’s dad, Ben, who adopted Kelly and had died just four years before. He and Aileen had been a true love match. For a while after her dad died, Rori wasn’t sure her mother would make it, but then, in a grief counseling workshop last year, Aileen had met Howard. He’d lost his wife of thirty-six years, and he and Aileen fell in love. Aileen sold the big house they’d grown up in, Howard sold his place, and they bought a condo together in the neighboring suburb of Delta.


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Kelly and Rori were happy that both Howard and their mother were able to find each other so late in life and were truly content together. And once their mother had Howard, she was less critical of her daughters -- no small bonus. After the game, Rori took her nephews out for ice cream and then headed home. She’d stood in her apartment and felt at home and comfortable for the first time in a very long time. After she’d made her new bed, she stood at her closet door, scanning the clothes hanging there, trying to decide what to wear. As she leaned forward to push something out of the way, she felt someone watching her. She turned and looked out the window to see Jude standing in his living room, looking out at her. Sending him a quick wave, she turned back to the closet to hide her smile. Inspired, and feeling mischievous, she left the curtains open. Making her choice, she pulled out the spaghetti strap midnight blue dress with the layered handkerchief hem and a pair of blue panties and laid them on the bed. Wearing a smile, she bustled around and took her shower. Instead of blowing her hair out to make the curls behave, she tousled and scrunched it, giving herself a just tumbled out of bed look. She put on only the barest minimum of make up, added a bit of essential oil behind the ears and then, wearing only her short silky robe, wandered back into her bedroom. It took a quick rummage through her closet but, thank goodness, she spied the matching dark blue strappy Manolos. Letting the front of the robe gap open, she slowly pulled on the panties and let the robe fall from her body to make a vivid pool of teal silk at her feet. Slipping the dress over her head she bent and slid her feet into the heels -- all done in full view of the window and Jude. She brought her head up and saw Jude standing there in his own apartment, watching her. His hand was at the waist of his jeans and she quirked up one corner of her mouth, blew him a kiss and pulled her curtains closed.

***** The knock sounded at the door just as she finished putting on her earrings. Opening it, she got an eyeful of gorgeous. Ryan stood there in gray slacks and a black pullover. His coffee-brown hair was cut close and he had a goatee. He looked delicious. “Well hello, beautiful,” he said, taking a long look up her body and ending up at her face. “Hey, you stole my line!” she protested, giving him the same sort of look right back. He grinned. “You ready?” “Yes, let me grab my purse.” She turned and grabbed her handbag from the dining room table. She saw in the reflection of the window that he watched her turn and bend, a

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smile on his face as the hemline of the very short dress inched up even higher. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. The night air was warm and fragrant as they drove through town with the top of his Mustang down. He tooled down the road at a leisurely pace so her hair wasn’t too messed up by the time he pulled into the parking lot of Ginos, a nice Italian place that was a new addition to Oakley’s main street. White fairy lights glittered amongst the trees out front, like a pretty little wonderland. She liked the feel. Lit candles decorated the tables inside, the warm light low and romantic rather than dark and cheesy. His hand on her elbow, he guided her to a table toward the back and she noticed they turned a few heads as they went to sit down. Rori might have been away from a small town for ten years but she hadn’t forgotten everything. The news of Ryan and her date would be all over town by the time church let out tomorrow afternoon. “So, Max says you are a writer?” Ryan asked as he poured her a glass of wine. She took a sip and nodded her thanks at him. “Yeah. I write romance novels, mainly paranormals. I also write erotica, which is something new for me.” “Paranormals?” “Yes, vampires, werewolves, that sort of thing.” “Really? Interesting. And erotica?” “Mmm. I started on a whim and it worked out. I only write about one erotica book for about every five of my mainstream romances, but it’s a good outlet. I sometimes want a more graphic love scene but am hindered by my publisher. With erotica, I can be as graphic as I want.” “I’d love to read all of it, erotica and all. And I’m not just saying that because I’m dying to know what you find sexy -- I am truly interested. Why did you choose romance and erotica?” “Well, I suppose part of it was the process of me wanting to really find out who I was. I was a virgin until I was twenty-three years old. Unlike many women, my first experience was really good. I realized what I’d been missing and I started writing sexual interludes in my journals, which turned into short stories, and they turned into novels. I sent a few out as a lark and I got published.” She shrugged. “The erotica came later. I like to write about sex.” “I really am going to read your stuff now. I remember you read a lot in school.” “Yeah, I love to read, I always have. Of course, I went to college and then graduate school for literature degrees, wanting to teach, and now I’m a writer. Thank goodness I got scholarships.” She laughed at the irony. “Anyway, how did you end up being a cop?” “Well, you know Max and I have been friends since the second grade. When he went to the police academy after graduating high school I thought ‘why not’ and I went too. I ended up working with my dad for a few years, though. Anyway, my brother ended up


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taking over for my dad and I felt free to do something else. Max was moving up by then and I got on at the department and I’ve been there ever since. It’s interesting work most of the time. Oakley doesn’t have huge crime problems -- enough to keep us busy, but nothing like serial killings. It’s also nice that I get to work with pretty much all of my friends.” “Speaking of your brother, how is he anyway?” Ryan’s older brother had graduated with Kelly and Max. He was another very nice guy. “He’s good. His son plays on Shane’s team, left field. He’s been married forever. But that probably happened back when you were still here.” “Yes, we were still in high school then. Any other kids?” “Yes, they have four. Three boys and a girl ranging in age from eleven to two. They are all really great kids.” He took a sip of his wine and looked up at her seriously. “Rori, why did you come back? Why really?” She sighed. “I really did miss Kelly. I left here as one person -- and a major part of me is still her -- but I traveled and met people and changed. I found out that I was more than I thought I was -- not just because of losing weight and getting contacts, either. Being away from Oakley, from everything that was familiar and in its own way, confining and defining, forced me to be reliant on myself. That pushed my own boundaries, helped me to redefine myself. I like who I am but I still like my roots as well.” “I suppose you really did find yourself then. I like that about you. And it doesn’t hurt to come back home when you look the way you do,” he said. She blushed. “Well, I can’t lie and say I don’t find pleasure in being asked out by men who didn’t look at me twice ten years ago. But yeah, I think it was important for me to get away, to be someplace where I wasn’t hemmed in by expectations: being Kelly Simon’s little sister, being the shy fat girl with pimples and braces.” “I may not have felt romantically interested in you but I always liked you, Rori. You always had a good heart and a great sense of humor.” She clutched her chest dramatically. “Ugh, the fat girl with the sense of humor, anything but that!” She laughed for a moment and then sobered a bit. “I know. Thanks. I wouldn’t be sitting here now if you had been mean to me.” “So you traveled a lot?” “Yes, India, Japan, China, most of Western Europe and Eastern Europe. I did a trek through Belize and Costa Rica and last year I went to Peru to see Machu Picchu and walk the Inca Trail. It’s why I can’t buy a house now.” She shrugged. “My addiction to travel and shoes is what keeps me in an apartment.” “Shoes, huh?” “Yes. I should be embarrassed, but as addictions go, it could be worse. Luckily, my ex had connections in the fashion world and I got most of my stuff at discount.”

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His eyes made a slow circuit down the line of her body and stopped at her feet, appraising the shoes. “Well, I must say, those are extremely sexy. Your ex? What did the dumbass do to make himself an ex?” “He fucked the dog walker in our bed,” she said before taking a long drink of wine. Ryan blanched. “No shit? What an asshole.” “Yes. I came in and caught him, walked past them both, packed my stuff while he got her out and tried to make up some bullshit lie and I left that day. Flew back to St. Louis and back into my old place but I wasn’t happy there really. I started talking to Kelly and she was working on me to move back to Oakley. I finally gave in and ended up here six months later.” “Wow, that blows. I’m sorry. I caught Dena with Tom Clay in our bed. This was a week after she’d agreed to marry me.” Rori winced. “At least I could move a continent away. I saw Dena this morning at the grocery store when I was out running errands. And, Tom Clay, of all people? What a jerk he was, even back when we were in school. She still with Tom?” Ryan laughed. “No, he’s doing five to seven up at State for embezzlement.” She joined him in laughter and clinked her glass against his. “To karma!” “So, Rori, would you care to see a movie with me?” “Yes, that sounds fun.”

***** They went to see an action flick at the new six-plex and he fed her popcorn in the dark and put his arm around the back of her seat. He stroked over her shoulder with the tip of his finger and stole a quick kiss near the end of the movie. Rori enjoyed herself. Ryan was a nice man, a sexy man. He was intelligent, funny and considerate. It’d been a long time since she’d been on a date as comfortable as this one was. Problem was, she wasn’t sure comfortable was what she wanted. They drove back to the apartment complex and he asked her to his place for a cup of coffee. On the way there, they bumped into Amy and Jude. “Hey, Ryan, what’s ... oh, hey, Rori,” Jude said, and they locked gazes, the shared memory of her getting dressed in front of her window for him earlier flowed between them like an electric current. “Hey, Jude, hi, Amy,” Rori said as she and Ryan walked past and up the stairs to his place, which was across the landing from Jude’s. Jeez, what on earth possessed Amy to wear

that outfit? Does she actually think showing that much of her ass is sexy? Has no one ever told her that a little goes a long way? Why am I even thinking about this? She mentally shook off thoughts of what Jude and Amy were doing in his apartment. She drew up short


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mentally when she remembered that he’d told her he rarely brought women back there. She snorted as they climbed the stairs to Ryan’s place. Ryan’s apartment was more modern-looking than Jude’s, although the requisite giant television and sound system were there. “What is it with men and televisions? I mean, that’s the biggest television I’ve ever seen. How’d you even get it into the door?” Ryan laughed and handed her a mug of decaf coffee. “We had to take the sliding glass door off the tracks and move it in that way. It’s perfect to play X-Box live on.” Rori rolled her eyes. Like that answered her question. She sat on the comfortable sofa and watched him move around the apartment with an air of confidence. Confident men were really sexy. He walked over and turned on the stereo. “Do you mind country music?” “Only if it’s really twangy. I find I enjoy a lot of the newer stuff.” He put on a Keith Urban CD and came to sit with her, placing their coffee on the squat table in front of the couch. Turning to her, he put his fingertips to her forehead, lightly tracing her brow line and then over her cheek. He used those same fingertips to tip her chin up, angling her just so to deliver the softest butterfly of a kiss she’d ever received. Just the briefest brush of his lips over hers. Slowly, inexorably, he increased the pressure, each brush of his lips stayed longer, pulling her into a sensual web. Unable to resist the full swell of his bottom lip, she traced over the curve of it with the tip of her tongue. He adjusted his position then, pulling her to him more tightly, mouth opening over hers. He slid his palm up the line of her neck, gently holding her to his body. The other hand was wrapped around her ankle, fingers lightly tracing circles around her ankle bones, sending delightful shivers up her legs. She took the opportunity to flick her tongue inside, tasting him. Tasting coffee and red wine and man. A low noise escaped her throat when he sucked at her tongue. Despite the shivers of delight and general pleasantness of the kissing, Rori just wasn’t feeling any real connection with him. As sexy as he was, as gorgeous and funny, Ryan just didn’t really ring her romantic bell. With an internal sigh, she broke the kiss, smiling softly up into his handsome face. “I should probably go. I haven’t been writing like I should and I have deadlines. I had a really nice time tonight, Ryan, thanks.” “You’re welcome,” he murmured and flashed a cocky grin. He stood and reached for her hand, helping her up off the couch. He insisted on walking her back to her apartment, giving her another kiss at her door. “I’ll see you tomorrow night?” he asked. Rori smiled and nodded as she remembered the dinner she’d planned to make to thank everyone for helping move her new furniture. “Absolutely.”

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After he’d turned and gone downstairs, back the way he’d come, she went inside. Through her bedroom window, she watched Ryan walk back to his place. The way he carried himself, confident, sure and sexy, made her smile and when he turned back and saw her watching him, she waved. He blew her a kiss. With a laugh, she closed her curtains. Kicking off her shoes, she put them and then the dress back in the closet, replacing them with a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top. Pulling her hair into a loose pony tail, she padded out to her living room. She grabbed a big glass of water, some popcorn, and her laptop, intending to get to work. It had been two days since she’d written last and she’d had a heck of a lot of inspiration lately.


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Chapter Three Kelly went with Rori the next day to the garden store and the two of them planted a wide variety of colorful flowers and some strawberry plants in colorful containers, which they placed on her front landing and the deck off the living room. Rori wore cutoff jeans and a raggedy tank top and had her hair pulled back into a pony tail. Her place was taking shape as containers spilled a riot of color all over the place. She’d just finished the last pot and was taking her gloves off when she heard someone come up the stairs. “Hey there, Rori. How are you?”

Jude. She turned and drank in the sight of him. He looked good with his sun-kissed skin and that honey-blond hair. She fiercely reined in her galloping libido and casually smiled. “Oh hey, Jude. I’m good. Kelly and I were making planters for my deck. Please, come in.” She motioned him inside and he walked in after her. “You’ve already made this place look like a home.” “It’ll be better when my stuff gets here. I’m borrowing Kelly and Max’s television but my stereo is being shipped, as are most of my CDs and my books, clothing, linens, dishes, cookware, artwork, that sort of thing.” “Where is my lovely sister-in-law?” he asked, glancing around. “You just missed her. She had to run home to pick up the boys and Max. I’m making dinner here to thank everyone for helping me move my new furniture yesterday. You’re welcome to come, too, if you’d like.” She made sure her tone of voice said, hey, I’m just a

casual friend. He stood there and looked at her. She stared back just as boldly. “Can I take you out afterwards? To ice cream or for a ride?” he asked.

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And she might have been lured by his request but the cockiness of his stance snapped her out of it. “No, not tonight. Thanks for asking, though.” She smiled. His cockiness morphed into confusion. It occurred to Rori that he may never have been turned down before. Still, she didn’t do the date on the spur of the moment thing very often. As it was, she’d broken her rule twice in one week and it was time to re-establish some order. Especially in light of the way he apparently thought she’d fall over from excitement simply at being asked out to ice cream. “Oh, well how about tomorrow?” “I’m busy. Wednesday night would work.” “Okay. I get off at six. How about I make you dinner at my place? Come over at seven?” “All right.” She smiled. “Um, so, about dinner tonight. Are you sure it’s all right?” “Of course. I’m making salmon and chicken on the grill. I’ve already made the pasta salad, and the asparagus is marinating. Plenty of strawberry shortcake and iced tea to go around.” She cocked her head as she waited for his response. “Okay then, what time should I come back? Or can I help?” “Come by at five. Thanks for the offer of help but I can handle it.” There was an awkward pause until he stepped closer, leaning down to kiss her lips quickly. She responded, kissing him back and then grinning when he pulled away. “Well, I’ll see you tonight, then,” she said, still wearing that goofy grin, her lips tingling from the brief contact. She had to shove her hands in her pockets to keep from reaching up to touch them. His cockiness restored, he raised his eyebrows in a lascivious arch and took his leave.

***** Dinner was fun. The boys played on the grass with Max and Jude while a few of the other men grilled. They put blankets out on the grass, brought out the food and ate picnic style. Unfortunately though, Ryan got called to work at the last minute and could only stop by for a few moments. “I’m so sorry,” he said. “That’s okay. It’s your job. I packed up some food for you to take with you.” Rori held up a canvas bag filled with containers. “The Tupperware has strawberry shortcake in it. I put salmon and chicken in. I didn’t know which you’d prefer so I gave you both.” He gave her a brief kiss on the corner of her mouth. “Thanks, Rori. I haven’t eaten in hours and I’ll be stuck at the desk doing paperwork for still more hours. This is great. I’ll see you later. I’ll be calling you.”


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“You’d better.” She waved at him as he left. She noticed Jude watching and she smiled inwardly. “Well, isn’t this interesting,” Kelly said with a smirk, approaching after Ryan had walked away. “What?” “Jude hasn’t taken his eyes off you yet.” “He’s probably in shock because he asked me out for tonight and tomorrow night and I said no. I did tell him that I could get together Wednesday, though. I don’t know, Kel, I almost feel bad for doing this. Ryan is a nice guy but he just doesn’t sizzle my toes off like Jude does.” “Oh hell, Rori, Ryan is going out with other women right now, too. And it’s not like you promised to marry him or anything; it’s just a date. Jeez. Listen, both those boys play the field. I know what they get up to. You forget that they’re Max’s best friends and I hear about it constantly. All’s fair in love and war, Rori, and you want Jude, don’t you?” Rori snuck a look at him and discovered he was looking right at her. She smiled and waved and he waved back. “Yes,” she answered. “And let’s face it, your little plan may not work, so why not go out with Ryan? It’s not like you’re engaged to him or anything. But you know what, little sister? I’ve never, in my life, seen you fail at anything. You wanted to get out of Oakley, you did. You wanted to go to Washington University and you did. You wanted to be a Rhodes Scholar, and you were one. You wanted to get into that prestigious graduate fellowship program and you did. You wanted to be a writer and you are. You want Jude? Go for it. You know I’m your number one fan.” Kelly hugged her tight. Rori pushed the hair out of her sister’s face. “Thanks, hon.” “But Rori, don’t lose sight of what Jude is, right? ‘Cause I’ll have to kill him dead if he breaks your heart.” They both dissolved into laughter. Max approached. “What are the two of you up to?” “Us? Nothing at all.” Kelly looked anything-but-innocent as she spoke. Max looked at them through narrowed eyes and sauntered off to go sit with Jude. “What are they up to?” Jude asked, suspiciously when Max sat back down. “Who knows?” He laughed and shrugged his shoulders. “They’re women, Jude. It’s best not to try and puzzle over this too much. I’d think with all of the women you juggle, you’d have figured that out by now.” Max paused to spear a bite of salmon into his mouth. He raised a brow at the sour look on Jude’s face. “What’s up your butt?”

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“Nothing. How can she be busy? She’s been in town two days.” He gestured toward Rori with a tip of his chin. Jealousy and uncertainty burned in his gut. These were new emotions to him -- and he didn’t like them one bit. “What? What are you talking about?” “I asked her out, twice. She said she was busy.” Ack! He actually sounded petulant about it. Jude Callahan was not petulant, for god’s sake! Max threw back his head and laughed heartily. “Oh how the mighty have fallen!” “Ha ha. I’m glad you think it’s so funny. Laugh while you can, asshole. Do you know what she’s doing tomorrow night?” “I know she went out with Ryan last night.” Max watched him intently and Jude wanted to squirm under the big brother examination. “Yeah, I know that, too. I bumped into them when I was with Amy. She saw me with her yesterday morning. I told her I rarely bring women back here and the one time I do, I bump into her, going into Ryan’s place.” “So what’s the problem? You have five other women you’re going out with. Why does it matter if she sees other people?” “It doesn’t,” Jude replied, but it was obviously a lie. Max snorted at the comment but to Jude’s relief, let it slide. Damn it, Rori Simon was getting under his skin and he had no idea what to do about it.

***** Rori and Kelly cleaned up and by nine, everyone had gone home. Under the cooler cover of dark, Rori changed clothes and went out for a run. Running was not only great exercise, it was often the time she worked on story plotting and other things she needed to puzzle over. She determinedly did not think of Jude, instead focusing on a story problem she was having. Thankfully, as usual, the time outside and the rhythmic beat of her feet on the pavement helped her achieve that state of concentration that enabled her to work her way past writer’s block. On her way back to her apartment she cut through the parking lot and ran into Jude, who was pulling his Harley into his parking space. “Hey! Plans change?” he called out, catching up with her. “What? No, I went for a run; too hot during the day already. Did you have a nice ride?” “I thought you said you were busy tonight.” “No, I said I couldn’t go for a ride with you tonight. If you must know, I have a policy. I never accept invitations for dates asked on the same day. I broke it twice already. I am not some last minute or third choice date. Only a boyfriend has the right to be last minute.” “That’s not how it was.”


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She put her hand up. “I’m not trying to be insulting or to insinuate anything. You asked, I gave you my reasoning.” “What about sudden kisses?” he asked, stalking the last two steps to her. He pulled her into his arms, crushing his lips to hers. The pressure of his mouth was insistent, passionate. His tongue stroked over the seam of her lips, and she opened to him, twining hers with his. The hand that he’d slid down her back and over her ass pulled her closer, bringing her pussy into contact with his erection. He ground himself into her, bringing a whimper from her, and he responded with a satisfied growl, sliding his other hand under her tee shirt and stroking her back. Desperate to touch him, she stroked down his chest, finding her way inside his shirt. The heat of his bare skin against her hands was intoxicating. His muscles jumped and flexed beneath her touch. Dragging her fingernails across his nipples brought a deep groan from him and he arched into her when she ran her thumbs across them in the wake of her nails. “Oh my god, Rori, you are so fucking sexy,” he gasped out, breaking the kiss. She smiled at him. “Thank you. Right back atcha.” She leaned forward and sucked the lobe of his ear into her mouth, worrying it with her teeth, satisfied when she felt the shiver work through him. She pulled back, breaking the kiss. “Goodnight, Jude, see you Wednesday,” she said over her shoulder as she walked away.

***** Jude took a cold shower but it didn’t work. He wanted Rori Simon and he wanted her badly. The memory of their parking lot kisses slid through his feverish brain. Her skin had been salty from the sweat of her run. She tasted spicy and sweet all at once. He’d been so damned hard wondering what her pussy tasted like. The soft scent of her body had been on the wind. It tortured his mind and his cock even then. She’d had a glow about her -- hair in disarray, golden tendrils framing her face as they’d escaped her pony tail. She’d looked tousled and rumpled and yet she’d never been more beautiful to him. He couldn’t recall ever being so affected by a woman’s taste before. Couldn’t remember a woman’s smell ever invading his every thought throughout the day. This was more than wanting to fuck her -- though he did want that, so much he ached. No, this was about Rori. About wanting to know her, craving her smiles and the sound of her voice. But it wasn’t simple, for a host of reasons. Besides his not being a one-woman type of man, he was also aware she evoked some deep feelings from him. He’d had loads of casual affairs but he found himself imagining Rori Simon bound and helpless. Utterly at his mercy, begging him to fuck her. She tantalized the dominant that lurked inside him and he wasn’t quite sure what to do about that.

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He stood on his deck and looked at her windows. Her life was right there, right across from him, and the normalcy of watching her walk into her bedroom and grab clothes clutched at his heart. She must be on her way to shower, he thought, momentarily shaken by the image of her naked wet body, slippery with soap running down the curves of her body, over her breasts and down her thighs. Instead of going over there to be a part of her everyday life, he turned and went back into his apartment.

***** Rori took a hot shower, when a cold one would have been better. She felt unfulfilled, but she did have the thrill of the kiss, of feeling how much Jude Callahan wanted her to get her through until she could have the real thing.

***** Rori’s life in Oakley began to normalize; she began to build a routine. She wrote all day Monday and Tuesday, had dinner with Max and Kelly Tuesday night, and took Alex to baseball practice Wednesday afternoon. When she dropped her nephew off at home, Max told her that her boxes had come and he followed her over to her apartment and brought them all in for her. Once he’d unloaded everything and carried them all up the stairs and into her apartment, she gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks, Max. I appreciate it. Tell my fabulous sister that I’ll get all of her stuff back to her by the end of the week.” “It’s no problem. In fact, just call me at work when you’re ready and I’ll pick them up on my way home to save you a trip. Rori, it’s really nice to have you back in Oakley. It makes Kelly so happy to have you here and it’s nice to be able to get to know you as an adult. Plus, I must tell you that it gives me a heck of a lot of amusement to watch my brother have to chase a woman, for the first time. Ever.” He chuckled. “Is he chasing me?” She snorted as she started opening boxes. “Let me put it this way, I hear he asked you out, twice, and you told him you were busy.” “Yeah? What, is Jude the only person in Oakley who has an active social life? And besides, I’m seeing him tonight for dinner. He claims to be a good cook.” Max gaped at her. “He’s making you dinner?” “Yeah. And?” “Never mind. Anyway, I don’t think that Jude has ever been turned down, especially not twice. Frankly, I can’t recall the last time he did the asking; it’s almost always the women who do that.”


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“Well, Max, there’s a new sheriff in town, so to speak. I don’t make myself available on the spur of the moment to men, especially men like Jude, who have a Rolodex of women. I’m not a last minute substitute, not for anyone. It doesn’t matter how much I like Jude.” Max chuckled again and hugged her. “You’re good for him, Rori, I hope this works because he’s needed someone a long time now and you’re just the woman to tame him.” An image of herself with a whip and a chair, trying to tame a wild lion that was Jude Callahan came into her head and she bit back a snicker. Instead, she shrugged. “I don’t want to save Jude from himself. I want to date someone, not redeem them. I like Jude, I always have, but I know what he is and how he operates. I’m going into this with full self-respect, as well as an understanding that he views me like every other woman. I know we’re all interchangeable to him. He loves women, but not any particular woman. If I don’t remember that, I’ll end up hurt and I’ve been there, done that. Don’t want the tee shirt.” “Good luck, Rori. Have a good time tonight. I think you are wise to remember that Jude isn’t the picket fence kind of guy. I’d hate to see you get hurt.” He waved and was gone.

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Chapter Four Rori rooted through her boxes until she located one with clothes in it. Looking with purpose, she made a satisfied sound when she found what she’d been looking for. She pulled the white dress with the big silk screened poppies on it out of the box. Relieved, she noted that it’d held up well through shipping. Humming, she put it on a hangar and hung it in the open sliding glass doorway to her deck to let it air a bit and then went off to shower. She chose the lacy white strapless bra and thong set to wear beneath the dress. Smiling, she slipped on the dress. The scent of the magnolia trees near her deck had laced the fabric with their heady scent. Opting for dressy but casual, she secured most of her hair at the nape of her neck, leaving a few wisps to frame her face. Grinning like she’d seen an old friend, she happily pulled her kate spade sandals from another box. The same shade of reddish orange as the poppies on the dress, the shoes matched perfectly. A final look in the mirror brought a satisfied, not bad. The dress had one strap with a flounce on it that was the same hue as the orange of the poppies on the dress. The other strap was unadorned. It was form fitting without being tight and the hem was on the bias and came to her lower thigh on the short side to the mid calf on the longer side. She looked spring-like and casual and felt feminine and sexy. The light breeze played with the light material of the dress as she walked carefully across the lawn to Jude’s apartment. He was waiting for her at the top of the stairs, which meant he’d been watching for her. She smiled when she saw him. “Hey. Am I early?” “No. Right on time. You look incredible.” Jude held the door open for her, kicking it closed after she’d walked past him into his apartment.


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“Thanks, you look good, too. I think you were made for jeans, Jude.” And he was. He looked like a long, tall drink of water in the wash-faded denim. They hugged the lines of his legs and were worn out in all the right places -- the ankles, the knees and at the crotch. Oh my. He caught the appraisal in her eyes and a wicked smile touched his lips as he reached out. With a firm grip on her wrist, he pulled her to him. “Hi,” he said softly. That small act of possession thrilled her to her toes. He smelled really good, like man and sandalwood and soap. He smelled clean and sexy and she wanted to eat him up in big gulping bites. She felt an intense greed for him. A deep look into those eyes and her resolve melted. “Hi, yourself.” “Miss me?” Rori heard the uncertainty in his voice. The normal cocky self assurance had slipped a bit, allowing her a glimpse past the bad boy façade. “Yeah,” she replied quietly, wishing it weren’t so true. Wanting to be nonchalant but failing. “I’ve missed you, too. I’ve especially missed these.” He traced the outline of her lips with a fingertip. “They’ve missed you, too,” she said, slightly breathless. “We can’t have that,” he murmured and kissed her bottom lip. “Damn, you taste good.” He sighed. “I’d hate to have your lips mad at me,” he added, kissing the top lip. “Mmm. Good idea, it’s best to placate them then.” His tongue, warm and wet, stroked over the seam of her lips and she sucked it inside and pulled his head down to hers, hands in his hair. Possessiveness rocked him. Pressed against his body he felt her every curve. The heat of her body mixed with his own. They fit each other perfectly. Mouth to mouth, chest to chest, cock to cunt -- they matched. He rolled his hips, grinding into her pussy with his cock and the soft sound of pleasure she made in response shot straight to his groin. Her nipples were two hard points, stroking from side to side over his chest. It drove him crazy, knowing she was bringing herself pleasure that way. Shifting her up his body a bit more brought a mewl of pleasure that he eagerly swallowed. Her calf came up to wrap around his, opening her to him more fully. He felt the heat of her sex against the denim over his cock as he moved against her. She was so alive there -- against him -- under his hands and lips. Her skin smelled of citrus and a hint of vanilla. He’d never smell an orange again without thinking of her, of this moment. Her hands came down his back, nails scratching along his skin. When they reached his waist she hooked her fingers into his belt loops and pulled him even closer. “Ah god, you feel

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so good,” he gasped, moving his lips to the hollow of her throat where her pulse thundered against his kiss. One hand left the softness of her fantastic ass and moved up to cup a breast. The timer on the oven dinged and he pulled away reluctantly. Caught in her, he was too mesmerized to leave her side just yet. She’d been beautiful earlier, but this Rori -- eyes glazed with desire, lips swollen by kisses, skin flushed and hair mussed -- was magnificent. His urge to dominate her bloomed in his chest. He wanted to fuck her up against the door, holding her wrists tightly. Wanted to order her to get to her knees and suck him off. He shook off the vision of slowly sinking into her tight rear passage and cleared his throat. “I have to take the chicken out of the oven,” he said, his voice hoarse. She blinked at him a few times and nodded, her hands smoothing over her thighs. Seeing that she was as flustered as he was should have made him feel better but instead it just put an edge on the panic he was already fighting. He motioned toward the kitchen. “Come through. Can you pour us both a glass of wine?” Flushed and wet and totally nonplussed, Rori managed to nod again, following him through the apartment and into the kitchen. She made quick work of opening the wine as he moved easily around the kitchen, dishing food out onto platters. After she’d poured them both glasses of wine, she took a big, steadying gulp or two and tried to stop thinking about what had just happened, but failed.

