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JUDAS BRIEF Who Really Killed Jes us?
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10 ~u.dnI , - , Now Yon.. NY
n.. C io_IrAmaI_l'llbij.'"" Grooop lI< imminent "'ming of . new kingdom for ,h •• .,ion "i
1".01. ."..."..,. .."",ironed Of .",ho,i.. d by Rome. I Ii, "h;.f disciple. Pc"" ,,1I.d him "tl>< .\I..... h," • titk .i5nifyio~ a 'p«'oun" . nd OIh« au;stw, liter:atur1 «'urn try~ to fearne Je.u. duough p;l " •.mol "'l' woq'" put "u!~ .. ,n"f P>!!oq 10~1 'p.""" >3J' 1_~, '" '\(lino4' 'pou>J 0' ,,!!qnd '" '0>'4' 'f'!""f "'l' ',0 ", "'I '~p" 1 P'P"I"" "'" '''"1\j>J0 "I '''011P J'-' '""1"'"0 , 0, M "4' """'11 ,,,,,,rio "",,=...n,uI Ut 1"1 ""! P"4 04." '''q'l''''\I. P""'ou "'o"oo,nlo." q''''''f Irr"'WQ4 ' "'"'I" "'I' "i "q' ,nq ,n"f AJ""''' 'luO IOU ",,,,,"oli '4' '"4' P>PU"w>p ~'Ll ""H0 ' ,"' I'd p.."b, ".""d P'4' "'l' Aq 1"1 qow q'",,'f.uvu, DO ' ''II. 'J>UO1" 0, l",u'''' ' 4 o:,,,uo'!'n, 4".uf "'i' Plo, JOU'J.' oli '4' " &"4' "'I' j" """"j .11'0>1' ..... • n"f "'I' '''',"bu, ',""I'd 010 I""0q '1«""1' 'I"~ ow". 4i""4l]V '''"OW ' 4' O , UI SU''"''i • I">.>npuo> ""I'd ",'''f >ql )0 SUO)! "'l 1""'''1' ,n"f IOql . Smp "I' .... JOUl.AOli Ol{l 4" ... I"',ru",,, ' ' '4 0, .,,:>JUJU> AUow;o w'4 P""""" puo ""I'd ''OJ'''! w'4 '"",,,o"! ""II104,n" 4"~f '4' 'J:»< ,'"SOf ,>I w"I' po>! 01 poo,j. ''''!JO''''! .. ponf '",,,,I' llOOI "nsof I" .>qw'w 0 ""'1'" »Iq' "'II '0/ "I~""""()~ ',"0 ~ ... q Plno,," ..olJ ,.~, ~"J po. J"lndod 001 ..... "'I ,.nr.o>q '!Mnd "' .!PO''''' o,uI w'4 .~., ',"1'1"0' .I"i' 'q""" 0, ..tp JJlJ" '"P 'ldw •.1 ~4' 0, .~ \(lIno4' u'.'"f 'w'[qoJd • "q' '"'1 'w 'q , .... ,. 0, P' P"'u "->q>u. ". u..... " ,u".>OJ ' >IU"''14nOJ' I" ..... U",llO> .uod~ J"Oj "" qtin"'l'N ''1'"'''0 I'""uou., '"OJ '4' WOJj >WoO> ""'f "i' puo '''''''f '''"1\ '00 " .'O'f" P"~P"! 'V
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7. \bi.i • . Bro ....
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Coo«>< o",i·Pilo....,ribo';"". in,o .uti·Herod . .."don" ,h. >... ,bot of Ih" do«."", ,h. "Tonglui Pil ... d,d"', eVrn order rho: Cfuc,lixion. a.,ord,ng to ,hi. «xl. Thi, dtian w,i.. , I,m...., noted . s on< 0/ Cltrip Pi], .. a ctll>lIy ... hiPFins J .... Thi, tbot ,he: bi.hop·, account "'"'Y t.. .. b«n inll ... nfu~ aU '1\01 , \""''''' Herod • ..d ,t.. ...... He _ . n to n.n been hepil, ""'......... by tIx GoIp.n 0( I'd... I>< .ix,h century, Pilat< h. d ",,,n " .. quality th .. th< Coptic Church cltme ,run~ ••r< ..;J ",hiIui: 14:~J). AuptOri ....•• ,..""h~ 1IDpI0D tI,.I' dUo ""lot opr!a TO .11 ~ who ...;.a }1;ou.n 0 ....1,-- ha. i"'flO'Ol infif "" O' ....... D """'Ih< It.. " .. nd.U j~ were di"ider eh,w;."" '''''''(01< g< "".,h of '9. !bn, o,.
