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Tierney Linn
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SINFUL TOUCH Copyright © 2006 by Tierney Linn ISBN: 1-59836-275-5 Cover Art © 2006 by Dan Skinner All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form without permission, except as provided by the U.S. Copyright Law. Printed and bound in the United States of America. For information, you can find us on the web at www.VenusPress.com
Tierney Linn
To my incredible family, who have been unfailingly supportive.
Chapter One
Damn, damn, damn her luck! Audra Grayson knew she shouldn’t go back into the building after hours. But did she listen to the little voice in her head? Ever? No, of course not. Why do that when she could stand alone in the parking lot outside a top-secret building at midnight? On one of the government’s most classified installations, no less. Even Captain Roark Craig’s office was dark--and he was a workaholic. Captain Roark Craig. Never had three words instilled such intimidation and all-consuming lust. God, what that man did for a uniform. Hmm, mmm. She was practically wet thinking about him. Could just be the sweat drenching her panties. Hard to tell. It was so damn sultry out here. Despite her instant pussy-wetting experience every time she saw him, Captain Craig intimidated her. Maybe it was his reputation, the rough chiseled face or just the imposing figure he made in his uniform. The other officers referred to him as “The Enforcer”. Probably because he was so intense. If the scowl he constantly wore was anything to go by, anyway. The man never smiled. Even so, she couldn’t deny the attraction between them. Heck, if the Navy used him on their recruiting poster they would sure get a lot more women to join the armed forces, especially if he posed in the nude. Granted she hadn’t seen him naked, but it wasn’t hard to imagine him. His well-defined shoulders and sculpted abs, a rock hard butt that would, undoubtedly, fit perfectly in her hands. Audra waited in the shadows, watching the palm trees swaying fluidly with the gentle evening breeze. The roar of the ocean filled the night, just passed the eighteenfoot razor-wire fence. What a waste of good beachfront property, she thought foolishly. She fidgeted with the hem of her dress. Waiting in the dark was the most covert thing she’d done since starting her new job with the Ghost Project. 5
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Focus! Now was no time to be thinking of beachfront anything, unless, of course, it involved naked beachfront swimming with the Captain. A bead of sweat rolled down her temple, pooling at the base of her neck and joining the few hundred before it. Would she ever get acclimated to Florida weather? Being a Boston girl, she wasn’t used to the muggy heat at night, or the searing temperatures during the day. Most of the time she felt like a wet rag. Her hair was off her neck, and, not for the first time, she paid homage to the person who created the claw clip. It hadn’t helped much tonight though, since the temperature still hovered at ninety. “Hey, what are you doing out here?” demanded a young male voice. Audra screeched, turned and laid a hand over her heart. Damn, it was thumping so hard. “You just scared the hell out of me,” she snapped. “Let me see your I.D., ma’am.” Her blood racing, Audra pulled it from around her neck and handed it to the kid. Brat. Isn’t it past your bedtime? He eyed her, then the badge and back to her face. “Says here you’re working on The Ghost Project. I hear it’s pretty covert.” He eyed her like a bug under a microscope. “You one of those “woo-woo” people? Ya know, a psychic? Can you read minds and all that?” he asked, clearly fascinated. Oh, for the love of God. This is so not what she needed right now. “Yeah, I’m familiar with the term “woo-woo” and no, I’m not a psychic.” Jeesh. Like I’d admit it even if I were. “What are you doing out here so late, ma’am?” Suspicion blanketing his face. Think. Forgot my purse? Left my computer on? Damn. “Look, I’m working with Captain Craig and you know better than to ask questions about a top-secret program. Do I need to report you to your Senior Chief?” Oh, I am getting so good at this covert stuff. “Uh, no ma’am. Sorry, ma’am. Have a nice evening.” She watched as he walked off. Well, that was almost too easy. Walking around to the side door of Building One, her thin cotton dress clung to her legs. Resting her hand on the door, the metal warmed her fingers and immediately, random images flashed in her mind. Just as quickly Audra tuned them out. 6
What in the hell she was doing? What if she really got caught? Federal prison. Interrogation? Deportation? No, wait, they can’t deport me, I was born here. Nope, it had to be prison. Oh yeah, that was so much better than deportation. After twenty hundred hours, the non-military staff was asked to vacate the building for lockdown, which was why she had to sneak back inside. Good thing G.I. Joe Junior didn’t know that. Generally, a junior officer had to remind her it was quitting time. Only tonight she’d been allowed to work past lockdown. Now that she thought about it, it was odd that no one shooed her out of the building as they had every other night. She keyed her code in the high-tech pad on the wall outside the door, praying that her entrance into the building wouldn’t be tracked and documented. She snorted. Hello! Secret base in the middle of nowhere! Of course it would be logged on somebody’s system somewhere. Duh! She was in so much trouble, the hairs on the back of her neck were standing at attention. She could feel it and she didn’t need to be a psychic to know it. If she hadn’t seen that man drop his briefcase in the parking lot on her way home, none of this would be necessary. No, if she hadn’t picked up the envelope and known instantly what he was up to, none of this would be necessary. Damn, her luck. Sometimes she really hated being a “woo-woo”. Audra opened the door just enough to slip inside. The blast of cold, dry air assaulted her damp skin. Goose bumps covered her arms. She waited, and listened for sounds of any military personnel who might still be roaming about. Quiet. Her heart pounded in her chest. This espionage stuff was for the birds. After this, she was sticking to her own special skills. She could call the Captain and tell him what happened, ask him to meet her. Just as quickly, she disregarded the idea. He wouldn’t believe her anyway. They had issues. Sexual issues. The exit signs were the only light visible in the corridor. The eerie red glow led the way. As she walked, her heels clicked repetitively on the concrete, echoing in the darkness. Stopping immediately, she kicked off her shoes, continuing in her bare feet. She made her way down the hall, up the stairs and to the upper level. Pausing at the door to the hallway, Audra listened. The dampness of her dress and the cool air caused her nipples to harden, rubbing against the fabric of her dress. She 7
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was aroused. Must be the intrigue, the rule-breaking, or the thought of the Captain catching her. She reached for the handle. A door slammed somewhere in the building. Damn, that’s all she needed. Some over-achiever probably working late for brownie points from Captain Cutie. She waited, but all she heard was the hum of the air conditioner. It must have been her imagination. Rubbing her arms against the chilly air, she opened the door and walked quietly down the hall. As she reached the office, she could see the door to Captain Craig’s office was not only unlocked, but also slightly ajar. This was bad in and of itself, but in a top-secret facility, not so good. Audra backed away, looking down the hallway in both directions. Frantic, she rested her body flat against the wall and listened. Damn. Who the hell was here? A late working officer? Security? Please be a late working officer. A cute, late working Captain would be nice, she added. Her heart pounded, and adrenaline pumped through her veins. Instantly, a thin coating of cold sweat covered her body. Her breathing became rapid and shallow. Damn, she was scared. There was no way she could leave the envelope now. Nope, get out of there quick before whoever was inside found her. Audra turned to race down the hallway. Instead she slammed into a rock hard chest. Firm hands grabbed her bare arms just below the elbows, pushing them roughly behind her back. A small scream erupted from her throat as she struggled to free herself. The heat of her captor’s hands on her now-chilled arms practically singed her skin. Whoever he was towered over her and outweighed her by at least a hundred pounds. Think. Use your training and bring him to his knees. Audra tried turning, kicking out at his kneecap, but his hold just tightened painfully and prevented her movement. “Settle down,” he ordered. That voice, it was familiar. Roark. Thank God. 8
Not a stranger, or traitor, or security. For just a second, she breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed her body and rested her forehead against his strong chest. Breathe, just breathe. She inhaled deeply. Ooh, he smelled good. Her body twitched in response. As she escaped into her own personal fantasy, his hands shook her forearms, bringing her back to reality with a thud. She lifted her head. Even in the dark hallway his eyes blazed with anger. Maybe base security would have been better? “Just what the hell are you doing here after lockdown?” he asked in a tightly controlled tone. “I….” She pulled against the restraining hands, but he held firm, drawing her even closer. Her already beaded nipples brushed against the fabric of his uniform. A quick and unexpected jolt of pleasure shot through her. His grip was solid but not painful and prevented her from reaching out to him. He knew her abilities. Was it deliberate? So it hadn’t been her imagination all these weeks. Thinking back, at every meeting or training session, whenever she drew near, he avoided her. Very interesting. He may hate The Ghost Project, but clearly believed in her skills. Why else keep himself at such distances? He knew that most of the time, she needed to use her hands to get a read on someone. Well, well. Wonder what he had to hide? Secrets probably. Spy secrets maybe? The names of every spy in the CIA? No, the launch codes to all the nuclear missiles in the U.S. She mentally rolled her eyes. Wow, did she watch too much television. His fresh, clean smell tickled her nose. She liked the soapy scent she’d come to associate with him. No fancy colognes for this man. He was pure soap and water. Coast soap and water. Clean and crisp, her new favorite scent. From some reason, that made her want to giggle. Coast and water. Would he get it? Coast soap, Navy Commander, water? No, she didn’t think so. His mouth moved to her ear, caressing so softly, she might have imaged it if not for the warm breath fanning her neck. “I’m only going to ask one more time, why are you here?” What should she say? They didn’t have much of a history, but the encounters they did have screamed complications. So what if they had a little sexual tension sparking 9
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between them. Okay, the spark was practically a raging inferno and had been since day one. Despite the undeniable attraction, he wouldn’t give a rat’s ass about her if he thought she was doing something illegal. He was so honest and patriotic; his black patent leathers squeaked God Bless America when he walked. He must have taken her silence as non-compliance because he propelled her through the door to his office, into the small conference room they often used for briefings. “I’m not playing games, Miss Grayson,” he warned, pushing her to the corner farthest from the window. He pulled her arms over her head, anchoring his body to hers keeping her immobile against the wall. The room was dark, creating a close, intimate atmosphere. The only light came from the dim street lamps outside the building. A slight shadow was cast on the wall behind him. If they hadn’t been standing thigh to thigh, she’d never have known he was there. He was so quiet. Her breathing was the only sound in the room. Probably had some covert, blend-into-the-darkness kind of training. He may have said he wasn’t playing games but his body sure felt ready for them. This was the closest she’d ever been to him. Saying nothing, she enjoyed the feel of him pressed against her, and boy, did he feel great. His body was full of promises and so worth the trouble she was in. God, what is with me? The man practically frog marches me in the room, cuts off the circulation in my arms and all I can think about is getting in his pants? The top two buttons of his uniform were undone as if he had been working late and wanted to get comfortable. Wonder what he’d do if I nuzzled him? He squeezed her arms, pressing his hips even more firmly against her in warning. Unfortunately, her hips had a mind of their own and tilted slightly. God, she couldn’t resist. Her insides screamed with delight as he responded in kind. Anticipation flowed through her. For what, she wasn’t sure. He’d made his lack of interest up until now clear, but damn, she ached for the attention he was paying her now. “Well?” “I snuck back in,” she whispered, lifting her face toward his, silently asking for more. 10
Roark bent his head, his lips trailing across her cheekbone. “Why?” The warm breath sent electric shocks all the way to her core. “Kiss me and I’ll tell you”. She felt his cock twitch and a soft moan escaped her lips. A subtle wetness grew between her legs pulling her further into the seductive web he was weaving around her. Running his lips over hers, he didn’t stop to take the kiss she offered or asked for. What the heck? Did she have to beg? “Why?” he repeated. Sighing heavily, “I was going to leave an envelope for you. In your office.” The rough feel of his five o’clock shadow scrapped across her face. Instantly, goose bumps raced across her flesh; much in the way she wanted his hands to cover her body. “Well, where is it?” She looked around, blinking. She didn’t see it anywhere. Damn, she lost it when he grabbed her. “I must have dropped it in the hallway. You scared the snot out of me. Hold on, I’ll go get it.” She tried to move. “How did you know my office was unlocked?” “I didn’t. I was going to slip it under the door.” “What’s in the envelope?” he asked, the deep timbre of his voice, even, calm and in command. Damn, where did he find the control? She was barely able to put a coherent thought into words; she was so hot for him. Apparently he wasn’t having the same difficulty. Oh, the hell with it. “Give me my hands,” she pleaded, pulling. He said nothing. She was beginning to suspect that he was using her body against her. Go ahead use me, please. Right at the moment, she didn’t care as long as he continued to explore the sensitive area just below her ear. “Let my hands go,” she ordered. “No,” he responded simply.