Jeez, touching him was like some sort of intoxicant! Rori couldn’t believe she’d wrapped a leg around him, like a lap dancer. But she hadn’t been able to stop herself. His hands on her, his mouth, ignited something deep within her and she felt compelled to respond to him eagerly. They ate a leisurely dinner, and Jude regaled her with stories of the funny people he’d dealt with that week at work. He was a really good cook. Rori almost felt guilty for being surprised about it. “You’re really handy in the kitchen. Where did you learn to cook?” She wanted to know more about him, the little details. “Well, I live alone -- it was either learn to cook or eat microwave dinners every night.” He shrugged. “So I took a few classes at the community college, bought some cookbooks. I just stumbled through.” Later, after they’d finished dinner and they were side by side in the kitchen cleaning up, he turned to her, his lips a whisper from hers His presence pulled at her, sucked her into his body, into his orbit. “You want to go out for ice cream?” “You just want to watch me licking the spoon, don’t you?” she teased, trying to lighten things up, to save herself from what she knew was inevitable. Knew it for sure when his eyes darkened at her statement. “Oh yeah,” he murmured.


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“Happy to oblige, then.” Her voice was breathy and her heart pounded so hard she felt a bit faint. They walked hand in hand to his car, under the clear late spring sky. The moon was so big it filled her vision as she looked up. He held her hand in his with a casual grace and yet she felt protected at the same time. He drove over to Swan’s, the ice cream shop that had graced the corner of First and Main from the time her mother was a child Rori had to close her eyes a moment as they walked in and the sweet smell of waffle cones and whipped cream hit her. The smells of Saturday afternoons with her dad and Kelly. “It hasn’t changed.” Rori looked at Jude. “I’m so glad. Let’s get a table near the window. Main Street looks so pretty tonight.” Although after she said it she realized she probably wouldn’t be able to take her eyes from him to people watch anyway. Grinning, he led her to a table near the front window. After a brief consultation with the menu, they ordered sundaes. She was slowly licking hot fudge from her spoon for Jude’s entertainment when she heard, “Hi, Jude.” She turned her head to look into face of Jeanette Wilkerson. Damn, the one woman she disliked more than any other. Jeanette had been ruthlessly mean to Rori when they were in school together. Jeanette had been really pretty and very popular and for whatever reason, she always found great joy in humiliating and being cruel to Rori. Right at the moment though, Jeanette was ignoring everyone but Jude. Jude had his arm around the back of Rori’s chair and was currently twining a curl around his thumb. He looked up at Jeanette and smiled but Rori was pleased to see that the smiles she got from him were much sexier. “Hey, Jeanette. You remember Rori Simon, don’t you?” “Who?” The other woman turned and looked at Rori, utterly clueless that anyone other than Jude had existed until that moment. Rori looked back, giving the other woman an imperious sneer. The French were really good at those looks and Rori was delighted to be able to bust out a new move on such a deserving target. Jude still twirled her hair around his finger. “My date. We all went to school together? She was two years behind us. Kelly’s sister?”

My date! Take that, you cow! Rori smiled at Jude and ate her sundae, triumphantly catching him watching her out of the corner of her eye. “Oh no, this is fat Rori?” Jeanette burst out. “What on earth happened to you? I see you finally took my advice and went on a diet.” Rori looked up at her with a smirk. “And I see you’re still a bitch. It’s a lot easier to change the outside than the inside. Pity for you,” Rori said and Jude burst out laughing, then

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hid behind a fake cough and his hand. Rori motioned toward the door with her spoon. “Why don’t you run along now?” “Who do you think you are? Jude, are you going to let her talk to me that way?” “I don’t see why not. You’re the one being deliberately bitchy. Why don’t you go ahead on and leave before you make a scene?” Jude asked. Jeanette gasped indignantly, spinning on her heel and stalking off. Jude laughed, turning back to Rori. “Now please, continue with what you were doing before we were so rudely interrupted.” Rori snorted and gave one last lick to her spoon before dropping it into the bowl with a satisfied clink. Drawing the flat of her tongue over the smudge of fudge on her knuckle, she sent him a lascivious look. “You know, I can think of a lot better ways to spend this evening. There are just so many things I’d rather be licking than this spoon,” she said, her voice smoky. “Oh yeah?” His eyes darkened. “Please, feel free to elaborate. In great detail. With your tongue in my ear if you wish.” She leaned over to his ear and licked along the shell. “Mmmm, oh yes,” she breathed out. “Show me,” he said, a slight tremor in his voice. “Can’t here, you’re a cop, you’d have to arrest me. Although, the idea of you putting me in handcuffs does have its appeal.” As it came from her mouth, she had the vision of being cuffed, spread open for his gaze. A shiver of longing stole over her. He stood up quickly, grabbing her hand as he dragged her out the door. “Is that so? I’ll have to keep that in mind,” he said over his shoulder as he stalked to his car. Once there he pressed her body against it with his own. “Be careful what you unleash, Rori,” he said cryptically and then helped her inside without another word. They drove back to his apartment in just a few minutes and he practically ran up the stairs. He slammed the door behind them. Locking it one-handed, he looked into her face. “Now, what is it we were talking about?” “Well, I was thinking that there were better things to watch me lick than spoons of ice cream.” His eyes widened a moment as his lips curved into a wicked sexy smile that caused heat to coil in her stomach and her legs to turn to jelly. Eyes locked with his, she took the last step to where he was standing, leaning against the door and dropped to her knees, never breaking her gaze. It felt like an eternity passed as she reached up to undo his jeans. The rasp of his zipper sent shivers down her spine. “Slowly,” he said, his voice darkening. “Take it nice and slow, Rori.” A frisson of anticipation and pleasure slithered through her at his orders, at the way his face changed. Hardened. His hands slid into her hair, holding her head gently but firmly. She


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ran her hands up his thighs and reached in through the vent hole of his boxers and his cock sprang free. At the sight of it, the feel of it, she wanted to squeal in delight. He made her feel so deliciously wanton and sexy. When she leaned in, running her cheek along his velvety length, he rewarded her with a hiss of pleasure. Taking him into her hands, she caressed that sensitive skin, lowering her head and flicking her tongue across the crown. The salty tang of his skin burst over her tongue. The bead of semen sitting on the slit of his meaty cockhead seduced her. He tasted dark and deep and rough -- of Jude. “Oh god, Rori. Yeah, that’s the way, baby, right there,” he hissed as she wrapped her lips around him, engulfing him with her mouth ever so slowly. Rori reached through his boxers, abrading his balls and the cheeks of his ass with her fingernails. She grew wetter as she took him into her mouth as far as she could and his sounds of pleasure sounded through the room. He was steel against her tongue. With each swallow of his cock into her mouth, she felt more and more powerful. That was like a circuit of pleasure. The more she turned him on, the more it got her off. She loved the way his thighs had locked, the muscles hard, against the trembling she was causing. She loved the way she affected him. More than that, she liked the way he affected her. Liked the way he ordered her to take it slow. Liked his hands in her hair, limiting and driving her movements. He was controlling her and she was finding she liked to be controlled. She began to lose herself in him. He wanted to dominate this woman with every fiber of his being. Wanted to own her and pleasure her. Wanted to cherish her as he made her his. “Make me nice and wet, Rori,” he told her, controlling her head with his hands tight in her hair. Looking down, he was mesmerized as he watched the length of his cock, red and glistening from her mouth as it disappeared in between her lips and slid back out. “I want to fuck that juicy mouth. Can you take it, Sweet?” he asked, nothing soft or gentle in his tone. He rarely let himself go this much the first time he was with a woman. Hell, not even with most women during the duration of his few short relationships. He had to feel something more than a casual lust to allow himself to open the door, even slightly, to get a bit rough with them. But Rori brought those dark desires out in him so strongly he couldn’t resist. He cared about her. But more than that, she evoked more than just a casual sexual interest. He wanted to possess her completely. She rolled her eyes up and looked at him and nodded around his cock. He closed his eyes for a moment against her appeal. She wrapped herself around his soul; something about this woman shook him to the core. He could suddenly imagine her as his, living with him, waking up next to her every morning. He’d never imagined giving a woman a key to his apartment before, much less a collar.

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Jude knew what he liked, craved, but he’d never been able to truly let go and ask for it -- demand it of his partners before. It was one of the many reasons he’d stayed single. He wasn’t ready to live a life with a woman he couldn’t fully express his sexuality with. At the same time, he’d never been fully himself with any woman outside of the few clubs he’d gone to when he went to Atlanta or Jacksonville -- and even then, they were relative strangers. He knew there were a few others into the scene in town and a few of his friends were into BDSM, too. The truth was, though, he’d never met anyone who had appealed to him enough to stick with for more than a night or two here or there. That was just play. This, though -Rori -- this was real. He found himself wanting to live with a woman who was his submissive in the bedroom -- he wanted that every night. He was a Dom who’d been without a sub and that hadn’t particularly troubled him until he looked down at Rori before him on her knees. Gripping her hair tighter, he slid his cock in and out of her slick, hot mouth over and over, looking down on her as she struggled to take him all; to breathe, to give him what he wanted and that was all he could take. “I’m going to give you my cum,” he grunted and blew down her throat, his pleasure rolling over him, through him until he had to lean back against the door to hold himself up. After he’d come, he gentled his hold and softly massaged her scalp with his fingertips as she continued giving him soft licks and nibbles until he’d completely softened. Pulling back, she placed a kiss on the tip of his cock and looked up at him expectantly. He helped her to her feet, barely resisting the impulse to pull her to him and tell her how he felt. “That was incredible. Come on.” Grabbing her hand, he led her into his bedroom where he turned on a small lamp on a table near the bed. Stopping for a moment at the foot of the bed, he took her in. Tousled and sexy, her lips swollen from loving him with her mouth -- she was irresistible and he gave up, leaning in to kiss her. For some time he stood, holding her to his body, tasting her. Planting small kisses on her lips, chin and neck. She smelled good, like sex. Reluctantly standing back, he reached around her body, unzipping her dress and sliding it down her body so she could step out of it. Tracing a finger over the curve of her breasts and through the valley between them, he popped the catch on her bra with quick efficiency. “You’re pretty good at that,” she murmured and he flashed that mischievous grin. She pulled his tee shirt off and shoved his already open jeans down his hips and thighs. After he stepped out of them and tossed them over a nearby chair, he leaned her back on the bed, slowly pulling off her panties and shoes. Standing over her, he greedily took in each new bit of exposed skin.

Damn if she wasn’t something special -- honey-blonde curls fanned out around her face, high full breasts capped with raspberry-pink nipples, stomach with a soft swell and that


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sexy belly ring. Her legs were long, hips and thighs curved; she wasn’t delicate or supertoned, she was soft and rounded where a woman should be. He was losing himself in her. “Oh, Rori, you’re so beautiful,” he breathed out softly. “I’m not as impressive as you are. You’re so incredible. My god, Jude, the sexy cop in charge thing? Wow.” He grinned, flattered by her comments and then realized she’d subtly put herself down. “Not as ...? You’re intensely fuckable, sweet and sexy.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Never mind. Let me show you.” Jude stroked the tips of his fingers over her nipples and she sighed, arching into his touch. “These are exquisite. Such a pretty raspberry color,” he said, bending to take one in his mouth. “Oh.” She moaned, cradling his head to her. He sucked hard, pulling the entire nipple into his mouth, up against his palate. The vision of both of her nipples pierced, adorned with rings he’d chosen shot straight to his cock and amazingly he was already reviving. He nibbled, laved and then bit on her nipple, grinning as she gave a shocked gasp that quickly morphed into a moan of pleasure. He moved from her nipples, ignoring her cries of protest, licking a trail down the bottom curves of her breasts and south to her belly. She gave a gasping moan when he stopped to tug on the ring in her navel and then dipped his tongue into her belly button before continuing downwards. He could smell how wet she was, how much he turned her on -- which only made him want her more. Dropping to his knees next to the bed, he pulled her legs apart, putting her thighs on his shoulders, opening her up fully to his mouth, hands and gaze. The velvet-soft flesh under his lips seduced him as he kissed it. He was unable to resist marking her with his teeth as he bit the sensitive flesh there, laving over the sting. Swirling his tongue over her skin, he moved higher and higher and then bit it, marking her. He licked the skin there, moving higher and higher, until Rori hissed out, “Yes!” when his mouth opened up over her pussy. He lapped at her swollen folds, taking in the sweet honey she offered him. She was hot and wet and so slick he was reminded of a big juicy peach. Pressing his face into her pussy flesh, he nibbled up her outer labia and then dipped inside, finding her clit. That sweet bundle of nerves was so hard that it nearly peeked out her pussy lips, inviting a taste. He took her up on that and circled it with the tip of his tongue, then sucked it into his mouth, grazing it with his teeth. Rori arched, pressing herself into his face and whimpered his name. Her cunt was swollen and wet and oh-so-ready when he pressed first one and then two fingers into her. The feel of her flesh gripping and rippling around him shot straight to his cock. Adding a third finger, he moved his mouth back to her as she rolled her hips, riding his hand and pressing against his lips and tongue. He swallowed her honey taking in her cries of pleasure. When he added another hand and slid a lubed finger down and tickled the pretty

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pink star of her anus it pushed her over the edge she’d been teetering on and her climax exploded through her. Pulling back slowly, he put her legs on the mattress, drinking in the glow of her skin, pink with the flush of pleasure. Those pretty nipples were hard points, her pussy lips were glistening and dark pink, her hands still gripping the sheet -- she was so beautiful it hurt him to breathe. Single-mindedly, he ripped open the foil packet with his teeth and sheathed himself, needing to be inside her more than he’d ever needed anything. He positioned himself between her thighs and folded her legs up and then held them wide open. Coming down from that incredibly intense orgasm, Rori slowly opened her eyes to watch him. Took in the ripple of the muscles on his abdomen as they flexed when he entered her with agonizing slowness. His cock was deliciously perfect. He filled her up just to the point of being too much. She arched her back to get more contact with him, bringing a sigh from them both as he slid all the way into her. “Rori, you’re so tight, so damned hot,” he gritted out, beads of sweat popping out on his forehead. “You feel so good, I never want to leave.” She cried out, body slick with cream as he slid his hands up, grabbed her wrists and held them above her head. He clutched them tight in one hand while he fucked into her. All his weight rested on her and her slick pussy stroked up against his pubic bone, giving sweet friction over her clit. Her eyes slid shut as she let the pleasure of the evening wash over her. She felt deliciously trapped by his weight, by the tight grip at her wrists. Rolling her hips forward, she met him thrust for thrust, wanting him to be inside her as deeply as possible. She gripped his sides with her thighs, the soft flesh sliding over his harder muscled skin. “Rori, I want to watch you come again.” Not a request. She shook her head. “I don’t think I can take it again.” “You can and you will. It’s what I want, Rori. Your pleasure is mine,” he ordered. Her dazed vision cleared enough to see him, to see the command in his face. Nodding, she bit her bottom lip. “Good girl,” he murmured and kissed her. Pleasing him was suddenly even more important to her. She wanted to make him pleased that she could take what he was giving her. Wanted him to see how much pleasure he brought her. Moving a hand from the breast he’d been caressing, he traced fingertips into her sex to gather moisture and back up to her clit. Flicking his wet thumb over it, once, twice and a third time brought a tremor to her legs. Clasping her vaginal muscles around him, she concentrated, opening herself up to the rush of sensation.


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Moments later, she slid into another climax, this time pulling him with her with the fluttering and spasming of her muscles around him. He thrust over and over as he came, united with her in climax, his head back, silently crying out, until at last, the final wave ebbed and he collapsed onto her. “Jude, I can’t breathe,” she gasped out. Chuckling, he moved off her body, climbing out of bed to dispose of the condom. While he was gone from the room, Rori lay there, simply enjoying the moment. It seemed he’d been her fantasy forever, but reality had her imagination beat, hands down. His body was unbelievable. He wasn’t ripped like Ryan was, but his biceps were very nicely defined and his chest and abdomen were banded with tight muscles. His legs were long and muscular -- thighs strong, calves rock hard. She’d tried not to stare at his cock like some fuck hungry floozy but failed. She giggled to herself at the thought. He was ... impressive, to say the least. No wonder he was so popular with the females of Oakley. That he was commanding and so intensely sexual just made him all the more attractive. She’d always had a fantasy of being dominated and he’d made that come true for her, the way he’d fucked her mouth -- holding her head, taking his pleasure from her -- made her deliriously turned on. The fucking he’d delivered, stroking into her body with feral digs of his cock, holding her hands up above her head -- it had really opened some doors between them. Yes, the sex had been spectacular, but even better, there’d been such a connection between the two of them. She’d trusted him with her darker fantasies and he’d fulfilled them, but had protected her at the same time. She gave a contented sigh and laid there, eyes closed until he came back moments later with two beers. “Cheers,” he said, clinking his bottle against hers. His attempts at being lighthearted were failing. There he was, naked, sweaty from the stellar sex he’d just had with the one girl he’d always thought he’d never be sexually interested in. Which might have been all right but for the way he’d never felt so right with a woman before. Really, he was staving off the terror he’d been feeling since the first moment he kissed her earlier that night. The panic that had been his constant companion each time he was with her turned the post sex glow into an ocean of burning acid in his stomach. This woman got him in a way that no one else did. He could seriously fall for her. And therein lay the problem. He had loads of women he was friendly with but none that he’d let inside like he had Rori Simon. He used to drive his dad’s beat up truck to the Simons’ big house on Mulberry Street and talk to her for hours back when she was in high school. He showed her a side of himself that only a few people saw -- not Jude the bad boy with the long hair and the bevy of women -- Jude the guy who read Sartre and Kant, the guy who wanted to see the world. He’d always thought of her like a little sister and now he had no brotherly thoughts about her at all.

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Worse, he’d opened up the door he’d normally kept closed on his sexuality. Not quite the full extent of it, but he was closer to expressing who he truly was than he’d ever been before and unless he totally read the situation wrong, she’d loved every moment of it. Even better, she’d been incredibly responsive. He ached to make her his, to live openly with her every day. To master her and cherish her. She made him want things, made him want to love someone, want to have someone love him and that scared the hell out of him. Heaving a sigh, he took several long pulls on his beer, afraid of what he’d say. The silence stretched taut between them. Rori narrowed her eyes, rankled by his silence. Doubt began to settle in and she hated that. Damn it, didn’t he think the sex was amazing? Was it like this for him all of the time? She needed to process the evening. She’d never had an experience like that before -- never had a man be so masterful, never been controlled like that -- the extent to which it appealed to her was scary. The intensity of her own response was unexpected, left her feeling totally exposed, raw. She’d opened herself up to him, had given herself to him and he didn’t seem to care. Anger warred with fear. Was something wrong with her? Was he just being nice, waiting to get rid of her? No! He’d been turned on, his cock was rock hard. He’d been nearly out of control with pleasure at certain points. She knew it had been real. Amazing. And yet, he sat there, sighing and drinking like he had better things to do. Just when she’d thought she’d have loved to have shared her feelings with him about the evening, she suddenly knew better. He was holding himself back from her. If she didn’t know him as well as she did, she would have assumed he was just an asshole womanizer out for a quick fuck. But she did know him. Knew the Jude that was vulnerable and worthy of love. But he’d closed that part of himself away from her and it was going to be up to him if he wanted more. Instead of seeking a deeper connection, she allowed herself a few brief seconds to lean against him and finish her beer. With a sigh she got out of bed and started looking for her clothes. “I should go,” she said, putting the bottle down. He knew she’d been thinking as she sat there next to him. The scent of their sex hung in the air with her subtle perfume. Yearning ate at him. What would it be like to have this all the time? What could he say? What should he say? He’d been lost in his thoughts until the shock of her departure spurred him out of his silence. He jumped out of bed, reaching for her. “What? Why? Wait a minute!” Panic of another kind -- panic at her leaving -- coursed through his system with adrenaline. He was mildly shocked to find himself hard for her again. He took the dress out of her hands and tossed it onto the bed. Turning back toward her, he pushed her against the closed bedroom door.


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“I’m not done -- we’re not done,” he said in a sexy, low rumble. She wouldn’t be leaving without a few more memories burned into her brain. He wanted to be sure she remembered this night. He knew he wouldn’t soon forget it. Bending down, he took a nipple between his teeth, worrying it gently, pulling a soft moan from her. Her hands were in his hair, holding him to her. A soft thump sounded when her head lolled back against the door as she gave in to his lips. “Hold onto the top of the doorjamb,” he grunted. As she reached above her to comply, he glanced up. Impossible but true, he hardened more when he saw the way her breasts jutted out with the position. Taking a deep breath and grabbing another condom, he quickly rolled it on, bent his knees and guided himself to her gate. Instead of the slow slide into warmth he’d given her on the bed, he seated himself in one long, hard stroke that left her whimpering. He wasn’t going to let her just walk out without marking her. He wanted her to come back for more. Damn it, he just plain wanted her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held on as he pressed her back and began to thrust in and out of her silky heat. The soft, wordless sounds she made turned him on. Her hair covered her face as she moved her head from side to side against the door. He held her up, cupping the smooth, creamy skin of her ass as he thrust deep into her body. Oh, he’d get that ass before he was through, he vowed silently. He was close -- the way her body clasped around him, the sounds she was making, the sight of her arched back and those beautiful breasts in his face -- it was all too much. Normally he’d take forever to come a third time in such a short period -- if he could even get hard again so quickly -- but she seemed to be a siren, pulling it out of him without effort. Putting his forehead to her breastbone, he gave over to the overwhelming rightness of the way he felt stroking in and out of her. He adjusted himself so the shaft of his cock slid across her swollen folds, lightly stroking over her very sensitive clit. “Give me one more, baby. I know you can.” He grabbed a nipple between his teeth and bit down and she cried out and he felt her begin to climax and met her pleasure with his own. Sensation barreled through his body, head thrown back, plunging into her as she cried out his name. The only other sounds were flesh stroking flesh. The moment stretched out, taut and slow until it finally broke and he slid to the floor, still holding her. “Oh. My. God,” she managed to get out, breath heaving, eyes closed, head against the door behind her. Satisfied, he smiled. Kissing her gently, he then extricated himself to run into the bathroom quickly. When he got back she was getting dressed. “You don’t have to leave right now, you know,” he said.

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Hurt and anger sliced through her and her orgasm-loose body tightened up. I don’t have to leave right now? Jeez, what a guy. She mentally rolled her eyes. Instead of showing her emotions, she smiled at him. Remember, Rori, you’re playing his game. Not for the first time, she began to doubt whether she had the defenses it took to do this. He was a pro, had years of practice but she didn’t give of herself so easily. Perhaps embracing anger would be better than the hurt. “I have work to do tomorrow. I’m actually in the middle of a book right now and I have a deadline to meet. Thanks for dinner, and definitely thanks for this. You know, Jude, I used to fantasize about this when I was young.” “You fantasized about me? About us?” “Not that I am any different than every other woman in Oakley, but yeah. You used to come over and I’d sneak out in the middle of the night and we’d sit on the picnic table in my backyard and talk until two in the morning and I’d just sit there and watch your lips, wanting you to kiss me. I remember thinking what a shame it was that no one knew how smart you were, how well read and thoughtful.” She shrugged and stepped into her dress and he came around behind her, gently pushing her hands away. He dropped several kisses along her spine before he zipped her up. “Oh, but you are different. Special. I’m sorry I didn’t kiss you back then.” He leaned down. “Here, let me make up for that,” he murmured as he captured her lips with his own. He was a champion kisser and soon she was nearly delirious again from his patient skill. His tongue teased between her lips, over her teeth and against her gums. He sucked gently on her bottom lip and stood back with a sigh. “That nearly makes up for the fact that you were a bit busy kissing Tracy McAllister and Stephanie Adams back then.” Laughing, she turned and opened the door. He pulled on his boxers quickly and followed her out into the living room. “Rori, are you free Friday night?” She smiled inwardly. See, an old dog can learn new tricks. “Yes, I am.” “Want to go dancing? This time we won’t sit in Tonya’s section and we’ll get a small table so those chuckleheads I work with can’t sit with us.” “Sounds fun.” “Okay, I’ll come over to get you at seven so we can grab a bite first.” “See you then.” She smiled and kissed him before she left. Rori could feel his eyes on her as she walked across the grass, back to her own apartment.

***** She wrote all morning and into the early afternoon. She’d spoken to her agent and needed to go downtown to Fed Ex copies of her newest contract to her editor. Late spring in


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Georgia was quickly moving from warm to hot so she threw on a pair of white capri pants with a sleeveless pale green shirt and some sandals. After sliding the silver bracelets she’d bought for herself in Spain onto her wrists, she put her hair up into a messy but chic looking pony tail and gave herself a saucy grin in the mirror. She felt so good. Last night with Jude had felt so right. Cautiously, she thought that they might really have something special. She just hoped he saw it that way, too. Plus, she’d discovered something about herself. She loved rough sex -- loved it when he’d commanded and directed her, when he’d held her wrists above her head. Fantasies had turned up in her head from time to time about being dominated, but the reality was more than she’d imagined. She’d never been more turned on in her life and she had to admit she was eager to see what else he had in store for her on that front. Knowing she’d never make it to the next day to see Kelly, and dying to share the details of her evening with Jude, she called her sister. “Meet me for lunch?” she asked, not bothering to hide the excitement in her voice. Hurrying down to the café near the courthouse where Kelly worked half days a few days a week, she had a smile on her face the whole time, remembering the night before in great detail.

***** “So? Fill me in,” Kelly said without ceremony as she slid into the booth across from Rori. “Well, it was fun. Nice. He was great. We had dinner at his house. He’s a very good cook, by the way. We went for ice cream and who should we bump into? Jeanette, who was an uber bitch to me but I told her off, which felt so very good and she stormed off. We then went back to his place and had very hot steamy monkey sex. I left. He asked me out for Friday.” Rori recounted it all in a monotone, teasing Kelly and watching her face, trying to hold back a smile. “Hot steamy monkey sex?” Kelly laughed. “I should have known that’s what you’d latch onto! He made chicken in the oven, you know. It was quite tasty.” Rori laughed and leaned across the table. “Okay, so twice. Wait, well actually three times for both of us, he went down on me first,” she said quietly. Sharing sexual details with her sister was one thing but she didn’t want to broadcast to the entire town. “Excellent! I knew he was the kind of man who’d go downtown. Some men won’t you know.” “I do know, although those men are strictly off the menu for me. They expect you to do it but they won’t? Puhleeze! Anyway, it was ... spectacular. Not just the head but the rest of it. His body is freaking amazing. Well, and his cock -- my god, Kelly, I’m not a size queen or

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anything but I’m seeing the advantages to such a position in the future. A monster cock hits all of the right spots.” “I imagine so. I mean Max ... well, they are brothers.” Kelly raised a brow for emphasis. “I bet Max is something in the sack.” Rori grinned and waggled her eyebrows at her sister. Their laughter turned a few heads and they piped down a bit. He’s totally rooting for you, by the way.” Kelly held up her hand to quiet Rori’s exclamation. “No, I didn’t tell him, but he thinks you and Jude are good together and he hopes that Jude can see that, too.” Speaking of Jude, Rori turned and saw him sitting across the restaurant with Tonya Big Boobs and she shook her head and her stomach fell. “I don’t know, Kel, I don’t know if he can give up the carefree bachelor lifestyle.” She motioned with her chin and her sister looked and then turned back around. “Well, in any case, guard your heart, my love. I don’t want to see you hurt.” “It might be too late for that. But you know, I can deal. It just felt so right being with him. Not just the sex, but everything. He and I were already friends and that’s so important. I know so much about him, he knows so much about me. I can really talk to him, you know? It’s just something new, feeling like the guy inside of you really understands you, knows what you want, knows what you need.” She shook her head a few times and took a sip of her tea. “Anyway, I’m not lying to myself, at least not too much. I know what he is, I just hope that he can move past that and grow.” She shrugged. “I’ll take what I can get right now. He and I are just dating, I’m seeing other people, he’s seeing other people, although I have to say, him being with her, after telling me she was an ex and then saying that when we went dancing we’d sit in another section, that pisses me off.” As if his ears were burning, he looked up and saw her and she frowned in his direction slightly and went back to her lunch with Kelly. “It’s one thing to see other people, I knew that going in; it’s another thing to lie about it.” “Enough of this. Let’s move to another topic,” Kelly said. “You still coming to dinner at our house tonight?” “Of course! You think I’d miss a chance to see my two best boys? Alex called me twice yesterday to remind me I was picking him up from school today.” Kelly laughed. “You have totally eclipsed me, you know? I should be jealous.” “They are so wonderful; you and Max have done a great job with them. I’m so glad to be here, to share in their lives. I promised Shane that I would take him with me when I went to Atlanta next month, but I did say I had to clear it with you first. We’ll stay at my favorite little hotel in Ansley Park. Such a pretty part of the city, so lush and cool. Well, cooler than the rest of the city is in July anyway.” “It’s fine. He’d love it.”


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“I think a trip to Stone Mountain is in order, too.” Kelly looked at Rori and smiled, squeezing her sister’s hand. “You’re the best, you know that? I’m so glad you’re back here. I’ve missed you so much over the years. I knew you had to be away to find yourself and work out your own stuff, to be something away from Oakley, but now that you’re back, I’m not giving you up again and the boys would be crushed if you left. Thanks for being such a loving influence in their lives.” “This is so you and Max can send Shane to Mom’s, right? And be alone and have sex on the kitchen table and stuff. I know your salacious plan. Cool. Don’t tell Mom, though, I think she might be upset.” Kelly laughed and they enjoyed the rest of their lunch. Outside in the sunshine Rori hugged her sister. “See you back at yours in a bit. Is it okay if I take him to the arcade for a while?” “Thanks, Rori, I really appreciate you making him feel special. It’s hard for him sometimes. Shane does everything so well and he does it first. Even though Alex is good too, it’s hard for him to live in his brother’s shadow.” “Kelly, I know that better than most.” She kissed her sister’s cheek and headed off to her car.