J'" &.,.... ' ... .. J I,u, addNI.
. }cooK..nd ,bo, ...1 ,. ..... srnnoriom of Jcwt """"kin) be htkI "'"I""",bIo lor 1M ..... 01. ft.w miIpidrd.f.ln .. ,he je.oI........ ,'01 ."" that. """"' S,kriy hos,Of.,.1 _no/) =>«..... n.. ..~ will sMw 'hOI dk:n: ..... no pIo< II)' Jewuh .mhoritilisa';"'" it ..-ill ht ''1!utd th .. du.ing.he P•• ..,~. hohd. y, nuu ..... d Meom< ,I.otil< h< Jewi.h go.ernontn" 1ht ' g'«men, ",11«11", J",u,' .. I.... . Ito, Ii>< holiday....."., """'d, ,he «"loW had lrlr J"'u",Iom, .oJ h;'lolI,",,,,, "'en, hom. '0 G.lit.r. PiI.", m;,i.lly agr«u~ h •• " ,h. go,'" "",', "".dq .. ,· '< j... i.h au,hori,ies h.d no ,...y ,,, ignof'< Pilote" "nlet wltbou, ..... ,in.g" "" I"orr conf,on .. tion, bu, ,h.y hop«! t1"" Pil . .. would keep hi. 1" in tit. 801)'lid Jews j)t1. tho Goopd 0{ n.o-.. tho c",p.! 0{ &~_. .... Co,p.! 0{ M..ltIn.u, . ocI tho Go.p.I 0{J..J.>,.
THE Goo n 1S: fACT, F,CT,O", OR S. . CIlLATIO"?
p",.iom ch.rt«, h. d b. rapi . . .dded tl>< follow;ns "''''''rk Mot· ,1>< .., "So .hen M ."he", wrote.he ol"2rigin. of ,he Gospol. 01 M.. l . nd M.tthew. In tl>< I... occond «.rury. 'he Christian ",rite, I'«n. """.phor for Ot"",," "''''''''''''Dr or ,he Ch""u,n r.. Jc.r "f hi, "", ," Luk. does.n', n..... hIS ,Or ,01 1 u,' ",I>< •• citing a -'Ute •• Tradr!,"n hold, rh .. Luke ,",'", co",p;tnKm '0 Pi"l, bu, ,h, .u,hor 01 Lok. ",.k.. "" ouch -"17' ~l- ' l' , >;I_ I~' '1,,-.1,, 6, ~_ n
'W6. ,6' ,
'I, TW" " • . a . ,;0""" '«ond post le', nom< . i""" h. ",f... red ro him . , ,h. Beloved Di>< I"... g< in John .. ,,',k. ",moved from the ()tigi_ n.1 .urhor. Jr "'.. rhi. ~ond.ry ",~i"en lOU"" [h., ,he .mho. ,,/ John
=t";,,,,h •. he loft ,h. p.... ge """h.nged. Implici. in tbi, ",;.uk. i. ,h., .h • • u.ho, of ,ho: origin_I I'>''''S'' ""Y not
110'-0 btcn, kl>Ow l«lgubio JIr.hbo ...bou, '} ' CE .n.! ,II< Jc",.....inK tmp.oc' oro ,ho j ........ hrn tho: II""..., ..... tu· ally P'" d"",'n tho: ,..,bell;.,.,.n.! borr«l tho- J...., f,om j .. h1'" ' '''m",od '0 "" ... ht Go.pt l. b. .. J Of' ,h.",... nd 'v'n" ",,""Ito,....! In ,h •• m'
., ",1>0
Th" .. bolt.v< ,h... p,a .... g.. "'-ere wfi".n .flo< ,h. lac, of tl>< Roman captu .. of Isud and 'M of ,Il< ].\O,i,h Tempi. d ... "'" !l< Tem_ pi., th. ...,..Id h••• "",de ""'''' tJt if the Co.pel. wcre wrimn
= ..
