Women and Gender in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia: A Comprehensive Bibliography Volume I: Southeastern and East Central Europe,Volume II: Russia, the Non-Russian Peoples of the Russian Federation, and the Successor States of the Soviet U

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Women and Gender in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia: A Comprehensive Bibliography Volume I: Southeastern and East Central Europe,Volume II: Russia, the Non-Russian Peoples of the Russian Federation, and the Successor States of the Soviet U

Women & Gender in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia: A Comprehensive Bibliography, Volumes I and II Edito

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Women & Gender in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia: A Comprehensive Bibliography, Volumes I and II

Editors Irina Livezeanu (Volume I) Mary Zirin & Christine D. Worobec (Volume 2) M.E. Sharpe

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Southeastern and East Central Europe



CENTRAL and EASTERN EUROPE, RUSSIA,and EURASIA A Comprehensive Bibliography


Edited by Mary Zirin Irina Livezeanu Christine D. Worobec June Pachuta Farris O the Y Association for Women in Slavic Studies


Southeastern and East Central Europe Volume Editors

Irina Livezeanu with June Pachuta Farris

J W m Em Shave Armonk, New York London, England

Copyright 02007 by The Association for Women in Slavic Studies (AWSS). All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher, M.E. Sharpe, Inc.. 80 Business Park Drive, Armonk, New York 10504.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PublicationData

Women and gender in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia : a comprehensive bibliography / edited by Mary Zirin, Irina Livezeanu, Christine D. Worobec, June Pachuta Farris. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Volume I: Southeastern and East Central Europe edited by Irina Livezeanu with June Pachuta Farris Volume 11: Russia. the Non-Russian Peoples of the Russian Federation, and the Successor States of the Soviet Union edited by Mary Zirin and Christine D. Worobec TSBN 978-0-7656-0737-9 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Women-Europe, Eastern-Bibliography. 2. Women-Europe. Central-Bibliography. 3. Women-Bibliography. I. Zirin, Mary Fleming. Z7964.E85W66 2007 [HQ1590.7] 0 16.305420947-dc22


Printed in the United States of America The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z 39.48-1984.













Preface ........................................................................................................................................................ Introduction to Volume I

Zrina Livezeaizu ...........................................................................................

ix xi

Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................... xv

GENERAL BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................

3 Bibliography and Reference ............................................................................................... 3 Web Sites ............................................................................................................................ 5 Periodicals ........................................................................................................................... 7 Collected Essays and Anthologies ...................................................................................... 9 Individual Books. Articles. and Theses ............................................................................ 29

STATELESS DIASPORA NATIONALITIES Gypsy/Roma Diaspora ............................................................................................................. Bibliography and Reference ............................................................................................. Web Sites .......................................................................................................................... Periodic a1s......................................................................................................................... History and Society ........................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts ...................................................................................................... Autobiography ..................................................................................................................

63 63 63 64 65 73 74

Jewish Diaspora ......................................................................................................................... Bibliography and Reference ............................................................................................. Web Sites .......................................................................................................................... Periodicals ......................................................................................................................... History and Society ........................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts ...................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................

76 76 77 77 78 97 104

SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE Albania....................................................................................................................................... 117 Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ Periodicals ....................................................................................................................... History and Society ......................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................


117 117 118 118 128 132


Bulgaria ..................................................................................................................................... Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ Periodicals ....................................................................................................................... History and Society ......................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................

Greece ........................................................................................................................................ Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ Periodical s ....................................................................................................................... History and Society ......................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................

133 133 134 134 134 153 160 161 161 161 161 162 180 196

Ottoman Turkey ..................................................................................................................... Bibliography and Reference ...........................................................................................

199 199 Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ 200 Periodicals ....................................................................................................................... 200 History and Society ......................................................................................................... 201 Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... 223 Autobiography and Travel .............................................................................................. 234

Romania .................................................................................................................................... Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ Periodicals ....................................................................................................................... History and Society ......................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................

239 239 242 243 247 291 336

Yugoslavia. Its Antecedents and Successors Bosnia-Herzegovina................................................................................................................ 339 Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ Periodicals ....................................................................................................................... History and Society ......................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................ Documentaries, TV Programs, and Videorecordings ......................................................

Croatia ....................................................................................................................................... Bibliography and Reference ...........................................................................................

339 339 339 340 356 357 358

360 360 Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ 361 Periodicals ....................................................................................................................... 361 History and Society ......................................................................................................... 362 Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... 375 Autobiography ................................................................................................................ 380 vi


Macedonia................................................................................................................................. Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ Periodicals ....................................................................................................................... History and Society ......................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................

381 381 381 381 381 384 387

and Montenegro ......................................................................................................... Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... Web Sites ........................................................................................................................

388 388 389 Periodicals ....................................................................................................................... 390 History and Society ......................................................................................................... 391 Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... 414 Autobiography ................................................................................................................ 422

Slovenia ...................................................................................................................................... Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ Periodicals ....................................................................................................................... History and Society ......................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................

423 423 423 423 424 431 432

Yugoslavia ................................................................................................................................ Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ Periodicals ....................................................................................................................... History and Society ......................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................

433 433 433 434 434 453 454

EAST CENTRAL EUROPE German Democratic Republic ............................................................................................. Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ Periodicals ....................................................................................................................... History and Society ......................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................

Habsburg Monarchy .............................................................................................................. Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ Periodicals ....................................................................................................................... History and Society ......................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................ vii

457 457 457 458 458 478 521

522 522 522 523 523 548 575


Hungary ..................................................................................................................................... Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ Periodicals....................................................................................................................... History and Society......................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................

576 576 576 576 578 629 652

Poland ........................................................................................................................................ 654 Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... 654 Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ 655 Periodicals....................................................................................................................... 655 History and Society ......................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................

656 716 761

Czech Lands. Czechoslovakia. and Its Successors Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic ........................................................................... Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ Periodicals....................................................................................................................... History and Society......................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................

765 765 765 766 766 791 827

Slovakia ..................................................................................................................................... Bibliography and Reference ........................................................................................... Web Sites ........................................................................................................................ Periodicals....................................................................................................................... History and Society......................................................................................................... Literature and the Arts .................................................................................................... Autobiography ................................................................................................................

829 829 830 830 831 842 859

INDEXES Name Index ........................................................................................................................................ Subject Index ........................................................................................................................................ About the Volume Editors .........................................................................................................................



863 889 893

PREFACE As the first comprehensive bibliography on women and gender in East Central Europe and Eurasia in this millennium, the present publication is designed as a reference work for scholars and students in several fields: Russian, Soviet, and Post-Soviet studies, European Studies, Slavic Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies. Since the late 1970s the study of women and gender in general has grown by leaps and bounds, and it has infused and reshaped all humanities and social science fields. A similar rethinking of the history, literature, and culture of Russia, the Successor States, and East Central Europe has been predicated upon the application of methodologies that have been associated with women’s studies and gender issues. The bibliography is a tribute to the tremendous efforts of scholars working on these themes in “Slavic Studies” (which, of course for historical reasons, has included many non-Slavic peoples,) as well as a vehicle for spurring new research. The project originated in a running list of books and articles that appeared in the newsletter Women EastWest (WEW). WEW began in December 1986 as a newsletter whose audience consisted of past and present participants in the Women’s Seminar (now called a Discussion Group) organized by Marcelline Hutton in 1982 as part of the Summer Research Laboratory run by the Russian and East European Center (REEC) of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. The group met annually at the REEC Summer Research Laboratory through 2005. In October 1989 the newsletter became a publication of the Association for Women in Slavic Studies (AWSS), an affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS). From the first issue, WEW had a bibliographic section listing books and articles of interest and carrying reviews and notes about them. Irina Corten first broached the idea of including a wider historical range of bibliography by and about women in the Soviet Union and East Central Europe and furnished a first list of eight pages for the third issue (October 1987). The idea was to inform scholars around the world of the work on women’s studies and gender issues having to do with this broad geographical swath and to encourage further research and teaching. Occasionally, Mary Zirin, the editor of WEW from its inception until no. 53 (May 1998), combined the listings from the newsletter into one desktop edition and offered it for sale, with proceeds going to AWSS. By spring 1998, the portion of the bibliography devoted to Russia and the Successor States alone consisted of approximately 4,000 titles (which made the possibility of transferring all entries into a bibliographic database for this publication impracticable). By contrast, the section on Eastern and Central Europe was more modest, comprising about twenty percent of the entire list. This spurred Trina Livezeanu, who began a three-year term as the chair of the AWSS Research Committee in 1996, to attempt to gather what we presumed to be a small amount of literature concerned with women and gender in that part of Europe and make it available to the scholarly community. Taking over Mary Zirin’s list devoted to the countries located west of the former Soviet Union, she undertook to expand it, with the help of a shifting team of assistants and with generous contributions from colleagues on two continents. Attempting to put the East Central European bibliography on the web proved to be beyond the ken of the AWSS Research Committee. But a bound and printed bibliography did not. In that case, a two-volume work including one on the older, much better developed and larger literature on Russia, the Soviet Union, and its successor states made most sense. It was Patricia Kolb’s idea, our invaluable editor, to make this work a two-volume set, thus also offering to publish the second tome, which Mary Zirin and Christine Worobec compiled. In addition to incorporating June Pachuta Farris’s regular bibliographic contributions to WEW since 1999, the editors and, in the case of East Central Europe, graduate research assistants and faculty colleagues in many ix


countries, scoured bibliographies, reference works, and web sites to produce the present publication. While the composite of bibliographic entries on Russia represents a field that has grown remarkably in depth and sophistication since the early 198Os, the entries on the Successor States and East Central Europe represent generally later, and therefore more modest developments in scholarship. We have, however, incorporated titles in languages beyond English, and in some cases the resulting list goes far beyond our initial expectations in both quantity and quality. Both volumes are designed to inspire new research and teaching focused on women and gender in comparative perspective. Many of the individual titles are translated into English or annotated to include brief descriptions of major works as well as the table of contents of most collections and anthologies. Given the accessibility and importance of unpublished graduate work, M.A. and Ph.D. theses are also part of the bibliographic record in volume one. Due to space considerations, only Ph.D. dissertations are included in volume two. We have marked the electronic revolution that exploded while we were at work on this project by including citations to web sites and online resources. In addition to making scholarship on women and gender issues accessible, and in keeping with Mary Zirin’s original design, the bibliography emphasizes the lives and creative endeavors of individual women. It is accordingly organized by personages as well as themes. Cross-referencing of entries as well as citations to other reference works are meant to facilitate users’ research endeavors. Although this is a bibliographic project, we are keenly aware of the effect of academic categories on research and scholarship. We have no underlying political agenda. The chapters into which we organized these two volumes in no way represent support or sympathy for any previous, present or future political arrangement. Nor, for that matter, does the fact that several places situated to the west of Russia but that have been in the past, and are now again, independent states, are here included in volume 2, symbolize any political preference or nostalgia. In this respect we were guided by the need for consistency and by historical considerations, namely the fact that modernity and modern notions of femininity and masculinity in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, and Central Asia, began under Russian andor Soviet cultural hegemony. We envisage the two volumes being used together much of the time.


INTRODUCTION TO VOLUME I The volume of the bibliography devoted to Central and Eastern Europe is very much a collective effort-intentionally and unavoidably. No one or two people could conceivably master the literature on all the different peoples, states, societies, histories, and cultures that are included here. The expressions “crazy quilt,” “exquisite corpse,” and “stone soup” could all describe this communal project, were it not for the inherent dryness of the academic bibliography genre. Compiling this volume has involved a major networking effort, and I have been most grateful to live in an age when communication comes easily and quickly via e-mail. I have written humbly to people that I had never met before, nor to this day, who live in Albania, the Czech Republic, or Turkey-among other places-asking them to lend their expertise to the project. Now that all the pieces are assembled, everyone’s efforts will be rewarded with access to those parts of the bibliography that came from elsewhere. Instead of one or two patches, everyone will have the whole crazy quilt. More than the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, the many and generally small countries of this heterogeneous and complex region have had distinct political and cultural trajectories during the period in which these literatures and historiographies evolved. But shifting configurations of nations have also shared one another’s destiny under the dominion of the area’s expansive empires: the Ottomans, the Habsburgs, the Romanovs, and, in the last part of the twentieth century, the Soviets. To varying degrees, these ruling powers attempted to impose on their domains homogeneous forms and institutions that blurred or modified earlier singularities. The literature on women and gender in this region reflects this historical complexity and the grand imperial projects that prevailed for significant time periods. Framing this bibliography is the most expansive notion of what used to be called “Eastern Europe,” and what has understandably become in the last two decades a hotly contested set of concepts. We have ignored neither empires, nor minorities; neither once independent states, nor newly established ones; neither long-durke continuities nor short-lived Cold War realities. In being as inclusive as possible, we hoped to embrace the fullness of moments and circumstances that have molded the lives of women and shaped gender configurations. What is included here may exceed-but never, we hope, fall short of-researchers’ expectations. The volume comprises the two main diaspora nationalities of the region: the Roma (or Gypsies) and the Jews; the Southeastern (or Balkan) area in which we have included Greece although it did not experience the Soviet era in the same way as its neighbors; the East-Central European area, including the ephemeral German Democratic Republic; Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and their precursors and successors; as well as the two ancien rkgime empires of the Ottomans and Habsburgs. These dominated and in crucial ways shaped the region from the Middle Ages until 1918 while allowing a variety of languages, cultures, and religions to survive and develop. We have omitted from this volume the Russian and Soviet imperia in spite of their undeniable influence, only because they are the subject of the companion volume of this bibliography. It seemed to us that only such a generous design could do justice to the women and men of Eastern and Central Europe connected as they have been to an array of political forces and cultural influences. The Ottoman Empire chapter was composed by Nicole van OS on short notice in 2001-2002. She introduced me to the problem of Ottoman dates and names. The Ottoman dates for titles published in Turkey prior to 1926-when the Gregorian calendar was introduced-are followed by the Gregorian translations in brackets. Since the Ottoman calendar was lunar, these equivalent dates are approximate. Ottoman names also presented a problem from the point of view of modern Western usage. Honorific titles or bynames were abolished in 1926 and the population of the Turkish Republic began adopting “last” names. But prior xi

Introduction to Volume I

to that time many authors had two names, neither of them a surname; often one represented a title such as Bey, Pasha, Efendi, or Hanim (lady). Ottoman names are listed in the name index according to the way they appear in the catalogues of the University of Chicago and/or Bilkent University. Initially we intended to limit this volume to works that appeared before the end of the last millennium, but since the project extended itself-as bibliographies are wont to do-into 2006, we have, with June Pachuta Farris’s substantial efforts, included more recent scholarly contributions as well. Fuller bibliographic materials on women and gender for the years 2000-2006 may be found in the AWSS publication, WomeFz East- West (WEW)and the on-line bibliographies listed here. Given that we started out with a fairly small number of entries for Eastern and Central Europe gathered by Mary Zirin, we decided to include all the relevant titles we found on women and gender without setting chronological or page limits. Most chapters follow the same scheme, but a couple of them have been modified to reflect the variation in source types. The Ottoman chapter includes a section entitled “Autobiography & Travel” to encompass the large number of travel accounts-written by women-to this “exotic” European destination in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The Bosnia chapter, composed while that country was much in the news for political rapes, includes a section entitled “Documentaries, TV Programs, and Video Recordings.” Most of the titles listed in this volume would be considered secondary sources, but occasionally archival sources do appear. Many published titles are primary sources as well-for example, the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women’s propaganda materials listed under Magyar Nok Demokratikus Szovetskge [MNDSz]. The growth of this volume to its present size came as both a pleasant and, at times, a trying surprise. In many of the country chapters the entries written by turn-of-the-century feminists form a substantial component. Little known during the communist era, their history remained in the shadows during the 1990s when studies of the transition period focused mainly on women’s economic losses and on the failure of Westernstyle third-wave feminism. Our work on this volume made us keenly aware of the fascinating comparative directions to which the bibliography points. Some existing literature, especially for the post- 1990 period and on some anthropological topics, richly reflects this. But more waits to be written. To this end, given the array and diversity of sources, we made sure that the great majority of entries that are not published in English have been either translated into or annotated in English, the current academic lingua franca, and a language that can mediate among the expertise and research expressed in other languages. As much as possible, and with the help of many scholars, we have listed not only English-language literature, but also items written in the languages of the region; the imperial and culturally hegemonic languages: German, Turkish, Russian, etc.; and languages representing various research traditions, such as the French, Italian, and others. Our intention has been to bring literatures and authors from far flung locations into contact with one another. We are painfully aware of the likelihood that we have missed important titles. We beg forgiveness in advance for any omissions, and hope to include them in future editions. In most cases, for languages that do not use the Latin alphabet, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Greek, Serbian, Turkish, etc., the Library of Congress (LC) transliteration scheme was used, because it is the standard for most electronic library catalogs and international data bases such as WorldCat. For languages that use the Latin alphabet, we have inserted the various diacritic marks unless these were omitted in citations. Because of the variety of languages and alphabets being cited, we know that in spite of our efforts to be as accurate and consistent as possible, and in spite of many levels of proofreading, there will be mistakes and inconsistencies in our citations. For this we apologize and hope to make corrections in any future editions. The volume is divided into four major parts: the first part, General Background, where works of general import and of comparative scope (addressing three or more countries) are listed; second, Diaspora Nationalities, where works dealing with the Roma and the Jewish experience appear; third, Southeastern Europe; and fourth, East Central Europe, Within these, chapters follow in alphabetical order with the exception of Yugoslavia and its successors-Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia, and Yugoslavia-which are grouped together in alphabetical order at the end of the third part; and Czechoslovakia and its successors-the Czech Republic and Slovakia-which form a subsection at the end of the fourth part. xii

Introduction to Volume I

* * * An enormous number of people and several institutions have made this bibliography possible. Since 1997 I have received a generous series of small grants from several units at the University of Pittsburgh: the Richard and Mary Edwards Endowment Fund, the University Center for International Studies, the Russian and East European Studies Center, the History Department, and the Women’s Studies Center all helped to fund research and editorial work as well as small, unfortunately only symbolic honoraria for contributing scholars. The Ohio State University (OSU) Slavic Department sponsored Tanya Ivanova-Sullivan who assembled the name index under Angela Britlinger’s supervision. Daniel Collins, Chair of the Slavic Department at OSU, generously funded the work on the index. The AWSS provided grants on two occasions along with much moral support throughout. Elissa Helms, Margaret Bozenna Goscilo, Lauri Apple, and Benjamin Sutcliffe assisted in gathering data for many chapters of the bibliography at the beginning of the project. Philip Butler, Gabika Bockaj, Natalie Zitter, and Roland and Laura Clark helped with manuscript preparation and final proofreading. We owe thanks to several librarians: Karen Rosneck helped us identify many electronic resources, while Laurie Cohen assisted with difficult issues throughout the volume. The staff of the European Room at the Library of Congress, in particular Harold Leich and Grant Harris, assisted with some of the more obscure titles included here, as did the librarians at the University of Illinois Slavic Reference Service. The Collegium Budapest librarians tracked down many references in the Hungarian chapter as well. Pinar Emiralioglu checked over the Ottoman chapter for problems with dates and names. Celia Hawksworth and Jelena Batinic made significant contributions to the Yugoslav subsection. Sean Martin contributed more than anyone to the Jewish Diaspora chapter, which also benefited from the attention of Marjorie Bingham, Dvora Weissberg, and Alex Molot. Vera Sokolova and Kimberly Strozewski contributed to the Roma Diaspora chapter; Celia Donert to the Albania chapter. Halina Filipowicz and Keely Stauter-Halstead helped develop the Poland chapter; Eva Bicskey made a large contribution to the Hungary chapter, along with Martha Lampland, Eva Fodor, and Veronica Szabo. Stefania Mihiiilescu, Maria Luiza Vasilescu, Simona Maria Popa, Maria Bucur, and Constantin Iordachi added to the Romania chapter. Maria Szilagyi helped with both Hungary and Romania chapters. Anastasia Karakasidou assisted with both the Greece and Macedonia chapters, and Karen Van Dyck and Tassoula Vervenioti with the Greece chapter; Mary Neuburger, Miglena Nikolchina, and Petre Petrov with the Bulgaria chapter. Gabi Jaehnert, Stephen Israel, Sabine Hake, Gabrielle Gottlieb helped with the GDR chapter, and Maureen Tighe-Brown with the Austria and Jewish chapters. Nancy Wingfield, Elena Sokol, Vera Sokolova, Katherine David-Fox, Kathleen Hayes, Jitka Maleckova, Eva Riecanska, Iva Popovicova, Martin Votruba, Alena Heitlinger, Veronika Ambros, Barbel Butterweck, Dasa Francrkova, Eva Vesinova-Kalivodova,Bronislava Volkova, Claire Nolte, Helena Goscilo, Sharon Wolchik, Eva Segert-Tauger, Rebecca White, Christine Metil, Katarina Vancova, Lada Wichterlova, and Louis Hammer helped with the Czechoslovak chapters, Peter Rosenbaum corrected earlier versions of the GDR and Austria chapters. The University of Chicago Library staff contributed much time and effort to proofreading. Although I acted longest as the coordinator of the project and as a clearing house for the efforts and contributions of colleagues from Europe and North America, as of 2002, I relied a great deal on June Pachuta Farris’s professional bibliographer’s input. She checked many entries, and made substantial revisions and corrections to all chapters in this volume of the bibliography. Mary Zirin’s initial 900 entries laid the foundation for the volume, which has grown to 14,687 entries. Irina Livezeanu



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Albania alternate Bulgarian Communist Party Bosnia Bulgaria California Central European University Croatia Colorado Connecticut Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic Deutscher Akndemischer Attstauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service) District of Columbia, USA Dissertation Editura; editor; edited by Editors East European Politics and Societies Eiitvos Lo rcind Univez-sity (Budapest) Editura pentru arta' Editu ra pent ru 1ite raturG European Union French; France Federal Republic of Yugoslavia German Democratic Republic General Background Greece GypsiedRoma Diaspora Habsburg Monarchy Hungary Illinois izdavatki zavod Izdatelstvo Jewish Diaspora Communist Party of Germany Massachusetts Master of Arts degree Macedonia Maryland Minis t&re Magyar N6k Orszcigos Tandcsa Magyar Szocialista Munkaspdrt xv





North Carolina non-governmental organization New Jersey National Women's Studies Association New York Ohio Ottoman Turkey Pennsylvania Pu rtidul Comunist Ronz Bn Doctor of Philosophy Poland Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa pseudonym Romania Repiiblica Populurci Romiina' Repuhlica Socialist&a RomBniei Social Democratic Socialist Unity Party (German Democratic Republic) Serbia and Montenegro Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Slovak i a Slovenia Saint Petersburg Saint Summary Tipografia Translated University of California at Los Angeles United Kingdom United Nations University United States (of America) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics volume Vermont wieku World War One World War Two Yugoslavia




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GENERAL BACKGROUND Some items are also listed under the country sections to which they refer.

Bibliography and Reference GENl GEN2








Aleksander, Karin. “Bekanntes erkennen: Informationen zu Frauenforschung Ost.” Die Philosophin 6, no. 11 (1995): 74-93. About women’s studies in the East. Avram, Arina. Femei celebre: Micfi enciclopedie (0sutfi de femei pentru eternitate). Bucharest: Alfa, 2001. Small encylcopedia of 100 famous women (not all Romanian) listed by time period. In Romanian. “Bibliography: Translations into English of Works by Central European Women Writers and Secondary Material.” In A History of Central European Women’s Writing, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 312-6. New York: Palgrave, in association with the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London, 2001. “Current Bibliography.” Women East- West: Newsletter of the Association for Women in Slavic Studies. 1987-. 1987-2002, published 5 times per year; from 2003, published quarterly. Compiled 1987-1998 by Mary Zirin; from 1999, by June Pachuta Farris. Each issue’s bibliography includes articles, books, dissertations, new serial titles, web sites and other material pertaining to women and gender in all of the countries of Eastern and Central Europe, Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Dilssner, Heike. Bibliographie zu Gender und internationale Politik mit dem Schwerpunkt auf post-kommunistischen Transformationsgesellschaften und dem Wandel der Geschlechterverhaltnisse. Berlin: Zentraleinrichtung zur Fordenrung von Frauenstudien und Frauenforschung an der Freien Universitat Berlin, 1997. Includes material on Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Romanian, Russia, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Slovakia and Hungary. Echols, Anne and Marty Williams, eds. An Annotated Index of Medieval Women. Princeton: Markus Weiner Publishers, 1999. Lists over 1500 women who lived between 800-1500, with details and brief bibliographies. Eldridge Miller, Jane, ed. Who ’s Who of Contemporary Women’s Writing. New York: Routledge, 200 1. Farris, June Pachuta, comp. Women and the Family in Russia and the Post-Soviet States and the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe: A Checklist of Recently Acquired Titles in the University of Chicago Library. Compiled semi-annually. Current and back lists available at http://www .lib .uchicago .edu/e/su/slavic/inside. html Feischmidt, Margit. Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography. Local Government and h b l i c Service Reform Initiative. Budapest: Open Society Institute, 2001. Contains a section on “gender aspects of ethnic relations.” Finder, Jennifer. “Women Travellers in the Balkans: A Bibliographical Guide.” In Black Lambs and Grey Falcon: Women Travellers in the Balkans, edited by John B. Allcock, and Antonia Young. 192-20 1. Bradford: Bradford Univ. Press, 1991.

General Background GEN11











Frucht, Richard. Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe: From the Congress for Vienna to the Fall of Communism, New York: Garland, 2000. Includes sections on women in most East European countries. Gender Studies & Women’s Studies Directory: Resources in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and Mongolia. Budapest: Open Society Institute, 1999. Guide to gender and women’s studies programs in the countries in the sphere of the Soros Foundation. Holzner, Brigitte. M., with contributions by Thanh-dam Truong & Andras Krahl. Gender and Social Security in Central and Eastern Europe and the Countries of the Former Soviet Union: A Resource Guide. The Hague: Institute of Social StudiesAIinistry of Foreign Affairs, 1997. Order free from NEDA, email: dsi-vr @dsi.minbuza.nl. , Paulien van Vredendaal, and Joke F. Webbink. Family Farms, Gender and Agrarian Change in Eastern Europe: An Annotated Bibliography. Delft: Eburon, 1995. Kartusch, Angelika. Reference Guidefor Anti-Traficking Legislative Review With Particular Emphasis on South Eastern Europe. Vienna: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights; Warsaw: Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, 2001. Lynn, Naomi B., Ann B. Matasar and Marie B. Rosenberg-Dishman. Research Guide in Women’s Studies. Morristown, NJ, General Learning Press, 1974. Includes bibliographies. McCracken, Penny. Women Artists and Designers in Europe since 1800: An Annotated Bibliography. New York: G. K. Hall Library Reference, 1997. Includes brief biographical information on women artists and designers from across Europe. Molyneux, Maxine. “Gendered Transitions in Eastern Europe. Review Essay.” Feminist Studies 21, no. 3 (1995): 637-45. Pynsent, Robert B., and S. I. Kanikova, eds. The Everyman Companion to East European Literature, London: J. M. Dent, 1993. Reference handbook covering the major writers from Central and Eastern Europe. Rolston, Bill and Anna Eggert, eds. Abortion in the New Europe: A Comparative Handbook. Westport CT: Greenwood, 1994. Roth, Klaus, and Gabriele Wolf, eds. and compilers. South Slavic Folk Culture: A Bibliography of Literature in English, German, and French on Bosnian-Hercegovinian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Montenegrin and Serbian Folk Culture. With the cooperation of Tomislav Helebrant. Columbus: Slavica, 1994. Ruffin, M. Holt, Joan McCarter, and Richard Upjohn. The Post-Soviet Handbook: A Guide to Grassroots Organizations and Internet Resources in the Newly Independent States. Seattle: Center for Civil Society International, in association with Univ. of Washington Press, 1996. Describes 330 of the best Web sites and e-mail lists, related to the NIS. Entries are grouped by subject or geographic area. http://www.friends-partners.org/-ccsi/books/resource.html. Scheffler, Judith A. “Annotated Bibliography.” In Wall Tappings: An Anthology of Writings by Women Prisoners. Boston: Northeastern Univ. Press, 1986: 3 14-63. Includes works translated into English from Russia, the Soviet Union, and Central and Eastern Europe. Schindler, Christine, comp. Der Forschungsstand zum Thema “Klasse und Geschlecht ’’ in Zentral- und Osteuropa: Projektbericht. Vienna: Internationale Tagung der Historikerinnen und Historiker der Arbeiterinnen- und Arbeiterbewegung, 1993. Segel, Harold B. The Columbia Guide to the Literatures of Eastern Europe Since 1945: Albania (and Kosovo), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia (and Montenegro), Slovakia, Slovenia. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2003. Wilson, Katharina M. An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers. New York: Garland, 1991. , Paul Schlueter, and June Schlueter, eds. Women Writers of Great Britain and Europe: an Encyclopedia. New York: Garland, 1997.


General Background GEN28 GEN29 GEN30 GEN31

Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia. Anne Commire, editor; Deborah Klezmer, associate editor. Waterford, CT: Yorkin Fkblications, 1999. 17 vols. Women’s Studies Encyclopedia. 3 vols. Edited by Helen Tierney. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999; 1990. The 1999 edition is revised and expanded. University of York Library. Bibliographies on Women’s Studies or Feminism. http://www .york.ac .uk/services/library/subjects/women/bibliographies/menu. htm Zirin, Mary. “Women, Gender and Family in the Soviet Union and CentraVEast Europe: A Preliminary Bibliography.” In Writing Women’s History: International Perspectives, edited by Karen Offen, Ruth Roach Pierson and Jane Rendall, 457-5 16. Bloomington, IN: Indiana Univ. Press for the International Federation for Research in Women’s History, 1991.

Web Sites GEN32







Association for Women in Slavic Studies (AWSS). http://www.awsshome.org/. The Association of Women in Slavic Studies is a networking resource for people concerned with the problems, status, and achievements of women in the profession. It also attempts to cover research and teaching in women’s studies and questions of gender and family life in Centramastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. The organization is affiliated with AAASS (The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies). Membership benefits include a subscription to the bi-monthly AWSS newsletter, Women East- West. AVIVA. http://www.aviva.org/. A free ‘Webzine,’ being run by an International group of Feminists based in London. We are providing a free listings service for women everywhere, funded by advertising, and sponsorship. AVIVA is an International Women’s Listing Magazine which enables women all over the world to make contact with each other. AVIVA needs the input of groups and individuals around the world to provide information for free listings. AVIVA offers to act as Website ‘host’ to Women’s Groups and Services globally. It includes bibliographic resources. Bibliography of the History of Western Sexuality, 1700-1945. http://www.univie.ac .at/Wirtschaftsgeschichte/sexbibl/about.html. A searchable data base constructed by Franz X. Eder of the Department of Economic and Social History at the Univ. of Vienna. It contains about 16.600 titles of the non-belletristic primary and secondary literature of the history of sexuality in Europe, the U.S. and Canada from 1700 to 1945. Beyond this it contains important titles of antique sexual history, of the history of sexuality of the middle ages and contemporary times, also including titles for non-Western societies. It specifically covers Austria, the Czech lands, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Poland, and Turkey. A Celebration of Women Writers. http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/#BSection A searchable data base of women writers, also listed by country. Central Europe Review. http://www.ce-review.org. An award-winning weekly of Central and East European politics, society and culture. They have e-publications, book reviews, as well as articles. East European Gay Culture, http://www .middlebury.edu/-moss/EEGC. html Includes an East European Gay Bibliography: http://www.middlebury .edu/-moss/Eebiblio.html The Equality Project Webring in The Netherlands. http://www.euronet.nV-fullmoon/womlist/womlist.html. This links to web pages dealing with women’s organizations in various countries in Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and other regions. The site is maintained by Denise Osted. Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index http://www .haverford.edu/library/reference/mschaus/~~whatis.html. Started in 1996, this bibliography covers journal articles, book reviews, and essays in books about women,


General Background









GEN5 1


sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages, and includes citations to women in Eastern and Central Europe and Russia. Feminism in Europe. http://www.cddc.vt.edu/feminism/eur.html. This web site has links to most European countries, some basic bibliographies, and names of major contemporary feminists and publications. Developed by Genderstats: A Database of Gender Statistics. http://genderstats.worldbank.org. the Gender and Development Group (PREM Gender) and the Development Data Group in the Development Economics Vice-presidency of the World Bank. Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women. http://www.inet.co.th/org/gaatw. Guides to Women’s Studies Resources. http://odyssey .lib.duke.edu/women/bib.html Available from the Women’s Studies Archivist and Bibliographer, Special Collections Library, Duke Univ. Human Rights Watch. http://www.hrw.org. HRW has a number of relevant reports and resources on line, such as http://www.hrw.org/hrw/worldreport99/women/index.html. International Women’s Web Sites. http://wwwunix .umbc.edu/-korenman/w mst/l inks-intl .html. Karat Coalition. Regional coalition of organizations and individuals that works to ensure gender equality in the CEE/CIS countries, monitors the implementation of international agreements and lobbies for the needs and concerns of women in the region at all levels of decision-making fora. http://www.karat.org. Network of East-West Women (N.E.W.W.). http://www.neww.org. The mission of N E W is “to empower women and girls throughout the East (Central and Eastern Europe, and NIS and the Russian Federation) and the West by dialogue, networking, campaigns, and educational and informational exchanges.’?There are also individual country pages. University of Pittsburgh? Women’s Studies Resources http://www.library .pitt.edu/subject s/social/women s/. Prepared and maintained by Women’ s Studies bibliographer Laurie Cohen. US Department of State. http://secretary .state.gov/www/picw/trafficking/index. html http://www.usinfo.stte.gov/topical/globa~traffic.Sites related to the problem of traffickmg of women from NIS and CEE. Third space-e-journal. http://www.thirdspace.ca. This Canadian feminist web “peer-reviewed journal and community for emerging feminist scholars” began in July 2001. It publishes articles, reviews and a rubric of “new books in print. “Our mandate is to raise the profile of feminist scholars and scholarship; offer emerging feminist scholars more opportunities for professional development; share information related to the politics of graduate school and careers in academia; and contribute to building a more collegial-and we think more productive-academic community.” Transitions Online. (TOL). http://www.tol.cz. The leading internet magazine covering Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the former Soviet Union. TOL is a Czech nonprofit dedicated to promoting independent journalism, TOL is based in Prague and uses a network of local correspondents to provide unique, cross-regional analysis. TOL’ s web site includes an extensive collection of online resources on Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the former Soviet Union. TOL archives contain back issues of current publications, as well as publications by the Open Media Research Institute (OMRI). Archive and article searches are possible by subject. (A recent search for “women Croatia” brought up 53 documents, for example.) U.N.D.P. R.B.E.C. (United Nations Development Project: Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS). Gender Virtual Library. http://undp.iti.lt/in. Vassar College Women’s Studies Resources. http://iberia.vassar.edu/vcl/electronics/etc/acad/womstud.html. The Women and International Development Program (WID)


General Background http://www.isp.msu.edu/wid/wwwresources/. Located at Michigan State Univ., WID is a nonprofit organization for the promotion of teaching and research on issues of women and the development process. Among their activities and programs is the maintenance of an active publications program that includes Working Papers and the WID Bulletin which features articles, resources and book reviews. This Internet Resource Guide includes sites from the World Wide Web (WWW) which pertain to the field of WID. These sites were accessed through an extensive search and from suggestions by individuals in the field. The sites have been categorized by region and/or topic and include a wide variety of resources. The name of the organization is included as well as a description of its goals, followed by the WWW address. This guide is divided into two parts: International Organizations, North American and European Resources; and Area Specific Resources. The Area Specific Resources section is further divided into five specific areas: Africa, AsiaPacific, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Middle East. For information on other resources available from MSU/WID, contact the Women and International Development Program, Michigan State University, 202 Center for International Programs, East Lansing, MI 48824-1035; telephone (5 17) 353-5040; fax (5 17) 432-4845; e-mail: [email protected]. Women in Development Europe (WIDE) http ://www .i sp.msu .edu/wid/wwwre sources/wwweeurope.ht ml . Part of the WIDE Michigan State Univ. web site, WIDE works to influence European and International policies and to raise awareness on gender and development issues among important sectors of opinion in Europe, with the objective of empowering women worldwide. http://www.eurosur.org/wide/ includes presentation of WIDE programmes, newsletters, bulletins, position papers and reports. Women in Late Antiquity: A Bibliography http://www.unipissing.ca/department/history/orb/arjava.htm. Compiled by Antti Arjava, Univ. of Helsinki. A large un-annotated bibliography, with a small number of citations related to women in Eastern Europe. Women’s /Gender Studies Association of Countries in Transition http://www.wgsact.net/. The site has a newsletter with upcoming worldwide conferences, fellowships, etc., an electronic library, ongoing discussions, and a good set of links. Women’s International Net Magazine, (WIN) ht tp ://www.winmagazine .org/issueshs sue 14/win14e.htm. An electronic monthly devoted to “furthering knowledge of women’s issues worldwide; bringing together women from all over the world for dialogue and greater mutual understanding; and tapping new sources of talent in writing and enabling women from different countries to express their views and situations. Its archives are searchable by country, and contain articles on Eastern Europe. To subscribe at no cost via email, write: [email protected]. Women’s Resources hternational. http://biblioline.nisc.com/. A searchable database consisting of several sub-databases. It lists, books, articles, book reviews, etc. Women’s Studies Euromap. http://www.uia.ac.be/women/. This site offers detailed information about Women’s Studies and Equal Opportunities, and we guide you through the interesting Women’s Studies sites on the Internet.. . Offers links to addresses, calls and announcements, information about European Women’s Studies and ResearchProgrammes. Women-writers.com. http://www.womenbooks.com/wwriters/bibliographies.html.







Periodicals GEN62

Aspasia: International Yearbook for Women’s and Gender History of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe. 2006-. Edited by Francisca de Haan (Central European University, Budapest), Maria Bucur (Indiana University) and Krassimira Daskalova (St. Kliment


General Background



GEN66 GEN67 GEN68 GEN69 GEN70 GEN7 1 GEN72 GEN73 GEN74 GEN75


Ohridski University of Sofia). Refereed international yearbook published by Berghahn Books, New York & Oxford. First issue devoted to the theme of Women’s Movements and Feminisms in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe. Canadian Woman StudiesILes cahiers de la femme. 1982- (Downsview, Ontario). Quarterly. The European Journal of Women’s Studies (EJWS) 1994- (Thousand Oaks, California) http ://www.sagepub.CO&/frame. html?http%3A//www.sagepub.CO .uk/journals/detail s/j0 164. html. A “major international forum for original scholarship at the cutting edge of research in Women’s Studies. The journal’s main focus is the complex theoretical and empirical relationship between women and the particular, and diverse, context of Europe. As well as publishing articles, the journal includes overviews on the state of Women’s Studies in different European countries, short topical and polemical pieces, reviews and conference reports.” Special Issues and Features include Lesbian Studies, Lesbian Lives, Lesbian Voices (200 l), Women in Transit: Between Tradition and Transformation (2000), Simone de Beauvoir (1999), The Idea of Europe (19981, Women, War and Conflict (1997), The Body (1996), Gender and Technology (1995), The Family (1994). Published with the support of WISE (The European Women’s Studies Association). The initiative for this journal belongs to the Dutch Women’s Studies Association, financially supported by the Dutch Ministry of Education and Science, The Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs (DCE) and the European Commission (DG5). Feminist Collections: a Quarterly of Women’s Studies Resources. Published by Phyllis Holman Weisbard, The Univ. of Wisconsin Women’s Studies Librarian. The journal contains news of the latest print and audiovisual resources for research and teaching in women’s studies. There are guides to new bibliographies and reference works, film and video critiques, computer updates, and news of out-of-the-way materialspamphlets, reports, rare book dealers’ catalogs, microforms, and more. Thoughtful articles by experts explore women’s publishing, Internet resources, library organization, archives, and other tools for feminist scholarship. New periodicals and special issues of journals in other disciplines are announced in each issue. Fair Play Magazine. 1997-. The Gender & Development Magazine of KARAT Coalition. Quarterly Regional Magazine on Gender and Development. Published by the Women’s Alliance for Development, Sofia. Focus on women in the labor market and as entrepreneurs. The Feminist Review. 1979- (London). Three issues per year. Since 1998 electronic coverage. Feministische Studien. 1982- (Weinheim). Semiannual. In German. Feminist Studies. 1972- (College Park, Maryland). http://www.feministstudies.org. Former quarterly journal, appeared irregularly in 1972-73. Since 1974, 3 issues per year. Frauen in der einen Welt: Zeitschrgt fiir interkulturelle Frauenalltagsforschung. 1990(Nurnberg). Appears irregularly. Containing research on women’s everyday life. History of the Family: An International Quarterly. 1996- (Greenwich, CT) http://www.iastate.edu/-quarterly. Edited by Tamara K. Hareven and Andrejs Plakans joined by an Editorial Board of distinguished scholars in the field. International Feminist Journal of Politics. 1999- (London). 3 times yearly. Edited by Jan Jindy Pettman, Kathleen Jones, Gillian Young. Journal of Comparative Family Studies. 1970- (Calgary, Alberta). 3 times yearly. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. 1985- (Chico, CA). Semiannual. Journal of Women & Aging. 1989- (Binghamton, NY). Quarterly. Journal of Women’s History. 1989- (Bloomington, IN). Quarterly. Published by the Women’s Collective, Indiana Univ. Press. The periodical describes itself as a “socialist defence bulletin on Eastern Europe and the USSR.” Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde. 1957- (Haarlem). Weekly. In Dutch. New Directionsfor Women. 1980-1993. (Westwood, NJ). Bimonthly since May/June 1980; previously, quarterly. Alternative feminist journal.


General Background GEN78 GEN79 GEN80 GEN8 1






08Our Backs. 1970- (Washington). Monthly, irregular.

Queer View: The International Bilingual Movie Magazine with a Queer Perspective. http://www.queer-view.com. In German and English. Recherches fkministes. 1988- (Quebec). Semiannual. Signs. 1975- (Chicago). Quarterly edited by Sandra Harding and Kathryn Norberg. “Recognized as the leading international journal in women’s studies. Signs publishes articles from a wide range of disciplines in a variety of voices-articles engaging gender, race, culture, class, sexuality, and / or nation. The focus of essays ranges from cross-disciplinary theorizing and methodologies to specific disciplinary issues, framed to enter conversations of interest across disciplines.” Traflic in Women and Children. 1922-1 940. (Geneva). Summary, prepared by the Secretariat of Annual Reports of the League of Nations. This annual publication was continued by the U.N. 1946-1950. The report gives information (from the countries that submit it) mainly on prostitution and pornography. VENA Journal. 1989- (Leiden). Published by the Women and Autonomy Centre (VENA), Leiden University, Semiannual. Published in English. Women East- West: Newsletter of the Association for Women in Slavic Studies. 1987-. Issue no. 1, 1987 entitled Slavic Women’s Studies Newsletter. Founded and edited by Mary F. Zirin (1987-1998), Rhonda Clark (1999-2003) and Elizabeth Jones Hemenway (2003-). Sponsored by the Association for Women in Slavic Studies (AWSS), an affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS), the newsletter contains news of AWSS and its various committees, news of members’ activities and publications, information on conferences, research projects, announcements of various kinds, as well as articles on a wide variety of topics related to Slavic women’s and gender studies. Each issue also contains a current bibliography. For subscription information, see http://www.awsshome.org/womeneastwest.pdf Women in Action. 1984- (Stamford, CT). Three issues per year. Women & Politics. 1980- (Binghamton, NY). Quarterly, Women of Europe, Dossier. 1996- (Brussels). Quarterly. Information for Women, Directorate-General X, Information, Communication, Culture and Audiovisual Media, [European Commission], Published in English. Available in the official languages of the European Union. Each issue also has a distinctive title. Women of Europe Newsletter. 1989- (Brussels). Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General Information, Communication, Culture. Monthly publication in English. Also published in French under the title Le lettre de femmes d’Europe. Women ’s History Review. 1992- (Wallingford, Oxford). Published quarterly. Women’s Review of Books. 1983- (Wellesley, MA) http://www.wellesley.edu/WomensReview. Monthly. Published at the Wellesley College Center for Research on Women. Women ’s Studies International Forum. 1982- (Oxford; New York). Earlier title: Women’s Studies International Quarterly. (Oxford; New York: 1978-198 1. 4 vols.)

Collected Essays and Anthologies GEN92


Allcock, John B., and Antonia Young, eds. Black Lambs and Grey Falcon: Women Travellers in the Balkans. Bradford: Bradford Univ. Press, 1991; 2nded. New York: Berghahn Books, 2000. Articles about women travelers and a bibliographic essay listed here in the bibliography section, above. Anthropology of East Europe Review. Special issue entitled Refugee Women of the Balkans. 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995). Edited by Eva Huseby-Darvas. Contains short reports and articles: Elzbieta Gozdziak, “Needy Guests, Reluctant Hosts: The Plight of Rumanians in Poland”;


General Background







Eva Huseby-Darvas, “Voices of Plight, Voices of Paradox: Narratives of Women Refugees from the Balkans and the Hungarian Host Population”; Dorothy Louise Zinn and Annamaria Rivera, “Notes on a Displaced Womanhood: Albanian Refugee Women in Southern Italy”; Mary Kay Gilliland, Sonja Spoljar-Vrzina, and Vlasta Rudan, “Reclaiming Lives: Variable Effects of War on Gender and Ethnic Identities in the Narratives of Bosnian and Croatian Refugees”; Maria B. Olujic, “Women, Rape, and War: The Continued Trauma of Refugees and Displaced Persons in Croatia”; Fran Markowitz. “Discussion: Rape, Torture, Warfare.. . and Refuge”; Martha Lampland, “Needy Guests, Reluctant Hosts? Discourse by and about Refugee Women from the Balkans”; Paul J. Magnarella, “The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: Its Background, Legal Character and Potential”; Steven Sampson, “Romanian Political Culture and ‘NGOs”’; Katherine Verdery, “Decollectivization, Democracy, and the ‘Law-Governed State’ : A View from the Village”; Tony Velovslu, “Notes from the Field: Republic of Macedonia March 1993”; Pjeter Jani, “The Necessity of a Reconciliation Process in North Albania”; and Antonia Young, “The Code of Leke Dukagjini.” Aslanbeigui, Nahid, Steven Pressman, and Gale Summerfield, eds. Women in the Age of Economic Transformation: Gender Impact of Reforms in Post-Socialist and Developing Countries. London: Routledge, 1994. Includes bibliographical references and some essays on East Central Europe: “Beyond Socialism: The Uncertain Prospects for East German Women in a Unified Germany” (Hedwig Rudolph, Eileen Appelbaum, and Friederike Maier), “The Status of Women and Poland’s Transition to a Market Economy” (Bozena Leven), “The Economic Status of Women in Romania” (Walter M. Bacon, Jr., Louis G. Pol), “The Effect of Economic and Political Reforms on Soviet/Russian Women” (Patrice C. McMahon). Barrows, Leland Conley, and Laura Griinberg, eds. Gains and Losses: Women and Transition in Eastern and Central Europe. Bucharest: UNESCOENWS, 1994. Berry, Ellen, ed. Post Communism and the Body Politic. Genders. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1995. Includes articles on gender and culture in Yugoslavia, Poland, GDR, and Hungary, as well as Russia. Biskup, Manfred, Vassilis Filias, and IvAn Vithyi, eds. The Family and its Culture: an Investigation in Seven East and West European Countries. Budapest: Akadimiai, 1987. For the European Coordination Centre for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences. Includes bibliography. Bridger, Susan, ed. Women and Political Change: Perspectivesfrom East-Central Europe: Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsaw, 1995. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1999. Buckley, Mary. “Trafficking in People: Evil Trade”. The World Today 60, no. 8-9 (AugustSeptember 2004): 30-2. Eastern Europe, Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union as countries of origin, transit or destination in trafficking. Byrnes, Robert, ed. Communal Families in the Balkans: The Zadruga: Essays by Philip E. Mosely and Essays in His Honor. Notre Dame: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1976. Canadian Woman Studies/Les cahiers de la femme. Special Issue entitled Women in Central and Eastern Europe: 16, no. 1 (Winter 1995). Edited by Brenda Cranney, Alena Heitlinger, Janet Hyer, Katarzyna Rukszto, and Nora Jung. Previously CWS devoted an entire issue to Soviet women; now they do the same for women of the former Soviet bloc, with articles on Croatia, the Czech Republic, East Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, and Yugoslavia. All the contradictions of recent years are represented here. The issue is enlivened by poems and illustrations. The front and back covers feature color photos of works by Arina Ailincai, a Romanian-born sculptor living in Toronto. Castelli, Elizabeth A., and Rosamond C. Rodman, eds. Women, Gender, Religion: a Reader. New York: Palgrave, 200 1. Includes bibliographical references and index. Castle-Kanerova, Mita, ed. High Hopes: Young Voices of Eastern Europe. London: Virago,


General Background

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1992. About the biographies of young Eastern European women and men since 1989. Center for Reproductive Law and Policy, ed. Trends in Reproductive Rights: East Central Europe. New York: Center for Reproductive Law and Policy (CRLP), 2001. The Center for Reproductive Law and Policy, ed. Women of the World: Laws and Policies Aflecting Their Reproductive Lives: East Central Europe. New York: The Center, 2000. Central Europe Review. Special Issue entitled Homosexuality in Eastern Europe 1, no. 7, (August 1999). Central Europe Review. Special Issue entitled Women and Feminism 1, no. 14 (September 1999). Chester, Pamela, and Sibelan Forrester, eds. Engendering Slavic Literatures. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1996. Includes bibliographical references and index. Conference on Equality between Women and Men in a Changing Europe, (1992: Poznan, Poland): Proceedings, Poznan (Poland), 31 March-2 April 1992. Strassbourg: Council of Europe Press; Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y .,: Manhattan Pub. Co. [distributor], 1994. Connecticut Journal of International Law. Special issue entitled The Status of Women in New Market Economies 12, no. 1 (Fall 1996). Based on a symposium at the Univ. of Connecticut School of Law in April 1996. It includes articles on the then current situation for women in Russia, Bulgaria and Romania and on abortion policy in reunified Germany. Cornia, G. A., and S. Sipos, eds. Children and the Transition to the Market Economy: Safety Nets and Social Politics in Central and Eastern Europe. Aldershot, Hants, England: Avebury ; Brookfield, VT: Gower, 1991. Child welfare, social policy, family and gender issues discussed. Corrin, Chris, ed. Gender and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe. London: Frank Cass, 1999. These articles first appeared in The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Special Issue entitled Gender and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe 15, no 1 ( 1999). Includes bibliography and index. . Superwomen and the Double Burden: Women’s Experience of Change in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Toronto: Second Story Press, 1992; London: Pluto, 1993. Corrin, professor of politics at Glasgow Univ. and co-chair of the Women’s Commission of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly, has assembled information on women’s status in Eastern Europe and the Soviet successor states. The book features chapters on Hungary (Corrin), Poland (Jolanta Plakwicz), Czechoslovakia (Mita Castle-Kanerovi), the former GDR (Barbara Einhorn), and Yugoslavia (Milica Antic). Each chapter begins with a map and statistics. “Country to Country: Facts, Institutions, Laws and Militant Life: Central and Eastern Europe -Czechslovakia; German Democratic Republic; Hungary; Romania; Soviet Union; Education and training; Struggle for peace; Publications.” Women of Europe no. 63 (1990): 35-7. Cummins, Walter, comp. and ed. Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties. Rutherford, NJ: Farleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; London: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. The collection includes poetry by women from Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia. Cviklovi, Jana, Eva Havrilovi, Eva JenCikovi and Mhia Stefinovj, comps. Feminismus und Nationalismus: Dokumentation der Konferenz der Frauen-Anstifung in Bratislava = Feminizmus a nacionalizmus: dokumenta‘cia konferencie nada’cie Frauen-Anstiftung v Bratislave. Hamburg: Frauen-Anstiftung, 1993. David, Henry P., ed. From Abortion to Contraception: A Resource to Public Policies and Reproductive Behavior in Central and Eastern Europe From 1917 to the Present: New Essays. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999. Deacon, Bob, and Julia Szalai, eds. Social Policy in the New Eastern Europe. What Future For Socialist Welfare? Aldershot: Avebury; Brookfield: Gower, 1990. Discusses households, families and everyday life in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Russia. Domsch, Michel, Dgsirke H. Ladwig, and Eliane Tenten, eds. Gender Equality in Central and


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Eastern European Countries. Forum Personalmanagement, Human Resource Management, 6. New York: P. Lang, 2003. Draga-Alexandru, Maria-Sabina, Mgdglina Nicolaescu and Helen Smith, eds. Women’s Voices in Postcommunist Eastern Europe. Vol 1: Rewriting Histories, Bucharest: Ed. Universitgtii din Bucure$i, 2005. “This collection of essays offer[ s] informed and challenging insights into the poetry and novels written by women in the post-communist period.”-Publisher’ s description. Contents: Maria-Sabina Draga-Alexandru and Madalina Nicolaescu, “Introduction”; Miglena Nicholchina,“Julia Kristeva and the History of Bulgarian Women’s Literature: Narratives of Transposition”; Roxana Oltean, “‘Oriental Town in the Plain’ : Ana Blandiana’ s Totalitarian ‘Other”’; Vlatka Velcic, “(Dis)Regarding History: Slavenka DrakuliC’s and Dubravka UgresiC’s Female Voices from Croatia”; Libora Oates-Indruchova, “The Imperative of Moral Integrity in Tereza Bouckova’s Indian Run”; Sandra Meskova, “Dissenting Voices: Women’s Autobiographical Writing in Post-Soviet Latvia of the 1990s”; Marlowe Miller, “Narratives of a Witness: Testimony and Polemic in the Work of Eva Kanturkova”; Valentina Glajar, “Politics and the Discourse of Discontent: Female Representations in Herta Muller’s The Land of Green Plums”; Erin Collopy, “Transgressive Texts: Writing Women in Post-Soviet Russian Literature”; Katarzyna Wieckowska, “Living in Borderlines: Natasza Goerke’ s The Book of Fates.” , and Dksirke Ladwig, eds. Reconciliation of Family and Work in Eastern European Countries. Forum Personalmanagement, 4. Frankfurt am Main; New York: P. Lang, 2000. East Central Europe. Special issue Women and Power in East Central Europe: Medieval and Modern 20-23, part 1 (1993). Issue edited by Marianne Siighy and Nancy Partner. Eder, Franz X. Kultur der Begierde: eine Geschichte der Sexualitat [Culture of desire: a history of sexuality]. Munich: Beck, 2002. , and Sabine Friihstuck, eds. Neue Geschichten der Sexualitat: Beispiele aus Ostasien und Zentraleuropa 1700-2000 [The New History of Sexuality: Examples from East Asia and Central Europe]. Vienna: Turia & Kant, 1999. East European Politics and Societies 8, no. 2 (Spring 1994). Special group of articles entitled “Gender and Nation” with an introduction by J6zsef Borocz and Katherine Verdery . Articles: Katherine Verdery, “From Parent-State to Family Patriarchs: Gender and Nation in Contemporary Eastern Europe”; Susan Gal, “Gender in the Post-Socialist Transition: the Abortion Debate in Hungary”; and Martha Lampland, “Family Portraits: Gendered Images of the Nation in Nineteenth-Century Hungary.” EEPS 20, no. 1 (Winter 2006) again devotes a group of articles edited by Susan Gal to gender issues in East Central Europe. Efimov, Nina, Christine D. Tomei, and Richard Chapple, eds. Critical Essays on the Prose and Poetry of Modern Slavic Women. Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1998. From the publisher’s catalogue: “Includes a variety of topics, prose and poetry, individual works as well as general studies, examining women’s literary creativity and their contribution to East European literature of the twentieth century.” Ehmer, Josef. Heiratsverhalten, Sozialstruktur, Okonomischer Wandel: England und Mitteleuropa der Formationsperiode des Kapitalismus [Marriage patterns, social structure, and economic change: England and Central Europe during the formative period of capitalism]. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1991. Emigh, Rebecca, and Ivan Szelenyi, eds. Poverty, Ethnicity and Gender During the Eastern European Market Transition. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2000. Partial contents: Emigh, Rebecca Jean, Eva Fodor, and Iv5n Szelknyi. “The Racialization and Feminization of Poverty?” pp. 1-32; Tarkowska, Elzbieta. “An Underclass Without Ethnicity: The Poverty of Polish Women and Agricultural Laborers,” pp. 83-122; N5ndor L. Magyari, Eniko Magyari-Vincze, Livia Popescu and Troian Rotariu. “The Social Construction of Romanian Poverty: The Impact of Ethnic and Gender Distinctions,” pp. 12355.


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European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs, Unit VID.5. Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in Europe? Eurobarometer 44.3: Results of an Opinion Survey. Employment & Social Afjcairs; Equality Between Women and Men. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998. Completed December 1996. Includes one chapter on candidate countries. European Committee for Equality between Women and Men Council of Europe. National Machinery to Promote Equality between Women and Men in Central and Eastern European Countries:Proceedings, In ternationa1 Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 30 November- 2 December 1994. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing; Croton-on-Hudson, NY: Manhattan Publishing Company, distributor, 1998. About laws and legislation concerning the legal status of women in Eastern Europe. European Network for Women’s Studies. Women’s Studies and the Social Position of Women in Eastern and Western Europe. Zoetermeer, Netherlands: European Network for Women’s Studies, 1991. Review of a seminar held in The Hague, November 22-27, 1990, including opening speeches, summaries, and a general report. Includes information on Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Austria, and Poland. Feischmidt, Margit, Eniko Magyari-Vincze, and Violetta Zentai, eds. Women and Men in East European Transition. Cluj : EFES, 1997. The Feminist Revue. Special issue entitled Shifting Territories: Feminism and Europe 39 (1991). Devotes its pages to “Feminisms and Europe,” with an emphasis on post-socialist transitions in CentraUEastern Europe and issues of migration and citizenship in Western Europe. There are articles on topics (the women’s movement, citizenship, migrant women, racial equality, postmodernism, etc.) and countries (listed individually below under Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Serbia-Yugoslavia, and Slovenia). Flam, Helena, ed. Pink, Purple, Green: Women ’s Religious, Environmental, and Gay/Lesbian Movements in Central Europe Today. Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 200 1. Der Forschungsstand zum Thema “Klasse und Geschlecht ’’ in Zentral- und Osteuropa, Wien, 1993. Vienna: Internationale Tagung der Historikerinnen und Histoiker der Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiterbewegung, 1993. Proceedings from a Vienna 1993 conference on class and gender in Central and East Europe. Funk, Nanette, and Magda Mueller, eds. Gender Politics and Post- Communism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. New York: Routledge, 1993. The book presents 29 original essays by women scholars, politicians, activists, and former dissidents from the region, along with Western feminists and scholars. These essays, which offer vivid accounts and analyses of the conditions facing women in each country, provide philosophical, economic, historical, cultural, and sociological contexts useful to understanding women’s situations. Gabanyi, Anneli Ute, and Hans Georg Majer, eds. Frauen in Siidosteuropa. Munich: Sudosteuropa- Gesellschaft, 1998. Contents: Jeta Katro Beluli, “Women’s NGOs in Albania,’’ pp. 1-3; Johanna Deimel, “‘Gender Identities’ in Bulgarien-Historische und politische Aspekte,” pp. 5-36; Marina Marinescu and Walter Kefl, “Frauen in Griechenland,” pp. 3750; Teuta Arifi, “Social and Inter-Ethnic Integration of Women in Macedonia,” pp. 5 1-2; Klaus Heitmann, “Die rumanischen Frauen aus deutscher Sicht im 19. Jahrhundert,” pp. 537; Dorothke De N&ve,“Zwanghafte Gleichberechtigung und kontrollierte Korper-Zu den Lebensbedingungen von Frauen im sozialistischen Rumanien,” pp. 59-78; Anneli Ute Gabanyi, “Rumaniens Frauen nach der Wende: Gleichschritt, Fortschritt, Ruckschritt,” pp. 79-97; Csilla Machos, “Frauen in der ungarischen Politik seit Ende der 80er Jahre,” pp. 99114. Gal, Susan, and Gail Kligman. The Politics of Gender After Socialism, Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000. Winner of the 2001 AWSS Heldt Prize for the best book in SlavicEast EuropeanEurasian Women’s Studies. From the publisher’s web site: “With the collapse of


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communism, a new world seemed to open for the peoples of East Central Europe. The possibilities this world presented, and the costs it exacted, have been experienced differently by men and women. Susan Gal and Gail Kligman explore these differences through a probing analysis of the role of gender in reshaping politics and social relations since 1989.” Gal, Susan, and Gail Kligman, eds. Reproducing Gender: Politics, Publics, and Everyday Life After Socialism. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000. Contents: “Introduction,” by Susan Gal and Gail Kligman; Ch. 1. “Between Ideology, Politics, and Common Sense: The Discourse of Reproductive Rights in Poland,” by Eleonora Zielinska; Ch. 2. “Reproductive Policies in the Czech and Slovak Republics,” by Sharon L. Wolchik; Ch. 3. “Talking about Women and Wombs: The Discourse of Abortion and Reproductive Rights in the G.D.R. during and after the Wende,” by Eva Maleck-Lewy and Myra Marx Ferree; Ch. 4. “Birth Strike in the New Federal States: Is Sterilization an Act of Resistance?” by Irene Dolling, Daphne Hahn and Sylka Scholz; Ch. 5. “Changing Images of Identity in Poland: From the Self-Sacrificing to the Self-Investing Woman?” by Mira Marody and Anna Giza-Poleszczuk; Ch. 6. “Women’s Life Trajectories and Class Formation in Hungary,” by Katalin Kovacs and Monika Varadi; Ch. 7. “From Informal Labor to Paid Occupations: Marketization from below in Hungerian Women’s Work,” by Julia Szalai; Ch. 8. “Women’s Sexuality and Reproductive Behavior in Post-Ceausescu Romania: A Psychological Approach,” by Adriana Baban; Ch. 9. “New Gender Relations in Poland in the 1990s,” by Malgorzata Fuszara; Ch. 10. “New Parliament, Old Discourse? The Parental Leave Debate in Hungary,” by Joanna Goven; Ch. 11. “Women’s NGOs in Romania,” by Laura Gmnberg; Ch. 12. “Women’s Problems, Women’s Discourses in Bulgaria,” by Krassimira Daskalova; Ch. 13. “Belgrade’s SOS Hotline for Women and Children Victims of Violence: A Report,” by Zorica Mrsevic; Ch. 14. “Media Representations of Men and Women in Times of War and Crisis: The Case of Serbia,” by Jasmina Lukic; “Conclusion” by Susan Gal and Gail Kligman. Gapova, Elena, Al’mira Usmanova, and Andrea Peto, eds. Gendernye Istorii Vostochnoj Evropy [Gendered Histories from Eastern Europe]. Minsk: European Humanities Univ., 2002. Papers from the 1999 international conference “Writing Women’s History and History of Gender in Countries in Transition” hosted by the Centre for Gender Studies at the European Humanitites Univ. in Minsk. The volume comprises texts by 29 authors from 13 nations of Central and Western Europe and the US and invokes that part of East European history that can be described as the history of the personal as the political or viceversa. The book’s topics include oral history-memory, trauma, narrative; imagined communititesgender and nation; the miserable and the powerless-practices of exclusion; gender and law; and the contemporary history of the gendered individual-rites of transition. Gehmacher, Johann, Harvey, Elizabeth and Sophia Kemlein, eds. Zwischen Kriegen: Nationen, Nationalismen und Geschlechter-verhaltnisse in Mittel- und Osteuropa 1918-1 939 [Between the wars: nations, nationalism and gender relations in Central and Eastern Europe, 1918-19381. Osnabriick: Fibre, 2004. Gelazis, Nida, ed. Women in East European Politics: Conference Proceedingsfrom the meeting held in Washington, D.C., April 23, 2004. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2005. The Conference was sponsored by the East European Studies Program of the Wilson Center, the Kennan Institute, the Watson Institute of Brown Univesity, and George Washington University. Included here is the conference program and essays on women in the parliaments of Germany after unification, Slovenia, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, and the Czech Republic. George, Emery, ed. ContemporaryEast European Poetry: An Anthology. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993; Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1983. Includes poetry by women poets from Bulgaria, Croatia, East Germany, Estonia, Hungary, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. Gerhard, Ute, ed. Feminismus und Demokratie: Europaische Frauenbewegungen der 1920er Jahre. Frankfurter feministische Texte; Sozialwissenschaften, 1. Konigstein: U. Helmer,


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Hunt, Swanee. “Women’s Vital Voices: The Costs of Exclusion in Central Europe.” Foreign Afsairs 76, No. 4 (July/August 1997): 2-7. Hunt was U.S. Ambassador to Austria. Iatridis, Demetrius S. Social Justice and the Welfare State in Central and Eastern Europe: the Impact of Privatization. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000. Contents: “Social Justice and Equality: Contexts of Privatization,” by Demetrius S. Iatridis; “Distributive Institutions, Markets, and Private Governance in Transitional Economies,” by Stavros B. Thomadakis; “Social Justice and Privatization,” by Dimitri Plionis and Elizabeth M. Plionis; “Social Toll of Unemployment: a Call for Evaluation and Prevention,” by Marcia Greenberg; “Effects of Privatization on Employment in Bulgaria, Romania, and Albania,” by Theodore Katsanevas; “Informal Privatization: the Changing Foundation of Bulgarian Women and their Organizations during the Transition to a Market Economy” by Zlatka Russinova; “Marginal Women at Risk: Working toward Economic Equity within the Context of Privatization,” by Robbie Tourse and Pauline Collins; “Impact of Privatization on the Female Workforce in Poland,” by Jacqueline Heinen; “Family-Related Economic and Employment Policies and Programs in Central and Eastern European Countries,” by Charles B. Hennon and Allen R. Jones; “Social Costs of the Transition in Poland: 1990-1994,” by Branko Milanovic; “Social Consequences of the Transition in Hungary and Methods for the Early Recognition of Social Tensions,” by Otto Cziicz; “Development of Welfare Systems in Central and Eastern Europe that are Compatible with the Demands of a Market Economy,” by Howard Jacob Karger; “Reforming Social Services in Central and Eastern Europe: Meso-Level Institutional Changes and Shifts in the Welfare Mix” by Victor A. Pestoff; “Privatization of Crime Control and Social Discipline in Central and Eastern Europe,” by Jon Spencer and Bill Hebenton; “New Child Protection Structures in Romania,” by Maria Roth; “Health Care System in Bulgaria during the Transition to a Market Economy,” by Dimitar Roussinov. The Impact of Economic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe: Proceedings of a United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna, 8-1 2 April 1991. New York: United Nations, 1992. International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights. Women 2000: An Investigation into the Status of Women’s Rights in Central and South-Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States. Vienna: IHF, 2000. International Labour Office. Work and Family Life: The Rols of the Social Infrastructure in Eastern European Countries. Geneva: ILO, 1980. International Political Science Revue. Special issue entitled Women, Citizenship, and Representation 21, no. 4 (October 2000). International Workshop on the Problems of Equality in the Current Period of Transition in the Countries of Central and East Europe: Proceedings: Sofia (Bulgaria), 13-1 5 December 1993. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Press; Croton-on-Hudson, NY: Manhattan Pub., 1994. Organized by the Steering Committee for Equality between Women and Men and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria. Includes bibliographical references. Ishiyama, John T. “Women’s Parties in Post-Communist Politics .” East European Politics and Societies, 17, no. 2 (2003): 266-304. Ivanova, Iu. V., M. S. Kashuba, and N. A. Krasnovskaia, eds. Brak u narodov tsentral’noi i iugo-vostochnoi Evropy. Moscow: Nauka, 1988. Includes articles on marriage rites in Central and Southeastern Europe: Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia. Published by the USSR Academy of Sciences Institute of Ethnography. IvekoviC, Rada, and Julie Mostov, eds. From Gender to Nation. Europe and the Balkan International Network, 16. Ravenna: Longo, 2002. Contents: E. List, “Selfhood, Nation and Gender: The Psychic Roots of Sexism, Racism and Nationalism,” pp. 2 7 4 1 ; R. Menon, “Do Women Have a Country?”, pp. 43-62; V. KesiC, “Gender and Ethnic Identities in Transition,” pp. 63-80; E. Gapova, “Reinventing Men and Women Within the Belarusian Nationalist Project,” pp. 81-97; U. Butalia, “Gender and Nation: Some Reflections From


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India,” pp. 99-1 12; D. DuhaCek, “Gender Perspectives on Political Identities in Yugoslavia,” pp. 1 13-29; T. PavloviC, “Remembering/Dismembering the Nation: The Archeology of Lost Knowledge,” pp. 131-152; K. Sangari, “New Patriotisms: Beauty and the Bomb,” pp. 15370; I. Novikova, “Gender, Ethnicity and Identity Politics in Latvia,” pp. 171-87; B. KaSiC, “The Dynamic of Identification: From Archetypes to Promising Female Roles,” pp. 189-200; T. SkokiC, “Must We Know Who We Are?” pp. 201-12. Jahnert, Gabriele, Jana Gohrisch, Daphne Hahn, Hildegard Maria Nickel, Iris Peint, and Katrin Schafgen, eds. Gender in Transition in Eastern and Central Europe: Proceedings. Im Auftrag des Zentrums fur interdisziplinare Frauenforschung an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin. Berlin: Trafo, 2001. Contents: Jana Gohrisch et al., “Gender in Transition: Introduction,” 1 1-20; Christine Bergmann, “Opening of the International Conference ‘Gender in Transition in Eastern and Central Europe’,” 21-4; Birgit Sauer, “‘Normalized Masculinities’ : Constructing Gender in Theories of Political Transition and Democratic Consolidation,” 26-36; Peggy Watson, “Gender and Politics in Postcommunism,” 37-48; gmejkalovh, JiPina, “Gender as an Analytical Category of Post-Communist Studies,” 49-56; Irene Dolling, “Ten Years After: Gender Relations in a Changed World-New Challenges for Women’s and Gender Studies,” 57-65; Hildegard Maria Nickel, “ZiF-the Centre for Interdisciplinary Women’s Studies: A Paradigm for the Institutionalisation of Women’s and Gender Studies,” 66-74; Christine Kulke, “Impacts of Globalization on Gender Politics and Gender Arrangements,” 75-83; Joanna Regulska, “Gendered Integration of Europe: New Boundaries of Exclusion,” 84-96; Barbara Einhorn, “Gender and Citizenship in the Context of Democratisation and Economic Transformation in East Central Europe,” 97-1 16; Libora Oates-Indruchovh, “Discourses of Gender in the Post- 1989 Czech Republic: A Textual Perspective,” 118-23; Zuzana Kiczkova, “Why Do We Need Feminist Theories or One More Time About Publicity and Privacy,” 124-32; Martina Ritter, “Russia: A Patriarchal MamaSociety: The Dynamics of the Private and the Public in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia,” 13341; Irina Zherebkina, “‘Who is Afraid of Feminism’ in Ukraine? How Feminism is Possible as a Post-Soviet Political Project?” 142-7; Bozena Choluj, “Anti-Feminist Attitudes, Animosities Between Women, and the Public Life,” 148-52; Vlasta JaluSiC, “Connecting Citizenship and Gender: the Possibilities of Arendtian Perspective,” 153-66; Marilyn Rueschemeyer, “Women in the Political Life of Eastern Europe: Ten Years After the End of Communism,” 167-75; Malgorzata Fuszara, “The Participation of Women in Polish Authorities,” 176-8 1; Anca Gheaus, “Feminism and the Public-Private Distinction in Romanian Society,” 182-9; Mhria Adamik, “‘The Greatest Promise-the Greatest Humiliation’ : Feminism and Women’s Emancipation in Hungary,” 190-9; Silke Steinhilber, “Gender Relations and Labour Market Transformation: Status Quo and Policy Responses in Central and Eastern Europe,” 20 1-13; Sabine Schenk, “Re-Construction of Gender Stratification: About Men, Women, and Families in Changing Employment Structures-the Case of East Germany,” 2 14-30; Iris Peinl, “Beyond the Gender-Hierarchical Monotony? Ambivalent Gender Relations in East German Branches of Deutsche Bahn AG (German Railways PLC),” 23 1-39; Katarzyna Wieckowska, “Universal Woman: Questions of Identity, Representation and Difference,” 24 1-5. Krassimira Daskalova, “Manipulated Emancipation: Representations of Women in Post-Communist Bulgaria,” 246-53; Mihal y Riszovannij, “Media Discourses on Homosexuality in Hungary,” 254-60; Zorica Mrsevic, “In Search for the Lost (Taken Away) Identity,” 26 1-7; Mgdglina Nicolaescu, “Generating New Definitions of Feminine Identity,” 268-73; Christine Eifler, “The Armed Forces as a Place of Social Construction of Gender: Women in the Russian Military,” 274-7; Ioulia Gradskova, “‘The Soviet Woman’s Identity or Does the History Matter?” 278-83; Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, “The Construction of Identities in Media Images of Violence Against Women,” pp. 284-94; Caroline Antonia Wilcke, “Standing at the Crossroad? Women’s and Gender Images in Present Day Uzbekistan,” 295-301; Ellen Krause, “The State is a Man Who Protects the


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Nation: Gender Relations and the Concept of State and Nation in Eastern and Central Europe,” 303-1 1; Rada IvekoviC, “Where Gender and ‘NationaVEthnic’ Difference Meet,” 312-8; Natassja Smiljanic, “Women’s Human Rights in War: Outside the Law?” 319-23; Irina Novikova, “East European Feminisms-in Rooms of Our Own? On the Problems of Feminist Theorising and Integrating Women’ s/Gender Studies in the Baltics/Latvia,” 325-9; Katrin Schafgen, “Gender Studies at Humboldt University: The Process of Institutionalization in Germany,” 330-4; Malgorzata Fuszara, “Gender Studies at Warsaw University,” 335-8; Eva VGSinovh-Kalivodovh and JiPina Siklovh, “The Status of Women’s and Gender Studies at Universities in Post-Communist Countries: the Example of the Czech Republic: Experiences from the First Ten Years After the Change,” 339-44; Zoya A. Khotkina, “Ten Years of Gender Studies in Russia: We Have Been Able to Accomplish a Lot and Look Forward with Optimism,” 345-9; Olga Lipovskaya, “Institutionalization of Gender/Women’s Studies in RussidSt. Petersburg,” 350-5; Biljana KaSiC, “Women’s Studies: Ideological Images, Common Problems and Dilemmas,” 356-60; Katerina K O ~ O Z O“Dilemmas V~, of Institutionalization and their Context/s,” 36 1-4; Margrit Eichler, “Experiences in Institutionalizing Women’s Studies at a Canadian University,” 365-70. Johannisson, Elizabeth, L. Kovacs, B. A. Resch, and N. P. Bruyniks, eds. Assessment of Research and Service Needs in Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe: Concerns and Commitments: Proceedings of a Workshop Organized by the ICRR and the WHO Collaborating Centre on Research in Human Reproduction in Szeged, Hungary, 25-27 October 1993. New York: Parthenon, 1997. Contents: Welcome addresses / L. Kovacs, E. Johannisson and G. Benagiano [et al.]. Reproductive Health and the Threshold of the Third Millennium / E. Diczfalusy. Follow-up of a previous WHO Eastern Europe reproductive health meeting/ U. Ulmsten and G. Lindmark. International ollaboration with the Zhordania Institute of Human Reproduction / A. K. Khomassuridze. Problems in Reproductive Health in Russia / E. F. Lakhova. IPPF in Eastern and Central Europe / L. Thomas. Innovative Procedures in Family Planning / E.-E. Baulieu. The role of Family Health International in Eastern Europe and the Central Asian Republics / T. M. King, J. B. Smith and B. Tucker. An Innovative Mechanism for Co-operation in Women’s Reproductive Health / S. J. Segal. The International Professional Union of Gynecologists and Obstetricians Project for Support of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Central and Eastern Europe / N. H. Diederich. Evidence for Increasing Incidence of abnormalities of the Human Testis: A Review / A. Giwercman, E. Carlsen and N. Keiding [et al.]. Postgraduate Course for Training in Reproductive Medicine and Reproductive Biology / A. Campana and E. Johannisson. Acceptance and Acceptability of Modern Family Planning in Eastern Europe / B. J. Oddens. The Need for Education and Research in Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe / N. P. Bruyniks. Pharmaceutical industry support in reproductive, mother and Child Healthcare in the CIS / R. Muller. Health Care Education and the Pharmaceutical Industry: Antagonism or Synergy? / H. J. de Koning Gans. The Outcome of Data Collection by Questionnaire / L. Kovacs. Data about the Reproductive Health Situation in Albania / G. Theodosi and Z. Delia. Reproductive Health in Armenia: the Service and Research Needs / M. A. Khachikian. The Sexual Health of Adolescents in Armenia: a Strategy for the Improvement of Research Needs / A. S. Khachatrian. Environmental agents in relation to unfavorable birth outcomes in Bulgaria / S. Tabacova. Family planning in Croatia / L. Randic. The counselling service of the Department of Human Reproduction in Zagreb / L. Magdic. Research and service needs in reproductive health in the Czech Republic / A. Sobek. Assessment of research and service needs in reproductive health in the Czech Republic / R. Uzel. The reproductive health, needs and perspectives of Estonian women / H. Sinimae, A. Gust and T. Aro [et al.]. Data about the reproductive health situation in Georgia / A. K. Khomassuridze. Recent issues in reproductive health in Hungary / B. A. Resch, Gy. Falkay and S. Zalanyi. Problems of reproductive health in Latvia / I. Vorona. Research and service needs in reproductive health in Lithuania / V. Sadauskas. Reproductive


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health and family planning in Poland / K. T. Niemiec. Assessment of research and service needs in reproductive health / I. Munteanu. Research and service needs in reproductive health in Romania / M. Horga. The problem of infertility in the Russian Federation and the former Soviet Union / T. Y. Pshenichnikova. Priorities and activities of the Slovak Society for Family Planning and Parenthood Education / M. Kliment. Assessment of research and service needs in reproductive health in Slovenia / D. Obersnel-Kveder and L. Andolsek. Research and service needs in reproductive health in Ukraine / V. I. Grischenko. The importance of family planning in Ukraine / I. V. Vovk. The Szeged Declaration. Assessment of research and service needs in reproductive health in Eastern Europe: concerns and commitments / E. Johannis son. Journal of Women’s History. Special issue entitled European Women: International Trends in CentraE and Eastern Europe 5, no. 3 (Winter 1994). Issue devoted to Central and Eastern Europe with articles about Bulgaria, the Czech and Slovak republics, the former East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. TOC: Women in Western Europe: socioeconomic restructuring and crisis in gender contracts, by Liisa Rantalaiho, Raija Julkunen; Romania’s women, by Doina Pasca Harsanyi; National secret, by Shana Penn; Women in the period of systemic changes in Poland, by Renata Siemienska; Strengthening human rights for women and men in matters relating to sexual behavior and reproduction, by Eleonora Zielinska and Jolanta Plakwicz; Women in transition in the Czech and Slovak Republics: the first three years, by Sharon Wolchik; East-West women’s culture in transition: are East German women the losers of reunification? by Hannelore Scholz; Post-communist transitions: Romanian women’s responses to changes in the system of power, by Mgdglina Nicolaescu; Historical tradition and transformation in Bulgaria: women’s issues or feminist issues? by Maria Todorova; From totalitarianism to democracy in Poland: women’s issues in the sociopolitical transition of 1989-1993, by Elzbieta Pakszys and Dorota Mazurczak; Two steps back: Poland’s new abortion law, by Wanda Nowicka. JovanoviC, Miroslav, and Slobodan NaumoviC, eds. Gender Relations in South Eastern Europe: Historical Perspectives on Womanhood and Manhood in [the] 19th and 20th Century. Zur Kunde Sudosteuropas, W33. Belgrade; Graz: UdruZenje za druStvenu istoriju, 2002. Kelly, Gail P and Sheila Slaughter, eds. Women’s Higher Education in Comparative Perspective. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991. Includes information on women college administrators and students in Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, GDR, Hungary, and Romania. Kemlein, Sophia, ed. Geschlecht und Nationalismus in Mittel- und Osteuropa, 1848-1 918. Einzelveroffentlichugen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Warschau, 4. Osnabriick: Fibre, 2000. KneZeviC, Durda, and Koraljka DiliC, eds. Vlast bez iena ili dugi marYGovernments Without Women or the Long March: seminar “Politic‘kaparticipacija iena u istoc‘noj Europi ” Zagreb, 14.-16. lipnja 1996/Zagreb, June 14-16, 1996. Zagreb: h n s k a Infoteka, 1997. Conference proceedings about women in politics in Eastern Europe. Bilingual text. Translation into English by Koraljka DiliC and Ivana &keg. Includes bibliographical references. Includes texts by Durba KneZeviC, “Nestajanje 2ena iz j avnosti: paradoksi demokratskih promjena U IstoEnoj Europi” (about the disappearance of women from the public sphere and paradoxes of democratic change in Eastern Europe); Delina Fico, “iene U politici: Albansko iskustvo” (about women in politics in Albania); Hana Havelkova “PolitiEka nezainteresiranost EeSkih Zena” (about the lack of interest in politics among Czech women); Smiljana Leinert Novosel, “PolitiEka participacija Zena U razdoblju tranzicije” (about women’s political participation in the period of transition); Maria Nemenyi, "Acne U javnom 2ivotu i politici za vrijeme drZavnog socijalizma i nakon politiEkih promjena U Mabarskoj” (about women in public life during state socialism and after in Hungary); Daniela


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Dimitrievska, “ h n e U politici Makedonije” (about women in politics in Macedonia); Anne Hampele, “Status 5ena nakon njemaCkog ujedinjenja” (about the status of women after the unification of Germany); Joanna Regulska, “Politika, politiCko i rod U srediSnjoj i istoCnoj Europi: odnos U nastajanju” (On politics and gender in Central and Eastern Europe); Dagmara Baraniewska, “ Nedovoljna politiCka reprezentacija 5ena U Poljskoj” (about the inadequate political representation of women in Poland); Mara Marin, “2ene U politici i politika za 5ene” (about women in politics and politics for women). Kocka, Istvin, ed. A szocialista csala‘d. Bratislava: Csehszlovikiai Politikai 6s Tudomhnyos Ismereteket Terjeszto Tirs.-Nkpmuv Int, 1963. About the socialist family. In Hungarian. Kreisky, Eva, ed. Vompatriarchalischen Staatssozialismus zur patriarchalen Demokratie. (Einefeministische Kritik an der Transformation von Politik, Kultur und Wirtschaft in den ost und mitteleuropaischen Landern. Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1996. Essays about political, economic, and cultural transitions in Central Europe and their effects on women. Kruks, Sonia, Rayna Rapp, and Marilyn B. Young, eds. Promissory Notes: Women in the Transition to Socialism. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1989. The following articles pertain to Eastern Europe: “Introduction” (Sonia Kruks, Rayna Rapp, and Marilyn B. Young), “Marxism and “Woman Question” (Joan B. Landes), “In the Shadow of the Comintern: The Communist Women’s Movement, 1920-43” (Elizabeth Waters), “Socialist Emancipation: The Women’s Movement in the German Democratic Republic” (Barbara Einhorn), “Biographies of Liberation: Testimonials to Labor in Socialist Hungary” (Martha Lampland), “Capitalism and Socialism: Some Feminist Questions” (Lourdes Beneria), “Reflections on a Politics of Difference” (Delia D. Aguilar), “On Promissory Notes.” Includes an index and a bibliography: pp. 37 1-8 1. Ladner, Gertraud, ed. Frauen bewegen Europa: die Erste Europaische Frauensynode Anstoge: zur Veranderung. Thaur; Vienna: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, 1997. A collection of articles from the first European women’s congress. Includes bibliographical references. League of Nations. Advisory Commission for the Protection and Welfare of Children and Young People. Traffic in Women and Children Committee. Suppression of the Ciculation of and TrafJic in Obscene Publications. Summary of Reports Received from Governments. [Geneva]: Imp. d’Ambilly, 1928. Includes the summaries of reports received from Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Romania, among others, in answer to a request for information referred to in paragraph 9 of the Final act of the International convention of 1923. Replies to April 1927 were included in document C. T. F. E. 337. Lemke, Christiane, Virginia Penrose, and Uta Ruppert, eds. Frauenbewegung und Frauenpolitik in Osteuropa. Frankfurt: Campus, 1996. Essays about the women’s movements and politics in Eastern Europe. Lie, Suzanne Stiver, ed. The Gender Gap in Higher Education. World Yearbook of Education, 1994. London: Kogan Page, 1994. Essays that examine the relative position of men and women in higher education. The focus is on women, particularly their changing position in higher education as students, faculty, and administrators. Essays include: Lynda Malik and Suzanne Stiver Lie, “Trends in the Gender Gap in Higher Education”; Nicolina Sretenova, “The Nation’s Showcase: Bulgarian Academic Women, Between the Scylla of Totalitarianism and the Charybdis of Change”; Julia Balaska, “2,500 Years After Plato: Greek Women in Higher Education”; Malgorzata Fuszara and Beata Grudzinska, “Women in Polish Academe.” Lindmark, G., ed. Towards Better Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe: Concern, Commitment, and Change. Budapest: Central European Univ. Press, 1999. Lobodzinska, Barbara, ed. Family, Women and Employment in Central-Eastern Europe. Contributions in Sociology 112. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1995. The book is the result of a survey conducted among experts on the problems faced by families and women in Central


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and Eastern Europe. Barbara Lobodzinska frames the studies with an introductory overview, “The Family and Working Women during and after Socialist Industrialization and Ideology,” and a conclusion, “Equal Opportunities: Obstacles and Remedies .” The volume covers Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the former East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, and the former Yugoslavia. Long, Scott. “Gay and Lesbian Movements in Eastern Europe: Romania, Hungary, and the Czech Republic .” In The Global Emergence of Gay and Lesbian Politics: National Imprints of a Worldwide Movement, edited by Barry D. Adam, Jan Willem Duyvendak, and Andr6 Krouwel. Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press, 1999. . “Beyond Privacy.” Index on Censorship 24, no. 1 (1995): 90-S. About gay and lesbian movements that have developed in Eastern Europe since 1989. Lovenduski, Joni, and Jill Hills, eds. The Politics of the Second Electorate: Women and Public Participation: Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, France, Spain, West Germany, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Eastern Europe, USSR, Japan. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. March, Michael, ed. Child of Europe: A New Anthology of East European Poetry. Trans. by Michael March, Agnes Stein, Adam Czerniawski, Charles Simic et al., London; New York: Penguin, 1990. The “younger voices” in this anthology include Elena Stefoi, Sylva Fischerovii, and Doris Kareva. Available in paperback. ,ed. Description of a Struggle: the Vintage Book of Contemporary Eastern European Writing, New York: Vintage Books, 1994. Includes pieces by women writers: Slavenka DrakuliC’s “The Balkan express”; Hanna Krall’s “Retina”; Eda Kriseova’s “The Unborn”; Alexandra Berkova’s “He wakes Up”; Ana Blandiana’s “The Open Window”; and Mimoza Ahmeti’s “The Secret of My Youth.” MarkoviC, Igor, ed. Cybe$eminizarn [Cyberfeminism]. Version 1.O. Zagreb: Centar za 2enske studije, 1999. Available online at http://www.wgsact .net/croatia/hr-cws. html. “This anthology of selected works looks at cyberfeminism as the theory of resistance, desire, freedom, and experience. .. and artists, theoreticians and activists from Australia, Russia, Germany, Canada, the US write about all this. The texts represent the most important texts published in the last few years regarding the relation of women and (new/old) technologies.” Matland, Richard E. and Kathleen A. Montgomery, eds. Women’s Access to Political Power in Post-Communist Europe. Oxford; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. Maynard, Mary, and June Purvis, eds. New Frontiers in Women’s Studies: Knowledge, Identity, and Nationalism. London; Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis, 1996. Includes chapters on the Czech Republic and East Germany. Made in Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: The Clean Clothes Campaign, 1998. Document published by the Clean Clothes Campaign, featuring research carried out in 1997 and 1998 into the state of the garment industry in Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. The project was coordinated by SOMO (the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations), based in Amsterdam with funding from the European Commission, the FNV (Dutch trade union) and ETUC/TCL (European Trade Union Federation of Textile Clothing and Leather). Included are a report on 19 factories in Poland, 21 factories in Romania, and several factories in Bulgaria. The Clean Clothes Campaign is a coalition of consumer organizations, trade unions, researchers, activists, solidarity groups, and other organizations which tries to improve working conditions in the garment industry worldwide. Melinz, Gerhard, and Susan Zimmermann, eds. Wien - Prag - Budapest: Bluetezeit der Habsburgmetropolen; Urbanisierung, Kommunalpolitik gesellschaftliche KonfZikte (18671918). Vienna: Promedia, 1996. Some essays in this volume address the comparative situation of men and women in Vienna, Prague, and Budapest. Reviewed on HABSBURG-L by Robert Nemes, April, 1997. Mills, Margaret H. Slavic Gender Linguistics. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, 1999. Pragmatics & Beyond. New Series, 6 1 . Includes Valentina Zaitseva, “Referential Knowledge in Discourse:


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Interpretation of (I, You) in Male and Female Speech,” pp. 1-26; Jill L. Christensen, “A Gender Linguistic Analysis of Mrozek’s Tango,” pp. 39-56; Jitka Sonkova, “Gender-Based Results of a Quantitative Analysis of Spoken Czech: Contribution to the Czech National Corpus,” pp. 183-200; Laura. A. Janda, “Whence Virility? The Rise of a New Gender Distinction in the History of Slavic,” pp. 201-28. Moghadam, Valentine M., ed. Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993. An early and important attempt to analyze the transitions in progress in CentralEastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. ,ed. Privatization and Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union: The Gender Division. Helsinki: World Institute for Developmental Economics Research of the United Nations Univ., 1992. , ed. Research for Action: Privatization and Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union: The Gender Dimension. Helsinki: World Institute for Developmental Economics Research of the United Nations Univ., 1992. Monitoring the EU Accession Process: Equal Opportunities for Women and Men: Country Reports: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania. New York, Great Britain: Open Society Institute, 2002. Morgan, Robin, ed., compiler, and introduction. Sisterhood Is Global: The International Women’s Movement Anthology. Garden City, NY: Anchor Press, 1984. Moss, Kevin. “The Underground Closet: Political and Sexual Dissidence in Eastern Europe.” In Postcommunism and the Body Politic, Genders 22, edited by Ellen E. Berry, 229-51. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1995. Nationalities Papers Special issue entitled The Nexus of Gender and Ethnicity 25, no. 1 (March 1997). CO-edited by Barbara Norton and Henry R. Huttenbach. Includes articles on feminism and patriotism, and on Czech, Slovak, Hungarian and Bulgarian gender issues and a wide gamut of subjects. There is an introductory essay on the connections between feminism and nationalism. The New Challenge of Women’s Role in Rural Europe: Proceedings of an International Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 4-6 October 2001. Nicosia, Cyprus: Agricultural Research Institute, 2001. Includes articles on women in Croatia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Slovenia. Obchod se Zenami v postkomunistickjch zeml‘ch stredni a vy’chodniEvropy: Cesko-ukrajinskb konference, Praha, 27.-28. listopad 1997. About traffic in women in the postcommunist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Prague: La Strada Cesk5 republika, 1998. In Czech and English. Oleksy, Elzbieta H., Elzbieta Ostrowska and Michael Stevenson, eds. Gender in Film and Media: East- West Dialogues. New York: Lang, 2000. Polish edition entitled Gender-filmmedia. Crakow: RABID, 2001. Note that the editions are not identical; the English edition contains 18 articles and the Polish, 23 articles on gender in international film. Osteuropa-Info Special issue Frauen: Alltag und Ernanzipation. 67 ( 1986). A valuable collection of articles on the emancipation of women and their lives in Central Asia, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Poland, and Yugoslavia. Also included are Ulrike Enders, “Zur Fragestellung,” Ojars J. Rozitis, “ ‘Die Frau, auf die wir warten’: aber welche?” and “Frau in Osteuropa: statistisch gesehen.” Peto, Andrea. “A Missing Piece? How Women in the Communist Nomenclature Are Not Remembering.” East European Polictics and Society 16, no. 3 (2003): 948-58. , and Bkla Rgsky, eds. Construction, Reconstruction: Women, Family & Politics in Central Europe 1945-1 998 = Wieder. Auflau: = Frauen, Familie und Politik in Mitteleuropa 1945-1 948. Budapest: Central European Univ., The Program on Gender and Culture: Osterreichisches Ost- und Sudosteuropa-Institut, Aussenstelle Budapest; New York: Open Society Institute, Network Women’s Program, 1999.


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Pittaway, eds. Women in History-Women ’s History. Central and Eastern European Perspectives. Budapest: Central European Univ., 1994. This is the inaugural volume of the series, and the result of a workshop held in Budapest in April 1994 to showcase the work of graduate students in history at CEU. The book is divided into sections on “Women in Early Modern Central and Eastern Europe;” “Women’s History in the Period of the Habsburg Empire,” “Women’s History in the Socialist Period;” and “Women in the Po st -Sociali st Era.” Population Bulletin. Special issue Eastern Europe: Pronatalist Policies and Private Behavior 36, no. 6 (February 1982). Edited by Henry David. Reviews recent fertility-related trends in the 9 Eastern European socialist countries where official policy was explicitly pronatalist. That fertility was generally higher here than in Western Europe in the mid-1970s is credited to pronatalist measures undertaken when fertility fell below replacement level after abortion was liberalized in all but Albania, following the 1955 lead of the USSR. Fertility did rise where access to abortion was again restricted and/or economic incentives such as paid maternity leave were substantially increased. However, subsequent declines in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Romania suggest that policy-induced upturns in fertility are short-lived. Project Management for Women’s NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe. Prague: Profem, 1996. An overview and how-to book written by women who have been working on NGO projects in Central and Eastern Europe. In English, Russian and Czech; also on CD-ROM. “Putting an End to the Trafficking of Women in the NIS and CEE.” On August 16,2000, Internatioal Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) convened a policy forum at the United States Department of State (DOS) to discuss issues regarding the trafficking of women in the New Independent States and Central and Eastern Europe. Funded by a grant from the Title VIII program of DOS, the forum identified the causes of trafficking, the role of nongovernmental organizations in the issues, and approaches to resolving the problem. The speakers presented different perspectives on the issue and made recommendations to the audience of representatives of the Washington, DC policy community. The policy paper is online at http://www.irex.org/publications/policy-papers/trafficking~women.pdf. For State Department data on this problem see http://www .secretary.state.gov/www/picw/trafficking/def.htm. Rai, Shirin, Hilary Pilkington, and Annie Phizacklea, eds. Women in the Face of Change: The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China. London: Routledge, 1992. Reiter, Norbert, ed. Die Stellung der Frau auf dem Balkan: Beitrage zur Tagung vom 3.-7. September 1985 in Berlin. Balkanologische Veroffentlichungen, 12. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrasowitz, 1987. Conference proceedings on the position of women in the Balkans. Includes: Petia Asenova, “Le r6le de la femme dans la soci6t6 bilingue des Balkans” (273-7); Dagmar Burkhart, “Die weibliche Dimension im traditionellen Weitmodell auf dem Balkan” (79-98); B6la Gunda, “Die Schlafkammer bei den Sudungarn und ihre balkanischen Verbindungen” (109-2 1); Christine Hocker-Weyand, “Die Rechtsstellung der Frau auf dem Balkan in Geschichte und Gegenwart” (203-17); Barbara Kerewsky-Halpern, “The Complementarity of Women’s Ritual Roles in a Patriarchal Society” (123-31); Djurdjica PetroviC, “La position sociale des femmes chez les Valaque au Moyen 2ge d’aprks les documents d’Archives de Dubrovnik” ( 161-76); Walter Puchner, “Normative Aspekte der Frauenrolle in den exklusiv femininen Riten des hellenophonen Balkanraums” (133-4 1); Norbert Reiter, “Die sprachlichen Faktoren im weiblich-mannlichen Reglersystem” (2933 13); Jelka RibariC-RadauS, “Die Frau als Ubermittlerin traditionellen bildnerischen Ausdrucks in Textilhandarbeiten” ( 143-60); Franz Ronnenberger, “Die Frau in der modernen Gesellschaft” (63-72); Gabriella Schubert, “Die Frau in der Volksheilkunde auf dem Balkan” (219-31); Lydia Sklevicky, “The Fate of the Institution of Family in the Period of Revolutionary Change in Society” (73-8); T. V. Tsivian, “La femme aux Balkans: , and Mark


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conservatrice de l’information sacrke” (99-108). Renne, Tanya, ed. Ana ’s Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. This collection includes articles on the position of women in post-socialist Eastern Europe, mostly by East European women activists. There are sections on Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia, and essays on the relationship between Western feminists and Eastern European women activists and feminists. Replika. Special English Language Issue entitled Colonization or Partnership ? Eastern Europe and Western Social Sciences 1 (1996). Edited by Miklos Hadas, and Miklos Voros. The 3rdsection is devoted to “the reception of Western feminist discourses and theories by East European women and men, and explores their adaptations to ‘Eastern’ practices-be it in the arena of family life, social politics, or cultural critique.” -Miklos Voros. The essays in this section are “Feminism and Civil Society” (Susan Gal), “The Social Construction of Women’s Roles in Hungary” (Maria Nemenyi), “Different Region, Different Women: Why Feminism Isn’t Successful in the Czech Republic’’ (Jirina Siklova), “On the Road: Smuggling Feminism across the Post-Iron Curtain” (Jirina Smejkalova), and “Utopian Desires and Western Representations of Femininity” (Miidiilina Nicolaescu). Can be ordered from Miklos Voros, Department of Anthropology, Univ. of Chicago. Also available on-line at http://www .replika.c3.hu/english.htm. Rosenbloom, Rachel, ed. Unspoken Rules: Sexual Orientation and Women‘s Human Rights. Foreword by Charlotte Bunch. (A special report prepared for the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women.) IGLHRC (International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission), August 1995. Includes sections on several Eastern and Central European countries. Available in pdf at http://www.iglhrc.org/site/iglhrc/content.php?type=1&id=80. Rueschemeyer, Marilyn, ed. Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1998; 1994. Rueschemeyer has brought together a set of cogent articles, some by local researchers, and all bolstered by facts and statistics, on the position and prospects of women in the post-Soviet political transition in Eastern and Central Europe (Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech and Slovak Republics, eastern and western Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovenia). She sums up with “Difficulties and Opportunities in the Transition Period: Concluding Observations.” The 2nd edition is substantially revised and expanded particularly to accommodate changes in the Balkans. Scheide, Carmen, and Natali Stegmann, eds. Normsetzung und -iiberschreitung: Geschlecht in der Geschichte Osteuropas im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Bochum: Winkler, 1999. Contents: Natali Stegmann, “Zwischen feministischem Kampf und nationalem Opfer: Weibliche Leitfiguren der polnischen Frauenbewegung vor dem Eersten Weltkrieg,” 19-33; Mariola Siennicka, “Die Warschauer Bourgeoisie in der zweiten Halfte des 19. und zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts (unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Heiratsverhaltens),” 35-48; Katarzyna Sierakowska, “Mutterschaft und Vaterschaft in Farnilien der inteligencja wahrend der Zwischenkriegszeit: Model1 und Wirklichkeit,” 49-6 1; Elke Beyer, “‘Richtet den Soldaten aus, dal3 wir sie lieben, dal3 wir an sie denken und fur sie beten...’: Kriegskrankenschwestern im Russischen Reich wahrend des Ersten Weltkrieges im Spiegel ihrer Selbstdarstellungen,” 65-83; Almut Bohhage, “Frauenbiographien im Moskauer Arbeitermilieu in den zwanziger Jahren,” 85-1 04; Carmen Scheide, “Delegiertenversammlungen als ‘Schule des Kommunismus’,” 105-1 7; Susanne Conze, “Weiblichkeit und Mannlichkeit im sowjetischen Industriebetrieb der vierziger Jahre,” 119-33; NataSa MiSkoviC, “‘Dragi moj Mileta’ : Geschlechterverhaltnisse in der serbischen Jahrhundertwende im Spiegel der Familienkorrespondenz von Jelena NovakoviC,” 13 7 4 9 ; Dietlind Huchtker, “Subjekt in der Geschichte? Emanzipation und Selbstbehauptung, Flucht und Verfolgung in der Autobiographie von Minna Lachs (1907-1993),” 151-67. Schultz, Debra L., ed. Gender Studies & Women’s Studies: Resources in the Countries of


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Central & Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union & Mongolia. Budapest: Network Women’s Program, Open Society Institute, 1999. Scott, Joan W., Cora Kaplan, and Debra Keates. Transitions, Environments, Translations: Feminism in International Politics. New York: Routledge, 1997. Conference volume from a 1995 Rutgers Univ. conference. Three essays in particular treat the whole area: Peggy Watson, “Civil Society and the Politics of Difference in Eastern Europe” pp. 11-20; Susan Gal, “Feminism and Civil Society,” pp. 30-45; and Hana HavelkovA, “Transitory and Persistent Differences: Feminism East and West,” pp. 56-62. Other essays deal with individual countries or regions. Sekulovic, Tatjana, ed. So far, So...:Young Women and Democracy. Amsterdam: YWD Programme, 1996. This collection of essays features women writers from Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and the former states of the Soviet Union. Available from YWD Programme, P.O. Box 92066, 1090 AB Amsterdam, the Netherlands. SlapSak, Svetlana. “Identities Under Threat on the Eastern Borders.” In: Thinking Diflerently: A Reader in European Women’s Studies, edited by Gabriele Griffin and Rosi Braidotti, 14557. London; New York: Zed Books; Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave, 2002. Discussion of women in post-Soviet bloc countries and of their political and social identities. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State, and Society. Special issue entitled Between East and West: Gender in an Era of East European Transitions 2, no. 1 (1999, edited by Jacqueline Heinen. Stolte-Heiskanen, Veronica, and Ruza Stoke-Heiskanen. Women in Science: Token Women or Gender Equality? Oxford; New York: Berg; Distributed exclusively in the U.S.A. and Canada by St. Martin’s Press, 1991. Relevant articles include: “The emergence of women into research and development in the Austrian context” by Dorothea Gaudart; “Women in science careers in the German Democratic Republic” by Heidrun Radtke; “Double-faced marginalisation: women in science in Yugoslavia” by Marina Blagojevic; “Women and science in Bulgaria: the long-hurdle-race” by Nora Ananieva; “Women, science and politics in Greece: three is a crowd” by Ann R. Cacoullos; “Women in academic science careers in Turkey” by Feride Acar; “Equal opportunities for women?: women in science in Hungary by Agnes Haraszthy ; “Select bibliography: women in scientific and technical careers” by Ruza Furst-Dilic. Book sponsored by the International Social Science Council in co-operation with Unesco. Includes bibliographical references and index. Strong, Ann Louise, Thomas A. Reiner, and Janusz Szyrmer. Transitions in Land and Housing in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, and Poland. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996. Stulhofer, Aleksander, and The0 Sandfort, eds. Sexuality and Gender in Postcommunist Eastern Europe and Russia. New York: Haworth Press, 2005. Szelknyi, Ivan, ed. Poverty, Ethnicity, and Gender in Transitional Societies. Budapest: Akadkmiai Kiad6, 2002. Reprinted from Review of Sociology of the Hungarian Sociological Association v. 7 , no. 2 (2001). Includes Eva Fodor, “The Feminization of Poverty in Six PostState Socialist Societies,” 91-107, and Christy Glass and Janette Kawachi, “Winners or Losers of Reform? Gender and Unemployment in Poland and Hungary,” 109-40. Theologishe Frauenforschung in Mittel-Ost-Europa=Theological Women ’s Studies in CentraUEastern Europe=Recherche thkologique des femmes en Europe orientale et centrale. E. Adamiak, R. J. AniC, K. Buday, eds; with C. Methuen and A. Berlis. Yearbook of the European Society of Women in Theological Research, 1 1. Leuven: Peeters Press, 2003. This issue of the yearbook “gathers together articles by Eastern and Central European women theologians, reflecting on their context, their history and their identity. The book gathers papers from Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Slovenia, from Lutheran, Reformed, Orthodox, Greek Catholic and Roman Catholic perspectives. Central for many of the authors is the burning question of how identity is to be defined - for women, for believers, in the postcommunist era.” -From the Publisher’s web site. 25

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Torra, Michael Jose. “Gay Rights after the Iron Curtain.” Fletcher Forum of World Afsairs 22, no. 2 (SummerFall 1998): 73-87. Transit: Europaische Revue. Special issue Ex occidente lux? Westliche Theorien: ostliche Wirklichkeiten 9 ( 1995). The issue treats “Western theories-Eastern realities,” including gender and feminism. Ulice, Silnice, Dalnice / Strassen und Grenzwege. Prague: Profem, 1996. An anthology of texts from Eastern and Western Europe about trafficking in women, streetwork, prostitution and HIVIAIDS prevention. In Czech and German. UNDP. Gender in Transition: Five Years of UNDP Projects in Eastern and Central Europe and CIS. New York: UNDP, 1999. Overview of gender-focused UNDP programs in 29 Countries in Eastern Europe and CIS. UNESCO. Proceedings of the International Conference on the Role of Women in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in the 19th and 20th Century: Veszprkm, Hungary, August 15-19,1983. 2 vols. [Budapest]: UNESCO, 1983. UNICEF. Women in Transition. Regional Monitoring Report; the MONEE Project, CEEICISIBaltics, no. 6. Florence: UNICEF International Child Development Centre, 1999. Report about women in the former communist countries, structured around six themes: transition, women & children, women in the labor market, women in decision making, government mechanisms for promoting women, gender assessment of the legislative process, women and mass media, women and the ngo sector. Includes statistical annex (pp.[ 109]-44), and bibliographical references (pp. [ 1531-62). United Nations, Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs. The Impact of Economic and Political Reform OYIthe Status of Women in Eastern Europe. Proceedings of a United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna, 8-12 April 1991. New York: United Nations, 1992. United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe, Statistics Sweden, Statistical Office of the European Communities, United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women. Women and Men in Europe and North America, 1995. Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations, 1995. Includes bibliographical references. VENA Journal. Special issue Women after Communism: Transitions in Central and Eastern Europe 7, no. 1 (June 1995). Includes bibliographical references. Weber, Renate, and Nicole Watson, eds. Women 2000: An Investigation into the Status of Women’s Rights in Central and South-Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States. Vienna: International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, 2000. Full-text available at http://www.ihf-hr.org/appeals/OO1109b.htm Wejnert, Barbara, Metta Spencer and Slobodan Drakulic, eds. Women in Post- Communism. Greenwich, CT; London: JAI Press, 1996. Weyembergh, Anne, and Sinziana Carstocea, eds. The Gays’ and Lesbians’ Rights in an Enlarged European Union. Brussels: Editions de l’Universit6 de Bruxelles, 2006. Contributions from different disciplines-law, political science, journalism, and sociology, and from various European countries-including Slovenia, Greece, Poland, Romania, and Hungary. What Can We Do for Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference. Belgrade: Center for Women’s Studies, Research and Communication, 1994. A collection of articles by women living in Serbia in defense of basic human rights. Participants from Germany, Macedonia, Romania, and Russia outline aspects of women’s lives in their respective countries. Ann Snitow (U.S.) contributes an article listing reasons why East European women distrust Western-style feminism. Other articles are: Sonja Licht, “Opening Greetings”; Marina BlagojeviC, “How It All Started”; Neda BoZinovic, “Key Points in the History of the Women’s Movement in Former Yugoslavia”; parana Papid, “Women’s Movement in Former Yugoslavia: 1970s and 1980s”; Marina BlagojeviC, “Women and War: The Paradox of


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SelfBacrifice or The Anatomy of Passivity”; Zorica MrSeviC, “Incomprehension of Women Victims of Violence”; StaSa Zajovid, “I Am Disloyal”; iarana PapiC. “From State Socialism to State Nationalism: The Case of Serbia in Gender Perspective”; Indira KajoSeviC, “Women of Yugoslavia in Parliament and Political Life after the Multiparty Elections in 1989”; Lepa MladenoviC. “In the Home-On the Battlefield: Basic Characteristics of Male Violence against Women and War Violence”; DaSa DuhaEek, “Travel on, Europe”; Jasmina LukiC, “Women’s Writing and Dismemberment of the Ex-Yugoslavian Cultural Milieu”; Jasmina TeSanoviC, “Women’s Writing in War”; Biljana DojEinoviC-NeSiC, “Project of the Library at Belgrade’s Women’s Studies Center”; Radmila VasiC, “The Future of Women in the Future of Democracy”; Vesna NikoliC-RistanoviC; “Feminist Research as Process of Empowering: An Example of Research on Violence against Women”; Radmila VeskoviC, “SOS Hotline, Kraljevo: Our Work and Experience.” Articles by three Croatians unable to attend the conference are included: Rada IvekoviC, “Address to the . . . Conference”; Biljana KaSiC, “December 1992: The Beginning”; and Dubravka UgreSiC, “Because We’re Lads.” The volume ends with a summary of “Workshops and Strategies,” which includes a “Bill of Rights” (70 entries.) White, Stephen, Judy Batt, and Paul G Lewis. Developments in Central and East European Politics, Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 1998; 1993. Two editions of a book on “development in East European Politics” with chapters such as Paul Lewis’ “Balkans: Bulgaria, Romania, Albania and Former Yugoslavia” and Tom Gallagher’s “In the Shadow of Moscow: Ukraine, Moldova and the Baltics.” Wilford, Rick, and Robert L. Miller, eds. Women, Ethnicity and Nationalism: The Politics of Transition. London & New York: Routledge, 1998. Williams, Phil. Illegal Immigration and Commercial Sex: the New Slave Trade. London; Portland, OR: Frank Cass, 1999. Wingfield, Nancy M., and Maria Bucur. Gender and War in Twentieth Century Eastern Europe. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2006. Wolchik, Sharon, and Alfred G. Meyer, eds. Women, State and Party in Eastern Europe. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. This rich early collection of twenty articles on the history and position of women in East European countries is presented from a cross-cultural perspective and introduced by political (Meyer) and socioeconomic (Wolchik) overviews. WoMen & Democracy: The Second Conference, Reykjavik- Vilnius, 2001, June 15-1 7: Conference Report. Vilnius: Arlora, 2002. Includes participants from Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia speaking on the topics of “Future Challenges for Gender Equality Work” and “Trafficking in Women: Prevention and Protection.” Women in Eastern Europe. Paris: International Center of Free Trade Unionists in Exile, 1956. Women in Leadership: Politics and Business: Meeting Report, Vienna, Austria, 19-22 November 1992. Cambridge, MA: Project Liberty, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Univ., 1993. Includes chapters on Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and unified Germany. Women in Leadership Positions in Public Administration Experiences, Requests, and Strategies: Conference, July 1-4, 1987, Friedrich-Ebert-Stqtung,Bonn, FRG. [Ottawa, Ont.] : International Political Science Association, 1987. Includes two papers on Eastern Europe, index, and bibliographical references. Women on the Move: NGO Consultation: Report of the Meeting, 10-12 October 1994, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Geneva: NGLS, 1995. Woodrough, Elizabeth, ed. Women in European Theatre. Oxford: Intellect Books, 1995. Papers presented at a conference held in March, 1993 at the Institute of Romance Studies, Univ. of London. Yedlin, Tova, ed. Women in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. New York: Praeger, 1980. Zaborowska, Magdalena J., ed. How We Found America: Reading Gender through East


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European Immigrant Narratives. Chapel Hill; London: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1995. Zaborowska applies her insight as a Polish scholar teaching in the United States (English at Furman Univ.) and a theoretical framework derived primarily from Mikhail Bakhtin and Julia Kristeva to narratives of the immigrant experience. In particular, she discusses the writings of women, which “comprise a distinct tradition without which it is impossible to talk about the East European literature not only in the United States but also in the whole cultural realm known as the “West’.’’ zenska Infoteka, Zagreb. Seminar gene i politika: Nova militarizacija Europe-posljedice i utjecaji: Dokumentacijflomen and Politics: New Militarization of Europe-Impacts and Implications. Zagreb: 2enska Infoteka, 1998. A collection of papers presented in Dubrovnik, 18-23 May 1998. Published in Croatian and English. Includes: Durda KneZeviC, “Da li je moguca nova militarizacija Europe” (about the possibility of a new militarization of Europe); Ana Kende, “Madjarske Zene i americka vojna baza” (about Hungarian women and an American military base); Charlotte Paton, “G1 Percepicja Sirenja NATO-a, 1998: Zapad susrece istok” (about perceptions of NATO expansion, 1998); Jivka Marinova, “PribliZavanje NATO-U- utjecaj na poloZaj 2ena U Bugarskoj” (about getting closer to NATO and its impact on women’s position in Bulgaria); Enkeleida Tahiraj, “Utjecaj promjena na druStvo U Albaniji: poseban model militarizacije” (about the impact of changes on Albanian society and a particular model of militarization); Gordana ObradoviC DragiSiC, “2ene U ruralnim podrucjima i militarizacija druStva” (about women in rural areas and the militarization of society); Kristina Zaborski, “Minska polja i druStveni iiivot na Kordunskom podrucju” (about mine fields and social life in the Kordun area); Mihaela Mudure, “2ene o ratu: 2ene o militarizaciji U rumunjskom dnevnom tisku” (about women’s texts on militarization in the Romanian daily press); Smiljana Leinert Novosel, “2enski princip i militarizacija” (about the woman principle and militarization); Olga Lipovskaya, “Maskulinizacija” (about masculinization); and Maja DubljeviC, “Militarizacija i neokonzervetizam” (about militarization and neoconservatism). . Seminar 2ene i Politika: Dokumentacija /Seminar Women and Politics: Documentation. Zagreb: h n s k a Infoteka, 1998. Volume from a seminar on women and politics: “2ene i politika,” Dubrovnik, 10-12 July 1997. Proceedings. Texts by Durda KneZeviC, Croatia, “Predgovor” [Preface]; Svjetlana DerajiC, Bosnia-Herzegovina, “Je li dovolj an samo zakonski okvir,” (about the legal framework); NadeZda CaEinoviC, Croatia, “Prije i poslije: Upotrebe i zloupotrebe usporedivanja: Esej o politici i kulturi obiljezenoj rodom” (about politics and culture marked by gender); Smiljana Leinert Novosel, Croatia, “pene U medijima: SluEaj Hrvatske televizije” (about women in the media-the case of Croatian television); Jagoda Milidrag Smit, Croatia, “Nevidljivost Zene: Pravo lice druStvenih promjena U Hrvatskoj” (about womens’ invisibility in Croatia] ; Anna Kende, Hungary, “Rodna analiza nacionalnog Skolskog programa nakon tranzicije U Madarskoj” (A gender analysis of the national school program after the transition in Hungary); Julia Szalai, Hungary, “Obrazovni program John Wesley koled2a” (about the John Wesley College educational program); Daniela Dimitrievska, Macedonia, “Zakonska osnova politicke participacije Zena” (about the Legal basis for women’s political participation); Mara Marin, Romania, “Uloga udiibenika U procesu socijalizacije rodova: sluEaj Rumunj ske” (about the role of textbooks in the process of gender socialization in Romania). Zhukova, Iuliia, ed. Feministskaia teoriia i praktika: Vostok - Zapad: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, Sankt-Peterburg, Repino. 9-1 2 iunia 1995 g. St. Petersburg: Peterburgskii tsentr gendernykh problem, 1996. Based on the international conference “Feminist Theory and Practice: East-West,” held in St. Petersburg and Repino, Russia, June 9-12 1995. Published with the assistance of the Frauenstiftung (Hamburg). The headings under which the conference was organized were: “Zhenskii vopros segodnia: Vostok-zapad” (The Woman Question Today: East-West); “Zhenskoe dvizhenie:


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Itogi, opyt, perspektivy” (The Women’s Movement: Origins, Experience, and Perspectives); “Feministskaia praktika: Vostok-Zapad” (Feminist Practice: East-West); “Nasilie protiv zhenshchin” (Violence against Women); “Zhenskie/gendernye issledovaniia” (Women and Gender Research); “Zhenshchiny v literature” (Women in Literature); “Istoriia zhenshchin” (Women’s History); and “Materialy ‘kruglykh stolov’ (Round-table Discussions).” Women from Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Latvia, Romania, Serbia, the United States, and Russia are represented in the collection. Zymanzik, B., H. Gemba and W. Tenhagen, eds. Frau und Mann in Sprache, Literatur und Kultur des slavischen und baltischen Raumes: Beitrage zu einem Symposium in Munster 11. / 12. Mai 2000. Schriften zur Kulturwissenschaft, 45. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. KovaE, 2002.

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Abele, Daniel G. “Support for Minority Rights in Estonia, Latvia, Romania, and Slovakia.” Ph.D. diss. in Political Science. The George Washington Univ., 1996. “The study focuses on attitudes of members of the majority ethnic group in Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, and Romania toward issues related to minority groups . . .” Among other questions Abele looks at the “role [of] demographic variables (education, gender, age, ethnic composition) and social-political variables (economic assessment, democratic values, psychological inflexibility, threat, and prejudice) play in predicting support for minority rights.” Acsady, Judit. “Urges and Obstacles: Chances for Feminism in Eastern Europe.” Women’s Studies International Forum 22, no. 4 (July 1999): 405-9. Alderson, Arthur S., and Stephen K. Sanderson. “Historic European Household Structure and the Capitalist World-Economy.” Family History 16, no. 4 (1991): 419-32. Economic and social history of East European households. Allendorf, Marlis. Women in Socialist Society. Trans. from German by Ruth Michaelis-Jena and Patrick Murray. New York: International Publishers, 1975. Alsop, Rachel, and Jenny Hockey. “Women’s Reproductive Lives as a Symbolic Resource in Central and Eastern Europe.” European Journal of Women’s Studies 8, no. 4 (November 2001): 454-7 1. With particular emphasis and data on Serbia, East Germany and Poland. Althaus, F. “Replacement-Level Fertility Has Now Become the Rule in Most of Eastern Europe.” Family Planning Perspectives 24, no. 3 (May-June 1992): 140-2. A report and statistics. Altink, Sietske. Stolen Lives: Trading Women into Sex and Slavery. London: Scarlet Press; New York: Harrington Park Press, 1995. Includes information on East European women. Anderson, Bonnie S., and Judith P. Zinsser. A History of Their Own: Women in Europe from Prehistory to Present. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2000. This transeuropean history of women and gender includes bibliographical references and indexes. Andorka Rudolph. “Policy responses to population decline in the twenty-first century: pronatalism, migration policy, growing labour force participation or other alternatives?” In International Population Conference/Congres International de la Population, New Delhi, September/septembre 20-27, 1989, vol. 3, 303-1 3. Likge, Belgium: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, 1989. About population policy in Europe. . “Tarsadalompolitikai valaszok a nepessegszam csokkenesere a 2 1. evszazadban: pronatalista nepesedespolitika, bevandorlasi politika, a foglalkoztatottsag novelese vagy mas alternativak?” [Policy responses to population decline in the twenty-first century: pronatalism, migration policy, growing labor force participation or other alternatives?] Demografia 33, no. 1-2 (1990): 7-23. Hungarian version of above paper.


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Anker Richard. “Comparative Survey.” In Working Women in Socialist Countries: the Fertility Connection, edited by Valentina Bodrova and Richard Anker, 1-21. Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Office, 1985. Antic, Milica G. “Ne-sreEno razmerje: strankarska politika in genske v dr2vah vzhodne Srednje Evrope.” Druiboslovne razprave 16, no. 34-35 (2000): 127-39. About women in party politics in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Slovenia. Ashwin, S. “Women and the Transition From Communism: Between a Rock and a Hard Place.” Slavonic and East European Review 71, no. 4 (1993): 712-6. Axmann Agnes. “Eastern Europe and Community of Independent States .” International Migration 36, no. 4 (1998): 587-607. Barber, Elizabeth Wayland. “On the Origins of the Vily/Rusallu.” Varia on the IndoEuropean Past: Papers in Memory of Marija Gimbutas. Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph 19 ( 1997): 647. . Women’s Work: The First 20, 000 Years - Women, Cloth and Society in Early Times. New York: Norton, 1994. Barkowska, Grazyna. “The Strategy of Self-Adjustment: Women’s Literature in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century.” In A History of Central European Women’s Writing, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 76-86. New York: Palgrave, in association with School of Slavonic and East European Studies, Univ. College, London, 2001. Bassnet, Susan. “Crossing Cultural Boundaries, or How I Became an Expert on East European Women Overnight.” Women’s Studies International Forum 15, no. 1 (1992): 11-5. Batt, Judy. “The End of Communist Rule in East-Central Europe: A Four Country Comparison.” Government and Opposition: An International Journal of Comparative Politics 26, no. 3 (Summer 1991): 368-90. Becker, Ricarda. Die weibliche Initiation im ostslawischen Znubermarchen: ein Beitrag zu Funktion und Symbolik des weiblichen Aspektes im Marchen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Figur der Baba-Jaga. Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei 0. Harrassowitz, 1990. About female initiation and symbolism in fairy tales, with special attention to Baba Yaga. Beissinger, Margaret. “Epic, Gender, and Nationalism: The Development of NineteenthCentury Balkan Literature.” Epic Traditions in the Contemporary World: The Poetics of Community, edited by Margaret Beissinger, Jane Tylus, and Susanne Wofford, 69-86. Berkeley, CA: Univ. of California Press, 3 999. About the constructions of gender in Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, and Romanian epic poetry of the 19* century. . “Gender and Power in the Balkan Return Song.” Slavic and East European Journal 45, no. 3 (2001): 403-30. Belinski, A., H. Blei, A. Brockhaus, H. Mattes, E. Schmied, and E. Schweissgut. Abtreibung und Schwangerschaftsunterbrechung in den osteuropaischen Lkindern. Herrenalp, FRG: Verlag fur internationalen Kulturaustausch, 1962. Analysis of abortion in East European socialist states, arguing that abortion policies are determined by demographic goals. Benderly, Jill. “Eastern European Feminism: No Room of One’s Own.” On the Issues 24 (Fall 1992): 40-3. . “Forging New Bonds: Activists from Eastern and Central Europe and North America Meet to Ensure that Women Worldwide Take an Active Role in Domestic, Civic and Personal Politics. New Directions for Women 20 ( 1991) :1. Berent, Jerzy. “Causes of Fertility Decline in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.” Population Studies 24 (March 1970): 35-58; 25 (July 1970): 247-92. Bernik, Ivan and Valentina Hlebec. “How Did It Happen the First Time? Sexual Initiation of Secondary School Students in Seven Postsocialist Countries.” In: Sexuality and Gender in Postcommunist Eastern Europe and Russia,edited by Aleksander Stulhofer and The0 Sandfort, 297-3 15. New York: Haworth, 2005. Data from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic,


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Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Yugoslavia. Bertram, Barbara, Olga Zdravomyslova, and Grazyna Firlit-Fesnak. “Experiencing Social Transformation in Eastern Europe.” Journal of Area Studies 6 (1995): 19-34. Bjerkan, Lise. “Creating Dialogue in a Landscape of Conflict in South Eastern Europe.” Canadian Woman Studies = Les cahiers de la femme 22, no. 2 (Fall 2002-Winter 2003): 137-41. Examines the impact of a project developed by the Stability Pact Gender Task Force, which since 1989, has worked for the political empowerment of women as a means of “fundamentally changing the political culture of South Eastern Europe.” Blayo, Chantal. “Les modes de prevention des naissances en Europe de 1’Est.” Population 46, no. 3 (May-June 1991): 527-46. . “The Role of Abortion in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe.” In International Population Conference / Congrks International de la Population, Montreal 1993, 24 August-1st September, vol. 1, [compiled by] International Union for the Scientific Study of Population [IUSSP], 235-52. Li&ge,Belgium: IUSSP, 1993. Blunt, Fanny Janet Lady. The People of Turkey: Twenty Years Residence among Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Turks, and Armenians by a Conscil ’s Daughter and Wife. London: John Murray, 1861. Appeared also as The People of Turkey: Twenty Years’ Residence among Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Turks and Armenians, by a consul’s daughter and wife. [2 vols. edited by Stanley Lane Poole]. London: John Murray, 1878. Bodrova, Valentina and Richard Anker, eds. Working Women in Socialist Countries: The Fertility Connection. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1985. Includes bibliographies, and chapters by Richard Anker, “Comparative Survey”; Barnabgs Barta, “Hungary”; Velitchko Dobrianov, “Bulgaria”; Zdenek Pavlik, “Czechoslovakia”; Jerzey Z. Holzer and Halina Wasilawska-Trenkner, “Poland.” Bohachevsky-Chomiak, Martha. “Socialism and Feminism: The First Stages of Women’s Organizations in the Eastern Part of the Austrian Empire.” In Women in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, edited by Tova Yedlin, 44-64. New York: Praeger. 1980. Bollag, Burton. “Women’s Studies Programs Gain a Foothold in Eastern Europe: Scholars Embark on Research Projects that Would Have Been Banned during the Communist Era.” The Chronicle of Higher Education 43, vol. 16, December 13, 1996: A14-6. Boneva, Bonka, Irene H. Frieze, Anuska Ferligoj, Eva Jarasova, Daniela Pauknerova, and Aida Orgocka. “East West European Migration and the Role of Motivation in Emigration Desires.” Migracijske teme 13 (1997): 335-61. Boxer, Marilyn, and Jean Quataert, eds. Socialist Women. New York: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., 1978. Brainerd, Elizabeth. “Women in Transition: Changes in Gender Wage Differentials in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 54, no. 1 (2000): 138-62. Branca, Patricia. Women in Europe since 1750. London: Croom Helm, 1978. Brew, Jo. “After the Fall: How Women Are Getting Screwed Up in the Eastern Bloc (Women’s Rights in Eastern Europe).” OffOur Backs 22, no. 6 (June 1992): 1-3. Busheikin, Laura. “Is Sisterhood Really Global? Western Feminism in Eastern Europe.” In Ana ’s Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997 Originally published in Susanna Trnka and Laura Busheikin, eds., Bodies of Bread and Butter: Reconfiguring Women’s Lives in Post-Communist Czech Republic. Prague: Prague Center for Gender Studies, 1993. Caldwell, Gillian, Steven Galster, and Nadia Steinzor. Crime & Servitude: an Expose‘ of the TrafJic in Womenfor Prostitution from the Newly Independent States. Washington, DC: Global Survival Network, 1997. Includes bibliographical references. Campbell, Beatrix. “‘ 1989 and All That: Feminists and Socialism’, (Shifting Territories: Feminism and Europe).” Feminist Review 39 (Autumn 1991): 119-24.


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Carpenter, R. C. “‘Women and Children First’: Gender, Norms, and Humanitarian Evacuation in the Balkans 1991-95.” International Organization 57, no. 4 (2003): 661-94. Center for Democracy (Washington, D.C.), United States Agency for International Development, and Office of Women in Development. The Role of Women and the Transition to Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe: an International Conference: “Palais de 1 ’Europe, Strasbourg, France, 3-4 October 1992, Washington, DC: The Center, 1992. Includes bibliographical references. Charles, Nickie. “Gender Division in Socialist Societies.” In Gender Divisions and Social Change, 103-34. Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993. Clark, Victoria. Why Angels Fall: A Journey Through Orthodox Europe from Byzantium to Kosovo. London: Picador and New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000. A journalist’s account that referes to nuns and women within Orthodoxy. Cockburn, Cynthia. “Technological Change in a Changing Europe: Does It Mean the Same for Women as for Men?” Women’s Studies International Forum 15, no. 1 (1992): 85-90. Conference on Equality between Men and Women in a Changing Europe: Proceedings, Poznan (Poland), 31 March-2 April 1992. Strasbourg: Council1 of Europe Press, 1994. Cooper, Belinda. “Building Feminism from the Ground Up.” [journal]: civnet ’sjournal for civil society 1, no. 3 (August-September 1997). Available at http://www.civnet.org/journaVissue 3/cfbeco.htm. Explains that “under communism, equality for women was little more than a faqade,” but that “today women are building real equality from the ground up. Corrin, Chris. “The Politics of Gender in Central and Eastern Europe.’’ In Developments in Central and East European Politics 2, edited by Stephen White, Judy Batt, Paul G. Lewis, 234-5 1. London: Macmillan, 1998. . “Rethinking Citizenship: Analyses and Activism in Central and Eastern Europe.” In Gender and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe, edited by Chris Coirrin, 64-82. London: Frank Cass, 1999. Also published as vol. 15, no. 1, 1999, of The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics. . “Women in Eastern Europe.” Labour FOCUS on Eastern Europe 1 (1992): 45-8. . “Women’s Politics in ‘Europe’ in the 1990s.” Women’s Studies International Forum 17, no. 2-3 (1994): 289. . “Women’s Studies in Central and Eastern Europe.” In Working Out: New Directions for Women’s Studies, edited by Hilary Hinds, Ann Phoenix, and Jackie Stacey, 124-33. London; Washington, DC: Falmer Press, 1992. Council of Europe. Traflic in Women and Forced Prostitution in Council of Europe Member States: Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1325. Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe, 1997. Features a response to the recommendation by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. Also available at www.coe.fr/cm/dec/l998/645/41.htm and at http://stars.coe.fr/ta/ta97/erec1325.htm. CrnkoviC, Gordana P. “Why Should You Write About Eastem Europe, or: Why Should You Write about the Other?” Feminist Issues 12, no. 2 (Fall 1992): 2 1-42. Dahlerup, Drude. “Learning to Live With the State-State, Market and Civil Society: Women’s Need For State Intervention in East and West.” Women’s Studies International Forum 17, no. 2-3 (1994): 117-27. David, Henry P. Family Planning and Abortion in the Socialist Countries of Central and Eastern Europe. New York: Population Council, 1970. , and Robert J. McIntyre. Reproductive Behavior: Central and Eastern European Experience. New York: Springer Publishing, 1981. Davidoff, Leonore. “Catching the Greased Pig: Domesticity and Feminist History.’’ Women in History (1994): 11-22. Davin, Delia. “Population Policy and Reform: The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China.” ”

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In Women in the Face of Change, edited by Shirin Rai, Hilary Pilkington, and Annie Phizaklea, 79-104. London: Routledge, 1992. Degtiar’, L. “Protsess transformatsii i polozhenie zhenshchin: (na primere stran Tsentral’noi i Vostochnoi Evropy).” Voprosy ekonomiki 3 (2000): 66-73. Published in English as: “The Transformation Process and the Status of Women: (Based on the Example of Central and Eastern Europe).” Russian Social Science Review 43, no. 4 (2002): 48-60. Denich, Bette S. “Paradoxes of Gender and Policy in Eastern Europe: A Discussant’s Comments.” East European Quarterly 23, no. 4 (1990): 499-506. Presented in the session “Gender Contradictions/Gender Transformations, Cases from Eastern Europe”; at the 1987 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association in Chicago. Forms part of special issue “Gender Contradictions/Gender Transformations: Cases From Eastern Europe”. Author comments on articles by Lampland, Kurti, Salzmann, Javor, Huseby-Darvas, Olujic, Cole and Nydon, Freedman, and Gilliland. . “Sex and Power in the Balkans.” In Woman, Culture and Society, edited by Michelle Z. Rosaldo and Louise Lamphere, 243-62. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1974. DeSilva, Lalith. “Women’s Emancipation under Communism: A Re-Evaluation.” East European Quarterly 27 (1993): 301-15. Dijkstra, A. Geske. “Women in Central and Eastern Europe: A Labour Market in Transition.” In Gender and Economics: A European Perspective, edited by A. Geske Dijkstra and Janneke Plantenga, 118-35. New York: Routledge, 1997. Disabled Peoples’ International. European Region. Disabled Women in Europe: a Resource Kit. London: Disability Awareness in Action, 1997. D’Istria, Dora. [Pseud. for Ghica, Princess Elena]. Les femmes en Orient, vol. 1, 1-1 10, Zurich: Meyer & Zeller, 1859, 2 vols. The two volumes contain chapters on the status of women in the Balkans and various Western countries. Dolian, Gayane, Frank Ludicke, Naira Katchatrian, and Alfred0 Morabia. “Contraception and Induced Abortion in Armenia: A Critical Need for Family Planning Programs in Eastern Europe.” The American Journal of Public Health 88, no. 5 (May 1998): 803-6. Domanski, Henryk. “Is the East European ‘Underclass’ Feminized?” Communist and PostCommunist Studies 35, no. 4 (2002): 383-94. DrakuliC, Slavenka. Cafe‘ Europa: Life after Communism. New York: W.W. Norton, 1997. The author presents a set of sharply observed essays on aspects of current conditions in East Central Europe. She includes material on women, and, obviously, her own point of view throughout. . “In Their Words: Women of Eastern Europe.” Ms. 1, no. 1 (July-August 1990): 2648. The author examines the status of women in Eastern Europe; presents comments by women in Hungary, Czechoslovalua, East Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia, and fears that the new democracy will become male-defined. . “The Women Who Wait.” New Statesman & Society, 31 August 1990, 22-5. DuhaCek, DaSa. “Eastern Europe.” In A Companion to Feminist Philosophy, edited by Alison M. Jaggar and Iris Marion Young, 128-36. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 1998,2000. Einhorn, Barbara. Cinderella Goes to Market: Citizenship, Gender and the Women’s Movement in East Central Europe. London: Verso, 1993. The book outlines the “position of women in East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary before and after the collapse of state socialism. Einhorn asks whether such issues as unemployment, nationalist ideologies, lack of childcare and attacks on abortion rights can provide the catalyst for transforming the embryonic women’s groups into something like a mass women’s movement, or whether women are seeking new forms of freedom in femininity and maternity. She also examines ways in which the changes in women’s daily lives are being represented in literature and the media” -Agenda, September 1993. . “Democratization and Women’s Movements in Central and Eastern Europe:


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Concepts of Women’s Rights.” In Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies, edited by Valentine M. Moghadam, 48-73. London: Oxford, 1993. . “Sisters across the Curtain: Women Speak Out in East and West Europe.” END: Journal of European Nuclear Disarmament 8 (February-March 1984): 26-8. . “Where Have All the Women Gone? Women and the Women’s Movement in East Central Europe.” Feminist Review 39 (Autumn 1991): 16-36. , and Swasti Mitter. “A Comparative Analysis of Women’s Industrial Participation during the Transition from Central1y-Planned to Market Economies in East Central Europe.” In The Impact of Economic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe: Proceedings of a United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna, 8-12 April 1991 / United Nations Ofsice of Vienna, Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Afsairs, 15-25. New York: United Nations, 1992. Eisenstein, Zillah. “East European Male Democracies: A Problem of Unequal Equality.” Gender Politics and Post-Communism ( 1993): 303-17. Ellebrecht, Ingrid, ed. Informationstechnische Weiterbildungf u r Frauen von Frauen: Internationaler Workshop. International United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Hamburg Institute for Education. Hamburg: 30 November-3 December 1992. Workshop results and participants’ reports from the international conference, “Train the Trainers in Information and Communication Technology.” The participants consisted of 18 women and 1 man, including ones from Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania. Reports were presented covering the situation of women’s employment, social conditions, legal rights, family obligations, and the change from communist to democratic rule. Elshtain, Jean Bethke. “Exporting Feminism.” Journal of International Afsairs 48, no. 2 (1995): 54-8. Emigh, Rebecca Jean, Eva Fodor, and Ivin Szelinyi. “The Racialization and Feminization of Poverty?” In Poverty, Ethnicity, and Gender in Eastern Europe During the Market Transition, edited by Rebecca Jean Emigh and Ivin Szelhyi, 1-32. Westport, CT; London: Praeger, 200 1. Erhel, Catherine. “The Abortion Fight Again.” World Press Review 38, no. 6 (June 1991): 30-1. Reports that at a time when the death of ideologies is being declared, the abortion debate is still awakening passion. German reunification means East German women will lose the right to choose; Poland has outlawed abortion; Romania has legalized it. Erlich, Vera S. “The Southern Slav Patriarchal Family.” Sociological Review 32 (1940): 22441. European Committee for Equality between Women and Men, Council of Europe. Equality and Democracy: Utopia or Challenge ? Proceedings, Conference Organised by the Council of Europe as a Contribution to the Preparatory Process of the United Nations 4th World Conference on Women (Beijing, 4-15 September 1995), Palais de 1 ’Europe, Strasbourg, 9-1 1 February 1995. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Pub., 1996. Also published in French as Egalite‘ et de‘mocratie: utopie ou &fi? Evans, Richard J. Comrades and Sisters: Feminism, Socialism and Pacifism in Europe, 1870-1945. Hassocks: Wheatsheaf Books, 1987. Includes material on the Habsburg Monarchy, the Czech lands, and Hungary. European Commision, Directorate-General for Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs, UnitV/D.5. Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in Europe?: Eurobarometer 44.3-Results of an Opinion Survey. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998. Includes statistical information and analysis about sex discrimination in employment. Fabian, Katalin. “Zur Artikulation von Frauenthemen in Zentral- und Osteuropa: ein uberblick.” In Vom patriarchalischen Staatssozialismus zur patriarchalen Demokratie: Eine feministische Kritik an der Transformation von Politik, Kultur und Wirtschaft in den ost und


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mitteleuropaischen findern, edited by Eva Kreisky. Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1996. An overview of women’s themes in Central and Eastern Europe. Fajth, Gaspar. “Women in Transition: Themes of the UNICEF MONEE Project.” In Making the Transition Workfor Women in Europe and Central Asia, edited by Marnia Lazreg, 89101. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2000. Festy, Patrick. “La fkcunditk en Europe de 1”Est depuis 1950 [Fertility in Eastern Europe since 19501.” Population 46, no. 3 (mai-juin 1991): 479-509. Flood, Patrick J. “Abortion and the Right to Life in Post-Communist Eastern Europe and Russia.” East European Quarterly 36, no. 2 (Summer 2002): 191-226. Fodor, Eva. “Gender and the Experience of Poverty in Eastern Europe and Russia After 1989.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 35, no. 4 (2002): 369-82. Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia and Slovakia. . “Gender in Transition: Unemployment in Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia.” East European Politics and Societies 11, no. 3 (Fall 1997): 470-501. , I v h Szelknyi, and Rebecca Emigh. The Racialization and Feminization of Poverty During Market Transition in Central and Southern Europe. European Univ. Institute Working Papers. 99/10. San Domenico, Italy: European Univ. Institute, Robert Schuman Centre, 1999. , Christy Glass, Joanna Jastrzbska-Szklarska, Janette Kawachi, Livia Popescu, Daria Popova and Elzbieta Tarkowska. “Gender and the Experience of Poverty in Eastern Europe and Russia after 1989” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 35, no. 4 (2002): 369-82. , Christy Glass, Janettte Kawachi, and Livia Popescu. “Family Policies and Gender in Hungary, Poland, and Romania.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 35, no. 4 (2002): 475-90. Fong, Monica, and Gillian Paull. The Changing Role of Women in Employment in Eastern Europe. N.p.: World Bank, 1992. , and Gillian Paull. “Women’s Economic Status in the Restructuring of Eastern Europe.” In Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies, edited by Valentine M. Moghadam, 217-47. London: Oxford, 1993. . “Women’s Employment in Central and Eastern Europe: The Gender Factor.” Transition: Newsletter about Reforming Economies 3, no. 6 (June 1992): 1-3. Based on the authors’ World Bank Report no. 8213 (Feb. 1992). Fonseca, Isabella. Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and Their Journey. New York: Vintage Books, 1995. Acclaimed travelogue of an American journalist who traveled through Eastern Europe in the early 1990s, living with various groups of Gypsies in several countries. A compassionate and eloquent account of personal stories as well as astute observations and analyses of Gypsy history and experience. “Frau in Osteuropa-statistisch gesehen.” Osteuropa-lnfo 67 (1986): 119-21. Part of a special issue entitled Frauen-Alltag und Emanzipation. Friese, Marianne. “East European Women as Domestics in Eastern Europe: New Social Inequality and Division of Labour among Women.” Journal of Area Studies 6 (1995): 194202. Frieze, Irene H., with Jolanta Miluska, Anuska Ferligoj, Olga Valentinova Mitina and Sally N. Wall. “Beliefs about Future Work and Family Roles in Polish, Russian, Slovene, and U.S. Univ. Students .’, Kobieta i biznesl Women & Business: Journal of the International Forum f o r Women no.1-2 (1998): 58-64. Also published in Polish as ‘‘Poglqdy polskich, rosyjskich, siowenskich i amerykanskich student6w na role kobiet i mqzczyzn” in the same bilingual magazine, pp. 19-24. ,Jolanta Miluska, Bozena Zdaniuk, Anuska Ferligoj and Sally N. Wall. “Changing Attitudes about Future Jobs: Comparing University Students in Central Europe to the United States.”Jo~irnal for Mental Changes (Central European Institute for Behavioral Economics, 35

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Lublin) 4: 49-62. Funk, Nanette. “The Fate of Feminism in Eastern Europe.” Chronicle of Higher Education 40, no. 22, (February 2, 1994): Bl-2. . “Feminism and Post-Communism.” Hypatia 8, no. 4 (Fall 1993): 85-8. . “Feminism East and West.” In Gender Politics and Post-Communism, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 318-30. New York: Routledge, 1993. . “Gibt es einen grenzuberschreitenden Feminismus zwischen Ost und West?” In Frauenbewegung und Frauenpolitik in Osteuropa, edited by Christiane Lemke, Virginia Penrose, and Uta Ruppert, 34-45. Frankfurt: Campus, 1996. About Western feminism in East Europe. Fiirst-Dilie, Ruza. “Die jungen Demokratien in Zentral- und Osteuropa: Eine Chance fur die Frauen?” In Vom patriarchalischen Staatssozialismus zur patriarchalen Demokratie: Eine feministische Kritik an der Transformation von Politik, Kultur und Wirtschaft in den ost und mitteleuropaischen Liindern, edited by Eva Kreisky. Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1996. About women’s political opportunities in Central and East Europe. Gal, Susan. “Feminism and Civil Society,” Replika 1 (1996): 75-81. About the reception of western feminism in Eastern Europe. Available on-line at http://www.replika.c3.hu/. . “Feminism and Civil Society.” In Transitions, Environments, Translations: Feminism in International Politics, edited by Joan W. Scott, Cora Kapland, Debra Keates, 30-45. New York & London: Routledge, 1997. Gal, Susan and Gail Kligman. Politics of Gender Afier Socialism: A Comparative Historical Essay. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000. Contents: “After Socialism”; “Reproduction as Politics”; “Dilemmas of Public and Private”; “Forms of States, Forms of ‘Family’; “Arenas of Political Action”; and “Gender and Change.” Gapova, Elena. “On Nation, Gender, and Class Formation in Belarus.. . and Elsewhere in the Post-Soviet World.” Nationalities Papers 30, no. 4 (2002): 639-62. “Garment Production in Central and Eastern Europe.” Clean Clothes Newsletter 9 (February 1998): 11-4. Reports on the first phase of a project on garment production in the region, focusing on the findings of the Clean Clothes Campaign (Netherlands) researchers, who visited 19 factories in Poland in November 1997. The majority of the workers in these plants were women. Includes information on working conditions in state-owned factories, small private firms, and multinationals, as well as material on trade union and NGO activity in this sector. Gionea, Vasile. Femei vestite din antichitate j i din evul mediu. Bucharest: Ed. Pro Humanitate, 1999. About famous women from antiquity and the middle ages. Giovarelli, Renke. “Women and Land.” In Legal Impediments to Eflective Rural Land Relations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: A Comparative Perspective, edited by Roy Prosterman and Tim Hamstad, 253-68. World Book Technical Paper 436. Washington, DC: The World Book, 1999. Githens, Marianne. “Reproductive Rights and the Struggle with Change in Eastern Europe.” In Abortion Politics: Public Policy in Cross-Cultural Perspective, edited by Marianne Githens and Dorothy McBride Stetson, pp. 55-68. New York: Routledge, 1996. Goldfarb, Jeffery C. “Why Is There No Feminism after Communism?” Social Research 64, no. 2 (Summer 1997): 235-58. “Explores the absence of feminist movements in postcommunist Central & Eastern Europe, suggesting that Western feminism has misinterpreted Central & Eastern European women’s current situation, & Western feminist stereotypes have advanced resistance to feminist ideology. Mira Marody’s (1993) investigation of feminism in Western nations & Josef Skvorecky’s (1992) study of sexual harassment & date rape indicate the persistence of a theoretical blockade between Western & Eastern European theorists, especially with regard to family dynamics & male-female relations. However, the challenge of women’s rights in postcommunist Hungary & Poland


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has given rise to women’s movements; moreover, the marginalization of women by the necessary patriarchal society has opened opportunities for feminism to attack traditional social inequalities. It is concluded that Eastern European women’s movements are paradoxically diminishing & enlarging the theoretical distance in relation to Western feminism. 25 References.” -J. W. Parker. Goodey, Jo. “Sex Trafficking in Women From Central and East European Countries: Promoting a ‘Victim-Centered’ and ‘Woman-Centered’ Approach to Criminal Justice Intervention. ” Feminist Review 76 (2004): 36-45. Grapard, L. “Theoretical Issues of Gender in the Transition From Socialist Regimes.” Journal of Economic Issues 31, no. 3 (1997): 665-86. “Most studies of reform in Eastern and Central Europe fail to consider the gendered impact of the transition. This paper summarizes research showing that women bear a disproportionate share of the costs of adjustment. Alternative views of the role of gender in the theoretical frameworks and social practices of Western liberal democracies and the former socialist regimes in the East are discussed. Different historical and institutional backgrounds, the lack of a shared understanding of the role of gender, and of a common language in which to articulate gender-related concerns and policies, make an East-West dialogue difficult.” Gregory, Paul. “Fertility and Labor Force Participation in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.”Review of Economics and Statistics 64, no. 1 (February 1982): 18-3 1. Gremaux, Ren6. “Woman Becomes Man in the Balkans.’’ In Third Sex and Third Gender: Beyond Sexual Dimorphism in Culture and History edited by Gilbert Herdt, 242. New York; Cambridge, MA: Zone Books, Distributed by MIT Press, 1996; 1994. . “Mannish Women of the Balkan Mountains: Preliminary Notes on the Sworn Virgins in Male Disguise, with Special Reference to their Sexuality and Gender-Identity.” In From Sapho to De Sade: Moments in the History of Sexuality, edited by Jan Bremmer, 14372. London; New York: Routledge, 1991. Gribble, Lyubornira P. “Women Authors of the Orthodox Slavs (Ninth-Seventeenth Centuries).” In American Contributions to the Twelfth International Congress of Slavists: Literature, Linguistics, Poetics: Selected Conference Papers, edited by Robert A. Maguire, 62-77. Bloomington, IN: Slavica, 1998. Grozdanova, Elena and Stefan Andreev. “Das Los der Frauen nach den osmanischen ‘Registerbiichern der Beschwerden’ vom 17. und 18. Jh.” Bulgarian Historical Review 29, no. 1-2 (2001): 52-68. Bulgarian, Greek, Macedonian and Albanian Christian and Muslim girls and women and their court cases regarding abuse and violence, as described in the 17thand 18th-century Ottoman books of complaints. Griibel, Rainer Georg. Sirenen und Kometen: Axiologie und Geschichte der Motive Wasser$rau und Haarstern in slavichen und anderen europaischen Literaturen. Frankfurt: P. Lang, 1995. About folk beliefs pertaining to women in Eastern European literature. Grudkova, Valislava and Urszula Nowakowska. “Democracy or Hypocrisy? US’S Attitude to Funding for East European Projects.” OfSOLtr Backs 24, no. 9 (October 1994): 7. This article is about funding and fellowships for women in Eastern Europe. The authors encourage the US to support women in various programs in EE to help build democracies in postcommunist contries. Grunell, Marianne and Margit van der Steen. “From Dictatorship to Democracy: Women in Mediterranean, Central and Eastern Europe.’’ European Journal of Women’s Studies 1, no. 1 (1 994): 118-9. A conference report: “From Dictatorship to Democracy: Women in Mediterranean, Central and Eastern Europe”, Barcelona, 16-1 8 September 1993. Sponsored by the Institute Catala de la Dona and the European Network for Women’s Studies. Gudorf, Christine E. “Women and Catholic Church Politics in Eastern Europe: Rhetorics, Rituals and Conflicts over Women’s Reproductive Power.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 11, no. 2 (Fall 1995): 101-16.


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Gul@ir, Leyla and Pinar Ilkkaracan. “The ‘Natasha’ Experience: Migrant Sex Workers from the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in Turkey.” Women ’s Studies International Forum 25, no. 4 (2002): 41 1-21. Hassoun, D. and A. Jourdain. “Contraception et avortement dans les pays de 1’Europe de 1’Est.” Cahiers de Sociologie et de De‘mographie me‘dicales 35, no. 2 (1995): 99-123. Haug, Frigga. “The End of Socialism in Europe: A New Challenge for Socialist Feminism?” Feminist Review 39 (1991): 37-48. Harvey, Elizabeth. “National Icons and Visions of Modernity: Asserting and Debating Gender Identities in New National Contexts .” In Zwischen Kriegen: Nationen, Nationalismen und Geschlechter-verhaltnisse in Mittel- und Osteuropa 1918-1939, edited by Johann Gehmacher, Elizabeth Harvey, and Sophia Kemlein, 305-1 5. Osnabriick: Fibre, 2004. Havelkova, Hana. “Real existierender Feminismus.” Transit: Europaische Revue 9 ( 1995): 146-58. About Western feminism in Eastern Europe. . “Transitory and Persistent Differences: Feminism East and West.” In Transitions, Environments, Translations: Feminism in International Politics, edited by Joan W. Scott, Cora Kapland, Debra Keates, 56-62. New York & London: Routledge, 1997. Hawkesworth, Celia. “Feminist Writing in Eastern Europe: The Problem Solved?” In Textual Liberation, edited by Helena Forsas-Scott. 100-29. London: Routledge, 1991. Heinen, Jacqueline. “Genre et politiques ktatiques en Europe centrale et orientale [Gender and State Politics in Central and Eastern Europe]. Recherches fe‘ministes 12, no. 1 (1999): 123-35. Social policy, citizenship and the role of women in Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria. . “Inequalities at Work: The Gender Division of Labour in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.” Studies in Political Economy 33 (1990): 39-61. . “Public/Private: Gender-Social and Political Citizenship in Eastern Europe.” Theory and Society 26, no. 4 (1997): 577-97. Heitlinger, Alena. “Births in East Europe.” New Society 33, no. 665 (July 3, 1975): 20. . “The Historical Development of European Socialist Feminism.” Catalyst 10-1 1 (Summer 1977): 125-5 1. . “Marxism, Feminism, and Sex Equality.” In Women in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, edited by Tova Yedlin, 9-18. New York: Praeger, 1980, . “Maternity Leaves, Protective Legislation and Sex Equality: Eastern European and Canadian Perspectives.” In Women in Canada: Political Economy and Political Struggles, edited by Heather Jan Maroney and Meg Luxton, 247-61. Toronto: Methuen, 1987. . Reproduction, Medicine and the Socialist State. London: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin’s, 1987. Discusses reproductive policies and reproductive services in Central and Eastern Europe, with special emphasis on Czechoslovakia. . “Women in Eastern Europe.”Broadsheet: New Zealand Feminist Magazine 177 (April 1990): 28-3 1. . “Women in Eastern Europe: Survey of Literature.” Women ’s Studies International Forum 80, no. 2 (1985): 147-52. Helsinki Citizens’Assembly Women’s Commission. Reproductive Rights in East and Central Europe: Proceedings of a Meeting Entitled “Women’sHealth and Reproductive Rights in Central and Eastern Europe, held December 6-8, 1991, at Liblice Castle, Czechoslovakia. Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Publication Series, 3. Prague: Helsinki Citizens’Assembly International Secretariat, 1992. Proceedings of a meeting entitled “Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights in Central and Eastern Europe,” held December 6-8, 1991, at Liblice Castle, Czechoslovakia. Hennon, Charles, B. and Allen R. Jones. “Family-Related Economic and Employment Policies and Programs in Central and Eastern European Countries.” In Social Justice and the WeEfare State in Central and Eastern Europe: the Impact of Privatization, edited by Demetrius S. Iatridis. 132-50. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000.


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Herzfeld, Michael. “Commentary: Gender, Political Ideology, and Nationalism in Eastern Europe-Challenging Questions and Elusive Answers,” East European Quarterly 23, no. 4 (1989): 507-1 6. Part of a special issue entitled “Gender Contradictions/Gender Transformations: Cases From Eastern Europe.” Hiller, Ulrike and Susanne Schunter-Kleemann. “Leben zwischen den Grenzen. Europaische Asyl- und Einwanderungspolitik gegenuber Frauen.” In Herrenhaus Europa: Geschlechtewerhaltnisse im Wohljahrtsstaat, edited by Susanne Schunter-Kleemann, 10739. Berlin: Edition Sigma, 1992. About women migrants and refugees in Europe. Hinzen, Heribert, ed. Adult Education and Development. Bonn: Institute for International Cooperation, 1993. About multiculturalism, environmental learning, cooperation and partnership with Eastern Europe, and women and training. Published by the German Adult Education Association. Hochberg, Agnes. “L’6closion du fiminisme en Europe centrale et de 1’Est: une grande diversit6 de contexts natiaunaux.” Les Temps Modernes 52, no. 593 (April-May 1997): 14264. Overview of the blossoming of women’s movements, women’s NGOs, and women’s and gender studies centers in the countries of Eastern Europe since 1989. The article is introduced by the Czech scholar Jitka MaleckovB. Hoff, Joan and Christie Farnham. “The More Things Change the Worse They Become for Women.” Journal of Women’s History 5 , no. 3 (1994): 6-10. Comments by the editors of this special issue on European women, with a special emphasis on Central and East European women, discussing the socio-economic and legal status of women in Poland, as a particular example of what has happened in most of the countries of Eastern Europe: loss of rights, jobs, social services and access to abortion in the wake of the fall of communism. There is also discussion of the impact of liberation on women and the political activities of feminist groups. Hoffman, Eva. Exit into History: A Journey through the New Eastern Europe. New York: Viking, 1993. A writer of Polish-Jewish origin returns to her homeland and visits Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia just after the fall of communism. Holzner, Brigitte. M. “Research on Gender Issues and Agrarian Change in East-Central and Eastern European Countries: Some Preliminary Impressions.” VENA Newsletter 7, no. 1 (1995): 12-7. Also published in Zemedelska ekonomika 43, no. 9 (1997):431-6. Abstract (also in Czech): This article sketches agrarian transformation in East-Central and Eastern European countries and scrutinises the literature about rural gender studies. It shows that a combined effort to focus on gender and agrarian change is a difficult undertaking as only few studies are available. Most studies either discuss gender issues but not in an agrarian context, or agrarian transformation is discussed without addressing gender topics. Nevertheless, some gender issues can be inferred form the information available. The article ends with a plea for micro-level studies. Homberg, Barbara. Geteilte Schwestern ? Die Zusarnrnenarbeit in der Ost- und WestjCrauenbewegung.Berlin: C. Hoffmann, 1994. About cooperation between western and eastern women’s movements. Hubner, Sabine, Friederike Maier, and Hedwig Rudolph. “Women’s Employment in Central and Eastern Europe: Status and Prospects.” In Structural Changes in Central and Eastern Europe: Labour Market and Social Policy Implications, edited by Georg Fisher and Guy Standing, 2 13-40. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; Washington: OCED Publication and Information Centre, 1993, Hulewicz, Halka de. La mission de la femme slave. Paris: Impr. Renaudie, 1917. About women in Eastern Europe. Hummel, Diana. “Frauenhandel und Europa 1993.” In Das unsichtbare Geschlecht der Europa: der europaische EinigungsprozeJ aus feministischer Sicht, edited by E. Biester, 128-40. Frankfurt: Campus, 1994. About the post-1989 trafficking in women, many of them


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from Eastern and Central Europe. Includes bibliography. . “Lohnende Geschafte: Frauenhandel mit Osteuropaerinnen und der EG Binnenmarkt.” Beitrage zur feministischen theorie und praxis 16, no. 34 (1993): 59-68. About the trafficking of East European women in the European Common Market. Hunt, Swanee. “‘Feminization of Poverty’ in East Europe: Western-Style Safeguards Are Foreign to Women in Post-Communist Nations.” Baltimore Sun, July 13, 1997, F5. . “Women’s Vital Voices: The Costs of Exclusion in Eastern Europe.” Foreign Affairs 76, no. 4 (July-August, 1997): 2-8. Hunter, William Wilson Sir. State Education for the People in America, Europe, India, and Australia with Papers on the Education of Women, Technical Instruction, and Payment by Results. Syracuse, NY: C.W. Bardeen, 1895. History of education series fiche 12,579-1 2,580 Woodbridge, CT: Research Publications International, 1989. Includes index and bibliographical references. Huseby-Darvas, Eva V. “Voices of Plight, Voices of Paradox: Narratives of Women Refugees From the Balkans and the Hungarian Host Population.” The Anthropology of East Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 15-22. Part of a special issue entitled “Refugee Women of the Balkans”. I-Gelle, Fridkric. “The Marxist World and the New Feminism. [Le monde Marxiste et le neofhinisme.]” In Dife’rer la vie: les e‘glises et les e‘tatsface ci l’avortement et h la contraciption, edited by Fr6deric I-Gelle, pp. 345-436. Paris: Librairie Maloine, 1975. Examines the situation in all Warsaw Pact countries, as well as China. The Impact of Economic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe: Proceedings of a United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna, 8-12 April 1991. New York: United Nations, 1992. Imre, Anik6. “Comparative Central European Culture: Gender in Literature and Film.” In Comparative Central European Culture, edited by Steven Totosy de Zepetnek, 7 1-89. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue Univ. Press, 2002. Ingham, Mike and Hilary Ingham. “Gender and Labour Market Restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe.” In Work, Employment and Transition: Restructuring Livelihoods in PostCommunism, edited by A1 Rainnie, Adrian Smith and Adam Swain, 170-90. London; New York: Routledge, 2002. Ingram, Susan. “New Kids on the (Modern European History) Block: ‘Women, Gender and the Extreme Right in Europe 1919-1945’: An International Conference held at Cardiff Univ., 4-6 July 2001 .” Spaces of Identity: Tradition, Cultural Boundaries and Identity Formation in Central and Eastern Europe 2, no, 1 (2002). A report on the conference, which included papers on Serbia and Croatia, Romania, Hungary, Latvia and Poland, among other countries. Available in electronic format only, at http://www.spacesofidentity.net/. “International Workshops on the Problems of Equality in the Current Period of Transition in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe.” Report/Bericht, Sofia: Europarat, 1993. Iordanova, Dina. “Balkan Wedding Revisited: Multiple Messages of Filmed Nuptuals.” Working Papers in Austrian Studies 98-101 (1998). Ishiyama, John T. “Women’s Parties in Post-Communist Politics.” East European Politics and Societies 17, no. 2 (2003): 266-304. IvekoviC, Rada. “Women, Nationalism, and War: ‘Make Love Not War’ .” Hypatia 8, no. 4 (Fall 1993): 113-26. Jaeckel, Monika, Marina Arutiunyan, and Ulla Bjornberg. “Young Families in Eastern and Western Europe.” Journal of Area Studies 6 1995): 35-59. Jallov, Birgitte. Women On the Air: Women in Community Radio in Europe. Copenhagen: Medie/Kommunikationsuddannelsen, Roskilde Universitetscenter, 1983. Includes information on community radio in Austria, Greece, and Yugoslavia. JaluSiE, Vlasta. “Between the Social and the Political: Feminism, Citizenship and the


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Possibilities of an Arendtian Perspective in Eastern Europe.” The European Journal of Women’s Studies 9, no. 2 (May 2002): 103-22. . “Freedom Versus Equality? Some Thoughts About Attitudes Toward Gender Equality Politics in Eastern and Central Europe.” In Handbook of Global Social Policy, edited by Stuart S. Nagel and Amy Robb, 297-315. h b l i c Administration and Public Policy, 88. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2001. Jancar, Barbara W. “Elite Analysis in Applied Research on Women in Communist Society.” Women & Politics 1, no. 2 (Summer 1980): 47-64. Includes statistics, tables, and references. . Women under Communism. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1978. . “Women under Communism.” In Women and Politics, edited by Jane Jaquette. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974. Janda, Laura A. “Whence Virility? The Rise of a New Gender Distinction in the History of Slavic.” In Slavic Gender Linguistics, edited by Margaret H. Mills, 201-28. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: J. Benjamins, 1999. Janova, Mira and Mariette Sineau. “Women’s Participation in Political Power in Europe: An Essay in East-West Comparison.” Women’s Studies International Forum 15, no. 1 (1992): 123. Jansen, Mechthild, ed. Frauen in Osteuropa. Wiesbaden: Hessische Landeszentrale fur Politische Bildung, 1993. About women in Eastern Europe. Jaquette, Jane, and Sharon L. Wolchik, eds. Women and Democracy: Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1998. Jasso, Guillermina. “Trends in the Experience of Injustice: Justice Indexes about Earnings in Six Societies, 1991-1996.” Social Justice Research 13, no. 2 (2000): 101-21. Measures gender differences in poverty and inequality in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, East and West Germany, Hungary, and Russia, 1991-96. Jenson, J. H. “The Changing Balkan Family.” International Archives of Ethnography 5 1 (1968): 20-48. Jobst, Kerstin S. “Nationalitaten, Geschlecht und geographischer Raum. Anmerkungen zu dem “Sonderfall” Osteuropa [Nationalism, gender and geographic space: comments on the ‘exception’ of East Europe] .” In Zwischen Kriegen: Nationen, Nationalismen und Geschlechter-verhaltnisse in Mittel- und Osteuropa 1918-1 939, edited by Johann Gehmacher, Elizabeth Harvey, Sophia Kemlein, 129-42. Osnabriick: Fibre, 2004. Jung, Nora. “Eastern European Women with Western Eyes.” In Stirring It: Challengesfor Feminism, edited by Gabriele Griffin, 195-210. London: Taylor and Francis, 1994. A Hungarian woman discusses Western scholarship on East European women. . “Importing Feminism to Eastern Europe.” History of European Ideas 19, no. 4-6 ( 1994): 845-52. . “What is New About the ‘New’ Women’s Movements in Eastern Europe?” European Legacy 1, no. 3 (1996): 920-5. Jurajda, StepBn. Gender Wage Gap and Segregation in Late Transition. Discussion Paper, 2952, London: Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2001. Covers Eastern and Central Europe. Kabakova, Galina. Anthropologie du corps fe‘minin dans le monde slave. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2000. Translated into Russian as Antropologiia zhenskogo tela v slavianskoi traditsii Moscow: Ladomir, 2001. . “Le sein et le lait maternel dans l’imagination slave.” Re‘vue russe 8 (1995): 83-90. About the breast and mother’s milk in the Slavic imagination. Kaldor, Mary. “After the Cold War”. Feminist Review 39 (Winter 1991): 109-14. Kand6, Tam6s. Sexual Behavior and Family Life in Transition. New York-Oxford: Elsevier, 1978. Discussess the relationship between marriage, sex customs, and social change.


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Kaplan, Marion A., ed. The Marriage Bargain: Women and Dowries in European History. New York: Institute for Research in History: Haworth Press, 1985. Published also as no. 10 of Women & History. Includes bibliographical references and index. Kaser, Karl. Familie und Verwandtschafi auf dem Balkan: analyse einer untergehenden Kultur. Vienna: Bohlau, 1995. About families and relationships in the Balkans. . “Household and Family Contexts in the Balkans.” History of the Family 1, no. 4 (1996): 375-86. . Macht und Erbe: Mannerherrschaft, Besitz und Familie im ostlichen Europa (15001900). Zur Kunde Osteuropas II/30. Vienna: Bohlau, 2000. Family history, using historical anthropology, of Eastern and South Eastern Europe, with a focus on inheritance practices and household structure. Special attention is given to gender matters in this context. “Kaser has achieved two valuable goals: he has brought together and systemized the results from many studies of families in Eastern Europe, and he has presented these results in a comparative perspective to give them wider relevance.” -Jim Brown, HABSBURG Reviews 2001/21. . “Die Mannfrau in den patriarchalen Gesselschaften des Balkans und der Mythos vom Matriarchat .” L ’Homme,ZeitschriJt fur feministische geschichtswissenschaft vol. 5 no. 1, (1994): 61. Kashuba, M. S. “Sovremennaia sem’ia i traditsionnost’ : (na materialakh zapadnykh i iuzhnykh slavian) [The contemporary family and tradition: based on research material of the west and south Slavs].” In Zhenshchina i svoboda: Puti vybora v mire traditsii i peremen: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii 1993g., edited by V. A. Tishkov, 261-7. Moscow: Nauka, 1994. . “Sovremennaia sem’ia v stranakh Vostochnoi Evropy [The contemporary family in the countries of Eastern Europe.” In Sernia, gender, kid ’tura: Materialy mezhdunarodnykh konferentsii 1994 i 1995 gg., edited by V. A. Tishkov, 270-7. Moscow: Institut etnologii i antropologii RAN; Etnologicheskii tsentr RGGU, 1997. KaSiC, Biljana. “The Spatiality of Identities and Sexualities: Is ‘Transition’ a Challenging Point at All?” In: Sexuality and Gender in Postcommunist Eastern Europe and Russia, edited by Aleksander Stulhofer and The0 Sandfort, 95-108. New York: Haworth, 2005. Katsanevas, Theodore. “Effects of Privatization on Employment in Bulgaria, Romania, and Albania.” In Social Justice and the Welfare State in Central and Eastern Europe: the Impact of Privatization, edited by Demetrius Iatridis. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000. Debates the relative merits of “shock therapy” vis-a-vis gradual transition to a market economy. Women and older people are particularly badly hit by job losses when the social security system is dismantled, leading to poverty and mass emigration. Katsiardi-Hering, Olga. “Historische Familienforschung in Sudosteuropa: Pluralitat der Forschungstendenzen in internationalen Kontext.” Historisches Anthropologie 5 ( 1997): 13955. About research on the history of the family in Southeastern Europe. Kauppinen-Toropainen, Kaisa, and Tuula Gordon. Women, Work and the Family in the United States, Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Aldershot, Hants, England; Brookfield, Vt., USA: Ashgate, 1997. Includes bibliographical references. Keane, John, Julia Szalai, and others, “Social Policy and Socialism: Citizenship, the Working Class, Women and Welfare.” In Social Policy in the New Eastern Europe. What Future For Socialist Welfare? edited by Bob Deacon and Julia Szalai, 27-48. Aldershot: Avebury; Brookfield: Gower, 1990. Kelly, Mary B. Goddess Embroideries of Eastern Europe. Winona, MN: Northland Press, 1989. Kelly, an artist and professor of fine arts, has compared goddess images throughout Eastern Europe and the European USSR. She combines facts, insights, and personal narrative. A detailed table of contents partially makes up for the lack of an index. . “Three Women Artists Who Use Folk Motifs from East European Heritage.” New York Folklore 15, no. 1-2 (Spring 1989): 83-97.


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Kennedy, M. and C. Tilly. “Socialism, Feminism and the Stillbirth of Socialist Feminism in Europe, 1890-1920.” Science and Society 51, no. 1 (1987): 6-42. Kerblay, Basile, ed. L ’Evolution des mod2lesfamiliaux duns les pays de I’Est europe‘en et en U.R.S.S. Paris: Institut d’ktudes slaves, 1988. Papers on family models in Eastern Europe presented at a conference held Jan. 9-1 1, 1986 in Paris, and organized by the Centre de recherches sur les langues et les cultures slaves of the Universite de Paris-Sorbonne and the Institut du monde soviitique et de 1’Europe centrale et orientale. Includes bibliographical references. Summaries and one contribution in English. Ketting, Evert. “Schwangerschaftsabbruch in Europa.” Pro Familia Magazin 4 (July-August 1994): 20-2. About abortion in Europe, including East Central Europe. KickovB, Zuzana and Etela FarkasovB. “The Emancipation of Women: A Concept that Failed.” In Gender Politics and Post-Communism, edited by Nanette Funk and M. Mueller, 84-94. New York: Routledge, 1993. Klasen, Stephan. “Human Development and Women’s Lives in a Restructured Eastern Bloc: Lessons from the Developing World.” In The Economics of Transformation: Theory and Practice in the New Market Economies, edited by Alfred Schipke and Alan M. Taylor, 25394. Berlin; New York: Springer Verlag, 1994. Kligman, Gail. “The Social Legacy of Communism: Women, Children, and the Feminization of Poverty.” In Millar, James R., and Sharon L. Wolchik. The Social Legacy of Communism, edited by James R. Millar and Sharon L. Wolchik, 252-70. Washington: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 1994. Klinger, Andrhs. “Consequences of the Legalization of Induced Abortion in Eastern Europe.” Therapeutische Umschau 27, no. 10 (October 1970): 681-92. . “Demographic Consequences of the Legalization of Induced Abortion in Eastern Europe.” International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 8 , no. 5 (September 1970): 680-9 1. Koroleva, Ilze, ed. Invitation to Dialogue: Beyond Gender (In)equality. Riga: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Latvian Academy of Science, 1997. Based on a BalticNordic conference held in August 1997 in Valmiera, Latvia. Includes bibliographical references. Kreisky, Eva. “Vom AusschluB zum EinschluB: Indizien zum Zustand von Feminismus und Frauen politik im Osten und Westen Europas.” In Frauen bewegen Europa: die Erste Europaische Frauensynode: Anstoye zur Veranderung, edited by Gertraud Ladner, 17-32. Thaur; Vienna: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, 1997. About women’s politics and feminism in post-1989 Eastern and Western Europe. . “Vom patriarchalen Staatssozialismus zur patriarchalen Demokratie: der politische Systemwechsel in Osteuropa aus der Gender-Perspektive.” In Vom patriarchalen Staatssozialismus zur patriarchalen Demokratie, edited by Eva Kreisky, 7-22. Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1996. About patriarchal democracies that have replaced patriarchal socialism. Kristy, Karen K. Women in Librarianship: A Cross-National Problem Study. Arlington: K. Kristy, 1983. Based on information found in statistical compilations and other publications, the status of women in librarianship was examined in three groups of countries including Bulgaria, the USSR, Hungary and Czechoslovakia, among others. A 45-item bibliography is included. Krcitki, Karol J. “Some Demographic, Particularly Fertility, Correlates of Female Status in Eastern Europe and the Republics of the Soviet Union.” In Women in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, edited by Tova Yedlin, 239-69. New York: Praeger, 1980. KroupovB, Alena. The Promotion of Equality for Women in Central and Eastern Europe. Prague: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, 1991. Knxglak, Theodore Eduard. Foreign Correspondents: A Study of the Men and Women reporting for the American Information Media in Western Europe. Geneva, Switzerland:


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Librairie E. Droz, 1955. Includes general information on female European correspondents. KulisiC, Dubravka. The Changing Economic Status of Women in Several Countries of Central and Eastern Europe during the Transition. Ph.D. Diss. Florida State Univ., 1997. KulisiC, Spiro. “0 postanku slovenske zadruge.” Bilten Instituta za prouvanje folklor (Sarajevo) 3 (1955): 43-7. About the origins of the zadruga. Kupryashkina, Svetlana. “Possibilities for Women’s Studies in Post-Communist Countries: Where Are We Going?” In New Frontiers in Women’s Studies: Knowledge, Identity, and Nationalism, edited by Mary Maynard and June Purvis, 113-23. London; Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis, 1996. LaFont, Suzanne. “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Women in the Post-Communist States.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 34, no. 2 (2001): 203-20. Lampland, Martha. “Needy Guests, Reluctant Hosts? Discourse By and About Refugee Women From lthe Balkans.” The Anthropology of East Europe Review 13, 1 (Spring 1995): 5 1-3. Part of a special issue entitled “Refugee Women of the Balkans”. Landes, Joan B. “Marxism and the Woman Question.” In Promissory Notes: Women in the Transition to Socialism, edited by Sonia Kruks, Rayna Rapp, and Marilyn B. Young. 15-28. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1989. Lange, Gisela. “Equal Opportunities Policy and EU Enlargement.” In Reconciliation of Family and Work in Eastern European Countries, edited by Michael Domsch and Dksirke Ladwig, 35-41. Frankfurt; New York: P. Lang, 2000. . “Gender Equality in Central and Eastern European Candidate Countries-an ILO Perspective.” In Gender Equality in Central and Eastern European Countries, edited by Michel Domsch, Dksirke H. Ladwig and Eliane Tenten, 37-56. New York: P. Lang, 2003. Lange, Helene. Higher Education of Women in Europe. Trans. and accompanied by comparative statistics by Louis Richard Klemm. New York: Appleton, 1890; International education series vol 16. History of women, Reel 570, no. 4425. New Haven, CT, Research Publications, 1976. 1 microfilm reel. Also available as microfiche: International education series. Microfiche. Woodbridge, CT: Research Publications International, 1989. 3 microfiches. (History of education fiches 11,252-1 1,254). Larrington, Carolyne. Women and Writing in Medieval Europe: A Sourcebook. London; New York: Routledge, 1995. Includes some examples from Eastern Europe. Lazaridis, Gabriella. “Trafficking and Prostitution: The Growing Exploitation of Migrant Women in Greece.” European Journal of Women’s Studies 8 , no. 1 (2001): 67-102. Includes information about migrant women from Albania, as well as many other countries of Eastern and Central Europe. Lazreg, Marnia, ed. Making the Transition Workfor Women in Europe and Central Asia. World Bank Discussion Paper, 41 1. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2000. From the proceedings of the conference “Making the Transition Work for Women in Europe and Central Asia,” held in Washington, DC June 7-9, 1999. Includes bibliographical references. Lemaire, Hilly. Women’s Rights: a Framework for Human Rights and Democracy. [Strasbourg]: Council of Europe, 1994. Paper presented at the international conference From Dictatorship to Democracy: Women in Mediterranean, Central and Eastern Europe, Barcelona, Spain, September 1993. Levin, Eve. “Eastern Orthodox Christianity.” In Handbook of Medieval Sexuality, edited by Vern L. Bullough and James A. Brundage. New York: Garland Publishing: 1996.329-44. . Sex and Society in the World of the Orthodox Slavs, 900-1 700. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1989. Explores sexual behavior among the peoples of Serbia, Bulgaria, and Russia from their conversion to Christianity in the 9th and 10th centuries until the end of the 17th century . Lipovskaya, Olga. “Sisters or Stepsisters: How Close is Sisterhood?” Women ’s Studies International Forum 17, no. 2-3 (March-June 1994): 273-7.


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List, Elisabeth. “Selfhood, Nation and Gender: The Psychic Roots of Sexism, Racism and Nationalism.” In From Gender to Nation, edited by Rada Ivakovic and Julie Mostov, 27-4 1. Ravenna: Longo, 2002. Lobodzinska, Barbara. “Domestic and External Perceptions of Family and Women’s Issues in Poland and Other Post-Socialist Countries.” Polish Review 45, no. 3 (2000): 258-303. Data for Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, GDR, former Yugoslavia comparing women’s roles at home, in employment and in politics. . “Family, Women, and Employment in Poland and Other Central European Countries: Ideology of Equality and Reality of Discrimination.” Polish Review 42, no. 4 (1997): 447-70. “Whatever is true for the contemporary Polish family and women’s roles in the family and society often is true in similar patterns in the other Eastern Central European countries which are undergoing transition to democracy and the free market economy. Numerous parallels in post-socialist countries, applied to the economic and political structures, have similar influences on family policies and women’s social and economic roles. Among the tendencies that result in significant economic hardships and discrimination against women is one of the recently acknowledged paradigms that take various forms and contribute to a contradictory picture of the family in these countries.” . “Women’s Employment or Return to ‘Family Values’ in Central Eastern Europe.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies 27, no. 3 (Fall 1996): 51944. Lokar, Sonja. “Gender Aspects of Employment and Unemployment in Central and Eastern Europe.” In Making the Transition Workfor Women in Europe and Central Asia, edited by Marnia Lazreg, 12-25. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2000. Lorimer, Frank. “Capacity for Procreation and Levels of Natality.” In Culture and Human Fertility: a Study of the Relation of Cultural Conditions to Fertility in Non-Industrial and Transitional Societies, edited by Frank Lorimer, 22-57. Zurich: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, 1954. LukiC, Jasmina. “East European Feminist Conference: ‘What Can We Do For Ourselves,”’ Belgrade, June 3-5, 1994.” Women’s Studies International Forum 19, no. 1-2 (JanuaryApril): 179-8 1. Lykke, Nina, Anna-Birte Ravn, and Birte Siim. Images from Women in a Changing Europe. Tarrytown, NY: Pergamon, 1994. Includes essays on Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania. Macura, Miroslav. “Fertility and Nuptiality Changes in Central and Eastern Europe 19821993.” Statistical Journal of the United Nations ECE 13 1996): 41-63. Maleckovg, Jitka. “Kadin ve bir milletin kaderi: Milli uyani$in ilk donemlerinde kadinlara biqilen rol” [Woman and the Fortune of a Nation: Representations of Women in the Early Stages of National Awareness], in Tarih Egitimi ve Tarihte &eki Sorunu, edited by Ali Berktay & Hamdi Can Tuncer, pp. 201-14. Istanbul: Tarih Vakfi Yurt Yayinlan, 1998. The article, in Turkish, traces how male patriots in five societies described the role of women in the construction of national communities and national identities vis-h-vis the challenge of more developed countries and the contradictions between the nationalist project and the state of women in their societies. . “Women in Perceptions of Uneven Development,” in Criteria and Indicators of Backwardness: Essays in Uneven Development in European History, edited by Miroslav Hroch & Luda KlusBkov6, 143-56. Prague: 1996, Variant Editors. About the role assigned to women in 19* and early 20*-century perceptions of uneven development in societies trying to come to terms with the awareness that they did not belong to the most advanced European countries, in particular in the Czech and Turkish cases. Mandysova, Nadeje. “Mosaic of Reflections and Ideas: Seminar for Women from Central and Eastern Europe, April 1995 (Prague).” Religion in Eastern Europe 15 (1995): 14-7.


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Manicke-Gyongyosi, Krisztina “Was bedeutet die Umgestaltung fur Frauen in Osteuropa: Traditionalisierung versus Modernisierung der Geschlechterverhaltnisse?” Osterreichische Zeitschrgtfur Politikwissenschaft 20, no. 2 (1991): 117-29. About women, gender roles, and transition in East Europe. Marcus, Isabel. “Dark Numbers: a Research on Domestic Violence in Central and Eastern Europe.” In Women’sRights and Social Transition in FR Yugoslavia, edited by Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, 105-17. Belgrade: Center for Women’s Studies, Research and Communication, 1997. Marin, Mara. “iene U politici i politika za Zene/Women in Politics and Politics for Women.” In Vlast bez fena ili dugi marYGovernments Without Women or the Long March: seminar “Polititkaparticipacija fena U istotnoj Europi Zagreb, 14.-16. lipnja 1996/Zagreb, June 14-16, 1996, edited by Durda KneZeviC and Koraljka DiliC, 96-101. Zagreb: ienska Infoteka, 1997. Marlet, Mara Cop. Sudslavische Frauen. auf Hohen und Tiefen der Balkanlander. [Microform]. Mit einer Einbegleitung von Jos. Alex., Freiherm von Helfert. Mit S Illustrationen von Prof. Georg Vastagh. Budapest: C. Grill, 1888. About South Slavic women, with illustrations. Matland, Richard E. “Women’s Representation in Post-Communist Europe.” In Women’s Access to Political Power in Post-Communist Europe, edited by Richard E. Matland and Kathleen A. Montgomery, 321-42. Oxford; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. , and Kathleen A. Montgomery. “Recruiting Women to National Legislatures: A General Framework with Applications to Post-Communist Democracies.” In Women’sAccess to Political Power in Post-CommunistEurope, edited by Richard E. Matland and Kathleen A. Montgomery, 19-42. Oxford; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. Matynia, Elzbieta. “Finding a Voice: Women in Postcommunist Central Europe.” In The Challenge of Local Feminisms: Women’sMovements in Global Perspective, edited by Amrita Basu, 374-404. Boulder: Westview Press, 1995. . “Women after Communism: A Bitter Freedom.” Social Research 61, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 35 1-78. Matynia, Elzbieta. “Women After Communism: A Bitter Freedom.” Social Research 61, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 351-77. The process of acknowledging a “problem of women” is slowly taking place throughout Eastern and Central Europe. Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary are discussed. Mayhall, Stacey L. “Gendered Nationalisms and ‘New’ Nation-States: ‘Democratic Progress’ in East Europe.” Fletcher Forum of World Afsairs 17, no. 2 (Summer 1993): 91-9. Discusses Hungary, Poland, and the former GDR. McCagg, William. “Gypsy Policy in Socialist Hungary and Czechoslovakia, 19451989.” Nationalities Papers 19, no. 3 (1991): 313-36. A comparative analysis of Gypsy legislation, comparing the policies against Gypsies with government approaches to Jews and the physically disabled in the two countries. In contrast to Jews, Gypsies received little compensation for their suffering during the Holocaust, due mainly to Gypsy illiteracy. Concludes that both governments were equally discriminatory in their treatment of Gypsies, prohibiting nomadism, removing children from parents and forcing them into special schools, but in addition Czechoslovak authorities promoted sterilization of Roma women. McIntyre, Robert J. “Pronatalist Programmes in Eastern Europe.” Soviet Studies 273 (July 1975): 366-80. Abortion in Eastern Europe. McMahon, Patrice C. “Building Civil Societies in East Central Europe: The Effect of American Non- Governmental Organizations on Women’s Groups.” Democratization 8, no. 2 (2001): 45-68. Mehlan, Karl Heinz. “The Abortion Situation in the Socialist Countries of Eastern Europe.” In Handbook of Induced Abortion: Conclusions of the Expert Panel on Abortion, 18-21 ”





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December 1975, Held at Madras, 49-55. [Bombay, India]: Family Planning Association of India, 1976. . “Teaching Family Planning in Eastern Europe: the Significance of the High Abortion Rate.” In Teaching Family Planning, 2nd rev. ed., edited by Janet Leban, 61-76. New York: Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1973. Report of the International Macy Conference, Bellagio, Italy, May 15, 1967. Menzel, Birgit. “Frauenbezogene Slavistik: Ein Forschungsbericht.” In Zwischen Anpassung und Widerspruch: Beitrage zur Frauenforschung am Osteuropa-Institut der Freien Universitat Berlin, edited by Uta Grabmuller und Monika Katz, 167-86. Berlin: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1993. Mertus, Julie. “Human Rights of Women in Central and Eastern Europe.’’ American Journal of Gender and the Law 6 (Spring 1998): 369-484. . “Novija feministieka kritika patrijarhata: relativizacija univerzalizma.” Sociologija [Belgrade] 1 (1993): 107-22. About the new feminist critique of patriarchy. , with Mallika Dutt and Nancy Flowers. Local ActiodGEobal Change: Learning About the Human Rights of Women and Girls. New York: UNIFEM; New Brunswick, NJ: Center for Women’s Global Leadership, 1999. A comprehensive training manual that includes the whole spectrum of women’s human rights in an interactive format. Meslem, Chafika. The Impact of Economic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in East Europe. N. p.: United Nations Center for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, 1992. Meurs, Mieke. Downwardly Mobile: Women in the Decollectivization of East European Agriculture. Working papers/ Women International Development, 247. East Lansing, MI: Women in International Development, Michigan State Univ., 1994. . “From Hoes to Hoes: State Policy, Agricultural Mechanization and Women’s Work under Central Planning.” Review of Radical Political Economics 26, no. 4 (December 1994): 99-1 17. Meyer, Alfred G. “Feminism, Socialism, and Nationalism in Eastern Europe.” In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 1330. Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. Mieczkowski, Bogdan. “Social Services for Women and Childcare Facilities in Eastern Europe.” In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by in Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 257-69. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. . Social Services for Women in Eastern Europe. Charleston, Ill.: Eastern Illinois Univ. Press, 1982. . “The ‘Woman Question’ in the Age of Perestroika.” New Left Review 183 (1990): 23-49. Miettinen, Anneli. Work and Family: Data on Women and Men in Europe. Helsinki: Population research Institute, Family Federation of Finland, 1997. Includes information on Austria, Greece, and GDR in relation to the following: demographic data; households and families; labour force data; education; time use; and political life. MiliC, Andjelka. “Nationalism and Sexism: Eastern Europe in Transition.” In Europe’s New Nationalism: States and Minorities in Conflict, edited by Richard Caplan and John Feffer, 169-83. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1996. Millar, James R., and Sharon L. Wolchik. The Social Legacy of Communism. Washington: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 1994. Millar, Jane. The Socio-Economic Situation of Solo Women in Europe. Supplements to Women of Europe series, no. 4 1. Brussels: European Commission, Directorate-General Information, Communication, Culture, Audiovisual, General Public, Women’s Information, 1994. Miroiu, Michaela. “Open Space: From Pseudo-Power to Lack of Power.” European JournaE


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of Women’s Studies 1, no. 1 (1994): 107-10. Includes sections: “The Strategy of Abolishing the Individual: The Romanian Case the State of Woman in the Totalitarian Regime” and “The Status of Woman in the Post-Totalitarian Period”. Mitterauer, Michael. “Family Contexts: The Balkans in European Comparison.” History of the Family 1, no. 4 (1996): 387-406. . “Eine Patriarchale Kultur? Funktionen und Formen der Familie auf dem Balkan.” Beitrage zur historischen Sozialkunde 3 (1994): 72-83. About patriarchy and the family in the Balkans. and Alexander Kagan. “Russian and Central European Family Structures: A Comparative View.” Journal of Family History 7, no. 1 (1982): 103-31. Moghadam, Valentine M. Gender and Restructuring: Perestroika, the 1989 Revolutions, and Women. Helsinki: World Institute for Developmental Economics Research of the United Nations Univ., 1990. . “Gender and Revolutionary Transformation: Iran 1979 and East Central Europe 1989.” Gender and Society 9, no. 3 (June 1995): 328-59. . “Introduction: Gender Dynamics of Economic and Political Change: Efficiency, Equality, and Women.” In Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies, edited by Valentine Moghadam, 1-26. London: Oxford, 1993. . “Patriarchy and Post-Communism: Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union.” In Patriarchy and Economic Development: Women’s Positions at the End of the Twentieth Century, edited by Valentine M. Moghadam, 327-53. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. . Privatization and Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union: The Gender Dimension. Helsinlu: World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations Univ., 1992. Molyneux, Maxine. “Gendered Transitions in Eastern Europe.”Feminist Studies 2 1, no. 3 (Fall 1995): 637-46. . “The Woman Question in the Age of Perestroika.” New Lefi Review 183 (September-October 1990) : 23-49. . “Women in Socialist Societies: Problems in Theory and Practice.” In Of Marriage and the Market: Women’s Subordination in lnternational Perspective, edited by Kate Young, Carol Wolkowitz, and Roslyn McCullagh, pp. 55-90. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984; CSE Books, 1981. . “Women’s Rights and the International Context in the Post-Communist States.” In Mapping the Women’s Movement: Feminist Politics and Social Transformation in the North, edited by Monica Threlfall, 232-59. London: Verso, 1996. . “Women’s Rights and the International Context: Some Reflections on the PostCommunist States.” Millennium 23, no. 2 (1994): 287-313. Morokvasic-Muller, Mirjana. “Migrations in Europe in the Nineties.” Revija za sociologiju 33, no. 1-2 (2002): 87-101. The author compares a south versus central European migration pattern, finding that “. ..new forms of migration are no longer male-dominated: the postcommunist transition has resulted in a great number of women who are looking for an escape either from their new market conditions or from the newly dominant discourse of nationalist projects in their home countries; or they are simply attracted by the challenges of the newly acquired freedom of movement.” Mosely, Philip E. “The Distribution of the Zadruga within Southeastern Europe.” Joshua Starr Memorial Volume. Jewish Social Studies 5 (1 953): 2 19-30. . “The Peasant Family: The Zadruga of Communal Joint-Family in the Balkans and its Recent Evolution.” In The Cultural Approach to History, edited by in Caroline F. Ware, 95108. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1940. Mulholland, Lisa. “The Politics of Language: ‘Feminism’ in East Europe.” Women in Action l(1992): 14.

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Nadle, Marlene. “For Men Only? No!” World Monitor (May 1992): 44-9. About the women from Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, GDR, Romania and all parts of former Yugoslavia, who helped liberate Eastern Europe, organizing-with US women’s help-to get back the jobs and political posts they lost after 1989. Naimark, Norman M. Fires of Hatred: Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth-Century Europe. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 2001. Includes information on mass rapes in Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the former Yugoslavia, perpetrated as part of ethnic cleansing campaigns. Nesporova, Alena. Women in the Labour Markets of Central and Eastern Europe. Budapest: Central and Eastern European Team of the International Labour Organization, 1997. Sponsored by OSCE, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and the International Labour Office, Central and Eastern European Team, Human Dimension Seminar on the Promotion of Women’s Participation in Society, 1997 Warsaw, Poland. Includes bibliographical references. Niagolova, Mira. Tragicking Cinderella. Filmoption International. Niagolova is the writer and director. Abstract: “A documentary about the increase in prostitution and the trafficking of women from Eastern to Western Europe since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Includes women and girls who were sold as prostitutes describing their experiences.” VHS. 48 min. Nicolaescu, Miidiilina. “Utopian Desires and Western Representations of Femininity.’’ Replika 1 ( 1996): 103-8. Available electronically at http://www.replika.c3 .hu/ Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vesna. Violence Against Women in Post- Communist Societies: Benefits and Changes. East European Studies Occasional Papers, 65. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 200 1. Available electronically at http://wwics.si.edu/topics/pubs/ACF433 .pdf Njoroge, Nyambura J. and Jana Opocenskh. The Palm-Tree: a Symbol of Commitment to Justice: Report on the Consultationfor Women of Reformed Tradition in Central and Eastern Europe 9-1 3 February 1996, Debrecen, Hungary. Studies from the World Alliance of Reformed Churches. Geneva: World Alliance of Reformed Churches, 1996. Includes bibliographical references. Nowicka, Wanda. “Reproductive Health and the Rights of Women.” In Making the Transition Workfor Women in Europe and Central Asia, edited by Marnia Lazreg, 69-75. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2000. Occhipinti, Laurie. “Two Steps Back? Anti-Feminism in Eastern Europe.” Anthropology Today 12, no. 6 (December 1996): 13-9. Oddens, Bjorn J. “Acceptance and Acceptability of Modern Family Planning in Eastern Europe.” In Assessment of Research and Service Needs in Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe: Concerns and Commitments: Proceedings of a Workshop Organized by the ICRR and the WHO Collaborating Centre on Research in Human Reproduction in Szeged, Hungary, 25-27 October 1993, edited by Elisabeth Johannisson, L. Kovacs, B. A. Resch, N. P. Bruyniks, 103-17. New York: Parthenon Publishing Group, 1997. Ogunyemi, Yemi D. Women in Europe: Interviews and Observations. Vienna: Deve News, 1986. Includes information on the geo-political, economic, and culturalkocial situations of women in Greece, Poland, and Hungary. Olsen, Frances Elisabeth. “Feminism in Central and Eastern Europe: Risks and Possibilities of American Engagement.” Yale Law Journal 106, no. 7 (May 1997): 2215-57. “On Women in Central and Eastern Euope.” Vena-Journal7, no. 1 (1995): 2-SO. Abortion, traffic in women, gender issues, agrarian change. Orloff, Ann S. “Gender and the Social Rights of Citizenship: The Comparative Analysis of State Policies and Gender Relations.” American Sociological Review 58, no. 3 (1993): 30328.


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PapiC, iarana. “Novij a feministiCka kritika patrijarhata: relativizacija univerzalizma.” Sociologija [Belgrade] 1 (1993): 107-22. About the new feminist critique of patriarchy. Partner, Nancy. “‘Women and Power’: History and Gender.” East Central Europe = L’Europe du centre-est 20-23 no. 1 (1993~1996):1-7. Parush, Iris. Reading Jewish Women: Marginality and Modernization in Nineteenth-Century Eastern European Jewish Society. Tr. by Saadya Sternberg. Waltham, MA: Brandeis Univ. Press; Hanover, NH: Univ. Press of New England, 2004. Parusheva, Dobrinka. “Voinata na Balkanite: zhenskata perspektiva [War in the Balkans: woman’ s perspective] .” In Granitsi na grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdu traditsiiata i modernostta, compiled by Krasimira Daskalova and Raina Gavrilova, 332-4 1. Sofia: Izd-vo LIK: Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia PO istoriia na zhenite i pola, 2001. Pascall, G. and N. Manning. “Gender and Social Policy: Comparing Welfare States in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union.” Journal of European Social Policy 10, no. 3 (2000): 240-66. Patterson, Ken. “Women Rescued From Forced Prostitution.” Migration World Magazine 28, no. 4 (2000): 17-9. About Albanian trafficking of women from Romania and other East European countries. Paukert, Liba. Economic Transition and Women’s Employment in Four Central European Countries, 1989-1994. Labour Market Papers 7. Geneva: Employment Department, International Labour Office, 1995. Pearson, Ruth. “Questioning Perestroika: A Socialist-Feminist Interrogation” (‘Shifting Territories: Feminism and Europe’).” Feminist Review 39 (Autumn 1991): 91-105, About both Eastern Europe and Russia. Penn, Shana. “Women’s Movements On-Line: The New Post-Socialist Revolution.” SAIS Review 16, no. 1 (Winter-Spring, 1996): 125-44. Pesic, Vesna. “The Impact of Reforms on the Status of Women.” In The Impact of Economic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe. Proceedings of a United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna, 8-12. Vienna: Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Aid, 1992. Petkov, K i d . Infidels, Turks, and Women: The South Slavs in the German Mind, ca. 14001600. New York: P. Lang, 1997. Peto, Andrea. “An Empress in a New-Old Dress.” Feminist Theory 2, no. 1 (2001): 89-93. “The question of who produces Eastern European feminist theory is addressed; additional attention is directed toward exploring Eastern European feminists’ engagement with “theory stars,” who are defined as the most celebrated feminist theorists in contemporary society. It is contended that feminist theory in Eastern European nations has been institutionalized in nongovernmental organizations, women’s & gender studies programs, & state-controlled postsecondary institutions. Western feminists who perceive their feminist thought as more developed than that produced by their Eastern European counterparts & thus deem themselves qualified to speak for Eastern European women are viewed as perpetuating Eastern Europe’s authoritarian history. It is concluded that Western theory stars provide a foundation for Eastem European feminists to follow & are to be respected for attempting to establish an international community of women.” -J. W. Parker . “Family Life and Social Position of Women in the 1950s.” In Civilization, Sexuality and Social Life in Hidden Context-The Hidden Face of Urban Life, edited by Judit Forrai, 181-90, Budapest: SOTE, 1996. . “Women, War, and Military in Eastern Europe.” Minewa 17, no. 3 4 (1999): 5-12. . “Women’s Employment and Lifestyle in the 1950s.” CEU History Department Yearbook ( I 993): 265-77. Petrova, Dimitrina. “What Can Women Do To Change the Totalitarian Cultural Context (in Eastern Europe)?” Women’s Studies International Forum 17, no. 2-3 (March-June 1994): 50

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267-71. “This article describes women’s situation and how it has been changing in CentraVEastern Europe. An assessment of future options is presented in the context of an alternative view on what really happened to Soviet-type societies in 1989.. . The article analyzes the ideological turn in women’s issues of the 1970s as part of the deepening legitimation crisis of the power elite. It shows how this conservative anti-feminist campaign prepared the framework of value reorientation which, after November 1989, made it possible to raise male dominance in Eastern Europe to a new, higher stage.” -From the Journal’s synopsis PetroviC, Jasna. The Male Face of Trade Unions in Central and Eastern Europe: The Secret of Invisible Women. Zagreb; Brussels: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Women’s Network for Central and Eastern Europe, 2002. PetroviC, VukaSin J. zena u nas i LI drugim zemljama [Women in our country and in other countries]. Belgrade: Stamp. D. Munca i M. KariCa, 1912. Petrovskaia, 0. V. “Mentalitet iuznoslavianskoi zhenshchiny vtoroi poloviny XIX-nachala XX veka [The mentality of the south Slavic woman in the second half of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century] .” In Zhenshchiny v istorii: vozmozhnost ’ byts uvidenymi: Sbornik nauchnykh statei vol. I, edited by I. P. Chikalovoi, 13242. Minsk: BGPU im. Maksima Tanka, 200 1. Pierce, Leslie P. Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993. Pierotti, Daniel, and Chantal Blayo. “The Long March from Abortion to Contraception (in Eastern Europe).” World Health 47, no. 3 (April 1994): 18-20. Plakans, Andrejs. “Interaction between the Household and the Kin Group in the Eastern European Past: Posing the Problem.” Journal of Family History 12, no.1-3 (1987): 163-75. . Kinship in the Past: An Anthropology of European Family Life, 1500-1900. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1984. Pollert, Anna. “Women, Work and Equal Opportunities in Post-Communist Transition.” Work, Employment and Society 17, no. 2 (2003): 33 1-57. Refers to Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia. Popova, Daria. “The Impact of the Gender Composition of Households on Inequality and Poverty: A Comparison Across Russia and Eastern Europe.” Communist and PostCommunist Studies 35, no. 4 (2002): 395-409. Portuges, Catherine. “Hidden Subjects, Secret Identities: Figuring Jews, Gypsies, and Women in 1990s Cinema of Eastern Europe.” In Writing New Identities: Gender, Nation and Immigration in Contemporary Europe, edited by G. Brinker-Gabler and S. Smith, 196-215. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1997. . “Recent Balkan Cinema.” American Historical Review 104, no. 2 (April 1999): 693S. Posadskaia, Anastasia. “The Role and Task of National Machinery for the Advancement of Women in the Period of Social and Economic Reform in the Countries of Eastern Europe and the USSR.” In The Impact of Economic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe: Proceedings of a United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna, 8-1 2 April 1991, 11-4. New York: United Nations, 1992. Purvaneckiene, Giedre. Gender in Development: Handbook for CEE and Baltic Countries. Vilnius-Bratislava: United Nations Development Programme Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS, Regional Support Center, 1998. Quart, Barbara. “Three Central European Women Directors Revisited (Agnieszka Holland, Vera Chytilova, and Marta Meszaros) .” Cinkaste “Cinemas in Transition: A Special Section on the Cinemas of Eastern & Central Europe,” 19, no. 4 (Fall 1992): 58-62. Radford-Ruether, Rosemary. “Women, First and Last Colony: Female Status and Roles


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within Race and Class Hierarchy.” Humboldt Journal of Social Relations 19, no. 2 (1993): 391-416. Contains a section entitled “Women in Eastern European Socialism” (pp. 403-7). Rahman, A. and L. Katzive. “Central and Eastern Europe: Recent Trends in Abortion Law.” Medicine and Law 18, no. 2-3 (1999): 373-87. Ram, Melanie H. “Putting an End to the Trafficking of Women in the NIS and CEE.” International Research and Exchanges Board policy paper. Available on line at http://www.irex.org/publications/policy-papers/index.htm. The result of an IREX forum that took place August 16,2000 at the U.S. Department of State with contributions from Jacqueline Berman (SSRC-MacArthur fellow), Louise Shelley (American Univ.), Martina Vandenberg (Human Rights Watch), and Mark Pomar (IREX). Ramet, Sabrina, ed. Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999. Contents: Pt. 1 Overview; Introduction / Sabrina P. Ramet; Machismo and Cryptomatriarchy : Power, Affect, and Authority in the Traditional Yugoslav Family / Andrei Simic; Pt.2. Interwar Era, World War 11, and the Socialist Era Zenski Pokret: The Feminist Movement in Serbia in the 1920s / Thomas A. Emmert; Women in Interwar Slovenia / Vlasta Jalusic; Women in the Yugoslav National Liberation Movement / Barbara Jancar-Webster; In Tito’s Time / Sabrina P. Ramet; Pt. 3. Post-Socialist Republics; Women in Post-Socialist Slovenia: Socially Adapted, Politically Marginalized / Vlasta Jalusic; Women in Croatia: Feminists, Nationalists, and Homosexuals / Tatjana Pavlovic; Women in Serbia: Post-Communism, War, and Nationalist Mutations / Zarana Papic; Women in Kosovo: Contested Terrains: The Role of National Identity in Shaping and Challenging Gender Identity / Julie Mertus; Women and Gender Imagery in Bosnia: Amazons, Sluts, Victims, Witches, and Wombs / Obrad Kesic; Rape in War: The Case of Bosnia / Dorothy Q. Thomas and Regan E. Ralph; Pt. 4. Literature and Religion; Women Writers in Croatian and Serbian Literatures / Gordana P. Crnkovic; Gender Construction in Literature: A Historical Survey / Gordana P. Crnkovic; Ruza’s Problems: Gender Relations and Violence Control in a Bosnian Rural Community / Mart Bax; Afterword / Branka Magas. ,ed. Gender Reversals and Gender Cultures: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives. London; New York: Routledge, 1996. Ranft, Patricia. Women and the Religious Life in Premodern Europe. New York: St. Martin’s, 1996. Includes information on monasticism, religious orders, and church history across Europe. Rappaport, Philippa Ellen. “Doll Folktales of the East Slavs: Invocations of Women From the Boundary of Space and Time.” Ph.d diss., Univ. of Virginia, 1998. Reading, Anna. “The Presidents’ Men: Television, Gender and the l b l i c Sphere in Central and Eastern Europe.” In Democracy and Communication in the New Europe Change and Continutiy in East and West, edited by Farrel Corcoran and Paschal Preston, 175-94. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 1995. Recent Demographic Developments in Europe. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Press, 1994. Recommendation 1325 on the Traffic in Women and Forced Prostitution in Council of Europe Member States. [ 19971. Presents the text of Council of Europe Recommendation 1325, which deals with the trafficking of women and forced prostitution in member states. Defines traffic in women and forced prostitution and notes that the council sees these activities as inhuman, degrading, and a violation of human rights. Access on line at http://stars.coe.fr/ta/ta97/erec1325.htm Regulska, Joanna. “A nova ‘outra’ mulher europeia” [The New ‘Other’ European Woman]. Revista Critica de Ciencias Socials 50 ( 1998): 47-7 1. Examines differences between East & West Europe and the effect of integration on the identity of the Eastern & Central European woman. ... and the eastern European working woman’s search for representation & social space. 52

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. “Politika, politiCko i rod U srediSnjoj i istoCnoj Europi: odnos U nastajanju = Politics, Political and Gender in Central and Eastern Europe: A Relation in Making.” In Vlast bez iena ili dugi marUGovernments Without Women or the Long March: seminar “Politic‘ka participacija feria u istoc‘noj Europi Zagreb, 14.-16. lipnja 1996/Zagreb, June 14-1 6, 1996, edited by Durda KneieviC and Koraljka DiliC, 72-89. Zagreb: 2enska Infoteka, 1997. . “Vergeschlechtlichte Integration in Europa: Neue Formen der Exklusion.” Berliner Journalfur Soziologie 11, no. 1 (2001): 51-62. About EU policies regarding women in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia. Reinharz, Shulamit (with the assistance of Lynn Davidson). Feminist Methods in Social Research (New York: 1992). Reviewed in Left History 1, no. 2 (Spring/Summer 1994) by Lisa Brush: “Reinharz’s encyclopedic new book is a veritable who’s who and what does she do of feminist social research. The bibliography is invaluable and the text contributes an important analysis to the ongoing debate over feminist methods. The book’s reach and overall vision of the adventure that is feminist social research should ensure its place in the libraries of scholars from many disciplines.” Rener, Tanja, and Mirjana Ule. “Back to the Future: Nationalism and Gender in PostSocialist Societies.” In Women, Ethnicity and Nationalism: The Polics of Transition, edited by Rick Wilford and Robert L. Miller, 120-32. London & New York: Routledge, 1998. Renne, Tanya. “Disparaging Digressions: Sisterhood in East-Central Europe.” In Ana ’s Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 1-1 1. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. Riolli-Saltzman, Laura, and Victor Savicki. “Gender Equality in Eastern Europe: A CrossCultural Approach.” In Gender Equality in Central and Eastern European Countries, edited by Michel Domsch, Disir6e H. Ladwig and Eliane Tenten, 57-70. New York: P. Lang, 2003. Rittich, Kerry. Recharacterizing Restructuring: Law,Distribution and Gender in Market Reform. The Hague; Boston: Kluwer Law International, 2002. Discusses the economic and social conditions of East European women in the era of post-communism. Rosen, Ruth. “Male Democracies, Female Dissidents.” Tikkun 5, no. 6 (1990): 11-2, 101-2. Quotes JiEina Siklovg, discussing Eastern Europe and Czechoslovakia in particular. Rossilli, Maria Grazia. “Swept Away by Domostroika: Return of Women to Traditional Roles Following the Fall of Communism.” Connexions 42, no. 2 (Spring 1993): 2-4. Roth, Silke. “Europas Tochter. Frauenbewegungen in Europa [Europe’s Daughter: Women’s Movements in Europe.” Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen 15, no. 4 (2002): 7880. Includes a discussion of “the differences observed in Central & Eastern European movements, who have been influenced by regional history, experiences with socialism, & Western support for improvement of civil society.” Rudinsky, Norma. “East Central European Writers.” In Women ’s Studies Encyclopedia. Literature, Arts, and Learning 2, edited by Helen Tierney, 113-5. Westport CT: Greenwood, 1990. Rueschemeyer, Marilyn. “Frauen und Politik in Osteuropa: 10 Jahre nach dem Zusammenbruch des Sozialismus.” Berliner Journal fiir Soziologie 11, no. 1 (2001): 7-1 8. About women and politics in Eastern Europe, considered a dcecade after the implosion of socialism. . Professional Work and Marriage: An East- West Comparison. New York: St. Martin’s, 1981. Saleci, Renata. “Jezik i pol (I): Istraiivanja U svetu.” fenske studije 1 (1995): 197-209. About language and sex in the research of scholars around the world. . “Nationalism, Anti-Semitism and Anti-Feminism in Eastern Europe.” New German Critique 57 (Fall 1992): 5 1-65. . The Spoils of Freedom: Psychoanalysis and Feminism after the Fall of Socialism. New York; London: Routledge, 1994. ”



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SarEeviC, Predrag. “‘Tobelija’: A Female-to-male Cross-gender Role in the 19th and 20th Century Balkans.” In Between the Archives and the Field: A Dialogue on Historical Anthropology of the Balkans, edited by Miroslav JovanoviC, Karl Kaser, and Slobodan NaumoviC, 35-46. Belgrade: Udrugenje za druStvenu istoriju and Graz: Institut fur Geschichte der Universitat Graz, 1999. On the phenomenon of girls raised as social males in Northern Albania and Montenegro. Discusses other works on the subject. Sardon, Jean-Paul. “Mariage et divorce en Europe de 1’Est.” Population 46, no. 3 (1 99 1): 547-97. Saxonberg, Steven. “Women in East European Parliaments.” Journal of Democracy 11, no. 2 (2000): 145-58. A comparative study of women’s participation in the political process in Eastern Europe. Scheppele, Kim Lane. “Women’s Rights in Eastern Europe.” East European Constitutional Review 66, no. 4 (1995): 66-9. Schindler, Christiane. “Frauenforschung in Zentral- und Oesteuropa. Kongr. Internationale Tagung der Historikerinnen und Historiker der Arbeiterinnen- und Arbeiterbewegung; ( 199213).” Osterreichische Zeitschrgt fiir Geschichtswissenschaften 6, no. 2 ( 1995): 303-7. Conference paper about research on women in Central and Eastern Europe. Schubert, Gabriella. “Die Frau in der volkstumlichen Vorstellungswelt der Volker in DonauBalkan-Raum.” In Zwischen Anpassung und Widerspruch: Beitrage zur Frauenforschung am Osteuropa-Institut der Freien Universitat Berlin, edited by Uta Grabmuller and Monika Katz, 139-65. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1993. About the representation of women in the Balkan and Danube regions. Scott, Hilda. Does Socialism Liberate Women? Experiences from Eastern Europe. Boston: Beaconpress, 1974. Discusses most of the countries of Eastern Europe as a whole, with special emphasis on Czechoslovakia. . “Why the Revolution Doesn’t Solve Everything: What We Can Learn from the Economics of “Real” Socialism.” Women’s Studies International Forum 5, no. 5 (1982): 1462. Includes references, statistics, and tables. . Women and Socialism: Experiences from Eastern Europe. London: Allison and Busby, 1976. Sekor, L. “Gendernaia trevoga. Kto boitsia gendemykh issledovanii v Vostochnoi Evrope?” Gendernye issledovaniia 6 (2001): 16-30. Seminar “Pene i politika”: dokumentacija: Dubrovnik, 10-12 srpnja 1997 = Seminar “Women and Politics”: documentation: Dubrovnik, July 10-12 1997. Zagreb: zenska Infoteka, 1998. Sharapenko, Grigorii. [Albumof Watercolors of Ottoman Costume].N.p.: n.p., 1867. 1 album (86 watercolor drawings). Some drawings depict costumes of various vendors, merchants, army officers and religious persons; costumes of peasants from the Balkans and other areas of the Ottoman Empire. Sheldon, Sally. “Women’s Daily Lives and Equal Opportunity Policies: Central and Eastern European Societies in Transition.” European Journal of Women’s Studies 1, no. 1 (1994): 116-1 8. Report on a conference: “Women’s Daily Lives and Equal Opportunity Policies”, European Univ. Institute, 28-30 January 1993, organized by Laura Balbo, Yota Kravaritou, and Valeria Russo. Shelley, Louise I. “The Changing Position of Women: Trafficking, Crime, and Corruption.” In The Legacy of State Socialism and the Future of Transformation, edited by David S. Lane, 207-22. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlef, 2002. Sheridan, Dorothy. “Researching Women’s Lives: Notes From Visits to East Central Europe.” Women’s Studies International Forum 15, no. 1 (January 1992): 91-5. Covers Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and East Germany. . “Women and Life History Work in East Central Europe.” Oral History 19 (Autumn


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1991): 63-7. Shnyrova, Olga. “Uchrezhditel’naia konferentsiia PO zhenskim issledovaniiam v Belgrade.” We/Myi 6, no. 22 (1998): 30-1. Shpilevskii, Sergiei M. Semeinyia vlasti U drevnikh slavian i germantsev. Kazan: V. Univ. Tip., 1869. About family power among the ancient Slavic and Germanic ethnic groups. Siemienska, Renata. “Elites and Women in Democratizing Post-communist Societies.” International Review of Sociology 9, no. 2 (1999): 197-219. Discussion uses data particularly from Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and Russia. Siklov6, Jirina. “Are Women in Central and Eastern Europe Conservative?” In Gender Politics and Post- Communism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 74-83. New York: Routledge, 1993. . “Sind die Frauen Ost- und Mitteleuropas konservativ?” Neue Gesellschaft. Frankfurter Hefte 38, no. 11 (1991): 1016-9. . “Women and Aging under Real Socialism.” In SociaE Policy in the New Eastern Europe: What Future f o r Socialist Welfare?,edited by Bob Deacon and Julia Szalai, pp. 192200. Avebury: Aldershot, 1990. Simpson, Peggy A. “Eastern Europe’s Magazines: Periodicals, Ranging from Literary to Raunchy, Struggle against Economic Odds.” Nieman Reports 45, no. 1 (Spring 1991): 27-33. Includes material on pornography. . “No Liberation for Women: Eastern Europe Turns Back the Clock.” The Progressive 55, no. 2 (February 1991): 20-4. Sklar, June L. “The Role of Marriage Behaviour in the Demographic Transition: The Case of Eastern Europe Around 1900.” Population Studies 28, no. 2 (July 1974): 23 1-47. Sklevicky, Lydia. “Informacije o Medunarodnoj konferencij i o povijesti 5ena Amsterdam, 24-27. I11 1986.” casopis za suvremenu povijest 1 (1986): 195-9. About the International Conference on Women’s History in Amsterdam, 1986. Slack, Amy Ralene. “Women in Transition toward Democracy and a Market Economy in Eastern Europe.” M.A. thesis, Univ. of Wyoming 1996. Smejkalova, Jirina. “The Other Monster: ‘American Feminism’ in the Post-Communist World.”Bulletin (Berlin: Center for Women’s Interdisciplinary Studies, Humboldt Univ.) 14 (1997): 1-7. . “Revival? Gender Studies in the ‘Other’ Europe.” Signs 20, no. 4 (Summer 1995): 1000-6. . “On the Road: Smuggling Feminism Across the Post-Iron Curtain.” Replika 1 (1996): 97-102. Available electronically at: http://www.replika.c3.hu/. Snitow, Anna. “Feminist Futures in the Former East Bloc.” Peace and Democracy News 7, no. 1 (Summer 1993): I ; 40-4. Spanjer, J. M. “Eurothemes: Love, Lust and Suffering in Eastern Europe.” [Eurothemas: Liefde, lust en lijden in Oost-Europa.] Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 135, no. 12 (March 23, 1991): 528-30. In Dutch. Sporer, 2eljka. “Feminizacija profesija kao indikator poloiZaja Zena U razliCitim druStvima.” Sociologija 27, no. 4 (October-December 1 985): 602-5. About women-dominated professions in various societies. Stiinciugelu, Stefan. “Dincoace de feminism: conflicte etnice gi violul colectiv.” Sfera politicii 7, no. 71-72 (1999): 25-8. Feminist analysis of nationalism, ethnic conflict, and collective rape, with special reference to the wars in the former Yugoslavia. In Romanian. Stent, Angela. “Women in the Post-Communist World: The Politics of Identity and Ethnicity.” World Policy Journal 10, no. 4 (Winter 1993-1994): 65-71. Stepanov, Tsvetelin and Georgi Kazakov. “Srednovekovnite eskhatologichni tekstove i obrazite na zhenata na Balkanite [Mediaeval Eschatological Texts and Woman’s Images in the Balkans] .” In Granitsi na grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdii traditsiiata i 55

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modernostta, edited by Krasimira Daskalova and Raina Gavrilova, 17-29. Sofia: Izd-vo LIK: Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia PO istoriia na zhenite i pola, 2001. Strat, Emilia Irina. “Patafizica sexului.” Sfera politicii 7, no. 7 1-72 (1999): 34-8. A philosophical piece against political correctness and about the despiritualization of sex in our times. In Romanian. Stukuls Eglitis, Daina. “Mother Country: Gender, Nation and Politics in the Balkans and Romania.” East European Politics and Societies 14, no. 3 (Fall 2000): 693-702. Review essay of Gail Kligman’s Politics of Duplicity and Sabrina Ramet’s edited volume Gender Politics in the Western Balkans. Sutherland, Margaret. ENWS-Seminar, “Women’s Studies and the Social Position of Women in Eastern and Western Europe” the Hague, the Netherlands, November 22 until November 2 7 1990: General Report of Professor Margaret B, Sutherland. Zoetermeer, Netherlands: European Network for Women’s Studies, 1991. Szabady Egon. “Fertility and Women’s Employment in the Socialist Countries of Eastern Europe.” In The Fertility of Working Women: a Synthesis of International Research, edited by Stanley Kupinsky, 28 1-3 16. New York: Praeger, 1977. . “Az Europai orszagok termekenyseget kozvetlenul, vagy kozvetve befolyasolo torvenyek.” [Legislation directly, or indirectly, affecting fertility in European countries]. Demografia [Hungary] 16 no. 1 (1973): 114-8. “Outlines the sociohistorical background to fertility in Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Turkey, and Yugoslavia in the early 1970’s, and compares their social, medical, and financial legislation concerning women and families.” Szeli, Eva, and Dea Pallaska. “Violence Against Women with Mental Disabilities: The Invisible Victims in CEE/NIS Countries. ” Feminist Review 76 (2004): 117-9. Tatur, Melanie. “Why is There No Women’s Movement in Eastern Europe?” In Democracy and Civil Society in Eastern Europe. Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congressfor Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990, edited by Paul G. Lewis, 61-75. New York: St. Martin’s, 1992. Thorpe, Nick. “Field Day for Illegal Hunters: A Conference on Trafficking in Women That Opens in The Hague Today Highlights a Growing Problem.” The Guardian (April 25, 1997): 10. Todorova, Maria. “Myth-Making in European Family History (The Zadruga Revisited) .” East European Politics and Societies 4, no. 1 (Winter 1990): 30-76. . “Recent Research on Household and Family in the Balkans 15-19th Century.” In Von der Pruth-Ebene Bis Zum Gipfel Des Ida: Studien ZLir Geschichte, Literatur, Volkskunde und Wissenschaftsgeschichte Des Donau-Balkan-Raumes: Festschr$t Zum 70. Geburtstag von Emanuel Turczynski. Siidosteuropa-Schriften, 10. Edited by Gerhard Grimm, 11-22. Munich: Siidosteuropa-Gesellschaft, 1989. Tourse, Robbie and Pauline Collins. “Marginal Women at Risk: Working toward Economic Equity within the Context of Privatization.” In Social Justice and the Welfare State in Central and Eastern Europe: the Impact of Privatization, edited by Demetrius S. Iatridis, 100-17. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000. Traflic in Women and Forced Prostitution in Council of Europe Member States: Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1325 (1997). Features a response by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe based in Strasbourg, France, to “Traffic in Women and Forced Prostitution in Council of Europe Member States: Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1325 (1997).” On line at http ://www .coe.fr/cm/dec/ 1998/645/4 1.htm. TrafSicking and Prostitution: The Growing Exploitation of Migrant Womenfrom Central and Eastern Europe. Migration Information Programme. Budapest: International Organization for Migration, 1995. Reviewed by Tamar Diane Wilson in International Migration Review 3 1 56

General Background



GEN679 GEN680

GEN68 1


GEN683 GEN684


GEN686 GEN687

GEN688 GEN689


(Summer-Fall 1997): 490. Trebici, Vladimir. “Law and the Social Status of Women. In Law and fertility in Europe: a Study of Legislation Directly or Indirectly Aflecting Fertility in Europe, vol. 1, edited by Maurice Kirk, Massimo Livi Bacci, and Egon Szabady, 80-106. Dolhain, Belgium: Ordina Editions, 1975. Trnavska, Adriana. “ h n a v stfednej Europe dnes [Woman in Central Europe Today].” Sociologia 28, no. 4 (1996): 362-4. A symposium on women in Central Europe today, sponsored by the Austrian Embassy in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 20-22 May 1996, with representatives from Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, & the Czech Republic. Topics included women’s identity in the postcommunist countries & studies & literary examples of women’s burdens. -M. Meeks. Tsagarouisianou, Roza. “‘God, Patria and Home’ : Reproductive Politics and Nationalist [Reldefinitions of Women in EasdCentral Europe.” Social Identities 1, no. 2 (1995): 283-95. United Nations. “Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women [ratification status] .” In Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General, 161-2. [New York]: n.p., 1995. . General Assembly (52nd Session, 1997, New York, N.Y.). Advancement of Women: Traflic in Women and Girls: Report of the Secretary-General. New York: United Nations, 1997. . The Impact of Economic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe: Proceedings of n United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna, 8-12 April 1991. New York: United Nations, 1992. Includes thorough sections on Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia. . Traflic in Women and Girls: Report of the Secretary-General. [New York]: United Nations, 1996. United States. Congress. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. The Sex Trade: Traflicking of Women and Children in Europe and the United States: Hearing before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, One Hundred Sixth Congress, First Session, June 28, 1999. Washington: U.S.G.P.O., 2000. On line at http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS4204. . House. Committee on International Relations. Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights. Traflicking of Women and Children in the International Sex Trade: Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights of the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress,first session, September 14, 1999. Serial no. 106-66. Washington: U.S. G.P.O. Accessible on line at http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS4796, PDF version, and at ht tp://purl .access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS4797, text version. United States Information Agency. A World View of Women: Social, Political, and Economic Attitudes: A Special Report.” Washington: US Information Agency, 1994. Includes chapters on Eastern Europe, the Baltic States, Russia, and Belarus. Vajda, Mohaly, and Agnes Heller. “Family Structure and Communism.” In Women in a Man Made World, edited by Nona Glazer-Malbin and Helen Youngelson Waehrer, 292-305. New York: Rand McNally, 1973. van der Lippe, Tanja, and Eva Fodor. “Changes in Gender Inequality in Six Eastern European countries.” Acta Sociologica 41, no 2 (July 1998): 131-50. . “Veranderingen in ongelijkheid tussen mannen en vrowen in Oost-Europa, 19881993 [Changes in inequality between men and women in Eastern Europe 1988-19931.’’ Mens en Maatschappij 69 (1994): 71-90. Verdery, Katherine. “From Parent-State to Family Patriarchs: Gender and Nation in Contemporary Eastern Europe.” East European Politics and Societies 8, no. 2 (Spring 1994): 225-55.


General Background GEN69 1 GEN692

GEN693 GEN694



GEN697 GEN698 GEN699

GEN700 GEN701


GEN703 GEN704 GEN705





. What Was Socialism, and What Comes Next? Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1996. Anal yzes the transition after socialism, including changing gender relations. Verloo, Mieke. “Feminism(s) with an Eastern Touch: Reflections on the Dubrovnik Seminars on ‘Women and Politics’: Zagreb and Dubrovnik, 1996, 1997, 1998,2000.” European Journal of Women’s Studies 7, no. 4 (2000): 497-9. Vinogradova, Ludmila. “La roussalka dans les rites et croyances des Slaves [The mermaid in the rites and beliefs of the Slavs]” Re‘vue russe 8 (1995): 91-104. Vocks, Judith and Jan Nijboer. “The Promised Land: A Study of Trafficking in Women from Central and Eastern Europe to the Netherlands.” European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 8, no. 3 (2000): 379-88. Wall, Sally N., Irene Hansen Frieze, AnuSka Ferligoj, Eva JaroSovA, Daniela Pauknerovg, Jasna Horvat, and NataSa Sarlija. “Gender Role and Religion as Predictors of Attitude toward Abortion in Croatia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and the United States.” Journal of CrossCultural Psychology 30, no. 4 (July 1999): 443-65. Watson, Peggy. “Civil Society and the Politics of Difference in Eastern Europe.” In Transitions, Environments, Translations: Feminisms in International Politics, edited by Joan W. Scott, Cora Kapland, and Debra Keates, 11-20. New York & London: Routledge, 1997. . “Eastern Europe’s Silent Revolution: Gender.” Sociology 27, no. 3 (1993): 471-7. . “Eine Westfeministin Geht in den Osten.” Transit: Europaische Revue 9 (1995): 128-45. About Western feminism in Eastern Europe. . “Osteuropa: die lautlose Revolution der Geschlechterverhaltnisse.” Das Argument: Zeitschr$t fiir Philosophie und Sozialwissenschafen 35, no. 202 (1993): 859-74. About women and sexual relationships in Eastern Europe. . “The Rise of Masculinism in Eastern Europe.’’ New Left Review 198 (March-April 1993): 1-82. . “Theorizing Feminism in Postcommunism.” In Feminisms and Women’sMovements in Contemporary Europe, edited by Anna Bull, Hanna Diamond and Rosalind Marsh, 10017. Houndsmill, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Press; New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000. . “Zivilgesellschaft und Geschlechterverhaltnisse in Osteuropa.” Das Argument: Zeitschr$t fur Philosophie und Sozialwissenschafen 37, no. 21 1 (1 995): 721-30. About civil society, women, and demographic trends in Eastern Europe. Waylen, Georgina. “Women and Democratization: Conceptualizing Gender Relations in Transition Politics.” World Politics 46, no. 3 (April 1994): 327-54. Weisner, Merry E. Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993. , and Lisa DiCaprio. Lives and Voices: Sources in European Women’s History. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000. Reader of primary source documents which give an overview of women’s lives from ancient to modern times. Includes a chapter on women in Eastern Europe. Weiss, Daniel. “Frau und Tier in der sprachlichen Grauzone: Diskriminierende Strukturen slavischer Sprachen.” Referate des X Konstanzer Slavistischen Arbeitstreffens, Konstanz 1114.9.1984. Slavistische Beitrage (Munich) 184 ( 1 985): 3 17-59. About the linguistic treatment of women and animals in Slavic languages. Weissman, Robert. “The Marlboro Man Goes East: Multinational Tobacco Companies Aim for East European Markets.” Multinational Monitor 12, no. 1-2 (January-February 1992): 31-5. Whose Europe Is It Anyway? The Impact of the European Union on Women, Black and Ethnic Minority People, People with Disabilities and Lesbians and Gay Men. [London]: [Publicity Team, Hackney Council], 1994. Includes bibliographical references. Widmer, Eric D., Judith Treas, and Robert Newcomb. “Attitudes toward Nonmarital Sex in 58

General Background

GEN7 10 GEN7 11

GEN7 12 GEN7 13

GEN7 14

GEN7 15

GEN7 16


GEN7 18

GEN7 19 GEN720 GEN721

GEN722 GEN723 GEN724


GEN726 GEN727

24 Countries.” Journal of Sex Research 35, no. 4 (1998): 349-58. Includes data on Russia, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Wolchik, Sharon L. Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe: Progress or Regression for Women? Washington: The Atlantic Council of the United States, 1995. . “Eastern Europe.” In The Politics of the Second Electorate: Women and Public Participation: Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, France, Spain, West Germany, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Eastern Europe, USSR, Japan, edited by Joni Lovenduski, 252-57. London: Routledge, 1981. . “Ideology and Equality: the Status of Women in Eastern and Western Europe.”Comparative Political Studies 13, no. 4 (January 1981): 445-76. . “The Precommunist Legacy, Economic Development, Social Transformation, and Women’s Roles in Eastern Europe.” In Women, State and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon Wolchik and Alfred Meyer, 3 1 4 6 . Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. . “Women and Politics: Central and Eastern Europe.” In Privatization, Democratization, and Women in East-Central Europe and the Soviet Union, edited by Vladimir Moghadam, 50-8. N. p.: World Institute for Development Research of the United Nations Univ., 1993. . “Women and the Politics of Gender in Communist and Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe.” In Eastern Europe: Politics, Culture, and Society since 1939, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 285-303. Bloomington: Univ. of Indiana Press, 1998. . “Women and the Politics of Transition in Central and Eastern Europe.” In Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies, edited by Valentine Moghadam, 2 9 4 7 . London: Oxford, 1993. . “Women and the State in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.” In Women, the State, and Development, edited by Sue Ellen Charleton, Jana Everett, and Kathleen Staudt, 45-65. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1989. . “Women and Work in Communist and Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe.” In Women’s Work and Women’s Lives: The Continuing Struggle Worldwide, edited by Hilda Kahne and Janet Z. Giele, 119-39. Boulder: Westview Press, 1992. . “Women in Eastern Europe.” The World and I (September 1991): 556-67. , with Alfred G. Meyer. “Women in the Communist System: Introduction.” Studies in Comparative Communism 14, no. 2-3 (Summer-Autumn 1981): 103-5. Women in Development Roundtable: Europe in Transition, Viewsfor the South: Rome, Italy, 6th-7th December 1990, Held with the Assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Afsairs (DGCS) of Italy. Rome, Italy: Society for International Development International Secretariat, 1990. “Women’s Daily Lives and Equal Opportunity Policies: Central and Eastern European Societies in Transition.” European Journal of Women’s Studies I , no. 1 (Spring 1994): 1168. “Women’s Studies Centers and Programs in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union.” Hypatia 8, no. 4 (Fall 1993): 127-8. Wong, Raymond Sin-Kwok. “Socialist Stratification and Mobility: Cross-National and Gender Differences in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland.” Social Science Research 24, no. 3 (September 1995): 302-29. World Health Organization Working Group on Reproductive Health Research. Towards a Better Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998. Includes statistical data, background information and recommendations for improving reproductive health in Eastern Europe. Wroclawski, Krzysztof. “The Supernatural Wife in the Folktales of the Balkan Area.” Zeitschrift fur Balkanologie 3 1, no. 2 (1995): 2 2 1 4 . Yulina, Nina S. “Women and Patriarchy.” Women’s Studies International Forum 16, no. 1 ( 1993): 57-63.


General Background GEN728

GEN729 GEN730

GEN73 1


Zareva, Snejana. “Frauen in Sudosteuropa: Zwischen dem kommunistischen Model1 und dem Orientalismus des Balkan” Feministische Studien 2 (1992): 56-63. About women in the Balkans caught between communist and orientalist models. Zielinska, Eleanor A. “Recent Trends in Abortion Legislation in Eastern Europe with Particular Reference to Poland” Criminal Law Forum 4, no. 1 (1993): 47-93. , and Jolanta Plakwicz. “Strengthening Human Rights for Women and Men in Matters Relating to Sexual Behavior and Reproduction.” Journal of Women’s History 5 , no. 3 (1994): 91-9. Zimmermann, Susan. “How They Became Feminists: the Origins of the Women’s Movement in Central Europe at the Turn of the Century.” In History Department Yearbook, 1997-1998, edited by Eszter Andor, Andrea Peto, and Istvgn Gyorgy T6th, 195-236. Budapest: CEU, 1999. Zirin, Mary F. “Perestroika for Women?” AAASS Newsletter 32, no. 2 (March 1992): 3.



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GYPSY/ROMA DIASPORA See also individual country chapters. Bibliography and Reference GROl GR02 GR03


GR05 GR06


Binns, Dennis. A Gypsy Bibliography. 3 vols. Manchester, UK: Dennis Binns Publications, 1982-1990. Dalbello, Marija. Prilog bibliografiji o Romima (Ciganima) U SFR Jugoslaviji: s posebnim obzirom na etnolosku ifolkloristicku gradu u periodici. Sarajevo: Institut za procavanje nacionalnih odnosa Sarajevo, 1989. A bibliography on the Roma in Yugoslavia. Gronemeyer, Reimer. Zigeuner in Osteuropa: eine Bibliographie zu den Landern Polen, Tschechoslowakei und Ungarn: mit einem Anhang iiber altere sowjetische Literatur. Munich; New York: Saur, 1983. A bibliography in German on the Roma of Eastern Europe, but limited to Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. With an appendix on older Soviet literature. Includes indexes. Kenrick, Donald, with the assistance of Gillian Taylor. Historical Dictionary of the Gypsies. European Historical Dictionaries no. 27. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1998. Includes a chronology of gypsy history and entries for gypsies who have become historically significant in their field, as well as entries for gypsy organizations and their representatives, government bodies related to gypsies, important events, social, religious, political, cultural and linguistic terms related to gypsies and their lives and short histories of gypsies in specific countries. The bibliography contains a brief section specifically on women (p. 208). Tong, Diane. Gypsies: A Multidisciplinary Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland Publishers, 1995. An indispensable guide to the study of Gypsies everywhere. Organized thematically. Includes sections on women, biographies, folklore and various disciplines. . “Gypsies: A Selected Bibliography (Central and Eastern Europe.)” Nationalities Papers 19, no. 3 (Winter 1991): 4 13-28. A condensed selection of Tong’s thematically organized bibliography of works published since 1960. Includes a section on women’s studies. Tyrnauer, Gabrielle. Gypsies and the Holocaust: A Bibliography and Introductory Essay. Montreal: Institute of Genocide Studies, 1989.

Web Sites GR08


The European Committee on Romani Emancipation (ECRE). http://www.eu-romani.orghdex.htm1. Provides a non-exclusive and neutral representation for concerned European citizens wishing to improve the conditions of Roma (Gypsies) within the European Union, as well as in countries preparing to join the European Union. ECRE provides links and information about numerous campaigns and initiatives. The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC). http://www.errc.org. An international public interest law organisation which monitors the human rights situation of Roma and provides legal defense in cases of human rights abuse. The ERRC is governed by an international board of directors. Romani organisations and Romani individuals throughout Europe

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contribute time, money and expertise to the ERRC. The ERRC is a cooperating member of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights and has consultative status with the Council of Europe. This well organized website includes news archives, country reports, links to publications, and solid information. The Patrin Web Journal: Romani Culture and History. http://www.geocities.com/Paris/5 12l/patrin.htm. Patrin is “dedicated to Romani (Gypsy) culture and history and to extending awareness of the continuous Roma struggle to achieve and maintain dignity and freedom. Patrin is a learning resource and information centre about Romani culture, social issues, and current events.” In Romani, English, German, French. The Project on Ethnic Relations (PER). http://www.per-usa.org/roma.htm Based in Princeton, NJ, PER is an organization dedicated to reducing interethnic conflict in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. They have offices thoughout Eastern Europe, and a project on the Roma. Their Roma page has links to a number of papers and documents. Radio Praha Romani. http://www. romove.cz. Produced in Prague, Czech Republic, includes sections on Romani literature, culture, language, and art, as well as links to current news stories on Roma within the Czech Republic. Available in Czech, English, French, and German. Romani. http://www.romani.org. “Dedicated to the Roma for their recognition as a people and as a nation, and to their struggle for freedom and against persecution and oppression worldwide.” Available in English only. Romani World. http://www.romaniworld.com/index.html.An online newspaper run in collaboration with European Romani communities. It contains news and information on Romas all over Europe, including announcements, campaigns, publications, and contact information. Available in English. RomaPage. http://www.romapage.c3 .hu/eng/eng.htm. Provides links and information on newstories on Roma throughout East-Central Europe. Available in Hungarian and English. The RomNews. http://www.romnews.com. Provides newslinks and archives of international Roma news events. In English. Slovakia.org. http://www .slovakia.org/society-roma.htm. Provides fairly detailed information focused on the situation of Gypsies within Slovakia, including legal and immigration policies. The site was written by Klara Orgovanova, a Slovak psychologist and member of a Roma delegation hosted in the U.S. by the Project on Ethnic Relations (PER) in Princeton, NJ Available in English and Slovak. University of Hertfordshire Press. http://www.herts.ac.uk/UHPress/Gypsies.html. “The only university press committed to developing a major publishing programme on social, cultural and political aspects of the Romani and other Gypsy people who migrated from north west India during the past fifteen hundred years and are now found in every continent. The books in this catalogue range from escholarly accounts of research in Romani studies from the foremost researchers in the field to English language editions of the Interface Collection (a publishing programme on the history of Europe’s Gypsies funded by the European Union for use in schools), an international anthology of Roma poetry and practical guides for councillors and local government officers .”

Periodicals GRO 19


CPRSI Newsletter. Warsaw. OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, 1995-1997. 3vols. In English and Romany. Alternate title: Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues Newsletter. Etudes Tsiganes. Paris. 1 9 5 5 . In French with brief article abstracts in English.


Gypsyhtoma Diaspora GR02 1 GR022

GR023 GR024 GR025 GR026


Romano Nevo jil. Quarterly newspaper published by Jekhetane-Spolu, available throughout Slovakia. Written in Slovak with several articles in Romany and Hungarian. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. Edinburgh, Scotland; Cheverly, MD: The Gypsy Lore Society, 1888-1999. Series 1 published in 3 vols., July 1888-April 1892; Series 2 began July 1907; Series 3 published in 52 vols., 1922-1973; Series 4 began 1974; Series 5 1991- August 1999 (vol. 9). Succeeding title: Romani Studies. Lacio Drom: rivista bimestrale di studi zingari. Rome. 1 9 6 5 . Nationalities Papers 19, no. 3 (Winter 1991). Special issue The Gypsies of Eastern Europe. Edited by Henry H. Huttenbach. Includes a selected bibliography by Diane Tong (see above). Also includes articles on Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Germany. Roma Rights in Focus. Newsletter of the Human Rights Project, monitoring legal defense of Roma in Bulgaria. Published in Bulgarian and English. Contact at 23 Solunska Street, 6th floor 1000 Sofia, BULGARIA. Roma Rights Quarterly. Budapest. 1 9 9 6 . Published by ERRC (European Roma Rights Centre). Based in Budapest, this quarterly journal provides links to news stories, country reports, legal information, position papers, and a detailed archive of past stories. Available only in English. All issues available at: http://www.errc.org/Romarights-index.php. Previously called Roma Rights: The Newsletter of the European Roma Rights Center. Romani Studies. Cheverly, MD: The Gypsy Lore Society, 2000- (vol. 10).Preceding title: Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society.

History and Society GR028

GR029 GR030

GR03 1 GR032 GR033 GR034


GR036 GR037

AckoviC, Dragoljub. Roma SufSering in Jasenovac Camp. Translated by Ljubomir VukosavljeviC and Vesna Ajspiler. Belgrade: The Museum of the Victims of Genocide. Roma Culture Center, 1995. About the Roma interned at the Jasenovac concentration camp run by the Ustasha in World War I1 Croatia. Acton, Thomas et al. “Gender Issues in Accounts of Gypsy Health and Hygeine as Discourses of Social Control.” In Romani Culture and Gypsy Identity, edited by Thomas Acton and Gary Mundy, 164-79. Hatfield, UK: Univ. of Hertfordshire Press, 1997. Alt, Betty and Sylvia Folts. Weeping Violins: The Gypsy Tragedy in Europe. Hatfield, UK: Thomas Jefferson University Press, 1996. Focuses on the mass murder of Gypsies during the Nazi regime, including background history and continuing persecution. Includes numerous stories of Romany survivors, many of whom are women. Bacovii, Viera. “Typologia romskfch rodin na Slovensku [A Typology of Gypsy Families in the Slovak Republic].” Sociologia 22, no. 4 (1990): 491-501. Barany, Zoltan. “Protracted Marginality: The East European Roma.” In Margins of Insecurity: Minorities in International Security, edited by Sam C. Nolutshungu, 75-98. Rochester: Univ. of Rochester Press, 1996. Bock, Gisela. “Racism and Sexism in Nazi Germany: Motherhood, Compulsory Sterilization, and the State.” Signs 8, no. 3 (Spring 1983): 400-21. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Boulding, Elise. “The Gypsies.” In The Underside of History: A View of Women through Time. Boulder: Westview Press, 1976: 326-3 1. About the position of women in Gypsy culture. The author explores how Gypsy women and men share public spaces, concluding that mixing of traditional gender roles is more common than is visible on the surface. Burleigh, Michael, and Wolfgang Wipperman. Racial State: Germany 1933-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991. This book contains a chapter devoted to the Roma and Sinti’s treatment and experience under National Socialism. Cartner, Holly. Destroying Ethnic Identity: The Persecution of Gypsies in Romania. New York: Helsinki Human Rights Watch, 1991. . “Foreigners Out”: Xenophobia and Right Wing Violence in Germany. New York:


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GR040 GR041 GR042 GR043 GR044 GR045

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GR053 GR054

Helsinki Human Rights Watch, 1992. A piece in this series on ethnic violence and abuse of human rights in Eastern Europe after the collapse of Communism. Cahn, Claude, and Dimitrina Petrova. The Misery of Law: The Rights of the Roma in the Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine. Country Reports series, no. 4. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1997. This series is similar to the Helsinki Human Rights Watch series and deals with the issues of women and gender. , and Nidhi Trehan. Time of the Skinheads: Denial and Exclusion of Roma in Slovakia. Country Reports Series, no. 3. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1997. This series is similar to the Helsinki Human Rights Watch series and deals with the issues of women and gender. CanEk, David. “Roma in Czech Schools Before and After 1989.” Roma Rights no.2 (1999). This article is excerpted in the Open Society Institute’s Newsletter, Open Society Innovators 1, no. 1 (1998-1999): 3-5, and is available in full at http://www.errc.org. Challenging Coercive Sterilisations of Romani Women in the Czech Republic. Publication of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC). Available at http ://www .em.org/cikk.php?cikk=2228. Clkbert, Jean-Paul. The Gypsies. Translated by Charles Duff. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1967. Anthropological report includes a long section on fertility, pregnancy, love, and marriage. Cohn, Werner. The Gypsies. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1973. Includes sections on marriage and “bride-price,” as well as numerous references to the role of women in Gypsy society. Crowe, David and John Kosti, eds. The Gypsies of Eastern Europe. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1991. Focuses on the pofajmos or Gypsy Holocaust during WWII. Includes sections on Ravensbruck concentration camp for women and forced sterilization. Includes index. Davidovai, Eva. Cesty RomdRomano Drom, 1945-1990. Olomouc: Palacky Univ., 1995. Traditional, chronological ethnography with institutional emphasis on the Roma in Czechoslovakia in the postwar period. This is a useful source for black and white photographs. . “The Gypsies of Czechoslovalua.” Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society 50 (197 1): 4054. Divide and Report: Roma and the Sinti in Austria. Country Report Series no. 6. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1997. This series is similar to the Helsinki Human Rights Watch series and deals with the issues of women and gender. Dunin, Elsie. “CoEek as a Ritual Dance among Gypsy Women.” Makedonskifolklor 12 (1973): 193-8. Durst, Judit. “Fertility and Childbearing Practices Among Poor Gypsy Women in Hungary: The Intersections of Class, Race and Gender.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 35, no. 4 (2002): 457-74. Erdos, Kamill. “Notes on Pregnancy and Birth Customs among the Gypsies of Hungary.”Joumal of the Gypsy Lore Society 27 (1958): 50-6. Feher, Gyorgy. Struggling for Ethnic Identity: The Gypsies of Hungary. New York: Helsinki Human Rights Watch, 1993. Feig, Konnilyn. “Non-Jewish Victims in the Concentration Camps.” In A Mosaic of Victims: Non-Jews Persecuted and Murdered by the Nazis, edited by Michael Berenbaum, 161-78. New York: New York University Press, 1990. Includes accounts by female Romany survivors and descriptions of the treatment of pregnant Romany women and their children. Includes bibliographical references. Ficowski, Jerzy. The Gypsies in Poland: History and Customs. Translated by Eileen Healy. Yugoslavia: Interpress, 1989. Includes sections on birth, childcare, and mamage. Fienbork, Gundula, Brigitte Mihbk, and Stephan Muller. Nunca ganhei nada na vida:


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GR059 GR060 GR061 GR062 GR063

GR064 GR065 GR066 GR067 GR068


histdrias de ciganos da Europa de Leste. Fenda do tesouro, 1. Lisboa: Fenda, 1998. Interviews with East European gypsy women. Finkovii, Zuzana. “Setrenie populacnej klimy romskych zien [An Investigation of Family Size Preferences of Female Gypsies] .” Demografie 19, no. 4 ( 1977): 296-30 1. Results of a family-planning survey conducted among 1,725 female gypsies living in the Michalovce region of East Slovakia. Fonseca, Isabella. Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and Their Journey. New York: Vintage Books, 1995. Annotated under the General chapter. Gronemeyer, Reimer, ed. Eigensinn und Hilfe: Zigeuner in der Sozialpolitik heutiger Leistungsgesellschaften. Giessen: Focus Verlag, 1983. Includes: Reimer Gronemeyer, “Hilfe and Eigensinn”; Bernhard Streck, “Gesellschaft als Pflegefall”; Reimer Gronemeyer, “Zigeunerpolitik in sozialistischen Landern Osteuropas”; Georgia A. Rakelmenn, “Zigeunerpolitik als Medienereignis” and includes bibliographies. . Zigeuner im Spiegel friiher Chroniken und Abhandlungen: Quellen vom 15. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. Jahrbuch 1987 der “Giessener Hefte fur Tsiganologie.” Giessen: Focus, 1987. In German, with source documents in French, German, Italian, and Latin, and German translations of the non-German documents. Includes bibliographical references and index. , and Georgia A. Rakelmann. Die Zigeuner: Reisende in Europa: Roma, Sinti, Manouches, Gitanos, Gypsies, Kalderasch, Vlach und andere. DuMont Dokumente. Cologne: DuMont, 1988. Includes bibliography and indexes. Guy, Will. “Ways of Looking at Roma: The Case of Czechoslovakia” In Gypsies: An Interdisciplinary Reader, edited by Diane Tong. New York: Garland Publishers, 1998. Hancock, Ian. “Non-Gypsy Attitudes toward Rom: the Gypsy Stereotype.” Roma 9, no. 1 ( 1985): 50-65. Horvath, Mihaly. “A cigany Szulo Nok Demografiai Adatai A Skilosi Jaradba, 1961-1971.” Demogrdfia (Budapest) 14, no. 4 (197 1): 366-7 1. Demographic data on Gypsy women giving birth in the Siklos district of Hungary. Horviitov6, Emlia. Cigdni na Slovensku (Romani in Slovakia). Bratislava: Vydavatel’ stvo Slovenskej Akademie Vied, 1964. Ethnographic account of Slovak Gypsies, arguing for the integration of Gypsies into mainstream society, heavily influenced by Marxist definitions of culture, nationality, identity and progress. Howard, Patricia. “National Minorities in Eastern Europe.” Radio Free Europe Research, RAD Background Report 156 (September 9, 1987): 1-8. Includes brief section on situation of Gypsies. Hubschmannovii, Milena. “Economic Stratification and Interaction: Roma, and Ethnic Jati in East Slovakia.” In Gypsies: An Interdisciplinary Reader, edited by Diane Tong, 233-67. New York: Garland Publishers, 1998. .“Les femmes dans la communautk traditionnelle des Rom Slovak.” Etudes tsiganes 10 (1997): 8-20. , et al. “Causatives in Slovak and Hungarian Romani.” Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 1, no. 156 (1997): 133. Ingram, Judith. “Gypsy Women: Scapegoats in a New Democracy.” Ms Magazine 2, no. 2 (September-October 1991): 17-9. A journalistic account of the triple burden of being a Gypsy in Hungary in the post-communist period. Quotes from Gypsy women intellectuals on Gypsy life. Jansson, Robert, ed. “Special Section on Health Needs of Refugee, Migrant and Minority Women: Hearing of RomdGypsy Women of West Central and East Europe.” Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights, Newsletter no. 66/67 (1999): 10-1. About Romany women’s rights, welfare programs, socioeconomic situatuons.


Gypsy/Roma Diaspora GR070

GR07 1




GR075 GR076


GR078 GR079


GR08 1



Jones, Alex. “Migration, ethnicity and conflict: Oxfam’s experience of working with Roma communities in Tuzla, Bosnia-Hecegovina.” Gender and Development 6, no. 1 (March 1998): 57-62. Includes consideration of women’s roles, gender relations, domestic violence, female headed households and girls’ education. Justin, Eva. “Lebensschicksale artfremd erzogener Zigeunerkinder und ihrer Nachkommen.” Veroflentlichungenaus dem gebiete des volksgesundheitsdeinstes57, no. 4 ( 1944). Justin collected Gypsy genealogies as part of Hitler’s Racial Hygiene and Population Biological Research Bureau. She advocated the mass sterilization of all Gypsy women. Kacena, Katherine Amy . “Detection of infectious disease in resource poor settings: Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and human immunodeficiency virus- 1 in the Czech and Slovak Republics.” Ph.D. diss., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1999. “Five female populations at risk for STDs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia were screened, including females attending a prenatal clinic, an STD clinic, and a high school, a Gypsy population, and sex workers. The high chlamydia prevalence rates found in this study indicate the present need for screening and treatment programs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.” Kelly, J. A., Amirkhanian, Y. A., Kabakchieva, E., Csepe, P., Seal, D. W., Antonova, R., Mihaylov, A. and G. Gyukits. “Gender Roles and HIV Sexual Risk Vulnerability of Roma (Gypsies) Men and Women in Bulgaria and Hungary: An Ethnographic Study.” AIDS CarePsychological and Socio-MedicalAspects of AIDS/HIV 16, no. 2 (2004): 23 1-45. Kenrick, Donald, and Grattan Puxon. The Destiny of Europe’s Gypsies. The Columbus Centre series. New York: Basic Books, 1973. Numerous references to female sterilization. Includes bibliography. Keren, Nili. “Gypsies.” In Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, edited by Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1994. Kertksz-Wilkinson, Irkn. “Song Performance: A Model for Social Interaction among Vlach Gypsies in South-Eastern Hungary.” In Romani Culture and Gypsy Identity, edited by Thomas Acton and Gary Mundy, 97-126. Hatfield, UK: Univ. of Hertfordshire Press, 1997. Includes references to gendered patterns of social behavior among the singers. The author is Lecturer in Ethnomusicology at Goldsmiths’ College, London. Kligman, Gail. “Abortion and International Adoption in Post-Ceaugescu Romania.” Feminist Studies 18, no. 2 (Summer 1992): 405-19. Commentary on women’s reproductive rights in Romania. Discussion of the exploitation of Gypsy women and the fact that many Romanian babies put up for adoption are Gypsies. Also annotated under Romania. . The Politics of Duplicity: Controlling Reproduction in Ceaujescu ’s Romania. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1998. Annotated under Romania. . “The Politics of Reproduction in Ceausescu’s Romania: A Case Study in Political Culture.”East European Politics and Societies 6, no. 3 (Fall 1992): 364-418. Focuses on Romanian women, including Gypsy women, and issues surrounding healthcare, children, abortion, and legal issues. . The Wedding of the Dead: Ritual, Poetics, and Popular Culture in Transylvania. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1988. Includes references to Gypsy rituals. Indexed. Annotated under Romania. Kolvoda, Josef. “The Gypsies of Czechoslovakia” Nationalities Papers 19, no. 3 (1991): 26996. Includes information on pregnancy, abortion, and sterilization among Czechoslovak Gypsies. Kostelancik, David. J. “The Gypsies of Czechoslovakia: Political and Ideological Considerations in the Development of Policy.” Studies in Comparative Communism 22, no. 4 (Winter 1989): 307-21. Includes data on female education levels and reproduction among Gypsy women. Kovalcsik, Katalin. “Men’s and Women’s Storytelling in a Hungarian Vlach Community.” Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society 5, no. 3 (1993): 1-20.


GypsyRoma Diaspora GR084


GR086 GR087 GR088 GRO89


GR09 1



GR094 GR095 GR096

GR097 GR098 GR099

KudliCkov5, Lfdia. Vjpovede o prcici v rdmskej komunite: 20 stra’n najd6le?itejs‘ich spra’v z RREP na Slovensku. Bratislava: Minority Rights Group-Slovakia, 1997. Supplement no. 4: What worries the Roma woman? Laska, Vera, ed. Women in the Resistance and in the Holocaust: The Voices of Eyewitnesses. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing, 1983. “Laska has written several chapters about her own experiences; the remaining accounts are reprinted from a variety of sources, some of them translated from other languages by Laska. The two major sections deal with the Resistance and with concentration camp life; a shorter final section concerns re-entry into normal life by the survivors.” -From the Publisher. Includes information on Gypsy women. Lewy, Guenter. The Nazi Persecution of the Gypsies. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2000. Likgeois, Jean-Pierre. Gypsies, Romas, Travellers. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1994. . La scolarisation des enfants tziganes et voyageurs: rapport de synth2se. Luxembourg: Office des publications officielles des Communaut6s europkennes, 1986. Lipa, JiEi. “The Fate of Gypsies in Czechoslovakia under Nazi Domination.” In A Mosaic of Victims: Non-Jews Persecuted and Murdered by the Nazis, edited by Michael Berenbaum, 207-15. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1990. Includes accounts of female sterilization. Lockwood, William. “East European Gypsies in Western Europe: The Social and Cultural Adaptation of the Xoraxane.” Nomadic Papers 21, no. 22 (December 1986): 63-70. “Discussion of the nomadic Yugoslav Xoraxane of Bosnia-Hercegovina and Montenegro in Western Europe, dealing chiefly with their sources of income. Argues that westward migration has social repercussions, such as the erosion of kinship bonds with extended family and growing emphasis on nuclear family.” -Vera Sokolova. Lucassen, Leo, Wim Willens, and Annemarie Cottaar. Gypsies and Other Itinerant Groups: a Socio- Historical Approach. Basingstoke: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998. Includes sections on marriage, family, and social control. Includes bibliographical references and index. Mann, h e , ed. Nezna‘mi Romovia. Bratislava: Sociologick6 nakladatelstvi, 1992. “Collection of scholarly, interdisciplinary articles dealing with Czechoslovak gypsies, mostly in the post-WW I1 period.” -Vera Sokolova. Marushiakova, Elena, and Vesselin Popov. Gypsies in the Ottoman Empire: a Contribution to the History of the Balkans. Interface Collection, vol. 22. Hatfield, UK: Univ. of Hertfordshire Press, 2000. . Gypsies (Roma) in Bulgaria. Studien zur Tsiganologie und Folkloristik, vol. 18. Frankfurt am Main; New York: Peter Lang, 1997. . Studii romani. Sofia: Klub ’90, 1994. Published with the help of the Soros Rroma Foundation. In Bulgarian, with parallel English translation. .Tsiganite na Bulgariia: problemi na multikulturalnata muzeina ekspozitsiia. [The gypsies of Bulgaria: Problems of the Multicultural Museum Exhibition]. Sofia: Klub 90, 1995. “This edition is part of the project Multicultural Museum Exhibition-a tool for educating the public in mutual tolerance and respect for gypsies.” Includes bibliographical references. . Tsiganite v Bulgariia. Sofia: Klub ‘90, 1993. . Tsiganite v Osmanskata imperiia. Kollektsiia Interfas. Sofia: IK Litavra, 2000. Includes bibliographical references. McCagg, William. “Gypsy Policy in Socialist Hungary and Czechoslovakia, 1945-1989.” Nationalities Papers 19, no. 3 (1991): 3 13-36. A comparative analysis of Gypsy legislation, comparing the policies against Gypsies with government approaches to Jews and the physically disabled in the two countries. In contrast to Jews, Gypsies received little compensation for their suffering during the Holocaust, due mainly to Gypsy illiteracy. Concludes that both governments were equally discriminatory in their treatment of Gypsies, prohibiting nomadism, removing children from parents and forcing them into special schools,


Gypsy/Roma Diaspora


GRO101 GRO102


GRO 104


GRO 106



GRO110 GRO111 GRO112

GRO113 GROll4

but in addition Czechoslovak authorities promoted sterilization of Roma women. Also listed under Czechoslovakia and Hungary sections. Merfea, Mihai. Tiganii: Integrarea social6 a romilor. Bragov: Bhsa, 1991. A report discussing the institutionalization of children in Romania. Of those suffering from malnutrition and other physical problems, most were from socio-economically vulnerable groups, mostly Roma. Milton, Sybil. “Gypsies and the Holocaust.” The History Teacher 14, no. 4 (August 1991): 375-87. Monitoring of the local implementation of the Government Strategyfor the Improvement of the Condition of Roma in Romania, available in English and Romanian at http://www.eumap.org/topics/minority/reports/romap/. The report proceeds county by county. Mrsevic, Zorica. “Filthy, Old, and Ugly: Gypsy Women from Serbia.” In Global Critical Race Feminism: An International Reader, edited by Adrien Katherine Wing, 160-75. New York: New York Univ. Press, 2000. . “Tsygane Serbii: etnografiia nasiliia” [The gypsies of Serbia: the ethnography of violence]. In Gendernye istorii Vostochnoi Evropy, edited by Elena Gapova, Al’mira Usmanova, Andrea Peto, 2 10-27. Minsk: Evropeiskii gumanitarnyi universitet, Tsentr gendernykh issledovanii, 2002. Muregan, Cornelia. “L’kvolution dkmographique en Roumanie: tendances passkes ( 19481994) et perspectives d’avenir (1995-2030)” Population 4-5 (1996): 813-44. Article about demographic trends, 1948-1994) and perspectives for the future to 2030. NeCas, Ctibor. Nem-iteme zapomenout: Nas‘t ’I bisteras. Olomouc: Palacky University, 1993. “Personal testimonies and memories of 32 Czech, Moravian, and Slovak gypsy survivors of Nazi concentration camps. About twenty of the interviewees are women. Supplemented by a short, general history of the camps, maps, drawings, and black and white pictures.”-Vera Sokolova. Nemknyi, Mhria. Csoportkkp nokkel. Budapest: Uj Mandhtum Konyvkiad6, 1999. The socialization, sexual behavior of Gypsy women. In Hungarian. No Record of the Case: Roma in Albania. Country Reports Series, no. 5. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1997. This series is similar to the Helsinki Human Rights Watch series and deals with issues of women and gender. Nyman, Lynette M. “A Complex Relationship: Menopause, Widowhood, and the Distribution of Power among Older Rom Women.” Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society 7, no. 2 (1997): 97117. Okely, Judith. “Gypsy Women: Models in Conflict.” In Perceiving Women, edited by Susan Ardener. London: Malaby Press, 1975. An analysis of the outsider’s stereotypes of the Gypsy woman contrasted with the ideal behavior expected of her by the Gypsies. . The Traveller-Gypsies.Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Includes a chapter on Gypsy women. Alexandra Oprea, “The Erasure of Romani Women in Statistical Data: Limits of the Raceversus-Gender Approach,” available at http://w ww .eumap.orgljournaYfeatures/2003/apri~romas tat s. Pavel, Dan. “Wanderers: Romania’s Hidden Victims.” In Gypsies: an Interdisciplinary Reader, edited by Diane Tong. New York: Garland Publishers, 1998. Pellar, Ruben, and Zbynek Andrs. “Statistical Evaluation of Romany Women in East Slovakia: Appendix to the Report on the Examination in the Problematic of Sexual Sterilization of Romanies in Czecho~lovakia.’~ In Het Afiopen van Vruchtbaarheid:Een onderzoek naar door Paul Ofier en Bert de Rooij in opdracht van de Verenging Lau Mazeril en de Stichting Informatie over Charta 77. Amsterdam: Lau Mazeril Foundation, 1990. Data collected from 123 Slovak Gypsy women who were among those sterilized during the 1970s and 1980s in Czechoslovakia. Supplemented by sample questionnaires given to the women.


Gypsy/Roma Diaspora


GRO116 GRO117 GRO118


GRO 120



GRO 123

GRO 124 GRO 125


In Romany, with English translation. Peterson, Melissa Kay. Oh Let Me Be the Voice: An Analysis of Women’s Roles in the Holocaust. Albion, MI: Albion College, 2000. Includes a chapter entitled “The Persecuted Gypsies.” Pettan, Svanibor. “Female to Male - Male to Female: Third Gender in the Musical Life of the Gypsies in Kosovo.” Narodna umjetnost 33, no. 2 (1 996): 3 11-24. Ploss, Hermann Heinrich and Maximilian C. A. Bartels. Das Weib in der Natur- und Volkerkunde. Leipzig: Grieben, 1899. A comparative ethnology of Gypsy women. Prochiizkovii, Eva. “Perzekuce romskfch koCovniku v Eeskfch zem’ch v 18. Stoleti“ [Persecution of Gypsy Nomads in the Czech Lands in the 18th Century]. Sborni’k Archivni’ch Praci‘42, no. 2 (1992): 307-409. Profession: Prisoner: Roma in Detention in Bulgaria. Country Reports Series, no.6. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1997. This series is similar to the Helsinki Human Rights Watch series and deals with issues of women and gender. “The Roma in Central and Eastern Europe” [IREX] Policy Paper, March 22,2000. About the social, economic, and political problems facing the Roma population in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the struggles for protection of Roma’s basic human rights. Available in electronic format at: http://www.irex.org/publications/policy-papers/index.htm Rao, Aparna. “Some ManuS Conceptions and Attitudes.” In Gypsies, Tinkers, and Other Travellers, edited by Farnham Rehfisch, 139-67. London: Academic Press: 1975. An anthropological discussion of ManuS (Roma) social structure, including a discussion of gender perceptions and attitudes. Rathore, Devi and B. Shyamala. “A Comparative Study of Some Aspects of the SocioEconomic Structure of Gypsy/Ghor Communities in Europe and in Andhra Pradesh, India.” European Journal of Intercultural Studies 6, no.3 (1996): 15-23. Abstract: The factors leading to the socioeconomic exploitation & deprivation of Gypsy/Ghor communities were explored via interviews conducted with settled & traveling groups of Manush, Sinti, Lovari, Rom, Polska, Roma, Khorakhane, & Serbski Roma Gypsy communities throughout Europe. Data were gathered on the history of the communities, including discrimination & persecution, employment patterns, & forced migration. The shaping of the Ghor socioeconomic structure by culture, occupation, origin, language, & ethnicity is described, & the status of women, religious aspects, & similarities of Gypsy/Ghor communities in Europe & in Andhra Pradesh, India, are discussed. Sebkovii, Hana, Edita Zlnayovii, and Milena Hubschmannovii. Fragments tsiganes: comme en haut, ainsi en bus. Paris: Lierre & Coudrier, 1991. “Three oral histories of sedentary Slovak Roma-two women and one man. The women’s stories are more interesting.”-Vera Sokolova. Simoncini, Gabriele. “National Minorities in Poland at the End of the Twentieth Century”Po1ish Review 43, no. 2 (1998): 173-93. Includes information on Gypsy women. Smith, Tracy. “Racist Encounters: Romani ‘Gypsy’ Women and Mainstream Health Services.” The European Journal of Women’s Studies 4 (1997): 183-96. A discussion of the experiences and treatment Roma women have encountered in medical establishments throughout Europe. Argues that Roma women’s long-lasting mistrust of medical services can be traced back to the racist treatment and experiments they were forced to endure under National Socialism. Sokolova, Vera. “A Matter of Speaking: Racism, Gender and Social Deviance in the Politics of the ‘Gypsy Question’ in Communist Czechoslovakia, 1945-1989.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Washington, 2002. See especially the section on “Planned Parenthood behind the Curtain: Sterilization of Roma Women, Ethnicity and Sexuality in Czechoslovakia. 1972-1989.” The dissertation investigates how and why concerns about sexuality and reproduction replaced the rhetoric of ethnicity as the crucial components of state policies dealing with the Roma and


Gypsy/Roma Diaspora

GRO 127

GRO 128 GRO 129

GRO 130

GRO131 GRO132


GRO 134 GR0135


GRO 137 GRO138 GRO 139



what these policies tell us about race, citizenship, and the relationship of state and society under Czechoslovak Communism. Soltes, L., L. Slivka, and A. Pontuch. “Gravidita deti a mladistvfch.” Bratislava leka‘rske listy 75, no. 2 (1981): 196-201. Study of incidence and mode of pregnancy in children and adolescents in the Socialist Slovak Republic, 1974-1978, particularly among Gypsies. Summary in English, Russian, German. Stewart, Michael. “Brothers in Song: The Persistence of (Vlach) Gypsy Community and Identity in Socialist Hungary.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of London, 1988. . “I Can’t Drink Beer, I’ve Just Drunk Water: Alcohol, Bodily Substance and Commensality among Hungarian Rom.” In Alcohol, Gender, and Culture, edited by Dimitra Gefou-Madianou. London: Routledge, 1992. . The Time of the Gypsies. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. Ethnography about the refusal of one Gypsy community in Hungary to abandon its way of life and accept assimilation into the majority population. Descriptions of daily life, interactions with nonGypsies; contextual gender analysis of the Gypsies’ pollution system, marginality and resistance . . “True Speech, Song and the Moral Order of a Hungarian Vlach Gypsy Community.” Man 24, no. 1 (1988): 79-102. Based on Stewart’s The Time of the Gypsies. Streck, Bernhard. “Zigeunerpolitik in sozialistischen Landern Osteuropas.” In Eigensinn und Hive: Zigeuner in der Sozialpolitik heutiger Leistungsgesellschaften,edited by Reimer Gronemeyer, 43-1 83. Giessen: Focus Verlag, 1983. Includes a lengthy bibliography, pp. 17483. Sutherland, Anne. “Gypsy Women, Gypsy Men: Paradoxes and Cultural Resources.’’ Gypsy Lore Society: Papers from the 6th and 7th Annual Meetings, 104-13. Edited by JoAnne Grumet, 1986. Szantho, Denes. “Gypsy Musician, 1968.’’ The New Hungarian Quarterly 9, no. 30 (1968): 154-7. Szente, Veronika Leila, with Dimitrina V. Petrova. Sudden Rage at Dawn: Violence against Roma in Romania. Country Reports Series, no. 2. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1996. This series is similar to the Helsinki Human Rights Watch series and deals with issues of women and gender. TomaSeviC, Nebojsa Bato, and Rajko DjuriC. Gypsies of the World with text and photographs by Dragoljub ZamuroviC, and design by Miodrag Vartabedijan. Translated by Una TomaSeviC. New York : H. Holt, 1988. Photojournalist style account of Roma throughout the world, with sections on Eastern European countries. Includes several photostories and interviews with women. Tomova, Ilona. The Gypsies in the Transition Period: Bulgaria. Sofia: International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations, 1995. Similar to the Helsinki Human Rights Watch series. It includes sections on marriage, family, and households. Tong, Diane. Gypsies: An Interdisciplinary Reader. New York: Garland Publishers, 1998. Companion volume to her 1995 Bibliography volume listed above. Tritt, Rachel. Struggling for Ethnic Identity: Czechoslovakia ’s Endangered Gypsies. New York: Helsinki Human Rights Watch, 1992. “This Helsinki Watch report encompasses both pre-1989 and post-1989 periods. The most interesting section, pertaining to the issues of women and gender, is concerned with the sterilization of Roma women in Czechoslovakia during the 1970s and 1980s; it includes quotes from women’s testimonies. Another interesting section deals with education.”-Vera Sokolova. Trumpeter, Katherine Maria. “The Voice of the Past: Anxieties of Cultural Transmission in Post Enlightenment Europe: Tradition, Folklore, Textuality, History.” Ph.D.diss., Stanford Univ., 1990. Tyrnauer, Gabrielle. “Scholars, Gypsies, and the Holocaust.” In Gypsy Lore Society: Papers


Gypsy/Roma Diaspora

GR0142 GRO143




GRO147 GRO148

from the 6th and 7th Annual Meetings, 157-64, edited by JoAnne Grumet, 1986. Includes discussion of female sterilization during WWII. UlE, Otto. “Gypsies in Czechoslovaha: A Case of Unfinished Integration” Eastern European Politics and Societies 2 (1988): 306-33. Includes data on Gypsy fertility and birthrates. Vukanovic, Tatomir P. “The Position of Women among Gypsies in the Kosovo-Metohija Region.” Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society 40, no. 3-4 (July-October 1961): 81-100. Discussion of Gypsy patriarchy and women’s rights and obligations in two groups of Yugoslav Gypsies. Based on fieldwork done in the late 1950s. Wells, Joanna. “Silent Attack: a Campaign of Sterilization of Romani Women.” Roma Rights: the Newsletter of the European Roma Rights Center 5, no. 1 (2000). Special issue: Women ’s Rights. About communist and post-communist Czechoslovakia. Wippermann, Wolfgang. “Christine Lehmann and Mazurka Rose: Two ‘Gypsies’ in the Grip of the German Bureaucracy, 1933-60.” In Confronting the Nazi Past: New Debates on Modern German History, edited by Michael Burleigh, 112-24. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996. The Women’s Centre, Ljubljana. “Call for Support from Slovenia.” OfSOur Backs 26, no. 2 (February 1996): 5. “Report of abuse and crimes against Roma women and girls in Slovenia.” -Vera Sokolova. Yates, Dora. Gypsy Folk-Tales. New York: Bames & Noble Books, 1995. Like Tong’s book, cited above, Gypsy tales from all over the world. Yoors, Jan. The Gypsies. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland, 1987, 1967. First-person account

of travels with Roma throughout the Balkans and Turkey.

GRO 149 GRO 150 GRO151

Zambo, Iona. “Gypsy Women: Barriers to Citizenship.” In Ana ’s Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 118-20. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. Zamfir, Elena, and Ciitiilin Zamfir. Tiganii intre ignorare gi ingrijorare. Bucharest: Editura Alternative, 1993. Discussion of institutionalization of Gypsy children in Romania. Zang, Ted. Destroying Ethnic Identity: The Gypsies of Bulgaria. New York: Helsinki Human Rights Watch, 1991. Another in the Helsinki Watch series discussing ethnic violence and discrimination in post-Communist Eastern Europe.

Literature and the Arts GRO152

GRO153 GRO 154

GRO155 GRO156

Dowd, Siobhan, Ian Hancock, and Rajko Djuric, eds. The Roads of the Roma: a PEN Anthology of Gypsy Writers. Hatfield, UK: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1998. A number of the poets who contribute to this volume are women from Central & Eastern Europe. Includes extensive biographical notes. Ferkovii, Ilona. Corde Chave: Ukradene‘de‘ti. Brno: SpoleCenstvi Romu na Moravg, 1996. Short stories dealing with the experiences of Gypsy women and family life in Czechoslovakia. . Mosard ’apeske o dfivipen anglo love: Znitila si iivot pro penlie. Hradec KrAlov6: RomaiiI chib, 1990. “A book of short stories. ‘She destroyed her life for money’-also the title of the book-is the story of a young Roma woman who opts for sterilization in exchange for financial compensation during the height of the assimilationist efforts of the Czechoslovak establishment to have the Roma sterilized.” -Vera Sokolova. Gina, Andrej. Bijav: Svatba. Prague: Apeiron, 1996. Short stories reflecting Romani culture and dealing with women and gender. Groome, Francis H. Gypsy Folk-Tales. New York: Amo, 1977. Reprint of 1899 edition published by Hurst and Blackett, London.


Gypsy/Roma Diaspora Papusza, pseud. [Bronislawa Wajs], 1908?-1987. Polish citizen considered to be the first Polish poet of Roma nationality. GRO 157 GR0158 GRO159

GRO 160

Papusza. Piesni (Papusakre gila; wiersze w jezyku cyganskim. Translated and compiled by Jerzy Ficowski. Wroclaw: Wydawn. Zakladu Ossolinskich, 1956. Cybulski, Mariusz. “Papusza and Her Poems.” Lacio Drom (December 1985): 21-3 1. Contains six poems in English and Romani. Machowska, Magdalena. “Bronislawa Waj s-Papusza: Miedzy mitem a biografia [Bronislawa Wajs-Papusza: Between Myth and Biography].,’ Literatura ludowa 45, no. 4-5 (2001): 39-63. Pettan, Svanibor. “Female to Male-Male to Female: Third Gender in the Musical Life of the Gypsies in Kosovo.” Narodna umjetnost 33, no. 2 (1996): 31 1-24.

Stojka, Ceija, 1933-. First Austrian woman to claim her Romani heritage publicly. See http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceija-Stoj ka, and the online Holocaust Encyclopedia at http://www .ushmm.org/wlc/idcard.php?ModuleId=10006787. GRO161 GRO162 GRO 163 GRO 164

GRO 165

Stojka, Ceija. Ceija Stojka: Bilder & Texte 1989-1995.Edited by Patricia Meier-Rogan and Franzi Helmreich. Vienna: P. Meier-Rogan, 1995. Pictorial work on Romanies and their persecution in Austria. . Reisende auf dieser Welt: aus dem Leben einer Rom-Zigeunerin. Edited by Karin Berger. Vienna: Picus Verlag, 1992. . Wir leben im Verborgenen: Erinnerungen einer Rom-Zigeunerin. Edited by Karin Berger. Vienna: Picus Verlag, 1988. Rosenberg, Karen. “‘They Couldn’t Take Our Thoughts’ : A Conversation with Ceija Stojka.” Women’s Review of Books 12, no. 6 (March 1995): 18-20. Interview with Stojka, who sees the younger generation as responsible for carrying on Gypsy traditions given that so few Austrian Roma returned from the concentration camps and despite Austria’s resurgent rightwing politics. Tong, Diane. Gypsy Folktales. New York: MJF Books, 1989. Folktales from all over the world, including many from Eastern and Central Europe. These provide a glimpse into Gypsy oral tradition, beliefs and philosophy, and thus insights into their social organization and gender relations.

Autobiography GRO 166

GRO 167 GRO 168

GRO 169

Adelsberger, Lucy. Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Story. Boston: Northeastern Univ. Press, 1995. “A memoir of a Jewish physician who spent a part of her time in Auschwitz as a doctor in the Gypsy camp. Her story offers interesting observations and insights as well as judgments based on commonly-held stereotypes and presumptions about the Roma.”--Vera Sokolova. Ciabo, Joan. “I1 Genocidio in Romania: Una Testimoninza.” Lucio Drom 20, no. 2-3 (MarchJune 1984), 54-6. Didsi, Agnes, with Elza Lakatos. “Brought Up to Be Different.” Hungarian Quarterly 41, no. 160 (Winter 2000). Autobiography of a sociologist, who has written on the life of the Roma and on children at risk in state care. She herself is a Vlach Gypsy and she describes her childhood and life in what must have been a guided interview with Lakatos. On line at http://www.hungarianquarterly .codno 160/084.html. Eder-Jordan, Beate. “’Traditionen Wurden Weitergeben Wie Die Machen’ : Eine Sintiza Gewarhrt Winblick In Ihr Leben.” L’Homme (Austria) 7, no. 1 (1996): 170-83. An interview


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with a 61-year old Sinti woman. Discussion of male-headed hierarchy within the family, importance of young woman’s virginity and resulting marriage at a very young age, division of labor along gender lines. Author shows that the Sinti community’s social structure was forever changed and destroyed by the Holocaust .”-Vera Sokolova. Fabianovii, Tera. Sar me phiravas andre s‘kola-Jakjsem chodila do s‘koly. Czech Republic: UDO Cesk6 BudEjovice ve spolupriici se Spolecenstvim Romu na Moravg, 1996. Autobiographical fiction. Story of a young Czech Roma woman and her experience in the public schools. Heger, Heinz. The Men with the Pink Triangle: The True Life-and-Death Story of Homosexuals in the Nazi Death Camps. Translated by David Fernbach. London: Gay Men’s Press, 1980. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1980. Includes a chapter entitled “The Polish Boys and the Gypsy Capo.” Lackovii, Ilona. A False Dawn: My Life as a Gypsy Woman in Slovakia [Ulilom tel bachtali cerchen. Czech & English]. Interface collection, vol. 16; Biblioteca de temas gitanos y afines. Coleccih. Recorded, translated from Romani and edited by Milena Hubschmannovii; translated from Czech by Carleton Bulkin. Hatfield, UK: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1999. “This remarkable life story transcribed and edited from recordings in Romani gives a vivid picture of life in a prewar Gypsy settlement on the edge of a Slovak village, the terror of the wartime period when the Hlinka guards shaved the heads of the women and forced the men into labour camps and the exhilaration of the Communist period when for a time new opportunities beckoned. The author was the first Gypsy to attend Charles University and became a party official but she also witnessed the destruction of the Romani culture, language and way of a life in this ‘false dawn.”’ -From the publisher’s web site. Nomberg-Przytyk, Sara. Auschwitz: True Tales from a Grotesque Land, edited by Eli Pfefferkom and David H. Hirsch. Translated by Roslyn Hirsch. Chapel Hill, NC: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1985. Personal narratives from the Holocaust, including a section entitled “The Little Gypsy.” Includes bibliographical references. Pame‘ti romsk$ch ,ten; KoFeny I. Brno: Muzeum romskk kultury, 2002. Memoirs of a Romani woman in the Czech Republic.


JEWISH DIASPORA See also individual country chapters.

Bibliography and Reference JWS 1




Ancel, Jean, and Victor Eskenasy, eds. Bibliography of the Jews in Romania. The GoldsteinGoren Centre for the History of the Jews in Romania. Tel Aviv: Diaspora Research Institute, Tel Aviv Univ., 1991. 2nded. revised and reedited by Zvi Hartman, 2004. Partially available at http://www.romanianjewish.org/en/antise~tism-in-romania-l3 .html. “The present sample has yet to undergo final copyediting and proofreading, and it is presented here in its “rough” condition to demonstrate the potential value of this major research tool soon to be completed.” -The Romanian Jewish Community web site. Cantor, Aviva. The Jewish Woman, 1900-1980: Bibliography. Rev. ed. Fresh Meadows, New York: Biblio Press, 1981. Dick, Jutta, and Marina Sassenberg, eds. Jiidische Frauen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Lexikon zu Leben und Werk. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1993. Very helpful biographical dictionary with short sketches of the lives and careers of Jewish women in Eastern and Western Europe. Edelheit, Abraham J. and Hershel. Bibliography on Holocaust Literature. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1986. Elwell, Ellen, Sue Levi and Edward R. Levenson. The Jewish Woman’s Studies Guide. Fresh Meadows, NY: Biblio Press, 1982. Syllabi for courses in Jewish women’s studies. Hertz, Deborah, Jane Amold and Julie H. Rubin. “Jewish Women in Europe, 1750-1932: A Bibliographic Guide,” Jewish History 7, no. 2 (Fall 1993): 127-53. Bibliography compiled to stimulate research in Jewish women’s history. Subsections include reference, general, Western and Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and selected fiction and poetry. Brief, but probably the best general bibliography. Kuller, Hary. Presa evreiasccF;bucuregteank 1857-1994. Bucharest: Hasefer, 1996. About the Bucharest Jewish press, 1857-1994. Includes index. Kurzweil, Arthur, and Miriam Weiner. The Encyclopedia of Jewish Genealogy. Northvale, NJ: J. Aronson, 1991-. Vol. 1 Sources in the United States and Canada. Includes bibliographical references and index. Masnick, Ann S. The Jewish Woman: An Annotated Selected Bibliography, 1986-1993, with 1994-1995 Recent Titles List, New York: Biblio Press, 1996. Mirodan, Alexandru. Dicfionar neconvenfional a1 scriitorilor evrei din Rornfinia, vol. 1 (A, B, C), 2 (D, E, F). Tel Aviv: Minimum, 1986, 1987. “Unconventional dictionary of Romanian-Jewish writers includes ample information on Nina Cassian and many others. The work so far is up to the letter F, but the entries are broadly essayistic and not confined to writers’ names, so that authors whose names start with letters beyond F also appear. Zubatsky, David S. Jewish Autobiographies and Biographies: An International Bibliography of Books and Dissertations in English. New York: Garland Publishing, 1989.

Jewish Diaspora

Websites JWSl2 JWS13 JWSl4 JWSl5


Bet Debora. European Conference of Women Rabbis, Cantors, Scholars and all Spiritually Interested Jewish Women and Men. http://www.hagalil.com/bet-debora. Bibliography of Jewish Women’s Resources. http://www.jewishlibraries.org/biblio.html Compiled by Tsiporah Wexler-Pashkoff. Bridges. http://www.pond.net/-ckinberg/bridges/index.html.Website of Jewish feminist journal which often includes articles on the experience of Jewish women in Eastern Europe. Hadassah Research Institute on Jewish Women. http://www.brandeis.edu/hrijw Website based at Brandeis Univ.; the best general website for links to general and international women’s organizations. Includes homepage for Nashim A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies and Gender Issues. Jewish Women’s Archive. http://www.j wa.org. Site dedicated to the “rich legacy of Jewish women,’’ meant for both general and scholarly communities. Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal. http://www.utoronto.ca/wjudaism. Jews in Russia, the Soviet Successor States and Eastern Europe: A Checklist of Recent Acquisitions of the Univ. of Chicago Library. http://www .lib .uchicago.edu/e/su/slavic/inside.html. A bi-annual checklist which covers all aspects of Jewish life, including many memoirs, biographies and histories of Jewish women from all of the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Compiled by June Pachuta Farris.

Periodicals JWSl9






Bridges = G’sharim = Gesharim = Brikn = Brikn = Puentes = Puentes. Seattle, WA: New Jewish Agenda, 1990-1993; Eugene, OR: 1994-. Jewish feminist journal published twice a year and edited by Clare Kinberg; it has included many works by Yiddish-language Jewish women writers. Esztertbska [Esther’s Bag]. Budapest: 2001-. Section on Life and History of Hungarian Jewish Women in the Budapest monthly Szombat (Sabbath). Edited by Borbiila Juhiisz, Katalin P h i , Andrea Peto, M6nika Siindor, Zsuzsa Toronyi, Andrea Kuti, and Judit Wirth. The editors represent “different streams of Jewishness.” The section’s web page is at http://www.geocities.com/esztertaska/ or the English version: http://www.nextwave.hu/esztertaska/english.htm Femeia “BasAmi. Biirlad, Romania: 1900. Microfilm. Rumanian Academy Reprographic Service, 1993. 1 microfilm reel; 35 mm. Microfilm of a single issue (July 16, 1900) of this Jewish women’s periodical. Ferneea evree: Organul Asocia,tiei Culturale a Femeilor Evree (A.C.F.E.) = ha- Ishah ha’Ivriyah. Bucharest: no. 1-40, 1928-1930. Zionist Organ of Romania’s Cultural Association of Jewish Women. Published semi-monthly, then weekly. Microfilm copy available from Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem, Reprographic Services. 1 microfilm reel; 35 mm. Jahrbiicherfur Jiidische Volkskunde. Berlin: 1923-1925. Until 1922, called Mitteilungenfir Jiidische Volkskunde (see below). Official publication of the Gesellschaft fur Judische Volkskunde, founded by D. Max Griinwald in 1897. Written largely by Griinwald himself, who had a strong interest in Jewish folklore. Lilith. New York: 1976-. Jewish feminist journal published four times a year and edited by Susan Weidman Schneider, it has included many articles on Jewish women in Eastern Europe. Mitteilungen fiir Jiidische Volkskunde. Berlin. 1897-1922. Official publication of the Gesellschaft fiir Jiidische Volkskunde, founded by D. Max Griinwald in 1897. Written largely ”


Jewish Diaspora




by Griinwald himself who had a strong interest in Jewish folklore. Nashim. Jeruslaem: 1998-. A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies and Gender Issues. Hadassah International Research Institute on Jewish Women and the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem. Published by Indiana Univ. Press. The journal provides an international, interdisciplinary forum for work in Jewish women’s and gender studies. Each issue is devoted to a theme such as Motherhood, Modernity and Jewish Gender Identities, Autobiography & Mernoir, Women, War & Peace, etc. This semi-annual journal is more academic than Bridges or Lilith. Shofar. Special issue Eastern European Jewish Women Immigrants: To America and to PreState Israel. 9, no. 4 (Summer 1991). Sulamith: revist6 lunar6 pentru femeia evreic6. “Supliment la revista ‘Hatikvah’.” Gala$ 1916- 1919. Microfilm. Rumanian Academy Reprographic Service, 1993. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. A Zionist women’s monthly published in Galaii as a supplement to the magazine Hatikvah . Voice of the Woman Survivor. New York: Women’s Auxiliary, Warsaw Ghetto Resistance Organization, 1985- v. I-. Quarterly newsletter of the Women’s Auxiliary of WARGO.

History and Society JWS30 JWS3 1 JWS32 JWS33




Abrams, Jeanne. “Unsere leit (‘our people’): Anna Hillkowitz and the Development of the East European Jewish Woman Professional in America.” American Jewish Archives 37, no. 2 (November 1985) : 275-89. Adler, David. We Remember the Holocaust. New York: Henry Holt, 1988. Interviews with survivors, including women. Alstat, Philip R. “A Day or Forever Ghetto Poetess.” Jewish Week (10-16 May 1973). “Story of Henrike Lazowert, who insisted on sharing his mother’s fate in the death camp.” Marjorie Wall Bingham. Alter, Judith B. “Mitzvah Tanz: Problems of Reconstructing it from Written and Translated Sources,” UCLA Journal of Dance Ethnology 10 (1986): 18-26. Jewish dance, marriage customs and rites. Altman, Rachel. “Fragments of a Broken Past.” In DifSerent Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by Carol Rittner and John Roth, 363-72. New York: Paragon House, 1993. Andre, Marion. Maria B. Oakville, ON: Mosaic Press, 1991. Antler, Joyce. The Journey Home: Jewish Women and the American Century. New York: The Free Press, 1992. From immigration to the feminist movement of the late 19* century. Some information regarding East European backgrounds of American Jewish women. Arad, Yitzak, et. al, eds. Documents on the Holocaust. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1981. Some of the documents include excerpts from women’s diaries and an account of women couriers in the underground movement. M a r j o r i e Wall Bingham. Ashkenazi, Jacob Ben Isaac. “Tsene-Rene.” In The Shtetl, edited by Joachim Neugroschel, 316. New York: Richard Marek Publishers, 1979. Excerpt from the Tsene-Rene, a primary religious text of Yiddish-speaking Jewish women since the 16* century. Asociatia Cultural5 a Femeilor Evreice. Conferin@ a Centralei qi Sec$milor. Bucharest: Tip. Isac Binder, 1926. About a conference of the Cultural Association of Jewish Women in Bucharest. Bacon, Gershon. “The Missing 52 Percent: Research on Jewish Women in Interwar Poland and Its Implications for Holocaust Studies.” In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 55-67. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. Baker, Mark. “Weeping Violins: The Voice of Deserted Jewish Woman, 1867-1870.” Jewish Social Studies 2, no. 1 (1995): 98-123. Baskin, Judith Reesa, ed. Jewish Women in Historical Perspective. Detroit: Wayne State


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Univ. Press, 1999. Baum, Charlotte. “What Made Yetta Work? The Economic Role of Eastern European Women in the Family.” Response. The Jewish Woman:An Anthology 18 (Summer 1973): 328. Baumel, Judith Tydor. “Social Interaction among Jewish Women in Crisis during the Holocaust: A Case Study.” Gender and History 7, no. 1 (1995): 64-84. . Double Jeopardy: Gender and the Holocaust. London; Portland, OR: Vallentine Mitchell, 1998. . “Women’s Agency and Survival Strategies During the Holocaust,” Women’s Studies International Forum 22, 3 (1999): 329-47. , and Jacob J. Schachter. “The Ninety-Three Beit Yaakov Girls of Cracow: History or Typology?’’ In Reverence, Righteousness, Rahamanut, edited by Jacob J. Schachter, 93- 130. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1992. On the myth of the Beit Yaakov schoolgirl martyrs. Bendremer, Jutta T. Women Surviving the Holocaust: In Spite of the Horror. Lewiston: Symposium Series, Edwin Mellen Press, 1997. Benjamin, Lya, Irina Cajal-Marin, and Hary Kuller. Mituri, Rituri si Obiecte Rituale Iudaice [Judaic Myths, htes, and Ritual Objects]. Bucharest: Editura Fundatiei Culturale Romiine, 1994. Published in English as Judaic Ceremonial Objects in Romania. Translated from Romanian by V. Prager. Bucharest: Hasefer Publishing House, 1999. Bernadac, Christian. Le Camp des Femmes: Ravensbruck. Paris: M., 1998. Bernstein, Deborah S., ed. Pioneers and Homemakers: Jewish Women in Pre-State Israel. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1992. Biale, David. “Childhood, Marriage, and the Family in the Eastern European Jewish Enlightenment.” In The Jewish Family: Myths and Reality, edited by Steven M. Cohen and Paula E. Hyman, 45-61. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1986. . “Eros and Enlightenment: Love Against Marriage in the East European Jewish Enlightenment.” Polin: A Journal of Polish-Jewish Studies 1 (1986): 49-67. Bingham, Marjorie. “Women in Twentieth Century Genocides,” In Secondary Voices: Teaching about Intolerance and Genocide. N.p. : National Council of Teachers, 1998. Birman, Tzippora. “From the Bialystock Ghetto.” Jewish Spectator (September 1971): 9-13. Full text in Yad Vashem Studies 2 (1958). Blatman, Daniel. “National-MinorityPolicy, Bundist Social Organizations, and Jewish Women in Interwar Poland.” In The Emergence of Modern Jewish Politics: Bundism and Zionism in Eastern Europe, edited by Zvi Gitelman, 54-70. Pittsburgh, PA: Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 2003. . “Women in the Jewish Labor Bund in Interwar Poland.” In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 68-84. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. Bloch, Bronislaw. “Spatial Evolution of the Jewish and General Population of Warsaw, 17921939.” In Papers in Jewish Demography, 1973: Proceedings of the Demographic Sessions Held at the 6th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 1973, edited by Usiel Oskar Schmelz, Paul Glickson, and Sergio Della Pergola, 209-34. Jerusalem: Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, 1977. Blustain, Rachel. “The Kiev Connection: Women as Change-Agents in the Former Soviet Union,” Lilith 24, no. 4 (Winter 1999): 10-1,42-3. Bogoch, Bryna. “Gender, Literacy, and Religiosity: Dimensions of Yiddish Education in Israeli Government-supportedSchools.” International Journal of the Sociology of Language 138 (1999): 123-60. Bondy, Ruth. “Women in Theresienstadt and the Family Camp in Birkenau.” In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 3 10-26. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. Borzyminska, Zofia. “Wzory wychowania kobiet w szkolach zydowskich w Kr6lestwie


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Polskim w XIX w.” In Vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja nu ziemiach Polskich w X I X i X X w., edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 201-15. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About the educational patterns for women in Jewish schools in the Kingdom of Poland in the 19* century. Boyarin, Daniel. Unheroic Conduct: The Rise of Heterosexuality and the Invention of the Jewish Man. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1997. , and Jonathan Boyarin, eds. Jews and Other Diferences: The New Jewish Cultural Studies. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1997. This important anthology includes general articles on Jews and gender, among other topics. Only one is of direct relevance to East European studies, “Lawless Attachments, One-Night Stands: The Sexual Politics of the Hebrew-Yiddish Language War,” by Naomi Seidman. Brenner, David A. Marketing Identities: The Invention of Jewish Ethnicity in Ost und West. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1998. Discussion of East European Jews in Germany and how Jewish identity was promoted to Jewish men and women. Bristow, Edward J. Prostitution and Prejudice: The Jewish Fight Against White Slavery, 1870-1939. New York: Schocken, 1983. Buchler, Yehoshua R. “First in the Vale of Affliction: Slovakian Jewish Women in Auschwitz, 1942.” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 10, no. 3 (1996):299-326. Carmelly, Felicia Steigman. Shattered! 50 Years of Silence: History and Voices of the Tragedy in Romania and Transnistria. Scarborough, Ont.: Abbeyfield Publishers, 1997. This historical account includes testimonies of Jewish women who survived deportation to Transnistria. Cassedy, Steven, ed. and trans. Building the Future: Jewish Immigrant Intellectuals and the Making of Tsukunft. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1999. Very important anthology of articles which first appeared in Tsukunft, here translated into English. “Chapter Five: New Images of Women” includes Leo Deutsch, “Beti Kaminskaia, the First Jewish Woman University Student and Propagandist (1915),” 178-81; Esther Lurye, “Sholem Aleichem and the Jewish Woman (1916),” 182-7; Esther Lurye, “The Holy Jewish Women Martyrs in America (19 16),” 188-93; Katerina Yevzerov-Merison, “The American Women’s Movement and the Victory for Women in the Last Elections (1917),” 194-203. Charlup, Janice. “Daughters of the Shtetl: Growing Up Female in Eastern European Jewish Society.” In Women in Anthropology Symposium Papers, 1981 and 1982. Sacramento Anthropological Society Publication, No. 17. Sacramento: the Society, 1986. Cohen, Steven M. and Paula Hyman, eds. The Jewish Family: Myths and Reality. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1986. Czajecka, Boguslawa. “Z domu w szeroki iwiat ”:droga kobiet do niezaleznoiEi w zaborze austriackim w latach 1890-2914. [From the Home into the Wider World: Women’s Road to Independence in the Austrian Partition, 1890-19141 Cracow: Universitas, 1990. Includes material on Jewish girls’ education. Davidman, Lynn and Shelly Tenenbaum, eds. Feminist Perspectives on Jewish Studies. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1994. Interdisciplinary collection of articles; important for those in theology, philosophy, history, sociology, literature and the arts. Davis-Kram, Harriet. “The Story of the Sisters of the Bund,” Contemporary Jewry 5 (1980): 27-43. About Jewish women in the Bund. Dawidowicz, Lucy S., ed. The Golden Tradition: Jewish Life and Thought in Eastern Europe. New York: Schocken Books, 1967. Some primary documents by women, from the 19thand 20’ centuries, Includes Pauline Wengeroff, “Memoirs of a Grandmother,” 160-68; Sarah Schenirer, “Mother of the Beth Jacob Schools,” 206-09; Puah Rakowski, “A Mind of My Own,” 388-93. Decker, Hannah S. Freud, Dora, and Vienna 1900. New York: Free Press; Maxwell Macmillan International, Toronto: Collier Macmillan Canada, 1991. This study


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contextualizes the psychoanalysis of Ida Bauer (1882-1945) by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) in the social life and customs of Austrian Jews. DeSilva, Cara, ed. In Memory’s Kitchen: A Legacy from the Women of Terezin. Trans. by Bianca Steiner Brown. Forword by Michael Berenbaum. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1996. “Originally written in German by women at Terezin (Theresienstadt), the ghetto and concentration camp in what was then Czechoslovalua, [the book] is a record of the lives these starving women left behind-the flavors, feasts, even the pots and pans. With [about 801 recipes, poems, and personal letters, it is also a story of the survival of the spirit amid the horrors of the Holocaust.” -Joan Nathan, New York Times (Sept. 11, 1996): B1; also reviewed by Lore Dickstein, New York Times Book Review (Nov. 17, 1996): 7. Di froyen: Women and Yiddish. New York: National Council for Jewish Women, 1996. 1995 Conference proceedings with short papers by those most involved in Jewish and women’s studies: Chava Weissler, Naomi Seidman, Kathryn Hellerstein, Paula Hyman, Anita Norich, Evelyn Torton Beck, Irena Klepfisz. Of special importance for those in history and literary studies. Dick, Jutta and Barbara Hahn, eds. Von einer Welt in die Andere: Judinnen im 19. und 20.Jahrhundert. Vienna: Verlag Christian Brandstatter, 1993. Important collection on Jewish women in Germany and Eastern Europe. Includes articles on Jewish women in Bohemia and Moravia, antisemitism and misogyny, and antisemitic clichks regarding Jews, prostitution, and ritual murder. Dobroszycki, Lucian. “Fertility of Modem Polish Jewry.” In Modern Jewish Fertility, edited by Paul Ritterband, 64-77. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1981. Don, Yehuda, and George Magos. “The Demographic Development of Hungarian Jewry.” Jewish Social Studies 45, no. 3-4 (1983): 189-216. Dror, Zvika. The Dream, the Revolt and the Vow: The Biography of Zivia Lubetkin Zukerman, 1914- 1978. Histadrut: International Dept., Diaspora Section, General Federation of Labor: Lochamei Hagetaot Institute for “Rememberence of the Holocaust and Revolt,” 1983. Lubetkin was one of the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and one of the founders of the Ghetto Fighters’ Kibbutz in Israel. Drucker, Malka, and Gay Block, eds. Rescuers: Portraits of Moral Courage in the Holocaust. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1992. Dubin, Lois C. “Les liaisons dangereuses: Mariage juif et &at moderne 2 Trieste au XVIIIe sikcle,” Annales 49,5 (1994): 1139-70. About Jewish marriage and modernity in 18th century Trieste. . The Port Jews of Habsburg Trieste: Absolutist Politics and Enlightenment Culture. Stanford, CA: Stanford Univ. Press, 1999. Includes a chapter entitled, “The Habsburg Marriage Reforms: Challenges to Religious-Communal Authority.” Dufurnier, Denise. Ravensbruck: The Women ’s Camp of Death. London: Allen and Unwin, 1948. Ecker, Gisela. “Einzug in das ‘Promised Land’ oder ‘Lost in Translation’? Osteuropaische Judinnen auf dem Weg vom Stet1 zum American Dream.” In Judische Kultur und Weiblichkeit in der Moderne, eds. Stephan Inge, Sabine Schilling, and Sigrid Weigel. Cologne: Bohlau, 1994. About East European Jewish women “on their way from the shtetl to the American dream.” Eibeshitz, Jehoshua, and Anna Eibeshitz. Women in the Holocaust: A Collection of Testimonies. 2 vols. Brooklyn: Remember Press, 1993. Einhorn, Barbara. “Vozvrashchenie v Vostochnuiu Germaniiu: genderno markirovannyi i evreiskii opyt? [A return to East Germany: Gender marking and the Jewish experience]” In Gendernye istorii Vostochnoi Evropy, edited by Elena Gapova, Al’mira Usmanova, Andrea Peto, 267-85. Minsk: Evropeiskii gumanitarnyi universitet, Tsentr gendernykh issledovanii, 2002.


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El-Or, Tamar. “Are They Like Their Grandmothers?”: A Paradox of Literacy in the Life of Ultraorthodox Jewish Women,” Anthropology and Education Quarterly 1 (1993): 61-8 1. Elazar, Dahlia S. “Engines of Acculturation”: The Last Political Generation of Jewish Women in Interwar East Europe.” Journal of Historical Sociology 15, no. 3 (2002): 366-94. This study explores the formation of a political generation of Jewish women in interwar East Europe. Based on questionnaire data obtained from the Survivors of the Ravensbrueck Concentration Camp for Women & on secondary historical materials.. . Under the specific sociohistorical circumstances analyzed, it is argued that Jewish women who came of age in interwar East Europe formed, perhaps for the first time a distinct political generation, as evidenced by high rates of political participation & assimilation into the thriving secular nationalistic culture of their time. Eliav, Arie. Voyage of the Ulua. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1969. Describes how 800 Jewish women were rescued from the Germans and made it to Palestine. Embacher, Helga. “Middle Class, Liberal, Intellectual, Female, and Jewish: The Expulsion of ‘Female Rationality’ From Austria.” Contemporary Austrian Studies 6 (1998): 5- 14, Briefly chronicles the attempts of educated middle-class Jewish women in the 1920’s to assimilate into the majority society by adopting Austrian cultural practices and political ideology.. . Based primarily on autobiographies, biographies, and interviews with Austrian Jewish women born between 1900 and 1925.. . -B. S. Shlevin Epstein, Helen. Children of the Holocaust: Conversations with Sons and Daughters of Survivors. New York: Putnam, 1979. . “Diving Into the Wreckage: Salvaging Family History from the Holocaust,” Nashim 2 (1999): 137-45. , ed. Jewish Women 2000: Conference Papers from the HRIJW International Scholarly Exchanges 1997-1998. The Hadassah Research Institute on Jewish Women. Working Paper 6, November 1999. Excellent collection of brief papers on the experiences of Jewish women in various countries. . “Uncovering Moravia.” Cross Currents 11 (1992): 93-1 16. About Jewish women in Bohemia and Moravia since the medieval period. . Where She Came From: A Daughter’s Search for Her Mother’s History. New York: Plume, 1998. Ersektijvriri Izraelita Noegylet 6s Fill& Egylet. Ersekdjvciri Izraelita N6egylet e‘s Fille‘r Egylet kimutatdsa ks vagyon-me‘rlege 1903 e‘vr61. Ersekfijvrir, 1903. Annual report of a local Jewish women’s association. Feiner, Shmuel. “Haishah hayehudiah hamodemit: Mike-mivhan beyahasei hahaskalah vehamodernah.” Zion 58 (1993): 453-99. About the modern Jewish woman and the relations of the Haskalah and modernity. Filipowicz, Halina. “Taboo Topics in Polish and Polish/Jewish Cultural Studies .” The Journal of the International Institute / University of Michigan vol. 9, no. 1 (2001): 3-8. Discusses gender, sexuality and identity politics. Available online at http://www .umich.edu/-iinet/j ournal/vol9no 1/ h a h a .html Fogelman, Eva. Conscience and Courage: Rescuers of the Jews During the Holocaust. New York: Doubleday, 1994. Freidenreich, Harriet Pass. Jewish Politics in Vienna, 1918-1938. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1991. Friedland, Ellen. “To the Jewish Women in Poland: At Last Jewish Women Get the Right to Vote!” Lilith 22, no. 3 (1997): 4. . “To the Polls in Poland: At Last Jewish Women Get to Vote!” Lilith 22, no. 3 (1997): 4. Women gain right to vote and participate in the Union of Jewish Religious Communities in Poland. Freidenreich, Harriet Pass. “Jewish Women Physicians in Central Europe in the Early


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Twentieth Century.” ContemporaryJewry 17 (1996): 79-105. Garber, Zev. “The 93 Beit Yaakov Martyrs: Towards the Making of an Historiosophy.” In What Have We Learned? Telling the Story and Teaching the Lessons of the Holocaust, edited by Franklin H. Littell, Alan L. Berger and Hubert G. Locke, 323-49. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1993. On the myth of the Beit Yaakov schoolgirls. Gartner, Lloyd P. “Anglo-Jewry and the Jewish International Traffic in Prostitution,” Associationfor Jewish Studies Review 78 (1982-83): 129-78. Gilman, Sander. The Jew’s Body. London: Routledge, 1991. Glanz, Rudolf. The Jewish Woman in America: Two Female Immigrant Generations 18201929. New York: Ktav Publishing House/National Council of Jewish Women, 1976. Volume I: The Eastern European Jewish Woman. Volume 2: The German Jewish Woman. 1993. Glenn, Susan A. Daughters of the Shtetl: Life and Labor in the Immigrant Generation. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 1990. Gold, Doris B. and Lisa Stein, comp. From the Wise Women of Israel: Folklore and Memoirs. New York: Biblio Press, 1993. Retellings of folk tales and excerpts from memoirs from ancient times to the present, including a focus on Jewish women from Eastern Europe. Goldberg, Myrna. “Different Horrors, Same Hell: Women Remembering the Holocaust.” In Thinking the Unthinkable, edited by Roger Gottlieb, 151, 155, 159, 161. New York: Paulist Press, 1990. . “‘From a World Beyond’: Women in the Holocaust,” Feminist Studies 22 (1996): 667-88. Goldberg, Sylvie-Anne. Crossing the Jabbok: Illness and Death in Ashkenazi Judaism in Sixteenth- through Nineteenth-Century Prague. Trans. Carol Cosman. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1996. Goldenberg, Myrna. “Memoirs of Auschwitz Survivors: The Burden of Gender.” In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 327-39. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. Gordon, Susan. “Women in the Resistance.” Davka (17 November 1976): 53-7. Greenbaum, Avraham. “The Girls’ ‘Heder’ and the Girls in the Boys’ ‘Heder’ in Eastern Europe before World War I.” EastNest Education 18, no. 1 (1997): 55-62. Primarily on Tsarist Russia, but including Poland and Galicia. Grosman, Haikah [Grossman, Chaika]. “Revolt in the Bialystock Ghetto.” In Massacre of European Jewry: An Anthology, 285-305. Kibbutz Merchavia, Israel: World Hashomer Hatzair, 1963. Gross, David C. Pride of Our People: A New Selection of 36 Life Stories of Outstanding, ContemporaryJewish Men and Women. New York: Walker 8z Co., 1991. Grove, J. W. “A Troubled Life in Science.” Queen’s Quarterly 108, no. 1 (2001): 85-97. Persecuted by the Nazis for her Jewish heritage and repeatedly spurned in Nobel Prize competitions, Austrian-born physicist Lise Meitner was a pioneer woman in science and key contributor to the discovery of nuclear fission. -A. Keeling Gruber, Ruth Ellen. Upon the Doorposts of Thy House: Jewish Life in East-Central Europe, Yesterday and Today. New York: John Wiley, 1944. Gurewitsch, Brana, ed. Mothers, Sisters, Resisters: Oral Histories of Women Who Survived the Holocaust. Tuscaloosa: Univ. of Alabama Press, 1998. Gyongyosi Izraelita J6tekony Noegylet. A Gyongyosi Izraelita Jo’te‘konyN6egylet vdlasztmdnydnak jelente‘se az 1909. e‘vr61. Gyongyos, 1909. Report on the activity of a local Jewish women’s charity association. In Hungarian. Gyori Izraelita Noegylet. A Gy6ri Izraelita N6egylet alapszabdlyai. Gyor, 1938. Statutes of a local Hungarian Jewish women’s association. Gyori Izraelita Noegylet. A Gy6ri Izraelita N6egylet e‘vijelente‘se az 1938. Evr6l. Gyor, 1938. Annual report of a local Hungarian Jewish women’s association.


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Halter, Marek, ed. Stories of Deliverance: Speaking with Men and Women Who Rescued Jews from the Holocaust. Trans. Michael Bernard. Chicago: Open Court, 1998. Hammel, Eugene A. “The Jewish Mother in Serbia, or Les Structures alimentaires de la parent&” In Essays in Balkan Ethnology, edited by William G. Lockwood, 55-62. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Special Publication 1. Berkeley : Univ. of California Department of Anthropology, 1967. Haver, Charlotte E. “Vom Schtetl in die Stadt: Zu einiger Aspekten der Migration ostjiidischer Frauen um die Jahrhundertwende.” Aschkenas. Zeitschrift fiir Geschichte und Kultur der Juden 5, no. 2 (1995): 331-58. About the migration of East European Jewish women from shtetls to cities at the turn of the century. Heilman, Anna and Rose Meth. “Resistance.” In DifSerent Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by Carol Rittner and John K. Roth, 130-42. New York: Paragon House, 1993. Herman, Ian. “The Evolution of the Jewish Population in Bohemia and Moravia, 1754-1953.” In Papers in Jewish Demography, 1973: Proceedings of the Demographic Sessions Held at the 6th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 1973, edited by Usiel Oskar Schmelz, Paul Glickson, and Sergio Della Pergola, 255-65. Jerusalem: Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, 1977. Heschel, Susannah. “Women’s Studies.” Modern Judaism 10 (1990): 243-58. General article concerning the inclusion of women in Jewish studies. Hilberg, Raul. Perpetrators, Victims, Bystanders: The Jewish Catastrophe, 1933-1945. New York: Aaron Asher Books, 1992. Includes chapters on “Men and Women”, “Mixed Marriages” and “Children”. Horowitz, Sara R. “Memory and Testimony of Women Survivors of Nazi Genocide.” In Women of the Word: Jewish Women and Jewish Writing, edited by Judith R. Baskin. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1994. . “Women in Holocaust Literature: Engendering Trauma Memory.” In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 364-77. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. Hundert, Gershon David. “Approaches to the History of the Jewish Family in Early Modern Poland- Lithuania.’’ In The Jewish Family: Myths and Reality, edited by Steven M. Cohen and Paula E. Hyman. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1986. . “Jewish Children and Childhood in Early Modern East Central Europe.” In The Jewish Family: Metaphor and Memory, edited by David Kraemer, 8 1-94. New York: Oxford, 1989. . The Jews in a Polish Private Town: The Case of Opatbw in the Eighteenth Century. Baltimore: John Hopkins Univ. Press, 1991. Hundert’s reconstruction of Jewish life contains materials about family and the status of women. Hyman, Paula E. “East European Jewish Women in an Age of Transition, 1880-1930.” In Jewish Women in Historical Perspective, edited by Judith R. Baskin, 270-86. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1998. . Gender and Assimilation in Modern Jewish History: The Roles and Representation of Women. Seattle: Univ. of Washington Press, 1995. . “Gender and the Jewish Family in Modern Europe.” In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 25-38. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. . “The Ideological Transformation of Modern Jewish Historiography.” In The State of Jewish Studies, edited by Shaye J. D. Cohen and Edward L. Greenstein, 143-57. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1990. Includes discussion of the historiography of Jewish women within the context of the larger field of Jewish studies. Followed in the same volume by Todd Endelman’ s, “Response.” . “The Introduction of Bat Mitzvah in Conservative Judaism in Postwar America,” YIVO Annual 19 ( 1990): 133-46.


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. “The Jewish Body Politic: Gendered Politics in the Early Twentieth Century.”

Nashim 2 (1999): 37-5. Iggers, Wilma. “Jiidinnen in Bohmen und Miihren um 1900 [Jewish Women in Bohemia and Moravia around 19001.” In Von einer Welt in die andere: Jiidinnen im 19 und 20 Jahrhundert, edited by Jutta Dick and Barbara Hahn, 157-66. Vienna: Brandstatter Verlag, 1993. These translated selections from autobiographical writings of twelve women from Prague are prefaced by historical introductions and “offer vivid and often moving portraits of these and other women who shaped the social and cultural history of this region.” Included are Magdalena Dobromila Rettigovi, BoiZena NCmcov6, Josefa Niprstkovi, Ossip Schubin, Berta Fanta, Hermine Hanel, Gisa Pickovi-Saudkovi, Grete Fischer, Milena Jesenski, Milada Horikovi, Ruth Klinger, and Jifina Siklovi. Includes bibliography and index. ,ed. The Jews of Bohemia and Moravia: A Historical Reader. Translated by Wilma Iggers, KACa PoliCkovi-Henley, and Kathrine Talbot. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1992. Ingrisch, Doris. “Vertriebene und verbliebene: zur Geschichte intellektueller Frauen in Osterreich [The ones expelled and the ones left behind: the history of intellectual women in Austria].” Zeitgeschichte 24, no. 1-2 (1997): 30-48. Discusses the efforts and fate of intellectual Austrian women, some of them Jewish, who had to redefine themselves and their goals in light of the takeover of their country by Adolf Hitler in 1938... -K. D. Preuss Isralowitz, Richard E. and Ismael Abu Saad. “Attitudes of Russian Immigrant and IsraeliBorn Women Toward Child-Care Services,” Psychological Reports 74, pt. 1 (June 1994): 880-2. Izraeli, Dafna N. “The Zionist Women’s Movement in Palestine, 1911-1927: A Sociological Analysis.” Signs 7, no. 1 (Autumn 1981): 87-1 14. Jacobeit, Sigrid and Grit Philipp, eds. ForschungsschwerpunktRavensbriick: Beitrage zur Geschichte des Frauen-Konzentrationslagers.Berlin: Edition Hentrich, 1997. Research papers about Ravensbriick and women’s concentration camps. Jacobs, Neil G. “Northeastern Yiddish Gender-Switch: Abstracting Dialect Features Regionally.” Diachronica: International Journal of Historical Linguistics 7 (Spring 1990): 69-100. Analyzes the historical development and structure of the gender system of Northeastern Yiddish. Josephs, Jeremy, and Susi Bechhofer. Rosa’s Child: One Woman’s Search for a Lost Mother and a Vanished Past. London: I. B. Tauris & Co., 1996. Kaplan, Marion. Between Dignity and Despair: Jewish Women in the Aftermath of November 1938. The Leo Baeck Memorial Lecture, 40. New York, NY: Leo Baeck Institute. 1996. . The Jewish Feminist Movement in Germany: The Campaigns of Jiidischer Frauenbund, 1904-1938. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1979. Includes information about the German women’s movement interest in East European immigration to Germany. . “Sisterhood Under Siege: Feminism and Anti-Semitism in Germany, 1904-1938.” In When Biology Became Destiny: Women in Weimar and Nazi Germany, edited by Renate Bridenthal, et. al., 174-96. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1984. See annotation of previous item. Karay, Felicja. “Marriage and Marital Relations at the End of the Middle Ages,” [Hebrew], Zion 10 (1945-46): 21-54. Also published in abbreviated form in French in La Socibte‘ Juive h travers Z’histoire, edited by Shmuel Trigano, vol. 2, 385-41 1. Paris: Fayard, c1992-c1993. . “Women in the Forced-Labor Camps.” In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 285-309. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. Katz, Esther, and Joan Miriam Ringelheim, eds. Proceedings of the Conference of Women. Surviving the Holocaust. New York: The Institute for Research in History, 1983. The first conference to investigate women’s lives during the Holocaust as women’s history. Topics included the roles of women in families, as concentration camp inmates, and as partisans.


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Klepfisz, Irena. “Di mdmes/dos loshn: Feminism, Yidishkayt, and the Politics of Memory.” Bridges 4, no. 1 (WintedSpring 1993): 12-47. . “Voices of Reflection: A Few Words in the Mother Tongue.” In Diferent Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by Carol Rittner and John K. Roth, 324-7. New York: Paragon House, 1993. Klibanski, Bronia. “The Bialystock Underground.” Jewish Spectator (November 1969): 8-12. Klirs, Tracy Guren, comp. The Merit of Our Mothers = [Bizkhus Imohes]: A Bilingual Anthology of Jewish Women ’s Prayers. Translated by Tracy Guren Klirs, Ida Cohen Selavan and gella Schweid Fishman. Cincinnati, OH: Hebrew Union College Press, 1992. Prayers of East European Jewish women. Klug, Lilo, ed. Surviving the Fire: Mother Courage and World War II. Seattle: Open Hand Publishers, 1989.

Kluger, Ruth, 1931-. An Austrian Jewish girl deported to the concentration camps Theresienstadt, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Christianstadt, Kluger, her mother, and four other prisoners took advantage of the disorder of the German evacuation in 1945, obtaining false identification papers classifying them as non-Jewish. Kliiger and her mother continued to live in Germany until October 1947, when they were finally able to emigrate to the United States, where she became a renowned professor of German language and literature. JWS164 JWS165


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Kluger, Ruth. Frauen lesen anders: Essays. Munchen: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, Originalausg, 1996. Essays on women in literature, feminist criticism. . Weiter Leben: eine Jugend. Gottingen: Wallstein, 1992; Munchen: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1994. Kluger’s memoir of her early life was an enormous success in Germany. “Her text continuously interweaves the present and past; discussing the Holocaust itself as well as the possibilities of Holocaust representation. Asserting her identity as a survivor, Kliiger’s work also documents her ambivalent relationship with Germans.” The English edition, Still Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered. (New York: Feminist Press at the City Univ. of New York, 2001) and reissued as Landscapes of Memory: a Holocaust Girlhood Remembered (London: Bloomsbury, 2003) is considered by Kliiger to be “neither a translation nor a new book: it is another version, a parallel book, if you will.” Yet the years between 1992 and 2001 substantially shaped and transformed Kluger’s book. As one of very few literary works, Kliiger’s text has grown and changed with time instead of merely being updated in a new edition. “Still Alive” has no new foreword or footnotes but is an entirely different text than “weiter leben”, which attests to Kliiger’s courage to rework and alter an already completed and successful book as well as her commitment to her own title weiter leben-to go on living. Kluger’s text emerges as a remarkably exceptional cultural translation that challenges our understanding of the Holocaust. http://www .emory.edu/COLLEGE/JewishStudies/calendarofevents/Kluger%20Lecture.htm , and Peggy Mann. The Last Escape: The Launching of the Largest Secret Rescue Movement of All Time. New York: Doubleday, 1973. Memoir about Holocaust survival and illegal immigration (Aliya Bet) from Europe into Palestine after WW 11. Mann, Peggy. “Ruth Kliiger, 1906-1980.” Lilith 7 (1980): 34-5. Koestler, Nora. “Jewish Women in the Hapsburg Monarchy: The Stages of Their Emancipation.” In Kobieta i s’wiat polityki: Polska na tle pordwnawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach X X wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 135-49. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawshego, 1994. Koltun, Elizabeth, ed. The Jewish Woman: New Perspectives. New York: Schocken, 1976. Koontz, Claudia. “Consequences: Women, Nazis, and Moral Choice.” In. DifSerent Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by Carol Rittner and John K. Roth. New York: Paragon


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House, 1993. Korczak, Ruzka. “A Shomer Pesach in the Ghetto.” In Massacre Anthology. Kibbutz Merchavia: World Hashomer Hatzair, 1963. . “We Will Not Die Like Sheep: Flames Out of Ashes.” Israel Horizons 15 no. 4 (April 1967): 11-6. About the decision to organize an underground partisan group in the Vilna ghetto. Kraemer, David, ed. The Jewish Family: Metaphor and Memory. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1989. Some articles pertaining to family issues in Eastern Europe are included in this very good anthology. Kratz-Ritter, Bettina. ‘“Als das Ergebnis eines weiblichen Herzens’ : Beobachtungen zum Frauenbild im religiosen und belletristischen Werk Fanny Neudas ( 1819-1894) [“As the result of a womanly heart”: observations on the image of women in the religious and literary work of Fanny Neuda (1819-94)l.” Zeitschriftfir Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 47, no. 4 (1995): 357-63. Kurek-Lesik, Ewa. Your Life Is Worth Mine: How Polish Nuns Saved Hundreds of Jewish Children in German-Occupied Poland, 1939-194.5. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1997. . “The Conditions of Admittance and the Social Background of Jewish Children Saved by Women’s Religious Orders in Poland from 1939-1945,” Polin: A Journal of PolishJewish Studies 3 (1988): 244-75. Langer, Lawrence L. “Gendered Suffering? Women in Holocaust Testimonies.” In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 351-63. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. Laska, Vera. “Women in the Resistance and in the Holocaust.” In Dinerent Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by Carol Rittner and John K. Roth, 250-69. New York: Paragon House, 1993. . ed. Women in the Resistance and the Holocaust: The Voices of Eyewitnesses. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1983. Laszlo, Emo. “Hungarian Jewry: Settlement and Demography, 1735-38 to 1910.” In Hungarian Jewish Studies. Vol. 1, edited by Randolph L. Braham, 61-136. New York: World Federation of Hungarian Jews, 1966. Lengel-Krizman, Narcisa. “A Contribution to the Study of Terror in the So-called Independent State of Croatia: Concentration Camps for Women in 1941-42.” Yad Vashem Studies 20 (1992): 1-52. Documents Ustashe terror and concentration camps set up by Ustashe forces for Jews, Serbs, pro-Yugoslav oriented individuals, Gypsies, and Communist Party officials. Levin v Gleichen, Tobe. “Assimilation, Jews and Gender.” The European Journal of Women’s Studies 4 no. 3 (August 1997): 405-1 1. Linden, Robin Ruth. Making Stories, Making Selves: Feminist Reflections on the Holocaust. Columbus: Ohio State Univ. Press, 1995. Helen Hooven Santmyer Prize Winner. Litt, Jacquelyn. “Mothering, Medicalization, and Jewish Identity, 1928-1940,” Gender and Society 10, no. 2 (1996): 185. Lowenstein, Steven M. “Ashkenazic Jewry and the European Marriage Pattern: A Preliminary Survey of Jewish Marriage Age.” Jewish History 8, no. 1-2 (1994): 155-75. Discusses the situation in Germany, Poland, Hungary from the Middle Ages to the 20th century.

Luxemburg, Rosa, 1871-1919. Polish-born, Jewish German revolutionary who helped found the Polish Social Democratic Party. See also under Russia, Pre-revolutionary History, in companion volume. JWS186

Luxemburg, Rosa. The Accumulation of Capital. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1951.


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. Briefe aus dem Gefangnis. Berlin: Verlag der Jugendinternationale, 1922. . Briefe aus dem Gefangnis an Sophie Liebknecht. Basel: Mundus-verlag, 1946.

. The Junius Pamphlet: The Crisis in the German Social Democracy. London: Merlin Press, 1967. . Listy do Leona Jogichesa-Tyszki. Edited by Felix Tych. Warsaw: Ksi@,ka i Wiedza, 1968. Translated and edited by Elzbieta Ettinger under the title Comrade and Lover: Rosa Luxemburg ’s Letters to Leo Jogiches. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1979. . The Mass Strike, the Political Party, and the Trade Unions. Colombo: Young Socialist Publication, 1964. . Rosa Luxemburg Speaks. Edited with an introduction by Mary-Alice Waters. New York: Pathfinder Press, 1970. . The Russian Revolution and Leninism or Marxism? Introduced by Bertram D. Wolfe. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1961. . “Women’s Suffrage and Class Struggle.” In Selected Political Writings of Rosa Luxemburg, edited by Dick Howard, 216-22. New York and London: Monthly Review Press, 1971. Afary, Frieda. “[Feminist Activism and Rosa Luxemburg] .” Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 9, no. 1 (Winter 1994): 206-1 1. Bronner, Stephen Eric. Rosa Luxemburg: A Revolutionaryfor Our Times. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1987. Dunayevskaya, Raya. Frauenbefreiung und Marx ’ Philosophie der Revolution. Berlin: Argument, 1998. About Rosa Luxemburg, women’s liberation and Marx’s philosophy of revolution. Ettinger, Elzbieta. Rosa Luxemburg: A Life. Boston: Beacon, 1986. Frolich, Paul. Rosa Luxemburg: Her Life and Work. Translated by Johanna Hoornweg. New York and London: Monthly Review Press, 1972. Hamilton, Cynthia. “Women in Politics: Methods of Resistance and Change.” Women’s Studies International Forum 12, no. 1 (1989): 129-36. Hedinger, Sandra. Frauen iiber Krieg und Frieden: Bertha von Suttner, Rosa Luxemburg, Hannah Arendt, Betty Reardon, Judith Ann Tickner, Jean Bethke Elshtain. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2000. This book about women in peace and war includes a section on Rosa Luxemburg. Hirsch, Helmut. “Rosa Luxemburg in Kunst und Literatur unter besonderer Beachtung des judischen Aspekts.” Beitrage zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung 33, no. 4 (1991): 479-83. Leibovici, Martine. “Action politique et pouvoir chez Rosa Luxemburg et Hannah Arendt.” In Femmes, pouvoirs: actes du colloque d’Albi des 19 et 20 mars 1992, Centre culture1 de 1’Albigeois.Collection “Vues critiques,” edited by Mich6le Riot-Sarcey. 83- 107. Paris: Editions %me, 1993. Mason, Tim. “Comrade and Lover: Rosa Luxemburg’s Letters to Leo Jogiches.” History Workshop 13 (Spring 1982): 94-109. Mietkowska-Kaiser, Ines, and Gerd Kaiser. “Rosa Luxemburgs gesitiges Erbe in Polen.” Beitrage zur Geschichte der Arbeterbewegung 33, no. 4 (1991): 458-63. Mullaney, Marie Marmo. “Gender and Revolution: Rosa Luxemburg and the Female Revolutionary Personality.” Journal of Psychohistory 11 (Spring 1984): 463-76. . “The Female Revolutionary, The Woman Question and European Socialism, 18711921.” Ph.D. diss, Rutgers Univ., 1980. . Revolutionary Women: Gender and the Socialist Revolutionary Role. New York: Praeger, 1983. Nordquist, Joan, ed. Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman: A Bibliography. Santa Cruz: Reference and Research Services, 1997. Nye, Andrea. Philosophia: The Thought of Rosa Luxemburg, Simone Weil, and Hannah 88

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Arendt. New York: Routledge, 1994. Peterson, Agnes F. “A Footnote to History: The Greeting to Rosa Luxemburg from an American Socialist Women’s Group in February 1915.” International wissenschafliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte deutsche Arbeiterbewegung 22 (Sept 1986): 379-85. Magyar Izraelita Noegyletek Orsziigos Szovetskge. A Magyar Izraelita N6egyletek Orsza‘gos Szovetskge alapszaba‘lyai. Budapest: Wodianer Ny, 1931. A pamphlet (15pp.) which contains the statutes of the Hungarian National Organization of Jewish Women’s Associations. McCune, Mary . “‘Charity Work’ as Nation-Building: American Jewish Women and the Crises in Europe and Palestine, 1914-1929.” Ph.D. diss., Ohio State Univ., 2000. Magnus, Shulamit. “‘Out of the Ghetto’: Integrating the Study of Jewish Women into the Study of “The Jews,” Judaism 39 (Winter 1990): 28-36. Manuila, Sabin, and Wilhelm Filderman. The Jewish Population in Romania During World War II [Populalia evreiascg din Romiinia “intimpul celui de-a1 doilea riizboi mondial]. Introduction by Larry Watts; edited by Kurt W. Treptow. Includes bibliographical references. Romanian and English translation on facing pages. Iasi: Romanian Cultural Foundation, 1994. The 1994 edition of this demographic study (accomplished and first issued in the 1940s by Romania’s top demographer and the leader of the wartime Romanian Jewish community) has an apologetic mission. Markowitz, Fran. “Soviet Dis-Union and the Fragmentation of Self Implication for the Emigrating Jewish Family,” East European Jewish Affairs 24, no. 1 (Summer 1994): 3-30. Marsden, Philip. The Bronski House: A Journey Back. New York: Arcade, 1998. “The late poet Zofia Ilinska, n6e Bronski, fled Poland in September 1939 at the start of World War 11; she was 17. Along with her mother, Zofia settled on the English coast in Cornwall. In 1993, after receiving a letter from a cousin in Poland asking her to visit, Zofia returned to her native village. She was accompanied by her longtime friend, writer Philip Marsden. She looked for the family home and the silver candlesticks she had buried in the forest. She found neither, but a few of the villagers remembered her. Marsden intertwines the story of Zofia’s journey with her mother’s letters, notebooks, and diaries, hundreds of pages that bring the world of Zofia’s family’s prewar past in Europe to life. Both a requiem for a vanished world and a tribute to a remarkable woman.” -George Cohen, Booklist June 1, 1997. Martin, Sean. ‘“Building Our Own Home’: The Ethnic Identity of the Jews of Krakow, 19181939.” Ph.D. diss., Ohio State Univ., 2000. . Building Our Own Home: Ethnic Identity Among the Jews of Krakow, 1918-1939. London: Valentine Mitchell, 2004. Includes discussion of the education of Jewish girls in private and public schools. Mendes-Flohr, Paul, and Jehuda Reinharz, eds. The Jew in the Modern World: A Documentary History. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1995. General documentary reader with some selections by and about women. Merin, Yehuda, and Jack Nusan Porter. “Three Jewish Family-Camps in the Forests of Volyn Ukraine during the Holocaust,’’ Jewish Social Studies 46 (1984): 83-92. Study of Jews who escaped from ghettos and gathered in “family-camps” under the protection of partisan fighting units in the forests of northwestern Ukraine. Moskovitz, Sarah. Love Despite Hate: Child Survivors of the Holocaust and Their Adult Lives. New York: Schocken Books, 1987. “Contains interviews with various women who survived the Holocaust as children by being taken to England under the care of Alice Goldberger.” -Marjorie Wall Bingham Naves, Elaine Kalman. Journey to Vaja: Reconstructing the World of a Hungarian-Jewish Family. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s Univ. Press, 1996. Negh, Claudine. I Didn ’t Say Goodbye: Interviews with Children of the Holocaust. New York: Dutton, 1985.