***** Damn! Jude couldn’t believe Rori had seen him having lunch with Tonya and that look she gave him -- that was trouble. Snorting in annoyance he couldn’t believe he was letting himself sweat it to begin with. Okay, okay, so he did lie and got caught and yeah, he knew it was stupid and wrong. He hoped she’d still keep seeing him. He sighed. Who was Rori Simon to give him a look anyway? It’s not like she had a claim or anything. Back at the station at the shift change, Jude ran into Max. “Hey, bro, how did your date with Rori go last night?” “Spectacular. My god, Max, she’s so fucking beautiful and sexy, I almost came in my jeans watching her lick ice cream off her spoon. Well and then I really did come, several times. I know that’s bragging but she’s so damned hot I had to share,” he finished in a low tone. Max laughed heartily. “And?” “Yes, three times. Her lips ... she’s amazing.” Max held up a hand. “Okay, we are quickly entering too-much-information territory here, we can stop now. I’m glad things went well. I gotta go. You want to come to dinner at ours? Rori will be there.” “Ah. Well see, I got caught in a lie today.”

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Max narrowed his eyes and leaned against the side of his truck. “Spill.” “Well, on our first date I took her to OBG and we happened to be in Tonya’s section. I told her Tonya was an ex. Then last night, I asked her out for tomorrow and promised her we’d sit in another section to avoid Tonya. Only today, she and Kel were having lunch and so was I ... with Tonya. Rori saw me and the look she gave me wasn’t the most pleasant one.” “Jesus, Jude. Why did you lie about it? This is a small town; sooner or later everyone gets caught in a lie around here.” “I don’t know! I wouldn’t have, normally, but I find myself doing things I don’t normally do where Rori is concerned. I didn’t want her to blow me off thinking I had too many girlfriends, I guess.” He shifted from foot to foot, clearly uncomfortable with this new vulnerability. Max sighed, softening his tone. “You’re dumb as a post, but you’re my brother and I love you. I’ll take pity on you. You may as well come to dinner to see what her reaction is going to be. You have a date with her tomorrow night. Better to know now.” “That and I haven’t got anything to eat at my place.” Jude added with a sheepish grin. “See you in a few.”

***** Jude walked into his brother’s house and saw Rori out back with the boys and the family’s Lab. As he moved toward the back, he bumped into Kelly, who narrowed her eyes at him. “I know.” He preempted the lecture, his hands up in defeat. “No you don’t, Jude Callahan. You will not treat my sister like a notch on your bedpost. She’s better than that,” Kelly hissed at him as they both watched Rori. “I am not treating her like that!” he whispered back in outrage. “No, you’re being worse. How dare you lie to her? She deserves honesty from you, Jude. How do you think it made her feel to see you there with someone you lied to her about? Oakley is a small enough town, it’s not like she wouldn’t have found out anyway.” “I don’t owe her any explanations,” he said sullenly. He brushed past Kelly and went out into the back yard. He stood on the back porch for a bit, watching Rori The day was burning off and cast a reddish glow on the yard, onto the woman and the boys running and playing together. Laughing, Rori chased after her nephews, her hair tumbling around her face in honeyed curls, falling out of the pony tail she’d secured it in. She was barefoot and in cutoff shorts and a tee shirt with the sleeves ripped off. She played with their nephews with delightful abandon. He felt a tightness in his chest as he watched her. She made him feel things he’d never imagined before -- she evoked deep tenderness. He loved the women in his family -his adopted mother, Kelly, his grandmother. But he couldn’t name a single woman other


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than Rori that he’d ever felt such protectiveness for. She made him need to be needed. Made him think about things like having a house and kids. Made him wonder what it would be like to wake up next to her every morning. But if you allowed yourself to want those things, you open yourself up to getting kicked in the teeth if you lost them. She looked and saw him standing there and gave him a raised eyebrow. She looked away, catching the Frisbee Shane threw to her, and then tossed it to the wildly barking dog. Giggling madly, the boys chased him with a tangle of legs and fur through the yard. “Hey, Rori.” He broke out his cocky, boyish grin -- a failsafe look that always got him off the hook. “Hello, Jude.” She walked past him, washing her hands off with the hose. She watched the boys playing with the dog with an affectionate, amused smile on her face and it tugged at him. “Are you mad at me?” he asked, starting to feel defensive and not liking it. “I don’t like being lied to, Jude.” The maddening calm with which she said this made him instantly angry. “I don’t owe you explanations of my life, Rori. We’re just casual,” he said but regretted his tone immediately. Her playful look washed away, replaced by a carefully blank face. He ached that he’d caused it. “Yes, I don’t doubt that for a minute. What I don’t like is being lied to, as I said. I know you go out with other women, you had no reason to lie to me about that.” “What, do you want an apology?” he asked, trying for incredulous but failing. He was wrong and he knew it. Her eyes widened and he recognized that look, apparently the incredulous act had worked better than he thought. Unfortunately it really pissed her off. “Fuck off, Jude.” She lowered her voice so that the boys wouldn’t hear the exchange. “Don’t you take that tone with me! I’m not one of those faceless, nameless women you pick up at bars for one-night stands! Seriously, how dare you give me an attitude? Did I confront you in the restaurant? Did I call you and yell at you? Am I mad because you see other women? No. I ask that the men I date show me respect; I don’t think that’s too much to ask. You lied to me and for no good reason that I can divine.” He realized then she was going to stop going out with him and he also realized he didn’t want that at all. He grabbed her hands. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I acted like an ass. You do deserve honestly; I really don’t know why I lied about Tonya, especially because you know that I date other women. I’m a jerk. Are we still friends? We still going dancing tomorrow night?” She sighed and gave him a measuring look. “Here’s my bottom line, Jude. I know what we have and what we don’t have. I’m satisfied with that; I’m seeing other people too. What I don’t like is being lied to. Don’t do it again. If you do, that’ll be the end.”

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“I promise,” he said, trying to ignore the statement that she was dating other people. “Fine.” She swept past him and into the house, looking glorious in her anger. He sighed in relief and turned to follow her, only to scowl when he saw Ryan standing in the dining room and heard Kelly invite him to stay. Jude watched Ryan look Rori up and down as she helped set two extra places at the table. Ryan looked up and grinned in Jude’s direction. Disgusted, Jude gave him the finger. Jude was even more grumpy when Ryan navigated himself into the spot next to Rori at the table, with Shane on her other side. They engaged her in conversation all night long, not letting Jude get a word in edgewise. Worse, Rori didn’t appear to remember that he was there. He was sullen and pouty and he knew it. But damn it, she was sporting a bite mark on her inner thigh. A mark he gave her. His brand on her skin. The other man couldn’t have her, not if he had any say about it. When they were clearing up from dinner, he cornered her in the laundry room off the kitchen where she had taken out the garbage. “If you aren’t careful, your face will freeze that way,” she joked, not bothering to hide her smirk. He stalked over to her and pushed her against the washing machine. Placing his hands on her waist, he touched her bare skin where the shirt and shorts didn’t meet. Without giving her a chance to move away, he kissed her, hard. A kiss of possession and passion -- a kiss to mark her as his own. Triumph rushed through him when her stiffness melted away and she melded her body to his, opening her mouth under his lips and sucking his tongue inside. When he broke the kiss, she quirked up one corner of her mouth, and without a word, walked around him, back into the kitchen, leaving him alone. Later, when they were all sitting on the back porch, Ryan walked over and leaned on the railing. Rori and Kelly were in the vegetable garden, picking tomatoes, which were ripe early that year. “Wipe that smirk off your face, Lassiter,” Jude growled. “What smirk?” Ryan chuckled. All the while, both of them watched Rori. “She’s going out with me tomorrow night, Ryan.” “Yeah, I went out with her a few days ago. She seems to be acting like she’s a free agent. She hasn’t mentioned that she’s not interested in me. In fact, she certainly seemed interested in me when she kissed me, when she made a package of leftovers for me to take to work when I got called out suddenly. So your point is?” Jude tore his greedy eyes from Rori for a moment to glare at Ryan. “You can’t have her. She’s mine. She’s been in my bed and I plan to keep her there for a while, at least until we decide otherwise. You haven’t got a chance in hell against that, Ry.”


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“A chance at what? Seems to me I’m dating her, too.” Ryan shrugged. “She’s mine, Ryan,” he repeated and discovered that he liked the sound of it. “That so? Huh, well you’d better tell that to all the other women you’re dating, then. And since when are you a one-woman man?” “I’m not; I just don’t like to share.” “Fuck off, Jude.” Ryan turned to face him, anger clear in his normally jovial features. “You’re an asshole, you know that? Rori is a beautiful woman. You see what? Three or four other women at a time and you don’t want to share? Rori is only going to take that for so long and then you are out the door. I can wait, I’m a patient guy.” “Wait for what? You’re dating other women too.” “Yes, I am. But you see, I’m beginning to think that being with a woman like Rori is worth not seeing anyone else. I’ll keep dating other women, but once you are out of the picture, I think I’ll just narrow it down to one.” Dropping it like a challenge, Ryan shrugged his shoulders and then strolled off.

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Chapter Five Rori and Jude were at the OBG dancing -- one of his hands just above her ass, the other around her neck. Holding her this way, guiding her movements -- even just on the dance floor -- gave Jude a sense of power. And yet, he felt protective, too -- and possessive. What he didn’t like was the way other men watched her and his reaction to that attention. Every time another man looked at her he wanted to punch the guy out. She looked so sexy, with her curves lovingly encased in denim, and her breasts nicely showcased in the blue blouse, the buttons undone just enough to make him want to lean down and lick along the seam between them. She drove him to such distraction that he ached to throw her onto a table and sink inside her. His concentration on her and the truly wonderful evening faltered, though, when they left the dance floor. Tonya was working, and she must have traded with another waitress so she could handle their table. Jude took a deep breath and sent a quick prayer that she wouldn’t tell Rori about that afternoon. “Hi, Jude,” Tonya breathed out as she leaned into him. There was no mistaking her intent as Rori smirked at the scene with distaste. She crossed her arms across her chest, forcing those gorgeous breasts even higher above the neck of her blouse. “Tonya,” he replied and moved away a little, trying to ignore the feeling of impending doom that was washing over him. “What can I get you?” she asked, voice dripping with innuendo. “Although it can’t be what you had this afternoon, at least not until you drop your date home.” She laughed and Rori’s eyes narrowed and he saw the flash of hurt there. He groaned inwardly. He hadn’t planned to do anything with Tonya. She’d showed up at his apartment first thing after he’d gotten home from work wearing very little and what little she’d worn had hit the floor when she jumped on him. He’d been feeling just freaked


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out enough over his feelings for Rori that he’d allowed himself to get swept away by the moment. More to prove that he could than because he’d wanted Tonya. And now he was well and truly fucked. “I think you’ve done enough,” he said with a sigh. “Go, please.” He looked at Rori and saw the hurt in her face. “You knew I was seeing other people,” he began, knowing he was in a deep hole with no way of digging out. He wanted to throw himself on her mercy, beg her forgiveness, but he couldn’t do it. He sat there, numb. She sighed and stood up. “Yes, I did. I suppose I just hoped you wouldn’t come to pick me up with another woman’s lipstick on your cock. I can’t do this; it’s stupid. I want to go home, please.” She felt a yawning emptiness where only minutes before there’d been a sweet glow of possibility. He’d killed it. She hated how stupid she’d been and desperately wanted to be away from him. She couldn’t believe how naïve she’d been to think she could beat him at his own game. She’d lowered herself to game playing. No man was worth her pride. He stood and grabbed her elbow. “You knew I wasn’t exclusive with you. I was honest about that.” It was as if he was watching someone else act like a total asshole but he couldn’t stop himself. “I’m not saying you weren’t. Can we please not do this here?” she asked, jerking her elbow away. Sighing, she shook her head and walked out the door. She was waiting next to the car when he caught up with her. “I don’t want to take you home. I don’t see why we have to end the date. Why are you throwing a fit?” “I am not throwing a fit, Jude. I have come to the realization that while I can deal with dating more than one person at a time, maybe even sleeping with more than one person at a time, I cannot deal with other women mauling my date and knowing that just hours before he was balls deep in her. So call me unsophisticated. It’s not what I want to do.” “I didn’t plan it. It just happened.” She gasped and her head jerked up as if he’d slapped her. Turning on heel, the gravel crunched beneath her boots as she walked purposefully toward the road. “God save me from men who just happen to do things,” she muttered. “Where are you going? Rori!” He caught up with her. “This is why I don’t do exclusive,” he gritted out. “What?” “This jealousy trip you’re on -- it isn’t my thing at all.” “Fuck off, Jude. I’m not jealous. I just don’t think I can handle sleeping with someone who just had sex with someone else just hours before. God, it’s just a bit too seedy for me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going home.” Okay, so she was jealous but she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing just how much he’d come to mean to her in so short a time.

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“You can’t walk home. Let me drive you.” “I don’t want anything to do with you right now, Jude. It’s just a mile away, I’ll be fine.” “You are acting like a spoiled brat who can’t get what she wants!” “Oh, and what would that be?” she asked, her voice dangerously calm. “Me.” Rori threw back her head and laughed, and laughed and laughed some more. Tears ran down her face. “My god, you certainly don’t suffer from ego problems do you? Good night, Jude, I’ll see you around, I’m sure. I think it’s better if we just go back to being friends.” “You’re giving me the just-friends line?” The minute he said it he regretted it. Her eyes widened and a look of pain flashed across her face, quickly replaced with raw fury. She put her hands on her hips. Her glorious breasts, breasts he’d never touch again, thrust out as she did it. “And what does that mean, Jude? Oh, that poor homely Rori would never be expected to tell good looking town lothario Jude Callahan off?” “That’s not what I mean and you know it.” But it was and they both knew it and he realized what an utter, cowardly asshole he was. He’d taken something that could have been really special, that was really special, and he’d ruined it because he’d been scared, because he couldn’t let go of a chance to stroke his ego and get laid. He’d hurt someone he’d genuinely cared for and he couldn’t go back. He felt sick. “What do you mean then? Pray, enlighten me.” He was speechless for a moment. Truth was, she’d pegged it. He’d gone into this thing, especially after her confession that she’d always fantasized about being with him, thinking he was a great chance for Rori. She saw his hesitation and read it correctly and snorted, spun on her heel and walked away. He followed her at a safe distance, until she’d gone into her apartment, slamming the door behind her, and then he turned and went back to the OBG.

***** Not ready to call it a night and wallow, Rori called Becky to arrange to grab a drink. Avoiding OBG, they headed over to Mary’s instead. They grabbed one of the booths near the bar and settled in with a pitcher and two frosty pint glasses. “So, how do you like being back in Oakley?” “It’s been pretty nice so far.” “I hear you’ve been dating Jude. Is that why we’re here tonight?” Rori winced. “I was. Dating him was a bad idea. A monumentally bad idea, and now I’m not even sure we can be friends anymore. I never should have reached that high. He’s


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out of my league in several ways. I told myself I could do the dating around thing. Thought I could turn the tables on him and catch him that way. I’m an idiot.” Becky gave her a look of commiseration. “Sorry. Was it the other women? Paul, even though he was a worthless bastard, hurt me the most with the other women. The drinking was bad, the constant unemployment was bad -- hell, he was a shit, god knows why I would have wanted him -- and yet, having him be with other women was the worst pain I’ve ever felt. Like I was nothing. And for the record, you going out with Jude is not reaching too high. He should be so lucky as to be with you.” “Thanks. As to the other, yes and no. I knew he was dating other women and sleeping with them, too, but I must draw the line at men who fuck one woman just hours before they pick up another for a date. And I would have ended up in his bed tonight, too.” She shuddered at the idea of sharing with Tonya like that. “Some men are pigs. Paul cheated on me so many times, but I just kept taking him back. He’d apologize, blame the booze. I was so stupid. Thank god we don’t have any kids.” “It’s my own fault, really. I knew what he was. I thought I could beat him at his own game. But luckily, Oakley has more than one handsome, single man. So what are you doing, or should I ask who?” She laughed and Becky joined in, clinking her glass against Rori’s. “I’m dating a nice guy; he works for the post office. The sex is all right, not spectacular, but you can’t have everything. Hey, are you going to be at the Outdoor Cinema tomorrow night? It starts this weekend and they’re showing Alien and Aliens, a very cool double bill. It’s always fun and there will be plenty of available, cute single men there.” Oakley ran movies on the big wall at the park all summer long. It was free and a lot of fun. She’d forgotten about it. But growing up, she’d always wanted to go on a date to the OC. Max and Kelly used to take her along with them sometimes but it wasn’t really the same. “Oh, that sounds fun. I’d love to go. I’ll talk to Kelly and see if she wants to come with us.” “Sounds good. I hear you went out with Ryan Lassiter, too.” Rori widened her eyes and laughed. “I tell you, the gossip network in this town is truly amazing. Yes, I went out with Ryan once. He’s a really nice guy, and we got along great. I find him attractive and all, but he doesn’t make my toes curl.” “My god, you are like my hero. Remember when we were in school and we used to make up stories about how we’d marry Jude or Ryan and live happily ever after? Only I ended up with Paul. But you, you left, you got totally gorgeous and lived in France. You even had sex with Jude Callahan.” “Well apparently, that’s not much of an achievement given that everyone else has, too. But you know, the capper was when Jude said, it just happened! Gah! I’ve heard that before and sadly, in pretty much the same situation.” “Hey, Becky, how are you?”

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Rori turned and looked up, drinking in the sight of the tall, well-built man who’d approached their table, gaining a soft smile from him for her efforts. Now there’s a nice way to take the edge off, much better than a pint of Cherry Garcia, she purred inwardly. That is - until she realized the stud muffin was Zach Helm, Becky’s brother, younger by two years. “Oh my goodness, Zach! How are you?” He looked at her for a moment, obviously not recognizing her. “It’s Rori Simon, Zach. She’s moved back to town,” Becky said with a grin. “Rori? Wow! You’ve changed. You look great. That is, I mean, not that you didn’t look great before, it’s just that you look even better now,” Zach said, bending down to give her a big hug. What a dark horse Zach Helm was. The band geek with the pimples now stood at six feet easily, his black hair was thick and reached his shoulders. His very wide shoulders. His tee shirt stretched tight over his muscular chest, the outline of a nipple ring clearly visible through the material. Oh my ... “You remember John Brandt, right?” He motioned to the man at his left who only had eyes for Becky. John had been Zach’s best friend all through school and he looked almost exactly the same as he did ten years ago. “Of course. Hi, John. Why don’t you two join us? That is, if sitting with your older sister and her friend won’t cramp your style,” Rori joked. “Great,” John murmured and sat next to Becky, who returned his adoring stare, looking at him without blinking. Rori wanted to laugh, it was so cute. “So what brings you back here? I heard you were living in Europe somewhere,” Zach said as he sat next to her. “I had been gone long enough, I suppose. I broke it off with a boyfriend and suddenly, Paris didn’t seem as attractive as the States. I just decided to come home. My mom and sister still live here and I thought it might be nice to be near my sister again. I packed my laptop and my shoes and came back.” “Where are you working?” He ran a finger through a groove on the back of his chair. She watched his hands. He had big, strong hands.

Down girl, he’s younger than you are and your friend’s little brother. “I’m a writer, so I work at home.” “Ah, very cool. What do you write?” “Romance novels, erotica. What do you do?” “I work at the Lawrence Boatworks. I build custom boats.” “Really? Now that’s cool.” “I like it. It keeps me active and in shape and I’ve always loved making things.” He gave her a slow, sexy look. “Erotica, huh? That’s like porn for women?”


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She laughed. “Well, sort of. A bit more finessed than porn I hope, but it is sexually explicit. The Book Nook in Delta is doing a reading from one of my books for banned books week in October.” “Who’d have thought you’d have turned out to be so sexy, Rori?” he rumbled, his gaze sliding down her body appreciatively. “I was just thinking the same thing about you. But then, I also remembered you were younger and a friend’s brother.” “Who cares about that? So what if I’m younger? That’s age discrimination, Rori Simon.” He grinned at her. “That could get you in trouble.” Rori laughed. “Trouble, huh? And you think you’re the man to take me in hand?” He looked at her and his breath caught. A wicked smile broke over his face. Yeah, like

maybe he’d have to spank her. A few times. Until the satiny skin on her cheeks was sweetly pink, he’d stroke over the sting with his fingertips and blow the hurt away. She’d be nice and wet, squirming against ... “Are you flirting with me, Zach?” she asked, pulling him out of his naughty fantasy. “Like mad.” He kept on grinning. “Is it working?” “Like mad,” she answered. For the rest of the night she and Zach flirted, while Becky and John gazed into each others’ eyes. At last call John leaned over and spoke in Zach’s ear and Zach nodded. “Where do you live, Rori?” “On the west side, near the lake.” “I live at Myrtle and Tenth; can you give me a ride? I rode with John, but he lives on the south end, near Beck.” She saw where this was leading. “Oh really, how convenient. I suppose John can take Becky home then, and I can take you home -- for convenience sake and all.” Becky smiled and nodded and Rori tried not to roll her eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow probably, Becky.”

***** His presence filled her car to the point she couldn’t concentrate. He was dangerous to her driving skills. She couldn’t stop herself from sneaking looks at him, admiring the way his jeans fit so snug over his thighs, and the nice ridge in his lap. He worked with his hands, woodworking, so he’d probably be incredibly skilled with them. Just the right amount of pressure and finesse. She sighed with longing. Suddenly, though, the Jude thing wasn’t hurting so much. At his house, she parked at the curb and he turned and grinned at her, a touch of smug arrogance playing about his lips.

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“Think you’re pretty clever, don’t you, whippersnapper?” It was impossible not to grin at him. He laughed. “Well, I’m here with you, alone, aren’t I?” He reached out and pushed a curl behind her ear, pausing to glide his thumb over her bottom lip. “I think I’m going to like having you in town, Rori,” he murmured and leaned over to kiss her. His lips were lush and full and he tasted like cinnamon and beer. He was hot and hard and he kissed with total assurance of his own sexual lure. Not in a cocky way, but definitely sure of himself. She leaned into him and sucked his lower lip into her mouth, nipping it as she pulled back. He had a grin on his face, which she echoed. “Cocky.” “Yeah, you make me feel that way. So, Rori, what are you doing tomorrow?” “I’m going to the Outdoor Cinema I think.” “Sunday?” “Dinner with my mother and her husband.” He shuddered at that one and she chuckled. “You don’t know the half of it. She’s coming back from Hawaii tomorrow afternoon, so I’m sure there’ll be slides, too. Slides of my mother and her husband in bathing suits. I’m sure there will be frolicking involved. Hours and hours of slides with my mother frolicking. Thank god my sister will be there so I can make comments under my breath and roll my eyes during the especially horrifying parts.” She laughed and then sighed at the realization she really was going to have to do it. He burst out laughing. “Okay, so Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday? Come on; give a guy a break here.” “Persistent, aren’t you? I’m free Tuesday.” “Great, would you like to go sailing? I have a sailboat I’ve just finished refurbishing. I could pick you up in the late afternoon; it’s about a twenty-minute drive to the lake where it’s moored.” “I’d love to. Should I pack a picnic?” “Good idea.” She told him where she lived and he kissed her quickly once more before she drove away and went back home.

***** The Outdoor Cinema turned into a family affair. Once Rori had mentioned it, everyone had gotten on board. They packed a huge cooler of food and drinks, brought out the blankets and slathered on the bug repellant. They laid their blankets out near a big oak tree, which gave them a bit of cool respite until sun went down, and then the boys could sit on one of the lower branches for height and the old folks could all lean against it. Jude was there, as


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was Ryan, but they were working and Jude very definitely avoided Rori’s particular patch of ground. Rori hadn’t been able to tell Kelly about all that had happened the night before and was dying to fill her in, but they hadn’t been alone for a moment. Ryan came by and chatted, massaging Rori’s shoulders as they talked. Rori saw Becky and post office guy. They joined the crew on the blanket and chatted a bit until Kelly and Rori had to make a trip to the ladies room. “Oh my god, John is so cute!” Becky exclaimed when they all came back outside. “He came in and we talked until the sun came up. How did it go with Zach? He’s here somewhere, but then, so is half the town.” “Zach who? Becky’s little brother?” Kelly asked. Rori blushed. “I didn’t have a chance to say anything. Last night’s date with Jude went terribly. Tonya was there and she let it slip,” Rori made quote brackets with her fingers, “that she and Jude had slept together just a few hours before he came to pick me up. I asked him to take me home. He and I got into a fight in the parking lot, he said I was acting like a spoiled brat who couldn’t get what she wanted, and that what I wanted was him.” “The nerve!” Kelly exclaimed hotly while Becky nodded emphatically. “Anyway, I broke it off. I told him that yeah, I knew he was seeing other women and that was okay, but I don’t share cock on the same day.” Kelly burst out laughing. “You did not!” “Did too. Anyway, I ended up walking home, and he followed me, of course. I called Becky. She and I went to Mary’s for a drink and we saw her brother and John Brandt. John was completely smitten with Becky and didn’t look away from her all night. They made up this hilarious line where it would be so much easier if I could give Zach a ride home because it was closer and John lives near Becky, anyway.” Kelly made an impatient move-it-along gesture with her hand. “And? Get to the tadpoling part.” “He’s twenty-six; I’m twenty-eight; that’s not tadpoling! Anyway, have you seen Zach lately? Sorry, Becky, but your brother is all growed up, and very nicely I might add. I took him home, he laid some very nice lip lock on me, and we’re going sailing Tuesday.” “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this!” “When was I supposed to? I didn’t get home until almost three and then I slept until one and you were gone with Max and the boys to his parents’ house and then we all met here. I couldn’t every well tell you in front of Max and the boys. That would have been tacky.” “I knew something was up. Jude was a total ass today at Max’s Mom and Dad’s house. Was all pissy when he saw you weren’t there. Screw Jude.”

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“I did, and damn if it wasn’t hot. Anyway, I hope he and I can go back to being friends. My plan was obviously a dud. I’m just not sneaky enough to play games and really, I don’t like myself very much when I do.” “Maybe, maybe not. Jude would have dumped any woman who made a fuss or did something he didn’t like. Who knows?” Becky shrugged. “Perhaps. And who wants that anyway? Honestly, how do the women who date him deal with that? Being afraid to even say or do something he doesn’t like so he just freaks out and breaks it off? He’s hot and all, but I can’t live that way. I don’t want to live that way. He can’t possibly be the only good sex in this town. In any case, I am free to date, so I’m good to go.” Giggling, they all made their way back to their respective blankets. Rori was leaning against the tree, eyes closed, listening to the kids play when she heard a voice ask, “What are you up to, dollface?” Rori looked up, pleasantly surprised to see Zach standing there. “Hi! How are you?” He sat down next to her on the blanket. “I’m much better now. I’ve been looking for you on and off. Are you here with someone?” “Just my sister and brother-in-law and my nephews.” “Ah, so do you mind if I watch the movies with you?” “No, I’d like that. I need someone to hide my face in during the scary parts.” He leaned back against the tree and she scooted back to sit in the cradle of his thighs, leaning into his chest. “Feel free to hide your face any place you like,” he said dryly. “Joker,” she quipped. He chuckled, kissing the top of her head. She sighed as he held her against his body, fingers gently stroking up and down her arms. He nestled her head just under his chin and his heart beat steady and reassuring at her back.

***** “Would you like to come in?” Rori asked Zach. He’d just driven her home and walked her to her door. The stars overhead gave gentle light behind him. “Hell yes,” he said. Grinning, she unlocked her front door and Zach followed her inside. Once the door was closed he stalked to her, picked her up and sat down on the couch. He moved so that she astride his lap, face to face with him. Neither spoke for several long moments as the sexual tension hung thick in the air between them. “Rori, I want you,” he whispered thickly.


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Looking deep into his eyes she made her choice. Nodding, she licked her lips. He growled and arched his hips, grinding his erection into the crotch of her shorts, and her breath hitched. He unbuttoned her shirt, swallowing hard when he caught sight of the creamy swell of her breasts. His touch was almost reverent as he skimmed his palms across her sensitive nipples. A gasp pulled from her lips when he leaned in to place a trail of scalding kisses along the upper curve of her cleavage. Clever fingers unhooked her bra and it fell from her arms. His tongue swirled around one nipple and then the other when his phone suddenly rang. He rested his head against her breastbone for a moment. “No. I have to see what it is.” He groaned and she moved aside so he could grab his phone from the table where he’d tossed it. A quick glance at the numbers brought a sigh. “I have to answer this.” “Of course,” she answered, concern clear in her voice. Reluctantly she moved from his lap. By the sound of the terse phone call, she knew he’d be leaving. She re-hooked her bra and re-buttoned her shirt. Snapping the phone closed, he turned to her. “I’m sorry. My uncle has been in and out of the hospital for two weeks; he’s back in now and my mom needs me.” He looked her up and down and groaned, placing her palm over the bulge in his jeans. “I so do not want to leave you right now.” With a wistful smile, she squeezed gently. His eyes slid halfway closed. Reaching to her, he grabbed her shoulders, pulling her to him and bringing his lips down on hers. He allowed himself to fall into her for a few long moments and broke the kiss with a groan of regret. “I’m going to be calling you, Rori. I’ll see you soon.” He gave her one last quick hard kiss and left.

***** The next few days passed quickly. Dinner with her mother and Howard went as well as could be expected. Thank goodness Kelly and Max were there. Although she was truly glad to have Rori back, her mother also bitched about everything Rori ate until Kelly had tersely told her to shut up. Rori saw Jude around town and waved to him, but he ignored her so she just stopped trying. The distance between them made things easier, she supposed. Tuesday, she and Zach were on their way out to the lake, when they stopped in town so Rori could run in and grab the brownies she wanted from Boudreaux’s Bakery. Inside, she ran into Jude and Max, who’d been having coffee at one of the small tables. “Hey, Rori, whatcha up to?” Max asked her and she stopped at their table, not looking at Jude.