,h..>, ,.,.'"
moch of. scholarly fllowing" H •• 1",,,.,... i•• growing ten_ dency '" dote !.lor• • nor ]0." " "umbo, of lScd t h.m .. I• ., dirrt!ly to person> frOOl t h".. a", ...
Oral Sources
Af.., Jeou. d,.d. thcr •• , n boo littl. doubt th .. peopl. "'1>0 [u,.", him 0' k""w . bout him told "",ie. ,bout tho event> in hi. Lf•. n-.., a"",'o/ic cirde rhot .u,,,,,,nJ>I>I., t .. J,~o,,,· m,y h••·• I>ewme .«.",cd .. f. cr,. Eve"
'9jI6, , .... H·Ebid. )! . 11od., J~ lhid .. " • . )7. 'hid., JH,
Jj . "'''''''
T it. JUPA) II ....
",ibid 1M (;oortk. "'~ lind ~ 1!1.~ """" p!< 1"'",,1 .",hot; .nd ,,,d..dpFor ... mpl., j ..", f,,,, ..,,,ly odcn,,/ifork. anJ Luk< •• ,h. "Syoopli< Coopel •. " Th" is ba:aUIb ttbcw and 6, plITCe "ery ,tr""gJ y , ugg'''' tho< ,h.", m"Ot h••• be< 011>< lam. c. that would me. n citl>< [ two of.1t< go.pd .".hor< Synorpel. difler< from Other""" in 'ho< ,he.. i, ei,het , < Pt...,,""".) M.tthew and Luk •• "h h.,.. • , imil" ,,«,ion 01 "ory. but ,hey IILik. 'i~ifi th .. dimin ... . ny question 01 a Sabb.th vi ... l>tion pmbkm 1!>I.uhonion . ,,,,",h", ,1>0 pia... ,,,- Lmhew .. kl Luk. modilied.be stolY. .hey cam" from [he _YO's"!;"" .nd i, a Sabl»,h dly_Luke !>b,k .g..... nd M.uhe", di.. gt .... Mark h.. jeo., 'ouS''''g.in" M..k ;' in "",i[[ iog > 1'00gai ... [.uk«1 M,"h ...· ••• >UK • • od tncn:fol< Q as n«'C>«luend .... " " '.
,0--, "
knew ,h. o,h«. The g""e,..1 ,,,,,.. n,u, is Thoma, """ da' .. Q, bu, ,,'he!h .. he ~noth ptKN< Manh. ", a nd Luke, if we c. n 6nd ",idoth Monhew . nd Lukme ma,tri.1 nUl . ppurin ~ in lno, othe:r. Apprux;ma,dy. 'hird of Mal"""" . nd .bou, 40 per«n' of Luke f. 1I in'o ,hi. "'1 .. k. I. would be po>,;bl. h«:n the origin "f . "oJ)' . nd ,hat John', indO< "< I.w? Wh" do you K.d
,.,h< I, wr ,I>< q"""ion ,h.n J....... oo ,II< I.w)"', .n ........ with ,I>< ,.m. "d.CI< .... ""'r giv." by in ,I>< M.n".w .o ,I>< ",·""d. ""!-k." 0 1",..1, ,I>< lord om God, [1>0: Lord if. "".:' Now. i, .. "". [hing '0 mt..:, [hi, lunda .... o..1 J, wi,h ~incirl. from J..... ' an,.... «, bu, [< ... , I> gr< "'" f M.ry.nd broo .. , f l,_,.nd jooten ,!>e Jew. ,ouldn', MV' been u",,,,,,,,,,,.ble in Own ""8"'" ,..",ion. By .limin.,,"Il ,I>< implici, ch.,&" ,h., J.....' ""'n f..n,iy ,ook oll< ''''0 ch. nge. h. .. c ,!>e df"", of f.,.. .. h. dowinS Jewi.h i".ol'cm'n' in 'he d.,.,1r 0/ Je,u,. The mi.. i"" begin. wi,h an .".. npt \ry J.w, to kill J..., . nd end. wi,h ,h. death of Jesus , and ,h.n paning on the ,It,,oJ gospel .. if it were the origirurl. Added Ending to Mar!(