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Chapter Two
She wanted to touch him, feel the soft skin stretched over rock hard muscles. For weeks, she’d watched his tight ass tease her from beneath the starched uniform. Now it was time for her hands to do some recon. Audra tried to break free, but he slid his knee between her legs. Raising her body inches off the ground, she was suspended over his leg. He hitched his leg higher. His thigh rubbed against her clit teasingly. Slightly embarrassed, she knew the wetness of her panties would spread through to his uniform. She didn’t care. She felt exposed, excited, and ready for more. Grabbing her wrists with one hand, his other caressed her thigh. He taunted her. She sucked in a breath as his fingers skimmed painfully close to her cleft. If she could just move her hips, she could relieve the pressure herself. Somehow, she doubted he’d allow that. He might be using her body to get answers, but there was no mistaking he was in it for the pleasure. Finally, his lips captured hers, hard, rough. His tongue stabbed at her lips demanding entrance to her mouth and she gladly gave it to him. Their tongues tangled and dueled. He tasted like an exploding sun, hot, consuming and out of control. His grip on her arms loosened slightly and she started to pull them from over her head. He ended the kiss and thrust her arms back over her head. “Don’t touch me,” he ordered. Too late, she thought. The very moment his lips touched hers, she knew everything there was to know about Captain Roark Mackenzie Craig. Oh, the things she knew. This was a man with secrets. No way was she going to tell him that his kiss gave her all the contact she’d needed. Instead she played along. It was usually best for her in the long run if she did. 12
Besides, who was she to compromise her compromising situation? She wanted him and if this was the only way she could get him, then more power to her. “Why? I want to touch your skin. Feel the heat beneath my hands.” “My rules. You cannot touch me--with your hands.” “I want to.” It was common knowledge that he wanted nothing to do with The Ghost Project. Roark didn’t “believe” in the Navy using psychics as weapons. There in lie the crux of the problem, and the no touching rule. She was the psychic the government hired to spy on foreign and hostile enemies. “Then this is over.” As he began to draw away, she agreed. “Oh, all right. Fine. I won’t touch you. Just don’t stop.” Sensing a subtle shift in their relationship, Audra sighed in relief. She slowly licked her top lip. His eyes followed the movement. Taunting him. What did I just agree to? He could touch me but I have to keep my hands to myself? That was so not fair. Wait a minute, what am I thinking? He does all the work and I get to sit back and enjoy the whole process. Okay, this could be good. Pushing her panties to the side, he slid two fingers between her swollen folds and inside her aching flesh, moving them slowly back and forth. She moaned wildly, raising her hips for more. “God, you’re wet.” “All thanks to you, Captain,” she sighed, rubbing her painfully erect nipples against his uniform. His leg moved and she slid abruptly to the ground. Suddenly, the world titled. Swinging her off her feet, he slammed her ass against the conference table so quickly she didn’t have time to think. The very table she’d sat at every day, mentally drooling over him. The chilly wood cooled her bottom. “Staff meetings will never be the same for me now,” she giggled. This was no laughing matter to her commander. “Don’t move and don’t touch me.” “What are you afraid of?” He said nothing, but raised the dress to her waist, the warmth of his hands hot on her bare thighs. “Are you afraid I’ll discover some deep, dark secret of yours?” 13
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Silently, he stepped back. Sliding the khaki belt from his pants, he looped it tightly around her wrists. “What are you doing?” she asked. She wasn’t worried about her safety. He’d never harm her. And bondage. Oh God! She bit back a moan. Her panties were soaked and her pussy swollen. She’d never been tied up before. If the jolt to her belly was any indication, she was going to love it. Pushing her to lay back, he extended her arms over her head and secured the belt to the chair at the head of the table. His chair. Oh, God, she did love it. Love the thrill of being tied and at his mercy. “The only deep, dark secret you need to know is that I want to eat your pussy till you scream my name.” “That’s not a secret,” she whispered, praying he’d hurry. “Maybe not.” He chuckled. Wow, the man can laugh. There’s hope. The chair rattled as she pulled against the makeshift handcuffs. “Hurry, Roark,” she pleaded, her voice drugged with passion. “God, Audra.” He rested his head on her bare stomach, stripping her panties down her legs. He put the silk in his pants pocket and shoved two fingers inside of her until they couldn’t go any farther. Simulating sex, his hand moved up and down, back and forth till she thought she’d scream. Still she wanted more. Needed him to touch her in that special place. His dark eyes watched her as if waiting until she was past the point of no return. Finally, her breath caught in her chest as he rolled her clit under his thumb. He pressed and pinched it until she teetered on the edge. Please, she nearly sobbed. She wanted to come so badly. Needed to. “Harder. Please,” she panted. Her moan of pleasure ripped the silence to shreds and any restraint she left with it. “Do you want my mouth on you?” he asked teasingly. “Yes. Yes. Yes. Now.” Roark forced her legs apart, spreading the folds of her pussy wide for his inspection and hopefully his tongue. She felt his gaze on her bare flesh. Just knowing that he was fully dressed while he stood looking at her almost sent her over the top. 14
“You shave,” he groaned as his lips brushed her thigh. She’d always kept her bush trimmed and could tell he was turned on by the small strip of hair she’d left. “Umm, yes.” She raised her hips silently trying to lead him to the place she needed him to be. “If I’d known you were sitting at the end of the table, week after week, your pussy shaved almost bare, I’d have come across the table and fucked you long before now.” She moaned in response. “Next meeting I promise not to wear panties so you can peak under the table and see it for yourself.” At that instant his tongue lapped her clit and she whimpered. “You taste sweeter than I imagined.” Sucking and licking at her relentlessly, he sent her shooting to the stars. Lights explode behind her eyelids; her back bowed as she came. She screamed his name just as he wanted. “Too fast. More, I want more,” she begged, pulling at the restraints. He said nothing, but spread her legs wider drinking every last drop of her essence. The roughness of his five o’clock shadow felt abrasive against the inside of her thighs. The next thing Audra knew, Roark was standing at her head, untying the restraint and pulling her up from the table. He gently walked her to the closed door, and turned her away from him. Looping the belt tightly around the knob saved him from her touch. Her stomach jumped in excitement. He stepped closer to her, his hand reaching around to gather her dress and tied it at her waist. Roark’s earthy brand of sensuality was inspiring and she couldn’t wait for what was coming next. “I’m going to fuck you from behind,” he whispered in her ear. “The first time is going to be fast and hard. Can you take me like that?” She nodded, drugged by the passion. She’d never been excited so quickly after coming before. The body she thought she knew so well was taught as a piano wire anxiously waiting for more. “Tell me.” She heard the sharp rasp of his zipper and then the thud of his pants and belt hit the floor. God, she hoped his underwear went with them, she didn’t know how much more she could take. His tongue licked its way from the spaghetti strap of her dress to the hollow of her neck. She felt his teeth take a sharp little bite. His hand pushed at her shoulders bending her over, at the same time his hard thigh spread her legs wide. The hard, tip of his shaft 15
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prodded at her swollen opening. Even without touching him with her hands, she could tell he was large. He lifted her right leg, allowing him access to her core. As he slid his cock inside her, she felt stretched to the limit. He was inching his way slowly deeper, taking it easy as if he knew she wasn’t ready for all he had. But damn, she wanted it all. She had to have him buried deep inside of her. Pushing against him, she thrust herself on his cock. Oh, man did he feel good. Yeah, it hurt a little but she didn’t dare pull away or stop the mounting pleasure. “Stop.” She didn’t. She only forced herself down on his shaft and back up again. “Audra. I have to...sorry,” he whispered raggedly as he grabbed her hips, ramming himself inside her until he couldn’t go any farther. Her head fell back against his shoulder as he withdrew, then sliding in with ease this time. A fine sheen of sweat covered her body as he fucked her hard and fast, just as he promised. Surely she’d died and gone to heaven, coming almost instantly. The harder he slammed against her, the more intense her orgasm became. Audra had yet to catch her breath when Roark’s raspy moan of ecstasy joined with her ragged breathing. Neither said a word. Their bodies remained joined and Roark rested his forehead on her shoulder. Now that her brain could form a coherent thought, she noticed how well they fit, like perfect puzzle pieces. He throbbed inside of her. Could he go another round? If he was half the man she suspected he was, no problem. Wiggling her hips, she tested the water. Not only did his semi-erect penis twitched in response, his hands came around to cup her breasts. He teased her nipples to life, pinching and rolling them between his finger and thumb. They were so sensitive, the pain was ecstasy. “I don’t think I’m going to have a problem not touching you. You seem to do amazingly well without my assistance,” she teased as he continued to play with her nipples. “I said you couldn’t touch me with your hands. I didn’t say anything about not touching me with your mouth.” “Promise?” she asked, loving the idea of being tied while she sucked him dry. “You gonna tie me up again?” 16
He bit her neck in response. “You like that don’t you? Your pussy got very wet the second I tied my belt around your wrists.” “What’s not to like?” she smiled. He said nothing for a moment and she sensed the playful moment was gone. “As long as you understand the rules, we can explore hundreds of ways to pleasure each other, but make no mistake Audra, you are under no circumstances to touch me with your hands. Understand?” She didn’t need to, she already knew everything, but nodded anyway. He hugged her tightly. “Do you understand? I need to hear you promise. Promise me or it ends now.” Damn, he was serious with this stuff. Did he honestly think she was going to find out something she wasn’t supposed to? What she knew wasn’t all that big. A few State secrets and she certainly didn’t know what the hooha was about. “Yeah, yeah, okay. This relationship will be pretty one sided. If you’re willing to do all the work, who am I to complain?” He sighed in what she assumed was relief. “Oh, I think I can find ways to put that lovely mouth to use. Why don’t I come up with something?” His rod strengthened inside her. “I think you just did.”