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“Oh, I’m on my way out. I’m going sailing. See you later.” She briefly kissed Max’ cheek, waved, and then jogged out to the car, bakery box in hand. Jude watched Zach get out and open her door and get back in, kiss her briefly and drive off. Terse, he turned back to Max. “Is this thing with Helm serious or what?” “Zach seems to have a mighty sweet tooth for our Rori,” Max answered, an amused tone in his voice. “So, you wanna tell me why you don’t even say boo to Rori these days? Leaving the field wide open for Zach, I might add. Then again, since you look so sour, maybe I won’t,” Max teased with a grin, ignoring the dark scowl on Jude’s handsome face. “She broke things off, got jealous over Tonya.” “Really?” “Let me guess, you heard a different story?” “And what story would that be?” Jude groaned and sullenly told Max the whole story, including the part where he called Rori a spoiled brat. Max stared, eyes narrowed as the story unfolded. “I hadn’t heard the full version. What I did hear was in the form of a half mumbled pissed off lecture that Kelly gave me about your appalling treatment of her little sister. She chewed my ass for that, I’ll have you know.” He glared at Jude. “You’re an even bigger fool than I thought, Jude. You know damned well Rori is a classy woman. She’s not some cheap one-night stand you can just toss off when you’re finished with her. Not that I approve of you treating any woman that way. But I thought you and Rori were friends. How could you do that? Treat her so poorly?” Jude hung his head and sighed. He hated when Max was right almost as much as he hated when Max had the legitimate moral high ground. “I know. I told her that I didn’t plan it, that it just happened, and that really pissed her off,” he mumbled, wincing as he remembered the look on her face. “Of course it did! That’s apparently what her ex-boyfriend said when she walked in on him in bed with someone else.” Jude’s stomach sank and he felt nauseated. Now he’d never have a chance with her. Max was right; he was a fool. “You’re kidding me. Please say you’re kidding me,” he begged. “She didn’t tell you? I don’t suppose it was the time or place -- not like you deserved an explanation when you said something so utterly stupid. Well, you blew it. Move on. According to Kelly, Rori has.” “I don’t want her to. I hate seeing her with that bastard.” Knowing that she’d be the perfect sub, knowing that he could have given her his collar. The thought of coming home to have her on her knees waiting for him, burned in his gut. She could have been his to protect and pleasure. Zach would have that now. Suddenly, Max’s teasing demeanor slid away. “You’ve got feelings for Rori, don’t you?”


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But Jude couldn’t take that offering. He pushed his brother away, the same way he’d pushed Rori away. “Yeah, I want to fuck her about a million times,” he popped off with a devil-may-care grin. Max stood up so abruptly, his chair fell over. He leaned into Jude’s face and said in a low, threatening voice, “Don’t you ever let me hear you talk about Rori like that again. She deserves better than gutter comments like that.” He grabbed his coffee, threw down some money before turning and stalking out.

***** Sailing on Zach’s boat was peaceful. Rori was impressed at the quality of his craftsmanship. “I can’t believe you did all of this yourself. It’s beautiful; she’s beautiful.” Rori ran her fingers over the rails, seeing all of the love Zach put into his work. Zach smiled proudly. “Took me two years but I am really happy with it. I love being out here on the water.” “I’ve only gone sailing a few times; it’s really fun.” “Well, we’ll have to make sure it happens again.” “So, Zach, when did you get that piercing?” she asked, staring at the nipple ring, visible through his tee shirt. He looked down at his chest and then at her. “Three years ago in New Orleans. It was a dare. The tattoos I got two years ago, and then the one on my calf last year.” “My piercing was spur-of-the moment too. I’m contemplating doing my nipple, as well. My tattoo I got in Dublin. I really like the band around your biceps; you’ll have to show me the others.” Zach’s pupils widened, eyes darkening. Oh she’d get her nipples done all right. She’d wear rings he picked out. He couldn’t wait to claim her as his own. Five years ago he’d gone to a club with a woman he’d met at school and he’d been introduced to the whole D/s scene. The experience had broken down the walls he’d built around himself. He’d always felt the desire to master his partners -- the way his cock jumped when he held a woman’s arms or hands during sex, the way he’d fantasized about tying his partners, about spanking them -- was somehow bad and wrong. But seeing others who lived in various ways, expressing a myriad of facets of sexuality, had enabled him to realize who he was -- what he was. He was a Dom and he was all right with that at last. He’d lived with a woman for nearly two years, topped her. They’d both been young, and they’d learned together. She’d been a great sub, but in the end, she’d gone out west to graduate school and he realized when he had no desire to follow that he obviously hadn’t been in love. It was a great way to live though, and he’d realized in the last two years as he’d been single, that he needed to find the right woman to be with -- to top -- to be truly fulfilled in his life. Unless he was just totally wrong, Rori was that woman. He’d heard she

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dated Jude Callahan briefly, and knowing Jude was a Dom, he hoped Rori would be amenable to his lifestyle. To making it their lifestyle. If Callahan was stupid enough to pass up a beautiful angel of a sub like Rori, well, finders, keepers. He came back to himself and watched her face while he pulled off his shirt. A sexy grin broke out over his face as he watched her blink a few times and lick her lips. Rori stared up at him in shock as he peeled his shirt off. Hooooley Magoooley! The man was hunkalicious! What a body. His upper body rippled with muscle; he was ripped. A barbed wire tattoo ringed his right biceps, and his navel was surrounded by a sunburst. He turned, showing her the phoenix, its wings spanning from shoulder to shoulder, which graced his upper back. “Wow.” She blinked up at him, her mouth suddenly dry. He grinned, pulling his pant leg up to show her the intricate Japanese characters on his calf. “I got this last year. Loosely translated they’re about strength and mastery.” More specifically, they were about being a strong and worthy master. “I didn’t know you had a tattoo or a piercing, clearly a sign you are wearing clothes that don’t reveal enough skin. Show me.” She pulled up her shirt to show him the belly ring with the lapis bead. He dipped his head, tracing his tongue from the waist of her pants, which rested just above her pubic bone, to the top of her navel. She shivered, barely holding back the need to run her fingers though his hair. He moved around behind her to look at the Celtic knot that sat in the small of her back. “This is really beautiful, very intricate.” “Thanks, I thought it took long at a few hours. The phoenix on your back must have taken many painful hours. Days, even.” “I had to go back twice to get it finished. Each time, I was there for hours.” They ate the dinner she’d brought and drank cream sodas. He asked her about her travels and her writing. He knew at some point he’d have to sit down with her and talk in detail about the whole D/s thing. For now, though, he just wanted to enjoy her, to show her what kind of man he was, how things could be between them if she wanted. He didn’t do a contract like some couples did, but he did have expectations and a variation on a collar that he’d want her to wear all the time. He had to shake his head to dislodge the incredibly alluring picture of her wearing it -- a sign to all that she was his. After they’d finished eating, he leaned back and gave her a long, sexy look. “I’ll have you know I went to The Book Nook and bought one of your books of erotica yesterday afternoon. They also had a large display of your romances. I was impressed. I started reading, but haven’t finished it yet. I probably shouldn’t have read it before my date with you because now all I can think of is you, naked and moaning my name, while my face is nestled between


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your thighs. Your writing is pretty steamy, Rori. I’ve been hard since I had to limp out of your apartment Sunday night, but reading your sexual fantasies only made it worse.” A delicious frisson of lust slithered through her. She’d lived in a big city and had no sex at all for months, and no sooner had she come back to small town Georgia and bango bingo, she had three sexy men knocking at her door. The world was a good place. “Hmmm. Well, I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable.” She ran a hand down his bare chest, stopping at his crotch. She slid her hand down and over his prominent erection he was sporting and he groaned when she dragged her fingernails over the denim. “Shit. Let me get us back to the dock. I want to devote some serious time and attention to you,” he said and turned the boat around.

***** About half an hour later they arrived back at the marina. He tied off the boat, and reached down to grab her hand to pull her to her feet. “Come below,” he said and she followed him into the small cabin below the deck. The area was divided into a simple set of rooms, but ones he’d specially designed. He walked her quickly through the small galley and dining/common area and into the bedroom. The bed took up most of the room and had a soft midnight blue spread. He shut the door behind them and lit some candles. “So, is this where you bring all the girls?” She laughed and he shook his head, walking to her. Her gaze locked on the far wall, her eyes widening with interest as she stared at the rings screwed into the wall above the bed. Very slowly, gentling her with his touch, he pulled her shirt off, pausing to look at the pretty coral bra that did very little to conceal her breasts. “Very nice,” he breathed. His eyes took in every curve, every freckle, the shadow of the hollow of her throat and the flutter of her pulse, visible there. The tip of his finger flicked over a taut nipple and her lips parted on a gasp. “So beautiful. You’re amazing, Rori,” he murmured as he tasted the dusting of freckles along her collarbone. He followed with small kisses pressed along her breastbone and down the valley between her breasts until he reached her nipple, begging for his attention through the material of that sexy confection she was wearing. “I like my woman in pretty underwear,” he said and pulled her nipple into his mouth through the material. She sucked in her breath and gave into her impulse to run her fingers through his hair. It was even softer than she’d imagined.

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His hands stroked over her bare flesh, kneading and caressing. She felt fragile and cherished. The way he touched her felt like a benediction. She’d never been touched that way before and it made her chest constrict. “Let’s see what you’ve got on under these extremely sexy jeans,” he murmured, going to his knees before her. He slowly unzipped her jeans, the mere sound making her wet. He leaned in and inhaled as he pulled the jeans over her hips and down her legs. “Your pussy smells good. Wet. Does it feel empty, Rori? Do you want me to fill it up?” She took in a shuddering breath. God, he was so sexy she couldn’t think straight. He had the same air of dark command Jude had, but there was more to it. He was more. He was sure of himself, yes, but he held nothing back. He gave himself to her without caveat. Beyond words, she simply nodded as she stepped out of her shoes and jeans. He moved back, gazing at her hungrily before leaning in and tonguing her pussy through the material of her panties, the friction of the lace against her clit maddeningly delicious. He stood up. “Rori, unzip my jeans.” Her slightly trembling hands went to the button and zipper of his jeans and his cock joyfully sprang free as she pushed his jeans down and off. It was solid and thick and oh-someaty. She gulped almost comically, imagining what it would feel like as he thrust inside of her. “Commando,” she whispered and he grinned. “I love the feel of denim on my cock,” he said as he reached down and stroked himself. She watched the way he handled himself, learning what he liked. “I like the way you look so hungry for it.” He idly pulled on his nipple ring. Her pussy clenched as she watched. She shivered at the darkly spoken words. His manner was confident and masterful. There was something in the air, anticipation, taboo. She felt wanton and wicked and that she’d do anything this man told her to. It was slightly frightening but extremely erotic at the same time. “I am,” she said quietly. “Good, I want you to always be hungry for my cock, Rori.” He stood there with his nipple ring and those tattoos, that hair, those smoldering eyes so brown they were nearly black, muscles everywhere. He wanted her and that was completely obvious as her eyes slid back to the body part in question. Zach paused as he watched her process. He had to blunt the severity of his desire for her by reminding himself that if he did this right, he’d have all the time in the world to rip her clothes off and fuck her six ways ’til Sunday. When he was satisfied that she was okay with the direction things were moving, he turned to pull the coil of rope out of the drawer near the bed.


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The summer before, a friend of his had invited him on a road trip to Shibaricon in Chicago. Zach hadn’t really had much interest in rope before but he’d gone on a whim. When he’d walked through those front doors and saw the vendors, he knew he’d found something. The scent of the hemp of the rope, the feel of it in his hands was alluring. Narcotic. There’d been demonstrations and workshops and after he’d watched a rope suspension he purchased a great deal of hand cured and dyed hemp rope from a guy from Seattle who ran his own small business, Twisted Monk. Coming back home, he’d dived into the all the classes he could take, traveling to Atlanta and Jacksonville to perfect his technique. When playing with rope, one had to be very careful not to cut off circulation in dangerous spots. He always played safe; he certainly would never take risks with Rori. All these months, the rope -- dozens of feet of crimson and purple and gold -- had been in his drawer here, waiting for the right woman. And she stood before him now. “Rori, I’d like to bind you,” he said before he could change his mind. His heart pounded as he turned back toward her, holding the rope in one fist. He wouldn’t normally jump to something as heavy as rope the first time he was with a woman he didn’t know from the scene. But he needed this ... needed to see Rori bound and at his mercy. Helpless but for his desires. He wanted to look down and see the knots in a line down her back, the rope wound around her soft, silky flesh. Zach imagined how it would feel to slowly and methodically bind her as the weight of the rope sat in his fist. He wanted to ease her into the scene and still be totally above board with what he was. He wanted her to want it, too. And damned if it didn’t feel incredibly right with her -meant to be. He tipped her chin up, looking her square in the eyes. “Do you trust me?” He saw apprehension in her eyes but not fear. Relieved, he also saw interest there. She licked her lips. “Bind me? My hands? Like with handcuffs?” “Well, we could use those; I have several pair. But I like rope.” She stared at him for several moments and then nodded her head. “Okay,” she said, sounding turned on but slightly wary. He held up the rope. “I’ve never used this. It’s been waiting for just the right woman.” He ran the rope through his hands, making sure it was free of imperfections that would scratch or harm her skin. The weight of it assured him, drew him in. The few burrs wouldn’t hurt her; they were part of the experience. The scent of the dye and the rope itself mixed with the scent of her desire, of warm skin and the chemistry between them. He approached her slowly, touching her gently, letting her understand what was happening, earning her trust. He uncoiled the rope and when he laid it over her bare flesh, when it first caressed her shoulder, they both released a shuddering breath. He drew her

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panties off and had her kneel. And then he slowly began to bind her, taking care to wind it and tie the knots so as not to cut off circulation. He pinned her arms back behind her, wrists bound at the small of her back. The position thrust her breasts out to his gaze, offering her body to him. He chose to tie a simple rope corset and harnessed her sweet pussy too, for the first time. The rope framed her breasts, lying above them and below them. The contrast of the crimson against her creamy soft skin stole his breath. He was methodical, not only to be safe, but because the rope sliding across her skin was so intensely sensual he wanted to make the whole process of binding last as long as possible. Rori had been slightly concerned at first but each gentle but sure touch and caress from Zach calmed her. She watched, lips slightly parted, growing wet simply from the look of desire on his face, the sensuous way he caressed the rope. At the beginning of the process, she’d been taking shallow breaths, but by the time he’d finished, her eyes were leaden and she was breathing slow and deep, as if she were in an erotic trance. She’d never felt this way before, totally and utterly at someone else’s will, but she wasn’t afraid of him at all. She was bound and he was incredibly dominant but at the same time, he was gentle and he took her deeper in slow increments. Something inside of her clicked into place -- she felt right, complete. There was freedom in being bound that way; she was able to give herself to the experience and let him make the choices. That was so sexy. Rori’s hands throbbed in time with her heartbeat. Nails digging into her palms, she fought the claustrophobia that swamped her. The pleasure of being bound warred with the fight or flight response her body produced. The rope dug into her skin, each breath a reminder that she was bound. Somehow that tightness against her skin allowed her to push past her discomfort and panic. Helped her embrace the building ecstasy that came from the entirety of the experience. Each pass he made around her body pushed her deeper into rope space until she felt as if she were floating, the rope Zach’s hands and on her flesh the only things that anchored her and kept her from complete disconnect. When Rori was in rope space and breathing slow and deep, Zach’s pulse thundered at the erotic sight before him. What a beautiful vision, this woman kneeling before him, upper arms and hands bound, the rope corseted around her torso and down through her legs. The series of knots down her spine was arrestingly sensual. By the time he’d finished binding her, his cock was so hard it sat flush against his stomach, the head sticky with pre-cum. He moved around her, checking his work and looking into her face to be sure she was all right. “Are you all right?” he asked. “I ... I think so,” she answered, her words slow. Reaching out, he caressed her jaw line, tucking a silky curl behind her ear. “You look so beautiful, Rori. If you get freaked out, just say so, all right? I’ll untie you and we can back off for a bit if that’s what you need.” She nodded and he hardened even more as she licked her lips. Impossibly, she looked both extraordinarily carnal and innocent at the same time in that lacy scrap of lingerie peeking around the ropes, her body displayed for his pleasure.


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“I want you to suck my cock, Rori.” She closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them again, she nodded. He stood in front of her and positioned himself so she wouldn’t have to move anything but her head. She opened her mouth and her tongue darted out to lap up the pearl of pre-come that beaded on the slit of his cockhead. “Tell me how you want it,” she whispered. He ran his thumbs over her eyebrows, the bones of her cheeks. “Ah, you see. Do you understand what I am?” “I think so. You’re into S&M.” “No. I’m not interested in administering pain or in anyone who likes pain. Not that pain doesn’t have its place in pleasure -- but it’s not my sexual focus. I prefer Dominance and submission, and I like bondage. You couldn’t possibly know how much it turns me on to see you there, bound just for my pleasure. I want to be with you, Rori. I want us to be together with you as my sub, or my bottom. I’ll always protect you and cherish you but you’ll submit to my wishes sexually.” Suddenly, as she nodded, the unreality of the moment melted into a certainty that she was making the right decision. Things just sort of clicked into place with a nearly indefinable sense of rightness. “Good, we’ll talk more later. Now keep your lips tight around my cock, yes, that’s the way,” he crooned softly as she took him into her mouth. She wanted to use her hands but at the same time, the restriction of movement was incredibly erotic. She lapped at him and nibbled just under the head and she felt his shiver of delight. “That’s it. Deeper, Rori. Take all of me,” he ordered softly, his hands guiding her mouth as he gripped her hair so hard tears sprang to her eyes. “Mmm, harder, yes, like that. Oh yeah,” he ground out as he softly thrust between her lips. His cock wasn’t as long as Jude’s but it was fat. She couldn’t wait for him to fuck her with it. She dipped down and took his sac into her mouth, tonguing and licking each one of his balls until his thighs began to tremble and he guided her mouth back up to his cock. She loved the way he felt between her lips, silky and hard, veins pulsing, throbbing under her tongue. His velvety smooth cock slipped across her tongue and she breathed him in. His intoxicating scent sang out to her. He began to fuck her mouth in earnest, grunting. “Baby, you are spectacular. I’ve waited so long to find you. Oh yeah, right there.” He trembled as she found all of his sweet spots. “Your mouth is so good, honey, hot and wet, so sweet against my cock.” Looking down at her, he watched his cock disappear between those luscious lips over and over. Watched the telltale flush of her arousal work up her body. She was magnificent. Throwing his head back, he loosed himself and shot down her throat in pulse after pulse, as

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the waves of pleasure crashed through him. Finally, he collapsed into a chair, pulling her onto his lap to face him. The look on her face was so erotic that it shook him. This is what rope space was. He’d seen it on a few people in the classes, but never with a partner. She appeared slightly dazed, as if she’d been surprised by the experience, but in a good way. Her muscles were loose, her breathing deep and slow. Her lips were parted, glossy and plump from sucking him off. Her breasts were offered for his eyes. He felt such an incredible rush of tenderness for her at that moment. Kissing her softly, he murmured against her hair, “Thank you, Rori.” And he meant that for far more than her skills with her mouth. Wanting to give her the pleasure she’d given him, he stood up and lay back on the bed. “I like the way the ropes make you look, like a bondage angel. I want more of you, Rori. Come and ride my face.” The naked eroticism of those words pulled Rori back from that far off place a bit. When her eyes focused on him, her heart stuttered at the hunger etched into his face. Crawling up the bed, she was a bit off-balance. Zach put his hands up to brace her, assisting her as she moved up his body. Grasping the ropes in one hand, he held her up and rolled a nipple, tugging and pinching it with the other. When his tongue slithered over her pussy lips and dipped inside she gasped with the intensity of it. He fluttered his tongue over her, sucking first gently and then hard on her clit. He stabbed his tongue into her gate, lapping at her cream like she was the best thing he’d ever tasted. Her hips churned restlessly as she ground herself into his face and he ate at her with relish. She began to lose that intoxicated feeling as frustration hit her. She wanted to have her hands for balance but had to rely on him to hold her upright. Having to spend energy worrying about her balance was taking her focus off the magic of Zach’s mouth. But it came to her then, like one of those cartoon light bulbs. She let go of her frustration and let him worry about her balance and sank into the experience. The full extent of the pleasure of submission, of the ropes and his mouth, rushed through her and she began to come harder than she’d ever come before. She trembled as she screamed his name, letting him hold her up, letting him give her pleasure -- taking it without fear or guilt. Intense sensations rolled through her over and over until she nearly blacked out. Zach continued to tongue her gently until the last of her orgasm faded. Once the trembling and fluttering had stopped, he moved and helped her to sit on the bed. He looked her over carefully, taking her measure. He’d felt her fighting the experience, the tense muscles as she’d tried to keep her balance. He’d also felt when she let go, allowing him to take care of the balance. When she came, she came with such intensity tears sprang to his eyes and his throat tightened at the beauty of her trust in him.


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Standing up quickly, he moved to position her -- ass up, head down -- so he could look at the ropes while he fucked her. Rolling a condom on quickly, he sliced through her molten hot pussy, burying himself to the root. Gasping, she arched her back to meet his thrusts, opening up to him more fully. “Oh man,” he said as he went totally still, letting her body adjust to his. “More,” she begged, pushing back against him harder, inviting him to fuck her. Taking a deep breath, he held her hips for balance as he stroked into her hard and fast. Her breasts swayed, tantalizing him with each stroke, the pretty material of her bra pushed below them like so much window dressing. The wet sounds of their union echoed through the room around them. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, restricting her movement further, and she moaned, cunt clamping down on him as he flicked his fingers over her swollen clit. “You like that, don’t you?” he growled possessively. Apparently unable to find words she just gave a moan in the affirmative. “You’re so fucking beautiful, so hot and tight. I want you so much it makes me blind with it. You’re mine, Rori,” he grunted and felt a savage satisfaction as her pussy pulsed and sent a wave of her scalding hot honey down over their joined bodies. He rode her. Fucking into her body, luxuriating in the way she embraced him on every pass. Loving the sounds of pleasure she made. “Come again for me, Rori,” he whispered thickly and lightly plumped her clit between his fingers. “Oh god,” she gasped as she began to come around his cock. The hot embrace of her spasming pussy was too much to withstand and he fell headlong into his climax. Moaning out her name, he lunged into her as deeply as possible as orgasm rolled over him. Afterward, he gently laid her down on the bed and untied her, massaging her cramped muscles, kissing the marks where she’d been bound. They lay, legs entwined, getting their breath back and after a few minutes, he found himself hard and wanting her again. Crooning to her softly, he slid into her again, this time taking it slow, riding her with leisurely passion until she begged him to finish and end her erotic torture. Afterward, he pulled her into the shelter of his body, her head tucked under his chin, and she fell asleep. He lay there, listening to the sweet sound of her sleeping, breathing her in, taking in the warmth of her flesh against his. Everything clicked then and he knew she was meant to be his. Not just for the time being, but forever.

***** He felt her rise to consciousness sometime well after midnight. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she gave him a sweet smile when she saw him. “Hey there,” he said softly, kissing her lips.

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“Hi.” She ran her hands over his biceps, up his neck into his hair. “Why didn’t you wake me? Don’t you have to be at work in the morning?” “Yeah, but it was worth it,” he said with a smile. She looked so beautiful lying there, looking up at him with such trust. He’d never used the ropes like that before, not outside of the workshop, and reality turned out to be so much better than his fantasies. He wanted to see her with chains wrapped around her upper arms; he wanted to fuck her while she was blindfolded. Aside from his nearly two-year relationship, one that now in retrospect he thought of as a trainer relationship, he’d had brief interludes with women here and there that involved his lifestyle but only partially. He’d been waiting for the right woman to live it with. He had years’ worth of fantasies and scenarios in his head, just waiting to be used on the woman who now shared his bed. More than just someone who turned him on, he liked Rori. He loved her sense of humor and the way she spoke with her hands. He enjoyed spending time with her. She was someone that he easily thought of as a friend, someone worth talking to. She was a whole package, this woman. He watched her get dressed, loving the way she moved. He needed to talk to her about taking their relationship to the next level, but he didn’t want to rush her. When she made the choice to let him top her, he wanted her to make it knowing exactly what she’d be getting and he wanted her to not only accept the lifestyle, but to crave it. He drove her back to her apartment and walked her to her door. Once she’d opened up and turned on the lights he embraced her tightly, wanting to absorb her into himself. It took him a few moments to get his emotions in check enough to speak. “I’d like to see you again. And again,” he said, running the backs of his fingers down her cheek. The smile she gave him hardened his cock and softened his heart. “I’d like that, too.” “Why don’t we get together for dinner on Friday, then? I’ll pick you up here at say, seven?” “That sounds good. I’ll see you then.” He leaned in and kissed her, devouring her, not able to get nearly enough of her. He put his forehead to hers and caught his breath. “I’ll see you Friday,” he whispered and she leaned against her door as she watched him walk away.


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Chapter Six Rori looked at the note written in Zach’s masculine scrawl. Wear a sheer silky dress and don’t bother with panties or a bra. I like very high heels. Red lips and nails. She frowned at his arrogance, but his orders intrigued her nonetheless. She looked through her closet and pulled out two dresses: a pale pink wrap dress and a black silk dress with beaded spaghetti straps and a handkerchief hem that barely reached mid thigh. The pink dress was pretty, but if she didn’t wear panties, you’d be able to see right through it, plus red nails and lips would clash. With a shrug, she snorted, deciding that she’d wear the pink dress and pale pink panties. Her nipples would show, but not too much, and she’d wear pale polish and lips. After all, it wouldn’t do to give into his every whim, no matter how hot he was in bed. She did get a manicure and pedicure and chose soft pink polish to go with the dress. The strappy Jimmy Choos were something she’d bought specifically for this outfit. They wove around her ankle and at the tie, a vibrant pink silk flower. She’d smiled in pleased surprise when she stopped by the florists and found a real flower in nearly the same shade, and it was now tucked into the loose knot at the base of her neck. She’d loved how Zach’s eyes widened in appreciation as he took her in when she’d opened the door. “You look good enough to eat, and I think I will,” he said huskily into her ear as he hugged her. “Thank you.” She took her time, looking him up and down. He had on a pair of black slacks and a cream-colored button-down shirt. The clothes played off his dark coloring well. His muscles should have overpowered the clean, classic lines of the clothes, but instead, he made it work. “You look really good, too.”


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At the restaurant he watched her, possessive eyes gobbling up every sexy inch of her -the curve of her lips, the dart of her pink tongue as it swept out over her lip to catch a drop of the wine she’d been drinking. Running a thumb slowly over her knuckles, the soft skin tempting him, he put his glass down and leaned close to her. “Rori?” His normally mellow voice had an edge to it and she looked up at him, a question in her eyes. “Mmm?” Hand slipping down beneath the tablecloth, he found her thigh, tracing a finger ever higher. She stiffened. “Zach? Stop! Someone will see.” He gave her a raised brow. “No they won’t, my hand and your leg are under the table and the tablecloth is long.” He continued to slide upwards until he reached the silky edge of the panties he knew she’d been wearing. He frowned and leaned over. “Naughty. I told you not to wear any panties, Rori,” he whispered into her ear and then nipped her ear sharply and laved the sting. She was so soft and feminine but there was no mistaking the look of challenge in her eyes. He smiled wickedly, thinking of how he’d discipline her for not doing as he’d told her in his note. Her eyes closed a moment and he saw a shiver slide through her body. He chuckled when he caught sight of her nipples pressing quite obviously into the front of her dress. “I had to, the dress was too sheer. Plus, you can’t just order me around like that.” “Is that so, Rori?” he asked, sliding a finger under the lace edge of the panties. He found her wet and flicked her clit, relishing her not quite suppressed gasp. “Your nipples are so hard that man across the room who’s been staring at you for the last half an hour is now undoubtedly even harder than he was before. He knows what I’m doing, Rori. He knows my finger is just about to sliiiiide into your hot, wet pussy,” he breathed softly and did as he said and her hand clenched her fork until her knuckles were white. He chuckled. “I can order you around, Rori. What’s more, you like it. It makes you wet. Just as you disobeyed me tonight, just to see how I’d react. Now, go into the bathroom and take off the panties,” he said, drawing his hand back out of said panties, sliding his fingertips back down her thigh. Watching her, he drew his hand up to her face, tracing his finger over her lips. His breath caught and he couldn’t quite suppress his moan as she sucked it inside, tasting herself. “Bring them back to me.” Unmoving, she watched him for a moment. “Rori, you’ve already been a bad girl for not wearing what I told you to. Do you want to disobey me again? It’ll be such a pleasure to discipline you. Go ahead and disobey me again. It’ll only earn you more punishment,” he murmured and watched with satisfaction as his words made the pulse at the hollow of her throat flutter and her eyes darken, pupils widening.


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“What are you going to do about it? Are you going to spank me?” she teased but he’d lay odds that her pussy rained honey when she saw the look on his face. “Oh yes, and you’re going to love it. You’re going to scream out my name over and over; you’ll beg me to fuck you by the time I’m through.” She stood up on slightly trembling legs and walked into the bathroom. When she came back out a few minutes later he watched her come toward him. There was a hint of the shadow of her pussy lips when her legs moved just right. He doubted anyone else could see, but he knew she’d hand him panties that were wet at the very idea. She sat back down. “Well? Where are they?” “In my purse. I couldn’t just walk back out here holding them.” He laughed. “I want them.” “Now?” she asked incredulously. “Yes, now.” She sighed and pulled her small bag open and handed them to him under the table. He fingered them and pulled them to his face, inhaling, and then put them in a pocket. He saw her mad blush and laughed. “Relax, baby. They’re pale like the napkins. If anyone even saw me just now, they thought I was wiping my face. You’re turned on, you can’t deny it. The evidence is in my pocket, drenched with you.” She nodded, unable to refute it. She felt like she’d just thrown herself headlong over a cliff, but she wanted him, orders and all. The way he made her feel thrilled her, turned her on more intensely than anything she’d ever imagined. His presence was so large, so overwhelmingly all encompassing -- and yet, that very thing, the way that he dominated the very space he occupied, was incredibly hot. He threw down money to pay the bill and walked around to pull out her chair. His hand rested at the small of her back as he escorted her out to the car. Zach drove back to his house and when she walked through his front door he felt relief. She had stuck with him thus far -- she’d dated Jude, she hadn’t balked at the rope. He didn’t think she had gone looking for dominants to go out with, but she was a born sub, which he admitted was probably why she’d been so attracted to him and Jude both. She hadn’t been able to name what she was looking for; she’d merely responded to what he and Jude offered. In any case, she wasn’t just any sub, she was his sub. Leading her to the couch, he motioned for her to sit, then joined her. “Rori, I’d like to talk to you.” He pulled her hair out of the loose knot. He twirled the stem of the flower in his fingertips and slid the petals down her neck. She closed her eyes as he ran his fingers through her hair, freeing it, arranging it over her shoulders. He traced the flower across the curves of her cleavage and unable to resist, followed in its wake with his tongue, tasting her sweetness.