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Neiberger, Ami. “An Uncommon Bond of Friendship: Family and Survival in Auschwitz,” Resisting the Holocaust 1998: 133-49. Novitch, Miriam. Sobibor-Martyrdom and Revolt: Documents and Testimonies.New York: Holocaust LibraryEchocken, 1980. Obudai Izraelita Noegylet. Az Obudai Izraelita N6egylet alapszabdlyai. Budapest: Obudai Izraelita Noegylet, 1934. Statutes of a local Jewish women’s association. Ofer, Dalia. “Gender Issues in Diaries and Testimonies of the Ghetto: The Case of Warsaw.” In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 143-67. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. , and Lenore J. Weitzman, eds. Women in the Holocaust. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. “A valuable collection of.. . articles by leading historians, sociologists, writers, literary scholars, and survivors. Ofer (Contemporary Jewish History/Hebrew University, Israel) and Weitzman (Sociology and Law/George Mason University) divide their book into four sections: life before the war, life in the ghettos, resistance and rescue, and labor and concentration camps. Two contributors express reservations about including women as a subcategory of Holocaust studies at all; they are answered by historian Joan Ringelheim’s observation that ‘Jewish women carried the burdens of sexual victimization, pregnancy, abortion, childbirth, killing of newborn babies in the camps to save the mothers, care of children, and many decisions about separation from children.”’ -Kirkus Reviews (February 15, 1998). Papazissi, Theofano. “Greek Jews and Family Law: From Judaic Law to the Civil Code.” In The Jewish Communities of Southeastern Europefrom the Fifteenth Century to the End of World War II, edited by Ioannis K. Hassiotis. Salonika: Institute for Balkan Studies, 1997. Pappenheim, Berta. Sisyphus: Gegen den jiidischen Madchenhandel - Galizien. Freiburg: Kore Verlag, 1995. Pappenheim’s account of her campaign against the trade in Jewish women and her travels on behalf of Jewish women throughout Eastern Europe. Includes some of her letters from cities throughout the region. Parush, Iris. “The Politics of Literacy: Women and Foreign Languages in Jewish Society of 19thCentury Eastern Europe.” Modern Judaism 15, no. 2 (May 1995): 183-207. . “Readers in Cameo: Women Readers in Jewish Society of Nineteenth-Century Eastern Europe,” Prooftexts: A Journal of Literary History 14, 1 (January 1994): 1-23. . Reading Jewish Women: Marginality and Modernization in Nineteenth-Century Eastern European Jewish Society. Trans. By Saadya Sternberg. Brandeis Series on Jewish Women. Waltham: Brandeis University Press, 2004. Reviewed for HABSBURG by Marsha L. Rozenblit, April 20,2006. . “Women Readers as Agents of Social Change among Eastern European Jews in the Late Nineteenth Century.” Gender and History 9, no. 1 (1997): 60-82.

Pauker, Ana, 1893-1960. See Horia-Nestorescu-Bglcegti’s biographical sketch in Arhivele Totalitarismului 2, no. 4 (1994): 221-3. JWS236

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Levy, Robert M. “Ana Pauker: A Case Study of Jewish Communists in East-Central Europe.” Ph.D. diss., UCLA History, 1998. A political biography of Ana Pauker, Communist leader (1944-52) and Romania’s Foreign Minister (1947-52), based on archival documents and oral histories. It revises the conventional view of Pauker as the leading proponent of Stalinism in Romania. The study also examines the ultimately failed attempt of Jewish Communists to integrate themselves into Romanian society and overcome nationalist and antisemitic persecution by embracing Communism. . Ana Pauker: The Rise and Fall of a Jewish Communist. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 2001. . “Did Ana Pauker Prevent a ‘Rajk Trial’ in Romania.” East European Politics and


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Society 9, no. 1 (1995): 143-78. About Pauker’s ambiguous role in the 1950s purge politics in Romania. Previews Levy’s dissertation argument. . “Jewish Culpability in the Implemention of Stalinism in Romania: the Case of Ana Pauker.” Shvut no. 16 (1993): 339-60. . “The Right Deviation of Ana Pauker.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 28, no. 2 (June 1995): 239-54. . “Ana Pauker and the Right Deviation of Romanian Jewry, 1948-1952.” East European Jewish Afairs 28, no. 2 (Summer 1998): 69-86. Penn, Shana. “Prejudice in Poland Today.” Lilith 26, no. 3 (2001): 6. Discusses anti-Semitism and feminism in Poland. . “Warsaw Diary: Democracy in the Balance: Jewish Feminists Rally for Tolerance in a Post-Communist World.” Lilith 25, no. 4 (2000): 24-7. Peto, Andrea. “A fiiinak nevelt 15nyok 6s a tikkun olam szerepe a magyarorsziigi zsid6 ndk politikai szerepv5llalsisiiban [Girls educated as boys and the role of tikkun olam in the life of Hungarian Jewish women in politics].” In Azsidd n6, edited by Zsuzsa Toronyi, 77-89. Budapest: Magyar Zsid6 MlSlzeum 6s Levelthr, 2002. Also on the CD-ROM: The Jewess. . N6historiak: A politizalo magyar n6k toerteneteboll945-1951. Budapest: Seneca, 1998. About “the period of reconstruction in Hungary from a gender perspective ... The history of the Jewish women’s societies [among others] shows the mechanism of institutional adaptation strategies.” -from Habsburg Digest (June 1, 1998). See longer annotation under Hungary section. . “Ungarskite evreiki mezhdu Kholkosta i stalinizma: Organizatsii na ungareki evreiki v Ungariia sled Vtorata svetovna voina 1945-195 1 g. [Hungarian Jewish women between the Holocaust and Stalinism: Organizations of Hungarian Jewish women in Hungary after World War 111.” In Granitsi na grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdu traditsiiata i modernostta, compiled by Krasimira Daskalova, Raina Gavrilova, 302- 17. Sofia: Izd-vo LIK: Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia PO istoriia na zhenite i pola, 2001. Phayer, Michael, and Eva Fleischner. Cries in the Night: Women Who Challenged the Holocaust. Kansas City: Sheed & Ward, 1997. Pickhan, Gertrud. “‘WOsind die Frauen?’ Zur Diskussion um Weiblichkeit, Mannlichkeit und Judischkiet im Allgemeinen Judischen Arbeiterbund (‘Bund’) in Polen [Where are the women? About femininity, masculinity and Jewishness in the Polish Bund] .” In Zwischen Kriegen: Nationen, Nationalismen und Geschlechter-verhaltnisse in Mittel- und Osteuropa 1918-1939, edited by Johann Gehmacher, Elizabeth Harvey, and Sophia Kemlein, 187-99. Osnabriick: Fibre, 2004. Pines, Dinah. “Worlung with Women Survivors of the Holocaust.” International Journal of Psychoanalysis 67 (1986): 295-306. Plakans, Andrejs, and Joel M. Halpern. “An Historical Perspective on Eighteenth-Century Jewish Family Households in Eastern Europe.” In Modern Jewish Fertility, edited by Paul Ritterband, pp. 18- 32. Leiden: Brill, 1981. Polak, Irma. “The Zionist Women’s Movement.” In The Jews of Czechoslovakia: Historical Studies and Surveys, Vol. 11. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1971. Polen, Nehemia. “Miriam’s Dance: Radical Egalitarianism in Hasidic Thought.” Modern Judaism 12, no. 1 (February 1992): 1-21. East European Jewish theology and women. Pratt, Norma Fain, “Eastern European Jewish Women Immigrants: To America and to PreState Israel.” Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 9, no. 4 (Summer 1991): 1-4. Rabinowitz, Dorothy. New Lives: Survivors of the Holocaust Living in America. New York: Avon Books, 1977. Concerns the history of East European Jewish women survivors and their


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experiences during the Holocaust. Rakovska, Pu’ah. My Life As a Radical Jewish Woman: Memoirs of a Zionist Feminist in Poland. Edited and with an introduction by Paula E. Hyman; translated from the Yiddish by Barbara Harshav with Paula E. Hyman. Bloomington; Indianapolis: Indiana Univ. Press, 2002. Rapoport-Albert, Ada. “On Women in Hasidism: S. A. Horodecky and the Maid of Ludmir Tradition.” In Jewish History: Essays in Honor of Chimen Abramsky, edited by Ada Rapoport-Albert and Steven J. Zipperstein. London: Peter Halban, 1988. Reading, Anna. “Scarlet Lips in Belsen: Culture, Gender, and Ethnicity in the Policies of the Holocaust.” Media, Culture, and Society 2 1, no. 4 (1999): 48 1-501. Reiner, Ella. Prisoners of Fear. London: Victor Gollancz, 1948. Reinharz, Shulamit. “Our (Forgotten) Foremother: Manya Schohat (1880-1961),” Lilith 20, no. 3 (Fall 1995): 28-33. Manya Shohat was a Zionist activist from Grodno (Eastern Poland or Western Russia). Riff, Michael Anthony. “Assimilation and Conversion in Bohemia: Secession from the Jewish Community of Prague, 1868-1917,” Leo Baeck Institute Year Book 26 (1981): 73-88. Includes study of women who converted from Judaism. . The Face of Survival: Jewish Life in Eastern Europe Past and Present. With personal memoirs by Hug0 Gryn [et al.]; epilogue by Moses Rosen. London: Valentine Mitchell, 1992. Ringelheim, Joan. “The Split Between Gender and the Holocaust.” In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 340-50. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. . “The Unethical and Unspeakable: Women and the Holocaust.” Simon Wiesenthal Center Annual. Chappaqua, NY: Rossel Books, 1984. . “Women and the Holocaust: A Reconsideration of Research.” Signs 10, no. 4 (Summer 1985): 741-61. Rittner, Carol. Memory Oflended: The Auschwitz Convent Controversy. New York: Praeger, 1991. , and John K. Roth, eds. From the Unthinkable to the Unavoidable. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997. Part One (Memories) includes Eva Fleischner’s “A Door that Opened and Never Closed: Teaching the Shoah” (pp. 19-31) and Susannah Heschel’s “Post-Holocaust Jewish Reflections on German Theology” (pp. 57-69). , and Sondra Myers, eds. The Courage to Care: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1986. Among those interviewed is Irene Opdyke, from Poland. Rosen, Ruth. “Male Democracies, Female Dissidents.” Tikkun: A Bimonthly Jewish Critique of Politics, Culture and Society 5, no. 6 (1990): 1lff. Jewish women dissenters in Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Roth, Joan. Jewish Women: A World of Tradition and Change. N.p.: Jolen Press, 1995. Photographs of contemporary Jewish women in Eastern Europe and elsewhere. . “Thru a Feminist Lens: Joan Roth Photographs a World of Jewish Women.” Lilith: The Independent Jewish Women’s Magazine 19, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 17-22. Photographs of Jewish women in Romania, Hungary, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Bulgaria. Rotman, Liviu. $koala israelito-romGn6 (1851-1914).Bucharest: Hasefer, 1999. About Jewish schools in Romania, including those for the education of Jewish girls. Rozenblit, Marsha L. The Jews of Vienna, 1867-1914:Assimilation and Identity. Albany: SUNY Press, 1983. Many Viennese Jews were immigrants from Eastern Europe. . Reconstructing a National Identity: The Jews of Habsburg Austria during World War I. Studies in Jewish History. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2001. In his July 4,2001 review of the book on the Habsburg-L List, Alon Rachamimov comments, “Rozenblit


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presents very well the activity of middle-class Jewish women on behalf of Jewish refugees and the efforts of such organizers as ‘the guardian angel of the refugees,” Anitta Mueller.” R6zsa, Ign6c. Jelentks a Budapesti 5. keriileti Izraelita N6egylet 1929. kvi miikodksrd e‘s visszapillanta’saz egyesiilet 20 e‘ves tortknete‘re: 1909-1 929. Budapest: 5. keriileti Izraelita Noegylet, 1930. Annual report, and a history of a local Jewish women’s association in Budapest. Ruthers, Monica. Tewjes Tochter: Lebensentwur$e ostjiidischer Frauen im 19. Jahrhundert. Cologne: Bohlau Verlag, 1996. General work about the aspirations of Jewish women from Eastern Europe in the 19* century. A Polish version was published in 1997 as “C6rki Tewjego: Aspiracje zyciowe kobiet zydowsluch ze wschodniej Europy w XIX wieku,” in Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i X X , edited byAnna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 371-85. Warsaw: Wydaw. DIG, 1997. Saidel, Rochelle G. Jewish Women of Ravensbruck Concentration Camp. Madison, WI: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 2004. Schmidtbauer, Peter. “Households and Household Forms of Viennese Jews in 1857.” Journal of Family History (Winter 1980): 375-89. Household patterns & distributions of Viennese Jews are examined using data from the census of 1857. The distinctive quality of Jewish family life of that time reflects such unique circumstances as: a heavy immigration for the preceding forty years; religious traditions that limited the numbers of Jewish women immigrating on their own; & kinship, neighborhood, & community ties that allowed for at least temporary shelter for newly arrived immigrants. Other characteristics that differentiated Viennese Jews from their Christian counterparts were their views on servants, children leaving home, & the family. Although there was a tendency toward assimilation, it was offset by the steady stream of Jewish immigrants who kept the old ways alive. -D. Abrahams Schreier, Barbara. “Becoming American: Jewish Women Immigrants 1880-1920.” History Today 44, no. 3 (March 1994): 25-32. Sedinov6, Jifina. “&dovske Zeny v Praze v 16.-18. stoleti.” In Tena v de‘j‘ina‘chPrahy. Sbornl‘k p fl‘spe‘vkiiz konference Archivu hl. m. Prahy a Nadace pro gender studies 1993, compiled by JiK PeSek and V6clav Ledvinka, 9 1-100. Documenta Pragensia XIII. Prague: Scriptorium, 1996. Jewish women in Prague in the 16* and 17* centuries. Segal, Sheila. “Zivia Lubetkin.” In Women of Valor. West Orange, NJ: Behrman House, 1996. Seidman, Naomi. “Carnal Knowledge: Sex and the Body in Jewish Studies.” Jewish Social Studies 1, no. 1 (1994): 115-46. . “Lawless Attachments, One-Night Stands: The Sexual Politics of the HebrewYiddish Language War.” In Jews and Other DifSerences: The New Jewish Cultural Studies, edited by Jonathan Boyarin and Daniel Boyarin. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1997. . A Marriage Made in Heaven: The Sexual Politics of Hebrew and Yiddish. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1997. Seller, Maxine S. “World of Our Mothers: The Women’s Page of the Jewish Daily Forward,” Journal of Ethnic Studies 16, no. 2 (1 988): 95-1 18.

Senesh, Hannah, 1921- 1944. Hungarian Jewish heroine of the Holocaust. JWS285

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Senesh, Hannah. Hanah Senesh: hayeha, shelihutah u-motah. Tel Aviv: ha-Kibuts haMe’uhad, 1945. This book includes her diary and other writings, and several essays about her. Senesh, Hannah. Hannah Senesh: Her Life and Diary: The First Complete Edition. Foreword by Marge Piercy; preface by Eitan Senesh. Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights Publishing, 2004. . Hannah Senesh: Her Life and Diary. Trans. Marta Cohn. Intro. by Abba Eban. New


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York: Schocken Books, 1972. Senesh “lost her life to the Nazis at 23 when she warned Jews in Yugoslavia of their impending fate.” M a r j o r i e Wall Bingham. . Letters, Diaries, Poems. N.p.: Herzl Press, 1972. . Szenes Hanna: napld, levelek, versek, sze‘pirodalmikise‘rletek, rovidebb hisok. Budapest: Szipirodalmi Konyvkiad6, 1991, Some material originally written in Hebrew. Hungarian edition of Senesh’s letters and writings. Atkinson, Linda. In Kindling Flame: The Story of Hannah Senesh 1921-1944.New York: Lothrop, Lee, and Shepard, 1985. “The story of a Jewish woman who, in her 20s, did resistance work during World War I1 and whose poetry inspired others.” - Marjorie Wall Bingham. Bandler, Michael J. “The Passion of Hannah Senesh.” Midstream 21 (January 1975): 79-80. Farstendiger, Sylvia. “Hannah Senesh.” Jewish Liberation Journal (November 1970). Field, Carole. “Hannah Senesh-Heroic Little Grey Mouse.” Landon Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1972. Hay, Peter. Ordinary Heroes: Chana Szenes and the Dream of Zion. New York: Putnam, 1986. Biography of Senesh. Masters, Anthony. The Summer That Bled: the Biography of Hannah Senesh. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1972. Whitman, Ruth. The Testing of Hannah Senesh. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1986. Poems and prose about Senesh’s last year of life, with a background essay. Shavelson, Susanne Amy. “From Amerike to America: Language and Identity in the Yiddish and English Autobiographies of Jewish Immigrant Women.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Michigan, 1996. Shelley, Lore. Criminal Experiments on Human Beings in Auschwitz and War Research Laboratories: Twenty Women Prisoners ’ Accounts. San Francisco: Mellen, 1991. Shepherd, Naomi. A Price below Rubies: Jewish Women as Rebels and Radicals. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1993. Portraits of Jewish women radicals, almost all of them of Eastern European origin, in the late 19” and early 20” centuries, including Anna Kuliscioff, Rosa Luxemburg, Esther Frumkin, Manya Shochat, Bertha Pappenheim, and Rose Pesotta. Shmeruk, Khone [Chone]. “Di mizrekh-eyropeishe nuskhoes fun der tsene-urena, 1786-1850 [The East European Versions of Tsene-Rene, 1786-18501.” In For Max Weinreich on his Seventieth Birthday: Studies in Jewish Languages, Literature, and Society, 336-45. The Hague: Mouton, 1964. Analyzes the 210 printings of the Tsene-urena, an exegetical translation of the Torah of special importance for the study of Jewish women’s history and spirituality, between the 16* century and the present. The focus is on versions published in Eastern Europe in the late 18thand 19* centuries. Shoub, Myra. “Jewish Women’s History: Development of a Critical Methodology,” Conservative Judaism 35 (Winter 1982): 33-46. Sim, Kevin. Women at War: Five Heroines Who Defed the Nazis and Survived. NY: William Morrow, 1982. Slobin, Mark. “Engendering the Cantorate,” YlVO Annual 19 (1 990): 147-67. Societatea Reuniunea Femeilor Israelite din Iagi. Dare de seam6 si bilantul de venituri si cheltueli, Iasi: H. Goldner, n.d. Report and budget of a Jewish Women’s Society in Iasi. Romania. Stadtler, Bea. “Jewish Women in the Holocaust Resistance.” In Holocaust Literature: A Handbook of Critical, Historical, and Literary Writings, edited by Saul S. Friedman; Foreword by Dennis Klein, 176-93. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993. Stampfer, Shaul. “Gender Differentiation and Education of the Jewish Woman in 19th Century Eastern Europe.” Polin 7 (1992): 63-87. . “Marital Patterns in Interwar Poland.” In Jews of Poland between Two World Wars, 94

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edited by Yisrael Gutman, Ezra Mendelsohn, Jehuda Reinharz, and Chone Shmeruk. Hanover: Published for Brandeis Univ. Press by Univ. Press of New England, 1989. . “Remarriage among Jews and Christians in Nineteenth-Century Eastern Europe.” Jewish History 3, no. 2 (Fall 1988): 85-114. . “What Happened to the Extended Jewish Family? Jewish Homes for the Aged in Europe.” In Coping with Life and Death: Jewish Families in the Twentieth Century. Studies in Contemporary Jewry: An Annual, vol. 14, 128-42. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998.

Stein, Edith, 1891-1942. German-Jewish woman convert to Catholicism who became a Carmelite nun, yet was deported to Auschwitz when she refused to deny her Jewish heritage. JWS310 JWS3 11

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Feldmann, Christian. Cena milosci. Warsaw: Wydawn. MUZA, 1998. A biography of Edith Stein the Carmelite nun canonized in 1998, who worked with Edmund Husserl, and died at Auschwitz. Herbstrith, Waltraud. Edith Stein: A Biography-the Untold Story of the Philosopher and Mystic Who Lost Her Life in the Death Camps of Auschwitz. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1985. Sternberg, Ghitta. Stefanesti: Portrait of a Romanian Shtetl. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1984. Stessel, Zahava SzBsz. Wine and Thorns in Tokay Valley. Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1995. There is some material on women in this communal history of the Jews of Abatij szBnt6. Strzelecka, Irena. “Hospitals.” In Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, edited by Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum, 379-92. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1994. . “Women.” In Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, edited by Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum, 393-4 11. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1994. Strom, Yale. A Tree Still Stands: Jewish Youth in Eastern Europe. New York: Philomel Books, 1990. Suhl, Yuri, ed. and trans. They Fought Back: The Story of Jewish Resistance in Nazi Europe. New York: Schocken Books, 1975; 1967. Biographical accounts include Zofia Yaika, Mala Zimetbaum, Rosa Robota, and Niuta Teitelboim. Suliteanu, Gisela. “The Traditional System of Melopeic Prose of the Funeral Songs Recited by the Jewish Women of the Socialist Republic of Rumania.” In Folklore Research Center Studies, vol. 111, edited by Issachar Ben-Ami, 291-349. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1972. Sutin, Kathie. “How the Women Reacted in Concentration Camps.” Jewish Post, 21 August 1981. Syrkin, Marie. Blessed Is the Match. New York: Knopf, 1948; Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1976. Account of Jewish resistance against the Nazis. . “Zivia: The Passing of a Heroine.” Midstream (October 1978): 56-9. Tec, Nechama. “Sex Distinctions and Passing as Christians during the Holocaust,” East European Quarterly 18 (1984): 113-23. TemesvBry, Rezso. A Pesti Izraelita N6egylet Weiss Alice Gyermekzigyas Otthona’nak tortknete ks 25 e‘vi mfik6dkse: 2920-1934. Budapest: Globus, 1936. History of a Jewish women’s organization for the care of mothers and children in Pest. Tillon, Germaine. Ravensbriick. Paris: Seuil, 1997; 1988. Todorova, Maia Kalburg. I belite patishta plachekha pod nozete im: populiarna istoriia za evreistvoto PO balgarskite zemi. Sofia: Izdatelska kompaniia K & M, 1991. A history of Jews in Bulgaria. Umansky, Ellen M. and Dianne Ashton, eds. Four Centuries of Jewish Women’s Spirituality: A Sourcebook. Boston: Beacon Press, 1992. Chronologically comprehensive, from the


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medieval period until the present. “Ungarskite evreiki mezhdu Kholkosta i stalinizma: Organizatsii na ungareki evreiki v Ungariia sled Vtorata svetovna voina 1945-1951 g.” [Hungarian Jewish women between the Holocaust and Stalinism: Organizations of Hungarian Jewish Women after the Second World War, 1945-19511. In Granitsi na grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdu traditsiiata i modernostta, compiled by Krasimira Daskalova & Raina Gavrilova, 302- 17. Sofiia: Izd-vo LIK: Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia PO istoriia na zhenite i pola, 2001. Unger, Michal. “The Status and Plight of Women in the Lodz Ghetto.” In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 123-42. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. Voigts, Manfred. “Kafka und die judische Frau: die Diskussionen um Erotik und Sexualitat im Prager Zionismus [Kafka and the Jewish woman: the discussion of eroticism and sexuality in Prague Zionist circles].” Aschkenas 8, no. 1 (1998): 125-77. Weinberg, Sydney Stahl. “The World of Our Mothers: Family, Work, and Education in the Lives of Jewish Immigrant Women,” Frontiers 7 (1983): 71-9. . The World of Our Mothers: The Lives of Jewish Immigrant Women. New York: Schocken, 1988. Weiner, Lewis, “Mixed Marriages in the Era of the Nazi Protectorate.” Review of the Society for the History of Czechoslovak Jews 5 (1992-1993): 39-44. Weissler, Chava. “The Religion of Traditional Ashkenazic Women: Some Methodological Issues,” Association of Jewish Studies Review 12 (1987): 73-94. . “For Women and for Men Who Are Like Women: The Construction of Gender in Yiddish Devotional Literature,” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 5 (Fall 1989): 7-24. . “Woman as High Priest: A Kabbalistic Prayer in Yiddish for Lighting Sabbath Candles,” Jewish History 5 (1991): 9-26. Using evidence of a tkhine written around 1770, asks whether women were involved in mystical thought. . “Women’s Studies and Women’s Prayers: Reconstructing the Religious History of Ashkenazic Women.” Jewish Social Studies 1, no. 2 (1995): 28-47. . Voices of the Matriarchs: Listening to the Prayers of Early Modern Jewish Women. Boston: Beacon Press, 1998. Weissman, Deborah. “Bais Yaakov: A Historical Model for Jewish Feminists.” In The Jewish Woman: New Perspectives, edited by Elizabeth Koltun, 139-48. New York: Schocken Books, 1976. . “Bais Ya’akov as an Innovation in Jewish Women’s Education: A Contribution to the Study of Education and Social Change.” Studies in Jewish Education VII (1995): 278-99. Wiesenthal, Simon. Krystyna: The Tragedy of the Polish Resistance. Riverside: Ariadne, 1991. Translated by Eva Dukes from Krystyna: die Tragodie des polnischen Widerstands. Weitzman, Lenore J. “Living on the Aryan Side in Poland: Gender, Passing, and the Nature of Resistance.” In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 187-222. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. , and Dalia Ofer. “The Role of Gender in the Holocaust.” In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 1-18. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. Wiliska, Urszula. Wiqzi: losy wiqzniarek z Ravensbriick. Gdansk: Wydawn. “Marpress,” 1992. About the fate of women prisoners from Ravensbriick Concentration Camp. “Woe to the Father Whose Children are Girls: Women in the Jewish Tradition.” In The Jewish Woman in America, edited by Charlotte Baum, Paula Hyman, and Sonya Michel, 316. New York: New American Library, 1976. Zumwalt, Rosemary Levy. “‘Let it Go to the Garlic!: Evil Eye and the Fertility of Women Among the Sephardim (The 1996 Archer Taylor Memorial Lecture).” Western Folklore 55, no. 4 (Fall 1996): 261-81.


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Aaron, Frieda. Bearing the Unbearable: Yiddish and Polish Poetry in the Ghettos and Concentration Camps. Albany: SUNY, 1990. Adler, Ruth. Women of the Shtetl: Through the Eyes of Y. L. Peretz. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh-Dickinson Press, 1980. . “Dvora Baron: Daughter of the Shtetl.” In Women of the Word: Jewish Women and Jewish Writing, edited by Judith R. Baskin. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1994. Baron was a Hebrew-language prose writer born in Belorussia. She wrote often of Jewish life in Eastern Europe after her departure for Palestine in 1911. Akavia, Miriam. An End to Childhood. Essex, UK: Valentine Mitchell, 1995. Written as fiction but based on fact, this book describes the efforts of a young Polish brother and sister to survive in Lvov during the Holocaust, using false identity papers. According to The Jewish Chronicle, “this deeply moving book vividly recreates the complex perils of occupied Poland.” Anonymous Songs by Greek-Jewish Women Prisoners in Auschwitz. Translated by Edouard Roditi. Santa Rosa, CA: Clamshell Press, 1984. Anthology of Modern Jewish Poetry. Edited by Philip M. Raskin. New York: Behrman’s Jewish Book Shop, 1927. Includes poems by Emma Lazarus and Leah Rachel Joffe. Appelfeld, Aharon. Tzili: The Story of a Life. Translated by Dalya Bilu. New York: Dutton, 1983. Applefeld, who hails from Bukovina, lives in Israel and writes in Hebrew. Novel about a young Jewish girl whose simplicity and endurance help her to survive in the forest during the Holocaust. Ararat: A Collection of Hungarian-Jewish Short Stories. Translated, introduced and annotated by Andrew Handler. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson, 1977. Aschkenasy, Nehama. Eve ’s Journey: Feminine Images in Hebraic Literary Tradition. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1986. . “Women and the Double in Modern Jewish Hebrew Literature: Berdichewsky/Agnon, OdYehoshua,” Proofexts 8, 1 (1988): 113-28.

Asya (Gay), 1930-. JWS356

Asya. Poems in Contemporary East European Poetry (1983): 430-1.


Baskin, Judith R., ed. Women of the Word: Jewish Women and Jewish Writing. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1994. Bassman, Michael F. “The Woman in the Shtetl as seen in Yiddish Literature.” Selecta: Journal of the PNCFL 1l(1990): 25-8. Beck, Evelyn Torton. The Many Faces of Eve: Women, Yiddish, and Isaac Bashevis Singer. New York: Max Weinreich Center for Advanced Jewish Studies of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 1975. Bendremer, Jutta T. Women Surviving the Holocaust. Lewiston: E. Mellen Press, 1997. Berger, Ruth. “Frauen in der ostjiidischen Volkserzahlung” [Women in East European Jewish folk tales]. Aschkenas 8, no. 2 (1998): 381-423. Bohlman, Philip V. “Musical Life in the Central European Jewish Village.” In Modern Jews and Their Musical Agendas, edited by Ezra Mendelsohn, 17-39. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993.

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Carol, Luiza, 1947-. Essayst, translator, and prose writer in Romanian and English, now living in Israel; editor at the international poetry journal “Voices Israel” (in English). Carol has an Internet web site with the title POEMUSICART at:


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Carol, Luiza. Jurnalul fericirii mele: versuri. Cu o Postfat8 de Valentin Tascu. Cluj : Clusium 1999. Poems. . Kesem Luvan (White Magic), Tel-Aviv: Halonot, 1997. In Hebrew. Colin, Amy . “Judische Autorinnen der Bukowina im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert.” In An der Zeiten Rander: Czernowitz und die Bukowina-Geschichte-Literatur-Ve$olgung-Exil , edited by C. Cordon and H. Kusdat. Vienna: Verlag der Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft, 2002. . “Writing from the Margins: German-Jewish Women Poets from the Bukovina,” Studies in 20thCentury Literature 21 no. 1 (Winter 1997): 9. Discussion of Romanian, Ruthenian, Austro-German, German-Jewish, and Yiddish language poets. Cosman, Carol, Joan Keefe and Kathleen Weaver, eds. The Penguin Book of Women Poets. New York: Viking; Penguin, 1979. Anthology including work by 12 Jewish women poets, notably the Yiddish writers Malka Heifetz Tussman, Kadia Molodowsky, and Rachel Korn. Costanza, Mary. The Living Witness: Art in the Concentration Camps and Ghettos. New York: Free Press, 1982. Discussion of Olly Ritterband, Elsa Pollack, Ester Lurie, Dinah Gottliebora-Babbitt, Halina Olomucki. Doneson, Judith E. “The Jew as a Female Figure in Holocaust Film.” Shoah: A Review of Holocaust Studies and Commemorations 1 (1978): 1 1-3, 18.

Dropkin, Celia, 1888-1956. Born in Russia, Dropkin received a secular and religious education and taught in Warsaw. She married Samuel Dropkin, a Bund activist, and when czarist authorities forced him to flee, the family moved to New York in 1912 (she had five children who survived into adulthood). She wrote poems in Russian about sex, love, and death--poems which shocked her peers but earned her respect and praise. Only one of her books was published during her lifetime. In her final years, she began painting in oils and water colors. From “The Jewish Virtual Library” http://www .jewishvirtual library.orgljsourcehiography/Dropkin .html. JWS370

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Dropkin, Celia. Zn heisn wint: lider. New York: [Pozy-Saulson Press,] 1935. Translated from Yiddish into French by Gilles Rozier and Viviane Siman under the title In heysn vint: Dans Ze vent chaud (Paris: Editions L’Harmattan, 1994). . Poems in The Penguin Book of Modern Yiddish Verse, edited by Irving Howe, Ruth R. Wisse, and Khone Shmeruk. New York: Viking, 1987. Dworlun, Norine. “Jewish/Female Dramatists: Looking at Meshugas and Calling it ‘Family’,” Lilith 19, no. 4 (Winter 1994): 22-6. Eliach, Yaffa. Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1982. Collection of survivor tales, many of which tell the stories of individual women. Fine, Ellen S. “Women Writers and the Holocaust.” In Reflections of the Holocaust in Art and Literature, edited by Randolph L. Braham. Boulder: Social Science Monographs, 1990.

Fink, Ida, 1921-. Fink lives in Israel and writes in her native Polish. JWS375

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Fink, Ida. The Journey. Translated by Francine Prose and Johanna Wechsler. London: Penguin, 1994. A haunting novel about the wartime experiences of two Jewish girls in Poland. English language version of Podr6z. . Podrdi. London: Aneks, 1990. . A Scrap of Time and Other Stories. Trans. Madeline G. Levine with Francine Prose. New York: Pantheon, 1987. Stories drawn from the author’s experience of the Holocaust.


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English language version of Skrawek czasu. . “A Scrap of Time” and “The Table.” In Diflerent Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by Carol Rittner and John K. Roth, 40-5; 332-48. New York: Paragon House, 1993. . Skrawek czasu. London: Aneks, 1987. . SZady. Warsaw: Wydawn. WAB, 1996. Translated into English by Philip Boehm and Francine Prose as Traces: Stories. New York: Metropolitan Books, 1997. Glowacka, Dorota. “Disappearing Traces: Emmanuel Levinas, Ida Fink’s Literary Testimony, and Holocaust Art.” In Between Ethics and Aesthetics: Crossing the Boundaries, edited by Dorota Glowacka and Stephen Boos, 97-1 15. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 2002. Hirsch, Marianne. “Surviving Images: Holocaust Photographs and the Work of Postmemory.” Yale Journal of Criticism: Interpretation in the Humanities 14, no. 1 (2001 Spring): 5-37. Treatment of the Holocaust in Fink’s A Scrap of Time compared to that of Art Spiegelman’s A Survivor’s Tale. Orski, Mieczyslaw. “Dotrzec do dna prawdy.” Dialog 39, no. 3 (450) (1994): 93-9. About Fink’s works. Wilczynski, Marek. “Trusting the Words: Paradoxes of Ida Fink.” Modern Language Studies 24, no. 4 (1994 Fall): 25-38. Friedman, Carl. The Shovel and the Loom. Trans. Jeannette K. Reingold. New York: Persea, 1993. In this “second generation” novel, Chaya, the daughter of Holocaust survivors, comes to terms with the Holocaust. Fuchs, Esther. “Images of Women in Holocaust Films.” Shofar 17, no. 2 (1999): 49-56. Ginsburg, Ruth. “The Jewish Mother Turned Monster: Representations of Motherhood by Hebrew Women Novelists, 1881-1993.” Women’s Studies International Forum 10, no. 5-6 ( 1997): 63 1-39. Gluzman, Michael. “The Exclusion of Women form Hebrew Literary History.” Prooftexts 11, no. 1 (1991): 259-78. Goldenberg, Myrna. “Different Horrors, Same Hell: Women Remembering the Holocaust.” In Thinking the Unthinkable, edited by Roger S. Gottlieb, 150-66. New York: Paulist Press, 1990. , “‘From a World Beyond’: Women in the Holocaust,” Feminist Studies 22, no. 3 (1996). . “Testimony, Narrative, and Nightmare: The Experiences of Jewish Women in the Holocaust.” In Active Voices: Women in Jewish Culture, edited by Maurie Sacks, 94-106. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1995. Goldsmith, Meredith. “‘The Democracy of Beauty’ : Fashioning Ethnicity and Gender in the Fiction of Anzia Yezierska.” Modern Jewish Studies 11 (1999): 166-87. Gurdus, Luba Krugman. Painful Echoes: Poems of the Holocaust. New York: Holocaust Library, 1985. Poetry written in the Warsaw Ghetto and Belsac. Her drawings of the era accompany the text. Hadda, Janet. Passionate Women, Passive Men: Suicide in Yiddish Literature. Albany : State Univ. of New York Press, 1988.

Haskil, Clara, 1895-1960. Classical pianist and child prodigy, born into a Sephardic family in Romania, noted especially for her performances and recordings of Mozart. An international piano competition founded in 1963 to honour her memory, takes place in Vevey, Switzerland every two years. See iClassics.com (http://www.iclassics.com/artistBio?contentId=4OO ) for her brief biography and CD recordings. JWS395

Peter Feuchtwanger, “The Perfect Clara Haskil” Clavier 39, no. 7 (September 2000).


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Available online at http://www .peter-feucht wanger .delstartenglish.html. . “Flying in the face of death.” Classical Piano (May-Junel995). Piece written for the centenary of Haskil’ s death. Available online at http://www.peterfeuchtwanger.de/english/texts-clara-flying.html. Melkonian, Martin. Clara Haskil: Portrait. Paris: Editions J. Lyon, c 1995. Includes bibliographical references (p. 135) and discography (p. 137-140). Sohnn, HunJu. “Six Major Women Pianists : Clara Schumann, Teresa Carrefio, Myra Hess, Clara Haskil, Alicia de Larrocha, and Martha Argerich.” D.M.A. thesis, Rice Univ., 2000. Spicket, JMme. Clara Haskil. Pref. by Herbert von Karajan. Lausanne: Payot, 1975. This biography won a prize from the A c a d h i e FranCaise. Also published in German as Clara Haskil: eine Biographie. Bern: Hallwag Verlag, 1977. Wernhard, Eike. Apropos Clara Haskil. Frankfurt: Neue Kritik, 1997. Wolfensberger, Rita. Clara Haskil. Bern: Scherz, 1961. Heinemann, Marlene. Gender and Destiny: Women Writers of the Holocaust. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1986. Hellerstein, Kathryn. “A Question of Tradition: Women Poets in Yiddish.” Handbook of American- Jewish Literature: an Analytical Guide to Topics, Themes, and Sources, edited by Lewis Fried. New York: Greenwood, 1988. . “Songs of Herself A Lineage of Women Yiddish Poets,” Studies in American Jewish Literature 9, no. 2 (Fall 1990): 139-50. . “Gender Studies and Yiddish Literature.” In Gender and Text in Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literature, edited by Naomi B. Sokoloff, Anne Lapidus Lerner, and Anita Norich, 249-55. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1992. . “From ‘Ikh’ to ‘Zikh’: A Journey from ‘I’ to ‘Self in Yiddish Poems by Women.” In Gender and Text in Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literature, edited by Naomi B. Sokoloff, Anne Lapidus Lerner, and Anita Norich, 1 13-43. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1992. . “Canon and Gender: Women Poets in Two Modern Yiddish Anthologies.” In Women of the Word, edited by Judith Baskin, 136-52. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1994. Henriksen, Louise Levitas. Anzia Yezierska: A Writer’s L$e. New Brunswick: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1988. Horowitz, Sara R. “Memory and Testimony of Women Survivors of Nazi Genocide.” In Women of the Word, edited by Judith Baskin, 258-82. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1994. Hurshell, Patricia. “When Silence Speaks, When Women Sorrow: Rue and Difference in the Lamentation for the Six Million.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Washington, 1992. Kalechofsky, Roberta and Robert Kalechofsky, eds. The Global Anthology of Jewish Women Writers: Echad 5. Marblehead, MA: Micah Publications, 1990. Kiedrzynska, Wanda, Irena Pannenkowa and Eliza Sulinska, eds. Ravensbriick; wiersze obozowe. Warsaw: Zwiqzek Bojownik6w o WolnoSC i Demokracjq, 1961. Poetry by women who survived Ravensbriick. Klages, Norgard. “Childhood Memories in Women’ s Autobiographical Writings of 1970s and 1980s.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of North Carolina, 1993. Klepfisz, Irena. Dreams of an Insomniac: Jewish Feminist Essays, Speeches and Diatribes. Portland, OR: Eighth Mount Press, 1990. Collected writings by a Polish Jew who survived the Holocaust in girlhood. Kolmer, Gertrude. Dark Soliloquy. Trans. Henry Smith. New York: Seabury Press, 1975.

Korn, Rachel, 1898-1982. Yiddish poet and prose writer from eastern Galicia.


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Kom, Rachel. Poems in Contemporary East European Poetry: An Anthology, edited by Emery George, 437-8. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 19.83. . Papirene royzdPaper Roses: Selected Poems, translated by Seymour Levitan. Toronto: Aya Press, 1985. . Poems in The Penguin Book of Modern Yiddish Verse, edited by Irving Howe, Ruth R. Wisse, and Khone Shmeruk. New York: Viking, 1987. Kreitman, Esther Singer. Deborah. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1984. A Yiddish writer in her own right, Esther Kreitman is sister to Isaac Bashevis and Israel Joshua Singer. KoviiCova, Viola. Cas barchesu. Bratislava: SNM-Oddelenie Zidovskej kultury, 1993. Fiction. Lambert, Gavin. Nazimova: A Biography. New York: Random House, 1997. The career of a noted Jewish-Russian bisexual actress who had a distinguished career on the US stage and in Hollywood. Lazowski, Urszula. “Mela Muter: A Poet of Forgotten Things.” Woman’s Art Journal 22, no. 1(Spring/Summer 200 1): 2 1-6. Polish 6migr6 artist n6e Maria Melania Klingsland ( 18761967) of a wealthy Polish Jewish merchant family. Lerner, Anne Lapidus. “Lost Childhood in East European Hebrew Literature.” In The Jewish Family: Metaphor and Memory, edited by David Kraemer. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1989. Lorenz, Dagmar. Keepers of the Motherland: German Texts by Jewish Women Writers. Texts and Contexts, vol. 21. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1997. Lyndon, Sonja and Sylvia Paskin, eds. The Dybbuk of Delight: An Anthology of Jewish Women’s Poetry. Nottingham, England: Five Leaves Publications in Association with the European Jewish Publications Society, 1995. Makhon le-tirgum sifrut ‘Ivrit. Hebrew Women Writers. Ramat Gan, Israel: Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature, 1994.

Marcovici, Bianca, 1952-. Romanian-born poet and prose writer now living in Israel. Winner of the Sara and Haim Ianculovici Prize, Haifa, in 1992; of the Irina Gorun Prize in 1997; and of the Columna Society Prize, Heidelberg in 1997-1998. See http://www.poezie.ro/index.php/author/0008623/ for a short biography and an extensive bibliography of Marcovici’s works. JWS427 JWS428 JWS429 JWS430 JWS431 JWS432 JWS433 JWS434

Marcovici, Bianca. Dincolo de paradis. Bucharest: Litera, 1989. . Intermezzo. Rehovot: Menora, 1992. . Mfimfiligfiqi caviar. Haifa: B. Marcovici, 1998. . Ochiul cuvcintului. Bucharest: Litera, 1987. . Putin blond cu mult farmec: poeme alese. Bucharest: Noembrie, 2004. An anthology of the poetry published in Romania. . Revolta scingelui. Tel Aviv: “Minimum”, 1992; Iasi: Cronica, 1993. . Schite pe portative: Prozfi scurtfi. Haifa: 1995. Short stories. . Tara extremelor = Land of Extremes: Gedichte. Tr. from the Romanian by Radu Bgrbulescu. Munich: Barbulescu, 1997. Trei poefi din Israel: [Luiza Carol, Bianca Marcovici, Ion $tiubea]. Edited by Radu Bilrbulescu. Munich: Barbulescu, 1999. In Romanian and German.

Margolin, Anna, 1887-1952. Yiddish poet who lived and worked in Eastern Europe and the United States.


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Margolin, Anna. Dos Idishe lid in Amerike 1923: antologie. [New York: o.fg,], 1923. . Lider. Jerusalem: ha-Universitah ha-’Ivrit, ha-Hug le-Yidish: Hotsa’at sefarim ‘a. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Uniersitah ha-’Ivrit, 1991. Selected poems. Text in Yiddish. Introduction in English and Yiddish. . Lider. New York: [o.fg.], 1929. . Poems. In The Penguin Book of Modern Yiddish Verse, edited by Irving Howe, Ruth R. Wisse, and Khone Shmeruk. New York: Viking, 1987. Milton, Sybil. Art of the Holocaust. New York: Layla-Rutledge, 1981. Miron, Dan. Founding Mothers, Stepsisters: The Emergence of the First Hebrew Poetesses. Jerusalem: Hakibbuts Hameuched, 1991. . “Why Was There No Women’s Poetry in Hebrew Before 1920?” In Gender and Text in Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literature, edited by Naomi B. Sokoloff, Anne Lapidus Lerner, and Anita Norich, 65-9 1. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary, 1992.

Molodowsky, Kadya, 1894-1975. Yiddish poet in interwar Poland and in the United States after 1935. JWS442 JWS443

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Molodowsky, Kadya. Poems. In The Penguin Book of Modern Yiddish Verse, edited by Irving Howe, Ruth R. Wisse, and Khone Shmeruk. New York: Viking, 1987. Hellerstein, Kathryn. Paper Bridges: Selected Poems of Kadya Molodowsky. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1999. Niger, Shmuel. “Yiddish Literature and the Female Reader,” trans. by Sheva Zucker, in Women of the Word, edited by Judith Baskin, 70-90. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1994. Norich, Anita. “Jewish Literatures and Feminist Criticism: An Introduction to Gender and Text.” In Gender and Text in Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literature, ed. Naomi B. Sokoloff, Anne Lapidus Lerner, and Anita Norich. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary, 1992. Oellers, Norbert, ed. “Manche Worte strahien ”:Deutsch-jiidische Dichterinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Erkelenz: Altius, 1999. History and criticism of 20* -century German-Jewish women poets. Papers from a lecture series sponsored by the Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft and the Germanistisches Seminar der Universitat Bonn, Winter 1994-95. Includes bibliography.

Orzeszkowa, Eliza, 1841-1910. Polish writer born near Grodno. Among her many novels are two that depict the changing family life of 19*-century Jews. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; and The History of Polish Literature by Czeslaw Milosz. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1983. JWS447 JWS448 JWS449


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Orzeszkowa, Eliza. Eli Makower. St. Petersburg: Prosvieshchenie, 1875. Novel based on Polish-Jewish culture. . Meir Ezofowicz. Warsaw: S. Lewental, 1879; 1877. Describes struggle of progressive and backward elements of Jewish society in Poland. Story, Joyce. “Eliza Orzeszkowa’s Feminist and Jewish Works in Polish and Russian Criticism.” Ph.D. diss., Indiana Univ., 1975. Ostrowska, Elzbieta. “Otherness Doubled: Representations of Jewish Women in Polish Cinema.” In Gender in Film and Media: East- West Dialogues, edited by Elzbieta H. Oleksy, Elzbieta Ostrowska and Michael Stevens, 120-30. New York: Peter Lang, 2000. Parush, Iris. Reading Jewish Women: Marginality and Modernization in Nineteenth-Century Eastern European Jewish Society. Tr. by Saadya Sternberg. Waltham, MA: Brandeis Univ.


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Press; Hanover, NH: Univ. Press of New England, 2004. Pratt, Norma Fain. “Culture and Radical Politics: Yiddish Women Writers, 1880-1940.” American Jewish History 70, no. 1 (September 1980): 68-90. About Yiddish women writers and their involvement in working class and radical Yiddish culture. Piibiiiiovk, Svatava. “Selected Letters of Kamila Stosslovii to Leo6 JankCek,” Review of the Society for the History of Czechoslovak Jews 4 (199 1-1992): 65-100. Stosslovk served as the inspiration for many of JaniiCek’s works. Raicus, Ethel, Sarah Silberstein Swartz, and Margie Wolfe, eds. Found Treasures; Stories by Yiddish Women Writers. Intro. by Frida Forman and Irena Klepfisz. Toronto: Second Story Press, 1995. “More than just a spoken language, Yiddish was a way of life, a rich culture and a literature which linked several million Jews in Eastern Europe with those who immigrated to North America ...” (from the editors’ preface). In translations by various scholars and authors, this distillation of the experience of the Ashkenazi Jewish community in the 20thcentury has a glossary of Yiddish terms, biographies and bibliographies of the authors, and a general reading list. The best, perhaps the only, anthology of Yiddish prose by women in English translation. Excellent introduction by Irena Klepfisz providing Yiddish literary background and good biographical notes for each author. Roskies, David G. “Yiddish Popular Literature and the Female Reader,” Journal of Popular Culture 10 (1977): 352-8. Rubin, Ruth. Voices of a People. New York: McGraw Hill, 1973. A history of Yiddish folksong that includes extensive discussion of women’s role in the development of folk culture. Schwartz, Howard and Anthony Rudolf, eds. Voices in the Ark; The Modern Jewish Poets. New York: Avon Press, 1980. Includes Reyzl Zychlinska and Malka Heifetz Tussman, among other Jewish women poets.

Sebastian-Alcalay,Gina, 1927-. Romanian-born novelist and essayist now living in Israel. She won the Brickman Prize for literature, Jerusalem, 1994, the Sara and Haim Ianculovici Foundation Prize in Haifa, and the Nicu Palty Prize. JWS458 JWS459 JWS460 JWS46 1 JWS462 JWS463 JWS464



Sebastian-Alcalay, Gina. Poate mhine, 2nd ed. Bucharest: Universal Dalsi, 2004; Tel Aviv: n.p., 1994, Novel. . SingurGtatea alergGtorului de curs6 scurtG. Bucharest: Albatros, 2003. Shapiro, Sarah, ed. More of Our Lives: An Anthology of Jewish Women’s Writings. Southfield, MI: Targum, 1993. . Our Lives: An Anthology of Jewish Women’s Writings. Southfield, MI: Targum Press, 1991. Sicular, Eve. “‘A yingl mit a yingl hot epes a tam’: The Celluloid Closet of Yiddish Film.” Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review 16 (1994): 40-5. . “Gender Rebellion in Yiddish Film (It’s More Than VictorNictoria!)” Lilith 20, no. 4 (Winter 1995-1996): 12-7. Slotnick, Susan A. “Charmed and Vicious Circles: The Study of the Yiddish Family Saga Novel.” In The Jewish Family: Myths and Reality, edited by Steven M. Cohen and Paula E. Hyman. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1986. Sokoloff, Naomi B. “Gender Studies and Modern Hebrew Literature.’’ In Gender and Text in Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literature, edited by Naomi B. Sokoloff, Anne Lapidus Lerner, and Anita Norich, 257-63. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary, 1992. . “Tzili: Female Adolescence and the Holocaust in the Fiction of Aharon Appelfeld.” In Gender and Text in Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literature, edited by Naomi B. Sokoloff, Anne Lapidus Lerner, and Anita Norich, 171-94. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary,


Jewish Diaspora 1992. JWS467 JWS468


. “Expressing and Repressing the Female Voice in S. Y. Agnon’s In the Prime of Her

Life.” In Women of the Word, edited by Judith Baskin, 216-3s. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1994. Sucher, Cheryl Pearl. The Rescue of Memory: A Novel. New York: Berkley, 1998; 1997. Sucher is the daughter of Holocaust survivors, as is Rachel Wallfisch, the protagonist of this novel.. . Tightly focused and deeply evocative, Sucher’s novel shows us that a tragedy of such magnitude cannot end with those who experience it. She is a truly gifted writer.” -George Cohen Tolstoy, Helena. “From Susanna to Sarra: Chekhov in 1886-1887.” Slavic Review 50 (1991): 590-600. Discusses the impact on Chekhov of his unfulfilled engagement to a wealthy Jewish woman.

Tussman, Malka Heifetz, 1896-1987. Yiddish poet from Ukraine, who later lived in California. JWS470 JWS471 JWS472

Tussman, Malka Heifetz. Am I Also You? Translated by Marcia Falk. Berkeley, CA: Tree, 1977. . Poems. In The Penguin Book of Modern Yiddish Verse, edited by Irving Howe, Ruth R. Wisse, and Khone Shmeruk. New York: Viking, 1987. . With Teeth in the Earth: Selected Poems of Malka Heifetz Tussman. Translated and edited by Marcia Falk. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1992.

Ulinover, Miriam, 1890-1944. JWS473

Ulinover, Miriam. Poems. In Contemporary East European Poetry, edited by Emery George. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1983: 454-S.


Weissler, Lenore E. Traditional Yiddish Literature: A Source for the Study of Women’s Religious Lives. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Library, 1988.

Autobiography JWS47S JWS476 JWS477 JWS478 JWS479 JWS480 JWS481 JWS482 JWS483 JWS484 JWS485

Adelsberger, Lucy. Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Story. Boston: Northeastern Univ. Press, 1995. Annotated under Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. Appleman-Jurman, Alicia. Alicia: My Story. New York: Bantam Books, 1988. Memoir of a Polish-Jewish woman who lived in the forest to escape the Nazis. Auerbacher, Inge. I Am a Star Child of the Holocaust. New York: Prentice Hall, 1986. Bacall-Zwirn, Alina and Jared Stark. No Common Place: The Holocaust Testimony of Alina Bacall-Zwirn. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1999. Bauman, Janina. Winter in the Morning: A Young Girl’s Life in the Warsaw Ghetto and Beyond, 1939-1945. New York: The Free Press, 1985. Memoir drawn from diaries. Benkler, Rafi. “Heroine Without Heroics: Haviva Reik.” Israel Horizons 12, no. 10 (April 1964): 15-9. Remembrances of a woman parachutist in Slovakia. Berg, Mary. Warsaw Ghetto: A Diary. New York: L.B. Fisher, 1945. Berkowitz, Sarah. Where Are M y Brothers? New York: Helios Books, 1965. Bernard, Catherine. “Tell Him That I... ”:Women Writing the Holocaust. Pal0 Alto: Stanford Univ., 1995. Bernstein, Sara Tuvel. The Seamstress: A Memoir of Survival. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1997. BiglovB, KateEina, ZdenEk MatEjcCk, and ZdenEk Dytrych. Remembering: Voices of Prague


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Jewish Women. Edited and introduced by Henry P. David. Foreword by Karol Sidon. Prague: Vydal Zdenck Bigl, 1994. Birenbaum, Halina. Hope Is the Last to Die: A Personal Documentation of Nazi Terror. New York: Twayne, 1967. Memoir of the Warsaw Ghetto, Maidanek Camp, and Birkenau. Brand, Sandra. Between Two Worlds. New York: Shengold, 1983. Daughter of Hasidic parents caught in the German-Russian invasion of Poland. . I Dared to Live. New York: Shengold, 1978. Memoir by an Orthodox Jewish woman about escaping and living outside the Warsaw Ghetto. . Roma during Two Invasions. New York: Shengold, 1992. Buber-Neumann, Margarete. Milena. New York: Seaver Books, 1988. Chronicles the friendship between the author and a Czech journalist, Milena Jesenska. They met in 1940 in a Nazi concentration camp as political prisoners for their anti-Nazi views.-Marjorie Wall Bingham. . Under Two Dictators. London: V. Gollencz, 1949. Memoir of the author’s life in both Nazi and Soviet concentration camps. Budna, Katarzyna, and Malgorzata Jaworska, eds. Hana, pamiqtnik polskiej iyddwki. Gdansk: ATEXT, 1992. The memoir of a Polish Jewish woman. Chagall, Bella. First Encounter. Illus. and afterword by Marc Chagall. New York: Schocken Books, 1983. Portions of this childhood memoir were previously published as Burning Lights: A Unique Double Portrait of Russian Jewry. New York: Schocken Books, 1963. ChlamtBEovB, Kliira. Pramienok iivota. Bratislava: Slovenskk nhrodnk miizeum, Miizeum Zidovskej kultlliry, 1995. Jewish woman’s memoirs of World War 11. Cyprys, Ruth Altbeker, Elaine Potter, and Martin Gilbert, eds. A Jump for Life: A Survivor’s Journal from Nazi-Occupied Poland. London: Constable, 1997. “The Holocaust journal of a lawyer-one of the few women admitted to Warsaw’s bar-who survived largely on her considerable wits and nerve. This valuable journal, written just after the war, was discovered by the author’s daughter a half century later.” -Kirkus Reviews, July 1, 1997. David, Janina. A Square of Sky: Recollections of My Childhood. New York: Bantam, 1964. Nine-year-old Janina’s account of life in a Warsaw ghetto during Nazi occupation in 1939. Dawidowicz, Lucy S. From That Place and Time: A Memoir 1938-1947. New York: Norton, 1989. This renowned historian of the Holocaust records her experiences as a young scholar at YIVO in Vilna in 1938 and her return there in 1946. Denes, Magda. Castles Burning: A Child’s Life in War. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1997. Memoir of a young Hungarian-Jewish girl in war-torn Budapest. “A psychologist who died suddenly just before publication of her memoir, Magda Denes has written a vivid chronicle of a terrible time, and a gripping, if horrific adventure story.. ..Castles Burning is the best sort of memoir, revealing not only a compelling story but also a bruised yet still bold self which bears the weight of its story in memory” -Patricia Hampl, The New York Times Book Review. January 26, 1997: 13. Dimant, Ita. Moja czqstka iycia. Warsaw: ZIH: Tw6j Styl, 2001. Dimant was born in 1918, the daughter of a rabbai. This is her memoir of the war years, life in the Warsaw Ghetto, and the Jewish underground. Draenger, Gusta Davidson. “Justina’s Diary.” In A Towerfrom the Enemy, edited by Albert Nirenstein, 224-42. New York: Orion Press, 1959. . Justyna’s Narrative. Translated by Rosalyn Hirsch and David H. Hirsch. Amherst: Univ. of Massachusetts Press, 1996. Memoir by a leading member of the Jewish resistance in Cracow smuggled out of a Nazi prison. First published in Poland at the end of World War 11. Drori-Ernstovii, Edith, and Erhard Wiehn. Das Lebensrechts beraubt: drei Jahre im Untergrund:jiidische Schicksale in der Slowakei 1942-1945. Constance: Hartung-Gorre, 2000. Personal narratives of Slovak Jewish women. Eibeschitz, Jehoshua and Anna Eilenberg-Eibeschitz. Women in the Holocaust: A Collection


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of Testimonies. Brooklyn, NY: Remember, 1993. Eichengreen, Lucille, with Harriet Hyman Chamberlain. From Ashes to Life: My Memories of the Holocaust. San Francisco: Mercury House, 1994. Eilenberg, Anna. Breaking M y Silence. New York: Shengold, 1985. Memoir of a E6di ghetto survivor. Fenelon, Fania. Playing for Time. New York: Atheneum, 1977. Fenelon was a member of the women’s orchestra at Birkenau. Ferderher-Salz, Bertha. And the Sun Kept Shining. New York: Holocaust Library, 1980. A Jewish woman’s family experiences in Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen from September 1939April 1945. Fischler-Martinho, Janina. Have You Seen M y Little Sister? Essex, UK: Valentine Mitchell, 1998. Account of the author’s childhood experiences in the Cracow Ghetto. This work details the loss of all her immediate family, except her older brother, with whom she escaped from the Ghetto during its final liquidation, via the sewers. Fishman, Lala, Steven Weingartner. Lala’s Story: A Memoir of the Holocaust (Jewish Lives). Evanston: Northwestern Univ. Press, 1998. “Another entry in Northwestern’s ‘Jewish Lives’ series, this volume recounts the experiences of a young Polish-Jewish girl between 1939 and 1945. Fishman (nke Clara Weintraub) was the daughter of secular, comfortable, if not prosperous, Russian Jews. Her father was a successful jazz musician in Lvov and, for a time, head of the musicians’ union in that city; her mother’s family had enjoyed some success in business. The Weintraubs’ world was shattered repeatedly, first by pogroms, then by the Russian Revolution, and finally, and most appallingly, by the Holocaust. ... Lala avoided the fate that befell most of her family because she was resourceful, spunky, and a blue-eyed blonde.. . Like so many other recent Holocaust memoirs, this volume serves as an important reminder of the cataclysm’s terrible cost, of the sheer viciousness with which the Nazis attacked not only the Jews but also the civilian population of Poland.” -Kirkus Reviews, (November 15, 1997). Fluek, Toby Knobel. Memories of My Life in a Polish Village, 1930-1949. New York: Knopf, 1990. Paintings, drawings, and text from the perspective of a young Jewish girl in Poland. Foldes, Susan B. “The Wrought Iron Gate.” Jewish Frontier (September 1969): 29-31. A Jewish woman from Hungary recalls her childhood experiences before the Holocaust. Frame, Veronica Foldes. On Whom I Have Mercy. New York: Riverview, 1993. Friedman, Peska. Going Forward. Brooklyn: Messiah Publishers, 1994. Gabor, Georgia M. M y Destiny: Survivor of the Holocaust. Arcadis, CA: Amen Publishing, 1981. Autobiography of a Hungarian woman and her escape from the Nazis and the Soviets. Gelissen, Rena Kornreich, with Helen Dune Macadam. Rena’s Promise: A Story of Sisters in Auschwitz. Boston: Beacon Press, 1995, Memoirs of a Slovak Jew’s experience of the Holocaust. Gissing, Vera. Pearls of Childhood. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1989. In 1939, shortly before her eleventh birthday, Gissing escaped from Czechoslovalua, leaving behind her parents, family and friends to spend six years in England.-Marjorie Wall Bingham. Gold, Ruth Glasberg. Ruth’s Journey: A Survivor’s Memoir. Gainesville: Univ. Press of Florida, 1997. Gold witnessed the death of her parents and brother at Bershad, the largest and most infamous of more than 100 concentration camps in Transnistria. Goldberg, Zosia. Running Through Fire: How I Survived the Holocaust. As told to Hilton Obenzinger. San Francisco: Mercury House, 2004. Goldenberg, Myrna. “Lessons Learned from Gentle Heroism: Women’s Holocaust Narratives.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 548 (1996): 7893. “Memoirs written by women survivors of the Holocaust share certain characteristics with those written by men, such as the narrative structure that begins with belonging and then moves to humiliation, isolation, deprivation, and finally annihilation.. . However, women’s


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memoirs also share strilungly similar characteristics with each other that differ from men’s memoirs and that stem from their experiences as women and as Jews-thus as double victims-in a misogynistic, racist totalitarian society.. . [and] are rich sources of the characteristics of an alternative social structure based on traditional feminine values. The experience of women during the Holocaust shows that traditionally feminist values of cooperating and caring are important conditions for the perpetuation of civilization, irrespective of religious, ethnic, or nationalist identification.” Goldkorn, Dorka. “Memories of a Ghetto Fighter,” Jewish Life 4, no.6 (April 1950): 6-12. Grosman, Haikah [Grossman, Chaika]. The Underground Army: Fighters of the Bialystok Ghetto. [Translated from the Hebrew by Shmuel Beeri; edited by Sol Lewis]. New York: Holocaust Library, 1987. Grosman documents her life as a partisan and includes accounts of other female partisan fighters. The American edition was also translated into German as Die Untergrundarmee: der judische Widerstand in Bialystok: ein autobiografischer Bericht. Die Frau in der Gesellschaft. Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1993. Groswert-Szechter, Genia. Stracona mtodoSC [Lost Youth]. Lodz: Oficyna Bibliofilbw, 2000. Memoirs of a Holocust survivor born in Poland in 1926. Griinbaum, Irene. Escape through the Balkans: The Autobiography of Irene Griinbaum. Trans.and edited by Katherine Morris. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1996. “...[a] breathtaking story by a gifted writer ... composed in 1949-50.” Griinbaum describes her flight from the Nazis “from Belgrade through Albania and Italy and ultimately to Brazil.” Morris recovered it from an Austrian archive and carefully annotated it. Guber, Rivka. Village of the Brothers: Memoirs of the Members of Kfar Ahim. New York: Shengold, 1979. First-person narratives compiled by Guber, including several by women. The narratives detail experiences during the Holocaust and in the Israeli community of Kfar Ahim. Gurdus, Luba Krugman. The Death Train. New York: Holocaust Library, 1987. Testimony of a Majdanek camp survivor, illustrated with her drawings. Hamermesh, Mira. The River of Angry Dogs: A Memoir. London: Pluto, 2004. Hamermesh is a Polish Jewish film director. Hart, Kitty. I Am Alive. London: Abelard-Schuman, 1961. Testimony of an Auschwitz survivor. . Return to Auschwitz. New York: Atheneum, 1981. Survivor brings her son back to the death camp to confront her memories and awaken his consciousness. Heilman, Anna, and Rose Meth. “Resistance.” In DifSerent Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by Carol Rittner and John K. Roth. New York: Paragon House, 1993. Helfetz, Julie. Too Young to Remember. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1989. “Six women’s experiences as survivors of Auschwitz, participants in children’s transports, and as members of families in hiding.” -Marjorie Wall Bingham. Heller, Fanya Gottesfeld. Strange and Unexpected Love: A Teenage Girl ’s Holocaust Memoirs. Hoboken, NJ: Ktav Publishing House, 1993. Hersh, Gizelle, with Peggy Mann. Gizelle, Save the Children. New York: Everest House, 1980. Hungarian account of teenager in Auschwitz with three younger sisters. Heyman, Eva. The Diary of kva Heyman. Translated by Moshe M. Kohn. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1974. A thirteen-year-old Hungarian-Jewish girl from Romania during the Holocaust years. Hochberg-Marianska, Maria and Noe Gruss. The Children Accuse. Essex, UK: Valentine Mitchell. 1996. This most unusual book contains evidence the author collected in 1945 in Poland from children and teenagers who surfaced from hiding in forests and bunkers, and told the story of their survival as it happened. Hoffman, Eva. Lost in Translation: a L$e in a New Language. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1989. A Polish-Jewish emigrie to Canada and then the U.S. describes the experience of being


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caught between worlds. Holliday, Laurel, ed. Children in the Holocaust and World War 11: Their Secret Diaries. New York: Pocket Books, 1995. Annotated under Central and Eastern Europe section. Holtman, Rachel Kirsch. Mayn Lebens-Veg. New York: Rahel Holtman Bukh Komitet, 1948. Yiddish autobiography of a Jewish woman writer with Yiddish journalism and communist party connections. Hraboveck5, Hilda. Ruka s vytetovan9m ci‘slom. Bratislava: Vzdavatel’stvo PT, 1998. Authobiographical essays by an Auschwitz survivor. Isaacson, Judith Magyar. Seed of Sarah. Urbana, IL:Univ. of Illinois Press, 1990. Hungarian woman sent to Auschwitz, who is open about rape and the ‘girls’ transports.” -Marjorie Wall Bingham. Jackson, Livia E. Bitton. Elli: Coming of Age in the Holocaust. New York: Times Books, 1980. Testimony. . My Bridges of Hope: Searching for Life and Love after Auschwitz. New York: Aladdin Paperbacks, 1999. Jewish Women in London Group. Generations of Memories: Voices of Jewish Women. London: Women’s Press, 1989. Jewish Women’s History Group (London). You’d Prefer Me Not to Mention It: The Lives of Four Daughters of Refugees. London: privately printed, 1982. Testimony by four feminist children of survivors. Kahan, Anne. “The Diary of Anne Kahan: Siedlce, Poland, 1914-1916,” YIVO Annual of Jewish Social Studies 18 (1983): 141-37 1. Diary of a young woman and her family in Poland during WWI. She eventually emigrated to the U S . Kalib, Goldie Szachter. The Last Selection: A Child’s Journey through the Holocaust. Amherst: Univ. of Massachusetts, 1991. Kapral, Zdena. Tomorrow Will Be Better. Tucson: Harbinger, 1990. Memoir regarding one family’s experience during the Holocaust. Kaminska, Ruth Turkow. I Don’t Want to Be Brave Anymore. Washington, D.C.: New Republic Books, 1978. A Polish Jewish singer and actress recounts her years in the Soviet Gulag and exile from 1946 until her return to Poland in 1956. Kaplan, Helene. I Never Left Janowska. New York: Holocaust Library, 1989. Karsov, Nina, and Szymon Szechter. In the Name of Tomorrow: Life Underground in Poland. Trans. by Paul Stevenson, intro. by Peter Reddaway. New York: Schocken Books, 1970. “Karsov and her employer [Szechter] collected material on Polish political trials of the midand late 1960s. Nina was arrested, tried, and imprisoned. At her interrogation, Nina, who had been raised as a Catholic, learned that she was Jewish, that her parents had jumped with her from a train for Treblinka, and how her parents had died. In 1968 Nina was declared Prisoner of the Year by Amnesty International.” -From the cover. Kats, Elizabeth. Child of the Holocaust. London: Collins, 1979. Katz, Esther and Joan Miriam Ringelheim, eds. Women Surviving the Holocaust: Proceedings of the Conference. New York: Institute for Research in History, 1983. Kimelman, Mira Ryczke. Echoes from the Holocaust: A Memoir. Knoxville: Univ. of Tennessee, 1997. Klanska, Maria. “Emanzipationswege galizischer Judinnen im 20. Jahrhundert: Zu den Autobiographien von Ella Schapira, Mischket Liebermann, Helene Deutsch, und Salka Viertel.” In Von Franzos zu Canetti: Jiidische Autoren aus Osterreich, edited by Mark H. Gelber, Hans Otto Horch, Sigurd Paul Scheichl. Tubingen: Niemyer, 1996. About the emancipation of Jewish women from Galicia, based on the autobiographies of Schapira, Lieberman, Deutsch and Viertel. Klein, Cecilie. Sentenced to Live. New York: Holocaust Library, 1988. “Memoir of [Czechoslovak] woman who went to Auschwitz with her sister. Partly because of her poetic


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ability she was spared by her block leader at Birkenau.” -Marjorie Wall Bingham. Klein, Gerda Weissman. All But My Life. New York: Hill and Wang, 1957. Republished by Hill and Wang in 1971 and 1995, and by other British and American publishers. “Fifteen-year-old Gerda experienced the Nazi occupation of Poland and later survived being a slave laborer for the Nazis.” M a r j o r i e Wall Bingham. Klein, Magdalena (1920-1946). Pearls and Lace. Santa Barbara: Fithian Press, 1996. Translated from Hungarian by her niece, Susan Simpson Geroe. Klein (1920-1946), the youngest child of a middle-class Jewish family in northwestern Romania, was an eyewitness to the rise of fascism in Europe and the horrors of World War 11. The poetic journal Magda kept during those years shows the stark contrast between her youthful love of life and the grim reality of the world around her. Klepfisz, Irena. Dreams of an Insomniac: Jewish Feminist Essays, Speeches and Diatribes. Portland, OR: Eighth Mount Press, 1990. Collected writings of a Polish Jew who survived the Holocaust in girlhood. Kohner, Hanna. Hanna and Walter: A Love Story. New York: Random, 1984. Two Czech teenagers fall in love, but are separated during the Nazi invasion only to be re-united after the war. Kolmer, Gertrude. Dark Soliloquy. Trans. Henry Smith. New York: Seabury Press, 1975. Kovaly, Heda Margolius. Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague, 1941-1968. Cambridge: Plunkett, 1986. “The memoirs of a woman who spent the years of World War I1 in concentration camps, escaped from a death march, and took part in the Prague Uprising against the Germans in May, 1945.” -Marjorie Wall Bingham. , with Erazim Kohak. The Victors and the Vanquished. New York: Horizon Press, 1973. Autobiography of a woman who survived both Auschwitz and the Slanskf trials. Kotlar, Helen. We Lived in a Grave. Translated by Judah Pilch. New York: Shengold, 1980. Translated from Yiddish. Kounio-Amariglio, Erika Myriam. From Thessaloniki to Auschwitz and Back, 1926-1996. Translated by Theresa Sundt. Essex, UK: Valentine Mitchell. 1999. The story of Erika Kounio, deported in 1943 from Salonika to Auschwitz, where she worked for 2 years in the Gestapo office. Kramer, Edith. As a Doctor in Theresienstadt. New York: Leo Baeck Institute. . Hell and Rebirth. New York: Leo Baeck Institute, 1977. Kramer, Sydelle, and Jenny Masur, eds. Jewish Grandmothers. Boston: Beacon Press, 1976. First person narratives of Jewish women from Eastern Europe now in the U.S. Notable because it focuses not on the Holocaust experience, but on women of earlier generations. Divided into sections concerning why and how these women came to America, and how they fared once there. Kuchler-Silberman, Lena. My Hundred Children. London: Souvenir, 1961. Translated from Hebrew. “Autobiographical account of a woman who survived the Holocaust, searched for surviving children and brought them to London.” M a r j orie Wall Bingham. Kulkieko, Renya. Escape from the Pit. New York: Sharao Books, 1947. Kwinta, Chava. I’m Still Living. Toronto: Simon and Pierre, 1974. Survival account of a woman who lived in the Sosnowiec Ghetto in Poland. Laska, Vera, ed. Women in the Resistance and in the Holocaust: The Voices of Eyewitnesses. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1983. Leitner, Isabella. Fragments of Isabella: A Memoir of Auschwitz. New York: Crowell, 1978. A young Jewish woman tells of the deportation from Hungary to Auschwitz. . Saving the Fragments: From Auschwitz to New York. New York: New American Library, 1985. The author’s experiences between her liberation from Auschwitz and her emigration to New York in 1945. (Sequel to Fragments of Isabella). Lengyel, Olga. “The Arrival.” In Diferent Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by


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Carol Rittner and John K. Roth, 69-72. New York: Paragon House, 1993. . Five Chimneys. New York: Howard Fertig, 1983. Day-to-day record of imprisonment in Auschwitz and Birkenau. Originally published in 1947. . “Scientific Experiments.” In DifSerent Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by Carol Rittner and John K. Roth, 119-29. New York: Paragon House, 1993. Eqtowska, Ewa. Baba na iwieczniku. Bydgoszcz: Polska Oficyna Wydawnicza BGW, 1992. Levi, Trude. A Cat Called Ado& Essex, UK: Valentine Mitchell. 1995. A Holocaust memoir by a Hungarian Jewish woman who survived her deportation to Auschwitz. Levy-Hass, Hanna. Inside Belsen. New York: Barnes and Noble Books, 1982. The author kept a diary in Bergen-Belsen, which is the first part of the book. The second part consists of interviews from the late 1970s that describe the author’s life more fully. Lewin, Rhoda, ed. Witness to the Holocaust. Boston: Twayne, 1990. Lewinska, Pelagia. Twenty Months at Auschwitz. New York: Lyle Stuart, 1968. Lewis, Helen. A Time to Speak. New York: Carroll & Graf, 1998; Belfast: Blackstaff Press, 1992. A Czech Jew recounts the grim story of her three years in the Nazi holocaust with “elegiaic simplicity and lucidity,” “irresistible momentum,” “formidable integrity,” and “impressive lack of self-pity or rancour.” -Sue Gaisford (The Independent Weekend Edition. October 14, 1992). Lipstadt, Deborah E. “Facing the Void.’’ In DifSerent Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by Carol Rittner and John K. Roth, 349-54. New York: Paragon House, 1993. Lubelska, Wanda. Listy z getta. Warsaw: Biblioteka Narodowa, 2000. Correspondence of a woman in Warsaw Jewish ghetto. Lubetkin, Zivia. In the Days of Destruction and Revolt. Tel Aviv: HaKibbutz HaMeuchad and Am Oved, 1981. Translated from Hebrew writings (1946-47). Lubetkin was one of the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Mack, John E., with Rita Rogers. The Alchemy of Survival: One Woman’s Journey. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1988. With psychoanalyst-biographer Mack, Rita Rogers, a native of Bukovina, relives experiences of Nazi death camps and Communist regimes. Markish, Esther. The Long Return. New York: Ballantine Books, 1978. Memoirs of the widow of the Yiddish writer Perets Markish. Meed, Vladka. On Both Sides of the Wall. Ghetto Fighters’ House and HaKibbutz Hameyuchad: Distributed by the Jewish Labor Fund, 1977. Translated from Yiddish. Meed’s memoirs concern her experiences in the underground outside the walls of the Warsaw Ghetto. . “Underground Activity on the Aryan Side of Warsaw.” Yad Vashem Bulletin 22 (May 1968): 24-5. Melamed, Aliza. “From the Diary of a Young Warsaw Ghetto Fighter.” Israel Horizons 15, no. 4 (April 1967): 17-20. Millu, Liana. Smoke over Birkenau. Translated by Lynne Sharon Schwartz. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1991. Milner, Sonja. Sonja: Survival in War and Peace. New York: Shengold Publishers, 1984. Testimony of wartime experiences by a Jewish woman from a small town near Vilna. The text is translated from tapes originally made in Yiddish. Milner discusses her forced labor in Ziezmariai, Wisznewo, Oszmiany, Shumsk, Goshedar, Kozloverodo, Kovno, and Stutthoff. Morris, Katherine, ed. Odyssey of Exile: Jewish Women Flee the Nazis for Brazil. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1996. “This group of nine autobiographical portraits written by German-Jewish women who fled Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s to arrive in Brazil’s tropical climate and culture shares a frank and frightening personal history that transcends editor Morris’s careful contextualization. These well educated, middle class women write movingly of their journeys, sometimes from the voices of mature women and sometimes from the hopes and fears of themselves as young girls. The memoirs describe the horror of the death camps, the uprooting of family and friends, and the heady sights and sounds of a


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strange Rio de Janeiro in the early 1940s while underscoring the common themes of how Jewish women reacted to Nazi persecution, how they adapted, and how important these stories are to keeping the history of their families alive.” B o o k n e w s , Inc., December 1, 1996. Some of the women are of East European origin. “My First Days at Kheder: The School Memories of a Little Girl in Lithuania.” Tr. by Henny Wenkart. Lilith 20, no. 3 (Fall 1995): 8-12. Neray, Ruth Bindefeld. To Auschwitz and Back: M y Personal Journey. Sudbury, MA: Sudbury Press, 1998. . Death by Design. Toronto: Childe Thursday, 1992. Newman, Judith Sternberg. On the Hell of Auschwitz. New York: Exposition Press, 1963. Nomberg-Przytyk, Sara. “The Camp Blanket.” In DifSerent Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by Carol Rittner and John K. Roth, 143-8. New York: Paragon House, 1993. . Auschwitz: True Talesfrom a Grotesque Land. Translated by Roslyn Hirsch. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Press, 1985. Translated from Polish. Survivor testimony of an attendant in “Mengele’ s Hospital.” Peleg-Marianska, Miriam, and Mordecai Peleg. Witnesses: Life in Occupied Krakow. London: Routledge, 1991. “A joint memoir of a Jewish couple who were members of Zegota, the Polish underground organization.” -Marj orie Wall Bingham. Perl, Gisela. I Was a Doctor at Auschwitz. New York: International Universities Press, 1948. Memoir of a doctor in Auschwitz who performed abortions to save prisoners’ lives. Pollak, Elsa. Auschwitz 5170. [Tel Aviv]: Ghetto Fighter’s House, 1979. “Slovakian survivor who was at Auschwitz; Pollak’s sculptures ‘leave something of all that suffering,’ as she intended.” M a r j o r i e Wall Bingham). Polt, Renata, trans. and ed. A Thousand Kisses: A Grandmother’s Holocaust Letters. Tuscaloosa, AL: Univ. of Alabama Pres, 1999. PoSov& Katefina. Jsem, proto2e musim-: -napsala jsem si ve c‘trna’ctido la’gerovihodeniku. Prague: Prostor, 2003. Diary, written in the form of letters to her father, of the author’s days in the forced labor camp of Glowen, near Nitzow/ Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg. PoSov6 was born into a Hungarian Jewish family. Rittner, Carol, with John K. Roth, eds. DifSerent Voices: Women and the Holocaust. New York: Paragon, 1993. 28 selections, some long out of print and some recent, that convey an awareness of the depths of the tragedy of the Holocaust. Ritvo, Roger A., and Diane M. Plotkin. Sisters in Sorrow: Voices of Care in the Holocaust. College Station: Texas A. & M. Univ. Press, 1998. Personal narratives of Jewish women in the Holocaust. Rosen, Donia. The Forest, M y Friend. New York: World Federation of Bergen-Belsen Associations, 1971. Memoir of a young Ukrainian-Jewish girl who escapes to the woods during the Nazi occupation. Rosen, Ilana, ed. Hungarian Jewish Women Survivors Remember the Holocaust: An Anthology of Life Histories. Recorded and edited by Ilana Rosen. Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America, 2004. Rosen, Sara. M y Lost World:A Survivor’s Tale. Essex, U.K.: Valentine Mitchell. 1993. An account of how a young girl from Cracow survived the Tarnow ghetto and escaped to Bucharest during the Holocaust. Rosenberg, Blanca. To Tell at Last: Survival under False Identity, 1941-45. Urbana, IL: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1993. Rosenberg’s memoir is “filled both with anger at the Poles for their anti-Semitic behavior during the war and with gratitude to those Poles who helped her.” -Reviewed by Marsha Rozenblit, Slavic Review 54, no. 1 (Summer 1995): 456. Rothchild, Sylvia, ed. Voicesfrom the Holocaust. New York: New American Library, 199 1. “Men and women from all over Europe recall and share their experiences before, during, and


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after the Holocaust .” -Marj orie Wall Bingham. Rubinstein, Donna. ZAm the Only Survivor of Krasnostav. New York: Shengold, 1983. A victim of the Nazi pogrom in Ukraine, Rubinstein survived the war years under a Christian identity. Rubinstein, Erna F. After the Holocaust: The Long Road to Freedom. New Haven, CT: Archon Books, 1995. Memoirs of Auschwitz and the aftermath that Rubinstein and her sisters experienced as displaced persons in Europe. . The Survivor in Us All: A Memoir of the Holocaust. Hamden, CT: Archon, Books, 1983. Four sisters from a Polish-Jewish family survive the Holocaust. Rybak, Rywka. Rywka Rybak: Survivor of the Holocaust. Cincinnati: Tricycle, 1993. Salomon, Charlotte. Charlotte. New York: Viking, 1981. Autobiography of the artist who died in the Holocaust, illustrated by her paintings in color. Samuelli, Annie. The War Between. Washington, D.C.: Robert B. Luce, 1967. Memoirs of a Romanian Jewish woman imprisoned for espionage from 1949 to 1961. Schneider, Gertrude, ed. The Unfinished Road: Jewish Survivors of Latvia Look Back. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1991. . Muted Voices: Jewish Survivors of Latvia Remember. New York: Philosophical Library, 1987. Schulman, Faye, with Sarah Silberstein Swartz. A Partisan’s Memoir: Woman of the Holocaust. Toronto: Second Story Press, 1995. The story of a Russian-Polish photographer and resistance fighter. Schwara, Desanka. “Ojjk weg schtejt a bojm”: Jiidische Kindheit und Jugend in Galitzien, Kongresspolen, Litauen und Russland 1881-1939. Cologne: Bohlau, 1990. Account of a woman’s Jewish childhood and youth in Galicia, Congress Poland, Lithuania, and Russia. Schwerteger, Ruth. Women of Theresienstadt: Voicesfrom a Concentration Camp. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1989. Selver-Urbach, Sarah. Mib ’ad Lehalon Beiti (Looking through M y Window:Memoirs of Lodz Ghetto). Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1964. Jewish Orthodox woman’s testimony and her form of resistance, reviewed by Eugenia Rozycka: “Loolung through My Window.” Yad Vashem Bulletin 18 (April 1966): 52-5. Sender, Ruth. To Life. New York: Macmillan, 1988. “Sender recounts her liberation from a Nazi concentration camp, search for surviving family members, and long difficult ordeal of trying to immigrate with her husband and two children to America.” -Marjorie Wall Bingham. . The Cage. New York: Macmillan, 1986. “One Jewish woman’s experience from the German invasion of Poland in 1939 to the Russian liberation of Camp Grafenort in 1945.” -Marjorie Wall Bingham. Sereny, Gitta. “Into That Darkness.” In Di‘erent Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by Carol Rittner and John K. Roth, 270-86. New York: Paragon House, 1993. Shelley, Lore. Auschwitz-The Nazi Civilization: Twenty-three Women Prisoners ’ Accounts: Auschwitz Camp Administration and SS Enterprises and Workshops. Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America, 1992. Siegal, Aranka. Upon the Head of the Goat: A Childhood in Hungary, 1939-1944. NY: New American Library, 1981. Siegal describes her childhood in Northern Transylvania, and her family’s ghetto and deportation experience. . Grace in the Wilderness:After the Liberation, 1945-1948. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1985. After she was liberated from Bergen-Belsen, Siegal, a Hungarian Jew, went to Sweden. Solomian-Loc, Fanny. Women Facing the Gallows. Amherst: Wordpro, 1981; Tel Aviv: Moreshet, 1971. Translation of Na ’arah mul gardom, personal narrative of women’s involvement in Jewish Resistance.


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. Getto i gwiazdy. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1993. Suleiman, Susan Rubin. “War Memories: On Autobiographical Reading.” In Auschwitz and After: Race, Culture, and “theJewish Question” in France, edited by Lawrence D. Kritzman, 47-62. New York: Routledge, 1995. . Budapest Diary: In Search of the Motherbook. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1996. An American professor and literary critic confronts her early experience as a Hungarian Jewish child who lived through the Holocaust in hiding with her parents. Reviewed by R. Ruth Linden in Women’s Review of Books 14, no. 3 (December 1996): 21-2. Sutin, Rochelle, and Jack Sutin. Jack and Rochelle: A Holocaust Story of Love and Resistance, edited by Lawrence Sutin. St. Paul: Graywolf Press, 1995. The memoirs of a Jewish couple that escaped the Holocaust as partisans in the Nalibocka Forest in Poland. Symonowicz, Wanda, ed. Beyond Human Endurance: The Ravensbriick Women Tell Their Stories. Trans. by Doris Ronowicz. Warsaw: Interpress Publishers, 1970. Translation of the Polish volume Ponad ludzkq miare. Szereszewska, Helena. Memoirs from Occupied Warsaw, 1940-1945. Trans. by Anna Marianska. Essex, UK: Valentine Mitchell, 1999. These memoirs recount the struggle for survival of a middle-class Jewish family during the Nazi occupation of Poland. Inside the Warsaw ghetto, the author witnessed the daily battle against overcrowding, hunger and disease. Szwajger, Adina Blady. I Remember Nothing More: The Warsaw Children’s Hospital and the Jewish Resistance. Translated by Tasja Darowska and Danusia Stok. New York: Pantheon Books, 1991. Holocaust memoirs. Tec, Nechama. Dry Tears: Story of a Lost Childhood. New York: Everest House, 1982. Tec survived by hiding with Polish peasants. Trahan, Elizabeth Welt. Walking with Ghosts: A Jewish Childhood in Wartime Vienna. Literature and the Sciences of Man, 17. New York: Peter Lang, 1998. Memoir of a CzechJewish woman. Reviewed for H-Scholar by Alice Goldfarb Marquis. Weil, Greta. My Sister, My Antigone. New York: Avon, 1984. Weil survived by living in hiding in Poland. She later smuggled Jewish orphans out of the country. Weinrich, Alisa. “Return to Austria.” Jewish Frontier (November 1969). Survivor account. Weiss, Reska. Journey through Hell. London: Valentine Mitchell, 1961. Weitz, Sonia Schreiber. I Promised I Would Tell. Brookline: Facing History and Ourselves, 1993. Wolff, Charlotte. Hindsight: An Autobiography. London: Quartet Books, 1980. Danzig-born Jewish doctor living in Berlin, was arrested and fled to Paris. Wurmbrand, Sabina. The Pastor’s Wij’e. Edited by Charles Foley. Bartlesville, OK: Living Sacrifice Book, 1999; London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1970. Wurmbrand and her husband, Russian Jews who had converted to Christianity, were arrested in 1948 and served some years in Romanian prisons and camps. Zar, Rose. In the Mouth of the Wolf. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1992. A 19-year-old Jewish girl survives the Holocaust in Poland and comes to the U.S. Zdrojewicz, Malka. Yad Vashern Bulletin 22 (May 1968): 37-9. “Excerpts from testimony given at Yad Vashem by the woman in the famous picture on the Davka (Summer 1971) cover and poster.” -Marjorie Wall Bingham. Zuker, Liliana Bujanowska. Liliana’s Journey. New York: Dial Press, 1980. Zurovi, Lucia Aviva. Moino preiijeme: spomienky na roky vojny. Bratislava: Mfizeum iidovskej kultfiry-SNM, 1995. Memoirs of a Jewish woman from World War 11. Zyskind, Sara. Stolen Years. New York: New American Library, 1983; Minneapolis: Lerner, 1981. Memoir of 1939-1945, years in which Zyskind experienced ghetto life, Auschwitz, and eventual emigration to Palestine.


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ALBANIA See also the Macedonia, Ottoman Turkey, Serbia, and Yugoslavia chapters.

Bibliography and Reference ALB 1 ALB2


Elsie, Robert. Dictionary of Albanian Literature. New York, Greenwood, 1986. . Kosovo: In the Heart of the Powder Keg. Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 1997. Although not particularly about gender or women, this book contains an extensive bibibliography of works on Kosovo in Albanian and in Western languages. Hasani, Hasan. Leksikoni i shkrimtareve shqiptare 1501-2001 [Dictionary of Albanian Writers, 1501-2001j. Pristina: Faik Konica, 2003. Contains entries for many women authors, living in Albania, Kosovo or abroad, often accompanied by a photograph. Hutchings, Raymond. Historical Dictionary of Albania. European Historical Dictionaries, no. 12 Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1996. “Women.” In Albania, by Antonia Young, with John Hodgson and Nigel Young, 128-31. World Bibliographical Series, Vol. 94. Oxford; Denver; Santa Barbara: Clio Press, 1997. Includes excellent annotations. Young, Antonia. “Albania.” In The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women ’s Issues Worldwide: Europe, edited by Lynn Walter, 17-3 1. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003. Includes: Country Profile, Overview of Women’s Issues, Education, Employment and the Economy, Family and Sexuality, Health, Poltics and Law, Religion and Spirituality, Violence, Outlook for the Twenty-first Century, Resources Guide (Suggested Reading, Videos/Films, Web Sites, Organizations) and a Selected Bibliography.

Web Sites ALB7 ALB8



Albania: Women’s Organizations and Resources. http://www.neww.org/countries/Albania/countries-albania.htm Albanian American Women’s Organization “Motrat Qiriazi [Qiriazi Sisters]” Society for the Education of Women, Prishtina-Kosova, named after the Albanian sisters who standardized the country’s writing system at the turn of the 19th century. With a link to a 1999 interview with the founder of the organization, Igballe Rogova. html http://www.igc .apc.org/balkans/quiriazi. Albanian Media on the Internet. Mediat Shqiptare ne Internet. http ://www.a1banian .com/main/news. Association Albania loi 1901. French web site on Albanian history and culture. Includes .htm. bibliography. http://assoc.wanadoo.fr/albania/index3 Buchhandel BOGDANOU & SIEBERT. Web site of a book dealer in Cologne that handles Albanian titles , among others. http ://w ww.bogdanou .com/orig/albbelle.ht m CWF: Committee Woman and Family established in 1998 by the Albanian government. The site includes statistics, links to NGOs, and the Albanian legislation on women’s rights. In Albanian and English. http://www.cwf.gov.a1. Family in Focus Center. www.wgsact.net/albania/al-fifc.html.

Albania ALB 14 ALB15

Feminism in Albania Bibliography. http://www.cddc.vt.edu/feminism/alb.html. Women Writers from Albania. http ://www. digital .library.upenn.edu/women/-generate/ALB ANIA .ht ml Women’s Documentation & Information Center. Founded in 1994, it is the first women’s documentation and information center in Albania. It focuses on protecting and promoting women’s rights as human rights; setting up a gender-oriented information database; and media monitoring and training with the aim of influencing media policies and strategies regarding women’s issues. http://www.neww.org/countries/Albania/wctirana.htm. Women’s Legal Group in Albania. http://www .neww.org/countries/Albania/albania050696.htm. Women’s Organizations: Albania. http://www.distel.ca/womlist/countries/albania.html.


ALB 17 ALB 18

Periodicals ALB19

Shqiptarja e re: Organ i Bashkmit te Grave te Shqiperise [The New Albanian Woman: Organ of the Albanian Women’s Association]. 1954-1 990. Monthly.

History and Society ALB20 ALB21


ALB30 ALB3 1 ALB32

Abrahams, Fred. Human Rights in Post-communist Albania. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1996. “Albania.” In Women of the World: Laws and Policies AfjCecting Their Reproductive Lives: East Central Europe. Edited by the Center for Reproductive Law & Policy, 15-30. New York: The Center, 2000. Includes 4 sections: Setting the Stage: Legal & Political Framework; Examining Health and Reproductive Rights; Understanding the Exercise of Reproductive Rights: Women’s Legal Status; Focusing on the Rights of a Special Group: Adolescents. “Albania: Some Refugee Women Forced into Prostitution.” Oflour Backs 29, no. 6 (June 1999): 3. Reveals that some women who have escaped from Kosovo to Albania have been taken by the Albanian mafia and forced into prostitution. “Albanian Marriages Hit by Social Crisis.” Deutsche Presse-Agentur, June 21, 1997. The Albanian Woman: A Great Force of the Revolution. Tirana: 8 Nentori, 1978. Official communist pamphlet containing a collection of propaganda articles on the role of women in Albania. Alexakes, Eleutherios. Ta paidia tis siopis: oikogeneia, syngeneia kai gamos stous Arvanites tis NA. Attikis-Laureotikis (1850-1940). Athens: Ekdoseis Parousia, 1996. About the social life and customs of Albanians in Attica. Alfter, Brigitte. “Refleksione: Listening to Albanian Women.” OfSOur Backs 27, no. 5 (May 1997): 10-1. At the 6th Congress of the Women’s Union of Albania. Tirana: N. frasheri, 1968. Backer, Berit. Behind the Stone Walls: Changing Household Organization among the Albanians of Kosovo. Oslo: PRIO-publication S-8/79, 1979. . “Mother, Sister, Daughter, Wife: The Pillars of the Traditional Albanian Patriarchal Society.” In Women in Islamic Societies: Social Attitudes and Historical Perspectives, edited by Bo Utas, 48-65. London: Curzon Press, 1983. Begeja, Ksanthipi. The Family in the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania. Tirana: 8 Nentori, 1984. . Woman’s Rights and Her Role in the People’s Republic of Albania. Tirana: n. p., 1967. Beluli, Jeta Katro. “Women’s NGOs in Albania.” In Frauen in Siidosteuropa, edited by Anneli Ute Gabanyi and Hans Georg Majer, 1-3. Munich: Siidosteuropa-Gesellschaft, 1998.


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ALB5 1

BGSH (Organization). Kongresi (8th: 1978: Durres, Albania). The 8th Congress of the Women’s Union of Albania. Tirana: 8 Nentori, 1978. Brigatti, Piera Carrara. Women and Agricultural Engineering in the Coastal Plain of Albania. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1995. BRPSH (Organization). Luftetare te Ceshtjes sone te madhe: tema per edukimin komunist te rejave:[viti mesirnor 1964-5. Tirana: N. Frashcri, 1964. About the conduct of young women, home economics, women and communism. Calloni, Marina. “Albanian Women after Socialism and the Balkan Wars.” In Athena (Advanced Thematic Network in Activities in Women’s Studies in Europe): The Making of European Women’s Studies, edited by R. Braidotti, I. Lazaroms, and E. Vonk, 49-60. Utrecht: Utrecht University, 2002. . Establishing a Gender Institute at the University of Tirana: A Report. London: LSE, 2000. Canadian Communist League (Marxist-Leninist). The Liberation of Women Requires Socialism: Selected Chinese and Albanian Articles. Montreal: Canadian Communist League, 1977. Chuli, D. “Polozhenie zhenshchin-pisatel’nits v Albanii.” In Sila slova-2: Novyi evropeiskii poriadok: prava cheloveka, polozhenie zhenshchin i gendernaia tsenzura, compiled by Nadezhda Azhgikhina, 67-8. Moscow: Eslan, 2000. About the position of women writers in Albania. Cocoli, Man. Gruaja shqiptare ne lujten antifashiste nacional$rimtare. Tirana: Shtepia botuese “8 Nentori,” 1975. About women revolutionaries and soldiers in World War 11. Corrin, Chris. “Creating Change or Struggling to Survive? Women’s Situation in Albania.” Journal of Area Studies 6 (1995): 74-82. . “Is Liberalisation Damaging Albanian Women’s Health?” Focus on Gender 1, no. 3 (October 1993): 35-7. About a deterioration in the basic health care of Albanian women since the end of communism. Cozzi, Ernesto. “La donna albanese.” Anthropos (Vienna) 7 (1912): 309-35,617-26. About Albanian women. In Italian. Crossette, Barbara. “An Old Scourge of War Becomes Its Latest Crime.” New York Times 14 June 1998: 4/1. Culi, Diana. “Albania: Feminism and Postcommunism.” OflOur Backs 24, no. 3 (March 1994): 20-1. . Ese per gruan shqiptare. Tirana: Shtepia Botuese FPGSH Dora d’Istria, 2000. Essays about Albanian women in Albanian and French. Danermark Beth, Haluk Soydan, Gramoz Pashko, and Ylli Vejsiu. “Women, Marriage and Family-Traditionalism vs. Modernity in Albania.” International Journal of Sociology of the Family 19, no. 2 (Autumn 1989): 1 9 4 1 . Deschaumes, Ghislaine Glasson and Svetlana SlapSak, eds. Femmes des Balkans pour la paix: Itine‘raires d ’une action militante h travers les fronti2res = Balkan Womenfor Peace: Itineraries of Crossborder Activism. Paris: Transeuropkennes, 2003. The 2002 “travel diary” and photographic record of 47 women activists from the former Yugoslavia and Albania. Dervishi, Arta. “Tales from the Wilderness: The Making of an Albanian Feminist Anthropologist.” M.A. thesis, Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1996. Dervishi, Zyhdi. Grate ne syrin e ciklonit te sfidave dhe perspektiva: trajtese sociologiike e problematikes sociokulturore te grave shqiptare ne vitet ‘90te shekullit X X . Tirana: Shtepia Botuese “Dora d’Istria,” 2000. About women’s social conditions in Albania. Includes bibliography. Deva, Agim. Romani yne perfemije. Pristina: Rilindja, 1977. About women under socialism. Includes bibliography.


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Di Gianvito, Lavinia “Women’s Forum: Albania.” Connexions no. 42 (1993): 1 1. Contains statistics and interviews. Djaloshi, D. “Northern Women and the Position between Kanun and Law.” Albanian Civil Society Foundation Newsletter 17 (November-December 1998): 4. Doja, Albert. “Le sexe de la naissance: Masculin-fdminin dans la socidtk traditionelle albanaise.” Ethnologie franCaise 25.4 ( 1995): 650-67. Dojaka, Abaz. “La position de la femme en famille et en socidtd dans la contrie de Zagorie.” In Ethnographie albanaise: edition spe‘ciale ci 1 ’occasion de la Confe‘rence nationale des e‘tudes ethnographiques en Albanie, juin 1976, 113-9. Tirana: Akademie des sciences de la RPA. Institut de l’histoire secteur de l’ethnographie, 1976. Donert, Celia. “Trees of Blood and Trees of Milk: Customary Law and the Construction of Gender in Albania.” M.A. thesis, Univ. of London, 1999. Also published in Meze, a periodical of the Centre for South-East European Studies of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London. Douglas, Carol Anne, and Diana Culi. “Albania: Feminism and Postcommunism.” Off Our Backs 24, no. 3 (March 1994): 20-1. About a 1993 conference held in Washington D.C. which discussed violence against women, abortion law, contraception, and other topics pertaining to Albanian women. Drumm, R., Pittman, S. and S. Perry. “Women of War: Emotional Needs of Ethnic Albanians in Refugee Camps.” AfJila: Journal of Women and Sociology 16, no. 4 (2001): 467-87. Dumani, Bukuri. “Politiques dkmographiques et fdconditk en Albanie.” Population 48, no. 3 (May-June 1993): 767-70. About demographic politics and fertility in Albania. Durham, Edith. “Bride Price in Albania.” Man 35( 1935): 93-4. . High Albania. Boston: Beacon, 1987. First published in 1909, this book discusses women’s livelihoods and society in turn-of-the-century Northern Albania. Includes discussion of bride price, marriage, abuse of women, motherhood, families, and marriage. Emadi, Hafizullah. “Development Strategies and Women in Albania.” East European Quarterly 27, no. 1: (Spring 1993): 79-96. An optimistic look at the development strategies concerning women created by the Marxist government in Albania. Prior to the establishment of the socialist order, “women were suppressed and kept in ignorance and in total confinement.” The new government eliminated laws that discriminated against women, provided the means for their education, and made women an important part of the economy. Erlich, Vera S. “The Last Big Zadrugas: Albanian Extended Families in the Kosovo Regions.” In Communal Families in the Balkans: The Zadruga. Essays by Philip E. Mosely and Essays in His Honour, edited by Robert F. Byrnes, 244-5 1. London: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1976. Fico, Delina. “Women’s Groups: The Albanian Case.” Journal of Communist and Transition Studies 15, no. 1 (April 1999): 30-40. Also published in Gender and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe, edited by Chris Corrin, 30-40. London; Portland, Ore.: Frank Cass, 1999. . ‘‘zene U politici: Albansko iskustvo/Women in Politics: The Albanian Experience.” In Vlast bez feria ili dugi mar;/ Governments Without Women or the Long March edited by Durda KneZeviC and Koraljka DiliC, 90-5. Zagreb: zenska Infoteka, 1997. Bilingual text in Croatian and English. Translation into English by Koraljka DiliC and Ivana &keg. “First Telephone Hotline in Albania.” Deutsche Presse-Agentur, October 15, 1996. Gabriel, Andrea. Getting a Grasp on the Situation: A Women’s Perspective on the USSR, China, Albania, and the Theory of the “Three Worlds.” [Denver]: A. Gabriel, 1978. Comparison of women’s status and legal rights. Includes bibliography. Gambi, Laura. Awa che vive due volte. Repubblica di San Marino: AIEP, 1997. The author recounts the stories of ten women from Albania, Morocco, and Senegal. Garnett, Lucy Mary Jane. “Albanian Women Their Status and Occupations.” In The Women 120

Albania of Turkey and Their Folk-lore. N. p.: n.p., 1891. Reprint, London: David Nutt, 1970.












Gender and Minority Issues in Albania: Awareness-Raising Regional Seminar (Tirana, 1213 September 2003). Report of a conference, available at http://www .rninorityrights.org/Adrnin/Downloa~pdf/Albania2004.pdf. Gerardi, Caterina, and Rosamaria Francavilla. Le figlie di Tezita: donne d ’Albania.Lecce: Besa, 1996. Women of Albania, presented mostly through pictorial works. Text in Italian and A1banian . Gjergji, Andromaqi. “Disa probleme ne lidhje me zhvillimin e familjes se sotme fshatare.” Studime historike 27, no. 4 (1973): 73-83. About family development in two Albanian villages, where the families comprise only two generations, where arranged exogamous marriage has almost disappeared, where age difference between spouses has been reduced, and where women work. . “Gjurme te matriarkatit ne disa doke te dikurshme te jetes familjare.”Buletinii Universitetitte Tiranes (Shkencat Shoqerore) 2 (1963): 284-92. About remnants of matriarchal power in some Albanian familial customs. . “Kontributi i grave ne qendresen e popullit shqiptar kunder pushtuesve osmane.” Studime Historike 22, no. 1 ( I 968): 106-10. Contribution of women in the Albanian resistance to the 15th century Ottoman conquest. Gjipali, Sairnira, and Ladvie Ruci. “The Albanian Woman: Hesitation and Perspectives.” In Gains and Losses: Women and Transition in Eastern and Central Europe, edited by Leland C. Barrows and Laura Griinberg, 32-41. Bucharest: UNESCOAZNWS, 1994. Green, Sarah. “Post-Communist Neighbours: Relocating Gender in a Greek-Albanian Border Community.” In Surviving Post-Socialism:Local Strategies and Regional Responses in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Sue Bridge and Frances Pine, 80105. London: Routledge, 1998. Grossmith, Christopher J. “Marginality and Reproductive Behavior among the Albanian Minority in Yugoslav Macedonia.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1977. Haxhiymeri, Edlira, and Eliona Kuliuri. Prezantim i informacionit eksistues mbi dhunen ne familje ne Shqiperi. Tirana: Komiteti Gruaja dhe Familja, 2000. About violence in the Albanian family. Hocker-Weyand, Christine. “Das albanische Zivilrecht: Zivilgesetzbuch Familiengesetzbuch - Arbeitsgesetzbuch.” In Albanien im Umbruch: Eine estandsaufnahme, edited by Franz-Lothar Altmann, 97-1 16. Munich: R. Oldenbourg, c1990. The article includes sections on family law and labor law. Hoppe, Hans-Joachim. “Die Rolle der albanischen Frauen im Transformationsprozess.” Siidosteuropa 43, no. 11-2 (1994): 65 1-65. Hoxha, Enver. MBI problemin e gruas [On the problems of women]. Tirana: Shtepia Botuese i Librit Politik, 1973. . On the Liberation of Women in Albania. New York: Gamma Publications, 1979; 1970. Two speeches delivered at a meeting of the Central Committee by Enver Hoxha and Alia Ramiz. . Per gruan: permbledhje veprash, 19424984. Tirana: 8 Nentori, 1986. About women in Albania. Includes bibliography. . The Rights and Freedoms of Women and Youth Should be Thoroughly Understood and Upheld by All. Chicago: Communist League, 1969. Hoxha, Nexhmije. Speech Delivered at the Festive Meeting Devoted to the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the A. W.U. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1964. The author is the widow of the former Albanian communist dictator, Enver Hoxha. Instat. Femrat dhe Meshkujt ne Shquiperi. Tirana: Instituti i Statistikes, 1998. Statistics dealing with Albanian women and men.


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ALB 103

“In the Wake of the Bombings: KOSOVO’S Legacy for Women.” Women, Law and Development International Bulletin (Summer 1999): 1,7. About the effects of the Kosovo crisis on the lives of Albanian women. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the UN Children’s Fund stated cases of sexual harassment, torture, rape, traffickmg, forced prostitution, discrimination, and exploitation of women and children refugees. Islami, Dorina, Fjodor Kallajxhi, and Orion Gliozheni, in collab. with the Geneva WHO Collaborating Centre for Research in Human Reproduction. Reproductive Health in Albania. Edited by Aldo Campana, August 13,2003. Thorough, lengthy report by three medical doctors Jani, Pjeter. “The Necessity of a Reconciliation Process in North Albania.” Anthropology of East Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 74-5. Kappaj, Kastriot N. Kapedania Awanite. Athens: Botuese Thamiras, 1997. About the Albanian heroine Laskarina Bubulina ( 1771- 1825) and Greek-Albanian foreign relations. Includes bibliography. Katsanevas, Theodore. “Effects of Privatization on Employment in Bulgaria, Romania, and Albania.” In Social Justice and the Welfare State in Central and Eastern Europe: the Impact of Privatization, edited by Demetrius S Iatridis. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000. Kaufmann, Irene. “Enversitischer Stachanovismus: Die “Emanzipation” der albanischen Frau: Eine Bilanz uber Macht und Legitimation im monistischen Albanien am beispiel der Frauenpolitik” [Enver Hoxha’ s Stakhanovism: the “emancipation” of the Albanian woman: an assessment of power and legitimation in Communist Albania: the example of policies toward women]. Osterreichische Osthefe 34, no. 1 (1992): 13-38. Knobloch, J. “‘Female Speech’ in Greek, Armenian, and Albanian.” Journal of IndoEuropean Studies 16, no. 1-2 (1988): 123-5. Kodra, Klara. “Dora d’Istria-Historiania Luftetare per lirine e kombeve.” Studime Historike 42, no. 4 (1988): 79-85. “Dora d’Istria-an historian who struggled for the freedom of nations.” About Elena Gjika (1829-1888), known as Dora d’Istria, a Romanian historian and folklorist of Albanian descent, who played a prominent role in the Albanian national renaissance of 19th century and a defender of the rights of women. Kolsti, John. “From Courtyard to Cabinet: The Political Emergence of Albanian Women.” In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 138-51. Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. About women in Albanian politics, 1945-1 980s. Kultura e familjes ne fshat, evolucioni dhe problemet. Tirana Komiteti “Gruaja dhe Familja,” 2000. Survey results of women in rural Albania. Kyrias, Paraskevi D. The School for Girls: Kortcha, Albania. Chicago: Woman’s Board of Missions of the Interior, Congregational, 1980. Lastarria-Cornhiel, Susana. Gender, Ethnicity, and Landed Property in Albania. Madison: Land Tenure Center, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998. Lazaridis, Gabriella. “Filipino and Albanian Women Migrant Workers in Greece: Multiple Layers of Oppression.” In Gender and Migration in Southern Europe: Women on the Move, edited by Floya Anthias and Gabriella Lazaridis, 49-79. Oxford and New York: Berg, 2000. League for Proletarian Revolution. A Free Woman Can Live Only in a Free Society. New York: League for Proletarian Revolution, 1976. Legins, Ken. “Women and Families in Albania: Confronting the Past.” Populi 26, no. 2 (1999): 10-2. Lika, Marjeta. “Problemi i emancipimit te gruas shqiptare gjate viteve ( 1944-1948).” Studime Historike 45, no. 1 (1991): 21-34. Problems concerning the emancipation of Albanian women 1944-8. Littlewood, Roland. “Three into Two: The Third Sex in Northern Albania.” Anthropology & Medicine 9, no. 1 (2002): 37-50. The status of “sworn virgins” (virgjinesha) in Northern 122


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Albanian society. Luftetare te Geshtjes sone te madhe: tema per edukimin komunist te te rejave [viti mesimor 1964-651. Tirana: N. Sh. Botimeve “N. FrashEri,”I964. About young Albanian women’s lives under communism. Maguire, Sarah. “Researching ‘A Family Affair’ : Domestic Violence in Former Yugoslavia and Albania.” Gender and Development 6 , no. 3 (November 1998): 60-6. Contains statistics and references. Mai, Nicola. “Transforming Traditions: A Critical Analysis of the Trafficking and Exploitation of Young Albanian Girls in Italy.” In Mediterranean Passage: Migration and New Cultural Encounters in Southern Europe, edited by Russell King, 258-78. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool Univ. Press, 2001. Mamaqi, Adelina. Glorious Daughters of the Albanian People. Tirana: N. Frashgri, 1962. Miria, Silvana, Valdet Sala, and Delina Fico. Violence against Women and the Psychosocial Taboos Favouring Violence. Tirana: Women Association “Refleksione,” 1995. Miskk, Annick. Des AZbanaises. Paris: des Femmes, 1976.About Albanian women. . “L’kmancipation des femmes en Albanie.” Carnets de 1 ’enfance 27 (July-September 1974): 107-23. About the presumed emancipation of women achieved under Albanian law, policy, and customs since the War of Independence in 1944. During socialism, Albania transformed itself from a repressive patriarchal society of small farms, with 90 per cent illiteracy and no women’s rights, to an industrialized and agricultural export economy. Murzaku, Ines A., and 2. Dervishi. “Values in Transition: the Divorce Dilemma Among Albanian Women.” Analysis of Current Events 14, no. 2 (2000): 8-1 1. Nathanaili, Andrea. “Materiale dokumentare per institutcionin e prikes ne te kaluaren ne qytetin e Gjirokastres.”Studime historike 29, no. 2 (1975): 179-95. About the Orthodox Eastern Church law governing marriage and dowry customs as practiced in the town of Gjirokaster, 1775-1 859. Based on Greek documents summarized in Albanian. No Record of the Case: Roma in Albania. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1997. Norman, Karin. “Young Girls Dressing: Experiences of Exile and Memories of Home among Kosovo-Albanian Refugees in the West Bank.” In Beyond Boundaries, edited by Diane Baxterand Ruth M. Krulfeld, 122-45. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association, Committee on Refugees and Immigrants, General Anthropology Division, 1997 (Selected Papers on Refugees and Immigrants, 5). Nova, Koco. “Zbatimi i normave kanunore mbi hshen dhe fene ne malesite e veriut.” Studime historike 44, no. 4 (1990): 137-52. About the historical development and practical applications of the norms of canon law in Albania from the seventeenth to the early twentieth centuries, and the conflict between the papacy and the psychological realities of life among the warrior peasants of the northern mountains. Areas such as marriage, family feuds, and the way in which the Church punished transgressions are particularly noted. Based on reports by Franciscan missionaries in Albania, documents in the Albanian state archives, and other primary sources. Summary in French. On the Road of the Emancipation of the Albanian Woman. Tirana: 8 Nentori Publishing House, 1985. Papers read at the session held on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the 1st Congress of the Anti-fascist Women’s Union of Albania: Berat, 4 November, 1984. Partia e Punes se Shqiperise. Komiteti Qendror. On Some Aspects of the Problem of the Albanian Woman; Speeches Delivered at the 2nd Plenum of the CC of the Party of Labor of Albania on June 15, 1967. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1967. Pepo, Petraq. Kujtime te grave veterane nga levizja per Glirimin kombetar. Tirana: Mihal Duri, 1962. A history of women in Albania. Phillips, Robin, and Elizabeth Bruch. Domestic Violence in Albania. Minneapolis: Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, 1996. Based on court records and many interviews with Albanian women. Available from the Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, and on the



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web at http://www.mnadvocates.org. Pollo, Stefanaq. Probleme te luftes per emancipimin e plote te gruas. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1969. Post, Susan E. Pritchett. Women in Modern Albania: Firsthand Accounts of Culture and Conditionsfrom Over 200 Interviews. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 1998. Contains interviews with over 200 women born in 20th century Albania. “Women from a broad range of education, life experience and geography in Albania are represented among the interviews.. .[A] common theme [is that] of Albanian women’s characteristic strength and resilience. However, ...[nlumerous generalizations . ..were insulting and evidenced a lack of respect for non-Western culture.” -Melissa J. Perry, Haward University Review available at: http://www.frosina/org/reviews/MODWOMEN.shtml. Prifti, Peter. R. “The Albanian Woman’s Struggle for Emancipation.” Southeastern Europe 2, no. 2 (1975): 109-29. “In prerevolutionary Albania, a woman’s position was oppressive in the extreme; she was often regarded as property, not as a person. The Albanian Party of Labor sees the elevation of the status of women as an integral part of the revolution. Their program has had some degree of success. Women now have equality under the law, but the attitudes of Albanian men, and women, has been slow to change.” -E. M. McLendon. Problhes de l’kmancipation compl2te de Ea femme en Re‘publique Populaire d’Albanie: Extraits d’articles et d ’e‘tudes.Tirana: N. Frashgri, 1970. About the problems in emancipating women in socialist Albanians. Excerpts from articles and studies. Contents: Irfan Cocoli, “Sur la liquidation de la contradiction dans la condition de la femme en tant que travailleuse, mkre et menagitre sous le socialisme,” 189-99; Ismet Elezi, “La ligislation pknale de la R.P. d’Albanie prot2ge les rapports socialistes dans le mariage et dans la famille,” 255-65; Violeta Foto, “L’klkvation du niveau culture1 et technico-professionnel-facteur imporant pour l’imancipation de la femme dans la Republique Populaire d’Albanie,” 86-93; Afka Gambeta, “De la participation des femmes d’Albanie aux organes du pouvoir et le rble qu’elles sont appelkes jouer pour sa democratisation,” 94-103; Andromaqi Gjergji, “Transformations dans la position de la femme paysanne au sein de la famille,” 200-13; Feti Gjilani, “La condition de la femme dans la lkgislation et dans la rkaliti des rapports sociaux de travail dans la R. P. d’Albanie,” 244-54; Naun Guxho, “A propos de certains concepts antimarxistes du revisionnisme Khrouchtchevien sur la participation de la femme ii la production sociale,” 104-1 1; Qemal Haxhihasani, “La femme albanaise comme combattante et sa contribution aux mouvements pour la libertk et l’independance d’aprks les traditions populaires,” 126-38; Vito Kapo, “Les enseignements du camarade Enver Hoxha sur la meilleure faGon de traiter et de resoudre certains problemes concernant la femme,” 3-41; Nefo Myftiu, “Du rble de la femme dans la crgation et le renforcement de la famille socialiste,” 179-88; Jorgo Panajoti, “Le peuple sur le rble de la femme en tant qu’iducatrice de la jeune gknkration,” 229-43; Eleni Pashko, “Le r6le de la femme dans l’industrie socialiste de la R. P. d’Albanie,” 66-75; Zihni Sako, “La femme dans la sociktk albanaise d’hier et d’aujourdhui,” 214-28; Fiqri Sheri, “Le rble de la femme albanaise dans le developpement de l’kconomie nationale,” 76-85; Mediha, Shuteriqi, “La femme albanaise en lutte pour la liberation nationale,” 112-25; Liri Tashko, “La lutte contre les tendances revisionnistes dans le mouvement fkminin international,” 266-80; Alfred Uci, “De certains aspects de l’ivolution de la famille dans la Rkpublique Populaire d’Albanie,” 139-78; Zija Xholi, “Le marxisme-leninisme et les problitmes fondamentaux de l’imancipation de la femme,” 42-65. Psimennos, Iordannis. “Making of Periphractic Spaces: The Case of Albanian Undocumented Female Migrants in the Sex Industry of Athens.” In Gender and Migration in Southern Europe: Women on the Move, edited by Floya Anthias and Gabriella Lazaridis, 8 1-102. Oxford and New York: Berg, 2000. Pufitsch-Weber, Margit. “‘Schade, dass du meine Sprache nicht sprichst...’: Frauenleben zwischen Tradition und Traditionen.” In Albanien: Stammesleben zwischen Tradition und 124

Albania Moderne, edited by Helmut Eberhart and Karl Kaser, 47-64. Vienna: Bohlau Verlag, 1995.

Qiriazi, Parasqevia, 1880-1970 and Qiriazi, Sevastia, 1871-1949. Educators who standardized the Albanian writing system. ALB 126 ALB 127

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Dishnica, Dhimiter. Motrat Qiriazi: monografi. Tirana: Shtepia Botuese “Enciklopedike,” 1997. About the Qiriazi sisters. Includes bibliography. Osmani, Shefik. Trashegimi social-pedagogjike:Motrat Qiriazi. Pristina: Enti i Teksteve dhe i Mjeteve Mesimore i Kosoves, 1997. Biography of the Qiriazi sisters. Includes bibliography. Rich, Vera. “Albania: Family Planning Available.” Lancet 340, no. 8825 (October 17, 1992): 964. Ruci, Lavdie. “Some Questions about Albanian Woman Today.” In The Impact of Economic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe: Proceedings of a United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna, 8-12 April 1991’29-3 1. New York: United Nations, 1992. Sadikaj, Dilaver. “Disa aspekte te rritjes se pjesemarrjes se gruas ne jeten politike shoqerore te vendit (1967-70).” Studime Historike 31, no. 4 (1977): 21-48. Some aspects of the greater participation of women in the political and social life of the country, 1967-70. . “Levizja per likuidimin e lidhjeve te vjetra martesore ne fshat dhe afirmimi i atyre te rejave (1967-1970) [The movement for the liquidation of old marriage relationships in the villages and the affirmation of new concepts, 1967-701. Studime historike 33, no. 3 (1979): 3-32. Despite the establishment of the socialist order, up to 1967, family relationships in villages continued to be influenced by old concepts workmg against the emancipation of women. The Party called for the strict application of the law and the Democratic Front organized meetings denouncing old customs and religion. Young women broke engagements arranged against their will and old people were denounced and punished by people’s courts for ‘selling’ their daughters or ‘buying’ brides. In the mountains resistance against new concepts was often violent and had to be suppressed. Exogamous marriage and the marriage of old people to young girls were denounced. Marriages between people of different regions was encouraged. The struggle continues. Based on Hoxha’s works and the Archives of the official Albanian Womens’ Union. Summary in French. Sahatci, Eva “Legal Abortion Improved Women’s Health in Albania.” Women’s Global Network forReproductive Rights no. 44 (July-September 1993): 10. Albania has a wellorganized health system, which could be used to establish access to family planning services and contraception. However, there is a need for training of the medical staff in family planning, changing curricula in medical schools, and educating the public about health and family planning. Schmidt, Nina. “Albanische Frauen in Kosovo.” Osteuropa-Info 67 (1986): 113-8. About Albanian women in Kosovo. Senturia, IOrsten D. “Maternal and Child Health in Albania.” Social Science and Medicine 43, no. 7 (October 1996): 1097-107. A comprehensive study of current maternal-child health conditions in Albania indicates there have been considerable improvements since democratization. Sources included abstraction of 3250 medical charts from 5 maternity hospitals in 1993, interviews with 1199 antenatal clinic patients who were followed throughout their 1993-94 pregnancies, and examination of 938 of their infants. Pre- 1991 maternal-child health statistics are considered unreliable due to pressures by the socialist government to falsify data. . “A Woman’s Work Is Never Done: Women’s Work and Pregnancy Outcome in Albania.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly 11, no. 3 (September 1997): 375-95. “Albania has undergone extreme social and political changes during the past 5 years. Conditions



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regarding women’s work and its effect on reproductive health have been unknown. During 1993 and 1994, a cohort of 1199 pregnant women were followed to identify how work factors related to spontaneous abortion, low birth weight, gestation length, and perinatal mortality. A small subgroup was interviewed to examine qualitative issues including motivation, attitudes, and personal experiences regarding worlung and raising a family. Results reveal that certain work factors directly correlated with low birth weight, miscarriage, andor perinatal death. The significant factors included: fewer household helpers, standing, working in hot environments, commuting, walking and carrying, and lifting heavy weights on the job. Most women were unemployed, and virtually all were deeply concerned about employment and poverty.” -Kirsten D. Senturian. “Serbs Rape Albanian Women at Border.” OfSOur Backs 29, no. 5 (May 1999): 1. Shanafelt, Gary W. “An English Lady in High Albania: Edith Durham and the Balkans.” East European Quarterly 30, no. 3 (Fall 1996): 283-300. Durham (1863-1944) spent “the best years of her life” in the Balkans, making visual records (with pencil, paint, and camera) and collecting artifacts, and “wrote seven books and numerous magazine articles about her experiences” (283). Sheri, Fiqri. “Le r61e de la femme albanaise dans le developpement de l’iconomie nationale,” in Populaire d’Albanie. Extraits d ’articles et d ’e‘tudes.Tirana: Naim. Problhes de I’Emancipation Complzte de la fernme en RLpublique. Frashiri, 1970, pp. 76-85. Shryock, Andrew J. “Autonomy, Entanglement, and the Feud: Prestige Structures and Gender Values in Highland Albania.” Anthropological Quarterly 61, no. 3 (1988): 113-8. Interpretation of the gender system that prevailed among the Gheg tribes of North Albania in the early decades of this century. Shuteriqi, Mediha. “La femme albanaise en lutte pour la liberation nationale.” In Populaire d’Albanie: Extraits d’articles et d’e‘tudes.Tirana: Naim. Problhes de 1 ’Emancipation Compl2te de la femrne en RLpublique, 112-25. Frashiri, 1970. Shuteriqi, Mediha and Najdeni, Nexhmije. “Aspekte mbi pjesemarrjem e gruas shqiptare ne luften national qimtare.” Studime Historike 28, no. 1 (1974): 163-84. Aspects of Albanian women’s participation in the national liberation war. Siliqi, Drita. Problemet e gruas ne shtypin e Lufes Nacional&-imtare.Tirana: 8 Nentori, 1979. About women’s situation during World War 11. Sinani, Beqir. “Aresimi i gruas gjate rilindjes kombetare.” Studime Historike 24, no. 1 (1970): 101-26. The education of women during the national revival (1880s-1910s). . “Levizja per emancipimin dhe arsimimin e gruas ne vitet 1920-1924.” Studime Historike 40, no. 1 (1986): 69-85. The movement for the emancipation and the education of women 1920-1924. . “Shoqeria literare e gruas ‘Ylli’i Mengjezit’.” Studime Historike 29, no. 3( 1975): 89-100. About the women’s literary society Morning Star, founded in 1909. Sjoberg, Orjan. “Urban Albania: Developments 1965-1 987 .” In Albanien im Umbruch: Eine Bestandsaufnahrne, edited by Franz-Lothar Altmann, 171-223. Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1990. Contains information on fertility and abortions. Stetz, Margaret D. “Woman as Mother in a Headscarf”: The Woman War Refugee and the North American Media.” Canadian Women Studies = Les cahiers de la femme 19, no. 4 (Winter 2000): 66-70. Sugarman, Jane C. Engendering Song: Singing and Subjectivity at Prespa Albanian Weddings. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1997. Accompanied by a CD. . “The Nightingale and the Partridge: Singing and Gender among Prespa Albanians.’’ Ethnomusicology 33, no. 2 (1989): 191-215. Tarifa, Fatos. “Country papers: Albania. A. Albanian Women in a New Social Context.” In The Impact of Economic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe:



ALB151 ALB 152

Proceedings of a United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna, 8-12 April 1991, 26-9. New York: United Nations, 1992. . “Disappearing from Politics: Social Change and Women in Albania.” In Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 133-5 1. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1994. Tase, Alfreda. “Aspekte te luftes per emancipimin e plote te p a s ne rrethin e Tiranes ne vitet 1961-1970.” Studime Historike 38, no. 3 (1984): 15-3 1. About the struggle in the 1960s for the complete emancipation of women in the Tirana region.

Teresa, Mother [Bojaxhiu, Agnes Gonxha], 1910-1997. Christian missionary nun born in Skopje of Albanian parents, who spent her adult life helping the poor in the slums of India. She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. See http://nobelprize.org/peace/laureates/l979/teresa-bio. html for a biography of Mother Teresa. ALB 153 ALB 154


ALB156 ALB157

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“Books by Mother Teresa.” A listing of books by and about Mother Teresa. With excerpts on variety of topics, including prayer. http://members.tripod.com/jiannette/books.html. “Mother Teresa: Saint of the Slums.” Time Inc. New Media’s biographical sketch. http://www .lifemag.com/life/heroes/newsletters/nlteresa. html. Todisco, Enrico, and Valentina Tosques. “L’integrazione della comunita albanese di Ururi (Molise) nei periodi 1690-1790 e 1866-1900.” Studi emigrazione 34, no. 126 (1997): 31 134. About the formation of Albanian enclaves in southern Italy, for trade and military reasons. The article deals in particular with the Albanian community in Ururi (Molise), a small town in the province of Campobasso, during two different periods. The Albanian families that settled in Ururi met with the hostile reception of the local population. Integration was very difficult since the Albanians preserved their customs, language, culture, and religious rites. The integration process was further hindered by marriage strategies and strict endogamy within the Ururi community. “Trafficking Strikes Kosovar Refugee Women.” Women, Law and Development International Bulletin (Summer 1999): 3,7. About the trafficking of Kosovar women refugees in Albania. “UNFPA Documents the Horror: Rape among Kosovo Refugees.” Populi 26, no. 2 (June 1999): 6-7. About a UN Population Fund (UNFPA) report on rape and abduction among Kosovar women refugees. Dominique Serrano-Fitamant, through interviews with women refugees and health providers, found that the refugees had suffered rape, abductions, detentions, and torture. Women wanted to talk openly about their experiences but required appropriate circumstances to do so. Some kept their experiences to themselves to avoid broken families owing to the stigma attached to rape. UNICEF. Children and Women of Albania: A Situation Analysis. Albania: UNICEF, 1995. United Nations. Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division. “Albania.” In World Population Policies. Volume I. Afghanistan to France, 6-9. New York: United Nations, 1987. Albania’s 1985 demographic situation is described and its policy initiatives are examined. Figures for the following demographic indicators are given: population size, population growth, mortality, morbidity, fertility, marriage, international migration, spatial distribution, and urbanization. Universiteti Shteteror. Problems of the Strugglefor the Complete Emancipation of Women. Tirana: Universiteti Shteterori Tiranes Political Book lblishing House, 1973; New York: Gamma, 1978. Collection of essays from a Stalinist perspective on women’s issues. U.S. Department of State. Albania Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1997. Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, January 30, 1998. The report includes information on women’s status and situation in Albania. On the web at http://www .state .gov/www/global/human-righ t s/ 1997-hrp-report/albania. html.


Albania ALB 162

ALB 163

ALB 164

ALB 165

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ALB 172 ALB 173

ALB 174 ALB 175 ALB 176

Veinstein, Gilles. “Femmes d’Avlonya (Vlore) vers le milieu du XVIe sikcle (d’aprks les actes des cadis).” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaj? und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, vol. 1, 195208. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Vickers, Miranda. Between Serb and Albanian: A History of Kosovo. London: Hurst; New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1998. A historical survey of Kosovo from the arrival of the Ottomans until the 1990s. Wheeler, Rachel, and Mirvjena Laha. Property Rights, Women and the Family in Contemporary Albania. S. I.: s. n., 1995. There is no imprint data for this research paper. The authors are researchers for IPRS (Immovable Property Regisitration System), a part of the Albania Landmark Action Plan (ALMAP), based in Tirana, with this paper being one of their publications. Whitaker, Ian. “Familial Roles in the Extended Patrilineal Kingroup in Northern Albania.” In Mediterranean Family Structures, edited by J. G. Peristiany, 195-203. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1989. . “‘A Sack for Carrying Things’: The Traditional Role of Women in Northern Albanian Society.” Anthropological Quarterly 54, no. 3 (July 1981): 146-56. “Women on the Way.” Of Our Backs 27, no. 5 (May 1997): 11. Women’s Union of Albania. At the 6th Congress of the Women’s Union of Albania: October 25 through 28, 1967. Tirana: N. Frashgri, 1968. . Some Achievements of the Albanian Women in the Fields of Economy, Education and Health. Tirana: The Union, 1980. Yaraman-Bagbug, Aygegiil. “Kadin tarihinin evrenselligi apsindan Vemseddin Sami’nin Kadinlar risalesi.” Toplumsal Tarih 7, no. 39, (1997): 61-4. Annotated under Ottoman Turkey. Young, Antonia. “The Code of Leke Dukagjini.” Anthropology of East Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 76-8. About how a set of laws codified in 19*-century northern Albania continues to be influential. . “‘Sworn Virgins’: Cases of Socially Accedpted Gender Change.” The Anthropology of East Europe Review 16, no. 1 (Spring 1998): 41-9. . Women Who Become Men: Albanian Sworn Virgins. Oxford: Berg, 2000. About women in rural Albania who choose to become men, dressing and acting as males and often accruing many of the privileges associated with being a man in Albanian culture. In exchange, they renounce sexual intercourse. Zaj oviC, StaSa. “Albanke i feminizam: Tradicija ograniEava izbor.” Opet Feministic‘ke novine (Belgrade) (March 1991): 28-3 1. About Albanian women and feminism. Zavalani, Kozeta. Gra qe me kane frymezuar: biseda. Tirana: Dita, 2000. Interviews with Albanian women. Introduction in Albanian and English. Zinn, Dorothy Louise, and Annamaria Rivera. “Notes on a Displaced Womanhood: Albanian Refugee Women in Southern Italy.” Anthropology of East Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 23-9.

Literature and the Arts Ahmeti, Lindita, 1973-. Poet. ALB 177

Ahmeti, Lindita. Mjedra dhe bluz. Skopje: Flaka e vellazermit, 1993.


Albania Ahmeti, Mimoza, 1963-. See http://www.buero-roehm.de/ahmeti.htm and Hasan Hasani. Leksikoni i shkrimtareve shqiptare 1501-2001. Pristina: Faik Konica, 2003. ALB178 ALB179 ALB 180 ALB181 ALB 182 ALB183 ALB 184

ALB 185


Ahmeti, Mimoza. Absurdi koodinativ. Tirana: M. Barleti, 1996. . Behu i bukur. Tirana: n.p., 1986. . Delirium. Tirana: Marin Barleti, 1996. . I1 mio grido. Lecce: Argo, 1993. . Poems. In Anthology of Modern Albanian Poetry: An Elusive Eagle Soars, translated and edited by Robert Elsie. London: Forest Books, 1993. . Poems. Translated into English by Robert Elsie. http://www.albapoetry.com. . Sidomos neser. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1989. Poems. Reviewed by Robert Elsie in World Literature Today 64, no. 1 (Winter, 1990). That review, which gives some background on the poet herself, was republished in his Studies in Modern Albanian Literature and Culture. Boulder, Colo. : East European Monographs, 1996. , and Gabriel Roche-Tamic. c a va Albanie? Paris: La Promenade, 1998. About Albania’s history, politics, government and intellectual life. Bilingual edition in French and Albanian. The text is by Ahmeti and the photographs by Roche-Tamic. Albanian Contemporary Prose. Compiled by Llazar Siliqi. Tirana: State h b . Enterprise N. FrashEri, 1963.

Aliu, Lindita, 1963-. See http ://www.aidainternational.nl/projecten/Write%20Now/Lindita%20Aliu.html . AIDA is a foundation that supports artists who are persecuted because of their work. See also Hasan Hasani. Leksikoni i shkrimtareve shqiptare 1501-2001. Pristina: Faik Konica, 2003. ALB 187 ALB 188 ALB 189 ALB 190

Aliu, Lindita. Kufome lulesh. Tirana: Zeri i Rinise, 1993. Poems. . Mure. Pristina: Rilindja, 1984. . Ndodhi ne shpirt. Elbasan: Onufri, 1995. . Ndoshta do te ishin me te medhenj. Pristina: Rilindja, 1990. Poems.

Brovina, Flora, 1949-. See under Serbia. ALB191 ALB 192

Cerga, Agim. Heroina: tregime per gruan. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1976. A collection of short stories by women. Cooper, Paul Fenimore, trans. and ed. Tricks of Women, & Other Albanian Tales. New York: W. Morrow & Company, 1928.

Cukaro, Kate [Xucaro, Kate; Zuccaro, Kate], 1946-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. ALB193

Cukaro, Kate. Gabim. Pristina: Rilindja, 1982.

ALB194 ALB 195

Ferraro, Matilda. Emocione: Lirika. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1990. Hetzer, Armin. “Die Frau im Ungluck: Skizzen zu den Anfangen der albanischen Prosaliteratur (Sami Frasheri und Pashko Vasa).” In Albanien in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Sudosteuropa Studien 48, edited by Klaus-Detlev Grothusen, 135-52. Munich: Sudosteuropa-Gesellschaft, 1991. Discussion of the authors Sami Frasheri and Pashko Vasa. The title is “The unfortunate woman: sketches for the beginnings of Albanian literature.”


Albania Dones, Elvira, 1960-. Emigrk writer who lives in Switzerland. See http://www.elviradones.com, and Hasan Hasani, Leksikoni i shkrimtareve shqiptare 15012001. Pristina: Faik Konica, 2003. ALB 196 ALB197 ALB198

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Dones, Elvira. Dashuri e huaj: roman. Tirana: Cabej, 1997. Novel. . Dite e bardhe e h e r . Elbasan: Sejko, 2001. Novel. The story of a contemporary Albanian emigrant to Switzerland. . “La foto tardiva.” In Der Stil ist eine Frage der Morale. Zurich: Editions Nagel & Kimche, 1999. Essay in Italian “The late photograph,” in an anthology, “Style is a question of morals,” published by the Swiss Society of Writers. . I Love Tom Hanks (perralla moderne). Tregime. Elbasan: Shtepia, 2002. Short stories. . Kardigan: roman. Tirana: Cabej, 1998. Novel. . Lule te gabuara: tregime. Tirana: Onufri, 2000; 1999. Short stories. . Senza bagagli. Lecce: Besa, 1998. In Italian. An excerpt appeared in German translation in Kiisse und eilige Rosen: Die fremdsprachige Schweizer Literatur. Zurich: Limmat Verlag, 1998. . Sole bruciato. I Narratori. Milano: Feltrinelli, 2001. In Italian. . v e t nuk vishen keshtu: roman. Elbasan: Sejko, 2000. Reviewed by Robert Elsie in World Literature Today, Univ. of Oklahoma, 75, no. 1 (Winter 2001). Elsie, Robert. ed. Albanian Folktales and Legends. Selected and translated by Robert Elsie. Tirana: N. Fresheri, 1994. . An Elusive Eagle Soars: Anthology of Modern Albanian Poetry. London: Forest Books, 1993. The collection includes selections by several women poets, as well as small biographies. . “Freedom and Chaos: Contemporary Albanian Literature.” Illyria, New York, no. 1416,4-7 February 2005, S. 5 ; 1417,8-10 February 2005, S. 5; 1418, 11-14 February 2005, S. 3, 5. Available at: http://www.elsie.de/pdf/articles/A2005FreedomAndChaos.pdf. . “Modern Albanian Literature.” In Albanien im Umbruch:Eine Bestandsaucfizahme, edited by Franz-Lothar Altmann, 97-1 16. Munich: R. Oldenbourg, c1990. The essay has a small section on Albania’s women writers. Fishta, Fatbardha. “Problemi i gruas ne letersine perparimtare te viteve 30 te shekullit tone” [The woman question in the progressive literature of the 1930~1.Stuime Filologjike 42, no. 2 (1988): 59-69.

Jorganxhi, Zhuljana G., 1946-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991 and Hasan Hasani. Leksikoni i shkrimtareve shqiptare 1501-2001. Pristina: Faik Konica, 2003. ALB210 ALB2 11 ALB2 12 ALB213

Jorganxhi, Zhuljana G. Femijet e teto Nastes. 1975. Tirana: N. Frashgri, 1975. Children’s stories. . Lule nepemen e lirise. Tirana: 1982. . Net provimesh. Tirana: 1969. . Rritje. Tirana: 1974.

Kadare, Elena, 1943-. Kadare is married to Ismail Kadare, Albania’s best known writer. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991 and Hasan Hasani. Leksikoni i shkrimtareve shqiptare 1.501-2001. Pristina: Faik Konica, 2003.


Albania ALB214 ALB215

ALB216 ALB217 ALB218 ALB219


Kadare, Elena. Bashkeshortet: roman. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1981. Novel. lindje e veshtire. [A difficult birth]. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1970. This is the first novel published by a woman in Albania. It deals “with the struggle for women’s emancipation in the face of traditional values, forced marriages, etc.” -Robed Elsie. . Nusja dhe shtetrrethimi: Novela dhe tregime. Tirana: N.FrashEri, 1978. . Poeme per gruan Shqiptare. Tirana: Botim i Keshillit te pergiithshem te bashkimit te grave te shqiperise, 1972. . Shuaje driten, Vera! Tirana: N.FrashEri, 1966. . Nje

Kadare, Ismail. “Krushqitjane te ngrire. ” In his Koha e shkrimeve, edited by Ardian Klosi, 169-269. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1986. Translated from Albanian as “The Wedding Procession Turned to Ice.” In Kosovo: In the Heart of the Powder Keg, compiled and edited by Robert Elsie, 105-92. Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 1997. This short novel’s main character is a female physician. Kenge dhe tregime popullore per gruan. Tirana: Universiteti Shteteror, Instituti Folklorit, 1968. About women and Albanian folk literature.

Kokalari, Musine, 1920-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers,.edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991 and Hasan Hasani. Leksikoni i shkrimtareve shqiptare 1501-2001. Pristina: Faik Konica, 2003. ALB221 ALB222 ALB223 ALB224

Kokalari, Musine. Sa u tunt jeta. Tirana: Globus R, 1995. History and criticism of twentiethcentury poetry. . Sic me thote nenua plake. Tirana: Gutenberg, 194[l?]. Reprint, Livonia, Mich.: n. p. 1984. A collection of stories written in Gjirokaster dialect and describing the region’s values. . Rreth vatres. Tirana: Mesagjerite shqiptare, 1944. , and Platon Salim Kokalari. Si lindi Partia Social Demokrate: artikuj, shrime, esse dhe kujtime. Tirana: Shtepia Botuese “N.FrashEri,” 2000. About the Albanian Social Democratic Party, intellectual life, politics and government 1944- 1990.

Lako, Natasha, 194%. See Dictionary of Albanian Literature, by Robert Elsie. New York, Greenwood, 1986 and Hasan Hasani. Leksikoni i shkrimtareve shqiptare 15U1-2UUl. Pristina: Faik Konica, 2003. ALB225 ALB226 ALB227 ALB228 ALB229 ALB230 ALB23 1 ALB232 ALB233

Lako, Natasha. E parafjale e botes. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1979. Poems. . Kembe dhe duar: poezi. Tirana: Botimet Toena, 1998. . Kemisha e pranveres. Pristina: Rilindja, 1982. . Marsi brenda nesh. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1971. . Natyre e qete. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1990. . Poems. In Anthology of Modern Albanian Poetry: An Elusive Eagle Soars, translated and edited by Robert Elsie. London: Forest Books, 1993. . Stinet e jetes. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1976. Novel. . Thesi me pellumba: poezi. Tirana: Shtepia Botuese “Euroilindja,” 1995. . Yllesia efjaleve. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1986. Poems.

Leka, Lavdie , 1935-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991 and Hasan Hasani. Leksikoni i shkrimtareve shqiptare 1501-2001. Pristina: Faik Konica, 2003. Mamaqi, Adelina, 1 9 4 5 . See Dictionary of Albanian Literature, by Robert Elsie. New York, Greenwood, 1986 and Hasan Hasani. Leksikoni i shkrimtareve shqiptare 15U1-2UU1. 131

Albania Pristina: Faik Konica, 2003. ALB234

ALB235 ALB236 ALB237 ALB238



Mamaqi, Adelina. Endra vasherije. [Childhood dreams]. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1963. Poems. The “first volume of [Albanian] verse for adults” published by a woman. -Robert Elsie. . Hedhin valle Bletet: (tregim ne vargie per fatosat). Tirana: Naim FrashEri, 1973. . Mesoi Adi shkronjen A [Adi Leamd the Letter A]. Tirana: Horizont, 2001. Poetry. . Poezi te zgjedhura per femije. Tirana: Naim FrashEri, 1976. . Zogu Pup ne shtepine prej xham [Bird Pup in the Glassed House] Tirana: Horizont, 200 1. Novel. Munishi, Rexhep. Kendimi i femrave te Podgurit. Pristina: Instituti Albanologjik i Prishtines, 1979. History and criticism of Albanian, Serbian and Yugoslav folk music. Includes discussion of women folk singers. Summary in French and Serbo-Croatian. Includes music, bibliography and index. . Kenget malesorGe shqiptare. Pristina: Instituti Albanologjik i Prishtines, 1987. About women singers of popular music.

Selimi, Fehime, 1954-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991 and Robert Elsie. Dictionary of Albanian Literature. New York: Greenwood Press, 1986. ALB24 1 ALB242

Selimi, Fehime. Fjala ime ka etje [My World is Thirsty]. Skopje: 1980. . Lule ne ethe [Feverish Flowers]. Pristina: 1982.

Shukriu, Edi, 1950-. See under Serbia. ALB243

ALB244 ALB245 ALB246 ALB247

Siliqi, Llazar. Poeme per gruan shqiptare. Tirana: [BGSH,] 1972. Translated into English as Poems for the Albanian Woman. Tirana: General Council of the Women’s Union of Albania, 1972. Tase, Pano. Collection of Albanian Folk Love Songs. Tirana: Mbrothesia, 2001. Varfi, Andrea, and Drita Siliqi. Antologji per gruan. Tirana: N. Frasheri, 1978. Anthology of 20th-century literature for women. Includes bibliography. The Woman in Albanian Literature. Tirana: N. FrashEri, 1965. Includes an introductory essay “The Woman in Albanian Literature” by Dhurata Xoxa (46p.), followed by “Selected Poems and Sketches by Women Writers,” including Leka, Bino, Mamaqi, Mandia, Vigani, Xoxa. Xhaxho, Muharrem. “Figura e gruas ne romanin me temen e fshatit te sotem.” Studime Filologjike 30, no. 1 (1976): 65-70. “Woman’s image in novels with contemporary rural themes.” Albanian novels on village life written ca. 1950-1975 describe women living and working on cooperative farms and their struggle for emancipation.

Autobiography ALB248


Griinbaum, Irene. Escape through the Balkans: the Autobiography of Irene Griinbaum. Translated and edited by Katherine Morris. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1996. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Marko, Rita. Ale tri kohe: kujtime [In Three Times]. Tirana: ASD, 2001. Memoirs. The author was an officer of the Albanian army in the communist period.


BULGARIA See also the Macedonia and Ottoman Turkey chapters; and Karl Kaser, ed., Household and Familv Contexts in the Balkans. History of the Family: An International Ouarterlv I , no. 4 (1996); and Ann Louise Strong, Thomas A. Reiner and Janusz Szyrmr, Transitions in Land and Housing in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, and Poland. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996, under the General Background chapter. Bibliography and Reference BUL1 BUL2 BUL3




Black, Karen, L., ed. A Biobibliographical Handbook of Bulgarian Authors. Columbus, OH: Slavica, 1981. Bozhilova, Mirka, Lili Angelkova, and Margarita Koldamova. Zhenata v Narodna Republika Bulgariia. [Sofia]: Komitet za sotsialna informatsiia pri Ministerskiia suvet, 1985. Statistics about women in Bulgaria. Bulgaria. Tsentralno Statistichesko Upravlenie. Razhdaemost nu omazhenite, razvedenite i ovdovelite zheni. [Fertility of married, divorced, and widowed women.] Sofia: Tsentralno Statistichesko Upravlenie, 1988. This is one in a series presenting results from the 1985 census of Bulgaria. This volume contains comparative data on fertility of married, divorced, and widowed women. Other factors considered include age, economic activity, educational status, and social class. Retrospective data are included for 1975.” -From the POPLINE database of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), United States. . Zhenata v Narodna republika Bulgariia. Sofia: n.p., 1987. Statistics. Entsiklopediia nu izobrazitelnite izkustva v Bulgariia, edited by Aleksandar Obretenov. Sofia: Izd-vo na Bulgarskata akdemiia na naukite, Institut za izkustvoznanie, 1980-1 988. 2 v. This encyclopedia, with only the first 2 of a projected 3-volume set published (A-R), covers all aspects of applied arts, from ancient manuscripts and icons to poster art, from costume and fashion design to grave carvings, sculpture, stage design, architecture and jewelry. There are numerous entries for individual Bulgarian artists, including many women. Profusely illustrated. Ghodsee, Kristen. “Bulgaria.” In The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women ’sIssues Worldwide: Europe, edited by Lynn Walter, 101-1 7. Westport, CN: Greenwood Press, 2003. Includes: Country Profile, Overview of Women’s Issues, Education, Employment and the Economy, Family and Sexuality, Health, Poltics and Law, Religion and Spirituality, Violence, Outlook for the Twenty-first Century, Resources Guide (Suggested Reading, V ideos/Fi lms, Web Sites, Organizat ions) and a Selected Bib I iography . Iordanova, Dina. “Women in Bulgaria.” In Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe: From the Congress of Vienna to the Fall of Communism, edited by Richard Frucht, 848-50. New York: Garland, 2000. Kovachev, Marin, and Dimitrinka Iordanova Popova. Zhenite, ogromna sila: preporachitelna bibliografiia. Sofia: Narodna biblioteka Kiril i Metodii, Otdel Preporachitelna bibliografiia, 1975. , and Stefan I. Kanchev. Zhenite, ogromna sila: preporachitelna bibliografiia. Sofia: Narodna biblioteka Kiril i Metodii, 1971. Bibliography. Includes index.

Bulgaria Minkov, Minko, K. Donkov, and St. Marinov. Razhdaemost na omazhenite, razvedenite i ovdovelite zheni. Sofia: Tsentralno statistichesko upravlenie, 1988. Female fertility statistics Moser, Charles. A History of Bulgarian Literature, 865-1944. Slavistic Printings and Reprinting, 112. The Hague and Paris: Mouton, 1972. Paraskova-Delcheva, Ruska, Iordanka Stoianova, and Ivanka Dimitrova. Zhenskoto dvizhenie v Khaskovskiia krai: bibliografska spravka. Khaskovo: [n.p.], 1989. Bibliography about the women’s movement in Khaskovo Region. Todorova, Sofia, ed. Deputatite, VII Veliko Narodno Subranie, 10-17 iuni 1990. Sofia: “Informatsionno obsluzhvane,” 199 1. Includes information about members of Parliament, among which are a significant number of women. Trifonov, Dimitar. Zhenite v Septemvriiskoto vastanie: entsiklopedichen spravochnik. Sofia: Partizdat, 1988. A biographical dictionary of women in the September 1923 uprising. Includes index and bibliography. Tsanev, Georgi et al., eds. Rechnik na balgarskata literatura. Sofia: Izd-vo na Balgarskata akademiia na naukite, 1976-1982.3 vol.



BUL 14


Web Sites Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation. http://www.bgrf.org/en/. Promotes social equality and women’s human rights in Bulgaria through research, education and advocacy programs. Gender Education, Research and Technologies Foundation (GERT). http://www.gert.ngobg .orghbrique2.html. Gender Project for Bulgaria Foundation. http://www.gender-bg.org/-edindex-en.html. Independent NGO founded in 1994 by active professional women. Liternet. http://liternet.bg/. A Bulgarian web site that offers both bio-bibliographical sketches of old and contemporary Bulgarian writers, giving selections from their prose and poetry and also providing literary criticism of their works by a variety of contemporary Bulgarian literary scholars.

BUL16 BUL 17 BUL 18 BUL19

Periodicals BUL20 BUL21


Newsletter. International Women’s Club of Sofia. Monthly, published in English. Web site at: http://www.iwc-sofia.com/index.html Sotsiologicheski pregled. The first 1997 issue of this sociology journal was devoted to feminism. The journal was first published in 1976 and is published six times per year in Sofia by Sapio Research. The table of contents is in both Bulgarian and English. Za zhenata. Sofia. 1996- irregular Zhenata dnes. Sofia. Monthly. 1945-1969. A social, political, education and cultural magazine for women published by the National Bulgarian Women’s Union (Balgarski naroden zhenski saiuz).

History and Society BUL24 BUL25


Ananieva, Nora, and Razvigorova, Evka. “Women in State Administration in the People’s Republic of Bulgaria.” Women and Politics 11, no. 4 (199 1): 3 1-40. Apostolova, Bozhana. Prez lavinata na delnika: dokumentalen ocherk. Edited by Neviana Abadzhieva and Fani Tsurakova. Kakvo gotvi zhenata dnes. Sofia: Zemizdat, 1990. About Bulgarian cookery. Aladjadjiyan, A., and R. Bakardjieva. “Impact of Economical Changes on Gender Relations in Bulgarian Family Farms.” In The New Challenge of Women’s Role in Rural Europe:






BUL30 BUL3 1









Proceedings of an International Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 4-6 October 2001,280-5. Nicosia, Cyprus: Agricultural Research Institute, 200 1. Aladjadjiyan, A., I. Kuzmanova, and R. Bakardjieva, “Women’s Role in Ecological Education in Bulgarian Rural Regions.” In The New Challenge of Women’s Role in Rural Europe: Proceedings of an International Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 4-6 October 2001, 360-6. Nicosia, Cyprus: Agricultural Research Institute, 2001. AI adjov, Theophana. Die soziale Stellung der Frau im bulgarischen Sprichwort: Zur Sammlung bulgarischer Sprichworter im XIX Jahrhundert. Munich: n.p., 1971. About women as portrayed in a collection of 1gfh-centuryBulgarian proverbs. [Album of Watercolors of Ottoman Costume].N-p.: n.p., 1867. 1 album (86 watercolor drawings). Some drawings depict costumes of various vendors, merchants, army officers and religious persons; costumes of peasants from the Balkans and other areas of the Ottoman Empire. Title devised by cataloger. The drawings are sometimes ascribed to Sharapenko. The ministers and household officers portrayed suggest that the drawings were prepared around the time of the Peace of Adrianopole in 1829. American Girls’ School, Lovetch, Bulgaria: 1881-193 1. Fiftieth Anniversary Year Book. Anachkova, Bistra. “Women in Bulgaria.” In Family, Women, and Employment in CentralEastern Europe, edited by Barbara Lobodzinska, 55-68. Contributions in Sociology, 112. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. The female role in Bulgaria under socialism. Ananieva, Nora. “Women and Science in Bulgaria: The Long Hurdle-Race.” In Women in Science: Token Women or Gender Equality? edited by Veronica Stolte-Heiskanen and Ruza Furst-DiliC, 95-1 17. Oxford: Berg, 1991. , and Evka Razvigorova. “Women in State Administration: Professional Promotion and Career Making, the People’s Republic of Bulgaria.” In Women in Leadership Positions in Public Administration Experiences, Requests, and Strategies: Conference, July 1-4, 1987, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn, FRG. Ottawa: International Political Science Association, 1987. Arabadzhiev, Sava. “Selskite zhenski buntove vav Velikotarnovsko prez 1918 g.” Istoricheski pregled 22, no. 5 (1966): 73-80. About village women’s riots in the Veliko Turnovo region in 1918. Atanasov, A. “Mnenieto na raboteshtite omazheni zheni v NRB za broia na detsata, koito zhelaiat da imat” Statistika 5 (1973): 42-58. About Bulgarian working married women’s opinions concerning the desired number of children. . Realizatsiia na zhelanata razhdaemost na zaetite zheni v narodnoto stopanstvo v NRB. Sofia: Ministry na saobshteniiata, 1972. About birthrates among working women in Bulgaria. Atanasova, Ginka, and Mirka Bozhilova, eds. Zhenata v NRB. Sofia: Komitet PO edinna sistema za sotsialna informatsiia, Komitet na balgarskite zheni, 1979. About women in the People’s Republic of Bulgaria. Barta, Barnabgs. “Bulgaria.” In Working Women in Socialist Countries: The Fertility Connection, edited by Valentina Bodrova and Richard Anker, 57-92. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1985. The chapter contains a bibliography. Besedi PO niakoi vaprosi na vazpitanieto v semeistvoto: v pomosht na prosvetnite i agitatorskite aktivi [Conversations on several questions about raising a family: in aid of education and propagandistic activities]. Pemik: Okrazhen kom-t na Otechestveniia front: Okrazhen savet na dvizhenieto na zhenite, 1983. Bogatinova, Dona. “Zhenite v kontslagerite ‘Krasto pole’, ‘Enik oi’ i ‘Sv. Nikola’ .” Izvestiia nu Instituta PO istoriia na BKP 25( 1971): 361-74. Describes the arrest, detention and consignment to concentration camps of progressive Bulgarian women, 1941-1943, and their treatment in the camps.


Bulgaria BUL41








BUL5 1 BUL52


Bogatinova, Dona, and Darina Gerova. Balgarkata: Opit za portret: sbornik [The Bulgarian woman: an attempt at a portrait]. Sofia: Partizdat, 1973. A general work discussing the past, present and future of the Bulgarian woman, containing poems, short stories, illustrations of works of art, all relating to her in some way. Bogdanova, Nadezhda. Basketbolno sazvezdie. Sofia: Meditsina i fizkultura, 1986. About women basketball. Bradinska, Radka N. “Navlizane na zhenite v rabotnicheskoto dvizhenie i nachalo na sotsialdemokraticheskoto dvizhenie v Balgariia.” Istoricheski pregled 20, no. 4 ( 1964): 76-90. The entry of women into the working class movement and the beginning of the social democratic movement in Bulgaria Brunnbauer, Ulf, and Karl Kaser, eds. Vom Nutzen der Verwandten: Soziale Netzwerke in Bulgarien (19. und 20. Jahrhundert). Vienna: Bohlau, 2001. Collection of essays discussing various apsects of family, family roles (including that of the grandmother), kinship, etc. in the different regions and among the various peoples of Bulgaria. Bulgaria. Central Council of Bulgarian Trade Unions, Ministry of Public Health and the Committee on Labour and Social Affairs. “Decision No. 5 on Work Appropriate for Women, Work that Is Prohibited for Women, and Work that Is Specifically Women’s Work, 30 April 1987.” Annual Review of Population Law 15 (1988): 163. “This Order is issued under the Bulgarian Labour Code and provides that work ‘appropriate’ for women is work that they may accomplish on an equal footing with men, work listed in an appendix (List No. l), and any other nonspecified work. The Order also sets forth types of work that ‘can be assigned only to women’ (List No. 2) and work that is prohibited for women (List No. 3).” -From the POPLINE database of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), United States. Bulgaria. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties under Article 18 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: Second and Third Periodic Reports of the States Parties: Republic of Bulgaria. [New York]: United Nations, 1994. In this report, the government of Bulgaria describes the socioeconomic conditions of Bulgarian women and details its efforts to comply with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Includes bibliographical references. Bulgaria. “Decree No. 2 of 1 February 1990 on the Conditions and Procedures for the Artificial Termination of Pregnancy.” International Digest of Health Legislation 41, no. 4 (1990): 624-5. “This article details the conditions and procedures concerning abortion in Bulgaria as outlined in Decree number 2, dated February 1, 1990. Abortion is provided upon request and upon medical indication. Abortion rights are granted to all Bulgarian citizens.” From the POPLINE database of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), United States. Bulgaria. Darzhavno upravlenie za informatsiia. Zhenite v NR Bulgariia. Sofia: Darzhavno upravlenie za informatsiia, 1970. About women in Bulgaria. Bulgaria. Komitet PO edinna sistema za sotsialna informatsiia. Women in the People’s Republic of Bulgaria: Demographic and Socio-Economic Survey, translated by Lily Netsova. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1980. Bulgaria. “Labor Code, 1988.” Annual Review of Population Law 15, no. 95 (1988): 482-4. About the provisions of the 1988 Labor Code concerning maternity leave for pregnancy, birth, and adoption, and paid leave for raising young children. Bulgaria. Ministry of information and arts of Bulgaria. La femme bulgare apr2s le 9 septembre 1944. Sofia, n.p., 1945. Bulgaria. Tsentralno statistichesko upravlenie. Zhenite v stopanstvoto i kulturata na NRB. Sofia: Tsentralno statistichesko upravlenie, 1968. Statistics about women. Includes bibliographical references. Bulgarian Village Singing: Two Women Started to Sing. Cambridge, MA: Rounder, 1990. 1 sound disc. Traditional Bulgarian folk songs sung by women. Technical notes by Martha














Forsyth and Bulgarian texts with English translations. Recorded by Martha Forsyth between 1978 and 1988 in southwestern Bulgaria. Bulgarski zhenski saiuz. Bulgarski zhenski saiuz (PO sluchai 30-godishninata my) 19011931. Sofia: Pech. Pravo, 1931. Burke, Roanld J., Irina Todorova, Tatyana Kotzeva, and Carola A. McKeen. “Patterns of Priority in Careers among Managerial and Career Women in Bulgaria: Costs of the Mommy Track.” Psychological Reports 75 (1994): 1019-26. Carlson, Elwood and Megumi Omori. “Fertility Regulation in a Declining State Socialist Economy: Bulgaria, 1976-1 995 .” International Family Planning Perspectives 24, no. 4 (December 1998): 184-7. Chimiak, Galia. “Bulgarian and Polish Women in the Public Sphere: A Comparative Analysis.” International Feminist Journal of Politics 5, no. 1 (2003): 3-27. Cholakova, Margarita Gorazd. Bulgarsko zhensko dvizhenie prez Vazrazhdaneto, 1857-1 878. Sofia: Albo, 1994. About the Bulgarian women’s movement during the period of national liberation. Includes bibliographical references. . “Mezhdunarodni kontakti na balgarskite zhenski druzhestva ( 1857-1 878).” In Granitsi na grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdu traditsiiata i modernostta, compiled by Krasimira Daskalova and Raina Gavrilova, 108-20. Sofia: Izd-vo LIK: Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia PO istoriia na zhenite i pola, 2001. International Contacts of the Bulgarian women’s movement, 1850s-1870s. Courtin, Hklkne. “Les personnages masculin et fkminin dans la chanson folklorique bulgare.” Revue des e‘tudes slaves 60, no. 2 (1988): 439-44. About male and female characters in Bulgarian folk songs. Dacheva, Veneta Vasileva. Iz istoriiata na zhenskoto dvizhenie v IAmbolski okrag, 18711971. IAmbol: Okrazhen savet na zhenite, 1971. About the women’s movement in Iambol region. Damaskenos, Stoudites, and Saint John Chrysostom. Damaskin miscellany. In the Bulgarian National Library Cyril and Methodius Slavonic manuscript collection. In Church Slavic and vernacular Bulgarian. Contains homilies, including those of hierodeacon Damaskin, Studit on leaf 72b, lives and martyrdoms of various saints and church fathers; leaf 244a life of St. Petka-Paraskeva, loth/1 I* cent., (Oct. 14*); leaf 260a, St. John Chrysostom’s homily on evil women. Daskalova, Krassimira. “Bulgarian Women in Movements, Laws, Discourses ( 1840s1940s).” Bulgarian Historical Review = Revue bulgare d’histoire 27, no. 1-2 (1999): 18096. . “Diskursy o zhenshchinakh v bolgarskoi kul’ture na rubezhe XX stoletiia.” In Gendernye istorii Vostochnoi Evropy, edited by Elena Gapova, Al’ mira Usmanova, Andrea Peto, 80-6. Minsk: Evropeiskii gumanitarnyi universitet, Tsentr gendernykh issledovanii, 2002. A discourse on women in Bulgarian culture at the end of the 20th century. . “Establishing a Women’s History Course on Women in Bulgarian Society, 18401940, at Sofia University.” Women’s History Review 9, no. 1 (2000): 149-53. . “Manipulated Emancipation: Representations of Women in Post-Communist Bulgaria.” In Gender in Transition in Eastern and Central Europe: Proceedings, edited by Gabriele Jahnert et al., 246-53. Berlin: Trafo, 2001. . “Obrazovanieto na zhenite v obrazovanieto na vazrozhdenska Bulgariia.” Godishnik na Sofiiskiia Universitet 85 (1992): 5-1 8. , ed. Ot siankata na istoriiata, zhenite v bulgarskoto obshtestvo i kultura, 1840-1 940. Sofia: Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia PO istoriia na zhenite i pola, 1998. . “Smislite na grazhdanstvoto: grazhdani i grazhdanski prava v Bulgariia (18781944).” In Granitsi na grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdu traditsiiata i modernostta, compiled by Krasimira Daskalova and Raina Gavrilova, 226-43. Sofia: Izd-vo LIK:



BUL70 BUL7 1 BUL72 BUL73 BUL74


Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia PO istoriia na zhenite i pola, 2001. About citizenship rights in Bulgaria, 1878-1 944. . “The Women’s Movement in Bulgaria after Communism.” In Transitions, Environments, Translations: Feminisms in International Politics, edited by Joan W. Scott, Cora Kapland, Debra Keates, 162-75. New York & London: Routledge, 1997. . “Women’s Problems, Women’s Discourses in Bulgaria.” In Reproducing Gender: Politics, Publics, and Everyday Life after Socialism, edited by Susan Gal, 337-69. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000. . “Zhenskoto dvizhenie v Bulgariia prez prizmata na edin zhivot : Dimitrana Ivanova.” Istoricheskipregled 54, no. 5-6 (1998): 204-17. The women’s movement in Bulgaria as illustrated by the life of Dimitrana Ivanova Dechev, Krasimir. Za ravni prava i vazmozhnosti na zhenite v Bu1gariia:proekt za institutsionalno razvitie na demokratichniia saiuz na zhenite v Bulgariia. Sofia:”MT-studio”, 1994. About women’s rights and sex discriminaton against women in Bulgaria. Decheva, Mirella. “Das Bildnis der Bulgarin in den Werken von Felix Kanitz.” Bulgarian Historical Review 24, no. 2 (1996): 149-52. The image of the Bulgarian woman in Felix Kanitz’s works. Analyzes the description of Bulgarian women in the period 1859-76 presented by the Austro-Hungarian journalist and historian Felix Phillip Kanitz (1829-1904). Deimel, Johanna. Bewegte Zeiten: Frauen in Bulgarien gestern und heute Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Sudosteuropa, vol. 13 Munich: LDV, 1998. . “‘Gender Identities’ in Bulgarien-Historische und politische Aspekte.” In Frauen in Siidosteurope, edited byAnneli Ute Gabanyi and Hans Georg Majer, 5-36. Munich: Sudosteuropa-Gesellschaft, 1998. . “Die Stellung der Frau in Bulgarien.” Sudosteuropa 44, no. 3-4 (1995): 190-203. About the position of women in Bulgaria. Dinkova, Mania. The Social Progress of Bulgarian Women. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1972. . Suvremennoto bulgarsko semeistvo. Sofia: Izd. Na OF, 1976. About the Bulgarian family under socialism. . Sotsialen portret na bulgarskata zhena. Sofia: Profizdat, 1980. A social portrait of the Bulgarian woman. Dobrianov, Velitchko. “Za konkreten i diferentsiran podhod kam problemite na reproduktivnoto povedenie.” Sotsiologicheski problemi 4 (1982): 13-6. , Atanas Atanasov, Pavlina Mihailova, and Maria Dinkova. “Bulgaria.” In Working Women in Socialist Countries: The Fertility Connection, WEP Study, edited by Valentina Bodrova and Richard Anker, 57-91. Geneva, International Labour Office, 1985. “The chapter analyzes the interaction between basic demographic processes and the social roles of women in Bulgaria.” -From the POPLINE database of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), United States. Domozetov, Khristo. Otrazheniia na ravnopravieto. [Sofia]: Profizdat, 1985. About women’s social conditions in Bulgaria. Includes bibliography. +

BUL76 BUL77 BUL78 BUL79 BUL80 BUL8 1 BUL82


Dragoicheva, Tsola. 1893-1 993. Member of the anti-fascist resistance movement, and later Politburo member-one of only two women on the Bulgarian Politburo.


Dragoicheva, Tsola. Defeat to Victory: Notes of a Bulgarian Revolutionary. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1983. Abridged translation of the original 3 volumes of her memoirs. . Iz moite sporneni: nu klasovi i interantsionalist. pozitsii. Sofia: Partizdat, 1979. . Macedonia, Not a Cause of Discord but a Factor of Good Neighborliness and Cooperation: Recollections and Reflections. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1979. An excerpt from Victory, the third volume of the author’s memoirs.


Bulgaria BUL87



BUL90 BUL9 1 BUL92







BUL102 BUL103

. Povelia na dalga: spomeni i razmisli. [Call to Duty: Memories and Reflections]. Sofia: Partizdat, 1972-1979. 3 vols. The second volume is entitled Shturmat and the third, Pobedata. I------.]La participation des fernmes bulgares a 1 ’mm-ede restauration de la de‘mocratie et de consolidation de la paix (Rapport de Mme Tzola Dragoitchkva, prononce‘ ii Paris le 26 novembre 1945, devant le Congr2s international des femmes.) Sofia: Min. de l’information et des arts, 1946. Apostolslu, VanEo. Na velikobugarski nacionalisticki pozicii: povod Cola Dragojceva i nejzinite memoari. Skopje: Nova Makedonija, 1979. Published in English as: Tsola Dragoicheva and Her Memoirs Based on Greater Bulgarian Nationalist Positions. Belgrade [?I: Jugoslovenska stvamost, 1979. Dragoichev, Chavdar. Dragoichevi, maika i sin. Sofia: IK Zemia pres, 1998. Biography of Tsola Dragoicheva and her son. Savova, Elena. Tsola Dragoicheva: Biobibliografiia. Sofia: BAN, 1974. Uchastie zhenshchin v dele vosstanovleniia demokratii i ukrepleniia mira. Sofia: Ministerstvo informatsii i isskustv, 1946. Russian language version of the speech Dragoicheva gave at the Paris International Women’s Congress, October 1945. European Roma Rights Center. Profession: Prisoner: Roma in Detention in Bulgaria. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1997. Annotated under Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. Feschieva, N. “Social-Demographic Characteristics of Women Doctors in Bulgaria During the Period 1878-1940.” In Actes du Congrzs /International Congress of the History of Medicine, 26th, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 1978, v. 3 , 178-79. Sofia: Sociite‘ bulgare d’histoire de la midecine, 1981. Fol, Valeriia. Zabravenata svetitsa. Sofia: Universitetsko izd-vo Sv. Kliment Okhridski, 1996. About the “forgotten Saint’’ Margaret of Antioch. Includes bibliographical references and index. Summary in French. Fotev, Georgi. Bulgarian Rural Women Today. Tr. by Lydia Karamanova, Vladimir Vladov. Sofia: LIK, 2001. Freed, Anne 0. “Older Women in Bulgaria Adapting in a Changing Society.” Journal of Women & Aging 8, no. 2 (1996): 87-101. The attitudes of older Bulgarian women toward the political and economic changes in their country after the overthrow of the Communist government in 1989 are explored based largely on interviews by two well-known Bulgarian gerontologists [Ignat Petrov and Maria Guncheva].-From the journal’s abstract. Gavrilova, Raina. “Mezhdu chastnoto i publichnoto: bulgarskite zheni prez XIX vek.” In Granitsi na grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdu traditsiiata i modernostta, compiled by Krasimira Daskalova and Raina Gavrilova, 98-107. Sofia: Izd-vo LIK: Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia PO istoriia na zhenite i pola, 200 1. Georgieva, Ivanichka. Zhenata v savremennoto bulgarsko selo. Sofia: Izd-vo na Bulgarskata Akademiia na naukite, 1981. About Bulgarian village women under socialism. Georgieva, Sashka. “Ezicheskite imotnopravni otnosheniia i zhenata. In Granitsi na grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdu traditsiiata i modernostta, compiled by Krasimira Daskalova and Raina Gavrilova, 9-16. Sofia: Izd-vo LIK: Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia PO istoriia na zhenite i pola, 2001. Pagan Property Rights and Women in Medieval Bulgaria Georgieva, Stanka. “Dobrudzhanskoto emigrantsko zhensko dvizhenie v Bulgariia.” Istoricheskipregled 53, no. 4 (1997): 79-92. About the Dobruja Emigrant Women’s Movement in Bulgaria. Getov, Spas. Diana Iorgova: Sport i lichnost. Sofia: Meditsina i fizkul’tura, 1992. Biography of the athlete Diana Iorgova. Ghodsee, Kristen. “The Role of the International Organizations on Women’s Civil Organization in Post-Communist Bulgaria.” In New Approaches to Balkan Studies, edited by




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Dimitris Keridis, Ellen Elias-Birsac, and Nicholas Yatromanolakis, 235-54. Dulles, VA: Brassey ’s, 2003. . “Sun, Sand and Socialism: Women, Economic Transformation and Tourism in PostCommunist Bulgaria,” Ph.D diss. Univ. of California Berkeley, 2002. Gocheva, Rositsa and Atanas N. Liutov, eds. Trudat za zhenata: niakoi sotsialnoikonomicheski problemi na trudovata zaetost, na usloviiata za realizirane na zhenata v truda: (sbornik). Sofia: Profizdat, 1980. About women and employment in Bulgaria. Golemanov, Nikolai. “Maichinata smartnost v Bulgariya prez 1964-1 990 g.” Naselenie 3 ( 1992): 63-77. About maternal mortality in Bulgaria, 1964- 1990. Summary in English. Excerpt: “An exhaustive study on mortality from complications of pregnancy, child birth and puerperium has been conducted. A steady and significant reduction of the maternal mortality in Bulgaria during the period 1964-1990 has been established” The author points out the significant proportion of spontaneous and illegal abortions, relating it to the restrictive regime abolished only in 1990, as well as to the long lasting minimal availability of contemporary contraceptives in Bulgaria.” Golemanov, Nikolai. Pol i smartnost: Bulgariia, 1900-2025. Sofia: Izd-vo Prof. Marin Drinov, 200 I. . Smartnostta na zhenite v Bulgariia. Sofia: Akademichno izd-vo Marin Drinov, 1998. About the mortality of women in Bulgaria. Summaries in English and Russian. Gorov, Khristo. Pod siankata na gilotinata: dokumentalna povest za edna bulgarka, razuznavachka na savetskata armiia. Biblioteka nevidimiia front. Sofia: Voen. izd-vo, 1977. About Krastana Ivanova Ianeva, a female spy during World War 11. Includes bibliographical references. Ilieva, Anna, and Anna Shturbanova. “Some Zoomorphic Images in Bulgarian Women’s Ritual Dances in the Context of Old European Symbolism.” In From the Realm of the Ancestors: An Anthology in Honor of Marija Gimbutas, edited by Joan Marler, 309-21. Manchester, CT: Knowledge, Ideas & Trends, 1997. Ilieva, Nikolina. The Bulgarian Woman. Sofia: Sofia-Press, 1983. Part of the governmentissued “Meet Bulgaria” series. Includes bibliographical references. . Ikonomicheski i sotsialni problemi na trudovata zaetost na zhenite v Bulgariia. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, 1970. About the economic and social problems of the labor integration of Bulgarian women. Includes bibliography. . “Niakoi vuprosi na zaetostta na zhenite i razhdaemostta.” Problemi nu Truda 2 1, no. 10 (1979): 52-76. About issues in women’s employment and fertility. “The author examines the relationship between fertility and female labor force participation in Bulgaria. The effects of increased female labor force participation on family structure and family planning is analyzed. The need for increased maternity leave and reduced work hours is discussed.” Summary in German. -From the POPLINE database of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), United States. . “Sotsialnoto ravenstvo na zhenata v usloviiata na izgrazhdane na razvito sotsialistichesko obshtestvo.” In Zhenata: maika, truzhenichka, obshtestvenichka, edited by Atanas Liutov, 29-46. Sofia: Partizdat, 1974. About women’s equality and participation in political life under socialism. . “Sotsiologicheski problemi na zhenata i izgrazhdaneto na razvito sotsialistchesko obshtestvo.” Sotsiologicheski problemi 2 ( 1972): 24-32. About the sociological problems of women and their participation in political life under socialism. . Vuzproizvodstvo na zhenskata rabotna sila: (izsledvane). Sofia: Partizdat, 1979. About women in the workforce. . “Zaetost i bezrabotitsa pri zhenite.” Naselenie 2 (1 993): 49-60.


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. Zhenata v NRB [Narodna Republika Bulgariia]: sotsialno-ikonomicheski pridobivki: spravochnik. Sofia: Partizdat, 1989. About women’s social and economic advancement under socialism. Includes bibliographical references. , and Genoveva Mikhova. “Zhenite v strukturite na naselenieto na Bulgariia.” Naselenie 5 (1992): 52-63. About women in the population structures of Bulgaria. “The size and characteristics of the female population in Bulgaria are estimated and analyzed. Particular attention is given to female labor force participation and the rise in unemployment among women over the past three years.” Summary in English and Russian. -From the POPLINE database of the National Library of Medicine and Women’s Resources International. ,Vera Oshavkova, and L. Vurbanova. Kvalijikatsiiata na rabotnichkite ot promishlenostta i tekhnicheskiia progres. Sofia: Partizdat, 1973. About women’s involvement in industry and the technological advancement. , with Trifon Trifonov and Nikolina Tsaneva. Izpolzvane na zhenskite trudovi resursi v NRB. Sofia: Partizdat, 1973. About women’s labor as resource. Informatsionno-sotsiologicheskitsentar pri TsK na BKP. Efektat ot politikata za izdigane roliata na zhenata v NRB. Sofia: Izchislitelen tsentar na TsK na BKP, 1975. About how political action advances the position of Bulgarian women. Interregional Consultive Meeting on Women in Co-operatives ( 1988: Plovdiv, Bulgaria). Proceedings of the Interregional Consultative Meeting on Women in Co-operatives: Implications for Development, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, June 20-24, 1988. Santo Domingo: INSTRAW, 1988. Articles in English, French, Spanish. Meeting convened by INSTRAW in co-operation with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Includes bibliographical references. International Labour Office, United Nations Development Programme. Women in Poverty: Republic of Bu1garia:an Assessment of the Bulgarian Anti-Poverty Policies and Strategies. Geneva: ILO, 1998. Ivanov, S., D. Vasilev and T. Chernev. “Induced Abortions in Bulgaria and Their Prevention.” [Izkustvenite aborti v Bulgariia i borbata s tiakh.] Akusherstvo i ginekologiia 32, no. 3 (1993): 47-8. Bulgaria was third in the world in terms of mother’s mortality after abortion (after Romania and the Soviet Union). Ivanova, Svetla, Dimitrina Spasova and Svoboda Traikova. Geroichno minalo-veliko savremie: pomagalo za provezhdane v trudovite kolektivi na viktorina. Sofia: Tsentr. savet na Bulgarskite profesionalni saiuzi, 1984. About women’s heroism in Bulgarian history. Ivanova, Tsenka and Zlatka Nuneva. Nezabravimi imena: biografichni ochertsi za zheni, uchastnichki v antifashistkata borba v Loveshkiia krai. Lovech: n.p., 1986. Biographical sketches of women anti-fascists from Lovech region. Johnson, Olive Malmberg. Zhenata i sotsialisticheskoto dvizhenie. Granite City, IL: Saiuzna sots. knizharnitsa i pechatnitsa, 1927. About women and the socialist movement in Bulgaria. Kalinkov, Asen. “Bulgarskata zhena v otechestvenata voina ( 1944-1945g.).” Istoricheski pregled 25, no. 2-3 (1969): 214-33. Kaloyanov, T. “Analiz na vliianieto na sotsialnoto polozhenie varkhu plodovitostta na zhenite v NRB.] Naselenie 6, no. 4 (1988): 33-40. An analysis of the influence of social status on the fertility of women in Bulgaria. Summary in English and Russian. Karabelova, Magda. “Verhaltensstrategien intellektueller Frauen im kommunistischen Bulgarien.” Feministische Studien 2 ( 1992): 84-97. About intellectual women in socialist Bulgaria. Karavelova, Ekaterina, 1860-1947. Bulgaria’s first feminist.

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Karamihova, M. “Entre l’ethnologie et la dkmographie: accouchkes et nouveau-nks dans la sociktk bulgare traditionnelle.” Annales de dkmographie historique ( 1993): 67-74. “Demographic data pertaining to women and children are very scarce from the Ottoman



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Empire. Research on Bulgarian peasant society strongly suggests, however, that the rites, beliefs, customs, and practices of all kinds in observation of the stages of life are capable of revealing demographic phenomena. Maternal and infant mortality profoundly affected traditional society.” -From the POPLINE database of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), United States, and Women’s Resources International. Kasabov, V. “Varkhu vaprosa za rezervite na razhdaemostta v Bulgariia.” Statistika 4 (1977): 27-34. On birth rates in Bulgaria. Katsanevas, Theodore. “Effects of Privatization on Employment in Bulgaria, Romania, and Albania.” In Social Justice and the Welfare State in Central and Eastern Europe:the Impact of Privatization, edited by Demetrius S. Iatridis. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000. Kazandzhieva, Iafa, Elena Balabanova, Nadia Papazova, and Raina Spasova. Kniga za Pravda Ruskova. Sofia: Novo vreme, 1992. Biography and chronology of political activities and selected correspondence of Pravda Ruskova, 1921-1976, member of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Kiuranov, S. “Zhenata i truda.” Zhenata dnes 2 (1980): 4-5; 3 (1980): 8-9. About women and labor. Koleva, Tatiana. 70 godini zhensko sotsialistichesko dvizhenie: materiali ot nauchna sesiia 70 godini zhensko sotsialistichesko dvizhenie vav Velikotarnovski okrag, organizirana ot Okrazhniia suvet na Dvizhenieto na bulgarskite zheni i Saiuza na nauchnite rabotnitsi. Veliko Tarnovo: Okrazhen savet na Dvizhenieto na bulgarskite zheni Veliko Turnovo, 1984. Conference on the occasion of the 70* anniversary of the socialist women’s movement in the Velikotarnovski region. Komitet na bulgarskite zheni. Bulgarskata zhena v natsionalnoto ni razvitie: materiali ot natsionalnata konferentsiia v Khaskovo. Sofia: Kom-tna dvizhenieto na bulgarskite zheni, 1982. . Zhenata v Narodna republika Bulgariia. Sofia: Izd-vo na Bulgarskata Akademiia na naukite, 1980. About women in socialist Bulgaria. . Sesiia na Saveta na Mezhdunarodnata demokratichna federatsia na zhenite. Broi 3: Komitet na bulgarskite zheni, 1973. About an international congress of women. Komitet na dvizhenieto na bulgarskite zheni, Nauchno-izsledovatelski institut PO truda. Zhenite v ikonomicheskiia, sotsialen i kulturen zhivot i v semeistvoto. Sofia: Darzhavno upravlenie za informatsiia, 1972. About women in economic, social, cultural, and family life. Kostadinova, Tatiana. “Women’s Legislative Representation in Post-Communist Bulgaria” Women’s Access to Political Power in Post-Communist Europe, edited by Richard E. Matland and Kathleen A. Montgomery, 304-20. Oxford; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. Kostova, Dobrinka. “Similar or Different? Women in Postcommunist Bulgaria.” In Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 117-32. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1994. Reprinted on pp. 249-66 in the 2”drevised & expanded 1998 edition. . “The Transition to Democracy in Bulgaria: Challenges and Risks for Women.” In Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies, edited by Valentine M. Moghadam, 92-109. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993. Kotseva, Tatiana. “Re-imaging Bulgarian Women: The Marxist Legacy and Women’s SelfIdentity.” In Gender and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe, 83-98, edited by Chris Coirrin. London: Frank Cass, 1999. Kotseva, Tatiana and Irina Todorova. Bulgarkata: traditsionni predstavi i promeniashti se realnosti [Bulgarian woman:traditional images and changing realities]. Pernik: Krakra, 1994. Summary in English. Includes bibliographical references. Kuncheva, Aneta. 85 godini zhensko dvizhenie v Silistra. Silistra: Okrazhen savet za rabota sred zhenite, 1971. About the women’s movement in Silistra. 142

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Kuzmanova, Vasilka. “On the Magic-Generating Nature of St. Lazarus Maidens’ Ritual in Bulgaria.” In The Magical and Aesthetic in the Folklore of Balkan Slavs: Papers of International Conference, edited by Dejan AjdaCiC, 117-22. Belgrade: Library Vuk Karadzic, 1994. Lazarova, F. “Profesionalnata aktivnost na balgarskata zhena prez perioda 1946-1 984 g.” Naselenie 5, no. 2 (1987): 36-47. About the role of women in socialist Bulgaria with special emphasis on the changes in educational level and professional activity. Lazovski, Atanas. Zhenski izpovedi. [Plovdiv]: GEPS, 1994. Women’s biographies and social conditions. Lee, James M. “Indigenous Discipleship Training Method: The Bulgarian ORA (Operation Reach All) Missions Training Center: A Case Study,” Ph.D. diss. Regent Univ., 1997. About Evangelistic work in Bulgaria. Includes abstract and bibliographical references. Liutov, Atanas N. Sotsialnata aktivnost na balgarskata zhena v izgrazhdaneto na razvitoto sotsialistichesko obshtestvo. Sofia: Izd-vo na Bulgarskata akademiia na naukite, 1985. ,ed. Zhenata, trud, bit. Sofia: Izd-vo na Bulgarskata Akademiia na naukite, 1977. Collection of articles about women, work, and everyday life. Summary in English and Russian. Continuation of Zhenata: maika, truzhenichka, obshtestvenichka. Includes bibliographical references. and Rositsa Gocheva, eds. Zhenata: maika, truzhenichka, obshtestvenichka. [Woman: Mother, Worker, Public Figure]. Sofia: Partizdat, 1974. Collection of articles. Luleva, Ana. “Gender Images in the Bulgarian Village in the 20th Century: Between Tradition and Modernity.” Ethnologia Balkanica 5 (200 1): 151-63. Maiki i dashteri: pokoleniia i posoki v bulgarskiia feminizam, compiled and edited by Ralitsa Mukharska. Sofia: POLIS, 1999. Makaeeva, Liuba. Bulgarskoto semeistvo. Etno-sotsialni aspekti. Sofia: Izd-vo na Bulgarskata Akademiia na naukite, 1991. About social and ethnic aspects of the Bulgarian family. Marcheva, Iliana. “Mazhkite momicheta v kragovrata na promenite: balgarkata prez vtorata polovina na XX v.” In Granitsi na grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdu traditsiiata i modernostta, compiled by Krasimira Daskalova and Raina Gavrilova, 3 18-3 1. Sofia: Izd-vo LIK: Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia PO istoriia na zhenite i pola, 2001. On Bulgarian women during communism . “Zhenskoto dvizhenie v Bulgariia i negovata sadba prez perioda Sept. 1944g.-juni 1945g.” Minalo 2, no. 1 (1995): 63-75. Marinova, Marija. “Oktomvrii’skata Revoliutsiia i balgarskite zheni” [The October Revolution and the Bulgarian Women.” Istoricheski Pregled 43, no. 11 (1987): 62-75. Marinova, Y. and Stanka Markova. “Medical Students’ Opinion on Abortion-on-Demand and the Institution of Marriage.” In Civilization, Sexuality and Social L$e in Historical Context: The Hidden Face of Urban Life: International Converence, Budapest, 1995, edited by Judit Forrai, 228-33. Budapest: Uj-Aranyhid KFT, 1996. Markova, Stanka. “Sexual Behaviour, Medical Students and Different Aspects of its Change.” In Civilization, Sexuality and Social Life in Historical Context: The Hidden Face of Urban Life: International Converence, Budapest, 1995, edited by Judit Forrai, 222-7. Budapest: Uj-Aranyhid KFT, 1996. McIntyre, Robert J. “The Bulgarian Anomaly: Demographic Transition and Current Fertility. ” Southeastern Europe 7, no. 2 (1980): 147-70. Merdjanska, Kornelia. “Forked Tongue: On Gender Stereotypes in the Bulgarian Language.” In Ana’s Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 158-64. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. , and Rossica Panova. “The Family Enclosure in the Bulgarian Context: From Herodotus to the End of the Twentieth Century.” European Journal of Women’s Studies 2, no. 1 (February 1995): 21-32.


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Meurs, Mieke. Downwardly Mobile: Women in the Decollectivization of East European Agriculture. Workmg papers “Women in International Development,” Michigan State University, no. 247. [East Lansing, Mich.] : Women in International Development, Michigan State Univ., 1994. Focuses on Bulgaria. . “Economic Strategies of Surviving Post-Socialism: Changing Household Economies and Gender Divisions of Labour in the Bulgarian Transition.” In Work, Employment and Transition: Restructuring Livelihoods in Post-Communism, edited by A1 Rainnie, Adrian Smith and Adam Swain, 21 3-26. London. New York: Routledge, 2002. . “From Hoes to Hoes: State Policy, Agricultural Mechanization, and Women’s Work under Central Planning.” Review of Radical Political Economics 26, no. 4 (1994): 99-1 17. Mileva, Binka. Zheni ot Rodopite. [Women from the Rhodopes]. Sofia: Izd-vo na Natsionalniia Savet na Otechestveniia Front, 1960. Mincheva, Elka. “‘Wedding Without a Marriage’ .” Ethnologia Balkanica 5 (2001): 165-84. Discusses married life in the Bulgarian town of Devin, with a focus on “non-marital unions.” Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights. Domestic Violence in Bulgaria. N.p.: n.p., 1996. Available electronically at: mnadvocates @igc.apc.org Moroz, Iosif. Zhenski demonichni obrazi v balgarskiia folklor i viarvaniia. Izvestiia na Instituta PO kulturata pri Komiteta za kultura i Bulgarskata akademiia na naukite 1/1989. Sofia: Institut PO kulturata pri Komiteta za kultura i Bulgarskata akademiia na naukite, 1989. About female demons in Bulgarian folklore. Includes bibliographical references. Muharska, Ralitsa. Maiki i dashteri: pokoleniia i posoki v bulgarskiia ferninizam. Sofia: POLIS, 1999. . “What Kind of Feminism for Bulgaria?” In Gains and Losses: Women and Transition in Eastern and Central Europe, edited by Leland C. Barrows and Laura Griinberg, 74-8 1. Bucharest: UNESCO/ENWS, 1994. Naidenova, M. “Zhenskiiat trud v pazarnoto selsko stopanstvo.” Problemi na trcida 32, no. 9 (1991): 67-73. Nelson, Linda L. “Education, Association, Activism: Bulgarian Women of the National Revival Intelligentsia ( 1850s-l870s).” In Scholar, Patriot, Mentor: Historical Essays in Honor of Dimitrije Djordjevic, edited by Richard B. Spence and Linda L. Nelson, 275-97. Boulder, CO: East European Monographs; Distributed by Columbia Univ. Press, 1992. Nestorova, Tatyana. “Between Tradition and Modernity: Bulgarian Women during the Development of Modern Statehood and Society.” Women’s History Review 5, no. 4 (1996): 513-24. Neuburger, Mary . “Difference Unveiled: Bulgarian National Imperatives and the Re-dressing of Muslim Women, 1878-1989.” Nationalities Papers 25, no. 1 (March 1997): 169-83. Discusses the significance of Muslim women’s dress and the policies of the Bulgarian government, both before Soviet rule and after. In the pre-Communist period, Bulgarian policies aimed at eradicating the “foreignness” which Muslim dress symbolized. During the Communist period, clothing, such as the veil, was considered not only foreign but also backward, and thus at odds with Soviet notions of modernization. After the fall of Communism in 1989, veiling returned as a political statement against the policies of the previous regime. The article is based on documents in the archives in Sofia, Haskovo, Kirdjali, and Smolyan, Bulgaria. . The Orient Within: Muslim Minorities and the Negotiation of Nationhood in Modern Bulgaria. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 2004. Ch. 3. “Under the Fez and the Foreskin: Modernity and the Mapping of Muslim Manhood’; Ch. 4. “The Citizen behind the Veil: National Imperatives and the Re-dressing of Muslim Women.” . “Veils, Shalvari, and Matters of Dress: Unravelling the Fabric of Women’s Lives in Communist Bulgaria.” In Style and Socialism: Modernity and Material Culture in Post- War Eastern Europe, edited by Susan E. Reid and David Crowley, 169-87. Oxford, New York:





Berg, 2000. Nikolova, Maria. “Der Bund der Bulgarischen Frauen wahrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges (1939-1944).” Bulgarian Historical Review 23, no. 4 (1995): 32-54. About the League of Bulgarian Women during World War 11. . “Niakoi demografski aspekti na zhenskoto predpriemachestvo.” Problemi nu truda 34, no. 9 (1993): 46-61. Obretenova, Tonka Baba. [Baba Tonka], 1812-1 893. 19thcentury fighter for national liberation from Ottoman rule, whose five sons all died while fighting for independence.

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Ognianova, Elena. Zhenata nu bashta mi: ochertsi. Sofia: Izd-vo na BZNS, 1986. About family and raising children. Okrazhna nauchno-prakticheska konferentsiia “Bulgarskata zhena v natsionalnoto ni razvitie, ” 12 noemvri 1981 godina, Varna. [Varna]: Dvizhenie na bulgarskite zheni, Okrazhen savet, 1981. Conference on Bulgarian women and national development. Contents: Elena Lagadinova, “Politikata i sotsialnata praktika na Narodna republika Bulgariia za zhenata, detsata i semeistvoto: doklad,” pp. 1-17; Makedoniia Kolarova, “Uchastieto na zhenite ot Varnenskiia krai v natsionalnoosvoboditelnite borbi i v zhenskoto sotsialistichesko dvizhenie do 1940 godina: doklad,” pp. 18-3 1; Donka Burdarova, “Niakolko shtrikhi ot portreta na balgarskata maika: doklad,” pp. 32-7; Radka Vladeva, “Uchastieto na zhenata v saprotivata 194-1 944 godina vav Varnenski okrag: izkazvane,” pp. 38-50; Milka Iakova, “Zhenata-vazpitatel i uchitel na pokoleniiata: izkazvane,” pp. 5 1-4; Stanka Trunkova, “Zhenata-maika, truzhenichka i obshchestvenichka: izkazvane,” pp. 55-60; Irina Misheva, “Aktivnoto uchastie v prinosat na zhenite za sotsialisticheskoto razvitie na Varnenski okrag: izkazvane,” pp. 6 1-7; Iordanka Nencheva, “Bulgarskata zhena v natsionalnoto ni razvitie: zakliuchitelno slovo,” pp. 68-75. Otechestven front. Kakvo dude Otechestveniiat front na zhenite. [Sofia]: Otechestven front, 1949. A small phamplet (16p.) discussing the various ways women contributed to the war effort-as nurses, caretakers of children, agricultural workers, etc. Panova, Rossica. “My Weakness is My Strength.” In Ana’s Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 154-57. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. The author’s personal experience is an unsettling yet sometimes positive microcosm of the experience of Bulgarian women. , Raina Gavrilova, and Cornelia Merdzanska. “Thinking Gender: Bulgarian Women’s Idpossibilities.” In Gender Politics and Post-Communism. Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 15-2 1. New York and London: Routledge, 1993. Parusheva, Dobrinka. “The Bulgarian Women’s Movement: A Brief History.” In Ana ’s Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 151-3. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1997. Outline of the Bulgarian women’s movement from the 1890s until the Communist takeover in 1947. Pashova, Magdalena. Zheni: tvortsi nu tekhnicheskiia progres. Sofia: Gradski suvet na prof. suiuzi, 1970. Includes biographies of women in technical fields. Paskaleva, Virzhiniia. Bulgarkata prez Vazrazhdaneto. Sofia: Izd-vo na Otechestveniia front, 1984. About women in Bulgaria’s struggle for national liberation, 1762-1 878. Summary in German and Russian. Includes index and bibliography. Pavlov, Liudmil. Trudovite prava nu zhenite. Biblioteka Trudovo-pravni znaniia 1-2. Sofia: Profizdat, 1989. About women’s employment legislation. Includes bibliographical references. People’s Republic of Bulgaria, Ministry of Information and Communications. Zhenata v stopanskiia, obshtestveniia, kulturniia zhivot i v semestvoto. Sofia: Central Statistical Office, 1971. About women in the home and in social and cultural life.


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Petkova, Bianca, and Chris Griffin. “Bulgarian Women and Discourses about Work.” European Journal of Women’s Studies 5 , no. 3/4, (November 1998): 437-52. Petrova, Dimitrina. “The Winding Road to Emancipation in Bulgaria.” In Gender Politics and Post Communism. Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 22-9. New York and London: Routledge, 1993. Phillips, Susan. “Bulgaria Traffic in Women: Violence against Women a Western Problem?” 2 Magazine 15, no. 6 (June 2002): 36-8. Discusses transnational forced prostitution controlled by organized crime, Animus, the first women’s crisis center, which works to raise awareness of Eastern European trafficlung, and grassroots feminists challenging history of communist state feminism that ignores violence against women. Some focus on efforts at enforcing anti-trafficking laws, corruption among customs officials, and deportation of immigrant sex workers. Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Devicheska gimnaziia. Iubileen sbornik p o sluchai 50 [i,e. petdesetlgodishninata na Plovdivskata devicheska gimnaziia i 70 [i.e. sedemdesetl-godishninata ot otkrivaneto na pawoto balgarsko devichesko uchilishte v Plovdiv. Plovdiv [Pechatnitsa Khr. G. Danov], 1934. Jubilee publication of the 50thanniversary of the Plovdiv girls’ gymnasium. Pond, Chauncey Northrop. Papers, 1852-1920 (bulk 1892-1919). 1.6 linear ft. of correspondence of Pond’s daughter, Jennie (Pond) Atwater (1865-1 896), and other missionaries describing Congregational missionary work in Bulgaria and Turkey, among other places. Purnushanov, Kosta. “Roliata na bulgarkata v makedonskoto osvoboditelno dvizhenie.” Makedonski preglad 18, no. 3 (1995): 11 5 4 8 . The role of Bulgarian women in the Macedonian liberation movement. Rachev, Elian Petrov. Klimakterium u zhenata. Sofia: Meditsina i fizkultura, 1990. About premature menopause. Summary in English and Russian. Radoev, Petko. Zheni v shineli. Sofia: Poligraficheski kombinat, 1993. About female participation in World War 11.

Raina, kniaginia [Popgeorgieva Futekova, Raina] 1856-1917. Teacher and fighter for liberation from Ottoman rule. See http ://museumpan.hit.bg/mu seum/Hist-mu s-pan-eng VRaj naO 1.htm. BUL20 1 BUL202

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Raina kniaginia. Raina kniaginia: avtobiografiia, edited by Keranka Doncheva. Sofia: Izd-vo na Otechestveniia front, 1986. . Raina kniaginia: Raina Popgeorgieva Futekova: avtobiografiia, dokladi i material, compiled and edited by Virzhiniia Paskaleva i Ruska Paturchanova. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, 1976. Includes a Bulgarian translation of her diary (originally written in Russian), as well as selected correspondence, notes and souvenirs of her participation in the April 1876 Uprising. Dipchev, Khristo. Raina Kniaginia. Sofia: Izd-vo na Ministerstvoto na Otbranata Sv. Georgi Pobedonosets, 1996. Khrusanov, Georgi Dimitrov. Povesti za Aprilskoto vastanie: Znamenoskata i V ogania zhiv. Sofia: Izd-vo na BZNS, 1975. Two fictional accounts of the April 1876 Uprising, the first (Znamenoskata) being about Raina kniaginia’s participation and the second ( V ogania zhiv), about that of Vasil Petleshkov. Ralitsa, Muharska. “What Kind of Feminism for Bulgaria?” In Gains and Losses: Women and Transition in Eastern and Central Europe, edited by Leland C. Burrows and Laura Griinberg, 74-8 I. Bucharest: UNESCOEuropean Network for Women’s Studies, 1994. Reeves-Ellington, Barbara. “That Our Daughters May Be As Corner Stones’ : American Missionaries, Bulgarian Nationalists, and the Politics of Gender, 1832-1872, Ph.D diss. State Univ. of New York, Binghamton, 2002. About Mount Holyoke teachers at the mission school





for Bulgarian girls in the town of Eski Zaara (Stara Zagora), Bulgaria. . “A Vision of Mount Holyoke in the Ottoman Balkans: American Cultural Transfer, Bulgarian Nation-Building and Women’s Educational Reform, 1858-1 870.” Gender & History 16, no. 1 (2004): 146-71. Reshenie na Politbiuro na Tsentralniia komitet na BKP ot 6 mart 1973. Za izdigane roliata na zhenata v izgrazhdaneto na razvito sotsialistichesko obshtestvo. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1973. On a Communist Party decree enhancing women’s participation in socialist society. English translation: Enhancing the Role of Women in the Building of a Developed Socialist Society: Decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party of March 6, 1973. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1973.

Robeva, Neshka, 1946-. Head coach of the Bulgarian gymnastics team. See Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe: From the Congress of Vienna to the Fall of Communism, edited by Richard Frucht, 848-50. New York: Garland, 2000. BUL209

Nozharova, Silvia. Biografichna spravka: Neshka Stefanova Robeva. Sofia: 1995.


Rodov komitet Khristo Botiov. Bashtiniiat i maichiniiat rod na Khristo Botiov. Sofia: Rodov kom-t Khristo Botiov, 1993. About Khristo Botev, 1848-1876, his family, and relations with women. Rusev, B. “Niakoi aspekti na plodovitostta na omazhenite zheni v parvi brak v NRB.” Statistika 5 (1976): 39-50. About the fertility of married women in their first marriages in Bulgaria. Roussinov, Dimitar. “Health Care System in Bulgaria during the Transition to a Market Economy.” In Social Justice and the Welfare State in Central and Eastern Europe: The Impact of Privatization, edited by Demetrius S. Iatridis. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000. Russinova, Zlatka. “Changes in the Social Status of Bulgarian Women and Their Organizations During the Transition to a Market Economy.” In Social Justice and the Welfare State in Central and Eastern Europe: The Impact of Privatization, edited by Demetrius S. Iatridis, 9 1-9. Westport, CT; London: Praeger, 2000. Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Bulgaria: March 1999. Minneapolis, MN: Advocates for Human Rights, 1999. Shepard, Jonathan. “A Marriage Too Far? Maria Lekaperia and Peter of Bulgaria.” In The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millenium, edited by Adelbert Davids, 121-49. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. A discussion of the impact of Lekapena’s marriage on Bulgarian court culture. Shishkova, Tina. Roliata na Bulgarskiia naroden zhenski saiuz za utvarzhdavane na narodno- demokratichnata vlast v Plovdivskiia krai, 1945-1 950 g . Plovdiv: Okrazhen suvet na Dvizhenieto na bulgarskite zheni, 1986. About women in politics in the Plovdiv region and the role of the Bulgarian National Women’s Union. Includes bibliographical references. Sirakova, Kremena. “Politics and Abortion in Bulgaria.” Women ’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights no. 40 (July 1992): 18-9. “Political change in Bulgaria has meant the beginning of the recognition of the reproduction rights of women.. .[However] the new democratic institutions have settled comfortably into the structures of the former communist rule, even to the point of adopting the same extensive demagogic terminology ....” -From the POPLINE database of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), United States and Women’s Resources International. Simeonova, Elka K. “Zhenskiiat vapros v Bulgariia v nachaloto na 20-te godini na XX v.” Istoricheski pregled 43, no. 9 (1987): 19-3 1. The woman question in Bulgaria at the beginning of the 1920s. Slabakova, Roumyana. “Research on Women in Bulgaria: the Hard Way into the Future.”


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Women’s Studies Quarterly 20, no. 3-4 (FallIWinter, 1992): 136-43. Review essay. “In Bulgaria the situation of women’s studies is indivisible from the political context of communist domination and the very recent transformation to democracy. This change carries with it a painful adaptation to new requirements of honesty in scientific as well as political endeavors. Historically, studies on women were written along the lines of party interests, and it is likely to take quite a while before researchers implicated in these earlier works admit to their responsibility for having bent scientific norms under political pressure. -From the editor’s introduction. Spasoyska, Liliana. Bezbrachieto. Sofia: Akademichno izd-vo Prof. Marin Drinov, 1995. About the sexual customs and lifestyles of unmarried couples. . Pokoleniia i semeistvo: sotsiologicheski aspekti. Sofia: Izd-vo na Otechestveniia front, 1985. About the sociology of parental roles and the family. . Semeistvoto i sotsialnata rolia na zhenata. Sofia: Kom-t na dvizhenieto na bulgarskite zheni, 1983. About women’s roles in families. . Semeistvoto: sotsiologicheski ocherk. Sofia: Partizdat, 1980. About family life. Sredkova, Krasimira. Spetsialna zakrila na niakoi kategorii rabotnitsi. Poreditsa Poznavame li sotsialisticheskoto pravo? Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, 1988. Labor laws and legislation. Includes bibliographical references. Sretenova, Nicolina. “Cultural and Historical Background of Women’s Entrance into Higher Education in Bulgaria.” History of European Ideas 19, no. 4-6 (1994): 867-76. Special issue: European Integration and the European Mind: Cultural Hegemony or Dialogue of Cultutures Part I1 (Third Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas). . “The Nation’s Showcase: Bulgarian Academic Women Between the Scylla of Totalitarianism and the Charybdis of Change.” In The Gender Gap in Higher Education, World Yearbook of Education, edited by Suzanne Stiver Lie, 33-45. London: Kogan Page, 1994. Analyses of women’s position in education. Sretenova, N. M. “A Sleeping Beauty is Awakening: The Revival of the Feminist Movement in Bulgaria.” European Journal of Women’s Studies 1, no. 1 (Spring 1994): 111-3. Staikova-Alexandrova, Raja. “Country Papers: Bulgaria. A. The Present Situation of Women.” In The Impact of Economic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe: Proceedings of a United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna, 8-1 2 April 1991, compiled by United Nations, Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, 32-5. New York: United Nations, 1992. Part of a study on the legal, employment, educational, economic, and political situations of women in Bulgaria. , and Sonja Gedeleva. “Die Frauen in Bulgarien: Ihre Bestimmung heute und in Zukunft.” Feministische Studien 10, no. 2 (1992): 98-103. About Bulgarian women’s attitudes. Stanchev, Stanch0 Simeonov. Vania Voinova: Sport i lichnost. Sofia: Meditsina i fizkultura, 1977. Biography of a female basketball player. Stateva, Milena, and Nadya Kozhukharova. “Trafficlung in Women in Bulgaria: A New Stage. ” Feminist Review 76 (2004): 110-6. Stoeva, Valentina. “The Ghetto: The Bulgarian Woman and the Iron Regime.” Women’s Studies International Forum 17, no. 213 (MarchIJune 1994): 283-7. “A personal view of events in Bulgaria, with impressions of a factory whose workers are mainly women. What did communism intend to do with Bulgarian women, and how far has it succeeded? The transition from total communism to democracy has turned out to be difficult, painful, and full of danger. Communism is dying away, but nationalism is gaining momentum worldwide.” Women’s Studies Abstracts, Women’s Resources International. Stoianova, Rositsa. “Mladezhkiat saiuz, zhenskite i profesionalnite grupi kam Demokraticheskata partiia (1924-1934).” Istoricheski Pregled 50-5 I , no. 4 (1994-1995): 128-51. About the Youth League and the women’s and professional groups in the





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Democratic Party, 1924-34. Stoichev, Petko. “Rabotata na BKP za vkliuchvaneto na selskata zhena v antikapitalisticheskata borba (19 19-1923).” Izvestiia na Instituta PO istoriia na BKP 29 (1973): 51-70. The work of the Bulgarian Communist Party in involving rural women in the anti-capitalist struggle, 1919-23. Stoilova, Rumiana. “Inter- and Intra-Gender Inequalities Based on Qualification.” In Gender Equality in Central and Eastern European Countries, edited by Michel Domsch, Ddsirde H. Ladwig and Eliane Tenten, 85-101. New York: P. Lang, 2003. Stoper, Emily, and Emilia Ianeva. “Democratization and Women’s Employment in PostCommunist Bulgaria.” Connecticut Journal of International Law 12, no. 1 (Fall 1996):9-3 1. Strezov, Krastiu. Zhenata v Bulgariia, S.S.S.R. i Germaniia: pravno polozhenie. Sofia: Pechatnitsa Vuzkhod, 1941. A comparison of women’s legal status in Bulgaria, the USSR, and Germany. Sukmandzhieva, Mariia. Zhenite sa ogromna sila. Sofia: Izd-vo na Natsionalniia savet na Otechestveniia front, 1969. Sugareva, Marta. Bulgarskoto semeistvo v prekhoda kum pazarna ikonomika. Sofia: Fondatsiia Svobodna initsiativa, 1996. About family policy and changing social conditions. Saiuz na nauchnite rabotnitsi v Bulgariia, Klon Varna. Materiali ot nauchna sesiia nu zhenite-nauchni rabotnichki ot Varna, posvetena na 100-godishninata ot razhdaneto na Georgi Dimitrov. Varna: Saiuz na nauchnite rabotnitsi v Bulgariia, Klon Varna, 1984. Papers from a congress of women scientists from Varna, in honor of the centenary of Gergi Dimitrov’s birth. Includes bibliographies. Sziraczki, Gyorgy, and James Windell. “Impact of Employment Restructuring on Disadvantaged Groups in Hungary and Bulgaria.” International Labour Review 131, no. 4-5 (1992): 47 1-96. Surveys of 900 manufacturers in Hungary and Bulgaria show that transition to a market economy is (1) marginalizing women affected by segregation, layoff risk, and discrimination, (2) diminishing the labor market role of older workers, and (3) increasing difficulties faced by youth seeking employment. Tabakova, S. “Environmental Agents in Relation to Unfavorable Birth Outcomes in Bulgaria.” In Assessment of Research and Sewice Needs in Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe-Concerns and Commitments. Proceedings of a Workshop Organized by the ICRR and the WHO Collaborating Centre on Research in Human Reproduction in Szeged, Hungary, 25-27 October 1993, edited by E. Hohannisson, L. KovAcs, B. A. Resch, N. P. Bruyniks, 175. New York: The Parthenon Publishing Group, 1997. Tanner, M. “Bulgaria: Promoting the Cohesion of the Family.” People 16 no. 3 (1989): 24-5. Outlines Bulgaria’s family policy as it appears in the Family Code which encourages an increasing birth rate. Tatarova, Elmas. Sosyalizm ve kadin. Sofia: Narodna Prosveta, 1973. About women and socialism. In Turkish. Tchoudomirova K., M. Domeika and P.A. Mardh. “Demographic Data on Prostitutes from Bulgaria: A Recruitment Country for International (Migratory) Prostitutes.” International Journal of STD and AIDS 8, no. 3 (March 1997): 187-91. “Interviews with 200 female prostitutes working in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, were conducted to learn about their knowledge about and attitudes towards sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), their childhood conditions, their working conditions, and their health status .... Prostitutes could earn more money from only 1 contact with a customer than their parents could earn from work in a month (e.g. US $100-200 per session in a hotel vs. US $80 average income for salaried workers).” -From Women’s Resources International, National Information Services Corporation (NISC USA), access through BiblioLine. Tuchter des neuen Bulgarien 1944-1969 [Daughters of the New Bulgaria]. [Sofia]: n.p., 1970.


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Teneva, Nadezhda, and Anita Komitska. Svetat na bulgarkata. Sofia: Katerini-20, 1995. Catalog of the exhibition held May-Oct.ober1995 at the National Ethnographic Museum in Sofia on “the World of the Bulgarian Woman.” Todorova, Irina, and Tatyana Kotzeva. “Social Discourses, Women’s Resistive Voices: Facing Involuntary Childlessness in Bulgaria.” Women’s Studies International Forum 26, no. 2 (2003): 139-51. Todorova, Maria N. Balkan Family Structure and the European Pattern: Demographic Developments in Ottoman Bulgaria. Washington: American Univ. Press, 1993. About gender, marriage, and kinship in Balkan family structure. Argues that the South Slavic extended family was a developmental stage in the life-cycle of the region’s smaller families. . “The Bulgarian Case: Women’s Issues of Feminist Issues?” In Gender Politics and Post Communism. Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 30-8. New York and London: Routledge, 1993. . “Historical Tradition and Transformation in Bulgaria: Women’s Issues or Feminist Issues?” Journal of Women’s History 5 , no. 3 (Winter 1994): 129-43. “This article examines some of the specific characteristics of the Bulgarian case, primarily to what extent the historical context has influenced both women’s positions and women’s attitudes.” -S. Whaley. . “Situating the Family of Ottoman Bulgaria within the European Pattern.” History of the Family 1, no. 4 (1996): 443-59. Todorova, Olga. “Bulgarskata khristiianka prez XV-XVIII vek.” Istoricheski pregled 48, no. 4 (1992): 3-28. The Bulgarian Christian woman, 15th-18th centuries. . “Prostitutsiiata v bulgarskite zemi prez rannite vekove na osmanskoto vladichestvo.” In Granitsi nu grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdu traditsiiata i modernostta, compiled by Krasimira Daskalova and Raina Gavrilova, 63-78. Sofia: Izd-vo LIK: Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia PO istoriia na zhenite i pola, 2001. About prostitution in the Bulgarian lands during the earlier period Ottoman Rule. . “Zhenite v Sofia prez 70 te godini na XVII vek: PO danni ot edin registar s nasledstveni opisi.” Istoricheski pregled 52, no. 3 (1996): 3 4 0 . Women in Sofia during the 1670’s: data from a register of inheritance inventories. Todorova, Radka, ed. Na predni linii: spomeni i ochertsi iz istoriiata na zhenskoto sotsialistichesko dvizhenie v Bulgariia. Sofia: Izd-vo na Bulgarskata komunisticheska partiia, 1960. About socialism and women’s liberation in Bulgaria. Todorova, Sasha, and Zdravka Toneva. “Professional Development of Women with Higher Education in Bulgaria.” In Gender Equality in Central and Eastern European Countries, edited by Michel Domsch, Dksirke H. Ladwig and Eliane Tenten, 71-84. New York: P. Lang, 2003. Todorova, Tsveta. Bulgarskata komunisticheska partiia i zhenskoto komunistichesko dvizhenie v Bulgariia, 1919-1944. Sofia: Izd-vo na Otechestveniia front, 1982. About Bulgarian women and the communist movement, 1919-1944. Tomova, Ilona. The Gypsies in the Transition Period. Sofia: International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations, 1995. Annotated under Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. Trifonova, Krasimira. “Kharakter i organizatsionno-razvitie na Bulgarskiia Naroden Zhenski Saiuz (BNZhS) oktomvri 1944-noemvri 1950 g.” Izvestiia nu Instituta PO istoriia na BKP 47 (1982): 279-3 16. About the National Bulgarian Women’s Union, October 1944-November 1950. Tsentralno statistichesko upravlenie. Prebroiavane na naselenieto. Rezultati ot nabliudenieto za razhdaemostta na omazhenite, razvedenite i ovdovelite zheni na vazrast ot 15 do 54 navarsheni godini kam dekemvri 1975 godindreprezentativnu izsledvane. Sofia: n.p., 1976. 1975 census data on the fertility of married, divorced, and widowed women aged 15-54. . Zhenata v Narodna republika Bulgariia. Sofia: Tsentralno statistichesko upravlenie,




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1987. About women in Bulgaria’s population. Tsvetkov, Zhoro. “Masovizirane i revoliutsionizirane na protestnoto zhensko dvizhenie v stranata (1917-1918).” Zstoricheski pregled 33, no. 4 (1977): 81-92. About the propaganda of the women’s protest movement, 1917-18. . “Vliianieto na Velikata Oktomvriiska Sotsialisticheska Revoliutsiia za masovizirane i aktivizirane na zhenskoto protestno dvizhenie v Sofiia i Sofiiski okrag” [The influence of the Great October Socialist Revolution on making the women’s movement in Sofia and the Sofia region an active mass movement]. Godishnik: Natsionalen Muzei na Revoliutsionnoto Dvizhenie 9 (1980): 39-50. Turlakova, Eleonora. Bulgarian Women. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1976. . Pavlina Popova. Kato nas i po-razlichni. Sofia: Izd-vo na Otechestveniia front, 1976. Popular, short biographies of 13 Bulgarian women from all walks of life. U.N. Development Programme. Bulgaria: Situation of Women, United Nations and Global Development, NGO Report for Beijing. N.p.: n.p., 1995. . “Women’s Health in Bulgaria: The Exhausted Resource.” Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights Newsletter 62, no. 2 (1998): 11-3. Includes photographs. Vagner, Evgeniia Ignat’evna, and Iulii Nikolaevich Vagner. Evgeniia Ignat’evna and Nikolaevich Vagner Papers, ca. 1866-1 966. About 1700 items (4 boxes) in Russian; Correspondence relating to personal matters; mss. of writings; passports, travel documents, service records, diplomas, and other documents of Mr. and Mrs. Vagner, reflecting their lives as emigrks in Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and, at the end of World War 11, in Germany; three folders of photos; subject file. Vasileva, Tsveta, ed. Zheni v obshtestvenite nauki: iubileen sb. [posveten nu] mezhdunar. g. na zhenata 1975:nauchni trudove. Sofia: AONSU pri TSK na BKP, 1976. About women in the social sciences. In honor of International Year of the Woman (1975). Vassilev, Dimitar. “Bulgaria.” In Abortion in the New Europe: a Comparative Handbook, edited by Bill Rolsten and Anna Eggert, 43-54. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994. Velcheva, Nadya. Bulgarkata prez vekovete. Bit, kultura, religiia. Sofia: Izd-vo na Bulgarskata Akademiia na naukite, 1983. About the customs, culture, religion of Bulgarian women throughout history. . Rodopchankata: Shtrikhi ot etnosotsialniia i etnopsikhologicheskiia i portret. Sofia: Izd-vo na Balgarskata Akademiia na naukite, 1994. An ethno-social and ethno-psychological portrait of women from the Rhodope region. Velkov, Petar, and Kirilka Pesheva. Zhivot-borba, zhivot-vdukhnovenie: [Sbornik dokumenti, ochertsi i spomeni za zheni-uchastnichki v antifashistkata borba i zhenskoto dvizhenie vuv Vidinski okr.] Vidin [Okr. i Gr. suvet za rabota s zhenite i dr.], pech V. Aleksandrov), 1971. About women who fought against fascism in the Vidin region. Veltcheva, Verginia. “Country Papers: Bulgaria. B. Participation of Women in Political Life in the Process of the Democratization of Society.” In The Impact of Economic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe: Proceedings of a United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna, 8-1 2 April 1991, compiled by United Nations, Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, 35-6. New York: United Nations, 1992. Part of a study on the political participation of women in Bulgaria since 1989. “Women politicians have trouble getting electorates’ attention, and their popularity has declined. The Democratic Union of Women is not independent, [and] the Democratic Movement of Women is confined to fund raising and relief work.” -From the POPLINE database of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), United States and Women’s Resources International. Vidova, Milanka. The Legal Status of Bulgarian Women. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1987; 1981. [Translated by Borislav Tonchev]. Selection of normative acts with annotations. Translation of: Pravnoto polozhenie na bulgarskata zhena.


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BUL283 BUL284

BUL285 BUL286 BUL287

. Pravnoto polozhenie na bulgarskata zhena: Zhena, semeistvo, obshtestvo. Sofia: OF, 1975. About the legal status of women in Bulgaria. Includes bibliographical references. . Le statut juridique de la femme bulgare. Sofia: Sofia-presse, 1987. French version of above title. Vitanova, Irena. “The Establishing of Women’s Studies in Bulgaria: Or How Far Can You Go?” Women’s History Review 2, no. 1 (1993): 143-8. Vodenicharova, Zdravka, and Nevena Popova. Revoliutsionnoto zhensko dvizhenie v Bulgariia. Sofia: Of, 1972. About the revolutionary women’s movement in Bulgaria. Includes bibliography. Walker, Dale L. Januarius MacGahan, the Life and Campaigns of an American War Correspondent. Athens, OH: Ohio Univ. Press, 1988. Biography of Januarius Aloysius MacGahan, 1844-1878, a war correspondent in Bulgaria, among other places. Wilson, Teresa. “Crossing Borders on the Peace Train to Beijing.” Cross Currents (West Nyack, NY) 46, no. 1 (Spring 1996): 17-27. Presents highlights of the Peace Train, an odyssey by the Women’s International League for Peace and Justice (WILPF), through Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Ukraine, and China. “Women.” In Recent Social Trends in Bulgaria 1960, edited by Nikolai Genov and Anna Krasteva, 107-37. Montreal: McGill-Queen’ s Univ. Press, 2001. Includes: Tatyana Kotzeva, “Female Roles,” 107-1 I; “Childbearing,” 112-15; “Matrimonial Models,” 1 16-21 ; Galina Koleva, “Women’s Employment,” 122-35; Iliya Vatev, Todor Chemev and Anna Krasteva, “Reproductive Technologies,” 136-37. [Women in Bulgaria Pamphlet Collection]. 1976. 2 pamphlets. Additional materials may be added to the collection. Individual items are listed in the Hoover Pamphlet Index. Zaharieva, Mariana. “Women in a Changing Society: The Case of Bulgaria.” In Gains and Losses: Women and Transition in Eastern and Central Europe, edited by Leland C. Barrows and Laura Griinberg, 15-20. Bucharest: UNESCOENWS, 1994. Zang, Ted. Destroying Ethnic Identity: The Gypsies of Bulgaria. A Helsinh Watch Report. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1991. Annotated under Gypsy/Roma Diaspora Zhekova, V. “Plodovitosta na zhenite v NRB prez perioda 1965-1975.” Statistika 2 (1976): 39-47. About Bulgarian women’s fertility, 1965-1975. . “Reproduktivno povedenie na balgarskite zheni.” Naselenie 7, no. 4 (1989): 63-8. About the reproductive behavior of Bulgarian women. “The author analyzes the birth rate in Bulgaria, using data obtained from a survey on migration behavior. The study indicates a slow and gradual change in women’s attitudes toward reproduction. The author concludes that measures to increase fertility must be long-term in nature.” -From POPLINE database of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), United States. Summary in English and Russian. Zhivkova, Lyudmila, 1942-1 98 1. Historian, art historian, Central Committee and Politburo member, and Minister of Culture during the communist regime; Zhivkova was the daughter of the late Communist president of Bulgaria, Todor Zhivkov (191 1-1998). See Boian Kulov, “Zhivkova, Liudmila (1942-8 l).” In Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe: From the Congress of Vienna to the Fall of Communism, edited by Richard Frucht, 904. New York: Garland, 2000.

BUL288 BUL289 BUL290

. Building the Culture of the Developed Socialist Society: Our Immediate Historical Task. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1977. Lyudmila Zhivkova: Her Many Worlds, New Culture and Beauty, Concepts and Action. 2nd enlarged ed. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1986. Savova, Elena, Zdravka Micheva, and Kiril Avramov. Liudmila Zhivkova: zhivot i delo, 1942-1981: Letopis. Sofia: Izd-vo na Bulgarskata akademiia na naukite, 1987.


Bulgaria BUL29 1

Zotschew, Theodor. “Stellung der Frau im heutigen wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Leben Bulgariens.” In Der Stellung der Frau auf dem Balkan: Beitrage zur Tagung vom 3.-7 September 1985 in Berlin, edited by Norbert Reiter, 247-54. Berlin Osteuropa-Institut; Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei 0. Harrassowitz, 1987.

Literature and the Arts Aleksandrova, Rada, 1943-. BUL292 BUL293 BUL294 BUL295 BUL296 BUL297 BUL298

Aleksandrova, Rada. Kamak: stikhotvoreniia. Plovdiv: Izd-vo Khristo G. Danov, 1985. . Niakoi e idval: stikhove. Sofia: Sluntse, 1993. . Poems. In The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Bulgarian Women Poets, translated by Brenda Walker, Belin Tonchev and Svetoslav Piperov. London: Forest; Sofia: Svyat, 1990. . Sega razbiram: stikhove. Sofia: Bulgarski pisatel, 1987. . Vsiaka vecher e petuk: nedovarsheni belezhki. Sofia: Izd-vo Vesela Liutskanova, 2001. . Za blizkiia chovek: stikhove. Sofia: Bulgarski pisatel, 1980. . Zimna roza. Varna: Knigoizd-vo G. Bakalov, 1989.

Bagriana, Elisaveta, 1893-1 99 1. See A Biobibliographical Handbook of Bulgarian Authors, edited by Karen L. Black, 214-7. Columbus, OH: Slavica, 1981; Rechnikpo Bulgarska literatura. 2 vols. Edited by Ivan Sarandev et al. Plovdiv: Khemes, 1999. BUL299

BUL300 BUL301 BUL302


Bagriana, Elissaveta. Penelope of the Twentieth Century. Selected Poems of Elisaveta Bagryana. Trans. Brenda Walker, Belin Tonchev and Valentine Borrisov. London: Forest Books, 1993. . Poems. In Contemporary East European Poetry: Anthology, edited by Emery George. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993; Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1983. . Poems. In The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Bulgarian Women Poets, translated by Brenda Walker, Belin Tonchev and Svetoslav Piperov. London: Forest; Sofia: Svyat, 1990. Dimitrova, Blaga, and Iordan Vasilev. Dni cherni i beli: Elisaveta Bagriana-nabliudeniia i razgovori. 2. ed. Sofia: Izd-vo na Bulgarskata akademiia na naukite, 1993. [ 1st ed. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, 19751 Malinova, Liudmila Khristova. Bulgarski poetesi mezhdu dvete svetovni voini: Elisaveta Bagriana, Dora Gabe, Penka Tsaneva-Blenika, Magda Petkanova, Mariia Grubeshlieva, Vesela Vasileva. Sofia: Tsentur za izkustva Soros, 1999.

Basheva, Miriana, 1947-. BUL304


Basheva, Miriana. “Poems.” In Clay and Star: Contemporary Bulgarian Poets, translated and edited by Lisa Sapinkopf and Georgi Belev, introduced by Charles A. Moser. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 1992. . Poems. In The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Bulgarian Women Poets, translated by Brenda Walker, Belin Tonchev and Svetoslav Piperov. London: Forest; Sofia: Svyat, 1990.

Belcheva, Mara Ivanova, 1868-1937. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. Daskalova, Liana, 1927-. See Konstantinov, G., Ts. V. Minkov, and St. Velikov. Bulgarski pisateli: Biografii, bibliografiia, 73 1. Sofia: Bulgarski pisatel, 1961.


Bulgaria BUL306




Daskalova, Liana. Poems. In The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Bulgarian Women Poets, translated by Brenda Walker, Belin Tonchev and Svetoslav Piperov. London: Forest; Sofia: Svyat, 1990. Liana Daskalova, Nadia Kekhlibarova, Petia Iordanova: biobibliografski ochertsi, edited by Albina Iankova et al. Sofia: Dom na literaturata i izkustvata za detsa i iunoshi, 1989. Davis, Catherine A. “American Cowgirls in Bulgaria,” M.A. thesis in Theatre, Univ. of Maine, 1992. About cultural relations and the American University in Bulgaria. Includes bibliography. The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Bulgarian Women Poets. Translated by Brenda Walker, Belin Tonchev and Svetoslav Piperov. London: Forest Books; Sofia: Svyat, 1990. Poems by thirteen Bulgarian poets.

Dimitrova, Blaga. 1922-. “Dimitrova is widely regarded as Bulgaria’s finest contemporary poet. In her poetry she makes no moral compromises, addressing public issues and private fears with unflinching honesty. Whether imagining the childhood she might have shared with her dead brother or describing the horrors of an actual environmental disaster, she writes with a courage and compassion [which] is deeply moving. A prominent dissident leader throughout the long years of Bulgaria’s hard-line Communist regime, Dimitrova dedicated her life to the fight for human rights and political reform. Her struggle has been rewarded by the recent emergence of a new democratic Bulgaria with Dimitrova as its Vice-President.” Translation Review 44-45 (1 994): 56. BUL3 10 BUL3 11 BUL312 BUL313 BUL3 14 BUL315

BUL316 BUL3 17 BUL3 18 BUL3 19

BUL320 BUL321


Dirnitrova, Blaga. Because the Sea is Black: Poems. Translated by Niko Boris and Heather McHugh. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1989. . Journey to Oneself. Translated by Radost Pridham. London: Cassell, 1969. . The Last Rock Eagle. Translated by Brenda Walker, with Vladirnir Levchev and Belin Tonchev. London: Forest Books, 1992. . Lavina. Plovdiv: Izd-vo. Khr. g. Danov, 1971. . Raznoglasitsi: eseta, 1989-1 995. Sofia: Universitetsko izd-vo Kliment Okhridski, 1996. Essays. . Poems. In Clay and Star: Contemporary Bulgarian Poets, translated and edited by Lisa Sapinkopf and Georgi Belev, introduced by Charles A. Moser. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 1992. . Poems. In Contemporary East European Poetry: Anthology, edited by Emery George. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993; Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1983. . Poems. In The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Bulgarian Women Poets, translated by Brenda Walker, Belin Tonchev and Svetoslav Piperov. London: Forest; Sofia:Svyat, 1990. . Poems. In Poets of Bulgaria, edited by William Meredith. Greensboro, N.C.: Unicorn Press, 1986. . Poems. In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by Walter M. Cumrnins. Rutherford, NJ: Farleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. , with Zordan Vasilev. Dni cherni i beli: Elisaveta Bagriana: nabliudeniia i razgovori. Sofia: Izd-vo na Bulgarskata Akademiia na naukite, 1993. Agoston-Nikolova, Elka. “The Dilemmas of the Modern Bulgarian Woman in Blaga Dimitrova’ s Novel Litse.” In Literature and Politics in Eastern Europe: Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 74-82. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1992. “Blaga Dimitrova.” In A Biobibliographical Handbook of Bulgarian Authors, edited by Karen L. Black, 308-10. Columbus, OH: Slavica, 1981.


Bulgaria BUL323 BUL324


Katzarova, Mariana. “Bulgaria’s Poet by Profession, Vice President on Duty.” Ms. 3, no. 1 (July/August, 1992): 16-7. About Blaga Dimitrova, a poet in high office. Phillipov, Vladimir. “Experimentation in Present-Day Bulgarian Drama: Blaga Dmitrova’s Dr. Faustina.” In Fiction and Drama in Eastern and Southeastern Europe: Evolution and Experiment in the Postwar Period: Proceedings of the 1978 UCLA Conference. UCLA Slavic Studies, 1. Edited by Hen& Birnbaum and Thomas Eekman, 305-25. Columbus: Slavica, 1980. Scholz, Hannelore. “‘Life From Its Very Beginning at Its End’: The Unhomely Boundaries in the Works of Bulgarian Author Blaga Dimitrova.” In Writing New Identities: Gender, Nation, and Immigration in Contemporary Europe, edited by Gisela Brinker-Gabler and Sidonie Smit, 249-63. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1997.

Dubarova, Petya, 1962-1979. “Dubarova was a promising student who died without warning at age 17. Subsequently, over a hundred of her poems, a few short stories, a few ‘studies’, and a lengthy diary were discovered. Over half of the poems, some of the best work of this captivating poet, are presented in this first book in English [64 pp.].” -Translation Review 44-5 (1994): 56. BUL326

Dubarova, Petya. Here I am, in Perj4ect Leaf Today. Translated by Don Wilson. Canton, CT: Singular Speech Press, 1992.


Eddy, Lee. “Women’s Folk Singing in Bulgaria: Changes in Women’s Musical Activities in a Changing Society.” M.A. thesis, Univ. of Washington, 1990. Includes bibliographical references.

Filkova, Fedya, 1951-. BUL328

Filkova, Fedya. Poems. In Clay and Star: contemporary Bulgarian Poets, translated and edited by Lisa Sapinkopf and Georgi Belev, introduced by Charles A. Moser. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 1992.


Ganeva, Tsvetelina, comp. The Many-Voiced Wave: Contemporary Women Poets of Bulgaria. Translated by Richard Scorza and Tsvetelina Ganeva. Introduced by Satinder K. Vij. New Delhi: South Asia Publishers, 1993. See review by Lyubomira Parpulova-Gribble, Slavic and East European Journal 38, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 397-8.

Gab6, Dora Petrova, 1888-1983. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. BUL330 BUL33 1 BUL332 BUL333

Gab6, Dora Petrova. Poems. In The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Bulgarian Women Poets, translated by Brenda Walker, Belin Tonchev and Svetoslav Piperov. London: Forest; Sofia: Svyat, 1990. “Dora Gab6.” In A Biobibliographical Handbook of Bulgarian Authors, edited by Karen L. Black, 240-2. Columbus, OH: Slavica, 1981. “Dora Gab6.” In Konstantinov, G., Ts. V. Minkov, and St. Velikov. Bulgarski pisateli: Biografii, bibliografiia, 324-5. Sofia: Bulgarski pisatel, 1961. Malinova, Liudmila Khristova. Bulgarski poetesi mezhdu dvete svetovni voini: Elisaveta Bagriana, Dora Gabe, Penka Tsaneva-Blenika, Magda Petkanova, Mariia Grubeshlieva, Vesela Vasileva. Sofia: Tsentur za izkustva Soros, 1999.

Gergova, Linka Gekova, 1904-1992.


Bulgaria BUL334

Forsyth, Martha. Slushai, shterko, i dobre zapomni... pesnite i zhivota na Linka Gekova Gergova ot selo Bistritsa, Sofiisko. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski Univ. Press, 1996. About the songs and life of Linka Gekova Gergova, from the village of Bistritsa.


Genova, hina. “Khudozhnichkite v Bulgariia prez parvata polovina na XX vek: Obrazovanie i uchastie v khudozhestveniia zhivot” [Women Painters in Bulgaria in the First Half of the 20thCentury: Education and Participation in the Creative Life]. In Granitsi na grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdu traditsiiata i modernostta, compiled by Krasimira Daskalova and Raina Gavrilova, 265-79. Sofia: Izd-vo LIK: Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia PO istoriia na zhenite i pola, 2001.

Glebova, Tatjana, 1900-1 985. Bulgarian architect BUL336

Glebova, Tatjana. Papers, 1990. 2 cubic ft. of Glebova’s papers in English. Exhibit boards for a design by Glebova and curriculum vitae. Forms part of the International Archive of Women in Architecture.

Grubeshlieva, Mariia. 1900-. See G. Konstantinov, Ts. V. Minkov and St. Velikov. Bulgarski pisateli: Biografii, bibliografiia, 45 8-59. Sofia: Bulgarski pisatel, 196 1. BUL337


Malinova, Liudmila Khristova. Bulgarski poetesi mezhdu dvete svetovni voini: Elisaveta Bagriana, Dora Gabe, Penka Tsaneva-Blenika, Magda Petkanova, Mariia Grubeshlieva, Vesela Vasileva. Sofia: Tsentur za izkustva Soros, 1999. Sestrimski, Ivan. Mariia Grubeshlieva: Eiteraturno-kriticheski ocherk. Sofia: Bulgarslu pisatel, 1962.

Iazova, Iana. 1912-1974. BUL339 BUL340 BUL341

BUL342 BUL343 BUL344

Iazova, Iana. Benkovski: Aprilsko vastanie: roman. Sofia: Bulgarski pisatel, 1988. . Levski: roman. Sofia: Bulgarski pisatel, 1987. . Moira: epistolarniiat roman na Iana Iazova i Aleksandar Balabanov. Sofia: Akademichno izd-vo Prof. Marin Drinov, 1996. Correspondence of Iazova and Balabanov, a Bulgarian intellectual. . Shipka: roman. Sofia: Bulgarski pisatel, 1989. Pancheva, Tsvetanka. Iana Iazova, 1912-1 974: bio-bibliografiia. Sofia: Izd-vo na Narodnata biblioteka Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii, 1997. Purvanova, Anastasiia. Tvorchestvotu e liubov. Sofia: Van’o Nedkov, 1999. Literary criticism of Bulgarian authors Evgeniia Mars, Mara Belcheva and Iana Iazova.

Iosifova, Anna, 1872-193 1. Prominent painter and member of the Contemporary Art Society. BUL345

Iosifova, Ekaterina. Poems. In Clay and Star: Contemporary Bulgarian Poets, translated and edited by Lisa Sapinkopf and Georgi Belev, introduced by Charles A. Moser. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 1992. Issaeva, Lyudmila. 1926-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.


Issaeva, Lyudmila. Poems. In The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Bulgarian Women Poets, translated by Brenda Walker, Belin Tonchev and Svetoslav Piperov. London: Forest; Sofia: Svyat, 1990.


Bulgaria Kabaivanska, Raina. 1934-. Opera singer. Kamenova, Anna. 1894-1982. See Konstantinov, G., Ts. V. Minkov, and St. Velikov. Bulgarski pisateli: Biografii, bibliografiia, 388. Sofia: Bulgarski pisatel, 196I . Karamikhailova, Elena. 1875-1961. Founding member of the Native Art Society. Karanfilova, Ganka Slavova. 1934-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. Kekhlibareva, Nadia. 1933-. BUL347

BUL348 BUL349

Kehlibareva, Nadya. Poems. In The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Bulgarian Women Poets, translated by Brenda Walker, Belin Tonchev and Svetoslav Piperov. London: Forest; Sofia: Svyat, 1990. . Povest za bulgarkata: (ochertsi).Sofia: Partizdat, 1981. Liana Daskalova, Nadia Kekhlibareva, Petia Iordanova: biobibliografski ochertsi, edited by Albina Iankova et al. Sofia: Dom na literaturata i izkustvata za detsa i iunoshi, 1989.

Konsulova-Vazova,Elisaveta. 1881-1 965. Founding member of the Native Art Society. Kovacheva, Kalina. 1943-. Poet. BUL350

Kovacheva, Kalina. Poems. In The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Bulgarian Women Poets, translated by Brenda Walker, Belin Tonchev and Svetoslav Piperov. London: Forest; Sofia: Svyat, 1990.

BUL35 1

Krumova, Ginka. Vechna kato zemiata, sviata kato zhivota. Ruse: Durzhavna pechatnitsa Dunav, 1984. Bulgarian poetry, 20thcentury; women poets, International Women’s Day. Mindova, Krasimira. Sledat. Plovdiv: Khristo G. Danov, 1988. About theatre and acting in Bulgaria. Mircheva, Nina, Nedialko Nedialkov Krastev, and Ognian Borisov. Zheni khudozhnichki ot Bulgariia = Zhenshchiny khudozhnitsy Bolgarii = Women artists in Bulgaria. Sofia: Izd-vo Bulgarski khudozhnik, 1986. Catalog of exhibit organized by the Union of Bulgarian Women Artists.

BUL352 BUL353

Mutafchievg, Vera. 1929-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. BUL354

FarkaSovA, Etela. “Vera Mutafeievk Sedma vo dvojici.” Slovenske‘pohl ’ady na literature a umenie 7 (1982): 146-7. About women characters in the Slovak translation of Mutafeieva’s novel.

Nikolchina, Miglena. Contemporary poet. BUL355 BUL356 BUL357

Nikolchina, Miglena. Gradat na amazonkite. Varna: E1 LiterNet, 2004, . Molitva: Lirika. Pleven: n.p., 1992. Nedelcheva, Desislava. “Asimboliia” ot Miglena Nikolchina. Sofia: Izd-vo. Litse, 1995.

Pencheva, Stanka. 1929-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.


Bulgaria BUL358


Pencheva, Stanka. Poems. In The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Bulgarian Women Poets, translated by Brenda Walker, Belin Tonchev and Svetoslav Piperov. London: Forest; Sofia: Svyat, 1990. “Stanka Pencheva.” In Bulgarski pisateli: Biografii, bibliografiia, edited by G. Konstantinov, Ts. V. Minkov and St. Velikov, 739. Sofia: Bulgarski pisatel, 1961.

Petkova, Vania. 1942-. Poet. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. BUL360



Petkova, Vanya. Poems. In The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Bulgarian Women Poets, translated by Brenda Walker, Belin Tonchev and Svetoslav Piperov. London: Forest; Sofia: Svyat, 1990. . Venceremos = Venseremos: lirichni eseta za Kuba, sreshti s izvestni latinoamerikanski. pisateli i revoliutsioneri. Sofia: Partizdat, 1980. Essays on her trip to Cuba. Piskuliiska, Iuliia. Nedelia, ponedelnik: praznitsite i delnitsite na zhenata. Sofia: Profizdat, 1989. About 20th-centuryBulgarian women’s literature.

Popova-Mutafova, Fani. 1902-1 977. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M.Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. BUL363

“Fani Mutafova”. In Bulgarski pisateli: Biografii, bibliografiia, edited by G. Konstantinov, Ts. V. Minkov and St. Velikov, 487. Sofia: Bulgarski pisatel, 1961.

Radinska, Valentina. 1951-. Poet. BUL364

Radinska, Valentina. “Poem”. In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by Walter M. Cummins. Rutherford, NJ: Farleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993.


Radonova, Mariia, ed. Zvezda Zornitsa: lirichna antologiia za zhenata. Sofia: Izd-vo na Otechestveniia front, 1974. Anthology of poetry by women. Radulova, Nadezhda. Poems. In A Fine Line: New Poetry From Eastern & Central Europe, edited by Jean Boase-Beier, Alexandra Buchler and Fiona Sampson, 250-59. Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK: Arc Publications, 2003. Reeves-Ellington, Barbara. “Petko-Slaveikovite dashteri.” In Granitsi na grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdu traditsiiata i modernostta, compiled by Krasimira Daskalova and Raina Gavrilova, 121-34. Sofia: Izd-vo LIK: Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia PO istoriia na zhenite i pola, 2001. About Bulgarian women authors. Roth, Juliana. “Lehrerinnen, Ubersetzerinnen, Literatinnen: Bulgarische Frauen im 19. Jahrhundert.” In Der Stellung der Frau auf dem Balkan: Beitrage zur Tagung vom 3.-7 September 1985 in Berlin, edited by Norbert Reiter, 193-20 1. BerlIn Osteuropa-Institut; Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei 0. Harrassowitz, 1987. Sapinkopf, Lisa, and Georgi Belev, trans. and eds. Clay and Star: Contemporary Bulgarian Poets. Charles A. Moser, intro. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 1992. Scorza, Richard, and Tsvetelina Ganeva. The Many-Voiced Wave: Contemporary Women Poets of Bulgaria, translated by Richard Scorza and Tsvetelina Ganeva. New Delhi: South Asian Publishers, 1993. Silverman, Carol. “‘Move Over Madonna’ : Gender, Representation, and the ‘Mystery’ of Bulgarian Voices.” In Over the Wall/After the Fall: Post-Communist Cultures through an

BUL366 BUL367


BUL369 BUL370

BUL37 1


Bulgaria East- West Gaze, edited by Sibelan Forrester, Magdalena J. Zaborowska and Elena Gapova, 212-37. Bloomington, IN Indiana Univ. Press, 2004.

Stamenova, Pavlina. 1955-. Poet. See http://pavlina-stamenova. hit.bg. BUL372

Stamenova, Pavlina. Poems. In Daydreams and Nightmares. Bulgaria, Balkan Goddess, trans. Don D. Wilson, with Stella Kostova. Canton, CT: Singular Speech Press, 1995.

Stefanova, Liliana. 1929-. Poet. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. BUL373


Stefanova, Liliana. Poems. In The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Bulgarian Women Poets, translated by Brenda Walker, Belin Tonchev and Svetoslav Piperov. London: Forest; Sofia: Svyat, 1990. . “Liliana Stefanova.” In Konstantinov, G., Ts. V. Minkov, and St. Velikov. Bulgarski pisateli: Biografii, bibliografiia, 738. Sofia: Bulgarski pisatel, 1961.

Stefanova, Nevena, 1923-. Poet and scriptwriter. Involved in the democratic movement of the late 1980s-early 1990s. BUL375

Stoilova, Liubinka. “Bulgarskite arkhitektki mezhdu dvete svetovni voini: Obrazovanie i sotsialen status na pionerkite.” In Granitsi na grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdu traditsiiata i modernostta, compiled by Krasimira Daskalova and Raina Gavrilova, 280-30 1. Sofia: Izd-vo LIK: Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia PO istoriia na zhenite i pola, 2001. About women in Bulgarian architecture between the two World Wars.

Stoianova, Danila. 1961-1984. Poet. BUL376




BUL380 BUL381

Stoianova, Danila. Poems. In Clay and Star: Contemporary Bulgarian Poets, translated and edited by Lisa Sapinkopf and Georgi Belev, introduced by Charles A. Moser. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 1992. . Poems. In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by Walter M. Cummins. Rutherford, NJ: Farleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. Taneva, Antoaneta. “‘Hen’ Literature: Genders in Conflict: Bulgarian and Romanian Women Writers in the Period between Two World Wars.” In Semiotics Around the World: Synthesis in Diversity: Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Berkeley, 1994, edited by Irmengard Rauch & Gerald F. Carr, v. 1,485-7. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1996. Tankovska, Snejina. “Women in Bulgarian Theater: A Promise of Preserving and Promoting the Tradition of Theater as Art.” European Legacy 2, no. 1 (March 1997): 15-7. Todorova, Mina. Mina: intimni i predsmartni izpovedi. Plovdiv: Izd. kashta Kherrnes, 1991. . Pismata na Mina. Plovdiv: Izd-vo “Khristo G. Danov,” 1984. Correspondence with the famous Bulgarian poet P. Iavorov.

Tomova-Sintova,Anna. 1941-.


Bulgaria BUL382

Voices of Sibyls: Three Bulgarian Poets: Elisaveta Bagriana, Nevena Stefanova, Snezhina Slavova. Translated by Yuri Vidov Karageorge. Kearney, NE: Morris Publishing, 1996 (selfpublished).


Trajkov, Igor Pop. “Letter From Bulgaria: Rositsa Valkanova Interviewed.” Kinoeye: New Perspectives on European Film 3, 1 (20 January 2003). Available online at http://www.kinoeye.org/archive/articles~vol3.php. Valkanova is a film producer.

Zheliazkova, Binka. 1923-. Film director. BUL384

Stanimirova, Neda. “Binka Zheliazkova.” In her Bulgarski kinorezhis ’ori: Borislav Sharaliev, Binka Zheliazkova, Range1 Bulchanov, Liudmil Kirkov, Vulo Radev, 48-83. Sofia: Nauka i Izkustvo, 1984.

Autobiography BUL385 BUL386 BUL387 BUL388

Antonova, Liana. Zhivot: uchilishte. Sofia: Izd-vo Khemus, 1998. Autobiography of a Bulgarian woman jazz singer. Bogatinova, Dona. Trudno i slavno minalo: (Avtobiogr. Spomeni, 1910-1 944). Sofia: Partizdat, 1973. Memoirs of a Bulgarian communist. Georgieva, Roza. Vaztorzhena bezpatitsa: zapiski nu edna zhena letets. Veliko Tumovo: Slovo, 1991. Autobiography of a female air pilot. Miladinova-Aleksieva, Tsarevna. Epokha, Zemia i Khora, 1856-1934 [Epoch, Land, and People, 1856-19341. Sofia: Izd-vo na Otechestveniia front, 1985.


GREECE See also Albania, Macedonia, and Ottoman Turkey chapters.

Bibliography and Reference GREl GRE2





Diavazo 198711988. Special issue on the Greek feminist press. Maloutas, Maria Pantelidou. “Greece.” In The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women ’sIssues Worldwide: Europe, edited by Lynn Walter, 263-80. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003. Includes: Country Profile, Overview of Women’s Issues, Education, Employment and the Economy, Family and Sexuality, Health, Politics and Law, Religion and Spirituality, Violence, Outlook for the Twenty-first Century, Resources Guide (Suggested Reading, Videos/Films, Web Sites, Organizations) and a Selected Bibliography. Markoulidaki Anna, and Anna Mihopoulou. Mia bibliographia gia ti gynaika kai to gynaikeio zitima. Athens: Edition Women’s Bookshop, 1988. A bibliography of books published in Greece on women’s oppression and liberation, violence, motherhood, work, politics, religion, art, media etc. Sutton, David E. “Greeks of Kalymnos.” In Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender: Men and Women in the World’s Cultures. Vol. 1, edited by Carol R. Ember and Melvin Ember, 4 1724. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2004. Includes information on the cultural conceptions of gender, gender differences, gender roles, status, and institutions, sexuality and male-female interaction. “Women.” In Recent Social Trends in Greece 1960-2000, edited by Dimitris Charalambis, Laura Maratou-Alipranti, and Andromachi Hadjiyanni, 109-64. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’ s Univ. Press, 2004. Topics covered include: female roles, childbearing, matrimonial models, women’s employment and reproductive techniques. Other relevant chapters include discussions of household resources, life style, education, etc. Bibliographies are included for each major topic discussed. Ziogou, R., and K. Deligianni. Ekpaidefsi kai phylo. Eidiki Bibliografia. Athens: General Secretariat of Equality, Univ. of Salonika, 1995. Bibliography on education and gender. Zitsaia, Chrysanthe. Kypries logotechnides: meleti. Salonika: n. p., 1971. A bio-bibliography of modern Cypriot women writers.

Web Sites GRE8 GRE9

Women Writers from Greece. http://w ww .digital.library.upenn.edu/women/-generate/GREECE.html Women’s Organizations, Greece. http://www .euronet.nu-fullmoon/womlist/countries/greece. html

Periodicals GRE I0

Agonas tes gynaikas: ekdose tou Syndesmou gia ta Dikaiomata tes Gynaikas. A quarterly first



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published in September 1923 in Athens by 0 Syndesmos gia ta Dikaiomata tis Gynaikas (League for Women’s Rights). Includes summaries in English. Publication was interrupted under the Metaxas dictatorship (1936) to avoid censorship. In 1984, it resumed in a new form. Deltion Lykeiou Ellinidon. The acts of the Lyceum of Greek Women, first period 1920, second period 1937. Dine‘: pheministiko periodiko. A semi-annual feminist periodical produced by an editorial collective of 17 women involved in post-1974 feminist movement in Greece. The first issue appeared in December 1986, published in Athens by Vivliopolis AE. Ephimeris ton Ellinidon, Panellinion evdomadiaion organon tou Gynaikeiou Kosmou. Director Eleni Pournara. 1930-193 1. Ephimeris ton Gynaikon. Women’s weekly newspaper of conservative rights. Director Meropi Vasilikou. 1929. Ephimeris ton Kyrion [Ladies’ Newspaper]. Published in Athens 1887-1 9 17 and edited by Kallirhoi Parren. Weekly until 1908, afterwards appeared as the semi-monthly magazine Dekapenthimero Egyklopaidiko periodiko gia ti gynaika. Ellinides. Magazine edited by the Panelladiki Enosi Gynaikon (EGE), Athens 1946. Ellinis [Greek Woman]. Monthly review of the Ethniko Symvoulio Ellinidon (National Council of Greek Women). Published in Athens, 1921-1 940. Eva Nikitria. Review of the Lyceum of Greek women, branch of Zakynthos. Edited by Marietta Gianopoulou. 1921-1 923. H Pheministiki, dekapenthimeri epitheorisi. Semi-monthly review of the Feminist Union of the Macedonia and Thrace. Salonika 1930. Gia tin apelephtherosi ton Gynaikon [For Women’s Liberation]. The first issue, published in February 1978, was the first new-wave feminist magazine, after the dictatorship (19671974). Edited by Kinisi gia tin Apeleftherosi tis Gynaikas (Women’s Liberation Movement). Hellenika: The Voice of Greek Women. This periodical, which first appeared in August 1948, comes out at varying intervals. Published in Athens by the National Council of Greek Women and other associations of Greek women. Lavrys. Lesbiadfeminist magazine that ran for three issues in Athens, 1982-1983. Out! The January 1983 issue of this lesbiadfeminist periodical called “the publication of the Multinational Women’s Liberation Group of Athens.” Sfigga, pheministika kai alla. Edited by a group of women, this Athens magazine ran for only one issue in 1980. Skoupa, gia to gynaikeio zitima. Edited by a nine-member women’s committee, this journal ran for five issues, Athens 1979-1981. Socialistiki Zoi. Monthly review of the women’s Socialist Group. Athens 1928-1935.

History and Society GRE27 GRE28 GRE29 GRE30 GRE3 1 GRE32

Afxendiou, Georgia. “Professional Women in Greece: State Empowerment and the (re)Production of Greekness.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Rochester, 1996. Alexakes, Eleutherios P. Mani: gyni kai oikogeneia. Athens: Trochalia, 1998. About clans, family and marriage in Mani. , Ta paidia tis siopis: oikogeneia, syngeneia kai gamos stous Arvanites tis NA. AttikisLaureotikis (1850-1 940). Athens: Ekdoseis Parousia, 1996. Annotated under Albania. Alexiou, Margaret. “Sons, Wives and Mothers: Reality and Fantasy in Some Modem Greek Ballads.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 1, no. 1 (May 1983): 73-1 11. Alimberte, Soteria I. Ai iroidai tis hellenikis epanastaseos. Athens: S. N. Taroustopolous, 1933. About women in the war of independence, 1821-1829. Altamirano, Deborah Renee. “Up in Arms: The Lives and Times of Women Activists in the





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World War Two Greek Resistance.” Ph.D. diss. Univ. of California at Santa Barbara, 1993. Anthias, Floya. “Sexual Divisions and Ethnic Adaptation: The Case of Greek-Cypriot Women.” In One-Way Ticket: Migration and Female Labour, edited by Annie Phizacklea, 73-94. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983. . “Women and Nationalism in Cyprus.” In Woman-Nation-State, edited by Nira Davisand Floya Anthias, 150-67. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1989. A’ Panelladiko Synedrio Gynaikon: Dokournenta apo to Archeio tis Rosas Imvrioti. Athens: Edition of the Omospondia Gynaikon Elladas (OGE), 1985. About the First Panhellenic Conference of Women on May 1946. Documents from the Archive of Rosa Imvrioti. Apostolidou, Natasha. Die neue Frauenbewegung in der Bundesrepublik und Griechenland: eine vergleichende Studie. Frankfurt: U. Helmer, 1995. A cross-cultural study of feminism in West Germany and Greece. Originally the author’s doctoral thesis at the Universitat Frankfurt . Apostolopoulou, Natalia. Perephanes ki adoulotes. Athens: Ekdoseis Entos, 1997. About Greek women in the Resistance (1941-1944), the Civil War (1946-1949) and the Junta (1967-1974). . Stis mylopetres tis vias: gynaikopaida stin exoria. Athens: Ekdoseis Sygchroni Epochi, 1980. About violence against women and children during their political exile (19471950) in the Greek Civil War. , and Katerina Chariati-Sismani. “De doulono-den apographo! ”:antartomanes stin exoria. Athens: Ekdoseis Synchroni Epochi, 1979. About the mothers of the partisans of the Democratic Army in exile, during the Civil War (1946-1949). . Grothia sto skotadi: apo tin politistiki zoi ton exoriston gynaikon. Athens: Ekdoseis Sygchroni Epochi, 1984. Memories of the cultural life in women’s concentration camps during the Greek Civil War ( 1946-1 949). Argyrou, Vassos. Tradition and Modernity in the Mediterranean: The Wedding as Symbolic Struggle. Cambridge studies in social and cultural anthropology, no. 101. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996. About marriage customs and rites in Cyprus. Athanasiadou, Christina. “Postgraduate Women Talk about Family and Career: The Discursive Reproduction of Gender Difference.” Feminism and Psychology 7, no. 3 (Aug 1997): 32 1-7. About Greek women’ s attitudes. Avdela, Ephe [Ephi]. “To antiphatiko periechomeno tis koinonikis prostasias: i nomothesia gia tin ergasia ton gynaikon sti viomichania (Nos-200s eonas).” Ta Istorica 11 (1989): 33960. About the contradictory content of social protection: legislation on women’s industrial work in the 19’ and 20’ centuries. . “Between Duties and Rights: Gender and Citizenship in Greece, 1864-1952.” In Citizenship and the Nation-State in Greece and Turkey, edited by Faruk Birtek and Thalia Dragonas, 117-43. London & New York: Routledge, 2005. . “Chronos, istoria ke ethniki taftotita sto elliniko scholeio.” In “Ti in ’ i patrida mas ? ”:Ethnokentrismos stin ekpaidephsi [What Is Our Country?’ Ethnocentrism in Education], edited by Anna Frangoudalu and Thalia Dragona, 49-7 1. Athens: Alexandria Publications, 1997. About time, history and national identity in Greek schools. . “Class, Ethnicity and Gender in Post-Ottoman Thessaloniki.” In Borderlines: Genders and Identities in Peace and War (1880-1930), edited by Billie Melman, 421-38. London and New York: Routledge, 1998. . “Constructing National Identity: The History Textbooks.” In School Textbooks: Research and Evaluation, 45-52. Patras: National Commission for UNESCO, 1996. . “Contested Meanings: Protection and Resistance in Labour Inspectors’ Reports in 20th c. Greece.” Gender & History 9, no. 2 (1997): 310-32. . Dimosioi ypalliloi genous thilykou: katarnerisrnos tis ergasias kata phyla ston dimosio tomea, 1908-1 955. Athens: Idryma Ereunas kai Paideias tis Emporikis Trapezas tis






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Ellados, 1990. About the division of labor in the public sector, 1908-1955. . “‘Eterotita’ ke ‘taphtotita’: istoriographikes prosegiseis.” Synchrona Themata 54 (1995): 17-20. About historiographical approaches to “otherness” and “identity.” . “Physikos proorismos, koinonilu ergasia kai o rolos tou kratous: mia protasi gia tin ergasia ton gynaikon to 1940.” In I Elada tou ’40 [Greece in the 1940~1,125-52. Athens: Society for the Study of Neohellenic Civilisation and Culture, 1993. About natural destiny, social work and the role of the state: a proposal for women’s work in 1940. . “I1 genere della pubblica amministrazione. Funzionarie donne nella Grecia del xx secolo.” In Operaie, serve, maestre, impiegate, edited by Paola Nava, 386-93. Torino: Comune de Capri - Rosenberg & Sellier, 1992. . “Genere, famiglia e strategie del lavoro in Grecia.” Passato e Presente 15, no. 41 (1997): 145-63. . “The History of Women in Greece.” In Writing Women’s History. International Perspectives, edited by Karen Offen, Ruth Roach Pierson and Jane Rendall, 423-7. London: Macmillan, 1991. . “I kiononiki taxi sti sigchroni istoriographia: apo to oikonomiko dedomeno stin politismiki kataskevi.” Ta Istorica 22 (1995): 173-204. About social class in contemporary historiography: from economic fact to cultural construction. . “I misthoti ergasia OS pedio sigrotisis koinonikon kinimaton sto Mesopolemo.” Eliniki Epitheorisi Politikis Epistimis 8 (1996): 83-99. About salaried work as a field for the construction of social movements between the wars. . “Quand classe et genre s’opposent : Le cas de l’historiographie grhcque contemporaine.” In L’Histoire sans lesfemmes est-elle possible? edited by Anne-Marie Sohn and Franqoise Thdamon, 25-32. Rouen: Perrin, 1998. . “I sigrotisi tis ethnikis taphtotitas sto elliniko scholeio: ‘emeis’ ke i ‘alloi’.” In “Ti in ’ i patrida mas? ”:Ethnokentrismos stin ekpaidephsi [What Is Our Country?’ Ethnocentrism in Education], edited by Anna Frangoudaki and Thalia Dragona, 27-45. Athens: Alexandria Publications, 1997. About the construction of national identity in Greek schools. . “0sosialismos ton ‘allon’: taxiki agones, ethnotikes sigrousis kai taphtotites philou sti meta-othomaniki Thessalonilu.” Ta Istorica 18-19 (1993): 171-204. About the socialism of “others”: class struggle, ethnic conflict and gender identities in post-Ottoman Salonika. . “Stoiheia gia tin ergasia ton gynaikon sto Mesopolemo: opseis ke theseis.” In Venizelismos ke astikos eksigchronismos [Venizelos’ politics and bourgeois modernisation], edited by G. Th. Mavrogordatos and Ch. Chatziiosif, 193-204. Iraklio: Univ. of Crete Press, 1988. About women’s work in the interwar period: aspects and opinions. . “I thesi tis daskalas. Logoi kai antilogoi se ena mesopolemiko epagelmatiko entypo.” Dine: pheministiko periodiko 3 (1988): 46-53. About the woman teacher’s position: discourse and counter discourse in an interwar professional journal. . “‘To the Most Weak and Needy’: Women’s Protective Labor Legislation in Greece.” In Protecting Women: Labor Legislation in Europe, the United States, and Australia, 18901920, edited by Ulla Wikander, Alice Kessler-Harris and Jane Lewis, 290-3 17. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1995. . “Travaux salaribs des femmes entre les deux guerres en Grhce.” Cahiers APRE (Atelier ProductiodReproduction) 1, no. 7 (1988): 1-7. . “Work, Gender & History in the 1990s and Beyond.” Gender & History 11, no. 3 (1999): 528-41. , and Angelika Psarra. 0 pheminismos stin Ellada tou Mesopolemou: mia anthologia. Athens: Gnosi, 1985. Feminism in inter-war Greece. An anthology. , and Angelika Psarra. Sioperes histories: gynaikes kai phylo sten historike aphegese [Silenced Stories: Women and Gender in the Historical Narrative]. Athens: Ekdoseis




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Alexandreia, 1997. Feminist theory. Avdi-Kalkani, Iris. Ekeino to proi, Peiraias 1892: i proti apergia ergatrion stin Ellada. Athens: Athenaikes Ekdoseis EPE, 1992. Fiction about working class women and strikes in 19*-century Piraeus. . I epangelrnatika ergazorneni ellinida. Athens: Ekdoseis Papazisi, 1978. About women in the professions. . Mia antartissa tis Polis stin taragrneni Athina: Athina Gaitanou-Gianniou, 18801952. Athens: Helleniko Logotechniko kai Historiko Archeio, 1997. About Athena GaitanouGianniou, socialist and feminist. Includes bibliography. . Pherninisrnos kai ergasia stin Ellada sirnera. Athens: Neoi Kairoi, Athinaikes Ekdoseis EPE, 1988. About feminism, work and the law, focusing on sex discrimination against women in employment. Includes bibliography. Averof, Michaela. I genia tou rnegalou epous: gynaikes tou Eikosi-ena. Athnes: n.p., 1966. About women in the War of Independence, 1821-1829. Bakalaki, Alexandra Maria. “Gender-Related Discourses and Representations of Cultural Specificity in Nineteenth-Century and Twentieth-Century Greece.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 12, no. 1 (May 1994): 75-112. . “The History and Structure of a Feminized Profession: Hairdressing in Athens and Thessaloniki.” Ph.D. diss., State Univ. of New York at Buffalo, 1984. , and Helene Elegmitou. I ekpaideusi “eis ta tou oikou kai ta gynaikeia kathikonta: apo tinhidrysi tou ellinikou kratous eos tin ekpaideutiki rnetarrythrnisi tou 1929. Athens: Geniki Grammateia Neas Genias, 1987. About women’s education, especially home economics, in the 19* and 20* centuries. Balaska, Julia. “2,500 Years after Plato: Greek Women in Higher Education.” In The Gender Gap in Higher Education: World Yearbook of Education, edited by Suzanne Stiver Lie, 8594. London: Kogan Page, 1994. Boutzouvi-Bania, Alexandra-Styliani. “Avra Theodoropoulou.” About the Greek feminist Avra Theodoropoulou (1880-1963). Dine‘:pherninistiko periodiko 2 (1987): 82. . “Logotexnia kai pheminismos: Ginaikeia protypa sta 3 diegemata tes Avras Teodorapolulou.” Dine: pherninistiko periodiko 2 ( 1987): 83-6.” About feminist Avra Theodoropoulou’s depiction of three models of womanhood, whose end is flight, compromise, and death, respectively. . “Prosengise sto odoiporiko mias ginaikas Diamanto Tsiaka-Gritzona” [Diamando Tsiaka-Gritzona: A Woman’s journey during the Greek civil war and its aftermath]. Dine: pherninistiko periodiko 6 (1993): 196-229. She narrates her life story covering the years 1942-1950. . “To anthropino xreos exei philo: E periptose tes Evangelias Samara” [The Gender of Human Duty: The Case of Evangelia Samara]. Dine: pherninistiko periodiko 8 (1996): 21737. This article is a comparative reading of three texts: a book written in 1986 by Evangelia Samara; an interview given by the author in 1986 to a friend of hers, a female novelist; and a second interview given in 1994. Married to a doctor actively involved in the Greek Resistance, she was the one to record their lives. . “Peri ’taxtopoieseos’ ton politon: Oi phakeloi tes Avras kai tou Spirou Theodoropoulos” [Greek Security Police after Avra and Spyros Theodoropoulos] . Dine: pherninistiko periodiko 5 ( 1990): 22-35.About the surveillance files the Secret State Intelligence Services kept on-among others-the Theodorpoulos couple, under surveillance from the end of the Civil War (1949) until their deaths (1960). The publication of, and the commentary on these files reveals the political, social, and sexist dimension of the activities of these services, and the responsibility of the country’s political leadership for its unanimous decision in 1989 to destroy all such material. ”


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. “To treno tes phrikes, diadromes tes istorias: Alkes Zee, E arravoniastikia tou Axillea” [The train of horror, journeys through history, Alki’s novel: Achilles Fiance‘e].Dine: pheministiko periodiko 3 (1988): 59-63. A review of a novel that deals with male power and its effects on relations between the sexes. , and Marianna Kondili. “Synenteuxe me te Vangelio Vogiatze” [Interview with Vangelio Voyatzi]. Dine‘: pheministiko periodiko 4 (1989): 9 1-6. Interview with a political prisoner, jailed for 14 months together with her baby and released in 1989. She describes in detail both the political climate of the period and the conditions in prison. , and Maria Korasidou. “Diavaxontas to Dialogo me ten Anna tes A. Meganpanou. Prosengiseis kai staseis apenanti sten porneia” [Reading Dialogue with Anna by A. Megapanou: Approaches and Attitudes to Prostitution]. Dine‘:pheministiko periodiko 4 (1989): 74-8. An oral narrative, recorded by the author, of the life of Anna, a prostitute who regards herself as a member of a profession that performs a social service. Commentary and an account of differing views about prostitution. , and Marina Papagiannaki, “Statistike ton ephon e statistike ton diaston.” Dine: pheministiko periodiko 2 (1987): 15-22. About rape as an ‘offence against morality’: the profile of those who commit it, the penalties, and the role of the press in the period 19811983. Beopoulou, J. “Trajets du patrimoine dans une sociiti maritime Grhcque: Lieux masculins et fiminins dans l’acquisition et la circulation des biens.” In Femmes et patrimoine dans les socie‘te‘s rurales de 1’Europe Me‘diterrane‘enne,edited by Georges Augustins and Georges Ravis-Giordani. Marseilles: CNRS, 1987. Bompou-Protopapa, Helene. To Lykeio ton Ellinidon, 1911-1991. Athens: [To Lykeio,] 1993. About women’s education and school-administration at the Athens Lyceum. Bottomley, G. “A World Divided? Studies of Gender Relations in Modern Greece.” Mankind 16 (1986): 181-9. Campbell, John K. Honour, Family and Patronage: A Study of Institutions and Moral Values in a Greek Mountain Village. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1964. Caraveli, Anna. “The Bitter Wounding: The Lament as Social Protest in Rural Greece.” In Gender and Power in Rural Greece, edited by Jill Dubisch, 169-94. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1986. Casselberry, S. E., and N. Valavanes. “‘Matrilocal’ Greek Peasants and a Reconsideration of Residence Terminology.” American Ethnologist 3, no. 2 (1976): 215-26. Cavounidis, Jennifer. “Capitalist Development and Women’s Work in Greece.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 1, no. 2 (October 1983): 321-38. Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs (United Nations). Women in Decision Making: Case-Study on Greece. New York: United Nations, 1991. Christea-Doumane, Mariella. I ellinida mitera allote kai simera. [Athens:] Kedros, 1989. About mothers and children in rural Greece and Athens, then and now. Clark, Mari H. “Variations on Themes of Male and Female: Reflections on Gender Bias in Fieldwork in Rural Greece.”Women’s Studies 10 (1982): 117-33. Cockburn, Cynthia. The Lines: Women, Partition and the Gender Order in Cyprus. London; New York: Zed Books, 2004. Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties under Article 18 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: Second and Third Periodic Reports of States Parties: Greece. [New York:] United Nations, 1996. Covers the period 1986-1 994. “Country to Country: Facts, Institutions, Laws and Militant Activities: Greece. The Challenge of 1992: Social Security; the Federation of Greek Women; Unemployment; Mediterranean; Family, Crhches, and Day Nurseries; Cancer.” Women of Europe Report no. 53 (1988): 21-2. “Country to Country: Facts, Institutions, Laws and Militant Activities: Greece. National 166



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Legislative Elections; Women and Power; Equal Rights; Union of Greek Women; Appointments; Women’s Role in the Economy; Women and Society.” Women of Europe Report no. 61 (1992): 16-7. Cousins, Christine. “Women and Employment in Southern Europe: The Implications of Recent Policy and Labour Market Directions.” Society & Politics 5, no. l(2000): 97-122. Women in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain. Cowan, Jane K. Dance and the Body Politic in Northern. Greece. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1990. . “Embodiments: The Social Construction of Gender in Dance Events in a Northern Greek Town. Ph.D. diss., Indiana Univ., 1988. . “Going Out for Coffee? Contesting the Grounds of Gendered Pleasures in Everyday Sociability.” In Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Modem Greece, edited by Peter Loizos and Evthymios Papataxiarchis, 180-202. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1991. . “Women, Men and Pre-Lenten Carnival in Northern Greece: An Anthropological Exploration of Gender Transformation in Symbol and Practice.” Rural History 5, no. 2( 1994): 195. Danforth, Loring M. “The Resolution of Conflict through Song in Greek Ritual Therapy.” In Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Modern Greece, edited by Peter Loizos and Evthymios Papataxiarchis, 98-1 13. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1991. Daraki, Pepi. To orama tis isotimias tis gynaikas. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1995. Greek women through the centuries. Deligianni-Kouimtzi, Vasiliki “Mia epitychimeni kariera kai enas kalos syzygos: oneira kai prosdolues koritsion ephivikis ilikias.” In Ekpaideusi kai phylo: istoriki diastasi kai synchronos provlimatismos, edited by Vasililu Deligianni-Kouimtzi and Sideroula ZiogouKarastergiou, 31 1-32. Salonika: Ekdoseis Vanias, 1993. About a successful career and a good husband as the teenage Greek girl’s dream. , and Sideroula Ziogou-Karastergiou, eds. Ekpaideusi kai phylo: istoriki diastasi kai synchronos provlimatismos. Salonika: Ekdoseis Vanias, 1993. Essays about historical and contemporary aspects of education and gender. Delmouzos, A. To Krypho skoleio, 1908-191 1. Athens: Institut frangais d’Athhe, 1950. About education. Demanaki, Maria. To thilyko prosopo tis exousias. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1995. About women in politics. Dimen, Muriel. “Servants and Sentries: Women, Power, and Social Reproduction in Kriovrisi.” In Gender and Power in Rural Greece, edited by Jill Dubisch, 53-67. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1986. Dollas, Rhonda L. “The Sex Ratio and Women’s Status in Greece, 1951-1981.” Ph.D. diss., Duke Univ., 1993. Doumanis, Mariella. Mothering in Greece:from Collectivism to Individualism. New York: Academic Press, 1983. Dragonas, Thalia, Konstantine Petrogiannis, et al. “Working Women, Their Emotional WellBeing and Pregnancy in Greece.” Journal of Reproductive & Infant Psychology 15, no. 3-4 (August-November 1997) : 239-5 7. Dubisch, Jill. “Culture Enters Through the Kitchen: Women, Food, and Social Boundaries in Rural Greece.” In Gender and Power in Rural Greece, edited by Jill Dubisch, 195-214. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1986. . “The Domestic Power of Women in a Greek Island Village.” Studies in European Society 1, no. 1 (1974): 23-33. . “‘Foreign Chickens’ and Other Outsiders: Gender and Community in Greece.” American Ethnologist 20, no. 2 (May 1993): 272-87. Suggests that gender needs to be seen in a shifting context of boundaries, representations, and conflicts at the domestic, communal, ”





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and even national level. . “Gender, Death, and Memory in Greece.” American Anthropologist 98, no. 4 (December 1996): 874-5. Reviews the books New Voices in the Nation: Women and the Greek Resistance, 1941-1964, by Janet Hart and Fragments of Death, Fables of Identity: An Athenian Anthropography, by Neni Panourgia. . “Gender, Kinship, and Religion: ‘Reconstructing’ the Anthropology of Greece.” In Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Modern Greece, edited by Peter Loizos and Evthymios Papataxiarchis, 2 9 4 6 . Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1991. . “Greek Women: Sacred or Profane.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 1, no. 1 (May 1983): 185-202. . In a Diferent Place: Pilgrimage, Gender and Politics at a Greek Island Shrine. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1995. . “Introduction.” In Gender and Power in Rural Greece, edited by Jill Dubisch, 3-41. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1986. , ed. Gender and Power in Rural Greece. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1986. Reviewed by M. Alexiou in the Yearbook of Modern Greek Studies 3 (1987). du Boulay, Juliet. “The Blood: Symbolic Relationships between Descent, Marriage, Incest Prohibitions and Spiritual Kinship in Greece.” Man n.s. 19 (1984): 533-56. . “Cosmos and Gender in Village Greece.” In Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Modern Greece, edited by Peter Loizos and Evthymios Papataxiarchis, 47-78. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1991. . “The Meaning of Dowry: Changing Values in Rural Greece.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 1 (1983): 243-70. . “Women: Images of Their Nature and Destiny in Rural Greece.” In Gender and Power in Rural Greece, edited by Jill Dubisch, 139-68. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1986. Dunkas, Nicholas, and G. Nikelly. “The Persephone Syndrome: A Study of Conflict in the Adaptive Process of Married Greek Female Immigrants in the U.S.A.” Social Psychiatry 7 (1972): 21 1-6. Elgegren, Reategui F. “Politika de poblacion: la herencia del pensiamento griego.” Revista Peruana De Poblacion 5 (1994): 137-52. About population policy and the legacy of Greek thought. Eliou, Marie. Ekpaideutiki kai koinoniki dynamiki. Athens: Poreia, 1988. About educational and social dynamics. . “Gynaikes panepistimiakoi: exelixi tis thesis tous i stasimotita?” In Ekpaideusi kai phylo: istoriki diastasi kai synchronos provlimatismos, edited by Vasilike DeligianniKouimtzi and Sideroula Ziogou-Karastergiou, 4 1 7 4 4 . Salonika: Ekdoseis Vanias, 1993. About academic women’s progress or lack of it. . “Women in the Academic Profession: Evolution or Stagnation?” European Education 26, no. 4 (winter 1994-95): 78-101. A study of the social origins of Greek university staff and their career patterns. Examines women’s gains as university professors, and the percentage of women teaching in Greek universities. Epitropi isotetas ton dyo phylon. N.p.: To Kinima, 1985. About Greece’s governmental policy on women’s rights. Epitropi tou Dimou Volou gia ta dikaiomata tis gynaikas. Volos: [Demou Volou], 1993. A 30-page history of women in the Volos region in the 20* century. European Forum of Left Feminists; Helleniko Tmema. Ethnikismos, ratsismos, koinoniko phylo: diemere synantese gynaikon, 11 kai 12 Noemvriou 1994. Salonika: Parateretes, 1995. Conference on sexism, racism, nationalism. Falianka-Papanikolaou, Eleni. I gynaika stin antistasi. Athens: Apo Fotia kai apo Sidero, 1984. Women in the Greek Resistance 1941-1944.


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Fong, Katherine J. “Women in Greek Athletics.” M.A. thesis, Antioch Univ., 1985. Fournaraki, Heleni. Ekpaideusi kai agogi ton koritsion: ellinikoi provlimatismoi, 1830-1 910. Ena anthologio. Athens: Genike Grammateia Neas Genias, 1987. About women’s education in 19* and 20* -century Greece. Includes bibliography. Fourtouni, Eleni. Greek Women in Resistance: Journals, Oral Histories. New Haven: Thelfini Press, 1985. Includes photographs by Spyros Meletzis and drawings by Katerina Chariati-Sismani. Friedl, Ernestine. “Field Work in a Greek Village.” In Women in the Field, edited by Peggy Golde, 195-217. Chicago: Aldine, 1970. Reprinted in the 2nd,expanded edition. Berkeley, CA: Univ. of California Press, 1986. . “The Position of Women: Appearance and Reality.” In Gender and Power in Rural Greece, edited by Jill Dubisch, 42-52. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1986. Gaitanou-Gianniou, Athina. Gynaika kai politiki. Athens: Typois Etaireias-Viomichanias kai Emporias Chartou, 1925. About women in politics and the political aspects of sex roles. Galani-Moutafi, Vasiliki. “From Agriculture to Tourism: Property, Labor, Gender, and Kinship in a Greek Island Village.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 11, no. 2 (October 1993): 241-70. . “From Agriculture to Tourism: Property, Labor, Gender, and Kinship in a Greek Island Village. Part Two.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 12, no. 1 (May 1994): 113-30. Garland, Billie Jean. “Gynaikonomoi: An Investigation of Greek Censors of Women.” Ph.D. diss., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1981. Gavrielidis, Vlasis. Ai gynaikai. Athens: Ekdot. Oikos Eleutheroudalus, 1921. About women’s socialization, sex roles, social conditions. Originally appeared in the newspaper Akropolis in several issues, June 16-25, under the pseudonym “Rizospastis.” Geladopoulos, Fillippas. Maria Demadi: iroi’da tis ethnikis antistasis. Athens: Ekdoseis Nestoras, 1982, 1988. About Maria Demadi (1907-1944), Resistance heroine. Georgakopoulou, Alexandra. “Women, Men, and Conversational Narrative Performances: Aspects of Gender in Greek Storytelling.” Anthropological Linguistics 37, no. 4 (winter 1995): 460-87. Focuses on Greek conversational storytelling with the aim of exploring systemic differences between women and men in the construction of narrative worlds. Georges, E. “Abortion Policy and Practice in Greece.” Social Science and Medicine 42, no. 4 (February 1996): 509-19. Giagou, D. I., and C. Apostolopoulos. “Rural Women and the Development of the Agritouristic Cooperatives in Greece: The Case of Petra, Lesvos.” Journal of Rural Cooperation 24, no. 2 (1996): 143-56. Giovannini, M. J. “Female Chastity Codes in the Circum-Mediterranean: Comparative Perspectives.” In Honor and Shame and the Unity of the Mediterranean, edited by David Gilmore. No. 22. Washington: American Anthropological Association, 1987. “Greece: Equality between Men and Women.” Western European Education 19, no. 3 (Fall 1987): 26. About the educational opportunities available to women, at all education levels, in Greece. Green, Sarah. “Post-Communist Neighbours: Relocating Gender in a Greek-Albanian Border Community.” In Surviving Post-Socialism: Local Strategies and Regional Responses in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Sue Bridge and Frances Pine, 80105. London: Routledge, 1998. I gynaika kai ta mesa mazikis enimerosis. Athens: Pyli, 1979. About women in mass media and feminism. Halkias, Alexandra. “Money, God and Race: The Politics of Reproduction and the Nation in Modern Greece.” European Journal of Women’s Studies 10, no. 2 (2003): 21 1-32. Handman, Marie-Elizabeth. La Violence et la Ruse: Hommes et Femmes dans un Village Grec. La Calade, Aix-en Provence: Edisud, Mondes mdditerrandens, 1983. Case studies of 169


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despotism, violence and cunning among men and women in rural Greece. Revision of the author’s doctoral dissertation at the University of Paris, 1980. . Via kai poniria: antres kai gynaikes s’ena elliniko chorio. Athens: Kastaniotis, 1987. Greek version of La Violence et La Ruse. Hart, Janet. “Empowerment and Political Opportunity: Greek Women in Resistance, 194144.” Ph.D. diss., Cornell Univ., 1989. , ed. New Voices in the Nation: Women and the Greek Resistance, 1941-1964. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1996. Part of the Wilder House series in politics, history, and culture. Discusses women’s role in underground movements during World War I1 and Occupation. Includes bibliographical references and index. Hatzi, Tasia. ‘Poutana’: Mia gynaikeia athliotita i i athliotita nu ‘sai gynaika. Athens: Odysseas, 1983; 1980. Testimonies from women prostitutes. Herzfeld, Michael. Anthropology through the Looking-Glass: Critical Ethnography in the Margins of Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987. Several pages in this study of Greece’s modem identity focus on the image of women, especially on their role in language, their subjection to stereotyping and their sexual roles. . “In Defiance of Destiny: The Management of Time and Gender at a Cretan Funeral.” American Ethnologist 20, no. 2 (May 1993): 241-56. . “Gender Pragmatics: Agency, Speech, and Bride-Theft in a Cretan Mountain Village.” Anthropology 9 (1985): 2 5 4 4 . . The Poetics of Manhood: Contest and Identity in a Cretan Mountain Village. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1985. . “Semantic Slippage and Moral Fall: The Rhetoric of Chastity in Rural Greek Society.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 1, no. 1(May 1983): 161-72. . “Silence, Submission, and Subversion: Toward a Poetics of Womanhood.” In Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Modern Greece, edited by Peter Loizos and Evthymios Papataxiarchis, 79-97. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1991. . “Within and Without: The Category of ‘Female’ in the Ethnography of Modem Greece.” In Gender and Power in Rural Greece, edited by Jill Dubisch, 215-34. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1986. Hirschon, Renge. Heirs of the Greek Catastrophe: The Social Life of Asia Minor Refugees in Piraeus. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. . “Open Body, Closed Space: The Transformation of Female Sexuality.” In Defining Females: the Nature of Women in Society, edited by S. Ardener. London: Croom Helm, 1978. . “Women, the Aged and Religious Activity: Oppositions and Complementarity in an Urban Locality.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 1, no. 1 (May 1983): 113-30. . “The Women-Environment Relationship: Greek Cultural Values in an Urban Community.” Ekistics 52 (1985): 15-21. House, W. J. Patterns and Determinants of Female Labour Force Participation in Cyprus. Geneva: International Labour Office [ILO], World Employment Programme, Population and Labour Policies Programme, 1982: 52. . “The Status and Pay of Women in the Cyprus Labour Market.” In Sex Inequalities in Urban Employment in the Third World, edited by Richard Anker and Catherine Hein, 11769. London: Macmillan, 1986. Hughes, Kate. “Women and War: The Greek Cypriot Experience.” Women: A Cultural Review 8 , no. 1 (Spring 1997): 81-8. Humphreys, Sarah C. The Family, Women and Death: Comparative Studies. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1992; London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983. Igglesi, Chrysi. Prosopa gynaikon, prosopeia tis syneidisis: synkrotisi tis gynaikeias tautotitas stin elliniki koinonia. Athens: Ekdoseis Odysseas, 1990. About Greek women’s social conditions. Includes social surveys and a bibliography.


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Iossifides, Marina. “Sisters in Christ: Metaphors of Kinship among Greek Nuns.” In Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Modern Greece, edited by Peter Loizos and Evthymios Papataxiarchis, 135-55. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1991. Jones, Lesley Anne. “Morbidity and Vitality: The Interpretation of Menstrual Blood in Greek Science.” Ph. D. diss., Stanford Univ., 1987. Josephides, Sasha. “Honour, Family, and Work: Greek Cypriot Women Before and After Migration.” In Enterprising Women: Ethnicity, Economy, and Gender Relations, edited by Sallie Westwood and Parminder Bhachu, 34-57. London and New York: Routledge, 1988. Just, Roger. “The Limits of Kinship.” In Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Modern Greece, edited by Peter Loizos and Evthymios Papataxiarchis, 114-32. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1991.

Kairi, Euanthia. 1799-1 866. School superintendent and principal. GRE 180 GRE181

Paschalis, Demetrios P. Euanthia Kairi. Athens: Estia, 1929. Xiradaki, Koula. Euanthia Kaire, 1799-1866: i proti ellinida tis neoteris Elladas pou diedose ie morphosi. Athens: Kedros, 1984. Biography.

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Kairofylas, Giannis. I Athina kai oi athinaies. Athens: Ekdoseis Phillippoti, 1982. About women, social life and customs in 19‘h and 20th century Athens and Greece. Kaklamanaki, Roula. I thesi tis ellinidas stin oikogeneia, stin koinonia, stin politeia. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1984. About Greek women’s legal status and rights. Karakasidou, Anastasia. “Women of the Family, Women of the Nation: National Enculturation among Slavic Speakers in Northwestern Greece.” Women’s Studies International Forum 19, no. 1-2 (January-April 1996): 99-109. Examines transformations in Slavo-Macedonian families in the Florina District of Greek Macedonia following incorporation into the expanding Greek nation-state in 1913. Discusses, among other things, the role of women in the nation-building process in Greece, gender power and the economics of family dynamics, and gender politics and national enculturation. Karapatakis, Kostas. I mana kai to paidi: sta paliotera chronia. Athens: K. Karapataki, 1979. About folklore surrounding childbirth and the mother-child bond. Kassimati, Koula, Emmy Fronimou and Vina Tsilimigaki. Women Prisoners Pending Release in Greece. Research on Problemsfor Vocational Integration or Reintegration and Identification of Prospects. Athens: ADA-Women’s Technology Center, 1995. Also available in a Greek edition edited by Sakkoulas (Athens: 1997). ,Maria Thanopoulou and Paris Tsartas. Women’s employment in the tourist sector: Study of the Greek labour market and identification of future prospects. Athens: European Commission-Equal Opportunities Unit and Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences-KEKMOKOP, 1993. Also available in a Greek edition: Athens: Panteion University-KEKMOKOP, 1995. Kelley, Mary B. Embroidering the Goddesses of the Greek Isles. Denver, CO: Counted Threads Press, 1997. Kennedy, Robinette. “Women’s Friendships on Crete: A Psychological Perspective.” In Gender and Power in Rural Greece, edited by Jill Dubisch, 121-38. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1986. Kitsou, Agathe D. Istoriki exelixi tou thesmou tis synekpaideusis ton dyo phylon stin Ellada. Salonika: Ekdot. Oikos Afoi. Kyriakidoi, 1993. A history of co-educational secondary schools. Knobloch, J. “‘Female Speech’ in Greek, Armenian, and Albanian.” Journal of IndoEuropean Studies 16, no. 1-2 (1988): 123-5.

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Kohaimidou, Eleni. “Frau und Frauenpresse in Griechenland.” In: Der Stellung der Frau auf dem Balkan: Beitrage zur Tagung vom 3.-7 September 1985 in Berlin, edited by Norbert Reiter, 255-7 1. Berlin: Osteuropa-Institut; Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei 0. Harrassowitz, 1987. Kolias, Helen. “Empowering the Minor: Translating Women’s Autobiography.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 8, no. 2 (Oct 1990): 213-21. Kotzageorgi, Xanthippi. “The Profile and Activities of Greek Women’s Associations in Bulgaria (Late 1gth-Early 20th Century): The Case of ‘Eurydiki’ (Philippoupolis, 18741906).” Etudes balkaniques 3 1, no. 3-4 (1995): 196-205. Lambiri, Ioanna. Social Change in a Greek Country Town: The Impact of Factory Work on the Position of Women. Athens: Center of Planning and Economic Research, 1965. Lambiri-Dimaki, Jane. “Dowry in Modern Greece.” In The Marriage Bargain: Women and Dowries in European History, edited by Marion A. Kaplan, 165-78. New York: Institute for Research in History: Haworth Press, 1985. Published also as no. 10 of Women & History. Includes bibliographical references and index. Lampros, Spyridon Paulou. Ellinides vivliographoi kai kyriai kodikon kata tous mesous aionas kai epi Tourkokratias, meta trion panomoiotypon. Athens: Ek tou typogr. P.D. Sakellariou, 1903. About women in the Middle Ages, 500-1 500. Includes Bio-bibliography. Lampsa, Rena. “Greece: The Road to Equality.” Women of Europe 70 (1992): 53-6. Lazaridis, Gabriella. “The Feminist Movement in Greece: An Overview.” Journal of Gender Studies 3, no. 2 (1994): 205-09. . “Sexuality and its Cultural Construction in Rural Greece.” Journal of Gender Studies 4, no. 3 (November 1995): 281-96. Examines the impact of economic development on gender relations and sexuality in Crete and the importance of gender in Greek ethnography. Lentakis, A. Einai i gynaika katoteri apo ton andra? I pos kataskeuazetai i gynaika. Athens: Dorikos, 1986. About how “woman” is made to be different from man. Leontidou, Eutychia, and Sigrid R. Ammer, eds. He Hellada ton gynaikon: diadromes sto choro kai to chrono. Athens: Enallaktikes Ekdoseis, 1992. Translated into German under the title Griechenland der Frauen (Munich: Reise & Kultur, Frauenoffensive, 1989). Forty-four Greek women write about routes through time and space to their homeland. Livas, Hark. “Women in Greece: Feminist Gains in the Struggle for Social Equality.” Canadian Woman Studies/Les Cahiers de la Femrne 6, no. 1 (1985): 52-6. Loizos, Peter, and Evthymios Papataxiarchis. Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Modern Greece, edited by Peter Loizos and Evthymios Papataxiarchis. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1991. “ContestedIdentities is a fine portrayal of the intricacies of gender construction and of the attainment of personhood(s) in contemporary Greece. The themes the authors explore, their interrogation of their ethnographic material, and the theoretical perspectives they employ belong to the core of contemporary anthropological gender analysis.” -Alexandra Bakalake, Univ. of the Aegean (In the Journal of Modern Greek Studies 11, no. 1 (May 1993): 157-62.) The book is divided into 2 parts: Part 1: Gender and Kinship in Married Life; Part 2: Gender and Kinship outside Marriage. . “Gender and IOnship in Marriage and Alternative Contexts.” In Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Modern Greece, edited by Peter Loizos and Evthymios Papataxiarchis, 3-25. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1991, 3-25. The introduction to the collection of essays on gender identities in previous entry. . “Gender, Sexuality and the Person in Greek Culture.” In Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Modern Greece, edited by Peter Loizos and Evthymios Papataxiarchis, 22 1-34. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1991. Loizos, Peter, and P. Heady, eds. Conceiving Persons: Ethnographies of Procreation, Fertility and Growth. Vol. 68, LSE Monographs on Social Anthropology/Athlone Press, 1999. 172

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Macrakis, A. Lily, and Peter S. Allen. Women and Men in Greece: A Society in Transition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1983. Marinescu, Marina, and Walter Kiefl. “Frauen in Griechenland.” In Frauen in Siidosteurope, edited by Anneli Ute Gabanyi and Hans Georg Majer, 37-50. Munich: SudosteuropaGesellschaft, 1998. Mathes, Giannis A. Oi Petrophaises. Athens: [Typois G.-L. Koukoudakis,] 1983. About the social conditions of women in Vyziki. Matsaganis, M. “Maternal Mobility and Infant Mortality in Greece: A Regional Analysis.” Social Science and Medicine 34, no. 3 (February 1992): 3 17-23. Mavrou, A., and C. Metaxotou. “Awareness and Use of Prenatal Diagnosis among Greek Women: A National Survey.” Prenatal Diagnosis 18, no. 4 (Apr 1998): 349-55. Moschou-Sakorrafou, Sasa. Istoria tou ellinikou pheministikou kinimatos. Athens: [S. Moschou-Sakorrafou], 1990. A history of the Greek feminist movement. Mousourou, Loukia M. Gynaikeia apascholisi kai oikogeneia stin Ellada kai allou. Athens: Estia, 1985. Women’s labour and family. Moutafis, Vasiliki. “Tourism on Samos: Implications for Marriage, Dowry and Women’s Status.” Ph.D. diss., City Univ. of New York, 1990. Mylona, Lia. The Cypriot Woman: Research. Nicosia: The Group, 1986. About women in Cyprus and their rights, legal status, social conditions and employment discrimination. Naziri, D. “Le recours rdpdtitif l’avortement en Gr2ce: comportement ‘marginal’ ou dtape du devenir-femme?” Sciences Sociales et Sante‘ 8 , no. 3 (Sep 1990): 85-106. About whether repeated abortion is marginal behavior or a stage in establishing female identity. . “The Triviality of Abortion in Greece.” Planned Parenthood in Europe 20, no 2 (Sep 1991): 1 2 4 . Naziri, D., and A. Tzavaras. “Mourning and Guilt among Greek Women Having Repeated Abortions.” Omega: Journal of Death and Dying 26, no. 2 (1992-1993): 137-44. Presents the results of a clinical study concerning the bereavement process among Greek women after abortion. Repeated abortion as a contraceptive method remains popular even among married Greek women. Nikolaidou, Marianna, and Dimitra Kokkinidou. “Greek Women in Archaeology: An Untold Story.” In Excavating Women: A History of Women in European Archaeology, edited by Margarita Diaz-Andreu Garcia and Marie Lou Sgrensen, 235-65. London and New York: Routledge, 1998. Oikonomou, Zisis. I gynaika tis antrokratias kai oi koinonies ton yperkatanaloseon. N.p.: Ekdoseis Polytypo, 1997; 1990. About Greek women’s social conditions. Panourgia, E. Neni K. Fragments of Death, Fables of Identity: An Athenian Anthropography. New directions in anthropological writing. Madison, WI: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1995. About funeral rites and ceremonies in Athens. Pantelidou-Malouta, Maro. Gynaikes kai politiki. He politiki physiognomia ton Hellinidon [Women and politics: The political profile of Greek women]. Athens: Gutenberg, 1992. Gender and the polls with bibliographical references. . “Hoi hellenides kai he psephos: to Phylo tes psephou kai he psephos tou gynaikeiou phylou” [Greek Women and the Vote]. Epitheoresis koinonikon ereunon 74 (1989): 3-38. . To phylo tes demokratias: idioteta tou polite kai emphyla hypokeimena [The gender of democracy: citizenship and gendered subjects]. Athens: Savvalas, 2002. . “La prdsence des femmes dans la vie politique en Gritce.” In Les femmes et les hommes dans les communes d’Europe. Paris: CCREETUDES, 1999. Papadopoulou, Koula. Agones kai nikes tis Ellinidas. Athens: Pyle, 1981. About feminism’s struggles and victories in Greece. . Apologismoi kai prooptikes: stous agones ton ellinidon. Athens: Pyli, 1981. About feminism and women’s social conditions in Greece.


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Papagaroufali, Eleni, and Eugenia Georges. “Greek Women in the Europe of 1992.” In Perilous States: Conversations on Culture, Politics and Nation, edited by George E. Marcus, 235-54. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1993. Papandreou, Margarita. Epeidi eimaste gynaikes. Athens: Kaktos, 1990. About Greek feminism. Papantonaki, Mirella. Gia na thriamveusei i zoi. Athens: Rizospastis, 1996. About Greek women’s guerilla and political activities in the 20th century. Papariga, Aleka. Gia tin apelephtherosi tis gynaikas. Athens: Synchroni Epochi, 1996. About women’s rights and social conditions in Greece. Papastamou, Maria. I gynaika kai to kosmima: mia schesi amoivaiotitas. Athens: M. Papastamou, 1989. A 68-page book on Greek women’s relationship to jewelry. Papataxiarchis, Evthymios. “The Cost of the Household: Social Classes, Marriage Strategies and Ecclesiastical Law in Nineteenth-Century Lesbos.” In Socie‘tks Sub-Europkennesh 1’Age Moderne: Adaptions et Resistances, edited by S. Woolf. Paris: La Dkcouverte, 1990. . “Friends of the Heart: Male Commensal Solidarity, Gender, and Kinship in Aegean Greece.” In Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Modern Greece, edited by Peter Loizos and Evthymios Papataxiarchis, 156-79. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1991. . “Kinship, Friendship and Gender Relations in Two East Aegean Village Communities.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of London, 1988. . “Male Mobility and Matrifocality in the Aegean Basin.” In Les amis et les autres: mklanges en 1 ’honneurde John PeristianylBrothers and Others: Essays in Honor of John Peristiany, edited by Stathis Damianakos, 219-39. Athens and Paris: National Center for Social Research and Musde de l’Homme, 1995. . “0Kosmos tou Kapheniou.” In Phyla kai Koinonia sti Synchroni Ellada, edited by Eythymios Papataxiarchis and T. Paradellis. Athens: Kastaniotis, 1992. , and Theodoros Paradelis, eds. Tautotetes kai phylo ste synchrone Hellada: anthropologikesprosengiseis. Athens: Kastaniotis, 1992. About an anthropological approach to identities and gender identity in modern Greece. Papazissi, Theofano. “Greek Jews and Family Law: From Judaic Law to the Civil Code.” In The Jewish Communities of Southeastern Europe from the Fifteenth Century to the End of World War II, edited by Ioannis K. Hassiotis, 385-96. Salonika: Institute for Balkan Studies, 1997. Patrinos, Harry Anthony . “Gender Earnings Differentials in the Engineering Field.” Higher Education 30, no. 4 (December 1995): 341-52. , and Haris S. Lambropolous. “Gender Discrimination in the Greek Labor Market.” Education Economics I , no. 2 (1993): 153-65. Paulakou, Dimitra. To eidolo tou kathrephti tis: prosengisi tis koinonikis thesis tis gynaikas stin Ellada. Athens: Ekdoseis Resos, 1991. About Greek women’s social conditions. Includes a bibliography. Pavlidis, Eleftherios, and Jana Hesser. “Women’s Roles and House Form and Decoration in Eressos, Greece.” In Gender and Power in Rural Greece, edited by Jill Dubisch, 53-67. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1986. Pavlidou, Theodossia, and Rudiger Bolz. Min apaleipseis pote ta ichni: o rolos ton gynaikon sti germaniki kai elliniki antistasi enantia ston ethikososialismo kai ti germaniki katochi. Salonika: Parateretis, 1999, Proceedings of a conference held December 1994 in Salonika on women during the German Occupation. Paxson, Heather. “Demographics and Diaspora, Gender and Genealogy: Anthropological Notes on Greek Population Policy.” South European Society and Politics 2, no. 2 (Autumn 1997): 34-56. . Making Modern Mothers: Ethics and Family Planning in Urban Greece. Berkeley & Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press, 2004. “Making Modern Mothers explores the ethics 174





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of reproductive agency and the changing meanings of motherhood in modern Greece where abortion is still more widely practiced than modern contraception, and having children represents a woman’s social-moral achievement. In this very readable ethnography, Paxson analyzes how urban women manage their reproductive and sexual lives, and make sense both of being women and of being mothers. This is a welcome addition to a growing comparative literature.” -Gail Kligman, from the back cover. Peristiany, John G. “Honour and Shame in a Cypriot Village.” In Honour and Shame: The Values of Mediterranean Society, edited by John Peristiany . London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1965. Petronoti, Marina. “The Economic Autonomy of Rural Women: A Survey of the Mediterranean with Specific Reference to Three Greek Islands.” The Greek Review of Social Research 41 (1981): 6-19. Investigation of the social factors which allow women not only to possess but also to control material assets and enjoy relative autonomy within the family. . ‘‘E sinthese tes oikonomias kai oi gamelioi Thesmoi ton Karagkounedon tes ditikes Thessalias (1 881-1980)” [The Organisation of the Economy and Marital Institutions among the Karagounis in Western Thessaly]. Anthropologika 6 ( 1984): 3 1-40. About the articulation between marital practices and the organization of agricultural production. . “The Division of Social and Economic Tasks between Husband and Wife in Greek Families.” Records of the Table Ronde Internationale Les Rapports Sociaux de Sexe, CNRS, Paris, no. 2 (1985): 139-46. Examination of the ways in which entrepreneurial families divide their tasks and responsibilities within the family domain. . “Social Networks and Mobility Processes. The Case of Small-scale Entrepreneurs in Piraeus.” Urban Anthropology and the Supranational and Regional Networks of the Town, Prague Occasional Papers in Ethnology, no. 2 (1993): 13047. Examination of the differences in the content and density of the relationships supporting the operation of small firms by male and female entrepreneurs. , with K. Zarkia. Portrait of an Intercultural Relationship: Crystallisations, Frissures, Reconstructions. Athens: UNESCO, 1998. About symbolic interaction as a space within which collective representations are reproduced or changed. The population examined is Eritrean refugees at work and at home. . “Culture as Resistance: The Transformation of Eritrean Refugees’ Rootlessness.” In Population Movements and Development, edited by C. Vgenopoulos, 43-56. Athens: Papazissis, 2000. Focuses on female refugees’ cultural practices as a means of counteracting the lack of legal rights. Poulos, Margaret. “Gender, Civil War and National Identity: Women Partisans during the Greek Civil War 1946-1949.” The Australian Journal of Politics and History 46, no. 3 (September 2000). Abstract: “The active participation of women in nation-building conflicts as well as civil wars has received onsiderable attention in recent years from scholars inspired by the link between gender, war, citizenshipand national identity. This paper attempts to remove their experience from the margins of Civil War historiography and to situate it within the mainstream of international historical debate. In so doing, it also aspires to demystify the phenomenon of the partisan woman fighter within the Greek literature in which, regardless of whether she is scorned (by the right-wing) as a gangster-woman (a simrnoritisa) or lionised by the left (as a rebel woman; an andartissa), she remainsan essentially nebulous figure of the Civil War experience largely ignored by ‘serious’ historical inquiry.” Psarra, Angelika. “Pheministries, Socialistries, kommounistries: Gynaikes kai politiki sto Mesopolemo.” In Venizelismos kai astikos eksynchronismos, edited by G. Mavrogordatos and Ch. Chatziiosif, 67-82. Irakleio: Panepistimiakes Ekdoseis Kritis, 1988. About women and politics in Greece, 1920-1940. . “Chroniko mias metavasis (1934-1948).” Diavazo (1987/1988): 29-36. About feminist and leftist politics in Greece, 1934-1948.


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. “Mikro Chroniko se treis praxeis: ‘astikos’ kai ‘socialistikos’ pheminismos sti dekaetia tou 20.” Din& pheministiko periodiko 3 (1988): 38-45. About ‘bourgeois’ and ‘socialist’ feminism in the 1920s. . “KKE kai gynaikeio zitima, 1920-1950.” 0 Agonas tis Gynaikas 41 (1989): 12-3. About the Greek Communist Party and the woman question, 1920-1950. . “Pheminismos: I lexi, o chronos, oi simasies.” DinE pheministiko periodiko 6 (1993): 3 1-54. About the historical definitions of “feminism.” . “8 Martiou: Scholeio sto chroniko mias epeteiou.” Dine: pheministiko periodiko 7 (1994): 210-24. About the Greek history of International Women’s Day. . “Mitera i Politis? Ellinikes ekdoches tis gynaikeias chiraphetisis (1870-1920).” In To Phylo ton Dikaiomaton. Eksousia, gynaikes kai Idiotita tou politi, 90-107. Athens: Nephele, 1999. About the debate over the emancipation of women in Greece during the socalled first wave. . “Women’s Emancipation and Irredentist Politics in 19th-CenturyGreece.” Historia: Journal of the Historical Society of Israel = Historyah: ketav ‘et she1 ha-Hevrah ha-historit ha-Yiire’elit 5 (2000): 109-21. In Hebrew with English summary. Picazo, Marina. “Fieldwork is Not the Proper Preserve of a Lady: The First Women Archaeologists in Crete.” In Excavating Women: A History of Women in European Archaeology, edited by Margarita Diaz-Andreu Garcia and Marie Lou Sgrensen, 198-21 3. London and New York: Routledge, 1998. Polenaki, Maria. Epanastatikes lyseis. Athens: Pyle, 1980. About feminism and women’s psychology. . Kyria me ta kremmydakia. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, n.d. About feminism, urban women and marriage in Greece. Psacharopoulos, George. “Sex Discrimination in the Greek Labor Market .” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 1, no. 2 (Oct 1983): 339-58. Quack Sigrid, Eleni Papagaroufali and Maria Thanopoulou. Female repatriatesfrom Eastern Europe: Comparing Problems and Strategies of Occupational Intergration in Germany and Greece. Berlin and Athens: European Commission-Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs-Equal Opportunities Unit, 1993. Repoussi, Maria, Poli Hliopoulou, Maria Thanopoulou and Maria Liapi. Dierevnisi energeion gia tin isotita ephkairion 1994-1 998. Athens: Kentro Gynaikeion Meleton kai Erevnon DIOTIMA, 1998. About progress in Greek policies that concern equal opportunities and formulation of new proposals. ROUSSOU, Maria. “Systkme dotal et identiti fiminine dans la campagne Chypriote.” Canadian Woman StudiedLes Cahiers de La Femme 8, no. 2 (Summer 1987): 102-7. About the dowry system and female identity in rural Cyprus. Rushton, Lucy. “Doves and Magpies: Village Women in the Greek Orthodox Church.” In Women’s Religious Experience, edited by Pat Holden, 57-70. London: Croom Helm, 1983. Salakides, Georgios. “Women in the Kadi Sicilleri of Yenigehir (Larissa) in the Middle of the Seventeenth Century.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschafi und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrifi Hans Georg Majer, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, vol. 1, 209-28. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Salamone, S. D., and J. B. Stanton. “Introducing the Nikokyra: Ideality and Reality in Social Process.” In Gender and Power in Rural Greece, edited by Jill Dubisch, 97-120. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1986. Sant Cassia, Paul, and Constantina Bada. The Making of the Modern Greek Family: Marriage and Exchange in 19th-century Athens. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992. Schweitzer, Susanne. Noch ist Feuer im Herd: Frauenarbeit in der kretischen 176




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Dorfgesellschaft. Berlin: Express Edition, 1984. About the social conditions, employment and home economics of Cretan women. Includes bibliography. Serelea, Gariphalia. “Reconstitution des caractkristiques dkmographiques de la population fkminine en Grkce pendant la seconde moitid du 19e sikcle.” M.A. thesis, Universitd catholique de Louvain, 1977. About the demographics of Greece’s female population in the second half of the 19* century. Seremetakis, Constantina Nadia. Diaschizontas to somu: politismos istoria kai phylo stin Ellada. Athens: Nea Synora Ekdotikos Organismos Livani, 1997. About women’s studies in Greece. . The Last Word: Women, Death and Divination in Inner Mani. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1991. . Ritual, Power and the Body: Historical Perspectives on the Representation of Greek Women. New York: Pella Pub. Co., 1993. . I teleutaia lexi: stis Europis ta akra-di-aisthisi, thanatos, gynaikes. Athens: Ekdotikos Organismos Livani-Nea Synora, 1997. About women, funeral rites, and ceremonies in Mani. Siampos, Georgios. “Law and Fertility in Greece.” In Vol. 2 of Law and Fertility in Europe: A Study of Legislation Directly or Indirectly Affecting Fertility in Europe, edited by Maurice Kirk, Massimo Livi Bacci and Egon Szabady, 337-64. Dolhain, Belgium: Ordina Editions, 1975. Simonsen, Kirsten, and Dina Vaiou. “Women’s Lives and the Making of the City: Experiences from ‘North’ and ‘South’ of Europe.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 20, no. 3 (1996): 446-64. Focuses on women’s lives and experiences in the urban communities of Athens, Greece, and Copenhagen, Denmark. Skiadas, Eleutherios Georgiou. Women ’s Sport in Modern Greece. Translated by Magdalene Sotirianos-Forfolis. Athens: Labyrinth, 1998. About Greek women athletes from 1896 through 1996. Skoutere-Didaskalou, Nora. Anthropologika gia to ginaikeio z&ma [Anthropology and the Womens Issue]. 2nd ed. Athens: Polites, 1991. Softas-Nall, Basilia, and Achilles Bardos. “Fear of Rape,” Violence Against Women 1, no. 2 (June 1995): 174-85. Examines the magnitude and prevalence of fear of crime as a function of seriousness and probability of occurrence among Greek university students aged 17 to 29; the significance of gender differences; imposition of measures to avoid exposure to danger; and role of the fear of stigmatization in reporting of rapes. Stamiris, Eleni. “The Contemporary Women’ s Movement in Greece.” Canadian Woman StudiedLes Cahiers de la Femme 8, no. 2 (1987): 83-7. . “The Women’s Movement in Greece.” New Left Review 158 (1986): 98-1 12. Stratigaki, Maria. Phylo, ergasia, technologia. Athens: Politis, 1996. About gender’s labour in banking systems and technology. Sutton, David. “Resistance, Misrecognition, or Identity? Images of Rural and Urban in Three Recent Greek Ethnographies.” Anthropological Quarterly 7 1, no. 4 (October 1998): 203-1 2. Reviews The Last Word: Women, Death and Divination in Inner Mani, by Nadia Seremetakis; Fragments of Death, Fables of Identity: An Athenian Anthropography, by Neni Panourgia; and Tradition and Modernity in the Mediterranean: The Wedding as Symbolic Struggle, by Vassos Argyrou. Symeonidou, H., and M. Magdalinos. “F6conditd et travail fkminin en Grkce: un mod&le micro-kconomique.” Cahiers Quebecois de Demographie 22, no. 2 (Autumn 1993): 282-3 12. About the micro-economic model of fertility and female employment found in Greece. Takare, Etina. I koinoniki kai epangelmatiki thesi tis simerinis gynaikas: stin Ellado kai sto exoteriko. Athens: Ventouras, 1978. About the social, economic and employment conditions of modern Greek women.


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Tannen, Deborah. “‘I Take Out the Rock-DOK !’: How Greek Women Tell about Being Molested (and Create Involvement).” Anthropological Linguistics 25, no. 3 ( 1983): 359-74. , and Christina Kakava. “Power and Solidarity in Modem Greek Conversation: Disagreeing to Agree.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 10, no. 1 (May 1992): 11-34. Thanopoulou, Maria. “Aspects des transformations des classes moyennes en Grkce saisis B travers l’itude d’un groupe professionnel particulier: les journalistes d’un magazine fiminin d’aprh guerre (195O-1980).” Mimoire de ma”itrise,Universiti Paris 5-Reni Descartes, 1980. About aspects of transformations within the Greek middle classes in 1950-1980, as evidenced in the representations of journalists for a women’s magazine. . I gynaikeia apascholisi i ergasia stin Ellada: Kentrikes taseis kai katephthynseis tis metapolemikis bibliografias. Athens: Ethino Kentro Koinonikon Erevnon, 1992. About women’s employment in Greece. A critical review of post-war bibliographies. . Project Training of Trainer in New Technologies:Assessment of the Project’s Experience. Athens: ADA-Women’s Technology Center, 1994. Also available in Greek. , and Nikos Paizis. Axiologisi draseon programmatos: Epimorphosi - euaisthitopoiisi ekpaidefitkon se themata isotitas ton phylon stin ekpaidefsi. Athens: Kentro Erevnon gia Themata Isotitas, 1998. Evaluation of the program for training and sensitizing educators on issues of gender equality in the educational system. , Viki Kotsovelou, and Roula Paparouni. “I schesi epaggelmatikis kai oikogeneiakis zois ton gynaikon: Dierevnisi tis ellinikis bibliophrafias.” Syngchrona Themata 7 1-72 (April-Sep 1979): 171-89. A critical review of bibliographies about the relationship between women’s professional and family life. It also points out new areas of research. Thrylos, Alkis. Solomos: omilies POLLdothekan tin anoixi tou 1923 sti seira ton dialexeontou Syndesmou Ellinidon yper ton dikaiomaton tis gynaikas. Athens: Estia, 1924. About women’s rights in Greece in relation to Dionysios Solomos’ political and social views. Tsaldari, Lina P. Ethnikai, koinonikai, politikai prospatheiai. Athens: n.p., 1967. Two volumes about women’s social conditions and children’s welfare in 20th-centuryGreece. Includes bibliography . Tsartas, Paris, and Maria Thanopoulou. Gynaikeioi agrototouristikoi synetairismoi stin Ellada: Meleti apotimisis tis leitourgias tous. Athens: Centro Erevnon gia tis Gynaikes tis Mesogeiou, 1994. Study on problems of functioning in five women’s agrotourist cooperatives. Tzinikou-Kakouli, Athina. I Makedonissa sto thrylo kai stin istoria (1453-1940 m. ch.). Thessalonika: n.p., 1986. A historical-biographical account of women in Macedonia, 14531940. Varika, Eleni. “Antimetopes me ton eksynchronismo ton thesmon: enas dyskolos pheminismos.” In I Ellada ton gynaikon: diadromes sto choro kai to chrono, edited by E. Leontidou and S. R. Ammer, 67-80. Athens: Enallaktikes Ekdoseis, 1992. About difficulties for feminists in the modernization of institutions. . “Gender and National Identity in Fin-de-Si2cle Greece.” Gender and History 5, no. 2 (Summer 1993): 260-83. . I exergersi ton kyrion: I genesi mias pheministikis syneidisis stin Ellada, 1833-1907. Athens: Foundation for Research and Education of the Commercial Bank of Greece, 1987. About the genesis of a feminist consciousness in Greece, 1833-1907. . Me diaphoretiko prosopo: phylo, diaphora, kai oikoumenikoteta. Athens: Katarti, 2000. About feminism. Vervenioti, Tasoula. “The Adventure of Women’s Suffrage in Greece.” In When the War was Over: Women, War and Peace in Europe, 1940-1956, edited by Claire Duchen and Irene Bandhauer-Schoffmann, 103-1 8. London and New York: Leicester Univ. Press, 2000. Translated into German under the title “Frauenstimmrecht in Griechenland: Der lange Weg zur Einfuhrung eines politischen Grundrechtes (194 1-1956),” in Nach dem Krieg:




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GRE3 13

GRE3 14


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Frauenleben and Geschlechterkonstructionen in Europa nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg,edited by Irene Bandhauer-Schoffmann and Claire Duchen, 119-37. Herbolzzheim: Centaurus Verlag, 2000. . “I anadiefthetisi tou chorou kai tou chronou ton neon stin Ellada tou Messopolemou. Apo ti skopia ton gynaikon.” Minutes of the International Symposium Les Temps de l’histoire en vue d’une histoire de l’enfance et de la jeunesse (Athens 17-19 April 1997), 105-16. Athens: Archives Historiques de la jeunesse Grhcque, and Secrdtariat gknkral h la jeunesse, 1998. About the changes in girls’ lives during the interwar period. . I Gynaika tis Antistasis: I Eisodos ton Gynaikon stin Politiki. Athens: Ekdoseis Odysseas, 1994. About women’s role in the underground movements of World War 11. Includes bibliographical references. . “Left-wing Women between Politics and Family.” In After the War Was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Society and the Nation in Greece, 1944-1 950, edited by Mark Mazower, 105-21. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000. . “I thesmothetisi tou dikaiomatos tis psiphou ton gynaikon apo to elliniko antistasiako kinima.” Dine: pheministiko periodiko 6 (1993): 180-95. About the Resistance Movement and women’s suffrage. . “Oi ypodeigmatikes dimoiries antartisson ELAS-EPON sti Macedonia.” In Macedonia and Thrace 1941-1 944: Occupation-Resistance-Liberation, 3 11-22. Salonika: Institute for Balkan Studies, 1998. From an International Conference on women in the armed resistance 1941-1944. Held in Salonika (9-1 1 December 1994) by the Institute for Balkan Studies and the Department of History and Archaeology at the Univ. of Salonika. . “. .. zu den Frauen unserer Zeit.” In Griechenland der Frauen, edited by Eftyhia Leontidou and Sigrid R. Ammer, 44-55. Munich: Reise & Kultur, Frauenoffensive, 1989. Also published in Greek: “Oi ellinides prin ton polemo, stin katohi kai ton emfylio.” In I Ellada ton gynaikon: diadromes sto choro kai to chrono, 44-57. Athens: Enallaktikes Ekdoseis, 1992. Vlahoutsikou, Christina. “Mothers and Daughers-in-Law : Politicizing Confrontations.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 15, no 2 (1997): 283-302. About antagonism between mothers- and daughters-in-law in virilocal Greek communities. Also at http://www .press.jhu.edu/journals/journal-of-modemxreek-studies/vO 15TW15.2vlahoutsik ou.html. Wickert-Micknat, Gisela. Die Frau. Archaeologica Homerica, 3R. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1982. Ancient Greek archaeological excavations as related to women, their public and private lives and customs, including sections on marriage and the family. Bibliography included. Willard, Emma. Advancement of Female Education; or, a Series of Addresses, in Favor of Establishing at Athens, in Greece, a Female Seminary, Especially Designed to Instruct Female Teachers. Troy, NY: N. Tuttle, 1833. Xiradaki, Koula. To pheministiko kinima stin Ellada (1830-1 936): protopores ellinides. Athens: Glaros, 1988. About the feminist movement and women authors, 1830-1936. . Oi gynaikes ston atychi polemo tou 1897: polemane, prospheroun yperesies, katagraphoun gegonota, epirriptoun euthynes: symvoli stin ereuna. Athens: Ekdoseis Phillippoti, 1994. About women’s work in the Greco-Turkish War, 1897. . Gynaikes tou ’21:prosphores, iroismoi kai thysies. Symvoli stin ereuna. Athens: Ekdoseis Dodoni, 1995. About women in the war of independence, 1821-1829. . Kalliopi Papalexopoulou (1809-1 898): i gynaika pou klonise ton throno tou Othona. Athens: n.p., 1978. Athens: n.p., 1959; Athens: Ekdoseis Filipopoti, 1998. The story of the intellectual Kalliopi Papalexopoulou, who fought against King Otto I (1832-1 862). . Marigo Zarafopoula, mia lismonimeni iroida tou 21. Athens: n.p., 1962. About an unknown heroine of the war of independence.


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. Philellinides. Athens: n.p., 1976; 1964. About non-Greek women who helped the Greek war of Independence. . Gynaikes sti Philiki Etaireia - Phanariotisses. Athens: n.p., 1971. Xerotyris [XErotyres], Ioannes. N. Mana kai agogi. Salonika: n.p., 1963. About children’s education at school and their training at home by mothers. Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos, Alice. The Peculiarities of Female Criminality and their Causes: A Human Rights Perspective. London: Esperia Publications, 1992. A monograph written by a criminologist working to further human rights. “. ..the author’s laudable goals of bringing about gender equality and of speculating about its impact on female criminality are marred by methodological sloppiness, unnecessary repetitiveness, and a confusing narrative. Nevertheless, for one unfamiliar with the subject this volume is a useful reference that includes some interesting comparisons of Greek female criminality with female criminality in other European countries.” -Adamantia Pollis, New School for Social Research (Journal of Modern Greek Studies 12, no. 1 (May 1994): 142-4). Zervos, Dionysis. Europi atomo, exousia gynaika: koinoniologikiprosengisi stin koinoniki stasi ton gynaikon, enanti ton diaphron morphon exousias. Athens: Hellenika Grammata, 1996. About the social conditions of Greek women and the attitudes of Greek women college students. Zinovieff, Sofka. “Hunters and Hunted: Kamaki and the Ambiguities of Sexual Predation in a Greek Town.” In Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Modern Greece, edited by Peter Loizos and Evthymios Papataxiarchis, 203-20. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1991. Ziogou-Karastergiou, Sideroula. “Anotati ekpaideusi.” In Ekpaideusi kai phylo: istoriki diastasi kai synchronos provlimatismos, edited by Vasilike Deligianni-Kouimtzi and Sideroula Ziogou-Karastergiou, 94- 125. Salonika: Ekdoseis Vanias, 1993. About higher education and gender. . I mesi ekpaideusi ton koritsion stin Ellada, 1830-1893. Athens: Geniki Grammateia Neas Genias, 1986. A history of 19*-century women’s secondary education. Originally the author’s doctoral thesis, 1983. Includes bibliography. . “Pro ton Propylaion: I exelixi tis anotatis ekpaideusis ton gynaikon stin Ellada.” In Ekpaideusi kai phylo: istoriki diastasi kai synchronos provlimatismos, edited by Vasilike Deligianni-Kouimtzi and Sideroula Ziogou-Karastergiou, 3 3 3 4 15. Salonika: Ekdoseis Vanias, 1993. About the evolution of women’s higher education in Greece.

Literature and the Arts Akrita, Elena, 195%. GRE331

Canakis, Costas. “Diglossia as an Agent of Humor in the Writings of Elena Akrita.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 12, no. 2 (Oct 1994): 221-37.

Alexiou, Elli, 189%. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE332 GRE333 GRE334 GRE335 GRE336 GRE337

Alexiou, Elli. Apo poly konta (autoviographiko). Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1990. . Eisagogi stin istoria tis paidagogikis. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1986. . “The Fountain of Brahim-Baba.” In Greece: A Traveler’s Literary Companion, translated and edited by Artemis Leontis. San Francisco: Whereabouts Press, 1997. . Kai out0 kathexis: mythistorima. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1980. . Mikro aphieroma. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1979. . Paizome kouklotheatro: theatro. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1982.


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. Prosochi synanthropoi: diigimata. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1983. . Vasiliki drys. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1983.

Petta, Stella. Anesper: Elli Alexiou. Athens: Ionia, 1986. Biography of Elli Alexiou. Phoskarinis, Thanos. Dokimio chronographias gia tin Elli Alexiou. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1982. Phrere, Marika Vel. I Elli Alexiou San gynaika. Ekdoseis I. G. Vasileiou, 1988. Rakka-Chatzapoulou, Akrivi. Kalispera Elli. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1987.

Anagnostaki, Loula, c. 1935, 1940-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by June Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 200 I. GRE344 GRE345

GRE346 GRE347


Anagnostalu, Lula. The Parade. London: Arcadia, 1999. Constantinidis, Stratos E. “Greek Theater: An Annotated Bibliography of Plays Translated and Essays Written from 1824 to 1994.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 14, no. 1 (May 1996): 123-76. The only female playwright included is Loula Anagnostaki. Doulis, Thomas. “Loula Anagnostaki and the New Theater of Greece.” Chicago Review 21/22 (1969): 83-7. Sakellaridou, Elizabeth. “Levels of Victimization in the Plays of Loula Anagnostaki.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 14, no. 1 (May 1996): 103-22. Anastastopoulou, Maria. “Bildung, Awakening and SelfIRedefinition in Greek Women Writers.” Modern Greek Studies Yearbook 7 (1991): 259-85.

Anghelaki-Rooke,Katerina, 1939-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by June Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. GRE349 GRE350 GRE35 1 GRE352 GRE353 GRE354

Anghelaki-Rooke, Katerina. Beings and Things on Their Own. Translated into English by Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke and Jackie Wilcox. Brockport, NY: BOA Editions, 1986. . “Poems.” In Grind the Big Tooth: A Collection of Contemporary Greek Poetry, translated by Robert Crist. Pittsburgh: Sterling House Publisher, 1998. . “Poems.” In Contemporary Greek Women Poets, translated by Eleni Fourtouni. New Haven: Thelfini Press, 1978. . “Sex Roles in Modern Greek Poetry.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 1, no. 1 (1983): 141-55. Bohandy, Susan. “Defining the Self through the Body in Four Poems by Katerina Anghel&Rooke and Sylvia Plath.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 12, no. 1 (May 1994): 1-36. Anonymous Songs by Greek-Jewish Women Prisoners in Auschwitz. Translated by Edouard Roditi. Santa Rosa, CA: Clamshell Press, 1984.

Axioti, Melpo, 1906-1973. Novelist. GREi355 GRE356 GRE357 GRE358

Axioti, Melpo. Chronika. Athens: Kedros, 1980. About Greek women in World War I1 and the Civil War (1939-1949). . Apanta. Foreword by Mar0 Douka and Vasilis Lampropoulos [Athens:] Kedros, 1980 . “My Home.” In Greece: A Traveler’s Literary Companion, translated and edited by Artemis Leontis. San Francisco: Whereabouts Press, 1997. . “Poems.” In Contemporary Greek Women Poets. Translated by Eleni Fourtouni.



GRE359 GRE360 GRE361

New Haven: Thelfini Press, 1978. . To spiti mou: Diigisi. Foreword by Mar0 Douka and Vasilis Lamproulos. Athens: Kedros, 1986. , and Henri Bassis, composers and translators. Chansons de Gr2ce et de toujours. Paris: Seghers, 1950. Kakavoulia, Maria. Interior Monologue and its Discursive Formation in Melpo Axioti ’s “Dyskoles Nychtes. Munich: Institut fur Byzantinistik und Neugriechische Philologie, 1992. “Kakavoulia.. . proclaims Axioti to be a Modernist par excellence on the basis of her profound rejection of temporality. It is a shame this book does not succeed in using narrative theory to demonstrate Axioti’s greatness.” -1rene Kacandes, Dartmouth College. Journal of Modern Greek Studies 12, no. 2 (Oct 1994): 296-7. Mik6, Mairi. Melpo Axioti: Critical Studies. Athens: Kedros, 2001. Also published in Greek: Melpo Axioti: Kritikes Periplaniseis [Melpo Axioti: Critical Ramblings]. Athens: Kedros, 1996. ”



Bien, Peter. “Cavafy’s Homosexuality and His Reputation outside Greece.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 8, no. 2 (Oct 1990): 197-21 1.

Bita, Lili, 1959-. See http://www.lilibita.com. GRE364 GRE365 GRE366 GRE367 GRE368 GRE369 GRE370 GRE37 1 GRE372 GRE373

Bita, Lili. Astrapes ste sarka: poiemata. Some poems translated by Robert Zaller. N.p.: Athens Printing Company, 1969, 1960. . Bacchic Odes. Translated by Robert Zaller. Miami: Lyra Press, 1986. . Erinyes. Leukosia: n.p., 1969. . Firewalkers: Poems. Translated by Robert Zaller. Miami: Lyra Press, 1985. . Letters. In Correspondence, 1975-1986. Bita is one of writers included in this literary and personal correspondence of Anais Nin and her husband, Ian Hugo. . Lightning in the Flesh: Poems. [Athens:] Athens Printing Company, 1957. . Night. Translated by Robert Zaller. Detroit: The Glass Bell Press, 1974. . “Poems”. In Contemporary Greek Women Poets. Translated by Eleni Fourtouni. New Haven: Thelfini Press, 1978. . The Scorpion and Other Stories. Translated by Robert Zaller in collaboration with the author. New York: Pella Publishing, 1998. . Sister of Darkness. Boston: Somerset Hall Press, 2005. Memoir.

Boumi-Pappas, Rita, 1906-1986. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE374

Boumi-Pappas, Rita. “Poems.” In Contemporary Greek Women Poets, translated by Eleni Fourtouni. New Haven: Thelfini Press, 1978.


Chariati-Sismani, Katerina. Chios-Trikeri-Makronisos-Trikeri1948-1 952: Gynaikes apo oli tin Ellada [Chios-Trikeri-Makronisos-Trikeri 1948-1952: Women from all over Greece]. Athens: 1977. A collection of the pictures made by the painter Katerina Chariati OFwomen in exile during the Greek Civil War. Charalambidou-Solomi, Despina. “Gender Dualism in Cavafy ’s Erotic Poetry.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 21, no. 1 (2003): 113-25. Contemporary Greek Women Poets. Translated by Eleni Fourtouni. New Haven: Delphini Press, 1978. Poets represented here are Viktoria Theodorou, Rita Boumi-Pappas, Melpo Axioti, Lili Bita, Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke, Kiki Dimoula, Jenny Mastoraki. Cowan, Jane K., Dance and the Body Politic in Northern Greece. Princeton: Princeton Univ.

GRE376 GRE377



Greece Press, 1990.

Delta, Penelope Stefanou, 1874- 1941. GRE379 GRE380 GRE381 GRE382 GRE383

GRE384 GRE385 GRE386 GRE387 GRE388 GRE389 GRE390 GRE39 1


Delta, Penelope Stefanou. Allilographia tis Penelopi Stephanou Delta, 1906-1 940. Edited by X. Leukoparidis. Athens: Vivliopoleion tis Estias, 1997. Delta’s correspondence with Petros Vlastos and other authors. . Ta aneuthyna: Stochasmoi. Athens: Vivliopoleion tis Estias, 1961. About ch ldren’s psychology. . Gia tin patrida. Athens: Ekdoseis Alma, 2000; 1990. . To Grekrnisma: istoriko mythistorima. Athens: Ermis, 1983.