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Chapter Three
Did he feel it? The pulsating need that still existed despite the two-hour marathon of pure sex? She couldn’t get enough of him. He stood over her, fully dressed again, arms crossed at his chest. At six feet, three inches, he was intimidating. In his hands he held the mysterious envelope she’d found earlier. He must have gone and picked it up from the hallway floor while she was slipping her dress back on. For the life of her she couldn’t find her panties. Oh yeah, they were in his pocket. Maybe she should mention it? Maybe she wouldn’t. He didn’t look happy. “Tell me how you found this and what’s inside,” he asked, as he turned it over in his hands. “I was working late, past lockdown.” She held up her hand just as his eyes cut to hers. He was about to snap at her. “I know. I know. I know. But no one came to remind me to leave like they do every night and I worked right past eight. Oops, I mean twenty hundred. Don’t know why the ensign didn’t show up, but that’s the least of my worries right now.” No one, especially civilians, were supposed to work past lockdown. As was her pattern, every night she had to be reminded when it was time to leave. “You got that right.” His left eyebrow rose in semi-amusement. His attempt at humor came as a shock. She’d never seen the man so much as crack a smile and now he was joking with her? God love a complicated man. “Anyway…I noticed the time and raced out of the building before security caught me. As I was walking to the parking lot, I saw a man drop his briefcase. All the stuff inside flew out. After he’d driven off, I noticed that on the ground,” she indicated the large manila envelope in Roark’s hands. “I picked it up, intending to find out who it was and give it back, but instead got a whole lot more information than I wanted. The second I touched it, I knew the contents of that envelope contained information about The Ghost 18
Project, the other team members and me. A lot of information about me, Roark. Information that no one should have except maybe you and the Admiral.” “You didn’t open it?” His brown eyes studied her. Even in the semi-darkness of his office, his eyes spoke volumes. “Didn’t need to and you know it.” He sighed wearily. “Yeah, I do. You know who dropped it, too, don’t you?” Moving to sit behind his desk, Roark tossed the envelope on the orderly surface. Leaning back in his seat, he placed his hands behind his head. His totally relaxed position didn’t fool her for a minute. He was as tightly coiled as she was at the enormity of the situation. Someone in their group was selling or giving government secrets away. “Who was it, Audra?” Man did she love it when he took that Commander-of-theBase tone. All strong, powerful and safe. Nothing better than a hero. And Roark was certainly hers. Especially, his commanding performance a few minutes ago. Not that she’d be sharing that bit of information. Generally, she liked his bossy tone better when it wasn’t directed at her. “Ben Meyers. Lt. Ben Meyers.” “And you know this just by touching it?” Audra tilted her head, and gave him a look. A “get real” look. “I honestly have no idea who he is. I’ve never met him or run across him on any of our training activities, I don’t think.” “No, you wouldn’t. He’s part of a security detail that was sent here from Washington. He’s a paper pusher.” A hard gleam filled his eyes. “A dangerous one.” “Did he see you take the envelope?” “Nope, it was pretty dark and he was driving off in a hurry.” Roark leaned forward. “Are you absolutely certain you weren’t seen?” “Yes, I’m absolutely, positively, one hundred percent certain the man in the car didn’t see me.” “You know more. Spill it.” “He’s meeting a man named Charles Clinton tomorrow night to hand over the project information. He was told that if he didn’t get the information Clinton wanted, they’d kill him. Nope, I don’t know who “they” is. That’s all I got, really. No one but Lieutenant Meyers touched the envelope, so that’s all I could get from it. Oh, that and he’s terrified you’re going to find out and kill him yourself.” 19
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“He should be scared shitless. You didn’t get any more information than that? Why not? I was told that you could read everything about an individual’s history just by touching them or something they owned.” “Not always. It depends on the person, the type of contact, that sort of thing. Most times, yes. You know that.” Just like I did when you kissed me. In your case, only my lips had to touch you and I knew things. “Yeah, I do. Just checking. Something about you always makes me think you’re up to no good. It would be just like you to hedge a secret and not tell us everything.” “Go with your gut,” she grinned. Oh, the things neither Roark nor the government knew about her. She saw no significant reason to tell him that it was far too late. She knew everything about them. Audra watched as Roark processed the situation. He ran a hand over through the short black hair. Brown eyes alert but he looked tired. Sated, but tired. “If you didn’t pick anything else up from him then he must be a middle man with limited information about the person who wants the project stopped.” Wow, did he jump back to business at the speed of light. Oookay. Clearly moving on from the hottest sex in history. Actually, he was pretty hot in bossy mode. She just sat back and enjoyed the show. No need in worrying, she had complete and utter faith in Roark’s ability to protect her. Wasn’t that why she snuck back into the building in the first place? She sat while he made a phone call to the Admiral, explaining the situation. “Damn, what a cluster fuck.” He exhaled heavily as he hung up. Audra walked around to stand behind his chair. Reaching to rub the knots from his shoulder, Roark leaned out of her reach before she could even graze his skin with her hands. “What the hell are you doing?” His voice was deadly calm, instantly reminding her of the no-touching rule. Shit. The no touch rule. “Sorry, forgot. We’re going to have to address this issue you have, you know that don’t you?” she said, moving back to her own chair, her heart heavy. Someday, someone was going to want her despite her abilities. “Nothing to talk about, Audra. You know the rule. Take it or leave it.” 20
“So for the next, however many times you fuck me, I’m never going to be able to touch you with my hands?” “That sums it up nicely. Think you can take it?” For someone she’d thought so cold, his eyes were warm and expressive. He wanted her. She didn’t doubt it. But could she maintain a relationship based on his inability to trust her with his secrets? It came down to that very issue. Trust. Too bad she couldn’t just tell him and be done with it. Sure would save time. “What if I accidentally slip and touch you without thinking?” “Audra,” he sighed. “If ever a woman needed a spanking, it’s you. You just love getting me all hot and bothered, don’t you? I can’t tell you what would happen. You’d know things you shouldn’t. Things that would get me killed if certain people in the government found out you knew. Worse, you could get killed. There’s a whole shit-load of trouble that would rain down on my head and that’s just the start of it. I’d lose, at the very least, my current duty assignment, quite possibly my commission and my career. Ironically, I could probably be jailed for unintentionally sharing classified secrets.” Gulp. Cripes, all that just because she wanted to touch him more than her next breath? Damn, she was going to hate seeing his reaction when he discovered what she already knew. “Sex with me hardly seems worth losing all that.” He sighed heavily. “You’d think so wouldn’t you?” He reached over and picked up the phone. “I’m calling security to drive you back to your quarters, then I’ll wait for the Admiral. From there, who knows? I know the Admiral will want the NSA to use you in setting up a sting, which I’ll fight tooth and nail. You have no business being used as bait.” “Whatever it takes.” “No, not whatever it takes. You’ll stay in your quarters till things have calmed down.” His brown eyes flashed a warning to her. It didn’t scare her much. Audra smiled. “I hate it when you smile like that. It means you’re about to do something that’s going to piss me off.” “I don’t know what you mean,” she replied, the smile never leaving her face. “Come here,” he ordered. 21
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She walked around his desk to stand beside his chair. Dark eyes smoldered with lingering passion and renewed interest. She loved that about him. That, and the erection growing proud and strong between his legs. His hand slowly caressed her leg, moving under her dress. Conveniently, she still hadn’t put on her panties. “You’re asking for trouble, you know that?” she whispered. “I have a feeling you’re going to cause me a whole lot of trouble. Good thing I’m tough. I can take it.” The deep timbre of his voice slid over her skin like sin. His fingers traced the notch between her thighs waiting for entrance. She moved her legs and his hand slid higher. Running over the seam of her lips, between the folds, she moaned. Her eyes never left his face. She remembered the rule, but her hands itched, no ached, to touch. She needed to run her hands over his short black hair, caress the corded muscles, lick the bead of sweat on his lip. “Please…” she began to beg. The ringing of the telephone interrupted her plea. “Don’t move and be very, very quiet,” he ordered as he answered the call. “Captain Craig.” His fingers stroked in and out of her wet pussy. It felt so good her knees nearly buckled. “Yes, Admiral.” He pinched her clit, then rubbed the pad of his thumb in small circles. The pressure never ceasing. “Yes, sir. Yes, I agree.” Audra’s breathing became labored. If he would…just a little more… “Harder,” she whispered. Her hips surging forward, but he continued the slow circular motion. “Yes, sir. I’ll be here indefinitely.” Roark placed the phone back on the desk. Leaning toward her, his thumb finally pressed harder bringing her even closer. Oh, thank you. Almost instantly she flew into a thousand pieces, a cry ripping from her throat. The familiar bright lights exploded, shattering her control. Her body shook with pleasure. “God, Roark.” He smiled, brought his fingers to his mouth and licked the wetness. When he was through, he slid the dress back down. 22
“You can return the favor later. Right now, the Admiral and the NSA are on they’re way over. They want to question you. So, it looks like you’ll be here for a few more hours.” His expression was grim, but the light in his eyes was promising. She grinned. “Well then, do you think I could at least have my panties back?”