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“Zach, I’d like you to fuck me,” she teased back. He smiled and nipped at her bottom lip. “Come on,” she murmured, “can’t we talk after?” He shook his head, wearing a ghost of a smile. “I want us to be clear before anything else happens. Do you remember on Tuesday, what I said? I meant it.” “What part?” “The part about wanting us to be together. Rori, I’m a dominant man. What’s more, I am sexually dominant and I want, no, I need, a submissive partner. I’d like you to be that partner, Rori. I want you to submit to me. It doesn’t extend past the bedroom; I’m not interested in topping you in our day-to-day life. I like that you’re an independent woman. In fact, it turns me on. But I’d like you to give yourself up to me, completely, in our sexual relationship.” A deep desire bloomed within her. “What does this mean? I may write a lot of sex, but I’m totally unfamiliar with this world -- with these terms. I get the basic ‘tie me up’ stuff but the meaning of what you’re proposing is unclear.” “It’s not too different than any other serious romantic relationship. I’d expect you to be exclusive, as would I. There is no rule book for this, we’ll define it as we go along and begin to see what works for us, for our relationship. We’d still go to dinner and go sailing, regular stuff. But I have expectations of my sub. I like to engage in certain ... scenes, scenarios. I like you bound and I’d want to do it a lot more.” She studied him as he spoke, not so much warily, but definitely absorbing his every word, gauging the man and his proposal. She took a deep breath then released it. “So, we’d be a couple and you’d tie me up? I did like that, very much.” She blushed. “I like it when you’re so, uh, big and dangerous. But it never scared me. It’s edgy; it definitely pushed the boundaries of my comfort zone. Is that what you mean by scenes?” “Partially. Sometimes I’d just bind you while we have sex, other times I might have a little role play for us to do. I haven’t even begun to tap into the myriad of things I want to do to you, with you. I want you to let go with me. I’ll push you sometimes, farther than you think you can go, but if you’ll trust me, I promise it’ll be worth it.” “Push me how?” “Well,” he said slowly, “you might balk at something I suggest and want to say no because it’s new and you haven’t tried it before. I would ask you to give it some time, to let me decide just how far I can push your limits. It’ll be my job to know how far you can safely go, to bring you pleasure and satisfaction. You’ll just have to trust me,” he said with an enigmatic smile. “What do you say, Rori?” She looked at him and thought about the way he’d been treating her, with gentleness and yet with command. He respected her, even when he’d been dominating her. He hadn’t scared her; he’d caused her to be a bit wary about her comfort zones, but when she’d let him


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decide, she’d had the most incredible orgasms in her life. She gave a mental shrug. No denying, the whole situation turned her on, he turned her on, and that they felt right together. “Okay, I’m game if you are.” His eyes brightened, he stood up and pulled a black velvet pouch out of his pocket and sat back down. He undid the tie and a silver chain slid into his palm. “Some couples use collars. I prefer something you can wear every day. Our relationship is still marked, but you can take it outside without worrying about what people might think.” He held up what looked like a necklace with two parallel strands and a rectangular charm on it. The charm had his initials engraved into the face. “Will you wear this, Rori? Will you be mine?” “This is like a symbol that I’m yours? Not as in, you own me, though, right?” He smiled at her sauciness. “I don’t own you, you’re a human being. So beautiful and perfect. The collar is a symbol that you are mine emotionally and physically. But I’m yours, too. You won’t lose yourself to me, Rori. I don’t want your independence, your spirit. I just want your obedience in bed. Other people in the scene would know what the collar was if they looked hard enough. A man who makes jewelry for many people in the area made this for me. A few other subs have something similar, either in gold or silver, with more strands; some are solid like a torque. This is platinum, strong and forever, like my commitment to you.” She pulled her hair up and looked to him, silently giving him permission. Satisfaction and love rushed through him at her submission. Intense pride warmed him as he put the necklace on and she fingered the charm. “Now, Rori, we need to revisit the issue of you disobeying me.” Standing, he held out his hand and she took it, trembling slightly. He walked her into the hallway and through the door to his spare room, where he kept his toys. He sat down on a padded bench and looked down for a moment. When he looked up at her, the hardness on his face, the sheer strength and will there caused a trickle of cream to run down her thigh. She watched him watch her -- watched him stare at her body, watched him take in her nipples begging for his attention -- and her breath hitched. His gaze slid back to hers -- and a wicked smile of such devastation that her knees got weak, causing her to put her hand out and grab the chair to keep from buckling -- broke over his face. Triumph roared through him as he saw his effect on her. The situation shifted subtly and he took the reins slowly but surely. “That’s so good to see, Rori,” he crooned. “Now,” he said patting his lap, “lay over me, face down.” Her eyes widened and she hesitated.

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“Rori, I should tell you just how much I love to administer discipline. Each act of defiance only makes me hotter. Now, lay down across my lap.” He watched her, locking eyes with her, waiting to see how she’d respond. It was one thing to agree out there on the couch; quite another to truly submit to him. She walked over and bent down, laying herself across him. He was glad she couldn’t see his smile as she wriggled against the steel of his cock. “Brace your hands on the ground,” he ordered, slowly pulling her dress up to expose the perfect creamy skin of her ass. Looking at the rack beside him, he contemplated the paddle and floggers. Making his mind up, he chose the flogger with the suede tails and lightly stroked the ends over her skin, watching the gooseflesh rise. A moan of pleasure slid from her and he gave a predatory smile at the sound. He repeated his light caresses until she’d relaxed and then he gave her a sharp smack with his palm, more for the sound than anything else. She started with a gasp and he watched as a pink impression of his hand rose faintly. He stroked over the mark gently and then, with expertise, began to flog her. She cried out as he laid the blows across her cheeks and thighs, never hitting the same spot twice. She trembled and her breath hitched. Not wanting her to hyperventilate, he put the flogger down and blew across the pinked flesh of her bottom. “You have no idea how beautiful you are, Rori. Such a pretty pink glow.” He laved across each cheek and gave a low chuckle when his fingers brushed over her pussy lips and he found her wet and swollen. Needy. “You liked that didn’t you?” Again the chuckle. “Sometimes, you might want to disobey me just to get punished, I know I’d enjoy that.” He looked at her, her hair hanging down to hide her face. “Don’t be embarrassed for liking it, Rori. I knew you would. Don’t ever be embarrassed with me. I want to give you pleasure, and keeping you safe and happy and satisfied is my job in this relationship.” He helped her up, kissing her face. Finding her cheeks wet with tears, he examined her closely to be sure she was all right. He nodded, satisfied. They were tears of release, not of shame or pain. “Sometimes you might beg me to stop but you won’t mean it, not really. I don’t want there to be any problems between our fantasies and reality, so we’ll have a safe word. Something you wouldn’t normally say during sex. When you say it, I’ll stop what I’m doing. That way you can beg and cry and let me make the decision to push you farther than you’ve gone before, but if you really want me to stop, we have a way to do that.” She nodded, feeling so complete it unnerved her. “The safe word is pasta.” “Pasta, okay.” He stood up, holding his hand out to her. She took it and followed him into his bedroom, where a four-poster bed dominated the room.


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“Take off the dress, Rori, but leave the shoes on.” With trembling hands she undid the fastenings at the waist of the dress and shrugged, loosing it so that it slithered to the floor. “Now, undress me.” Stepping to him, she slid each button loose, kissing his bare skin as she did so. She pushed his shirt back and down his arms, caressing her hands across his skin, delighting in how warm and hard he was. She leaned down and licked across each nipple, pulling the ring gently and delighting in his moan of pleasure. He put a hand in her hair and pulled her head back. “Undress me, Rori,” he repeated darkly. She slowly undid his slacks and knelt down to slide them down his legs, helping him out of his shoes and socks. He was so hard the veins on his cock stood out in stark relief. Throbbing and aching to be touched, the length of it sat flush against the flesh of his belly. Looking up the line of his body, she locked eyes with him. His hand was still wrapped in her hair. “I want you to suck my cock, Rori. Nice and slow, just like you did the other night.” She ran her cheek along the velvety smooth skin of his cock, nearly purring at how good it felt. She flicked her tongue up the length and back down again, over the soft skin of his sac and just behind. The feel of his flesh was heady, the taste intoxicating. He smelled like desire, like strength and will and sex. It made her feel slightly drunk. He gave a surprised cry when she gently nibbled on his perineum. “God! Rori, do that again!” She waited a few minutes until she made her way back and he growled when she did it again. She drew two fingers through her own juices and stroked over the starred pucker of his rear passage. His breathing sped up and he widened his thighs, grunting when she slowly entered with one finger and then two. “Yeah, oh yeah,” he said hoarsely as she stroked over the knot of his prostate. He grew even harder and she listened to the sounds of his breathing as he got closer and closer to coming. She gave over to his possession as his hand fisted in her hair and her nipples tightened. Accepted it and him, and the way he made her feel. She took his cock in her mouth, deeper and deeper, until he tapped the back of her throat. He clamped down on her fingers and grabbed her head to him, hoarsely crying her name as he shot down her throat. He caressed the silk skin of her shoulders until he got his breath back, all the while looking down at her, naked but for the shoes and his collar, kneeling before him. He pulled her up, backing her against the wall. “Hold onto those hooks.” Her head came up to look at the rings bolted to the wall just above her head. She grabbed them. “Zach, I want to touch you,” she said.

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He looked at her, suddenly wanting that, too. “Touch me then, baby,” he whispered, taking her lips. He spread her thighs and she locked her ankles behind his back. They groaned in unison as he thrust deep inside her pussy. She arched into him, raking her nails down his back. She was so tight, so beautiful and hot, he had to use all of his concentration to slowly fuck her. He wanted to pound into her over and over, but it would be over before he really got started if he didn’t use some self control. Instead, he walked her over to the bed and laid them both down, rolling so she was on top and he was embedded deep within her. He looked up at her, taking her in as she wove herself into his heart. It was more than her beauty and the sexy way she moved on him. It was the way she made him feel. He felt like he belonged to someone. She felt like home to him. Her lip was caught between her teeth, her hair was a wild tumble about her face and shoulders and her breasts swayed deliciously as she moved on him. They stayed that way for long minutes, just savoring each other, the feel of their united bodies. He skimmed his hands over her legs, loving the way it felt when her thigh muscles bunched and relaxed as she rode him. He flicked a fingertip over her clit and brought her off twice, the squeeze of her inner muscles nearly doing him in. Finally, he flipped her onto her back and took over, stroking hard and deep, their meeting flesh slapping. They were both silent but for their locked eyes, the look saying more than words could express. At that moment, Zach went past interest and fell head over heels into love with Rori. He embraced that feeling and knew it was the right choice. Knew that she was right. That they were right. As he came, as his pleasure poured out of his body while seated deep inside of hers, he knew that he was a goner and all he could do was grin down at her as it happened. There was nothing else to do. Nothing else he wanted to do. After they’d napped, Rori glanced at the clock and sighed. She should be going. She had a conference call with her editor early in the morning. She leaned in and kissed him before moving to get dressed. “Stay. I want to wake up with you,” he mumbled sleepily. “I’m sorry, sweetie, I can’t. I have an early call to New York. I have to work for a few hours before I talk to my editor. Next time I will though, okay? I’d really like to wake up with you,” she said gently, overcome by the depth of feeling this man evoked. “Just this once,” he said and kissed her. He sat up, pulling his clothes on as he watched her dressing. At his front door, he put her wrap over her shoulders to protect her from the chill. He did little things like that all the time. She felt utterly cherished, cared for. Loved. Looking up into his eyes, she saw that reflected back at her. Needing to touch him, she reached out, tracing his bottom lip with the pad of her finger.


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“I’ll see you soon?” she asked. “Count on it. I’ll see you tomorrow. You’re mine, Rori. I have a big job to do to keep you satisfied.” He winked as he walked her out, still grinning. And so it began.

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Chapter Seven Shane’s end-of-school party was to be that Friday with a mini graduation and program late in the afternoon. All morning long, Rori had run around, helping get things set up, cooking and laying out food, helping to clean and keeping their mother out of Kelly’s hair. Zach came over just before they were going to leave for the ceremony and gave her a smile that made her feel like she was the only woman alive. “Hi, babe,” he said softly as he kissed her. He still couldn’t quite believe she was his. He looked at the necklace and felt a swell of pride. She had an inner light that attracted people to her. She was so loving with her family, such a truly giving person, and he felt like the luckiest man alive to be with her. Jude was at the school ceremony and the party at Kelly and Max’s house afterwards. He frowned, seeing red as Zach kept a hand on the small of her back or held her hand or touched her in some way the whole evening. He finally lost it and sniped, “Who does Zach think he is and what does he think he’s doing?” “What you could have been but were too dumb to. Face it, look at them; he’s totally into her and she doesn’t seem to mind at all,” Ryan responded. “Damn, Jude, this guy came from nowhere and has left us both in the dust.” Max chuckled and clapped them both on the back. “Suckers.” He put his arm around his wife and gave her bottom a little squeeze and she yelped and gave him a look that melted the room. “Uncle Jude, Zach is going to take us sailing on his boat tomorrow! Isn’t that cool?” Shane said excitedly as Jude approached them. “Are you sure it’s safe?” Jude asked. Zach raised an eyebrow but didn’t answer. Instead, Rori said, “Of course it’s safe. I’ll be there, and Zach is very careful.” The boys scampered off and Jude’s gaze locked on Rori’s


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necklace. His face darkened. She reached up, running a finger over the surface of the tag bearing Zach’s initials and Zach put his arm about her waist and nuzzled her temple. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Rori? Do you know what that tag means?” Jude hissed. “Yes, yes I do, Jude. And what I’m doing isn’t any of your business,” Rori said calmly. “Come on, Jude, don’t do this,” Zach said quietly. “I thought we were friends,” Jude said. “What makes you think we aren’t?” “You think she’s ready to wear your collar? Jesus, Zach!” Zach sighed. “For the record, Rori is wearing my collar because she chose to. I would never have coerced her and you don’t know her at all if you think I could have, even if I’d wanted to. Ask her, Jude.” “She’s right here,” Rori said, annoyed with them both. “And she can speak for herself.” She looked at Zach. “Only in the bedroom, big guy.” Amused and chastened, Zach nodded at her. “You’re right, babe.” “Rori, you are aware Zach is into BDSM and the necklace you are wearing is a symbol of his ownership of you, right?” “Oh, for heaven’s sake! I am aware that Zach is a dominant and as I’ve discovered, I like that in a man. Apparently, there was a submissive inside of me who had no idea she even existed until just recently.” Jude winced. He’d been the one to awaken her feelings, but instead of being smart and snapping her up like Zach had done, he’d run the other way and now Zach had grabbed her and made her his. “And no, this necklace isn’t Zach’s sign of ownership. It’s a symbol of our relationship. No one owns me, Jude Callahan, no one but me.” Kelly came over and pinched Jude, shutting him up. Zach and Rori moved into another part of the house before things got any worse. “He doesn’t like your being with me,” Zach said, nuzzling Rori’s neck as they stood out on the back porch. “He doesn’t like anything that doesn’t have him at the center of it. He likes women and a lot of them, but he doesn’t seem to like it if they have any preferences and dare to express them. I didn’t know you knew him. I don’t want to come between friends. I’m sorry if I’ve made things rough between you two,” she said with a sad smile. “He’s jealous, Rori. He threw you away and realized your worth too late. Luckily for me, I am much more intelligent than Jude and saw how fabulous you were that first night at Mary’s and snapped you up,” he said with a grin that softened. “So was it serious between you two? Did you have a relationship?”

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“No, not a relationship. We dated a few times. I had a major crush on him in high school. He’s a friend; it shouldn’t have gone any farther than that.” “Mmm. His loss is my gain,” he said, capturing her lips with his. “My gain,” she echoed and pulled his lips back down toward hers. “You apparently have a friendship. Or did?” she murmured against his lips and then gave him a quick kiss. “You should know he and I became friends through the scene.” He saw her confused look. “There are clubs you can go to, where various scenarios can be played out, where you meet people. There are seminars and classes you can take, like the classes I took on Japanese rope work. They have them on all sorts of things. Anyway, we met about four years ago and struck up a friendship. Not something where we hung out together very often, but I wanted you to know how we knew each other and where we met.” “Scenarios? Like sex clubs? Because you should know that I am not interested in sex clubs.” He tipped her chin so he could look into her eyes. “Some people bring their subs to those places to share them with other Doms. I have done that in the past, with Jude, actually. But I have no desire to ever do that again. We may try a club in the future, but only if it’s something you want. You’re what I need, Rori. All I need. Although I may take some more classes from time to time, you’re one hell of a woman. I have to keep on my toes.” “And I have to keep on my knees. You’re quite the blow job junkie, aren’t you?” she teased, eyes glittering with amusement. He returned her smile, warmed by her good humor. He felt so free with her, and so grateful to be able to share these simple moments with a partner. “I may be a junkie but you’re the best drug in town.” “God, you’re so full of crap I need hip boots. But you’re good for my ego, Zach Helm. I think I’ll be keeping you around just for that, alone. Although, you’re pretty useful in the sack, too.” She slid her hands up and into his hair and yanked his head down -- bringing his lips to hers for a sweet, languid kiss. The night insects hummed in the air all around them, and Zach tasted like watermelon and the root beer they’d been drinking earlier. He tasted like the Fourth of July and she wanted to throw back her head and laugh with the utter joy of it -- of being with him. “Oh my lord! Roberta Lynn Simon, what are you up to out here?” Rori groaned under her breath and turned. “Hi, Mom. I was kissing my boyfriend, Zach. Zach, this is my mother, Aileen Frasier and her husband, Howard. Mother, this is Zach Helm.” “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Mrs. Frasier, Mr. Frasier,” Zach said politely and shook hands. “Rori, it isn’t proper to make love on your sister’s back porch. Children are present.”


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Rori laughed. “Mom, we were kissing, just kissing. All very innocent, all clothes are on. I totally agree with you that making love in public, in the presence of my nephews, is not proper.” She winked at Howard and he laughed.

***** “Roberta?” She groaned. She hoped he’d forgotten about that as he’d not teased her and then had fallen asleep after they’d made love. She contemplated staying quiet, pretending she’d fallen asleep, but she knew he’d just tickle her to make her talk. They were so in tune with each other, he’d know she wasn’t sleeping. Heaving a theatrical sigh, she gave in, wearing a grin because he made her so happy, even when he was teasing her. “Oh god. My deepest, darkest secret.” Rori rolled over in bed, snuggling into Zach’s body. “Rori is short for Roberta. Only my mother calls me Roberta. When I was in grade school, Kelly started calling me Rori and it stuck, thank god. It could have been worse; my mother had Cloris and Feldene as second and third choice.” He burst out laughing and rolled on top of her, sliding back inside her body. Looking up into his eyes, she felt a shock of recognition, like no one had ever seen into her so clearly before. “Oh yes, right there,” she sighed out as he angled his thrusts to drag the head of his cock over her G-spot. She tightened her inner muscles around him and he groaned. “That is what another two years of living can teach a woman, little boy,” she moaned as he captured a nipple and drew it into his mouth roughly. “Who you callin’ little boy?” he growled playfully. Hooking her calves over his shoulders, she slid deeper into subspace, giving in to the incredible feeling of being totally physically controlled by him. She was nearly doubled over; his weight holding her in place. He was so much bigger, and her position put him entirely in control of the pace. His hands stroked over her flesh, sliding, pinching, lightly scoring with his short nails, at last finding her clit and stroking over the swollen flesh, easing around it and over it, fingers wet from her sopping core. He bit the flesh just behind her knee, marking her, his white teeth gleaming in the low light, and a gasp tore from her lips. Her orgasm pulled her under with such force she saw stars. Stiffening, she used what little leverage she had to try and thrust back at him. She grabbed the sheets as her pleasure hit her. A high-speed impact. She literally screamed out his name and he joined her, collapsing beside her, moving her legs gently. “Damn, I’m good. And you weren’t half bad for an old broad” he joked. She giggled and playfully socked his arm. “Well, considering that that was the fourth time just tonight, yeah, I’d have to agree with that assessment.”

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***** The weeks flowed into one month and then two, and she saw Zach pretty much daily. One night in early September, he was waiting for her in her apartment when she got home from running errands. When she saw his face, the heat and dust of the day fell away. “Hi, there. You’re a sight for sore eyes,” she said and dropped into his lap for a kiss. “Hey, baby.” Quietly, he searched her face for a few moments. “Do you trust me?” A shiver worked down her spine as she wondered what sensual treat he had in store for her. She nodded. “I do, you know I do.” He pulled a black silk scarf out of his pocket. “Don’t ask any questions then, I’ll tell you what you need to know.” A quick look at her clothes garnered a satisfied nod. “Go in your room and take your bra off, and then come back out here.” She obeyed quickly and came back out, facing him with one corner of her mouth quirked up. A sassy sub, he could never imagine her any other way. In fact, her strong will made her submission to him all the more special. He gave her a pleased smile and kissed the tip of her nose. He put the blindfold on and led her out, having her hold onto him as he carefully led her down the stairs and into the car. He buckled her into the seat, then moved around to the driver’s side. After a quick glance in her direction making sure she was all right, he turned the engine over and drove away. The blindfold made any effort to track their direction or distance, or even how long they’d been traveling impossible. Rori simply zoned out and trusted in him, spending her time plotting out her new book. When they finally stopped Zach told her to stay still. She heard him get out of the car and shortly afterward, her door opened and he helped her climb out of the car. “Hold on to me,” he said, carefully guiding her up a step and into ... somewhere but she couldn’t tell where. “Hold on a moment, baby,” he murmured into her ear and moved away from her. He had a muffled conversation with someone else but she couldn’t make out any words and the other voice wasn’t recognizable. A moment later, they were moving again and Rori felt a frisson of fear. Had he taken her to one of those clubs? Despite her trust in him, she trembled at the thought. “Trust me, Rori.” His voice came soft and warm, close to her ear. “There’s always the safe word if you don’t.” But the idea of saying the word made her feel like she’d be distrusting him, so she bit her tongue. She didn’t distrust him, but she was feeling very off balance. “There’s a chair behind you. Here, let me help you sit,” he said.


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She accepted his assistance, and then felt herself tipping back, and her arms were strapped down. All the while, Zach crooned to her gently, reassuring her. She relaxed slightly, until she felt her blouse open up and the cool air hit her bare breasts. She heard the snap of latex and a cold touch circled her left nipple and then a pinch. The sharp, medicinal smell of antiseptic stung her nose. “Rori, hold my hand, this is going to hurt for a moment. Try to be still.” He spoke softly, but Rori could hear the raw desire in his voice, much like he’d sounded when he used the rope. That made her wonder if what she was pretty sure was happening really was, and whether or not she was truly angry about it. “You’re piercing my nipples?” she demanded as she felt the sharp pain and the fingers encased in latex. Yep, angry. He’d done this without even bothering to ask her. This was one step further than she was willing to cede to him. Yes, she wanted to pierce her nipples and she’d seen that a lot of subs wore them with rings that matched their collars or necklaces. On the other hand, it was not okay for him to just make a choice to mutilate her body without her permission. She was so going to go off on him when they got back. Since she was already there, she would go ahead with the piercings. But when it was over, his ass was in big trouble. “Yes, and they are going to look marvelous.” The same wetness and then the sharp pain and fingers. This time a voice said, “no yanking on the rings for four weeks; even then, be careful. Watch for any drainage. Move the rings daily to keep the holes from closing. Read the information booklet and call me if you have any questions, Zach. She’s gorgeous; I’m a jealous man. You’re stingy, not bringing her to the club to share.” “Thanks,” Zach answered with a laugh. Rori was livid and his laughter made it worse. Re-buttoning her blouse, he must have noticed her stiffness. He asked quietly, “Are you all right, baby?” “Fine,” she said tightly and let him lead her back to the car where she sat silent the whole ride home. Once she was inside her apartment, she ripped off the blindfold and spun to face him. “I can’t believe you did that without talking to me first!” “You’re mad,” he said with wonder. “Hell yes, I’m mad! You mutilated my body without even bothering to ask me! A total stranger saw my tits!” “He thought they were beautiful,” Zach said with an arrogant grin that faded a bit when he caught her glare. He knew that glare; he didn’t see it very often, but a truly pissed off Rori was a scary thing. He tried another tack. “He does a lot of piercings, Rori. He’s seen a thousand pairs of breasts; it’s not anything new for him. And I blindfolded you, partially to

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save you from embarrassment over that. Anyway, I thought you said you were thinking of piercing your nipples?” “You are so missing the point here, Zach! I did want my nipples pierced. I’m not even mad about that. I’m upset because you didn’t even tell me you wanted me to do it; you just had it done.” Letting out a frustrated growl, she stalked into the bathroom and opened her shirt and looked at the pretty rings with the small diamond hanging from each. She had to admit that they were really lovely. He joined her, standing behind her, his eyes dark as he captured her gaze in the mirror. The heat coming off his body bathed her back. He slowly ran his hands up her stomach and cupped her breasts with such aching tenderness it was impossible to hang onto her anger. “I’m sorry, baby. You’re the most beautiful woman on earth, Rori. Look at yourself. Look at your nipples wearing my rings. Diamonds flashing against your creamy flesh. It’s going to be torture to look at these for all those weeks and be unable to grab them in my teeth. Not to use the pretty chain I bought for them that will hang between your breasts. You’re a goddess and I’m sorry you’re angry with me. I can’t help wanting to brand you in every way I can think of.” They did look beautiful, despite the swelling. Part of her thrilled to have had him mark her in such a way. Yet ... she couldn’t just let this go without addressing the core issue of his respecting her boundaries. “Let’s get this straight, Zach. I am your submissive but I am not okay with having something as permanent as a piercing done without my knowledge and agreement. We have a safe word but there was no real way I could have used it before the first piercing happened. If I’d used it before he did the first nipple -- without knowing for sure that’s what was going to happen -- it would have been me not trusting you. And I do trust you. Do you understand what I’m trying to say? For me, this goes beyond what I’m willing to cede to you.” She hesitated, her voice softening and the anger sliding away from her. “I’m proud to wear your rings in my nipples, Zach. They make me feel beautiful and cherished.” His eyes flicked up to her face. “I do understand and I’m sorry. Anything big like this in the future and we’ll discuss it, okay?” She smiled at him and nodded, turning toward him, stepping into his embrace.

***** They went out on the boat every weekend, many times bringing Max and Kelly and the boys along as well. Despite the age difference, Zach and Max got along really well, building a friendship. “He’s really a nice guy,” Kelly said to her one Sunday when they were at a barbecue at Kel and Max’s.


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“He is, isn’t he?” Rori smiled. “Things are getting serious between the two of you, aren’t they?” “Yeah. He’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m in love with him, Kel. He makes me so happy. I never imagined my life could be this good. He completes me.” “Aw, honey, you deserve someone who makes you feel like that. I’m so happy for you,” Kelly said as she hugged her. “Hey, Rori, where’s Zach? I think this is the first time I’ve seen one of you without the other in months,” Jude said, as he approached. Hungrily he drank in the sight of her. His heart ached as it had so often when he looked at her. Rori turned to look at him with a tentative smile. “Jealous, Jude?” Kelly asked and Rori snorted and playfully swatted her sister’s butt. “Be nice. Jude and I are going to be friends, aren’t we?” “If you say so. Although I’d rather be a friend who sleeps with you.” “You’re drunk. Plus you’re a vulgar ass,” Kelly hissed. Truth was, Jude was a drunken vulgar ass because he had to watch Rori with Zach all the time and he knew he had no one to blame for the hell he was in but himself. If he hadn’t been such a jerk that night she wouldn’t have ended up at Mary’s and wouldn’t have met Zach. He’d noticed the impression of the rings here and there as she moved around. Damn it, she was wearing Zach’s rings in her nipples. His cock hardened at the thought as his gut ached to know that she could have been his but he’d been too selfish. “Jude, that position is taken, why don’t you just accept that?” Zach said into his ear. Jude nearly jumped. He hadn’t even heart the other man approach. Zach put a hand on Jude’s shoulder. “Suck it up; she’s mine and I’m not letting her go. If I ever hear you talk to her or about her like that again, I’ll kick your ass, friend or not,” he finished, low and serious. With that, he turned to Rori with a smile but the lines of anger were still there around his eyes. Leaning in, he brushed a gentle kiss on her lips and buried his face in her hair for a moment. When he pulled back the lines had smoothed out and he appeared to have calmed. “Hi, baby, the fish is ready. Come on out. I made you a plate and the boys have saved us a seat.” He held his hand out to Rori, who smiled and took it. Jude watched, scowling, as she walked away. “You are a dumbass, Jude. Get over it. You fucked up and if you keep acting like this, you won’t even have her as a friend,” Max said, angrily pushing his brother into the den and slamming the door behind them. “What does she see in that guy?” Jude sputtered. “He adores her, Jude. He treats her like a queen. He is considerate and attentive and it’s clear they have major chemistry. She loves him, he loves her. You had a few dates with her.