. Lettres de deux amis: une correspondence entre Pknklope Delta et Gustave Schlumberger, suivi de quelques lettres de Gabriel Millet. Edited by X. Leukoparidis Athens: np., 1962. Includes bibliography. . Mankus. [Athens:] Vivliopoleion tis Estias I. D. Kollarou, 1969. . Paramythi choris onoma. [Athens:] Vivliopoleion tis Estias I. D. Kollarou, 1995. . Trelantonis. [Athens:] Vivliopoleion tis Estias I. D. Kollarou, 1968. , and Paulos Alexandrou Zanna. Protes enthymiseis.Athens: Ermis, 1991; 1981. About Greek intellectual life in the 19thand 20thcenturies. Laourdas, Basileios. I Penelopi Delta kai i Makedonia. Salonika: n.p., 1958. Loukaki, Marina. 0 Vasileios V’ Voulgaroktonoskai i Penelopi Delta. Athens: Idryma Goulandre-Chorn, 1996. Papadakis, Nikos A. Penelopi Stefanou Delta, i “proti” tis paidikis logotechnias: saranta chronia apo ton thanato tis. Athens: n.p., 1982. Sakellariou, Charles. Penelopi Delta: i zoe, oi erotes, to ergo tis. Athens: Ellinika Grammata, 1997. Dirnitrakaki, A. “Elements of a Secret History: Women, Art and Gender in Modern Greece,” Third Text 37 (1997): 63-74.

Dimoula, Kiki, 193I-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. GRE393 GRE394 GRE395

Dimoula, Kilu. Je te salue jamais. Translated by Michel Volkovitch. [Paris:] Desmos-Cahiers grecs, 1997. . “Poems.” In Contemporary Greek Women Poets, translated by Eleni Fourtouni. New Haven: Delphini Press, 1978. . “The Adolescence of Lethe.” In Grind the Big Tooth: A Collection of Contemporary Greek Poetry, translated by Robert Crist. Pittsburgh: Sterling House Publisher, 1998.

Douka, Maro, 1947-. See Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. GRE396 GRE397


Douka, Maro. I archaia skouria: Mythistorima. Athens: Kedros, 1991. Translated by Paule Rossetto under the title L’or des fous: Roman. [Athens:] Actes Sud Institut franqais, 1993. Translated by Roderick Beaton under the title Fool’s Gold. Athens: Kedros, 1991. . Eis ton pat0 tis eikonas: Mythis torima. Athens: Kedros, 1990. Translated by Jasmine Pipart under the title Le Miroir aux images: Roman. Athens: Kauffmann; Hatier, 1991. . Enas skoufos apo Porphyra: Mythistorima. Athens: Kedros, 1995. 183

Greece GRE399 GRE400 GF2E401 GRE402 GRE403 GRE404 GRE405 GRE406 GRE407

. Karre Phix: Diigimata. Athens: Kedros, 1980. . Oi leukes asaleutes: Mythistorima. Athens: Kedros, 1988. . Metaxy logou kai pathous: i Mar0 Douka anthologei Georgio Vizyino. Athens: Ekdoseis Bastas-Plessas, 1995. . Ourania mechaniki: Mythistorima. Athens: Kedros, 1999. . I pigada: Diigimata. Athens: Kedros, 1974. . 0 pezographos kai to pithari tou. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1992. . I ploti poli: Mythistorima. Athens: Kedros, 1986. . Pou’nai to phtera: Nouveles. Athens: Kedros, 1975. Dounis, Konstandina. Greek Women Writersfrom Sappho to Sappho: Conference Proceedings May 3rd-5thJ 1992. Victoria: Australia Council, Victorian Ministry for the Arts, 1994. Proceedings of the Conference of Greek Women Writers held at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. Includes bibliographical references.

Drakopoulou, Theoni [Myrtiotissa, pseud.], 1883-1968. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE408 GRE409 GRE410 GRE411

Drakopoulou, Theoni. Giorgos Pappas sta paidika tou chronia. Athens: n. p., 1962. . Kitrines phloges. Athens: Kollaros, n.d. . Myrtiotissas hapanta. Athens: A. Redman Hellas, 1965. . Poeimata. Athens: n.p., 1953.

GRE4 12

DuBois, Page. Feminist Rethinking of Greek Classics. Center for the Study of Women in Society, Recorded at the Univ. of Oregon, April 23, 1987. Sound Tape. . Sappho is Burning. Chicago: Chicago Univ. Press, 1995. About Greek women and literature, sex in literature. Egger, Brigitte Maria. “Women in the Greek Novel: Constructing the Feminine.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of California, Irvine, 1993.

GRE4 13 GRE4 14

Eudokia [Athenais-Eudokia,Eudocia], c. 400460. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. Fakinou, Eugenia, 194%. See Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. GRE4 15

Fakinou, Eugenia. “Astradeni.” In Greece: A Traveler’s Literary Companion, translated and edited by Artemis Leontis. San Francisco: Whereabouts Press, 1997.

Fanourakis, Fotis, pseud. [Trezou, Fofi]. Playwright. GRE4 16

Fourtouni, Eleni. Gedichte griechischer Frauen. New Haven: Delphini Press, 1981. Translations of twentieth-century Greek women poets into German.

Galanaki, Rea, 1947-. See Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. GRE4 17 GRE4 18

Galanaki, Rea. Albeit Pleasing: Poems 1969-1 975. Trebaze puvabnb: b h n e 1969-1 975. Translated into Czech by Claudine Tourniaire and Alexandra Buchlerov6. Prague: Maria Chribkov6, 1998. . “Black and White.” In Greece: A Traveler’s Literary Companion, edited by Artemis 184


GRE4 19

GRE420 GRE421 GRE422 GRE423 GRE424 GRE425 GRE426 GRE427

GRE428 GRE429


GRE43 1 GRE432


GRE434 GRE435

Leontis. San Francisco: Whereabouts Press, 1997. . “The Cake”. In The Rehearsal of Misunderstanding: Three Collections by Contemporary Greek Women Poets. Translated by Karen Van Dyck. Hanover: Univ. Press of New England, 1998. A bilingual version. . Eleni, i, o kanenas: Mythistorima. Athens: Ekdoseis Agra, 1998. . Omocentra Diigimata. Athens: Ekdoseis Agra, 1986. . To Keik. Athens: Kedros, 1980. . Plin eucharis. [Athens:] Olkos, 1975. . Poems. In Grind the Big Tooth: A Collection of Contemporary Greek Poetry. Translated by Robert Crist. Pittsburgh: Sterling House Publisher, 1998. . Poems. In Contemporary Greek Women Poets. Translated by Eleni Fourtouni. New Haven: Thelfini Press, 1978. . Pou zei o lykos? Gia tis parees, apo to ’67OS to ’74.Athens: Ekdoseis Agra, 1982. . Tha ypographo Loui. [Athens:] Ekdoseis Agra, 1993. Translated by Helen Dendrinou Kolias under the title I Shall Sign as Loui (Evanston: Northwestern Univ. Press, 2000). . Vasileusi stratiotis? simeioseis, skepseis, scholeia gia ti logotechnia. Athens: Ekdoseis Agra, 1997. . 0 vios tou Ismael Ferik Pasa: spina nel cuore. Mythistorima. Athens: Ekdoseis Agra, 1991. Translated by Lucile Farnoux under the title La vie d’Ismal’1Fe‘rik Pacha: roman. Arles: Actes Sud. Institut franGais d’Athhes, 1992. Translated by Kay Cecillis under the title The Life of Ismail Ferik Pasha: Spina nel cuore. London: P. Owen, 1996. Mitropoulos, Dmitri. “On the Outside Looking In: Greek Literature in the English-Speaking World.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 15, no. 2 (1997): 187-96. http://www.press .jhu.edu/journals/journal-of-modern_greek-studies/vO 15B15.2mitropoulos. html. Includes a brief analysis of Galanaki’s success abroad. Germane, Fendy. Elli Lambetti. Athens: Kaktos, 1996. Biography of the Greek actress. Gounaridou, Kzki. “Intertext and the Regendering of Nietzsche’s Superman in Kostis Palamis’s Triskvyeni” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 14, no. 1 (May 1996): 75-83. About playwright Palamfis’s creation of a Nietzschean heroine in his 1902 drama. . “Representations of Women in the Films of Pantelis Voulgaris: Akropole, The Stone Years, and The Engagement of Anna.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 18, no. 1 (2000): 151-60. Abstract: In his films, Pantelis Voulgaris attempts to inscribe female identity within the social, historical, and cultural framework of Greek society during the last five decades, if only to underline the indeterminacy of such an inscription. Greene, Ellen, ed. Reading Sappho: ContemporaryApproaches. Berkeley, CA: Univ. of California Press, 1996. . Re-reading Sappho: Reception and Transmission. Berkeley, CA: Univ. of California Press, 1996.

Gritsi-Milliex, Tatiana, 1920-2005. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. Novelist and journalist. Member of the Rahna Academy in Paris and founding member of the Company of Writers. She was honored with the Greek state prize, the Prize of the 12, the State Prize for novel writing and the Athens Academy prize. GRE436 GRE437 GRE438 GRE439

Gritsi-Milliex, Tatiana. Allazoume: mythistorema. Athens: Diphros, 1956. . Anadromes: diegemata. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastaniote, 1989. . Apo ten alle ochthe tou chronou: mythistorema. Athens: Kastaniote, 1988. . Hemerologio. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastaniote, 1993.


Greece GRE440 GRE44 1 GRE442 GRE443 GRE444 GRE445


. Kopiontes kai pephortismenoi. Athens: Kedros, 1985. . Sparagmata. [Athens:] Kedros, 1973.

Kokkinides, Damianos. Vivliographia Tatianas Griste-Milliex: 1945-1 996. Athens: Kastaniotes, 1997. “Gynaikes tou rempetikou tragoudiou/Women of the Rebetiko Song.” Athens: Greek Archives, 1928. Sound disc. Heliopolou-Ronkan, Dora. Three Generations of Greek Women Artists: Figures, Forms and Personal Myths. Athens: Greek Ministry of Culture; Washington D.C.: National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1989. About Greek women artists and their exhibitions. Holst-Warhaft, Gail. Dangerous Voices: Women’s Laments and Greek Literature. New York: Routledge, 1992. “This absorbing, sensitive, and uneven book tackles a subject that no student of Greek literature, of any period, can afford to ignore.. . The author ranges widely over the lament from Homer to contemporary Greek poetry by women.. . Above all, the basic contrast made in this book between men’s and women’s ways of articulating the fact of death.. . gives the study not only sufficient unity but continual interest.” -David Ricks, King’s College London. In Journal of Modern Greek Studies 12, no. 1 [May 19941 157-9. . “Knives, Forks, and Photographs: The Appropriation and Loss of Traditional Laments in the Writings of Palamh, Ritsos, Anghel5ki-Rooke, and Dimoul5.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 9, no. 2 (Oct 1991): 171-89.

Iordanidou, Maria, 1897-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE447 GRE448 GRE449 GRE450 GRE45 1

Iordanidou, Maria. I auli mas. Athens: Vivliopoleion tis Estias, 1983. . Diakopes ston Kaukaso. Athens: Vivliopoleion tis Hestias, I. D. Kollardou & Sias A. E., 1965. Translated by Blanche Molfessis under the title Vacances dans le Caucase. Arles: Actes Sud Institut franqais d’Athsnes, 1997. . Loxantra. Athens: Vivliopoleion tis Estias, I. D. Kollarou & Sias A. E., 1963. . San ta trella poulia. Athens: Vivliopoleion tis Estias, I. D. Kollarou, 1985. . Stou kyklou ta gyrismata. Athens: Vivliopoleion tis Estias, I. D. Kollarou, 1984, 1980.

Isaia, Nana, 1934-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE452

Isaia, Nana. Poems. In Elytis y la poesia griega contemporhea. Translated by Juan Ruiz de Tomes. [Madrid:] Taller ‘Prometeo’ de Poesia Neuva, 1980.

Karapanou, Margarita, 1946-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 200 1. GRE453 GRE454 GRE455


Karapanou, Margarita. “Kalymnos.” In Greece: A Traveler’s Literary Companion, translated and edited by Artemis Leontis. San Francisco: Whereabouts Press, 1997. . “Kassandra and the Wolf.” In The Gates of Paradise: An Anthology of Erotic Short Fiction, edited by Alberto Manguel. New York: C. Potter, 1993. . “Rien ne va plus.” In Modern Greek Fiction, 20th-century, Authors: D-La. Athens: 1991,1970. Karavasiles, Giorgos K. I gynaika ton neron sti lyriki poiisi: apo ton Omiro eos ton Elyti. 186

Greece Athens: Ekdoseis Delfini, 1994. About women’s poetry, Byzantine to modem.

Karelli, Zoe [Argyriadou, Chryssoula, pseud.], 1901-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE457

Kartalou, Athena. “Gender, Professional, and Class Identities in Miss Director and Modern Cinderella.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 18, no. 1 (2000): 105-18. Abstract: Miss Director (1964) and Modern Cinderella (1965) are two well-known romantic comedies from 1960’s Greek popular cinema. This essay examines how the female protagonists of these two films are represented in terms of changes in their self-awareness, appearance, and idiolects. It explores the succession of occupational and sexual roles which give rise to contradictions in their identities, and it considers how time and space are disorganized in the working lives of these women in such a way that their gender and professional identities become categorically distinct.

Kassia [Kassiani, Eikasia], c. 805-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE458 GRE459 GRE460 GRE46 1 GRE462 GRE463 GRE464 GRE465 GRE466

GRE467 GRE468 GRE469

Kassia. Akolouthia hasmatiki tis osias Kassianis. Kavala: [Melissa,] 1989. . Five Chants. [Bryn Mawr:] Hildegard Publishing Co., 1998. . I Kassiani. Athens: Vivliopoleion M. Saliverou, 1969. Charalampides, Stefanos, and Aristeides Kyriakos. I Kassiani (eikasia): drama eis praxeis treis. New York: Kosmos, 1936. Kyriakos, Aristeides N. I Kassiani: olokliros i istoria kai o vios tis empneusmenis monachis. Athens: Ekdoseis Antonios N. Savaranos, 1940-1943. . I Kassiani: To polykroton Mythistorima tou. Chicago: n. p., 1937. Lainas, Theoktistos Athan. Kassiane: He Vyzantine archontissa kai poietria. Athens: n.p., 1962. Mitropoulos, Dmitri, and Kostas Palamas. Kassiane. N. p.: n. p. Songs with piano. Ponerides, Giorgos. I Kassiani: vyzantino tropari kantata gia mesofono mikti chorodia kai orchistra. Athens: Ypourgeion Politismou kai Epistimon, 1977. Score of a Byzantine cantata for mezzo-soprano, mixed choir and orchestra. Tripolitis, Antonia. Kassia: The Legend, the Woman, and Her Work. New York: Garland Press, 1992. Includes bibliographical references. Tsekouras, Nikos. I Kassiani: Mythistorima Vyzantinis ypotheseos, empneusmeno apo tinalithini istoria tis gynaikas, pou echase to throno tou Vyzantiou, apo mia parexigisi. Athens: Ekdoseis S. Darema, 1930, 1980. Fiction about Kassia. Velimirovic, Nikolaj. Kassiana: Lessons in Divine and Christian Love. Translated from the Serbian by Johanna Manley. Seattle: St. Nectarios Press, 1995.

Kazantzaki, Galatea [Castro, Ladoli; Psiloreiti, Petroula, pseud.], 1886-1962. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE470

Kena sten tis technes: gynaikes dimiourgoi. Athens: Ekdoseis Gkovosti, 1993. Comprises papers presented at a conference on women artists held in Athens in November 1990.

Koutouzi, Marianna [Aenou-Koutouzi,Marianna; Karousou, Marianna], 1922-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.


Greece Laina, Maria, 1947-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. GRE47 1 GRE472


GRE474 GRE475 GRE476

Laina, Maria. Poems. In Grind the Big Tooth: A Collection of Contemporary Greek Poetry. Translated by Robert Crist. Pittsburgh: Sterling House Publisher, 1998. . “Hers.” In The Rehearsal of Misunderstanding: Three Collections by Contemporary Greek Women Poets. Translated by Karen Van Dyck. Hanover: Univ. Press of New England, 1998. A bilingual version. Lamprinou, Katerina. Elli Alexiou, Lili Zographou, Anna Sikelianou: treis dromoi. Rethymno: Autognosia, 1989. Based on interviews with the three authors, published in various newspapers 1985-1988. Lardas, Konstantinos, trans. Mourning Songs of Greek Women. New York: Garland, 1992. Dirges, folk songs and poetry by women. Lazarides, Giorgos. Enas thrylos me to onoma Anna, Maria Kalouta. Athens: Smymiotakis, 198? Biography of a Greek actress. Leontis, Artemis, ed. A Traveler’s Literary Companion. San Francisco: Whereabouts Press, 1997. This collection of twenty-four short stories includes fiction by Eva Vlami, Alexandra Papadopoulou, Melpo Axioti, Rea Galanaki, Margarita Karapanou, Eugenia Fakinou.

Lymberaki, Margarita, 1910-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE477

Lymberaki, Margarita. “From the Other Alexander.” In New Directions in Prose and Poetry. [New York:] New Directions, 1955.


Magiakou, Athanasias P. I gynaika sta dimotika mas tragoudia. Athens: Pyrsos, 1937. About women in Greek literature. Maras, Stathes. I gynaika. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1990. Two volumes of history and criticism of 19thand 20th-century Greek women poets.


Mastoraki, Jenny, 1949-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. GRE480 GRE48 1 GRE482

Mastoraki, Jenny. Poems. In Grind the Big Tooth: A Collection of Contemporary Greek Poetry. Translated by Robert Crist. Pittsburgh: Sterling House Publisher, 1998. . Poems. In Contemporary Greek Women Poets, translated by Eleni Fourtouni. New Haven: Thelfini Press, 1978. . Tales of the Deep. In The Rehearsal of Misunderstanding: Three Collections by Contemporary Greek Women Poets, translated by Karen Van Dyck. Hanover: Univ. Press of New England, 1998. A bilingual version.

Melissanthi [Eve Chougia-Skandalaki], 1910-199 1. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. Mercouri, Melina, 1927-. Screen actress and politician. GRE483

Mercouri, Melina. Gennithika Ellinida. Athens: Zarvanos, 1983. English edition: I was born Greek, (London 1971); German edition: Ich bin als Griechin geboren. (Berlin: Blanvalet,



GRE484 GRE485 GRE486


1971). Bioumpi, Frinta. Melina: rnia thea me to diavolo mesa tis. Athens: Terzo Books, 2000. Elias, Gabriela. Melina Mercouri: Biographie eines Weltstars. Vienna: Edition S, 1995. Homage f i r Melina Mercouri und Jules Dassin: Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin Retrospektive 1984. N.p.: Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek, 1984. Includes filmographies, bibliographical references. Stenou, Katerina. Je parie sure l’esperance: Me‘lina Mercouri et 1’UNESCO. Paris: Editions UNESCO, 1995. About Mercouri’s work as a cabinet minister.

Mitropolou, Kostoula, 1920-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE488

Modern Greek Fiction, 20th Century, Authors. [Athens:] 1970-199 1.25 volumes, organized by last name of authors and including such female writers as Christa Karkantzou, Maroula Kliapha, Margarita Karapanou, Margarita Koulentianou, Anna Saphiliou, Despoina Polychronidou, Tatiana Gritsi-Milliex.

Mouskouri, Nana, 1934-. Singer and politician. See Wikipedia: http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nana-Mouskouri . GRE489

Huff, Y. Nana Mouskouri. http://www.modempool.com/yhuff/nana.htm About popular Greek singer Mouskouri and her music.

Moutza-Martinengou,Elizavet, 1801-1 832. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE490

Martinengou, Elizavet Moutza. Autoviographia. Edited by K. Porfyris. Athens: n.p., 1956. Translated by Helen Dendrinou Kolias under the title My Story. Athens, GA.: Univ. of Georgia Press, 1989.

Mylona, Eva, 193%. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE49 1

Mylona, Eva. Taxidi/Journey. Translated by Sylvia Moody. Athens: Ekdoseis Hermeias, 1970. Bilingual edition.


Myrsiades, Linda. “The Female Role in the Karaghiozis Performance.” Southern Folklore Quarterly 44 (1980): 145-63. About the under-representation of female characters in the dramatic world of the Karaghiozis shadow puppet plays.

Nakou, Lilika, 1903-1989. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE493 GRE494 GRE495 GRE496 GRE497

Nakou, Lilika. Ta anthropina pepromena. Athens: Vivlioekdotike, 1955. . To chroniko mias demosiographou. Athens: Dorikos: 1980. Autobiography of a journalist . . Ge tes Voiotias. Athens: Ekdoseis Galaxia, 1964. . Gia mia kainourgia zoe. Athens: n. p., 1960. . He historia tes parthenias tes despoinidas tade: diegemata. Athens: Dorikos, 1985. Collection of short stories.


Greece GRE498 GRE499 GRESOO GRE5O 1 GRE502 GRE503 GRE504 GRE505 GRE506

GRE507 GRE508

. Hoi horamatistes tes Ikarias: mythistorema. Athens: G. Fexi, 1963. . I Kyria Doremi. Athens: Dorikos, 1989; 1980.

. Nausika. Athens: Dorikos, 1980.

. Parastratamenoi. Athens: Ekd. Pyrsou, 1936. . Sto pezodromio, Athena 190.,.. Athens: Pyrsou, 1936. . He xeparthene. Athens: Dorikos: 1980.

Ieronimidi, Loula. Lilika Nakou: Anaskopisi sto ergo tis kai polla keimena dika tis. Athens: Kritika Phylla, 1974. Tannen, Deborah. “Coming of Age in the Modern Greek Prose of Lilika Nakou.” Regionalism and the Female Imagination 4, no. 1 (1978): 37-50. . “Involvement as Dialogue: Linguistic Theory and the Relation between Conversational and Literary Discourse.” In Dialogue and Critical Discourse: Language, Culture, Critical Theory, edited by Michael Macovski, 137-57. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1997. An analysis of the dialogue in the novels of Lilika Nakou based on the theories of Mikhail Bakhtin. . Lilika Nakou. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1983. Includes bibliography. . “Mothers and Daughters in the Modern Greek Novels of Lilika Nakos.” Women’s Studies 6, no. 2 (1979): 205-17.

Oikonomidou, Fotini [Fimonoi’,Honolulu, pseud.], 1856-1 883. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. Pampoudi, Pavlina, 1949-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. Papa, Katina G., 1903-1959. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE509 GRE5 10 GRES 11 GRE5 12 GRE5 13 GRES 14 GRE515

Papa, Katina. An allazan ola: Diigimata. Athens: Oi filoi tou vivliou, 1947. . An allazan ola: Diigimata. Athens: Vivliopoleion tis Estias I. D. Kollarou, 1974; 1970. . Poiimata. Athens: Difros, 1963. . S’ena gymnasio thileon: Chroniko. Athens: Vivliopoleion tis Estias I. D. Kollarou, 1970. . Sti sykamia apo kato ki alla Diigimata. Athens: Hestis, 1934. Translated by Isidora Rosenthal-Kamarinea under the title Unter der maulbeerbaum: eine Erzahlung (Breisgau: Walter-Verlag, 1959). Daphnis, Kostas. Grammata Dimitri Kambouroglou kai Gregori Xenopoulou stin Katina G. Papa (1920-1937). N.p.: Ekdosis KerC Kerkyra, 1972. Iakovidou, Lili. Katina Papa, apo ti Zoe kai to Ergo tis. Athens: Iakovidou, 1972.

Papadopoulou, Alexandra [A. P. ;Alexandra; Anatolissa; Vyzandis; Sataniski; Sancho Pancha; Thrakopoula, pseud.], 1867-1 906. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRES 16 GRES 17 GRES 18 GRES 19 GRE520

Papadopoulou, Alexandra. Diigimata. [Athens]: Ikaros, 1954. . Kore eupeithis kai alla Diigimata. Athens: Ekdoseis Nefele, 1993. . I theia Eutychia. In Modern Greek Fiction: Twentieth-Century Authors. Athens: n.p., 1991; 1976. . I theia Eutychia : Nouvela. Athens: Vivliopoleion tis Estias 1988. . Poems. In Trygones kai echidnai: poiiseis. Athens: Etaireia Ellinikon Ekdoseon,



GRE521 GRE522 GRE523

1960. The works of Jean Mordas, Stephanos Martzokes and Alexandra Papadopoulou. . “The Regards.” In Greece: A Traveler’s Literary Companion, edited by Artemis Leontis. San Francisco: Whereabouts Press, 1997. . Tou geliou. Athens: Ekdoseis tou Eikostou Protou, 1994. Papakostas, Giannis. I zoi kai to ergo tis Alexandras Papadopoulou. Athens: Elliniko Logotechniko kai Istoriko Archeio, 1980. About the life and work of Alexandra Papadopoulou. Pappa, Lena, 1932-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.

GRE524 GRE525 GRE526 GRE527 GRE528 GRE529 GRE530 GRE53 1 GRE532

Pappa, Lena. Artesiana: Poiimata. Athens: Oi Ekdoseis ton Filon, 1988. . Choris imerominia: selides imerologiou. Athens: Ekdotikos Organismos Livani, 1999. . Kath’ odon: Poiimata. Athens: Oi Ekdoseis ton Filon, 1973. . Ouranodromo:Poiimata. Athens: [Ekklesiastikon Epistemonikon kai Morfotikon Idryma Ioannou kai Eriettas Grigoriadou], 1992. . Pharmaki me zachari. Athens: Iolkos, 1999. . Poiimata. Athens: n. p., 1956. . Ta Poiimata: 19561992. Athens: Ekdoseis Armos, 1994. . Skoteinos thalamos: Poiimata. Athens: Oi Ekdoseis ton Philon, 1979. . Viorythmoi:Diigimata. Athens: Vivliopoleion tis Estias, 1982. Parren, Kallirroe Siganou [MaYa, pseud.], 1861-1940. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.

GRE533 GRE534 GRE535 GRE536 GRE537

GRE538 GRE539

. He Cheiraphetemene.Athens: Psraskeuas Leones, 1999; 1900. Parren, Kallirroe. He magissa. Athens: Ek tou typographeiou Paraskeua Leone, 1901. Anastasopoulou, Maria. “Feminist Discourse and Literary Representation in Turn-of-theCentury Greece: Kallirrhoe Siganou-Parren’s The Books of Dawn.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 15, no. 1 (May 1997): 1-28. . Zoe henos etous; epistolai Athenaias pros Parisinen, 1896-1 897. [Athens: Paraskeua Leone, n. d.] Psarra, Angelika. “To mythistorima tis chiraphetisis i i syneti outopia tis Kallirrois Parren.” In He Cheiraphetemene, by Kallirroi Parren, 407-86. Athens: Ekati, 1999. About women’s emancipation, the “New Woman” and the Greek feminist novel at the turn of the 19* century.

Pateraki, Roula, et al. Interview “Directing is a Man’s Job.” To Bema. 13 March 1990. Interviews with Roula Pateraki, Ersi Vasilikioti and Pepi Economopoulou. Patsalidis, Savas. “Greek Women Dramatists: The Road to Emancipation.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 14, no. 1 (May 1996): 85-102. Paxinou, Katina [Konstantopoulou,Ekaterini], 1900-1973. Screen actress. See http://w ww.thegoldenyears .org/paxinou.html .

GRE540 GRE54 1 GRE542

Antonoula, Ismene, ed. Katinas Paxinou Alexe Minoti polychronos pigaimos gia mian khaki. Athens: Epikairotita, 1989. Pallantios, Menelaos, ed. Prosopo/prosopeioKatinas Paxinou-Alexi Minoti: timis kai agapis epicheirima. Athens: G. Argyropoulos, 1993. Paxinou-Minotis: mimisis praxeos, spoudaias kai teleias. Athens: Morfotiko Idryma Ethnikis Trapezis, 1997. About actress Paxinou’s work with director/producer Alexis Minoti.



Pegli, Yolanda, 1 9 3 4 . See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. Phanariotou-Filippou,Athina D., 1912-1 935. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE543

Phrantze, Anteia. Hyparchei, loipon, gynaikeia poiese. N. p. : Hetaireia Spoudon Neoellenikou Politismou kai Genikes Paideias, 1990. About 20*-century Greek women poets.

Plassara, Katerina, 1943-. GRE544 GRE545 GRE546 GRE547 GRE548 GRE549 GRE550

Plassara, Katerina. I magissa: Diigimata. Athens: Kedros, 1977. . Mikros idiotikos phonos: Mythistorima. Athens: Ekdoseis Ermeias, 1966. . Parenthesi: Mythistorima. Athens: Ekdoseis Fillippoti, 1981. . Petrino kalokairi. Athens: Ekdoseis Oik. G. Fexi, 1965. . Stratis Tsirkas: vivliographia, 1926-1 978. Athens: Elliniko Logotechniko kai Istoriko Archeio, 1979. . To symposio tis arachnis: Mythistorima. Athens: Ekdoseis Oik. G. Fexi, 1964. . I teleutaia Ithaki: Diigimata. Athens: Ekdoseis Phillippoti, 1980.

Pliatsika-Panselenou,Efe. GRE55 1 GRE552

Pliatsika-Panselenou, Efe. I petrothalassa kai ola t ’allapoiimata. Athens: Gkovosti, 1990. Includes the essay “He poietria Efe Panselenou” by Daniel Giorgos. , and Daniel Giorgos. Lyrikes prosengiseis. Athens: Synchroni Epochi, 1993. Mostly speeches, some previously published in various periodicals.

Polydouri [Polydoure], Maria, 1902-1 930. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE553 GRE554 GRE555 GRE556 GRE557 GRE558 GRE559 GRE560 GRE56 1 GRE562 GRE563 GRE564 GRE565 GRE566

Polydouri, Maria. Icho sto chaos. Athens: Typografeion G. E. Kalergi, 1929. . Apanta. [Athens:] Vivlipoleion tis Estias I. D. Kollarou, 1961. . Apanta poiitika. Athens: Chorors Poiisis Sikyonios, 1991. . Maria Polydouri ola ta poiimata: mila gia tin agapi sou. Athens: Ekdoseis Monternoi Kairoi, 1998. . Odi sto chaos. Leukosia: Ekdoseis Ge, 2000. . Hoi trillesi pou svinoun. Athens: Ekdoseis Th. Demakarakou, 1981. , and Kostas Karyotakis. Anthismeni mataiotita:poiimata. Leukosia: Ekdoseis Ge, 1998. Angelakis, Andreas. 0 makrys monologos tis Marias Polydouri. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1989. Chondrogiannis, Giannis. I Maria Polydouri meta ton Karyotaki. Athens: Difros, 1975. Panagiotounes, Panos N. Dyo eklektes ellinides poiitries: Maria Polydouri, Tillia Bale. Athens: n.p., 1994, 1990. Sakellaridis, Ch. G. Ipragmatiki Polydouri kai I ekdosi ton apanton tis. Athens: n.p., 1969. Spyrou-Depounte, Gkrastia. Dodeka ellines poiites. Athens: Ekdoseis Drymos, 1985. Polydouri is one of the twelve Greek poets discussed in this volume. Stathouli, Marianna. Maria Polydouie: pera ap ’ton erota kai ton thanato. Athens: I. Sideris, 1997. Themelis, Georgios. Neoellines lyrikoi. Athens: I. N. Zacharopoulos, 1959. Polydouri is one


Greece of nine poets represented in this history and criticism of modern Greek poetry, complete with a bio-bibliography. GRE567 GRE568



Psarra, Angelika. “Gynaikeia periodika tou 19ou aiona.” Skoupa 2 (1979): 3-13. About 19th century Greek women’s periodicals. . “Ama i omitha archisei na lalei OS peteinos, sphaxe tin amesos: I diamahi Roidigraphouson.” Skoupa 3 (1979): 3-13. About Greek women’s writing at the end of the 19th century. Ritsos, Giannis. Monemvasia and the Women of Monemvasia. Translated and introduced by Kimon Friar and Kostas Myrsiadis. Minneapolis: Nostos Books, 1987. Poetry in praise of women from Monemvasia and Greek women in general. Rogan, Dora Iliopoulou. Three Generations of Greek WomenArtists: Figures, Forms, and Personal Myths. Athens: Greek Ministry of Culture; Washington: National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1989. Rozos, Euangelos G. Synchroni anthologia gynaikeias poiisis, 1900-1 980. Athens: Drymos, 1980. Anthology of Greek women poets. Sakellaridou, Elizabeth. “The Immaterial Presence of Women in Contemporary Greek Theater.” Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 20 (1996): 122-41.

Saranti, Galateia, 1920-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE573 GRES74 GRE575

Savidis, Manolis Georgiou. “The Warped and the Wooed: Weaving in Oral Greek Poetry.” B.A. thesis, Harvard Univ., 1982. Siotis, Dino. Ten Women Poets of Greece. San Francisco: Wire Press, 1982. Soidou, Maire. Taxidi mesa sto chrono: 50 chronia kallitechnikis prosforas. Salonika: Univ. Studio Press, 1997. About Greek actresses and entertainers.

Sotiriou, Dido, 1914-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRES76 GRES77 GRE578 GRES79 GRE580 GRES8 1 GRES82 GRES83 GRE584

Sotiriou, Dido. Entoli. Athens: Kedros, 1985. . Oi episkeptes. Athens: Kedros, 1985; 1979. . Farewell Anatolia. Translated by Fred A. Reed. Athens: Kedros, 1991. . Matomena chomata: Mythistorima. Athens: Ekdoseis Kedros, 1988. . Mesa stis phloges: Mythistorirna gia paidia. [Athens:] Kedros, 1978. . I Mikrasiatiki katastrophi kai i strategiki tou imperialismou stin Anatoliki Mesogeio. Athends: Kedros, 1985. . Oi nekroi perimenoun: Mythistorima. [Athens:] Kedros, 1997; 1988. . Theatro: Dyo theatrika erga kai enas monologos. Athens: Kedros, 1995. Tsakire, Sasa. Did0 Soteriou: apo ton kip0 tis Edem sto kamini tou aiona mas. N.p.: Kedros, 1996.

Sotiropoulou, Erse, 1953-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE58S GRES86 GRES87 GRES88

Sotiropoulou, Erse. Choirokarnelos:Diigimata. Athens: Kedros, 1992. . Diakopes choris ptoma. Athens: AKMON, 1980. . Eortastiko triimero sta Giannena. Athens: Ekdoseis Nefele, 1982. . Melo + thanatos + ... + .... Athens: Plethron, 1980. . Mexico. Athens: Kedros, 1988. 193

Greece GRE589 GRE590

. I Pharsa: Mythistorima. Athens: Kedros, 1982. . Selected Poetry and Prose. Cambridge, MA: [The Greek Institute,] 1991. A 26-page


booklet of writings translated by various individuals. . 0 vasilias tou Phliper: Diigimata. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastanioti, 1998.

Spanidou, Eirini, 1946-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE592 GRE593 GRE594

Spanidou, Eirini. Fear: A Novel. New York: Knopf, 1998. A character study of the daughter of a Greek officer who trained her to hide emotions. . God’s Snake. New York: Penguin, 1986. . To phidi tou theou: Mythistorima. Athens: Kedros, 1987. Translated by Marie-Lise Marlisre under the title Le serpent de Dieu: Roman. [Paris:] Gallimard, 1986. Fiction about the Greek Civil War.

Stefanou, Lydia, 1927-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE595

GRE596 GRE597

Syllogos Politikon Exoriston Gynaikon. Gynaikes Exoristes sta stratopeda tou emphyliou. Chios, Trikeri, Makronisos, Ai-Stratis 1948-1954. Athens: Kastaniotis, 1996. A photo album published by the Association of Women Political Exiles, including photos of women in exile from all the concentrations camps in the Civil War. Syrimis, George. “Gender, Narrative Modes, and the Procreative Cycle: The Pregnant Word in Vizyenos.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 13, no. 2 (Oct 1995): 327-49. Tarsouli, Athena. Embroideries and Costumes of Dodecanese. Athens: Tarsouli, 1951. A 13page booklet in English and Greek.

Theodorou, Viktoria, 1926 or 192%. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE598 GRE599 GREGOO GRE6Ol


Theodorou, Viktoria. Poems. In Contemporary Greek Women Poets. Translated by Eleni Fourtouni. New Haven: Thelfini Press, 1978. . Gamilio Doro. Athens: Gnosi, 1995. , ed. 4 Greek Women: Love Poems. Translated by Eleni Fourtouni and others. New Haven: Thelfini Press, 1982. , ed. Stratopeda Gynaikon. Ennea thammena tetradia me aphigiseis kratoumenon gynaikon sta stratopeda Chiou, Trikeri, Makronisou tou emphyliou polemou 1947-1 951. Athens: n.p., 1976. Some women exiled to Trikeri in 1950-195 1 wrote nine notebooks narrating their lives and buried them in an olive-oil tree. After the Junta ended (1974), Viktoria Theodorou found and published them. One of these notebooks is hers. Tsitsopoulou, Vassiliki. “Greekness, Gender Stereotypes, and the Hollywood Musical in Jules Dassin’s ‘Never on Sunday’.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 18, no. 1 (2000): 7993.

Vaka, Demetra [Mrs. Kenneth-Brown, Demetra Vaka Brown], 1877-1946. See http://www .princeton.edu/webannounce/Hellenic~S tudies~Announcements/Archived/2005/A UG-Text. html. GRE603

Vaka, Demetra. In the Heart of German Intrigue. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1918. About Greek neutrality, politics and government in World War I.


Greece GRE604

. Stin kardia

ton Valkanion. Athens: Ekdoseis Pataki, 1999. About travel in the Balkan


Vakalo, Eleni, 1921-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE605 GRE606 GRE607 GRE608

GRE609 GRE610 GRE611


Vakalo, Eleni. The Attic Door: Selected Poems, translated by Marilyn Smith Marsh. M.F.A. thesis, American Univ., 1994. . Eleni Vakalo: Beyond Lyricism. Poems translated by Kimon Friar. New York: Pella Publishing, 1982. . Genealogia tou kosmou. Genealogy. Translated by Paul Merchant. Exeter: Rougemont Press, 1971. Bilingual version. . Poems. In Greece: George Seferis, Andreas Embeiricos, Odyseus Elytis, Yannis Ritsos, Takis Sinopoulos, Eleni Vakalo, translated by Paul Merchant. London: Cape Goliard, 1968. Van Dyck, Karen. Kassandra and the Censors: Greek Poetry since 1967. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1998. Includes bibliographical references and index. Short quotes and examples in Greek throughout, usually followed by English translation. . “Reading between Worlds: Contemporary Greek Women’s Writing and Censorship.” PMLA 109, no. 1 (January 1994): 45-61. . The Rehearsal of Misunderstanding: Three Collections by Contemporary Greek Women Poets, translated and introduced by Karen Van Dyck. Hanover: Univ. Press of New England, 1998. This bilingual edition contains poetry by Rea Galanaki, Jenny Mastoraki and Maria Laina. Includes bibliographical references. . “Women’s Poetry and the Sexual Politics of Babel.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 8, no. 2 (Oct 1990): 173-82. About ellipticism in the poetry of Rea Galanaki, Jenny Mastoraki and Maria Laina.

Vangelatou, Vera. GRE613 GRE614 GRE615 GRE616 GRE617 GRE618

Vangelatou, Vera. Agria kymata: apo to drama tou xerizomou. Mythistorema. Athens: Kaktos, 1984. . Dar-es-Salam: to limani tes eirenes. Athens: Exantas, 1987; Logotechnike Vivliotheke, [ 1961?]. . Kynegemenoi. Athens: Exantas, 1987. . To tryphero prophil tou. Athens: Exantas, 1987. . Xena chomata. Athens: n. p., 1959. . Xena chomata: diegamata. Athens: Logotechnike Vivliotheke, 1986.

Vitale, Leia. GRE6 19 GRE620 GRE621

Vitale, Leia. Hoi koilia tes metaphrastrias. Athens: Exantas, 1988. . To paramythi tou megalou phovou: mythistorema. Athens: Ekdoseis Kastaniote, 1999. . He tromokratia tes mnemes. Athens: Exantas, 1993.

Vlami, Eva, 1920-1974. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GRE622

Vlami, Eva. “Galaxidi: The Fate of a Maritime Town.” In Greece: A Traveler’s Literary




Companion, translated and edited by Artemis Leontis. San Francisco: Whereabouts Press, 1997. . Skeletovrachos: mythistorima. [Athens]: Vivliopoleion tis Estias, I. D. Kollarou, 1980.

Zatelli, Zyranna, 1954-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. Zei, Alki, c. 1926-. See Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. GRE624

GRE625 GRE626 GRE627 GRE628

Zei, Alki. He arravoniastikia tou Achillea: mythistorema. [Athens:] Kedros, 1987. Translated into English by Gail Holst-Warhaft under the title Achilles ’fiancke. Athens: Kedros, 1991. Translated into French by Gisde Jeanperin under the title Lafiancke d’Achille. Paris: Editions La Dicouverte, 1989. . Arvylakia kai goves: diegemata. Athens: Kedros, 1975. . To Kaplani tes vitrinas. Athens: Kedros, 1995. . He mov omprela: mythistorema. Athens: Kedros, 1995. Zelenak, Michael X. Gender and Politics in Greek Tragedy. New York: Peter Land, 1998. About women, sex roles and gender identity in society and theater.

Zografou, Lili, 1922 - 1998. Journalist, essayist, playwright, novelist, and political activist. See her obituary by Peter Bien in The Independent, October 15, 1998. GRE629 GRE630 GRE63 1 GRE632 GRE633 GRE634 GRE635 GRE636 GRE637 GRE638 GRE639 GRE640 GRE64 1 GRE642 GRE643 GRE644 GRE645

Zografou, Lili. I agapi argise mia mera. Athens: Ekdoseis Alexandreia, 1994. .Antignosi, ta dekanika tou kapitalismou. Athens and River Dale, NJ: Ekdoseis Alexandreia, 1997. .Apo ti Medeia sti Stachopouta: I istoria tou phullou. Athens: Ekdoseis Alexandreia, 1998. . 17 Noemvriou 1973: pos phtasame sti nychta tis megalis sphagis. Athens: Logothetis, 1985. . Epangelma: porni. Athens: Ekdoseis Alexandreia, 1994. . I gynaika pou chathike kavala st ’alogo.Athens: Ekdoseis Alexandreia, 1998. . I gynaika sou i alitissa: Mythistorima. Athens: Ekdoseis Logothetis, 1985. . 0 iliopotis Elytis. [Athens]: Ekdoseis Alexandreia, 1997. . Ellinikipaideia ora miden. Athens: n. p., 1974. . Oi Evraioi kapote: Mikael. Athens: Vivliopoleion tis Estias 1973. . Kostas Karyotakis, Maria Polydouri, kai i archi tis amphisvetisis.Athens: Gnosi, 1981. . Mikael: poios San tou Theo. [Athens:] Etaireia Ellinikon Ekdoseon, 1966. . Mou servirete ena vasilopouloparakalo. Athens: Grammi, 1984. . Nychtose agapi mou einai chthes. Athens: Gavrielidis, 1991. . Palaiopolis anamniseon. Athens: Ekdoseis Alexandreia, 1998. . Pou edy mou to kallos. Athens: Gavrielidis, 1992. . I Syvaritissa: Mythistorima. Athens and River Vale, NJ: Ekdoseis Alexandreia, 1997.

Autobiography GRE646

Chatzimichali, Ersi-Alexia. Peripatos me tin Aggeliki. Athens: Kaktos, 1999. The biography



GRE647 GRE648 GRE649 GRE650 GRE65 1 GRE652 GRE653 GRE654 GRE655 GRE656 GRE657 GRE658 GRE659 GRE66O GRE66 1 GRE662 GRE663 GRE664 GRE665 GRE666 GRE667 GRE668

of Angelika Chatzimichali by her daughter. Chalvatzi-Gkogkou, Rina. Selides apo ton thrylo kai tin pragmatikotita tou Emphyliou. Lamia: n.p., 1992. A memoir from the Civil War. Drosaki, Eleftheria. En Thessaloniki. Athens: Odysseas, 1985. A memoir from the Resistance in Salonika. Fouka-Reze, Despoina. Orgismena chronia: aphigima. Athens: n.p., 1997. A 1940s life story. Frederika, Queen. Metron Katanoiseos. Athens: Vivliometafrastilu, 1971. A memoir by the ex-queen Frederika. Gynaikes stin antistasi: martyries. Athens: Edition of “The Woman in the Resistance” Movement, 1982. Personal narratives from women in the underground movement during the German Occupation. Georgopoulou-Ioannidou, Mairy . Pikri epochi. Kavala: autoedition, 1981. A memoir about the Resistance and the Civil War from a woman who lived in Kavala (north-eastern Greece). Giannopoulou-Trianti, Alexandra. Orthies sti thyella: gynaikeies phylakes Patras, 19481952. Athens: Bibliopoleio Chrisafi Panezi, 1990. A memoir about the women’s prison in Patra (Peloponnesia), 1948 to 1952. Kali, Kalo. Osa den pire o anemo: I autoviographia mias theatrinas. Athens: Agra, 1998. Autobiography of an actress. Karagiorgi, Maria. Mechri tin apodrasi. Athens: Fytrakis 1989. A memoir written in exile during the dictatorship of Ioannis Metaxas ( 1936-1 940). Karanika, Soula. Gia mia nea zoi: heimarroi genikame gia mia nea zoi. Athens: Synchroni Epohi, 1984. A memoir about the women’s prisons in Athens and Patra, 1948-1959. Karra, Maria. Eponitissa stous dromous kai stis geitonies tis Athinas. Athens: Dorikos, 1982. A memoir about the Resistance by a member of the National Liberation Front Youth Organization. . Emeis oi apexo. PEOPEF: 1948-1954 Mia mikri epopoiia. Athens: Kostarakis, 1995. A memoir from a ‘woman in black’ during the Greek Civil War. Konstantopoulou-Karoumpi, Marina. 0 Golgothas mou: apo tin Katohi stin paranomia kai sto Dimokratiko Strato, 1947-1949. Athens: n.p., 1996. A memoir of the Occupation, of the underground-after the liberation-and of fighting for the Democratic Army. Kounio-Amariglio, Erika Myriam. From Thessaloniki to Auschwitz and Back, 1926-1 996. Translated by Theresa Sundt. Essex, U.K.: Valentine Mitchell, 1999. Annotated in the Jewish Diaspo ra. Koutifari-Frantzeskou, Argyroula. Mia alithini istoria: I zoi sta stratopeda exoriston gynaikon. Athens: n. p., 1983. A memoir about women’s concentrations camps during the Civil War. Latifi, Katina. Ta apopaida. Athens: Exantas 1999. A memoir from the 1940s. Mara Michalakea, Dimitra. Gynaikeies Phylakes Averof: Athina, 12-1 3 Apriliou 1949. Elegeia. Athens: Agra 1995. A memoir of the night before the execution of two women in the Averof prison. Machairopoulou, Anna. Dyskola chronia: chroniko apo tin Ethniki Antistasi kai ton Emphylio. Athens: Drymos, 1987. A memoir from the Resistance to the Civil War. Mastora-Psarogianni, Olga. Sto dromo tou chreous. Athens: Synchroni Epochi, 1995. Autobiography tracing author’s path from a northern Greek village to the Democratic Army and, after its defeat, to life as a political refugee. Mastroleon-Zerva, Marigoula. Exoristes: Chios, Trikeri, Makronisi: I Maroukla aphigeitai. Athens: Symchroni Epochi, 1986. A memoir of women in exile 1948-1950. Pagoulatou-Loverdou, Reggina. Exoria: chroniko, 1948-1950. New York: n.p., 1974. A chronicle of the author’s exile, 1948-1 950. Panagiot idou-Gkelnt i , Titika. Gnorimia me tis anta rtisses. Athens : Ekdoseis Synchroni Epochi, 1983. A memoir about the Occupation by a woman in the armed branch of the



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Resistance. Papadimitriou, Elli, ed. 0 koinos logos. Aphigimata. 4 vols. Athens: Kedros 1979; 1975; 1972. Narratives from unknown people, some about the Occupation. Papadimitriou-Maroudi, Eirini. Gynaikes stin Exoria. Athens: Kedros, 1979, 1964. About women in exile Papadouka, Olympia. Gynaikeies Phylakes Averof. Athens: n. p., 1981. About women in the Averof prison, in Athens. Pavlidi, Krini. Exi mines mellothanati: iroikes selides apo tis phylakes Averoj N.p. : Nea Ellada, 1951. A memoir of six months in the life of a woman sentenced to death by a court martial, expecting to be executed. Petroula, Dimitra. “Pou ’nai i mana sou mori? Athens: Kedros 1986. A memoir about a little girl during the Civil War in Mani. Politou-Stefanatou, Stella. Mnimes. Athens: n. p. 1990. A memoir of the Civil War. Polat-Dimitriadou, Maria. Apo osa eida kai xero dia tin Ellada, 1940-1945. New York: n. p., 1950. Samailidou-Vakou, Stavroula. Chronia orgis. Sparta: n. p., 1998. A memoir of the Civil War. Stefanou, Pagona. Ton aphanon: dyo tetradia dyo tetraeties. Athens: Themelio, 1998. A memoir from the Civil War and the Junta. Thomaidou-Mammi, Eleni. I zoi mou stous dyo kosmous. Volos: Ores, 1992. The autobiography of a woman who, born in Russia in 1913, grew up in Greece, lived as a political refugee in Hungary, and then returned to Greece. Topa-Gounaropoulou, Evalleggelia. Poreia zois. Athens: n. p., 1995. Tragganida-Makrynioti, Eleni. Myrtia tou bounou: martyria mias antartopoulas. Athens: n.p., 1993. Memoir of a woman fighter belonging to the Democratic Army. Tsatsou, Ioanna. Phylla katohis. Athens: n. p., 1965. Translated by Jeanne Tsatsos under the title The Sword’s Fierce Edge Nashville: Vanderbilt Univ. Press, 1969. Vasileiou, Virgo. Ena klonari anthismeno reiki. Athens: Themelio, 1999. Memoir about prison and exile during the Civil War. Vlassi-Theodorikakou, Alexandra. Oi mnimes menoun zontanes: oi anamniseis mias 17 chronis antartopoulas tou D.S.E. Athens: Autoedition, 1996. The memoir of a woman who fought for the Democratic Army at seventeen. Zafeiriou, Helene. Ti iza sou protothymeto vre mana. Athens: Hodos Panos, 1991. Autobiography of actress Helene Zafeiriou. Zevgou, Kaiti. Me to Yianni Zevgo sto epanastatiko kinima. Athens: Okeanida, 1980. ”


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Aren, Munise. Turk toplumunda kadin bibliyografjlasi / Women in Turkish society: a bibliography. Ankara: Turk Sosyal Bilimler Dernegi, 1980. Behar, Cem, ed. Osmanli Imparatorlu@ ’nun ve Tiirkiye ’nin nufusu, 1500-1 927/ The Population of The Ottoman Empire and Turkey. Ankara: State Institute of Statistics Prime Ministry Republic of Turkey, 1996. Includes bibliography on historical demography including the Balkan area. Diinden bugune Istanbul ansiklopedisi. Istanbul: Kultur Bakanligi ve Tarih Vakfi, 1994. Encyclopedia on Istanbul with many items on individual women (authors, painters, other artists, etc., and on institutions such as girls’ schools. Duranoglu, Neriman. Tiirkiye’de kadinlar hakkinda yayimlanmzy eserler. Ankara: Kadinin Sosyal Hayatini Tetkik Kurumu, 1959. About published works on women in Turkey. Inalcik, Halil and Donald Quataert, eds. An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1 914. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994. Four parts (1300-1600; 1590-1699; 1699-1812; 1812-1914). Written by specialists on the different eras. With regular references to women. Also ample interest for the Balkans under the Ottomans. Including separate bibliographies for every era and an overall index. Istanbul kiitiiphanelerindeki eski ha$i Tiirkge kadin dergileri bibliografjlasi. Istanbul: Metis Yayinlan, 1993. Bibliography listing the authors and titles of all articles published in all the women’s periodicals appearing in Ottoman Turkish (up to 1928), which are available in Istanbul libraries . Koraltiirk, Murat. Osmanli ekonomik ve toplumsal tarihine iligkin Tiirkge makaleler bibliografjlasi Denemesi (1910-1 997). Istanbul: Creative Yayincilik, 1998. A bibliography of Turkish articles on Ottoman economic and social history, 1910-1997. Kurnaz, Sefika. “Turk kadin haklari: bir bibliyografya denemesi” [Turlush Women’s Rights: A Bibliographic Exercise]. Atatiirk Aragtirma Merkezi Dergisi 15, no. 43 (1999): 81-137. Mitler, Louis. Contemporary Turkish Writers:A Critical Bio-Bibliography of Leading Writers in the Turkish Republican Period up to 1980. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1988. Sosyo kiiltiirel deg’igme siirecinde Turk ailesi, 3 vols. Ankara: T. C. Bagbakanlik Aile Aragtirma Kurumu, 1992. About the Turkish family and socio-cultural change. Articles and source materials on women and the family through Ottoman and Turlush history. Turkologischer Anzeiger. Vienna: Institut fur Orientalistik, Universitat Wien, 1975-. Bibliography on Turkey and the Ottoman Empire that has been published annually since 1975. It includes books and articles in several languages and is indexed. It lags about 2 years behind.

Ottoman Turkey Web Sites OTT 12

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Bibliography for Turkey. http://www .students.washington.edu/rbarlas/bibliography.h t d . Dissertations and M.A. Theses, Articles, Books, Translated Texts, Reviews, News on Turkish Authors and Literature. The Ottomanist’s Domain. http://www.memalikimahruse.com. The site includes the contents of several periodicals related to the Middle East and the Islamic world. Turlush National Library. http://www.mkutup.gov.tr Biographical Notes on Turkish Women Writers: http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/usr/pk2c/women/writer/writer~bio.htm Women artists from Turkey. http ://www.contrib.andrew .cmu.edu/usr/pk2c/women.art.htm Includes theater actor Yildiz Kenter, screen actor Turkan Soray, painter Hale Sontas and photographer Gul Ezen. Women writers from Turkey. http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/-generatelTrURKEY .html List of key figures with dates.

Periodicals OTT 17 OTT 18


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Aile. Istanbul weekly, 1297 [ 18801, 1-3. First independent periodical addressing women (and children). Ayine. Salonika weekly, 1291 [ 1875-1 8761.4 1 vols. Four-page periodical for women and children. With fables for children, some informational articles for women and regular letters from readers. Bilgi Yurdu I& / Bilgi Yurdu Mecmuasi. Istanbul. 1333-1334 [ 1917-19181, monthly. Vol. 1-12 published under the name Bilgi Yurdu I&; 13-1 7 under the name BiEgi Yurdu Mecmuasz. Periodical published by the Bilgi Yurdu Miiessesesi, an institution aiming at educating girls and women. Demet. Istanbul weekly, 1324 [ 19081. 7 vols. Primarily a literary periodical for women with some articles on education and the position of women in society. Hanimlar Alemi (first series). Istanbul weekly, 1330 [1914]. 18 vols. While claiming to cover “feminism, women’s rights, social life, education, working life, marriage, traditions and habits, and child rearing,” it was in fact full of short stories and poems. Hanimlar Alemi (second series). 1334 [1918], nos. 1-30. Continuation of the first series. Also mostly literary with an occasional informational or educational article. Hanzmlara Mahsus Gazete (first series). Istanbul. 1311-1324 [1895-19081, nos. 1-150 biweekly, nos. 151-580; 1-36 weekly. Longest lasting Ottoman Turkish women’s periodical, published with the support of Abdulhamid 11. It covered a wide range of subjects despite Hamidian censorship. Hanzmlara Mahsus Gazete (second series). Istanbul weekly, 1324-? [ 1908-?]. This publication represented an effort to revive the old Hanzmlara Mahsus Gazete as the organ of the Teali-i Vatan Osmanlz Hanimlar Cemiyeti (the Organization of Ottoman Ladies for the Elevation of the Fatherland). Unclear when the last issue was published. Kadin. Salonika. 1324 [ 19081, nos. 1-30, weekly. Among the first women’s periodicals to appear after the Young Turk Revolution of July 1908. It became a bulletin board for several local women’s organizations, discussing such issues as the education of women. Kadzn. Istanbul. 1327-1328 [1911-19121, nos. 1-16,4-9, weekly. “A Periodical working for the intellectual and social advancement of women.” Includes informational articles and quite a few discussing the position of women in society. Kadznlar Diinyasz. Istanbul. 1-100, 1329 [1913] (daily); 101-162, 1329-1330 [1913-19141; 163-193, 1918; 194/1-194/15, 1921 (weekly). Became the organ of the Osmanli Miidafaa-i


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Hukuk-u Nisvan Cemiyeti (Ottoman Organization for the Defense of Women’s Rights) with articles on a wide range of subjects such as the education of women, the right and duty of women to work, and the relationship between spouses. Considered radical by Ottoman standards. With French supplements in nos. 121-128. Kadinlik/Kadin Duygusu. Istanbul. 1330 [ 19141 weekly. Nos.1-11 under name Kadinlik, 1 under name Kadin Duygusu. Aimed at educating women to “save them from the claws of ignorance.” It contained articles on a wide range of topics besides literature. Kadin(lik) Hayatz. Istanbul. 1329-1330 [ 191349141, nos. 1-12. Weekly founded by Emine Seher Ali who originally wrote for Kadznlar Dunyasi, but found it too radical. Kadin/Woman 2000. Gazimagusa, North Cyprus. 2000-. Interdisciplinary, refereed journal published semi-annually in Turkish and English by the Eastern Mediterranean University Center for Woman Studies. http://ww w .emu.edu.tr/kadin~woman2000/ingilizce woman/index2002.htm. Mehasin. Istanbul. 1324-1 325 [ 1908-19091, nos. 1-12, monthly. One of four women’s periodicals appearing in the first year after Young Turk Revolution of July 1908. It included long articles, mostly by males, on women’s role in the family and society. Miiriivvet. Istanbul. 1303 [ 18871, nos. 1-9, weekly. Supplement of the newspaper Miiriivvet. Musavver Kadin. Istanbul. 1327 [ 19111, nos. 1-8, weekly. Contains both literary and informational articles. (Osmanlz) Kadinlar Alemi. Istanbul. 1330 [ 19141, weekly. Nos 1-3 under name Kadinlar Alemi; nos. 4-9 under name Osmanlz Kadznlar Alemi. Mostly literary articles besides occasional pieces on the position of women in society. Siyanet. Istanbul. 1330 [ 19141, nos. 1-16. Weekly organ of the Milli Istihlak Kadznlar Cemiyeti (Women’s Organization for National Consumption), an organization that promoted the use of locally produced goods. Special attention to women and the national economy. 8iiikiifezar. Istanbul 1303 [ 18871, nos. 1-5. First periodical whose owner and authors were all female. Since dates, other than the year, are lacking, frequency is unclear. Terakki-i Muhadderat, Istanbul. 1286-1287 [ 18691, nos. 1-48, weekly. First Ottoman Turkish women’s periodical. It appeared as a supplement to the newspaper Terakki, and had a special interest in the education of women. It included many articles on schools for girls in the Ottoman Empire and abroad. Turk Kadinz. Istanbul. 13341335 [ 1918-19191, nos. 1-21. A rather radical first periodical that regularly demanded women’s right to vote. Vakit yahud Miirebbi-i Muhadderat. Istanbul. 1291-1 292 [ 18751, nos. 1-8, weekly. Supplement for women to the newspaper Vakit.

History and Society OTT40 OTT4 1


Abulmuammer Fuad. Vezaif-i aile [Duties of the Family]. Dersaadet: Keteon Bedrusian Matbaasi, 1328 [1910]. Abdulaziz Bey. Osmanli hdet, merasim ve tabirleri [Ottoman habits, ceremonies and expressions], edited by K2zim Arisan and Duygu Arisan Gunay from the manuscript: AdBt ve Merasim-i Kadime, TabirBt ve MuamelB-i Kavmiye-i Osmaniye. Istanbul: Tarih Vakfi, 2000; 1996. Extensive 19* century work on Ottoman folklore. Includes sections on women’s education, health practices, dress, and outings, on marriage rituals (such as what the trousseau should contain), and on Gypsy women. Afetinan, A. Tarih boyunca Tiirk kadininin hak ve gorevleri. 4* ed. Istanbul: M.E.B., Devlet Kitaplari, 1982. About Turkish women’s duties and rights through history. Although mainly on Turkish women before and after Ottoman times, there is also an interesting part on Ottoman Muslim women.

20 1

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Agaoglu, Ahmet. Islamlikta kadin. Istanbul: Nebioglu Yayinevi, [n.d.]. Early 20* century text about women in Islam, with an introduction by Samet Agaoglu, the author’s son. Ahmed Hikmet. Tiirkische Frauen. (Nach dem Stambuler Druck Xaristan u-gulistan von 1317h zum ersten male ins Deutsche ubertragen und mit Fussnoten und einer Einleitung versehen von Friedrich Schrader). Turkische Bibliothek, Bd. 7. Berlin: Mayer & Muller, 1907. Gerritsen collection of women’s history no. 33. Three short stories (Das Wiegenlied, Tante Naqijje, and Salhas Siinde) depicting the life of Turkish women in contemporary society. Ahmed Miimtaz. Mevki-i nisvan hakkinda nazariyat ve hakayik. Istanbul: Murettibin-i Osmaniye Matbaasi, 1909 [1325]. About different points of view and truths on the position of women. The dates are one according to the Gregorian calendar, the other according to the Maliye calendar. Ahmed Riza. Vazife ve mesuliyet: kadin [Duty and responsibility: women]. Paris: n.p., 1324 [1906-19071. Volume 3 of a 3-vol. work of which only this one deals with women. Rejects many of the daily practices of the time arguing that they are not based on Islam, but are the result of old traditions and mores. Calls upon women to set up women’s organizations to organize lectures and to enlighten uneducated women. Ahmet Rasim. Fuhj-i atik [eski fuhus hayati]: IGinde ayrica: Hamamci Ulfet. Istanbul: Iskit Yayini, 1958. Two novel-like studies originally published in Ottoman as Eski Maceralardan Fuhs-u Atik. Dersaadet: k d a m Matbaasi, 1340 [ 1924],2 vols, and Ulfet (Istanbul: Tahir Bey Matbaasi, 1316 ). The first (FuhJ-iatik) is on prostitution “in the old days.” The second (Hamamci Ulfet) is about a bathhouse servant, and touches upon lesbian relations developing within the bathhouse. The latter also appeared separately: Hamamci Ulfet. Istanbul: Arba Yayinlan, 1987. Akalin, Besim Omer. Osmanli Hilal-i Ahmer Cemiyet-i Hanimlar Hey ’et-iMerkeziyesi, Istanbul: Ahmed Ihsan ve Vurek2si Matbaasi, 1330 [ 19141. Description of the activities and organization of the Central Women’s Committee of the Ottoman Red Cross Organization. Akgunduz, Ahmed. Isl&n Hukukunda kolelik-c&-iyelikmiiessesesi ve Osmanli ’da harem. Istanbul: Osmanli Aragtirmalari Vakfi, 1995. About the institution of slavery in Islamic law and the Harem in Ottoman times. The author wants to correct the perception of both Turks and foreigners on the institution of the Harem. He compares slavery in several societies with that in Islam and the Ottoman Empire. Akyildiz, Ali. Miimin ve miisrifbir PadiJah kizi: Refia Sultan. Istanbul: Tarih Vakfi Yurt Yayinlan, 1998. Biography of Refia Sultan, one of the daughters of Sultan Abdulmecid, (1842-1880). From her papers and order slips we learn of a woman whose weak constitution led her to live in luxury at great expense. Akyuz, Yahya. “Ogretmenlik meslegi ve Osmanli’da kadin ogretmen yetigtirilmesi.” Tarih ve Toplum 33, no. 195 (2000): 3 1-43. About the teaching profession and the education of female teachers in the Ottoman Empire. . “Tanzimat’tan Cumhuriyet’e o h 1 yoneticiliginde donuSumler ve kadinlarin o h 1 yoneticiligi.” Tarih ve Toplum 35, no. 207 (2001): 57-63. About changes in the administration of school and in female administrators from the Tanzimat to the Republic. Alakom, Rohat. “Aragtirmalarda fazla adi geCmeyen bir kurulug : Kurt Kadinlan Teali Cemiyeti.” Tarih ve Toplum 29, no. 171 (1998): 36-40. About the Organization for the Elevation of Kurdish Women, which is rarely mentioned in research. [Album of Watercolors of Ottoman Costume].N.p.: n.p., 1867. One album (86 watercolor drawings). Some drawings depict costumes of various vendors, merchants, army officers and religious persons; costumes of peasants from the Balkans and other areas of the Ottoman Empire. Title devised by cataloger. The drawings are sometimes ascribed to Sharapenko. The ministers and household officers portrayed suggest that the drawings were prepared around the time of the Peace of Adrianopole in 1829.


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Alkan, Mehmet 0. “Tanzimat’tan sonra kadin’in hukuksal statusu ve devletin evlilik surecine mudahalesi uzerine.” Toplum ve Bilim no. 50 (1990): 85-95. About women’s legal status after the Tanzimat and the intervention of the state in marriage.Altinay, Ahmed Refik. GeCmiq asirlarda Osmanli hayati: kadinlar saltanati [Ottoman Life in Past Centuries: The Sultanate of Women], 2 vols. Istanbul: Tarih Vakfi, 2000. About the events developing around influential Ottoman women and their relationship with the sultans, intrigues, and palace life, 1299-1693. First 2 vols. also published in Ottoman: Istanbul: Matbaa-i Hayriye ve Surekasi, 1332 [ 19161; second 2 vols. Istanbul: Orhaniye Matbaasi, 1923. Altindal, Meral. Osmanli ’da harem. Istanbul: Altin Kitaplar Yayinevi, 1993. About the harem in Ottoman society. . Osmanlz ’da kadzn. Istanbul: Altin Kitaplar Yayinevi, 1994. Anecdotal account of Ottoman women’s lives. Special attention to changes due to “Westernization.” . “Kadin Birinci IgGi Taburu tarihsesi” Toplumsal Tarih 7, no. 41 (1997): 14-6. Short history of the first female workers’ battalion formed at the end of World War I. . “~eyhulislamAbdurrahman Nesib Efendi’nin tesetture dair beyannamesi.” Toplumsal Tarih 15, no. 87 (2001): 24. Statement by the Seyhulislam (the highest religious authority), Abdurrahman Nesib Efendi, on dressing according to Islamic rules. A m o u r , Laurence, and Lorans Tanatar Baruh. “Caligan kadindan bir kesit: (191 1-1934) Osmanli Bankasi kadin personeli.” Tarih ve Toplum 31, no. 183 (1999): 15-22. About working women at the Ottoman Bank, 1911-1934. An, Ahmet. “Osmanli donemindeki Kibris’ta kadin ve hukuk.” Tarih ve Toplum 33, no. 165 (2000): 74-8. About women and the law in Cyprus during Ottoman times. Arbel, Benjamin. “Nur BBnu (c. 1530-1 583) A Venetian Sultana?” Turcica no. 24 (1992): 241-59. Ankan, Gulay. “Osmanli Imparatorlu@’nda Tanzimat ve 11. Mep-utiyet donemlerinde kadinlarin statusu ile ilgili geligmeler.” Turk Yurdu 18, no. 133 (1998): 26-34. About developments in the status of women in the Ottoman Empire during the Tanzimat and Second Constitutional periods. Arin, Canan. “Femicide in the Name of Honor in Turkey.” Violence Against Women 7, no. 7 (July 2001): 821-5. Art, Gokqen. $eyhiilislamfetvalarinda kadin ve cinsellik [Women and sexuality in the fetvas of the Sheyhulislam]. Istanbul: Civiyazilari, 1996. About answers given by the highest religious official in the Ottoman Empire, the Mufti of Istanbul, on questions relating to women and sexuality. These fetvas were prescriptive “opinions on legal matters.” . “Kadin aragtirmalari agsindan fetvalar: fetvalarda kadin.” Toplumsal Tarih 5, no. 27 (1996): 18-20. About women in Fetvus, the legal rulings from the point of view of women’s studies. Artan, Tiilay. “Aspects of the Ottoman Elite’s Food Consumption: Looking for ‘Staples,’ ‘Luxuries,’ and ‘Delicacies’ in a Changing Century.” In Consumption Studies in the Ottoman Empire, 1550 - 1922.-An Introduction, edited by Donald Quataert, 107-200. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2000. . “From Charismatic Leadership to Collective Rule: Introducing Materials on the Wealth and Power of Ottoman Princesses in the Eighteenth Century.’’Diinu ve Bugiiniiyle Toplum ve Ekonomi (Toplum ve Ekonomi) 4 (1993): 7-55. Arzik, Nimet. Osmanli sarayznda yabanci kadzn sultanlar [Foreign sultanas in the Ottoman Palace]. Istanbul: Cem Yayinevi, 1969. Asim, Salahaddin. Turk Kadinli&m Tereddisi yahud Kurilapnak. Istanbul: Turk Yurdu Kutuphanesi, n.d. The author indicates that women had become a mere object without any active social life. He pleads for a better position for women touching upon dress, male-female


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relationships, marriage, polygyny, etc. Also in modern Turkish: Osmanlida kadznligin durumu. Istanbul: Arba Yayinlan, 1989. Asiye Hatun. Riiya mektuplari [Dream letters]. Introduction, transcription and modernization by Cemal Kafadar. Istanbul: Oglak, 1994. Audouard, Olympe. Les myst2res du se‘rail et des harems turcs: h i s , moeurs, usages, anecdotes [The mysteries of the Turkish palace and Turkish harems: rules, mores, habits, and anecdotes], 3rded. Paris: E. Dentu, 1866. Avanzade Mehmet Suleyman. Rehber-i muamelat-z zevciyye. Istanbul: Hukuk Matbaasi, 1330 [ 19141. A guide on what to do in a marriage. . Kadzn esrari [Women’s secrets]. Istanbul: Artin Asaduryan ve Mahdumlari Matbaasi, 1330 [ 19141. Ayanoglu, Fazil. “Vakif yapan Turk kadinlan.” Istanbul Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi Mecmuasi 29, no. 1-2 (1963): 317-23. About Turkish women establishing foundations. Ayge Sidika. Usul-u talim ve terbiye [Methods of Socialization and Education]. Istanbul: Ahmet Ihsan ve Vurekasi, 1313 [ 18971. First book in Ottoman Turkish on pedagogy. The author was a female teacher at the School for Women Teachers. Baer, Gabriel. “Women and Waqf An Analysis of the Istanbul Tahrir of 1546.” Asian and African Studies 17, no. 1-3 (1983): 9-27. Bagbua, Aygegtil. “Turk kadininin toplumsal ve yasal statusunun doniigumii siirecindeki onemli degigkenlerden biri olarak kadin oratleri.” Marmara Universitesi nitisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi 8 , nos. 1-2 (1991): 283-91. About women’s organizations’ importance in bringing about change in the status of Turkish women. Beauvoisins, Joseph E. Notice sur la cour du Grand-Seigneur, son se‘rail, son harem, la famille du sang impe‘rial, sa maison militaire, et ses ministres. Paris: Waree, 1809; 1807. Notes on the court of the Turkish Sultan, his Palace, Harem, the military, ministers, and the imperial family. Also in German as Nachrichten uber den Hof des tiirkischen Sultans, sein Serail, seinen Harem, die kaiserliche Familie, sein Militar und seine Minister. Karlsruhe: Miiller, 1811. Behar, Cem. “Nuptiality and Marriage Patterns in Istanbul (1885-1940).” BogaziCi Univ. Research Papers 87, no. 7 (June 1987). . “Polygyny in Istanbul (1885-1926).” Middle Eastern Studies (London) 27, no. 3 (July 1991): 477-86. Ben-Ayad, Prinzessin Hair%. Die Turkische Frau: ihr soziales Leben und der Harem [The Turkish Woman: Her Social Life and the Harem]. Vienna: K.K. Universitats-Buchhandlung Georg Szelinski, 1904. Written by an exiled Ottoman Muslim woman, who criticizes the restrictions on the lives Ottoman women and the regime of Abdulhamid 11. Benbassa, Esther. “L’ecole de filles de 1’Alliance Israklite Universelle B Galata” [The Girls’ School of the Alliance Isradite Universelle at Galata]. In Varia Turcica, vol. 13, edited by Edhem Eldem, 201-36. Istanbul & Paris: 1’Institut FranCais d’Etudes Anatoliennes, 1991. Special edition of Varia Turcica containing the papers of the conference of 18-22 January 1985 Premi2re Rencontre Internationale sur 1’Empire Ottoman et la Turquie Moderne, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Maison des Sciences de 1’Homme, 18-22 Janvier 1985. Benoist-Mdchin, Jacques. 1908-1938: La Turquie se de‘voile. Paris. E. Baschet, 1980. A book primarily of photographs of the last years of the Ottoman Empire and including some pictures of women. Also in English: Turkey 1908-1938: the End of the Ottoman Empire: a History in Documentary Photographs. Zug, Switzerland: Swan, 1989. And in German: Die Turkei 1908-1938 das Ende des Osmanischen Reiches: Eine historische Foto-Reportage. Kehl am Rhein: Swan, 1989; 1980. Berktay, Fatmagiil. “Osmanli’dan Cumhuriyet’e feminizm” [Feminism from Ottoman times to the Republic]. In Cumhuriyet ’e devreden dugunce mirasi: Tanzimat ve Megrutiyet ’in


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birikimi, edited by Mehmet 0 . Alkan, 348-61. Istanbul: Iletiyim Yayinlari, 2001. The article appears in the first volume of Modern Tiirkiye’de siyasi diiigiince, edited by Tanil Bora and Murat Giiltekingil, 9 vols. Bey Oghlu [Beg Hasan-Oglu]. Tiirkische Frauen: Ihr Leben im Harem und im Spiegel tiirkische Erzahlungen. Munich: Delphin-Verl, 1916. About Turkish women, and their lives in the Harem as reflected in Turkish tales. Bilal, Melissa, Lerna Ekmekqioglu and Belinda Mumcu. “Hayganuy Mark’in (1885-1 966) hayati, diiyiinceleri ve etkinlikleri. ‘Feminizm: bir adalet feryadi.”’ Toplumsal Tarih 15, no. 87 (2001): 48-56. About the life, and ideas, and influence of Hayganug Mark, an Armenian feminist in the late Ottoman Empire and early Turkish Republic. Bilgehan, Giilsiin. Mevhibe and Mevhibe II: cankaya ’nin Hanzmefendisi. Ankara: Bilgi Yayinevi, 1994-1998. Biography of Mevhibe Inonii, the wife of Ismet Inonu, who was a close friend of Mustafa Kemal Atatiirk and the second president of the Turkish Republic. Vol. 1 covers until November 1938, vol. 2 the period until her death in 1992. Brown, Demetra [Vaka, Demetra Brown]. Haremlik: Some Pages from the Life of Turkish Women. London and New York: Archibald Constable and Houghton Mifflin, 1909, 1910. Also available in Dutch as Harem: Schetsen uit het leven van de Twksche vrouw door Demetra Vaka. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1915. . In the Shadow of Islam. London; Cambridge, MA: Constable, 1911. .The Unveiled Ladies of Stamboul. Freeport: Books for Libraries, 1971; Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1923. Brummet, Palmira. “Dogs, Women, Cholera, and other Menaces in the Streets: Cartoon Satire in the Ottoman Revolutionary Press, 1908-191 1.” International Journal of Middle East Studies 27, no. 4 (1995): 433-60. . “Dressing for Revolution: Mother, Nation, Citizen, and Subversive in the Ottoman Satirical Press, 1908-191 1.” In Deconstructing Images of “the Turkish Woman, ” edited by Zehra F. Arat, 38-63. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998. Burton, Margaret E. Women Workers of the Orient. New York: The Central Committee on the United Study of Foreign Missions, 1919. On American women missionaries. Cebeci, Dilgver. Tanzimat ve Turk ailesi: Sosyal dekiigrne apszndan Tanzimat Istanbulunda Tiirk ailesi iizerine bir inceleme Divanyolu, Istanbul: Otiiken Nesriyat, 1993.About social changes in the Turkish family in Istanbul during the Tanzimat. Istanbul: Otuken Neyriyat A.$. 1993. Celal Nuri [Ileri, Celal Nuri]. Kadinlarimzz [Our women]. Istanbul: Matbaa-i IGtihad, 1331 [ 19151. Considered a progressive book for demanding a better position for women in society e.g. education for women, equality between partners in marriage, freedom to choose a partner. Also in modern Turkish by Ozer Ozankaya: Ankara: T. C. Kiiltur Bakanligi, 1993. The book was published under the name Celal Nuri. Later, after introduction of family names, he became known Celal Nuri Ileri. People looking for his work should look under both names in catalogues. Cdarie, H. La vie myste‘rieuse des Harems. Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1927. About “the mysterious life of Harems.” Celiisun, Zehra. Tarih boyunca kadzn. Istanbul: U l h Kitap Yurdu, 1946. General information on women in history, with interesting part on the first women who went to university and on several women’s organizations in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey. Celkan, Giil. “1 9. Yiizyilda Osmanli topraklarinda dolayan kadin seyyahlar ve eserlerindeki Turklerle ilgili intibalar.” Erdem 6, no. 15 (1989): 825-45. About women travelers in the Ottoman areas during the 19* century. Through their work they give their impressions of the Turks.


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Cakir, Serpil. “Bir Osmanli kadin orgiitu: Osmanli Mudiifaa-1Hukuk-u Nisviin Cemiyeti .” Tarih ve Toplum 66 (1989): 16-21. About the Ottoman Organization for the Defense of Women’s Rights. . “Osmanli Turk Kadinlm Esirgeme Dernegi.” Toplum ve Bilim no. 45 (1989): 91-7. About the Organization for the Protection of Ottoman Turkish Women. . “Osmanli kadin dernekleri.” Toplum ve Bilim no. 53 (1991): 139-57. About Ottoman women’ s organizations. . “Osmanli kadini bilinslenme yolunda Beyaz Konferanslar.” Tarih ve Toplum 21, no. 123 (1994): 28-3 1. About the “White Conferences” which were supposedly held by a woman in her house in a white room and where women were dressed in white. The meetings were to inform other women on society and discuss their position. It is not entirely clear if these were actually held or whether they were a fantasy of a male “reporter” at the conferences. . Osmanli kadzn hareketi [The Ottoman Women’s Movement]. Istanbul: Metis Yayinlan, 1994. About the ideas of Ottoman women on women’s rights, social life, clothing, family life, education, labor, and politics in the 1910s. Based on articles in the periodical Kadinlar Diinyasz [Women’s World]. Includes the statutes of some women’s organizations. . “‘Erkeklerden ziyade erkekler !’ Kadin tarihi nasil bulaniklagtinlir?” [Men more than men!’ How does women’s history become turbid?]. Tarih ve Toplum 31, no. 185 (1999): 3640. Caykara, Emine. Abud yalzsi ’nzn golgesinde: Melek annem ve ben [In the shadow of the Abud House: My angelica1 mother and me.] Istanbul: Iletigim, 2001. About the life story of a gay man, Mehmet Abud, and his mother, Belkis Abud. Based on oral history, interviews with him, combined with information from the diaries of his mother. ceri, Bahriye. “Kadinlik ve kadinlarimz” [Womanhood and our women]. Tarih ve Toplum 31, no. 183 (1999): 23-7. Discussion of the view of women in Kadinlzk ve Kadznlarzmzz (and other books) by Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoglu, a famous Turlush author of the early Republican period. Cisek, Rahrni. “Asker Ailelerine Yardimci Hanimlar Cemiyeti’nin faaliyetleriyle ilgili bir belge.” Tarih ve Toplum 20, no. 116 (1993): 14-5. A document on the activities of the “Ladies’ Organization for the Help to Soldiers’ Families.” This organization was founded during World War I by Turkish and German women of prominent families in Istanbul. Dariilfiinun konferans salonunda kadznlanmizzn iqtimaileri. Istanbul: Tanin Matbaasi, 1328 (19 13). Also in Modern Turlush with an introduction by Sefika Kurnaz. Balkan harbinde kadinlanmzzzn konujmalarz [The speeches of our women during the Balkan War]. Ankara: Milli Egitim Bakanligi Yayinlan, 1993. Texts of the speeches given by women on the occasion of two meetings at the university protesting against enemy activities during the Balkan wars of 1912-1913 and calling upon Ottoman Muslim women to show their patriotism. Davaz-Mardin, Asli. “The Women’s Library in Istanbul.” Gender & History 12, no. 2 (2000): 448-66. Documents in the Women’s Library and Information Center in Istanbul, opened 14 April 1990, have uncovered pieces of Turkish women’s history such as the existence of 38 women’s periodicals in Ottoman script published between 1867 and 1928 and links between Turkish and international feminism in the late 19’ and early 20* centuries. Dgvid, G6za. “Manumissioned Female Slaves at Galata and Istanbul Around 1700.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft tind Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrqt Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 229-36. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Davis, Fanny. The Ottoman Lady: A Social History from 1718 to 1918. New York: Greenwood, 1986. Includes chapters on the palace, childbirth, education, marriage, polygamy and concubinage, women slaves, divorce, social life within and outside the home, intrigue,


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costume, house and furnishings, architecture and the arts, religion and illness, and old age and death. Based on travel accounts and some interviews with elderly women. Dealing mainly with the upper class. Davut, Yildiz Akpolat. “11. Megrutiyet doneminde Selanik men2eli bir kadin dergisi: Kadin.” Turkiye Giinl@ii no. 43 (1996): 68-73. About Kadin [Woman], a women’s periodical of the Second Constitutional Period published in Salonika beginning in 1908. . “11. Me9rutiyet’te toplumda kadina bagat rol vermeyen kadin dergisi Mahasin.” Tarih ve Toplum 26, no. 156, (1996): 42-7. About Mahasin a women’s periodical of the Second Constitutional Period, whose articles did not assign women an important role in society. Delaney, Carol Lowery. The Seed and the Soil: Gender and Cosmology in Turkish Village Society. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1991. . “Untangling the Meanings of Hair in Turkish Society.” Anthropological Quarterly 67, no. 4. (October 1994): 159-72. de Leon, Edwin (& Mrs. De Leon). Thirty Years of My Life on Three Continents, 2 vols. London: Ward and Downey, 1890. Includes a chapter by Mrs. De Leon on the life of women in the East. Delibag, Selma. “Behice Sultan’in ceyizi ve muhallefati” [Behice Sultan’s dowry and inheritance]. Topkapi Sarayz Miizesi Yilligz 3 (1988): 63-104. The daughter of Adulmecid lived 1848-1876. She died 13 days after marriage because of TB. Deliorman, Altan. Atatiirk ’iin hayatzndaki kadinlar. Istanbul: Burhan Yayinevi, 1961. About the women in the life of Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Republic. The book starts with his mother and includes the period of his stay in Sofia. Demir, Aydogan. “Bir akd-i nikah belgesine gore Midilli’ li mubadillerden Ayge Hanim nasil evlendi?” Tarih ve Toplum 12, no. 70 (1989): 9-14. About the marriage in 1906 of Ayge Hanim, who lived on Lesbos in the fortress town of MitileneMidilli. Includes the marriage contract. Demirdirek, Aynur. Osmanli kadinlarinin hayat hakki arayipnin bir hikayesi. Istanbul: Imge Kitabevi, 1993. About Ottoman women’s search for more public rights in society and about changes in 19thand early 20th century. Based on the writings by women in women’s periodicals of the time. Demirel, Omer. “1700-1 730 tarihlerinde Ankara’da ailenin niceliksel yapisi” [The Numerical Structure of the Family in Ankara between 1700-17301. Belleten 54, no. 211 (1990): 945-61. Demiroglu, N. Ayla, “1899’da Osmanli basininda Feminizm” [Feminism in the Ottoman Press of 18991. Tarih ve Toplum 19, no. 114 (1993): 53-6. Dengler, Ian C. “Turkish Women in the Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age.” In Women in the Muslim World, edited by Lois Beck and Nikkie Keddie, 229-44. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1978. Very general article on Ottoman Muslim women, based on secondary materials. Dorys, George [pseud. for Adossidi, Alexandre]. La femme turque. Paris: Plon, 1902. Good description of feminine life at the turn of the century with remarks on the occurring changes e.g. the rise of female authors and the existence of the Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete. Duben, Alan. “Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Ottoman-Turkish Family and Household Structure.” In Family in Turkish Society: Sociological and Legal Studies, edited by Turkoz Erder, 105-26. Ankara: Turkish Social Science Association, 1985. . “80 yil once Istanbul’da aile hayati” [Family Life in Istanbul 80 years ago]. Tarih ve Toplum 9, no. 50 (1 988): 26-31. . “Son donem Osmanli Istanbul’unda evlilik ve hane kurma sistemi.” Toplum ve Bilim no. 42 (1988): 2 7 4 2 . About the system of marriage and setting up a household in Istanbul at the end of the Ottoman Empire. . “Understanding Muslim Households and Families in Late Ottoman Istanbul.’’ Journal of Family History 15, no. 1 (1990): 71-86. 207

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, and Cem Behar. Istanbul Households: Marriage, Family and Fertility, 1880-1920. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993. Well researched book based on women’s periodicals, interviews, and census statistics. Duran, Tulay, and Ibrahim Ateg, eds. Tarihimizde vaklf kuran kadinlar. Hanim sultan vakfiyyeleri /Deeds of the trust of the Sultans Womenfolk: Actes de fondation de Sultane Hanzm. Istanbul, Istanbul Aragtirma Merkezi, 1990. Ekdal, Mufid. Prenses El& 18 defer, bir umiir [Princess Ela: 18 Notebooks, One Lifetime] Istanbul: Altin Kitaplar Yayinevi, 2000. About the daughter of an English lady and a Turkish officer. She was adopted by the Egyptian Khedival family, but spent her life in 19th-century Istanbul. Based on her diaries, which were found in the ceiling of one of the former palaces of the Khedival family in Istanbul. Ellison, Grace. An English Woman in a Turkish Harem. London: Methuen & Co., 1915. , and Melek Hanum. Abdid Hamid’s Daughter: the Tragedy of an Ottoman Princess. London: Methuen, 1913. Emre, Ahmet Cevat. Bizde kadin [Women in our society] Dersaadet Sultan Hamam: Kader Matbaasi, 1328 [ 19101. Also available in the Latin alphabet as a free supplement in Tarih ve Toplum. Istanbul: Iletigim yayinlari, 1988. Endres, Franz Carl. Tiirkische Frauen. Munich: Arthur Herz, 1916. Scholarly study of Ottoman Muslim women. Erder, Turkoz, ed. Family in Turkish Society: Sociological and Legal Studies. Ankara: Turkish Social Science Association, 1985. Ergun (Turgut), Perihan. Cumhuriyet aydinlanmasinda oncii kadinlarimiz [Women in the vanguard of the enlightenment of the Republic]. Istanbul: Tehn Yayinevi, 1997. Short biographies of women who led the way in the early Turkish Republic and before, in different fields such as literature, teaching, politics, journalism, law, etc. Esen, Nuket. “Yukan siniftan son kugak Osmanli kadinlan” [Last Generation Ottoman Women of the Higher Classes]. Tarih ve Toplum 5, no. 30 (1986): 28-33. Evliya Celebi. The Intimate Life of an Ottoman Statesman, Melek Ahmed Paja (1588-1 662) as Portrayed in Evliya Celebi’s Book of Travels. Translated and introduced by Robert Dankoff and Rhoads Murphy. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1991. About the family life of Melek Ahmed Paga, who was married to the Ottoman Princess Kaya Sultan, the daughter of Murad IV. Faroqhi, Suraiya. “Crime, Women and Wealth in the Eighteenth-Century Anatolian Countryside.” In Women in the Ottoman Empire: Middle Eastern Women in the Early Modern Era, edited by Madeleine C. Zilfi, 6-27. Leiden: Brill, 1997. Reprinted in the author’s Stories of Ottoman Men and Women: Establishing Status, Establishing Control. Istanbul: Eren Yayincilik, 2001. . “Female Costumes in Late Fifteenth Century Bursa.” In Stories of Ottoman Men and Women: Establishing Status, Establishing Control, by Suraiya Faroqhi, 63-74. Istanbul: Eren Yayincilik, 200 1. . “From the Slave Market to Arafat: Biographies of Bursa Women in the Late Fifteenth Century.” Turkish Studies Association Bulletin 24 (2000): 3-20. Reprinted in Stories of Ottoman Men and Women: Establishing Status, Establishing Control, by Suraiya Faroqhi. Istanbul: Eren Yayincilik, 2001. . “In Vertretung der Familieninteressen: anatolische Frauen in der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts.” In Frauen, bilder und gelehrte: studien zu gesellschaft und kiinsten im Osmanischen reich = Arts, women and scholars: studies in Ottoman society and culture. Festschrif Hans Georg Majer, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 237-48. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. About Anatolian women’s representation in the mid-1 sthcentury. Also published as “Women as Representatives: Defending the Interests of Ottoman Families


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in the Mid-eighteenth Century,” in Stories of Ottoman Men and Women: Establishing Status, Establishing Control, by Suraiya Faroqhi. Istanbul: Eren Yayincilik, 200 1. Faroqhi, Suraiya. “In Vertretung der Familieninteressen: Anatolische Frauen in der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrqt Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 23748. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. . Stories of Ottoman Men and Women: Establishing Status, Establishing Control. Istanbul: Eren, 2002. Includes chapters “Female Costumes in Late Fifteenth Century Bursa,” (pp. 63-74); “From the Slave Market to Arafat: Biographies of Bursa Women in the Late Fifteenth Century,” (pp. 133-50); “Two Women of Substance,’’ (pp. 151-66); “ Women’s Work, Poverty and the Privileges of Guildsmen,” (pp. 167-78); “Women as Representatives: Defending the Interests of Ottoman Families in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century,” (pp. 179-96); “Crime, Women and Wealth in the Eighteenth-Century Anatolian Countryside,” (pp. 197-21 6). . “Two Women of Substance.” In Festgabe an Josef Matuz: Osmanistik - Turkologie - Diplomatiek, edited by Christa Fragner and Klaus Schwartz, 37-56. Berlin: Schwartz, 1992. Reprinted in Stories of Ottoman Men and Women: Establishing Status, Establishing Control, by Suraiya Faroqhi. Istanbul: Eren Yayincilik, 2001. . “Women’s Work, Poverty and the Privileges of Guildsmen.” Archiv orientalni 69, no. 2 (May 2001): 155-64. [Special issue Perspectives on Ottoman Rule and Its Heritage: Dedicated to the Memory of Zdenka Vesela-Prenosilova (September 9, 1930 - March, 3, 1998)l. This issue of Archiv orientalni is edited by Jitka Maleckova, Petra Sedmikova, and Petr Stepanek. The article is also reprinted in Stories of Ottoman Men and Women: Establishing Status, Establishing Control, by Suraiya Faroqhi. Istanbul: Eren Yayincilik, 2001. Feyzioglu, Turhan. “Ataturk ve kadin haklari [Ataturk and Women’s Rights] .” Atatiirk Arastirma Merkezi Dergisi 2, no. 6 (1986): 585-601. Reviews the position of Turkish women since the Turkish conquest of Constantinople and early moves toward equality in the 20th century, a process hastened and consolidated by Ataturk and the group surrounding himHalide Edip, Gokalp, and others-after 1921. Flemming, Barbara. ‘“Agikpagazgdes Blick auf Frauen.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 69-96. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Frierson, Elizabeth Brown. “‘Cheap and Easy’ : Patriotic Consumer Culture in the lateOttoman era: Consumption in the Ottoman Empire, 1550-1 922.” In Consumption Studies in the Ottoman Empire, 1550-1922: An Introduction, edited by Donald Quataert, 243-60. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2000. . “Mirrors Out, Mirrors In: Domestication and Rejection of the Foreign in LateOttoman Women’s Magazines ( 1875-1 908) .” In Women, Patronage, and Self-Representation in Islamic Societies, edited by Dede Fairchild Ruggles, 177-204. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2000. . “Unimagined Communities: Educational Reform and Civic Identity among LateOttoman Women.” Critical Matrix 9, no. 2 (Fall 1995): 57-92. Garnett, Lucy Mary Jane. Home Life in Turkey. New York: Macmillan, 1909. . Turkish Life in Town and Country. London: George Newnes, 1904. . The Turkish People: Their Social Life, Religious Beliefs and Institutions and Domestic Life. New York: AMS Press, [1982]; London: Methuen, 1909. . Turkey of the Ottomans. London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1911. . The Women of Turkey and Their Folklore, 2 vols. London: David Nutt, 1890-1.


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This work covers Christian women in vol. 1, and Jewish and Moslem Women in vol. 2. Georgeon, Franqois. “XX. Yuzyilin baglannda bir Osmanli ailesinin biitGesi uzerine notlar.” Tarih ve Toplum 4, no. 23 (1985): 43-6. Notes on the budget of an Ottoman family of the beginning of the 20thcentury. Gerber, Haim. “Social and Economic Position of Women in an Ottoman City, Bursa 16001700.” International Journal of Middle East Studies 12 (1980): 23 1-44. Ginio, Eyal. “1 8. Yuzyil Seliinik’inde yoksul kadinlar.” Toplum ve Bilim no. 89 (2001): 190204. About poor women in 18* century Salonika. Gole, Nilufer. Modern mahrem: medeniyet ve ortiinme. Cagaloglu. Istanbul: Metis Y ayinlari, 1994; 1992. Translated into English as The Forbidden Modern: Civilization and Veiling. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1996. About purdah and the wearing of the Islamic head scarf. Includes bibliography. , and Kenan Cayir. Islam’in yeni kamusal yiizleri: Islam ve kamusal alan iizerine bir atolye Calismasi. Beyoglu, Istanbul: Metis Yayinlari, 2000. About women in Islam. . “Nilufer Gole: Islamism and Secularism in Turkey.” Journal of the International Institute 2, no. 2. Gole discusses the head scarf debate with professors from the University of Michigan, where she was visiting professor of sociology in 1994. Available at: http://w ww .umich.edu/-iinet/j ournal/vol2no2/v2n2~Islamism~and~Secularism~in~Turkey. ht ml

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Goodnow, Elisabeth Cooper. The Harim and the Purdah: Studies of Oriental Women. London: Fisher Unwin, 1915. The purdah, a kind of veil covering women from top to toe especially in Palustan/Afghanistan, symbolizes the social seclusion of women. Goodwin, Godfrey. The Private World of Ottoman Women. London: Saqi Books, 1997. Lively book about several time periods and spaces. Goqek, Fatma Muge, and Marc David Bear. “Social Boundaries of Ottoman Women’s Experience in Eighteenth-Century Galata Court Records.” In Women in the Ottoman Empire: Middle Eastern Women in the Early Modern Era, edited by Madeleine C. Zilfi, 48-65. Leiden: Brill, 1997. Goyiinq, Nejat. “Frauen in der Familie Osman und am osmanischen Hof: Die Zeit Selims 11.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 103-7. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Graham-Brown, Sarah. Images of Women: The Portrayal of Women in Photography of the Middle East 1860-1950. London: Quartet Books, 1988. Greening, Anna. “The Women’s Library in Istanbul: The International Context.” Gender and History 12, no. 2 (July 2000): 467-71. Giirtuna, Sevgi. “The Clothing of Ottoman Women.” In The Great Ottoman-Turkish Civilization, vol. 4, edited by Kemal CiGek, et al., 78-84. Ankara: Yeni Tiirkiye, 2000. Haerkotter, Ruth. Mahasin: Ein Beispiel f u r die osmanische Frauenpresse der Zweiten konstitutionellen Periode. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1992. About Mahasin as an example of the Ottoman women’s press of the Second Constitutional Period, 1908-191 8. Hairi6 ben Aiad. Die tiirkische Frau; ihr soziales Leben und der Harem. [Microfrorm]. Foreword by Goswina von Berlepsch. Vienna, 1904. Microfilm. New Haven, CT. Research Publications, 1977. 1 reel. 35 mm. (History of women, Reel 658, no. 5241). Halil Hamit. Islamiyette feminizm yahud alem-i nisvanda musavat-i tamme. Istanbul: Keteon Matbaasi, 1326 [1910]. The author considers himself a “small feminist” and writes that women are equal to men and should fully participate in society based on Islamic principles. Republished as Islamda feminism. Istanbul: O h m u s Adam, 2001. . Diinkii, bugiinkii, yarznki kadzn [The woman of yesterday, today and tomorrow]. Istanbul: Necm-i Istikbal matbaasi, 1334.


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Hasan Bahri. Nisvan-i zarife [The elegant woman]. Istanbul: Selanik Matbaasi, 1327 [ 191I]. Hazai, Gyogy. “Eine Frauenklage vom Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschafi und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. I , edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 97-1 02. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Hklys, Marc [Lkra, Marie, pseud.]. Le jardin ferme‘: sc2nes de la vie fkminine en Turquie [The closed garden: scenes of feminine life in Turkey]. Paris: Plon, 1908. . L’envers d’un roman: Le secret des “De‘senchante‘es” re‘vele‘par celle qui fut Djenane. Paris: Librairie Acade‘mique, 1930; 1924. The secret of the “De‘senchantkes” revealed by Djenane. The author claims to have been Djenane, one of the heroines of Pierre Lot? s [Julian Viaud’s] novel Les dksenchante‘es. She describes how she and two other women played a game and deceived Pierre Loti. Hezarfen, Ahmet. “Bazi belgelerin qiginda iskat-I cenin ve hayat kadinlan.” Tarih ve Toplum 35, no. 207 (2001): 55-6. About prostitutes and abortion. Ibnulhakki Mehmed Tahir. Megrutiyet hanzmlarz. Istanbul: Ittimad kutubhanesi sahibi Sabr Tahir, 1330 [ 19111. About women during the second Constitutional Period. Criticizes the behavior of upper-class Ottoman women and accuses them of a lack of patriotism due to their spendthriftness. Imber, Colin. “Guillaume Poste1 on Temporary Marriage.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 179-83. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. . “‘Involuntary’ Annulment of Marriage and Its Solutions in Ottoman Law.” Turcica no. 25 (1993): 39-73. . “Women, Marriage and Property: Mahr in the Behcetu’l-Fetava of YenilSehirli Abdullah.” In Women in the Ottoman Empire: Middle Eastern Women in the Early Modern Era, edited by Madeleine C. Zilfi, 81-104, Leiden: Brill, 1997. Irepoglu, Gul. “Der Schmuck der osmanischen Damen.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. 2, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 401-20. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Ivanova, Svetlana. “The Divorce between Zubaida Hatun and Esseid Osman Aga: Women in the Eighteenth-Century Sharia Court of Rumeli.” In Women, the Family, and Divorce Laws in Islamic Society, edited by Amira Sonbol, 112-25. Syracuse: Syracuse Univ. Press, 1996. . “Muslim and Christian Women before the Kadi Court in Eighteenth-Century Rumeli: Marriage Problems.” Oriente Moderno 18, no.79 (1999): 161-76. Issue edited by Kate Fleet. Jenkins, Hester Donaldson. Behind Turkish Lattices: The Story of a Turkish Woman’s Life. London: Lippincott, 19 11. Jennings, Ronald C. “Divorce in the Ottoman Sharia Court of Cyprus, 1580-1649.” Studia Islamica 78 (1993): 155-167. . Studies on Ottoman Social History in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Women, Zimmis and Sharia Courts in Kayseri, Cyprus and Trabzon. Analecta Isisiana, 39. Istanbul: The Isis Press, 1999. . “Women in Early 17* -Century Ottoman Judicial Records: The Sharia Court of Anatolian Kayseri.” Journal for the Economic and Social History of the Orient 18, no. 1 (1975): 53-1 14. Jirousek, Charlotte.“ Dress and Social Policy: Change in Women’s Dress in a Southwestern Turkish Village.” Dress 23 (1997): 3-18. . “More than Oriental Splendor: European and Ottoman Headgear, 1380-1580.” Dress 22 ( 1995): 22-33.

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. “The Transition to Mass Fashion System Dress in the Later Ottoman Empire.” In Consumption Studies in the Ottoman Empire, 1550-1 922, edited by Donald Quataert, 20 141. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2000. “Kadin Birinci Isqi Taburu Tarihqesi.” Toplumsal Tarih 11, no. 66 (1999): 21-4. About the First Women Workers’ Battalion in World War I. Kadriye, Huseyin [Qadriyah Husayn, Princess.] Muhaddarat-i &am [Muslim women]. Misir: Maarif Matbaasi, 1331 [ 19151. Biographies of important women in the history of Islam written by an Egyptian princess of Ottoman background. Kafadar, Cemal. “Mutereddit bir mutesavvif. Uskiiplu Asiye Hatun’un riiya defteri, 16411643.” Topkapi Sarayi Muzesi Yzllig’i5 (1992): 168-222. Discusses the “dreambook” of a 17thcentury female Sufi in Skopje. Karadeniz, Feriha. “Women in Different Classes of Ottoman Society in the 16thand 17th Centuries.” In The Great Ottoman-Turkish Civilization, vol. 2, edited by Kemal Ciqek, et al., 702-6. Ankara: Yeni Turkiye, 2000. Karakavoglu, Yasemin, Giilay Kizilocak and Sedef Koray. Migration und emanzipation: Turkischefrauen in NR W verwirklichen ihre berujlichen und privaten vorstellungen. Studien und Arbeiten des Zentrums fur Tiirkeistudien; Band 14. Opladen : Leske & Budrich, 1995. Includes bibliography. Karaluvla, Yavuz Selim. “Argivden bir belge ( 12): Hanzmlara Mahsus Gazete’ye imtiyaz verilmesi (1895).” Toplumsal Tarih 13, no. 75 (2000): 41-5. A document and transcripts from the Archives related to the publication of Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete [Newspaper for Ladies=Ladies’ Own] No. 12 of a series of articles based on documents from the archives. . “Cerkez Kadinlan Teiiviin Cemiyeti (1919).” Toplumsal Tarih 15, no. 88 (2001): 39-4 1. About the Organization of Mutual Support of Circassian Women. . “Dersaiidet Telefon Anonim $irket-i Osmaniyesi ve Osmanli kadin telefon memureleri - I.” Tarih ve Toplum 36, no. 212 (2001): 29-37. About the Istanbul Telephone Company Ottoman Unltd., and its female operators. Part 1. . “Dersaiidet Telefon Anonim Sirket-i Osmaniyesi ve Osmanli kadin telefon memureleri - 11.” Tarih ve Toplum 36, no. 213 (2001): 21-33. About the Istanbul Telephone Company Ottoman Unltd., and its female operators. Part 2. . “Kadin dergilerinde ( 1869-1927) Osmanli hanimlari ve hizmetqi kadinlar” [Ottoman ladies and women servants according to women’s periodicals, 1869-19271. Toplumsal Tarih 11, no. 63 (1999): 15-24. . “Kadinlari Calivtirma Cemiyeti himayesinde savas yetimleri ve kimsesiz qocuklar: ‘Ermeni’ mi, ‘Turk’ mu?” [War orphans and children without relatives under the protection of the “Organization for the Employment of Women”: Armenian or Turkish?] Toplumsal Tarih 12, no. 69 (1999): 46-55. . “Osmanli Imparatorlu@’nda mustehcenlik tartivmalan ve Bir Zanbakzn Hikhyesi.” Tarih ve Toplum 35, no. 208 (2001): 15-29. Discussion of eroticism in the Ottoman Empire and The Story of a Lily. . “Osmanli ordusunda kadin askerler” [Female soldiers in the Ottoman Army]. Toplumsal Tarih 11, no. 66 (1999): 15-20. About the First Women Workers’ Battalion in World War I. . “&li Cemiyet-i Hayriye-i Nisviiniyesi 1915” [The Sigli Benevolent Women’s Organization 19151. Tarih ve Toplum 35, no. 210 (2001): 5-12. . “Varolmamq bir Osmanli kadin orgiitii: Siide Giyinen Kadinlar Cemiyeti (19 19).” Tarih ve Toplum 35, no. 207 (2001): 30-5. About a non-existing Ottoman women’s organization: the “Organization of Simply Dressing Women (1 9 19).” Karakoq, Irfan. “Semseddin Sami ve Kadin.” Tarih ve Toplum 3 1, no. 183 ( 1999): 61-5. Analysis of Semseddin Sami’s work on the subject of women, 1850-1904.


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Karaosmanoglu, Yakub Kadri. Kadinlik ve kadinlarimiz. Istanbul: Orhaniye Matbaasi, 1329 [ 19231. About women and femininity. Katchadourian, Stina, ed.. Great Need over the Water: the Letters of Theresa Huntington Ziegler, Missionary to Turkey, 1898-1905. Ann Arbor: Gomidas Institute, 1999. Mainly on her work as a missionary amongst Armenians in Anatolia. Koca, Kadriye Yilmaz. Osmanli ’da kadin ve iktisat. Istanbul: Beyan Yayinlan, 1998. About women and the economy during Ottoman times, and the economic activities of women in cities and rural areas. Discusses specifically the women in Ankara, Bursa, Edirne, Kayseri, Manisa, and Istanbul. Based on secondary sources. Kocamanoglu, Emine. “Egitim hakkinda goriigleri ve Ayge Sidika Hanim.” Tarih ve Toplum 32, no. 189 (1999): 5 1-5. About Ayge Sidika, an Ottoman woman and the wife of the philosopher Riza Tevfik, who wrote the first pedagogical book on how to educate children in the second half of 1890s. Kodaman, Bayram. “Tanzimat’tan sonra Turk kadini.” Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi 6 (1991): 131-78. About Turkish women after the Tanzimat, 1838. Kohbach, Markus. “Riiziye Hatih und ihr Umfeld.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kunsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 109-23. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Kologlu, Orhan. Loti ’nin kadinlari. Osmanli hareminin gizemli diinyasi. Istanbul: Diinya Yayincilik, 1999. Based on Pierre Loti’s [Julian Viaud’s] personal papers and interviews with his son. The author tries to find the truth behind Pierre Loti’s stories and books on Ottoman women and his contact with them. With information on his friendships with the heroines of his novel Les Dksenchantkes. . “Ilk kez Abdulhamid donemi basininda baglayan ve iyice yayginlagan reklamlarda kadin.” Tarih ve Toplum 33, no. 195 (2000): 44-50. About the use of women in advertising which started and spread during the Hamidian Period, 1876-1908. Koralturk, Murat. “‘Milli Aile’ye iligkin bir belge.” Toplumsal Tarih 8, no. 46, (1997): 23-5. Document related to the Milli Aile (the National Family). Introduction to and translation of the program of an organization that assists people to find marriage partners. Kosatik, Pavel. “A Serbian Woman in a Turkish Harem: The Work of Jelena Dimitrijevic (1862-1945).” Slavonic and East European Review 77, no. 1 (1999): 58-73. Koyukan, Hamide. “Karadeniz Ereglisi Evlendiriciler Cemiyeti.” Toplumsal Tarih 5 , no. 27 (1996): 21-3. About an organization thar marries off people in Eregli at the Black Sea. Kurnaz, Sefika. II. Mep-utiyet doneminde Turk kadini. Istanbul: Mill? Egitim Bakanligi, 1996. Study of Ottoman Muslim women-women’ s periodicals and organizations, the veil, polygyny, etc.-during the Second Constitutional Period (1908-1 9 18). . “Cumhuriyet arifesinde Osmanli kadin hareketine yonelik toplumsal tepkiler.” Tiirk Yurdu 18, no. 134, (1998): 194-7. [Special Issue]. About social reactions to the Ottoman women’s movement on the eve of the Republican Era. . Cumhuriyet oncesinde Tiirk kadini (1839-1923). Ankara: T. C. Bagbakanlik Aile Aragtirma Kurumu, 1992; 1991. Study of Ottoman Muslim women and the changes in their lives during the 19* and early 20* centuries. Special attention to women’s periodicals and organizations, laws relating to women, the education of women, and women’s economic activities. Kurt, Abdurrahman. “Polygamy in the Ottoman Society.” In The Great Ottoman-Turkish Civilization, edited by Kemal GiGek, et al., v. 2, 686-95. Ankara: Yeni Turkiye, 2000. Kurtoglu, Aygenur. “Tanzimat donemi ilk kadin yayininda dinin yer alig bigimleri.” In Osmanlidan Cumhuriyete kadinin tarihi doniigumii, 2 1-52. Istanbul: Pinar Yayinlari, 2000. Study of articles in the first Ottoman women’s periodical Terakki-i Muhadderat related to religion and especially religion relevant to women.

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Kutukoglu, Mubahat S. “Sultan 11. Abdulhamid’in Ikbiili Behice Kadin Efendi’nin Ingiltere sefiretinden yardim istegi” [The request for help from the English embassy to the wife of Sultan Abdulhamid 11, Behice]. In Sultan II. Abdiilhamid ve Devri Semineri (Istanbul, 2729. V.1992)’ 207-23. Istanbul, 1994. Lew, Joseph. W. “Lady Mary’s Portable Seraglio.” Eighteenth Century Studies 24, no. 4 (Summer 1991): 432-50. Lorenz, Charlotte. “Die Frauenfrage in Osmanischen Reiche mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der arbeitenden Klasse” [The woman question in the Ottoman Empire with special attention to the working class]. Inaugural-Dissertationzur Erlangung der Doktonviirde genehmigt von der philosophischen Fakultat der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Berlin, 11. Februar 1919. Ph. D. dissertation from Berlin 1919. Primarily about textile workers. Lewis, Raphaela. Everyday Life in Ottoman Turkey. London: B. T. Batsford, 1971. Also available in Turkish: Osmanli Tiirkiyesinde giindelik hayat: Adetler ve gelenekler, translated by Mefkure Poroy. Istanbul: Dogan Kardeg Yayinlan, 1973. M. N., Muhitimizde kadin ve kadinlik [Women and womanhood in our environment]. Istanbul: Regadiye Matbaasi, 1912-1 328. Mabro, Judy . ed. Veiled Half-truths: Western Travellers’ Perceptions of Middle Eastern Women. London: I. B. Tauris, 1991. Marcus, Julie. “History, Anthropology and Gender: Turkish Women Past and Present.” Gender and History 4, no. 2 (1992): 147-74. Majer, Hans Georg, “The Harem of Mustafa 11.” Osmanli AraStirmalari = The Journal of Ottoman Studies 12 (1992) 431-44. Marushiakova, Elena, and Veselin Popov. TSiganite v Osmanskata imperiia. Kollektsiia Interfas. Sofia: IK “Litavra,” 2000. Annotated under the Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. Melman, Billie. Women ’s Orients: English Women and the Middle East, 1718-1 918: Sexuality, Religion and Work. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1992. Mehmed Ferid Vecdi. Miisliiman kadini [The Muslim woman], translation by Mehmed Akif. Istanbul: Ahmed Saki Bey Matbaasi, 1325. Translation from Arabic of work protesting against the book by Kasim Amin in which he pleads in favor of education for women and more equality. Mehmed Said. Vezaif ill-inns. Istanbul: Matbaa-i Amire, 1294 [ 18781. About the conventional duties of girls and women. Republished four times in Istanbul in 1302 [1886], 1303 [1887], 1311 [1895], and 1322 [1906]. Mehmet Zihni. Mepzhir iin-nisa [Famous women]. 2 vols. Istanbul: Dar ut-tibaat ul-amire, 1294 [ 12951- 1295/1296 [ 1878-18801. Biographies of important women in Muslim history, including Ottoman women. Melikoff, Irkne. “Recherche sur une Baciyan-i Rum: Kadincik Ana.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. I , edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 1-9. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Micklewright, Nancy . “Late-Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Wedding Costumes as Indicators of Social Change.” Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World 6 (1990): 161-74. . “‘Musicians and Dancing Girls’ : Images of Women in Ottoman Miniature Painting.” In Women in the Ottoman Empire: Middle Eastern Women in the Early Modern Era, edited by Madeleine C. Zilfi, 153-68. Leiden: Brill, 1997. . “Tracing the Transformation in Women’s Dress in Nineteenth-Century Istanbul.” Dress 13, (1987): 33-43. Nazim. Islam hanimlari: Alem-i islamiyette hayat-i aile [Muslim ladies: family life in the Muslim world]. Istanbul: Kutuphane-i Cihan Sahibi Mihran, 1318 [ 19001. Includes a section on women graduating from the School for Female Teachers (Darulmuallimat).


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Ohrig, Bruno. “Lokalheilige und Ahnfrau der Osmanen: Veranderungen in der Verehrung von Hayme Ana seit dem spaten 19. Jahrhundert. In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 1 1 4 2 . Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Ok, Sema. Kole pazarzndan saraya: cariyeler [From the slave market to the palace: Odalisques]. Istanbul: Kamer Yayinlari, 1996. About women slaves who ended up in the harems of the Ottoman sultans. The 2ndpart of the book contains the transliteration of a supposed true story of the life of a woman who became an odalisque at the Yildiz Palace. This is also available as Mediha Hanzm’zn sergiizegt ve feci hatime-i hayatz [Mediha Hanim’s adventure and the horrible end of her life]. Istanbul: Kader Matbaasi, 1336. Okay, Cuneyd. “Megrutiyet doneminde bir kadin girketi: Hanirnlara Mahsus Egya Pazari A.$.” [A women’s company during the Constitutional period: the Goods bazaar for Ladies, Ltd.]. Tarih ve Toplum 31, no. 183 (1999): 12-4. . “Megrutiyet doneminde kadinlara yonelik bir dergi: Mektep Miizesi” [A Periodical for women during the Constitutional Period: Mektep Miizesi (School Museum)]. Tarih ve Toplum 31, no. 181, (1999): 4-7. Oktar, Tigince. Osmanlz toplumunda kadinin qalzpna yagamz: Osmanlz Kadinlarz Calzjtirma Cemiyet-i Isliimiyesi [Women’s working life in Ottoman society: The Ottoman Muslim Organization for the Employment of Women] Istanbul: Bilim Teknik Yayinevi, 1998. Study of an organization founded during World War I whose aim was to help poor women and girls by offering them jobs and vocational training. Oktar, Tiginqe Ozkiper. “Osmanli Kadinlari Caligtirma Cemiyet-i Islamiyesi 1920 senesi raporu [The report of the Ottoman Muslim Organization for the Employment of Women over the year 1920.1.’’ Toplumsal Tarih 9, no. 54 (1 998): 19-22. Onay, Aliye. “Istanbul’da ilk kadin hastanesi: Haseki Nis2 Hastanesinin kurulugu.” In Tarih Boyunca Istanbul Semineri, 165-74. Istanbul: Istanbul Universitesi Edebiyat Fakultesi, 1989. Ortayli, Ilber. “Anadolu’da XVI. yuzyilda evlilik iligluleri uzerine bazi gozlemler” [Some observations on marital relations in Anatolia in the 16th century]. Osmanlz Aragtzrmalarz = The Journal of Ottoman Studies 1 (1980): 33-40. . “The Family in Ottoman Society” In Family in Turkish Society: Sociological and Legal Studies, edited by Turkoz Erder, 93-104. Ankara: Turkish Social Science Association, 1985. . Osmanlz toplumunda aile. Istanbul: Pan Yayincilik, 2001 (2000). About family in Ottoman society. Includes a discussion of non-Muslim families and provinces outside Anatolia. . “Ulema Efendilerin Kizlari: Die Tochter der Herren Gelehrten.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschafi und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 28 1-86. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Ortayli, Nuriye, Aysen Bulut, Hacer Nalbant and Jane Cottingham. “Is the Diaphragm a Viable Option for Women in Turkey?” Family Planning Perspectives 26, no. 1 (March 2000): 36-42. OS, Nicole A. N. M. van. “Bursa’da kadin igqilerin 1910 grevi.” Toplumsal Tarih 7, no. 39, (1997): 7-10. About the strike of female silk workers in Bursa in August 1910. , “Kandilli SultM-i I n k : Bir devlet adarmnin tegebbus-i giihsisi nasil sonuGlandi?” [Kandilli Girls’ Highschool: How the personal effort of a statesman ended]. Tarih ve Toplum 28, no. 163 (1997): 26-34. About the initiative of Ahmed Riza to open the first Ottoman high school for girls, as an alternative to the foreign schools, in 1909-191 1. . “Mustehlik degil mustahsil [Producers, not Consumers]: Ottoman Muslim Women and Mill? Iktisat.” In The Great Ottoman-Turkish Civilization, vol. 2, edited by Kemal Ciqek, 215

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et al., 269-75. Ankara: Yeni Turkiye, 2000. The Millf Iktisat, or “National Economy,” was a policy that tried to promote the Turkish economy by stimulating local production and consumption. . “‘A Nation Whose Women are Living in Ignorance...’: the Foundation of the Milli Inas Mektebi in Nigantagi.” In International Congress on Learning and Education in the Ottoman World: Istanbul, 12-15 April 1999, edited by Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, 247-58. Istanbul: IRCICA, 2001. About the founding of the ‘National Girls’ School’ in Nisantagi (a neighborhood of Istanbul) in the 1910s by a women’s organization. . “Osmanli Muslumanlarinda Feminizm.” In Cumhuriyet ’e Devreden Diigiince Mirasi: Tanzimat ve Megrutiyet’in Birikimi, vol. 1, edited by Mehmet 0.Alkan, 335-47. Istanbul: Iletigim Yayinlan, 2001. About feminism among Ottoman Muslims in the first volume of Modern Tiirkiye’de Siyast Diigiince, edited by Tanil Bora and Murat Gultekingil, 9 vols. . “Ottoman Muslim Women’s Reaction to the Commercial and Cultural Intrusion of the West: the Quest for a National Dress.” In Dissociation and Appropriation: Responses to Globalization in Asia and Africa, edited by Katja Fullberg-Stolberg, et al., 29 1-308. Berlin: Das Arabische Buch, 1999. . “The Ottoman State as Breadgiver: the Muinsiz Aile Maagz.” In Arming the State: Conscription in the Middle East and Central Asia, 1775-1 925, edited by Erik Jan Ziircher, 95-1 10. London: I. B. Tauris, 1999. . “Ottoman Women’s Organizations: Sources of the Past, Sources for the Future.” Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 11, no. 3 (2000): 369-83. . “Vrouwen en vrouwenbeweging in Istanbul 1831-1938” [Women and the women’s movement in Istanbul 1831-19381. Sharqiyyat 1, no. 2 (December 1988): 139-62. Osman-Bey [Millingen, Frederick; Andrejevich, Major Vladimir] . Les femmes en Turquie [Women in Turkey]. Paris: Calmann-Lkvy, 1883; 1878. Also in German: Die Frauen in der Tiirkei. Berlin, W. Issleib [1886]. Account of Ottoman women written by the son of Melek Hanum. Ozankaya, Ozer. “Reflections of Vemseddin Sami on Women in the Period before the Advent of Secularism.” In Family in Turkish Society: Sociological and Legal Studies, edited Turkoz Erder, 127-45. Ankara: Turkish Social Science Association, 1985. Ozbay, Ferhunde. “Gendered Space: A New Look at Turkish Modernisation. Gender and History 11, no. 3 (Nov 1999): 555-68. Ozdemir, Rifat. “Antakya, Antalya, Afyon ve Manisa gehirlerinde ailenin sosyo-ekonomik yapisi uzerine bazi bilgiler (1500-1919)” F. U. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 7, nosl/2 (1995): 173237. About the socio-economic structure of families in the cities of Antakya, Antalya, Afyon and Manisa. . “Harput ve Cemiggezek’te askeri ailelerin sosyo-ekonomik yapisi 1890-19 19.” Belleten 59, no. 226 (1996): 739-835. About the socio-economic structure of soldiers’ families in Harput [an important Armenian city] and Cemiggezek 1890-19191. . “Kirgehir’de ailenin sosyo-ekonomik yapisi 1 880-1 906.” Osmanli Ara~tzrmaZarz= The Journal of Ottoman Studies 9 (1989): 101-57. About the socio-economic structure of families in Kirgehir 1880-1906. . “Tokat’ta ailenin sosyo-ekonomik yapisi 1771-1 8 10” [The Socio-Economic Structure of Families in Tokat 1771-18101. Belleten 54, no. 21 1 (1990): 993-1052. Ozel, Igik. “Kadin hareketinde bir oncu: Kadinlar Dunyasi.” Toplumsal Tarih 7, no. 39 (1997): 46-8. About Kadinlar Dunyasi, a forerunner to the Women’s Movement. Oztuna, Yilmaz. Osmanli hareminde iiq haseki-sultan. Istanbul: Otuken, 1988; 1972. About three sultan’s wives in the Ottoman Harem. Pardoe, Julia. The Beauties of the Bosphorus: Illustrated in a Series of Views of Constantinople and Its Environments. From Original Drawings by W. H. Bartlett. London: Virtue, 1855; 1837. Also appeared under the title Picturesque Europe, 1874.


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. The City of the Sultan; and Domestic Manners of the Turks, in 1836. London: H. G. Clarke 1854; Henry Colburn, 1838; 1837. Also published in Turkish as Yabanci gozii ile 125 yil once Istanbul: Sultanin sehri ve Tiirklerin aile hayatindaki gelenekleri, trans. by Bedriye Vanda. Istanbul: Inkilap ve Aka Kitabevleri, 1967, and 18. Yiizyilda Istanbul, trans. by Bedriye $anda. Istanbul: Inkiliip Kitabevi, 1997.

Patrick, Mary Mills, 1850-1940. American missionary and educator. OTT278 OTT279 OTT280 OTT28 1




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Patrick, Mary Mills. A Bosphorus Adventure: Istanbul-Constantinople- Woman’s College, 1871-1924. Stanford, CA: Stanford Univ. Press, 1934. . “The Emancipation of Mohammedan Women.” The National Geographic Magazine 20 (1909): 42-66. . Under Five Sultans. New York: The Century Co. 1929. Jenkins, Hester Donaldson. An Educational Ambassador to the Near East: The Story of Mary Mills Patrick and an American College in the Orient. New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1925. About Mary Mills Patrick and her work as the head of the American College for Girls in Istanbul, an important college for girls in the Ottoman Balkans. Peirce, Leslie P. “Beyond Harem Walls: Ottoman Royal Women and the Exercise of Power.” In Gendered Domains: Rethinking Public and Private in Women’s History, edited by Dorothy 0. Helly and Susan Reverby, 40-55. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1992. . “Le Dilemme de Fatma: Crime sexuel et culture juridique dans une cour ottomane au debut des temps modemes.” Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales 53, no. 2 (March-April 1998): 291-319. A 1541 rape case in the provincial court of Aintab (now Gazianteb, Turkey) is used to examine the role of the court as a place of conflicting legal principles & interests & its use by local society to resolve moral & social issues. . The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire. New York & Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993. The best serious scholarly work on the institution of the Imperial Harem. Also in Turkish as Harem-i hiimayun: Osmanli Imparatorlugu ‘nda hiikiimranlik ve kadinlar. Istanbul: Tarih Vakfi Yurt Yayinlan, 1998. . “Seniority, Sexuality, and Social Order: The Vocabulary of Gender in Early Modem Ottoman Anatolia.” In Women in the Ottoman Empire: Middle Eastern Women in the Early Modern Era, edited by M. Zilfi. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997, pp. 169-96. . “‘She is trouble . .. and I will divorce her’: Orality, Honor, and Divorce in the Ottoman Court of ‘Aintab.” In Women in the Medieval Islamic World: Power, Patronage, Piety, edited by Gavin R. Hambly, 267-300. Cambridge, MA: Garland, 1997. . “Shifting Boundaries: Images of Ottoman Royal Women in the 16thand 17th Centuries.” Critical Matrix 4, no. 1 (1988): 43-8 1. Penzer, Norman Mosley. Harem: An Account of the Institution as it Existed in the Palace of the Turkish Sultans with a History of the Grand Seraglio from its Foundation to Modern Times. London: Spring Books, 1965; 1936. Philopoulou-Desylla, K. “He Othomanida stin epoche tou Souleyman tou Megaloprepous.” Deltio tEs HistorikeS kai Ethnologikes Hetaireias tEs Hellados 32 (1989): 17-50. About Ottoman women in the time of Suleyman the Magnificent. Pinar, Ilhan. “Hans Barth’in gozuyle Cumhuriyet oncesi Izmir’li kadinlar.”Toplumsal Tarih 1, no. 5 (1994): 18-22. About pre-Republican Izmir women through the eyes of Hans Barth, a German traveler. . “Ida Pfeiffer’in Izmir’i”[The Izmir of Ida Pfeiffer (q.~.)].Toplumsal Tarih 16, no. 3, (1995): 39-41. Pond, Chauncey Northrop. Papers, 1852-1920 (bulk 1892-1919). 1.6 linear ft. of correspondence of Pond’s daughter, Jennie (Pond) Atwater (1865-1 896), and other


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missionaries describing Congregational missionary work in Bulgaria and Turkey, among other places. Prator, Sabine. “Sehbal:Ein herausragendes Beispiel friiher turkischer Magazinpress“ [Sehbal: an outstanding example of the early Turkish periodical press]. Turcica (Belgium) 29 (1997): 433-42. About the Turkish monthly Sehbal, a high-quality, progressive journal whose wide-ranging contents included politics, news, women’s issues, culture, and science and technology. Begun in 1909, Sehbal unexpectedly ceased publication after its 100” issue in July 1914 due to the outbreak of World War I. Pye, Ernest, ed. Charlotte R. Willard of Merzifon: Her Life and Times, New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1933. About a missionary worker at Girls’ College in Merzifon, today’s Marsovan. Quataert, Donald. “Ottoman Women, Households and Textile Manufacturing 1800-19 14.” In Women in Middle Eastern History: Shifting Boundaries in Sex and Gender, edited by Nikki R. Keddie and Beth Baron, 161-76. New Haven & London: Yale Univ. Press, 1991. Reprinted in The Modern Middle East: A Reader, edited by Albert Hourani, Philip S. Khoury and Mary C. Wilson. London: Tauris, 1993. Rachieru, Silvana. ‘‘h ciiutarea propriei identitgti: femeia musulmang ?n Imperiul Otoman.” In Identitciti colective j i identitate nationalci: Perceptii asupra identita’!ii in lumea medievala’ gi moderna‘: In memoriam Alexandru DL@,edited by Mirela-Luminita Murgescu, 205-1 2. Bucharest: Ed. Universitgtii din Bucuregti, 2000. About the construction of Moslem women’s identity in the Ottoman Empire. Abstract in English. Ramsay, Mrs. Willliam Mitchell. Everyday Life in Turkey. London: Hodder and Soughton, 1897. Reichardt, A. Girl-lije in the Harem. London: Ouseley, 1908. Reindel-Kiel, Hedda. “Kadinin Adi Yok 2 la Ottomane: Ein dariissa’ade defteri aus der Prinzenzeit Selims II. In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 125-37. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. . “A Woman Timar-holder in Ankara Province during the Second Half of the 16th Century.” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 40, no. 2 (1997): 207-38. Richardson, Robert G. Nurse Sarah Anne with Florence Nightingale at Scutari. London: John Murray, 1977. Roded, Ruth M. “Gendering Ottoman History.” In The Great Ottoman-Turkish Civilization, vol. 2, edited by Kemal CiGek, et al., 677-85. Ankara: Yeni Turkiye, 2000. Romer, Claudia. “Bemerkungen zum Schicksal von Jovanka Cernovid. (1563-1566). In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrvt Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 139-57. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Jovanka CernoviC was the wife of Michael Cernovid., who served as official interpreter for the ambassador from Venice to Turkey, 1556-63, and was present for the most secret and delicate discussions as well as having access to important officials at the Ottoman court. Through the papal nuncio, he became a secret agent in Turkey for the Holy Roman Emperor. RuSen, Zeki. “Bizde hareket-i nisvan” [Our women’s movement]. Nevsal-z Milli (1330): 34352. Article published in this yearbook that only appeared once. S. A. Mediha Hanim’in sergiizegt ve feci hatime-i hayati. Istanbul: Kader Matbaasi, 1336 [ 19171. This book on the “true story” of the life of a woman who became an odalisque at the Yildiz Palace appears in modern Turkish in K d e Pazarzndan Saraya: Cariyeler, by Sema Ok. Istanbul: Kamer Yayinlan, 1996. Sagaster, Borte. Im Harem von Istanbul: osmanisch-tiirkische Frauenkultur im 19. Jahrhundert [In the Istanbul Harem: Ottoman Turkish Women’s Culture in the 19* Century]. Hamburg: EB-Verl. Rissen, 1989. Based on the memoirs of Leyla Saz Hanim, who became


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the teacher of the children of Sultan Abdulmecid (reigned 1839-1861) and was a gifted musician and composer. Saygiligil, Feryal. “Osmanli Devleti’nin son donemlerinde kadinlara mahsus bir hastane: Haseh” [A hospital for women in the last period of the Ottoman state: Haseki]. Yeni Tip Tarihi Arajtirmalari no. 5 (1999): 95-1 12. Scarce, Jennifer. “Turkish Fashion in Transition.” Costume 14, (1980): 144-67. , “Principles of Ottoman Turkish Costume.” Costume 22, (1988): 13-3 1. Schifter, Reinhold. “Bilder turkischer Frauen und Manner in Reiseberichten des 19. Jahrhunderts” [Images of Turkish Women and Men in Travel accounts of the 19thCentury]. In Osterreichisch-tiirkischesSymposium iiber Reiseberichte als Quelle fur das Entstehen des gegenseitigen Bildes der Tiirken und Europaer seit dem 15. Jahrhundert: Eskijehir, 28.X1.XI. 1985, edited by Zeki Cemil Arda, 284-3 18. Eskigehir: Anadolu Universitesi, Egitim Fakultesi Yayinlari, 1987. Schneider, Eliza Cheney Abbott. Letters from Broosa, Asia Minor: With an essay on the prospects of the heathen and our duties to them, by Rev. B. Schneider, and an introduction by Rev. E. Heiner. Published by Rev. Samuel Gutelius. Chambersburg, PA: Publication Office of the German Reformed Church, 1846. $emsettin Sami. Kadinlar [Women]. Istanbul: Mihran Matbaasi, 1296 [ 18801. Plea for better education for women because they are half of society and raise the other half. Seng, Yvonne J. “Standing at the Courts of Justice: Women at the Law Courts of EarlySixteenth-Century Uskudar, Istanbul.” In Contested States: Law, Hegemony and Resistance, edited by Mindie Lazarus-Black and Susan F. Hirsch, 184-206. New York: Routledge, 1994. $eni, Nora. “Fashion and Women’s Clothing in the Satirical Press of Istanbul at the End of the 19&Century.” In Women in Modern Turkish Society: a Reader, edited by Sirin Tekeli, 25-45. London: Zedd, 1995. . “Ville ottomane et representation du corps feminine” [The Ottoman city and the representation of the feminine body]. Les Temps Modernes 41, no. 456-457 (1984): 66-95.

Sertel, Sabiha, 1895-1968. Communist who, from the 1950s onward, lived with her husband, Zekeriya Sertel, in voluntary exile from Turkey in Azerbaijan. OTT3 16 OTT3 17

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Sertel, Sabiha. Roman gibi: Demokrasi miicadelesinde bir kadin [Like a Novel: A Woman in the Struggle for Democracy]. Istanbul: Belge Yayinlari, 1987; 1969. Autobiography. Sertel, Yildiz. Annem Sabiha Sertel kimdi neler yazdi [Who was my mother Sabiha Sertel and what did she write?]. Istanbul: Yap1 Kredi Yayinlari, 1994. About the life of Sabiha Sertel, written by her daughter. Sofuoglu, Ebubekir. “Osmanlilar’da israf ve kadin.” Tarih ve Toplum 35, no. 207 (2001): 1922. About prodigality and women among the Ottomans. Stoger, Gabriele. “Helden, Haremsdamen und Exoten: Begegnung zwischen Orient und Okzident” [Heroes, ladies from the Harem and exotics: encounter between Orient and Occident]. Neues Museum 2, no 2 (1994): 36-42. Stone, Frank Andrews. Academies for Anatolia: a Study of the Rationale, Program, and Impact of the Educational Institutions Sponsored by the American Board in Turkey, 18301980. Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America, 1984. . “Mt. Holyoke’s Impact on the Land of Mt. Ararat.” The Muslim World 66, no. 1 (1976): 44-56. About the activities of women missionaries, graduates from Mt. Holyoke and other women’s colleges in the Ottoman Empire. Sumer, Tulin. “Turkiye’de ilk defa kurulan Kadinlari Caligtirma Dernegi.” Belgelerle Tiirk Tarihi Dergisi 2, no. 10 (1968): 59-63. About the first Organization for the Employment of Women in Turkey.


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TagGioglu, Muhaddere. Tiirk Osmanli cemiyetinde kadinin sosyal durumu ve kadin kiyafetleri [Women’s social position in Turkish Ottoman society and women’s clothing]. Ankara: Kadinin Sosyal Hayatini Tetkik Kurumu, 1958. Tagkiran, Tezer. Cumhuriyetin 50. yilinda Turk kadin haklari [Turkish women’s rights in the 50th year of the Republic]. Ankara: BaSbakanlik Kultur MiisteSar1iEi;iCumhuriyetin 50. Yildonumu Yayinlari, 1973. About Republican women, but also includes a section on Ottoman women. References to women’s organizations and periodicals. Temelkuran, Tevfik. “Turkiye’de aplan ilk kiz ogretmen okulu.” Belgelerle Turk Tarihi Dergisi 4, no. 36, (September 1970): 61-6. About the first school for female teachers. Tezcan, Hulya. “Osmanli Imparatorluj$’nun son yuzyilinda kadin kiyafetlerinde batililagma” [Westernization in women’s clothing in the last century of the Ottoman Empire]. Sanat Diinyasi 37 (1988): 44-51. Thys-Senocak, Lucienne. “Gender and Vision in Ottoman Architecture: The Yeni Valide Complex of Eminonu.” In Women, Patronage and Self Representation in Islamic Societies, edited by D. Fairchild Ruggles, 69-90. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2000. . “Seddulbahir and Kumkale: The Architectural Patronage of a Valide Sultan.” In 7 Centuries of Ottoman Architecture: A Supra-National Heritage, edited by Nur Akin, Afife Batur, and Selcuk Batur, 117-22. Istanbul: YEM Yayin, 2000. About the patronage of a “mother of a sultan” for two military forts at the entrance of the Dardanelles. . “The Yeni Valide Mosque Complex at Eminonu.” Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World 15 (1998): 58-70. About the possible influence female patrons of a Mosque had on its architecture. Toprak, Zafer. “Cumhuriyet arifesi evlilik uzerine bir anket: goriiculuk mu? goriiguculiik mu?” [A survey on marriage on the eve of the Republic: marriage by matchmaker? Or marriage by meeting each other?]. Tarih ve Toplum 9, no. 50 (1988): 32-4. . “Istanbul’da fuhug ve zuhrevi hastaliklar 1914-1 933” [Prostitution and venereal diseases in Istanbul, 1914 - 19331. Tarih ve Toplum 7, no. 39 (1987): 31-40. . “Ittihat ve Terakki ve Teali-i Vatan Osmanli Hanimlar Cemiyeti.” Toplum ve Bilim no. 43-44 (1989): 183-90. About Ittihat ve Terakki (Unity and Progress), the ruling political movement in the Ottoman Empire after 1908, and Teali-i Vatan Osmanli Hanimlar Cemiyeti, (the Ottoman Ladies’ Organization for the Elevation of the Fatherland). . “Muslihiddin Adil’in goriiSleri: Kadin ve ‘Hukuk-i Nisvan” [The Points of View of Muslihiddin Adil: Women and ‘Women’s Rights’]. Toplumsal Tarih 13, no. 75 (2000): 14-7. . “Osmanli’da alafranga evlenme ilanlari” [Alafranga Marriage Advertisments in the Ottoman Period]. Tarih ve Toplum 9, no. 5 1 (1988): 44-6. About matrimonial advertisements. . “Osmanli Kadinlari Caligtirma Cemiyeti: Kadin askerler ve Milli Aile” [The Ottoman Organization for the Employment of Women: women soldiers and the National Family] Tarih ve TopEum 9, no. 51 (1988): 34-8. . “Sosyal politika tarihimizin ilk onlemler paketi: muessesat-i sinaiyyede qocuklann ve kadinlmn Galigtirilmasi. Toplum ve Bilim no. 27 (1984): 229-37. About the employment of women and children in industrial institutions. Topuz, Hifzi. Meyyhle. Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 1998. About the life of a Circassian woman, who when only 40 days old, together with her mother, was taken into the Palace. True story told in novel style, based on family documents. The author is a relative. Torenek, Mehmet. “Kadin dergiciligi ve Mehmet Rauf.” Toplumsal Tarih 9, no. 51 (1998): 26-30. About the production of women’s periodicals and Mehmet Rauf, a publisher of women’s periodicals. Toros, Taha. “Istanbul Universitesi’nden diploma alan ilk kiz, Sekibe Ali.” Tarih ve Toplum 27, no. 158 (1998): 17-9. About the first girl to get a diploma from Istanbul Univ., Sekibe Ali. 220

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. 0 giizel insanlar [Those beautiful people]. Istanbul: Aksoy yayincilik, 2000. Short portraits of many renowned Turks including several women. Based on personal memoirs of the author and his personal archives. . Mdzi cenneti. Istanbul: Iletigim Yayinlari, 1992. Biographies of men and women based on the personal archives and memories of the author. . “Pierre Loti’nin roman kahramanlarindan Kontes Nuriye.” Tarih ve Toplum 15, no. 86 (1991): 35-40. About one of the heroines of Loti’s Les Dksenchantkes, who fled to France when her identity became known in 1906. In Paris, she married a Polish count and lived until her death. Toska, Zehra. “Cagdag Turk kadini kimliginin olugumunda ilk agama Tanzimat kadini.” [The first step on the way towards the formation of the modern Turkish woman’s identity, the Tanzimat woman]. Tarih ve Toplum 21, no. 124 (1994): 5-12. . “Haremden kadin partisine giden yolda kadin dergileri, gundemleri ve oncu kadinlar, I.” Defter no. 21 (1994): 11 6 4 2 . About women’s periodicals “on the road from the Harem to the Women’s Party.” Trivulzio, Christina Princesse de Belgiojoso. Scsnes de la vie turque. Paris: Michel Levy fr&res,1858. Scenes of Turkish Life. . Oriental Harems and Scenery. New York: Carlton, 1862. Tuglaci, Pars. Osmanli doneminde Istanbul kadinlar / Women of Istanbul in Ottoman times. Tiirkiye’de kadin / Women in Turkey 1. Istanbul: Cem Yayinlari, 1984. Bi-lingual publication. . Osmanli saray kadinlari / The Ottoman palace women. Turkiye’de kadin I Women in Turkey 3. Istanbul: Cem Yayinlan, 1985. Bi-lingual publication. Turesay, Ozgur. “Mecmua-1 Ebuzziya’da tesettur meselesi ve feminizm tartigmalari.” Toplumsal Tarih 15, no. 87 (2001): 16-23. About the question of dressing according to Islamic rules and feminism in Mecmua-i Ebiizziya. Uqman, Abdullah. “Bazi kadin mektuplan.” Tarih ve Toplum 31, no. 183 (1999): 40-6. Letters to the philosopher Riza Tevfik from various women, among them Halide Edib (Adivar), Ihsan Raif, and Ayge Sidika, his wife. Ugurel, Refia. L’iducation de la femme en Turquie. Lyon: Bosco frkres et L. Riou, 1936. About the history of education of women in Turkey and the Ottoman Empire. Ulugay, M. Cagatay. Osmanli sultanlarina aSk mektuplari [Love letters to the Ottoman Sultans]. Istanbul: Saka Matbaasi, 1950. Based on letters found in the Topkapi Palace Archives. . Harem’den mektuplar [Letters from the Harem]. Istanbul: Vakit Matbaasi, 1956. Based on letters found in the Topkapi Palace Archives. . Osmanli saraylarinda harem hayatinin iGyiizii [The inside of harem life in the Ottoman palaces]. Istanbul: Inkilap kitabevi, 1959. About the relations between the inhabitants of the Ottoman royal palaces. . Harem IZ. Ankara: Turk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, 1992, About the Harem and its occupants at the Ottoman royal palaces. . PadiTahlarin kadinlari ve kizlari. Ankara: Turk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, 1985; 1980. Biographical sketches of the wives and daughters of the Ottoman sultans from the beginning to the end of the Empire. Unal, Mehmet. “Medeni Kanunu kabulunden once Turk Aile Hukukuna iligkin duzenlemeler ve ozellikle 1917 tarihli Hukuk-i Aile Kararnamesi.” Ankara Universitesi Hukuk Fakiiltesi Dergisi 34, no. 1-4 (1 978): 195-23 1. About adjustments to Turkish family law before the acceptance of the civil code, and especially the 1917 Decree on Family Law. Unver, Ismail. “Bakire Izinnamesi” [Virginity License]. Osmanli Tarihi Ara,ytirma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi 5, (1994): 529-34.

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Uyar, Hakki. “Cargaf, peGe ve kafes uzerine bazi notlar.” Toplumsal Tarih 6, no. 33 (1996): 6-1 1. Notes on the q q a f (the all-covering black cloak), peqe (facial veil) and kafes (part of a window which prevents women from being seen from the outside). Van Sommer, Annie, and Samuel M. Zwemer, eds. Our Moslem Sisters: a Cry of Need from the Land of Darkness Interpreted by Those Who Heard It. New York: Flemming H. Revell, 1907. Book by missionary workers on women in the Middle East. , eds. Daylight in the Harem: a New Era for Moslem Women: Papers on Present-day Reform Movements, Conditions and Methods of Work among Moslem Women Read at the Lucknow Conference, 1911. Edinburgh & London: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1911. New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1911. Book by missionary workers on women in the Middle East. von Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, Amand Freiherr. Die Frauen des Orients in der Geschichte, in der Dichtung und im Leben [The women of the Orient in history, literature and reality]. Vienna and Leipzig: A. Hartleben’s Verlag, 1904. White, Jenny Barbara. Money Makes Us Relatives: Women’s Labor in Urban Turkey. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press, 1994. Yaraman-BaSbuB, Aygegul. Elinin hamuruyla ozgiirliik: resmf tarihten kadin tarihine [Freedom with their hands stuck with dough: from official history to women’s history]. Istanbul: Milliyet Yayinlan, 1992. “Hands stuck with dough” is a Turkish saying to refer to women’s affairs. . “Kadin tarihinin evrenselligi a p n d a n Semseddin Sami’nin Kadznlar risalesi.” Toplumsal Tarih 7, no. 39, (1997): 61-4. Semseddin Sami’s pamphlet on women in the light of the universality of women’s history. Semseddin Sami (Frageri) was a late Ottoman feminist author of Albanian extraction. Later he became an Albanian nationalist activist and participated actively in the discussion on the development of a new Albanian alphabet. Yildinm, Nuran. “19. yuzyil ile 20. yuzyil baginda Istanbul’da fuhugla ilgili bazi belgeler.” Tarih ve Toplum 35, no. 208 (2001): 4-6. Documents related to prostitution in Istanbul in the 19thand early 20thcenturies. Yilmaz, Fikret. “XVI. yuzyil Osmanli toplumunda mahremiyetin srnirlarina dair.” Toplum ve Bilim no. 83 (1 999/2000): 92-109. About the limits of privacy in 16thcentury Ottoman society. Yilmaz, Firkret. “Die Hure, der Offizier und der rote Kaftan.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 167-78. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. About prostitutes. Y osmaoglu, Ipek. “Yuzyil baSinda bir lusim Osmanli hanirm ve talepleri, oncu feministler.” Toplumsal Tarih 5, no. 27, (1996): 12-7. About a group-according to the author-of progressive, feminist Ottoman ladies around Kadinlar Diinyasi (Women’s World), and their ideas at the beginning of the 20thcentury. Young, Marianne. The Moslem Noble: His Land and People with Some Notices of The Parsees, or Ancient Persians. London: Saunders and Otley, 1857. Yumul, Arus. “19. Yuzyil Ermeni Aydinlannin Gozuyle Kadinlar.” Toplumsal Tarih 11, no. 63 (1999): 11-4. About how intellectuals viewed women in 19thcentury Armenia. . “19. Yuzyil Osmanli Toplumunda Ermeni Kadini.” Toplumsal Tarih 7, no. 42 (1997): 15-8. About Armenian women in 19thcentury Ottoman society. Zachariadou, Elizabeth A. “Notes on the Wives of the Emirs in Fourteenth-Century Anatolia.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien ZU Gesellschaft zind Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 61-8. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002.


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Zarinebaf-Shahr, Fariba. “Ottoman Women and the Tradition of Seelung Justice in the Eighteenth Century.” In Women in the Ottoman Empire: Middle Eastern Women in the Early Modern Era, edited by Madeleine C. Zilfi, 253-63. Leiden: Brill, 1997. . “The Wealth of Ottoman Princesses during the Tulip Age.” In The Great OttomanTurkish Civilization, vol. 2, edited by Kemal Ciqek, et al., 696-701. Ankara: Yeni Tiirkiye, 2000. . “Women, Law and Imperial Justice in Ottoman Istanbul during the Late Seventeenth Century.” In Women, the Family, and Divorce Laws in Islamic Society, edited by Amira Sonbol, 81-95. Syracuse: Syracuse Univ. Press, 1996. . “Women and the Public Eye in Eighteenth Century Istanbul.” In Women in the Medieval Islamic World edited by Gavin R. Hambly, 301-24. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998; New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998. Zihnioglu, Yaprak. “Kadin inkilabi.” Tarih ve Toplum 35, no. 207 (2001): 27-9. About the women’s revolution and the first wave of feminism. Zilfi, Madeline C. “Goods in the Mahalle: Distributional Encounters in Eighteenth-Century Istanbul.” In Consumption Studies in the Ottoman Empire, 1550 - 1922: An Introduction, edited by Donald Quataert, 289-3 11. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2000. . “Ottoman Slavery and Female Slaves in the Early Modern Era.” In The Great Ottoman-Turkish Civilization, vol. 2, edited by Kemal CiGek, et al., 714-8. Ankara: Yeni Tiirkiye, 2000. . “Women and Society in the Tulip Era, 1718-1730.” In Women, the Family, and Divorce Laws in Islamic History, edited by Amira El Azhary Sonbol, 290-303. Syracuse: Syracuse Univ. Press, 1996. , ed. Women in the Ottoman Empire: Middle Eastern Women in the Early Modern Era. Leiden: Brill, 1997.

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Abou-el-Haj, Rifa’at Ali. “The Role of Women in the Ottoman Empire: How the khassa Reproduces the khassa-Elite Reproduction in Sixteenth Century Ottoman Jerusalem.” In Frauen, Bilder hind Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 185-93. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002.

[Adivar], Halide Edib [Halide Salih, Halide Edip, and Halid6 Edib], 1885-1964. See Halide Edib Adivar, by Inci Enginun. Ankara: Kultiir ve Turizm Bakanligi, 1986; Kindlers Neues Literatur Lexikon, edited by Walter Jens. Munich: Kindler, 1988; and Contemporary Turkish Writers, by Louis Mitler. Bloomington, IN: Indiana Univ. Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies, 1994. OTT384 OTT385


Adivar, Halide Edib. Akile Hanzm Sokagz. Istanbul: A. H. Yagaroglu Kltapqilik ve Kagitqilik, 1958. . Ategten gomlek. Istanbul: Tevebbus Matbaasi, 1339. With several editions in modem Turkish: e.g. Istanbul: A.H. Yavaroglu Kitapqilik ve Kagitqilik, [ 19571; Also in English: The Shirt of Flame ... New York: Duffield, 1924; and under the title The Daughter of Smyrna: A story of the rise of modern Turkey ... Rendered into English by Maulvi Muhammad Yakub Khan. Lahore: Dar-ul-Kutub Islamia [ 1933.] and German: Flammenhemd. Vienna: Interterritorialer Verlag “Renaissance” [ 1923.] . Conflict of East and West in Turkey. Delhi: Maktaba Jamia Millia Islamia, 1935.


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. Daga pkan kurt. Istanbul: Evkaf-i Islamiye Matbaasi, 1338. Several editions in modern Turkish e.g. Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 1963. . Doner ayna; roman. Istanbul: A.H. Yagaroglu Kitapqlik ve Kagitqlik, 1954. . Handan. Istanbul: Tanin Matbaasi, 1329 [ 19131. Several editions in modern Turkish: e.g. Istanbul: Ahmet Halit kitabevi, 1943. . Harab mabedler. Istanbul: Ahmed Ihsan Matbaasi, 1326 [ 19101. . Hayat parCalari. Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 1963. . Kalb agrisz. Istanbul: Vakit Matbaasi, 1924. Editions available in modern Turkish: Remzi kitabevi, 1943. . Kenan Cobanlari. Istanbul: Orhaniye Matbaasi, 1334 [ 19181. Several editions in modern Turkish: e.g. Kenan Cobanlari. Maske ve ruh. Istanbul: Atlas Kitabevi, 1968. . Kerim Ustahin o@u. Heyulh: bir doktorun hayati. Istanbul: Atlas Kitabev, 1974. Prepared by Inci Enginun based on manuscripts after Adivar’s death. . Kubbede kalan hog sada: hiksyeler, mensur, giirler, sohbetler. Istanbul: Atlas Kitabevi, 1974. . Maske ve ruh: Fantezi piyes. Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 1945. Available in English: Masks or Souls? A play infive acts. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1953. . Memoirs of Halide‘ Edib, with a frontispiece in color by Alexandre Pankoff and many illustrations from photographs. New York: Arno Press, 1972; New York, London: The Century CO.,1926. . Mev’ut hiikiim. Istanbul: Ay Yildiz Matbaasi, 1918. Several editions in modern Turkish: e.g. Atlas Kitabevi, 1968. . Mor salkimli ev. Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 1963. First part of Adivar’s memoirs, including before the War of Independence. . Raik ’in annesi. Dersaadet: kbal Kutubhanesi sahibi Huseyin, 1342-1 924. Several editions in modern Turkish: Yeni Turan. Raik’in annesi. Istanbul: Atlas Kitabevi, 1982. . Seviye talib. Istanbul: Ikbal Kutubhanesi Sahibi Huseyin, 1342-1924; Bursa: Hudavedigar Vilayeti Matbaasi, 1326 [ 19101. . Sinekli bakkal. Istanbul: Ahmet Halit Kitabevi, 1936. First published in English: The Clown and his Daughter. London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1935; also in French: Rue de l’e‘picerie aux mouches. Istanbul, 1944; in Spanish: El Payaso y SU hija. Barcelona, 1954. . Son eseri. Istanbul: Evkaf-i islamiye Matbaasi, 1919. Several editions in modern Turkish: e.g. Istanbul: Ahmet Halit Kitabevi, 1944. . Sonsuz panayir. Istanbul: Remzi Kitapevi, 1946. . Tatarcik. Istanbul: Ahmet Halit Kitabevi, 1939. . Turkey Faces West: a Turkish View of Recent Changes and Their Origin. New York: Arno Press, 1973. . The Turkish Ordeal: Being the Further Memoirs of Halidt! Edib: With a frontispiece in color by Alexandre PankofS and many illustrations from photographs. Westport, CT: Hyperion Press, 1981; New York & London: The Century, 1928. , Tiirkiye ’de $‘ark, Garp ve Amerikan tesirleri. Istanbul: n.p., Dogan Kardeg Yayinlari, 1955. . Tiirkiin ategle imtihani; Istikld Savap h6tiralari. Istanbul: Can Yayini, 1962. On the experiences of Adivar during the Turkish War of Independence, 1919-1923. . Vurun kahpeye! Istanbul: Halk Kitabhanesi Sahibi Abdulaziz, 1926. Editions available in modem Turkish: Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 1943. . Yeni Turan. Istanbul: Orhaniye Matbaasi, 1342 [ 19241; Tanin Matbaasi, 1329. Available in German as Das neue Turan: ein tiirkisches Frauenschicksal. Weimar, G. Kiepenheuer, 1916. . Yolpalas cinayeti: realist roman. Istanbul: Muallim Ahmet Halit Kitabevi, 1937. Published in several editions. 224

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OTT4 17

OTT4 18 OTT4 19 OTT420

OTT42 1


OTT423 OTT424 OTT425

. Zeyno’nun o@u. Istanbul: Halk Kitabhanesi Sahibi Abdulaziz, 1928. Editions available in modern Turkish: Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 1943. , Yakub Kadri, Falih Riflu, and Mehmed Asim. Izrnir’den Bursa’ya. Istanbul: AkgamTegebbus Matbaasi, 1338. Short stories in a collective volume. Bekiroglu, Nazan. Halide Edib Adivar. Istanbul: Stile Yayinlan, 1999. Durakbaga, Ayge. Halide Edib: Tiirk rnodernlegrnesi ve feminizrn [Halide Edib: Turkish Modernization and Feminism]. Istanbul: Iletigim Yayinlari, 2000. The most recent, and one of the better analysis of the works of Halide Edib from within the context of modernization, nationalism and feminism. Includes a sociological analysis. Enginun, Prof. Dr. Inci. Halide Edib Adivar’in eserlerinde do& ve bati rneselesi. Istanbul: Edebiyat Fakultesi Matbaasi, 1978. About the problem of East and West in Halide Edib Adivar’s works. . Halide Edib Adivar. Ankara: Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi, 1986. Appeared in a series of biographies published by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Kanbolat, Dr. Yahya. Adivar ’in rornanlarindaferninizrn sorunu. Ankara: Bayir yayinlan, 1987. About the question of feminism in Adivar’ s novels. Uyguner, Mustafa. Halide Edib Adivar: Yagarni, sanati, yapitlarindan sepeler. Ankara: Bilgi Yayinevi, 1994. Describes the life and works of Halide Edib Adivar. Includes bibliography for Adivar’s works and for works about her. Aksoy, Bulent. “Istanbul hlturiinde musiki ve kadin” [Music and women in Istanbul culture]. In Istanbul Arrnagani. Istanbul Buyuksehir Belediyesi Kultur Isleri Daire Baskanligi yayinlari, 47, edited by Mustafa Armagan, v. 3, 277-94. Istanbul: Istanbul Buyuksehir Belediyesi Kultur Isleri Daire Baskanligi, 1997. Atasoy, Nurhan. “Scenes of Ottoman Women at Leisure.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien ZLL Gesellschaft und Kiinsten irn Osrnanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. 2, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 387-400. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Atasu, Erendiz. “Being A Woman Writer on the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Turkish Republic.” http://members.tripod.com/-warlight/ATASU1.html Atil, Esin. “Islamic Women as Rulers and Patrons.” Asian Art 6, no 2 (Spring 1993): 1-12. Aydin, Mehmet. Ne yaziyor bu kadinlar: Osrnanlidan giiniirniize ornekleriyle kadin yazar ve gairleri. Ankara: Ilke, 1995. About women writers and poets from Ottoman times to the present, with examples.

[Bayar], $iikiife Nihal, 1896-1973. See Diinden Bugiine tanbul Ansiklopedisi. Istanbul: Kultur Bakanligi ve Tarih Vakfi 8 (1994): 423; and BZoornsbury Guide to Women’s Literature, edited by Claire Buck. New York: Prentice Hall, 1990. OTT426 OTT427 OTT428 OTT429 OTT430 OTT43 1 OTT432 OTT433 OTT434 OTT435 OTT436 OTT437

Bagar, Sukiife Nihal. @lde sabah oluyor. Istanbul: Saray Kitabevi, 1951. . CiiZ giineJi. Istanbul: Muallim Ahmet Halit Kitaphanesi, 1933. . Dornanig daglarinin yolcusu: Bir yurt gezisi. N.p.: n.p., 1947 . Finlandiya. Istanbul: n.p. 1935. . Gayyd. Istanbul: Muallim Ahmet Halit Kitaphanesi, 1930. . Hazan riizgarlari [Autumn winds]. Istanbul: Sanayi-i Nefise Matbaasi, 1927. . Renksiz istirap. Istanbul: Suhulet Kutubhanesi, Semih Lutfi, [ 1928?]. . Sabah kuglari. Istanbul: Akbaba Yayini, 1943. . Sile yollari: giirler. Istanbul: n.p., 1934. . Su. Istanbul: Galatasaray Lisesi Talebe Akademisi, 1933. .$iirler. Istanbul: Sander Yayinlari, 1975. . Tevekkiiliin cezasi. Istanbul: Ilhami - Fevzi Matbaasi, 1928.


Ottoman Turkey OTT438 OTT439 OTT440

. Yakut kayalar. Istanbul: n.p., 1931. . Yalnzz doniiyorum. Istanbul: n.p., 1938.

. Yzldzzlar ve golgeler. Istanbul: Halk Kitabhanesmagiri: “Turk Kadini” ve “Talebe

Defteri” miiessesi, 1919 [1335]. OTT44 1

OTT442 OTT443

Bates, Ulku U. “Women as Patrons of Architecture in Turkey.” In Women in the Muslim World, edited by Lois Beck and Nikkie Keddie, 245-60. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1978. . “The Architectural Patronage of Ottoman Women.” Asian Art 6, no. 2 (1993): 5065. Beysanoglu, Sevket. Kadzn gairlerimizden Szrri ve divaqesi [One of our female poets: Sim and her collection of poems]. Diyarbekir: Diyarbekir Halkevi Yayinlan, 1969. Sim’s poetry is only in manuscript. She lived from 1814 or 15 until 1877.

[Bukulmez], Yagar Nezihe, 1882-1971. Poet from a very poor background. She became the first “communist” poet, and was arrested for her labor organizing activities. OTT444 OTT445

Bukulmez, Yayar Nezihe. Bir deste menekge. Istanbul: Cihan Matbaasi, 1331 [ 19151. . Feryatlarzm. Istanbul: Vatan Matbaasi, 1340.

Emine Semiye [Onasya; Emine Vahide, pseud], 1868-1944. Younger sister of Fatma Aliye. See “Emine Semiye Hanimefendi.” Nevsal-z Milli (1330): 320. OTT446 OTT447 OTT448 OTT449


OTT45 1 OTT452 OTT453

Emine Semiye. Hulasa-i ilm-i hesab. Istanbul: Mahmud Bey Matbaasi, 1309 [1893]. A book on mathematics. . Sefalet. Istanbul: Hilal Matbaasi, 1324 [ 19081. Novel entitled: poverty. Kiziltan, Mubeccel. “Kadinlar iqin bir matematik kitabi: Huliisa-i Ilm-i Hisiib. Toplumsal Tarih 4, no. 20 (1995): 50-4. About Emine Semiye’s mathematics book for women. Kutiikoglu, Mubahat. “Cevdet PaSa ve aile iGi munasebetleri.” In Ahmed Cevdet Paga Semineri, edited by Mubahat Kutiikoglu, 199-222. Istanbul: Istanbul Universitesi Edebiyat Fakiiltesi, 1986. About Cevdet Paya, the father of Fatma Aliye and Semiye Emine, and the relationships in their family. Zihnioglu, Yaprak. “Erken donem Osmanli hareket-i nisvani’nin iki buyuk duyuniirii Fatma Aliye ve Emine Semiye.” Tarih ve Toplum 31, no. 186 (1999): 336-43. About Fatma Aliye and Emine Semiye as two big thinkers of the early Ottoman Feminist Movement. Erder, Turkoz, ed. Tiirkiye ’de ailenin degigimi: Sanat apsindan incelemeler. Ankara: Turk Sosyal Bilimler Dernegi, 1984. Collection of articles on family life and its changes as interpreted by literature and theatre. Erkiliq, Ozay. “Ilk kadin ressamlarimizdan: Celile Hanim.” Tarih ve Toplum 9, no. 5 1, (1988): 32-3. About Celile Hanim, one of the first Turkish female painters. Esen, Nuket. Turk romanznda aile kurumu, 1870-1 970 Istanbul: Bogaziqi Universitesi Yayinlan, 1997. About the way the family and family relations are reflected in Turkish and Ottoman-Turkish novels between 1870 and 1970.

Fatma Aliye [Alihk Hanoum, Fatma AI%,and Fatma Aliye Hanoum], 1862-1936? The first Ottoman Muslim woman to write novels and philosophical and historical works. See Diinden Bugiine Istanbul Ansiklopedisi. Istanbul: Kultur Bakanligi ve Tarih Vakfi 3 (1 994): 272-3.


Ottoman Turkey OTT454

OTT455 OTT456

OTT457 OTT458

OTT459 OTT460 OTT46 1

OTT462 OTT463 OTT464

OTT465 OTT466




Fatma Aliye. Ahmed Cevdet PaSa ve zamanz [Ahmed Cevdet Paga and His Times]. Dersaadet: Kanaat Matbaasi, 1332. About the author and his times. Transliteration from Ottoman to modern Turkish by Metin Hasirci. Istanbul: Pinar Yayinlari, 1994. . Enin. Istanbul: Karabat Matbaasi, 1912-1328. Novel. , and Ahmed Midhat. Hayal ve hakikat. Istanbul: Tercuman-I Hakikat Matbaasi, 1309 [ 18931. Novel entitled “Dreams and Truths” published anonymously. The author was listed as “bir kadin,” (a woman) since women were not supposed to publish at that time. Her father being an important statesman, she did not want to embarrass him, . Istilli-yi Islam [The Islamic invasion]. Istanbul: Tahir Bey Matbaasi, 1318 [ 19001. . Kosova zaferi ve Ankara hezimeti: tarih-i Osmaninin bir devre-i muhimmesi [The victory of Kosovo and the defeat at Ankara: an important period in Ottoman history]. Istanbul Kanaat Matbaasi, 1331 [ 19151. . Levayih-i hayat [Pictures of life]. Istanbul: Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete Matbaasi, 1315 [1899]. . Muhadderat. Translated Ottoman to Turkish by H. Erne1 A9a. Istanbul: Enderun Kitabevi, 1996; Istanbul: Matbaa-i Ebuzziya, 1309 [ 18931. Novel. . Nisvan-i Islam [Muslim Women]. Istanbul: Tercuman-i Hakikat Matbaasi, 1309 [1893. About Muslim women’s position in society presented as three discussions between Muslim and European women. Tries to undermine the wrong impression Europeans have of Muslim women. Also in French as Les Musulmanes contemporaines: trois confe‘rences [Contemporary Muslim women: three conferences]. Translated from Turkish by Nazime Roukie. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1894. In Arabic: Fatima Aliya, Nisa a1 islam. Al-Qahira: al-Maktaba as-Sarqiya, [c 19351. . Refet. Istanbul: G r k Anbar Matbaasi, 1314 [1898]. Novel. . Tedkik-i ecsam [Examination of Material Things]. Istanbul: Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete Matbaasi, 1317 [ 19011. Philosophical study. . Udi. Istanbul: Selis Kztaplar, 2002. Oudi: La joueuse de luth [Udi: the woman lute player]. Istanbul: Mehmed Tahir Bey, 1900, is the French translation of the novel Udi, first published in Istanbul, 1315 [ 18991. . Teracim-i ahval-i felasife [Biographies of Philosophers]. Istanbul: Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete, 1317 [1901]. , and Mahmud Esat bin Emin Seydigehri. Taaddut-ii zevcat: zeyl [Polygyny: Postscript]. Istanbul: Tahir Bey Matbaasi, 1316 [ 19001. Fatma Aliye’s answer to Mahmud Esat bin Emin Seydigehri’s work, Taaddiit-ii zevcat (Istanbul: Tahir Bey Matbaasi, 1316) in which he defended polygyny. Ahmet Mithat Efendi. Fatma Aliye: bir Osmanli kadin yazarin doiugu [Fatma Aliye Hanim: The birth of an Ottoman female author]. Istanbul: Sel Yayincilik, 1994. Written by her tutor. Original in Ottoman Turkish: Fatma Aliye Hanim yahut bir muharrire-i Osmaniyenin neS ’eti. Istanbul: Kirk Anbar Matbaasi, 1311 [ 18951. This version contains the transliteration of LGB (1906-1989) who was the head of the American College for Girls in Izmir, and includes introductions on her life as well as on Fatma Aliye’s life before the actual transliteration. Also contains a glossary Ottoman Turkish - modern Turkish. (Another version of this book is Ahmet Mithat Efendi. F a t m Aliye Hanim yahut bir muharrire-i Osmaniyenin neSeti. Istanbul: Isis Yayimcilik Ltd., 1998, transliterated by Lynda Goodsell Blake and edited by Muge Galin). Ceri, Bahriye. “Bir Kadin ve Ahmet Midhat Efendi.” Tarih ve Toplum 34, no. 203 (2000): 29-34. About the book Fatma Aliye Hanim wrote with Ahmet Midhat Efendi, Hayal ve Hakikat . Findley, Carter V., “Fatma Aliye: First Turkish Woman Novelist, Pioneer Feminist.” In Histoire e‘conomique et sociale de 1’Empire ottoman et de la Turquie (1326-1960)’ Actes du


Ottoman Turkey

OTT470 OTT47 1








s i x i h e congr2.s international tenu 6 Aix-en-Provence du 1er au 4 juillet 1992. Collection Turcica 8, edited by Daniel Panzac, 783-94. Paris: Peeters, 1995. . “La soumise, la subversive: Fatma Aliye, romancikre et fkministe.” Turcica 27 (1995): 153-76. About Fatma Aliye as novelist and feminist. Gobenli, Mediha. “Fatma Aliye Hanim ve Fitnat Hanim.” Tarih ve Toplum 34, no. 203 (2000): 35-40. About the relation between Fatma Aliye Hanim and Fitnat Hanim, a female poet. Kiziltan, Yard. DOG.Dr. Mubeccel. Fatma Aliye Hanim yagami-sanati-yapitlari ve Nisvan-i Islam [Fatma Aliye Hanim: her life, her art and her works and Nisvan-i Islam]. Istanbul: Mutlu Yayincihk, 1993. The 2nd part of the book is a translation of Nisvan-i islam. Istanbul: Tercuman-1 Hakikat Matbaasi, 1309 [ 18931. . “Gizli bir oykunun peginde” [Tracing a secret story]. Toplumsal Tarih 3, no. 16, (1998): 13-21. About Ismet Faik, the daughter of Fatma Aliye Hanim, who left her family behind and, as the daughter of good Muslims, became a Catholic nun in France. . “Oncu bir kadin yazar: Fatma Aliye Hanim” [An avantgarde female author: Fatma Aliye Hanim] . Journal of Turkish Studiesfliirkliik Bilgisi Aragtirmalari Fahir & Armagani 1, no. 14 (1990): 283-323. . “Turk kadin haklari mucadele tarihinde Fatma Aliye Hanim’in yeri.” Kuram (January 1993): 83-93. About the role of Fatma Aliye Hanim in the history of the struggle of Turkish women for their rights. , and Tulay GenGturk, ed. Atatiirk kitapligi Fatma Aliye Hanim evraki katalogU - 1 [Catalogue of the papers of Fatma Aliye Hanim at the Ataturk Library - 11. Istanbul: Istanbul Buyuk $ehir Belediyesi Kultur Igleri Daire Bagkanligi Kiituphane ve Muzeler Miidurlu@, 1993. Kutukoglu, Mubahat. “Cevdet Paga ve aile iGi munasebetleri.” In Ahmed Cevdet Paga Semineri, edited by Mubahat Kutukoglu, 199-222. Istanbul: Istanbul Universitesi Edebiyat Fakultesi, 1986. Annotated above. Zihnioglu, Yaprak. “Erken donem Osmanli hareket-i nisvaninin iki buyuk dugunurii Fatma Aliye ve Emine Semiye” [Two big thinkers of the early Ottoman Feminist Movement: Fatma Aliye and Emine Semiye]. Tarih ve Toplum 31, no. 186 (1999): 336-43.

Fatma 6adiye. Late 19th- early 20th-century author who wrote biographies of the women around Muhammed and articles in the Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete. OTT479 OTT480 OTT48 1




Fatma vadiye. Hikayat-i nugin. Istanbul: Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete Matbaasi, 1323. . Kerime-i Muhtereme-i Hazret-i Fahr-i h e m Sallaallahii Aleyh-i ve Sellem Seyyidet iin-Nisa iil-Alemin Hazret-i Fatimetiiz-Zehrh el-BetGl Radiyallahii Tehlh Anhh. Istanbul: Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete Matbaasi, 1321 [ 19051. .Valide-i Muhtereme-i Hazret-i Fahr-i Ailem Sallaallahii Tehlh Aleyh-i ve Sellem Hazret-i &nine Radiyallahii Tehlh Anhh. Istanbul: Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete Matbaasi, 1322 [ 19061. . Zevce-i Muhtereme-i Hazret-i Fahr-i Alem Sallaallahii Aleyh-i ve Sellem Hazret-i Sevde Bint-i Zem ’a Radiyallahii Tehlh Anhh. Istanbul: Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete Matbaasi, 1324 [ 19081. . Zevce-i Muhtererne-i Hazret-i Fahr-i &em Sallaallahii Aleyh-i ve Sellem Hazret-i Umm-i Habibe Radiyallahii Tehlii Anhh. Istanbul : Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete Matbaasi, 1324 [ 19081. . Zevce-i Muhtererne-i Hazret-i Fahr-i &em Sallaallahii Aleyh-i ve Sellem Umm iilMiirninin Hasret-i Ayiget iis-Siddika Radiyallahii Teiilii Anhii. Istanbul: Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete Matbaasi, 1323 [ 19071.


Ottoman Turkey OTT485

. Zevce-i Muhtereme-i Hazret-i Fahr-i &em Sallaallahii Aleyh-i ve Sellem Umm iilMiiminin Hasret-i Hadicet iil-KiibrG Radiyallahii TeGlG AnhG. Istanbul: Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete Matbaasi, 1323 [ 19071.


Frierson, Elizabeth B. “Women in Late Ottoman Intellectual History.” In: Late Ottoman Society: The Intellectual Legacy. Edited by Elisabeth Ozdalga, 135-61. London & New York: Routledge Curzon, 2005. Glassen, Erika. “Die Tochter der letzten Osmanen: Zur Sozialisation und Identitattsfindung turkischer Frauen nach Autobiographien.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 347-86. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002.


Guzide Sabri [Aygun; Camhca’da Guzide], 1886-1946. Aygiin’s novels are very sentimental and her characters are poorly developed. But she was one of the first Ottoman women to write this kind of pulp and her popular fiction had many reprints. OTT488 OTT489 OTT490 OTT49 1 OTT492

OTT493 OTT494 OTT495



Guzide Sabri. Gecenin esrarz. Istanbul: Ikbal Kutuphanesi Huseyin, 1934. . Hiisriin. Istanbul: Ikbal Kutuphanesi sahibi Huseyin, 1928. . Hicran gecesi. Istanbul: Semih Lutfi matbaa ve kitabevi, n.d. . Mazinin sesi. Istanbul: Inkiliip Kitabevi, 1944. . Miinevver. Dersaadet: Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete Matbaasi, 1321 [ 19051. Available in modem Turkish: Istanbul: Semih Lutfi Erciyas, n.d. The first edition of this novel appeared under the pseudonym Guzide from Camlica, a neighborhood in Istanbul. Munevver is the heroine of the novel. . NeclG. Istanbul: Semih Lutfi matbaa ve kitabevi, n.d. . Olmiig bir kadinzn evrak-i metrukesi. Istanbul: Ikbal kutuphanesi sahibi Huseyin, 1923 [ 13421. Available in modern Turlush: Istanbul: Semih Lutfi Kitabevi, n.d. . Olmiig bir kadinzn evrak-i metrukesi zeyli Nedret. Istanbul: Ikbal Kutuphanesi sahibi Huseyin, 1928; 1923, 1921, 1905. Available in modern Turkish: Istanbul: Semih Lutfi Kitabevi, n.d. . Yaban giilii. Istanbul: kbal kutuphanesi sahibi Huseyin, 1921. Available in modern Turkish: Istanbul: Semih Lutfi matbaa ve kitabevi, 1937. Haci Beyziide Ahmed Muhtar. $air hanimlarimiz [Our Lady Poets]. Istanbul, 1311 [ 18931. On Ottoman female poets. Includes biographical and bibliographical information.

Ihsan Raif Hanim, 1877-1926. See Ihsan RaifHanim, by Huveyla Cogkunturk. Ankara: Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi, 1987. OTT498 OTT499 OTT500 OTT501 OTT502

Ihsan Raif. Ey Ehl-i Islam. Istanbul: Karabet Matbaasi, 1328 [ 19121. . Goz yaglari. Istanbul: Ahmed Ihsan ve vurekasi Matbaacilik Osmanli Sirketi, 1330. . Kadzn ve vatan. Istanbul: Ahmet Ihsan Matbaasi, 1330 [1914]. Bolukbay, Riza Tevfik. “Ihsan Raif Hanimefendi.” Nevsal-z Milk (1330 [ 19141): 237-40. Ozturk, Cemil. “Ihsan Raif Hanim’in yayimlanmarmg $iirleri” [The unpublished poems of Ihsan Raif Hanim] Toplumsal Tarih 10, no. 57 (1998): 35-46.


Irtem, Suleyman Kiini. Osmanli sarayz ve haremin icyiizii: muzika-z hiimGyun ve saray tiyatrosu [The Ottoman palace and the inside of the Harem: the Royal Military Band and the Palace Theatre]. Istanbul: Temel Yayinlan, 1999. Edition prepared by Osman Selim


Ottoman Turkey

OTT504 OTT505

OTT506 OTT507

Kocahanoglu who brought together the articles originally published in a series in the newspaper Akgam. Kandiyoti, Deniz. “Slave Girls, Temptresses, and Comrades: Images of Women in the Turkish Novel.” Feminist Issues 8, no. 1 (Spring 1988): 35-50. . “Women as Metaphor: The Turkish Novel from the Tanzimat to the Republic.” In Etat, Ville et Mouvements Sociaux au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient / Urban Crises and Social Movements in the Middle East, edited by Brown, Kenneth et al., 140-52. Paris: Editions L’Harmattan, 1989. Karakigla, Yavuz Selim. “Osmanli’da kadin fotografgilar.” Toplumsal Tarih 13, no. 75, (2000): 18-20. About female photographers in Ottoman times. Kuloglu, Nazan. “XVI. yiizyil divan Siirinde kadin giyimleri.” Tarih ve Toplum 25, no. 149 (1996): 27-34. About women’s clothing in 16th-century Divan poetry.

Leyla, d. 1847. Date of birth unknown. See Diinden Bugiine Istanbul Ansiklopedisi. Istanbul: Kiiltiir Bakanligi ve Tarih Vakfi 5 (1994): 212; and The Penguin Book of Women Poets, edited by Carol Cosman, Joan Keefe, and Kathleen Weaver. New York: Viking Press, 1978. OTT508

Leyla. Divan-i Leyla Hanim. Istanbul: Valide Haninda $irket-i Iraniye Destgahi, 1299 [ 18831; Takvimhane-i Amire, 1267 [ 18511.

Makbule Leman, 1865-1898. OTT509

OTT5 10

OTT5 11

Makbule Leman. Makes-i hayal, Dersaadet: Matbaa-i Ahmed Ihsan ve Surekasi, 1331 [ 19151; Istanbul: Yuvanaki Panayotidis Matbaasi, 1314 [ 18981. The later is an extended version of the original. UgUrcan, Sema. “Makbule Leman, hayati, gahsiyeti, eserleri.” Tiirkliik Aragtirmalari Dergisi 6 (1991): 33 1-408. About Makbule Leman’s life, personality and works. Mehmed, Suleyman Avanzade. Muharrir Kadinlar [Women Writers]. Istanbul: Kasbar Matbaasi, 1311 [ 18951.

Mihri Hatun, 1460-1506? 15th-centurypoet. Dates unknown: probable year of death 1506 or 1507. See The Penguin Book of Women Poets, edited by Carol Cosman, Joan Keefe, and Kathleen Weaver. New York: Viking Press, 1978.

OTT5 12 OTT5 13

OTT514 OTT5 15

Mihri Hatun. Divan: Kriticheskii Tekst i vstupitel ’naya stat ’ya, with an introduction and commentary by Elena I. Mashtakova. Moscow: Institut Narodov Vostoka, 1967. Text in Turkish and the introduction and commentary in Russian. Sezer, Sennur. Turk Safo ’su Mihri Hatun: Divan edebiyatimizin tek kadin gairi. Istanbul: Milliyet Yayinlari, 1997. Biography in the form of a novel. Text interspersed with parts of her poetry. Mustafa Regid. Muharrerat-i nisvan [Women’s writings]. Istanbul: $ems Kiitiiphanesi, 1313 [ 18971. Mutlu, Asim. “Belkis Mustafa.” Sanat Diinyasi 33 (1985): 40-8. About Belkis Mustafa, a female painter at the turn of the 20thcentury.

NigPr Bint Osman [$air NigBr], 1856-1 918. See “NigBr Hanim” in Diinden Bugiine Istanbul Ansiklopedisi 6 (1994): 73. Istanbul: Kiiltur Bakanligi ve Tarih Vakfi, 1994; and Bloomsbury Guide to Women’s Literature, edited by Claire Buck. New York: Prentice Hall General Reference, 1990. Poet, famous for her salons in which she received prominent men


Ottoman Turkey and women of the time. She also participated in discussions on the position of women in society through letters to and articles in women’s periodicals and through references in her poems. OTT5 16 OTT5 17 OTT5 18 OTT5 19 OTT520 OTT521 OTT522 OTT523 OTT524 OTT525




Niggr Bint Osman. Aks-i sedh. Istanbul: $irket-i Murettebiye Matbaasi, 1316 [ 19001. . Efsiis: birinci kzszm. Istanbul: Ahter Matbaasi, 1308 [ 18921; Karabet ve Kasbar Matbaasi, 1304 [ 18881. . Efsiis: ikinci kzszm. Istanbul: Ahter Matbaasi, 1306 [ 18901. . Elhfin-z vatan. Istanbul: Tercuman-i Hakikat Matbaasi, 1332 [ 19161. . Hayatzmzn hiksyesi [The Story of My Life]. Istanbul: Ekin Basimevi, 1959. Compiled by the author’s sons and based on her diaries and papers. . N i g h Hanzm ve Tesir-i ajk. Prepared by Olcay Onertoy. Ankara: Tiyatro Aragtirmalari Enst., 1978. Play published after her death based on a manuscript. . Niriin. Istanbul: Ahmed Ihsan ve Surekasi, 1312 [ 18961. . Safahiit-z kalb. Istanbul: Kitaphane-i Hilmi, 1317 [ 19011. Bekiroglu, Nazan. $‘air Nigiir Hanzm. Istanbul: Iletisim Yayinlan, 1998. Study of the life and works of $air Nigiir Hanim based on her diaries. Includes extensive bibliography. Kappert, Petra. “Nigar Hanim: Dichterin und Dame von Welt im ausgehenden Osmanischen Reich.” In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 3 1532. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Olson, Emelie, and Kurtulus Oztopp. “Images of Women in the Poetry of Early Turkish Mystics and the Status of Women in Turkish Society.” In Humanist and Scholar: Essays in Honor of Andreas Tietze, edited by Heath W. Lowry and Donald Quateart, 1-12. Istanbul: Isis Press and Washington: Institute of Turkish Studies, 1993. Paker, Saliha. “Unmuffled Voices in the Shade and Beyond: Women’s Writing in Turkish.” In Textual Liberation: European Feminist Writing in Turkish, edited by Helena Forsh-Scott, 270-300. New York: Routledge, 1991. Although the primary focus of the article is on the women writers of the 1960s to the present, in order to place them in historical and cultural context, the author does survey the “pioneers in early feminist writing,” beginning with Fatma Aliye and Halide Edib. Prator, Sabine. “’Musikden mukemmel ve onlara yaragacak bir eglence mevcud degildir.. .’: Frauen und Musik in der spaten Osmanenzeit.” In Frauen, Bilder zind Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschri! Hans Georg Majer, vol. 1, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, 333-45. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002.

Saz, Leyl5 [Leyla Hanoum, Leyla (Saz) Hanimefendi], 1850-1936. Poet and composer. Most of her (unpublished) work was lost in a fire in 1919. What was left was published in 1928. Her compositions of classical Turkish music are still played. She also published in women’s periodicals of the time, and wrote memoirs of her life in the Ottoman Palace. See Diinden Bugiine Istanbul Ansiklopedisi. Istanbul: Kultiir Bakanligi ve Tarih Vakfi 6, ( 1994): 475. OTT529

Saz, Leyla. Le harem impe‘rial et les sultanes aux XIXe sikcle: Souvenirs, adaptkes au francais par sonfils Youssouf Razi. Preface by Claude Farrkre. Paris: Calmann-Lgvy, 1925; Bruselles: Editions Complkxe, 1991. Translated from the French into English by Landon Thomas under the title The Imperial Harem of the Sultans: Memoirs of Leyla (Saz) Hanzmefendi. Istanbul: Peva Publications, 1994. Memoirs adapted into French by her son.

23 1

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. Harem’in iGyiizii. Edited by Sadi Borak. Istanbul: Milliyet Yayinlari, 1974. Based on earlier publications in Turkish newspapers, these are her memoirs in Turkish. . Solmug &ekler, n.p.: 1928. Turkish Women Composers/ Kadin Bestecilerimiz. Prepared and directed by Gursel Kosak. [Classical Turkish Music/The Old Composer Series] Cemre Miizik Uretim, 1998. [CD] $eref Hanim, 1809-1 86 1. See Diinden Bugiine Istanbul Ansiklopedisi. Istanbul: Kultur Bakanligi ve Tarih Vakfi 7 (1 994): 162.

OTT533 OTT534 OTT535


Seref Hanim. Istanbul: Matbaa-i Amire, 1284; Istanbul: Seyh Yahya Efendi Matbaasi, 1292 [ 18761. Mardin, Yusuf. $‘air $‘eref Hanim (1808-1861). Ankara: T. C. Kultur Bakanligi, 1994. Silay, Kemal. “Singing His Words: Ottoman Women Poets and the Power of Patriarchy.” In Women in the Ottoman Empire: Middle Eastern Women in the Early Modern Era, edited by Madeline C. Zilfi, 197-213. Leiden: Brill, 1997. Sonmez, Emel. Turkish Women in Turkish Literature of the 19thCentury. Leiden: Brill, 1969. [Tek], Miifide Ferid [Mufidah, Farid], 1892-1971. See “Miifide Ferid Tek ve Feminizm uzerine bir Konferans” [Mufide Ferid Tek and a conference on feminism], by Hulya Balci. Toplumsal Tarih 8, no. 46 (1997): 15-22.

OTT537 OTT538

OTT539 OTT540

OTT54 1


Tek, Mufide Ferid. Aydemir. Istanbul: Turk Kadini ve Talebe Defteri Muessesi, 1334-19 18. . “Feminizm.” Turk Kadini 20, no. 17 (April 1335 [1919]): 305-8; Tarih ve Toplum 31, no. 183 (1999): 35-9. Text of a lecture she gave in 1919, transliterated by Mine Koqak and reprinted in 1999. . Pervaneler. Istanbul: Matbaa-i Amire, 1340. . Die unverzeihliche Siinde: ein Roman aus der Zeit der turkischen nationalen Erhebung. Translated and introduced by Otto Spies. Krefeld: Hohns, 1933. The novel, Affolunmayan giinah, was suppressed in Turkey and was only published in this translation. Balci, Hulya. “Mufide Ferid Tek ve feminizm uzerine bir konferans” [Mufide Ferid Tek and a conference on feminism]. Toplumsal Tarih 8, no. 46 (1 997): 15-22; Turk Kadini 20, (17 April 1335 [ 19191): 305-8. Includes an introduction by the transliterator, Hulya Balci. Demircioglu, Cemal. “Aydemir muellifi Mufide Ferit Hanim” [The author of Aydemir Mufide Ferit Hanim.] Toplumsal Tarih 10, no. 59 (1998): 14-21. [Tepedelenligil], Nezihe Muhittin [Nezihe Muhiddin; and Nezihe Muhlis], 1889-1958.

OTT543 OTT544 OTT545 OTT546 OTT547 OTT548 OTT549 OTT550 OTT55 1 OTT552 OTT553

Tepedelenligil, Nezihe Muhittin. Ate8 buGek1er-i. Istanbul: Hilmi Kitap Basimevi, 1935. . Avare kadin. Istanbul: Arif Bolat Kitabevi, 1943. . Benligim benimdir! Istanbul: Sudi Kitaphanesi, 1929. . Bir agk boyle sondii. Ankara: hkiliip Kitabevi, 1939. Also published as Bir agk boyle bitti. . Bir agk boyle bitti. Istanbul: Inkiliip Kitabevi, 1943. Also published as Bir agk boyle sondii. . Bir yaz gecesiydi. Istanbul: Arif Bolat Kitabevi, 1943. . Boz Kurt: kiigiik Mehmedin romani. Istanbul: Anadolu Turk Kitaphanesi, 1934. . Biiqekler. Istanbul: Hilmi Kitap Basimevi, 1935. . @qirakli yilan: aJk ve ihtiras romani. Istanbul: Arif Bolat Kitabevi, 1943. .Ciplak model. Istanbul: Arif Bolat Kztabevi, 1943. . Gene geleceksin. Istanbul: Arif Bolat Kitabevi, 1944.


Ottoman Turkey OTT554 OTT555 OTT556 OTT557 OTT558 OTT559 OTT560 OTT561 OTT562

OTT563 OTT564 OTT565

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. Haydudun sonu. Istanbul: Anadolu Turk Kitaphanesi, 1934. . Istanbulda bir Lcindre. Istanbul: n.p., 1934. . &mir COCL@U: GeCen cihan harbi mutareke seneleri romani. Istanbul: Hilmi Kitabevi, 1943. . Kalbim senindir. Istanbul: Arif Bolat Kitabevi, [ 1943?]. . Kevser nine. Istanbul: Anadolu Turk Kitaphanesi, 1934. . Sabah oluyor. Istanbul: Arif Bolat Kitapevi, n.d. .$ebab-i tebah [Ruined Youth]. Istanbul: Muhtar Halid Kitabhanesi, 1911-1327. . SUSkalbim sus! Istanbul: Arif Bolat Kitabevi, 1944. . Turk kadini. Istanbul: Numune matbaasi, 1931. Describes the developments in Turkish society v i s - h i s women and from the point of view of the author. The author was active in several women’s organization and was the editor of a women7smagazine. See also Nezihe Muhittin ve Turk Kadini 1931, by AySegiil Baykan and Belma OtuS-Baskett. Istanbul: IletiSim Yayinlan, 1999. This is a reprint in modernized Turkish with an introduction of Turk kadini Istanbul: Numune matbaasi, 1931. Cakir, Serpil. “Kadin tarihinden iki isim: Ulviye Mevlan - Nezihe Muhittin.” Toplumsal Tarih 8, no. 46, (1997): 6-14. Zihnioglu, Yaprak. “Bir Osmanli Turk kadin haklari savunucusu: Nezihe Muhiddin.” Tarih ve Toplum 31, no. 183 (1999): 4-1 1. . “IOsa yaSam oykiisu, yetigtigi ortam ve kadinlardan etkiler.. . Nezihe Muhiddin.” Tarih ve Toplum 33, no. 195 (2000): 69-73. Story of Nezihe Muhiddin’s life in short, the environment she grew up in and the women who influenced her. Toprak, Zafer. “Mey-utiyet’ten Cumhuriyet’e mustehcen edebiyat.” Tarih ve Toplum 7, no. 38 (1987): 25-8. About obscene literature from the Constitutional Period to the Republic. Toros, Taha. Ilk kadin ressamlarimiz / Thefirst lady artists of Turkey. Istanbul: Ak Yayinlari, 1988. About early female painters. . Turk kadin gairleri. Istanbul: Istanbul Universitesi, 1937. About Turkish female poets. Turkish Women Composers/ Kadin Bestecilerirniz. Prepared and directed by Gursel Koqak. [Classical Turkish Music/The Old Composer Series] Cemre Muzik Uretim, 1998. [CD] Uraz, Murat. Resimli kadin $air ve muharrirlerimiz. Istanbul: Numune Yayinlari, 1941. About female poets and authors. Includes pictures. Us, Hakki Tank. Ahmed Midhat Efendi ve $air Fitnat Hanim. Istanbul: Vakif Yayinlan, 1972. About Ahmed Midhat Efendi and the female poet Fitnat Hanrm. Yildiz, Ali. “Ahmed Midhat Efendi’nin romanlarinda siradiy kadin tipleri.” Tarih ve Toplum 33, no. 165 (2000): 79-82. About unusual female types in the novels of Ahmed Midhat. Zafer Hanim. KabulP Paja Haremi: Ask-i vatan, edited and transliterated by Zehra Toska, Istanbul: Oglak Yayinlari, 1994; Istanbul: Kavafyan Tab Hanesi, 1294 [ 18781. Zorlutuna, Halide Nusret, 1901-1984. See Hcilide Nusret Zorlutuna, by Zelu Gurel. Ankara: Kultiir ve Turizm Bakanligi, 1988; Bloomsbury Guide to Women ’sLiterature, edited by Claire Buck. New York: Prentice Hall General Reference, 1990; and Contemporary Turkish Writers, by Louis Mitler. Bloomington, IN: Indiana Univ. Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies, 1994.

OTT574 OTT575 OTT576 OTT577

Zorlutuna, Halide Nusret. Ask ve zafer. Istanbul: Tore-Devlet Yayinevi, 1978. . Aydinlik kapz. Istanbul: Otuken Yayinevi, 1974. . Benim kiiqiik dostlarzm. Istanbul: Ahmet Halit Kiitiiphanesi, 1948. . Beyaz selvi. Istanbul: U@r Kitabevi, 1945.


Ottoman Turkey OTT578 OTT579 OTT580 OTT58 1 OTT582 OTT583 OTT584 OTT585 OTT586 OTT587

. Bir devrin romani. [Novel of a Period]. Ankara: Kultur Bakanligi, 1978. Autobiography . . Biiyiik anne. Ankara: Milli Egitim Basimevi, 1971. . Ellerim bomboj. Istanbul: Kur Yayinlan, 1967. . Geceden tajan derler. Istanbul: Burhanettin Basimevi, 1930. . Giiliin babasi kim? Istanbul: Remzi Kitaphanesi, 1933. . Hanim mektuplan. Istanbul: Ikbal Kutuphanesi, 1342 [ 19231. . Kiiller. Istanbul: Suhulet Kutuphanesi, 1337 [ 19211. . Sisli geceler. Istanbul: Ikbal Kutuphaensi, 1341 [ 19251. . Yayla tiirkiisii. Istanbul: Cinaralti Yayinlan, 1943. . Yurdumun dort bucag’z. Ankara: Guney Matbaacilik ve Gazetecilik, 1950. Zubeyde Fitnat Hanim [Fitnat Hanim], d. 1780. See Diinden Bugiine Istanbul Ansiklopedisi. Istanbul: Kultur Bakanligi ve Tarih Vakfi, 1994.

OTT588 OTT589 OTT590

Ziibeyde Fitnat Hanim. Divan-i Fitnat. Istanbul: Tasvir-i Efkar Matbaasi, 1286; Takvimhanei Amire Tag Destgahi, 1264 [ 18481. . “Fitnat Hanim.” In Diinden Bugiine Istanbul Ansiklopedisi. Istanbul: Kultur Bakanligi ve Tarih Vakfi 8, (1 994): 159. . “Fitnat Hanim Turbesi.” In Diinden Bugiine Istanbul Ansiklopedisi. Istanbul: Kultiir Bakanligi ve Tarih Vakfi 3, (1994): 322.

Autobiography and Travel OTT591 OTT592 OTT593 OTT594

OTT595 OTT596 OTT597

OTT598 OTT599

OTT600 OTT601

Agaoglu, Siireyya. Bir omiir boyle ge&: Sessiz gemiyi beklerken. N.p.: Agaoglu Yayinlan, 1984. Memoirs of one of the first female lawyers. Alevok, Mebrure. G e p i j t e yolculuk [Voyage in the past]. Istanbul: Hiirriyet Yayinlan, 1971. Memoirs of a female novelist. Arzik, Nimet. Tek at, tek mzzrak: Anilar [One horse, one javelin: memoirs], 2 vols. Istanbul: Kaynak Yayinlan, 1983. ASiroglu, Orhan Gazi, ed. Aci zamanlar: Enver Paja ’nin eji Naciye Sultan ’in hatiralari [Painful times: the memoirs of Enver Pasha’s wife Naciye Sultan]. Istanbul: Burak Yayinevi, 1990. Ayagli, Munevver. Ijittiklerim, gordiiklerim, bildiklerim [What I heard, what I saw and what I know]. Istanbul: BogaziGi Yayinlan, 1990; 1973. . Dersaddet. Istanbul: Bedir Yayinevi, 1993. Dersaadet is the former name for Istanbul. . Genij ufuklara ve yabanci iklimlere dogru 30 yil: Hatirlayabildiklerim [30 years towards far horizons and strange climates: what I could remember], 3 vols. Istanbul: Dogankardeg Matbaasi, 1991. Ayverdi, Ssmiha. HGtiralarla bajbaja [Alone with my memories]. Istanbul: Kubbealti Negriyati, 1977. Baillie, Mrs. A Sail to Smyrna or, an Englishwoman’s Journal: Including Impressions of Constantinople, a Visit to a Turkish Harem, and a Railway Journey to Ephesus London: Longmans, Green, 1873. Belli, Maria (Gontard). Meine Reise nach Constantinopel im Jahre 1845. Frankfurt: J.D. Sauerlander, 1846. Bibesco, Martha. Les huit Paradis: Perse, Asie Mineure, Constantinople. Paris: Hachette, 1937; 1925; 1911; 1908. The author, Marthe Lucie Lahovary, Princesse Bibesco, is a French writer of Romanian extraction. See also under Romania.


Ottoman Turkey OTT602 OTT603

OTT604 OTT605 OTT604 OTT607 OTT608 OTT609

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OTT618 OTT6 19 OTT620


Blackwood, Lady Alicia. A Narrative of Personal Experiences and Impressions During a Residence on the Bosphorus throughout the Crimean War. London: Hatchard, 1881. Blunt, Fanny Janet Lady. The People of Turkey: Twenty Years Residence among Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Turks, and Armenians by a Consul’s Daughter and Wife. London: John Murray, 1841. Appeared also as The People of Turkey: Twenty Years’ Residence among Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Turks and Armenians, by a consul’s daughter and wife. [2 vols. edited by Stanley Lane Poole]. London: John Murray, 1878. . My Reminiscences. London: John Murray, 1918. Brassey, Annie. Sunshine and Storm in the East or Cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople. New York: Henry Holt, 1861. Bunsen, Victoria de. The Soul of a Turk. London: John Lane the Bodley Head, 1910. Clement, Clara Erskine. Constantinople: The City of the Sultans. Boston: Estes and Lauriat, [ 18951. Cook, Augusta. By way of the East: Or, Gathered Light from our Travels in Palestine, Egypt, Smyrna, Ephesus etc. London: Robert Banks & Son, 1914; 1908. Craven, Elizabeth Lady. A Journey through the Crimea to Constantinople: In a Series of Letters from the Right Honorable Elizabeth Lady Craven, to his Serene Highness the Margrave of Bradenburg, Anspach, and Bareith. London: Robinson, 1789. Translated into Turkish by Revad Ekrem Koqu, under the title 1786’da Turkiy. Istanbul: Qgir Kitabevi, 1939. Damer, The Honourable Georgina L. Diary of a Tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and the Holy Land. London: H. Colburn, 1841. De Noailles, Anna Elisabeth de Brancovan, comtesse. Le Livre de ma vie [The book of my life]. Paris: Hachette, 1932. The author lived in Istanbul for a while. See also under Romania. . De la rive d’Europe h la rive d’Asie [From the bank of Europe to the bank of Asia]. Paris: Dorbon-Ain6, n.d. des Boullets, Comtesse Clare Morell. From an Eastern Embassy: Memories of London, Berlin & the East with Illustrations. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1920. Dodd, Anna Bowman. In the Palaces of the Sultan. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1903. Dufferin, Lady Harriot Blackwood. My Russian and Turkish Journals. London: John Murray, 1916. Durand de Fontmagne, La Baronne. Un Skjour h 1’Arnbassade de France h Constantinople sous le Second Empire. Paris: Librairie Plon, 1902. About the author’s stay in the French embassy in Constantinople during the Second Empire. Available in Turkish as Kzrirn Harbi sonrasznda Istanbul, translated by Giilqiqek Soytiirk. Istanbul: Terciiman, 1977. Ekrem, Selma. Unveiled: The Autobiography of a Turkish Girl. London: Geoffrey Bles, 1931; New York: Ives Washburn, 1930. Story of the life of a granddaughter of one of Turkey’s famous authors and her resistance to the ways society limited the freedom of women. She refused to cover her head and dressed preferably in man’s clothes. She moved to the U.S. where she lived with a female friend. Available in Turkish as PeCeye isyan: Namik Kemal’in torununun anilari. Istanbul Anahtar Kitaplar, 1998. Elliott, Frances Minto. Diary of an Idle Woman in Constantinople. London: John Murray, 1893; Leipzig: Bernard Tauchnitz, 1893. Grosser-Rilke, Anna. Nieverwehte Klange: Lebenserinnercingen aus acht Jahrzehnten [Unflinching sounds: memoirs from eight decades] Leipzig and Berlin: Otto Beyer, 1937. Halid6 Edib. Memoirs of Halide‘ Edib, with a frontispiece in color by Alexandre Punkofand many illustrations from photographs New York: Am0 Press, 1972; New York, London: The Century, 1926. . The Turkish Ordeal: Being the Further Memoirs of Halide‘ Edib: With a frontispiece in color by Alexandre PankofS and many illustrations from photographs. Westport, CT: Hyperion Press, 1981; New York, London: The Century, 1928.


Ottoman Turkey OTT622 OTT623 OTT624 OTT625 OTT626




OTT630 OTT631 OTT632


OTT634 OTT635


Hope, Andrie. Turkish Harems and Circassian Homes. 2”ded. London: Hurst-Blackett, 1871. Hornby, Emilia Bithynia, Lady. Constantinople During the Crimean War. London: Bentley, 1863. Revised version of In and around Stamboul, 2 vols. London: Bentley, 1858. Ilgaz, Hasene. Okuduklarim, gordiiklerim, yazdiklarim [What I read, saw and wrote], Istanbul: [n.p.], 1991. Notebook-like memoirs of one of the first female parliamentarians. . 1915’den 1921 ’e kadar yatili bir kiz okulunun oykiisii. Istanbul: [n.p.], 1991. The story of a girls’-school boarder from 1915 until 1921. Knapp, Grace H. The Tragedy of Bitlis, by Grace H. Knapp: Being Mainly the Narratives of Grisell M. McLaren and Myrtle 0. Shane. New York, Chicago: Fleming H. Revell, 1919. About two missionary women who died during World War I while in flight. Korle, S2r2 Ertugrul. GeCmij zaman olur ki... Prenses Mevhibe Celalettin’in anilari [It was a long time ago.. ,.. The memoirs of Princess Mevhibe Celalettin]. Istanbul: Cagdas Yayinlari, 1987; 1953. Memoirs of a member of the imperial family who became an actor. La Ferti-Meun, Comtesse de. Lettres sur Ee Bosphore: Ou Re‘lation d’un voyage en difle‘rentesparties de 1’Orientpendant les ane‘es 1816 h 1819 [Letters on the Bosphorus: Or, Report on Travels in different parts of the Orient in the years 1816 to 18191. Paris: Locard et Davi, 1822; Chez Domkre, 1821. Loftus, Jane Marchioness of Ely. Mafeesh, or Nothing New: The Journal of a Tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt, the Sinai Desert, Petra, Palestine, Syria and Russia. 2 vols. London: Printed for Private Circulation, 1870. Lott, Emmeline. Harem Life in Egypt and Constantinople: The English Governess in Egypt & Turkey, 2 vols. London: Bentley, 1861. Mcilroy, A. Louise. From a Balcony on the Bosphorus, 2”ded. London: Country Life, 1924. Malik-Khanam. Six Years in Europe: Sequel to Thirty Years in the Harem, [the autobiographical notes of Melek-Hanum, wife of H. H. Kibrizli-Mehemet-Pasha], edited by L. A. Chamerovzow. London: Chapman and Hall, 1873. Could be misplaced in European libraries under Hanum, Melek. . Thirty Years in the Harem: or the Autobiography of Melek Hanum. Calcutta: Lewis and Co., 1888; London: Chapman and Hall, 1872. Available in Turkish as Haremden mahrem hatiralar. Istanbul: Oglak Yayincilik ve Reklamcilik Ltd. Sti., 1998; 1996; in German as DreiJig Jahre im Harem, translated from English by Marie Saphir. Jena: Costenoble, 1873; in Swedish as Trettio lir i harem eller lifiet i Turkiet. Norrkoping: Wallberg, 1876; in French as Trente ans dans les harems d’Orient, souvenirs intimes de Melek-Hanum, femme de S. A . le grand-vizir Kibrizli-Mehemet-Pacha, 1840-1 870. Paris: E. Dentu, 1875. Mills, Lady Dorothy. Beyond the Bosphorus. London: Duckworth, 1926. Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. Letters of the Right Honorable Lady M-y W--yM---e:. London: Osborne and Griffin, 1785. “Written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, etc., in different parts of Europe. The letters contain information on some curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks, and drawn from sources that have been inaccessible to other travelers.” From the title page. This edition has the four volumes complete in one. Reprints and editions: Letters from Constantinople by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. London: Methuen & CO.,ltd. [ 19211; Embassy to Constantinople: The Travels of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, introduced by Dervla Murphy; edited and compiled by Christopher Pick; New York: New Amsterdam, 1988. Turkish Embassy Letters: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Introduction by Anita Desai; edited and annotated by Malcolm Jack. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 1993. Also translated into Turkish [by Aysel Kurtoglu] as Tiirkiye mektuplari I71 7-1 718. Istanbul: Tercuman, n.d. Mordtmann, Hilde. Als ich die Tiirkenpflegte [When I nursed the Turks]. Weimar: Verlag Gustav kepenheuer, 1916. About a German nurse’s work during the World War I.


Ottoman Turkey OTT637

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Morley, Bertha B. Marsovan 1915: the Diaries of Bertha Morley. Edited and introduced by Hilmar Kaiser. Ann Arbor: Gomidas Institute, 1999. Eyewitness account of a missionary woman of the developments leading to the deportation of Armenians from Marsovan in 1915. Muller, Mrs. Georgina Max. Letters from Istanbul. London: Longmans, Green, 1897. Nadir, Kerime. Romancznzn diinyasz: Yazarlzk anzlarz [The world of the novelist: memoirs of writing]. Istanbul: Inkd2p ve Aka Kitabevleri, 1981. Nicol, Martha. Ismeer, or Smyrna and its British Hospital in 1855: By a Lady. London: James Madden, 1856. Neave, Lady Dorina. Romance of the Bosphorus. London: Hutchinson, [ 19491. . Eski Istanbul ’da hayat. Istanbul: Tercuman, 1978. . Twenty-six years on the Bosphorus. London: Grayson & Grayson, 1933. Orga, Irfan. Portrait of a Turkish Family, London: Eland, 1993; 1988; 1950. Osman Bey [Millingen, Frederick; Andrejevich, Major Vladimir] . Les Anglais en Orient, 1830-1 878: vrai version du livre “TrenteAns au Harem. ” Edited by Jean-Adolphe Decourdemanche. Paris: Leroux, 1877. Osmanoglu, Ay ye. Babam Abdiilhamid [My father Abdulhamid]. Istanbul: Guven Yayinevi, n.d. Also available in French as Avec mon p2re le Sultan Abdulhamid, de son palais h son prison. (Translated from Turkish by Jacques Jeulin) Paris: Ed. l’Harmattan, 1991. Memoirs of Ayge Osmanoglu, the daughter of Abdulhamid 11, who reigned from 1876-1909. Osmanoglu, Sadiye. Hayatzmzn acz ve tatlz giinleri [The bitter and sweet days of my life]. Istanbul: Bedir Yayinlari, 1966. Memoirs of Vadiye Osmanoii;lu, another daughter of Abdulhamid 11, who reigned from 1876-1909. Pfeiffer, Ida. Reise einer Wienerin in das heilige Land: iiber Konstantinopel, Brussa, Beirut, Jafsa, Jerusalem, den Jordan und das todte Meer, nach Nazareth, Damaskus, Balbeck und den Libanon, Alexandrien, Kairo, durch die Wiiste an das rothe Meer, und zuriick iiber Malta, Sicilien, Neapel, Rom U . s. w. unternommen im Marz bis December 1842. Giitersloh: Bertelsmann, 1983; Vienna: Dirnbock, 1844. Also published as Reise in das Heilige Land: Konstantinopel, Palastina, Agypten im Jahre 1842. Edited and with a foreword by Gabriele Habinger. Vienna: Promedia, 1995; and in English as Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy. London: Ingram Cooke, 1852. Translated from the German by H. W. Dulcken. Ponafidine, Emma Cochran. My Life in the Moslem East. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1932. Scott-Stevenson, (Mrs. Esmi). Our Ride through Asia Minor. London: Chapman and Hall Limited, 1881. Smith, Agnes (Mrs. Lewis). Eastern Pilgrims: The Travels of Three Ladies. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1870. Strangford, Emily Anna Smythe [nge Beaufort]. Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines Including Some Stay in the Lebanon, at Palmyra, and in Western Turkey. London: Longman, 1861. Tarzi, Dr. Pakize Izzet. Anzlar. Istanbul: n.p, 1993. Memoirs of the first female gynecologist. She opened the first private gynecological and birth clinic in Turkey in the 1940s. Tinayre, Marcelle, pseud. [Chasteau, Mme. Julien Marguerite Suzanne Marcelle]. Notes d ’Line voyageuse en Turquie: jours de bataille et de re‘volution: choses et gens de province: premiers jours d’un nouveau rkgne: la vie au harem [Notes of a traveler in Turkey: days of battle and revolution: things and people in the provinces: the first days of a new government: life in the Harem]. Paris: Calmann-Livy, 1909. Notes of a female journalist who was in Turkey during the religious counterrevolution of April 1909. Trivulzio, Christina Princesse de Belgiojoso. Asie Mineure et Syrie: souvenirs de voyages par Za princesse de Belgiojoso [Asia Minor and Syria: Memoirs of travels by the Princess of Belgiojoso]. Paris: Lkvy, 1858.


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Tugay, Emine Foat. Three Centuries: Family Chronicles of Turkey and Egypt. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1963. U p k , Cahit, Bir imparatorluk gukerken . . .: anilar [While an Empire was Falling Apart . .. .: Memoirs]. Istanbul: Yap1 Kredi Yayinlari, 1995. Autobiography of an author of children' books, including a part on her family before her birth. Deals with the late 19* and the first half of the 20* century. Unuvar, Safiye. Saray hatzralarzm [My Palace Memories]. Istanbul: Cagaloglu Yayinevi, 1964. Autobiography of a woman who was a teacher at the Palace during and after World War I. Ussher, Clarence D., and Grace H. Knapp. An American Physician in Turkey; A Narrative of Adventures in Peace and in War. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1917. About missionary doctors in East Anatolia during World War I. V2-NQ,Muzehher. Bir dunemin taniklzg'z [Being the witness of a period], 2nded. Istanbul: Cem Yayinevi, 1980-1989?. The life of the wife of the author Va-Nu, mostly dealing with the first half of the 20th century. von Kamphoevener, Elsa Sophie. Damals im Reiche der Osmanen; ein Marchen der Wirklichkeit acts der Tiirkei des Sultan Abdulhamid [Once upon a time in the Empire of the Ottomans: A true fairytale from the Turkey of Sultan Abdulhamid]. N.p.: Sigbert Mohn Verlag, n.d. Wanda. Souvenirs anecdotiques sur La Turquie: 1820-1 870 [Anecdotal memoirs of Turkey: 1820-1 8701. Paris: Librairie de Firmin-Didot, 1884. Young, Marianne [formerly: Postans]. Our Camp in Turkey, and the Way to It. London: Bentley, 1855; 1854. Zeyneb Hanoum. A Turkish Woman's European Impressions. London: Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd. 1913. Author is thought to be one of the heroines of Pierre Loti's novel Les Dksenchantkes, who had to leave the Ottoman Empire after the book had been published and the identities of the women had been revealed.


ROMANIA See also the Hungary and Habsburg Monarchy chapters, and the Moldova chapter in volume 2 of this bibliography.

Bibliography and Reference ROM1







American Institute for Writing Research Corp., ed.; Andronescu, $erban C., compiler. Who’s Who in Romanian America. New York: Andronescu-Wyndhill, 1976. Biographies of Romanian Americans. Baba, Ioan. Lexiconul artigtilorplastici romdni contemporani din Iugoslavia. Novi Sad, Yugoslavia: Lumina, 1999. A dictionary of contemporary Romanian artists in Yugoslavia. Biiilegteanu, F2nug. Dicfionar: personalit6fi culturale romdnegti din str6inbtate. Bucharest: Romania Press, 1999. Dictionary of Romanian personalities living abroad. Berca, Olimpia. Diciionar a1 scriitorilor b6nirfeni. Timigoara: Amarcord, 1996. Biographical dictionary of writers living in the Banat region. Berlogea, Ileana. Teatrul romdnesc in secolul X X . Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romtine, 2000. Survey of Romanian theatre that includes many actors’ biographies. Bibliografia romGneasc6 modern6 (1831-1918). 4 vols.. Bucharest: Ed. Academiei Romtine, 1984-1996. A bibliography of modern Romanian books prepared by the bibliographic service of the Academy Library in Bucharest. Bibliographia Historica Romaniae =Bibliografia istoric6 a Romdniei. 9 vols. Bucharest: Ed. Academiei R.S.R., 1970-2000. A selective bibliography of Romanian history, edited by a group of scholars from the History and Archaeology Institute of Cluj. [v. 1=1944-1969; v. 23=19th century; v. 4=1969-1974; v. 5=1974-1979; v. 6=1979-1984; v. 7=1984-1989; v. 8~1989-1994;V. 9=1994-19991. Ciiliman, Cilin. Istoriafilmului romdnesc 1897-2000. Bucharest: Ed. Fundaliei Culturale Romtine, 2000. Survey of Romanian film that includes female scriptwriters, directors and actors. Ciilinescu, George. Istoria literaturii romdne: Compendiu. Bucharest: Ed. Muzeul literaturii romtine, 1999; Garamond, 1994; Chiginiiu: Universitas, 1993; Bucharest: Minerva, 1983; E.P.A., 1968; Ed. National2 Mecu, 1946, 1945. . Istoria literaturii romdne de la origini pin6 in prezent. Bucharest: Dimineata, 1997; Craiova: Vlad & Vlad, 1993; Bucharest: Eminescu, 1993; Bucharest: Minerva, 1986; 1982; Madrid: Fundatia European3 Driigan, 1980; Bucharest: Fundatia Regalii pentru Literatur3, 1941. Work of reference for Romanian literary history. Translated into English by Leon Levitchi, under the title History of Romanian literature. Paris, Milan: UNESCO, Nagard hblishers, 1988. Carlton, Charles, Thomas Amherst Perry, and Stefan Stoenescu. Romanian Poetry in English Translation: An Annotated Bibliography and Census 1740-1996. Iasi: Center for Romanian Studies, 1997. Valuable bibliographic guide to Romanian poetry in English translation. Includes index. Cernovodeanu, Paul. Revista istoric6 romdn6, 1931-1 947: Bibliografie critic& Bucharest: Ed. gtiintific2, gi enciclopedicii, 1977. An annotated bibliography of all the articles and documents that appeared in this journal. Some, though very few of these, refer specifically to




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women. Cosma, Viorel. Interpreti din Romiinia: Lexicon: Dirijori-Ciinta’re,ti-Instrumenti~ti-Regizori. Vol. 1 (A-F). Bucharest: Galaxia, 1996. A dictionary of performing artists and directors. Volume 1 covers A-F. . Muzicieni romiini: compozitori si muzicologi: Lexicon. Bucharest: Ed. muzicalii, 1970. Dictionary of Romanian musicians, composers and musicologists. A first edition had been published in 1965. Includes bibliographies. Datcu, Iordan. Dictionarul etnologilor romiini. 2 vols. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0. Dictionary of Romanian ethnologists. Deletant, Andrea, and Dennis Deletant, compilers. Romania. World Bibliographical Series vol. 39. Oxford: Clio Press, 1985. , Siani-Davies, Peter, and Mary Siani-Davies, compilers. Romania. World Bibliographical Series vol. 59, rev. ed. Oxford; Santa Barbara, CA: Clio, 1998. This is a mostly English-language selective, annotated bibliography divided into topical chapters. The revised edition is also available online for those subscribing to NetLibrary: http:www.netlibrary.com Dobrescu, Emilian. RornBnografia: Bilant si perspective. Bucharest: Compania, 2000. “Xray” of contemporary Romanian society, or a kind of user-friendly guide to the country. Includes data and statistics on gender-relevant areas such as demography and labor, and has a small section on women (pp. 165-7.) Dragomir, Otilia and Mihaela Miroiu, eds. Lexiconfeminist. Iagi: Polirom, 2002. A reference work of more that 150 signed articles on topics ranging from abortion, anorexia and emotional abuse to prostitution, sexism and goddesses (zeita).Although many articles are general in nature, a significant number address specifically Romanian topics such as Romanian national institutions on the problems of women and the History of feminist politics in Romania, 1815-2000. Short bibliographies accompany most entries. Duniireanu, Elena. Personalit6tifeminine: [date bibliografice referitoare la opera si activitatea lor.] Sibiu: n.p., 1975.Bibliographic information about female personalities. Enciclopedia RomBniei. Bucharest: Imprimeria Nalionalii, 1936- 1943. Vol. 1 Statul [The state]. Chapters 3,4,6, 7, 8, and 9 contain information about the condition and history of women in Romania, i.e. their attempts to gain access to the bar, suffrage, welfare institutions, the Red Cross, and civil and labor legislation. Vol. 3 = Economia national&:cadre si productie [The national economy: cadre and production]. Chapters 2, 3, and 5 contain information about women in the economy, women’s property rights, and peasant women. Vol. 4 = Economia nafional6: circulafie si consum [The national economy: distribution and consumption]. Chapters 3 and 10 contain information about women’s commercial and agricultural roles. The Encyclopedia’s index contains the entry “Femee” (woman). Fischer-Gala& Stephen A. Rumania: A Bibliographic Guide. Washington: Slavic and Central European Division, Reference Department, Library of Congress, 1963. A guide to works on Romania that the L.C. had in 1963. The author wrote that on women “there are no specialized works . . . worthy of notice in a professional survey.” (p. 21). This becomes an interesting “baseline.” Fochi, Adrian, ed. Bibliografia general6 a etnografiei si folclorului romhnesc. Foreword by Mihai Pop, preface by Adrian Fochi. 2 vols. Bucharest: E.P.A., 1968-2002. A general bibliography of Romanian ethnography and folklore. Grindea, Dan; Ion Manea. Rorniini fn qtiinta $i cultura occidentalz. Davis, CA: AmericanRomanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1996; 1992. Encyclopedia of Romanians active in the arts and sciences in the West. Includes bibliographical references and index. Hangiu, Ion. Dicfionar a1 presei literare rornBnejti (1790-1990). 2nd ed. Bucharest: Ed. Fundaliei Culturale Romane, 1996. Work of reference for the literary press, revised and enlarged.


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Himka, John-Paul. Galicia and Bukovina: A Research Handbook about Western Ukraine, Late 19th and 20th Centuries. Historic Sites Service, Occasional Paper, 20. [Edmonton]: Alberta Culture a Multiculturalism, Historic Resources Division, 1990. Ionescu, verban N. Who Was Who in Twentieth Century Romania. Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 1994. There are relatively few women listed here, mostly literary figures. Jianou, Ionel, et al., eds. Romanian Artists in the West: Anthology. Los Angeles, CA: American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1986. Bio-bibliographical dictionary by Ionel Jianou, Gabriela Carp, Ana Maria Covrig, and Lionel Scanteye. With a foreword by Maria Manoliu-Manea. Includes a number of women, such as Georgeta Crainic, Natalia Dumitresco, Renata Duncan-Guertin, Sanda Nifescu, Olga Porumbaru, and Cecilia StorckBotez. Joja, Athanase, et al. DicJionarenciclopedic romhn. 4 vols. Bucharest: Ed. Politicii, 19621966. Kuller, Hary . Presa evreiascii bucureSteanii: 1857-1 994. Bucharest: Hasefer, 1996. About the Bucharest Jewish press, 1857-1994. Includes index. Lefter, Ion Bogdan. Romanian Writers of the ‘80s and ‘90s:A Concise Dictionary. Pitegti: Paralela 45, 1999. . Scriitori romsni din anii ‘80-’90: DicJionarbio-bibliografic (A-F),(G-O)(P-2).3 vols. Pitegti: Paralela 45, ~2000-2001. Biographical dictionary that includes many women authors. Loghin, Leonida, Aurel Lupiigteanu, and Constantin Ucrain. Biirbafi ai datoriei: 23 August 1944-12 Mai 1945: mic diciionar. Bucharest: Ed. Militarii, 1985. A biographical dictionary of the “men of duty” who participated in the Romanian-Soviet alliance in 1944-45. Includes bibliographical references. Lovinescu, Eugen. Istoria literaturii romiine contemporane: 1900-1 937. Bucharest: Minerva, 1989; 1975; Ed. Libriiriei Socec: 1937. This history of “contemporary” Romanian literature was first published in 1937 by an important modernist critic. It includes women authors writing between 1900 and 1937, such as Izabela Sadoveanu, Maria Cuntan, Otilia Cazimir, Claudia Millian, Alice Cslugiiru, Alexandrina Scurtu, Alice Soare, Sanda Movilii, Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu, Henriette Yvonne Stahl, and Lucia Demetrius. Mincu, Mioara, and Elena Mironescu. DicJionarMondofemina:Femei rornsne. 2 vols. Bucharest: Confederafia national5 a femeilor din Romilnia, Alcor Edimpex, 1995. Biographical dictionary of Romanian women. This is a more complete, expanded edition in Romanian, French, English, and German of the same work published in 1994 in a single volume. Ministerul Muncii. Nomenclatorul meseriilor, specialitcitilor SifincJiilor f n care pot fi incadratefemei. Bucharest: Editorii Institutului International de tehnologie gi economie apicolii a1 apimondiei, 1975. Official list of occupations and jobs in which women may be hired. Mirodan, Alexandru. DicJionarneconven,tional a1 scriitorilor evrei din Romhnia, vol. 1 (A, B, C), 2 (D, E, F). Tel Aviv: Minimum, 1986. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Popa, Marcel D., et al. DicJionarenciclopedic. Bucharest: Ed. Enciclopedicii, 1993- v. 1-. To date, published through v. 6,2006 (R-S). Popa, Marian. DicJionarde literaturii romhnfi contemporanii. Bucharest: Albatros, 1977; 1971. Biographical dictionary of contemporary Romanian writers. . Istoria literaturii romhne de azi p e miiine: 23 august 1944-22 decembrie 1989. 2 vols. Bucharest: Fundafia Luceaf5ru1, 2001. Massive history of post-World War I1 Romanian literature. Popa, Opritsa D., and Marguerite E. Horn, CeauSescu’s Romania: An Annotated Bibliography. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994. Excellent reference for the Ceaugescu period.

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Of particular interest are the sections on anthropology, sociology, and demography (pronatalism). Includes author and subject indexes. Popescu, Livia. “Romania.” In The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women ’s Issues Worldwide: Europe, edited by Lynn Walter, 52944. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003. Includes: Country Profile, Overview of Women’s Issues, Education, Employment and the Economy, Family and Sexuality, Health, Politics and Law, Religion and Spirituality, Violence, Outlook for the Twenty-first Century, Resources Guide (Suggested Reading, Videos/Films, Web Sites, Organizations) and Selected Bibliography. Predescu, Lucian. Enciclopedia Cugetarea: material romiinesc oameni gi infiiptuiri. 2nd ed. Bucharest: Saeculum, I. 0. and Ed. Vestala, 1999. Invaluable pre-World War I1 encyclopedia (Cugetarea-Georgescu Delafras, [ 19401) recently reissued. It covers history, culture, politics, institutions, and, above all, personalities. Although it is very thin on women, it has some information on some prominent ones and on institutions that affected them. Academia Romiin5. Publica,tiunileperiodice romiineJti (ziare, gazette, reviste): descriere bibliografici?.Vol. 1 1820-1906. Bucharest: Socec, 1913. This first volume compiled by Nerva Hodov and Al. Sadi Ionescu, comprises 4302 titles. It is followed by vol. 2 (19071918, with an addendum for 1790-1906), comprising 3400 titles, and published in 1969; vol. 3 (1919-1924) published in 1987, comprising 3398 titles. Publicaide periodice romiinegti (ziare, gazete, reviste): catalog alfabetic. Bucharest: Ed. Academiei Romiine, 2003. A vast listing (1,195 pages) of Romanian periodical publications. It is the fourth volume of the set in the previous entry. R5duic5, Georgeta, and Nicolin Rgduic5. Dic,tionarul presei romiinegti. Vol. 1 1731-1 918. Bucharest: Ed. gtiintific5, 1995. A dictionary of the Romanian press from 1731 to 1918. Sasu, Aurel. Diciionarul Scriitorilor Romiini din Statele Unite J i Canada. Bucharest: Albatros, 2001. A dictionary of Romanian-born writers living in the U.S. and Canada. Stoean, Gheorghe, ed. Romiinia in Primul riizboi mondial: contribuiii bibliografice. Bucharest: Ed. Militar5, 1975. Topical bibliography on Romania in World War I with 2681 items. Includes a thematic index. Straje, Mihail. Diciionar de pseudonime, alonime [sic], anagrame, asteronime, criptonime ale scriitorilor gi publicigtilor romiini. Bucharest: Minerva, 1973. Dictionary of pseudonyms of Romanian writers and journalists. Torrey, Glenn E. “Romania in the First World War 1914-19 19: An Annotated Bibliography.” The Emporia State Research Studies 29, no. 4 (Spring, 1981). Reference work that covers more than the military history of the war. Indexed. Ulici, Laurentiu. Scriitori romiini din afara graniielor @ii: un dic,tionar. Bucharest: Uniunea Scriitorilor, 1996. Biographical dictionary of Romanian writers living abroad. Villgu, Getta. Revista de pedagogie 1931-1943: Indice bibliografic adnotat. Bucharest: Biblioteca Central5 Pedagogic5 I.C. Petrescu, 1997. Annotated bibliography of the journal Revista de pedagogie for 1931-1943. It contains many items of relevance to the researcher of gender and of women, and a name index. Zaciu, Mircea, Marian Papahagi and Aurel Sasu. Diciionarul esen,tial a1 scriitorilor romsni. Bucharest: Albatros, 2000. Biographical dictionary of the most important Romanian writers. Includes bibliographical references. . Dictionarul scriitorilor romiini. 4 vols. Bucharest: Ed. Fundaliei Culturale Romiine, 1995-2002. Biographical dictionary of Romanian writers. Includes bibliographical references.

Web Sites ROM55

http://www.anasaf.ro. This web site of the Romanian Society for Feminist Analyses contains many useful links.


Romania ROM56

http://www.banat.ro/biblioteca/O1englez.htm The Banat Library. Comprehensive database of writers and artists living in the Banat region of Romania. http://www.cddc.vt.edu/feminism/rom.html. Feminism in Romania. Includes a short bibliography. http://biblioteca.euroweb.ro/dictionar.On-line dictionary of contemporary Romanian writers. http://gymnastica.com/gym/seether.About Romanian gymnasts. http ://www.kappa .ro/diaspodart isti/ia.html#a 12. The Fruits of Freedom-Romanian Artist s in the West. http://liternet .ro/. Originally ( 1999) a web site named RomanianLiterature.com whose goal was to promote Romanian literature on the internet, it broadened its profile into a dynamic cultural portal and was renamed LiterNet in 2001. It includes the virtual publishing house LiterNet, movie, theatre, and book reviews, cultural news, etc. http://www.netside.net/uniunea_romaneasca/scrdiasp.html.About Romanian writers, sculptors, and painters living abroad. http://www.alpas.net/uli/jewish.romania/who’swho_engl.htm. The Who’s Who of the Jews born in Romania. http://www.revistarespiro.com/Issue4/STORY~SET.htm. Links to various Romanian cultural sites.



Periodicals ROM65




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Actiuneafeminist& Piatra Neamt. 1919- 1921.Bimonthly. Organ of Asociafia pentru Emanciparea Civil5 gi Politic5 a Femeilor Rom5ne, (the Assoc. for the Civil and Political Emancipation of Romanian Women). Edited by Valentina Focga. Almanahul femeii. Bucharest. 1947-1948, 1959. Edited by Federatia Democrat5 a Femeilor din Romiinia (the Democratic Federation of the Women of Romania). Almanahul Mariana. Bucharest: 1943-1946, 1948. Amicul Familiei: Jurnal pentru to$. Bucharest. 1863-65, 1868. Edited by Constanfa DuncaSchiau. Published original writing, translations, political articles and reviews. Militated for women’s educational emancipation. AnAlize: Revist6 de studii feministe [Analyses: Journal of Feminist Studies]. Bucharest. 1998-. Published 3 times a year by Societatea de Analize Feministe (the Romanian Society for Feminist Analyses), an interdisciplinary group founded in 1990 and registered as an NGO in 1993. Edited by Laura Griinberg. The most important scholarly feminist publication in Romania. AnALize “publishes both theoretical and empirical studies as well as essays about the gender dimension of life and of social reality. It proposes various interdisciplinary approaches aimed to a sensitive and informed but not super-specialized public.” See their web site: http://www.anasaf.ro, Some articles have English abstracts. Each issue has a theme such as: Women and their Bodies, Motherhood, Gender and Transition, Feminism and Theology, and each includes a bibliographic section of well-annotated books and articles published in Romania and abroad. AnA-Info. Bucharest. 1995-. Newsletter launched in 1995 within the On-Line Project financed by the NEWW (SUA). It is published 4 times a year and includes news and information collected from the Internet, and information on women’s NGOs from Romania and abroad. Anuarul reuniuniifemeilor romiine din Sibiu. Sibiu, 1914-19 16. Yearbook of Reuniunea Femeilor Romane (the Union of Romanian Women) from Sibiu town for 1914-16. Anuarul R.F.R. din Beiuj jijude! (1920-1922; 1928-1931). Beiug: Ed. Reuniunii, Tip. gi libr5ria Doina, 1923. Reuniunea Femeilor Romane (the Union of Romanian Women) yearbook from Beiug town and county for various years. Edited by the Steering committee of Uniunea femeilor romiine (U.F. R.): Maria Baiulescu, pregedint5 generalg; Elena Pop Hossu-














Longin, vicepregedintg, Catinca Biirseanu vicepregedintg Ardeal; Alexandrina Vidrighiu, vicepregedintg, Banat; Elena C. Meissner, Olga Sturdza, vicepregedinte Moldova; Atena de Volcinschi vecepregedintg Bucovina; Micaela Catargi, Eugenia de Reuss Ianculescu, Izabela Sadoveanu vicepregedinte Muntenia, Maria M. Pop, vicepregedintg Oltenia. Pregedinte locale: Elena S5b5deanu, Maria Popescu Bogdan, Tina Socaciu, Elena Pricu, Maria Dr. Pebu; secretare: Maria Dr. Moga; Director I. Pricu, Casier: Gheorghe Baboie. Anuarul Uniuniifemeilor romcine din Romcinia Mare. (19 13-1930, 1933). Bragov, 1930; 1934. Yearbook of the Union of Romanian Women of Greater Romania for 1913-1930, 1930. Under the high patronage of Queen Maria. Aurora. Riimnicu Sgrat. 1875-1 876. Monthly edited by Eufrosina Homoriceanu. Buletin intern a1 Uniunii Femeilor Antifasciste din Romcinia [Internal Bulletin of the Union of Antifascist Women of Romania]. Bucharest. 1947-1948. Edited by the Central Committee of the U.F.A.R. Buletinul trimestrial a1 Asocia,tiei pentru emanciparea civil6 si politic6 a femeii romhne. Iasi. 1919-1920. Trimesterly Bulletin of the Assoc. for the Civil and Political Emancipation of Romanian women. Buletinul A.E. C.P.F.R. 1919-1920. Iasi. Published three times a year. Asociatia pentru Emanciparea Civil5 gi Politicg a Femeilor Romilne. [Association for the Civil and Political Emancipation of Romanian Women] Buletinul A.E. C.P. F.R. din Oltenia (1919-1922). [Craiova]: Cercul Craiova, 1922. Bulletin of the Assoc. for the Civil and Political Emancipation of Romanian women from Oltenia. Buletinul Cerculuifeminist din judeiul Piatra-Neam!, Piatra-Neamt: 1919- 1920. Bulletin of the Feminist Circle from Piatra-Neamt. Buletinul Ligii femeilor. Iasi. 1895-1 896. Monthly bulletin of the League of Women. Feminist publication. It reappeared in 1895-98 as Supliment la Buletinul Ligii femeilor. Among its collaborators were Cornelia Emilian Sevastos, P. Mtyoiu, Maria Dobrea, and Elise Popescu. Bulletin du Conseil National des femmes roumaines. Bucharest. 1921-1 938. Organ of Consiliul national a1 femeilor romiine (C.N.F.R.), the National Council of Romanian Women established in 1921 to coordinate among all women’s organizations in Greater Romania. Calendarul femeii [The Women’s calendar]. Cluj. 1927, 1929-1931.Yearly. Published by Reuniunea Femeilor Cregtine Romiine din Cluj (the Union of Romanian Christian Women from Cluj). Curier de ambe sexe. Bucharest, 1836-1 847, 1862-1 864. Literary review edited by Ion Heliade Rgdulescu. It encouraged the education of both sexes according to the needs of the modern era. Cuvcintulfemeilor. Bucharest. 1933-1935. Weekly representing the feminine perspective. Edited by Ortansa Szatmary. Dochia. Iasi. 1896-1898. Monthly edited by Adela Xenopol. Advocated women’ emancipation through education. Contained literary translations, reviews, and portraits of such writers as Mihai Eminescu, Veronica Micle, and Vasile Alecsandri. Among its collaborators were Iulia Hagdeu, Elena Vgcgrescu, and Elena Sevastos. Dreptate femeii. 1919-1921. Drepturile femeii. Bucharest. 1912-19 16, 1924. Monthly edited by Eugenia ReussIanculescu, the president of the organization of the same name, Drepturile femeii (Women’s Rights), later Societatea pentru drepturile gi datoriile femeii (The Society for women’s rights and duties). Drumul femeii. Bucharest. 1935-1936. Weekly, then bimonthly organ of Asociafia pentru protectia mamei si copilului, the Association for the Protection of Mother and Child, and of Frontul feminin, the Feminine Front, the latter founded in 1936. Director Vergi Pallada. The Front organized against the looming war and collected aid for the victims of fascism.


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Drumul femeii. Bucharest. 1945-1946. Cultural magazine aiming to inform women. Director Theodosia Graur. Ea gi el. 1991-1998. Feminist magazine edited by Ecaterina Oproiu. Familia. Pesta; Oradea. 1865-1906. Edited by Iosif Vulcan who in 1906 said that Familia was, in its first years, “the only reading matter [available to] the Romanian women of Hungary.” -Presa Literarci;Romiineasci?:Articole Program de Ziare gi Reviste (17891948): Studii gi documente, edited by Ion Hangiu and Dumitru Micu vol. 1. Bucharest: E.P.A., 1968, p. 216. Published articles on women’s education and emancipation. Collaborators: Maria Bosco-Suciu, Constanta Dunca-$chiau, Maria Baiulescu, and Matilda Cugler-Poni. Femeea. Bucharest: 1913, 1928. Feminist monthly. Femeea evree. Organul Asociatiei Culturale a Femeilor Evree (A.C.F.E.) = ha- Ishah ha’Ivriyah.No. 1 (3 November 1928)- No. 40 (2 October 1930). Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Femeea: jurnal nepolitic. Appears in Roman (1868-1869) and Bacgu (1871-1873). Edited by I. Gheorghiu-Budu. Femeea muncitoare. Bucharest. 1929-1930. Monthly of Cercul feminin, the Feminine Circle of Sindicatele unitare. Femeea muncitoare. Bucharest. 1931-1933. In Romanian, German and Hungarian. Monthly of Uniunea Femeilor Muncitoare din Romiinia, the Union of Working Women of Romania founded in 1930. The Union participated in international congresses of socialist women. Femeea romiina’:ziarul social, literar gi casnic. Bucharest, 1878-188 1. Biweekly directed by Maria Flechtenmacher (1838-1 888). The publication had subscribers in all Romanian provinces, and it ran poems, translations of French literature, literary articles, and reviews. Among its collaborators were Sofia Niidejde, Eufrosina Homoriceanu, and Aurelia Arsenescu. The publication agitated for women’s emancipation. Femeia. Bucharest. 1946. Weekly. Among its collaborators were Dina Cocea, Lucia Demetrius, Florica Gulian, and Gabriela Bervrachi. Femeia. Bucharest. 1948-1949, 1953. Weekly of Uniunea Femeilor Democrate din Romiinia, the Union of Democratic Women of Romania. Femeia. Bucharest. 1957. Organ of Consiliul National a1 femeilor din Romiinia, the National Council of the Women of Romania. Femeia “BasAmi.” Political publication of female kmigrks to Israel. Bhlad, 1900. Microfilm. Rumanian Academy Reprographic Service, 1993. 1 microfilm reel; 35 mm. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Femeia de miiine. Bucharest. 1930-193 1. Monthly. Director Sanda I. Mateiu. Femeia satelor. Deva. 1935-1939. Director Maria Piirvulescu. Femeia g i cci;minul [Woman and Hearth]. Bucharest. 1944-1945. Cultural weekly. Among the magazine’s contributors were the sociologist Dimitrie Gusti and the novelists Ionel Teodoreanu and Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu. Femeia Tifamilia. Sibiu. Literary bimonthly. 1903. Gazetafemeii. Bucharest. 1932-1939. Weekly proposing to defend women’s interests. Its main collaborators were renowned feminists such as Alexandrina Cantacuzino, Elena Vgciirescu, Calypso C. Botez, and Marta Bibescu. Gazetafemeilor. Bucharest. 1933-1938. Weekly proposing to defend women’s “rigthtful demands.” Gazetafemininci;.Bucharest. 1908. “Organ of the feminist movement in literature, art, science, social and economic life, fashion, and sport.” Single issue edited by a committee. Gazetafemeninci;.Bucharest. 1911. “Ziar Feminist Ortodox-Nationalist. Numgr festival apiirut ”in onoarea Societgtii Ortodoxe-Nafionale a Femeilor romiine,” (S .O.N.F.R.), the Orthodox National Society of Romanian Women. Edited by Th. Scarlat-Brgila. Single issue.


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Graiulfemeii. Ploiegti. 1935-1939. Edited by Zoe Pardos. Organ of Casa Femeii (the Women’s House) and of Gruparea National5 a Femeilor Romiine (the National Grouping of Romanian Women). Jurnalul femeii. Bucharest. 1922-1923. Weekly dedicated to women’s culture. Edited by Maria Bontag. Lumina femeii. Cluj . 1922-1 923. Mama romhnG: stafeta feminist& Tg. Frumos. 1919-1 920. Mama gi copilul [Mother and child]. Bucharest. July 1865-April 1866. Weekly edited by Maria Rosetti, its goal to help women take part in the changes that transpired after the unification of Moldova and Wallachia in 1859. Preoccupied with educational problems of women. Contained historical evocations and moralizing stories. Misiunea. Bucharest. 1933. Organ of the society Dreptul mamei (Mother’s Rights). Edited by Maria Beiu-Paladi. Revista femeilor romhne. Ciimpeni-Turda. 1938. Monthly. Edited by Maria Miron, a teacher. Publishes profiles of feminists and information about the women’s movement at home and abroad. Revista noastrii [Our review.] Bucharest, 1905-1907, 1914-1 9 16. Bi-monthly, irregular. Periodical for women, written only by women. Edited by Constanta Hodog. Both an organ of Unirea cultural5 a femeilor romiine, the Cultural Union of Romanian Women, and a literary magazine. Among its collaborators: Sofia Ngdejde, Elena VkBrescu, Elena Fargo, and Maria Cuntan . Revista scriitoarei. Bucharest. 1926-1938, 1942-1943. Monthly periodical for women writers. Edited by Adela Xenopol, and later Aida Vrioni. Published portraits of Romanian feminists and excerpts from their writings. In 1929 the periodical changed its name to Revista scriitoarelor si scriitorilor rom6ni. Rhndunica. Iasi. January-December 1893. Literary and scientific monthly edited by Adela Xenopol. Romhnca. Bucharest. 1905-1906. Literary and socio-political monthly edited by Adela Xenopol. Among its collaborators were Virginia Micle-Gruber, Elena TBnBsescu, and Neli Cornea. SaYteanca [The woman villager]. 1958-1967. Monthly. “Revist8 social-politic8 g i cultural5 editat5 de Consiliul National a1 Femeilor din Republica Popular5 Romiinia.” The title suggests that this magazine edited by the Women’s National Council of the People’s Republic of Romania addressed a rural audience. Sub ochii femeii. Bucharest. 1930-193 1. Weekly. Director Lucrezzia Kar. Sulamith: revistaY lunar; pentru femeia evreic;. “Supliment la revista ‘Hatikvah’.” Galati. 1916-1 9. Microfilm. Rumanian Academy Reprographic Service, 1993. 1 microfilm reel; 35 mm. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Timpulfemeii in iara b5rba;ilor [The time of women in the country of men]. Feminst magazine edited by Ecaterina Oproiu. Bucharest., 1992-1998. Tribunafemeii. Bucharest. 1930, Weekly edited by Maria Prigor. Among its collaborators were Ella Negruzzi, Micaela Catargi, Sabina Moscu, and Margareta Nicolau. Unireafemeilor romhne. Iasi. 1909-1916. Monthly. Feminist publication and the Organ of Unirea educatoarelor rom2ne (the Union of Romanian Female kindergarten teachers), edited by Tereza Stratilescu. The periodical published “important sociological studies about the condition of women in Romanian society.” -$tefania Mih5ilescu. Viitorul romhncelor [The future of Romanian Women]. Iasi. January-October 1912. Bucharest. 1912-1 9 16. Monthly. Edited by Adela Xenopol. Militated for the emancipation of women and peasants. Women in the Romanian People’s Republic. Bucharest. 1955. Edited by the Democratic Women’s Committee of R.P.R.



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“Abortion: Who Believes in a Woman’s Right to Choose?” The Guardian, 11 Aug. 1992. Survey article with information about Romania. “Abortion and International Adoption in post-Ceausescu Romania. Feminist Studies 18, no. 2 (1992): 405-1 9. Acin, Elena. Clara Maniu. Cluj: Tip. Cartea Romiineascii, 1938. A prize-winning monograph (bronze plaque) at the international conference “La mkre au foyer, ouvrikre du progrks humain” in Paris, 1937. Clara Maniu was a feminist writer and the mother of Iuliu Maniu, the Transylvanian leader of the Romanian National Peasant Party and Prime Minister of Romania in the late 192Os-early 1930s. Alimiinegteanu, Pia. Centre rurale pentru educarea gospodinelor. Bucharest: 1937. About rural centers for educating housewives. Andreescu, Viviana. “Factors Influencing Potential Temporary Migration from Romania.” M.A. thesis, in Sociology, Univ. of Louisville, 1995. “Examines the selection processes,,, influencing aspirations to become a temporary worker outside of the country. The source of the data is a survey carried out in 1994 by the Center for Urban and Regional Sociology in Bucharest, on a national probability sample of Romanians. It has been found that age, gender, occupation, land ownership, occupational satisfaction, satisfaction with location, urban residence, residence in the capital city (Bucharest), and residence in Transylvania have significant effects on aspirations to temporarily migrate abroad during the current period of transition in Romania.” Angelescu, Alexandru C. L ’abolition de 1 ’incapacite‘de lafemme marie‘e roumaine. N.p. : Agen: Impr. moderne (Association coopkrative ouvrikre), 1933. About the abolition of Romanian married women’s disabilities. Antim, Stefan. Chestia femenin6. Craiova: Ramuri, 1919. About the woman question. Arbore-Ralli, Ecaterina. Femeia in lupta pentru emancipare. Bucharest: 1911. About women’s struggle for emancipation. . Femeia muncitoare. 1912. About women workers. . Mama gi copilul sau igiena practica’pentru uzul mamelor. 1900. Brochure about practical hygiene for mothers written by a female doctor who was also a feminist and leading social democrat in Bucharest. Artimescu, Zacharia. Misiunea femeii pe p6mintul gi femeile celebre din antichitate. Ploiegti, 1888. About “woman’s mission on earth and famous women from antiquity.” Asociatia Cultural5 a Femeilor Evreice. Conferinl6 a Centralei J i Secliunilor. Bucharest: Tip. Isac Binder, 1926. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Asocialia pentru emanciparea civil6 gi politic6 a femeilor rornzne. Iasi: Tip. Dacia, 1918. About the Association for the Civil and Political Emancipation of Romanian Women, founded in Iasi in July 1918. The Association was disbanded in 1938 by Carol 11’s royal dictatorship. Members of the association such as, Cornelia Emilian, Elena Meissner, Ella Negruzzi, Calipso Botez, Sofia Nadejde, Tereza Stratilescu, Maria Butureanu, were important in the history of Romanian feminism. Aspecte din via,ta gi lupta femeilor din diferite f6ripentru pace, drepturi gi ocrotirea copiilor. Bucharest: Consiliul National a1 femeilor, 1959. About “women’s lives and struggles for peace, rights, and children’s welfare.” Aubin, Benoit. Nadia. Collection Sport. Montrkal: Editions de l’Homme, 1976. A biography of the Romanian gymnast Nadia Comiineci. Comiineci (b. 1962) was the first gymnast to win three gold medals at the 1976 Montreal Olympics. Avram, Alida. Mireasm6 de femeie. Seria Adeviiruri revelate la poaile culturii, 1999. Avram, Marieta, and Flavius Baias. Legislalia familiei. 3rded., revised. Bucharest: All Beck, 2001. About family legislation.



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B&b515u,Nicolae. Femei in constelalia muncii. Craiova: Scrisul Rominesc, 1980. On women and employment. Biiban, Adriana. “Constructia social5 a feminit5tii gi masculint5tii: Exemple de practici institutionale gi individuale “inRomiinia.” In Prezente feminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by Ghizela Cosma, Eniko Magyari Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 43-76. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. . “Women’s Sexuality and Reproductive Behavior in Post-Ceaugescu Romania: A Psychological Approach.” In Reproducing Gender: Politics, Publics, and Everyday L f e Afer Socialism, edited by Susan Gal, 225-55. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000. , and Henry P. David. “Romanian Women’s Perceptions of Sexuality.” Women ’s GlobalNetworkfor Reproductive Rights no. 48 (Oct-Dec 1994): 24. Illustrations. . Voci ale femeilor din Romiinia: aspecte ale sexualitiitii, comportamentului de reproducere gi ale relatiilor de cuplu in epoca Ceaugescu. Cluj-Napoca: UNICEF-Romania, 1996; Washington; Bucharest: Transnational Family Research Institute and Center for Development and Population Activities, 1994. About sexuality and reproductive behavior during the Ceaugescu era. Also published in English as Voices of Romanian women: perceptions of sexuality, reproductive behavior, and partner relations during the Ceausescu era. Bethesda, MD: Transnational Family Research Institute, 1994. Bacon, Walter, M. Jr., and Louis G. Pol. “The Economic Status of Women in Romania.” In Women in the Age of Economic Transformation: Gender Impact of Reforms in Post Socialist and Developing Countries, edited by Nahid Aslanbeigui, Steven Pressman, and Gale Summerfield. London; New York: Routledge, 1994. BZiicoianu, Veronica. Eroismul qi femeia. Bucharest: 1939. About women and heroism. Baiulescu, Maria [Sulfina, pseud.], 1860-1941. Writer, journalist, and public figure in the women’s emancipation movement in Austria-Hungary. She organized the unification of Romanian women’s organizations in the Habsburg Empire into Uniunea femeilor romiine (the Union of Romanian Women) headquartered in Bragov (Kronstadt).

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Baiulescu, Maria. CorespondenlZ. Edited with an introduction, notes, and indexes by Ruxandra Moaga Nazsre. Bucharest: Ars Docendi a Universitgtii Bucuregti, 200 1. Correspondence. . Ziua mamelor: cuvdntare rostit&la 27 mai 1928. Bucharest: 1929. A speech on the occasion of “mother’s day,” 1928. Nazare, Ruxandra. “Mary Baiulescu: A Woman-Writer From Bragov in Queen Mary’s Company: The Appreciations About an Unpublished Correspondence Fund.” Muzeul Naiional no. 12 (2000). Baier, Hannelore, and Cornelia Schlarb, eds. Femei din Romdnia: Relatcri despre viafa qi situaiia femeilor in profesie, familie, societate, biserici?. Sibiu: Hora, 2000. Includes bibliographical references. BSiltfiretu, Cristina Gabriela. Romanian Women: Confronting Past and Present Challenges in Politics, Economy, and Society. M.A. thesis, Univ. of Washington, 1999. Barasch, Marco I. “Conditiunea juridic5 a femeii salariate.” In Drepturile femeii in viitorul cod civil: Studii, comunic&riqi propuneri in vederea reformei, 63-75. Bucharest: Tip. Curierul judiciar, 1924. Paper on the legal condition of female wage earners, presented to the Committee for the reform of the Civil Code of the Consiliul National a1 Femeilor Romiine (National Council of Romanian Women) in their session of April 5, 1924. Barbu, Violeta. “Cronica de familie: Eseu asupra familiei patrimoniale in Tara RomiineascZi ‘in Secolul a1 XVII-lea.” Revista de istorie social&(Iasi) 1 (1996): 29-50. Essay about the patrimonial family, focusing on the Cantacuzinos, in Wallachia in the 17th century. Explores



the rights of women in the family. Barth, Frederick. “Marriage Traditions and Customs among Transylvanian Saxons.” East European Quarterly 12, no. 1 (1978): 93-1 10. ROM 161 Barzanesco, Marguerite. La capacite‘juridique de la femme marie‘e en Roumanie. Paris: M. Boivent, 1936. On the juridical status of married women. ROM 162 Barzotescu, Viorica. Geschichte und gegenwartige Lage des rumanischen Madchenschulwesens im Vergleich zu dem deutschen. N.p.: Weida i. Th., Thomas & Hubert, 19 12. Dissertation completed at the Univ. of Jena, comparing the education of Romanian and German schoolgirls. The author was born in 1886. ROMl 63 Basilescu, Nicolae I. Studii sociale: Rolul social a1femeii romdne. Bucharest: Tip. Ziarului Cronica, 1905. About the social role of Romanian women. ROM1 64 Beeman, Robin. “Mother in a Strange Land.” In A Mother s World: Journeys of the Heart, edited by Marybeth Bond and Pamela Michael. San Francisco; Sebastopol, CA: Travelers’ Tales. Distributed by O’Reilly and Associates, 1998. ROM165 Balu, Ligia. Believe in Your Dreams, Not in Your Fears. Pittsburgh, PA: Dorrance Pub. Co., 1997; San Antonio, TX: Global Publications Association, 1996. B5lut5, Oana. “Feminine/feministe” series of five articles under the rubric ROM1 66 “Feminine/feministe” [feminists/feminines]: “0istorie oglindit5 in publicistic5”; “Din miycarea feminist5 interbelicii”; Emanciparea femeii prin educatie”; “Cetgteni versus noncetiitene”; “Manifeste misogine.” Observator cultural, no. 21 1, 212, 214,232, 233. Available online at http://observatorcultural.ro. ROM 160

Bancic, Olga, 1912-1944. Anti-fascist fighter in the French maquis, executed by the Gestapo.

ROM 167 Bengescu, $erban, and Ruxandra Pasoi. Drepturile femeii: culegere de documente internalionale yi acte normative de drept intern. Bucharest: L.A.D.O., 1997. Anthology of documents regarding women’s rights, published by the League for the Defense of Human Rights. ROMl 68 B. I. J. “Fontos tudatositani, hogy lehet tenni valamit: interju a kolozsvari Artemis kozpont (szexualis 6s fizikai eroszak elleni tanacsadasi kozpont) pszichol6gusaival.” Korunk 10 (2000): 36-42. Interviews with a psychologist working in a center for abused women in Cluj. ROM1 69 Benjamin, Lya, Irina Cajal-Marin, and Hary Kuller. Mituri, Rituri yi Obiecte Rituale Iudaice [Judaic Myths, Rites, and Ritual Objects]. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romiine, 1994. Also published as Judaic ceremonial objects in Romania. Translated from Romanian by V. Prager. Bucharest: Hasefer Publishing House, 1999. ROM 170 Bidwell-Steiner, Marlen, Wolfram Aichinger, Judith Bosch, Eva Cescutti and Friederike Hassauer. Streitpunkt Geschlecht: Historische Stationen der “Querelle des femmes ’’ in der Romania. Vienna: Verlag Turia + Kant, 2001. A discussion of the “Querelle des femmes” (the woman question) in Romania. This literary and philosophical debate over the place of women in society took place throughout Europe between the 15‘hand 17‘hcenturies. Bilcescu-AlimiQteanu, Sarmiza, 1867-1 935. The first woman in the world to obtain a law degree (Sorbonne, France, 1890). See Who Was Who in Twentieth Century Romania, by $erban N. Ionescu, Boulder: East European Monographs, 1994.

ROMl 71 ROMl 72

Bini, Adolfo. Femeea [The woman]. Briila: Tipolitografia Universal5 C. B. Nicolau, 1889. B‘irzea Cezar. “The Population Questions in Rumania” [Les questions de population en Roumanie] . International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrf t fur Erziehungswissenschaft/RevueInternationale de Pedagpgogie 39, no. 1-2 (March 1993): 133-6.


Romania BOCU,Marilina. “A Step toward Civic Rights. Roumania: A Quarterly Review. (April-June 1930): 13-5. About the extension of the franchise to Romanian women. Includes a picture of Princess Ileana and one of women in line at the polling station. ROM 174 Bodea, Cornelia. “Emilia dr. I. Ratiu, sogia memorandistului.” Revista de istorie 28, no. 12 (1975): 1893-1 912. ROM175 . “Femeia romiln5 in Transilvania dinainte de Unire” [The Romanian Woman in Transylvania before the Unification]. Romcinia Liberii 16, no. 43 (1983). . “Prima Societate a Femeilor Romilne (1 8 15) gi Contemporanii ei.” In Memoriile ROM176 Sectiei de Ftiinte Istorice gi Archeologie a Academiei Romcine 21, series 4 (1996): 111-22. About the first organization of Romanian women in 18 15. ROM177 Bogdan, Elena. Feminisrnul: Studii sociale. Timigoara: Tip. Huniadi, 1926. Social studies about feminism with chapters about feminist leaders in Romania and abroad. Also published in Hungarian translation. ROM 178 Bohn, David Paul. “The Perspectives on Theological Education Evident among Evangelical Church Leaders in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Russia.” Ph.D. diss., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1997. Concludes that the “potential for church-based education” is highest in Romania, and that the role of women “is largely to teach other women and children.” ROMl 79 Bolovan, S. P. “Aspecte privind statutul femeii in satul romilnesc transilviinean in epoca modern%.”In Prezenfe feminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by Ghizela Cosma, Eniko Magyari Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 323-34. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. ROM1 73

Botez Corneliu, Calypso, 1888-. Philosopher, educator, and feminist activist. Founding member of “Asociatia pentru emanciparea civil5 Qipolitic5 a femeii romiine” (the Association for the Civil and Political Emancipation of Romanian Women), 1917-1 9 18, and president of Asociatia General5 a femeilor functionar public, the General Association of female public functionaries, founded in 1927 in Bucharest. Botez Corneliu, Calypso. “Actele juridice intre soti.” In Drepturile femeii in viitorul cod civil: Studii, comuniciiri gi propuneri in vederea reformei, edited by Consiliul National a1 Femeilor Romilne. Comisiunea legislativ5, 17-33. Bucharest: Tip. Curierul judiciar, 1924. About legal papers between spouses. ROM181 . “Conditia juridic5 a copilului natural.” In Drepturile femeii in viitorul cod civil: Studii, comuniciiri gi propuneri in vederea reformei, edited by Consiliul National a1 Femeilor Romiine. Comisiunea legislativ5, 159-68. Bucharest: Tip. Curierul judiciar, 1924. About the legal status of the natural child. ROM182 . “Drepturile femeii in Constitufia viitoare.” In Constitutia din I923 in dezbaterea contemporanilor, edited by Aurel Stroe, 124-42. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1990. About women’s rights in the 1923 constitution. The essay was first published in Noua constitutie a Romciniei: 23 de prelegeri publice organizate de Institutul Social Romcin. Bucharest: Tip. Cultura National%,1923. . Problema drepturilor femeii romdne: Examen social-politic gijuridic. Cu o ROM183 introducere asupra feminismului in Romcinia. Bucharest: Socec, 1919. About the rights of Romanian women. . Problema feminismului: o sistematizare a elementelor ei. Bucharest: Tip. Gutenberg, ROM184 1920. A systematic presentation of the feminist question. . Raport asupra situafieijuridice a femeii in legislatia romdnii. Bucharest: 1932. ROM185 Report about the situation of women in Romanian legislation. . “Raportul comisiilor juridice de pe lilng5 Consiliul National a1 Femeilor Romiine ROM186 pentru punerea in concordant5 a codului civil romiin cu noua Constitutie cu privire la condifia juridic5 a femeii in raporturile dintre soti, de familie gi patrimoniale.” In Drepturile femeii in viitorul cod civil: Studii, comunictiri gi propuneri in vederea reformei, edited by Consiliul ROMl 80



National a1 Femeilor Romiine. Comisiunea legislativii, 5-9. Bucharest: Tip. Curierul judiciar, 1924. ROM1 87 ROM188 ROM 189 ROM 190

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BrBdeanu, Adina, Dragomir, Otilia, Rovenla-Frumugani, Daniela and Romina Surugiu. Femei, cuvinte gi imagini: Perspective feministe. Iasi: Polirom, 2002. Bran, Maria, C. Koporan, and N. Holban. Udarnichki vproizvodstvoto. [N.P.: n.p., 1950?]. Bulgarian translation of Chipuri de femeifruntaJe in produclie. About women’s employment. Breslin, M. “Abortion Rate among Young Romanians Declines; Those not in Union Report Rise in Contraceptive Use.” International Family Planning Perspectives 24, no. 3 (1998): 150-2. Includes statistics, tables, references. . “Level of contraceptive use is moderate among Romanians aged 15-24.” Family Planning Perspectives 30, no. 4 (July/August 1998): 195-7. Focuses on the sexual behavior, pregnancy, and abortion rates, level of contraceptive use, and knowledge of contraception and sexually transmitted diseases among young women. Bucur, Maria. “An American Feminist in Romania.” Social Politics 1, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 223-30. . “Between the Mother of the Wounded and the Virgin of Jiu: Romanian Women and the Gender of Heroism during the Great War.” Journal of Women’s History 12, no. 2 (2000): 30-56. . “From Private Philanthropy to Pub1ic Institutions: The Rockefeller Foundation and Public Health in Interwar Romania.” Romanian Civilization 4, no. 2 (Summer 1995): 47-60. Contains a brief analysis of the impact of the Rockefeller Foundation on the development of nursing in Romania during the interwar period. . % loc de postfaf8.” In Prezenle feminine: Studii desprefemei in Romania, edited by Ghizela Cosma, Eniko Magyari Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 477-81. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. . “In Praise of Wellborn Mothers: On the Development of Eugenistic Gender Roles in Interwar Romania.” East European Politics and Society 9, no. 1 (1995): 123-42. . “Romania.” In Women, Gender, and Fascism in Europe, 1919-45, edited by Kevin Passmore, 57-78. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2003. , and Mihaela Miroiu, eds. Patriarhat g i emancipare in istoria gindirii politice romhnegti. Iasi: Polirom, 2002. Collection of essays: “Dimensiuni ale patriarhatului in giindirea liberal5 romiineasc8 intre 1948 gi A1 Doilea R8zboi Mondial”; “Conservatorii rom8ni: intre patriarhism gi construclia statului modern”; “Migcarea eugenistii gi rolurile de gen”; “Femeia in giindirea nationalist5 romheascii: patriarhalismul indiferentei”; “Constantin Dobrogeanu-Gherea gi Lucretiu Pgtrii$canu: intre patriarhalismul conformist a1 tradiliei autohtone gi striipungerile doctrinare emancipatoare.” Budu, Daniel. Condiliuneajuridic6 a femeei in Dreptul roman gi romhn. Bucharest: Tip. Lupta Al. Lefteriu, 1895. About the legal situation of women in Roman law and in Romanian law. Bulai, Ana, and Irina Stanciugelu. Gen gi reprezentare social& [Gender and social representation]. Bucharest: Politeia-SNSPA, 2004. About the role of women in Romanian society, gender in law, the press, mass-media, etc. Bunescu, M. I. Condifiuneafemeii in diferite timpuri gi condiliunea juridicd a femeii la Romhni. Bucharest: Tip. Lucriitorilor Asociati Merinescu gi verban, 1889. About women’s situations and juridical condition in Romania and elsewhere. Burghelea, Eugen. Sub semnul datoriei supreme: aportulfemeilor romhne la ap6rarea f6rii. Bucharest: Ed. Militari, 1989. About Romanian women’s contribution to national defense. Burke, B. Meredith “Rumania: Women and Children Main Victims of Ceausescu.” Women ’s International Network News 16, no 2 (Spring 1990): 64. Focuses on the liberalization of the abortion law, birth statistics, and maternal deaths. ,

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Burtea, V. “Socio-economic status of rural women in Romania.” Medit-Bologna 10, no. 2, (1999): 61-3. Butler, Judith. Genul - un ma’r a1 discordiei: feminismul sau subversiunea identita’fii. Bucharest: Univers, 2000. About gender as an “apple of discord: feminism or the subversion of identity.” Buwreanu, Maria. Femeia: Studiu social. 2ndrevised ed. with a preface by Eleonora Stratilescu. Bucharest: Ed. Libriiriei Socec, 1921. Social study of women. The first edition appeared in Iasi in 1913. . “Scopul Asociatiei.” Buletinul A.E. C.P.F.R. 1, no. 1 (19 19): 3-9. About the goals of the Association for the civil and political emancipation of Romanian women. Buzatu, Stana. Condilia femeii, dimensiune a progresului contemporan: studiu sociologic. Bucharest: Ed. Politicii, 1979. A sociological study of contemporary women’s progress. . “Edificarea socialismului in Romania, tiirim istoric a1 emancipiirii gi afirmiirii depline a femeii in societate [The building of socialism in Romania: the historical era of the full emancipation and complete actualization of women in society]. Anale de Istorie 34, no. 3 (1988): 75-90 and 34, no. 4 (1 988): 45-60. Ciiliman, Valeria. Mama generatoare de vieaJa‘romdneasca’. Sibiu: Ed. subsectiei eugenice gi biopolitice a Astrei gi a Institutului de Igienii gi biopoliticii a universitiitii Cluj-Sibiu, 1942. About mothers as “generators of Romanian life.” Published by the Eugenic and biopolitical subsection of ASTRA and of the Hygiene and Biopolitcal Institute of the Univ. of Cluj in Sibiu. Cancea, Paraschiva. Miqcarea pentru emancipareafemeii in Romdnia, 1848-1 948. Bucharest: Ed. Politicii, 1976. About the women’s emancipation movement in Romania. Includes bibliographical references. Cantacuzino, Alexandrina, 1876-1944. See The “UnholyMarriage of Feminism with Nationalism in Interwar Romania: The Discourse of Princess Alexandrina Cantacuzino, by Roxana Cheschebec, at: http://www.women.it/4thfemconf/workshops/european9/roxanaches9.htm. Among the founding members of Consiliul National a1 Femeilor Romane, she was chosen at the Feminist Congress in Washington, in 1925 vice president of the International Council of Women. World War I leader in Societatea Ortodoxii National5 a Femeilor Romane (the Orthodox National Society of Romanian Women), which took part in philanthropic work and cared for the wounded. Founder in 1929 of Gruparea nafionalii a femeilor romane (the National Grouping of Romanian Women), an organization which aimed at preparing Romanian women for working with men in the leadership of the country. Author of an impressive number of essays, articles and speeches. ”

ROM2 11 ROM212


ROM2 14

Cantacuzino, Alexandrina. Cincisprezece ani de munca’ social6 j i culturala’: discursuri, conferinfe, articole, scrisori [ 15 years of social and cultural work: speeches, lectures, articles, letters]. Bucharest: Tip. romaneasca, 1928. . Femeile infafa dreptului de vot: Programul de lupta’ a1 Grupa’riifemeilor romdne: Cuvbntare linuta‘ in ziua de 10 aprilie 1929 la Casafemeii. Bucharest: Tip. Capitalei, 1929. Speech of April 10, 1929 given at the House of Women about the program of the Grouping of Romanian Women for women’s right to vote. . Rostul femeii in viafa social6 qipolitica’. Bucharest: Tip. Ciiailor Bisericegti, 1927. About the role of women in social and political life. Cantacuzino, Sabina. Din viafa familiei Ion C. Bra‘tianu. Bucharest: Albatros, 1993; 1937. About the Briitianu family, thus also its women. The Briitianus were one of the most important political clans of Wallachia and modern Romania.



Carnetulfemeii [The woman’s notebook]. Bucharest: Ministerul SgniitZitii gi Prevederilor Sociale, Centrul de educafie sanitarg, and Comitetul femeilor democrate din R.P.R., 1958. Material published by the Ministry of Health & Social Prevention. ROM2 16 Cgrtiirescu, Ilinca-Cristina. “Invizibilitatea in educatie.” Sfera politicii 7, no. 7 1-72 (1999): 12-7. About gender differences in Romanian education. ROM21 7 Catarg, R., and I. C. Chiriacesu. Femeia in noua epoc6 a omenirii. Bucharest: Riisiiritul, 1929. About women in the new era, with a preface by Izabela Sadoveanu. ROM2 18 Catt, Carrie Champman. Discursul de deschidere la a1 IX-lea Congres a1 Aliantei internationale pentru sufiagiul femeei rostit la Roma in Mai 1923. Iasi: Tip. Lumina Moldovei, 1923. Keynote address to the 9th Congress of the International Alliance for Women’s Suffrage, Rome, May 1923. ROM2 15

Ceaqescu, Elena, 1919-1 989. Wife of the late Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaugescu, and a powerful figure in her own right in politics and culture during the last 2 decades of communist rule.

ROM2 19 Almond, Mark. The Rise and Fall of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu. London: Chapmans, 1992. Includes bibliographical references and index. ROM220 Behr, Edward. Kiss the Hand You Cannot Bite: The Rise and Fall of the Ceaugescus. New York: Villard Books, 1991. About the communist dictator and his wife. Includes bibliographical references and index. ROM22 1 Consiliul Culturii gi Educatiei Socialiste, Consiliul National a1 Femeilor. Buchet de purpuri? g i soare: flori alese din creatia inchinat6 tovar6gei Elena Ceaugescu. [Bucharest]: Eminescu, 1988. Collective volume of literary homages brought to E. Ceausescu. During the 1970s and 80s poetry to the Ceaugescu couple was very common in newspapers, and publishing houses were encouraged to publish such homagial volumes. ROM222 Domenico, Viorel. Ceaugescu la Tdrgovigte: 22-25 decembrie 1989. Foreword by Florin Constantiniu; afterword by Ion Cristoiu. Bucharest: “Ion Cristoiu”, 1999. About the Ceaugescus’ last days. ROM223 Fischer, Mary Ellen. “Women in Romanian Politics: Elena Ceau;Tescu,Pronatalism, and the Promotion of Women.” In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 121-37. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. ROM224 Galloway, George, and Bob Wylie. Downfall: the Ceaugescus and the Romanian Revolution. London: Futura, 1991. Includes index and bibliography. ROM225 Lovatt, Caterine. “The Legacy of Elena Ceaugescu.” Central Europe Online, July 14, 1999. The role of women in Romania is changing slowly under the shadow of Elena CeauSescu’s legacy. ROM226 Marcu, Dorian. Moartea Ceaujegtilor: romanul imposibilei t6ceri: revelafii gi documente istorice [dezva‘luiri de Gelu Voican Voiculescu gi Victor Atanasie St6nculescuJ. Bucharest: Excelsior, 1991. Account of the Ceaugescus’ execution. It claims to be based on personal revelations by participants in the events of December 1989 and on historical documents. ROM227 Roman, Carol. Ceaugescu: ultimele 100 de zile nefaste: sflrsitul clicii Ceausescu / The last 100 Ill-Fated Days: the End of the Ceausescu Clique. [Bucharest]: Glob, 1990. ROM228 Tudor, Corneliu Vadim. Din adincul inimii: omagiu tovar6gei Elena Ceaugescu. [Bucharest] Eminescu, 1981. Homage “from the depths of his heart” paid by a notorious court poet of the Ceaugescus who became a leader of the nationalist Greater Romania party after 1989. ROM229 ROM230

Ceaugescu, Nicolae. Cregterea rolului femeii in vista economic6 gi social-politic6 a Romdniei socialiste. Bucharest: Ed. Politicii, 1980. Propaganda tract by the communist dictator on “the growing role of women” in socialist Romania. . Cuvintare la Conferinfa national6 a femeilor, 21 aprilie 1978. Bucharest: Ed.



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Politic$ 1978. Speech to the National Conference of Women, April 21, 1978. . The Growing Role of the Woman in the Economic and Socio-Political Life of Socialist Romania. Bucharest: Meridiane Publishing House, 1981. Translation of the Romanian-language item above, about “the growing role of women.” Celac, Mariana. “Country Papers: Romania.” In The Impact of Economic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe: Proceedings of a United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna, 8-12 April 1991, [compiled by] United Nations, 67-9. Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs. New York: United Nations, 1992. Centrul de Educalie Sanitarii. Ce trebuie sa‘ gtie femeia despre sarcina‘. Colectia Scoala mamei 3. [Bucharest]: Centrul de Educatie Sanitarii, 1956. Pamphlet for educating women about pregnancy. Cernea, Michael M. Macrosocial Change, Feminization of Agriculture, and Peasant Women ’s Threefold Economic Role. Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 1978. Reprinted from Sociologia ruralis 18, no. 2/3 (1978). Study about the social conditions of Romanian rural women. Summaries in English, French, and German. Includes bibliographical references. Cesereanu, R. “Femei in infernul concentrationar (Gulagul rorniine~c).~’ In Prezenie feminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by Ghizela Cosma, Eniko Magyari Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 439-52. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. Ceterchi, Ion, Vlad Zliitescu, Ioan M. Copil and Petre Anca. “Regulation of Contraception and Termination of Pregnancy in Rumanian legislation” [Reglementation de la contraception et de l’interruption de grossesse dans la legislation roumaine]. In Le droit et la croissance de lapopulation en Roumanie edited by Ion Ceterchi, Vlad Zliitescu, Ioan M. Copil and Petre Anca, 55-62. Bucharest, L’Institut International de la technologie, 1974. Cheetham, Tom 11. “Cooperativization as a Strategy for Modernization: the Romanian Case.” Ph.D. diss., Brown Univ., 1981. Abstract: “Young and middle-aged males who had initially belonged to the cooperatives . . . became commuters to industry leaving their wives and the elderly to work the cooperatives. The household and family obligations expected of women in the villages severely restricted female participation on the cooperatives. However, female participation in cooperative work, even if only part-time in nature, insured the family the use of a private plot. This, combined with the industrial wages of the male commuters, enabled the village family to maintain if not strengthen its commitment to traditional goals, a consequence not intended by the planners.” Chiriac, Elena. “The ‘Right’ to Be Persecuted.” In Sisterhood is Global: The International Women ’sMovement Anthology, edited by Robin Morgan, 580-1. Garden City, NY: AnchorlDoubleday, 1984. Chiricii, Vasile. Cufemeiaprin milenii: mit gi realitate [With woman through millenia: myth and reality]. Iasi: Helios, 1997. Chirifii, Elena, 1917-1945. Officer in the Romanian army in World War 11, who died a hero during the battle to free Budapest from the Axis armies.

ROM240 ROM24 1 ROM242


Chittister, Joan. “In Bucharest, Political and Personal Rape is a Way of Life.” National Catholic Reporter 3 1, no. 38 (1 September 1995): 9. Ciobanu, Lina. “Rolwl gi locul femeii ‘in societatea romilneascii contemporanii.” Revista de istorie 28, no. 12 (1975): 1849-64. Ciochirca, Maria Antoaneta, Marta Renne and Tanya Renne. “Maria Antoaneta Ciochirca: A Testimony.” In Ana ’s Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 146-8. Boulder: Westview, 1997. Brief testimony of the surgeon who is the founder and president of the Romanian Association of University Women, opened in 1989. . “National Association of Medical Women from Romania.” Women ’sInternational Network News 23, no. 1 (Winter 1997): 73. Presents the conclusions of the 1996 congress of



ROM244 ROM245

the National Association of Medical Women from Romania. Includes information on maternal mortality, population decrease, and family planning services. Ciubotaru, Silvia. Nunta in Moldova: Cercetare monografic6. Iasi: Ed. Universitiitii Al. I. Cuza, 2000. Monographic investigation of weddings in the Moldavian region of Romania. Inc ludes bibliography . Ciupalii, Alin. Femeia in societatea romdneasc6 a secolului a1 XIX-lea: intre public gi privat About women in Romanian society in the 19* century. Bucharest: Meridiane, 2003.

Clemenfa, Maica. Mother Superior at the Monastery of Notre-Dame de Sion and its attached hospital in Bucharest. She was arrested by the police in 1954, when she refused to hand over the hospital to the communist state. See Who Was Who in Twentieth Century Romania, by verban N. Ionescu, Boulder: East European Monographs, 1994. ROM246 ROM247 ROM248 ROM249 ROM250 ROM25 1

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Codoban, Aurel. “Alteritatea, diferenta constitutivg a iubirii.” In Prezenfe feminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by Ghizela Cosma, Eniko Magyari Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 105-3 5. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. Cole, John W. “Familial Dynamics in a Romanian Worker Village.” Dialectical Anthropology 1, no. 4 (1975-76): 25 1-66. . “Family, Farm, and Factory: Rural Workers in Contemporary Romania.” In Romania in the 1980s, edited by Daniel N. Nelson, 7 1-1 16. Boulder: Westview Press, 1981. . and Judith A. Nydon. “Class, Gender, and Fertility: Contradictions of Social Life in Contemporary Romania.” East European Quarterly 23, no. 4 (Winter 1989): 469-76. Comisia national5 pentru statistic&,and Programul Natiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare ‘in RomBnia. Femeile gi b6rbafii in Romdnia. Bucharest: UNDP, 2000. One of the first statistical studies of gender in Romania. Comitetul municipal a1 femeilor. Femeia in viafa capitalei. Foreword by Aneta Spornic. Bucharest: fntreprinderea Poligraficg “Arte grafice,” 1975. Album on women in the life of the capital, edited by the Municipal committee of women, on the occasion of the International Women’s Year. Confederatia General5 a Muncii. Femei in munci calzjicate. Bucharest: 1951. About women in skilled labor. Conferinfa nafional6 a femeilor din R.P.R., martie 1958. Bucharest: C.N.F. din R.P.R., 1959. Women’s conference report. Conferinfa naf ional6 a femeilor din Republica Socialist6 Romdnia, Bucuregti, 1966/Materiale/ 23-25 iunie 1966. Bucharest: C.N.F. din R.S.R., 1966. Women’s conference materials. Conferinfa nafionala’a femeilor din Republica Socialist6 Romdnia, Bucuregti, 1978, (Lucr6rile Conferinfezj. Bucharest: C.N.F.R.S.R., 1979. Proceedings of the 1978 women’s conference held by the National Council of Women in Romania. Conferinfa nafionali a femeilor din Republica Socialist6 Romdnia, martie 1985. Bucharest: Ed. Politic&,1985. Women’s conference report. Conferinla nafional6 a femeilor din Republica Socialist6 Romdnia) Bucuregti, 7-8 martie 1985. Bucharest: C.N.F. din R.S.R., 1985. Women’s conference report. Consiliul Judetean a1 Sindicatelor Argeg. Prezenfe feminine in Argegul contemporan. Pitegti: N.p., 1973. About women in contemporary Argeg. Consiliul Judetean a1 Sindicatelor Cluj [and] Comitetul Judetean a1 Femeilor Cluj. Femeia in lumea profesiunilor. Cluj-Napoca: N.p., 1976. About women and employment, an album put together by the Labor Unions’ Council and the County Committee on Women in Cluj. Consiliul National a1 Femeilor Romiine. Comisiunea legislativ5. Drepturile femeii in viitorul cod civil: Studii, comunic6ri gi propuneri in vederea reformei. Bucharest: Tip. Curierul judiciar, 1924. Articles, papers, and proposals drafted by the Legislative Commission of the 255


ROM26 1 ROM262

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National Council of Romanian Women with a view to achieving ballot reform for women. Constantinescu, Eliza. Foloasele grupririifemeilor gi activitrilii lor pe trirdm politic. Cluj : 1931. About the benefits of women organizing themselves and of their political activity. Constantinescu-Bagdat, Elisa. Rolul femeii in familie gi societate: conferinfa’ finuta’ la Universitatea din Cluj, la 26 iunie 1930. Cluj, Tip. Carmen (Gruparea Femeilor Romiine, Filiala Cluj). [N.P.: n.p., n.d.1 Text of a lecture on the role of women in family and society held at the Univ. of Cluj on June 26, 1930. The author was the vice president of Gruparea Femeilor Romiine and a member of Societatea Femeilor Cre!jtine din Cluj. Constantinescu, Nicolae. Etnologia gi folclorul re1a;iilor de rudenie. Bucharest: Univers, 2000. About ethnology and folklore of kinship. Includes bibliography and index. Conta Kernbach, Ana. “Cronica feministii.” [Feminist review]. Viala rom6neascri 6 (1921). Cornea, Doina, 1929-. French language and literature professor from Cluj, and one of the few dissidents of the Ceau!jescu regime. In December 1989 she becomes a founding member of the Group for Social Dialogue.

ROM265 ROM266

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Cornea, Doina. La face cache‘e des choses: 1990-1 999: Dialogue avec Rodica Palade. Vox Latina. Translation from Romanian by Ariadna Combes. Paris: Fklin, 2001. Dialogue translated into French with the journalist Rodica Palade of 22 about events in 1990-99. . Liberte‘? Entretiens avec Michel Combes. Paris: Criterion, 1990. Interviews with Michel Combes in 5 chapters: Destiny, Soul and Spirit, Action, Prison, and Liberty? Translated from French into Romanian by Oana Vlad under the title Libertate? Convorbiri cu Michel Combes. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1992. . Scrisori deschise g i alte texte. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1991. Open letters and other texts written by Cornea for Radio Free Europe, the Romanian Service. Cornea, Eliza. Viitorul fa‘rii il fine femeia [Woman holds the future of our country]. Bucharest, 1933. Cornea, Neli I. Femeia: Conferinfri linutri la 31 ianuarie 1899. B a c h : Tip. H. Margulius, 1899. Lecture about “The Woman” held on January 3 1, 1899. Cosma, Ghizela. Femeile gi politica in Romdnia: Evolutia dreptului de vot in perioada interbelica. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitarii Cujeanii, 2002. . “Prostitutia ‘in Romiinia intre riizboaie.” In Prezenle feminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by Ghizela Cosma, Eniko Magyari Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 415-37. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. ,Prezenfe feminine: Studii despre fernei in Romania, edited by Ghizela Cosma, Eniko Magyari Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. Studies about women in Romania. Cotrubaq, Ileana, 1939-. Soprano of international renown. See Who Was Who in Twentieth Century Romania, by $erban N. Ionescu. Boulder: East European Monographs, 1994.



Covaci, Maria. “Eufrosina Niculescu-Mizil(1902-1954).” Anale de Istorie 17, no. 1 (197 1): 175-7. Eufrosina Cotor (married to the revolutionary G. Niculesu-Mizil) was a member of the Socialist Youth Union, mobilizing strikes, writing articles demanding workers’ rights, and calling on women to unite in the struggle against oppression. She led the transport workers during the 1920 general strike, and became a delegate to the 1921 founding congress of the Communist Party at age 19, she was arrested, tried in the Dealul Spirei investigations, and imprisoned. During World War 11, she was active in the Red Assistance effort against the fascist dictatorship and the liberation of 23 August 1944. Criiciun, B. “Aspecte privind statutul femeii ‘in comunitatea siiseascii din Saeg (secolul a XIX-


Romania lea).” In Prezenfe feminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by Ghizela Cosma, Eniko Magyari Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 335-45. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. Cristescu-Golopenfia, $te fania. Gospod6ria in credinfele si riturile magice ale femeilor din DriFgus (FiFg6raj). 3rded. Bucharest: Paideia, 2002. About households in the magic beliefs and rituals of women in DriiguS (District of Fiigiirag). Cristian, Maria, Natalia Popa, M. Oprea and Al. Szolosi. Femeia in lumea profesiunilor: album. Cluj-Napoca: Consiliul Judetean a1 Sindicatelor Cluj; Comitetul Judetean a1 Femeilor Cluj, 1976. About women and the world of employment.

ROM275 ROM276

Cristoforeanu, Florica, 1887-1 960. Famous soprano who sang on many international stages. See http://www.ici.ro/romania/en/cul~ra/t-opera_history.html. Cutarida-Criitunescu,Maria V., 1957-1 9 19. First woman doctor in Romania, with a diploma from Paris obtained in 1884. Founder of kindergartens and gynecological wards. Cuza, Elena, 1825-1909. Princess of Romania, wife of Alexandru Ion Cuza, the first ruler of the United Principalities. Well known for her charitable work. Dan-Spinoiu, Georgeta. Factori obiectivi J i subiectivi in integrarea profesional6 a femeii: (cercetare concretiF de psihologie social6 a conditieifemeii) Bucharest: Ed. Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romiinia, 1974. Empirical social psychology research about women’s professional integration. Diinilii, Constantin. Problema feminismului. Oradea: 1937. About feminism.



DarclCe, Hariclea, stage name [Hartulary,Hariclea], 1860-1 939. Famous soprano, who sang on some of the most prestigious stages of the world. Her stage name was given to her by the French composer Debussy. See Who Was Who in Twentieth Century Romania, by $erban N. Ionescu. Boulder: East European Monographs, 1994, and http://www.darclee.com. ROM279

ROM280 ROM281 ROM282

David, Henry P. “Abortion in Europe, 1990-1 99 1: A Public Health Perspective.” Studies in Family Planning 23, no. 1 (January-February 1992): 1-22. This article grew out of a keynote presentation prepared for the conference “From Abortion to Contraception: Public Health Approaches to Reducing Unwanted Pregnancy and Abortion through Family Planning Service” held in Tbilisi, Georgia in October 1991. . and Robert J. McIntyre. “Romania.” In Reproductive behavior: Central and Eastern European Experience edited by Henry P. David and Robert J. McIntyre, 176-97. New York: Springer Publishing, 1981. . “Romania Ends Compulsory Childbearing.” Entre nous 14-1 5 (June 1990): 9-10. , and Adriana Biiban. “Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights: Romanian Experience.” Patient Education and Counseling 28 (1996): 23 5 - 4 5 . “The aim ... was to explore, through individual in-depth interviews, psychosocial antecedents and consequences of the Romanian [enforced pronatalist] policy. The study group consisted of 50 women, aged between 18 and 55 years, with diverse sociodemographic and educational characteristics. The interviews focused on sexuality education, sexual experiences, reproductive events, and partner relations. The results show that women’s private behavior and efforts to regulate their fertility prevailed over public policies, regardless of personal risks or costs to health. Concluding observations summarize major findings, results from a 1993 national household survey on reproductive health, and a commentary on the need for ongoing sexuality and contraceptive education and counseling.” ~


Romania ROM283



ROM286 ROM287

De N&e, Dorothie. “Politische Partizipation von Frauen in Rumanien nach 1989.” Osteuropa 47, no. 2 (1997): 160-72. About the political participation of women in Romania after 1989. . “Zwanghafte Gleichberechtigung und kontrollierte Korper: Zu den Lebensbedingungen von Frauen im sozialistischen Rumanien.” In Frauen in Sudosteurope, edited by Anneli Ute Gabanyi and Hans Georg Majer, 59-78. Munich: SudosteuropaGesellschaft, 1998. Deliman, Ecaterina. Femeia: personalitate politic; in societatea noastr; socialist;. Bucharest: Ed. Politicii, 1977. About women in socialist Romania’s political life. Includes bibliographical references. Demetrescu, Radu. Femeia in eroismul spiritual, moral gi nafional. Bucharest: Imprimeriile Friitia Romiineascii, 1936-1940. About women in spiritual, moral, and national heroism. Democratic Women’s Committee and the Central Council of Trade Unions of R.P.R. Women in the Rumanian People’s Republic. N.p.: The Committee and the Council, 1956.

Densuqianu, Elena, 1875-1965. Doctor ’in medicine. First Romanian woman to become a Univ. professor. ROM288


Department of Health and Human Services. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Romania Reproductive Health Survey, 1999. Atlanta, GA: September 2001. The 1999 Romania Reproductive Health Survey (RRHS-99) is the second national reproductive health survey in that country. The 1993 survey included only females. The 1999 survey consists of complete interviews for 6,888 women (90% response rate) and 2,434 men (87% response rate). 534 pages. See http://www .cdc.gov/Reproductivehealthh’roduct s&hbs/Archivehbs.htm. Department of Health and Human Services. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Romania: Young Adult Reproductive Health Survey, 1996. Atlanta, GA: February 1998. The first national reproductive health survey among youth was conducted in Romania between July and October 1996. Using a multistage random sampling design, the survey interviewed 2,047 men aged 15-24 years (of 2,351 identified in the sample) and 2,025 women aged 1524 years (of 2,17 1 identified) about their background characteristics, sexual and reproductive behaviors, contraceptive knowledge and use, sex education, and knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases and HIWAIDS. 252 pages; See http://www.cdc .gov/Reproductivehealth/Products&Pubs/ArchivePubs.htm.

de Reuss-Ianculescu,Eugenia, 1865-1938. Important feminist who was part of the leadership of the international movement for women’s suffrage. de Reuss-Ianculescu, Eugenia. Menirea femeii gi rolul ei in viitor: Conferinfii finut; la Ateneul din Bucure8ti la 16 aprilie 1906. Bucharest: Minerva Institut de Arte Grafice si Editurii, 1906. This brochure reproduces a lecture held at Ateneul romiin in Bucharest on April 16, 1906 about the destiny and future role of women. . “Femeia romiinii gi politica.” Drepturile femeii 2 (Jan.-Febr. 1913): 12-25. Text of a ROM291 lecture on Romanian women and politics given at a conference of Asociafia pentru fnaintarea si rGsp6ndirea gtiinfelor in Gala$ ROM290



Deutsche Volksgruppe in Rumanien: Frauenwerk: Auflan und Arbeitsgebiete. Kronstadt [Bragov]: 1941. About the activity of the women’s group of the ethnic Germans in Romania.

d’Herbez de la Tour, Solange, 1924-. Leading Romanian-born architect living in France. Founder (1963) and president of the International Union of Women Architects (UIFA), and 25 8

Romania founder (1960) and president of the Union Franqaise des Femmes Architectes. ROM293 ROM294 ROM295


DrBghicescu, Dimitrie. L ’eternelfkminin: Essais de psychologie fkminine. Bucharest, 1905. Essays on women’s psychology. Drepturilefemeii: egalitate j i parteneriat [Women’s Rights: Equality and Partnership]. Bucharest: I.R.D.O., 1997. l b l i s h e d by IRDO (The Romanian Institute for Human Rights). Drepturilefemeilor: Ghid a1 activitiifii organizafiilor neguvernamentaledin Romiinia. Bucharest: AnA, 2000. Guide to Romanian NGOs concerning themselves with women’s rights. Dumitrescu, Clara, and Stela Fomino. Activitatea comisiilorfemeilor din intreprinderi j i institu,tii.Bucharest: Ed. politic& 1974. About the activity of the women’s committees in workplaces.

Dunca-Schiau, Constanta, [Camille d’Alb, E.D. Albon, C. Dunca, C. de Dunca, Xanta, pseud.], 1863-? See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Poet, essayist, short story writer, playwright, translator and journalist. She began the feminist movement in Vallachia and worked for women’s emancipation through education. Director of Vcoala Central5 (the Central School for Girls) in Bucharest. Editor of Amicul Familiei. Collaborated also with Familia, and Foaie pentru inimfi, minte j i literaturz. ROM297 ROM298 ROM299

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Dunca-Vchiau, Constanta. La Alma: Povesci noue pentru copii. Sibiu: Tip. Tipografiei Archidiecesane, 1881. . Femeia femeii [A woman’s woman]. Bucharest: 1863. . Femeia infamilia. Bucharest: N.p., 1871. History of women, reel 937, no. 8080. Microfilm Woodbridge, CT, Research Publications, [ 19771 1 reel, 35 mm. About Romanian women’s social conditions. . Femenismul in Romiinia. Bucharest: 1904. About feminism in Romania. . “Fiicele poporului: proiect prezentat domnitorului gi Camerei Deputaiilor asupra educatiunii populare a fetelor ?n Romiinia.” Amicul familiei 1 (April-October 1863). Bill for the education of young women presented to the prince and parliament. Echinox Special issue: Femeia 31, no. 7-8-9, 1999. Includes articles by Stefan Borbkly, Carmen Bujdei, Ioan Curgeu, Andrei Gotia, Laura Laziir-Zgvdeanu, Silviu Lupagcu, Lloyd deMause, Ovidiu Mircean, Rareg Moldovan, Mihaela Mudure, Denisa Oprea, Ancuia Piirv, Stefana Pop, Ioana Sabiiu, Ioan Sima. Eglitis, Daina Stukuls. “Mother Country: Gender, Nation, and Politics in the Balkans and Romania.” East European Politics and Societies 14, no. 3 (2000): 693-702. Elliot, Joyce, and William Moskoff. “Decision-Making Power in Romanian Families.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies 14, no. 1 (1983): 39-50. Finds considerable equality between marriage partners in family decisions. Emerit, Marcel. ‘bApropos des droits des femmes 2 l’hkritage en Valachie.” Revue historique de sud-est europken 5 , no. 1-3 (1928): 32-3. A response to Georges Fotino’s comments on Emerit’s original article in v. 4, no. 1-3, 1927. . “La femme enValachie pouvait-elle hkriter?” Revue historique de sud-est europe‘en 4, no. 1-3 (1 927): 38-46. About women’s inheritance rights in Wallachia. See Georges Fotino article below for a response. Erich, Renata. Ojtser: Das Schtetl in der Moldau und Bukovina heute. Vienna: Christian Brandstatter, 1988. About the remains of shtetl life in Moldavia and Bukovina. It contains photograhs of men and women and a chapter on women. European Roma Rights Center. Sudden Rage at Dawn: Violence against Roma in Romania.



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Budapest: Roma Center, 1996. Femei din Romhnia: relat6ri despre vials gi situa,tiafemeilor in profesie, familie, societate, biseric6. Sibiu: Hora, 2000. About Romanian women’s professional, family, social, and religious lives. “Femeia ca ‘om de rangul al doilea.”’ 22 no. 10 (18-24 march 1993): 8-10. Special group of articles by Mihaela Miroiu and Laura Griinberg on the topic of women as second class citizens published in the weekly 22. Femeia in contextul schimbiirii: Statuturi, roluri, identitiiii: [studii sociologice]. Oradea: Ed. Universitiiiii din Oradea, 2000. Sociological studies about women in the context of the transition. Femeia: salariat6, soiie, mam6. Bucharest: Ed. Politic& 1970. Studies about women as workers, wives, and mothers. Includes bibliographical references. Femeile gi biirbafii in Romhnia: [publicaiie statistici?].Bucharest: Comisia Nationalii pentru Statisticii, 2000. Statistics on women and men in Romania. Femeile gi puterea: Cartea afrm6rii femeilor in vials politic6 gi public& Bucharest: Ed. 100 + 1 Gramar, 2000. About “women and power: the book of women’s affirmation in political and public life.” La femme dans la Ripublique Socialiste de Roumaniel Women in the Socialist Republic of Romanid La Mujer en la Republica Socialista de Rumanid Zhenshchina v sotsialisticheskoi respublike Rumynii. Translated from Romanian into French, English, Spanish and Russian by Noemia Gheorghiu, Carol Kormos, Rosa Dumitriu, and M. Zinoveva. Bucharest: Meridiane, 1974. Firoiu, Vasile. Amazoanele cerului: Prezen,tefeminine in aviatic6. Cuv2nt tnainte, note gi postfa@ de Florin Ziigiinescu. Bucharest: Albatros, 1980. About women in aviation. Fischer, George D. Femeea cum trebuie p r i v i t ~din punct de vedere fizic, psihic, moral, intelectual gi social. Bucharest: Tip. Cartea de Aur, [ 19221. About how women ought to be viewed from physical, psychological, moral, intellectual, and social perspectives. Fischer, Mary Ellen. “From Tradition and Ideology to Elections and Competition: The Changing Status of Women in Romanian Politics.” In Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 168-95. Revised and enlarged edition. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1998. . “Women in Romania: Public Policy and Political Participation.” In Papers for the V. Congress of Southeast European Studies (Belgrade, Sept. 1984), edited by Kot K. Shangriladze and Erica W. Townsend. Columbus: Slavica, 1986. , and Doina Pagca Harshnyi. “From Tradition and Ideology to Elections and Competition: The Changing Status of Women in Romanian Politics. In Women in the Politics of Post-Communist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 20 1-23. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1994. Fischer, Mikl6s. Cselidek a vdaszuton: A cselidproblkma megolddsa. Timigoara: Szerzo, 1933. About domestic servants.

Flechtenmacher, Maria, 1838-1 888. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland. Journalist, poet, playwright, translator, actress, and feminist. Editor of the twice weekly newspaper Femeea romcin6, and author of articles on the woman question. ROM322

Florescu, Gheorghe I. “Cu privire la migcarea pentru emanciparea civil5 gi politica a femeii (1918-1921).” Anuarul Institutului de istorie gi arheologie A. D.Xenopol 10 (1973): 295308. About the women’s emancipation movement, 1918-1921.

FocSa, Valentina D. Director of Ac,tiuneafeministfi [The Feminist Action] in Piatra Neamt.


Romania This was the organ of A.E.C.P.F.R., the Association for the civil and political emancipation of Romanian women, constituted in Iasi on July 30, 1918. ROM323

Focga, Valentina D. “Necesitatea dreptului de vot pentru femee.” Acfiunea feminist& vol. 1, no. 5 , 1919.

Fotino, Georges. “La femme en Valachie pouvait-elle hkriter? Une rkponse.” Revue historique de sud-est europe‘en 4, no. 4-6 (1927): 113-22. A response to Marcel Emerit’s article in v. 4, no. 1-3, 1927. See above. ROM325 Forbess, Alice I. “Mysticism and Modernity: The Transitions of a Romanian Orthodox Convent.” In Tradition and Modernity in Romanian Culture and Civilization, 1600-2000, edited by Kurt W. Treptow, 236-56. Iasi; Oxford; Portland: The Center for Romanian Studies, 200 1. ROM326 Freedman, Diane C. “Dance as Communicative Code in Romanian Courtship and Marriage Rituals.” Ph.D. diss., Temple Univ., 1984. “Ethnographic analysis of dance as a meaningful code within a particular cultural setting.. . Dance occasions are analyzed with respect to the broader conceptual context of gender relations.. . The ethnographic analysis reveals a gender hierarchy that is present in social, economic, and ritual spheres. There are also factors, both ideological and material, which promote cooperation between the sexes, particularly within the household. The resulting tension in the adult social role between gender solidarity and household unity is reflected in the dance.” . “Gender Identity and Dance Style in Rural Transylvania.” East European Quarterly ROM327 23, no. 4 (Winter 1989): 419-30. . “Wife, Widow, Woman: Roles of an Anthropologist in a Transylvanian Village.” In ROM328 Women in the Field: Anthropological Experiences, edited by Peggy Golde, 333-58.2nd edition. Berkeley, CA: Univ. of California Press, 1986. ROM329 Frost, Kathryn Minyard. “A Cross-Cultural Study of Major Life Aspirations and Psychological Well-Being.” Ph.D. diss., The Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1997. Frost extends major life aspirations research to Romania and “compares the values and wellbeing of women and men, both Romanian and American.” ROM330 Frumugani, Daniela [Frumugani, Daniela Roventa.] “Woman in Society and Postcommunist Media: The Case of Romania.” In What Can We Do for Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, 90-4. Belgrade: Center for Women’ s Studies, Research and Communication, 1994. . “Femininul ’in presa scrisk rom2nk: Mituri Si realitkti.” AnAlize no. 7 (March 2000): ROM331 20-5. About gender and the portrayal of women in the contemporary Romanian press. ROM332 Fruntaje. With drawings by Tia Peltz. Bucharest: Centrocoop, 1956. ROM333 Frunzk, Mihaela. “Convergente ‘in politicile educationale multiculturale gi feministe.” In Prezen,tefeminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by Ghizela Cosma, Eniko Magyari Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 295-3 19. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. . Ideologie j i feminism [Ideology and feminism]. Cluj-Napoca: Limes, 2004. ROM334 ROM335 Fundatia Parteneri pentru schimbare. Femeile j i puterea: Cartea afirma‘riifemeilor in viafa politicG [Women and power: the book of women’s affirmation in political life]. Bucharest: Ed. 100+1 Gramar, 2000. Published by the Foundation “partners for change” which is part of the NGO network “Coalition for reproductive health in Romania.” ROM336 Fiir und wider die sachsische Frauenrechtebewegung: Eine Artikelserie. Hermannstadt [Sibiu]: Vereinigung Frauenfortschritt, 1913. Series of articles “for and against the Saxon movement for women’s rights.” ROM337 Gabanyi, Anneli Ute. “Rumaniens Frauen nach der Wende: Gleichschritt, Fortschritt, Ruckschritt .” In Frauen in Sudosteurope, edited byAnneli Ute Gabanyi and Hans Georg Majer, 79-97. Munich: Sudosteuropa-Gesellschaft, 1998. ROM324

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Romania Galitzi, Christine Afghi. A Study of Assimilation among the Roumanians in the United States. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1929. Includes information on Romanian women immigrants to the U.S. “One of the most informative early works, with a valuable bibliography and a list on p. 151 of several Romanian-American women’s groups.” -Grant Harris, Library of Congress. ROM339 The Gallup Organization, Romania. Barometrul de gen: Romhnia August 2000. Bucharest: Fundatia pentru o Societate Deschisg, 2000. Survey conducted by the Open Society Foundation and The Gallup Organization of Romania on questions regarding gender roles. The statistical results are displayed graphically. Also available on the Foundation’s web site at www.osf.ro. ROM340 Ganea, Adrian. Un sfert de veac, 1914-1939: Album jubiliar a1 “Reuniuniifemeilor romhne ” din Oradea g i imprejurimi. Oradea: Ed. Reuniunea femeilor romiine din Oradea gi fmprejurimi, Tip. diocezang Oradea, 1939.25th anniversary jubilee volume for Reuniunea femeilor rom2ne of Oradea and its environs. ROM34 1 Gatti de Gamond, 206. Despre indatoririlefemeilor gi despre cele mai nimerite mijloace cari le-ar putea asigurafericirea [About women’s duties and the most appropriate means that could insure their happiness]. Iasi: Tip. Romgno-FrancezSi, 1854; Bucharest: Biblioteca Revista Ideei, 1924. ROM342 Georgescu, Elena. “1877 gi femeile Romiine.” Revista Arhivelor 39, no. 2 (1977): 175-81. . “Mirturii despre activitatea revolutionarii g i antifascist5 desfSigurat8 de Zoe Frunzk.” ROM343 Anale de Istorie 20, no. 6 (1974): 146-50. About the revolutionary and antifascist activity of Zoe Frunzii (born 1870), including her commitment to socialism, pacifism and the liberation of women. , and Titu Georgescu. Migcarea democratic6 gi revoEufionar6 a femeilor din Rom4nia. ROM344 Craiova: Scrisul romsnesc, 1975. About the democratic revolutionary women’s movement in Romania. ROM345 Georgescu, Elvira. Rolul femeii in societate. Conferinte cultural-educative organizate pentru s%teni.PloieSti: Tip. Prahova, 1921. Lecture about women’s role in society held on October 9, 1921 in Ceptura, Prahova. (Fifth in a series of lectures for villagers organized by the Prahova Prefecture.) ROM346 Gergely, Gizella Cs. Asszonyi helytdla‘s Szkkelyfoldon. Budapest: Magyar Naplo, 1999. About women’s commitment to Szeklers in Daia, Romania. ROM347 Gheaus, Anca. “Feminism and the Public-Private Distinction in Romanian Society.” In Gender in Transition in Eastern and Central Europe: Proceedings, edited by Gabriele Jahnert et al; im Auftrag des Zentrums fur interdisziplinare Frauenforschung an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, 182-9. Berlin: Trafo, 200 1. ROM348 Ghelmegeanu, M. “Autorizatia marital%.”In Drepturilefemeii in viitorul cod civil: Studii, comunic6ri gi propuneri in vederea reformei, 133-59. Bucharest: Tip. Curierul judiciar, 1924. About married women’s legal rights. ROM349 Gheorghiu, Xenophon. Rolul gi condifiuneafemeilor in cele mai insemnate epoci din istorie. Bucharest: Tip. Vointa National%,1895. About women’s roles and conditions in various historical epochs. ROM350 Gheorghiu-Blrlad, G. N. Femeea: Studiu asupra condiliunei ei juridice in Dreptul roman gi romhn. Bucharest: Stabilimentul grafic I.V. Socecu, 1899. About the juridical situation of women in Roman and Romanian law. ROM35 1 Ghiplescu, Constanta. in galvari g i cu iglic: Biseric6, sexualitate, c6sci;toriegi divorz in Tara RomhneascG a secolului a1 XVZZI-lea. Bucharest: Humanitas, 2004. About the church, sexuality, marriage, and divorce in Wallachia in the 18th century. ROM338

Ghyka, Matilda, 1881-1 965. Mathematician who settled in France, where she became an active participant in the Romanian anti-communist exile community.



Gionea, Vasile. Femei vestite din trecutul neamului nostru. Oradea: Ed. Fundatia Cultural5 Cele trei Criguri, 1997. About famous women in Romania’s past. ROM353 Gluvacov, Ana. Afirmarea femeii in viafa societ6{ii: dimensiuni si semnificafii in Romania. Bucharest: Ed. Politic%,1975. About the Romanian dimension of the affirmation of women in social life. ROM354 Golopentia-Eretescu, Sanda. Desire Machines: a Romanian Love Charms Database. Antropologie cultural%.Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romiine, 1998. Parallel Romanian and English texts of Romanian folk poetry in the love charm genre. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ROM355 Gonta, Alex. “Femeia gi drepturile ei de mogtenire ’in Moldova dup5 obiceiul piimfintului.” A.I.I.A. 17 (1980): 597-602. About women’s customary inheritance rights in Moldavia. ROM356 Gorjanu, L. Femeia, drepturile si rolul ei in societate: Studiu social. Craiova: Tip. ziarului “Poporul,” 1919. About the rights and role of women in society. ROM357 Gozdziak, Elzbieta. “Needy Guests, Reluctant Hosts: The Plight of Rumanians in Poland.” Anthropology of East Europe Review, 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 9-14. Special Issue: Refugee Women of the Balkans: ROM358 Groholski, Profira. Tinerelefete si emanciparea. Piatra Neamt: Tip. Leopold Steinberg, 1920. Lecture of Groholski at the Study Center of the Association for the Civil and Political Emancipation of Romanian Women, at the Univ. of Iasi. About young women and women’s emancipation. ROM352

Grossu, Nicole-Valerie [Valerie, Nicole, pseud.], 1919-. Journalist, writer, and member of Partidul National T5r5nesc (the National Peasant Party). She was imprisoned because of her association with Iuliu Maniu (1 949-1953). ROM359 ROM360 ROM361 ROM362 ROM363

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Grossu, Nicole-Valerie. Benie sois-tu, prison.. .Paris: Plon, 1976. Memoir. Published again in 1977, 1978 and 1983, and translated into German, English and Norwegian. Ionitoiu, Cicerone. Nicole Valerie-Grossu:o lumin6 in bezna exilului romdnesc. With a foreword by Banu R5dulescu. Bucharest: Fundatia Cultural5 “Memoria,” 1997. Groza, Maria. Women in the Contemporary Life of Romania. Bucharest: Meridiane Publishing House, 1970. Gruia, I. V. “Baroul romiinesc.” In Enciclopedia Romaniei. Bucharest, 1936-1941, vol. 1, 352-3. The article on the history of the Romanian bar includes information about the efforts of women to be admitted to the legal profession. Griinberg, Laura. “Cei 7 ani de acasg ai bgiatului meu.” In Cine suntem noi: Despre identitateafemeilor din Romania contemporan6 [Who we are: About women’s identity in contemporary Romania]. Bucharest: Anima, 1996. Griinberg has been the president of the Romanian Society for Feminist Analyses “ANA” from 1994, and editor-in-chief for AnAZize: Journal for Feminist Studies. This article refers to her son’s upbringing. . “Organizarea feminismului ‘in Romiinia: Egecul unui succes.” AnAZize no. 7 (March 2000): 14-9. About women’s NGOs and feminist organizing in post-communist Romania. . “Politica social%gi egalitatea sexelor.” In Politici sociale: Romania in context european, edited by Elena Zamfir and C5t5lin Zamfir. Bucharest: Alternative, 1995. On social policy and gender equality in Romania, in European context. . “Romanian Rural Women Mothering Transition.” AnAlize: The Journal for Feminist Studies 1, no. 1-2 (1998): 16-25. . “Romania: o tar-%discret sexist%.”Sfera politicii 7, no. 7 1-72 (1999): 6-1 1. About Romania’s brand of sexism through subtle practices such as that of “collegial exclusion.” . “Stereotipuri de gen *ineducatie: Cazul unor manuale de ciclu primar [Gender


Romania stereotypes in education: a case analysis of several primary education textbooks] .” Revista de Cercetiiri Sociale no. 2 (1997). ROM369 . “Women’s NGOs in Romania.” In Reproducing Gender: Politics, Publics, and Everyday Life After Socialism. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000, edited by Susan Gal and Gail Kligman, pp. 307-36. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000. ROM370 , and Mihaela Miroiu, eds. Gen gi educafie (Gender and Education). Bucharest: S.A.F. AnA, 1997. A collection of articles and studies on non-sexist education, written by members of the non-governmental organisation AnA. AnA initiated and completed between March 1996 and March 1997 a PHARE program “Equality through difference; a non-sexist education program,” a micro project financed by the European Union, which included a series of workshops, round table discussions, interactive sessions, observation of classes in Bucharest and Vglenii-de-Munte. ROM37 1 Graur, Teodosia. De la dispret la egalitate: articole, cuvantari gi conferin/e: 1945-1 946. Bucharest: 1946. ROM372 Gyr, Radu. Femeia in eroismul spiritual, moral gi na,tional: Conferin@ finutiF in aula UniversitafiiIaji pe 8 decembrie 1935. Serviciul propagandei legionare. Bucharest: Impr. Fr@ia Romiineascg, 1936. Lecture held at Iasi University as part of the Legionnaires’ propaganda by a young fascist poet and intellectual on the role of women in national, spiritual, and moral heroism. ROM373 Halus, Radu Felician. “Evolution of the Structure and Composition of Families in Romania During the Last Few Decades.” In Women and Families: Evolution of the Status of Women as a Factor and Consequence of Changes in Family Dynamics, 24-26 February 1997, UNESCO-Paris,edited by Maria Eugenia Cosio-Zavala, 191-208. Paris: CICRED, 1997. ROM374 Hanu, Rodica, Gr. Penciu, Victor Macarevici, and Corneliu Costiichescu, eds. Epigrame cu j i despre femei [Epigrams with and about women]. Baciiu: Grafit, 1999.

Haret-Andreescu, Virginia, 1894-1962. First female architect in Romania. See Who Was Who in Twentieth Century Romania, by $erban N. Ionescu. Boulder: East European Monographs, 1994. Harsanyi, Doina Pagca. “Blue Blood and Ink: Romanian Aristocratic Women Before and After World War I. Women’s History Review 5, no. 4 (1996): 497-51 1. . “Participation of Women in the Workforce: The Case of Romania.” In Family, ROM376 Women and Employment in Central-EasternEurope, edited by Barbara Lobodzi’nska. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. . “Romania’s Women.” Journal of Women’s History 5, no. 3 (Winter 1994): 30-54. ROM377 . “Women in Romania.” In Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflectionsfrom ROM378 Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 39-52. New York: Routledge, 1993. ROM379 Hagdeu, Bogdan Petriceicu. 0 nevLst6 romhnc&in traiul piim2ntesc si ‘n vie,ta dup&moarte. Bucharest: Ed. Librgriei Socecu, 1903. About a Romanian wife in life and death. ROM380 Hassard, Daniel. From Russia to Romania: Three Generations of Women and Translocation: Two Studies in Human Adaptability. Youngstown, OH: D.A. Hassard, 1994. Case studies of Moldavians’ and Romanians’ emigration, immigration and cultural assimilation in Italy and Canada. ROM38 1 Haupt, A. “How Romania Tries to Govern Fertility.” Population Today 15, no. 2 (February 1987): 3-4. ROM382 Hausfrauenverein in Rumanien unter dem Ehrenpresidium I. M. Konigin Maria, 1920 1937. Bucharest: 1938. About the Association of homemakers in Romania, sponsored by the Queen. ROM383 Hausleitner, Mariana. “Women in Romania: Before and After the Collapse.” In Gender ROM375



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Politics and Post Communism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 53-61. New York: Routledge Press, 1993. The essay also appeared in German as “Frauen in Rumanien von und nach dem Umsturz.” In Zwischen Anpassung und Widerspruch: Beitrage zur Frauenforschung am Osteuropa-Institut der Freien Universitat Berlin, edited by Uta Grabmuller and Monika Katz., 125-38. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1993. Heitmann, Klaus. “The Beauty of Romanian Women.” Plural 1 (2003): 71-6. . “Die rumanische Frauen aus deutscher Sicht im 19. Jahrhundert.” In Frauen in Sudosteurope, edited by Anneli Ute Gabanyi and Hans Georg Majer, 53-7. Munich: Sudosteuropa-Gesellschaft, 1998.

Elena [Helen, Princess and Queen Mother of Romania], 1896-1 982. Daughter of Constantine I Oldenburg, IOng of Greece and Sophie of Prussia, Queen of Greece, and Romanian King Carol’s second wife. ROM386


Lee, Arthur Stanley Gould. Coroana contra secera si ciocanul: Povestea Regelui Mihai a1 Romhniei. Istorie. Translated by Maria Bica. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1998. While focused on King Michael, this book also contains material on Queen Helen, his mother. Translation of Crown against Sickle: The Story of King Michael of Rumania. London: Hutchinson, 1950. . Helen, Queen Mother of Rumania, Princess of Greece and Denmark: an Authorized Biography. London: Faber and Faber, [ 19561. Helen was the wife of King Carol I1 and mother of King Michael, who was exiled from Romania by the communists in 1947. She was abandoned by her husband, and generally led a very difficult life for a monarch. Published in Romania as Elena, regina-mam&a Romciniei. Translated by Liana Alecu. Bucharest: Humanitas, 2000.


Hord, Charlotte, Henry P. David, France Donnay, and Merrill Wolf. “Reproductive Health in Romania: Reversing the Ceaugescu Legacy.” Studies in Family Planning 22, no. 4 (1991): 23 1-40. After 1989 legislators quickly moved to reverse the Ceaugescu-era pro-natalist legislation that had resulted in Europe’s highest maternal mortality rate in Romania. This study documents the dramatic drop by almost half in just over a year, of this deadly statistic, as well as the continuing challenges of women’s health care, education, and contraception in Romania. ROM389 Horga, Mihai. “Research and Service Needs in Reproductive Health in Romania.” In Assessment of research and service needs in reproductive health in Eastern Europe: concerns and commitments. Proceedings of a workshop organized by the ICRR and the WHO Collaborating Centre on Research in Human Reproduction in Szeged, Hungary, 25-7 October 1993, edited by Elisabeth Johannisson, L. Kovks, B. A. Resch, and N. P. Bruyniks, 201-6. New York: Parthenon Publishing Group, 1997. ROM390 Huninic, Adelina. “The Situation of Highly Qualified Women in Economic and Public Life in Romania.” In Gender Equality in Central and Eastern European Countries, edited by Michel Domsch, Dgsirke H. Ladwig and Eliane Tenten, 23 1-49. New York: Peter Lang, 2003. ROM391 Iancu, Stela. Anecdote despre femei celebre qi mai pu,tin celebre. Iasi: n.p., 1992. Anecdotes about famous and less famous women. Includes bibliographical references. ROM392 “‘If I Don’t Move, I Die!’: The World of Romanian Dance.” Plural: Culture & Civilization no. 3-4 (2002): 1-290. The entire issue is devoted to Romanian dance and includes a number of interviews with and articles about important women dancers and choreographers (Floria Capsali, Magdalena Popa, Cristina Hamel, Adina Cezar, Miilina Andrei, Corina Durnitrescu, Alexa Mezincescu, Mihaela Santo, Simona Somkescu, Elisabeta Lux, Simona Noja and Judith Turos). ROM393 IfjLimunkcis, No’inunkds, Szocializmus. Timigoara: S zociddemokrat a Pgrtszervezet, 1930. 265

Romania About youth and women under socialism: propaganda of the Social Democratic Party.

Ileana, Princess of Romania [Mother Alexandra], 1909-199 1. Archduchess of Austria, daughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie, and sister of k n g Carol 11. In her last years, she became a nun, Mother Alexandra, and served as abbess of the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration in Ellwood City, PA ROM394

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Ileana, Princess of Romania. I Live Again. Ellwood City, PA: The Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration, 1951. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1952. B&W photos, index. 1st ed.; New York & Toronto: Holt, Rinehart & Company, 1952. Memoirs that cover the period up to her exile in 1947. Translated into Romanian as Trsiesc din nou: Memorii-Jurnale-Convorbiri, by Agra Baroti-Gheorghe, preface by Alexandru Paleologu. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1999. Includes index. . The Holy Angels. Still River, MA: St. Bede’s hblications, 1981. Intiimplnri din vista doamnelor gi domnitelor romhne. Cluj: Institutul de arte grafice Ardealul, n.d. Anecdotes from the lives of Romanian women. htrunireafemeilor romhne pentru revendicarea drepturilor civile gi politice. Bucharest: Tip. Cultura, 1923. Ionescu-Tomgani, Lucian. Maria Manciulea. Bucharest: Ed. Militarg, 1978. Includes bibliography. Ionitii, Elisabeth. “Aportul femeilor la sprijinirea rgzboiului pentru cucerirea independentei de stat a Romiiniei” [The contribution of women to the Romanian war of independence]. Revista de Istorie 29, no. 4 (1976): 569-85. Abstract: Romanian women participated eagerly in support of the Romanian military effort to win national independence in 1877. Already in April 1877, before hostilities actually ensued, a women’s committee formed in Iasi to urge the sacrifice necessary to liberate the country. In May and June, similar groups were organized throughout the country and even in parts of the Habsburg Empire inhabited by Romanians, despite official pressure to the contrary. Women undertook a wide variety of activities, including making clothing and bandages, purchasing medical supplies, raising bonds for military hospitals, donating volunteer labor, and equipping and manning ambulance units for the front. -Paul Michelson. . “Cercul femeilor muncitoare de pe ling5 sindicatele unitare.” Revista de Istorie 39, no. 3 (1986): 226-36. About the women’s circle linked to labor unions. . “Cronologia migcgrii organizate a femeilor din tara noastrg.” Anale de istorie 21, no. 4 (1975): 94-107. . Ecaterina Arbore. Bucharest: Ed. politic& 1973. About Ecaterina Arbore (18731937), a female doctor who was also a feminist, leading social democrat in Bucharest, and author of books and brochures about women, the family, and politics. See her works above. . “Femeile din Romiinia gi Marea Unire din 1918.” Revista arhivelor: Supliment (1979): 201-6. About Romanian women and the Great Union of 1918. . “File de eroism femenin romiinesc pe frontul antihitlerist.” Revista de Istorie 38, no. 4 (1985): 352-63. Romanian women’s heroic contributions to the antifascist war. . “Luminoasa initiativg a femeilor din Bragov.” Magazin istoric 9, no. 5 (1975): 81-2. . “Migcarea revolutionarg gi democratic5 de femei din Romiinia “inperioada 19181944.” Anale de istorie 32, no. 6 (1986): 65-78; and 33, no. 5 (1987): 21-39. 2-part article. . “Prima organizaiie de femei din Romiinia.” Revista Arhivelor 44, no. 4 (1982): 3526 1. About the first Communist women’s organization in Romania. . “Uniunea femeilor muncitoare din Rom2nia (U.F.M.R.).” Revista de istorie, 33, no. 10 (1980): 1905-25. About the Union of Women Workers of Romania. Iordgchescu, Gheorghe. Femeia romiin6: Mama nafiunii gi pericolele ce o amenin@.


Romania Bucharest: Cartea RomiineascB, 1929. About Romanian women as mothers of the nation. ROM4 10 Iordachi, Constantin. “The Unyielding Boundaries of Citizenship: The Emancipation of ‘Non-Citizens’ in Romania, 1866-1918.” European Review of History 8, no.2 (2001): 15786. Includes a discussion of women as a category of non-citizens denied substantive civic and political rights. ROM4 11 Iorga, Nicolae. Femeile in via,ta neamului nostru, chipuri, datine,fapte, m6rturii. VSilenii-deMunte: Neamul Romiinesc, 1911. ROM412 . Via,tafemeilor in trecutul rom6nesc: Doamnele rom6nilor: Despre imbriFc6minte si ZocuinJiF: Via,tasocial6 a trecutului. VBlenii-de-Munte: Neamul Romiinesc, 1910. About the lives of women in Romania’s past, their dress, dwellings, and social lives. With illustrations and portraits. ,ed. Scrisori de femei. VBlenii-de-Munte: Datina Romiineascg, 1932. Book of ROM413 women’s letters that may be used as a reader for girls in high school. IpSitescu, Ana, 1805-1875. See Dic,tionar enciclopedic rom6n. 4 vols. Edited by Athanase Joja et al. Bucharest: Ed. Politic& 1962-1966. Hero of the 1848 Revolution in Wallachia. ROM414

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Istrate, Silvia. “Activitatea organizafiilor politice gi profesionale ale clasei muncitoare pentru legiferarea unor mBsuri de ocrotire a muncii femeilor “in“intreprinderi(1922-1928).” Revista de istorie 28, no. 12 (1975): 1865-79. About the campaigns of worlung class organizations in favor of labor protection for women. Ittu, Constantin. “Refugee Princesses from Wallachia in Sibiu / Hermannstadt (Transylvania) in the 16’ Century.” In Kobieta w kulturze sredniowiecznej Evropy: Prace ofiarowane Profesor Alicji Karlowskiej-Kamzowej, 25 1-55. Prace Komisji historii sztuki, 2 1. Poznan: Poznanskie towarzystwo przyaciol nauk, 1995. Iuga, A. “Rolul femeilor “inconstituirea identitgfii maramuregene.” In Prezen,tefeminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by Ghizela Cosma, Eniko Magyari Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 347-74. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. J&6, Zsigmond. A Kolozsmonostori Konvent jegyz6konyvei: 1289-1556 / kivonatokban kozze‘teszi 6s a bevezeto”tanulma‘nyt lrta. A Magyar Orsziigos Levkltiir kiadviinyai 11, Forr&kiadviinyok, 0073-4055. Budapest: Akadkmiai Kiad6, 1990. About monasticism and religious women’s orders in medieval Transylvania. In German, Hungarian, Latin, and Romanian. Includes indexes. Jeanblanc, A. “A Brighter Future for Three Million Romanian Women?” Entre nous 14-15 (June 1990): 5. Johnson, Angela. “Family Planning in Romania,” Translated by Oana Sgvescu. O f Our Backs 25, no. 10, (November 1995): 6-7. Includes photographs and illustrations. Johnson, Brooke R., Mihai Horga, and Laurentia Andronache. “Contraception and Abortion in Romania.” The Lancet 341 (1993): 875-8. . “Women’s Perspectives on Abortion in Romania.” Social Science and Medicine 42, no. 4 (Februaryl996): 521-30. Romanian women have commonly used abortion (both legal & clandestine) to prevent unwanted births. Following a brief summary of the recent history of abortion in Romania, secondary quantitative data (Johnson, B. R., et al, 1993) are combined with new data obtained 1991/92 via individual & group interviews with 1,000 women from 3 sites to examine their decisions to have an abortion, the impact of abortion restrictions under the Ceaugescu government, & their needs & desires for improved reproductive health services. -, Richard Edwards and Hildegard Puwak. “Foster Care and Adoption Policy in Romania: Suggestions for International Interventions.” Child Welfare 72, no.5 (September-December 1993): 489-506. Johnson, Dana E., and Laurie C. Miller, “The Health of Children Adopted from Romania.”


Romania Journal of the American Medical Association 268, no 24, (December 23 1992): 3446-5 1. Examination of the medical condition of Romanian adoptees and the effects of the Romanian orphanage system on their health. Concludes that Romanian adoptees are an extraordinarily high-risk group as a consequence of decades of government-sanctioned child neglect and abuse, Hepatitis B, intestinal parasites, and the impact of ‘pronatalist’ laws that compelled women to have children. ROM424 Jompan, Aurelia, and Dumitru Jompan. Gciteala capului la femei in Valea Bistrei. Regita: Comitetul pentru cultur5 gi educatie socialist5 a1 judeplui Carag-Severin, Centrul judetean de “indrumarea creatiei populare gi a migciirii artistice de mas8, 1972. About women’s headdresses in the Valea Bistrei area of Romania. Includes bibliographical references. ROM425 JumGtateafemininci: antologie de Jilosofiefeministci. Bucharest: Sansa, 1995. Anthology of feminist philosophy. ROM426 Katsanevas, Theodore. “Effects of Privatization on Employment in Bulgaria, Romania, and Albania.” In Social Justice and the Welfare State in Central and Eastern Europe: the Impact of Privatization, edited by Demetrius S. Iatridis. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000. ROM427 Keil, Thomas J. and Viviana Andreescu. “Fertility Policy in Ceausescu’s Romania.” Journal of Family History 24, no. 4, Oct 1999): 478-92. This study tests a model for the impact that Ceaugescu’s pro-natalist policies had on the Romanian fertility rate between 1967 and 1989. Using time-series analysis, the authors’ findings show that the Ceausescu regime continually struggled with the Romanian population to increase the national birthrate. ROM428 King, Leslie L. “Gender, Nation, Pronatalism: Encouraging Births in France, Romania, and Israel.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. Comparative-historical study that examines how pronatalist policies were implemented in the 3 countries, and “whether such policies can be compatible with a feminist agenda.” Argues that, “in the second half of the 20th century, . . . [such] policies must be understood in terms of nationalist identities, specifically, as a desire to protect a fragile ‘US’ against a more rapidly growing ‘them’.” ROM429 Kligman, Gail. “Abortion and International Adoption in Post-Ceausescu Romania.” Feminist Studies 18, no. 2 (Summer 1992): 405-19. “Three years after a strict antiabortion law had been signed by former dictator Nicolae Ceaugescu, abortion became fully legal in Romania in 1989. For some women, however, . .. transition from a command, state-controlled economy to a market economy has contributed to the continued exploitation of their reproductive labor.” -S. Millett, EBSCO. . CGluj: Symbolic Transformation in Romanian Ritual. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago ROM430 Press, 1981. C5lug is a fertility ritual. Another edition was published in Romania by Ed. Fundajiei Culturale Romhe, 1999. . “Political Demography: The Banning of Abortion in Ceausescu’s Romania.” In ROM43 1 Conceiving the New World Order: The Global Politics of Reproduction, edited by Faye D. Ginsburg and Rayna Rapp, 252-70. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1995. . The Politics of Duplicity: Controlling Reproduction in CeauJescu’sRomania. ROM432 Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1998. Awarded the 1998 AWSS prize for the Best Book in Slavic Women’s Studies “Gail Kligman has written an important and powerful book analyzing Ceausescu’s pronatalist policies. As she so eloquently states, the sad photos of Romanian orphans infected with AIDS which flitted across our television screens a few years ago were just one painful result of Ceausescu’s attempts at ‘family planning.’ With meticulous research and good writing, Kligman demonstrates the profound impact the state’s duplicitous attempts to control reproduction had on virtually every Romanian who lived during those difficult years.” Published in Romania as Politica duplicitci,tii. Procesul comunismului. Bucharest: Humanitas, 2000. Translated from English by Marilena Dumitrescu. . “The Politics of Reproduction in Ceaugescu’s Romania: A Case Study in Political ROM433







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Culture.” East European Politics and Society 6, no. 3 (1992): 364-418. of Women: Oral Poetry, Ideology, and the Socialization of Peasant Women in Contemporary Romania.” In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 32343. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. . “The Social Legacy of Communism: Women, Children and the Feminization of Poverty.” The Social Legacy of Communism, edited by Sharon Wolchik and James Miller. New York; London: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994. . The Wedding of the Dead: Ritual, Poetics and Popular Culture in Transylvania. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1988. Translated into Romanian as Nunta mortului: ritual, poetic6 gi cultur6popular6 in Transilvania. Iasi: Polirom, 1998. “A study of the most important moments of the cycle of rural life, of the rituals, customs and social life of Maramureg villages. The place and role of the woman in the economy of this rural social reality completes the picture of Romanian women in general.” -AnAlize 3 (Sept. 1998). . “Women and Reproductive Legislation in Romania: Implications for the Transition.” In Dilemmas of Transition in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, edited by George W. Breslauer. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1991. Knickrehm, Kay M. “Attitudes toward Domestic Violence among Romanian and U.S. Univ. Students: A Cross-Cultural Comparison.” Women & Politics 21, no. 3 (2000): 27-52. Konczei, C. “Ilonka nkni: Povestea unei prietenii.” In Prezenfe feminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by Ghizela Cosma, Eniko Magyari Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 3 7 5 4 1 1. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. LADO (Liga ap2rgrii drepturilor omului). Promovarea Sanselor egale pentru femei Si b6rbafi. Bucharest: Ed. LADO, 2000. Pamphlet about the equal chances of women and men, produced by the League for the Defense of Human Rights in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and Welfare-the Direction for Equal Chances. . “The Rites

Leonida-Zamfirescu,Elisa, 1887-1973. The first female engineer in Europe. See 100 de oameni de gtiinf6 gi inventatori romiini, by Edmond Nicolau and I. M. Stefan. Bucharest: Ion Creang2, 1987. ROM441

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Liczek, Irina. “The Masquerade of Equality: Women and Politics in Romania.” In Women in Post-Communism, edited by Barbara Wejnert and Metta Spencer., with Slobodan Drakulic, 93-101. Greenwich, CT; London: JAI Press, 1996. Liebach, Renate. “Message from Romania.” Spare Rib no. 209 (February 1990): 2 3 4 . Liiceanu, Aurora. Povestea unei vrtijitoare, Bucharest: ALL, 1996. Biography of Ana Herbel (1913 or 1914-1977), a “witch” (woman healer) from Maramureg, Romania. Liteanu, Victoria. Drepturile femeii Si democrafia. Cluj : [ 19361. Lecture about democracy and women’s rights sponsored by the Regional Study Circle of the National Peasant Party of Transylvania and Banat on March 18, 1936. Lotreanu, Monica. “Informare sau manipulare: despre imaginea femeii “inpresa posttotalitara.” In Cine suntem noi ? despre identitatea femeilor din Romiinia rnodernti, edited by M2dglina Nicolaescu, 90-108. Bucharest: Anima, 1997. About the image of women in the post- 1989 Romanian press. Lotreanu combines quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Long, Scott. “A Cause for Scandal.” Index on Censorship 24, no. I( 1995): 97-8. About the status of male homosexuals in Romania.

Lupescu, Elena, 1899-1977. See The Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th ed., on-line. New York: www.bartleby.com, 2001, at http://bartleby.com/65/lu/Lupescu.html. Lupescu was the longtime companion of King Carol 11, and then his wife. Before Carol’s exile in 1940 she had the reputation of having a lot of power over the King.


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Quinlan, Paul D. “Lupescu: Romania’s Gray Eminence.” East European Quarterly 28, no. 1 (1994): 95-104. Features Elena Lupescu, the mistress of King of Romania Carol 11, her influence on Carol and Carol’s relationship with her as the key to understand his reign. Berea, George de. Comment kpouser un roi? Paris: Penske universelle, 1983. About Elena Lupescu and IOng Carol 11. Moats, Alice-Leone. Lupescu. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1955. A journalist’s account of Elena Lupescu. Seicaru, Pamfil. Vulpea rojcat6 [roman; conline date despre Elena Lupescu gi Carol a1 IIlea]. Bucharest: Jurnalul literar, 1996. Novel (by an interwar journalist and right wing politician). Claims in its subtitle to contain real information about King Carol I1 and Elena Lupescu.