Tho: ""'."ed ,.• ,..;"" of t .... Gospel ,,( M"k , .nd ., ,6:8." ..,·... 1 .UMeq....", m. nuscrip" follow in ,h.t tr,di,ion." A numb be:. """"Iuding " .. ' .... nt a' ,h. . J..... .,.. "'" ..&.p..d humo" ..... of God. 10 tuh J'U, .he r«en'.d ,.". tnttoue>O yru."" The u ;",.n« of 'hi' ddo:, to t nc Adoptioni.. int'rp"u'ion. For Kholu., th< problem i. !u,gim (i.e., Greek ". ...1.,;0,,) .t«n. In thi. "''''. though , ",bola" 8-. ...! ' ISchol." ,,",, ,,,,,,,If ei,. ,h. 5,i.h lor Ori,,), Soo 01 GoJ. s,,,, of M,n. .nd Lord bep.n to take on diffe,en' meon· ins> '0 difl«en, Cl"i"i. npk In 70 C£ may h", .keply .",..,,1»,«1 « •• ions bet", .. n Je ..... • nd CJ.,i"ian •. Chris",n. ",ugh, ,h. , ,he de"ruct ion "f Jonkey dNd" Le" ,.'e mi .. ,I.< .igroilio:aoo: "I J(ri p' u", , nd e""h ci,.. ,he «x, f,om z..: h.. iah ~ : 9 {M."b ...· U' ~-5; JoIu. u:!4- 1,1. That p....Sc f,om Jrw;, h >.I~"f.. w . nd l"k< di.. gr« " '0 wh .... leo"" ('m,ly ini,;'lly li" .d, wity he "'.. horn in Berhlem, .nd It"w he ca"", to be in N".",It. 'The two . .. ngeli'" "'I"'""n, .Itern.ti •• ,ud i';"". trying to 6nd 0 ",oy '0 ..sol", the problem that J"'''' wa. u.ociatro with ,he wrong home city ~nd wrong . ntry n« .... ry " ,I" lfill the: me»ionK prophecy. At 1" one .nd .Imo>l ".".. inly both It.". '"v.nt.!.ttbew and lub .., h runf ".n, "" dou!« ,t..., o. "'>= old b< """"".1tO .... h ll1"'1. i. ).1.,x, prob.-
bly wri".n o.orn«n a manuscript tbat IOChol ... ",f.. to ., Q, al.hough no ropy of t!ocum«n fouoo. We do nOl know wh., >Cu","" Q relied on. hu t ohe .u.hor .1", appears to have Wli".., in Cr«. from outSIde of R""",n "',..01, pwhabJy .t , time: dos< ,u,hoc 01 John indr'l of, f,;"ndly di",u ..;"" b«D . .id."", that th. u>< of the s.ptuagint G,.. k tr.nsl.,ion of Jowi.h scriptu,. in"eaJ of tho H.b", ... t< undem.nding of Jew. i>h hi"orr, ruch a. John" ro "ireome;';"" o< .f< dry of Ihmoocu. In onkt '0 .. i.. me. bur I ..... let down in • N.k« 'hro..gh a window in ..,d "".... d lrom hi. h.nd .... A",,,. is ,"" king of,h. Noh ... n.. an A"b n."on bol< •• ide",e in his gO'lp« i... . ...,.Uy goi"3 b. ck ci.I> ... mut< . n.l~lisof ,II< >,< . .;0" in Luh', goopel. In th ... me .p« '''7), Jr', worth ol>se .. i"l\ ,h., Pc«" ,,"o,d;ng ,hi. ~ttOtt, 'UW>" ,h. Jew< .nd ,he;, I..d." >," ... ,'.