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It’s not the same and you know it. You had your chance. She wanted you, even set her cap for you but you messed up. Move on.” “How do you know all that?” “I have eyes, Jude. I’m with Zack and Rori a few times a week; I’ve seen the way he treats her. She is his top priority; he never even glances at another woman. He takes care of her, any time he looks at her his face lights up and she’s blossomed since she’s been with him. I’m sorry to say it because it hurts you, but they’re good together.” “Damn it,” Jude muttered and hung his head and his brother patted his shoulder. “I want her. I don’t want her to love anyone else. I want her to love me.” “Oh my god. Jude. You’re in love with Rori, aren’t you?” “God help me, Max, I am.” “Then it’s even more important to let this go because you can’t have her as a lover, Jude. She’s in love with Zach. There’s not a doubt in my mind. But you can have her as a friend, which is better than nothing.”


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Chapter Eight Zach let himself into Rori’s apartment and stood over her, smiling down at her. She was napping on her couch, a manuscript with line edits spread out on the table in front of her. He knelt beside her and slowly unbuttoned her shirt. He sucked in a breath when he released her breasts. She wore no bra, and the diamonds lay against her creamy curves. As always, when he saw those silver rings, he hardened to the point of pain. He ran the bloom of a rose from the bouquet he’d brought her over the pink nipple and a smile rose to his lips as the nipple hardened from the velvet stroke. She made a soft sound and opened her eyes, smiling slowly. “Hi, baby,” she said sleepily and inhaled sharply when he stroked the rose over her nipple once more. “Mmm. I think this sort of wake up call is in order every day.” “Baby?” “Yes?” she said, stretching like a cat. “Rori, I love you.” Her face softened and she reached up to caress his jaw. “Thank you. I’m glad, so glad. I love you, too. So much it scares me sometimes.” She leaned up on one elbow, stretching up to kiss the underside of his chin. Unable to stop herself, she inhaled deeply, pulling his essence into her body. She loved his scent -- he smelled so good, dark and sensual, like strength and sex and love. That smell turned her into a puddle every time. “Rori?” “Yes?” “Will you marry me?” He pulled out a small black velvet box and opened it, exposing the diamond solitaire within.

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She sat up fully and looked down at him. “Oh! Oh my. Yes. Yes,” she said and he grinned and put the ring on her finger. Picking her up with a joyful whoop, he carried her into the bedroom and slowly peeled off her clothes. They made love, and he poured his love into her with each touch of his fingers and lips, caressing every inch of her flesh. He took her out to dinner afterward to celebrate. Becky and John -- who were now a couple -- met them there, as did Kelly and Max, and their mother and Howard. Halfway through the meal, Zach made a toast and told the others about their engagement. At the announcement, the table erupted with cheers. Max lifted his glass. “To Zach and Rori!” Ryan and Jude walked in, and Max waved them over. Approaching them, Jude felt drawn into Rori’s presence. Unable to have her totally out of his life, Jude had re-established a friendship with Rori. He knew he’d blown it, but he couldn’t bear losing her altogether so they were taking baby steps under Zach’s wary eye. Even more, Jude had swallowed his resentment enough to work things out with Zach, too. “Hey all, what are you celebrating?” Jude asked. He wore an easy grin that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “My brother and Rori are engaged,” Becky said with a grin. Jude felt like the world had crashed in around his head. He had lost her for good. Instead of throwing himself at her feet and begging her to come back to him, he smiled and hugged her. “That’s great. Congratulations. Zach, you are one lucky man.” Zach smiled back with genuine warmth. Jude hated to admit it, but the guy clearly adored Rori. Plus, he was strong and willing to fight to protect what was his. Jude remembered the time, a few days after his comments at the barbecue, when he’d gone to the boat works and had confronted Zach. He’d ended up with a black eye and hurt pride, but had left that day admitting to himself and to Zach that he’d lost Rori because he hadn’t deserved her. Jude blinked, shaking off the memory. “When’s the big day?” Ryan asked. Seeing the pained look flash through Jude’s eyes, Rori squeezed Zach’s hand. She didn’t want to hurt Jude and she didn’t want the progress that Zach and Jude had made in putting their friendship back together to fall apart either. “We haven’t set a date yet; I think that’s the next step,” Rori said, her eyes barely leaving Zach’s face, her love for him a glow about her. “I’m doing a private charter boat trip from California to Hawaii in April. Sometime after that would be best,” Zach said. “That way, we’ll have enough time to plan and get the


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right venue. I imagine all the nicest places around here book up quickly once the weather turns.” “Between our mothers, it might be best to elope,” Rori quipped with a wink at her mother. “Oh no you don’t!” Aileen said. “You will not rob me of your wedding day, Roberta! Your father and I set aside the money for this a long time ago. I was beginning to think I’d never use it.” She just couldn’t give a compliment without a jab, too. Rori glanced at Kelly and rolled her eyes. “No, Rori, I want to see you in the perfect dress, and I want you to have the perfect day. We can do it on our own. This trip I’m sailing will bring in enough for a nice wedding,” Zach said to her, kissing her knuckles. “Maybe we should get married in Hawaii, then. I can meet you there and we can honeymoon afterward.” “Now that idea has merit. The idea of you in nothing more than a bikini for a few weeks ...” Zach said with a grin. Rori smirked, knowing he was imagining her topless and tanned, the platinum chain he’d bought to match her necklace laced through her nipple rings. He squirmed in his chair and Rori laughed, leaning in to kiss him. Rori looked to Jude. “Since my own dad is gone and your dad has been so good to me, I’d like to ask him to give me away. Max and Jude, do you think he’d do it?” Jude sat down, floored by the depth of her kindness. He knew his father would be incredibly moved by the request. He and Max’ mother had always loved Rori like one of their own children. Too bad it wasn’t Dad giving Rori away to him. “Yeah, wow. He’d be really touched, Rori,” Jude said and Max nodded. “We can all go. For the wedding part that is, Rori -- we won’t go on your honeymoon,” Kelly said. “Well, Kel you have to be my matron of honor, Becky, you be my bridesmaid. Oh my, this is all so crazy. You sure about this, babe?” “Never been surer about anything in my entire life,” he said with a grin and kissed her.

***** The year ended with a huge family Christmas and New Year’s gathering. Zach’s mom and dad did Christmas. Aside from their immediate family, they included Rori’s family, too. As Zach and Rori planned to use their own money for the wedding, Aileen gave them a check for the money she and Rori’s father had saved for a wedding and told them to use it as a down payment on a house.

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After they’d spent the entire day with family, they’d gotten home and had exchanged their own presents. Zach unwrapped a bracelet that had a tag like hers with their initials on it. “I don’t know if the rules allow it, but I wanted to mark you, too. Mark you with our initials,” she said softly. He groaned and pulled her tightly to him for a hard kiss. “There are no rules, Rori. Each couple or group makes them up as they go along. I love it.” He held out his arm and Rori fastened the bracelet around his wrist. He unwrapped the next present and got very still as he gazed at it. It was a black and white portrait of her, naked and bound in his favorite position -- intricate knots down her spine, breasts thrust forward, hands clasped at the small of her back. She was kneeling, her hair down, partially covering her face and one of her breasts. “You know when we went to that class and you introduced me to the instructor? I chatted with him and his wife and told them about what I wanted to give you. He did the ropes and she did the picture. He doesn’t do the ropes nearly as well as you do. Do you like it?” “Jesus, Rori, this is beautiful. You’re beautiful. I can’t believe you let some other Dom tie you up naked, though. I’m half turned on, half jealous.” She laughed. “His wife was there the whole time. They knew I wasn’t interested in anything with them. What’s more, I am only interested in being tied up for one man and that’s you, Master,” she said in a low voice. His eyes widened. He knew that was a gift. She never called him master; they didn’t really do the Master/slave thing in their relationship, but it really turned him on when she went an extra step in her submission to him. He handed her a small box. She opened it and pulled out the chain. “Let me,” he said and wove it through her collar necklace and the nipple rings, then gave a tug. She issued a soft sigh, her lips parted. “Oh god, Rori, just when I think you couldn’t possibly get any sexier, you prove me wrong.” “I love it, it’s gorgeous.” He set her other presents aside and pushed her back onto the rug. The fire in the fireplace gave her skin a peachy glow and made dancing shadows on the wall. She arched as he dipped his head low, capturing a nipple in his teeth. “Come with me,” he ordered, helping her to stand and pulling her into their playroom. He blindfolded her, and then led her to the bench where he put plugs in her ears. He watched as her nipples elongated and hardened. He tugged on one of the rings and she gave a needy cry.


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Circling her like a predator, he teased her with sensation -- leaning in to touch her with fingertips, lips, tongue, the tip of his cock. He grabbed the silver chains and slowly, methodically bound her. Winding the cool metal around her, he chuckled as she rolled her hips when he drew it up, between her legs. She knew not to seek her pleasure without permission -- he’d have to discipline her. Then again, she knew that, too, and had obviously misbehaved on purpose. Bending her forward, he lubed the crease of her bottom and she stiffened. He’d been working his way up to taking her in the ass for the last several months and tonight was the night. Her chains, the nipple rings, his bracelet and the photograph -- all of it combined, were too much for him. He craved having every inch of her body. Using a small vibe, he slowly ran it along the chain over her clit and she gasped as it vibrated through the metal. She moved her hips, pressing her ass back toward his body, offering herself up to him, and he felt a burst of pride that she trusted him so much. He used another toy to casually circle around her now slippery rosette. He slowly pushed it inside her and she gave a long hard groan as he turned it on and the pearls inside began to rotate slowly, opening her up for his cock, readying her for what was to come. He put his cock between her legs and thrust over the chain, pressing into her weeping slit as he rubbed along it, catching her honey and feeling the vibrations of the toy. Before long, her breathing turned labored and she trembled. The lovely flush of her impending orgasm worked its way up her body, and he felt her strain to get the most out of it, but her movement was hampered by the chain and his body behind her, hemming her in. She inhaled sharply and then keened out a long wail as she came hard, trembling, muscles jumping. He loosened the chain between her legs enough so he could spread her legs and take the toy out, then he placed the head of his cock there, just barely nudging into her. He waited a moment, letting her have the chance to use the safe word, but she only tilted her hips in response. She was so tight and silky smooth; he nearly came before he was even a quarter of the way in. She whimpered, and he stroked his fingers gently down her spine, knowing the sensory deprivation of the ear plugs and the blindfold would only intensify the experience. She relaxed a bit and he pushed in further, and then a little more, until he was finally embedded in her completely. Fingers teasing around the chain and dipping into her pussy, he began to stroke into her. She was like a silken vise around him and although he had intended to take it slow -the tight, smooth walls clutching at him combined with the slickness of her pussy and her entreaties and whimpers -- eroded his control Before long he was thrusting into her, listening to the sound of his flesh hitting hers and her sweet cries of release, followed by his own.

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Chapter Nine They set the wedding date for April twelfth in Hawaii. Rori’s latest book provided enough of an advance to purchase plane tickets for everyone. Zach’s salary for the trip would give them enough for a very lovely wedding and honeymoon. They’d moved into her apartment; it was cramped, but it was only for another few months as they had the money from her mother for a down payment on a house. In late March, Kelly and Becky held an engagement party in lieu of a bachelor or bachelorette party. Escaping the chaos inside the house, Rori had snuck out into the backyard to get some fresh air when she heard someone approach. Turning, she smiled when she saw it was Jude. “Hi,” he said softly, watching the way the light played off the gold of her hair. He’d watched her leave the house and had to follow, if only to have a few short moments alone with her. “Oh, hey there.” “Had to run for the hills?” She laughed. “Well, I love them all, but when Zach’s family gets together with mine, it’s just complete chaos. I never thought I’d meet a woman who was worse than my mother. Aileen and Patty give each other a run for the money, to be sure.” Cocking her head, she looked at him closely. “How are you?” “I love you, Rori. This is killing me.” He had to say it and it felt a thousand times better to have admitted it, even though he knew what her response would likely be. Rori couldn’t believe her ears. Her mouth gaped open for a moment. Slowly shutting it, she stared at him silently for several long moments. At one time she’d ached to hear those words -- had been devastated by their absence -- but now she ached to hear them for another


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reason. She would always have a love for Jude in a tiny corner of her heart, but it was nothing compared to how she felt for Zach. She took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. “Oh, well, that’s quite a thing to spring on me at this stage.” “Does it make any difference?” “No. I mean, I don’t want to hurt you; you’re someone I treasure in my life. A very dear friend. But without question, I love Zach. I loved you once. You’ll love someone else again, just like I did.” She looked back into the house and caught sight of Zach playing a video game with Shane. “I don’t expect you to pretend to be happy. You don’t have to come to the wedding if it hurts you.” “God, Rori, I so don’t deserve you,” he said, taking one last look at her before turning and walking back into the house. He paused and turned back toward her. “I gave up something that I’ll always regret when I drove you away from me. I didn’t deserve your love then and yet you gave it to me. I’m sorry for being so blind.” He turned and walked away before she could say anything, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

***** Zach was to leave early in the morning to catch a flight to L.A. where he’d get on the sailboat he was going to captain to Hawaii. Before the sun came up, Rori was awakened by soft kisses trailing up her spine. “Mmmmm. Inside me, please,” she murmured. He chuckled. Spooning behind her, he moved her thigh up on top of his own and slid into her. Both of them shuddered at the intensity of the feeling -- of their connection. He languidly tugged on her nipple with one hand, while circling, light as a feather, over her clit with the other. He kept her dancing on the edge of orgasm for the better part of an hour, building her up and then backing off, before starting all over again. She’d tried tightening her muscles, moving her hips, willing her orgasm to come, but he was always one step ahead of her. Finally, she broke, begging him to make her come. “All right, baby, come now,” he whispered and pressed his thumb over her clit and her climax released. Like ripples in a pool, shockwave after shockwave hit her, increasing with intensity until he joined her. “God, I love you,” she whispered as he withdrew and hugged her close. “Me too, baby, me too. I’ll see you in three weeks. Be safe, all right? Check your email; I’ll write when I get the satellite feed.” She drove him to the small airport where he caught a feeder to Atlanta, where he’d catch another plane out to Los Angeles.

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***** Nearly three weeks later, Rori was boarding a plane to Hawaii with the entire wedding party. Bart, Max and Jude’s dad, had taken his job giving her away very seriously, appointing himself her guardian for the trip. Max’s mother sat on the end of the next row and beamed. Rori was pleasantly surprised to find the resort had sent limos to pick them up at the airport in Oahu. The rooms were unbelievable, right on the beach, away from the noise and congestion of Waikiki. The service was stellar and the place was a dream. They had a day to wait for Zach’s arrival and everyone made the most of it, snorkeling and parasailing and laying around in the sun. The day Zach was to arrive, Kelly, Rori and Becky decided to kill some time with Mai Tais and appetizers with a healthy serving of gossip. The bar was right on the beach, and the ocean whispered in the distance and the cool breeze played over their skin. Rori loved Hawaii; it was one of the most sensual places she’d ever been. Everything about it was sexy. She sighed with pleasure. “Jude told me he loved me,” Rori said to them after her third Mai Tai. “Are you kidding me? When?” Kelly demanded, mouth agape. “At the engagement party.” “My god, what did you say?” “I told him it was a fine time to spring such a thing, but that it didn’t make a difference. That I loved Zach, and someday Jude would find love again when things were right. Funny thing is, since he told me, we’ve gotten along really well.” “Zach would kick his ass if he found out,” Becky said. “I don’t think so. Zach’s a pretty mellow guy and he knows I love him.” “Yeah and he already kicked Jude’s ass once,” Kelly said. “What? When?” Rori leaned forward in her chair, horrified and fascinated at the same time. “Remember when he was drunk at our house that time? When he said that he wanted to be your friend who slept with you?” “Yeah.” “Well, I guess one day soon after that, Jude showed up at the boat works and confronted Zach. Apparently, Jude told Zach he wanted you and he’d found you first. But then Jude made some crack about you. Zach laid him out with two punches. Told him to never speak about you that way again,” Kelly explained. “Get out! How come no one ever told me about this?” Rori demanded, annoyed no one had bothered to tell her such a thing. “Clearly this is something you tell your sister or best


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friend. Jeez, am I the only person in town who didn’t know? Come to think of it, people did look at me strange for a while. I wonder what they thought of me?” Becky and Kelly shrugged. “Jude had a black eye. He told Max how it happened and Max told him he deserved it. Of course, Max told me because he had to or he would have had a black eye to match Jude’s,” Kelly said with a grin. “Oh my god! I remember that black eye. He told me he’d gotten it at work. Said he’d broken up a fight at OBG and had caught a wayward punch. I can’t believe no one told me the truth,” Rori said as she glared at her sister and friend. “He has been behaving himself since then; he’s even been friendly to Zach again.” “Speak of the devil!” Becky waved. Rori turned to see Zach walking toward them. Leaping up with a cry of joy, she ran to him, jumping into his arms. He laughed as she hugged him tight. She wrapped her legs around his waist and covered his face with kisses. He looked so good, his long hair windblown and his face tanned from the sun. He seemed bigger than she’d remembered. Nuzzling into his neck, she bit him gently, licking the salty tang of his flesh. Shivering, he tightened his arms about her. “Hey, baby. Now that’s how a man likes to be welcomed back.” He laughed, sitting down at the table, Rori still wrapped around him. “I missed you,” he said and kissed her softly. He pushed a lock of hair out of her face. Just how much he missed her was obvious by the ridge pressing into her pussy. Flashing a wicked smile, she gave a surreptitious grind. He arched an eyebrow and his fingers dug into the flesh of her hip. “I like this island look -- the bikini top with the pretty sarong really suits you. What are you wearing underneath it?” he asked in a sexy whisper, flattening his hand across her hip. To others, it probably looked like he was just holding on to her, but Rori knew he was feeling for underwear. Coming across her bikini bottom, he gave her a playful swat, only a hint of her punishment for wearing anything when she knew he’d be back today. She grew slick with moisture, just thinking about the stinging warmth of his big hand as he spanked her ass. “I missed you too,” she said in his ear. “I can’t wait to show you how much.” Then she pulled back and kissed the tip of his nose, over each eyelid, across his strong cheekbones and along the blade of his jaw line. She leaned away and studied him, having missed all of his familiar and sexy features. “I know! Let’s get married.” He laughed. “Okay, works for me. How about tomorrow?” “Okay, I just happen to have some rings and stuff here. Are you hungry? When did you get in?”

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“Yes I’m starved. I just docked about forty-five minutes ago. I went to our room but no one answered my knock and I didn’t have a key. Luckily, I bumped into your mother who said you might be here getting drunk with your sister and mine.” “Drunk? You have to love my mother.” Kelly snorted. “Let’s order in. Come on, you haven’t seen our room yet.” Rori started to get up but Zach held onto her. “Huh uh. I like you right where you are. Hold on to me. See you two at the dinner tonight,” he said over his shoulder to Becky and Kelly as he walked toward the hotel, Rori clutching him like a monkey. They got back to the room and, carefully balancing her weight with one hand, he quickly put the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign out with the other. Once inside, with the door closed and firmly locked behind them, he tossed Rori onto the bed with a laugh. She got to her knees, watching his face as she peeled off her bikini top and sarong. She bit her lip and slowly untied the bikini bottoms, tossing them to the side. She was wearing red nail polish because it was his favorite. She’d even placed a bit of frangipani oil behind her knees, knowing he loved it so much. Greedily, she took him in as he stripped off. Her eyes roved hungrily over his muscular body as he divested himself of clothing. He turned his attention to her and began to stalk toward her. His cock was so hard it lay against his stomach. “You were wearing panties, Rori. You know the rules,” he said darkly.

Duh! She hung her head to hide her smile. “I do.” After he sat on the edge of the bed, she lay over his knees. He ran gentle fingertips over her ass, tracing the edges of her tan line. Rori relaxed under his touch. Suddenly, she gasped and arched her back as the first slap descended. His cock hardened against her belly and she wriggled against him. “You’re such a naughty girl,” he said with a wicked chuckle. She only wriggled more in response. He blew across her pinkened skin. Spreading her thighs open, he slid two fingers into her pussy. “Wet for me. You like being spanked, don’t you?” She nodded her head, her smile still hidden behind her hair. But she knew that he knew it was there. With agonizing slowness, he stroked into her with his fingers, dipping one down to circle her clit. Moments later he made a surprised cry. Picking her up, he stood and spun, putting her down on the bed on her back. She writhed as the burning flesh of her ass stung against the bedspread in a darkly erotic way. Leaning down, he spread her legs open, sliding a hand up to hold her pussy lips apart. “Surprise!” She’d had her clitoral hood pierced just hours after he’d left. He couldn’t really get wild with it but he could touch it now that the swelling had gone down. One


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corner of her mouth curved up as she watched his lips part and his tongue come out, as if driven to lean down and taste it. “I’m going to have to get a matching diamond for this ring,” he said. “You should have told me before I punished you. This certainly outweighs your disobedience with the bikini bottoms.” “But then you wouldn’t have spanked me and my bottom wouldn’t have that lovely warm glow,” she said, only half teasing. He looked up the line of her body and the teasing laugh died in her throat. Wearing that predatory look of his, he gazed at her, she knew, measuring just what he was going to do to her. An anticipatory shiver broke over her. “I’d fuck you from behind -- I know how much you like it that way -- but I want to see all of your rings. Touch yourself, Rori,” he ordered, sitting back on his heels. Keeping her eyes locked with his, she slid her hands up her torso. Fingers slick from her mouth, she ran the tips over and around her nipples, tugging on the rings. He watched her like a hawk watches a mouse, eyes hungrily following her hand as it slid down her belly and over the clit ring. When she slid two fingers into her gate and her hips began to rock, he broke his stillness. Those big hands spread her thighs wider, his mouth descended, tongue licking at her around her fingers. Not directly touching the piercing, he tongued around her clit, using the skin of the hood to stroke it -- causing sweet friction without harm. Her climax was gentle, sweet. She came with a soft sigh. Moving her hand away from her pussy, he took one last taste of her juicy flesh before he slid up her body. His lips touched hers and she tasted herself as he slowly pressed into her body. He made love to her with aching tenderness. The room was a cocoon, their own universe, as they came together after such a long absence. Their bodies spoke without words, a mutual benediction, each giving themselves fully to the other. A marriage of the soul to complement the ceremony the following day. They didn’t come up for air until his mother banged on their door to remind them of the rehearsal dinner. “Okay! We’ll be out in a few minutes,” Rori called out as she rolled off of him. Zach grinned up into her face and she grinned back; his joy was infectious. “What?” “You. Damn it, Rori, how can one person make another so happy? Never in my life have I loved anything more than sailing. But all I could think about during the last twentyone days was you -- your smell, the curve at the small of your back, the way you taste, your voice, your laugh, the way your hair feels across the top of my thighs when you’re going down on me. Even silly stuff like how you rub your feet together when you’re overtired in bed at night, and how you twirl that lock of hair just below your ear when you’re reading. I just want to wake up with you in my arms for the rest of my life.”

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“Darn you! You’re making me cry and I have to go downstairs.” Kissing first his nose, she moved down to trace the sunburst tat on his belly with her tongue, eyeing his reviving cock. Humming with delight, she ran her tongue along each ridge of his flat abdomen, moving toward the meaty head when someone again pounded at the door. “Rori! Zach! If you two don’t come out in five minutes I’m going to get a key and come in there! You’re going to be late for your own rehearsal dinner if you don’t get out here right now!” Patti bellowed. “This is very irresponsible of the two of you; you have guests here waiting on you.” “Those two!” Rori heard her mother huff in the background. Zach groaned, pulling her away from him. “Coming, Mom. Give us ten minutes,” he called out. Rori giggled at the double entendre as she ran for the shower. Knowing what was coming when she heard Zach come into the room she couldn’t hide her grin as she soaped up. “You can’t come in here. We’ll never get out the door,” Rori said sternly when Zach poked his head around the shower curtain, giving her a salacious leer. “I promise to keep my hands to myself,” he said, stepping in, backing her against the tile with his body. “Zach!” Her protests were half hearted at best. “What? I’m not using my hands.” He leaned down to flick his tongue over a nipple. She moaned and playfully pushed him back. She quickly finished her shower, before he regrouped. Getting dressed was a quick affair, with only a light coat of lip gloss and a flower in her clipped back hair. Zach looked handsome in jeans and a shirt she’d brought for him. They walked out of the room to face the entire family that had gathered outside. Kelly was wearing a big, envious grin, as was Becky. Most everyone else looked annoyed. “Three hours. My god, how long do you two need?” Max growled. Zach laughed, gesturing to Rori with a game show sweep of his arm. “You’ve seen my girl, right? Three hours is just an appetizer with a woman like Rori. Anyway, it’s my honeymoon; we’re supposed to be locked in our room for hours. Weren’t you, Max?” “It’s not your honeymoon until after the ceremony,” Aileen said, clearly agitated. “Every day with your daughter is a honeymoon, Aileen,” Zach said with a sincere smile. Rori blushed furiously as he took her hand and kissed it. Placing it on his arm, he escorted her to the rehearsal dinner.

***** At sunset the next night, on a bluff overlooking the ocean, Rori and Zach were married under the watchful eyes, and with the blessings of, their family.


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Jude stood, hands clenched inside the pockets of his suit jacket, watching the woman he loved marry another man. He did it with a smile on his face because he wanted her to be happy and damned if Zach Helm didn’t make her that way. Zach and Rori left the next day on their honeymoon, a leisurely week-long sail through the islands; everyone else flew back to Oakley.

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Chapter Ten Back in Oakley, Rori and Zach settled into their lives as a married couple. They bought a house on the west side of town, near Max and Kelly. Sailing had become a regular part of Rori’s life, as they went out most weekends when the weather cooperated. They even planned a longer trip to the Gulf of Mexico the following summer. To Rori’s delight and relief, Zach and Jude had worked through their problems, becoming closer friends than they’d been before Rori moved back to Oakley. The two often went for long motorcycle rides and it wasn’t a surprise for Rori to come out of her office at home after writing all day to find the two of them, feet up, watching the game. For Rori’s birthday in June, Zach took her to Miami. They found lots of new toys in the ubiquitous sex shops that littered the city. They went to a BDSM club, although they didn’t participate with anyone else. Zach found it sexy enough to be able to publicly dominate Rori and if they never did it again, he’d be able to call on that memory for the rest of his life. For his birthday the following week, Rori gave him a set of woodworking tools he’d been drooling over. In September, they took Shane and Alex camping with them. The boys adored Zach, who would often take them fishing or sailing. Alex had grown three inches just over the summer. Shane -- now nearly fourteen -- was in high school and had his first girlfriend, much to Kelly’s dismay.

***** Rori and Zach had Thanksgiving dinner at their new house. There was a big touch football game in the back yard, while Kelly, Becky and Rori chose to hang out inside, munching on snacks and gossiping. Rori watched out the windows, concerned about Jude.


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He hadn’t brought a date over in months. But he seemed happy enough, so she decided not to say anything to him or to Zach and ruin the delicate balance they’d created. “So, John asked me to marry him,” Becky said, bringing Rori out of her thoughts. Happy sounds ensued as Kelly and Rori hugged her. “Congratulations! That’s so great! He’s such a nice guy. And how cool is it that you and he got together the same night Zach and I did?” Rori said. “I know. I love him to bits. He listens to me, he respects me and he’d never cheat on me like that bastard ex of mine did. I’m so lucky to have found love like this. He’s going to announce it at dinner. Don’t say anything because you two are the only ones who know. My mother would freak if she knew I told you first.” “Have you talked dates?” “Well, soon, before I start to show.” A new round of squeals and hugs filled the room. “Oh how wonderful! I’m going to be an aunt again! Zach is going to be over the moon about this. He’s been talking a lot lately about starting to try for a baby.” They’d had some really complicated discussions about it, actually. Managing children and their lifestyle would be a delicate balance. “It’s scary. But with John, I know it will be all right.” Continuing to chat excitedly about weddings and babies, they piled the large dining room table with food until Rori was sure she heard the wood groaning under the weight. After one last look to be sure everything was ready, she turned to open the French doors, yelling for everyone to come inside to eat. Just before they got started, the phone rang and Zach went into the office to answer it. He was gone several minutes as they all waited. “Sorry, everyone. Let’s get to it,” he said, sitting next to Rori. They went around the table, taking turns saying what they were thankful for. At John and Becky’s announcement, the room erupted in applause and excited murmurs over the nuptials and the pregnancy. When it was Rori’s turn she looked around the table with a happy sigh. “I am thankful that I got cheated on. Because without that, I wouldn’t have ended up back here in Oakley with my wonderful sister and brother-in-law, my fabulous nephews, my mom and her husband and my own incredible husband. Fate has a funny way of kicking you in the butt.” Zach smiled at her, grabbing her hand and kissing it. “Well, I’m most thankful for the woman sitting next to me. One minute I’m looking for chicks at Mary’s, I see my sister and go over to say hi. The next minute -- BAM, I see Rori and lose my heart. It’s been hers ever since. I’m also thankful that I just got offered a chance to captain a six-month cruise through the Aegean. Something I’ve always wanted to do.”

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Rori froze while everyone excitedly congratulated him before digging into their food. “Is anything wrong, baby?” Zach murmured, nuzzling her ear. She pulled away from him causing him to narrow his eyes. “Yeah, there is. Did you say yes to the job offer?” “I sure did. It’s the chance of a lifetime,” the jerkbutt said with a goofy smile that only made her want to smack him for being so clueless. “And what about me?” she asked dryly. “What do you mean?” She snorted. He was normally such a bright man. “Are you planning on leaving me for six months while you go and sail?” “God, no! Is that what you are upset about? Baby, how could you think I’d take a job where I’d leave you for six months? Part of the deal is a cabin large enough for two, a personal chef and a satellite so that you can send your work to your editor via email. We’ll also be in port every week or so.” “Oh I don’t know, I guess I don’t know what to think. I would have thought that you would have talked to me first.” He sighed and spooned potatoes on his plate when the bowl came his way. “Sugar, do you really think I’d have left you for six months? I love you. I’d never be gone for that long - not even for my dream job.” “Earth to Captain Clueless! That so is not the point, Zach. You made a huge decision without even consulting me.” “Your job is totally portable. It’s not like we have to pull up stakes or anything. I talked to Jude and he’s going to live here while we are gone.” “You told Jude all about this but not me?” By this point, people were beginning to notice the heated whispered exchange. “Let’s talk about this later. We have guests,” he said shortly, but regretted it when she cut her gorgeous but dangerously pissed off eyes his way. “By all means,” she said curtly and proceeded to ignore him for the rest of the day. She didn’t get mad at him very often and he hated it when she was because she really turned it on and made him miserable. Her normally sweet and sexy demeanor turned icy. He might be the dominant in the bedroom, but he never outlasted her when she got truly angry with him. Worse, it never failed to make him hard as he thought about how he’d make it up to her once they’d worked things out. He watched as she interacted with their friends and family, admiring her smile, the way she listened attentively to their nephews and placed her hands on his sister’s stomach. But all of her warmth slipped away when she met his eyes and he groaned.