ROM45 1 Macarie, Manuela. “Feminism in Romania.” Romanian Civilization 5, no. 1 (1996): 69-77. ROM452 Macarovici, Constantin Gheorghe, and Georgeta Munteanu. Raluca Ripan. Savanti romiini. Bucharest: Ed. Stiinlificii $i EnciclopedicB, 1982. About Ripan (1894-1 9 7 9 , a Romanian chemist. Summaries in French and English. Includes bibliographical references. ROM453 Macavei, Georgiana. Drepturile femeii la sfhrSit de mileniu II. Bucharest: L.A.D.O., 1997. The publisher of this publication on “women’s rights at the end of the second millennium” is the Romanian League for Human Rights. ROM454 Macovei, Monica. “Violenta ‘impotrivafemeii.” In Gen j i societate (Gender and Society), edited by Laura Griinberg and Mihaela Miroiu, 56-65. Bucharest: Alternative, 1997. About violence against women. Macovei is a lawyer and does research on gender aspects of Romanian legislation and on violence against women. ROM455 Magyari, Niindor L.; Magyari-Vincze, Eniko; Popescu, Livia; Rotariu, Troian. “The Social Construction of Romanian Poverty: The Impact of Ethnic and Gender Distinctions.” In Poverty, Ethnicity, and Gender in Eastern Europe during the Market Transition, edited by Rebecca Jean Emigh and Iviin Szelknyi, 123-55. Westport, CT; London: Praeger, 2001. ROM456 Magyari-Vincze, Eniko. “Regimurile de gen $i cetiitenia femeilor.” In Prezen!e feminine: Studii despre femei in R o d n i a , edited by Ghizela Cosma, Eniko Magyari Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 77-1 03. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. . Diferenia care conteaz6: Diversitatea social-cultural6 prin lentila antropologiei ROM457 feministe. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. About socio-cultural differences through the lens of feminist anthropology. . “The Need for Feminist Studies in Romania = A feminista tanulmiinyok ROM458 sziikskgesskge Romiiniiiban = Nevoia de studii feministe in Romiinia.” In her Talking Feminist Institutions: Interviews With Leading European Scholars 237-56. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. . Talking Feminist Institutions: Interviews with Leading European Scholars. Cluj : ROM459 Desire Press, 2002. A dialogue between an Eastern European scholar and representatives of Western feminist institutions abut the academic institutionalisation of feminism and political relations within and outside of academia. A personal exploration of the need for feminism in Romanian academia. ,ed. Femei j i b6rbafi in Clujul multietnic = N6k &s fkgiak a multietnikus Kolozsvdron ROM460 = Women and Men in the Multiethnic Cluj. 3v. Cluj: Desire, 2001. v. 1 = Ancheta sociologicii = Szociol6giai felmkrks = Survey v. 2 = Interviuri aprofundate = Mklyinterjlik = In-Depth Interviews; Monitorizarea presei = Sajt6monitoriziiliis= Press Monitoring v. 3 = Focus Group (Cluj); Sidonia Nedeianu Grama; Talk-show; Focus Group (IaSi). Edited 3-volume work on the men and women of multi-ethnic Cluj. Includes survey data, in-depth interviews, press surveys, and focus groups. ROM46 1 Manciulea, Stefan. Reuniunea femeilor din Blaj. Blaj: Tip. seminarului, 1941. ROM462 Manolache, Anca. Problematica ferninin6 in biserica lui Hristos. Timigoara: Ed. Mitropoliei


Romania Banatului, 1994. Work of feminist theology greeted by AnAlize as “without reservation.. . the first feminist book published in Romania after the Revolution [of 19891. With much professionalism, the author debates problems that are still current for the Romanian [orthodox] church.”

Miinuilii, Veturia, 1896-1989. See Romiini in gtiinla gi cultura occidentalii, by Dan Grindea and Ion Manea. Davis, CA: American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1996; 1992. Politician, journalist, and social worker. Founder, in 1929, of Scoala superioarii de asistentii socialii (The Higher school of social work) in Bucharest. Settled in the U.S., in 1948. ROM463 ROM464

Mgnuilii, Veturia. Din drumul de o sutii de ani spre emanciparea femeii romiine, Munich: 1987, 1981. About the 100-year journey toward the emancipation of Romanian women. . Femeile ca instrumente ale cliidirii statului comunist. New York: 1955. About women as instruments of communist state construction.

Miiriicineanu, qtefania, 1882-1944. Scientist who discovered artificial radioactivity in 1924. Assistant to Marie Curie. She obtained a grant from the French Government to create the first artificial rain in Sahara. See 100 de oameni de ytiinlii gi inventatori romiini, by Edmond Nicolau and I. M. Stefan. Bucharest: Ion Creangii, 1987. ROM465


Marcoci, Roxana. “Site of Contestation: Constantin Br2ncugi’s World War I Memorial.” Ph.D. diss., New York Univ., 1998. “At the initiative of.. . the National Women’s League of Gorj County, Constantin Br2ncu7i executed ... [in] 1937-38 a World War I memorial in Tirgu Jiu, Romania.. . [Tlhe ensemble constitutes Br2ncugi’s sole civic work on an architectural scale, and is credited to be a paradigmatic case of environmental art in the history of modernism. Based on archival documentation, this thesis considers the history of commission as part of the cultural reforms undertaken by the Women’s League ...” Miirculescu, Octavian. “Un pension in Vaslui in anul 1859-1 860.” Revista istorica‘ romiinii 13, no. 1 (1943): 105-8. About a French boarding in Vaslui for children of the well-to-do.

Marie, Queen, 1875-1938. Wife of King Ferdinand I, King of Romania. Granddaughter of Queen Victoria and Tsar Alexander II., she became princess of Romania through marriage to Ferdinand of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, crown prince, and then king of Romania. Known for her charity work and nursing soldiers in World War I. She also took part in the diplomatic efforts that led to the Great Union of 1918-20. Marie, Queen. America Seen by a Queen. Edited and with an Introduction by Adrian-Silvan Ionescu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romgne, 1999. Queen Marie’s diary of her 1926 voyage to the United States of America. Contains photographs. . fnsemniiri Zilnice. Translated by Valentina Costache, Sanda Racoviceanu; edited, ROM468 annotated and introduced by Vasile Arimia. Bucharest: Albatros, 1996. Daily notes by Queen Marie of Romania. She was Romania’s last queen and her notes date from 1914 to 1944. . Later Chapters of M y Life: The Lost Memoir of Queen Marie of Romania. Edited by ROM469 Diana Mandache. Stroud: Sutton, 2004. . Povestea vielii mele. Restituiri. 3rd edition. Biblioteca Moldova: Iasi: Moldova, ROM470 1990. Memoirs. ROM47 1 Fodoreanu, Leana. Femeie soldat. Oradea: Tip. Adolf Sonnenfeld, 1928. Includes information about the queen. ROM472 Fotescu, Diana, ed. Americans and Queen Marie of Romania: A Selection of Documents. Iasi; Portland, Ore.: The Center for Romanian Studies, 1998. Collection of documents contains ROM467

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letters by Ray Baker Harris to the Queen. Harris, later a librarian at the Library of Congress, compiled an extensive collection of materials relating to the Queen and donated them to the archives of Kent State Univ. in Ohio. Gauthiers, Guy. Missy: Regina Romciniei. Translated from French by Andreea Popescu. Bucharest: Humanitas, 2000. The author, a French jurist and historian of Romania, draws a sympathetic portrait of the queen. Pakula, Hannah. The Last Romantic: A Biography of Queen Marie of Romania. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984. Pakula is not a professional historian, and her bibliography includes no Romanian published sources, though she seems to have done some archival research in Romania. She “narrates the story of ... [Marie] with the sweep and authority of a great epic. In a book that moves with the excitement of the best fiction, she weaves together the strands of this complex and varied life to offer a portrait of one of the most strong-willed, beautiful, accomplished, and fascinating women of our century.” -From the book jacket. Rhoads, Harry Mellon. Queen Marie’s Arrival to Denver. The Harry M. Rhoads Photograph Collection. 1926. Photo album, accessible at: http://gowest.coalliance.org/cgibin/imager?OO185466

Marin, Mara. “Uloga udiZbenika U procesu socijalizacije rodova: sluEaj Rumunjske. The Role of Text-Books in the Process of Gender Socialisation: The Case of Romania.” In Seminar “gene i politika ”:dokumentacija, Dubrovnik, 10.-12. srpnja 1997 = Seminar “Women and Y 1997, edited by Durda KneiZeviC, 88-99. Politics”: Documentation, Dubrovnik, J L ~ 10-12 Zagreb: 2enska Infoteka, 1998. ROM477 Marinescu, Marina. “Frauen als Vermittlerinnen des westeuropaishen Einflusses in Rumanien um die Jahrhundertwende.” In Der Stellung der Frau auf dem Balkan: Beitrage zur Tagung vom 3.-7 September 1985 in Berlin, edited by Norbert Reiter, 177-88. Berlin: OsteuropaInstitut; Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei 0. Harrassowitz, 1987. ROM478 Marinescu, Bogdan. “A New Era Begins: an Official Statement by Romanian Vice-Minister of Health Professor Bogdan Marinescu.” Entre nous 14-15 (June 1990): 4-5. ROM479 Marinescu, Valentina. Muncile casnice in satul rom6nesc actual: Studii de caz. Bucharest: Polirom, 2002. Case studies of Romanian housewives. ROM480 Masson, Danide. Les femmes de Breb (Maramureg, Roumanie). Laboratoire d’hthropologie Sociale, 11, Paris: P. H. Stahl, 1982. Social anthropological study of the women of Breb, in the Maramureg region of Romania. ROM48 1 Miita, Cornelia. “Journalistic Activities of Romanian Women, 1875-1926.” Romanian Civilization 3, no. 2 (1994): 104-15. A survey of the prose and poetry, translations, political commentary, travel narratives and other writings of Romanian women, as well as discussing those journals specifically devoted to promoting the emancipation of women. ROM482 Matichescu, Olimpiu, and Lya Benjamin. “Cercul femeilor muncitoare.” In Organiza,tii de mas6 legale gi ilegale create, conduse, sau infZuen,tatede P.C.R. (1921-1944), vol. 1 , 51-74. Bucharest: Ed. politic& 1970. About a working-class women’s circle. ROM483 McIntyre, Robert J. “Demographic Policy and Sexual Equality: Value Conflicts and Policy Appraisal in Hungary and Romania.” In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 270-85. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. ROM476

Meissner, Elena. Turn of the century feminst. ROM484


Meissner, Elena. Dreptatea cauzei femeniste. Iasi: Atelierele Grafice “Lumina Moldovei,” 1923. Brochure about “the justice of the feminist cause” produced under the auspices of Asociatia pentru Emanciparea civil5 gi politic5 a Femeii Romine. Includes impressions and reflections about the Rome Congress, and a proposal in the question of women clerks. . Extensiunea activit6,tiifemeilor in afar6 de cas6. [N.p.: n.p.1, 1924. About women’s






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activities outside the home. , and Paula Petrea. Ciiteva cuvinte in chestia alcoolismului. Asociatia pentru emanciparea civil5 gi politic5 a femeilor romiine. Comitetul Central. Iasi: Tip. Lumina Moldovei, 1924. About alcoholism. Meitani, Henri George. “Conventiile matrimoniale.” In Drepturilefemeii in viitorul cod civil: Studii, comunic&-iji propuneri in vederea reformei, 101-1 3. Bucharest: Tip. “Curierul judiciar,” 1924. About matrimonial conventions. Melegh, Attila. “Haus des Horrors? Demographie und Politik in Rumanien.” Osterreichische Zeitschrgt f i r Geschichtswissenschaften 10, no. 2 (1999): 304-12. About politics and demography in Romania. Merfea, Mihai. Tiganii: Integrarea socialii a romilor. Brayov: Biirsa, 1991. Annotated under Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. Mezei, Smaranda. “Gendering the Social Body in Post-Communist Romania: From ‘Homogenization’ To Diversity: New Discoveries, Old Practices.” Women’s Studies International Forum 17, no. 2-3 (March-June 1994): 3 13-4. Mihgileanu, M. Feminism. Piteyti: 1927. Mihiiilescu, Stefania. “Affirmation professionelle et politique de la femme en Roumanie dans le contexte international de la fin du XIXe sikcle et au ddbut du XXe sikcle.” In Nouvelles e‘tudes d’histoire publie‘es d 1 ’occasiondu XVIle Congre‘sinternational des sciences historiques, Madrid, 1990,211-20. Bucharest: Ed. Academiei Romiine, 1990. About the professional and political affirmation of Romanian women in the international context of the end of the 19th & beginning of the 20th century. , ed. Emanciparea femeii romiine: Antologie de texte, vol. I (1815-1918). Bucharest: Ed. Ecumenic& 2001. Large volume of primary sources about the beginnings and evolution of the women’s emancipation movement in the Romanian lands. Mih5ilescu’s introductory text lays out an expansive chronology of events and lists the major personalities involved. A second volume is planned for the interwar period. Includes notes and index. . “Femeile romiine si migcarea national5 din Transilvania.” In Actele celei de-a 97-ea Adunare generale a ASTREI.. F5g5rag: Ed. ASTREI, 2000. , comp. Din istoriafeminismului romiinesc: Antologie de texte (1838-1929). v. 1. Iasi: Polirom, 2002. A collection of Romanian journal and newspaper articles, as well as selections from books and legal documents, all discussing various aspects of women and feminism in Romania. . “Migcarea revolutionarii gi democratic5 de femei din Romania ”ina doua jum5tate a secolului a1 XIX-lea.” Anale de Istorie 32, no. 4 ( I 986): 60-77. About the women’s revolutionary and democratic movement in Romania in the second half of the 19th century. . “Migcarea revolutionar5 $i democratic5 de femei din Romiinia la inceputul secolului a1 XX-lea Anale de Istorie 32, no. 5 (1986): 60-79. About the women’s revolutionary and democratic movement in Romania at the beginning of the 20th century. Milcoveanu, verban. Ce este nou ?nfemeie? [What is new in woman?] Bucharest, 1995. Minea, I., and L. T. Boga. Cum se mogteneau mogiile in Tara Romineasc&p&G la sfirsitul secolului a1 XVZ-lea. Iasi: 1933. About estate inheritance in Wallachia until the end of the 16th century. Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights. Lifting the Last Curtain: A Report on Domestic Violence in Romania. Minneapolis: Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, 1995. A report by a group of delegates from the Domestic Violence in Eastern Europe Project, all attorneys, who went to Romania in May and June 1994 “to investigate domestic violence and to develop recommendations based on their findings.” Findings of the study regard the Government’s failure to respond to the problem, denial of rights to security, and nonprosecution of crimes of domestic assault. Miroiu, Adrian, ed. fnvii@nintul romiinesc azi. Iasi: Polirom, 1998. Diagnostic sociological




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study contracted by the Ministry of Education. It contains data on gender aspects of education. Miroiu, Mihaela. “Ana’s Land: The Right to Be Sacrificed.” Ana’s Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 136-40. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. A philosophical meditation on the Megterul Manole legend according to which the master builder was required to sacrifice his beloved wife, Ana, in order that the monastery he was erecting at Argeg stand strong. Accordingly, Ana was buried alive into the wall of the monastery. The title of the collection derives from here. . “Antifeminism g i conservatorism.” Revista 22 no. 40, 1998: 10-1 1. . Convenio: despre naturii,femei si moral&.Bucharest: Ed. Alternative, 1996. About nature, women, and ethics. . “Dimensiunea de gen a educaiiei”, Revista 22 no. 8, 1998: 12-3. . “Dimensiunea ferninin5 a existentei: Rezumatul tezei de doctorat.” Bucharest: Universitatea Bucuregti, 1994. The female dimension of existence. This is an abstract of Miroiu’s Ph.D. dissertation. . “Discriminarea femininului gi femeilor Tn educatie.” fnv6@ru?ntulromanex azi, edited by Adrian Miroiu, 152-56. Iasi: Polirom, 1998. About the discrimination of women and “the feminine” in education. . Drumul c&re autonomie: Teoriipolitice feministe [The pathway toward autonomy: Theories of feminist politics]. Iasi: Polirom, 2004. . “Feminismul ca politic5 a modernizgrii.” Doctrine politice: concepte universale Si realit@ romanegti edited by Alina Mungiu Pippidi. Iasi: Polirom, 1998. About feminism and modernization in Romania. . “From Pseudo-Power to Lack of Power: A Report from Romania.” European Journal of Women’s Studies 1, no. 1 (Spring 1994): 107-10. . Giindul umbrei: Abordfirifeministe in filozofia contemporank Bucharest: Alternative, 1995. On feminist approaches in contemporary philosophy. . Jumiitatea anonim6: Antologie de filozofie feminist& Bucharest: Casa de Editur5 gi Pres5 Sansa, 1995. An anthology of feminist philosophy. . “Open Space: From Pseudo-Power to Lack of Power.” European Journal of Women’s Studies 1, no.1, (Spring 1994): 107-10. , and Liliana Popescu. Gen Si societate (Gender and Society). Bucharest: Alternative, 1997. The volume constitutes the conclusion of the Gender Capacity Building Project, March 1996-February 1997, accomplished with the support of the U.N.D.P.-Women in Development. The aim of the project was to train trainers for political life and the mass media. The volume also aims to sensitize public opinion to the fact that social processes have different effects on men and women. Chapters include theoretical aspects and Romanian perspectives, as well as ideas for training modules. Includes information on Romanian and international women’s conventions and organizations.

MipPop, Maria. Feminist, active in the interwar period. She was President of the Commission for Peace and of the Women’s National Council (1921), and the first Romanian female senator. ROM5 15 Molnar, Maria. SfirGciaSi protec,tia social6. Bucharest: Ed. Fundaliei Rom2nia de M h e , 1999. About poverty and social welfare. Includes bibliographic references. ROM5 16 Momaya, Mausami Lalji. “Motivation towards International Adoption.” Ph.D. diss., California State Univ., Long Beach, 1999. This study examines the demographic characteristics and motivations of parents who chose inter-country adoption. Most parents in the sample preferred adopting children from Romania. ROM5 17 Moroianu-Zliitescu, Irina. $arise egale, ganse reale: Studii gi cercetcri privind drepturile



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femei = Equal Opportunities, Real Opportunites: Studies and Research on Women’s Rightsi. Bucharest: Institutul Rom2n pentru Drepturile Omului, 1996. Research findings about women’s rights and opportunities. , and Rodica Serbgnescu, eds. Drepturile femeii: egalitate gi parteneriat. Bucharest: Institutul R o m h pentru Drepturile Omului, 1997. Research studies about women’s rights. , eds. ReglementGri interne gi internafionale privind drepturile femeii. Bucharest: Tip. Monitorul Oficial, [ 19991. Collection of domestic and international documents about women’s rights. Moskoff, William. “Child Care in Romania: A Comparative Analysis.” East European Quarterly 15, no. 3 (September 1981): 391-7. . “The Problem of the ‘Double Burden’ in Romania. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 2 3 4 1982: 79-89. . “Pronatalist Policies in Romania.” Economic Development and Cultural Change (1980): 597-614. . “Sex Discrimination, Commuting, and the Role of Women in Rumanian Development.” Slavic Review 37, no. 3 (September 1978): 449-52. Mototolescu, D. Privilegiul rnasculinitGfii. Bucharest: 1915. Legal history of the “masculine privilege” in Romanian law. Mudure, Mihaela. “Feminism at the monastery? AnALize: Feminism and Theology, no. 4, April, 1999. . “Printre feminisme.” Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, no. 6 (2003): 165-78. . “A Zeugmatic Space: EasdCentral European Feminisms.” In Gender and the (Post) EastNest Divide, edited by Mihaela Frunzg and Theodora-Eliza V%c%rescu. Cluj-Napoca: Limes, 2004. Abstract: This paper analyzes the peculiar cultural position of EasdCentral European feminism with particular focus on Romanian feminism. The author uses a rhetorical figure, zeugma, in order to underpin the specificity and the commonalities of the postCommunist area feminisms as compared to the hegemonic feminisms of the world, or to Third World feminisms. Zeugma (from an ancient Greek word meaning ‘bridge’) is a figure of speech that relies on balance and acceptance of grammatical difference. An almost perfect cultural space shifter, EastKentral Europe produces feminist discourses that constitute zeugmatic spaces in the worldwide concerto of world feminisms. . “Zhenshchina v rumynskoi kul’ture: dvulikii Ianus .” In Gendernye issledovaniia: Feministskaia metodologiia v sotsial’nykh naukakh. Materialy 2-i Mezhdunarodnoi Letnei Shkoly PO Gendernym Issledovaniiam (Foros-l998),edited by Irina Zherebkina, 161-7 1. Khar’kov: KhTsGI, 1998. Woman in Romanian culture: a two-faced Janus. Muntean, A. F. “Conditia femeii miiritate ‘in societatea traditional%transilv%nean% din a doua jumatate a secolului a1 XIX-lea.” In Prezenfe feminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by Ghisela Cosma, Eniko Magyari-Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 157-66. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. About married women in 19th century Transylvania. Munteanu, I. “[Romania]: Assessment of Research and Service Needs in Reproductive Health.” In Assessment of Research and Service Needs in Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe-Concerns and Commitments. Proceedings of a Workshop Organized by the ICRR and the WHO Collaborating Centre on Research in Human Reproduction in Szeged, Hungary, 25-27 October 1993, edited by E. Hohannisson, L. Kovics, B. A. Resch, N. P. Bruyniks, 199. New York: The Parthenon Publishing Group, 1997. Muregan, Ana. “From Equal Rights to Full Equality.” World Marxist Review 24, no. 10 (October 1981): 64-8. Muregan, Cornelia. “L’kvolution dkmographique en Roumanie: tendances passkes ( 19481994) et perspectives d’avenir (1995-2030)” Pupulation 4-5 (1996): 81344. Article about demographic trends, 1948-1 994) and perspectives for the future to 2030.


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MureSan, F. V. “Familia Si condiiia femeii fn districtul romiinesc a1 Bistritei la mijlocul secolului a1 XVIII-lea.” In Prezen,tefeminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by Ghisela Cosma, Eniko Magyari-Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 139-56. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. MureSan, Hilde. “Lupta femeilor din Transilvania din 1917-1 9 19.” Anuarul Institutului de istorie din Cluj 1-2 (1958-1959): 303-1 1. About the struggle of Transylvanian women in 1917-19. MureSianu, Aurel A. “Cea dintiii fnsotire femeiascii a neamului nostru ‘Societatea femeilor romiine din Buda’ din anul 1815.” Carpa,ti 6, no. 339, September 8, 1926. About the Society of Romanian Women of Buda. MuSoiu, Panait. Emanciparea femeii. Bucharest: 1899. Musset, Danielle. Le mariage h Moiseni, Roumanie. Etudes et documents balcaniques, 3. Paris: Laboratoire d’Anthropologie sociale, 1981. About marriage customs in a noncollectivized Transylvanian village. Mustatii, Ioana. Dialogul cu eternul feminin [Dialog with the eternal feminine]. Bucharest: Roza Viinturilor, 1993. Nachescu, Voichita. “Hierarchies of Difference: National Identity, Gay and Lesbian Rights, and the Church in Postcommunist Romania.” In Sexuality and Gender in Postcommunist Eastern Europe and Russia, edited by Aleksander Stulhofer and The0 Sandfort, 57-77. New York: Haworth Press, 2005. Niidejde, I. Dreptul de mogtenire a1femeilor cobor&toaredin ctitori gi a1 cobor6toarelor prin femei. Bucharest: 1910. About women’s right to inherit property.

Niidejde, Sofia, 1856-1946. Writer, journalist, feminist, and social democrat. She was one of the founding members in 1918 of Asociatia pentru drepturile civile Si politice ale femeilor, the Association for Women’s Civil and Political Rights. ROM541

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Niidejde, Sofia. Scrieri, Iasi: Junimea, 1978. Includes notes, tables, chronology and a bibliography. Vivinescu, Victor. Sofia Niidejde. Bucharest: Ed. Politicii, 1972. Nagy, Olga. Szonyegbe zdrt dlmok :ke‘t erde‘lyi szovoasszony miive‘szipdlydja. Krdnika konyvek. Miercurea Ciuc: Pro-Print, 1997. About carpet weaving and social conditions of women in Transylvania. Nastasii, Lucian. “Pentru o istorie a cuplurilor ?n mediul intelectual romiinesc.” In Prezen,te feminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by Ghisela Cosma, Eniko Magyari-Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 167-233. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. About couples in Romanian intellectual circles. National Women’s Council of the Socialist Republic of Romania. Women in the Socialist Republic of Romania. Bucharest: Meridiane Publishing House, 1974. Neamp, Cella. Woman ’s Ritual Headwear (Romania). DUTIFA monograph series. Edited and translated by Eugenia Popescu-Judetz [sketches by Cella Neamw], Pittsburgh, PA: Tamburitza Press, 1981. Translated from Romanian. Includes bibliography. Nedelcu, George D. Aventura feminismului: Riispuns la riispunsul dat sugestiunilor sociale, de ciitre o adepti?a feminismului. Bucharest: Imprimeria Fundaiiei Culturale Principele Carol, 1925. A feminist’s response to social suggestions. , Femeia j i drepturile politice. Bucharest: Imprimeria fundatiei culturale regele Mihai I, 1929. About women and political rights. . Femeia gi lumea in care triiim. Bucharest: Tip. Curierul Judiciar, 1928. About “women and the world in which we live.” Neder, Maria. “Women in Postcommunist Romania.” In Gains and Losses: Women and


Romania Transition in Eastern and Central Europe, edited by Leland C. Barrows, Laura Griinberg, 42-5 1. Bucharest: UNESCOENWS, 1994. ROM55 1 Negriiu, Nicki. “Listening to Women’s Voices: Living in Post-Communist Romania.” Bulletin (Berlin: Center for Interdisciplinary Women’s Studies at Humboldt Univ.) 14 (1 997): 33-5. ROM552 Negru, C. Via,tafemeeii: Din trecutul foarte indepfirtatpin&azi j i din virtutile femeei rom8ne. Bucharest: 1939. About women’s lives from past to present, and about “the virtues of Romanian women.”

Negruzzi, Ella, 1876 - 1949. The first Romanian female lawyer, the president of the Women’s Association, and the director of the Association for the Civil and Political Emancipation of Romanian Women. ROM553

Negruzzi, Ella. Educatia casnic6 a femeii din tar& Bucharest: 1933. About the domesticwork education of women.


Nelson, Daniel N. Romanian Politics in the CeauSescu Era. New York: Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, 1988. Includes a chapter on women’s role in local politics. . “Women in Local Communist Politics in Romania and Poland. In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, pp. 1526-67. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. Nemetescu, George. CGlGuza juridic; a femeilor romiine j i str6ine cu privire la na,tionalitate, drepturi politice, convenfiuni, majorat. Bucharest: Tip. Victoria, 1931. Legal guide “for Romanian and foreign women” regarding nationality, political rights, etc. Neuman-Steinhardt, G. “Social aspects of reproduction in two socialist European countries: Romania and Hungary” [Aspects sociaux de la procreation dans deux pays socialistes europiens: la Roumanie et la Hongrie]” In Sociktk et procrkation: les facteurs sociaux qui Z’influencent, edited by Robert Gubbels, 20 1-10. Bruxelles: Editions de l’Universit6 de Bruxelles, 1981. Nicoarii, Mona. “Silenced and Silent: Lesbians in Romania.” Women in Central and Eastern Europe. Canadian Women’s Studies/Cahiers de la femme 16, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 43-7. Nicolaescu, MZidBlina, ed. Cine suntem noi ? Despre identitatea femeilor din Romiinia modern6 Bucharest: Anima, 1997. Essays about women’s identity in modern Romania. . “Globalizarea si femeile din Rominia.” Sfera politicii 7, no. 7 1-72 (1999): 18-24. About the effects of globalization on Romania’s women. . “Post-Communist Transitions: Romanian Women’s Responses to Changes in the System of Power.” Journal of Women’s History 5, no. 3 (Winter 1994): 117-28. . “The Representation of Female Bodies in Romanian Journals for Women.” Women in Central and Eastern Europe. Canadian Women’s StudiedLes cahiers de la femme 16, no.1 (Winter 1995): 3 2 4 . . “Utopian Desires and Western Representations of Femininity.” Replika (1996): 1038. Nicolau, Irina. CredinJe Si superstiJii rom2neSti. Bucharest: Humanitas, 2000. About Romanian beliefs and superstitions. , and Teodor Niw, eds. Povestea Elisabetei Rizea din Nucjoara: Mfirturia lui Cornel Dr6goi. Document. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1993. The story of a Romanian peasant active in the anti-communist resistance; followed by the testimony of Cornel DrBgoi. Rizea was imprisoned and tortured by the communist regime. With a foreword by Gabriel Liiceanu.


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Nicolau, Maria, 1801-1 860. Founder of Reuniunea Femeilor Romine din BraSov (the Union of Romanian Women in BraSov) in 1850. The Union’s initial goal was to render aid to poor


Romania Romanian girls orphaned in the Revolution of 184849. The BraSov organization served as a model for similar institutions in other towns of Transylvania and Banat, and even in towns on the other side of the Carpathians. The Transylvanian Reuniuni functioned under ASTRA, Asociatia Transilvana pentru Literatura gi Cultura Poporului Romiin, the Transylvanian Association for the Literature and Culture of the Romanian People. Nikesch, Leopoldine. Die Frauenvereine im Dienste unseres volkes [The Women’s associations in the service of our people]. Hermannstadt [Sibiu]: Ostdeuch Drukerei und verlag, 1920. ROM567 Norme de organizare si func/ionare a Consiliului Na,tional, Comitetelor si Comisiilor de femei. Bucharest: C.N.F.R., 1969. About the organizational standards of the various women’s organizations in socialist Romania. ROM566

Novac, Ana, 1929-. See Romiini in stiin,ta si cultura occidental6, by Dan Grindea and Ion Manea. Davis, CA: American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1996; 1992. ROM568

Novac, Ana. Les beaux jours de ma jeunesse. Paris: Balland, 1996; Folio Gallimard, 1996; 1992. Translated into English by George L. Newman as The Beautiful Days of M y Youth: M y Six Months in Auschwitz and Plaszow. Preface and notes by Myma Goldenberg. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1997; 1992. Her diary, written over a six-month period in the death camps, is the only such account to emerge from Auschwitz with its author. The diary was originally written on scraps of newspaper, bits of paper, and the backs of posters while living in the death camps.


Nydon, Judith A. “Public Policy and Private Fertility Behavior: the Case of Pronatalist Policy in Socialist Romania.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Massachusetts, 1984. “Analysis.. . of the Romanian fertility transition and the problematic relation between the Romanian government’s strongly pronatalist policy stance and the desires of the Romanian populace to minimize fertility.” ROM570 Olteanu, Cristina Liana, Elena-Simona Gheonea, and Valentin Gheonea. Femeile in Romhnia cornunist6: Studii de istorie social& Bucuresti: Politeia-SNSPA, 2003. ROM57 1 Olteanu, Lia. La femme dans Za Roumanie d ’aujourd’hui. Bucharest: Editions de 1’Institut roumain pour les relations culturelles avec l’ktranger, 1954. About women in contemporary Romania. In French. Also published in English as, Women in Rumania of Today. Bucharest: Rumanian Institute for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, 1954. ROM572 Oltvinyi, Pil. Vegyes ha‘zasscigok.Timigoara: 1857. About religiously mixed marriages. ROM573 Pilcuraru, Ion. “Mutations in the Structure of the Working Class and in the Employment of Feminine Labor.” Revue Roumaine des Sciences Sociales. Se‘rie des Sciences Economique 24, no. 1 (1980): 55-71. ROM574 Panapol, Vasile. Rorniincele v6zute de str6ini. Bucharest: Cartea Romgneasca, 1943. About foreigners’ views of Romanian women. ROM575 Partidul Comunist Romiin. Comitetul Judetean Arad. Sectia Propaganda. Femeile: prezen/ii activ6 in via,ta economico-social6 a jude/ului. Arad: Sectia de Propaganda a Comitetului Judetean Arad a1 P.C.R. Si Comitetul Judetean a1 Femeilor, 1976. About the activity of women in Arad county. Publication of the Propaganda Section and the Women’s Section of the County Communist Party. ROM576 Partidul Comunist Romiin. Rold femeii in viafa econoinic6, politic6, j i social6 a Romiiniei socialiste. Bucharest: Ed. Politic& 1973. A Communist Party publication on the role of women in socialist Romania’s political, economic, and social life. ROM577 Pascu, Iordache B. Rolul femeii in biserica creJtin6 ortodox6. Bucharest: Tip. ziarului Universul, 1931. About the role of women in the Orthodox Church.

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Paternostro, Stefano. “Three Essays in Development and Transition Economics: 1. The Poverty Trap and the Dual Externality Model. 2. Structural Adjustment in Polish Firms during the Transition. 3. Wage Determination and Discrimination in Romania in the 1990s.” Ph.D. diss., Cornell Univ., 1998. “The third essay examines wage determination and gender discrimination in Romania.. . using the 1994 Romanian Household Survey. Discrimination is found both in urban and rural labor markets, nevertheless the observed bias is lower than in other Western countries.” Patterson, Ken. “Women Rescued From Forced Prostitution.” Migration World Magazine 28, no. 4 (2000): 17-9. Albanian trafficking of women from Romania and other East European countries

Pauker, Ana, 1893-1 960. See Horia-Nestorescu-Biilcegti’s biographical sketch in Arhivele Totalitarismului 2, no. 4 (1994): 221-3. ROM580

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ROM59 1

Levy, Robert M. “Ana Pauker: A Case Study of Jewish Communists in East-Central Europe.” Ph.D. diss., UCLA, 1998. A political biography of Ana Pauker, Communist leader (1944-52) and Romania’s Foreign Minister (1947-52), based on archival documents and oral histories. It revises the conventional view of Pauker as the leading proponent of Stalinism in Romania. The study also examines the ultimately failed attempt of Jewish Communists to integrate themselves into Romanian society and overcome nationalist and antisemitic persecution by embracing Communism. . “Ana Pauker and the Right Deviation of Romanian Jewry, 1948-1952.” East European Jewish Afsairs 28, no. 2 (Summer 1998): 69-86. . Ana Pauker: The Rise and Fall of a Jewish Communist. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 200 1. -. “Did Ana Pauker Prevent a ‘Rajk Trial’ in Romania.” East European Politics and Society 9, no. 1 (1995): 143-78. About Pauker’s ambiguous role in the 1950s purge politics in Romania. Previews Levy’s dissertation argument. . “Jewish Culpability in the Implementation of Stalinism in Romania: the Case of Ana Pauker.” S h u t no. 16 (1993): 339-60. . “The Right Deviation of Ana Pauker.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 28, no. 2 (June 1995): 239-54. Pavel, Dan. “Wanderers: Romania’s Hidden Victims.” In Gypsies: an Interdisciplinary Reader, edited by Diane Tong. New York: Garland, 1998. Paximade, Margareta. “Puterea pirinteascii.” In Drepturilefemeii in viitorul cod civil: Studii, comuniciiri Si propuneri in vederea reformei, 33-5 1. Bucharest: Tip. Curierul judiciar, 1924. About parental rights. Piirnutii, Gheorghe. Femeia romiincii de-a lungul timpului. Bucharest: Semne, 1998. About Romanian women through the ages. Pecican, Ovidiu. “Un gantier patinat, dar auroral: femeia fn spatiul romiinesc medieval.” In Prezente feminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by Ghizela Cosma, Eniko Magyari-Vincze and Ovidiu Pecican, 3 1-42. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. About women in the Romanian medieval lands. Penescu, Ioan. Catehismul bunei creSteri a fetelor sau a1 datoririlor lor morale Si sotiale, ca fete, ca soale Si ca mume de familie. Bucharest: Tip. Sfintei Mitropolii, 1854. Catechism for bringing up girls toward their moral and social duties as daughters, wives and mothers. Peretz, I. “hchestiunea privilegiului masculinitgtii.” Dreptul35 (1906). About the masculine privilege in inheritance.



. Privilegiul masculinitcF[iiin Pravilniceasca CondiccF Ipsilanti j i in Legiuirea Caragea. Bucharest: 1905. About the masculine privilege in the legislation of Ipsilanti and Caragea. ROM593 Petculescu, Constantin. “Comitetele nationale antifasciste ale tineretului gi femeilor, organizatii de actiune gi de lupt5 contra pericolului fascist.” Anale de Istorie 30, no. 4 (1984): 83-102. The national antifascist committees of youth and women, active organizations in the fight against the dangers of fascism. ROM594 Petrag, Irina. Feminitatea limbii romiine: Genosanalize. Cluj-Napoca: Casa C5Qii de Stiinta, 2002. ROM595 . Limba stcFpina noastrii: fncercare asupra ferninitcF[iilimbii romiine. Cluj-Napoca: Casa C5Qii de Stiinta, 1999. About the femininity of the Romanian language. ROM596 Petre, Zoe. “Promovarea femeii sau despre destructurarea sexului feminin.” In Miturile comunismului romiinesc, edited by Lucian Boia, 22-38. Bucharest: Ed. Universitgtii din Bucure@i,and Centrul de istorie a imaginarului, 1995. About the promotion of women under communism, but also about women’s ‘“rape’ by state and party,” in a collection of essays about the myths of Romanian communism. Also published in 1997 by Nemira. Petre was Dean of the History Faculty at Bucharest University. ROM597 Petrescu, Doina. “Feminine Practices of Transition or How Six Pairs of Dancing Children Generate Urban Change.” N. paradoxa: international feminist art journal no. 7 (2001): 80-6. Explains how dance can produce space and economic, socio-political, and symbolic change in a Romanian village. ROM598 Petrescu, Mihai. Despre separa[iunea patrimoniilor dintre biirbat g i femeie. Bucharest: G. Panaitescu, 1896. About the separation of male and female patrimonies. ROM599 Petrov-Slodnjak, Maria. “Slavische Bezeichnungen fur ‘Frau’, ‘Ehefrau’ in den mittelalterlichen rumanischen Inschriften.” In Symposium Slavicum 1977: Referate der 3. Tagung bayerischer und osterreichischer Slavisten, am 22.-23. Oktober 1977 in Innsbruck, edited by Erwin Wedel, Ivan Galabov, and Herbert Schelesniker, 111-20. Innsbruck: Institut fur Sprachwissenschaft der Universitat Innsbruck, 1980. ROM600 Pierotti, Daniel. “Contraception in Romania.” World Health (November-December 1991): 22. ROM601 Pol, Louis G. “The Economic Status of Women in Romania.” In Women in the Age of Economic Transformation: Gender Impact of Reforms in Post-Socialist and Developing Countries, edited by Nahid; Aslanbengui, Steven Pressman and Gale Summerfield, 43-58. London, New York: Routledge, 1992. ROM602 Policarp, Morugca. Feminism j i feminitate in lumina Evangheliei. Sibiu: 1925. Work on feminism and femininity in light of the Bible, written by the orthodox bishop of the Romanians in America. ROM603 The Policy Project. Romanian Women: Their Reproductive Health Story. Bucharest: CEDPA Romania, 1997. A project financed by U.S.A.I.D. ROM604 Pop, Olivian. Giinditori crejtini despre rolul femeii in m2ntuirea lumii [Christian thinkers about woman’s role in saving the world]. Bucharest: Ed. Traditie, 1999. ROM605 Popa, Oana C. “Women in the Armed Forces: The Case of Romania.” Minewa 17, no. 3-4 (1999): 39-40. ROM606 Popa, Septimiu. Ciitevafemei mari. Cluj: Tip. National&,1939. About “several great women.” ROM607 Popescu, Anicuta. “Institutia c5s5toriei gi conditia juridic5 a femeii din Tara Romineascg ‘in sec. XVII.” Studii 23, no. 1 (1970): 55-80. About the institution of marriage and the legal status of women in 17th century Wallachia. ROM608 Popescu, Dumita. “Country Papers: Romania: Present Situation and Trends Affecting Women.” In The Impact of Economic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe: Proceedings of a United Nations regional seminar, Vienna, 8-1 2 April ROM592





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1991, [compiled by] United Nations, 64-7. Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs. New York: United Nations, 1992. Popescu, Eufrosina. “Contributia femeilor la lupta pentru apiirarea independentei gi integritiilii teritoriale, pentru desiiv’irgirea unitiitii de stat a Romaniei ( I 916-19 18).” In Din lupta poporului romiin pentru independenfa’,edited by Ioan Scurtu, 223-333 Bucharest: Universitatea din Bucuregti, Facultatea de istorie 1977. About women’s contributions to the struggle for Romania’s unification in 1916-18. . “Dezbaterea problemei emancipiirii femeii ?n Parlament gi ?n afara lui (1922-1 923).” Revista de istorie 28, no. 12 ( 1975): 1881-9 1. About parliamentary and extra-parliamentary debates of women’s emancipation in 1922-23. Popescu, Liliana, ed. Gen ji politic& femeile din Romania in viafa publica’. Bucharest: AnA, UNDP, 1999. This is the 3rdvolume edited by the AnA Society for Feminist Analyses, following ones on Gender and Society and Gender and Education. The volume was sponsored by the U.N. Programme for Development and the USNUE Prize for Democracy and Civil Society. Includes material on the status of women in Romania, analysis of the unequal access to political leadership, and interviews with women who have succeeded in different domains of public life. . “Integrarea europeanii a Romiiniei? Participarea politicii a femeilor.” AnAlize no. 7 (March 2000): 26-33. , and M. Roth. “Variabila gen Tn analiza dezvoltiirii umane din Romania.” In Prezente feminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by Ghisela Cosma, Eniko Magyari-Vincze, and Ovidiu Pecican, 453-76. Cluj-Napoca: Desire, 2002. Includes statistical data about the minute participation of women in Romanian politics. Popescu-Bogdan, Maria, 1873-1 963. President of Reuniunea Femeilor Romgne din Bragov (the Union of Romanian Women in Bragov), 1935.


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Popovici, Caterina. Aspirafiilefetelor: studiu de psiho-pedagogiefemininz pe baza unei anchetef6cuta’ in invfifa’miintulsupraprimar ji secundar teoretic si practic din Romania. N.p., 1937. Psychological investigation of girls’ aspirations, based on a study of post-primary female pupils. Potra, George. Contribu,tiuni la istoricul {iganilor din Romiinia. Bucharest: Fund. Regele Carol I, 1939. Annotated under Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. . “Testamentul jupiinesei Biilaga Biileanu din 1751.” Revista istorica‘ roman&14, no. 4 (1944): 502-8. About the testamentary will of Biilaga, daughter of logofiit (bailiff) $erban Greceanu, and wife of postelnic (foreign minister) Constantin Biileanu. The will was written in April 1751. Preda, Cecilia, and Laura Griinberg, eds. Drepturilefemeilor: Ghid al activita’fii organiza,tiilorneguvernamentale din Romiinia. Bucharest: AnA, 2000. A guide of NGOs activities in the field of women’s rights. With an introductory study by Laura Griinberg. Presl, Jiri. “Catastrophic Results of the Restrictive Population Policy in Romania” [Katastrofalni nasledky restriktivni propopulacni politiky v Rumunsku] . Ceskoslovenska gynekologie 56, no. 1 (February 1991): 57-9. Prevederi ale legislafiei actuale privind drepturile si indatoririlefemeii. Bucharest: C.N.F.R.S.R., 1976. About the current legislation with regard to women’s rights and duties. “Pronatality Laws Failed to Speed Romanian Population Growth.” Population Today 22, no. 11 (November 1994): 8. Public Scandals: Sexual Orientation and Criminal Law in Romania: A Report. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1998. hicii, Ion. $tafeta de aur, Bucharest: Sport-Turism, 1988. About Maricica Puic5, Romanian woman track and field athlete.

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Qualls, Patricia Ann. “The Experience of Being with Suffering among Caregivers in a Romanian Orphanage.” Ph.D. diss., California Institute of Integral Studies, 1997. Study uses “existential-phenomenological methodology to investigate the experience of being with suffering in those who cared for orphaned children in Romania. Nine co-researchers took part in this study: eight women and one man, each of whom had lived and worked as volunteers in Romania caring for orphaned children. Each participant described hidher experience in writing and was personally interviewed to elaborate on hidher experience. The data was analyzed in a method adapted from the works of Polkinghome, Giorgi, Becker, and Colaizzi.” Quinlan, Paul D. The Playboy King: Carol II of Romania. Contributions to the Study of World History, 52. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. A biography of Kmg Carol I1 (1893-1953) that highlights his relationships with women. Rabu, Mihaela. “Weibliche Sexualitat in der orthodoxen Kirche Rumanien.” In Das Hohelied der Liebe: weibliche Sexualitat in den Weltreligionen,edited by Sung-Hee Lee-Linke, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 1998. About female sexuality in the Romanian Orthodox Church. Ridulescu, Sorin M., and Dan Banciu. “Violenta domestic5 Tn Romgnia.” Revista romhnii de sociologie no. 1-2, 1997. Sociological study of domestic violence in Romania. Raica, Eugene, and Alexandru T. Nemoianu. History of the “UnitedRomanian Society.” Southfield, Michigan: The United Romanian Society, 1995. “Includes a pictorial history and a list of presidents of the Ladies Club, 1929-1 986,” -Grant Harris, Library of Congress. Raportul naJionala1 dezvoltiirii umane: Romhnia 1999. Bucharest: Ed. Expert, 1999. Includes a section entitled “Problematica femeii pe agenda politic2 a tranzitiei” [The woman problem on the political agenda of the transition], pp. 70-80, citing statistical information broken down by gender. In Romanian and English.

Ratiu, Emilia, 1846-1 929. Journalist and nationalist activist in Transylvania, as well as a militant for women’s rights. The wife of the Romanian political leader from Transylvania, Ioan Ratiu. She collaborated on the periodical Familia. ROM629 ROM630

Pop Hossu-Longin, Elena. “Doui matroane ilustre ale nemului Emilia dr. Ratiu n. Orghidan; Clara Maniu n. Coroianu.” Calendarulfemeii (1930): 23-7. Preda, Gheorghe. “Emilia Dr. Ratiu (Necrolog).” Transilvania (1929): 161-9. Obituary.

ROM63 1 Regug, Aspazia, and Corneliu Regug. Nume de femei in vechi acte istorice (sec XIV-XVI). Bucharest: Mustang, 1999. About women’s names in the historical documents of the 14-16th centuries. ROM632 Renne, Tanya. “The Future Is Feminist: An Interview with Five Young Romanian Women.” In Ana’s Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 141-5. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. About the life aspirations of five young women about to go to Univ. ROM433 Rodgers, Francesca. Propaganda and Indoctrination among Women in Rumania. New York: U.S. Joint Publications Research Service, 1958. ROM634 Roman, Carol. 0 ecuafie cu doud ... necunoscute: [Dezbatere asupra situafieifemeii in societatea contemporand]. Bucharest: Albatros, 1980. Debate about the situation of women in contemporary society. , and Vasile Tincu, eds. 101 [i.e. 0 sutii si unu] interviuri cu femei: impliniri, opJiuni, ROM635 responsabilitii$, temeri, inechitiiJi,niizuinfe. Bucharest: Ed. Politici, 1978. Interviews with 101 Romanian women about their options, aspirations, inequities, responsibilities, fears, and achievements. ROM634 Roman, Denise. “Gendering Eastern Europe: Pre-Feminism, Prejudice, and East-West Dialogues in Post-Communist Romania.” Women’s Studies International Forum 24, no. 1 (200 1): 53-66. Includes bibliographical references.


Romania “Romania.” In Women of the World: Laws and Policies Afecting Their Reproductive Lives: East Central Europe, edited by the Center for Reproductive Law & Policy, 126-50. New York: The Center, 2000. Includes 4 sections: Setting the Stage: Legal & Political Framework; Examining Health and Reproductive Rights; Understanding the Exercise of Reproductive Rights: Women’s Legal Status; Focusing on the Rights of a Special Group: Adolescents. ROM638 “Romania: Democracy and Equality between Women and Men.” Women ’s International Network News 24, no. 3 (Summer 1998): 57. Excerpt from the report of the Romanian Delegation at the 4th European Ministerial Conference on Equality between Women and Men, on November 13-14, 1997. Information on equal opportunities between men and women and the reasons it is difficult to implement equality in practice. ROM639 Romiinia. Ministerul Siiniitiitii. Order No. 605 of 27 December 1989 repealing various instruments issued by the Ministry of Health in connection with the termination of pregnancy. [Ordin privind retragerea unor acte emise de Ministerul Siiniitiitii referitoare la “intreruperea cursului sarcinii.] ROM640 Romania. Ministry of Health. Institute for Mother and Child Care and United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. Romania Reproductive Health Survey, 1993: preliminary report. Bucharest: Ministry of Health, Institute for Mother and Child Care, 1994. ROM64 1 “Romania.” Women’s International Network News 19, no. 2 (Spring 1993): 22. Reports on human rights practices in Romania as of 1992, equality of rights and privileges accorded to both women and men, discrimination in employment, scarcity of official initiative on issues affecting women. ROM642 “Romania.” Women’s International Network News 24, no. 2 (Spring 1998): 26. About the participation of women in government and politics, and about violence against women in Romania. Includes the percentage of seats held by women in Parliament, the number of rapes reported in 1996, the lack of sources available for women experiencing economic discrimination, the creation of a department in the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection in 1996 to advance women’s concerns and family policies. ROM643 Romania. Women’s National Council of the Rumanian People’s Republic. Mother and Child Welfare in the R.P.R. Bucharest: The Women’s National Council, 1959. ROM644 Romfinia 1iterarG. Special issue: Feminismul: capriciu cosmopolit sau necesitate? no. 25, 1998. Includes articles by Ion Bogdan Lefter, Miidiilina Nicolaescu, Ion Manolescu, Ilinca Iuragcu, Rareg Piloiu, Oana Popescu-Sandu, Cristina Ciirtzrescu, and Cosana Nicolae. ROM645 “Romanian Maternal Death Rate Fell by Two-thirds after the 1989 Revolution.” Family Planning Perspectives 27, no. 6 (November/December 1995): 263-5. About the impact of the repeal of restrictive policies outlawing abortion and contraception in Romania in December 1989; decrease in maternal mortality in the 1993 survey of reproductive health in Romania; causes for the increase in contraceptive prevalence; description of survey participants; fertility and abortion rates; contraceptive use; health knowledge. ROM646 RomAn NkpkoztArsasAg OrszAgos NotanAcsa. A ndk kozremukodkse a hazafias kuze‘rdeku munkdban: A ndbizottsdgok feladata a helyi gazddlkodhban. Bucharest: 1960. About the activities of women and women’s committees in Romanian public life. ROM647 Rosetti, Constantin A. Prima epistolci;: CiFtrefemeile claselor privelegiate. Paris: Tip. lui E. De Soye, 1851. A first letter “toward women of the privileged classes.” ROM637

Rosetti, Maria, 1819-1893. Born in England under the name of Grant, she married the Romanian “pagoptist” (1948’er) C. A. Rosetti (1857-1864). Active in the movement for women’s education, Rosetti became also the first Romanian woman journalist, publishing in Romhnul, edited by her husband, and in its Sunday supplement Romfinul de DuminicG. The couple were exiled in Paris after the failure of the 1848 revolution in Bucharest, but returned to Romania before the unification of the Danubian Principalities.


Romania Rosetti, Maria. Scrieri din 1864 gi 1865. With an introductory article by Jules Michelet Bucharest: 1893. Writings from 1865-1865. ROM649 Ioniti, Elisabeth. “Maria Rosetti-Luminoasa reprezentant5 a migcarii de femei din secolul a1 X K - lea.” Revista de Istorie 30, no. 12 (1977): 2207-23. About Maria Rosetti and the 19* century women’s movement. . Maria Rosetti: Micromonografie. Bucharest: Ed. Millitar5, 1979. Monograph. ROM650 ROM65 1 Michelet, Jules. “Les Principautks Danubiennes: Madame Rosetti, 1848. L’Evenement 4 (1851). ROM648



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Rostas, Zolth. 0 istorie oral6 a $‘col2 Sociologice de la Bucuregti. Bucharest: Printech, 2001. An oral history of the Bucharest School of Sociology led by Dimitrie Gusti in the interwar period. Rostas interviewed many of the veterans of the Gusti school, including some women. Women researchers also come up as a topic. . Monografia ca utopie: Intewiuri cu Henri H. Stahl(l985-1987). Bucharest: Paideia, 2000. These conversations between Rostas and the late Stahl, about the Gusti school of sociology, include information about the women who participated in the monographic teams and in other programs connected with the Gusti school. One often mentioned name is that of Xenia Costa-Foru. Roth, Maria. “New Child Protection Structures in Romania.” In Social Justice and the Welfare State in Central and Eastern Europe: the Impact of Privatization, edited by Demetrius S. Iatridis. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000. Rotman, Liviu. $coala israelito-rom4nti(1851-1914).Bucharest: Hasefer, 1999. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. “Rumania: Results of Government Enforced Childbearing.” Women’s International Network News 16, no 2 (Spring 1990): 36. Reports on government enforced childbearing in Romania in pursuit of population growth. Sacellariu, Iulia. Femei celebre gi femei mai multu sau mai pufinu demne d ’afi cunoscute. Bucharest: Tip. National&,1874. About famous women and women who are ‘‘more or less worth being known.” Sachelarie, Ovid. “Privilegiul masculinit5tii ”in Tara Romiineasc5 p2n5 la jumiitatea sec. a1 XVII-lea.” Studii 23, no. 3 (1970): 493-9. About male privilege in Wallachia until the second half of the 17th century.

Sadoveanu, Izabela, 1870-1941. Journalist and critic who published in Viata Rom4neasc6. Founding member in 1918 of Asociatia pentru emanciparea civil5 si politic5 a femeilor romhe (the Assoc. for the Civil and Political Emancipation of Romanian Women). ROM659 Sadoveanu, Izabela. Educatia noufi. Bucharest: 1930. About the new education. ROM660 Impresii literare (1906-1 907). Bucharest: Minerva, 1908. ROM66 1 Avramescu, Aristita, ed. Amintiri. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1980. Memoirs. Contains Din Zumea umbrelor by Ion Teodorescu and Sufletul aZtor generatii by Izabela Sadoveanu. With a foreword by Tiberiu Avramescu. Includes bibliographies and index. ROM662 Barbu, C., L. Benari, and Gh. Popescu. Izabela Sadoveanu. Bucharest: Ed. didactic5 gi pedagogic5, 1970. ROM663 ROM664

$5ineanu, Constantin. Chestiuneafeminist& Bucharest: Stabilimentul Industrial de Arte Grafice Ralian gi Ignat Samitca, 1905. About the feminst question. Salat-Zakarias, Erzsdbet. “Fete si femei “incomunitatea traditional5 t5r5neasc5 din zona bazinului Baraolt: Cercetarea modului de viat5 bazatii pe m5rturii gi amintiri.” Ph.D. diss. Babes-Bolyai Univ., Magyar Languge and Culture, Cluj, 1998. About girls and women’s



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lives in the traditional peasant community of the Baraolt Basin. Research based on testimonies and memories. Samuelli, Annie. Woman Behind Bars in Romania. London: Frank Cass & CO, 1997. The focus is on human rights violations in Romanian prisons. The 1967 edition of this text was entitled The Wall Between. Sauciuc, Svetlana. Arta de a f i femeie. Bucharest: Sophia, 1999. About “the art of being a woman . Scameci, Florentina and Stefan Ungurean, eds. Viefi paralele in secolul XX: Istorie oral6 qi memorie recent6 in Tara BBrsei. BraSov: Phoenix, 2002. Seventeen oral histories addressing courtship, marriage, and parenting during the communist regime. Scola, Ortrun and Annemarie Schiel. Siebenburgisch-sachsische Frauengestalten: ihr Leben und Wirken. Munchen: Frauen- und Familienreferat der Landsmannschaft der Siebenburger Sachsen in Deutschland, 1990. About Saxon German women in Transylvania. Includes bibliographical references. Scott, Hilda. Does Socialism Liberate Women? Boston: Beacon Press, 1974. Includes sources on Romanian women. Seminar on the Effects of Scientific and Technological Developments on the Status of Women. Iasi, 1969. New York: United Nations, 1970. Senchea-Popescu, Elena. Femina celesta. Bucharest: Sport-Turism, 1983. About Romanian women air pilots. Serbiinescu, Florina, Leo Morris, Paul Stupp, and Alin Stiinescu. “The Impact of Recent Policy Changes on Fertility, Abortion and Contraceptive Use in Romania.” Studies in Family Planning 26, no. 2 (1995): 76-87. , M. Petrache, and Leo Morris. “Maternal Care.” In Romania Reproductive Health Survey, 1993. Final report, 117-3 1. [Compiled by] Romiinia. Institutul de Ocrotire a Mamei gi Copilului [IOMC], [and] United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. Bucharest, Romania, IOMC, 1995. . Young Adult Reproductive Survey: Romania 1996: Final report. Washington, D.C. : U.S.A.I.D. and Center for Development and Population Activities, 1997. Bucharest, Romania, International Foundation for Children and Families, 1998. Serbiinescu, Nicolae. I. “Un agezgmiint monahal din vremea lui Constantin Mavrocordat.” Revista istoric6 romBn6 16, no. 1 (1946): 294-7. About a monastic establishment started in 1746 in Wallachia for monks and nuns. Serbiinescu, Tia. Femeia din fotografie: Jurnall987-1989. Bucharest: Compania, 2002. Sfera politicii. Special issue: Feminism 7, no. 7 1-2 (1999). Grouping of 6 articles in this double issue are on women, gender, sex, sexism, feminism and domestic violence. Simionescu, Eliza. Romenca de m&ne [Tomorrow’s Romanian woman]. Bucharest: 1931. Simkins, Joan. Ceauqescu’s Children: The Amazing Story of One Woman’s Mission to Romanian Orphans. London: M. Pickering, 1998. “Societatea Femeilor Romiine din Buda din anul 1815.” Carpali 339 (1926). Article about the Society of Romanian Women of Buda in 1815. Societatea Reuniunea Femeilor Israelite din Iagi. Dare de seam6 qi bilanlul de venituri qi cheltueki, Iasi: H. Goldner, n.d. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Society of Interbalkan Women’s Cooperation. Voices of Romanian Women: The Status of Romanian Women between 1980-1994 Viewed by a Non-Governmental Organization. Report prepared for the forum of women7sNGOs in preparation for the Beijing conference of 1995. Sperl, Ingo. Taraf6rti dor: Funclia psihologicti a bocetului romhnesc. Bucharest: Univers, 2000. About the psychological function of the Romanian lament, performed ritually by women. Includes bibliography. Spornic, Aneta. Utilizarea eficient6 a resurselor de munc6 feminine in RomBnia. Bucharest: Ed. Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romiinia, 1975. About the female labor force in ”

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ROM700 ROM70 1 ROM702

Romania. Stamate, Ecaterina. Femeia in educalie. Piatra Neamt: 1918. About women and education. Stanca, Constantin. Femeia: Studiu asupra femeii in naturz. Cluj: Institutul de Arte Grafice Ardealul, 1923. Study about “woman in nature.” Stiinciulescu, Elisabeta. Sociologia educaliei familiale. Preface by Agnes Pitrou. 2 vols. Iasi: Polirom, 1997. About the sociology of family education. Stanesco, Basile. La capacite‘ civile de la femme marike en Roumanie apr2s la nouvelle loi du 20 avril1932. Paris: Domat-Montchrestien, 1937. On the legal status of married women in Romania according to the legislation of April 20, 1932. Stiinescu, Vartolomeiu. Femeia ca factor social. R2mnicul Viilcea, Tip. “Episcopul Vartolomeiu,” 1934. The author of “The woman as a social factor” is the Riimnic bishop. Statutele Asocialiei pentru Emanciparea Civil6 j i Politic6 a Femeii Rorniine. Iasi: Atelierele Grafice Lumina Moldovei, 1918. These are the statutes and program of an interwar feminist group that called for women’s equality: the Assoc. for the Civil and Political Emancipation of the Romanian Woman. Statutele Ligii Femeilor din Romiinia. Iasi: Tip. Evenimentul, 1894. The statutes of Liga Femeilor din Romiinia (League of Romanian Women). Stefan, I. M. and V. Firoiu. Sub semnul Minervei: femei de seam6 din trecutul romiinesc. Bucharest: Ed. Politicii, 1975. Biographies of important women from Romania’s past. Includes bibliographical references. Stefan, Cristina. Datoria de existen@: aspecte privind maternitatea. Bucharest: Ed. Arefeanii, 1999. Interdisciplinary work about motherhood, that focuses on single mothers. Stefanelli, Teodor V. “Migcarea feministii din Bucovina.” Familia no. 5 (3-15 February 1891). About the feminist movement in Bukovina. . “Migcarea feminist5 din Bucovina.” Viitorul Romiincelor 1, no. 4 (April 1912). The same text as in the item above. Stefinescu, Doina-Olga. Dilema de gen a educaliei. Ia$: Polirom, 2003. Women, feminism and education in Romania. Stephani, Claus. Frauen im Wassertal: Lebensprotokolle aus Ostmarmatien: rumaniendeutsche Frauen Erzahlen. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1990. Life accounts by German-minority women in Romania. Stephenson, Patricia, Marsden Wagner, Mihaela Baden and Florina Serbiinescu. “Commentary: The h b l i c Health Consequences of Restricted Induced Abortion: Lessons from Romania.” American Journal of Public Health 82, no. 10 (1992): 1328-31. Stem, Marcella. “Die im Zeitraum von 1897 bis 1918 an der Universitat Wien Promovierten Frauen aus dem Gebiet des heutigen Rumanien.” Revue Roumaine d’Histoire 35, no. 3-4 (1996): 219-28. Women from the territory of modern Romania who received doctorates at the University of Vienna from 1897- 1918. Stiger, S. “Migcarea feminist8 Romiineascii din Transilvania ( 1850-1 9 14).” In Prezen,te feminine: Studii despre femei in Romania, edited by G. Cosma, E. Magyari Vincze and 0. Pecican, 237-66. Cluj: Ed. Fundaliei Desire, 2002. Stoenescu, Eufrosina Al. Femeea [The woman]. Rm. Siirat, 1885. “Strategic Approach to Women in Development in Romania.” Women in Development Newsletter Published in New York by the United Nations Development Program/Women in Development, 1994. Attributes lack of knowledge about contraception to the high cost and the difficulty of travel to family planning clinics.

Stratilescu, Eleonora. First wave Romanian feminist. ROM703

Stratilescu, Eleonora. Emanciparea economic6?social6 j i politic6 a femeii. Bucharest: Cartea Romiineascii, 1934. About women’s economic, social, and political emancipation.


Romania ROM704


. Temeiul migca’riifeministe gi scopurile pe care le urma’regte.Bucharest: Minerva, 1919. About the basis for the feminist movement and its goals.

Sturdza, Alexandru A. C. La femme en Roumanie, sa conditionjuridique et sociale dans le passe‘ et le pre‘sent. Paris: V. Giard & E. Bribe, 1911. On the legal and social condition of Romanian women. ROM706 Surugiu, Romina. “La violence domestique en Roumanie.” La Lettre de F.I.D.H. (March 1998). About domestic violence. FIDH is the acronym for Fkdkration internationale des droits de l’homme [International federation for human rights] and its newsletter is published in many languages] ROM707 . ‘‘Violenta domesticii: pledoarie pentru ridicarea cortinei. Sfera politicii 7, no. 7 1-72 ( 1999): 29-33. Well-documented plea for lifting the curtain of secrecy on domestic violence in Romania, and for more state intervention in this problem. Bibliography. ROM708 Svedsen, Mette. “The Post-Communist Body: Beauty and Aerobics in Romania.” The Anthropology of East Europe Review 14, no. 1 (1996): 12-4. ROM709 Tarasar, Constance J., and Irina Kirillova, eds. Orthodox Women, Their Role and Participation in the Orhodox Church: Report on the Consultation of Orthodox Women, September 11-1 7, Agapia, Romania, 1976. World Council of Churches. Sub-unit on Women in Church and Society. Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1977. ROM7 10 Taub, N. “Post-Communist Limitations on Reproductive Rights: the German and Romanian Examples.” Medicine and Law 18,110. 2-3 (1999): 277-83. ROM7 11 Teitelbaum, M. “The De-legalisation of Abortion in Romania.” Family Planning 23 (1974): 38-41. ROM7 12 Teodorescu, Anibal. “Nationalitatea femeii miiritate cu un striiin.” In Drepturilefemeii in viitorul cod civil: Studii, comunica’ri gi propuneri in vederea reformei, 10-7. Bucharest: Tip. “Curierul judiciar,” 1924. About the nationality of Romanian women married to foreign citizens. ROM705

Teodoroiu, Ecaterina, 1894-19 17. Hero of the Great War. A country girl, she enrolled as a volunteer in the battle for the River Jiu, against the German Army. She became a lieutenant in the army and died in the Miiriigegti battle. ROM7 13 Grozea, Elsa, Sublocotenentul Ecaterina Teodoroiu. Bucharest: Ed. Militarii, 1967. ROM7 14 Mocioi, Ion. Ecaterina Teodoroiu, eroina poporului rom&n.Craiova: Ed. “Scrisul Romiinesc,” 1981. ROM715

Teske, Robin L. “Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence Among Romanian and U.S. Univ. Students: A Cross-Cultural Comparison.” Women & Politics 21, no. 3 (2000): 27-52. ROM716 Toth, Olga. “Transylvanian Refugee Women in Hungary: 1989.” In Gains and Losses: Women and Transition in Eastern and Central Europe, edited by Leland C. Barrows; Laura Griinberg, 95-1 07. Bucharest: UNESCO/ENWS, 1994. ROM717 Trebici, Vladimir. “Law and Fertility in Romania.” In Law and Fertility in Europe: a Study of Legislation Directly or Indirectly AfSecting Fertility in Europe edited by M. Kirk, Livi Bacci, and E. Szabady, vol. 2, 520-43. Dolhain, Belgium: Ordina Editions, 1975. . “The Social Legacy of Communism: Women, Children and the Feminization of ROM718 Poverty.” In The Social Legacy of Communism, edited by Sharon Wolchik and James Miller. New York; London: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994. ROM7 19 Treptow, Kurt. Romanian Gymnastics. Foreword by Nicolae Vieru. Iasi: Center for Romanian Studies, 1996. This limited edition, full color album presents the history of Romanian gymnastics from the founding of the Romanian Gymnastics Federation in 1906 to the present three-time World Champion Romanian Women’s Gymnastics Team coached by



ROM720 ROM721 ROM722

ROM723 ROM724 ROM725 ROM726 ROM727 ROM728 ROM729

Octavian Belu. The book is accompanied by a CD-ROM containing video clips with interviews and highlights featuring past and present gymnasts. Tudoran, Georgeta. “Din lupta socialist5 pentru afirmarea femeii la sflrgitul secolului trecut .” Revista de Zstorie 38, no. 2 (1985): 128-44. Aspects of the socialist struggle for the affirmation of women at the end of the last century. . “Din lupta socialist5 pentru afirmarea politic5a femeii la ‘inceptul secolului a1 XXlea.” Revista de Istorie 39, no. 2 (1986): 162-9. Socialist struggles for a place for women in political life at the beginning of the 20th century. Ucrain, Constantin. f n numele patriei: [povestiri despre lupta qi contribufiafemeilor din fara noastrii la biruintele din anii primului riizboi mondial]. Bucharest: Ed. Militar5, 1977. About the women’s contribution to the Romanian victories of World War I. Includes bibliographical references. . f n numele revolufiei de la 1848: [figuri de femei romine]. Bucharest: Ed. Militar5, 1978. About women in the 1848 revolution. Includes bibliography. . f n primele rinduri: [insemnari despre lupta’toareledin timpul insurecfiei armate antifasciste din august 19441. Bucharest: “Albatros,”1975. About the women who fought in the “anti-fascist insurrection” in August 1944. United Nations Development Project, Romania. The Status of Women in Romania 19971998. Bucharest: Gender in Development Project, United Nations Development Programme, Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS, Regional Support Center, 1999. . Raportul nafional a1 dezvolta’riiumane: Rominia. Bucharest: UNDP, 1999. This UNDP report has a section on women in transition in Romania. Uniunea General5 a Sindicatelor din Romiinia. Statutul social a1femeilor salariate. Bucharest: Ed. politic5, 1971. About the social status of women employees. Urechia, Vasile A. Femeea romhnii despre istoria si poesia. Bucharest: Imprimeria C.A.Rosetti, 1865. A Romanian woman’s thoughts about history and poetry. Vartolomei, Episcopul a1 Riimnicului Noul Severin. Femeia ca factor social. Riimnicu Viilcea: Tip. Episcopul Vartolomeu, Sf. Episcopie a Riimnicului Noul Severin, 1934. Orthodox Christian vision about the role of women “as a social factor.”

Viiciirescu, Elena [Vacaresco, H6l&ne],1864-1947. Nationalist activist, writer and poet who lived mainly in France, and lobbied for the unification of Greater Romania. She was a member of Liga pentru unitatea politic5 a tuturor romiinilor (League for the political unity of all Romanians), and part of the Rom delegation to the League of Nations. She published poetry inspired by Romanian folklore, and she participated in international women’ s suffrage congresses. ROM730 V&c5rescu,Elena. Din amintirile Elencufei Viiciirescu. Bucharest: Paideia, 2000. Memoirs. . Le jardin passionne‘.Paris: Plon, 1908. Poems. ROM73 1 . Kings and queens I have known. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1904. About a ROM732 number of monarchs, including Queen Elizabeth of Romania (Carmen Sylva). . Mkmorial sur le mode mineur. Paris: Le Jeune Parque, 1946. Translated into ROM733 Romanian as Memorial in mod minor, Bucharest: Compania, 2001. Memoirs. . Memorii. Cluj: Dacia, 1989. Memoirs. ROM734 . Scrieri alese, edited by Ion St5v5ruS. Bucharest: Minerva, 1975. Selected works, ROM735 with a preface, notes, and bibliography by Ion Stavrus. ROM736 Bulgur, Raymonde A. “Helen Vacaresco (1866-1947): In the Gold of the Evening,” Journal of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences I0 (1987): 202-12. ROM737 St5v5ru9, Ion. Elena Viiciirescu.Bucharest: Univers, 1974. ROM738 Turcu, Constantin I., ed. Hkline Vacaresco: Line grande europienne. Bucharest: Editions de la Fondation culturelle Roumaine, 1996. About V5c5rescu, as a “great European.’’Includes


Romania bibliographical references. ROM739

Viiduva, Ofelia. Steps towards the Sacred: From the Ethnology of Romanian Food Habits. Translation from Romanian by Sorana Georgescu-Gorjan, Bucharest: The Romanian Cultural Foundation Publishing House/ The Encyclopedic Publishing House, 1999. About ritual practices involving food.

Varga, Ecaterina, 1802-1858. Hungarian aristocrat, who actively supported the rights of the Romanian serfs in Transylvania. ROM740

“Ecaterina Varga: Un Horia “infustii.” Monitorul de Brajov, March 4, 2000.

ROM74 1

The Veil is Lifted: Thirteen Heroines. Bucharest: The Romanian Cultural Foundation, 200 1. (Plural: Culture and Civilization, no. 4,2001) Verdery, Katherine. “From Parent-State to Family Patriarchs: Gender and Nation in Contemporary Eastern Europe.” East European Politics and Societies 8, no. 2 (Spring 1994): 225-55. Vintileanu, Ioaneta. “Women and Crime in Romania 1996-1st half of 1997.” In The Status of Women in Romania. Bucharest: United Nations Development Project, Romania, 1999. Study based on data from the Police Department’s Institute for the study and prevention of violence. Viziniuc, Gabriela (maica). Chipuri de femei martir in epoca persecu,tiilor. Bucharest: Anastasia, 1999. About women martyrs in the period of persecution. The author is a nun. Voiculescu, Ioan. Rolul femeii in familia plugarului rom4n. Buziiu: Ed. autorului, Tip. Alessandru Georgescu, 1898. About the role of women in the family of the Romanian ploughman. Vulciinescu, Romulus. Mitologie rom4nG. Bucharest: Ed. Academiei R.S.R., 1985. A compendium of Romanian mythology that includes many supernatural female creatures and gendered practices and beliefs.



ROM744 ROM745 ROM746

Walch-Kamiski, Hermina, 1864-1946. First woman to obtain the title of doctor in medicine in Bucharest. Waldeck, Rosa Goldschmidt. Athknke Palace. Translated from English by Ileana Sturdza. Preface by Ernest H. Latham Jr. Bucharest: Humanitas [2000]; Iasi: Center for Romanian Studies, 1998. A new edition of this classic work, originally published in New York in 1942, is accompanied by an introductory study about the author’s life and work. Waldeck, an American journalist in Bucharest in 1940 watched the beginning of the war and political personalities associated with it from the “front row seat” of this famous Bucharest hotel. ROM748 Webb, F. J. “Demographic Engineering: the Case of Romania.” Bloomsbury Geographer 13 (1985): 20-7. ROM749 Wilson, Teresa. “Crossing Borders on the Peace Train to Beijing.” Cross Currents 46, no. 1 (Spring 1996): 17-27. Annotated under the Bulgaria section. ROM750 Windisch-Middendorf, Renate. Die kluge Genossin: Begegnungen mit Frauen in Rumanien. [The smart female comrade: encounters with women in Romania]. Freiburg: Herder, 1983. ROM75 1 Wolchik, Sharon. Politics, Ideology, and Equality: The Status of Women in Eastern Europe. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1978. Discusses the status of women in Romania. ROM752 “Women and Work.” UNESCO Sources no. 63 (November 1994): 19. The theme of the University for Women of the Black Sea Region held in Bucharest, Romania October 3-8, 1994 was “Women and Work.” Topics discussed included the legal vs. the actual status of women. ROM747


Romania ROM753 ROM754

ROM755 ROM756


Women’s National Council of the Romanian People’s Republic. Mother and Child Welfare in the R.P.R. Bucharest: the Council, 1959. Women’s Reproductive Rights in Romania: A Shadow Report, coordinated and edited by Laura Katzive et al. New York: Center for Reproductive Law and Policy (CRLP); Bucharest, Romania: Romanian Society for Feminist Analysis (AnA), 2000. Woodruff, B. A., F. Popovici, N. Beldescu, and C. N. Shapiro. “Hepatitis B Virus Infection among Pregnant Women in Northeastern Romania.” International Journal of Epidemiology 22, no. 5 (1993): 923. World Federation of Trade Unions. Working Women Shape Their Future. International Trade Union Conference on the Problems of Worlung Women (2nd: 1964: Bucharest, Romania). [Prague: Priice], 1964. “Substantial passages from the three reports presented to the conference, and excerpts from some of the most typical speeches of the delegates, together with the full text of the two documents adopted by the conference.” -Library of Congress Catalogue. Wright, N. “Restricting Legal Abortion: Some Material and Child Health Effects in Romania.” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 121, no. 2 (1975): 246-56.

Xenopol, Adela, 1861-1939. Writer, journalist, and liberal feminist who campaigned for women’s suffrage in the early part of the 20* century. Editor of the monthly Dochia, as well as of RomLinca, and Viitorul romLincelor, and founder of Societatea Scriitoarelor (the Society of Women Writers). ROM758 ROM759

ROM760 ROM76 1 ROM762 ROM763 ROM764 ROM765



Zaharia, Gheorghe. Conditia juridicii a femeii in dreptul interna/ional. Iasi: Junimea, 1980. About the legal status of women under international law. Zabolotnaia, Lilia. “Situatia femeilor din Moldova ’in evul mediu (sec. a1 XVI-lea-mijlocul sec. a1 XVII-lea): (Imaginea, statutul social, drepturile si obligaiiunile) .” In Romania: A Crossroads of Europe, edited by Kurt W. Treptow, 43-56. Iagi; Oxford; Palm Beach; Portland: The Center for Romanian Studies, 2002. Zakariiis, Erzsebet. Asszonydet erdo”vid6ken[Viata femeilor din zona de munte] . Tg. Mureg: Mentor, 2000. About the life of women in the mountains. Texts are in Hungarian, Romanian, and English. Includes bibliographical references. Zamfir, Elena. “Dinamica societiitii civile: Politici de gen.” In Raportul dezvolt6rii umane, by United Nations Development Project. Bucharest: UNDP, 1999. About gendered policies in the dynamics of civil society. . The Situation of Child and Family in Romania. Bucharest: National Committee for Child Protection, Romanian Government: UNICEF, Romania Country Office, 1994. , and Ciltiilin Zamfir. Situatia femeii in Romhnia. Bucharest: Expert, 2001. About the situation of Romanian women. . Tiganii intre ignorare si ingrijorare. Bucharest: Alternative, 1993. Annotated under Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. Zliitescu, Irina. “Country papers: Romania. Some aspects of the status of women.” h The Impact of Economic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe: Proceedings of a United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna, 8-12 April 1991, [compiled by] United Nations. Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, 70-1. New York: United Nations, 1992. Zlgtescu, Victor Dan, and Ioan M. Copil, coords. Population et lkgislation: mod2les et programmes populationnels en Roumanie. Bucharest: Fonds des Nations Unies pour les activitks en mati6re de population, 1984. U.N. project on population and legislation: Romanian models and programs, accomplished in Romania by the National Commission for Demography . Includes bibliography. 22 plus. Special issue: Ce aduc nou femeile aflate in posturi de decizie? 131 (2001).


Romania Supplement to Revista 22 on the subject of women in decision-making posts. Articles and interviews with/about women in leadership positions: Mihaela Miroiu, Gabriela Adamegteanu, CSitSilina Farcag, Charlotte Bunch and Mary Hartmann. ROM768 . Special issue: Condifiafemeii in perioada de tranzifie 23 (1996). Articles about women during the transition period by Monica Fong, Karen Fogg, Maria Sandor, Gabriela Adamegteanu, Ana Maria Sandi, Georgeta Gherbea, et al. . Special issue: Contracepfie? Avort? 61 (1998). About contraception and abortion. ROM769 . Special issue: De la traum6 la integritate:femeile din RomGnia tyi reg6sesc ROM770 identitatea [From trauma to integrity: the women of Romania find their identity again] 84 (1999). ROM77 1 . Special issue: Femei de afaceri in pragul secolului X X I 102 (2000). About business women on the threshold of the 2 1st century. ROM772 . Special issue: Femeile in politic6 59 (1997). About women in politics. . Special issue: Putere economic6 pentru femei 105 (2000). About women’s economic ROM773 power. ROM774 . Special issue: S6n6tateafemeilor in mass-media 87 (1999). About women’s health as portrayed in the mass-media. . Special issue: Sanse egale pentru femeile din RomGnia 72 (1998); and 75 (1998). ROM775 About equal opportunity for the women of Romania. . Special issue: Schimb6m lumea: Femeile yi democrafia in RomGnia 11 1 (1 1 July, ROM776 2000). About women and democracy in Romania. . Special issue: Violenfa contraferneilor yi mass-media 83 (1999). About violence ROM777 against women and the mass media. . Special issue: Violenfa infamilie 82 (1999). About family violence. ROM778 . Special issue: Vocile b6rbafilor 88 (1999). About men’s voices, a kind of belated ROM779 response to Adriana and Henry P. David’s 1996 Voci ale femeilor din RomGnia [Voices of Romanian women].

Literature and the Arts ROM780

AbSilutSi, Constantin. Poezia romGneasc6 dup6 proletcultism. Vol.1-2. Generafia anilor ‘60’70.Constanta: Ex. Ponto, 2000. Anthology of Romanian poetry after the “proletcult” period. Includes commentaries of 97 Romanian poets from the ‘60s and ‘70s.

Adamegteanu, Gabriela, 1942-. See Dicfionarul esenfial a1 scriitorilor rom&ni,edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Albatros, 2000. Fiction writer, journalist, and essayist. For some years she was editor-in-chief of the Bucharest culturalpolitical weekly 22. ROM781

ROM782 ROM783


Adamegteanu, Gabriela. Cele douii RomGnii: articole yi fragmente memorialistice. Iasi: Institutul European, 2000. Collection of non-fiction pieces written after 1989 mainly in 22, but also Romania liber6, and Secolul X X . The first essay entitled “In loc de prefatSi: Lungul drum de la prozSi la jurnalism” [Instead of a preface: the long road from prose to journalism], explains how and why Adamegteanu has switched careers, at least for the moment, not least through the lure of politics in the era of post-communism. . Ddruieyte-fi o zi de vacanf6. Bucharest: Cartea RomiineascB, 1979. Short stories. . Dimineafa pierdutii. Bucharest: Cartea Rom2neasc5, 1997; 1991; 1983. The 3rd definitive edition, considered by Zaciu, Papahagi and Sasu to be “a major achievement of contemporary Romanian prose.” . DrLimul egal alfieccirei zile. Bucharest: Cartea RomiineascSi, 1992; 1978; 1975. Novel.

29 1

Romania ROM785 ROM786 ROM787 ROM788

. Obsesia politicii. Bucharest: Clavis, 1995. Interviews with Romanian cultural personalities. . Vara-primiivara.Bucharest: Cartea Romiineascii, 1989. Short stories. Stefinescu, Alex. “Gabriela Adamegteanu.” Romhnia literarii no. 4 1 ( 1997). . “Doi publicigti antipatici.” Romznia literarii no. 1I , 2001.

Albu, Florenfa, 1934-2000. See Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London & New York: Routledge, 2001. Poet, essayist, contributor to the literary reviews Viaia romhneascfiand Scrisul biinfiiean. ROM789 ROM790 ROM791 ROM792 ROM793 ROM794

Albu, Florenta. Anno Domini [Poeme inedite 1970-19891. Bucharest: Cartea Romiineascii, 1991. Previously unpublished poems, 1970-89. .Aurolac: poeme. Bucharest: Cartea Romheascii, 1997. Poems. . Poem in Utopia. Bucharest: Cartea Romiineascii, 1983. Poems. . Roata lumii: versuri. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1977. Poems. . Zidul martor: pagini de jurnal, 1970-1990. Bucharest: Cartea Romiineascii, 1994. Constantin, Ilie. “Jurnale lirice gi simboluri existentiale.” Romhnia literarfi no. 50, 1999.

Apolzan, Mioara, 1944-. See Istoria literaturii romhne de azi pe miiine: 23 august 1944-22 decembrie 1989, by Marian Popa. 2 vols. Bucharest: Fundatia Luceafiirul, 2001. Prose writer, and literary historian and critic. Apolzan, Mioara. Aspecte de istorie literarfi. Bucharest: Ed. Minerva, 1983. . Carte de identitate. Bucharest: Cartea Romiineascii, 1993. Contains pages from her journal (Jurnal din memorie: 1986-1989), and short stories (“Cumpiirati narcise mov,” “Duet,” “Casa de sticlii,” and “Schimb de locuintii”). . Casaficiiunii: romane gi romancieri din deceniul8 [George Biiliiitii, Constantin Toiu, ROM797 Augustin Buzura]. Cluj: Dacia, 1979. About novels and novelists of the 1970s. ROM795 ROM796


Arcan, Sofia [Sofia $tef5nescu], 1917-1992. See Diciionar bibliografic a1 scriitorilor si lingvigtilor din judeiul Timij: 1945-1999, edited by Aquilina Biriiescu, and Diana Ziirie. Timigoara: Marineasa, 2000. Novelist. She received the prize of the Timi9oara Writers’ Association in 1975. ROM798 ROM799 ROM800 ROM801

Arcan, Sofia. Iana hoinara: roman. Timigoara: Ed. Contemporanii, 1943. intrerupt: roman. Timigoara: Facla, 1986. . Ora irealfi: roman. Timigoara: Popa’s Art, 1996. . Singurfi in bfitaia lunii: roman. Timigoara: Facla, 1977. . Joc

Archip, Ticu Sevastia, 1891-1965. See Diciionarul Scriitorilor Romzni, A-C, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romiine, 1995; and Diciionar de literaturfi romhnii contemporanfi,2nded., by Marian Popa, Bucharest: Albatros, 1977. Playwright, fiction writer, mathematician. Contributor to Adela Xenopol’s Revista scriitoarei (Woman Writer’s Review). Auslander, Rose [Rosalie Scherzer], 1907-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Germanlanguage poet born in Bukovina. Well known for her Gesammelte Gedichte, 1976. She was awarded, among others, the silver Heine Taler of the publisher Hoffmann & Campe, in 1966 and the Droste Prize for women poets in 1977.


Romania ROM802 ROM803 ROM804

Auslander, Rose. Der Regenbogen: Gedichte. Cernowitz: Literaria, 1939. . Mein Atem heisst jetzt. Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1995; 1987; 1981. Lindeman, Gisela, “Das Werk der Rose Auslander.” Die Zeit, April 7, 1978.

Baba-Voinovici, Miirioara, 1950-. See Scriitori romani din anii ‘80-’90: Diciionar biobibliografic. Vol. I , A-F, edited by Ion Bogdan Lefter. Pitegti: Paralela 45, 2000; and DicJionarulliteraturii romiine din Iugoslavia, edited by Costa Rogu. [Panciova]: Libertatea, 1997. Poet, theater and film critic living in Voivodina, Yugoslavia. ROM805 ROM806 ROM807

Baba-Voinovici, Miirioara. Ape cristaline. Panciova: Libertatea, 1980. Poems. . Dublafiinic a naturii. Panciova: Libertatea, 1997. Poems. . Poeme. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1999. Poems.

Babefi, Adriana, 1949-. See Scriitori romani din anii ‘80-’90. DicJionarbio-bibliografic. Volumul I. A-F, edited by Ion Bogdan Lefter. Pitegti: Paralela 45,2000. Diciionar a1 scriitorilor b&n&ieniby Olimpia Berca.Timigoara: Amarcord, 1996. Essayist, fiction writer, journalist, editor, and translator; co-director of the Center for Central European Comparative Studies A Treia Europa (The Third Europe) located in Timigoara, Romania. She received the prize of the Romanian Writers’ Union for prose (1990), and for literary criticism and literary history (1998). Babe$, Adriana. B&ta’liilepierdute: Dimitrie Cantemir: strategii de lectur&,Timigoara: Amarcord, 1998. Essay. . Dilemele Europei Centrale. Timi5oara: Mirton, 1998. ROM809 ROM810 . Europa Central&:Memorie, paradis, apocalips&,in collaboration with Cornel Ungureanu, Iasi: Polirom, 1998. . Europa central&:nevroze, dileme, utopii. In collaboration with Cornel Ungureanu, ROM811 Iasi: Polirom, 1997. . Femeia in rogu: roman retro (versiune).In collaboration with Mircea Nedelciu and ROM812 Mircea Mihiiieg. Bucharest: All, 1997; Cartea Romgneascii, 1990. Post-modern novel. ROM813 Ruja, Alexandru. Parte din intreg. Timigoara: Ed. de Vest, 1994. ROM8 14 Spiridon, Monica. “Modelul Cantemir.” Romania literarc no. 1, 1999.


Bacaloglu, Elena, 1878-1 925. Cultural activist, who held conferences and wrote articles promoting Romania. See Who Was Who in Twentieth Century Romania, by verban N. Ionescu, Boulder: East European Monographs, 1994. Balaci, Anca, 1932-. Fiction writer. ROM8 15 Balaci, Anca. Drum bun, Simina. Bucharest: Cartea Romiineascii, 1987. Novel. .Vacan/&in Olimp. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1981. Novel. ROM816 ROM8 17 Balaj, Veronica. Crinul - cofetiirie pentru doamne: Prozatoare timigorene contemporane. Timigoara: Eubeea, 1997. Anthology of contemporary fiction written by women from Timigoara.

Balla, Zsbfia, 1949-. Hungarian language poet, writer, essayist, and literary and musical critic. She received the prize of the Romanian Writers’ union for poetry (1984, 1991). She has lived in Budapest since 1993. : 1995. Poems. ROM8 18 Balla, Zs6fia. Ahogyan klsz, P ~ c sJelenkor,


Romania ROM819 ROM820 ROM82 1 ROM822 ROM823 ROM824 ROM825 ROM826 ROM827 ROM828


. Apokrifknek. Bucharest: Kriterion, 1971. Poems. . Aga cum trtiiegti, poeme selectate si traduse de Aurel Sorobetea, cu o prefati de Grete Tartler. Bucharest: Kriterion, 1983. . A dolgok emlkkezete. Bucharest: ESPLA, 1968. Poems. . Egy poha‘rfii: Pkcs: Jelenkor, 1993. Poems. . Eleven Te‘r. Budapest: Magveto, 1991. Poems. . Kolozsva‘ri Ta‘ncok.Bucharest: Kriterion, 1983. Poems. . Md‘sodik Szemkly. Bucharest: Kriterion, 1980. Poems. .A pa‘nce‘l nyomai. Bucharest: Kriterion, 1991. Poems. . Schones, trauriges Land, poems selected and translated into German by HansHenning Paetzke. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1998. . Spirituoso, poems selected and translated into German, French and English by Biithori Csaba, Kinga Dornbacher and Stephen Humphreys. P ~ c sBudapest: ; Ed. JelenkorLettre, 1999. . Vizla‘ng.Bucharest: Kriterion, 1975. Poems.

Banciu, Carmen Francesca, 1 9 5 5 . See Scriitori rom2ni din anii ‘80-’90: Dicfionar biobibliografic. Vol. 1. A-F, edited by Ion Bogdan Lefter. Pitegti: Paralela 45, 2000. Fiction writer and journalist who has lived in Germany since 1991. ROM830 ROM831

Banciu, Carmen Francesca. Fenster in Flammen, Berlin: Rotbuch Verlag, 1992. Novel. . 0 zi ftirtipregedinte, Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei RomBne, 1998. Novel.

Bantay, Ioana, pseud. [MustatSi, Elena], 1937-1987. See Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London & New York: Routledge, 2001; and Dicfionar de literaturii rorn2nii contemporanti, by Marian Popa. Bucharest: Albatros, 1971. ROM832 ROM833 ROM834 ROM835 ROM836

Banta8, Ioana. Memorie de iulie. Preface by Alexandru Piru. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1966. vid. Bucharest: Ed. Tineretului, 1969. . Scrisori ciitre Or$eu. Bucharest: Cartea RomBneascZi, 1972. . Vertebra lui Yorick. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1970. Dumitriu, Dana. “Ioana Bantag.” Romania Literarii June 28 (1973). . Poarta spre

Banuq, Maria, 1914-1999. See DicJionarulesenfial a1 scriitorilor romGni, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Albatros, 2000; and Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London & N.Y .: Routledge, 2001. Important poet, essayist, prose writer, and translator. She began as an avant-garde poet and translator of Rilke. “Her first volume of poetry-rarafetelor [The Land of Young Girls] (1937)-was both strong and precise in its unprecedented depiction of the female adolescent self torn between urgent physical premonitions of triumphant vitality or aggressive sexuality and ready-made sacrificial schemes or humbling scenarios. Hesitant healthy violence is at the core of the poet’s creativity.” Katharina M. Wilson. An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, vol.1. New York & London: Garland, 1991, p. 78. ROM837 ROM838

Banug, Maria. Across Budapest afer Rain. Translated by De-Hovanessian and Mansfield. QRL Poetry Book Service 35. N.p.: Quarterly Review, 1996. . Demon in brackets: poems/ Demon intre paranteze: poeme [parallel Romanian text and English translation], translated from Romanian by Dan Dutescu; with a preface by Nicolae Manolescu. London: Forest Books, with Ed. Fundatiei Culturale RomBne, 1994. This selection of poems was chosen by Banu? herself and is in essence a lyric diary.


Romania ROM839 ROM840 ROM841 ROM842 ROM843

ROM844 ROM845

. “Dream with One Angel.” In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by Walter M. Cummins, 325, 330-1. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. . Poems, at: http://irodalom.elender.hu/roman/banus.html. Translated into Hungarian by Frany6 Zoltgn. . Poezii. 2 vols. Bucharest: Minerva, 1971. . Tara fetelor. Bucharest: Cultura poporului, 1937. . To You, America, I Speak [translated from Romanian by Alfred Margul Sperber], Bucharest: Foreign Languages Publ. House, 1956. Here the author appears as a communist agitator as in other texts such as Bucurie, 1949, Fiilor mei, 1949, Despre ptimhnt, 1954, BucureSti, oraS iubit, 1954, Se aratti lumea, 1956, Torentul, 1959, Magnet, 1962. . Tocmai ieSeam din arena’. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1967. Steflanescu, Alex. “Maria Banug.” Romhnia literarti no. 3 1, 1999.

Bsrsescu, Agatha, 1857-1939. Famous actress who acted on stages throughout Europe and America. Beligan, Anamaria, 1958-. See Scriitori romhni din anii ‘80-’90. Dicfionar biobibliografic. Volumul I. A-F, edited by Ion Bogdan Lefter. Pitegti: Paralela 45,2000, and http://www.athanor.com.au/beligan/default.htm. Writer and filmmaker living in Melbourne, Australia. Represented in anthologies, such as Chef cu femei urite: Cele mai bune povestiri, 1995-1996. Edited by Dan-Silviu Boerescu. Bucharest: ALLFA, 1997, and Daughters and Fathers. Edited by Carmel Bird. St. Lucia, Qld.: Univ. of Queensland Press, 1997. ROM846


ROM848 ROM849

Beligan, Anamaria. fnc6 un minut cu Monica Vitti. Translated into Romanian by Dana Lovinescu and Anamaria Beligan. Iasi: Polirom, 1998. Short stories. Published in English as A Few More Minutes with Monica Vitti. Melbourne: Equator Publishers, 2001. . Scrisori ctitre Monalisa. Romanian version by Dana Lovinescu and Anamaria Beligan. Iasi: Polirom, 1999. Novel. Published in English as Letters to Monalisa. Melbourne: Equator Publishers, 2002. Radu, Pave1 Gheo. “Farmecul imperialist a1 povegtii.” Contemporanul:Ideea europeanti no. 21 (1999). Tivadar, Sanda. “Personajul ca alter ego in proza Anamariei Beligan.” Familia no. 6 (2001).

Bentoiu, Annie, 1927-. Poet and translator. ROM850 ROM851 ROM852 ROM853

Bentoiu, Annie. Fraze pentru via{a de zi cu zi: 1989. Bucharest: Cartea Romheascii, 1998. Translated into French by Irina Eliade as Phrases pour la vie quotidienne: 1989. Lausanne: L’Aire, 1990. . Po2mes. Lausanne: L’Aire, 1989. Poems. . Timpul ce ni s-a dat. Bucharest: Vitruviu, 2000. Memoirs. Stefiinescu, Alex. “Annie Bentoiu ‘isi amintegte.. ..” Romhnia literarti no. 2 (2001).

Berg, Lotte, pseud. [Lucia Bacinski], 1907-. German-language poet and children’s writer. Bibescu, Martha [Bibesco, Princesse G. V.; Lahovary, Marthe Lucie], 1889-1973. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romhni, A-C, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Rombe, 1995, Dicfionarul scriitorilor Romhni. vol. 1. Bucharest: Albatross, 200 1, and Scriitori contemporani, by Ion Negoitescu, 2nd ed., Pitegti: Paralela 45, 2000. Prose writer. Member of the Belgian Royal Academy (1955), recipient of the French Academy’s Le Mktais Larviitre prize for her entire oeuvre (1966).


Romania Author of more than 30 books and over 100 essays and articles, novels, memoirs, and travel notes published in France, Romania, and USA. ROM854 ROM855 ROM856 ROM857 ROM858 ROM859

ROM860 ROM861 ROM862 ROM863 ROM864 ROM865 ROM866

Bibescu, Martha. Au bal avec Marcel Proust. Paris: Gallimard, 1982; 1911. Translated into Romanian by Florica Grecescu as La bal cu Marcel Proust. Bucharest: Odeon, 1998. . Feuilles de calendrier. Paris: Plon, 1947. . Les huit Paradis: Perse, Asie Mineure, Constantinople. Paris: Hachette, 1911; 1908. Debut work that received a prize from the French Academy. . Imagini de album, translated from French into Romanian by Elena Bulai, (orig. title, in French: Images d’kpinal, Paris: 1937). Bucharest: Albatros, 1998. . Isvor; le pays des saules, Paris: Plon, 1923. Translated into Romanian by AncaMaria Christodorescu as Izvor. Tara siilciilor. Bucharest: Compania, 2000. Translated into English by Hamish Miles as Isvor: the country of willows, London: W. Heinemann, 1924. . Jurnal berlinez ‘38.Translated into Romanian, notes and addenda by Dumitru Hincu. Bucharest: Vivaldi, 2001. Journal written in Berlin in 1938. Reviewed by Zigu Ornea, “Martha Bibescu in 1938.” Romania literar6 no. 45 (2001). . Jurnal politic, ianuarie 1939-1941. Bucharest: Ed. Politicii, 1979. Political journal. . Katia: demonul albastru. Craiova: Versa, 1991. First French edition Katia, le dkmon bleu du tsar Alexandre. Paris: Gallimard, 1938. . Le Perroquet vert. Paris: B. Grasset, 1935; 1928; 1924. Bled, Jean-Paul. “Deux Roumaines B Paris: Anna de Noailles et Marthe Bibesco” Etudes Danubiennes 1I , no. 1 (1995): 107-14. Study about the two Romanian authors, who both wrote in French. Briiescu, Maria. Integerende romanegti in opera Marthei Bibescu. Bucharest: Minerva, 1983. Dragomirescu, Alexandru. Universul epistolar a1 Marthei Bibescu. Ploiegti, Romania: Fundatia Gheorghe Cernea, 1997. About Bibescu’s correspondence. Sutherland, Christine. Enchantress: Marthe Bibescu and Her World. New York: Farrar, Straus &Giroux, 1997.

Bittel, Adriana, 1946-. See Scriitori rombni din anii ‘80- ’90.Dictionar bio-bibligrafic. Volumul I. A-F, edited by Ion Bogdan Lefter. Pitegti: Paralela 45, 2000; and Istoria tragic6 gi grotesc6 a intunecatului deceniu literar nou6, by Radu G. Teposu, Bucharest: Eminescu, 1993. Literary critic, writer and journalist. Her short stories feature female characters. Bittel, Adriana. Iulia in iulie: proze. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1986. Short stories. . Somnul dupii nagtere: proz6. Bucharest: Cartea Romgneascii, 1984. Short stories analyzing the psychology of intelligent, educated women. . fntalnire la Paris, unsprezece povestiri. Col. “Contemporani.” Bucharest: Compania, ROM869 2001. ROM870 Manolescu, Florin, “Proza ‘micului realism’ .,’ LuceafGrul no. 5 ( 1990). ROM87 1 Stefiinescu, Alex. “fntiilnire cu literatura bunii.” Romania literarc no. 8 (2001). ROM867 ROM868

Blandiana, Ana, pseud. [Coman-Rusan,Otilia], 1942-. See Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London & New York: Routledge, 2001; and Dictionarul esential a1 scriitorilor romani, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi and Aurel Sasu, Bucharest: Albatros, 2000. Prizewinning poet and prose writer, one of the few dissidents in Ceau~escu’sRomania. Blandiana received the Writers’ Union prize in 1968 and 1980; the Eminescu prize of the Romanian Academy in 1970; the Bucharest Writers’ prize and the International Herder Prize in 1982. In 1988, as a result of the poems in fntimpliiri de pe strada mea [Things that happen on my street], which criticized the communist regime,


Romania Blandiana was forbidden from publishing. See also Jean-Pierre, Rosnay, Ana Blandiana at: http://franceweb.fr/poesie/blandia2. htm. ROM872 ROM873

ROM874 ROM875 ROM876 ROM877 ROM878 ROM879 ROM880 ROM881 ROM882 ROM883 ROM884 ROM885 ROM886 ROM887 ROM888

Blandiana, Ana. A treia tainii. Bucharest: Ed. Tineretului, 1969. . Balanfa cu un singur talger: poeme = Die Waage mit einer einzigen Schale: Gedichte = La balance, avec un seul plateau: poc‘ines = The balance scale with a single pan: poems, Bucharest: Du Style, 1997. . Calitatea de martor. Bucharest: Cartea RomiineascB, 1970. . Ciilciiul vulnerabil. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1966. . Cele patru anotimpuri. Bucharest: Albatros, 1977. . Eu scriu, tu scrii, el scrie. Bucharest: Cartea RomiineascB, 1976. . The Hour of Sand: Selected Poems, 1969-1989. Trans. from Romanian by Peter Jay & Anca Cristofovici. London: Anvil Press Poetry, 1990. . In dimineafa de dupii moarte. Bucharest: Du Style, 1996. . fntimpla’ridin griidina mea. Bucharest: Ion CreangB, 1986. . Persoana intiia plural. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1964. . Sertarul cu aplauze, novel. Bucharest: Tinerama, 1992. . Soarele de apoi, poeme noi. Bucharest: Du Style, 2000. Awarded the Writers’ Union prize for poetry, 2000. . Somnul din somn. Bucharest: Cartea RomiineascB, 1977. Bajenaru, George. “The Prose of Two Women Writers: Blandiana and Cinca.” Journal of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences 19(1994): 286-98. Boldea, Iulian. Ana Blandiana: rnonografie, antologie comentatii, receptare critic& Bragov: Aula, 2000. Raicu, Lucian, “Ana Blandiana-Spiritual gi terestm: Calitatea de martor.” In Critica -form& de via@, Bucharest: Cartea RomiineascB, 1976, pp, 297-305. Stefinescu, Alex. “Aplauze pentru Ana Blandiana.” Romdnia literarii, no. 47, 2000.

Bodisco, Antoaneta, 1916-. See Diciionarul Scriitorilor Romdni, A-C, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundaiiei Culturale Romiine, 1995. Poet and fiction writer who lived in Spain (1946-1962). After her husband’s death, she went to Germany and worked for Radio Free Europe and for the Romanian section of Deutschlandfunk until retiring in 1977. ROM889 ROM890

Bodisco, Antoaneta. La apus de cuvint. Roma: Revista scriitorilor romiini, 1970. Poems. With illustrations by E. and T. DrBgutescu. . Un Puerto en el Mar Negro, Madrid: Escelicer, 1949. Novel.

Boeriu, Eta, 1923-1 984. See Dic,tionarul Scriitorilor Romdni, A-C, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romiine, 1995. Poet and translator who received several prizes: the Writers’ Union prize (1966, 1974, 1980); Gold Medal of the City of Florence and of the Florentine Union for her translation of Dante (1970); the title of Cavaliere Ufficiale dell’Ordine A1 Merito della Repubblica Italiana for her entire life’s work. Her debut work was a translation of Boccaccio’s Decameron (1957). ROM891 ROM892 ROM893

Boeriu, Eta. La capiitul meu de inserare, Cluj: Dacia, 1985. Poems. . de intuneric, Cluj: Dacia, 1980. Poems. . Risipa de iubire: [versuri]. Bucharest: Albatros, 1976. Poems.



Romania Bogdan, Elvira, pseud., [Moldoveanu, Maria; other pseud. Basarab, Alice], 1904-1987. See Dicfionarul Scriitorilor Romhni, A-C, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale RomBne, 1995. Writer of children’s literature. ROM894 ROM895

Basarab, Alice. Talismanul de safir. With a preface by Nicolae Iorga. Bucharest: Ed. Creangii, 1985; 1978; 1968; 1931. . Domnifa Ruxandra. Bucharest: Ion Creangii, 1988; 1983; 1969. Novel. Translated into Ukrainian by Ivana Kushniryka as Kniazivna Ruksandra: roman: dlia seredn ’oho ta starshoho shkil ’noho viku. Kiev: Veselka, 1992.


Bojan, Mariana, 1947-. See Dicfionarul Scriitorilor Romhni, A-C, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale RomBne, 1995. Poet. Recipient of the Association of Cluj Writers’ prize. ROM896 Bojan, Mariana. Elegie pentru ultimul cring. Cluj: Dacia, 1976. . Phantasticonul si alte poeme. Cluj: Dacia, 1987. ROM897 . “Poems.” In Contemporary East European Poetry edited by Emery Edward George, ROM898 Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1983: 344-7. . Poems. In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by ROM899 Walter M. Cummins, 325-26, 347-48. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. . Poems. In Silent Voice:An Anthology of Contemporary Romanian Women Poets, ROM900 translated by Andrea Deletant and Brenda Walker, introduction by Fleur Adcock. London: Forest Books, 1989; 1986. . Poems. In Transylvanian Voices:An Anthology of Contemporary Poetsfrom ClujROM901 Napoca, edited and translated by Liviu Bleoca and Adam J. Sorkin, with the assistance of Emese Egyed. Iasi: The Center for Romanian Studies, 1997.

Bostan, Elisabeta, 1931-. Film-maker specialized in films for children and young people. See Directory of Eastern European Film-Makers and Films: 1945-1 991, compiled and edited by Grzegorz Balski. Wiltshire, England: Flicks Books, 1992. Bot, Ioana, pseud. [Ioana Both], 1964-. See Scriitori romhni din anii ‘80-’90: Dicfionar bio-bibliografic. Vol. I A-F, edited by Ion Bogdan Lefter. Pitegti: Paralela 45, 2000. Essayist and literary critic. Bot, Ioana. Eminescu si lirica romhneasc6 de azi: citatul eminescian in poezia contemporan6 romhneasc6. Cluj: Dacia, 1990. . Tr6darea cuvintelor. With summaries in English and French. Bucharest: E.D.P., ROM903 1997. Essays. ROM904 Borbkly, Stefan. “Echinoxigtii: 0 voce singurii.” In Xenograme, 128-9. Oradea: Cogito, 1997. ROM902

Bote, Lidia, 1924-. Literary critic and historian. Author of numerous studies on symbolist Romanian poetry. See Simbolismul romhnesc. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1966. Botez, Alice, 1914-1 985. See Dicfionarul esenJia1a1 scriitorilor romhni, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Albatros, 2000. Fiction writer. Recipient of the Writers’ Union Prize, 1979. ROM905

Botez, Alice. Eclipsa: roman. Bucharest: Cartea RomBneasc5, 1979.


Romania ROM906 ROM907 ROM908 ROM909

. Insula

albii: povestiri. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1984. . Piidurea 8i trei zile. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1970. Novel. Damian, S. Intrarea in castel: fncerciiri de analizii a prozei. Bucharest: Cartea Romineascii, 1970. Rocenic, Alexandru, “Imposibila certitudine.” Romdnia Literarii no. 19 ( 1972).

Briinzeu, Pia, 194%. See Dicfionar a1 scriitorilor biiniifeni, by Olimpia Berca. Timivoara: Amarcord, 1996. Essayist and literary critic. ROM9 10 Briinzeu, Pia. Armura de sticlii. Timivoara: Excelsior, 1995. ROM911 . Corridors of Mirrors. Timivoara: Amarcord, 1997. . The Protean Novelists. Timivoara: Mirton, 1995. ROM912 -

Buzea, Constanta, 1941-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson, New York and London: Garland, 1991. Poet and writer of children’s books. ROM9 13 Buzea, Constanfa. Agonice. Bucharest: Erninescu, 1970. . Ape cu plute. Bucharest: Cartea RomineascSi, 1975. ROM914 . Coline. Bucharest: Cartea Romineascg, 1970. ROM9 15 . De pe piimint. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1963. ROM9 16 . La ritmul naturii. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1966. ROM9 17 . Leac pentru ingeri. Bucharest: Albatros, 1972. ROM9 18 ROM9 19 . Limanul orei. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1976. . Norii. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1968. ROM920 ROM92 1 . Pasteluri. Bucharest: Albatros, 1974. . Ploi de piatrii. Bucharest: Albatros, 1979. ROM922 ROM923 . Riisad de spini. Bucharest: Cartea Romiineascii, 1973. . Roua plural. Preface by Nicolae Manolescu. Bucharest: Vinea, 1999. The poems in ROM924 this volume are considered “among the most profound and subtle in contemporary Romanian poetry.” -Gheorghe Grigurcu, “Cronica literarii: Poezia Constantei Buzea.” Romdnia literarii no. 6 (2000). . Sala nervilur. Bucharest: Cartea RomiineascSi, 1971. ROM925 ROM926 Grigurcu, Gheorghe, “Constanfa Buzea sub camuflaj.” Romhnia literarii no. 10 (1998). ROM927 Iorgulescu, Mircea, “Revizuiri lirice.” In A1 doilea rond. Bucharest: Cartea Romiineascg, 1976, pp. 264- 8.

Caba, Olga, 1913-. See Scriitori contemporani, by Ion Negoifescu, 2nd ed. Pitegti: Paralela 45,2000. ROM928 ROM929 ROM930

Caba, Olga. Cumpiina din cetate: roman, Bucharest: Cartea Romineascii, 1977. . Nuvelefantastice. Bucharest: Cartea Romineascii, 1984. -. Zodia viirsiitorului de apii: roman. Bucharest: Cartea RomineascSi, 1988. Fictionalized biography of the painter Laura Cocea, niece of the painter Stefan Luchian.

Ciildiiraru, Emilia, 1931-1 988. See Dicfionarul Scriitorilor Romdni, A-C, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundafiei Culturale Romine, 1995. Poet and fiction writer. ROM93 1 Ciildiiraru, Emilia. Ling&piisdri, ling6 vint: [povestiri].Bucharest: Ion Creangg, 1978. ROM932 Miraculul regiisit: [versuri]. Bucharest: Albatros, 1974.



Ciilugiiru, Alice [Orient, Alice, pseud.], 1886- 1933? See Dic!ionarul Scriitorilor Romiini, A-C, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romiine, 1995. Poet and novelist, She lived in Paris after 1908. ROM933

ROM934 ROM935

Ciilugiiru, Alice. Scrieri. Edited, with a preface, notes, commentaries, and bibliography by Pave1 Tugui. Bucharest: Minerva, 1987. This edition of Ciilugaru’s works includes a translation by Virgil Tiberiu Spanu of the partially autobiographical novel La tunique verte, published in French in 1924, where the author is identified with the adventurous character Lilis. Constantin, Ilie. “Restituiri: Alice Ciilugaru.” Romania ZiterarG no. 43, 1999. Micu, Dumitru. “Alice Ciilugiiru.” In Scriitori, ciir,ti, reviste, 166-94. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1980.

Cancicov, Georgeta Mircea, 1899-1 984. Novelist. See Dic/ionarul Scriitorilor Romani, AC, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romiine, 1995. ROM936 ROM937

Cancicov, Georgeta Mircea. fndrGgostitele:povestiri. Bucharest: Minerva, 1975. . Moldovenii: Din via,ta satului meu. Bucharest: Ed. National&-Ciornei,1938. Novel.

Carol, Luiza, 1947-. Essayist, translator, poet and prose writer in Romanian and English, living in Israel; editor of the international journal of poetry Voices Israel (in English, Haifa: 1972-). See also POEMUSICART: http://www.GeoCities.com/Paris/LeftBank/3 182 ROM938 ROM939

Carol, Luiza. Jurnalul fericirii mele. Afterword by Valentin Tascu. Cluj: Clusium, 1999. Poems. . Kesem Lavan [White Magic]. Tel-Aviv: Publishing House Halonot, 1997. In Hebrew.

Ciirneci, Magda [Ghica, Magdalena, pseud.], 1955-. See Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London & New York: Routledge, 2001; Scriitori romiini din anii ‘80-’90. Diclionar bio-bibliografic. Volurnul I. A-F, edited by Ion Bogdan Lefter. Pitegti: Paralela 45, 2000; Literatura rombnii in secolul a1 XX-lea, by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romiine, 2000. Poet, art critic, art historian, and editor. Ciirneci is identified with the “optzecivti,” i.e. 80s generation of writers. ROM940


ROM942 ROM943


Cgrneci, Magda. Arta anilor ‘80: texte despre postmodernism. Bucharest: Litera, 1996. On the art of the 1980s and postmodernism. Translated into English under the title Art of the 1980s in Eastern Europe: Texts on Postmodernism (Mediana Collection. Pitegti: Paralela 45, 1999). . Artele plastice in Romania 1945-1989. Biblioteca de artii: M e , civilizatii, mentalitiiti. Bucharest: Meridiane, 2000. Synthesis on the fine arts during the socialist period, informed by a sociological approach to the subject. Female artists and critics are always part of the picture. . “The Debate around Postmodernism in Romania in the 1980s.” Revue roumaine d’histoire de 1 ’art: Beaux-arts. 3 1 (1994): 99-1 05. . Poeme/ Poems. Gemini, coleciie bilingvii de poezie. Translated into English by Adam J. Sorkin and Magda Ciirneci. Pitegti: Paralela 45, 1999. Reviewed by Dorina Bohantov, “Poetica magnoliei.” Romania literarii no. 14 (2000). . Poeme politice. Botovani: Axa, 2000.


Romania ROM945


. Psaume. Translated from Romanian into French by Pierre Drogi. [Trois-Rivieres, Quebec]: Bcrits des Forges, 1997. Reviewed by Helene Lenz in Autres Temps, March 1998: www.republique-des-lettres.com , and Alexandru Beldiman, eds. Bucuresti anii 1920-1940: lntre avangarda si modernisms-Bucharest in the 1920s-1940s: Between Avant-Garde and Modernism. [Bucharest: Uniunea Arhitectilor din Romania, 1994. This is the bilingual, RomanianEnglish, catalogue (with some texts in French), of an important exhibit that took place at the National Theatre in Bucharest in April-May 1993.

Cassian, Nina [nee Cassian, Renee Annie. Veniamin, Maria; Varga, Ana; Hortensia, Nic., pseud.], 1924-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991; Dictionarul eseruial al scriitorilor romdni, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Albatros, 2000; Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London & New York: Routledge, 2001. Poet, prose writer, and translator, living in New York since 1985. Cassian is also a composer, pianist and book illustrator. ROM947 ROM948 ROM949 ROM950 ROM951 ROM952 ROM953 ROM954 ROM955 ROM956 ROM957 ROM958 ROM959 ROM960 ROM961 ROM962 ROM963 ROM964 ROM965

Cassian, Nina. Call YourselfAlive? The Poetry ofNina Cassian. Tr. by Andrea Deletant and Brenda Walker. London: Forest, 1988. - - - . Cheerleader for a Funeral: Poems. Tr. by the author. London: Forest, 1992. - - - . Desfacerea lumii: 1984-1996. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1997. - - - . Destinele paralele; La scara 1/1: versuri. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1967. - - - . Lady ofMiracles: Poems. Tr. by Laura Schiff. Berkeley, CA: Cloud Marauder Press, 1982. - - - . Life Sentence: Selected Poems. Edited and with an introduction by William Jay Smith. New York: Norton; London: Anvil Press Poetry, 1990. Memoria ea zestre. Bucharest: Ed. Institutului Cultural Roman, 2003- v. 1-. Diaries. [v. 1 = 1948-1953, 1975-1979, 1987-2003] - - - . 0 sutd de poeme. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1974. - - - . Presentimente postsentimente. Bucharest: All, 1993. - - - . Sa nefacem daruri: poezii. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1963. - - - . La scara unu pe unu. Bucharest: Forum, 1947. - - - . Take My Wordfor It. New York; London: Norton; London: Anvil Press Poetry, 1998. - - - . Versuri alese. Bucharest: 1955. - - - . Viraje: 50 de poeme = Virage : 50 poemes. Tr. by the author, E. Guillevic, Lily Denis. Bucharest: Editions Eminescu, 1978. Caraion, Ion. "Nina Cassian." Duelul cu crinii, 23-7. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1972. Grigurcu, Gheorghe. "Cosmarul Ninei Cassian." Romania literara no. 11 (1998). Phillips, Robert. Poet Cassian Opens Her Heart to English. http://www.chron.com/cgibin/auth/story/content/chronicle/ae/books/9899/08/30/poetry.html Serban, Geo. "Aniversare Nina Cassian: NINA, ea NINA." Romania Literard no. 49 (1999). Yeatts, Tabatha, and Judith Colp Rubin. Second Stanza: Poet Nina Cassian http://www.winmagazine.org/issues/issueI4/winI4e.htm.

Cassvan, Sarina, 1894-1978. Prose writer, translator and feminist. Member of the Acadernie des Femmes de Lettres. ROM966

Cassvan, Sarina. Drum fiira popas: [roman]. Bucharest: Ion Creanga, 1975.

Caurea, Daniela, 1951-1977. See Istoria literaturii romdne de azi pe nuiine: 23 august


Romania 1944-22 decembrie 1989, by Marian Popa. 2 vols. Bucharest: Fundatia Luceafarul, 2001. ROM967 ROM968

Caurea, Daniela. Adalbert Ignotus: [versuri]. Iasi: Junimea, 1977. - - - . Viizduhul de cuvinte. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1979.

Cazimir, Otilia, pseud. [Alexandra Gavrilescu; other pseud.s: Alexandra Cassian, Dona Sol], 1894-1967. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Poet, fiction writer, memoirist, and translator. She was awarded the Prize of the Romanian Academy in 1927, the French prize Femina in 1928, and the National Prize for Literature in 1937. Her poetry, consisted mainly of children's rhymes. ROM969 ROM970 ROM971 ROM972 ROM973

Cazimir, Otilia. Baba iarna intrd-n sat.... Bucharest: E.P.L., 1961; 1959. - - - . Inscriptii pe marginea anilor [Articole]. Iasi: Junimea, 1973. - - - . Licurici: Cronicifantaziste si umoristice. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1930. - - - . Poezii. Bucharest: Ed. Tineretului, 1959. - - - . Scrieri despre teatru, Iasi: Junimea, 1978.

Cebotari, Maria, 1910-1949. World-famous soprano. See Who Was Who in Twentieth Century Romania, by Serban N. Ionescu. Boulder: East European Monographs, 1994. Cesereanu, Ruxandra, 1963-. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London & NY: Routledge, 2001;and Scriitori rom/ini din anii '80'90. Dictionar bio-bibliografic. Volumul I. A-F, edited by Ion Bogdan Lefter. Pitesti: Paralela 45, 2000. Poet, prose writer, essayist. ROM974 ROM975 ROM976

ROM977 ROM978 ROM979 ROM980 ROM981 ROM982

Cesereanu, Ruxandra. Calatorie prin oglinzi: roman. Cluj: Dacia, 1989. - - - . Calatorie spre centrul infemului: Gulagul in constiinta romdneascd. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998. Essay about the gulag in Romanian consciousness. - - - , ed. Deliruri si delire: 0 antologie a poeziei onirice romanesti. Pitesti: Paralela 45, 2000. Includes women authors such as Gabriela Melinescu, Angela Marinescu, Magda Carneci, Judith Meszaros, Simona Popescu and Ruxandra Cesereanu. - - - . Schizoid ocean: poems. Translated from Romanian by Claudia Litvinchievici. Binghamton, NEW YORK: ESF, 1977. - - - . Zona vie: poeme. Cluj: Dacia, 1993. Poems. Bodiu, Andrei, "Romantism profetic." Observator cultural no. 6, 2000. Grigurcu, Gheorghe. "Indracirea Ruxandrei Cesereanu." Romania literara no. 6 (1999). Chave, Anna C. Constantin Brancusi: Shifting the Bases ofArt. New Haven: Yale, 1993. A feminist approach to the work of Brancusi. Cherciu, Lucia. "Woman and the Land in the Romanian Agrarian Novel." In Literature of Nature: An International Sourcebook, edited by Patrick D. Murphy; contributing editors, Terry Gifford and Katsunori Yamazato, 218-23. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1998.

Christi, Aura, pseud. [Potlog, Aurelia], 1967-. See Scriitori romdni din anii '80-'90. Dictionar bio-bibliografic. Volumul I. A-F, edited by Ion Bogdan Lefter. Pitesti: Paralela 45, 2000. Poet, essayist, and journalist born in Chisinau, Bessarabia; established, from 1993, in Bucharest. ROM983 ROM984

Christi, Aura. Fragmente de fiintd. Bucharest: Albatros, 1998. Essays. - - - . Impotriva mea. Bucharest: DuStyle, 1995. Poems.




Crohmalniceanu, Ovid. Literatura ronuina intre cele doua razboaie mondiale. I, Bucharest: E.P.A., 1967.

Cinca, Silvia, 1937-. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani din Statele Unite si Canada, by Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Albatros, 2001; The Dictionary ofRomanian Origin Authors in America, by M. N. Rusu; and http://www.moonfallpress.com/silviacinca/#dictionary. Fiction writer, film critic, translator, and producer/director at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, living in U.S.A. She has been called "the most lucid Romanian novelist of the last decades of the twentieth century." (George Astalos, author, Chief Editor of the Pluridisciplinary Magazine of Arts and Literature Nouvelle Europe, Paris) ROM986

ROM987 ROM988 ROM989

ROM990 ROM991 ROM992

Cinca, Silvia. Homo spiritus: Journeys of Our Magic. Springfield, VA: Moonfall Press, 1988. About spirituality, mysticism, and the occult in Romania. Recipient of the American Romanian Academy Award. - - - . Oceanul: prozii scurtd. Springfield, VA: Moonfall Press, 1993. Short stories. - - - . The Night of the Rising Dead. Brunswick Publishing Company, 1986. A series of short stories. Bajenaru, George. "The Prose of Two Women Writers: Blandiana and Cinca." Journal ofthe American Romanian Academy ofArts and Sciences 19 (1994): 286-98. Ciocarlie, Corina. Femei in fata oglinzii. Cluj: Echinox, 1998. About women in fiction. Reviewed by C. Rogozanu: "Oglinda, oglinjoara." Romania literara no. 17 (1999). - - - . Fals tratat de disperare. Timisoara: Hestia, 1995. - - - . Pragmatica personajului. Bucharest: Minerva, 1992.

Ciurea, Doina, 1938-1999. See Istoria literaturii romdne: De la creatia populara la postmodernism by Dumitru Micu, p. 544; 797. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0.,2000. Prose writer. Spouse (1962-1981) of poet Nichita Stanescu, ROM993 ROM994 ROM995 ROM996

Ciurea, Doina. Descifrari. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1977. Essays. - - - . Dialog despre eroare. Bucharest: Ed. Tineretului, 1969. Short stories. - - - . 0 lacrima de privit. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1970. Novel. - - - . Tu, care treci pe-aici... Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1973. Short stories.

Cocea, Sofia [Chrisoscoleu (Hrisoscoleu), Sofia, married name], 1839-1861. See Dictionarul literaturii romdne de la origini pina la 1900, by Stanuta Cretu, Rodica Suiu, Gabriela Dragoi, et al. Bucharest: Ed. Academiei R.S.R., 1979. Poet, teacher, essayist, journalist and activist for the unification of Romania, for agrarian and education reform, and women's rights. Her articles were published in the most important Unionist journals of the time. ROM997 ROM998

Cocea, Sofia. Operile doamnei Chrisoscoleu, ndscutd Cocea. Preface by Iulia A[ricescu]. Bucharest: Tip. Nationala a lui Stefan Rasidescu, 1862. Collected works. Cancea, Paraschiva. Sofia Cocea. Bucharest: Ed. stiintifica si enciclopedica, 1975.

Codreanu, Irina, 1896-1978. Sculptor who studied with Constantin Brancusi. Codrut, Mariana, pseud. [Giiinii, Mariana], 1956-. See Istoria tragicd si grotescd a intunecatului deceniu literar noud, by Radu G. Teposu, Bucharest: Eminescu, 1993.



ROM999 Codrut, Mariana. Casa cu storuri galbene. Iasi: Polirom, 1997. Novel. ROMI000 Antonesei, Liviu. "Dragostea si melancolia," Dialog no. 4, 1983. ROMI00l Marino, Adrian. "Portret si autoportret," Tribuna no. 38, 1986. Comanescu, Denisa, 1954-. See Scriitori romdni din anii '80-'90: Dictionar biobibliografic, Voll, A-F, edited by Ion Bogdan Lefter. Pitesti: Paralela 45, 2000. Poet, translator, and editor-in-chief for the Univers Publishing House. She received the Debut prize of the Romanian Writers' Union, in 1979. ROM 1002 Comanescu, Denisa. Cutitul de argint: poeme. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1983. ROM 1003 - - - . lzgonirea din paradis. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1979. Poems. Won the debut prize of the Writers' Union. ROM 1004 - - - . Urma defoc. Postfata de Mircea Ivanescu. La steaua: poeti optzecisti. Botosani: Axa, 1999. Collection of poems in the series of "optzecisti" poets. ROMI005 - - - . Poems. In Silent Voices: An Anthology of Contemporary Romanian Women Poets. Translated by Andrea Deletant and Brenda Walker, introduction by Fleur Adcock, 66-75. London: Forest Books, 1989; 1986. Poems from Izgonirea din paradis, Cutitul de argint, and Urma defoc.

Constante, Lena, 1909-. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London & NY: Routledge, 2001. Artist and writer living in Bucharest. Victim of Stalinist-era terror, who was arrested on fabricated charges of espionage and sentenced to 12 years in Romanian prisons (1950-62). ROMI006 Constante, Lena. Evadarea imposibila: penitenciarul politic defemei Miercurea Ciuc 19571961. Bucharest: Florile Dalbe, 1996; Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Rornane, 1993. Prison memoirs. ROM 1007 . L'evasion silencieuse: trois mille jours, seule, dans les prisons roumaines. Paris: La Decouverte, 1990. Account of the first 8 years of her incarceration. It won the Association des Ecrivains de Langue Francaise Prix Europeen in 1992, and the Romanian Academy prize in 1994. Translated into Romanian as Evadarea tacuta: 3000 de zile singurd 'in inchisorile din Romania. Bucharest: Florile dalbe, 1995; Humanitas, 1992. Translated into English by Franklin Philip as The Silent Escape: Three Thousand Days in Romanian Prisons, with an introduction by Gail Kligman. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1995. Reviewed by Hilda Scott, "Where thought is free," in The Women's Review ofBooks 12, no. 9 (June 1995): 13-4. "A heartbreaking, human document. .. that ranks comparably to Eugenia Ginzburg's Into the Whirlwind and Nadezhda Mandelstam's Hope Against Hope." -Vladimir Tismaneanu. .0 poveste cu un tatd, 0 mama si trei fetite. Colectia Autograf. Bucharest: Florile ROMI008 Dalbe, 1995. Edition limited to 500 numbered, autographed copies.

Cornu, Aurora, 1931-. See Istoria literaturii romdne de azi pe mdine: 23 august 1944-22 decembrie 1989, by Marian Popa. 2 vols. Bucharest: Fundatia Luceafarul, 2001. Poet, fiction writer and actress currently living in Paris. ROM 1009 Cornu, Aurora. La deesse au surcil blanc. Paris: Cornea, 1984. ROMI0I0 - - - . Poezii. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1995. ROMI0ll - - - . Scrisori cdtre Aurora. Bucharest: Albatros, 1998 (Convorbiri despre Marin Preda / Eugen Simion, Aurora Cornu; cu 0 postfata de Eugen Simion). Conversations about Marin Preda.

Cosma, Flavia. Poet who lives in Canada. See http://www.flaviacosma.com. and Dictionarul


Romania Scriitorilor Romani din Statele Unite si Canada, by Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Albatros, 2001. ROMI012 Cosma, Flavia. 47 Poems. In English & Romanian; translated into English by Don D. Wilson. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech Univ. Press, 1992. Selection of 47 poems with facing translation. The volume won the Alta Richard Wilbur Prize. ROMI013 - - - . Fairy Tales. Translated from Romanian with Don D. Wilson; edited by Sarah Hood; illustrations by Kate Kennedy. Toronto: Canadian Stage & Arts, 1990. ROMI014 Pdsari si alte vise. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1997. Poems. ROMI015 - - - . Wormwood Wine: Poems. Translated from Romanian by Don Wilson with the author. Lewiston, NY: Mellon Poetry Press, 2000. ROMI016 Cosma, Viorel. A Concise History ofRomanian Music. Translated by Andrei Bantas. Bucharest: Ed. Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, 1982. ROMI017 - - - . Doud milenii de muzicii pe pamintul Romdniei. Bucharest: Ed. Ion Creanga, 1977. Also published in German as Zweitausend Jahre Musik auf dem Boden Rumaniens: Einfuhrung in die Geschichte der Rumanischen Musik. Translated by Klaus Kessler. Bucharest: Ion Creanga, 1980.

Cortez, Viorica, 1942-. Mezzo-soprano. See Romani in stiinta si cultura occidentala, by Dan Grindea and Ion Manea. Davis, CA: American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1996; 1992. ROMI018 Armbruster, Adolf. Viorica Cortez: enciclopedia unei cariere, Bucharest: Ed. Enciclopedica, 1994. About Viorica Cortez, Romanian woman singer. Includes discography and bibliographical references (pp. 525-545) and index.

Cosmin, Smaranda, 1956-. See Istoria tragicii si grotescii a intunecatului deceniu literar noud, by Radu G. Teposu, Bucharest: Eminescu, 1993. Poet and fiction writer. ROMI019 Cosmin, Smaranda. Astept provincia: proza scurta. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1987. Short stories. ROM 1020 - - - . Saturn: jurnal de ianuarie. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1990. Poems. ROMI021 - - - . Sdrbdtoarea lui Alexandru: versuri. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1985. ROM 1022 - - - . Viata dupa Benjamin / La vie apres Benjamin: poemes. Translated from Romanian by Dan Ion Nasta; preface by Theodor Bakonsky. Bucharest: Universalia, 1999.

Cotovu, Sandra, 1898-1987. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, A-C, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1995. Fiction writer and militant feminist. ROMI023 Cotovu, Sandra. Vijelie. Preface by Mariana Vartic. Bucharest: Minerva, 1985; Casa scoalelor, 1947. Novel. ROMI024 Cozea, Liana. Cvartet cu prozatoare: [Ticu Archip, Lucia Demetrius, Ioana Postelnicu, Cella Serghi]. Oradea: Biblioteca Revistei Familia, 1997. About four female prose writers. ROMI025 . Prozatoare ale literaturii romdne moderne. Oradea: Biblioteca Revistei Familia, 1994. About modem Romanian female fiction writers.

Craciunescu, Ioana, 1950-. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, A-C, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1995, and http://www.phi.lu/auteurscraciunescu.html. Poet and actress at the C. I. Nottara Theatre



in Bucharest, until 1989, when she settled abroad. Awarded the Bucharest Writers' Union prize in 1981. ROM 1026 Craciunescu, Ioana. Caietul cu adnotari. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1988. ROM 1027 - - - . Crestet Si gheare/ Du front et de griffes. Translated from Romanian into French by Tudor Florian Potra. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1998. Bilingual Romanian and French. Reviewed by Geo Vasile. "Poezia tare de inger si de demon." Luceafiirul no. 18, 13 May, 1998. Text available on-line, at www.aol.ro/1998/supliment/nr03/geoioana.html and at http://www.aol.ro/1998/supliment/nr03/geoioana.html ROMI028 - - - . Poems. In Silent Voices: An Anthology of Contemporary Romanian Women Poets. Translated by Andrea Deletant and Brenda Walker, introduction by Fleur Adcock, 77-88. London: Forest Books, 1989; 1986. Includes poems from Iarnd clinica and Masinaria cu aburi. ROM 1029 - - - . Hiver clinique: poemes. Echtemach, Lux.: Trois-Rivieres, Canada: Editions Phi; Ecrits des Forges, 1996. ROMI030 - - - . Scrisori dintr-un cimp cu maci: [versuri]. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1977. ROMI031 - - - . Supa de ceapd. Cluj: Dacia, 1981.

Crasnaru, Daniela, 1950-. See Dictionar de literatura romdnd contemporana, 2nd ed., by Marian Popa. Bucharest: Albatros, 1977. Poet, recipient of the Writers' Union Poetry Prize, 1979. ROMI032 Crasnaru, Daniela. Austerloo. Bucharest: Albatros, 1998. Hailed by critic Gabriel Dimisianu in "Siberia indoielii," Romania literarii no. 44, 1998 as "one of the best books of poetry published lately." ROMI033 - - - . Letters from darkness. Translated from Romanian into English and with a foreword by Fleur Adcock. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1991. Reviewed by Marguerite Dorian in World Literature Today 67, no. 1 (Winter 1993): 172. ROMI034 - - - . Lumina eft umbra. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1973. ROMI035 - - - . Spatiul de gratie. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1976. Cretzianu, Miza (Sarmiza), 1905-1978. See Panorama deceniului literar romdnesc 19401950, by Alexandru Piru. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1968. ROMI036 Cretzianu, Miza. Cronica staicului. Colectia Romanul de dragoste. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1984. Novel. ROMI037 . De pe valea Motrului: schite. Afterword by Alexandru Piru. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1971, Fundatia regala pentru literatura si arta, 1946. Collection of 15 short stories. ROMI038 , with Radu Cretzianu. Culele din Romania. Bucharest: Meridiane, 1969. Cristea, Corina, 1933-. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, A-C, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1995, and Rondul de noapte [studii critice], by Mircea Iorgulescu. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1974. ROMI039 Cristea, Corina. Castanii rosii, parfumati Si naivi. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1970. ROM 1040 - - - . Eternitatea e dupa colt. Bucharest: Albatros, 1972. ROMI041 - - - . Goana dupa vint. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1974. Novel. Translated into Slovak as Honba za vetrom, by Milota Bagonova. Bratislava: Tatran, 1977. - - . Prietena mea, Si. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1969. ROM 1042 ROM 1043 - - - . Scaderua. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1972.



ROMI044 Cristea-Vieru, Maia. Sculptura feminina interbelicd: repere. Bucharest: Maiko, 1999. About female sculptors in the interwar period: Margareta Cosaceanu, Celine Emilian, Militza Petrascu, and Irina Codreanu. Includes bibliographical references.

Cristescu, Maria-Luiza, 1943-. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, A-C, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1995; and Incursiuni critice: glose, sinteze, analize, by Nicolae Ciobanu, Timisoara: Facla, 1975. Fiction writer and literary critic. ROM 1045 ROM 1046 ROM 1047 ROM 1048 ROM 1049

Cristescu, Maria-Luiza. Ascutit ea tandretea. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1997. Novel. ---.Capriciu la plecarea fratelui iubit. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1967. Novel. ---.Dulce Brigitte. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1969. Novel. - - - . Iadul meschin: roman. Bucharest: Albatros, 1996. Novel. - - - . Nu ucideti femeile [Don't kill the women]. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1970. Novel.

Cugler-Poni, Matilda [Kugler-Poni], 1851-1931. See Dictionarul literaturii romiine de la origini pina la 1900, edited by Stanuta Cretu, Rodica Suiu, Gabriela Dragoi, et al. Bucharest: Ed. Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1979; and Anthology ofRomanian Women Poets. Classics of Romanian Literature vol. 7, edited and translated by Adam J. Sorkin and Kurt W. Treptow. Boulder: East European Monographs & the Romanian Cultural Foundation Publishing House, 1994. Poet, playwright, and translator. ROMI050 Cugler-Poni, Matilda. Poesii. Bucharest: Casa Scoalelor, 1927. ROMI051 . Scrieri alese. Edited by Ion Nutu, [Iasi]: Junimea, 1971. Selected works.

Cutescu, Storck Cecilia, 1879-1969. See Dictionarul artistilor romdni contemporani, by Octavian Barbosa. Bucharest: Meridiane, 1976. One of the best known female painters in Romania. She was the first woman to teach in a school of fine arts in Europe and the first female muralist in Romania. Spouse of the sculptor Frederic Storck. ROMI052 Cutescu, Storck Cecilia. Fresca unei vieti. Bucharest: Bucovina, 1943. Revised and published under the title 0 via/a daruitd artei. Bucharest: Meridiane, 1966. Memoirs. ROMI053 - - - . 0 via/a daruita artei: Bucharest: Meridiane, 1966. ROMI054 Mihalache, Marin. Cecilia Cutescu-Storck. Bucharest: Meridiane, 1969. ROMI055 Vrancea, Angela. Cecilia Cutescu Storck. Bucharest: Ed. de Stat pentru Literatura si Arta, 1957.

Dan, Mariana, 1955-. See Istoria literaturii romiine: De la creatia populara la postmodernism, by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0.,2000. Writer living in Yugoslavia. ROMI056 Dan, Mariana. Fantastika u rumunskoj knjizevnosti. Belgrade: Balkanoloski Institut SAND, 1997. - - . Magdalena u pretposlednjem casu: pesme. Nis: Prosveta, 1997. In Serbo-Croatian. ROMI057

Delavrancea, Cella, 1887-1991. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998. Prose writer, playwright, journalist, and pianist. Daughter of Barbu Delavrancea (18581918).




Delavrancea, Cella. Dintr-un secol de viatd. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1988. Memoirs. - - - . 0 vard ciudata. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1975. Novel: a love story. - - - . Scrieri. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1984. Anthology of her entire oeuvre until 1984. - - - . Scrisori cdtre Filip Lahovari. Bilingual edition edited by Constantin Mateescu. Translated by Dan Mateescu. Bucharest: Jumalulliterar, 1998. Letters to Filip Lahovari. ROM 1062 - - - . Vraja: Nuvele. Bucharest: Minerva, 1973. Short stories. ROMI063 Grigurcu, Gheorghe, "Amazoana artista." Romania literard no. 22 (1999). ROM 1064 Rapeanu, Valeriu, Memoria si fetele timpului. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1983.

Demetrius, Lucia, 1910-1992. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998. Fiction writer, playwright, poet, and translator. Winner of the Femina Prize in 1936. ROMI065 Demetrius, Lucia. Acuarele: Note de calatorii. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1971. Notes from her travels through Europe. ROMI066 - - - . Nunta Ilonei. Bucharest: Ed. de Stat pentru Literatura si Arta, 1960. Short stories. ROMI067 ---.Teatru. Bucharest: E.P.A., 1964. ROMI068 ---.Teatru: Rascrucea farii fanuina. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1972. ROMI069 - - - . Tinerete: Roman. Bucharest: Fundatia pentru Iiteratura si arta Regele Carol II, 1936. Novel.

de Noailles, Anna [de Brancovan, Anna-Elisabeth, de Matthieu, Comtesse], 1876-1933. French writer of Romanian extraction born into a Romanian noble family in Paris. Honorary member of the Romanian Academy; member of the French Academy, she was the only female poet of her time to receive this public recognition. ROMI070 de Noailles, Anna. Le coeur innombrable. Paris: Calmann, 1912. De Noailles's first collection of poems, first published in 1901, received a prize from the Acadernie Francaise. ROMI071 . De la rive d'Europe Cl la rive d'Asie [From the edge of Europe toe the edge of Asia]. Paris: Dorbon-Aine, n.d. ROMI072 . Les innocentes ou la Sagesse desfemmes. Paris: A. Fayard, 1923. Novellas and meditations on gender relations. ROMI073 . Le livre de ma vie: Souvenirs. Paris: Hachette, 1932. Autobiography spanning her childhood and adolescence. ROMI074 . Umbra zilelor. Cluj: Dacia, 1982. Romanian anthology that includes a long study by Virgil Bulat. The volume is not a full translation of L'Ombre desjours (1902), de Noailles's second volume of poetry, but, on the other hand, it includes selections from several other works. ROMI075 Bargenda, Angela. La Poesie d'Anna de Noailles. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1995. ROMI076 Dapous, Rima. "Patriarchy and the Dream of a Feminine Imagination: a Study of the Works of Anna de Noailles." Ph.D. diss. U of Oxford, 1999. ROMI077 de Rochefoucauld, Edmee. Anna de Noailles. Paris: Mercure de France, 1976. ROMI078 Engelking, Tama Lea. "Anna de Noailles Oui et Non: the Countess, the Critics and la poesie feminine." Women's Studies 23 (1994): 95-110. ROMI079 Perche, Louis. Anna de Noailles. Paris: Pierre Seghers, 1964. ROMI080 Stoica, Gabriela. Ultima Seherazada: Contesa Anna Brdncoveanu de Noailles. Bucharest: Ed. Divers Press, 1991.

Diaconescu, Ioana, 1947-. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998.




Diaconescu, Ioana. Adagio. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1973. - - - . Furam trandafiri. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1967. - - - . Jumdtate zeu. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1970. - - - . Taina. Cluj: Dacia, 1976.

Diaconu, Alina, 1945-. See Utopias, ojos azules y bocas suicidas: la novelistica de Alina Diaconu, edited by Ester Gimbernat Gonzalez & Cynthia Tompkins. Buenos Aires: Editorial Fraterna, 1993. Prose writer, living in Argentina. ROMI085 Diaconu, Alina. Calidoscopio: notas ace rea del amor, el poder, el tiempo y otros espejismos. Buenos Aires: El Francotirador Editiones, 1998. ROMI086 - - - . El penultimo viaje, Buenos Aires: J. Vergara Editor, 1989. Translated into Romanian by Mirela Petcu, under the title Penultima ciilatorie: roman; cu 0 Autogeografie a autoarei. Bucharest: Univers, 1994. Novel, with the author's "autogeography." ROMI087 - - - . Enamorada del muro. Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 1981. ROMI088 - - - . La senora. Buenos Aires: R. Alonso, 1975. ROM1089 - - - . Los devorados, Buenos Aires: Editorial Atlantida, 1992. ROMI090 - - - . Preguntas con resquestas: entrevistas a Ionesco, Cioran, Borges, Girri, Sarduy. Buenos Aires: Editorial Vinciguerra, 1998. ROMI091 - - - . "The Storm"; "Welcome to Albany"; and "The Widower." In The Secret Weavers: Stories of the Fantastic by Women ofArgentina and Chile, edited by Marjorie Agosin, 194209. Fredonia, NY: White Pine Press, 1992. Short stories. Includes bibliographical references. ROM 1092 Dumitrescu, Domnita. "Realidad y metafora del exilio en la obra de Alina Diacomi." Alba de America 15, no. 28-29 (1997): 236-45. About the images of exile in Diaconu's writings. ROM1093 Lopez-Cabrales, Maria del Mar. "Nuevas aproximaciones sociopoliticas a la escritura de mujer contemporanea Argentina: El caso de Alina Diaconu." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1996. Examines "the experience of Latin American women by focusing on female writers who published in Argentina during the most recent military dictatorship and the transition to democracy; Uses the works of Alina Diaconu serve as ... [a] case study. [Her] writings .... express the oppressive reality within which the author lived (communist Romania and Argentina under military rule) ... Applying a sociopolitical approach to the works of Diaconu, this dissertation analyzes three fundamental aspects of the feminist debate."

Dima, Simona-Grazia, 1958-. See Scriitori romiini din anii '80-'90. Dictionar biobibliografic. Volumul I. A-F, edited by Ion Bogdan Lefter, Pitesti: Paralela 45,2000. Poet, essayist, journalist, and translator. ROM1094 Dima, Simona-Grazia. Confesor de tigri. La steaua: Poeti optzecisti. Botosani: Axa, 1998. Poems. ROM1095 - - - . Diminetile gdndului. Timisoara: Facla, 1989. Poems. ROMI096 - - - . Noaptea romand: Poeme. Targu Mures: Arhipelag, 1997. Poems. ROMI097 - - - . Scara lui Iacob. Timisoara: Hestia, 1995. Poems.

Dinulescu, Ioana, 1950-. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998. ROMI098 Dinulescu, Ioana. Calatorii de recunoastere. Craiova: Scrisul Romanesc, 1982. ROMI099 . Sufletul, acesta fictiune. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1999. ROMII00 Simion, Eugen, "Lectia de melancolie." Romania literarii no. 49 (1982).



D'Istria, Dora, pseud. [Princess Ghica, Elena], 1828-1888. Descendant of a noble family, journalist of European renown, author of French language fiction as well as of feminist studies, she supported the struggle for the unification of all Romanians in a national state. ROM1101 D'Istria, Dora. Autunno a Rapallo: i bagni marini di una principessa in Liguria. Genoa: Sagep, 2000. About celebrated women travellers of the 19th century. ROM1102 - - - . Des femmes. Paris, Librairie Internationale, 1869. ROM1103 - - - . "Les Roumaines." Lesfemmes en Orient, vol. 1, pp. 1-110. Zurich: Meyer & Zeller, 1859, 2 vols. Essay on the condition of women in the Romanian lands. The two volumes contain chapters on the status of women in the Balkans and various Western countries. ROM1104 Bala, Vehbi. Jeta e Elena Gjikes (Dora d'Istrias). Prishtine, Rilindja, 1970. Monograph. In Serbian. ROM1105 Bodea, Cornelia. "Doria d'Istria (1828-1888) Through American Eyes." In Romania, Culture and Nationalism: A Tribute to Radu Florescu, edited by Anthony R. DeLuca and Paul D. Quinlan, 41-57. East European Monographs, 519. New York: East European Monographs; distributed by Columbia Univ. Press, 1998. ROM1106 Cancea, Paraschiva. "Patriotism si idei progresiste in opera Elenei Ghica (Dora D'Istria)." Revista de istorie 28, no. 12 (1975): 1913-21. About patriotism and progressive ideas in the work of Dora D'Istria. ROM1107 Cecchetti, Bartolomeo. Dora d'Istria e la poesia albanese. Venezia: n.p., 1869.

Dragan, Ioana, 1969-. See Scriitori romdni din anii '80-'90: Dictionar bio-bibliografic. Volumul/. A-F, edited by Ion Bogdan Lefter. Pitesti: Paralela 45,2000. ROM1108 Dragan, Ioana. Vietafi si femei. Bucharest: Asociatia Scriitorilor din Bucuresti: Cartea Romaneasca, 1997. Received the Writers' Union Prize, 1997.

Draghincescu, Rodica, 1962-. See Scriitori romdni din anii '80-'90: Dictionar biobibliografic. Vo!. 1, A-F, edited by Ion Bogdan Lefter. Pitesti: Paralela 45, 2000. Poet, fiction writer, translator. Recipient of the Geo Bogza prize awarded by the Writers' union and Vinea Publishing House, 1998. ROM1109 Draghincescu, Rodica. Distanta dintre un barbat imbrdcat Si 0 femeie asa cum e. With a foreword by Dan-Silviu Boerescu. Timisoara: Marineasa, 1996. Novel. ROM1110 . Fiecare avem sub pat niste fotografii de care ne este rusine. Timisoara: Marineasa, 1999. Poems. ROM1111 . Obiect de lux ascutit pe ambele pdrti. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1997. Poems.

Dragusanu, Sidonia, 1908-1971. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998. Fiction writer. ROMll12 Dragusanu, Sidonia. Doamna cu ochelari negri: nuvele, Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1974. Short stories. ROMll13 . Parinti Si copii: Schite Si nuvele, [with Adriana Kiselef, Tania Lovinescu], Bucharest: Comitetul femeilor democrate din RSR, 1957. Short stories.

Dumitrescu-Busulenga, Zoe, 1920-. See Dictionarul esential al scriitorilor romdni, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Albatros, 2000. Literary historian, essayist, comparatist. Important literary critic.



ROM1114 ROM1115 ROM1116 ROM1117 ROM1118

Dumitrescu-Busulenga, Zoe. Eminescu si romantismul german. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1986. - - - . Eminescu: Via/a, opera, culturii. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1989. - - - . Eminescu: culturd Si creatie. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1976. - - - . Renasterea: umanismul Si dialogul artelor. Bucharest: Albatros, 1971. Vlad, Ion. Lecturi constructive: [articole de critica si teorie literara]. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1975.

Dumitrescu, Mariana, 1924-1967. Poet. ROM1119 Dumitrescu, Mariana. Iarba timpului. Bucharest: n.p., 1968. ROM1120 . Poezii. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1967.

Dumitriu, Dana, 1943-1987. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Rornane, 1998. Fiction writer and literary critic. ROM1121 Dumitriu, Dana. Ambasadorii sau despre realismul psihologic. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1976. Essays. ROM1122 - - - . Masa zarafului. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1972. Novel. ROM1123 - - - . Migratii: nuvele. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1971. Short stories. ROM1124 - - - . Printul Ghica: roman. Bucharest: Albatros, 1997. ROM1125 - - - . "Women Writers Break with Their Own Tradition." Romanian Review 23, no. 2 (1969): 97-101. ROM1126 Cozea, Liana. Dana Dumitriu: portretul unei doamne. Afterword by Nicolae Manolescu. Deschideri; Universitas. Pitesti: Ed. Paralela 45, 2000. Monograph on Dumitriu, subtitled "Portrait of a Lady". ROM1127 Holban, loan. Profiluri epice contemporane. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1987. ROM1128 Dunareanu, Elena. Personaliuui feminine: date bibliografice referitoare la opera si activitatea lor. Sibiu: [s.n.], 1975. About Romanian women authors. Includes bibliographical references.

Eliade, Irina, 1916-1998. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Rornane, 1998. ROM1129 Eliade,Irina. Un an fara echinoxuri: roman. Bucharest: Ed. Eminescu, 1991. Novel. ROM1130 . Ziduri, ferestre, gradini: nuvele. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1987. Short stories. Reviewed by Ion Negoitescu, Scriitori contemporani. 2nd ed., Pitesti: Paralela 45,2000: 206-9.

Emilian, Cornelia, 1840-1910. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991; and Dictionarul literaturii romdne de la origini pind la 1900, edited by Stanuta Cretu, Rodica Suiu, Gabriela Dragoi, et aI., Bucharest: Ed. Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1979. Journalist and writer whose works showed concern with the fate of women and with women's emancipation. Founder of Reuniunea Femeilor Romdne de la Iasi, the Union of Romanian Women of Iasi, in 1867. ROM 1131 Emilian, Cornelia. Amintiri. Iasi: 1886. Memoirs. ROMl132 . Cite ceva. Bucharest: Luis, 1909.


Romania ROMl133 - - - . Omenirea in stare de pruncie. Iasi: 1886.

Farago, Coca, 1913-1974. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998. Author of short stories, plays and poems. Daughter of Elena Farago. ROMl134 Farago, Coca. Poeme pentru singurdtate, cu ilustratiile autoarei. Bucharest: Tip. Florica Gabrielescu, 1943. Poems. ROMl135 - - - . Sunt fata lui Ion Gheorghe Antim. Bucharest: S. Ciomei, 1936. Novel. ROMl136 - - - . Vulturul albastru. Bucharest: Cugetarea-Georgescu Delafras, 1938. Short stories.

Farago, Elena, pseud. [Paximade, Elena; other pseud.: Fatma-Constanta, Ellen; Farago-Fatma, Elena; Fotino, Elena; I1eana; I1eana-Fatma, Leana], 1878-1954. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Poet and translator. She was twice awarded the Romanian Academy Prize (1907, 1920), she received the French Femina Prize (1927) and the Romanian National Prize for Poetry (1937). ROM1137 ROM1138 ROM1139 ROM1140

Farago, Elena. Cdtelusul schiop, Bucharest: Ion Creanga, 1989. Children's rhymes. - - - . Traduceri libere (Versuri). Craiova: Ed. Revistei Ramuri, 1908. - - - . Versuri. Craiova: Scrisul Rornanesc, 1978. Lovinescu, Eugen. "Alti poeti simbolisti." In Istoria literaturii romdne contemporane, vol. 2, 225-32. Bucharest: Minerva, 1981.

Filotti, Maria, 1883-1956. Famous actress. See Teatrul romdnesc in secolul XX, by Ileana Berlogea. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Rornane, 2000. ROMl141 Filotti, Maria. Am ales teatrul. With a foreword by Ov. S. Crohmalniceanu. Bucharest: Meridiane, 1963; Ed. Pentru Literatura, 1961

Firan, Carmen, 1958-. See Scriitori romdni din anii '80- '90: Dictionar bio-bibliografic. Vol. 1, A-F, edited by Ion Bogdan Lefter. Pitesti: Paralela 45, 2000; and Istoria tragica si grotescii a intunecatului deceniu literar noud, by Radu G. Teposu, Bucharest: Eminescu, 1993. See also some of the first translations of her work into English at http://www.momingred.com/friend/1999/1l/pages/report.html. ROM1142 ROM1143 ROMl144 ROMl145 ROMl146 ROM1147

Firan, Carmen. Accomplished Error. New York: Spuyten Duyvil, 1999. - - - . Ilurii pe cont propriu: [versuri]. Craiova: Scrisul Rornanesc, 1981. - - - . Locuri de trait singur. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1997. Poems. - - - . Negru pur: poeme. Bucharest: Albatros, 1994. - - - . Tot mai aproape. Bucharest: Albatros, 1991. Novel. - - - . Trepte sub mare, [Bucharest]: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1990. Poems.

Florescu, Arta, 1921-. Famous soprano of the Romanian National Opera. See Contrapunct liric. Dialogues between Arta Florescu and Iosif Sava. Bucharest: Ed. Muzicala, 1987. Floru, Igena, 1896-1926. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998. ROMl148 Floru, Igena. Nuvele. Bucharest: Cultura Nationala, 1926. Collection of short stories.



ROMl149 Gane, Constantin. Treeute vieti de doamne si domnite, 2 vols. Chisinau: Universitas, 1991; Iasi: Junimea, 1971-1973; Bucharest: Fundatia pentru literatura si arta Regele Carol 11, 19321941. About the lives of Romanian princesses and noble women, living between the 14th century and 1859.

Fulmen, Ecaterina (Raicoviceanu). Writer and journalist. ROMl150 Fulmen, Ecaterina. in treacdt: schite: 1909. ROMl151 - - - . Jurnalul unei surori de earitate [Diary of a nurse]. Bucharest: 1920. Memoirs from WorId War I when the author worked as a nurse. ROMl152 - - - . Serisori defemei [Letters by women]. Bucharest: 1907.

Ghica-Comanesti, Ioana, Princess. Composer and promoter of musical life at the beginning of the

zo" century. She wrote the Red Cross anthem.

Gorun-Bercovici, lrina, 1953-1985. Poet and mathematician who died in childbirth, after emigrating to the United States. ROMl153 Gorun-Bercovici, Irina. Irina Gorun-Bereoviei: Poetul nu mai locuieste aiei. Bucharest: Du Style, 1996. Selected poems in Romanian, with translations into English by Andrei Bantas. Includes "Memento (Irina)" by Nina Cassian, "Intre poezie si matematici" by Matei Calinescu, and "Destinul poetului" by Elena Esther Tacciu. ROM1154 Greceanu, Olga. Femmes peintres d'autrefois. Craiova: Ziarul, 1940. Painter and art historian.

Grigorescu-Bacovia, Agatha, 1895-1981. Poet, prose writer, and spouse of poet George Bacovia. ROM1155 Grigorescu-Bacovia, Agatha. Baeovia: Poezie sau destin [Amintiri]. Bucharest: Ed. Eminescu, 1972. Collection of memories. ROMl156 - - - . Baeovia: Yuua poetului. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1962. Biography of George Bacovia. ROMl157 - - - . Poeziisi prozii. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1967. ROM1158 - - - . Versuri. Bucharest: Albatros, 1970.

Grigorescu Pana, lrina, 1948-. Essayist, prose writer, and poet who emigrated to Australia in 1985. ROM1159 Grigorescu Pana, Irina. Lectia de adio: roman. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1983. Novel. ROMl160 - - - . Melbournejournal: [poems]. Timisoara: Helicon, 1997. ROM1161 - - - . Melbourne Sundays. Bucharest: Integral, 1999. A fictional-lyrical account of the Romanian author's 11-year exile in Australia. Reviewed by Radu Surdulescu, "Lecturi la zi: Exilul ea rescriere si talmacire." Romania literard no. 43 (1999). ROMl162 - - - . The Tomis Complex: Exile and Eros in Australian Literature. Berne: Peter Lang, 1996. Essay about exile in Australian literature. ROMl163 Draga-Alexandru, Maria-Sabina. "Exiles From Power: Marginality and the Female Self in Postcommunist and Postcolonial Spaces." European Journal of Women 's Studies 7 (2000): 355-66. Examines the works of Irina Grigorescu Pana, a Romanian exile in Australia. ROMl164 Gvozdenovici, S., and Lucian Alexiu, eds. Porumbelul de argild: Poeti sdrbi din Romania. Bucharest: Persona, 1998. Anthology of poetry by Serbian poets in Romania.



Hasdeu, Iulia, [Armand, Camille, pseud.], 1869-1888. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Poet, essayist, playwright, and short story writer. The daughter of Ion Petriceicu Hasdeu, ROM1165 Hasdeu, Iulia. Oeuvres posthumes. Paris: Hachette, 1890. ROM1166 - - - . Versuri, proza, corespondenta. Bucharest: Minerva, 1976. Poems, prose, and correspondence. ROM1167 - - - . 19 file de jurnal, editie ingrijita de Crina Decusara-Bocsan. Bucharest: Eminescu, 2000. Journal pages from 1886-88. ROM1168 Manolache, Constantin. Scdnteietoarea viata a Iuliei Hasdeu. With a foreword by Ion Oprisan. Bucharest: Saeculum I. 0., 1999.

Haskil, Clara, 1895-1960. Pianist. See Romani In stiinta si cultura occidentala, by Dan Grindea and Ion Manea. Davis, CA: American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1996; 1992. See under the Jewish Diaspora chapter. Hodos, Constanta, 1860-1934. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998. Editor and director of Revista noastrd (see above). Author of numerous sketches, short stories and literary studies in newspapers and journals. ROM1169 Hodos, Constanta, Martirii: roman. Bucharest: Minerva, 1908. ROM1170 . Rodica In viirtejul rdsboiului: povestire. Bucharest: Ed. Libr. Socec & Co., 1926. ROM1171 . Ultimul prietin: [nuvela]. Bucharest: Alcalay & Co, 1916.

Horodinca, Georgeta, 1930-. See Scurta istorie a literaturii romiine, by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Iriana, 1996. Prose writer and literary critic, living in Paris. ROM1172 Horodinca, Georgeta. Bastarzii: povestiri. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1979. ROM1173 . Jean-Paul Sartre. Bucharest: E. P. L., 1964. ROM1174 . La saison morte: une histoire romaine. Paris: Editions Ramsay, 1990. ROM1175 . Somnambulii soarelui: roman. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1981.

Hudici, Vera, 1917-1999. Fiction writer. ROM1176 Hudici, Vera. Aureola iubirii: roman. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1988. ROM1177 .Impacarea: [povestiri]. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1981. ROM1178 . Traista cu umbre: roman. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1970.

Ieronim, Ioana, pseud. [Brandus, Ioana], 1947-. Poet, diplomat and journalist. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998. ROM1179 Ieronim, Ioana. Luni dimineata. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1987. ROM1180 - - - . Munci, zile, alunecari de teren. Bucharest: Ed. Masina de scris, 2001. Selected poems from three decades of work, 1970-2000. The book is prefaced by a retrospective study of Ieronim's work by Alex. Stefanescu. ROM1181 - - - . "Poems." In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by WaIter M. Cummins, 327, 355-6. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. ROM1182 - - - . Proiect de mitologie. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1981.


Romania ROM1183 - - - . Silabe Omnivore/Omnivorous Syllables. Ed. LiterNet, 2006. Book published by the virtual publishing house LiterNet which offerss free downloads. "If our 'postmodern' zeitgeist is constantly self-interrogating, destabilising, Ioana Ieronim's Omnivorous Syllables bring an utterly contemporary sensibility, for which 'the dodecahedron is the symbol of the world,' to bear on its challenges, excitements, and - as Ieronim uniquely reveals to us - its wild poetries."-Fiona Sampson. ROM1184 - - - . Triumful paparudei. Bucharest: Litera, 1992. Translated from Romanian into English by Adam J. Sorkin with Ioana Ieronim as The Triumph of the Water Witch. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe Books, 2000. ROM1185 - - - . Vara timpurie. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1979. ROM1186 Stefanescu, Alex. "La 0 noua lectura: Ioana Ieronim." Romania literard no. 37, 2000. Ilica, Carolina, 1951-. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998. Poet. ROM1187 ROM1188 ROM1189 ROM1190

Ilica, Carolina. Ephemeris: versuri. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1987. - - - . Neimblinzita ea 0 stea lactee: poezii. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1974. - - - . Scara la cer (l). Bucharest: Orient-Occident, 1997. Grigurcu, Gheorghe. "Paradis, Purgatoriu, Infern." Romania literara no. 25, 1998. Iliescu, Adriana, 1938-. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998. Fiction writer and poet, who is also a literary historian and critic.

ROM1191 Iliescu, Adriana. Domnisoara cu miozotis. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1970. Novel. ROM1192 . Jurnal de vacanta. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1984. Poems. ROM1193 . Orasul: roman. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1978.

Indries, Alexandra, pseud. [Barna, Gloria Maria], 1936-1993. Fiction writer, literary historian and critic. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Rornane, 1998. ROM1194 Indries, Alexandra. Doua-trei minute: roman. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1984. ROM1195 . Un sertar intredeschis: roman. Timisoara: Ed. de Vest, 1995. ROM 1196 Iorgulescu, Mircea. Scriitori tineri contemporani [Young contemporary writers]. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1978. Includes sections about women poets such as Ioana Bantas, Ioana Diaconescu, Carolina Ilica, Anais Nersesian, Mara Nicoara, Grete Tartler, etc. and fiction writers such as Dana Dumitriu, Sanziana Pop, Monica Savulescu, and Alexandra Tarziu. Also, succint portraits of literary critics Doina Curticapeanu and Ioana M. Petrescu.

Irineu, Cora, 1888-1924. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998. Prose writer and journalist who wrote about feminism. ROM1197 Irineu, Cora. Scrisori Baniuene. Edited by Petre Pascu, [Timisoara]: Facla, 1975; [Bucharest]: Cultura national a, 1924. Travel notes. Isanos, Magda, 1916-1944. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991; and Scurtd istorie a literaturii romdne, by Dumitru Micu, vol. 2. Bucharest: Iriana, 1995. Poet, playwright and translator.



ROM1198 Isanos, Magda. When Angels Sing: Poems and Prose = Cind ingerii cintd: poezii si prozii. Edited and translated from Romanian by Laura Treptow and Kurt W. Treptow; postscript by Elisabeta Isanos Goian. Iasi: Romanian Cultural Foundation, 1994. Bilingual selection of Isanos's poetry and prose.

Iuga, Nora, pseud. [Almosnino, Eleonora], 1933-. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, DL, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998. Poet, fiction writer, translator. She was awarded the Writers' Union prize for poetry (1980). ROM1199 Iuga, Nora. Inima ea un pumn de boxeur. Preface by Gheorghe Grigurcu. Bucharest: Ed. Vinea, 2000. Collection of poems. ROM 1200 - - - . Piata cerului. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1986. Poems. ROM1201 - - - . Sapunul lui Leopold Bloom: roman. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1993. ROM1202 - - - . Sexagenara si tdndrul, roman. Bucharest: Albatros, 2000. Novel awarded the Writers' Union prize for prose, 2000. ROM1203 - - - . Spitalul manechinelor. Bucharest: Universal Dalsi, 1998. Poems. ROM 1204 - - - . Vina nu e a mea: poezii. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1968. ROM 1205 Stefanescu, Alex. "Cata cultura, atata sinceritate." Romania literard no. 46 (2000).

Jela, Doina, 1951-. See Istoria literaturii ronuine de azi pe mdine: 23 august 1944-22 decembrie 1989, by Marian Popa. 2 vols. Bucharest: Fundatia Luceafarul, 2001. Prose writer, journalist, translator.

ROM1206 Jela, Doina. Aceasta dragoste care ne leaga: reconstituirea unui asasinat. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1998. Designated the book of the year at the Timisoara International Book Fair. ROM 1207 . Cazul Nichita Dumitru: incercare de reconstituire a unui proces comunist, 29 august-l septembrie 1952. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1995. Non-fiction novel about the case of Nichita Dumitru tried at the height of Stalinism. The book was honored by the International Association of Romanian Writers and Artists headquartered in Washington, in 1996. ROM1208 . Telejurnalul de noapte: Jurnal. Colectia Ego. Iasi: Polirom, 1998.

Keneres, Adina, 1957-. See Istoria tragicii si grotesca a intunecatului deceniu literar noud, by Radu G. Teposu, Bucharest: Eminescu, 1993; and Prezent, by Mircea Iorgulescu, Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1985. Fiction writer considered dangerous by the late Ceausescu regime and eventually driven into Parisian exile. ROM1209 Keneres, Adina. ingereasa cu pdlarie verde. Bucharest: Albatros, 1983. Novel. ROM1210 . Rochia de crin. Bucharest: Albatros, 1985. Short stories.

Larian, Sonia, 1931-. See Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani, D-L, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1998. Fiction writer. Established, in 1988 in Paris, France. ROM 1211 Larian, Sonia. Biblioteca fantasticd. Bucharest: Litera, 1994; Cartea Romaneasca, 1976. Novel.

Latzina, Anemone, 1942-1993. See Yint potrivit pina la tare: zece tineri poeti germani din Romania, by Peter Motzan. Bucharest: Kriterion, 1982. German-language poet.



ROM1212 Latzina, Anemone. Poems. In Pied Poets: Contemporary Verse of the Transylvanian and Danube Germans ofRomania, edited and translated by Robert Elsie. London: Forest Books, 1990. ROM1213 . Tagebuch Tage: Gedichte, 1963 bis 1989. Edited by Gerhardt Csejka. Berlin: Druckhaus Galrev, 1992. ROM1214 Lazareanu, Simeon, and Octav Paun, eds. Jntrarea in casa: Antologia poezlei romdnesti din Jugoslavia. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Rornane, 1995. Includes poetry written by Romanian women in Vojvodina: Florica Stefan, Felicia Marina-Munteanu, Eugenia CiobanuBalteanu, Marioara Baba, Olimpia Balos, Aurora Rotaru-Planianin, Ileana Ursu, Mariana Dan, Ana Niculina Sarbu, and Marioara Tera. The volume also has an introductory essay by Octav Paun, and a biobibliography for each poet. ROM1215 Lentin, Ronit. Night Train to Mother. Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, 1990; Dublin: Attic Press, 1989. Novel. From 1895 to 1984, members of four generations of women in a Jewish family journey from Romania to Israel and back again.

Lorintiu, Cleopatra, 1957-. See Jstoria tragicd si grotesca a intunecatului deceniu literar noua, by Radu G. Teposu, Bucharest: Eminescu, 1993. Poet and fiction writer. ROM1216 Lorintiu, Cleopatra. Jubirea nu trece: roman. Bucharest: Editorial Luna House, 1992. ROM1217 . Peisajul din care lipsesc. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1981. Poems. ROM1218 . Regina cu pasi furati. Cluj: Dacia, 1978. Poems.

Lovinescu, Monica [Pascal, Claude; Saint-Come, Monique, pseud.], 1923-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Literary critic, essayist, playwright, translator, and Radio Free Europe broadcaster. She was much listened to by Romanians in the communist years. ROM1219 Lovinescu, Monica. Convorbiri: lntrevederi cu Mircea Eliade, Eugen Ionesco, Stefan Lupascu si Grigore Cugler. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1992. Interviews with Romanian literary figures. ROM1220 - - - . Cronici literare, comentarii, eseuri: Unde scurte. Madrid: Ed. Limite, 1978. Texts of radio programs from 1962-71. ROM1221 - - - . Est-etice: Unde scurte JV. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1994. Texts of radio programs. ROM1222 - - - . Insula serpilor: Unde scurte VI. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1996. Texts of radio programs. ROM1223 - - - . La apa Vavilonului. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1999. Memoirs referring to the period 1947-1964. ROM1224 - - - . Posteritatea contemporand: Unde scurte Ill. Memorii, jurnale. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1994. This volume appeared in a memoirs and journals series. ROM1225 - - - . Pragul: Unde scurte V. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1995. Texts from 1988-1989, including journal pages. ROM1226 - - - . Seismograme: Unde scurte ll. Memorii, jurnale. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1993. This volume appeared in a memoirs and journals series. - - . Unde scurte: jurnal indirect. Memorii, jurnale. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1990. ROM1227 The subtitle of this volume is "indirect journal." ROM1228 Stefanescu, Alex. "Exercitii de demistificare." Romania literard no. 45, 1999.

Lungu, Vera, 1938-. See wwwJormula-as.ro/418as/diaspora.html. Poet, painter, and journalist.



ROM1229 Lungu, Vera. Alexandros: Selected Poems. Translated by the poet & Anne Beresford. London: Agenda Editions, 1974.

Mailat, Maria, 1953-. Fiction writer living in Paris. See Romani in stiinta si cultura occidentala, by Dan Grindea and Ion Manea. Davis, CA: American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1996; 1992. ROM1230 ROM1231 ROM1232 ROM1233 ROM1234

Mailat, Maria. Avant de mourir en paix: Nouvelles. Paris: Fayard, 2000. - - - . Intrare libera: Schite si povestiri. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1985. - - - . La grace de l'ennemi: roman. Paris: Fayard, 1999. - - - . Sainte Perpetuite: roman. Paris: Julliard, 1998. - - - . S'il est defendu de pleurer: roman. Translated into French by Alain Paruit. Paris: R. Laffont, 1988.

Malamen, Iolanda, 1948-. See Suplimentul literar artistic al revistei Agora ON line at: www.aol.ro/1998/supliment/nr04/malamen l.html ROM1235 Malamen, Iolanda. Felipe si Margherita. Bucharest: Crater, 2001, cu 12 desene de Sorin Ilfoveanu, Tudor Jebeleanu, Felix Lupu, Marcel Bunea s.a.: Bucharest: Micimari, 2000. ROM1236 - - - . Floarea care merge: versuri. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1983. ROM1237 - - - . Ingerul coborit in strada. Asociatia Scriitorilor din Bucuresti, Cartea Romaneasca, 1997. ROM1238 . Pdmint sub zdpada: versuri. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1976. ROM1239 .0 piatra neagrd pe 0 piatra alba. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1979. ROM1240 Marinescu, Angela. "Meseria de a scrie." Romania literara no. 22, 1999.

MaHincioiu,I1eana, 1940-. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London & NEW YORK: Routledge, 2001; and Dictionarul esential al scriitorilor romdni, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi and Aurel Sasu, Bucharest: Albatros, 2000. Poet, essayist, and journalist. ROM1241 Malancioiu, Ileana. Ardere de tot. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1976. Poems. ROM1242 - - - . Cdldtorie spre mine insdmi [Journey toward myself]. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1988. Essays. ROM1243 - - - . Catre Ieronim. Bucharest: Albatros, 1970. Poems. ROM 1244 - - - . Crini pentru domnisoara mireasd. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1973. Poems. ROM1245 - - - . Cronica melancoliei. Bucharest: Enc., 1998. Articles previously published in 22 and Romania literara from 1995 to 1998. ROM 1246 - - - . lnima reginei. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1971. Poems. ROM1247 - - - . Pasarea tdiata. Bucharest: Ed. Tineretului, 1967. Poems. ROM1248 - - - . Peste zona interzisa. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1979. ROM 1249 - - - . Poems. International Poetry Review 20, no. 1 (Spring 1994): 36-47. Bilingual edition. ROM1250 - - - . Poems. In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by Waiter M. Cummins, 327, 345-6. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. ROM1251 - - - . Poems. In Peste zona interzisa / Across the Forbidden Zone. Translated by Dan Dutescu; preface by Valeriu Cristea. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1985. Bilingual Romanian! English edition. ROM1252 - - - . Sora mea de dincolo. Bucharest: Albatros, 1980. Poems.


Romania ROM1253 ROM1254

. Urcarea muntelui. Bucharest: Albatros, 1985. Poems. . Vina tragicd: Tragicii greci, Shakespeare, Dostoievski, Kafka. Bucharest: Cartea .Rornaneasca, 1978. Essays about tragic guilt. ROM1255 Dimisianu, Gabriel. "Sarcasm si melancolie." Romania literara no. 25, 1998. ROM1256 Grigurcu, Gheorghe. "Poezia Ilenei Malancioiu." Romania literard no. 13,2000. ROM1257 Negrici, Eugen. Introducere in poezia contemporand. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1985. ROM1258 Manole, Ileana, and Virginia Carianopol. Din liricafemininii romdneasca. Cele mai frumoase poezii. Foreword by Vasile Nicolescu. Bucharest: Albatros, 1975. Anthology of Romanian women's poetry. Mantu, Lucia [nee Nadejde, Camelia], 1888-1971. See Istoria literaturii romdne de la origini pina in present, by George Calinescu. Bucharest: Dimineata, 1997; and An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. ROM1259 Mantu, Lucia. Umbre chinezesti: romane in fragmente. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, n.d. Marcovici, Bianca, 1952-. See http://bianca.home.icq.com. Poet and prose writer living in Israel. See also under the Jewish Diaspora chapter. ROM1260 Marcovici, Bianca. Dincolo de paradis. Bucharest: Litera, 1989. ROM1261 . Tara extremelor: versuri = Land der Extreme: Gedichte. Translated from Romanian into German by Radu Barbulescu. Munich: Verlag, 1997. Marin, Mariana, 1956-. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London & New York: Routledge, 2001; and Istoria tragicd si grotescd a intunecatului deceniu literar noud, by Radu G. Teposu, Bucharest: Eminescu, 1993. ROM1262 Marin, Mariana. Atelierele, 1980-1984. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1990. ROM1263 - - - . Mutilarea artistului la tinerete. Bucharest: Ed. Muzeul Literaturii Romane, 1999. The volume won the Romanian Writers' Union Prize for Poetry in 1999. ROM 1264 - - - . Poems. In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by WaIter M. Cummins, 327-8, 361-2. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. ROM1265 - - _ . Un razboi de 0 sutd de ani: (utopii Si alte poeme de dragoste). Bucharest: Albatros, 1981. ROM1266 Grigurcu, Gheorghe. "Solitudinea Marianei Marin." Romania literard no. 45, 1999. ROM1267 Marineasa, Viorel, and Gabriel Marineasa. Zona: prozatori Si poeti timisoreni din anii '80 si '90. Timisoara: Marineasa, 1997. Anthology of writers from Timisoara from the 1980s and 90s. Also in zip format, at: http://www.banat.ro/biblioteca/401.htm Marinescu, Angela, pseud. [Marcovici, Basaraba-Angela], 1941-. See Dictionarul esential al scriitorilor romdni, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi and Aurel Sasu, Bucharest: Albatros, 2000. ROM1268 Marinescu, Angela. Ceara. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1970. Published under the pseudonym Basaraba Matei. ROM1269 . Cocosul s-a ascuns in tdieturd. Bucharest: Asociatia Scriitorilor din Bucuresti; Cartea Romaneasca, 1996.



ROM1270 - - - . Evanghelia dupa Toma: 0 interpretare posibild. Bucharest: Anastasia, 1997. Theological essay. ROM1271 - - - . Fugi postmoderne. Bucharest: Vinea, 2000. Awarded the Writers' Union Prize for poetry, 2000. ROM1272 - - - . Singe albastru. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1969. ROM1273 - - - . Skanderberg. Editii definitive. Preface by Nicolae Manolescu. Afterwords by Octavian Soviany and loan Buduca. Bucharest: Ed. Vinea, 1998. ROM1274 Bucur, Marin. Literatura romdna contemporand: Poezia. Bucharest: Ed. Academiei, 1980. ROM1275 Marinescu, Stefan. "Feminism si feminitate in proza romaneasca interbelica: ipostaze romanesti moderne ale complexului feminitatii." Ph.D. diss. Bucharest Univ., Faculty of Letters, 1998. About feminism and feminity in interwar Romanian prose.

Marino-Moscu, Constanta, 1875-1940. See Istoria literaturii rorniine: De la creatia populard la postmodernism by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0.,2000. Fiction writer. ROM1276 Marino-Moscu, Constanta. Faclii in noapte: Schite Si nuvele. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, n.d. Short stories.

Mavrodin, Irina, 1929-. See Dictionar de literaturd romana contemporarui, 2nd ed., by Marian Popa, Bucharest: Albatros, 1977. Translator, essayist, poet. ROM1277 Mavrodin, lrina. Mdna care scrie: spre 0 poietica a hazardului. lasi: Eminescu, 1994. Essay. ROM1278 . Picdtura de ploaie: versuri. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1987. ROM1279 . Poeme. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1970.

Melinescu, Gabriela, 1942-. See Dictionarul eseruial al scriitorilor romdni, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi and Aurel Sasu, Bucharest: Albatros, 2000. Poet, prose writer, journalist, and translator, living in Sweden. ROM1280 ROM1281 ROM1282 ROM1283 ROM1284

ROM1285 ROM1286 ROM1287

Melinescu, Gabriela. Bobincarii [proza]. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1969. Short stories. - - - . Ljus mot [jus: dikter. Stockholm: Bonnier, 1993. - - - . Lupii urea in cer: roman. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Rornane, 1993. - - - . Poezii. Bucharest: Vitruviu, 1997. Edited by Ileana Malancioiu. Reviewed very positively by Gabrie1 Dimisianu, in "Mutarea spre Nord," Romania literara, no. 2, 1998. - - - . La reine de la rue. Levallois-Perret [France]: Manya, 1991. Novel. Translated from French into Romanian by Diana Alexandru under the title Regina strazii: roman. With a foreword by Dan Cristea. Colectia Ithaca: Scriitori romani din exil. Bucharest: Univers, 1997. - - - . Ruggningar: noveller. [Stockholm]: A. Bonniers forlag, 1998. Martin, Mircea. Generatie Si creatie. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1969. Dimisianu, Gabriel. "Mahalaua fantastica." Romania literard no. 35 (1998).

Micle, Veronica, pseud., [Cimpan, Ana; other pseud.: Corina], 1850-1889. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Poet also famous as the lover of the national poet, Mihai Eminescu. She committed suicide two months after Eminescu' s death. ROM1288 Micle, Veronica. Cind te-am vazut, Verena: Mihai Eminescu- Veronica Micle: scrisori de dragoste. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1998. Love letters between Eminescu and Micle.


Romania ROM1289 - - - . Dulcea mea Doamna/ Eminul meu iubit: Corespondenta ineditd Mihai EminescuVeronica Micle. Editie ingrijita, transcriere, note si prefata de Christina Zarifopol-Illias. Iasi: Polirom, 2000. Correspondence between Micle and Eminescu. ROM1290 - - - . Poezii si corespondenta. Galati: Ed. Porto-Franco; Muzeul Literaturii romane, 1991. ROM1291 Micu, Dumitru. Scurtd istorie a literaturii romiine. Bucharest: Iriana, 1995. Volume 2 of this short history of Romanian literature includes a section "Ticu Archip, H. Y. Stahl, Sanda Movila, Cella Serghi, Ioana Postelnicu, Lucia Demetrius, Dan Petrasincu, Mihail Serban s.a." pp. 170-76, which discusses a group of mostly female authors who began by writing "psychological prose" in the interwar period.

Miller- Verghi, Margareta, [Miller- Verghi, Margarita; Ariel; Dionis; Lola, Mama; Cambrea, Hie; Pravila, Ion, pseud.], 1864-1951. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991, and Dictionarul scriitorilor Romani. vol. 3. Bucharest: Albatross, 2001. Essayist, literary critic, playwright, and novelist. ROM1292 Miller-Verghi, Margarita, and Ecaterina Sandulescu. Evolutia scrisului feminin in Romania [The Evolution of Women's Writing in Romania.] Bucharest: 1935. An important reference for any study about literature written by Romanian women.

Millian, Claudia, [Cridim, Claudia; Millian-Cridim, Claudia; Millian-Minulescu, Claudia; Serban, Rosina, D., pseud.], 1887-1961. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Poet, playwright, and translator. Spouse of the poet Ion Minulescu. ROM1293 ROM1294 ROM1295 ROM1296

Millian, Claudia. Cartea a patra: poezii. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1974. - - - . Cartea mea de aduceri-aminte. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1973. Memoirs. - - - . Despre Ion Minulescu. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1968. About Ion Minulescu. - - - . Vreau sii trdiesc: Piese de teatru si cronici dramatice. Edited, with a foreword and bibliography by Nina Stanculescu, Bucharest: Minerva, 1983.

Mokka,lrene, 1915-1973. See Dictionar bibliografic al scriitorilor si lingvistilor din judetul Timis: 1945-1999, edited by Aquilina Biraescu, and Diana Zarie. Timisoara: Marineasa, 2000. German language poet. ROM1297 Mokka, Irene. Atitea cuvinte care nu-s: versuri. Translated into Romanian by Adriana Rotaru. Bucharest: Kriterion-Verl., 1987. ROM1298 - - - . Der blaue Falter: Miirchen. Timisoara: Facla, 1983. ROM1299 - - - . Vermutungen: [Dichtungen]. Timisoara: Facla, 1974. Movila, Sanda [nee Maria lonescu], 1900-1970. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Poet and fiction writer on erotic and social themes. ROM1300 Movila, Sanda. Crinii rosii. Bucharest: Ed. Casa Scoalelor, 1925. Poems. ROM1301 . Desfiguratii; Ndlucile; Via/a in oglinzi. Edited by Eugenia Tudor-Anton. Bucharest: Minerva, 1990. Selected prose.

Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina, 1964-. While better known as a political scientist and commentator, Mungiu-Pippidi is also an acclaimed playwright and novelist. She received the Uniter prize



for the best play, for Evanghelistii in 1992, and the Amfiteatru prize for literary criticism in 1988. ROM1302 Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina. Evanghelistii. Bucharest: Unitext, 1993. ROM1303 - - - . Moartea lui Ariel. Bucharest: Unitext, 1997. Selected plays. ROM1304 - - - . Romania: mod de folosire. Bucharest: Staff, 1994. Essays in political and literary psychology. ROM1305 - - - . Romdnii dupa '89: istoria unei neintelegeri. [Bucharest]: Humanitas, 1995. Study about post-communist Romania. ROM1306 - - - . Ultima cruciada. With a foreword by Monica Lovinescu. Bucharest: Humanitas, 2001. Novel. ROM1307 Stefanescu, Alex. "Un roman care modifica ierarhiile literare." Romania literard no. 15, 2001. Miiller, Herta, 1953-. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by lane Eldridge Miller. London & New York: Routledge, 2001; and An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Romanian-born German writer who emigrated to Germany in 1987. Her works portray the human destruction of the Romanian dictatorship and the rootlessness of political exile. She was awarded numerous and prestigious prizes, among them, the Kleist Prize in 1994. Her prose has been translated into 13 languages. ROM1308 Muller, Herta. Herztier: Roman. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 1996; 1994. Translated from German into Romanian by Nora Juga as Animalul inimii. Bucharest: Univers, 1997. Translated into Spanish by Blanch Tyroller, as La bestia del corazdn: Bettina, Barcelona: Mondadori, 1997. ROM1309 . Der Fuchs war damals schon der lager. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 1992. Translated from German into Romanian by Nora Juga under the title Inca de pe atunci vulpea era vinatorul, forword and bio-bibliographical notes by Gerhardt Csejka, Bucharest: Univers, 1995. Novel. Reworking of a filmscript entitled "Der Fuchs der lager," [The fox was the hunter] that she eo-wrote with Harry Merkle. The main character is a teacher harassed by the Romanian secret police. Through synecdoche, Muller portrays the fragmentation of self that occurs in a nation governed by fear. ROM1310 . Der Mensch ist ein grosser Fasan aufder Welt. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1995. Chronicles the efforts of a Romanian-German peasant family to get passports to leave the country. Translated into Spanish by Franck Meyer as 0 home eun grande faisdn no mundo. Vigo: Xerais de Galicia, 2001. ROM1311 . Eine warme Kartoffel ist ein warmes Bett. Hamburg: Europaische Verlag, 1992. Reprints of her columns that first appeared in the Swiss monthly "Du." ROM1312 . Heute war ich mir lieber nicht begegnet: Roman. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1999. ROM1313 - - - . lm Haarknoten wohnt eine Dame. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 2000. ROM1314 - - - . Nadirs (=Niederungen). European Women Writers Series. Translated and with an afterword by Sieglinde Lug. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1999. A collection of stories on life in Romania under Communism, illustrating the violence and the corruption. They are based on the writer's experiences in a village in the German-speaking part of the country. ROM1315 - - - . Reisende auf einem Bein. Berlin: Taschenbuch Verlag, 1999; Rotbuch Verlag, 1989. ROM1316 - - - . The Land of Green Plums: A Novel. Translated by Michael Hofmann. New York: Metropolitan Books, 1996. Unflinching look at the alienation and complexity of a rapidly changing Eastern Europe, focusing on a group of young friends in Ccausescu' s Romania. "Most of the literary accounts of Communist Eastern Europe have come from male writers,


Romania and it is especially interesting to have from Ms. Muller this work composed in a woman's voice" -Larry Wolff, NY Times Book Review (Dec. 1 1996): 38. ROM1317 Nechita, Alexandra. Outside the Lines. With a foreword by Charles Osgood, CBS News: 1996.50 colorplates with commentaries, by Alexandra Nechita, the "petite Picasso," a young Romanian painter (child prodigy) living in California. Her first exhibition was a one-person show held at a Los Angeles-area public library when she was just eight years old.

Negru, Natalia, 1882-1962. See Istoria literaturii romdne: De la creaiia populard la postmodernism, by Durnitru Micu, p. 179. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0., 2000. Poet. ROM1318 Negro, Natalia. Helianta: doua vieti stinse.... Bucharest: Viata Romaneasca, 1921. ROM1319 . Legenda: poem dramatic. Bucharest: EdIitcrara a Casei scoalelor, 1922.

Nersesian, Anais, 1938-. See Scriitori tineri contemporani, by Mircea lorgulescu. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1978. ROM1320 Nersesian, Anais, Cintaretul de sticla. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1973. ROM1321 . Stampe lirice. Bucharest: Erninescu, 1975. ROM1322 Nicolaie, loana. Poems. In A Fine Line: New Poetry From Eastern & Central Europe, edited by Jean Boase-Beier, Alexandra Biichler and Fiona Sampson, 231-39. Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK: Arc Publications, 2003

Nitescu, Sanda, 1939-. See Jianou, lonel, et al., eds. Romanian artists in the West: Anthology. Los Angeles, CA: American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1986. Painter and writer living in Paris. ROM1323 Nitescu, Sanda. Unfir de mdrar si cerul albastru. Translated from French, and foreword by Irina Mavrodin, illustrations by Horia Bernea. Bucharest: Ed. Cartea Rornaneasca. 1997. ROM1324 Anghelescu, Mircea. "A fi roman la Paris." Romania literard no. 32, 1998.

Obogeanu, Veronica, 1900-1986. See Istoria literaturii romdne de azi pe mdine: 23 august 1944-22 decembrie 1989, by Marian Popa. 2 vols. Bucharest: Fundatia Luceafarul, 2001. ROM1325 Obogeanu, Veronica. Aid, pe ramul meu: versuri. Bucharest: Erninescu, 1970. ROM1326 . Pasdrea defoc. Bucharest: Erninescu, 1978.

Odeanu, Anisoara [pseud. Peteanu, Doina], 1912-1972. See Istoria literaturii romdne: De la creatia populara la postmodernism by Durnitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0.,2000. Prose writer and poet. ROM1327 Odeanu, Anisoara, Acele lucruri mari. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1973. Novel. ROM1328 . Ciudata viatd a poetului. Timisoara: Facla, 1975. Short stories. ROM1329 . Sub lumina verii: nuvele. Bucharest: Ed. Tineretului, 1967.

Oproiu, Ecaterina, 1929-. See Istoria literaturii romdne: De la creatia populard la postmodernism by Durnitru Micu, p. 691. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0.,2000. Film critic, feminist editor, and playwright. Oproiu's essayistic plays are mainly concerned with the female condition under socialism. She edited the women's magazines Ea si el [She and He]


Romania (1991-1998) and Timpul femeii in tara barbatilor [The time of women in the country of men]. Bucharest (1992-1998).

ROM1330 Oproiu, Ecaterina. 3 x 8 [i.e. Trei ori opt] plus infinitul: dialoguri despre conditia femeii. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1975. A play about the condition of Romanian women. ROM1331 - - - . Cerul instelat deasupra noastrd: piesa in doud parti. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1986. ROM1332 - - - . Nu sint turnul Eiffel: pseudocomedie in doua parti. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1978. ROM1333 - - - . Un idol pentrufiecare: Mituri si anti-mituri. Bucharest: Meridiane, 1970.

Orlea, Oana, pseud. [Cantacuzino, Maria-Ioana], 1936-. Descendent of an old aristocratic family and the niece of composer George Enescu, she was accused by the communist regime of subversive activity and arrested very young. She spent four years in fourteen different prisons. She documents the treatment of inmates in communist women's prisons. ROM1334 Orlea, Oana. Ia-ti boarfele si miscal: interviu realizat de Mariana Marin. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1991. Interview with Orlea by Mariana Marin. The title is "Take Your Rags and Move!" ROM1335 - - - . Les annees volees: dans le goulag roumain a seize ans. L'histoire immediate. Paris: Seuil, 1992. Memoir. ROM1336 - - - . Perimetrul zero. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1986. About the author's time in communist prisons. Translated from the French. ROM1337 - - - . Le pourvoyeur: roman. [Sains-Morainvillers]: [M.-I Cantacuzino], 2000. ROM1338 - - - . Un sosie en cavale: roman. Paris: Seuil, 1986.

Orleanu, Ada, pseud. [Zoe Marinescu], 1915-1990. See Istoria literaturii romdne. De la creatia populara la postmodernism by Dumitru Micu, p. 491. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0., 2000. Fiction writer. ROM1339 Orleanu, Ada. Bun rdmas cringuri de alun. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1971. Novel. ROM1340 . Urechea nazdravana. Bucharest: Ion Creanga, 1973. Novel.

Papadat-Bengescu, Hortensia, 1876-1955. See Dictionarul esential al scriitorilor romdni, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi and Aurel Sasu, Bucharest: Albatros, 2000, and Dictionary ofLiterary Biography, v. 220, Detroit: Gale Group, 2000. One of the most important interwar authors and playwrights. "As far as feminist writing goes she has not yet been surpassed in Romanian literature and has to be considered, together with Virginia Woolf, Nathalie Sarraute, or Marguerite Duras, among the most important European writers of our time." -An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, vol. 2, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991, pp. 958-9. ROM1341 Papadat-Bengescu, Hortensia. Opere. Editie si note de Eugenia Tudor Anton. Pref. by Const. Ciopraga, [5 volumes]. Bucharest: Minerva, 1972. Complete works: 1. Ape adinci. Lui Don Juan, in etemitate. Femeia in fata oglinzii; 2. Balaurul. Romanta provinciala. Desenuri tragice; 3. Fecioarele despletite. Concert din muzica de Bach. Drumul ascuns; 4. Logodnicul. Radacini; 5. Teatru. ROM1342 Cristescu, Maria-Luiza. Portret de romancier. Bucharest: Albatros, 1976. ROM1343 Micu, Dumitru. "Varianta analitica ("Proustiana"): Hortensia-Papadat-Bengescu." In Scurta istorie a literaturii romdne, vol. 2, 162-8. Bucharest: Iriana, 1995. ROM1344 Mihailescu, Florin. Introducere in opera Hortensiei Papadat-Bengescu. Bucharest: Minerva, 1975.



Papu, Letitia, 1912-1979. See Istoria literaturii romiine: De la creatia populard la postmodernism, by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0., 2000. Prose writer. ROM1345 Papu, Letitia. Anii iubirii. Bucharest: Ed. de stat pentru literatura si arta, 1955. ROM1346 . Moartea tinarului veteran: roman. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1978. ROM1347 Parvulescu, loana. Alfabetul doamnelor: De la doamna B. la doamna T. Bucharest: Crater, 1999. About female characters in Romanian fiction, from "Madam B." of the story 0 alergare de cai by Costache Negruzzi, to "Madam T." from Patullui Procust by Camil Petrescu. Parvulescu, literary critic and editor for Romania literara, won the Romanian Writers' Union Prize for criticism and literary history for this book. ROM1348 Petras, lrina. Limba - stapdna noastra: eseu asupra feminitdtii limbii romdne. Ed. Casa Cartii de $tiinta, Cluj, 1999. Essay about the "feminity of the Romanian language."

Patrascu, Milita, 1892-? Avant-garde sculptor, born in Chisinau, who worked with Brancusi in Paris. ROM1349 Patrascu, Milita. "Amintiri despre Brancusi." Arta (Bucharest) (March 1957). Recollections about Constantin Brancusi, ROM1350 Nistor, Simona. Milita Pdtrascu. Bucharest: Meridiane, 1973.

Petrescu, Ioana Em.[anuela], 1941-1990. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London & New York: Routledge, 2001; and Dictionarul eseruial al scriitorilor romdni, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi and Aurel Sasu, Bucharest: Albatros, 2000. Literary critic and prose writer. ROM1351 Petrescu, loana Em. Eminescu si mutatiile poeziei ronuinesti. Bucharest: Viitorul Romanesc, 1998. ROM1352 - - - . Eminescu. Modele cosmologice si viziune poetica. Bucharest: Minerva, 1997. ROM1353 - - - . Ion Barbu si poetica postmodemismului. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1993. ROM1354 - - - . Ion Budai-Delenu si eposul comic. Cluj: Dacia, 1974. ROM1355 - - - . Mihai Eminescu: poet tragic. lasi: Junimea, 1994. ROM1356 - - - . Soarele tirziu: roman. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1975. ROM1357 Adamek, Diana, and loana Bot, eds., Portret de grup cu Ioana Em. Petrescu. Cluj: Dacia, 1993. ROM1358 Zaciu, Mircea. Lancea lui Ahile: [studii critice]. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1980.

Petreu, Marta, 1955-. See Dictionarul eseruial al scriitorilor ronuini, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Albatros, 2000; and Istoria tragicd si grotescd a intunecatului deceniu literar noud, by Radu G. Teposu, Bucharest: Eminescu, 1993. Poet, essayist, literary historian, and editor of the literary review Apostrof, Cluj. ROM1359 Petreu, Marta. Aduceti verbele [versuri}. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1981. Poems. This volume won a Writers' Union prize. ~--. Cartea mdniei. Bucharest: Albatros, 1997. ROM1360 ROM1361 - - - . Dimineata Tinerelor Doamnel versuri. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1983. ROM1362 - - - . locurile manierismului logic. Bucharest: Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica, 1995. Essays. ROM1363 - - - . Teze neterminate. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1991. ROM1364 - - - . Un trecut deocheat sau "Schimbarea la fata a Romdniei." Cluj: lanus, Biblioteca Apostrof, 2000. Published in English as An Infamous Past: E. M. Cioran and the Rise of



Fascism in Romania. With a Foreword by Norman Manea. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2005. Study about young Ciorari's fascist writings. ROM1365 Polek, Fran. "Red Stars and Eternity: Hidden Realities in Contemporary Romanian Poetry." Pacific Coast Philology 24, no. 1-2 (1989): 72-82. Poets discussed include Margareta Sterian, Constanta Buzea, Ana Blandiana, and Mara Nicoara.

Pop, Sanziana, 1939-. See Scriitori tineri contemporani, by Mircea Iorgulescu. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1978. Prose writer, journalist, and director of the weekly Formula As. ROM1366 Pop, Sanziana. Nu te lasa niciodatd. Bucharest: Ed. Tinerctului, 1966. Short stories. ROM1367 . Propuneri pentru paradis. Iasi: Junimea, 1975. Interviews. ROM1368 . Serenada la trompetd. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1969. Novel. ROM1369 , with Gabriela Melinescu. Via/a cere via/a: reportaje. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1974.

Popa-Mazilu, Teodora, 1928-. See Istoria literaturii romdne de azi pe mdine: 23 august 1944-22 decembrie 1989, by Marian Popa. 2 vols. Bucharest: Fundatia Luceafarul, 2001. ROM1370 Popa-Mazilu, Teodora. Curcubeul: versuri. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1987. ROM1371 . Sunetulluminii: versuri. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1989.

Popescu, Elvira, 1896-. See Who Was Who in Twentieth Century Romania, by Serban N. Ionescu. Boulder: East European Monographs, 1994. Actress who became a big star in Paris in 1923.

Popescu, Simona, 1965-. See Istoria literaturii romdne: De la creatia populara la postmodernism, by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0., 2000. Poet, prose writer and essayist. ROM1372 Popescu, Simona. Juventus. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1994. Poems. ROM1373 - - - . Noapte sau zi. Colectia 80. Seria Poezie. Pitesti: Paralela 45, 1998. Poem. ROM1374 - - - . Salvarea speciei: Despre suprarealism si Gellu Naum. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 2000. ROM1375 - - - . Volubi/is. Pitesti: Paralela 45, 1998. Essays. ROM1376 Grigurcu, Gheorghe. "Poezia ea vis, visul ea poezie." Romania literara no. 19, 1999.

Porumbacu, Veronica, pseud. [Radu, Maria], 1921-1977. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Poet, prose writer, and translator. Porumbacu, Veronica. Anii acestia. Bucharest: E.P.L.A., 1950. - - - . Diminetile simple. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1961. - - - . Ferestre deschise. Bucharest: Ion Creanga, 1971. - - - . La capatul lui 38. Bucharest: Ed. de Stat, 1947. - - - . Mineralia: versuri. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1970. - - - . Pagini din Coreea. Bucharest: Ed. de Stat pentru Literatura si Acta, 1960. - - - . Poems. In Contemporary East European Poetry, edited by Emery Edward George, Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1983. ROM1384 - - - . Visele babei Dochia. Bucharest: Forum, 1947. ROM1377 ROM1378 ROM1379 ROM1380 ROM1381 ROM1382 ROM1383


Romania Postelnicu, Ioana, pseud. [Eugenia Banu], 1910-. See Istoria literaturii romdne: De la creatia populard la postmodernism, by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0., 2000. ROM1385 ROM1386 ROM1387 ROM1388 ROM1389 ROM1390 ROM1391 ROM1392

Postelnicu, Ioana. Bogdana: roman. Bucharest: Minerva, 1979. - - - . Eternele iubiri: nuvele. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1986. - - - . Frank and Smith Company: roman. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1982. - - - . intoarcerea Ylasiniior: [roman J. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1981. - - - . Plecarea Ylasinilor. Bucharest: Ed. 100+ 1 Gramar, 1998; Ed. Tineretului, 1963. - - - . Remember: roman. Bucharest: Albatros, 1994. - - - . Seva din adincuri. Bucharest: Minerva, 1985. - - - . Urmasii Ylasinilor. Bucharest: Albatros, 1999.

Puceanu, Romica, 1928-1996. Singer from Romania. See http://aris.ss.uci.edu/rgarfias/kiosk/romica.html

Puchianu, Carmen. ROM1393 Puchianu, Carmen. "Poems." In Pied Poets: Contemporary Verse of the Transylvanian and Danube Germans ofRomania, edited and translated by Robert Elsie. London: Forest Books, 1990. ROM1394 Radian, Sanda. Portretefeminine 'in romanul romiinesc interbelic. Bucharest: Albatros, 1986. About female characters in interwar Romanian novels. ROM1395 Radulescu, Domnica. Andre Malraux: the "Farfelu" as Expression of the Feminine & the Erotic. American Univ. Studies. New York: Peter Lang, 1994.

Romanescu, Aristizza, 1854-1918. See Who Was Who in Twentieth Century Romania, by Serban N. Ionescu. Boulder: East European Monographs, 1994; and Teatrul romdnesc 'in secolul XX, by Ileana Berlogea. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Rornane, 2000. Important actress. ROM1396 Romanescu, Aristizza. 30 de ani: amintiri. Bucharest: Ed. de Stat Pentru Literatura si Acta, 1960. Memoirs. ROM1397 Rotaru, Marilena. Femei celebre 'in literatura romdnd. Brasov: Orientul Latin, 1997. About famous women in Romanian literature.

Sachelarie-Vladimirescu, Wanda, 1916-. Painter. A representative of fauvism, she was banned from public exhibitions in the 1950s because of her style. Sadova, Marietta, 1897-. Actress and theatre director. See Teatrul romdnesc 'in secolul XX, by Ileana Berlogea. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 2000. Sadoveanu, Profira, 1906-. Poet, prose writer; daughter of writer Mihail Sadoveanu. ROM1398 ROM1399 ROM1400 ROM1401

Sadoveanu, Profira. Destdinuiri. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1989. Memoirs. - - - . Mormolocul: roman. Bucharest: Minerva, 1972. - - - . Ora violetd: poeme. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1984. - - - . Viata lui Sadoveanu: Copilaria si adolescenta. Bucharest: Ed. Tineretului 1957. A biography of the author's father.



Savu, Lia, 1932-1995. Poet who emigrated to France in 1963. Her poetry was published posthumously. ROM1402 Savu, Lia. Poemes/ Poeme. Translated by Stefan Augustin Doinas, Bucharest: Humanitas, 1997. Bilingual French and Romanian edition, with a preface by Colette Seghers and a foreword by Stefan Augustin Doinas. ROM1403 Ierunca, Virgil. "Diagonale: Lia Savu." Romania literard no. 17, 1997. Savulescu-Voudoris, Monica, 1942-. See Istoria literaturii romiine: De la creatia populard la postmodernism by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0., 2000. Poet, prose writer, and essayist, living in the Netherlands. ROM 1404 Savulescu-Voudoris, Monica. in Europa! in Europa! Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1993. ROM 1405 - - - . Lumea toatd, slobodd. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1976. Novel. ROM 1406 - - - . Mediteraneea: Cdldtorii spre spatiul fiigiiduiruei = Mediterranee: Voyages vers l' espace promis. Translated from Romanian into French by Mira Iosif Fischmann. Colectia Biblioteca de poezie = The Poetry Library Collection. Ed. bilingva. Bucharest: Du Style, 1997. Poems. ROM 1407 - - - . Tulburi, apele Crasnei...: nuvele. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1974. ROM 1408 Scarlat, Mircea, Istoria poeziei romdnesti, 4 vols. Bucharest: Minerva, 1982-1990. Vol. 4 edited by Dora Scarlat. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ROM1409 Schlesak, Dieter, ed. Gefiihrliche Serpentinen: Rumdnische Lyrik der Gegenwart. Berlin: Edition Druckhaus, 1998. Anthology of contemporary Romanian writers. Translated into German by Werner Sollner, Oskar Pastior, Ernst Wichner, Gerhard Csejka, Lioba Happel, Rolf Bossert, William Totok, Franz Hodjak, Anemone Latzina, Joachim Wittstock, Dieter Schlesak et al. Drawings by Pomona Zipser. Selejan, Ana, 1946-. See lstoria literaturii romdne: De la creatia populard la postmodernism, by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0., 2000. Literary historian of socialist realism. ROM1410 ROM1411 ROM1412 ROM1413 ROM1414

Selejan, Ana. Literatura in totalitarism: 1949-1951, Sibiu: Thausib, 1994. - - - . Reeducare si prigoand. Sibiu: Thausib, 1993. - - - . Romania in timpul primului riizboi cultural: 1944-1948. Sibiu: Thausib, 1993. - - - . Trddarea intelectualilor. Sibiu: Transpres, 1992. Stefanescu, Alex. "Cimitirul vesel alliteraturii rornane: Ultimii doi ani de realism socialist." Romania literara no. 48, 1999. Serghi, Cella, pseud. [Marin, Cella], 1907-1992. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Prose writer of psychological bent, memoirist, journalist and translator.

ROM1415 ROM1416 ROM1417 ROM1418

Serghi, Cella. Cdntecul uzinei. Bucharest: Ed. Tineretului, 1950. Socialist realist novel. - - - . Iubiri paralele: roman. Bucharest: Porus, 1991; Eminescu, 1974. - - - . Pefirul de paianjen al memoriei. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1977; Porus, 1991. - - - . Pinza de paianjen: roman. Bucharest: Scrisul Romanesc, 1990; Minerva, 1973. Psychological novel published originally in 1938.

ROM1419 Silent Voices: An Anthology of Contemporary Romanian Women Poets. Translated by Andrea


Romania Deletant and Brenda Walker, introduction by Fleur Adcock. London: Forest Books, 1989; 1986. Reviewed by Celia Hawkesworth, in the Journal of Gender Studies 3, no. 1 (1994): 113-4. ROM1420 Simion, Eugen. Scriitori romdni de azi, 4 vols. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1974-1989~ About contemporary Romanian literature.

Smara, Maica, pseud. [Gheorghiu, Smaranda; other pseudo.: Girbea, Smara; Garbini(u), Smaranda; Frusinica, Baba Visa], 1857-1944. Writer, poet, and women's rights activist. She "combined in one person and under a variety of pseudonyms a determined feminist, an enlightened and dynamic cultural entrepreneur, and a vigorous militant writer." - An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. vol. 2, 1163-4. New York & London: Garland, 1991.

Sora, Mariana, 1917-. See Istoria literaturii ronuine: De la creatia populara la postmodernism, by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0.,2000; and http://www.orizontliterar.ro/iunie/1_mariana_sora.htm. Prose writer, literary historian, and translator. Sora, Mariana. Despre, despre, despre. Bucharest: Nemira, 1995. Essays. - - - . Mdrturisirile unui neispravit. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1999. Memoirs. - - - . 0 viata-n bucati. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1992. Memoirs. - - - . Rdtdcire: roman. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Rornane, 1995. Novel. Sorkin, Adam J., and Kurt W. Treptow, eds. and trans. Anthology ofRomanian Women Poets. Classics of Romanian Literature vol. 7. Boulder: East European Monographs in cooperation with the Romanian Cultural Foundation Publishing House, 1994. The selections in this volume represent several generations of poets, from Veronica Micle and Matilda Cugler-Poni in the 19th century, to Magda Isanos in the interwar period, to such important contemporary poets as Ana Blandiana and Daniela Crasnaru, and younger poets such as Mariana Marin and Carmen Veronica Steiciuc. ROM1426 - - - , and Liviu Bleoca, eds. & trans. Transylvanian Voices: An Anthology of Contemporary Poets of Cluj-Napoca. English text only. Iasi: Center for Romanian Studies, 1997; 1994. Includes work by 23 poets writing in Romanian, Hungarian and German.

ROM1421 ROM1422 ROM 1423 ROM 1424 ROM1425

Spiridon, Monica, 1952-. See http://www.byu.edu/~iclafofficers/bio/spiridon.html. Literary critic, theorist and comparatist. Acting president of the International Comparative Literature Association Research Committee for East and South-East European Literatures. ROM 1427 Spiridon, Monica. Apararea si ilustrarea criticii. Bucharest: Ed. didactic a si pedagogic a, 1996. Reviewed by Andreea Deciu, "Monica Spiridon: Apararea si ilustrarea criticii." Literary Research! Recherche litteraire, 30 (Fall-Winter 1998): 121-3. ROM1428 - - - . Despre aparenta si realitatea literaturii. Bucharest: Univers, 1984. ROM 1429 - - - . Eminescu: 0 anatomie a elocventei. Bucharest: Minerva, 1994. Awarded the literary criticism prize of the Craiova Writers' Association, and the criticism prize of the revue and salon Poesis. ROM1430 - - - . Melancolia descendentei: 0 perspectivii fenomenologica asupra memoriei generice a literaturii. Iasi: Polirom, 2000; Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1989. Reviewed by Iulia Alexa, "Melancoliile literaturii." Romania literara no. 22 (2000). ROM1431 - - - . Omul sub vremi: eseu despre Marin Preda, romancierul. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1993. Awarded the prize for literary critic of the Craiova Writers' Association. Cornis-Pope, Marcel. The Unfinished Battles: Romanian Postmodernism Before and After ROM1432 1989. Iasi: Polirom, 1996.



Stahl, Henriette Yvonne, 1900-1984. See Literatura romiina in secolulul al XX-lea by Dumitru Micu, Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane; and An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Bilingual, French and Romanian writer; recipient of the Romanian Writers' Union special prize for 1981. ROM1433 Stahl, Henriette Yvonne. Fratele meu omul. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1965; Editie ne varietur. Bucharest: Minerva, 1973. Novel. ROM 1434 - - - . intre zi si noapte: roman. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1968. Novel, translated into French as Entre jour et nuit. Paris: Seuil, 1969. ROM1435 - - - . Lena,fata lui Anghel Mdrgdrit: roman. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1977. ROM1436 - - - . Le temoin de l'eternite. Paris: Caracteres, 1975. Translated into Romanian by Viorica Ciorbagiu under the title Martorul eterniuuii. N.p.: Universal Dalsi, 1995. ROM1437 - - - . Marea bucurie: roman. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1970. ROM1438 - - - . Matusa Mathilda: nuvele. Bucharest: E.P.L., 1967. Short stories first published in 1931. ROM1439 - - - . Orizont: linie severa (1940-1967). Bucharest: Eminescu, 1970. Poems. ROM 1440 - - - . Steaua robilor: roman. Bucharest: Minerva, 1979. ROM1441 - - - . Voica: roman. Bucharest: Minerva, 1972. Translated into Russian as Voika rumynskai povest' 20-30-kh godov. Moscow: Khudozh. lit-ra, 1988. Stahl's first novel, published in 1924, depicts the rural world through the eyes of a peasant woman. ROM 1442 Cristea, Mihaela. Despre realitatea iluziei: de vorba cu Henriette Yvonne Stahl. Bucharest: Minerva, 1996. Book of conversations with Stahl "an illustrious feminine figure who fascinated for 60 years illustrious masculine figures." -Alex Stefanescu, "Amintirile batrinei doamne." Romania literard no. 4, 1997.

Stanescu, Saviana, 1967-. See Poezia romdnd contemporand: De la Adela Greceanu la Leonid Dimov: 0 antologie comentata, by Marin Mincu, 2 vols. Constanta: Pontica, 1998. Poet and playwright who delves adventurously into feminist themes. She is also a theater critic, journalist, and editor. ROM1443 Stanescu, Saviana. Proscrisa. Colectia Poetii orasului Bucuresti. Bucharest: Uniunea Scriitorilor din Bucuresti. 1997. Poems. ROM 1444 . Sfaturi pentru gospodine si muze [Advice for housewives and muses]. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1996. Poems. ROM 1445 . "Silicon Valley." Norii, at http://www.revistanorii.com/Saviana_Stanescu_Silicon_Valley.html. Norii is an electronic literary review. In this very funny play, Stanescu compassionately satirizes the condition of the contemporary, no longer so young woman who has at her disposal the dubious advantages of plastic surgery and personal ads.

Stavila, Viorica, 1917-1998. Prose writer and journalist. See Romani in stiinta si cultura occidentald, by Dan Grindea and Ion Manea. Davis, CA: American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1996; 1992. She writes about women's struggles with the communist terror. ROM 1446 Stavila, Viorica. Unefemme nue devant Dieu. Paris: J. C. Lattes, 1975. Her first novel received the Grand Prix Broquette-Gonin. - - . Le Colis piege de l'amour. Paris: la Pensee universelle, 1985 ROM 1447 ROM1448 - - - . La Roumanie et son calvaire: recits dramatiques. Paris: Librairie du Savoir, 1990.


Romania ROM 1449 - - - . La vie commence ailleurs: roman. Paris: Generique, 1990; Editions Menges, 1981.

Stefoi, Elena. See http://wwwJrigatezine.com/biolbiopoets.html. Istoria tragic asi grotescd a intunecatului deceniu literar noud, by Radu G. Teposu, Bucharest: Eminescu, 1993, and Poezia romdnd contemporand: De la Adela Greceanu la Leonid Dimov: 0 antologie comentata, by Marin Mincu, 2 vols. Constanta: Pontica, 1998. Poet, prose writer, political analyst, and journalist. ROM1450 Stefoi, Elena. Drept minoritar, spaime nationale: Gyorg» Frunda In dialog cu Elena Stefoi. Bucharest: Kriterion, 1997. Dialogue with Gyorgy Frunda, senator for the Hungarian party, U.D.M.R. ROM1451 . Schite si povestri. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1989.

Sterian, Margareta, 1897-1991. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Painter, poet, novelist, translator and journalist. ROM1452 Sterian, Margareta. Culorile cintecului/Les couleurs de la chanson / The Colours of the Song. Cluj: Dacia, 1984. Romanian, French & English texts of the poems, translated by the poet; illustrations throughout with colour reproductions of the poet's paintings. ROM1453 - - - , . Din petece colorate: povestiri. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1977. ROM1454 - - - . Ecran: poeme. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1985. ROM1455 - - - . MS: poezii, 1845-1986. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1988. ROM1456 - - - . Traditie si transfiguratie poeticd: expozitie de picturd. Bucharest: Muzeul de Arta al Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1984. Catalogue of an exhibition. ROM1457 - - - . Viafa prin hublou. Cluj: Dacia, 1986. ROM1458 Mocanu, Virgil, et al. Margareta Sterian. Bucharest: Meridiane, 1990.

Stolojan, Sanda, 1919-2005. See Romani In stiinta si cultura occidentala, by Dan Grindea and Ion Manea. Davis, CA: American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1996; 1992. Poet, essayist, literary critic, translator, and prose writer who became a political exile in Paris in 1962. Official interpreter for de Gaulle and Mitterand in their diplomatic relations with Romania. Founder of the literary review Les Cahiers de l'Est, which published mostly work by or about censored authors from Eastern Europe. ROM1459 Stolojan, Sanda. Au balcon de l'exil roumain a Paris: avec Cioran, Eugene Ionesco, Mircea Eliade, Yintila Horia. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1999. ROM 1460 - - - . Avec de Gaulle en Roumanie. Paris: L'Herne, 1991. Souvenirs. ROM1461 - - - . Dans les brisures. Mortemart: Rougerie, 1982. Poems. ROM1462 - - - . Duiliu Zamfirescu. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1980. Monograph about the novelist Duiliu Zamfirescu. ROM 1463 - - - . Nori peste balcoane: jurnal din exilul parizian. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1996. Journal written between 1975 and 1989 in Parisian exile. ROM1464 STRONG: 28 de poete din Romania! 28 poetek rumunskich. Bucharest: Universal Dalsi, 1999. Anthology of 28 Romanian women authors. In Romanian and Polish.

Sturdza-Bulandra, Lucia, 1873-1961. See Teatrul romiinesc In secolul XX, by Ileana Berlogea. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 2000. From 1947 until 1961, the actress directed the Bucharest City Theatre, which now bears her name, Teatrul Lucia Sturdza Bulandra.



ROM1465 Sturdza-Bulandra, Lucia. Amintiri... Amintiri... Bucharest: Ed. de Stat pentru literatura si arta, 1960; 1956. Memoirs.

Sylva, Carmen, pseud. [Elisabeth, Queen of Romania], 1843-1916. German princess, consort of King Charles I of Romania, whom she married in 1869. She wrote extensively, and with almost equal facility, in German, French, English, and Romanian. See Who Was Who in Twentieth Century Romania, by Serban N. lonescu. Boulder: East European Monographs, 1994. ROM1466 Sylva, Carmen. A heart regained: a novel. Boston: Cupples and Hurd, 1888. ROM1467 - - - . From Memory's Shrine: the Reminiscences of Carmen Sylva (H.M. Queen Elisabeth ofRoumania). Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1911. Translation of Mein Penatenwinkel. Trans. from the German, by Edith Hopkirk. ROM 1468 - - - . Les Noels d'une reine. Paris: H. Daragon, 1905. ROM1469 - - - . Mein Jenseits: Regensburg: W. Wunderling, 1912. ROM 1470 - - - . Les Pensees d'une Reine. lasi: Fides, 1998. ROM1471 - - - . Poezii din Carmen Sylva cu desenuri de Rodica Maniu. Bucharest: Fundatia pentru Iiteratura si acta Rgele Carol 11, 1936. Selected poems. ROM1472 - - - . Qui frappe? Translated into French by Robert Scheffer; preface by Pierre Loti. Paris, Calmann Levy, 1890. ROM1473 - - - , ed. and trans. Rumiinische Dichtungen. Kleine Bibliothek Carmen Sylva. Bucharest: Institut der graphischen Kiinste Carol Gob}, 1898. Carmen Sylva's bilingual Romanian/German edition of poems by Vasile Alecsandri and Dimitrie Bolintineanu. ROM1474 - - - . Some One Is Knocking: a novel. New York: The Minerva Pub. Co., 1891. ROM1475 Bengesco, Georges. Carmen Sylva: viata Reginei Elisabeta. lasi: Portile Orientului, 1995. Biography. ROM1476 Burgoyne, Elizabeth; Elizabeth, Queen Consort of Charles I, King of Rumania. Carmen Sylva: queen and Woman. London: Eyre &Spottiswoode, 1941. ROM1477 Kremnitz, Mite. Carmen Sylva: eine Biographie. Halle: Thamm, 1903. ROM1478 Loti, Pierre. Carmen Sylva. Barcelona: Editorial Cervantes, 1940. ROM 1479 Taneva, Antoaneta. '''Hen' Literature: Genders in Conflict: Bulgarian and Romanian Women Writers in the Period between Two World Wars." In Semiotics Around the World: Synthesis in Diversity: Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Berkeley, 1994, edited by Irmengard Rauch & Gerald F. Carr, v. 1,485-7. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1996.

Tanase, Maria, 1913-1963. Renowned singer of legendary proportions who performed Romanian folk songs in concert halls in Romania and abroad. See Who Was Who in Twentieth Century Romania, by Serban N. lonescu. Boulder, co: East European Monographs, 1994. ROM1480 Rosca, Maria. Maria Tanase. Bucharest: Ed. muzicala, 1988. Summary in English.! Includes bibliographical references. ROM1481 Sbarcea, George. Maria Tanase, pasdrea mdiastrd a cintecului romdnesc isi povesteste viata lui George Sbtircea: Yiata romantatd a Mariei Tdnase. Bucharest: Romhelion, 1991. Fictionalized biography of Tanase.

Tartler, Grete, 1948-. See Istoria literaturii romdne: De la creatia populard la postmodernism, by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0.,2000, and Poezia romdnd


Romania contemporand: De la Adela Greceanu la Leonid Dimov: 0 antologie comentatd, by Marin Mincu, 2 vols. Constanta: Pontica, 1998. Poet, prose writer, and translator. Since 1997, Ambassador of Romania in Copenhagen. Since 1999 accredited also to Iceland.

ROM1482 Tartler, Grete. Hore: versuri. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1977. ROM1483 - - - . Intimpldri in dictionar. Bucharest: Ion Creanga, 1991. Nursery rhymes. ROM 1484 - - - . Orient Express: Poems. Translated by Fleur Adcock. Oxford; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1989. ROM1485 - - - . Riisul ocrotit de lege. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1999. Received the Romanian Writers' Union Prize for Children's Literature, 1999.

Tarziu, Alexandra, 1937-. See Istoria literaturii romdne: De la creatia populara la postmodernism, by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0., 2000. ROM1486 Tarziu, Alexandra. Cel ce ne scapd. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1992. Novel. ROM1487 - - - . False obiecte pretioase: schite si nuvele din Lumea Noud. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Rornane, 1998. Short stories. ROMl488 - - - . Nu-mi pasd. Bucharest: Ed. Tineretului, 1969. Novel.

Tausan, Victoria Ana, 1937-. See Who Was Who in Twentieth Century Romania, by Serban N. Ionescu, Boulder: East European Monographs, 1994. Poet. Teodorini, Elena, 1857 - 1926. Opera singer. See http://www.scrie.com/topic.asp?l=0&t=267&k=3010. ROM1489 Cosma, Viorel. Cintareata Elena Teodorini: schita monografica. Bucharest: Ed. Muzicala a Uniunii compozitorilor din R. P. R., 1962. Monographic study of the singer. ROM1490 Teposu, Radu G. Istoria tragicd si grotesca a intunecatului deceniu literar noud. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1993. A "tragic and grotesque" literary history of the "dark ninth decade" of the Romanian 20th century, the decade of the so-called "optzecisti" or "blugisti," i.e. the young writers who made their debut in the 1980s. They were rebels who dressed in jeans (in Romanian slang "blugi").

Topa, Sorana [Bucur, Nicolae, pseud.], 1898-1986. Actress and playwright. See Dramaturgia romdneascd in interviuri: Antologie de Aurel Sasu si Mariana Vartic. 5 vols. Bucharest: Minerva: 1997. ROM1491 Topa, Sorana. Calatorie-n intuneric: Piesa in patru acte. Bucharest: Socec, 1943. ROM1492 . Omul ascuns: Piesa in patru acte. Bucharest: F.R.P.L.A., 1947.

Tudor-Anton, Eugenia, 1930-. See Istoria literaturii romdne: De la creatia populard la postmodernism, by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0., 2000. Writer and literary historian. ROM1493 Tudor-Anton, Eugenia. Caruselul: roman. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1974. ROM 1494 . Pretul singuriitatii: roman. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1981. ROM1495 Ungureanu, Comel. Proza romdneascd de azi. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1985. About contemporary Romanian prose.


Romania Uricariu, Doina, 1950-. See Istoria literaturii romdne: De la creatia populard la postmodernism, by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0.,2000. Poet, essayist, literary critic, and the director of the publishing house Du Style. ROM1496 Uricariu, Doina. Institutul inimii. Bucharest: Ed. Info- Team, 1995. Translated into Serbian by Milijana Vukadinovic under the title Institut srca: (izbor iz poezije}, Podgorica: Oktoih, 1997. ROM1497 - - - . Natura moartd cu suflet: versuri. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1982. ROM1498 - - - . Ochiul atroce: versuri. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1985. ROM 1499 - - - . Puterea Leviatanului. Bucharest: Ed. Info-Team, 1995. Poems.

Ursache, Magda, 1943-. See Istoria literaturii romiine de azi pe mdine: 23 august 1944-22 decembrie 1989, by Marian Popa. 2 vols. Bucharest: Fundatia Luceafarul, 2001. Fiction writer. ROM1500 Ursache, Magda. Asta-vara n-a fost vard: roman. Iasi: Institutul European, 1996. ROM1501 . Universitatea care ucide: roman. Iasi: Timpul, 1995.

Ursu, Liliana, 1949-. See Literatura romdnd contemporand, by Laurentiu Ulici. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1995. Poet living in the USA. ROM1502 Ursu, Liliana. Poems. In Focuri pe apd: 7 poeti din Sibiu = Fires on water: 7 poets from Sibiu. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca; Centrul European de Poezie si Dialog Cultural EstVest "Constantin Noica," 1992. ROM1503 - - - . inger calare pe fiara: 1992-1994. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1996. Translated into English as Angel riding a beast: poems, Evanston, IL: Northwestern Univ. Press, 1998. ROM 1504 - - - . La jumatatea drumului: proza scurtd. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1986. Short stories. ROM1505 - - - . Ordinea clipelor: versuri. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1978. ROM1506 - - - . The Sky Behind the Forest: selected poems. Translated by the poet with Adam J. Sorkin and Tess Gallagher; introduction by Brenda Hillman. Newcastle upon Tyne: Chester Springs, PA: Bloodaxe Books; Dufour Editions, 1997. ROM1507 - - - . Viata deasupra orasului: versuri. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1977. ROM1508 - - - . Visul. Bucharest: Glasul; Vasile Carlova, 1995. ROM1509 Stefanescu, Bogdana. "The Beauty of Exile: The Poetry of Liliana Ursu." Slavic and East European Journal 41, no. 3 (Fa111997): 473-6. Article reviewing The Sky Behind the Forest.

Urziceanu, Aura (Borealis). Jazz singer, songwriter and recording artist. http://www.indiepool.com/auraborealis Vacarescu, Elena [Vacaresco, Helene], 1864-1947. Poet, prose writer, and folklorist. See under the "History and Society" section above. Velisar-Teodoreanu, Stefana, pseud. [Teodoreanu, Lily], 1897-1995. See Istoria literaturii romdne de azi pe mdine: 23 august 1944-22 decembrie 1989, by Marian Popa. 2 vols. Bucharest: Fundatia Luceafarul, 2001. Poet, prose writer, and translator born in France. ROM1510 Velisar-Teodoreanu, Stefana. Acasa. Bucharest: Minerva, 1972 (I" ed. 1947). Novel. ROM1511 . Cdminul. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1971. Novel. ROM1512 . Soapte intru asfintit: poeme. Bucharest: Minerva, 1981. Poems.



ROM 1513 Pillat, Cornelia. "Stefana Velisar Teodoreanu - Corespondenta inedita: Scrisori din roase plicuri." Romania literard no. 20 (2001). Correspondence.

Veteranyi, Aglaja, 1962-. Prose writer living in Germany. ROM1514 Veteranyi, Aglaja. Warum das Kind in der Polenta kocht. Stuttgart: Deusche Verlags Anstalt, 1999. The autobiographical pseudo-novel received the Adelbert von Chamisso Prize from the Goethe Institute in Berlin. ROM1515 Binder, Rodica. "Interviurile Romdniei literare: Aglaya Veteranyi: Salt mortal de la circ la literatura." Romania literara no. 31 (2000).

Vlasie, Daniela, 1967-. See Istoria literaturii romiine de ari pe mdine: 23 august 1944-22 decembrie 1989, by Marian Popa. 2 vols. Bucharest: Fundatia Luceafarul, 2001. Fiction writer. ROM1516 Vlasie, Daniela. Biserica. With a foreword by Alex. Stefanescu, Bucharest: Universal Dalsi, 1995. Novel. ROM 1517 . Sdrbdtoarea mdslinilor. Timisoara: Almanahul Banatului, 1994. Novel.

Vrancea,I1eana, 1929-. See Istoria literaturii romiine: De la creatia populara la postmodernism by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0., 2000. Literary critic and historian who began as a Marxist and is currently living in Jerusalem. ROM1518 Vrancea, lleana. Confruntari in critica deceniilor IV-VII: E. Lovinescu si posteritatea lui critica. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1975. ROM1519 . De la Aristarc la Bietul Ioanide: studii critice despre George Cdlinescu. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1978. ROM1520 . Traditii ale criticii literare marxiste din Romania 1930-1940: Studiu si antologie. Bucharest: Ed. politic a, 1962. ROM1521 . "'Nu se mai vineaza becate ... ': secvente: 1944-1949." Dialog: Demokratischer Kreis der Deutschland-Rumdnen Cercul democrat al romdnilor din Germania (Caiet de literaturii) (Dietzenbach, Germany) 23/24, 25/26 (December 1991): 8-12. A political and intellectual memoir of the years 1944-1949.

Vulpescu,I1eana, 1932. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York & London: Garland, 1991. Fiction writer-especially popular among women. ROM1522 ROM1523 ROM1524 ROM1525

Vulpescu, Ileana. Arta conversatiei. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1980. Novel. - - - . Candidatii la fericire: proze. Bucharest: Cartea Rornaneasca, 1983. Short stories. - - - . Cametul din port-hart: roman. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1996. - - - . Rdmas bun casei pdrintesti: roman. Bucharest: Ed. & Imprimeria Arta Grafica, 1990.

Vultur, Smaranda, 1950-. See Dictionar bibliografic al scriitorilor si lingvistilor din judetul Timis: 1945-1999, edited by Aquilina Biraescu, and Diana Zarie. Timisoara: Marineasa, 2000. Literary critic and anthropologist whose studies focus on the relationship between memory and identity, as expressed in storytelling.



ROM1526 Vultur, Smaranda. lnfinitul mdrunt: De la configuratia intertextuald la poetica operei. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1992. Literary criticism work that won the debut prize of the Writers' Union, 1992. ROM1527 . Istorie traita, istorie povestitd: deportarea in Baragan, 1951-1956. Timisoara: Amarcord, 1997. ROM1528 . Lumi in destine: Memoria generatiilor de inceput de secol din Banat. Bucharest: Nemira, 2000. Collection of interviews about old Banat and its destruction after the communist take-over. Some of those interviewed are political deportees. ROM1529 Deciu, Andreea. "Pledoarie pentru identitate." Romania literara no. 37 (2000). ROM1530 Visniec, Matei. Teatru descompus, sau, Omul-lada-de-gunoi; Femeia ea un camp de luptd, sau, Despre sexul femeii: camp de luptd in razboiul din Bosnia. [Bucharest]: Cartea Romaneasca, 1998. Plays one of which deals with women "as a battlefield" in the Bosnian war.

Zamfirescu, Violeta, 1921-. See Istoria literaturii romdne: De la creatia populara la postmodernism, by Dumitru Micu. Bucharest: Saeculum 1.0., 2000. Poet and prose writer. ROM1531 ROM1532 ROM1533 ROM1534 ROM1535 ROM1536

Zamfirescu, Violeta. Abura lumii: poeme. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1987. - - - . Cei de la casa padurarului: prozii. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1974. - - - . Inima omului: versuri. Bucharest: Ed. Tineretului, 1955. - - - . Lacrima pietrei: versuri. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1981. - - - . Poezii pentru copii. Bucharest: Ion Creanga, 1970. - - - . Surisul iubirii: roman. Bucharest: Eminescu, 1984.

Autobiography ROM1537 Acterian, Jeni. Jurnalul unei fiinte greu de multumit: 1932-1949. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1991. The journal of the stage director Jeni Acterian (1916-1958). It focuses on Romanian cultural and academic life between 1932 and 1949. ROM1538 Ana of Romania. Un razboi; un exil, 0 viatd: povestite de Majestatea Sa Regina Ana a Romdniei, scrise de Alteta Sa Principele Radu de Hohenzollern- Veringen. With a foreword by His Majesty King Michael I of Romania. Memorii/jurnale/convorbiri. Bucharest: Humanitas, 2000. Memoirs of the wife of King Michael, who was deposed in 1947, and has been living in exile in Switzerland. ROM1539 Arion, George. 0 istorie a societiuii romdnesti contemporane in interviuri, vol. 1, 19751989, vol. 2, 1990-1999. Bucharest: Ed. Pundatiei "Premiile Flacara-Rornania," 1999. Collection of interviews taken from 1975 to 1999 by Flacara journalist George Arion, and originally published in Flacara. Included is a small number of interviews with women writers, artists and public figures such as Zoe Dumitrescu-Busulenga, Nina Cassian, Maria Banns, Princess Margaret, et. al. ROM1540 Bernstein, Sara Tuvel. The Seamstress: A Memoir of Survival. New York: Putnam, 1997. ROM1541 Cantacuzino-Enescu, Maria. Umbre si lumini: Amintirile unei printese moldave. Translated into French by Elena Bulai. Bucharest: Aristarc, 2001. Memoirs of the wife of composer George Enescu (1881-1955). Bilingual French & Romanian edition. ROM1542 Caraion, Valentina. "Amintiri." Dialog: Demokratischer Kreis der Deutschland-Rumdnen Cercul democrat al romdnilor din Germania (Dietzenbach, Germany) 124 (June 1991): 1-16. ROM1543 Carmelly Steigman, Felicia. Shattered! 50 Years of Silence: History and Voices of the Tragedy in Romania and Transnistria. Toronto: Felicia Carmelly, 1999; Scarborough, Ont.: Abbeyfield Publishers, 1997. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. ROM1544 Cornea, Neli. lnsemruiri din vremea rdzboiului (jurnal). Bucharest: Steinberg, 1916. Journal of a World War I nurse and feminist leader.


Romania ROM1545 Emilian, Cornelia. Amintiri. Iasi: 1886. Emilian was on the board of Reuniunea Femeilor Romane din Iasi, founded in 1867. She was called by Lucian Predescu, in his Enciclopedia Cugetarea "the first Romanian feminist." ROM1546 - - - . Cdte ceva. Bucharest: Luis, 1909. About women in Romania. ROM1547 Falcoianu, Alexandrina. Din zile grele: Un examen de constiintd si un rdspuns. Bucharest: 1937. Memoirs of a hospital, asylum, and refugee shelter volunteer in World War I. Falcoianu lived 1867-1951. She was also involved with rural schools from 1921 onward. ROM1548 Georgescu, Lisette. Momente de via/a. Bucharest: Ararat, 1998. ROM1549 Klein, Magdalena (1920-1946). Pearls and Lace. Trans. Susan Simpson Geroe. Santa Barbara: Fithian Press, 1996. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. ROM1550 Ionescu, Elena-Margareta. Jurnal. Edited by Dora Mezdrea si Anca Irina Ionescu. Bucharest: Crater; 1999. ROM1551 - - - . Jurnal cu si fiira Nae Ionescu. Bucharest: Crater, 1999. ROM1552 Lovinescu, Monica. Unde Scurte: jurnal indirect. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1990; 1978. An "indirect journal" by this well known Romanian literary critic living in Paris. Includes index. ROM1553 Melinescu, Gabriela. Jurnal suedez; I. Bucharest: Univers, 2000. Awarded the Writers' Union prize, 2000. ROM1554 Nandris-Cudla, Anita. 20 de ani 'in Siberia: Destin Bucovinean. Bucharest: Humanitas, 1991. Rare memoir by a Romanian peasant born in Bukovina near Cernauti (Cernowitz) in 1904. She experienced both world wars, Bukovina's annexation by Romania in 1918, the take-over of Northern Bukovina by the U.S.S.R., and deportation to Siberia with her children. Trans. into English by Mabel Nandris, as Twenty Years in Siberia. Bucharest: Ed. Fundatiei Culturale Rornane, 1998. Afterword by Gheorghe Nandris, ROM1555 Nicolau, Irina. "Memorie orala si scriere dornestica: Anula : relatare autobiografica." Revista de istorie sociala (Iasi) 1 (1996): 329-73. Long autobiography taped by Nicolau as part of a project focused on peasants. Anula is a medical worker who has spent time in Suceava, Giurgiu, and near Alba Iulia. Much of her account is about female members of her family. ROM1556 Pilon, Juliana Geran. Notes from the Other Side ofNight. With an introduction by Mircea Eliade. Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America, 1994; 1979. The diary-memoir of the head of a private Washington, D.C. foundation. She returned to visit her native Romania from the United States in 1975. ROM1557 Pop, Hossu Longin Elena. Amintiri 1880-1930. Cluj: 1932. ROM1558 Rosen, Sara. My Lost World: A Survivor's Tale. Essex, UK: Valentine Mitchell, 1993. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. ROM1559 Samuelli, Annie. The War Between. Washington, DC: Robert B. Luce, 1967. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. ROM1560 Sayn-Wittgenstein, Katarzyna. Koniec mojej Rosji: Dziennik 1914-1919. Warsaw: Wydawn. Noir sur blanc, 1998. Princess Sayn-Wittgenstein's journal was begun during her family's removal from Russia to Romania by the Bolsheviks. ROM1561 Serghi, Cella. Pefirul de paianjen al memoriei. Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1977. 2nd rev. and enl. ed. N.p.: Ed. Porus, 1991. Memoirs of a well known literary figure (see under the Literature and the Arts section). ROM1562 Siupiur, Elena. Siberia dus-intors: 73 de ruble. Bucharest: Anima, 1991. Siupiur is a social historian of Romanian intellectual life, who hails from Bessarabia. This book recounts a trip she took to her birthplace to meet her grandfather and other long-lost relatives, many of whom had been deported to Siberia from Soviet Bessarabia. Contains interviews and reminiscences about the deportations. ROM1563 Voinescu, Alice. Jurnal. Edited by Maria Ana Murnu. Bucharest: Albatros, 1997. Lengthy, acclaimed autobiography of this professor of the history of theater, essayist and translator (1885-1961). See Adriana Bittel, "Autoportretul unei doamne." Romania literara no. 13


Romania (1998); and Dictionarul eseruial al scriitorilor romdni, edited by Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, and Aurel Sasu. Bucharest: Albatros, 2000. ROM1564 . Scrisori catre fiul si fiica mea. Edited by Maria Ana Murnu. Cluj: Dacia, 1994. Letters to Voinescu' s son and daughter. ROM1565 Wurmbrand, Sabina. The Pastor's Wife. Edited by Charles Foley. Bartlesville, OK: Living Sacrifice Book, 1999; London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1970. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora.


YUGOSLAVIA, ITS ANTECEDENTS & SUCCESSORS BOSNIA-HERCEGOVINA See also the Ottoman Turkey and Yugoslavia chapters, and Eva Huseby-Darvas, ed. Refugee Women ofthe Balkans. Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995) under the General Background chapter.

Bibliography and Reference BOSl BOS2


Allcock, John B., Marko Milivojevic and John 1. Horton, eds. Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia: An Encyclopedia. Denver, CO: ABC-CLIO, 1998. Baksic-Muftic, Jasna. "Bosnia and Herzegovina." In The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women 's Issues Worldwide: Europe, edited by Lynn Walter, 87-99. Westport, CN: Greenwood Press, 2003. Includes: Country Profile, Overview of Women's Issues, Education, Employment and the Economy, Family and Sexuality, Health, Politics and Law, Religion and Spirituality, Violence, Outlook for the Twenty-first Century, Resources Guide (Suggested Reading, Videos/Films, Web Sites, Organizations) and a Selected Bibliography. Hoare, Quintin, and Noel Ma1colm, eds. Books on Bosnia: A Critical Bibliography of Works Relating to Bosnia-Herzegovina published since 1990 in West European Languages. London: Bosnian Institute, 1999.

Web Sites BOS4 BOS5


Feminist Theory Website on Bosnia. http://www.cddc.vt.edu/feminism/bos.html. Includes bibliography. Massacre in Srebrenica. http://www.haverford.edu/relg/sells/srebrenica/srebrenica.html. Published by the Community of Bosnia Foundation (COB). The massacre of approximately 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys by Bosnian Serb troops along with the torture, rape, and killing of women and children, took place from July 12 through July 18, 1995, in Srebrenica, in eastern Bosnia. Site offers access to the full-text of newspaper and periodical articles related to the massacre, provides a chronology of the atrocities, and links to first person accounts. Women, State, Culture. http://k.mihalec.tripod.com/This is a web site on women, and anthropology, human rights, and activism in the Balkans. K. Mihalec writes, "If you are interested in anthropology, women's studies, women's human rights, activism, or just want to get educated, then this site is the starting point.. The site includes an extensive bibliography of on-line materials on women in the region: http://k.mihalec.tripod.com/biblio.htm

Periodicals BOS7

Hamilton, Amy, Carol Anne Douglas, and Barbara Kraus, eds. "Serbia's War Against Bosnia and Croatia." Special pull-out section of OffOur Backs (May 1993). About wartime rape in Croatia and Bosnia and the campaign by the US feminist group "Madre" to call attention to





the rape of women. Includes interviews with Vesna Kesic (Croatia), Lepa Mladenovic (Serbia), and Kadra Fazlich (BosnialUS). They discuss tensions among feminists in former Yugoslavia as a result of the country's breakup, the war, and the rise of nationalisms. The tensions are brought out in articles exploring whether the war rapes are primarily crimes of gender or of ethnicity, and presenting the opinions of activists opposed to Madre's position, and in letters from the women's groups Kareta, Biser, Zene BiH, and Bedem Ljubavi. Hastings Women's Law Journal S, no. 1 (Winter 1994). This special issue of the law journal covers the war in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as investigating women's human rights in war, especially the issue of wartime rape and international law. Hastings Women's Law Journal S, no. 2 (Summer 1994). Covers the war in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as investigating women's human rights in war, especially the issue of wartime rape and international law . War Report 36. Special Issue on Women. (September, 1995). lan Williams, editor. This journal may be listed in some library catalogs and databases as Warreport. Short, insightful, informative essays by women mostly from the region on the effects of the wars and of nationalist ideologies on women in the former Yugoslavia (Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Macedonia), and on women's activism in the region. Also includes one essay on the War Crimes tribunal and the prosecution of wartime rape by Rhonda Copelon, Felice Gaer and Jennifer Green, and one by Wendy Bracewell on women as "Mothers of the Nation." Essays by women activists and scholars from the region: Martina Belie, Zagreb (The Biggest Victims of the War), Durda Knezevic, Zagreb (Rulers and Rhetoric Change, but Reality?), Vesna Kesic, Zagreb (From Respect to Rape), Vesna Terselic, Zagreb (Women Dominant in Antiwar Campaign), Zarana Papic, Belgrade (How to Become a 'Real' Serbian Woman?), Stasa Zajovic, Belgrade (Guardians of 'National Values' and Biological Reproduction), Indira Kajosevic, Serbia (Women Sans Frontiers), Jovanka Kovaevic-Djuranovic, Montenegro (Mothers Respected, Sisters Protected), Alma Lazarevska, Sarajevo (Hewers of Wood and Carriers of Water), Vildana Slimbegovic, Sarajevo (Women Will Find their Own Way-Interview with Nermina Jasarevic), Biljana Bejkova, Skopje (Women in 'A Man's World'), and Teuta Arifi, Skopje (Women's Alternative).

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Aafjes, Astrid. Gender Violence: The Hidden War Crime/Women, Law & Development International. Washington, D.C.: Women, Law & Development International, 1998. Includes a section on the Yugoslavia ad hoc tribunal. Agathangelou, Anna M. "Nationalist Narratives and (Dis)Appearing Women: State Sanctioned Sexual Violence." Canadian Woman Studies = Les cahiers de lafemme 19, no. 4 (2000): 12-21. A focus on the rapes of women during ethnic conflict and war within Cyprus in 1974 and Yugoslavia in 1991. Agosfn, Marjorie. Melodious Women. Trans. Monica Bruno Galmozzi. Pittsburgh, PA: Latin American Literary Review Press, 1997. Includes sections on Bosnia: "The Women of Bosnia," pp. 79-81; "The Women of War" p. 82; "The Women of Sarajevo," pp. 83-4. AlIen, Beverly. Rape Warfare: The Hidden Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1996. A somewhat personalized account and expression of outrage against the mass wartime rapes, or what AlIen calls "genocidal rape" in Bosnia and Croatia in the 1991-1995 wars. Amnesty International. Bosnia-Herzegovina: Rape and Sexual Abuse by Armed Forces. New York: Amnesty International, 1993. Askin, Kelly Dawn. "Gender Specific War Crimes in the Yugoslav Conflict" In War Crimes against Women: Prosecution in International War Crimes Tribunals, 261-97. The Hague: M.











Nijhoff Publishers; Cambridge, MA: Distributed in the USA and Canada by Kluwer Law International, 1997. - - - . "Prosecuting Gender Crimes in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)." In War Crimes against Women: Prosecution in International War Crimes Tribunals, 298-375. The Hague: M. Nijhoff Publishers; Cambridge, MA: Distributed in the USA and Canada by Kluwer Law International, 1997. Aydelott, Danise. "Mass Rape During War: Prosecuting Bosnian Rapists Under International Law." Emory International Law Review 7, no. 2 (Fall 1993): 585-631. Barkan, Joanne. "As Old as War Itself: Rape in Foca." Dissent 49, no. 1 (2002): 60-6. A report on the rape camps in the town of Foca and the rape trials at the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia. Bax, Mart. "Between Pilgrims' Prayer and Devils' Power: Women in a Bosnian Devotion Centre." Power and Prayer: Religious and Political Processes in Past and Present, edited by Mart Bax and Adrianus Koster, 9-24. Amsterdam: VU Univ. Press, 1993. - - - . "Female Suffering, Local-Power Relations, and Religious Tourism: A Case-Study from Yugoslavia." Medical Anthropology Quarterly 6 no. 2 (June 1992): 114-27. Abstract: The Yugoslavian pilgrimage center of Medjugorje has been confronted with a curious problem. Many local women are experiencing fear, illness, and a general uneasiness that make it difficult for them to carry out their daily tasks, including running the lodging houses that cater to the pilgrims. Their conclusion is that an increasing number of devils in the area are causing these problems. Men, including the priests, do not share this diagnosis; they dismiss it as "women's madness." This article first describes and explains the recent outburst of "diabolical activities" from the perspective of the women involved. It then addresses the issue of the differences in interpretation between men and women. These differences seem to be based on a long-term power struggle in which religious and psychological means have been used to keep the feuding and physical violence common to the area within certain bounds. - - - . "Ruza's Problems: Gender Relations and Violence Control in a Bosnian Rural Community." In Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 259-73. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. Belie, Martina. "The Biggest Victims of the War." War Report 36 (September 1995): 32-4. BenderIy, Jill. "Bosnia: No Place to Hide-No Place to Run: The Balkanization of Women's Bodies." On the Issues (Summer 1993): 40-3, 52. - - - . "Feminist Movements in Yugoslavia, 1978-1992." In State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992, edited by Melissa Bokovoy, Jill Irvine, and Carol Lilly, 183-209. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. - - - . "Rape, Feminism, and Nationalism in the War in Yugoslav Successor States." Feminist Nationalism, edited by Lois A. West, 59-72. New York: Routledge, 1997. Beokovic, Mila. Zene heroji. Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1967. Women of Bosnia-Herzegovina in WorId War n. Borneman, John. "Toward a Theory of Ethnic Cleansing: Territorial Sovereignty, Heterosexuality, and Europe." In Subversions of International Order: Studies in the Political Anthropology of Culture, 273-317. Albany: State Univ. of N.Y. Press, 1998. In a discussion of the equation of notions of heterosexual masculinity with exclusive ethnic control of territory, the homogeneous nation-state, Borneman connects this ideal with the campaigns of ethnic cleansing and rape in the war in Bosnia in which women were raped as a humiliation of men and the male-defined nation; but, more tellingly, men were also raped and otherwise sexually abused by being forced into female-associated sexual roles. "Bosnia Bordello Camps." Peace Magazine 9, no. 1 (Jan-Feb. 1993): 31. Bosnien-Herzegowina: Gottes vergessene Kinder: das Drama der vergewaltigten Frauen und











deren Kinder: Dokumentation. 2 Vols. FrankfurtlMain: Internationale Gesellschaft fur Menschenrechte, 1993-1994. Bracewell, Wendy. "Mothers of the Nation." War Report 36 (September 1995): 27-8. Bresnick, Rebecca. "Bearing Children: The Right to Decide." Human Rights: Journal of the Section ofIndividual Rights & Responsibilities 22, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 22-6. Bringa, Tone. Being Muslim the Bosnian Way: Identity and Community in a Central Bosnian Village. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1996. An ethnographic report of six years in a Bosnian village near Sarajevo until it was dispersed in 1993 after Croatian attacks. "Bringa pays particular attention to the roles that women play in defining Muslim identities, and she examines the importance of the household as a Muslim identity sphere." -From the publisher's catalog. - - - . Gender, Religion and the Person: The "Negotiation" ofMuslim Identity in Rural Bosnia. Ph.D. diss., Univ. of London, 1991. Brownmiller, Susan. "Making Female Bodies the Battlefield." Mass Rape: The War Against Women in Bosnia-Herzegovina, edited by Alexandra Stiglmayer, 180-2. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1994. Also in Rape and Society: Readings on the Problem of Sexual Assault, edited by Patricia Searles and Ronald J. Berger, 171-3. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1995. Buric, Ahmed. "Nobody Cried Then." Index on Censorship 27, no. 2 (March-April 1998): 62-6. About widows in Srebrenica. Buss, Doris E. "Women at the Borders: Rape and Nationalism in International Law." Feminist Legal Studies 6 no. 2 (August 1998): 171-203. Carr, Cynthia. "Battle Scars: Feminism and Nationalism Clash in the Balkans." The Village Voice 38, vol. 28, July, 13, 1993: 25-32. About the split among feminists and women's activists of former Yugoslavia over how to interpret wartime rapes of mostly Croatian and Bosnian Muslim women. Carver, Tom. "Srebrenica's Diaspora." New Statesman 125, no. 4292 (12 July 1996): 22-3. About how Srebrenica's population was transformed into a diaspora of single mothers and children, after their men were executed. Cataldi, Anna. Lettersfrom Sarajevo. Rockport, MA: Element, 1994. Chesterman, Simon. "Never Again ... and Again: Law, Order, and the Gender of War Crimes in Bosnia and Beyond." Yale Journal ofInternational Law 22, no. 2 (1997): 299-343. Children and Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 1995-1997: A Situation Analysis. N.p.: UNICEF, 1997. Includes bibliographical references. Centar za istrazivanje i dokumentaciju Saveza logorasa Bosne i Hercegovine. Molila sam ili da me ubiju: Zlocin nad ienom Bosne i Hercegovine (I Begged them to Kill Me: The Crime Against the Women of Bosnia-Herzegovina). Sarajevo: Savez logorasa Bosne i Hercegovine, 1999. First-hand testimonies of wartime rape and imprisonment by Bosnian women survivors published by the Center for Research and Documentation of the Association of Ex-Prisoners of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Includes an introduction and essays by Bosnian and foreign notables (politicians, religious officials, academics, legal experts, and others). The introduction appears in Bosnian and English while the rest of the book is in the Bosnian language. Centre of Legal Assistance for Women. Status of Women in Legal System ofBosnia and Herzegovina (Status iene u pravnom sistemu Bosne i Hercegovine), Zenica: Centar za pravnu pomoc zenama Zenica, 1999. In English and Bosnian. - - - . Trgovina Ljudima, javno mnijenje i mediji. Zenica: Centar za pravnu pomoc zenama Zenica, 1999. Analysis of the problem of trafficking and its handling by the local media in Bosnia. Most of the trafficking in Bosnia is of women for prostitution both into (from other East European countries like Moldova, Romania, Ukraine) and out of Bosnia (Bosnian and other women to Western Europe). In English and Bosnian.


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Chinkin, Christine. "Strategies to Combat Discrimination against Women." In Post- War Protection of Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina; edited by Michael O'Flaherty and Gregory Gisvold, 173-94. The Hague; Boston: M. Nijhoff Publishers, 1998. Clark, Katherine Ann. "The Feminine Corpse as Political Icon: 'Cleansing' Dirty Death through the Public Lens in the Croatian and Bosnian Wars 1991-1995. M.A. Thesis, Western Washington Univ., 1999. Clinton, William J. "Letter to the Women of Srebrenica, Bosnia, on the Anniversary of the Fall of Srebrenica," Weekly Compilation ofPresidential Documents 32, no. 28 (15 July 1996): 1237-8. - - - . "Statement on the Bosnian Women's Initiative Fund," Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 32, no. 27 (8 July 1996): 1160. Cockburn, Cynthia. "The Anti-Essentialist Choice: Nationalism and Feminism in the Interaction between Two Women's Projects." Nations and Nationalism 6, no. 4 (2000): 61129. About two women's organizations-one in Bosnia-Hercegovina, the other in Northern Ireland. - - - . The Space between Us: Negotiating Gender and National Identities in Conflict. London: Zed Books, 1998. Includes a case study of Medica, a women's organization in Bosnia-Hercegovina. - - - . "Women's Organization in the Rebuilding of Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina." In The Postwar Moment: Militaries, Masculinities and International Peacekeeping, edited by Cynthia Cockburn and Dubravka Zarkov, 68-84. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 2002. - - - , and Meliha Hubic. "Gender and the Peacekeeping Military: A View from Bosnian Women's Organizations." In The Postwar Moment: Militaries, Masculinities and International Peacekeeping, edited by Cynthia Cockburn and Dubravka Zarkov, 103-2l. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 2002. Copelon, Rhonda. "Gendered War Crimes: Reconceptualizing Rape in Time of War." In Women's Rights, Human Rights: International Feminist Perspectives, edited by Julie Peters and Andrea Wolper. New York: Routledge, 1995. 197-214. - - - . "Surfacing Gender: Reconceptualizing Crimes against Women in Time of War." In Mass Rape: The War against Women in Bosnia-Herzegovina, translated by Marion Faber, edited by Alexandra Stiglmayer, 197-218. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1994. Also in The Women and War Reader, edited by Lois Ann Lorentzen and Jennifer Turpin, 63-79. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1998. Argues for viewing rape in war as a crime against gender while not ignoring the ethnic meanings of mass rapes in what was Yugoslavia. The focus is on international law, war crimes tribunals, and the way these view and prosecute wartime rape. - - - . "Surfacing Gender: Re-Engraving Crimes Against Women in Humanitarian Law." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 243-65. About the images of Bosnian and Croatian women projected in the rhetoric of both Balkan nationalists and in the Western press. These portray women as passive victims of war, mostly showing rural women in headscarves mourning their dead, rather than as urban, intellectual women active in campaigns against the war and nationalism, or actively participating in the war effort. Coulson, Meg. "Looking beyond the Violent Break-up of Yugoslavia." Feminist Review 45 (Fall 1993): 86-101. About the crises leading to the destruction of Yugoslavia. Coulson begins with her memories of her female friends from Sarajevo in the 1960s, discusses the 'promise' of the former Yugoslavia, and asks how and why the rejection of communism in the most open of the East European countries should lead to the most vicious and destructive dynamic of war. She answers through an examination of the recent history of the country. Coulson also shows that, despite intimidation against them, local women's and feminist groups persisted in their opposition to nationalism and war.


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Courbage, Youssef. "Surmortalite Feminine chez les Musulmans de Yugoslavie: Islam ou culture Mediterraneenne?" [Excess Mortality-Rates of Moslem Women in Yugoslavia: Islam or Mediterranean Culture] Population 46, No. 2 (Mar-Apr 1991): 299-325. Dahl, Solveig, Atifa Mutapcic, and Berit Schei. "Traumatic Events and Predictive Factors for Posttraumatic Symptoms in Displaced Bosnian Women in a War Zone." Journal of Traumatic Stress 11, no. 1 (January 1998): 137-45. Denich, Bette. "Of Arms, Men, and Ethnic War in (Former) Yugoslavia." In Feminism, Nationalism, and Militarism, edited by Constance R. Sutton, 61-71. Arlington: Association for Feminist Anthropology/American Anthropological Association, 1995. Derajic, Svjetlana. "Je li dovoljan samo zakonski okvir? Is the Legal Framework Enough?" In Seminar "Zene i politika": dokumentacija, Dubrovnik, 10.-12. srpnja 1997 = Seminar "Women and Politics": Documentation, Dubrovnik, July 10-12 1997, edited by Durda Knezevic, 11-16. Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, 1998. A discussion of gender equality under the Bosnia/Hercegovinian constitution and laws. Djuric, Tatjana. "From National Economies to Nationalist Hysteria: Consequences for Women." In Crossfires: Nationalism, Racism and Gender in Europe, edited by Helma Lutz, Ann Phoenix, and Nira Yuval-Davis, 121-41. London; East Haven, CT: Pluto Press for the European Forum of Left Feminists, 1995. Calls attention to the often neglected economic consequences of nationalism and of the collapse of Yugoslavia for women. Diederich, Ellen. "The Final Solution: Bordello Camps Offering Rape and Torture Are End of the Line for Women and Children in Bosnia-Herzegovina." New Directionsfor Women 21, no. 6 (Nov-Dec 1992): 28. Domi, Tanya L. "Advancing Women's Political Rights in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Making a Difference Early in the Peace Process (A Case Study)." Harriman Review 23, no. 1-2 (2002): 36-46. Describes the efforts of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in helping to increase the role of women in the government of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Doubt, Keith. "Feminism and Rape as a Transgression of Species-Being." In Sociology after Bosnia and Kosovo: Recovering Justice, 59-66. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000. Drakulic, Slavenka. The Balkan Express: Fragments from the Other Side of War. New York: Norton, 1993. In 18 essays Drakulic describes the horror of Yugoslavia's dismemberment and the war in Bosnia. - - - . "Bosnia, or What Europe Means to Us." In A Map ofHope: Women's Writing on Human Rights: An International Literary Anthology, edited by Marjorie Agosin, 223-9. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1999. - - - . "The Rape of Women in Bosnia." In Women and Violence, compiled by Miranda Davies, 176-81. London; Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Zed Books, 1994. - - - . "Women and New Democracy in the Former Yugoslavia." In Gender Politics and Post-Communism, 123-30, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller. New York: Routledge, 1993. - - - . "Women Hide behind a Wall of Silence: Mass Rape in Bosnia." The Nation 256, vol. 8, 1 March 1993: 253. On the culpability of journalists in pulling testimonies out of rape victims. Drakulic discusses her attempts to interview women, the women's fears, and cultural views of rape. Drees, Alfred. "Rape Cases in Bosnia in the Mood Process of a Prismatic Balint Group in Germany." Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik 31, no. 4 (1995): 346-57. Eisenstain, Zillah. Hatreds: Racialized and Sexualized Conflicts in the 21st Century. New York: Routledge, 1996. Discusses, among other topics, the wartime rapes of women in Bosnia. Enloe, Cynthia. "Afterword: Have Bosnian Rapes Opened a New Era of Feminist Consciousness?" In Mass Rape: The War Against Women in Bosnia-Herzegovina, translated by Marion Faber, edited by Alexandra Stiglmayer, 219-30. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press,


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1994. Epp, Marlene. "The Memory of Violence." Journal of Women 's History 9, no. 1 (Spring 1997): 58- 88. Eriksson, Maja Kirilova. "Violence Against Women as an International Issue" and "The Ad Hoc International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia" chs.7 and 8 in Reproductive Freedom in the Context ofInternational Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, 321-488. The Hague; Boston: M. Nijhoff, 2000. Faber, Mare. Novi dani, nieuwe dagen: oorlog en biografie in Banja Luka, BosnieHerzegovina. [New days: war and biography in Banja Luka] Amsterdam: Aksant, 2001. Includes autobiographical accounts by women who lived in Banja Luka during the Bosnian war. Farrell, Marie, and Daniel J. Farrell. "Hearing the Voices of Women in War through Continuous Quality Improvement." Journal ofNursing Care Quality 12 no.4 (Apr 1998): 604. During the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the infrastructure of the health care system was destroyed. The perspectives of health officials, health care providers, and women about this situation served as the basis for an international training program reported here. Ferraro, Geraldine. "The Crimes of Rape in Bosnia-Herzegovina." In Changing History: Women, Power, and Politics, 183. Wakefield, RI: Moyer Bell. Distributed by Publishers Group West, 1993. Filice, Ivana, Christine Vincent, Amina Adams, and Fersada Bajramovic. "Women Refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina: Developing a Culturally Sensitive Counselling Framework." International Journal ofRefugee Law 6, no. 2 (1994): 207-26. Flanders, Laura. "Nationalism and War Break Feminist Hearts and Solidarity." New Directionsfor Women 22, no. 2 (March-April 1993): 14. "Flicker of Hope in Former Yugoslavia." On the Issues 4, no. 2 (Spring 1995): 7. "A womenled private voluntary organization has signed a three-year, $2.2 million cooperative agreement with the U.S. Agency for International Development to aid women's peace initiatives in the Yugoslav successor states. STAR-Strategies, Training and Advocacy for Reconciliation-of Delphi International, will help encourage women leaders in Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, and Macedonia who have emerged as new and courageous voices for peace and development in the area. The project grew out of a meeting early last year between women leaders in the former Yugoslav republics and the U.S." Folnegovic-Smalc, Vera. "Psychiatric Aspects of the Rapes in the War against the Republics of Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina." In Mass Rape: The War against Women in Bosnia Hercegovina, translated by Marion Faber, edited by Alexandra Stiglmayer, 174-9. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1994. Franz, Barbara. "Transplanted or Uprooted? Integration Efforts of Bosnian Refugees Based Upon Gender, Class and Ethnic Differences in New York City and Vienna." European Journal of Women 's Studies 10, no. 2 (2003): 135-57. Fregiehn, Claudia, and Durda Knezevic. "Gewalt gegen Frauen im ehem Jugoslawien." Beitriige zur feministischen Theorie und Praxis 37 (1994): 43-8. Article discusses violence against women in the former Yugoslavia. Fuchs, Lucy. "The Personal Touch." Sojourners 27, no. 6 (Nov./Dec. 1998): 39. Horrified at the situation in Bosnia and Rwanda, Zanaib Selbi founded "Women for Women," the purpose of which was to establish one-on-one relationships between women in Bosnia and Rwanda and those in America. Ghedini, Paula. "Heroic Women in Srebrenica." Christian Science Monitor 88, vol. 180, August 12, 1996: 20. Gibson, Suzanne. "The Discourse of SexIWar: Thoughts on Catharine' s '1993 Oxford Amnesty Lecture'." Feminist Legal Studies 1, no. 2 (1993): 179-88. Gilliland, Mary Kay, Sonja Spoljar-Vrzina, and Vlasta Rudan. "Reclaiming Lives: Variable









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Effects of War on Gender and Ethnic Identities in the Narratives of Bosnian and Croatian Refugees." Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 30-9. Special issue: Refugee Women of the Balkans. Goodwin, Jan. "A Nation of Widows." On the Issues 6, no. 2 (Spring 1997): 28-33, 56-8. About Bosnian widows. Grant, Linda. "Secret Shame That the Rape Victims of Bosnia Will Take to the Grave." Daily Telegraph, February 1, 1993: 8. Green, Jennifer, Rhonda Copelon, Patrick Cotter, and Beth Stephens. "Affecting the Rules for the Prosecution of Rape and Other Gender-Based Violence before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: A Feminist Proposal and Critique." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 171-241. Gremaux, Rene J. M. "Mannish Women of the Balkan Mountains: Preliminary Notes on the 'Sworn Virgins' in Male Disguise, With Special Reference to Their Sexuality and Gender Identity." In From Sappho to De Sade: Moments in the History of Sexuality, edited by Jan Bremmer, 143-72. London; New York: Routledge, 1989. Guest, lain. "When Civilians Are Fair Game in War." Christian Science Monitor 88, vol. 105, April 25, 1996: 19. Gutman, Ray. "The Rapes of Bosnia: 'We Want the World to Know'." In In the Aftermath of Rape: Women's Rights, War Crimes and Genocide, edited by Elenor Richter-Lyonette, 35-44. 2d ed. Givrins: The Coordination of Women's Advocacy, 1997. Hackett, Beatrice Nied. Pray God and Keep Walking: Stories of Women Refugees. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 1996. Includes a section on Bosnia: stories of Nihada J., 1993, pp. 41-3, and Jasmina G., 1994, pp. 44-51. Hadzijahic, Muhamed. "Badzijanije u Sarajevu i Bosni" [The cult of female dervishes in Sarajevo and Bosnia]. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke [Yugoslavia] 7-8 (1982): 10933. The poet Sheikh Hasan Kaimija of Sarajevo (d. 1691) established the cult of female dervishes (badzijanije), which flourished in Sarajevo, and in Bosnia generally, from the mid17th century to the mid-18th century. He appointed his wife as the cult's vekil [sheikh's representative]. A description of the cult and its practices is given. Hague, Euan. "Rape, Power and Masculinity: The Construction of Gender and National Identities in the War in Bosnia-Herzegovina." In Gender and Catastrophe, edited by Ronit Lentin, 50-63. London; New York: Zed Books, 1997. Halsell, G. "Women's Bodies: A Battlefield in War for Greater Serbia." Washington Report on Middle East Affairs 11, no. 9 (1993): 8-9. Hamilton, Amy. "Catharine A. MacKinnon to Represent Croatian, Muslim Wartime Rape Survivors." Off Our Backs (February 1993): 3, 21[pull out]. - - - . "How to Address the Issue?" Off Our Backs (May 1993): 4 [pull out]. Hansen, Lene. Gender, Nation, Rape: Bosnia and the Construction of Security. International Feminist Journal of Politics 3, no. 1 (2001): 55-78. Hayden, Robert M. "Rape and Rape Avoidance in Ethno-National Conflicts: Sexual Violence in Liminalized States." American Anthropologist 102, no. 1 (2000): 27-41. Compares the use and non-use of rape in the ethnic-nationalist conflicts in Bosnia in 1992-5 and in IndialPakistan during the partition (1947) and other communal conflicts. Helms, Elissa L. Representations of Wartime Rape in the Former Yugoslavia: Nationalism, Feminism, and International Law. M.A. thesis, Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1998. - - - . "Women as Agents of Ethnic Reconciliation? Women's NGOs and International Intervention in Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina." Women's Studies International Forum 26, no. 1 (2003): 15-33. Hillier, Lucy, and Regina Jere-Maland. "Bosnia-Herzegovina." Index on Censorship 27, no. 5 (1998): 82. "On 1 July a UN police spokesman said it had launched an investigation into charges that Bosnian Serb police were running an organized prostitution ring with women



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from eastern Europe and the former USSR."-from the publication Hunt, Swanee. This Was Not Our War: Bosnian Reclaiming the Peace. Foreword by William Jefferson Clinton. Durham & London: Duke Univ. Press, 2004. Hurmen, Rusin, ed. Zene Bosne i Hercegovine u Narodnooslobodilackoj borbi 1941-1945. Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1977. About women of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the national liberation struggle 1941-45. Husanovic, Jasmina. "Practice With No Language: A Reflection of the Gender Scene in Bosnia in a Sarajevo Workshop." International Feminist Journal of Politics 3, no. 1 (2001): 124-31. Huschle, Gail. "Beauty in the Midst of Devastation." Social Education 60, no. 1 (NovemberDecember 1996): 426-7. Presents the author's experiences in Bosnia and Herzegovina as she describes her relationship with two Bosnian women. IBHI and UNDP. Human Development Report, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo: International Bureau of Humanitarian Issues and the UN Development Program, 1998. Includes a chapter on gender in various spheres of post-war life. Bosnian and English editions. International Human Rights Law Group. A National NGO Report on Women's Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo: International Human Rights Law Group, 1999. (Izvjestaj NVO-a 0 zenskim ljudskim pravima u Bosni i Hercegovini) Compiled by members of Bosnian women's and human rights NGOs. In Bosnian/Croatian (Latin alphabet), Serbian (Cyrillic), and English. Ivekovic, Rada. "Women, Democracy, and Nationalism after 1989: The Yugoslav Case." Canadian Women's Studies Les cahiers de lafemme 16, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 10-4. - - - . "Women, Nationalism, and War: 'Make Love Not War'." Hypatia 8, no. 4 (Fall 1993): 113-26. Jambresic Kirin, Renata. "On Gender-affected War Narratives: Some Standpoints for Further Analysis." Narodna umjetnost 33, no. 1 (1996): 25-40. Mostly on narratives of war in Croatia but also compares these to narratives of the war in Bosnia, including that of Zlata Filipovic from Sarajevo. Jasarevic, Nermina. "Women Will Find their Own Way: Interview with Nermina Jasarevic." By Vildana Slimbegovic, War Report 36 (September, 1995): 47-8. Jeffords, Susan. "Making Sense of Rape in War." Ms. 4, no. 6 (May-June 1994): 78. Jones, Adam. "Gender and Ethnic Conflict in Ex-Yugoslavia." Ethnic & Racial Studies 17, no. 1 (January 1994): 115-35. Argues for a more balanced, deeper understanding of the role gender plays in conditioning the actions and experiences of men and women, both in the Balkans war and other conflicts. Evaluates gender-specific and gender-selective violence in ex-Yugoslavia, and analyzes the emergence of women rape victims among the civilian population of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the executions of males to eliminate physical resistance to ethnic cleansing. Jones, Alex. "Migration, Ethnicity, and Conflict: Oxfam's Experience of Working with Roma Communities in Tuzla, Bosnia-Hercegovina." Gender and Migration, edited by Caroline Sweetman, 57-62. Oxford: Oxfam, 1998. Also in Gender and Development 6 (March 1998) 57-62. Kadic, Nina. "Dispatch from Bosnia-Herzegovina: A Seventeen-Year-Old Survivor Testifies to Systematic Rape." In Rape and Society: Readings on the Problem ofSexual Assault, edited by Patricia Searles and Ronald J. Berger, 174-5. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1995. - - - , ed. "Dispatches from Bosnia and Herzegovina: Young Survivors Testify to Systematic Rape." Trans. by Zoran Minderovic. Ms. (January-February 1993): 12-3. Kappeler, Susanne, Mira Renka, and Melanie Beyer, eds. Vergewaltigung, Krieg, Nationalismus: einefeministische Kritik. Munich: Frauenoffensive, 1994. A feminist critique of rape, war, and nationalism.


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Kapidzic, Diana, and Aida Daidzic. "BISER: A Conversation with Bosnian Women Living in Exile."Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 1 (Winter 1994): 53-68. Kar, Usha. "Much Ado About Knitting: The Experience of Bosfam (Bosnia)." In Gender Works: Oxfam Experience in Policy and Practice, edited by Fenella Porter, Ines Smyth, and Caroline Sweetman, 19-30. Oxford: Oxfam, 1999. Karanovic, Milan. "Nekoliko velike porodicne zadruge u Bosnia i Hercegovini." Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja 41 (1929): 63-80. About the Bosnian zadruga. Kesic, Obrad. "Women and Gender Imagery in Bosnia: Amazons, Sluts, Victims, Witches, and Wombs." Gender politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 187-202. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. Kesi6, Vesna. "From Respect to Rape." 36 (September 1995): 36-8. A condensed version (in English) of her article in Kruh i ruie 1994 (in Croatian); (see Croatia chapter) about nationalist rhetoric and women in Croatia and Bosnia. . "A Response to Catharine Mac Kinnon ,s Article 'Turning Rape Into Pornography: Postmodern Genocide'." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 267-80. A vehement argument against MacKinnon' s position which, Kesic argues, can be eo-opted by the un-feminist nationalist regimes in Croatia, Bosnia, and Serbia. Kesic demonstrates how Croatian and Bosnian Muslim nationalists manipulate women, and shows how the Croatian press "witch hunted" her and four other prominent feminists for their failure to follow the nationalist line on wartime rapes in Bosnia. Includes a disclaimer from the editors distancing themselves from Kesic' s position. . "From Reverence to Rape: An Anthropology of Ethnic and Genderized Violence." Frontline Feminisms: Women, War, and Resistance, edited by Marguerite R. Waller and Jennifer Rycenga, 23-36. New York: Garland, 2000. Kirshenbaum, Gayle. "Making a Better World: Jadranka Cigelj and Nusreta Sivac: For Their Unstinting Efforts to Bring the Rapists of Bosnian Women to Justice (Women of the Year, 1996)." Ms. (January-February 1997): 64-8. About two women who helped to bring the rapists of Bosnian women to justice. Konig, Angela. "Frauen-Bewegungen im Krieg in Bosnien-Herzegowina und Kroatien." In Frauenbewegung und Frauenpolitik in Osteuropa, edited by Christiane Lemke, Virginia Penrose, and Ute Ruppert, 64-8. Frankfurt: Campus, 1996. About the women's movements and war in Bosnia and Croatia. Koenig, Dorean Marguerite. "Women and Rape in Ethnic Conflict and War." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 1 (Winter, 1994): 129-41. Konjhodzic, Mahmud. Mostarke. Sarajevo: Stamparija Mostar, 1981. About the women of Mostar. Koo, Katrina Lee. "Confronting a Disciplinary Blindness: Women, War and Rape in the International Politics of Security." Australian Journal of Political Science 37, no. 3 (2002): 525-36. With particular reference to women raped in Bosnia in the Yugoslav War, this article looks at why and how traditional forms of theorizing about international politics fails to identify the violent insecurities of women in domestic and international space, thus ensuring women's silence. Korac, Maja. "Ethnic-nationalism, Wars and the Patterns of Social, Political and Sexual Violence against Women: The Case of Post-Yugoslav Countries." Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 5, no.2 (October 1998): 153-81. Kothe, Ana. "Saving the Maidens: Reading 'Miss Sarajevo'." Modem Language Studies 29, no. 2 (1999): 137-52. Kothe analyzes the representation the 1995 music video "Miss Sarajevo" which projects images of Luciano Pavarotti, U2's Bono, and Brian Eno, along with images of Sarajevo beauty contestants during a 1993 Serbian attack on the city (from the 1993 documentary "Miss Sarajevo" by Brian Carter). Kothe argues that the video reduced a






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complex people and situation to a commodity, identifiable to Western audiences as "pretty... women saved by Western crusaders from doom". Kozaric-Kovacic, Dragica, and Vera Folnegovic-Srnalc, "Rape, Torture, and Traumatization of Bosnian and Croatian Women: Psychological Sequelae." American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 65, no. 3 (July 1995) 428-34. Kramer, Gabriele. "Traumatized Women Working with Traumatized Women: Reflections upon Life and Work in a War Zone." Women & Therapy 22 no.1 (1999): 107-20. About the author's experiences in working with women and children victims of violence in Bosnia. Kraus, Barbara, and Carol Anne Douglas. "Mother Courage 11: Rape in War." Off Our Backs (May 1993): 2-3 [pull out]. On April 1, 1993, at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., MADRE, a women's group founded in 1983 in response to U.S. intervention in Central America, presented a forum entitled Mother Courage 11, which focused on the situation of women raped in war in the former Yugoslavia. Mother Courage called for a women's rights agenda in the United Nations and in the U.S. Justice Department, particularly in regard to war crimes against women and women's human rights. The Forum included speakers from South Africa, Nicaragua, Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia, as well as a representative for U.S. immigrant women. Kuzmanovic, Jasmina. "Legacies of Invisibility: Past Silence, Present Violence against Women in the Former Yugoslavia." In Women's Rights, Human Rights: International Feminist Perspectives, edited by Julie Peters and Andrea Wolper, 57-61. New York: Routledge, 1995. Laber, Jeri. "Bosnia: Questions About Rape." New York Review ofBooks (March 25, 1993): 3. Lambert, Susan (Susan Stokes). "Covering Rape in Ethnic Conflict: The Case of the Bosnian War, A Content Analysis of The New York Times' Coverage of Rape for the Years 1992 & 1993." M.A. thesis, Indiana Univ., 1996. Lazarevska, Alma. "Hewers of Wood and Carriers of Water." War Report 36 (September, 1995): 46. Offers a picture of women's roles during the siege of Sarajevo. Lithander, Anna, ed. "Engendering the Peace Process: A Gender Approach to Dayton-and Beyond." Stockholm: The Kvinna til Kvinna Foundation, 2000. Basic information on the status of women in Bosnia-Herzegovina and a gender analysis of the Dayton Peace Agreement and post-war development efforts. Lockwood, William G. "Bride Theft and Social Maneuverability in Western Bosnia." Anthropological Quarterly 47 (1974): 253-69. . "Converts and Consanguinity: The Social Organization of Moslem Slavs in Western Bosnia." Ethnology 11 (1972): 55-79. Details kinship, marriage, and gender role patterns in a village in Central Bosnia. . "East European Gypsies in Western Europe: The Social and Cultural Adaptation of the Xoraxane." Nomadic Papers 2, no. 22 (December 1986): 63-70. Annotated under the Gypsies/Roma chapter. . European Moslems: Ethnicity and Economy in Western Bosnia. New York: Academic Press, 1975. This study of a village includes discussion of gender roles in household production and market practices. . "Social Status and Cultural Change in a Bosnian Moslem Village." East European Quarterly 9, no. 2 (1975): 123-34. Lockwood, Yvonne R. Text and Context: Folksong in a Bosnian Muslim Village. Columbus: Slavica, 1983. MacKinnon, Catharine. "Crimes of War, Crimes of Peace." In On Human Rights: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures, edited by Stephen Shute and Susan Hurley, 83-110. New York: Basic Books, 1993. . "Rape, Genocide, and Women's Human Rights." Harvard Women's Law Journal 17






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(Spring 1994): 5-16. Also in Marion Faber, trans., and Alexandra Stiglmayer, ed. Mass Rape: The War Against Women in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1994, 183-96. This article discusses the legal basis of the suit filed on behalf of victims of the Bosnian war at The Hague War Crimes Tribunal. - - - . "Turning Rape into Pornography: Postmodern Genocide." Ms. (July-August, 1993): 24-31. Also published in Mass Rape: The War Against Women in Bosnia-Herzegovina, translated by Marion Faber, edited by Alexandra Stiglmayer, 73-81. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1994. Magnarella, Paul J. "The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: Its Background, Legal Character and Potential." Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 54-60. Malone, Linda. "Beyond Bosnia and in Re Kasinga: A Feminist Perspective on Recent Developments in Protecting Women From Sexual Violence." Boston University International Law Journal 14, no. 2 (1996): 319-40. Manojlovic-Zarkovic, Radmila and Fran Peavey, eds. I Remember = Sjecam Se: Writings by Bosnian Women Refugees. San Francisco, CA: Aunt Lute Books, 1996. Markowitz, Fran. "Discussion: Rape, Torture, Warfare ... and Refuge." Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 44-50. McClanen, Michael. "Healing Hands: Bosnian Women Weave Ethnic Harmony." Sojoumers 28, no. 6 (Nov./Dec. 1999): 41. Consisting of Croatians, Muslims, and Serbians, the 17person embroidery cooperative Sarajevo Phoenix is attempting to heal the wounds of despair, bitterness, and loss through the work of their hands. The cooperative was formed with the help of Hands Raised Together. Medica Zenica. Drugi Pogled 2: (Ne)Zivjeti s Nasiljem. Zenica: Infoteka, Medica Zenica, April, 1999. Bosnian language version of the study done in Zenica on the presence of domestic violence. This was the first study done on the issue in Bosnia. Includes a selection of essays and reports by Medica psychologists, activists, and doctors who work with women surviving violence. - - - . Drugi Pogled: Zbornik tekstova objavljenili u "Odabrale smo za Vas" tokom 1996. i 1997. godine. Zenica: Infoteka, Medica Zenica, July 1998. Collection of the best essays published in Medica's internal newsletter, We Have Chosen For You, in 1996-7. Most essays deal with issues of violence against women. Some address broader issues of the status of women in Bosnia. - - - . A Second Look 2: To Live With(out) Violence. Zenica: Infoteka, Medica Zenica, April 1999. English version of the study, above, on domestic violence against women. Medica Zenica Infoteka. Prirucnik za pomagace i pomagacice koji rade sa [rtvama i preiivjelima nasilja. Zenica: Medica Infoteka, 1999. Edited by Duska Andric-Ruzicic and Edita Ostojic. "Handbook for helpers working with victims and survivors of violence." In Bosnian by Medica's psychologists, activists and counselors. "Medica Zenica: Women's Therapeutical Center in Bosnia." In Feminist Theory and Practice: East- West: Papers Presented ofInternational Conference, St. Petersburg, Repino, June 9-12, 1995, edited by Dawne Deppe, Olga Lipovskaya, Anna Klyotsina, Maria Kominskaya, Ira Kormanshaus and Julia Zhukova, 80-88. St. Petersburg; Petersburg Center for Gender Issues, 1997. Meirowitz, Sara N. S. "Bosnian Rapes Declared War Crimes." Lilith 21, no. 3 (1996): 3. Mertus, Julie. The Gender Connection: Humanitarian Law and Policy. Providence, R.I.: Watson Institute for International Affairs at Brown Univ., 1999. - - - . The Suitcase: Refugee Voices from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1996. - - - . War's Offensive on Women: The Humanitarian Challenge in Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan. West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press, 2000.


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- - - . '''Woman' in the Service of National Identity." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 1 (Winter 1994): 5-23. Mezey, Gillian. C. "A Letter from Bosnia: Mission to Investigate Allegations of the Sexual Abuse of Bosnian Muslim Women." Psychiatric Bulletin: Royal College ofPsychiatrists 18, no. 11 (1994): 696. Minor, Diane. "Women in Radio Healing War-torn Bosnia." National NOW Times 29, no. 4 (October 1997): 11. Mischowski, Gabi. "How Effective is the Tribunal for Balkan Rape Survivors?" Off Our Backs 28, no.l (Jan 1998): 5-6. Mladjenovic, Lepa. "Les droits de la femme." Temps Modernes 49: (576-8) (Summer 1994): 171-5. About women's rights and the atrocities committed against females in Croatia and Bosnia. - - - . "Universal Soldier: Rape is War." Off Our Backs (March 1993): 14-5. Mostov, Julie. "'Our Women'/'Their Women': Symbolic Boundaries, Territorial Markers, and Violence in the Balkans." Peace and Change 20, no. 4 (October, 1995): 515-29. Also published in ProFemina [Belgrade] 3 (Summer 1995): 210-7. Examines the experiences of women as a symbol of boundaries, territorial markers and violence in the former Yugoslavia, the ways in which traditional gender roles and patriarchal culture play a part in redrawing territorial boundaries, the role of boundaries in either fostering or inhibiting freedom, and women's roles as guardians of national values. Munk, Erika. "What's Wrong with this Picture?" The Women's Review ofBooks 9 no.6 (March 1994): 5. A critique of MacKinnon's "Turning Rape into Pornography." Murray, Jennifer. "Who Will Police the Peace-Builders? The Failure to Establish Accountability for the Participation of United Nations Civilian Police in the Trafficking of Women in Post-Conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina." Columbia Human Rights Law Review 34, no. 2 (2003): 475. Necas, Ctibor. "Prvnf ufednf Iekarka v Bosne [The first official woman doctor in Bosnia]." Casopis Matice Moravske 102, no. 3-4 (1983): 245-57. - - - . "Urednf lekarky v Bosne a Hercegovine [Women physicians in the official administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina]." Slovansky preh'led 71, no. 6 (1985): 491-8. Neier, Aryeh. "Watching Rights." The Nation, 1 March 1993: 259. Nenedic, Natalya. "Femicide: A Framework for Understanding Genocide." In Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed, edited by Diane Bell and Renate Klein, 456-64. North Melbourne: Spinifex Press, 1996. Niarchos, Catherine N. "Women, War and Rape: Challenges Facing the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia." Human Rights Quarterly 17, no. 4 (November 1995): 649-90. This article analyzes the challenges facing the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 as it investigates "savage rape on a horrifying scale ... as torture, mutilation, femicide, and genocide... as a military strategy," and looks at the relationship among militarism, misogyny, and rape. Considers the confusion existing about the characterization of war rape under international humanitarian law (IHL) and argues that IHL is gender-biased because it views rape only as a challenge to honor. Niarchos concludes that war is a "male habit" that victimizes women and that the Tribunal must overcome the legacy of a legal system that overlooks women's pain and a war system that uses rape as a weapon. Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vesna. "Living Without Democracy and Peace: Violence Against Women in the Former Yugoslavia." Violence Against Women 5, no. 1 (January 1999): 63-80. - - - . "Victimization by War Rape: The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia." Canadian Woman Studies 19, no. 4 (Winter 2000): 28-35. - - - . Women, Violence and WAR: Wartime Victimization of Refugees in the Balkans.






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Trans. Borislav Radovic. Budapest: CEU Press, 1999. Contains bibliography and index. The editor of the collection is senior researcher at the Center for Women's Studies, Belgrade. Reviewed for H-MINERVA by Kathryn Spurling, of Univ. College, UNSW, Australian Defense Force Academy. Nizich, Ivana. "Violations of the Rules of War by Bosnian Croat and Muslim Forces in Bosnia- Herzegovina." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 1 (Winter 1994): 25-52. Includes discussion of rapes committed by Croat and Muslim forces against ethnically "other" women. "No Justice, No Peace: Accountability for Rape and Gender-Based Violence in the Former Yugoslavia: Based on a Mission of the Women in the Law Project of the International Human Rights Law Group." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 1 (Winter 1994): 89-128. Olujic, Maria B. "Embodiment of Terror: Gendered Violence in Peacetime and Wartime in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina." Medical Anthropology Quarterly 12, no. 1 (March 1998): 31-50. - - - . "Sexual Coercion and Torture in Former Yugoslavia." Cultural Survival 19, no. 1 (1995): 43-5. Oosterveld, Valerie. "When Women Are the Spoils of War." UNESCO Courier 51, no. 7-8 (July-August 1998): 64-6. Papic, Zarana. "Nationalism, Patriarchy and War in Ex-Yugoslavia." Women's History 3, no. 1 (1994): 115-7. Pasic, Ehlimana. Slovane: srpski zlocini u Bosni i Hercegovini. Brcko: Saraj, 1993. Penava, Senija. "Izbori i literatura 0 problemima emancipacije muslimanske zene u Bosni i Hercegovini," Prilozi. [Sarajevo, Institut za istoriju u Sarajevu] 17, no. 18 (1981): 273-84. Literature survey on the de-veiling and "emancipation" of Muslim women in Bosnia after World War 11. Petrovic, Tihana. "Women's Individual Property in South Slavic Zadrugas." Studia Ethnologica 3 (1991): 193-200. Pitter, Laura, and Alexandra Stiglmayer. "Will the World Remember? Can the Women Forget?" Ms. (March-April 1993): 19-23. Poggioli, Sylvia. "A Strategy of Rape in Bosnia." In Defining Moments in Journalism, edited by Nancy J. Woodhull and Robert W. Snyder, 93-8. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1998. Polkinghorn, Brian and Sean Byrne. "Between War and Peace: An Examination of Conflict Management Styles in Four Conflict Zones." International Journal of Conflict Management 12, no. 1 (2001): 23-46. A study of the relationship between gender and religious affiliation in South Africa, Israel, Bosnia-Hercegovina and Northern Ireland. Pratt, Kathleen M., and Laurel E. Fletcher. "Time for Justice: The Case for International Prosecutions of Rape and Gender-Based Violence in the Former Yugoslavia." Berkeley Women's Law Journal 9 (1994): 77-102. Prism Research. Women in the BiH Economy: Current Status and Future Strategies. Sarajevo: Prism Research, 1998. An exhaustive study of women's economic status in BosniaHerzegovina. Radic, Radivoj. "Ana Kantakuzina: vizantijska nevesta u kuci Kosaca" [Anna Kantakouzine: the Byzantine Bride in the House of Kosaca]." Zbomik za istoriju Bosne i Hercegovine = Recueil de l'histoire de Bosnie et Herzegovine no. 2 (1997): 119-37. English summary. Ramet, Sabrina P. Balkan Babel: Politics, Culture, and Religion in Yugoslavia. Boulder: Westview, 1992. - - - . Balkan Babel: the Disintegration of Yugoslavia from the Death of Tito to Ethnic War. 2nd ed. Boulder: Westview, 1996. Ramet's updated edition of Balkan Babel.


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, ed. Gender politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. "Rape of Women in Former Yugoslavia." Official Journal: European Communities Information and Notices 36, no. 350 (1993): 31. Rees, Madeleine. "International Intervention in Bosnia-Herzegovina: the Cost of Ignoring Gender." In The Postwar Moment: Militaries, Masculinities and International Peacekeeping, edited by Cynthia Cockburn and Dubravka Zarkov, 51-67. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 2002. Rejali, Darius M. "After Feminist Analyses of Bosnian Violence." In The Women and War Reader, edited by Lois Ann Lorentzen and Jennifer Turpin, 26-32. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1998. Repovz, Erika. "Women without Identity: The Life of a Refugee Woman in Slovenia." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 234-7. Boulder: Westview, 1997. Repovz poses as a Bosnian refugee and describes life in a Slovenian refugee camps for women. Riessman, Catherine Kohler. "Bosnian Women and Social Reconstruction: Reweaving the Social Fabric." Ph.d diss., Boston Univ., 1999. Roane, Kit R. "Women Demand News of Srebrenica's Men." New York Times 145, no. 50326, February 3, 1996: 6. Rodgers, Jayne. "Bosnia and Kosovo: Interpreting the Gender Dimensions of International Intervention." Contemporary Security Policy 22, no. 3 (2001): 183-95. . "Bosnia, Gender and the Ethics of Intervention in Civil Wars." Civil Wars 1, no. 1 (1998): 103-16. Rojnik B., L. Andolsek-Jeras, and D. Obersnel-Kveder. "Women in Difficult Circumstances: War Victims and Refugees." International Journal OfGynecology & Obstetrics 48, no. 3 (Mar 1995): 311-5. Ruvarac, Ilarion. "Dvije bosanske kraljice" [Two Bosnian Queens]. In Zbornik Ilariona Ruvarca. Belgrade: n.p., 1934.457-68. Salecl, Renata. "The Ideology of the Mother Nation in the Yugoslav Conflict." In Envisioning Eastern Europe: Postcommunist Cultural Studies, edited by Michael Kennedy, 87-101. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1994. Salzman, Todd A. "Rape Camps as a Means of Ethnic Cleansing: Religious, Cultural, and Ethical Responses to Rape." Human Rights Quarterly 20, no. 2 (May 1998): 348-78. Sapcanin, Amela. "Violence against Women in Armed Conflicts: Genocide in Bosnia." In The Emergence of Women into the 21st Century, edited by Patricia L. Munhall and Virginia Macken Fitzsimons, 93-9. New York: NLN Press, 1995. Scheffler, Sabine and Agnes Miichele. "War, Life Crisis and Trauma: Assessing the Impact of a Women-Centered Training Program in Bosnia." In Assault on the Soul: Women in the Former Yugoslavia, edited by Sara Sharratt and Ellyn Kaschak, 121-38. New York: Haworth, 1999. Published simultaneously as Women & Therapy, v. 22, no. 1, 1999. Schei, Berit and Solveig Dahl. "The Burden Left My Heart: Psycho-Social Services Among Refugee Women in Zenica and Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina During the War." In Assault on the Soul: Women in the Former Yugoslavia, edited by Sara Sharratt and Ellyn Kaschak, 3952. New York: Haworth, 1999. Published simultaneously as Women & Therapy, v. 22, no. 1, 1999. Seifert, Ruth. "Rape in Wars: Analytical Approaches." Minerva: Quarterly Report on Women and the Military 11, no. 2 (1993): 17-32. . "The Second Front: The Logic of Sexual Violence in Wars." Women's Studies International Forum 19, no. 1-2 (1996): 1-2,35-43. . "War and Rape: A Preliminary Analysis." In Mass Rape: The War Against Women



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in Bosnia Herzegovina, translated by Marion Faber, edited by Alexandra Stiglmayer, 54-72. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1994. Sekulic, Tatjana. "La ricerca di unidentita femminile in Bosnia [The search for feminine identity in Bosnia]." Inchiesta 29, no. 125 (1999): 45-8. Sharratt, Sara. "The Foca Indictment by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia." Women & Therapy 22, no. 1 (1999): 79-81. Brief summary of the main implications of the Foca indictment of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. It is of central relevance to the concept of justice in relation to women's issues. , and Ellyn Kaschak, eds. Assault on the Soul: Women in the Former Yugoslavia. New York: Haworth, 1999. Published simultaneously as Women & Therapy 22, no. 1 (1999). Simic, Srecko. Radanje i rat u Sarajevu. Sarajevo: HKD Napredak, 1997. Case studies of pregnant women in the war in Bosnia, 1991-1995. Simons, Marlise. "An Ex-Bosnian Serb Commander Admits Rape of Muslims in War." New York Times 14, no. 51092, March, 10, 1998: A10. . "Landmark Bosnia Rape Trial: A Legal Morass." New York Times 147, no. 51233, July 29, 1998: A3. . "Then It Was the Klan: Now It's the Balkan Agony." New York Times 148, no. 51401, January 13, 1999: A4. Profile of Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, the only American among 14 judges of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. Sofos, Spyros A. "Inter-ethnic Violence and Gendered Constructions of Ethnicity in Former Yugoslavia." Social Identities 2, no. 1 (February 1996): 73. Sorabji, Cornelia. "Crimes against Gender or Nation?" War Report 18 (February-March 1993): 16. . "Islamic Revival and Marriage in Bosnia." Journal ofMuslim Minority Affairs IX (2) July 1988: 331-7. . "Mixed Motives: Islam, Nationalism, and Mevluds in an Unstable Yugoslavia." In Muslim Women's Choices: Religious Beliefand Social Reality, edited by Camillia Fawzi ElSohl and Judy Mabro, 108-27. Providence: Berg, 1994. Based on fieldwork in Sarajevo just before the breakup of Yugoslavia. Describes women's roles in shaping Muslim identity as both faith and ethnic affiliation. . "Muslim Identity and Islamic Faith in Socialist Sarajevo." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Cambridge, 1989. Splittgerber, Scott. "The Need for Greater Regional Protection for the Human Rights of Women: The Case of Rape in Bosnia and Guatemala." Wisconsin International Law Journal 15, no. 1 (1996): 185-227. Stephens, Beth. "The Civil Lawsuit as a Remedy for International Human Rights Violations Against Women." Hastings Women's Law Journal S, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 143-69. . "Women and the Atrocities ofWat." Human Rights: Journal of the Section of Individual Rights & Responsibilities 20, no. 3 (Summer 1993): 12-7. Stiglmayer, Alexandra, ed. Mass Rape: The War against Women in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Trans. Marion Faber. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1994. Translation of: Massenvergewaltigung: Kreig genen die Frauen. Contents: Alexandra Stiglmayer, "The War in the Former Yugoslavia" (1-34); Paul Pavin, "Open Wounds: Ethnopsychoanalytic Reflections on the Wars in the Former Yugoslavia" (35-53); Ruth Seifert, "War and Rape: A Preliminary Analysis" (4-72); Catharine A. MacKinnon, "Turning Rape into Pornography: Postmodern Genocide" (73-81); Alexandra Stiglmayer, "The Rapes in Bosnia-Herzegovina" (82-169); Azra, Zalihic-Kaurin, "The Muslim Woman" (170-73); Vera Folnegovic-Smale, "Psychiatric Aspects of the Rapes in the War Against the Republics of Croatia and BosniaHerzegovina" (174-79); Susan Brownmiller, "Making Female Bodies the Battlefield" (18082); Catharine A. MacKinnon, "Rape, Genocide, and Women's Human Rights" (183-96); Rhonda Copelon, "Surfacing Gender: Reconceptualizing Crimes Against Women in Time of



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BOS252 BOS253

War" (197-218); Cynthia Enloe, "Afterword: Have the Bosnian Rapes Opened a New Era of Feminist Consciousness?" (219-30). - - - . "Rape as a Weapon: The War against Women." Stem 49 (November 26,1992): 228. Sundquist Jan, Amela Behmen-Vincevic, and Sven-Erik Johansson. "Poor Quality of Life and Health in Young to Middle Aged Bosnian Female War Refugees: A Population-Based Study." Public Health 112, no. 1 (Jan 1998): 21-6. Susnjara, Snjezana. "Divided Representation of World War II (1941-1945) and the War in Bosnia and Hercegovina (1992-1995): Women in Lasva Valley in Bosnia." Revija za Sociologiju 30, no. 3-4 (1999): 139-59. Tanovic-Miller, Naza. Testimony ofa Bosnian. Eastern European Studies, 14. College Station: Texas A & M Univ. Press, 2001. Personal narrative about the Yugoslav war, 19911995. Thomas, Dorothy Q., and Ralph E. Regan. "Rape in War: The Case of Bosnia." In Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 203-18. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. Tomasevic, Dragana. Trans. by Slobodan Drakulic. "On Using Women." Freedom Review 26, no. 5 (September-October 1995): 38-9. About abuse and rape in war. Tosic, Duro. "Bosanka kraljica Katarina (1425-1478)." Zbornik za istoriju Bosne i Hercegovine = Recueil de l'histoire de Bosnie et Herzegovine no. 2 (1997): 73-113. About the Bosnian Queen Catharine, married to Bosnian King Stefan Tomas, English summary. The Tresnjevka Women's Group. "Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia: Inside the Death Camps." Spare Rib 239 (Dec 1992-Jan 1993): 48-9. Tufek, Selma. "Die Frauen Bosniens vor, im und nach dem Krieg." In Rassismen und Feminismen. Differenzen, Machtverhiiltnisse und Solidaritdt zwischen Frauen, edited by Brigitte Fuchs and Gabriele Habinger, 224-32. Vienna: n.p., 1996. About Bosnian women before, during, and after the conflict with Serbia. Ursic, Theresa Marie. "Religious Freedom in Post-World War II Yugoslavia: The Case of Roman Catholic Nuns in Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina 1945-1960." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Michigan, 1997. Vranic, Seada. Breaking the Wall of Silence: the Voices ofRaped Bosnia. Zagreb: Izdanja Antibarbarus, 1996. - - - . Pred iidom sutnje. Zagreb: Antibarbarus, 1996. Vukovich, Kha., et aI. "Meditsa zhenitsa: zhenskii terapevticheskii tsentr v Bosnii." In Feministskaia teoriia i praktika Vostok-Zapad: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoprakticheskoi konferentsii, Sankt-Peterburg, Repino, 9-12 iiunia 1995g, edited by Iuliia Zhukova et aI., 120-30. SPb: PTSGP, 1996. Women's therapy center in Bosnia. Walsh, Martha. Beyond Feminist and Feminine: Unpacking Women's Initiatives in ExYugoslavia. M.A. thesis, Univ. of Sussex, Institute for Development Studies, 1996. A comprehensive, if increasingly dated, summary of women's activism in post-war BosniaHerzegovina, Croatia and Serbia, with lists of organizations and contacts (as of 1996). - - - . "Mind the Gap-Where Feminist Theory Failed to Meet Development Practice: A Missed Opportunity in Bosnia and Herzegovina." European Journal of Women's Studies 5, no. 3-4 (Nov. 1998): 329-44. - - - . "Post-Conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina: Integrating Women's Special Situation and Gender Perspectives in Skills Training and Employment Promotion Programmes." Geneva: International Labor Organization, 1997. "War Crimes against Women in Ex-Yugoslavia." Women's International Network News 20, no. 3 (Summer 1994): 35. "War, Rape, and the Press in Bosnia." Columbia Journalism Review 35, no. 5 (January-




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February 1997): 10. Warren, Priscilla F. "Women Are Human: Gender-Based Persecution Is a Human Rights Violation against Women." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 281315. Welser, Maria von. Am Ende wiinschst du dir nur noch den Tod: die Massenvergewaltigungen im Krieg aufdem Balkan. Munich: Knaur, 1993. Wing, Adrien Katherine. "Critical Race Feminism and the International Human Rights of Women in Bosnia, Palestine, and South Africa: Issues for LatCrit Theory." University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 28, no. 2 (Winter 1996): 337-60. , and Sylke Merchan. "Rape, Ethnicity, and Culture: Spirit Injury from Bosnia to Black America." Critical Race Theory: the Cutting Edge, edited by Richard Delgado, 516-28. Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press, 1995. "Women for Women." Off Our Backs 28, no. 2 (February 1998): 5. About Women for Women, (see next entry) expanding to Rwanda, since the genocide in 1994, in order to help the women there. "Women for Women." Women's International Network News 24, no. 3 (Summer 1998): 68. About Women for Women, an interfaith, nonprofit humanitarian organization, which aims to provide financial and emotional support to women survivors of war and genocide, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. The organization was founded in 1993 in response to the Serbian army's war strategy of rape camps, concentration camps and genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children. The Strugglefor Peace and Recovery in Former Yugoslavia: Move Women from Background to Foreground: Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children Delegation Visit to Bosnia and Croatia, April 9-16, 1996. New York: Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, 1996. Wu, Yolanda S. "Genocidal Rape in Bosnia: Redress in United States Courts Under the Alien Tort Claims Act." UCLA Women's Law Journal 4, no. 1 (1993): 101-11. Zalewski, Marysia. "Well, What Is the Feminist Perspective on Bosnia?" International Affairs 71, no. 2 (1995): 339-56. Zenska Grupa, "Tresnjevka." "Crimes of War." Connexions 42 (1993): 34-5. Statement by a Zagreb women's group which argues that Serb forces target wartime rape in Croatia and Bosnia only at non-Serb women, as a war weapon. This group was criticized by established feminists in Zagreb and Belgrade for emphasizing the ethnic aspect of the rapes at the expense of the gender aspect thus playing into the hands of Croatian and Bosnian Muslim nationalist leaders. Zarkov, Dubravka. "Gender, Orientalism, and the History of Ethnic Hatred in the Former Yugoslavia." In Crossfires: Nationalism, Racism, and Gender in Europe, edited by Helma Lutz, Ann Phoenix, and Nira Yuval-Davis, 105-210. London; East Haven, CT: Pluto Press for the European Forum of Left Feminists, 1995. . "Sex as Usual: Body Politics and the Media War in Serbia." In Embodied Practices: Feminist Perspectives on the Body, edited by Kathy Davis, 110-27. London; Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1997. About the Serb media's treatment of Bosnia. . "War Rapes in Yugoslavia: On Masculinity, Femininity and the Power of Rape Victim Identity." Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 39, no. 2 (1997): 140-51.

Literature and the Arts BOS267 BOS268

Andric, Ivo. The Womanfrom Sarajevo. New York: Knopf, 1965. Cubilie, Anne. "Cosmopolitanism as Resistance: Fragmented Identities, Women's Testimonial and the War in Yugoslavia." In Critical Ethics: Text, Theory and Responsibility,









edited by Dominic Rainsford and Tim Woods, 257-76. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. A comparison of Slavenka Drakulic and Elma Softie. Drakulic, Slavenka. A Novel about the Balkans. Translated by Marko Ivic. New York: Viking, 2000. Previously published in English as, As if I Am Not There and in Croatian as Kao da me nema. London: Abacus, 1999. A novel about a woman survivor of a rape camp in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Durakovic, Ferida. "A War Letter." In A Map ofHope: Women's Writing on Human Rights: An International Literary Anthology, edited by Marjorie Agosfn, 27. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1999. Hawkesworth, Celia. "Reflections of the Recent Conflict in Former Yugoslavia in the Works of Women Writers." European Journal of Women's Studies 5 no.3-4 (Nov 1998): 311-28. Examines the wartime work of several women writers of fiction and journalists from the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia). . Voices in the Shadows: Women and Verbal Art in Serbia and Bosnia. Budapest; New York: CEU Press, 2000. A wide-ranging study of the contribution of women to the oral tradition and written literature in Serbia and Bosnia, from the Middle Ages to 1990. Lovatt, Catherine. "The Body of a Woman." http://www.ce-review.org/OO/411lovatt41.html Review of Romanian playwright Matei Visniec's play The Body ofa Woman as a Battlefield in the Bosnian War. It examines the role of women during the Bosnian conflict. Vidan, Aida. Embroidered with Gold, Strung with Pearls: The Traditional Ballads of Bosnian Women. Publications of the Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature, 1. Cambridge, MA: The Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature, 2003.




BOS277 BOS278


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Crnkovic, Gordana P. "Farewell, My Love: Vesna Ljubi6's Adio kerida (2001)." Kinoeye: New Perspectives on European Film 3, 10 (29 September 2003). Available online at http://www.kinoeye.org/archive/articles_vo13.php. Ljubic's film Adio kerida focuses on a small group of elderly Sarajevan Jews who constitute the last generation of people who still know and practice Sephardic traditions and customs. Filipovic, Zlata. Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Sarajevo. Trans. and notes by Christina Pribichevich Zoric. New York: Viking, 1994. This child's first-hand testimony of the war in Sarajevo has been compared-often unfavorably-to Anne Frank's journal. Some experts feel that it does not ring true, that was a money-making venture largely organized, if not actually written, by the child's father. Hidovic Harper, Indijana. "Personal Reactions of a Bosnian Woman to the War in Bosnia." Feminist Review 45 (Fall 1993): 102-7. Mertus, Julie, Jasmina Tesanovic, Habiba Metikos, and Rada Boric, eds. The Suitcase: Refugee Voicesfrom Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1997. Personal narratives from refugees fleeing Bosnia and Croatia. "There are more than two million displaced people from the war in Bosnia. This collection at last gives a voice to those silent millions. Their stories are moving, harrowing, and faithfully reflected in this authentic work." -Financial Times Nenadic, Natalie, ed. "An International Appeal: Word out of Bosnia." Off Our Backs (Nov 1992): 2-3. Includes an international appeal released by Sarajevo poet Asja Zahirovic to Croatian-Muslim friends and 2 women's testimonies about war atrocities in Bosnia. Softie, Elma. Sarajevo Days, Sarajevo Nights. St. Paul, MN: Hungry Mind Press, 1996. Diaries and letters by a woman living in the besieged city. Williams, Sue. "Narciza Sarijlic: A Survivor." UNESCO Sources 61 (September 1994): 5. Zarkovic, Radmila Manojlovic, ed. I Remember/Sjecam Se: Writings by Bosnian Women Refugees. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1996.



Documentaries, TV Programs and Videorecordings BOS283









Black Kites [video recording]. Directed by J 0 Andres. Produced by Joana Vicente and Jason Kliot. Presented by Open City Films and Before our Eyes. New York: Distributed by Women Make Movies, 1996. In 1992 the siege of Sarajevo forced Bosnian visual artist Alma Hajric into a basement shelter. This haunting film based on her journals mingles powerful performances with interpretive footage in an evocative consideration of violence and the human spirit. Calling the Ghosts [video recording]. Written and produced by Mandy Jacobson and Karmen Jelincic. New York: Bowery Productions. Distributed by Women Make Movies, 1996. Women survivors of Omarska Detention Camp describe the camp and the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovnia. Their release and recovery process are also described. Crimes against Humanity: the Search for Justice [videorecording]. Fulcrum Production for BBC, in association with The Ford Foundation. Narrated by Jeremy Harding. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 1998. 3 videocassettes (50 min. each) Shows torture and murder of thousands of men and women in Bosnia, Chile, Mozambique, South Africa, Guatemala, Argentina, Rwanda, East Germany. Also shows how people are looking for justice for victims. Fighting Back (Bosnia) [video recording]. Not the Numbers Game series. Bullfrog Films; produced by Jenny Richards and Emily Marlow for Television Trust for the Environment. Oley, PA: Bullfrog Films, 1997. The Sky: A Silent Witness [video recording]. A film directed by Midge Mackenzie. Produced by Amnesty International. New York: Women Make Movies, 1996. Women from Guatemala, the United States, China, Bangladesh, Tibet and Bosnia discuss issues related to the denial of women's rights throughout the world. We Are All Neighbors a film by Tone Bringa. A video made by the British Granada TV, 1993. 52-minute video with anthropologist Tone Bringa in a traditionally Muslim/Croatian village, 7 kilometers from Kiseljak, north/west Sarajevo. In a follow-up to her fieldwork in the late 1980's in a mixed Croat-Muslim village in Central Bosnia, Bringa returns to the village in 1993 and documents its disintegration along ethnic lines. The film shows the process of breakdown as cross-ethnic friendships and the village's social fabric are tom apart. In the end, the village is "ethnically cleansed" as the Muslims are forced out by Croatian forces. Features interviews with local men and women. A Woman's Place [video recording]. Atlanta: Turner Multimedia, Cable News Network, 1993. Features the lives of women from Bosnia-Hercegovina, Japan, Russia, Somalia, and South Korea, and their respective "place" as defined by their cultures and the upheavals that characterize global events. Women's Rights: A Global Movement [video recording]. Rights and Wrongs series. Produced by Globalvision, Inc. Derry, NH: Chip Taylor Communication, 1995. Charlayne HunterGault, host. Part 1, The Fight Against Rape, presents an examination of evidence indicating that rape has become a conscious war strategy in many conflicts, including Bosnia, Kashmir, and Iraq, and includes interviews with experts and activists; it also looks at the emergence of a global women's movement, which is trying to get rape classified as a "crime against humanity." Women under Attack [video recording]. Rights and Wrongs series, Video 3. A eo-production of Globalvision and WNET Thirteen. Oakland, CA: Distributed by The Video Project, 1993. Contributors: Lois Whitman, Dorothy Thomas, Kanan Makiya, Geraldine Ferraro, Rhonda Copelon, Yusana Kin, Vivian Stromberg, Vesna Kesic, Charlotte Bunch, Soraya Mire, Asma Abdel Halim, Seble Dawit, Mama Singhateh, and Mama Yassin Sarr. Looks at two of the most terrifying human rights issues facing women: rape and war (including Bosnia-


Bosnia-Hercegovina Herzegovina), and female mutilation. Also discusses the emerging global women's movement.


CROATIA See also the Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary, Serbia and Yugoslavia chapters; Karl Kaser, ed. Household and Family Contexts in the Balkans. History orthe Family: An International Quarterly 1, no. 4 (1996); and Eva Huseby-Darvas, ed. Refugee Women orthe Balkans. Anthropology orEast Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995) under General Background.

Bibliography and Reference CROl CR02




CR06 CR07 CR08 CR09 CROI0

Adrese ienskih grupa u Hrvatskoj. Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, 1998. Allcock, John B., Marko Milivojevic, and John J. Horton, eds. Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia: an Encyclopedia, with a foreword by Martin Bell. Denver, CO: ABC-CLIO, 1998. Anic, Rebeka J. "Weiblichkeit als Schicksal: Frauen in der romisch-katholischen Kirche Kroatiens." In: Theologische Frauenforschung in Mittel-Ost-Europae'Theological Women's Studies in Central/Eastern Europe=Recherche theologique des femmes en Europe orientale et centrale. E. Adamiak, R. J. Anic, K. Buday, eds; with C. Methuen and A. Berlis, 25-48. Leuven: Peeters Press, 2003. (Yearbook of the European Society of Women in Theological Research, 11) Bagic, Aida. "Croatia." In The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide: Europe, edited by Lynn WaIter, 119-33. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003. Includes: Country Profile, Overview of Women's Issues, Education, Employment and the Economy, Family and Sexuality, Health, Politics and Law, Religion and Spirituality, Violence, Outlook for the Twenty-first Century, Resources Guide (Suggested Reading, VideoslFilms, Web Sites, Organizations) and a Selected Bibliography. "Bibliography: Translations into English of Works by Central European Women Writers and Secondary Material." In A History of Central European Women's Writing, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 312-6. New York: Palgrave, in association with School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London, 2001. Includes works by Croatian and Slovenian women authors. Carmichael, Cathie. Croatia. Oxford, England; Santa Barbara, Ca: Clio Press, 1999. See the section on women: pp. 82-5. Damjanovic, Suncica and others, comps. Pojmovnik zenske terminologije = Thesaurus of Women's Terminology. Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, 2000. Franolic, Branko. Books on Croatia and Croatians Recorded in the British Library General Catalogue. Zagreb: Croatian Information Centre, 1999. Knezevic, Durda and Suncica Damjanovic, comps. Vodic zenskih grupa u Hrvatskoj = Directory of Women's Groups in Croatia. Zagreb: Zenska infoteka, 1998. Includes addresses. Pesut, Jasminka. Zenska perspektiva: odabrana bibliografija: radovi autorica 1968-1997 [Women's perspective: A Selected Bibliography: Works of women authors 1968-1997]. Zagreb: Centar za zenske studije, 1998.

Croatia Web Sites CROll

CR012 CR013 CR014 CR015 CR016 CR017 CR018 CR019

CR020 CR021 CR022

B.a.B.e. http://www.babe.hr and http://www.interlog.com/-moyra. Budi aktivna, Budi emancipirana. Grupa za zenska ljudska prava, Zagreb. Be Active Be Emancipated. Women's Human Rights Group, Zagreb. CESI. http://www.zamir.net/-cesi. Centar za edukaciju i savjetovanje zena, Zagreb (Center for Women's Education and Counseling, Zagreb) Desa Women's Humanitarian Organization, Dubrovnik http://desa.dubrovnik.org "Krug" Udruga Poslovnih Zena Hrvatske. http://www.zenskestranice.hr/nevladilkrug.htm Croatian Businesswomen's "Circle" LOBI Udruga za promicanje prava zena, Samobor. http://www.zenskestranice.hr/nevladillobi.htm.LOBIGroupforWomen·sRights. Samobor NICE. http://www.zenskestranice.hr/nevladi/nice.htm. Nove Inicijative, Grupa za ljudska prava mladih zena, Zagreb (New Initiatives, Group for the Rights of Young Women, Zagreb) The NONA Multimedia Women's Center, Zagreb. http://www.videodocument.orgjnona/index.htm Women's/Gender Studies Association of Countries in Transition. http://www.wgsact.net/ Annotated under the Serbia chapter. Women, State, Culture. http://k.mihalec.tripod.com. Includes an extensive bibliography of on-line materials on women in the region: http://k.mihalec.tripod.comlbiblio.htm. Further annotated under the Bosnia-Herzegovina chapter. Women writers from Croatia. http://www.digital.library.uPAedu/womenl_generate/CROATIA.html Zenska Infoteka, Zagreb. www.zinfo.hr. Women's Infoteka, Zagreb Zenski Studiji, Zagreb. http://www.zamir.net/-zenstud. Women's Studies, Zagreb

Periodicals CR023



CROW: Croatian Women's E-Zine. 1998-. Edited by Nena Sudar, CROW is the first and only women's on-line magazine in Croatia. It appears quarterly in Croatian. http://wwwAnet.hr/crow/crowomhr.htm (Croatian) http://wwwAnet.hr/crow/crowomOO.htm (English) Hrvatski ienski list. Zagreb: Zenska loza Hrvatskog ustaskog pokreta, 1939-1944.6 vols. Monthly. Published in the Independent state of Croatia (NDH) during World War 11. Mara Lehval, main editor. Kruh i ruie. 1994- Two issues per year, print run 1000. Feminist periodical issued by Zenska Infoteka, Zagreb. The name "Bread and Roses" symbolizes connections to the international women's movement, and provides "a space for women ... to address the domestic public."Aida Bagic, Kruh i ruie. From their web page http://www.zamir.net/-zinfo/K&R/index.htm: "Since 1994 Zenska infoteka publish the magazine Kruh i ruie in order to bring knowledge, experiences, new theoretical prospectives to the thousands of women who we do not know and have never seen, yet this being the most efficient way to reach as many people as we can-we consider this an extremely exciting aspect of our work. With our magazine we try to develop awareness of existing gender inequality and help to women researchers, activist and people in general in giving them arguments and space for creative and/or political work. By conducting and presenting researches and translating many articles we are transferring important knowledge on women issues to our readers. In the magazine we covered many topics such as women and language, feminism and democracy, electronic communication and new technologies, women and art, women's human rights ... lesbianism, women and politics, [etc.]. We also initiated some researches conducted by experts and students and published them in the magazine. The magazine is also an independent forum for discussion, exchange





and distribution of relevant information concerning women." Treca. 1998- Feminist journal published semiannually by Centar za zenske studije, Zagreb. (Center for Women's Studies, Zagreb). Editor-in-chief: Zeljka Jelavic, Editor: Tea Skokic. http://www.zinfo.hr/Stranice/izdavastvo/brosure/adresar/zenskistudiji.htm. The journal contains reviews of new books and journals as well as translations of key feminist texts. In Croatian with abstracts in English. This journal is the first of its kind to be published in Croatia, and its basic profile follows the standards of contemporary theoretical journals based on interdisciplinary educational challenges and research of women's issues. Each issue is dedicated to a special theme on contemporary women's issues: vol. 1, no. 1 (December 1998) focused on identity. The authors featured were Biljana Kasic, Rada Ivekovic, Nadezda Cacinovic, Rada Boric, Maja Uzelac and Lada Cale Feldman. It included photographs of works by women artists, and an original essay by Francoise Balibar ("Stranger in the Pantheon") which looks at Marie Curie's life history; a new interpretation of Virginia Woolf's "A Room of One's Own" by Iva Grgic; and an interpretation of the feminist history of art by Ljiljana Kolesnik ("Is There a Feminist History of Art?"). vol. 1, no. 2, 1999 focused on feminist theology; vol. 2, no. 1, 2000 focused on desire/longing and feminism. Texts by Croatian and foreign authors. The issue also contains articles about Simone de Beauvoir and her work, and contributions about contemporary Estonian, Polish and Czech feminist art and reviews of new books. Zena u borbi [Woman in the Struggle]. 1943-1945. According to Barbara Jancar-Webster' s Women and Revolution in Yugoslavia 1941-1945, this was the publication of the Croatian AFZ (Anti-Fascist Front of Women); 17 issues appeared altogether.

History and Society CR028



CR031 CR032

CR033 CR034

CR035 CR036

Ackovic, Dragoljub. Roma Suffering in Jasenovac Camp. Translated by Ljubomir Vukosavljevic and Vesna Ajspiler. Belgrade: The Museum of the Victims of Genocide. Roma Culture Center, 1995. Annotated under Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. Albanese, Patricia. "Leaders and Breeders: The Archaization of Gender Relations in Croatia." In Women in Post-Communism, edited by Barbara Wejnert and Metta Spencer, with Slobodan Drakulic, 185-200. Greenwich, CT; London: JAI Press, 1996. Allen, Beverly. Rape Warfare: The Hidden Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1996. Annotated under the Bosnia-Herzegovina chapter. Antifasisticki Front Zena. Zagreb: Institut za Historiju Radnickog Pokreta Hrvatske, 1944. About women and the anti-Nazi underground in World War 11. Bagic, Aida. "Bread and Roses." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 201. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. A paragraph about the goals of the Croatian feminist journal Kruh i ruie (Bread and Roses). Baranovic, Branislava. "Slika" iene u udibenicima knjiievnosti. Zagreb: IDIZ, 2000. Discusses sexism in Croatian books, especially textbooks. Beissinger, Margaret. "Epic, Gender, and Nationalism: The Development of NineteenthCentury Balkan Literature." In Epic Traditions in the Contemporary World: The Poetics of Community, edited by Margaret Beissinger, Jane Tylus, and Susanne Wofford, 69-86. Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1999. About the constructions of gender in Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, and Romanian epic poetry of the 19th century. Belie, Martina and Vesna Kesic. "Center for Women War Victims Disregards Nationality." Off Our Backs 24, no. 1 (January 1994): 6-7,17. Benderly, Jill. "Rape, Feminism, and Nationalism in the War in Yugoslav Successor States." Feminist Nationalism, 59-72, edited by Lois A. West. New York: Routledge, 1997.




CR038 CR039 CR040

CR041 CR042





CR047 CR048

Benyovsky, Lucija. "Dobrotvoma gospojinska (zenska) drustva u Hrvatskoj od osnivanja do prvog svjetskog rata" [Women's charitable societies in Croatia from their beginnings to World War I]. Casopis za Suvremenu Povijest [Croatia] 30, no.l (1998): 73-93. "Women's societies in Croatia began to form in the mid-19th century, during the period of the National Revival (1835-48). By the 1840's Zagreb alone had 13 charitable associations run by women belonging to the aristocracy and the upper middle classes. The archbishop of Zagreb, Juraj Haulik, who had created an institution to care for poor children and was active in promoting the public role of women, established the Women's Society (1855). The class origins of women participants were downplayed, and the society was financed by contributions from wealthy Zagreb families. The basic function of this association was care of the poor. At the time of the Christian uprising in Bosnia (1875-78), several women's organizations were formed to help refugees, but these organizations also sent material support to the insurgents. On the eve of World War 1,54 societies were in existence. During the war, they assisted the Red Cross by working in hospitals, training nurses, sending food and clothing to soldiers, and opening public kitchens. They were especially active in helping the children of soldiers and war invalids. Women's societies developed into professional associations and made a significant contribution to furthering equality between the sexes and enabling women to participate actively in Croatian public life." (Historical Abstracts, J/S.) Bernadzikowska-Beloviceva, Jelica. "Jer jada zene budu zene prave... [For women to be real women ... ]." Napredak 38 (1897): 36-9, 52-5. Bokovoy, Melissa. "Croatia." In Women, Gender, and Fascism in Europe, 1919-45, edited by KevinPassmore, 111-23. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2003. Boric, Rada and Mica Mladineo Desnica. "Croatia: Three Years After." In Women in a Violent World: Feminist Analyses and Resistance across 'Europe,' edited by Chris Corrin, 133-53. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press, 1996. Bracewell, Wendy. "Women among the Uscoks: Literary Images and Reality." Most 2 (1988): 44-51. About the position of women among the Uscok pirates. Braica, Silvio. "Zena i torba" [Woman and Bag] Narodna umjetnost 33, no. 1 (1996): 22346. By analyzing entries from several dictionaries, the author discusses the notion of the bag as a symbol of women's sexuality and men's business affairs. Cape Zmegac, Jasna. "Konstrukcija modela obitelji u Europi i povijest obitelji u Hrvatskoj." Narodna umjetnos. 33, no. 2 (1996): 179-96. About the history of the family in Croatia and Europe. In Croatian with summary in English. - - - . "Pogled izvana: Hrvatska i model 'balkanske obitelji'." [A view from the outside: Croatia and the Balkan family model]. Otium: Casopis za Povijest Svakodnevice [Croatia] 4 no.1-2 (1996): 103-13. "Discusses stereotypical images of family and gender relations in historical Croatia, specifically those implied by the models of Balkan family and patriarchy." -Historical Abstracts. Children and Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Former Yugoslav Republic ofMacedonia, 1995-1997: A Situation Analysis. N.p.: UNICEF, 1997. Annotated under the Bosnia-Herzegovina chapter. Copelon, Rhonda. "Surfacing Gender: Reconceptualizing Crimes against Women in Time of War." In Mass Rape: The War Against Women in Bosnia-Herzegovina, translated by Marion Faber, edited by Alexandra Stiglmayer, 197-218. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1994. - - - . "Surfacing Gender: Re-Engraving Crimes against Women in Humanitarian Law." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 243-65. "Croatia." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 187-210. Boulder, Co.: Westview Press, 1997. This section of Ana's Land includes essays by Vesna Kesic, Aida Bagic, Mica Desnica and Durda Knezevic, and Andrea Sephar, and interviews with Neva Tolle and Martina Belie.




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Croatia." In Women of the World: Laws and Policies Affecting Their Reproductive Lives: East Central Europe, edited by the Center for Reproductive Law & Policy, 33-48. New York: The Center, 2000. Includes four sections: Setting the Stage: Legal & Political Framework; Examining Health and Reproductive Rights; Understanding the Exercise of Reproductive Rights: Women's Legal Status; Focusing on the Rights of a Special Group: Adolescents. Croatian National Assembly. Convention on the Elimination ofAll Forms of Discrimination against Women. Zagreb: 1998. "Croatian Pro-Lifers Attacking Women's Rights." B.A.B.E. Bulletin. January 31, 1996. Special issue dedicated to this topic. Cvetlisic, Klotilda. "Mogu li se u preustrojenoj visoj djevojackoj skoli naobraziti i uzgojiteljice?" Narodne novine 30, February 1892. About the impact of schools for girls on education and upbringing. Czegledy, Nina. "Bread and Roses in Zagreb." Canadian Woman Studies/Les cahiers de la femme 16, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 98-101. Overview of the development of the women's movement in Zagreb, focusing on Infoteka, a women's documentation center. Infoteka supports a variety of activities and publishes a quarterly magazine entitled Bread and Roses. Demarin, Josip. Marjia Jambrisakova: Zivot i rad. Zagreb: n.p., 1937. Biography. Desnica, Mica, and Durda Knezevic. "Something Unexpected." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 202-4. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. About the women's movement in Croatia, and specifically about the organization Zenska Infoteka formed in 1992 in Zagreb. Dinic-Knezevic, Dusanka. Poloiaj iena u Dubrovniku u XIII i XIV veku. Belgrade: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, 1974. About women's position in Dubrovnik in the 13th and 14th century. Doliner, Gorana. "Report of ICTM Conference of the Music and Gender Study Group, 'Music Violence, War, and Gender,' Punat, Island of Krk, Croatia, September 20-4, 1995." International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology ofMusic 29 no.2 (Dec 1998): 178-9. Dornacinovic, Vlasta, ed. Die Frau in der Bauernkultur Pannoniens. Zagreb: Drustvo, 1982. Half title: Ethnographia Pannonica, V [sic] Intemationale Wissenschaftliche Tagung, Vinkovci, 1980 = Proceedings of the 5th Intemationales Symposium "Ethnographia Pannonica" held in Vinkovci, Croatia, Nov. 18-21, 1980. About rural women and folklore in Croatia. Dosen-Dobud, Anka. "Rukovodj za zabaviste Antonije Cvijic i poceci nase predskolske pedagogije." Pedagoski rad (1979): 157-64. About pedagogy and pre-school students. Dukic, Ante. Zar i uciteljicama istu placu? Narodno-gospodarstveno pitanje. Zagreb: n.p., 1895. About women-teachers' salaries. Dumbovic, Ivan. Milka Pogacic. Drustveni i pedagoski rad. Zagreb: n.p., 1979. About the pedagogical and social work of Milka Pogacic, Ecumenical Women's Team. Rape of Women in War: Report of the Ecumenical Women's Team Visit: Zagreb, 1992. Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1992. Egic, Obrad. Zene borci Druge Proleterske Dalmatinske narodnooslobodilacke udame brigade. Zadar: "Narodni List," 1983. About the women fighters of the Second Proletarian Dalmatian National Liberation Shock Brigade. Feldman, Andrea. "Eine alternative Frauengruppe in Zagreb: Zwischen Aktivismus und Frauenforschung." In Die ungeschriebene Geschichte: Historische Frauenforschung: Historikerinnentreffens in Wien, 16. bis 19. April 1984, 113-23. Vienna: Wiener Frauenverlag, 1984. About an independent women's group and its activism and research in Zagreb. "Flicker of Hope in Former Yugoslavia." On the Issues 4, no. 2 (Spring 1995): 7. Annotated under the Bosnia-Herzegovina chapter.