•• 11< ",.~. born into a p,;c.,ly family;" }0 haY< 5yrU.c .nd l..,in of [u.. hi",·, """l. WI... Ii't.. lUnda'" Whi""" tran ... tion 01 tht Grrtk ....-.ion of .1It T",_,~", FLA....,,""'. I "'.. pb.«u .. J""'P~o. ,he dina d .; m thot J"'u, .... more than hum.n, ind«:d h< "I,bel (i .•. , ,h. " l< oth« tl>< rok of jd.' bu, dicl DO< """roy J....... u'5ing . ny .ct;on ' I!"ins. J ••. If tbi. W< g< p.o ... g • • ho.. , tol< of ,II< Jtv.... TIl< Mieh...1tex' rai .... >cd to.1>< d • .,h of Josu •. 11>< ,wo> apootl .. doo', ..r in ,,·b.. nun"", to. ;l\IIor-. n« ,e."bod rn Pila,,', dte;.;.,. to u«ut< ), but tit< "'thin< !!apti.. , an unno"",d Sam.,i .. " proph .. , , mit.d. """k we'" killrd .nd one .",aped. Follo",'e" 01 .n ,h,rc Wer< m.... cred. A /o."h prorhetic figure, John 'he 8.J'li", ,,'", ««ured br Hnoo An'ip.a." the Rom,n ruin oIGolil«, bu, no 'emrn' oft .. ,h. d.. ,h 01 J".', b., w< don', know "I I,., ,I>< chorg-", in puni.i .. =rion. proph"'ic m"""me",,. ""en w~ .kit own I< oh""IJn't of/~nJJ .....j.h ,dig.iou> «"oibiliti .. in any ,igniliII.piti"& wi,h tho H« odi.n. 16:6---. II. A, • late, poi •• in hi> 80sI'd, howe.". Lukt p"...""• • diff"en. , .. d ition, th.o, Phati- . lc.m..J of. plot by H.,od ' 0 kill J=' and TlI"b,he f.. t ,hat JohD 11K 8>pI"', dearly hailrd by jew. and hi. follower ... a pmph," of ,he hij;h . • >1 oedrr, " ... killed o""idr j.ru.. lem by Herod. The morr logical im plica. tion 01 J""" "'ply ",h.. he had '0 get '0 j rn... lcm to neape IUgh' ,h" ,he des,,",,;"n 0/ H ."... «ili.y tho, Jon.. could inA"""" •• «i influenrial 1ltrol of >om< di,puTed tther a. to wba' .h. ,hOJJId a.k lor and the m",her .. id .he wa nted "'h, brad of Joho the b;ptizer." The ,'. me up t>edependeo, Jew;sh "",ion ,h., did no< . dh,« to .h. tr.dit;OTt,1 Judaism o..".red on the Tnnple in Jom",'em, They cl.i med d
ROC' g.. h,red in .. n.arby .ill.g. in prep ...,;"'n for 'he journ.y up .he mouDtoin. j=phu.... y•• h.. many 01 ,hOp< hun, down '0'1)' . . . . ped k .. Je,.. of ,be .,o...d. j=pnu", I, ngu>"., i,. li"l. fuuy, bu. 'he Con.ext ,ugg.8.6 , lbc" at< >om. i"I'''11 -.Ie in .1nt;quiti.., A•• pn:lude 10 'he >fory 01 ,b. Esyp"an, Jooc:phu. nOles {in bo .nd "IY" from God. J"«phu. pi .... ,h,,,, a nd.hu,.. p"u. oki"8 rcvolu,Kill and .iol.n«. a nd mdi· ,hdc: ..son«l" imposl< prophet, anJ puni< ''''"0 "orin is ,0 """P' ,h., ,h. Egyp'ian had" ."boolan'i..! following "nd ,n., h. h.orl p",,·iou.Jy m.d. kno..n hi. plan' 10 bring down ,II< w.lI. of jeru..l.." ,n.ough (;00', in"",.n,ioo. He proNNy lI.ougt" SOIn. wi,b hin' 10 1•• u",!em. po,. hops a fe w hundred follow ...... a nd la'lir crowd outsiJr of 1pl, ..d Joseph., ;oJ .... ,.. In" ,hey Qn ly drew. I.... /uUow • ..., . 