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Chapter Four
Three a.m. and home at last. Damn, she was tired. Audra slid the key in the lock, waved to the two Marines who’d escorted her home and slammed the door behind her. Walking through her tiny, off-base government assigned house, she undressed, scattering her clothes along the way. Wow, what an interesting evening. Kneading her tight neck muscles, she breathed a sigh of relief. The night had been far too long, yet oddly not long enough. Started with a bang but fizzled in to a flurry of government officials, including the FBI, NSA and key base officers questioning and plotting over the contents in the envelope. It had left her dazed and tense. Well, it was finally over - for tonight anyway. In the few hours since she’d turned the envelope over to Roark, the government determined the kidnappers were targeting her as the key in the espionage plot. The Admiral, along with the NSA, came up with the beginnings of a strategy designed to flush out the bad guys. Unfortunately, it involved using her as bait. Roark was quiet as the group of men discussed the particulars, his face a mask. She didn’t have to be a psychic to know that underneath the façade, he was seething. When he heard they wanted her to actually get kidnapped, Roark exploded, his cold, precise voice demanding she be left out, shocked even the Admiral. If she had any doubts that he had feelings for her, she didn’t any longer. No man ever fought to protect her. There must be more than just desire and lust between them. Now back at home, her body ached in all kinds of wonderful places, thanks to Roark, but weariness pulled at her. Shower first, then bed. As she walked to the back of the house, the phone rang. What now? “Hello?” 24
“Look outside and make sure the Marines are sitting in their SUV,” ordered the deep, sexy voice. Why, oh why, did she have to get so tingly in her special places every time she heard the timbre? She recognized his, “I mean business” voice. “Well, hello to you too, Sunshine.” Only hours ago he’d whispered naughty words in her ear. Oh, how a small thing like espionage could kill a mood. Audra walked to the window, pulling back the curtain. The two young Marines that had driven her home were indeed sitting in their truck in the dark. She felt bad for them. It was going to be a long, boring night. “They look bored,” she murmured, pulling her hair from its clip. “They’re not. They’re doing their job. Why aren’t you asleep? I know you’re tired.” “I was just about to take a shower, then go to bed,” she purred, suddenly feeling more awake. “Why don’t you come over and join me? I bet you can do wonderful things with a little soap and that fertile imagination of yours,” she teased. Silence. Was he thinking about it? A hot spurt of excitement spread through the lower part of her body. She could picture his mouth doing incredible things to her. Her body tensed in arousal. The memory of his touch nearly sent her pulse through the roof. Oh, yes, please come over. Had she ever wanted a man with such gut ripping force before? She didn’t think so. “Baby, if I came over there, I’d be inside you so fast and I wouldn’t stop. Unfortunately, you need your sleep if you’re going to play secret agent over the next few days.” “Hmm. You’re sure?” she teased. “Hell, no, I’m not sure. I want to you so badly, I may have to walk bent over permanently, my cock is that hard. You tie me up in knots.” “Well then, come on over and I’ll untie you.” She could feel his smile through the phone. “Let’s go over the plan one more time.” She sighed heavily. Business, again. “Why don’t you super spy types have a more elaborate, covert operation in place? I’m kind of disappointed. Ya know, as plans go, there’s not much to this one.” 25
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“Yes, I know and no one is unhappier about that than I am. Until the NSA can gather more intel, this is all we can do without putting you in danger.” Sighing wearily, “Okay, here it is. I go to work tomorrow just like normal. During the course of my day, I walk around trying to touch the personal objects of all the team members just in case they’re involved. Roark, I know you think that someone is working from the inside, but honestly, don’t you think I would have picked up on it by now?” “I don’t know, baby, you tell me. You said yourself the first week I met you that you try your damn not to touch people or the things of anyone you come in regular contact with. Remember, you don’t want to know the secrets of people you’d have to work with or see every day? So no, I don’t think you’d have picked up on anything if you stuck to your own rule. Unless you’re not telling me something.” “I do try and turn it off. And, no, I’ve got nothing to hide. ” “I seriously doubt that. You are far and away the cagiest woman I’ve ever met.” “Hard not to be when I’m keeping everyone else’s secrets. I’m really good at maintaining confidences, Roark.” Audra hinted, but would he get it? God, how pissed was he going to be when he found out? It was a serious worry for her. No way could she keep it from him indefinitely. He was going to try and use her skills to keep them apart. But she wouldn’t let that happen. Not now, when she knew how special he was. Yep, she’d eventually have to fess up. God, was he going to be pissed. Maybe they had a witness protection program for psychics. “You’re right. As plans go, it sucks, but it’s the best we can come up with tonight. Go to sleep and don’t go anywhere without those Marines.” “You sure you don’t want to come over and keep a closer eye on me?” “More than you know. We’ll finish that later.” “Okay, you’re the boss.” He chuckled. “Since when? Next time I see you I’m going to remind you said that. See you tomorrow morning, honey.” Audra’s heart beat unevenly at the sound of his laugh. It was good to hear. This man had too many secrets and she knew them all. She understood his fear of her touch, but, she wanted more. She cared for him. A lot. Maybe even loved him. Could she convince him to take a chance on her? Trust her? No man ever had. They had never seen beyond her skills to the woman underneath. 26
“Night,” she whispered. Audra thought about the “plan” as she showered. Roark hated it. Actually there wasn’t much danger, not to her anyway. She only had to wait until the NSA checked out anyone who had any connection with the Ghost Project. Then she’d be available to “kidnap”. Not a real kidnapping, of course, since she’d be wearing a tracking device. If anyone did snatch her, no doubt Roark would be hot on her trail. All in all, not a well structured plan. She wasn’t afraid. She had a Marine guard, twenty-four seven. And Roark. He all but ordered the Admiral to let him keep an eye on her himself. Odd, since he’s the one so worried about the dynamics and ramifications of their “relationship”.
*** How did she manage to look so bright eye and bushy tailed at o-seven hundred in the morning? No way could she have gotten any more sleep than he did. Her long blonde hair was pulled into a high ponytail on her head. He liked it. She was wearing a black dress that hugged her curves like raindrops on a window. Was she honoring his mood? Didn’t matter, she looked great. Too bad he was way too pissed to enjoy it. Roark hadn’t been this mad, in well, he couldn’t remember the last time he was this incensed. He’d slept a grand total of three hours last night. Unfortunately, his thoughts weren’t on espionage and the end of The Ghost Project; they were on the incredible woman across the room. Both situations worried the hell out of him. He had a bad feeling. In all the years he’d been in the Navy, even the time he’d spent working covert ops as a Seal, he’d never seen a security team work this sloppy. Damn, if Audra wasn’t caught right in the middle of the whole fiasco. The Admiral approved the plan. Why? He didn’t like the trail his thoughts were taking. Did the Admiral have reasons for using Audra and was keeping it from him? She walked to the other side of the conference room waiting for the regular weekly staff meeting to start. Already, she was doing her job. A job he didn’t like. She was cool; he’d give her that. Nothing ruffled her. He lowered his head, closed his eyes briefly and willing his body to behave. Oh, there were a few things he’d done that ruffled her. Especially the things he’d done with his tongue. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. The graceful way she moved, the gestures she made with her hands mesmerized him. She had an easy friendship with her co-workers. 27
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Her hands. God, what was he going to do about her hands? Her gift. Not a gift for him. The very thing that could shoot him to heaven could just as easily plunge him to hell if he wasn’t careful. She took a sip of coffee and gave him a sweet sideways glance that set his pulse rocketing. No dangerous mission had ever caused his adrenaline to flash this hot. Audra moved to talk to a co-worker. With a casual touch on the shoulder of her teammate, she moved off to another person. She gave him a quick glance, and a brief shake of her head. One down and about twenty more to go. With all the military power and technology, they were reduced to playing touchyfeely games to the catch bad guys. God, this was ridiculous. Sliding his hands in his pockets, he watched Audra walk toward him. Her body, a symphony of perfection. Her hips swayed slightly as she moved in her high heels. She had generous curves, full, lush breast. He allowed a tiny little smile move across his face remembering all her soft, secret places. He must have done something right in his life to get so lucky? Ahh, the little mole high on her left cheekbone. He’d paid special homage to it last night. Did she remember? What about the dimple in her rear? His body responded swiftly to the memory. Bright cornflower blue eyes captured his. He doubted it was the only thing she’d caught. His heart maybe? “Captain Craig,” she said, giving him a slow once over. She licked her lips, teasingly, knowing no one could see her do it. “Ms. Grayson,” he replied. “Behave,” he whispered, leaning toward her slightly. “What are you going to do if I don’t? Spank me?” He felt his lips twitch. She moved close to him, and whispered, “You look tired, Roark.” “I am, and it’s entirely your fault. For so many reasons,” he teased. She smiled, and looked around secretively. It wouldn’t do for their little secret to get out. He knew it and she knew it. After, when things had quieted down, then he’d work on the problem of “them”. How? He had no idea. Right now, he couldn’t see any way to solve the problem. He had to be able to maintain his security clearance to do his job. If she touched him, 28