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“Shit, what did you do, dude?” Jude asked Zach while they all smoked cigars on the back porch. They watched Rori and her sister inside. “She’s pissed because I didn’t tell her about the job before I accepted it.” “You didn’t? This is the job you just accepted tonight? The one you talked to me about two weeks ago? Man, I’m a total asshole when it comes to women and even I know that was dumb.” “No shit, man, if I’d done that to Kelly, she’d cut my balls off with a plastic spoon.” They all winced in sympathy. “I made sure she could come too. It’s not like I’m leaving her for six months.” “No. But you’re asking her to leave her life and her home for six months. Or rather, you didn’t ask, you made the decision for her and that always gets them mad,” Max said. “Trust me, boys, I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you have.” “Damn, I guess you’re right. She’s even angrier that I told Jude before I told her.” Jude choked on his drink. “You did what? Man, she’s gonna be pissed at me now, too.” “You’re afraid of my wife?” Zach asked Jude, who was just as dominant, if not more so, than he was. “Hell yes, I’m afraid of Rori! And you’re a fool if you aren’t, too. But you are, or you wouldn’t be skulking out here with us, smoking cigars and watching her with those pitiful hungry eyes. Wincing when she gives you the arctic blast every time she deigns to notice you even exist. She’s a lovely woman, sweet and compassionate and she lets you have your way most of the time. She’s very slow to anger but once she’s there, she’s there, and you’re in big trouble, buddy.” Rori stalked over and opened the doors. “Max, take your children home; they’re sleeping on my couch. Jude, I am sure you have some woman to molest somewhere. John, your pregnant fiancée is tired. All of you, thanks for coming, now get out.” On their way out, each man kissed Rori, tossing a look of sympathy back toward Zach. After they’d all gone, Zach led her back out to the porch swing. “Baby, come here and sit with me?” Zach asked softly. Rori came over and sat next to him on the glider. “You were right to be mad. I shouldn’t have assumed. I should have talked to you and gotten your input before I accepted the job. I’m sorry,” he said, kissing her knuckles. She quirked up a corner of her mouth. “Zach Helm, are you a pod person? Just when I am all ready to be pissed off at you for being insensitive you go and apologize in the perfect way.” He laughed. “Are you mad that you can’t be mad at me, baby?” “Don’t push your luck, bucko,” she teased, leaning down to kiss him. Smiling, she cocked her head and asked, “When do we leave?”

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He heaved a sigh of relief and gave her a sexy smile as he slid his hand down her stomach, knowing that her eyes were fastened on him. He slowly unzipped his pants, setting his erection free. With a raised eyebrow he slid his hand up her leg and under her skirt. He tsked and shook his head when he pulled the panties off and dangled them in front of her. Rori giggled wickedly. “Sometimes a girl just needs a good hard spanking, Zach. Are you the man to give it to me?” she asked, moving astride his thighs. She intended to slowly sink down onto him but he surged into her instead. A gasp burst from her lips as she arched to take him deeper. “Ride me, Rori,” he whispered roughly, his hands on her waist. “And then you’ll see just how much man I am when your ass stings while I take you from behind so I can watch your pink cheeks jiggle while I fuck you.” She gave him a raised brow and a smirk of triumph and he threw back his head and laughed.


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Chapter Eleven Six weeks later they were sitting in the sun, sipping on sparkling water with lemon wedges in order to keep cool. Rori typed on her laptop, the gently rolling ocean lulling her thoughts. Their cabin was luxurious, the attached private deck the perfect place for Rori to write when Zach was working. She sent postcards and emails back home, and each time they came to port in a big enough town she picked up something for the boys and for the baby Becky was carrying. A few days before Rori and Zach had left for Greece, Becky and John got married in a quiet ceremony at City Hall and then had a small reception back at her in-laws’ house. Zach made love to Rori at least twice a day. The ability to be where he wanted to be most made him even more commanding and inventive sexually. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her, often standing on the bridge to watch her while she worked. Rori loved the freedom of the open ocean. Because their deck was private she was able to sit out without a suit top, the gems in her nipple jewelry glinting in the bright Mediterranean sun. Some days she’d wear the wider, more traditional leather collar while she worked, knowing that he’d catch a glimpse. She simply waited for him to rush in to fuck her or go down on her when he got a break. The ship’s clientele were varied but they all had big bank accounts in common. There were two guest suites on board and for stints of one week to two months, couples or families would be on board with them as they sailed from one sun dappled port to the next. Currently, they had a Greek businessman and his young wife on board. Zach applied the word businessman to him in a very loose fashion. The man traveled with several bodyguards and had a lot of cash and all of the arrangements on the trip were made in a roundabout fashion. He never paid directly for anything. It seemed pretty hinky to both he

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and Rori, but as long as the man didn’t do anything illegal while on the ship or in his view, Zach had no cause to do anything about it. Four months into their cruise found them anchored off a small cluster of privately owned islands, celebrating their first wedding anniversary. They spent the early morning with Rori bound in ropes and he’d fucked her in the ass while he used a toy in her pussy. He used a silk scarf as a gag because her screams of pleasure echoed through the quiet morning air. She got so wet her thighs were as juicy as his balls were. He grinned at her as they collapsed and he removed the scarf. “You are such a bad girl. We’ll have to use a gag again, I see. I can’t believe we’ve gone all this time without trying it before” He slowly untied her. He contemplated leaving her cuffed, spread eagle to the bed all day, and coming in to bring her off over and over throughout the day. But he’d decided against it. He never wanted to leave her alone and out of earshot when she was unable to get free. He chuckled to himself. They’d both enjoyed it the few times he’d done it before -- he’d restrained her to their bed, blindfolding her, and then going off to putter around the house, coming back into their bedroom to pleasure her from time to time. Sometimes there’d only be ten minutes between their sessions, other times an hour. With the blindfold on, it was hard for her to tell how much time had passed. He loved to keep her guessing. “I was thinking of getting a tattoo, here on my hip.” She caressed the soft skin along the bone there, bringing him out of his thoughts. “Your initials and our anniversary date.” “I’ll get one too,” he said before bending to kiss away the soreness from the ropes. The rest of the day was spent at a leisurely pace. Instead of a big celebration, they kept things low key. They’d decided to buy new furniture for their bedroom instead of presents for each other. She’d already ordered it online and everything would be delivered shortly before they got home. Jude was living in their house while they were on their trip, so he could take delivery. Of course he’d let his lease expire and was now considering buying a house nearby. They’d had breakfast and then Rori worked for a few hours until the lure of the sparkling blue-green water got to her and she’d decided to go for a swim to cool off. Zach watched her from the deck, waving to her as she called up to him. “I love you!” He clutched his heart melodramatically and blew her a kiss in response. It was the last thing she remembered until she woke up in a strange place.

***** “Rori? Oh my god, honey, are you awake?” Kelly’s voice sounded anxious. Struggling to open her eyes, Rori groaned and then whimpered as a wall of pain crashed over her. “What ... what? Where am I?” she croaked out. She tried to get a better


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look at herself but it hurt too much to move. “What happened? Where is Zach? Why are you in Greece?” “There was an accident ...” Kelly began but the door opened and a doctor came in with their mother. “Mrs. Helm, I’m glad to see you’re conscious. Let me get a look at you, all right?” The doctor pointed a pen light at her, looked in her ears and poked and prodded, eliciting grunts of pain and winces from her. “What is going on? What accident? Where is Zach?” she asked but they all talked over her. Her frustration lifted when she saw Jude come into the room with Max. “Honey, you’re awake,” he said softly. The softness of his voice was counter to the speed with which he came to her bedside and the lines in his face. He gently took her hand. “Thank god.” “You’re all going to tax her. She needs her rest,” the doctor said as Rori felt the sting of some kind of medication go in through the IV. Before she could repeat her questions, she lost consciousness again.

***** Rori awoke again hours later, feeling better. Slowly opening her eyes, she was surprised to see her father-in-law standing there with her brother-in-law. “Alan, what’s happening? Where is Zach?” Her father-in-law came over to the bed and sat down. An icy finger of dread traced down her spine as she saw his face. Her mother teared up, turning to look out the window. Kelly walked in, saw what was happening and took Rori’s other hand, squeezing it. “Rori ...” her father-in-law began, but his voice broke. The dread spread out over her, settling in her stomach. “What? Is it Becky? The baby? Is she all right?” Ashamed because she wanted it to be that, but knowing that it wasn’t. Praying that her sister-in-law would be the cause of this grief pouring from her father-in-law and not her beloved Zach. “No, Becky is fine.” He paused. “Rori, the yacht that you two were on ... it blew up.” Suddenly she couldn’t breathe. The room dimmed, felt claustrophobic. She had the faint memory of flying through the air, of intense heat, of debris cutting through her flesh, of looking up at him that last moment before it all went black. Her muscles began to tremble. “Easy, honey,” Kelly soothed. “What? The boat blew up? Why? Is he all right?” She struggled to understand. Surely it wasn’t what she thought.

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“A passenger on board -- they think he was the target of an assassination. He was apparently involved in organized crime. Rori, the boat was blown to bits; you’re the only survivor. Zach ... he’s dead,” her father-in-law said, now openly weeping. A roar filled her ears. “No. I’d know if he was dead. He can’t be. I saw him right before, he was fine. There has to be a mistake. He could have jumped off the boat. Do they have a body?” Zach’s brother, Alan, sat on the edge of the narrow hospital bed and put his hands on her ankles. “Sweetheart, they found all six bodies. They flew him home.” “Nuh uh.” She shook her head and the trembling got so severe that her teeth began to chatter. “This isn’t real.” Kelly bit back a sob and pulled her into arms. “Honey, I’m so sorry.” “I w-won’t believe it until I see his b-body with my own eyes. Where am I? Are we in Greece? I want to identify the body! It isn’t h-him, that’s all. Did they search the water around the area? There were small islands all around! He could have washed up on one of them and not known who he was. Someone could be taking care of him,” she insisted, barely intelligible through the chattering. “We’re in New York. After you’d stabilized but the coma was still deep, we had you flown back to the States. Honey, you can’t see him. Even if it were possible, he’d been in the water, he ... the injuries from the blast, it ...” her father-in-law wandered off, sobs choking him. “How do they know it was him for sure? It might be someone else!” she shrieked, close to losing it. Her mother got up in the bed behind her and pulled her into her arms, rocking her back and forth. Kelly, weeping herself, gripped her hand. “They identified his tattoos, sweetheart. The phoenix on his back and the barbed wire on his arm. He was wearing his wedding ring and the bracelet you gave him,” Max explained softly. “Why him and not me? He was going to come out to swim with me but asked me to wait. I went ahead, told him that he could come in when he was done. I should have waited for him, I should have made him come swimming with me,” she whispered. “I should have stopped him from doing the sail. He had work back here to do. He asked me to tell him if I wanted him to stay, I should have said yes.” “Rori, do not do this to yourself. You went with him, supported his going because you loved him. You knew it was something he loved so very much,” her father-in-law said, looking into her eyes, brushing away her tears. “Honey, you were so good for him. You gave him a great gift. Your love and the freedom to do what he loved so much made him so happy. Never in his life was he as happy as he’d been in the last two years. You completed him, Rori. I want you to hold that to yourself, it will help you get through this. We all have to get through this. Zach would not want you to blame yourself or second guess things. He died doing what he loved second best in the world.”


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She slumped back against her mother and dissolved into great gulping sobs. Kelly called the doctor in and he advised them to get Rori rested so that she could be discharged and back home as soon as possible. He frowned at the family gathered there, told them to keep Rori calm and to steer clear of upsetting conversation as much as they could. After the nurse had given her a sedative, Rori stared off into the distance, as tears flowed down her face. Every once in a while she’d gasp from her earlier weeping. Kelly lay on the bed behind her and gathered her into her arms. Sitting across the room, Jude sat helpless against her grief. Heart aching. She’d been in a coma for nearly two months. He’d flown back and forth to New York as often as he could, not wanting to miss it when she awoke. It was a lucky coincidence he’d been there the day before. A fluke. He’d missed his flight and had come back to the hospital to wait for the next available plane. He’d cried tears of grief when he’d heard about Zach. Zach had been a friend and as the months had passed after the wedding, they’d grown as close as brothers. Despite -- and because of -- their love for Rori. Zach had known of Jude’s feelings for Rori. In fact, he and Jude had talked about it shortly before Rori and Zach left for Greece. Sitting in the family room at Zach and Rori’s house, the two of them had worked their way through too many beers. Long after Rori had gone to bed, the walls between them had come down. “You know I love your girl, don’t you?” Jude had said, his feet propped up on the coffee table. Zach had looked up and smiled. “Yeah. How could you not?” “You know what I mean, Zach.” “I do. But she loves me, Jude. And I love her.” He’d shrugged. “I don’t plan on ever screwing up and losing her -- I learned from your mistakes.” He looked at Jude. “I’m not trying to take a shot; it’s the truth. A cautionary tale, because Rori is the best thing in my world and I couldn’t exist without her.” Jude sighed and Zach stood up. “You can crash in the guest room. It’s late and you shouldn’t drive.” He walked to the doorway and turned and took Jude’s measure. He nodded, as if making his mind up. “If anything ever happens to me, Jude ... take care of her. You know what she needs,” he’d said quietly and walked down the hallway. Max sighed and Jude came back to himself as they all moved out into the hallway. The doctor explained that if Rori kept improving she’d be able to go back home in a week or so.

***** Over lunch the day before Rori was to be released, the family gathered to discuss what they’d all do once they took her home. Rori fell asleep, so they all went down to the cafeteria to work out their plans and provide a united front.

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Jude said quietly, “I’ll keep living in the house if she wants me to. I can help with things. You know she won’t move in with Max and Kelly or with her mom or in-laws. She’ll want to be at home, surrounded by her stuff -- their stuff -- her life with Zach. She’ll need it to learn to live without him.” “You’re a good friend, Jude,” Zach’s father said, looking lost. “I need to get back home. Patty is still ... well I worry about not being there with her. John and Becky are with her. My flight leaves in two hours. I’ll check in again when I get back. Tell Rori we love her and to call if she needs anything. We’ll always be there for her; she’s a part of us. I told her and I’m telling you all, too.” Kelly, coming down from Rori’s room a little later, joined them at the table. “She’s still asleep. She refused the sedatives, said she wanted to deal with this without drugs. I tried to talk to her about living with us but you can imagine how that went.” Her voice was flat, exhausted. “Jude is going to stay on at the house. Maybe you should stay, too. At least for a few nights,” Max said, leaning in and kissing her temple. Kelly looked at Jude. He knew what she was thinking. “Yes, Kelly. Yes, I still love her, but I resent that you think I’d do anything but help her right now. We worked through a lot of crap, but Zach and I were good friends. I didn’t resent that he had Rori; he deserved her. But I’m her friend and I can help her. You know she’s too independent and stubborn to move out of that house and I’m already living there. I gave up the lease on my apartment. I can help. You have the boys to deal with. Your job, your life. She won’t accept help from you if she knows you’re putting any of that off. Since I live there already, at least I can make sure she eats. That there are groceries.” Kelly smiled and patted his arm. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I just ... I don’t know how to make this better for her. She’s in so much pain. Her eyes look so empty, so lifeless. I can’t get her engaged at all, even about the boys. She’s turned off her heart or something. I want to take all of that away from her, to help her get through this.” “You can’t,” Aileen said, a hitch in her voice. “Losing your husband is a painful blow. Only time will make it better.”

***** They arrived back in Oakley after a long series of flights. At least, because of Rori’s health, they got gate to gate pickups and were allowed to wait in the comfort of the first class lounge, but it was still a hell of a long day. “Rori, call if you need anything all right?” Rori had nodded absently as her mother admonished, just before they drove off in separate directions. On the drive to Rori’s, Kelly mentioned her intention of staying with her sister for a week or so, but Rori adamantly refused.


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“You will not. You have been in New York for two months. Your life has been on hold all this time. The boys need you. Now that summer is here, there’s baseball and swimming and you need to handle and coordinate all their activities. I’m just down the road. I promise I’ll call if I need you.” Kelly looked at Jude, who kept his face carefully blank. They hadn’t told Rori he planned to stay on for the foreseeable future. Kelly sighed heavily and agreed, promising to come by first thing the next morning. After the very brief drive from Kelly’s, Jude pulled into Rori’s driveway. They both sat in the car for several minutes. Reaching out, he grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently. He knew she must be feeling awful as she looked at the house she and Zach had bought together the year before -- at her roses and the porch railings that they’d put in themselves. “It’s okay, take your time,” he said softly. She began to weep without sound, her body shuddering as the sobs tore through her. He put his arm around her shoulder and she wept into his neck, her salty tears warm against his skin. After she’d cried herself out, he slowly led her inside and into the bedroom where she stood in the doorway. “The new furniture.” “Yeah, it came while you were in New York. I uh, I didn’t wash the sheets. I figured you might want something that still had his smell on it.” She turned to him and threw her arms around his neck. “That was very thoughtful of you.” Jude had moved the old furniture out himself, putting it in the garage just in case she changed her mind. He’d seen the framed picture of her bound with ropes and the image had burned itself into his brain. Having seen her that way, even in just a photo, made him realize he’d never be satisfied with another woman. Seeing the depths of her commitment to Zach had made him love her all the more. He’d kept Zach’s special hemp rope in the bedroom for her, just transferring it to the new dresser. “Honey, why don’t you change and take a nap? You’ve got to be tired.” She looked at him and nodded. “Thank you, Jude. Thank you for moving all of this in here.” Not quite knowing what to do, she crossed the room to the big dresser and opened up a drawer. Pain sliced through her as she sighted the multiple colored coils of rope. She reached out, stroking her hands over the length. He’d never use it again. Never hold it in his large but gentle hands. She’d never watch him as he pulled the rope over his palm, feeling for imperfections or frays, never again experience the way he slowly placed it over her flesh, careful to tie it just right to keep her safe. She would never be able to watch his desire heighten -- listen to the changes in his breathing as he worked the knots, again. She moved the rope aside and pulled out a change of clothing.

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After she showered, she napped, not waking until Jude brought in a tray of soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. Under the guise of chit-chatting, he watched her, making sure she ate. “Rori, I’m going to stay here. I’ve given up my lease anyway. I like living here and I can help.” “Jude, you don’t have to do that. You have a life. I don’t need a nursemaid.” He brushed a tear off her cheek with his thumb. “Sweetheart, you are one of my oldest friends and Zach was a friend, too. I don’t want to be your nursemaid, just your friend. Let me help.” She nodded and let him hug her. “Thank you.”

***** Zach’s ashes were waiting for Rori to make a decision. Together with Zach’s family, Rori decided to scatter his ashes from the bow of his sailboat out on the lake. She had small solace knowing that she’d think of him every time she saw the lake. Inheriting his love of sailing, she would keep the boat moored there for her own use. She promised herself and Becky that she’d teach her nephew to sail, in honor of Zach and the love he had for boats. The boat smelled like him. Every inch of it reminded her of him. His craftsmanship was obvious everywhere. The novel he’d been reading before they’d gone to Greece was still on the nightstand in the bedroom. A sweatshirt was draped over a chair in the galley. She felt like he’d walk around the corner any moment with that smile on his face, hair windswept. Instead there was nothing. No real closure. When she got home that day, she received the final report on the accident. The Greek government had very little evidence, nothing concrete, and no charges had been filed. The case remained open, but Rori held little hope of a resolution. The company that hired Zach on as captain sent their condolences and a rather large check that she put in the bank.

***** Rori was at her lowest point when, a week after they had scattered Zach’s ashes, the anniversary of the first day they met arrived. Leaving the house before dawn, she sought the refuge of the boat. For hours she sat on the bow, staring out at the water, wondering about what might have been. She’d lost more than her husband. More than her partner and best friend. All of the possibilities and maybes that came with Zach were gone. No children to raise together. No growing old and rocking on the porch swing. She felt like her future had been blown up with him. All of that hope was gone.


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No one knew where Rori had disappeared to that day but Jude. He let her have a few hours alone, and then drove to the lake. Walking out to the boat, he sat down next to her, putting an arm around her. They sat silently together until the sun went down. Quietly and gently, Jude helped her up and back to her car.

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Chapter Twelve As summer slid into fall, things between those closest to Rori got more difficult. Kelly and Jude had been possessive over her since the moment she’d come back home. Everything was a huge battle. When she had doctor’s appointments, it was an ordeal to decide who would drive her. Kelly would bring over groceries and Jude would get pissed and accuse her of saying he wasn’t doing a good enough job. At first, Rori would intervene, but that just caused more trouble. Eventually, she would just walk out on the bickering and do whatever she wanted to do. She was happy to note that Jude seemed much calmer. Then again, she probably noticed because he was such a big part of her life. Rori truly didn’t know how she could have survived the last months without him; he’d been there for her every time she needed him. He rarely went out socially. In fact, she hadn’t seen him with or heard him mention a woman in months. Part of her was happy about that; she’d gotten so close to him that she had begun thinking of him as her boyfriend ... well without the physical stuff. Another part of her was disturbed by those feelings because she felt like a traitor to Zach. She felt alone in so many ways -- lonely, cast adrift, without purpose. Dead inside. There were odd moments where the small things in her life -- playing with her nephews, having coffee with Kelly, gardening, riding bikes with Jude -- brought her happiness that she grabbed with nearly feral intensity. It was as if she felt a desperate need to feel normal happiness again, even if only for a few minutes. Jude watched Rori as the months progressed, watched as she worked her way through her grief, pouring her love into her family, and he grew to love her more deeply. He took her out for rides on his Harley and during those hours-long drives, he’d begun to see her start to come to life again. She would smile more, laugh more. By that time, he hadn’t seen any other women in months. Quite honestly, none could compare to her, even with the haunted


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sweetness in her eyes. He ignored every come-on he got and after a while, even the guys at work and the OBG just accepted that he wasn’t interested in anyone.

***** Thanksgiving and Christmas passed quietly, and Rori decided to turn down all the New Year’s Eve party invitations she received, opting to stay home instead. She rented some movies, got into her pajamas, lit a fire, made popcorn and settled in on the couch with a blanket and the remote. Jude came in just after one in the morning to find her sitting there, with her popcorn and a bottle of beer, watching an action flick. He stood still for a moment and she looked up to catch him studying her. She started, obviously surprised to see him. “What are you doing home so early? I figured you’d be ringing in the New Year with some precinct bunny.” He took off his jacket and his belt, laying them on the table. “I had to work. Precinct bunny?” He snorted. “What’s that?” She watched as he sat down and leaned over to untie his heavy work boots. His uniform stretched taut across his thighs. A flash of what those thighs looked like naked hit her. Pulse speeding, she looked away. “I’ll be out in a minute,” he called on his way into his room to change. Heart pounding, she bit her lip as guilt washed over her. Oh God, I’m fantasizing about Jude! He’d been an everyday part of her life for the past seven months. Lived together, ate together, watched television together, almost as if they were married. But how could she feel that way? She loved Zach! Damn it, how could she be attracted to someone else? Her disloyalty made her sick. Jude came out in sweats and a tee shirt. Shoving her over, he burrowed under the blanket with her, grabbing some popcorn. “So you had something to tell me?” “I did?” Her voice squeaked, and she felt panicked. “Precinct bunny?” She let out her breath in relief. “Oh yeah. You know, the bimbos who hang out at Charlie’s at lunchtime to be with the cops. The ones who call you all for stuff just to get you to their houses. Cop groupies.” He laughed, leaning in to press an amused kiss on her cheek. But she turned her head to say something to him and his lips brushed over hers. They both went stock still, lips still touching. Something inside of him broke and he groaned. Turning fully, he pulled her to him. His tongue fluttered across the seam of her lips until she gasped and he dipped inside her mouth. Her taste exploded through his system. He’d yearned for her. For this, for two and a half years. Had thought of it every day, kicking himself for losing her. He’d compared every woman he’d been with since to her, and they’d all lost out.

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With a cry of alarm she pulled back and fell off the couch, spilling popcorn everywhere. “Oh god. I’m sorry,” she gasped. Scrambling up, she nearly tripped over her feet as she ran to her bedroom. Slamming the door behind her. she leaned against it, breathing heavily. Remembering the dark velvet taste of him, the warm, smooth tongue sliding over hers, brought a groan to her lips. She pressed her fingers to her mouth, trying to stop the tingling from his kiss. “What have I done?” With a moan of confused despair, she slid down the wall, sitting on the floor, head in her hands. Jude sat on the couch, stunned, head back, eyes closed. There was no way he could give her up again. She’d told him at her engagement party that a part of her would always love him and he was going to make sure she revived it. Yes, he’d fucked up big time two and a half years ago. But he’d done his time, paid his dues -- he’d learned a lot, become a better person -- a better man -- and he was no longer afraid to admit that he was only half a person without Rori in his life. Even if she held onto the memory of Zach forever, even if he always lived in Zach’s shadow, he would have Rori. She was meant to be his. Jude gave her a few minutes to get herself together before he got up to go after her. He heard her muffled tears through the door and knocked softly. “Rori, honey? Open the door, we need to talk.” Rori sat with her back to the door for some time, trying to figure out what to do. Finally, when it was obvious he wasn’t going to leave, she got up and opened the door. They stood looking at each other without speaking for long minutes. At last she managed to say, “I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry.” With an annoyed sound, he pushed his way into the room. “Bullshit. I don’t want your apologies, Rori. You wanted to kiss me. I wanted to kiss you. We kissed. What’s to be sorry for?” “My husband has only been dead eight months! I loved him, damn it! What kind of awful slut am I for wanting you so soon after he was murdered?” she cried out, turning from him, unable to look at him without wanting to touch him. “Look at me,” he said, but she didn’t turn. He had a sudden memory of that last conversation he had with Zach. Jude, take care of her. You know what she needs. “I said, turn around and look at me, Rori,” he said, adding command to his voice. She gave a muffled cry and turned to him, her eyes wide. “That’s right, good girl,” he said silkily, caressing her jaw. He pulled her closer and rubbed large circles down her back. “Zach is gone. I miss him too, you know? But he’s not coming back and you need ... you need me. Don’t deny yourself. Don’t lie to yourself.” When she started to sob he stopped and held her back enough to see her face. “Rori?”


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She looked up into his eyes. “I’m lonely, I miss being touched.” More than that, she missed having Zach top her. She missed the freedom of submission. She gave a mental snort at the thought but it was true. She’d felt so much freedom when she gave herself up to Zach in the bedroom. He’d allowed her to open herself, to unfurl her sexuality in a way she’d never imagined possible. She missed how cherished he made her feel, how sexy and beautiful. “I’m sorry, Rori,” he said, stroking her hair. “You are always being touched though, sweetie.” “As a friend, a sister or relative. No one has touched me as a woman in eight months. I need more than just affection, I feel dead inside sexually. I need ...” She hesitated, the moment stretching between them, tension palpable. “Rori, I know you are a woman. It’s something I haven’t been able to forget, no matter how hard I tried. You need, all right, but you don’t just need any man, you need a certain kind of man, don’t you, Rori? You need a master,” he said, his voice going down an octave, the dark whisper beating against her flesh, against her peace of mind. “It’s too soon,” she said. “I can’t submit to you ... to anyone right now. I can’t give you that yet.” He smiled; she’d said yet. All wasn’t lost. He could wait. “I want you, Rori. You know that,” he whispered. “I know, but I can’t, Jude. I still see Zach every time I close my eyes. I just can’t now,” she said, holding back a sob. “I’m a patient man, Rori. I’ve waited for nearly three years, I can keep waiting.” He left her then, slowly closing the door behind him softly.

***** Winter gave way to spring. As the anniversary of Zach’s murder passed, Rori sank into a deep sadness. She was so angry with him sometimes for leaving her. Angry with herself for being angry with him. Guilty because she felt more and more compelled by Jude as the days passed. He never pressed, but he was always there. Watching her with hungry eyes, touching her with covetous hands. While he didn’t push, he didn’t back off either, and his quiet persistence was taking a toll on her. Two weeks later, Rori sat with Kelly in the kitchen. Needing a friend -- someone to whom she could bare her soul -- Rori took a deep breath. “Am I a total slut if I want to have sex with Jude?” She blurted out the words before she could change her mind. Kelly looked at her, blinking in surprise. “No! Jeez, Rori, your husband died a year ago. You haven’t dated. You’ve been so alone. I wouldn’t have said this a year ago, but I think you

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should give Jude a chance. He’s been so good to you, and clearly there’s a connection between the two of you.” “I feel guilty for wanting him. Like I’m betraying my marriage to Zach.” Kelly took her hand. “Rori, Zach is dead. He loved you with the kind of intensity that is extraordinary. I’m glad you treasure that, but he would not want you to be alone. You know that. You know he’d want you to be loved, to be cherished. Jude loves you. He hasn’t gone out on a date since the murder. He watches you with such naked voracity; it makes me hot just seeing the looks he sends your way.” She smiled. “Honey, let yourself be loved again. You loved Jude once; maybe the two of you could actually have the miracle of a second chance.” Rori considered her sister’s words. Needing to think, she drove down to the marina and took the boat out for a long sail. She had felt so secure with Zach, so protected and anchored. Without him, she’d been adrift. Could Jude give her what Zach had? She’d loved Jude once and he loved her. He’d been a friend to her, never taking from her, only giving. In the last year she’d come to rely on him, not just as a friend -- she realized with a shock -- but as someone she loved. She stood on the deck of Zach’s boat, the boat he’d built with his hands. Hands that had loved her so gently, had mastered her with strength and adoration. He was gone. She’d never feel those hands again and the ache was there, would always be there, but it was time to move on -- move forward. With Jude she had a second chance at love. A second chance to have someone in her life who cherished her, someone who had shown over the last two years that she could trust him. “I’m going to be all right, Zach. I love you so much, I ache for what we could have had, but I’m so damned thankful for what we did have. I wouldn’t trade a single moment of it. But I’m going to give Jude a chance, see what I might have with him. I think you’d be all right with that. I hope so. You’ll be in my heart forever. Thank you for loving me.” She threw the pink roses she’d brought with her into the water and turned back to the dock, heading home and into the rest of her life.