1=[ e:tdu,i.. ly from ,he we.l,hi., d ......" In ~h.PI ... 8, we w,lI look., 0\';. drn.:c th" the g"'pd " u,hun ""vned up til< cmb.rra"ing fa !Ulan"' nO! to do 'hi> .gain, 10< """ooed him i."", 01lKe oft..,. only three mon th. 01 ",[Vice. 111i. ;""iden' fuld. 0 number of in« resting ing.rtot in thi. oppooition g'oup.) F.Ii. seeon •• o hi.,. ignottd ,he ,i,u"ion, ,n, the .hitf pd " """" who w,>< VCf'/ wick,d. woo,."otd ,iltmllm«. who . lmoo. < .«u.. ti"". in Rom •. A. A«< mak.. ,10." the putpo« of ~ing i ••o /orr< .h. aal I>< Iud .I,udy ptd""tn " . .. «1 from how ,hi. ",he, Jloop 0/ , Ina:
o'Sue< fw
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" . T" 10. fMo,lot .. " .... _ _ ..... . .. oprira. "'"' o-fOLO 01 dot - . . . . . ...~ lot • ....,. tWO , ....... I '.. _ - . .
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"~I i»'~~J r;n~ ,!",,!dOJd • or." u'fOr ."'!""" "'II ">I"f J/o r>ll!~ """!I"Y pol>H ·"1'1"9 JO q"""'" "",u!odd •. u-,w0ll "'II ""'PP"! ~unuJ 'Uj ·,uo!'"" UtwOli ,q' ~'!'" P"lo,uI."" Aut ul "'I' '.~' j(' .,",...,"ow ..,ql lSu,"'" I'O!P< ,~.. o''''''''''lI 'q, I"~'" ".'" AU' ui .....,f "'I' nq' OU "! "'~I ~,"jiy 'Iu, ,,,,,,,, \Iu!, ,"'U! _,' "'4' II' "I ·~I!,,>q,". u''''''lI Aq """,,,ddn. "I"''! -0>' ,.._ "u:>W>AO'" >ooq ... put ..,.I..I'PI .... "'I' '''"I """"'II"J 1"""1 oq." )[.,~dOJd p""IMIn "qlO Ol ~':1'" "'"'" ""I' '"'!IU;U 0' ..... =>u ~ 'I'J 'I'!":I!0 u,,,,oll U>A' 'Iq< U!II..IOq" PUt dol >II'''''''' '" ",'" 'ul"" ',"'1!d .podt"', 'uo 'p.>'= pu, p.>In>II'''''' '1,u>tII 0, ,,>old. "'IHI po, .ulXlqln' u""oll J" >p1"n., p,,.,,,,,, oq ... ji"''''''lIo, oj"l • 'Il!-" (uo!id.!lt;i "'I' pu, "'pm«.L '",,!,""OS >II' JO
",/WI ""'.
.,,olso~ >ql JU "!1!4IP"" "'I' roj ""011 ' 01 u., >II ..., ,"'J(",!~ "oj""... "'I' jjU!~"U ~Il" I"",>;)UOO .!11,ow).ld SI IIN\"'~ l",n;>;In " "IM ,.~, ""1' ""'.. >, ..", ',o" ,"~"'1 l' u,w", ''In,!l..Iod 0'~ ',,!id'll >. '!'I.I. .pu).l>d '001' U! P'''''!'"''''''! .. 'W" >< Jewi,h . uthoritid for to., illegal pr=lings. In .ddition, if ou,hotiU'd to.....n,
the s"nh.Jrin cou ld H", , ck .. h p ">cful gu,de., to hm. ",her Ron,.. ron< .«ion, of'l>< high p"< popul ... ..,d no Jo:lim.. d h)' J< Gospols. M,or New T",,~men, hi,tor"'" =ogni,,, ,hi, iden«, ,f " .... severely undo"";,,..
",",",1 ..
biblic.1 d . im, , 00", wh.t happeIdic.... ny ;n.n ."" dty of je followm. Si"". h.,-• • I",.