she’d know everything about him. The idea of her being privy to his past didn’t actually bother him. It was losing his career that he had a problem with. He’d never let it happen. “How’s it going? I see you’ve made a good start of the brilliant plan. Any glimmers yet?” “Glimmer,” she chuckled. “Is that how you think it works?” He smiled slightly, his brown eyes caressing her lovely face. God, so pretty, full of life. “We still need to have a talk about the whole touching thing. I’m not the threat you seem to think I am.” He stared at the tiny flecks of midnight blue in her beautiful light eyes. Why her? Why couldn’t his heart pound and throat get dry for someone ordinary? Without the complications. “Besides, Roark, how could knowing you single-handedly blew up a building in a third world country hurt me?” she asked as she brushed past him. He stopped dead. A cold sweat broke across his forehead. The pounding in his heart moved to his throat. She didn’t just say what he thought she said. Did she? No. There was no way she knew about Afghanistan. His thoughts immediately went to one of the last missions his Seal team completed last year–or in this case, didn’t complete. It was a doomed mission right from the start, beginning with bad intel from the CIA. They encountered insurgents and were attacked. One of his men had been killed. The whole nightmare left a huge burning hole in his belly. No she didn’t need to know those types of secrets. Nine more missions in that last year. Then he’d asked for a transfer and was given his current command at Alpha Base. He watched Audra absently. No doubt she was teasing him--it was just a lucky guess. The chances that he’d been in a third world country blowing something up at some point in his career were good–especially since the United States was at war. But, he’d been very careful not to let her hands touch him. His mind reviewed her bio. The one he’d taken home last night and reread, over and over again. It was there in black and white--her abilities only worked through contact with her hands. Was it possible she didn’t reveal everything to the NSA? He let his head fall forward, squeezing the bridge of his nose between his fingers. Hell, yes. With Audra, anything was possible. God, what had he done? Had he put 29
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himself and her at risk? He’d been so careful. No touching. But damn, she tasted sweet. Her essence lingered even now. “Commander,” the Admiral said, standing next to him. They stood in silence watching Audra. Out of the corner of his eye, Roark watched the man sip hot coffee from a familiar Go Navy mug. “What do you think?” “I think the same thing as I did last night, Admiral. You’re putting Ms. Grayson at unnecessary risk. Any one of the team members could be working for a terrorist cell, even an anti-American group. We don’t know. I’m a little confused, sir, on why aren’t waiting for the NSA, FBI or CIA to complete their investigation before moving forward.” Roark knew his face bore his puzzlement. The frustration and fear pulled at his gut. He was in love with this woman. No doubt about it. “Commander. We’ve been over this already. There’s no reason we can’t put our own psychic to work. It’s her job to provide us with intel. Only in this situation, she’s spying for us on us. Consider this a trial.” The Admiral gave him a hard, meaningful look that screamed--don’t make waves. There was an edge to his voice that Roark wasn’t sure he understood. “We can witness her in action first hand. You know I haven’t been a proponent of this program but now that she’s here, we use her. ” He cleared his throat and looked away. “I just hope…” “You hope what?” Roark snapped. The Admiral sighed and spoke without looking at him. “Never mind, Captain. See that she does the job assigned and report anything suspicious to me immediately.” Over the years he’d worked under Admiral Whittington’s command on more than one assignment. Roark eyed the man he’d come to consider a good friend and mentor. He was a ‘by the book’ kind of man. Hell, he wrote the book and this was the first time he hadn’t followed it. “Yes, sir. I will.” The Admiral headed for the door. Hell, no I’m not, he thought. Roark knew he was about to put his career at risk. He called the staff meeting to order and quickly reviewed program business. Two hours later, sitting in the chair he’d tied Audra to last night; he stalked her with his eyes as she vacated the room with the rest of the staff. As if his blood pressure wasn’t high enough, he wondered if she was wearing panties. He signed heavily, leaned his elbows on the table and willed his cock to ease back down. What that woman did to his body was illegal. 30
There was really nothing to do but conduct daily business. Audra had an assignment to complete that he wasn’t a part of. As long as she didn’t leave the building, there were no worries. At least, none that he’d thought of, anyway.
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Chapter Five
“Time to go, sweetheart,” Roark called to her from the doorway. Looking up, she eyed his khaki uniform and checked her watch. Five forty-five. Starving, a crick in her neck from all the paperwork, annoyance seemed to be the emotion of the hour. She’d been working for what felt like an eternity and hadn’t turned anything up on anyone. The fact that Roark looked perfectly starched and ready to work another ten hours did nothing to help her mood. How did he manage that when her dress was as wrinkled as an eighty-year old woman? Damn, him. “Yeah, I guess it is.” She placed the documents in the file and locked the drawer. Picking up her purse, she made her way to the door. His six-foot plus frame blocked her way. Her eyes sought his. She could read nothing in the depth of brown. Boy, oh boy, he had wonderful eyes. Hell, everything about him was luscious. “I guess I should head home.” She drew the strap of her bag over her shoulder and crossed her arms. Want to come with? She wanted to ask, but knew he would say no. “Why don’t I feed you? You have that hungry look.” Hungry enough to eat you. “Wow, if that’s an invitation for a date, it lacks, oh, I don’t know, romance, warmth, excitement. You get many women to go out with you with that line?” He nearly smiled. Be still my heart. “Not too many. Come on.” He watched as she locked her office door and deposited the keys in her purse. Silently, they walked down the hallway and outside to the parking lot. “Wanna take your car?” she suggested. “I’ve been dying to get in that Mercedes of yours since I first laid eyes on it.” He scowled and walked to her Jeep. “Damn it, Audra, its not even locked,” he snapped, opening the door so she could slide in. 32
“Sure you don’t want to drive?” “No, I need both of your hands where I can see them.” “Roark, I’m hurt. You don’t trust me?” She would have batted her eyelashes if he’d looked at her. “Hell, I trust you. I trust you to cause trouble.” He walked around to the passenger door and slid inside. She could smell the heavy perfume scent from the air freshener. Citrus. “Where are we going?” She started the engine, pulling out of the parking lot. “Hit the drive-thru burger joint on the other side of the base.” He nodded in the direction of the golden arches. “Yuck. Some date you are. There is nothing date-like or romantic about McDonalds.” “I’ll romance you later. Right now, my priority is to feed you and get you home safely.” He turned and stared out the window. Did he really think that someone was going to snatch her right off the street? She snorted, and he turned to eye her. At his raised eyebrow, she shrugged. “Sorry. By the way, where’d you stash my bodyguards? I noticed they aren’t with us.” “They’re behind us, where they will remain until the Navy can figure out what in the hell is going on.” Audra murmured a smartass reply. Concentrating on anything else but Roark’s tight ass safely ensconced in her leather seat, proved impossible. Every cell in her body screamed out…take your clothes off and let me kiss you all over. How much did she want to reach out and trace a fingernail along the seam of his zipper? Slide her hand inside his pants and stroke the large, throbbing cock, she so badly wanted to taste. “Watch the road and get your mind out of my pants,” His voice had that firm, no joking around tone she’d grown to know and love. She tried to look offended and hurt. She tilted her head, widened her eyes and pouted. “I have no idea what you mean.” “Uh huh.” Finally, her hunger, at least for food, was fed. The ten-minute drive from the restaurant to her house was made largely in silence. Her long day, and even longer night had caught up to her. Tired, no exhausted, she fought to stay awake. 33
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She turned into the drive and shut off the engine. The Marines turned in right behind her. “How are you going to get back to your car?” “I’m not, I’m taking yours. I don’t want you driving by yourself until this is settled.” Audra’s eyebrows shot upward. What? Exactly what planet was this Neanderthal from? Planet Let’s Take Care of the Little Woman? “Contrary to your belief, Roark, I can drive the three miles to the other side of the base all by myself.” “You’ll do as I say or I’ll have you put in the brig.” “You won’t because then I can’t carry out my orders.” She was pushing his buttons and knew it. “Don’t make me do it, Audra.” Silence filled the small space and seemed to go on forever. The tension was that thick. "Let’s go inside. I don’t want to give the Marines a show.” He let himself out of the Jeep and walked around to open her door. She walked into the dark house, leaving him to close the door. The lock clicked loudly. They were alone. Would he leave? Should she ask him to stay? Hard, hot hands were at her waist, pushing her to face the door. The cool wood touched her cheek. A shiver stole across her body. He’d barely touched her and yet she ached for more. Roark stood behind her, his body pressed firmly against hers. Her breasts full, were ready for his touch. The fabric of her bra teased the sensitive nubs. Waves of heat radiated off of him, scorching her. She wanted him to move, to touch her, but knowing Roark, he had his own plan. “Do you have any idea what you do to me, Audra?” The tip of his tongue teased the area below her ear. Tilting her head, she gave him greater access. Warm liquid began to pool between the swollen folds of her nether region. He stroked the side of her neck, kissing her shoulder. Audra turned to mush. “Please, Roark.” “I will.” He grasped her wrists bringing them even with her head. She was his captive. Again. “Don’t move,” he ordered. “Can I trust you to keep your hands to yourself?” “Yes,” she breathed, powerless to stop his assault on her sanity. 34
He’d aroused her to the point of senselessness. She’d pretty much have agreed to anything. “Be inside me.” He pushed her skirt up around her waist. Running his hands over her belly and down the front of her panties, he found the waiting wetness. She moaned. He rubbed his fingers over her as the other slid the silk down her legs. Pulling and tugging on her clit, she practically screamed in pleasure. When he slid two fingers inside of her pulsating channel, her body tittered precariously on the edge of orgasm. So quick. So hot. So necessary. She heard the soft rasp of his zipper as he lowered it. His pants dropped to the floor and almost immediately he nudged her legs apart with his knee seeking entrance to her waiting wetness. His soft velvety head pushed against her, slowly entering her from behind. His long, thick shaft filled her slick canal, pulsing inside of her with every inch he moved. Audra choked on a sob. God, the pleasure was to die for. He filled her completely. He flexed and slid even deeper. She couldn’t take anymore but neither could she stop. The firm muscled thighs braced her as he thrust into her slowly, measured, even. “Oh my God, Roark.” He licked the back of her neck and goose bumps danced across her skin. “Tell me you’re mine.” “I…” The pounding in her body echoed in her ears. He surged hard against her, his teeth nipping at her skin. Still he kept the constant pressure, his hardness buried deeply inside of her. The waves of intensity building until she thought she’d explode like a new sun. “Tell me you’re mine.” His breath singed her ear. His cock surged inside of her sending her over the edge into a sea of ecstasy. She screamed her release. “I’m yours! I’m yours!” She sobbed as another wave of pleasure flooded her body. He came inside her, the hot spurting seed of his desire flooding her passage. They stood, breathing labored, sweat soaked. Not touching him took all of her strength. What she wouldn’t give to trace her fingers along his glistening skin.