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Folnegovic-Smalc, Vera. "Psychiatric Aspects of the Rapes in the War against the Republics of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina." In Mass Rape: The War Against Women in Bosnia Herzegovina, translated by Marion Faber, edited by Alexandra Stiglmayer, 174-9. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1994. Fregiehn, Claudia, and Durda Knezevic. "Gewalt gegen Frauen im ehem Jugoslawien." Beitrdge zur feministischen Theorie und Praxis 37 (1994): 43-8. About violence against women in former Yugoslavia. Frieze, I. H., Ferligoj, A., Kogovsek, T., Rener, T., Horvat, J. and N. Sarlija. "Gender-Role Attitudes in University Students in the United States, Slovenia, and Croatia." Psychology of Women Quarterly 27, no. 3 (2003): 256-61. Gerster, Eva. "Croatian/Serbian Lesbians Split by War." Off Our Backs 23, no. 1 (January 1993): 6. An interview with a Croat lesbian, reprinted from the German quarterly Lesbenstich. Gilliland, Mary Kay, Sonja Spoljar-Vrzina, and Vlasta Rudan. "Reclaiming Lives: Variable Effects of War on Gender and Ethnic Identities in the Narratives of Bosnian and Croatian Refugees." Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 30-9. - - - . "Redefining Gender in Yugoslavia: Masculine and Feminine Ideals in Ritual Context." East European Quarterly 23, no. 4 (1989): 431-44. About women, gender, sex roles in Slavonia, Croatia. Glaurdic, Josip. "Croatia's Leap towards Political Equality: Rules and Players." In Women's Access to Political Power in Post-Communist Europe, edited by Richard E. Matland and Kathleen A. Montgomery, 285-303. Oxford; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. "Gospodjinska anketa glede preustrojstva odnosno nadopunjenja visih djevojackih skolah." Narodne novine 26 (February 3, 1892): 2. About high schools for girls. Gostisa, Ivan. Visa djevojacka ucitilista. Zagreb: n.p., 1899. About a teachers' college for women. Graen Mirjana. "Yugoslavia: Fighting the Dragons." Spare Rib 230 (Dec/Jan 1991): 67-8. About gender and the war in Croatia. Grandits, Hannes. Familie und sozialer Wandel im ldndlichen Kroatien: (18.-20. Jahrhundert). Vienna: Bohlau, 2002. Green, Jennifer, Rhonda Copelon, Patrick Cotter, and Beth Stephens. "Affecting the Rules for the Prosecution of Rape and Other Gender-Based Violence Before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: A Feminist Proposal and Critique." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 171-241. Gross, Mirjana. "'Nevidljive' zene." [Invisible women] Erasmus (Zagreb) 1, no. 3 (1993): 56-64. Hamilton, Amy. "Catharine A. MacKinnon to Represent Croatian, Muslim Wartime Rape Survivors." Off Our Backs (February 1993): 3, 21[pull out]. Hays, Meghan and Iskra Iveljic. '''Valjane majke' i 'blage kceri': Odgoj i izobrazba zena u nacionalnom duhu u Hrvatskoj 19. stoljeca." ["Worthy mothers" and "treasured daughters": educating women in the national spirit in 19th-century Croatia]. Otium: Casopis za povijest svakodnevice [Croatia] 4 no. 1-2 (1996): 85-95. "Analyzes the work of two Croatian educational leaders, Dragojla Jarnevic and Marija Jambrisak, specifically how each explained the importance of the reform of women's education to national development in Croatia in the late 19th century. A detailed examination of the arguments presented by these women at the same time and on the same issue reveals the differences between their views on the nature of ideal womanhood in Croatia, the educational problems of the nation, and the ways women could participate in the project of nation building. Dragojla Jarnevic presented her first priority, the needs of the Croat nation, in the context of the debate over women's education, while Marija Jambrisak used the discourse of national development to support her highest goal, that of reforming women's education."-Historical Abstracts.


Croatia CR081 CR082




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Hire, Dragutin. "Jelisava Prasnicka, uzor-domorodkinja." Napredak 35, no. 30 (October 20, 1894): 473-6. About the model housewife. Horvat, Rudolf. "Zene u ilirskom pokretu." Hrvatski zenski list 5, no. 2 (February 1943): 8-9. About Women in the IIlyrian movement, an early phase (1830's and 1840's) of the Croat revi valled by the national "awakener" Ljudevit Gaj. Ilak-Persuric, A. S. "Women on Family Farms Between Tradition and Modernity: A Case Study of Istra Country, Croatia." In The New Challenge of Women's Role in Rural Europe: Proceedings ofan International Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 4-6 October 2001, 118-25. Nicosia, Cyprus: Agricultural Research Institute, 2001. IIle, Mira. "Zivot i rad Kamile Lucerna." Hrvatski ienski list 6, no. 1 (January 1944): 3-4. About Kamila Lucerna. Born 1868, she was a teacher, but also wrote poems, plays, and essays. Irvine, Jill. "Public Opinion and the Political Position of Women in Croatia." In Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 215-34. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1998. Ivekovic, Rada, ed. Muska nacija. [Men's nation]. Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, in print. A collection of essays about male nationalism. Jambrisak, Marija. "Kako bi se zcnski uzgoj imao udesiti, da sto koristniji bude po nas obiteljski, druztveni i narodni zivot." Napredak 33, no. 27 (September 20-November 1, 1892):445-9; 33; no. 28:465-7; 33, no. 29: 481-8; 33, no. 30: 501-5; 33, no. 31: 517-25. About women's upbringing and society. Jarnbrisak opposed convent education for girls, advocating secular schools which would make girls more patriotic. - - - . "Majke, domovina na vas gleda." Napredak 32, no. 4 (February 1, 1891): 49-51. About motherhood and nationalism. - - - . 0 zenskom uzgoju. Zagreb: n.p., 1892. About women's upbringing. - - - . Visa skolska naobrazba koristnaje Zeni. Zagreb: n.p., 1883. About high schools for girls. - - - . Znamenite iene iz.price i poviesti. Zagreb: n.p., 1885. About famous women in literature and history. Janekovic-Romer, Zdenka. Rod i grad i dubrovacka obitelj od XIII do XV stoljeca. Dubrovnik: HAZU, 1994. About connections between gender, family, and city in Dubrovnik 13th-15th centuries. Jelinek, Yeshayahu A. "On the Condition of Women in Wartime Slovakia and Croatia." In Labyrinth ofNationalism: Complexities ofDiplomacy: Essays in Honor of Charles and Barbara lelavich, edited by Richard C. Frucht, 190-213. Columbus, OH: Slavica Publishers, 1992. Jenkins, Christine. "Fanning 'Family Fever' in Croatia." Transition 2, no. 8 (19 April 1996): 58-9. Jindra, Ranka. lagoda Truhelka: pedagoski i drustveni rad (1864-1957). Zagreb: Skolske novine, 1982. About the pedagogical and social contributions of Jagoda Truhelka, who was a pioneer teacher in the late 19th century). Kappeler, Susanne, Mira Renka, and Melanie Beyer, eds. Vergewaltigung, Krieg, Nationalismus: einefeministische Kritik. Munich: Frauenoffensive, 1994. Annotated under Bosnia-Herzegovina. Kasic, Biljana, ed. Zene i politika mira: prilozi zenskoj kulturi otporaIWomen and the Politics of Peace: Contributions to a Women's Culture of Resistance. Zagreb: Centar za zenske studije, 1997. Multilingual collection of papers presented at "Women and the Politics of Peace," an international women's forum in Zagreb, October 25-28, 1996. Katunaric, Vjeran. Zenski eros i civilizacija smrti. Zagreb: Naprijed, 1984. About women's eroticism and the civilization of death. Kerecseny, Edith. "Die Einfuhrung der jungen Frau in die GroBfamilie innerhalb der



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kroatischen Dorfer an der una." In Die Frau in der Bauernkultur Pannoniens, edited by Vlasta Domacinovic, 65-74. Ethnographia Pannonica, V. Internationale Wissenschaftliche Tagung, Vinkovci, 1980 = Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium "Ethnographia Pannonica" held in Vinkovci, Croatia, Nov. 18-21, 1980. Zagreb: Drustvo, 1982, pp. 65-74. Kesic, Vesna. "From Respect to Rape." War Report 36 (September 1995): 36-8. Annotated under the Bosnia-Herzegovina chapter. . "From Reverence to Rape: An Anthropology of Ethnic and Genderized Violence." Frontline Feminisms: Women, War, and Resistance, edited by Marguerite R. WaIler and Jennifer Rycenga, 23-36. New York: Garland, 2000. . "The High Price of Free Speech" and "Witch Hunt, Croatian Style." Translated by Vinka Lyubimir. Women's Review ofBooks 10-11 (July 1993): 16-7. Kesic describes the repression and burning "at the stake of the media" of five women writers (Jelena Lovric, Rada Ivekovic, Slavenka Drakulic, Dubravka Ugresic, and Kesic herself) for their failure to follow the nationalist line in describing the "mass rapes in Bosnia-Herzegovina." . "Od stovanja do silovanja, ili od majke domovine do hrvatske 'posrnule zenc'." Kruh i ruie 1 (Spring 1994): 10-3. About a shift in attitudes toward women from respect to rape, and from mother-of-the-homeland to dishonored woman. Published in Zagreb by the Zenska Infoteka group. . "A Response to Catharine MacKinnon's Article 'Turning Rape Into Pornography: Postmodern Genocide'." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 267-80. Annotated under the Bosnia-Herzegovina chapter. ,and Lepa Mladjenovic. "Laughter, Tears, and Politics-Dialogue: How Women Do It." Frontline Feminisms: Women, War, and Resistance, edited by Marguerite R. WaIler and Jennifer Rycenga, 37-40. New York: Garland, 2000. Kirin, Renata Jambresic. "On Gender-affected War Narratives: Some Standpoints for Further Analysis." Narodna umjetnost 33, no. 1 (1996): 25-40. Annotated under BosniaHerzegovina. . "Women Partisans as Willing Executioners in Croatian Popular Memory of the 1990s." In The Balkans in Focus: Cultural Boundaries in Europe, edited by Sanimir Resic and Barbara Tornquist-Plewa. Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2003, pp. 83-112. Knezevic, Durda. (Djurdja). "Abused and Misused: Women and Their Political Exploitation." Connexions 42 (1993): 12-3. About the manipulation of women by nationalist governments in what was Yugoslavia (mostly about Croatia and Serbia). . "Affective Nationalism." In Transitions, Environments, Translations: Feminisms in International Politics, edited by Joan W. Scott, Cora Kaplan and Debra Keates, 65-71. New York: Routledge, 1997. . "Mi nasuprot ja, ili problem politickog identiteta u ferninistickom, odnosno zenskom, 'pokretu' u Hrvatskoj." Kruh i ruie 1 (Spring 1994): 14-6. About political identity and the women's movement in Croatia. . "Rulers and Rhetoric Change, but Reality?" War Report 36 (September, 1995): 356. , ed. Zbornik. Zagreb: Centar za zene zrtve rata, 1994. Collection of articles, essays, press releases and commentary from activists at the Center for Women War Victims on women in Croatia, including Bosnian refugee women and victims of wartime rape. In Croatian. , ed. Zene i izbori '95. Zagreb: B.a.B.e. and Zenska Infoteka, December 1995. Pamphlet about women and elections. Koenig, Dorean Marguerite. "Women and Rape in Ethnic Conflict and War." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 129-41. Konig, Angela. "Frauen-Bewegungen im Krieg in Bosnien-Herzegowina und Kroatien." In Frauenbewegung und Frauenpolitik in Osteuropa, edited by Christiane Lemke, Virginia




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Penrose, and Ute Ruppert, 64-8. Frankfurt: Campus, 1996. Annotated under the BosniaHerzegovina chapter. Korac, Maja. "Ethnic-nationalism, Wars and the Patterns of Social, Political and Sexual Violence Against Women: The Case of Post-Yugoslav Countries." Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 5, no. 2 (October1998): 153-81. Korenic, Stjepan. "Liceum ili uciteljiste." Hrvatski ucitelj 3 (1892): 39. About high schools and teachers' colleges for women. . "Liceum ili uciteljiste?" Katolicki list 28 (1892): 398. About high schools and teachers' colleges for women. . "Zenski gimnazij." Hrvatski ucitelj 6 (March 15, 1892): 85. About high schools for girls. . "Zenski liceum." Hrvatski ucitelj 4 (February 15, 1892): 49. About a teachers' college for women. Kozaric-Kovacic, Dragica, and Vera Folnegovic-Srnalc. "Rape, Torture, and Traumatization of Bosnian and Croatian Women: Psychological Sequelae." American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 65, no. 3 (July 1995): 428-34. Kraus, Barbara, and Carol Anne Douglas. "Mother Courage 11: Rape in War." Special pullout section "Serbia's War Against Bosnia and Croatia." Off Our Backs (May 1993): 2-3. Annotated under the Bosnia-Herzegovina chapter. Kukuljevic-Sakcinski, Ivan. Beatrica Frankopan i njezin rod. Zagreb: n.p., 1885. The Frankopans were a prominent Croatian noble family in the 17th and 18th centuries. Kuzmanovic, Jasmina. "Legacies of Invisibility: Past Silence, Present Violence against Women in the Former Yugoslavia." In Women's Rights, Human Rights: International Feminist Perspectives, edited by Julie Peters and Andrea Wolper. New York: Routledge, 1995. 57-61. "Legal Status of Women in Croatia." Women's Global Networkfor Reproductive Rights (May 1997): 25-6. Leinert, Smiljana Novosel. Zena na pragu 21. stoljeca: izmedu majcinstva i profesije. Zagreb: Zenska grupa TOD: EDAC, 1999. . "Zene u medijima: Slucaj Hrvatske televizije/Women in Croatian Media: The Case of Croatian National Television." In Seminar "Zene i politika": dokumentacija, Dubrovnik, 10.-12. srpnja 1997 = Seminar "Women and Politics": Documentation, Dubrovnik, July 1012 1997, edited by Durda Knezevic, 27-49. Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, 1998. Lengel-Krizman, Narcisa. "A Contribution to the Study of Terror in the So-Called Independent State of Croatia: Concentration Camps for Women in 1941-42." Yad Vashem Studies [Israel] 20 (1990): 1-52. Lilly, Carol S. and Jill A. Irvine. "Negotiating Interests: Women and Nationalism in Serbia and Croatia, 1990-1997." East European Politics and Societies 16, no. 1 (2002): 109-44. Lilly, Carol S. and Melissa Bokovoy. "Serbia, Croatia and Yugoslavia." In Women, Gender, and Fascism in Europe, 1919-45, edited by Kevin Passmore, 91-6. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2003. Loncar, Ljuba. "Ivan Filipovic: Veliki borac za zenska prava." Zena u borbi 12, no. 4 (1954): 17-9. About Ivan Filipovic, a leader of the women's rights movement. . "Jelisava Prasnicka. Boraz za prosvjecivanje sela." Zena u borbi 12, no. 5 (1954): 89. About Jelisava Prasnicka, a leader in rural education. . "Marija Fabkovic i Zenski pokret." Zena u borbi 12, no. 12 (1954): 12-5. About Marija Fabkovic, a leader of the women's movement. . "Napredna uciteljica Marija Fabkovic." Zena u borbi 12, no. 11 (1954): 18-21. About Marija Fabkovic, a prominent educator. . "Propagandni i literarni rad Marije Fabkovic." Zen a u borbi 13, no. 2 (1955): 3-5. About Marija Fabkovic as a propagandist and literary figure.



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- - - . "Razvoj zenskog pokreta kod nas." Zena u borbi 12, no. 8 (1954): 11. About the development of the women's movement. Lorkovic, Blaz, Zena u kuci u drustvu. Zagreb: Matica hrvatska, 1883. About the double role in home and society. Magdic, L. "The Counseling Service of the Department of Human Reproduction in Zagreb." In Assessment of Research and Service Needs in Reproductive Health in Eastern EuropeConcerns and Commitments. Proceedings ofa Workshop Organized by the ICRR and the WHO Collaborating Centre on Research in Human Reproduction in Szeged, Hungary, 25-27 October 1993, edited by E. Hohannisson, L. Kovacs, B. A. Resch and N. P. Bruyniks, 17980. New York: The Parthenon Publishing Group, 1997. "Manufactured Hatred: the Woman's Tribunal in Zagreb." The Activist (March 1993): 4. Markowitz, Fran. "Discussion: Rape, Torture, Warfare... and Refuge." Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 44-50. Massey, Garth, Jennifer Leach and Dusko Sekulic. "Women in the League of Yugoslav Communists: Party Membership and Occupational Attainment." Women & Politics 18, no. 1 (1997): 1-25. Uses data survey gathered in Croatia from 1994-1995. Mertus, Julie. "'Woman' in the Service of National Identity." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no.l (Winter 1994): 5-23. - - - , ed. The Suitcase: Refugee Voices from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1996. - - - , and Rachel N. Pine. Meeting the Health Needs of Women Survivors of the Balkan Conflict: Adoption, Abortion and Citizenship: Legal Issues and Public Health Responses in Croatia: Plans, Needs and Recommendations ofCroatian Organizations. New York: Center for Reproductive Law and Policy, 1993. Meznaric, Silva, and Mirjana Ule. "Women in Croatia and Slovenia: A Case of Delayed Modernization." In Women in the Politics of Post-Communist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschmeyer, 153-70. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1994. Mihovilovic, Miro A. Reports and Studies: The Influence of Women's Employment on Family Characteristics and Functioning. Zagreb: Institute for Social Research, Univ. of Zagreb, 1971. Milcec, Zvonimir. Od Zagreba su ljepse samo Zagrepcanke. Zagreb: Alfa, 1993. About women in the history of modem Zagreb. Mladenovic, Lepa. "Universal Soldier: Rape is War." Off Our Backs (March 1993): 14-5. Mostov, Julie. '''Our Women'I'Their Women': Symbolic Boundaries, Territorial Markers, and Violence in the Balkans." Peace and Change 20, no. 4 (October, 1995): 515-29. Annotated under the Bosnia-Herzegovina chapter. Muraj, Aleksandra. "Independence and/or Subjugation: The Ambivalence of the Social Position of Women on the Island of Zlarin." Narodna umjetnost. 33, no. 1 (1996): 135-48. This article is in English and summarized in Croatian. National Committee for Preparation of the Fourth World Conference on Women. National Report by the Republic ofCroatia to the Fourth World Conference on Women. Vienna: Republic of Croatia Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1994. Nenadic, Natalie. "Croatia: One Woman's View." Off Our Backs 21, no. 10 (November 1991): 20-1. Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vesna. "Living Without Democracy and Peace: Violence Against Women in the Former Yugoslavia." Violence Against Women 5, no. 1 (January 1999): 63-80. - - - . Women, Violence and WAR: Wartime Victimization ofRefugees in the Balkans. Trans. Borislav Radovic. Budapest: CEU Press, 1999. Annotated under the BosniaHerzegovina chapter.







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- - - , and others. Zene Krajine: rat, egzodus i izbeglistvo, Beograd: Institut za kriminoloska i socioloska istrazivanja, 1996. Personal narratives of women from the Krajina region of Croation during the Yugoslav War, 1991-1995. Nikolic, Zrinka. "Zaruke i vjencanja u srednjovjekovnom Dubrovniku." [Engagements and weddings in medieval Dubrovnik]. Otium: Casopis za Povijest Svakodnevice [Croatia] 4, no. 1-2 (1996): 77-84. "Marriages in 15th-century Dubrovnik occurred in two stages, often separated by years (due to young ages of brides): an exchange of promises and the wedding and beginning of cohabitation. Much Roman, Byzantine, and pagan custom surrounded marriage ceremonies, despite Church opposition. The entire process was different for the upper and lower classes: upper-class marriages were typically arranged and involved large age differences between spouses; lower-class women had much greater personal freedom in choosing a spouse. Dowries (remaining the wife's property) were required by both canon and secular law." -Historical Abstracts. Nizich, Ivana. "Violations of the Rules of War by Bosnian Croat and Muslim Forces in Bosnia Herzegovina." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 1 (Winter 1994): 25-52. Annotated under the Bosnia-Herzegovina chapter. "No Justice, No Peace: Accountability for Rape and Gender-Based Violence in the Former Yugoslavia: Based on a Mission of the Women in the Law Project of the International Human Rights Law Group." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 1 (Winter 1994): 89-128. Ogrizovic, Mihajlo. Marija Fabkovic. Prilog povijesti hrvatskog uciteljstva. Zagreb: Skolske novine, 1973. A biography of the Croatian educator Marija Fabkovic, - - - . Marija Jambrisak. Zagreb: n.p., 1979. - - - . "Marija Jambrisak: borac za odgoj i prava zene (1847-1937)." Hrvatski znanstveni zbornik 1 (1971): 231-90. About Jambrisak as a women's rights advocate. Olujic, Maria B. "Embodiment of Terror: Gendered Violence in Peacetime and Wartime in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina." Medical Anthropology Quarterly 12, no. 1 (Mar 1998): 31-50. - - - . "Women, Rape, and War: The Continued Trauma of Refugees and Displaced Persons in Croatia." Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 40-3. Papic, Zarana. "Nationalism, Patriarchy and War in Ex-Yugoslavia." Women's History 3, no. 1 (1994): 115-7. Pappafava, Vladimir. Les ceremonies nuptiales chez les morlaques de la Dalmatie. Paris: V. Lecoffre, 1902. About marriage customs in Dalmatia. Pavlovic, Tatjana. "Women in Croatia: Feminists, Nationalists, and Homosexuals." Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 131-52. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. Peic-Caldarovic, Dubravka. "Osnovne karakteristike profesionalne djelatnosti zena u Hrvatskoj izmedju svjetskih ratova (1918-1941)." [The Fundamental Characteristics of Women's Professional Organizations In Croatia During The Interwar Period, 1918-41]. Casopis Za Suvremenu Povijest [Croatia] 29, no. 3 (1997): 491-503. "Up to World War II, most women worked at low-paying, low-skill agricultural and industrial jobs. But women could also be found working in higher qualified professions, especially those that were traditionally allotted to them in society, such as those in the fields of education, social welfare, nursing, and the creative arts. Concern with women's emancipation reflected the different socioeconomic and educational levels of working women. Such organizations as the professional union of health care workers, for example, declared themselves to be apolitical, but they became increasingly involved in union activities and politics in the period before the war. On the other hand, other working women's organizations kept their demands strictly limited to economic or narrowly professional matters. Rural women, who were poorer and less educated, were subject to proletarianization in urban areas; at the same time, however,



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they had opportunities to participate in relatively creative activities. These activities went beyond the framework of their everyday domestic lives. For example, they worked at cottage industries and could sell these products at the marketplace, which supplemented domestic income. As a result, the emancipatory objectives of Croatian women from varied socioeconomic backgrounds during the monarchical period had more in common than has been recognized thus far."-Historical Abstracts. Pilic, Damir. "Trade with Abortions." Feral Tribune [Split] 1/8 1996. Full text in English available at http://www.cdsp.neu.edu/info/students/marko/feral/feraI17.html Pine, Rachel N. and Janet Benshoof. "Center Offers Help for Yugoslav Rape Victims: Shares Its Resources, Seeks Collaboration with Other NGOs." Human Rights Tribune 1, no. 3 (Fall 1992): 3. Western aid offered to Croatian rape victims. Pogacic, Milka, ed. Darovi nasim djevojkama. Zagreb: Udruga uciteljica kr. Hrvatske i Slavonije, 1905. About talented Croatian schoolgirls. - - - . Kucanstvo za skolu i dom. [Household management for school and home]. Zagreb: n.p., 1928. Pratt, Kathleen M., and Laurel E. Fletcher. "Time for Justice: The Case for International Prosecutions of Rape and Gender-Based Violence in the Former Yugoslavia." Berkeley Women's Law Journal 9 (1994): 77-102. Pusic, Vesna. "Ancien Regime." Erasmus: casopis za kulturu demokracije 10 (February 1995): 2-5. - - . "Utopije." Erasmus (Zagreb) 6 (April 1994): 31-9. Radman, Vivijana. "Gender Studies in Croatia." Bulletin. 14 (1997): 112-3. Berlin: Center for Interdisciplinary Women's Studies, Humboldt Univ. Ramet, Sabrina P., ed. Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. Randic, L. "Family Planning in Croatia." In Assessment ofResearch and Service Needs in Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe-Concerns and Commitments. Proceedings ofa Workshop Organized by the ICRR and the WHO Collaborating Centre on Research in Human Reproduction in Szeged, Hungary, 25-27 October 1993, edited by E. Hohannisson, L. Kovacs, B. A. Resch, N. P. Bruyniks, 177-8. New York: The Parthenon Publishing Group, 1997. "Rape of Women in Former Yugoslavia." Official Journal: European Communities Information and Notices 36, no. 350 (1993): 31. Reed, Mary E. "The Anti-Fascist Front of Women and the Communist Party in Croatia: Conflicts Within the Resistance." In Women in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, edited by Tova Yedlin, 129-39. New York: Praeger, 1980. - - - . Croatian Women in the Yugoslav Partisan Resistance, 1941-1945. Ph.D. diss. Univ. of California, Berkeley 1980. - - - . "Peasant Women of Croatia in the Interwar Years." In Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 98-114. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1994. Renne, Tanya. "The Center for Women War Survivors: An Interview with Martina Belie." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 190-4. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. Interview about working with abused women in peace and war. - - - . "For Women, About Women, by Women: An Interview with Neva Tolle." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 188-9. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. The interview focuses on Tolle's involvement with feminism and with women victims of domestic violence. Rheubottom, David. Age, Marriage, and Politics in Fifteenth-Century Ragusa. Oxford; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2000.



CR0185 CR0186


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CR0191 CR0192


. "Sister's First: Betrothal Order and Age at Marriage in 15th c. Ragusa." Journal of Family History 13, no. 4 (1988): 359-76. Rihtrnan-Augustin, Dunja. Die Frau in der Bauernkultur Pannoniens. Edited by V. Domacinovic. Zagreb: Hrvatsko Etnolosko Drustvo, 1982. About women in the folklore of rural Croatia. . "Uber die 'Subkultur' der Frauen in der slawonischen Grossfamilie. [On Women's 'subculture' in the South Slavonic zadruga]" Ethnographia Pannonica. V. Internationale wissenschaftliche Tagung, Vinkovci 1980. Etnoloska tribina Zagreb 1982: 35-41. Romer, Zdenka Janekovic. "Noble Women in Fifteenth-Century Ragusa." East Central Europe = L'Europe du center-est 20-23, no. 1 (1993-1996): 141-70. Rosenberg, Karen. "A Day in Croatia." Women's Review ofBooks 11 no. 9 (June 1994): 145. The author writes about her experience while visiting women in Croatia. ,Ljiljana Marks, and Maja Kozic, eds. Zene u seoskoj kulturi Panonije: V medunarodin znanstveni skup Ethnographia Pannonica, Yinkovci, 1980. Zagreb: Hrvatsko etnolosko drustvo, 1982. About women in the rural culture of Panonia. Proceedings of the 5th international meeting of Ethnographia Pannonica, Vinkovci, 1980. Sagasta, Sanja. "Lesbians in Croatia." European Journal of Women's Studies 8, no. 3 (2001): 357-72. Senjkovic, Reana. "Image of the Warrior." Narodna umjetnost 33, no. 1 (1996): 41-58. "Through analysis of the signs and symbols on the alternative insignia of Croatian military formations, the author checks upon the 'image of the Croatian warrior' as presented to the public by the Croatian media, particularly at the very beginning of the war." Shiffman, J., Skrabalo, M. and J. Subotic, "Reproductive Rights and the State in Serbia and Croatia." Social Science and Medicine 54, no. 4 (2002): 625-42. Sklevicky, Lydia, 1952-1990. Croatian feminist and historian.




CR0197 CR0198


Sklevicky, Lydia. Konji, Zene. Ratovi. Zagreb: Zenska infoteka, 1996. About women, feminism, and antifascist movements in Croatia. Published posthumously, edited and with an introduction by Dunja Rihtman-Augustin, Also published in English as 'More Horses than Women: on the Difficulties of Founding Women's History in Yugoslavia', Gender and History, no. 1 (Spring 1989): 68-75. . Organizirana djelatnost iena Hrvatske za vrijeme Narodnooslobodilacke borbe 1941-1945. [Organized activity of Croatian Women during the National Liberation Struggle 1941-45]. Special publication Povijesni Prilozi. Zagreb: Institut za historiju radnickog pokreta Hrvatske, 1984. Bracewell, Wendy. "Lydia Sklevicky 1952-1990." History Workshop Journal 32 (1991): 230-1. "Lydia Sklevicky, who died in an auto accident in 1990, was instrumental in establishing the field of women's studies in Yugoslavia. A Research Fellow at the Institute of Folklore Research in Zagreb, she was a founding member of the Women and Society section of the Sociological Society of Croatia and combined historical and sociological scholarship with social activism. Using diaries, oral narratives, demographics, and artifacts of popular culture, her research focused on women's movements in Yugoslavia." -s-Historical Abstracts. Papic, Zarana. "Lydia Sklevicky ili mape alternativnih strategija." Zenske studije [Belgrade] 8-9 (1997): 228-38. About Lydia Sklevicky's work. Smit, Jagoda Milidrag. "Nevidlijivost zene-Pravo lice drustvenih promjena u Hrvatskoj. Female Invisibility-the Real Face of Social Changes in Croatia." In Seminar "Zene i politika": dokumentacija, Dubrovnik, 10.-12. srpnja 1997 = Seminar "Women and Politics": Documentation, Dubrovnik, July 10-12 1997, edited by Durda Knezevic, 50-3. Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, 1998. Sofos, Spyros A. "Inter-Ethnic Violence and Gendered Constructions of Ethnicity in Former









CR0206 CR0207 CR0208 CR0209 CR0210




Yugoslavia." Social Identities 2, no. 1 (February 1996): 73. Soljan, Marija, ed. Neke karakteristike drustvenog poloiaja zena, tendencija daljnjili kretanja uloga. Konferencije za drustvenu aktivnost Zena. Zagreb: Konferencija za drustvenu aktivnost zena Hrvatske, 1965. About women in society. . Zena u borbi, 1943-45. Zagreb: Konferencija za drustvenu aktivnost zena Hrvatske. Institut za historiju radnickog pokreta Hrvatske "Ognjen Prica," 1974. Conference papers about women in WorId War 11. , ed. Zene Hrvatske u Narodnooslobodilackoj Borbi Vols. 1-2. Zagreb: Izdanje glavnog odbora, Savez zenskih drustava Hrvatske, 1955. About Croatian Women in the National Liberation Struggle. , ed. Zene Hrvatske u radnickom pokretu do aprila hiljadu devetsto cetrdeset prve. Zagreb: Izdanje Konferencije za drustvenu aktivnost zena Hrvatske, 1967. About Croatian women in the workers' movement up to April 1941. Spanicek, Zarko and Tihana Petrovic. "T'ucke svetice' u Slavoniji." ['Folk saints' in Slavonia]. Otium: Casopis za Povijest Svakodnevice [Croatia] 4, no. 1-2 (1996): 62-9. "Cites ethnological research on popular religiosity in the Croatian region of Slavonia concerning several persons considered by the villagers to be saints. They are ordinary people, in this case women, who lived a simple life until a turning point marked by ecstasy, visions, and trials, followed by conversion and a very religious and ascetic life, characterized by charismatic capabilities and mystic experiences. Ordinary people turned to them for help in time of illness or for advice regarding economic and existential problems. The article points to numerous analogies between these unofficial saints and the canonized saints of Slavonia as well as their relation to medieval literature, early Christian texts, and the Bible, identifying the correlation between popular and institutional religiosity as the basic theoretical problem." -Historical Abstracts. Spehar, Andrea. "The Lesbian Question." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 205-10. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. Provides a history of lesbianism in communist and post-communist Croatia. Spomenica 0 osamdesetogotisnjici rodjenja Marije Jambrisakove. Zagreb: n.p., 1927. About the educational leader Marija Jambrisak. Stephens, Beth. "The Civil Lawsuit as a Remedy for International Human Rights Violations Against Women." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 2 (Summer 1994):143-69. . "Women and the Atrocities of War." Human Rights: Journal of the Section of Individual Rights & Responsibilities 20, no. 3 (Summer 1993): 12-7. Suler, Franjo. "Predlog 0 preustrojstvu skolah za zensku mladez u gradu Zagrebu." Narodne novine 9 (January 13, 1892): 2-3. About schools for girls. Supek, Olga, and Jasna Capo. "Effects of Emigration on a Rural Society: Demography, Family Structure and Gender Relations in Croatia." In Roots of the Transplanted, Vol. 1, edited by Dirk Hoerder, Inge Blank, and Horst Rossler, 311-39. 2 vols. New York: Boulder, 1994. . "Gender Inversion in the Contemporary Carnival: Saturnalia or an Echo of a Changing Society?" In Contributions to the Study of Contemporary Folklore in Croatia, 234. Special Issue 9. Zagreb: Zavod za istraivanje folklora, 1988. Tax, Meredith. "Croatia's 'Witches': Five Women Who Won't Be Silenced." The Nation, May 10, 1993,624-7. About the denunciation of 5 Croatian feminist writers by the nationalist government which labeled them "witches" ("Croatian Feminists Rape Croatia"), printed their home phone numbers, and speculated on their personal lives, including divorces, relationships with foreigners, and connections abroad. See Vesna Kesic entries above. Truhelka, Jagoda. "Sto da citaju nase mlade djevojke." Napredak 34 (1894): 163-8. About appropriate reading material for children. Truhelka (1864-1957) wrote novels and stories about women, but is best known as a children's author.



CR0214 CR0215

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CR0229 CR0230


Tucinovic, Andjelka. Istranke u borbi. Istra: Izdanje oblasnog odbora AFZ Istre, 1945. About Istrian women in "the struggle." Ursic, Theresa Marie. "Religious Freedom in Post-World War II Yugoslavia: The Case of Roman Catholic Nuns in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina 1945-1960." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Michigan, 1997. "Ustrojstvo zenskoga liceja i preustrojstvo zenske obrtne skola u Zagrebu" Narodne novine 117 (1892). Supplement. About high schools and trade schools for girls. Valentich, Mary. "The Experiences ofCroatian Women Living in Cooksville, Ontario During the 1930s and 1940s." Canadian Woman Studies = Les Cahiers de lafemme canadienne 19, no. 3 (1999): 58-63. . "They Stayed Behind: Voices of Croatian Women in the Karlovac Area during the Serbian Occupation: 1991-1995." Canadian Woman Studies 19, no. 4 (Winter 2000): 12731. Vekaric, Nenad. "The Influence of Demographic Trends on the Number of Undivided Family Households in Southern Croatia." History of the Family 1, no. 4 (1996): 461-77. Vivian, Giannarosa. Donne contro la guerra: diario di un viaggio in Croazia, Vojvodina, Serbia. Verona: Cierre, 1994. The author's diary of her trip to Croatia and Serbia during the women's protests during the Yugolsav War, 1991-1995. Wall, Sally N., Irene Hansen Frieze, Anuska Ferligoj, Eva Jarosova, Daniela Pauknerova, Jasna Horvat, and Natasa Sarlija. "Gender Role and Religion as Predictors of Attitude toward Abortion in Croatia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and the United States." Journal of CrossCultural Psychology 30 noA (Jul 1999): 443-65. Walsh, Martha. Beyond Feminist and Feminine: Unpacking Women's Initiatives in ExYugoslavia. M.A. thesis, Univ. of Sussex, Institute for Development Studies, 1996. Annotated under the Bosnia-Herzegovina chapter. "War Crimes against Women in Ex-Yugoslavia." Women's International Network News 20, no. 3 (Summer 1994): 35. Warren, Priscilla F. "Women Are Human: Gender-Based Persecution Is a Human Rights Violation Against Women." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 281315. Westerlind, Eva Skold. Carrying the Farm on Her Back: A Portrait of Women in a Yugoslav Village. Kirkland, Wash.: Rainier Books, 1989. Based on anthropology dissertation fieldwork in a Croatian mountain village, but written for a popular audience. "Women and the Politics of Peace: Contributions to a Culture of Women's Resistance." Zagreb: The Centre for Women's Studies, 1997. Contact the Centre at TellFax: +385 1 481 4767. Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children. The Strugglefor Peace and Recovery in Former Yugoslavia: Move Womenfrom Background to Foreground!: Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children Delegation Visit to Bosnia and Croatia, April 9-16,1996. New York: Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, 1996. Zarkov, Dubravka. "Gender, Orientalism, and the History of Ethnic Hatred in the Former Yugoslavia." In Crossfires: Nationalism, Racism, and Gender in Europe, edited by Helma Lutz, Ann Phoenix, and Nira Yuval-Davis, 105-210. London; East Haven, CT: Pluto Press for the European Forum of Left Feminists, 1995. . "Pictures of the Wall of Love: Motherhood, Womanhood and Nationhood in Croatian Media." European Journal of Women's Studies 4, no. 3 (August 1997): 305-39. . "War Rapes in Yugoslavia: On Masculinity, Femininity and the Power of Rape Victim Identity." Tijschrift voor Criminologie 39, no. 2: 140-51. Annotated under BosniaHerzegovina. Zena izmedu rada i porodice: utjecaj zaposlenosti zene na strukturu i funkciju porodice. Zagreb: Institut za drustvena istrazivanja Sveucilista, 1975. About women caught between




work and family, and the influence of women's employment on the family. The research was conducted by Miro A. Mihovilovic, Ruza First-Dilic, Ljubica Srdic-Dakovic, Mladen Friganovic, Jagoda Klauzer, Mladen Koritnik, Neda Ostoic, Vladimir Serdar, Ivo Simicevic, and Ante Vukosavic. Published by the Institute for Social Research of the Univ. of Zagreb. Zena u privredi i drustvu. Zagreb: Republicki zavod za statistiku SR Hrvatske, 1978. Statistics on Croatian women.

Literature and the Arts Bona, Marija Giorgi, 1754-1839. CR0233

Stojan, Slavica. U salonu Marije Giorgi Bona. Dubrovnik: Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slavorum Meridionalium, 1996. Biography.

Brlic-Mafuranic, Ivana, 1874-1938. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. CR0234

CR0235 CR0236 CR0237 CR0238 CR0239

Brlic-Mazuranic, Ivana, Adela Milcinovic, Zdenka Markovic, and Miroslav Sicel, eds. Izabrana djela. Ivana Brlic Maiuranic. Price iz davnine. Clanci. Adela Milcinovic. Pripovijetke. Be: srece. Dragojla Jarneviceva. Zdenka Markovic. Pjesme djevojacke. Prozori moga djetinjstva. Zagreb: Matica hrvatska; "Zora," 1968. Stories, articles, poems. . The Brave Adventures ofa Shoemaker's Boy. Transl. Theresa Mravintz, and Branko Brusar. Ed. Loma Wood. Based on Cudnovate zgode segrta Hlapica. London: Dent, 1971. Babic, Stjepan. "Jezik Ivane Brlic-Mazuranic: Za autenticne tekstove hrvatskih pisaca." Jezik: Casopis za Kulturu Hrvatskoga Knjiievnog Jezika 42, no. 3 (1995): 69-78. Donat, Branimir. "Tri structure, tri duhovna kruga Ivane Brlic-Mazuranic." Forum 39 (1980): 898-909. Jusic-Seunik, Zdenka. "Zena u umjetnosti. Ivana Brlic-Mazuranic." Hrvatski ienski list 5, no. 11 (October 1943): 13-4. About the life and work of Ivana Brlic-Mazuranic. Pozgaj Hadzi, Vesna. "Prevajanja preteklika: Na primeru Pripovedk iz davnine Ivane BrlicMazuranic." Seminar Slovenskega Jezika, Literature in Kulture 36 (2000): 35-47.

Budmani, Lukrecija Bogasinovie, 1710-1784. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. CR0240



Crnkovic, Gordana P. "Gender Construction in Literature: A Historical Survey." In Gender politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 243-58. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. . "Women Writers in Croatian and Serbian Literatures." In Gender politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 221-41. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. Detoni-Dujmic, Dunja. "Croatian Women Writers From the 'Moderna' to the Second World War." In A History of Central European Women's Writing, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 182-96. New York: Palgrave, in association with School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London, 2001.

Drakulie, Slavenka, 1949-. Croatian-bom feminist, journalist and writer. See also titles under the Yugoslavia and General chapters.




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CR0259 CR0260

CR0261 CR0262


Drakulic, Slavenka. As If I Am Not There: A Novel about the Balkans. [Kao da me nema] Translated by Marko Ivic. London: Abacus, 1999. Also published as S.: A Novel about the Balkans. Translated by Marko Ivic. New York: Viking, 2000. - - - . Boianska glad. Zagreb: Durieux, 1995. - - - . A Taste ofa Man. Trans. Christina Pribichevich Zoric. New York: Penguin, 1997. - - - . Balkan Express: Fragments from the Other Side of War. Translated by Maja Soljan. London: Hutchinson, 1993. - - - . Broken-off Letter: a Yugoslav Journal. Burlington, VT: Green Valley Media, 1994. 1 videocassette (29 min.) Video recording of a summer 1993 performance at Bread and Puppet Theater, Village Harmony, Glover, VT. A performance piece based on the haunting letter from a mother to her Croatian-Serbian daughter dated May, 1993. - - - . Cafe Europa: Life after Communism. London: Abacus, 1996. New York: Penguin Books, 1999; Norton, 1997. Annotated under the General Background chapter. - - - . "Close-up of Death." Cold Comfort: Stories ofDeath and Bereavement, edited by James Loader, 86-90. London: Serpent's Tail, 1996. - - - . Hologrami straha. Split: Slobodna dalmacija, 1987. - - - . Holograms of Fear. London: Hutchinson, 1992. Excerpt translated by Ellen Elias Bursae in Stanford Humanities Review 1, no. 2-3 (1990): 141-5. - - - . How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed. London: Vintage, 1993; Hutchinson, 1992. In this collection of essays, Drakulic wittily and perceptively describes life for women under Yugoslav-style communism. Translated by Marianne Guenot and Guy Fournier into French as Les restes du communisme sont dans la casserole (Paris: J. Bertoin, 1992). - - - . Mramorna koza. 2nd ed. Zagreb: Graficki zavod Hrvatske, 1989. - - - . Marble Skin. Trans. Greg Mosse. New York: W.W. Norton, 1994. The Croatian feminist's novel about the "hidden complexities" of the relationship between mother and daughter. - - - . "Med Virgo in Virago; She Passed the Border." Literatura (Ljubljana) 28 (1993): 58-68. Sonja Polanc interviews Drakulic. Title in English, but text in Croatian. - - - . "Moon Knife." Stanford Humanities Review 1, no. 2-3 (1990): 154-66. Translation of excerpts from M ramoma koza. - - - . S.: A Novel about the Balkans. Translated by Marko Ivic. New York: Viking, 2000. Previously published in English as: As if I Am not There and in Croatian as Kao da me nema. London: Abacus, 1999. Annotated under the Bosnia chapter. - - - . Sterben in Kroatien: vom Krieg mitten in Europa [To die in Croatia: from the war in the middle of Europe]. Rororo aktuell. Trans. by Ulrike Bischoff and Katharina WolfGriesshaber. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1992. About, and against, the Yugoslav wars of 1991-95. Translations from English and Croatian. Includes bibliographical references. - - - . "The True Face of the War in Yugoslavia." Frontline Reports. Committee to Protect Journalists. New York: Pub., 1992. - - - . "Women and the New Democracy in the Former Yugoslavia." In Gender Politics and Post-Communism. Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 123-30. New York: Routledge, 1993. - - - . "Yugoslavia: Cracks in the Wall of Love." Ms. 3 (Nov./Dec. 1991): 12-3. About the antiwar mothers' movement in the former Yugoslavia and Croatia. Caputo, Iaia and Laura Lepri. Conversationi di fine secolo: 12 interviste con 12 scrittrici contemporanee: Anita Desai, Banana Yoshimoto, Slavenka Drakulic, Renate Siebert, Pieke Biermann, Miriam Laurini, Fabrizia Ramondino, Luce D'Eramo, Kaye Gibbons, Gioconda Belli, Sahar Khalifa, Clara Sereni. Milano: Tartaruga, 1995. Includes interview with Drakulic, Cobban, Helena. "Jean, Slavenka, and the Tea Party For Sanity." Antioch Review 52. no. 2



CR0264 CR0265

CR0266 CR0267 CR0268


(1994): 270-85. About the Lebanese author Jean Said and Drakulic. Crnkovic, Gordana P. "That Other Place." Stanford Humanities Review 1, no. 2-3 (1990): 133-40. Comparison of the novels of Drakulic, Vrkljan and Ugresic, Cubilie, Anne. "Cosmopolitanism as Resistance: Fragmented Identities, Women's Testimonial and the War in Yugoslavia." In Critical Ethics: Text, Theory and Responsibility, edited by Dominic Rainsford and Tim Woods, 257-76. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. A comparison of Slavenka Drakulic and Elma Softie. Finkelstein, Barbara. "The Transplant." New York Times Book Review (July 5, 1992): 22. Review of Holograms of Fear. MacKenna, Karen. "How She Survived." Brick 54 (Spring 1996): 54-61. Interview with Drakuli6. Marin, Noemi C. "Rhetorical Readings on Exile and Identity in Eastern and Central Europe: Konrad, Codrescu, and Drakulic." Ph. D. diss .. Univ. of Maryland, College Park, 1999. Diirr, Oskar. "Zene u hrvatskom modemom romanu." Domace ognjiste 3 (1902): 8-9. About women in the modem Croatian novel.

Fabkovic, Marija, 1833-1915. CR0270

Loncar, Ljuba. "Propagandni i literarni rad Marije Fabkovic." Zena i borbi 13, no. 2 (1955): 3-5. About Fabkovic as a propagandist and literary figure.


Falisevac, Dunja. "Women in Croatian Literary Culture, 16th to 18th Centuries." In A History of Central European Women's Writing, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 33-40. New York: Palgrave, in association with School of Slavonic and East European Studies, Univ. College, London, 2001. Forrester, Sibelan. "Translation as Reincarnation: Preserving Textual Bodies." Translation Review 55 (1998): 17-22. Partly about the translation of a work by a Croatian poet, Dubravka Oraic. Gjurgjan, Ljiljana. "The Three Cases of Mother-Daughter Relationship in Croatian Literature." In Women's Voice in Literature and Society, edited by Maggie Allison and Anne White, 59-72. Bradford Occasional Papers, 11. Bradford, West Yorkshire: Dept. of Modem Languages, Univ. of Bradford, 1991. Hawkesworth, Celia. "Croatian Women Writers, 1945-95." In A History of Central European Women's Writing, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 256-78. New York: Palgrave, in association with School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London, 2001. Hawkesworth, Celia. "Reflections of the Recent Conflict in Former Yugoslavia in the Works of Women Writers." European Journal of Women's Studies 5, no. 3-4 (Nov 1998): 311-28. Annotated under the Bosnia-Herzegovina chapter. Jambrisak, Marija. Znamenite zene iz price i poviesti. Zagreb: n.p., 1885. About famous women in literature and history.






Jarnevic, Dragojla, 1812-1875. CR0277 CR0278 CR0279

Jamevic, Dragojla. Zivot jedne iene: odabrance strane Dnevnika, edited by Priredio Stanka Dvorzak. Zagreb: Znanje, 1958. Milcinovic, Adela. Dragojla Jarnevic: Zivatopisna studija. Zagreb: n.p., 1907. Zecevic, Divna. Dragojla Jarnevic. Zagreb: Zavod za znanost 0 knjizevnosti: Liber, 1985.




CR0281 CR0282 CR0283

Jelusic, Bozica. Poems. In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, compiled and edited by WaIter Cummins, 406, 411-5. Rutherford, N.1.: Farleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; London: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. Kolesnik, Ljiljana, ed. Feministicka likovna kritika i teorija likovnih umjetnosti: Izabrani tekstovi. Zagreb: Centar za zenske studije, 1999. Feminist art criticism and art theory texts. . "Is There a Feminist History of Art?" Treca (Zagreb) vol. 1, no.1, (December 1998): 109-13. Kosutic, Sida, and Vinko Nikolic, Hrvatska majka u pjesmi. Zagreb: Hrvatski zenski list, 1941. About the image of the mother in Croatian poetry.

Krmpotie, Vesna, 1932- See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. CR0284 CR0285 CR0286 CR0287 CR0288 CR0289 CR0290 CR0291 CR0292 CR0293

Krmpotic, Vesna. Brdo imad oblaka. Zagreb: Globus, 1989. - - - . Dvogovor: izabrane pjesme. Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske, 1981. - - - . Kosulja sretnog covjeka: filozofske i srodne price. Zagreb: V.B.Z., 1995. - - - . Niska. Banja Luka: Glas, 1989. Poems. - - - . Orfelija. Zagreb: Naprijed, 1987. Poems. - - - . Plamen neupaljene svijece: antologija odnosnih stihova i proze. Zagreb: SNL, 1988. - - - . Raskorak. Krusevac: Bagdala, 1965. - - - . Stotinu i osam. Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Znanje, 1994. - - - . Unus ad unam: zbirke poezije. Zagreb: V.B.Z., 1997. Poems. - - - . Vilin svlak: pjesme. Zagreb: Prosvjeta, 1983. Poems.


Kurt, Mehmed-Dzelaluddin, comp. Hrvatske narodne ienske pjesme (muslimanske). Vol. 1. Mostar: Hrvatska dionicka tiskarna, 1902. Lukic, 1asmina. "Women-Centered Narratives in Contemporary Serbian and Croatian Literatures." In Engendering Slavic Literatures, edited by Pamela Chester and Sibelan Forrester, 223-43. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1996. Milicic, 1akov. "Domace ognjiste i svijet. Iz zivota hrv. glazb. velikana: Dora Pejacevic." Hrvatski ienski list 6, no. 7 (1uly 1944): 17-8. About the life of the Croatian musician Dora Pejacevic.



Parun, Vesna, 1922-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. CR0297 CR0298


Parun, Vesna. Poems. In Contemporary East European Poetry: Anthology, edited by Emery George, 354-61. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1983. . Selected Poems. Trans. and ed. Dasha Culic Nisula. University Center, MI: Green River Press, 1985. "T.F." "Iz knijizevnog i drustvenog zivota nasih zena u proslosti: opatica-pjesnikinja iz XVIII. stoljeca." Zena u borbi 13, no. 11 (1955): 12-3. About abbesses who were authors in the 18th century. Ugresie, Dubravka, 1949- See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.

CR0300 CR0301

Ugresic, Dubravka. "Balkan Blues." Balkan Blues: Writing out of Yugoslavia. Ed.1oanna Labon. Evanston, IL: Northwestern Univ. Press, 1995.3-36. Trans. by Celia Hawkesworth. . "Because We're Lads." What Can We Do for Ourselves? East European Feminist





CR0304 CR0305




CR0309 CR0310 CR0311 CR0312

CR0313 CR0314 CR0315

Conference, Belgrade, June 1994, 128-40. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. Focusing on gender, the author discusses the situation in Croatia and in the former Yugoslavia in general. The essay is included in The Culture ofLies and in the Croatian edition Kultura lazi, (see below). . The Culture ofLies: Antipolitical Essays. Trans. by Celia Hawkesworth. University Park: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1998. In this collection of essays which were written between 1991 and 1994, the author discusses the experiences of post-communism in Yugoslavia, the disintegration of the country and the 'culture of lies' that led to it, and her own experiences with the 'new Croatia.' The book won the Charles Veillon European Essay Prize. Published in Croatian as Kultura lazi, Zagreb: Biblioteka Bastard, 1996. . Fording the Stream of Consciousness. Trans. by Michael Henry Heim. London: Virago, 1991. Novel about the struggle of writing and surviving as a writer. A literaryconference novel, from a more Eastern European point of view. . Golosuiu za liubov. Povesti. Moscow: Raduga, 1990. Short stories translated into Russian. . "Goodnight, Croatian writers." In An Embarrassment of Tyrannies: Twenty-Five Years of Index on Censorship, edited by W. L. Webb and Rose Bell, 204-10. New York: George Braziller, 1998. . Have a Nice Day: From the Balkan War to the American Dream. Trans. by Celia Hawkesworth of Americki jikcionar London: Jonathan Cape, 1994, New York: Viking, 1995. Essays on America and Croatia written during the war in Croatia. . In the Jaws ofLife. Trans. by Celia Hawkesworth and Michael Henry Heim. London: Virago, 1992. Short works by a Croatian writer who, being "open to the absurdity of all pretensions of rationality... dissolves the social world, especially the endless nuances of gender and sexuality."-Jeffrey J. Folks, World Literature Today (Autumn 1992): 743. .The Museum of Unconditional Surrender. Trans. by Celia Hawkesworth. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1998, New York: New Directions, 1999. Captures the shattered world of a life in exile. . "Scholarship and Art. An Interview with Dubravka Ugresic." By Priscilla Meyer. Cross Currents 12 (1993): 189-203. . "Nice People Don't Mention Such Things." European Journal of Women 's Studies 5, no. 3-4 (Nov 1998): 297-310. . "Zagreb-Amsterdam-New York." Cross Currents 11 (1992): 249-56. Autobiographical essay. Burkhart, Dagmar. "Objekte der Erinnerung in Dubravka Ugresics quasi-autobiographischem Roman Museum der bedingungslosen Kapitulation" In Geddchtnis und Phantasma: Festschriftfiir Renate Lachmann, edited by Susi K. Frank, Erika Greber, Schamma Schahadat, and Igor Smirnov, 595-603. Die Welt der Slaven, 13. Munich: Verlag Otto Sagner, 2001. Hawkesworth, Celia. "Dubravka Ugresic: The Insider's Story." Slavonic and East European Review 68, no. 3 (July 1990): 436-46. Lukic, Jasmina. "Ljubic kao arhetipski zanr, proza Dubravke Ugresic.' Zenske studije 2-3 (1995): 213-27. About Dubravka Ugresic's prose. . "Trivial Romance as an Archetypal Genre: The Fiction of Dubravka Ugresic." In: Belgrade Women's Studies Journal: Selected Papers: Anniversary Issue 199212002, edited by Jelisaveta Blagojevic & Dusan Dordevic Mileusnic, 135-44. Belgrade: Belgrade Women's Studies Center, 2002. English translation of Lukic' s 1995 article.



Vrkljan, Irena, 1930-. A prominent poet who also studied film in Berlin. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. CR0316 CR0317 CR0318 CR0319

CR0320 CR0321 CR0322 CR0323 CR0324

CR0325 CR0326


Vrkljan, Irena. Doba prijateljstva. Zagreb : Mladost, 1963. - - - . Dora, ove jeseni. Zagreb : Graficki zavod Hrvatske, 1991. - - - . Pred crvenim zidom: 1991.-1993. Zagreb: Durieux, 1994. - - - . The Silk, the Shears, and Marina, or, about Biography. Evanston: Northwestern Univ. Press, 1999; Zagreb: The Bridge, 1991. Translated by Sibelan Forrester and Celia Hawkesworth. "Interrogates the biographical form by interpolating the author's voice and autobiographical material in a way reminiscent of Christa Wolf's In Search of Christa T."Barbara Einhorn. - - - . Tochter zwischen Slid und West. Frankfurt am Main; Berlin; Wien; Ullstein: Rogner's Edition, 1982. - - - . Vece poezije. Zagreb: Cekade, 1987. - - - . U koii moje sestre: berlinske pjesme. Zagreb: Naprijed, 1982. Hawkesworth, Celia. "Irena Vrkljan: Marina, or, about Biography." Slavonic and East European Review 69, no. 2 (April 1991): 221-31. - - - . "Silk, Scissors, Garden, Ashes: The Autobiographical Writings of Irena Vrkljan and Danilo Kis." In Literature and Politics in Eastern Europe: Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 83-92. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992. Wolf, Hinko. "Zena u umjetnosti: Milka Ternina." Hrvatski Len ski list 5 (September 1943): 12-3. About the artist Milka Ternina. Zagar, Anna. Poems. In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by Waiter M. Cummins, 406-7, 415-8. Rutherford, NJ.: Farleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. Zecevic, Divna. "Women's Writing and Writing for Women in Croatian Literature of the Nineteenth Century." In A History of Central European Women's Writing, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 110-20. New York: Palgrave, in association with School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London, 2001.

Autobiography CR0328



CR0331 CR0332 CR0333

Bogdanovic, Milica. "0 postanju i razvitku zenskoga liceja u Zagrebu." Spomenica 0 osamdesetogotisnjici rodjenja Marije Jambrisakove. Zagreb: n.p., 1927. A memoir about a girls' high school in Zagreb. Fulgosi, Ljerka, and Vlasta Vince-Ribaric, eds. Hundred Testimonies: The Moving Accounts of Croatian Displaced Persons and War Prisoners. Zagreb: Society of Croatian Professional Women, 1994. Kesic, Vesna. "Confessions of a 'Yugo-Nostalgic' Witch." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 195-200. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. Humorous and politically insightful autobiographical essay by a Croatian journalist. She comments on the phenomenon of Croatian women journalists in general. Krmpotic, Vesna. Dijamantni faraon: antologija sredisnjega glasa. Zagreb: Znanje, 1975. - - - . Eyes ofEternity: A Spiritual Autobiography. Translation of Dijamantni faraon. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979. Pogacic, Milka. /z mojega svijeta. Zagreb: n.p., 1905.


MACEDONIA See also the Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Ottoman Turkey, Serbia, and Yugoslavia chapters; and Eva Huseby-Darvas, ed. Refugee Women of the Balkans. Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995).

Bibliography and Reference MAC 1


Allcock, John B., Marko Milivojevic, and John J. Horton, eds. Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia: an Encyclopedia. With a foreword by Martin Bell. Denver, CO: ABC-CLIO, 1998. Schneider, Galina. "Macedonia." In The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide: Europe, edited by Lynn Walter, 421-32. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003. Includes: Country Profile, Overview of Women's Issues, Education, Employment and the Economy, Family and Sexuality, Health, Politics and Law, Religion and Spirituality, Violence, Outlook for the Twenty-first Century, Resources Guide (Suggested Reading, VideoslFilms, Web Sites, Organizations) and a Selected Bibliography.

Web Sites MAC3 MAC4 MAC5 MAC6

Autonomous Women Groups from Macedonia http://www.igc.org/balkans/women/wmacedonia.html Istrazuvacki centar za rodovi studii /Gender Studies Research Center, Skopje http://www.euba.org.mkIgsrc.htm United Nations Development Programme, Country Office FYR Macedonia. "The Status of Women in Macedonia." http://www.undp.org.mkInivogore/women_in_mk.htm Women's Organizations, Macedonia. http.z/www.euronet.nl/e-fullmoon/womlistlcountries/macedonia.html

Periodicals MAC7

Prosvetena iena [Secular woman]. Skopje: 1945- (Monthly). Organ of Konferentsiia za opshtestvena aktivnost na zhenite na Makedoniia. Includes short news items, book reviews, health advice, and other information of interest to women.

History and Society MAC8


Arifi, Teuta. "Social and Inter-Ethnic Integration of Women in Macedonia." In Frauen in Siidosteuropa, edited by Anneli Ute Gabanyi und Hans Georg Majer, 51-2. Munich: Stidosteuropa-Gesellschaft, 1998. - - - . "Women's Alternative." War Report 36 (September, 1995): 49-50. Bejkova, Biljana. "The School of Flying." In What Can We Do For Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994, edited by Marina Blagojevic, Dasa Duhacek, and Jasmina Lukic, 95-6. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. About women in Macedonia.














- - - . "Women in 'A Man's World'." War Report 36 (September, 1995): 48-9. Butskova-Martinova, Fani. "Antifashistichkiot front na zhenite (AFZH) vo Egeiska Makedoniia" [The Anti-Fascist Front of Women in Aegean Macedonia]. Istorija 15 no. 1 (1979): 109-39. Annotated under Greece. Carney, Elizabeth Donnelly. Women and Monarchy in Macedonia. Norman, OK: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 2000. Annotated under Greece. Children and Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 1995-1997: A Situation Analysis. N. p.: UNICEF, 1997. Annotated under Bosnia-Herzegovina. Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1996: The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. United States Government, 1997. Includes a report on the position of women and domestic violence. Dimitrievska, Daniela. "Zakonska osnova politicke participacije zena. The Legal Basis of Women's Political Participation." In Seminar "Zene i politika": dokumentacija, Dubrovnik, 10.-12. srpnja 1997 = Seminar "Women and Politics": Documentation, Dubrovnik, July 1012 1997, edited by Durda Knezevic, 79-87. Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, 1998. - - - . "Zene u politici Makedonije." In Vlast bez zena ili dugi mars. Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, 1996. About women in politics in Macedonia. Dimitrova, Iskra. Bakaren kotel raga (odgleduva) mesi (prevriva) leb gradi: multimedijalen proekt [Brazen bowl breed brew bread breast: multi media project]. Skopje: Youth Cultural Center, 1995. Dimova, Rozita. "The Position of Women in the Torbesh Zadruga." Women in History (1994): 133-40. Study of anachronistic society such as the Torbesh Zadruga, an ancient Muslim clan village existing in modem day Macedonia. "Documents: The 40th Anniversary of the National and Cultural Autonomy of Pirin Macedonia." Macedonian Review 17, no. 1 (1987): 22-35. English translation of documents relating to the resistance to Bulgaria's attempted annexation of Pirin Macedonia. Includes a statement by the Action Committee of the Women of Macedonia in Makedonsko Zname in 1945. "Flicker of Hope in Former Yugoslavia." On the Issues 4, no. 2 (Spring 1995): 7. Annotated under Bosnia-Herzegovina. Georgievski, Kuzman and Sasa Markus. Makedonskata revolutsionerka Malina Popivanova: monografija. Skopje: Studentski zbor, 1985. About the Macedonian revolutionary Malina Popivanova. Grozdanova, Elena and Stefan Andreev. "Das Los der Frauen nach den osmanischen 'Registerbiichern der Beschwerden' vom 17. und 18. Jh." Bulgarian Historical Review 29, no. 1-2 (2001): 52-68. Bulgarian, Greek, Macedonian and Albanian Christian and Muslim girls and women and their court cases regarding abuse and violence, as described in the 17thand 18th-century Ottoman books of complaints. Karakasidou, Anastasia N. Fields of Wheat, Hills ofBlood: Passages to Nationhood in Greek Macedonia 1870-1990. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1997. Annotated under Greece. Macurdy, Grace Harriet. Hellenistic Queens: A Study of Woman-Power in Macedonia, Seleucid Syria, and Ptolemaic Egypt. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1932. Contains the chapter "Queenship in Macedonia: Early Macedonian Royal Women." - - - . "Queen Eurydice and the Evidence for Woman-Power in Early Macedonia." American Journal of Philology 48 (1927): 201-14. Marinescu, Marina, and Walter Kiefl. "Frauen in Griechenland." In Frauen in Siidosteuropa, edited by Anneli Ute Gabanyi and Hans Georg Majer, 37-50. Munich: SudosteuropaGesellschaft, 1998. Murgasanska, Ivanka. Zenite od Kumanovo i kumanovskoto vo NOV i revolucijata 19411945: zbornik-biografii. Kumanovo: Opstinskiot odbor na Sojuzot na zdruzenijata na bortcite
















od NOV-Kumanovo, 1984. About women's participation in underground movements in the Kumanovo region during WorId War 11. Nedelchev, Neno. "Dva neizvestni apela na Makedono-Odrinskoto Druzhestvo na bulgarskite zheni" [Two unknown appeals of the Macedonian-Odrin Association of Bulgarian Women]. Makedonski Pregled [Bulgaria] 16, no. 1 (1993): 147-50. Annotated under Bulgaria. Petroska, Blaga. Niskiot i visokiot natalitet kai makedonskoto naselenie vo SR Makedoniia. Skopje: Misla, 1989. Discusses fertility and family size. Phillips, Robin. Domestic Violence in Macedonia. Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, 1998. Available online at: http://www.mnadvocates.org/Publications. Purnushanov, Kosta. "Roliata na Bulgarkata v Makedonskoto osvoboditelno dvizhenie" [The role of Bulgarian women in the Macedonian liberation movement]. Makedonski Pregled 18, no. 3 (1995): 115-48. Annotated under Bulgaria. Rheubottom, David B. "Dowry and Wedding Celebration in Yugoslav Macedonia." In The Meaning ofMarriage Payments, edited by John L. Comaroff, 221-49. London: Academic Press, 1980. Ristova, Karolina. "Establishing a Machocracy: Women and Elections in Macedonia (19908)." In Women's Access to Political Power in Post-Communist Europe, edited by Richard E. Matland and Kathleen A. Montgomery, 196-216. Oxford; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. Sephocle, Marilyn. "Ambassador Ljubica Z. Acevska of the Republic of Macedonia." In Then, They Were Twelve: The Women of Washington's Embassy Row, 113-32. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000. Takeva-Grigorievik, Milka. Opshtestvenata polozhba na zhenata vo SR Makedoniia. Skopje:Konferentsiia za opshtestvena aktivnost na zhenite na Makedoniia, 1978. About women and social conditions in Macedonia. Thiessen, Ilka. "The Essence of Being: Procreation and Sexuality in Mid-Century Macedonia." In Conceiving Persons: Ethnographies of Procreation, Fertility, and Growth, edited by Peter Loizos and Patrick Heady, 177-99. London; New Brunswick, NJ: Athlone Press; Distributed in the U.S. by Transaction Publishers, 1999. Macedonian grandmothers' views on sexuality, conception, childbirth and gender relations. Todorova, I., and Trajkova, V. S. "Value Systems and Value Conflicts in the Period of SocioPolitical Change in Macedonia." Abstracts of the XXVI International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, Canada, 16-21 August 1996. Abstractno. 324.121. International Journal ofPsychology 31, no. 3-4 (1996): 249. Trajkova, V. S., and I. Todorova. "Differences between Men's and Women's Value Systems in Macedonia." Abstracts of the XXVI International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, Canada, 16-21 August 1996. Abstract no. 278.5. International Journal ofPsychology 31, no. 3-4 (1996): 192. Tzinikou-Kakouli, Athina. I Makedonissa sto thrylo kai sten historia (1453-1940 m. ch.) Salonika: n.p., 1986. About women in Greek and Macedonian history. Includes bibliographical references. Velovski, Tony. "Notes from the Field: Republic of Macedonia March 1993." Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 70-3. Veskovik-Vangeli, Vera. "Nekoi stavovi na Nikola Petrov-Ruskinski po zenskoto prasanje." Istorija 22, no. 2 (1986): 193-8. Ideas of Nikola Petrov-Ruskinski, a leading member of the International Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, on the woman question and the emancipation of women in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. . Osmi mart i naprednoto dviienje na ienite vo Makedonija, 1939-1945. Skopje: Arhiv na Makedonija, 1985. International Women's Day and the history of the women's movement in Macedonia. . Zhenata vo osloboditelnite borbi na Makedoniia (1893-1945). Skopje: Kultura,





1990. About women's participation in the Macedonian independence movement of 1941-45. . Zhenata vo revolutsiiata na Makedoniia 1941-1945. Skopje: Institut za natsionalna istoriia: Zavod za unapreduvanie na stopanstvoto na SRM, 1982. About women in the Macedonian revolution of 1941-1945. Veskovik-Vangeli, Vera, and Mariia Iovanovik, eds. Zbornik na dokumenti za uchestvoto na zhenite odMakedoniia vo narodnoosloboditelnata voina i revolutsiiata 1941-1945. Skopje: Institut zanatsionalna istoriia, 1976. About women's participation in the national liberation movement, 1941-45. Introduction in English and Russian. Includes bibliographic references and index.

Literature and the Arts Chalovska, LiIjana, 1920-. Poet.


Chalovska, Liljana. Poems. Translated by Vladimir Tsvetkovski. Macedonian Review 11, no. 3 (1981): 303-8. Fotev, Metodija, 1932-. Writer and journalist.


Fotev, Metodija. "The Girl by the River." Fragment from the novel Peasants and Soldiers, translated by Branko Petrovic. Macedonian Review 2, no. 2 (1972): 269-73. - - - . Golemite skitaci od Medija Fotev. Skopje: Misla, 1985; 1970. - - - . Neplodna voda. Skopje: Kultura, 1977. - - - . Potomcite na Kat. Skopje: Misla, 1985; Kultura, 1966. - - - . Selani i vojnici. Skopje: Misla, 1985; Kultura, 1969. Hristova-Yotsich, Svetlana, 1941-. Poet.


Hristova-Yotsich, Svetlana. "Mutability." Macedonian Review 4, no. 1 (1974): 71. - - - . "Do You Remember." Macedonian Review 10, no. 3 (1980): 319. Ilin, Dusica, 1944-. J oumalist and writer.



Ilin, Dusica. "War Was ..." Translated by Elisavietta Ritchie and Eugene Prostov. Macedonian Review 10, no. 2 (1980): 165. , ed. Zlaten venec na Struskite veceri na poezija = Zlatni venae Struskili veceri poezije. Novi Sad: Knjizevna zajednica Novog Sada; Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1986. In Macedonian and Serbo-Croatian. , ed. Zlaten venec na Struskite veceri na poezija = Zlatni venae Struskili veceri poezije =The Golden Wreath Struga Poetry Festival: 30 jubilej. Beograd: Grafos, 1991. Kukubaiska Doneva, Maria, 1950-. Poet.


Kukubaiska Doneva, Maria. "Caravan of the Future." Translated by Herbert Kuhner. Macedonian Review 9, no. 2 (1979): 202. - - - . Jaglen i dijamant. Skopje: Nasa kniga, 1975. - - - . Vremenija i neotkrit. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1973. Kulavkova, Katica, 1951-. Poet and essayist.


Kulavkova, Katica. Akt. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1978.


Macedonia MAC62 MAC63 MAC64 MAC65 MAC66 MAC67 MAC68 MAC69 MAC70 MAC71 MAC72 MAC73 MAC74 MAC75 MAC76 MAC77 MAC78 MAC79 MAC80 MAC81 MAC82

- - - . Blagovesti. Skopje: Misla, 1975. - - - . Diva misla. Skopje: Misla, 1989. - - - . Drugo vreme: ocuduvanje na znacite. Skopje: Kultura, 1989. - - - . Figurativniot govor i makedonskata poezija. Skopje: Nasa kniga, 1984. - - - . Izgon na zloto. Skopje: Kultura, 1997. - - - . Kamen iskusitel. Skopje: Misla, 1996. - - - . Kopnez po sistem. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1992. - - - . Mala kinievna teorija. Skopje: TRI, 2001. - - - . Maski. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1992. - - - . Megusvet. Skopje: TRI, 2000. - - - . Nasiot soglasnik. Struga: Misla, 1981. - - - . Nova pot. Skopje: Misla, 1984. - - - . Odliki na lirikata. Skopje: Nasa kniga, 1989. - - - . Pothod i ish od: nacela i dela. Skopje: Kultura, 1996. - - - . Poems. Translated by Ljubica Arsovka and Peggy Reid. Macedonian Review 1 (1994): 90-2. - - - . Poems. Translated by Vasa D. Mihailovich. Macedonian Review 11, no. 2 (1981): 216-9. - - - . Stapka i otstapka. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1987. - - - . Tetratki. Skopje: Menora, 1997. - - - . Via lasciva. Saint-Nazaire: Maison des Ecrivains etrangers et des traducteurs, 1998. In French and Macedonian. - - - . Zedbi: prestapni pesni. Skopje: Misla, 1989. - - - , ed. Feministicki strategii: zbornik na tekstovi. Skopje: Sigmapres, 1998. About feminism in literature.

Matevski, Mateja, 1929-. Writer, translator, and general director of Radio and Television in Skopje. MAC83 MAC84 MAC85 MAC86 MAC87 MAC88 MAC89 MAC90 MAC91 MAC92 MAC93 MAC94 MAC95 MAC96 MAC97 MAC98 MAC99 MAC100 MAC101 MAC102 MAC103

Matevski, Mateja. Crna kula. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1992. - - - . Dozdovi. Skopje: Kultura, 1967. - - - . Drama i teatar: ogledi, kritiki i prikazi. Skopje: Misla, 1987. - - - . Footprints of the Wind: Selected Poems. London; Boston: Forest Books, 1988. - - - . Glas. Skopje: Misla, 1984. - - - . "The Glow-Worm's Departure." Translated by Vasa D. Mihailovich. Macedonian Review 7, no. 3 (1977): 186-7. - - - . Krug. Skopje: Kultura, 1976. - - - . Letot na crvenata ptica. Skopje: Goce Dekev, 1995. - - - . Lipa. Skopje: Makedonska kinga, 1980. - - - . Maski. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1992. - - - . Mrtvica. Skopje: Zumpres, 1999. - - - . Oddalecuvanje. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1990. - - - . Perunika. Skopje: Misla, 1976. - - - . Pesme. Beograd: Narodna knjiga, 1977. - - - . Podgotovki za patuvanje: izbor od poezijata. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1987. - - - . Poems. Macedonian Review 5, no. 2 (1975): 186-7. - - - . Poems. Translated by Ewald Osers. Macedonian Review 20, no. 3 (1990): 221-2. - - - . Poezja. Skopje: Misla, 1987; 1986. - - - . Praznicna romansa. Skopje: Misla, 1966. - - - . Raganje na tragedijata. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1985. - - - . Ramnodenica. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1971; Kultura, 1963.



MAC 104 MAC105 MAC 106 MACI07 MACI08

- - - . "Sea." Macedonian Review 2, no. 2 (1972): 245. - - - . Svetlinata na zborot: esei i kritiki. Skopje: Matica makedonska, 1998. - - - . Zalez. Skopje: Misla, 1969. - - - . Zavevanje. Skopje: Zumpres, 1995. Kitanov, Blaze. Od pejzazot kon covekot: ni; poetskiot svet i izra: na Mateja Matevski. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1987. Mihailova-Bosakoska, Gordana, 1940-. TV Journalist and writer.


MACII0 MAC111 MAC112 MAC113 MAC114

Mihailova-Bosnakoska, Gordana. Bosforsko leto. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1984. Translated into English by Grahma W. Ried as "Summer's End Lake." Macedonian Review 7, no. 2(1977): 174-5. - - - . Njujorkson. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1993. - - - . Pisma. Skopje: 1974. - - - . Potraga po prikazna. Skopje: Matica makedonska, 2001. - - - . Planini od kartonski kutil. Skopje: Matica makedonska, 1997. - - - . Vleguvanje vo delta. Skopje: Kultura, 1981. Missirkova, Rumenova Kata, 1930-. Prose writer.


Missirkova, Rumenova Kata. "Hunger." Translated by Lidia Arsova-Nikolich. Macedonian Review 6, no. 2 (1976): 195-8.


Neufeld, Rose Goldman. Beware the Man Without a Beard, and Other Greek Folktales. New York: Knopf, 1969. Includes the Macedonian tale, "The Foolish Women." Nikolova, Olivera, 1936-. Prose writer.

MACl17 MAC118 MAC119 MAC120 MAC121 MAC122 MAC123 MAC124 MAC125 MAC126

Nikolova, Olivera. Adamovoto rebro: roman. Skopje: Matica makedonska, 2000. - - - . Domaljni zadaci. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1989. - - - . Preminot ne e osvetlen. Skopje: Detska radost, 1993. - - - . "Saturday Evening." Macedonian Review 13, no. 2 (1983): 204-8. - - - . Srebrenoto jabolko: dramski tekstovi. Skopje: Matrica makedonska, 1998. - - - . Tajnata na zoltoto kuferce; Prijatelite Bon i Bona. Skopje: Misla, 1986. - - - . Tesna vrata. Skopje: Misla, 1983. - - - . Trombot. Skopje: Kultura, 1997. - - - . Vezbi za Ibn Pajko: troen roman. Skopje: TRI, 2001. - - - . Zimski detektivi; Mojot zvuk. Skopje: Misla, 1986.


Silverman, Carol. "Music and Power: Gender and Performance among Roma (Gypsies) of Skopje, Macedonia." World ofMusic 38, no. 1 (1996): 63-76. Sugarman, Jane C. Engendering Song: Singing and Subjectivity at Prespa Albanian Weddings. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1997. Annotated under Albania. - - - . "The Nightingale and the Partridge: Singing and Gender among Prespa Albanians." Ethnomusicology 33 (Spring/Summer 1989): 191-215.

MAC128 MAC129

Trifunovska-Shuvaka, Radmila, 1939-. Journalist and writer. MAC130 MAC131

Trifunovska-Shuvaka, Radmila. "The Child and the World." Translated by James Leech. Macedonian Review 7, no. 2 (1977): 180-3. . Crna ptica. Skopje: Misla, 1968.



MAC132 MAC133 MAC134 MAC135

- - - . Crni trevi. Skopje: Nova Makedonija, 1970. Poems. - - - . "The Plums." Translated by Anne Pennington. Macedonian Review 9, no. 1 (1979): 105-8. - - - . Vrakbnja. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1982. - - - . Zena i vojna. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1968. Collection of short stories entitled "Woman and War."

Urosevic, Vlada, 1934-. Poet, writer, essayist, literary critic, translator and TV editor in Skopje. MAC136 MAC137 MAC138

Urosevic, Vlada. "Eroticism as Poetics." Macedonian Review 1 (1994): 84-8. - - - . Poems. Macedonian Review 2, no. 1 (1972): 117. - - - . Vresnici. Skopje: Misla, 1971.



Sapunna, Kita. Children ofthe Bird Goddess: A Macedonian Autobiography. Five Dock, Australia: Pollitecon Publications, 1997.


SERBIA and MONTENEGRO Incorporates Vojvodina and Kosovo; see also the Croatia, the Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Yugoslavia chapters, and What Can We Do for Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1994, under the Central and Eastern Europe: General Background chapter.

Bibliography and Reference See also the section on Web Sites below. SER1




Cickaric, Lilijana. "Serbia and Montenegro." In The Greenwood Encyclopedia ojWomen's Issues Worldwide: Europe, edited by Lynn WaIter, 577-86. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003. Includes: Country Profile, Overview of Women's Issues, Education, Employment and the Economy, Family and Sexuality, Health, Politics and Law, Religion and Spirituality, Violence, Outlook for the Twenty-first Century, Resources Guide (Suggested Reading, Videos/Films, Web Sites, Organizations) and a Selected Bibliography. Cisarz, Branko A. "Zene." In Jedan vek periodicne stampe Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve, Bibliografski opis casopisa i listova sa pregledom: sadrzajem svih radova objavljenih u njima od 1868-1970,265-7. Belgrade: Sveti Arhijerejski Sinod Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve, 1986.Vol. 1, A-M. Section on women ofa volume entitled "One century of the periodical press of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Bibliographical description of journals and papers with a review: contents of all works published in them from 1868 to 1970." Dojcinovic-Nesic, Biljana. Odabrana bibliografija radova iz feministicke teorije/ienskih studija 1974-1996. [Select Bibliography of Works in Feminist Theory/Women's Studies, 1974-1996]. Belgrade: Centar za zenske studije, 1996. Annotated under Central and East Europe. Petrovic, Nadezda, Bibliografija knjiga ienskih pisaca stampanih u Vojvodini, Srbiji, Juinoj Srbiji i Crnoj Gori do svrsetka godine 1935. Belgrade: Narodna biblioteka, 1936. Bibliography of books and periodicals by women published in Vojvodina, Serbia, Southern Serbia and Montenegro through 1935. "The Bibliografija is divided into three parts: The first part represents the original texts with an index of the names of the translators, editors and publishers; the texts of each author are given in chronological order. The second part gives a list of translations. In the third part are listed the texts, proceedings, journals, newspapers, almanacs, calendars, reports and catalogues prepared by women. The basic criterion was the sex of the author, so a wide range of topics is covered. Information can be found on the most varied range of subjects written by women: from school textbooks, books on medicine, to philosophical texts and novels. There are various authors, editors, and translators: besides Ksenija Atanasijevic, Isidora Sekulic, Anica Savic-Rebac and Desanka Maksimovic, there are such authors as Julka Hlapec-Dordevic, Jovanka Hrvacanin, Maga Magazinovic, Ljubica Markovic, Jela Savic-Spiridonovic. While there has been a renewal of interest in their work (the journal ProFemina has reprinted and introduced some of their work), writers like Jelena Dimitrijevic, Jelica Belovic-Bernadickovska, Savka Subotic, Draga Dejanovic, also deserve attention. [...] Unfortunately, this bibliography lists just the books-we are left to guess about the topics and numbers of articles written by women in journals. The author's hope that 'this bibliography will make a good starting point for the making of a more complete

Serbia and Montenegro




bibliography of the printed works of our women' was not fu1filled."-From DojcinovicNesic's Introduction to the 1996 Odabrana bibliografija radova iz feministicke teorije/zenskih studija 1974-1996, above. Republicki zavod za statistiku SR Srbije. Popis stanovnistva, domacinstava i stanova 1981: stanovnistvo SR Srbije: osnovna obeleija za zensko stanovnistvo u zemlji staro 15 i vise godina: konacnirezultati-i-Illfaza. Belgrade: Republicki zavod za statistiku SR Srbije, 1986. Population statistics pertaining to women. Stanovnistvo SR Srbije: Osnovna obeleija za zensko stanovnistvo u zemlji staro 15 i vise godina: Popis stanovnistva, domacinstva i stanova 1981: konacni rezultati-IIIfaza. Belgrade: Republicki zavod za statistiku SR Srbije, 1986. 1981 census data about women, 15 and older, in Serbia. Young, Antonia. "Kosovo." In The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide: Europe, edited by Lynn Walter, 373-86. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003. Includes: Country Profile, Overview of Women's Issues, Education, Employment and the Economy, Family and Sexuality, Health, Politics and Law, Religion and Spirituality, Violence, Outlook for the Twenty-first Century, Resources Guide (Suggested Reading, Videos/Films, Web Sites, Organizations) and a Selected Bibliography.

Web Sites SER8 SER9







Asocijacija za zensku inicijativu (Association for Women's Initiatives, Belgrade) http://fly.to/AWIN Bibliography on Women in Byzantium (2001), edited by Thalia Gouma-Peterson. The bibliography is divided into sections on Primary Sources Available in Translation, Secondary Sources Available in Translation, and Web Sites. http://www.doaks.org/WomeninByzantium.html Centar za zenskc studije / Women's Studies Center. Address: Kralja Milana 34/1, 11000 Belgrade. E-mail: [email protected] http://www.zenskestudie.edu.yu Grupa za podrsku zenama invalidima, deci i porodicama osoba sa invaliditetom (Support and advocacy group for disabled women, children and families of disabled persons, Belgrade) http://www.izkruga.org.yu Internet Presentation of Women's Groups ofVojvodina, Montenegro and Serbia. Created by Autonomni zenski centar, Belgrade (Autonomous Women's Center, Belgrade). http://www.womenngo.org.yu Labrys is Arkadija's Lesbian Working Group. Arkadija is a Lesbian and Gay Group in Belgrade. Their web page is full of information about legislation, surveys, etc. http://www.neww.org/countries/Serbia/labrys.htm Women's/Gender Studies Association of Countries in Transition Delegates to the Inaugural Conference "Women's Studies and Countries in Transition" held in Belgrade September 912, 1998, agreed to form the Association. The Belgrade Women's Studies Center became its Interim Secretariat. Its main objectives are the exchange of knowledge and ideas about Women's Studies, developing Women's Studies professionals, monitoring the status of women in the professions, sharing curricula and research, encouraging exchange programs, and starting a newsletter. To contact, e-mail Dasa Duhacek, coordinator of the Center, Biljana Dojcinovic-Nesic, network program manager of the Center, or Ivana Ivkovic, administrative Office Assistant at [email protected]. http://www.wgsact.net Women, State, Culture. http://k.mihalec.tripod.com. Includes an extensive bibliography of on-line materials on women in the region: http://k.mihalec.tripod.com/biblio.htm. Further annotated under Bosnia. Women writers from Yugoslavia, some of them Serb, are featured on the Celebration of Women Writers website.


Serbia and Montenegro


http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/YUGOSLAVIA.html Zenski pokret: Zenska mreza [Women's movement: Women's network.] network of over 50 women's groups and initiatives in Serbia and Montenegro. http://www.ravnopravno.org

Periodicals SER18 SER19 SER20 SER21




Chronique feministe. June/July 1993 (Brussels). Numero Special: "Viols et violences en exYougoslavie." Domacica [Housewife]. 1879-1914 (Belgrade). Quarterly. Equality. Organ of the Social Democratic women in Serbia. 1910-1914. (Belgrade). Feministicke sveske. 1994-. Journal of the Autonomous Women's Center. (Semi-annual). Published by Autonomni zenski centar, Belgrade. In Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian. Successor of a series ofjournals: Feministicke novine. Published by the feminist group "Zene i Drustvo," Belgrade. Continued as Bilten SOS-a, published by SOS telefon za zene i decu zrtve nasilja, Belgrade (numbers 1-3 published for internal use only). Continued as Anti-ratni bilten SOS-a no. 4 (March 1993), published by SOS telefon za zene i decu zrtve nasilja, Belgrade. Continued as Vanredni bilten SOS-a no. 5 (Nov 1993) Published by SOS telefon za zene i decu zrtve nasilja, Belgrade. Continued as SOS bilten no. 6-7 (Dec 1993) Published by: SOS telefon za zene i decu zrtve nasilja, Belgrade. Continued as Feministicke sveske no. 1 (1994)a. No. 3-4 (1995) includes statements and short essays by feminist activists from Belgrade, Podgorica, Zagreb, Sarajevo. Sections on women's networks ("Zenska mreza"), abortion ("Ilegalni abortus, legalna smrt zena") with essays by Vesna Pesic, Vesna Kesic, Zorica Mrsevic, among others, women's human rights ("Zenska prava su ljudska prava"), women's sexuality, feminism, women's studies in Belgrade, and journal entries from women throughout former Yugoslavia. b. No. 7-8 (1997), "Former Sisters Unite," includes statements and essays from antinationalist, feminist activists and women's organizations in Zagreb, Belgrade, and Zenica/Sarajevo, and translations of British and American feminist writings. Genero: Casopis za Feministicku teoriju. (Belgrade: Centar za zenske studije). 2002-. Glas Isidore: Bilten Centra za iene Isidora [Isidora's voice: The bulletin of the Women's Center Isidora]. Edited by Biljana Regodic. Pancevo: Centar za zene, 1995-. Monthly. ProFemina: Casopis za iensku knjizevnost i kulturu. Belgrade: Radio B92, 1994/95-. Quarterly. Zene protiv rata. [Women against War] Belgrade: Zene u crnom, 1994-. a. Zene protiv rata 1 (Summer 1994) Tema Broja: Reproduktivna Prava (focus on reproductive rights) b. Zene protiv rata 2 (Autumn 1994) Tema Broja: Treci skup mreze zenske solidarnosti protiv rata, Novi Sad, 3-7 Aug. 1994 (focus on The Network of Women's Solidarity's 3rd meeting at Novi Sad, 3-7 Aug. 1994) c. Zene protiv rata 3-4 (Autumn 1995) Tema Broja: Zene i Militarizam (focus on women and militarism) Zene za mir/Womenjor Peace. Belgrade: Women in Black, 1992-. Anthology edited by Stasa Zajovic, published annually in August by Zene u Crnom [Women in Black], an organization formed October 9, 1991. Contains essays and press releases produced by the pacifist feminist group during the year, as well as transcripts and summaries of workshops at their annual summer meeting of international members and supporters. The meeting typically includes women activists from various parts of Europe, and N. America, and activists from women's groups in all parts of ex-Yugoslavia. Published in Serbian (Latin script), English (as Women for Peace), Spanish, and Italian. Zenske studije: Casopis za feministicku teoriju. [Women's Studies: A Journal for Feminist Theory]. Belgrade; Centar za zenske studije, 1995-. In Serbo-Croatian with abstracts in


Serbia and Montenegro English. 3 issues per year. Publishes works in feminist theory, history of feminism, feminist sociology and anthropology, feminist legal theory, literary criticism, and cultural studies. a. Zenske studije (1995). Tema broja: Politicki subjekt u savremenim feministickim teorijama (Focus on "The Political Subject in Contemporary Feminist Theories") b. Zenske studije (1995). Tema broja: Fragmentijedne moguce istorije tela (Focus on "Fragments of a possible history of the body") c. Zenske studije (1996). Tema broja: U spomen Zilu Delezu (Focus on Giles Deleuze) d. Zenske studije 5-6 (1996) e. Tema broja: Americka feministicka kritika ideo (Focus on American feminist criticism) f. Zenske studije 7 (1997). Tema broja: Rod i prikazivanje (Focus of the issue: Gender and Representation) g. Zenske studije 8-9 (1997). Tema broja: Feministicka teorija filma (Focus on feminist film theory) h. Zenske studije 10 (1998) Tema broja: Potpisi Pegi Kamuf(Focus on Peggy Kamut) 1. Zenske studije 11-12 (2000) includes 2 thematic blocks, "Anthropology of differencesRada Ivekovic," prepared by Jasmina Lukic and Branka Arsic, and "Deconstruction and Feminism," prepared by Branka Arsic.

History and Society SER28 SER29




"Albania: Some Refugee Women Forced into Prostitution." Off Our Backs 29, no. 6 (June 1999): 3. Annotated under Albania. Alsop, Rachel and Jenny Hockey. "Women's Reproductive Lives as a Symbolic Resource in Central and Eastern Europe." European Journal of Women 's Studies 8, no. 4 (November 2001):454-71. With particular emphasis and data on Serbia, East Germany and Poland. Anastasijevic, D. "Jedina vizantijska carica Srpkinja" [The Only Byzantine Empress of Serbian Origin]. Bratstvo [Belgrade] 30 (1939): 26-48. Andjelkovic, Branka. "Reflections on Nationalism and Its Impact on Women in Serbia." In Women in the Politics ofPostcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 235-48. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1998. Arsic, Branka, ed. Zene, slike, izmisljaji (Women, Images, Imaginariesy. Belgrade: Centar za zenske studije, 2000. This anthology is the result of the research project "Representation of Woman's Body in the Visual Media in Serbia 1990-1998," initiated by the Women's Studies Center in Belgrade. Contents: Rada Ivekovic, "(Ne)predstavljivost zenskog u simbolickoj ekonomiji: Zene, nacija i rat nakon 1989. godine" (9-30); Branka Arsic, "Mara i lice: Kasandra na bojnom polju" (31-48); Svetlana Sapsak, "Haremi, nomadi: Jelena Dimitrijevic" (49-73); Jovan Cekic, "Balkan ili masina anomalija" (75-90); Melita Zajc, "Izmedu istorije i pojma--dualizam zapadnog misljenja iz perspective feministicke teorije, politike i umetnosti" (91-119); Svetlana Slapsak, "Zensko telo ujugoslovenskom filmu: status zene, paradigma feminizma" (121-37); Branimir Stojanovic, "Srbin i Srpkinja u istoriji filma" (139-47); Branka Arsic, "Telo knjige i znacenje zene" (149-54); Tomislav Longinovic, "Krvi pesma u ratu i miru" (155-80); Marina Blagojevic, "Nevidljivo telo i mocna bestelesnost: mediji u Srbiji 90-rih" (181-202); Hajdana Baletic, "Nasi novi heroji" (20310); Tatjana Rosic, "U ogledalu glamura" (211-55); Ksenija Bilbija, "Tehnopoetike tekstualnih tela" (257-81); Tomislav Longinovic, "Velicanstvene rusevine" (283-5). Ascoly, Nina. "Abroad with Iron Jan." Z Magazine (November 1994): 21-2. Annotated under Bulgaria. Amnesty International. Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Human Rights Violations against Women in Kosovo Province. New York: Amnesty International USA, 1998. Backer, Berit. Behind the Stone Walls: Changing Household Organization among the Albanians ofKosovo. Oslo: PRIO-publication S-8/79, 1979.


Serbia and Montenegro











Bafo, Sara. "Between Despair and Hope: A Belgrade Diary." Canadian Women's Studies/Les cahiers de lafemme 16, no.1 (Winter 1995): 6-9. Bakija-Gunga, Drita. Grate e Kosoves ne periudhen e ndertimit socialiste (1945-1978). Prishtina: Instituti i historise Kosoves, 1986. About women in Kosovo. In Albanian. Beissinger, Margaret. "Epic, Gender, and Nationalism: The Development of NineteenthCentury Balkan Literature." In Epic Traditions in the Contemporary World: The Poetics of Community, edited by Margaret Beissinger, Jane Tylus, and Susanne Wofford, 69-86. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1999. About the constructions of gender in Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, and Romanian epic poetry of the 19th century. Beldiceanu-Steinherr, Irene. "Les illusions d'une princesse: Le sort des biens de Mara Brankovic. In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im

Osmanischen Reicb = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Hans Georg Majer, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, vol. 1,4359. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Brankovic was a Serbian woman who, in 1435, married a Turkish sultan. Benderly, Jill. "Rape, Feminism, and Nationalism in the War in Yugoslav Successor States." In Feminist Nationalism, edited by Lois A. West, 59-72. New York: Routledge, 1997. Benic, Velika, ed. Borba zena Srbije za emancipaciju i ravnopravnost i njihovo ucesce u revolucionarnom radnickom pokretu 1903-1941. godine. Belgrade: Konferencija za drustvenu aktivnost zena SR Srbije; "Export press," 1969. About the Serbian women's struggle for equal rights and emancipation. Besevic, Ivanka and Olga Bescvic. "Belgrade Sisters under Siege: Excerpts from the War Diary of Ivanka Besevic." Kosovo: Contending Voices on Balkan Interventions. Edited by William Joseph Buckley, 31-5. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2000. Blagojevic, Marina. "Discrimination: Unpaid, Underpaid, and Underestimated." Women's Rights and Social Transition in the FR!. Ed. Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1997.83-94. About discrimination against women in Serbia. - - - . "Double-Faced Marginalization: Women in Science in Yugoslavia." Women in Science: Token Women or Gender Equality? , edited by Veronica Stolte-Heiskanen et al., 7593. Oxford; New York: Berg. Distributed exclusively in the U.S.A. and Canada by St. Martin's Press, 1991. - - - . "Drustvene nejednakosti i pol." Drustvene nejednakosti, 89-109. Belgrade: Institut za socioloska istrazivanja Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, 1991. About social inequalities and sex. - - - . "Gender and Survival: Serbia in the 1990s," In Construction, Reconstruction: Women, Family & Politics in Central Europe 1945-1998 = Wieder. Aujbau: = Frauen, Familie und Politik in Mitteleuropa 1945-1948, edited by Andrea Peto & Bela Rasky, 187214. Budapest: Central European University, The Program on Gender and Culture: Osterreichisches Ost- und Sudosteuropa-Institut, Aussenstelle Budapest; New York: Open Society Institute, Network Women's Program, 1999. - - - , ed. Ka vidljivoj ienskoj istoriji: Zenski pokret u Beogradu 9D-tih. [Towards a Visible Women's History: The Women's Movement in Belgrade in the 1990s] Belgrade: Centar za Zcnske studije, 1998. Resulting from the project of the same title, this anthology was realized at the Women's Studies Center in Belgrade. The authors themselves were participants in the movement. Includes texts on the roots and organizations of the movement in Belgrade, on political and pacifist groups, groups against violence, groups for feminist education, groups for helping marginal women, law groups, new directions, feminist creative works, and feminist research. The introductory and concluding essays are by Marina Blagojevic. - - - , ed. Mapiranje mizoginije u Srbiji: Diskursi i Prakse / Mapping ofthe misogyny in Serbia: Discourses and Practices. Belgrade: AZIN-Asocijacija za zensku inicijativu, 2000.


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Collection of texts by Dragana Antonijevic, Jelena Batinic, Marina Blagojevic, Marina Bogdanovic, Biljana Dojcinovic-Nesic, Milena Dragiccvic-Sesic, Dubravka Djuric, Isidora Jaric, Ivana Mardesic, Ratka Maric, Zorica Mrsevic, Radmila Nastic, Lazar Nikolic, Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vanda Perovic, Branislava Poznanovic, Lidija Radulovic, Svenka Savic, Ivana Stevanovic, Slavica Stojanovic, Jasmina Tesanovic, Zorica Tornic, and Marija Vidovic on various aspects and manifestations of misogyny. The book is divided into sections entitled: Language [and] Thought, Intellectual Tradition, Local Patriarchy, Culture, Women's Creative Works, Institutions, Violence, Inside, and Anti/feminism. - - - . "Nauka i pol: Inhibicija institucionalnog okruzenja.t'[Scicncc and sex: the inhibition of an institutionalized environment.] Sociologija [Belgrade] 1 (1992): 23-37. - - - . "Nauka i pol: Obrasci svakodnevnog zivota." [Science and sex: daily life formulas.] Sociologija [Belgrade] 2 (1992): 243-57. - - - . Roditeljstvo i fertilitet: Srbija 90-tih. Belgrade: Institut za socioloska istrazivanja Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, 1996. About parenthood and fertility in Serbia in the 1990s. - - - . "Svakodnevica iz zenske perspektive: samozrtvovanje i beg u privatnost." In Drustvene promene i svakodnevni iivot: Srbija pocetkom devedesetih, edited by Silvano Bolcic, 181-209. Belgrade: Institut za socioloska istrazivanja Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, 1996. About daily life from a woman's perspective in Serbia in the early 1990s. - - - . "The Walks in a Gender Perspective." In Protest in Belgrade: Winter ofDiscontent, edited by Mladen Lazic. Trans. by Liljana Nikolic, 113-30. Budapest; New York: CEU Press, 1999. About gender and anti-government protests in Belgrade, winter 1996-97. - - - . "Women and War: Paradox of Self-Sacrifice or the Anatomy of Passivity." In What Can We Dofor Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994, 3242. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. - - - . Zene izvan kruga: Porodica i profesija. [Women out of the Circle: Family and Profession.] Belgrade: Institut za socioloska istrazivanja Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, 1991. Blessed Euphemia ofSerbia: The Life ofan Apostolic Eldress. Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1996. Bojovic, Jovan R., et al., eds. Zene Crne Gore u revolucionarnom pokretu 1918-1945. Titograd: Istorij ski institut, 1969. About women in the revolutionary movement of Montenegro, 1918-1945. Bozinovic, Neda. "Studentkinje i diplomirane studentkinje Beogradskog univerziteta u ratu i revoluciji. In Studentkinje Beogradskog univerziteta u revolucionarnom pokretu, 106-201. Belgrade: Centar za marksizam Univerziteta u Beogradu i Istorijski arhiv Beograda, 1988. About Belgrade's university women students and alumni in World War H. - - - . "Udeo Velike skole i Beogradskog univerziteta u ostvarivanju ravnopravnosti zena u Srbiji." In Ideje i pokreti na Beogradskom univerzitetu ofosnivanja do danas, VoI. H, 9-24. Belgrade: Centar za marksizam Univerziteta u Beogradu, 1988. About the role of Belgrade University in the achievement of women's equality in Serbia. - - - . "Udruzenje i domovi studentkinja Beogradskog univerziteta." In Studentkinje Beogradskog univerziteta u revolucionarnom pokretu, 17-53. Belgrade: Centar za marksizam Univerziteta u Beogradu i Istorij ski arhiv Beograda, 1988. About the women's student association and women's student dorms at Belgrade University in World War H. - - - . Zensko pitanje u Srbiji u XIX i XX veku. Belgrade: Devedeset Cetrvrta, Zene u th th-century Crnom, 1996. On the woman question in 19 _ and 20 Serbia. Reviewed by Andelka Milic, in Zenske studije: Casopis za feministicku teoriju 5, no. 6 (1996): 261-6. Bracewell, Wendy. "Women, Motherhood, and Contemporary Serbian Nationalism." Women's Studies International Forum 19, no. 1-2 (1996): 25-33. Bucinca, Xheraldina. "Mos me pyatni pse shes trupin tim." [Don't Ask Me Why I Am Selling


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My Body]. Kosovaria (25 December, 1994). Caro1a, Elizabeth. "Women in Black Against War Meet." Off Our Backs 25 no.9 (Oct 1995): 8-10. Cetkovic, Nadezda. "Nedovo1jna argumentacija." Politika (13 January 1995). About women's lack of legal protection from rape and incest. - - - , ed. Zenska politicka perspektiva: 77 apela, zahteva, protesta, informacija, parola Beogradskog ienskcg lobija. Belgrade: Beogradski zenski lobi, Zenske studije i komunikacije - INDOK centar, 1998. A collection that documents the activity of the Belgrade Women's Lobby. Contains 77 appeals, demands, protests, news, statements and slogans of the Lobby. Chepelevskaia, T. I. "Vuk i Anna: Ideal zhenshchiny v zhizni velikogo uchenogo." In Natsional'nyi eras i kul'tura v dvukh tomakh, compiled by G. D. Gachev and L. N. Titova, v. 1,241-58. Moscow: Ladomir, 2002. Vuk Karadzic and Anna: the ideal of womanhood in the life of a great scholar. Children and Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Former Yugoslav Republic ofMacedonia, 1995-1997: A Situation Analysis. N.p.: UNICEF, 1997. Annotated under Bosnia. Children and Women in Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia & Montenegro): A Situation Analysis. New York: UNICEF, 1994. Cockbum, Cynthia. "A Women's Political Party for Yugoslavia: Introduction to the SerbianFeminist Manifesto." Feminist Review 39 (Winter 1991): 155-60. Colak-Antic, Tijana. "Everyday Life and Ethnology: The "Jour" in Belgrade During the Inter-War Period 1919-1940 and the Generation Gap." In Between the Archives and the Field: A Dialogue on Historical Anthropology of the Balkans, edited by Miroslav Jovanovic, Karl Kaser, and Slobodan Naumovic, 125-32. Belgrade: Udruzenje za drustvenu istoriju and Graz: Institut fiir Geschichte der Universitat Graz, 1999. About gender, class, and generation in upper-class women and girls' socialization patterns in inter-war Serbia. Copeland, Fanny S. The Women ofSerbia: A Lecture. London: Published for the Kosovo Day Committee. London: Faith Press, 1919; 1910. Curie, Radoslav. Srpske vise devojacke skole u Vojvodini. Novi Sad: Matica srpska, 1961. About Serbian high schools for girls in Vojvodina. Cvetic, Bosa and Rada Vujacic, eds. Zene Srbije u NOB. Belgrade: Nolit, 1975. About Serbian women in World War n. Darville, Ray L., and Joy B. Reeves. "Social Inequality among Yugoslav Women in Directorial Positions." Sociological Spectrum 12, no. 3 (1992): 279-92. Davidovic, Milena. "Rat i altemativni zenski pokret u Srbiji." Sociologija [Belgrade] 2 (April-June 1995): 133-48. About war and an alternative women's movement in Serbia. Djuric, Tatjana. "From National Economies to Nationalist Hysteria: Consequences for Women." In Crossjires: Nationalism, Racism and Gender in Europe, edited by Helma Lutz, Ann Phoenix, and Nira Yuval-Davis, 121-41. London; East Haven, Conn.: Pluto Press for the European Forum of Left Feminists, 1995. Annotated under Bosnia. Dobrosavljevic-Grujic, Ljilljana. "SOS Helpline for Women Victims of Discrimination at Work" Feminist Review 76 (2004): 120-2. Dobrotvoma zadruga srpkinja novosatkinja. Zenski pokret u Vojvodini: prilikom proslave pedesetogodisnjice rada svog. Novi Sad: Dobrotvoma zadruga srpskinja novosatkinja, 1933. About the women's movement in Vojvodina. Dorofei, Abbot of Hilandar, 14th cent. Statement on St. Sava's kellion [microform,] ea. 1359. "Statement after a meeting of the brotherhood of the monastery to discuss the Kellion of St. Sava in Karyes and its relationship to Hilandar Monastery in light of discussions held with Empress Jelena of Serbia (wife of Dusan), who is referred to here as Sister Elisaveta. This helps to date the document to the period after Dusari's death. The text refers to a visit to Mt. Athos and Karyes by Queen Jelena after the death of Dusan. This is remarkable because Mt.


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Athos has long been closed to women and because this visit is not known to current historiography. It also states that Queen Jelena wishes to take over (occupy?) the Kellion of S1. Sava." -Ohio Link Summary. Drakulic, Slavenka. "Women and Democracy in the Former Yugoslavia." In Politics and Post Communism. Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, 123-30, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller. New York: Routledge, 1993. Duhacek, Dasa, "The Belgrade Women's Studies Centre." European Journal of Women's Studies 5, 3-4 (1998): 489-97. - - - . "Travel On, Europe." In What Can We Do for Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994, 75-81. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. Examines theories that could explain the war and disintegration of Yugoslavia and discusses the possible resistance strategies, including those of women's groups and organizations in Yugoslavia. - - - . "Women's Time in the Former Yugoslavia." In Gender Politics and PostCommunism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 131-7. New York: Routledge Press, 1993. Dordevic, Tihomir R. 0 srpskim ienama. Belgrade: Stampa Davidovic, 1912. About Serbian women. Duric, Antonije. Zene Solunci govore. Belgrade: NIRO Knjizevne novine, 1987. Biographies of Serbian women in World War I. Duric-Kuzmanovic, Tatjana. "Gender Inequalities in a Nationalist, Nontransitional Context in Serbia, Emphasizing Vojvodina, During the 1990s." In Sexuality and Gender in Postcommunist Eastern Europe and Russia, edited by Aleksander Stulhofer and Theo Sandfort, 29-55. New York: Haworth Press, 2005. Eli. "Women's Activism in Rural Kosova." In Frontline Feminisms: Women, War, and Resistance, edited by Marguerite R. Waller and Jennifer Rycenga, 343-8. New York: Garland, 2000. Emmert, Thomas A. "Zenski Pokret: The Feminist Movement in Serbia in the 1920s." In Gender politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 33-49. University Park, Penn.: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. Erlich, Vera S. "The Last Big Zadrugas: Albanian Extended Families in the Kosovo Regions." In Communal Families in the Balkans: The Zadruga. Essays by Philip E. Mosely and Essays in His Honour, edited by Robert F. Byrnes, 244-51. London: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1976. Fregiehn, Claudia, and Durda Knezevic, "Gewalt gegen Frauen im ehem Jugoslawien." Beitrdge zur femin istischen Theorie und Praxis 37 (1994): 43-8. Annotated under Bosnia. Gavrilovic, Varga J. "0 menarkhi u Slovakinja u Vojvodini." Medicinski pregled 29, no. 3-4 (1976): 169-73. A study of menarche among 986 Slovak women in Vojvodina, aged 11-19 years. The absence of social differences in the appearance of menarche in Slovak women in this region is attributed to the homogeneous living and working conditions of this ethnic group. Gruber, Siegfried. "The development of family and household structures in Serbia in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries." In Between the Archives and the Field: A Dialogue on Historical Anthropology ofthe Balkans, edited by Miroslav Jovanovic, Karl Kaser, and Slobodan Naumovic, 47-68. Belgrade: Udruzenje za drustvenu istoriju and Graz: Institut fur Geschichte der Universitat Graz, 1999. Grujic, Jelena. "Female Side of War." Vreme [Belgrade] December 4, 1995. Full text in English available at: http://www.cdsp.neu.edu/info/students/marko/vreme/vreme13.html Halpern, Joel. A Serbian Village. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1956.


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Hammel, Eugene A. "The Jewish Mother in Serbia, or Les Structures alimentaires de la parente." In Essays in Balkan Ethnology. Kroeber Anthropological Society Special publications, no. 1, edited by William G. Lockwood, 55-62. Berkeley: Kroeber Anthropological Society, 1967. . "The Zadruga as Process." In Household and Family in Past Time: Comparative Studies in the Size and Structure ofthe Domestic Group over the Last Three Centuries in England, France, Serbia, Japan and Colonial North America, with Further Materials from Western Europe, edited by Peter Laslett, 335-73. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1972. Hamilton, Amy, Carol Anne Douglas, and Barbara Kraus. "Serbia's War Against Bosnia and Croatia." Special pull-out section of Off Our Backs (May 1993). Annotated under Bosnia. Hasek, Ankica. "Latentna struktura socijalnog statusa mladih zena." [Latent structure of the social status of young women] Sociologija [Belgrade] 1 (Jan-March 1992): 39-54. Hawkesworth, Celia. "A Serbian Woman in a Turkish Harem: The Work of Jelena Dimitrijevic (1862-1945)." Slavonic and East European Review 77, no. 1 (1999):58-73. Hinrichs, Ljiljana and Uwe Hinrichs. "Gibt es eine serbische Frauensprache?" In: Der Stellung der Frau aufdem Balkan: Beitrdge zur Tagung vom 3.-7 September 1985 in Berlin. Edited by Norbert Reiter, 279-92. Berlin: Osteuropa-Institut; Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei O. Harrassowitz, 1987. Hlapec-Dordevic, Julka. "Sudbina zene." [Women's destiny.] Letopis Matice srpske [Novi Sad] 317 no. 1 (July 1928): 21-44. Reprinted as the first part ofDr. Julka Chlapec-Dordevic, Sudbina zene: Kriza seksualne etike: Dve socioloske studije, 5-35. Ljubljana, 1930. Reprinted in ProFemina 5-6 (Winter-Spring 1996): 90-102. Howlett, Jo Anne. "Activism Without Borders." Circles: The Buffalo Women's Journal of Law and Social Policy 4 (1996): 70. About women's weekly protest meetings against war and violence against women in Belgrade starting October 1991. Hughes, Donna M., and Kathleen Foster. "War, Nationalism, and Rape: Women Respond by Opening a Centre Against Sexual Violence in Belgrade, Serbia." Women's Studies International Forum 19.1/2 (1996): 183-4. , and Lepa Mladjenovic. "Feminist Organizing in Serbia: 1990-1994." Canadian Women's Studieslles cahiers de lafemme 16, no.l (Winter 1995): 95-7. , Lepa Mladjenovic, and Zorica Mrsevic. "Feminist Resistance in Serbia." The European Journal of Women 's Studies 2 no. 4 (November 1995): 509-32. Hi6, Dragoslav. Prve iene socijalisti u Srbiji. Belgrad: Rad, 1956. About the first Serbian women socialists. "In the Wake of the Bombings: Kosovo's Legacy for Women." Women, Law and Development International Bulletin (Summer 1999): 1, 7. About the effects of the Kosovo crisis on the lives of Albanian women. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the UN Children's Fund stated cases of sexual harassment, torture, rape, trafficking, forced prostitution, discrimination, and exploitation of women and children refugees. Ivanovic, Zorica. "The World is Huge, Do Not Marry Affinals." In Between the Archives and the Field: A Dialogue on Historical Anthropology ofthe Balkans, edited by Miroslav Jovanovic, Karl Kaser, and Slobodan Naumovic, 69-92. Belgrade: Udruzenje za drustvenu istoriju and Graz: Institut fur Geschichte der Universitat Graz, 1999. Jalusic, Vlasta. "Zuriick in den 'Naturzustand'? Desintegration Jugoslawiens und ihre Folgen fur die Frauen." Feministische Studien 10, no. 2 (1992): 9-21. About the consequences of the break-up of Yugoslavia on women. Jankovic, M. "Da li drzava zeli decu?" Bursa (June 2, 1994). About state policy toward children. Jankovic Radovic, Viktorija, ed. Putevi borbe za emancipaciju i ravnopravnost zena: Republicka konferencija SSRN Srbije. Belgrade: Politicka biblioteka SSRN Srbije, no. 1,


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1977. Conference proceedings about the struggle for the emancipation and equality of women under socialism. The conference was organized by the Socialist League of the Working People of Serbia. Jaric, Isidora. "Zacarani krug: udzbenicka predstava: odnosi medu polovima." In Ratnistvo, patriotizam, patrijarhalnost, edited by Ruzica Rosandic and Vesna Pesic, 105-16. Belgrade: Centar za antiratne akcije, 1994. Also in Feministicke sveske 2 (1994): 165-76. About the representation of women and gender roles in elementary school textbooks. Jeremic, Kaca, "Words from Feminists in Serbia." OfJOur Backs (February 1993): 25. Jovanovic, Branka. "The International Tribunal in the Hague and Rapes of Serbian Women." In Women's Rights and Social Transition in the FRJ, edited by Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, 66-70. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1997. Kaestli, Elisabeth. Frauen in Kosova: Lebensgeschichten aus Krieg und Wiederaufbau. With photographs by Alexander Kornhuber. Zurich: Limmat, 2001. Kandido-Jaksic, Maja. "Kult ratnistva i kult materinstva." Zbornik Instituta za kriminoloska i socioloska istraiivanja [Belgrade] 1 (1994): 217-37. About the cult of belligerence and the cult of motherhood. - - - . "Idealan muskarac i idealna zena." Sociologija [Belgrade] 2 (Apr-June 1995): 14973. About the ideal man and ideal woman. - - - . "Istorijski razvoj drustveno-ekonomskog polozaja zene." ProFemina 3 (Summer 1995): 197-205. About the historical development of women's socio-economic position. Kajosevic, Indira. "Women sans Frontiers." War Report 36 (September, 1995): 43-4. Kecic, Danilo, ed. Zene Vojvodine u ratu i revoluciji 1941-1945: (radovi sa savetovanja odrianog 27. i 28. marta 1984. u Novom Sadu). Novi Sad: Institut za istoriju, 1984. Proceedings of a conference held in Novi Sad, 27 and 28 March 1984, about the women of Vojvodina in World War II and the ensuing revolutions. Kelmendi, Flora. "A Tale from Prishtina." In Kosovo: Contending Voices on Balkan Interventions, edited by William Joseph Buckley, 27-30. Grand Rapids, MI.: William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2000. About the author's experience of war and bombing in Kosova. Kesic, Vesna and Lepa Mladjenovic, "Laughter, Tears, and Politics-Dialogue: How Women Do It." Frontline Feminisms: Women, War, and Resistance, vol. 5, Edited by Marguerite R. WaIler and Jennifer Rycenga, 37-40. New York: Garland, 2000. Kisic, Izabela and Nada Kovacevic, "Zenski gnev i popovska zloba." Nasa borba, 16 January 1995. About women's rage and the evils of priests. Knezevic, Durda. "Abused and Misused: Women and Their Political Exploitation." Connexions 42 (1993): 12-3. Annotated under Croatia. - - - . "Rulers and Rhetoric Change, but Reality?" War Report 36 (September, 1995): 356. An account of the development of feminism under socialist Yugoslavia and how these links among women in what became Serbia and Croatia weathered the breakdown of the state and changes in official ideologies. Knezic, Branislava. "Stranputice jedne (re)socijalizacije" studija slucaja (Astray Paths of a (re)Socialization). Temida 3 (1998): 41-7. The article is the result of research project on "Domestic Violence and the Criminality of Women," conducted by the Women's Studies Center, Belgrade, in 1997-98. Konferencija za drustvenu aktivnost zena SR Srbije. Skupstina (1964: Belgrade, Serbia). Uslovi privredivanja i ucesce iena u samoupravljanju: materijali sa Skupstine Konferencije za drustvenu aktivnost iena SR Srbije. Belgrade: Sedma sila, 1964. About women's economic and political participation. Konstantinovic, Radoslav M. Zaposlena majka i njeno dete. [N.p.: n.p.], 1960. About child care. Konstantinovic-Vilic, Slobodanka. Zene ubice. Nis: Gradina, 1986. About women murderers. - - - , and Nevena Petrusic. "The Right of Abortion: Legislation and Practice." In Women's


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Rights and Social Transition in the FRJ, edited by Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, 19-39. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1997. The authors present an analysis of the existing legal regulations on abortion in Serbia and the results of a research project conducted at the Gynecology Clinic in Nis, and argue that the existing legislation limits the right of women to freely decide about childbirth. Korac, Maja. "Ethnic Conflict, Rape and Feminism: The Case of Yugoslavia." Research on Russia and Eastern Europe 2 (1996): 133-43. A revised version of her 1994 article in Sociologija, below. . "Ethnic-nationalism, Wars and the Patterns of Social, Political and Sexual Violence Against Women: The Case of Post-Yugoslav Countries." Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 5, no. 2 (October1998): 153-81. . "Refugee Women in Serbia: Their Experiences of War, Nationalism and State Building." In Women, Citizenship and Difference, edited by Nira Yuval-Davis and Pnina Werbner, 192-204. London; New York: Zed. Distributed in the USA exclusively by St. Martin's Press, 1999. . "Representation of Mass Rape in Ethnic Conflicts in What was Yugoslavia: Discussion with C. MacKinnon's Concept of 'Genocidal' Rape in This Conflict." Sociologija (Belgrade) 36, no. 4 (October-December 1994): 495-514. . "Serbian Nationalism: Nationalism of My Own People." Feminist Review 45 (autumn 1993): 108-12. About the features and consequences of Serbian nationalism. . "Understanding Ethnic-National Identity and Its Meaning: Questions from a Woman's Experience." Women's Studies International Forum 19, no. 1-2 (January 1996): 133-46. A look at nationalism in Serbia from an "insider" woman's (and feminist's) perspective. . Zatocenice pola: Drustveni identitet mladih zena na selu izmedju tradicionalne kulture i savremenih vrednosti. Belgrade: Institut za socioloska istrazivanja Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, 1991. About the social identity of young rural women caught between traditional culture and contemporary values. Kovacevic-Djuranovic, Jovanka. "Mothers Respected, Sisters Protected." War Report 36 (September 1995): 44--5. The author is from Montenegro. Krajinovic, Vanda. "Yougoslavie, feminismc d'hier et d'aujourdhui." Chronique Feministe [Brussels] 32 (1989): 18-9. About Yugoslav feminism, past and present. Krasztev, Peter. "Who Will Take the Blame? Or: How to Make an Audience Grateful for Family Massacres? In Construction, Reconstruction: Women, Family & Politics in Central Europe 1945-1998 = Wieder. Aujbau: = Frauen, Familie und Politik in Mitteleuropa 19451948, edited by Andrea Peto & Beta Rasky, 233-43. Budapest: Central European University, The Program on Gender and Culture: Osterreichisches Ost- und Siidosteuropa-Institut, Aussenstelle Budapest; New York: Open Society Institute, Network Women's Program, 1999. Krippner, Monica. The Quality ofMercy: Women at War, Serbia, 1915-18. Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1980. About British women, nursing volunteers in Serbia during World War!. . Zene u ratu: Srbija 1915-1918. Belgrade: Naroda knjiga, 1986. Translation of Krippner's Quality ofMercy. Kron, Leposava. Seksualno nasilje: psiholoska studija. Belgrade: Prometej i Institut za kriminoloska i socioloska istrazivanja, 1992. A psychological study of sexual violence. Laskaris, Mihailo. Srpske kraljice: vizantiske princeze u srednjevekovnoj Srbiji. [Serbian Queens: Byzantine Princesses in Medieval Serbia]. Belgrade: AIZ Dosije, Orion Press, 1990. . Vizantiske princeze u srednjevekovnoj Srbiji. Prilog istoriji vizantiskosrpskih odnosa od kraja XII do sredine XV veka. Begrade: Knjizarnica F. Baha, 1926. Reprint Belgrade: AIZ


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Dosije, 1990. About Byzantine princesses in Medieval Serbia and relations between Serbia and the Byzantine Empire. Levin, Eve. "Eastern Orthodox Christianity." In Handbook ofMedieval Sexuality, edited by Vern L. Bullough and James A. Brundage. New York: Garland Publishing: 1996.329-44. . Sex and Society in the World ofthe Orthodox Slavs, 900-1700. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 1989. Lilly, Carol S. "Serbia." In Women, Gender, and Fascism in Europe, 1919-45, edited by Kevin Passmore, 97-110. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2003. , and Melissa Bokovoy. "Serbia, Croatia and Yugoslavia." In Women, Gender, and Fascism in Europe, 1919-45, edited by Kevin Passmore, 91-96. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2003. Litrichin, Vera, and Lepa Mladjenovic. "Belgrade Feminists: Separation, Guilt, and Identity Crisis." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 179-85. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. Belgrade feminists discuss the activities of local women's groups, their identity crisis following the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the tensions in women's groups over nationalism, and the feelings of confusion and guilt for what a government they did not vote for did in their name. Lukic, Jasmina. "East European Feminist Conference: 'What Can We Do For Ourselves', Belgrade, 3-5 June 1994." Women's Studies International Forum 19, no. 1-2 (January-April 1996): 179-80. . "Media Representations of Men and Women in Times of War and Crisis: The Case of Serbia." In Reproducing Gender: Politics, Publics, and Everyday Life After Socialism, edited by Susan Gal and Gail Kligman, 393-423. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000. Lukic, Marija. "Domestic Violence: Legal Solutions and Institutional Treatment." In Women's Rights and Social Transition in the FRJ, edited by Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, 11829. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1997. About domestic violence and the current legislative framework in Serbia. Maguire, Sarah "Researching 'A Family Affair': Domestic Violence in Former Yugoslavia and Albania." Gender and Development 6, no. 3 (November 1998): 60-6. Annotated under Albania.

Maric-Einstein, Mileva, 1875-1948. Mathematician and physicist of Serbian origin, born in Vojvodina (in today's Yugoslavia, then Hungary). She studied physics in Switzerland, where she met her future spouse Albert Einstein. The extent of her contribution to Einstein's work has been the subject of an ongoing debate among scholars. Brief biographies available at: http://www.teslasociety.com/Mileva.htm; http://ouray.cudenver.edu/~mrshinn/engr3400/mileva_einstein.html.

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Barnett, Carol C. A Comparative Analysis ofPerspectives ofMileva Maric Einstein. Ph. D. diss. Florida State Univ., 1998. Bukumirovic, Dragana. Mileva Maric Ajnstajn. Belgrade; Narodna knjiga-Alfa, 1995. Chiu, Charles S. Frauen im Schatten. Wien: J&V, 1994. Includes a section on Mileva Maric Einstein. Duric-Trbuhovic, Desanka. Im Schatten Albert Einsteins: das tragische Leben der Mileva Einstein-Maric [In the shadow of Albert Einstein: The tragic life of Mileva Maric]. Bern: P. Haupt, 1988. The Einstein Family Correspondence: Including the Albert Einstein-Mileva Maric Love Letters: The Property ofthe Einstein Family Correspondence Trust. Corp Author: Christie, Manson & Woods International Inc. New York: Christie's Auctions, 1996.


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Gabor, Andrea. Einstein's Wife: Work and Marriage in the Lives ofFive Great TwentiethCentury Women. New York: Penguin Books, 1995. Includes a section on Serbian mathematician Mileva Maric-Einstein, Hildebrandt, Irma. "Anteil am Nobelpreis? Mileva Einstein-Maric (1875-1948): Kommilitonin und Ehefrau." In Die Frauenzimmer kommen: 16 Ziircher Portraits, by Irma Hildebrandt, 139-58. Munich: Diederichs, 1997. Pyenson, Lewis. "Einstein's Natural Daughter." History of Science 28 (1990): 365-79. About Albert Einstein's and Mileva Maric's daughter. Renn, Jiirgen, and Robert Schulmann, eds. Albert Einstein/Miieva Maric: The Love Letters. Translated by Shawn Smith. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1992. Savic, Svenka. "Diskursne osobine privatnih pisama Mileve Ajnstajn (Maric) i Alberta Ajnstajna." Flogiston: Casopis za istoriju nauke [Belgrade] 1 no. 1 (1995): 63-78. About the discursive characteristics of Mileva Einstein (Maric)' sand Albert Einstein's private letters. - - - . "Put do Mileve Maric-Ajnstajn: privatna pisma." Zenske studije 4 (1996): 117-31. About mathematician Mileva Maric-Einstein, who was married to Albert Einstein, through an analysis of her private letters. - - - . "The Road to Mileva Maric-Einstein: Private Letters." In: Belgrade Women's Studies Journal: Selected Papers: Anniversary Issue 199212002, edited by Jelisaveta Blagojevic & Dusan Dordevic Mileusnic, 201-10. Belgrade: Belgrade Women's Studies Center, 2002. Stachel, John. "Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric: A Collaboration That Failed to Develop." Creative Couples in the Sciences, edited by Helena M. Pycior, Nancy G. Slack, and Pnina G. Abir-Am. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1996.207-19. Walker, Evan Harris. "Did Einstein Espouse His Spouse's Ideas." Physics Today 42, no.2 (Feb 1989): 11. - - - . "Maric, Mileva: Relativistic Role." Physics Today 44, no.2 (Feb 1991): 122-4. Zackheim, Michele. Einstein's Daughter: The Searchfor Lieserl. New York: Riverhead Books, 1999. About Albert Einstein's and Mileva Maric's first, illegitimate daughter, who was given up for adoption.

Markovie, Ljubica, 1948-. Editor-in-chief and then director of the news agency "Beta" in Serbia. SER172 SER173



Markovic, Ljubica. Danica Markovic: prva srpska moderna liricarka. Cacak: Zajednica doma i skole cacanske gimnazije, 1940. Annotated under SER492. . Poceci feminizma u Srbiji i Vojvodini. Belgrade: Biblioteka Udruzenja univerzitetski obrazovanih zen a, 1934. Parts reprinted in ProFemina 8 (Autumn 1996): 204-10. About the beginnings of feminism in Serbia and Vojvodina. . "Pogled na pesnicko stvaranje srpske zene." Juini pogled [Skopje] XII no. 8-9 (1938). Reprinted in ProFemina 8 (Autumn 1996): 211-2. A look at the poetry of Serbian women. . "Ucesce zena u stvaranju nase narodne pesme." Prilog za knjiievnost, jezik, istoriju i folklor XVIII no. 1,2 (1938). Reprinted in ProFemina 8 (Autumn 1996): 213-4. About women's participation in the creation of folk poetry.


Corovic, Ljubica. "Ljubica Markovic: Poceci feminizma kod nas." ProFemina [Belgrade] 8 (Autumn 1996): 202-3. About Ljubica Markovic and the beginnings of feminism in Serbia.


Markovic, Milan. Die serbische Hauskommunion (Zadruga) und ihre Bedeutung in der


Serbia and Montenegro Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1903. A historical survey of the Serbian zadruga. Markovic, Mirjana [Mira], 1942-. Wife of former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic, SER178

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Markovic, Mira. Answer. Toronto: Quarry Press, 1997. A companion piece to Night and Day, below, comprised of a series of interviews with Markovic. The publisher adds, "Those of the old, humane, humanitarian, utopian, justice-selling Left will find much to reflect on, much to appreciate, much to agree on, and maybe even a cause for hope." . Night and Day. Toronto: Quarry Press, 1997. Translation of Markovic' s journals, which originally appeared in the Belgrade magazine Duga from December 1992 to July 1994. As the wife of Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic, she "offers a special personal insight into the events and personalities of this era." Markovic, Predrag. "Sexuality in Belgrade in the 20th century. In Between the Archives and the Field: A Dialogue on Historical Anthropology of the Balkans, edited by Miroslav Jovanovic, Karl Kaser, and Slobodan Naumovic, 93-100. Belgrade: Udruzenje za drustvenu istoriju and Graz: Institut fur Geschichte der Universitat Graz, 1999. McGrath, Anne. "Bombs Away! Feminists Theorize NATO Bombing in Kosovo." Canadian Woman Studies 19 no. 4 (Winter 2000): 54-60. Mertus, Julie. "Gender in the Service of the Nation: Female Citizenship in Kosovar Society." Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State, and Society, 3, no. 2-3 (Summer-Fall 1996): 261-77. . War's Offensive on Women: The Humanitarian Challenge in Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan. West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press, 2000. . "Women in Kosovo: Contested Terrains: National Identities' Roles in Shaping and Challenging Gender Identity." In Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women, Society and Politics in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina Ramet, 17186. University Park: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1999. About women's increasing roles in politics and society. Meznaric, Silva. "Gender as an Ethno-Marker: Rape, War and Identity Politics in the Former Yugoslavia." In Identity Politics and Women: Cultural Reassertions and Feminisms in International Perspective, edited by Valentine M. Moghadam, 76-97. Boulder: Westview Press, 1994. Meznaric connects Serbian nationalist campaigns against Kosovo Albanians in the 1980s to the wartime rapes by Serbian forces of non-Serb women in the wars in Croatia and Bosnia in the early 1990s. In Kosovo, Serbian rhetoric accused Albanian men of raping Serb women and the government of Slobodan Milosevic established the legal category of "ethnic rape," punished more severely than "normal" rape. Meznaric argues that this logic was extended to the raping of "the enemy's women" by Serb forces in Bosnia-Herzegovina. . "The Rapists' Progress: Ethnicity, Gender and Violence." Revija za sociologiju [Zagreb] (July 7, 1994): 119-29. Milic, Andjelka. "Nationalism and Sexism: Eastern Europe in Transition." In Europe's New Nationalism: States and Minorities in Conflict, edited by Richard Caplan and John Feffer, 178-93. New York: Oxford Uni v. Press, 1996. . "Nove tehnologije i odnosi polova: pogled iznutra na odnose moci." Sociologija [Belgrade] 1 (1992): 5-22. About new technologies and power relations between the sexes. . "Social Disintegration and Families under Stress: Serbia 1991-1995. Sociology [Belgrade] 4 (Oct-Dec 1995): 455-72. . "Svakodnevni zivot porodica u vrtlogu drustvenog rasula." In Drustvene promene i svakodnevni iivot: Srbija pocetkom devedesetih, edited by Silvano Bolcic, 135-80. Belgrade:


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Institut za socioloska istrazivanja Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, 1996. About the daily life of families in the turbulent 1990s in Serbia. . "Women and Nationalism in the Former Yugoslavia." In Gender Politics and Postcommunism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 109-22. New York: Routledge, 1993. . "Women and Work in the Former Yugoslavia and Their Present Situation." In Family, Women and Employment in Central-Eastern Europe, edited by Barbara Lobodzinska, 237-44. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. . "Women, Technology and the Societal Failure of the Former Yugoslavia." In Bringing Technology Home, edited by Cynthia Cockburn and Ruza Fiirst-Dilic, 147-64. Buckingham, England: Open Univ. Press, 1994. . "The Women's Movement in Serbia and Montenegro at the Turn of the Millennium: A Sociological Study of Women's Groups." Feminist Review 76 (2004): 65-82. . Zene, politika, porodica. Belgrade: Institut za politicke studije, 1994. About women, politics, and family. Milich, Zorka. A Stranger's Supper: An Oral History of Centenarian Women in Montenegro. New York: Twayne Publishers; London: Prentice Hall, 1995. Milutinovic, Branislav, and Radivoj Radic. "0 vremenu zamonasenja carice Jelene: Jedna pretpostavka." [Fr. sum. Sur l'epoque de la prise du voile de I'irnperatrice Jelena: Une supposition]. Zbomik Radova Vizantoloskog Instituta 33 (1994): 195-202. About the period of Empress Jelena' s taking of the veil. Milutinovic, Kosta. "Prve Srpske Socijalistkinje i Ruske Nihilistkinje u Cirihu" [The first Serbian women socialists and Russian women nihilists in Zurich]. Zbornik Istorijskog Muzeja Srbije [Yugoslavia] 15-6 (1979): 17-28. "In the 1872-73 academic year there were 108 women from Russia studying in Zurich. Most of them were nihilists who had fled from the oppression of the Tsarist authorities. They had a great influence on Serbian women with whom they studied in Switzerland. These included the first Serbian women socialists, Milica and Anka Ninkovic, the daughters of a prominent professor; Draga Ljocic, Serbia's first woman doctor; and Jelisaveta Pesic and Mileva Stoilkovic, wives of editors of Serbian socialist newspapers. Together the Russian and Serbian women founded socialist students' associations and set up a Russian-Serbian publishing house." -Historical Abstracts. Miskovic, Natasa. "'Dragi moj Mileta': Geschlechterverhaltnisse in der serbischen Jahrhundertwende im Spiegel der Familienkorrespondenz von Jelena Novakovic." In Normsetzung und -iiberschreitung: Geschlecht in der Geschichte Osteuropas im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, edited by Carmen Scheide und Natali Stegmann, 137-49. Bochum: Winkler, 1999. Mladenovic, Bozica, Zene u Toplickom ustanku 1917. Belgrade: Socijalna misao, 1996. About women in the Toplica uprising in 1917. Mladenovic, Lepa. "Belgrade Feminists 1992." Peace News [London] (Feb 1993): 8. The author's name is sometimes also spelled "Mladjenovic." . "Beyond War Hierarchies: Belgrade Feminists' Experience Working with Female Survivors of War." Women & Therapy 22, no. 1 (1999): 83-9. . "Dear Women, Pacifists from Belgrade." Belgrade: Zene za mir, 1992. Photocopy. Leaflet describes the increase in domestic violence against women in relation to nightly news broadcasts of militaristic, nationalistic messages and reports on the war in BosniaHerzegovina. . "Feminist Organizing in Serbia: 1990-1994." Canadian Women's Studies/Les cahiers de lafemme (Winter 1995): 95-7. . "The Former Yugoslavia: A Woman Speaks." The Womanist [Ottawa] (Spring 1993): 38-9.


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- - - . "In the Home-On the Battlefield: Basic Characteristics of Male Violence Against Women and War Violence." In What Can We Dofor Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994,69-74. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. - - - . "Lesbian Human Rights." In Women's Rights and Social Transition in the FRJ, edited by Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, 48-52. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1997. About the social invisibility of lesbians, the Belgrade group for lesbian human rights, Labris, and their requests for the changes in Yugoslav legislation. - - - . "Loving Women, Fighting War: A Serbian Lesbian Examines Militarism and Homophobia." Off Our Backs 24, no. 9 (Oct 1994): 8. - - - . "Nachbarinnen im Krieg: Belgrader Feministinnen 1992." Frauensolidaritiit [Vienna] (Spring 1993): 6. About Belgrade feminists in wartime (1992). - - - . "Notes of the Feminist Lesbian Activist during the Wartime." European Forum of Left Feminists [Brussels] (Summer 1996): 1-2. - - - . "Serbia: Rape in War: Testimonies of the Global Tribunal on Violations of Women's Human Rights." IV World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, June 1993. New Jersey: Center for Women's Global Leadership, 1994.38-9. - - - . "Sest godina SOS telefona za zene i decu zrtve nasilja: Cutim a u meni je plamen besa." [Six years of SOS hotline for women and children victims of violence: I am silent but there is a flame of anger within me.] Republika [Belgrade] (16-30 April 1996): 11-2. - - - . "Universal Soldier: Rape is War." Off Our Backs (March 1993): 14-5. - - - , and Divna Matijasevic. "SOS Belgrade July 1993-1995: Dirty Streets." In Women in a Violent World: Feminist Analyses and Resistance across 'Europe,' edited by Chris Corrin, 119-32. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press, 1996. - - - , and Donna M. Hughes. "Feminist Resistance to War and Violence in Serbia." Frontline Feminisms: Women, War, and Resistance, edited by Marguerite R. WaIler and Jennifer Rycenga. New York: Garland Pub., 2000.247-74. - - - , and Vera Litricin. "Belgrade Feminists 1992: Separation, Guilt and Identity Crisis." Feminist Review 45 (Autumn 1993): 113-9. Reprinted in Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 179-85. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. Moss, Kevin. "From Sworn Virgins to Transvestite Prostitutes: Performing Gender and Sexuality in Two Films from Yugoslavia." In: Sexuality and Gender in Postcommunist Eastern Europe and Russia, edited by Aleksander Stulhofer and Theo Sandfort, 79-94. New York: Haworth Press, 2005. Discusses Karanovic' s Yirdiina (Virginia) and Zilnik's Dupe od mramora (Marble Ass). Mostov, Julie. '''Our Women' /'Their Women': Symbolic Boundaries, Territorial Markers, and Violence in the Balkans." Peace and Change 20, no. 4 (October 1995): 515-29. Annotated under Bosnia-Herzegovina. Mrsevic, Zorica. "Ajde sad se lepo vise ne svadajte: silovanje posle silovanja." [Now, Let's Stop Arguing: Rape after Rape.] SOS Bilten [Belgrade] 3 no. 6-7 (1993): 35-9. About violence against women. - - - . "Anatomija domaceg nasilja: rezultati istrazivanja: 'Tri godine rada SOS telefona'." Zbornik Instituta za kriminoloska i socioloska istraiivanja 2. (1995): 53-66. Results of research, after 3 years of an SOS Hotline, about domestic violence. - - - . "Belgrade's SOS Hotline for Women and Children Victims of Violence: A Report." In Reproducing Gender: Politics, Publics, and Everyday Life After Socialism, edited by Susan Gal, 370-92. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000. - - - . "Da li znate da mi imamo citav istorijat odnosa sa strankinjama." [Do you know that we have a whole history in our relationship with foreign women] Zene za mir (1998): 251-6; Women for peace (1998): 248-54.


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- - - . "Deklaracija 0 eliminaciji nasilja prema zenama." Feministicke sveske 1 (1994): 97100. Declaration about the elimination of violence against women. - - - . "Deset koraka kroz ratno seksualno nasilje." Zene protiv rata [Belgrade] 3-4 (1995): 28-34. About wartime sexual violence. - - - . "Devet mitova 0 incestu." Sociologija [Belgrade] 37 no. 1(1995): 49-59. On myths about incest. - - - . "Domestic Violence against Women in Serbia." In Working Papers Series: Women's Rights in Central Europe. Institute for Research on Women and Gender, 1-11. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan, 1997. - - - . "Dugotrajnost posledica incesta." ProFemina [Belgrade] 12 (1997): 78-185. About the long-lasting consequences of incest. - - - . "Dzejn i travno korenje: ideja zenskih civilnih grupa." SOS Bilten [Belgrade] 6-7 (1993): 183-90. About grass roots organizing and the concept of women's civil groups. - - - . "Frauen als Richterinnen und Staatsanwaltinnen in Serbien." Bulletin des Zentrum fur inierdisziplindre Frauenforschung, Frauen in ehemals soziaiistischen Liindem, Berlin 14 (1997): 23-6. About women as judges and district attorneys in Serbia. - - - . "Filthy, Old, and Ugly: Gypsy Women from Serbia." In Global Critical Race Feminism: An International Reader, edited by Adrien Katherine Wing, 160-75. New York: New York University Press, 2000. - - - . "Imamo li kostur u ormanu." [Do we have skeletons in the closet?] Zene za mir (1998): 163-7; Womenfor peace (1998): 169-72. - - - . "Incest." Casopis za klinicku psihologiju i socijalnu patologiju 2 no. 1-2 (1995): 13-52. - - - . "Incest: scenario zbivanja." Psihologija kriminala 1 (1995): 151-63. - - - . "Incestuirane invalitkinje." In Od zanemarivanja i lisavanja do zlostavljanja i nasilja, edited by Aleksandar Savic, 130-4. Belgrade: Zavod za cerebralnu paralizu, 1998. About disabled women as victims of incest. - - - . "Incomprehension of Women Victims of Violence." In What Can We Dofor Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994,43-8. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. - - - . "Istrazivanje 'Tri godine rada SOS telefona za zene i decu zrtve nasilja': tendencija uskracivanja pornoci i razumevanja zenama-zrtvama nasilja." Feministicke sveske 2 (1994): 43-8. About attitudes toward women-victims of violence, based on the first 3 years of Belgrade's SOS hotline service. - - - . "Ka ferninistickoj jurisprudenciji." [Towards a feminist jurisprudence.] Zenske studije 11/12 (2000): 307-29. - - - . "Kazite mi vi, ko je ikada imao koristi od feminizma." [You tell me, who has ever found Feminism Useful.] Zene za mir (1998): 171-5; Womenfor Peace (1998): 173-6. - - - . "Ko su nasilnici, diskusija sa savetovanja "Pravo i stvarnost"." Pravni zivot 47 no. 1-2 (1998): 141. About perpetrators: a discussion from the "Law and Reality" Conference. - - - . "Kriminoloski aspekti seksualne delinkvencije sa posebnim osvrtom na maloletna lica." In Seksualnost, agresivnost, delinkventnost, edited by D. Popovic, 95-120. Novi Sad: Matica Srpska, Medicinski fakultet, Pravni fakultet, 1999. About criminal aspects of sexual delinquency, with a special focus on underage persons. - - - . "Krsenje ljudskih prava zena nasiljem." Ljudska prava 1, no. 1 (1998): 34-41. About violence as a way of breaching women's human rights. - - - . "Krsenje ljudskih prava zenske dece radnjama seksualne zloupotrebe." In Zenska prava i drustvena tranzicija u SRJ. Belgrade; Centar za zenske studije, 1997. 120-33. About the violation of girls' human rights by sexual abuse. - - - . "Mesto i uloga domaceg nasilja u kriznim periodima." In Ostvarivanje ekonomskih i socijalili prava, edited by Slobodanka Nedovic, 426-46. Belgrade; Beogradski centar za ljudska prava, 1999. About domestic violence in periods of crisis.


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. "Mitovi 0 incestu." In Ka vidljivoj zenskoj istoriji: Zenski pokret u Beogradu 9D-tih, edited by Marina. Blagojevic, 15-22. Belgrade: Centar za Zenske studije, 1998. 198-203. On myths about incest. . "Neka znaju da smo tu i da nas ima: ili, kako i zasto teoretisati homoseksualnost." In Gay to: Zbornik radova lesbo-gay tematike, edited by Zorica Mrsevic, Dejan Nebrigic, and Dusan Maljkovic, 15-22. Belgrade: Kompanja protiv homofobije: Evropsko udruzenje mladih Srbije, 1999. About theorizing homosexuality. . "The Opposite of War Is Not Peace-It Is Creativity." Frontline Feminisms: Women, War, and Resistance. Edited by Marguerite R. WaIler and Jennifer Rycenga. New York: Garland, 2000.41-56. . "0 prostitutkama i prostituciji." [About Prostitutes and Prostitution.] Zene za mir (1998): 175-9; Women for Peace (1998): 177-80. . "Otkrivanje i prevencija seksualne zloupotrebe incestnog i paraincestnog tipa." In Prevencija kriminaliteta, edited by Zarko Jasovic, 228-39. Belgrade: Defektoloski fakultet, 1998. About sexual abuse of incestuous and paraincestuous type. . "Position of Women in Transition: Experiences of Serbian Women." In Transition in Central and Eastern Europe, vol. 1,576-87. Belgrade: YASF, Student Cultural Centre, 1997. . "Pravo planiranja porodice i inkriminisanje pobacaja." In Pravni iivot (Pravda i postojece pravo: sud i pravo itom (Belgrade, Udruzenjc pravnika Srbije) 54, no. 9 (1995): 54763. About the right of family planning. . "Proces zaljenja." Psihologija kriminala [Belgrade] 1, no. 2 (1995): 78-94. About the process of grieving. . "Registrovano partnerstvo kao neophodna civilna opcija ideo feministicke agende." Zenske Studije [Belgrade] (1997): 193-210. About same-sex registered partnerships as a part of the feminist agenda. . "Registrovano partnerstvo osoba istog pola." Arhiv za pravne i drustvene nauke 53, no. 4 (1997): 608-26. About same-sex registered partnerships. . "Reproduktivna prava zena protiv "prava na zivot" fetusa, diskusija sa savetovanja "Pravo i stvarnost"." Pravni iivot 47, no. 1-2 (1998): 85-9. About women's reproductive rights vs. the fetus's 'right to life': discussion from the "Law and Reality" Conference. . "Savremena koncepcija seksualnih delikata." In Krivicno zakonodavstvo i pravna driava, 81-100. Belgrade: Institut za kriminoloska i socioloska istrazivanja, 1994. About contemporary concepts of sexual offenses. . "Seksualno nasilje u kriznim vremenima i prostorima." In Ka vidljivoj Lenskoj istoriji: Zenski pokret u Beogradu 90 -tih, edited by Marina Blagojevic, 165-8. Belgrade: Centar za Zenske studije, 1998. About sexual violence in crisis. . "Sexual Abuse as Violation of Girls' Human Rights." In Women's Rights and Social Transition in the FRJ, edited by Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, 129-41. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1997. . "Sexual harassment-seksualna zloupotreba i ucenjivanje: krivicno delo ili civilni delikt." Jugoslovenska Revija za kriminologiju i krivicno pravo 33, no. 1-2 (1995): 145-58. About sexual harassment. . "Sindrom naucene bespomocnosti kod zena-zrtava porodicnog nasilja: Diskusija sa savetovanja "Pravo i stvamost"." Pravni iivot 47 no.I-2 (1998): 130-7. About the syndrome of learned helplessness in women-victims of domestic violence: discussion from the "Law and Reality" Conference. . "Sta hoce zene." SOS Bilten [Belgrade] 3 no. 6-7 (1993): 39-42. About "what women want." - - - . "Visoke devojke tesko disu ili sta znamo 0 incestu." [Tall Girls Have Difficulties with Breathing, or What Do We Know about Incest.] Kosava [Pancevo] 6, no. 34-35, (1997): 34-9. Revised translation of the English text published as "Tall Girls Have Difficulties With


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Breathing, Or an Unfinished Story About Incest and Incest Survivors." In Comparative Feminist Legal Theory, Iowa City, College of Law, Univ. of Iowa, Supplementary materials (total pages 151), 1997. Full text in English available at http://www.wgsact.net/e-Iibrary/e-libOOO3.html. . "Uloga majke u incestu." Casopis za klinicku psihologiju i socijalnu patologiju 2, no. 1-2 (1995): 176-205. About the mother's role in incest. . "Zastita prava na zivot zena od nasilja." Pravni Zivot [Belgrade] 46, no. 9 (1997): 25166. About the protection of women from violence. . Zenska prava su ljudska prava. Belgrade: SOS telefon za zene i decu zrtve nasilja, Centar za zcnske studije, Autonomni zcnski centar protiv seksualnog nasilja, 1994. About women's rights as human rights. The book has 6 chapters, covering the history of women's legal status, international documents regulating women's rights, an analysis of gender-based violence as the main source of the violation of women's human rights, sexual violence as a specific kind of gender-based violence, women's reproductive rights, and women's organizing in response to the violation of their human rights. Summary in English. . "Zenska prava su ljudska prava." Feministicke sveske 1, (1994): 85-92. About women's rights as human rights. . "Zlocini protiv covecnosti, genocid, silovanje: medjunarodnopravni okviri." In Problemi reintegracije i reforme jugoslovenskog krivicnog zakonodavstva, 184-91. Belgrade: Institut za kriminoloska i socioloska istrazivanja, 1995. About the international law framework and crimes against humanity such as genocide and rape. , and Donna Hughes. "Violence against Women in Belgrade, Serbia: SOS Hotline 19901993." Violence against Women 3, no. 2 (April 1997): 101-28. , and Gordana Radosavljevic. "Grupa za zenska ljudska prava." Feministicke sveske 5-6 (1996): 328-30. About the projects of Belgrade's Group for Women's Human Rights (ZLJP). , and Gordana Radosavljevic. "Siromastvo vodi u gradjanske neslobode-radionica 0 zenskom siromastvu." Zene za mir [Belgrade] 3 (May 1996): 153-5. About poverty and the lack of civil liberties from a workshop on women's poverty. , and Ivana Simovic. "Kriminalitet zena-potreba stvaranja novog kriminoloskog prilaza." Anali Pravnogfakulteta u Beogradu 42, no. 1-2 (1994): 161-71. About the criminality of women and the need for a new criminological approach. , Julie Mertus, Mallika Dutt, and Nancy Flowers. Zenska ljudska prava: Prakticna primena. Belgrade: DevedesetCetvrta, 1995.About women's human rights in practice. , and Mirjana Wagner. Zenska prava: pravna vodicica za zlostavljanu Zenu. Belgrade: Institut za kriminoloska i socioloska istrazivanja, 1996. A legal guide for battered women. Nicol, Donald MacGillivray. The Byzantine Lady: Ten Portraits, 1250-1500. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994. Includes a chapter on Mara Brankovic of Serbia, Sultanina, c. 1412-1476, pp. 110-9. Nikolic, Tea. "Serbian Sexual Response: Gender and Sexuality in Serbia During the 1990s." In: Sexuality and Gender in Postcommunist Eastern Europe and Russia, edited by Aleksander Stulhofer and Theo Sandfort, 125-47. New York: Haworth Press, 2005. Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vesna. (Bez)smisao kazne zatvora ili ka ferninistickoj analizi kazne." Zenske studije [Belgrade] 2/3 (1995): 245-58. Provides a feminist analysis of penalty based on the results of a research that was carried out in the prison for women in Pozarevac (Serbia). . "Feminist Research as a Process of Empowering: An Example of Research on Violence against Women." In What Can We Dofor Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994, 111-5. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. About the author's research on violence against women in war, based on interviews with refugee women settled in Serbia. . "Living without Democracy and Peace: Violence against Women in the Former Yugoslavia." Violence Against Women 5 no. 1, (January 1999): 63-80.


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. "Nasilje nad zenama u uslovima rata i ekonomske krize." Socioloski pregled 28, no. 3 (1994): 409-17. About violence against women during war and economic crisis. . "Nasilje u braku: teorijski okvir i rezultati dosadasnjih istrazivanja." Socioloski pregled 1-4 (1993): 27-41. About domestic violence. . Od zrtve do zatvorenice: nasilje nad ienama i drustvena tranzicija [From Victim to Prisoner: Violence Against Women and the Social Transition]. Belgrade: Prometej, 2000. . "Silovanje u ratu: kriminoloski, viktimoloski pravni aspekt." Jugoslovenska revija za kriminologiju i krivicno pravo [Belgrade] 1-2 (1993): 29-43. About criminological, victimological, and legal aspects of rape in war. . "Sindrom zlostavljane zene i njegove implikacije na pravni polozaj optuzene." Anali Pravnog Fakulteta u Beogradu 1 (1996): 43-59. About women criminals and the battered woman syndrome. . "Ubistvo kao posledica dugotrajnog nasilja u braku." lzbor sudske prakse 3 (1996): 65-9. About murder as a consequence of domestic violence. . 'War and Violence Against Women." In The Gendered New World Order: Militarism, Development, And The Environment, edited by Jennifer Turpin and Lois Ann Lorentzen, 195-210. New York: Routledge, 1996. . "War, Nationalism, and Mothers in the Former Yugoslavia." In The Women and War Reader, edited by Lois Ann Lorentzen and Jennifer Turpin, 234-39. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1998. ,ed. Women, Violence and War: Wartime Victimization of Refugees in the Balkans. Budapest: CEU Press; Plymouth, MA: Plymbridge, 1999. . "Women's Rights and Prison." In Women's Rights and Social Transition in the FRJ, edited by Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, 95-104. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1997. The author analyzes the results of research conducted in the Women's Ward of the Detention Center in Pozarevac and in district prisons of Belgrade, Nis, Kragujevac, and Prokuplje, and argues that the conditions in which the inmates live violate their women's human rights. . "Yugoslavia." In Prostitution: An International Handbook on Trends, Problems, and Policies, edited by Nanette J. Davis, 351-73. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1993. . "Zatvori za zene i tretman osudjenica." In Izvrsenje krivicnih sankcija i nova prakticna resenja, 1-22. Nis: Udruzenje za krivicno pravo i kriminologiju Srbije, 1994. About women's prisons and the treatment of inmates. . Zene kao zrtve kriminaliteta. Belgrade: Naucna knjiga, 1989. About women as victims of crime. , ed. Zenska prava i drustvena tranzicija u SR Jugoslaviji. Belgrade: Centar za zenske studije, istrazivanja i komunikaciju, 1997. Also published in English as Women's Rights and Social Transition in the FRJ. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1997. Papers presented at the Conference "Women's Rights and Social Transition in the FRJ," organized by the Women's Studies Center and held in Belgrade, June 13-15, 1997. Includes sections on women's rights and civil rights, women's rights and war, women's rights and institutions, and women's rights and violence against women. , and Natasa Mrvic. Drustvena kontrola i kriminalitet iena. Belgrade: Draganic i Institut za kriminoloska I socioloska istrazivanja, 1992. About social control and the criminality of women. , Slobodanka Konstatinovic-Vilic, Natasa Mrvic-Petrovic, and Ivana Stevanovic. Zene, nasilje i rat. Belgrade: Institut za kriminoloska i socioloska istrazivanja, 1995. About women, violence, and war. , Slobodanka Konstatinovic-Vilic, Natasa Mrvic-Petrovic, Ivana Stevanovic, and Branislava Knezic. Zene Krajine: rat, egzodus i izbeglistvo. Belgrade: Institut za kriminoloska I socioloska istrazivanja, 1996. About the women of Krajina during the war.


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"No Justice, No Peace: Accountability for Rape and Gender-Based Violence in the Former Yugoslavia: Based on a Mission of the Women in the Law Project of the International Human Rights Law Group." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 1 (Winter 1994): 89-128. Norman, Karin. "Young Girls Dressing: Experiences of Exile and Memories of Home among Kosovo-Albanian Refugees in the West Bank." In Beyond Boundaries, edited by Diane Baxterand Ruth M. Krulfeld, Kosovo-Albanian Refugees in the West Bank." In Beyond Boundaries, edited by Diane Baxter and Ruth M. Krulfeld, 122-45. Arlington, Virg.: American Anthropological Association, Arlington, Virg.: American Anthropological Association, Committee on Refugees and Immigrants, General Anthropology Division, 1997. Papic, Zarana. "Bivsa muskost i zenskost bivsih gradjana bivse Jugoslavije." Socioloski pregled 1, no. 4 (1992): 79-89. About the ex-maleness and femaleness of the ex-citizens of the ex-Yugoslavia. . "Europe after 1989: Ethnic Wars, the Fascistization of Civil Society and Body Politics in Serbia." In Thinking Differently: A Reader in European Women's Studies, edited by Gabriele Griffin and Rosi Braidotti, 127-44. London; New York: Zed Books; Distributed in the USA exclusively by Pal grave, 2002. . "Ex-Citoyennes dans la ex-Yougoslavie."Chronique feministe (Brussels) Numero Special: Viols et violences en ex-Yougoslavie." (June/July 1993): 11-5. . "Fascism, Feminist Resistance, and the Kosovo Crisis." In Kosovo: Contending Voices on Balkan Interventions, edited by William J. Buckley, 210-6. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2000. . "From State Socialism to State Nationalism: The Case of Serbia in Gender Perspective." In What Can We Do for Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994, 52-63. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. Also in Refuge: Canada's Periodical on Refugees 3 (June-July 1994): 10-4. . "How to Become a 'Real' Serbian Woman?" War Report 36 (September 1995): 401. . "Nacionalizam, Patrijarhat i Rat." Republika (Belgrade) 65 (1-15 April 1993): 26-8. About nationalism, patriarchy, and war. . "Nationalismus, Patriarchat und Krieg." In Frauen Zwischen Grenzen: Rassismus und Nationalismus in der Feministischem Diskussion, edited by Olga Uremovic and Gundula Orter, 107-15. Frankfurt & New York: Campus Verlag, 1994. About nationalism, patriarchy, and war. . "Nationalism, Patriarchy and War in Ex-Yugoslavia." Women's History 3, no. 1 (1994): 115-7. . "Nationalism, War and Gender." SCRIPT Frau Literatur Wissenschaft im AlpenJAdriatischen Raum [Klagenfurt] 3 (May 1993): 29-35. . "The Possibility of Socialist Feminism in Eastern Europe." In Women and Citizenship in Europe: Borders, Rights and Duties; Women's Differing Identities in a Europe of Contested Boundaries, Edited by Anna Ward, Jeanne Gregory, and Nira Yuval-Davis. 101-3. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books and European Forum of Socialist Feminists, 1992. . Sociologija i feminizam: Savremeni pokret i misao 0 oslobodjenju iena i njegov uticaj na sociologiju. Belgrade: Istrazivacko-izdavacki centar SSO Srbije, 1989. About sociology and feminism. . "Women as Ex-Citizens in Ex-Yugoslavia." In Against Patriarchal Thinking: Proceedings of the VIth Symposium of the International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh.) (Internationale Assoziation von Philosophinnen. Symposion (6th: 1992 : Amsterdam, Netherlands)), 327-32. Amsterdam: VU Univ. Press, 1992. . "Women in Serbia: Post-Communism, War, and Nationalist Mutations." In Gender politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav


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Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 153-69. University Park, Penn.: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. Pavlovic, Jeremija M. Jasenicanka: iivot i rad Lenskinja u Kragujevaekoj Jasenici. Belgrade: Stamparija "Sv. Sava," 1930. About the life and work of women in Kragujevac's Jasenica. Pejic, Slavko. Znamenite srpske pravoslavke. Belgrade: [Pravoslavni narodni univerzitet],"Pravoslavlje," Novinsko izdavacka ustanova Srpske patrijarsije, 1969. About famous Orthodox Serbian women. Peric, Zivojin. Covek i Lena: Jedan pokusaj iz oblasti zenskoga pitanja. Belgrade: Izdavacke knjizarnice G. Kona, 1922. About women, social and moral questions, and legal conditions. Petrovic, Radmila S. "M. S. Srpkinja i Draga Dejanovic 0 zenama." Glasnik Istorijskog Drustva u Novom Sadu [Sremski Karlovci] book Ill, no. 1 (1930): 80-97. Reprinted in ProFemina 3 (Summer 1995): 85-95. About Milica Stojadinovic Srpkinja (1830-1878) and Draga Dejanovic (1840-1871, 19th century writers, on the subject of women. . "Pravo zena na rad i zaradu (zelja da im se ono oduzme)." Rijeci [Zagreb] 27, no. 6 (14 February 1931): 5-6. Reprinted in ProFemina 3 (Summer 1995): 96-100. About women's right to work and earn a salary. . "Udruzenje studentkinja i studentski dom." Pravda [Belgrade] 340 (14 Dec 1927): 4. Reprinted in ProFemina 3 (Summer 1995): 76-7. About the Association of Women Students and the student dormitory. . "Univerzitetski obrazovane zene (povodom knjige gde Pauline Lebl-Albala)." Zivot i rad [Belgrade] year IV, book VII, no. 38 (Feb 1931): 121-4. Reprinted in ProFemina 3 (Summer 1995): 100-2. About university-educated women. . "Zene porotnici." Pravda [Belgrade] 10 (13 Jan 1928): 5. Reprinted in ProFemina 3 (Summer 1995): 75-6. About women jurors. . "Zene sudije." Zapis [Cetinje] IV no.1, 2 (1928): 55-58; 122-6. Reprinted in ProFemina 3 (Summer 1995): 78-83. About women judges. Popovic, Dragana. "Women In Physics: The Yugoslav Experience." Full text available at http://www.wgsact.net/e-Iibrary/e-lib0004.html. Pratt, Kathleen M., and Laurel E. Fletcher. "Time for Justice: The Case for International Prosecutions of ape and Gender-Based Violence in the Former Yugoslavia." Berkeley Women's Law Journal 9 1994): 77-102. Prosic-Dvornic, Mirjana. "Jednakost-Glasilo zena socijaldemokrata (Belgrade 1910-1912, 1914. Godine) i radnicki pokret za emancipaciju zena." Etnoloske sveske 7 [Belgrade-Topola] (1986): 7-22. About Equality, the organ of Social Democratic women in Belgrade, 19101914; and the workers' movement for women's emancipation. . "Zensko pitanje u Srbiji krajem XIX i pocetkorn XX veka i casopis Domacica (1879-1914)." Glasnik Etnografskog lnstituta SANU 34 [Belgrade] (1985): 47-70. About the woman question in Serbia in the late 19th-20th century and the journal Domacica (Housewife), 1879-1914. Purkovic, Miodrag AI. Jelena, iena cara Dusana [Helen. Emperor Dusan's Wife]. Dusseldorf: Izd. Srpske pravoslavne eparhije za zapadnu Evropu, 1975. About Jelena, consort of Dusan, Emperor of Serbia, 1310(ca)-1376. . Kceri kneza Lazara: Istorijska studija [Prince Lazar's Daughters: A Historical Study]. Melbourne: Srpska Misao, 1957. About daughters of Lazar, Prince of Serbia, ea. 1329-1389. . Princeze iz kuce Nemanjica [The Princesses from the House of Nemanjic], Windsor, Canada: Avala, 1956. Radojicic, Dorde Sp. "Maloje prinosenije Jefimije monahinje." [A small donation of Euphemia, the nun] Letopis Matice Srpske [Novi Sad] 387 (1961): 51-7.


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. "0 carici Jevdokiji I 0 nazivu carica u titulaturi srednjovekovne Srbije." [On Empress Eudocia and the Title of Empress in the Titulary Code of Medieval Serbia] Zbornik za istoriju Matice srpske [Novi Sad] 7 (1973): 105-9. Radonic, Jovan. "Nekoliko svetlih zcnskih figura iz davne nase proslosti." [Several glorius female characters from our ancient past] Glasnik Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve [Belgrade] 9, no. 27 (1946): 146. Radovanovic, Janko. "Neveste Hristove u 0 zivopisu Bogorodice Ljeviske u Prizrenu." [Fr. sum. Les 'epouses du Christ' sur les fresques de la Vierge de Ljevisa aPrizren] Zbornik za likovne umetnosti 15 (1979): 115-34. Ramet, Sabrina P., ed. Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. Rasevic, Mirjana. Ka razumevanju abortusa u Srbiji. Belgrade: Institut drustvenih nauka, Centar za drustvena istrazivanja, 1994. About the problem of abortion in Serbia. Rasson, Judith A., Mirjana Stevanovic, and Vladimir Hie. "Living Spaces in Transition: From Rural to Urban Family Life in Serbia." In House Life: Space, Place and Family in Europe, edited by Donna Birdwell-Pheasant and Denise Lawrence-Znfiiga, 177-204. Oxford; New York: Berg, 1999. Reeves, Joy B. "Women, Work and Family in Former Yugoslavia." In Family, Women and Employment in Central-Eastern Europe, edited by Barbara Lobodzinska, 245-58. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1995. Regodic, Biljana. "Homeland as a Form of Women's Disloyalty." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 176-8. Boulder: Westview, 1997. Feminist antiwar statement. Reineck, Janet Susan. "The Past as Refuge: Gender, Migration, and Ideology among the Kosova Albanians." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1991. Republic of Serbia. Drustveno-ekonomski poloiaj zene i zadaci Socijalistickog saveza. Republicka konferencija SSRN Srbije. Belgrade; Politicka biblioteka SSRN Srbije, 1974. About women's socio-economic position under socialism and the duties of the socialist league. Socialist League of the Working People of Serbia conference proceedings. Rihtman-Augustin, Dunja, Ljiljana Marks, and Maja Kozic, eds. Zene u seoskoj kulturi Panonije: V medunarodin znanstveni skup Ethnographia Pannonica, Vinkovci, 1980. Zagreb: Hrvatsko etnolosko drustvo, 1982. Annotated under Croatia. Rosandic, Ruzica. "Patriotic Education." In Warfare, Patriotism, Patriarchy, edited by Ruzicakosandic and Vesna Pesic, 41-58. Belgrade: Center for Anti-War Action Association MOST, 1994. , and Vesna Pesic, eds. Ratnistvo, patriotizam. patrijarhalnost. Belgrade: Centar za antiratne akcije, 1994. About belligerence, patriotism, and patriarchy. Salecl, Renata. "The Ideology of the Mother Nation in the Yugoslav Conflict." In Envisioning Eastern Europe: Postcommunist Cultural Studies, edited by Michael Kennedy, 87-101. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1994. . The Spoils of Freedom: Psychoanalysis and Feminism after the Fall of Socialism. New York: Routledge, 1994. Savic, Svenka. "Another Example of (Non)Visibility of Women in a Textbook." In Linguistics with a Human Face: Festschriftfiir Norman Denison zum 70. Geburtstag,35964. Herausgegeben von Karl Sornig, et al. Graz: Institut fur Sprachenwissenschaft der Universitat Graz, 1995. . "Jedan primer (ne)vidljivosti zene u udzbeniku." Feministicke sveske 3-4 (1995): 223-6. About the invisibility of women in a textbook. Schmidt, Nina. "Albanische Frauen in Kosovo." Osteuropa-Info 67 (1986). Annotated under Albania.


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Sekulic, Isidora. "Inside Serbia: The War at Home." Ms. 4 (March-April 1994): 8-9. Reports on the consolidation of Milosevic' s regime in Serbia, its sponsorship of the Bosnian Serb war activities, involvement of the Women in Black organization in peace activism, and the rape of women in war. Shiffman, J., Skrabalo, M. and J. Subotic. "Reproductive Rights and the State in Serbia and Croatia." Social Science and Medicine 54, no. 4 (2002): 625-42. Slapsak, Svetlana. "Javno i tajno u zenskom delovanju." [Public and secret in women's activity] ProFemina 3 (Summer 1995): 110-4. - - - . "Women from the XYZ Country." ProFemina 1 (Winter 1994-1995): 137-41. - - - . "Zenskom rukom: sta?" [By woman's hand: what?] ProFemina 1 (Winter 1994/95): 11-2. Sljivic-Simsic, Biljana. "The Beginnings of the Feminist Movement in Nineteenth Century Serbia." Serbian Studies 3, no. 1-2 (1984-85): 35-51. - - - . "Women in Life and Fiction at the Turn of the Century (1884-1914)." Serbian Studies 7 no.2 (1993): 106-22. Sofos, Spyros A. "Inter-ethnic Violence and Gendered Constructions of Ethnicity in Former Yugoslavia." Social Identities 2, no. 1 (February 1996): 73. Solovjev, Aleksandar. "Kaznjavanje neverne zene u crnogorskom i vizantijskom pravu." Arhiv za pravne i drustvene nauke 30, no. 6 (1935): 478-88. About the punishment of wives for crimes of betrayal in Montenegrin and Byzantine law. Spasic, Ivana. "Jesmo li mucenice?" [Are we martyrs?] Zene protiv rata 1 (Summer 1994): 44-6. Stevanovic, Ivana. "Women's Rights and Exile." In Women's Rights and Social Transition in the FRi, edited by Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, 71-82. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1997. About the legal position of refugee women in Serbia. Stjepanovic-Zaharijcvski, Dragana. Moc i nemoc iene: sociolosko istrazivanje apsentizma. Nis: Prosveta, 1999. Women's absenteeism in the workplace. Stojanovic, Petar. "Licni Subjektivitet Crnogorske Zene u XVIII, XIX i u Pocetku XX Vijeka" Istorijski Zapisi [Yugoslavia] 27, no. 3-4 (1974): 213-41. About the social roles, duties, and rights of women in Montenegro, 18th - zo" centuries, both in their families of origin, and in those into which they married. Also examines the treatment of women abducted by the Turks. - - - . "Neki Aspekti Nasljedno-Pravnih Odnosa U Crnoj Gori u XIX i na Pocetku XX Vijeka." Istorijski Zapisi [Yugoslavia] 23 no. 3-4 (1970): 209-50. About tradition and inheritance laws, the system of wills and probate, and women's rights in 19th & zo" century Montenegro. Stolic, Ana. "From Childhood to Womanhood: The Ideological Basis of the upbringing of Female Children in Serbia at the End of the 19th Century." In Childhood in South East Europe: Historical Perspectives on Growing Up in the 19th and 20th Century, edited by Slobodan Naumovic and Miroslav Jovanovic, 97-109. Munster: Lit Verlag; Distributed in North America by Transaction Publishers, 2004. Subotie, Savka, 1834-1918. A progressive proponent of women's education, and the founder and member of several Serbian women's organizations.

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Sljivi6-Simsi6, Biljana. "Savka Subotic (1834-1918): 'The Mother of Serbian Women's Culture." Serbian Studies 7 no. 1 (1993): 69-86. Terselic, Vesna. "Women Dominant in Antiwar Campaign." War Report 36 (September 1995): 39-40. Todorovic, Neda. "Stampa za zene u Srbiji." Dva veka srpskog novinarstva. Belgrade: Institut za novinarstvo, 1992.211-5. About publications for women in Serbia.


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Todosijevic, Jelica. "Serbia." In Unspoken Rules: Sexual Orientation and Women's Human Rights. Ed. Rachel Rosenbloom, 171-9. New York: International Gaylor and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, 1996. Tomanovic, Smiljka. "Socialization of the Child under Conditions of a Changed Everyday Life of the Family." Sociologija [Belgrade] 36, no. 4 (October-December 1994): 483-93. Turnipseed, Kathryn. "Electronic Witches: Women Activists Using E-mail in the Former Yugoslavia." Feminist Collections 17, no. 2 (1996): 22-3. "UNFPA Documents the Horror: Rape among Kosovo Refugees." Populi 26, no. 2 (June 1999): 6-7. Annotated under Albania. Vasic, Radmila. "The Future of Women in the Future of Democracy." In What Can We Do for Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994, 107-10. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. Veljkovic, Vera. "Socijalna i kriminoloska obelezja osudjenih zena." Zbomik Instituta za socioloska i kriminoloska istraiivanja [Belgrade] 1 (1993): 280-92. About the social and criminological features of women-convicts. Veskovic, Radmila. "SOS Hotline, Kraljevo: Our Work and Experiences." In What Can We Do for Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994, 116-20. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. Vickers, Miranda. Between Serb and Albanian: A History of Kosovo. London: Hurst; New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1998. Annotated under Albania. Vujacic, Marko A. Znamenite Crnogorke. Titograd: Graficki zavod, 1961. Prominent Montenegrin women's biographies. Wagner, Mirjana. "Zene i deca zrtve nasilja kao osteceni u krivicnom postupku." Feministicke sveske 5-6 (1996): 199-200. About women and children victims of violence in criminal proceedings. Wagner, Richard. Children and Change in Orasac, 1870-1975: A Serbian Perspective on Fertility Decline. Occasional Paper Series/ Program in Soviet and East European Studies, 22. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts, 1992. Walsh, Martha. Beyond Feminist and Feminine: Unpacking Women's Initiatives in ExYugoslavia.M.A. thesis. Univ. of Sussex, Institute for Development Studies, 1996. Annotated under Bosnia-Herzegovina. "War Crimes against Women in Ex-Yugoslavia." Women's International Network News 20, no. 3 (Summer 1994): 35. Wheelwright, Julia. "Captain Flora Sandes: A Case Study in the Social Construction of Gender in a Serbian Context." In Black Lambs and Grey Falcons: Women Travellers in the Balkans, edited by John B. Allcock and Antonia Young, 82-9. Bradford: Bradford Univ. Press, 1991. Women in Black. "Belgrade Women in Black against War." International Peace Update 61, no.1 (February 1996): 5. Excerpts from the statement by Women in Black following the Dayton agreement. . "Women in Black Against War." Women Magazine 40 (Dec 1993): 17-8. Letter by Women in Black to the Women's Meeting in Amsterdam on the 8th of March 1993. Zajovic, Stasa. "Against Nationalism and War." Connexions 42 (1993): 19. The author discusses the organization of women into militaristic groups in the former Yugoslavia and the ways in which women had been used for militaristic purposes. Nevertheless, the majority of women chose the values of peace. . "Albanke i feminizam: Tradicija ogranicava izbor." Opet Feministicke novine (March 1991): 28-31. About Albanian women, feminism, and tradition.in Kosovo. . "Bearing Sons to Meet the Debt." Connexions 42 (1993): 27. The author discusses the nationalist propaganda in Serbia. Motherhood is imposed as a duty and women's sexuality is reduced to the procreation and motherhood of the nation.


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. "Being a Woman." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 173-5. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. . "The Guardians of 'National Value' and Biological Reproduction." War Report 36 (September 1995): 42-3. . "I Am Disloyal: Nationalism, War, Personal Experience." In What Can We Do for Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994,49-51. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. The author discusses the meanings of loyalty in nationalist ideology. . "Mothers for Peace." Connexions 42 (1993): 16. On July 2, 1991, a few hundred mothers of federal army draftees, who had been sent to war, broke into the Serbian Parliament demanding the return of their sons from the army and war. The Mothers' movement spread throughout Yugoslavia, but was suppressed or used for patriotic propaganda. . "Nationalism and Serb Women." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 169-72. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. . "Patriarchy, Language and National Myth: The War and Women in Serbia." Peace News for Nonviolent Revolution 2352 (March 1992): 7. . "Prava fetusa ili represija nad zenskom seksualnoscu: kontracepcija i katolicka crkva." Zene protiv rata 1 (Summer 1994): 30-5. About women's sexuality, contraception, and the Catholic Church. . "Prostor nekaznjenog nasilja: 0 silovanju u ram." Zene za mir 1991-1992. Belgrade: Zene u crnom, 1992.28-31. About rape in war. . "Radjanje, nacionalizam i rat." Zene protiv rata 1 (Summer 1994): 6-10. About childbirth, nationalism and war. . "Women Resist Militarization of Former Yugoslavia." Off Our Backs 22.4 (April 1997): 7. . "Zene i militarizam u Srbiji." Zene protiv rata 3-4 (Autumn 1995): 36-43. About women and militarism in Serbia. . "Zloupotreba zena u nacionalisticke i militaristicke svrhe." Zene za mir. Belgrade: Zene u crnom, 1995. 172-6. About the abuse of women for nationalist and militarist purposes. Zarkov, Dubravka. "Gender, Orientalism, and the History of Ethnic Hatred in the Former Yugoslavia." In Crossfires: Nationalism, Racism, and Gender in Europe, edited by Helma Lutz, Ann Phoenix, and Nira Yuval-Davis, 105-210. London; East Haven, Conn.: Pluto Press for the European Forum of Left Feminists, 1995. . "Sex as Usual: Body Politics and the Media War in Serbia." In Embodied Practices: Feminist Perspectives on the Body, edited by Kathy Davis, 110-27. London; Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1997. . "War Rapes in Yugoslavia: On Masculinity, Femininity and the Power of Rape Victim Identity." Tijschrift voor Criminologie 39, no. 2: 140-51. Annotated under BosniaHerzegovina. Zene za zivot be: nasilja: prirucnik za volonterke SOS telefona. Belgrade: SOS telefon za zene i decu zrtve nasilja, 1995. Handbook for SOS volunteers helping women victims of violence. Zivkovic, Dusan. "The Participation of the Women of Boka in the National Liberation Struggle." lstorijski Casopis 14/15 (1965): 465-81. About the activities of the women of the region of Boka Kotorska, Montenegro, during World War 11. Zivkovic, Vojislav. Sagorele kao ljudi. Pozarevac: Casopis "Branicevo," 1971. About women in the resistance movement in Serbia during World War 11.


Serbia and Montenegro Literature and the Arts Abramovic, Marina, 1946-. Performance and video artist from Belgrade, currently living in Amsterdam. According to the web site http://www.2000p.org/eng/collectionlabramovic/, which provides her brief biography, she is "one of the most radical and dedicated explorers of the body as a source and vehicle of artistic expression." SER401


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Abramovic, Marina. Marina Abramovic: talon siivous: matkakaappi [Cleaning the house: travelling cabinet]. Helsinki: Kiasma, Nykytaiteen museo, 1999. In Finnish and English. Catalog of an exhibition held Sept. 10-Nov. 7, 1999 at Studio K, Kiasma, Nykytaiteenmuseo, Helsinki. . Unfinished Business [erscheint anlasslich der Ausstellung "unfinished business" Marina Abramovic and students, Studenten der HBK Braunschweig, vom 16. Mai bis 4. Juli 1999] Cologne: Salon, 1999. Exhibition catalog. , and Charles Atlas. Marina Abramovic: biography. Ostfildern bei Stuttgart: Cantz, 1994. Abramovic, Marina, Pablo J. Rico Lacasa andThomas Wulffen. El puente: Marina Abramovic, exposici6n retrospectiva [The bridge]. Valencia: Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana; Milano: Distribuci6n internacional/International distribution Charta, 1998. Text in English and Spanish. , and Ulay. A Performance Anthology. Amsterdam: Time Based Arts [distributor], 1980. A compilation of individual performances and events by pioneering performance artists Ulay and Marina Abramovic, 4 videocassettes (270 min.) , and Velimir Abramovic. Marina Abramovic: Artist Body: Performances 1969-1998. Milano: Charta, 1998. Created on the occasion of the touring show Abramovic: artist bodypublic body, Bern, Kunstmuseum and others. Texts by Velimir Abrarnovic et al. De Negri, Dobrila. "Marina Abramovic." ProFemina 8 (Autumn 1996): 233-9. About artist Marina Abramovic. . Marina Abramovic: Performing Body. Milano: Charta, 1998. In Italian and English. Published in connection with installations shown at Studio Stefania Miscetti, Rome, and Zerynthia, Paliano (Fr), May 19-5ept. 30, 1997. Demaria, Cristina. "The Performative Body of Marina Abramovic: Rerelating (in) Time and Space." European Journal of Women's Studies 11, no. 3 (2004): 295-307. Ecole nationale superieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Marina Abramovic [Exposition, 26 fevrier22 mars 1992J. Paris: Ecole nationale superieure des Beaux-Arts, 1992. Green, Charles. The Third Hand: Collaboration in ArtfromConceptualism to Postmodernism. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2001. Includes a section on Abramovic, entitled "Missing in action: Marina Abrarnovic and Ulay." Krukowski, Samantha Henriette. Performing History: Walking Along Ulay and Abramovic's The Lovers.' Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1999. Pijnappel, Johan, ed. Marina Abramovic: Cleaning the House. Art and Design monographs. London: Academy Editions; New York, St. Martin's Press, 1995. Performance art catalog. Ahmeti, Sevdije. Journal d'unefemme du Kosovo: La guerre avant la guerre. Notes by JeanYves Potel; preface by Bernard Kouchner; translated from the English by Chantal DeltenreDe Bruycker et Daniel De Bruycker. Paris: Karthala; Comite catholique contre la faim et pour le developpernent, 2001. Aleksijevic, Vlastoje D. "Nasa zena u knjizevnorn stvaranju."[Our women in literature.] (A lecture presented at the university in Novi Sad, February 5, 1941; Published 1941). Reprinted in ProFemina 1 (Winter 1994/95): 164-81.


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Bajic-Poderegin, Milka. The Dawning. Trans. Nadja Poderegin. New York: Interlink, 1995. Historical novel about generations of Serbian women.

Brovina, Flora, 1949- Kosovar pediatrician and poet, who founded the Women's League of Kosovo. She was imprisoned by the Milosevic regime, and released by the Kostunica government. In 2001 she received the Millennium Peace Prize for Women sponsored by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and the London-based human rights organization International Alert. See http://www.undp.org/unifem/mpprize/brovinabio.html, and Hasan Hasani, Leksikoni i shkrimtareve shqiptare 1501-2001. Prishtina: Faik Konica, 2003. SER417 SER418 SER419 SER420 SER421 SER422




Brovina, Flora. Cry and Kosova: Poetry. Translated into English by Fadil Bajraj and others. Prishtina: Gjon Buzuku, 1999. In English and Albaninan. - - - . Mat e cmat. Prishtina: Rilindja, 1995. - - - . Verma emrin tim. Prishtina: Rilindja, 1973. - - - . "Words of Flora Brovina: Trial in Nis." December 9, 1999. http://www.khao.org/appkosova/appkosova-report0033.htm - - - . Poems. http://www.albapoetry.com. In English. Siobhan Dowd, "Flora Brovina: Imprisoned After an Unfair Trial." http://www.dfn.org/focus/yugoslavia/iwd-flora.htm on Digital Freedom Network in Focus. Written March 1,2000 for International Women's Day, March 8. Link to two poems by Brovina in English: "1981" and "Dimension." - - - . "Silenced voices: Flora Brovina." The Literary Review [London] August 24, 1999. Available on the web at: http://dfn.org/focus/yugoslavia/flora.htm. Dowd, of the Writers in Prison Committee of International PEN writes a monthly column about imprisoned authors, "Silenced Voices. Crnkovic, Gordana P. "Women Writers in Croatian and Serbian Literatures." In Gender politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor State, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 221-42. University Park, PA.: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. Cupic, Simona. "The Politics of Representation as a Projection of Identity: The Female Body in its Oriental Construction in Serbian Art." European Journal of Women's Studies 10,3(2002): 321-34. Discussion of the works of Djordje Jovanovic, Djordje Krstic, Paja Jovanovic and Babett Bachmeyer Vukanovic.

Dimitrijevie, Jelena J., 1862-1945. Poet, novelist, folklorist, prominent in Serbian literary circles. SER426 SER427 SER428 SER429 SER430 SER431 SER432 SER433 SER434

Dimitrijevic, lelena J. Amerikanka. U Sarajevu: Izd. I. D. Durdevica, 1918. - - - . Fati-sultan; Safi-hanum; Mejrem-hanum. Belgrade; Dositije Obradovic, 1907. - - - . Nove: roman {New women: a novel]. Belgrade; Davidov, 1912. For this novel, Dimitrijevic won the prestigious Matica Srpska prize for literature. - - - . Pesme [Poems}. NiS: Z. Radovanovic, 1894. - - - . Pisma i: Nisa 0 haremima. Belgrade; Narna radikalna staparija, 1897. Reprinted in 1986 (Belgrade; Narodna biblioteka Srbije) - - - . Pisma i: Soluna. U Sarajevu: Izdao I. D. Durdevic, 1918. - - - . Sedam mora i tri okeana: putem oko sveta. Belgrade; Drz. tamp. Kralj. Jugoslavije, 1940. Hawkesworth, Celia. "A Serbian Woman in a Turkish Harem: The Work of Jelena Dimitrijevic (1862-1945)." Slavonic and East European Review 77, no. 1 (1999): 58-73. Slapsak, Svetlana. "Haremi, nomadi: Jelena Dimitrijevic." In Zene, slike, izmisljaji, edited by


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Branka Arsic, 49-73. Belgrade: Centar za zenskc studije, 2000. Djurdjic, Ljiljana. Poems. In The Horse Has Six Legs: An Anthology of Serbian Poetry, edited and translated by Charles Simic, 191-6. St Paul, Minn.: Graywolf Press, 1992. Hawkesworth, Celia. "Reflections of the Recent Conflict in Former Yugoslavia in the Works of Women Writers." European Journal of Women 's Studies 5 no. 3-4 (Nov 1998): 311-28. Annotated under Bosnia-Herzegovina. . Voices in the Shadows: Women and Verbal Art in Serbia and Bosnia. Budapest: CEU Press, 2000. Annotated under Bosnia-Herzegovina. Ivanovie, Katarina, 1811-1882. Serbian painter.

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Badnjarevic-Ristic, Jelena. "Neznost i snaga Katarine Ivanovic." Glas Isidore [Pancevo] 8 (February 1996): 6-7. About the work and life of painter Katarina Ivanovic. ceue, Stojan, ed. Katarina Ivanovic (1811-1882). Belgrade: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, 1984. Exhibition catalog. In Serbo-Croatian (Cyrillic). Summaries in German. Fitz, Jeno, ed. Katarina Ivanovic, emlekkidllitds / Spomen-izlozba Katarine Ivanovic. Szekesfehervar: Istvan Kiraly Miizeum, 1983. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Istvan Kiraly Miizeum, Szerkesfehervar, 23 April-29 May 1983. Text in Hungarian, includes English summary. Kolaric, Miodrag. Katarina lvanovic, Mina Vukomanovic. Belgrade; Narodni muzej, 1958. About Katarina Ivanovic. In Serbian, Cyrillic characters, summaries in French. Jovanovic, BiIjana, 1953-1996. Prose writer from Serbia.

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Jovanovic, Biljana. Dusa, jedinica moja. Nove knjige domacih pisaca 10. Belgrade: BIGZ, 1984. - - - . Pada Avala: roman. Savremena proza. Belgrade: Prosveta, 1978; 1979; 1981. Novel. - - - . Psi i ostali. Biblioteka Prosveta. 13. Belgrade: Prosveta, 1980. Lukic, Jasmina. "Protiv svih zabrana, proza Biljane Jovanovic." ProFemina 7 (Summer 1996): 126-34. About Biljana Jovanovic's prose. Slapsak, Svetlana. "Teatar Minerala: Soba na Bosforu Biljane Jovanovic." ProFemina 7 (Summer 1996): 144-5. About Biljana Jovanovic's work. Kostic, Stanislava. "'ProFemina'-serbskie czasopismo poswiecone literaturze i kulturze kobiecej [ProFemina-a Serbian journal dedicated to the literature and culture of women]." In: Wiek Kobiet w Literaturze, edited by Jadwiga Zacharska and Mark Kochanowski, 376-79. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 2002. Lukic, Jasmina. "Women-Centered Narratives in Contemporary Serbian and Croatian Literatures." In Engendering Slavic Literatures, edited by Pamela Chester and Sibelan Forrester, 223-43. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1996. Magazinovic, Maga, 1882-1968. Choreographer, dancer, modern ballet theorist, and writer. The founder of Serbian modern dancing. According to Dubravka Djuric, "the books of Maga Magazinovic are unique in Serbo-Croatian speaking regions. The author directly participated in the movements which reformed dance."

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Magazinovic, Maga. Istorija igre [A history of dance]. Belgrade: Prosveta, 1951. - - - . "Odnos umetnicke igre prema muzici." In Orchestra [Belgrade] 8 (Autumn 1997): 4-6. On the relationship between music and dance. Originally written in 1922. Djuric, Dubravka. "Maga Magazinovic: kontekst i znacenja rada." ProFemina 5-6 (WinterSpring 1996): 184-8. About the modern dancer. Full text in English, "Maga Magazinovic:


Serbia and Montenegro The Context and Meanings of the Work," available at: http://www.wgsact.net/e-library/elibOOOl.html.

Maksimovic, Desanka, 1898-1993. One of the most prominent and prolific Serbian poets, who allied herself to the Milosevic project. Upon her death, the Serbian government set up a foundation in her name. The foundation gives a yearly poetry prize. The centenary of her birth was also marked by the unveiling of a monument in Belgrade. See http://www.nbs.bg.ac.yu/enbs7402.htm SER452

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Maksimovic, Desanka. Poems. In The Horse Has Six Legs: An Anthology of Serbian Poetry, edited and translated by Charles Simic, 41-7. St Paul, Minn.: Graywolf Press, 1992. See also under Blazevic in the Yugoslavia section. - - - . Ako je verovati mojoj baki: price i bajke, edited by Slobodan Rakitic, Belgrade: Beogradski izdavacko-graficki zavod, 1993. - - - . Govori tiho. Belgrade: Mlado pokolenje, 1961. --.,...--. I seek clemency. Selected poems translated, with examples from Dusan's Law Code, by Celia Hawkesworth to celebrate the poet's ninetieth birthday. Belgrade: Association of Serbian Writers, 1988. - - - . Izabrane pesme, edited by Miroslav Egeric. Belgrade: IK "Draganic," 1998. - - - . Kratkovecna i druge bajke. Ed. Slobodan Rakitic. Belgrade: BIGZ, 1993. - - - . Letopis Perunovih potomaka: pesme. Belgrade: Nolit, 1976. - - - . Ludilo srca: pripovetke. Belgrade: Srpska knjizevna zadruga, 1931. - - - . Miris zemlje: izabrane pesme. Belgrade: Prosveta, 1958. - - - . Ne ostavljaj me nikad samu... Ed. Branimir Zivojinovic. Belgrade: VAJAT, 1982. - - - . Nemam vise vremena. Belgrade: Prosveta, 1974. - - - . Otadibina u prvomajskoj povorci. Zagreb: Nakladni Zavod Hrvatske, 1949. - - - . Otadibino, tu sam. Belgrade: Prosveta, 1951. - - - . Otvoren prozor: roman. Subotica: Minerva, 1954. Novel. - - - . Ozon zavicaja. Belgrade: Knjizevne novine, 1990. - - - . Pamticu sve: pesme. Belgrade: Nolit, 1988. - - - . Pradevojcica: roman, edited by Slobodan Rakitic. Belgrade: BIGZ, 1993. Novel. - - - . Ptice na cesmi. Zagreb: Mladost, 1963. - - - . Sajam reci. Niksic: NIO "Univerzitetska rijec," 1987. - - - . Seva nebesnica. Belgrade: Kolarceva zaduzbina, 1998. - - - . Slovo 0 ljubavi. Belgrade: Srpska knjizevna zadruga, 1983. - - - . Trailm pomilovanje: lirske diskusije s Dusanovim zakonikom. Novi Sad: Matica srpska, 1965. - - - . Verujem. Belgrade: Sloboda, 1969. - - - . Visions: selected poems. Selected and translated by Reginald G. A. De Bray. Belgrade: Nolit, 1988. - - - . Vrt detinjstva: pesme, edited by Slobodan Rakitic. Belgrade: Beogradski izdavackograficki zavod, 1993. Andrejevic, Danica. Poezija Desanke Maksimovic. Pristina: Jedinstvo, 1983. Andric, Ljubisav, ed. Sa Desankom Maksimovic. Novi Sad: Matica srpska, 1989. Interviews with Desanka Maksimovic, Blecic, Milorad R. Zivot Desanke Maksimovic pracen pesmom. Belgrade: Knjizevna zajednica Zvezdara: Klub NT, 1998. Boskovic, Velizar. Desanka. Belgrade: BMG, 1995. - - - . Desankac. Belgrade: NIP "Prosvetni pregled," 1995. Biography of Desanka Maksimovic. - - - . Pesnikinja izbliza: tihi nemiri Desanke Maksimovic. Belgrade: Strucna knjiga, 1992.


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Biography of Maksimovic, Brajkovic, Dragomir. Desanka Maksimovic, ili, Slovo 0 ljubavi. Belgrade: Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva, 1995. - - - . Desankine oporuke. Belgrade: Narodna knjiga, 1998. On the work and legacy of Desanka Maksimovic, Jovanovic, Branko. Desanka Maksimovic. Belgrade: Rad, 1968. Markovic, Slobodan Z. Desanka Maksimovic u -svom knjizevnom vremenu: 15. i 16. maja 1995, Beograd, Valjevo, Brankovina: zbornik radova. Belgrade: Zaduzbina Desanka Maksimovic, 1995. A collection of articles on Desanka Maksimovic's work. Nedeljkovic, Dragoljub Dragan. Desanka Maksimovic, pesnik nose sudbine. Sombor: Gradska biblioteka Karlo Bijelicki, 1974. About the poetry of Desanka Maksimovic. Popovic, Radovan, et al. Knjiga 0 Desanki. Belgrade: Udruzenje izdavaca I knjizara Jugoslavije: Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva, 1998. About Desanka Maksimovic. Savic, Velibor Berko. Desanka Maksimovic: spomenica 0 100-godisnjici rodjenja. Valjevo: V. B. Savic, 1998. About Desanka Maksimovic, memorial, 100 years after her birth. Stavljanin-Dordevic, Ljubica. Pesnicko delo Desanke Maksimovic. Belgrade: [s.n.], 1998. About the poetry of Desanka Maksimovic. Sibinovic, Miodrag. /zmedju svetova: novi aspekti knjizevnog dela Desanke Maksimovic. Belgrade: Zaduzbina Desanke Maksimovic, 1999. About some new aspects of Desanka Maksimovic's literary work. Markovic, Danica, 1879-1932. Lyric poet.

SER492 SER493

Markovic, Danica. Trenuci i raspolozenja. Belgrade: Stamp. Mlada Srbija, 1930. Markovic, Ljubica. Danica Markovic: prva srpska moderna liricarka. Cacak: Zajednica doma i skole cacanske gimnazije, 1940. About the first modern Serbian woman poet, who was also important for her feminist writings.


Matic, Veran, ed. Women Who Steal Language: Contemporary Women's Literature in Serbia. Belgrade: Radio B92, 1997. Mieic-Dimovska, Milica, 1947- Fiction writer, especially about "women's worlds."

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Micic-Dimovska, Milica. Odmrzavanje: kozmeticke price. Biblioteka "Danas." Novi Sad: Matica srpska, 1991. - - - . Poslednji zanosi MSS: roman. Belgrade: Nolit, 1997; 1996. Novel. - - - . Poznanici. Biblioteka "Danas." Novi Sad: Matica srpska,1980. - - - . U procepu: pripovetke. Belgrade: Nolit, 1998. - - - . Utvare: roman. Biblioteka "Danas." Novi Sad: Matica srpska, 1987. Novel. Lukic, Jasmina. "Zene i modeli zenskosti u prozi Milice Micic-Dimovske." ProFemina 2 (1995): 161-8. About Milica Micic-Dimovska's prose. Milankova, Ivana. Poems. In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by WaIter M. Cummins, 430; 440-3. Rutherford, NJ.: Farleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. Milojkovic-Djuric, Jelena. "The Poetic Messages of Serbian Women Writers in Diaspora." In Perspectives on Modern Central and East European Literature: Quests for Identity: Selected Papaers From the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Stuides, edited by Todd Patrick Armstrong, 114-28. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001. - - - . "The Poetic Messages of Serbian Women Writers: Kosara Gavrilovic, Milena Milic, Milica Miladinovic, and Ljiljana Vukic." Serbian Studies 11, no. 1 (1997): 96-106.


Serbia and Montenegro

Pavlovlc-Barill, Milena, 1909-1945. Modernist painter and poet. SER504 SER505 SER506

Badnjarevic-Ristic, Jelena. "Zivot izmedju sna i jave." Glas Isidore [Pancevo] 11 (Nov 1996): 20-1. About the work and life of painter Milena Pavlovic-Barili, Ptotic, Miodrag B. Milena Pavlovic-Barilli: Zivot i delo. Belgrade: Prosveta, 1966. About the life and work of Milena Pavlovic-Barili. Ristic, Sinisa, and Ignjatovic, Srba. Spajajuci vale sa zvezdama: lirski rasponi Milene Pavlovic Barili. Belgrade: Apostrof, 1998. About the work of Pavlovic-Barili, Petrovie, Nadezda, 1873-1915. Expressionist painter. Brief biography available at http://www.artnet.comllibrary/06/0667rr066799.asp


Badnjarevic-Ristic, Jelena. "Zivot kao umetnost." Glas Isidore [Pancevo] 10 (April 1996): 89. About the work and life of Petrovic, Petrovic, Zora, 1894-1962. Painter.

SER508 SER509



Dordevic, Dragoslav. Zora Petrovic. Belgrade: Prosveta, 1959. Jankovic, Olivera. Zora Petrovic: umetnost kao iivot [Zora Petrovic: art as life]. Belgrade: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, 1995. The Catalogue of an exhibition organized by the Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Includes bibliographical references. Muzej savremene umetnosti. Z. P.: Zora Petrovic, 1894-1962: retrospektivna izloiba slika, Muzej savremene umetnosti, 27 mart-7 maj 1978. Belgrade: Izd. Muzeja savremene umetnosti, 1978. The catalogue of the retrospective exhibit of the Petrovi6's paintings. Pettan, Svanibor. "Female to Male-Male to Female: Third Gender in the Musical Life of the Gypsies in Kosovo." Narodna umjetnost 33, no. 2 (1996): 311-24. Savie-Rebac, Anica, 1892-1953. Poet, literary critic, classicist and linguist.

SER512 SER513 SER514 SER515 SER516 SER517


Savic-Rebac, Anica. Anticka estetika i nauka 0 knjiievnosti. Novi Sad: Knjizevna zajednica Novog Sada, 1985. - - - . Helenski vidici: Eseji. Belgrade: Srpska knjizevna zadruga, 1966. Essays about Serbian poetry, and comparing Greek and Serbian literature. - - - . Predplatonska erotologija. Novi Sad: Knj. zaj. Novog Sada, 1984. A history of Ancient Greek erotic literature. - - - . Studije: ogledi: I-II. Novi Sad: Knjizevna zajednica Novog Sada, 1988. Jovancai, Mrija. Bibliografija Anice Savic-Rebac, 1905-1997. Novi Sad: Izd. Biblioteke Matice srpske, 1997. Slapsak, Svetlana. "Anica Savic-Rebac kao turnac modernih knjizevnosti." In: Savic-Rebac, Anica. Studije i ogledi I-II, 195-209. Novi Sad: Knjizevna zajednica Novog Sada, 1988. About poet and theorist Savic-Rebac as an interpreter of modem literature. - - - . "Anticka estetika i nauka 0 knjizevnosti Anice Savic-Rebac medju delima slicne zamisli." In Savic-Rebac, Anica. Anticka estetika i nauka 0 knjiievnosti, 19-33. Novi Sad: Knjizevna zajednica Novog Sada, 1985. About Savic-Rebac's aesthetics and literary theory. Sekulie, Isidora, 1877-1958. The first major Serbian female fiction writer and essayist.


Sekulic, Isidora. Apostol samoce. Razgovori s piscima. Belgrade: BIGZ-Izdavacko preduzece: Srpska knjizevna zadruga, 1998.


Serbia and Montenegro

SER520 SER521 SER522 SER523 SER524 SER525




- - - . Dakon Bogorodicine crkve. Biblioteka Plave carape 9. Belgrade: Plavi Jahac, 1997. - - - . Kronika palanackog groblja. Savremenik Srpske knjizevne zadruge br. 38, kola 10, knj. 2. Belgrade: Srpska knjizevna zadruga, 1940. - - - . Njegosu: knjiga duboke odanosti. Biblioteka Njegos. Podgorica: Oktoih, 1996. - - - . Petar Kocic: savremenost njegova. Belgrade, 1935. Biblioteka Kolarcevog Narodnog Univerziteta knj. 16. - - - . Pisma i: Norveske. Belgrade: Izd. S. B. Cvijanovica, 1914. - - - . Sabrana dela Isidore Sekulic, 12 vols, edited by Mladen Leskovac, Miodrag Pavlovic, and Zivorad Stojkovic, [Novi Sad]: Matica Srpska, 1966; 1961. Collected works of Sekulic, Includes bibliographical references. TOC: vol1. Saputnici, pisma iz Norveske; vol. 2. Zapisi; vol. 3. Kronika palanackog groblja; vol. 4. Iz nase knjizevnosti I; vol. 5. Iz nase knjizevnosti 11; vol. 6. Njegosu knjiga duboke odanosti; vol. 7. Iz stranih knjizevnosti I; vol. 8. Iz stranih knjizevnosti 11; vol. 9. Analiticki trenuci; vol. 10. Teme; vol. 11. Govor i jezik; vol. 12. Sluzba. Forrester, Sibelan. "Isidora Sekulic As An Early Feminist." Serbian Studies 5 no. 1 (1989): 85-94. About the work of Sekulic, whose insightful writings addressed issues of women in society, although she was not active in organized feminist movements. Koch, Magdalena. "Fellow Travellers of a Serbian Woman: Isidora Sekulic or an Overture to Modern Serbian Literature." In Die Bilder der "neuen Frau" in der Moderne und den Modemisierungsprozessen des 20. lahrhunderts, edited by Krystyna Gabryjelska, Miroslawa Czarnecka and Christa Ebert, 187-96. Wroclaw: Wroclawskie Wydawn. Oswiatowe, 1998. - - - . Podroze w czasie i przestrzeni: proza Isidory Sekulic. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 108; Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 2206. Wroclaw: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 2000.

Shukriu, Edi, 1950-. Co-Director of the Department of Culture in Kosovo, 2000-2002. SER529 SER530 SER531 SER532 SER533 SER534

Shukriu, Edi. Gjakim. Prishtina: Rilindja, 1979. - - - . Kthimi i Euridikes. Prishtina: Rilindja, 1987. - - - . Legjenda e Hasit. Tirana: N. Frasheri, 1981. - - - . Nenqielli. Prishtina: Rilindja, 1990. - - - . Sonte zemra ime feston. Prishtina: Rilindja, 1972. - - - . Syri i nates. Prishtina: Rilindja, 1986.


Simic, Charles, ed. and trans. The Horse Has Six Legs: An Anthology of Serbian Poetry. St Paul, MN.: Graywolf Press, 1992. The collection, translated by the famed Serbian-American poet, includes a section on oral poetry, that is women's songs, as well as single poems by women. Simic-Milovanovic, Zora. Slikarke u srpskoj istoriji umetnosti. Belgrade: Stamparija Sloboda, 1938. About women painters in Serbian art history.


Sptridonovie-Savie, Jela, 1891-1974. Poet and fiction writer. SER537 SER538 SER539 SER540

Spiridonovic-Savic, Jela. Pergamenti: nasao i preveo brat u Hristu Stratonik. Belgrade: S.B. Cvijanovic, 1923. . Pripovetke. Savremenik Srpske knjizevne zadruge, broj 33 (i.e. 34); kola 9, knj. 2 Belgrade, 1939. . Susreti: s predgovorom Todora Manojlovica. Srpska knjizzevna zadruga 309. Belgrade: [Stamp. Srbija], 1944. Djuric, Dubravka. "Na rubovima, ka sredistu poezije: Jela Spiridonovic-Savic." ProFemina 8 (Autumn 1996): 177-82. About Jela Spiridonovic-Savic's poetry.


Serbia and Montenegro SER541

Teofilovic, Natasa. "Arhitektura kao identitet zene: Jelisaveta Nacic, Zorica Savicevic." ProFemina 9-10 (1997): 199-204. About women-architects Jelisaveta Nacic (1878-1955), and Zorica Savicevic (b. 1959). (Nacic was Serbia's first female architect.)

Tesanovic, Jasmina, 1954-. One of the most prominent writers and feminists in Serbia. She has worked in film and as a translator andjoumalist. She is eo-founder of the first women's publishing house in Belgrade, "94." She teaches creative writing at the Center for Women's Studies that was established in Belgrade 1993. SER542

SER543 SER544 SER545 SER546

SER547 SER548

Tesanovic, Jasmina. The Diary ofa Political Idiot: Normal Life in Belgrade. San Francisco, CA: Midnight Editions, 2000. Tesanovic's diary during the war in Kosovo and the aerial bombing of Serbia. Also translated into Spanish as El diario de Jasmina. Barcelona: Plaza & Janes, 2000. - - - . Ja i moja multikulturna ulica = Me and My Multi-Cultural Street. Belgrade: Feministicka 94,2001. In Serbian and English on inverted pages. - - - . Nevidljiva knjiga. Vrsac: Knjizevna opstina, 1992. - - - . Sirene. Belgrade: DevedesetCetvrta, 1997. - - - . "Women's Writing in War." In What Can We Dofor Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994, edited by Marina Blagojevic, Dasa Duhacek, Jasmina Lukic, 87-9. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. The author discusses her decision to write during the war. - - - . U egzilu: dve novele. Belgrade: DevedesetCetvrta, 1994. - - - . Zenska knjiga. Belgrade: DevedesetCetvrta, 1996.

Velmar-Jankovie, Svetlana, 1949-. One of the most prominent contemporary writers in Serbia. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. SER549 SER550 SER551 SER552 SER553 SER554 SER555

Velmar-Jankovic, Svetlana. Bezdno. Belgrade: Stubovi kulture, 1998. - - - . Dorcol. Belgrade: Beogradski izdavacko-graficki zavod, 1986. - - - . Lagum. Belgrade: BIGZ, 1990. Translated by Celia Hawkesworth into English as Dungeon. (Belgrade: Dereta, 1996.) - - - . Oiiljak. Belgrade: Stubovi kulture, 1999. - - - . Ukletnici. Belgrade: Prosveta, 1993. Slapsak, Svetlana. "Niz Lagum do Bezdna." ProFemina 7 (Summer 1996): 195-8. About Velmar-Jankovic's prose. - - - . "Saputnicka proza: Lagum Svetlane Velmar-Jankovic." ProFemina 1 (Winter 1994/95): 159-63. About Velmar-Jankovic's novel Lagum.

Zivancevic, Nina, 1957-. Zivancevic lives since 1984 in New York, and writes poetry in English. SER556 SER557 SER558 SER559 SER560 SER561

Zivancevic, Nina. Duh renesanse. Belgrade: Prosveta, 1989. - - - . Gledajuci knjige nezavisnih izdavaca. Belgrade: Narodna knjiga, 1988. - - - . I was this war reporter in Egypt. Buffalo, NY: Leave Books, 1992. A poem. - - - . Inside & out ofByzantium. New York: Semiotext(e), 1994. English. Translated from Serbo-Croatian. - - - . Minotaur i lavirint: pesme. Vrsac: KOV, Knjizevna Opstina Vrsac, 1996. A collection of poems. - - - . More or less urgent: poems. St. Paul, Minn.: New Rivers Press; New York: Distributed by the Talman Co., 1988.


Serbia and Montenegro

SER562 SER563 SER564

- - - . Mostovi koji rastu: pesme. Belgrade; Nolit, 1985. A collection of poems. - - - . Poems. In The Horse Has Six Legs: An Anthology of Serbian Poetry, edited and translated by Charles Simic, 217-22. St. Paul, MN: Graywolf Press, 1992. - - - . Poems. In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by Waiter M. Cummins, 430-1, 443-6. Rutherford, NJ.: Farleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993.





Griinbaum, Irene. Escape through the Balkans: The Autobiography ofIrene Griinbaum. Translated and edited by Katherine Morris. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1996. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Sandes, Flora. The Autobiography ofa Woman Soldier: A Brief Record ofAdventure with the Serbian Army, 1916-1919. London: H. F. & G. Witherby; New York: Stokes, 1927. The autobiography of Flora Sandes, a British woman who became officer in the Serbian Army in World War I. . An English Woman-Sergeant in the Serbian Army. London & New York: Hodder Stoughton, 1916.


SLOVENIA See also the Habsburg Monarchy and the Yugoslavia chapters; and Silva Meinaric and Mirjana VIe. "Women in Croatia and Slovenia: A Case ofDelayed Modernization, " in Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschmeyer, 153-70. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1994, under the Croatia and Yugoslavia chapters. Bibliography and Reference SLN1




Dilssner, Heike. "Slowenien." In Bibliographie zu Gender und internationale Politik mit dem Schwerpunkt aufpost-kommunistischen Transformationsgesellschaften und dem Wandel der Geschlechterverhaltnissei, compiled by Heike Dilssner, 48-9. Berlin: Zentraleinrichtung zur Fordenrung von Frauenstudien und Frauenforschung an der Freien Universitat Berlin, 1997. Fabjancic, Marija. Bibliografija publikacij Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti v letih 1972-1980 [The bibliography of the publications of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts in the years 1972-1980]. Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 1982. Knapic-Krhen, Cvetka. "Kroatien und Slowenien." In Der Forschungsstand zum Thema "Klasse und Geschlecht" in Zentral- und Osteuropa: Projektbericht, edited by Christine Schindler, 47-56. Vienna: Internationale Tagung der Historikerinnen und Historiker der Arbeiterinnen- und Arbeiterbewegung, 1993. Plut-Pregelj, Leopoldina, and Carole Rogel. Historical Dictionary of Slovenia. European Historical Dictionaries, no. 13. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1996.

Web Sites SLN5 SLN6 SLN7 SLN8


Autonomous Women's Groups of Slovenia: http://www.kud-fp.si/retina/azs/azs.html Drustvo SOS telefon za zenske in otroke - zrtve nasilja, Ljubljana: http://www.drustvo-sos.si/ Society SOS hotline for women and children victims of violence, Ljubljana Mesto Zensk/City of Women: http://www.sigov.si/uzp/city/ Sponsored by the Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture, Ljubljana. Urad za zcnsko politiko, Vlada Republike Slovenije / Women's Policy Office, Government of the Republic of Slovenia: http://www.uzp-rs.si "The Office for Women's Policy is a governmental institution, operating as an expert service within the framework of the Office of the president of the Slovenian Government, to ensure the constitutional and legal conditions for the equality between women and men in everyday life." The site provides also a list of women's NGOs in Slovenia: http://www.uzp-rs.si/eng/non.html. Women Writers from Slovenia: http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/SLOVENIA.html

Periodicals SLN10

Vesna. Celje, Slovenia. Monthly, 1892-1894. Academic journal published by a group of students in Vienna and Graz. See particularly the first two numbers for women's issues broached from the angle of Slovene nationalism.


History and Society SLN11











Anderson, Brigitte. "Report: Nationalism and Feminism - Ribno, Slovenia 24-26 June 1994." Women's Studies International Forum 19, no. 1-2 (Jan-Apr 1996): 181-2.A report on the conference "Nationalism and Feminism" held in Ribno, in 1994. Antic, Milica G. "Democracy Between Tyranny and Liberty: Women in Post-'Socialist' Slovenia." Feminist Review 39 (Winter 1991): 149-54. - - - . "Factors Influencing Women's Presence in Slovene Parliament." In Women's Access to Political Power in Post-Communist Europe. Edited by Richard E. Matland and Kathleen A. Montgomery, 267-84. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. - - - . "Ne-srecno razmerje: strankarska politika in zcnske v drzavah vzhodne Srednje Evrope [Unlucky Relationship: Party Politics and Women in East-Central European States]." Druiboslovne razprave 16, no. 34-35 (2000): 127-39. Women in party politics in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia. Bahovec, Eva, Nina Vodopivec and Tanja Salecl. "Slovenia: Equal Opportunities. Women's Studies. Women's Employment." In Women's Employment, Women's Studies, and Equal Opportunities 1945-2001: Reportsfrom Nine European Countries, edited by Gabriele Griffin, 299-339. Hull, England: University of Hull, 2002. Barbic, Ana. "Farm Women and Farm Families in Transition: The Case of Slovenia." In The New Challenge of Women 's Role in Rural Europe: Proceedings ofan International Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 4-6 October 2001, 286-300. Nicosia, Cyprus: Agricultural Research Institute, 2001. - - - . "Farm Women in Slovenia: Endeavors for Equality." Agriculture and Human Values 10, no. 4 (1993):13. - - - , and Inga Miklavcic-Brezigar. "Domestic Work Abroad: A Necessity and an Opportunity for Rural Women from the Goriska Borderland Region of Slovenia." In Gender, Migration, and Domestic Service, edited by Janet HenshallMomsen, 164-78. New York: Routledge, 1999. Beslin, Gabi and Natasa Sumak. "Kvaliteta zivljenja mater v enostarsevskih druzinah: Poskusna teorija na podlagi kvalitativne analize [The Quality of Life of Mothers in SingleParent Families: A Tentative Theory on the Basis of Qualitative Analysis]." Socialno delo 41, no. 5 (2002): 281-93. Bucar, Maja. "Information Technology and Women's Employment in Manufacturing in Eastern Europe: The Case of Slovenia." Women Encounter Technology: Changing Patterns ofEmployment in the Third World, edited by Swasti Mitter and Sheila Rowbotham, 111-26. London; New York: Routledge, 1995. Commission for Women's Politics, Assembly for the Republic of Slovenia. Report on the Position of Women in Slovenia. Ljubljana: n.p., 1992. Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1996. Slovenia. [Washington]: U.S. Government, 1997. Human rights issues concerning women in Slovenia, including political participation, equal rights and employment opportunities. Ferligoj, Anuska, Mirjana Ule, and Tanja Rener, eds. Zenska, zasebno, politicno, [Woman, personal, political]. Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicisticno sredisce, 1990. - - - . "Sex Differences in 'Don't Know' Rate: The Case of Slovenia." Wisdom (Vienna) 5, no. 1-2 (1991). Wisdom is a publication ofWiener Institut fur Sozialwissenschaftliche Dokumentation und Methodik. Universitat Wien, and contents of the journal can be found at: http://www.wisdom.at/ Fischer, Jana. "Delavke tobacne tovarne v Ljubljani v letih 1871-1914" [Women workers in the Ljubljana tobacco factory, 1871-1914]. Prispevki za Zgodovino Delavskega Gibanja [Yugoslavia] 24, no.1-2 (1984): 11-62.


Slovenia SLN26













Fortunat, Damijana. "Slovensko splosno zensko drustvo v Ljubljani." [The Slovene General Women's Association in Ljubljana]. Kronika 40 no.2 (1992): 98-105. "In Slovenia the socalled women's question was first posed by some female poets and writers in the second half of the 19th century. The first institution devoted to improving the social and economic status of women, however, was the Slovene General Women's Association in Ljubljana in 1900-30, whose activities are briefly reviewed." -Historical Abstracts. Frieze, Irene H., and Anuska Ferligoj. "Evidence for Changing Gender-Role Attitudes in Slovenia in Comparison to the United States." In Contributions to Methodology and Statistics, edited by Anuska Ferligoj and Anton Kramberger, 247-60. Ljubljana: Univ. of Ljubljana, 1995. - - - , and Anuska Ferligoj, with Yasuko Morinaga. "Career Plans and Gender-Role Attitudes of College Students in the United States, Japan, and Slovenia." Sex Roles: A Journal ofResearch 29, no. 5-6 (September 1993): 317-34. - - - , Anuska Ferligoj, T. Kogovsek, T. Rener, J. Horvat, and N. Sarlija. "Gender-Role Attitudes in University Students in the United States, Slovenia, and Croatia." Psychology of Women Quarterly 27, no. 3 (2003): 256-61. Gaber, Milica Antic. "Slovene Political Parties and Their Influence on the Electoral Prospects of Women." In Gender and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe, edited by Chris Corrin, 7-29. London: Frank Cass, 1999. Published simultaneously in The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, v. 15, no. 1, 1999. Gerk, Stana, Ivka Kriznar, and Stefanija Ravnikar-Podbevsek, eds. Slovenke v Narodnoosvobodilnem Boju: Zbomik dokumentov, clankov in spominov. 2 vols. in 3. Ljubljana: Zavod Borec, 1970. A compilation of documents, articles, and memoirs on Slovenian women participants in the liberation struggle during World War 11. Greif, Tatjana. "The Social Status of Lesbian Women in Slovenia in the 1990s." In: Sexuality and Gender in Postcommunist Eastern Europe and Russia, edited by Aleksander Stulhofer and Theo Sandfort, 149-69. New York: Haworth Press, 2005. Hanzek, Matjaz, Jana Javornik, and Ana Trselic. "Spolna neenakost v nekaterih tranzicijskih." Druiboslovne razprave 16, no. 34-35 (2000): 167-87. Women's participation in the economic and political processes of Slovenia. Hojan, Tatjana. "Slovenske uciteljice ob koncu 19. stoletja" [Slovenian women teachers at the end of the 19th century]. Skolska Kronika 31 (1998): 134-42. Discusses the role of Slovenian women teachers in various professional associations, journals, and annual school reports from 1897 through 1899." -Historical Abstracts. IWRA W to CEDA W Country Reports on Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Slovenia, Morocco, Turkey and Philippines [Part 5 of 16]. Minneapolis: International Women's Rights Action Watch, 1997. Includes reports on birth control and contraception, employment, health, reproductive health, workplace, and marriage. Jalusic, Vlasta. "Frauenbewegung(en) und der Staat-Slowenien und Jugoslawien." In Feminismus und Demokratie: Europaische Frauenbewegungen der 1920er Jahre, edited by Ute Gerhard, 116-37. Frankfurter feministische Texte; Sozialwissenschaften, 1. Konigstein: U. Helmer, 2001. - - - . "It's a Shame! The Campaign for Constitutional Reproductive Rights in Slovenia." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 212-7. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. About reproductive rights in the context of demographic trends and the policies and ideologies of recent regimes. - - - . "Troubles with Democracy. Women and Slovene Independence." In Independent Slovenia. Origins, Movements, Prospects, edited by Jill Benderly and Evan Kraft, 135-57. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994.














- - - . "Women in Interwar Slovenia." In Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 51-66. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. - - - . "Women in Post-Socialist Slovenia: Socially Adapted, Politically Marginalized." In Gender politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 109-29. University Park, PA.: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. - - - . "Zurtick in den 'Naturzustand'? Desintegration Jugoslawiens und ihre Folgen fur die Frauen." Feministische Studien 10, no. 2 (1992): 9-21. Annotated under Serbia. Jeram, Jasna and Tanja Salecl, ed. Pokojninska Reforma in Zenske: Zapis lavne Razprave. Collection 'Za enake moznosti zensk in moskih,' vol. 6. Ljubljana: Urad za zensko politiko, Vlada Republike Slovenije, 1998. About the reform of retirement policy and women. Full text in Slovenian available at: http://www.uzprs.silslo/publikacije/ pokojnina/index.html Jogan, Maca. "The Catholic Church, Recatholicization, and Gender Hierarchy." In Gains and Losses: Women and Transition in Eastern and Central Europe, edited by Leland C. Barrows and Laura Grtinberg, 82-94. Bucharest: UNESCO/ENWS, 1994. - - - . "Geschlechterfragen in Forschung und Lehre: der Fall slowenien." Feministische Studien 16, no. 2 (1998): 118-25. - - - . "Re-domestication of Women and Democratization in Postsocialist Slovenia." In Family, Women and Employment in Central-Eastern Europe, edited by Barbara Lobodzinska, 229-36. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. - - - . "Redomestication of Women in Slovenia?" Women's Studies International Forum 17,no.2-3(1994): 307-9. Kaiser-Kaplaner, Ingrid. Gottscheer Frauenschicksale im 20. lahrhundert: Eine Sozialgeschichtliche Untersuchung Vertriebener anhand Narrativer Quellen [The fate of women from Gottschee (Kocevje) in the 20th century: a sociohistorical investigation of deportees based on narrative sources]. Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Klagenfurt, Austria, 1992. About the treatment of women in Slovenian folk ballads. Kerec, Darja. "V szigdar po mozsevoj voli hodi i nigdar njemi ne gucsi proti" [Always follow your husband's path and never talk back to him]. Kronika 44, no. 1 (1996): 42-50. "Describes the status of women in the small town of Sobota, Slovenia, in the years preceding World War I, an era of rising ambition and restlessness among women whose bruited changes would first be realized after the war. Three contexts coexisted: traditional roles emphasized by men and some women; feminist activity; and rejection of traditional roles by some women, but in favor of "frivolous" rather than feminist activities." (Historical Abstracts, J/S.) Kozmik, Vera, and Jasna Jeram, ed. Poloiaj zensk v Sloveniji v devetdesetih: porocilo Urada za zensko politiko za obdobje 1990-1995. Collection 'Za enake moznosti zensk in moskih' vol. 4. Ljubljana: Urad za zensko politiko, 1997. About the position of Slovene women in the 1990s. Full text available at: http://www.uzp-rs.si/slo/publikacije/polozajzensk90/index.html. - - - , and Mojca Dobnikar, eds. Dosje: Nasilje nad zenskamilFiles: Violence Against Women. Ljubljana: Urad za zensko politiko, Vlada Republike Slovenije; "Drustvo SOS telefon;" "Feministicno informacijsko kultumo sredisce: f-iks;" and "Drustvo za nenasilno komunikacijo," 1999. Kriznar, Ivka. Politicno osvescanje Slovenk ob bojih delavskih iena za ekonomske in politicne pravice do 2 svetovne vojne [The political enlightenment of Slovenian women from the struggle of working women for economic and political rights to the 2nd World War]. Ljubljana: Delavska enotnost, 1984. Lever, Andrina G. "East Meets West: Women Entrepreneurs Helping Women in Slovenia." Canadian Woman Studies = Les cahiers de lafemme 15, no. 1 (1994): 94-6. McNeill, PearIie and Meg Coulson, eds. Women's Voices: Refugee Lives. Woonona, N.S.W.: Book People, 1994. A collection of the personal narratives of women refugees in Ljubljana.


Slovenia SLN54












Mencin, Metka. "Women and Politics: A Note of Introduction." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 218-9. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. About recent initiatives on behalf of women in Slovenia. Mencin, Ralf Ceplak, "Obrezovanje deklic-obred iniciacije ali mucenje pohabljanje?" Etnolog 62, no. 11 (2001): 185-94. A discussion of folk rituals and initiation rites, including the circumcision of women. Meznaric, Silva and Mirjana Ule. "The Case of Slovenia." In Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 202-14. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1998. - - - . "In Pursuit of a Framework: Delayed Modernization and the Emancipation of Women in the Balkans." In Women in the Politics ofPostcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 196-201. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1998. Morinaga, Yasuko, Irene Hanson Frieze and Anuska Ferligoj. "Career Plans and Gender Role Attitudes of College Students in the United States, Japan and Slovenia." Sex Roles 29, no. 56 (September 1993): 317-34. Nose borke: Ob 5 letnici ustanovitve Osvobodilnefronte. [Our Women Fighters: Five Years from the Founding of the Liberation Front]. Ljubljana: "Nasa zena," n.d. Neubauer, Vijolica. Konvencija 0 odpravi vseh oblik diskriminacije zensk: Uresnicevanje dolocil konvencije v Republiki Sloveniji. Collection 'Za enake moznosti zensk in moskih' vol.5. Ljubljana: Vlada Republike Slovenije, Urad za zcnsko politiko, 1997. Convention about elimination of all forms of discrimination against women in Slovenia. Parts of the text available at http://www.uzp-rs.si/slo/publikacije/konvencija/index.html. Nezic, Julka. "Die Stellung romisch-katholischcr Laientheologinnen in Slowenien." In Theologische Frauenforschung in Mittel-Ost-Europas-Theological Women's Studies in Central/Eastern Europee.Recherche theologique des femmes en Europe orientale et centrale. Yearbook of the European Society of Women in Theological Research, 11, edited by E. Adamiak, R. J. Anic, and K. Buday, with C. Methuen and A. Berlis, 97-105. Leuven: Peeters Press, 2003. Obersnel Kveder, Dunja. "Abortion in Ljubljana, Slovenia: A Method of Contraception or an Emergency Procedure?" In Abortion in the Developing World, edited by Axel I. Mundigo and Cynthia Indriso, 447-64. London; New York: Zen Books, 1999. - - - , and L. Andolsek. "Assessment of Research and Service Needs in Reproductive Health in Slovenia. In Assessment of Research and Service Needs in Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe-Concerns and Commitments. Proceedings ofa Workshop Organized by the ICRR and the WHO Collaborating Centre on Research in Human Reproduction in Szeged, Hungary, 25-27 October 1993, edited by E. Hohannisson, L. Kovacs, B. A. Resch, N. P. Bruyniks, 213-14. New York: The Parthenon Publishing Group, 1997. - - - , Mateja Kozuh, Metoda Dodic, Polonca Truden, and Majda Slajmer-Japelj. Ch. 13 "Women's Health Status in Slovenia." In Women's Health and Development: A Global Challenge, edited by Beverly J. McElmurry, Kathleen F. Norr, Randy Spreen Parker, 207-14. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 1993. World Health Organization. Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing/Midwifery Development. A Compilation of Reports Presented at the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Global Network, which met in Ferney-Voltaire, France. Office for Women's Politics. Preliminary Reportfrom the Republic of Slovenia on Measures Takenfor the Abolishment ofAll Forms ofDiscrimination Against Women. Ljubljana: Office for Women's Politics, 1993. - - - . Report on the Position of Women in Slovenia. Ljubljana: Office for Women's Politics, 1992. Orazem, Peter F., and Milan Vodopivec. Male-Female Differences in Labor Market Outcomes during the Early Transition to Market: The Case ofEstonia and Slovenia.













Washington, DC: World Bank, 1999. - - - . "Winners and Losers in Transition: Returns to Education, Experience, and Gender in Slovenia." World Bank Economic Review 9, no. 2 (1995): 201-30. Ostane, France K., ed. Zensko solstvo in delovanje uciteljic na Slovenskem: Razstava v Slovenskem solskem muzeju pod pokroviteljstvom Lidije Sentjurc, clanice Sveta federacije. Trans. Mojca Komac. Ljubljana: Slovenski solski muzej, 1970. About women and education in Slovenia. With summary in English. Ostrovska, Milica. "Udelezba Mariborcank V Predvojnem Naprednem Gibanju" [The participation of women of Maribor in the prewar progressive movement]. Casopis za Zgodovino in Narodopisje 19, no. 1-2 (1983): 209-17. "Describes the activity of the progressive women in Maribor in the years 1932-41 in various organizations. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, they fought in the first line against Nazism, fascism and for socialism, democracy, and world peace. They fought also against the wrong that was done to them as women, without being feminists in the bourgeois sense." -Historical Abstracts. Plett, Konstanze, and Inge Horstkotter. "Women's Empowerment in a Society in Transition: A Mix of Innovation and Preservation (An Example from Slovenia)." Educating for Justice: Social Values and Legal Education, edited by Jeremy Cooper and Louise G. Trubek, 285-98. Aldershot, England; Brookfield, VT: Ashgate/Dartmouth, 1997. Pollert, Anna. "Women, Work and Equal Opportunities in Post-Communist Transition." Work, Employment and Society 17, no. 2 (2003): 331-57. Women in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia & Slovakia. Pusnik, Marusa and Gregor Bulc. "Women in Their Own Reflection: Self-Representation of Women Politicians in the Slovenian Press." Journal of Communication Inquiry 25, no. 4 (2001): 396-413. Regulska, Joanna. "Vergeschlechtlichte Integration in Europa: Neue Formen der Exklusion." Berliner Journal fur Soziologie 11, no. 1 (2001): 51-62. EU policies regarding women in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia. Rener, Tanja. "Women's Studies in Slovenia." European Journal of Women 's Studies 3, no. 2 (May 1996): 167-71. Repine, Martina. "Perice v Boljuncu [The washerwomen from Bolunic]." Etnolog 11 (2001): 127-44. Serving the town of Bolunic until the late 1970s, this research is based on the weekly working cycle of the washerwomen and their difficulties in performing their work. Available at: http://www.etno-muzej.si/izvlecek.php?id=100. Repovz, Erika. "Women without Identity: The Life of a Refugee Woman in Slovenia." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 234-7. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. Annotated under Bosnia-Herzegovina. Rogelja, Natasa and Spela Ledinek. "Savrinka kot oseba in symbol." Etnolog 53, no. 7 (1997): 131-45. The role of women in Istria, Slovenia. Rozman, Boris. "Hazena - Zenska sportna panoga" [Handball (hazena):women's sports discipline]. Kronika 36, no. 3 (1988): 225-31. "On the basis of literature, newspapers, and archival documents, the author discusses hazena, a kind of handball that had its origins in Bohemia. From 1920 to 1937 it was the most popular women's collective sport in Slovenia and Yugoslavia." -Historical Abstracts. Rustja, Peter. "'Na delovanje, hcere slave!' Zensko vprasanje v akademski reviji Vesna (1892-1894)" ["Keep up the fight, daughters of glory!" Women's issues in the academic journal Vesna, 1892-94]. Kronika 43, no. 1-2 (1995): 68-73. "Particularly in its first two issues, the academic journal Vesna, published from 1892 to 1894 by a group of students in Vienna and Graz, focused much of its attention on women's issues albeit from the angle of Slovene national interest." -Historical Abstracts.


Slovenia SLN81











Sadar, Nevenka Cemigoj. "Employment of Women in Slovenia." In Gender Equality in Central and Eastern European Countries, edited by Michel Domsch, Desiree H. Ladwig and Eliane Tenten, 319-35. New York: P. Lang, 2003. - - - . "Recent Trends Influencing Work-Family Relations in Slovenia." In Reconciliation ofFamily and Work in Eastern European Countries, edited by Michael Domsch and Desiree Ladwig, 147-55. Frankfurt am Main; New York: P. Lang, 2000. Sadl, Zdenka. "Zadeve srca na prepihu tranzicje: Reprezentacije ljubezni v zenskih revijah [Affairs of the heart in transitional transitional draught: representations of love in women's magazines]." Druiboslovne razprave 16, no. 34-35 (2000): 189-205. A review of 76 articles from Slovene women's magazines from 1998-2000 to determine how mass media depicts love. Serse, Aleksandra. "Evangeljsko zcnsko drustvo v Ljubljani 1856-1945." Etnolog 11 (2001): 57-68. A discussion of the activities of the oldest women's society in Ljubljana-the philanthropic Evangelical Women's Society. Available at http://www.etno-muzej.si/izvlecek.php?id=100. Siemienska, Renata. "Elites and Women in Democratizing Post-Communist Societies." International Review of Sociology / Revue Internationale de Sociologie 9, no. 2 (July 1999): 197-219. The study includes women in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Russia. Slapsak, Svetlana. "Zenska knjizevnost, zenska pisava, zenske studije." In Vesela znanost Ill, Zbornik predavanj 1988/89,89/90,93-107. Ljubljana, 1991. About women's literature, women's writing, and women's studies. Sluga, Glenda. "Cold War Casualties: Ethnicity, Gender, and the Writing of History." Women's Studies International Forum 19, no. 1-2 (1996): 75-85. About Slovene women's participation in underground movements in World War 11. - - - . "No Man's Land: The Gendered Boundaries of Post-War Trieste." Gender & History 6, no. 2 (1994): 184-201. "The Alliance of Antifascist Women (Anti-Fasisticne Zenska; AFZ) formed in Trieste in 1943 and the Union of Antifascist Italo-Slovene Women (UDAIS), formed by the AFZ's merger with the Union of Antifascist Italo-Slovenes in 1945, envisioned a postwar order of gender, class, and ethnic equality in an autonomous Trieste. The hopes of the AFZlUDAIS were frustrated by the actions of the Allied military government and Italian nationalist organizations and publications that identified activist women with the stereotype crude Slavic culture, potentially easy prey to Communist manipulation in contrast to the Western orientation of Italian culture." -Historical Abstracts. Sribar, Renata. "Lacking Integration: The Relationship Between the Women's Movement and GenderlWomen's Studies in Transitional Slovenia." In Thinking Differently: A Reader in European Women's Studies, edited by Gabriele Griffin and Rosi Braidotti, 372-77. London; New York: Zed Books; Distributed in the USA by Palgrave, 2002. Steering Committee for Equality between Women and Men. National Machinery to Promote Equality between Women and Men in Central and Eastern European Countries: Proceedings, International Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 30 November-2 December 1994. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1998. Strukelj, Anka. Women as Producers and Self-Managers: Some of Yugoslav Experiences. Transl. Milojka Popovic, Radovljica: ALMIRA, Alpska modna industrija, 1985. Studen, Andrej. "Nekaj Drobcev Iz Vsakdanjika Ljubljanskih Sluzkinj Pred Prvo Svetovno Vojno" [Some fragments from the everyday life of maidservants in Ljubljana before World War I]. Kronika 42 no. 3 (1994): 42-6. "The majority of domestic servants were female. The maids in Ljubljana were mainly young, unmarried women, the majority of whom came to Ljubljana from the neighboring villages. They originated from farming communities and the lower social strata. Most households in Ljubljana employed only one maid. Maids were given food and accommodation and a monthly wage by their employers. Nutrition and housing











conditions were very poor, and their private life was highly restricted. The author also deals with some examples from their everyday life, such as sexual exploitation, unemployment, "submission" to prostitution, dating boyfriends, and the problem of illegitimate children." -Historical Abstracts. Stular, Hanka. "Kranjski zavod za umenisko tkanje v Ljubljani (Kzut), 1891-1909 [The Carniolan Institution for Artistic Weaving in Ljubljana, 1891-1909]." Kronika 28, no. 2 (1980): 122-36. "An account of the financing, founding, development, and dissolution of the tapestry weaving institute in Ljubljana. About 20 women weavers were trained in the craft as part of the renaissance in such crafts that received the official and unofficial support of the Habsburg Empire and many avant-garde artists in the 19th century. Numerous artists submitted plans for tapestries and several successful exhibits were held throughout Europe." Svetieva, Aneta. "Women in the Traditional Culture of the Bizeljsko and Kozjansko Regions." Etnolog 11 (2001): 145-56. A discussion of a woman's position in her family, th household and village in the first half of the 20 century, encompassing property and legal relations and the system of authority in traditional village society. Available at: http://www.etno-muzej.silizvlecek.php?id=100 Svetina, Metka, ed. Rethinking Adult Education for Development I/: Conference Proceedings. Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 6-9, 1993. Ljubljana: Andragoski center Republike Slovenije = Slovene Adult Education Centre, 1994. Tominc, Polona. "Some Aspects of the Gender Wage Gap in Slovenia." Drustvena istraiivanja 11, no. 6 (2002): 879-96. Tratnik, Suzana. "Lesbian Visibility in Slovenia." European Journal of Women's Studies 8, no. 3 (2001): 373-80. Trifunovic, Jelena. "Women in the Slovenian Armed Forces." Minerva 17, no. 3-4 (1999): 41-5. Ule, Mirjana, "Javno mnenje 0 splavu." In Abortus. Ljubljana: Skupina Neodvisnih Zensk, 1991. About public opinion on abortion. , and Tanja Rener. "Frauen in den postsozialistischen Gesellschaften: Slowenisches Beispiel." Betriige zur feministischen Theorie und Praxis 16, no. 34 (1993): 131-6. About women in post-socialist Slovenia. Verginella, Marta. "Vloga zene in rnoza v slovenski publicistiki 19. stoletja in v dokumentih s trzaskega podezelja" [The role of women and men in 19th -century Slovene journalism and in documents from the countryside around Trieste]. Zgodovinski Casopis (Slovenia) 47, no. 4 (1993): 531-45."Family roles in a traditional rural environment were not identical with those advocated by journalism aimed at people in the countryside of Trieste. The strictly hierarchical family model that Slovene moralists offered as an ideal to their readers was very unusual for an environment in which both women and men determined the family strategy. It became acceptable only when the urbanization process and disintegration of the traditional rural community pushed women into the private sphere and took from them the economic role they had had in the society of the old regime." -Historical Abstracts. Versa, Dorotea. Medijska podoba spolov. Collection 'Za enake moznosti zensk in moskih,' vol. 3. Ljubljana: Urad za zensko politiko, Vlada Republike Slovenije, 1996. About gender and the media. Includes an analysis of Slovenian television. Full text in Slovenian available at: http://www.uzp-rs.si/slo/publikacije/mediji/index.html Vodopivec, Nina. "Sem delavka, mati in gospodinja [Women as workers, mothers and housewives]." Etnolog 11 (2001): 69-90. Discusses the changing views of women in Ljubljana, 1945-1951, focusing on the different strategies women used to cope with daily life in the post-war period. Available at: http://www.etno-muzej.si/izvlecek.php?id=100. Vodopivec, Peter. "Wie die Frauen im slowenischen Raum im. 19. Jahrhundert am offentlichen Leben teilnahmen." In Von Biirgen und ihren Frauen, edited by Margret Friedrich and Peter Urbanitsch, 141-64. Vienna: Bohlau Verlag; Cologne: Weimar, 1996.


Slovenia SLNI05



Wall, Sally N., Irene Hansen Frieze, Anuska Ferligoj, Eva Jarosova, Daniela Pauknerova, Jasna Horvat, and Natasa Sarlija. "Gender Role and Religion as Predictors of Attitude toward Abortion in Croatia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and the United States." Journal of CrossCultural Psychology 30, no. 4 (JuI1999): 443-65. Winner, Irene. A Slovenian Village: Zerovnica. Providence: Brown Univ. Press, 1971. The Women's Centre, Ljubljana. "Call for Support from Slovenia." Off Our Backs 26, no. 2 (February 1996): 5. Annotated under Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. Zavirsek, Darja. "A Historical Overview of Women's Hysteria in Slovenia." European Journal of Women 's Studies 7, no. 2 (May 2000): 169-88. Abstract: "The article is a discursive analysis of medical, ecclesiastic and lay articles on women's hysteria published in Slovenia between 1877 and 1935. The analysis shows which discourses of women's hysteria dominated across Europe at the turn of the century and how they influenced the construction of the image of female biological and mental inferiority. Special attention is paid to the issue of how far the medical discourse on hysteria helped to justify the gendered division between the public and private realm. The article presents the wider framework of the medicalization of women across Europe at that time, and tries to trace the ideas which mostly influenced medical doctors in Slovenia. The medical construction of women's hysteria has to be understood in conjunction with the construction of the social space in which segregation of 'social deviants' took place. The spread of hysteria went hand in hand with the psychiatric institutionalization, the pathologization of sexuality and the eugenic movements which appeared in different parts of Europe, to differing degrees, but which all influenced and gendered the everyday life of women and men." - - - . "Zene, dusevno zdravlje i politika iskljucivanja." Zenske studije: Casopis za feministicku teoriju 5-6 (1996): 203-23. About women and mental health. Describes present and past practices influencing the mental health of women. The study is based on research in women's psychiatric wards in Slovenia, in the Psychiatric Hospital Polje in Ljubljana. Translated into Serbian from Slovene by Marijanca Pakiz,

Literature and the Arts SLNII0




"Bibliography: Translations into English of Works by Central European Women Writers and Secondary Material." In A History of Central European Women's Writing, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 312-16. New York: Palgrave, in association with School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London, 2001. Includes works by Croatian and Slovenian women authors. "Haderlap, Maja." In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by Walter M. Cummins, 450; 463-5. Rutherford, NJ: Farleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. Kambic, Mirko. "Iz starih fotografskih albumov: Prva fotografinja v Ljubljani" [From the old photographic albums: the first woman photographer in Ljubljana]. Kronika 26, no.l (1978): 42-6. "The first professional woman photographer in Ljubljana, Malvina von Norden, was active there in 1864. Only a few of her fine portrait photographs remain." Illus., 16 notes. -Historical Abstracts. Kaucic, Marjetka Golez. "Odsev pravnega polzaja in zivljenskih razmer zensk v slovenskih ljudskikh druzinskih baladah: Poskus zasnove orisa zenske kot subjekta pesmi v povezavi z nosilko pesmi." Etnolog 62, no. 11 (2001): 157-75. A discussion of women's legal status as reflected in Slovene family ballads, focusing on the various relationships women have in a family. Available at: http://www.etno-muzej.si/pdf/0354-0316_11_golez_kaucic_odsev.pdf



Kramberger, Taja, 1970-. Poet, historical anthropologist, essayist and translator. In 2002, principal artistic organizer and coordinator of the poetry translation workshop "Linguaggi di-versi/ Different Languages/ Langages di-vers," in Koper, Slovenia. SLNl14 SLN115 SLNl16 SLNl17 SLNl18


SLN120 SLN121

SLN122 SLN123


Kramberger, Taja. Gegenstromung/ Protitok, trans. into German by Maja Haderlap. Ottensheim: Ed. Thanhauser, 2002. - - - . Marcipan [Marcipan]. 1997 - - - . Mobilizations, 2004. Volume in four languages. - - - . Spregovori morje [The Sea Says]. Ljubljana: Mladinska knj., 1999. - - - . Poems. In A Fine Line: New Poetry From Eastern & Central Europe, edited by Jean Boase-Beier, Alexandra Buchler and Fiona Sampson, 176-91. Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK: Arc Publications, 2003. Bi-lingual anthology, with a preface by Vaclav Havel. - - - . Poems. In Transcript 19. Slovenia. Transcript is a bi-monthly review of books and writing from around Europe. Its aim is to promote quality literature written in the 'smaller' languages and to give wider circulation to material from small-language literary publications through the medium of English, French and German. Kramberger's poetry here is called "neo-urban." - - - . Zametni indigo [Velvet Indigo]. 2004. Kovic, Nina. "Women Writers in Slovene Literature, 1840s-1990." InA History of Central European Women's Writing, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 299-311. New York: Palgrave, in association with School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London, 2001. Petric, Jerneja. "A Poet in Search of Her Roots: Rose Mary Prosen's Apples." Slovene Studies 142 (1992): 133-7. Ramsak, Mojca. "Zgodbe obrobja: Vloge koroskih podezelskih zensk v prvi polovici 20. stoletja." Etnolog 62, no. 11 (2001): 91-126. Women in Slovenian folk literature, focusing on the sexual division of labor, motherhood, child care, sex education, etc. Available at: http://www.etno-muzej.si/pdf/0354-0316_11_ramsak_zgodbe.pdf. Sali, Severin, ed. Lirika slovenskih pesnic, 1849-1984. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 1985. Slovene lyrical poems by women.

Autobiography SLN125

Prisland, Marie. From Slovenia-to America: Recollections and Collections. Chicago: Slovenian Women's Union of America, 1968.


YUGOSLAVIA, ITS ANTECEDENTS AND SUCCESSORS See also the Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia chapters; Eva Huseby-Darvas, ed., RefUgee Women ofthe Balkans: Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995); Chris Corrin, ed., Superwomen and the Double Burden: Women's Experience ofChange in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Toronto: Second Story Press, 1992; and What Can We Do for Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1994, under the General Background chapter. Bibliography and Reference YUGl






Bibliografija knjiga ienskih pisaca u Jugoslaviji. Belgrade: Udruzenja Univerzitetski obrazovanih zen a, 1936. A bibliography of Yugoslav women writers. It includes contributions from the Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia branches of the Association of University-Educated Women. Dalbello, Marija. Prilog bibliografiji 0 Romima (Ciganima) u SFR Jugoslaviji: s posebnim obzirom na etnolosku i folkloristicku gradu u periodici. Sarajevo: Institut za procavanje nacionalnih odnosa Sarajevo, 1989. A bibliography on the Roma in Yugoslavia. Debeljkovic, Milanka and Nevenka Skendzic, ed. Drustveni poloiaj iene i porodice: Jugoslovenska literatura 1945-1967. Belgrade: Jugoslovenski bibliografski institut, 1968. Yugoslav sources, bibliography on the social position of women and the family. Dojcinovic-Nesic, Biljana. Odabrana bibliografija radova iz feministicke teorije / ienskih studija 1974-1996 = Selected bibliography of works in feminist theory-women's studies 1974-1996. Belgrade: Zenske Studije; Centar za zenske studije, 1996. Horton, John H. Yugoslavia. World Bibliographical Series. Oxford: Clio Press, 1990. Includes pages on women in society. Mircev, Dimitar and Nada Cesnovar. Zena u samoupravnom drustvu: bibliografija radova 1970-1983. Ljubljana: Jugoslovenski centar za teoriju i praksu samoupravljanja "Edvard KardeIj," 1985. A bibliography of works published 1970-1983 on women in the "selfmanaging society." Petrovic, Nadezda. Bibliografija knjiga ienskih pisaca stampanih u Vojvodini, Srbiji, Juznoj Srbiji i Crnoj Gori do svrsetka godine 1935. Belgrade: Narodna biblioteka, 1936. Annotated under Serbia.

Web Sites YUG8


Labrys. http://www.neww.org/countries/Serbia/labrys.htm. Labrys is Arkadija's Lesbian Working Group. Arkadija is a Lesbian and Gay Group in Belgrade. Their web page is full of information about legislation, surveys, etc. Women, State, Culture ... on women in the Balkan region: http://k.mihalec.tripod.com. It includes a bibliography on women in the region: http://k.mihalec.tripod.com/biblio.htm


Periodicals YUGI0 YUGll YUG12


F eministicke sveske. Annotated under Serbia. Kveder-Demetrovic, Zorka. Almanahjugoslavenskih zena za godinu 1921. Zagreb: n.p., 1921. Women's almanac. Zena. 1960-. Bi-monthly. Published formerly in Zagreb by the Savez zenskih drustava Hrvatske [The Union of women's associations of Croatia], the organization that succeeded the AFZ - the Antifascist Front of Women. Zena danas. Belgrade: 1936-. Founded in 1936 by the Youth Section of the Women's Alliance. It ceased in 1940 and was revived again in the Fall of 1942 by the AFZAntifascist Women's Front.

History and Society YUG14









"1975: Trideset godina pobede nad fasizmom medunarodna godina zena OUN." Zena danas 30, no. 275 (1975). About International Women's Year at the United Nations, which coincided with the 30 th anniversary of the victory over fascism. Abdela, Lesley. "Kosovo: Missed Opportunities, Lessons for the Future." In Development, Women and War: Feminist Perspectives, edited and introduced by Haleh Afshar and Deborah Eade, 87-99. Oxford: Oxfam, 2004. Agathangelou, Anna M. "Gender, Race, Militarization, and Economic Restructuring in the Former Yugoslavia and at the U.S.-Mexico Border." In Women and Globalization, edited by Delia D. Aguilar, 349-86. Amherst, MA: Humanity Books, 2004. Includes "Militarization, Gender, and Race," pp. 360-66 and "Feminist Perspectives on Militarization in the Former Yugoslavia and at the U.S.-Mexico Border," pp. 372-74. Aafjes, Astrid. Gender Violence: The Hidden War Crime/Women, Law & Development International. Washington, DC: Women, Law & Development International, 1998. Includes a section on the Yugoslavia ad hoc tribunal. Arcel, Libby Tata, et al., eds. Psycho-Social Help to War Victims: Refugee Women and Their Families. Copenhagen: International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, 1995. Includes a discussion of the counseling of women refugees of the Yugoslav War. Arsenovic-Pavlovic, Marina. "Feminizacija vaspitno-obrazovnog sistema: socijalisticki mit 0 demokraticnosti obrazovanja." Polja [Novi Sad] 375-6 (May-June 1990): 207-10. About the feminization of the education and the socialist myth about democratic education. - - - , Stanisavljevic-Rakic, Vera, and Vera Rajovic-Durasinovic. "Feminizacija vaspitanja: od savremenosti ka tradiciji." Etnoantropoloski problemi 6 (1989): 67-82. About the feminization of education "from contemporaneousness to tradition." Ast, Slobodanka. "Drugi Pol." [The Second Sex.] NIN (14 December, 1982): 28-30. - - - . "Grupni portret sa drugaricom" [Group portrait with woman-comrade.] NIN (5 February, 1978): 13-5. - - - . "Jugoslovenka na privremenom radu u inostranstvu: cokolada i zica." NIN (2 December, 1979): 18-20. About Yugoslav women gastarbeiter. - - - . "Sta zene hoce." NIN (12 November 1978): 26-7. About what women want. Aydelott, Danise. "Mass Rape during War: Prosecuting Bosnian Rapists Under International Law." Emory International Law Review 7, no. 2 (Fall 1993): 585-631. Bagic, Aida. "Women's Rights in the Former Yugoslavia." In Women in Development Europe (WIDE): Report ofa Conference on Women, Development, and Human Rights, Madrid, 26-27 February 1993, compiled and translated by Mandy MacDonald, 43-5. Madrid: S.N., 1993. Bakaric, Vladimir. "Promjene drustveno-ekonornskog polozaja zene treba vezati uz opci preobrazaj naseg drustva." Zena 36, no. 4 (1979): 2. About women's social and economic









position. Batinic, Jelena. "Feminism, Nationalism, and War: The 'Yugoslav Case' in Feminist Texts." MA thesis. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State Univ., 1999. About the representation of Yugoslavia's disintegration, wars, and gender violence in Western feminist publications. Benderly, Jill. "Feminist Movements in Yugoslavia, 1978-1992." In State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992, edited by Melissa Bokovoy, Jill Irvine, and Carol Lilly, 183-209. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. . "Rape, Feminism, and Nationalism in the War in Yugoslav Successor States." In Feminist Nationalism, edited by Lois A. West. New York: Routledge, 1997.59-72. . '''We Don't Want a Country of Invalids and Fresh Graves': Yugoslav Women against War." On the Issues 21 (Winter 1991): 25-7. Berkovic, Eva and Mirosinka Dinkic. "Ekonomski polozaj zene u Jugoslaviji." Marksisticka misao 4 (1981): 15-28. About women's economic position in Yugoslavia. . "Ekonomski polozaj zene i ostvarivanje drustvene jednakosti polova." Socioloski pregled 3-4 (1980): 7-22. About women's economic position and the realization of social equality between the sexes. Blagojevic, Jelisaveta and Dusan Dordevic Mileusnic, eds. Belgrade Women's Studies Journal: Selected Papers: Anniversary Issue 1992/2002. Belgrade: Belgrade Women's Studies Center, 2002. A selection of articles, translated into English, from 10 years of the journal Zenske studije. Includes articles on literature, history, philosophy, anthropology, media, etc. Blagojevic, Marina. "Double-Faced Marginalisation: Women in Science in Yugoslavia." In Women in Science: Token Women or Gender Equality? Edited by Veronica Stolte-Heiskanen and Ruza Furst-Dilic, 75-94. Oxford: Berg: Distributed exclusively in the U.S.A. and Canada by S1. Martin's Press, 1991. , Dasa Duhacek, and Jasmina Lukic, eds. What Can We Do For Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. Contents: Marina Blagojevic, "How it All Started" (10-12); Neda Bozinovic, "Key Points in the History of the Women's Movement in Former Yugoslavia" (13-8); Zarana Papic, "Women's Movement in Former Yugoslavia: 1970s and 1980s" (19-22); Petra Schellenberger, "Violence and Young Women-Report of a Study" (23-6); Marina Liborakina, "Women in Politics, Power Discourse and Culture" (2731); Marina Blagojevic, "Women and War: The Paradox of Self/Sacrifice or The Anatomy of Passivity" (32-42); , Zorica Mrsevic, "Incomprehension of Women Victims of Violence (438); , Stasa Zajovic, "I Am Disloyal" (49-51); Zarana Papic, "From State Socialism to State Nationalism: the Case of Serbia in Gender Perspective" (52-63); Indira Kajosevic, "Women of Yugoslavia in Parliament and Political Life After the Multiparty Elections in 1989" (648); Lepa Mladenovic, "In the Home-On the Battlefield, Basic Characteristics of Male Violence Against Women and War Violence" (69-74); Dasa Duhacek, "Travel On, Europe" (75-81); Jasmina Lukic, "Women's Writing and Dismemberment of the Ex-Yugoslavian Cultural Milieu" (82-86); Jasmina Tesanovic, "Women's Writing in War" (87-9); Daniela Frumusani, "Woman in Society and Postcommunist Media: The Case of Romania" (90-4); Bejkova, Biljana. "The School of Flying" [Women in Macedonia] (95-6); Biljana Dojcinovic-Nesic, "Project of the Library at Belgrade's Women's Studies Center" (97-100); Alla Schaboltas, "Crisis Psychological Center for Women, St.-Petersburg'' (101-6); Radmila Vasic, "The Future of Women in the Future of Democracy" (107-10); Vesna NikoicRistanovic, "Feminist Research as Process of Empowering: an Example of Research on Violence Against Women" (111-5); Radmila Veskovic, "SOS Hotline, Kraljevo: Our Work and Experience" (116-20); Rada Ivekovic, "Address to the East European Feminist Conference: 'What Can We Do for Ourselves?" (121-2); Biljana Kasic. "December 1992the Beginning" (123-7); Dubravka Ugresic, "Because We're Lads" [Attitudes of the 'Yugo-












man' Toward Women] (128-40); Ann Snitow, "Feminist Futures in the Former East Bloc" (141-54); "Workshops and Strategies" (155-172). Boric, Rada. "Against the War: Women Organizing across the National Divide in the Countries of the Former Yugoslavia." In Gender and Catastrophe, edited by Ronit Lentin, 36-49. London; New York: Zed Books, 1997. Botev, Nikolai. "Seeing Past the Barricades: Ethnic Intermarriage in Yugoslavia During the Last ThreeDecades." Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 11, no. 1-2, Autumn 1993. - - - . "Seeing Past the Barricades: Ethnic Intermarriage in the Former Yugoslavia, 19621989." In Neighbors at War: Anthropological Perspectives on Yugoslav Ethnicity, Culture and History, edited by Joel M. Halpern and David A. Kideckel, 219-33. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 2000. Bozinovic, Neda. "Key points in the History of the Women's Movement in Former Yugoslavia." In What Can We Dofor Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994, 13-8. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. - - - . "Nekoliko osnovnih podataka 0 zenskom pokretu u Jugoslaviji." Feministicke sveske 1 (1994):141-5. Basic facts about the women's movement in Yugoslavia. - - - . Poloiaj zene u FRNJ. Belgrade: Kultura, 1953. About the position of women in socialist Yugoslavia. Bresnick, Rebecca O. "Reproductive Ability as a Sixth Ground of Persecution Under the Domestic and International Definitions of Refugee." Syracuse Journal ofInternational Law and Commerce 21 (1995): 121-53. Human rights and crimes against humanity in the Yugoslav War, 1991-1995. Bromlei, Iu. V. and M. S. Kashuba. Brak i sem'ia u narodov Iugoslavii [Marriage and the family among the peoples of Yugoslavia]. Moscow: Nauka, 1985. Buric, Olivera. "Izmena strukture drustvene moci: uslov za drustvenu ravnopravnost zene." Sociologija 17, no. 2 (1975):197-215. About women's equality in a changing society. Summary in English. - - - . "Polozaj zene u sistemu drustvene moci u Jugoslaviji." Sociologija 14, no. 1 (1972): 68-76. About women and power in Yugoslav society. - - - . Promene u porodicnom zivotu nastale pod uticajem zenine zaposlenosti: Analiza jednog empirijskog istraiivanja. Thesis. Belgrade: Institut drustvenih nauka, Centar za istrazivanje drustvenih odnosa, 1968. About women's employment and shifts in family life. With summaries in English and Russian. - - - . "Zaposlenost zene-majke i podrustvljavanje porodicnih funkcija." Socioloski pregled 3-4 (1980): 23-41. About the employment of mothers and family functions. Buss, Doris E. "Women at the Borders: Rape and Nationalism in International Law." Feminist Legal Studies 6, no. 2 (1998): 171-203. About the Yugoslav War, 1991-1995. Cacic-Kumpes, Jadranka. "Etnicnost, rat i silovanje." Migracijske teme 8, no. 2 (1992): 95104. Ethnicity, war and rape. - - - . "War, Ethnicity, and Violence Against Women" Refuge 14, no. 8, 1995): 12-5. Cacinovic, Nadezda. "Prije i poslije: Upotrebe i zloupotrebe usporedivanja-Esej 0 politici i kulturi obiljezenoj rodom. Before and After: The Uses and Abuses of Comparing - An Essay on Politics and Gendered Culture." In Seminar "Zene i politika": dokumentacija, Dubrovnik, 10.-12. srpnja 1997 = Seminar "Women and Politics": Documentation, Dubrovnik, July 1012 1997, edited by Durda Knezevic, 17-26. Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, 1998. Cacinovic-Vogrincic, Gabi. "Socijalizacija za samoupravne odnose zahtijeva ostvarenje nehijerarhijskih odnosa u obitelji." Zena 38, no. 4-5 (1980): 153. About the socialization of women. Cazi, Nada. Drustveni poloiaj iene: kako slaviti nase praznike: 8. mart-i-Medunarodni dan iena. [Women's social position: how to celebrate our holidays: March 8.] Zagreb: Pregled,













1976. Chloros, A.G. Yugoslav Civil Law: History, Family, Property. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. Clark, Cal, and Janet Clark. "The Gender-Gap in Yugoslavia: Elite Versus Mass Levels." Political Psychology 8, no. 3 (Sep 1987): 411-26. Cleiren, C. P. M., and M. E. M. Tijssen. "Rape and Other Forms of Sexual Assault in the Armed Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia: Legal, Procedural, and Evidentiary Issues." Criminal Law Forum 5, no. 2-3 (1994): 471-506. Cockbum, Cynthia. "A Women's Political Party for Yugoslavia: Introduction to the Serbian Feminist Manifesto". Feminist Review 39 (Winter 1991): 155-60. , and Dubravka Zarkov, eds. The Postwar Moment: Militaries, Masculinities and International Peacekeeping. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 2002. Colak-Antic, Tijana. "Everyday life and ethnology: The "jour" in Belgrade During the InterWar Period 1919-1940 and the Generation Gap." In Between the Archives and the Field: A Dialogue on Historical Anthropology of the Balkans, edited by Miroslav Jovanovic, Karl Kaser, and Slobodan Naumovic, 125-32. Belgrade: Udruzenje za drustvenu istoriju and Graz: Institut fur Geschichte der Universitat Graz, 1999. Annotated under Serbia. Copic, Sanja. "Wife Abuse in the Countries of the Former Yugoslavia." Feminist Review 76 (2004): 46-64. Corrin, Chris. "Developing Policy on Integration and Re/construction in Kosova." In Development, Women and War: Feminist Perspectives, edited and introduced by Haleh Afshar and Deborah Eade, 60-86. Oxford: Oxfam, 2004. Coulson, Meg. "Looking Beyond the Violent Break-up of Yugoslavia." Feminist Review 45 (Fall 1993): 86-101. Annotated under Bosnia-Herzegovina. Courbage, Youssef. "Sur mortalite feminine chez les Musulmans de Yugoslavie: Islam ou culture mediterraneenne?" [Excess Mortality-Rates of Moslem Women in Yugoslavia: Islam or Mediterranean Culture] Population 46, No. 2 (Mar-Apr 1991): 299-325. Cubilie, Anne. "Cosmopolitanism as Resistance: Fragmented Identities, Women's Testimonial and the War in Yugoslavia." In Critical Ethics: Text, Theory and Responsibility, edited by Dominic Rainsford and Tim Woods, 257-76. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. A comparison of the works of Slavenka Drakulic and Elma Softie. Dabcevic-Kucar, Savka. "Problemi drustvenog polozaja zene: problemi naseg samoupravnog socijalisticklog drustva u cjelini." Zena 26, no. 2 (1970): 6. Discusses women's social position under socialism. Deschaumes, .Ghislaine Glasson, and Svetlana Slapsak, eds. Femmes des Balkans pour la paix: Itineraires d'une action militante CL travers les frontieres = Balkan Women for Peace: Itineraries of Crossborder Activism. Paris: Transeuropeennes, 2003. The 2002 "travel diary" and photographic record of 47 women activists from the former Yugoslavia and Albania. Denich, Bette. "Sex and Power in the Balkans." In Woman, Culture, and Society, edited by Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo and Louise Lamphere, 243-62. Palo Alto: Stanford Univ. Press, 1974. . "Women, Work and Power in Modem Yugoslavia." In Sexual Stratification: A Cross Cultural View, edited by Alice Schlegel, 215-44. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1977. Denitch, Bogdan. "Women and Political Power in a Revolutionary Society: The Yugoslav Case." In Access to Power: Cross-National Studies of Women and Elites, edited by Cynthia Fuchs Epstein and Rose Laub Coser, 115-23. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1981. Despot, Blazenka. "Women and Self-Management." Questions actuelles du socialisme (Belgrade) (1981): 3. . Zensko pitanje i socijalisticko samoupravljanje. Zagreb: Cekada, 1987. About the "woman question" and socialism. Devic, Ana. "Redefining the Public-Private Boundary: Nationalism and Women's Activism in













Former Yugoslavia." The Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 15, no. 2 (Autumn 1997): 3141. Djurdjevic, Rajko. "Pale, siluju, tuku, kamenuju, ruse, lome, skrnave." [Setting Fires, Raping, Beating, Stoning, Destroying, Breaking, Desecrating] Duga (Belgrade Weekly), 17 September 1988. Djuric, Natasa, "Emancipacija na pola puta." Borba (June 1, 1980): Discusses progress toward women's emancipation. Djuric, Tatjana. "From National Economies to Nationalist Hysteria: Consequences for Women." In Crossfires: Nationalism, Racism and Gender in Europe, edited by Helma Lutz, Ann Phoenix, and Nira Yuval-Davis, 121-41. London; East Haven, CT: Pluto Press for the European Forum of Left Feminists, 1995. Annotated under Bosnia-Herzegovina. Dobos, Manuela. "The Women's Movement in Yugoslavia: The Case of the Conference for the Social Activity of Women in Croatia, 1965-1974." Frontiers: A Journal of Women 's Studies 7, no. 2 (1983): 47-55. Drakulic, Slavenka. How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed. New York: Norton, 1992. Annotated under Croatia. - - - . "'Six Mortal Sins' of Yugoslav Feminism." In Sisterhood Is Global: The International Women's Movement Anthology, edited by Robin Morgan, 736-8. New York: The Feminist Press at the City Univ. of New York, 1996. - - - . Smrtni grijesi feminizma: Ogled 0 mudologiji. Zagreb: Znanje, 1984. About problems with "neofeminism" and attitudes toward it. - - - . "Women and Democracy in the Former Yugoslavia." In Gender Politics and Post Communism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 123-30. New York: Routledge Press, 1993. Drustveni poloiaj iene i razvoj porodice u socijalistickom samoupravnom drustvu. Ljubljana: Komunist, 1979. About the social situation of women under socialism. Duhacek, Dasa. "Gender Perspectives on Political Identities in Yugoslavia." In From Gender to Nation, edited by Rada Ivakovi and Julie Mostov, 113-29. Ravenna: Longo, 2002. - - - . "Travel On, Europe." In What Can We Dofor Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994, 75-81. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. Examines theories that could explain the war and disintegration of Yugoslavia and discusses the possible resistance strategies, including those of women's groups and organizations in Yugoslavia. - - - . "Women's Time in the Former Yugoslavia." In Gender Politics and Postcommunism: Reflectionsfrom Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 131-7. New York: Routledge Press, 1993. Dunin, Elsie. "Cocek as a Ritual Dance among Gypsy Women." Makedonskifolklor 12 (1973): 193-8. Annotated under Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. Eriksson, Maja Kirilova. "Violence Against Women as an International Issue" and "The Ad Hoc International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia" ch. 7 and ch. 8 in Reproductive Freedom in the Context of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. The Hague; Boston: M. Nijhoff, 2000. Erlich, Vera S. Family in Transition: A Study of Three Hundred Yugoslav Villages. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1966. - - - . "The Last Big Zadrugas: Albanian Extended Families in the Kosovo Regions." In Communal Families in the Balkans: The Zadruga. Essays by Philip E. Mosely and Essays in His Honour, edited by Robert F. Byrnes, 244-51. London: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1976. - - - . "Phases in the Evolution of Family Life in Yugoslavia." Sociological Review 37 (1945): 50-64. Feldman, Andrea. "Eine alternative Frauengruppe in Zagreb. Zwischen Aktivismus und Frauenforschung." In Die ungeschriebene Geschichte, 113-23. Vienna: Wiener Frauenverlag,










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1984. Annotated under the Croatia. . "Predskazaniia za gladna godina: zhenite i ideologiiata na iugoslavizma (1918-1939) [Foretelling a Hungry Year: Women and the Ideology of Yugoslavism, 1918-1939]." In Granitsi na grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdu traditsiiata i modernostta, compiled by Krasimira Daskalova and Raina Gavrilova, 244-64. Sofiia: Izd-vo "LIK": Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia po istoriia na zhenite i pola, 2001. . "Der Verband universitatsgebildeter Frauen Jugoslawiens (1927-1939)." In Frauenmacht in der Geschichte, edited by Jutta Dalhoff, Uschi Frey, and Ingrid Scholl, 12533. Dtisseldorf: Schwann, 1986. About women in Yugoslav universities, 1927-1939. . "Women's History in Yugoslavia." In Writing Women's History: International Perspectives, edited by Karen Offen, Ruth Roach Pierson and Jane Rendall, on behalf of The International Federation for Research in Women's History, 417-21. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana Univ. Press, 1991. . "Yugoslavia Imagined: Women and the Ideology of Yugoslavism (1918-1939)." In Zwischen Kriegen: Nationen, Nationalismen und Geschlechter-verhdltnisse in Mittel- und Osteuropa 1918-1939, edited by Johann Gehmacher, Elizabeth Harvey, and Sophia Kemlein, 25-42. Osnabrtick: Fibre, 2004. Filipovic, Mileva. Radnicka klasa i oslobodjenje iene. Titograd: Pobjeda, 1980. About the working class and women's liberation. First, Ruza. "National Liberation Struggle and Women in Yugoslavia." In National Liberation and Women's Liberation, edited by Matia Mies and Rhoda Reddock, 53-63. The Hague: Institute of Social Studies, 1982. First, Ruza, and Barbara K. Halpern. "Changing Perceptions of Roles of Husbands and Wives in Five Yugoslav Villages." In Europe as a Culture Area, edited by Jean Cuisenier, 159-72. The Hague: Mouton, 1979. Foeken, Ingrid. "Confusing Realities and Lessons Learned in Wartime: Supporting Women's Projects in the Former Yugoslavia." Women & Therapy 22, no. 1 (1999): 91-106. The personal experiences of the author working with women's organizations in the Former Yugoslavia. Frederick, Pauline. "Jovanka Broz Tito, Yugoslavia." Ten First Ladies of the World. New York, Meredith Press, 1967. About Tiro's wife, Jovanka. Gavrilovic, Vera S. Zene lekari u ratovima 1876-1945. Na tlu Jugoslavije. Belgrade: Naucno drustvo za istoriju zdravstvene kulture Jugoslavije, 1976. About women doctors in the wars in the Yugoslav lands, 1876-1945. Gossiaux, Jean-Francois. "Structure et fonctions du groupe domestique dans la Yougoslavie rurale [The structure and function of the domestic group in rural Yugoslavia]." In L'Evolution des modeles familiaux dans les pays de l'Est europeen et en U.R.S.S, edited by Basile Kerblay, 85-95. Paris: Institut d'Etudes slaves, 1988. Hayden, Robert M. "Rape and Rape Avoidance in Ethno-National Conflicts: Sexual Violence in Liminalized States." American Anthropologist 102, no. 1 (2000): 27-41. Heroine Jugoslavije. Zagreb: "Nasa djeca," 1980. About women heroes of Yugoslavia, most probably in WWII. Healey, Sharon A. "Prosecuting Rape Under the Statute of the War Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia." Brooklyn Journal of International Law 21,2(1995): 327-83. Hlapec-Dordevic, Julka. "Sudbina zene." [Women's destiny.] Letopis Matice srpske [Novi Sad] 317, no. 1 (July 1928): 21-44. Reprinted as the first part of the book Dr. Julka ChlapecDordevic. Kriza seksualne etike. Dve socioloske studije, Ljubljana, 1930.5-35. Reprinted in ProFemina 5-6 (Spring 1996): 90-102. Huseby-Darvas, Eva. "Refugee Women from Former Yugoslavia in the Camps of Rural Hungary." In Neighbors at War: Anthropological Perspectives on Yugoslav Ethnicity, Culture and History, edited by Joel M. Halpern and David A. Kideckel, 339-56. University






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Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 2000. Hvala, Ivan, ed. Drustveni poloiaj zene i razvoj porodice u socijalistickom samoupravnom drustvu. Simpozij, Portoroi; Slovenia 1976. Ljubljana: Komunist, 1979. Proceedings from a conference on women's social position and the development of the family in the socialist self-managing society of Slovenia, 1976. Ivekovic, Rada. "Femmes, nationalisme, guerre." Peuples Mediterraneens 61 (1993): 185200. About on the position of women in the Yugoslav wars of the 1990's and women's antiwar activities. - - - . "The New Democracy: With Women or Without Them?" In Beyond Yugoslavia: Politics, Economics, and Culture in a Shattered Community, edited by Sabrina Petra Ramet and Ljubisa S. Adamovich, 395-412. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1995. - - - . "Women, Democracy and Nationalism After 1989: The Yugoslav Case." Canadian Women's Studies 16, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 10-3. - - - . "Women, Nationalism and War: Make Love Not War." Hypatia 8.4 (Fall 1993): 113-26. - - - . "Women, Nationalism and War: 'Make Love Not War'." In Belgrade Women's Studies Journal: Selected Papers: Anniversary Issue 199212002, edited by Jelisaveta Blagojevic & Dusan Dordevic Mileusnic, 101-9. Belgrade: Belgrade Women's Studies Center, 2002. - - - . "Yugoslav Neofeminism." In Sisterhood is Global: The International Women's Movement Anthology, edited by Robin Morgan. New York: The Feminist Press at the City Univ. of New York, 1996: 734-6. Ivekovic, Rada, and Slavenka Drakulic-Ilic. "Klevete i istina." Knjiievna rec (10 December 1978): 3. - - - . "Zakljucci Predsjednistva CK SKJ 0 zadacima Saveza komunista na daljem unapredjenju drustvenog pitanja i uloge zene danas." Zena 38, no. 4-5 (1980): 4. About the Yugoslav Communist Party and progress in women's rights. - - - . "Zena u procesu odlucivanja u osnovnoj organizaciji Saveza komunista." Opredjeljenja 6, no. 3-4 (March-April 1978): 87-8. About women's contributions to Communist Party policies. - - - , and others, eds. Briefe von Frauen iiber Krieg und Nationalismus. With contributions by Duska Perisec-Osti. Translated from Serbo-Croatian by Barbara Antkowiak, Angela Richter and Mechthild Schafer; translated from Slovenian by Marina Einspieler. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1993. Jalusic, Vlasta. "Letters from Yugoslavia." In The European Women's Almanac, edited by Paula Snyder, 387-9. London: Scarlett, 1992. About the position of women in the former Yugoslavia. Jancar, Barbara. [Jancar-Webster] "Neofeminism in Yugoslavia: A Closer Look." Women in Politics 8, no. 1 (1988): 1-30. - - - . "The New Feminism in Yugoslavia." In Yugoslavia in the 1980s, edited by Pedro Ramet, 201-23. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1985. - - - . Women and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945. Denver: Arden Press, 1990. - - - . "Women in the Yugoslav National Liberation Movement: Overview." Studies in Comparative Communism 14, no. 2-3 (1981): 163-73. - - - . "Women in the Yugoslav National Liberation Movement." In Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 67-87. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1999. - - - . "Women Soldiers in Yugoslavia's National Liberation Struggle, 1941-45." In Women and the Military System: Proceedings ofa Symposium Arranged by the International Peace Bureau and Peace Union of Finland, edited by Eva Isaksson, 47-67. Brighton:



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Wheatsheaf, 1988. . "Women in the Yugoslav National Liberation Movement." In Gender politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet. University Park, Penn.: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. 67-88. . "Yugoslavia: War of Resistance." In Female Soldiers-Combatants or Noncombatants? Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, edited by Nancy Loring Goldman, 85-105. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1982. Jankovic Radovic, Viktorija, ed. Putevi borbe za emancipaciju i ravnopravnost iena. Republicka konferencija SSRN Srbije. Belgrade: Politicka biblioteka SSRN Srbije, no. 1, 1977. Socialist league of the working people of Serbia conference proceedings about the struggle for emancipation and equality of women under socialism. Jones, Alex. "Gender and ethnic conflict in ex-Yugoslavia." Ethnic and Racial Studies 17, no. 1 (1994): 115-34. Kajosevic, Indira. "Women of Yugoslavia in Parliament and Political Life after the Multiparty Elections in 1989." In What Can We Dofor Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994, 64-8. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. Kapor-Stanulovic, Nila and Henry P. David. "Former Yugoslavia and Successor States." Ch. 12 in From Abortion to Contraception: A Resource to Public Policies and Reproductive Behavior in Central and Eastern Europe from 1917 to the Present, edited by Henry P. David, 279-315. Westport, Ct: Greenwood Press, 1999. Demographic analysis and data on legislation and access to safe abortion and modern contraceptives in the former Yugoslavia, and its successors - FRY, Croatia and Slovenia. Also presents some demographic data for Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia. Kasic, Biljana. "The Dynamic of Identification: From Archetypes to Promising Female Roles." In From Gender to Nation, edited by Rada Ivakovic and Julie Mostov, 189-200. Ravenna: Longo, 2002. Kavcic, Bogdan. "Women in Management: The Case of the Former Yugoslavia." In Competitive Frontiers: Women Managers in a Global Economy, edited by Nancy J. Adler and Dafna N. Izraeli, 286-300. Cambridge, Ma: Blackwell, 1994. Kecman, Jovanka. Zene Jugoslavije u radnickom pokretu i Lenskim organizacijama 19181941. Belgrade: Narodna knjiga, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 1978. Yugoslav women in the workers' movement and women's organizations, 1918-41. Kesic, Obrad. "Women and Revolution in Yugoslavia (1945-1989)." In Women and Revolution in Africa, Asia, and the New World, edited by Mary Ann Tetreault, 236-51. Columbia, SC: Univ. of South Carolina Press, 1994. Kesic, Vesna. "Confessions of a 'Yugo-Nostalgic' Witch." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 195-200. Boulder, CO: WestviewPress, 1997. . "Gender and Ethnic Identities in Transition." In From Gender to Nation, edited by Rada Ivakovi and Julie Mostov, 63-80. Ravenna: Longo, 2002. Knezevic, Durda "Affective Nationalism." In Transitions, Environments, Translations: Feminisms in International Politics, edited by Joan W. Scott, Cora Kapland and Debra Keates, 65-71. New York & London: Routledge, 1997. . "Izbor zena u svjetlu kadrovske politike Saveza komunista." Zena 36, no. 55 (1979): 76. About women's participation in the Communist Party. . "Rulers and Rhetoric Change, but Reality?" War Report 36 (September, 1995): 356. An account of the development of feminism in socialist Yugoslavia and how these links among women in what became Serbia and Croatia weathered the breakdown of the state and changes in official ideologies. , ed. Seminar "Zene i politika": dokumentacija, Dubrovnik, 10.-12. srpnja 1997 =




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Seminar "Women and Politics": Documentation, Dubrovnik, July 10-12 1997. Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, 1998. Kohn, Elizabeth A. "Rape As a Weapon of War: Women's Human Rights During the Dissolution of Yugoslavia." Golden Gate University Law Review 24, no. 1-3 (Spring 1994): 199-221. Konjovic, Anja, ed. Zena vojnik. Zagreb: Glavni odbor AFZ, 1945. About the "women soldiers" in World War 11. Koprivica, Andrija. Titove partizanke. Belgrade: Narodna knjiga, 1980. About Tito's Partisan Women. Korac, Maja. "Ethnic Conflict, Rape, and Feminism: The Case of Yugoslavia." In Women in Post-Communism, edited by Barbara Wejnert and Metta Spencer, with Slobodan Drakulic, 247-66. Greenwich, CT; London: JAI Press, 1996. - - - . "Ethnic-Nationalism, Wars and the Patterns of Social, Political and Sexual Violence Against Women: The Case of Post-Yugoslav Countries." Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 5, no. 2 (October 1998): 153-81. - - - . Linking Arms Across Boundaries-Women's Organizing Against War, Violence and Nationalism: the Case of Post- Yugoslav States. Uppsala: Life & Peace Institute, 1998. - - - . "Representation of Mass Rape in Ethnic Conflicts in What Was Yugoslavia." Sociologija 36, no. 4 (1994): 495-514. - - - . "Women's Groups in the Former Yugoslavia: Working With Refugees." Refuge 14, no. 8 (1994): 16-19,25. Kostic, Stanislava. "Kobiety pacyfistki, kobiety nacjonalistki: sytuacja w Jugoslawii lat 90 [Women pacifists, women nationalists: the situation in Jugoslavia in the 90s]." In Obszary kultur kobiecych w badaniach plci / rodzaju, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Monika Baer, 95-112. Poznan: Wydawn. Fundacji Humaniora, 2003. Kovacevic, Dusanka. Women of Yugoslavia in the National Liberation War. Translated by Margot and Bosko Milosavljevic. Belgrade: Jugoslovenski Pregled, 1977. - - - , and Dragutin Kosoric, eds. Borbeni put iena Jugoslavije. Josip Broz Tito: Predgovor. Belgrade: Leksikografski zavod "Sveznanje," 1972. About women's participation in the partisan struggle in World War 11. Introduction by Josip Broz Tito. Kovacic, alga. Women of Yugoslavia. Belgrade: Jugoslovenska Knjiga, 1947. Krasnic, Violeta. "The Reality of Gender Violence in the Former Yugoslavia." Women's World 31 (1997): 12-4. Krass, Caroline D. "Bringing the Perpetrators of Rape in the Balkans to Justice: Time for an International Criminal Court." Denver Journal ofInternational Law and Policy 22, no. 2-3 (Spring 1994); 317-74. Kucan, Viktor. "Sutjeska - Dolina Heroja: Zene Borci." [Sutjeska, valley of heroes: women fighters]. Vojnoistorijski Glasnik [Yugoslavia] 39, no. 3 (1988): 183-247; 40, no. 1 (1989): 101-60; 40, no. 2 (1989): 49-126;40, no. 3 (1989): 139-89; 41,no. 1 (1990): 127-89. Hist abstr: Reviews the history of the Sutjeska River battle in 1943 between the Yugoslav National Liberation Army and the occupation forces of Germany and its allies, emphasizing the significant role of women in the armed forces of the National Liberation Army of Yugoslavia. A listing is provided of more than 2,800 women who participated in the battle, with data on their births and deaths, social and national backgrounds, and military service. Kuzmanovic, Jasmina. "Legacies of Invisibility: Past Silence, Present Violence against Women in the Former Yugoslavia." In Women's Rights, Human Rights: International Feminist Perspectives, edited by Julie Peters and Andrea Wolper, 57-61. New York: Routledge, 1995. Latitic, Ibrahim, ed. Women in the Economy and Society of the SFR of Yugoslavia. Belgrade: Federal Institute for Statistics, 1975. Leinert Novosel, Smiljana. Zene - politicka manjina: Perspecktive sudjelovanja zena u



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javnom iivotu. Zagreb: NIRO "Radnicke novine, 1990. About the participation of women in Yugoslav public life, and attitudes toward women in politics. Ler-Sofronic, Nada. Neofeminizam i socijalisticka alternativa. Belgrade: Radnicka stampa, 1986. About neofeminism and the socialist alternative. . "Ka istini 0 zeni: 0 porijeklu degradacije zene." Pregled [Sarajevo] 3 (1977): 32540. About the origins of degradation of women. . "Neki socijalno psiholoski aspekti zenskog pitanja." Nase teme [Sarajevo] 3 (1984): 445-54. About social-psychological aspects of the woman question. . "Pokreti za oslobodjenje zene: putevi i stranputice." Argumenti [Rijeka] 3 (1979): 95-134. About right and wrong women's liberation movements. . "Subordinacija zene: sadasnjost i proslost." Marksisticka misao 4 (1981): 73-80. About women's subordination, present and the past. Licht, Sonja, and Slobodan Drakulic. "When the Word for Peacenik Was Woman: War and Gender in the Former Yugoslavia." In Women in Post-Communism, edited by Barbara Wejnert and Metta Spencer, with Slobodan Drakulic, 111-39. Greenwich, CT; London: lAI Press, 1996. . "When the Word for Peacemaker Was a Woman: War and Gender in the Former Yugoslavia." In Belgrade Women's Studies Journal: Selected Papers: Anniversary Issue 199212002, edited by Jelisaveta Blagojevic & Dusan Dordevic Mileusnic, 115-33. Belgrade: Belgrade Women's Studies Center, 2002. Lilly, Carol S., and Melissa Bokovoy. "Serbia, Croatia and Yugoslavia." In Women, Gender, and Fascism in Europe, 1919-45, edited by Kevin Passmore, 91-6. New Brunswick, NJ.: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2003. Lobodzinska, Barbara. "Domestic and External Perceptions of Family and Women's Issues in Poland and Other Post-Socialist Countries." Polish Review 45, no. 3 (2000): 258-303. Covers Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, GDR, former Yugoslavia. Lucas, Frances H. "Role Conflict for Women in Urban Yugoslavia." Reports. [Proceedings ofl the GLCA Faculty Yugoslav Seminar, n.p., 1972. MacKinnon, Catharine A. "Crimes of War, Crimes of Peace." VCLA Women's Law Journal 4, no. 1 (Fall 1993): 59-86. About the Yugoslav War, 1991-1995. Maguire, Sarah. "Researching 'a Family Affair': Domestic Violence in Former Yugoslavia and Albania." In Violence against Women, edited by Caroline Sweetman. Oxford: Oxfam, 1998.60-6; Also published as Gender and Development 6, no. 3 (November 1998): 60-6. Contains statistics and references. Markovic, Milica, and Lenore Manderson. "European Immigrants and the Australian Labor Market: A Case Study of Women from the Former Yugoslavia." Journal ofEthnic and Migration Studies 26, no. 1 (2000): 127-36. Markovic, Predrag. "Sexuality in Belgrade in the 20th century. In Between the Archives and the Field: A Dialogue on Historical Anthropology of the Balkans, edited by Miroslav Jovanovic, Karl Kaser, and Slobodan Naurnovic, 93-100. Belgrade: Udruzenje za drustvenu istoriju and Graz: Institut fur Geschichte der Universitat Graz, 1999. . "Zena u poljoprivredi i selu." Zbornik Matitce Srpske za drustvene nauke 86-87 (1989): 119-23. Massey, Garth, Jennifer Leach, and Dusko Sekulic. "Women in the League of Yugoslav Communists: Party Membership and Occupational Attainment." Women & Politics 18, no. 1 (1997): 1-25. , and Karen Hahn. "Women, Men, and the 'Second Shift' in Socialist Yugoslavia." Gender and Society 9, no. 3 (June 1995): 359-79. Examines gender-related aspects of the second shift in socialist Yugoslavia. Contributing factors to the prominence of the second shift; structure of capitalist society; national policy mandates on education and nondiscrimination.






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Mertus, Julie. "Kitchen Cabinet." On the Issues 1 (Winter 1996): 31-2. Also in Frontline Feminisms: Women, War, and Resistance. Edited by Marguerite R. Waller and Jennifer Rycenga, 209-12. New York: Garland, 2000. Informal gatherings in China during the Beijing conference brought together women from all parts of the former Yugoslavia: Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia proper, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Slovenia. - - - . "Women in Kosovo: Contested Terrains: The Role of National Identity in Shaping and Challenging Gender Identity." In Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 17186. University Park: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1999. Meznaric, Silva. "Gender As an Ethno-Marker: Rape, War, and Identity Politics in the Former Yugoslavia." In Identity Politics and Women: Cultural Reassertions and Feminism i International Perspective, edited by Valentine M. Moghadam, 76-97. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1993. - - - . "The Rapists' Progress: Ethnicity, Gender and Violence." Revija za sociologiju 24, no. 3-4 (1993): 119-29. - - - . "Theory and Reality: The Status of Employed Women in Yugoslavia." In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 21420. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. - - - , and Mirjana Ule. "In Pursuit of a Framework: Delayed Modernization and the Emancipation of Women in the Balkans." Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 196-201. Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1998. Milic, Andjelka. Domacinstvo, brak i porodica u Jugoslaviji. Belgrade: Institut za socioloska istrazivanja Filozofskog fakulteta, 1981. About household, marriage and family in Yugoslavia. - - - . Klase i porodica. Belgrade: Radnicka stampa, 1987. Translation: Classes and family. - - - . "Women and Nationalism in the Former Yugoslavia." In Gender Politics and PostCommunism, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 109-22. London: Routledge, 1993. - - - . "Women, Technology and Societal Failure in Former Yugoslavia." In Bringing Technology Home: Gender and Technology in a Changing Europe, edited by C. Cockburn and R. Furst-Dilic, 147-64. Buckingham and Philadelphia: Open Univ. Press, 1994. - - - . "Zena na selu: poljoprivrednica ilili dornacica." Sociologija sela 63-74 (1979): 2334. About rural women as farmers and housewives. Milinkovic, Branko. "Jugoslawien: Frauen stehen an der Spitze der Friedensbewegung [Yugoslavia: Women at the Forefront of the Peace Movement]." Lutherische Welt Information 34 (1991): 2-4. Milosavljevic, Dana. "Organizovanje socijalisticke snage i oslobadjanje zena." Marksisticka misao 4 (1981): 61-5. About socialism and women's liberation. Mitrovic, Aleksandra. "Drustveno-politicko angazovanost zene." Marksisticka misao 4 (1981): 33-43. About the socio-political engagement of women. Mitrovic, Mitra, and Vida Tomsic, "Women and Education in Yugoslavia." In Women and Education, 183-256. Unesco: Paris, 1953. Mladenov, Marin, and Ananije Lekovic. Prava i duinosti iene: tematski vodic kroz ustav SFRJ i zakone. Belgrade: BIGZ, 1975. A thematic guide through the constitutional laws and regulations of Yugoslavia with respect to the rights and duties of women. Mladjenovic, Lepa. "Notes of a Feminist Lesbian during Wartime." European Journal of Women's Studies 8, no. 3 (2001): 381-91. Part 2 of a 3-part section: State of the Art: Lesbian Movements in Former Yugoslavia. Morokvasic, Mirjana. "Being A Woman in Yugoslavia: Past, Present and Institutionalised Equality." In Women of the Mediterranean, edited by Monique Gadant, translated by A. M. Berrett, 120-38. London: Zed Books, 1986. Translation of "Femmes de la Mediterranee."






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Peuples mediterraneens 22-23 (1983). . "Escaping Nationalism and Violence: Interethnic Marriages in the Post-Yugoslavian Region." In Biographies and the Division ofEurope: Experience, Action, and Change on the "Eastern Side ", edited by Roswitha Breckner, Devorah Kalekin-Fishman, Ingrid Miethe, 195-215. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2000. Includes a discussion of gender-specific experiences of violence and persecution as a result of interethnic marriages. . "Geburtenkontrolle bei denjugoslawischen Frauen im Ausland." In Der Stellung der Frau aufdem Balkan: Beitriige zur Tagung vom 3.-7 September 1985 in Berlin, edited by Norbert Reiter, 33-47. Berlin: Osteuropa-Institut; Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei O. Harrassowitz, 1987. . "The Logics of Exclusion: Nationalism, Sexism and the Yugoslav War." In Gender, Ethnicity and Political Ideologies, edited by Nickie Charles and Helen Hintjens, 65-90. New York: Routledge, 1998. . "Sexuality and Control of Procreation." In Of Marriage and the Market: Women's Subordination Internationally and Its Lessons, edited by Kate Young, Carol Wolkowitz, and Roslyn McCullagh, 127-43. London: Routledge, 1984. Moseley, Philip. E. "Adaptation for Survival: The Varzic Zadruga." Slavonic and East European Review 21 (1943): 147-73. Munishi, Rexhep. Kendimi i femrave te Podgurit. Pristina: Instituti Albanologjik i Prishtines, 1979. Includes discussion of women folk singers from Kosovo. In Albanian. Nahapetian, Kate. "Selective Justice: Prosecuting Rape in the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda." Berkeley Women's Law Journal 35 (1999): 126-35. Nenadic, Natalie. "Femicide: A Framework for Understanding Genocide." In Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed, edited by Diane Bell and Renate Klein, 456-64. North Melbourne, Australia: Spinfex Press, 1996. Niarchos, Catherine C. "Women, War, and Rape: Challenges Facing the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia." Human Rights Quarterly 17 no. 4 (Nov.1995): 649-90. Annotated under Bosnia-Herzegovina. Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vesna. "International Conference: 'Which Model of Truth and Reconciliation is the Most Appropriate for the Former Yugoslavia?''' Feminist Review 76 (2004): 123-26. ."Nasilje nad zenama u uslovima rata i ekonomske krize." Socioloski pregled 28, no. 3 (1994): 409-17. Violence against women in conditions of war and economic crises. . "Refugee Women in Serbia-Invisible Victims of War in the Former Yugoslavia." Feminist Review 73, no. 1 (2003): 104-13. . "Victimization by War Rape: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia." Canadian Woman Studies 19 no. 4 (Winter 2000): 28-35. . "War, Nationalism and Mothers." Peace Review 8, no. 3 (1996): 359-64. Nationalism, sexual reproduction, women's roles, propaganda, exploitation, rape as ethnic cleansing. ,ed. Women, Violence and War: Wartime Victimization ofRefugees in the Balkans. Budapest: CEU Press; Plymouth: Plymbridge, 1999. Translation of Zene, nasilje i rat. Contents: Natasa Mrvic-Petrovic, "A Brief History of the State of Bosnia-Herzegovina (From its Origins to the 1995 Dayton Peace Accords)" (7-19); Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, "Definitions of Violence in War and the Experience of Women: the Subject of Research" (21-33); Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic and Ivana Stevanovic, "The Method and the Sample-a Contribution to the Feminist Critique of Methodology" (35-39); Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, "Sexual Violence" (41-77); "The Hague Tribunal and Rape in the Former Yugoslavia" (7983); "Physical Abuse and Homicide" (85-98); Slobodanka Konstantinovic-Vilic, "Psychological Violence and Fear in War, and Their Consequences for the Psychological





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Health of Women," (99-133); Natasa Mrvic-Petrovic, "Separation and Dissolution of the Family" (135-49); Natasa Mrvic-Petrovic and Ivana Stevanovic, "Life in Refuge-Changes in Socioeconomic and Familial Status" (151-69); Natasa Mrvic-Petrovic, "Social Acceptance and the Difficulty of Adapting to a New Environment" (171-86); Slobodanka Konstantinovic-Vilic, "Strategies of Support and Help" (187-94). . "Zene zrtve seksualnog delikta u krivicnom postupku SFRJ." Zbornik Insituta za kriminoloska i socioloska istraiivanja 1 (1988): 281-99. About women victims of sexual offense in the criminal procedure of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. No Justice, No Peace: Accountability for Rape and Gender-Based Violence in the Former Yugoslavia. Based on a mission of the Women in the Law Project of the International Human Rights Law Group, with the assistance of the law firm of Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe. Washington, DC: International Human Rights Law Group, 1993. Novakovic, Tatjana, and Aline H. Kidd. "Gender Self-Concepts in the USA and Yugoslavia." Psychological Reports 62, no. 2 (April 1988): 611-7. Olsen, Mary Kay [Gilliand]. The Maintenance of Family Values in a Yugoslav Town. Ph.D. Diss., Univ. of California, San Diego, 1986. . "Redefining Gender in Yugoslavia: Masculine and Feminine Ideals in Ritual Context." East European Quarterly 23, no. 4 (Winter 1989): 431-44. Olujic, Maria B. "Economic and Demographic Change in Contemporary Yugoslavia: Persistence of Traditional Gender Ideology." East European Quarterly 23, no. 4 (1989): 47785. The author examines "why gender asymmetry still persists in today's Yugoslavia despite socialist rhetoric of gender equality." Opfell, Olga S. "Milka Planinc: Prime Minister of Yugoslavia: 1982-86." In Women Prime Ministers and Presidents, edited by Olga S. Opfell, 112-20. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Colo., 1993. Papic, Zarana, ed. Drug-ea zena: Zensko pitanje: novi pristup? Medjunarodni simpozijum 27.10-1.11.1978. Belgrade: Izdavacko-informativni program SKC, 1978. Volume connected to the symposium in Belgrade 27 Oct - 1 Nov 1978. The international conference in the title is considered a turning point in the history of the Yugoslav women's movement. It is here that the women from various Yugoslav cities, who had already individually worked in the field of feminist theory, met, and this first informal group later initiated or founded various women's organizations. The anthology, however, contains mainly translations of major works in feminist theory (Luce Irigaray, Evelyn Reed, Sheila Rowbotham, etc.), rather than works onlby Yugoslav women. . "Natsional'izm, voina, gender. Eks-feminnost' i eks-maskulinnost' eks-grazhdan eksIugoslavii [Nationalism, war, gender: Ex-femininity and ex-masculinity of ex-citizens of exYugoslavia]." Gendernye issledovaniia 2 (1999): 5-23. . "Women's Movement in Former Yugoslavia: 1970s and 1980s." In What Can We Dofor Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994,19-22. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995. Pavkovic, Nikola. "Le mariage matrilocal et la societe patrilocale de la Yougoslavie." Etudes et documents balkaniques et mediterraneens 10 (1986): 62-7. Pejanovic, Snezana. Drustvena jednakost i emancipacija iene. Gornji Milanovac: Decije novine, 1984. About social equality and women's emancipation. Penava, Senija. "Izbori i literatura 0 problemima emancipacije muslimanske zene u Bosni i Hercegovini." Prilozi. [Sarajevo, Institut za istoriju u Sarajevu] 17, no. 18 (1981): 273-84. Annotated under the Bosnia-Herzegovina. Penezic, Vida. "Women in Yugoslavia." In Postcommunism and the Body Politic, edited by Ellen E. Berry, 57-77. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1995. Peric, Danica. Zena u novoj Jugoslaviji. Belgrade: Kultura, 1958. About women in the "new Yugoslavia".








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,and Ljubica Gigovski, eds. Zena i razvoj: X medunarodni seminar Bled, 1977. Konferencija za pitanja drustvenog poloiaja iena Jugoslavije. Belgrade: Savezna konferencija SSRNJ, 1978. "Women and Development" Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, Bled, 1977, on the question of Yugoslav women's social position. Petric, Nevenka. "Emancipacija zene kao deo strategije KPJ-SKJ." Savez Komunista i socijalisticka revolucija. Edicija Centra za drustvena istrazivanja Predsednjistva CK SKJ, edited by Milenko Markovic. Belgrade: Izdavacki centar Komunist, 1981. About women's emancipation as part of the strategy of the Yugoslav Communist Party. . The Human Right to Free Choice on Childbirth in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Translated to English by Christina Pribicevic-Zoric. Belgrade: The Yugoslav committee for international women's year U.N., 1975. . "Ravnopravnost zene i muskarca u zavrsnirn dokumentima poslijeratnih kongresa KPJSKJ." Zena 38, no. 1 (January-February 1980): 74. About Communist Party policies on equal rights for men and women. Petrovic, Edit. "Re-Creation of Self: Narratives of Immigrant Women from Ex-Yugoslavia Living in Western Canada." Spaces of Identity: Tradition, Cultural Boundaries and Identity Formation in Central and Eastern Europe 3, no. 3 (2003): 1-25. Available at http://www.spacesofidentity.net. Petrovic, Ruza. "Regionalne razlike u rasprostranjenosti celibata u Jugoslaviji." Sociologija 28, no. 3 (1986): 373-84. Regional differences in the diffusion of celibacy in Yugoslavia. Petrovic, Tihana. "Women's Individual Property in South Slavic Zadrugas." Studia Ethnologica 3 (1991): 193-200. Philipose, Liz. "The Laws of War and Women's Human Rights." Hypatia 11, no. 4 (1996): 46-62. Yugoslav war, war crimes, rape as ethnic cleansing. Pilic, Vera. Karakteristike i problemi ienske radne snage u Jugoslaviji. Belgrade: Institut za ekonomska istrazivanja, 1969. About women and employment in Yugoslavia. Pocek-Matic, Mirjana. "SK se mora boriti za afirmaciju marksistickih stavova 0 ulozi zene u drustvu." Zen a 35, no. 6 (1977): 6. About the Communist Party's need to advance women's rights. Pratt, Kathleen M. and Laurel E. Fletcher. "Time for Justice: The Case for International Prosecutions of Rape and Gender-Based Violence in the Former Yugoslavia." Berkeley Women's Law Journal 9 (1994): 77-102. Prlica, Tanja. "Sto je to: Zensko pitanje?" Polet 6 (November 1978): 4. Defining the "woman question." Prunk, Olga. "Zur Situation im ehemaligen Jugoslawien." In Feminismus und Nationalismus: Dokumnentation der Konferenz der Frauen-Anstiftung in Bratislava, 11.-13. Juli 1993 = Femizmus a nacionalizmus: Dokumentdcie naddcie Frauen-Anstiftung v Bratislave 11.-13. jula 1993, edited by Jana Cvikova, Eva Havrilova, Eva Jencfkova, Maria Stefanova, 91-5. Hamburg: Frauen-Anstiftung e. V., 1993. Published paper from a conference on feminism and nationalism. Also in Serbo-Croatian in the same volume: "0 situacii v byvalej Jugoslavii," 95-8. Pusic, Eugen. "The Family in the Process of Social Change in Yugoslavia." Sociological Review 5 (1957): 207-24. Putnam, George W. "Occupational Sex Segregation and Economic Inequality under Socialism: Earnings Attainment and Earnings Decomposition in Yugoslavia." Sociological Quarterly 31, no. 1 (1990): 59-75. Ramet, Pedro. [other name Ramet, Sabrina P.] "Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter, Parteipolitik und Feminismus in Jugoslawien." Osteuropa 33, no. 7 (July 1983): 539-46. About sexual equality, the Communist Party, and feminism in Yugoslavia. . "Women, Work, and Self-Management in Yugoslavia." East European Quarterly 17, no. 4 (January 1984): 459-68.



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. "Feminism in Yugoslavia." Ch. 9 in Social Currents in Eastern Europe: The Sources and Consequences of the Great Transformation, 219-33. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1995. , ed. Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. . "In Tito's Time." In Gender politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor State, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 89-106. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. . "Repercussions of the War in Religion, Gender Relations, and Culture" In Balkan Babel: The Disintegration of Yugoslavia from the Death of Tito to Ethnic War, 275-98. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996. (4th ed. Boulder, CO: Westview, 2002). . "Women and Men." Ch. 6. in Balkan Babel: Politics, Culture, and Religion in Yugoslavia. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1992, 105-20. . "Women and Men" and "Repercussions of the War in Religion, Gender Relations, and Culture" (eh. 13, pp 275-98). In Balkan Babel: The Disintegration of Yugoslavia from the Death of Tito to Ethnic War, 117-34. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996. Rayner, Louisa. Women in a Village: An Englishwoman's Impressions ofLife in Yugoslavia under German Occupation. London: Heinemann, 1957. Reeves, Joy B. and Ray L. Darville. "Gender and Ethnic Inequality Among Professionals." Quarterly Journal ofIdeology 15, no. 3-4 (1991-1992): 51-68. Using 1981 census data, a study of the relationship between nationality and gender inequality among Yugoslavia's 8 largest ethnic groups. Richter, Melita, and Maria Bacchi, eds. Le guerre cominciano a primavera: Soggetti e genere nel conflitto jugoslavo. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2003. In Italian. Includes the following essays specifically concerning women in Yugoslavia: Tanja Rener, "Nazionalismo e don ne nelle societa post-socialiste," pp. 61-76; Teodoro Sala, "Occupatori e donne: Italiani in Jugoslavia 1941-1943," pp. 133-44; Maria Bacchi, "Neda Bozinovic: una donnajugoslava," pp. 145-63; Biljana Kasic, "La resistenza alIa guerra: i movimenti delle donne in Croazia," pp. 179-90; Jadranka Milicevic, "Cartolina dalla Bosnia ed Erzegovina," pp. 193-99; Nada Mladina, "Per me, la Iiberta non e qusto," pp. 201-5; Stasa Zajovic, "Le guerre cominciano a primavera," pp. 207-18; Lepa Mladjenovic, "11 fruscio del respiro libero," pp. 219-30; "Srebrenica-Belgrado-Srebrenica," pp. 231-52; Nirman Moranjak-Bamburac, "Segni di morte ed etica della scrittura delle donne," pp. 253-70; Zarana Papic, "La guerra in Kosovo, politiche femministe e fascismo in Serbia," pp. 305-16; Natasa Kandic, "Testamonianze: Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro," pp. 317-32. Rihtman Augustin, Dunja. "Patriarchalismus heute." In Der Stellung der Frau aufdem Balkan: Beitriige zur Tagung vom 3.-7 September 1985 in Berlin, edited by Norbert Reiter, 49-61. Berlin: Osteuropa-Institut; Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei O. Harrassowitz, 1987. About patriarchy in Yugoslavia. Rozman, Boris. "Hazena - Zenska Sportna Panoga" [Handball: women's sports discipline]. Kronika [Yugoslavia] 36, no. 3 (1988): 225-31. Annotated under the Slovenia. Rupena-Osolnik, Mara. "The Role of Farm Women in Rural Pluriactivity: Experience from Yugoslavia." Sociologia Ruralis 23 no.l (1983): 89-94. Sabolich, Ivanka. Social Status of Women in the United States and Yugoslavia: A Comparative Study. Ph.D. diss., Kent State Univ., 1986. Salecl, Renata. "Jezik i pol (11): Istrazivanja kod nas." Zenske studije 2-3 (1995): 228-44. About language and sex in the research of Yugoslav scholars. . "Language and Sex: Evidence from Serbo-Croatian." S: European Journal for Semiotic Studies [Vienna] 1/3 (1989): 535-55. . The Spoils of Freedom: Psychoanalysis and Feminism after the Fall of Socialism. New York: Routledge, 1994. Includes chapters "The fantasy structure of war: the case of





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Bosnia." and "The struggle for hegemony in the former Yugoslavia". Salzman, Todd A. "Rape Camps as a Means of Ethnic Cleansing: Religious, Cultural, and Ethical Responses to Rape Victims in the Former Yugoslavia." Human Rights Quarterly 20 (1998): 348-78. Sharratt, Sara, and Ellyn Kaschak, eds. Assault on the Soul: Women in the Former Yugoslavia. New York: Haworth Press, 1999. Published simultaneously as Women & Therapy, v. 22, no. 1, 1999. Contents: Anne Anderson, "Feminist Psychology and Global Issues: An Action Agenda" (7-22); Sara Sharratt, "Interview with Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia" (23-38); "Interview with Elizabeth Odio Benito, Justice of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia" (39-52); "Interview with Patricia Viseur-Sellers, Legal Officer on Gender Issues" (53-78); "The Foca Indictment by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia" (79-82); Lepa Mladjenovic, "Beyond War Hierarchies: Belgrade Feminists' Experience Working with Female Survivors of War" (83-90); Ingrid Foeken, "Confusing Realities and Lessons Learned in Wartime: Supporting Women's Projects in the Former Yugoslavia." (91-106); Gabriele Kramer, "Traumatized Women Working with Traumatized Women: Reflections upon Life and Work in a War Zone" (107-20); Sabine Scheffler and Agnes Muchele, "War, Life Crisis and Trauma: Assessing the Impact of a Women-Centered Training Program in Bosnia" (121-38); Berit Schei and Solveig Dahl. "The Burden Left My Heart: Psycho-Social Services Among Refugee Women in Zenica and Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina During the War" (139-52); Anja Meulenhelt, "Sympathy for the Devil: Thinking About Victims and Perpetrators After Working in Serbia" (153-60); Edita Ostodic, "Some Pitfalls for Effective Caregiving in a War Region" (161-66). Simic, Andrei. "Machismo and Cryptomatriarchy: Power, Affect and Authority in the Contemporary Yugoslav Family." Ethos 11, no. 1-2 (1983): 66-86. - - - . "Machismo and Cryptomatriarchy: Power, Affect, and Authority in the Traditional Yugoslav Family." Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 11-29. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998. - - - . "Management of the Male Image in Yugoslavia." Anthropological Quarterly 42 (1969): 89-101. - - - . "Sevdah: The Ritual Containment of Machismo in the Balkans." Journal of the Association of Graduate Dance Ethnologists V.C.L.A. 3 (1979): 26-36. Sklevicky, Lydia. "Emancipated Integration or Integrated Emancipation: The Case of PostRevolutionary Yugoslavia." In Current Issues in Women's History, edited by Arina Angerman with Judy de Ville, 93-108. London: Routledge, 1989. - - - . "Emanzipatorische und integrative Tendenzen in der Frauenbewegung Jugoslawiens, 1918-1953." In Die ungeschriebene Geschichte, 94-101. Vienna: Wiener Frauenverlag, 1984. About the Yugoslav women's movement's emancipatory and integrative tendencies. - - - . "Karakteristike organiziranog djelovanja zena u Jugoslaviji u razdoblju do drugog svjetskog rata." Parts I and 11. Polja 308 (October 1984): 415-16, and Polja 309 (November 1984): 454-6. About women's organized activity in Yugoslavia up to World War 11. - - - . Konji, Zene, Ratovi. Zagreb: Zenska infoteka, 1996. Annotated under Croatia. - - - . "More Horses Than Women: On the Difficulties of Founding Women's History in Yugoslavia." Gender and History 1 (Spring 1989): 68-75. - - - . "Der Utopie entgegen: Das Bild der 'Neuen Frau' im Befreiungskrieg Jugoslawiens 1941-1945." In Frauenmacht in der Geschichte: Beitriige des Historikerinnentreffens 1985 zur Frauengeschichtsforschung, edited by Jutta Dalhoff, Uschi Frey and Ingrid Scholl, 22936. Dtisseldorf: Schwann, 1986. About the image of the "new woman" in Yugoslavia during World War 11. Skokic, Tea. "Must We Know Who We Are?" In From Gender to Nation, edited by Rada






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Ivakovi and Julie Mostov, 201-12. Ravenna: Longo, 2002. Slapsak, Svetlana. "Between the Vampire Husband and the Mortal Lover: A Narrative for Feminism in Yugoslavia." In Women in Post-Communism, edited by Barbara Wejnert and Metta Spencer, with Slobodan Drakulic, 201-24. Greenwich, CT; London: JAI Press, 1996. . "Nationalist and Women's Discourse in Post-Yugoslavia." In Transitions, Environments, Translations: Feminisms in International Politics, edited by Joan W. Scott, Cora Kaplan and Debra Keates, 72-9. New York: Routledge, 1997. ."Tsenzura v Iugoslavii: lichnyi opyt [Censorship in Yugoslavia: a personal review]." In Si/a slova-2: Novyi evropeiskii poriadok: prava cheloveka, polozhenie zhenshchin i gendemaia tsenzura, compiled by Nadezhda Azhgikhina, 31-38. Moscow: Eslan, 2000. ."Vrouwenbrigades en vredesdemonstraties: Feminisme in voormalig Joegoslavie." Lover 24, no. 2 (1997): 47-52. Feminism in former Yugoslavia. . "What Are Women Made Of? Inventing Women in the Yugoslav Area." In Writing New Identities: Gender, Nation, and Immigration in Contemporary Europe, edited by Gisela Brinker-Gabler and Sidonie Smith. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1997: 358-74. . "Zene i rat u bivsoj Jugoslaviji." Republika 5-6 (1996): 314-21. About women and war in the former Yugoslavia. Smiljanic, Natassja. "Law, War and the Female Body." In Women's Rights and Social Transition in the FRi, edited by Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, 53-65. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1997. The author examines "how humanitarian law in the form of the Statute of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia represents the female body in acknowledging sexual violations." Smiljanic, Vera. "Menjanje uloge polova u savremenom drustvu." Vaspitna uloga porodice. Zbornik no. 15. Belgrade: Institut za pedagoska istrazivanja, 1982. 105-17. About changing sex roles in contemporary society. . "Socijalno poreklo psiholoskih polnih razlika." Psiholoska istraiivanja 3 (1984): 133-44. About the social origin of psychological sexual differences. Sofos, Spyros A. "Inter-ethnic Violence and Gendered Constructions of Ethnicity in Former Yugoslavia." Social Identities 2, no. 1 (February 1996): 73-91. Solovjev, Aleksandar. "Kaznjavanje neverne zene u crnogorskom i vizantijskom pravu [Punishment of unmarried women in Montenegran and Byzantine law]." Arhiv za pravne i drustvene nauke 30, no. 6 (1935): 478-88. Sorabji, Cornelia. "Mixed Motives: Islam, Nationalism, and Mevluds in an Unstable Yugoslavia." In Muslim Women 's Choices: Religious Beliefand Social Reality, edited by Camillia Fawzi El-Sohl and Judy Mabro, 108-27. Providence: Berg, 1994. Annotated under Bosnia-Herzegovina. . "Muslim Identity and Islamic Faith in Socialist Sarajevo." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Cambridge, 1989. Springer, Beverly. "Yugoslav Women." In Women in the World, edited by Lynne B. Iglitzin and Ruth Ross, 291-302. Santa Barbara, CA: Clio Books, 1976. Stevanovic, Ivana. "Violence Against Women in the Yugoslav War as Told by Refugees." International Review of Victimology 6, no. 1 (1998): 63-76. Stjepanovic-Zaharijevski, Dragana. Moc i nemoc zene: sociolosko istraiivanje apsentizma. Nis: Prosveta, 1999. Stojsavljevic, Jovanka. "Women, Conflict, and Culture in Former Yugoslavia." Gender and Development 3, no. ] (February] 995): 36-41. Strozza, Salvatore, Gerardo Gallo, and Francesca Grillo. "Gender and the Labour Market among Immigrants in Some Italian Areas: The Case of Moroccans, Former Yugoslavians, and Poles." In Women in the Labour Market in Changing Economies: Demographic Issues, edited by Brigida Garcia, Richard Anker and Antonella Pinnelli, 133-65. Oxford; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003.




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Sustar, Ljiljana. "Gospodinjske pomocnice v prvem desetletju socialisticnega obdobja." [Domestic maids in the first decade of the socialist era]. Kronika (Slovenia) 41 no.l (1993): 15-22. Discusses the socialist accommodation with the occupation of domestic maid (usually only a temporary career stage) in Yugoslavia, 1945-50's, noting the rural origins and gradually decreasing number of maids. -Historical Abstracts. Swiss, Shana and Joan E. Giller. "Rape as a Crime of War: A Medical Perspective." JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association 270, no. 5 (4August 1993): 612-15. Tito, Josip Broz. Zenama Jugoslavije [To the Women of Yugoslavia.] Belgrade: Centralni odbor AFZ Jugoslavije, 1945. Todorova, Maria. "Myth-Making in European Family History: the Zadruga Revisited." East European Politics and Societies 4, no. 1 (Winter 1990): 30-76. Todorovic, Neda. "Brak bez okova: velika NIN-ova anketa 0 zenama." NIN (29 October, 1978): 18-20. A NIN poll about women and marriage. (NIN is a weekly published in Belgrade.) . "Covek zvani zena," [The human being called woman.] NIN (26 January, 1975): 601. - - - . "Devojka i pistol]: zene i kriminal." NIN (7 January, 1979): 24-5. About women and crime. . "Gospodo, primite to kao muskarac (polemike)" [Madam, take it as a man (polemics)]. NIN (29 February, 1976): 16-7. . "Jugoslovenka 1974." NIN (10 March, 1974): 42-3. About Yugoslav women in 1974. - - - . "Kakvu zenu hocemo" [What kind of woman we want.] NIN (7 July, 1974): 21-2. - - - . "Ko je idealna zena." NIN (21 July, 1974): 36-7. About "the ideal woman." - - - . "Mucenice bez razloga." [Women-martyrs without a cause.] NIN (19 September, 1976): 25-6. - - - . "Muskarac ispred zene: zaposljavanje." NIN (6 February, 1977): 18. About the relative positions of men and women in employment. - - - . "Osnovne odlike zenske stampe." Zena (Zagreb) 5 (1986): 22-38. About women's magazmes. - - - . "Profesorke nece u penziju (sporovi)." NIN (3 June, 1979): 27. Debates about the retirement of women-professors. - - - . "Sto godina udaljenosti - velika NIN-ova anketa 0 zenama." NIN (8 October, 1978): 24-5. A NIN poll about women. - - - . "Tretman zene u informativno politickoj stampi." Drustvenoekonomski poloiaj iene i zadaci Socijalistickog saveza. Belgrade: Politicka biblioteka SSRNJ, 1973. About the treatment of women in the political press. - - - . "Vanbracne majke: humanost i tradicija." NIN (9 June, 1974): 31-2. About single mothers. - - - . "Zastita majke ili bake: kada u penziju." NIN (3 February, 1980): 20. About when women should retire. - - - . "Zena iz mog susedstva: nova generacija." [Woman from my neighborhood: a new generation.] NIN (24 September, 1978): 22-5. - - - . "Zena sa naslovne strane / ernancipacija." NIN (20 January, 1974): 36-9. About women's emancipation. - - - . "Zene dolaze (izbori)."NIN (22 January, 1978): 18-9. About women and elections. - - - . "Zenska stampa i emancipacija zena." Zena [Zagreb] 4 (1986): 22-37. About women's magazines and the emancipation of women. - - - . "Zenska stampa i kultura zenstvenosti." Novinarstvo 3-4 (1986): 77-89. About women's magazines and the culture of femininity. - - - . Zenska stampa i kultura zenstvenosti [Women's Magazines and the Culture of



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Femininity]. Belgrade: Naucna knjiga, 1987. Content analysis of women's magazines in Yugoslavia after World War 11. - - - . "Zenska stampa i njena publika." Novinarstvo 1-2 (1986): 69-78. About women's magazines and their audience. - - - . "Zivot pocinje u tridesetoj - velika NIN-ova anketa 0 zenama." NIN (10 December, 1978): 20-1. "Life begins at thirty" a NIN's poll about women. Tornic, Zora. Woman-Factor ofSocio-Economic Development: Case Studies. Belgrade: Yugoslav Conference for Social Activity, 1980. Tomasic, Dinko A. "The Family in the Balkans." Marriage and Family Living 16 (1954): 301-7. Tompkins, Tamara L. "Prosecuting Rape as a War Crime: Speaking the Unspeakable." Notre Dame Law Review 70, no. 4 (1995): 845-90. Tomsic, Vida. Women in the Development of Socialist Self-Managing Yugoslavia. Belgrade: Jugoslovenska stvarnost, 1980. Also published in Slovene as Zenska v razvoju socialisticne samoupravne Jugoslavije, Ljubljana: Delavska enotnost, 1980. Trivunac, Sofija. "Zenina kreativnost izmedju sebe i drugih." Zbornik Treceg programa Radio Zagreba 8 (Zagreb) (1982): 179-83. About women's creativity, between self and others. United Nations Economic and Social Council. Commission on Human Rights. Question of the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in any part of the world with particular reference to colonial and other dependent countries and territories: rape and abuse of women in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Report ofthe Secretary-General "E/CTA/1994/5. 10 June 1993." New York: United Nations, 1993. Valentich, Mary. "Rape Revisited: Sexual Violence Against Women in the Former Yugoslavia." Canadian Journal ofHuman Sexuality 3, no. 1 (1994): 53-64. Veljkovic, Slavica. Feminizam i oslobodenje Zene. Pirot: GRO Grafika, 1982. About feminism and women's liberation. Vukanovic, Tatomir P. "The Position of Women among Gypsies in the Kosovo-Metohija Region." Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society 40, no. 3-4 (July-October 1961): 81-100. Annotated under Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. "War Rape." Peace Magazine 9, no. 2 (March/April 1993): 24-5. Warren, Priscilla F. "Women Are Human: Gender-Based Persecution is a Human Rights Violation Against Women." Hastings Women's Law Journal 5, no. 2 (1994): 281-315. Wertheimer-Baletic, Alica. "Demografske rezerve zenske radne snage u Jugoslaviji." [Demographic reserves of female labor in Yugoslavia]. Ekonomski Pregled [Yugoslavia] 21, no. 2 (1970): 129-47. Analyzes the rate of utilization of the female work force in Yugoslavia, 1953-70, and compares it with that of the male labor force, on average double that of the female. (Historical Abstracts). Westerlind, Eva Skold. Carrying the Farm on Her Back: A Portrait of Women in a Yugoslav Village. Kirkland, WA: Rainier Books, 1989. Annotated under Croatia. - - - . "Women's Work and Modernization in Gorsko Selo, a Yugoslavian Village." Anthropologiska studier 30-31 (1981): 37-55. Williams, Suzanne. "Conflicts of Interest: Gender in Oxfam's Emergency Response." In The Postwar Moment: Militaries, Masculinities and International Peacekeeping, edited by Cynthia Cockburn and Dubravka Zarkov, 85-102. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 2002. Oxfam in Kosovo. "Women's Voices From Yugoslavia."Cross Currents 10 (1991): 123-32. Excerpts by Neda Mirand Blazevic, Tatjana Lukic, Desanka Maksimovic, Vesna Parun, Draginja Urosevic, and Irena Vrkljan. Woodward, Susan L. "The Rights of Women: Ideology, Policy, and Social Change in Yugoslavia." In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik



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and Alfred G. Meyer, 234-56. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. Zarkov, Dubravka. "War Rapes in Yugoslavia: On Masculinity, Femininity and the Power of Rape Victim Identity." Tijschrift voor Criminologie 39, 2(1997): 140-51. - - . "Gender, Orientalism and the History of Ethnic Hatred in the Former Yugoslavia." In Crossfires: Nationalism, Racism, and Gender in Europe, edited by Helma Lutz, Ann Phoenix and Nira Yuval-Davis, 105-20. London; East Haven, CT: Pluto Press for the European Forum of Left Feminists, 1995. Zena i drustvo: Kultiviranje dijaloga: zbomik radova. Zagreb: Sociolosko drustvo Hrvatske, 1987. Discusses women and society. Zenski Centar. "Zenski dokumenti 1990-1993." Feministicke sveske 3-4 (1995). Documents relating to women, 1990-1993. Online at http://www.womenngo.org.yu/Indexs.htm. Zivkovic, Vojislav. "Napad na igumaniju." Politika ekspres, August 31, 1988. Assault on Mother Superior. . "Sestre mete neprijatelja." Politika ekspres, September 2, 1988. Nuns as a target.

Literature and the Arts YUG339 YUG340

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Bajic-Poderegin, Milka. The Dawning. Translated by Nadja Poderegin. Northampton, MA: Interlink, 1996. Annotated under Serbia. Blazevic, Neda Miranda, Tatjana Lukic, Desanka Maksimovic, Vesna Parun, Draginja Urosevic, and Irena Vrkljan. "Women's Voices from Yugoslavia." Cross Currents 10 (1991): 123-32. Poems from Yugoslav women poets. Coote, Mary P. "Women's Songs in Serbo-Croatian." Journal ofAmerican Folklore 90 (July 1977): 331-8. Crnkovic, Gordana P. "Gender Construction in Literature: A Historical Survey." In Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet, 243-58. University Park: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1999. . "Why Should You Write About Eastern Europe, Or Why Should You Write About "The Other"?" Feminist Issues (Fall 1992): 21-42. The author explores the liberating potentials of writing about 'the Other' and discusses her decision to write about Yugoslav women writers. Dakovic, Nevena. "Mother, Myth, and Cinema: Recent Yugoslav Cinema." Film Criticism 21 (Winter 1996-97): 40-9. In the special issue of Film Criticism on the postcommunist cinemas of the former Soviet Union and Eastern/Central Europe, the author examines the figure of the "Mother" in two Yugoslav films: Time of the Gypsies (1988) by Emir Kusturica and Virgina (1990) by Srdjan Karanovic. Dojcinovic-Nesic, Biljana. "On Women and Literature at the Beginning of XX Century." In Belgrade Women's Studies Journal: Selected Papers: Anniversary Issue 1992/2002 edited by Jelisaveta Blagojevic & Dusan Dordevic Mileusnic, 83-88. Belgrade: Belgrade Women's Studies Center, 2002. Yugoslav feminist theory. Feldman, Andrea. "Women's Writing in Yugoslavia." In Writing Women's History: International Perspectives, edited by Karen Offen, Ruth Roach Pierson, and Jane Rendall, 417-22. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1991. H., X. "Jugoslavjanske pisateljice." Zora: Casopis zabavi i poduku. (Maribor) 3 (1874): 2257,269-73,292-5,313-5,331-4. About women writers in Yugoslavia. Hawkesworth, Celia. "Reflections of the Recent Conflict in Former Yugoslavia in the Works of Women Writers." European Journal of Women's Studies 5, no. 3-4 (1998): 311-28. Heldt, Barbara. "Aleksandar Tisma's 'Personality': A Feminist Critique." Essays in Poetics 12, no. 2 (September 1987): 75-81. Iordanova, Dina. "Women in New Balkan Cinema: Surviving on the Margins." Film





Criticism 21 (Winter 1996-97): 24-39. In the special issue of Film Criticism on the postcommunist cinemas of the former Soviet Union and Eastern/Central Europe, the author analyzes the use of female characters in recent male-directed films from the former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Romania. Jurcic, Zelimir. "All of Alija's Women: Andric's Realization of Ex Ponto Visions." In East European Literature. Papers from the Second World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, edited by Evelyn Bristol, 23-32. Oakland: Berkeley Slavic Studies, 1982 Lukic, Jasmina. "Women's Writing and Dismemberment of the Ex-Yugoslavian Cultural Millieu." In What Can We Do for Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, Belgrade, June 1994, 82-6. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1995.

Maksimovic, Desanka, 1898-1993. See under Serbia. YUG353


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Scott, Bonnie Kime. "Rebecca West's Traversals of Yugoslavia: Essentialism, Nationalism, Fascism, and Gender." In Women's Studies in Transition: The Pursuit ofInterdisciplinarity, edited by Kate Conway-Turner, 320-29. Newark: Univ. of Delaware Press, 1998. Discussion of Black Lamb and Grey Falcon, Rebecca West's 1941 study of art and culture in Yugoslavia. Slapsak, Svetlana. "Zenska knjizevnost, zenska pisava, zenske studije." In Vesela znanost Ill, Zbornik predavanj 1988/89, 89/90,93-107. Ljubljana, 1991. Lecture about women's literature, women's writing, and women's studies. . "Zenska knjizevnost, zensko pismo, zenske studije." lzra: [Sarajevo] 2-3 (FebMarch 1990): 220-9. About women's literature, women's writing, and women's studies. . "Zensko telo u jugoslovenskom filmu: status zene, paradigma feminizma [The female body in Yugoslav cinema]." In Zene, slike, izmisljaji, edited by Branka Arsic, 121-37. Belgrade: Centar za zenske studije, 2000. Vrhovac, Duska. I Wear My Shadow Inside Me. Translated by Richard Bums, with Vera Radojevic. London: Forest Books, 1991. A selection of contemporary verse by a SerboCroatian poet.

Autobiography YUG358



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Griinbaum, Irene. Escape through the Balkans: The Autobiography ofIrene Griinbaum. Trans. and edited by Katherine Morris. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1996. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Kamenko, Vera. Unter uns war Krieg: Autobiographie einer jugoslawischen Arbeiterin. Berlin: Rotbuch Verlag, 1978. The autobiography of a Yugoslav woman worker in West Germany. Mladjenovic, Lepa. "Notes of a Feminist Lesbian during Wartime." European Journal of Women's Studies 8, no. 3 (2001): 381-91. Part 2 of a 3-part section entitled "State of the Art: Lesbian Movements in Former Yugoslavia." Seles, Monica, with Nancy Ann Richardson. Monica: From Fear to Victory. New York: Harper Collins, 1996. Seles is an ethnic Hungarian from the Vojvodina region of Serbia. Tesanovic, Jasmina. Me and My Multicultural Street = Ja i moja multikulturalna ulica. Belgrade: Feministicka, 2001. Diary of ajoumalist during the Yugoslav War, 1991-1995. Yovitchitch, Lena A. Within Closed Frontiers: A Woman in Wartime Yugoslavia. London: W. & R. Chambers, 1956. A personal narrative about World War 11 in Yugoslavia.



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Aleksander, Karin, et al., eds. Dissertationen und Habilitationem zu frauen- und geschlechtspezifischen Themen an dem Hochschulen der DDR und der neuen Bundesldnder: Dokumentation der Jahre 1983-1984. Bibliography of research and dissertations on women and gender-related topics. Dolatowski, Elrun, and Anette Meiburg. "Die Stiftung Archiv der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der DDR im Bundesarchiv" [The Archive of the Parties and Mass Organizations of East Germany in the Federal Archives]. Archivar 50, no. 2 (1997): 287-300. About the Stiftung Archiv, established in 1993, is a foundation within the Federal Archives of Germany which holds the records of the Democratic Women's Union (DFD), among many other organizations. Eberhard, Birgit, ed. Frauen im Blickpunkt: ein Lexikon iiber bekannte und beriihmte, bedeutende und bemerkenswerte Frauen von heute aus Deutschland, Osterreich, und der Schweiz: Rund 1000 Kurzbiographien aus Kunst, Film, Theater, Literatur, Mode, Musik, Sport, Politik, Presse und Wirtschaft. Munich: Steinheim, 1985. Eigler, Friederike, and Susanne Kord, eds. The Feminist Encyclopedia of German Literature. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997. Gibas, M. "Frauenforschung in Sachsen: Auswahlbibliographie in drei Teilen." Hochschule Ost 5, no. 3 (1996): 53-5. Women's studies in Saxony: a select bibliography in 2 parts. Jokisch, Barbara. Die Gesellschaftliche Stellung der Frau in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik: ein Auswahlverzeichnis. Leipzig: Deutsche Bucherei, 1986. Bibliography on East German women's social conditions. Literature of the German Democratic Republic in English Translation: A Bibliography. Studies in GDR Culture and Society. Edited by Margy Gerber and Judith Pouget. Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America, c. 1984. Includes some of the major women writers. "Women." In East Germany: The German Democratic Republic, 51-4. Compiled by lan Wall ace et al. World Bibliographical Series, 77. Santa Barbara: Clio Press, 1987. Annotated.

Web Sites GDR9 GDR10


Archiv der deutschen Frauenbewegung e.V.: http://www.uni-kasseI.de/frau-bib/. Site for materials on the German women's movement. Database of Women Writers in Germany since 1945/Stiftung Frauen-Literatur Forschung e. V. Datenbank Schriftstellerinnen in Deutschland 1945 ff. http://www.dasind.uni-bremen.de. Available in German and English. "In order to make the data easily accessible to such cultural multipliers, the foundation decided to publish the bibliographical section of the database as CD-ROM. In July 1998 the second edition of the CD-ROM DaSinD was released." DEFA Film Library Cinema ofEast Germany at the Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst. http://www.uMAedu/defa/home.htm. In English and German. Frauennews: das Frauen-e-zine. http://wwwJrauennews.de/themen/bewegung.htm

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Frauen und Literatur Links. http://www.ub.fu-berlin.de/~touati/litlinks.htm. Databanks, bibliographies, other resources. In German. Queer View: The International Bilingual Movie Magazine with a Queer Perspective. http://www.queer-view.com. Schriftstellerinen der DDR. http://vassun.vassar.edu/~vonderem/g301lproject/index.htm Vassar College's site for "Senior Seminars: German 301," a 1996 class project. Includes authors' photographs and their commentaries on their own works. In German.

Periodicals GDR16 GDR17 GDR18 GDR19

Fiihrerinnen-Dienst. Cologne: 1936-1946. Women and national socialism. Streit: feministische Rechtszeitschrift. Frankfurt: 1983-. A quarterly devoted to women's rights and legal status, and women lawyers. Weibblick [Women's View]. Berlin: Unabhangiger Frauenverband, 1992-. Monthly. Electronic version at: http://www.weibblick.de. Women in German Yearbook. 1985-. Edited by Helga W. Kraft & Maggie McCarthy. Feminist approaches to all aspects of German literary, cultural, and language studies, including pedagogy, as well as topics that involve the study of gender in different contexts.