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Chapter Thirteen By the time she got home, Jude was also there and making dinner. “Hey, babe,” he called out as she walked in the door. She walked straight to him. Wrapping her arms about his neck, she pulled his face down to hers. Brought his lips to her own. Surprised, he stiffened a moment, but then took what she offered. Devouring her, he groaned at the torture of her body against his. Her nipples stiffened and pressed into the wall of his chest. He poured all his desire into the kiss -- his longing, his love. He ached with how good she felt pressed against him. Gripping her hair, he pulled her back so he could look into her face. “Hi,” she said, smiling softly. “Hi, yourself. You’re playing with fire, Rori.” “I know, but I’m not playing. I’m serious. Touch me, Jude. Take me if you still want me,” she said softly. “Don’t say it if you don’t mean it, I’ve wanted this for three years.” “I do mean it. I’ve done so much thinking. I know what I want and I want you.” He turned off the stove, then held out his hand. She took it, and he led her down the short hallway to his room, where he closed the door behind them, shutting out the world. Looking back at him, shyness suddenly washed over her. Despite the fact that she’d been with him before and she knew he wanted her too, she didn’t know where to begin. He turned to her, looking her up and down. “God, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted this. Are you ready to be mine, Rori? Because I haven’t waited all this time to be in a casual relationship with you. I want you. I want us and I want it forever. I fucked up with

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you the first time around, but I’ve learned a lot about myself and you, too. We can be so good together.” Rori nodded, swallowing around the lump in her throat. “Take your clothes off.” With hands trembling, she unbuttoned her shirt and slid it off. She looked down to unhook her bra. “Eyes on me, Rori. Your eyes are mine,” he said in a silky whisper. She locked her gaze with his, sliding her bra off, pulse pounding, breathing uneven. He inhaled sharply. “Cup your breasts for me; I want to see those rings.” She slid her hands up her torso and took the weight of her breasts in her hands. He leaned in, taking in her beauty. “Rori, these are beautiful, but ...” he moved to his dresser and opened a drawer, pulling out a velvet jewelry bag. He turned back toward her and untied it, reaching inside. He pulled out two silver rings that were twisted with gold. “I had these made for you three years ago. I’ve been waiting. Will you wear my rings, Rori?” She closed her eyes for a moment. She hadn’t removed Zach’s rings but if she was going to be with Jude, she’d have to. She said her mental goodbye to that part of her connection with Zach. Opening her eyes, she saw Jude’s face. “Yes.” Jude’s eyes shimmered with emotion. “Thank you. I know this is hard for you. I promise you I’ll do everything in my power to protect you, to make you happy.” She gave him a small smile and then uttered a surprised gasp as his fingers brushed over her nipples to remove the old rings and put in the new ones. He placed Zach’s rings in the velvet bag. “You’ll want to keep them,” he said. “Thank you,” she whispered, past the lump in her throat. “I love you, Rori, and I understand your connection to Zach. I won’t ask you to forget him, to forget all you shared.” He stood before her, his eyes dark with passion. Suddenly, he bent down, taking her nipple into his mouth. White-hot sensation shot straight to her pussy and she reached up, cradling his head to her breast. He nipped at her, causing a sharp shock, and then laved the sting. Her eyes closed and she hummed her appreciation. She was so wet and slick, so needy. She hadn’t felt this way in over a year. Her hands slid into his hair and it felt like coming home. Jude pulled back. Her nipples were wet from his mouth, red from his teeth and tongue, wearing his rings. A hot burst of possession roared through him He reached into the bag again, pulling out another item. “Rori, you still wear Zach’s collar. Before he died, he told me to take care of you if something happened to him, that I knew what you needed. He knew then how I felt about you. I am truly sorry he’s gone and I know that a part of you will always belong to him. But will you wear my collar now?” He held out a beautiful choker with heavy hammered links. A


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charm, in the shape of a letter J, dangled from the center link. The necklace was delicate and sturdy all at once. She reached behind her neck and unhooked Zach’s necklace. She slipped it off, handing it to Jude, and he slipped it into the bag with Zach’s rings. She kneeled at Jude’s feet and Jude released a strangled moan. With trembling hands, he fastened the choker around her throat and the resulting hard on threatened to burst free from his jeans. “Beautiful. Stand up, baby, I want you all the way naked.” She stood, then shimmied out of her jeans and panties until she stood before him totally naked except for her jewelry. “Undress me,” he said silkily. The remembered feelings of submission coursed through her at his words. It unfurled within her again after being long dormant. With shaking hands she pulled his tee shirt over his head and took a deep breath as she gazed at his body. She’d forgotten just how beautiful he was. His skin was golden brown from being outside, his hair the wheat blond of summer. He watched her with those bright green eyes, glittering with desire. She leaned in and ran her tongue over his hardened nipples and his breath stuttered. She skimmed her hands down his chest, over his biceps and shoulders, down his back and cupped his ass. She breathed him in; he smelled like the sun, like fresh air and musk. She kissed her way down his chest and abdomen, nibbling down the very happy trail of hair that disappeared below his jeans. She looked up at him, locking her eyes with his, unfastening his jeans and sliding them off, taking his underwear with them. She stared at his cock. Oh yes, as impressive as she remembered. She rubbed her cheek along the soft, warm flesh and he tunneled his hands through her hair, gripping her tight. “Go into the bottom drawer of my dresser. Bring me the black leather wrist cuffs,” he said, emotion in his voice. She got to her feet, legs shaky, and made her way over to the dresser. When she opened the bottom drawer she had to blink a few times as she stared at the contents. Silken blindfold and ties, leather wrist and ankle cuffs and the chains for restraint, nipple and clit clamps, lube, handcuffs, a flogger with leather strands, another with rubber tails, and a paddle. “Do you like what you see in there, Rori?” he asked, suddenly at her back, his cock burning into her like a brand. “I do like the idea of your hands and feet bound. All of these toys are for you; they’ve never been used on anyone else. They’ve been waiting, just like I have, hoping.” She turned to him, handing him the wrist cuffs. There was a chain linking them together. She turned her back to him and held out her wrists and he made a soft noise of approval. “No baby, turn around. I want them above your head.”

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She turned, and he fastened the cuffs around her wrists. Then, taking hold of the chain, he pulled her back to the bed. “Lay down, hands above your head.” She responded without question. Cream flooded her pussy; her nipples were hard and elongated, throbbing in time with her clit. He leaned over her, hooking the chain to a ring at the head of his bed. “Oh, I love how you look.” He turned away, pulling something else out of the drawer. The ankle restraints. He fastened them to her legs. He came back into her line of sight. “You need to shave,” he said, running his hand over her mound. “I want you bald to me, to my mouth, my hands, my cock,” he whispered, nibbling her ankles. “It’ll be my pleasure to do it. After.” She whimpered. “Please, Jude.” He gave her a wicked smile and leaned down, slowly licking his way up her legs, avoiding her pussy. Kissing his way to her navel, he dipped his tongue inside before moving northward again. He flicked his tongue along the inner curve of each breast and then breathed over her nipple, fascinated as it pouted at his attentions. Taking one into his mouth, he gloried at the feel of his ring against his tongue, in her nipple. She arched, but he knew she couldn’t get much purchase with hands and ankles bound. He kissed her collarbone then worked his way up her neck and she shivered. “You taste better than I remember, Rori.” He smiled and then captured her lips and she clung to him with desperation. She sucked his tongue into her mouth and he teased her, gliding his cock along her body until he found the notch between her legs. He halted abruptly and moved back down her body, using his thumbs to open her pussy to his gaze. “You’re pierced here. God, I’m so glad I didn’t know that until just now. It would have killed me. I have to taste you, Rori,” he said, his voice strangled. She nodded enthusiastically. “God, yes, please.” He’d make her beg another time; he had no patience left as he stabbed his tongue deep into her. She cried out, pulling against the restraints. She was so wet, he devoured her, ate her, lapped her up. When he pulled her clit into his mouth and tugged the ring with his tongue she screamed. He slid two fingers inside her and his cock jumped at her tightness. Her juices ran down, making her slick, and he followed the honey and lapped at the sweet rosette of her anus and she gave a guttural groan. “Has anyone fucked you here, Rori?” he asked thickly. She shook her head, “Not in a very long time.” He chuckled darkly. “We’ll have to remedy that. I’m going to fuck you in that tight little hole one night soon, perhaps after I’ve spanked you. Do you like to be spanked, Rori?” She gave a quivery little whimper and gushed more honey. “I suppose that’s my answer.”


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He put his face back to her pussy, pressing against her, moving from side to side as he fucked her with three fingers and slowly pressed one and then two into her ass. She trembled all over and she struggled against the restraints, trying to get closer; her thigh muscles bunched and twitched as he fluttered his tongue over her clit. “Don’t you hold back, Rori. I want your climax and I want it now,” he ordered. He ruthlessly tamped down his own need to come, his own desire until he had hers. He watched up the line of her body, felt her tremble and tighten as orgasm rushed through her. She screamed his name as he sucked her clit into his mouth and gently nipped it with his teeth. Her orgasm hit, and rolled through him nearly as strongly as it did her. His body tensed as hers did. He watched, mouth still on her as her eyes fluttered closed and her teeth bit into her bottom lip. Quickly, while she still remained in the throes of her orgasm, he undid the ankle restraints and flipped her over. Donning a condom, he slid into her as she arched back to meet him. The inferno of her clutching pussy, still pulsing from her climax, instantly surrounded him. He knew it had been a year since she’d been with anyone and she was so tight it took him a bit to get a hold of himself. He was right on the edge with wanting her as it was; it didn’t help that he hadn’t been with anyone for a year, either. She whimpered and tried to arch back into him, urging him to move. He slapped her pretty ass and she gave a startled cry. “Don’t hurry me along, Rori. This will happen at my pace.” Arching back into him again, she added a swivel. He laughed and slapped her other cheek twice more and she groaned, pushing back against him, wanting more. A pretty pink handprint marked her creamy skin and he gently traced his fingers over the fiery mark. He reached around and tugged on her nipple rings, feeling her pulse around his cock. He leaned over her body, caging her, and pulled nearly all the way out and then slowly pushed back in. He laid sweet kisses all the way up her spine, ending with a gentle bite to the back of her neck. She was so responsive. He’d only had a small taste of her the one time they’d made love nearly three years before and he knew he’d never get enough. He was man enough to admit to himself that he needed her more than he’d ever needed anything. That he loved this woman and would do everything in his power to keep her pleased, make her feel loved and cherished. He pumped into her steadily, filling her up with each stroke, bringing her to the knife edge of total over-stimulation. He stroked her flesh, palming her nipples, tugging on the rings. “Tell me what you want, sweet,” he whispered into her ear as he gathered her hair into his fist and used it to control her movement. He felt so strong, so loved, and he loved in return.

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“Fuck me, deep and hard and fast. Please, I need it,” she whimpered. “Like this?” he asked as he dragged out and then slammed back in to the root. “Yes!” He began to fuck her hard and deep, with fast strokes. He slapped her ass twice more, earning anguished whimpers and a rain of honey on his thighs. “Oh, you want that, don’t you? Next time shall I get the flogger?” She moaned in the affirmative, face in the pillow, hands fisted above her head. He reached around and pinched her clit between his fingers while he pinched her nipple in the same rhythm. Her pleasure exploded around him and she keened out his name as she came. Too far gone to hold back with her pussy clutching at him he thrust deeply, threw his head back and came with a roar. Panting, he pulled out and helped her onto her back then undid the restraints. She felt the sweet, naïve love she had for him years ago slide away, to be replaced by something deeper and more profound. A love for a man who’d proven himself to be a friend, someone she could trust and rely on. Someone she could truly submit to and yet still be an equal with. He looked into her eyes and kissed her gently. “I love you, Rori. I want you to be mine.” She smiled and touched his face. “I love you, too, Jude. I want to be yours too. I want you to be mine.” “I want you to marry me.” He put his finger to her lips to stop her from speaking. “No, I know it’s too soon, but we will be married eventually. And I want you to know you have nothing to worry about with other women. I hate myself for fucking up the last time. I was shallow and stupid and I didn’t deserve you or your love then. I haven’t been with a woman since ... well in over a year. I don’t want anyone but you and everyone in town knows that.” “We can convert the master suite into an office and make the office into our bedroom.” She didn’t even address his point about other women; she knew he was telling the truth. “Okay, I’d feel better that way. I loved him too, and I know I’ll always be sharing you with him to a certain extent. But I don’t think I could sleep in the room you two slept in.” “It does have some really good hooks in the wall and ceiling though.” She gave him a sexy smile and stroked her hand down his chest, taking his cock in hand. He thrust into her grasp. “We can put hooks in the ceiling in our bedroom. I like tying you to the four-poster instead of wall hooks though. That’s okay? I can do the rope thing if you want. I saw that picture; you look so fucking beautiful in it.” “The rope was Zach’s. He loved it. You do what works for you and that’ll work for me, too. If you don’t get off on ropes, don’t use them. What did it for me wasn’t the rope itself -although it does feel good -- it was the way they affected him when he used them on me. Like the way your face looked when you fastened the wrist cuffs to the chain.”


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He chuckled but it ended up a strangled sound as she leaned in and took him into her mouth.

***** Rori walked into the OBG and found Jude already there, waiting for her. Grinning, she sauntered over, waiting for him to look up and see her. When he did, he took her in, his eyes widening and then going half lidded and heavy. A corner of his mouth quirked up in that sexy way of his. She sat down at the table and he leaned over and kissed her. “That’s some outfit. I like it.” “You told me you thought I’d look good in just the shirt,” she murmured as she leaned in. He looked down the flowing shirt that hit her at mid thigh and back up into her face. “That’s one thing, but the belt ... you are a naughty girl, Rori.” She’d used one of the long straps that he often bound her with as the belt for the shirt dress she had on. No one but the two of them would know, which made it all the sweeter. “I suppose you’ll just have to punish me for it,” she said, fluttering her lashes. “Oh and, Jude?” He pulled his gaze away from the tantalizing glimpse of thigh. “Yes, sweet?” “I’m not wearing any panties.” She wore a sexy smirk, her hair tousled about her face like he liked it. He stood up and held out his hand. “I think we can get a drink later; let’s go home.” He pulled her to him and kissed her jaw, just under her ear. “I am going to use the new flogger on that sweet naked ass tonight. You’re going to be so wet, begging me to let you come. I’m going to eat your pretty pussy for hours before I let you.” She shivered. “Will you let me suck you off, first?” “Maybe, if you behave.” “Where’s the fun in that?” She laughed and he pulled her toward the door. “Hey, Jude, where are you going?” A tall man with a soul patch and piercing blue eyes asked. Rori hadn’t met the man, but he clearly knew Jude. “Cole, hey, what are you doing in my neck of the woods?” Jude asked, his arm around Rori’s waist, a thumb hooked around the tie. Cole looked at the necklace and smiled at Jude. He looked back to Rori, waiting to be introduced. Jude sighed and gave in. “Cole Watkins, this is Rori Simon. Rori, this is an old friend, Cole.”

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Cole took her hand and instead of shaking it, turned it and kissed the inside of her wrist. “Nice to meet you, Rori.” At Jude’s raised brow Cole laughed, releasing her hand. “It was worth a try. It looks like you’re on your way out. I was here serving a warrant and I thought I’d see if you were around for a drink.” He looked back at Rori. “But clearly you’ve got other, better plans, so I’ll give you a call and we can have a drink another time.” “Okay, you have my new number right? Rori and I live together. I don’t have my old apartment anymore. I think I may have told you I’d moved the last time I saw you.” He pulled a card out of his back pocket and scribbled their home number on the back. The last time he’d seen Cole was when Rori and Zach had left for Greece, at a scene in Atlanta. “Wow, serious huh?” “Listen, I see my sister over there,” Rori said. “I’m going to go and say hello, so you two can stop talking between the lines. It was nice to meet you, Cole. Come and get me when you’re ready.” She raised a brow at Jude and sauntered off to visit with Kelly and Max. Jude watched her swaying ass and sighed. When he turned back to Cole, he knew he’d been busted when his friend threw his head back and laughed. “I thought you were in love with Zach’s wife?” “That’s Rori. Zach was killed over a year ago.” Cole’s grin faded. “Oh man, I didn’t know. He never came around to the clubs after he met her.” “He didn’t need the scene when he had that at home. I sure don’t.” They both watched her as she laughed with her sister. “I can see why. She’s something else. She’s wearing your collar?” They had moved away from the door and were speaking quietly. “And my rings. I never thought I’d find a woman I wanted to collar. I was wrong, but I didn’t figure that out until I’d screwed up and she’d met Zach. Now, unbelievably, I’ve got a second chance. I’m a very lucky man.” “You ever want to share?” Jude gave him an assessing look. “Maybe, but not for a while. She’s mine. I’m good with that. In the future it might be something I’d like to offer to her but even then it would be her decision.” “You know my number. Call me.” Cole nodded and walked out.

***** Jude went to the table and collected Rori and they hurried home. When they got inside he locked the door behind him and looked at her. “Bring me the wrist cuffs, chain and the lube.”


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Her breath hitched and she went into the cabinet and brought what he’d asked for, laying the items on the bed. “Take that shirt off, Rori.” She slid the buttons free of their holes and let the shirt slide from her body. Her nipples were so hard they were throbbing and she was slick with want. He took the fine chain and wove it through the nipple rings and fastened it to the clit ring. Securing the wrist cuffs first to her and then to each other, he leaned in and gave her a hard kiss. Smiling, she watched him and waited. “Don’t come until I give you permission, Rori,” he said that low voice of his that never failed to make her wet. She nodded, licking her suddenly dry lips, watching him strip off. He pulled the new flogger out of the drawer and flicked it over his palm. It was leather with rubber tails in the center. She jumped with anticipation, imagining the feel of it on her flesh. He grabbed her wrists, fastening them in place, then instructing her to kneel, with her hands above her head. With a flick, he pulled the satin blindfold from his back pocket. She gasped and he gave a wicked smile in response. The sight deprivation heightened her other senses, and a trickle of cream ran down her thigh as he put it on. The flogger’s tails kissed her bare shoulders, and she shivered. Three quick wrist snaps brought the tails of the flogger against her. They just barely touched her breasts, teasing the nipples into hardened points. He was really good with the flogger, knew how to use it to pull pleasure from every cell of her body. He never caused more than a slight sting, knowing her limits better than she did -- the hallmark of a great Dom. He leaned down and she felt his cock at her hip, a pearl of come on the tip, the wetness of it gliding along her flesh. He nipped her neck and she moaned. He kept on with that, nipping her and then laving the sting -- her breasts, her belly, her back, her ass. Suddenly he pulled her up and bent her over a chair, her wrists still bound. When he pressed his face into her pussy from behind she gasped out, nails digging into her palms He tugged lightly on the chain that connected her piercings and she took a deep, steadying breath. He meant to tease her and she knew it would be a while before he let her come, but if she held out the orgasm would be spectacular. He ate at her until she was whimpering, begging him. The blindfold made it difficult to know how much time had passed, but it felt like hours. She heard the cap of the lube and she tensed up as he dribbled it down over the pucker of her rear passage. “Relax, Rori,” he murmured. She took a deep breath as he worked one finger and then two inside her.

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He widened her thighs, suddenly plunging his cock into her pussy and she jerked her head back and screamed. He chuckled and wrapped her hair around his fist. “Come now for me, Rori.” She felt the bite of the flogger on her ass, once, twice, three times. His words loosed what little control she’d had and her climax slammed through her body. She came until she couldn’t come anymore, waves of blinding pleasure rolling over her, through her as his cock continued to slide in and out of her pussy. Her knees nearly gave out; she had to lean on the chair for support, and she gave a cry of disappointment when he pulled out. “I’ll be back, sweet, don’t worry,” he murmured as he stroked fingertips over the line of her spine. She felt cool air against the humid flesh of her pussy when he spread her open. Again, she stiffened when she felt the latex encased head of his cock brush against the star of her anus. “I’m going to fuck you in your sweet little ass, Rori,” he said and began the inexorable push inside her, where his fingers had been earlier, stretching her. She whimpered, wanting more and yet wanting him to pull out. The feeling was totally overwhelming. She felt overfull and yet, he was sparking on nerves that lit her up and a flush of pleasure began to work through her system. “That’s it, Rori. Relax, baby. You’re so tight and so hot, God.” He had to stop when he was fully inside her in order to catch his breath. It was always the same; the moment he touched her he was unbearably aroused. Watching her come, hearing her whimper in pleasure, feeling her body around him, under him -- it was so delicious. He’d wanted it for so long that it was like some kind of drug. Once he got his breath back and a bit of control he began to slide into her, his strokes at first long and slow then turning short and choppy as his climax approached. “So. Fucking. Good,” he gasped out. He slid his hand around and flicked a fingertip over her clit the way he knew she liked until she was thrusting back against him, squirming to get more contact. He gave a long, agonized groan as her body clamped down on him with her orgasm and he came, bent over her, gently biting the flesh where her neck met her shoulder. Disposing of the condom, he unstrapped her wrists, removed the blindfold then pulled her next to him in their bed as they caught their breath. “Each time I’m with you I think it couldn’t possibly get any more intense, any better, but you prove me wrong every time,” she said as she stretched, rubbing against him. “God, Rori, I don’t deserve you. You’re everything to me. For so long I have been looking, moving from woman to woman because I knew I’d never be able to be fully myself with any of them. I’ve had to push my sexuality back inside of myself for fear of scaring my


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partners off. When I was with you that first night I realized I’d finally met the woman I could see wearing my collar, being my equal, submitting to me.” Closing his eyes as he gathered his thoughts, he stroked his fingertips through her hair, loving the way it felt against his skin. Breathing deep as he gathered his thoughts he put a leg over hers to bring her even closer to his body. He just wanted to touch her in every way possible. “And then I got scared and messed it up and you found someone who saw what an angel you were and he grabbed you with the smarts I’d thrown out the window. I thought I lost you, Rori. I thought I’d never have this with anyone. So having it with you and it being even better than I’d imagined, it’s the sweetest second chance a man ever got.” He loomed over her and slid into her gently as he kissed her lips. “I love you.” She arched to meet him, tears in her eyes, knowing that she’d gotten a second chance, too, and she was the luckiest woman in the world for it. “I love you, too,” she said as she wrapped her legs around his waist to take him deeper.

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Author’s Note

Some notes about rope and Shibari in general: Anyone interested in reading more about Shibari and rope bondage can go to By the way, Twisted Monk is real and I can tell you his rope is great for beginners or experts (research!). You can see for yourself --

Lauren Dane Lauren Dane is a suburban mom with a lurid imagination that she's put to good use with her writing. Her favorite thing is when people tell her that she doesn't look like “someone who'd write these books.” She lives in the Northwest with her husband and three very rambunctious kids. She writes everything from paranormals to contemporary BDSM books and develops terrible crushes on all of her heroes. Even though she lives in her head a lot, she does venture outside from time to time to collaborate with other authors -- for example at Lauren loves to hear from her readers and can be found online at or email her at [email protected]

***** Read on for a tantalizing glimpse of

Along for the Ride by Saskia Walker Available Now from Loose Id

Along for the Ride Calvin rested one hand on the edge of the easel; the other toyed with the new brush he was about to use, his gaze roving over his subject. She was perfect for the job -- shame he couldn't keep his mind on it. He looked appreciatively at the peaks of her nipples, and lower, at the gentle swell of her belly. The taut line of her thighs led up to the soft dark fur covering her pubis. She was a very sexy lady. He wanted to experience that from the inside. He knew it was only a matter of time until he would. She was up for it, and his cock had been uncomfortably erect inside his jeans for some time, but Cal enjoyed that kind of anticipation. He also enjoyed seeing her squirming, wanting, and restless as a cat in heat. He could be very wicked about such things. He held the new brush in his hand, the thicket of bristles moving through his beard, absentmindedly. He walked closer, quietly, and stood over her, his arms folded across his chest, contemplating her body with determination. “Georgie?” Her eyes opened. She rolled over and looked up at him through the wave of black hair that swept over her shoulder. “I'm sorry. I must have dozed off.” She laughed and sat up. “What would you like me to do?” Cal stared at her upturned chin, her lips apart as she awaited his reply. Her cheekbones were wide and full, her eyes dark pools of suggestion, inviting him in to their liquid depths. She had the look of a harem woman, rich with sensuality. He was hungry for a taste of her. Her gaze fell to the bulge in his jeans, and he noticed the trip in her breathing. She was very aroused. Her body was emanating waves of desire, her glance becoming bold. This appeared to be going exactly where he thought it might. “Does that feel good?” She gave an insinuating smile, looking up from his groin to his face, where the paintbrush traveled through his beard in regular strokes. Was she referring to the brush, or to the obvious bulk of his growing cock? He caught the teasing look in her eye and squatted down beside her, leaning on the strong, taut line of his thighs. “It feels good, yes. You should feel it, too.” He gave her a dark smile and leaned forward, stroking the outline of her face with the dry brush. He followed the fullness of her cheeks, slowly, in a firm but gentle caress. Her mouth opened. He could see the tip of her tongue behind her teeth and sensed the rapid increase in her breathing. He wondered if she was aware of just what a hot little fireball she was.

Saskia Walker

He traced the line of her jaw, and she dropped her head back, her eyes half-closing as the brush slid down over her neck. Then her hand was on his arm, guiding him. She lay back over the cushions and drew him down with her. Cal knelt beside her, leaned over her, and followed the lines of the brush with his mouth, tracing them around the voluptuous curves of her body. Beneath her breast the prying brush released a quiet moan from her throat, and he pursued it there. His tongue nestled into the warm moist crease of skin, his senses immediately immersed in the tangy salt of her skin and the aroma of exotic flowers that danced together with her own scents. He took a subtle bite. Her body writhed and lifted. His hand automatically closed over her undulating hip. He wanted to feel that movement from the inside; he wanted to feel her body writhe like that against his cock. He closed his eyes and concentrated. Her breathing was louder, the scent of her body growing denser as her craving deepened. He turned his face to her legs and ran the brush down the inside of one thigh, then back up the line of the other. Her pelvis flexed up, her mons moving, exposing a glimpse of the hidden silkiness below. Cal contained his urge to bury his face there. He contained the need to press his erect cock deep inside her warmth. Instead, he gently rolled her over. She was awash with heat. She was opulent, yet taut with restrained lust. He looked at the back of her knees. The hollow was so perfect, like the wind-smoothed surface of the sand dunes. “I want to find all your most sensitive spots.” She moaned into a cushion. He smiled. “You are a very beautiful woman.” Cal whispered as the brush traced her spine. She hid her face in her hands, her breasts crushed hard against the cushions. She wanted him badly -- every atom of her body told him that. Deep in his core, something primitive roared with pleasure. “Your spine is so supple.” He dropped to trace her spine with his mouth, moving down her body, crawling down the length of her. She wriggled, whimpering, when he brushed a teasing line of sensation across the top of each thigh, under the curve of her buttocks, her thighs rolling apart to reveal her pink slit. He darted his tongue down into her cleft, feeling the soft, damp flesh of her sex give way. She swore aloud, twisting her head to look back at him. She was flushed, her hair wild, hanging over her face. A quiet plea escaped her open lips. “You're like a cat in heat,” he whispered. “I could smell you from across the room.” He gave a dark chuckle. “You're in a similar state yourself, if I'm not mistaken.” Georgie nodded at his fly.

Along for the Ride

“How was I supposed to work, with such a distraction, hmm?” He lifted his eyebrows, accusingly. “Now all I want to do is fuck you.” Georgie groaned, her fingers brushing against his thigh. “I couldn't help it; I wanted you.” The brush clattered to the floor. He knelt up, swiftly drew his T-shirt over his head, cast it aside, and moved to undo his jeans. “In that case, it looks as if we'll have to sort this little problem out ... right now.” He quickly pulled his cock free, fisting the rigid shaft in front of her. She looked down from the bare skin of his chest to the erection that sprang from his jeans. He ran his hand over the length of it as she watched, his cock twitching with need in response. She moved, her body turning toward his. She had barely rolled over to open her legs wide and let him in and he was down on top of her, his hands moving along the inside of her thighs, the shaft of his erection hard against her pelvis. He ran the swollen head of his cock back and forth over her clit. She squirmed and gasped, her arms out, her hands making fists against the floor. He increased the pressure and speed. She began to shudder -- she was very close. He continued the assault, observing as her mouth opened and she panted. Her body arched and she wailed, pulling back as her hips bucked up in release. He pinned her body down with his hands on her shoulders, then leaned down to take a kiss, his tongue probing hers. “Keep still,” he ordered when her body lurched up against his.

***** What people are saying about

Along for the Ride This breathtaking story explores the fragile theme of love but adds the twist of various styles of sensuality and sexuality to set a tale that is enjoyable for any reader. -- Mila “Bean” Ramos, Just Erotic Romance Reviews Saskia Walker does a wonderful job writing powerful sex scenes while incorporating a fascinating storyline that captures the readers interest and leaves you with a good feeling about the characters and life in general. -- Chrissy, Euro-Reviews

Saskia Walker

Ms. Walker has done an outstanding job of creating a sizzling story, with lots of bonemeltingly scorching sex, that still grabs one by the heart and causes one go all soft inside with romantic notions. The best part is that Ms. Walker has that rare talent of sucking the reader completely into her world and keeping her bound to the pages. -- Keely Skillman, EcataRomance Reviews