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Endless minutes passed in silence before Roark pressed his lips against her shoulder and pulled out of her. Her body silently cried out for his return. She felt empty, hollow without him. “I’ve got to go.” He adjusted his clothes. His serious gazed held her captive. “Make sure you stay inside until I come and get you tomorrow morning for work.” Ouch. Audra tried not to let the hurt show on her face. What was she to him? A quick fuck? “Roark. The Marines can bring me.” “No. I’ll be here at o-seven hundred.” She sighed. She’d never win this battle. Without thinking, she put her hand against his chest. He jumped as if he’d been scalded and his eyes blazed with fury. The muscles in his jaw tightened and relaxed, his chest heaved. She’d never seen him this angry before. “Fuck!” He turned from her, bending at the waist, his hands resting on his knees. “Goddamn it!” He faced her. “Do you have any idea what you’ve just done?” he spoke through gritted teeth. Okay, she was getting sick of this whole thing. Time to set the man straight on a few things! Stalking to the end table, she snapped on the light. “First, I didn’t just read you. Just because I touched you, doesn’t always mean I have “it” turned on. Contrary to your belief, Commander, I try not to read people. Do you think I like knowing everyone’s dirty little secrets? Well, I don’t!” “Secondly, the second you touched me last night, I knew all of yours. For some reason, it just worked that way this time. I can’t explain it. So, you can stop with the hands-off routine. I already know all of your little spy secrets!” She blew the stray tendrils of hair out of her eyes, crossed her arms and glared at him. She was pissed. How could the man fuck her one-minute and be so angry the next? It’s not as if I’m going to blab his cloak-and-dagger stuff all over the base. “What the hell do you mean?” He stepped closer, towering over her. She could smell him, the deep musky smell of sex and soap. He might think he intimidated her, but now that she’d seen his naked butt, he could step as close as he wanted. She wasn’t backing down. 36
“Just what I said. I know everything. I know you. What are you going to do about it?” What the hell was she doing? She dared him. Practically threw her confession in his face. Not backing down was far different than shoving it down his throat. His hands clenched at his sides, and then moved to capture her face. “Audra… I’m so angry with you right now, I don’t know whether to spank your ass or kiss you.” “Can’t you do both?” she countered with a slight smile, hoping to lighten his mood. “Honestly, Roark. It’s not that bad.” “You have no idea just how bad it is, baby.” “I…” A loud knock caused them both to jump. Roark looked at her, his left eyebrow raised. She shrugged and moved to open the door. “Ask who it is,” he ordered in a low whisper. Audra gave him a “duh”, look and grabbed the doorknob. “Who is it?” “Admiral Whittington, Ms. Grayson. Can I speak with you a minute?” Roark scowled, cocked his head to one side, and indicated that she open the door. As she unlocked the dead bolt, Roark moved behind her, blocking his immediate view from the Admiral. A little confused by Roark’s actions, she opened the door. “Hello, sir.” Audra noticed that during the time that she and her hunkie Captain had been engaged with each other, the sun started to set. She could taste the sea-salted air on her tongue. It reminded her of Roark. Heavy humidity hung in the open doorway. “I’m sorry to bother you, but I’d like a moment, if you don’t mind.” She gave a quick glance to Roark. At his nod, she admitted the man. “Of course, please come in. What can I do for you?” “I’ve come to check to see if you discovered anything today. I haven’t received a report from Captain Craig yet, so I thought I’d stop by on my way home and ask you myself.” As she shut the door, Roark moved to stand next to her. “Sir.” He stood still, coiled tightly as if ready to spring at any second. What the hell was going on? She moved to shut the door but returned to stand next to Roark.
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“Captain.” The Admiral eyed them. His gaze moved back and forth between them. Did he suspect they were doing the nasty? Probably. Her dress wrinkled, and if she wasn’t mistaken, Roark wore a small wet spot on the front of his pants at the crotch. He sighed heavily then faced Roark, putting on his professional face. “This is fortunate. I was just telling Ms. Grayson that I hadn’t heard from you yet. Now I can get your report in person.” “Of course, sir. Ms. Grayson found no links to any organization, terrorist or domestic. None of the primary team members appear to be involved.” The Admiral nodded, lost in thought as if assessing whether or not to believe him. His eyes glazed over for a minute. “Okay, that’s good. Excellent in fact,” he responded, moving further into the room. Roark continued. “Tomorrow, I’ll check with the NSA and the other organizations conducting investigations. Maybe they’ve found something.” “So, Ms. Grayson, do you think you missed anyone today? Did you--touch everyone?” He focused his gaze on Roark. “I--of course, sir. I did touch everyone. Well, except you.” Audra was completely confused but sensed danger. Something wasn’t right. Damned if she knew what though. “What about Captain Craig?” His watery blue eyes captured hers. What did he mean, including Captain Craig? She turned to look at Roark. “No, sir, she hasn’t touched me.” “Hmm, okay. Are you sure, young lady? Have you touched the Captain? Is he involved?” The Admiral eyes narrowed. He paced back and forth in front of them, clearly getting upset, his movements fast and deliberate. “What’s going on, sir?” Roark asked quietly. The Admiral moved to stand in front of them. “I’ll tell you what’s going on, son. I think you’re involved in this whole scheme. That’s what’s going on.” Audra’s jaw dropped. Her immediate reaction was to defend her man. “What the hell is that supposed to mean? Roark is not involved. I’d know it if he were.” “Be quiet, Audra,” Roark ordered quietly. Fury rolled from his body and filled the room. 38
Damn, this man reached an all time high in the anger department. First, her grand confession and now this. What next? His hand moved to squeeze her elbow in caution. “No, this is good. Of course, he’s involved. I can work with this.” He turned, pulled a pistol from the inside of his uniform jacket, and pointed it directly at them. Roark immediately pushed her behind him, shielding her with his body. “What the hell is going on, sir? Put down the gun. We can talk about whatever is on your mind.” Roark’s attempts to placate the Admiral were doing no good. “I don’t think so Captain. I need her and I need you. Unfortunately, you’ve forced my hand and messed up the plan. Still, I think I can make this work.” He waved the gun toward the door. “Go on, move. We’re taking a little ride. Somewhere we won’t be disturbed.” No way could she let this continue. She had to do something. “Why are you doing this Admiral?” “Shut up and get going. And keep your hands to yourself. Just do exactly as I tell you and you’ll be fine.” “Listen to him, Audra.” Roark pushed her out the door in front of him. To find the man who originally started this whole fiasco, Ben Meyers, standing just outside, shocked her. She stopped cold. If it weren’t for this man and his stupid envelope, neither she nor Roark would be in this trouble. Or maybe they would. “You?” He carried a gun, which, of course, he pointed directly at them. He said nothing and stared blankly. Without turning around, he opened the back of the waiting van, his eyes never leaving their faces. Waving them inside, Audra felt a blinding pain shatter at the back of her skull. It was the last thing she remembered.