History and Society GDR20 GDR21






Alb, Tamara. "Uber die Veranderungen der Beziehungen zwischen Mann und Frau in der DDR." Osteuropa-Info Special issue Frauen: Alltag und Emanzipation. 67 (1986): 22-6. Aleksander, Karin, et aI., eds. Unter Hammer und Zirkel: Frauenbiographien vor dem Hintergrund ostdeutscher Sozialisationserfahrungen. Dokumentation der Tagung "OSTFEM II, Bestandsaufnahme, Forschungen zu Frauenbiographien" vom 26-27.11.1993 in Berlin. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus, 1995. About the participants and the proceedings of the OSTFEM 2nd congress in Berlin, Novermber 26-27, 1993. AlIen, Ann Taylor. "The March through the Institutions: Women's Studies in the United States and West and East Germany, 1980-1995." Signs 22, no. 1 (Autumn 1996): 152-80. Allendorf, Marlies. Die Frau im Sozialismus. Leipzig: Edition Leipzig, 1975. Translated by Ruth Michaelis-Jean and Patrick Murray under the title Women in Socialist Society. New York: International Publishers, 1976; 1975. - - - , ed. Women in the German Democratic Republic: On the 100 th Anniversary of the Publication ofAuguste Bebel's Book Women and Socialism. Dresden: Verlag Zeit im Bild, 1979. Alsop, Rachel. A Reversal of Fortunes? Women, Work, and Change in Eastern Germany. Oxford: Berghahn, 2000. Includes bibliography. - - - , and Jenny Hockey. "Women's Reproductive Lives as a Symbolic Resource in Central and Eastern Europe." European Journal of Women's Studies 8, no. 4 (November 2001): 454-71. With particular emphasis and data on Serbia, East Germany and Poland.Altbach, Edith Hoshino, et aI., eds. German Feminism: Readings in Politics and Literature. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1984. Alwim, Pedro, and Alice Nicolau. RDA, ida e volta. Lisbon: Editorial Camnho, 1979. About East German women's social conditions. Andruschow, Katrin, Renate Hiirtgen and Rita Mersmann. Frauen in den neuen Bundeslandern: Go West? Tagungsriider der 6. Tagung "Sozialunion in Deutschland" am 4.10.1995. Berlin: Verlag am Turm, 1996. Collection of (revised) papers presented at the conference entitled "Unified Social Welfare in Germany," Berlin, October 4, 1995. Arendt, Hans-Jiirgen. "Die Frauenorganisation der DDR und der Sieg der sozialistischen Productionsverhaltnisse auf dem Lande" [Women's organization of East Germany and the


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victory of socialist relations of production in rural areas]. Jahrbuchfiir Wirtschaftsgeschichte 4 (1979): 35-53. - - - . "Sie Stritt mit Herz und Verstand fur den Sozialismus: Helene Overlach" [Fighting for socialism with heart and intellect: Helene Overlach]. Beitrdge zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung 30, no. 6 (1988): 803-12. "Chronicles the life of Helene Overlach, praising her as one of the most significant personalities of the Communist women's movement in the 1920's. As a member of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD), she became, together with Clara Zetkin, head of the Red Women's and Girls' Union (RFMB) in 1925. She engaged in antifascist activities throughout the Hitler period, joined the Socialist Unity Party (SED) of Germany, and participated in the foundation of the German Democratic Republic, where she died in 1983 at the age of 89." -B. Mueller-Lankow, Historical Abstracts Online. - - - . "Zur Entwicklung der Bewegung der Hausfrauenbrigaden in der DDR, 1958 bis 1961-62: Eine Besondere Form der Einbeziehung nichtberufstatiger Frauen in die Losung volkswirtschaftlicher Aufgaben beim aufbau des Sozialismus" [The development of the housewife brigade movement in East Germany 1958 to 1961-62: a special form of mobilizing nonprofessional women for the solution of national economic tasks during the construction of socialism]. Jahrbuchfiir Wirtschaftsgeschichte 1 (1979): 53-70. Bahr, Gisela. "Dabeigewesen: Tagebuchnotizen vom Winter 1989/90." In Women in German Yearbook 7 (1991): 151-60. - - - . "Out of the East German V pheaval: The Independent Women's Association (East Germany)." NWSA Journal 3 (autumn 1991): 436-41. Baldez, Lisa. "Women's Movements and Democratic Transition in Chile, Brazil, East Germany, and Poland." Comparative Politics 35, no. 3 (2003): 253-72. Bandlow, V, et al. Fernstudium und Fernunterricht: ein attraktives Angebotfiir Frauen?! Tubingen: Deutsches Institut fur Fernstudienforschung an der Universitat (DIFF), 1994. Booklet on the relationship between distance learning and women's needs, modes of learning, etc. Bassnet, Susan. Feminist Experiences: The Women's Movement in Four Cultures. Winchester, MA: AlIen & Unwin, 1986. About women's movements in East Germany, the United States, Great Britain and Italy. Bast-Haider, Kerstin. "The Economic Dimension of Social Change: Women in the East German Clothing Industry." Social Politics 2, no. 1 (1995): 51-61. Special issue of the journal: Between East and West: Gender in an Era ofEast European Transitions, edited by Jacqueline Heinen. Baureithel, Ulrike. "Rapports ouverts, societes ferrnes, Les consequences politiques de l'echec du mouvement des femmes est-alIemandes." Women in Central and Eastern Europe. Canadian Women's Studies/Les cahiers de lafemme 16, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 70-4. About the political consequences of the failure of the women's movement in East Germany. Beck, Vanessa. "The Impact of Unemployment on Women in the New Bundesldnder," German Monitor 46 (2000): 163-75. Behrend, Hanna. "East German Women and the 'Wende'." European Journal of Women's Studies 2, no. 2 (May 1995): 237-55. Sections include: East German Women Welcome the "Wende"; The Social Backlash in East German Women's Situation; Continuing the Struggle in New Ways. - - - . "East German Women: Chief Losers in German Unification." In Family, Women and Employment in Central-Eastern Europe, edited by Barbara Lobodzinska, 113-22. Contributions in Sociology 112. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. - - - . "Women Catapulted into a Different Social Order: Women in East Germany." Women's History Review 1, no.1 (1992): 141-53. Berghahn, Sabine. "Gender in the Legal Discourse in Post-Unification Germany: Old and New Lines of Conflict." Social Politics 2, no. 1 (1995): 37-50. Special issue: Between East


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and West: Gender in an Era ofEast European Transitions, edited by Jacqueline Heinen. - - - , and Andrea Fritzsche. Frauenrecht in Ost und West Deutschland: Bilanz; Ausblick. Berlin: Basisdruck Verlag, 1991. About laws relating to women in East and West Germany. - - - . Frauenrechte im Ubergang, Rechtssituation von Frauen im DDR- und BRD- Recht sowie im Ubergangsrecht. Berlin: Basisdruck Verlagsgesellschaft, 1991. Berliner Journal fiir Soziologie. (Spring 1992). Hildegard Nickel and Marilyn Rueschemeyer, guest eds. The issue of this new journal put out by the Institute of Sociology of Humboldt University is devoted to women in the former GDR and the U.S. Beyer, Marina. "The Situation of East German Women in Postunification Germany." Translated by JuliaDodds. Women's Studies International Forum 15, no. 1 (1992): 111-4. - - - , and Gunnar Winkler. Frauenreport '90. Berlin: Verlag Die Wirtschaft Berlin, 1990. About East German women's social conditions. Includes bibliography. Biebler, Edith. "Bauberufe, kein Tabu fur ostdeutsche Frauen-Ergebnisse des Modellversuchs 'Umschulung von Frauen in Berufe der Bauwirtschaft'." Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis 26, no. 2 (1997): 47-9. Bohm, Tatiana. "The Women's Question as a Democratic Question: In Search of Civil Society." In Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflectionsfrom Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 151-9. New York & London: Routledge, 1993. Bohme, Irene. "Die Frau und der Sozialismus." In Die da driiben, 82-107. Berlin: Rotbuch, 1983. Bolz, R. "Experiencing One Another: What West German Promoters of Continuing Education in Pregnancy and Family Counseling Say About East German Colleagues Taking the Courses" [Einander erfahren: West-Teamerinnen uber die Fortbildung von OstKolleginnen]. Pro Familia Magazin 4 (JullAug 1994): 10-1. Published by the state familyplanning agency. Borneman, John. "Caring and To Be Cared For: Displacing Marriage, Kinship, Gender and Sexuality." International Social Science Journal 154 (Dec 1997): 573-84. - - - . "Heidi and the Wall." Canadian Woman StudieslLes cahiers de lafemme 16, no. 1 (1995): 15-21. Psychological aspects of reunification on East German women. - - - . "Trouble in the Kitchen: Totalitarianism, Love and Resistance to Authority." In Moralizing States and the Ethnography of the Present, edited by Sally Falk Moore, 93-118. Washington, DC: Society Monograph Series, 1993. Braun, Anneliese. "Ostdeutsche Frauen in der Beschaftigungskrise: eine Reprasentative Untersuchung der befindlichkeiten von Arbeitslosigkeit betroffener und bedrohter Frauen." Soziale Sicherheit 41, no. 7 (1992): 213-9. - - - , Gerda Jasper and Ursula Schroter. "Rolling Back the Gender Status of East German Women." In German Unification: the Destruction ofan Economy, edited by Hanna Behrend, 139-66. London & East Haven, CT: Pluto Press, 1995. Brockmann, Hilke. "Girls Preferred? Changing Patterns of Sex Preferences in the Two German States."European Sociological Review 17 (2002): 189-202. " ...Taking a longitudinal perspective, this paper shows how sex preferences in Germany have changed over time. Based on German cohort data, event-history models reveal a significant boy preference among women born in the German Reich before1910. This pattern vanishes among cohorts ten years younger. After World War 11, West-German women never developed a clear sex preference. East-German women, by contrast, show a significant preference for girls. This pattern is absorbed by the pro-family policy that was launched in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) during the 1970s." Bromlei, Iulian Vladimirovich. Matriarchat und Patriarchat: zur Entstehung der Familie: ethnographische Forschungltheoretische Diskussion: Beitriige aus der UdSSR, den USA, der DDR. Frankfurt: Institut fur Marxistische Studien und Forschungen, 1986.


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Brunet, Delphine. "La situation des femmes de l'ex-RDA: une egalite des droits remise en question?" Allemagne d'aujourd'hui n.s. 118 (1991): 248-51. Briining, Gerhild. "'Nicht die Frauen mtissen sich andern, sondern die Strukturen': uber berufliche Weiterbildung von Frauen in den neuen Bundeslandern: uber Vorurteilsstrukturen am Arbeitsmarkt, Weiterbildung als Anpassungsversuch und dartiber hinausgehende Aufgaben." Die: Zeitschriftfiir Erwachsenenbildung 6, no. 3 (1999): 44-7. Brzinski, Joanne Bay. "Women's Representation in Germany: A Comparison of East and West." In Women's Access to Political Power in Post-Communist Europe, edited by Richard E. Matland and Kathleen A. Montgomery, 63-80. Oxford & New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. Btichel, Felix, and Henriette Engelhardt. "Missing the Partner and his Earnings: Income Situation and Labour Market Participation of Single Mothers in West and East Germany." In Women in the Labour Market in Changing Economies: Demographic Issues, edited by Brigida Garcia, Richard Anker and Antonella Pinnelli, 87-103. Oxford; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. Budde, Gunilla-Friederike, ed. Frauen Arbeiten. Weibliche Erwerbsarbeit in OstundWestdeutschland nach 1945. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1997. About female work for wages in East and West Germany after 1945. - - - . "Der Korper der 'sozialistischen Frauenpersonlichkiet': Weiblichkeits-Vorstellungen in der SBZ und friihen DDR" [The body of the "socialist woman": models of womanhood in the Soviet occupation zone and the early years of East Germany]. Geschichte und Gesellschaft 26, no. 4 (2000): 602-28. Bulletin 3. [Berlin]: N.p., 1975. Documents of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the International Preparatory Committee for the World Congress for International Women's Year, Berlin, GDR, 27 to 28 May, 1975. Btitow, Birgit, and Heidi Stecker, eds. Eigen Artige Ostfrauen. Frauenemanzipation in der DDR und den neuen Bundesldndern. Bielefeld: Kleine Verlag, 1994. About women's rights and feminism in the GDR and in the new republic. Carstens-Wickham, Belinda. "Gender in Cartoons of German Unification." Journal of Women's History 10, no. 1 (Spring 1998): 127-56. Chamberlayne, Prue. "Gender and the Private Sphere: A Touchstone of Misunderstanding between Eastern and Western Germany?" Social Politics 2, no. 1 (1995): 25-36. Special issue Between East and West: Gender in an Era ofEast European Transitions, edited by Jacqueline Heinen. - - - . "The Mother's Manifesto and Disputes over 'Mutterlichkeit'." Feminist Review 35, no. 9 (1990): 9-23. Chapman, Sara S., and Beth Engeler. Swearing; Women in Reunified Germany; Equity in education. Troy, NY: Sage Colleges; Albany, NY, WAMC Public Radio, 1991. Part 2 of this 28-minute sound cassette comprises Beth Engeler's interview with German peace worker Gertrude Kauderer, who discusses the jobs losses incurred by East German women since unification. Clemens, Petra. "Les femmes de l'usine de drap: Contribution a l'histoire du travail feminin en RDA sur la base de sources biographiques" [The women from the textile mill: a contribution to the history of women's employment in East Germany based on biographical sources]. Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales 53, no. 1 (1998): 69-89. - - - . "Frauen helfen sich selbst: Die Betriebsfrauenausschtisse der funfziger Jahre in kulturhistorischer Sicht" [Women help themselves. Women's Factory Committees of the 1950's in a cultural-historical light]. Jahrbuchfiir Volkskunde und Kulturgeschichte 30 (1987): 107-42. Commandeur, Werner, Alfred Sterzel and Herbert List. Das Wunder driiben sind die Frauen: Begegnungen zwischen Dresden und Riigen. [Bergisch Gladbach:] G. Ltibbe, 1965. About


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East German women's lives in Dresden and Riigen. Includes photographs. Cooper, Belinda. "The Truth about Superwoman: Women in East Germany." Michigan Feminist Studies 5 (1990): 59-66. De Soto, Hermine G. "Crossing Western Boundaries: How East Berlin Women Observed Women Researchers From the West After Socialism, 1991-1992." In Fieldwork Dilemmas: Anthropologists in Postsocialist States, edited by Hermine G. De Soto and Nora Dudwick, 73-99. Madison, WI: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 2000. . "Equality/Inequality: Contesting Female Personhood in the Process of Making Civil Society in Eastern Germany." In The Curtain Rises: Rethinking Culture, Ideology, and the State in Eastern Europe, edited by Hermine G. De Soto and David G. Anderson, 289-304. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1993. Dennis, Mike. "The East German Family: Change and Continuity." In Recasting East Germany: Social Transformation after the GDR, edited by Christopher Flockton and Eva Kolinsky, 83-100. London and Portland, OR: F. Cass, 1999. DeSilva, Lalith. "Women's Emancipation Under Communism: A Re-Evaluation." East European Quarterly 27, no. 3 (Fall 1993): 301-16. Diemer, Susanne. "'Die Katastrophe: die Gelegenheit verpasst zu haben': Die deutsche Vereinigung alsfrauenpolitische Herausforderung." Die Philosophin 6, no. 11 (1995): 63-73. . Patriarchalismus in der DDR: Strukurelle, kulturelle und subjektive Dimensionen der Geschlechterpolarisierung. Opladen: Leske & Budrich, 1994. About sex roles, feminism and patriarchy in East Germany. Dodds, Dinah. "Five Years after Unification: East German Women in Transition." Women's Studies International Forum 21, no. 2 (MarchlApril1998): 175-82. . "Ten Years after the Wall: East German Women in Transition." European Journal of Women's Studies 10, no. 3 (2003): 261-76. , and Pam Allen-Thompson, eds. The Wall in My Backyard: East German Women in Transition. Amherst: Univ. of Massachusetts Press, 1994. "This is outstanding oral history research" -Nancy Lukens. Dolling, Irene. "Alte und neue Dilemmata: Frauen in der ehemaligen DDR." Women in German Yearbook 7 (1991): 121-36. . "Between Hope and Helplessness: Women in the GDR after the 'Turning Point'." Feminist Review 39 (Winter 1991): 3-15. . "'But the Pictures Stay the Same.. .': The Image of Women in the Journal Fiir Dich Before and After the 'Turning Point.'" In Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 168-79. New York & London: Routledge, 1993. . "Culture and Gender." In The Quality ofLife in the German Democratic Republic: Change and Development in a State Socialist Society, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer and Christiane Lemke, 27-47. Armonk NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1989. . "Frauenforschung mit Fragezeichen? Perspektiven feministischer Wissenschaft." In Wir wollen mehr als ein "Yaterland." DDR-Frauen im Aujbruch, edited by Gislinde Schwarz and Christine Zenner, 35-55. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1990. About prospects for feminist scholarship. . "On the Development of Women's Studies in Eastern Germany." Translated by Karen A. Storz. Signs 19, no. 3 (Spring1994): 739-52. . "Women's Experiences from 'Above' and 'Below': How East German Women Experience and Interpret Their Situation after the Unification of the Two German States." European Journal of Women's Studies 1, no. 1 (Spring 1994): 29-42. , and Gabriela Seibt. Soziokulterelle Veriinderungen im Alltag von Frauen: Tagebiicher als individuelle Dokumentation eines gesellschaftlichen Umbruchs. Frauen der Aufbau-bzw. Aufsteigerinnengeneration. Berlin: 1992. About East German women's


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attitudes, diaries and social conditions during social changes. Dorfler, Marianne, and Katharina MUller. Zum Schluss waren wir noch 4 Mann, alles Frauen. Oschersleben: Ziethen, 1993. About women's social conditions in the GDR, with interviews and photographs. Drauschke, Peta. Alleinerziehen, eine Lust? Chancen und Risiken fur Ostberliner Frauen nach der Wende. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus, 1995. About the social conditions for single mothers in East Germany and East Berlin. Duggan, Lynn. "Restacking the Deck: Family Policy and Women's Fall-Back Position in Germany Before and After Unification." Feminist Economics 1, no. 1 (1995): 175-94. "East German Feminists: The Lila Manifesto." Feminist Studies 16 (Fall 1990): 621-35. Eberstadt, Nicholas. "Demographic Shocks after Communism: Eastern Germany, 1989-93." Population and Development Review 20, no. 1 (1994): 137-52. Discusses the life expectancy of women in East Germany, abortion, etc. Eder, Franz X. "Sexual Cultures in Germany and Austria, 1700-2000." In Sexual Cultures in Europe: National Histories, vol. 1, edited by Franz X. Eder, Lesley A. Hall and Gert Hekma, 138-72. Manchester & New York: Manchester Univ. Press, 1999. Edwards, G. E. GDR Society and Social Institutions: Facts and Figures. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. About families, women, youth, and the aged in the GDR. Ehrhardt, Gisela. "Frauen und Karriere: Ein Ruckblick auf die vermeintliche Chancengleichkeit im Staatssozialismus." In Wir wollen mehr als ein "Vaterland." DDRFrauen im Aufbruch, edited by Gislinde Schwarz and Christine Zenner, 120-31. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1990. About women, careers, and the apparent equality of opportunities under state socialism. Eichfeld, Rosemarie, Gisela-Ruth Engewald and Ursula Strzodka. Studien zur Role der Frau im Arbeitsprozess im Sozialismus. Leipzig: Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie, 1979. About economic and social conditions of female workers in East Germany's automobile industry. Eifler, Christine, and Angelika Blickhauser. Kreuz und Quer: Ost-West-Eifahrungen. Cologne: Heinrich-Boll-Stiftung, 1994. About social and economic conditions in the two Germanies. Includes bibliography. Einhom, Barbara. "Emancipated Women or Hardworking Mothers? Women in the Former German Democratic Republic." In Superwomen and the Double Burden. Women's Experience of Change in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, 125-54, edited by Chris Corrin, Toronto: Second Story Press, 1992. - - - . "Feminism in Crisis: The East German Women's Movement in the 'New Europe'." Australian Journal of Politics and History 41, no. 1 (1995): 14-28. - - - . "Frauen in den neuen Bundeslandern: Die Verliererinnen der Einheit?" Stem 46 (1992). - - - . "Socialist Emancipation: The Women's Movement in the GDR." Women's Studies International Quarterly (1981): 435-52. - - - . "Socialist Emancipation: The Women's Movement in the German Democratic Republic."In Promissory Notes: Women in the Transition to Socialism, edited by Sonia Kruks, Rayna Rapp, and Marilyn B. Young. 282-305. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1989. - - - . "Vozvrashchenie v Vostochnuiu Germaniiu: genderno markirovannyi i evreiskii opyt?" [A return to East Germany: gender-markings and the Jewish experience?] In Gendernye istorii Vostochnoi Evropy, edited by Elena Gapova, Al'mira Usmanova, Andrea Peto, 267-85. Minsk: Evropeiskii gumanitarnyi universitet, Tsentr gendernykh issledovanii, 2002. El-Khorazaty, M. Nabil. "Family Life Cycle and Fertility in Germany Before Unification: 1947-1989." History of the Family 2, no. 3 (1997): 309-30. "Presents time-series macro-level


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aggregate data sets of childbearing/family life cycle and fertility-inhibiting index for the two German lands, 1947-89...." Elsner, Eva-Maria. "Probleme der Lebensweise und der gesellschaftlichen Stellung der Frau im Sozialismus" [Lifestyles and the social role of women under socialism]. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Wilhelm-Pieck-Universitiit Rostock. Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 28, no. 1-2 (1979): 35-9. Enders, Ulrika, and Susanne Weigardt. "V or der Frauenarbeitspolitik zur Familien- und Bevolkerungspolitik der DDR." Osteuropa-Info 67 (1986): 5-7. Part of a special issue: Frauen: Alltag und Emanzipation: Equal Opportunity for Women? A Reportfrom the German Democratic Republic. Berlin: Panorama DDR, 1983. Equal Rights in Practice: Women in the GDR. Translation: Intertext Verlag Zeit im Bild. Berlin: Panorama DDR; New York: U.S. Committee for Friendship with the GDR: 1986. Erbrath, Petra. Trend Wende? Trennt Wende? Eine Ost-West-Anniiherung. Cologne: Eigenverlag des vereins Beitrage zur feministischen Theorie und Praxis e.V., 2000. About women's social conditions and feminism in East Germany. Erler, Gisela A. "Familienpolitik im Sozialismus und in der Marktwirtschaft: eine Studie zum Umbruch in Osteuropa im Vergleich mit der Bundesrepublik." Diskurs: Studien zu Kindheit, Jugend, Familie und Gesellschaft 1, no. 1 (1991): 51-60. Ferree, Myra Marx. "Patriarchies and Feminisms: The Two Women's Movements of PostUnification Germany." Social Politics 2, no. 1 (1995): 10-24. Special issue: Between East and West: Gender in an Era ofEast European Transitions, edited by Jacqueline Heinen. . "The Rise and Fall of 'Mommy Politics': Feminism and Unification in (East) Germany."Feminist Studies 19, no. 1 (1993): 89-115. . "'The Time of Chaos was the Best': Feminist Mobilization and Demobilization in East Germany." Gender and Society 8, no. 4 (Dec 1994): 597-623. . "Was heiBt Feminismus? Frauenfragen, Frauenbewegungen und feministische Identitat von Frauen in den neuen Bundeslandern." In Frauenbewegung und Frauenpolitik in Osteuropa, edited by Christiane Lemke, Virginia Penrose and Ute Ruppert, 107-25. Frankfurt: Campus, 1996. ,and Brigitte Young. "Three Steps Back for Women: German Unification, Gender and University 'Reform'." PS: Political Science & Politics 26, no. 2 (1993): 199-205. Finzel, Eva. "'Equality' for Women, Child Rearing, and the State in the Former German Democratic Republic." Women's Studies International Forum 26, no. 1 (2003): 47-56. Fischer, Erica, and Petra Lux. Ohne uns ist kein Staat zu machen: DDR Frauen nach der Wende. Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1990. About East German women after unification. Fischer, Martina, and Barbara Munske. "Women and the German Merger: Views of West Berlin."Alternatives 18, no. 1 (1993): 75-95. Flockton, Christopher, and Eva Kolinska, eds. Recasting East Germany: Social Transformation after the GDR. London and Portland, OR: F. Cass, 1999. This collection of essays focuses on social and economic conditions for former East Germans. Forster, Gerlinde, Ursula Schroter and Beate Seyfarth. Zur sozialen Lage und Befindlichkeit der Frauen in Ostdeutschland. Berlin: Isda, Institut fur Sozialdatenanalyse e.V., 1995. Study on the social situation of East German women. Die Frau in der DDR: Fakten und Zahlen. Berlin: Staatsverlag der Deustchen Demokratischen Republik, 1975. "Die 'Frauen fur den Frieden' in Berlin." Osteuropa-Info 67 (1986): 27-34. Part of a special issue: Frauen: Alltag und Emanzipation. Frauen im Visier der STASI: Dokumentation zur gleichnamigen Tagung. Berlin: Weibblick, [n.d.]. About women as targets of the STASI Security Police. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, ed. Frauen in der DDR, Aufdem Weg zur Gleichberechtigung?


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Bonn: Verlag Neue Gesellschaft, 1987. Revised edition of Frauen in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1981. Includes bibliography. Frink, Helen. Women after Communism: The East German Experience. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2001. Funk, Nanette. "Abortion and German Unification." In Gender Politics and PostCommunism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 194-200. New York & London: Routledge, 1993. - - - . "Feminism in Former East Germany." Dissent 39, no. 2 (1992): 152-5. Geissler, Rainer. "Soziale Ungleichheiten zwischen Frauen und Mannern: Erfolge und Hindemisse auf dem Weg zur Gleichstellung in den beiden deutschen Gesellschaften" [Social inequalities between women and men: successes and obstacles on the way to equal status in the two German societies]. Sozialwissenschaftliche Informationen 19, no. 3 (1990): 181-96. Gensior, Sabine. Vergesellschaftung und Frauenerwerbsarbeit: Ost-West- Vergleiche. Berlin: Edition Sigma, 1995. A comparison of women's employment in West and East Germany. - - - , Friederike Maier, and Gabriele Winter. Soziale Lage und Arbeit von Frauen in der DDR. Paderbom: Arbeitskreiss Sozialwissenschaftliche Arbeitsmarktforschung, 1990. Includes bibliography. Geschlechter-Wende? Dokumentation der Ring vorlesung im Wintersemester 1991/92 am ZiF. Berlin: Zentrum fur interdisziplinare Frauenforschung der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Geschaftsstelle, 1992. Collection of university lectures on the meaning of reunification for East German women. Goldberg, Gertrude Schaffner. "Women on the Verge: Winners and Losers in German Unification." Social Policy 22, no. 2 (Fall 1991): 34-44. G6rak, Krystyna. Kszialcenie dziewczqt i kobiet w systemach oswiatowych RFN i NRD : studium porownawcze roli kobiet w odmiennych warunkach ustrojowych. Opole: Instytut Slaski, 1983. A comparative study of education of girls and women in the two Germanies. Grabley, Hanna. "Stand und Weiterentwicklung der Berufstatigkeit von Frauen in der DDR." Sozialistische Arbeitswissenschaft (erscheinen Eingestellt) 28, no. 5 (1984): 376-82. About the professions of East German women. Grell, Brigitte, and Carola Wolf. Ein Ende ist immer ein Anfang: von alten Angsten und neuen Hoffnungen: Lebensgeschichte n von Frauen aus dem anderen Deutschland. Munich: Kaiser, 1992. Case studies of East German women's attitudes and lives during unification. Griebner, Angelika, and Scarlett Kleint, eds. Starke Frauen kommen aus dem Osten: 13 Frauen, iiber die man spricht, sprechen iiber sich selbst. Berlin" Argon, 1995. About East German women's social conditions. Grossman, Atina. Reforming Sex: The German Movement for Birth Control and Abortion Reform, 1920-1950. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1997; 1995. Includes bibliography. Grubitzsch, Helga, Eva Kaufmann and Hannelore Scholz, eds.1ch will meine Trauer nicht leugnen und nicht eine Hoffnung: Veriinderungen kultureller Selbstwahrnehmungen von ostdeutschen und osteuropiiischen Frauen nach 1989. Bochum: Winkler, 1994. About how post-1989 East German and East European women perceive their cultural identities. Gysi, Jutta. "Frauen in Partnerschaft und Familie." In Wir wollen mehr als ein "Vaterland." DDR-Frauen im Aufbruch, edited by Gislinde Scwarz and Christine Zenner, 90-119. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1990. About women in partnerships and family. - - - , ed. Familienleben in der DDR: Zum Alltag von Familien mit Kindern. Berlin: AkademieVerlag, 1989. Haack, Hanna, and Renate Meyer-Braun. '''Ordentliche Verhaltnisse' in Ost und West: Geschlechterrollen und Geschlechterbeziehungen in Bremer und Rostocker Werftarbeitermilieus in Wahrend der 1950er Jahre" ["Proper conditions" in east and west: gender roles and gender relations among shipyard workers in Bremen and Rostock in the 1950's]. Archiv fiir Sozialgeschichte 38 (1998): 241-61.


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Hampele, Anne. "The Organized Women's Movement in the Collapse of the GDR: The Independent Women's Association (UFV)." In Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflectionsfrom Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda MuelIer, 180-93. New York & London: Routledge, 1993. Handle, Christa. Lehrerinnen in System und Lebenswelt: Erkundungen ihrer doppelten Sozialisation. Leverkusen: Leske & Budrich, 1998. Case studies of social conditions for East German women teachers. Includes bibliography. Harper, Amy Elizabeth. "Strategic Negotiations: A Case Study of East German Women in Unified Germany." M.A. thesis, Univ. of Masschusetts at Amherst, 1995. Harsch, Donna. "Approach/Avoidance: Communists and Women in East Germany, 1945-9." Social History 25 no. 2 (May 2000): 156-82. - - - . "Society, the State, and Abortion in East Germany, 1950-1972." American Historical Review 102, no. 1 (February 1997): 53-84. Hein, Eva, and Klaus Rosenfeld. Frauen in Ausbildung und Beruf. Berlin: Staatsverlag der DDR, 1985. Heineman, Elizabeth D. "Single Motherhood and Maternal Employment in Divided Germany: Ideology, Policy, and Social Pressures in the 1950s." Journal of Women 's History 12, no. 3 (Autumn 2000): 146-72. Heinen, Jacqueline, ed. Between East and West: Gender in an Era of East European Transitions. [Champaign, IL] Univ. of Illinois Press, 1995. Several essays focus on women's issues in post -unification Germany. - - - . "The Impact of Social Policy on the Behaviour of Women Workers in Poland and East Germany." Critical Social Policy 10, no. 2 (29) (Fall 1990): 79-91. Speaks of "the wish to abolish the inequalities of status between men and women-desire that one finds in the Constitutions adopted in the early 1950s." Helwerth, Ulrike. "Farewell to the Feminist Paradise." Weibblick 2 (1992). - - - , and Gislinde Schwarz. Von Muttis und Emanzen: Feministinnen in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1995. About feminism in East and West Germany. Helwig, Gisela. Frau '75: Bundesrepublik Deutschland, DDR. Cologne: Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1975. - - - . Frau und Familie in beiden deutschen Staaten. Cologne: Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1982. - - - . Zwischen Familie und Beruf: die Stellung der Frau in beiden deutschen Staaten. Cologne: Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1974. About women's rights and employment in the two Germanies. - - - , and Maria Hildegard Nickel. Frauen in Deutschland, 1945-1972. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1993. Herhoffer, Astrid. "Autonomy versus Integration: East German Women and Political Participation."Journal ofArea Studies 6 (1995): 179-93. Hillhouse, Raelynn J. "Out of the Closet behind the Wall: Sexual Politics and Social Change in the GDR." Slavic Review 49, no. 4 (Winter 1990): 585-96. Hirsch, U., Nischan, P. and K. Ebeling. "Zur Anwendung oral er Kontrazeptiva in der DDR bei Frauen ittleren Alters." Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 50, no. 7 (July 1990): 538-41. About the use of oral contraceptives by middle-aged women in the GDR. Hoeming, Erika M. "Memories of the Berlin Wall: History and the Impact of Critical Life Events." International Journal of Oral History 8, no. 2 (1987): 95-111. Abstract: A study that analyzes interviews with 39 women and men about how they used available personal and societal resources to cope after the Berlin Wall's construction in 1961 stopped their commuting to jobs in East or West Berlin. Homberg, Barbara. Geteilte Schwestern? Die Zusammenarbeit in der Ost- und


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Westfrauenbewegung~ Berlin: C. Hoffman, 1994. Historical account of co-operation between East and West German women's movements. Includes bibliography. Hoven, Bettina van. "Experiencing Democracy: Women in Rural East Germany." Social Politics 9, no. 3 (2002): 444-70. . Made in the GDR: The Changing Geographies of Women in the Post-Socialist Rural Society in Mecklenburg- Westpommerania. Nederlandse geografische studies, 267. Utrecht: Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap; Groningen: Faculteit der Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2000. Originally presented as the author's doctoral thesis, it explores women's experiences in rural areas under state socialism in the GDR and in the New Germany since 1989. . "The Meaning of Women's 'Second Family' for Current Patterns of Discontinuity in Rural East Germany." German Monitor 46 (2000): 151-63. Hunt, Jennifer. The Transition in East Germany: When Is a Ten Point Fall in the Gender Wage Gap Bad News? NBER Working Paper Series, no. 6167. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1997. Ihle, Astrid. "Framing Socialist Reconstruction in the GDR: 'Women Under Socialsim'-A Discussion of the Fragments of a Documentary Project by the Photographer Evelyn Richter." German Monitor 46 (2000): 45-57. International Conference of the SED Central Committee to Mark the loath Anniversary of the Publication ofAugust Bebel's Book "Women and Socialism." Die Frau und der Sozialismus vonAugust Bebel": Berlin, Capital of the GDR. Berlin: Women's Department, SED Central Committee, 1979. Jahnert, Gaby, ed. Unter Hammel und Zirkel: Frauenbiographien im Sozialismus. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus, 1994. Kahlau, Cordula, ed. Aufbruch! Frauenbewegung in der DDR. Dokumentation. Munich: Verlag Frauenoffensiv, 1990. Kamenitsa, Lynn. "East German Feminists in the New German Democracy: Opportunities, Obstacles, and Adaptation." Women and Politics 17, no. 3 (1997): 41-68. . "Post-Communist Obstacles to Mobilizing Women in Eastern Germany." Problems ofPost-Communism 45, no. 6 (Nov-Dec 1998): 3-12. "The East German women's movement, which showed much promise in late 1989, was lost in the transition from communism. Would-be women's rights activists have been told the same thing they were told during the transition to communism: women's issues have to wait until the new system has been consolidated." Kamin, Hiltrud. Zur Entwicklung der Frauen in der Justiz der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Potsdam-Babelsberg: Akademie fur Staats- und Rechtswissenschaft der DDR, Informationszentrum Staat und Recht, Abt. Publikationen, 1976. About East German women lawyers. Karstadt, Christina, and Anette von Zitzewitz. -viel zuviel vesrchwiegen: eine Dokumentation von Lebensgeschichten lesbischer Frauen aus der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Berlin: Hoho, 1996. About East German lesbians. Includes bibliography. Kaufmann, Eva, Ursula Schroter and Renate Ulrich. Als ganzer Mensch leben: Lebensanspriiche ostdeutscher Frauen. Berlin: Trafo, 2000. Keiser, Sarina. Ostdeutsche Frauen zwischen Individualisierung und Re- Traditionalisierung: ein Generationenvergleich. Hamburg: Kovac, 1997. Longitudinal study of East German women's social conditions and employment. Originally published as the author's Ph.D diss., Technische Universitat Dresden, 1996. Includes bibliography. Kerschgens, Edda. "When Jessica Meets Natasha: A Feminist View of German Unification." Australian Feminist Studies 12 (Summer 1990): 15-27. Ketelhut, Barbara. "The Family in the German Democratic Republic from a Western Point of View." In Family, Women and Employment in Central-Eastern Europe, edited by Barbara


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Lobodzinska, 123-30. Contributions in Sociology 112. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. Kinzer, S. "German Court Restricts Abortion, Angering Feminists and the East." New York Times (29 May, 1993): 1, 3. Klein, Markus. "Die Rolle der Frau im geteilten Deutschland : Eine exemplarische Untersuchung tinter den Einfluss gesellschaftlicher Kontextbedingungen auf die Einstellungen zur Rolle der Frau und die Frauenerwerbstatigkeit" [The role of women in divided Germany: case study of the influence of social context on the attitudes toward women's roles and women's employment]. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 34, no. 2 (1993): 272-97. Knokh, Irene Julia. "Women and Work in Communist Europe: An Analysis of Female Employment Patterns in USSR, East Germany, and West Germany." M.A. thesis, Eastern Michigan University, 1999. Koch-Baumgarten, Sigrid. "Von der Textilarbeiterin zur Stellvertretenden Volkskamrnerprasidentin: Grete Groh-Kurnmerlow-i-eine weibliche Karriere in der DDR" [From textile worker to vice president of the parliament: Grete Groh-Kummerlow-a female career in East Germany]. Internationale Wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der Deutschen Arbeiterbewegung 37, no. 2 (2001): 212-27. Kolinsky, Eva. Women in Contemporary Germany: Life, Work, and Politics. Providence, RI: Berg, 1993. . "Women and Politics in Western Germany." In Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 64-88. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1994. The article helps put the East German experience in perspective. . "Women in the New Germany." In Women in the German-Speaking Countries. Special issue: Politics and Society in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland 3, no. 3 (1991): 122. . "Women, Work and Family in the New Lander.i'In Recasting East Germany: Social Transformation after the GDR, edited by Christopher Flockton and Eva Kolinsky, 101-25. London and Portland, OR: F. Cass, 1999. . "Women, Work and Family in the New Lander: Conflicts and Experiences." German Politics 7, no. 3 (1998): 101-26. Koonz, Claudia. Mothers in the Fatherland: Women, the Family, and Nazi Politics. New York: St.Martin's Press, 1987. Krannich, Waltraud. FiinfMinuten Gliickgefiihl: Bekenntnisse ostdeutscher Frauen. Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1996. About East German women's social conditions in 1990. Kreher, Simone. "Continuity and Change Over the Generations: Trials and Tribulations of an East German Family." History of the Family 7, no. 2 (2002): 183-205. Traces the daily lives and careers of three women from one family-a 77 year-old grandmother, a 49-year-old mother and a 28-year-old daughter-and their responses to the transition from socialism to capitalism. Kretzschmar, Ute. "Gleichstellung statt Gleichberechtigung: Frauenpolitik nach der 'Wende'." In Wir wollen mehr als ein "Vaterland": DDR-Frauen im Aufbruch, edited by Gislinde Schwarz and Christine Zenner, 56-69. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1990. About women's politics after the "change" of 1989: equality instead of equal rights. Kreutzer, Susanne. '''Sozialismus braucht gebildete Frauen': die Kampagne urn das Kommunique 'Die Frauen: der Frieden und der Sozialismus' in der DDR 1961/62" ["Socialism needs educated women": the campaign over the communique "Women: Peace and Socialism" in East Germany, 1961-62]." Zeitschrift fiir Geschichtswissenschaft 47, no. 1 (1999): 23-37. Kriszio, Marianne. "Women at East and West German Universities before and after Unification."Journal ofArea Studies 6 (1995): 130-42.


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Kuhrig, Herta. Die Gleichberechtigung der Frauen in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Berlin: DDR-Komitee fur Menschenrechte, 1973. Published in English under the title Equal Rights for Women in the German Democratic Republic. Berlin: GDR Committee for Human Rights, 1973. Kuhrig, Herta, and Wulfram Speigner, eds. Wie emanzipiert sind die Frauen in der DDR? Cologne: Pahl-Rugenstein, 1979. About the degree of emancipation among women in the GDR. - - - . Zur gesellschaftlichen Stellung der Frau in der DDR: Sammelband. Leipzig: Verlag fur die Frau, 1978. About women's social position in the GDR. Kukutz, Irena, and Katja Havemann. Geschiizte Quelle: Gesprdche mit Monika H. alias Karin Lenz [Protected Source: Conversations with Monika H. alias Karin Lenz]. Berlin: Basisdruck Verlag, 1990. Kulke, Christine, Heidi Kopp-Degethoff, and Ulrike Ramming, eds. Wider das schlichte Vergessen: Der Deutsch-Deutsche Einigungsprozess: Frauen im Dialog, Berlin: Orlanda Frauenverlag, 1992. Women's dialog about the German unification. Kurz-Scherf, Ingrid, Marina Beyer and Christiane Biallas. Nur noch Utopien sind realistisch: Feministische Perspektiven in Deutschland. Bonn: Pahl-Rugenstein, 1992. About feminism in Germany. Lammers, Marie. Lebenswege in Ost- und Westdeutschland: Frauen aus einer Stettiner Schulklasseerziihlen. Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1996. About women's social conditions in the two Germanies. Lane, Christel. "Women in Socialist Society with Special Reference to the German Democratic Republic." Sociology 17, no. 4 (1983): 489-505. Leben '94: die Biirgermeisterin, die Pfarrerin, die Arbeitslose, die Obdachlose. Berichte zur Lage der Frauen. Berlin: Die Box, 1994. About East German women's situation. Die Lebenssituation von Frauen im Osten und Westen der Bundesrepublik Deustchland: Dokumentation eines Kongresses am 4. Und 5. Mdr: 1993 in Berlin. Sankt Augustin: Bereich Forschung und Beratung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Politische Akademie, 1993. Collection of papers presented at the third frauenpolitisches Fachkongress of the KonradAdenauer-Stiftung, in Berlin, March 4-5 1993. Lemke, Christiane. "Beyond the Ideological Stalemate: Women & Politics in the FRG and the GDR in Comparison." DAAD Special Issue German Studies Review (1990): 87-96. Lemke, Jurgen. Gay Voicesfrom East Germany. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1991. Lenckos, Frauke E. "Wall Dividing Women: The Opposing Politics of Abortion in the Unified Germany." In The Berlin Wall: Representations and Perspectives, edited by Ernst Schiirer, Manfred Erwin Keune and Philip Jenkins, 326-32. New York: Lang, 1996. Lester-Massman, Elli. "Without the Wall: Women's Communication in Berlin." In Revolutions for Freedom: the Mass Media in Eastern and Central Europe, edited by Al Hester and L. Reybold, 115-29. Athens, GA: James M. Cox, Jr. Center for International Mass Communication Training and Research, Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, Univ. of Georgia, 1991. Liebscher, Reinhard, and Heidrun Schmidtke. "Frauen im ostdeutschen Transformationsprozess: das Beispiel Brandenburg." Informationen zur Raumentwicklung no. 2-3 (2001): 119-27. Linnhoff, Ursula, and Margit Stolzenburg. Einig Frauenland? Mutter and Tochter in West und Ost. Berlin: Neues Leben, 1995. About mothers and daughters in West and East Germany. Lissjutkina, Larissa. "Lieber Hure als Feministin" [Better a prostitute than a feminist]. Deutsches Allgemeines Sonntagsblatt, 8 May 1992. Lobodzinska, Barbara. "Domestic and External Perceptions of Family and Women's Issues in Poland and Other Post-Socialist Countries." Polish Review 45, no. 3 (2000): 258-303.


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Includes data for, GDR. Lucke, Doris, and Sabine Berghahn. Rechstratgeber Frauen. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohit Taschenbuch Verlag, 1990. About East and West German women's legal status and social conditions. Luschen, Gunther, Niemann, Steffen and Peter Apelt. "The Integration of Two Health Systems: Social Stratification, Work and Health in East and West Germany." Social Science and Medicine 44, no. 6 (March 1997): 883-99. Includes data specifically on women's health status and care. , et al. "After Unification: Gender and Subjective Health Status in East and West Germany." Social Science and Medicine 44, no. 9 (May 1997): 1313-23. Maennel, Annette. Aufsie war Verlass: Frauen und Stasi. Berlin: n.p., 1995. About women and the Stasi. Maleck-Lewy, Eva. "Between Self-Determination and State Supervision: Women and the Abortion Law in Post-Unification Germany." Social Politics 2, no. 1 (1995): 62-75. Special issue: Between East and West: Gender in an Era ofEast European Transitions, edited by Jacqueline Heinen. Mann, Iris. Existenzgriinderinnen in Ost- und Westdeutschland: Rahmenbedingungen und Einschdtzungen des kommunikativen Verhaltens. Gottingen: Schmerse, 1997. About social and economic conditions of women in East and West Germany Mattern, M. G. "German Abortion Law: The Unwanted Child of Reunification." Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal 13 (Feb 1991): 643-94. Mattes, Monika. '''Vom Ich des Kiiche zum Wir des Kollektivs.' Hausfrauenbrigaden in der DDR 1958-1961." Zeitschrift fiir Sozialgeschichte des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts 11, no. 2 (1996): 36-61. About housework in the GDR, 1958-1961. Mayer, Karl Ulrich, Martin Diewald and Heike Solga. "Transitions to Post-Communism in East Germany: Worklife Mobility of Women and Men between 1989 and 1993." Acta sociologica (Oslo) 42, no. 1 (1999): 35-55. McAdams, Kay Lynn. "Equal and Different? Women Workers and Labor Unions in Postwar East and West Germany, 1945-1955." Ph.D diss., Indiana Univ., 1999. Mehlan, K. H. "A Responsibility for the Whole Society: How the Government Tackles Family Planning in the German Democratic Republic." Entre Nous 17 Jun 1990: 14-5. Meyer, Gerd. "Frauen in den Machthierarchien den DDR oder der lange Weg zur Paritat: Empirische Befunde 1971-1985." DeutschlandArchiv 19, no. 3 (1986): 294-311. Empirical study about women in the power hierarchy of the GDR. Miethe, Ingrid. "East German Dissident Biographies in the Context of Family History: Interdependence of Methodological Approach, and Empirical Results." History of the Family 7, no. 2 (2002): 207-24. Abstract: "A case reconstruction study of the biographies of women in the former dissident movements of East Germany." . "Frauenbewegung in Ostdeutschland-Angekommen in gesamtdeutschen Verhaltnissen." Beitriige zur feministischen Theorie und Praxis 54 (2000): 9-23. . "From 'Mother of the Revolution' to 'Fathers of Unification': Concepts of Politics among Women Activists following German Unification." Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State, and Society 6, no. 1 (Spring 1999): 1-22. Miller, Heidi. "The Women of East Germany as Victims of German Unification." M.A. thesis, Boise State Univ., 1998. Mitscherlich, Margarete, and Brigitte Burmeister. Wir haben ein Beriihrungstabu. Hamburg: Klein, 1991. About German sexual ethics, women's social conditions and the psychological aspects of East German life. Mocker, Elke, Beate Ruther and Birgit Sauer. "Frauen- und Familienpolitik: Wie frauenfreundlichwar die DDR?" Deutschland Archiv 45, no. 1 (September 1990): 1700-5. About GDR policies on women and families.


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Moeller, Robert G. "Equality, Difference and the Grundgesetz: Women, Families, and the Federal Republic's Basic Law." In The American Impact on Postwar Germany, edited by Reiner Pommerin, 149-63. Providence, RI: Berghahn, 1995. Moeller, Robert G. "The 'Remasculinization' of Germany in the 1950s: Introduction." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 24, no. 1 (1998): 101-6. Abstract: "During the 1950's both East and West Germany were engaged in constructing new political identities, a process that included reconstruction of gender identities disrupted by war. The notion of male superiority was demolished when the war experience left women suffering and in poverty. Consequently, there were numerous calls for full equality for women in the postwar period. The wartime "demasculinization" of German men and elevation of women resulted in a 'crisis of masculinity' that necessitated reconstructing gender identities as evident in efforts to 'remasculinize' all areas of German life." -L. L. Nelson, Historical Abstracts Online. Mushaben, Joyce. "Paying the Price of German Unification: Manner planen, Frauen baden aus." GDR Bulletin 17, no. 2 (Fall 1991): 3-9. About women paying the consequences of man made plans for unification. Nadle, Marlene. "For Men Only? No!" World Monitor 5, no. 5 (May 1992): 44-8. Nagelschmidt, Use. Frauen nach 1989. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitatverlag, 1997. Collection of papers delivered at a 1995 conference on East German women's social conditions in 1989-1990. - - - . "Quo Vadis? Women at East Germany's Universities Ten Years After." Women in German Yearbook 16 (2000): 221-40. Abstract: "[The author] revisits the tumultous events of Fall 1989 and their subsequent impact on universities in the former GDR. In particular, [she] is concerned with the problematic concept of "Abwicklung," as the "integration" of the East German university system into the Western system was termed, and with its implementation: the stifling of academic grass-roots reform initiatives in the East, the dismissal of women who had been stuck in the middle ranks of academe, and the sluggish pace of curricular reform." Neumann, H. G. "Zum Stellenwert der irreversiblen Kontrazeption (Sterilisation) im Rahmen der Familienplanung in der DDR." Pro Familia Magazin 15, no. 6 (1987): 20-1. About the role of sterilization in family planning in the GDR. Nickel, Hildegarde Maria. "Frauen in der DDR." Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte. Supplement to the newspaper Das Parlament 16-17 (1990): 41-2. - - - . "Eine perfektes Drehbuch: Geschlechtertrennung durch Arbeit und Sozialization." In Wir wollen mehr als ein "Vaterland." DDR-Frauen im Aufbruch, edited by Gislinde Schwarz and Christine Zenner, 73-89. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1990. About gender division by work and socialization. - - - . "Pluralisierung oder Polarisierung von Frauen in Ost- und Westdeutschland?" WSI Mitteilungen 54, no. 5 (2001): 310-7. - - - . "Sex-Role Socialization in Relationships as a Function of the Division of Labor: A Sociological Explanation for the Reproduction of Gender Differences" In The Quality ofLife in the German Democratic Republic: Change and Development in a State Socialis.Society, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer and Christiane Lemke, 48-58. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1989. - - - . "Der TransformationsprozeB in Ost- und Westdeutschland und seine Folgen fur das Geschlechterverhaltnis." Aus Politik und Zeitgeschicte 51 (1997): 20-9. - - - . "Women amid Social Transformation: The Dual Transformation in Germany and its Ambivalent Consequences." Women in Central and Eastern Europe. Canadian Women's StudieslLesCcahiers de lafemme 16, no.1 (Winter 1995): 64-9. - - - . "Women in the GDR: Will Renewal Pass Them By?" In Women in German Yearbook 6, edited by Jeanette Clausen and Helen Cafferty, 99-108. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1991. - - - . Women in the German Democratic Republic and in the New Federal States: Looking


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Backward and Looking Forward." In Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 138-50. New York & London: Routledge, 1993. , and Sabine Brock. "Voice from Berlin (East): 'Our Research Hasn't Caught Up With Our Reality.'" Women's Studies Quarterly 20, no. 3-4 (Fall/Winter 1992): 112-5. "From a telephone interview with Professor Hildegard Nickel, Institute for Social Science, Humbolt Univ., April 1992". Oertzen, Christinevon, and Almut RietzscheI. "Comparing the Post-War Germanies: Breadwinner Ideology and Women's Employment in the Divided Nation, 1948-1970." International Review 0/ Social History 42, sup. 5 (1997): 175-96. O'Neill, ChaneI. "East German Women after the Wall." B.A. thesis, Williams College, 1992. Includes bibliography. Ostner, Ilona. "Back to the Fifties: Gender and Welfare in Unified Germany." Social Politics 1, no. 1 (Spring 1994): 32-59. Ostow, Robin. "Die volkseigene Familienromanze: Arbeitende Mutter und entrechtete Vater in der DDR, 1949-1989." In Rationale Beziehungen? Geschlechterverhdltnisse im Rationalisierungsproress, edited by Dagmar Reese, et al., 344-62. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1993. About "family romance" in the GDR: working mothers and fathers deprived of their rights. Otto, Wilfriede, and Siegfried Scholze. "The Contribution of Women in the German Democratic Republic to the Struggle for Peace, Past and Present." Atlantis 12 (Fall 1986): 111-21. Partisch, Gudrun. "Die SED-Initiator der Frauenausschusse'' [The SED: initiator of women's committees]. Beitriige zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung 28, no. 5 (1986): 65461. About the founding of the first women's committees representing female laborers in East Germany in 1952. Peetz, Hilla. Wir kennen uns noch viel zu wenig! Frauen aus Ostdeutschland erziihlen von sich. N.p.: Bastei-Lubbe, 1992. About East German women's lives. Pence, Katherine Helena. "From Rations to Fashions: The Gendered Politics of East and West German Consumption, 1945-1961." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Michigan, 1999. . "'You as a Woman Will Understand': Consumption, Gender and the Relationship between State and Citizenry in the GDR's Crisis of 17 June 1953." German History 19, no. 2 (2001): 218-52. Abstract: "An examination of the letters written primarily by East German women as housewives to Elli Schmidt, a top-level Communist functionary in charge of the commission responsible for distribution and consumer concerns ..." Penrose, Virginia. "Vierzig Jahre SED- Frauenpolitik: Ziele, Strategien und Ergebnisse." Frauenforschung 8, no. 4 (1990): 60-77. Pfister, Gertrud. "Doing Gender im Sport: Diskurse uber Weiblichkeit und Kunstturnen in der BRD und der DDR. About discourses on femininity and gymnastics in the FRG and the GDR. Stadion 26, no. 1 (2000): 99-118. , and Hannelore Belitz-Demiriz. "Promovierte Frauen in der DDR." In Qualifikationsprozesse und Arbeitssituation von Frauen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in der DDR, edited by Dieter Voigt, 95-128. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1989. Philipsen, Dirk. We Were the People: Yoices from East Germany's Revolutionary Autumn 0/ 1989. Durham & London: Duke Univ. Press, 1993. Series of interviews with Comelia Matzke (opposition activist, founding member of the Independent Women's Alliance, Leipzig), Barbel Bohley (artist, founder of "New Forum," called "mother of the underground" and "mother of the revolution") and Ingrid Koppe (independent activist, recruited to the opposition movement, New Forum representative at the Central Round Table, delegate to the Berlin city parliament). Includes a chronology of East German history, 1945-1990 and a


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select bibliography. Poiger, Uta G. "Rebels with a Cause? American Popular Culture, the 1956 Youth Riots, and the New Conception of Masculinity in East and West." In The American Impact on Postwar Germany, edited by Reiner Pommerin, 93-124. Providence, RI: Berghahn, 1995. , "Rock 'n' Roll, Female Sexuality, and the Cold War Battle over German Identities." Journal ofModern History 68, no. 3 (1996): 577-616. The author discusses " ...the rebellious actions of female rock' n' roll fans in the context of cold war struggles over East and West German national identities and explores how their public behavior at dances, at concerts and in the streets challenged the traditional norms of female respectability that authorities in East and West Germany made central to their respective reconstruction efforts."

Poppe, Ulrike, 1953-. East-Berlin politician. See http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/biografienIPoppeUlrike. GDR264 GDR265




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Presber, Gabriele, ed. Frauenleben, Frauenpolitik. Ttibingen: Konkursbuch Verlag, 1992. About women's lives and women's politics. Pritchard, Rosalind M. O. "Education Transformed? The East German School System since the Wende." In Recasting East Germany: Social Transformation after the GDR, edited by Christopher Flockton and Eva Kolinsky, 126-46. London & Portland, OR: F. Cass, 1999. Prtimmer, C. von, and R. H. Stein. Zur Situation von Fernstudentinnen in der DDR. Hagen: Fernuniversitat, Zentrum fur Fernstudienentwicklung (ZFE), 1991. Booklet about female students, both conventional and distance, in the GDR before the fall of the iron curtain. Comparisons to BRD included. Puhlmann, Angelika. "Objektive Chancenlosigkeit? Individuelles versagen? Zur Berufslosigkeit junger Frauen in den alten und neuen Bundeslandern." Wirtschaft und Berufserziehung 45, no. 8 (1993): 236-41. Rantzsch, Petra, and Erika Uitz. "Historical Research on Women in the German Democratic Republic." In Writing Women's History: International Perspectives, edited by Karen Offen, Ruth Roach Pierson and Jane Rendall, 333-53. Bloomington, IN: Indiana Univ. Press for the International Federation for Research in Women's History, 1991. Rat der Stadt Leipzig, ed. Projekte mit vonfiir Frauen in und um Leipzig: 1991. Leipzig: Leipziger Verlags-und Druckereigesellschaft GmbH, 1991. Reinheckel, Antje, Kornelia Franke, Wolfgang Weise and Bernt-Peter Robra. "Effect of ReUnification on Fertility Behaviour in East Germany: A Review of the Evidence." Reproductive Health Matters 6, no. 11 (May 1998): 122-8. Reuter, Monika. Ihr da driiben: Briefe in die DDR: eine Chronik des Einlebens. Bergisch Gladbach: G. Ltibbe, 1986. A West German woman's look at East German politics and government. Richter, Werner, Liisa Husu and Arnaud F. Marks, eds. The Changing Role of Women in Society: A Documentation of Current Research: Research Projects in Progress, 1984-1987. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1989. Edited for the European Cooperation in Social Science Information and Documentation (ECSSID) Program. Includes bibliographies and indexes. Riemer, Joachim Siegfried. "Probleme der Ausbildung und der Berufstatigkeit der Frauen in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik." Thesis, Univ. of Cologne, 1970. About the educational and employment problems of East German women. Rischel, Doris, Uwe Markus and Wolfgang Weist. Wandel in den Lebenslagen, den Meinungen und Den Befindlichkeiten von DDR-Frauen: Zeitraum Februar 1990 bis Juni 1991. Berlin: Trafo Verlag, 1994. About attitudes and conditions of East German women during social changes in 1990-1991. Rocksloh-Papendieck, Barbara. Verlust der kollektiven Bindung: Frauenalltag in der Wende. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1995. About East German women's everyday


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living conditions after reunification. Rohnstock, Katrin, and Astrid Luthardt, eds. Handbuch. Wegweiser fur Frauen in den fiinf neuenBundesliindern. Berlin: BasisDruck Verlagsgesellschaft, 1991. Roloff, Juliane. "Zu Problemen der Erwerbsbeteiligung der Frauen in den neuen Bundeslandern." Zeitschrift fur Beviilkerungswissenschaft 18, no. 4 (1992): 465-76. About problems related to the labor force participation of women in the new federal Lander of United Germany. , and W. Speigner. "Frauen der DDR im Spiegel der Demographie (ein Rlickblick)." Konjunkpolitik 37, no. 3 (1991): 183-97. About the women of the German Democratic Republic in the mirror of demography (retrospectively). ."Probleme und Ursachen der Einkommensunterschiede zwischen mannlichen und weiblichen Erwerbstatigen in der ehemaligen DDR." Zeitschrift Fur Bevolkerungswissenschaft 17, no. 2 (1991): 135-47. About the problem and causes of wage differentials between men and women in the former GDR. Rosenberg, Dorothy. J. "Distant Relations: Class, 'Race' and National Origin in the German Women's Movement." Women's Studies International Forum 19, no. 1-2 (Jan/Apr 1996): 145-54. . "The Emancipation of Women in Fact and Fiction: Changing Roles in GDR Society and Literature." In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 344-61. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. . "Learning to Say'!' Instead of 'We': Recent Works on Women in the Former GDR." Women in German Yearbook 7 (1991): 161-8. Review article of 14 books published in Germany in 1990-1991 on women and politics in the GDR. . "Shock Therapy: GDR Women in Transition from a Socialist Welfare State to a Social Market Economy." Signs 17, no. 1 (Autumn 1991): 129-51. . "Women's Issues, Women's Politics, and Women's Studies in the Former German Democratic Republic." Radical History Review 54 (1992): 110-26. Roth, Uta. "Die klassenlose Gretchenfrage: Uber die Vereinbarkeit von Berufund Famille." In Wir wollen mehr als ein "Vaterland." DDR-Frauen im Aufbruch, edited by Gislinde Schwarz and Christine Zenner, 132-44. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1990. About the classless "Gretchen question," that is, about women's balancing of employment and family. Rudolph, Hedwig, Eileen Appelbaum, and Friederike Maier. "Beyond Socialism: the Uncertain Prospects for East German Women in a Unified Germany." In Women in the Age ofEconomic Transformation: Gender Impact ofReforms in Post-Socialist and Developing Countries, edited by Nahid Aslanbeigui, Steven Pressman, and Gale Summerfield, 11-26. London: Routledge, 1994. Rueschemeyer, Marilyn. "New Family Forms in a State Socialist Society: The German Democratic Republic." Journal ofFamily Issues 9, no. 3 (September 1988): 354-71. ."Women in East Germany: From State Socialism to Capitalist Welfare State." In Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies, edited byValentine M. Moghadam, 75-91. London: Oxford, 1993. . "Women in the Politics of Eastern Germany: The Dilemmas of Unification." Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 89-115. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1994. , with Hanna Schissler. "Women in the Two Germanies." DAAD Special Issue German Studies Review (1990): 71-85. , and Sonia Szelenyi. "Socialist Transformation and Gender Inequality: Women in the GDR and Hungary." In East Germany in Comparative Perspective, editedby David Childs, Thomas Baylis and Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 81-109. London & New York: Routledge, 1989. , with Christiane Lemke, eds. The Quality of Life in the German Democratic Republic: Changes and Developments in a State Socialist Society. Armonk, NY: M. E.


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Sharpe, 1989. Sachs, Anne, and Christiane Lindecke, eds. Frauen zwischen Ost und West: Offene Frauenhochschule, Dokumentation '90. 2 vol. Kassel: Gesamthochschule Universitat, Bibliothek, 1991. Proceedings of a 1990 university congress on East German women's social and economic conditions after unification. Sachse, Carola. "Normalarbeitstag und Hausarbeitstag: (Ost)deutsche Variationen einer Mesalliance, 1943-1991" [Normal workday and housework day: (East) German variations of a misalliance, 1943-91]. L'Homme [Austria] 11, no. 1 (2000): 49-64. Sauer, Birgit. "Political Culture and the Participation of Women in the German Democratic Republic after the 'Wende'." New Political Science 24-25 (Spring-Summer 1993): 19-37. Schaeffer-Hegel, Barbara. "Makers and Victims of Unification: German Women and the Two Germanies." Women's Studies International Forum 15, no. 1 (1992): 101-10. Schafer, Eva. "Die frohliche Revolution der Frauen: Frauenbewegung in Ost und West." In Wir wolien mehr als ein "Vaterland." DDR-Frauen im Aufbruch, edited by Gislinde Schwarz and Christine Zenner, 17-34. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1990. About the women's movement in East and West Germany. Schellenberger, Petra. "Violence and Young Women: Report of a Study." In What Can We Do for Ourselves? East European Feminist Conference, 23-6. Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication, 1994. Schenk, Christina. "Lesbians and their Emancipation in the Former German Democratic Republic: Past and Future." In Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 160-7. New York & London: Routledge, 1993. . "The Opportunity of Policy Making." Weibblick 7 (1992). A report in a series entitled "Feminism in Parliament" in the Unabhangiger Frauenverband's monthly journal. Schenk "defends her role against the view of some former dissidents and some feminists that participating in the structures of formal politics inevitably eo-opts and corrupts movement politics." -Barbara Einhorn, Cinderella Goes to Market (1993): 215. Schlegel, Uta. "Ostdeutsche Frauen: Lebenszusammenhang und Sicht auf den Staat." Einspruch. Leipziger Hefte 9, no. 3 (1993): 60-79. Schmidt, Sabine. Frauenportrdts und -protokolle aus der DDR: zur Subjektivitiit der Dokumentliteratur. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitatsverlag, 1999. About subjectivity in the documentation of East German women's lives. Originally presented as the author's Ph.D. diss., Freie Universitat, Berlin, 1988. Schmude, Jiirgen. "Contrasting Developments in Female Labour Force Participation in East and West Germany since 1945." In Women of the European Union: The Politics of Work and Daily Life, edited by Garcia i Ramon, Maria Dolors, and Janice J. Monk, 156-85. London & New York: Routledge, 1996. Scholz, Hannelore. Die DDR-Frau zwischen Mythos und Realitdt: zum Umgang mit der Frauenfrage in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone und der DDR von 1945-1989. Mecklenburg-Vorpommen: Die Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeaufragte, 1997. About women's social and economic conditions, feminism, legal status in the Soviet-occupied zone and in East Germany, 1945-1989. Includes bibliography. . "East-West Women's Culture in Transition: Are East German Women the Losers of Reunification?" Journal of Women's History 5, no. 3 (Winter 1994): 108-16. Scholze, Siegfried. "Die Aufnahme des DFD in die Internationale Demokratische Frauenfoderation 1948" [Admission of the League of Democratic Women in Germany (DFD) into the Women's International Democratic Federation in 1948]. Zeitschrift fiir Geschichtswissenschaft 22, no. 9 (1974): 984-91. Schon, Heinz. Im Heimatland in Feindeshand: Schicksale ostpreussicher Frauen unter Russen und Polen 1945-1948: eine ostdeutsche Tragodie. Kiel: Arndt, 1998. About the tragic


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fates of East German women under Russian and Polish domination. Schroter, Ursula. "Ostdeutsche Frauen im Transformatsionsprozess: Eine sotsiologische Analysezur sozialen Situation ostdeutscher Frauen (1990-1994)." Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte B 20/95 (May 12, 1993): 31-42. - - - . Ostdeutsche Frauen: sechs Jahre nach dem gesellschaftlichen Umbruch. Auswertung empirischer Daten zue sozialen Situation Ostdeutscher Frauen. Berlin: Isda, Institut fur Sozialdateanalyse e.v., 1995. About fomer-East German women's situation six years after unification. Includes bibliography - - - , Heike Loser and Gisela Brose. Erster Frauenbericht des Landes MecklenburgVorpommern. Schwerin: Frauen-und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, 1997. Schulze Buschoff, Karin. "Lebensentwlirfe, Lebensformen und Lebensqualitat: Haushaltsund Erwerbskonstellationen im Ost-West-Vergleich." Zeitschrift fiir Soziologie 26, no. 5 (1997): 352-68. A comparison of women's work, lifestyles and quality of life in the two Germanies. Schwarz, Gislinde."Frauen und Frauenbewegung im Osten: Kein Mut fur Traume." Erziehung und Wissenschaft no. 2 (1997): 12-5. - - - , and Christine Zenner, eds. Wir wollen mehr als ein "Yaterland." DDR-Frauenim Aufbruch. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1990. This collection of essays has sections on Women's Liberation and Women's Life in the GDR. Shaffer, Harry G. Women in the Two Germanies: A Comparative Study ofa Socialist and a Non-Socialist Society. New York: Pergamon Press, 1981. Sharp, Ingrid, and Dagmar Flinspach. "Women in Germany from Division to Unification." In The New Germany: Social, Political and Cultural Challenges of Unification, edited by John R. P. McKenzie and Derek Lewis, 173-95. Exeter: Univ. of Exeter Press, 1995. Sieg, Katrin. "Sex, Subjectivity, and Socialism: Feminist Discourse in East Germany." In: Postcommunism and the Body Politic, edited by Ellen E. Berry, 105-33. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1995. - - - . "Subjectivity and Socialism: Feminist Discourses in East Germany." In Crucibles of Crisis: Performing Social Change, edited by Janelle Reinelt, 79-105. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1996. Sillge, Ursula. Un-Sichtbare Frauen: Lesben und ihre Emanzipation in der DDR. Berlin: LinksDruckVerlag, 1991. About emancipation for lesbians in the GDR. Simpson, Patricia Anne. "Feminism in the Fatherland." Cross Currents 12 (1993): 204-17. Sorensen, Annemette, and Heike Trappe. "The Persistence of Gender Inequality in Earnings in the German Democratic Republic." American Sociological Review 60, no. 3 (June 1995): 398-406. Sorensen, Silvia, and Martin Pinquart. "Preparation for Future Care Needs: Styles of Preparation Used by Older Eastern German, United States, and Canadian Women." Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 15, no. 4 (2000): 349-81. Speigner, W. Kind und Gesellschaft: eine soziologische Studie iiber die Geburtenentwicklung in der DDR. East Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1987. Sociological study of birth trends in the GDR. Spepack, Donna Grund. "Women in the German Democratic Republic: A Field Study and Comparative Analysis of Sex Bias in the USA and GDR Children's Readers." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1976. Spittmann-Ruhle, Ilse, and Gisela Helwig. Lebensbedingungen in der DDR: siebzehnte Tagung zum Stand der DDR-Forschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 12. bis 15. Juni 1984. Cologne: Edition Archiv im Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1984. Congress on living conditions in the GDR. Statkowa, Susanne. Women and Socialism: Facts, Figures, and Information on Equality for Women in the GDR. Berlin: Panorama DDR, 1976.


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Steinacker, Carlo. "VEB Lonely Hearts." Osteuropa-Info 67 (1986): 35-3. Part of the special issue: Frauen: Alltag und Emansipation. Stephani, Claus. Frauen im Wassertal: Lebensprotokolle aus Ostmarmatien: rumiiniendeutsche Frauen Erzdhlen. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1990. Annotated under the Romania chapter. Stem, Susan. Working Women in Contemporary Germany: Roles, Attitudes, and a Handful of Success Stories. Bonn: Basis-Info 9, 1997. In the GDR, an "equality paradise" ensured that women were equally literate, educated, and qualified. However, women were still expected to take care of children and household chores. With the collapse of East Germany, women's infrastructure disappeared, and the female employment rate plummeted. Today, while most women want to have an occupation outside the home and achieve some financial independence, relatively few women in Germany seem to want to have a meaningful lifetime career. Women generally accept that if they intend to pursue a career, they cannot have children; therefore, there is no effective lobby for an infrastructure that would make it easier to combine motherhood with professional life. Data clearly indicate that traditional roles have not significantly changed, except that employed women add an extra task to their domestic ones. Part 2 presents the stories of 11 contemporary women who have achieved a high profile in academic or creative fields, in business, in sports, or in government. Struwe, Ruth. "When the Wall Came Down: East German Women Employed in Archaeology Before and After 1989." In Excavating Women: A History of Women in European Archaeology, edited by Margarita Diaz-Andreu Garcia and Marie Lou Serensen, 146-52. London & New York: Routledge, 1998. Szepansky, Gerda. Die stille Emanzipation Frauen in der DDR. Frankfurt: Fischer TaschenbuchVerlag, 1994. About women in the GDR. Taylor, Sheila, and Kathy Vanovitch. "The German Democratic Republic." In Women, Oppression and Liberation. Vol. 3, Women, Liberation and Socialism, 2-4. London: Communist Party of Great Britain, 1976. Tobin, Elizabeth H., and Jennifer Gibson. "The Meanings of Labor: East German Women's Work in the Transition from Nazism to Communism." Central European History 28, no. 3 (1995): 301-42. Tolomelli, Marica. "Donne e la Voronella Republica Democratica Tedesca [Women and labor in the GDR]." Rivista di Storia Contemporanea 22, no. 4 (1993): 614-43. Trappe, Heike. Emanzipation oder Zwang? Frauen in der DDR zwischen Beruf, Familie und Sozialpolitik. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1995. About East German women's family life, employment and social conditions. . "Work and Family in Women's Lives in the German Democratic Republic." Work andOccupations 23, no. 4 (November 1996): 354-77. Trzcinski, Eileen. "Gender and German Unification." Affilia: Journal of Women & Social Work 13, no. 1 (Spring 1998): 69-101. Ulrich, Holde-Barbara. Schmerzgrenze: 11 Portrdts im Gespriich, Barbel Bohley, Sabina Hager, Heidrun Hegewald.... Berlin: Dietz, 1991. Intreviews with East German women. Voigt, Dieter, ed. Qualifikationsprozesse und Arbeitssituation von Frauen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in der DDR. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1989. Eight essays make up this comparative study of women's employment and vocational qualifications in the two Germanies. Vogel, Bemhild. "Entbindungsheimfiir Ostarbeiterinnen," Braunschweig, Broitzemer Strasse 200. Hamburg: Hamburger Stiftung fur Sozialgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, 1989. History of the employment of pregnant women and women alien labor in Braunschweig. Wander, Maxie. Guten Morgen, Du Schone: Frauen in der DDR. Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1978. Watson-Franke, Maria-Barbara. "'I am Somebody!' -Women's Changing Sense of Self in


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the German Democratic Republic." In Connecting Spheres: Women in the Western World, 1500 to the Present, edited by Marilyn J. Boxer and Jean H. Quataert, 256-66. New York & Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1987. Wierling, Dorothee. "Three Generations of East German Women: Four Decades of the GDR and After." Oral History Review 21, no. 2 (Winter 1993): 19-30. - - - . "Die Tochter der Weimarer Republik in der SBZlDDR: Weibliche Jungend zwischen Aufbau und Aufstieg" [The daughters of the Weimar Republic in Sovietoccupied/East Germany: young women between recovery and progress]. Comparativ 3, no. 5 (1993): 100-8. Winkler, Gunnar, ed. Frauenreport '90. Berlin: Verlag die Wirtschaft, 1990. Winter, Kurt, and Werner Hesselbarth. "Niekt6re dane na temat pozycji spolecznej kobiety w niemieckiej republice demokratycznej." In Kobieta Wsp6lcezsna, edited by Magdalena Sokolowska, 79-93. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. Data on the social position of women in the GDR. In Polish. Women in the GDR. Berlin: Panorama DDR, 1983. Women in the GDR: An Appraisal ofProgress in the Implementation of the World Plan of Action of the United Nations for Women. Reporting Period: 1976-1980. Berlin: n.p., 1980. Report on women's social conditions and legal status. Wuerth, Andrea. "National PoliticslLocal Identities: Abortion Rights Activism in Post-Wall Berlin." Feminist Studies 25, no. 3 (Fall 1999): 601-31. Young, Brigitte. Triumph of the Fatherland: German Unification and the Marginalization of Women. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1999. Zachmann, Karin. "Women to Replace the 'Front Officers of Technology'? On the Development of Technical Studies for Women in the Soviet Occumpation Zone and the GDR (1946-1971)." History and Technology 14, no. 1-2 (1997): 97-123.

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Abret, Helga, and Ilse Nagelschmidt. Zwischen Distanz und Ndhe: eine Autorinnengeneration in den 80er Jahren. Frankfurt; New York: P. Lang, 1998. History and criticism of female German prose writers of the 1980s. In German; abstract in English and French. Achberger, Karen R. "GDR Women's Fiction of the 1970s: The Emergence of Feminism within Socialism." East Central Europe 6, no. 2 (1979): 217-31. Adelson, Leslie. Making Bodies, Making History: Feminism and German Identity. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1993. Anderson, Edith, ed. Blitz aus heiterm Himmel Rostock: VEB HinstorffVerlag, 1975. "A fundamental questioning of traditionally ascribed gender roles .... Male and female authors were asked by [Anderson] to imagine waking up one fine morning transposed, not, like Franz Kafka's Gregor Samsa in The Metamorphosis, into an insect, but (and perhaps even more fear-inspiring?) into the opposite sex." -Barbara Einhom, Cinderella Goes to Market (1993): 239.

Apitz, Renate [Ardov, E., pseud.], 1846-1923. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GDR355 GDR356

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Apitz, Renate. Evastochter: ein Dutzend Dutzendgeschichten. Rostock: Hinstorff, 1985; 1981. - - - . "Harmonious Eisa." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German DemocraticRepublic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 31-8. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. - - - . Herbstzeitlose: ein neues Dutzend Geschichten. Rostock: Hinstorff, 1989. - - - . Hexenzeit: Roman. Rostock: Hinstorff, 1986.


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Lindner, Gabriele. "Renate Apitz, 'Hexenzeit'." In DDR-Literatur '84 im Gesprdch, edited . by Siegfried Ronisch, 141-7. Berlin: Autbau, 1985.


Bammer, Angelika. "The American Feminist Reception of GDR Literature (With a Glance at West Germany)." GDR Bulletin 16, no. 2 (1990): 18-24. Bohme, Irene. "Women and Socialism: Four Interviews." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writingfrom the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 169-78. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. Brandes, Ute Thoss. Zwischen gestern und morgen: Schriftstellerinnen der DDR aus amerikanischer Sicht. Berlin & New York: P. Lang, 1992. About American perceptions of women writers from the GDR. Bridge, Helen. "Biographical Fiction by GDR Women Writers: Reassessing the Cultural Heritage." Amsterdamer Beitriige zur neueren Germanistik 51 (2001): 155-67. . "Transforming History: Women's Prose Writing and Historiography in the GDR." Ph.D. diss, Univ. of Oxford, 1999.



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Briining, Elfriede, 1910-. See Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. Journalist (editor of the cultural-political weekly Sonntag), fiction writer, TV screenwriter, and children's author. GDR365 GDR366 GDR367 GDR368 GDR369 GDR370

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Briining, Elfriede. .. .damit du weiterlebst. Berlin: Verlag Neues Leben, 1949; HallelLeipzig: Mitteldeustscher Verlag, 1985; 1954. - - - . Ein Kind fiirmicn allein. 10th ed. Leipzig: Rec1am, 1958. - - - . Frauenschickslae. Halle, Leipzig: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1981. - - - . Kleine Leute. Berlin: Verlag der Nation, 1970. - - - . Partnerinnen. Halle, Leipzig: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1978. - - - . Regine Haberkorn. Berlin: Verlag Tribune, 1957; Halle, Leipzig: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1966. In this novel, "the husband only reluctantly assents to Regine's decision to accept work at the factory where he works, on condition that the job is a temporary one and will not interfere with her housework."-Barbara Einhorn (1993): 253. - - - . Wege und Schicksale: Frauen unserer Zeit. Berlin: Kongress Verlag, 1962. - - - . Wie andere Leute auch. Halle-Leipzig: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1983. - - - . Zu meiner Zeit: Eine Auswahl. Halle, Leipzig: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1977. Rosenberg, Dorothy. "Detailed Discussion of Briining's Regine Haberkorn in "The Emancipation of Women in Fact and Fiction: Changing Roles in GDR Society and Literature." In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 344-61. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. Bulmahn, Heinz. "Ideology, Family Policy, Production, and (Re)Education: Literary Treatment of Abortion in the GDR of the Early 1980s." Studies in Twentieth Century Literature 21, no. 2 (Summer 1997): 315-35. Catling, Jo. A History of Women's Writing in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000. This book's chapters are: "Beginnings to 1700"; "The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries"; "'Coming of Age,' 1890-1945"; and "Post-War, East and West." Clason, Christopher R. "Wall: Reality and Symbol in Uwe Timm's Kerbels Flucht." In The Berlin Wall: Representations and Perspectives, edited by Ernst Schtirer, Manfred Erwin Keune and Philip Jenkins, 155-62. New York: P. Lang, 1996. Comix: feministische Comix & Cartoons. Edited by Kunst Kultur Kommunikation e. V. Hannover: Werdruck, 1993.


German Democratic Republic GDR379

Cosentino, Christina. '''Heute freilich mochte man fragen ...': Zum Thema von Schuld und Verantwortung in Christa Wolfs Was bleibt, Helga Konigsdorfs Ungelegener Befund und Helga Schuberts Judasfrauen." Neophilologus 76, no. 1 (1992): 108-20.

Dahn, Daniela, 1949-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GDR380

GDR381 GDR382 GDR383


GDR385 GDR386

Dahn, Daniela. "The Contemporary Feminine." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 165-68. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. . Spitrenzeit: Feuilletons und eine Collage. Halle-Leipzig: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1980. Pribic, Rado. "Critical Responses to Daniela Dahn's Westwarts und nicht vergessen." GDR Bulletin 24 (1997): 77-80. . "Daniela Dahn: The Polemical Writer of the 1990s." In: Positionen: Amerikanische und europiiische Interpretationen zur neuesten deutschsprachigen Literatur von Frauen, edited by Martina Eidecker, 123-34. Literaturwissenschaft in der Blauen Eule, 22. Essen: Blaue Eule, 1999. . "Die ostdeutsche Frau nach der Wende: Ein Interview mit Daniela Dahn." GDR Bulletin 17, no. 2 (1991): 1-3. Davies, Mererid Puw, Beth V. Linklater and Gisela Shaw. Autobiography by Women in German. Oxford; New York: P. Lang, 2000. In English and German. Dueck, Cheryl Eileen. "Rifts in Time and in the Self: Two Generations of GDR Women Writers and the Development of the Female Subject (Christa Wolf, Brigitte Reimann, Helga Konigsdorf, Helga Schubert)." Ph.D diss., McGill Univ., 1999.

Eckart, Gabriele, 1954-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GDR387 GDR388


GDR390 GDR391 GDR392

Eckart, Gabriele. Hitchhiking: Twelve German Tales. Translated by Wayne Kvam. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1992. . "Use, 56, Chair of an Agricultural Cooperative." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writingfrom the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 249-62. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. Erbe, Giinter. "Zum Selbstverstandnis junger Lyriker in der DDR: Kolbe, Anderson, Eckhart." In Selected Papers from the Ninth New Hampshire Symposium on the German Democratic Republic, edited by Margy Gerber, 171-86. Studies in GDR Culture and Society, 4. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1984. Knowlton, lames and Walter "'Public Diary': The Political Dimension of Everyday Life in the Work of Gabriele Eckart." New German Studies 17, no. 1 (1992-1993): 49-66. Plonien, Klaus. "Interview mit Gabriele Eckart." GDR Bulletin 16, no. 1 (1990 Spring): 4-7. Eigler, Friederike. "The Responsibility of the Individual: The Case of the East Berlin 'Counter-Culture. '" In Cultural Transformations in the New Germany: American and German Perspectives, edited by Friederike Eigler and Peter C. Pfeiffer, 157-71. Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1993. About the relationship between state power and literature, including women's writing.

Erb, Elke, 1938-. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by lane Eldridge Miller. London & New York: Routledge, 2001.


German Democratic Republic

GDR393 GDR394 GDR395 GDR396 GDR397 GDR398

GDR399 GDR400 GDR401 GDR402 GDR403 GDR404 GDR405 GDR406 GDR407 GDR408 GDR409

GDR410 GDR411 GDR412 GDR413 GDR414


GDR416 GDR417


Erb, Elke. Diana! Berlin: KONTEXTverlag, 1993. Interview ofErb by Kerstin Hensel. - - - . Einer schreit: Nicht! Geschichten und Gedichte. Berlin: K. Wagenbach, 1976. - - - . Elke Erb: Poets Reading Their Poetry Online. http://www.lyrikline.org/ Introduction in German, English and French. - - - . Elke Erb: Texte, Dokumente, Materialien. Moos: Elster, 1989. - - - . Der Faden der Geduld. Berlin: Weimar: Autbau, 1984; 1978. Includes a conversation between Erb and Christa Wolf. - - - . "Fundamentally Grounded [Griindlich mit Grund]." Studies in Twentieth Century Literature 21, no. 1 (1997): 187-218. Translated by James Rolleston. Erb discusses her creative process in writing poetry. - - - . Gesichtsziige. [Berlin:] Mariannenpresse, 1987. - - - . Gutachten: Poesie und Prosa. Berlin; Weimar: Aufbau, 1975. - - - . Kastanienenallee: Texte und Kommentare. Berlin: Aufbau, 1989; 1987. - - - . Mensch sein nicht: Gedichte und andere Tagebuchnotizen. Basel: Engeler, 1998. - - - . Nachts, halb zwei, zu Hause: Texte aus drei Jahrzehnten. Leipzig: Reclam-Verlag, 1991. - - - . Sachverstand. Basel: Engeler, 2000. - - - . Trost: Gedichte und Prosa. Edited by Sarah Kirsch. Stuttgart: Deutsche VerlagsAnstalt, 1982. - - - . Unschuld, du Licht meiner Augen: Gedichte. Gottingen: Steidl, 1994. - - - . Vexierbild. Berlin: Autbau, 1988. - - - . Winkelziige: oder nicht vermutete, aufschlussreiche Verhdltnisse. Berlin: Druckhaus Galrev, 1991. - - - , and Sascha Anderson, eds. Beriihrung ist nur eine Randerscheinung: neue Literatur aus der DDR. Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1985. Collection of new East German writings. Castein, Hanne. "Elke Erb." In Prenzlauer Berg: Bohemia in East Berlin?, edited by Philip Brady and lan Wallace, 87-102. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1995. Cosentino, Christine. "Elke Erbs Dichtung 'Der Faden der Geduld': Roter Dada im sozialistischen Realismus?" Germanic Notes 13, no. 1 (1982): 5-8. Dahlke, Birgit. "Avant-Gardist, Mediator, and ... Mentor? Elke Erb." Women in German Yearbook 13 (1997): 123-32. - - - . "Not 'Man or Woman,' But Rather 'What Kind of Power Structure Is This?'." Women in German Yearbook 13 (1997): 133-50. Eigler, Friederike. "At the Margins of East Berlin's 'Counter-Culture': Elke Erb' s 'Winkelztige' and Gabriele Kachold's 'Ztigel Los'." Women in German Yearbook 9 (1993): 145-61. Gerber, Margy. "The Poet Elke Erb." In Studies in GDR Culture and Society, Ill: Selected Papers from the Eighth International Symposium on the German Democratic Republic, edited by Margy Gerber et al., 251-64. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1983. Heukemkamp, Ursula. "Elke Erb: Der Faden der Geduld." Weimarer Beitriige: Zeitschrift fiir Literaturwissenschaft, Asthetik und Kulturtheorie 25, no. 5 (1979): 124-31. Mabee, Barbara. "Footprints Revisited or 'Life in the Changed Space That I Don't Know': Elke Erb's Poetry since 1989." Studies in Twentieth Century Literature 21, no. 1 (1997): 16185. Feinstein, Joshua Isaac. "The Triumph of the Ordinary: Depictions of Daily Life in the East German Cinema, 1956-1966." Ph.D. diss., Stanford Univ., 1995.

Fey), Renate, 1944-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by


German Democratic Republic Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GDR419 GDR420




Feyl, Renate. Bau mir eine Briicke: Roman. Berlin: VerI. Neues Leben, 1972. Ankum, Katharina von. "Victims, Memory, History: Antifascism and the Question of National Identity in East German Narratives after 1990." History & Memory: Studies in Representation of the Past 7, no 2 (1996): 41-69. Feyl's "Ausharren imParadies" is compared to Helga Schutz' "Heimat, stisse Heimat" and Ursula Hontsch's "Wir sind keine Kinder mehr." Finney, Gail. "Imagining the Other: Sexual Transformation and Social Reality in GDR Literature." German Life and Letters 44, no. 1 (1990): 45-57. Analyzes the seven short stories in the anthology edited by Edith Anderson entitled Blitz aus Heiterm Himmel (Rostock: Hinstorff, 1975), written by writers living in East Germany. The protagonist of each story is transformed from being a man into a woman. This transformation reflects the transformation of the roles of men and women in East German society. "Romanautorin und Essayistin." Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Zeitschrift zur Theorie und Praxis des Deutschunterrichts fiir Ausliinder 21 (1984): 55-66. Includes a discussion of her works and biographical information. Frank, Miriam. "Lesbian Life and Literature: A Survey of Recent German-Language Publications." Women in German Yearbook 10 (1995): 219-37. Includes books about lesbians in both East and West Germany.

Fret, Rosemarie, 1935-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GDR424

Fret, Rosemarie. Hoffnung auf Schneewittchen: Erzdhlungen. Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1981.


Friedrichsmeyer, Sara, and Jeanette Clausen. "What's Feminism Got To Do with It? A Postscript From the Editors." Women in German Yearbook 7 (1991): 169-73. Frolich, Margit. "Behind the Curtains of a State-Owned Film Industry: Women Filmmakers at the DEFA." Triangulated Visions: Women in Recent German Cinema, edited by Ingeborg Majer 0' Sickey and Ingeborg von Zadow, 43-63. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1998. Gattens, Marie-Luise. "The Fatherly Text of History: Ruth Rehmann's Der Mann aufder Kanzel." In Women Writers and Fascism: Reconstructing History. Gainesville: Univ. Press of Florida, 1995. , ed. Women Writers and Fascism: Reconstructing History. Gainesville: Univ. Press of Florida, 1995. This book juxtaposes essays about three German writers-Ruth Rehmann, Christa Wolf and Helga Schubert-with an essay on Virginia Woolf's "Three Guineas." Grosz, Christiane. "The Trick." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 179-84. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. Grunenberg, Antonia. "Traumen und Fliegen: Neue Identitatsbilder in der Frauenliteratur der DDR." In Probleme deutscher Identitdt: Zeitgenossische Autobiographien: ldentitiitssucheund Zivilisationskritik, 157-84. Bonn: Bouvier, 1983. Hartinger, Walfried, and Christel Hartinger. "Does 'Women's Literature' Deal Exclusively with Problems of Women?: Women's Liberation and the Relation of the Sexes in the GDR Literature of the 1970s." Journal of Popular Culture 18, no. 3 (1984): 53-69. Hauer, Douglas D., Leslie Adelson and Dagmar Lorenz. Inscribing Resistance and Survival: German-Jewish Women Writing After the Holocaust. Columbus: Ohio State Univ. Press, 1993.









German Democratic Republic

Helmecke, Monika, 1943-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GDR433 GDR434 GDR435

GDR436 GDR437





GDR442 GDR443 GDR444 GDR445


GDR447 GDR448

Helmecke, Monika. Himmel und Holle: Geschichten aus meinem Steuerhaus. Berlin: Neues Leben, 1990. - - - . Klopfzeichen: Erziihlungen und Kurzgeschichten. Berlin: Neues Leben, 1979, 1981. - - - . "September 30 th ." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 185-92. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. - - - , and Manfred Helmecke. Weil Mutti heut Geburtstag hat. Berlin: Der Kinderbuchverlag, 1988. A children's book illustrated by Birgit Khoury. Rosenberg, Dorothy. "Another Perspective: Young Women Writers in the GDR Source: In: Selected Papers from the Ninth New Hampshire Symposium on the German Democratic Republic, edited by Margy Gerber, 187-98, Studies in GDR Culture and Society, 4. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1984. Discusses the works of Monika Helmecke, Beate Morgenstem, Maria Seidemann, Renate Apitz and Doris Paschiller. Herminghouse, Patricia. "'Der Autor namlich ist ein wichtiger Mensch': Zur Prosa." In FrauenLiteratur: Geschichte: Schreibende Frauen vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, 33853. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1985. - - - . "New Contexts for GDR Literature: An American Perspectivie." In Cultural Transformations in the New Germany: American and German Perspectives, edited by Friederike Eigler and Peter C. Pfeiffer, 93-101. Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1993. About the American feminist connection to GDR literature. - - - . "Phantasie oder Fanatismus? Zur feministischen Wissenschaftskritik in der Literatur der DDR." In Zwischen Gestern und Morgen: Schriftstellerinnen der DDR aus amerikanischer Sicht, edited by Ute Brandes, 69-94. Berlin: P. Lang, 1992. About feminist scientific criticism in the literature of the GDR. Heuenkamp, Ursula. "Poetisches Subjekt und weibliche Perspektive zur Lyrik." In Frauen Literatur Geschichte: Schreibende Frauen vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, 354-66. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1985. Hildebrandt, Irma. "Emanzipation Ost: Frauenliteratur in der DDR." Deutsche Studien 24 (June 1986): 121-32. About women's literature in the GDR. Hoffrnan, H. Jochen. "The Image of Women in the Drama of the German Democratic Republic, 1949-1971." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Massachusetts, 1980. Hornigk, Therese, and Alexander Stephan, eds. The New Sufferings of Young Wand Other Storiesfrom the German Democratic Republic. New York: Continuum, 1997. Jankowsky, Karen. "Canons Crumble Just Like Walls: Discovering the Works of GDR Women Writers." In Cultural Transformations in the New Germany: American and German Perspectives, edited by Friederike Ursula Eigler and Peter Pfeiffer, 102-16. Columbia, S. C.: Camden House, 1993. Kaufrnann, Eva. "DDR-Schriftstellerinnen, die Widerspriiche und die Utopie." In Women in German Yearbook 7, edited by Jeanette Clausen and Sara Friedrichsmeyer, 109-20. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1991. About Helga Konigsdorf, Irmtraud Morgner and Christa Wolf. - - - . "Die Frauenfrage in der Literatur der DDR." Zeitschrift fur Germanistik (May 1983): 210-2. . "Women Writers in the GDR, 1945-1989: Developments in East German Women's Writing Since Autumn 1989." In Post-War Women's Writing in German: Feminist Critical Approaches, edited by Chris Weedon, 169-222. Providence, RI: Berghahn, 1997.


German Democratic Republic


Kersten, Heinz. "The Role of Women in GDR Films since the Early 1970s." In Studies in GDR Culture and Society, edited by Margy Gerber and Roger Woods, 47-64. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1988.

Kirsch, Sarah, 1935-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Women Writers in German-Speaking Countries, edited by Elke P. Frederiksen and Elizabeth G. Ametsbichler. London and Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998; Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001; Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. GDR450 GDR451

GDR452 GDR453 GDR454 GDR455 GDR456

GDR457 GDR458 GDR459 GDR460

GDR461 GDR462 GDR463 GDR464 GDR465 GDR466



Kirsch, Sarah. Allerlei-Rauh: Eine Chronik. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1988. - - - . Katzenleben: Gedichte. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1984. Translated into English and edited by Marina Roscher and Charles Fishman as Catlives. Lubbock: Texas Tech Univ. Press, 1991. - - - . Caroline im Wassertropfen. Dortmund: Weltkreis Verlag, 1975. With Erdmut Oelschlager. - - - . Conjurations: The Poems of Sarah Kirsch, Translated and selected by Wayne KYam. Athens: Ohio Univ. Press, 1985. - - - . Drachensteigen: Gedichte. Ebenhausen: Langewiesche-Brandt, 1979. - - - . Erdreich: Gedichte. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1982. - - - . Erkliirung einiger Dinge: Gesprach mit Schiilern. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1981; Ebenhausen: Langewiesche-Brandt, 1978. Kirsch's first publication after emigrting to the West. With comments by Urs Widmer and Elke Erb. - - - . Hundert Gedichte. Ebenhausen: Langewiesche-Brandt, 1985. - - - . Musik aufdem Wasser: Gedichte. Leipzig: Reclam, 1977. - - - . La pagarie. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1980. - - - , ed. The Panther Woman: Five Tales from the Cassette Recorder. Translated by Marion Faber. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1989. Also published as Die Pantherfrau: Fiinf unfrisierte Erzdhlungen aus dem Kassettenn-Recorder. Berlin & Weimar: Aufbau, 1973. Kirsch, herself a noted German poet, transcribed and adapted these monologues by women in socialist East Germany (including a historian, a local politician, and an animal-trainer). - - - . Poems. Contemporary East European Poetry: Anthology, edited by Emery George, 187-91. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1983. - - - . Riickenwind. Ebenhausen: Langewiesche-Brandt, 1977. - - - . Schwingrasen: Prosa. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1991. - - - . Wintergedichte. Poetische Wandzeitung. Ebenhausen: Langewiesche-Brandt, 1978. - - - . Zauberspriiche. Berlin, Weimar: Aufbau, 1973. Ebenhausen: Langewiesche-Brandt, 1977; 1974. Armster, Charlotte E. "'Merkwtirdiges Beispiel weiblicher Entschlossenheit: A Woman's Story-by Sarah Kirsch." In Studies in GDR Culture and Society, 1I, edited by Margy Gerber, 243-50. Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1982. Baker, Gary Lee. "Transcending the Berlin Wall in Search of the Mother and the Excluded Self Source." In The Berlin Wall: Representations and Perspectives, edited by Ernst Schurer, Manfred Keune and Phi lip Jenkins, 109-18. Studies in Modem German Literature, 79. New York: P. Lang, 1996. Comparison of the treatment of the Berlin Wall in the fiction ofUlrich Plenzdorf, Peter Schneider and Sarah Kirschs. Baranowski, Anne-Marie. "Poids de I'histoire et Iiberte individuelle dans l' oeuvre de Sarah Kirsch." Allemagne d'aujourd'hui 142 (Oct-Dec 1997): 108-32.


German Democratic Republic GDR469


GDR471 GDR472 GDR473 GDR474 GDR475 GDR476 GDR477 GDR478

GDR479 GDR480

GDR481 GDR482




GDR486 GDR487 GDR488


Cosentino, Christine. "'An Affair on Uncertain Ground': Sarah Kirsch' s Poetry Volume Erlking's Daughter in the Context of Her Prose after the Wende." Studies in Twentieth Century Literature 21, no. 1 (1997): 141-60. - - - . "'Gegenwartige Zeit die auch in Zukunft/Vergangenheit heisst wie die meine': DDR-Reminiszenzen in Sarah Kirschs Katzenleben und Irrstern." In Studies in GDR Culture and Society, edited by Margy Gerber, 141-54. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1988. - - - . "Die Lyrikerin Sarah Kirsch im Spiegel ihrer Bilder." Neophilologus 63, (1979): 418-29. - - - . "'Nichts besonderes, nur unvergesslich': Zur Zasurthematik in der diaristischen Prosa Sarah Kirschs." Neophilologus 80, no. 2 (1996): 297-310. - - - . "Privates und Politisches: Zur Frage des offenen Spielraums in der Lyrik Sarah Kirschs." Germanic Notes 10 (1979): 17-20. - - - . "Sarah Kirschs Dichtung in der DDR: Ein Ruckblick." German Studies Review 4, no. 1 (1981): 105-16. - - - . "Sara Kirschs Lyrikband Drachensteigen: Eine Neuorientierung." Michigan Germanic Studies 9, no. 1 (1983): 63-74. - - - . '''Sesshafte Ambulanz': Zum Bild der Katze in Sarah Kirschs Lyrikband Katzenleben." Germanic Notes 18, no. 1-2 (1987): 7-11. - - - . "Uberlegungen zur 'offenen Gedichtform' in Sarah Kirschs Lyrikband 'Bodenlos'." Germanic Notes and Reviews 30, no. 2 (1999): 109-16. - - - . "V on 'italienischen Amseln' und 'provenzalischen Eulen': Sarah Kirschs westliche Dichtungen Drachensteigen und La Pagerie." In Studies in GDR Culture and Society, II, edited by Margy Gerber, 87-98. Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1982. Damm, Sigrid. "Sarah Kirsch: Ruchenwind." Weimarer Beitriige 23, no. 3 (1977): 131-41. Eigler, Friederike. "'Verlorene Zeit, gewonnener Raum': Sarah Kirschs Abschied von der DDR in Allerlei-Rauh." Monatshefte fur Deutschen Unterricht, Deutsche Sprache und Literatur 83, no. 2 (1991): 176-89. Ester, Hans. "Nieuwe poezie van Sarah Kirsch." Gids 146, no. 4 (1983): 311-4. - - - , and Dick van Stekelenburg. "Sarah Kirsch." In DDR-Schriftsteller sprechen in der Zeit: Eine Dokumentation, edited by Gerd Labroisse and lan Wallace, 69-79. Amstrdam: Rodopi, 1991. Fehn, Ann Clark. "Authorial Voice in Sarah Kirsch's 'Die Pantherfrau'." In Erkennen und Deuten: Essays zur Literatur und Literaturtheorie: Edgar Lohner in Memoriam, edited by Martha Woodmansee and Walter F. W. Lohnes, 335-46. Berlin: Schmidt, 1983. Figge, Susan G. '''Der Wunsch nach Welt': The Travel Motif in the Poetry of Sarah Kirsch." In Studies in GDR Culture and Society, edited by Margy Gerber, 167-84. Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1981. Giesecke, Almut. "Zum Leistungsvermogen einer Prosaform: Analysen zu Der Schmied von Kosewalk von Sarah Kirsch und Juninachmittag von Christa Wolf." Weimarer Beitriige 23, no. 8 (1977): 110-39. Goheen, Jutta. "Text als Bild in der Lyrik: Besonders von Sarah Kirsch." Carleton Germanic Papers 12 (1984): 51-65. - - - . "Zur Situierung spatmittelalterlicher Gnomik im Memoria-Diskurs." lahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft 12 (2000): 163-74. Graves, Peter. "East-West Memories of a Lost Summer: Christa Wolf and Sarah Kirsch." In German Literature at a Time of Change 1989-1990: German Unity and German Identity in Literary Perspective, edited by Arthur Williams, Stuart Parkes, and Roland Smith, 129-38. Bern: P. Lang, 1991. - - - . "Sarah Kirsch: Some Comments and a Conversation." German Life and Letters 44, no. 3 (1991): 271-80.


German Democratic Republic

GDR490 GDR491 GDR492 GDR493 GDR494 GDR495 GDR496





GDR501 GDR502 GDR503 GDR504 GDR505 GDR506 GDR507

GDR508 GDR509 GDR510

- - - , ed. Three Contemporary German Poets: Wolf Biermann, Sarah Kirsch, Reiner Kunze. Leicester: Univ. Press of Leicester, 1985. Heukenkamp, Ursula. "Sarah Kirsch: Die Pantherfrau." Weimarer Beitriige 21, no. 8 (1975): 120-33. - - - . "Sarah Kirsch: Zauberspruche." Weimarer Beitriige 20, no. 3 (1974): 150-9. Hopwood, Mererid and David Basker, eds. Sarah Kirsch. Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Press, 1997. Bibliography, pp. 97-119. Hulse, Michael. "Inner Emigrees: Helga M. Novak and Sarah Kirsch." The Antigonish Review 62-63 (1985): 223-33. Jauch, Christa. "Sarah Kirsch." Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Zeitschrift fiir Theorie und Praxis des Deutschunterrichtsfilr Auslaender 14, special issue (1977): 70-2. Kocsany, Piroska. "Skizze zu einer semantischen Analyse lyrischer Texte: Veranschaulicht an Gedichten von Sarah Kirsch." Nemet Filologiai Tanulmdnyok/Arbeiten zur Deutschen Philologie 13 (1979): 253-65. Krol, Monika. "Women Writers and Social Change in the Former GDR after the Wende: Gabriele Stotzer, Christa Wolf and Sarah Kirsch." Ph.D diss., Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1996. Laugier, Valerie M. "Kristeva Across Borders: When Writing 'As a Woman' Is Not Enough." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Texas, Austin, 1996. Julia Kristeva's treatment of identity compared to Sarah Kirsch and Ulla Isaksson. Mabee, Barbara. "Geschichte, Erinnerung und Zeit: Sarah Kirschs Lyrik." In Zwischen Gestern und Morgen: Schriftstellerinnen der DDR aus amerikanischer Sicht, edited by Ute Brandes, 221-36. Berlin: P. Lang, 1992. - - - . '''I Wash Tears and Sweat Out of Old Moss': Remembrance of the Holocaust in the Poetry of Sarah Kirsch." In Gender, Patriarchy and Fascism in the Third Reich: The Response of Women Writers, edited by Elaine Martin, 201-43. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1993. - - - . "Tm Totenspiel ungewisser Bedeutung': Antirassistische Assoziationsraume in der Lyrik von Sarah Kirsch." Jahrbuch zur Literatur in der DDR 6 (1987): 143-61. - - - . Die Poetik von Sarah Kirsch: Erinnerungsarbeit und Geschichtbewusstsein. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1989. - - - . "Geschichtsbewusstsein und Erinnerungsspuren in der Lyrik von Sarah Kirsch: eine Analyse ihrer Bildersprache." Ph.D. diss., Ohio State Univ., 1988. Maltzan, Carlotta von. "'Man musste ein Mann sein': Zur Frage der weiblichen Identitat in Erzahlungen von Kirsch, Morgner und Wolf." Acta Germanica 20 (1990): 141-55. Melin, Charlotte. "Landscape as Writing and Revelation in Sarah Kirsch's 'Death Valley'." The Germanic Review 62, no. 4 (1987): 199-204. Post, Laura. "The Poetry of Sarah Kirsch." The Rackham Journal of the Arts and Humanities (1986): 81-94. Schroder, Hans Joachim. Zwei Klassikerinnen der Interview literatur: Sarah Kirsch und Maxie Wander. Bremen: Institut fur kulturwissenschaftliche Deutschlandstudien der Universitat Bremen, 1996. Schwarz, Peter Paul. "Gleichzeitigkeit als Dichterisches Verfahren: Zu Sarah Kirschs Gedichtband 'Landaufenthalt'." Neue Deutsche Hefte 35, no. 2 (198) (1988): 239-55. Spiel, Hilde. "Laudatio auf Sarah Kirsch." Literatur und Kritik 153 (1981): 132-36. Tielebier-Langenscheidt, Florian. "Werbung fur deutsche Gegenwartsliteratur: Ein Beitrag zur Theorie und Praxis der Literaturvermittlung." Archiv fiir Geschichte des Buchwesens 23, no. 1-2 (1982 Apr.): 1-386. About publishing and marketing the works of Sarah Kirsch, Elias Canetti, Martin Walser, and Wolf Wondratschek.


German Democratic Republic GDR511



GDR514 GDR515

Tome, Dorothea von. "Weiblicher Noah und Meeresbraut: Wasser- und Flutbilder bei Sarah Kirsch." Neue Deutsche Literatur: Zeitschrift fiir Deutschsprachige Literatur 45, no. 1, 511 (1997): 66-76. Volckmann, Silvia. Zeit der Kirschen? Das Naturbild in der deutschen Gegenwartslyrik: Jiirgen Becker, Sarah Kirsch, Wolf Biermann, Hans Magnus Enzensberger. Konigstein: Forum Academicum, 1982. Wittkowski, Wolfgang. Andeuten und Verschleiern in Dichtungen von Plautus bis Hemingway und von der Goethezeit bis Sarah Kirsch. Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte, 33. Frankfurt: P. Lang, 1993. . "Sarah Kirsch: 'Der Milchmann Schauffele'." The German Quarterly 54, no. 3 (1981): 311-7. Wolf-Gentile, Marga. "La Poesie de Sarah Kirsch au passage des frontiers." Cahiers d'Etudes Germaniques 25 (1993): 199-205.

Klier, Freya, 1950-. Theater director. See http://home.t-online.de/home/freya.klier/biograph.htm GDR516 GDR517



Klier, Freya. Abreiss-Kalendar: ein deutsch-deutsches Tagebuch. Munich: Knaur, 1988. Diaries. Simpson, Patricia Anne. "Crossing Bridges and Borders: Independent Theatre in the GDR." Performing Arts Journal 11, no. 1 (31) (1988): 39-45. About Freya Klier and her husband East German singer-songwriter Stephan Krawczyk. . "State of the Art: Alternative Theater in the GDR." Modern Drama 33, no. 1 (March 1990): 129-38. About Stephan Krawczyk and Freya Klier and their treatment of social problems in drama. Knapp, Mona, and Gerd Labroisse, eds. Frauen-Fragen in der deutschsprachigen Literatur seit 1945 Amsterdam: Atlanta, 1989. About women's issues in German-language literature since 1945.

Konigsdorf, Helga, 1938-. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001; Women Writers in GermanSpeaking Countries: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook, edited by Elke P. Frederiksen and Elizabeth G. Ametsbichler. London & Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1998. GDR520 GDR521 GDR522 GDR523 GDR524 GDR525

GDR526 GDR527

GDR528 GDR529

Konigsdorf, Helga. Die Entsorgung der Grossmutter: Roman. Berlin: Autbau, 1997. - - - . Die geschlossenen Tiiren am Abend: Erzahlungen. Frankfurt: Luchterhand, 1989. - - - . Der Lauf der Dinge: Geschichten. Berlin: Autbau, 1985, 1982. - - - . Meine ungehorigen Trdume. Berlin: Autbau, 1978. - - - . Respektloser Umgang. Berlin: Autbau, 1968. Both this novel and Meine ungehorigen Triiume treat women's conflicted positions in science. - - - . "The Surefire Tip." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 143-50. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. Alberghini, Diana. "Helga Konigsdorf's Identity as a Citizen: Redefining the Meaning of Heimat in the Post-Unification Years." Focus on German Studies 8 (2001): 1-16. - - - . "Re-Defining the Role of the Intellectual and the Function of Literature: The Example of Helga Konigsdorf." In East Germany: Continuity and Change, edited by Paul Cooke, Paul and Jonathan Grix, 33-41. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000. Auer, Annemarie, et al. "'Respektloser Umgang' von Helga Konigsdorf." Weimarer Beitriige 33, no. 8 (1987): 1338-57. Brinker-Gabler, Gisela. "Exile, Immigrant, Re/Unified: Writing (East) Postunification


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GDR531 GDR532

GDR533 GDR534 GDR535




GDR539 GDR540





Identity in Germany." In Writing New Identities: Gender, Nation, and Immigration in Contemporary Europe, edited by Gisela Brinker-Gabler and Sidonie Smith, 264-92. Minneapolis, MN: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1997. Christa Wolf and Helga Konigsdorf. Clausen, Jeanette. "Resisting Objectification: Helga Konigsdorf's Lise Meitner." In Studies in GDR Culture and Society, vol10, edited by Margy Gerber, 165-80. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1991. Konigsdorf's heroine in Respektloser Umgang. "Colloquio con Helga Konigsdorf: Raccontare storie, senza nostalgia." Il Verri: Rivista di Letteratura 3-4 (1990): 125-8. Conacher, Jean E. "Pressing for Change: The Case of Helga Konigsdorf." In Women and the Wende: Social Effects and Cultural Reflections of the German Unification, edited by Elizabeth Process Boa and Janet Wharton, 164-76. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994. Finsen, Hans Carl. "Das zentnerschwere Traumen der Helga Konigsdorf." Text & Kontext 14, no. 1 (1986): 133-9. Gaus, Gunter. "Zuriick in die Alltagsgeschichte: Helga Konigsdorf im Gesprach mit Gunter Gaus." Neue Deutsche Literatur 42, no. 5 (497) (1994): 78-92. Gerber, Margy. "Impertinence, Productive Fear and Hope: The Writings of Helga Konigsdorf." In Socialism and the Literary Imagination: Essays on East German Writers, edited by Martin Kane, 179-94. New York: P. Berg, 1991. Haines, Brigid. "'Botschaft aus einem seltsamen Land': Helga Konigsdorf and Her Critics." In Geist und Macht: Writers and the State in the GDR, edited by Axel Goodbody and Dennis Tate, 140-50. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1992. Hoefert, Sigfrid. "Weltraummotive in der DDR-Literatur der 70er und 80er Jahre: Zu Helga Konigsdorfs Version des 'Kleinen Prinzen'." In Proceedings of the XIIth Congress of the Intemational Comparative Literature Association/Actes du XIIe Congres de l'Association Internationale de Litterature Comparee: Miinchen 1988 Munich, II: Space and Boundaries in Literature/Espace et frontieres dans la litterature, edited by Roger Bauer, et aI., 416-21. Munich: Iudicium, 1990. Kaufmann, Eva. "Adieu Kassandra? Schriftstellerinnen aus der DDR vor, in und nach der Wende: Brigitte Burmeister, Helga Konigsdorf, Helga Schtitz, Brigitte Struzyk, Rosmarie Zeplin." In Women and the Wende: Social Effects and Cultural Reflections of the German Unification, edited by Elizabeth Process Boa and Janet Wharton, 216-25. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994. . "Helga Konigsdorfs Band Meine ungehorigen Triiume" Weimarer Beitriige 25, no. 7 (1979): 109-13. Lauckner, Nancy A. "The Treatment of the Past and Future in Helga Konigsdorf's Respektloser Umgang: 'Sich der Erinnerung weihen oder fur die Zukunft antreten? Mit der Vergangenheit im Bunde'." In Studies in GDR Culture and Society, vol. 10, edited by Margy Gerber, 151-63. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1991. Lawson, Ursula D. "'So, We Are Condemned': Cancer in the GDR Short Story Written by Women." In Continental, Latin-American and Francophone Women Writers, edited by Ginette Adamson and Eunice Myers, Eunice, 83-9, vol. 2. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1987. Treatment of cancer in the works of Helga Schubert, Helga Konigsdorf. Ledanff, Susanne. "Trauer und Melancholie: 'Weibliche' Wenderomane zwischen 1993 und 1994." GDR Bulletin 25, (1998): 7-20. Comparison of Brigitte Burmeister, Helga Konigsdorf, Marion Titze. Rossbacher, Brigitte. "Gender, Science, Technology: The 'Dialectic of Enlightenment' in GDR Women's Literature." Ph.D diss., Univ. of California, Davis, 1999. Christa Wolf and Helga Konigsdorf. Kozak, Beata. "Frauenliteratur i obrzeza." In Od kobiety do mezczyzny i spowrotem, edited by Jolanta Barch-Cazina, 309-22. Bialystock: Trans Humana Wydawn. Uniwersyteckie, 1997.


German Democratic Republic


About the aesthetics and politics of German women's writing from 1968 through the 1980s. In Polish. Kraft, Helga. Ein Haus aus Sprache: Dramatikerinnen und das andere Theater. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1996. About women playwrights. Includes bibliographical references and index.

Krauss, Angela, 1950-. GDR546 GDR547 GDR548 GDR549 GDR550


GDR552 GDR553 GDR554


Krauss, Angela. Der Dienst. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1990. - - - . Glashaus. Berlin: Aufbau, 1988. - - - . Kleine Landschaft: Erzdhlungen. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1989. - - - . Das Vergniigen. Berlin: Aufbau, 1984. - - - . "Work." In Daughters of Eve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 235-48. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. Genazino, Wilhelm. Der Berliner Literaturpreis 1996: Wilhem Genazino, Ulricli Peltzer, Raoul Schrott, Angela Krauss, Josef Winkler, Katja Lange-Miiller, Marcel Beyer. Berlin: Yolk & Welt, 1996. Krumrey, Marianne. "Angela Krauss, 'Das Vergnligen'." In DDR-Literatur '84 im Gespriich, edited by Siegfried Ronisch, 197-203. Berlin: Aufbau, Berlin, 1985. Llitzeler, Paul Michael. "Vereinigung und Entropie: Der Schock einer Zeitenwende: Die Uberflicgcrin von Angela Krauss." Neue Rundschau 109, no. 3 (1998): 142-54. Ulrich, Roland. "Angela Krauss: Das Vergniigen." Weimarer Beitrdge 33, no. 9 (1987): 1520-3. Krol, Monika. "Women Writers and Social Changes in the Former GDR after the Wende: Gabriele Totzer, Christa Wolf and Sarah Kirsch." Ph.D. diss., UCLA, 1996.

Kubasec, Marja [Kubasch], 1890-1976. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GDR556

Kubasec, Marja, and Christiane Piniek. Das Grab in der Heide: Erziihlungen. Berlin: Union Verlag, 1990.


Kuhn, Anna K. "Peter Hacks's 'Ein Gesprach im Hause Stein uber den abwesenden Herrn von Goethe': A Feminist Reinterpretation of the Geniebegriff?" Germanic Review 60, no. 3 (1985): 91-7. Lange, Sigrid. "Topographische Irritationen: Frauenliteratur nach dem Ende der DDR." Colloquia Germanica 27, no. 3 (1994): 255-74.


Lange-Miiller, Katja, 1951-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GDR559 GDR560

GDR561 GDR562

Lange-Muller, Katja. BahnhofBerlin. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1997. - - - . "Sometimes Death Comes in Slippers." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 292302. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. - - - . Wehleid: wie im Leben. Frankfurt: S. Fischer, 1986. Dahlke, Birgit. "Hang zum Briihwiirfel: Prosa von Katja Lange-Miiller." In Positionen: amerikanische und europiiische Interpretationen zur neuesten deutschsprachigen Literatur von Frauen, edited by Martina Elisabeth Eidecker, 61-71. Essen: Die Blaue Eule, 1999.


German Democratic Republic GDR563

Platen, Edgar. "'Wenn etwas fur Schriftsteller interessant ist, dann ist es dabei zu verschwinden': Gesprach mit Katja Lange-Muller (Umea, 20.10.98)." Moderna Sprak 93, no. 2 (1999): 182-5.

Lask, Berta [Berta Jacobsohn-Lask, Gerhard Wieland, pseud.], 1878-1967. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GDR564 GDR565 GDR566 GDR567 GDR568



GDR571 GDR572 GDR573


GDR575 GDR576



Lask, Berta. Stimmen: Gedichte. Hannover: Steegemann, 1919. - - - . Die Befreiung: sechzehn Bilder aus dem Leben der deutschen und russischen Frauen, 1914-1920. Berlin: Vereinigung Internationaler Verlagsanstalten, 1926; 1920. - - - . Stille und Sturm: Roman. Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1955. Cardinal, Agnes. "A Voice Out of Darkness: Berta Lask's Early Poetry." In German Women Writers 1900-1933, edited by Brian Keith-Smith, 202-22. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1993. Sheppard, Richard. "Straightening Long-Playing Records: The Early Politics of Berta Lask and Friedrich Wolf." German Life and Letters 45, no. 3 (1992): 279-87. Lennox, Sara. '''Nun ja! Das nachste Leben geht aber heute an.' Prosa von Frauen und Frauenbefreiung in der DDR." Literatur der DDR in den siebziger Jahren, edited by Peter Uwe Hohendahl and Patricia Heminghouse, 224-58. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1983. About women's prose and women's liberation in the GDR. - - - . Kuckucksrufe und Ohrfeigen. Berlin: Verlag Neues Leben, 1983. About a lesbian relationship between an opera singer and a writer of libretti, by an author who gave readings at gay venues such as bars and Sunday Clubs in Berlin. Liebmann, Irina. Berliner Mietshaus. Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1982. Lindsay, Rachel Joy. "Emanicipatory Trends in Early GDR Literature by Women." Ph.D. diss., Ohio State Univ., 1999. Lischke-McNab, Ute. "Women, Film and Writing in the GDR: Helga Schubert and the DEFA." Interview. In Triangulated Visions: Women in Recent German Cinema, edited by Ingeborg Majer O'Sickey and Ingeborg Von Zadow, 199-205. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1998. Littler, Margaret. "Women's Writing of the 1980s and 1990s." In Post-War Women's Writing in German: Feminist Critical Approaches, edited by Chris Weedon, 101-29. Providence, RI: Berghahn, 1997. Lorenz, Dagmar C. G. Keepers of the Motherland: German Texts by Jewish Women Writers. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1997. Annotared under Jewish Diaspora. Lowisch, Henriette. "Interview with Seyhand Derin: Ben annemin kiziyim (I Am My Mother's Daughter)." In Triangulated Visions: Women in Recent German Cinema, edited by Ingeborg Majer O'Sickey and Ingeborg Von Zadow, 129-35. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1998. Lukens, Nancy, and Dorothy Rosenberg, eds. Daughters ofEve: Women's Writingfrom the German Democratic Republic. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. Stories, novel excerpts, essays and autobiographical narratives, originally published between 1970 and 1986. The "anthology emerged from our common perception that East German women's writing is vitally interesting and our shared frustration that it is virtually inaccessible to Englishspeaking readers." -Translator's Preface, vii. Rosenberg's introduction, "Women, Social Policy, and Literature in the German Democratic Republic" sets the stage. Majer O'Sickey, Ingeborg, and Ingeborg von Zadow, eds. Triangulating Visions: Women in Recent German Cinema. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1998. Collection of 21 essays that falls into "Genre and Other Border Crossings"; "Triangulations of Ethnicity, Gender, and Class"; "Images of Power and Pleasures"; "Images of Women as Social


German Democratic Republic Ciphers"; "Recovering (from) History: Memory and Film" sections Maron, Monika, 1941-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Women Writers in German-Speaking Countries, edited by Elke P. Frederiksen and Elizabeth G. Ametsbichler. London and Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998; Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London & New York: Routledge, 2001. GDR579 GDR580 GDR581 GDR582 GDR583

GDR584 GDR585 GDR586 GDR587


GDR589 GDR590 GDR591 GDR592




Maron, Monika. Animal Triste. Frankfurt: S. Fischer, 1996. - - - . Defector. London: Readers International, 1988. - - - . Flugasche. Frankfurt: S. Fischer, 1981. - - - . Nach Massgabe meiner Begreifungskraft: Artikel und Essays. Frankfurt: S. Fischer, 1993. Articles and essays. - - - . Silent Close No. 6. Trans. David Newton Martinelli. Columbia, LA: Readers International, 1992. Maron' s scathing indictment of the East German society in which she was raised. Review by Suzanne Ruta in Women's Review ofBooks 11, no. 2 (November 1993): 11. - - - . Stille Zeile Sechs. Frankfurt: S. Fischer, 1991. - - - . Uberlduferin. Frankfurt: S. Fischer, 1988. Anderson, Susan C. "Creativity and Nonconformity in Monika Maron's Die Uberlauferin." Women in German Yearbook 10 (1995): 143-60. Beckermann, Thomas. '''Die Diktatur rcprascntiert das Abwesende nicht': Essay on Monika Maron, Wolfgang Hilbig and Gert Neumann." In Literature at a Time of Change 1989-1990: German Unity and German Identity in Literary Perspective, edited by Arthur Williams and Stuart Parkes, 97-116. Bern: P. Lang, 1991. Bluhm, Lothar. "'Irgendwann, denken wir, muss ich das genau wissen': Der Erinnerungsdiskurs bei Monika Maron." In Mentalitdtswandel in der deutschen Literatur zur Einheit (1990-2000), edited by Volker Wehdeking, 141-51. Philologische Studien und Quellen, 165. Berlin: Schmidt, 2000. Bostock, Sigrid. "Ich- und Sie-Erzahlung: Rede und Handlung in Monika Marons Roman Flugasche." Carleton Germanic Papers 18 (1990): 9-21. Demet, Michel-Francois. "Die Themen der Flucht und der Grenze als wiederkehrende Motive in den Prosawerken von Monika Maron und Hartmut Lange." Germanica 7 (1990): 123-33. Eckart, Gabriele. "Ost-Frau liebt West-Mann: Zwei neue Romane von Irina Liebmann und Monika Maron." Colloquia Germanica 30, no. 4 (1997): 315-21. Eigler, Friederike. "Engendering Cultural Memory in Selected Post-Wende Texts of the 1990s." German Quarterly 74, no. 4 (2001): 392-406. Monika Maron compared to Martin Walser. Gilson, Elke. "'Nur wenige kurze Augenblicke, die sicher sind': Zur konstruktivistisch inspirierten Darstellung des Erinnerns und Vergessens in Monika Marons Familiengeschichte Pawels Briefe." Colloquia Germanica 33, no. 3 (2000): 275-88. Hegewald, Wolfgang. "Begrenzte realistische Reichweiten: Defizitare Unternehmen: Zu zwei Romanen von Christoph Hein und Monika Maron." In Vergangene Gegenwart-Gegenwdrtige Vergangenheit: Studien, Polemiken und Laudationes zur deutschsprachigen Literatur 19601994, edited by Jorg Drews, 97-102. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 1994. Herhoffer, Astrid. "Abschied von politischem Alltag als asthetiktaugliches Paradigma?" In The New Germany: Literature and Society after Unification, edited by Osman Durrani, Colin Good and Kevin Hilliard, 365-76. Sheffiedl, UK: Sheffield Academic, 1995. The theories of M.M. Bakhtin and Maron's Die Uberlauferin.


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GDR600 GDR601 GDR602



GDR605 GDR606

GDR607 GDR608 GDR609 GDR610

GDR611 GDR612


Jung, Werner. "Die Anstrengung des Erinnerns." Neue Deutsche Hefte 35, no. 1 (197) (1988): 96-104. Discussion of resistance to Nazism in works of Jurek Becker, Thomas Bernhard, Ludwig Harig and Monika Maron. Kane, Martin. "Culpabilities of the Imagination: The Novels of Monika Maron." In Literature on the Threshold: The German Novel in the 1980s, edited by Arthur Williams, Stuart Parkes and Roland Smith, 221-33. New York: Berg, 1990. Kloetzer, Sylvia. "Mitlaufer and Uberlaufer: Erzahlte Ich-Krise in der DDR-Literatur der achtziger Jahre, Christoph Hein und Monika Maron." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Massachusetts, 1993. Kloetzer, Sylvia. "Patterns of Self-Destruction: Christa Wolf's What Remains and Monika Maron's Flight ofAshes." In Other Germanies: Questioning Identity in Women's Literature and Art, edited by Karen Jankowsky and Carla Love, 248-67. Albany, NY: State Univ. of New York Press, 1997. Lenckos, Frauke E. "Monika Maron: Stille Zeile Sechs." New German Review 8, (1992): 10616. Lewis, Alison. "Re-Membering the Barbarian: Memory and Repression in Monika Maron's Animal Triste." German Quarterly 71, no. 1 (1998): 30-46. Lukens, Nancy. "Gender and the Work Ethic in the Environmental Novels of Monika Maron and Lia Pirskawetz." Studies in GDR Culture and Society 8, edited by Margy Gerber, 65-81. Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America, 1988. Luxemburg, Jan van. "Monika Maron: Love and Writing in a Political Climate." Literator: Tydskrifvir Besondere en Vergelykende Taal- en Literatuurstudie/lournal ofLiterary Criticism, Comparative Linguistics and Literary Studies 18, no. 3 (1997): 129-40. Pietzcker, Carl. "'Sie zwingen mich, das Abscheulichste zu tun, was ich mir denken kann: jemandes Tod zu wtinschen': Monika Maron Stille Zeile sechs." Deutschunterricht 52, no. 5 (2000): 48-60. Reichelt, Gregor. "Zur Uneindeutigkeit von Zeitgeschichte in Monika Marons Erzahlung Stille Zeile sechs." Literatur fiir Leser 22, no. 3 (1999): 162-70. Reiter, Andrea. "'Ein schwieriges Gesprach': The Correspondence between Monika Maron and Joseph von Westphalen." In Literature at a Time of Change 1989-1990: German Unity and German Identity in Literary Perspective, edited by Arthur Williams and Stuart Parkes, 321-38. Bern: P. Lang, 1991. . "Reunification and Literature: Monika Maron from Die Uberlduferin to Stille Zeile sechs." GDR Bulletin 24 (1997): 67-72. Richter, Gerhard. "Verschtittete Kultur: Ein Gesprach mit Monika Maron." GDR Bulletin 18, no. 1 (1992): 2-7. Rossbacher, Brigitte. "(Re)visions of the Past: Memory and Historiography in Monika Maron's Stille Zeile Sechs." Colloquia Germanica 27, no. 1 (1994): 13-24. . "The Status of State and Subject: Reading Monika Maron from Flugasche to Animal triste." In Zeitenwenden: Positionsbestimmungen zur deutschsprachigen Literatur 19451995, edited by Robert Weninger and Brigitte Rossbacher, 193-214. Ttibingen: Stauffenburg, 1997. Rubbi, Giovanna. "Monika Maron: Stille Zeile Sechs." Confronto Letterario 14, no. 27 (1997): 355-64. Schmidt, Ricarda. "From Surrealism to Realism: Monika Maron's 'Die Uberlauferin' und 'Stille Zeile sechs'." In Women and the Wende: Social Effects and Cultural Reflections of the German Unification Process, edited by Elizabeth Boa and Janet Wharton, 247-55. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994. Taylor, Susanne Carola. "Public and Private: A Matter of Exclusion? The Search for Identity in Three Novels. 'Stille Zeile Sechs,' 'Nada' and 'Eva Luna'." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Oklahoma, 2002. Compariosn of Monika Maron, Carmen Laforet Diaz, and Isabel Allende.


German Democratic Republic


GDR615 GDR616


Martin, Judith Elaine, ed. Gender, Patriarchy and Fascism in the Third Reich: The Response of Women Writers. Detroit, Wayne State Univ. Press, 1993. This collection of essays is mostly about GDR women writers. . "German Women Writers read Madame de Stael: Women's Novels from Romanticism to the Vorrnarz." Ph.D. diss., Washington Univ., 1999. Matheja-Theaker, Mechthild M. Alternative Emanzipationsvorstellungen in der DDRFrauenliteratur, 1971-1989: ein Diskussionsbeitrag zur Situation der Frau. Stuttgart: Verlag Hans-Dieter Heinz, 1996. About the representation of alternative emancipation in East German literature by women, 1971-1989. Meyer, Franziska. "Women's Writing in Occupied Germany, 1945-1949. Women's Writing in the 1950s and 1960s. Early Novels of Ruth Rehmann." In Post- War Women's Writing in German: Feminist Critical Approaches, edited by Chris Weedon, 25-43. Providence, RI: Berghahn, 1997. Misselwitz, Helke, 1947-. Screenwriter and director of documentary films. From 1988-1992, she was a director at the DEFA studios. A selection of her films include: Hausfrauen (1981), Stilleben-eine Reise zu den Dingen (1984), Winter Ade (1988), Sperrmiill (1990) and Engelchen (1996). See: http://wwwJilmfestivals.comlsanseb96/sfilmc3.htm; http://www.photography.gr/gallery/faces/09.html




GDR621 GDR622


GDR624 GDR625 GDR626

Alter, Nora. "Re/Fusing Past and Present: Cinematic Reunification under the Sign of Nationalism and Racism-Helke Misselwitz's Herzsprung." In Beyond 1989: Rereading German Literary History Since 1945, edited by Keith Bullivant, 129-52. Providence, RI & Oxford: Berghahn, 1997. Ortega, Stephanie G. "Misselwitz's Spielfilm about Disorder: Herzsprung a Real Place." In Twelfth International Conference on Literature and Psychoanalysis, edited by Frederico Pereira, 185-8. Lisbon: Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 1996. Rosenberg, Karen. "Goodbye to Winter: Women in the GDR. An Interview with Helke Misselwitz." International Documentary: The Newsletter of the International Documentary Association (Winter 1990): 4-9. . "Looking for Spring," Women's Review ofBooks 7 (July 1990): 6-7. An interview with Helke Misselwitz. Schonfeldt, Beate. "Frauen, Alltagsfahrungen und gesellschaftliche Realitat: Winter ade" In Beitriige zur Film- und Fernsehwissenschaft 37 (1990): 100-10. About women, every-day experience, and social reality. . "Wenn einer Reise tut: Begenungen-Meinungen." Winter ade: Ein abendiillender DEFA-Dokumentarfilm iiber Menschen in unserer Gesellschaft." Berliner Zeitung 28, no. 29 (Jan 1989). Interview about Misselwitz's film, which is based on interviews she conducted with women of all ages and types while traveling by train through the GDR. Mittman, Elizabeth Ruth. "The Articulation of Muteness: Women Writing in the GDR." M.A. thesis, Univ. of Minnesota, 1986. . "Encounters with the Institution: Woman and Wissenschaft in GDR Literature." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Minnesota, 1993. Christa Wolf, Helga Konigsdorf, Monika Eva Maron. . "Locating a Public Sphere: Some Reflections on Writers and Offentlichkeit in the GDR." Women in German Yearbook 10 (1995): 19-37. With special reference to the works of Christa Wolf and Helga Konigsdorf. Morgenstern, Beate, 1946-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.


German Democratic Republic


GDR628 GDR629


Morgenstem, Beate. "The Other Side of the Boulevard." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from theGerman Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 201-15. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. Kahler, Hermann. "Beate Morgenstem: Nest im Kopf" Weimarer Beitriige 36, no. 4 (1990): 657-64. Melchert, Monika. "Zwischen Pfarrhaus und sozialistischer Gesellschaft: Erste sexuelle Erfahrungen einer Heranwachsenden in Beate Morgensterns Roman Nest im Kopf" In Erkenntniswunsch und Diskretion: Erotik in biographischer und autobiographischer Literatur, edited by Gerhard Harle, Maria Kalveram and Wolfgang Popp, 239-48. Berlin: Rosa Rothbauer, Gerhard. "Beate Morgenstems Geschichte 'Glatteis'." Weimarer Beitriige 25, no. 7 (1979): 113-4.

Morgner, Irmtraud, 1933-1990. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Women Writers in GermanSpeaking Countries, edited by Elke P. Frederiksen and Elizabeth G. Ametsbichler. London and Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998; Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by lane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001; Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. GDR631 GDR632 GDR633 GDR634 GDR635

GDR636 GDR637 GDR638


GDR640 GDR641 GDR642 GDR643

Morgner, Irmtraud. Amanda: ein Hexenroman. Darmstadt; Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1983. - - - . Gauklerlegende: eine Spielfraungeschichte. Darmstadt; Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1982. - - - . Ein Haus am Rand der Stadt: Roman. Berlin: Aufbau, 1962. - - - . Hochzeit in Konstantinopel. Berlin: Aufbau, 1968. - - - . Leben und Abenteuer der Trobadora Beatriz nach Zeugnissen ihrer Spielfrau Laura. Berlin: Aufbau, 1974. Translated and abridged by Karin R. Achberger under the title "The Rope," in German Feminism: Readings in Politics and Literature, edited by Edith H. Altbach, et al. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1984: 215-9; Translated into English by Jeanette Clausen under the title The Life and Adventures of Trobadora Beatrice as Chronicled by Her Minstrel Laura: a Novel in Thirteen Books and Seven Intermezzos Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 2000. - - - . Rumba auf einen Herbst: Roman. Edited and with an afterword by Rudolf Bussmann and with an essay by Doris Janhsen. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1995. - - - . Das Signal steht auf Fahrt: Erzdhlung, Berlin: Aufbau, 1959. - - - . "Third Fruit of Bitterfeld: The Tightrope." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 135-42. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. - - - . "Witch Vilmma's Invention of Speech-Swallowing (A Parable)." In Sisterhood Is Global: the International Women's Movement Anthology, edited, compiled, and introduced by Robin Morgan, 242-4. Garden City, NY: Anchor Press, 1984. - - - . Die wundersamen Reisen Gustavs des Weltfahrers: liigenhafter Roman mit Kommentaren. Darmstadt, Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1981; Berlin: Aufbau, 1972. Bammer, Angelika. "Trobadora in Amerika." In Irmtraud Morgner: Texte, Daten, Bilder, edited by Marlis Gerhardt, 196-210. Frankfurt: Luchterhand, 1990. Bridge, Helen. "Myth and History in Irmtraud Morgner's Amanda." German Life and Letters 51, no. 4 (1998): 483-95. Bubser-Wildner, Siegrun. '''Der Traum nach vorwarts': Utopie als funktionaler Prozess in Irmtraud Morgners Roman 'Leben und Abenteuer der Trobadora Beatriz'." Ph.D diss., Univ.


German Democratic Republic


GDR645 GDR646

GDR647 GDR648


GDR650 GDR651


GDR653 GDR654 GDR655

GDR656 GDR657 GDR658 GDR659 GDR660



of Iowa, 1996. Cardinal, Agnes. "'Be Realistic: Demand the Impossible': On Irmtraud Morgner's Salman Trilogy." In Socialism and the Literary Imagination: Essays on East German Writers, edited by Martin Kane, 147-61. New York: Berg; distributed by St. Martin's Press, 1991. Caspari, Martina. "The Critical Potential of German Romanticism Re-Examined in Morgner's Gauklerlegende." Germanic Notes and Reviews 33, no. 1 (2002): 3-13. Castein, Hanne. "Wundersame Reisen im gelobten Land: Zur Romantikrezeption im Werk Irmtraud Morgners." In The Reception of Romanticism in the Literature of the GDR, edited by Howard Gaskill, Karin McPherson, and Andrew Barker, 114-25. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1990. Clason, Synnove. "Auf den Zauberbergen der Zukunft: Die Sehnsuhte der Irmtraud Morgner." Text & Kontext 12, no. 2 (1984): 370-86. . Der Faustroman Trobadora Beatriz: Zur Goethe-Rezeption Irmtraud Morgners. Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholmer Germanistische Forschungen, 47. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1994. . "'Mit dieser Handschrift wiinschte sie in die Historie einzutreten': Aspekte der Erberezeption in Irmtraud Morgners Roman 'Leben und Abenteuer der Trobadora Beatriz ...'." Weimarer Beitriige 36, no. 7 (1990): 1128-45. Damm, Sigrid. "Irmtraud Morgner: Leben und Abenteuer der Trobadora Beatriz nach Zeugnissen ihrer Spielfrau Laura." Weimarer Beitriige 21, no. 9 (1975): 138-48. Druxes, Helga. "Salvaging Faust for Socialism: Morgner's Trobadora Beatriz and Amanda." In The Feminization ofDr. Faustus: Female Identity Quests from Stendhal to Morgner, edited by Helga Druxes, 119-36. University Park: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1993. Eidecker, Martina Elisabeth. "Irmtraud Morgners Das heroische Testament: Zeugnis fehlender Spiegelung und fortgesetzter Suche nach der 'Utopie Mensch'." Weimarer Beitriige 45, no. 3 (1999): 444-8. . Sinnsuche und Trauerarbeit: Funktionen von Schreiben in Irmtraud Morgners Werk. Germanistische Texte und Studien, 58. Hildesheim: alms, 1998. . "V on der sozialistischen Utopie zur Verlustanzeige: Irmtraud Morgners verzweifeltlustvolle Suche nach Sinn." Ph.D diss., Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1996. Emde, Silke von der. ""Entering History: Feminist Dialogues in Irmtraud Morgner's 'Leben und Abenteuer der Trobadora Beatriz nach Zeugnissen ihrer Spielfrau Laura'." Ph.D diss., Indiana Univ., 1994. . "Irmtraud Morgner's Postmodern Feminism: A Question of Politics." Women in German Yearbook 10 (1995): 117-42. . "Places of Wonder: Fantasy and Utopia in Irmtraud Morgner's Salman." New German Critique 82 (2001): 167-92. Grobbel, Michaela. "Kreativitat und Re-vision in den Werken Irmtraud Morgners von 1968 bis 1972." New German Review 3 (1987): 1-16. Havercroft, Barbara. "Vie et aventures du ferninisme postmoderne d' apres Irmtraud Morgner." Tangence 47 (1995): 21-33. Herminghouse, Patricia A. "Die Frau und das Phantastische in der neueren DDR-Literatur Der Fall Irmtraud Morgner." In Die Frau als Heldin und Autorin: Neue kritische Ansatze zur deutschen Literatur, edited by Wolfgang Paulsen, Sigrid Bauschinger, and Helmut Hermann, 248-66. Bern: Francke, 1979. Humble, Malcolm. "Pandora's Box: The Rehabilitation of the Siren and the Witch in Irmtraud Morgner'sAmanda." Forum for Modern Language Studies 28, no. 4 (1992): 33548. Jahnsen, Doris, and Monika Meier. "Spiel-Raume der Phantasie: Irmtraud Morgner: 'Leben und Abenteuer der Trobadora Beatriz nach Zeugnissen ihrer Spielfrau Laura'." In Verrat an der Kunst? Riickblicke auf die DDR-Literatur, edited by Karl Deiritz and Hannes Krauss,


German Democratic Republic


GDR664 GDR665


GDR667 GDR668

GDR669 GDR670 GDR671



GDR674 GDR675



GDR678 GDR679

209-14. Berlin: Autbau, 1993. Johnson, Sheila K. "A New Irmtraud Morgner: Humor, Fantasy, Structures, and Ideas in Amanda: Ein Hexenroman." In Selected Papers from the Ninth New Hampshire Symposium on the German Democratic Republic, edited by Margy Gerber, 45-64. Studies in GDR Culture and Society, 4. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1984. Kandler, Klaus. "Der Hexenroman 'Amanda' von Irmtraud Morgner." In DDR-Literatur '83 im Gespriich, edited by Siegfried Ronisch, 155-62. Berlin: Autbau, 1984. Kock, Sabine. "Irrntraud Morgners Amanda: Intertextualitat und kulturelles Erbe im Spannungsfeld zwischen produktionsasthetischem, politischem und feministischem Diskurs in der DDR der 80er Jahre." In Frauen in Kultur und Gesellschaft, edited by Renate, et aI., 229-41. Tubingen: Stauffenburg, 2000. Landa, Jutta. "Feminismus und Systernkritik im mittelalterlichen Kostiim: Irmtraud Morgners Trobodora Roman." In Medieval German Voices in the Century, edited by Albrecht Classen, 199-210. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000. Lewis, Alison. "The Art of Ventriloquism: Feminism and the Divided Self in the Works of Irmtraud Morgner." Australian Studies 22 (Summer 1995): 31-58. . "'Foiling the Censor': Reading and Transference as Feminist Strategies in the Works of Christa Wolf, Irmtraud Morgner, and Christa Moog." German Quarterly 66, no. 3 (Summer 1993): 372-86. . Subverting Patriarchy: Feminism and Fantasy in the Novels ofIrmtraud Morgner. Oxford: Berg, 1995. Linklater, Beth. '''Unbeschreiblich kostlich wie die Liebe selber': Food and Sex in the Work of Irmtraud Morgner." Modern Language Review 93, no. 4 (1998): 1045-57. Maltzan, Carlotta von. "'Man miisste ein Mann sein': Zur Frage der weiblichen Identitat in Erzahlungen von Kirsch, Morgnerund Wolf." Acta Germanica 20 (1990): 141-55. Christa Wolf, Sarah Kirsch, and Irmtraud Morgner. Martin, Biddy. "Irmtraud Morgner's Leben und Abenteuer der Trobadora Beatriz." In Beyond the Eternal Feminine: Critical Essays on Women and German Literature, edited by Susan L. Cochalis and Kay Goodman, 421-39. Stuttgart: Akademischer Verlag Hans-Dieter Heinz, 1982. . "Socialist Patriarchy and the Limits of Reform: A Reading of Irmtraud Morgner's Life and Adventures of Troubadora Beatriz as Chronicled by Her Minstrel Laura." Studies in Twentieth Century Literature 5, no. 1 (fall 1980): 59-74. Meier, Monika. "Konzerte der Redevielfalt: Die Walpurgisnacht-Darstellungen in der 'Amanda' Irmtraud Morgners." Literatur fur Leser 4, (1990): 213-27. . "Von schelmischem Spiel zu narrischem Ernst: Die Dialogisierung geschlechtsspezifischer Denkformen und Redeweisen in den Romanen 'Leben und Abenteuer der Trobadora Beatriz' und 'Amanda' von Irmtraud Morgner." Weimarer Beitriige 38, no. 2 (1992): 245-58. Nordmann, Ingeborg. "Die halbierte Geschichtsfahigkeit der Frau: Zu Irmtraud Morgners Roman Leben und Abenteuer der Trobadora Beatriz nach Zeugnissen ihrer Spielfrau Laura." Amsterdamer Beitriige zur Neueren Germanistik 11-12 (1981): 419-62. O'Brien, Mary-Elizabeth. "Fantasy and Reality in Irmtraud Morgner's Salman Novels: A Discursive Analysis of 'Leben der Trobadora' and 'Amanda'." Ph.D diss., Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1988. Pietsch, Hildegard Maria. "Anspielung, Zitat und Montage in Irmtraud Morgners Amanda, ein Hexenroman." Ph.D. diss., Washington Univ., 1991. . "Goethe as a Model for Feminist Writing? The Adaptation of a Classical Author in Irmtraud Morgner's Amanda: Ein Hexenroman." In The Age of Goethe Today: Critical Reexamination and Literary Reflection, edited by Gertrud Bauer Pickar and Sabine Cramer, 212-9. Munich: Fink, 1990.



German Democratic Republic GDR680 GDR681

GDR682 GDR683 GDR684

GDR685 GDR686

GDR687 GDR688

Plow, Geoffrey. "What Became of 'Notturno': The Development of an Early Theme in Irmtraud Morgner's Work." German Life and Letters 50, no. 2 (1997): 241-53. Rasboinikowa-Fratewa, Maja Stankowa. "Strukturbildende Funktion des Verhaltnisses von Wirklichkeit und dichterischer Phantasie-vorgeftihrt am Werk von Irmtraud Morgner." Neophilologus 76, no. 1 (1992): 101-7. Rossoll, Hildegard. "'Thinking in Images': The Poetic Mode as Dissidence in Irmtraud Morgner's Writing." Colloquia Germanica 31, no. 4 (1998): 339-56. Rudolph, Ekkehart. "Irmtraud Morgner." In Aussage zur Person: Zwolf deutsche Schriftsteller im Gesprach, edited by Ekkehart Rudolph, 157-77. Tubingen: Erdmann, 1977. Sati, Ulrike. "Figuren im Gesprach: Irmtraud Morgners Leben und Abenteuer der Trobadora Beatriz nach Zeugnissen ihrer Spielfrau Laura." Carleton Germanic Papers 18 (1990): 7587. Scherer, Gabriela. "Irmtraud Morgner: Rumba auf einen Herbst-oder vom Umgang mit der Schwierigkeit 'ich' zu sagen." Literatur fiir Leser 1, (1994): 1-10. Shafi, Monika. "Hexe, Heilige und Hellseherin: Zur Funktion historischer Frauengestalten in utopischen Entwiirfen zeitgenossischer Autorinnen." In Continental, Latin-American and Francophone Women Writers. Vol. 2, edited by Ginette Adamson and Eunice Myers, 91-98. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1987. Westgate, Geoffrey. Strategies Under Surveillance: Reading Irmtraud Morgner as a GDR Writer. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002. Wolf, Christa. "Heroischer Entwurf." Neue Deutsche Literatur 46, no. 6 (522) (1998): 5-7.

MUlier, Christa, 1936-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GDR689

Muller, Christa. "Candida." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 61-94. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993.


Mushaben, Joyce Marie. "Citizenship as Process: German Identity in an Age of Reconstruction." In Cultural Transformations in the New Germany: American and German Perspectives, edited by Friederike Eigler and Peter C. Pfeiffer, 42-63. Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1993. Mushaben considers the "special case of inequality" affecting GDR women's identity.

Nickel, Gitta, 1936-. After 1965, director of DEFA feature films. GDR691 GDR692 GDR693

GDR694 GDR695

Baumert, Heinz. "Gitta Nickel: Mutige Filme fordem mich heraus" [Gitta Nickel: Courageous films challenge me]. Film und Fernsehen 4 (1977): 26-31. Matschke, Evelin. "Gitta Nickel." In Filmdokumentaristen der DDR, edited by Institut fur Filmwissenschaft, 364-75. Berlin: Henschel, 1969. Sylvester, Regine. "Den Vorhang beiseite schrieben: Die Dokumentaristin Gitta Nickel." Kino- und Femseh-Almanach 17 (1987): 32-63. About Nickel's documentary work. Nickel, Hildegard Maria. "Women in the GDR: Will Renewal Pass Them By?" Women in German Yearbook: Feminist Studies in German Literature and Culture 6 (1991): 99-107. Norman, Beret. "'Test the West': East German Performance Art Takes on Western Advertising." Journal ofPopular Culture 34, no. 3 (Winter 2000): 255-67. "Norman suggests that the East German performance art sketch "Test the West" subverts the portrayal of women's bodies as marketing tools in Western advertising. Beret contends that the critique of the group of female artists Exterra XX relies on three factors: their interruption of the male


German Democratic Republic

gaze, their invitation of a female gaze, and their renunciation of a consumer identity." Marjorie L. Hilton, ABSEES Online Novak, Helga, 1935-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M.Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991, and http://www.literaturfestival.comlbiosl_3_6_731.html. GDR696 GDR697 GDR698 GDR699 GDR700 GDR701 GDR702 GDR703


Novak, Helga. Aufenthalt in einem irren haus erzahlungen: gesammelte Prosa. Oneuwide: Luchterhand, 1971. Collected prose works. - - - . Colloquium mit vier hauten Gedichte und Balladen. Berlin: Luchterhand, 1967. - - - . Die Eisheiligen. Frankfurt: Schoffling & Co., 1998. Memoir. - - - . Geselliges beisammensein Prosa. Neuwide: Luchterhand, 1968. - - - . Legende transsib. Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1985. - - - . Selected Poetry and Prose of Helga Novak. Translated by Alan H. Chappel. New York: P. Lang, 1989. - - - . Vogelfederlos [Bird Without Wings]. Frankfurt: Schoffling & Co., 1998. Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1982. Memoir. - - - . "Melancholy is Mandatory: Poet Helga M. Novak talks to Uta Beiktifner about the fascination of socialism and the unexpected blessings of the madhouse."The interview is on . line at http://www.signandsight.comlfeatures/555.html. origninally in German in the Berliner Zeitung on December 29,2005. O'Brien, Mary-Elizabeth. "The Divided Woman: Female Protagonists in Contemporary GDR Literature." New German Review 1 (1985): 41-54. Paschiller, Doris, 1953-.


Paschiller, Doris. "Dignity." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German DemocraticRepublic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 303-12. Lincoln: Univ. Pirskawetz, Lia, 1938-.

GDR706 GDR707

Pirskawetz, Lia. Der stille Grund: Roman. Berlin: Verlag Neues Leben, 1986. Lukens, Nancy. "Gender and the Work Ethic in the Environmental Novels of Monika Maron and Lia Pirskawetz." Studies in GDR Culture and Society 8, edited by Margy Gerber, 65-81. Lanham, Maryland: Univ. Press of America, 1988.


Rapisarda, Cettina. "Women's Writing, 1968-1980." In Post-War Women's Writing in German: Feminist Critical Approaches, edited by Chris Weedon, 77-100. Providence, RI: Berghahn, 1997. Reimann, Brigitte, 1933-1973. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.


GDR710 GDR711

Reimann, Brigitte. Ankunft im Alltag. Berlin: Autbau Taschenbuch Verlag, 1999. A novel about post-war homelessness that initiated the GDR's "Ankunftsliteratur," or "arrival literature." - - - . Franzlska Linkerhand: Roman. Berlin: Aufbau, 1998. - - - . Die Frau am Pranger: Erziihlung. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1962; 1987.


German Democratic Republic GDR712 GDR713 GDR 714


. Die geliebte, die verfluchte Hoffnung: Tagebiicher und Briefe, 1947-1972. Edited by Elisabeth Elten-Krause and Waiter Lewerenz. Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1983. . Sei gegriisst und lebe: eine Freundschaft in Briefen, 1964-1973. Berlin: Aufbau, 1993. Reimann's correspondence with Christa Wolf. "Eine junge Frau von heute zwischen Ideal und Wirklichkeit: Interview mit Lothar Wameke zu seinem neuen Film Unser kurzes Leben." Die Union (Dresden) (19 January 1981). About a woman-centered film derived from the book Franziska Linkerhand by Brigitte Reimann. Swanson, Heidi Lynne. "Written Friendship: Hannah Arendt, Brigitte Reimann, Christa Wolf." Ph.D diss., Princeton Univ., 2002.

Reinshagen, Gerlind, 1926-. See Women Writers in German-Speaking Countries, edited by Elke P. Frederiksen and Elizabeth G. Ametsbichler. London and Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998; Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. GDR716 GDR717 GDR718 GDR719

GDR720 GDR721 GDR722 GDR723 GDR724 GDR725 GDR726 GDR727 GDR728 GDR729 GDR730 GDR731

GDR732 GDR733



Reinshagen, Gerlind. Am Grossen Stern: Roman. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1996. - - - . Die Clownin: ein Spiel. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1985. - - - . Doppelkopf/ Leben und Tod der Marilyn Monroe: Zwei Stiicke. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1971. Two plays. - - - . Eisenherz: In Spectaculum. 36, Sechs moderne Theaterstiicke. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1982. Translated into English by Sue-Ellen Case and Arlene Teraoka under the title Ironheart N.p.: n.p., 1983. - - - . Die fliichtige Braut: Roman. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1985. - - - . Drie Wiinsche frei: chorische Stiicke. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1992. - - - . Gesammelte Stiicke. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1986. - - - . Gottergeschichte [: Roman]. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2000. - - - . Die Griine Tiir: chorische Stiicke. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1999. With foreword by the author. - - - . Himmel und Erde. N.p.: 1974. - - - . lager am Rand der Nacht: Roman. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1993. - - - . Rovinato, oder Die Seele des Geschiifts. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1981. Translated into French by Dominique Petit under the title L'iime du commerce [Paris:] Actes Sud, 1990. - - - . Sonntagskinder. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1981. - - - . Tanz; Marie. In Spectaculum. 44, Fiinf moderne Theaterstiicke. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1987. - - - . Zwol] Niichte. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1990. Bossinade, Johanna. "Haus und Front: Bilder des Faschismus in der Literatur von Exil- und Gegenwartsautorinnen: Am Beispiel Anna Seghers, Irmgard Keun, Christa Wolf und Gerlind Reinshagen." About fascism in exile literature and contemporary women authors. Neophilologus 70, no. 1 (1986): 92-118. Bullins, Ed. Playwright's Seminar. English lecture on writing for theater, recorded at the Univ. of Washington campus, November 8, 1993. Colvin, Sarah. "Disturbing Bodies: Mary Stuart and Marilyn Monroe in Plays by Liz Lochhead, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach and Gerlind Reinshagen." Forum for Modern Language Studies 35, no. 3 (1999): 251-60. Czekay, Angelika. "German National Identity and the Female Subject: Gerlind Reinshagen's German Trilogy." In Other Germanies: Questioning Identity in Women's Literature and Art, edited by Karen Jankowsky and Carla Love, 217-35. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1997. Gonnering, Julie Kathleen. "Gerlind Reinshagen's Die Clownin [The Clowness]: A Translation and Critical Analysis. M.A. thesis, Miami Univ., 2000.


German Democratic Republic

GDR736 GDR737



GDR740 GDR741





GDR746 GDR747



Hussey, Nan. "Fragmentation and Wholeness in the Novels of Luisa Josefina Hernandez and Gerlind Reinshagen." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Washington, 1999. Kiencke-Wagner, Jutta. Das Werk von Gerlind Reinshagen: Gesellschaftskritik und utopisches Denken. Studien zur Deutschen Literatur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, 11. Frankfurt: P. Lang, 1989. Kraft, Helga. "Der blinde Fleck: Kritik der normativen Heterosexualitat in Dramen von Else Lasker-Schliler und Gerlind Reinshagen." In Twelfth International Conference on Literature and Psychoanalysis, edited by Frederico Pereira, 227-35. Lisbon: Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 1996. Ryschka, Andreas. "Woman Takes Center Stage: Three Versions of 'The Female Condition' on the German Theatre Stage Today." In Text and Presentation. The Univ. of Florida Department of Classics Comparative Drama Conference Papers, 10. Edited by Karelisa Hartigan, 83-9. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1990. Franz Xaver Kroetz compared to Friederike Roth, Friederike Gerlind Reinshagen. Sieg, Katrin. "The Representation of Fascism in Gerlind Reinshagen's Sunday's Children." Theatre Studies 36, (1991): 31-44. Weber, Betty Nance. "Gerlind Reinshagen: Versuch eines Portraits." In Die Frau als Heldin und Autorin: Neue kritische Ansatze zur deutschen Literatur, edited by Wolgang Paulsen, Sigrid Bauschinger and Helmut Hermann, 237-47. Bern: Francke, 1979. Remmler, Karen. "Deciphering the Body of Memory: Writing by Former East German Women Writers." In Postcommunism and the Body Politic, edited by Ellen E. Berry, 134-63. (Genders, 22) New York: New York Univ. Press, 1995. Rieger, Eva. Frau, Musik & Mdnnerherrschaft: zum Ausschluss der Frau aus der deutschen Musikpiidagogik, Musikwissenschaft und Musikausiibung. Kassel: Furore-Verlag, 1988. About women's exclusion from music pedagogy, theory and practice. Rinkc, Andrea. "From Models to Misfits: Women in DEFA films of the 1970s and the 1980s." In DEFA: East German Cinema, 1946-1992, edited by Scan Allan and John Sandford, 183-203. Boston: Berghahn, 1999. . "Models or Misfits? The Role of Screen Heroines in GDR Cinema." In Triangulated Visions: Women in Recent German Cinema, edited by Ingeborg Majer 0' Sickey and Ingeborg Von Zadow, 207-18. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1998. . "GDR Women Writers." The Post-War Generations Bibliography of Narrative Prose, June 1987." Women in German Yearbook 4 (1988): 223-40. . "Redefining the Public and the Private: Women Writers in the GDR." In FrauenFragen inder deutschsprachigen Literatur seit 1945, edited by Mona Knapp and Gerd Labroisse, 131-59. Amsterdam: Atlanta, 1989. . "Women, Social Policy, and Literature in the German Democratic Republic." Introduction to Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 1-22. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. Rosenkranz, Jutta. Wenn wir den Konigen schreiben: Lyrikerinnen aud der DDR. Dramstadt: Luchterhand Literaturverlag, 1988. Includes bibliographical notes on the women poets.

Sander, Helke, 1937-973. Filmmaker, actress, writer. GDR750

GDR751 GDR752

Sander, Helke. "Interview with Helke Sander. Reception of Liberators Take Liberties: I Would Have Hoped for a Different Discussion." Interview by Sabine Smith." In Triangulated Visions: Women in Recent German Cinema, edited by Ingeborg Majer O'Sickey and Ingeborg Von Zadow, 251-60. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1998. - - - . "Remembering/Forgetting." October 72 (Spring 1995): 15-25. - - - . "A Response to My Critics." October 72 (Spring 1995): 81-8.


German Democratic Republic GDR753





, and Barbara Johr, eds. BeFreier und BeFreite: Krieg, Vergewaltigungen, Kinder. Munich: Verlag Antje Kunstmann, 1992. About Sander's documentary about the 100,000 rapes committed in Berlin by the Allied Forces---especially the Red Army-in the final weeks of World War Il, and the controversy surrounding the film. Elsaesser, Thomas. "'It Started with These Images': Some Notes on Political Film-Making after Brecht in Germany: Helke Sander and Harun Farocki." Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture 7 (1985): 95-120. Gattens, Marie-Luise. "Helke Sander's Liberators Take Liberties and the Politics of History." In Triangulated Visions: Women in Recent German Cinema, edited by Ingeborg Majer O'Sickey and Ingeborg Von Zadow, 261-71. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1998. About Sander's use of oral history. Grossmann, Atina. "Eine Frage des Schweigens: die Vergewaltingung deutscher Frauen durch Besatzungssoldaten: Zum historischen Hintergrund von Helke Sanders Film BeFreier und BeFreite." Frauen und Film 54-5, nos. 1-4 (1994): 15-28. . "A Question of Silence: The Rape of German Women by Occupation Soldiers." October 72 (Spring 1995): 43-63. About Sander's documentary BeFreier und BeFreite: Krieg,



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GDR768 GDR769

GDR770 GDR771

Koch, Gertrude. "Blut, Sperma, Tranen: BeFreier und BeFreite: ein Dokumentarfilm von Helke Sander." Frauen und Film 54-55, nos. 1-4 (1994): 3-14. - - - . "Blood, Sperm, and Tears." October 72 (Spring 1995): 27-41. Kosta, Barbara. "Rape, Nation and Remembering History: Helke Sander's Liberators Take Liberties." In Gender and Germanness: Cultural Productions ofNation, edited by Patricia Herminghouse and Magda Mueller, 217-31. Providence, RI: Berghahn, 1997. Johnson, Sheila K. "Helke Sandler's BeFreier und BeFreite: Krieg, Vergewaltigung, Kinder and Postmodernism." Pacific Coast Philology 28, no. 1 (1993): 81-93. Levin, David J. "Taking Liberties with Liberties Taken: On the Politics of Helke Sander's BeFreier und BeFreite." October 72 (Spring 1995): 65-77. Liebman, Stuart. "There Should Be No Scissors in Your Mind: An Interview with Helke Sander." Cineaste 21, no. 1-2 (1995): 40-2. , and Annette Michelson. "After the Fall: Women in the House of the Hangmen." October 72 (Spring 1995): 5-14. About BeFreier und BeFreite: Krieg. Mayne, Judith. "Female Narration, Women's Cinema: Helke Sander's The All-Round Reduced Personality/Redupers." New German Critique 24-25 (1981-1982): 155-71. McCormick, Richard W. "Rape and War, Gender and Nation, Victims and Victimizers: Helke Sander's Befreier und Befreite." Camera Obscura: A Journal of Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies 46, (2001): 99-141. . "Re-Presenting the Student Movement: Helke Sander's The Subjective Factor." In Gender and German Cinema: Feminist Interventions, Part Il, edited by Sandra Frieden, Richard W. McCormick and Vibeke R. Petersen, 273-89. Providence, RI: P. Berg, 1993. Michelson, Annette, et al. "Further Thoughts on Helke Sander's Project." October 72 (Spring 1995): 89-113. A roundtable discussion by Annette Michelson, Andreas Huyssen, Stuart Liebman, Eric Santner and Silvia Kolbowski on Sander's Befreier und Befreite: Krieg, Perlmutter, Ruth. "Two New Films by Helke Sander and Ulrike Ottinger." Film Criticism 9, no. 2 (1984-1985): 67-73. Rich, B. Ruby. "She Says, He Says: The Power of the Narrator in Modernist Film Politics" Discourse: Journalfor Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture 6 (1983): 31-46. Comparison of the works of Alexander Kluge and Helke Sander. Silverman, Kaja. "Helke Sander and the Will to Change." Discourse: Journalfor Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture 6 (1983): 10-30. Zinn, Gesa. "Film, Fiction, and Feminism Politics in Helke Sander's Cinematic and Literary Texts: Representation of Gender, Subjectivity, Humor and Music." Ph.D diss., Univ. of


German Democratic Republic



Minnesota, 1995. . "Gender Trouble, Female Subjects and the (His)story of (R)evolution in Helke Sander's Oh Lucy." In Critical Studies on the Feminist Subject, edited by Giovanna Covi, 307-33. Trento: Dipartimento di Scienze Filologiche e Storiche, Universita degli Studi di Trento, 1997. Schieber, Elke. " ...und das Weib sei nicht mehr intertan: Frauen der siebziger und achtziger Jahre im Dokumentarfilm der DDR." In Aufierhalb von Mitten Drin, vol. 2, 82-90. Berlin: Neue Gesel1schaft fur bildende Kunst, 1991. About women of the 70s and 80s in GDR documentary films.

Schubert, Helga, 1940-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; .Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. GDR774 GDR775 GDR776

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GDR784 GDR785 GDR786

GDR787 GDR788


Schubert, Helga. Anna kann Deutsch. Darmstadt, Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1985. Berlin, Weimar: Aufbau, 1984; 1975. - - - . Blickwinkel. Berlin, Weimar: Aufbau, 1984. - - - . "Breathing Room." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writingfrom the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 193-200. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. - - - . ludasfrauen: Zehn Fallgeschichten weiblicher Denunziation im Dritten Reich. Frankfurt am Main: Luchterhand, 1990. - - - . Lauter Leben: Geschichten. Berlin, Weimar: Aufbau, 1983; 1981; 1975. - - - . Das verbotene Zimmer. Darmstadt, Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1984; 1982. Alldred, Beth. "Two Contrasting Perspectives on German Unification: Helga Schubert and Brigitte Burmeister." German Life and Letters 50, no. 2 (1997): 165-81. Appl, Cynthia. "Helga Schubert's ludasfrauen: The Use of Narrative in Documentary Literature." Focus on Literatur 2, no. 2 (1995): 139-47. Cosentino, Christina. "'Heute freilich mochte man fragen ...': Zum Thema von Schuld und Verantwortung in Christa Wolfs Was bleibt, Helga Konigsdorfs Ungelegener Befund und Helga Schuberts ludasfrauen." Neophilologus 76, no. 1 (1992): 108-20. Gattens, Marie-Luise. "Law, Gender, and Complicity: Helga Schubert's ludasfrauen." In Women Writers and Fascism: Reconstructing History. Gainesville: Univ. Press of Florida, 1995. Grant, Alyth F. "Allein zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit: Helga Schuberts Lauter Leben." Seminar: A lournal of Germanic Studies 22, no. 1 (1986): 71-87. Hornigk, Therese. "Bilder einer Generation: Zu Helga Schubert, 'Blickwinkel'." In Literatur '84 im Gespriich, edited by Siegfried Ronisch, 265-72. Berlin: Aufbau, 1985. - - - . "Gespaltene Lebenswelten. Helga Schubert: 'Blickwinkel'." In Verrat an der Kunst? Riickblicke auf die DDR-Literatur, edited by Karl Deiritz and Hannes Krauss, 146-50. Berlin: Aufbau, 1993. Kienbaum, Barbara, and Peter Teupe. "'Das ganz alltagliche Leben': Interview mit He1ga Schubert." Deutschland Archiv 22, no. 1 (1989): 77-85. Lawson, Ursula D. "Founders and Inheritors in the Short Story of the GDR." In Selected Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Foreign Language Conference, edited by Gregorio C. Martin, 111-6. Pittsburgh: Duquesne Univ., Department of Modern Languages, 1988. Schubert's "Innenhofe" compared to Joachim Walther' s "Wochenende im Griinen" and Christa Wolf's "Nachdenken iiber Christa T.". Lischke-McNab, Ute. "Women, Film, and Writing in the GDR: Helga Schubert and the


German Democratic Republic

GDR790 GDR791

DEFA: An Interview with Helga Schubert." In Triangulated Visions: Women in Recent German Cinema, edited by Ingeborg Majer O'Sickey and Ingeborg von Zadow, 199-205. Albany, NY: State Univ. of New York Press, 1998. Mabee, Barbara. "The Wall as a Kafkaesque Symbol: Helga Schubert's 'Das verbotene Zimmer'." Neophilologus 80, no. 4 (1996): 599-612. Teupe, Peter, and Ulrike Weber. "'Wessen Strasse ist die Strasse?': Interview mit Helga Schubert." Deutschland Archiv 25, no. 1 (1992): 48-61.

Schiitz, Helga, 1937-. See Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. GDR792 GDR793 GDR794 GDR795

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Schtitz, Helga. Das Erdbeben bei Sangerhausen und andere Geschichten. III v. Giinther Liick. Berlin [Weimar]: Autbau, 1972. - - - . Erziehung zum Chorgesang: Roman. Zurich: Benziger, 1981. - - _ . Festbeleuchtung: Erzdhlung, Berlin: Autbau, 1974. - - - . "In Anna's Name." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writingfrom the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 103-10. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. - - - . Grenze zum gestrigen Tag: Roman. Berlin: Autbau, 2000. - - - . In Annas Namen. Berlin: Autbau Taschenbtich Verlag, 1999; 1986. - - - . Jette in Dresden. Berlin: Autbau, 1979; 1977. - - - . Julia oder Erziehung zum Chorgesang. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983; Zurich, Cologne: Benzinger, 1981; Berlin, Weimar: Autbau, 1980. - - - . Miidchenriitsel: Roman. Zurich: Benziger, 1978. - - - . Martin Luther: eine Erziihlung fiir den Film. Berlin: Autbau, 1985; 1983. - - - . Vom Glanz der Elbe: Roman. Berlin: Autbau, 1995. - - - . Vorgeschichten, oder, Schiine Gegend Probstein. Berlin: Autbau, 1987; 1970. Ankum, Katharina von. "Victims, Memory, History: Antifascism and the Question of National Identity in East German Narratives after 1990." History & Memory: Studies in Representation of the Past 7, no. 2 (1996): 41-69. About Helga Schtitz, Renate Feyl, and Ursula Hontsch. Dodds, Dinah. "'Die Mauer stand bei mir im Garten': Interview mit Helga Schutz." Women in German Yearbook 7 (1991): 137-49. Kaufmann, Eva. "Adieu Kassandra? Schriftstellerinnen aus der DDR vor, in und nach der Wende: Brigitte Burmeister, Helga Konigsdorf, Helga Schtitz, Brigitte Struzyk, Rosmarie Zeplin." In Women and the Wende: Social Effects and Cultural Reflections of the German Unification, edited by Elizabeth Process Boa and Janet Wharton, 216-25. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994. Krenzlin, Leonore. "Helga Schtitz' Erzahlweise." Weimarer Beitriige 22, no. 2 (1976): 90-8. - - - . "Interview mit Helga Schttiz." Weimarer Beitriige 22, no. 2 (1976): 77-89. Krieger, Gerd. "Helga Schtitz: In Annas Namen." Weimarer Beitriige 34, no. 8 (1988): 131826. Ronisch, Siegfried. "Helga Schutz, Vorgeschichten oder Schone Gegend Probstein." Weimarer Beitriige 19, no. 11 (1973): 128-32. Waijer-Wilke, Marieluise de. "'Richtig genau stimmen Geschichten nie'-die Rede der Andern und des Ich in Helga Schtitz' Roman In Annas Namen." Amsterdamer Beitriige zur Neueren Germanistik 29, (1989): 377-96. Zimmer, Dieter W. "Was ein kleinkariertes Volk: Interview mit Helga Schtitz."Die Zeit, 3 May 1991,24.


German Democratic Republic Seghers, Anna [Radvanyi, Netty (Reiling)], 1900-1983. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Women Writers in German-Speaking Countries, edited by Elke P. Frederiksen and Elizabeth G. Ametsbichler. London and Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998; Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by lane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001; and http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/biografien/SeghersAnna/

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GDR828 GDR829 GDR830 GDR831 GDR832 GDR833 GDR834 GDR835 GDR836 GDR837 GDR838 GDR839 GDR840 GDR841 GDR842 GDR843 GDR844

Seghers, Anna. Anna Seghers: ein Auswahl aus ihrem Werk. Berlin: Yolk und Wissen, 1960. - - - . Anna Seghers, Constancia de la Mora Tell the Story of the Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee. New York: National Office, 1944. - - - . Anna Seghers im Exit: Essays, Texte, Dokumente. Edited by Alexander Stephan. Bonn: Bouvier, 1983. Includes bibliography. - - - . Die Ausflug der toten Mddchen: und andere Erzdhlungen. Berlin: Aufbau Taschenbuch, 1995; 1948. - - - . Der Bienenstock: ausgewiihlte Erzdhlungen. 2 vols. Berlin: Aufbau, 1959. - - - . Crisanta, Das wirliche Blau: Zwei Geschichten aus M exiko. Darmstadt: Luchterhand Literaturverlag, 1988; 1981. - - - . Das Ende: Erzdhlung. Konstanz: C. Weller, 1948. - - - . Der erste Schritt: erziihlung. Berlin: Aufbau, 1960. - - - . Die Entscheidung: Roman. Berlin: Aufbau, 1969, 1967. - - - . Erzdhlungen. Berlin: Aufbau, 1952. - - - . Frieden der Welt: Ansprachen und Aufsiitze, 1947-1953. Berlin: Aufbau, 1954. About war and peace. - - - . Der gerechte Richter: eine Novelle. Berlin: Aufbau, 1990. - - - . Gesammelte Werke in Einzelausgaben. Berlin: Aufbau, 1975. - - - . Geschichte von heute und gestern. Berlin: Kinderbuchverlag, 1966. - - - . Gewiihnliches und gefdhrliches Leben: ein Briefwechsel aus der Zeit de Exils, 19391946. Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1986. Seghers' correspondence with Wieland Herzfelde during her exile years, 1939-1946. - - - . Die Heimkehr des verlorenen Volkes: ein Lesebuch. Edited by Sonja Hilzinger. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1996; 1995. - - - . Hier im Yolk der kalten Herzen: Briefwechsel1947. Edited by Christel Berger. Berlin: Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag, 1997. Seghers' s correspondence. - - - . Die Hochreit von Haiti: Erziihlung. Leipzig: Reclam, 1952. - - - . Jans muss sterben [: Erzdhlung]. Berlin: Aufbau, 2000. - - - . Karibische Geschichten. Berlin: Aufbau Taschenbuch, 1994; 1962. - - - . Die Kraft der Schwachen: 9 Erzdhlungen. Berlin: Aufbau, 1966. - - - . Die Linie: drei Erzdhlungen. Berlin: Aufbau, 1953. - - - . Die Prozess der Jeanne D'Arc zu Rouen 1431: ein Horspiel. Leipzig: Reclam, 1965. - - - . Reise ins elfte Reich: Erziihlungen 1934-1946. Berlin: Aufbau Taschenbuch, 1994. - - - . Die Reisebegegnung. Berlin: Rtitten & Loening, 1992. - - - . Die Rettung: Roman. Berlin: Aufbau, 1952. - - - . Sagen von Artemis. Leipzig: Insel-Verlag, 1965. Also includes "Die drei Baume" and "Das Argonautenschiff." - - - . Sdmliche Erzdhlungen, 1924-1980. Berlin: Aufbau Taschebuch, 1994. - - - . Das Schilfrohr: Erzahlungen 1957-1965. Berlin: Aufbau Taschenbuch, 1994. - - - . Das siebte Kreuz: Roman. [Mexico] : Ellibro libre, 1942. Translated into English by lames A. Galston under the title The Seventh Cross. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1943. - - - . Sowjetmenschen, Lebensbeschreibungen nach ihren Berichten. Berlin: Verlag Kultur und Fortschritt, 1983; 1990. About Seghers' travels in the Soviet Union. - - - . Steinzeit: Erziihlungen 1967-1980. Berlin: Aufbau Taschenbuch, 1994.


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GDR871 GDR872 GDR873

GDR874 GDR875 GDR876

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GDR881 GDR882 GDR883 GDR884

GDR885 GDR886 GDR887



in East Berlin." In Yale Companion to Jewish Writing and Thought in German Culture, edited by Sander L. Gilman and Jack Zipes, 662-70. New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, 1997. Evelein, Johannes F. "Mannergedanken? Anna Seghers' Transit and the Portrayal of Gender." Selecta 19 (1998): 12-23. Fehervary, Helen. Anna Seghers: The Mythic Dimension. Ann Arbor, MI: Univ. of Michigan Press, 2001. - - - . "Anna Seghers' 'Gothic' Realism and the Redemptive Moment in Heiner Muller's Die Umsiedlerin:" In Contexts and History, edited by Gerhard Fischer, 21-39. Ttibingen: Stauffenburg, 1995. - - - . "Helene Weigel and Anna Seghers: Two Unconventional Conventional Women." Brecht YearbooklDas Brecht-Jahrbuch 25 (2000): 74-95. - - - . "Landscapes of an 'Auftrag'." New German Critique 73 (1998): 115-32. Influences of Seghers on the work of Heiner Muller. Gonglewski, Margaret Ruth. "A Discourse-Analytic Investigation of Deixis in Anna Seghers' 'Der Ausflug der toten Madchen': Oscillating Place, Time, and Person." Ph.D diss., Georgetown Univ., 1996. Gries, Frauke. "Anna Seghers and Simone de Beauvoir: Literature and Leftist Politics." Simonede Beauvoir Studies 4 (1987): 99-110. Gutzmann, Elfriede Gisela. "Schriftsteller und Literatur ihre gesellschafliche Funktion im Werk von Anna Seghers, 1935-1947." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Massachussetts, 1979. About the social function of writer and literature in the work of Seghers. Gutzmann, Gertraud. "Representations of the Spanish Civil War in the Works of Anna Seghers." In German and International Perspectives on the Spanish Civil War: The Aesthetics ofPartisanship, edited by Luis Costa, et aI., 450-66. Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1992. Hodges, Carolyn R. "The Power of the Oppressed: The Evolution of the Black Character in Anna Seghers' Caribbean Fiction." In Selected Papers from the Twelfth New Hampshire Symposium on the German Democratic Republic, edited by Margy Gerber, 185-97. Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America, 1987. Isajiw, Oksana Olna. "The Idea of Self-Realization in the Works of Anna Seghers." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1977. Jackson, M. J. "Socialist Literature, Two Views. An Examination of the Works of Anna Seghers and Christa Wolf." Ph.D. diss., Univ. College, London, 1990. Jens, WaIter. "Anna Seghers." Sinn und Form 42, no. 6 (1990): 1164-9. Jonas-Martin, Esther and Lothar Mertens. "Anna Seghers-Suche nach der eigenen Identitat?" In Jews in German Literature since 1945: German-Jewish Literature? edited by Pol O'Dochartaigh, 403-17. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000. Kaleyias, George Peter. "Reflections of History: The Stories of Anna Seghers in Weimar Germany and in Exile." Ph.D diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 1981. Kane, Martin. "Beyond Ideology: The Early Works of Anna Seghers." In German Women Writers 1900-1933, edited by Brian Keith-Smith, 254-76. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1993. - - - . "Visions for a New Society: Anna Seghers in the GDR." In Socialism and the Literary Imagination: Essays on East German Writers, edited by Martin Kane, 29-40. New York: Berg, 1991. Kaufmann, Eva." Lebensanspruch und Kraftentwicklung: Anna Seghers (1900-1983): Ein Portrait." In Deutsche Literatur von Frauen, voI. 2, edited by Gisela Brinker-Gabler, 352-64. Munich: Beck, 1988. Kessler, Peter. "Litterature socialiste allemande des annees 20 et tradition: L'Exemple d' Anna Seghers." In Actes du Yllle Congres de I 'Association Internationale de Litterature Comparee/Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the International Comparative Literature


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GDR890 GDR891 GDR892 GDR893 GDR894 GDR895


GDR897 GDR898



GDR901 GDR902 GDR903 GDR904

GDR905 GDR906


GDR908 GDR909

Association, I: Trois grandes mutations litteraires: Renaissance, Lumieres, debut du vingtieme siecle/Three Epoch-Making Literary Changes: Renaissance, Enlightenment, Early Twentieth Century, edited by Bcla Kopeczi and Gyorgy M. Vajda, 743-46. Stuttgart: Bieber, 1980. Keszler, P. "Anna Seghers und die Raskol'riikov-Problematic." Zeitschrift fur Slawistik 13 (1968): 651-9. Klotz, Christian. "'Der gerechte Richter' von Anna Seghers-Kritik eines Unkritikablen." Literaturfiir Leser4 (1990): 202-12. Koppy, Ingeborg M. "Anna Seghers and Her Works in the Context of Socialist Realism." Ph.D diss., Florida State Univ., 1973. Kurczaba, Alex. "The Impact of Latin-American Exile on Polish and German Literature: The Case of Witold Gombrowicz and Anna Seghers." Polish Review 23, no. 4 (1978): 58-65. LaBahn, Kathleen J. Anna Seghers's Exile Literature: The Mexican Years (1941-1947). New York: P. Lang, 1986. Lanwerd, Susanne. "Die Abwesenheit der Subjekte: Zur Konstruktion von Erinnerung in Anna Seghers' Epigramm der Mahn- und Gedenkstatte Ravensbriick." In Schuld und Siihne? Kriegserlebnis und Kriegsdeutung in deutschen Medien der Nachkriegszeit (1945-1961), edited by Ursula Heukenkamp, 515-24. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001. Maier- Katkin, Birgit Ema. "Complicity, Defiance and Indifference: Women and Everyday Life in Hitler's Germany as Reflected in Selected Exile Works of Anna Seghers and Irmgard Keun." Ph.D diss., Pennsylvania State Univ., 1998. - - - . "Writing for Memory: Anna Seghers, History, Literature, and Complicity in the Third Reich." CLIO 31, no. 4 (2002): 367-85. Milfull, John. "Juden, Frauen, Mulatten, Neger: Probleme der Emanzipation in Anna Seghers Karibische Erzdhlungen:" In Frauenliteratur: Autorinnen-Perspektiven-Konzepte, edited by Manfred Jurgensen, 45-55. Bern: P. Lang, 1983. Miiller-Salget, Klaus. "Totenreich und Lebendiges Leben: Zur Darstellung des Exils in Anna Seghers' Roman Transit." In Exilliteratur 1933-1945, edited by Wulf Koepke and Michael Winkler, 333-54. Darmstadt: Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 1989. Miisegaes, Ursula. Die Schriftstellerin Anna Seghers in der Kritik: Zur Rezeption der Roman Das Siebte Kreuz und Die Entscheidung in der Bundesrepublik und in der DDR N.p.: 1979. On the reception of Seghers's Das siebte Kreuz and Die Entscheidung in the two Germanies. Petersen, Vibeke Riitzou. "Revolution or Colonization: Anna Seghers's Drei Frauen aus Haiti." German Quarterly 65, no. 3-4 (1992): 396-406. - - - . "Zillich's End: The Formation of a Fascist Character in Anna Seghers's 'Das Ende'." Seminar 29, no. 4 (1993): 370-81. Prigan, Carol Ludtke. "Redeeming History in the Story: Narrative Strategies in the Novels of Anna Seghers and Nadine Gordimer." Ph.D diss., Ohio State Univ., 1992. Rapisarda, Cettina. "Women and Peace in Literature and Politics: The Example of Anna Seghers." In German Writers and the Cold War, edited by Rhys W. Williams, Stephen Parker and Colin Riordan, 159-79. Manchester: Manchester Univ. Press, 1992. Rinser, Luise. "Hoffnung und Glaube der Anna Seghers." Neue Deutsche Literatur 46, no. 2 (518) (1998): 131-43. Romero, Christiane Zehl. "'Remembrance of Things Future': On Establishing a Female Tradition." In Responses to Christa Wolf: Critical Essays, edited by Marilyn Sibley Fries, 108-27. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1989. Christa Wolf compared to Anna Seghers. - - - . "The Rediscovery of Romanticism in the GDR: A Note on Anna Segher's Role." In Studies in GDR Culture and Society, II, edited by Margy Gerber, 19-29. Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1982. Sauer, Klaus. Anna Seghers. Munich: Beck, 1978. Schmidt, Sigurd. "Das humanistische Erbe im Literaturkonzept Anna Seghers' in der


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GDR916 GDR917 GDR918 GDR919 GDR920 GDR921 GDR922 GDR923 GDR924 GDR925 GDR926 GDR927


GDR929 GDR930 GDR931 GDR932

Zeitenwende." Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Wilhelm-Pieck-Universitat Rostock. Gesellschaftswissenschaftlicli 34, no. 8 (1985): 66-71. Schrade, Andreas. Anna Seghers. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1993. Schumacher, Ernst, et al. "In Memoriam Anna Seghers." Sinn und Form 35, no. 6 (1983): 1154-70. Smith, Colin. "Christa Wolf and Anna Seghers." German Life and Letters 41, no. 3 (1988): 235-47. Stephan, Alexander. "Anna Seghers' The Seventh Cross: Ein Exilroman uber Nazideutschland als Hollywood-Film." Exilforschung 6 (1988): 214-29. - - - . "Die FBI-Akte Anna Seghers." Sinn und Form: Beitriige zur Literatur 42, no. 3 (1990): 502-9. - - - . '''Ich habe das Gefuhl, ich bin in die Eiszeit geraten ... ' Zur Ruckkehr von Anna Seghers aus dem Exil." Germanic Review 62 (Summer 1987): 143-52. About Seghers's return from exile. Suess, WaIter Franz. "Mythos-Geschichte-Utopie: Historische Untersuchung der Werke Anna Seghers' und Christa Wolfs." Ph.D diss., Univ. of California, Davis, 1992. Swaffer, Janet, and Eileen Wilkinson. "Aesthetics and Gender: Anna Seghers as a Case Study." Monatshefte 87, no. 4 (Winter 1996): 457-72. Szepe, Helena. "The Problem of Identity in Anna Segher's Transit." Orbis Litterarum 27 (1972): 145-52. Thomaneck, Jiirgen. "The Iceberg in Anna Segher's Novel Uberfahrt." German Life and Letters 28 (1974-1975): 36-45. - - - . "Tenochtitlan, Time, Transit: Anna Segher's Novel of Exile." German Life and Letters 45, no. 3 (1992): 261-7. Triesch, Manfred. "Martyrdom and Everlasting Life: Two Stories by Anna Seghers." Studies in Short Fiction 3 (1966): 236-45. Vogt, Jochen. "What Became of the Girl: A Minor Archaeology of an Occasional Text by Anna Seghers." New German Critique 82, (2001): 145-65. Vuuren, Helize van. "N. P. van Wyk Louw and Anna Seghers: Intertextuality between Tristia (1962) and Das siebte Kreuz (1942)." Acta Germanica 19 (1988): 114-22. Wagner, Frank, Emmerich, Ursula and Ruth Radvanyi, eds. Anna Seghers: Eine Biographie in Bildern. Mit einem Essay von Christa Wolf. Berlin: Autbau, 1994. Waine, Anthony. "Images of Women in Anna Seghers' Der Ausflug der toten Miidchen" New German Studies 13, no. 1 (1985): 1-20. Wallace, lan. Anna Seghers in Perspective. Amsterdam; Atlanta: Rodopi, 1998. WaIter, Hans-Albert. "Eine deutsche Chronik: Das Romanwerk von Anna Seghers aus den Jahren des Exils." In Exil und Ruckkehr: Emigration und Heimkehr, edited by Anton Maria Keim, 85-119. Mainz: Schmidt, 1986. Wende, WaItraud. "Fragmentarische Systemkritik einer iiberzeugten Sozialistin: Anna Seghers, Der gerechte Richter." Lil.i: Zeitschrift fiir Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 26, no. 103 (1996): 148-59. - - - . "Uberfahrt von Anna Seghers: Liebesgeschichte, Zeitportrat und Erzahlung iiber das Erzahlen." Euphorion 92, no. 1 (1998): 25-46. Wilkinson, Eileen Inge Mommsen. "Reception as Representation: The Multiple Mirrors of Anna Seghers' Works." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1992. Wolf, Christa. "Irn Widerspruch: Zum 100. Geburtstag von Anna Seghers." Sinn und Form 53, no. 1 (2001): 18-30. - - - . "Transit: Ortschaften." Sinn und Form 38 (1986): 258-67.


German Democratic Republic Seidemann, Maria, 1944-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GDR933

GDR934 GDR935 GDR936

Seidemann, Maria. "The Bridge Builder." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writingfrom the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 215-24. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. - - - . Der Tag, an dem Sir Henry starb: Geschichten. Berlin: Eulenspiegel Verlag, 1980. Baumann, Christiane. "Gesprach mit Maria Seidemann." Weimarer Beitrdge 36, no. 11 (1990): 1782-92. Hammer, Ingrid. "Maria Seidemann: Eine neue Erzahlerin." Deutsch als Fremdsprache (1982): 87-90.

Shoemaker, Simone. Former East German filmmaker who wrote, produced and edited the 53- minute film My Second Life: East German Women in a Changed World (1996). She said, "My Second Life offers its audience a deeper insight into the very complex process of German reunification by letting East German women speak for themselves. As 16 women of all ages share their stories, the viewer will get a better understanding of life under the socialist system, as well as quite how tremendous an impact the reunification has had on people's lives." GDR937

"Interview with Simone Shoemaker on November 19, 1996." Department of Germanic Studies, Univ. of Victoria. http://www.uvic.ca/german/444/interview.html


Sieg, Katrin. "The Revolution Has Been Televised: Reconfiguring History and Identity in Post-Wall Germany." Theatre Journal 45, no. 1 (1993): 35-48. East German women authors in the theater. . "Sex, Subjectivity, and Socialism: Feminist Discourses in East Germany." Genders 22 (1995): 105-33. . "Subjectivity and Socialism: Feminist Discourses in East Germany." In Crucibles of Crisis: Performing Social Change, edited by Janelle Reinelt, 79-105. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1996. Silberman, Marc. "Narrating Gender in the DDR: Hermann Zschoche's Burgschaft fur ein Jahr (1981)." In The Germanic Review, Special Issue: German Film 66, no. 1 (Winter 1991): 25-33.

GDR939 GDR940


Stachowa, Angela, 1948-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GDR942 GDR943 GDR944


Stachowa, Angela. "Ich bin ein Kumpel." In Neue Literatur von Frauen, edited by Inge Bauer-Kerber und Karin Dietrich-Chenel, 16. Berlin; New York: Langenscheidt: 1986. - - - . Stunde zwischen Hund und Katz: Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1976. - - - . "Talking about My Girlfriend Resa." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 225-34. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. Stenzel, Elke. The New German Women's Movement, Literature and Politics. Univ. of Oregon: Center for the Study of Women in Society, recorded March 7, 1984. Sound cassette, c. 20 mins.

Stotzer Kachold, Gabriele, 1953-. GDR946

Stotzer Kachold, Gabriele. Ziigel los. Berlin: Autbau, 1989.


German Democratic Republic GDR947

GDR948 GDR949

Krol, Monika. "Gabriele Stotzer's Work: Performativity versus Citationality of the Body." In Positionen: Amerikanische und europiiische Interpretationen zur neuesten deutschsprachigen Literatur von Frauen, edited by Martina Elisabeth Eidecker, 72-87. Essen: Die Blaue Eule, 1999. - - - . "Gabriele Stotzer's Works as Testimony." New German Review 12 (1996-1997). - - - . "Women Writers and Social Change in the Former GDR after the Wende: Gabriele Stotzer, Christa Wolf and Sarah Kirsch." Ph.D diss., Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1996. Strittmatter, Eva, 1930-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.

GDR950 GDR951 GDR952 GDR953 GDR954 GDR955 GDR956 GDR957 GDR958 GDR959 GDR960 GDR961 GDR962 GDR963 GDR964 GDR965 GDR966 GDR967 GDR968 GDR969 GDR970 GDR971 GDR972 GDR973

Strittmatter, Eva. Atem: Gedichte. Berlin: Aufbau, 1988. - - - . Beweis des Gliicks: Gedichte: eine Auswahl. Leipzig: P. Rec1am, 1985; 1983. - - - . Briefe aus Schulzenhof Berlin: Aufbau, 1990-1995; 1977. - - - . Die eine Rose iiberwdltigt afles: Gedichte. Berlin: Aufbau, 1977. - - - . Einst hab ich drei Weiden besungen: Gedichte. Berlin: Aufbau, 1991. - - - . Eva Strittmatter: [Gedichte]. Berlin: Neues Leben, 1980. - - - . Die heimliche Freiheit der Einsamkeit: Gedichte. Frankfurt am Main: Luchterhand Literaturverlag, 1989. - - - . Heliotrop: Gedichte. Berlin: Aufbau, 1983. - - - . Hundert Gedichte. Berlin: Aufbau, 2001. - - - . Ich mach ein Lied aus Stifle; Gedichte. Berlin: Aufbau, 1983; 1973. - - - . Ich. schwing mich aufdie Schaukel. Karlsruhe: Loeper Verlag, 1983. - - - . Liebe und Bass: die geheimen Gedichte 1970-1990. Berlin: Aufbau, 2000. - - - . Mai in Piestany, Berlin: Aufbau, 1986. - - - . Mondschnee liegt auf den Wiesen: Gedichte. Berlin: Aufbau, 1975. - - - . Poesie und andere Nebendinge. Berlin: Aufbau, 1985; 1983. - - - . Der schone (Obsession): Gedichte. Berlin: Aufbau, 1997. - - - . Zwiegespriich: Gedichte. Berlin: Aufbau, 1980. - - - , and Erwin Strittmatter. Du liebes Griin: ein Garten- und lahreszeitenbuch. Berlin: Aufbau, 2000. - - - , with Marianne Gabor. Unterm wechselnden Licht: ausgewiihlte Gedichte. Berlin: Aufbau, 1990. Dau, Mathilde. "Uwe Gressmann: Das Sonnenauto, Eva Strittmatter: Ich mach ein lied aus Stille." Weimarer Beitriige 20, no. 3 (1974): 136-49. Kuczynski, Jurgen. "Replik auf eine Kritik: Zu Siegfried Ronischs Besprechung von Eva Strittmatters Briefe aus Schulzenhof" Weimarer Beitrdge 25, no. 11 (1979): 182-5. Ronisch, Siegfried. "Eva Strittmatter: Briefe aus Schulzenhof." Weimarer Beitrdge 25, no. 3 (1979): 138-54. Sylvester, Regine. "Filmfrauen: Suche nach neuen Konturen." Sonntag 25 (1975). Tebben, Karin. "Effi Briest, Tochter der Luft: Atem, Ather, Atmosphare-s-zur Bedeutung eines Motivs aus genderspezifischer Sicht." New German Review 17 (2001-2002). Tetzner, Gerti, 1936-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989.


Tetzner, Gerti. Im Lande der Fiihren: Bilder aus Diinemark. Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1988.


German Democratic Republic GDR975 GDR976

GDR977 GDR978 GDR979 GDR980

- - - . Karen W.: Roman. Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1974. - - - . "Karen W." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 23-30. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. - - - . Maxi. Berlin: Kinderbuchverlag, 1981, 1979. Engler, Jurgen. "Gerti Tetzner: Karen W." Weimarer Beitriige 21, no. 11 (1975): 122-9. Vanowitz, Katherine. Female Roles in East German Drama, 1949-1977: A Selective History ofDrama in the G.D.R. Frankfurt: Land, 1982. Waberski, Birgit. Die grossen Verdndcrungen beginnen leise: Zur Lesbenliteratur in der DDR undin den Neuen Bundeslandern. Dortmund: Edition Ebersbach, 1997. About the quiet movement toward a lesbian literature in the GDR and the new states of the Federal Repubic.

Wander, Maxie, 1933-1977. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Wonder, Maxie (1933-1977); Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001; Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. GDR981


GDR983 GDR984





GDR989 GDR990


Wander, Maxie. Guten Morgen, du Schiine. Berlin: Verlag Der Morgen, 1978. Translated by Tanja Mushenko under the title "Good Morning, Good-looking: Four Autobiographical Accounts by East German Women in Translation." M.A. thesis, Florida State Univ., 1996. . Leben war' eine prima Alternative: Tagebuchaufzeichnungen und Briefe. Edited by Fred Wander. Darmstadt: Luchterhand Verlag; Denver, Col.: Continental Book Company [dist.], 1996. Diaries and correspondence. . Tagebiicher und Briefe. Edited by Fred Wander. Berlin: Buchverlag Der Morgen, 1990. Diaries and correspondence. . "Ute G., 24, Skilled Worker, Single, One Child." In Daughters of Eve: Women's Writingfrom the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 39-48. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. Andress, Reinhart. Zum Ungang mit der DDR-Protokolliteratur: Parameter und zwei Beispiele. Edmonton: Univ. of Alberta Press, 1997. A discussion of GDR oral history that uses the work of Maxie Wander and Helga Konigsdorf as examples. Bernhardt, Rtidiger. "Mannerprotokolle." Weimarer Beitriige 33, no. 9 (1987): 1417-23. Treatment of sex roles in the works of Christine Muller, Christine Lambrecht, and Maxie Wander. Harbord, Patricia. "Beyond Paper Heroines: Maxie Wander's Guten Morgen, du Schone and its Reception in the GDR." In Determined Women: Studies in the Construction of the Female Subject, 1900-90, edited by Jennifer Birkett and Elizabeth Harvey, 146-72. London: Macmillan, 1991. Kebir, Sabine."... weil ich zuhoren wollte: Maxie Wander: 'Guten Morgen, du Schone"." In Verrat an der Kunst? Riickblicke auf die DDR-Literatur, edited by Karl Deiritz and Hannes Krauss, 141-5. Berlin: Aufbau, 1993. Molle, Cornelia. "Maxie Wander: Im Dialog mit 19 Frauen." Deutsch als Fremdsprache (1982): 76-9. Pickle, Linda Schelbitzki. "'Unreserved Subjectivity' as a Force for Social Change: Christa Wolf and Maxie Wander's Guten Morgen, du Schone," In Studies in GDR Culture and Society, JI, edited by Margy Gerber, 217-30. Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1982. Wolf, Christa. "Beruhrung: Maxie Wander, Guten Morgen, du Schiine." Neue Deutsche


German Democratic Republic Literatur 26, no. 2 (1978): 53-62.

GDR992 GDR993 GDR994


Weedon, Chris, ed. Die Frau in der DDR: An Anthology of Women'S Writingfrom the German Democratic Republic. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publishers, 1988. . Post-War Women's Writing in German: Feminist Critical Approaches. Providence, RI: Berghahn, 1997. Wemer, Petra. "Lies Have Bright Wings." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 263-82. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. Werner-Hervieu, Gudrun. "Women's Studies and Feminist Research in the Federal Republic of Germany and Berlin (West)." Translated by Tobe Levin. Women's Studies Quarterly 20, no. 3-4 (Fall/Winter 1992): 85-97.

Wiens, Maja, 1952-. GDR996


Wiens, Maja. "Dream Limits." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 283-92. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. . Traumgrenzen. Berlin: Neues Leben, 1988; 1983.

Wolf, Christa, 1929-. SeeAn Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Women Writers in German-Speaking Countries, edited by Elke P. Frederiksen and Elizabeth G. Ametsbichler. London and Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998; Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001; http://www.fembio.org/womenlchrista-wolf.shtml, and http:www.dhm.de/lemo/html/biografienIWolfChrista/ GDR998 GDR999




GDRI003 GDR1004 GDR] 005


Wolf, Christa. Aufdem Weg nach Tabou: Texte 1990-1994. Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1994. . "Beriihrung." Neue deutsche literatur 2 (1978): 53-62. Later published as the foreword to Maxie Wander's Guten Morgen, du Schone: Frauen in der DDR; about women in the GDR. . Die Dimension des Autors. Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1986. Translated by Jan Van Heurck under the title The Author's Dimension: Selected Essays. Edited by Alexander Stephan. Introduced by Grace Paley. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1993. . The Fourth Dimension: Interviews with Christa Wolf. Translated by Hilary Pilkington. Introduced by Karin McPherson. London: Verso, 1988. Includes "Subjective Authenticity: A Conversation with Hans Kaufmann." . Gesammelte Erziihlungen. Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1985. Translated by Heike Schwarzbauer and Rick Takvorian under the title What Remains and Other Stories. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1993 and Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1995. . Der geteilte Himmel. Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1963. Translated into English by Joan Becker under the title Divided Heaven. East Berlin: Seven Seas Books, 1968; 1965. . "June Afternoon." Grand Street 11, no. 3 (1992): 11-27. Short story about the events in a woman's life one afternoon in June. . Kassandra: Erzdhlung, Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1983. Translation of Kassandra and Voraussetzungen einer Erzdhlung by Jan van Heurck as Cassandra: A Novel and Four Essays. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1984. . Kein Ort, nirgends. Darmstadt; Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1979. Translated by Jan van Heureck as No Place on Earth. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1982.


German Democratic Republic

GDRI007 - - - . Kindheitsmuster: Roman. Darmstadt; Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1986; 1977. Translated by Ursule Molinaro and Hedwig Rappolt into English as Patterns of Childhood. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1984; and A Model Childhood. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1980. GDR1008 - - - . Lesen und Schreiben: Aufsiitze und Prosastiicke. [Darmstadt]: Luchterhand, 1972. Translated as The Reader and the Writer: Essays, Sketches, Memories. New York: Signet, 1977. GDR1009 - - - . Medea: Stimmen: Roman. [Munich]: Luchterhand, 1996. Translated by John Cullen as Medea: A Modern Retelling. New York: Nan A. Talese, 1998. GDR1010 - - - . Nachdenken iiber Christa T. Berlin, Aufbau, 1978. Translated into English by Christopher Middleton under the title The Quest for Christa T. London: Virago, 1982. GDR1011 - - - . Parting From Phantoms: Selected Writings, 1990-1994. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1997. GDRI012 - - - . "Revised Philosophy of a Tomcat." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 111-34. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. GDR1013 - - - . Selected Prose and Drama. Compiled by Ingeborg Bachmann and Patricia Herminghouse. New York: Continuum, 1998. GDR1014 - - - . "Self-Experiment: Appendix to a Report." Trans.lated by Jeanette Clausen. New German Critique 13 (Winter 1978): 109-31. GDR1015 - - - . Sommerstiick. Frankfurt am Main: Luchterhand, 1989. GDRI016 - - - . Storfall. Berlin: Aufbau, 1987. Translated by Heike Schwarzbauer and Rick Takvorian into English as Accident: a Day's News. New York: Farrar, Straus, &Giroux, 1989. About the Chemobyl nuclear accident, GDR1017 - - - . Unter den Linden: drei unwahrscheinliche Geschichten. Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1974. GDR1018 - - - . Was bleibt: Erzdhlung, Frankfurt am Main: Luchterhand Literaturverlag, 1990. GDR1019 Anz, Thomas, ed. Es geht nicht um Christa Wolf Munich: Edition Spangenberg, 1991. GDR1020 Amds, Peter. "Translating a Greek Myth: Christa Wolf's Medea in a Contemporary Context." Neophilologus 85, no. 3 (2001): 415-28. GDR1021 Bangerter, Lowell A. "Anna Seghers and Christa Wolf." Germanic Review 68, no. 3 (Summer 1993): 127-32. GDR1022 Beebee, Thomas 0., and Beverly M. Weber. "A Literature of Theory: Christa Wolf's Kassandra Lectures as Feminist Anti-Poetics." German Quarterly 74, no. 3 (2001): 259-79. GDRI023 Beeler, Karin E. "Re-Creating Cassandra and Anna Karenina: Unheard Voices in Christa Wolf's Cassandra and Aritha van Herk's Places Far from Ellesmere." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 36, no. 4 (1995): 227-36. GDR 1024 Bird, Stephanie. "Kein Ort, Nirgends: A Place for Feminist Deconstruction?" Forumfor Modern Language Studies 31, no. 4 (1995): 345-58. GDR1025 Borchardt, Edith, and Jennifer Wright. "Androgyny: The Search for Wholeness in Karoline von Giinderrode and Heinrich von Kleist: Christa Wolf's Novel Kein Ort. Nirgends." Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 11, no. 3 (43) (2000): 245-56. GDR1026 Braunbeck, Helga Gerlinde. "Autorschaft und Subjektgenese: Christa Wolfs 'Kein Ort, Nirgends'." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of California Santa Barbara, 1990. About authorship and the genesis of the subject in Christa Wolf's Kein Ort, Nirgends. GDR1027 Brtigmann, Margret. "Critical Resistance or Utopia? Questioning the Use of Mythical Protagonists to Explore Feminine Identity." In Contemporary German Writers, Their Aesthetics and Their Language, edited by Margret Brugrnann, et aI., 33-42. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993. About Wolf's Kassandra and Helene Cixous' Le Nom d'Oedipe. GDR1028 Buruma, Ian. "There's No Place Like Heimat." New York Review ofBooks 37, no. 20 (December 20, 1990). Discusses Patterns of Childhood, The Questfor Christa T., No Place


German Democratic Republic


GDR1030 GDR1031 GDR1032 GDR1033 GDR1034 GDR1035 GDR1036 GDR1037


GDR1039 GDR1040 GDR1041 GDR1042 GDR1043 GDR1044 GDR1045 GDR1046



on Earth, Cassandra: A Novel and Four Essays, Was bleibt, and The Fourth Dimension: Interviews with Christa Wolf Carr, Richard Joseph. "The Mythology of Fundamental Social Transformation: Christa Wolf's Medea (1996) in the Tradition of Her Kassandra (1983)." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Virginia, 2001. Casanova, Nicole. "Christa Wolf: Medee." Quinzaine Litteraire 725 (1997): 1l. Cicora, Mary A. "Language, Identity, and the Woman in 'Nachdenken uber Christa T.': A Post Structuralist Approach." Germanic Review 57, no. 1 (1982): 16-22. Cole, Joshua. "The Difficulty of Saying '1'." Journal ofEuropean Studies 29, no. 4 (116) (1999): 405-16. Wolf's Medea: Stimmen. Collier Sy-Quia, Hilary Ann. "The Body Politic in a Contested Present: Christa Wolf and the Making of History." Ph.D diss., Univ. of California, Berkeley, 2000. Dollenmayer, David, "Generational Patterns in Christa Wolf's Kindheitsmuster" German Life andLetters 39, no. 3 (1986): 229-34. Dupont, Eric. "L'Oubli dans la creation litteraire: L'Exemple de Marguerite Duras, Christoph Hein, Milan Kundera et Christa Wolf." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Toronto, 200l. Eigler, Friederike. "Rereading Christa Wolf's 'Selbstversuch': Cyborgs and Feminist Critiques of Scientific Discourse." German Quarterly 73, no. 4 (2000): 401-15. Einhorn, Barbara. "Der geteilte Himmel, Eine Liebesgeschichte, and Die Geschwister" and "Nachdenken iiber Christa T." In Der Roman in der DDR 1949-1969: die Gestaltung des Verhdltnisses von Individuum und Gesellschaft: eine Analyse der Erzdhlstruktur, 401-8, 45278. Kronberg: Scriptor, 1978. Discusses the relationship between fantasy and creativity in Wolf's Nachdenken iiber Christa T and Der geteilte Himmel. Elstun, Esther N. "Images of a Divided Germany in Christa Wolf's Novel The Questfor Christa T." In The Image of the Twentieth Century in Literature, Media, and Society; Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, edited by Will Wright and Steven Kaplan, 407-12. Pueblo, CO: Univ. of Southern Colorado Press, 2000. Engler, Jurgen. "Normalitat und Argwohn: Christa Wolfs 'Kindheitsmuster' -wiedergelesen." Neue Deutsche Literatur 47, no. 2 (524) (1999): 7-14. Ezergailis, Inta. Woman Writers: The Divided Self: Analysis ofNovels by Christa Wolf, Ingeborg Bachmann, Doris Lessing, and Others. Bonn: H. Grundmann, 1982. Finney, Gail. "The Christa Wolf Controversy: Wolf's Sommerstiick as Chekovian Commentary." Germanic Review 67, no. 3 (Summer 1992): 106-1l. "Forum: The Christa Wolf Controversy." GDR Bulletin 17, no. 1 (Spring 1991): 1-18. Commentators include Anna K. Kuhn, Christiane Zehl Romero and Marilyn Sibley Fries. Franz, Heidrun Marlene. "Uwe Johnson und Christa WolfVergangenheits- und Gegenwartsaufarbeitung in ihren literarischen Werken." Ph.D diss., Georgetown Univ., 1999. Frei, Christiane. "Minds, Bodies and Memories: The Mind/Body Split in Christa Wolf's Kassandra." Focus on Literatur 6, no. 1 (1999): 1-15. Fries, Marilyn Sibley. "Problems of Narrating the Heimat: Christa Wolf and Johannes Bobrowsky."Cross Currents 9 (1991): 219-30. , ed. Responses to Christa Wolf: Critical Essays. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1989. "This volume was conceived around the response to a special session on Christa Wolf at the annual convention of the Modern Language association of America (Los Angeles, 1982)." Includes articles by 21 contributors and an extensive bibliography of primary and secondary sources (pp. 395-411). Fuhrmann, Manfred. "Mythos als Wiederholung in der griechischen Tragodie und in der Literatur der Gegenwart." In Inszenierte Antike-Die Antike, Frankreich und wir, edited by Henry Thorau and Hartmut Kohler, 7-20. Frankfurt: P. Lang, 2000. Jean Anouilh's Antigone and Wolf's Kassandra. Gattens, Marie-Luise. "Language, Gender, and Fascism: Reconstructing Histories in Three


German Democratic Republic







GDRI056 GDR1057




GDRI062 GDRI063 GDRI064 GDR1065 GDRI066

Guineas, Der Mann aufder Kanzel and Kindheitsmuster. In Gender, Patriarchy, and Fascism in the Third Reich: The Response of Women Writers, edited by Elaine Martin, 32-64. Detroit, MI: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1993. Virginia Woolf, Ruth Rehmann, Christa Wolf. - - - . "Madchenerziehung im Faschismus: Die Rekonstruktion der eigenen Geschichte in Christa Wolfs Kindheitsmuster." In Der Widerspenstigen Zahmung: Studienzur bezwungenen Weiblichkeit in der Literatur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, edited by Sylvia Wallinger and Monika Jonas. 281-93. Innsbruck: Universitat Innsbruck, 1986. - - - . "Women's History as Archaeological Work: Christa Wolf's Patterns of Childhood." In Women Writers and Fascism: Reconstructing History. Gainesville: Univ. Press of Florida, 1995. Geyer-Ryan, Helga. "The Castration of Cassandra." In Determined Women: Studies in the Construction of the Female Subject, 1900-90, edited by Jennifer Birkett and Elizabeth Harvey, 195-207. London: Macrnillan, 1991. Giesecke, Almut. "Zum Leistungsvermogen einer Prosaform: Analysen zu Der Schrnied von Kosewalk von Sarah Kirsch und Juninachrnittag von Christa Wolf." Weimarer Beitriige 23, no. 8 (1977): 110-39. Ginsburg, Ruth. "Patterns of Responsibility: Christa Wolf's Patterns of Childhood." In Commitment in Reflection: Essays in Literature and Moral Philosophy, edited by Leona Toker, 121-42. New York: Garland, 1994. Gitlin, Todd. "'I Did Not Imagine That I Lived in Truth'." New York Times Book Review 142, vol.49291 (April 4, 1993): 1-4. Gooze, Marjanne E. "Finding a Place for Christa Wolf: Gendered Identity in No Place on Earth." In International Women's Writing: New Landscapes ofIdentity, edited Anne E. Brown and Marjanne E. Gooze, 44-59. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1995. Goudot, Marie. "Medea fiam: Christa Wolf et les metamorphoses du mythe." Etudes 391, no. 5 (1999): 525-33. Harries, Elizabeth Wanning. "The Mirror Broken: Women's Autobiography and Fairy Tales." Marvels & Tales 14, no. 1 (2000): 122-35. Fairytales in Carolyn K. Steedman's Landscape for a Good Woman compared to Wolf's Kindheitsmuster. Hell, Julia. "Soft Porn, Kitsch, and Post-Fascist Bodies: The East German Novel of Arrival." South Atlantic Quarterly 94, no. 3 (1995): 747-72. Brigitte Reimann, Dieter NolI, Christa Wolf. Henderson, Cary Lee. "Lidiia Chukovskaia and Christa Wolf: (Re)Writing History." Ph.D diss., State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook, 1999. Herhoffer, Astrid. "Geschichte gegen den Strich: Auf der Suche nach der eigenen Vergangenheit in Christa Wolfs Kassandra und Peter Weiss' Asthetik des Widerstands." In Travellers in Time and Space: The German Historical NovellReisende durch Zeit und Raum: Der deutschsprachige historische Roman, edited by Osman Durrani and Julian Preece, 34356. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001. - - - . "V or den W orten kornrnt die Angst: Christa Wolfs Suche nach einer neuen Sprache." In Finding a Voice: Problems ofLanguage in East German Society and Culture, edited by Graham Jackman and lan F. Roe, 229-46, 276. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000. Hilzinger, Sonja. "Weibliches Schreiben als eine Asthetik des Widerstands: Uber Christa Wolfs'Kassandra'-Projekt." Neue Rundschau 96, no. 1 (1985): 85-101. Hutchison, Catherine. "The Case of Christa Wolf." Cross Currents 11 (1992): 9-22. - - - . "The Narrator's Tale: Christa Wolf and the Reader in the Text Source." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Michigan, 1994. Jacobs, Karen. "Speaking 'Chrissandra': Christa Wolf, Bakhtin, and the Politics of the Polyvocal." Narrative 9, no. 3 (2001): 283-304. Jansen, Odile. "Women as Storekeepers of Memory: Christa Wolfs Cassandra Project." In Gendered Memories, edited by John Neubauer and Helga Geyer-Ryan, 35-43. Amsterdam:


German Democratic Republic Rodopi, 2000. GDRI067 Janson, Deborah. "In Search of Common Ground: An Ecofeminist Inquiry into Christa Wolf's Work." Isle: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 3, no. 1 (1996): 115-29. GDRI068 Janzon, Anjouli Elizabeth. "Contested Historiography: Women Writers of Spain and the Former German Democratic Republic." Ph.D diss., Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1998. Lourdes Ortiz compared to Montserrat Roig, Josefina Rodriquez and Christa Wolf. GDRI069 Jay, Martin. "Force Fields: Who's Afraid of Christa Wolf? Thoughts on the Dynamics of Cultural Subversion." Salmagundi 92 (Fall 1991): 44-53. GDR1070 Juers, Evelyn. "Who's Afraid of Christa Wolf?" Cambridge Quarterly 21, no. 3 (1992): 21321. GDR1071 Jurgensen, Manfred, ed. Wolf: Darstellung, Deutung, Diskussion. Bern: Francke, 1984. GDR1072 Kallin, Britta. '''Gut sei gewesen, was die Entfaltung alles Lebendigen befordert habe': Feminist Mythmaking and Christa Wolf's Medea: Stimmen:" Focus on Literatur 6, no. 1 (1999): 39-55. GDR1073 Keyek-Franssen, Deborah Lee. "The Fantastic GDR: Four Narratives by Christa Wolf." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Michigan, 1996. GDRI074 Kloetzer, Sylvia. "Patterns of Self-Destruction: Christa Wolf's What Remains and Monika Maron's Flight ofAshes." In Other Germanies: Questioning Identity in Women's Literature and Art, edited by Karen Jankowsky and Carla Love, 248-67. Albany, NY: State Univ. of New York Press, 1997. GDR1075 Komar, K. L. "The Communal Self: Re-membering Female Identity in the Works of Christa Wolfand and Monique Wittig." Comparative Literature 44, no. 1 (Winter 1992): 42-58. Examines memory's dynamic process of reconstructing personal identity and deconstructing gender roles, a major subtext in several novels of Christa Wolf. Parallels are drawn to feminist Monique Wittig, who attempts similar redefinitions of women and of culture. GDRI076 Kosta-Thefaine, Jean-Francois. "Christa Wolf: La Voix de Cassandre." Encres Vagabondes 19 (2000): 42-3. GDRI077 Krol, Monika. "Women Writers and Social Change in the Former GDR after the Wende: Gabriele Stotzer, Christa Wolf and Sarah Kirsch." Ph.D diss., Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1996. GDRI078 Kuhn, Anna K. Christa Wolf's Utopian Vision: From Marxism to Feminism. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988. GDR1079 . "'Eine Konigin kopfen ist effektiver als einen Konig kopfen': The Gender Politics of the Christa Wolf Controversy." In Women and the Wende: Social Effects and Cultural Reflections of the German Unification Process, edited by Elizabeth Boa and Janet Wharton, 200-15. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994. GDRI080 . "Was bleibt: (Re)assessing Christa Wolf's Scholarship after the Wende: A Review Essay." Germanic Review 67, no. 4 (Fall 1992): 173-80. GDRI081 Lewis, Alison. "'Foiling the Censor': Reading and Transference as Feminist Strategies in the Works of Christa Wolf, Irmtraud Morgner, and Christa Moog." German Quarterly 66, no. 3 (Summer 1993): 372-86. GDRI082 Lipton, Eunice. "Memory Manager." Women's Review ofBooks 15, no. 8 (May 1998): 6-7. GDRI083 Love, Myra N. Christa Wolf: Literature and the Conscience ofHistory. New York: P. Lang, 1991. GDR1084 . "The Crisis of East German Socialism: Christa Wolf and the Critique of Economic Rationality." Monatshefte 84, no. 1 (1992): 59-73. GDRI085 . '''A Little Susceptible to the Supernatural?' On Christa Wolf." Women in German Yearbook 7(1991): 1-22. GDRI086 . "Das spiel mit offenen Moglichkeiten: Subjectivity and the Thermatization of Writing in the Works of Christa Wolf." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of California Berkeley, 1983.


German Democratic Republic

GDR1087 Luserke, Matthias. '''!ch berichte, was vorgefallen ist': Christa Wolfs Medea-Roman." In West-Ostlicher Divan zum Utopischen Kakanien, edited by Annette Daigger, Renate Schroder-Werle and Jtirgen Thoming, 465-77. Bern: P. Lang, 1999. GDR1088 Luukkainen, Matti. "'Ausdruck und Inhalt': Versuch einer Anwendung des aktionalen Modells auf literarische Texte." Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 100, no. 4 (1999): 403-19. Stylistics of Wolf compared to Heinrich Ball. GDR1089 . "Metasprachliche Reflexion im literarischen Text: Am Beispiel von Heinrich Ball und Christa Wolf." Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 101, no. 2 (2000): 261-77. GDR1090 Mauser, Wolfram, ed. Erinnerte Zukunft: 11 Studien zum Werk Christa Woifs. Wtirzburg: Konighausen, 1985. GDR1091 Messerschmidt, Astrid, and Eva Peters. "Kein Freispruch fur Euripides: Zu den MedeaRomanen von Ursula Haas und Christa Wolf." Weimarer Beitrdge 46, no. 4 (2000): 524-46. GDR1092 Meyer-Gosau, Frauke. "'Keine Spur von Hoffnung, keine Spur von Furcht. Nichts nichts': Christa Wolfs Wege aus der Geschichte." In Mentalitiitswandel in der deutschen Literatur zur Einheit (1990-2000), edited by Volker Wehdeking, 153-64. Berlin: Schmidt, 2000. GDR1093 Miller, G. Ann Stamp. "The Cultural Politics of the German Democratic Republic: The Voices of Wolf Biermann, Christa Wolf, and Heiner Muller." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Hawaii, 1991. GDR 1094 Mittman, Elizabeth. "Christa Wolf's Signature in and on the Essay: Woman, Science, and Authority." In The Politics of the Essay: Feminist Perspectives, edited by Ruth-Ellen Boetcher Joeres and Elizabeth Mittman, 95-112. Bloomington, IN: Indiana Univ. Press, 1993. GDR1095 . "Encounters with the Institution: Woman and Wissenschaft in GDR Literature." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Minnesota, 1993. Christa Wolf compared to Helga Konigsdorf and Monika Maron. GDR1096 Mundt, H. "Anpassung und Widerstand bei Doris Lessing, Margaret Atwood und Christa Wolf." Orbis Litterarum 53, no. 3 (1998): 191-211. GDR1097 Novak, Simone. "The Return of the Medea: Bridging Dichotomies in Contemporary German Culture." Ph.D diss., Univ. of California, Davis, 1998. Wolf's Medea: Stimmen compared to Ula StOckl's Der Schlaf der Vernunft. GDR1098 Paley, Grace. "The Quest for Christa W." Nation 256, vol. 213 (April 5, 1993): 454-7. GDR1099 Paul, G. L. B. "'Subjective Authenticity': Contemporaneity and Commitment in the Works of Christa Wolf." Ph.D. diss., Oxford Univ., 1990. GDR1100 Pickle, Linda Schelbitzki. "Christa Wolf's Kassandra: Parallels to Feminism in the West." Critique 28, no. 3 (Spring 1987): 149-57. GDR1101 Pinkert, Anke. "Literary Intellectuals and the East German State: Legitimation and Dissent in the Works of Christa Wolf and Franz Ftihmann." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Chicago, 2000. GDR1102 Plate, Liedeke. "Dis/Remembering the Classics: Female Identity and the Act of Rewriting." Gendered Memories, edited by John Neubauer and Helga Geyer-Ryan, 66-75. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000. GDR1103 Postl, Gertrude. "The Silencing of a Voice: Christa Wolf, Cassandra, and the German Unification." Differences 5, no. 2 (Summer 1993): 92-115. GDR1104 Prak-Derrington, Emmanuelle. "'Wer spricht?': Uber Tempora, Pronomina und Grenzverwischungen in Christa Wolfs Kein Ort. Nirgends." Cahiers d'Etudes Germaniques 37, no. 2 (1999): 173-84. GDR1105 Rechtien, Renate. "Christa Wolf and Bertolt Brecht: A Case of Extended Intertextuality?" In Contemporary German Writers, Their Aesthetics and Their Language, edited by Arthur Williams, Stuart Parkes and Julian Preece, 35-53. Bern: P. Lang, 1996. GDRI106 Resch, Margit, and James Hardin. Understanding Christa Wolf: Returning Home to a Foreign Land. Columbia, SC: Univ. of South Carolina Press, 1997. GDR1107 Richard, Lionel. "Christa Wolf: 'Je n'ecris que sur ce qui m'inquiete'." Magazine litteraire 395 (2001): 98-103.


German Democratic Republic GDRII08 Roe, Ian F. "The 'Wende' and the Overcoming of 'Sprachlosigkeit'?" In Finding a Voice: Problems ofLanguage in East German Society and Culture, edited by Graham Jackman and Ian F. Roe, 55-74. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000. Monika Maron, Christa Wolf, Angela Krauss. GDR 1109 Romero, Christiane Zehl. "In the Shadow of the Rainbow: on Christoph Hein' s Execution eines Kalbes and Christa Wolf's Aufdem Weg mach Tabou." In Changing Identities in East Germany: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth and Twentieth New Hampshire Symposia, edited by Margy Gerber and Roger Woods, 63-86. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1996. GDRII10 . "Sexual Politics and Christa Wolf's Was bleibt," In End of the GDR and the Problems ofIntegration, edited by Margy Gerber and Roger Woods, ]57-80. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1993. GDR1111 . "'Was war? Was bleibt? Was wird?' Christa Wolf Then and Now." Michigan Germanic Studies 21, no. 1-2 (1995): 103-38. GDR1112 Rossbacher, Brigitte. "Gender, Science, Technology: The 'Dialectic of Enlightenment' in GDR Women's Literature." Ph.D diss., Univ. of California, Davis, 1999. About Christa Wolf and Helga Konigsdorf. GDRl113 . Illusions of Progress: Christa Wolf and the Critique of Science in GDR Women's Literature. New York: P. Lang, 2000. GDR1114 Sayre, Robert, and Michael Lowy. "Romanticism as a Feminist Vision: The Quest of Christa Wolf." New German Critique 64 (Winter 1995): 105-34. GDR1115 Schoefer, C. "The Attack on Christa Wolf." Nation 251, vol. 13 (October 22,1990): 446-8. GDR1116 Schwarzbauer, Heike, and Rick Tavorian. Accident: A Day's News. London: Virago, 1989. GDR] 117 Scribner, Charity. "August 1961: Christa Wolf and the Politics of Disavowal." German Life and Letters 55, no. 1 (2002 Jan): 61-74. GDR1118 Shields, Andrew Jonathan. "Observing Women: Doris Lessing, Christa Wolf, Marguerite Duras." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1995. GDR1119 Shiwy, Marlene A., and Steven M. Rosen . "Spinning the Web of Life: Feminism, Ecology, and Christa Wolf." Trumpeter (1990). Available at http://trumpeter.athabascau.ca/content/v7.1Ischiwy-rosen.html. GDR1120 Smith, Christa M. "'PaHiontologe werden': Politics, Narrative, and the Construction of Female Subjectivity in the German Novel of the 1970s. Ph.D diss., Princeton Univ., 1995. Ingeborg Bachmann, Christa Wolf, Uwe Johnson. GDR1121 Steinhagen, Virginia Irene. "Educating Rita and Her 'Sisters': The Female 'Bildungsroman' in the German Democratic Republic." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Minnesota, 1996. GDR1122 Stephan, Alexander. Christa Wolf. 3rd ed. Munich: C.H. Beck'sche, 1987. GDR1123 Stoehr, Ingo R. "The Recovering Patriarch: A Literary Type of the 1980s in Novels by Struck, Wolf, and Frischmuth." In Barbara Frischmutli in Contemporary Context, edited by Renate S. Posthofe, 224-41. Riverside, CA: Ariadne, 1999. GDR1124 Swanson, Heidi Lynne. "Written Friendship: Hannah Arendt, Brigitte Reimann, Christa Wolf." Ph.D diss., Princeton Univ., 2002. GDR1125 Szalay, Eva Ludwiga. "'I, The Seeress, Was Owned By the Palace': The Dynamics of Feminine Collusion in Christa Wolf's Cassandra." Women in German Yearbook 16 (2000): 167-90. GDR1126 . "Negotiating Constructions of Femininity, Subjective Agency and Resistance in Select Prose by Kaschnitz, Bachmann and Wolf." Ph.D diss., Georgetown Univ., 1998. GDR1127 Theml, Katharina. "Mythos und Geschlechterdiskurs in der Gegenwartsliteratur: Zum MedeaText Christa Wolfs." In Frauen in Kultur und Gesellschaft, edited by Renate von Bardeleben, et al., 305-17. Tubingen: Stauffenburg, 2000. GDR1128 Vazsonyi, Nicholas. "Wall of Silence? The Case of Christa Wolf." In The Berlin Wall: Representations and Perspectives, edited by Ernst Schurer, Manfred Erwin Keune and Philip Jenkins, 181-90. New York: P. Lang, 1996.


German Democratic Republic

GDR1129 Voss, Christine Lilli. "Mythic Topographies in Christa Wolf's 'Cassandra' and 'Medea': A Literary Analysis of Their Feminist-Mythographic Implications." Ph.D diss., Rutgers Univ., 1998. GDR1130 Watkins, Susan. "An Allegory from Atlantis." New Left Review 231(September-October 1998): 132-45. GDR 1131 Weber, Ulrike. "Christa Wolf and the Memory of the Future: Gender, Socialism, Resistance." Ph.D diss., Northwestern Univ., 1994. GDR1132 Weedon, Chris. "Childhood Memory and Moral Responsibility: Christa Wolf's Kindheitsmuster" In European Memories of the Second World War, edited by Helmut Peitsch, Charles Burdett and Claire Gorrara, 238-56. New York: Berghahn, 1999. GDR1133 . "Reading Christa Wolf." In Post- War Women's Writing in German: Feminist Critical Approaches, edited by Chris Weedon, 223-42. Providence, RI: Berghahn, 1997. GDR1134 West, R. "Christa Wolf Reads Joseph Conrad: Stoerfall and Heart of Darkness." German Life and Letters 50, no. 2 (1997): 254-65. GDR1135 Wiesehan, Gretchen. "Christa Wolf Reconsidered: National Stereotypes in Kindheitsmuster" Germanic Review 68, no. 2 (Spring 1993): 79-87. GDR1136 Wilke, Sabine. "Between Female Dialogics and Traces of Essentialism: Gender and Warfare in Christa Wolf's Major Writings." Studies in 20th Century Literature 17, no. 2 (Summer 1993): 243-262. GDR1137 . "'Ruckhaltlose Subjektivitat': Subjektwerdung, Gesellschafts- und Geschlechtsbewusstsein bei Christa Wolf." Women in German Yearbook 6 (1990): 27-45. GDR1138 Wilson, Jean. "Identity Politics in Atwood, Kogawa, and Wolf." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWebJournall, no. 3 (1999): n.p. GDR1139 Wilson, Jean. "Transgression and Identity in Kleist's Penthesilea and Wolf's Cassandra." Women in German Yearbook 16 (2000): 191-206. GDR1140 Wood, Carrie Elizabeth. "Sense, Being, and Postmodern Emotion." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Michigan, 1999. Peter Handke compared to Milan Kundera and Christa Wolf. Wolter, Christine, 1939-. Editor, translator and writer.

GDR1141 WoIter, Christine. Areopolis: Erziihlungen. Berlin: Aufbau, 1985. GDR1142 - - - . Die Alleinseglerin: Roman. Zurich: Benziger, 1982. GDR1143 - - - . "Early Summer." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writingfrom the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 95-102. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. GDR1144 - - - . Das Herz; diese rastlose Zuneigungs- und Abneigungsmaschine: Roman einer deutschen Trennung. Berlin: Das Arsenal, 2000. GDR1145 - - - . Die Hintergrundsperson: oder, Versuche zu lieben: Ku r: roman. Berlin: Aufbau, 1979. GDR1146 - - - . "Ich habe wieder geheiratet." In Wie ich meine Unschuld verlor. Berlin: Aufbau, 1976. Translated into English by Friedrich Achberger under the title "I Have Married Again,"in German Feminism: Readings in Politics and Literature, edited by Edith H. Altbach et al. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1984. GDR1147 - - - . Italienfahrten. Berlin: Aufbau, 1982. GDR1148 - - - . Italien muss schon sein: Impressionen, Depressionen in Arkadien. Berlin: Arsenal, 1993. GDR1149 - - - . Juni in Sizilien. Berlin: Aufbau, 1977. GDR1150 - - - . Meine italienische Reise. [Berlin]: Aufbau, 1975. GDR1151 - - - . Piazza Bra: Erzdhlungen. Zurich: Benziger, 1988. GDR1152 - - - . Das Stendhal-Syndrom: Erzdhlung, Berlin: Aufbau, 1990.. GDR1153 - - - . Strasse der Stunden = Via delle ore: 44 Veduten aus dem heimlichen Mailand.


German Democratic Republic Berlin: Arsenal, 1988. GDRl154 - - - . Stiickweise Leben: Roman. Zurich: Benziger, 1980. GDR1155 - - - . Wie ich meine Unschuld verlor.Erzdhlungen. Berlin: Weimar: Autbau, 1976. GDR1156 - - - . Die Zimmer der Erinnerung: Roman einer Auflosung, Berlin: Verlag Das Arsenal, 1996. GDRl157 Labroisse, Gerd. "'Versuche zu lieben' -Frauen-Fragen in der Prosa von Christine Wolter." Amsterdamer Beitriige zur Neueren Germanistik 29, (1989): 415-30. GDR1158 Mehnert, Elke. "Christine Wolters Italien-Bild." Deutsch als Fremdsprache Supp. (1989): 54-6. GDR1159 Morris, Leslie. "Aesthetic, Political or Anti-Idyll: 'Das Italienerlebnis' in Works by Christine Wolter, Birgit Pausch and Peter Schneider." Neue Germanistik 4, no. 2 (1986): 13-23. GDR1160 Schmidt, Edelgard. "Schauplatz Wirklichkeit-neu erlebt." Weimarer Beitriige 20, no. 6 (1974): 111-8. Eduard Claudius, Christine Wolter, Kurt and Jeanne Stem. GDR1161 Waijer-Wilke, Marieluise de, and Gerd Labroisse. "Christine Wolter." In DDR-Schriftsteller sprechen in der Zeit: Eine Dokumentation, edited by Gerd Labroisse and Ian Wallace, 12534. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1991.

Worgitzky, Charlotte, 1934-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GDR1162 Worgitzky, Charlotte. "I Quit." In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg, 49-60. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska, 1993. GDR1163 - - - . Meine ungeborenen Kinder. Berlin: Buchverlag Der Morgen, 1982. "The subject of this novel is the narrator's six abortions, which she had in order neither to compromise her acting career nor to deprive her one wished-for son. The novel was controversial at the time of its publication, and is under renewed discussion in the present context of disputed abortion rights in the united Germany" -Barbara Einhom, Cinderella Goes to Market (1993): 110. GDR1164 - - - . Vieriiugig oder blind. Berlin: Buchverlag der Morgen, 1978. GDR1165 Bulmahn, Heinz. "Ideology, Family Policy, Production, and (Re)Education: Literary Treatment of Abortion in the GDR of the Early 1980s." Studies in Twentieth Century Literature 21, no. 2 (1997): 315-35. Treatment of abortion by Worgitzky compared to that of Friedrich Wolf and Christoph Rein. GDR1166 Zehl-Romero, Christiane. "'Vertreibung aus dem Paradies?' GDR Women's Writing Reconsidered." German Monitor 40 (1997): 108-26.

Wunscher, Marianne. East German actress. See http://it.movies.yahoo.com/artisti/w/marianne-wunscher/filmografia-213158.html. GDR 1167 Funke, Christoph. Marianne Wunscher: Ansichten und Absichten einer Schauspielerin. Berlin: Buchverlag Der Morgen, 1987. About East German actress Marianne Wunscher.

Zeplin, Rosemarie, 1939-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. GDR 1168 Zeplin, Rosemarie. Alptraume aus der Provinz: Roman. Berlin: Autbau, 1984. GDR1169 . Der Maulwurf, oder Fatales Beispiel weiblicher Gradlinigkeit. Berlin: Autbau, 1990. GDR1170 . Schattenriss eines Liebhabers: Erziihlungen. Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1980. Trans. into English as "The Shadow of a Lover," In Daughters ofEve: Women's Writing from the German Democratic Republic, edited by Nancy Lukens and Dorothy Rosenberg. Lincoln,


German Democratic Republic

NE: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1993. GDR1171 Kerschke, Jutta. "Ein literarisches Debut: Rosemarie Zeplin." Deutsch als Fremdsprache 21 (1984): 67-80. GDR1172 Ronisch, Siegfried. "Bilanz einer Kindheit: Rosemarie Zeplin 'Alptraurne aus der Provinz'." In DDR-Literatur '84 im Gespriich, edited by Siegried Ronisch, 309-16. Berlin: Aufbau, 1985. GDR1173 Zipes, Jack. "The Struggle for the Grimms' Throne: The Legacy of the Grimms' Tales in the FRG and GDR since 1945." In The Reception of Grimms' Fairy Tales: Responses, Reactions, Revisions, edited by Donald Hasse, 167-206. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1993. This article includes attention to some feminist revisions of fairy tales in West Germany and to the sexist cast of traditional East German versions. Autobiography

GDR1174 Held, Nelly, and Marianne Kumrey. Ohne Scham: Lebensbericht der Nelly Held. Berlin: Brandenburgisches Verlagshaus, 1990. About Held's life in the GDR. GDR1175 Mahlsdorf, Charlotte von. Ich Bin Meine Eigene Frau. N.p.: Edition Dia, 1992. Translated by Jean Hollander under the title [ Am My Own Woman: The Outlaw Life of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, Berlin's Most Distinguished Transvestite. Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, 1995. GDR1176 Oelschlegel, Vera. "Wenn das meine Mutter wiif):": Selbstportriit. Berlin: Ullstein, 1991. East German actress's autobiography.


HABSBURG MONARCHY Bibliography and Reference HAB1 HAB2




Bibliographie zur osterreichischen historischen Frauenbewegung (in Auswahl). http://www.onb.ac.at/ariadne/vtb/vtbiblio.htm. Part of ARIADNE. See HAB9 below. Bridge, F. R. The Habsburg Monarchy 1804-1918: books and pamphlets published in the United Kingdom between 1818-1967; a critical bibliography. London: University of London (School of Slavonic and East European Studies), 1967. Frederiken, Elke, ed. Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. - - - , and Elizabeth G. Ametsbichler. Women Writers in German-Speaking Countries: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. Himka, John-Paul. Galicia and Bukovina: A Research Handbook about Western Ukraine, Late 19th and 20th Centuries. Historic Sites Service, Occasional Paper, 20. [Edmonton]: Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Historic Resources Division, 1990. Nigg, Marianne, ed. Biographien der osterreichischen Dichterinnen und Schriftstellerinnen : ein Beitrag zur deutschen Literatur in Osterreich. 1893. Schmid-Bortenschlager, Sigrid, and Hanna Schnedl-Bubenicek. Osterreichische Schriftstellerinnen 1880-1938: Eine Bio-Bibliographie. Stuttgart: Heinz, 1982. Includes 47 of the 66 women on the VSKA (Verein der Schriftstellerinnen und Kiinstlerinnen in Wien, which was a small society for female writers and artists in existence between 18851914) rosters, 1886-1910. Weiland, Daniela. Geschichte der Frauenemanzipation in Deutschland und Ostrreich: Biographien, Programme, Organisationen. Diisseldorf: ECON, 1983.

Web Sites HAB9


ARIADNE. htp://www.onb.ac.at/ben/ariadfr.htm. Comprehensive in its scope, Ariadne is a service of the Austrian National Library (Osterreichischen Nationalbibliothek), focusing on Austria, but encompassing all of Europe, and functioning as a gateway to information, databases, web sites, organizations and institutions relating to various aspects of women's lives. There are links to bibliographies, directories, journals and other reference and source material on gender studies and the feminist movement since 1990, literary collections and sources on Austrian women prose writers, dramatists and poets. There is also a link to a project on the Austrian women's movement with full texts of critical documents, as well as linking to sources on Austrian women authors, dramatists and poets. HABSBURG, H-Net Reviews. http://www.h-net.msu.edu/reviews.This site has book reviews that have appeared on H-Net with regard to Austria, the Habsburg Empire and Central and Eastern Europe more broadly.

Habsburg Monarchy Periodicals HABll





Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung: Sozialdemokratisches Organ fiir Frauen und Miidchen. Semimonthly Social Democratic publication, 1892-1909. Editors included Rudolf Pokorny, Viktor Adler from January 1893, Viktoria Kofler, Maria Krasa, and Anna Boschek. Some issues from 1892 to 1901 are available online. Freie Stunden (Beilage). 1910-? "Leisure" supplement to the Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung. Some issues from 1910 to 1914 are available online. Dokumente der Frauen. A semimonthly Viennese journal published from March 1899 to March 1903 (eight volumes), then to 1912 under the new name Frauen-Rundschau. From 1899 to1900, it was edited by Auguste Fickert, Rosa Mayreder, Marie Lang; from January 1900 to March 1903, by Marie Lang. Die Frau (earlier title Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung). A social democratic monthly published in Vienna from 1926-1934. Edited by Adelheid Popp, it discussed politics, housekeeping, the woman's question, literature. L'Homme: Zeitschrift fiir feministische Geschichtswissenschaft. Vienna: Bohlau, 1990Semiannual. Includes many articles on women in the Habsburg Empire. Jahresbericht des Vereines fiir Erweiterte Frauenbildung in Wien. Vienna: 1888/89-1914/15. 27 vols. The yearbook of the "Verein fur Erweiterte Frauenbildung in Wien" (Society for the Advancement of Women's Education in Vienna). Each volume includes a list of the society's members. Available on microfilm as no. P194 of the Gerritsen Collection of Women's History. Neues Frauenleben: Organ der Freiheitlichen Frauen in Osterreich. Published in Vienna from 1902-1915, edited by August Fickert.

History and Society HAB18






Albisetti, James C. "Female Education in German-Speaking Austria, Germany and Switzerland, 1866-1914." In Austrian Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Edited by David F. Good, Margarete Grandner and Mary Jo Maynes, 39-57. Providence & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1996. Aigner, Reinhold. "Die grazer Arztinnen aus der Zeit der Monarchie [Women physicians at Graz under the monarchy]. Zeitschrift des Historischen Yereines fiir Steiermark 70 (1979): 45-70. Short biographies of the first women physicians at Graz after women were allowed to study medicine in 1900. - - - . "Seraphine Puchleitner: Der erste weibliche Student und Doktor an der Universitat Graz." Bldtter fiir Heimatkunde 51 (1977): 119-22. About the first female student to earn a doctorate from Graz University. Allgemeiner Osterreichischer Frauenverein, ed. (cited as Petition 1897). Zum Frauenstimmrecht in Osterreich. Vienna: n.p., 1894. - - - . Zur Geschichte einer Petition gegen die Errichtung offentlicher Hduser in Wien: Protokoll iiber die am 20. Februar 1897 im Sitzungssaale des alten Rathhauses zu Wien stattgehabte allgemeine Frauenversammlung. Vienna: n.p., 1897. Anderson, Harriet. "Feminism as a Vocation: Motives for Joining the Austrian Women's Movement in Vienna 1900: From Altenberg to Wittgenstein." Austrian Studies Yearbook 1 (1990): 73-86. - - - . "'Mir wird es immer unrnoglicher, die Manner als die Feinde der Frauensache zu betrachten... ': Zur Beteiligung von Mannern und den Bestrebungen der osterreichischen Frauenbewegungen urn 1900." In "Das Weib existiert nicht fiir sich ... ": Geschlechterbeziehungen in der biirgerlichen Gesellschaft, edited by Heide Dienst and Edith Saurer, 189-201.Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1990. About men's roles "in three


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Austrian women's movements: the liberal middle-class movement; the socialist movement, and Catholic women's groups. This is a provocative reference point from which to view the ambiguity inherent in women's activism and to identify the conflicting ambitions among the various efforts." -Barbara Bari, College of Saint Elizabeth. - - - . Utopian Feminism: Women's Movements in Fin-de-Siecle Vienna. New Haven & London: Yale Univ. Press, 1992. Translated under the title Vision und Ledienschaft: die Frauenbewegung im Fin de siecle Wiens. Vienna: Deuticke: 1994. Andics, Hellmut. Die Frauen der Habsburger. Munich: W. Heyne, 1997; 1985. About the queens and princesses of the House of Habsburg. - - - . Kobiety Habsburg6w. Translated with introduction and commentary by lerzy Serczyk. Wroclaw: Zaldad Narodowy im. Ossolinkich Wydawn, 1991. About the queens and princesses from the House of Habsburg. Angerer, Marie-Luise, ed. The Body of Gender: Korper, Geschlechter, Identitaten. Vienna: Passagen Verlag, 1995. - - - . "The Discourse on Female Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century Austria." In Austrian Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Edited by David F. Good, Margarete Grandner and Mary 10 Maynes, 179-95. Providence & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1996. AppeIt, Erna. "'Denn das Gesetz unserer Zeit heiBt Okonomie ... ' Weibliche Angestellte in ProzeB soziookonomischer Modernisierung, " In Frauen-Arbeitswelten. Zur historischen Genese gegenwiirtiger Probleme, edited by Birgit Bolognese-Leuchtenmuller and Michael Mitterauer, 133-48. Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1993. - - - . "The Gendering of the Service Sector in Austria in Late Nineteenth-Century Austria." In Austrian Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives, edited by David F. Good, Margarete Grandner and Mary 10 Maynes, 115-31. Providence & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1996. - - - . Von Ladenmddchen, Schreibfriiulein und Gouvernanten: Die weiblichen Angestellten Wiens zwischen 1900-1934. Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1985. About female Viennese employees-shop-assistants, secretaries and governesses-between 1900 and 1934. Appignanesi, Lisa, and John Forrester. Freud's Women. London: Penguin, 2000. About the women who figured largely in Freud's life and career, the Viennese figures ranging from his mother, sisters, wife and sister-in-law through such first patients as Bertha von Pappenheim, Ida Bauer and Emma Eckstein to such disciples as Helene Deutsch, nee Rosenbach and Hermine Hug-Hellmuth. Arbeitsgruppe FrauenmauI. Ich hab' Dir keinen Rosengarten versprochen... : Das Bild der Frau in vier osterreichischen Tageszeitungen-eine Dokumentation. Vienna: Firschfleisch und Lowenmaul, 1978. About the image of women in four Austrian daily newspapers. Arco-Zinneburg, Ulrich, and Willie Kroupa. Habsburger Frauen im Kaisertum Osterreich. Arstetten: Druckwerke Schloss Arsteten, 1995. About Habsburg women in imperial Austria. Arlt, Use. "Die Fursorgetatigkeit der Frauen in Osterreich bis zum Beginn der modemen Ftirsorge. Von Bundesfursorgerat Ilse Arlt." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 84-7. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About the social welfare of Austrian women until the beginning of modem welfare. - - - . "Soziale Frauenschulen." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 171-3. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. Auer, Erich. "Das Projekt eines osterreichischen Damenordens der HI. Theodora [The project of an Austrian female order of the Holy Theodora] .Mitteilungen des Instituts fiir Osterreichische Geschichtsforschung 71 (1963): 157-74.


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Bader-Zaar, Brigitta. "Liberalism and the Emancipation of Women in Austria in the 19 and th Beginning of the 20 Century." Bulgarian Historical Review 25, no. 1 (1997): 137-41. - - - . "Teilhabe an Macht? Das Frauenwahlrecht und die politische Reprasentation von Frauen" [Sharing in power? Female suffrage and the political representation of women]. Austriaca 42 (1996): 63-80. Examines women in the political decision making process in Austria in the 19th and 20 th centuries. - - - . "Women in Austrian Politics, 1890-1934: Goals and Visions." In Austrian Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Edited by David F. Good, Margarete Grandner and Mary Jo Maynes, 59-90. Providence & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1996. Balazs, Eva H. Hungary and the Habsburgs, 1765-1800: An Experiment in Enlightened Absolutism. Translated by Tim Wilkinson. Budapest: Central European Univ. Press, 1997. Balazs's study is about the success of Maria Theresa and the failure of Joseph 11, her son and successor. "Balazs examines the intellectual milieu of the eighteenth century, and the ideological differences and endless sparring that distanced Joseph 11 and Maria Theresa one from the other. [M]other and son were confronted with a similar corpus of ideas, yet drew different and at times antithetical conclusions from it. Balazs not only compares the ideas that influenced the rulers, as others have done, but places their disparate world views alongside their personal relationships with each other and with their advisors." -Howard Lupovitch, Habsburg H-Net, October, 1999. Barbance, Maryse. "Des representations de la femme chez Freud: Un regard historique, psychanalytique et feministe contemporain." Recherches feministes 7, no. 2 (1994): 37-55. About Freud's representations of women from historical, psychoanalytical and contemporary feminist perspectives. Barth-Scalmani, Gunda. "Salzburger Handelsfrauen, Fratschlerinnen, Fragnerinnen: Frauen in deer Welt des Handels am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts" [Salzburg's tradeswomen, hawkers, th grocers: women in the business world at the end of the 18 century]. L'Homme 6, no. 1 (1995): 23-45. Bastl, Beatrix. "Habsburgische Heiratspolitik-1000 Jahre Hochzeit?" [Habsburg marriage policy: 1,000-year marriage?]. L'Homme 7, no. 1 (1996): 75-89.

Bauer, Ida, 1882-1945. Famous as Sigmund Freud's patient "Dora." HAB46




Bernheimer, Charles, and Claire Kahane, eds. In Dora' s Case: Freud-Hysteria-Feminism. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1985. This collection of essays focuses on Ida Bauer as "Dora, " an early patient treated by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) in 1900. Decker, Hannah S. Freud, Dora, and Vienna 1900. New York: Free Press; Toronto: Collier Macmillan Canada; New York: Maxwell Macmillan International, 1991. This study contextualizes the psychoanalysis of Ida Bauer by Freud in the social life and customs of Austrian Jews. Bauer, Irene. "Diebinnen und Betriigerinnen in Wien urn die Hahrhundertwende zur Sozialgeschichte der Frauenkriminalitat" [Women thieves and swindlers in Vienna at the turn of the century: a contribution to the social history of female criminality]. Jahrbuch des Vereins jur Geschichte der Stadt Wien 44-45 (1988-1989): 187-227. Berger, Maria. "Braucht Osterreich ein Antidiskriminierungsgesetz?" In Frau und Recht, 913. Vienna: Bundespressedienst, 1981. About whether Austrian women need an antidiscrimination law.


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Berkner, Lutz K. "The Stem Family and the Developmental Cycle of the Peasant Household: An Eighteenth-Century Austrian Example." American Historical Review 77, no. 2 (April 1972): 398-418. Bernold, Monika. "Representations of the Beginning: Shaping Gender Identities in Written Life Stories of Women and Men." In Austrian Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Edited by David F. Good, Margarete Grandner and Mary 10 Maynes, 197-211. Providence & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1996. - - - , and Johanna Gehmacher. "A Private Eye on Feminist Agency: Reflections on SelfDocumentation, Biography, and Political Consciousness." Women's Studies International Forum 22, no. 2 (1999): 237-47. Mathilde Hanzel-Hiibner, a schoolteacher and lifelong feminist activist born in Vienna in the late 19th century is discussed within the context of biographical writing and "the representation of feminist agency." Bertin, Colin. Lafemme it Vienne au temps de Freud. Paris: Librairie generale francaise, 1994; Stock/L. Pernoud, 1989. Beth, Marianne Dr. "Die Stellung der Frau im Recht." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich. edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 95-103. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. Biedermann, Edelgard. "Eine Genossin des leibhaftigen Gottseibeiuns? Zu Bertha von Suttners Briefwechsel mit Irma von Troll Borostyani, 1886-1890" [A comrade in the good fight? Bertha von Suttner's correspondence with Irma von Troll-Borostyani, 1886-90]. "Osterreich in Geschichte und Literatur mit Geographie 45, no. 2b-3 (2001): 134-52. Examines the correspondence between two Austrian activists, Bertha von Suttner and Irma von Troll-Borostyani, in the years 1886-90. Suttner is best known today as an antiwar campaigner, but at the time she also supported the emancipation of women and criticized her country's militarism, the dogmatism of the Catholic Church, anti-Semitism, double standards, and the opposition of the country's nobility toward progress. In contrast, Troll- Borostyani was primarily concerned with the emancipation of women. The letters cover a number of topics, including their private lives, critiques of their writings, problems with publishers, and Troll-Borostyani's demand for women's emancipation. -E. O'Mahony Birkhan, Ingvild. "'Die Psyche der Frau im Schatten der Mutter': Gedanken zur Strukturierung biirgerlicher Liebe." In Das Weib existiert nichtfiir sich: Geschlechterbeziehungen in der biirgerlichen Gesellschaft, edited by Heide Dienst and Edith Saurer, Vol. 48 of Osterreichische Texte zur Gesellschaftskritik. 82-96. Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1990. About the women's psyche and the structuring of bourgeois love. Bohachevsky-Chomiak, Martha. Duma Ukrainy: Zhinochnoho rodu. Kiev: Voskresinnia, 1993. "The chapters present historical overviews of women in Ukraine at the turn of the century, Ukrainian women in the Austrian empire, women's organizations, international women's movement, Soiuz Ukrainok (Union of Ukrainian Women), women's organizations and communism, and women, history, and people's rights. "-Christine Worobec - - - . Feminists Despite Themselves: Women in Ukrainian Community Life, 1884-1939. Edmondton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Univ. of Alberta, 1988. Part 2 is "Ukrainian Women in the Austrian Empire." Co-winner, AWSS Heldt Prize for the Best Book in Slavic Women's Studies, 1989: "The first history of the women's movement in the Ukraine. The book reveals that Ukrainian women, constrained by national and traditional issues, began to develop self-help organizations in their rural communities. It analyzes a vast range of material, encompassing Ukrainian women in the Russian and Austrian Empires, the national liberation struggle, the interwar period, international feminism, and Ukrainian women in the Soviet Union." - - - . "Socialism and Feminism: The First States of Women's Organizations in the Eastern Part of the Austrian Empire." In Women in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, edited by Tova Yedlin, 44-64. New York: Praeger, 1981. The author focuses on movements in Galicia


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led by Polish and Ukrainian women which aimed to improve the position of women within the separate nationalities, strengthen cooperation among socialists, and achieve equal access to education and voting rights. Bohle, Sigrun. "Mode, Schonheit oder Gesundheit." In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920, 107-10. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. About fashion and ideas of female beauty. Bowman, William David. Priest and Parish in Vienna, 1780-1880. Studies in Central European Histories. Boston: Humanities Press; Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 1999. Bowman won the Austrian Cultural Institute's Best Dissertation Prize for 1990-1991 for the study from which this book derives. In the chapter on education, Bowman documents "the strict regulations concerning prospective priests' contacts with women." -Joseph Patrouch, Habsburg H-net (July 2000). Brauer, Helmut. ''' ...Weillen sie nit alzeit Arbeit haben khan': Uber die 'Bettelweiber' von Wien wahrend der friihen Neuzeit [ " ... because you can't always have work ": female beggars in Vienna during the early modem era]. L'Homme 7, no. 1 (1996): 135-43. Braun, Adolf. "Der Anspruch der Frauen auf politisches Recht." Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung, 7 May 1912: 2-3. Braun, Martha Stephanie, et al., eds. Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes Osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. This collection of 37 essays falls into three sections: The Women's Movement, Women's Education, and Women's Work. - - - . "Volkshochschulen." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 203-6. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About public high schools. Breiter, Marianne. "Ausbruch ins Gefagnis? Zur Funktion weiblicher Krankheit im burgerlichen Geschlechterarrangernent." In Das Weib existiert nicht fiir sich ... Geschlechterbeziehungen in der bilrgerlichen Gesellschaft, edited by Heide Dienst and Edith Saurer, Vol. 48 of Osterreichische Texte zur Gesellschaftskritik. 64-81. Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1990. About female illness and bourgeois gender-roles. Brown, James Owen. "Becoming Widowed: Rural Widows in Lower Austria, 1788-1848." History of the Family 7, no. 1 (2002): 117-24. - - - . "The Family as Process: Family and Economy in Lower Austria, 1788-1848." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Minnesota, 1995. Bund Osterreichische Frauenvereine. Die Unterrichtsanstalten fiir die weibliche Beviilkerung der im Reichsrate vertretenen Konigreiche und Ldnder der osterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie. Vienna, n.p., 1908. About the educational institutions for the female population of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Bunzl, Matti. Symptoms ofModernity: Jews and Queers in Late-Twentieth-Century Vienna. Berkeley, CA: Univ. of California Press, 2004. Burger, Hannelore. "Zur Geschichte der Staatsburgerschaft der Frauen in Osterreich: Ausgewahlte Fallstudien aus der ersten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts" [The history of women's th citizenship in Austria: Some case studies from the first half of the 19 century]. L'Homme 10, no. 1 (1999): 38-44. Burjan, Hildegard. "Die Frauen und die Nationalversammlung." Reichspost (20 February 1919). Bussemer, Herrad U. "Burgerliche Frauenbewegung und mannliches Bildungsburgertum 1860-1880." In Biirgerin und Bilrger: Geschlechterverhdltnisse im 19. Jahrhundert, edited by U. Frevert, 190-205. Gottingen: n.p., 1988. Carton de Wiart, Henry Comte. Marguerite d'Autriche: une princess beige de la renaissance. Paris: Editions B. Grasset, 1935. About Margaret of Austria, Regent of the Netherlands, 1480-1530.


Habsburg Monarchy HAB75










Cohen, Gary B., Education and Middle-Class Society in Imperial Austria 1848-1918. West Lafayette: Purdue Univ. Press, 1996. Includes illustrations, maps, bibliography, index. "Cohen's study is a painstakingly researched book that provides us with a wealth of information and a challenging analysis of education and the middle classes in the Austrian half of the monarchy. It is a foundation work that is obligatory reading for all specialists in Habsburg history." -Sarah Kent for Habsburg H-Net Reviews, November 1998. http://www.hnet.msu.edulreviews/showrev.cgi?path=2306691 0378708 Czajecka, Boguslawa. "Z domu w szeroki swiat": droga kobiet do niezaleznosci w zaborze austriackim w latach 1890-1914. Krakow: Tow. autor6w i wydawc6w prac nauk. universitas, 1990. About women's path to independence in the Austrian annex 1890-1914. Dadatscheck, Birgit. "Die Frau und das allgemeine burgerliche Recht. "In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920, 61-7. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. David, Katherine [David-Fox]. "Czech Feminists and Nationalism in the Late Habsburg Monarchy: 'The First in Austria'." Journal of Women 's History 3, no. 2 (Fall 1991): 26-45. de Bourgoing, Jean, ed. The Incredible Friendship: The Letters ofEmperor Franz Joseph to Frau Katharina Schratt. Translated and edited by Evabeth Miller Kienast and Robert Rie. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1966. Demeny, Paul. "Early Fertility Decline in Austria-Hungary: A Lesson in Demographic Transition." Daedalus 97 (1968): 502-22. Deutsch-Brady, Melanie. "Die Musikerin." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et aI., 313-20. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About women musicians. Diem-Wille, Gertraud. "Femininity and Professionalism: A Psychoanalytic Study of Ambition in Female Academics and Managers in Austria." In Austrian Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Edited by David F. Good, Margarete Grandner and Mary Jo Maynes, 157-77. Providence & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1996. Dienst, Heide, and Edith Saurer, eds. Das Weib existiert nicht fur sich ... Geschlechter beziehungen in der biirgerlichen Gesellschaft. Vol. 48 of Osterreichische Texte zur Gesellschaftskritik. Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1990. A collection of essays, most of them about 19th century middle-class women and culture in Austria. "The book's title ... and its approach reinforce the notion of female oppression and victimization. Some essays contain an implicit Marxist-feminist agenda that supplies the rhetoric of oppositional dualism. What is lost thereby is the nuance and texture of women's lives ... Although the focus is on middle-class women and culture, many of the essays are regrettably silent on the matter of differences among women." -Barbara Bari, College of Saint Elizabeth. The three essays that Bari singles out as exceptions to flat formulas are those by Gerlinde Haas, Waltraud Heindl and Harriet Anderson. Dreissig Jahre Frauenstudium in Osterreich 1897 bis 1927: Festschrift. Vienna: Festausschuss anlasslich des dreissigjahrigen Frauenstudiumjubilaums, 1927. Festschrift on the 30th anniversary of co-education in Austria, 1897-1927. Duffy, Christopher. The Army ofMaria Theresa: The Armed Forces ofImperial Austria, 1740-1780. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1977. Dugast Rouille, MicheI. Descendance, ascendance de Charles et Zita de Habsbourg, empereur et imperatrice d'Autriche. Saint-Herblain: CID editions, 1985. A short study of the 1916-1918 reign of Charles I, last Emperor of Austria-Hungary (1887-1922), and his consort, Zita von Bourbon-Parma (1892-1989). Dull, Siegrid. "Zwischen Nahkastchen und Pianoforte. Amaliens ErholungsstundenTeutschlands Tochtem geweiht. Eine Monatsschrift fur den Adel und fur den Mittelstand (1790-1792)." In Von Biirgen und ihren Frauen, edited by Margret Friedrich and Peter


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Urbanitsch, 235-49. Vienna: Bohlau Verlag; Cologne: Weimar, 1996. Eberhard, Ehrhardt F.W. Feminismus und Kulturuntergang: Die erotischen Grundlagen der nd Frauenemanzipation, 2 ed. Vienna: W. Braumtiller, 1927. About feminism and cultural decline: the erotic foundations in the women's emancipation movement.

Eckstein, Emma, 1865-1924. One of Freud's first analytic patients, she was actively involved in the women's movement in Vienna. HAB89











HAB 100


Eckstein, Emma. "Das Dienstmadchen als Mutter." In Totgeschwiegen: Texte zur Situation der Frau in Osterreich von 1880 bis in die Zwischenkriegszeit, edited by Sigrid SchmidBortenschlager and Hanna Schnedl-Bubenicek, 173-7. Vienna: Osterreicher Bundesverlag, 1982. A 1900 article about the maidservant as mother, by one of Freud's earliest patients. . Der Sexual Frage in der Erziehung des Kindes. Leipzig: Modemes Verlagsbureau, 1904. About the sexual question in raising children. Eder, Franz X. '''Durchtranktsein mit Geschlechtlichkeit': Zur Konstruktion der btirgerlich Geschlechterdifferenz im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs tiber die 'Sexualitat' (18.-19. Jahrhundert)." In Von Biirgen und ihren Frauen, edited by Margret Friedrich and Peter Urbanitsch, 25-47. Vienna: Bohlau Verlag; Cologne: Weimar, 1996. . "Sexual Cultures in Germany and Austria, 1700-2000." In Sexual Cultures in Europe: National Histories. Vol. 1, edited by Franz X. Eder, Lesley A. Hall and Gert Hekma, 138-72. Manchester & New York: Manchester Univ. Press, 1999. Ehmer, Josef. "The Artisan Family in Nineteenth-Century Austria: Embourgeoisment of the Petite Bourgeoisie?" In Shopkeepers and Master Artisans in Nineteenth-Century Europe, edited by Geoffrey Crossick and Heinz-Gerhard Haupt, 195-218. London: Metheun, 1986. . Familienstruktur und Arbeitsorganisation im friihindustriellen Wien. Vienna: Verlag fur Geschichte und Politik, 1980. About the family structure and the organisation of work in early industrial Vienna. . "Frauenarbeit und Arbeiterfamilie in Wien: Vom Vormarz bis 1934." Geschichte und Gesellschaft 7, no. 3-4 (1981): 438-73. About working women and the working family in Vienna. . "'Servi di donne': Matrimonio e constituzione di una propria famiglia da parte dei garzoni come campo de conflitto nel mondo artigiano Mitteleuropeo" [ "Women's servants": marriage and the founding of a family by apprentices as a field of conflict among Central European artisans].Quademi Storici 27, no. 2 (1992): 475-507. . "Volkszahlungslisten als Quelle der Sozialgeschichte" [Census lists as a source for social history]. Wiener Geschichtsbliitter 35, no. 3 (1980): 100-23. The Vienna census of 1857 provides information on the social mobility, structure of families, regional mobility, and role of women in Viennese society. Ehrenhaft-Steindler, alga. "Handelsschulen." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich; edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 166-71. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About vocational schools. Endhammer, Elisabeth Christine. "Mythos Frau': Das Frauenbild und dessen Auspragung in den Frauenakten im Wien des Fin de Siecle." Ph.D. diss., Leopold Franzens-Universitat zu Insbruck, 1992. Englova, Jana. "Women's Working Activities in the Austrian Industrial Production in the Seventies and Eighties of the 19th Century." Hospoddrske dejiny 18 (1990): 185-209. A quantitative analysis of the female industrial work force in the Habsburg Empire, with a focus on Bohemia, in the 1870' s-80' s. Ettel, Konrad. Die Frau und die Gesellschaft: Ein Wort zur Frauenfrage. Gerritsen Collection of Women's History, no. 817. Vienna: G. Szelinski, 1890. About the woman


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question. Fallmann, Astrid. "Zur Rolle der Frau im osterreichischen Parlamentarismus (1848-1934)." M.A. thesis, Vienna: Univ. of Vienna, 1989. About the women's role in the Austrian parliament, 1848-1934. Federn, Else. "Die Entwicklung der modernen Fiirsorge." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun, 87-94. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine. 1930. About the development of modem welfare. Fehrer, Rosemarie. Die Frau als Angestellte in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung Osterreichs: ihr sozialer Aufstieg seit dem letzten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts. Linz: R. Trauner, 1989. About white-collar working women. Includes summary in English and bibliographical references. Originally presented as the author's doctoral thesis at the Univ. of Linz. Feigl, Erich. Kaiserin Zita: Legende und Wahreit. Vienna: Amalthea Verlag, 1978. Myths and truths about the last Habsburg empress, Zita von Bourbon-Parma (1892-1989), consort of Charles I, last Austrian emperor (1916-1918). Fellner, Giinther. "Athenaum: Die Geschichte einer Frauenhochschule in Wien." Zeitgeschichte 14(1986): 99-115. A history of a Viennese secondary school for girls. Feuchtner, Carmen. "'Rekord kostet Anmut, meine Damen!': Zur Korpper-Kultur der Frau im biirgertum Wiens (1880-1930)" ["A record costs grace, my lady!" The culture of the female body in bourgeois Vienna, 1880-1930]. Tel Aviver Jahrbuch fiir deutsche Geschichte 21 (1992): 127-51. Fickert, Auguste. "Sollten die Frauen einer politischen Partei angehoren? " Frauenleben 9 (1898): 1. About whether women should belong to political parties. Firnberg, Hertha. "Die Frau in der sozialistischen Arbeiterbewegung (1900-1938)" [Women in the socialist working class movement, 1900-38]. Zeitgeschichte 6, no. 2 (1978): 47-54. Fodor, Eva. Working Difference: Women's Working Lives in Hungary and Austria. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 2003. Forkl, Martha, and Elisabeth Koffmahn, eds. Frauenstudium und akademische Frauenarbeit in Osterreich. Vienna: W. Braumiiller, 1968. Published to honor the International Federation of University Women on the 50 th anniversary of its founding. Includes bibliographical references. Forstner, Regina. "Die Wiener Damenmode in der 2. Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges." In Die Frau im Korsett: Wieneifrauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920, 68-77. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Vienna, 1985. About Viennese women's fashion in the second half of the nineteenth century up to end of the First World War. Fout, Renate. "The Viennese Enquete of 1896 on Working Women." In German Women in the 18th and 19th Centuries: A Social and Literary History, edited by Ruth-Ellen B. Joeres and Mary Jo Maines, 42-60. Bloomington, IN: Indiana Univ. Press, 1986. Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920: 14. April 1984 bis 10. Februar 1985. Sonderaustellung des Historischen Museums der Stadt Wien, 88. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. This collection of eighteen essays on women's daily lives "between cliche and reality," 1848-1920, derives from a special exhibition of the same name. Includes the catalogue from the exhibition. Frauenwahlrecht und Arbeiterinnenschutz: Verhandlungen der dritten sozialdemokratischen Frauenkonferenz in Osterreich. Vienna, Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung, 1983; 1900. A short report on women's rights and working services, based on proceedings of the third Socialdemocratic Women's Congress, 1908. Frauenkonferenz in Osterreich. Vienna: n.p., 1908. A women's conference in Austria. Freeze, Karen Johnson. "Medical Education for Women in Austria: A Study in the Politics of the Czech Women's Movement in the 1890s." In Women, State, and Party in Eastern


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Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and A.G. Meyer, 51-63. Durham: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1985. Freidenreich, Harriet Pass. Female, Jewish, and Educated: The Lives of Central European University Women. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 2002. Discusses Jewish women in Germany and Austria. Freismuth, Elisabeth. "Die Frau im offentlichen Recht." In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920, 30-40. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. About women in public law. Freist, Dagmar. "Zeitschriften zur historischen Frauenforschung: Ein internationaler Vergleich" [Journals devoted to historical research on women: an international comparison]. Geschichte und Gesellschaft 22, no. 1 (1996): 97-117. Freundlich, E. "Das Gemeindewahlrecht und die Frauen."Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung (4 August 1908): 2. About women and the right to vote. Friedrich, Margret. "Txnnroschen schlafe hundrt Jahr. .. ': Zur Geschichte der Madchenbildung in Osterreich im 19. Jahrhundrt." In Von Biirgen und ihren Frauen, edited by Margret Friedrich and Peter Urbanitsch, 181-95. Vienna: Bohlau Verlag; Cologne: Weimar, 1996. . "Spinning the Web: Internationales Symposium der Zeitschriften zur Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte, 31. May 2. Juni 1996, Wien" [Spinning the web: An international symposium on periodicals about Women's and gender history, 31 May - 2 June 1996, Vienna]. L'Homme 7, no. 2 (1996): 87-90. . "Versorgungsfall Frau? Der Wiener Frauen- Erwerb-Verein-Griindungszeit und erste Jahre des Aufbaus" [Women as providers? The Viennese Working Women's Association: formation and early growth]. Studien zur Wiener Geschichte: lahrbuch des Vereinsfiir Geschichte der Stadt Wien 47-8 (1991-1991): 263-308. Covers the years 18601926. , and Peter Urbanitsch, eds. Von Biirgen und ihren Frauen. Burgertum in der Habsburgermonarchie, 5. Vienna: Bohlau Verlag; Cologne: Weimar, 1996. Fuchs, Sabine. "Das weif ist von Natur aus schwach? Schwimmen als Bestandteil wieblicher Bewegungskulltur im 19. Jahrhundert" [Woman is weak by nature? Swimming as part of th female exercise culture in the 19 century]. L'Homme 5, no. 1 (1994): 78-93. Furth, Ernestine. "Geschichte der Frauenstimmrechtsbewegung." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stepahie Braun et aI., 6583. Vienna: Im Selbstverlag des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine. 1930. Geiger, Brigitte, and Hanna Hacker. Donauwalzer Damenwahl: frauenbewegte Zusammenhdnge in Osterreich. Vienna: Promedia: 1989. About Austrian women's feminist networks in the early twentieth century. Gellott, Laura. "Mobilizing Conservative Women: The Viennese Katholische Frauenorganisation in the 1920s." Austrian History Yearbook 22 (1991): 110-30. Gerber, A. "Frauenarbeit und kommunales Frauenwahlrecht." Neues Frauenleben 24, no. 4 (1912): 1-3. About women's work and women's communal rights. Geyling, Margareta. "Gewerbschulen." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun, 147-57. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischcr Frauenvereine, 1930. About trade schools. Gollner, R. "Madchenbildung urn Neunzehnhundert: Eugenie Schwarzwald und ihre Schulen." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Vienna, 1986. About the education of girls in the nineteenth century. Good, David, with Margarete Grandner and Mary Jo Haynes, eds. Austrian Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Providence & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1996. After an introduction by Eve Nyaradi Dvorak, the articles appear under the following headings: Gender and Politics; Women and Work; Female Identities.


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Graf-Stuhlhofer, Franz. "Der Anteil der Historikerinnen an der Forschung: Zur Publikation von Artikeln in deutsch- sowie englischsprachigen Zeitschriften" [The participation of women historians in research: on the publication of articles in German and English-language journals]. Zeitschrift fiir Geschichtswissenschaft 43, no. 6 (1995): 535-46. Grandner, Margarete. "Special Labor Protection for Women in Austria, 1860-1918." In Protecting Women: Labor Legislation in Europe, the United States, and Australia, 18801920, edited by Ulla Wikander, Alice Kessler-Harris, and Jane E. Lewis, 150--88. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1995. Griesebner, Andrea. "Spurensuche: Frauengeschichte im Archiv: Eine Ausstellung des Niederosterreichischen Landesarchivs (May 13-0ctober 30, 1998)" [Searching for Traces of Women's History in the Archive: An Exhibition of the State Archives of Lower Austria, 13 May-30 October 1998]. L'Homme 9, no. 1 (1998): 119-22. Gronemann, Caroline. "Weibliche Handelsangestellte." Dokumente der Frauen 2, no. 22 (February 1900). About female commercial workers. Guschlbauer, E. "Der Beginn der politischen Emanzipation der Frau in Osterreich (18481919)." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Salzburg, 1974. About the beginnings of women's political emancipation in Austria. Hacker, Hanna. Frauen und Freundinnen. Studien zur 'weiblichen Homosexualitdt' am Beispiel Osterreicti 1870-1938. Weinheim and Basel: Beltz, 1987. About the homosexuality of women's friendships in Austria, 1870-1938. . "Wer Gewinnt? Wer Verliert? Wer tritt aus dem Schatten? Machtkampfe und Beziehungsstrukturen nach dem Tod der 'grossen Feministin' Auguste Fickert (1910)" [Who wins? Who loses? Who steps out of the shadows? Power struggles and the structure of relationships after the death of the "great feminist" Auguste Fickert, 1910]. L'Homme 7, no. 1 (1996): 97-106. Hahn, Sylvia. "'Als ob man bloB arbeiten tat, urn einen Lehrbuben zu ersetzen': Frauenarbeit im ausgehenden 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Am Beispiel Wiener Neustadt." In Bewegte Provinz: Arbeiterbewegung in mitteleuropiiischen Regionen vor dem ersten Weltkrieg, edited by Rudolf G. Ardelt and Erika Thurner, 259-78. Vienna: Europaverlag, 1992. About women's work at the turn of the eighteenth century. . "Beruf: Textilarbeiterin" [Occupation: female textile worker]. L'Homme 7, no. 1 (1996): 144-58. "Traces the work of women in Austria in the field of textiles, from homebased production in the 17th century to work in factories after the Industrial Revolution. A hierarchy based on gender and age developed. The first large strike organized by women took place in Vienna in 1893." -M. K. Killough . "Fremde Frauen, Migration und Erwerbstatigkeit von Frauen am Beispiel von Wiener Neustadt" [Foreign women, migration, and working women as portrayed by Wiener Neustadt]. Zeitgeschichte 20, no. 5-6 (1993): 139-57. Describes the geographical origins of and permitted forms of employment for migrant women in the Austrian town of Wiener Neustadt since the late 18th century. Hainisch, Marianne. "Zur Geschichte der osterrcichischen Frauenbewegung. Aus meinen Erinnerungen." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et aI., 13-24. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine. 1930. A history of the women's movement in Austria. Hamann, Brigitte. Elisabeth: Kaiserin wider Willen: mit 103 Abbildungen, devon 23 in Farbe. Zurich: Munich: Piper, 1998. About Empress Elizabeth. . "Osterreichischc Frauen in der Friedensbewegung." In Aufbruch in das Jahrhundert der Frau?: Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, curated by Reingard Witzmann, 134-41. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. Hamer, Thomas Lewis. "Beyond Feminism: The Women's Movement in Austrian Social Democracy, 1890-1920." Ph.D. diss., Ohio State Univ., 1973.


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. Meine liebe, gute Freundin: Die Briefe Kaiser Franz Josephs an Katharina Schratt aus dem Besit: der Osterreichischen Nationalbibliotek. Vienna: Ueberreuter, 1992. The letters of Emperor Franz J oseph I, Emperor of Austria 1837-1898, and Viennese 'Burgtheater' actress, Katharina Schratt. . The Reluctant Empress. Translated by Ruth Hein. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1986. About Elisabeth, consort of Franz Joseph I. Hauch, Gabriella. "Bewaffnete Weiber. Kampferische Frauen in den Kriegen der Revolution 1848." In Landsknechte, Soldatenfrauen, und Nationalkrieger. Militdr, Krieg und Geschlechterordnung im historischen Wandel, edited by Karen Hagemann and Rolf Prove, 223-46. Frankfurt am Main; New York: Campus, 1998. Hauch, Gabriella. Frau Biedermeier aufden Barrikaden: Frauenleben in der Wiener Revolution 1848. Vienna: Verlag fiir Gesellschaftskritik, 1990. About women's lives during the Vienna Revolution of 1848. . "Der 'lila' Faden- 'historische Frauenforschung'" [The "lilac" thread- "historical women's research]. Zeitgeschichte 14, no. 3 (1986): 126-33. Discusses the seven-volume series of feminist historical works Frauen in der Geschichte, published between 1979 and 1986 under the editorship of Annette Kuhn. The series was designed to fill a gap in the history of women and women's movements and to offer a forum in which different approaches and perspectives could be debated. -L. C. Salmon. . "Politische Wohltatigkeit - wohltatige Politik: Frauenvereine in der Habsburger Monarchie bis 1866" [Political charity - charitable politics: women's clubs in the Habsburg monarchy to 1866]. Zeitgeschichte 19, no. 7-8 (1992): 200-14. . "'Wir hatten ja gem die ganze Welt begliickt': Politik und Geschlecht im demokratischen Milieu 1848/49" ['We would have loved to make the whole world glad': politics and sex in the democratic circles in the Revolution of 1848]. Osterreichische Zeitschriftfiir Geschichtswissenschaften 9, no. 4 (1998): 471-95. The article deals with the gender-specific ambivalence of democratic politics in 1848 with a special focus on social networks constituted by male and female activists. This makes clear that in the context of exceptional cases, e.g., the revolution in Vienna, women were able to cross the boundaries of the inability to participate in institutionalized politics often ascribed to women. The Wiener Demokratische Frauenverein was accepted within the democratic milieu as an equal partner and was integrated in the process of the creation of a central committee of the political clubs, the Zentralausschuss der Politischen Vereine. Healy, Maureen. "Becoming Austrian: Women, the State, and Citizenship in World War I." Central European History 35, no. 1 (2002): 1-35. Heindl, Waltraud. "Caroline Pichler oder der biirgerlich Fortschritt: Lebensideale und Lebensrealitat von osterreichischen Beamtenfrauen." In Von Biirgen und ihren Frauen, edited by Margret Friedrich and Peter Urbanitsch, 197-207. Vienna: Bohlau Verlag; Cologne: Weimar, 1996. . "Frau und biirgerliches Recht. Bemerkungen zu den Reformvorschlagen osterreichischer Frauenvereine vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg." In Politik und Gesellschaft im alten und neuen Osterreich. Festschriftfiir RudolfNeck zum 60. Geburtstag. Vol. 1, edited by Isabella Ackerl, Walter Hummelberger and Hans Mommsen, 133-49. Munich: Oldenbourg, 1981. . "Die Studentinnen der Universitat Wien: Zur Entwicklung des Frauenstudiums (ab 1887)." In Das Weib existiert nichtfiir sich ... Geschlechter beziehungen in der biirgerlichen Gesellschaft, edited by Heide Dienst and Edith Saurer, Vol. 48 of Osterreichische Texte zur Gesellschaftskritik.174-88. Vienna: Verlag fiir Gesellschaftskritik, 1990. "Assesses the onehundred-year history of women at the University of Vienna using data from questionnaires distributed to students each semester. .. , More could have been done with chronological development and with the abundant information on the geographic, ethnic, religious, class,


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and family identity of female students." -Barbara Bari, College of Saint Elizabeth. , and Marina Tichy. Durch Erkenntnis zu Freiheit und Gliick: Frauen an der Universitdt Wien (ab 1897). Vienna: WUV-Universitatsverlag, 1990. About women at the Univ. of Vienna from 1897 onward. Held, Thomas. "Rural Retirement Arrangements in Seventeenth- to Nineteenth-Century Austria: A Cross-Community Analysis." Journal of Family History (Fall 1982): 227-54. Helpersdorfer, Irmgard. "Die Frauenrechtsbewegung und ihre Ziele." In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920, 21-9.Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. About the goals of the women's rights movement. . "Die Wiener Frauenvereine und ihre Publikationorgane 1860-1920."In Aufbruch in das Jahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien urn 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 43-52.Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. About Viennese women's organizations and their publications, 1860-1920. Herzog-Hauser, Gertrud. "Die Schriftstellerin." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et aI., 327-32. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About women authors. HeB, alga. "Hauswirtschaftliche." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun, 162-5. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About home economics (in Austria). Horsley, Richard A. "Who Were the Witches? The Social Roles of the Accused in the European Witch Trials." The Journal ofInterdisciplinary History 9, no. 4 (1979): 689-715. The concept of witchcraft during the sixteenth & seventeenth centuries developed over several hundred years, with a distinction made between witches & sorceresses ... Christianity viewed witchcraft as evil & antisocial. European elites & peasants responded to witchcraft & sorcery differently, with a variety of names attached to practitioners including 'wise women.' While there was a distinction between white & black magic, many practices overlapped ... The relations of witches with their neighbors & others are partly revealed by data from the records of the Jura, Lucerne, & Austria. These data indicate that some of the victims of the trials were sorceresses, & that many were wise women ... The witch trials of northern Europe were similar to those in the south, except that the torture of witches was common, & midwives were considered by the church to be involved in witchcraft. Although wise women & sorceresses were different, their overlap may be analyzed in terms of the witchcraft trial outcomes. The victims were not witches as the demonologists defined them, & there is little evidence to determine their social positions. It is clear, however, that they were elderly women, often atypical in some way, & always single. They may have been socially disruptive in a patriarchal system.... -L. Kamel Hruschka, Ella. Der Wirkungskreis des Weibes: Ein Beitrag zur Losung der Frauenfrage. Vienna: Verlag von "Schule und Haus," 1890. Offers a solution to the women's question. Hudi, J6zsef. "Ein Scheidungsprozess aus der Stadt Papa im Spaten 18. Jahrhundert [A divorce case from the city of Papa in the late 18th century]. East Central Europe 20-3, no. 1 (1993-1996): 191-9. Abstract: Probes an area neglected by social historians by discussing problems associated with a marriage that was unusual in that it ended in divorce during a time when divorce was rare. During the period following Hungary's liberation from Turkish rule, women in the Habsburg Empire played a role that was entirely subservient to men. Widows and aristocratic women enjoyed the most social and economic latitude, whereas rural women were among the most repressed. Further, the Catholic Church prohibited divorce in all but the most unusual cases. In the trans-Danubian market town of Papa (population 9,000), however, one Zsuzsanna Sander, from a wealthy merchant family and married at age 14 to a wellrespected member of the lesser nobility, fled the marriage with her widowed mother and


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divorced her husband, whom she had been resolutely opposed to marrying. -K. D. Preuss

Hug-Hellmuth, Hermine, 1871-1924. Viennese pioneer in child analysis. HAB 168

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Graf-Nold, Angela. Der Fall Hermine Hug-Hellmuth: eine Geschichte der friihen KinderPsychoanalyse. Munich: Verlag Internationale Psychoanalyse, 1988. About the third woman to join the Vienna Psychoanalytical Society, 1913. . "Hermine Hug-Hellmuth: Werk und Leben der ersten Kinderpsychoanalytikerin." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Ziirich, 1985. Krug, Josef. Kristische Bemerkungen zu dem "Tagebuch eines halbwiichsigen Miidchens," edited by Hermine Hug-Hellmuth. N.p.: n.p., 1926. Critical remarks about a teenage girl's diary. MacLean, George, and Ulrich Rappen. Hug-Hellmuth: Her Life and Work. London and New York: Routledge, 1990. Stephan, Inge. "Ein Opfer der Psychoanalyse? Hermine Hug-Hellmuth (1871-1924)." In Die Griinderinnen der Psychoanalyse: eine Entmythologisierung Sigmund Freuds in zwol] Frauenportriits. Stuttgart: Kreuz, 1992. Hiimbelin, Lotte. Mein eigener Kopf: ein Frauenleben in Wien, Moskau, Prag, Paris und Zurich. Zurich: Edition 8, 1999. About the life of Jewish women and Jewish communists in Vienna. Hutterer, W. "Madchen- und Frauenbildung in Osterreich seit 1900: Aufgezeigt am Beispiel der Mittelschulbildung." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Salzburg: 1978. About girls' and women's education in Austria since 1900. Jacobi, Juliane. "Modernisierung durch Feminisierung? Zur Geschichte des Lehrerinnenberufes [Modernization through Feminization? On the History of the Female Teaching Profession]. Zeitschriftfur Padagogik 43, no. 6 (1997): 929-46. A discussion of the pedagogy reform movement in Western Europe & the US, 1870-1930, interprets the feminization of the teaching profession as a reaction to the demands that modernization processes were placing on the educational system... Statistical data on the % of female teachers in the US, England, France, Austria, Switzerland, & Germany at the turn of the century & 1921-1941 & in the contemporary Federal Republic of Germany are presented in illustration .... -E. Blackwell Jahrbuch fiir Iiidische Volkskunde 1924/25. Herausgegeben von D. Max Grunwald. Berlin and Vienna: Verlag Benjamin Harz, 1925: 402-563. Annotated under the Jewish chapter. Johnson, Julie Marie. "The Art of the Woman: Women's Art Exhibitions in Fin-de-Siecle Vienna." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Chicago, 1998. Judson, Pieter M. "Die unpolitische Biirgerin im politisierenden Verein: Zu einigen Paradoxen des biirgerlichen Weltbildes im neunzehnten Jahrhundert." In Biirgertum in der Habsburgermonarchie. VoI. 2, edited by Ernst Bruckmiiller, et aI., 337-45. Vienna: n.p., 1992. About apolitical bourgeois women in politicized society in the 19th century. . "The Gendered Politics of German Nationalism in Austria, 1880-1900." In Austrian Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Edited by David F. Good, Margarete Grandner and Mary Jo Maynes, 1-17. Providence & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1996. . '''Whether Race or Conviction Should Be the Standard': National Identity and Liberal Politics in Nineteenth-Century Austria." Austrian History Yearbook 22 (1991): 7695. Jusek, Karin J. Aufder Suche der Verlorenen: Die Prostitutionsdebatten im Wien der Jahrhundertwende. Vienna, Locker, 1994. About Viennese debates over prostitution at the turn of the century.


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. '''Nothwendiges Obel' oder 'schmachvollste Degradation'? Die ProstitutionsDebatte im Wien der Jahrhundertwended." In Ausbruch in das Jahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 128-33. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. About the prostitution debate in Vienna circa 1900. . "The Limits of Female Desire: The Contributions of Austrian Feminists to the Sexual Debate in Fin-de-Siecle Vienna." In Austrian Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Edited by David F. Good, Margarete Grandner and Mary Jo Maynes, 19-38. Providence & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1996. Kammer fur Arbeiter und Angestellte fur Wien, ed. Handbuch der Frauenarbeit in Osterreich. Vienna: C. Ueberreuter, 1930. A handbook of women's work in Austria. Kancler, Emma. "Die osterreichische Frauenbewegung und ihre Presse. (Von ihren Anfangen bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges)." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Vienna, 1947. About the Austrian women's movement and its press. Kaplan, Rosina. "Die Volksschule." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun, 113-9. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes ostcrrcichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About public schools. Karner, Regina. Vom Empire zur Belle Epoque: Wiener Damenmode 1805-1910. Vienna: Museen der Stadt Wien, 1995. Exhibition catalog. Katscher, Leopold. "Erfahrungen mit dem Frauenstimmrecht." Der Weg 1, no. 13 (1905): 34. About experiences with women's rights. Kernbauer, Alois, and Karin Schmidlechner-Lienhart, eds. Frauenstudium und Frauenkarrieren an der Universitdt Graz: Archiv der Universitdt Graz 33. Graz: Akademische Druck-und Verlagsanstalt, 1996. The book is divided into sections on women's education and university studies, female students, the first female professors, and memoirs of Jewish youth who emigrated from Graz in 1938. Reviewed by Maureen Healy for Habsburg H-Net Reviews, January 1998. Kiss, Maria. "Hexenprozesse in Siidburgenland." Burgenldndische Heimatbliitter (Eisenstadt) 40, no. 2 (1978): 60-9. About witch trials in Southern Burgenland. Klamper, Elisabeth. "Die Frau in der Revolution 1848." In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920, 41-9. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. About women in the Revolution of 1848. Klausberger, Maria. "Politische Frauenpflichten." Der Bund 12, no. 10 (1917): 1-4. About political women's duties. Kocmata, Karl F. Die Prostitution in Wien: Streifbilder vom Jahrmarkt des Liebeslebens" Vienna: R. Cerny, 1925. Koestler, Nora. "Kobiety w spolecznosciach zydowskich w monarchii habsburskiej: etapy emancypacji." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tle porownawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 135-48. Warsaw: Wydawn. DiG, 1994. Annotated under the Jewish chapter. Kovacs, Elisabeth. "Die ideale Erzherzogin: Maria Theresias Forderungen an ihre Toochter" [The ideal archduchess: Maria Theresa's requirements from her daughters]. Mitteilungen des Instituts fiir Osterreichische Geschichtsforschung 94, no. 1-2 (1986): 49-80. Kreisky, Eva. "M it Frauen wurde bisher kein Staat gemacht: Die Geschichte des Frauenausschlusses und die neuen Versuche des Fraueneinschlusses" [Women have yet to participate in the construction of the state: The history of the exclusion of women and new attempts at inclusion]. Austriaca 42 (1996): 23-35. Kronreif, Maria Anna. "Frauenemanzipation und Lehrerin: Ein Beitrag zur Sozialgeschichte der Pflichtschullehrerin in Osterreich." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Salzburg: 1985. About women's emancipation in relation to compulsory education in Austria. Kurzweil, Edith. "Freudians and Feminists in Fin-de-Siecle Vienna." Partisan Review 66, no.


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4 (1999): 580-86. Lafleur, Ingrun. Five Socialist Women: Traditionalist Conflicts and Socialist Visions in Austria, 1893-1934." In Socialist Women: European Socialist Feminism in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, edited by Marilyn J. Boxer and Jean H. Quataert, 215-48. New York: Elsevier, 1978. "About five women in the Austrian Socialist Party who ... demonstrate the varieties of emphasis and concern in the party. Centrists Adelheid Popp and Ernrny Freundlich concentrated on women's issues and organizations. Therese Schlesinger and Kathe Leichter, radical socialists, sought to bring women to a working-class consciousness while Gabriele Proft, a left-wing socialist, emphasized general party activity above feminism and worked to integrate women fully into the party. Based on speeches, party records, autobiographies, and secondary sources." -So Tornlinson-Brown Lange, H. "Aesculapia Victrix." Die Frau 8 (1900-1901): 346. Langer-Ostrawsky, Gertrude. "Erziehung und Bildung: eine Untersuchung zum Schulwesen fur Madchen 1848 bis 1920." In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920, 54-60. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. About the upbringing and education of girls, 1848-1920. Laube, Grete. "Mittelschulen." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun, 120-38. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About middle-schools. Lemberger, Hedwig. "Die Aufsichtsbeamtin im Gewerbe-Inspektionsdienst." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung, und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et aI., 273-6. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About female supervisors on inspection duty. Le Rider, J. "ModernismuslFeminismus: Modernitat/Virilitat." In Ornament und Askese: Im Zeitgeist des Wien der lahrhundertwende, edited by Alfred Pfabigan and Hans Bisanz, 24260. Vienna: C. Brandstatter, 1985. About modernism/feminism, modernity/virility. Linnert, E.-M. "Idealbild und Realitat der Burgerlichen Frau in den Wiener Frauenzeitschriften des 18. Jahrhunderts" [Ideal and reality of the bourgeois woman in th Viennese women's magazines of the 18 century]. Ph.D diss., Univ. of Vienna, 1981. List-Ganser, Berta. "Das akademische Frauenstudium." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et aI., 192-202. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About academic women's studies. Lukasiewicz, Dariusz. "Wojna kobiet: Smierc kobiet i dzieci w XVIII-XIX wieku." In Humanistyka i plec, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Jolanta Miluska, 119-45. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 1995. About the death rate for women and children in 18th - and 19th -century Poland and Prussia. Maar, Grete. "Volksmedizin aus Donnerskirchen." Burgenldndische Heimatbliitter (Eisenstadt) 40, no. 2: (1978): 69-83. About folk medicine in Donnerskirchen (town in Austria, Burgenland). Maderthaner, Wolfgand, ed. Sozialdemokratie und Habsburgerstaat 1867-1918. Vienna: Locker, 1988. This collection about the Social Democratic Party and the Habsburg monarchy includes articles on female Democrats. Malleier, Elisabeth. "'A Emile Zola-Les jeunes filles de Vienne': Die 500 Madchen aus Wien oder: 500 Gegen 4.000 ["To Emile Zola-Ies jeunes filles de Vienne": The 500 Viennese girls or: 500 against 4,000]. L'Homme 10, no. 1 (1999): 91-100. A note of solidarity sent by Viennese women in favor of Zola' s critique of the French jurisdiction in the Dreyfus case provoked sharp reactions from the Christian Social Party (Christlichsoziale Partei). More than 4,000 women of the Christian Women's League (Christlicher Wiener Frauenbund) met in the Viennese city hall to condemn the pro-Zola and pro-Dreyfus note. It was one of the biggest anti-Semitic demonstrations in Vienna before World War I.


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. "Regine Ulmann und der 'Madchen-Unterstutzungsverin' in Wien." Ariadne 35 (1999): 28-32. Maresch, Maria. "Lebensbildung als Unterrichtsziel." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et aI., 221-4. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterrcichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About learning for life as a goal of education. Matschinegg, Ingrid, Verena Pawlowsky and Rosa Zechner. "Mutter im Dienst-Kinder in Kost: Das Wiener Findelhaus, eine fursorgeeinrichtung fur ledige Frauen und deren Kinder" [Mothers in service-childing boarding: the Viennese Foundling Hospital, a welfare establishment for single women and their children]. L'Homme 5, no. 2 (1994): 61-80. "The Viennese Foundling Hospital, established in 1784, resulted from the reforms of Joseph 11 aimed at removing the social stigma of single motherhood. This hospital was a place where single mothers could bear their children in secrecy and where the infants would be cared for until they were placed in foster homes. Records of this hospital and other government reports yield information about the social background of the single mothers and their foster families, and the rates and causes of mortality of the infants." -M. K. Killough Mattl-Wurm, Sylvia. "Schon, gesund und sittlich rein: Die Entsexualisierung des weiblichen Korpers durch Hygiene und Frauenbewegung." In Ausbruch in das Jahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 11827. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. About the sexualization of the female body through hygiene and the women's movement. Mayer, Amalie, ed. Geschichte der iisterreichischen Miidchenmittelschule. Vienna: Osterreichischer Bundesverlag, 1952. A history of the Austrian girls' middle-school. Mayer, Ottilie. "Der Kindergarten." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun, 107-12.Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About kindergartens. Mazohl-Wallnig, Brigitte. Biirgerliche Frauenkultur im 19. Jahrhundert. Vienna: Bohlau Verlag, 1995. About the clubs, social networks, and social conditions of nineteenth-century middle-class Austrian women. . "L' educazione delle donne nella cultura austro-tedesco del sec. XIX" [The education of women in Austro-German culture of the 19th century]. Dimensioni e Problemi de/la Ricerca Storica 2 (1991): 57-75. , ed. Eine Salzburger Frauengeschichte von den ersten Miidchenschule (1695) bis zum Frauenwahlrecht (1918). Vol1 of Die andere Geschichte, edited by Brigitte MazohlWallnig, Erika Thurner and Dagmar Stranzinger. Salzburg: Pustet, 1995-1996. A history of Salzburg's women from the creation of the first girls' school (1695) to women's enfranchisement (1918). . "Mannlich Offentlichkeit und weibliche Privatsphare? Zur fragwurdigen Polarisierung btirgerlicher Lebenswelten" [The masculine public sphere and feminine private sphere? A questionable polarization of bourgeois life]. In Von Biirgen und ihren Frauen, edited by Margret Friedrich and Peter Urbanitsch, 125-40. Vienna: Bohlau Verlag; Cologne: Weimar, 1996. . "'Mannlicher Geist in weiblicher Gestalt': Frauen und Geschichtswissenschaft in der ersten Halfte des 20. Jahrhunderts" ["A manly intellect in feminine form": women and historiography in the first half of the 20th century]. Mitteilungen des Instituts fiir Osterreichische Geschichtsforschung 110, no. 1-2 (2002): 150-81. Discusses the careers of several Austrian women historians: Mathilde Uhlirz, Erna Patzelt, Margarethe von Mecenseffy, Lucie Varga, and Hedwig Fleischhacker. . "Women's History in Austria." In Writing Women's History: International Perspectives, edited by Karen Offen, Ruth Roach Pierson, and Jane Rendall, 279-90. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan, 1991. Provides an overview of historical


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women's studies projects and publications in Austrian academe. , and Margret Friedrich. "' ...und bin doch nur ein einfaltig Madchen, deren Bestimmung ganz anders ist. .. ': Madchenerziehung und Weiblichkeitsideologie in der burgerlichen Gesellschafts" ["And am I really only a simple girl whose destiny is completely different ": Girls' education and the ideology of feminity in middle-class society]. L 'Homme 2, no. 2 (1991): 7-32. Traces the history of the education of women in Austria during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. McGlashan, Ann. "Creating Women: The Female Artist in Fin-de-Siecle Germany and Austria." Ph.D. diss., Indiana Univ., 1996. McKittrick, Brigid Mary Ursula. "Women-the Borderline Case: Karl Kraus and the Role of Women in Tum-of-the-Century Vienna." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Exeter, 1987. Meditz, J. "Die Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung und die Frauenfrage: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte d. osterr. sozialistischen Frauenbewegung d. Jahre 1890-1918." About the ArbeiterinnenZeitung and the women's movement. Ph.D diss., Univ. of Vienna, 1979. Meissner-Diemer, Fanny. "Frauenrecht in Osterreich." In Der Internationale Kongressfiir Frauenwerke und Frauenbestrebungen in Berlin 19. bis 26. September 1896: Eine Sammlung der aufdem Kongress gehalten Vortriige und Ansprachen, edited by Rosalie Schoenflies et al., 312-27. Berlin: Walther, 1897. Melinz, Gerhard, and Susan Zimmermann, eds. Wien-Prag-Budapest: Bliitezeit der Habsburgmetropolen; Urbanisierung, Kommunalpolitik, gesellschaftliche Konflikte (18671918). Vienna: Promedia, 1996. "The individual essays, several of which deal with women] are rich in statistics, and make clear the differences between the three cities." -Robert Nemes, Colgate University. Habsburg H-Net (April 1997). Meyer, Sibylle. "The Tiresome Work of Conspicuous Leisure: On the Domestic Duties of the Wives of Civil Servants in the German Empire (1871-1918)," translated by Lyndel Butler. In Connecting Spheres: Women in the Western World, 1500 to the Present, edited by Marilyn J. Boxer and Jean Quataert, 156-65. New York & Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1987. A 2nd ed. was published in 2000. Mintz, Use. "Die industrielle Arbeiterin." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 242-9. Vienna: Im Se1bstverlage des undes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. Mittendorfer, Konstanze. "Freud und Leid der Hausarbeit: Wiener Hausfrauenleben in der zweiten Halfte des 19. Jahhunderts." In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920, 101-6. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. About housework and Viennese housewives in the second half of the nineteenth century. . "Schauspielerinnen in den Zeitschriften des Vormarz: Ein Probenbericht von der theatralischen Verkorperung der Geschlechtsrollen." In Von Biirgen und ihren Frauen, edited by Margret Friedrich and Peter Urbanitsch, 49-67. Vienna: Bohlau Verlag; Cologne: Weimar, 1996. Mitterauer, MichaeI. Historisch anthropologische Familienforschung: Fragestellungen und Zugangsweisen. Vienna: Bohlau, 1990. About historical-anthropological research on families. . "Peasant and Non-Peasant Family Forms in Relation to the Physical Environment and the Local Economy." Journal of Family History 17, no. 2 (March 1992): 139-59. About Austria, family and industrialisation. Moi, ToriI. "Representation of Patriarchy: Sexuality and Epistemology in Freud's Dora." Feminist Review 9 (1981): 60-74. Montane, H. Die Prostituion in Wien: Ihre Geschichte und Entwicklung von den Anfiingen bis zur Gengenwart. Hamburg, P. Rasch, 1925. Motzko-Seitz, A. "Die katholische Frauenbewegung in Osterreich." Frauenkalender 1927 (1927): 147-8. About the Catholic women's movement in Austria.


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Miick, Marie. "Die Lehrerinnenbildung." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et aI., 174-91. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischcr Frauenvereine, 1930. Nahowski, Anna. Anna Nahowski und Kaiser Fran: Joseph: Aufzeichnungen. Edited by Friedrich Saathen. Vienna: Bohlau, 1980. About the relationship between Anna Nahowski (1860-1931) and Emperor Franz Joseph. Najdus, Walentyna. "0 prawa obywatelskie kobiet w zaborze austriackim." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tle porownawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 99-117. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About women's struggle for civil rights in Austrian Poland. Nawiasky, Hans. Die Frauen im osterreichischen Staatsdienst. Wiener staatswissenschaftliche Studien, 4: 1. Vienna: F. Deuticke, 1902. Neyer, Gerda. "Sozialpolitik von, fur und gegen Frauen: Am Beispiel der historischen Entwicklung der Mutterschutzgesetzbegung in Osterreich." Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Politikwissenschaft 13 (1984): 427-41. Noe, Giinther. '''Amazonen' in der osterreichischen Geschichte" ["Amazons" in Austrian history]. Osterreicli in Geschichte und Literatur 30, no. 6 (1986): 350-61. Austrian women in th th battle in the 18 and 19 centuries. Osterreichisches Frauenstimmrechtskomitee anliijJlich der Internationalen Frauenstimmrechtskonferenz in Wien, 11. Und 12. Juni 1913. Das Frauenstimmrecht: Festschrift. Vienna: St. Stefan, 1913. Includes short biographical sketches of famous suffragists in attendance. Otruba, Gustav. "Zur Geschichte der Angestellten und ihrer wachsenden Bedeutung in Osterreich bis 1918 (im Vergleich zu Deutschland)." Osterreicb in Geschichte und Literatur 21, no. 2 (1977): 74-102. About the growing significance of employees in Austria up through 1918, in comparison with Germany. . "Zur Geschichte der Frauen- und Kinderarbeit in Osterreich [History of women's and children's labor in Austria].Veroffentlichungen des Verbandes Osterreichischer th Geschichtsvereine 17 (1967): 98-106. Covers the period from the beginning of the 18 century to 1919. Pandula, Attila. "Damenorden und Auszeichnungen fiir Frauen im Reich der Habsburger (eine Grundlegung)" [Women's religious orders and decorations in the Habsburg Empire: an outline]. Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae: Sectio Historica 23 (1983): 271-90.

Pappenheim, Bertha, 1859-1936. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HAB248 HAB249 HAB250

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Pappenheim, Bertha. Bertha Pappenheim: Leben und Schriften.Edited by Dora Edinger. Frankfurt: Ner-Tamid-Verlag, 1963. - - - . Sisyphus, gegen den Miidchenhandel: Galizien. Edited by Helga Heubach. Freiburg: Kore, 1992. About prostitution in Galicia (Poland and Ukraine). Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel. Souvenirs d'Anna 0: Une mystification centenaire. [Paris:] Aubier, 1995. Translated by Kirby Olson with Xavier Callahan under the title Remembering Anna 0.: A Century of Mystification. New York and London: Routledge, 1996. Freeman, Lucy. The Story ofAnna O. Northvale, N. J. and London: Jason Aronson, 1994. Gutmann, Melinda Given. The Enigma ofAnna O. Wakefield, R. I.: Moyer Bell, 2000. Jensen, Ellen M. Streifziige durch das Leben von Anna O.lBertha Pappenheim: ein Fallflir die Psychiatrie, ein Leben fiir die Philanthropie. Frankfurt: ZTV Verlag, 1984. Rosenbaum, Max, and Melvin Muroff. Anna 0.: Fourteen Contemporary Reinterpretations. New York: Free Press, 1984.


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Schweighofer, Fritz. Das Privattheaterder Anna 0.: ein psychoanalytisches Lehrstiick. Ein Emanzipationsdrama. Munich: E. Reinhardt, 1987. Tisseron-Papetti, Yolande. Du deuil ala reparation: "Anna 0." restituee aBertha Pappenheim: Naissance d'une vocation sociale. Paris & Montreal: L'Harmattan, 1996. Pasteur, Paul. "L' Eglise et les associations de femmes catholiques: Frein ou stimulation a la liberation des femmes?" [The church and the Catholic women's associations: brake or stimulus to the liberation women?]. Austriaca 42 (1996): 37-48. Pawlowky, Verena. "Ledige Mutter als 'geburtshilfliches Material" [Unmarried mothers as "obstetric material"]. Comparativ 3, no. 5 (1993): 33-52. "The Vienna Maternity Hospital founded in 1784 in conjunction with the Vienna General Hospital was a unique teaching institution whose clientele was primarily lower-class women who received free maternity care and placement of their newborns in Vienna's state orphanage in exchange for their willingness to serve as 'educational material' for student obstetricians and midwives. The article examines such aspects of this system as the gradual separation of obstetrics and midwifery, the role of the Maternity Hospital in discovering the nature of puerperal fever, and population and social policy." Pelikan, Christa. "Vom Sorgen und Versorgt-Werden der Frauen und Mutter. Das eheliche Unterhaltsrecht in europaischen Kodifikationen des 19. und 10. Jahrhunderts." Zeitschriftfur Rechtssoziologie 5, no. 2 (1984): 260-75. "An analysis of the functions of spousal support as a specific mode of providing for the livelihood of women & of establishing their dependence... In the reforms of family law in the 1970s, exemplified by Austrian, German, French, & Swedish codifications, support functions as compensation for the performance of childrearing & child care (socialization). Governmental spousal support in West Germany & Austria is discussed. " Petzoldt, Leander. Sagen aus dem Burgenland. Munich: Eugen Diederichs Verlag, 1994. Tales and legends from the Burgenland. Pfaff, Annetta. "Die Frau als Lehrerin." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung, und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 283-94. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. . "Kunstschulen." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun, 157-61. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930.

Popp, Adelheid Dworak, 1869-1939. Social Democratic politician and journalist, leading representative of the women's movement in Austria. HAB263 HAB264 HAB265 HAB266 HAB267

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Popp, Adelheid Dworak. Die Arbeiterin im Kampf ums Dasein. Vienna: Verlag der Wiener Volksbuchhandlung, I. Brand, 1895; 1892. About the woman worker's struggle for survival. . Erinnerungen aus meinen Kindheits- und Miidchenjahren, aus der Agitation und anderes. Stuttgart: J. H. W. Dietz, 1915. Memoirs. . Frauenarbeit in der kapitalistischen Gesellschaft. Vienna: Verlag der FrauenZentralkomitees, 1922. About women's work in capitalist society. . "Das Frauenwahlrecht in der Gemeinde." Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung, March 12, 1918, 24. About local women's suffrage. . Gedenkbuch: 20 Jahre osterreichische Arbeiterinnenbewegung. Vienna: n.p., 1900, 1964; Vienna: Kommissionsverlag der Wiener Volksbuchandlung, 1912. Commemorative volume at twenty years since the beginning of the Austrian working-women' s movement. . Gleiches Recht jiir die Frauen: eine Werbeschrift. Nuremberg: Verlag der Frankischen Verlagsanstalt & Buchdrekerei, 1914. . Haussklavinnen: ein Beitrag zur Lage der Dienstmddchen. Vienna: Brand, 1912.


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About domestic servants. . "In der Fabrik, Kolleginnen; Der Schmelzer Friedhof in Wien (1909)." In Totgeschwiegen: Texte zur Situation der Frau in Osterreicn von 1880 bis in die Zwischenkriegszeit, edited by Sigrid Schmid-Bortenschlager and Hanna Schnedl-Bubenicek, 56-64. Vienna: Osterreicher Bundesverlag, 1982. About women working in factories. Freismuth, Elisabeth. "Adelheid Popp: ihr Weg zur Hohe." In Aujbruch in das Jahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 36-42. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. About Popp's road to fame. . "Der Weg zum Frauenstimmrecht." In Aujbruch in das Jahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 27-35. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. . Der Weg zur Hohe; die sozialdemokratische Frauenbewegung Osterreichs: ihr Aujbau, ihre Entwicklung und ihr Aufstieg. Vienna: Frauenzentralkomitee der sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei Deutschosterreichs, 1930. About the SD women's movement in Austria. Includes "Entstehungsgeschichte der Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung," about the origins of the Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung. LaFleur, Ingrun. "Adelheid Popp and Working-Class Feminism in Austria." Frontiers 1, no. 1 (Fall 1975): 86-105. Popper-Lynkeus, J. "Die politische Gleichberechtigung der Frauen und ihre wahrscheinlichen Folgen." Neues Frauenleben 15, no. 6 (1913): 154-8. About the political equality of women. Pronay, Inge. "Sexualitat, Erotik, Frauen." In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920, 111-7. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. About sexuality, eroticism and women. Putz, Adalbert. "Lebens-, Jahres- und Arbeitsbrauchtum in Deutschkreutz: Bestand, Gehalt, Gerat." Ph.D. diss., Vienna: 1970. About life and work customs in Deutschkreutz (town in Burgenland). Rebel, Hermann. Peasant Classes: The Bureaucratization of Property and Family Relations under Early Habsburg Absolutism 1511-1636. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1983. Renner, KarI. "Der Staatsrat beschlieBt das Frauenstimmrecht." In Arbeiterinnen kiimpjen um ihr Recht: Autobiographische Texte zum Kampf rechtloser und entrechteter "Frauenspersonen " in Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, edited by Richard Klucsarits and Friedrich G. Kiirbisch. Wuppertal: Hammer, 1981: 307-11. Rigler, Edith. Frauenleitbild und Frauenarbeit in Osterreicli vom ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert bis zum Zeiten Weltkrieg. Munich: R. Oldenbourgh Verlag, 1976. About women's image and work in Austria from the end of the 19th century until WW 11. Rose, Alison. "The Jewish Woman as 'Other': The Development of Stereotypes in Vienna, 1890-1914." Ph.D. diss., Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, 1997. Rotter, EIsa. "Die Frau im Gastgewerbe." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 256-62. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About women in the hospitality business. . "Die Heimarbeiterin." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 250-6. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About women as home workers. Rozenblit, Marsha L. The Jews of Vienna, 1867-1914: Assimilation and Identity. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1983. Annotated under the Jewish chapter. Rudel-Zeynek, Olga. "Die Frau in der Landwirtschaft." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung


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und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 263-6. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. Rutkowski, Emst. "Ein leuchtendes Beispiel von Pflichttreue: Frauen im Kriegseinsatz 19141918" [A glowing example of sense of duty: women in the war effort, 1914-1918]. Scrinium 28 (1983): 343-53. Sablik, Karl. "Zum Beginn des Frauenstudiums an der Wiener medizinischen Fakultat." Weiner medizinlsche Wochenschrift 118 (1968): 817-9. About women's medical training in Vienna. Sanchez, Magdalena S. The Empress, The Queen, and The Nun: Habsburg Women in the Court of Philip III of Spain. New York: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1997. About Habsburg women in the Spanish court during the reign (1598-1621) of Philip III after his marriage to his cousin, the Austrian archduchess Margaret. - - - . "Melancholy and Female Illness: Habsburg Women and Politics at the Court of Philip Ill." Journal of Women's History 8, no. 2 (Summer 1996): 81-102. - - - . "Pious and Political Images of a Habsburg Woman at the Court of Philip Ill." In Spanish Women in the Golden Age, edited by Magdalena S. Sanchez and Alain Saint-Saens, 91-107. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996. About the Austrian-Spanish diplomatic network during the archduchess Margaret's stay at court, 1599-1611. Saurer Edith. "Frauengeschichte in Osterreich: Eine fast kritische Bestandsaufnahme." L'Homme 2 (1994): 37-63. About women's history in Austria. - - - . "Scham- und SchuldbewuBtsein: Uberlegungen zu einer moglichen Geschichte moralischer Gefiihle unter besonderer Berucksichtigung geschlechtsspezifischer Aspekte." In Das Weib existiert nicht fur sich ... Geschlechter bezlehungen in der biirgerlichen GesellschaJt, edited by Heide Dienst and Edith Saurer, Vol. 48 of Osterreichische Texte zur Gesellschaftskritik. 21-40. Vienna: Verlag fiir Gesellschaftskritik, 1990. About sex-specific aspects of shame and guilt. - - - . "Women's History in Austria: An Almost Critical Assessment." Austrian History Yearbook 27 (1996): 261-87. Schad, Martha. Elisabeth von Osterreich. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1998. About the Empress Elisabeth, consort of Franz Joseph I. - - - . Kaiserin Elisabeth und ihre Tiichter. Munich: Langen Miiller, 1997. About the relationship between the Empress Elisabeth and her daughter, Schauffler, Rosa. "Die Kanzlei- und Verwaltungsbeamtin." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung, und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et aI., 267-73. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. Schlesinger-Eckstein, Therese. Die Frau im 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin: Aufklarung, 1902. - - - . Was wollen die Frauen in der Politik? [What do women want in politics?] 2nd ed. Vienna: Brand, 1910. Schlosinger, M. "Brauchen wir Frauen im Parlament? Frauenarbeit und Frauenrecht 2, no. 11 (1920): 1. About whether Austria needs women in its parliament. Schmid-Bortenschlager, Sigrid, and Hanna Schnedl-Bubenicek, Totgeschwiegen: Texte zur Situation der Frau in Osterreich von 1880 bis in die Zwischenkriegszeit. Vienna: Osterreicher Bundesverlag, 1982. This is an anthology of writings-essays and excerpted fiction-on the condition of women's lives between 1880 and the interwar years, written by women of that period. The book has nine sections: "Thanks for Woman's Being "; "To Work and To Live So "; "Women's Sexuality"; "The Struggle against Prostitution "; "Women Belong in the House ": "Motherhood as a Social Problem '': "From My Misery Folder ": "The Popularizing of the 'Woman Question' and Women's Rights ": "Women Artists." The Austrian essayists include Emma Eckstein, Maria Janitschek, Rosa Mayreder, Bertha von Suttner, while excerpts come from such writers as Maria Peteani, Maria Gleit, Franziska Kapff-Essenther.


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Schmidtbauer, Peter. "The Changing Household: Austrian Household Structure from the Seventeenth to the Early Twentieth Century." In Family Forms in Historic Europe, edited by Richard Wall, Jean Robin, and Peter Laslett, 347-78. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1983. . "Households and Household Forms of Viennese Jews in 1857." Journal of Family History (Winter 1980): 375-89. Schnurer, Franz, ed. Briefe Kaiser Franz Joseph I an seine Mutter: 1838-1872. Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1938. The letters of Franz Joseph I to his mother. Schopf, Franz Joseph. Das osterreichische Frauenrecht: Eine praktische darstellung alter Rechte und Pflichten, welche die Frauen alter Stiinde und Kronlander in dem Verhiiltnisse als Gattin, Mutter Wittwe und Hausfrau, sowie in staatsbiirgerlicher Hinsicht geniessen und zu beobachten haben. Nach den iisterreichischen Gesetzen und mit Riicksicht auf das Familienleben verfasst. Pest: n.p., 1857. About the rights of women in Habsburg Austria and its crownlands. Annotated under Hungary. Schrank, Josef. Die Prostitution in Wien in historischer, administrativer und hygienischer Beziehung. 2 vols. in 1. Vienna: Im. Selbstverlage des Verfassers, 1886. Available in the microfilm set "History of Women" (reel 483, no. 3631). Schulte, Regina. "The Queen-A Middle-Class Tragedy: The Writing of History and the Creation of Myths in Nineteenth-Century France and Germany." Gender & History 14, no. 2 (2002): 266-93. "This article is an interpretation of historical narratives written by 19th-century German & French historians (among them Johann Gustav Droysen & Jules Michelet) about the French Revolution & the biographies of notable queens. Central to this historical narrative are Marie-Antoinette of France, Louise, Queen of Prussia, and Elizabeth, Empress of Austria. The text is concerned with the process of transforming the executed queen of ancient regime France into the image of the 19th -century bourgeois ideal of women & monarchy. Thus the essay is also about the creation of myths & about male bourgeois & middle-class fantasies." Seidler, Andrea. "A no min a 18. szazadi periodikumok olvas6ja: a folyoirat-hirdetesek, as eloszavak es az ajanlasok forrasekerol" [Women as readers of 18th -century popular periodicals: on the value of periodical advertisements, prefaces, and dedications as source material]. Magyar Kiinyvszemle 115, no. 1 (1999): 91-7. "The development of the periodical press in the Habsburg Empire of the 18th century differed from that in France, England, or Germany. Newspapers appeared first, followed by journals that had begun as newspaper supplements. The publication of periodicals designed for amusement increased the number of female readers. During the 1860's and 1870's magazines such as Christian Gottlob Stephanie's Neue Sammlung zum Yergniigen und Unterricht (1768-69) and Karl Gottlieb Windisch's Der Freund der Tugend (1767-69) stated in their prefaces that they were meant for women as well as men." -A. M. Pogany Shorter, Edward. "Mania, Hysteria and Gender in Lower Austria, 1891-1905." History of Psychiatry 1, no. 1 (1990): 3-31. " ... Hysterical insanity and mania in Austrian asylums, focusing on gender and the formation of psychiatric symptoms in relation to the biology, culture, and life histories of the patients. " . "Women and Jews in a Private Nervous Clinic in Late Nineteenth-Century Vienna." Medical History 33, no. 2 (1989): 149-83. Simmons, Sherwin. "Ornament, Gender, and Interiority in Viennese Expressionism." Modernism/Modernity 8, no. 2 (2001): 245-76. About the struggle of male expressionist artists of the early zo'' century to separate themselves from the increasing presence of women in the Viennese art world. Sinclair, Andrew. Death by Fame: A Life ofElisabeth, Empress ofAustria. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. Sonnleitner, Kathe. "Die Stellung der bauerlichen Frau im Mittelalter [The position of


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peasant women in the Middle Ages].Bliitterfur Heimatkunde 56, no. 2 (1982): 33-41. Explores documents from Styrian monasteries. Sozialdemokratische Franuenkonferenz in Oesterreich. Frauenwahlrecht und Arbeiterinnenschutz: Verhandlungen der dritten sozialdemokratischen Frauenkonferenz in Osterreich. Vienna: Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung, 1908. Proceedings of a socialist conference on women's suffrage and the social protection of women workers. Sparholz, Irmgard. "Die Personlichkeit Marie Lang und ihre Bedeutung fur die Sozialreformen in Osterreich im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Vienna, 1986. About the significance of Marie Lang's private life for Austrian social reform near the th end of the 19 century. Lang was a social worker, women's rights activist, prominent in the women's rights movement around Rosa Mayreder. She fought especially for protective legislation for working mothers and the legal status of illegitimate children. Spitzmuller, Anna. "Die Frau in der bildenden Kunst." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 320-4. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About women in painting. Staffa-Kuch, Vilma. "Die Frau in der sozialen Berfusarbeit." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung, und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 301-12. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. Staudacher, Anna. "Die Aktion 'Girondo.' Zur Geschichte des internationalem Madchenhandels in Osterreich-Ungarn urn 1885." In Das Weib existiert nicht fiir sich ... Geschlechter beziehungen in der biirgerlichen Gesellschaft, edited by Heide Dienst and Edith Saurer, VoI. 48 of Osterreichische Texte zur Gesellschaftskritik. 97-138. Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1990. About the history of "white slavery "in Austria-Hungary around 1885. Steibl, Maria. "Frauenstudium in Osterreich vor 1945, dargestellt am Beispiel der Innsbrucker Studentinnen." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Innsbruck, 1987. Steiner, Herbert. "Kathe Leichter: Arbeiterfunktionarin un Kampferin fur die Rechte der Frau." Weg und Ziel38 (1980): 283-5. Stelzel, Lene. "Die Unternehmerin." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 227-30. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About women entrepreneurs. Stephan, Inge. Die Griinderinnen der Psychoanalyse: eine Entmythologisierung Sigmund Freuds in zwolf Frauenportriits. Stuttgart: Kreuz, 1992. About the female founders of psychoanalysis. Inge discusses Sigmund Freud's wife and sister-in-law (Martha and Minna Bernays), patients Emma Eckstein and Ida Bauer, students Helene Deutsch and Anna Freud (also his daughter). Storck, Cora. "Die Krankenpflegerin und die Hebamme." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung, und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et aI., 277-82. Vienna: lm Selbstverlage des Bundes ostcrreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About nurses and midwives. Streicher, Margarete. "Korperliche Erziehung." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 207-20. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About physical education. Stular, Hanka. "Kranjski zavod za umenisko tkanje v Ljubljani (Kzut), 1891-1909 [The Carniolan Institution for Artistic Weaving in Ljubljana, 1891-1909].Kronika 28, no. 2 (1980): 122-36. "An account of the financing, founding, development, and dissolution of the tapestry weaving institute in Ljubljana. About 20 women weavers were trained in the craft as part of the renaissance in such crafts that received the official and unofficial support of the th Habsburg Empire and many avant-garde artists in the 19 century. Numerous artists submitted plans for tapestries and several successful exhibits were held throughout Europe. " Svoboda, Silvia. "Die 'Dokumente der Fraucn.' "In Aufbruch in das Jahrhundert der Frau?


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Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 52-9. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. - - - . "Die Soldaten des Hinterlandes." In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920, 50-3. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. About women on the homefront. Swindells, Julia. '''What's the Use of Books?' Knowledge, Authenticity and a Young Girl's Diary." Women's History Review 5, no. 1 (1996): 55-66. "Responses to the publication of A Young Girl's Diary (1919) in English (1921, 1990) are of interest for the attitudes they reveal about what young women learn and how. Although it was supposedly the diary of a 14-yearold Viennese girl name Grete Lanier, Austrian psychoanalyst Hermine Hug-Hellmuth (18711924; allegedly the discoverer of the diary) was accused of fabricating it to support Freudian theories of childhood sexuality ...." -C. Africa. Szallasi, Arpad. "A History of Abortion Laws." [Az abortuszrendelek tortene.] Orvosi Hetilap 134, no. 12 (1993): 641-3. Thurner, Erika, and Dagmar Stranzinger. Eine Salzburger Frauengeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts.Vol. 2 of Die andere Geschichte, edited by Brigitte Mazohl-Wallnig, Erika Thurner and Dagmar Stranzinger. Salzburg: Pustet, 1995-1996. A history of Salzburg's women in the twentieth century. Tsukamoto, Tetsuya. Erizabeto: Hapusuburuku-ke saigo no kojo. Tokyo: Bungei Shunju, 1992. About Elisabeth Marie Henriette Stephaine Gisela Habsburg-Lothringen. Tutsek, Anna, ed. Nok konyve 1922: Evre. Budapest: Dante, 1922. The 1922 almanac for women. "Dj hazassagi torveny a katholikusok hazassagai irant az ausztriai birodalomban: Jegyzetekkel es magyarazatokkal ellatva." Uj Torvenytdr 9 (1857). Annotated under Hungary. Urban, Gisela. "Die Entwicklung der osterreichischen Frauenbewegung. Im Spiegel der wichtigsten Vereinsgrundungen." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et aI., 25-64. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes Osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About the evolution of the Austrian women's movement. Vanja, Christina. "Zwischen Verdrangung und Expansion, Kontrolle und Befreiung: Frauenarbeit im 18. Jahrhundert im deutschsprachigen Raum" [Between displacement and expansion, control and liberation: women's work in German-speaking Europe in the is" century]. Vierteljahrschriftfiir Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 79, no. 4 (1992): 457-82. Vasari, Emilio. Zita: Kaiserin und Konigin. Vienna: Herold, 1976. About Zita von Bourbon-Parma (1892-1989), consort of Charles I, last Austrian emperor (1916-1918). Veldtrup, Dieter. Frauen um Herzog Ladislaus (1401): Oppelner Herzoginnen in der dynastischen Politik zwischen Ungarn, Polen und dem Reich. Warendorf: Fahlbusch, 1999. Annotated under Hungary. Vital, Ernst. "Landwirtschaflichte." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun, 139-47.Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. Vogelsang, Marie von. "Frauenarbeit in Wien." Die Zukunft 4 (1896): 113-24. Vogt, Christa, and Werner Pleschberger. "Frauenemanzipation und sozialistische Bewegung in Osterreich: Kritische Bemerkungen zu parteiinternen Bedingungen der Fruhgeschichte." In Die Frau in der Arbeiterbewegung, 1900-1939: ("XIV. Linzer Konferenz" 1978), Linz, 12. bis 16. September 1978. Vol. 1, edited by Gerhard Botz and Hans Schafranek, 262-82. ITHTagungsberichte, 13. Vienna: Europaverlag, 1980. Wagener, Mary L. "Fashion and Feminism in Fin-de-Siecle Vienna." Woman's Art Journal 10, no. 2(1989-1990): 29-33. Wallnig, Josef. "Zwischen Nahkastchen und Pianoforte. Die Monatsschrift Amaliens


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Erholungsstunden als Zeugnis einert vorwiegend btirgerlichen und weiblichen Hausmusikkultur." In Von Biirgen und ihren Frauen, edited by Margret Friedrich and Peter Urbanitsch, 225-34. Vienna: Bohlau Verlag; Cologne: Weimar, 1996. Wanner, Gerhard. "Frauenarbeit in industrieller Zeitalter" [Women's work in the industrial age]. Innsbrucker Historische Studien 10-11 (1988): 223-32. Traces the patterns of women's employment in the Vorarlberg region of Austria since shortly before the Industrial Revolution, noting that women and girls were the mainstay of the Vorarlberg textile industry. Warmski, S. Prawo kobiet w panstwie austriackim. Lvov: n.p., 1910. About women's rights in Austrian society. Weiland, Daniela. Geschichte der Frauenemanzipation in Deutschland und Osterreich: Biographien, Programme, Organisationen. Dtisseldorf: ECON, 1982. A history of the women's emancipation movement in Germany and Austria. Weiss, Sabine. Die Osterreicherin: die Rolle der Frau in 10001ahren Geschichte. Graz: Styria, 1996. About women's role in 1000 years of Austrian history. Includes bibliography. Weisser, R.C. "Der Wandel der Frauenwerbstatigkeit durch die Industrialisierung unter Besonderer Berticksichtigung des Statistischen Materials aus Osterreich" [Changes in the forms of employment of women as a result of industrialization with particular reference to statistics from Austria]. Ph.D diss., Univ. of Linz. 1979. Witzmann, Reingard. "Frauenbewegung und Gesellschaft in Wien zur Jahrhundertwende." In Aufbruch in das lahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 10-8. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. About the women's movement in Vienna around the turn of the 19th century. . "Zwischen Anpassung und Fortschritt: Der Berufsalltag der Frau." Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920. 11-20.Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. About women's workday lives. Zaar, Birgitta. "Dem Mann die Politik, der Frau die Familie: die Gegner des politischen Frauenstirnrnrechts in Osterreich (1848-1918)" [To man politics, to woman family: opponents of the women's right to vote in Austria, 1848-1918]. Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Politikwissenschaft 16, no. 4 (1987): 351-62. . "Die Einfiihrung des parlamentarischen Frauenstirnrnrechts in GroBbritannien, den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Deutschland, Osterreich und Belgien, 1917-1920: Ein Vergleich." Master's thesis, Univ. of Vienna: 1987. A comparison of the introduction of women's rights in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, Austria and Belgium in 1917-1920. . "Vergleichende Aspekte der Geschichte des Frauenstirnrnrechts in GroBbritannien, den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Osterreich, Deutschland und Belgien, 1860-1920." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Vienna, 1994. Dissertation on the comparative aspects of women's rights in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, Austria and Belgium in 1860-1920. Zagorski, Angela. "Die Privatangestellte." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et al., 230-42. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterrcichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About female private employees. Zimmermann, Susan. "Das Geschlecht der Ftirsorge: Kommunale Armen- und Wohlfahrtspolitik in Budapest und Wien 1870-1914" [The gender of welfare: municipal poverty and welfare policy in Budapest and Vienna, 1870-1914]. L'Homme 5, no. 2 (1994): 19-40. . '''Making a Living From Disgrace': The Politics of Prostitution, Female Poverty and Urban Gender Codes in Budapest and Vienna, 1860-1920." In The City in Central Europe: Culture and Society From 1800 to the Present, edited by Malcolm Gee, Tim Kirk and Jill Steward, 175-95. Aldershot, England; Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 1999.


Habsburg Monarchy

Literature and the Arts HAB354

Agnon, Shmuel Yosef. The Bridal Canopy. Translated by I. M. Lask. New York: Schocken, [1967].