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Chapter Six
Audra woke to a sea of nausea. Bile filled her throat at the searing pain in her head. Slowly she became aware of her surroundings. The cold, metal floor beneath her cheek, the rocking of the van as it fled. Damn, her hands were tied behind her back. With caution, she looked around the van. The Admiral sat in the passenger seat while the other man drove. They talked in whispers so she couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying. She moved and bit back a moan. The throbbing in her head intensified and she swallowed hard. She refused to throw up. God, what the hell did they hit her with? A sledgehammer? Roark. She carefully turned her body and frantically searched for him. Rolling slightly, she came to rest against a hard body. His lips pressed against her temple before she could look at him. Thank God, he was all right. Or a version of it anyway. When she could look at him, she scanned his eyes, his body, looking for any injury. He was tied, as she was. He whispered in her ear, “There’s a knife tucked in the back of my belt. Can you reach it?” Of course there was. Always prepared, he left nothing to chance. His training taught him well. “I’ll try,” she whispered back. Roark angled his body closer, rolling so that she could slide her hands over his waistband. Ah, ha, she found it! Sliding the small metal knife from the small of his back, she let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. Roark rolled again, so she could reach his hands. Slowly, she slipped the knife between the cords and sawed through the tie. 40
Within in seconds, Roark was free. He grabbed the knife away from her, and bent to cut the remaining bindings from his feet. Only then did he free her. The men in front hadn’t noticed them, thank God. If or when they did, they were in deep trouble. Clearly, they were out-matched in the weapon department. The men up there had guns. Roark only carried a knife. Roark bent his head a whispered again. “Stay here and pretend to be unconscious.” Was he kidding? Pretend? He kissed the warm spot beneath her ear softly and she nodded. Roark inched his way toward the front of the van. Audra prayed the entire time that they wouldn’t notice that he’d gotten free. Could he take both men without wrecking the van and getting them killed in the process? Suddenly, Roark charged the driver, holding the knife to his throat. “Admiral, drop your weapon or I’ll cut his throat,” he said in a low voice. “I don’t think so, son. If you don’t drop the knife, I’ll shoot the woman.” Fear consumed her as the Admiral pointed the gun directly at her. In a blink of an eye, Roark slapped the gun away from the Admiral, and grabbed the driver’s pistol from his waistband. She’d completely forgotten that he even had one. Thankfully, Roark didn’t. “Drop it Admiral,” Roark spat. “And pull the damn van over before I lose my temper and shoot you anyway.” Amazingly, the driver did just what Roark ordered. The Admiral tossed the gun on the floor and she scrambled to grab it. “Hand it to me, sweetheart.” She did and he shoved it in the back of his pants. “Out, both of you. Through the passenger door, if you don’t mind. Audra. See if you can find something to tie them up with.” Too stunned to speak, she nodded and searched the van. Her head still throbbed with every move but she pressed on. She checked in plastic bins that filled the back. She had to hurry. Roark was out there all by himself. Finally! Duct tape. “Here. I found some tape.” She gingerly slid out the back doors and headed to where they waited. Noticing the van was on a lonely stretch of highway, she wondered how far they’d gone. The air smelled like decay, and cypress trees lined the road. Were they near 41
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a pond, a lake? It definitely smelled like fresh water not salt water. One thing was for sure; they were nowhere near the beach. “Tape Meyers first, then the Admiral.” Done, she asked “Now what?” “Go see if there’s cell phone in the van while I talk to the Admiral.” “But…” “Do it, Audra.” She nodded. Jeesh, all right already. No need to get snippy. She walked back to the van. Was it really necessary for the grumpy attitude? For Gods sake, she’d been hit and knocked out, too. A few minutes and one broken nail later, “No cell phone.” “Audra, the Admiral and his partner in crime here have decided not to tell us what the hell is going on. Can you do your magic and find out?” She stared at him in amazement. He wanted to use her skills? Oh sure, her talent was okay as long as he needed her. Just don’t lay a hand on him. “Of course.” Everything in her wanted to slap him in the head for his pigheadedness. With trepidation and a really bad attitude, she placed her hand on the Admiral’s arm. Stopping cold, her eyes widened. “What?” Roark demanded. Staring at the man who had calculated and planned her kidnapping caused her to break out into a cold sweat. Espionage, a fairly good reason to want her out of The Ghost Project, and off the base. “He wants me dead.” “Why?” Eyes emblazoned with fury, he stared at the Admiral in astonishment. “He’s selling government secrets, troop movements, warfare, stuff like that to some very nasty Middle Eastern terrorist groups and didn’t want me to catch him.” Before Roark could respond, the Admiral slipped free of his tie, and grabbed her around the neck. “Drop it, son. I’ll kill her if I have to.” “No, don’t do it Roark. He won’t.” Instantly, his arm tightened around her throat, cutting off the air supply. 42
She clawed at his arm of his arm, digging her nails into his flesh. She needed air! “No, okay, okay. I’m dropping it.” She watched in horror as Roark dropped the gun in the dirt. Suddenly, she was able to breathe. Gulping mouthfuls, the sweet air had never felt so good. But what had Roark done? “Let Meyers loose, Captain, or I choke the last breath from her body.” Roark moved to free the other man. Clearly, he was unhappy about the change of events. She’d never seen him look so angry, not even with her. Meyers picked up the gun and aimed it at Roark’s heart. “This whole thing has gotten out of control and not what we agreed to, Admiral. Kill her!” Audra froze in mid-breath. “No, Lieutenant. We’re sticking to the original plan--we take her and stash her. Now, the Captain will be joining us.” Meyers’ face turned red, his chest heaved in anger, “I said, we kill her, Admiral. What did you think we were going to do with her, anyway? Hide her indefinitely? You’re a fool if you think so. There’s no way I’m leaving witnesses. If you won’t kill her….” “You’ll follow my orders, Lieutenant!” The arm around her throated tightened again as the men argued. “I don’t think so. Let her go Admiral, or I’ll kill him right here.” Meyers shoved the gun into Roark’s chest. Every inch of Audra wanted to scream, cry, something. Her lungs burned and her eyes felt as if they bulged from her head. She needed air. “Lieutenant, lower your weapon. Killing them was not part of the plan. You go, I’ll take the heat, whatever. I’m not killing them.” Meyers turned and pointed the gun at her. “Fine, I’ll just kill all three of you.” The arm around her throat loosened and she was flung to the ground. Searing pain shot up her arms. Loose gravel and tiny rocks sliced the palms of her hands. She again gasped for air. At least she was alive. For now, anyway. “Audra. Stay down and don’t move.” “Good advice, Captain, but it won’t help her or you.” “Just go Lieutenant. Take the van and go. You can be out of the country by tonight with all the money I’ve paid you.” “Sorry, no can do, Admiral. Even you know too much now.” 43
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A loud, tiny bang rang in Audra’s ears. Covering her head, she pressed her body flat to the ground. The Admiral fell to his knees, then slumped to the side in front of her. The lifeless eyes of a once vital man stared blankly at her. A dull roar began in her ears. A feeling of lightheadedness engulfed her, leaving her sick to her stomach, the bile pooling at the back of her throat. She’d never seen anyone shot before. Never seen anyone dead before either. Closing her eyes, she prayed the ground would open up and swallow her whole. When would the nightmare end? Meyer’s shifted the gun and pointing it directly at her. God, no. “Doesn’t matter what he says. I’ll still be punished, court marshaled for this whole mess. I can’t afford to leave any witnesses. Get on your knees,” he motioned to Roark. “I don’t think so,” Roark pulled the gun from the small of his back, swinging it around to shoot at the man. He fired back, thankfully missing the man she loved, but hitting the van. Audra covered her head. Through her arms she could hear running feet and peeked through her fingers to see Meyers making a run for the trees. She jumped up and raced to Roark. He lay on the ground next to the van. She dropped to her knees running her hands all over his body, checking for a gunshot wound or blood. She sobbed. “Are you all right? Please be all right.” “I’m fine. Pissed, but fine.” His arm slid around her shoulder as he sat up, pulling her close. “Damn it woman, you scared the hell out of me.” “Not all of it I see.” She smiled and rested her head on his chest, tears flowing from her eyes. After a moment, she slapped him in the chest hard. “Fuck! What the hell was that for?” “For--I--you--I don’t know,” she cried. His arms tightened painfully around her. It had been so close, too close, but they were both safe now. “Come on baby, let’s go.” He scrambled to his feet, pulling her to him. “What about Meyers?” 44
“He’s gone. Doesn’t matter, the MP’s will get him. Let’s get the hell out of here.” They were barely a few miles up the road when smoke begun to billow out of the front of the van. Audra noticed that the engine light had gone on. This can’t be good. “Goddamn it!” He slammed his hand against the steering wheel. “I’m guessing we’re having another problem.” He shot her a look she didn’t need to translate. “What’s wrong?” “Meyers must have shot the radiator. We’re overheating.” “Okay, we’ll walk.” “Do you have any idea where we are? How far we drove before we escaped?” He sounded frustrated. All that happened tonight and this was what frustrated him? Men! “No, but I’m sure you do and if you don’t, you’ll find out.” She patted his arm for affect. “If it makes you feel better, go ahead and yell at me,” she snapped. He said nothing. He wasn’t really angry with her and they both knew it. But there was no way she would let him get away with being such a jerk. The van veered to the side of the road and came to a sudden stop. “Let’s go. We don’t know if the Admiral had another accomplice or not so we have to be careful. We’ll stick to the road but we can’t flag anyone down.” It was her turn to remain silent. They started walking, ducking behind some trees every time a car passed. “The base will send someone to look for us once we don’t show up for work in…” he glanced at his watch. “…one hour. We just need to keep walking toward the base.” Now what? The danger was over, the Admiral dead and the threat to her gone. Would he still want her? No doubt he’d worked out a whole speech about not being right for each other--she was a psychic, him a Captain in the Navy, top secret secrets, blah, blah, blah. No need to be a psychic to know how this man’s mind worked. No siree, he was going to dump her. If she ignored him, he couldn’t end what was clearly the best relationship, not to mention sex, she’d ever had. So what if they hadn’t been on a date yet, they’d fucked each other raw. Didn’t that count for something? She walked directly behind him, silent. Dump her? Doubt it! 45
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She was getting to him, annoying him, because he kept looking at her, staring, watching every step she took. His staring screamed as loudly as her silence. Finally, after about a half-hour, he stopped, turned and asked, “What the hell is the problem?” “Problem? I have no problem. What’s your problem?” So much for her silence. She just couldn’t help herself, could she? “My problem is you, sweetheart. I don’t know why you’re behaving this way, but knock it off.” What? Who the hell did he think he was? “Behaving what way exactly? I haven’t said two words in as many hours. Besides, if I did have a problem, what business is it of yours?” The well-sculpted mouth, she’d come to love, formed a scowl and his eyes narrowed. “What business is it of mine?” he whispered in a low voice that sent chills racing down her spine. Stepping closer, he advanced slowly. Each step seemed more deliberate than the last. She took a hesitant step backward, unsure of his intention. Wow, was he mad? At her? If anything, she should be pissed. Wasn’t she the one about to get dumped? Looking around for a place to run, there was nothing but trees and a lonely stretch of highway that went on for miles and miles. Could she outrun him? Doubtful. Likely some wild ferocious animal would gobble her up if she broke for the trees. Were there wild ferocious animals around here? She didn’t want to find out. “Um, yes. It’s none of your business.” She faltered, taking another step backward. He stopped when his chest pushed against hers. “Everything you do, woman, is my business.” “But….” Her lips parted in surprise as his mouth descended roughly on hers. Gasping, she clutched his shoulders to prevent herself from falling. Immediately, strong muscled arms floated around her, pulling her closer. His hands caressed her back, and slid over her ass. “You’re mine. Do you hear me?” he whispered against her lips. “But what about my abilities? The whole no touching thing?”