Baum, Vicki, 1888-1960. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. HAB355 HAB356 HAB357 HAB358

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HAB371 HAB372

Baum, Vicki. Die anderen Tage: Novellen. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1922; Berlin: Ullstein, 1931. - - - . Apropos Vicki Baum Mit einem Essay von Katharina von Ankum. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Neue Kritik, 1998. - - - . Der Eingang zur Biihne. Berlin: Ullstein, 1920; Munich: Heyne, 1980. Translated into English as Once in Vienna (London: Bles, 1943; New York: Didier, 1945). - - - . Es war alles gan: anders; Erinnerungen. Berlin: Verlag Ullstein, 1962. Translated into English as It Was All Quite Different: the Memoirs of Vicki Baum (New York: Funk &Wagnalls, 1964). - - - . Feme. Berlin: Ullstein, 1926. Translated into English as Secret Sentence. London: Bles, 1932. - - - . Flut und Flamme. Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1956; Munich: Heyne, 1983. Translated into English as Written on Water (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1956; Manor Books, 1974. - - - . Die goldenen Schuhe. Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1959; 1983. Translated into English as Theme for Ballet (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1958; Popular Library, 1979. - - - . Der Grosse Ausverkauf Amsterdam: Querido, 1937; Munich: Heyne, 1986. Translated into English as Central Stores (London: Bles, 1940). - - - . Die grosse Pause. Munich: Heyne, 1987; Cologne: Keipenheuer, 1981; 1939. - - - . Hier stand ein Hotel. Munich: Heyne, 1985; 1975; Amsterdam: Querido, 1947. Translated into English as Hotel Berlin '43. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1944. - - - . Hell in Frauensee: Ein heiterer Roman von Liebe und Hunger. Munich: Knaur, 1982; Berlin: Ullstein, 1927. Translated into English as Martin's Summer. New York: Cosmopolitan, 1931. - - - . Die Karriere der Doris Hart. Amsterdam: Querido, 1936; Frankfurt am Main: Buchergilde Gutenberg, 1980. Translated into English as The Career. London: Bles, 1936. - - - . Das Leben ohne Geheimnis. Berlin: Ullstein, 1932. Translated into English as Falling Star. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1934. - - - . Liebe und Tod aufBall. Amsterdam: Querido, 1937; Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1975. Translated into English as A Tale ofBali. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1937. - - - . Marion lebt. Munich: Heyne, 1985; Stockholm: Bermann-Fischer, 1943. Translated into English as Marion Alive. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1942. - - - . Menschen im Hotel: Ein Kolportageroman mit Hintergriinden. Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1988; Berlin: Ullstein, 1931; 1929. Translated into English as Grand Hotel. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1931. The basis for the Broadway musical and film Grand Hotel. - - - . Stud. Chem. Helen Willfiier. Berlin: Ullstein, 1928; Munich: Heyne, 1983. Translated into English as Helene. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1933. - - - . Vor Rehen wird gewarnt. Munich: Heyne, 1980; Cologne: Kiepenheuer& Witsch, 1976; 1951. Translated into English as Danger From Deer: A Novel. Garden City, NY:


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Doubleday, 1951. . Verpfiindetes Leben. Hamburg: Bliichert, 1963; Munich: Droemer/Knaur, 1976. Translated into English as Mortgage on Life. Garden City, NY: Manor Books, 1974; Doubleday, 1946. . Zwischenfall in Lohwinckel. Munich: Knaur, 1975; Berlin: Ullstein, 1930. Translated into English by Margaret Goldsmith as Results ofan Accident. London: Bles, 1931. Bell, Robert F. "Vicki Baum." In Deutsche Exilliteratur seit 1933. Vol. 1, Kalifornien, edited by John M. Spalek, Joseph Strelka and Sandra H. Hawrylchak, 247-67. Bern: Francke, 1976. Brenner, David A. "Neglected 'Women's"Texts and Contexts: Vicki Baum's Jewish Ghetto Stories." Women in German Yearbook 13 (1997): 101-21. Frame, Lynne. "Gretchen, Girl, Garconne? Weimar Science and Popular Culture in Search of the Ideal New Woman." In Women in the Metropolis: Gender and Modernity in Weimar Culture, edited by Katharina von Ankum, 12-40. Weimar and Now: German Cultural Criticism, 11. Berkeley, CA: Univ. of California Press, 1997. Also available as e-book. Holzner, Johann. "Friedensbilder in der osterreichischcn Exilliteratur: Uber Stefan Zweig, Vicki Baum, Ernst Waldinger und Theodor Kramer." Zagreber Germanistische Beitriige: Jahrbuch fiir Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft 4 (1995): 35-50. .. "Zur Asthetik der Unterhaltungsliteratur im Exil am Beispiel Vicki Baum." In Schreiben im Exil: Zur Asthetik der deutschen Exilliteratur 1933-1945, edited by Alexander Stephan and Hans Wagener, 236-49. Studien zur Literatur der Moderne, 13. Bonn: Bouvier, 1985. King, Lynda J. Best-Sellers by Design: Yicki Baum and the House of Ullstein. Detroit, MI: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1988. . "Grand Hotel: The Sexual Politics of a Popular Culture Classic." Women in German Yearbook: Feminist Studies in German Literature and Culture 15 (2000): 185-200. . "The Image of Fame: Vicki Baum in Weimar Germany." The German Quarterly 58, no. 3 (1985): 375-93. . "Menschen im Hotel/Grand Hotel: Seventy Years of a Popular Culture Classic." Journal ofAmerican & Comparative Cultures 23, no. 2 (2000): 17-23. . "Vicki Baum and the 'Making' of Popular Success: 'Mass' Culture or 'Popular' Culture? "Women in German Yearbook 11 (1995): 151-69. Lenschen-Ramos, Claudia. "'Aus der Fremde die Heimat beschreiben': Erika Mann und Vicki Baum im amerikanischen Exil." In Fremdverstehen in Sprache, Literatur und Medien, edited by Ernest W. B. Hess-Liittich, Christoph Siegrist, Stefan Bodo Wurffel, 209-23. Frankfurt: P. Lang, 1996. Lube, Barbara. "'Nirgends mehr zu Hause': Vicki Baums ungestilltes Heimweh." In Riickkehr aus dem Exil: Emigranten aus dem Dritten Reicli in Deutschland nach 1945Essays zu Ehren von Ernst Loewy, edited by Thomas Koebner and Erwin Rotemund, 43-53. Marburg: Wenzel; Munich: vertrieb, Text und Kritik, 1990. Petersen, Vibeke Riitzou. "The Best of Both Worlds? Jewish Representations of Assimilation, Self, and Other in Weimar Popular Fiction." The German Quarterly 68, no. 2 (1995): 160-73. Discussion of the treatment of Jews in Baum's "Raffael Guttmann," Joseph Roth's Das Spinnennetz; and Lion Feuchtwanger's Jud Siij3. Thunecke, Jorg. "Kolportage ohne Hintergriinde: Der Film Grand Hotel (1932). Exemplarische Darstellung der Entwicklungsgeschichte von Vicki Baums Roman Menschen im Hotel (1929)." In Die Resonanz des Exils: Gelungene und misslungene Rezeption deutschsprachiger Exilautoren, edited by Dieter Sevin, 134-53. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1992. Discussion of Baum' s novel and the film adaptation by Edmund Goulding. Bonaparte, Marieluise, Manfred Schmucker and Monika Pelz. Sphinx und schone Wasseifee: ein Wiener Spaziergang. Vienna: Edition Tusch, 1989. About women and sphinxes in


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Viennese sculpture and art. Includes photographs of sculptures. Brausewetter, Ernst, ed. Meistemovellen deutscher Frauen: 1.-2. Reihe. Mit Charakteristiken th Vergasserinnen und ihrer Portrdts. 2 vols. Leipzig: G. Fock, 1907. This collection of 19 century German-language prose includes short stories by Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Maria Eugenie delle Grazie, Maria lanitschek, Emile Mataja [Emil Marriot], Bertha von Suttner, and Ada Christen. Catling, 10. A History of Women's Writing in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000. This book's chapters are: "Beginnings to 1700"; "The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries ": '''Coming of Age,' 1890-1945"; and "Post-war, East and West."

Christen, Ada [Breden, Christiane Frederick von], 1839-1901. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. HAB392

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Christen, Ada. Anfiinge der sozialen Erzdhlung in Osterreich. Salzburg and Munich: Pustet, 1979. This collection representing the beginnings of Austrian short fiction includes stories by Ada Christen and Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach. - - - . Aus dem Leben: Skizzen. Leipzig: E. 1. Gtinther, 1876. - - - . Aus der Asche: neue Gedichte. Hamburg: Hoffmann & Campe, 1870. - - - . Aus der Tiefe: neue Gedichte von Ada Christen [pseud.]. Hamburg: Hoffmann & Campe, 1878. - - - . Ausgewiilte Werke [von] Ada Christen. Vienna: K. Procharska, 1911. - - - . Faustina. Vienna: Dirnbock, 1871. - - - . Das Haus zur Blauen Gans: Erziihlungen und Gedichte. Berlin: Union, 1964. - - - . Geschichten aus dem Haus "Zur blauen Gans. " Wien-Leipzig: Osterreichischer Bundesverlag fur Unterricht, Wissenschaft und Kunst, 1929. - - - . Jungfer Mutter: eine Wiener Vorstadtgeschichte. Dresden: Minden, 1892. - - - . Lieder einer Verlorenen. Hamburg: Hoffmann & Campe, 1868. - - - . Lieder und Gesdnge. Christbaun, Nr. 2. Erste Folge. Leipzig: Schuberthaus-Verlag, 1910. - - - . Schatten. Hamburg: Hoffmann & Campe, 1872. - - - . Unsere Nachbarn: neue Skizzen. Dresden: H. Minden, 1884. - - - . Vom Wege: Skizzen. Hamburg: Hoffmann & Campe, 1874. - - - , and Clayton Johns. Four Songs. Boston: Arthur P. Schmidt, 1888. Christen's songs (high voice with piano) set to music by lohns. Schmid-Bortenschlager, Sigrid. "Uber Ada Christen (1839-1901)." Literatur und Kritik 307308 (1996): 103-8. Cvrkal, Ivan. Das Junge Wien: proza viedenskej modemy, 1889-1902. Bratislava: Ustav th svetovej literaniry SAV, 1995. A Slovak history and criticism of 19 and zo" century Austrian literature. Summary in German.

delle Grazie, Marie Eugenie, 1864-1931. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HAB409 HAB410

delle Grazie, Marie Eugenie. Die blonde Frau Fina und andere Erzdhlungen. Berlin: Hillger, 1915. . Das Buch der Liebe: Roman. Berlin: Ullstein: 1916.


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- - - . Das Buch des Lebens: Erziihlungen und Humoresken. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Hartel, 1914. - - - . Die Blumen der Acazia... Berlin: Hillger, 1920. - - - . Donaukind: Roman. Berlin: Ullstein, 1918. - - - . Der frilhe Lenz: Vienna: Lyra, 1919. - - - . Gedichte. Leipzig: Breitkopf, 1895. - - - . Gottesgericht und andere Erziihlungen. Leipzig and Berlin: Heilbronn, 1912. - - - . Heilige und Menschen: Roman. Leipzig: Breitkopfund Hartel, 1909. - - - . Hermann: Deutsches Heldengedicht in 12 Gesdngen. Vienna: Hartleben, 1883. - - - . Homo: der Roman einer Zeit. Vienna: Wiener literarische anstalt, 1919. - - - . 1talienische Vignetten. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Hartel, 1892. - - - . Eines Lebens Steme: Roman. Berlin: Ullstein, 1919. - - - . Liebe: Erziihlungen. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Hartel, 1902. - - - . Der Liebe und des Ruhmes Kriinze: Ein Roman auf der Viola d'Amour. Vienna: Wiener Literaturische Anstalt, 1920. - - - . Moralische Walpurgisnacht: ein Satyrspiel vor der Tragodie. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Hartel, 1896. - - - . Narren der Liebe: Lustspiel in vier Akten. Leipzig: Breitkopfund Hartel, 1905. - - - . 0 Jugend! Roman. Berlin: Ullstein, 1917. - - - . Die kleine weisse Stadt und andere Kurzgeschichten aus der Banater Heimat. Salzburg: Weisskirchner Ortsgemeinschaft, 1977. - - - . Die Rebel!: Bozi, Zwei Erzdhlungen. Leipzig: Breitkopfund Hmel, 1893. - - - . Robespierre: ein modernes Epos. Leipzig: Breitkopfund Hartel, 1894. - - - . Sdmtliche Werke. 9 vols. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Hartel, 1903-04. - - - . Saul: Tragodie in fiinf Akten. Vienna: C. Konegen, 1885. - - - . Der Schatten: Drama in drei Akten und einem Vorspiel. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Hartel, 1902. - - - . Schlagende Wetter: Drama in vier Akten. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Hartel, 1900. - - - . Schwiine am Land: Drama in 3 Akten. Leipzig: Breitkopfund Hartel, 1907. - - - . Die Seele und der Schmetterling. Leipzig: Reclam, 1919. - - - . Sommerheide. Elberfeld: Bergland, 1928. - - - . Titanic: Eine Ozeanphantasie. Elberfeld: Bergland, 1928. - - - . Traumwelt. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Hartel, 1907. - - - . Unsichtbare Strafie: Roman. Freiburg: Herder, 1926. - - - . Ver Sacrum. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Hartel, 1906. - - _ . Vom Wege: Geschichten und Miirchen. Leipzig: Breitkopfund Hartel, 1907. - - - . Vor dem Sturm: Roman. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Hartel, 1910. - - - . Die Weij3en Schmetterlinge von Clairvaux: Novelle. Freiburg: Herder, 1925. - - - . Wunder der Seele: Erzhdlungen. Leipzig: Breitkopfund Hartel, 1913. - - - . Die Zigeunerin: Eine Erzdhlung aus dem ungarischen Heidelande. Vienna: C. Konegen, 1885. - - _ . Zu spdt: vier Einakter. Leipzig: Breitkopfund Hartel, 1903. - - - . Zwei Witwen. Berlin: Hillger, 1914. Johns, Jorun B. "Marie Eugenie delle Grazie." In Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 81, edited by James Hardin and Donald G. Daviau, 78-85. Detroit: Gale, 1989. Denscher, Bemhard. "Die Frau in der Werbung." In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920, 97-100. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. About the image of women in advertising. Dopplinger-Loebenstein, Andrea. "Frauenehre, Liebe und der abgesetzte Mann. Biirgerliche Frauenliteratur in Osterreich (1866-1918) am Beispiel von Franziska von Kapff-Essenther, Julie Thenen, Rosa Mayreder, Dora von Stockert-Meynert und Emilie Mataja." Ph.D. diss.,


Habsburg Monarchy



Univ.of Vienna, 1987. Doublier, Gerda. "Die Frau in der darstellenden Kunst." In Frauenbewegung, Frauenbildung und Frauenarbeit in Osterreich, edited by Martha Stephanie Braun et aI., 324-7. Vienna: Im Selbstverlage des Bundes osterreichischer Frauenvereine, 1930. About women in performing arts. Specht, Richard. "Zwei Osterreichische Dichterinnen." In Das lunge Wien: Osterreichische Literatur- und Kunstkritik, 1887-1902, edited by Gotthart Wunberg, 250-52, VoI. 1 [section 91.41]. Tiibingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1976. Abstract of review article on Marie Eugenie delle Grazie and Sophie von Khuenberg, originally published in Moderne Rundschau 3, no. 9 (1891): 337-40.

Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von, 1830-1916. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Women Writers in German-Speaking Countries: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook, edited by Elke P. Frederiksen and Elizabeth G. Ametsbichler. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998; Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. HAB453 HAB454 HAB455 HAB456 HAB457


HAB459 HAB460 HAB461 HAB462 HAB463 HAB464 HAB465


Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von. Aphorisms. Translated by Wolfgang Mieder. Riverside, CA: Ariadne, 1994. Translation of Aphorismen. . Beyond Atonement. Translated by Vanessa Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1997. Translation of Unsiihnbar. . Seven Stories by Marie von Eber-Eschenbach. Translated by Helga H. Columbia, SC: Camden, 1986. . Their Pavel. Translated by Lynne Tatlock. Columbia, SC: Camden, 1996. Translation of Das Gemeindekind. Anton, Christine. "Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach und die Realismusdebatte: Schreiben als Auseinandersetzung mit den Kunstansichten ihrer Zeit." Modern Austrian Literature 33, no. 1 (2000): 1-15. Baumer, Gertrud. "Stille Weisheit: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach und Luise von Francois." In Gestalt und Wandel:frauenbildnisse, 438-81. Berlin: F. A.Herbig, 1939. About the "silent wisdom" of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach and Luise von Francois. Bettelheim, Anton. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach: Biographische Bldtter. Berlin: Paetel, 1900. . "Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach und Luise von Francois." Deutsche Rundschau 27 (1900): 104-19. . Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Wirken und Vermiichtnis. Leipzig: Quelle und Meyer, 1920. Bramkamp, Agatha C. "An Austrian Effi Briest? The Image of Woman in Marie von EbnerEschenbach's Novel Unsiihnbar." Fu len Studies: Literature & Linguistics 18 (1985): 43-58. Bramkamp, Agatha. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach: The Author, Her Time, and Her Critics. Bonn: Bouvier, 1990. Braunsdorf, Lynn Mary. "Self-Actualization in Representative Works of Marie von EbnerEschenbach." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1993. Colvin, Sarah. "Disturbing Bodies: Mary Stuart and Marilyn Monroe in Plays by Liz Lochhead, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach and Gerlind Reinshagen." Forumfor Modern Language Studies 35, no. 3 (1999): 251-60. Dietrick, Linda. "Gender and Technology in Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's 'Ein Original'." Women in German Yearbook 17 (2001): 141-64.


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HAB468 HAB469 HAB470



HAB473 HAB474 HAB475 HAB476 HAB477 HAB478




HAB482 HAB483



Edrich, Eva K. "Women in the Novels of George Sand, EmilyBronte, George Eliot and Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach: To Mitigate the Harshness of All Fatalities." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Denver, 1984. Endres, Elisabeth. "Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830-1916)." In Frauen: Portrdts aus zwei Jahrhunderten, edited by Hans Jiirgen Schultz, 114-27. Stuttgart: Kreuz, 1981. Finney, Gail. "Comparative Perspectives on Gender and Comedy: The Examples of Wilde, Hofmannsthal, and Ebner-Eschenbach." Modern Drama 37, no. 4 (1994): 638-50. Goodman, Katherine Ramsey. "German Women and Autobiography in the Nineteenth Century: Louise Aston, Fanny Lewald, Malwida von Meysenbug and Marie von EbnerEschenbach." Ph.D diss., Uni v. of Wisconsin, Madison, 1977. Gorla, Gudrun. "Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach: 100 Jahre spater. Eine Analyse aus der Sicht des ausgehenden 20. Jahrhunderts mit Benicksichtigung der Mutterfigur, der Ideologie des Matriarchats und formaler Aspekte." Ph.D diss., Rutgers Univ., 1997. Giinter, Manuela. "'Dank und Dank: -ich wiederhole mich immer, nicht wahr?': Zum Briefwechsel zwischen Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach und Julius Rodenberg." In Briejkultur im 19. Jahrhundert, edited by Rainer Baasner, 55-71. Tiibingen: Niemeyer, 1999. Harriman, Helga H. "Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach in Feminist Perspective." Modern Austrian Literature 18, no. 1 (1985): 27-38. Johns, Jorun B. "Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach." In Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 81, edited by James Hardin and Donald G. Daviau, 86-94. Detroit: Gale, 1989. Kenworthy, B. J. "Ethical Realism: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Unsiihnbar." German Life and Letters 41, no. 4 (1988): 477-87. Klostermaier, Doris. "Anton Bettleheim: Creator of the Ebner-Eschenbach Myth." Modern Austrian Literature 29 (1996): 15-43. . Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach: The Victory ofa Tenacious Will. Riverside, CA: Ariadne, 1997. . "'Not Recommended for Catholic Libraries': Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach and the Tum-of-the-Century Catholic Revival Movement." German Life and Letters 53, no. 2 (2000): 162-77. Koopmann, Helmut. "Schlofs-Banalitaten: Lebenslehren aus einer halbwegs heilen Welt: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach." In Deutschsprachige Schriftstellerinnen des Fin-de-Siecle, edited by Karin Tebben, 162-80. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1999. Kord, Suzanne. "Performing Genders: Three Plays on the Power of Women." Monatshefte 86 (1994): 95-115. Plays by Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer, Ebner-Eschenbach and Johann von Schiller. Kraus Worley, Linda. "Telling Stories/Telling Histories: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's 'Er lasst die Hand kiissen'." In Neues zu Altem: Novellen der Vergangenheit und der Gegenwart, edited by Sabine Cramer, 43-56. Munich: Fink, 1996. Kuechelmann, Nancy Rucks. "Narrative Perspective and Thematic Issue in Selected Short Prose Works of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach." Ph.D diss., Rutgers Univ., 1994. Langer, Gudrun. "Sprachwechsel und kulturelle Identitat: Bozena Nemcova und Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach." In Aufder Suche nach einer grosseren Heimat ...: Sprachwechsel, Kulturwechsel in der slawischen Welt, edited by Ulrich Steltner, 33-50. Schriften des Collegium Europaeum Jenense Number: 20. Jena: Collegium Europaeum Jenense, 1999. Lloyd, Danuta S. "Dorf and Schloss: The Socio-Political Image of Austria as Reflected in Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Works." Modern Austrian Literature 12, no. 3-4 (1979): 2544. . "Waifs and Strays: The Youth in Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Village Tales." In Views and Reviews ofModern German Literature: Festschriftfur AdolfD. Klarmann, edited by Karl S. Weimar, 39-50. Munich: Delp, 1974.


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HAB486 HAB487 HAB488







HAB495 HAB496

HAB497 HAB498




. "A Woman Looks at Man: The Male Psyche as Depicted in the Works of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1969. Lohmeyer, Enno Bernd. "Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach als Sozialreformerin." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Kansas, 2001. Ockenden, R. C. "Unconscious Poesy?: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Die Poesie des UnbewujJten. In Gender and Politics in Austrian Fiction, edited by Ritchie Robertson and Edward Tumms, Austrian Studies VII, 36-46. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press, 1996. Pettey, John Carson. "The First Women Aphorists in German: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach and Phia Rilke: Their Significance for the Genre and Their Aphoristic Frauenbild." Modern Austrian Literature 28, no. 1 (1995): 1-30. Pfeiffer, Peter C. "Geschichte, Leidenspathos, feminine Subjektivitat: Marie von EbnerEschenbachs Autobiographie Meine Kinderjahre." Monatshefte fur Deutschen Unterricht, Deutsche Sprache und Literatur 87, no. 1 (1995): 68-81. . "Geschlecht, Geschichte, Kreativitat: Zu einer neuen Beurteilung der Schriften Marie von Ebner-Eschenbachs." Zeitschrift fiir Deutsche Philologie 120, Supplement (2001): 73-89. Riehl, Ester. "Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Bozena: A Czech Maid and the Future of Austria." In Austria in Literature, edited by Donald G. Daviau, 19-30. Riverside, CA: Ariadne, 2000. Rose, Ferrel V. The Guises ofModesty: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Female Artists. Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1994. A biographically-informed, feminist analysis of EbnerEschenbach's narrative strategies and forms. " ... Rose analyses a series of texts that focus on the problematic socialisation of women "and "the late chapter on autobiographical writings is truly illuminating." -Patricia Howe, Review in Gender and Politics in Austrian Fiction, edited by Ritchie Robertson and Edward Tumms, Austrian Studies VII. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press, 1996. Seeling, Claudia. "'Als eine Frau lesen lernte, trat die Frauenfrage in die Welt': Die Autobiographie der Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach." In Geschlecht-Literatur-Geschichte. vol. 1, edited by Gudrun Loster-Schneider, St. Ingbert: Rohrig, 1999. Snapper, Gerda Hummel. "Entfremdung und Isolation in den Prosawerken von Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach." Ph.D diss., Univ. of California Berkeley, 1979. Steiner, Carl. "Franz Grillparzer and Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach: A Father-Daughter Relationship." In Fur all, was Menschenje erfahren, ein Bild, ein Wort und auch ein Ziel: Beitriige zu Grillparzers Werk, edited by Joseph P. Strelka, 211-29. Bern: P. Lang, 1996. . OfReason and Love: The Life and Works ofMarie von Ebner-Eschenbach (18301916). Riverside, CA: Ariadne Riverside, 1994. Strelka, Joseph P., ed. Des Mitleids tiefe Liebesfiihigkeit: Zum Werk der Marie von EbnerEschenbach. New Yorker Beitrage zur Osterreichischen Literaturgeschichte, 7. Bern: P. Lang, 1997. Stuben, Jens. "Interpretation statt Kommentar-Ferdinand von Saar und Marie von EbnerEschenbach: 'Kritische Texte und Deutungen'." In Kommentierungsverfahren und Kommentarformen: Hamburger Kolloquium der Arbeitsgemeinschaft fir germanistische Edition, 4. bis 7. Mdr: 1992, autor- und problembezogene Referate, edited by Gunter Martens, 99-107. Tubingen: Niemeyer, 1993. Thum, Reinhard. "Oppressed by Generosity: Dismantling the Gilded Marital Cage in Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's 'Erste Trennung'." In Neues zu Altem: Novellen der Vergangenheit und der Gegenwart, edited by Sabine Cramer, 57-66. Munich: Fink, 1996. . "Parental Authority and Childhood Trauma: An Analysis of Marie von EbnerEschenbach's Die erste Beichte." Modem Austrian Literature 19, no. 2 (1986): 15-31.


Habsburg Monarchy HAB502

HAB503 HAB504 HAB505 HAB506 HAB507



Tichy, Marina. Alltag und Traum: Leben und Lektiire der Wiener Dienstmiidchen um die Jahrhundertwende. Vienna: H. Bohlau, 1984. Female domestics (maids), reading and popular th literature in 19 century Austria. Toegel, Edith. "Daughters and Fathers in Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Works." Oxford German Studies 20/21 (1991): 125-36. . "'Entsagungsmut' in Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Works: A Female-Male Perspective." Forum for Modern Language Studies 28 (1992): 140-9. . "The 'Leidensjahre' of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach: Her Dramatic Works." German Life and Letters 46, no. 2 (1993): 107-19. . "'Vergangene Freuden, iiberstandene Leiden': Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Autobiographical Writings." Modern Austrian Literature 30, no. 2 (1997): 35-47. Valouch, Frantisek, and Jana Starek. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach: zivot a dilo. Sbornik prispevku ze sympozia, porddaneho 3.-4. Kvetna v Arcibiskupskem zdmku v Kromerizi. Bmo: Masarykova univerzita, 1999. About congresses on Austrian writers and Ebner-Eschebach's works. Weinmann, Andrea. "Das Bild vom Juden in Marie von Ebner-Eschenbachs Erzahlung Der Kreisphysikus Source." In Gegenbilder und Vorurteil: Aspekte des Judentums im Werk deutschsprachiger Schriftstellerinnen, edited by Renate Heuer and Ralph-Rainer Wuthenow, 39-84. Frankfurt: Campus, 1995. Gordy, Laura Ann. "Women Creating Music, 1750-1850: Marianne Martinez, Maria Theresia von Paradis, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, and Clara Wieck Schumann." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Alabama, 1987. "The lives and works of four women composers are examined in light of prevailing cultural attitudes toward women's creativity in Austria and Germany from 1750 to 1850. "

Greiffenberg, Catharina Regina von, 1633-1694. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991 and Women Writers in German-Speaking Countries: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook, edited by Elke P. Frederiksen and Elizabeth G. Ametsbichler. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998; Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989.

HAB510 HAB511 HAB512 HAB513





Greiffenberg, Catharina Regina von. Gedichte. Berlin: Henssel, 1964. - - - . Geistliche Sonette, Lieder und Gedichte. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1967. Cemy, Heimo. "Neues zur Biographie der Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg." Jahrbuch des WienerGoethe-Vereins 10G-I01 (1996-1997): 111-29. Daly, Peter M. "Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg." In Dichter des 17. Jahrhunderts: Ihr Leben und Werk, edited by Harald Steinhagen and Benno von Wiese, 615-39. Berlin: Schmidt, 1984. - - - . "Der Riickgriff auf den Stoizismus: Ein Zyklus italienisch betitelter Epigramme von Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg." Jahrbuch des Wiener Goethe-Vereins 10G-101 (19961997): 131-45. Dohm, Burkbard. "Die Auferstehung des Leibes in der Poesie: Zu einem Passionsgedicht Catharina Regina von Greiffenbergs." Daphnis: Zeitschrift fur Mittlere Deutsche Literatur 21, no. 4 (1992): 673-94. Falkner, Silke R. "Rhetorical Tropes and Realities-A Double Strategy Confronts a Double Standard: Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg Negotiates a Solution in the Seventeenth Century." Women in German Yearbook 17 (2001): 31-56. - - - . "Zur Schreibenden Frau im Barock: Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg Sozialhistorische Produktionsbedingungen und Ihre Literarische Bewaltigung" [On the


Habsburg Monarchy

HAB518 HAB519



HAB522 HAB523


HAB525 HAB526


HAB528 HAB529






woman author in the Baroque era: Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg: the literary surmounting of sociohistorical conditions of production]. Ph.D diss., McGill Univ., 1988. Foley-Beining, Kathleen. The Body and Eucharistic Devotion in Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg's "Meditations." Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1997. . "Physicality and Women's Eucharistic Devotion in Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg's Anddchtige Betrachtungen, "Von Marien Schwanger-gehen and the Abendmahls-Andachten." Ph.D diss., Univ. of California Los Angeles, 1992. Gnadinger, Louise. "Ister-Clio, Teutsche Uranie, Coris die Tapfere: Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg (1633~1694): Ein Portrait." In Deutsche Literatur von Frauen, vol. 1: Vom Mittelalter bis zum Ende des 18. lahrhunderts, edited by Gisela Brinker-Gabler, 248-64. Munich: Beck, 1988. Ingen, Ferdinand van. "Wort-Theologie und Wort-Kunst in den Gedichten der Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg." lahrbuch des Wiener Goethe-Vereins 100-101 (1996-1997): 147-58. Jons, Dietrich. "Catharina von Greiffenbergs 250 Gotteslob-Sonette von 1662: Uberlegungen zu ihrer Anordnung." lahrbuch des Wiener Goethe-Vereins 100-101 (1996-1997): 159-70. Kastinger Riley, Helene M. "Protestant Clarion in the Habsburg Empire: Catharina von Greiffenberg." In Women Writers of the Seventeenth Century, edited by Katharina Wilson and Frank J. Wamke, 464-70. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Press, 1989. Kemp, Friedhelm. "Des Herm von Bartas geteutschter Glaubens-Triumf: Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg als Ubersetzerin." lahrbuch des Wiener Goethe-Vereins 100-101 (19961997): 171-8. Kimmich, Flora. Sonnets of Catharina von Greiffenberg: Methods of Composition. Chapel Hill, NC: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1975. Laufhiitte, Hartmut. "Emblematische Spiegelung eines Deoglori-Unternehmens: Der Plan Catharina Regina von Greiffenbergs, Kaiser Leopold I. zum Protestantismus zu bekehren." lahrbuch des Wiener Goethe- Vereins 100-101 (1996-1997): 179-92. . "Der oedenburgische Drach: Spuren einer theologischen Kontroverse urn die Ehe der Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg." Daphnis: Zeitschrijt fur Mittlere Deutsche Literatur 20, no. 2 (1991): 355-402. Mehl, Jane M. "Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg: Modem Traits in a Baroque Poet." South Atlantic Bulletin 45, no. 1 (1980): 54-63. Pumplun, Cristina M. "Begriffdes Unbegreiflichen": Funktion und Bedeutung der Metaphorik in den Geburtsbetrachtungen der Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg (16331694). Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1995. . "Metaphernreihen in Catharina Regina von Greiffenbergs Geburtsbetrachtungen zwischen Assoziation und Konstruktion." lahrbuch des Wiener Goethe- Vereins 100-101 (1996-1997): 193-201. Riley, Helene M. Kastinger. "Catherina von Greiffenberg: Protestant Clarion in the Habsburg Empire." In Women Writers of the Seventeenth Century, edited by Katharina M Wilson and Frank J. Wamke, 464-82. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Press, 1989. Schleusener-Eichholz, Gudrun. "Poetik und Naturwissenschaft: Augenanatomie in Dichtungen des 17. Jahrhunderts und moderner Dichtung (Pierre de Marbeuf, Phineas Fletcher, Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg, Hannelies Taschau)." Daphnis: Zeitschrift fur Mittlere Deutsche Literatur 26, no. 2-3 (1997): 437-515. Schnabel, Werner Wilhelm. '''Fanget an mit Jubiliren ...': Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg und die 'Gottlobende Gesellschaft'." lahrbuch des Wiener Goethe- Vereins 100-101 (19961997): 203-23. Schnabel, Werner Wilhelm. "Ein ruhig Schaferhuttlein an der Pegnitz? Zu den Lebensumstanden der Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg in Niirnberg 1680-1694." lahrbuchfur Frankische Landesforschung 53, no. 1 (1992): 159-87.


Habsburg Monarchy

Grogger, Paula, 1892-1984. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HAB535 HAB536 HAB537



Grogger, Paula. Gedichte. Stuttgart: Brentanoverlag, 1954. - - - . Die Hochzeit: ein Spiel vom Prinzen Johann. Graz, Vienna, Cologne: Styria, 1967. Sachslehner, Johannes. "Nachpriifung: Zu den Autobiographien von Robert Hohlbaum, Paula Grogger, Gertrud Fussenegger und Franz Tumler." In Autobiographien in der osterreichischen Literatur: Von Franz Grillparzer bis Thomas Bemhard, edited by Klaus Amann and Karl Wagner, 125-40. Innsbruck: Studien, 1998. Schmid-Bortenschlager, Sigrid. "Lesarten von Paula Groggers Roman 'Das Grimmingtor'." Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum 23, no. 2 (1996): 249-63. Gurtler, Christa, and Sigrid Schmid-Bortenschlager, Eigensinn und Widerstand: th Schriftstellerinnen der Habsburgermonarchie. Vienna: Ueberreuter, 1998. About 19 and century Austrian women authors: biography, history and criticism. Includes bibliography. - - - . Die bessere Hiilfte: osterreichlsche Literatur von Frauen seit 1848. Salzburg: o. Muller, 1995. About Austrian women's literature since 1848. Hamann, Brigitte. "'Tanzen Nymphen dort den Reigen': Anmerkungen zum Rollenbild von Kaiserin Elisabeth." In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920,94-6. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. Notes about the queen Elisabeth as a role model. Hammer-Tugendhat, Daniela. "Zur Ambivalenz patriarchaler Geschlechterideologie in der Kunst des spaten 19. Jahrhunderts: Die biisen Mutter von Gionvanni Segantini." In Das Weib existiert nichtfur sich ... Geschlechter beziehungen in der bilrgerlichen Gesellschaft, edited by Heide Dienst and Edith Saurer, Vol. 48 of Osterreichische Texte zur Gesellschaftskritik. 148-61.Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1990. About patriarchal ambivalence in gender-ideology of the late 1800s, as exemplified in Giovanni Segantini's The Bad Mother.


HAB540 HAB541


Handel-Mazzetti, Enrica Ludovica Maria, Freiin von [Marien Kind, pseud.], 18711955. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HAB543 HAB544 HAB545 HAB546 HAB547 HAB548 HAB549 HAB550 HAB551 HAB552 HAB553 HAB554

Handel-Mazzetti, Enrica Ludovica Maria, Freiin von. Als die Franzosen in St. Polten waren: eine Klostergeschichte. Frankenstein in Schlesien: Katholische verlagsgesellschaft, 1904. - - - . Die arme Margaret: ein Volksroman aus dem alten Steyr. Kempten: Kosel, 1910. - - - . Der Blumenteufel: Bilder aus dem Reservespital Staatsgymnasiumin Linz. M. Gladbach: Volksverein-Verlag, 1916. - - - . Erzdhlungen und Skizzen. Kevelaer: Thum, 1909. - - - . Geistige Werdejahre: Dramen, Schwdnke und religiose Spiele aus ihrer literarischen Entwicklungszeit. Ravensburg: F. Alber, 1911, 1912. - - - . Ich mag ihn nicht. Eine Erzdhlung fur die Jugend. Frankenstein in Schlesien: Katholische verlagsgesellschaft, 1904. - - - . Ilko Smutniak, der Allan: der Roman eines Ruthenen. Kempten: J. Kosel, 1917. - - - . Imperatori: fiin] Kasierlieder. Kempten: J. Kosel, 1911. - - - . Jesse und Maria: ein Roman aus dem Donaulande. Kempten: J. Kosel, 1909, 1913. - - - . Das Kind: eine literarische Studie von eine Lehrerin. Anstalt: La Ruelle, n.d. - - - . Der letzte Wille des Herrn Egler: Novelle aus Alt-Wien. Frankenstein in Schlesien: Katholische verlagsgesellschaft, 1904. - - - . Skizzen aus Osterreich. Frankenstein in Schlesien: Katholische verlagsgesellschaft,


Habsburg Monarchy

1904. HAB555

· Sophie Barat: ein Gedenkblatt zu ihrer Seligsprechungsfeier. Ravensburg: F. Alber, 1910.

HAB556 HAB557

· Stepaha Schwertner. Kempten: J. Kosel, 1913. · Die Waxenbergerin: ein Roman aus dem Kampfjahr 1683. Munich: Kodtel & Pustet, 1934.


, and Hans Brecka. Unter dem iisterreichischen roten Kreuz: Regensburg: Pustet, 1915.


HAB560 HAB561 HAB562


HAB564 HAB565 HAB566 HAB567

HAB568 HAB569 HAB570



HAB573 HAB574 HAB575

, and Julius Rodenberg. Briefe iiber einen deutschen Roman: Die Schlusskapital der Armen Margaret nach dem Erstabdruck in der Deutschen Rundschau. Kempten: J. Kosel, 1911. , and Therese Rak. Die Liebe ist stdrker als der Tod: Novelle. Neumarkt Opf.: Bogl, 1914. - - - , et al. Napoleon ll. (nach Victor Hugo) und andere dichtungen. Berlin: K. W. Mecklenburg vormals Richter, 1912. Anklin, Marguerite. Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti und Karl Schonherr: Gedanken zum neuesten Literaturstreit. Berlin: K. W. Mecklenburg, 1911. Thoughts about the present debate in literature. Berger, Franz, and Kurt Vancsa, eds. Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti: Festschrift zur 75 Jahrfeier. Der grossen Dichterin Oberiisterreichs gewidmet von der Landeshauptmannschaft in Oberosterreich und der Landeshaupstadt Linz. Linz: Buchdr. Der oberosterreichischen Landeshauptmannschaft, 1946. Festschrift dedicated to the upper-Austria, Linz poet Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti. Biesenbach, Adelaide M. "Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti als darstellerin der Barockzeit." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Rochester, 1938. Bourgeois, Joseph Earl. Ecclesiastical Characters in the Novels ofEnrica von Hand-Mazzetti [sic]. N.p.: n.p., 1956. Brecka, Hans. Die Handel-Mazzeui. Vienna: Wila, 1923. Doppler, Bemhard. "Das Apostolat der christlichen Tochter: Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti." In Deutschsprachige Schriftstellerinnen des Fin-de-Siecle, edited by Karin Tebben, 23~6. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1999. - - - . Katholische Literatur und Literaturpolitik Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti: eine Fallstudie. Konigstein/Ts.: Hain, 1980. - - - . "Moglichkeiten eines Handel-Mazzetti-Archivs." Adalbert Stifter Institut des Landes Oberosterreich: Viertelj ahrsschrift 26 (1977): 41-62. - - - . "Uber das Kunstschaffen der Frau: 'Weiblich' -'mannlich' in der katholischen Kulturkritik am Beispiel eines unveroffentlichten Essays von Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti. Adalbert Stifter Institut des Landes Oberosterreich: Vierteljahresschrift 35, no. 3-4 (1986): 191-211. - - - . "Vom Waisenkind bis zur Deutschen Rundschau: Publikationsorgane katholischer Schriftsteller zwischen 1890 und 1918 am Beispiel Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti." Osterreich. in Geschichte und Literatur 21 (1977): 304-20. Enzinger, Moriz. "Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti, 10.1.1871-8.4.1955: Gedachtnisschrift zu ihrem hundertsten Geburtstage." Adalbert Stifter Institut des Landes Oberosterreich: Vierteljahresschrift 20, (1971): 9-55. Fischer, Johannes Maria. Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti. Bonn: F. Cohen, 1912. Freylinger, Maria Joseph. Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti: Biographie und Werke. Vienna: Gerold, 1971. Grogger, Paula, and P. Friedrich Muckermann. Die Handel-Mazzetti Almanach der Verlags Josef Kiisel & Friedricli Pustet Miinchen, mit originalbeitriigen von Paula Grogger, P. Friedrich Muckermann fund] Burgschauspieler Karsten. Munioch: Verlag Josef Kosel &


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HAB576 HAB577 HAB578

HAB579 HAB580 HAB581 HAB582

HAB583 HAB584 HAB585

HAB586 HAB587

HAB588 HAB589





Friedrich Pustet, 1929. Includes a bibliography. Hemmen, A1cuin Ambrose. The Concept ofReligious Tolerance in the Novels ofEnrica Handel-Mazzetti. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1945. Kaiser, Beatrice Rose. "The Key Situations in the Novels of Enrica von Hande1-Mazzetti." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Minnesota, 1936. Katholische Schulblatter. Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti 60: Festschrift. Huldung der Oberiisterreichischen Lehrakademie des kath. Landeslehrervereines fir Oberosterreich. Linz: 0.-0. Lehrerakademie des Kath. Landeslehrer-vereines, 1931. Kiesgen, Laurenz. Ausgewiilte Miirchen deutscher Dichter. Cologne: Bachem, 1920. Korrodi, Eduard. Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti: die Persiinlichkeit und ihr Dichterwerk. Munster in Westfalen: Alphonsus-Buchhandlung, 1909. Mann, Elisabeth. "Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti (1871-1955)." In Rampe Regional, edited by Petra Maria Dallinger, 29-44. Linz: Institut fur Kulturforderung, 1998. Mumbauer, Johannes. Der Dichterinnen stiller garten, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach und Enrica Von Handel-Mazzetti: Bilder aus ihrem leben und ihrer Freundschaft. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 1918. About the lives of and the friendship between Ebner-Eschnebach and Handel-Mazzetti. Mtinkel, Therese. "Die archaisierenden der Arrnen Margaret nach dem erstabdruck in der Deutsche rundschau." Ph.D. diss., Frankfurt Univ., 1929. Rothberger, M. Pacifica, Sister. Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti. N.p.: n.p., 1944. Schmidt, Josef. "Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti (1871-1955)." In Major Figures of Austrian Literature: The Interwar Years, 1918-1938, edited by Donald G. Daviau, 107-28. Riverside, CA: Ariadne, 1995. Schnee, Heinrich. Enrica, freiin von Handel-Mazzetti: Grossdeutschlands Dichterin. Paderbom: F. Schoningh, 1934. Siebertz, Paul. Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti Personlichkeit, Werk und Bedeutung: gemeinsam mit AdolfBuder, Anton Dorrer, Rudolf Henz, Joseph Krockel, Hedwig Molak-Sahlinger und Rhabana Miinkel. Munich: J. Kosel & F. Pustet, 1930. Speekrnan, Bemardus Willem. Quellen und Komposition der Trilogie Stephana Schwertner Von E. von Handel-Mazzetti. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen, 1924. Vancsa, Kurt, ed. Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti: eine Dokumentenschau, als Fiihrer durch die Ausstellung der bundesstaatlichen Studienbibliotek Linz. Linz: Oberosterreichischer Landesverlag, 1951. Watzinger, Carl Hans. Michael Bliimelhuber, Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti, Mori: Enzinger: schiipferische Begegnungenjenseits der Zeitgeschichte. Steyr: W. Ennsthaler, 1982. Haas, Gerlinde. "Ein Aspekt burgerlicher Musikkultur: dargestellt anhand eines Musikeralbums'." In Das Weib existiert nichtfiir sich... Geschlechter beziehungen in der biirgerlichen Gesellschaft, edited by Heide Dienst and Edith Saurer, vol. 48 of Osterreichische Texte zur Gesellschaftskritik, 162-73. Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1990. About solicited musical contributions to a wedding album for Elisabeth von Bayem in 1854. "Haas '" explorers] Viennese music culture at rnid-century* and ... exposers] the neglect and invisibility of women in an area of the arts defined and dominated by men." Barbara Bari, College of Saint Elizabeth. Harriman, Helga H. "Olga Wisinger-Florian and Tina Blau: Painters in Fin-de-Siecle Vienna." Woman's Art Journal 10, no. 2 (1989-1990): 23-8. Two landscape and floral painters belonging to the Austrian school of Impressionism. - - - . "Women Writers in Fin-de-siecle Vienna." Modern Austrian Literature 26, no. 1 (1993): 1-17. Herzfeld, Marie [H. M. Lyhne, Marianne Niederweelen, pseud.], 1855-1940. See An


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Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HAB594 HAB595

HAB596 HAB597

Herzfeld, Marie. Menschen und Bilcher. Vienna: L. Weiss, 1893. About Scandinavian literature. Striimper Krobb, Sabine. "Zwischen Naturalismus und Impressionismus: Marie Herzfeld als Verrnittlerin skandinavischer Literatur." In Literaturvermittlung um 1900, edited by Florian Krobb and Sabine Striimper Krobb, 113-30. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001. Urbach, Reinhard. "Marie Herzfeld (1855-1940): Briefe an Hugo von Hofmannsthal." Hofmannsthal Blatter 6 (1971): 434-46. Weber, Horst, ed. Hugo von Hofmannsthal: Briefe an Marie Herzfeld. Heidelberg: Stiehm, 1967.

Janitschek, Maria Tolk [Stein, Marius, pseud.], 1859-1927. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HAB598 HAB599 HAB600 HAB601 HAB602 HAB603 HAB604 HAB605 HAB606 HAB607 HAB608 HAB609 HAB610 HAB611 HAB612 HAB613 HAB614 HAB615 HAB616 HAB617 HAB618 HAB619 HAB620 HAB621 HAB622 HAB623 HAB624

Janitschek, Maria Tolk, Als der Mai kam: Roman. Berlin: Hillger, n.d. ---,. Atlas: Novelle. Berlin: G. Grote, 1893. ---,. Die Amazonenschlacht. Leipzig: Verlag Kreisende Ringe, 1897. - - -.. Aufweiten Flilgeln: Novellen. Leipzig: H. Seemann Nachfolger, 1902. - - - . Aus alten Zeiten: Gedichte. Leipzig: Verlag Kreisende Ringe, 1900. - - - . Aus der Schmiede des Lebens: Erzdhlungen. Berlin: Zoberbier, 1891. - - - . Eine Liebesnacht: Roman von Maria Janitschek. Leipzig: B. Elischer Nachfolger, 1908. - - - . Esclarmonde: ihr Lieben und Leiden. Stuttgart and Leipzig: Deutsche VerlagsAnstalt, 1906. - - - . "Es geistert." In Ein Abschied by Arthur Schnitzler, Maria Janitschek and Kar Busse. Breslau: L. Frankenstein, 1897. - - - . Feuerlilie. Leipzig: Seemann, 1902. - - - . Frauenkraft: Novellen. Berlin: Vita, 1900. - - - . Gesammelte Gedichte. Stuttgart: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1892. - - - . Gott hat es gewollt: aus dem Leben eines russischen Priesters. Leipzig: Verlag Kreisende Ringe, 1895. - - - . Im Kampfum die Zukunft: Dichtung. Stuttgart: Spemann, 1887. - - - . Im Finstern: Roman. Leipzig: B. Elischer Nachfolger, 1910. - - - . Im Sommerwind: Gedichte. Leipzig: Verlag Kreisende Ringe, 1895. - - - . Inneres Leben, vom Verfasser des Buches: "Im Kampfum die Weltanschauung." Freiburg and Berlin: Siebeck, 1891. - - - . Kinder der Pussta: Roman. Berlin: Hillger, 1908. - - - . Kreuzfahrer: [Novellen}. Leipzig: Verlag Kreisende Ringe, 1897. - - - . Legenden und Geschichten. Berlin: Spemann, 1885. - - - . Lichthungrige Leute: Novellen. Dresden: Pierson, 1895. - - - . Eine Liebesnacht: Roman von Maria Janitschek. Leipzig: B. Elischer Nachfolger, 1908. - - - . Lilienzauber. Leipzig: Kreisende Ringe, 1895. - - - . Lustige Ehen: eine Geschichte, in der sich alle Kriegen. Leipzig: Elischer, 1911. - - - . Maiblumen. Leipzig: Seemann, 1902. - - - . Mimikry: ein Stilck modernes Leben. Leipzig: H. Seemann Nachfolger, 1903. - - - . "Neue Erziehung und alte Moral (1902)." In Totgeschwiegen: Texte zur Situation der Frau in Osterreicli von 1880 bis in die Zwischenkriegszeit, edited by Sigrid SchrnidBortenschlager and Hanna Schnedl-Bubenicek, 105-16. Vienna: Osterreicher Bundesverlag,


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HAB625 HAB626 HAB627 HAB628 HAB629 HAB630 HAB631 HAB632 HAB633 HAB634 HAB635 HAB636 HAB637

1982. About the new education and old morals. - - - . Die neue Eva. [Leipzig:] F. Rothbarth, 1906. - - - . Ninive: Roman. Leipzig: Verlag Kreisende Ringe, 1896. ---,. Pfadsucher: vier Novellen. Berlin: G. Grote, 1894. - - - . Pfingstonne: Novelle. Breslau: Schlesische Verlags-Anstalt, 1903. - - - . Raoul und Irene. Berlin: Fischer, 1897. - - - . Der Schleifstein: ein Lebensbild. Leipzig: Verlag Kreisende Ringe, 1896. - - - . Die Sterne des Herrn Ezelin: Roman. Leipzig: Elischer, 1915. - - -.. Stilckwerk: Roman. Leipzig: O. Gracklauer, 1901. ---.Uberm thal: Novelle. Breslau: Schlesische Buchdruckerei, Kunst- und VerlagsAnstalt, 1898. - - - . Verzaubert: eine herzensfabel in versen. Stuttgart: Spemann, 1888. - - - . Vom Weibe: Charakterzeichnungen. Berlin: Fischer, 1896. - - - , and Alexander von Fielitz. Trost. Comfort. Translated into English by H. G. Chapman. [Cincinnati]: John Church Company, 1905. Songs for piano, music by von Fielitz. Klugsberger, Theresia. "Wissen und Leidenschaft: Maria Janitschek: Esclarmonde und Marie von Najmajer: Der Stern von Navarra: Historische Romane zweier osterreichischer Schriftstellerinnen der Jahrhundertwende." In Travellers in Time and Space: The German Historical Novel = Reisende durch Zeit und Raum: Der deutschsprachige historische Roman, edited by Osman Durrani and Julian Preece, 263-81. Amsterdamer Beitrage zur Neueren Germanistik, 51. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001.

Jerusalem, Else, pseud. [Kotanyi, Else], 1877-1942. Studied literature and philosophy at the Univ. of Vienna. Her novel about a Viennese bordello was a great success. HAB638





Jerusalem, Else. Der heilige Skarabdus. Berlin: S. Fischer, 1909. Translated by J. W. Bienstock and Claude Margelle under the title Le Scarabee sacre. Paris: Bibliotheque Charpentier, 1912. Jusek, Karin J. "Ein Wiener Bordellroman: Else Jerusalems Heiliger Skarabdus" In Das Weib existiert nicht fiir sich ... Geschlechterbeziehungen in der bilrgerlichen GesellschaJt, edited by Heide Dienst and Edith Saurer, vol. 48 of Osterreichische Texte zur Gesellschaftskritik, 139-47. Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1990. About Else Jerusalem's novel about a Viennese bordello. Johnson, Julie Marie. "From Brocades to Silks and Powders: Women's Art Exhibitions and the Formation of a Gendered Aesthetic in Fin-de-siecle Vienna." Austrian History Yearbook 28 (1997): 269-92. Kassal-Mikula, Renata. "Wiener Malerinnen." In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920,78-84. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. About Viennese women painters. Klugsberger, Theresa, and Sigrid Schmid-Bortenschlager. "Wider die Eindeutigkeit: Maria Janitschek." In Deutschsprachige Schriftstellerinnen des Fin de Siecle, edited by Karin Tebben, 181-96. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1999.

Kautsky, Minna, 1837-1912. German novelist who was the mother of Karl Kautsky, a prominent Social-Democrat. HAB643 HAB644 HAB645 HAB646

Kautsky, Minna. Die Alten und die Neuen. Leipzig: C. Reissner, 1885. - - - . Im Vaterhause: sozlaler Roman. Nuremberg: Frankische Verlagsanstalt, 1904. - - - . Minna Kautsky: Auswahl aus ihrem Werk. Edited by Cacilia Friedrich. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1965. - - - . Der Pariser Garten und anderes. Berlin: n.p., 1913.


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HAB647 HAB648 HAB649 HAB650 HAB651

HAB652 HAB653


HAB655 HAB656



- - - . Ryken en armen: Novelle. 's-Gravenhage: B. Liebers, n.d. - - - . Stefan von Grillenhof: Roman. Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von W. Fink, 1881. - - - . Viktoria: Roman. Zurich: Verlags Magazin, 1889. - - - . Viktoria: Roman in zwei Biichern. Stuttgart: Dietz, 1900. Cella, Ingrid. "Die Genossen nannten sie die 'rote Marlitt': Minna Kautsky und die Problematik des sozialen Romans, aufgezeigt an Die Alten und die Neuen." Osterreich in Geschichte und Literatur 25 (1981): 16-9. About Minna Kautsky and the problematics of the socialist novel. Csehi, Gyula. A kritika jelentese es utoelete. Budapest: Magveto Kiado, 1979. About socialist realism and the working class in Kautsky's writing. Friedrich, Cacilia. "Minna Kautskys Entwicklung zur Schriftstellerin der Arbeiterklasse." Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Martin-Luther Universitat Halle- Wittenberg. Gesellschaftsund sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 12 (1963): 1035-45. Muller, Heidy Margrit. "Sozialkritik und Zukunftshoffnung: Minna Kautsky." In Deutschsprachige Schriftstellerinnen des Fin de Siecle, edited by Karin Tebben, 197-215. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1999. About Minna Kautsky's social criticism and hopes for the future. Riesenfellner, Stefan, and Ingrid Spark, eds. Minna Kautsky: Beitrdge zum literarischen Werk. Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskrtik, 1996. Weber, Lilo. Fliegen und Zittern: Hysterie in Texten von Theodor Fontane, Hedwig Dohm, th Gabriele Reuter und Minna Kautsky. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 1996. About hysteria in 19 and zo" century German literature. Originally the author's doctoral dissertation at the University of Zurich.

Klinger, Comelia. "Frau-Landschraft-Kunstwerk: Gegenwelten oder Reservoire des Patriarchats? " In Das Weib existiert nicht fiir sich ... Geschlechter beziehungen in der biirgerlichen Gesellschaft, edited by Heide Dienst and Edith Saurer, vol. 48 of Osterreichische Texte zur Gesellschaftskritik, 41-63. Vienna: Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1990. About the interrelationship of women, the countryside and works of art. Klusberger, Theresa, Christa Gurtler and Sigrid Schmid-Bortenschlager. Schwierige Verhiiltnisse: Liebe und Sexualitdt in der Frauenliteratur um 1900. Stuttgart: Hans-Dieter Heinz, 1992. About love and sex in the literature of German-speaking women around 1900. A collection of papers from a study project by the Institut fur Germanistik, Universitat Salzburg. Includes bibliography. Langer, Angela, 1886-1916. Novelist who also lived in Budapest and London.

HAB659 HAB660 HAB661

Langer, Angela. Der Klausenhof Berlin: S. Fischer, 1916. - - - . Rue and roses. New York: Doran, 1913. - - - . Stromaufwdrts: aus einem Frauenleben. Berlin: S. Fischer, 1913. Autobiographical novel written in English, and then translated into German.


Leinfellner, Christine and Maria Teuchmann. "Rampenlicht und Schattendasein: Wiener Schauspielerinnen zwischen Bewunderung und Verachtung." In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920, 87-90. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. About Viennese actresses. Mahler, Alma, 1879-1964. Well known for her close association with many of Europe's greatest male artists and intellectuals. A musician, daughter of the painter Emil Schindler, she was married to Gustav Mahler, to Franz Werfel and to WaIter Gropius.


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HAB663 HAB664


HAB666 HAB667


HAB669 HAB670 HAB671 HAB672 HAB673 HAB674

HAB675 HAB676 HAB677


Mahler, Alma. Diaries: 1898-1902. Edited by Antony Beaumont and Susanne RodeBreymann, translated by Antony Beaumont. Rochester: Comell Univ. Press, 1999. - - - . Mein Leben. Frankfurt: Fischer Biicherei, 1960, 1961. Translated by Gilberte Marchegay under the title Ma Vie (Paris: R. Julliard, 1961). Published in collaboration with E. B. Ashton under the title And the Bridge is Love. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1958: London: Hutchinson, 1959. Re-printed as My Lives, My Loves: The Memoirs ofAlma Mahler. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1989. Berlin, Jeffrey B. "March 14, 1938: 'Es gibt kein Osterreich mehr': Some Unpublished Correspondence between Franz Werfel, Alma Mahler Werfel and Ben Huebsch." Deutsche Vierteljahrsschriftfur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 62, no. 4 (1988): 741-63. Filler, Susan M. Gustav and Alma Mahler: A Guide to Research. New York: Garland, 1988. Giroud, Francoise, Alma Mahler, ou l'art d'etre aimee. Paris: R. Laffont, 1988, 1990. Translated by Ursel Schafer as Alma Mahler, oder die Kunst, geliebt zu werden [Munich:] n.p., 1997. Translated by R. M. Stock as Alma Mahler: Or the Art ofBeing Loved. New York & Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1992. Fliedl, Konstanze. "Die Wiederkehr der Familie: Zu 'Partnererinnerungen' von Olga Schnitzler, Alma Mahler, Julie Wassermann und anderen." Sprachkunst: Beitrage zur Literaturwissenschaft 20, no. 1 (1989): 1-22. Hirsch, Rudolf. "Ein Brief Hofmannsthals an Alma Mahler." Hofmannsthal Blatter 6 (1971): 459-60. Jungk, Peter Stephan. "Alma Maria Mahler-Werfel: Einfluss und Wirkung." In Franz Weifel im Exil, edited by Wolfgang Nehring and Hans Wegener, 21-34. Bonn: Bouvier, 1992. Keegan, Susanne. The Bride of the Wind: The Life and Times ofAlma Mahler- Weifel. New York: Viking, 1992. Klarmann, Adolf, and Rudolf Hirsch. "Note on the Alma Mahler Werfel Collection." The Library Chronicle 35 (1969): 33-5. Mandel, Siegfried. "Bemard Malamud's 'Alma Redeemed': A Bio-Fictional Meditation." Studies in American Jewish Literature 14 (1995): 39-45. Michaels, Jennifer E. "The Anschluss Remembered: Experiences of the Anschluss in the Autobiographies of Elisabeth Castonier, Gina Kaus, Alma Mahler-Werfel, and Hertha Pauli." In Austrian Writers and the Anschluss: Understanding the Past-Overcoming the Past, edited by Donald G. Daviau, 253-70. Riverside, CA: Ariadne, 1991. Monson, Karen. Alma Mahler: Muse to Genius. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1983. Toom, Willem van. "' ... en mijn geluk op te offeren voor dat van iemand anders': Over Alma Mahler-Werfel, 'Mijn leven'." Maatstaf36, no. 9-10 (1988): 169-72. Vogel, Juliane. "Freundinnen bedeutender Manner: Fatale Strategien ihrer Autobiographie." In Autobiographien in der osterreichischen Literatur: Von Franz Grillparzer bis Thomas Bernhard, edited by Klaus Amann and Karl Wagner, 93-111. Schriftenreihe Literatur des Instituts fiir Osterreichkunde 3. Innsbruck: Studien, 1998. Comparison of the autobiographies of Alma Mahler, Lou Andreas-Salome and Gina Kaus. Waldman, Glenys A. "Briefe von Thomas Mann an Franz Werfel und Alma Mahler-Werfel." Blatter der Thomas Mann Gesellschaft 17 (1979): 5-8.

Marriot, Emil [Mataja, Emile], 1855-1938. Prose writer and dramatist. Her realistic novels and stories deal with the social problems of her time, esp. the situation of women. HAB679 HAB680

Marriot, Emil. Anstiindige Frauen: Roman. Berlin: Ullstein, 1913. - - - . Die Familie Hartenberg: Roman aus dem Wiener Leben. Berlin: F. & P. Lehmann, 1886.


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HAB682 HAB683 HAB684 HAB685 HAB686 HAB687 HAB688 HAB689 HAB690 HAB691 HAB692 HAB693 HAB694 HAB695 HAB696 HAB697 HAB698

- - - . Der geistliche Tod: Roman. Berlin: G. Grote, 1924. Translated by Ivan Lulic under the title Duhovincka smrt: Roman iz zivotajednog svecenika. Zagreb: Kr. zemaljska tiskara, 1919. - - - . Grosstadtpflanzen: Novellen. Berlin: Freund: 1899. - - - . lunge Ehe. Berlin: G. Grote, 1902. - - - . Kaplan a dfvka z lidu. Translated into Czech by M. Masek. Chicago: A. Geringera, 1907. - - - . Kinderschicksale: Novellen und Skizzen. Leipzig: P. Reclam, 1913. - - - . Meine Frau und andere Geschichten: fiinf Erzdhlungen. Berlin: Grote, 1910. - - - . Menschlichkeit: Roman. Berlin: G. Grote, 1902. - - - . Modeme Menschen: Roman. Berlin: Verlag von Freund & Jeckel, 1893. - - - . Novellen. Berlin: n.p., 1897. - - - . Schlimme Ehen: Novellen. Berlin: G. Grote, 1901. - - - . Seine Gottheit: Roman. Berlin: Freund & Jeckel, 1896. - - - . Yzkriseni. Translated into Czech by Jaroslava Vobrubova-Vesela. Prague: Alois Hynek, 1941. - - - , and Leopold Ritter von Sacher-Masoch. Seiner Herrin Diener: Briefe an Emilie Mataja. Edited by Michael Farin and Albrecht Koschorke. Munich: Belleville, 1987. Berg, Leo. Aus der Zeit: gegen der Zeit. Gesammelte essays. Leipzig: Htiperden & Merzyn, 1905. Includes Emil Marriot among the writers discussed for their characters and works. Byrnes, John, EmU Marriot: A Reevaluation Based on Her Short Fiction. Berne and New York: P. Lang, 1983. - - - . "Emil Marriot: Bibliography." Modern Austrian Literature 12, no. 3-4 (1979): 5976. . "An Introduction to Emil Marriot." Modern Austrian Literature 12, no. 3-4 (1979): 45-57. . "The Short Fiction of Emil Marriot." Ph.D. diss., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1977.

Mayreder, Rosa Obermayer [Arnold, Franz, pseud.], 1858-1938. Women's rights advocate. She wrote philosophical essays about the woman question and founded the Allgemeiner Osterreichischer Frauenverein (General Austrian Women's Association). HAB699 HAB700 HAB701 HAB702 HAB703 HAB704

HAB705 HAB706 HAB707 HAB708


Mayreder, Rosa Obermayer. Die Abolitionisten-Foderation.[Vienna]: n.p., 1898. - - - . Aus meiner lugend: drei Novellen. Dresden: E. Pierson, 1896. - - - . Die erstenfiinflahren des allg. dsterreich. Frauenvereins. Berlin: n.p., 1898. - - - . Die Frau und der Internationalismus. Vienna: Frisch?, 1900, 1987. - - - . Geschlecht und Kultur: Essays. Vienna: Mandelbaum Verlag, 1998. - - - . "Grundziige (1905)." In Totgeschwiegen: Texte zur Situation der Frau in Osterreicb von 1880 bis in die Zwischenkriegszeit, edited by Sigrid Schmid-Bortenschlager and Hanna Schnedl-Bubenicek, 51-5. Vienna: Osterreicher Bundesverlag, 1982. About the status of women in Austria from 1880. - - - . Idole: Geschichte einer Liebe. Berlin: S. Fischer, 1899. - - - . Die Krise der Ehe. Jena: Eugen Diedrichs, 1907. - - - . Meine Pantheon: Lebenserinnerungen. Dornach: Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag am Goetheranum, R. Geering, 1988. - - - . "Mutterschaft und doppelte Moral." In Totgeschwiegen: Texte zur Situation der Frau in Osterreich von 1880 bis in die Zwischenkriegszeit, edited by Sigrid Schmid-Bortenschlager and Hanna Schnedl-Bubenicek, 164-6. Vienna: Osterreicher Bundesverlag, 1982. About motherhood and the double moral standard. - - - . Pipin: ein Sommererlebnis. Leipzig: H. Heller, 1908.


Habsburg Monarchy HAB710

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HAB715 HAB716

HAB717 HAB718 HAB719

HAB720 HAB721





- - - . "Sein Ideal (1897)." In Totgeschwiegen: Texte zur Situation der Frau in Osterreicb von 1880 bis in die Zwischenkriegszeit, edited by Sigrid Schmid-Bortenschlager and Hanna Schnedl-Bubenicek, 145-63. Vienna: Osterreicher Bundesverlag, 1982. An 1897 story about motherhood. - - - . Tagebiicher 1873-1937. Edited by Harriet Anderson. FrankfurtlMain: Insel, 1988. - - - . Der typische Verlauf sozialer Bewegungen. Vienna: Anzengruber-Verlag, 1917. - - - . Ubergiinge: Novellen. Dresden: E. Pierson, 1897. - - - . Zur Kritik der Weiblichkeit. Jena: E. Diedrichs, 1922; Vienna: Mandelbaum, 1998. Translated by Herman George Scheffauer under the title A Survey of the Woman Problem. London: W. Heinemann, 1913; New York: G. H. Doran, 1913. Essays about the woman question that discuss the following topics: motherhood and culture, the tyranny of the norm, masculinity, woman as the gentlewoman, types of women, family literature, the canon of ideal womanhood, the subject of "the strong hand, " sexual fetishism and vistas of individuality . - - - . Zwischen Himmel und Erde: Sonnette. Jena: Eugen Diedrichs, 1908. Sonnets. - - - , and Hugo Wolf. Der Corregidor: Oper in vier Akten. Libretto. Berlin: Bote & Bock, 1959; 1896. Translated by Robert Korst under the title Der Corregidor: Opera in Four Acts by Hugo Wolf, Text by Rosa Mayreder after a novel by Pedro de Alarcon. [United States]: Urania Records, 1951. Music by Hugo Wolf, text adapted from de Alarcon by Mayreder. Anderson, Harriet. "Beyond a Critique of Femininity: The Thought of Rosa Mayreder (18581938)." Ph.D diss., Univ. of London, 1985. - - - . "Gepresste Blumen: Die Tagebiicher Rosa Mayreders." In Osterreichische Tagebuchschriftsteller, 237-64. Vienna: Schaumberger, 1994. - - - . "'Uns handelt es sich urn weit Hoheres ... ': Visionare Entwtirfe von biirgerlichen Feministinnen in Wien urn 1900." In Aufbruch in das lahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 19-26. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. About visionary works by bourgeois feminists in 1900. - - - . "Rosa Meyreder." In Major Figures in Turn of the Century Austrian Literature, edited by Donald G. Daviau, 259-90. Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, 1991. Aufbruch in das lahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900. Exhibition catalog of the Historical Museum in Vienna. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. A catalogue preceded by nineteen essays about Mayreder's role in Viennese feminism circa 1900. Brockhausen, Carl. "Wie mich Rosa Mayreder dreimal schlug " [How Rosa Mayreder hit me three times.] In Aufbruch in das lahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 9. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. Denscher, Barbara. "Frauenliteratur zur Zeit Rosa Mayreders." In Aufbruch in das lahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 84-9. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. About women's writing on Rosa Obermayer Mayreder. Dopplinger-Loebenstein, Andrea. "'Die tanzende Seele': Rosa Mayreders literarisches Schaffen." In Aufbruch in das lahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 79-83.Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. Doser, Barbara. "Die Frau als Kiinstlerin: widematiirlich und 'Typus der Minderheit' innerhalb des Weiblichen Geschlechtes? " In Aufbruch in das lahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 101-6. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989.


Habsburg Monarchy HAB726




HAB730 HAB731 HAB732 HAB733

HAB734 HAB735 HAB736


HAB738 HAB739


HAB741 HAB742

Eskilsson, Lena. "Sarnhorighetens ofrankomlighet eller kvinnlig vanskap som modell for samhallet." Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift 13, no. 2 (1992): 27-34. About women's friendship as a model for society. Mittnik, Kay Lewis. "Rosa Mayreder and the Case of 'Austrian Fate': The Effects of Repressed Humanism and Delayed Enlightenment on Women's Writing and Feminist Thought in Fin-de-Siecle Vienna." Ph.D diss., Rice Univ., 1990. Paget, Oliver E. "Rosa und Karl Mayreder: Facetten einer Beziehung." In Aufbruch in das lahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 67-72. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. Prost, Edith. "Individualistin-biirgerliche Feministin: Biographische Notizen zu Rosa Mayreder." In Aufbruch in das lahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 59-66. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. - - - . "Weiblichkeit und biirgerliche Kultur am Beispiel Rosa Mayreder-Obermaier." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Vienna, 1983. Reiss, Mary-Ann. "Rosa Mayreder: Pioneer of Austrian Feminism." International lournal of Women's Studies 7, no. 3 (May/June 1984): 207-16. - - - . "Rosa Mayreder, 1858-1938." Mitteilungen des Institutsfiir Wissenschaft und Kunst 44, no. 1 (1989): 23-8. Special issue of the journal, entirely about Rosa Mayreder. Sokolosky, Jane Elizabeth. "Primitive or Differentiated? Constructions of Femininity in Rosa Mayreder's Theoretical and Fictional Texts." Modern Austrian Literature 30, no. 2 (1997): 65-83. - - - . "Rosa Mayreder: The Theory in Her Fiction." Ph.D. diss., Washington Univ., 1997. - - - . "Vienna in Literature: Fashion and Class in Rosa Mayreder's Fiction." In Austria in Literature, edited by Donald G. Daviau, 31-47. Riverside, CA: Ariadne, 2000. Spitzer, Leo. "Rosa Mayreder und Hugo Wolf." In Aufbruch in das lahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 73-8. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. Springer-Kremser, Marianne. "Rosa Mayreder und die Psychoanalyse." In Aufbruch in das lahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 113-7. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. Steiner, Rudolf. "Rosa Mayreder." Die Gesellschaft 16, no. 2 (1900): 79-87. Storch, Ursula. "' .... hiibsche Blumenstiicke und Stilleben... ' Rosa Mayreder und andere bildende Kiinstlerinnen in Wien urn 1900." Aufbruch in das lahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 90-100. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. Witzmann, Reingart, ed. Aufbruch in das lahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. Catalogue of an exhibition on Rosa Mayreder's relationship to feminism in 1900 Vienna, held at the Historiches Museum der Stadt Wien, September 21, 1989 to January 21, 1990. Includes bibliographical references. Zepler, Wally. "Rosa Mayreder." Socialistische Monatshefte 34 (1928): 1084-9. Murau, Karoline. Wiener Malerinnen. Leipzig: E. Piersen's Verlag, 1895. About Viennese women painters.

Najmajer, Marie von, 1844-1904. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HAB743 HAB744

Najmajer, Marie von. Gedichte: Neue Folge. Vienna: J. Dirnbock, 1872. - - - . Griifin Ebba: ein Gedicht. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta, 1877.


Habsburg Monarchy HAB745 HAB746 HAB747 HAB748 HAB749


- - - . Hildegund; Annchen von Tharau; Der Goldschuh: Dramatiser Nachlass. Vienna: Wilhelm Braumuller, 1907. - - - . Kaiser Julian: Trauerspiel in fiin] Akten. Vienna: Carl Konegen, 1904. - - - . Neue Gedichte. Stuttgart: A. Bonz, 1891. - - - . Schneeglockchen. Vienna: J. Dimbock, 1872. Klugsberger, Theresia. "Wissen und Leidenschaft: Maria Janitschek: Esclarmonde und Marie von Najmajer: Der Stern von Navarra: Historische Romane zweier osterreichischer Schriftstellerinnen der Jahrhundertwende." In Travellers in Time and Space: The German Historical Novel = Reisende durch Zeit und Raum: Der deutschsprachige historische Roman, edited by Osman Durrani and Julian Preece, 263-81. Amsterdamer Beitrage zur Neueren Germanistik, 51. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001. Nigg, Marianne, ed. Biographien der osterreichischen Dichterinnen und Schriftstellerinnen: Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Literatur in Osterreich. Korneuburg: Julius Kuhkopf, 1893.

Paoli, Betty [Gliick, Babette Elisabeth], 1814-1894. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. HAB751

HAB752 HAB753 HAB754 HAB755 HAB756 HAB757 HAB758 HAB759 HAB760

HAB761 HAB762


Paoli, Betty, and Conrad Ferdinand Meyer. Betty Paoli und Conrad Ferdinand Meyer: Beugnisse einer Dichterfreundschaft in elf Briefen (1877-1886), edited by A. Schaer. Leipzig and Vienna: C. Fromme, 1909. An authors' friendship: letters exchanged between Paoli and Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, 1877-1886. Bettleheim-Gabillon, Helene. "Betty Paoli." In Neue Osterreichische Biographie, 1815-1918, edited by Anton Bettleheim, Vol. 5,48-65. Vienna: Amalthea Verlage, 1928. Gluck, Barbara Elisabeth et al. Betty Paolis gesammelte Aufsdtze. Vienna: Verlag des Literarischen Vereins, 1908. Gluck, Jolan. "Betty Paoli: Die Dichterin im Spiegel ihres Jahrhunderts." Ph.D diss., City Univ. of New York, 1989. Lewinsky, Josef. Gedenkrede auf Betty Paoli. Vienna: Verlag des Vereines, 1895. Eulogy for Betty Paoli. Scott, A. A.. Betty Paoli: An Austrian Poetess ofthe Nineteenth Century. London: George Routledge, 1926. Werner, Richard Maria. "Betty Paoli." Osterreichisch-Ungarische Revue 26 (1900): 91-104, 170-186,275-290,364-380. . Betty Paoli. Leipzig: R. Drodtleff, 1898; Pressburg: G. Heckennast's Nachfolger, 1898. Wozonig, Karin S. Die Literatin Betty Paoli: weibliche Mobilitdt im 19. Jahrhundert. Vienna: Locker, 1999. Zechner, Rosa. '''In unwandelbarer Zuneigung ergeben': Betty Paoli (1814-1894) und ihr Freundinnenkreis ["Devotedly, with steadfast affection ": Betty Paoli (1914-1894) and her circle of women friends]. L'Homme 4, no. 1 (1993): 18-39. Zinck, Karl Hugo. "Betty Paoli (1814-1894) und Dr. JosefBreuer (1842-1925) in ihrer Zeit." Adalbert Stifter Institut des Landes Oberosterreich: Vierteljahrsschrift 25 (1976): 143-59. . "Betty Paoli und Adalbert Stifter. 30.12.1815-5.7.1894." Adalbert Stifter Institut des Landes Oberosterreich: Vierteljahresschrift 22 (1973): 121-32. Partsch, Susanna. Gustav Klimt: Painter of Women. Translated by Michael Robertson. Munich & London: Prestel, 1994.


Habsburg Monarchy

Pfeiffer, Ida, 1797-1858. First woman of the Biedermeier era to travel and explore the world, writer of travel books. HAB764 HAB765 HAB766

HAB767 HAB768 HAB769



HAB772 HAB773



HAB776 HAB777

Pfeiffer, Ida. Abenteuer Inselwelt: die Reise 1851 durch Borneo, Sumatra und Java. Edited by Gabriele Habinger. Vienna: Promedia, 1993. - - - . Amerika im Jahre 1853. Vienna: Promedia, 1856, 1994. - - - . Eine Frauenfahrt um die Welt: Reise von Wien nach Brasilien, Chili, Otahaiti, China, Ost-Indien. Persien and Kleinasien. 3 vols. Vienna: C. Gerold, 1850. Translated under the title A Lady's Voyage round the World: A Selected Translation from the German ofIda Pfeiffer. London: Century, 1851, 1988. Translated by Wilhelm de Suckau under the title Voyage d'unefemme autour du monde. Paris: Hachette et cie., 1874. - - - . Last Travels ofIda Pfeiffer: Inclusive ofa Visit to Madagascar, with a Biographical Memoir of the Author. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1861. - - - . Meine zweite Weltreise. Vienna: C. Gerolds Sohn, 1856. Reprint Reise in die Neue Welt: Amerika im Jahre 1853. Edited by Gabriele Habinger. Vienna: Promedia, 1856, 1994. - - - . Nordlandfahrt: eine Reise nach Skandinavien und Island im Jahre 1845. Vienna: Promedia, 1999; 1846. Translated by C. F. Cooper under the title Journey to Iceland & Travels in Sweden & Norway. New York: Putnam, 1852. - - - . Reise einer Wienerin in das Heilige Land. Frankfurt am Main: Societats Steingruben-Verlag, 1844, 1980. Translated by H. W. Dulcken under the title Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy. London: T. J. Allman, 1862. - - - . Reise nach Madagaskar: Nebst einer Biographie der Yerfasserin nach ihren eigenen Aufzeichnungen. Vienna: C. Gerold, 1861. Translated by H. W. Dulcken under the title The Last Travels of Ida Pfeiffer: Inclusive ofa Visit to Madagascar, with a Biographical Memoir of the Author. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1861. Translated by E. Delaunay under the title Trois mois che: les Malgaches: Extraits des Note de Mme Pfeiffer. Notice sur l 'ile de Magadasca~ Rouen:Megard, 1889; 1880. Dabak, Shubhangi. "Images of the Orient in the Travel Writings of Ida Pfeiffer and Ida HahnHahn." Ph.D diss., Michigan State Univ., 1999. Felden-Archibald, Tamara. "Travel Literature by 'Pre-March' Women: The Literary Representation of Gender-Specific Experience (Hahn-Hahn, Lewald, Pfeiffer, Assing)." Ph.D diss., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, 1990. Holdenried, Michaela. "Botanisierende Hausfrauen, blaustriimpfige Abenteurerinnen? Forschungsreisende Frauen im 19. Jahrhundert." In Reisen im Diskurs: Modelle der literarischen Fremderfahrung von den Pilgerberichten bis zur Postmoderne, edited by Anne Fuchs, Theo Harden and Eva Juhl, 152-70. Neue Bremer Beitrage, 8. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Univ. Verlag, 1995. Discusses travel literature by women writers: Ida Pfeiffer and Caecilie Seler-Sachs. Howe, Patricia. "'Das Beste sind Reisebeschreibungen': Reisende Frauen urn die Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts und ihre Texte." In Reisen im Diskurs: Modelle der literarischen Fremderfahrung von den Pilgerberichten bis zur Postmoderne, edited by Anne Fuchs, Theo Harden and Eva Juhl, 301-20. Neue Bremer Beitrage, 8. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Univ. Verlag, 1995. Discusses travel literature by Fanny Lewald-Stahr, Ida Hahn-Hahn, Ida Pfeiffer. Ogden, Annegret. "A Lady Tours the Wigwams: The Voice of Ida Pfeiffer, Amateur Ethnologist and Globetrotter from Austria." Californians 7 (Mar/Apr 1990): 14-6,54-5. Watt, Helga Schutte. "Ida Pfeiffer: A Nineteenth-Century Woman Travel Writer." The German Quarterly 64, no. 3 (Summer 1991): 339-53.

Pichler, Karoline [Caroline, alt. spelling], 1769-1843. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991, and Women


Habsburg Monarchy Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. HAB778

HAB779 HAB780

HAB781 HAB782


HAB784 HAB785

HAB786 HAB787

HAB788 HAB789 HAB790 HAB791 HAB792



Pichler, Karoline. "Aus den Denkwiirdigkeiten einer Wiener Schriftstellerin." In Feldzugserinnerungen aus dem kriegsjahre 1809, edited by Friedrich Max Kircheisen, 242-6. Hamburg: Gutenberg-Verlag, 1909. Pichler's memoirs from the Napoleonic Wars. - - - . In Erzdhlende Prosa der klassischen Periode. Edited by F. Bobertag. Berlin and Stuttgart: W. Spemann, 1886. - - - . Karoline Pichlers Schaffen und Weltanschauung im Rahmen ihrer Zeit. Edited by Lisa Jansen. Graz: Wachter-Verlag, 1936. About the correspondence between Pichler and Ludwig August Frankl (1810-1894). - - - . Quintin Messis. Stille Liebe: Novellen. Leipzig: n.p., 1897. - - - . Schriftstellerinnen und Schwesterseelen: der Briefwechsel zwischen Therese Huber (1764-1829) und Karoline Pichler (1769-1843). Edited by Brigitte Leuschner. Marburg: Tectum, 1995. - - - . "The Sisters" and "The First of May." In German Stories: Selected from the Works ofHoffmann, De La Motte, Pichler, Kruse and others. Translated by R. P. Gillies. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1826. - - - . Taschenbuch fiir Damen. Tiibingen: J. G. Cotta, 1817, 1813. - - - , and Franz Schubert. Die Nacht: Liedfiir Singstimme und Gitarre. Vienna: Universal Edition, 1989. Five songs for the guitar arranged by Schubert from Pichler's novel Olivier oder die Rache der Elfe. Becker-Cantarino, Barbara. "Caroline Pichler und die 'Frauendichtung'." Modern Austrian Literature 12, no. 3-4 (1979): 1-23. Bittrich, Burkhard. "Osterreichische Ziige am Beispiel der Caroline Pichler." In Literatur aus Osterreich-Osterreichische Literatur: Ein Bonner Symposion, edited by Karl Konrad Polheim, 167-89. Bonn: Bouvier, 1981. Bliimml, Emil Karl. Aus Mozarts Freundes und Familienkreis. Vienna: E. Strache, 1923. About Karoline Pichler as one of Mozart' s circle of friends. Kord, Susanne. '''Und drinnen waltet die ziichtige Hausfrau'? Caroline Pichler's Fictional Auto/Biographies." Women in German Yearbook 8 (1992): 141-58. Maurach, Bemd. "Karoline Pichler: Unveroffentlichtes aus dem Nachlass Karl August Bottigers." lahrbuch des Wiener Goethe- Vereins 89-91 (1985-1987): 323-5. Proharska, Gertrude. Der literarische Salon der Karoline Pichler. Vienna: [G. Proharska], 1946. Plakolm-Forsthuber, Sabine. Kiinstlerinnen in Osterreich 1897-1938: Malerei, Plastik, Architektur. Vienna: Picus, 1994. About Austrian women artists-painters, architects, sculptors-from a biographical, historical and critical approach. Includes such figures as the Futurist Helena Funke, Elena Luksch-Makowksy, Broncia Koller, Emilie Mediz-Pelikan, Anna M. Schindler. Poch- Kalous, Margarethe. "Das Frauenstudium an der Akademie der bildenden Kiinste in Wien. "100 lahre Hochschulstatut, 280 lahre Akademie der bildenden Kiinste in Wien, edited by Albert Massiczek, 204-7. Vienna: Akademie der bildenden Kiinste, 1972. Plakom-Forsthuber, Sabine. Kiinstlerinnen in Osterreich 1897-1938: Malerei, Plastik, Architektur. Vienna: Picus- Verlag, 1994.

Preradovie, PauIa von, 1887-1951. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HAB795

Preradovic, Paula von. Gesammelte Werke. Vienna: Molden, 1967. Bibliography of works of and about the author on pages 1094-97.


Habsburg Monarchy

HAB796 HAB797 HAB798




- - - . Pave und Pero: Roman. Salzburg: O. Muller Verlag, 1940. Vogelsang, Hans. "Paula von Preradovic: Die Dichterin der Ehrfurcht, der Demut und des Glaubens." Osterreicli in Geschichte und Literatur (mit Geographic) 10 (1966): 198-206. Remer, Paul, ed. Das Buch der Sehnsucht: eine Sammlung deutscher Frauendichtung. Berlin and Leipzig: Schuster & Loeffler, 1900. The Austrian writers represented in this collection of German-language love poetry by women are Ada Christen, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie Eugenie delle Grazie, Maria Janitschek and Betty Paoli. Rieger, Eva. Nannerl Mozart: Leben einer Kiinstlerin im 18 lahrhundert. Frankfurt: Insel Verlag, 1990, 1991. About the pianist and musician Maria Anna Mozart, von Reichsfreiin (1751-1829). - - - , ed. Frau und Musik. Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1980. A compilation of texts about women musicians and composers by 5 German-speaking women musicians from th the 18 through zo" centuries, including Mahler. Schmid-Bortenschlager, Sigrid, and Hanna Schnedl-Bubenicek, Osterreichische Schriftstellerinnen 1880-1938: eine Bio-Bibliographie. Stuttgarter Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 119; Salzburger Beitrage 4. Stuttgart: H.-D. Heinz, 1982.

Suttner, Baroness Bertha Felicie Sophie von, nee Grafin (Countess) Kinsky von Wichinitz und Tettau [B. Quiet, Von Jemand, pseud.], 1843-1914. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Biobibliographical Guide, edited by Elke Frederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. HAB802 HAB803 HAB804 HAB805 HAB806 HAB807


HAB809 HAB810 HAB811



HAB814 HAB815 HAB816

Suttner, Baroness Bertha Felicie Sophie von. An der Riviera: Roman. Mannheim: J. Bensheimer, 1892. - - - . Aus der Werkstatt des Pazifismus. Leipzig and Vienna: H. HelIer & cie., 1912. - - - . Die Barbarisierung der Luft. Zurich: O. Fussli, 1912. - - - . Briefe an einen Toten. Dresden: E. Pierson, 1905. - - - . Einsam und arm. Dresden: Pierson, 1895. - - - . "Die Frauen (1889)." In Totgeschwiegen: Texte zur Situation der Frau in Osterreicli von 1880 bis in die Zwlschenkriegszeit, edited by Sigrid Schmid-Bortenschlager and Hanna Schnedl-Bubenicek, 25-37. Vienna: Osterreicher Bundesverlag, 1982. - - - . Friihlingszeit: eine Lenzes- und Lebensgabe, unsern erwachsenen Tochtern zur Unterhaltung und Erhebung gewidmet von den deutschen Dichterinnen der Gegenwart. Stuttgart: Suddeutsches Verlags-Institut, 1896. Collection of poems by contemporary (1890s) women poets "to our grown-up daughters. " - - - . Gesammelte Schriften. 12 vols. Dresden: E. Pierson, 1906. - - - . Inventarium einer Seele. Dresden: E. Pierson, 1904. - - - . Kdmpferin fiir den Frieden: Lebenserinnerungen, Reden und Schriften. Edited by Gisela von Brinker-Gabler. Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch, 1982. Selections from von Suttner's writings about women pacifists. Includes bibliography. - - - . Das Maschinenzeitalter: Zukunftsvorlesungen iiber unsere Zeit. Dresden and Leipzig: E. Pierson, 1899. Translated and selected by Caroline E. Playne under the title The Age ofMachines ([London]: Women's International League, n.d.) Microfilm. These lectures about the machine age include sections called "Women "and "Love". - - - . Memoiren von Bertha von Suttner. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1909; 1908. Authorized translation under the title Memoirs ofBertha von Suttner, the Records ofan Eventful Life. 2 vols. Boston and London: Ginn & Co., 1910.Microfilm. - - - . Schach der Quai: ein Phantasiestiick. Dresden: E. Pierson's Verlag, 1909. - - - . Schriftsteller: Roman. Dresden: E. Pierson, 1888. - - - . Die Tiefinnersten. Roman von Bertha von Suttner. Dresden: E. Pierson, 1893.


Habsburg Monarchy HAB817


HAB819 HAB820 HAB821 HAB822 HAB823


HAB825 HAB826 HAB827 HAB828


HAB830 HAB831

HAB832 HAB833 HAB834



- - - . Die Waffen nieder! eine Lebensgeschichte. Dresden: E. Pierson, 1892. Translated by T. Holmes under the title Lay Down Your arms: The Autobiography ofMartha von Tilling London & New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1894. - - - , Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, and Ricarda Octavia Huch. Friihlingszeit: eine Lenzes- und Lebensgabe unsern erwachsenen Tiichtem zur Unterhaltung und Erhebung gewidmet. Berlin: Globus Verlag, 1896. About German and Austrian women authors. Abrams, Irwin. "Bertha von Suttner (1845-1914): Bibliographic Notes." Peace and Change 16, no. 1 (Jan 1991): 64-73. Ackerl, Isabella. "Lay Down Your Arms! "Austria Today 3 (1993): 48-50. About Freifrau Bertha von Suttner; biographical information included. Belentschikow, Valentin. "Bertha von Suttner in Russland." Literatur und Kritik 103 (1976): 140-52. - - - . "Bertha von Suttner und Lev Tolstoj." Zeitschrift fiir Slawistik 28, no. 2 (1983): 284-301. Biedermann, Edelgard. Erziihlen als Kriegskunst. Die Waffen nieder! von Bertha von Suttner: Studien zu Umfeld und Erziihlstrukturen des Textes. Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholmer Germanistische Forschungen, 50. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1995. - - - . "Nicht nur Die Waffen nieder!: Bertha von Suttner." In Deutschsprachige Schriftstellerinnen des Fin de Siecle, edited by Karin Tebben, 313-29. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1999. Braker, Regina. "Bertha von Suttner as Author: The Harriet Beecher Stowe of the Peace Movement." Peace and Change 16 (1991): 74-96. - - - . "Bertha von Suttner on the Dreyfus Affair: A Pacifist Commentary." Selecta: Journal of the Pacific Northwest Council on Foreign Languages 17 (1996): 29-32. - - - . "Bertha von Suttner's 'Die Waffen nieder!': Moral Literature in the Tradition of Harriet Beecher Stowe's 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'." Ph.D diss., Ohio State Univ., 1991. - - - . "Bertha von Suttner's Spiritual Daughters: The Feminist Pacifism of Anita Augspurg, Lida Gustava Heymann, and Helen Stacker at the International Congress of Women at The Hague, 1915." Women's Studies International Forum 18, no. 2 (Mar/Apr 1995): 103-11. - - - . Weapons of Women Writers: Bertha von Suttner's "Die Waffen nieder!" as Political Literature in the Tradition ofHarriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. New York: P. Lang, 1995. Brinker-Gabler, Gisela, ed. Kdmpferin fiir den Frieden: Bertha von Suttner: Lebenserinnerungen, Reden und Schriften. Frankfurt: Fischer, 1986. - - - . "'Wir leben im Rustungskrieg': Bertha von Suttner und die Anfange der Friedensbewegung." In Frauenforschungsgruppe des AStA-Frauenreferats des Univ. zu Koln, 146-59. Cologne: Frauen & Wissenschaft: Ringvorlesung; Frauenforschungsgruppe des AStA-Frauenreferats der Univ. zu Koln, 1983. Donath, Adolf. "Bertha von Suttner und die 'kleine Form'." Germanica Wratislaviensia 20 (1974): 83-95. - - - . "Bertha von Suttner und die Polen." Lenau Forum 3, no. 3-4 (1971): 79-96. Hamann, Brigitte. Bertha von Suttner: Ein Lebenfiir den Frieden. Munich: R. Piper, 1986. Translated by Ann Dubsky under the title Bertha von Suttner: A Life for Peace (Syracuse: Syracuse Univ. Press, 1996). - - - . "Osterreichische Frauen in der Friedensbewegung." In Aujbruch in das Jahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 134-42. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. - - - . "'Weibliches Wesen ist nicht identisch mit Pazifismus': Bertha von Suttner, die Mahnerin fur den Frieden." In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920,91-3. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985.


Habsburg Monarchy


HAB838 HAB839

HAB840 HAB841 HAB842 HAB843



HAB846 HAB847 HAB848







About Bertha von Suttner's fight for peace. Hantzschel, Gunter. "Die Waffen nieder! Bertha von Suttners Antikriegsroman: Zur Poetik und Ideologie der Frauenliteratur." In Poetik und Geschichte, edited by Dieter Borchmeyer, 102-17. Tubingen: Niemeyer, 1989. Harald, Steffahn. Bertha von Suttner. Reinbeck bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1998. Hedinger, Sandra. Frauen iiber Krieg und Frieden: Bertha von Suttner, Rosa Luxemburg, Hannah Arendt, Betty Reardon, Judith Ann Tickner, Jean Bethke Elshtain. Frankfurt & New York: Campus Verlag, 2000. This book about women in peace and war includes a chapter on von Suttner, one of the first female pacifists; she influenced Alfred Nobel in his creation of the Peace Prize. Hofrnan, Alois. "Bertha von Suttner. Zum 50. Todestag der osterreichischen Schriftstellerin." Philologica Pragensia 7 (1964): 244-57. Katscher, Leopold. Bertha von Suttner, die "Schwdrmerin " der Giite. Dresden: E. Pierson, 1903. Kempf, Beatrix. Suffragette for Peace: The Life of Bertha von Suttner. London: n.p., 1972. Kerner, Charlotte. "Bertha von Suttner (1843-1914)." In Madame Curie und ihre Schwestern: Frauen, die den Nobelpreis bekamen, Weinheim: Beltz & Gelberg, 1997. About Bertha von Suttner and her fellow female Nobel Prize-winners. Kerschbaumer, Marie-Therese. "Geschlechterrollen bei Bertha von Suttner und Catherine Colomb." In Das Weib existiert nicht fiir sicn ... Geschlechter beziehungen in der biirgerlichen Gesellschaft, edited by Heide Dienst and Edith Saurer, vol. 48 of Osterreichische Texte zur Gesellschaftskritik. 205-9. Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, 1990. About the gender roles of Bertha von Suttner and Catherine Colombo Lachmann-Kalitzki, Eva. "Kindred Spirits: Emst ToIler Seen as Part of a New Spiritual 'Triumvirate'." Germanic Notes 15, no. 3-4 (1984): 47-51. About pacifism and war in the works of Ernest Herningway, Ernst Teller, and Bertha Suttner. Laurence, Richard R. "Bertha von Suttner and the Austrian Peace Movement." Austrian History Yearbook 23 (1992): 181-201. Playne, Caroline Elisabeth. Bertha von Suttner and the Struggle to Avert the World War. London: n.p., 1936. Roberts, A. Clive. "The Code of Honor in fin-de-siecle Austria: Arthur Schnitzler's Rejection of the 'Duellzwang'." Modern Austrian Literature 25, no. 3-4 (1994): 25-40. About dueling and honor in Bertrand Russell, Arthur Schnitzler, and Bertha Suttner. Ruser, Ursula-Maria. 1843-1993: Bertha von Suttner (1843-1914) and Other Women in Pursuit of Peace. Geneva: United Nations Office at Geneva, 1993. A short documentation of female pacifist efforts. Stockwell, Rebecca S. "Bertha von Suttner and Rosika Schwimmer: Pacifists from the Dual Monarchy." In Seven Studies in Medieval English History and Other Historical Essays Presented to Harold S. Snellgrove, edited by Richard H. Bowers, 141-56. Jackson, MI: Univ. Press of Mississippi, 1983. Wiener, P. B. "Bertha von Suttner and the Political Novel." In Essays in German Language, Culture and Society, edited by Siegbert S. Prawer, R. Hinton Thomas and Leonard Forster, 160-76. London: Institute of Germanic Studies, 1969. Wintersteiner, Marianne, and Gisela Brinker-Gabler. Die Baronin: Bertha von Suttner: Erziihlende Biographie. Muhlacker: Stieglitz, 1984. Schwartz, Agatha. "Zwischen dem 'noch nicht' und 'nicht rnehr': Osterreichische und ungarische Frauenliteratur der Jahrhundertwende." Modern Austrian Literature 33, no. 1 (2000): 6-28. Annotated under Hungary. Tebben, Karin. Deutschsprachige Schriftstellerinnen des Fin de Siecle. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1999. Includes essays on Maria Janitschek, Minna


Habsburg Monarchy




Kautsky, Enrica von Handel-Mazzetti, and Bertha von Suttner. Teuchmann, Maria. "Der Verein des Schriftstellerinnen und Kiinstlerinnen in Wien. "In Die Frau im Korsett: Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848-1920, 8586. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. About the Association for Viennese Female Writers and Artists. Thorson, Helga Mae. "Re-Negotiating Borders: Responses of German and Austrian MiddleClass Women Writers to Medical Discourses on Sex, Gender, and Sexuality at the Turn of the Century." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Minnesota, 1996. Toegel, Edith. 'Vergangen, Freuden, uberstandene Leiden': Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Augtobiographical Writings." Modern Austrian Literature 30, 2 (1997): 35-47. "This essay concentrates on the autobiography of Ebner-Eschenbach (1830-1916), Meine Kinderjahre, published in 1905, late in her life. Beyond the valuable insights into the struggles of a young aristocratic woman as incipient artist, the work also documents the inherent female dilemma of representation and self-perception at a time of strict cultural expectations and norms for women." -Stephen M. Herzog

Troll-Borostyani, Irma von [Bergen, Leo, pseud.], 1849-1912. Writer and journalist, defender of women's rights, and pioneer of the Austrian women's liberation movement. HAB858



HAB861 HAB862

HAB863 HAB864 HAB865 HAB866 HAB867

HAB868 HAB869 HAB870

Troll-Borostyani, Irma von. "Abschaffung der Prosititution als gesetzliche oder geduldete Institution (1888)." In Totgeschwiegen: Texte zur Situation der Frau in Osterreich von 1880 bis in die Zwischenkriegszeit, edited by Sigrid Schrnid-Bortenschlager and Hanna SchnedlBubenicek, 139-43. Vienna: Osterreicher Bundesverlag, 1982. About the abolition of prostitution as a legal institution. . "Eduard von Hartmanns Offenbarung iiber die Frauenfrage" [Eduard von Hartmann's epiphany on the woman question.] Allgemeine Frauenzeitung 1, no. 1 (1886): 24. . Die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und die Reform der Jugend-Erziehung. Zurich: Verlags-Magazin, 1888. About the equality of the sexes and the reform of children's upbringing. . Die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und die Reform der lugend-Erziehung: Die Mission unseres lahrhunderts. Munich: E. Reinhardt, 1913. German edition of above title. . Imfreien Reich: Ein Memorandum an alle Denkenden und gesetzgeber zur Beseitung sozialer Irrtiimer und Leiden. Zurich: Schabelitz, 1884. Memorandum on the elimination of social errors and sins. . Katechismus der Frauenbewegung. Leipzig: Frauen-Rundschau, 1903. A bible for the women's movement. . Die Mission unseres lahrhunderts: eine Studie iiber die Frauenfrage. Pressuburg: Gustar Heckenast, 1878. A study of the woman question. Troll-Borostyani, Irma von. My Life and History. Translated by John Sornrnerfield. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1900, 1983. . Das Recht der Frau: Eine sociale Studie. Berlin: S. Fischer, 1894. About women's rights. - - - . Ungehalten: Vermdchtnis einer Freidenkerin. Edited by Christa Giirtler. Salzburg: O. Muller, 1994. About women's rights and social conditions. Includes bibliographical references. - - - . Die Verbrechen der Liebe: Eine sozial-pathologische Studie. Leipzig: M. Spohr, 1896. A social-pathological study of love. - - - . Was ich geschaut: Novellen. Vienna: n.p., n.d. Short stories. - - - . "Wege und Ziele der Frauenbewegung." Neues Frauenleben 14, no. 6 (1902): 5. About the means and ends of the women's movement.


Habsburg Monarchy


. Das Weib und seine Kleidung. Leipzig: M. Spohr, 1897. About dress reform for women.


Vavra, Elisabeth, and Andrea Riedl. Aufmiipfig & angepasst: Frauenleben in Osterreich. Nieder-osterreichische Landesaustellung 1998 Schloss Kirschstetten. Schriftleitung: Elisabeth Vavra; Lektorat: Andrea Riedl, Sonja Paschen, Eckehard Wolf. Vienna: Kommission Bohlau, 1998. The exhibition catalogue of the National Lower-Austria Museum's exhibition on women's life in Austria. Walcher, Maria. ''' ... auch wenn sie auf dem Podium steht ... ': Die Wiener Volkssangerin seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts." In Ausbruch in das lahrhundert der Frau? Rosa Mayreder und der Feminismus in Wien um 1900, edited by Reingard Witzmann, 107-12. Vienna: Eigenverlag der Museen der Stadt Wien, 1989. About Viennese women folksingers since the th mid_19 century. Walle, Marianne. "Du corps enferme au corps devoile: les ateliers photographique de femmes a Vienne jusqu'en 1930" [From the enclosed to the revealed body: Women's photographic studios in Vienna to 1930]. Austriaca 42 (1996): 137-44.



Wied, Martina [Schnabl, Alexandrine Martina Augusta], 1882-1957. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HAB875 HAB876 HAB877 HAB878 HAB879 HAB880 HAB881


Wied, Martina. Bewegung Gedichte. Vienna: E. Strache, 1919. - - - . Der Ehering: Roman. Innsbruck: Osterreichische Verlagsanstalt, 1954. Berry, Jesse Leroy. "Martina Wied, Austrian Novelist: 1882-1957." Ph.D. diss., Vanderbilt Univ., 1966. Milne, Audrey. "The Elective Affinities in Exile: Der Ehering." German Life and Letters 47, no. 4 (1994): 456-68. - - - . "A Hard Life: Martina Wied in Exile." German Life and Letters 45, no. 3 (1992): 239-43. - - - . "Martina Wied." New German Studies 17, no. 2 (1992-1993): 89-108. Mornin, Edward. "'Bonnie Charlie's now awa' ...': Charles Edward Stuart after the '45: On the Uses of History in Fiction." Forumfor Modern Language Studies 24, no. 2 (1988): 97110. Walter Scott's treatment of Charles Edward Stuart (Redgauntlet) compared to Wied's (Das Einhorn) and Sven Delblanc's (Kastrater). Wilson-Chevalier, Kathleen. "Art Patronage and Women (Including Habsburg) in the Orbit of King Francis I." Renaissance Studies 16, no. 4 (2002): 474-524. Zuckerkandl, Bertha, 1864-1945. Writer and journalist.

HAB883 HAB884 HAB885 HAB886


Zuckerkandl, Bertha. Osterreicli intim: Erinnerungen 1892-1942. Edited by Reinhard Federmann. Vienna, Darmstadt and Berlin: Deutsche Biichgemeinschaft, 1970. A memoir. . Souvenirs d'un monde disparu: Autriche, 1878-1938. Translated by Maurice Remon. Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1939. A memoir. . Zeitkunst Wien 1901-1907. Vienna and Leipzig: Hugo Heller, 1908. About contemporary Viennese art. Meysels, Lucian O.In meinem Salon ist Osterreich: Bertha Zuckerkandl und ihre Zeit. Vienna: Illustrierte Neue Welt, 1994. Translated by J. Klink under the title La Femme de Vienne, de la splendour viennoise au Seme Reich: La Vie de Berta Zuckerkandl. Paris: Le Chemin vert, 1986. About Zuckerkandl's life and salon. Wagener, Mary L. "Berta Zuckerkandl: Viennese Journalist and Publicist of Modem Art and Culture." European Studies Review 12 (Oct 1982): 425-44.


Habsburg Monarchy HAB888 HAB889

. "Pioneer Journalistinnen: Two Early Twentieth-Century Viennese Cases: Berta Zuckerkandl and Alice Schalek." Ph.D. diss., Ohio State Univ., 1976. Zblizovanie. Bratislava: Femina, 1997. This collection contains 21 stories, 11 by Austrian women (translated into Slovak), and 10 by Slovak women. "We hope to find money enough to translate this anthology into German and publish it in Austria. Our Femina Club intends to continue preparing and publishing this kind of joint anthology of the literature of two nations, and thereby to contribute to fruitful contacts between different literatures and cultures." -Etela Farkasova.

Autobiography HAB890



Klucsarits, Richard, and Friedrich G. Kiirbisch. Arbeiterinnen kdmpfen um ihr Recht: Autobiographische Texte zum Kampf rechtloser und entrechter "Frauenpersonen " in Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schwei: des 19. Und 20. lahrhunderts. Wuppertal: th th Hammer, 1981. Autobiographies of 19 and 20 century women workers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Popp, Adelheid Dworak. Die lugendgeschichte einer Arbeiterin von ihr selbst erziihlt. Munich: E. Reinhardt, 1909. Translated into English by F. C. Harvey as The Autobiography of a Working Woman. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1912. Szembek, Sister Maria Krysta. "Memoirs." Translated by Bohdan Struminski. Harvard Ukrainian Studies, edited with an introduction by Andrzej Zieba. 15, no. 1-2 (June 1991): 88-171. Partial publication of the memoirs of a patriotic nun (1884-1974) in an AustrianIPolish Galician convent at Jazlivec', mostly focused on the Ukrainian Metropolitan Andrej Septyc 'kyj.


HUNGARY See also Croatia, the Habsburg Monarchy, Romania, Serbia, and Slovakia chapters.

Bibliography and Reference HUN1 HUN2


Bozzay, Margit, ed. Magyar asszonyok lexikona. Budapest: 1931. Dictionary of Hungarian women. Juhasz, Gezane. A demokratikus ndmozgalom Hajdu-Bihar megyeben 1944-1948, sajtobibliografia. Debrecen, 1978. Bibliography on the democratic women's movement in Hajdti-Bihar county. Koml6s, Palne. A ruik a statisztika tiikreben. Budapest: Kossuth, 1974. Statistics pertaining to women. Lukacs, Emone, ed. Nok enciklopediaja, 2 vols. Budapest: Minerva, 1966. A women's encyclopedia. Szabdlyok a kejelges-bordellhdzak es kejholgyekrdl. Pest, 1867. okt6ber 31. Collection of laws and regulations concerning prostitution. Women's suffrage bibliography: To the members of the I. W. S. C. with the compliments of the Budapest Public Library. Budapest, 1913.

Web Sites HUN7 HUN8



Central European University. Department of Gender Studies. http://www.gend.ceu.hu/ Esziertaska [Esther's Bag]. http://www.nextwave.hu/esztertaska/english.htm. Foundation and Jewish women's group founded "to promote research on the history of Jewish women, and equal opportunities for men and women ...." The group which sponsors various projects, began as a section of Szombat (Sabbath) the monthly of the Hungarian Jewish Cultural Association, in January 2001. Their web site has articles "on the position and life of Jewish women in Hungary, from an interdisciplinary perspective." The publication is edited by Borbala Juhasz, Andrea Kuti, Katalin Pecsi, Andrea Peto, M6nika Sander, Zsuzsa Toronyi, and Judit Wirth, and represent "different streams of Jewishness." Feminism in Hungary. http://www.cddc.vt.edu/feminism/hun.html. Very informative about resources, bibliography, NGO's, institutes, and individuals. Contains articles on "The Feminist Network" and on "Women's Studies in Hungary." Hfr-Nok, http://www.tfk.elte.hu/hirnok. Information about feminism in Hungary, including links, a newsgroup, and texts. In Hungarian. Magyar irodalom: szerzok es muvek/Hungarian Literature: Authors and Works. http://www.hunlit.hu/index.d2?language=en. Hungarian and English versions.

Periodicals HUN12 HUN13 HUN14

Anya es Gyermekvedelem. Budapest: Anya-, Csecserno- es Gyermekvedelmi Kozpont, 1927-? Monthly. Anydk Lapja, Budapest: 1995-. Monthly. Csalddi Kiir, Pest. 1860-1880. Biweekly.

Hungary HUN15 HUN16





Dolgozo no. Budapest: 1915-1919. Biweekly. Eggyesiili erovel: A Magyarorszdgi Noeggyesidetek Szovetsegenek es a Sziivetseget alkot6 eggyesiiletek legtobbjenek hivatalos kozlonyuk. Budapest: 1909-? (10 issues per year). Official publication of the Federation of Hungarian women's associations and of most of the associations constituting the Federation. Ez-az noknek. 1989-. Veszprem. Monthly. Feminista Ertesito. Budapest: 1906-. Monthly. Feminist journal of the Association of Feminists, edited by Vilma Glucklich. Katholikus No. Kornarom: 1932. Weekly. Katolikus Nok Lapja. Budapest: 1944. Monthly, except in July-August. Katholikus Tanitonok (es Tandrnok) Lapja. Budapest: 1916-1944. (Published 8 issues per year). Katolikus n/ik zsebnaptara 1942. evre. Alba Iulia: Katolikus N6i Misszi6 Kozpontja, 1942. Yearly pocket calendar. A Magyar Asszony. 1921-1944. Weekly. Published by the National League of Hungarian Women. Followed by Az (;) Magyar Asszony, 1944-1949, published by the Hungarian Reformed Women's Association. Magyar Bazar: A szepirodalom, tdrsaselet es divat kozlonye. [Hungarian Bazar: A literary, social and fashion gazette] 1866-1904. Magyar Ldnyok. 1894-1944. Illustrated weekly for young women. Magyar No. 1943-1944, 1945, 1946-47. Magyar No. Paris: 1948-1950. Monthly. Magyar No. Folapja. A kereszteny no [The Christian Woman: Supplement]. Budapest: 19181922.5 vols. Bimonthly. Magyar Noi Szemle. Budapest: 1935-40. Bimonthly. Magyar Nok Lapja. Budapest: 1882-1898. Weekly. Literary and social journal for women. Magyar Nok Lapja. Budapest: 1949-. Weekly. Continues Nok lapja. 1939-1944. Local editions in Cluj/Kolozsvar, published by the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women, MNDSz. Magyar Nok Lapja Evkonyv. 1990 (1991). Budapest annual. Magyar Nok Wekerle Albuma. J6kai Magyar Nok Lapja kardcsonyi melleklete. Budapest: Bihari es Eisner, n.d. Yearbook for Hungarian women. Nemzeti Noneveles. Budapest: 1880-1919. Monthly. A No. Budapest: 1914-1928. Monthly. A No. 1927/1928. Special issue entitled Rendkiviili szdm Gliicklich Vilma emiekenek, published in memory of Vilma Glticklich, editor of Feminista Ertesito, teacher, founding member and president of the Association of Feminists. A No es a Tdrsadalom. Budapest: 1907-1913. Monthly. Official journal of the Association of Feminists and Association of Women Officiers, edited by R6zsa Bedy Schwimmer. A No: Feministdk egyesilletenek hivatalos kozlonye. Budapest: 1914-1919. Monthly. Official bulletin of the association of feminists. N6k a vildgban. Budapest: 1973-. Semi-annual. Nok Albuma. A Magyar Hirlap ajandeka, 1913. Edited by Miksa Markus. Budapest: Rov6, 1912. Annual supplement for women to the newspaper Magyar Hirlap. Nok Evkiinyve. Edited by Tibor Haj6s. Budapest, 1973. Annual supplement for a women's journal. Nok Konyvespolca [Women's bookshelf]. Budapest: 1964-1972. Nok lapja [Women's Newspaper]. Pest: 1871-1872. Weekly. Official journal for promoting women's work, edited by Baron Amalia Egloffstein. Nok lapja, Budapest: 1916-1919. Monthly. Publication for working women and for promoting women's work, political rights, and political organization.


Hungary HUN45 HUN46 HUN47 HUN48 HUN49 HUN50 HUN51 HUN52 HUN53 HUN54 HUN55 HUN56 HUN57 HUN58 HUN59 HUN60 HUN61

Nok lapja, Budapest: 1949-1989. Weekly. A nok lapja evkonyve, 1964-1990. Budapest: Hfrlapkiado, 1963-1989. Yearbook for the subscribers of N6k lapja. N6k Lapja: Feministdk Egyesiilete. Budapest: 1914, 1916-1919, 1924, 1929-34, 1936-41, 1945-47. Monthly. N6k lapja magazin. Budapest: 1989-. Three issues per year. N6k magazinja. Budapest: 1963-64, 1966, 1968-1991. Monthly. Nok magazinja almanach. Budapest: 1976-. Annual. N6k magazinja evkonyve. Budapest: 1986-. Annual. N6k Munkakiire. Pest: 1872-73. Biweekly. Economics, educational and literary journal of the association for women's education and work. N6k ujsdga. Budapest: 1930-1932. 3 issues per month. Previous title A Hdztartds (18951929); later title Uj Magazin (1932-38). Nok vildga. Budapest: 1989-1990. Weekly. Nok: Vildga. New York: 1934-70. Monthly. N6kert! Budapest: 1945. Irregular. Nomunkds. Budapest: 1905-1949. Biweekly. Socialist journal for working women that appeared intermittently. Nomunkds. Kosice-Kassa: 1924-1926. Weekly. N6nevel6. Budapest: 1949. Monthly. Noszemeiy [Female]. Budapest: 1991-. Irregular. Feminist journal. Notisztviselok lapja. Budapest: 1915-1919.5 vols. Monthly. Official journal of the Association for Female Officers.

History and Society HUN62 HUN63 HUN64





A.B.C. A n6k kiizdelme a csaldd otthonaert. Budapest: Vilagossag nyomda, 1939. About the struggle of women for a family home. Abromovitz, Anagilda. The Protection of Women in Hungary: A Report. New York: n.p., 1978. Report on the activities of a Buda Evangelical circle for mothers. Acsady, Judit. "The Construction of Women's Case: Turn-of-the-century Hungarian Feminism." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 102-6. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1997. - - - . "Remarks on the History of Hungarian Feminism."Hungarian Studies Review 26, nos. 1-2 (Spring-Fall, 1999): 19-64. - - - . "Shifting Attitudes and Expectations in Hungary." Transition 1, no. 16 (1995): 2-3. About women and gender issues in the context of the economics of the post-communist world. Hungarian women still choose not to participate in the political processes that might bring them parity, and they have not defended the rights they once had, such as child care and family support allowances. - - - . "A huszadik szazad asszonya.' A szazadfordulo magyar feminizmusanak nokepe." In Szerep es alkotds: N6i szerepek a tdrsadalomban es a: alkotomiiveszetben, edited by Nagy Beata and S. Sardi Margit, 243-54. Debrecen: Csokonai, 1997. About the image of women and Hungarian feminism at the turn of the century. - - - . "A noi alternativa: A magyar feministak es a Noszemely" Mozg6 Vildg 12 (1993): 22-8. About Hungarian feminists and their journal. Adamik, Maria. "Feminism and Hungary." In Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflectionsfrom Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 207-12. New York: Routledge, 1993. - - - . "'The Greatest Promise--the Greatest Humiliation': Feminism and Women's Emancipation in Hungary." In Gender in Transition in Eastern and Central Europe:













Proceedings, edited by Gabriele Jahnert et al; im Auftrag des Zentrums fur interdisziplinare Frauenforschung an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, 190-99. Berlin: Trafo, 2001. - - - . "Hungary: A Loss of Rights?" Feminist Review 39 (Winter 1991):66-70. - - - . "Hungary: Supporting Parenting and Child Rearing: Policy Innovation in Eastern Europe." In Child Care: Parental Leave, and the Under Threes: Policy Innovation in Europe, edited by Sheila Kamerman and Alfred J. Kahn, 115-45. New York: Auburn House, 1991. - - - . "A Nagy Feher Uzemmod: avagy mirol szol a 'nokerdes'?" In Ferfiuralom, Irasok nokrol, ferfiakrol, feminizmusrol, edited by Hadas Mikl6s, 142-54. Budapest: Replika Kor, 1994. About the woman question and gendered society. - - - . "Wie konnen ungarische Frauen etwas verlieren, das sie niemals hatten? Sozialpolitik im Realsozialismus." Feministische Studien 2 (1996): 5-46. About Hungarian socialism's failure to provide effective policies for women. - - - . "Women in Hungary During the Political Transition." In Gains and Losses: Women and Transition in Eastern and Central Europe, edited by Leland C. Barrows and Laura Griinberg, 1-7. Bucharest: UNESCOIENWS, 1994. Adamovics, Ilona, and Mihaly Kovacs. A nok helyzete Borsodban. Miskolc: Ifjtisagi, 1975. About the social and cultural situation of women in Borsod county. Agoston, Jolan, Gabor Fekete, and Zsuzsa Kovacsne Janosfi, A csaladi eletre neveles: Segedanyag a csalddi eletre neveles iskolai [eladataihoz; Budapest: BM Tanulm. Prop. Csoportfonokseg, 1977. About preparing and educating students for family life. Airapetov, A. G. "Zhenshchiny-promyshlennye rabochie Budapeshta na rubezhe XIX-XX vekov: sotsiokul' turnyi oblik [Women-industrial workers of Budapest in the late 19th-early 20 th century: the social-cultural aspect]." In: Zhenskaia povsednevnost' v Rossii v XVIII-XX vv. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, 25 sentiabria 2003 goda, edited by P. P. Shcherbinin, 55-72. Tambov: Tambovskii gos. universitet, 2003. In Russian. Ajus, Ferenc, and Istvan Henye. "Illegitimacy in Hungary, 1880-1910." Journal ofFamily History 19, no. 4 (1994): 69-89. Altalanos, Egyenlo, Titkos Valasztojog Orszagos Szovetsege. Az dltaldnos vdlasztojog es ellensegei: Az Altalanos, Egyenlo, Titkos Valasuojog Orszdgos Szovetsegenek vdlasza a miniszterelnok valasztojogi kiirkerdesere. Budapest: Gl6bus, 1910. About universal suffrage, edited by the Alliance for Universal Suffrage. Amon, Agnes. Maternity and Infant Assistance in Hungary: The Work of the Stephanie National Welfare Association. Budapest: Egyetemi, 1941. Ancsel, Eva. De l'homme en 194 paragraphes. Trans. by Mireille T. T6th. N.p.: n.p., 1987. Short philosophical mottos concerning existence, human relations, and such. Andorka, Rudo1f. "A gyermekszam alakulasanak tarsadalmi tenyezoi paraszti kozossegekben (XVIII-XIX. szazad)." Ethnografia 92, no. 1 (1981): 94-110. About the social factors regulating the number of children in peasant communities during the 18th and 19th century. - - - . "A szuletesszam gazdasagi es tarsadalmi tenyezoi Magyarorszagon." Yalosdg 3 (1969): 6-39. About the economic social factors of fertility in Hungary. - - - . "Az eredmenyek azt mutatjak, hogy a szuleteskorlatozas mar 1790 korul megjelent Magyarorszagon: Beszelgetes Andorka Rudolffal." Aetas no. 4, (1996): 11-21. A report showing that birth contol appeared in Hungary as early as 1790. Interview by Peter Pozsgai with Rudolf Andorka. - - - . "Az ormansagi szuleteskorlatozas tortenete." Yalosdg 18, no. 6 (1975): 5-61. About contraception in one region of Hungary. - - - . Csaladrekonstitucios vizsgdlat modszerei. Budapest: KSH Nepessegtud, Kut. Int, 1988. About the methods of analysis for family reconstitution. - - - . "Demographic change and economic development in Hungary since the Second World War." In Demographic Change and Economic Development, edited by Alois Wenig and Klaus F. Zimmermann, 183-201. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1989. The modernization of










the Hungarian economy and society resulted in the acceptance of the 2-children norm by all classes of society. As a consequence, the level of fertility is lower than that necessary for simple replacement. From the population policy measures introduced in the last decades, the restriction of induced abortions had no effect on cohort fertility, but the financial assistance giyen to families with children had a moderate impact, at least stopping the decline of fertility and also slightly increasing the desired and planned number of children of young couples. . "Elements of Private Welfare Production in Hungary (From Time Budget Data)." In Social Indicators Research 14, no. 3 (1984): 35-9. . "The Historical Demography of a Proper Hungarian Village: Atany in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries." Journal of Family History 19, no. 4 (1994): 11-31. . "Household Systems and the Lives of the Old in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Hungary." In Aging in the Past: Demography, Society, and Old Age, edited by David I. Kertzer and Peter Laslettt, 129-55. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1995. . '''Making a Living from Disgrace': The Politics of Prostitution, Female Poverty and Urban Gender Codes in Budapest and Vienna, 1860-1920." In The City in Central Europe: Culture and Society from 1800 to the Present, edited by Malcolm Gee, Tim Kirk and Jill Steward, 175-95. Aldershot, England; Brookfield, VT.: Ashgate, 1999. , with Tamas Farag6. "Pre-industrial Household Structure in Hungary." In Family Forms in Historic Europe, edited by Richard Wall, Jean Robin, and Peter Laslett, 281-307. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1983. . "Pro-natalist population policies and their impact in Hungary" [Politiques demographiques natalistes et leur impact en Hongrie.]. Politiques de population: etudes et documents 4, no. 3 (April 1991): 7-125. ,and Sander Balazs-Kovacs, "The Social Demography of Hungarian Villages in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (with Special Attention to Sarpilis, 1792-1804)." Journal of Family History 2 (1986): 69-92. . Szegenyseg es szocialpolitika a 90-es evekben. Budapest: BKTE, 1995. About poverty and social policy in the 1990s. Andrassy, Maria. Untersuchung der Freizeit-tdtigkeit und der kulturellen Orientierung der Arbeiterjugend. Budapest: Inst. fur Kultur, 1977. About the cultural orientation and leisure of working-class youth. Az anya- es csecsemdveddnok vezerfonala. Budapest: Pfeiffer, 1917. About mothers and child care. Apponyi, Albert. Az anya- es csecsemovedelem a kepviselohazban: Sandor Jdnos vdlasza. Budapest: Pfeiffer, 1916. Parliamentary debates about mothers and child care. Aranyossy, Magda. Ldzado asszonyok: A magyar ndmunkasmorgalom tiirtenete. 1867-1919. Budapest: Kossuth MNOT, 1963. History of the women workers' movement in Hungary. Arat6, Mihaly. A mdsik: nem? N6kr61 es jerfiakrol> noknek es ferfiaknak. Budapest: Grafit Kiad6, 1997. About gender roles and gender definitions. Arat6, Paula, and Agnes Balint. Noknek kesziilt, Budapest: Tancsics, 1973. Advice for women, concerning health, etc. Arpad, Susan S., and Sarolta Marinovich. "On Teaching Women's Studies in Hungary." Women's Studies International Forum 17, no. 5 (September-October 1994): 185-97. . "Why Hasn't There Been a Strong Women's Movement in Hungary?" Journal of Popular Culture 29, no. 2 (Fall 1985): 7-96. , and Edit Katalin Molnar. "Feminizmus es tortenetiras: Beszelgetes Susan Arpaddal," Aetas 4 (1993): 34-8. Interview with Susan Arpad about feminist history writing. . "The Emergence of Feminism in Hungary at the Turn of the Century." In Feminist Theory and Practice: East-West: Papers Presented ofInternational Conference, St. Petersburg, Repino, June 9-12, 1995, edited by Dawne Deppe, Olga Lipovskaya, Anna



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Klyotsina, Maria Kominskaya, Ira Kormanshaus and Julia Zhukova, 196-201. St. Petersburg: Petersburg Center for Gender Issues, 1997. . "Shifting Attitudes and Expectations in Hungary." Transition (Prague) 1, no. 16 (1995): 2-3. . "Vozniknovenie feminizma v Vengerii na rubezhe vekov." In Feministskaia teoriia i praktika: Vostok-Zapad: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, Sankt-Peterburg, Repino, 9-12 iiunia 1995g., edited by Iuliia Zhukova et aI., 281-7. St. Petersburg: Petersburg Center for Gender Issues, 1996. The awakening of feminism in Hungary Asztalos, Gezane. A csalddi potlek; a gyermekgondozasi segely, az anyasdgi tdmogatds. Budapest: Mont FT, 1997. About family, child care, and maternity allowance. Asztalos-Morell, Ildiko. "A nemek kozotti egyenlotlensegek az allamszocializmus korszakaban: Tezisek a feminista megkozeliteshez." Szociol6giai Szemle 3 (1997): 2-66. About gender inequalities in socialist Hungary. Avarffy, Elek. Avarffy Elek megnyit6 beszede a: Orszdgos Stefdnia Szovetseg Magyar a magyarert mozgalom javdra rendezett iinnepsegen. Kalocsa: Arpad, 1938. Speech given on the occasion of the founding of an organization for mothers and children. Bagota, Edit. Melegdgy: Ldnyok, akik ldnyokat szeretnek. Budapest: Leda Konyvek, Kijarat Kiad6, 2000. About lesbians in Hungary. Bacs6, Jeno and Eva Kiss. A csalddjogi torveny, Budapest: Kozgazd, es Jogi Konyvkiado, 1982. Interpretation of family law. Bakk Szentkatolnai, Endre. "A noi honvedszazados, Sarosy Gyula." Tiirtenelmi Lapok, 1892. About Julia Banyai, a female soldier in the 1848 revolution. Balassa, Ivan, and Gyula Ortutay. Hungarian Ethnography and Folklore. Translated by Maria Bales, Kenneth Bales, and Laszlo T. Andras. Budapest: Corvina Kiad6, 1984. Comprehensive overview including on women in various strata of Hungarian society, especially peasant life. Women are mentioned throughout this work, especially in the sections on Social, Material and Cultural Anthropology. Balazs, Magdolna, and Laszlo Katus. "Kozepdunannili paraszti haztartasok a 18. szazadban." Tortenelmi Szemle 1 (1983): 59-72. About peasant households in Central Transdanubia during the 18th century. Balla, Ignac, Hdzassagi per es honossdg, Budapest: Thalia, 1925. About marriage, trials, and citizenship. Balogh, Margit. A KALOT es a katolikus tdrsadalompolitika 1935-1946. Tarsadalom es Muvelodestorteneti Tanulmanyok 23. Budapest: MTA Tortenetrudomanyi Intezet, 1998. About the Hungarian Catholic women's movement. , and Margit S. Nagy, eds. Asszonysorsok a 20. szazadban. Budapest: BME Szociol6gia es Kommunikacios Tanszek, Szocialis es Csaladvedelmi Miniszterium Nokepviseleti Titkarsaga, 2000. Life courses of women in Hungary in the 20th century. . "Slachta Margit a Nemzetgyulesben, avagy az elso noi kepviselo," In A hosszu tizenkilencedik es a rovid huszadik szdzad. Tanulmdnyok Poloskei Ferenc kosziintesere. Edited by Jeno Gergely. Budapest: ELTE, 2000. 27-38. About Margit Schlachta, the first Hungarian female representative in parliament. Bany6, Peter. Birtokorokles es Ieanynegyed. "Kiserlet egy kozepkori j ogintezmeny ertelmezesere." Aetas 3, (2000): 6-91. About the filial quarter and female inheritance in medieval Hungarian law. Barczy, Magdolna and Marta Hoffmann. Csalddok tevetiikiirben. Budapest: Magyar Kozvelemenykutato Int., 1989. About the representation of families on TV. Barczay, Ferenc. Elnoki szekfoglalo beszede a Magyar Csaladvedelmi Sriivetsegben. Budapest, 1942. Speech by the president of the organization for family care.



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Barczy, Magdolna, and Katalin Hanak, A csaldd kepe a televizioban. Budapest: Alfaprint, 1986. About the representation of families on TV. Barta, Barnabas, Andras Klinger, Karoly Miltenyi, and Gyorgy Vukovich. "Female Labour Force Participation and Fertility in Hungary." In Working Women in Socialist Countries, edited by Valentina Bodrova and Richard Anker, 23-54. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1985. About the correlation in employment, urbanization, education, marriage, and fertility. . Fertility, Female Employment and Policy Measures in Hungary. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1984. Bassa, Endre. Mit kell tudni a ruimozgulmakrol? Budapest: Magyar Nok Orszagos Tanacsa, Kossuth Kiado, 1982. About women's political activity in Hungary, in historical perspective. Batar, Istvan, ed. Novedelem: csaladtervezes. Budapest: Medicina, 1978. About women's health care and family planning.

Bathory, Erzsebet, 1560-1614. Nicknamed "the bloody countess" or the "female Dracula" she was, apparently, a murderer of great fame. According to legend, she killed young virgins and drank their blood in order to remain young. HUN129 HUN130

Peter, Katalin. A csejtei vdrurn/i: Bdthory Erzsebet. Budapest: Helikon, 1985. Biography. Thorne, Tony. Countess Dracula: The Life and Times of the Blood Countess, Elisabeth Bathory. London: Bloomsbury, 1997.

HUN131 HUN132

Bathory, Nandorne. Anydk kiire. Budapest: Posner, 1916. About mothers. - - - . Hadiozvegyeink es lednyaink jovoje. 60 uj eletpdlya oklevelnelkidieknek. Bev. Bdrczy Istvdn. Budapest: Pesti Konyvnyomda, 1916. About new work opportunities for widows and daughters of war-soldiers. Battonyai Evangelikus Noegylet. A Battonyai Evangelikus Noegylet kiadvdnyai. Battonya: Battonyai Evangelikus Noegylet, 1935. About the publishing activities of a local evangelical women's association. Belinszky, Eszter. "A munka nemesft? Elmcleti magyarazatok a nok munkapiaci hclyzeterol." Szociologlai Szemle no. 1 (1997): 33-53. About the work opportunities for women in Hungary. Bell, Peter David. "Social Change and Social Perception in a Rural Hungarian Village." Ph.D. diss. Univ. of California at San Diego, 1979. About gender relations in a village community. Benderly, Jill. "Hungarian Women in Double Bind." New Directionsfor Women 20, no. 1 (1991): 21. New Directionsfor Women was published by the Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press, Washington, D.C. Benko, Eva. Nagycsaldd a Medvesaljan. Debrecen, 1986. About an extended family at Medvesalja. Benko, Palne, ed. A nok helyzetenek alakuldsa a KSH adatainak tiikreben 1970-1981 kozott. Budapest: KSH, 1982. The changing situation of women, 1970-1981. Statistics and articles. Berend, Mik16s. Nemet es magyar anya- es csecsemovedelmi intezmenyek a hdboru eldtt es az6ta. Budapest: Pfeiffer, 1917. About institutions for mother and child-care in Hungary and Germany before and after World War I. Beres Deak, Zita, et al., eds. Leszbikus terero. Budapest: Labrisz Leszbikus Egyesulet, 2000. About lesbians in Hungary. Beres, Zsuzsa. "Against all odds." Connexions 42 (1993): 36-7. In spite of the rampant repression of women in Hungary, a small minority has raised a voice strikingly different from that of mainstream politics. A discussion of Hungary's feminist movement and the challenges it faces. - - - . "Hungarian Feminists' Statement." Peace and Democracy News (Fall 1990): 19-40.





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. "Hungary in Transition: The Ecological Issue." In Green Light on Europe, edited by Sara Parkin, 84-9. London: Heretic Books, 1991. About the women's role in the Danube Circle. . "Hungary for Change." Trouble and Strife 23 (Spring 1992): 6-7. About Hungarian women and the new feminist network. Bertalan, Agnes. Asszonyok, ldnyok Biharugrdn. Gyula: Bekes, 1963. About women in a village in Eastern Hungary. B. 1.1. "Fontos tudatosftani, hogy lehet tenni valamit: interjti a kolozsvari Artemis kozpont (szexualis es fizikai eroszak elleni tanacsadasi kozpont) pszichologusaival." Korunk no. 10 (2000): 6-42. Annotated under Romania. Korunk is a Hungarian languge periodical published in Cluj-Napoca. Biro Vera. A Magyar Nok Demokratikus Szovetsegenek celkitiizesei. Budapest: MNDSz, 1947. About the aims of the Democratic Alliance for Hungarian Women. Bobula, Ida. A no a XVIII. szdzad magyar tdrsadalmdban. Budapest: Magyar Tarsadalomtudomanyi Tarsasag kiadasa, 1933. About women in Hungarian society during the 18th century. Bodonyi, Anna. "Women in Public Life." New Hungarian Quarterly 15, no. 56 (1974): 5-59. Hungarian women during World War 11 Bodrogi, Tibor. Magyar matriarchdtus? Tenyek es problemdk. Budapest: Akademiai, 1985. About Hungarian "matriarchy." Bogardi, Mihaly, and Lajos Szekely. A csaladi elet iskoldja ldnyoknak. Nagyldnyok iskolaja. Budapest: Magyar Voroskereszt, 1977. "Conduct-books" for girls, concerning family life. Bokorne, Szego Hanna, ed. Legal protection of the women and children: Analysis of documents of international organisations. Contribution of Hungarian Women's Council to the World Congress of Women convened by the Women International Democratic Federation June 1963. Budapest: Kossuth, 1963. Bollobas, Eniko. "Feminist Thorns for a Hungarian Sexist." Budapest Week 1, no. 2, March 21-28,1991. . "Feminista tovisek Fekete Gyulanak." [Feminist thorns to Gyula Fekete] Hitel13 (1989): 2-53. . "A feminizmus kiserlete-i-Beszelgetes Zeley Laszloval, Buda Belaval es Nyiri Tamassal" [The feminist experiment-A discussion with Laszlo Zeley, Bela Buda and Tamas Nyiri]. In A gondolkodds terhei [The Burden of Thinking}, edited by Juszt Laszlo, Zeley Laszlo, 105-16. Budapest: Medicina, 1986. . "Megiijulo Nomozgalom." [The revival of the women's movement] Ntik Lapja 41(1989): 20-1. . "'Totalitarian Lib': The Legacy of Communism for Hungarian Women." In Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 201-6. New York: Routledge, 1993. Bozoky, Eva. The Hungarian Woman Today. Budapest: National Council of Hungarian Women, 1985. Bresztovszky, Erno, Egy munkdsldny gyermekkora: Elmondja a tortenet szereploje. Budapest: Sachs, 1909. A working class girl narrates her own life-story. Buchinger, Manone, and Szerena Ladanyi. Munkdsruikrol: munkdsnoknek. Budapest: Nepszava, 1919. About female workers. A budai ago hitv. ev. anyaegyhdz; valamint a: 6budai es szentendrei lednygyiilekezeteknek evi jelentese az 1895. evrol: Jahresbericht der Ofner ev. Muttergemeinde. Budapest: Muller, 1895. Budapest (Szekesfovaros) Neprmivelesi Bizottsaga, A Budapest (Szekesfovdros) Nepmiivelesi Bizottsdga feliigyelete mellett milkodo gyargondozondi tanfolyam tdjekoziatoja. Budapest: Attila ny., 1942. About the education of female social workers in a factory.




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Buga, Laszlo. Hogyan gondoskodik dllamunk a dolgoz6 anydrol es gyermekerol? Budapest: Muvelt Nep, 1953. About the services provided by the socialist state for working mothers and their children. Burucs, Kornelia. "A nokrol: Propaganda, vitak, 1945-1970." Historia, 1. (1997): 6-8. About the debates and propaganda on the role of women in Hungary, 1945-1970. - - - . "A 'fordulat' es a dolgoz6 no." Hist6ria, 20. 7sz (1998): 29. About the change in the political system in Hungary in 1948, and its impact on women. Comelius, Deborah S. "Women in the Hungarian Populist Youth Movement: The Szeged Youth." Nationalities Papers 25, no. 1 (March 1997): 23-45. Corrin, Chris. "Gendered Identities: Women's Experience of Change in Hungary." In Women in the Face of Change, edited by Shirin Rai, Hilary Pilkington, and Annie Phizaklea, 167-85. London: Routledge, 1992. The book includes bibliographical references and indexes. - - - . "Gender Politics and Women's Political Participation in Hungary." Hungarian Studies Review 26, nos. 1-2 (Spring-Fall, 1999): 38. - - - . In Search of the Nation: The New Generation ofHungarian Youth in Czechoslovakia 1925-1934. East European Monographs, no. 511. Boulder, Colo.; New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1998. Includes bibliography, indexes. Reviewed by David S. Frey, for HABSBURG, H-Net Reviews, August, 1999. - - - . Magyar Women: Hungarian Women's Lives 1960s-1990s. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994; Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1993. A detailed socio-economic analysis covering such topics as work at home and in the public sector, family life, health care, and transitions in attitudes and policies in the post-Communist epoch. Appendix V is a "List of Women's Groups and Organizations in Hungary." - - - . "Magyar Women's Lives: Complexities and Contradictions." In Superwomen and the Double Burden. Women's Experience of Change in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, edited by Chris Corrin, 27-74. Toronto: Second Story Press, 1992. - - - . "The Situation of Women in Hungarian Society." In Social Policy in the New Eastern Europe: What Future for Socialist Welfare?, edited by Bob Deacon and Jiilia Szalai, 179-91. Aldershot, Hants, England; Brookfield, VT: Avebury, 1990. About the gains and losses of Hungarian women since the 1948 communist takeover, focusing on differences between official policy and the opinions of radical intellectuals. Council of Europe. Information Forum on National Policies in the Field ofEquality between Women and Men: Proceedings, Budapest (Hungary), 6-8 November 1995. Strasbourg: Council of Europe; distributed in the U.S. by Manhattan Publishing, Croton-on Hudson, NY, 1996. Published by the Steering Committee for Equality between Women and Men. Includes bibliographical references. Csaba, Gyorgy, ed., A ruik tarsadalmi szerepvallalldsanak biol6giai problemdi. Budapest: Tudomanyos Ismeretterjeszto Tars., 1983. About the relationship between biological and social roles of women. Csaky, Albinne. A ruikerdes. Budapest: Czettel-Deutsch, 1895. About the women's issue. Csalddjogi tdrgyu hatdlyos jogszabdlyok. Budapest: PLKV, 1987. About family legislation. Csalddvedelem: A hadbavonultak csalddtagjainak gondozdsa. Kispest: A Magyarorszagi Reformatus Egyhaz Egyetemes Konventje, 1943. Reformed Church convention dealing with families whose male members are in the army. Csehszombathy, Laszlo, ed. A valtoz/i csaldd. Budapest: Kossuth, 1978. About the changing roles in Hungarian families. - - - . "A csaladi ertekek valtozasa es ennek hatasa a csaladi funkci6k alakulasara." In Tdrsas kapcsolatok, edited by Agnes Utasi, 7-19. Budapest: Gondolat, 1991. About changing values and functions in the family. - - - , and Rudolf Richter. Familien in Wien und Budapest. Vienna; Cologne: Bohlau, 1993. About families in Vienna and Budapest.



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- - - , and Karoly Miltenyi, Allowance for Child Care. Budapest: Statisztikai Kiad6, 1970. - - - . "A csaladszociologia fo problemai es vizsgalati m6dszerei." In A szociologia dgazatai, edited by Kalman Kulcsar, 270-91. Budapest: Kossuth, 1975. About the methodology of family sociology, and its main problems. - - - . "Valtozasok a csalad rmikodeseben." Tarsadalmi Szemle vol. 55, no 6 (1980): 7-37. About changes in the function played by families. - - - . A mai magyar csalad. Budapest, 1983. About the family in contemporary Hungary. Csernak, Jozsefne. A 18 even aluli ndk hdzassdgkiiteseinek nehdny demogrdfiai jellemzoje Magyarorszdgon. Budapest: KSH, 1984. Demographic characteristics of women marrying under the age of 18. - - - . Az elsd hazassagkotesek alakuldsa Magyarorszdgon a 11. vildghdboru utdn. Budapest: KSH, 1983. About first marriages in Hungary after World War II. Includes nuptiality tables by birth cohort. - - - . "Hazassag es valas Magyarorszagon, 1870-1994." in Demogrdfia vol. 39,2-3 (1996): 8-35. About marriage and divorce in Hungary 1870-1994. - - - . Hazassdgkotesek es vdldsok Magyarorsuigon a mdsodik vildghdboru utdn. Budapest: 1988. About marriages and divorce in Hungary after World War II. Csizmadia, Ferencne, Ferencne Szekszardi, and Lajos Szekely. Csaladi eletre neveles az osztdlyfonoki 6rdn. Modszertani utmutato a kozepiskolai osztdlyfonokok szdmdra. Budapest: Orszagos Pedag6giai Intezet, 1975. Education for family life in the form of a master class, providing methologigal advice for master classes in secondary schools. Csoknyay, Judit. "Egy kelet-magyarorszagi kis nepesseg Szamosangyalos parvalasztasi rendszerenek jellemzoi a XVIII-XX. szazadban." Demogrdfia 4 (1986): 36-45. About how the Hungarian population in Szamosangyalos chose partners during the 18th-20th centuries. Csontos, Istvan, Szep-nem iigyvedje, az asszonyi becset sertegeto vad-okok ellen. Kassa: Werfer, 1830. Defending women from attacks in public forums. D. A. A nonek a munkdho: val6 joga. Debrecen: Varosi ny., 1905. About the rights of women in work. Danyi, Dezso. "Villein Households of the Pal6c Population, 1836-1843." Journal of Family History 19, no. 4 (1994): 189-408. - - - . "Regionalis fertilitasi semak Magyarorszagon a 19. szazad vegen." Demogrdfia 1 (1977): 6-87. About regional fertility patterns in Hungary in the rnid-l O" century. Deak, Farkas, ed. Magyar holgyek leveleibol. Budapest: MTA, 1879. Edited letters written by women in the early modem period in Hungary. - - - . Forgdch Zsuzsanna 1582-1632. N.p.: n.p., 1885. Biography of a Hungarian aristocratic woman. - - - . Wesselenyi Anna ozv: Csdky Istvdnne (1584-1649) eletrajza es levelezese. N.p.: n.p., 1875. Biography and correspondance of a Hungarian aristocratic woman. Deaky, Zita. A bdba a magyarorszdgi nepi tdrsadalomban (18. szdzad vege-Zi). szdzad kozepe). Budapest: Central Eur6pa Alapitvany, 1996. About midwives in Hungarian peasant society. Demeny, Paul [alto name spelling Demeny Pal]. "Early Fertility Decline in Austria-Hungary: A Lesson in Demographic Transition." Daedalus 97 (1968): 2-22. Denes, Karoly. Anya- es gyermekvedelem. Balassagyarmat: Szerzo, 1917. About mothers and child care. Dirner, Gusztav. A nok vdlasztojoga. Budapest: Ferfiliga a Nok Valasztojoga Erdekeben, 1911. About women's suffrage and the support of men. Dizseri, Eszter. Zsindelyne Tiidos Klara: Eletrajz dokumentumokban 1895-1980. Budapest: Kalvin Kiad6, 1994. A "biography in documents" of a Hungarian woman.




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Doczi, Samuel. Az ipariizemekben alkalmazott nok ejjeli munkdjdrol sz6161911. evi 19. tovenycikk. Budapest: Orszagos Iparegyesiilet, 1912. About new legislation, which limits work women can do at night. Dobrentei, Karolyne, A Magyar Ndk Demokratikus Szovetsege szervezeserdl. Budapest: Szikra, 1947. About the organization of the Democrtatic Alliance for Hungarian women. Domotor, Tekla. Hungarian Folk Beliefs. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1982. Don, Yehuda, and George Magos. "The Demographic Development of Hungarian Jewry." Jewish Social Studies 45, no. 3-4 (1983): 189-216. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora. Doros, Gabor, ed. Magyar Csalddvedelmi Szovetseg: Bizalmas tamutato a szocidlis csalddgondotonoi miikodeshez: Budapest: Pallas, 1938. - - - . A prostitucio kerdese. Budapest: Arany Janos ny., 1935. About the problem of prostitution. Doyle, Daniel R. "The Sinews of Habsburg Governance in the Sixteenth Century: Mary of Hungary and Political Patronage." Sixteenth Century Journal 31, no. 2 (2000): 49-60. Eberhardt, Eva. Women ofHungary. Women of Europe Supplements. Brussels: Commission of the European Communities, 1991. Az egyesiileti miikodes szervezese a: anya- es csecsem/ivedelem teren: Szaktandcskozmdny, Budapest: Pfeiffer, 1917. Conference about the role of child and mother care associations. Az Egyesiilt Noi Tabor Konyvei. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1940. About the books published by the Unified Women's Camp movement. Egyesult Noi Tabor. Noi Segitoszolgdlat. Budapest: Stadium, 1940. About services for women, edited by the United Women Encampment. Egyseges Parasztifjusag Orszagos Szovetsege. Az Epos: Leanykoszoru alakuldsa. Budapest: Pallas, 1948. About the formation of an organization for peasant women. El/ideink a 48-as asszonyok. Budapest: MNDSz, 1948. About the women of the 1848 revolution, paralleling with the socialist women. "Emlekezes a nagy idok egyik notanujarol: 1848-1849." Pesti Hirlap 1904 aprilis 14. About the widow of a soldier of the 1848 revolution. Eottevenyi, Nagy Oliver. A ruik jogdlldsarol. Kassa: Felsomagyarorszag, 1904. About the rights of women. Eotvos, Jozsef, baro. "Magyar gazdasszonyok." In Kisebb politikai cikkek. Budapest: Revai, 1903. About the Association of Hungarian Housewives. - - - . "Magyar gazdasszonyok egyesiilete." In Kisebb politikai cikkek. Budapest: Revai, 1903. About the Association of Hungarian Housewives. Erdelyi, Janos, Mit vdrhat a notcf! a hdz; haza, egyhdz? Emlekbeszed Bonis Pogdny Karolina th asszony felett. Sarospatak, 1856. About the roles and tasks of women in the mid-19 century. Erdos, Kamill. "Notes on Pregnancy and Birth Customs among the Gypsies of Hungary." Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society 27 (1958): 1-6. Eras, Blanka. Ldnyoknak ldnyokrol. Bucharest: Ceres, 1976. A book for adolescent girls. Eross, Laszlo. Furcsa pdrok: A homoszexudlisok titkai nyomdban. Budapest: Szolnoki, 1984. About homosexuality. Ersekujvari Izraelita Noegylet es Filler Egylet. Ersekujvdri Izraelita Noegylet es Filler Egylet kimutatdsa es vagyon-merlege 1903. evrol. Ersekiijvar: Winter, 1903. Annual report of a Jewish women's association in Ersekiijvar. Erszegi, Geza. "Szent Margit es Boldog Ilona." In R. Vdrkonyi Agnes emlekkonyv, edited by Peter Tusor, 36-43. Budapest: ELTE BTK, 1998. About two Hungarian female saints during the Middle Ages. Eszenyi, Miklos. "Adatok a homoszexualitas kozepkori tortenetehez." Val6sdg 1 (1999): 356. Data concerning homosexuality in the Middle Ages. Az esztergomi Stefania Szovetseg alapszabdlyai. Esztergom: Esztergomi Stefania Szovetseg, 1931. Statutes of the Esztergom mother and child-care organization.





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Az Evangelikus Ozvegy Papnek Kistdrcsai Otthondnak tortenete. Budapest: Evangelikus Ozvegy Papnek Kistarcsai Otthona, 1931. History of an association providing homes for widows of Evangelical priests. Evangelikus Papnek elso konferencidjanak emlekkonyve 1926. Budapest: Evangelikus Papnek Orszagos Szovetsege, 1926. Book edited on the occasion of the first conference of wives of evangelical priests. Evans, Robert J. W. "Linda White es Gal Polixenia: Egy baratsag: 1857-63." Aetas 4 (1995): 1-100. About a female friendship in the 19th century. Evva, Gabriella. Karacs Terez centendriumi emlekfuzet. Miskolc: T6th Pal Ref. Tanitokepzo Int. Karacs Terez Onkepzo Kore, 1948. Studies on Terez Karacs, a famous Hungarian educator of girls. . A magyar noneveles kit uttord]«: Karacs Ferencne es Karacs Terezia nonevelesi nezetei. Szeged: EIsa kecskemeti Hfrlapkiado es nyomda, 1933. About two female educators of girls in Hungary during the mid-19 th century. Fabian, Katalin. "Cacophony of Voices: Interpretations of Feminism and its Consequences for Political Action among Hungarian Women's Groups." The European Journal of Women's Studies 9, no. 3 (2002): 69-90. . Public Nuisances: Women's Groups and the Significance of Their Activities in PostCommunist Hungary. Ph.d dissertation, Syracuse Univ., 1999. . "Unexpressionism? Challenges to the Formation of Women's Groups in Hungary." Canadian Women's Studies/Les Cahiers de lafemme 16, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 80-4. es hivatdsa: Szemelvenyek a magyarorszdgi nokerdes tortenetebol, Fabri, Anna, ed. A 1777-1865. Budapest: Kortars Kiado, 1999. About women and their professions: selections from the history of the woman question in Hungary, 1777-1865. Farag6, Tamas, "Seasonality of Marriages in Hungary from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century." Journal of Family History 19, no. 4 (1994): 33-50. . "Social Mobility and Marriage in Mid-nineteenth Century Hungary." In Economic Development in the Habsburg Monarchy and in the Successor States: Essays. East European Monographs, no. 280, edited by John Komlos, 149-65. Boulder: East European Monographs, 1990. Includes bibliographical references. Farkas, Emod. Az 1848-49-iki szabadsagharc hosruii. Budapest: R6zsa Kalman, 1901. About women participating in the 1848 Revolution. Farkas, Katalin. "Feminista ismeretelmelet: Lehetseges-e eggyaltalan?" Vildgossdg 1 (1997): 4-9. About feminist epistemology. Fay, Andras. Noneveles es Ndnevelo-intezetek hazankban: Killonos tekintettel nemesek. fobb polgdrok es tisztes koruak lydnykaira. Pest: Trattner-Karolyi, 1841. About the education of the daughters of the gentry, bourgeoisie, and bureaucrats and the institutions of women's education. Federmayer, Eva. "Polgari lakaskulnira es ezredfordul6s noiesseg: Elmelkedesek a magyar Iakaskulnira- beszedmodrol." Replika 35 (1999): 5-15. About the connection between interior decorating and women's character. Feher, Gyorgy. Struggling for Ethnic Identity: The Gypsies ofHungary. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1993. Feher, Istvan. "Szerelmi abece" [The ABCs of love]. Ldnyok evkonyve. Budapest: Mora, 1968. A book for adolescent girls. Feher, Janosne. A ruimozgalom tortenete Abonyban: A szazadfordulotol lvio-ig, Abony: n.p., 1976. The history of the women's movement in Abony. Fekete, Jozsefne, ed. A nokerdes. Budapest: Csaky Albinne, 1895. About the woman question. Feher, Lenke, and Judit Forrai, eds. Prostitucio: Prostituciora kenyszerites, emberkereskedelem. Budapest: Nokepviseleti Titkarsag, 1999. About prostitution in Hungary.




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Fekete, Gyula. "Hadszinter." Napjaink 29, no. (1990): 7-9. About women's emancipation. - - - . "Mother's Day Greeting with Thorns." Hitel2, no. 9 (1989): 1-2. Debate over statements made by the Hungarian feminist Eniko Bollobas. Fekete, Gyula. Boldog hdzassagok titkai. Budapest: Kossuth, 1981. About the "secrets" of good marriages. Fel, Edit, and Tamas Hofer. "Egy pal6c hazassag elotti szokasrol." Ethnographia (1941): 5060. About a pre-marriage custom. - - - . Proper Peasants: Traditional Life in a Hungarian Village. Chicago: Aldine Publishing, 1969. Feministak Eggyesiilete. Yelemenyek a n6k vdlasztojogdrol: A Feministdk Eggyesiilete kiadvdnyai, Ill. fiizet. Budapest: Markus, 1906. A publication about women's suffrage by the Feminists' Association. - - - . Az 1916: junius havaban betiltott Feminista Kongresszuson el nem mondott beszedek. Budapest: A Feministak Egyesulete, 1916. Speeches that were intended to be presented at a feminist congress, which was banned. - - - . Az orszdggyiilesi vdlasztojognak a n6kre val6 kiterjesztese: Feministdk Eggyesiiletenek a kepviselohazhoz intezett kervenye. Budapest: Markus, 1905. Proposal by the Feminists' Association for granting suffrage to women. Feminist Network of Hungary. "Declaration of Intent." Feminist Review 39 (Winter 1991): 71-3. Ferfiliga a Nok Valasztojoga Erdekeben. Ferfiliga a N6k Vdlaszt6joga Erdekeben memoranduma a vdlasztojogrol sz616 tiirvenyjavaslat tdrgydban, Budapest: Lobl, 1912. Memorandum by the League of Men for Female Suffrage. Ferge, Zsuzsa. "The Relations between Paid and Unpaid Work of Women, a Source of Inequality: with Special Reference to Hungary." Labour and Society 1, no. 2 (April 1976): 752. - - - . The Search for Equality: Why and How. Budapest: Akademiai Nyomda, 1974. - - - . Tdrsadalmi ujratermeles es tdrsadalompolitika. Budapest: Kozgazdasagi es Jogi, 1982. About the relationship between reproduction and social policy. - - _ . Elszabadul6 egyenldtlensegek. Budapest: Hilscher Szocialpolitikai Egyesiilet, ELTE Szociol6giai Intezet, 2000. About gender inequalities. - - - . "A nok a munkaban es a csaladban." Tdrsadalmi Szemle 6 (1976): 19-50. About women in the family and employment. - - - . "A nok es a donteshozatal." Szociologia 5, no 2 (1976): 2-19. About women in decision-making. Fischer, Mik16s. Cseledek a vdlasziaon: A cseledproblema megolddsa. Timisoara: Szerzo, 1933. Annotated under Romania. Fodor, Andras, and Gyula Varga. Anya es gyermek a tdrsadalombiztositdsban. Budapest: Nepszava, 1982. About the rights of mothers and children in the social security system. Fodor, Eva. "Gender in Transition: Unemployment in Hungary, Poland and Slovakia." East European Politics and Societies 11, no. 3 (1997): 70-500. - - - . "The Political Woman? Women in Politics in Hungary." In Women in the Politics Postcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 171-99. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1994. - - - . Working Difference: Women's Working Lives in Hungary and Austria. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 2003. - - - , Christy Glass, Janette Kawachi, and Livia Popescu. "Family Policies and Gender in Hungary, Poland, and Romania." Communist and Post-Communist Studies 35, no. 4 (2002): 75-90. Foldes, Anna. A vilag asszonyainak harca a miivelodesert. Budapest: Kossuth, Asszonyok Muvelodesi Kore, 1960. The women's struggle in the world of education.




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Foldes, Eva and Emma Szab6, Kossuth Zsuzsanna: A magyar szabadsdg ismeretlen h/isnojenek elete es levelei. Budapest: Kozlekedesi ny., 1944. About Zsuzsanna Kossuth, a nurse in the 1848 revolution, and sister of the leader of the revolution, Lajos Kossuth. Foldes, Lajos. A kiizeposztdl» lednyanydinak sorsa es segitesenek m6dja. Budapest: n.p., 1910. About help for unwed middle class mothers. Foldmuvelesugyi Miniszterium Tajekoztatasi es Propaganda Osztalya. Ndk a termeloszovetkezetekben. Budapest: Sagvari Nyomda, 1960. About women in agricultural cooperatives. Fon6, Zsuzsa. A magyarorszdgi szocialista n/imozgalom tortenetehez; 1895-1918: A mozgalom es szocidlis osszetetel konfliktusai. Budapest: Szakszervezetek Elmeleti Kutat6 Intezete, 1975. About the socialist women's movement in Hungary, and conflicts in it generated by class differences. Forrai, Judit. "Kavehazak es kejnok." Budapesti Negyed vol2, no 3 (1996):10-20. Franciscy, Lajos. Az dltaldnos vdlasztoi jog. Budapest: Szent Istvan Tarsulat, 1898. About universal suffarge. Fukasz, Gyorgy. "Changes in the Leisure Patterns of Hungarian Workers (1969-1979)." Society and Leisure 5, no. 2 (1982): 7-20. Fur und wieder die sachsische Frauenrechtebewegung: Eine Artikelserie. Hermannstadt: Vereinigung Frauenfortschritt, 1913. Annotated under Romania. Gal, Susan. "Feminism and Civic Society." Replika: Hungarian Social Science Quarterly (1996): 5-81. - - - . "Gender in the Post-Socialist Transition: The Abortion Debate in Hungary." East European Politics and Society 8, no. 2 (Spring 1994): 56-86. - - - . "Gender Politics in Hungary: Autonomy and Anti-Feminism." In Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflectionsfrom Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 224-40. New York: Routledge Press, 1993. Garancsy, Gabriella. Das Recht der Sozialversicherung - Socialpolitik - soziale Sicherheit in Ungarn: Umfang des neuen Rechtszweiges. Cologne: Heymanns, 1981. New laws concerning social policy in Hungary. Garay, Maria, Zoltan Odon, and Geza Fekete. A csalddjogi torveny. Az 1974. evi 1. torveny es a csalddjoggal kapcsolatos egyeb jogszabdlyok. Budapest: Kozgazdasagi es Jogi Konyvkiado, 1975. Interpretation of the family law written in 1974. Gardos, Mariska. A no a tiirtenelem sodrdban. Budapest: Vilagossag, 1942. The writings of a Hungarian socialist feminist. Gathy, Vera and Zsuzsa Szemann. InA ndk helyzete es kildtdsai Magyarorszdgon; 139-51. Leltar 2. Disputa konyvek 4. Budapest: MTA Tarsadalmi Konfliktuskutato Kozpont, 1994. About the situation of women and women's chances in Hungary. Gedeon, Geza, "A martirasszony." Budapesti Hirlap, April 16, 1906. About Farkassanyi Mihalyne, a woman soldier in the 1848 revolution. Gelleri, M6r. A nok munkakore. Szeged, 1876. About the kinds of professions women can practice. - - - . ed. Jelentes az 1881. evi Magyar Orszdgos Noiparkiallitasrol. Budapest: Pesti Konyvnyomda, 1881. Report on the annual exhibition of women's activities. GelIert, Gyorgy and Odon Zoltan. A csalddjogi torveny, Budapest: Mezogazdasagi es Jogi kiado, 1972. About family law. Gernes, Balazs. "A magzatelhajtassal kapcsolatos hiedelmek a magyarsag koreben." In A szekszdrdi Beri Balogh Addm Mureum Evkonyve, IV-V. 1973-1974,233-58. Szekszard, 1975. About beliefs concerning abortion in Hungary. Glass, Christy, and Janette Kawachi. "Winners or Losers of Reform? Gender and Unemployment in Poland and Hungary." In Poverty, Ethnicity, and Gender in Transitional



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Societies, edited by Ivan Szelenyi, 109-40. Budapest: Akademiai Kiad6, 2002. Reprinted from Review of Sociology of the Hungarian Sociological Association (vol. 7, no. 2, 2001). Glatz, Ottmar. Csalddvedelemmel, nepvedelemmel kapcsolatos torvenyek es rendeletek jegyzese. Budapest: Gal, 1943. About laws concerning family care. Gluck, Mary. Georg Lukdcs and His Generation, 1900-1918. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1985. Inlcudes a discussion of the women of the Sunday Circle, including Anna Lesznai. Goldner, Marta Solymosne. Asszonyelet Ddvodon. A bajai Ttirr Istvan Miizeum kiadvanyai, 18. Baja: Bacs-Kiskun megyei nyomda, 1971. About the lives of women in a small town in Hungary. Gonczy, Bela, ed. Veres Pdlne sziil. Beniczky Hermin es Gr6fTeleki Sandorne sziil. Teleki Jozefin gr6fno emlekezete: Az Orszdgos Nokepzo Egyesiilet emlekiinnepelyei. Budapest: Orszagos Nokepzo Egyesulet, 1915-1916. About Palne Veres and Countess Sandorne Teleki, two female educators of women. Gorgenyi, Ilona. "Noi aldozatokrol az ENSZ, Eur6pa Tanacs dokumentumai es a szakirodalom tukreben,' Magyar Jog 12 (1991): 188-93. Descriptions of female victims of abuse from the documents and bibliographies of the UN and Council of Europe. Gorondy, Novak Sander. Az Orszdgos Stefdnia Szovetseg gyakorlati csalddjogi tevekenysege. Budapest: Stefania Szovetseg, 1937. About the activities of the National Stefania Alliance for mother and child-care. Goven, Joanna. "Gender and Modernism in a Stalinist State." Social Politics 9, no. 1 (2002): 28. . "Gender Politics in Hungary: Autonomy and Anti-Feminism." In Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 224-40. New York: Routledge, 1993. . "The Gendered Foundations of Hungarian Socialism: State, Society and the AntiPolitics of Anti-Feminism 1948-1990." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1993. . "New Parliament, Old Discourse? The Parental Leave Debate in Hungary." In Reproducing Gender: Politics, Publics and Everyday Life after Socialism, edited by Susan Gal and Gail Kligman, 286-306. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000. Grafikai Munkdsok, Munkasnok es Rokonszakmak Orszagos Onsegeiyez/i- es Szakegyesiilete alapszabalyai. Budapest, 1943. Statutes of the Association for Men and Women Working in Graphic Arts. Granaszt6i, Gyorgy. The Hungarian Bourgeois Family in the Late Middle Ages: Presumptions and Additions to the Nature ofa "Welfare" Society. Budapest: Akademiai, 1984. Gunda, Bela. "The Ethno-Sociologica1 Structure of the Hungarian Extended Family." Journal ofFamily History 7, no. 1 (Spring 1982): 10-51. About early modem noble families. . "A no helyzete a juhasz kozossegben." In Tanulmdnyok a Hortobdgy neprajzdhoz: Edited by Bela Gunda. 225-41. Debrecen: n.p., 1972-74. The status of women in sheperd communities. Guntner, Peter. "A soproni prostinicio tortenete (1862-1918)." Aetas 1 (1997): 19-64. About the history of prostitution in the Western Hungarian town of Sopron. Guth, Laszlo Bela, Nokerdes a mai magyar szocidlpolitikdban, kiilonos tekintettel a jovo szocidlis jogalkotdsainak feladataira. Budapest, 1944. About the woman question in Hungarian social policy and its future tasks. Gyani, Gabor. "A Chapter of the Social History of Hungarian Women: Female Domestic Servants on the Labour Market, Budapest (1890-1940)." Acta Historica 32, no. 3-4 (1986): 65-91. . Csaldd, hdztartds es vdrosi cseledseg, Budapest: Magveto, 1983. A social history of domestic servants in Hungary.






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. "Domestic Material Culture of the Upper-Middle Class in Turn-of-the-Century Budapest." In Women in History-Women s History: Central and Eastern European Perspectives, edited by Andrea Pet6 and Mark Pittaway, 55-71. CEU History Department, Working Papers Series, 1. Budapest: Central European Univ., 1994. . "A fovarosi noi munkaer6 foglalkoztatottsaganak szerkezetvaltozasa 1880-1941 kozott." Budapest Ftivdros Leveltdra Kozlemenyei. About the changes in female employment patterns in Budapest, 1880-1941. . "Introduction: The Family as Fiction: Scholarly Discourse in the Kadar Era." In Construction. Reconstruction: Women, Family & Politics in Central Europe, 1945-1998, edited by Andrea Pet6 and Bela Rasky, 93-102. Budapest: OSI, CEU Program on Gender and Culture, 1999. . "N6i munka es csalad Magyarorszagon (1900-1930)." Tortenelmi Szemle 3 (198788): 66-78. About the family and working women in Hungary. . Parlor and Kitchen: Housing and Domestic Culture in Budapest, 1870-1940. Budapest: Central European Univ. Press, 2002. . "Patterns of Women's Work in Hungary 1900-1930." European Review ofHistory 5, no. 1 (1998): 5-36. . Women as Domestic Servants: the Case ofBudapest, 1890-1940. Translated by Andras Vitanyi. New York: Institute on East Central Europe, Columbia University, 1989. Gyermekgondozds, gyermekellatds a csalddban a: 1984. evi mikrocenzus alapjdn. Budapest: KSH Nepessegstatisztikai Fooszt, 1986. About family child care, based on the microcensus of 1984. Gyongyosi Izraelita Jotekony N6egylet. A Gyongyosi Izraelita Jotekony Noegylet vdlasztmdnydnak jelentese a: 1909. evrol. Gyongyos: Hungaria, 1909. Report on the activity of the Gyongyos Jewish women's charity association. Gyorgy, Peter. "A mindennapok tukre, avagy a korstilus akarasa." In A miiveszet katondi: Sztalinizmus es kultura, edited by Peter Gyorgy and Hedvig Turai, 12-23. Budapest: Corvina, 1992. About the commercial image of women under socialism (advertisments, fashion, etc.) Gyori Evangelikus N6egylet. Az Evangelikus Noegylet szabdlyai. Gy6r: Evangelikus N6egylet, 1944. Statutes of the Evangelical women's association of Gy6r. Gy6ri Izraelita N6egylet. A Gyori Izraelita Noegylet alapszabdlyai. Gy6r: Gy6ri Hirlap Nyomda, 1938. Statutes of a local Jewish women's association. Gy6ri Izraelita N6egylet. A Gyori Izraelita Ndegylet evi jelentese a: 1906. evnil. Gy6r: Pann6nia, 1906. Annual report of the Gyor Jewish women's association. Gyulavari, Tamas, ed. Egyenlo eselyek es jogharmonizdcio. Budapest: MUM Egyenl6 Eselyek Titkarsaga, 1997. About "equal opportunity" for women and international legislation. Hadas, Mikl6s, ed. Ferfiuralom: irdsok nokrdl, ferfiakrol, feminizmusrol [Male Domination: Writings about Women, Men, Feminism]. Replika konyvek 2. Budapest: Replika Kor, 1994. Special issue of the journal Replika concerning gender roles, women, and feminism in Hungary. Hajnal, John. "European Marriage Patterns in Perspective." In Population in History: Essays in Historical Demography, edited by David Victor Glass and David Edward Charles Eversley, 101-43. London: E. Arnold, 1974. . "Two Kinds of Preindustrial Household Formation System." Population and Development Review 8, no. 3 (September 1982): 49-94. Refers also to household formation in Hungary, in a comparative perspective. Ha1l6ssy, Istvan. Eloterjesztes a kdvehdzi, vendegloi es szaliodai ruii alkalmazottak munkaviszonydnak rendezese tdrgydban. Budapest: Kereskedelmi es Iparkamara, 1917. Proposal for regulating the night work of women in public services. Hanak, Katalin, ed., Terhesseg - Sziiles - Szidetes. Vol. I-I!. Budapest: MTA Szociol6giai Kutatointezete, 1991. Sociological research concerning pregnancy and birthing in Hungary.




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, and Erzsebet Szilagyi. Kef eltiint miisor nyomdban. Ldnyok-asszonyok. Nokrol Noknek. Budapest, 1984. About two media programs concerning women's problems, which were cancelled. ,and Maria Nemenyi eds. Szociologia emberkiizelben. Losonczi Agnes koszontese. Budapest: Dj Mandatum, 1998. About sociological research concerning women in Hungary. Haney, Lynne Allison. "'But We Are Still Mothers': Gender, the State, and the Construction of Need in Postsocialist Hungary." In Uncertain Transition: Ethnographies of Change in the Postsocialist World, edited by Michael Burawoy and Katherine Verdery, 151-87. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999. . "From Proud Worker to Good Mother: Women, the State, and Regime Change in Hungary." Frontiers 14, no. 3 (Spring 1994): 13-51. . Inventing the Needy: Gender and the Politics of Welfare in Hungary. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 2002. . "Inventing the Needy: Policies, Practices, and the Gender of Welfare in Hungary, 1948-1996." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of California at Berkeley, 1998. Hanuy, Ferenc. A vegyes hdzassdgok jogtortenete kiilonos tekintettel Magyarorszagra. Pecs: Lye. Ny., 1904. About the laws pertaining to mixed marriages. Haraszthy, Agnes. "Equal Opportunites for Women? Women in Science in Hungary." In Women in Science: Token Women or Gender Equality?, edited by Veronica Stolte-Heiskanen and Ruza Furst-Dilic, 193-8. Oxford: Berg, 1991. Distributed in U.S.A. and Canada by St. Martin's Press. Harcsa, Istvan, Ydndorlds, mobilitds, keresetalakulds: a: 1983. evi tdrsadalmi mobilitds es jiivedelmi vizsgalat alapjdn. Budapest: Statisztikai Kiad6 Vallalat, 1983. Social mobility and wage according to statistics. Havas, Irma. Noi tanitokepzesiink problemaja. Budapest: n.p., 1911. Problems in educating female teachers. Hauser, Rezso Sander, ed. Szegedi Katholikus Novedo Egyesiilet Evkonyve a: 1916. Evrol. Szeged: Endrenyi, 1916. Annals of the Szeged Catholic Association for the Care of Women.

Helier, Agnes, 1929-. Philosopher born in Budapest in 1929. She is Hannah Arendt Professor of Philosophy in the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research, New York. She was a member of of the 'Budapest School.' HUN340 HUN341 HUN342 HUN343 HUN344 HUN345 HUN346 HUN347 HUN348 HUN349

Heller, Agnes. "A nemek kozti kapcsolat jovojerol." Kortdrs 14, no. 2 (1970): 1-8. About the future of gender relations. - - - . Beyond Justice. Oxford & New York: Blackwell, 1987. - - - . Can Modernity Survive? Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990. - - - . Everyday life. Translated from Hungarian by G.L. Campbell. London & Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984. The Hungarian title: Mindennapi elet. - - - . A philosophy of history in fragments. Oxford, UK & Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1993. - - - . A radical philosophy. Translated from German by lames Wickham. Oxford & New York: Blackwell, 1984. German title: Philosophie des Linken Radikalismus. - - - . A Theory ofModernity. Malden, MA & Oxford: Blackwell, 1999. - - - , and Ferenc Feher. Eastern Europe under the Shadow ofa New Rapallo. Vienna: Research Project Crises in Soviet-type Systems, 1984. - - - , and Ferenc Feher. Eastern Left, Western Left: Totalitarianism, Freedom and Democracy. Cambridge: Polity, 1987, c1986. - - - , and Ferenc Feher. From Yalta to Glasnost: Dismantling Stalin's Empire. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1991



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- - - , and Mihaly Vajda. "Csaladforma es kommunizmus." Kortdrs 14, no. 10 (1970): 65566. [Reprinted in: Beszeld 3, no. 1, 1998] About the family during the communist period. Burnheim, John, ed. The Social Philosophy ofAgnes Helier. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994. Novak, Erzsebet, and Agnes HelIer. "A nok vallaljak a rizikot." Kritika (September 1992): 23. Discussion between two Hungarian feminists. Polony, Csaba. "'The essence is good but all the appearace is evil': An Interview with Agnes Heller." Left Curve no. 22 (1997). Polony's introduction addresses Heller's "scornful [attitude] about the whole institutionalization of 'Women's Studies' in US universities." Tormey, Simon. Agnes Helier: Socialism, Autonomy and the Postmodern. Manchester, UK: Manchester Univ. Press, 2001. - - - . "Interviews with Agnes Heller (1998)." Online at http://homepage.ntlworld.comlsimon.tormey/articles/hellerinterview.html. There are five sections: 1. Early Development and the Origins of the Budapest School; 2. The Fate of Marxism; Recent Intellectual Development; 4. Contemporart Issues; 5. Notes for a Biographer. A version of these is also published under the title "Post-Marxism and The Ethics of Modernity." Radical Philosophy no. 94 (March/April 1999). Herczog, Maria. "Women and Work in Hungary." In Reconciliation of Family and Work in Eastern European Countries, edited by Michael Domsch and Desiree Ladwig, 101-12. Frankfurt am Main; New York: P. Lang, 2000. Hemadi, Mikl6s. Amit minden ferfinak tudnia keli a hazassagrol es a torvenyszerii (?) alulmaraddsrol. Budapest: Artemis, 1990. Popular sexist opinions about marriage and the fate of men in marriage. Hertelendy, Ferenczne, and Irene Gaal. Magyar ruik a tortenelemben: Elokep-sorozat. Temesvar: Csanad egyhazmegyei nyomda, 1909. Descriptions of tableaux vivants representing famous Hungarian women. Hetenyi, Janos. "A nonem emancipatioja a keresztenyseg altal." Athenaeum (Jan. 24-26, 1840). Arguments for women's emancipation in the spirit of Christianity. Hichley, Catherine. "New Epidemic of Violence: Political Changes Bring Wave of Trouble at Home." Budapest Sun, 2 June 1994. Hirschler, Imre. Nemcsak nokrdl: Nemcsak n/iknek. Magyar Nok Orszagos Tanacsa. Budapest: Kossuth, 1984. Book for women. - - - . A nok vedelmeben. Budapest: Magyar Voroskereszt, 1958. About the defence of women. Hochberg, Agi. "The Feminist Network: A History." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 107-12. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. Hodosy, Annamaria. "Homotextualitas." In Remix, edited by Annamaria H6dosy and Attila Kiss, 160-79. Szeged: Ictus es JATE Irodalomelmeleti Csoport, 1996. About homosexuality and literary criticism. - - - . "Mixat: Hair." In Remix, Szeged: Ictus es JATE Irodalornelmeleti Csoport, 1996, edited by Annamaria H6dosy and Attila Kiss, 141-59. About homosexuality and literary criticism. - - - . "Tukor-kep-mas-kepp." In Remix, Szeged: Ictus es JATE Irodalomelmeleti Csoport, 1996, edited by Annamaria H6dosy and Attila Kiss, 180-200. About homosexuality and literary criticism. Holmes, Blair R. "Hazassagkotes es vandorlas Nyugat-Magyarorszagon: Feltorony, 18281895." In Demogrdfia (Budapest) vol2, no. 3 (1978): 47-62. About marriage and migration in western-Hungary (Feltorony), 1828-1895. - - - . "Premarital Pregnancy in Western Hungary: Feltorony, 1827-1920." Hungarian Studies Review19, no. 1-2 (Spring-Fall 1992): 19-41. - - - , and Margie G. Holmes. "Remarriage in Western Hungary: Feltorony, 1826-1920."



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East European Quarterly 24, no. 3 (Fall 1990): 181-305. Hollosne, Grobois Nandin de. A tuii munkds. N.p.: n.p., 1911. About female workers. Hoppal, Mihaly and Erika Szepes, eds. Er6sz a folkl6rban: Erotikus jelkepek a nephagyomdnyban. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1987. About erotica in traditonal Hungarian folklore. Horn, Ildiko. "Csaky Anna Franciska es a pozsonyi klarisszak." Aetas no. 3 (1992): 7-8. About a Hungarian nun in the 17th century. Horuczi, Laszlo, ed. A csaladfejlodes nehdny jellemzoje Del-Magyarorszdgon. Szeged: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Szegedi Akademiai Bizottsaga, 1982. About family development in southern Hungary. Horvath, Agnes. "A nok else politikai mozgalma a XX. szazad elejen." Egri Tanarkepzo Fdiskola tudomdnyos kozlemenyei 19 no. 1 (1989): 47-61. About the first feminist movements in Hungary at the turn of the century. Horvath, Attila. Csalad - kozosseg - kultura. Tanulmdnyok a csaladi eletre nevelesrol. Budapest: Miizsak, 1986. Articles about education for family life. Horvath, Laszlo. "Adatok az egri prostinicio tortenetehez." Archivum (Eger) 14 (1996): 180. About prostitution in the Hungarian town of Eger. Horvath, Mihaly. "A cigany szulo nok demografiai adatai a siklosi jarasban, 1961-1971." Demogrdfia 14, no. 4 (1971): 66-71. Annotated under the Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. Horvath, R6bert. "Az ujrahazasodasok alakulasa Magyarorszagon 1890 es 1977 kozott." Demogrtifia (Budapest) 1 (1980): 2-71. About remarriages in Hungary, 1890-1977. - - - . "Le developpement des remariages en Hongrie de 1890 a 1977." In Marriage and Remarriage in Populations of the Past, edited by Jacques Dupaquier, Etienne Helin, Peter Laslett, Massimo Livi-Bacci, and Solvi Sogner, 325-34. London: Academic Press, 1981. About remarriages in Hungary, 1890-1977. Summary in English. Hrubos, Ildik6. "Women in the Labour Market in Hungary." Women's Studies International Forum 17, no. 2-3 (March-June 1994): 11-2. - - - . "A ferfiak es nok vegzettsege es szakkepzettsege." In Ferfiuralom: irdsok nokrol, ferfiakrol, feminizmusrol, Replika konyvek 2, edited by Miklos Hadas, 196-208. Budapest: Replika Kor, 1994. Compares the qualifications of men and women. Hugonnai, Vilma, and Wartha Vinczene, A Miivelt N6k Otthona Jotekony Egyesiilet tortenete 1895-t/i11900-ig. Budapest: Revai, 1907. About the history of a charity organization that provides homes for educated women. Written by the first female doctor in Hungary, Vilma Hugonnai. Hungarian News Service. Women's Position in Socialist Hungary. Budapest: National Council of Hungarian Women, 1985. Huseby-Darvas, Eva V. "Elderly Women in a Hungarian Village: Childlessness, Generativity, and Social Control." Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 2, no. 1 (1987): 542. - - - . '''Feminism, the Murderer of Mothers': The Rise and Fall of Neo-nationalist Reconstruction of Gender in Hungary." In Women Out of Place: The Gender ofAgency and the Race ofNationality, edited by Brackette F. Williams, 161-85. New York & London: Routledge, 1997. - - - . "Migration and Gender: Perspectives from Rural Hungary." East European Quarterly 23, no. 4 (1990): 187-98. - - - . "Voices of Plight, Voices of Paradox: Narratives of Women Refugees from the Balkans and the Hungarian Host Population." Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 5-22. Ifiumunkas, Nomunkas, Szocializmus. Timisoara: Szocialdemokrata Partszervezet, 1930. Annotated under Romania.


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Az ifJusdg es a nok szerepe a szocializmus epiteseben. Budapest: Nepszava, 1952. About the role of women and youth in socialism. Igazsagugyi Miniszterium. A hazassagrol, a csalddrol es a gydmsdgrol sz6l6 torveny: Az 1952: IV. torveny es a csalddjogra, valamint a: anya- es gyermekvedelemre vonatkoz6 egyeb jogszabdlyok. Budapest: Jogi Kiad6, 1953. Laws concerning marriage, family, and the custody of children. Illesy, Gyorgy. A ruik munkakepessege es munkajoga, kiilonosen szellemi teren. Pest: Rosenberg, 1871. About the rights and abilities of women in intellectual professions. Illyefalvi, Lajos. A kenyerkereso no Budapesten. Budapest: Szekesfovaros Statisztikai Hivatala, 1930. About working women in Budapest. Ingram, Judith. "Gypsy Women: Scapegoats in a New Democracy." Ms. 2, no. 2(SeptemberGet. 1991): 7-20. Annotated under the Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. International Woman Suffrage Congress, 7. Budapest, June 15-20,1913. Program. Budapest, 1913. Into sz6 a nokhozl Budapest: Magyar Tavirati Iroda Hazinyomdaja, 1926. Moral advice to women. Az iparos-asszony es az ura. N.p.: n.p., 1911. About a crafts-woman and her husband. Ipolyi, Arnold. Bedegi Nydri Krisztina 1604-1641. Budapest: Mehner, 1887. Biography of an aristocratic Hungarian woman. Iskolanoverek Kalocsai Intezeteben Fonnallo Leanyifjiisagi Maria-kongregacio. A ndkongreganista kezikonyve. Kalocsa, 1932. Guide book for members of women's congregations. Istvan, Sebestyen. "Az 1994-es magyar parlamenti valasztasok kepviselojeloltjeinek tarsadalmi jellemzoi." In Magyarorszdg politikai evkonyve 1995, edited by Sander Kurtan et al., 419-34. Budapest: Dernokracia Kutat6 Magyar Kozpont, 1994. About the sociological characteristics of the candidates in the parlamentary elections of 1994. Jahresbericht des Ersten Diakonissen-hauses in Ungarn Bethesda. Budapest: Hornyanszky, n.d. Annual report of a women's organization. Jakabffy, Elerner. A valasztojogi bizottsdg tagjai a nok vdlasztojogarol. Lugos: Szidon, 1918. Annotated under Romania. Jak6, Zsigmond, ed. A kolozsmonostori konvent jegyzdkonyvei: 289-1556. Budapest: Akademiai Kiad6, 1990. Annotated under Romania. Janossy, Gabor. Afeminizmus Magyarorszdgon. Szombathely: Szerzo, 1991. About feminism in Hungary, past and present. Jaro, D6ra. MNDSz szocialpolitikai es egeszsegiigyi feladatai. Budapest: Szikra, 1947. About the social welfare and health programs of the Democratic Alliance for Hungarian Women. Javor, Kata. "A nemi sztereotipiak tovabbelese es a szocializacios modell alakulasa a nemi szerepre nevelesben: A varsanyi pelda." In Nepi kultura-nepi tdrsadalom: Az MTA Neprajzi Kutatointezetenek Evkonyve XIX, 155-172. Budapest: Akademiai, 1998. About gender stereotypes in the education of gender roles. - - - . "The Socialization of Boys versus the Socialization of Girls: Dissimilar Gender Roles in Two Hungarian Villages." East European Quarterly 23, no. 4(1990): 8-18. Jirka, Ferenc, Jeno Tassy, and Pal Varga. A gyermekes anydk elldtdsa. Budapest: Tancsics, 1976. About supporting mothers with small children. Jobb, Sander, Imre Beluch, and Julia Kiss, eds. A gyermekgondozdsi segely[obb adatai. KSH 1967-1974. Budapest: Statisztikai Kiad6, 1975. Statistical analysis about the child care allowance. Johnson, Eliza. "The 'Revolutionary Girl with the Titus-Head': Women's Participation in the 1919 Revolutions in Budapest and Munich in the Eyes of their Contemporaries." Nationalities Papers 28, no. 3 (September 2000): 41-50.







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Juhasz, Borbala. "Women in the Hungarian Revolution of 1956: The Women's Demonstration of December 4th." In Construction Reconstruction: Women, Family & Politics in Central Europe, 1945-1998, edited by Andrea Peto and Bela Rasky, 19-30. Budapest: OSI, CEU Program on Gender and Culture, 1999. Jung, Nora. "Feminist Discourse on Central and Eastern Europe: Hungarian Women's Groups in the Early 1990s as a Case Study." In Emigre Feminism: Transnational Perspectives, edited by Alena Heitlinger, 95-114. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1999. Kacziany, Geza, ed. Orszdgos Nokepzo Egyesiilet: Emleklap a: Orszagos Nokepzo Egyesiilet negyedszazados oromunneper/il. Budapest: 1893. About the 25 th anniversary of the National Association for Educating Women. Kadar, Marlene, and Agatha Schwartz. Hungarian Studies Review 26, nos. 1-2 (Spring-Fall, 1999). Special Volume: Women and Hungary: Reclaiming Images and Histories. Contents: Agatha Shwartz and Marlene Kadar, "Women and Hungary: An Introduction," pp. 1-6; Chris Corrin, "Gender Politics and Women's Political Participation in Hungary," pp. 9-38; Eva Thun, "Women in Hungary in Times of Social and Cultural Transition," pp. 39-58; Judit Acsady, "Remarks on the History of Hungarian Feminism," pp. 59-64; Kenneth McRobbie, "Ilona Duczynska (1897-1978) From 'Early Morning': Memories of a Hungarian Childhood," pp. 65-78; Agatha Schwartz, "The Image of the ' New Woman' in Hungarian Women's Literature at the Turn of the Century," pp. 81-92; Marlene Kadar, "Ilona Duczynska Polanyi: The Midwife-Translator," pp. 93-103; Eva Kiss-Novak, "The Changing Role of Women in Contemporary Hungarian Literature," pp. 105-19; Katherine Gyekenyesi Gatto, "Her Twentieth Century: The Postmodern Cinema of Ildik6 Enyedi," pp. 123-31; Phileen Tattersall, "Medals, Miniatures and More: The Art of Dora de Pedery-Hunt," pp. 133-45. Kadar, Mihaly. Az anya- es csecsemovedelem jelenuisege a nemzeti eletben. Budapest: Orszagos Stefania Szovetseg, 1935. About the national importance of mother and child care. Kalocsa, R6za. Az illem konyve: A miivelt izles es a tapintatos modor a: elet kiiLOnbozo viszonyaiban: A csalddi es tdrsadalmi eletben kovetendo illemszabdlyok kezikonyve: Hazai es kiilfiddi miivek felhaszruildsdval. Budapest: Revai, 1884. A book of proper conduct for "educated taste and delicate behavior in the different relations of life." Kamaras, Ferenc, and Zsuzsanna Oroszi. A hazassdg elso ti: esztendeje 1974-1984. Budapest: KSH, 1986. About the first ten years of marriage. Statistical analysis for the period 19741984. . "Eur6pai termekenysegi es csaladvizsgalat Magyarorszagon." Demogrdfia 4 (1995): 309-39. About fertility and family research in Hungary. . "Szuletesi mozgalom es termekenyseg." Statisztikai Szemle 74 (1996): 62-79. About birth and fertility. Kamaras, Ferenc, Zsuzsanna Oroszi, and Lajos Barany. Longitudinal Marriage Surveys in Hungary, 1966-1980. Budapest: Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 1984. Kapros, Marta. "Hiedelmek es szokasok a graviditas kezdetetol az anya avatasanak szertartasaig az Ipoly menti falvakban." Nogrdd megyei Muzeumok Evkonyve 3. Edited by Alajos Domonkos. Salgotarjan: n.p. (1977): 47-81. About beliefs and traditions concerning motherhood in villages in Northern Hungary. . "Megesett lanyok az Ipoly menti falvak tarsadalrnaban." Nograd megyei Muzeumok Evkonyve, 10. Balassagyarrnat, (1984): 19-41. About unwed mothers in peasant societies in Northern Hungary. . "A szuletes szokasai es hiedelmei az Ipoly rnenten." Studia Folkloristica et Ethnographica. Debrecen, 1986. About birth beliefs and traditions in villages in Northern Hungary. Karady, Viktor. "A tarsadalmi egyenlotlensegek Magyarorszagon a nok felsobb iskolaztatasanak korai fazisaban." In Ferfiuralom: irasok nokrol, ferfiakrol, feminizmusrol,



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edited by Mikl6s Hadas, 176-92. Budapest: Replika Kor, 1994. About social inequalities in Hungary during the early phase of women's higher education. Karolyi, Laszlone. Az anya- es csecsem/ivedelemrdl. Budapest: Pfeiffer, 1916. About mother and child care. Kassay, Adolf. Oniigyved a noket illeto jogiigyekben s mds korulmenyekben. Pest: 1867. About laws concerning women. Kaszli, Dezso. A noi munka alakuldsa Magyarorszdgon. Budapest: Egyetemi, 1937. About changes in the patterns of women's employment. Kaszonyi, Daniel. "Visszaemlekezesek a szabadsagharcra: Egy no honved." Pesti Hirlap 2 (1880). About a woman soldier of the 1848 revolution. Katalin, Peter. "Women Heading Households in 16th and 17th Century Hungarian Rural Society." In La donna nell' economia secc. XIII-XVlII: atti della "ventunesima Settimana di studi", 10-15 aprile 1989, edited by Simonetta Cavaciocchi, 293-300. Florence: Le Monnier, 1990. Katholikus Dolgozo Nok vagy Leanyok Egyesulete. Katholikus Dolgozo Lednyok Orszdgos Szovetsegenek alapszabdlyai. Szentes: Szent Imre nyomda, 1938. Statutes of the national Catholic working women's organization. Katholikus Dolgozo Leanyok Orszagos Szovetsege. Szivarvany, Szentes: Szent Imre nyomda, 1941. Cultural program of the National Alliance of Catholic working Women. Katholikus Dolgozo Nok vagy Leanyok Egyesiilete. A Katholikus Dolgoz6 Nok vagy Lednyok Egyesiiletenek iigyrendje. Szentes: Szent Imre nyomda, 1941. Regulations of the national Catholic working women's association. Katholikus Haziasszonyok Orszagos Szovetsege, Katholikus Hdziasszonyok Orszdgos Szovetsegenek mukodesi jelentese az 1933. evrdl, Budapest, 1933. Annual report on the activities of the National Alliance of Catholic Housewives. Katholikus Haziasszonyok Orszagos Szovetsege. Katholikus Hdziasszonyok Orszdgos Sziivetsegenek alapszabalyai. N.l.: n.p., 1911. Statutes of the National Alliance of Catholic Housewives. Katholikus Haziasszonyok Orszagos Szovetsege. Magyar Hdziasszonyok tandcsadoja. Budapest: Noegyletek Magyar Munkat Vedo Szovetsege, 1931. Advice for Catholic housewives. Katho1ikus Lanykorok Szovetsege. Kaldsz-vetesforgo. Katholikus Ldnykorok vezetdi szdmdra osszeallitou jellemkepzd eldadasvdzlatok. Budapest: Katholikus Lanykorok Szovetsege, 1941. Lectures for Catholic Girls' Circles. Katholikus Leanykorok Szovetsege. A Katholikus Lednykorok Szovetsegenek alapszabalyai. Rakospalota: Orszagos Katolikus Novedo Egyesiilet, 1931. Statutes of the organization of Catholic women's circles. Katolikus Leanykorok Szovetsege. Melyszantds: Jellemkepz/i el/iadasokfalusi ldnyok szdmdra. Budapest: Katholikus Leanykorok Szovetsege, 1946. Lecture-material for girls in the countryside. Katholikus Munkasno-Egyesuletek Orszagos Szovetsege. Vezerkonyv a katholikus munkdsnd egyesiiletek vezetoi szamdra. Budapest: Apostol, 1920. Program for the leaders of the Association of Catholic women workers. Katolikus Noszovetscg. Vezerkonyv a katolikus falusi lednykoriik vezetdi szdmdra. Budapest: Kalasz, 1937. Guidelines for the leaders of Catholic women's circles. Katona, Lajosne and Iren Thuranszky. Az 1817. evben alapitott Budai Jotekony Noegylet legut6bbi hat eletevenek tortenete. Budapest: Patria, 1940. About the history of the Women's Association for Charity in Buda, 1935-40. Katonane, Soltesz Mafia. A csalddjog aktudlis kerdesei a csalddjogi torvenyt m6dosit6 1986. evi IV.: Torveny tiikreben. Budapest: ELTE Jogi Tovabbkepzo Int., 1987. Interpretation of the new family law of 1986.



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Keller, Lajos. Jelentes a: Orszdgos Stefdnia Szovetseg 1939. evi miikodeserol. Kalocsa, 1940. Annual report about the activity of the National Stefania Alliance for mother and child care. - - - . ed. Magyar anydk konyve. Kalocsa: Orszagos Stefania Szovetseg, 1940. Book for mothers. Kende, Anna. "Csalad es/vagy karrier: Fiatal noi eletutak szocialis konstrukci6s megkozelitesben." Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle no. 55 (2000): 7-111. About the socially constructed problem of choice between career and family among young women. - - - . "Rodna analiza nacionalnog skolskog programa nakon tranzicije u Madarskoj" [A Gender Analysis of the National School Curriculum after the Transition in Hungary]. In Seminar "Zene i politika": dokumentacua, Dubrovnik, 10.-12. srpnja 1997 = Seminar "Women and Politics": Documentation, Dubrovnik, July 10-12 1997, edited by Durda Knezevic, 54-66. Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, 1998. - - - , and Maria Nernenyi. "Two Generations' Perceptions of Femininity in Post-Socialist Hungary." In Construction, Reconstruction: Women, Family & Politics in Central Europe, 1945-1998, edited by Andrea Peto and Bela Rasky, 147-85. Budapest: OSI, CEU Program on Gender and Culture, 1999. Kende, Janos, ed. Gdrdos Mariska. Budapest: Kossuth, 1985. About the Hungarian socialist feminist, Mariska Gardos. Kenez, Eniko, Rural Households, Rural Families: Social and Economic Changes in Rural Area[si, Peasant Families, and in the Work and Living Conditions of Women. BulletinResearch Institute for Agricultural Economics. Budapest: Research Institute for Agricultural Economics, 1971. Kenyeresne, Bolgar Agnes, ed. Level a demokrdciarol. A MNDSzfiizetei. Budapest, 1946. Propaganda material by the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women. Kereskedelemtigyi Miniszterium az ipartizemekben alkalmazott nok ejjeli munkajanak eltiltasarol sz616 1911. evi 19. torvenycikk vegrehajtasi rendelete. Budapest: Kiad. a Magyar Kiralyi Belugyrniniszterium, 1911. About the laws regulating women working at night. Kereszty, Orsolya. "A tarsadalmi nemek reprezentaciojanak vizsgalata tankonyvekben" [The Representation of Gender in School Textbooks]. Elektronikus konyv es neveles 7, no. 3, (2005). At http://www.tanszertar.hu/eken/2005_03/kereszty.htm. The study summarizes the results of Hungarian an international research concerning the problem of gender representation in school textbooks. It also analyses the portrayal of gender roles and family life in the Hungarian grammar textbooks used in primary schools. The final conclusion of the author is that school textbooks usually present gender roles in a traditioanl way. Keri Katalin. "N6i idotoltesek szaz evvel ezelott." Val6sdg 3 (1997): 6-43. About the leisure occupations of women in the 19th century. Kertesz, Magda. A sziifrazsettek. Budapest: Kossuth, 1979. About the suffragettes. - - - . A no - hdrom szereposztasban. Budapest: Kossuth, 1972. A sociological journalistic account of women. - - - , and J6zsef Sziir-Szab6. A ruik elobb jottek le a farol? Humoreszkek. Budapest: Kossuth, 1971. Humor concerning women. Keserii, Jozsefne. A MEVD Szakszervezete teriileten foglalkoztatott dolgoz6 noket erinto jogszabalyok, allasfoglalasok, ajdnldsok. Budapest: VIZDOK, 1976. About the relationship between trade unions and women.

Kethly, Anna, 1889-1976. Hungarian social democrat. See http://www.magyarszemle.hu/archivum/13_11-12/06zichy.htm. HUN457 HUN458

Kadar, Zsuzsa. Kethly Anna es a szocidldemokrata emigrdcio. Multbol a jovobe. Budapest: ELTE BTK, 1997. About Anna Kethly and the social democratic emigration. . "Kethly Annarol." Historia (1993): 10. About Anna Kethly.



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Kiss, Attila, Sander Kovacs, and Ferenc Odorics, eds. Testes konyv II. Szeged: Ictus es lATE Irodalomelmeleti Csoport, 1997. About homosexuality and literature in Hungary. Kiss, ludit. "The Second 'No': Women in Hungary." Feminist Review 39 (Winter 1991): 1957. . "System Changes, Export-oriented Growth and Women in Hungary." Europe-Asia Studies 55, no. 1 (2003): 3-37. Kiss, Lajos. A szegenyasszony elete. Budapest: Athenaeum, n.d. Sociological survey of poor agricultural working women. Kiss, Laszlo. "A szembetegsegekrol val6 intezmenyes gondoskodas kezdetei Magyarorszagon. 175 eve nyflt meg a pesti noegyleti szernkorhaz." Historia Medicina 1 (1993): 19-83. About the first hospital for eye problems that was established by the women's association in Pest in 1818. Klaniczay, Gabor, "Boszorkanyhit, bosztorkanyvad, boszorkanyuldozes a XVI-XVIII. szazadban." Ethnografia 97. no. 2-4 (1986): 57-95. About the witchcraft-trials and persecution from the 16th to the 18th centuries. . Holy Rulers and Blessed Princesses: Dynastic Cults in Medieval Central Europe. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002. , Ildik6 Krist6f, and Eva P6cs, eds. Magyarorszdgi boszorkdnyperek. Kisebb forrdskiadvdnyok gyiijtemenye. Budapest: 1989. About witchcraft trials in Hungary. Includes sources. , and Balazs Nagy. Nok a tortenelemben: A kozepkor szeretete: Tortenelmi tanulmdnyok Sz: Jonds Ilona tiszteletere. Budapest: ELTE BTK Kozep-es Kora Ujkori Egyetemes Torteneti Tanszek, 1999. 301-49. Studies about women in Hungarian medieval history. Klinger, Andras. "Nepesedesi folyamatok Magyarorszagon az 1980-as evekben." Statisztikai Szemle, 4-5 (1992): 25-48. Population trends in Hungary during the 1980s. . "Magyarorszag nepessegfejlodese." Statisztikai Szemle 8-9 (1996): 29-61. About population changes in Hungary. Kollontai, Aleksandra. A dolgoz6 anya. Translated by Tibor Szamuely. Budapest: Kommunistak Magyarorszagi Partja, 1919. Kollontai on working mothers published by the Hungarian Communist Party. Komdrom es Esztergom kozigazgatdsilag egyenlore egyesitett vdrmegyek szabalyrendelete az anya- es csecsemovedelem tdrgydban. Esztergom: Laiszky l., 1925. Local regulations concerning mother and child care. Koml6s, Palne, ed., A niJk a statisztika tiikreben. Budapest: Hungarian Women's National Council, Kossuth konyvkiado, 1974. Statistics pertaining to women. Koml6si, Sander, and Sandorne Koml6si. Egyes csalddok szociol6giai alaptenyezoinek felderitese es pedag6giai hatdsuk elemzese. Budapest: Akad, 1964. About the function of the family. Komtives, Jozsefne, ed. Nok tavaszi koszontoje. Budapest: 1941. "Spring greetings" to women. Koncse, Eugen. Die ungarische Sozialpolitik im Schutz der Familie. Budapest: Pester Lloyd, 1940. About Hungarian policies toward the family. Koncz, Katalin. "The Domestic and Sexual Violence Project." Women's International Network News 20, no. 4 (Autumn 1994): 7-8. . "Hungarian Women's Political Participation in the Transition to Democracy." In Women and Politics Worldwide, edited by Barbara J. Nelson and Najma Chowdhury, 347-60. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1994. . "Hungary: The Position of Women in Decision-Making." Women's International Network News 18, no. 2 (Spring 1992): 70.




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- - - . "A noi foglalkoztatas ara: a palyak elnoiesedese." Tdrsadalmi Szemle 49, no. 8/9 (1994): 22-32. About the connection between women's employment and the feminization of certain professions. - - - . "Nok a felso vezetesben: Politikusok onmagukrol es a nokrol." Tdrsadalmi Szemle 2 (1996): 53-63. About women in politics. - - - . Ntik a munkaeriJpiacon. Budapest: Kozgazd. es Jogi Konyvkiado, 1987. About the different job possibilities for women. - - - . NiJk a munka vildgdban. Budapest: Kossuth, 1982. About working women. - - - . "Nok a politika szinpadan." Tdrsadalom es gazdasag 4 (1990): 19-94. About women in politics. - - - . "N6k a rendszervaltasban." Tdrsadalmi Szemle 12 (1993): 4-37. About the effects of the change in the political system on the lives of women. - - - . "N6k a rendszervaltas folyamataban'' In Ferfiuralom. Irdsok nokrol, ferfiakrol, feminizmusrol. Edited by Hadas Mikl6s, 209-22. Budapest: Replika Kor, 1994. About women in politics, society, and culture after the end of communism. - - - . ed. Nok esferfiak, Hiedelmek es tenyek. Budapest: Kossuth, 1985. About the position of men and women in society, with statistics. - - - . "The Position of Hungarian Women in the Process of Regime Change." In Family, Women and Employment in Central-Eastern Europe, Contributions in Sociology 112, edited by Barbara Lobodzinska, 139-48. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. - - - . "Women's Studies Center at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences." Women's International Network News 22, no. 2 (Spring 1996): 18. - - - . "Women's Studies in Hungary." Women's Studies Quarterly 24, no. 1-2 (1996): 2337. Kornis, Gyula. "A regi magyar nomozgalom es a leanyneveles." Budapesti Szemle 205, no 593. (1927): 7-95. About the 19th century women's movement and the education of women. Korosi, Suzanne. "The Nonexistence of 'Women's Emancipation'." In Sisterhood is Global: The International Women's Movement Anthology, edited by Robin Morgan, 289-93. Garden City, NY: Anchor/Doubleday, 1984. Author appears as Korosi Susan in other publications. Kosztolanyi, Gusztav. "The Invisible Majority: Cosmopolitan and the Cruel Reality for Hungary's Women." Central Europe Review 1, no. 14,27 September, 1999. Primarily about the Hungarian edition of Cosmopolitan magazine, but in fact broader. Available at http://www.cereview.org/99/14/csardasI4.html. Kovacevicova, S. "Postavenie a pravo zien v Uhorsku." In Zen a z pohl' adu etnol6gie, edited by Hana Hloskova and Milan Lescak, 14-9. Bratislava: Katedra etnol6gie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzita Komenskeho: Slovenska narodopisna spolocnost' pri SAV, Prebudena pieseiizdruzenie, 1998. Women's rights in Hungary. Kovacs, Andras. NiJwidelem-anyavedelem-csaladtervezes. Budapest: Medicina, 1973. About the protection of women and mothers and family planning. Kovacs, Judit. Utazds a niJi egyenjogusdg koriil. Budapest: Kossuth, 1966. Sociographic journal essays about the equality of women. - - - , and Istvan Gyenes. Nok konyve. Budapest: Gondolat, 1959. Conduct book for women. Kovacs, Katalin, and M6nika Varad. "Women's Life Trajectories and Class Formation in Hungary." Reproducing Gender. Politics, Publics and Everyday Life after Socialism, edited by Gal Susan and Gail Kligman, 176-99. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000. Kovacs, Lajos. A n/iorvosnal. Budapest: Medicina, 1974. About gynecologists. Kovacs, Maria. "Hungarian Women Entering the Professions: Feminist Presures from Left to Right." In Bildungswesen und Socialstruktur in Mitteleuropa im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert, edited by Victor Karady, and W. Mitter, 247-58. Vienna: Bohlau, 1990. - - - . "The Politics of Emancipation in Hungary." In Women in History-Women's



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History: Central and Eastern European Perspectives, edited by Andrea Peto and Mark Pittaway, 81-7. Budapest: Central European Univ. Press, 1994. - - - . "A feminizmus korszakforduI6ja." Cafe Bdbel A (1994): 79-84. About the history of feminism. Kovacs, Mihaly. A nok nemzetkozi szolidaritdsai napja 1976. marc. 8. Miskolc: Megyei Partbizottsag Nyorndaja, 1976. About international women's day. Kovacsne, Balogh Margit, and Karoly Zalai. "Gyogyszeresznok Magyarorszagon." Gyogyszereszet 9 (1998): 68-74. About being a female pharmacist. Kovacsne, Orolin Zsuzsa. Afalusi n6k helyzete. Budapest: Kossuth, 1970. About the situation of women in the countryside. Kovalcsik, Katalin. "Men's and Women's Storytelling in a Hungarian Vlach Community." Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society 5, no. 3 (1993). Kovago, Laszlo, A n6k szerepe az 1848-as szabadsdgharcban. Budapest: Hazafias Nepfront, 1956. About the participation of women in the 1848 revolution. Kovats, Gyula. A hazassagkotes Magyarorszdgon egyhdzi es polgari jog szerint. Budapest: 1882. About civil and religious marriages in Hungary during the late 19th century. Kozponti Statisztikai Hivatal. Csaladalapitok: A hazassdgkotes koriilmenyei 1983-ban. Osszehasonlitva az 1966. es 1974. evi helyzettel. Budapest: Kozponti Statisztikai Hivatal, 1983. Chronological comparison of the situation of young married couples in 1966, 1974 and 1983. - - - . A gyermekgondozdsi segeiy els6 hdrom eve. Budapest: KSH, 1971. About the child care allowance in the first 3 years of life. - - - . A gyermekgondozdsi segely igenybevetele es hatasai, 1967-1980. Budapest: KSH, 1981. About the uses and effects of the child care allowance. - - - . N6k a mai magyar tdrsadalomban. Budapest: KSH, 1989. Publication of the Central Statistical Office about the situation of women in contemporary Hungarian society. - - - . A n6k helyzete a munkahelyen es otthon. Budapest: Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 1962. About women and employment. - - - . A nok helyzete regen es most: Foglalkoztatottsdgi, berezesi, miiveltsegi es szocialis viszonyok: Budapest: KSH, 1960. About the economic, financial, and social situation of women in the past and present. - - - . N6k Magyarorszdgon. Budapest: KSH, 1980. Publication by the Central Statistical Office about women in Hungary. - - - . Tanulmdnyok a n6k helyzeterol: A n6k helyzete a munkahelyen es otthon. Budapest: KSH, 1962. Women's situation at work and at home. Kulcsar, Kalman. A mai magyar tdrsadalom. Budapest: Kossuth, 1982. About contemporary Hungarian society; including statistics. Kulcsar, Rozsa, ed. Foglalkozdsok presztizse. Budapest: KSH, 1990. About the prestige of different jobs and the segregation of genders. - - - . "Marriage and Social Mobility." New Hungarian Quarterly 72 (Winter 1978): 41-6. - - - . "The Socio-Economic Conditions of Women in Hungary." In Women, State, and Party i Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 195-213. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. - - - , with Agnes Vajda. Adatgyiljtemeny a kereso n6kr6l. Budapest: Kozponti Statisztikai Hivatal. Tarsadalomstatisztikai Foosztaly, 1977. About women's employment statistics, with tables. Kiillos, Imola, ed., Hagyomdnyos n6i szerepek: N6k a popularis kulturdban. Budapest: Magyar Neprajzi Tarsasag, Szocialis es Csaladugyi Miniszterium, 1999. About the image of women in the popular culture and the traditional female roles. Kun, Anna and Eva Boz6ky. Mi legyen a ldnyom? Budapest: Szolgaltato es Ipari Szov., 1972. A book for mothers: how to choose a profession for your daughter?







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Kurti, Laszlo. "Eroticism, Sexuality and Gender Reversal in Hungarian Culture." In Gender Reversals and Gender Cultures: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives, edited by Sabrina Petra Ramet, 148-63. London: Routledge, 1996. About the special moments and loci in Hungarian culture that permit liberating transgressions of gender norms. . "'Red Csepel'-Working Youth in a Socialist Firm." East European Quarterly 23, no. 4 (1990): 45-68. Case study of gender relations and inequalities in a major Hungarian factory and the differences in political particiapation in trade unions, Communist Party activities and the Communist Youth League. . "The Wingless Eros of Socialism: Nationalism and Sexuality in Hungary." In The Curtain Rises: Rethinking Culture, Ideology, and the State in Eastern Europe, edited by Hermine G. DeSoto and David G. Anderson, 166-288. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1993. Kuzmany, Karoly. Az egyha; dlldsa a hdzassdgot illeui tiirvenyhozds es torvenyes vizsgalaihoz. N.p., n.p, 1859. About laws concerning mixed marriages from the point of view of the church. Laczk6, Zuzsa, and Anik6 Soltesz, A n6k munkaer6piaci helyzete Magyarorszdgon- a vdllalkozds mint alternativa. Budapest: SEED, 1996. Lad6, Maria, with Ferenc T6th. "Zwei verschiedene WeIten: Die neuen Technologien und Frauenarbeit." In Arbeitsbeziehungen im technischen Wandel, edited by Georg Aichholzer and Gerd Schienstock, 201-14. Berlin: Edition Sigma, 1989. About the new technologies and women's work. Lafferton, Emese. "The Meaning of Female Hysteria in Fin-de-Siecle Hungary." In The Garden and the Workshop: Disseminating Cultural History in East-Central Europe: In Memoriam Peter Handk, edited by Marius Turda, 215-35. Budapest: Central European Univ., Europa Institut, 1998. Laky, Terez, A munkaer6piac keresletet es kindlatat alakit6 folyamatok. Budapest: Labor Research Institute, 1996. About the trends in labor demand and supply. Lampland, Martha. "Biographies of Liberation: Testimonials to Labor in Socialist Hungary." In Promissory Notes: Women in the Transition to Socialism, edited by Sonia Kruks, Rayna Rapp, and Marilyn B. Young, 306-22. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1989. About the connection between government-issued women laborers' biographies and the state's conception of women's roles in society. . "Family Portraits: Gendered Images of the Nation in Nineteenth-century Hungary." East European Politics and Society 8, no. 2 (Spring 1994): 187-316. About women's role in the creation of masculinity. . "Feminizmus es tarsadalomkutatas." Translated by Judit Acsady. In Ferfiuralom: Irdsok n6kr6l, ferfiakrol, feminizmusrol, edited by Hadas Mikl6s, 55-62. Budapest: Replika Kor, 1994. About the relation of feminism and social researches. . "Unthinkable Subjects: Women and Labor in Socialist Hungary." (Gender Contradictions/Gender Transformations: Cases From Eastern Europe) East European Quarterly 23, no. 4 (January 1990): 199-408. Laslett, Peter. "Characteristics of the Western Family Considered Over Time." Journal of Family History 2, no. 2 (Summer 1977): 19-115. A comparative essay including Hungary. Laszlo, Erno. "Hungarian Jewry: Settlement and Demography, 1735-38 to 1910." Hungarian Jewish Studies, vol. 1, edited by Randolph L. Braham, 61-136. New York: World Federation of Hungarian Jews, 1966. Laszlo Kiraly Paholy, Nagyvarad. A n6k vdlasztojoga: A Magyarorszdgi Symbolikus Nagypaholyok, Budapest. Nagyvarad: Laszky, 1907. About women's suffrage. The "author" is a freemason lodge in Nagyvarad (Oradea Mare).

Lebstiick, Maria, 1830-1892. Female soldier who fought in the 1848 revolution.



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Hegyaljai Kiss, Geza. "Lebstiick Maria honvedhuszar f5hadnagy ernlekirata 1848-49-b5l." Honvedelmi Kozlemenyek no. 1 (1935): 30-41. Autobiography of Maria Lebstiick. - - - . "Maria fohadnagy." Uj IdiJk (1932.3. Sz.). About Maria Lebstiick. J6kai, M6r. "A noi honvedhadnagy." Pesti Hirlap no. 20 (1892). About Maria Lebstiick. "A szabadsagharc amazonja." Budapesti Hirlap no. 250 (September 12, 1891). About Maria Lebstiick. "Az ujpesti nohonved," Budapesti Hirlap no. 162 (June14, 1893). About Maria Lebstiick. Lederer, Pal, ed. A nyilvdnvalo niJk. Prostitucio, tarsadalom. tdrsadalomtortenet. Budapest: Dj Mandatum, 1999. About prostitution in society and in social history. Lehmnann, Hedvig. "N5k a helyi kozeletben." in Beszeld 4 (2000) 122-6. About women in local politics. Lengyel, Laura. Afeminizmus. N.p.: n.p, 1906. About feminism. Lengyel Cook, Zsuzsa. Fertility Decline in the Hungarian Provinces, 1880-1910. D. Se. diss., Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Population Sciences, 1980. - - - . NiJk a mezdgazdasagban. Budapest: MNOT, Kossuth, 1979. About women in agriculture. - - - . "The Relevance of the Developing Countries to Demographic Transition Theory: Further Lessons from the Hungarian Experience." Population Studies 36, no. 1 (1982): 10528. Lenin, Vladimir I. and Iosif V. Stalin. A niJk[elszabaditdsdrol. Bratislava: Pravda, 1951. Lenin's and Stalin's writings on the emancipation of women. Levai, Katalin. A niJ szerint a vildg [The World Through a Woman's Eyes]. Budapest: Osiris, 2000. On feminist theory. - - - . "Feminizrnustortenet, I." Esely 5 (2000): 18-41. About the history of feminism. - - - , and Gyorgy T6th Istvan, eds. Szerepevdltozdsok: Jelentes a niJk heiyzeterdl. Budapest: TARKI, Munkaiigyi Miniszterium, 1997. Report on the situation of women in contemporary Hungarian society. - - - , R6bert Kiss, and Tamas Gyulavari, eds. Vegyesvdlt6: Pillanatkep a niJkriJl es a ferfiakrol. Budapest: Egyenlo Eselyek Alapitvany, 1999. About the role of gender ten years after the fall of communism. Liebermann, Sander. Az egyenlosegrol. Sarospatak: Reformatus Foiskola, 1918. About women's equality. Locsei, Pal. Csaldd es hdzassdg a mai magyar tdrsadalomban: Tanulmdnyok. Budapest: Kozgazd. es Jogi Kiad6, 1971. About family and marriage in contemporary Hungarian society. - - - . "A noi munkavallalas es a hagyornanyos magyar csalad." Kortdrs 29, no. 10 (October 1985): 4-47. About the employment of women and the traditional family in Hungary. - - - . "Women's Employment and the Traditional Hungarian Family." Kortdrs 29, no. 10 (October 1985): 78-90. Ludrpvska, Marta, et al. A szakszervezetek es a dolgoz6 niJ. Bratislava: Praca, 1982. About the support of trade unions for working women. Lukacs, Tibor. Szerelem, hdzassdg, csaldd. Budapest: Kossuth, 1963. About love, marriage, and family: a conduct book. Lukacsy, Sander. A Nemzet Gazdasszonyai Egyesiiletenek alakuldsdrol es eddigi miikodeseriJl jelentes. Pest: n.p., 1861. About the formation and activity of the Association of the Housewives of the Nation.


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Maar, Grete. "Volksmedizin aus Donnerskirchen." Burgenliindische Heimatbliitter 40, no. 2 (1978): 19-83. About folk medicine. Machos, Csilla. "Frauen in der ungarischen Politik seit Ende der 80er Jahre." In Frauen in Siidosteurop, edited by Anneli Ute Gabanyi and Hans Georg Majer, 99-114. Munich: Stidosteuropa-Gesellschaft, 1998. Macskassy, Kati and Anna Fekete, eds. Anyur6l: Keszitette a Magyar Televizio Csaladraj: c. filmjenek felhaszndlasaval. Budapest: RTV Belker. Ig., 1988. About the representation of mothers on TV. Maday, Andor. A magyar nok jogai a multban es jelenben. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1913. Historical survey about the rights and duties of Hungarian women. - - - . A noi munka. Budapest: Pallas, 1899. About working women. - - - . A nok ejjeli munkajanak torvenyes szabdlyozdsa. Jelentes es javaslat a Nemzetkozi Torvenyes Munkdsvedelmi Egyesiilethez. Budapest: Politzer, 1903. About the regulation of night-work by women. Madzsar, Jozsef. Az anya- es csecsemovedelem orszdgos szervezese: a Stefdnia-Szovetseg programmjdnak es alapszabdlyainak tervezete. Budapest: Szekesfovdrosi Hdzinyomda; 1915. About organizing mother-and-child care and the statutes of the National Stefania Alliance. - - - . Mit akar a Stefdnia-Sriivetseg? Budapest: Pfeiffer, 1916. About the aims of the Stefania Alliance. Magyar Asszonyok Nemzeti Szovetsege. Almanach 1920. Budapest: Szent Istvan Tarsulat, 1919. Almanac of the National Alliance of Hungarian Women. Magyar Csalad- es Novedelmi Tudomdnyos Tdrsasdg Tudomdnyos Kongresszusa. Budapest: 1982. okt. 5-6. Academic congress about the protection of families and women. Magyar Gazdasszonyok Orszdgos Egyletenek evkonyve. Budapest: Rudnyanszky, 1875-6. Yearbook of the Association of Hungarian Housewives. Magyar Gazdasszonyok naptdra. 1865. Pest: Heckenast, 1864. Almanach of the Association of Hungarian Housewives. Magyar Izraelita Noegyletek Orszagos Szovetsege. A Magyar Izraelita Ndegyletek Orszagos Szovetsege alapszabdlyai. Budapest: Legrady, 1931. Statutes of the Hungarian National organization of Jewish women's associations. Magyar Jogasz Szovetseg Munkakozossege. Allamunk gondozdsa a csaladrol, a norol es a gyermekrol. Budapest: Nepszava, 1953. About the support for family, women, and children by the state. Magyar Kommunista Part. Magyar csaldd, magyar jovo: A Magyar Kommunista Part programfiizete Budapest: MKP Budapesti Bizottsaga, 1945. The program of the Hungarian Communist Party concerning families.

Magyar N6k Demokratikus Szovetsege [MNDSz]. The Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women, established in the mid-1940s, was the first of a series of official women's organizations sanctioned and controlled by the Hungarian Communist Party. In 1956, it was renamed Magyar N6k Orszagos Szovetsege, [MNOT], the National Council of Hungarian Women. HUN576 HUN577 HUN578

Magyar N6k Demokratikus Szovetsege [MNDSz]. 3 eves tervvel a: 5 eves tervert. Budapest: MNDSz, 1949. Propaganda material entitled "With the 3-year plan for the 5-year plan." . Agitacios ertekezlet anyaga vdrosban. Budapest: Szikra, 1952. Propaganda material for city-dwellers. . Agitdcios ertekezlet anyaga, falun. Budapest: Szikra, 1952. Propaganda material for people in the countryside.




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HUN595 HUN596 HUN597 HUN598 HUN599 HUN600 HUN601 HUN602 HUN603

- - - . Amit minden MNDSz asszonynak tudnia kell: el/iadds asszonykorok szdmdra. Budapest: Universum, 1948. Propaganda material. "What every woman in the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women should know: six lectures for women's debating circles." - - - . Anya-, csecsem/i- es gyermekvedelem. Budapest: MNDSz, 1951. Propaganda material concerning mothers and child care. - - - . Anya es gyermeke: Hasznos tudnival6k a gyermekrdl a: anydk szdmdra. Budapest: MNDSz, Dj Magyar, Konyvkiado, 1948. Information for mothers about children. - - - . Anydk orszdgos konferencidja, Budapest, 1955. maj. 7-8. Budapest: MNDSz, 1955. National conference of mothers in 1955. - - - . Az asszonyokhoz: Pecs, 1945. Propaganda material. "To women!" - - - . Az asszonyok is reszt kernek a termeioszovetkezetek munkdjdbol. Budapest: MNDSz, 1951. Propaganda material. "Women would like to participate in the work of the agricultural co-operatives!" - - - . Asszonyok konyve. Budapest: MNDSz, 1956. Propaganda material: A "book for women!" - - - . Bdcs-Kiskun megye MNDSz asszonyainakfeladatai. Kecskemet, 1951. Propaganda material: "The tasks of the women in the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women in Bacskiskun county." - - - . Bekes, boldog jiivdnkert! Ismertetd az MNDSz vegzett munkajarol es celkiuizeseirol. Budapest, 1949. Propaganda material about the aims and work of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women. "For a peaceful, happy future!" - - - . Boldog csaldd, konnyebb elet: eves terv. Budapest: MNDSz, 1947. Propaganda material. Information about the 3-year plan: "Happy family, easier life." - - - . Bulletin d' information de l' Democratic des Femmes Hongroises. Budapest, 1951. Bulletin of the Democratic Union of Hungarian Women. In French. - - - . Dolgozo no csalddja es haztartasa eloaddssorozat. Budapest: MNDSz, 1950. Lectures on the family and household of working women. - - - . Dolgoz6 parasztasszonyok a: iiteves tervert. Budapest: MNDSz, 1952. Propaganda material: "Peasant women for the 5-year plan!" - - - . El/ideink a 48-as asszonyok. Budapest: MNDSz, 1948. Propaganda material: "Our precursors, the women of 1848." - - - . Epits - olvass! Budapest: MNDSz, 1951. Propaganda material: "Build and read!" - - - . Evrol evre boldogabb edesanydkat, mosolyg6s gyermekeket. Budapest: MNDSz, 1953. Propaganda material: "For happier and happier mothers and smiling children year by year" - - - . Fejlessziik. erositsiik szervereteinket, Budapest: MNDSz, 1951. Propaganda material: "Let's develop our organizations!" - - - . Feladataink a magyar bekekongresszus elokeseiteseben. Budapest, 1952. About the preparations for the Hugarian Peace Congress. - - - . Lafemme hongroise. Budapest: MNDSz, 1948. About Hungarian women. In French. - - - . Konnyitsiik meg haztartdsi munkdnkatl Budapest: MNDSz, 1951. Propaganda material: "Let's make our household work easier!" - - - . Kulturmunka es kozmuvel/ides a MNDSz-ben. Budapest, 1947. Propaganda material about public education and culture. - - - . Legyen tiszta otthonunk es munkahelyiink! Budapest: MNDSz, 1951. Propaganda material: "Let's keep our home and working place clean!" - - - . Magyar asszonyok a bekeert. Budapest: MNDSZ, 1952. Propaganda material: Hungarian women for peace. - - - . A magyar nok a haladds tdbordban, Budapest: Globus, 1949. Propaganda material for women. - - - . Magyar Nok Orszdgos konferencidja, 1954. jan. 30-31. Budapest: MNDSz, 1954.



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Conference of Hungarian Women in 1954. - - - . Mir/il beszelgessunk - Falun - Vdrosban? Budapest: MNDSz, 1949. Propaganda material for women in the countryside and in cities. - - - . Mit kell tudni aj6 MNDSz vezetdsegi tagoknak? Budapest, 1952. Propaganda material: "What are good leaders in the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women supposed to know?" - - - . A MNDSz alapszabdlyai. Budapest: Szikra, 1946. Statutes of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women. - - - . A MNDSz a vildg bekeert harcol6 asszonyainak tdbordban. Budapest: Szikra, 1956. Propaganda material. "The Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women in the community of women fighting for the world-peace." - - - . A MNDSz bizottsagok munkdja: Falusi. Budapest: Szikra, 1955. The task of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women in the countryside. - - - . A MNDSz bizottsdgok munkdja: Ydrosi. Budapest: Szikra, 1955. The task of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women in the cities. - - - . A MNDSz bizottsdgok munkdja: Uzemi. Budapest: Szikra, 1955. The task of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women in factories. - - . A MNDSz elso orszdgos taldlkozoja. Budapest, 1946. The first national meeting of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women. - - - . A MNDSzfelvildgosit6 munkajdrol. A noneveldfeladatai. Budapest: Globus, 1949. Propaganda material about the enlightenment of women, and about the tasks of women in education and training. - - - . A MNDSz gazdasdgi feladatai Budapest: Universum, 1948. Propaganda material for the economic aims of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women. - - - . MNDSz kozepfoku ruioktatds anyaga. Budapest, 1948. Materials for educating women at an advanced level. - - - . A MNDSz munkaja es celkitiizesei. Budapest, 1947. Propaganda material: the aims of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women. - - - . MNDSz nydri kulturmiisor. Budapest, 1950. A culture program for the summer. - - - . MNDSz 2. orszdgos talalkozo Budapesti vezeto: Budapest, 1948. dprilis 17-9. Budapest: MNDSz, 1948. Guide for the 2nd meeting of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women. - - - . A MNDSz segiti a Part politikdjdnak megvalositasat. Budapest: MNDSz, Szikra, 1956. Propaganda material. "The Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women helps in achieving the aims of the Party." - - - . A MNDSz szerveres es iigyvezetes kerdesei: Eloadds asszonykorok szdmdra. Budapest, 1948. Propaganda material about organizing and administration. - - - . A MNDSz szocialpolitikai, egeszsegiigyi feladata es munkdja. Budapest: Universum, 1948. Propaganda material concerning the aims of the social and health policy of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women. - - - . A MNDSz vezetokepzo anyagdbol. Budapest, 1947. Materials for leader-trainers. - - - . Nok a vildgban, 1970-1990. Budapest: KSH, 1992. About the women's situation from an international perspective. - - - . A nok felszabaditdsanak utja. Budapest: Szikra Nyomda, 1951. About the emancipation of women. - - - . A nok lelkes segitdtdrsai a szencsatdk h/iseinek. Budapest: MNDSz, 1950. Propaganda material: "The women are the enthusiastic helpmates of the heroes of the coalfights." - - - . A ndk szerepe a: 1848-as szabadsdgharcban: Yezerfonal, Budapest: MNDSz, 1953. Propaganda material about the participation of women in the 1848 revolution.



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HUN644 HUN645


- - - . A noneveld munkafeladata es m6dszerei. Budapest: MNDSz, 1949. About the tasks and methods of educating women. - - - . Olvasokorvezetok tanfolyamdnak m6dszertana. Budapest, 1952. About methodologies for leaders of reading circles. - - - . Propagandamunka a MNDSz-ben. Budapest, 1947. Propaganda work in the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women. - - - . A szervezes feladatai. Budapest, 1947. About the tasks in organization. - - - . Szervezeti szabdlyzat. Budapest, 1946. The statutes of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarian Women. - - - . Szovetsegunk fejlodese, uj feladataink: Budapest, 1949. About the "development of our organization, and our new tasks." - - - . Tdjekoztato az 1952. oktatdsi evre. Budapest, 1952. Information for the new academic year, 1952. - - - . Utmutat6 asszonykorvezetok szamdra, 1949-1950. Budapes, 1949. Guidelines for the leaders of women's circles. - - - . Utmutat6 az 1951-52. evi oktatdsi munkakhoz: Budapest, 1951. Educational guidelines. - - - . Utmutat6 az MNDSz alapszervezeti vezetoseg vdlasztdsara: Vdrosi. Budapest, 1952. Guidelines for electing leaders in cities for the Democratic Allince of Hungarian Women. - - - . Utmutat6 az MNDSz alapszervezeti vezetoseg vdlaszuisdra: Falusi. Budapest, 1952. Guidelines for electing leaders in the countryside for the Democratic Allince of Hungarian Women. - - - . Utmutat6 az MNDSz Uj falvak uj asszonyai c. olvasokonyv olvasokor vezetoi szdmdra. Budapest, 1952. Guidelines for a book, "New women of new villages," intended for the leaders of women's reading circles. - - - . Utmutat6 megyei MNDSz olvasokorok vezetdi szdmdra. Budapest: Globus, 1949. Guidelines for leaders of women's reading circles. - - - . Uzenet a magyar nokhoz a MNDSz-nek 1946. Aprilis h6 6-8.1 I. Orszdgos taldlkoz6jdr6l. Budapest: Igazsag, 1946. Message to the Hungarian women about the 2 nd national meeting of Democratic Alliance of the Hungarian Women on 6th_8 th April, 1946. Magyar N6k Kongresszusa, Budapest, 1965. dec. 11-12. Budapest: Kossuth, 1966. Congress of Hungarian Women in 1965. Magyar N6k Orszdgos Tandcsa 2. konferencidja, Budapest, 1977. mdrcius 5-6. Budapest: Szikra, 1977. The second conference of the National Council of Hungarian Women in 1977. Magyar N6k Orszagos Tanacsa [MNOT] and Foldmuvelesugyi Miniszterium. A n6k is megtaldljdk a szdmitdsukat a termel/iszovetkezetekben. Budapest: MNOT, Foldrmivelestlgyi Miniszterium, 1961. About supporting the employment of women in agriccultural cooperatives. Edited by MNOT and the Ministry of Agriculture. - - - . A n6k kezeben 6ridsi hatalom van: Beszdmolo a MNOT konferencidjdr6l, 1957. novo 16-17. Budapest: MNOT, 1958. Report on women's conference organized by the National Council of Hungarian Women. - - - . N6k a vildgban. Budapest: MNOT, 1973. International panorama about the situation of women in the world. Magyar N6k Szovetsege, and Magyar ENSZ Tarsasag. Egyezmeny a nokkel szemben alkalmazott hdtrdnyos megkiilonbozteteses (diszkrimindci6) minden formdjdnak kikuszoboleserol. Budapest: MNSz - MENSZT, 1991. Agreement against gender discrimination between the Alliance of Hungarian Women and the Hungarian UN Society. Magyar Orszagos Segelyezo N6egylet. 6 Felsege Erzsebet kirdlyne vedelme alatt dllo, Magyar Orsuigos Segelyezo N6egylet alapszabdlyai. Budapest: Kh6r es Wein, 1880. Statutes of the Hungarian National Women's Association for Aid.



HUN647 HUN648 HUN649 HUN650


HUN652 HUN653 HUN654 HUN655

HUN656 HUN657 HUN658

HUN659 HUN660 HUN661

HUN662 HUN663




Mak, Pal. Level egy gyermekdlddst vdllalo edesanyanak. Debrecen: Nemeth J., 1989. Religious writing supporting motherhood. Makara, Khira. "A Woman's Place." New Hungarian Quarterly 33, no. 126 (Summer 1992): 100-2. Makai, Katalin, and Istvan Somogyvari, eds. A csalddjogi torveny: a Legfelsobb Birosdg dlldsfoglaldsaival. Budapest: Kozgazd es Jogi Konyvkiado, 1988. About family law. Maltby, Tony. Women and Pensions in Britain and Hungary: A Cross National and Comparative Case Study ofSocial Dependency. Aldershot, Hants, England; Brookfield, VT.: Avebury, 1994. Mandel, Karoly, ed. A nokrol sz6l6 magyar torvenycikkek Szent Istvdntol napjainkig, 10001928. Budapest: Grill Karoly Konyvkiado, 1929. About the legal status of Hungarian women in history. Margitay-Becht Denes. A szekesfovdros (Budapest) anyavedelmenek merlege a: 1941. Evben. Budapest: Szekesfov. Hazinyorndaja, 1942. About mother's care in Budapest in 1941. Markus, Dezso. A vdlasztojog. A no valasztojoga. Budapest: Franklin, 1912. About women's suffrage. . "Factors Influencing the Fertility of Women: The Case of Hungary." International Journal of Sociology of the Family 3, no. 2 (1973): 190-7. . "No Women's Movement in Sight." Connexions no. 5 (Summer 1982): 6-7. Interview with Markus, excerpted from Spare Rib (March 1979). She left Hungary for Australia in 1977. Here she reflects on the situation of Hungarian women. . "The Position of Working Women in Hungary." The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology 15, no. 2 (1979): 5-36. Marsits, Rozina. A 20. szdrad asszonya. Budapest: Lampel, 1901. About the woman of the "next" century, as imagined by a Hungarian feminist at the start of the zo" century. Matay, M6nika. "The Life Story of Ant6nia Kolcsey." In Women in History- Women's History: Central and Eastern European Perspectives. Edited by Andrea Peto and Mark Pittaway, 43-54. Budapest: Central European Univ. Press, 1994. Ant6nia Kolcsey, who lived in the mid-19 th century, is related to the author of the Hungarian national anthem, Ferenc Kolcsey. Martos, Agostne, ed. A Katholikus Noi Tandcs evkonyve. Budapest: Stephaneum, 1912. Yearbook of the Catholic Women's Council. Matynia, Elzbieta. "Women after Communism: A Bitter Freedom." Social Research 61, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 51-77. About Hungarian women in particular. Maruzs, Elernerne, and Istvanne Menyhart. Nokrol szolunk noknek: Ajdnlo konyvjegyzek ruiolvasok reszere. Salgotarjan: Szakszervezetek Nogradi Tanacsa Kozponti Konyvtara es a Megyei Notanacs, 1962. Books for women: propaganda materials. McCagg, William. "Gypsy Policy in Socialist Hungary and Czechoslovakia, 1945-1989." Nationalities Papers 19, no. 3 (1991): 13-36. Annotated under the Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. McIntyre, Robert J. "Demographic Policy and Sexual Equality: Value Conflicts and Policy Appraisal in Hungary and Romania." In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 270-85. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. McMahon, Patrice C. "Building Civil Societies in East Central Europe: The Effect of American Non-Governmental Organizations on Women's Groups." Democratization 8, no. 2 (2001): 5-68. Women's NGOs in Hungary and Russia . "International Actors and Women's NGOs in Poland and Hungary." In The Power and Limits ofNGOs: A Critical Look at Building Democracy in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, edited by Sarah E. Mendelson and John K. Glenn, 29-53. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2002. Medve, Imre. Magyar gazdasszonyok teendoi a kozeletben. hazban, konyhdban. Pest: Heckenast, 1864. About the public, private and household duties of Hungarian housewives.






HUN670 HUN671

HUN672 HUN673 HUN674

HUN675 HUN676 HUN677 HUN678 HUN679 HUN680

HUN681 HUN682 HUN683


HUN685 HUN686

Meszaros, Arpad, ed. A csaldd stabilitdsa es befolydsolhatosaga: Tudomdnyos kongresszus. Budapest, 1986. December 2-3. Rendezte: A Magyar Csalad- es Novedelmi Tudomanyos Tanacs. Budapest: KSH, 1987. Conference proceedings from a conference on the stability of families. ,ed. Az abortusz Europdban: kerekasztalkonferencia, Budapest, 1989. Jun. 5. Budapest: KSH and Magyar Csalad es Noved., 1990. Conference proceedings from a conference on abortion. ,ed. Csaldd, egeszseg, szociaipoliiika: Tudomdnyos kongresszus, Budapest, 1988. okt. 708. Kozp Stat Hiv, Magyar Csaldd- es Novedelmi Tudomdnyos Tdrsasdg, Hazafias Nepfront. Budapest: KSH, 1989. Conference proceedings from a conference on family, health, and social policy. Meszaros, Gyorgy. "Szerelern, hazassag, szexualis elet a magyarorszagi ciganyoknal." Forrds 11, (1984): 4-68. Annotated under the Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. Mezogazdasagi es Erdeszeti Dolgoz6k Szakszervezete. A MEDOSZ elnoksegenek irdnyelvei a kozponti, megyei, es iizemi nobizottsagok szervezeti miikodesere. Budapest: Tancsics, 1958. Program for women's committees of trade unions in agriculture. Miskolczy, Vilmos, and Sander T6th. Ndmunkasvedelem. Pecs: Pecsi Szikra, 1960. About the protection of working women. M6d, Aladar, "A nok helyzete a munkahelyen es otthon." Statisnikai Szemle 8-9 (AugustSeptember 1962): 791-806. About the position of women at work and at home. Mogyor6ssy, Janos. A hos honved ledny: Tiirtenelmi eletraj; a szubadsdgharcbol: Pfeiffer Paulina arckepevel. Arad: Rethy, 1887. About Paulina Pfeiffer, a woman soldier of the 1848 revolution. Molnar, Adrienn, and Mikl6s Tomka. "Youth and Religion in Hungary." Religion in Communist Lands 17, no. 3 (1989): 9-29. Molnar, Daniel. A dolgoz6 ruik vedelme. Budapest: Magyar Szabad Szakszervezetek Orszagos Szovetsege, Nepszava, 1957. About protection for working women. Molnar, Laszlo. Noi elettortenetek: esettanulmdnyok. Budapest: Akademiai Kiad6, 1986. Research on the course of life for women in Hungary. . "Noi eletutak." Szociologia 2 (1979): 205-22. Research on the course of life for women from a sociological point of view. Molnar, Maria, "A parvalasztas es a hazassag neprajzi vizsgalatahoz." Neprajzi Kiizlemenyek 10, no. 1-2 (1965): 187-416. About ethnographic research concerning marriage. Molnar, Olga. Munkanelkiiliseg a szellemi pdlydkon alkalmazott ruik kiireben. Budapest: Szekesfov. Hazinyomdaja, 1938. About the unemployment of women in the intellectual professions. Molnar, Ott6. "A noi munkaerok szamanak alakulasa a Szekesfovarosban." Szekesfdvdros Statisztikai kozlemenyei 76, no. 3 (1936). Statistics concerning working women. Molnarne, Venyige J. "Nok a valtozo tarsadalmi munkamegosztasban." Tdrsadalmi Szemle 8, no. 9 (1986): 3-52. About women and the changing division of labour. Momsen, Janet Henshall. "Gender and Entrepreneurship in Post-Communist Hungary." In Work, Employment and Transition: Restructuring Livelihoods in Post-Communism, edited by Al Rainnie, Adrian Smith and Adam Swain, 155-69. London & New York: Routledge, 2002. M6na, Ilona. "A 'Rerum Novarum' hatasa a magyar tarsadalomra. Gr6f Palffy Palne altal elinditott magyar katolikus novedelmi munka, 1896-1944." Magyar Egyhdztorteneti Ydrlatok 3, no. 4 (1993): 5-50. About the Hungarian Catholic women's movement for the protection of women, 1896-1944. . Schlachta Margit. Budapest: Corvinus, 1997. About a Catholic female politician during the interwar period and up to 1948. Monigl, Istvan, and Janos Timar. "A nok iskolazasa, szakkepzese, palyavalasztasa." In Tanulmdnyok a nok helyzeterol, edited by Egon Szabady, 56-69. Budapest: MNOT, Kossuth,




HUN688 HUN689


HUN691 HUN692 HUN693


HUN695 HUN696







1972. About women's education, specialization, and career choices. Montgomery, Kathleen A. and Gabriella Ilonszki. "Weak Mobilization, Hidden Majoritarianism, and Resurgence of the Right: A Recipe for Female Under-Representation in Hungary." In Women's Access to Political Power in Post-Communist Europe. Edited by Richard E. Matland and Kathleen A. Montgomery, 105-29. Oxford & New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. Monzon, Isabel. Bathory: acercamiento al mito de la condesa sangrienta. Buenos Aires: Feminaria Editora, 1994. About Hungarian female murderers and sadism. Morvai, Krisztina. "Continuity and Discontinuity in the Legal System: What It Means for Women: A Female Lawyer's Perspective on Women and the Law in Hungary." UCLA Women's Law Journal 5 (1994): 3-70. - - - . Terror a csalddban: Afelesegbantalmazas es a jog [Terror in the family: wife battering and the law]. Budapest: Kossuth Kiad6, 1998. About laws concerning family violence. The study has been called "ground-breaking" by Gusztav Kosztolanyi in his article "The invisible majority: Cosmopolitan and the cruel reality for Hungary's women" (Central Europe Review 1, no. 14, 27 September, 1999.) - - - . "Women and the Rule of Law in Hungary." Feminist Review 76 (2004): 100-9. Morvay, Janos, Asszonyok a nagycsalddban. Budapest: Akademiai, 1981. About women in extended families. Morvay, Judit. "The Joint Family in Hungary." In Europa et Hungaria: Congressus Ethnographicus in Hungaria, 16-20. X. 1963. Redigerunt, edited by Gyula Ortutay and Tibor Bodrogi, 231-42. Budapest: Akaderniai Kiad6, 1965. About household types. "Mothers Band Together against Austerity Plan." Budapest Sun, 1 June 1995. "Discusses mothers' decision to form a national association to protest cuts in social benefits." -Julie Mertus. M6zes, Tereza. Evreii din Oradea. Bucharest: Hasefer, 1997. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora. MSZMP KB. A n6k politikai, gazdasdgi es szocialis helyzete: Az MSZMP KB 1970.febr. 1819. ulese. Budapest: Kossuth konyvkiado, 1970. Report on the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party meeting of February 18-19, 1970, about the political, economic, and social situation of women. MSZMP Csongrad Megyei Bizottsaga. A munkdsosztdly helyzete megyenkben. A n6k politikai, gazdasagi es szocidlis helyzetenek nehdny kerdese Csongrdd megyeben. Szeged: MSZMP Csongrad Megyei Bizottsaga, 1970. About the political, economic, and social situation of women in Csongrad county. Munkanelkiiliseg Elleni Kiizdelem Magyarorszagi Egyesiilete, ed. A hdboru es a ruik kereseti viszonyai. Budapest: J6kai, 1915. About the effects of war on the employment of women, edited by the association against unemployment. Miivelt Nok Otthona Egyesiilet. A Miivelt N6k Otthona Egyesiilet jelentese 1907: evi miikodeser6l, Budapest: Szent Laszlo ny., 1907. Report on the activity of the association for educated women. Naday, Karl. "Grafin Blanka Teleky mit dem zehnjahrigen Festungsarrest" [Countess Blanka Teleki with the 10-year fortress-arrest]. Tiroler Heimatbliitter 52, no. 4 (1977): 145-52. Abstract: "Found guilty in 1853 of educating girls in the spirit of the Revolution of 1848-49, the Hungarian nationalist radical, Countess Blanka Teleki, was sentenced to 10-years imprisonment at the Tirolean Kufstein fortress." Nagy, Beata, "A nok keresotevekenysege Budapesten a 20. szazad elso feleben" In Ferfiuralom, Irdsok nokrol, ferfiakrol, feminizmusrol, edited Hadas Mikl6s, 155-75. Budapest: Replika Kor, 1994. About women's employment in Budapest in the first half of the 20 th century. - - - . "Women in the Economic Elite in Hungary." In Gender Equality in Central and



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HUN720 HUN721

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Eastern European Countries, edited by Michel Domsch, Desiree H. Ladwig and Eliane Tenten, 151-68. New York: P. Lang, 2003. Nagy, Istvanne, ed. A n6k helyzete a munkahelyen es a csalddban. Budapest: Kozponti Statisztikai Hivatal, 1988. About employment statistics for women. Nagy, Maria. A kismamdk jogai. Budapest: MNOT, Kossuth, 1981. About the rights of pregnant women, and mothers with small children. Nagy, Pal, ed. Sorsfordit6k. A demokratikus ndmozgalom Csongrdd megyeben, 1944-1970. Szeged: Csongrad megyei Lapkiad6, 1986. About the democratic women's movement in Csongrad county. Nagydi6si, Gezane. "Magyarorszagi noi lapok a XIX. szazad vegeig,' Az OSZK Evkonyve 1957 (1958): 193-227. About periodicals for women in 19th century Hungary. Nagyne, Szegvari Katalin. La formation des femmes aux universites et aux ecoles superieures. Bratislava: Pravnikcka vzdelanost na Slovensku, 1975. About the education of women in universities and institutes of higher learning. - - - . Nok a: egyetemeken. Budapest: FPK, 1976. About women studying at universities. - - - . A n6k muvelddesei jogaiert folytatott hare hazdnkban, 1777-1918. Budapest: Kozgazdasagi es Jogi Konyvkiado, 1969. About the increasing educational possibilities of women, 1777-1918. - - - . Numerus clausus rendelkezesek az ellenforradalmi Magyarorszdgon. A zsid6 es n6hallgat6k f6iskolai felvetelerol. Budapest: Akaderniai, 1988. About the parallel laws concerning the exclusion of Jews and women from the universities. ---. Ut a ruik egyenjogusdgahoz: Budapest: MNOT, Kossuth, 1981. About the history of women's emancipation. Nagyvathy, Janos. Magyar hdzi gazdasszony. Pest: Trattner, 1820. About Hungarian housewives tasks and duties. Naves, Elaine Kalman. Journey to Vaja: Reconstructing the World of a Hungarian-Jewish Family. Montreal: McGill-Queen's Univ. Press, 1996. Nernenyi, Maria, "Abortusz '91." Kritika vol 29, no. 10 (October 1991): 3-6. About abortions in 1991. - - - . A csaldd. Budapest: Gondolat, 1988. About the family in Hungary. - - - . A csaldd szocidlis reprezentdcioja. Budapest: s.n., 1991. Candidate thesis, Magyar Tudomanyos Akadernia [the Hungarian Academy of Sciences]. About the social representation of the family. - - - . Cigdny anydk a: egeszsegiigyben. Budapest: Nemzeti es Etnikai Kisebbsegi Hivatal, 1998. Annotated under the Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. - - - . Csoportkep n6kkel [Group picture with women]. Budapest: Dj Mandatum Kiad6, 2000; 1999. About women in Hungarian society. - - - . Egy hatdrszerep anatomidja. Vedonok a nemi, szakmai es etnikai identitds metszespontjaban. Budapest: Dj Mandatum, 2001. About the identity of district nurses in Hungary, with regards to gender, profession, and ethnicity. - - - . "A kotelezo heteroszexualitastol a kotelezo feminizrnusig." Cafe Bdbel4 (1994): 6370. About feminism. - - - . "Miert nines Magyarorszagon nomozgalom?" In Ferfiuralom, Irdsok n6kr6l, [erfiakrol, feminizmusr6l, edited by Hadas Mikl6s, 235-45. Budapest: Replika Kor, 1994. About the lack of a women's movement in Hungary. - - - . "The Social Construction of Women's Role in Hungary." Replika. 32 (1996): 3-90. Special Issue: Colonization or Partnership? Eastern Europe and Western Social Sciences - - - . "Zene u javnom zivotu i politici za vrijeme drzavnog socijalizma i nakon politickih promjena u Madarskoj = Women in the Public Life and Politics During the State Socialism and After the Political Change in Hungary." In Vlast bez zena ili dugi mars/ Governments Without Women or the Long March edited by Durda Knezevic and Koraljka Dilic, 32-43.



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Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, 1997. Bilingual text. Translation into English by Koraljka Dilic and Ivana Cikes. - - , and Anna Kende. "Anyak es lanyok." Replika 35 (1999): 17-41. About two generations of women in Hungary. - - - , and Olga T6th. A n5k tarsadalmi szerepenek vdltozdsai a: ezredfordul6n. Budapest: Nemzeti Strategiai Kutatasok, MTA, 1998. About the change in women's social roles at the turn of the millenium. Nemes, Robert. "Women in the 1848-1849 Hungarian Revolution." Journal of Women 's History 13, no. 3 (2001): 193-207. Nemeth, Bela and Endre Kincsesy. Mez/igazdasagi es hdztartdsi cselediigyi gyakorlati tandcsado jogszabaiygyiijtemeny. Budapest: Kozhaszmi es Irod. Kvk., 1941. About laws concerning domestic servants. Nemeti Iren, ed. A nok lapja kalenddrium a: ... evre. Budapest: Hfrlapkiado, 1956-1962. Annual almanac for the subscribers of a women's magazine, between 1956-1962. Nemzet Gazdasszonyai Egyesiilet. A Nemzet Gazdasszonyai Egyesiilete reszerol l Sol . auguszius 24-ket5l szeptember 2-kaig Pesten a Beleznay kert helysegeiben rendezett gazdasszonykodas es hazi ipar kidllitdsdnak tdrgyjegyzeke. Pest, 1861. Catalogue of the objects shown at the first exhibition of the Association of the Housewives of the Hungarian Nation in 1861. Nepek Szovetseget Elokeszito Magyar Bekeegyesulet, and Feministak Egyesiilete. Bekeirat. Budapest, Urania, 1924. About the movement for peace by the Feminists's Association and the Association of Peace. Neumann, Gyorgy. A nokerdes szociologiaja. Kolozsvar (Cluj): Jordaky, 1945. Annotated under Romania. Neuman-Steinhardt, G. "Social aspects of reproduction in two socialist European countries: Romania and Hungary [Aspects sociaux de la procreation dans deux pays socialistes europeens: la Roumanie et la Hongrie]. In Societe et procreation: lesfacteurs sociaux qui l'injluencent, edited by Robert Gubbels, 201-10. Bruxelles: Editions de l'Universite de Bruxelles, 1981. Njoroge, Nyambura J, and Jana Opocenska. The Palm-Tree: a Symbol of Commitment to Justice: Report on the Consultationfor Women ofReformed Tradition in Central and Eastern Europe 9-13 February 1996, Debrecen, Hungary. Studies from the World Alliance of Reformed Churches 32. Geneva: World Alliance of Reformed Churches, 1996. N5i tovabbkepzo tanfolyam az iparrajziskoldkban. Budapest: n. p., 1915. About educating women for the applied art profession. N5i tovabbkepzo tanfolyam a: iparrajziskoldkban. Budapest: n. p., 1916. About educating women for the applied art profession. N5k a XX. szdzadban. Nemretkozi miiveszi fotokiallitds. Budapest: Ernst Mtizeum, Magyar Fotomtiveszek Szovetsege, Magyar N5k Orszagos Tan., 1963. Women in the 20 th century. International photographic exhibition. N5k a tomegszervezetekben. Budapest: Szikra, 1948. About women in mass organizations. N5k a tortenelemben. Budapest: Kossuth, 1978. About women in history. N5k az iparban. Budapest: Fot6, 1951. About women in industry: propaganda reports and pictures. Nokerdes: A Maria-Dorothea-egylet tiz eves [enndlldsdnak iinnepere. Budapest, 1895. Lecture on the woman question. In celebration of the lOth anniversary of the Maria Dorothea Association. A nok kommunizdldsa es a szabad szerelem: Egy falusi tanito el/iaddsa. Budapest: Kozoktatasi Nepbiz., 1919. About the "communization of women" and free love. Written by an anonymous teacher from the countryside. A nokrol. Budapest: Kossuth, 1974. A "conduct book" for women.



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Nopolitikai dokumentumok, 1970-1980. Budapest: Kossuth, 1981. Reports and documents concerning women the policies toward women, 1970-1980. Niipolitikai kerdesekkel kapcsolatos anyaggyiijtemeny. Budapest: Atr. Fogy. es Ert. Szov, Orszagos Szov., 1973. Collection of materials concerning policy toward women. Noszlopy, Tivadar. "Egy honleany szozata 1848-ban." In Pesti Hirlap, 1891. p. 239. About Jozefa Thulman, a woman who participated in the 1848 revolution. Novakne, Rozsa Erzsebet. Hegel a csalad gazdasagi funkciojarol. Debrecen: KLTE, 1984. About Hegel on the economic function of the family. Nyiri, Istvan. "N6jogtan: A szepnem termeszeti jussainak alaptudomanya." A Magyar Tud6s Tdrsasdg Evkonyvei 3 (1834-36): 6-48. About the rights of women. Obudai Izraelita N6egylet. Az Obudai lzraelita Noegylet alapszabalyai. Budapest: Obudai Izraelita N6egylet, 1934. Statutes of the Obuda Jewish women's association. Olah, Livoa Sz. "The Gendered Impact of Public Policies on Second-Birth Rates: The Cases of Sweden and Hungary." In Women and Families: Evolution of the Status of Women as a Factor and Consequence of Changes in Family Dynamics, 24-26 February 1997, UNESCOParis, edited by Maria Eugenia Cosio-Zavala, 53-78. Paris: CICRED, 1997. Olajos, Arpad, ed. Tanulmdnyok a ndi munkdrol. Budapest: MNOT, Kossuth, 1983. Essays on women's work published under the aegis of the National Council of Hungarian Women. Olsen, Maj. "Pure Relationships: The Search for Love among Hungarian Academic Women." Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 14, no. 1 (Spring 1996): 5-20. Oltvanyi, Pal. Vegyes hdzassdgok. Temesvar: Hazay, 1857. About religiously mixed marnages. Orban, Imre. "Adatok Arpad-hazi Szent Margit tiszteletehez." Special issue Aetas: Acta Iuvenium (1986): 7-30. Data about the religious cult of Saint Margit. . "Adatok Antiochiai Szent Magrit kultuszahoz." Special issue Aetas: Acta Iuvenium (1986): 17-24. Data about the religious cult of a female saint. Orisesk Andrea. "Enek Deborarol. A rnagyarorszagi Reformatus Egyhaz lelkesznoinek helyzete = The Song of Deborah: The Priestess's Position in the Reformed Church of Hungary." Szociol6giai Szemle 3 (1999): 6-109. About the situation of Protestant female priests. Orlosy, Dorottya. A nok szerepe a pdrtok politikai programjdban: konferencia osszefoglalo: Budapest, 1994, februdr 4. Budapest: Magyarorszagi N6i Alapitvany, 1994. Proceedings from a congress about women in politics. Orosz, Eva, and Jtilia Szalai. "Social Policy in Hungary" In The New Eastern Europe, edited by Bob Deacon et al., 144-66. London: Sage, 1992. Orosz, Lajos, ed. A magyar noneveles uttoroi. Budapest: Tankonyvkiado, 1962. About the history of the education of women in Hungary. Orsos, Eva, and Gabor Hegyesi, eds. A legkisebb egyseg: a mai magyar csaldd: jellegzetessegei, tdrsadalmi-szocialpolitikai kornyezete. Szakirodalmi vdlogatds. Budapest: Magyar Voroskereszt, 1990. About the contemporary Hungarian family, its characteristics, social and political environment: Selection from the secondary literature. Orszagos Katholikus Novedo-Egyesulet. Az Orszdgos Katholikus Noved/i-Egyesulet es a vele kapcsolatban levo ondllo intezmenyek evkonyve. Budapest: Stephaneum, 1908. Yearbook of a national Catholic organization for the care of women. Orszagos Magyar Anya- es Csecsemovedelmi Kozpont. Az Orszdgos Magyar Anya- es Csecsemovedelmi Kozpont Zita Kirdlnye Alapitvdnyi lntezet alapitolevele es szervezeti szabdlyzata. Budapest: Arpad nyomda Kalocsa, 1935. Statutes of a national organization for mother and child-care. Orszagos Munka- es Uzemegeszsegugyi Intezet, A nok es fiatalkoniak egeszsegenek es testi epsegenek vedelme. Budapest: Orszagos Munka-es Uzemegeszsegugyi Intezet, 1984. About the importance of health for women and youth.



HUN763 HUN764 HUN765



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Orszdgos Nokonferencia; Budapest, 1971. okt. 29-30. Budapest: MNOT, Kossuth, 1972. National conference of women. Orszdgos Ndkonferencia. Budapest, 1982. okt. 30-31. Budapest: MNOT, Kossuth, 1982. National conference of women. Orszagos Stefania Szovetseg. Az Orszdgos Stefdnia Szovetseg a: Anyak es a Csecsemok Yedelmevel Allamilag Megbizott Szervezet" alapszabalyai. Budapest: Orszagos Stefania Szovetseg, 1933. Statutes of the national organization for mother and child care. Ortutay, Gyula. "A magyar parasztsag szerelmi elete. (Kritikai es m6dszertani vizsgalodas)." Nepunk es Nyelviink 7 (1935): 4-41. Methodological aspects of reserching the love lives of peasants. Orvoskongresszus Balatonkenesen 1950. Ratk6 Anna megnyit6 beszede. Budapest: MagyarSzovjet Tarsasag Orvos-Egeszsegugyi Szakosztalya, 1950. Opening speech for a medical congress given by the Hungarian Minister of Health, Anna Ratk6, under whose ministership abortion was forbidden in Hungary. Palasik Maria, "N6k es nokrol a koalici6s Parlamentben." Ring 13 (1990): 4-5. About women in a Parlimantary coalition. Paldi, Janos, ed. A csaladi eletre neveles: A szolnoki Varga Katalin Gimnazium kiserlete. Szolnok: Megyei Pedag6gus Tovabbkepzo Intezet, 1975. About education for family life based on an experiment in the Katalin Varga Secondary School in Szolnok. Panayotova, Evelina, and April Brayfield. "National Context and Gender Ideology: Attitudes Toward Women's Employment in Hungary and the United States." Gender & Society 11, no. 5 (1997): 27-55. Pataki, Maria, ed. Nok Kiinyvespolca Evkiinyve, 1969-1972. Budapest: Tancsics, 1968. Yearbook of the "Bookshelves of Women." , ed. Nokrol sz61unk: nokho: sz61unk. Budapest: Tancsics, 1958. Book for women, about women's lives, topics, and women's subjects. Pelathy, Istvan. "Meg egy sz6 igenytelen tervem irant egy n6egyesiiletr61." Athenaeum I (1843). The author argues for an association of women. Peter, Katalin, ed. Gyermek a koraujkori Magyarorszdgon: "adott Isten hozzdnk val6 szeretetebol ... egy kis frauzimmerecsket nekiink." Budapest: MTA Tortenettudomanyi Intezete, 1996. Translated into English as Beloved Children: History ofAristocratic Childhood in Hungary in the Early Modem Age. Budapest: CEU Press, 2001. . "N6i csaladfok Sarospatakon a 16-17. szazadban." Szazadok 56 (1989): 63-606. About women as heads of families in the 16 th_17th centuries in Sarospatak. Peternak, Mikl6s, "Az allamosftott latas: Kiserlet az alleg6rikus dokumentarizmus megteremtesere." In A milveszet katonai: Sztdlinizmus es kultura, edited by Peter Gyorgy and Hedvig Turai, 80-90. Budapest: Corvina, 1992. About visual culture, and women in visual culture in the 1950s. Peto, Andrea. "'As He Saw Her': Gender Politics in Secret Party Reports in Hungary during the 1950s." In Women in History-Women's History: Central and Eastern European Perspectives, edited by Andrea Peto and Mark Pittaway, 107-19. Budapest: Central European Univ., 1994. . "As the Storm Approached: Last Years of the Hungarian Women's Movements before the Stalinist Takeover." In CEU History Department Yearbook 1994-1995, 181-207. Budapest: Central European Univ., [1995]. . "Atvonulo hadsereg, maradand6 trauma: Az 1945-os budapesti nemi eroszak esetek emlekezete." Tortenelmi Szemle 1-2 (1999): 5-107. About the raping of Hungarian women by Soviet soldiers during the siege of Budapest in 1945. . "Budapest ostroma - noi szemmel." Budapesti Negyed (Autumn-Spring 2000): 3-21. About the raping of Hungarian women by Soviet soldiers during the siege of Budapest in 1945.





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HUN795 HUN796

. "Construction of Emotions in the Illegal Hungarian Communist Movement."1n Ideas in Transit, edited by John Glenn Ill, and Andrea Peto, 108-20. Vienna: Institute for Human Sciences, 1998. . "Continuity in Change: Hungarian Women's Organizations." In Pink, Purple, Green: Women's Religious, Environmental and Gay/Lesbian Movements in Central Europe Today, edited by Helena Flam, 47-53. Boulder: East European Monographs, 2001. . "A demokraciaban nines k., avagy 'az ellenorizetlen szexualitas a hideghaboni gorbe tukreben," Sympozlon 3-4 (1998): 6-53. About sexuality during the Cold War. . "Family Life and Social Position Hungarian Women in 1950s." In Civilization, Sexuality and Social Life in Historical Context: The Hidden Face of Urban Life: International Conference, Budapest, 1995, edited by Judit Forrai, 181-90. Budapest: Dj Aranyhid, 1996. . "Hungarian Women in Politics." In Transitions, Environments, Translations: The Meanings of Feminism in Contemporary Politics, edited by Joan Scott, Cora Kaplan, and Debra Keats, 153-61. New York: Routledge, 1997. . "Introduction: Women in Politics" In Construction, Reconstruction: Women, Family & Politics in Central Europe: 1945-1998, edited by Andrea Peto and Bela Rasky, 7-18. Budapest, OSI, CEU Program on Gender and Culture, 1999. . "A judaizmus feminista olvasata." Szombat 11, no. 3 (1999): 4-6. A feminist reading of Judaism. . "Kontinuitat und Wandel in der ungarischen Frauenbewegung der Zwischenkriegsperiode." In Feminismus und Demokratie: Europaische Frauenbewegungen der 1920er Jahre, edited by Ute Gerhard, 138-58. Frankfurter feministische Texte; Sozialwissenschaften, 1. Konigstein: U. He1mer, 2001. . "Lebensumstande der Arbeiter in einem Grosswerk in den 1950er Jahren." Acta Historica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae 35, no. 1-4 (1989): 51-65. About the social situations of workers in a factory in Hiungary in the 1950s. . "Leszbikus lehet-e az osszekoto? Magyarorszagi noi traumak 1947-ben." Orpheus no. 2-3 (1997): 15-24. About lesbianism in Hungary in 1947. . "Magyar nok es orosz katonak." Magyar Lettre International 32 (1999): 18-71. About the raping of Hungarian women by Soviet soldiers during the siege of Budapest in 1945. . "A magyarorszagi noi politizalas rovid tortenete es elmeleti kerdesei [History and theoretical questions of Hungarian women's politics'." In N6k a pdlydn: Kiizeleti tudnival6k politizdlo noknek; edited by Marta Bonfertne Szigeti, 9-32. Budapest: Nok a Val6di Eselyegyenlosegert Alapitvany, 2003. . "Minden tekintetben derek nok: A nok politikai szerepei es a noegyesuletek a ket vilaghaboni kozotti Magyarorszagon." About the political role of women and women's associations in interwar Hungary." In Szerep es alkotds, edited by Bea Nagy, S. Sardi Margit, 268-79. Debrecen: Csokonai, 1997. . "'Mint rmivesz sokszor kenyszerulve vagyok, hogy ne utasftsam vissza .... ' A Kisgazdapart, az operettprimadonna es a szexualis zaklatas esete a 'fordulat eveben.' " In Del-Europa vonzdsdban Tanulmdnyok Harsdnyi Ivdn 70. Szuletesnapjdra, 227-31. Pecs: Univer. Press, 2000. About sexual harassment in Hungary after the change in the political system. . "Moters judjimas Vengrijoje ir feminizmas [A history of the Hungarian women's movement and feminism]." Feminizmas, visuomene, kultura 3 (2001): 151-60. . "A 'Napba oltozott asszonyok': A (szelso) jobboldali magyar noi politizalas ideol6giai hatterehez" [Women dressed in the sun: the ideology of extreme right politics of Hungary]. In Gyiilolet cs Politika, edited by Gyorgy Csepeli and Antal Orkeny, 303-38. Budapest: F. Ebert Stiftung, 2002. Abridged English version at



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- - - . Nohistoriak: A politizalo magyar nok torteneteboI1945-1951. Budapest: Seneca, 1998. About Hungary's period of reconstruction, 1945-1951, from a gender perspective. "The first part of the book analyzes the participation of women in politics, in associations, and political parties, and introduces how the colorful world of the independent women's societies was eliminated by 1951. The history of the Feminist Association, the Jewish women's societies and the women's section of the Social Democratic Party shows the mechanism of institutional adaptation strategies. The sexual politics of the period is presented through sexual harassment cases in the communist-dominated, newly restructured police." -Habsburg Digest (June 1, 1998). Also reviewed in Aetas, 1-2 (1999), pp. 322-8 by Erzsebet Barat: "A politizalashoz autonomiara van szukseg: 'A 'nokerdes' tarsadalmi es tudomanyos aktualitasa." - - _ . "N6k es politika: Politikusnok es nagyasszonyok" [Women and politics: women politicians and great ladies]. In Asszonysorsok a 20. szdzadban, edited by Margit Balogh and Katalin S. Nagy, 211-9. Budapest: Szocialis es Csalovedelmi Miniszterium Nokepviseleti Titkarsaga, 2000. - - - . "A nok politikai kepviselete a fordulat eveben." In Fordulat a vildgban es Magyarorszdgon 1947-1949, edited by Istvan Feitl, Lajos Izsak, and Gabor Szekely, 318-34. Budapest: Napvilag Kiad6, 2000. - - - . "A notortenetiras tortenete" [The history of writing women's history]. Rubicon 6 (2001): 42-4. - - - . "The Process of Institutionalising Gender Studies in Hungary." In The Making of European Women's Studies: A Work in Progress: Reprot on Curriculum Development and Related Issues. Vol. 1, edited by Rosi Bradiotti and Ester Vonk, 32-5. Utrecht: Utrecht Univ., 2000. - - - . Rajk Julia. Budapest: Balassi, 2001. Biography of the wife of Laszlo Rajk. - - - . "A tarsadalmi nemek kozotti eselycgynloseg tortenete Magyarorszagon 1780 es 1990 kozott: Kronol6gia [Chronology of the History of Gender Equality in Hungary, 17801990]. In Nok es pdlydn: Kozeleti tudnivalok politizdlo n/iknek, edited by Marta Bonfertne Szigeti, 83-93. Budapest: N6k a Val6di Eselyegyenlosegert Alapitvany, 2003. - - - . "Tarsadalrni nemek es a nok tortenete" [A history of gender and women]. In Bevezetes a tdrsadalomuimtortenetbe, edited by B6dy Zsombor and b. Kovacs J6zsef, 51434. Budapest: Osiris, 2003. - - - . '''These Goals Have Approached Us': Hungarian Women after 1945." In A Demokratikus es szocialis megujhodds: tervek es valosag 1942-1945 = The Democratic and Social Progress: Plans and the Reality 1942-1945, edited by Gabor Szekely, and Janos Jemnitz, 182-7. Budapest: Magyar Lajos Foundation, 1997. - - - . "Ungarskite evreiki mezhdu Kholkosta i stalinizma: Organizatsii na ungareki evreiki v Ungariia sled Vtorata svetovna voina 1945-1951 g." [Hungarian Jewish women between the Holocaust and Stalinism: Organizations of Hungarian Jewish women after the Second World War, 1945-1951]. In Granitsi na grazhdanstvoto: evropeiskite zheni mezhdu traditsiiata i modernostta, compiled by Krasimira Daskalova and Raina Gavrilova, 302-17. Sofia: Izd-vo LIK: Bulgarska grupa za izsledvaniia po istoriia na zhenite i pola, 2001. In Bulgarian. - - - . "Women's Associations in Hungary: Mobilisation and Demobilisation, 1945-1951." In When the War Was Over: Women, War and Peace in Europe, 1940-1956, edited by Claire Duchens and Irene Bandhauer Schoffrnann, 132-46. London: Leicester Univ. Press, 2000. - - - . "Women's Employment and Lifestyle in a Hungarian City of Heavy Industries in the Fifties." In CEU History Department Yearbook 1993, edited by Andrea Peto, 265-76. Budapest: Central European Univ., 1994. - - - . "Women's Life Stories: Feminist Genealogies in Hungary."In Gender Relations in


Hungary th


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South Eastern Europe: Historical Perspectives on Womanhood and Manhood in 19 th and 20 Century, edited by Slobodan N aumovic and Miroslav Jovanovic, 211-9. Zur Kunde Sudosteuropas, 11/33. Belgrade: Udruzenje za drustvenu istoriju; Graz: Institut fur Geschichte der Universitat Graz, 2002. Republished, Munster: Lit, 2004. ,and Berteke Waaldjik. "Writing Women's Lives of Foremothers: The History and Future of a Feminist Teaching Tool."In The Making ofEuropean Women's Studies: A Work in Progress Report on Curriculum Development and Related issues. Vol. 4, edited by Rosi Bradiotti and Esther Vonk, 149-62. Utrecht: Utrecht Univ., 2002. Petrik, Ferenc, ed. A csalddjogi torveny magyardzata. Budapest: Kozgazdasagi es Jogi Konyvkiado, 1988. An interpretation of the laws concerning families. Pigniczky, Reka, "Hungarian Abortion Legislation: An Afterword." In Ana' s Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 113-5. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. . "The Making of a Women's Movement in Hungary after 1989." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 121-32. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. Pittaway, Mark. "Retreat from Collective Protest: Household, Gender, Work and Popular Opposition in Stalinist Hungary." In Rebellious Families: From Household Strategies to Collective Action in the 19th & 20th Centuries, edited by Jan Kok and Marcel van der Linden, 198-228. Oxford and Providence: Berghahn Books, 2002. Pocs, Eva. Between the Living and the Dead: A Perspective on Witches and Seers in the Early Modern Age. Translated by Szilvia Redey and Michael Webb. Budapest: Central European Univ. Press, 1999. "Pocs argues that fairies, magicians, seers, and witches each played a dualistic mediatory role in the life of the early modern Hungarian village. Rather than seeing these systems of mediation as evolving from benevolent to demonic, she convincingly shows that they were interactive and concurrent. Excellent bibliograpy." Choice, 1999. Pogany, Zsuzsanna. A Noemancipacio: 790-1848. Budapest: Szerzo, 1937. About the emancipation of women. Pongracz, Tibome, and Marietta Molnar. Opinions on Undertaking Children and on Population Policy among Mothers Caring [for] Two or More Children. Publications of the Demographic Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Demographic Committee of the Central Statistical Office, 48. Budapest: KSH, 1980. , and Edit S. Molnar, "Az abortusz-kerdes Magyarorszagon." Statisztikai Szemle 7 (1991): 9-31. About abortion in Hungary. ,and Istvan Gyorgy Toth, eds. Sze rep vdltozdsok. Jelentes a nok es a ferfiak helyzeterol. Budapest: TARKI, Szocialis es Csaladugyi Miniszterium, 1999. About changing gender roles in Hungarian society. Putz, Adalbert. Lebens-, lahres- und Arbeitsbrauchtum in Deutschkreutz: Bestand, Gehalt, Geriit. Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Vienna, 1970. About women and employment among the German-speaking minority population in Hungary. Racz, Gyula. A cseledtorvenyjavaslat birdlata. Az ember kisajdtitdsa. Budapest: Deutsch, 1907. Criticism of the bill for domestic servants. . Milyen legyen a: dltaldnos vdlasziojog a gyakorlatban? Budapest: Markus, 1905. Thoughts on universal suffrage. Rady, Martin. "The Filial Quarter and Female Inheritance in Medieval Hungarian Law." In The Man ofMany Devices, Who Wandered Full Many Ways ... : Festschrift in Honor ofJdnos M. Bak. Edited by Balazs Nagy and Marcell Sebok, 422-31. Budapest: CEU Press, 1999. Radvanszky, Bela, Magyar csalddelet is haztartds a XVI. is XVII. szdzadban vol3. th Budapest: Knoll Karoly, 1879. About family life and households in Hungary in the 16 and 17th centuries.



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Ranschburg, Jeno, A no es a ferfi. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankonyvkiado, 1995. About men and women in society from a psychological point of view. Ratk6, Anna. A szocialista egeszsegiigy fele: Reszletek Ratk6 Anna beszedeibol. Budapest: Egeszsegugyi Kiad6, 1951. Speeches by Anna Ratk6, the Minister of Health, under whose ministership abortion was forbidden in Hungary. Relkovic, Neda. Visszupillantds egyesiiletiink midtjara. Budapest: Stephaneum, 1937. History of a women's association. Remellay, Gusztav, A n/inem befolydsa hazdnk multjdra: regenyes kr6nika. Pozsony: Kaliwoda J., 1847. Romantic chronicle about women in Hungarian history. Remete, Ibolya, ed. Ndk magazinja almanach. Budapest: Kossuth, 1976. Almanac for a women's magazine. Renne, Tanya. "Protesting Porn: An Interview with Antonia Burrows." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 116-7. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. Resch, B. A., Gy. Falkay and S. Zalanyi. "Recent Issues in Reproductive Health in Hungary." In Assessment of Research and Service Needs in Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe-Concerns and Commitments. Proceedings of a Workshop Organized by the ICRR and the WHO Collaborating Centre on Research in Human Reproduction in Szeged, Hungary, 25-27 October 1993, edited by E. Hohannisson, L. Kovacs, B. A. Resch, and N. P. Bruyniks, 189. New York: The Parthenon Publishing Group, 1997. Rev, Istvan. "Nines no, nines vagy, nines szex: Nemek nelkuli tarsadalom." Rubicon 7 (1993): 2-4. About gender and the utopia of a gender-less society. Rezler, Gyula, ed. Magyar gydri munkdssdg: Szocidlis helyzetkep. Budapest: Magyar Kozgazd, Tarsulat, 1940. About the social conditions of Hungarian industrial workers. Rihtrnan-Augustin, Dunja, Ljiljana Marks, and Maja Kozic, eds. Zene u seoskoj kulturi panonije: V medunarodin znanstveni skup Ethnographia Pannonica, Vinkovci, 1980. Zagreb: Hrvatsko etnolosko drustvo, 1982. Annotated under Serbia. Riszovannij, Mihaly. "Media Discourses on Homosexuality in Hungary." In Gender in Transition in Eastern and Central Europe: Proceedings, edited by Gabriele Jahnert et al; im Auftrag des Zentrums fur interdisziplinare Frauenforschung an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, 254-60. Berlin: Trafo, 2001. . "Self-Articulation of the Gay and Lesbian Movement in Hungary after 1989." In Pink, Purple, Green: Women s, Religious, Environmental and Gay/Lesbian Movements in Central Europe Today, edited by Helena Flam, 150-60. Boulder: East European Monographs, 2001. R6bert, Peter, and Olga T6th. A kepes hetilapok - Kepes Ujsdg, Nok lapja, Orszdg- Yildg, Uj Tiikor - olvas6i, 1977. Budapest: M. Radio haziny., 1979. Sociological analysis about the readers of weeklies, some with specifically female readers, others focused on families. Roman Nepkoztarsasag Orszagos Notanacsa. A ruik kozremilkodese a hazafias kozerdekii munkdban: A nobizottsagok jeladata a helyi gazdalkoddsban. Bucharest: BNON, 1960. About the activities of women and women's committees in Romanian public life. . A nok reszvetele a kulturotthonok tevekenysegeben: A konyvtdrak es olvasokorok tevekenysegenek fokozdsa. Bucharest: Roman Nepkozt, Orszagos Notanacsa, 1960. About the participation of Romanian women in cultural life: edited by the Romanian Women's Council. R6nai, Horvath Jeno, Az Orszdgos Stefdnia Szovetseg anya- es csecsem/ivedelmi vandorkidllitdsdnak katal6gusa. Budapest: Kalocsa, 1934. Catalogue of an exhibition about mother and child care by the National Stefania Association. R6zsa, Ignac. Jelentes a Budapesti 5. keriileti Izraelita Noegylet 1929. evi miikodesrol es visszapillantds az egyesiilet 20 eves tortenetere. 1909-1929. Budapest: keriileti Izraelita Nocgylet, 1930. Annual report on the history of a Budapest Jewish women's association.



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Roszner, Ervin. Regi magyar hazassdgi jog. Budapest: Franklin, 1887. About old Hungarian marriage laws. Rueschemeyer, Marilyn, and Sonia Szelenyi, "Socialist Transformation and Gender Inequality: Women in the GDR and Hungary." In East Germany in Comparative Perspective, edited by David Childs, Thomas Baylis, and Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 81-109. London: Routledge, 1989. S. Molmir, Edit. "Kell-e tobb politikusno?" Jel-Kep 3 (1990): 18-66. About women in politics in Hungary. Safran, Gyorgyi, ed., Teleki Blanka es kore. Karacs Terez; Teleki Blanka, Lovei Kldra. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1963. About Hungarian female educators of girls. Saget, Catherine. "The Determinants of Female Labour Supply." Economics of Transition 7, no. 3 (1999): 75-91. Salamon, Jeno. Adatok a fiuk es ldnyok szerkezetosszeallito sajatossdgairol koedukdlt iskoldk 1. 3. 5.osztdlydban. Budapest: Akademiai, 1959. Data about the skills of boys and girls in coeducational schools. Sandorne, Horvath Erika. A gyetrmekgondozdsi) s(egely)tifl a gyetrmekgondozdsi) d(ij)ig. Budapest: MNOT, Kossuth, 1986. About the child care allowance. Sarkany, Mihaly. A lakodalom funkciojdnak megvaltozdsa falun. Budapest: Akademiai, 1983. About the change in the social function of weddings in the countryside. Sas, Judit. H. Eletm6d es csalad. Az emberi viszonyok alakuldsa a csalddban. Budapest: Akadernia, 1976. About human relations in the family. . Noies nok es ferfias ferfiak: a nokkel es a ferfiakkal kapcsolatos tdrsadalmi sztereotipiak elete, eredete, es szocializdcioja. Budapest: Akademiai, 1988. About gender stereotypes in Hungary. Schadt, Maria. "A diktanirak nokepe." in Del-Europa vonzdsdban. Tanulmdnyok Harsdnyi lvdn 70. szidetesnapjara, 281-91. Pecs: Univ. Press, 2000. About the image of woman under the rule of a dictatorship. Scheppele, Kim Lane, and Anna Wessely. "Kulturalis politika es politikailag helyes viselkedes." Vilagossag 36, no. 7 (1995): 5-79. Two Hungarian feminists discuss cultural politics and "political correctness." Scholler, Wilhelm, and Schopf, Franz Joseph. Praktisches handbuch iiber das in Ehesachen der Katholiken zu beobachtende Verfahren, nach dem Ehegesetze vom 8. October 1856 und nach der fiir die geistlichen Gerichte erlassenen Anweisung, in Verbindung mit den noch aufrecht bestehenden iilteren Vorschriften. Pest: n.p., 1857. About the new marriage law introduced in 1856. Schlachta, Margit. A Katolikus NlJi Szocialis Kepzif. Budapest: Szocialis Testverek Tars., 1938. About a Catholic women's social organization. Schopf, Franz Joseph. Das osterreichische Frauenrecht: Eine praktische darstellung aller Rechte und Pflichten, welche die Frauen aller Stdnde und Kronliinder in dem Verhiiltnisse als Gattin, Mutter Wittwe und Hausfrau, sowie in staatsbiirgerlicher Hinsicht geniessen und zu beobachten haben. Nach den osterreichischen Gesetzen und mit Riicksicht aufdas Familienleben verfasst. Pest: n.p., 1857. About the rights of women in Habsburg Austria and its crownlands. Schram, Ferenc. "Nepi nogyogyaszati tanacsok a XVII-XVIII. szazadbol." Orvostiirteneti Kozlemenyek 69-70 (1973): 53-77. Schwimmer, R6zsa [R6zsika], 1877-1948. Suffragist, feminist, pacifist, and women's trade union leader. She served as a diplomat to Switzerland just after World War I, and became an opponent of the Bela Kun government. See ARIADNE - Projekt "Frauen in Bewegung" http://www.onb.ac.at/ariadne/vfblbio_schwimmer.htm



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Schwimmer, R6zsa. A magyar ruimozgalom regi dokumentumai. Zombor: Bittermann, 1907. Sources relating to Hungarian feminism. - - - , ed. Ehe-Ideale und Ideal-ehen: Ausserungen moderner Frauen, auf Grund einer Rundfrage. Berlin: Continent, 1905. About the ideal marriage and the ideals of marriage for modern women. - - - . Neue Heimkultur. Leipzig: Dietrich, 1909. About the new home culture. - - - . Staatlicher Kinderschutz in Ungarn. Gautzsch b. Leipzig: Dietrich, 1909. About state sponsored child care in Hungary. - - - . "Der Stand der Frauenbildung in Ungarn." In Handbuch der Frauenbewegung, 3 Teil: Der Stand der Frauenbildung in der Kulturlaendern, edited by Helene Lange, Gertrude Baeumer, 191 - 206. Berlin: S., W. Moeser, 1902. About the state of women's education in Hungary. - - - . Yelemenyek a ruik valasztojogdrol. Budapest: Feministak Egyesiilete, 1906. Opinions about women's suffrage. - - - . Zentralhaushaltung. Leipzig, n.p., 1907. Sellei, N6ra. "Feminizmusok/tudomanyos beszedmodok, civil szervezodesek." Korunk no. 10 (2000): 18-35. Annotated under Romania. Selymes, Peterne. A proletdrtui valasztojogaert. Budapest: Orszagos Noszervezo Bizottsag, 1938. About suffrage for the proletarian woman.

Senesh, Hannah, 1921-1944: Hungarian Jewish heroine of the Holocaust who was killed by the Nazis at 23. See the Jewish Diaspora chapterfor works by and about Senesh. HUN867 HUN868


HUN870 HUN871 HUN872 HUN873

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Seregely, Gyorgy. Fogamzdsgdtlds. Budapest: Medicina, 1972. About contraception. - - - . "Nepszokasok, babonak es tevhitek az abortivumok es fogamzasgatlok korebol Magyarorszagon."Egeszseg 62 no. 5 (1969): 47-50. About folk customs, superstitions, and misinformation concerning abortion and contraception in Hungary. Siemienska, Renata. "Elites and Women in Democratizing Post-communist Societies." International Review of Sociology 9, no. 2 (1999): 197-219. Discussion uses data particularly from Poland, Hungary and Russia. Sikl6s, Laszlo. A hdzassdgok a foldon kiittetnek: Budapest: Kozmosz, 1974. Interviews about marriages. - - - . "Konyhalanyok." Blet es irodalom 12, no. 26 (1968): 2. About women working in the food industry: their salaries, migration from the country, and accidents in Interviews. - - - . Vdlunk; vdlogatunk. Budapest: Kozmosz, 1974. About divorce. Simandy, Iren, "A nok valasztojoga a szazadfordul6t611938-ig Magyarorszagon." M.A. thesis. Budapest: ELTE, 1995. About the changes in legislation for female suffrage in Hungary from the turn of the century to 1938. Simon, Sander. Women in New Hungary. Budapest: Hungarian Bulletin, 1952. Simonyi, Agnes, ed. Egy csaladvizsgalat tapasztalatai: Hogyan segitse a szakszerveret a csalddokat? Budapest: n.p., 1981. About how trade unions should help families. Sipos, Levente. "A magyar nomozgalom tortenete 1944-1946," In Vissza a tortenelembe. Balogh Sandor Emlekkonyv, edited by Lajos Izsak and Gyula Stemler, 321-30. Budapest: Napvilag, 1996. The history of the Hungarian women's movement 1944-1946. Sipos, Peter. "A kormanyzo hitvese: Purgly Magdolna." Hist6ria 22, no 2 (2000): 1-4. About the wife of the interwar Hungarian head of state, Mikl6s Horthy. Soltesz, Marta, Katonane. Hdzassdg, csaldd; vdlds - es a jog. Tanulmdnyok. Budapest: Gondolat, 1982. Laws concerning marriage, family and divorce. - - - , and Matild T6th, B. L' egalit« de lafemme d' apres la loi hongroise. Sofia: n. p., 1971. About women's equality in Hungarian legislation.



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HUN901 HUN902

Sombor, Judit, and Tunde Tuscher. Meleghdz: Budapest: Unio, n.d. About homosexuality in Hungary. Somlai, Peter. Csaladmonogrdfidk. Budapest: Oktatasugyi Min., NIM. Ipargazd es Uzemszerv. Int., 1979. Family monographs. Stefania Szovetseg. A Stefdnia Sziivetseg programja. Budapest: Stefania Szovetseg, 1916. Program of the Stefania Alliance concerning mothers and child-care. Steinacker, Gusztav, Tapasztaldsok es intesek a n/ineveles mezejen. Pest: Geibel, 1842. About the education of women. Stewart, Michael. "Brothers in Song: The Persistence of (Vlach) Gypsy Community and Identity in Socialist Hungary." Ph.D. diss., Univ. of London, 1988. - - - . "I Can't Drink Beer, I've Just Drunk Water: Alcohol, Bodily Substance and Commensality among Hungarian Rom." In Alcohol, Gender, and Culture, edited by Dimitra Gefou-Madianou, 137-56. London: Routledge, 1992. - - - . The Time of the Gypsies. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. Annotated under the Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. - - - . "True Speech, Song and the Moral Order of a Hungarian Vlach Gypsy Community." Man 24, no. 1 (1988): 19-102. Annotated under the Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. Stiegler, Barbara. A fog la lkozds nem nemek kerdese. Bonn: Friedrich Ebert Alapitvany, 1993. Sulyok, Katalin. "Apolonok." Elet es irodalom 14 (1968). Sociological interviews, about abortion, with nurses working in hospitals. - - - . "Magyar lanyok kerestetnek" [Wanted: Hungarian Girls]. Elet es irodalom 32 (1969): 1. Opposition to young, educated Hungarian women marrying men from the West. - - - . Egy orszdg gyesen: Riportok. Budapest: Alfoldi, 1979. About the effects of child care allowances. - - - , and Jeno Bacs6. Hdzassdg el/itt. Budapest: Allami Ifjusagi Biz. MNOT, 1979. A book to be read by young couples before getting married. Sutherland, Anne. "Hungary's Gypsy Women: Scapegoats in a New Democracy." Ms. 2, no. 2 (September-October 1991): 7-20. Sz. Jonas, Ilona. Arpddhdzi Szent Erzsebet. Budapest: Akaderniai, 1986. About a Hungarian female saint, her life and her cult. Szabad ti: evem legszebb napja (Yalogatas a Nok Lapja es az MNDSz pdlydzatdra bekiildott levelekbol}. Budapest: MNDSz, 1955. Collection of letters sent to women's magazines. "The most beautiful day of my liberation." Szabady, Egon. Study of the impact of a family protection measure: the selective role placed by social factors utilizing the allowance for child-care in Hungary. Budapest: Statisztikai Kiad6, 1970. - - - , ed. Tanulmdnyok a nok helyzeterol. Budapest: Kossuth, 1972. Studies on the situation of women in Hungary. - - - , ed. Nok-Gazdasdg-Tdrsadalom: tanulmdnyok a nok helyzeterol. Budapest: Kossuth, 1976. Essays about women and the Hungarian economy. Statistical articles about women's economic and social position. Szab6, A. Ferenc. Az abortuszkerdes es a magyar tdrsadalom szdzadunkban [Abortion and Hungarian Society in Our Century]. Budapest: Magyar Napl6, 1999. - - - . Szemely, hdzassdg es csalad: Erkolcsteologiai, pszichol6giai, egyhdzjogi es pedag6giai szempontok. R6ma: n.p., 1988. Canonic and moral theological points of view about family and marriage. Szab6, Gyula. A szocialista ndmozgalom utja Baranydban 1921-ig. Pecs: Szikra, 1964. About the socialist women's movement in Baranya county, up to 1921. Szab6, Kalman, Csalddok es hauartasok demografiai jellemz/iinek eloreszdmitasa. Budapest: Statisztikai Kiad6, 1986. About predicting the demographic characteristics of families and households.



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Szab6, Richard. Nok vildga. Pest: Heckenast, 1847. About the social spheres of women. Szadeczky-Kardoss, Tibor, von. Die ungarische Finanzpolitik im Dienste des Familienschutzes. Budapest: Stephaneum, 1943. About Hungary's financial policies with regard to welfare. A szakszervezetek gondoskoddsa a dolgoz6 nokrol: A szocialis es lakdsiigyi bizottsdg funkcionariusai iskoldztatdsdnak 1. tdrgykore: Tananyag a tanitok szdmdra. Bratislava: Praca, 1954. About the services provided by trade unions for working mothers in Slovakia. Szalai, Julia. "Abortion in Hungary." Feminist Review 29 (Spring 1988): 18-101. - - - . "Can Civil Society Guarantee the Future of Welfare in Hungary?" in Critical Social Policy, 10 no. 1. (1990): 5-95. - - - . "From Informal Labor to Paid Occupations: Marketization from Below in Hungarian Women's Work," In Reproducing Gender: Politics, Publics, and Everyday Life After Socialism, edited by Susan Gal, 200-24. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000. - - - . "A helyi onkormanyzatok szocialpolitikajarol." in Az dllamtalanitds dilemmdi: szocidlpolitikai kenyszerek es vdlasztasok, edited by Edit Landau et. aI., 240-60. Budapest: Active Society Foundation, 1995. About the social policy of local governments. - - - . "Some Aspects of the Changing Situation of Women in Hungary." Signs 17, no. 1 (Autumn 1991): 52-70. - - - . "Women and Democratization: Some Notes on Recent Changes in Hungary." In Construction Reconstruction: Women, Family & Politics in Central Europe. 1945-1998, edited by Andrea Peto and Bela Rasky, 103-26. Budapest, OS I, CEU Program on Gender and Culture, 1999. Szalay, Sander. Vdrosi cseledkerdes. Budapest: May Nyomda, 1909. About the problems with domestic servants in cities. - - - . "Women in the Light of Time-Budget Research." New Hungarian Quarterly 17, no. 64 (1973): 4-92. Szanto, Piroska. Forradalmi szvit, Budapest: Corvina, 1989. About women in the 1956 revolution. Szathmary, Ibolya, V. "Szokasok es hiedelmek a szerelmi elettol a kereszteloig a berettyoiijfalui nephagyornanyban." In Bihari Muzeum Evkiinyve 11, edited by Zoltan Hethy 119-42. Berettyoujfalu: n.p., 1978. Beliefs concerning love, birth and baptism in a small village in Bercttyoujfalu, Hungary. Szathmary, Karoly, P. Az Orszdgos Magyar Gazdaasszony-Egylet tortenete, Sztupa Gyorgy jegyzetei nyomdn. Die Geschichte des Landesvereines der Ungarischen Hausfrauen. Translated by Nicolaus Rozer. Pest: Pesti Nyomda, 1873. The history of the Hungarian National Association of Housewives. In Hungarian & German. Abstract in English and French. Szechenyi, Mihaly. "A bordelyrendszer Budapesten." Rubicon 4, no. 8-9 (1993). About prostitution in Budapest. Szegedy-Maszak, Aladarne and Karolyne Stumpf, eds. Haziasszonyok utmutatoja hdziartdsi alkalmazouaik irdnyitdsdra. Budapest: Katolikus Haziasszonyok Orszagos Szovetsege, 1943. Advice for housewives in managing their domestic servants. Szegvari, Katalin N. "Valasztojog-szabalyozasa az 1920-as evek elso feleben [The preregulation of suffrage in the first half of the 1920s]." Miiltunk 39, no. 1-2 (1994): 157-76. Abstract: Discusses the historical background of the Hungarian electoral system under Habsburg rule and the importance of the Social Democrats and the Hungarian Women's Movement (MANSZ) in obtaining the extension of the right to vote. Szekacs, Antal. A nok vdlasztojoga. Budapest: Karolyi Nyomda, 1908. About women's suffrage. Szekszardi, Ferencne. Csaladi eletre neveles az osztalyfonoki ordn: Modszertani utmutato a: dltaldnos iskolai osztdlyfdnokok szamdra. Budapest: Orszagos Pedag6gia Intezet, 1975.



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About education for family life in primary school. Szenasy, J6zsef. Az anya es a gyermekvedelemfajvedelmifeladatai. Kalocsa: Arpad, 1941. About mothers and child-care, and defending the Hungarian race. - - - . Az anyavedelem jiivdfeladatai. Budapest: Orszagos Stefania Szovetseg, 1941. About the future task of the mother's care. - - - . Az Orszdgos Stefania Szovetseg anya- es ujsziilottvedelmi celjai. Budapest: Orszagos Stefania Szovetseg, 1938. Aims of the National Stefania Alliance in mothers-and-child care. - - - . Munka es anyasdg, Kalocsa: Orszagos Stefania Szovetseg, 1940. About women's work and motherhood. Szende, Katalin. "A nok szerepe a kezmuiparban a keso kozepkorban a soproni es pozsonyi vegrendeletek tukreben." In Hazi Jen/i emlekkonyv, edited by Eva Turbuly and Peter Dominovits, 169-80. Sopron: Soproni Leveltar, 1993. The role of crafts-women as reflected in testaments in the towns of Sopron and Pozsony in the late middle ages. - - - . "A noi munka a kozepkori gazdasagban." Aetas 1-2 (1995): 79-94. About the work done by women in the medieval economy. Szentkiralyi, M6ricz. Ertekezes a magyar asszony jussairol. Pest: Trattner es Karolyi, 1829. About the rights of women. Sz. I. "Jegyzetek Hetenyinek a 'nonem emancipatioja a keresztenyseg altal' czimii ertekezesere." Athenaeum January 24, 1841: 1. Reflection on the writings by Hetenyi about the emancipation of women by Catholicism. Szilagyi, Eva. Nok Yilagkongresszusa, Prdga, 1981. okt. 8-13. Budapest: MNOT, 1981. About the world congress of women in 1981. Szilagyi, Sander. Egy apdca a Rdkoczy-hdzbol: Rajzok es tanulmdnyok. 2 vols. Budapest: n.p., 1875. The drawings and essays of a nun from the Rakoczy line. - - - . Magyar nok forradalmi eletebol. Pest, 1850. About the participation of women in the 1848 revolution. - - - , ed. Nok konyve, Almanach 1853-ra. Pest: Emich, 1853. A woman's almanac for the year 1853. Szilagyi, Vilmos. A hazassag jovoje: avagy a jovd hdzassdgai. Budapest: Minerva, 1978. About the future of marriage. Szilagyi, Vilmos, ed. A csalddi elet mai problemdi, ahogy hazai szakertoink ldtjdk. Budapest: Tankonyvkiado, 1980. About the problems of contemporary family life. Sziraczki, Gyorgy, and James Windell. "Impact of Employment Restructuring on Disadvantaged Groups in Hungary and Bulgaria." International Labour Review 131, no. 4-5 (1992): 71-96. Annotated under Bulgaria. Szocidlis noi eletpdlydk 2. A gydrgondozoruii hivatds: Kisanydk iskoldja. Budapest: Budapesti Szekesfovarosi Palyavalasztasi Tanacsado es Kepessegvizsgalo Intezet kiadvanyai, 1943. About new social service jobs and the opportunities for women in factories. Szocialista egeszsegvedelemmel a komdrom-megyei anydkert es gyermekeikert! Komarom: Komarom Megyei MNDSz es a Komarom Megyei Tanacs Egeszsegiigyi Osztalya, 1953. About the health care of mothers and children in Komarorn county. Szotak, Zsuzsanna. Tudomdny es No: A 'tudosno,' mint fogalmi ellentmondds. Leltar 2. Disputa Konyvek 4, 131-8. Budapest: MTA Tarsadalmi Konfliktusok Kutat6 Kozpontja, 1994. About the "incompatibility" of women and science. Szucs, Istvan. Hdzassdgi viszonyokat szabolyozo ujabb tiirvenyek s legfelsobb rendeletek, a tiszantuli helv. hitv. ev. lelkipdsztorok reszere osszeszedve. Debrecen: 1854. About laws relating to marriages and mixed marriages, for the use of Swiss Lutheran priests. Tabitha Egylet alapszabdlyai. Budapest: Stadium, 1939. Statutes of an association of women. Tajekoztato az anya- es csecsem/ivedelem szervezesehez. Budapest: Egyesult Nyomda, 1932. Information about the organization of mother and child care. Tdjekoztato a nok helyzeterol. Budapest: Tancsics, 1974. About the situation of women in




HUN945 HUN946 HUN947 HUN948 HUN949 HUN950 HUN951

HUN952 HUN953 HUN954 HUN955 HUN956

HUN957 HUN958

HUN959 HUN960 HUN961


Hungary. Tdjekoztato utmutatds vasdmapi Szent Zita cseledkorok szervezesere es vezetesere vonatkoz6lag. Budapest: Katholikus Haziasszonyok Orszagos Szovetsege, 1937. How to organize and lead Catholic circles for domestic servants. Takacs, Judit. "Masok: A magyar homoszexualis szubkulnira lapja," Mozg6 Yilag 13 (1993): 14-21. About a periodical, Mdsok, belonging to Hungary's gay subculture. Takats, Sander. Magyar nagyasszonyok. Budapest: Genius, n.d. About the life of Hungarian aristocratic women. Tamas, Pal. "Hova lett a magyar feminizmus?" tlet es irodalom (May 1987). About Hungarian feminism. . "Kutat6n6k a magyar tudornanyban." Magyar Tudomdny, 1-2 (1984): 45-55. About female researchers in Hungarian academia. Tatar, Sandorne. "Terhessegmegszakitasok Hajdti-Bihar megyeben." Statisztikai Szemle 69, no. 7 (July 1991): 44-53. Tauffer, Vilmos. Az anya- es csecsem/ivedelem szervezete. Budapest: Pfeifer, 1918. About the organization of mother and child care. Ternesvary, Rezso, A Pesti Izraelita Noegylet Weiss Alice Gyermekdgyas Otthondnak tortenete es 25 evi miikodese: 1910-1934. Budapest: Globus, 1936. History of a Jewish women's organization for mother and child care in Pest. Temesvary, Rezs6. Anyavedelmi torekvesek Magyarorszdgon. Budapest: Posner, 1918. About the trends for mother care in Hungary. . A bdbamesterseg Magyarorszdgon 100 ev elott. Budapest: Buschmann, 1898. About th th midwives in Hungary at the turn of the 18 and 19 centuries. Thanhoffer, Pal. "Visszhang Pelathy Istvan igenytelen tervere," Athenaeum 1842. Nov. 27. Reflecting on Istvan Pelathy's plan for an association of women. Thun, Eva. "Do We Need Feminism and Women's Studies in Hungary?" Bulletin. Berlin Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at Humbolt Univ. 14 (1997): 19-98. . "Gender Representation in Educational Materials in the Period of Transition in Hungary." In Education and Civic Culture in Post-Communist Countries, edited by Stephen Webber and Ilkka Liikanen, 124-41. London: Palgrave, in association with the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London, 2001. . "Women in Hungary in Times of Social and Cultural Transition." Hungarian Studies Review 26, nos. 1-2 (Spring-Fall, 1999): 19-58. Timar, Judit. "Restructuring Labour Markets on the Frontier of the European Union: Gendered Uneven Development in Hungary." In Work, Employment and Transition: Restructuring Livelihoods in Post-Communism, edited by Al Rainnie, Adrian Smith and Adam Swain, 134-54. London & New York: Routledge, 2002. Toldy, Istvan. A nokrol a noknek. Pest: Emich, 1865. Book about women & for women in the 19th century. Tornory, Marta, "Az egyenloseg ara." tlet es irodalom 16, no. 20 (1972): 6. About the lack of equality in academia for women. T6th, Andrea. "Az 1990-es parlamenti valasztasok plakatjai es roplapjai. A nemek megjelenitese es a kepviselojeloltek onreprezentacioja," In Tiiresvonalak es valasztdsok: Politikatudomdnyi vizsgdlatok a mai Magyarorszdgrol, edited by Istvan Balogh, 227-47. Budapest: MTA PTI, 1994. About the representation of gender in the advertisements and pamphlets for the 1990 elections. T6th, Eszter Zs6fia. "Parasztlanyokbol munkasasszonyok," In Paraszti mult es jelen az ezredfordul6n. A Magyar Neprajzi Tarsasag 2000. Okt6ber 10-12 kozott megrendezett neprajzi vdndorgyillesenek eloadasai, 405-22. Szentendre: Magyar Neprajzi TarsasagSzentendrei Szabadteri rmizeum, 2000. About the social change of peasant women into female factory workers.




HUN964 HUN965



HUN968 HUN969 HUN970


HUN972 HUN973 HUN974

HUN975 HUN976



T6th, Istvan Gyorgy. "Noble Women Learning to Write in Western Hungary between the Sixteenth and Eighteenth Centuries." In Women in History-Women's History: Central and Eastern European Perspectives, edited by Andrea Peto and Mark Pittaway, 31-40. Budapest: Central European Univ., 1994. . "Peasant Sexuality in Eighteenth Century Hungary." Continuity and Change 6, no. 1 (1991): 3-58. . "A torvenyes es torvenytelen szerelem konfliktusai a 18. szazadi magyar falvakan." In Rendi tdrsadalom-polgdri tdrsadalom, edited by Laszlo Varga, 45-50.3. Salgotarjan: Nograd megyei Leveltar, 1991. About legal and illegal sexual relations among peasants in Hungary during the 18th century. . "A vegvar arnyekaban: Hadiozvegyek a torokkorban." In A magyarorszdgi vegvdrak a XVI-XVII. Szdzadban, edited by Sander Bod6 and Jolan Szab6, 113-9. Eger: Dob6 Istvan varrmizeum, 1983. About widows during the Hungarian-Turkish Wars. . "Aki ahhoz szokatlan, el nem keriilheti a fofajast miatt. Imi tanul6 arisztokrata asszonyok." In Eur6pa vonzdsdban. Emlekkonyv Kosdry Domokos 80. szidetesnapjdra, edited by Ferenc Glatz. 61-8. Budapest: MTA Tortenettudomanyi Intezet, 1993. About Hungarian aristocratic women learning to write. . "Ferj, feleseg, gyerek a 18. szazadi parasztcsaladban." Historia 3 (1991): 1-3. About gender roles in the Hungarian peasant family during the 18th century. . "Irni tanul6 nagyasszonyok," Rubicon 5 (1990): 4-5. About Hungarian aristocratic women learning to write. . "Komam nines es felesegern vagyon: Meddoseg es fogamzasgatlas a 18. Szazadi magyar parasztsagnal." In Ora, szablya; nyoszolya: Eletm6d es anyagi kultura Magyarorszdgon a 17-18. Szdzadban, edited by Vera Zirnanyi, 133-44. Budapest: MTA Tortenettudomanyi Intezet, 1994. About contraception and sterility among peasants in Hungary during the 18th century. . "Sziizek es paraznak: torvenytelen szerelem es hazaselet a 18. szazadi magyar parasztsagban." Palocfold 2 (1990): 1-8. About the extramarital relationships among peasants in Hungary during the 18th century. T6th, Matild, Bne. A magyar nok jogainak fejlodese. Budapest: Tancsics Kiad6, 1975. About progress in the legal emancipation of Hungarian women. T6th, Olga. "Az elenit (life-course) kutatasokrol." Tdrsadalomkutatas 3-4 (1990): 7-63. About academic research on the course of life. . "Az elso gyermek szuletese mint az eletut fordulopontja." Tdrsadalomkutatds 1 (1992): 40-5. About the birth of the first child as the turning point in the course of life for women. . "Hazassag es gyermek: velekedes es viselkedes." Szdzadveg 11 (1998): 80-93. About attitudes and behavoirs concerning marriage and children. . "Marriage, Divorce and Fertility in Hungary Today: Tensions between Facts and Attitudes." In Construction, Reconstruction: Women, Family & Politics in Central Europe, 1945-1998, edited by Andrea Peto and Bela Rasky, 127-45. Budapest: OSI, CEU Program on Gender and Culture, 1999. . "No Envy, No Pity." In Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 213-23. New York: Routledge Press, 1993. An attempt to present a more representative picture of women in Hungary. Toth notes that Western feminists were either too envious of the gains of socialist-era Eastern European women, or too compassionate because of exaggerated conceptions of women's suffering. . "A noi eleuit Magyarorszagon. Extrem m6don hosszii es rovid eletperiodusok'' In Ferfiuralom, Irdsok nokrol,fbfiakr6l,feminizmusr6l, edited by Mikl6s Hadas, 223-34. Budapest: Replika Kor, 1994. About the course of life for women in Hungary.




- - - . "Sociological and Historical Aspects of Entry into Marriage." Journal ofFamily History 19, no. 4 (1994): 51-68. HUN980 - - - . "A szulove valas idozftese az elenitban." Szociologiai Szemle no. 3-4 (1993): 21-36. About the timing of having a child during the course of life for women. HUN981 - - - . "Transylvanian Refugee Women in Hungary: 1989." In Gains and Losses: Women and Transition in Eastern and Central Europe, edited by Leland C. Barrows and Laura Grunberg, 95-107. Bucharest: UNESCOIENWS, 1994. HUN982 T6th, Zoltan. "'Arme' reiche Frauen in Pest: Grobburgerliche Existenzen gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts: Drei Fallstudien." In Von Biirgen und ihren Frauen, edited by Margret Friedrich and Peter Urbanitsch, 209-22. Burgertum in der Habsburgermonarchie, 5. Vienna: Bohlau Verlag; Cologne: Weimar, 1996. HUN983 - - - . "Disintegration of the Market-Town Social Block of Szekszard at the Turn of the Twentieth Century." Journal ofFamily History 19, no. 4 (1994): 409-25. HUN984 Turgonyi, Jtilia, and Zsuzsa Ferge. Az ipari munkdsnok munka- es eletkoriilmenyei. Budapest: Kossuth, 1969. About women and industriallabor. HUN985 - - - . "Fohivatasii anyasag' vagy teljes emberi elet? A nok tarsadalmi helyzeterol es hivatasarol." Tarsadalmi Kozlemenyek no. 3 (1973): 5-47. About the situation of women and their role in society. HUN986 Tutsek, Anna, ed., Nok konyve 1922: Evre. Budapest: Dante, 1922. The 1922 almanac for women. "Dj hazassagi torveny a katholikusok hazassagai irant az ausztriai birodalomban: Jegyzetekkel es magyarazatokkal ellatva," Uj Torvenytar 9 (1857). This issue of Uj Torvenytdr deals with the new law on the marriage of Catholics in the Habsburg Empire. HUN987 Ujvari, Irnre Laszlo. Nok a seregben, Riportok. Budapest: Zrinyi, 1978. Interviews about the participation of women in the army. HUN988 United Nations. Women in Decision-making: Case-Study on Hungary. New York: United Nations, 1993. HUN989 Urton, William L. "Female Occupational Mobility: Higher in the United States than in Hungary or Poland." Sociology and Social Research 71, no. 1 (1986): 7-9. HUN990 Ut, igazsdg, elet: Kerdesek es gondolatok a Kolas: Katholikus Leanykorok Szdvetsege katekizmustanitasdhoz. Budapest: Katolikus Leanykorok Szovetsege, 1946. About teaching catechism in the Alliance for Catholic Women's Circles. HUN991 Utasi, Agnes. Csalddok es eletstilusok. Budapest: MSZMP KB Tarsadalomtudomanyi Int, 1989. About changes in family structure and life style. HUN992 Vajda, Agnes, "N6k a politikai szinfalak mogott?" Magyar Nok Lapja 7, no. 99 (1992): 3-6. About women in politics in Hungary. HUN993 - - - . "A nok beilleszkedese a foglalkozasi strukuiraba." Statisziikai Szemle, 6 (1976): 672-87. About the relationship between women and labor structures. HUN994 - - - . "N6k a politikai eletben" Statisztikai Szemle 70, no. 3 (1992): 70-1. About women in politics. HUN995 Vajda, Eva. "Women in the Media in Hungary." In Construction, Reconstruction: Women, Family & Politics in Central Europe, 1945-1998, edited by Andrea Peto and Bela Rasky, 225-32. Budapest: OSI, CEU Program on Gender and Culture, 1999. HUN996 Vajda, Maria. Hol a vilag kozepe? Parasztvallomdsok a szerelemrol. Kecskernet: Forras Konyvek, 1988. About the sexual culture of Hungarian peasants. - - . "A magyar parasztsag szerelmi elete." In A szerelemrol komolyan. Tanulmdnyok, HUN997 edited by Istvan Kamaras and Csaba Varga., 99-102. Budapest: Gondolat, 1985. About the love lives of the Hungarian peasantry. HUN998 Vajda, Zoltan J6zsef. Nok a pokolban. Kispest: Auswitz, 1945. About women in work camps. HUN999 Valkai, Zsuzsa. Mien isznak a n/ik? Budapest: Magveto kiad6, 1986. About why women drink alcohol. HUNI000 Varhelyi, Maria. "Abortuszkerdes." Mozg6 Yildg, 12 (1990): 4-72. About the abortion-issue



in Hungary. HUNI00l Vari, Sander. "A noi hiszteria Budapesten az 1880-as evekben." Budapesti Konyvszemle 4 (1999): 74-84. Also in the English language version of the publication, The Budapest Review ofBooks, under the title "A Case of Female Hysteria in the 1880s." HUNI002 Varga, Vikt6ria, ed., N6k a honvedelemert. A Szolnokon megrendezett noaktiva jegyzokonyve, 1978.okt. 13. Rend. A Magyar Honvedelmi Sziivetseg Szolnok Megyei Szervezete. Budapest: Fejer M., 1979. About women's participation in the army. A report on the women's committee in Szolnok county. HUNI003 Varkonyi, Agnes, R., ed. N6k a magyar tiirtenelemben. Budapest: Zrinyi, 1997. Biographies famous Hungarian women from the 12th to the 17th century. HUNI004 Varkonyi, Sander. Az Egyesiilt Szekszdrd-Tolna-megyei N6egylet 50 eves tortenete. 18611911. Szekszard: Molnar-fele Konyvnyomda, 1911. 50 years of history of the Unified Women's Association in Szekszard-Tolna county. HUNI005 Vasarhelyi, Maria. "Terhessegmegszakitas, Kozvelemenykutatas az abortuszr61." Heti Yildggazdasdg, 1990. Aug. 11. Public survey about abortion. HUNI006 Vasary, Ildik6, "The Sin of Transdanubia: the One-Child System in Rural Hungary." Continuity and Change 4 no. 3 (1989): 429-68. HUNI007 Vasaryova, Zuzana. "Zdravie a zivotosprava v beznom zivote najvyssfch aristokratickych vrstiev v Uhorsku, na prelome 16. a 17. storocia" [Health and Diet in the Everyday Life of th the Top Aristocratic Classes in Hungary at the Turn of the 17 Century]. Cesko-slovenskd historicka rocenka (2001): 179-85. Paper initially presented at the conference "Zena v dejinach novoveku" in Ceske Budjerovice in 2000. HUN1008 Veldtrup, Dieter. Frauen um Herzog Ladislaus (1401): Oppelner Herzoginnen in der dynastischen Politik zwischen Ungarn, Polen und dem Reich. Warendorf: Fahlbusch, 1999. The marriages of Polish and Hungarian noblewomen in the Holy Roman Empire. HUN1009 Vertes, Eva. The Situation of Women in Hungary. Budapest: National Council of Hungarian Women, 1981. HUNI010 Vertes, Laszlo. "Hugonnai Vilma, az egeszsegnevelo." Egeszsegneveles (1997): 49. About the first Hungarian female doctor, Vilma Hugonnai, and her work in health education. HUN1011 Vicsek, Lilla. "Vezetesi eselyek 1993: Az osztalyszarmazas es a nemi hovatartozas jelentosege a vallalati felso vezetove valasban." Szociologiai Szemle 4 (1998): 19-49. The influence of gender and class on career advancement. HUN1012 Vig, Vilmosne, ed. Korszeni hdztartds: tobb szabadido. Budapest: MNOT, Kossuth, 1974. Propaganda material about leisure time in the modem household. HUNI013 Yildg asszonyai a bekeert: Nemzetkozi Nokongresszus Budapesten. 1948. dec. Budapest: MNDSz, 1948. International Congress of Women in Budapest, 1948. HUN1014 Volgyes, Ivan, "Blue-Collar Working Women and Poverty in Hungary." In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 221-33. Durham NC: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. HUN1015 ,and Nancy Volgyes. The Liberated Female: Life, Work, and Sex in Socialist Hungary. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1977. The authors try to apply western feminist criteria to Hungarian society. Includes data and bibliography. HUN1016 Weil, Gordon. "Economic Reform and Women: A General Framework with Specific Reference to Hungary." In Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies, edited by Valentine M. Moghadam, 280-301. London: Oxford, 1993. HUN1017 Weiss, Emilia, A ttilel6 hazastdrs oroklesi jogi jogdlldsa torteneti kialakuldsdban es [ejlodesi tendencidiban. Budapest: Akademiai, 1984. About the rights of widows and widowers in Hungary in a historical perspective. HUN1018 "Women Hurt by Transition." Budapest Sun, 28 September 1996.



HUN1019 West, Barbara A. Nation Under Siege, Bodies Under Siege: Security as a Gendered Category in Hungarian National Identity. Working Paper, 260. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Women and International Development Program, 1997. HUN1020 . "Personhood on a Plate: Gender and Food in the Construction of Proper Hungarian Women." The Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 18, no. 2 (Autumn 2000): 17-23. HUN1021 Wong, Raymond S. K. "Socialist Stratification and Mobility: Cross-National and Gender Differences in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland." Social Science Research 24, no 3 (1995): 2-28. HUN1022 World Conference of the International Women's Year: Nok nemzetkiizi vildgkonferencidja, Mexikovaros, 1975. junius 19-jul. 2. Rend. ENSZ. Budapest: MNDSz, 1975. HUN1023 Zamb6, Iona. "Gypsy Women: Barriers to Citizenship." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 118-20. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. HUN1024 Zimmermann, Susan. Die bessere Hiilfte?: Frauenbewegungen unf Frauenbestrebungen in Ungarn von 1848 bis 1918. Vienna: Promedia and Budapest: Napvilag, 1999. About the women's movement in Hungary, 1848-1918. HUN1025 . "Das Geschlecht der Fursorge: Sozialpolitik fur die Frauen und Manner von Budapest: Im Vergleich mit Wien (1873-1914)." L'Homme: Zeitschriftfiir feministische Geschichtwissenschaft 5, no. 2 (1994): 19-40. Also in Andrea Peto, ed. CEU History Department Yearbook 1993, 165-78. Budapest: n.p., 1994. About municipal welfare and social policy in gender politics in Budapest and Vienna, 1870-1914. HUN1026 . "Geschiitze und ungeschutze Arbeitsverhaltnisse von der Hochindustrialisierung bis zur Weltwirtschaftkrise: Osterreich und Ungarn in Vergleich." In Ungeregelt und unterbezahlt: Der informelle Sektor in der Weltwirtschaft, edited by Andrea Komlosy, Cristof Parnreiter, and Susan Zimmermann, 87-115. Frankfurt: Brande1s and Apsel; Sudwind, 1997. Comparison of Austria and Hungary concerning labor relations. HUN 1027 ."Hogyan lettek feministak?" Eszmelet 7, no. 32 (1996): 7-93. About how R6szika Schwimmer and Mariska Gardos, Hungarian feminists at the turn of the century became feminists. HUN1028 . "How They Became Feminists: the Origins of the Women'sMovement in Central Europe at the Turn of the Century." In History Department Yearbook, 1997-1998, edited by Eszter Andor, Andrea Peto and Istvan Gyorgy T6th, 195-236. Budapest: Central European Univ., 1999. The article refers to R6szika Schwimmer and Mariska Gardos. It appeared first in Hungarian: "Hogyan lettek feministak?" Eszmelet 7, no. 32 (1996):7-93, and then in German: "Wie sie Feministinnen wurden: Wege in die Frauenbewegung im Zentraleuropa der Jahrhundertwende. L'Homme: Zeitschrift fiir feministische Geschichtwissenschaft 8, no. 2 (1997): 72-306. HUN1029 . '''Making a Living from Disgrace': The Politics of Prostitution, Female Poverty and Urban Gender Codes in Budapest and Vienna, 1860-1920." In The City in Central Europe: Culture and Society from 1800 to the Present, edited by Malcolm Gee, Tim Kirk and Jill Steward, 175-95. Aldershot, England; Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 1999. HUN1030 . Prdchtige Armut: Fiirsorge, Kinderschut; und Sozialreform in Budapest: Das "Sozialpolitische Laboratorium" der Doppelmonarchie im Vergleich zu Wien, 1873-1914. Sigmaringen: Thorbecke, 1994. HUN 1031 . "Die 'Suche nach freier Arbeitskraft': Nachholende Entwicklung und Frauenarbeit in Ungarn." In Frauenarbeit, Frauenpolitik in Afrika, Asien, Lateinamerika und Osteuropa: Internationale Diskussionen, edited by Brigitte Hasenjtlrgen, 234-49. Munster: Sabine Preuss, 1993. About women's work in Hungary. ,and Gerhard Melinz. Gyermeksorsok es gyermekvedelem Budapesten a Monarchia HUN1032 idejen: a Ftivdrosi Szabo Ervin Konyvtar Budapest Gyiijtemenyenek kidllitdsa. Kinderschicksale und Kinderschutz: Ausstellung der Budapest-Sammlung der Stadtbibliothek Ervin Szabo, Budapest. Budapest: Fovarosi Szab6 Ervin Konyvtar, 1996. Exhibition


Hungary catalogue on childcare and the fate of children. , and Gerhard Melinz. "A szegenyugy 'szerves' fejlodese vagy radikalis szocialis reform?: Kommunalis kozjotekonysag Budapesten es Becsben: (1873-1914)" Aetas 3 (1994): 7-56. About municipal social policy toward poor people in Vienna and in Budapest, from 1873 up to 1914. HUNI034 Zoldi-Szita, Erzsebet. "Female Roles and Respect for Women: A Review of Women's Situation in Hungarian Society Today." In Reconciliation of Family and Work in Eastern European Countries, edited by Michael Domsch and Desiree Ladwig, 87-100. Frankfurt am Main; New York: P. Lang, 2000. HUNI035 Zsuppan, F. T. "The Reception of the Hungarian Feminist Movement 1904-1914." In Decadence and Innovation: Austro-Hungarian Life and Art at theTturn of the Century, edited by Robert Pynsent, 61-5. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1989. HUNI033

Literature and the Arts HUNI036 Allen, Ann Taylor. "Feminist Modernism and National Tradition: Britain, the United States, Hungary, India." Journal of Women's History 14, no. 2 (Summer 2002): 172-81. HUNI037 Andras, Edit, and Gabor Andrasi, eds. Vizpr6ba. Budapest: Obudai Tarsaskor Galeria, 1995. Exhibition catalogue with essays about women in Hungarian contemporary art. HUNI038 . "Cultural Cross-Dressing." In L'Assunzione della Techne. La Biennale di Venezia 1999. Paviglione d' Ungheria Tackling Techne: Hungarian Pavilion, edited by Janos Sturz, 81-120. Budapest: Museum of Contemporary Art, Ludwig Museum Budapest, 1999. HUN1039 . "A test reprezentacioja a kortars magyar kepzormiveszetben." In Erotika es szexualitas a magyar kepzomiiveszetben: Exhibition Catalogue. Budapest: Liga, 1999. About the representation of the body in contemporary Hungarian art. HUNI040 Andrasi, Gabor. "A peronor kozbeszol. Harrninchet normivesz kiallitasa Londonban." Uj M iiveszet Aprilis (1997): 6-17.

Anna, Margit [Sichermann; S61yom], 1913-1991. Painter. See Fine Arts in Hungary: From the Beginning to the Mid

zo" Century: http://www.kfki.hu/keptar/

HUNI041 Nagy, Katalin, S. Anna Margit. Budapest: Kepzomuveszeti Kiad6, 1971. HUNI042 Turai Hedwig. "Az onarckep Anna Margit munkaiban 1930-1944." Miiveszettorteneti Ertesito, 45, 1-2 (1996): 19-99. About Anna's self-portraits.

Balla, Zs6fia, 1949-. Poet born in Romania, now living in Hungary. Recepient of numerous literary prizes in both countries. See http://www.hunlit.hu/ballazsofia?language=en. HUN 1043 Balla, Zs6fia. Egy pohar fii. Pecs: Jelenkor Irodalmi es Miiveszeti Kiado; Bucharest: Kriterion, 1993. HUN 1044 - - - . Egy pohdr fii: versek. Bucharest: Kriterion, 1993. HUNI045 - - - . Eleven ter: versek (1965-86) [Living space]. Budapest: Magveto, 1991. HUN 1046 - - - . A harmadik tiirtenet [The Third Story]. Pecs: Jelenkor, 2002. HUN 1047 - - - . Kolozsvdri Tdncok [Kolozsvar Dances], Bucharest: Kriterion, 1983. HUNI048 - - - . Mdsodik szemely [Second Person]. 1980. HUN 1049 - - - . "Noirodalom, mi az?" Magyar Lettre International 24 (Spring 1997). About women's literature. On line at http://www.c3.hu/scripta/lettre/lettre24/14balla.htm. HUN 1050 - - - . Apancel nyomai: versek. Bucharest, Kriterion, 1991. HUNI051 - - - . Poems. In Contemporary Jewish Writing in Hungary: An Anthology, edited by Susan Rubin Suleiman and Eva Forgacs, 397-9. Lincoln & London: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 2003. Includes: "Commemoration," "And Then for the Thousands," "National Diet," "I Am Afraid,



That's the Point," "You Want to Speak, the Wafer Sticks in Your Throat." . Schones, trauriges Land. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1998. Selection of Balla's poems in German. HUNI053 . Spirituoso: Versek/ Gedichte / Poems / Poemes. Jelenkor - Lettre, Pecs, 1999. Poems in Hungarian, German, English and French. HUNI054 . Triangulum: avagy, Szd; ordog koz: hdrom szentek. Budapest: Seneca, 1997. HUNI052

HUNI055 Banhegyi, J6b. A magyar noirok. Budapest: Szent Istvan Tarsulat, 1938. About female writers in Hungary. HUNI056 Beke, Laszlo. "Nok a magyar fototortenetben." In Medium/Elmelet. Budapest: Balassi Kiad6 - BAE Tartoshullam - Intermedia, 1997. About women in the history of Hungarian photography.

Beniczky, Irma, 1828-1902. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. Beniczky, Irma. A divat szelsosegei. Budapest: Franklin, 1876. - - - . Egeszsegkiinyv, Budapest: Frank, 1875. - - - . Egy emancipdlt no. Regeny. Pest: Bartalits Imre, 1865. - - - . Gyakorlati szeptan. Budapest: Franklin, 1876. - - - . Illemtan: A lednyerzelem vildga. Budapest: Franklin, 1927. - - - . Illemtan (A tdrsasdgi illemszabdlyok konyvei. Budapest: Franklin, 1880. - - - . Kepes csaladi jdtekkonyv. Budapest: Franklin, 1885. - - - . Lapok egy szep no napl6jdb61: Regeny, Pest: Szerzo, 1861. - - - . A nok apr6 kotelmei. Budapest: Franklin, 1877. - - - . A tuik hivatdsa. Pest: Heckenast, 1870. - - - . A no kotelessegei: Milyen dldozatot kell hoznia a n/inek; hogy boldog legyen? Budapest: Franklin, 1927. HUN1068 - - - . A vildg nepei: Nemzeti viseletek csarnoka. Budapest: Franklin, 1875.

HUN1057 HUNI058 HUNI059 HUNI060 HUNI061 HUN1062 HUNI063 HUNI064 HUNI065 HUN1066 HUNI067

Beniczkyne, Bajza Lenke, 1840-1905. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1069 HUNI070 HUNI071 HUNI072 HUNI073 HUNI074 HUNI075 HUN1076 HUNI077 HUN1078 HUNI079 HUN1080 HUNI081 HUNI082 HUN1083 HUNI084 HUNI085 HUNI086

Beniczkyne, Bajza Lenke. Ahol a cipo szorit. Elbeszeles. Nagykanizsa: Fischel, 1888. - - - . Atiiltetett virdg, Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1895. - - - . Az anyajegy. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1894. - - - . Az elet vihardban. Budapest: Kepes Csaladi lapok, 1890. - - - . Beszelyek. Pest: Szerzo, 1858, - - - . Csalddi hagyomdny, Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1922. - - - . Delila. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1894. - - - . Divatos hdzassdg, Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1891. - - - . Az elet konyve. Budapest: Lampel, 1905. - - - . Egy szegeny ledny tortenete. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, n.d. - - - . Eloitelet es felvilagosultsdg. Pest: Aigner, 1872. - - - . Afdtyol titka. Budapest: Legrady, 1885. - - - . Hanna. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1901. - - - . A hazassag titka. Budapest: Szepirodalmi konyvtar, 1890. - - - . Hiusdg, Budapest: Lampel, 1905. - - - . Hol a boldogsdg? Gyor: Gross, 1892. - - - . Kenyszer alatt. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1904. ---. Keso bdnat, Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1900.


Hungary HUNI087 HUNI088 HUNI089 HUNI090 HUNI091 HUNI092 HUNI093 HUNI094 HUNI095 HUNI096 HUNI097 HUNI098

- - - . Keso szerelem. Budapest. Franklin, 1906. - - - . Kozvelemeny, Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1897. - - - . Lednyok tiikre. Nagy magyar ruik elete. Budapest: Lampel, 1904. - - - . Mdrtha. Budapest: Franklin, 1881. - - - . Mit feleljek? Levelmintdk a miivelt hiilgyek hasznalatara. Tekintettel az elet minden viszonydra. Budapest: Markus, n.d. - - - . Nyomaveszett. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1894. ---.6 az, Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1887. - - - . A porban szilletett. Budapest: Revai, 1885. - - - . Ruth. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1884. - - - . Aver hatalma: Budapest: Szekely, 1886. - - - . Zsebkend/i es legyezo. Budapest: Magyar haziasszonyok, 1887. Nemeth, Maria, Beniczkyne Bajza Lenke. Budapest: Kertesz, 1943.

Berde, Maria, 1889-1949. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUNI099 HUNII00 HUNII01 HUNII02 HUNII03 HUNII04 HUNII05 HUNI106 HUNI107 HUNII08 HUNII09 HUNIII0 HUNll11 HUN1112

Berde, Maria, Bacsdnyine Baumberg Gabriella elete es kolteszete. Kolozsvar: Stief, 1912. - - - . Egy kicsi szolgdlo. Oradea: Kalvin, 1937. - - - . Foldindulds. Regeny, Kolozsvar: Concordia, 1930. - - - . A hajnal emberei. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1943. - - - . Halaltdnc. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1924. - - - . Keresztjdro szerelem. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1941. - - - . Az orok film: Miincheni regeny, Budapest: Athenaeum, 1917. - - - . Romuald es Andridna. Szephistoria. Berlin: Voggenreiter, 1927. - - - . Seherezdde himnusza. Versek. Kolozsvar [Cluj]: Erdelyi Szepmives ceg, 1928. - - - . Szavazzunk, ndtestvereim! Kolozsvar [Cluj]: Rornaniai Magyar iroszovetseg, n.d. - - - . Szentsegvivok. Oradea: Erdelyi Magyar Ir6i Rend, 1934. - - - . Szent szegyen. Marosvasarhely: Revesz, 1925. - - - , and Erna Kabdeb6. Vegre egy ferfi! Yigjdtekok. Marosvasarhely: Revesz, 1928. Molnar, Szabolcs. Berde Mdria elete es munkassdga. Kolozsvar [Cluj]: Univ., 1983. About the life and works of Maria Berde.

Bethlen, Kata, 1700-1759. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUNll13 Bethlen, Kata. Bethlen Kata oneletirdsa [Kata Bethlen's Autobiography], edited by Mihaly Sukosd, Budapest: Szepirodalmi Kiad6, 1963. The only important book of Kata Bethlen, published in 1744, records her life as a Protestant, unhappily married to a Catholic. Her autobiography counts as a fine example of Baroque literature. Bezeredj, Amalia, 1804-1837. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1114 Bezeredj, Amalia. Flori konyve. Pest: Heckenast, 1840 HUN1115 . Foldesi estvek. Pest: Heckenast, 1840. HUN1116 Bicskei, Eva. "The Image of Woman in Nineteenth Century Hungarian Fine Arts," In The Garden and the Workshop: Disseminating Cultural History in East-Central Europe. Memoriam Peter Handk, edited by Marius Turda, 236-60. Budapest: Central European Univ., Europa Institut, 1998.



HUN1117 Bir6, Agnes. A XIX. szdzad magyar festdnoi. Budapest: Pallas, 1938. About female artists in Hungary during the 19th century. HUN1118 Boross, Istvan. Regenyirodalmunk noiroi. Budapest: Gy6ni Geza Irod. Tars. 1935. About women writing novels in Hungarian literature. Bulyovszky, Gyulane, Lilla, 1833-1909. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1119 HUN1120 HUN1121 HUN1122 HUN1123

Bulyovszky, Lilla. Bulyovszky Lilla Novelldi I-IV. Pest: Szerzo, 1855-57. - - - . Buiyovszky Lilla utinaploja. Pest: Boldini, 1858. - - - . Mein Reisetagebuch. Pest: n.p., 1858. - - - . Norvegidbol. Uti emlekek. Pest: Emich, 1866. Gragger, Robert. Lilla von Bulyovszky und der Miinchener Dichterkreis. Munich, Leipzig: S.l., 1914. About Bulyovszky's involvement with the Munich Writers' Circle.

HUN1124 Csapodine, Klara Gardonyi, Wohl Janka emlekalbuma: Kiilonlenyomat: Az Orszdgos Szechenyi Konyvtdr 1958. evi evkonyvebol. 247-57. Budapest: Kossuth, 1960. About a work done by Janka Wohl, female writer in the 19th century. HUN1125 Csorba, Csilla. Magyar[otogrdfusnok, 1900-1995. Budapest: Enciklopedia, 2000. History of women photographers in Hungary. HUN1126 Cushing, George. "Women's Writing in Hungary Before 1800." In A History of Central European Women's Writing, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 27-32. New York: Palgrave, in association with School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London, 2001.

Czillich Anna, 1899-1923. Modernist painter. HUN1127 Czillich, Anna. Napl6ja. Budapest: Lantos, 1925. HUN1128 Balint, Jeno. Czillicli Anna: Egy fes ton0 elete es miiveszete. Budapest, 1924. HUN1129 Sziics, Gyorgy, "Azt hiszemj6 Dosztojevszkij-figura lennek ... ' Czillich Anna (1899-1923)." In Felfedezett es felfedezesre vdro eletmiivek. Miiveszsorsok a 20. Szdzad elsdfelenek magyar miiveszeteben. edited by Nandor Salamon and Agnes Reczetar, 25-33. Szombathely: Szombathelyi Keptar, 1998. About her work and life. Cz6bel, Minka, 1854-1943. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1130 HUN1131 HUN1132 HUN1133 HUN1134 HUN1135 HUN1136 HUN1137 HUN1138 HUN1139 HUN1140 HUN1141 HUN1142

Cz6bel, Minka. Az erdd hangja. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1914. - - - . Donna Juana. Regenyes koltemeny, Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1900. - - - . Feher dalok: Versek. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1894. - - - . Hafia. Budapest: Grill, 1891. - - - . Kakukfiivek. Kiiltemeynek 1890-1900. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1901. - - - . Ket arany hajszdl. Budapest: M. Kersk. Kozl., 1908. - - - . A magyar nep notdskiinyve a bolcsotol a sirig, Kisvarda: Felsoszabolcsi, 1943. - - - . Maya. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1893. - - - . La migration de I' dme. Translated by Melchior de Polignac. Paris: Ollendorf, 1897. - - - . Opdlok. Budapest: Franklin, 1903. - - - . P6khdl6k. Elbeszelesek. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1906. - - - . Ujabb koltemenyek. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1892. - - - . A virradat dalai. Budapest: Franklin, 1895.