“Am I correct in assuming that you know pretty much everything about me? Secrets, personal stuff? My wants, desires, stuff like that?” God, did she love it when he got all commander on her, her pussy was getting wetter by the second. She nodded solemnly, pretending to be serious. “Well, then I guess it doesn’t matter a whole hell of a lot, now does it? What am I thinking now?” She giggled. “You know I can’t read your mind.” His tongue dueled with hers, their lips devouring each other. In seconds, he stripped her panties down her legs and was inside her without missing a beat. The heavy, hard cock stroked, so firmly embedded, she thought she’d die of the pleasure. She broke the magic spell he’d woven, pushing at his chest. “Are you angry? That I know everything, I mean?” “Fuck, yes. I’m mad as hell. Why’d you do it? You knew how I felt.” He withdrew and surged home, grabbing her ass to hold her still. She moaned. “I didn’t do it on purpose, Roark,” she panted. “In fact, it’s never happened to me quite like that before. Every once in a while, I might get a piece of information from someone if I brush against them, but never by kissing. It just happened that way. When I realized what happened, no way could I tell you.” Harder, she prayed, her nails scratching at his back for encouragement. His eyes narrowed again. “Audra.…”
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Chapter Seven
The night had ended with far less excitement than it began. Just after dawn, Roark spotted a military vehicle, the M.P.’s. Taking a chance that not everyone was in cahoots with the Admiral, he flagged them down. It was their good luck that the patrol had been out looking for them. “Sergeant, I’m Captain Roark Craig. I need to get to Alpha Base immediately,” he ordered the young Marine. “Yes, sir, Captain, practically the whole base has been out looking for you since we discovered you two were kidnapped, sir. Are you two all right? The NSA and FBI have the whole area sealed tight. We knew you were close, we just didn’t know where.” “We’re fine.” Roark helped her in the backseat of the vehicle. When they finally made it back to the base, the NSA had the matter firmly in hand. Separating them, they interrogated her for hours. Audra assumed that Roark had told them where to find the Admiral’s body and that Lieutenant Meyers had escaped. She was sure she repeated everything Roark had already told them but she made sure she told them every minute detail. Her assumptions proved correct, their stories matched, when she was released several hours later. Standing out in the parking lot, Roark came up behind her. He slid his arms around her shoulders. “Let’s get out of here.” Pulling her near, he steered her to a military issued vehicle and opened the door. Without another word, he helped her inside and shut the door. “I guess we’re not going to be arrested?” As he slid inside the car, he paused, his brown eyes devouring her. “Oh, I don’t know, I might just have them arrest you for causing me so much trouble.” “Ha, ha. Very funny. I’m serious. Are we okay?” 48
Sensing the gravity behind her words, his face softened. Leaning over, he pressed his warm, firm lips to hers. “We’re fine.” Roark pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward the other side of the base. The warmth of the bright morning sun practically lulled her to sleep. She’d had less than four hours of sleep in forty-eight hours. Damn, she was tired. “Where are we going?” she murmured. She lost the battle with her eyelids and they drifted closed. “To my house.” The rhythmic rocking of the vehicle soothed her frazzled nerves. Relief flooded her as she gave into sleep. The rest of the ride was made in silence, she guessed since she slept most of the way. She’d just fallen asleep when she felt the car pull into a driveway. She blinked, startled by the jarring stop. God, how she wished she could take a shower. A very nice two-story house stood directly across from the beach. Ahh, the privileges of rank. Wow! This was great. It was beautiful, especially for military housing. Correction, the privileges of a high rank, Roark’s house stood directly on the water. He turned off the engine and opened the door. “Come on.” Ushering her inside, he lead her through the hallway to the open living room/kitchen area. The view literally took her breath away. White sandy dunes, blue water and an endless stretch of beach, drew her closer. “The view is amazing.” “The view from where I’m standing is pretty impressive, too.” He leaned against the bar, arms crossed. He had a look about him, one that suggested he had more than white sandy beaches on his mind. Her stomach rumbled and he smiled. “I guess I should feed you. Turkey or ham?” he asked as he made his way to the refrigerator. She followed him, resting her forearms on the back of the soft buttery leather stool at the bar. She watched him work. His movements precise. Orderly. Sexy. “You’re well--stocked for a bachelor.” “A man’s gotta eat, you know.” His eyes moved up and down her body. 49
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Instantly, a low throb pulsed in her nether regions. Yum. Promise? He held up the lunchmeat. “Um, turkey, I guess.” The early afternoon sun flooded the kitchen, casting beams of light across the room. The heat warmed her tired body. She needed a shower and a long nap, in that order. Wonder if she could talk Roark into it. Rubbing her hands through her hair, she tried to shake the lethargic feeling that stole over her. Last night had been long, eventful, not to mention, painful. Both for her and Roark, but especially Roark. He hadn’t mentioned losing his long time friend and mentor. She doubted he would. But it had to hurt. How could it not? He walked around the bar with two familiar brown bottles of beer in his hands. He handed her one. Her favorite. The bottle felt cold to her touch and she relished the wet feel as the amber liquid slid down her throat. “You deserve a drink.” She deserved it? Just one? What about him? It was his friend that died, his career she put in jeopardy. Guilt seemed to be needling in her gut. “Thanks.” He stood next to her, the heat radiating off his body. The gentle touch of his finger as it trailed across her shoulder and down her arm sending licks of pleasure pulsating through her. She was mesmerized by the lust in his eyes. It mirrored her own need. His gaze held her captive, this time with only the bonds of passion. “I want you,” he declared. As if she couldn’t tell. His cock strained the fabric of his pants, evidence of his need. Boldly, her hand cupped the bulge. “Well then, take me.” The corners of his mouth curved and a dangerous look entered his eyes. “Take off your clothes.” She set the bottle on the counter and reached for the hem of her dress. In one easy motion, she slipped it over her head. In only her bra and panties, the humid noon air felt chilly to her exposed flesh. He took a long slow pull from his beer as his eyes trailing over her curves. “Now the rest.” His voice was painfully deep. More of a growl than actual words. “What about you?” 50
“I’ll catch up later. First, I want to play.” Impatient, his hand unsnapped the front clasp of her bra, the white lace cups catching on her distended nipples. He pushed the fabric aside and fingered the erect nubs pushing the bra to the floor. He leaned against the counter watching her like a voyeur through a window. “The panties.” Audra hooked her fingers in the elastic, pushing the small triangle down over her hips to join the dress. She felt vulnerable, open to his scrutiny. Slightly uncomfortable, it still stirred her deeply. She watched in fascination as Roark trailed the tip of the bottle over one nipple, then the other, circling her areola. The glass was cool, wet from his mouth. Slowly, he traced the bottle between her breasts, down her stomach, glancing over the notch between her legs. Instantly, liquid heat drenched her folds. Her heart pounded and a flutter of goose bumps covered her skin. He wouldn’t. She gasped in surprise as he inserted the long glass neck of the bottle between her swollen lips, filling her. It was almost too much to bear. The cool, wet bottle, the heat of her channel. She didn’t want to like it but God help her, she did. He withdrew, the lip of the bottle teasing the edge of her sheath. It took all her concentration to stand still when all she wanted was to wiggle the bottle back inside. Thrusting, he slid it deep until it couldn’t go any farther. He teased her swollen folds with the object, sliding it in and out, in and out. Clutching the edge of the counter, she held on for dear life. At any moment, she was sure her knees would collapse and end what was undoubtedly the most erotic experience of her life. This was decadent, naughty and she loved it. Loved his boldness. Loved that she stood naked, at his mercy while he played with her. A soft moan of excitement escaped her parted lips. He must have taken it as a sign of surrender because his mouth captured hers in a hard, demanding kiss. Trembling hands grasped the sleeves of his shirt, anchoring her. She prayed he wouldn’t stop the delicious torture. In and out. He fucked her with the long, slender neck of the bottle. God, had she ever been so consumed before? Her channel spasmed, coaxing it deeper, harder. 51
Tierney Linn
She panted, her body pulsing, building, reaching for the blinding fiery explosion that always came at his hands. Moving her legs wider, she practically begged him not to stop. Roark used his free hand and circled her engorged clit, flicking the straining flesh. She sobbed as the familiar fingers of an orgasm raced through her body. The world seemed to tilt on its axis as she came. “Roark,” she screamed, her hips pushing at his hand. He slid the bottle out of her pussy, brought it to his mouth and drank deeply. His tongue licked her essence from the glass. A look of satisfaction covered his face. In one swift action, Roark set the bottle on the counter and shoved his pants to the floor. Lifting her to the stool, he cupped her ass. The leather felt cool against her bottom. He thrust his cock inside her before the last wave of ecstasy left her. He brought her to the edge of the chair, his thrusts hard, powerful. Amazingly, she was close to orgasm again. “Harder,” she demanded, wrapping her legs around his waist. He gripped her tightly, his breath labored, his skin slick with sweat. He was close. “I’m going to leave marks on your ass, baby,” he groaned. He couldn’t help himself. He needed to fuck this woman, possess her like no other. He was filled with such urgency, desperation to have her. His need demanded this and only this. He couldn’t slow down, treat her the way she deserved. Later. Later. He felt the familiar tingle in his ball sac. It slowly crept up his spine and his toes practically curled. Her hot, tight pussy gobbled up his cock, milking him. His body responded. He threw his head back, shouting out her name with his release. Finally, minutes later--maybe hours, who knew, he lifted her from the chair. Still deeply embedded inside of her, he was in no hurry to leave. She was his. “Where are we going?” “To bed. The next time we fuck, it’s going to be in a bed.” “How conventional.” “Yeah, I’m a real old-fashioned kind of guy.” He felt her frown against his neck. “Roark.…”
He didn’t need to be psychic to know what she was going to say. He didn’t have all the details worked out, but he would by tomorrow. One thing was for sure--he was not letting this woman slip through his fingers. Ever. “Don’t worry.” He kissed the top of her head as he lay her down on the bed. “I’ll fix it. We’ll be fine.” “How? No one is going to jail? Ya know--your secrets--me knowing those secrets.” His arms crushed her, bringing her flush against his body. “Well, you will be shackled for a lifetime. It’ll just be to me,” he teased, licking the sensitive area at the base of her neck. He waited for her response. She smiled against his lips. “I knew that.”
Tierney Linn
About the Author
Tierney is a Yankee living in the Deep South. Thank goodness for direct flights to Boston! When she’s not working for the United States Navy, she can be found at home with her family or writing like a mad woman. A world traveler, Tierney searches exotic locations for new story ideas and incredible experiences.