HUN1143 Danyi, Magdolna. Cz6bel Minka. Ujvidek: 1980. About Minka Cz6bel. HUN1144 Kiss, Margit. Cz6bel Minka. Debrecen: Lehotai, 1942. About Minka Cz6bel. HUN1145 P6r, Peter. Konzervativ reformtorekvesek a szdzadfordulo irodalmdban: Justh Zsigmond es Czobel Minka nepiessege. Budapest: Akaderniai, 1971. About Minka Cz6bel portrayed as part of a conservative trend. De Gerando, Antonina, 1845-1914. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1146 De Gerando, Antonina. Aki mdsra gondol ... Egy [elsobbrendii tdrsadalom els/i a-b-c-je. Budapest: Legrady, 1897. HUN1147 ---.Az emberiseg jotevoi: Val6di nagy ferfiak jellemrajzai. Budapest: Revai, 1887. HUN1148 - - - . Afelsobb lednyiskoldkrol. Budapest: Franklin, 1913. HUN1149 - - - . A munka tortenetenek rovid vdzlata. Budapest: Legrady, 1880. HUN1150 - - - . Franczia olvasokonyv a magyarorszdgi[els/ibb lednyiskoldk Il. Ill. es IV. oszuilyai szdmdra. Poszony: Wigand, 1894. HUN1151 - - - . Gr6fTeleki Blanka elete. Budapest: Legrady, 1892. HUN1152 - - - . Hdztartdstan: vagy a no legsziiksegesebb eletismereteinek: rovid eloadasa. Budapest: Legrady, 1883. (lectures on the household duties of women) HUN1153 - - - . Ifjusdgi szinmiivek. Budapest: Nagel, 1891. HUN1154 - - - . Inditvdny a felsobb lednyiskoldk erdekeben. Kolozsvar: n.p., n.d. HUN1155 - - - . Ajellemkepzes a: iskoldkban. Kolozsvar: Gombos, 1900. HUN1156 - - - . Nevelestan. Kolozsvar: Stein, 1881. HUN1157 - - - . A noi elet. Kolozsvar, 1892. HUN1158 - - - . A no szerepe a mai kozoktatdsban mindlunk. Kolozsvar: Ellenzek, 1904. HUN1159 - - - . Notan vagy az asszonyi hivatds tudomdnya. Kolozsvar: Stein, 1880. HUN1160 - - - . Pali gyermeksege es ifiusaga. Elbeszeles 12-15 eves mindket nemii ifjusdg szdmara. Budapest: Mehner, 1889. HUN1161 - - - . Reformjavaslatok a felsobb lednyiskoldkra nezve. Kolozsvar: Ajtai, 1896. HUN1162 - - - . A szeretet nevelo hatalma. Budapest: Franklin, 1907. HUN1163 Szasz, Bela. Egy veszedelmes nagy tevedes: De Gerando Antonia HA noi elet" czimil konyvenek birdlata. Kolozsvar: Gaman, 1892. Criticism of A ndi elet [The life of a woman]. HUN1164 Degh, Linda, ed. Hungarian Folktales: The Art of Zsuzsanna Palk6. Translated by Vera Kalm. NewYork: Garland, 1995. Thirty-five tales from the repertoire of an illiterate Hungarian storyteller. Denes, Zs6fia, 1885-1987. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson.New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1165 HUN1166 HUN1167 HUN1168

Denes, Zs6fia. Blet helyett ordk: egy fejezet Ady eletebdl. Budapest: Pantheon, 1939. - - - . Szivdrvdny Pestuil Pdrizsig, Budapest: Gondolat, 1979. - - - . Ugy, ahogy volt es. Budapest: Gondolat, 1981. Novel - - - . Zrinyi Ilona: regeny, Budapest: M6ra Ferenc Ifjusagi Konyvkiado, 1964. Novel.

HUN1169 Donath, Blanka. Ldnyok konyve: A novel for adolescent girls.

o. ev tiirtenete levelekben. Budapest: Gondolat, 1960.

Duczynska, I10na [Polanyi], 1897-1978. Translator of Hungarian literature into English who was married to Karl Polanyi.


HUNGARY HUN1170 Kadar, Marlene. "Ilona Duczynska Polanyi: The Midwife-Translator." Hungarian Studies Review 26, nos. 1-2 (Spring-Fall, 1999): 3-104. HUN1171 McRobbie, Kenneth, ed. "Ilona Duczynska (1897-1978) From 'Early Morning': Memories of a Hungarian Childhood." Hungarian Studies Review 26, nos. 1-2 (Spring-Fall, 1999): 5-80.

Dukai, Takach Judit, 1795-1836. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiado, 1993. HUN1172 Dukai, Takach Judit. A kesergo ozvegy. Koltemeny. Pest: Trattner, 1815. HUN1173 . Dukai Takdch Judit elete es munkai, edited by Norbert Vadasz. Budapest: Franklin, 1909. HUN1174 Kocsis, Rozsa. Dukai Takacs Judit elete es kolteszete. Budapest: ELTE, 1972. About the life and poetry of Judit Dukai Takacs.

EI-Hassan, Roza, 1966-. "One of the great hopes among the younger generation of Hungarian artists." -Agnes Veronika Kovacs. HUN1175 Beke, Laszlo. "Csorgo Attila and Roza El-Hassan." In Attila Csorgo and Roza El-Hassan. Catalogue. Budapest: Goethe Institut, 1995. About the art of Roza El-Hassan. HUN1176 Hegyi, Dora. El-Hassan R6za. Budapest: Kortars Muveszeti Muzeum - Ludwig Muzeum Budapest, 1999. Exhibition catalogue of the Hungarian female artist, Roza El-Hassan. HUN1177 Kovacs, Agnes Veronika. "Image Engine." Artmargins: Contemporary Central and Eastern European Visual Culture, 1999 (at http://www.artmargins.com). Reviews El-Hassari's "Image Engine" an installation exhibited in 1999 at the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art in Budapest.

Ember, Maria, 1931-2002. See An Encyclopedia ofContinental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1178 Ember, Maria, Aktavers es egyeb tortenetek. Budapest: Magveto, 1979. HUN1179 - - - . Egy boldog no: regeny. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1986. Novel. HUN1180 - - - . "Excerpt from Hajtiikanyar (Hairpin turn)." In Contemporary Jewish Writing in Hungary: An Anthology, edited by Susan Rubin Suleiman and Eva Forgacs, 123-43. Lincoln & London: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 2003. Hajtiikanyar was the first autobiogrpahical work about the Holocaust to be published in communist Hungary. HUN1181 - - - . Hajtiikanyar: regeny, Budapest: Katalizator Innovacios Iroda, 1994. HUN1182 - - - . Magamnak meselem: regeny. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1968. Novel. HUN1183 - - - . Miinchen. Budapest: Panorama, 1972. HUN1184 - - - . Nevetseges. Budapest: Kozmosz, 1979. HUN1185 - - - . Regi textiliak. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, Corvina Kiado, 1980. HUN1186 - - - . Siratoenek: antologia. Budapest: Magankiad. 1994. HUN1187 Endrodi, Sander. A Magyar Holgyek eletrajzai 10: Fiizete. Pozsony-Budapest, 1886. Biographies of Hungarian women writers.

Enyedi, Ildik6, 1955-. Film director. See her web site at http://enyediildiko.atw.hu/ HUN1188 Andrew J. Horton, Kinoeye: New Age Visions (Part II): Ildiko Enyedy's Simon Magus. Central Europe Review, no. 26 (March 22,1999)


Hungary HUNl189 Tom Tempelton. "Ildiko Enyedi, 48, filmmaker, Budapest." Guardian Unlimited: Special reports. In from the cold: Hungary (The Observer, April 11,2004). On line at www.guardian.co.uk/eu/story/0.7369.1193517.00.html HUNl190 Gyekenyesi Gatto, Katherine. "Her Twentieth Century: The Postmodern Cinema of Ildik6 Enyedi." Hungarian Studies Review 26, nos. 1-2 (Spring-Fall, 1999): 23-31. Erdds, Renee, 1879-1956. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUNl191 HUNl192 HUNl193 HUNl194 HUNl195 HUNl196 HUNl197 HUNl198 HUNl199 HUN 1200 HUN1201 HUN 1202 HUN1203 HUN1204 HUN1205 HUN1206 HUN1207

Erdos, Renee. Antonius: Egy szerelmes nydr tortenete. Budapest: Revai, 1931. - - - . Arany veder: Versek. Budapest: Stephaneum, 1910. - - - . Az asszony, aki olt. Budapest: Revai, 1936. - - - . Bdro Herzfcld Clarissz: regeny, Budapest: Athenaeum, 1926. - - - . Borsohercegn/i. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1924. - - - . Briisszeli csipke. Budapest: Revai, 1930. - - - . Emlekeim. Budapest: Revai, 1931. - - - . Jdnos tanitvdny: Evangeliumi szinjatek. Budapest: Eke, 1911. - - - . Lavinia Tarsin hazassdga. I-I/. Budapest: Revai, 1927. - - - . A meztelen tdncos. Budapest: Revai, 1931. - - - . A nagy sikoly. Budapest: Dick, 1923. - - - . Orok papok. Budapest: Revai, 1932. - - - . R6mai levelek: Yisszaemlekezesek. Budapest: Pallas, 1922. - - - . Santerra biboros. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1922. - - - . Teano Amaryll egyszerii elete I-Ill. Budapest: Revai, 1929; 1925. - - - . Versek. Budapest: Revai, 1931. Hovanyi, Bela, Erdos Renee: Irodalmi tanulmdny, Miskolc: Magyar Jovo, 1927. Study of the literary output of Renee Erdos.

HUN1208 Erotika es szexualitds a magyar kepzomiiveszetben: Exhibition Catalogue. Budapest: Liga, 1999. Exhibition catalogue dealing with sexuality and eroticism in Hungarian art.

Fabian, Julianna, 1765-1810. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, byFerenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1209 Fabian, Julianna, Verses levelezes amelyetfolytatott grof Gvaddnyi l6zsefmagyar lovasgenerdlis nemes Fabian Julidnnaval, nemes Bedi Jdnos elete pdrjdval, melybe tiibb nydjas dolgok mellett, kirdlyi Komdrom vdrosdba tortent siralmos foldindulas is leirattatott es a versekbe gyonyorkiidok kedvekert kiadattatott. Pozsony: Weber Simon Peter, 1798. Poetic correspondence between the poet Julianna Fabian and her male mentor, Janos Bedi, HUN1210 Fabri, Anna. "Hungarian Women Writers, 1790-1900." InA History of Central European Women's Writing, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 87-109. New York: Palgrave, in association with School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London, 2001. HUN1211 . Az irodalom magdnelete. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1992. A history of Hungarian literature in the 19th century with some chapters focusing on salons and women writers. HUN1212 . "A szep tiltott tdj fete": A magyar irondk tortenete kit szdzadfordulo kozott (1795th 1905). Budapest: Kortars Kiad6, 1996. The history of Hungarian women writers in the 19 century. Includes many bio- bibliographies of female authors. HUN1213 Fayne, Hentaller Mariska. A magyar ironokrol. Budapest: Szerzo, 1889. About Hungarian women writers.



Feher, Klara, 1922-1996. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1214 Feher, Klara, And Don't Miss Hungary. N.p.: n.p., 1982. HUN1215 - - - . Becsiilet. N.p.: n.p., 1950. HUN1216 - - - . Bezzeg az en idomben: regeny. Budapest: Mora Ferenc Ifjiisagi Konyvkiado, 1969. Novel. HUN1217 - - - . Egyszer - es soha tobbe: regeny, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1963. Novel HUN1218 - - - . Ez a: orszdg a mi orszdgunk: riportok es elbeszelesek. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1952. HUN1219 - - - . Hetedhet tengeren. Budapest: Mora Ferenc Ifjusagi Konyvkiado, 1989. Tales. HUN1220 - - - . Hidnycikkek: Miisoranyag kabareegyiatesek szdmdra. Budapest: Nepmuvelesi Propaganda Iroda, 1969. Material for cabarets. HUN1221 - - - . Narkozis: regeny, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1969. Novel. HUN1222 - - - . Sdrgaldz: Kit kisregeny, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1981. Two short stories. HUN1223 - - - . A tenger: regeny, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1956. Novel. Fenakel, Judit, 1936-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wi1son. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN 1224 HUN1225 HUN1226 HUN1227 HUN1228 HUN1229 HUN1230

Fenakel, Judit. Az elet viddm dolog: Budapest: Magveto, 1963. - - - . Az lgazi Nagy No. Budapest: Kozmosz, 1976. - - - . Dokumentumok U. M.-r61: regeny, Budapest: Europa, 1975. - - - . Egy bizonyos Remeny utca. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1979. - - - . A hagyatek. Regeny, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1983. Novel. - - - . Leveldria: regeny, Budapest: Ab Ovo Kiado, 1993. Novel. - - - . Magantortenet. Budapest: Magveto, 1987.

Ferenczy, Julia, 1909-1999. Transy1vanian-born painter, descended from an artistic family. HUN1231 Kiss, Pal M. "Ferenczy Julia." Miiveszettorteneti Ertesito, vol. 24, no. 1 (1975): 1-2. About a zo" century female artist, HUN1232 Tibori Szabo, Zoltan. Ferenczy Julia. Cluj: Minerva Muvelodesi Egyestilet, 2000. HUN1233 - - - . "Purifikalok es purifikaltak." Korunk (1994): 98-107.

Ferenczy, Noemi, 1890-1957. Painter and the founder of tapestry in Hungary. See http://www.hung-art.hu/frames-e.html?/englishlf/ferenc_n/index.html HUN1234 Kovacs, Eva. "Ferenczy Noemi." Miiveszettorteneti Ertes{to 6, no. 1 (1957): 19-64. About Noerni Ferenczy, a zo" century artist. HUN1235 Muradin, Jeno. "Ferenczy Noerni: Egy muveszpalya erdelyi fejezetei." Miiveszettiirteneti Ertesito 25 no. 3 (1976): 42-51. About the artist Noerni Ferenczy and her Transylvanian works. HUN1236 Pales, Judit. "Ferenczy Noemi 'Komiives' vazlatai." Miiveszettorteneti Ertesito29, no. 2 (1980): 55-9. About a female artist in Hungary. HUN1237 . "Ferenczy Noerni falkarpitjai hazai es kulfoldi kiallitasokon az 1920-as evekben." Miiveszettorteneti Ertesitovol. 33, no 1-2. (1984): 5-74. About a female artist in Hungary, her works in the 1920s.

Figuli, Margita, 1909-1995. Slovak-language writer. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.



HUN1238 Figuli, Margita. Egy korty mdmor. Translated by Marta Havas, selected from Pokusenie, mamivy dusok. Bratislava: Madach Konyv- es Lapkiado; Budapest: Eur6pa, 1975. HUN1239 . Hdrom gesztenyepej. Translated by Istvan Hubik, original title: Tri gastanove kone. Bratislava: Madach Konyv- es Lapkiado; Budapest: Eur6pa, 1980. HUN1240 Fodor, Zita, "Kepzomuveszet es mozgasmuveszet kapcsolata: Palasovszky Odon: a Lenyegretoro szinhaz." Miiveszettorteneti Ertesito 45, no. 1-2 (1996): 1-39. About the connection between art and dance-theatre in the 1920-30s in Hungary. Foldes, Jolan, 1902-1963. See Magyar Irodalmi Lexikon, by Marcell Benedek and Gyorgy Boloni, Budapest: Akademiai Kiad6, 1963. HUN1241 HUN1242 HUN1243 HUN1244

Foldes, Jolan. Agi nem emlekszik semmire: Regeny, Budapest: Revesz, 1933. Novel. - - - . Arany fulbevalo: Regeny, Budapest: Grill, 1946. Novel. - - - . Fej vagy irds: Regeny, Budapest: Pantheon, 1937. Novel. - - - . Ferjhez megyek: Regeny, Translated by George Halasz, Budapest: Palladis, 1935; New York &Toronto: Farrar, 1937. Novel. HUN1245 - - - . A Haldszo macska utcaja. Translated By Elizabeth Jacobi. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1936; London: Nicholson, 1937. Novel. HUN1246 - - - . Mds vildgresz: Novelldk. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1937. Novel. HUN1247 - - - . Peter nem veszti el a fejet: Regeny. Budapest: Pantheon, 1937. Novel.

HUN1248 Gacs, Anna, "Beteljesiiletlen Varakozasok: Noirok egy kis irodalomban." Beszelo (April 2000): 8-15. About female writers in Hungarian literary criticism. Galg6czi, Erzsebet, 1930-1989. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1249 Galg6czi, Erzsebet. Another Love. Translated by Ines Rieder and Felice Newman. Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, 1991. English translation of Tiirvenyen beliil. HUN1250 - - - . A kozos bun: regeny, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1976. Novel. HUN1251 - - - . P6khdl6: regeny, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1972. Novel. HUN1252 - - - . Vidravas: regeny, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1984. Novel. HUN1253 Gazdag, Lajos. Maddcli Imre es a nokerdes. Budapest: Stephaneum, 1913. About the writings of Imre Madach, a Hungarian playwright, and the history of women. Gergely, Agnes, 1933-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson.New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1254 Gergely, Agnes. A barbdrsdg eveibol: huszonot regebbi es huszonot ujabb vers, 1988-1997. Budapest: Belvarosi Konyvkiado, 1998. HUN1255 - - - . Orizetlenek: regeny, Budapest: Balassi, 2000. Novel. HUN1256 - - - . Poems. In Contemporary East European Poetry: Anthology, edited by Emery George. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1983. HUN1257 - - - . Poems. In Contemporary Jewish Writing in Hungary: An Anthology, edited by Susan Rubin Suleiman and Eva Forgacs, 197-203. Lincoln & London: U. of Nebraska Press, 2003. HUN1258 - - - . Requiem for a Sunbird: Forty Poems. Translated by Bruce Berlind et al. Budapest: Maecenas Konyvek, 1997. HUN1259 - - - . Stdciok: regeny, Budapest. Szepirodalmi, 1983. Novel.


Hungary HUN1260 - - - . A tolmdcs: regeny, Budapest: Eur6pa, 1973. Novel. HUN1261 - - - . Ydlogutott szerelmeim. Budapest: Magveto, 1973. HUN1262 Gergely, Jolan. Add nekem a szived. Budapest: kiad., 1945. Popular novel for girls and women.

Culacsy, Iren, 1894-1945. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1263 HUN1264 HUN1265 HUN1266 HUN1267 HUN1268

Gulacsy, Iren. Fekete Volegenyek. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1927. - - - . Hamues/i: regeny. N.p.: n.p., 1925. Novel. - - - . Jezabel: regeny, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1987. Novel. - - - . Nagy Lajos kirdly: regeny, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1986. Novel. - - - . Ragyog6 Kovdcs Istvdn: elbeszelesek. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1929. Short stories. - - - . Tegnap es regmult. N.p.: n.p., 1939.

Gyarmathy, Zsigmondne (Zsigane) [nee H6ry, Etelka], 1843-1910. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993.

HUN1269 HUN1270 HUN1271 HUN1272 HUN1273 HUN1274 HUN1275 HUN1276 HUN1277 HUN1278 HUN1279 HUN1280 HUN1281 HUN1282 HUN1283 HUN1284 HUN1285 HUN1286

- - - . Asszonyokr6l asszonyoknak. Elbeszelesek. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1895. - - - . Az ifju pap: Regeny, Budapest: Athenaeum, 1885. Novel. - - - . Az uj hajtdsok: regeny, Budapest: Franklin, 1902. Novel. - - - . Bdnek. Andrdsek: Regeny, Budapest: Erdekes Konyvtar, 1904. - - - . Beszelyek; aprosdgok. Budapest: Hornyanszky, 1887. - - - . Il colonello Alessandro Monti e le legioni italiane nella guerra d' independenza ungherese. Trad. F. Vellani Dionisi. Milano: Amatrix, 1929. - - - . Erdelyi hosok Garibaldi alatt. Budapest: Stephaneum, 1932. - - - . Erdelyorszdg, tiinderorszdg. Mesek, igazak, apr6knak, serdiilteknek. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1900. - - - . Eugenio di Savoia. Milano: Amici dell' Ungheria, 1933. - - - . Hdrom ledny regenye: A biiszke ledny: A kemenyszivii ledny: Afekete ledny. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1898. - - - . A havasok aljdn: Elbeszelesek. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1891. - - - . A hegyek kozid: Elbeszelesek. Budapest: Aigner, 1885. - - - . Kalotaszegi bokreta: Elbeszelesek a fiatalsdgnak. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1907. - - - . Monostory Katinka. Regeny: Regeny a szabadsagharcidejebol. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1890. - - - . Onkentes mdrtirok. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1898. - - - . Osztrolenka csillaga: Bem J6szef Budapest: Stephaneum, 1936. - - - . Regi urak, uj parasziok: Elbeszelesek. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1897. Persian, Kalman. Kalotaszeg nagyasszonydrol, Gyarmathy Zsigdnerol. Kolozsvar: Stief, 1911.

Gyori, Dona Gineverne, 1868-1926. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1287 HUN1288 HUN1289 HUN 1290 HUN1291

Gyori, Ilona Gineverne. Angolok. Budapest: Elet, 1914. - - - . Csiri Erzsi es egyeb elbeszelesek. Budapest: M. Keresk. Kozlony, 1919. - - - . Didkevek: Versek. Budapest: Darday, n.d. Poems. - - - . Egerke: Regeny, Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1927. Novel. - - - . Hungarian literature in relation to the history of the Magyars. London: Asher, 1903.


Hungary HUN1292 - - - . A kezimunka mint kereseti forrds es hasznos szorakozas. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1912. HUN1293 - - - . A lednyok testi nevelese. N.p.: n.p., nd.

Hajnal, Anna, 1907-. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1294 Hajnal, Anna. Enek a siksdgon: osszegyiijt6tt versek. Budapest: Magveto, 1977. Collected poems. HUN1295 - - - . Esok; szelek, csillagok. Budapest: Magveto, 1956. HUN1296 - - - . Poems. In Contemporary East European Poetry: Anthology, edited by Emery George. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1983. HUN1297 Halasz, Gabor. "Magyar koltonok." In Tiltakoz6 nemzedek, edited by Gabor Halasz and Karoly Veber, 290-7. Budapest: Magveto, 1981. About Hungarian female poets. HUN1298 Hornyak, Maria, ed. "Notion no tiszta fenye: "Tanulmdnyok Brunszvik Tere: emlekezetere. Martonvasar: Brunszvik Terez Szellemi Hagyateka Alapitvany, 1996. Studies in the memory of Terez Brunszvik. HUN1299 Horvath, Gyorgyi. "Tapasztalas, hitelesseg, referencialitas. A Psychet es a Csokonai Lilit eft kritikakrol." Literatura 4 (1998): 17-27. Criticism on novels written by men as a pseudo female autobiography.

Ignacz, R6zsa, 1910-1979. Hungarian-language writer born in Transylvania. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1300 HUN1301 HUN1302 HUN1303 HUN1304

Ignacz, R6zsa. Levelek Erdelybol. N.p.: n.p., 1939. Letters from Transylvania. - - - . Mindenki levele. Budapest: Magveto Konyvkiado, 1958. - - - . Rezpenz: regeny, Budapest: Piiski, 2000. Novel. - - - . R6za lednyasszony. Budapest: Mora, 1969. - - - . Sziiletett Moldovdban: regeny, Budapest: Puski, 1997. Novel.

J6kai, Anna, 1932-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1305 J6kai, Anna. Ne feljetek: regeny, Budapest: Szephalorn, 1998. Novel. HUN1306 . Szegeny Suddr Anna. Budapest: Szephalom, 1999. HUN1307 . Tartozik es kovetel: regeny, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1970. Novel.

J6sika, Miklosne Podamiczky Jtilia, 1813-1893. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiado, 1993. HUN1308 HUN1309 HUN1310 HUN1311 HUN1312 HUN1313 HUN1314 HUN1315

Josika, Miklosne Podamiczky Julia. Az elet eselyei: Regeny. Pest: Lauffer, 1864. Novel. - - - . Csalddelet: Regeny. Pest: Hechenast, 1862. Novel. - - - . Elbeszelesek. Pest: Lauffer, 1872. - - - . Eva: Regeny. I-ll. Pest: Heckenast, 1860. Novel. - - - , ed. Holgynaptdr. Pest: Landerer es Heckenast, 1861. - - - . Kozlesek a Kulfoldrdl. I-ll. Pest: Heckenast, 1855. - - - . Pdlyavezeto: Jotanacsok vilagba lepo fiatal ldnyok szdmdra. Pest: Heckenast, 1863. - - - . Val6 es koltott, novelldk es vdzlatok: I-Ill. Pest: Heckenast, 1862.



Kadar, Erzsebet, 1901-1946. See Magyar lrodalmi Lexikon, by Marcell Benedek and Gyorgy BolOni. Budapest: Akademiai Kiad6, 1963. HUN1316 Kadar, Erzsebet. A harminchat szoloskosdr. Budapest: Franklin, 1944. HUN1317 . Kegyetlenseg: Elbeszelesek. Budapest: Magveto, 1966. HUN1318 Kadar, Judit. "Feminista nezopont az irodalomtudornanyban." Helikon 4 (1994): 7-16. About feminist literary criticism.

Kaffka, Margit, 1880-1918. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1319 HUN1320 HUN1321 HUN1322 HUN1323 HUN1324 HUN1325 HUN1326 HUN1327

HUN1328 HUN1329 HUN1330

Kaffka, Margit. Allomdsok: regeny, N.p.: n.p., 1917. Novel. - - - . The Ant Heap: Novel. Adapted by Charlotte Franklin. London: M. Boyars, 1995. - - - . Colours and Years. Translated by George F. Cushing. Budapest: Corvina, 1999. - - - . Hullamzo elet: cikkek, tanulmdnyok. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1959. Aricles and essays. - - - . Kaffka Margit iisszes versei, edited by Kozocsa Sander. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1961. Collected poems. - - - . Mdria evei: regeny, Budapest: Nyugat, 1913. Novel. - - - . A revnel: elbeszelesek. Budapest: Franklin, 1918. Short stories. - - - . Szinek es evek: regeny, Budapest: Franklin, 1936. Novel. Bodnar, Gyorgy. "Latvany es valosag. Kaffka Margit impresszionista regenye: a Szinek es evek:" In Tanulmdnyok szdzadunk magyar prozairodalmarol: Krudy Gyula es Moricz. Zsigmond sziiletesenek 100. evfordulojdra, 9-42. Budapest: Neprmivelesi Propaganda Iroda, 1979. Literary criticism of Kaffka's Szlnek es evek. Fulop, Laszlo. Kaffka Margit. Budapest: Gondolat, 1987. Denes, Tibor. Kaffka Margit. Budapest: Danubia, 1932. Radn6ti, Mikl6s. Kaffka Margit. Szeged: n.p., 1934.

Karacs, Terez, 1808-1892. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1331 Karacs, Terez. Jdtekszini terv: Srinjdtek ot felvondsban. Pest: Beimel, 1838. HUN1332 . Karacs Tere: miivei I. Beszelyek, edited by Lajos Jambor. Gyoma: Szerzo, 1889. HUN1333 . Karacs Tere: iisszes munkdi I-I!, edited by Adam Takacs. Miskolc: Szerzo, 1853. HUN1334 . A regi magyar szineszetr/il, edited by Lajos Nernenyi. Arad: Szechenyi Irod. Int., 1888.

Kemenczky, Judit, 1948-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1335 Kemenczky, Judit. NapFut6k. Budapest: Nyomdacoop Nyomdaipari es Kulniralis Szolgaltato Kft., 1996. - - . Sorsminta: versek. Budapest: Magveto, 1982. Poems. HUN1336 HUN1337 - - - . A veszui. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1979. HUN1338 Keserii, Katalin, ed. Modem magyar n/imliveszeuortenet: Tanulmdnyok. Budapest: Kijarat Kiad6, 2000. Essays on modem Hungarian women artists.

Kisfaludy, Atala, 1836-1911. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al.


Hungary Budapest: Kassak Kiado, 1993. HUN1339 Kisfaludy, Atala. Atala koltemenyei. Pest: Emich, 1861. HUN1340 . Kisfaludy Atala osszes koltemenyei. Kaposvar: n.p., 1880. HUN1341 . Rajzok. Pest: Franklin; Budapest: Franklin, 1879.

Kiss, Anna, 1939-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1342 HUN1343 HUN1344 HUN1345 HUN1346 HUN1347

Kiss, Anna. Fohdsz: Bekescsaba: Megyei Konyvtar, 1982. - - - . Genitivus. Bekescsaba: Tevan, 1995. - - - . Kisertenek. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1976. - - - . Mdsik idd: vdlogatott irdsok. Budapest: Kortars, 1999. - - - . Szeles konyv, Budapest: Littera Nova BT, 2000. - - - . A viszony. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1983.

HUN1348 Kiss, Pal M. "Inczene Sarkany Ilona." Mtiveszettorteneti Ertesitd, 24 (1975) 2. 147. About a th 20 century Hungarian female artist. HUN1349 Kiss-Novak, Eva. "The Changing Role of Women in Contemporary Hungarian Literature." Hungarian Studies Review 26, nos. 1-2 (Spring-Fall, 1999): 5-22. HUN1350 Kolbe, Johanna. Tobias Kaergling und Henriette Kaergling-Pacher: Leben und Werk einer Pester Malerfamilie im Vormiirz und Biedermeier. Studia Hungarica. Schriften des Ungarischen Instituts Mtmchen. 40. Munich: Verlag Ungarisches Institut, 1992. About a father and daughter who both painted and lived in Pest in the 19th century. After the daughter married she gave up painting. HUN1351 Kohary, Sarolta. Fl6ra es Ilonka: Eletrajzi regeny, Budapest: Magveto, 1973. Fictional biography of Sophie Torok and Flora Majtheny, two writers. HUN1352 Kopocsy, Anna. "A kepzormiveszck Dj Tarsasaga, a KUT elso korszaka, 1924-26." Miiveszettorteneti Ertesito vol. 46, no. 4 (1997): 21-36. About the New Society artistic group in the 1920s, and some of its female members. HUN1353 Kosztolanyi, Dezso. Anna Edes. Translated and introduced by George Szirtes. New York: New Directions, 1993. Set in Budapest in 1919, the novel describes innocence exploited and class issues through the story of Anna, a peasant servant in a middle-class home.

Laszlo, Anna, 1926-1981. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1354 Laszlo, Anna. Hevesi Sdndor. Budapest: Gondolat, 1973. HUN1355 - - - . Nines mindenre paragrafus: kisregeny es elbeszelesek. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1961. Short stories. - - . Vasp6lya. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1979. HUN1356 HUN1357 - - - . Zdrojelentes: regeny, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1969. Novel. HUN1358 Laszlo, Janos. "Identitas es narrativum." In Szerep, forgatokonyv, narrativum, 137-45. Budapest: Scientia Humana, 1998. About gender and narration. HUN1359 Lenkei, Julia, "A tancosno esete a zeneszerzovel, a gyogytornaval es a kollektivitassal: in Memoriam Koveshazi Erzsebet." Liget 5, no. 1 (1992): 21-7. About the dancer, Erzsebet Koveshazi.

Lesznai, Anna, 1885-1966. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiado, 1993. Artist and writer at the turn of the century.



HUN1360 HUN1361 HUN1362 HUN1363

Lesznai, Anna. Edenkert: Versek. Gyoma: Kner, 1918. - - - . Eltevedt litdniak: Versek. N.p.: n.p., 1922. - - - . Kezdetben volt a kert: Regeny, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1966. - - - . A tervezes miiveszete: Az eloaddsok a Lawrence Street School Miiveszeti Miihelyeben hangoztak el. Edited by Laszlo Fabian. Translated by Katalin Neray. Hatvan: Varosi Tanacs, 1976. HUN1364 Lesznai Anna. Kiallitas a Magyar Nernzeti Galeriaban, 1976. Junius-julius. Forword by Eva Bajkay. Budapest: MNG, 1976. Exhibition catalogue of works by Anna Lesznai. HUN1365 Vezer, Erzsebet. Lesznai Anna elete. Budapest: Kossuth, 1979. Biography. HUN 1366 Lutz, Helma. "Between Chairs-That's My Place." European Journal of Women's Studies 7, no. 3 (2000): 79-80. About Angela T6th-Dom, a Hungarian emigre textile artist living and working in Germany.

Lux, Terka, 1873-1938. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1367 HUN1368 HUN1369 HUN1370 HUN1371 HUN1372 HUN1373 HUN1374 HUN1375 HUN1376 HUN1377 HUN1378 HUN1379 HUN1380 HUN1381 HUN1382 HUN1383

Lux, Terka. Alom: Novelldk. Budapest: Erdekes Ujsag, 1913. Short Stories. - - - . Amire sziilettiink: Regeny, Budapest: Legrady, 1906. Novel. - - - . Budapest: Elbeszelesek. Budapest: Legrady, 1908. - - - . Budapesti fotografidk. Budapest: Lampel, 1906. - - - . Eletre-haldlra: Kolombus: Ket regeny. Budapest: Legrady, 1921. - - - . Emberek vagyunk: Az Istenfia es az iirdog fia: Regeny. Budapest: Legrady, 1918. - - - . Kelet es nyugat: Novelldk. Budapest: Legrady, 1923. Short Stories. - - - . Kiizdelem a: elettel: Regeny. Budapest: Legrady, 1914. - - - . A ldthatatlan haj6s: Regeny, Budapest: Legrady, 1928. Novel. - - - . Lednyok: Regeny. Budapest: Legrady, 1906. Novel. - - - . Lenci napl6ja: Fdni es Dani: Novelldk. Budapest: Farag6 Zs., 1905. Short Stories. - - - . Marcsa gondolatai: Novelldk. Budapest: Legrady, 1903. Short Stories. - - - . Mesek. Budapest: Lampel, 1903. - - - . Meseorszdg: Elbeszelesek. Budapest: Legrady, 1910. - - - . Ndpoly es Buda: Tortenelmi regeny, Budapest: K6kai Lajos, 1941. - - - . Tiiz: Elbeszelesek. Budapest: Legrady, 1917. - - - . A una corda. Budapest: Legrady, 1909.

Majthenyi, Flora, 1837-1915. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1384 HUN1385 HUN1386 HUN1387 HUN1388 HUN1389 HUN1390

Majthenyi, Fl6ra. Adorationes. Sevilla: Establecimiento Tip. 1890. - - - . Elegidk kis fiamhoz: Pest: Fanda, 1868. - - - . Flora 50 koltemenye. Pest: Emich, 1858. - - - . Fl6ra dalai. Pest: Emich, 1860. - - - . Aj6 gyermekek konyve: Gyermekversek. Pest: Emich, 1862. - - - . Majthenyi Fl6ra ujabb koltemenyei. Budapest: Herz, 1887. - - - . Spanyolorszdgi kepek. Budapest: Lampel, 1900.

Mandy, Stefania, 1918-2001. Poet. HUN1391 Mandy, Stefania. Poems. In Contemporary Jewish Writing in Hungary: An Anthology, edited by Susan Rubin Suleiman and Eva Forgacs, 147-49. Lincoln & London: Univ. of Nebraska




Press, 2003. . Scintilla: uj es Valogatott Versek. Budapest: Szephalom Konyvmuhely, 1999.

HUN1393 Martos, Gabor. "Terepvizsgalatok a magyar nok erotikus irodalmarol." Korunk 10 (2000): 57. About erotocism in the works of female writers.

Meszaros, Marta, 1931-. See http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0617767. She has been called "the Janis lan of Eastern Bloc cinema."-Michael Atkinson, "Marta Meszaros retrospective," Village Voice July 21 - 27, 1999. HUN1394 Andrew Horton. "Loving Outside the Boundaries Part 11: Marta Meszaros's A szerencse lanyai. HUN1395 Halpern Martineau, Barbara. "The Films of Marta Meszaros, or, The Importance of Being Banal." In Film Quarterly 34, no. 1 (1980): 21-6. HUN1396 Portuges, Catherine. "Retrospective Narrati yes in Hungarian Cinema: The 1980s Diary Trilogy of Marta Meszaros." In TheVelvet Light Trap no.27 (1991): 63-72. HUN1397 . Screen Memories: The Hungarian Cinema ofMarta Meszdros. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1993. "[A]s ... Portuges'excellent life and works study demonstrates, Meszaros is both a world-class filmmaker and one intimately connected through her gender and her personal history with her films and the culture that produced her." -Reviewed by Kevin Moss, Slavic Review 52, no. 4 (Winter 1993): 62. HUN1398 Andrew Princz. "Her Story, A History: Marta Meszaros interviewed on Kisvilma - Az utolso naplo." Central Europe Review 1, no. 19 (1 November, 1999) online. HUN1399 Mitgutsch, Anna. "Mi az, hogy 'n6i irodalom'?" Magyar Lettre Intemational24 (Spring 1997). About women's literature. Available on the web at http://www.c3.hu/scripta/lettre/lettre24/24mitg.htm.

Molnar, Borbala, 1760-1825. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1400 Molnar, Borbala. Bardtsdgi vetelkedes vagy Molndr Borbdldnak Mdte Jdnosne asszonnyal kit nem hibdi es erdemei felol folytatott levelezesei, Kolo' svdrott, 1804. HUN1401 - - - . Egy nemes cselekedet leirdsa, melyet Molndr Borbdla terjeszt a magyar vildg eleibe, Koltemeny, Pesth, 1797. HUN1402 - - - . Fdstrdzsamesternek Csizi Istvdnnak nemes Molndr Borbdldval a: erkolcs pallerozdsat es a sziv megjobbitdsdt tdrgyal6 verses levelezesei. Pozsony: Weber, 1797. HUN1403 - - - . Munkaji, 1-4. Kat. Kassa: Landerer, 1793. HUN1404 - - - . Szerencsetlen indulat vagy Sarolta es Sdndor: Verses regeny. Kolosvarott, 1804. HUN1405 Mrsevic, Zorica. "Aristokratkinje, Batsebe i polaznice skole uljudne prostitucije, Zenski portreti i zcnske grope u skilarskoj zbirci Muzeja lepih umetnosti (Szepmuveszeti Muzeum) u Budimpesti." ProFemina 17, no. 20 (1999): 13-27. About women's portraits and women's groups in the painting collection of the Szepmuveszeti Muzeum in Budapest. Muradin, Jen6. "Ferenczy Karolyne, Fialka alga." Miiveszettorteneti Ertesito 24 (1975): 2-6. HUN1406 About the wife of Karoly Ferenczy. She was an artist, but gave up her artistic career to be a good mother and wife.

Nagy, Agnes Nemes, 1922-1991. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.


Hungary HUN1407 Nagy, Agnes Nemes. Agnes Nemes Nagy on poetry, a Hungarian perspective, edited by Gyozo Ferenc and John Hobbs. Translated by M6nika Hamori. Lewiston, Queenston: Mellen Press, 1998. HUN 1408 . Poems. In Contemporary East European Poetry: Anthology, edited by Emery George. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1983. HUN 1409 . Poems. In The Poetry of Survival: Post War Poets of Central and Eastern Europe, edited and introduced by Daniel Weissbort, 207-17. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991. English translations of 14 of Nagy's poems. HUN1410 . Ydiogatott versei, edited by Lengyel Balazs. Budapest: unikomis, 1997. HUN1411 Nagy, Beata, and Margit S. Sardi, eds. Szerep es alkotds: noi szerepek a tdrsadalomban es a: alkotomuveszetben. Debrecen: Csokonai Kiad6, 1997. About feminism in art and literature and Hungarian women artists and writers.

Orszagh, Lili, 1926-1978. Painter. HUN1412 Nagy, Katalin. Orsuigh uu. Budapest: Arthis, 1993. HUN1413 Arpad, Mik6. "Through Our Looking Glass: History-Image: Selected Examples of the Interplay between Past and Art in Hungary." Hungarian Quarterly 41, no. 160 (Winter 2000). About the exhibit at the Hungarian National Gallery, March 17-September 24,2000 arranged and catalogue edited by Arpad Mik6 and Katalin Sink6. Essay is on line at http://www.hungarianquarterly.comlnoI60/075.html. HUN1414 Nok a xx. Szdzadban: Nemzetkozi miiveszi fotokiall. Budapest: Emst Muzeum, Magyar Fotorruiveszek Szovetsege, Magyar Nok Orszagos Tan., 1963. Women in the zo" century: an international photo exhibition. HUN1415 Peto, Andrea. "Hungarian Women's Writing, 1945-95." InA History of Central European Women's Writing, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 240-55. New York: Palgrave, in association with School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London, 2001.

Palotai, Boris, 1904-1983. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1416 Palotai, Boris. Szerelmespdr. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1973. HUN1417 . Zold dio. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1968.

Petroczi, Kata Szidonia, 1662-1708. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1418 Antalffy, Endre. Petrdczy Katalin Szidonia elete es munkdi, 1664-1708. Budapest: Hornyanszky, 1903. The biography and works of Katalin Szid6nia Petroczy, HUN1419 Kovacs Sander. KC!vertanu (Petr/iczi Kata Szidonia. Revay Kata Szidonia) a XVIII. szdzadbol. Budapest: Hornyanszky, 1910. About Petroczy and another 18th-century female martyr. HUN1420 Recsey, Viktor. Az elso magyar koltono. Kassa, n.p., 1889. Biography of Petroczi. HUN1421 Sardi, Margit S. Petroczy Kata Szidonia kolteszete. Budapest: Akademiai, 1976. About Petroczy's poetry

Polcz, Alaine, 1921-. See

Uj Magyar Irodalmi Lexicon, edited by Peter Laszlo, Budapest:

Akademiai Kiad6, 1994.



HUN1422 HUN1423 HUN1424 HUN1425 HUN1426

Polcz, Alaine. Asszony a fronton: egy fejezet eletembol. 3. kiad. Budapest: Pont Kiad6, 1998. - - - . Gydszban lenni. Budapest: Pont, 2000. - - - . Lednyregeny, Pecs: Jelenkor, 2000. - - - . Macskaregeny, Pozsony: Kalligram, 2000. _ _ _. One Woman in the War: Budapest, 1944-1945. Translated, with an introduction and notes by Albert Tezla. Budapest, New York: CEU Press, 2002. HUN1427 - - - . A wartime memoir: Hungary 1944-1945. Translated by Albert Tezla. Budapest: Corvina, 1998.

HUN1428 Portuges, Catherine. "Gendering Cinema in Post-Communist Hungary." In Genders 22: Postcommunism and the Body Politic, edited by Ellen Berry, 296-313. New York: N.Y.U. Press, 1995. HUN1429 . "Lovers and Workers: Screening of the Body in Post-Communist Hungarian Cinema." In Nationalisms and Sexualities, edited by Andrew Parker, et al. New York: Routledge, 1992.

Raffai, Sarolta, 1930--. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1430 Raffai, SaroIta. Asszonyok a Virdg utca negyben. Budapest: Magveto, 1988. HUN 1431 - - . Egyszdl magam. Budapest: Magveto, 1967. HUN1432 - - . Megtart6 szerelem. Budapest: Magveto, 1987.

Raskai, Lea, c. 15th century-Ib'" century. Nun of the Dominican order. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1433 Raskai, Lea, copied by. Cornides-K6dex. Hasonmds es kritikai szbvegkiadas, edited by Andras Bognar, Ferenc Levardy. Budapest: Akademiai, 1967. The critical edition of the codex which Lea Raskai copied or wrote. HUN1434 . Poems. In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by Waiter M. Cummins. Rutherford, NJ: Farleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ.Presses, 1993. HUN1435 Beothy, ZsoIt. Rdskai Lea: Koltoi beszely, Budapest: Franklin, 1881. Poem to Lea Raskai. HUN1436 Horger, Antal. Rdskai Lea nyelvjdrdsa. Lugos: Traunfellner, 1897. About the language of Lea Raskai.

Rito6k, Emma, 1868-1945. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1437 HUN1438 HUN1439 HUN 1440 HUN1441 HUN1442 HUN1443 HUN 1444 HUN 1445 HUN1446 HUN1447

Ritook, Emma. Egyenes uton egyediil. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1905. - - - . Ellenseges vildg. Novelldk. Budapest: Nyugat, 1913. Short stories. - - - . Gydrfds Sdndor ket elete. Regeny, Budapest: Revai, 1934. Novel. - - - . Mai idegek. Elbeszelesek. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1896. - - - . A nagy veletlen. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1908. - - - . Negyen a tiiz kiiriil. Budapest: Politzer, 1911. - - - . Pan megvdltdsa. Miszteriumjdtek: Budapest: Elet, 1929. - - - . A rut a miiveszetben. Budapest: Szerzo, 1916. - - - . Sotet h6napok. Versek. Budapest: Taltos, 1920. Poems. - - - . A szellem kalandorai. Budapest: Pesti Szalon, 1993; 1921. - - - . Tevelygok: Regeny, Budapest: Mojsza J. 1938. Novel.


Hungary HUN1448 - - - . Tiindermesek. Budapest: Revai, 1930. HUN1449 - - - , and Sarolta Geocze, The problem ofHungary: Magyar women to the women of the civilized world. Budapest: Pfeifer, 1920. About "the Hungarian question": Hungarian women to the women of the civilised world. Also published in French as Le probleme de la Hongrie: Lesfemmes hongroises auxfemmes de monde civilise. Budapest: Wodianer, 1920. HUN1450 R6zsa, Gyorgy. "Schrefl Anna, az elso budai rezmetszono." Miiveszettorteneti Ertesito 44 no. 3-4 (1995): 184-90. About the works of the first female engraver in Buda in the first half of the 19th century. HUN1451 Sardi, Margit S., and Laszlo T6th, eds. Magyar koltonok antologiaja. Budapest: Enciklopedia, 1997. Anthology of Hungarian women poets. HUN1452 Sarmany-Parsons, Ilona. "The Image of Women in Painting: Cliches and Reality in AustriaHungary, 1895-1905." In Rethinking Vienna 1900, edited by Steven Beller. Austrian History, Culture, and Society, vol. 3, 220-63. Minneapolis: The Center for Austrian Studies; New York: Berghahn Books, 2001.

Schaar, Erzsebet, 1908-1975. Sculptor. See http://www.artportal.hu/international/english?tartalom=585. http://www.nagybalint.hu/galeria/schaar.htm. HUN1453 Beke, Laszlo, Schadr Erzsebet. Budapest: Corvina, 1973. HUN1454 Fitz, Peter. "Schaar Erzsebet: A harem Marx" [The Three Marx]. MCtveszet Evkiinyv, [Art Year-Book] (1977): 233-5. Also published in English: "Erzsebet Schaar's the Three Marx." Alba Regia Evkonyv [Alba Regia Year-Book] (1978): 375-9. HUN1455 Vargha, Mihaly. "Schaar Erzsebet never viselhetne: Epfteszet." Elet es irodalom 48, no. 36 (September 12,2004). Online at http://www.es.hu/pd/display.asp?channel=MUBIRALAT0436 HUN1456 Schwartz, Agatha. "The Image of the 'New Woman' in Hungarian Women's Literature at the Turn of the Century." Hungarian Studies Review 26, nos. 1-2 (Spring-Fall, 1999): 1-92. HUN1457 . "Zwischen dem 'noch nicht' und 'nicht mehr': Osterreichische und ungarische Frauenliteratur der Jahrhundertwende." Modern Austrian Literature 33, no. 1 (2000): 6-28. Compares Hungarian and Austrian women's literature at the turn of the century.

Seredy, Kate, 1899-1975. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1458 Seredy, Kate. The Chestry Oak: Novelfor children. Illustrated by the author. New York: Viking, 1956. HUN1459 - - - . The Good Master: Novel for Young People. Illustrated by the author. New York: Dell. 1973. HUN 1460 - - - . Gypsy: Story for Children. Illustrated by the author. New York: Viking, 1959. HUN1461 - - - . Lazy Tinka: Story for Children. Illustrated by the author. London: Harper, 1964. HUN 1462 - - - . Listening: Story for Children. Illustrated by the author. New York: Viking, 1936. HUN1463 - - - . The Open Gate: Novel for Children. Illustrated by the author. New York: Viking, 1956. HUN 1464 - - - . Philomena: Juvenile Story. Illustrated by the author. New York: Viking, 1955. HUN 1465 - - - . Pusztakinder. Wiesbaden: Kesselring, 1949. HUN1466 - - - . The Singing Tree: Novel for Children. Illustrated by the author. New York: Viking, 1957. HUN 1467 - - - . The White Stag. New York: Viking, 1937.



HUN1468 Sipos, Eniko. "Maria kiralyne diszruhajanak restauralasarol." Miiveszettorteneti Ertesito, 34, no. 3-4 (1985): 37-44. About clothing in the 16th century, and a dress belonging to Queen Maria, the wife of Laj os n.

Szab6, Magda, 1917-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1469 HUN1470 HUN1471 HUN1472

HUN1473 HUN1474 HUN1475 HUN1476 HUN1477

Szab6, Magda. Abigel: regeny, Budapest: Mora, 1970. Novel. - - - . Alarcosbdl. Budapest: Unikomis, 1997. - - - . Calle Katelin. Caracas: Monte Avila, 1972. - - - . The Door. Translated by Stefan Draughon. Boulder. CO: East European Monographs; New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1995. A novel about the relationship between a writer and her housekeeper in 20 th-century Hungary. - - - . Fawn. Translated by Kathleen Szasz. New York: Knopf, 1963. - - - . Fresk6: regeny, Budapest: Magveto, 1964. Novel. - - - . Hulldmok kergetese: Utijegyzetek. Budapest: Szepirodalrni Konyvkiado, 1965. - - - . Regimodi tortenet. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1977. - - - . Tell Sally. Translated by Ursula McLean. Budapest: Corvina Press, 1963.

Szalay, Fruzina, 1864-1926. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1478 HUN1479 HUN1480 HUN1481

Szalay, Fruzina. Bebi es Micoka: Regeny. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1906. Novel. - - - . Egy marek virdg: Versek. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1918. Poems. - - - . Versei. Budapest: Singer -Wolfner, 1893. Poems. Biczo, Ferenc. Szalay Fruzina: Irodalomtorteneti ertekezes. Kaposvar: Szabo, 1933. Literary criticism about Fruzina Szalay. HUN1482 Vasarhelyi, Jtilia. Halk huron ... Szalay Fruzina emlekezete. Szeged: Ablaka, 1941. Essay on the art and life of Fruzina Szalay Szecsi, Margit, 1928-1990. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1483 Szecsi, Margit. Angyalok strandja. Budapest: Magveto, 1956. HUN1484 . Birodalom. Budapest: Magveto, 1976. HUN1485 . Kolt/i a holdban: osszegyiijtott versek. Budapest: Magveto, 1984. HUN1486 . A nagy virdgvdgo gep, Budapest: Magveto, 1969.

Szegfi, Morne [Kanya, Emilia] 1828-1905. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiado, 1993. HUN1487 Szegfi, Morne, Autentische Enthiillungen iiber Tod des Kronprinzen Rudolph von Oesterreich. Leipzig: Minde, 1889. HUN1488 - - - . Hazai kepek. Budapest: s.l., n.d. HUN1489 - - - . Kurzgefasste Biographien beriihmter Maenner, seit dem Anfange des Xll-ten Jahrhunderts bis zur gegenwaertigen Epoche. Pressburg: Landerer, 1843. HUN1490 - - - , ed. Magyar Nok Evkonyve. Pest: Engel es Mandello, 1861. HUN1491 - - - . Reges-regi idokroi: egy 19. szdzadi irorui emlekiratai. Budapest: Kortars, 1998. HUN1492 - - - . Rudolfmagyar troniirokos emleke. Budapest: Kp. Kozsegi, 1905. HUN1493 - - - . Szeretet konyve: Regeny, Pest: Emich, 1863-64.


Hungary HUN1494 - - - . SZlV es elet: Beszelyek. Pest: Emich, 1859. HUN1495 - - - . Vdlsagos napok: Regeny. Pest: Boldini, 1860. HUN 1496 - - - , and Sandorne Vachot. Beszelyek. Pest: EngeI es Mandello, 1861.

Szendrey, Julia Petofine, 1828-1868. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1497 Szendrey, Julia. Kiiltemenyei es Napl6i, edited by M6r Bihari. Budapest: Kunoss, Szilagyi es Tarsa, 1909.

Szenes, Piroska Marosszalatna, 1899-1972. See Magyar Irodalmi Lexikon, by Marcell Benedek and Gyorgy Boloni, Budapest: Akaderniai Kiad6, 1963. HUN1498 HUN1499 HUN1500 HUN1501 HUN1502

Szenes, Piroska Marosszalatna, Az utols6 ur: Regeny. Budapest: Vilagossag, 1927. Novel. - - - . Csillag a homlokdn: Regeny, 2 vols. Budapest: Franklin, 1936. Novel. - - - . Egyszer eliink: Regeny. Budapest: FrankIin, 1935. Novel. - - - . Jedviga kisasszony: Elbeszelesek. Budapest: Franklin, 1934. - - - . Lesz-e gyiimolcs a fan? Regeny. Budapest: Franklin, 1948. Novel.

Szikra [Gr6fne Teleki Sandorne, Kende Juliska], 1864-1937. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993.

HUN1503 HUN1504 HUN1505 HUN1506 HUN1507 HUN1508 HUN1509 HUN1510 HUN1511 HUN1512 HUN1513 HUN1514 HUN1515 HUN1516 HUN1517 HUN1518 HUN1519 HUN1520 HUN1521 HUN1522 HUN1523 HUN1524 HUN1525 HUN1526

Szikra. A betorok: Elbeszelesek. Budapest: Singer-WoIfner, 1902. - - - . A bevdndorlok: Regeny. Budapest: Singer-WoIfner, 1898. Novel. - - - . Cirkelgang. Utrecht: Bruna, 1923. - - - . Csak egy bokor muskdtli: Elbeszelesek. Budapest: Orsz. Irod. Szov, 1904. - - - . A csodavdza: Hiivos Ivdn Guerra Mikl6s tdnckoltemenye. Budapest: Szent Laszlo Nyomda. Nd. - - - . Enyem? Regeny. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1906. Novel. - - - . Ez az! Regeny. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1915. Novel. - - - . Fejlodes. Budapest: Varnay, 1912. - - - . Afeminizmusr6l. Budapest: Pesti LIoyd Tars, 1911. - - - . Afolfele ziillok: Regeny. Budapest: Singer-WoIfner, 1904. Novel. - - - , ed. Gyanu es mds elbeszelesek kivdlo magyar ir6kt6l. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1901. - - - . A her szilvafa drnyekaban: Elbeszelesek. Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1909. - - - . Judith: Regeny. Budapest. Singer-WoIfner, 1910. Novel. - - - . Kincsesldda: Versek. Budapest: Spady, 1914. Novel. - - - . Mdrta, aki Mdridnak sziiletett: Regeny. Budapest: Pallas, 1934. Novel. - - - . Nagy asszonyok elete. Budapest. Singer-Wolfner, 1912. Biographies of famous European women. - - - . Nagyasszonyok Elokep. Budapest: Budapesti Hirlap, 1916; 1913. - - - . A nagy-nagy kerek: Regeny. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1923. Novel. - - - . Oles Miska es mds mesek. Budapest: Spady, 1913. - - - . Regen .,. Elbeszelesek: Undi S. Maria Mariska rajzaival. Budapest: Franklin, 1907. - - - . A T6parti remete: Regeny. Budapest: Franklin, 1926. Novel. - - - . Ugody Lilla: Regeny. Budapest: Budapesti Hfrlap, 1900. Novel. - - - . Yadaszat: Elbeszelesek. Budapest: LampeI, 1903. - - - . Tabu: Regeny. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1919.

Tabor, Eszter, 1952-.



HUN1527 Tabor, Eszter. Kidon ora. Budapest: Typotex, 1994. HUN1528 . Poems. In Contemporary Jewish Writing in Hungary: An Anthology, edited by Susan Rubin Suleiman and Eva Forgacs, 411-12. Lincoln & London: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 2003. Takacs, Eva Karacs Ferencne, 1779-1845. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1529 Takacs, Eva. "Egy baratnemhoz Irt levelem nemtink ugyeben." Tudomdnyos Gyiijtemeny 11 (1825): 2-77. Debate on the role of women in society and family. HUN1530 - - - . Feleletek a Szent Gellert hegye mellol. Buda: Landerer, 1828. HUN1531 - - - . "Sebestyen Gabor eredeti vig es erzekeny jatekai. I. Asszonyi praktika. 11. Katzki Pal vagy a megtalalt aranygyiirii." Tudomdnyos Gyiijtemeny 10 (1822): 10-3. Critical remarks on Gabor Sebestyen's mysogynistic dramatic works. HUN1532 - - - . Takdts Eva munkdi. I-lI. Buda: Egyetemi-Landerer, 1829. Tarnoczy, Malvina [O'Donell, Henrikne], 1843-1915. See Uj Magyar Irodalmi Lexicon, edited by Peter Laszlo, Budapest: Akaderniai Kiad6, 1994. HUN1533 Tarn6czy, Malvina. Koltemenyei. Pest: Rath M6r, 1861. HUN1534 . Legujabb koltemenyei. Budapest: Szerzo, 1901. HUN1535 . A ndi szepseg tizparancsolata. Budapest: Patria, 1905. HUN1536 Tatai, Erzsebet. "Tempting the Impossible." In L'Assunzione della Techne: La Biennale di Venezia 1999. Paviglione d' Ungheria Tackling Techne: Hungarian Pavilion, edited by Janos Sturz, 201-41. Budapest: Museum of Contemporary Art - Ludwig Museum Budapest. About the artist Mariann Imre. Teleki, Blanka, 1806-1862. See Magyar Irodalmi Lexikon, by Marcell Benedek and Gyorgy Boloni . Budapest: Akademiai Kiad6, 1963. HUN1537 Teleki, Blanka. "Elebb reform azutan noernancipatio." Eletkepek 1, no. 20 (1848) 593-4. She argues for general political reforms, i.e. that it is too early still for the emancipation of women. HUN1538 Saad, Andor. "Gr6f Teleki Blanka ket onportreja." Miiveszettorteneti Ertesit6 21, no. 3 (1972): 54-7. Szobrok. About the sculptural self-portraits of Blanka Teleki. Teleki, Emma [De Gerando, A.gostne], 1809-1893. See Uj Magyar Irodalmi Lexicon, edited by Peter Laszlo, Budapest: Akademiai Kiad6, 1994. Teleki, Emma. 1867 diki vildgtdrlat.-Z. Kotet. Paris: Jouaust, 1868. - - - . Antonina es Atilla konyve I-VI. Paris: Guiraudet et Jouaust, 1866. - - - . Hasznos mondatok gyiijtemenye a hosszufalvi iskola szdmdra. Pest: n.p., 1884. - - - . Hedvig es Andor utazasa Romaban. Paris: Jouaust, 1866. - - - . Nemzeti katekizmus: A magyar nep es fiatalsdg szdmdra. Kolozsvar: Magyar Polgar, 1884. HUN1544 Rubin, Peter. Teleki Emma es August De Gerando hazassdga kapcsdn. Budapest: Akademiai, 1977. About the couple, Emma Teleki and August De Gerando, their life and travels. HUN1545 Sebestyenne, Stetina Ilona. De Gerando Agostne, sziil: Gr. Teleki Emma. Klny. A Nemzeti Nonevelesbol. 1894. About the life of Agostne De Gerando. HUN1539 HUN1540 HUN1541 HUN1542 HUN1543



Tormay, Cecile, 1876-1937. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991 HUN1546 Tormay, Cecile. Apr6dszerelem. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1900. HUN1547 - - - . Bujdos6 konyve: feljegyzesek 1918-1919-b61, edited by Syeri Mihaly Ferenc. Budapest: Enter, 1998. HUN1548 - - - . Emberek a kovek kozott. Budapest: Franklin, 1911. HUN1549 - - - . The Old House: Novel. New York: McBride, 1922. HUN1550 - - - . An Outlaw's Diary. London: P. Allan and Co., 1923. HUN1551 - - - . A regi hdz: Budapest: Singer-Wolfner, 1914. HUN1552 - - - . Stonecrop. New York: McBride, 1923.

Tdrok, Sophie [Tanner, lIona], 1895-1955. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1553 Torok, Sophie. Asszony a karosszekban: versek. N.p.: n.p., 1929. Poems. HUN1554 - - - . Boldog asszonyok: elbeszelesek. N.p.: n.p., 1934. HUN1555 - - - . Csontig meztelen: vdlogatott versek, edited by Kohary Sarolta. Budapest: Magveto, 1988. Selected poems. HUN1556 - - - . Ertem es helyetted. N.p.: n.p., 1940. HUN1557 - - - . Hint: tandrseged ur. N.p.: n.p., 1934. HUN1558 - - - . Oromre sziilettel: uj versek. N.p.: n.p., 1934. New Poems.

T6th, Erzsebet, 1951-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson.New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1559 T6th, Erzsebet. Gyertyaszenteld. Budapest: Magveto, 1982. HUN1560 . Ismeretlen konnyii szivvel: vdlogatott es uj versek. Miskolc: Felsomagyarorszag Kiad6, 1997. HUN1561 . A lisszaboni jdrat. Budapest: Kortars, 2000.

T6th, Judit, 1936--. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1562 T6th, Judit. 21 verso Budapest. Belvarosi, 1995. HUN1563 - - - . Kifutopdlya: regeny, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1980. HUN1564 - - - . Poems. In Contemporary East European Poetry: Anthology, edited by Emery George. AnnArbor: Ardis, 1983. HUN1565 - - - . Szemelyazonossdg, Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1986. HUN1566 - - - . A ter visszahivdsa. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1975. HUN1567 T6th, Kalman. A n6k az alkotmdnyban. Vtgjatek. Pest: Pfeifer, 1871. Comedy about women's suffrage. Ujfalvy, Krisztina, 1791-1818. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1568 Ujfalvy, Krisztina. Bardtsdgi vetelkedes vagy Molndr Borbdldnak Mate Jdnosne asszonnyal kit nem hibdi es erdemei feldl folytatott levelezesei. Kolozsvar [Cluj]: Ref. Koll, 1804.


Hungary Varnai, Zseni, 1890-1981. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1569 HUN1570 HUN1571 HUN1572 HUN1573 HUN1574 HUN1575 HUN1576

- - - . Eg es fiild kozott: regeny, Budapest: Varnai Zseni, 1941. Novel. - - - . Egy asszony a milli6k koziil. N.p.: n.p., 1956. - - - . Elok vigyazzatok! Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1962. - - - . Afajdalom konyve: Ydrnai Zseni eneke az anyasdgrol, a fdjdalomrol. Budapest: Vilagossag, 1921. - - - . Fekete bdrdny. N.p.: n.p., 1935. - - - . Nem volt hiaba. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1962. - - - . Oromok kertje: mesek. Budapest: Magveto, 1959. - - - . Der Schat: des Holzfaellers. Budapest: Corvina, 1978.

Vay, Sander [Sarolta], 1859-1918. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiado, 1993. HUN1577 Vay, Sander. D'Artagnan mesei. Budapest: Vass Markovits, 1903. HUN1578 . Gr6fVay Sdndor munkdi (10 kotet). Budapest: Orsz. Monografia Tars. 1909. HUN1579 . Pestvdrmegyei historidk: Budapest: Legrady, 1907. HUN1580 . Regi magyar tdrsaselet: Elbeszelesek, 2 vols. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1900.

Von Najmajer, Marie, 1844-1904. Von Najmajer was Hungarian-born, but wrote primarily in German. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.

Wesselenyi, Polixena, 1801-1878. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. HUN1581 Wesselenyi, Polixena, Olaszhoni es schweizi utazds 1842. 2 nd ed. Budapest: Magvet6, 1981.

Wohl, Janka, 1846-1901. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest: Kassak Kiado, 1993. HUN1582 HUN1583 HUN1584 HUN1585 HUN1586 HUN1587 HUN1588 HUN1589 HUN1590 HUN1591 HUN1592 HUN1593

Wohl, Janka. Az en els/) albumom. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1892. nd - - - . Az illem: Utmutato a miivelt tarsaseletben. 2 ed. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1880. - - - . Beszelyek es tdrcdk. Budapest: Stefaniaval, 1883; 1877. - - - . Francois Liszt: Souvenirs d' une compatriote. Paris: Ollendorff, 1887. - - - . Holgyek kerteszeti kezikonyve. Idegen forrdsok utdn forditotta Szekely Iren. Osszedllitotta egy nagyvildgi holgy. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1894. - - - . A kerekpdrrol. Budapest: Athenaeum, nd. - - - . Konyoriiljiink. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1896. - - - , ed. A Magyar Bazar, mint a nok munkakore kepes almanachja. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1893. - - - . A modern asszony brevidriuma. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1895. (1894). - - - . A noi szepseg [eniartdsdnak; apoldsdnak es novelesenek titkai. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1884. - - - . Az otthon: Utmutat6 a hdz celszeni es izleses berendezesehez: Budapest: Athenaeum, 1885. - - - . Wohl Janka koltemenyei, edited by Mor Jokai, Pest: Engel es Mandello, 1861.

Wohl, Stefania, 1848-1889. See Magyar irodalmi lexikon, by Ferenc Vanyi, et al. Budapest:



Kassak Kiad6, 1993. HUN1594 Wohl, Stefania. Aranyfiist: Regeny. Budapest: Mehner, 1887. Novel. HUN1595 . Egy szerelem eletrajza: Regeny, Budapest: Revai, 1883. Novel. HUN1596 . Eva: Elbeszelesek, rajzok, koltemenyek prozaban, aforizmdk: Budapest: Mehner, 1888. HUN1597 - - - . Hdtrahagyott iratai. Edited by Janka Wohl. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1891. HUN1598 - - - . Regek. 2nd ed. Budapest: Franklin, 1875. HUN1599 Zoltvany, Iren. Erotika es irodalom. Budapest: Szent Istvan Tarsulat, 1924. About erotica in Hungarian literature.

Autobiography HUN1600 Brunszvik, Terez. "Gr6f Brunszvik Terez Emlekiratai." In Gr6f Brunszvik Tere: elete cs jellemrajza: Emlekiratai, edited by Marianna Czeke and Margit H. Revesz, Translated by Geza Petrich, Budapest: 1926. Memoirs of Terez Brunszvik (1775-1861), founder of the first Hungarian kindergarten, etc. HUN1601 Denes, Magda. Castles Burning: A Child's Life in War. New York: Norton, 1997. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora. HUN1602 Deryne, Szeppataki R6za. Emlekezesei. 1-11, edited by Pal Rez. Budapest: Szepirodalmi, 1955. Memoirs of the actress R6za Szeppataki Deryne (1793-1872). HUN1603 Di6si, Agnes, with Elza Lakatos. "Brought Up to Be Different." Hungarian Quarterly 41, no. 160 (Winter 2000). Autobiography of a sociologist, who has written on the life of the Roma and on children at risk in state care. She herself is a Vlach Gypsy and she describes her childhood and life in what must have been a guided interview with Lakatos. On line at http://www.hungarianquarterly.com/no 160/084.html. HUN1604 Gabor, Georgia M. My Destiny: Survivor of the Holocaust. Arcadis, CA: Amen Publishing, 1981. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora. HUN1605 Hersh, Gizelle, with Peggy Mann. Gizelle, Save the Children. New York: Everest House, 1980. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora. HUN1606 Heyman, Eva. The Diary ofEva Heyman. Translated by Moshe M. Kohn. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1974. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora. HUN1607 Isaacson, Judith Magyar. Seed of Sarah. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois, 1990. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora. HUN1608 Klein, George. "Mother: memoir." Hungarian Quarterly 41, no. 160 (Winter 2000). The Hungarian-born Klein is a professor at the Microbiology and Tumorbiology Center at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, and a member of the Nobel Assembly. About his mother during World War 11. Available at: http://www.hungarianquarterly.com/noI60/030.html. HUN1609 Klein, Magdalena. Pearls and Lace. Translated by Susan Simpson Geroe. Santa Barbara: Fithian Press, 1996. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora. HUN1610 Kolcsey, Ant6nia. Napl6ja, edited by Jtilia Gabor. Budapest: Magveto, 1982. Diary of a 19th century woman of gentry origin. HUN1611 Leitner, Isabella. Fragments ofIsabella: A Memoir ofAuschwitz. New York: Crowell, 1978. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora. HUN1612 . Saving the Fragments: From Auschwitz to New York. New York: New American Library, 1985. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora. HUN1613 Levi, Trude. A Cat Called Adolf. Essex, U.K.: Valentine Mitchell. 1995. Holocaust memoir by a Hungarian Jewish woman who survived her deportation to Auschwitz. HUN1614 Siegal, Aranka. Grace in the Wilderness: After the Liberation, 1945-1948. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1985. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora.



HUN1615 HUN1616 HUN1617

HUN1618 HUN1619 HUN1620 HUN 1621

. Upon the Head of the Goat: A Childhood in Hungary, 1939-1944. New York: New American Library, 1983; 1981. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora. Sorell, Dora Apsan. Tell the Children: Letters to Miriam. San Rafael, CA: Sighet Publishing, 1998. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora. Stessel, Zahava Szasz. Wine and Thorns in Tokay Valley: Jewish Life in Hungary: The History ofAbaujszanto. Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses; Madison, NJ: Farleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, 1995. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora. Suleiman, Susan Rubin. Budapest Diary: In Search of the Motherbook. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1996. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora. Sulyok, Katalin, ed. Nonek szlilettem. Budapest: Szepirod, 1973. Personal narratives of women. Thomaidou-Marnrni, Eleni. He zoe mou stous dyo kosmous. Volos: Ores, 1992. Annotated under Greece. Vago, Lidia Rosenfeld. "One Year in the Black Hole of Our Planet Earth: A Personal Narrative." In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 27384. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. A Transylvanian Jewish woman provides a narrative of her years in German forced-labor camps.


POLAND See also the Habsburg Monarchy chapter; and Eva Huseby-Darvas, ed. Refugee Women of the Balkans. Anthropology ofEast Europe Review 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995); and Chris Corrin, ed. Superwomen and the Double Burden. Women's Experience of Change in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Toronto: Second Story Press, 1992 in the General Background chapter. Bibliography and Reference POLl


Bystydzienski, Jill M. "Poland." In The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide: Europe, edited by Lynn WaIter, 481-510. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003. Includes: Country Profile, Overview of Women's Issues, Education, Employment and the Economy, Family and Sexuality, Health, PoItics and Law, Religion and Spirituality, Violence, Outlook for the Twenty-first Century, Resources Guide (Suggested Reading, Videos/Films, Web Sites, Organizations) and a Selected Bibliography. Duczmal, Malgorzata. lagiellonowie: Leksykon biograficzny. Cracow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1996. A biographical lexicon for the Jagiellonian dynasty. Danilewicz, Marie, and Genowefa Sadowska, comps. Catalogue of Periodicals in Polish, or Relating to Poland and Other Slavonic Countries, Published Outside Poland Since September 1939. London: n.p, 1964. Grzymala-Moszczynska, Helena. "Poland." In International Handbook on Gender Roles, edited by Leonore Loeb Adler, foreword by Nancy Felipe Russo, 269-80. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993. Himka, John-Paul. Galicia and Bukovina: A Research Handbook about Western Ukraine, Late 19th and 20th Centuries. Historic Sites Service, Occasional Paper, 20. [Edmonton]: Alberta Culture and MulticuIturalism, Historic Resources Division, 1990. Selerowicz, Andrzej. Leksykon kochajqcych inaczej. Poznan: Softpress, 1994. A lexicon of gay life. Wasylewski, Stanislaw. Twar; i kobieta. Cracow: Literackie, 1960. Bibliography of Polish women's biographies. Winiarz, Adam. "The Women Question in the Kingdom of Poland During the Nineteenth Century: A Bibliographical Essay." In Women in Polish Society, edited by Rudolf Jaworski and Bianka Pietrow-Ennker, 177-219. Boulder: East European Monographs, 1992. Wojskowa sluzba kobiet: bibliografia, compiled by M. Biedrzycka et al. Warsaw: Centralna Biblioteka Wojskowa, 2001. Wisniewski, Grzegorz, comp. Pisarze polscy: czlonkowie ZLP w latach 1990-1999: informator bibliograficzny. Warsaw: Zarzad Gl6wny Zwiazku Literat6w Polskich; Kielce: Ston 2, 2002. A listing of 1990s publications of the members of the Union of Polish Writers (i.e. poets, prose writers, dramatists, critics, essayists, researchers and translators of belles lettres). Contains entries for many contemporary women writers. Zaleska, Zofia. Czasopisma kobiece w Polsce (materialy do historii czasopism), rok 18181937. Warsaw: Nakl. Wyzszej szkoly dziennikarskiej, 1938. A bibliography of women's periodicals in Poland, 1818-1937.







Poland Websites POL12





Centrum Praw Kobiet [Women's Rights Center in Warsaw]. http://free.ngo.plltemida/spis.htm. Current issues of Center' s journal, Prawo i Plec are available at this site. Federacja na rzec: Kobiet i Planowania Rodziny [Women's and Family Planning Federation]. http://www.waw.pdi.net/-polfedwo/ Osrodek Informacji Srodowisk Kobiecych [National Women's Information Center]. http://www.oska.org.pl.This website "contains a wealth of information for women on many diverse topics such as health, law, culture, and funding opportunities. In addition to feminist and informational articles, current and back issues of Biuletyn OSKa also are available. There is even a list of libraries and archives in Poland with collections of women's studies materials ... Under the heading Polki w Sieci you can find an anootated list of links to other Polish women's sites. The English version of the site has limited information and is still under construction." Angela Cannon, Slavic Reference Librarian, Women East- West June 2001. Network of East-West Women. Poland. http://www.neww.org/countrieslPolandIPoland.htm Web links to various women's organizations. Polski Servis Kobiet [Polish Women's Service]. http://www.kobiety.pl. "A portal for women's information with articles on all topics of interest for women, from the more serious such as law, politics and Catholicism to the less serious such as fashion and fitness. This site provides an extensive list of links to the sites of Polish women's organizations." -Angela Cannon, Slavic Reference Librarian, Women East- West June 2001. Women Writers Initiative: Poland. http://www.endicott.edu/iwlilpoland.html Bibliography posted by Endicott College as part of its International Women's Literature Initiative. Women's Organizations, Poland: http://www.euronet.nll-fullmoon/womlist/countries/poland.html. WomenWatch. Poland: http://www.un.org/womenwatch/world/east_europe/poland.htm Government plans and strategies for gender equality.

Periodicals POL20 POL21



Inaczej: pismo mniejszosci seksualnych. Poznan: Spolka Wydawnicza "Softpress," 1990-1991. Edited by Andrzej Bul. Journal about sexual minorities. Nowe Slowo: dwutygodnik spoleczno-literacki. Edited by Maria Turzyma. Cracow: Maria Turzyma, 1902-1907. This literary journal had a supplement, Robotnica: dodatek do "Nowego Slowa" poswiecony interesom kobiet pracujqcych zawodowo [The woman worker: Supplement to "Nowe Slowo, " dedicated to the interests of women factory workers}. Cracow: [So n.], 1904. OSKa Biuletyn. 1997-. Published by the National Women's Information Center [OSKa], a non-governmental, non-profit organization that assists all Polish women-related groups and initiatives. The quarterly started out in 1997 with an issue promoting women's participation in politics by its focus on the thirty-eight women candidates in that year's parliamentary elections. The editors devoted the Autumn 1998 issue to Women's Literature and presented a special English issue on Women's Human Rights in Winter 1998. Other issues have included Working Women, Prostitution and Traffic in Women. See their web site: http://www.oska.org.pl. Pelnym Glosem: Periodyk feministyczny, Warsaw: 1990-1997. The first feminist journal in Poland, published by eFKa or Fundacja Kobieca (Women's Foundation), began in 1990, after a feminist conference in Cracow, and discontinued with issue 5 in Winter 1997. According to its editors, Slawomira Walczewska and Beata Kozak, the journal's goal was "to present an






alternative to popular, glossy magazines for women. The journal offered articles on feminist theory and theology, women's history, social issues, women's life in Poland and abroad, alongside poetry, prose, and reviews of films and books. Przyjaciolka. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1948-. Weekly publication for women. Przyjaciolka. Warsaw: Edipresse Polska, 2001-. A daily, edited by Agnieszka Lesiak. Ster. Warsaw: 1901-1914. This journal of the emancipationist movement in Poland published essays, reports of meetings, letters from members, etc. An invaluable resource for reconstructing the early years of the women's movement in the Polish lands. Women's Studies International Forum 18, no. 1 (1995): 1-89. Selected Proceedings of the Women's Studies Conference, Lodz, Poland, May 17-21, 1993. This issue, with an introduction by Elzbieta Oleksy, contains ten articles on various aspects of Polish women's lives, including teaching, management, abortion, discrimination. Zadra. Cracow: Fundacja Kobieca "eFKa", 1999-. Feminist journal edited by Beata Kozak.

History and Society POL29









Abram, Monika. "Aktywizacja polityczna kobiet polskich na przelomie XIX i XX wieku." In Publiczna przestrzen kobiet: Obrazy dawne i nowe, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Wlodziemierz HelIer, 79-97. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1999. - - - . "Problem wyksztalcenia kobiet w publicystyce poznanskiej XIX w.: Studium por6wnawce." In Humanistyka i plec, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Jolanta Miluska, 169-77. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1995. About the problem of women's education as treated in Poznan journalism of the 19th century. Adamiak, Elzbieta, Blogoslawiona miedzy niewiastami: Maryja w feministycznej teologii Cathariny Halkes. Lublin: Red. Wydawn. Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997. About the Virgin Mary in Catherine Halkes' s feminist theology. - - - . "Czy jest mozliwy chrzescijariski feminizm?" In Feminizm kobiecy aspekt kultury: Materialy z sesji popularnonaukowej Klubu Mysli Humanistycznej - II Liceum Ogolnoksztalcqcego i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Zabrzu. (12 marca 2001), edited by Adam Regiewicz, 76-87. Zabrze: II Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace, 2001. - - - . Milczaca obecnosc. Warsaw: Wiezi, 1999. A feminist theologian explores the Polish church's need to reconsider the role of women in religion. - - - . "Zalozenia i glowne nurty teologii feministycznej." In Polskie oblicza feminizmu: Materialy z konferencji "Polskie oblicza feminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka, 128-36. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad. Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. Adamska, Katarzyna. Ludzie obok: lesbijki i geje w Polsce. Torun: Pracownia Duszycki, 1998. Adamski, Wladyslaw W. "Women in Contemporary Poland: Their Social and Occupational Position and Attitudes Toward Work." In Women in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, edited by Tova Yedlin, 212-25. NY: Praeger, 1980. Alexander, Alex. E. "Marzanna." In Heart of the Nation: Polish Literature and Culture. Selected Essays from the 50th Anniversary International Congress of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences ofAmerica, 111-8. Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 1993. Examination of the folk custom of throwing a straw and hemp figure (traditionally called "Marzanna") into a river on the fourth Sunday of Lent as a symbolic finish to winter. Alsop, Rachel and Jenny Hockey. "Women's Reproductive Lives as a Symbolic Resource in Central and Eastern Europe." European Journal of Women's Studies 8, no. 4 (November 2001): 454-71. With particular emphasis and data on Serbia, East Germany and Poland. Arabas, Iwona. "Panny apteczkowe-rola dworu szlacheckiego w ksztaltowaniu swiadomosci terapeutycznej na polskiej wsi = Pharmacy Maidens-the Role of a Gentry Manor in Moulding the Therapeutic Awareness in the Polish Countryside." In Pod patronatem Hygiei:















udzial kobiet w rozwoju nauk przyrodniczych = Under Hygeia's Patronage: Participation of Women for Development ofNatural Science, edited by Iwona Arabas, 85-99. Warsaw: Instytut Historii Nauki PAN, 2000. Arcimowicz, J. "Kwestia dyskryminacji kobiet w dzialalnosci Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich." In Kobiety w Polsce na przelomie wiek6w: Nowy kontrakt plcy? edited by Malgorzata Fuszara, 103-24. Warsaw: Instytut spraw publicznych, 2002. Arcimowicz, Krzysztof. "Wizerunek mezczyzny ujawniony podczas debaty sejmowej dotyczacej projektu ustawy 0 r6wnym statusie kobiet i mezczyzn" [Images of masculinity revealed during the debate of the Sejm concerning the legislative bill on the equal status of women and men]. In Obraz M~zczyzyzny w polskich mediach: Prawda, Falsz; Stereotyp, edited by Krzysztof Arcimovwicz, 191-203. Gdansk: Gdanskie wydawnictwo psychologiczne, 2003. - - - . "Wzory meskosci propagowane w podrecznikach Przysposobinie do zycia w rodzinie" In Od kobiety do mezczyzny i z powrotem: rozwazania 0 plci w kulturze, edited by Jolanta Brach-Czaina, 197-225. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 1997. About the patterns of masculinity propagated by the school handbook Adaptation to Family Life. Aulette, Judy Root. "New Roads to Resistance: Polish Feminists in the Transition to Democracy." In Democratization and Women's Grassroots Movements, edited by Jill Bystydzienski and J. Sekhon, 217-40. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1999. Bacon, Gershon. "The Missing 52 Percent: Research on Jewish Women in Interwar Poland and Its Implications for Holocaust Studies." In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 55-67. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. "Badania ankietowe sytuacji kobiet w Polsce." Wiadomosci statystyczny 41, no. 4 (1996): 8495. Public opinion poll on the situation of women in Poland. Baer, Monika. "Kategoria 'kobiety' we wsp6lczesnych dyskursach publicznych: Przyczynek do dyskusji." In Publiczna przestrzen kobiet: Obrazy dawne i nowe, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Wlodziemierz HelIer, 231-57. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1999. About the category "women" in public discourse. - - - . "Ewolucja mysli feministycznej w antropologii kultorowej: szkic na podstawie wybranej literatury." In Kobiety w poznaniu naukowym wczoraj i dzis, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Danuta Sobczynska, 219-62. Poznan: Wydawn. Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1997. About the evolution of feminist thinking in cultural anthropology. Bakowska, Katarzyna. "Wizerunek kobiety w mediach." In Feminizm kobiecy aspekt kultury: Materialy z sesji popularnonaukowej Klubu Mysli Humanistycznej - II Liceum Og6lnoksztalcqcego i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Zabrzu. (12 marca 2001), edited by Adam Regiewicz, 59-63. Zabrze: 11 Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace, 2001. Balcerzak-Paradowska, Bozena, ed. Rodziny wielodzietne w Polsce: terazniejszosc i przysziosc. Warsaw: Instytut Pracy i Spraw Socjalnych, 1997. About the present and future of large families. Baldez, Lisa. "Women's Movements and Democratic Transition in Chile, Brazil, East Germany, and Poland." Comparative Politics 35, no. 3 (2003): 253-72. Baraniewska, Dagmara. "Nedovoljna politicka reprezentacija zena u Poljskoj = Insufficient Political Representation of Women in Poland." In Vlast bez [ena ili dugi mars = Governments Without Women or the Long March, edited by Durda Knezevic and Koraljka Dilic, 90-5. Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, 1997. Bilingual text. Translation into English by Koraljka Dilic and Ivana Cikes. Baranska, Anna. Kobiety w powstaniu listopadowym 1830-1831. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998. About the role of women in the November uprising of 1830-31. Bartyzel, Dorota J. "Abortion Debate in Poland." Women's Global Networkfor Reproductive Rights Report. (JanlMar 1992): 45-6.












Basiuk, Tomasz, Ferens, Dominika and Tomasz Sikora, eds. A Queer Mixture: Gender Perspectives on Minority Sexual Identities = Odmiany odmienca: Mniejszosciowe orientacje seksualne w perspektywie gender. Katowice: Sl~sk, 2002. Includes articles about a variety of European and American authors, artists and philosophers, such as Proust, Derrida, Almod6var, Elia Kazan, Tennessee Williams, Erin Moure, as well as several articles on the Polish perspective on gender minorities and the arts. Bator, Joanna. "Brzydkie slowo, 'feminizm'." Gazeta Wyborcza (June 27-28, 1998): 26-7. About the "dirty word feminism." - - - . Feminizm, postmodernizm, psychoanaliza. Gdansk: Slowo/obraz terytoria, 200l. - - - . "Filozoficzny wymiar feminizmu." Katedra 1 (2001): 58-79. - - - . Wizerunek kobiety w polskiej debacie politycznej: perspektywafeministyczna, opinie. Warsaw: Instytut Spraw Publicznych, 1999. Baumel, Judith Tydor. "Social Interaction among Jewish Women in Crisis during the Holocaust: A Case Study." Gender and History 7, no. 1 (1995): 64-84. Bazariska, Teresa, and Stanislawa Kostrubiec. "Pozycia zawodowa kobiet w wyzszym wyksztalceniem (komunikat)." In Kobiety polskie: Praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 329-36. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About the professional position of women in higher education. Beisert, Mari. "Psychologiczna sytuacja kobiet rozwiedzonych." In Humanistyka i plec, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Jolanta Miluska, 51-68. Poznan: niwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 1995. About the psychological situation of divorced women. Bellows, Anne Camilla. "Gender, Utilitarianism and Poland. WE International no. 44-5 (1998): 36-9. - - - . "The Praxis of Food Work in Poland." In Feminist Locations: Global and Local, Theory and Practice; edited by Marianne DeKoven, 229-56. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 200l. Beres, Witold, and Krzystof Burnetko. Tylko nie 0 polityce. Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1989. Includes rare interviews with Joanna Szczesna and Helena Luczywo, two important Solidarity activists and editors of the Solidarity newspaper, Tygodnik Mazowsze. Bergandy, Wrocislawa. "Kariery naukowe przyrodniczek: Od alchemii do chemii wsp6lczesnej." In Kobiety w Poznaniu naukowym wcoraj i dzis, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Danuta Sobczynski, 127-54. Poznan: Wydawn. Naukowe, 1997. About female natural scientists, from alchemy to contemporary physics. Berger-Mayerowa, Janina. Ksiezna Pani na kocku i siemiatyczach. Dziaialnosc gospodarcza i spoleczna Anny z Sapieh6w Jablonowskiej. Lvov: N.p, 1936. About reformer Anna Sapieh6w Jablonowska, an example of emancipated womanhood in 18th-century Poland. Berman, Jacqueline. "Double Binds and Triple Burdens: 'Woman', Abortion and PostCommunist Politics in Poland". Master's thesis Arizona State Univ., 1993. - - - . "Engineering Transition: Sovereignty, Sexual Difference, and International Relations for Post-Communist Poland." Ph.D. diss. Arizona State Univ., 1998. Bialecki, Ireneusz, and Barbara Heyns. "Educational Attainment, The Status of Women, and the Private School Movement in Poland." In Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies, edited by Valentine M. Moghadam, 110-34. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993. Biezcz-Kaiser, Antonina. "Polens Frauen: abgeschoben fur immer?" Beitriige zure feministischen theorie und praxis 16, no. 34 (1993): 117-25. About Polish feminism. Birman, Tzippora. "From the Bialystock Ghetto." Jewish Spectator (Sept. 1971): 9-13. Bishop, Brenda. "From Women's Rights to Feminist Politics: The Developing Struggle for Women's Liberation in Poland." Monthly Review 42, no. 6 (November 1990): 15-34. Blatman, Daniel. "National-Minority Policy, Bundist Social Organizations, and Jewish Women in Interwar Poland." In The Emergence ofModern Jewish Politics: Bundism and












Zionism in Eastern Europe, edited by Zvi Gite1man, 54-70. Pittsburgh, PA: Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 2003. - - - . "Women in the Jewish Labor Bund in Interwar Poland." In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 68-84. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. Blobaum, Robert E. "The 'Woman Question' in Russian Poland, 1900-1914." Journal of Social History 35, 4 (2002): 799-824. Bloch, Bronislaw. "Spatial Evolution of the Jewish and General Population of Warsaw, 17921939." In Papers in Jewish Demography, 1973, edited by Usiel Oskar Schmelz, Paul Glickson and Sergio Della Pergola, 209-34. Jerusalem: Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, 1977. Discusses the evolution of the Jewish and non-Jewish population of Warsaw from 1792-1939, with only a brief mention of the sex ratio in the Jewish and Roman Catholic populations from 1882-1913 (p. 222). Boczkowski, Krzysztof. Homoseksualizm. Cracow: inter esse, 2003. Bogucka, Maria. "Between the Ideal and Reality: Polish Woman in the 16th_18 th Centuries." Acta poloniae historica 84 (2001): 67-78. - - - . Bialoglowa w dawnej Polsce: Kobieta w spoleczenstwie polskim XV-XVIII wieku na tle por6wnawczym. Warsaw: Wydawn. Trio, 1998. About whether the Renaissance meant emancipation or continued misogyny for Polish women. - - - . "Gender in the Economy of a Traditional Agrarian Society: The Case of Poland in the 16th_17 th Centuries." Acta poloniae historica 74 (1996): 5-19. - - - . "Marriage in Early Modem Poland." Acta poloniae historica 81 (2000): 51-78. - - - . "Women and Culture in Poland in Early Modem Times." Acta poloniae historica 80 (1999): 61-95. - - - . "Women and Economic Life in the Polish Cities during the 16th_17 th Centuries." In La donna nell'economia secc. XIII-XVIII: atti della "ventunesima Settimana di studi", 10-15 aprile 1989, edited by Simonetta Cavaciocchi, 185-94. Florence: Le Monnier, 1990. - - - . Women in Early Modern Polish Society, Against the European Background. Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2004. Bohachevsky-Chomiak, Martha. "Socialism and Feminism: The First Stages of Women's Organizations in the Eastern Part of the Austrian Empire." In Women in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, edited by Tova Yedlin, 44-64. New York: Praeger, 1980. The author focuses on movements in Galicia led by Polish and Ukrainian women which aimed to improve the position of women within the separate nationalities, strengthen cooperation among socialists, and achieve equal access to education and voting rights. - - - . "Ukrainian Feminism in the Interwar Poland." In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 82-97. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. Bolewski, Jack, ed. Kobieta w nowym wieku: praca zbiorowa. Cracow: WAM, 2001. About women and religion, covering women in the Old and New Testaments and in current society, covering such topics as the antifeminism of St. Paul, the relationship of the Catholic Church to modem feminism, and the place of nuns in the new century. Borkowska, Grazyna. "Niepisana umowa: Polski feminism i jego organiczenia." In Polskie oblicza feminizmu: Materialy z konferencji "Polskie oblicza feminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka, 21-32. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad, Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. - - - . "Wiek XIX: lekarki i pacjentki, amatorki i profesjonalistki = The 19th Century: Women Doctors and Patients, Amateurs and Professionals." In Pod patronatem Hygiei: udzial kobiet w rozwoju nauk przyrodniczych = Under Hygeia' s Patronage: Participation of Women for Development ofNatural Science, edited by Iwona Arabas, 100-14. Warsaw: Instytut Historii Nauki PAN, 2000. Borkowska, Malgorzata. Panny siostry w swiecie sarmackim. Warsaw: Wydawn. Naukowe















PWN, 2002. About nuns and the monastic life in Poland. - - - . tycie codzienne polskich klasztorow zonskich w XVII-XVIII wieku. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1996. About daily life in a women's cloister in the 17th and 18th centuries. Boruta, Irena. Rownosc kobiet i mezczyzn w pracy w swietle prawa wspolnoty europejskiej: implikacje dla Polski. Lodz: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego, 1996. About the implications for Poland for men's and women's work in the context of the European Community. Borzyminska, Zofia. "Wzory wychowania kobiet w szkolach zydowskich w Kr6lestwie Polskim w XIX w." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiacli Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 201-15. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. Borzyszkowska-Sekowska, Felicja. "Kr6tka historia polskiego ferninizmu." In Polskie oblicza [eminizmu: Materialy z konferencji "Polskie oblicza feminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka, 40-6. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad. Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. - - - . Trzecia plec? Kobieta 2000. Bydgoszcz: Swiadeectwo, 1999. Boski, Pawel, J. R. Van de Vijver Fons, Helena Hurme, and Jolanta Miluska. "Perception and Evaluation of Polish Cultural Femininity in Poland, the United States, Finland, and the Netherlands." Cross-Cultural Research 33, no. 2 (1999): 131-61. Brach-Czaina, Jolanta, ed. Od kobiety do meiczyzny i z powrotem: rozwazania 0 plci w kulturze. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 1997. Nine of these eighteen essays about contemporary gender roles and issues around the world focus on Polish society. The six parts of the book are: "Cultural Echoes," "Patriarchy's Role for Women," "Masculinity: New and Old Problems," "Femininity and Masculinity in Children's and Adults' Education," "Conflict," and "The Recovery of Femininity." Brahme, Sulabha. "Work and Status of Women in the U.S.S.R, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and China." Man and Development 4, no. 4 (1982): 9-36. Brodowska, Helena. "Dziewczeta wiejskie w ruchu oswiatowym w Polsce miedzywojennej." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiacti Polskich w XIX I XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 145-57. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About country girls in the educational movement in interwar Poland. Brodowska-Kubicz, Helena. "Helena Radlinska, wsp6ltw6rczyni W olnej W szechnicy Polskiej w Warszawie." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tworcow kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodleglym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 241-54. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About the female eo-founder of the Free Polish University. Bruchnalska, Maria. Ciche bohaterki. Udzial kobiet w powstaniu styczniowym. Miejsce Piastowe: Wydawn. Tow. sw. Michala Archaniola, 1933. About women's heroic participation in the January Insurrection. Brykalska, Maria. "Emancipacja kobiet." In Slownik literatury polskiej XIX wieku, edited by J6zef Bach6rz i Alina Kowalczykowa, 225-9. Wroclaw: Ossolineum, 1991. Brzezinski, Witold. "Matka i dzieci w prawie i praktyce sadowej w Wielkopolsce w 2. polowie XIV i poczatkach XV wieku." In Partnerka, matka, opiekunka: status kobiety w starozytnosci i sredniowieczu, edited by Juliusz Jundzill, 297-315. Bydgoszcz: Wydawn. Uczelniane Wyzszej Szkoly Pedagogicznej, 1999. Buczkowski, Adam. "Dwa roz swiaty, czyli jak socjalizuje si~ dziewczynke i chlopca." In Od kobiety do mezczyzny i z powrotem: rozwazania 0 plci w kulturze, edited by Jolanta BrachCzaina, 169-96. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 1997. About socializing girls and boys differently. Budna, Katarzyna, and Malgorzata Jaworska, eds. Hana, pamietnik polskiej zydowki. Gdansk: ATEXT, 1992. Annotated under the Jewish Diaspora.





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Budrowska, Boguslawa. "Macierzynstwo: instytucja totalna?" In Od kobiety do mezczyzny i z powrotem: rozwazania 0 plci w kulturze, edited by Jolanta Brach-Czaina, 297-308. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 1997. About matemity as an institution. Bujwidowa, Kazimiera. "Wyksztalcenie kobiet." In Glos kobiet w kwestii kobiecej 17-41. Cracow: Nakladem Stow. Pomocy Naukowej dla Polek im. J. I. Kraszewskiego, 1903. About women's education. Bulatowicz, J6zef. Z kobieta nie ma zartu: 600 lat fraszki polskiej. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 2000. Collection of Polish epigrams about women. Bystydzienski, JiB M. "The Effects of the Economic and Political Transition on Women and Families in Poland." In Women and Political Change: Perspectives from East-Central Europe. Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsaw, 1995, edited by Sue Bridger, 91-109. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998. - - - . "The Feminist Movement in Poland: Why So Slow?" Women's Studies International Forum 24, no. 5 (2001): 501-11. - - - , and Barbara Lobodzinska. "Poland: Gender Discrimination Unrecognized." Humanity & Society 22 (1998): 290-312. Caban, Wieslaw. "Kobiety i powstanie styczniowe." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tl porownawczym w X/X i w poczqtkaclt XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 59-72. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About women's participation in the January insurrection. - - - . "Nauczycielki w szkolach elementarnych w Kr6lestwie Polskim we pierwszej polowie XIX wieku." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach polskicli w XIX i XX w, edited byAnna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 257-65. Warsaw: Wydawn. DiG: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About female teachers in elementary schools in the Kingdom of Poland in the first half of the 19th century. Cala, Alina. "Kobiety wobec tradycyjnych norm zycia rodzinnego w spolecznosciach zydowskich w Polsce miedzywojennej." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 89-101. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Centralna Rada Zwiazkow Zawodowych w Polsce. The Situation of the Working Woman in People's Poland. Warsaw: Trade Union Pub. House, 1963. Chadamik, Joanna. "Feminizm czy kobiecosc?" Przeglqd Powszechny 3 (2000): 333-44. - - - . "Women and Families in Poland: Pressing Problems and Possible Solutions." In Family, Women and Employment in Central-Eastern Europe, edited by Barbara Lobodzinska, 193-204. Contributions in Sociology 112. Westport, CT.: Greenwood Press, 1995. - - - , and Babara Lobodzinska. "Poland: Gender Discrimination Unrecognized." Humanity and Society 22, no. 3: 290-312. Chalubinski, Miroslaw, ed. Polityka i aborcja: praca zbiorowa. Warsaw: Agencja Scholar, 1994. Collection of articles on abortion from a variety of perspectives-feminist, religious, medical, social, etc. Chamerska, Halina. "Rola kobiet w mecenasie bibliotecznym w okresie zabor6w." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiacli Polskicli w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 293-303. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About women and library patronage at the time of the partition. - - - . "Sytuacja spoleczna drobnej szlachcianki w XIX wieku. Kr6lestwo Polskie." In Kobieta i spoleczenstwo na riemiacn Polskich w XIX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 51-65. Warsaw: DiG, 1995. About the social condition of lower gentry th women in the Polish Kingdom in the 19 century. - - - . "Women of the Petty Nobility in the Polish Kingdom during the 19th Century." Acta Poloniae Historica 74 (1996): 73-90. Chimiak, Galia. "Bulgarian and Polish Women in the Public Sphere: A Comparative



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Analysis." International Feminist Journal of Politics 5, no. 1 (2003): 3-27. Chmielewska, Joanna. Jak wytrzymac Z wspolczesnq kobietq? Warsaw: Wydawn. Wiedza i Zycie, 1996. Humor and cartoons about tolerating the modem woman. Chojnowski, Andrzej. "Kobiety i polityka w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej: Slowo wstepne." In Kobieta i swiat polityki w niepodleglej Polsce 1918-1939, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 9-16. Warsaw: Wydawn. Sejmowe, 1996. Foreword about women and politics in the Second Republic. . "Moralnosc i polityka. Kobiece lobby w Bezpartyjnym Bloku Wspolpracy z Rzadem." In Kobieta i swiat polityki w niepodleglej Polsce 1918-1939, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 161-76. Warsaw: Wydawn. Sejmowe, 1996. About morality and politics in relation to the women's lobby in the Non-Party Bloc (for Cooperation with the Government). Cholodowska, Malgorzata, "Matka-opiekunka maloletnich dzieci w Polsce wczesnosredniowiecznej na podstawie opis6w cudow sw. Jadwigi i sw. Stanislawa." In Partnerka, matka, opiekunka: status kobiety w starozytnosci i sredniowieczu, edited by Juliusz Jundzill, 260-9. Bydgoszcz: Wydawn. Uczelniane Wyzszej Szkoly Pedagogicznej, 1999. Choluj, Bozena, "Frauen nach der politischen Wende in Polen." Frauen in der Literaturwissenschaft: Rundbrief 41 (1994): 34-6. About women at a political turning point in Poland. . "Gender Studies an der Warschauer Universitat, " Bulletin 14, Berlin Center for Interdisciplinary Women's Studies at the Univ. of Humboldt (1997): 108-11. . "Historia pojecia kobiecosci w dyskurskie feministycznym." In Polskie oblicza [eminizmu: Materialy z konJerencji "Polskie oblicza feminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka, 11-20. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad. Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. . "Syndrom Ewy czyli zmyslowosc wedlug meskich projekcji." In Glos majq kobiety: Teksty feministyczne, edited by Slawomira Walczewska, introduced by Anna Titkow, 24-38. Cracow: Convivium, 1992. About male projections of sensuality that perpetuate the "Eve Syndrome." Chorobinska-Misztal, Antonina. Z dziejow Siemiatycz drugiej polowy XVIII wieku: dzialalnosc reJormatorska Anny Jablonowskiej. Bialystock: Bialostockie Towarzystwo Nauk, 1978. About the 18th -century reform work of Anna Jablonowoska. Chwalba, Andrzej. "Sp6r 0 wartosci: sympatyczki ruchu emancypacyjnego wobec religii i Kosciola katolickiego." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tw6rc6w kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodleglym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zrnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 267-84. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About the attitude of pro-emancipation women towards religion and the Catholic church. . "Kobiety w zyciu politycznym Galicji na przelomie wieku XIX i XX." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tie por6wnawczym w XIX i w poczqtkacli XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 119-34. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About women's role in turn-of-the-century Galician politics. Chyra-Rolicz, Zofia. "Kobiety a unowoczesnianie i uspolecznianie gospodarstw domowych w Polsce miedzywojennej." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 249-64. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About women's role in the modernization and socialization of the household in interwar Poland. . "Kobiety i ruch spoldzielczy na przelomie XIX i XX w." In Kobieta i swiat polityki w niepodleglej Polsce 1918-1939, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 177-91. Warsaw: Wydawn. Sejmowe, 1996. About women and the co-operative movement at the turn th of the 19 century. . "Pionerki w nowych zawodach na poczatku XX w."In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiacli Polskich w XIX I XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 221-36.




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Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About women-pioneers in the new professions at the beginning of the 20th century. Ciechocinska, Maria. "Gender Aspects of Dismantling the Command Economy in Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland." In Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies, edited by Valentine M. Moghadam, 302-26. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993. . "Gender Aspects of Dismantling the Command Economy: The Polish Case." Geoforum 24, no. 1 (February 1993): 31-44. . "Mala historia aborcji." In Glos majq kobiety: Teksty feministyczne, edited by Slawomira Walczewska, introduced by Anna Titkow, 65-77. Cracow: Convivium, 1992. A "short history" of abortion. . Od matriarchatu do feminizmu. Poznan: Brama, 1996. About women's path from matriarchy to feminism. Ciegelski, Tadeusz. "Masoni, kobiety i kwestia kobieca." In Kobieta i spoleczenstwo na ziemiacli polskich w XIX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 135-45. Warsaw: DiG, 1995. About freemasons and the woman question in 19th -century Poland. Cierniak, Urszula. "Kobieta w trdycyjnym domu prawoslawynym." In Plec-kobieta-feminizm, edited by Zofia Gorczynska, Sabina Kruszynska, and Irena Zakidalska,185-95. Gdansk: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego, 1997. Cole, Maria. "Sex Segregation in American and Polish Higher Education: The Influence of Class Structure, Politics, and the Economy." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 40, no. 3 (1999): 351-74. Coliver, Sandra, and Wanda Nowicka. "Poland." In The Right to Know: Human Rights and Access to Reproductive Health Information, edited by Sandra Coliver, 268-88. London: ARTICLE 19, 1995. About access to family planning and abortion information in Poland. Cottam, Kazimiera Jean. "Veterans of Polish Women's Combat Battalion Hold Reunion." Minerva (Winter 1986): 1-7. Coyle, A. "Fragmented Feminisms: Women's Organisations and Citizenship in 'Transition' Poland."Gender and Development 11, no. 3 (2003): 57-65. Cullen, Rachel. "Solidarity: What a Pity It Does Not Include the Women of Poland." The Times (London) (Oct. 21,1981): 10.

Curie, Marie Sklodowska, 1867-1934. See Women Writers from Poland: http://www .digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generatelPOLAND.html. POL149

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. Korespondencja Marii Sklodowskiej-Curie z uczonymi Europy Srodkowej i Wschodniej, 1904-1934, edited by Jan Piskurewicz. Lublin: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu MariiCurie-Sklodowskiej, 1998. Curie's correspondence with Central and West European scholars. Balibar, Francoise. "Strankinja u pantheonu." TRECA: Women's Studies Journal (Zagreb) 1, no. 1 (1998): 75-89. About Marie Curie-Sklodowska. Birch, Beverley. Marie Curie: The Polish Scientist Who Discovered Radium and its LifeSaving Properties. Milwaukee: G. Stevens, 1988. Blanc, Karin, and Nanny Froman. Marie Curie et le Nobel. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, 1999. Crossfield, E. Tina. "Irene Joliot-Curie: Following in Her Mother's Footsteps." In A Devotion to Their Science.Pioneer Women of Radioactivity, edited by Marelene F. Rayner-Canham and Geoffrey Rayner-Canham, 97-123. Philadelphia: Chemical Heritage Foundation; Montreal: McGill-Queen's Univ. Press, 1997. Curie, Eve. Maria Curie. Warsaw: Wydawn. Naukowe PWN, 1997. Translated by Vincent Sheean as Madame Curie: A Biography (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1937).



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Translated by Francisco Madrid as La vida heroica de Marie Curie: descubridora del radium, contada por su hija. Buenos Aires: Espasa-Calpe, 1944. A biography by her daughter. Dorai, Lalitha. "Intergrating Scholarship on Women into Physics." Women's Studies Quarterly 24, no. 3-4 (Fall/Winter 1996): 150-9. Giroud, Francoise. Unefemme honorable. [Paris:] Hachette, 1983; 1981. Translated by Janina Palecka under the title Maria Sklodowska-Curie. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1987). Translated by Lydia Davis under the title Marie Curie: A Life. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1986. Includes bibliography. Ivimey, Alan. Marie Curie: Pioneer of the Atomic Age. New York: Prager, 1964, 1969. Kerner, Charlotte. "Marie Curie (1867-1934)." In Madame Curie und ihre Schwestem: Frauen, die den Nobelpreis bekamen. Weinheim: Beltz & Gelberg, 1997. About Curie and her fellow female Nobel Prize-winners. Marie Curie: Polish/French Physicist. http://www.bena.comllucidcafe/library/95nov/curie.html Pflaum, Rosalynd. Grand Obsession: Madame Curie and Her World. New York: Doubleday, 1989. - - - . Marie Curie and Her Daughter Irene. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications, 1993. Pycior, Helena M. "Marie Curie: Time Only For Science and Family." In A Devotion to Their Science: Pioneer Women ofRadioactivity, edited by Marelene F. Rayner-Canham and Geoffrey Rayner-Canham, 31-50. Philadelphia: Chemical Heritage Foundation; Montreal: McGill-Queen's Univ. Press, 1997. Quinn, Susan. Marie Curie: A Life. Reading, MA: Perseus Books, 1995. Translated by Isabella Konig under the title Marie Curie: eine Biographie. FrankfUrt & Leipzig: Insel Verlag, 1999. Includes bibliography. Tames, Richard. Marie Curie. Newark: Franklin Watts, 1990. Cygan, Mary Eleanor. "Polish Women and Emigrant Husbands." In Roots of the Transplanted. Vol. 1, edited by Dirk Hoerder, Horst Rossler and Inge Blank, 359-74. Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 1994. Czajecka, Boguslawa. "Wok6l wyksztalcenia kobiet w Galicji. Towarzystwo Nauczycieli Szk61 Wyzszych we Lwowie i w Cracowie (1884-1914)." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskich w XIX I XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 49-58. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About women's education in Galicia and the Upper School Teachers Association in Lvov and Cracow, 1884-1914. - - - . "Z domu w szeroki swiat": droga kobiet do niezaleznosci w zaborze austriackim w latach 1890-1914. Cracow: Tow. autor6w i wydawc6w prac nauk. universitas, 1990. About women's path to independence in Austrian Poland 1890-1914. - - - , and J. Janicka. "Pierwsza kobieta lekarka, absolwentka UJ-Helena Donhauser Sikorska 1873-1945." Przeglqd Lekarksi no. 10 (1971): 671-5. About the first woman doctor, an alumna of Jagiellonian Univ .. Czajkowska, Katarzyna. "Wzorce roli spolecznej kobiety propagowane przez Zwiazek R6wnouprawnienia Kobiet w Kr6lestwie Polskim na poczatku Xx w." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zamowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 245-52. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About the patterns of social roles for women as propagated by The Women's Equality Union in the Kingdom of Poland at the beginning of the 20 th century. Czarnecki, Christine L. "Women in Poland's Workforce: Why Less Than Equal If Good Enough." Comparative Labor Law Journal 11, no. 1 (Fall 1989): 91-117.

Czartoryska, Izabela, Princess, 1746-1835. See Women Writers from Poland: http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generatelPOLAND.html



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Aleksandrowicz, Alina. Izabela Czartoryska : polskosc i europejskosc : sunt lacrimae rerum. Lublin: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Marii-Curie Sklodowskiej, 1998. . "Izabela Czartoryska: wizerunek nie znany. Literatura i natura." In Pisarki polskie epok dawnych, edited by Krystyna Stasiewicz, 173-91. Olsztyn: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna. 1998. About Izabela Czartoryska's unknown portrait. Pauszer-Klonowska, Gabriela. Pani na Pulawach: opowiesc 0 lzabeli z Flemmingow Czartoryskiej. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1988; 1978. Biography. Includes bibliography. Dach, Zofia. Praca zawodowa kobiet w Polsce w latach 1950-1972, i jej aspekty ekonomiczno- spoleczne. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1976. About the economic and social aspects of women's professional work in Poland 1950-1972. David, Henry P., and Anna Titkow. "Abortion and Women's Rights in Poland, 1994." Studies in Family Planning 25, no. 4 (1994): 239-42. Department Badan Dem6graficznych i Spotecznach. Urlopy bezplatne kobiet dla opieki nad malym dzieckiem w latach 1977-1979. Warsaw: n.p, 1980. About unpaid leave for women with small children. Desperak, I. "Stereotyp r61kobiet w reklamie telewizyjnej i praktyce rynku pracy." Acta universitatis lodzlensis. Folia sociologica 29 (2001): 7-72. Stereoptypes of women in television ads. Dillon, Michele. "Cultural Differences in the Abortion Discourse of the Catholic Church: Evidence from Four Countries." Sociology of Religion 57, no. 1 (1996): 25-36. The countries are Ireland, Poland, U.S. and England-Wales. Dobronski, Adam. "Wzorce i szanse awansu spolecznego kobiet na prowincji Kr6lestwa Polskiego u schylku XIX i w poczatkach XX w." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 171-85. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About women's social promotion in the Kingdom of Poland at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20 th centuries. Dobroszycki, Lucian. "Fertility of Modern Polish Jewry." In Modern Jewish Fertility, edited by Paul Ritterband, 64-77. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1981. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Domagalik, Malgorzata. Siostrzane uczucia: W zyciu innej kobiety przeglqdaj sie jak w lustrze. Warsaw: W.A.B, 2001. Domanski, Henryk. "R6wnouprawnienie: Stereotyp tradycyjnego podzialu r61." In Co to znaczy bye kobietq w Polsce, edited by Anna Titkow and Henryk Dornanski, 65-87. Warsaw: Instytut filozofii i socjologii PAN, 1995. About equalizing the stereotypical gender roles. . "Social Mobility in Six East European Nations." In Women on the Polish Labor Market, edited by Mike Ingham, Hilary Ingham, and Henryk Dornanski, 114-45. Budapest; New York: Central European Univ. Press, 2001. . Zadowolony niewolnik:/: Studium 0 nierownosciacli miedzy mezczyznami i kobietami w Polsce. Warsaw: PAN Instytut filozofii i socjologii, 1992. A study of the inequalities between men and women in Poland. Dror, Zvika. The Dream, the Revolt and the Vow: The Biography ofZivia Lubetkin Zukerman. Israel: International Department, Diaspora Section, General Federation of Labor: Lochamei Hagettaot Institute for the Remembrance of the Holocaust and Revolt, 1983. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Duch-Krzystoszek, Danuta. "Malzeiistwo, seks, prokreacja." In Co to znaczy bye kobieta w Polsce, edited by Anna Titkow and Henryk Domanski, 175-88. Warsaw: Instytut filozofii i socjologii PAN, 1995. About marriage, sex and procreation. . "0 aborcji i wartosciach-s-na podstawie wynik6w badan." In Ustawa antyaborcyjna w Polsce: funkcjonowanie, skutki spoleczne, postawy i zachowanie: Raport, wrzesien 2000, edited by Wanda Nowicka, 115-34. Warsaw: Federacja na Rzecz Kobiet i Planowania Rodziny, 2000.









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- - - . "0 wladzy w rodzinie: Prace w domu a rownosc zwiazku." In Kobiety w Polsce na przelomie wiekow: Nowy kontrakt plcy? edited by Malgorzata Fuszara. Warsaw: Instytut spraw publicznych, 2002. - - - . "Postawy srodowiska medycznego wobec aborcji: Raport z badania RUN." In Ustawa antyaborcyjna w Polsce: funkcjonowanie, skutki spoleczne, postawy i zachowanie: Raport, wrzesien 2000, edited by Wanda Nowicka, 37-83. Warsaw: Federacja na Rzecz Kobiet i Planowania Rodziny, 2000. Dudkiewicz, Wojciech. Jolanta Kwasniewska: Polka idolka. Warsaw: QLCO, 2004. Biography of Kwasniewska, wife of Alexsander Kwasniewski, President of Poland (19952005). Dufrat, Joanna. Kobiety w kregu lewicy niepodleglosciowej: od Ligi Kobiet Pogotowia Wojennego do Ochotniczej Legii Kobiet (1908-1918/1919). Toruii: Wydaw. Adam Marszalek, 2001. Dukaczewska, Aleksandra. "Kobiety interesu." In Co to znaczy bye kobietq w Polsce, edited by Anna Titkow and Henryk Domaiiski, 213-32. Warsaw: Instytut filozofii i socjologii PAN, 1995. About the image of the Polish businesswoman. - - - . "The Participation and Power of Women in Public Life." In Women on the Polish Labor Market, edited by Mike Ingham, Hilary Ingham, and Henryk Domaiiski, 221-37. Budapest; New York: Central European Univ. Press, 2001. Dunin, Kinga. Czego chcecie ode mnie, wysokie obcasy? Warsaw: Wydawn. Sic!, 2002. A collection of essays on subjects relating to women and feminism. Dutkowa, Renata. Zenskie gimnazja Cracowa w procesie emancypacji kobiet (1896-1918). Cracow: Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagie1l6nskiego, 1995. About girls' primary schools during women's emancipation, 1896-1918. Dyczewski, Leon. Rodzina, spoleczenstwo, panstwo. Lublin: Towarzystwo Nauk. Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1994. Dziecielska-Machnikowska, Stefania. "Kobiety w nowej Polsce." Dzis 10 (1999): 83-7. - - - . Praca zawodowa a zycie rodzinne kobiet. Lodz:Uniwersytet L6dzki, 1979. About women's professional work and family life. - - - . "Problemy feminizacji zatrudnienia, zawod6w i stanowisk w Polsce." Studia socjologiczne 1 (1968): 149-61. - - - . Rola kobiet w klasie robotniczej. Lodz: Uniwersytet Lodzki, 1984. About working class women. - - - , ed. Kobieta w rozwijajqcym sie spoleczenstwie socjalisticznym: praca zbiorowa. Lodz: Wydawn. Lodzkie, 1975. About women and collective work in the developing socialist society. Dzieduszycki, Wojciech, and Jacek Wrzesiiiski, eds. Kobieta-s-Smierc-s-Mezczyzna [Woman-Death-Man]. (Funeralia Lednickie Spotkanie, 5) Poznan: Stowarzyszenie Naukowe Archeolog6w Polskich, Oddzial w Poznaniu, 2003. Dziegielewska, Malgorzata. Spoleczno-kulturowe uwarunkowania postaw kobiet wobec gospodarstwadomowego: studium socjologiczne na przykladzle wielkomiejskiego srodowiska robotniczego. Lodz: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu L6dzkiego, 1998. A sociological study of contemporary social and economic conditions for women. Dzietnosc kobiet polskicli w okresie transformacji ustrojowej: Materialy z konferencji demograficznej Uniescie/Koszalin; 18 i 19 wrzesnia 1999 r, edited by Ewa Fratczka i Izydor Sobezak. Warsaw: Polskie Towarzystwo Demograficzne, 2000. Dzikowska, Elzbieta. "Frau Vaterland: Zur Rolle der Frauenbilder im Vaterlandsdiskurs an der Schwelle der polnischen Modeme." In Die Bilder der "neuen Frau" in der Moderne und den Modernisierungsprozessen des 20. Jahrhunderts, edited by Krystyna Gabryjelska, Miroslawa Czamecka and Christa Ebert, 135-42. Wroclaw: Wroclawskie Wydawn. Oswiatowe, 1998. Ehrenfeucht-Tazbirowa, Julia, Anna Zawadzka, et al. Harcerstwo zenskie w Warszawie w






latach 1911-1949. Warsaw: Municipium, 1995. About the girl scouts in Warsaw, 1911-1949. Faliszek, Elisabeth McLean, Krystyna Petras, and Kazimiera Wodz. Kobiety wobec przemian okresu transformacji. Katowice: Slask, 1997. About women's confrontation with changes during the transition period. Family Needs Resulting From an Increased Employment ofMarried Women: Adequacy of Existing Resources to Meet These Needs: Report ofResearch Carried Out by the Chair of Sociology of Work of the lSE, 1964-1968. Principal investigator, Jerzy Piotrowski. Warsaw: Katedra Socjologii Pracy Instytutu Gospodarstwa Spolecznego, 1969. Farar, Marian. "Pornography." Polish Perspectives 22, no. 1 (1979): 58-61.

Faustina, St. [Kowalska, Mary], 1905-1938. An apostle of the Divine Mercy, she was cannonized as St. Faustina in 2000 and belongs today to the group of the most popular and well-known saints of the Catholic Church. See http://saint-faustina.net/ POL210 POL211 POL212 POL213 POL214


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POL219 POL220



Faustina, St. Dzienniczek: Milosierdzie Bote w duszy mojej. Warsaw: Wydawn. Ksiezy Marian6w, 1999. . Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul. Stockbridge, MA.: Marians of the Immaculate Conception, 1987,2000. Michalenko, Sophia Sister. The Life of Faustina Kowalska: The Authorized Biography. Ann Arbor: Charis Books, 1999; 1987. Stabinska, Jadwiga. Siostra Faustyna Kowalska: duchowosc i doktryna. Poznan and Warsaw: Pallottinum, 1976. Tamawska, Maria. Siostra Faustyna Kowalska: zycie i poslannictwo. London: Veritas, 1987. Translated under the title Blessed Sister Faustina Kowalska: Her Life and Mission. London: Veritas Foundation Publication Centre, 1993. Urbanski, Stanislaw. Zycie mistyczne blogoslawionej Faustyny Kowalskiej. Warsaw: Wydawn. Akademii Teologii Katolickiej, 1997. Feldmann, Christian. Cena milosci. Warsaw: Wydawn. MUZA, 1998. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. "Feminizm a lewica, czyli kobiety zyja w PRL-u: dyskusja redakcyjna." Res Publica Nowa 12 (2000): 27-37. Discussants include Bozena Uminska, Agata Araszkiewicz, Agnieszka Graff, Teresa Oleszczuk, Kazimiera Szczuka, Kina Dunin. Feminizm kobiecy aspekt kultury: Materialy z sesji populamonaukowej Klubu Mysli Humanistycznej - II Liceum Ogolnokszialcqcego i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Zabrzu. (12 marca 2001), edited by Adam Regiewicz. Zabrze: 11 Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace, 2001. Ficowski, Jerzy. The Gypsies in Poland: History and Customs. Translated by Eileen Healy. Warsaw: Interpress, 1989. Annotated under Gypsy/RomaDiaspora. Fidelis, Malgorzata. "'Participation in the Creative Work of the Nation': Polish Women Intellectuals in the Cultural Construction of Female Gender Roles, 1864-1890." Journal of Women's History 13, no. 1 (2001): 108-31. Fieseler, Beate. "Czy polityka to wylacznie meska sprawa? 0 zaangazowaniu politycznym kobiet w Rosji carskiej." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tle porownawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 181-90. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About women's political engagement in Czarist Russia. Filatova, N. M. "'Prekrasnoe' i 'vozvyshennoe': Pol'skaia publitsistika nachala XIX veka 0 nravstvennykh idealakh zhenshchiny i muzhchiny." In Natsional'nyi eros i kul'tura v dvukh tomakh, compiled by G. D. Gachev and L. N. Titova, vol. 1,233-40. Moskva: Ladomir, 2002. th About moral ideals of women and men in Polish journalism at the beginning of the 19 century.









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Filipowicz, Halina. "Othering the Kosciuszko Uprising: Women as Problem in Polish Insurgent Discourse." In Studies in Language, Literature, and Cultural Mythology in Poland: Investigating "the Other," edited by Elwira M. Grossman, 55-83. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2002. - - - . "Taboo Topics in Polish and Polish/Jewish Cultural Studies." The Journal of the International lnstitute/Univ. ofMichigan 9, no. 1 (2001): 3-8. Discusses gender, sexuality and identity politics. Available online at http://www.umich.edu/-iinet/journallvoI9no l/halina.html Firkowska-Mankiewicz, Anna. "Czy tak samo wychowujemy dzieczeta i chlopc6w?" In Co to znaczy bye kobieta w Polsce, edited by Anna Titkow and Henryk Domanski, 41-64. Warsaw: Instytut filozofii i socjologii PAN, 1995. About whether boys and girls are raised differently. - - - . "Gender and Success in Life." In Women on the Polish Labor Market, edited by Mike Ingham, Hilary Ingham, and Henryk Dornanski, 147-75. Budapest; New York: Central European Univ. Press, 2001. Firlit-Fesnak, Grazyna. "Frauenpolitik im Kontext der Systemtransformation in Polen: Sozialpolitische Probleme und frauenpolitische Organisierung." In Frauenbewegungen und Frauenpolitik im Osteuropa, edited by Christiane Lemke, Virginia Penrose, and Ute Ruppert, 86-95. Frankfurt: Campus, 1996. About Poland's socio-political problems and women's rights organization in the context of the country's post-Communist transformation. - - . Rodzina polska w warunkach zmiany systemowej na tle kraj6w europejskich: raport Z badan. Warsaw: Elipsa, 1996. A study of the Polish family during systemic changes related to Europe as a whole. Florczak-Bywalec, J. "Feminizacja zatrudnienia w gospodarce uspolecznionej w Polsce (19701985)." Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica no. 112 (1991): 185-205. Forbes, Gordon B., Krystyna Doroszewicz, Kristin Card, and Leah Adams-Curtis. Association of the Thin Body Ideal, Ambivalent Sexism, and Self-Esteem with Body Acceptance and the Preferred Body Size of College Women in Poland and the United States." Sex Roles 50, no. 56 (2004): 331-45. Fratczak, Ewa. "Family, Fertility and Migratory Careers of Polish Females." in Women and Families: Evolution of the Status of Women as a Factor and Consequence of Changes in Family Dynamics, 24-26 February 1997, UNESCO-Paris, edited by Maria Eugenia CosioZavala, 119-41. Paris: CICRED, 1997. Friedland, Ellen. "To the Polls in Poland: At Last Jewish Women Get the Right to Vote!" uu« 22, no. 3 (1997): 4. Fuszara, Malgorzata. "Does the Law Protect Polish Women?" In Families, Politics and the Law: Perspectives for East and West Europe, edited by Mavis Maclean and Jacek Kurczewski, 239-59. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. - - - . "Gender Studies at Warsaw University." In Gender in Transition in Eastern and Central Europe: Proceedings, edited by Gabriele Jahnert et al; im Auftrag des Zentrums fur interdisziplinare Frauenforschung an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, 335-8. Berlin: Trafo, 2001. - - - . Kobiety w Polsce na przelomie wiekow: Nowy kontrakt plcy? Edited by Malgorzata Fuszara. Warsaw: Instytut spraw publicznych, 2002. - - - . "Kobiety w sadach rodzinnych: Podw6jne standardy." In Co to znaczy bye kobietq w Polsce, edited by Anna Titkow and Henryk Domanski, 155-73. Warsaw: Instytut filozofii i socjologii PAN, 1995. About women in family courts and the double standard. - - - . "Legal Regulation of Abortion in Poland." Signs 17, no. (1991): 117-28. - - - . "New Gender Relations in Poland in the 1990s." In Reproducing Gender: Politics, Publics, and Everyday Life after Socialism, edited by Susan Gal and Gail Kligman, 259-85. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000.




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. '''Niedokonczona demokracja' -kobiety, mezczyzni i wladza." Przeglqd Socjologiczny 49, no. 1 (2000): 59-88. About female candidates, women's issues, programs, platforms, visibility of female candidates, etc. . "Nowy kontrakt plci?" In Kobiety w Polsce na przelomie wiekow: Nowy kontrakt plcy? edited by Malgorzata Fuszara, 7-12. Warsaw: Instytut spraw publicznych, 2002. . "The Participation of Women in Polish Authorities." In Gender in Transition in Eastern and Central Europe: Proceedings edited by Gabriele Jahnert et al; im Auftrag des Zentrums fur interdisziplinare Frauenforschung an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, 17681. Berlin, Germany: Trafo, 2001. . "Will the Abortion Issue Give Birth to Feminism in Poland?" In Women's Issues in Social Policy, edited by Mavis Maclean and Dulcie Groves, 205-28. New York and London: Routledge, 1991. . "Women in Polish Academe." In The Gender Gap in Higher Education. World Yearbook ofEducation, edited by Suzanne Stiver Lie, 139-48. World Yearbook of Education; 1994. London: Kogan Page, 1994. Annotated under theEastern and Central Europe: General Background chapter. . "Women's Movements in Poland." In Transitions, Environments, Translations: Feminisms in International Politics, edited by Joan W. Scott, Cora Kapland, and Debra Keates, 128-42. New York & London: Routledge, 1997. . "Zmiany w swiadomosci kobiet w Polsce w latach dziewiecdziesiatych," In Kobiety w Polsce na przelomie wiekow: Nowy kontrakt plcy? edited by Malgorzata Fuszara, 13-38. Warsaw: Instytut spraw publicznych, 2002. , and Beata Grudzinska. "Abortion and the Formation of the Public Sphere in Poland." In Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 241-52. New York and London: Routledge Press, 1993. , and Monika Tarnowska. "Kobiety: kategoria 'sczeg6lnie chronionych pracownik6w'?" In Co to znaczy bye kobieta w Polsce, edited by Anna Titkow and Henryk Domanski, 119-34. Warsaw: Instytut filozofii i socjologii PAN, 1995. About women as a particular category in social welfare programs. "Garment Production in Central and Eastern Europe." Clean Clothes Newletter 9 (February 1998): 11-4. Annotated under the General Background chapter. Gieseke, Wiltrud, Ruth Siebers, Hanna Solarczyk, and Eugenia Anna Wesolowska. Doswiadczenia edukacyjne kobiet w Polsce i w Niemczech: Raport z badan biograficznych = Bildungserfahrungen von Frauen in Polen und in Deutschland: Report qualitativbiographischer. Torun: ydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopemika, 2002. Comparison of the education of women in Poland and Germany. Gieysztor, Irena, "Les Enfants illegitimes dans une paroisse de Pologne aux dixseptierne et dixhuitierne siecles." In Marriage and Remarriage in Populations of the Past, edited by Jacques Dupaquier, 429-36. London: Academic Press, 1981. About illegitimate children in a Polish parish in the 17th and 18th centuries. Summary in English. Glaser, Gabrielle. "Where Mothers Matter: Poland." New York Times Magazine, 20 February 1994. Comparison with the United States. Glass, Christy, and Janette Kawachi. "Winners or Losers of Reform? Gender and Unemployment in Poland and Hungary." In Poverty, Ethnicity, and Gender in Transitional Societies, edited by Ivan Szelenyi, 109-40. Budapest: Akademiai Kiad6, 2002. Reprinted from Review of Sociology of the HungariariSociological Association vol. 7, no. 2, 2001. Glos kobiet w kwestii kobiecej. Cracow: Nakladem Stow. Pomocy Naukowej dla Polek im. J. I. Kraszewskiego, 1903. Articles on women's issues, including education, rights, economics. Gl6wny Urzad Statystyczny. Kobieta w Polsce. Warsaw: Gl6wny Urzad Statystyczny, 1975. Central Statistical Office data on women in Poland.





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Golonka, M. C, J. Roziewicz, J. Starosta, and K. G. Tokhadze. "Jadwiga Szmidt, 1889-1940: A Pioneer in Nuclear and Electrotechnical Science." American Journal of Physics 62 (October 1994): 947-8. Gontarczyk-Wesola, Ewa. "Opportunities for Feminist Perspectives: Women's Studies in Poland." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 61-5. Boulder, CO.: Westview Press, 1997. - - - . "Toward a Space of Our Own: Feminist Research and Teaching in the Social Sciences." Women's Studies International Forum 18, no. 1 (1995): 67-71. - - - . "Women's Situation in the Process of Change in Poland" In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 34-41. Boulder, CO.: Westview Press, 1997. Gorczyriska, Zofia, Sabina Kruszyriska, and Irena Zakidalska, eds. Plec-kobieta-feminizm. Gdansk: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego, 1997. This collection of essays about gender, feminism and women includes a few Poland-specific articles. Two essays are in English. Gorlach, Krzysztof. "Agricultural Change and the Labor Market Status of Women." In Women on the Polish Labor Market, edited by Mike Ingham, Hilary Ingham, and Henryk Domanski, 269-87. Budapest; New York: Central European Univ. Press, 2001. G6rnikowska-Zwolak, Elzbieta. Szkic do portretu Slqzaczki: rejleksja [eministyczna. Katowice: Slask, 2000. Includes a bibliography and a chronology of events leading to the emancipation of Polish women. Gozdziak, Elzbieta. "Needy Guests, Reluctant Hosts: The Plight of Rumanians in Poland." Anthropology ofEast Europe Review. Special issue Refugee Women of the Balkans 13, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 9-14. Grabowska, Magdalena, and Wanda Nowicka. "Kobiety wiejskie wobec problem6w rozrodczosci-i-Raport z badania RUN." In Ustawa antyaborcyjna w Polsce: funkcjonowanie, skutki spoleczne. postawy i zachowanie: Raport, wrzesien 2000, edited by Wanda Nowicka, 95-113. Warsaw: Federacja na Rzecz Kobiet i Planowania Rodziny, 2000. Graff, Agnieszka. "Pornografia wedlug kobiet." Gazeta Wyborcza 54 (2000): 20-21. - - - . Swiat be: kobiet: plec w polskim zyciu publicznym. Warsaw: W.A.B, 2001. Graham, Ann, and Joanna Regulska. "Expanding Political Space for Women in Poland. An Analysis of Three Communities." Communist and Post-Communist Studies 30, no. 1 (1997): 65-82. - - - . "Where Political Meets Women: Creating Local Political Space." Anthropology of East Europe Review 15, no. 1 (Spring 1997): 4-12. Graniewska, Danuta, Bozena Balcerzak-Paradowska, and Dorota Glogosz. Wsp6lczesne zagrozenie realizacji podstawowych funkcji rodziny. Warsaw: Instytut pracy i spraw socjalnych, 1994. About contemporary threats to realizing the basic functions of the family. - - - " Dorota Glogosz, Izabela Hebda-Czaplicka, Bozena Kolaczek and Gertruda Uscinska. Praca kobiet w sektorze prywatnym: szanse i bariery [Women's labor in the private sector: opportunities and barriers]. Bozena Balcerzak-Paradowska, red. Warsaw: Instytut pracy i spraw socjalnych, 2003. Gregory, Abigail, Mike Ingham and Hilary Ingham. "Women's Employment in Transition, 1992-4: The Case of Poland." Gender, Work, and Organization 5, no. 3-4 (1998): 133-47. Gromkowska, Agnieszka. Kobiecosc w kulturze globalnej: Rekonstrukcje i reprezentacje. Poznan: Wolumin, 2002. Includes sections on: Theoretical Approach, Controversy over Women's Emancipation in Global Culture, Scenarios of the Body and Identity in Global Culture, Socialization, Education and Identity. Grossman, Chaika. "Revolt in the Bialystock Ghetto." In Massacre ofEuropean Jewry: An Anthology. Kibbutz Merchavia: World Hershomer and Hatzair, 1963. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. - - - . The Underground Army: Fighters ofthe Bialystok Ghetto. New York: Holocaust Library, 1987. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora.




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Grzyrnala-Moszczynska, Helena. "Women in Poland." In Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective, edited by Leonore Loeb and Adler and Harriet P. Lefley, 54-66. New York: Praeger, 1991. Gudorf, Christine E. "Women and Catholic Church Politics in Eastern Europe." Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 11, no. 2 (1995): 101-6. Haavio-Mannila, Elina, and Magdalena Sokolowska. "Social Position of Women." In Social Structure and Change: Finland and Poland, Comparative Perspective, edited by Erik Allardt and Wlodzimierz Wesolowski, 183-216. Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers, 1978. Habrat, Anna. Jadwiga Petrazycka-Tomicka: Zycie i dzialalnosc. Rzez6w: Wydawn. Wyzszej szkoly pedagogicznej, 2001. Biography of Jadwiga Petrazycka-Tomicka (1863-1931), an early Polish feminist. Halaczek, Bernard, Krystyna Ostrowska, and Francois Hopflinger. Dlaczego aborcja: polsko szwajcarsko-niemieckie badania nad uwarunkowaniami postaw pro- i anty-aborcyjnych. Warsaw: Wydawn. Akademii Teologii Katolickiej, 1994. About Polish-Swiss-German research into factors influencing pro- and anti-abortion positions. Halbersztadt, Jerzy. "Kobiety w murach Uniwersytetu Warzsawskiego 1915-1939." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tworcow kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodleglym panstwie polskim, edited byAnna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 107-26. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About women at Warsaw University, 1915-1939. Hann, C. M. "Family, Neighborhood, and Village." In A Village without Solidarity: Polish Peasants in Years of Crisis, edited by C. M. Hann, 134-55. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1985. Hanson, Sandra L, and Kaja Gadowska. "Catholicism, Country, and the Construction of Gender: Catholic Women in Poland and the U.S." Polish Sociological Review 3, no. 127 (1999): 353-76. Hardy, Jane, and Alison Stenning. "Out With the Old, In With the New? The Changing Experience of Work for Polish Women." in Work, Employment and Transition: Restructuring Livelihoods in Post-Communism, edited by Al Rainnie, Adrian Smith and Adam Swain, 99116. London. New York: Routledge, 2002. Harvey, Elizabeth. "'We Forgot All Jews and Poles': German Women and the 'Ethnic Struggle' in Nazi-occupied Poland." In Gender and War in Europe c.1918-1949, special issue of Contemporary European History 10, no. 3 (November 2001): 447-61. Abstract: During the Second World War, the Nazi regime sent thousands of German women to occupied Poland to work with the ethnic German population, comprising native ethnic Germans and resettlers from the Baltic states, eastern Poland and Romania. They were to be trained to act as model colonisers for the newly conquered territories. Meanwhile the non-German population was subjugated and terrorised. This article examines what German women witnessed in Poland and how far they can be seen as complicit in acts of violence and injustice committed against Poles and Jews. To what extent did a gendered division of labour prevent women actively being involved in or witnessing acts committed against the Polish and Jewish populations? Did a construct of 'womanly work' help women to 'look away' from the evidence of oppression and persecution? Hass, Ludwik. "Aktywnosc wyborcza kobiet w pierwszym dziesiecioleciu Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej." In Kobieta i swiat polityki w niepodleglej Polsce 1918-1939, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 70-99. Warsaw: Wydawn. Sejmowe, 1996. About women's electoral political activity in the first decade of the interwar period. Hauser, Ewa. "Traditions of Patriotism, Questions of Gender: The Case of Poland." In Post Communism and the Body Politic, edited by Ellen E. Berry, 78-104. New York: N.Y.U. Press, 1995. , Barbara Heyns, and Jane Mansbridge. "Feminism in the Interstices of Politics and Culture: Poland in Transition." In Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflections









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fromEastem Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 257-73. New York and London: Routledge, 1993. Heger, Heinz. The Men With the Pink Triangle: The True, Life-and-Death Story of Homosexuals in the Nazi Death Camps. Translated by David Fernbach. London: Gay Men's Press, 1980. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1980. Annotated under Gypsy/Roma Diaspora. Heinen, Jacqueline. "Abortion in Poland, a Vicious Circle or a Good Use of Rhetoric: A Sociological Study of the Political Discourse of Abortion in Poland." Women's Studies International Forum 18, no. 1 (1995): 27-33. . "Employment Policy and the Female Workforce in Poland Yesterday and Today." in Societies in Transition: East-Central Europe Today, edited by Stein Ringen and Claire Wallace, 67-71. London: Averbury, 1994. . "The Impact of Social Policy on the Behaviour of Women Workers in Poland and East Germany." Critical Social Policy 10, no. 2 (29) (Fall 1990): 78-91. Annotated under GDR. . "The Impact of Privatization on the Female Workforce in Poland." In Social Justice and the Welfare State in Central and Eastern Europe: The Impact ofPrivatization, edited by Demetrius S. Iatridis, 132-50. Westport, CT; London: Praeger, 2000. . "Linking Women East and West: French-Polish Cooperation." In Reproductive Rights in East and Central Europe, edited and compiled by Stephanie Baker, Belinda Blum, and Priscilla Yamin. 47-9. Prague: Helsinki Women's Citizens' Assembly Publication Series 3, 1992. . "La nation, I'Bglise et le mythe de la Matka Polka." In Femme, nation, Europe, edited by Marie-Claire Hoock-Dernarle, 123-38. Paris: Bd. Paris-VII-Denis Diderot, 1994. . "Poland and the German Democratic Republic: The Impact of Social Policies on the Behaviors of Active Women = Pologne/RDA: l'impact des politiques sociales sur le comportement des femmes actives." Societes contemporaines 1 (1990): 97-112. . "Polish Democracy is a Masculine Democracy." Women's Studies International Forum 15, no. 1 (1992): 129-38. . "Sexual Division of Labor and State Intervention: Regarding Family Politics in Poland = Division sexuelle du travail et intervention de l'Btat: A propos des politiques familiales en Pologne." Recherches feministes 3, no. 1 (1990): 37-64. . '''Tu ne tueras point' ... ou la croisade de l'Bglise catholique polonaise contre l'avortement." Futur anterieur 7 (fall 1991): 46-66. . "Unemployment and Women's Attitudes in Poland." Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State, and Society 2, no. 1 (1995): 91-110. Special issue titled Between East and West: Gender in an Era ofEast European Transitions, edited by Jacqueline Heinen. , and Anna Matuchniak-Krasuska. Aborcja w Polsce: kwardatura kola. Warsaw: Polskie Tow. Religioznawcze, 1995. About the legislative and religious contexts for abortion in Poland. Also in French as L'avortement en Pologne: la croix et la banniere. Preface by Marie-France Casalis. Paris: Ed. L'Harmattan, 1992. Helsinki Watch. Hidden Victims: Women in Post-Communist Poland. New York: Helsinki Watch; Washington: Women's Rights Project, 1992. Herse, Stanislaus. Frauenarbeit im Konigreicli Polen. Zurich: Druckerei Gebr. Leeman, 1912. Published dissertation about women's work in imperial Poland. Hoff, Jadwiga. "Rodzice i dzieci-norma obyczajowa na przelomie XIX i XX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej th Szwarc, 59-70. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About parent-children customs at the turn of the 19 century. . "Wzory obyczajowe dla kobiet w swietle kodeksow obyczajowych XIX i poczatkow XX w." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na riemiach Polskicli w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 67-79. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu



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Warszawskiego, 1992. About moral patterns for women in light of moral codes at the turn of the 19th century. Hoff, Janina. "The Patterns of Female Behaviour in the Light of 19th - and Early 20 th-Century Moral Codes." Acta poloniae historica 74 (1996): 121-30. - - - . Listy Elzbiety Rzeczyckiej: oraz nocleg w Kromolowie i obiad czwartkowy, edited by Ida Kotowa. Cracow: Nakladem Kracowskiej Sp61ki Wydawniczej, 1927. - - - . Pamiqtka po dobrej matce czyli ostatnie jej rady dla corki. Warsaw: N.p, 1883. Hoff, Joan. "Comparative Analysis of Abortion in Ireland, Poland and the United States." Women's Studies International Forum 17, no. 6 (Nov/Dec 1994): 621-46. HoUender, Henryk. "Zaw6d, bibliotekarka: Narodziny pewnej tradycji (koniec XIX w.)." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiacn Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 273-92. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About the birth of librarianship as a female vocation at the end of the 19th century. Holzer, Jerzey, and Halina Wasilawska-Trenkner. "Poland." in Working Women in Socialist Countries: The Fertility Connection, edited by Valentina Bodrova and Richard Anker, 129-65. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1985. Homola-Skapska, Irena. "Galicia: Initiatives for the Emancipation of Polish Women." In Women in Polish Society, edited by Bianka Pietrow-Ennker and Rudolf Jaworski, 71-89. Boulder, CO.: East European Monographs, 1993. Hryszkiewicz, Krystyna. "Poszukiwanie kobiecej tozsamosci-literacka przechadzka." In Feminizm kobiecy aspekt kultury: Materialy z sesji populamonaukowej Klubu Mysli Humanistycznej - II Liceum Ogolnoksztalcqcego i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Zabrzu. (12 marca 2001), edited by Adam Regiewicz, 11-20. Zabrze: 11 Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace, 2001. Huchtker, Dietlind. "Der Blick von der Peripherie: Die Erinnergungen an die polnische Frauenbewegung und die galizische unabhangigkeitsbewegung im geteilten Polen [View from the periphery: memories of the Polish women's movement and the Galician independence movement in a divided Poland]." In Zwischen Kriegen: Nationen, Nationalismen und Geschlechter-verhdltnisse in Mittel- und Osteuropa 1918-1939, edited by Johann Gehmacher, Elizabeth Harvey, and Sophia Kemlein, 83-103. Osnabriick: Fibre, 2004. Hulewicz, Helena. La femme polonaise: esquisse historique. Paris: Perrin et cie, 1918. A historical sketch of the Polish woman. Hulewicz, Jan. Sprawa wyzszego wyksztalcenia kobiet w Polsce w XIX wieku. Cracow: Nakl. Polskiej Akademii Umiejetnosci; skI. gI. w ksieg. Gebethnera i Wolffa, 1939. About women's higher education in 19th-century Poland. - - - . Walka kobiet polskich 0 dostep na uniwersytety. Warsaw: N.p, 1936. About women's struggle to gain entrance to native and foreign universities. Hundert, Gershon David. The Jews in a Polish Private Town: The Case ofOpat6w in the Eighteenth Century. Baltimore: John Hopkins Univ. Press, 1991. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Hunecke, Bettina. HIm Augenblick zieht sichjeder in sein Nest zuriick": personliche Netzwerke und Ethnizltdt: Krisenbewaltigungestrategien von Frauen im landlichen Masuren [Nordostpolen]. Munster: Lit, 1999. About the personal networks and ethnicity of women in rural northeastern Poland. Ignatczyk, Walentyna. "Wzorzec postaw prokreacyjnych rnlodziezy Polskiej stanu wolnego." Studia Demograficzne 1, no. 99 (1990): 57-85. About Polish youth's attitudes to procreation. Ihnatowicz, Ewa. "Lucyna Cwierczakiewiczowa: kucharka i dama." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 159-69. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About a cook from the nobility. Ingham, Hilary C, and Anna Karwinska. For Better or Worse?: Women and Labour Market Reform in Krak6w. Salford: European Studies Research Institute, Univ. of Salford, 1998.




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A short study of Polish women employees. . "Women and Labor Market Reform in Krak6w." In Women on the Polish Labor Market, edited by Mike Ingham, Hilary Ingham, and Henryk Domanski, 289-314. Budapest; New York: Central European Univ. Press, 2001. Ingham, Hilary C, Mike Ingham and Anna Karwinska. Females in the Polish Labour Market: Fact and Perception. Salford: European Studies Research Institute, Univ. of Salford, 1997. Ingham, Mike, et al, eds. Women on the Polish Labor Market. Budapest; New York: Central European Univ. Press, 2001. ,and Grzegorz Weclawowicz, "Gender and Earnings: A Regional Approach." In Women on the Polish Labor Market, edited by Mike Ingham, Hilary Ingham, and Henryk Domanski, 239-67. Budapest; New York: Central European Univ. Press, 2001. , and Hilary Ingham. "Gender and Labor Market Change: What Do the Official Statistics Show?" In Women on the Polish Labor Market, edited by Mike Ingham, Hilary Ingham, and Henryk Domanski, 41-76. Budapest; New York: Central European Univ. Press, 2001. ,Ingham, Hilary and Henryk Domanski. "Women on the Labor Market: Poland's Second Great Transformation." In Women on the Polish Labor Market, edited by Mike Ingham, Hilary Ingham, and Henryk Dornanski, 1-19. Budapest; New York: Central European Univ. Press, 200l. Iwasi6w, Inga. Gender dla srednio zaawansowanych: Wyklady szczecinskie. Warsaw: Wydawn. WAB, 2004. Defines and discusses sex, gender, feminism, autobiography, etc. Iwaszczyszyn, Krystyna. "Kariery naukowe kobiet w PRL (komunikat z badan)." In Kobiety polskie: Praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 272-89. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About women's scientific careers in the PRL (Polish People's Movement). Jagiello, Maria. "Szkoly klasztorne dla dziewczat w XIX w.: przyklad lubelskich Wizytek." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskich w XIX I XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 29-37. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About convent schools for girls in the 19th century, particularly the Lublin Visitants. Jak6bczyk, Witold. "Kobiecy ruch kulturo-oswiatowej." Studia nad dziejami Wielkopolski w XIX w.; dzieje pracy organiczej, edited by Witold Jak6bczyk, vol. 3, 121-34. Poznan: Nakl. Poznanskiego Tow. Przyjaciol Nauk, 1951. About the women's cultural-educational movement in Wielkopolska in the 19th-century. Jakubczak, Franciszek, and Adam Kurzynowski. "Badanie nad postawami wobec pracy kobiet." In Biuletyn IGS 3, no. 1 (1960): 31-55. A study of attitudes towards women's professional work. Jakubowska, Iwona. "Private Law and the Post-Totalitarian Family: Keeping Promises and Giving Help." In Families, Politics and the Law: Perspectives for East and West Europe, edited by Mavis Maclean and Jacek Kurczewski, 69-77. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. Jakubowska, Urszula. "Kobiety w swiecie polityki Narodowej Demokracji." In Kobieta i swiat polityki w niepodleglej Polsce 1918-1939, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 145-60. Warsaw: Wydawn. Sejmowe, 1996. About women and the politics of the National Democratic Party. Jallinoja, Riittam, Jerzy Piotrowski, and Veronica Stolte Heiskanen. "Marriage and the Family." Social Structure and Change: Finland and Poland. Comparative Perspective, edited by Erik Allardt and Wlodzimierz Wesolowksi. Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers, 1978. Jamrozka, Wieslawa, and Doroty Zoladz-Strzelczyk, eds. Rola i miejsce kobiet w edukacji i kulturze polskiej. 2 vols. Poznan: Instytut Historii UAM, 1998-2001. Jancar, Barbara W. "Women in the Opposition in Poland and Czechoslovakia in the 1970s." In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 168-85. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. Annotated under Czechoslovakia. Janiak-Jasinska, Agnieszka. "Kobietajako adresat ogloszen prasowych w Krolestwie Polskim



na poczatku XX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 171-80. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About women as century. addressees of Polish press advertising at the beginning of the Janicka, Krystyna. "Kobiety i mezcyzni w strukturze spoleczno-zawodowej: podobienstwo i roznice." In Co to znaczy bye kobieta w Polsce, edited by Anna Titkow and Henryk Domanski, 89-117. Warsaw: Instytut filozofii i socjologii PAN, 1995. About similarities and differences between men and women in the socio-professional structure. - - - . "Women and Men in the Socio-Occupational Structure: Similarities and Differences." Polish Sociological Review 1, no. 109 (1995): 73-94. Janik, Liliana, and Hanna Zawadzka. "Gender Politics in Polish Archaeology." In Excavating Women: A History of Women in European Archaeology, edited by Margarita Diaz-Andreu Garcia and Marie Lou Serensen, 86-104. London and New York: Routledge, 1998. Janion, Maria. Kobiety i duch innosci. Warsaw: Sic!, 1996. A feminist history of women. Jankowska, Hanna. "Abortion, Church and Politics in Poland." Feminist Review 39 (Winter 1991): 174-81. - - - . "Mowienie wlasnyrn glosem. Czy w Polsce rnoze powstac ruch feministyczny?" Polityka no. 20 (July 22, 1989): 10. About the possibility of a feminist movement in Poland. - - - . "The Reproductive Rights Campaign in Poland." Women's Studies International Forum 16, no. 3 (May-June 1993): 291-6. Janowska, Zdzislawa. "Uczestnictwo kobiet w zyciu zawodowym i politycznym: polska rzeczywistosc a wymagania Unii Europejskiej." Polityka Spoleczna 1 (2000): 15-8. - - - , Jolanta Martini-Fiwek, and Zbigniew Goral. Female Unemployment in Poland. Warsaw: Friedrich Ebert Foundation, 1992. Jarosz, Danuta. "Wybrane problemy kultury zycia codziennego kobiet pracujacych w Nowej Hucie w latach piecdziesiatych XX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 405-19. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About culture in the everyday life of women working at Nowa Huta in the 1950s. Jarosz, Dariusz. "Wzory osobowe i modele awansu spolecznego kobiety wiejskiej w prasie periodycznej z lat 1949-1955." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 253-66. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About the personality types and the social promotion models of country women as found in Poland's periodical press, 1949-1955. Jaruga-Nowacka, Izabela. "Zmiana sytuacji kobiet po 1989 roku-poprawa czy pogorszenie?" In Polskie oblicza feminizmu: Materialy z konferencji "Polskie oblicza feminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka, 53-7. Warsaw: Wydawno Naklad, Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. Jastrzebska, Magda1ena. Historia pieknej kobiety: opowiesc 0 Teofili z Morawskich Radzwillowej. Poznan: Wydawn. Moderski i S-ka, 2000. Jaworski, Adam. A Linguistic Picture of Women's Position in Society: A Polish-English Contrastive Study. Frankfurt and New York: P. Lang, 1986. Jaworski, Rudolf. "Kilka refleksji nad dziejami Wielkopolanek w XIX i na poczatkach XX wieku." In Kobieta i spoleczenstwo na ziemiacn Polskich w XIX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 21-8. Warsaw: DiG, 1995. About the history of women in the th th region of Great Poland in the 19 and at the beginning of the 20 centuries. Jaszunski, Grzegorz. Zofia Kuratowska: lekarz; polityk, dyplomata. Warsaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza Rytm, 2000. About Sofia Kuratowska, a doctor, politician and diplomat. Jaxa-Rozen, Hanna. "Feminizm jako sprzeciw i towar." Kultura popularna no. 2 (2002): 12935. Jedrzejec, Maria, comp. Twierdzq nam bedzle kazdy prog: kobiety ruchu ludowego w walce z rd hitlerowskim okupantem: sylwetki, wspomnienia, artykuly. 3 ed. Warsaw: Ludowa Spoldzielnia Wydawnicza, 1987; 1970; 1968. A volume of profiles, essays and recollections



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about women who fought against Nazi occupation, working in the Polish underground. Jesko, Jolanta. Wychowanie w rodzlnie. Warsaw: Biblioteka narodowa, 1989. About family upbringing. Jocz, Artur. "Anna Maria Marchocka: Polska reprezentantka karmelitariskiej szkoly duchowosci." In Duchowosc i religijnosc kobiet dawniej i dzis, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys i Liliana Skorska, 113-26. Poznan: Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, 2000. About the Polish representative of Carmelite spirituality. Jolluck, Katherine R. Exile and Identity: Polish Women in the Soviet Union During World War II. Pittsburgh: Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 2002. . "'You Can't Even Call them Women': Poles and 'Others' in Soviet Exile during the Second World War." In Gender and War in Europe c.1918-1949, special issue of Contemporary European History 10, no. 3 (November 2001): 463-80. Abstract: Hundreds of thousands of Poles were forcibly transported to the interior of the USSR after the Red Army invaded eastern Poland in 1939. These individuals, male and female, ended up in Soviet prisons, labour camps or special deportation settlements. This article examines how women interpreted and coped with this traumatic experience of exile, arguing that this entailed the articulation of a traditional, homogenous identity for Polish females. One component of this self-definition was differentiation from 'others', isolated on the basis of nationality. On the whole, the exiled Polish women did not feel solidarity with women of other nationalities, regardless of the fact that they too were victims of the Stalinist regime. Polish women continually linked the configuration of gender roles which they regarded as proper, civilised and even natural, to their own national group. In this way, they affirmed that they did not belong in this new world and maintained a connection to home, to what they understood to be Polish, European and civilised. Juraszczyk, Andrzej. "Feministyczny aspekt dzialan czarownicy." In Feminism kobiecy aspekt kultury: Materialy z sesji popularnonaukowej Klubu Mysli Humanistycznej - II Liceum Ogolnoksztalcqcego i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Zabrzu. (12 marca 2001), edited by Adam Regiewicz, 64-75. Zabrze: Il Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace, 200l. Jurek, Tomasz. "Married to a Foreigner: Wives and Daughters of German Knights in Silesia During the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century." Acta Poloniae Historica 81 (2000): 37-50. Kabzinska, Kystyna. "Bronislawa Dluszka, doktor wyszech nauk medycznych." In Kobiety w poznaniu naukowym wcoraj i dzis, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Danuta Sobczyriski, 65-81. Poznan: Wydawn. Naukowe, 1997. About Bronislawa Dluszka, medical doctor. Kaczorowski, Wlodzimierz. "Choroby i prawdopodobne przyczyny smierci zon Zygmunta III Wazu: Anny i Konstancji." Studia historyczne 36, no. 3 (1993): 287-96. About the illnesses and probable causes of death of Zygmunt Ill's two wives, Anna and Constance. Kahva, Dobrochna. "Poland." In Women, Gender, and Fascism in Europe, 1919-45, edited by Kevin Passmore, 148-67. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2003. Kalinke, Heinke M. Die Frauen aus Ziilz/Biala: Lebensgeschichten dies- und jenseits der deutsch-polnischen Grenze (1920-1995). Marburg: N. G. Elwert, 1997. About women's lives th on the Polish-German border in the 20 century. Kalinowska, Elzbieta, "Women in Counselling." Women's Studies International Forum 18, no. 1 (1995): 19-26. About women's participation in new types of counselling institutions, offices, firms and agencies in Poland. Kaltenberg-Kwiatkowska, Ewa. "Praca zawodowa kobiet w rodzinach roboticznych i inteligenskich." Biuletyn Slqskiego Instytutu Naukowego (Katowice) 39 (1963): 49-66. About working women from blue- and white-collar families. Kalwa, Dobrochna. "Glosy kobiet w sprawie planowania rodziny w swietle prasy w lat 19291932." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 123-32. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About women's opinions on family planning in light of the press, 1929-1932.



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. Kobieta aktywna w Polsce miedzywojennej: dylematy srodowisk kobiecych. Cracow: Historia Iagellonica, 2001. . "Politische Emanzipation durch nationale Mobilisierung? Bemerkungen zur Aktivitat von Frauen im polnischen nationalen Lager der Zweiten Republik" [Political emancipation during the National Mobilization: Notes on the activity of women in the Polish national camp of the Second Republic]. In Zwischen Kriegen: Nationen, Nationalismen und Geschlechterverhdltnisse in Mittel- und Osteuropa 1918-1939, edited by Johann Gehmacher, Elizabeth Harvey, Sophia Kemlein, 43-61. Osnabriick: Fibre, 2004. . "'Prokliatie materinstva': Diskussii 0 kontrole rozhdaemosti v Pol'she v mezhvoennyi period (1918-1939gg.)." In Gendernye istorii Vostochnoi Evropy, edited by Elena Gapova, Al'mira Usmanova, and Andrea Peto, 331-7. Minsk: Evropeiskii gumanitarnyi universitet, Tsentr gendernykh issledovanii, 2002. About birth control in Poland in the interwar period. Kaminska-Kwak, Jolanta. Polski ruch kobiecy w wojewodztwie slqskim w latach 1922-1939. Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 1998. Annotated under the Czechoslovakia chapter. Kaniewska, Bogumila, and Agnieszka Pioch-Slawomirska. Slawne Polki. Poznan: Podsiedlik, Raniowski i Spolka, 2000. Biographies of famous Polish women from the 16th through the zo" century. Karczynska, Helena. Kobiety w polskim ruchu narodowym na G6rnym Slqsku w okresie plebiscytu i powstan slqskich. Opole: Uniwersytet Opolski. Institytut Slaski, 1998. About women in the national movement in Upper Silesia in the period of the plebiscite and the Silesian uprisings. . Udzial kobiet w Polskim ruchu narodowym na Gornym Slqsku i Slqsku Cieszynskim w XIX i XX wieku. Opole: Uniwersytet Opolski, 1996. About women's role in the Polish national movement in Silesia and Upper Silesia in the 19th and 20 th centuries. Karpinski, Andrzej. "Female Servants in Polish Towns in the Late 16th and 17th Centuries." Acta Poloniae Historica 74 (1996): 21-44. . Kobieta w miescie polskim w drugiej polowie XVI i w XVII wieku. Warsaw: Instytut historii PAN, 1995. About women in Polish towns from the mid-16 th through the 17th century. Karpinski, Eva C. "Do Polish Women Need Feminism? Recent Activity of the Parliament Women's Group." Women in Central and Eastern Europe. Canadian Women's Studieslles cahiers de lafemme 16, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 91-4. Karwinska, Anna. The Woman of the 1990s: An Old-Style Matron? A Pussy-Cat? A Businesswoman? Salford: European Studies Research Institute, Univ. of Salford, 1995. A short study of Polish business women. Kempa, Grazyna. Uwarunkowania szans zyciowycli polskich kobiet na G6rnym Slqsku w latach 1848-1939. Katowice: Wydaw. US, 2001. Kempara, Eugenia. "Kobieta w Spoleczenstwie." Nowe Drogi 346 (March 1978): 23-8. About women in society. Kenney, Padraic. "The Gender of Resistance in Communist Poland." The American Historical Review 104, no. 2 (1999): 399-425. Recipient of the AWSS Heldt Prize for the best article in Slavic Women's Studies: "Padraic Kenney has written a pathbreaking article on the role of gender under communism. While he acknowledges that the dramatic confrontation between the state and male workers in socialist Poland were important, Kenney explores the ways in which a materialist consumer discourse articulated by women workers undermined the communist regime and ultimately led to the fall of the regime. Kenney argues quite persuasively for the central role of gender in shaping communist Eastern Europe. This article serves as a model for how the study of gender can enrich our understanding of history." . Rebuilding Poland: Workers and Communists 1945-58. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1997. Chapter 6 includes material about women and working class identity, women unionists and women's activism in factories.



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Kielbon, J anina, and Zofia Leszczynska. Kobiety Lubelszczyzny represjonowane w latach 1944-1956. vol. 1. Lublin: Wydawn. Test, 2002. Kizwalter, Tomasz. "Modernization Processes and Emancipation of Women in Polish Territories in the 19th Century." Acta Poloniae Historica 74 (1996): 91-6. Klibanski, Bronuya. "Bialystock Underground." Jewish Spectator (November 1969): 8-12. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Kliszczynski, Krzystof. "A Child of a Young Democracy: The Polish Gay Movement, 19891999." In Pink, Purple, Green: Women's, Religious, Environmental and Gay/Lesbian Movements in Central Europe Today, edited by Helena Flam, 161-8. Boulder: East European Monographs, 2001. Klosinska, Krystyna. "Pisanie kobiece." In Feminizm kobiecy aspekt kultury: Materialy z sesji popularnonaukowej Klubu Mysli Humanistycznej - II Liceum Ogolnokszialcqcego i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Zabrzu. (12 marca 2001), edited by Adam Regiewicz, 28-38. Zabrze: 11 Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace, 2001. Klub Kobiet (Women's Club). Baba Polka 1. Poznan: Klub Kobiet, 1989. Klucz, Danuta. Kobieta w firmie: uprawnienia, obowiqzki, porady praktyczne. Warsaw: Biblioteczka Pracownicza, 2001. Knothe, Maria Anna. "Kobieta w spolecznosci wiejskiej na przelomie XIX i XX wieku (na przykladzie parafii Zaborow w Galicji." In Kobieta i spoleczenstwo na ziemiach Polskich w XIX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 79-92. Warsaw: DiG, 1995. - - - . "Land and Loyalties: Contours of Polish Women's Lives." In Peasant Maids, City Women, From the European Countryside to Urban America, edited by Christiane Harzig, Maria Anna Knothe, Margareta Matovic, Deirdre Mageean and Monika Blaschke, 143-8l. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1997. - - - . "Recent Arrivals: Polish Immigrant Women's Response to the City." In Peasant Maids, City Women, From the European Countryside to Urban America, edited by Christiane Harzig, Maria Anna Knothe, Margareta Matovic, Deirdre Mageean, and Monika Blaschke, 299-338. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1997. - - - , and Ewa Lisowska. Women on the Labour Market: Negative Changes and Entrepreneurship's Opportunities as the Consequences of Transition. Warsaw: Center for the Advancement of Women, 1999. Koberdowa, Irena. "Kobiety w ruchu robotniczym." In Kobiety polskie: praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 27-50. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About women in the workers'movement. Kobieta i kultura czasu wolnego: zbior studi6w, edited by Anna Zarnowska i Andrzej Szwarc. Warsaw: DiG, 200l. Kobieta i spoleczenstwo na ziemiacli polskich w XIX w. Zbi6r studi6w. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1990. About women and society in Poland in the 19th century. Kobieta w Polsce. Warsaw: GUS, 1985. This collection is the fruit of an international conference on Women and Society in Poland and features articles on wide-ranging topics, including Polish women in Galicia, Lithuania and Belarus', and the U.S. and women's aid to Polish exiles in Siberia. Kobiety w Polsce w latach 90s: Nasz nowy raport. Warsaw: Centrum Praw Kobiet, 2000. This report on Polish women in the 1990s is also available at http://free.ngo.pl/temida/spis.htm (in Polish) and at http://free.ngo.pl/temida/rapcont.htm (in English). Reports include: Urszula Nowakowska, "Government Mechanism for the Advancement of Women," "The Position of Women in the Family," "Violence Against Women" and "Women's Reproductive Rights"; Urszula Nowakowska and Anna Swedrowska, "Women in the Labour Market"; Malgorzata Fuszara, "Women's Share of Power"; Joanna Woycicka and Andrzej Dominocazk, "Education of Women"; Maja Korzeniewska and Urszula Nowakowska, "Women's Health"; Eliza Olczyk












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and Anna Twardowska, "Women and the Media." Koch, Angela. "V on mannlichen Tatern und weiblichen Raumen, Geschlechtercodes in antipolnischen Diskursen in Deutschland nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg [Masculine deeds and feminine spaces: gender codes in anti-Polish discourse in Germany after World War I]." In Zwischen Kriegen: Nationen, Nationalismen und Geschlechter-verhdltnisse in Mittel- und Osteuropa 1918-1939, edited by Johann Gehmacher, Elizabeth Harvey and Sophia Kemlein, 201-25. Osnabriick: Fibre, 2004. Kodeks rodzinny i opiekunczy z komentarzem. Wyd. 2. popr. i uaktual. Warsaw: Wydawn. nd Prawnicze, 1993. 2 revised and updated edition of the Family and Titulary Code, with commentary. Koestler, Nora. "Kobiety polskie rniedzy spoieczeristwem tradycyjnym a nowoczesnym." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskicli w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 31-43. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About Polish women between traditional and modem society. . "Kobiety w spolecznosciach zydowskich w monarchii habsburskiej: etapy emancypacji." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tie porownawczym w XIX i w poczqtkacli XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 135-48. Warsaw: DiG, 1994. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Kolaczek, Bozena. Sytuacja zawodowa i rodzinna kobiet poszukujqcych pracy. Warsaw: Instytut pracy i spraw socjalnych, 1991. About the professional and familial situation of women seeking work. Kolarczyk, Tadeusz, Jacek Roman Kubiak, and Piotr Wierzbicki. Przestepczosc kobietaspekty kryminologiczne i penitentcjalne. Warsaw: Wydawn. Prawnicze, 1984. About female offenders and the corrections system in Poland. Kolodziejczyk, Arkadiusz. "Kobiety w politycznym ruchu ludowym w latach 1918-1939." In Kobietai swiat polityki w niepodleglej Polsce 1918-1939, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 132-44. Warsaw: Wydawn. Sejmowe, 1996. About women in the peasant movement in 1918-1939. Kolodziejczyk, Dariusz. "Die Frau, die mit Mannern handelte: Eine Polin am Bosporus." In Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kiinsten im Osmanischen Reich = Arts, Women and Scholars: Studies in Ottoman Society and Culture. Festschrift Bans Georg Majer, edited by Sabine Prator and Christoph Neumann, vol. 1, 159-64. Istanbul: Simurg, 2002. Kolodziejczyk, Ryszard. "Kobieta w rodzinie elity mieszczanskiej: Warsaw epoki zaborow." In Kobieta i spoleczenstwo na riemiacli Polskich w XIX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 115-23. Warsaw: DiG, 1995. About women in bourgeois elite families in Warsaw during the partitions. Komorowska, Jadwiga, ed. Przemiany rodziny polskiej. Warsaw: Instytut Wydawniczy CRZZ, 1975. About transformations in the Polish family. Konarska, Iwona. "0 eo walcza Kobiety? Tajemnice 'Pro Feminy'." Trybuna no. 53 (13-16 April, 1990): 8. About women's secret goal in the feminist struggle. Kondratowicz, Ewa. Szminka na sztandarze: kobiety Solidarnosci 1980-1989: rozmowy. Warsaw: Sic!, 2001. Konecka, Elzbieta, ed. Kobiety polskie: praca zbiorowa. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. This collection of seventeen essays discusses women's issues related to work. The introduction by Wojciech Jaruzelski stresses women's equality under socialism. Korbel, A. Janusz, ed. Ekofeminizm: Wybor tekstow z dziedriny ekofeminizmu. Bielsko-Biala: Biblioteka Dzikiego Zycia; Pracownia na Rzecz Wszystkich Istot, [1999]. Kostrzewska, Maria. "Kola Gospodyn Wiejskich a oswiata w Polsce miedzywojennej." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskich w XIX I XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 135-44. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992.




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About housewives' circles in the countryside in relation to education in interwar Poland. Kotlarska-Michalska, Anna. Funkcja opiekunczo-rabezpieczajqca wielkomiejskicli rodtin pracowniczych. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1990. About the working-class family's care of children, the aged, the chronically ill and the handicapped. Kotowa, Ida. Pierwsze dzieio Klementyny Tanskiej. Lvov: n.p, 1926. Kotowska, Irena. "Demographic and Labor Market Developments in the 1990s." In Women on the Polish Labor Market, edited by Mike Ingham, Hilary Ingham, and Henryk Domanski, 77110. Budapest; New York: Central European Univ. Press, 2001. - - - . "Discrimination Against Women in the Labour Market: Poland during the Transition to a Market Economy." Social Politics 2, no. 1 (1995): 76-90. Special issue entitled Between East and West: Gender in an Era ofEast European Transitions, edited by Jacqueline Heinen. Kowalewska, Ewa, ed. Report ofPolish Women: Associated in Non-Governmental Pro-Family Organizations of the Polish Federation of Pro-Life Movements. Translated by Anna Cydejko. Warsaw: Polska Federacja Ruch6w Obrony Zycia, 1995. A study prepared for the Fourth World Conference on Women "Action for Equality, Development and Peace," UN-Beijing, China 1995. Kowalska-Glikman, Stefania. "Kobiety w procesie przemian spolecznych w Kr6lestwie Polskim w XIX wieku." In Kobieta i spoleczenstwo na ziemiacli Polskich w XIX wieku, edited by Anna Zamowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 11-20. Warsaw: DiG, 1995. About women and th social change in the Polish Kingdom of the 19 century. Kowalski, G. "The Story of a Gypsy Woman." Ul Brogi (Cracow) 19, no. 4: 31-43. Annotated under Gypsy/RomaDiaspora. Kowecka, Elzbieta, "Zmiana roli kobiety w prowadzeniu domu w XIX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 151-7. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About women's changing role in housekeeping in the 19th century. Koziel, S., and B. Pawlowski. "Comparison Between Primary and Secondary Mate Markets: An Analysis of Data From Lonely Hearts Columns." Personality and Individual Differences 35, no. 8 (2003): 1849-57. Analysis of 776 female and 811 male newspaper advertisements in a Lower Silesian newspaper. Kraft, Claudia. "Das Eherecht in der Zweiten Polnischen Republik (1918-1939) und das gescheiterte ideal gleichberechtigter Staatsbtirger" [Marriage law in the Second Polish Republic and the shattered ideal of equal rights for all citizens]. In Zwischen Kriegen: Nationen, Nationalismen und Geschlechter-verhdltnisse in Mittel- und Osteuropa 1918-1939, edited by Johann Gehmacher, Elizabeth Harvey, and Sophia Kemlein, 63-82. Osnabrtick: Fibre, 2004. Krajewska, A. "Wartosc pracy zawodowej i zycia rodzinnego dla kobiet z malego miasta. Przyklad mieszkanek Opoczna." In Kobiety w Polsce na przelomie wiek6w: Nowy kontrakt plcy? edited by Malgorzata Fuszara, 180-95. Warsaw: Instytut spraw publicznych, 2002. Krajowa Komisja Kobiet. Zwiqzki zawodowe a kobiety pracujqce zawodowo. Gdansk: Biuro d/s szkolenia KK NSZZ Solidarnosc, 1990. About professional unions and professional working women. Kras, Janina. Wytsze Kursy dla kobiet im. A. Baranieckiego w Cracowie 1868-1924. Cracow: Wydawn. Literackie, 1972. About higher education courses for women in Cracow, 1868-1924. Krawiec, Adam. Seksualnost w sredniowiecznej Polsce. Poznan: Wydawn. Poznanskie, 2000. Kr6likowska, Maria. "Wlasciwosci biologiczne kobiety a praca." In Kobieta wsp6lczesna: z badan socjolog6w, lekarzy, ekonomist6w, pedagog6w i Psycholog6w, edited by Magadalena Sokolowska, 94-123. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. About women's biological uniqueness and work. Kubica, Barbara. "Bezrobotne kobiety: raport z badan sonazowych." Polityka Spoleczna 3 (2000): 4-9.



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. "Bezrobotne kobiety z problemami adaptacyjnymi: (raport z badan sondazowych)." Rynek Pracy 11 (1999): 45-63. Kucha, Ryszard. "Transformation of the Ideal of a Polish Woman in the Polish People's Republic and its Characteristic Stages (as Presented by the State-Controlled Mass Media)." In Gender and Secondary Education in Poland and Sweden in the Twentieth Century, edited by Ryszard Kucha and Ulla Johansson, 89-93. Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univ. Press, 2002. ,and Ulla Johansson, eds. Gender and Secondary Education in Poland and Sweden in the Twentieth Century. Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univ. Press, 2002. Part I: Woman and Her Eduction in Poland in the Years 1918-1989 and Part II: The Process of Gender Construction in Sex-Segregated and Coeducational Grammar Shools: The Case of Sweden 1927-1960. Kuczalska-Reinschmit, P. "Z historii ruchu kobiecego." In Glos kobiet w kwestii kobiecej, 232-72. Cracow: Nakladem Stow. Pomocy Naukowej dla Polek im. J. 1. Kraszewskiego, 1903. About the history of the women's movement. Kuklo, Cezary. Kobieta samotna w spoleczenstwie miejskim u schylku Rzeczypospolitej szlacheckiej: studium demograficzno-spoiecme. Bialystok: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu w Bialymstoku, 1998. A socio-demographic study of the single woman in urban society during the decline of the republican gentry. . Rodzina w osiemnastowiecznej Warszawie. Bialystok: Dzial Wydawn. Filii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1991. About the family in 18th-century Warsaw. . "Single Women in Pre-Industrial Towns as a Subject of Historical Research." In Society and Culture: Poland in Europe: Studies in Social and Cultural History: Poland at the 18-th International Congress ofHistorical Sciences in Montreal, edited by Maria Bogucka, 112-23. Warsaw: Advancement of Sciences-Education "UN-O", 1995. Kulczycki, Andrzej. "Abortion Policy in Post-Communist Europe: The Conflict in Poland." Population and Development Review 21, no. 3 (1995): 471-505. Kulig, Magdalena. "Polish Abortion Reform Ok'd." Chicago Sun Times, 25 October 1996: 31. About women's success in changing Polish abortion law. Kulpinska, Jolanta. "Postawy kobiet wobec pracy." In Kobieta w rozwijajqcym sie spoleczenstwie socjalistycznym, edited by Stefana Dziecielska-Machnikowska, 37-55. Lodz: Wydawn. Lodzkie, 1975. About women's attitudes towards work. Kunovich, Sheri. "The Representation of Polish and Czech Women in National Politics: Predicting Electoral List Position." Comparative Politics 35, no. 3 (2003): 273-91. Kuratowska, Zofia. "The Present Situation of Women in Poland." In The Impact ofEconomic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe and the USSR. Proceedings of the United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna: April 8-12, 1991. [New York]: n.p, [1992]. Kurczewska, Joanna. "Pierwsi nacjonalisci polscy i sprawy kobiet." Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Mysli Spolecznej 44 (1999): 191-201. About the ideas of R. Dmowski, J. L. Poplawski and Z. Balicki on the rights of women. . "R6wnouprawnienie plciowe reprezentacji w opinii polskich parlamentarzyst6w." In Kobiety w Polsce na przelomie wiek6w: Nowy kontrakt plcy? edited by Malgorzata Fuszara, 65-83. Warsaw: Instytut spraw publicznych, 2002. Kurczewski, Jacek. "Privatizing the Polish Family after Communism." In Families, Politics and the Law: Perspectivesfor East and West Europe, edited by Mavis Maclean and Jacek Kurczewski, 25-52. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. Kurczyna, Krzysztof. "Narodzenie nowego mitu-proba feministycznego spojrzenia na arnerykanskie kino gatunkow." In Feminizm kobiecy aspekt kultury: Materialy z sesji popularnonaukowej Klubu Mysli Humanistycznej - II Liceum Ogolnoksztalcqcego i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publiczne] w Zabrzu. (12 marca 2001), edited by Adam Regiewicz, 88-97. Zabrze: II Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace, 2001.






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Kurek-Lesik, Ewa. Your Life Is Worth Mine: How Polish Nuns Saved Hundreds ofJewish Children in German-Occupied Poland, 1939-1945. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1997. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Kurzynowski, Adam. Aktywizacja zawodowa kobiet zameznycn w Polsce Ludowej. Genezaozanniki rozwoju: perspektywy. Warsaw: KiW, 1979. About married women's professional activities. . "Aktywnosc zawodowa kobiet w 40-leciu PRL." In Kobiety polskie: Praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 300-28. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About the activities of women factory workers in the 40 years of the People's Republic of Poland. . Ciqglosc pracy a macierzynstwo. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawnictwa Ekonomiczne, 1967. About the continuity of professional activity with maternity. . "Zaw6d a ciaglosc zatrudnienia mlodych matek." In Kobieta wsp6lczesna: z badan socjolog6w, lekarzy, ekonomist6w, pedagog6w i psycholog6w, edited by Magadalena Sokolowska, 290-312. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. About professions and the continuity of young mothers' employment. Kusiak, Alicja. "Lucja Charewiczowa: inicjatorka badan nad przeszloscia kobiet polskich." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tw6rc6w kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodlegiym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 99-103. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About the woman who initiated research into Polish women's history. . "0 historii kobiet." In Kobiety w poznaniu naukowym wcoraj i dzis, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Danutua Sobczynski, 197-218. Poznan: Wydawn. Naukowe, 1997. About women's history. . "Polin, Patriotin, Frau. Uber die Konstruktion von Weiblichkeit in Rekonstruktionen der Vergangenheit" [Poland, patriots and women: about the construction of femininity in the reconstruction of the past]. In Zwischen Kriegen: Nationen, Nationalismen und Geschlechterverhdltnisse in Mittel- und Osteuropa 1918-1939, edited by Johann Gehmacher, Elizabeth Harvey, Sophia Kemlein, 165-85. Osnabriick: Fibre, 2004. Kwak, Anna. "Divorce Law Reform and Public Opinion in Poland: The Case of Legal Separation." International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 12, no. 2 (1999): 213-24. Kwiatek, Agnieszka. "Kazimiera Bujwidowa: Poglady i dzialalnosc spoleczna." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tle porownawczym w XIX i w poczqtkacli XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 255-60. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About Kazimiera Bujwidowa's views and social activities. Laciak, Beata. "Aspiracje i plany na przyszlosc mlodych kobiet." In Kobiety w Polsce na przelomie wiekow: Nowy kontrakt plcy? edited by Malgorzata Fuszara, 147-72. Warsaw: Instytut spraw publicznych, 2002. . "Family Benefits and Social Policy in Poland." In Families, Politics and the Law: Perspectives for East and West Europe, edited by Mavis Maclean and Jacek Kurczewski, 27788. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. . "Szanse i zagrozenia na rynku pracy kobiet." In Kobiety w Polsce na przelomie wiekow: Nowy kontrakt plcy? edited by Malgorzata Fuszara, 173-9. Warsaw: Instytut spraw publicznych, 2002. . "Wz6r osobowy wsp6lczesnej Polski." In Co to znaczy bye kobieta w Polsce, edited by Anna Titkow and Henryk Dornanski, 233-44. Warsaw: Instytut filozofii i socjologii PAN, 1995. About the models of women offered by contemporary Polish periodicals. Langer, Andrea. "Residenzfunktion-Residenzwechsel: Krakau und Ujazd6w/Warschau zur Zeit von Bona Sforza und Anna Jagiellonka." In Krakau, Prag und Wien: Funktionen von Metropolen imfruehmodernen Staat. Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des oestlichen Mitteleuropa 10, edited by Marina Dmitrieva and Karen Lambrecht, 59-75. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2000. About "the activities (particularly in the artistic realms) of the Polish






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queens Bona Sforza and Anna Jagiellonka and, to a lesser extent, Elizabeth of Austria, the widow of Casimir IV. The complex relationships between the public or semi-public activities of these queens and their residences, Langer argues, helped constitute political and dynastic authority in sixteenth-century Poland-Lithuania." -Joseph F. Patrouch, HABSBURG Reviews 2001/23. Latuch, Mikolaj "Struktura demograficzna a zr6znicowanie aktywnosci zawodowej kobiet w Polsce w 1960 roku." Zeszyty Naukowe SGPiS [Szkoly Gl6wnej Planowania i Statystyki] 57 (1965): 83-131. About the demographic structure and differentiation of women's professional activity in Poland in 1960. - - - , and Peda Malgorzata. "Aktywnosc zawodowa kobiet w Polsce w latach 1960-1970. Biuletyn Instytutu Gospodarstwa Spolecznego 17, no. 3 (1974): 7-43. About women's professional activity in Poland, 1960-1970. Lesciak, Beata. "The Polish Woman of Today: Analysis of a Model." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 52-60. Boulder, CO.: Westview Press, 1997. Letowska, Ewa. Baba na swieczniku. Bydgoszcz: Polska Oficyna Wydawnicza "BGW," 1992. Leven, Bozena. "The Status of Women and Poland's Transition to a Market Economy." In Women in the Age of Economic Transformation: Gender Impact of Reforms in Post-Socialist and Developing Countries, edited by Nahid Aslanbeigui, Steven Pressman, and Gale Summerfield, 27-42. New York and London: Routledge, 1994. - - - . "The Welfare Effects on Women of Poland's Economic Reforms." Journal of Economic Issues 25, no. 2 (1991): 581-8. Limanowska, Barbara. "Miedzy nami masochistkami. Nowa tozsamosc, stare stereotypy." In Glos majq kobiety: Teksty [eministyczne, edited by Slawomira Walczewska, introduced by Anna Titkow, 39-56. Cracow: Convivium, 1992. About theories of female masochism. Lipowska-Teutsch, Anna. Wychowac, wyleczyc, wyzwolic. Warsaw: Panstwowa Agencja Rozwiazywania Problem6w Alkoholowych, 1998. About educating, healing and liberating abused women. Lis, Renata. "Kto sie boli Alexy Wolf?: polemika w sprawie feminizmu i pornografii." Polityka 22 (2000): 74-5. - - - . "Lesbijki w Polsce: Kilka uwag, przypuszczeri i pytan." In Od kobiety do mezczyzny i z powrotem: rozwazania 0 plci w kulturze, edited by Jolanta Brach-Czaina, 323-9. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 1997. About Polish lesbians and Adrienne Rich's "lesbian continuum." - - - . "Wielka siostra patrzy." Gazeta Wyborcza 68 (2000): 20. About the feminist antipornography movement. Lisowska, Ewa. "Miedzynarodowe Forum Kobiet-organizacja wlascicelek firm." In Polskie oblicza feminizmu: Materialy z konferencji "Polskie oblicza feminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka, 58-65. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad, Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. - - - . Przedsiebiorczosc kobiet w Polsce na tle kraj6w Europy rodkowej i Wschodniej. Warsaw: SGH. Oficyna Wydawnicza, 2001. Lituchy, Terri R. and Martha A. Reavley. "Women Entrepreneurs: A Comparison of International Small Business Owners in Poland and the Czech Republic." Journal of International Entrepreneurship 2, no. 1-2 (2004): 61-87. Lobodzinska, Barbara. "Czy kobiety w Polsce sa dyskryminowane? Rozbiezne opinie polskie i obce." Nowy Dziennik-Przeglad Polski, 25 September 1997: 10-1. Divergent Polish and foreign opinions about whether and how women in Poland suffer from discrimination. - - - . "Domestic and External Perceptions of Family and Women's Issues in Poland and Other Post-Socialist Countries." Polish Review 45, no. 3 (2000): 258-303.





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- - - . "The Family and Working Women during and after Socialist Industrialization and Ideology." In Family, Women, and Employment in Central-Eastern Europe, edited by Barbara Lobodziriska, 3-46. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1995. - - _ . "Family, Women and Employment in Poland and Other Central European Countries: Ideology of Equality and Reality of Employment." The Polish Review 42, no. 4 (September 1997): 447-70. - - - . "Married Women's Gainful Employment and Housework in Contemporary Poland." Journal ofMarriage and the Family 39, no. 2 (May 1977): 405-15. - - - . "Polish Women's Gender-Segregated Education and Employment." Women's Studies International Forum 23, no. 1 (January 2000): 49-71. - - _ . Rodzina w Polsce Warsaw: Interpress, 1978. About the family in Poland. Long, Kristi S. We All Foughtfor Freedom: Gender and Historical Consciousness Among Female Activists ofPoland's Solidarity. Boulder, CO.: Westview Press, 1996. Lorence-Kot, Bogna. Child-Rearing and Reform: A Study of the Nobility in EighteenthCentury Poland. Westport, CT.: Greenwood Press, 1985. "...an authentic, if harsh, description of the old Polish family based on memoir material."-Slavic Review 45, no. 2 (Summer 1986). - - - . "Klementyna TanskaHoffmanowa (1798-1845): Cultural Nationalism and a New Formula for Polish Womanhood." History ofEuropean Ideas (4-5) (1987): 435-50. - - - . "A New Vision for Polish Women: Handmaidens to the Nation?" In Views of Women's Lives in Western Tradition: Frontiers of the Past and the Future, edited by Frances R. Lewiston Keller, 392-406. New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 1990. Lubamersky, Lynn. "Women in Family Politics: The Radziwill Family of Zdzieciol in the History of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth." Ph.D. diss, Indiana Univ., 1998. Lukasiewicz, Dariusz. "Wojna kobiet: Smierc kobiet i dzieci w XVIII-XIX wieku." In Humanistyka i plec, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Jolanta Miluska, 119-45. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 1995. Annotated under the Habsburg Monarchy. Luszkiewicz, Grazyna. "Kobiety w samorzadzie miej skim Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Pr6ba portretu zbiorowego. In Kobieta i swiat polityki w niepodlegiej Polsce 1918-1939, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 119-31.Warsaw: Wydawn. Sejmowe, 1996. A collective portrait of the women in the municipal government of the Second Republic.

Luxemburg, Rosa, 1871-1919. See Women Writers from Poland: http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generateIPOLAND.html. Polish-born German revolutionary who helped found the Polish Social Democratic Party. See also Jewish Diaspora, and Russia, Pre-revolutionary History, in volume 2. POL490 POL491 POL492 POL493 POL494

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Luxemburg, Rosa. The Accumulation of Capital. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1951. - - - . Briefe aus dem Gefiingnis. Berlin: Verlag der Jugendinternationale, 1922. - - - . Briefe aus dem Gefiingnis an Sophie Liebknecht. Basel: Mundus-verlag, 1946. - - - . The Junius Pamphlet: The Crisis in the German Social Democracy. London: Merlin Press, 1967. - - - . Listy do Leona Jogichesa-Tyszki. Edited by Felix Tych. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1968. Translated and edited by Elzbieta Ettinger under the title Comrade and Lover: Rosa Luxemburg's Letters to Leo Jogiches. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1979. - - - . The Mass Strike, the Political Party, and the Trade Unions. Colombo: Young Socialist Publication, 1964. - - - . Rosa Luxemburg Speaks. Edited with an introduction by Mary-Alice Waters. New York: Pathfinder Press, 1970. - - - . The Russian Revolution and Leninism or Marxism? Introduced by Bertram D. Wolfe. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1961.




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- - - . "Women's Suffrage and Class Struggle." In Chapter 2 of Selected Political Writings ofRosa Luxemburg, edited by Dick Howard, 216-22. New York and London: Monthly Review Press, 1971. Afary, Frieda. ["Feminist Activism and Rosa Luxemburg"]. Hypatia: A Journal ofFeminist Philosophy 9, no. 1 (Winter 1994): 206-11. Bronner, Stephen Eric. Rosa Luxemburg: A Revolutionary for Our Times. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1987. Dunayevskaya, Raya. Frauenbefreiung und Marx' Philosophie der Revolution. Berlin: Argument, 1998. About Rosa Luxemburg, women's liberation and Marx's philosophy of revolution. Ettinger, Elzbieta. Rosa Luxemburg: A Life. Boston: Beacon, 1986. Frolich, Paul. Rosa Luxemburg: Her Life and Work. Translated by Johanna Hoomweg. New York and London: Monthly Review Press, 1972. Hamilton, Cynthia. "Women in Politics: Methods of Resistance and Change." Women's Studies International Forum 12, no. 1 (1989): 129-36. Hedinger, Sandra. Frauen iiber Krieg und Frieden: Bertha von Suttner, Rosa Luxemburg, Hannah Arendt, Betty Reardon, Judith An Tickner, Jean Bethke Elshtain. Frankfurt and New York: Campus Verlag, 2000. This book about women in peace and war includes a section on Rosa Luxemburg. Hirsch, Helmut. "Rosa Luxemburg in Kunst und Literatur unter besonderer Beachtung des jiidischen Aspekts." Beitriige zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung 33, no. 4 (1991): 479-83. Leibovici, Martine. "Action politique et pouvoir chez Rosa Luxemburg et Hannah Arendt." In Femmes, pouvoirs, edited by Michele Riot-Sarcey. 83-107. Paris, Kime, 1993. Mason, Tim. "Comrade and Lover: Rosa Luxemburg's Letters to Leo Jogiches." History Workshop 13 (Spring 1982): 94-109. Mietkowska-Kaiser, Ines, and Gerd Kaiser. "Rosa Luxemburgs gesitiges Erbe in Polen." Beitriige zur Geschichte der Arbeterbewegung 33, no. 4 (1991): 458-63. Mullaney, Marie Marmo. "Gender and Revolution: Rosa Luxemburg and the Female Revolutionary Personality." Journal of Psychohistory 11 (Spring 1984): 463-76. - - - . "The Female Revolutionary, The Woman Question and European Socialism, 18711921." Ph.D. diss, Rutgers Univ., 1980. - - - . Revolutionary Women: Gender and the Socialist Revolutionary Role. New York: Praeger, 1983. Nordquist, Joan, ed. Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman: A Bibliography. Santa Cruz: Reference and Research Services, 1997. Nye, Andrea. Philosophia: The Thought ofRosa Luxemburg, Simone Weil, and Hannah Arendt. New York: Routledge, 1994. Peterson, Agnes F. "A Footnote to History: The Greeting to Rosa Luxemburg from an American Socialist Women's Group in February 1915." International wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte deutsche Arbeiterbewegung 22 (Sept 1986): 379-85. Roth, Moira. "Visions and Re-Visions: Rosa Luxemburg and the Artist's Mother." Feminist Art Criticism: An Anthology, edited by Arlene Raven, Cassandra L. Langer and Joanna Frueh, 99-110. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1988. Shepherd, Naomi. A Price Below Rubies: Jewish Women as Rebels and Radicals. Boston: Harvard Univ. Press, 1993. Madeyska, Janina. Uprawnienia kobiety pracujqcej. Warsaw: Wydawn. Prawnicze, 1986. About the rights of working women. Makowski, Krzysztof. Rodzina poznanska w pierwszej polowie XIX wieku. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 1992. About the family in Poznaii in the first half of the 19th century.



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Malewska, Hanna. Kulturowe i psychospoleczne determinanty zycia seksualnego. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, 1972. About cultural and psycho-social factors in sexual life. Maliniak, Jaroslaw. "Kobieta w hierarchii urzedniczej sredniowiecznego miasta (na przykladzie pisarki miejskiej)." Kwartalnik Historyczny 4 (1999): 535-8. Malinowska, Ewa. Feminizm europejski, demokracja parytetowa a Polski ruch kobiet: Socjologiczna analiza walki 0 rownouprawnienie plci [European feminism, parity democracy and the Polish women's movement: Sociological analysis of the struggle for gender equality]. Lodz: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu L6dzkiego, 2002. - - - . "Socio-Political Changes in Poland and the Problem of Sex Discrimination." Women's Studies International Forum 18, no. 1 (1995): 35-43. - - - . "Women's Organizations in Poland." In Women on the Polish Labor Market, edited by Mike Ingham, Hilary Ingham, and Henryk Dornanski, 193-219. Budapest; New York: Central European Univ. Press, 2001. Malinowski, Mariusz, ed. Niebem i sercem okryta Studia historyczne dedykowne dr Joancie Malinowskiej [With heaven and an open heart: Historical studies dedicated to Dr. Joanna Malinowska] Torun: Wydawn. Adam Marszalek, 2002. Includes many articles about Polish women, including: Iwona Okraszewska, "Agafia (1191/6-12477), ksiezna mazowiecka, krakowska i leczycka," pp. 67-78; Magdalena Dalewska, "Polityczna rola kobiet do pal. XIII w. w Annales Jana Dlugosza," pp. 79-93; Hanka Zerek-Kleszcz, "Perly kasztelanki. Inwentarz majatkowy Zofii z Poniatowskich," pp. 281-301; Witold Filipczak, "Elzbieta Sapiezyna na tle politycznej roli kobiet w czasie kampanii sejmowej z 1778 roku," pp. 303-26; Maciej Paszyn, Obraz kobiety-wladczyni absolutnej w osiemnastowiecznej Europie w opisie Piotra Switkowskiego z roku 1785," pp. 327-38; Aneta Boldyrew, "Model miloscia macierzynskiej w spoleczenstwie polskim w XIX i na poczatku XX w. w swietle poradnik6w dla kobiet," pp. 407-32; Marzena Iwanska, "'Niewiescia kwestia': Emancypacja, wychowanie i wyksztalcenie kobiet w prasie pozytywist6w warszawskich," pp. 433-50; Joanna Dufrat, "W sluzbie Pilsudskiego: 0 dzialalnosci wywiadowczje kobiet w Legionach," pp. 479-93; Marek Dutkiewicz, "Kobiety w sluzbie zdrowia Legion6w Polskich," pp. 495-515; Andrzej Felchner, "Lekarki i farmaceutki w sluzbie zdrowia Wojska Polskiego w latach 1921-1939," pp. 517-29; Wanda Krystyna Roman, "Dzialnosc spoleczna i pedagogiczna Wandy Grabowskiej (18831957)," pp. 531-39; Malgorzata Olszewska, "Kobiety wsrod radnych zydowskich w lodzkim samorzadzie w latach 1919-1933," pp. 541-8; Arkadiusz Adamczyk, "Kobiety w zyciu Slawoja Felicjana Skladkowskiego," pp. 561-9; Rafal Stobiecki, "Zanna Kormanowa. Szkic do portretu," pp. 611-26; Agnieszka Gralinska-Toborek and Tomasz Toborek, '''Cialo kobiety, na kt6rym zapisuje sie zycie': 0 wizerunku kobiety PRL-u w sztuce Zbyluta Grzywacza," pp. 627-38. Malone, Sheila. "Abortion Rights in Poland." Labour Focus on Eastern Europe (1992): 41. - - - . "Women's Rights in Poland." Labour Focus on Eastern Europe (1992): 43. Marcinkowska-Gawin, Magdalena. '''Bojownicy i bojowniczki': Srodowsko 'Wiadomosci Literackich' wobec problemu regulacji urodzen." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX/ zbior studiow pod redakcja, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 13347. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About the attitude of "Wiadornosci Literackie" circles towards family planning. - - - . "Jadwiga Szczawinska-Dawidowa, Iza Moszczenska, Helena Landau and Zofia Daszynska-Golinska: Publiczystki z kregu radykalnej inteligencji ('Glos' 1900-1905)." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tworcow kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozblorow i w niepodleglym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 255-64. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About journalists of the radical intelligentsia's circle and the periodical Glos, 1900-1905. Markert, Anna Eliza. Polsce wiema: Wladyslawa Piechowska 1900-1987: zolnier: i tw6rcznyi kobiecych organizacji wojskowych. Prszk6w: Oficyna Wydawn. Ajaks, 2003.







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Biography of Wladyslawa z Buttowt-Andrzeykowicz6w Piechowska, an important participant in the women's underground movement in World War H. Markowska, Danuta. "Rola kobiety polskiej w rodzinie." In Kobiety polskie: Praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 184-224. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About the Polish woman's role in the family. Marody, Mira. "Why I Am Not a Feminist: Some Remarks on the Problem of Gender Identity in the United States and Poland." The East Faces West; The West Faces East. Social Science Research 60, no. 4 (Winter 1993): 853-65. - - - , and Anna Giza-Poleszczuk. "Changing Images of Identity in Poland: From the Selfsacrificing to the Self-investing Women?" In Reproducing Gender: Politics, Publics, and Everyday Life After Socialism, edited by Susan Gal and Gail Kligman, 151-75. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000. Martin, Angela. Ich sah den Namen Bosch: polnische Frauen als KZ-Hiiftlinge in der Dreilinden Maschinenbau GmbH = Widzialam nazwe Bosch: Polskie wiezniarki w fabryce Dreilinden Maschinenbau GmbH. Berlin: Metropol, 2002. About Polish women prisoners during World War H who were used as conscript labor in the Berlin factory "Dreilinden Maschinenbau", which manufactured parts for aircraft and was headed by Robert Bosch. Maslyk-Musial, Ewa, and Ewa Lisowska, eds. Polish Women in the Business World. Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univ. Press, 1997. Matuchniak-Krasuska, Anna. "Czym byla dyskusja 0 aborcji." In Co to znaczy bye kobietq w Polsce, edited by Anna Titkow and Henryk Dornanski, 189-212. Warsaw: Instytut filozofii i socjologii PAN, 1995. About what really happened in Poland's abortion debate. Mazur, D. Peter. "Procreation and New Definitions in the Role of Women in a Soviet Bloc Country: The Case of Poland." In Women in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, edited by Tova Yedlin, 226-38. New York: Praeger, 1980. - - - . " Social and Demographic Determinants of Abortion in Poland." Population Studies 29 (March 1975): 21-35. Mazur, Elzbieta, "Dzialalnosc dobroczynna kobiet z warszawskich elit spolecznych w drugiej polowie XIX wieku: Wariant tradycyjny i nowoczesny." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 309-16. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About the charitable work of Warsaw's elite women, 1850-1900. Mazurczak, Dorota. "Dazenie kobiet polskich do wyzszego wyksztalczenia na przelomie XIXXX wieku." In Humanistyka i plec, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Jolanta Miluska, 179-92. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 1995. About Polish women's striving for higher education at the turn of the 19th century. - - - . "Kariery akademickie kobiet w Polsce miedzywojennej: Uniwersytet Poznanski." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tw6rc6w kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbior6w i w niepodleglym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 127-38. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About women's academic careers in interwar Poland at Poznan University. Mazurkiewicz, Grzegorz. "Jak bede duza zostane 'strazaczka." In Feminizm kobiecy aspekt kultury: Materialy z sesji popularnonaukowej Klubu Mysli Humanistycznej - II Liceum Ogolnokszialcqcego i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Zabrzu. (12 marca 2001), edited by Adam Regiewicz, 50-8. Zabrze: H Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace, 2001. McMahon, Patrice C. "International Actors and Women's NGOs in Poland and Hungary." In The Power and Limits ofNGOs: A Critical Look at Building Democracy in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, edited by Sarah E. Mendelson and John K. Glenn, 29-53. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2002. Meczkowska, Teodora. Ruch kobiecy. Warsaw: n.p, 1907. About the women's movement. - - - . Szkoly mieszane: (koedukacja). Warsaw: Nakl. i drukiem M. Arcta, 1906. About coeducational schools.







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Medrzecki, Wlodzimierz, "Aspiracje oswiatowe kobiet ze srodowiska chlopskiego w Kr6lestwie Polskim na przelomie XIX i XX wieku." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach. Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 109-22. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About the educational aspirations of peasant women in the Kingdom of Poland at the turn of the 19th century. . "Kobieta wiejska w Kr6lestwie Polskim. Przelom XIX i XX wieku." In Kobieta i spoleczenstwo na rienuacli polskich w XIX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 93-8. Warsaw: DiG, 1995. About peasant women in the Kingdom of Poland at the tum of the 19th century. . "Konwenans wiejski i nowe wzorce zachowan kobiet na wsi w Kr6lestwie Polskim na przelomie XIX i XX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codzlennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 71-87. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About new pattems in women's behavior in the context of rural conventions in the villages of the Kingdom of Poland at the turn of the 19th century. . "W spoleczenstwach lokalnych i w parafii. Kobiety w zyciu publicznym wsi polskiej na przelomie wiek6w." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tie porownawczym w XIX i w poczatkach XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 163-8. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About women's public life in rural areas at the turn of the 19th century. Meed, Vladka. On Both Sides of the Wall. Ghetto Fighters' House and Ha Kibbutz Hameyuchad: Distributed by Jewish Labor Fund, 1977. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. . "Underground Activity on the Aryan Side of Warsaw." Yad Vashem Bulletin 22 (Jerusalem) 22: 24-5. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Melamed, Aliza. "From the Diary of a Young Warsaw Ghetto Fighter." Israel Horizons (April 1967): 17-20. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Mendel, Annekatrein. Zwangsarbeit im Kinderzimmer: "Ostarbeiterinnen" in deutschen Familien von 1939 bis 1945: Gespriiche mit Polinnen und Deustchen. Frankfurt: Dipa, 1994. About Polish women domestics forced to work in Germany during WWII. Metelska, Agnieszka, and Ewa Nowakowska. Gdzie diabel nie moze... Warsaw: Polska Agencja Wydawn. BGW, 1992. Interviews with women in public life, including legislators. Miaso, J6zef. "Ksztalcenie dziewczat w Drugiej Rzeczpospolitej." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach. Polskicb w XIX I XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 73-88. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About girls' education in the Second Republic (1918-1939). Michalski, Maciej. Kobiety i swietosc w zywotach trzynastowiecznych ksieznycli polskicli [Women and sanctity in the lives of 13 th century princesses]. Poznan: Wydawn. Poznanskie, 2004. Examination of the Vitae (lives) of 13th century Polish princesses commonly recognized as saints. Miemietz, Barbel. Zur Bezeichnung von Frauen durch Femina und Maskulina im Polnischen. Frankfurt: P. Lang, 1993. About women's names in Polish. Mierzecki, Wladyslaw. "Praca zarobkowa kobiet w srodowisku robotniczym w Polsce miedzywojennej." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiacn Polskicli w XIX I XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 177-219. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About working class women in interwar Poland. Milanovic, Branko. "Social Costs of the Transition in Poland: 1990-1994." In Social Justice and the Welfare State in Central and Eastern Europe: The Impact ofPrivatization, edited by Demetrius S. Iatridis, 153-67. Westport, CT.: Praeger, 2000. Millard, Frances. "Women in Poland: The Impact of Post-Communist Transformation." Journal ofArea Studies 6 (1995): 60-73. Miller, Stefania Szlek. "Solidarity Trade Union, Gender Issues, and Child Care." Canadian Slavonic Papers 30, no. 4 (December 1988): 417-37.




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Miluska, Jolanta. "Pzeksztalcenia rol plciowych a szanse kobiet." In Humanistyka i plec, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Jolanta Miluska, 19-38. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1995. About the transformation of gender roles and women's opportunities. . Tozsamosc kobiet i mezczyzn w cyklu zyciu. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1996. About female and male identity in the life cycle. , and Elzbieta Pakszys, eds. Studia kobiece z psychologii, filozofii i historii. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1995. A study of women's psychology, philosophy and history. Mioduchowska, Maria. "Kobiety w ruchu ludowym." In Kobiety polskie: praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 98-120. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About women in the populist movement. Mizielinska, Joanna. "Matki, zony, kochanki, czyli tak nas widza: Kobietajako podmiot i przedmiot reklamy." In Od kobiety do meiczyzn» i z powrotem: rozwazania 0 plci w kulturze, edited by Jolanta Brach-Czaina, 226-44. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 1997. About the images of women in advertisements. . "Przed prawem / poza prawem: Heteronormatywny wzor obywatelstwa a problem mniejszosci seksualnej w Polsce." In Polskie oblicza feminizmu: Materialy z konferencji "Polskie oblicza feminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka, 93-114. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad. Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. . "'The Rest Is Silence...': Polish Nationalism and the Question of Lesbian Existence." European Journal oJWomen's Studies 8, no. 3 (2001): 281-97. Molenda, Jan. "Postawy kobiet wiejskich wobec unowoczesniania gospodarki chlopskiej w pierwszym dwudziestoleciu XX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 191-218. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About rural women's attitudes toward modernizing the peasant economy in the first two decades years of the zo" century. . "The Role of Women in the Polish Migration to the Rhein-Wesphalia Industrial Region in the Beginning of the Twentieth Century." Polish Review 42, no. 3 (1997): 317-38. Molik, Witold. "Drogi edukacji corek ziemianskich w Wielkopolsce w XIX i na poczatku XX wieku." In Humanistyka i plec, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Jolanta Miluska, 147-67. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1995. About the paths of education for daughters of the gentry in Great Poland in the nineteeth and at the beginning of the twentieth centuries. . "Z badan nad studiami uniwersyteckimi Wielkopolanek na przelornie XIX i XX w." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 39-47. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About women's university studies in Poland at the turn of the 19th_20 th century. . "Ziemianki wielkopolskie w codziennych zajeciach gospodarczych i w pracy spolecznej w drugiej polowie XIX i na poczatku XX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 181-90. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About women landowners' everyday economic activities and social work th in the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20 centuries. Monczka-Ciechomska, Magda. "Mit kobiety w polskiej kulturze." In Glos majq kobiety: Teksty [eministyczne, edited by Slawornira Walczewska, introduced by Anna Titkow, 95-101. Cracow: Convivium, 1992. About myths about women in Polish culture. Montagu, Christopher. "Solidarity for Some: Women are Poles Apart." Sunday Times 30 August 1981. Morawski, Witold. "Economic Change and Civil Society in Poland." In Democracy and Civil Society in Eastern Europe: Selected Papers from the Fourth World CongressJor Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990. Edited by Paul G. Lewis, 91-112. Houndmills,



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Basingstoke and London: Macmillan Press, 1992. Mostwin, Danuta. Emigranci polscy w USA. Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1991. . In Search ofEthnic Identity. New York: Institute on Pluralism and Group Identity, 1975; 1972. . The Transplanted Family: A Study of Social Adjustment of the Polish Immigrant Family to the United States after the Second World War. New York: Arno Press, 1980; 1971. Originally the author's Ph.D. dissertation at Columbia Univ. School of Social Work, 1971. . Trzecia Wartosc: Formowanie sie nowej tozsamosci polskiego emigranta w Ameryce. Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw KUL, 1985. About the development of a new identity among Polish immigrants to the United States. . Trzecia Wartosc: Wykorzenienie i tozsamosc. Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995. Moszczenska, Izabella. "Mezczyzna i kobieta." In Glos kobiet w kwestji kobiecej. Cracow: n.p, 1903. About men and women. Mrsevic, Zorica. "Housing Cooperative of Women-Post Workers in Cracow." SOS Bulletin (Belgrade) 3, no. 6-7 (1993): 169-96. Murphy, Dean E. "Polish Court Restricts Abortion Rights. Europe: Judges Rule Recent Statute Violates Country's Nascent Democratic Order." Los Angeles Times, 29 May 1997, sec. A. Najdus, Walentyna. "0 prawa obywatelskie kobiet w zaborze austriackim." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tie porownawczym w XIX i w poczqtkacli XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 99-117. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. Annotated under the Habsburg Monarchy. . "Zmiany spoleczno-ekonomicznej pozycji kobiety w galicyjskim srodowisku drobnomieszczanskim." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 237-56. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About changes in the socio-economic situation of women in the Galician lower-middle class. Nalecz, Tomas. "Kobiety w walce 0 niepodleglosc w czasie pierwszej wojny swiatowej." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tie porownawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach XX wieku, edited by Anna Zamowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 73-9. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About women's struggle for independence during WW I. Nalibow, Kenneth L. Genus Versus Sexus. Professional Titles, Working Titles and Surnames for Women in Contemporary Standard Polish. Bern: Herbert Lang, 1973. Nartonowicz-Kot, Maria. "Socjalistki w zyciu politycznyrn i spolecznym Polski lat miedzywojennych, L6dz i okreg 16dzki." In Kobieta i swiat polityki w niepodleglej Polsce 1918-1939, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 100-18. Warsaw: DiG, 1994. About women socialists in interwar Lodz and its environs. Nazarko, Ewelina. "Czy w Kosciele katolickimjest rniejsce dla feminizmu?" In Polskie obliczafeminizmu: Materialy z konferencji "Polskie oblicza feminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka, 151-9. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad. Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. Nelson, Daniel N. "Women in Local Communist Politics in Romania and Poland." In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 15267. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. Annotated under Romania. Niedworok, J6zef. Matki wiezniarki i ich dzieci w zakladach penitencjarnych: zagadnienia podstawowe. Wroclaw: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 1988. About the children of women prisoners in Poland. Summary in English and Russian. Niedzielska, Krystyna. Women in Contemporary Poland: A Sketch to a Portrait. Warsaw: CZS Wydawn. Sp6ldzielcze, 1985. Niemiec, K. T. "Reproductive Health and Family Planning in Poland." In Assessment of









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Research and Service Needs in Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe--Concerns and Commitments. Proceedings ofa Workshop Organized by the ICRR and the WHO Collaborating Centre on Research in Human Reproduction in Szeged, Hungary, 25-7 October 1993, edited by E. Hohannisson, L. Kovacs, B. A. Resch and N. P. Bruyniks, 195-8. New York: The Parthenon Publishing Group, 1997. Nietyksza, Maria. "Kobiety w ruchu oswiatowym: Kr6lestwo polskie na przelornie wiekow." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskich w XIX I XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 91-119. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About women in the educational movement in the Kingdom of Poland at the turn of the century. . "Przemiany aktywnosci zawodowej kobiet. Warszawa na przelomie XIX i XX wieku. In Kobieta i spoleczenstwo na ziemiach Polskich w XIX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 99-114. Warsaw: DiG, 1995. About the changes in women's professional activities in Warsaw at the turn of the 19th century. . "Tradyczyjne i nowe formy aktywnosci publicznej kobiet w warunkach zabor6w." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tie porownawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 83-98. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About traditional and new forms of women's public activities in partitioned Poland. Niklewska, Jolanta. "Bye kobieta pracujaca czyli dola Warszawskiej naucuzycielki na przelomie XIX i XX w." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 267 -72. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About the Warsaw teacher as working woman at the turn of the 19th century. Nowak, Barbara. "Gender Discrimination in the Workforce as a Challenge to the Polish Feminist Movement." In Plec-kobieta-feminizm; edited by Zofia Gorczynska, Sabina Kruszyriska, and Irena Zakidalska, 147-56. Gdansk: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego, 1997. Nowak, Zenon Hubert, and Andrezj Radiminski, eds. Kobieta i rodzina w sredniowieczu i na progu czasow nowozytnych. Torun: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika, 1998. About women and families in Poland in the middle ages and at the start of the modem era. Nowakowska, Ewa. "Baby z wozu." Polityka 25(2000): 32-4. Protest of homeless women in Warsaw. Nowakowska, Urszula. "The New Right and Fundamentalism." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 26-33. Boulder, CO.: Westview Press, 1997. Nowicka, Wanda. "Advocating and Monitoring the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action in Poland." Devleopment 42, no. 1 (1999): 84-6. The European Community's International Conference on Population and Development. . "Ban on Abortion in Poland. Why?" In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 42-6. Boulder, co.: Westview Press, 1997. . "The Effects of the 1993 Anti-abortion Law in Poland." Entre Nous, no. 34-5 (1996): 13-5. . "Foundations of the Law." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 47-51. Boulder, CO.: Westview Press, 1997. Discusses Poland's anti-abortion law. . "Two Steps Back: Poland's New Abortion Law." Journal of Women's History 5, no. 3 (Winter 1994): 151-5. , ed. Ustawa antyaborcyjna w Polsce.funkcjonowanie, skutki spoleczne, postawy i zachowanie: Raport, wrzesien 2000. Warsaw: Federacja na Rzecz Kobiet i Planowania Rodziny, 2000. Report on the anti-abortion movement. , and Agata Zielinska. "Badania ankietowe na temat skutk6w ustawy antyaborcyjnej,









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przeprowadzone wsrod lekarzy, pielegniarek i poloznych." In Ustawa antyaborcyjna w Polsce: funkcjonowanie. skutki spoleczne, postawy i zachowanie: Raport, wrzesien 2000, edited by Wanda Nowicka, 85-94. Warsaw: Federacja na Rzecz Kobiet i Planowania Rodziny, 2000. , and Monika Tajak. "Skutki ustawy antyaborcyjnej." In Ustawa antyaborcyjna w Polsce: funkcjonowanie, skutki spoleczne, postawy i zachowanie: Raport, wrzesien 2000, edited by Wanda Nowicka, 11-36. Warsaw: Federacja na Rzecz Kobiet i Planowania Rodziny, 2000. Nowakowska, Urszula. "Violence Against Women: International Standards, Polish Reality." In Gender and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe, edited by Chris Corrin, 41-63. London; Portland, OR.: Frank Cass, 1999. Oakes, Amy C. "Gender Differences in Support for Democracy." In Social Structure: Changes and Linkages: The Advanced Phase of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, edited by Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, 157-73. Warsaw: IfiS Publishers, 2002. Ofer, Dalia. "Gender Issues in Diaries and Testimonies of the Ghetto: The Case of Warsaw." In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 143-67. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. Oleksy, Elzbieta H, ed. Problematyka kobiet na swiecie. Lodz: Wydawn.Uniwersytetu L6dzkiego, 1996. Papers from an international conference held in Lodz, May 17-21,1993. Essays cover sociology, work, history, literature and art. , ed. Women's Studies International Forum 18, no. 1 (JanlFeb 1995). Selected Proceedings of the Women's Studies Conference, Lodz, Poland, May 17-21, 1993. Nine essays discuss political, business, literary, psychological and pedagogical issues facing Polish women. . "Women's Organizations in Poland." Women's Studies International Forum 18, no. 1 (JanlFeb 1995): 73-6. . "Women's Studies in Poland: Problems and Perspectives." Women's Studies Quarterly 22, no 3-4 (FalllWinter 1994): 171-9. Olgyay-Stawikowska, Kinga. "Kobiety w kosciolach protestanckich." In Polskie oblicza [eminizmu: Materialy z konferencji "Polskie oblicza feminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka, 160-8. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad. Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. Ostrouch, Joanna. Nieuchwytne: Relacje matek i corek w codziennosci. Olsztyn: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Warminsko-Mazurskiego, 2004. About relationships between mothers and daughters. Ostrowska, Diana. "Wizerunek kobiety w pismach Ojc6w Kosciola." In Od kobiety do mezczyzny i zpowrotem: rozwazania 0 plci w kulturze, edited by Jolanta Brach-Czaina, 53-75. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 1997. About the Church Fathers' portrayal of women. Otwinowska, Barbara, with Teresa Drzal, comp. Zawolac po imieniu: ksiega kobiet-wiezniow politycznych 1944-1958. Vol. 1. Warsaw: Vipart, 1999. Biographies of Polish female political prisoners. Pabis-Braunstein, Miroslawa. "The First Polish Women Pharmacists." Pharmacy in History 31, no. 1 (1989): 12-5. Pajak, Jerzy Z. "Liga Kobiet Polskich Pogotowia Wojennego wobec spor6w w obozie aktywistycznym: (sierpien 1915-serpien 1916)." Kieleckie Studia Historyczne 15 (1999): 7994. Pakszys, Elzbieta. "Feministyczne rewindykacja wobec nauk 0 zyciu albo 0 roli plci: Rodzaju w poznaniu biologicznym." In Kobiety w poznaniu naukowym wcoraj i dzls, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Danuta Sobczynski, 263-82. Poznan: Wydawn. Naukowe, 1997. About the vindication of feminist views of life studies and gender roles from a biological perspective.




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. "Kobiety w polskiej filozofii analitycznej: W stulecie Szkoly Lwowsko-Waszawskiej (1895-1995)." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tworcow kultury intelektualne] i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodleglym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 89-98. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About women in Polish analytical philosophy, for the centenary of the Lvov-Warsaw School, 1895-1995. . Miedr» natura a kulturq: kategoria plci / rodzaju w poznaniu: studium epistemologii naturalizowanej w perspektywie feministycznej, Poznan: Wydaw. Naukowe UAM, 2000. . "'Platforma dzialania-Pekin 1995': Gl6wne cele swiatowego ruchu kobiecego w perspektywie polskiej." In Publiczna przestrzen kobiet: Obrazy dawne i nowe, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Wlodziernierz HelIer, 259-74. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1999. About the goals of the international feminist movement from a Polish perspective. . "Plec a rozw6j nauki: Problemy epistemologii feministycnzej." In Humanistyka i plec, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Jolanta Miluska, 85-98. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 1995. About gender and the development of science: problems in feminist epistemology. , and Danuta Sobczynski, eds. Kobiety w poznaniu naukowym wcoraj i dzis. Poznan: Wydawn. Naukowe, 1997. This collection of essays and poems celebrates women scholars and women's knowledge-Polish and other-past and present. The book is divided into 3 sections: "Individual Portraits"; "Collective Portraits", and "Accounts of the Disciplines." ,and Dorota Mazurczak. "From Totalitarianism to Democracy in Poland: Women's Issues in the Sociopolitical Transition of 1989-1993." Journal of Women 's History 5, no. 3 (Winter 1994): 144-50. . "The State of Research on Polish Women in the Last Two Decades." Journal of Women's History 3, no. 3 (1992): 118-25. __, and Jolanta Miluska, eds. Humanistyka i plec. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 1995. Most essays in this collection focus on gender issues crucial for Polish women. Summaries in English and Russian. , and Wlodziemierz HelIer, eds. Publiczna przestrzen kobiet: Obrazy dawne i nowe. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1999. A collection of essays about women and public space, now and in the past. Pamietniki Zjazdu Kobiet Polskicli odbytego w dniach 11 i 12 Maja 1913. Cracow: n.p, 1913. Report of the 1913 pan-Polish Women's Congress. Pappenheim, Bertha. Sisyphus, gegen den Madchenhdndel: Galizien. Edited by Helga Heubach. Freiburg: Kore, 1992. Annotated under the Habsburg Monarchy. Partyka, Joanna. "Obraz kobiety leczacej w tekstach staropolskich = The Image of a Woman Healing in Old Polish Texts." In Pod patronatem Hygiei: udzial kobiet w rozwoju nauk przyrodniczych = Under Hygeia's Patronage: Participation of Women for Development of Natural Science, edited by Iwona Arabas, 71-84. Warsaw: Instytut Historii Nauki PAN, 2000. Pawlowska, Anna. "Kwestie etyczno-obyczajowe w prasie kobiecej przelomu XIX i XX wieku." Studia Historyczne 30 (1987): 571-88. About ethico-moral questions in the women's press at the turn of the 19th century. Penn, Shana. "The Great Debate: When Feminism Hit the Headlines, Poland Hit the Roof." Ms. 11, no. 1 (Dec 2000-Jan 2001): 14-9. . "The National Secret." Journal of Women's History 5, no. 3 (Winter 1994): 55-69. Abstract: Reports on the life of women in the opposition movements in Poland. Lack of acknowledgement of women's contribution in politics; Links between Catholicism, nationalism and feminism; Accomplishments of women in underground activism. . Podziemie kobiet [Underground Women]. Warsaw: Rosner & Wsp6lnicy, 2003. Translation of her: National Secret-The Women Who Brought Democracy to Poland.



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- - - . "Warsaw Diary: Democracy in the Balance: Jewish Feminists Rally for Tolerance in a Post-Communist World." Liluli 25, no. 4 (2000): 24-7. - - - . "The 'Woman Question' Retums to Poland." Women East- West no. 66 (March 2001): 3-4. Perkowska, Urszula. "Formacja zawodowa i intelektualna studentek Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego z lat 1894-1918." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskicli w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 59-72. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About the careers and intellectual formation of the female students of Jagiellonian University, 1894-1918. - - - . "Kariery naukowe kobiet na Uniwersytecie Jagiellonskim w latach 1904-1939." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tworcow kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodlegiym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 139-55. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About women's academic careers at Jagiellonian University, 1904-1939. - - - . "Ksztaltowanie sie etosu studentki polskiej w dwoch pierwszych pokoleniach studentek Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego z lat 1894-1939." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 387-403. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About the ethos of the first generations of Polish women studying at Jagiellonian Univ., 1894-1905. - - - . Studentki Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego w latach 1894-1939: w stulecie immatrykulacji pierwszycli studentek. Cracow: Seceja, 1994. About co-eds at Jagiellonian Univ. in 1894-1939, marking the centenary of the first female graduates. Pickhan, Gertrud. "'Wo sind die Frauen?' Zur Diskussion urn Weiblichkeit, Mannlichkeit und Judischkiet im Allgemeinen Jiidischen Arbeiterbund ('Bund') in Polen [Where are the women? On the discussion about femininity, masculinity and Jewishness in the Polish Bund]." In Zwischen Kriegen: Nationen, Nationalismen und Geschlechter-verhaltnisse in Mittel- und Osteuropa 1918-1939, edited by Johann Gehmacher, Elizabeth Harvey, Sophia Kemlein, 18799. Osnabrtick: Fibre, 2004. Pietkiewicz, Barbara. "Biznesmenki." Polityka 35, no. 9 (March 2, 1991): 4. Pietraszek, Esward. "Rola wychowcza matki w rodzinie robotniczej 1880-1939 (w swietle pamietnikow)." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskicli w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 155-70. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About the educational role of the mother in the working-class family 1880-1939 (as evidenced by diaries). Pietrow-Ennker, Bianka. "Tradycje szlacheckie a dazenia emancypacyjne kobiet w spoleczenstwie polskim w dobie rozbiorow." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiacli Polskicli w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zamowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 13-30. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About the noble traditions and women's emancipation struggles in Polish society during the partition period. - - - , and Rudolf Jaworski. Women in Polish Society. Boulder, CO.: East European Monographs, 1993. "The volume, which concentrates on 19th-century partitioned Poland, contains an introduction ... discussing the problems of social change and gender relations in Polish history. Other authors introduce the reader to topics relating to central problems in the study of the Polish women's emancipation movement: underground activities in the Kingdom of Poland (Bogna Lorence-Kot, U.S.), girls'education (Adam Winiarz, Poland), the professional situation of Polish women writers (Malgorzata Czyszkowska-Peschler, Switzerland), the vocational activities of women (Maria Nietyksza, Poland), and the women in working families (Anna Zamowska, Poland). In addition, the complex situation of women in the partitions is taken into account by studying the Polish women's initiatives in the nationality conflict of Prussian Poland (Rudolf Jaworski, Germany) and the beginnings of the women's emancipation movement in Galicia (Irena Homola-Skapska, Poland). The anthology








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closes with an extended bibliographical article by Adam Winiarz."-Bianka Pietrow-Ennker. Pietrzak, Michal. "Sytuacja prawna kobiet w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej." In Kobieta i swiat polityki w niepodleglej Polsce 1918-1939, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 33-52. Warsaw: Wydawn. Sejmowe, 1996. About the legal status of women in the Second Republic. Pine, Frances. "Uneven Burdens: Women in Rural Poland." In Women in the Face of Change: The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China, edited by Shirin Rai, Hilary Pilkington, and Annie Phizacklea, 57-78. New York and London: Routledge, 1992. Pioro, Zygmunt. Zachowanie przestrzenne rodzin "wiodqcych" w duzycn miastach polskich. Series of individual works, no. 154. Warsaw: Institut urbanistyki i architektury, 1968. About the spatial conduct of the "leading" families in large Polish towns. Piotrowska, Ewa. "Emmy Noether (1882-1935): kobiecy geniusz w sluzbie matematyki." In Kobiety w poznaniu naukowym wcoraj i dzis, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Danuta Sobczyriska, 37-63. Poznan: Wydawn. Naukowe, 1997. About the mathematical genius of Emmy Noether. Piotrowski, Jerzy. "Szczeg6lne zagadnienia pracy zawodowej kobiet poza domem." In Kobieta wspolczesna: z badan socjolog6w, lekarzy, ekonomist6w, pedagog6w i psycholog6w, edited by Magdalena Sokolowska, 15-43. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. About women's professional work beyond the home. ,ed. Praca zawodowa kobiety a rodzina. Warsaw: KiW, 1963. About women's professional work and the family. Pirozynski, Jan. "Legacy of Sophie, Duchess of Brunswick (1575-1672)." Acta Poloniae Historica 71 (1995): 83-110. Plakwicz, Jolanta. "Between Church and State: Polish Women's Experience." In Superwomen and the Double Burden: Women's Experience of Change in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Chris Corrin, 75-96. London: Scarlet Press and Toronto: Second Story Press, 1992. . "Country Papers: Poland. C. The Impact of Restructuring in Political and Economic Spheres on the Status of Women." In The Impact ofEconomic and Political Reform on the Status of Women in Eastern Europe: Proceedings ofa United Nations Regional Seminar, Vienna, 8-12 April 1991, 62-3, [compiled by] United Nations. Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs. New York: United Nations, 1992. Platek, Monika. "Hostages of Destiny: Gender Issues in Today's Poland. " Feminist Review 76 (2004): 5-36. . "On the Margin of Life: Women's Imprisonment in Poland." In Harsh Punishment: International Experience of Women 's Imprisonment, edited by Sandy Cook and Susanne Davies, 160-71. Boston: Northeastern Univ. Press, 1999.

Plater, Emilia, 1806-1831. Polish-Lithuanian aristocrat who fought and died in the 1830 revolution. POL663 POL664

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Ciepienko-Zielinska, Donata. Emilia Plater. [Warsaw:] Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. Filipowicz, Halina. "The Daughters of Emilia Plater." In Engendering Slavic Literatures, edited by Pamela Chester and Sibelan Forrester, 34-58. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1996. A study of the invention of Emilia Plater and of her representations in drama. Gasiorowski, Waclaw. Emilia Plater: powiesc historyczna Z XIX wieku. Warsaw: Dom Ksiazki Polskiej, 1929. Hauser, Ewa. "Traditions of Patriotism, Questions of Gender: The Case of Poland." Genders 22 (1995): 78-104. This article discusses Plater, among others. Limsnowski, Bolestaw [pseud. = Jako Ptakan]. Emilia Plater. N.p.: n.p, 1911.





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Straszewicz, Joseph. Emilia Plater: sa vie et sa mort. Paris, Straszewicz, 1835. Translated by J. K. Salomonski under the title The Life of the Countess Emily Plater (New York: J. F. Trow, 1842). Wawrzykowska-Wierciochowa, Dioniza. Sercem i orezem Ojczyznie sluzyly: Emilia Plater i inne uczestniczki powstania listopadowego, 1830-1831. Warsaw: Wydawn. Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, 1982. About Emilia Plater and other female participants in the November uprising, 1830-1831. Zaryn, Malgorzata. Emilia Plater. Warsaw: DiG, 1998 . Zurawski, Kazimierz. Dziewica-bohater: zyciorys Emilii Plater6wny, kapitana 1 Kompanii 25 Pulku (1 Litewskiego) Piechoty Liniowej Wojsk Polskich 1831 roku. Lvov: Kolo T. S. L. im. Emilii Plater, 1913. About Plater's heroism in November uprising, 1831.

Pod patronatem Hygiei: udzial kobiet w rozwoju nauk przyrodniczycli = Under Hygeia's Patronage: Participation of Women for Development ofNatural Science, edited by Iwona Arabas. Warsaw: Instytut Historii Nauki PAN, 2000. Podg6rska, Joanna. "Feministiki: czy jest 0 eo palic staniki?" Polityka 32 (2000): 3-6, 8-9. Poland: Gender Issues in the Transition to a Market Economy: Final Report. Bridgetown, Barbados: Coopers & Lybrand, 1991. A study of economic and social conditions faced by Polish women 1980-1990. Polish Committee ofNGOs. The Situation of Women in Poland (Reportfor the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China). N.p.: n.p, 1995. Polish Feminist Association. Jak liderzy Unii Polityki Realnej widzq miejsce kobiet w spoleczenstwie z wywiadu dla 'Tygodnika Odglosy' nr. Lodz: PFA, 1990. About how the leaders of the Real Political Union see women's position in society, according to an interview for Report Weekly. - - - . "What Are Polish Feminists Fighting For?" Voices of Solidarity 135-6 (1988): 15-6. Polish Women's Forum: A Women's Anthology in Polish and English. London: Hollen Street Press Ltd, 1988. This bilingual collection, arising from a one-day Polish Women's Forum in London, consists of essays, personal narratives, interviews and creative writing about the Polish female experience at home and abroad. Polony, Janina. "Udzial kobiet w tworzeniu i stosowaniu prawa oraz ksztaltowaniu kultury prwanej." In Kobiety polskie. Praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 337-46. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About women's participation in creating and applying the law and shaping legal culture. Polskie oblicza feminizmu: Materialy z konferencji "Polskie oblicza feminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad. Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. Pomaranska, Renata. "0 wizerunkach kobiet w powiesciach i w poezji dwudziestolecia miedzywojennego." Zeszyty Naukowe Wyiszej Szkoly Pedagogicznej w Rzeszowie: Historia Literatury 5 (1999): 197-205. Pomorska, Barbara. "Geschlecht und Recht in Polen. Feministische Aktivitaten." Feministische Studien 2 (1992): 22-7. About sex and the law in relation to feminist activism in Poland. Ponichtera, Robert M. "Feminists, Nationalists and Soldiers: Women in the Fight for Polish Independence."The International History Review 19, no. 1 (1997): 16-31. Praga, Jacek. "Kobiety w regularnychjednostkach Wojska Polskiego na frontach 11 wojny swiatowej." In Kobiety polskie: praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 166-83. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About women in the regular units of the Polish Army at the front during WW 11. Preiss-Zajdowa, Anna. "Preferencje zawodowe kobiet w polsce." In Kobieta wsp6lczesna: z badan socjolog6w, Iekarzy, ekonomist6w, pedagog6w i psycholog6w, edited by Magadalena



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Sokolowska, 147-71. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. About Polish women's professional preferences. Pr6chnik, Adam. Kobieta w polskim ruchu socjalistycznym. Warsaw: Wiedza, 1948. About women in the Polish socialist movement. "Projekt usawy 0 r6wnym statusie kobiet i rnezczyzn." In Polskie oblicza feminizmu: Materialy z konferencji "Polskie obliczafeminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka, 180-93. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad. Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. Przemiany orientacji zyciowej kobiet zameznych: studium socjologiczne, edited by Anna Wachowiak. Poznan: Wydawn. Fundacji Humaniora, 2002. About women in Poland and Ukraine. Raczek, Halina. "The School System for Girls in Interwar Poland (1918-1939)." In Gender and Secondary Education in Poland and Sweden in the Twentieth Century, edited by Ryszard Kucha and Ulla Johansson, 35-43. Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univ. Press, 2002. Radwilowicz, Ryszard. "Zainteresownia uczni6w i uczennic."In Kobieta wspolczesna: z badan socjolog6w, lekarzy, ekonomistow, pedagog6w i psycholog6w, edited by Magadalena Sokolowska, 313-28. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. About the interests of female and male students. Rakovska, Pu'ah. My Life As a Radical Jewish Woman: Memoirs ofa Zionist Feminist in Poland, edited and with an introduction by Paula E. Hyrnan; translated from the Yiddish by Barbara Harshav with Paula E. Hyman. Bloomington Indianapolis: Indiana Univ. Press, 2002. Rakowski, Witold, ed. Rodzina polska w okresie kryzysu i czynienia gospodarczego: 19901995. Warsaw: Polskie Tow. Demograficzne, Instytut Gospodarstwa Spolecznego Szkoly Glownej Handlowej, 1997. About the Polish family during the crisis and government action, 1990-1995. Ratman-Liverska, Izabela. "Ksztaltowanie postaw prospolecznych jako rzeczywista funkcja wychowawcza stowarzyszen kobiecych Bialostoczyzny (komunikat)." In Kobiety polskie: praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 347-56. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About the shaping of pro-social attitudes as the true educational function of Bialystock' s women's groups. . "Women's Development in Poland: Factors of Growth and Regress." Convergence 27, no. 2-3 (1994): 184-95. Rawita-Gawronski, Franciszek. Monografje z.powstania styczniowego. Warsaw: "Ksiegarnia Polska," Tow. Polskiej Macierzy Szkolnej, 1928. A monograph from the January uprising. Reading, Anna. Polish Women, Solidarity and Feminism. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1992. About feminism and politics in 1980s Poland, focusing on women's misrepresentations and self-representations. Includes interviews. Regiewicz, Adam. "Z twarza Marylin Monroe, czyli wsp6lczesna kultura jest kobieta." In Feminizm kobiecy aspekt kultury: Materialy z sesji popularnonaukowej Klubu Mysli Humanistycznej - II Liceum Ogolnokszialcqcego i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publiczne] w Zabrzu. (12 marca 2001), edited by Adam Regiewicz, 98-111. Zabrze: 11 Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace, 2001. Regulska, Joanna. "Transition to Local Democracy: Do Polish Women Have a Chance?" In Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 33-63. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1994. , with the assistance of Agnieszka Gerwel. "Women and Power in Poland: Hopes or Reality?" In Women Transforming Politics: Worldwide Strategies for Empowerment, edited by JiB M. Bystydzienski, 175-91. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1992. Renne, Tanya. "Lesbians in the Middle: Lesbian Organizing in Poland: An Interview with Romana Ciesla." In Ana's Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, edited by Tanya Renne, 66-7. Boulder, CO.: Westview Press, 1997.









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Renz, Regina. "Kobiety a planowanie rodziny w latach miedzywojennych: (w swietle zrodel koscielnych z Kielecczyzny)." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 115-22. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About women and family planning during the interwar years (in light of church sources from the Kielce region). - - - . "Kobiety i zycie polityczne Kielecczyzny 1918-1939." In Kobieta i swiat polityki w niepodleglej Polsce 1918-1939, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Swarc, 201-15. Warsaw: DIG, 1994. About women's political life in the Kielce region 1918-1939. - - - . "Wzorce wychowawcze i edukacja kobiet w malych miasteczkach Kielecczyzny w okresie miedzywojennym." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 187-200. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About educational patterns and the education of women in small towns of the Kielce province in the interwar period. Reszke, Irena. "Bezrobocie kobiet: stereoypy i realia." In Co to znaczy bye kobieta w Polsce, edited by Anna Titkow and Henryk Dornanski, 135-54. Warsaw: Instytut filozofii i socjologii PAN, 1995. About unemployed women: stereotypes and reality. - - - . "How a Positive Image Can Have a Negative Impact: Stereotypes of Unemployed Women and Men in Liberated Poland." Women's Studies International Forum 18, no. 1 (1995): 13-7. - - - . Nierownosci plci w teoriach: Teoretyczne wyjasnienia nierownosci plci w sferze pracy zawod6w. Warsaw: IFis, PAN, 1991. About theoretical explanations of gender inequalities in the sphere of professional work. - - - . "Sex Inequalities in the Labour Market in Poland." Sisyphus 4 (1989): 83-102. - - - . "Stereotypes: Opinions of Female Entrepreneurs in Poland." In Women on the Polish Labor Market, edited by Mike Ingham, Hilary Ingham, and Henryk Domanski, 177-92. Budapest; New York: Central European Univ. Press, 2001. Rezler, Marek. Emilia Sczaniecka, 1804-1896. Poznan: Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1984. Rittner, Carol. Memory Offended: The Auschwitz Convent Controversy. New York: Praeger, 1991. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Ritz, German. "Transgresja plciowa jako forma krytyki spod znaku gender i transformacja dyskursu." In Nowa swiadomosc plci w modernizmie: studia spod znaku gender w kulturze polskiej i rosyjskiej u schylku stulecia, edited by German Ritz, Christa Binswanger, Carmen Scheide, 89-110. Cracow: TAiWPN Universitas, 2000. Robinson, Jean. "Women and Socialism: The Polish Experience." Women's Studies in Indiana 14, no. 1 (1988): 213-30. - - - . "Women, the State, and the Need for a Civil Society: The Liga Kobiet in Poland." In Comparative State Feminism, edited by Dorothy McBride Stetson and Amy G. Mazur. London: Sage Books, 1995. Rukszto, Katarzyna. "Making Her into a 'Woman': The Creation of the Citizen-Entrepreneur in Capitalist Poland." Women's Studies International Forum 20, no. 1 (1997): 103-12. - - - . "Women's Magazines as Spaces for Dissent: Restructuring in Poland." In Documentation sur la recherche feministe/Resources for Feminist Research 27, no. 3-4 (1999): 83-95. Rusinowa, Izabella. "Idealy wychowawcze wsrod kobiet ziemianstwa polskiego w XVIII w." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zamowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 83-94. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About women's educational ideals among the Polish landed gentry of the 18th century. - - - . "Od Eleonory Roosevelt do feministek lat 70-ych XX wieku." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tle por6wnawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 303-16. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About the years from Eleanor Roosevelt to the feminists of the 1970s. - - - . "Prawo wyborcze a ruch kobiecy w Stanach Zjednoczonych." In Kobieta i










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spoleczenstwo na ziemiacli polskich w XIX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 159-70. Warsaw: DiG, 1995. About the right to vote and the women's movement in the United States. Riithers, Monica. "C6rki Tewjego: Aspiracje zyciowe kobiet zydowskich ze wschodniej Europy w XIX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 371-85. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Rybicka, Hanna, comp. Oddzial-kobiecy warszawskiego Kedywu: dokumenty z lat 1943-1945. Warsaw: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2002. Polish women's participation in the underground movement in World War Il in Warsaw. Ryzewski, Waclaw. "Kobiety polskie w walce 0 postep spoleczny i niepodleglosc w powstaniach narodowowyzwolenczych ludnosci polskiej ziem zachodnich w XIX w." In Kobiety polskie: praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 121-35. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About women's struggle for social progress and independence in nationalistic uprisings in westem Poland in the 19th century. Rzepniewska, Danuta. "Kobieta w rodzinie ziemianskiej w XIX wieku. Kr6lestwo Polskie." In Kobieta i spoleczenstwo na ziemiach polskich w XIX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 29-50. Warsaw: DiG, 1995. About women in gentry families in the Polish Kingdom in the 19th century. . "Ziemianki w miescie: Kr6lestwo Polskie w koncu XIX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 31-57. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About women landowners in the towns of the Polish Kingdom at the end th of the 19 century. Sadurska, Wanda. Kobiety w lqcznosci Komendy Glownej i Okregu Warszawskiego ZWZ-AK. Warsaw: Wydawn. Comandor, 2002. About the participation of women in various divisions of the Armia Krajowa during World War n. Samus, Pawel. "Socjalistki w Kr6lestwie Polskim przelomu XIX i XX w. Szkic do portretu zbiorowego." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tie por6wnawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 191-217. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About socialist women in the Polish Kingdom at the tum of the century. Sanejko-Kwasnicka, Bronislawa. Zapomniane dziewczeta. Lublin: Oddzial Lubelski Stowarzyszenia Wsp6lnota Polska, 1995. Sapkowska, Agata. "Feminizm-wyzwanie czy zagrozenie dla Kosciola?" In Polskie oblicza feminizmu: Materialy z konferencji "Polskie oblicza feminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka, 137-50. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad. Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. Sawa-Czajka, Elzbieta. "Are There Female Political Elites in Poland?" Journal of Women's History 8, no. 2 (Summer 1996): 103-10. Sawicka, Magdalena, and Marta Minor: "Feministki to nie brzydkie frustratki." In Feminizm kobiecy aspekt kultury: Materialy z sesji populamonaukowej Klubu Mysli Humanistycznej - II Liceum Og6lnoksztalcqcego i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Zabrzu. (12 marca 2001), edited by Adam Regiewicz, 6-10. Zabrze: 11 Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace, 2001. Schahadat, Schamma. "Szalone kobiety, nerwowi mezczyzni: histeria i gender na przelornie wiek6w." In Nowa swiadomosc plci w modernizmie: studia spod znaku gender w kulturze polskiej i rosyjskiej u schylku stulecia, edited by German Ritz, Christa Binswanger, Carmen Scheide, 245-68. Cracow: TAiWPN Universitas, 2000. Schon, Heinz. Im Heimatland in Feindeshand: Schicksale ostpreussicher Frauen unter Russen und Polen 1945-1948: eine ostdeutsche Tragiidie. Kiel: Amdt, 1998. Annotated under GDR. Sempolowska, Stefania. Z dna nidzy, Warsaw: Druk K. Kowalskiego, 1909. About women socialists and prisoners.








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Shank, Michael H. "A Female University Student in Late Medieval Cracow." In Sisters and Workers in the Middle Ages, edited by Judith M. Bennett, Elizabeth A. Clark, Jean F. O'Barr, B. Anne Vilen and Sarah Westphal-Wihl, 190-7. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1989. Shore, Marci. Gendered Entanglements in the Time ofMarxism: The Friendship of Wanda Wasilewska and Janina Broniewska in a Man's Revolution. East European Studies Occasional Papers, 262. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2002. Available online at: http://wwics.si.edu/index.cfm?topic_id=1422&fuseaction=topics.publications&doc_id=14147 &group_id=7427 Siemienska, Renata. "Continuity or Change? The Woman's Role in Polish Public Life since the Fall of the Communist Regime." Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State, and Society 1, no. 3 (Fall 1994): 326-34. . "Elites and Women in Democratizing Post-communist Societies." International Review ofSociology 9, no. 2 (1999): 197-219. Discussion uses data particularly from Poland, Hungary and Russia. . "Gender and Careers of [the] Highly Skilled in Poland." In Gender Equality in Central and Eastern European Countries, edited by Michel Domsch, Desiree H. Ladwig and Eliane Tenten, 205-30. New York: P. Lang, 2003. . "Gendered Perceptions: Women in the Labor Market in Poland." Women's History Review 5, no. 4 (1996): 553-66. . Kobiety: no we wyzwania: starcie przeszlosci z terazniejszosciq. Warsaw: Instytut Socjologii Uniwesystetu Warszawskiego, 1996. About women's new economic, social and political challenge from the collision between the past and the present. . Kobiety w zyciu publicznym w Polsce. Warsaw Univ.: Institute of Sociology, 1990. About women in public life in Poland. .Nie mogq, nie chca czy nie potrafiq? 0 postawach i uczestnictwie politycznym kobiet w Polsce. Warsaw: Scholar, 2000. . Plec, zaw6d, polityka: Kobiety w zyciu publicznym w Polsce. Warsaw: Institute of Sociology, Univ. of Warsaw, 1990. About gender, occupation and politics in women's public life in Poland. . "Polish Women and Polish Politics since World War Il." Journal of Women's History 3, no. 1 (Spring 1991): 108-25. With a comment by Peggy Simpson in the same issue, 126-30. . "Polish Women as the Subject and Object of Politics During and after the Communist Period." In Women and Politics Worldwide, edited by Barbara Nelson and Najma Chowdury, 608-24. New Haven, CT.: Yale Univ. Press, 1994. . "The Postcommunist Gender Gap in Political Representation in Poland." In Gains and Losses: Women and Transition in Eastern and Central Europe, edited by Leland C. Barrows and Laura Griinberg, 52-67. Bucharest: UNESCO/ENWS, 1994. . "Women and the Family in Poland." In The Changing Position of Women in Family and Society: A Cross-National Comparison, edited by Eugen Lupri, 276-95. Leiden: EJ. Brill, 1983. . "Women and Social Movements in Poland." Women and Politics 6, no. 4 (Winter 1986): 5-35. . "Women in Academe in Poland: Winners Among Losers." Higher Education in Europe 25, no. 2 (2000): 163-72. . "Women in Leadership Positions in Public Administration in Poland." In Women in Leadership Positions in Public Administration. Experiences, Requests, and Strategies. [Report no. 8] Conference Proceedings July 1-4, 1987 Freidrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn, FRG. Ottawa: International Political Science Association: 1987. A 40-page report; includes many graphs, tables and statistical summaries. . "Women in Management in Poland." In Women in Management Worldwide: Facts,



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Figures, and Analysis, edited by Marilyn J. Davidson, Ronald J. Burke, 128-44. Aldershot, Hants, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2004. . "Women in the Period of Systemic Changes in Poland." Journal of Women's History 5, no. 3 (Winter 1994):70-90. . "Women in the Polish Sejm: Political Culture and Party Politics versus Electoral Rules." In Women's Access to Political Power in Post-Communist Europe, edited by Richard E. Matland and Kathleen A. Montgomery, 217-44. Oxford; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. . "Women, Work, and Gender Equality in Poland: Reality and Its Social Perception." In Women, State, and Party in Eastern Europe, edited by Sharon L. Wolchik and Alfred G. Meyer, 305-22. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. . "Women's Political Participation and the 1980 Crisis in Poland." International Political Science Review 6, no. 3 (1985): 282-6. Siennicka, Mariola. "Rola 'pani domu' w kregach burzuazji warszawskiej w drugiej polowie XIX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 317-33. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About the hostess in Warsaw's bourgeois circles in the second half of the 19th century. Sieradzka, Anna. "Rola kobiet w ksztaltowaniu estetyki dnia powszedniego. Nowe wzorce urzadzania wnetrz mieszkalnych w dwudziesto1eciu miedzywojermyrn." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 265-78. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About women's contribution to the aesthetics of everyday life in the interwar years. Sierakowska, Katarzyna. "Aspiracje polityczne Zwiazku Rownouprawnienia Kobiet Polskich." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tie porownawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 245-53. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About the Union for Equal Rights for Polish women. . "Matka i dziecko w zyciu codziennym rodziny inteligenckiej w Polsce miedzywojennej: wzorce stare i nowe." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 103-14. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About old and new pattems in mother-child relations among the intelligentsia in interwar Poland. Sikorska, Joanna. Kobiety i ich mezowie: studium porownawcze, praca zbiorowa. Warsaw: Wydawn. Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii PAN, 1996. A comparative study of husbands and wives in Poland. Sikorska-Kowalska, Marta. Wizerunek kobiety lodzkiej przelomu XIX i XX wieku. Lodz: Ibidem, 2001. Sikorska-Ku1esza, Jolanta. "Kobieta w rodzinie drobnoszlacheckiej w XIX wieku. Litwa i Bialorus." In Kobieta i spoleczenstwo na ziemiach polskich w XIX wieku, edited by Anna Zamowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 67-77. Warsaw: DiG, 1995. About women in lower gentry families in the 19th century in Lithuania and Bye1orussia. Simoncini, Gabriele. "National Minorities in Poland at the End of the Twentieth Century." Polish Review 43, no. 2 (1998): 173-93. Annotated under Gypsy/RomaDiaspora. Simpson, Peggy. "An Update of the Polish Election: What Did It Mean for Women?" Journal of Women 's History 6, no. 1 (1994): 67-74. Skierczynska, Hanna. "Pozycja kobiet w spolecznej nauce Kosciola katolickiego." In Od kobiety do mezczymy i z powrotem: rozwazania 0 plci w kulturze, edited by Jolanta BrachCzaina, 76-99. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 1997. About women's position in contemporary Catholic teachings. Skowronek, Jerzy. "Debiuty polityczne kobiet w epoce rozbiorowej i poczatkach epoki porozbiorowej 1772-1831." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tie porownawczym w XIX i w poczqtkacn XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 29-41. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About women's political debuts



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after the partitions of Poland. Skrabacz, Aleksandra. Kobiety w obronie narodowej Polski u progu XXI wieku. Warsaw: Akademia Obrony Narodowej, Wydzial Strategiczno-Obronny, 2001. Skretowicz, Biruta. Uwarunkowania zachowan prokreacyjnych kobiet wiejskich. Warsaw: Szkola glowna handlowa, Instytut statystyki i demografii, 1992. About rural women's procreative behavior. Slaska, Ewa Maria. "Woriiber man in Polen nicht spricht." Osteuropa-Info 67 [Special issue: Frauen: Alltag und Emanzipation] (1986): 50-6. About "that which is not discussed in Poland." Sliwa, Michal. "Kobiety w parlamencie Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej." In Kobieta i swiat polityki wniepodleglej Polsce 1918-1939, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 53-69. Warsaw: Wydawn. Sejmowe, 1996. About women in the second republic's parliament. - - - . "Kobiety wsrod tw6rc6w mysli spoleczno-politycznej w Polsce pierwszej polowy XX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tworcow kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodleglym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Swarc. 225-39. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About women among the creators of socio-political thought in Poland in the first half of the zo" century. - - - . "Wzorzec osobowy kobiety-socjalistki w Polsce." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 231-43. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About the personality type of the Polish socialist woman. Sliwowska, Wiktoria. "Kobiety w konspiracjach patriotycznych lat czterdziestych XIX wieku (Ewa Felinska, Eleonora Wolanska i inne)." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tle porownawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 45-57. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About women in patriotic conspiratorial organizations in the 1840s. - - - . "Kobiety w ruchu pomocy zeslancom polskim na Syberii w pierwszej polowie XIX wieku." In Kobieta i spoleczenstwo na ziemiach polskich w XIX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 147-58. Warsaw: DiG, 1995. About women in the relief movement for Polish deportees in the first half of the 19th century. - - _ . "Polskie drogi do emancypacji (0 udziale kobiet w ruchu niepodleglosciowym w okresie miedzypowstaniowyrn 1833-1856)." In Losy Polakow w XIX-XX w, edited by Barbara Grochulska and Jerzy Skowronek, 210-47. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawn. Nauk, 1987. About women's role in the independence movement in the insurrectionary period 1833-1856. Smigielska, Joanna, and Artur Czynczyk. "What do Family Members expect from One Another at the Transition to Democracy." In Families, Politics and the Law: Perspectives for East and West Europe, edited by Mavis Maclean and Jacek Kurczewski, 79-95. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. Smolinski, Zbigniew. Dzietnosc kobiet. Warsaw: GUS, 1980. About women's fertility. - - - . "Regulacja urodzen." Zdrowie Publiczne 85 (March 1974): 283-8. About regulation of births. - - - . Statystyczna analiza dzietnosci kobiet. Warsaw: GUS, 1971. A statistical analysis of women's fertility. Snitow, Ann. "Poland's Anti-Abortion Law: The Church Wins, Women Lose." The Nation, 26 April 1993, 2. Sobczynska, Danuta. "Macierzynstwo: wartosci i dylematy." In Humanistyka i plec, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Jolanta Miluska, 69-84. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1995. About the values and dilemmas of childbirth. - - - . "Miejsce kobiet w naukach fizykochemicznych i technice: Historia i wspolczesnosc." In Kobiety w poznaniu naukowym wcoraj i dzis, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Danuta Sobczynski, 87-113. Poznan: Wydawn. Naukowe, 1997. About women in chemistry-physics












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and technical studies, then and now. Sobczyiiska, Danuta, and Anna Bilska. "Macierzyiistwo naturalne i metoda in vitro w perspektywie ekofeminizmu." In Kobiety w poznaniu naukowym wcoraj i dzis, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Danuta Sobczyiiski, 283-304. Poznan: Wydawn. Naukowe, 1997. About natural childbirth and in vitro fertizilation from an eco-feminist perspective. Sobiech, Robert. "The Social Problem of Child Abuse in Poland: The Conflict between Privacy and Control." In Families, Politics and the Law: Perspectives for East and West Europe, edited by Mavis Maclean and Jacek Kurczewski, 169-77. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. Sobczak, Kazimierz. "Kobiety polskie w drugiej wojnie swiatowej." In Kobiety polskie: praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 136-65. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About Polish women in World War 11. Sok61, Zofia. Prasa kobiet w Polsce w latach 1945-1995. Rzesz6w: Wydawn. Wyzszej Szkoly Pedagogicznej w Rzeszowie, 1998. An extensive, well-documented monograph on women's post-war periodicals, discussing 345 titles aimed at women since World War 11. . "Wz6r osobowy kobiety i model rodziny propagowany na lamach prasy." In Polskie oblicza jeminizmu: Materialy z konferencji "Polskie oblicza feminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chaiiska i Danuta Ulicka, 66-85. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad. Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. Sokolowska, Magdalena. Frauenemanzipation und Sozialismus: Das Beispiel der Volksrepublik Polen. Hamburg: Rowohlt Verlag, 1973. About the example provided by Poland of women's rights under socialism. . Kobieta pracujqca: Socjomedyczna charakterystyka pracy kobiet. Warsaw: Wiedza Powszechna, 1963. About working women and the socio-medical traits of women's employment. , ed. Kobieta wspolczesna: z badan socjolog6w, lekarzy, ekonomist6w, pedagog6w i psycholog6w. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. Essays discussing Polish women's employment from sociological, medical, economic, pedagogical and psychological perspectives. The essays derive from reports delivered at the seminar on women's work of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences, October 1963October 1965. Summaries in English and Russian. . "Poland: Women's Experience under Socialism." In Women: Roles and Status in Eight Countries, edited by Janet Zollinger Giele and Audrey Chapman Smock. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1977. . "The Role and Status of Women in Poland." Studies in Comparative International Development 10, no. 3 (Fall 1975): 71-87. . "Women in Decision-Making Elites: The Case of Poland." In Access to Power: Cross-National Studies of Women and Elites, edited by Cynthia Fuchs Epstein and Rose Laub Coser, 90-114. London: George AlIen and Unwin, 1981. , and Krystyna Wrochno. "Pozycja spoleczna kobiet w swietle statystyki." In Kobieta wsp6lczesna: z badan socjolog6w, lekarzy, ekonomistow, pedagog6w i Psycholog6w, edited by Magadalena Sokolowska, 44-78. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. About the social position of the contemporary women in context of statistics. Sowina, Barbara, and Malgorzata Mozdzynska-Nawotka. Ubiory kobiece 1840-1939 = Women's Fashions: 1840-1939. Wroclaw: MuzeumNarodowe, 1999. Sparks, Lisa Ann. Resistance: Women in the Polish General Government during World War II. Tyler: Univ. of Texas at Tyler, 1999. Sroczyiiska, Irena. "W trosce 0 rodzine." Nowe Drogi 346 (January 1978): 78-89. About concern for the family. Sroda, Magda. "Kobieta: wychowanie, role, tozsamosc." In Glos majq kobiety: Teksty feministyczne, edited by Slawomira Walczewska, introduced by Anna Titkow, 9-17. Cracow:




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Convivium, 1992. About women's education, roles and identity. Srodka, Andrzej. "Kobiety w nauce sredniowiecz = Women in Medieval Science." In Pod patronatem Hygiei: udzial kobiet w rozwoju nauk przyrodniczych = Under Hygeia' s Patronage: Participation of Women for Development ofNatural Science, edited by Iwona Arabas, 33-6. Warsaw: Instytut Historii Nauki PAN, 2000. Stachniak, Eva. "Why Did We Not Become Feminists? Women in Poland." Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State, and Society 2, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 91-110. Stampfer, Shaul, "Marital Patterns in Interwar Poland." In Jews of Poland between Two World Wars, edited by Yisrael Gutman, Ezra Mendelsohn, Jehuda Reinharz, and Chone Shmeruk. Hanover, NH: Published for Brandeis Univ. Press by Univ. Press of New England, 1989. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Stegmann, Natali. "'Je mehr Bildung, desto polnischer.' Die Nationalisierung polnischer Frauen in der Provinz Posen (1870-1914)." Frauen und Nation. Tubingen: Frauen & Geschichte Baden-Wurtternberg, 1996. About the nationalization of Polish women in the province of Posen, 1870-1914. . "Paradygmaty nauk przyrodniczych, ruch kobiecy i kategoria 'sex': 0 ustaleniu r61 plciowych w polskim ruchu na rzecz rnoralnosci w przededniu pierwszej wojny swiatowej." In Nowa swiadomosc plci w modernizmie: studia spod znaku gender w kulturze polskiej i rosyjskiej u schylku stulecia, edited by German Ritz, Christa Binswanger and Carmen Scheide, 33-49. Cracow: TAiWPN Universitas, 2000. . Die Tochter der geschlagen Helden: "Frauenfrage," Feminismus und Frauenbewegung in Polen 1863-1919. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2000. About the woman question, feminism and the women's movement in Poland, 1863-1919. . "Wielkopolskie wzorce kobiecej aktywnosci spolecznej w zyciu codziennym kobiet na przelomie XIX i XX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited byAnna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 363-9. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About women's everyday social activities in Great Poland at the turn of the century. Stegner, Tadeusz. "Zony pastor6w i ich rola w ksztaltowaniu kultury dnia codziennego spolecznosci protestanckich w Krolestwie Polskim w XIX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 335-45. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About the role of ministers' wives in shaping the culture of everyday life among Protestant communities in the Polish Kingdom in the 19th century. Stein, Edith [Teresa Benedicta of the Cross], 1891-1942. Philosopher, writer. A Jewish convert, she became a Carmelite nun and was killed at Auschwitz in 1942, beatified in 1987 and canonized in 1998.




Stein, Edith. Gesamtausgabe, edited for Internationalen Edith Stein Instituts Wurzburg by Michael Linssen, with Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz. Freiburg: Herder, 2000-. Collected works of Edith Stein. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Contents: A. Biographische Schriften. 2. Selbstbildnis in Briefen I-C. Schriften zu Anthropologie und Padagogik. 13. Die Frau. . Life in a Jewish Family: Her Unfinished Autobiographical Account. The Collected Works of Edith Stein, vol. 1, edited by Lucy Gelber and Romaeus Leuven; translated by Josephine Koeppel, Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications, 1986. Translation of Aus dem Leben einer jildischen Familie. Includes bibliographical references and index. . Self-Portrait in Letters, 1916-1942. The collected works of Edith Stein, vol. 5. Translated by Josephine Koeppel. Washington, DC: ICS Publications, 1993. Includes bibliographical references and index. Originally published in German as Selbstbildnis in Briefen: 1916-1942. Trans. into Spanish by Jesus M. Garcia Rojo, as Autorretrato epistolar (1916-1942). Madrid: Editorial de Espiritualidad, 1996.




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- - - . The Collected Works ofEdith Stein, Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Discalced Carmelite. Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications, 1986-. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Contents: v. 1. Life in a Jewish family; v. 2. Essays on woman; v. 3. On the problem of empathy; v. 4. The hidden life. Clarke, Hugh. Editli Stein. London: Incorporated Catholic Truth Society, 1984. Courtine-Denamy, Sylvie. Three Women in Dark Times, or, Amor Fati, Amor Mundi: Edith Stein, Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil. Translated from the French by G.M.Goshgarian. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 2000. Includes bibliographical references (p. 223-262) and index. Fabregues, Jean de. Edith Stein: Philosopher, Carmelite Nun, Holocaust Martyr. Translated by Donald M. Antoine. Staten Island, NY: Alba House, 1965. Gaboriau, Florent. The Conversion ofEdith Stein. Translated and preface by Ralph McInerny. South Bend, IN.: St. Augustine's Press, 2001. Includes bibliographical references and index. Contents: When Edith Stein converted; The conversion of a Jewess; The conversion of a woman; The conversion of a philosopher; Conversion extended over time; Conversion for all?; Conversion achieved; The canonization of Edith Stein. Graef, Hilda C. The Scholar and the Cross: The Life and Works ofEdith Stein. New York, NY: Longmans, Green, 1955; Westminster, MD: Newman Press, 1955. Herbstrith, Waltraud. Edith Stein: A Biography. 2 nd English ed. Translated by Bernard Bonowitz. San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 1992. - - - . In Search of God, with Teresa ofAvila, John of the Cross, Therese of Lisieux, Edith Stein. Translated by Edward Flood and Gary Brandl. New York: New City Press, 1989. Secretan, Philibert. Edith Stein et la Suisse: chronique d'un asile manque. Preface by Pierre Mamie. [Geneva]: Ad solem, 1998. Five letters by Stein, translated by Philibert Secretan.

Stewart, Debra W, Renata Siemienska, and Norman Sprinthall. "Women and Men in the Project of Reform: A Study of Gender Differences Among Local Officials in Two Provinces in Poland." American Review ofPublic Administration 29, no. 3 (1999): 225-39. Sto Listow do 'Przyjaciolki,' Edited by Regina Jackowska, selected by Barbara Moroz, Krystyna Luniewska, and Ruta Pragier. Warsaw: Krajowa Agnecja Wydawnicza, 1980. A compilation of readers' letters to the weekly Przyjaciolka [The girlfriend], 1976-1977. For an instructive comparison, the editors have included some archival letters from 1948-1957. Straszewicz, Joseph. Les polonais et polonaises de la revolution du 29 novembre 1830: ou, Portraits des personnes qui ont figure dans la derniere guerre de l 'independance polonaise. Paris: A. Pinard, 1832. About the Polish men and women in the November 1831 uprising, "Poland's last war for independence." Strozza, Salvatore, Gerardo Gallo, and Francesca Grillo. "Gender and the Labour Market among Immigrants in Some Italian Areas: The Case of Moroccans, Former Yugoslvians, and Poles." In Women in the Labour Market in Changing Economies: Demographic Issues, edited by Brigida Garcia, Richard Anker and Antonella Pinnelli, 133-65. Oxford; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. Stryjkowski, Julian. Milczenie. Cracow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1993. About gay life. Strykowska, Maria. "Innowacyjnosc kobiet wiejskich." Przeglqd Socjologiczny 49, no. 1 (2000): 89-119. - - - . "Kobiety w zarzadzaniu: Spoleczne i psychologiczne uwarunkowania pelnienia przez kobiety funkcji menedzerskich." In Humanistyka i plec, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Jolanta Miluska, 39-50. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 1995. About the social and psychological conditions of women in managerial positions. - - - . Psychologiczne mechanizmy zawodowego funkcjonowania kobiet. Poznan: Wydawn. Nauk.Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiwicza w Poznaniu, 1992. About the psychological mechanisms of women's professional functioning. - - - . "Women in Management in Poland." Women's Studies International Forum 18, no. 1










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(1995): 9-12. Strzeminksa, Helena. "Budzet czasu robotnic, urzedniczek i ekspedientek." In Kobieta wspolczesna: z badan socjolog6w, lekarzy, ekonomistow, pedagog6w i Psycholog6w, edited by Magadalena Sokolowska, 204-36. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. About the daily schedules of female workers, executives and shop assistants. Suchmiel, Jadwiga. Lucja Charewiczowa, 1897-1943: zycie i dzielo. Czestochowa: Wydawn. Wyzszej Szkoly Pedagogicznej, 2001. Charewiczowa was one of the few women in interwar Poland to be awarded a University professorship, she was also one of the first scholars of the inter-war period to study the history of women in general and the history of Polish women in particular. This volume includes a chapter entitled "Historia kobiet w tworczosci Lucji Charewiczowej" (pp. 71-109), as well as a chronological list of her works and a bibliogrpahy of works about her. Suchodolski, Bogdan. "Kobieta polska: los i powolanie." In Kobiety polskie: praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 11-26. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About women's fate and calling in national history and literary reflections. Symanzik, Bemhard. "Oni czy one? Zur Genus-Sexus-Problematik im Polnischen." In Frau und Mann in Sprache, Literatur und Kultur des slavischen und baltischen Raumes: Beitriige zu einem Symposium in Munster 11/12. Mai 2000, edited by B. Symanzik unter Mithilfe von H. Gemba und W. Tenhagen, 205-16. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2002. Szabat, Barbara. "W szkolach i organizacjach bojowych. Kobiety na Kielecczyznie na przelomie XIX i XX wieku." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tle por6wnawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 219-32. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About women's clandestine schools and combat organizations in the Kielce Region at the turn of the century. Szczesniak, Magorzata. "Obecnosc kobiet w kosmologii: Szkice z historii i wspolecznosci." In Kobiety w poznaniu naukowym wcoraj i dzis, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Danuta Sobczynski, 155-71. Poznan: Wydawn. Naukowe, 1997. About women cosmologists, past and contemporary. Szczucinski, Antoni. "Kobiety w fizyce wsp6lczesnej." In Kobiety w poznaniu naukowym wcoraj i dzis, edited by Elzbieta Pakszys and Danutua Sobczyriski, 115-26. Poznan: Wydawn. Naukowe, 1997. About women in contemporary physics. Szczuka, Kazimiera. Kopciuszek, Frankenstein i inne: [eminizm wobec mitu. Cracow: eFKa, 2001. Szelagowska, Grazyna. "Aspiracje edukacyjne i poziom wyksztalcenia kobiet w Skandynawii na przelomie XIX i XX w." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiacli Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 45-54. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About educational aspirations and levels in women's schooling in Scandinavia at the turn of the 19 th century. Szlezak, Andrzej. "Allocating Resources at Times of Crisis: Divorce and Separation in Poland." In Families, Politics and the Law: Perspectives for East and West Europe, edited by Mavis Maclean and Jacek Kurczewski, 123-39. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. Szrejna, Dawid. "R6wnoumagicznienie czyli 0 miejscu kobiety w RPG i w literaturze fantasy." In Feminizm kobiecy aspekt kultury: Materialy z sesji popularnonaukowej Klubu Mysli Humanistycznej - II Liceum Ogolnoksztalcqcego i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Zabrzu. (12 marca 2001), edited by Adam Regiewicz, 21-7. Zabrze: 11 Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace, 2001. Szwarc, Andrzej. "Aspiracje edukacyjne i zawodowe kobiet ze srodowiskach inteligencji Kr6lestwa Polskiego u schylku XIX w." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiacli Polskicn w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 95-108. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About the educational and professional aspirations of women from the intelligentsia of the Polish Kingdom at the end of the 19th



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century. - - - . "Educational Aspirations of Women in the Kingdom of Poland at the End of the Nineteenth Century." Acta Poloniae Historica 68 (1993): 115-24. Szyszko, Michal. "Kwestia kobieca w polskim ruchu robotniczym." In Kobiety polskie: praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 51-82. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About the woman question in the Polish workers' movement. Tarasiewicz, Malgorzata. "Women in Poland: Choices To Be Made." Feminist Review 39 (Winter 1991): 182-6. Targosz, Karolina. Sawantki w Polsce XVII w.: aspiracje intelektualne kobiet ze srodowisk dworskich. Warsaw: Retro Art, 1997. About female savants and the intellectual aspirations of women at court in 17th century Poland. Tarkowska, Elzbieta. "Intra-Household Gender Inequality: Hidden Dimensions of Poverty Among Polish Women." Communist and Post-Communist Studies 35, no. 4 (2002): 411-32. - - - . "An Underclass Without Ethnicity: The Poverty of Polish Women and Agricultural Laborers." In Poverty, Ethnicity, and Gender in Eastern Europe During the Market Transition, edited by Rebecca Jean Emigh and Ivan Szelenyi, 83-122. Westport, CT & London: Praeger, 2001. Tatur, Melanie. "Warum gibt es keine Frauenbewegung in Polen? Paradigmen von Systemkrise und gesellschaftlicher Bewegung: Geschlechterverhaltnis in Polen." Feministischen Studien 1 (1991): 96-106. About sexual relationships, and why there is no women's movement in Poland. Taylor, Joan Koslosky. "Polish Mothers." Journal of Feminist Family Therapy 2, no. 2 (1990): 47-52. Temple, Bogusia. "Constructing Polishness: Researching Polish Women's Lives. Feminist Auto-Biographical Accounts." Women's Studies International Forum 17, no. 1 (JanlFeb 1994): 47-55. - - - . "Diaspora, diaspora space and Polish women." Women's Studies International Forum 22, no. 1 (1999): 17-24. Theiss, Wieslaw. Radlinska. Warsaw: Zak, 1997. Biography of the Polish educator Helena Radlinska. Thiessen, Edna Schroeder. A Life Displaced: A Mennonite Woman's Flight From War-Torn Poland. Kitchener, Ontario: Pandora Press, 2000. Titarenko, Larissa. "Religion and Politics in Neighboring Belarus and Poland: Gender Dimensions." Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization 9, no. 4 (2001): 603-12. Titkow, Anna. "Frauen in Polen." Berliner Journal fiir Soziologie 2, no. 1 (1992): 49-57. About women in Poland. - - - . "Gender jako zrodlo instrumentarium badawczego." Katedra no. 3 (2001): 5-8. - - - . "Interes grupowy polskich kobiet. Zakres watpliwosci iszanse artykulacji." In Kobiety w Polsce na przelomie wiek6w: Nowy kontrakt plcy? edited by Malgorzata Fuszara, 39-64. Warsaw: Instytut spraw publicznych, 2002. - - - . "Kobiety pod presja? Proces ksztaltowanie sie tozsamosci." In Co to znaczy bye kobietq w Polsce, edited by Anna Titkow and Henryk Domanski, 9-39. Warsaw: Instytut filozofii i socjologii PAN, 1995. About women's pressures in the gender identity process. - - - . "'Let's Pull Down the Bastilles Before They Are Built.'" In Sisterhood Is Global: The International Women's Movement Anthology, edited, compiled, and introduced by Robin Morgan, 560-6. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press, 1984. - - - . "On the Appreciated Role of Women." In Women on the Polish Labor Market, edited by Mike Ingham, Hilary Ingham, and Henryk Domanski, 21-40. Budapest; New York: Central European Univ. Press, 2001.



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- - - . "Poland, New Gender Contract in Formation. Polish Sociological Revie 3, no. 127 (1999): 377-95. - - - . "Polish Women in Politics: An Introduction to the Status of Women in Poland." Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer, 24-32. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1994. - - - . "Political Change in Poland: Cause, Modifier, or Barrier to Gender Equality?" In Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, 253-6. New York and London: Routledge Press, 1993. - - - , ed. Szklany sufit: Bariery i ograniczenia karier kobiet: Monografia zjawiska [The glass ceiling: Barriers and limitations in women's careers]. Warsaw: Instytut spraw publicznych, 2003. Pt. 1: Kobiety na stanowiskach-s-przeglqd literatury (articles by Boguslawa Budrowska. Pt. 2: "Szklany Sufit"-Wyniki badan (articles by Boguslawa Budrowska, Danuta Duch-Krzystoszek, Anna Titkow & Malgorzata Fuszara). Pt. 3: Kulturowe szanse i bariery zawodowych karier kobiet w opinii spolecznej (articles by Boguslawa Budrowska, Danuta Duch-Krzystoszek, Anna Titkow) and Pt. 4: "Szklany sufit"i prawo (articles by Eleonora Zielinska and Anna Titkow). Bibliography: pp. 365-74. - - - , and Henryk Domanski, eds. Co to znaczy bye kobietq w Polsce. Warsaw: Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN, 1995. This collection of essays on what it means to be a woman in Poland contains an afterword in English (translated by Anna Konecka) and an appendix on methodologies. The publication is part of a larger project on the "Gender Identity of Polish Women," supported by the MacArthur Foundation. The editors note, "It is paradoxical that the period of post-communism systemic transformation has seen the emergence of an unmistakable pattern of pressure directed against women .... " But change is emerging: "For instance, marriage, sex, and procreation are beginning to be perceived both by men and women as three relatively separate spheres of life whereas before [they] were regarded as inextricably linked. At the same time, the growing number of active business women is stripping men, in the eyes of the Polish public, of their monopoly on energetic action, resourcefulness, and determination" (302). Tomicka, Jadwiga Petrazycka. Zwiqzek R6wnouprawnienia Kobiet we Lwowie: Przyczynek do historii R6wnouprawnienia Kobiet w Polsce. Cracow: n.p, 1931. About the Society for the Equality of Women in Lvov. Tomkiewicz, Joseph, Robert Frankel, Tope Adeyemi-Bello, and Mariusz Sagan. "A Comparative Analysis of the Attitudes Toward Women Managers in the US and Poland." Cross Cultural Management 11, no. 2 (2004): 48-70. Trojanowska, Maria. "Pamieci zaginionych krzyzy: historia organizacji pomocniczej sluzby kobiet w Polskich silach zbrojnych na terenie Rosji." Zeszyty historyczne 58 (1981): 3-43. About Polish women in World War H. Tryfan, Barbara. Changes in the Situation of Country Women in Poland. N.p.: n.p, 1976. - - - . Dylematy emancipacji. Warsaw: Instytut Wydawniczy Zwiazkow Zawodowych, 1989. About the dilemmas of emancipation. - - - . Kobiety w rolniczycli rejonach swiata. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawn. Nauk, 1979. About women in agricultural regions throughout the world. - - - . Kwestia kobieca na wsi. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawn. Nauk, 1987. About the woman question in villages. - - - . Pozycja spoleczna kobiety wiejskiej; studium badawcze na przykladzie rejonu Plockiego. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1968. A study examining the contemporary position of rural women through the example of one region. - - - . The Role ofRural Women in the Family. N.p.: Polish Academy of Sciences, 1972. - - - . The Social Position of Women and Food Production. N.p.: n.p, 1975.



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. Wspomnienia kobiet wiejskich. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1975. About rural women's reminiscences. Tulski, J6zef. "Postawy wobec pracy mlodych robotnic i mlodych robotnik6w." In Kobieta wspolczesna: z badan socjolog6w, lekarzy, ekonomist6w, pedagog6w i psycholog6w, edited by Magadalena Sokolowska, 259-73. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. About young female and male laborers' attitudes to work. Turzyma, Marya. "Kwestia kobieca." In Glos kobiet w kwestii kobiecej, edited by Marya Turzyma, 1-16. Cracow: Nakladern Stow. Pomocy Naukowej dla Polek im. J. I. Kraszewskiego, 1903. . "Handel kobietami." In Glos kobiet w kwestii kobiecej, edited by Marya Turzyma, 143-62. Cracow: Nakladem Stow. Pomocy Naukowej dla Polek im. J. I. Kraszewskiego, 1903. Tusiriski, Piotr A. "Kobieta w zyciu spolecznym i politycznym miasta przemyslowego. Radom 1918-1939." In Kobieta i swiat polityki w niepodleglej Polsce 1918-1939, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 192-200. Warsaw: DiG, 1994. About women in the social and political life of the industrial town of Radom, 1918-1939. Tymowski, Andrzej. "Dochody i wydatki kobiet samotnych."In Kobieta wspolczesna: z badan socjolog6w, lekarzy, ekonomist6w, pedagog6w i psycholog6w, edited by Magadalena Sokolowska, 237-58. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. About the income and expenditures of single women. Ulinski, Maciej. Kobieta i mezczyzna: dzieje refleksji filozoficzno-spolecmej. Cracow: Aureus, 2001. Uminska, Bozena, Postac z cieniem: portrety Zyd6wek w polskiej literaturze od konca XIX wieku do 1939 roku. Warsaw: Sic!, 2001. Unger, Michal. "The Status and Plight of Women in the Lodz Ghetto." In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 123-42. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. Urton, William L. "Female Occupational Mobility: Higher in the United States than in Hungary or Poland." Sociology and Social Research 71, no. 1 (1986): 37-9. Annotated under the Central and Eastern Europe: General Background chater. Veldtrup, Dieter. Frauen um Herzog Ladislaus (1401): Oppelner Herzoginnen in der dynastischen Politik zwischen Ungarn, Polen und dem Reich. Warendorf: Fahlbusch, 1999. About the marriages of Polish and Hungarian noblewomen in the Holy Roman Empire. Velkoff, Victoria Averil. Women in Poland. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census, Population Division, International Programs Center, 1995. Viatteau, Michel. "Referendum Urged for Poland after Abortion Ruled Unconstitutional." Agence France-Presse, 29 May 1997, International News sec. Vosberg, Fritz. Die polnische Frauenbewegung. Lissa: O. Eulitz, 1912. About the Polish women's movement. Wachowiak, Anna. "Kobieta wiejska w Polsce w latach dziewiecdziesiatych: wybrane aspekty charakterystyki socjologicznej." Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny 11 (1999): 51-63. , ed. Przemiany orientacji zyciowej kobiet zameznych: studium socjologiczne. Poznan: Wydawn. Fundacji Humaniora, 2002. Sociological study about married women in Poland and Ukraine. Contents: Anna Wachowiak, "Kobieta-stosunek do transformacji a zycie codzienne: Czy wzrost opcji?" pp. 17-26; "Jakosc zycia kobiet zaeznych w kontekscie pracy zawodowej i wplywu tej pracy na zycie rodziny: Studium empiryczne," pp. 27-34; "Religijnosc a zycie rodzinne oraz planowanie rodziny," pp. 35-46; Joanna Fratczak, "Przemiany spoleczno-polityczne a udzial kobiet w dzialalnosci slowarzyszeniowej," pp. 4774; Zywia Leszkowicz-Baczynska, "Miedzy domem a praca-s-wewnetrzne i zewnetrzne uwarunkowania zadowolenia z zycia kobiet," pp. 75-122; Barbara Wejnert, "Od socjalizmu do






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demokracji: sytuacja spoleczno-ekonomiczna kobiet na Ukrainie w okresie posocjalistycznej transformacji," pp. 123-42; Anna Wachowiak & Barbara Wejnert, "Zakonczenie," pp. 143-50. Walaszek, Adam. "Masowa konsumpcja i wielki kryzys ekonomiczny: przemiany r61 kobiet w spolecznosciach polonijnych w USA w latach dwudzietsych i trzydziestych XX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 279-92. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About mass consumption and the great economic depression in relation to women's changing roles in Polish communities in the USA in the 1920s and 1930s. . "Matki i dzieci. Zwiazek Polek w Ameryce i druga generacja imigrant6w 18981930." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tle por6wnawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 149-61. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About the Union of Polish Women in America and the second generation of immigrants, 1898-1930. Walczak, Renata. Obra: siebie u kobiet dlugotrwale bezrobotnych. Prace Wydialu Nauk Spolecznych, 64. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000. Walczewska, Slawomira. "Cialo kobiece w dyskursie emancypacyjnym." Wyrazy 1 (1997): 51-8. About the female body in emancipatory discourse. . "Czy kobietom w Polsce potrzebny jest feminizm?" In Co to znaczy bye kobietq w Polsce, edited by Anna Titkow and Henryk Dornanski, 245-56. Warsaw: Instytut filozofii i socjologii PAN, 1995. About whether Polish women need feminism. . Damy, rycerze, feministki: kobiecy dyskurs emancypacyjny w Polsce. Cracow: eFKa, 1999. "The book examines Polish women's discourse from a socio-historical perspective from the beginning of the 19th century to the present. Organized thematically, the work traces the development of categories of feminine identity such as the body, sex and reproduction, patriotism and citizenship, work, education, as well as the relationship between feminine and masculine discourse. It also contains a decent chronological bibliography of Polish writings on women's issues from 1819 to 1996." -Andrea Lanoux. "The focus is on literary texts, from a literary perspective." -Halina Filipowicz. ,ed. Glos majq kobiety: teksty [eministyczne. Introduced by Anna Titkow. Cracow: Convivium, 1992. Essays on women's socio-historical and mythical identities. . "0 potrzebie historii kobiecej." In Glos majq kobiety: Teksty feministyczne, edited by Slawomira Walczewska, introduced by Anna Titkow, 9-17. Cracow: Convivium, 1992. About the need for women's history. Walentynowicz, Anna. "An Open Letter to Polish Women." Voice of Solidarity 126 (MarchApril 1987): 18-9. Waluk, Janina. "0 placzy kobiet w Polsce." In Kobieta wspolczesna: z badan socjolog6w, lekarzy, ekonomist6w, pedagog6w i psycholog6w, edited by Magadalena Sokolowska, 172203. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. About Polish professional women's salaries. . Praca i praca kobiet w Polsce. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1965. About work and women's work in Poland. Walus, Monika. "Cherchez la femme: A la recherche des inspiratrices de congregations feminines sur les territoires polonais." In Theologische Frauenforschung in Mittel-OstEuropas-Theological Women's Studies in Central/Eastern EuropeeRecherche theologique des femmes en Europe orientale et centrale, edited by E. Adamiak, R. J. Anic, and K. Buday, with C. Methuen and A. Berlis, 161-83. Leuven: Peeters Press, 2003. (Yearbook of the European Society oJWomen in Theological Research, 11) Waniek, Danuta. "Zalozenia projektu ustawy 0 r6wnym satusie kobiet i mezczyzn." In Polskie oblicza feminizmu: Materialy z konJerencji "Polskie oblicza feminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka, 115-21. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad. Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000.




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Wapinski, Roman. "Kobiety i zycie publiczne w Polsce niepodleglej. Przemiany pokolenowe." In Kobieta i swiat polityki w niepodleglej Polsce 1918-1939, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 17-32. Warsaw: Wydawn. Sejmowe, 1996. About generational changes in women's role in public life in independent Poland. Watson, Peggy. "Gender Relations, Education and Social Change in Poland." Gender and Education 4, no. 1-2 (1992): 127-47. Wawrzykowska Wierciochowa, Dioniza. Adam i Maryla: dzieje romantycznej milosci Adama Mickiewicza i Maryli Wereszczak6wny. Warsaw: Instytut Wydawniczy Zwiazk6w Zawodowych, 1990. About the romantic relationship between Adam Mickiewicz and Maryla Wereszczak6wna. . By dla wszystkich swiecilo slonce: opowiesci 0 prawdziwym zyciu niezwyklych kobiet. Lublin: Wydawn. Lubelskie, 1989. About the true lives of unusual women. . Kobiety wielkopolskie w dzlalalnosci narodowej, spolecznej i wyzwolenczej: (17881919). Poznan: Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Edwarda Raczynskiego, 1975. About the women of the Great Polan region in the national and social liberation movement. . Nie po kwiatach los je prowadzil: kobiety polskie w ruchu rewolucyjnym. Warsaw: Iskry, 1987. About Polish women's role in the revolutionary movement. . Od przadki do astronautki. Z dziejow kobiety polskiej, jej pracy i osiqgniec. Warsaw: 1963. A history of Polish women's work and achievements from the age of spinners to that of astronauts. . Pani Maria Jankowska-Mendelson. Warsaw: Iskry, 1968. Biography of socialist lankowska-Mendelson (1850-1909). . Plaskowicka: opowiesc biograficzna. Warsaw: Ludowa Sp6ldzielnia Wydawnicza, 1979. Biography of socialist Filipina Plaskowicka (1847-1880). . "Rosyjskie przyjaciolki narodu Polskiego w latach szesccdziesiatych XIX stulecia." Kwartalnik Instytutu Polsko-Radzieckiego 3-4 (1956): 116-56. About Russian friends of the Polish nation in the 1860s. Includes photographs. "Some of Wawrzykowska-Wierciochowa' s texts are frustratingly shallow, with little bibliographic apparatus. But they were all that was available for secondary material for a long time and thus represent an important historiographical starting point."-Keely Stauter Halsted. . Rycerki i samarytanki. Warsaw: Wydawn. Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, 1988. About female knights and samaritans. . Stefania Sempolowska. Warsaw: Iskry, 1981. Sempolowska (1869-1944) was a teacher. . "Udzial kobiet polskich w ruchu robotniczo-rewolucyjnym (w pierwszych kolkach i partii Proletariat)." In Kobiety polskie: praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 51-82. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About Polish women's participation in the workers' revolutionary movement in the Proletariat party. . Z dziejow kobiety wiejskiej: szkice historyczne, 1861-1945. Warsaw: Ludowa Sp6ldzielnia Wydawnicza, 1961. Sketches of rural women's history, 1861-1945. Wdrazanie Platformy Dzialania pr:ez rzad polski w latach 1995-2000: raport alternatywny organizacji pozarzadowych opracowany na 44. Sesje Komisji ONZ ds. Statusu Kobiet, edited byKinga Lohmann, Aleksandra Solik. Warsaw: Stowarzyszenie Kobiet na rzecz R6wnego Statusu Plci-Pekin 1995, 2000. Weinsberg-Tekel, Stephanie. "Alicja Dorabialska: Polish Chemist." In A Devotion to Their Science: Pioneer Women of Radioactivity, edited by Marelene F. Rayner-Canham and Geoffrey Rayner-Canham, 92-6. Philadelphia: Chemical Heritage Foundation; Montreal: McGill-Queen's Univ. Press, 1997. Weissman, Deborah. "Bais Ya'akov: A Women's Educational Movement in the Polish Jewish Community: A Case Study in Tradition and Modernity." M.A. Thesis, New York Univ., 1984. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora.









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Weitzman, Lenore J. "Living on the Aryan Side in Poland: Gender, Passing, and the Nature of Resistance." In Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, 187222. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. Wemer, Marike. "Welches Geschlecht hat die Nation? Antifeminismus und Antipolonismus in deutschen Romanen nach 1918" [What is a nation's gender? Antifeminism and anti-Polishness in German novels after 1918]. In Zwischen Kriegen: Nationen, Nationalismen und Geschlechter-verhdltnisse in Mittel- und Osteuropa 1918-1939, edited by Johann Gehmacher, Elizabeth Harvey and Sophia Kemlein, 227-49. Osnabriick: Fibre, 2004. Wiech, Stanislaw. "Kobiety w zyciu codziennym srodowiska malomiastezkowych rzemieslnikow Kr6lestwa Polskiego na przelomie XIX i XX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 347-62. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About women's everyday life in the provincial artisans' milieux of the Polish Kingdom at the tum of the 19th century. Wieckart, Eva. "Zur Entwicklung der polnischen Frauenbewegung in der ersten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts." Frauenmacht in der Geschichte: Beitriige des Historikerinnentreffens 1985 zur Frauengeschichtsforschung, edited by Jutta Dalhoff, Uschi Frey, Ingrid Scholl and Annette Kuhn, 338-46. Diisseldorf: Schwann, 1986. About the development of the Polish women's movement in first half of the 19th century. Wieruszewski, Roman. "Prawa kobiet w PRL." In Kobiety polskie: Praca zbiorowa, edited by Elzbieta Konecka, 225-35. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1986. About women's rights in socialist Poland. Wierzbicka, Maria, and Barbara Jakubowska. "Autorki i dziela-kobiety w polskiej nauce historicznej w dwudziestoleciu miedzywojennym." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tworcow kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodleglym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 75-88. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About women's writing in the historical sciences in the interwar period. Wiktorow, Aleksandra. "Kobiety w ubezpieczeniu spolecznym w Polsce." Polityka spoleczna 23, no. 8 (1996): 27-9. About women in Poland's National Insurance Program. Wilczynski, Grzegorz. "Amerykanki i Francuzki." In Polskie oblicza feminizmu: Materialy z konferencji "Polskie oblicza feminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca 1999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka, 33-9. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad. Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. Winiarz, Adam. "The Contribution of Women's Organisations to Creating of the Ideal of a Polish Woman." In Gender and Secondary Education in Poland and Sweden in the Twentieth Century, edited by Ryszard Kucha and Ulla Johansson, 45-7. Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univ. Press, 2002. . "The Evolution of the Role Model of a Polish Woman in the 19th and 20 th Centuries." In Gender and Secondary Education in Poland and Sweden in the Twentieth Century, edited by Ryszard Kucha and Ulla Johansson, 17-29. Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univ. Press, 2002. . "The Ideal of a Polish Woman in the Interwar Period." In Gender and Secondary Education in Poland and Sweden in the Twentieth Century, edited by Ryszard Kucha and Ulla Johansson, 31-3. Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univ. Press, 2002. . "Ksztalcenie i wychowanie dziewczat w Ksiestwie Warszawskim i Kr6lestwie Polskim (1807-1905)." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiacli Polskich w XIX I XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 5-27. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About girls' education and upbringing in the Duchy of Warsaw and the Polish Kingdom, 1807-1905. . "Political Changes and the Creation of a New Ideal of a Woman." In Gender and Secondary Education in Poland and Sweden in the Twentieth Century, edited by Ryszard Kucha and Ulla Johansson, 63-7. Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univ. Press, 2002.






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- - - . "The Vision of a Polish Woman in the Programmes of Main Political Parties of the Polish Underground." In Gender and Secondary Education in Poland and Sweden in the Twentieth Century, edited by Ryszard Kucha and Ulla Johansson, 59-61. Lublin: Maria CurieSklodowska Univ. Press, 2002. - - - . "War and Its Atrocities and the Psyche of Women." In Gender and Secondary Education in Poland and Sweden in the Twentieth Century, edited by Ryszard Kucha and Ulla Johansson, 57-8. Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univ. Press, 2002. - - - . "Women Enter New Roles." In Gender and Secondary Education in Poland and Sweden in the Twentieth Century, edited by Ryszard Kucha and Ulla Johansson, 49-56. Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univ. Press, 2002. Winska, Urszula. Wi~zi: losy wiezniarek z Ravensbriick. Gdansk: Wydawn. "Marpress," 1992. About the fate of women prisoners from Ravensbriick Concentration Camp. Wisniewska-Roszkowska, Kinga. "Starzenie sie kobiet a praca." In Kobieta wspoiczesna: z badan socjolog6w, lekarzy, ekonomistow, pedagog6w i Psycholog6w, edited by Magadalena Sokolowska, 109-23. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. About women's aging and work. Witkowska, Helena. "0 prawach politycznych kobiet." In Glos kobiet w kwestii kobiecej, 4272. Cracow: Nakladem Stow. Pomocy Naukowej dla Polek im. J. I. Kraszewskiego, 1903. About women's political rights. Wlodkowa, Zofja. Kobieta w akcji Katolickiej. Poznan: Czcionkami Drukarnia S.A. OstojaPoznan, 1935. "Wniosek 0 odrzucenie w pierwszym czytaniu poselskiego projektu 0 r6wnym statusie kobiet i mezczyzn (glosowanie imienne)." In Polskie oblicza feminizmu: Materialy z konferencji "Polskie oblicza jeminizmu" Uniwersytet Warszawski 8 marca i999 roku, edited by Weronika Chanska i Danuta Ulicka, 194-202. Warsaw: Wydano Naklad. Wydzialu Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. Wodniak, Katarzyna. "Towarzystwo Pomocy Naukowej dla Dziewczat w Toruniu (18701937) ijego rola w emancypacji zawodowej kobiet na Pomorzu." Przeglqd HistoricznoOswiatowy 1-2 (1999): 55-82. Wojskowa sluzba kobiet a restrukturyzacja sit zbrojnych. Warsaw: Rada DS. Kobiet w silach zbrojnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, 2002. Wolsza, Tadeusz. "Organizatorki ruchu oswiatowego na wsi. Kr6lestwo Polskie na przelomie wiek6w." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiack Polskicli w XiX I XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 121-34. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About women-organizers in the educational movement in the countryside of the Kingdom of Poland at the turn of the century. Women's Forum. "Polish Women." Voice ofSolidarity 126 (March-April 1987): 16-8. "Working Conditions for Women in Poland." Voice of Solidarity 126 (March-April 1987): 18-9. The Working Woman in People's Poland. Warsaw: Ministry of Labor, Wages, and Social Affairs, 1975. Wrochno, Krystyna. "Kobiety na kierowniczych stanowiskach 0 sobie." In Kobieta wspolczesna: z badan socjologow, lekarzy, ekonomistow, pedagog6w i psycholog6w, edited by Magadalena Sokolowska, 274-89. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. About the self-image of Polish women managers and directors. - - - . Women in Poland. Warsaw: Interpress, 1969. Wyporska, Wanda. "Early Modem Exclusion: The Branding of the Witch in Demonological Literature 1511-1775." In Studies in Language, Literature, and Cultural Mythology in Poland: investigating "the Other", edited by Elwira M. Grossman, 153-65. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2002. Wyrobisz, Andrzej. "Patterns of the Family and Woman in Old Poland." Acta Poloniae Historica 71 (1995): 69-82.





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Zachara, J6zef. Historia pierwszego na ziemiacn polskicli Gimnazjum Zenski ego im. Emilii Plater w Cracowie." Przemowienie na uroczystosci czterdziestolecia. Cracow: n.p, 1937. A short history of Cracow's first grammar school for girls, named after Emilia Plater: a speech delivered on the fortieth anniversary of the school's founding. Zajicek, Anna M., and Toni M. Calasanti. "The Impact of Socioeconomic Restructuring on Polish Women." In Family, Women and Employment in Central-Eastern Europe, edited by Barbara Lobodzinska, 179-92. Westport, CT.: Greenwood Press, 1995. Zaleska, Zofia. The Welfare of Mothers and Children in Poland. Bombay: M. Frydman for the Indo-Polish Library, 1945. Zamojska, Dorota. "Cezaria Baudouin de Courtenay Ehrenkreutz-Jedrzejewiczowa." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tworcow kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodleglym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 157-72. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About Cezaria Baudouin de Courtenay. . "Inny model feminizmu." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskicli w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Anrzej Szwarc, 55-65. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About the "other" model of feminism. . "Romualda z Bagnickich Baudouin de Courtenay (1857-1935) i jej dzialalnosc spoleczna." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tle porownawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 261-74. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About Romualda de Courtenay's social activity. Zamoyska, Angela Potocka (Grafina). Ideals in Practice: With Some Account of Women's Work in Poland. Tr. from the French by Lady Margaret Domvile; with a preface by Miss Mallock. Gerritsen Collection of Women's History, 3224. London: Art and Book Co, 1903. Zarnowska, Anna. "Aspiracje oswiatowe kobiet w rodzinach robotniczych w Kr6lestwie Polskim na przelornie XIX I XX w." In vol.1 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiacli Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 123-54. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About the educational aspirations of working-class women in the Kingdom of Poland at the turn of the nineteenth century. . "Changes in the Occupation and Social Status of Women in Poland since the Industrial Revolution till 1939." Acta Polonica Historica 71 (1995): 123-31. . "Codziennosc i kultura: w kregu rodziny i wsrod innych." In Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX , edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 17-28. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. About everyday life in the family circle and beyond. . "Education of Working-Class Women in the Polish Kingdom: (The 19th-Century Beginning of the 20 th century)." Acta Poloniae Historica 74 (1996): 137-59. . "Family and Public Life: Barriers and Interpenetration-Women in Poland at the Turn of the Century." Women's History Review 4, no. 4 (1996): 469-86. . "Kobieta w rodzinie robotniczej. Kr6lestwo Polskie u schylku XIX i na poczatku XX wieku." In Kobieta i spoleczenstwo na riemiacli polskicli w XIX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 125-33. Warsaw: DiG, 1995. About women in working-class th families in the Polish Kingdom at the end of the 19 and the beginning of the 20 th centuries. . "Kierunki aktywnosci zawodowej kobiet w Polsce XX w. (do 1939 r.)." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiacli Polskicli w XIX I XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 161-75. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. th th About trends in women's occupations in Poland in the 19 and 20 centuries (up to 1939). . "Prywatna sfera zycia rodzinnego i zewnetrzny swiat zycia publicznego: bariery i przenikanie (przelom XIX i XX wieku)." In Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tle porownawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach XX wieku, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 5-8. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. About the relationship between the private sphere of family life and the external world of public life. , and Andrzej Szwarc, eds. Kobieta i edukacja na ziemacli polskicli w XIX i XX w. 2








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vols. Warsaw: Instytuta Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. These volumes of 37 essays cover the history of women's education in Poland. Both volumes have an English Table of Contents. In vol. 1, the introduction is by the editors. The articles come under 3 headings: "Traditional Patterns and Their Transformation: The European Context"; "Instructional Aspirations and Educational Models: Environmental Variables"; and "New Concepts of Women's Social Roles." Vol. 2 has an English Preface. The articles come under 3 headings: "School Education: Aspirations and Opportunities"; "In the Educational Movement"; and "Career Activity." . Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tw6rc6w kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodleglym panstwie polskim. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. This volume, Women and Culture, contains 17 essays, with a table of contents and summaries in English. The introduction, by Grazyna Szelagowska, is entitled "Women as Mediums and Creators of Culture." The articles come under 6 headings: "Tradition and Women's Literary Work in the 19th and zo" Centuries"; "Women Authors and their Works: Polish 20 th-century Historiography and Philosophy"; "Women's Academic Careers in Interwar Poland"; "Women's Works and Careers in the Arts in the 19th and zo" Centuries"; "Among Creators of Socio-Political Thought in the 19th and zo" Centuries"; "Ideas, Values and Religion". . Kobieta i kultura zycia codziennego: wiek XIX i XX. Warsaw: DiG, 1997. This volume, Women and the Culture ofEveryday Life, contains 28 essays, with a table of contents and summary in English. The articles come under headings: "The Shaping of a Model of Family Life: Traditional and New Models and Rites"; "Tradition and Modernity in the Household"; and "The Norms of Everyday Community Life: Social Contacts and Social Distance." . Kobieta i swiat polityki: Polska na tle por6wnawczym w XIX i w poczqtkach XX wieku. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. This volume, Women and the World ofPolitics, contains 22 essays about women's political involvement in Poland and other countries (Russia, Bohemia, Denmark, and the U.S.), with a table of contents and a summary in English. After 2 introductory pieces, "The Private Sphere of Family Life and the External World of Public Life: Barriers and Penetration,"and "Women's Political Debuts after the Partitions of Poland"), the articles come under 3 headings: "In Armed Conspiracy and Exile,"Between Tradition and Modernity," and "Enthusiasts and Feminists". . Kobieta i swiat polityki w niepodleglej Polsce 1918-1939. Foreword by Andrzej Chojnowski. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 1996. This volume, Women and the World of Politics in Independent Poland, continues Women and the World of Politics; it contains 13 essays on women's political activities during 1918-1939 and an English table of contents. . R6wne prawa i nierowne szanse kobiety w Polsce miedzywojennej. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. This volume contains essays on women's social handicaps despite "equalizing" legislation during the interwar period. Summary in English. . "Social Change, Women, and the Family in the Era of Industrialization: Recent Polish Research." Journal of Family History 22, no. 2 (1997): 191-203. . "Women's Political Participation in Inter-War Poland: Opportunities and Limitations." Women's History Review 13, no. 1 (2004): 57-68. nd Zawacka, Elzbieta. Szkice z dziejow wojskowej sluzby kobiet, 2 ed, rev.. Tonin: Fundacja "Archiwum Pomorskie Armii Krajowej", 2001. Zawadzka, Anna. Dzieje harcerstwa zenskiego w Polsce w latach 1911-1948/49 [The history of girl scouts in Poland from 1911-1948/49]. Warsaw: Harcerskie Biuro Wydawnicze Horyzonty, 2004. ,ed. Kobieta ijej czas wolny. Wroclaw: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 1993. About women's leisure time. Summary in English. Includes bibliographical references. Zembrzuska, Agnieszka. "On the Margin: Women in the Totalitarian State in Post-War





POL979 POL980

POL981 POL982 POL983


POL985 POL986

POL987 POL988


Poland." Focaal: tijdschrift voor antropolgie 33 (1999): 97-106. Zembrzuski, Ludwik. Rola kobiety w dziejach obcej i polskiej wojskowej sluzby zdrowia. Warsaw: SkI. GI. Biblioteka Ofic. Szkoly Sanitarnej, 1927. About women in the foreign and Polish army health services. Zielinska, Eleonora. "Between Ideology, Politics, and Common Sense: The Discourse of Reproductive Rights in Poland." In Reproducing Gender: Politics, Publics, and Everyday Life After Socialism, edited by Susan Gal and Gail Kligman, 23-57. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2000. . "Strengthening Human Rights for Women and Men in Matters Relating to Sexual Behavior and Reproduction." Journal of Women 's History 5, no. 3 (Winter 1994): 91-9. . "Sytuacja kobiet w Polsce w swietle zmian legislacyjnych okresu transformacji." In Kobiety w Polsce na przelomie wiek6w: Nowy kontrakt plcy? edited by Malgorzata Fuszara, 84-102. Warsaw: Instytut spraw publicznych, 2002. , and Jolanta Plakwicz. "Recent Trends in Abortion Legislation in Eastern Europe with Particular Reference to Poland." Criminal Law Forum 47, no. 1 (1993): 47. Zielinska, Teresa. "Noblewomen's Property Rights in the 16th_18 th century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth." Acta Poloniae Historica 81 (2000): 79-89. Ziemska, Maria. "Stosunki miedzyosobowe w rodzinach dwu- i trzy-pokoleniowych."In Kobieta wspolczesna: z badan socjolog6w, lekarzy, ekonomist6w, pedagog6w i psycholog6w, edited by Magadalena Sokolowska, 329-55. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1966. About personal relations in Polish two and three generational families. Ziolkowska, Malgorzata. "Secondary and Vocational Schools for Girls in Poland in 19451989." In Gender and Secondary Education in Poland and Sweden in the Twentieth Century, edited by Ryszard Kucha and Ulla Johansson, 69-87. Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univ. Press, 2002. Zlotorzycka, Maria. 0 kobietach zolnierzacn w powstaniu styczniowym. Warsaw: Panstwowe Zaklady Wydawn. Szkolnych, 1972. Zuk, Piotr. Spoleczenstwo w dzialaniu: ekolodzy, feminisci, sklotersi: socjologiczna analiza nowych ruch6w spolecznych, Warsaw: Wydawn. Naukowe SCHOLAR, 2001. Feminism and other social movements in Poland Zyblikiewicz, Lidia A. Kobieta w Krakowie w 1880 r. w swietle ankiet powszechnego spisu ludnosci: studium demograficzne. Cracow: Historia Iagellonica, 1999. Zylicz, Barbara, ed. Wplyw procesu prywatyzacji na polozenie kobiet: Kobiety polskie w gospodrce okresu transformacji. Raport i badan. Edited from materials prepared by Ewa Lisowska et al. Warsaw: Fundacja Centrum Praw Kobiet, 2000. About the influences of privatization on Polish women. Entire text is also available at http://free.ngo.plltemida/spist.htm Zylinska, Agata. "Genderowe okulary, czyli letnia szkola feminizmu." Pogranicza 5 (1999): 109-10.

Literature and the Arts POL990

Aaron, Frieda. Bearing the Unbearable: Yiddish and Polish Poetry in the Ghettos and Concentration Camps. Albany: State Univ. of New York. Press, 1990. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora.

Abakanowicz, Magdalena, 1930-. Important contemporary sculptor. While she was a student at the fine arts academies in Gdansk and Warsaw (1949-54), the focus of her artistic expression was painting, though she eventually turned to sculpture. POL991

Abakanowicz, Magdalena. War Games. With an essay by Michael Brenson, preface by Alanna



POL992 POL993 POL994 POL995 POL996

POL997 POL998 POL999 POL1000



POL1004 POL1005

Heiss, introductory texts by Magdalena Abakanowicz. New York: Institute for Contemporary Art, P.S. 1 Museum, 1993. Magdalena Abakanowicz: Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. New York: Abbeville Press, 1982. Magdalena Abakanowicz: Recent Work, October 20-November 25, 1989, Marlborough Gallery, Inc. NY: The Gallery, 1989. MagdalenaAbakanowicz: Skulpturen 1967-1989: Juni bis 20. August 1989, Stadtische Galerie im Stddelschen Kunstinstitut Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt: Die Galerie, 1989. Milofsky, Leslie. "Magdalena Abakanowicz: An Art Essay." Feminist Studies 13, no. 2 (Summer 1987): 363-78. Rose, Barbara. Magdalena Abakanowicz: New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1994. A coffee-table book with splendid photographs on Abakanowicz's life and works. Agnon, Shmuel Yosef. The Bridal Canopy. Translated by I. M. Lask. New York: Schocken Books, [1967]. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Araszkiewicz, Agata. Wypowiadam wam moje zycie: Melancholia Zuzanny Ginczanki. Warsaw: Fundacja OSKa, 2001. Arlt, Judith. "C6rki Karnowskiego." In Krytyka feministycma: siostra teorii i historii literatury, edited by Grazyna Borkowska i Liliana Sikorska, 300-8. Warsaw: IBL, 2000. . "Kobiety w tworczosci Tadeusza Konwickiego." In Kobiety w literaturze: materialy z II Miedzyuczeinianej Sesji Studentow i Naukowcow z cyklu 'Swiat jeden, ale nie jednolity ': Bydgoszcz; 3-5 listopada 1998 roku, edited by Lidia Wisniewska, 163-74. Bydgoszcz: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1999. An "images of women" discussion of female characters in Tadeusz Konwicki' s works. Astafeva, Natal'ia, comp. Pol'skie poetessy: Antologiia = Poetki polskie: Antologia. Compiled and translated by Natal'ia G. Astafeva. SPb: Aleteiia, 2002. Translations into Russian of selections from the poetry of 28 Polish women poets. Each entry contains a biography and general assessment of the poet's works, as well as a multitude of portraits of each poet at various stages of her life. In additon to those poets cited individually in this bibliography, Astafeva's compilation includes selections from the works of Urszula Malgorzata Benka (1955-), Marianna Bocian (1942-2003), Maria J6zefacka (1942-), Marzanna Bogumila Kielar (1963-), Urszula Koziol (1931-), Agnieszka Kuciak (1970-), Boguslawa Latawiec (1939-), Anna Piwkowska (1963-), Marta Podg6rnik (1979-), Ewa Sonnenberg (1967-), and Jolanta Stefko (1971-). Babel, Irena. Maria Duleba. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1957. About the theater actress Maria Duleba. Baluch, Wojciech, Malgorzata Sugiera and Joanna Zajac. Dyskurs, postac i plec w dramacie. Cracow: Ksiegarnia Akademicka, 2002. Includes a lengthy section on sex in drama (pp. 327490) which discusses various aspects of women, sexual orientation and feminism, among other topics. Baniewicz, Elzbieta. Anna Dymna: ona to ja. Warsaw: Wydawn. Tw6j Styl, 1997. About one of Poland's most prominent contemporary actresses in film, theater and television. Baranowska, Agnieszka. Perly i potwory: szkice 0 literaturze miedzywojennej. [Warsaw:] Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1986. About 20 th-century literature and women authors.

Baranowska, Matgorzata, 1945-. See Literatura polska XX wieku: Przewodnik encyklopedyczny, vol. 1. Warsaw: PWN, 2000. POLI006 POLI007 POL1008

Baranowska, Malgorzata, Ksiega ballad. Warsaw: Mlodziezowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1988. . Miasto. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1975. . Pamietnik mistyczny. Gdansk: "Slowo/Obraz Terytoria", 1998.



POL1009 - - - . "Pod czarna gwiazda," Tworczosc 10 (1985): 71-80. POL1010 - - - . Powr6t. Cracow: Wydaw. Literackie, 2002. POL1011 - - - . Prywatna historia poezji. Warsaw: "Sic!", 1999. POL1012 - - - . Surrealna wyobraznia i poezja. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1984. POL1013 - - - . Warsaw miesiqce, lata, wieki. Wroclaw: Wydawn. Dolnoslakie, 1996. POL1014

POL1015 POL1016

Barkowska, Grazyna. "The Feminization of Culture: Polish Women's Literature, 1900-45." In A History of Central European Women's Writing, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 150-64. New York: Palgrave, in association with School of Slavonic and East European Studies, Univ. College, London, 2001. Bassnett, Susan, and Piotr Kuhiwczak, eds. and trans. Ariadne's Thread: Polish Women Poets. London; Boston: Forest Books; Unesco, 1988. Bator, Joanna. "Milosc i melancholia: Saturniczny wymiar istnienia meskosci i kobiecosi." In Gender w humanistyce, edited by Malgorzata Radkiewicz, 237-44. Cracow: Rabid, 2001. Benistawska, Konstancja Ryk, 1747-1806. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; The History of Polish Literature by Czeslaw Milosz. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1983.


POL 1018

Benislawska, Konstancja Ryk. Piesni sobie spiewane. Lublin: Tow. Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubielskiego, 1958. Reprint edition: Warsaw: Instytut Badan Literackich PAN: Stowarzyszenie "Pro Cultura Litteraria", 2000. Obremski, Krzysztof. "Modlitewne iniesienie i stanowe realia: Piesni sobie spiewane Konstancji Benislawskiej." In Pisarki polskie epok dawnych, edited by Krystyna Stasiewicz, 163-71. Olsztyn: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna. 1998. About Benislawska's songs. Benka, Urszula Matgorzata, 1955-. See The Columbia Guide to the Literatures ofEastern Europe Since 1945, edited by Harold B. Segel, New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2003.


Benka, Urszula. Poems. In Young Poets ofa New Poland. An Anthology, translated by Donald Pirie, edited by Krystyna Lars, 89-104. London: Lincoln Centre, MA: Forest Books; Unesco, 1993.


Bernard, Andrea. "Experiencing Problems: the Relationship between Women's Studies and Feminist Film Theory." Women's Studies International Forum 18, no. 1 (January-February): 61-6. Boguszewska, Helena, 1883-1978. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991, and The History of Polish Literature by Czeslaw Milosz. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1983.

POL1021 POL1022 POL1023 POL1024 POL1025 POL1026 POL1027 POL1028 POL1029 POL1030

Boguszewska, Helena. Anielcia i zycie. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1977. - - - . Cale zycie Sabiny. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1967. - - - . Czarna kura powiesc. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1952. - - - . Czekamy na zycie. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1961. - - - . Czerwone w~ie. Warsaw: Nasza Ksiegarnia, 1954. - - - . Las. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, 1955. - - - . Nigdy nie zapomne. Warsaw: Wiedza, 1946. - - - . Polonez: Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1955. - - - . Pozbierane dtieci. Warsaw: Iskry, 1955. - - - . Warszawa naszej mlodosci. Warsaw: Iskry, 1955.


Poland POL1031 POL1032 POL1033 POL1034

- - - . Za zielonym walem. Warsaw: Nasza Ksiegarnia, 1979. - - - . Zelazna kurtyna: powiesc radiowa. Poznan: Wielkopolska Ksiegarnia Wydawnicza, 1949. Dabrowski, Mieczyslaw. "Boguszewska - jej zycie." Literatura 1, (24 Feb 1972): 1,9. Kraskowska, Ewa. "Swiat wedlug Boguszewskiej i po kobiecemu." In her Piorem niewiescim: Z problemow prozy kobiecej dwudziestolecia miedzywojennego,75-100. Seria Filologia Polska, 60. Poznan: Wydawn. Nauk. DAM, 1999.

Bojarska, Anna [Hazel, Anna; Alaska; and Nemo, Juliusz, pseud.], 1946-. See Literatura polska XX wieku: Przewodnik encyklopedyczny, vol. 1. Warsaw: PWN, 2000. POL1035 POL1036 POL1037 POL1038 POL1039 POL1040

POL1041 POL1042

Bojarska, Anna. Agitka. Warsaw: Wydawn. "Alfa," 1990. - - - . la. Cracow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1984. - - - . Lakier. Cracow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1979. - - - . Madonna pekaesow, czyli, wyznania czytelnika-samicy, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1988. - - - . Modrzejewska: opowiesc filmowa. Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Radia i Telewizji, 1990. - - - . "From Communism to Khomeinism: Interview by Halina Filipowicz". Women's Review of Books 7, no. 10- 11 (July 1990): 4-6. Bojarska traces Poland's change from Red to Black (Church) domination. - - - . "No Sacred Cows: Interview by Halina Filipowicz." Women's Review of Books 7, no. 10- 11 (July 1990): 4-6. Filipowicz, Halina. "Textualizing Trauma: From Valesa to Kosciuszko in Polish Theatre of the 1980s." Theatre lournal48, no. 4 (1996): 443-60. Includes discussion of Bojarska's A Polish Lesson. Bolecka, Anna, 1951-. See Women Writers from Poland: http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/POLAND.html

POL1043 POLI044 POLI045 POL1046

Bolecka, Anna. Bialy kamien. Warsaw: Szpak, 1994, 1998. . Kochany Franz: powiesc. Warsaw: Wydawn. Szpak, 1999. . Lee do nieba. Warsaw: Iskry, 1989. . Lee do nieba. Warsaw: Szpak, 1998.


Borkowska, Grazyna. Cudzoziemki: Studia 0 polskiej prozie kobiecej. Warsaw: Instytut Badan Literackich, 1996. Translated into English by Ursula Phillips under the title Alienated Women: A Study on [sic] Polish Women's Fiction, 1845-1918 (Budapest: CEU, 2001). . "Kobieta i mezczyzna w dyskursie feministycznym." In Kobiety w literaturze: materialy z II Miedzyuczelnianej Sesji Studentow i Naukowcow z cyklu 'Swiatjeden, ale nie jednolity': Bydgoszcz, 3-5 listopada 1998 roku, edited by Lidia Wisniewska, 29-37. Bydgoszcz: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1999. About women and men in feminist discourse. . "Literatura i 'geniusz kobiety': wiek XIX, wiek XX. In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tworcow kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodleglym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 29-43. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About literature and 'feminine genius' in the 19th and zo" centuries. . "Metafora drozdzy. Co to jest literature/poezja kobieca." In Cialo i tekst: feminizm w literaturoznawstwie: antologia szkicow, edited by Anna Nasilowska, 65-76. Warsaw: Instytut Badan Literackich, 2001. , and Liliana Sikorska, eds. Krytyka Jeministyczna: siostra teorii i historii literatury. Warsaw: nu, 2000.




POL 1051



Borun-Jagodzinska, Katarzyna, 1956-. See The Columbia Guide to the Literatures of Eastern Europe Since 1945, edited by Harold B. Segel, New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2003. POL1052


Borun-Jagodzinska, Katarzyna. Poems. In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by Waiter M. Cummins, 206, 309-10. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. . Poems. In Young Poets ofa New Poland. An Anthology, translated by Donald Pirie, edited by Krystyna Lars, 111-18. London: Lincoln Centre, MA: Forest Books; Unesco, 1993.

Boznanska, Olga, 1865-1940. Painter. POLI054 POLI055

POL1056 POLI057

Olga Boznanska. Edited by Helena Blum6wna. Warsaw: Prasa-Ksiazka-Ruch, 1974. Olga Boznanska (1865-1940): peintures. Paris: Societe historique et litteraire polonaise, 1990. Catalog of Olga Boznanska's paintings at the "Mu see Adam Mickiewicz a la Bibliotheque polonaise" exhibit, september 12-december 3, 1990. Blum6wna, Helena. Olga Boznanska: zarys zycia i tworczosci. Cracow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1964. Includes bibliography and index. Poprzecka, Maria. "Boznanska i inne." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tworcow kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodlegiym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 175-87. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About Boznanska and other women.

Brach-Czaina, Jolanta, See Women Writers from Poland: http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/POLAND.html POL1058


Brach-Czaina, Jolanta. "Kariatydy i kuIturyci." In Od kobiety do mezczyzny i zpowrotem: rozwazania 0 plci w kulturze, edited by Jolanta Brach-Czaina, 247-61. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 1997. About gender conflicts in Polish prose narratives. . "Teatr jako sluzba." Przeglqd Polski January 1989: 10-4. About the theater actress Jadwiga Domanska. Bratkowska, Katarzyna. "Kobiety na skraju czasu i mitu." In Krytykafeministyczna: siostra teorii i historii literatury, edited by Grazyna Borkowska i Liliana Sikorska, 264-78. Warsaw: IBL, 2000.

Broda, Marzena, 1966-. Poet. See The Columbia Guide to the Literatures ofEastern Europe Since 1945, edited by Harold B. Segel, New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2003 POL1061 POL1062 POL1063 POL 1064

Broda, Marzena. Cudzoziemszczyzna. Poznan: Wydawn. a5, 1995. - - - . Poems. In Young Poets of a New Poland. An Anthology. Translated by Donald Pirie, edited by Krystyna Lars, 207-8. London; Lincoln Centre, MA: Forest Books, 1993. - - - . Swiatlo przestrzeni. Cracow: Oficyna Literacka, 1990. Brodska, Alina. "Kobieta piszaca-Warszawa, lata 70-80 XIX wieku." In Kobiety w literaturze: materialy z Il Miedzyuczelnianej Sesji Studentow i Naukowcow z cyklu 'Swiat jeden, ale nie jednolity': Bydgoszcz; 3-5 listopada 1998 roku, edited by Lidia Wisniewska, 557. Bydgoszcz: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1999. About writing women in Warsaw in the 1870s and 1880s.

Brzostowska, Janina, 1907-1986. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.




Brzostowska, Janina. Czas nienazwany. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1964. - - - . Eros. Warsaw: Ludowa Sp6dzielnia Wydawnicza, 1977. - - - . Lubuskie dziewanny, Warsaw: Ludowa Sp6dzielnia Wydawnicza, 1987. - - - . Szczescia szukamy. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1974.


Budrowska, Kamila. "Idealizacja kobiecego ciala w 'Terminalu' Marka Bienczyka." In Kobiety w literaturze: materialy z II Miedzyucrelnianej Sesji Studentow i Naukowcow z cyklu 'Swiat jeden, ale nie jednolity': Bydgoszcz, 3-5 listopada 1998 roku, edited by Lidia Wisniewska, 175-89. Bydgoszcz: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1999. About the idealization of the female body in Mark Bienczyk's Terminal. Bujnicka, Maria. "Kobieta przed lustrem: Pr6ba interpretacji motywu literackiego." In Gender w humanistyce, edited by Malgorzata Radkiewicz, 155-67. Cracow: Rabid, 2001. - - - . "Lot-ucieczka ku wolnosci-w polskiej wsp6lczesnej literaturze kobiecej." In Erfolge und Niederlagen der Frauenfiguren in der deutschen und polnischen Literatur, edited by Grazyna Barbara Szewczyk, 120-37. Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 2000. Caldwell, Patrice. "Earth Mothers or Male Memories: Wilhelm, Lem, and Future Women." In Women Worldwalkers: New Dimensions of Science Fiction and Fantasy, edited by Jane B. Weedman. Lubbock: Texas Tech Press, 1985. This volume contains proceedings of papers presented at the 16th Annual Comparative Literature Symposium at Texas Tech Univ., held Jan. 26-28, 1983. Sponsored by Texas Tech Univ.'s Interdepartmental Committee on Comparative Literature. Includes bibliographies.



Chmielewska, Joanna, 1932-. See Women Writers from Poland: http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/POLAND.html. POLI073


Chmielowski, Piotr. Autorki polskie wieku XIX, studyum literacko-obyczajowe. Warsaw: Wydawn. Sp6lki Nakladowej Warszawskiej, 1885. A socio-literary study of 19th century women writers Maria Wirtemberska, Klementyna Hoffmanowa, Elzbieta Jaraczewska, Narcyza Zmichowska, Julia Wojkowska, Eleonora Zierniecka, and Ewa Felinska. . Kobiety Mickiewicza, Slowackiego i Krasinskiego. Cracow: L. Zwolinski, 1895. About the female characters in the works of Mickiewicz, Slowacki, and Krasinski. Ciesielska, Jolanta, and Agata Smalcerz. Sztuka kobiet. Bielsko-Biala: Galeria Bielska BWA, 2000. Published to accompany an exhibition at Galeria Bielska BWA, Jan. 20-Mar. 8,2001. Cwikiel, Agnieszka. "Cialo-tozsamosc-gender-cyberpunk." In Gender w humanistyce, edited by Malgorzata Radkiewicz, 115-23. Cracow: Rabid, 2001. Czajkowska, Irena. "Kobiety a tworczosc artystyczna." Wyrazy 1 (1997): 39-42. About women and artistic creativity.

Czekanowicz, Anna, 1952-. Poet. See The Columbia Guide to the Literatures ofEastern Europe Since 1945, edited by Harold B. Segel, New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2003. POLI078

Czekanowicz, Anna. Poems. In Young Poets ofa New Poland. An Anthology, translated by Donald Pirie, edited by Krystyna Lars, 43-58. London: Lincoln Centre, MA: Forest Books; Unesco, 1993.

POL 1079

Czepulis-Rastenis, Ryszard. "Pierwsze pokolenie literatek polskich." In vol. 2 of Kobieta i edukacja na ziemiach Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 305-21. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. About the first generation of Polish women writers.





Czerminska, Malgorzata. "Women Writers in Polish Literature, 1945-95: From 'Equal Rights for Women' to Feminist Self-Awareness." In A History of Central European Women's Writing, edited by Celia Hawkesworth, 220-39. New York: Palgrave, in association with School of Slavonic and East European Studies, Univ. College, London, 2001. Czyszkowska-Peschler, Malgorzata, "She is a Nobody-Without a Name: The Professional Situation of Polish Women-of-Letters in the Second Half of the 19th Century." In Women in Polish Society, edited by Bianka Pietrow-Ennker and Rudolf Jaworski, 113-42. Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 1992.

Dabrowska, Maria, 1889-1965. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; The History ofPolish Literature by Czeslaw Milosz. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1983; Dictionary of Polish Literature, edited by E. J. Czerwinski. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994, and Dictionary ofLiterary Biography, v. 215. Detroit: Gale Group, 1999. POLI082 POLI083





Dabrowska, Maria. "Miss Vincent." In Russian and Polish Women's Fiction, edited and introduced by Helena Goscilo, 282-302, 278-81. Knoxville: Univ. of Tennessee Press, 1985. - - - . Excerpt from Ludzie stamtqd: "Noc ponad swiatern." In An Anthology ofPolish Literature, edited with English commentary by Manfred Kridl. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1957. - - - . A Village Wedding, and Other Stories. Warsaw: Polonia Pub. House, 1957. Contents: A Pilgrimage to Warsaw. The Winter Coat. The Child. A Morning at the Zoo. Night Encounter. Madame Sophie. A Change Came O'er the Scenes of My Dream. The Third Autumn. A Village Wedding. Bolibok, Barbara. "The Plural Self: The Aesthetics of Identity in Maria Dabrowska's Dzienniki and Evgeniia Ginzburg's Krutoi Marshrut. Ph.D diss. Cornell Univ., 1996. Dickson, Jean. "Maria Dabrowska and the Politics of Translation." Polish Review 38, no. 3 (1993): 299-310. Folejewski, Zbigniew. Maria Dabrowska. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1967. - - - . "Maria Dabrowska's Place in European Literature." Books Abroad 38 (1964): 11-13. Korzeniewska, Ewa. Maria Dqbrowska [1889-1965J: poradnik bibliograficmy. Warsawa: Biblioteka Narodowa, 1969. A 117-item bibliography with extensive annotations, including a chronology of her works, correspondence and translations, followed by a bibliography of articles and books about her life and individual works. Kuncewicz, Maria. "A Great Provincial.".Polish Review 10, no. 4 (1966): 3-7. Staniukovich, Iadviga Vladislavovna. Realizm Marii Dombrovskoi. Moscow: Nauka, 1974. Realism in Dabrowska's works. Dixon, Megan L. "Maria Beyond Marriage in Zygmunt Krasinskis Nie-Boska komedia:" Slavic and East European Journal As, no. 3 (Fall 1997): 442-57. Halina Filipowicz describes the article as "a path-breaking study of a touchstone text of Polish literature."

Domanska, Jadwiga, 1907-1996. Stage actress. POLI093

Brodziewicz, Kazimierz. "Teatr bohaterski." Dziennik Polski Dec 12, 1949: 4-5. About Jadwiga Dornanska.


Dunin, Kinga. Tao gospodyni domowej. Warsaw: Wydawn. Naukowe i Literackie, 1996. A series of essays that considers American feminism's relevance for Polish women, discussing such writers as Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Naomi Wolf, Adrienne Rich.



Druzbacka, Elzbieta, 1695-1765. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; The History ofPolish Literature by Czeslaw Milosz. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1983; Women Writers from Poland: http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/POLAND.html POL1095 POL1096

POL1097 POL1098 POL1099



Peretz, Maya. "In Search of the First Polish Woman Author." Polish Review 38, no. 4 (1993): 469-86. About Anna Stanislawska and Elzbieta Druzbacka. Stasiewicz, Krystyna. "Wieloglosowosc tw6rcza Elzbiety Druzbackiej." In Pisarki polskie epok dawnych, edited by Krystyna Stasiewicz, 113-27. Olsztyn: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1998. About Druzbacka's creativity. Dziechcinska, Hanna. Kobieta w zyciu i literaturze XVI i XVII wieku: zagadnienia wybrane. Warsaw: Instytut Badan Literackich PAN, 2001. - - - . "Przeciw 'literaturze kobiecej'." Teksty drugie no. 4-6 (1993): 245-58. Elzanowska, Malgorzata. "Modlitewnik Gertrudy Mieszk6wny." In Pisarki polskie epok dawnych, edited by Krystyna Stasiewicz, 47-55. Olsztyn: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna. 1998. About the prayer-book of Gertrude Mieszk6wna (1025-1108). She was the daughter of the Polish king Mieszko 11 (990-1034.) Falkowska, Janina. "A Case of Mixed Identities: The Representation of Women in PostSocialist Polish Films." Women in Central and Eastern Europe. Canadian Women's Studies/Les Cahiers de lafemme 16, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 35-7. Ferens, Dominika. "Biale turystki na Dalekim Wschodzie: plec i rasa w dziewietnastowiecznej etnografii." In Gender w humanistyce, edited by Malgorzata Radkiewicz, 289-98. Cracow: Rabid, 2001.

Filipiak, Izabela, 1961-. See Women Writers from Poland: http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generateIPOLAND.html POL1102 POL1103 POL1104 POL1105





Filipiak, Izabela. Absolutna amnezja. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1995, 1998. - - - . Niebieska menazeria. Warsaw: Sic!, 1997. - - - . Smierc i spirala. Wroclaw: Wydaw. A, 1992. - - - "W.+M.=M.W." In Nowa swiadomosc plci w modernizmie: studia spod znaku gender w kulturze polskiej i rosyjskiej u schylku stulecia, edited by German Ritz, Christa Binswanger, Carmen Scheide, 111-40. Cracow: TAIWPN Universitas, 2000. Cyranowicz, Maria. "Z kim Izabela Filipiak dzieli wlasny pok6j? (Refleksy i refleksje na wsp6lnym marginesie.)" In Kobiety w literatur:e: materialy z II Miedzyuczelnianej Sesji Studentow i Naukowcow z cyklu 'Swiat jeden, ale nie jednolity': Bydgoszcz; 3-5listopada 1998 roku, edited by Lidia Wisniewska, 59-65. Bydgoszcz: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1999. Gornicka-Boratyriska, Aneta. "Odwrotna strona rzeczy, czyli dlaczego Izabela Filpiakjest pisarka ferninistyczna," In Od kobiety do mezczyzny i z powrotem: rozwazania 0 plci w kulturze, edited by Jolanta Brach-Czaina, 330-52. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 1997. About Izabela Filipiak as a feminist writer. Filipowicz, Halina. "Beginning to Theorize 'Polish Emigre Literature. '" In Between Lvov, New York, and Ulysses' Ithaca: Josef Wittlin-Poet, Essayist, Novelist, edited by Anna Frajich, 225-42. Torun: Nicholas Copernicus Univ.; New York: Columbia Univ., 2001. A polemical response to male-centered theorizing about Polish literature of the diaspora. A discussion of Marian Pankowski's gay novel Rudolf(English Translation: Northwestern Univ. Press, 1996) and of the controversies surrounding Manuela Gretkowska's work. - - - . "Demythologizing Polish Theatre." The Drama Review 39, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 122-






8. The article discusses the current theatre scene in the context of the abortion controversy in Poland. . "Home as Desire: The Popular Pleasures of Gender in Polish Emigre Drama." In Framing the Polish Home: Postwar Cultural Constructions of Hearth, Nation, and Self, edited by Bozena Shallcross, 277-300. Athens: Ohio Univ. Press, 2002. . "Przeciw 'literaturze kobiecej'." In Cialo i tekst: feminizm w literaturoznawstwie: antologia szkicow, edited by Anna Nasilowska, 222-34. Warsaw: Instytut Badan Literackich, 2001. . "The Puzzle of Tadeusz Rozewicz's White Marriage." In Drama and Philosophy Themes in Drama 12, edited by James Redmond, 211-23. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990. A discussion of the debate over whether Rozewiczs drama has earned its reputation as "an unequivocally feminist play, which questions the gender-based habits and assumptions imposed by a rigidly patriarchal culture."

Fink, Ida, 1921-. See Women Writers from Poland: http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/womenl_generateIPOLAND.html. Fink lives in Israel and writes in her native Polish. See Jewish section for annotations of her works POL1113 POLl114 POLl115 POL1116 POL1117 POL1118 POL1119


Fink, Ida. The Journey. Translated by Francine Prose and Johanna Wechsler. London: Penguin, 1994. - - - . Podroz, London: Aneks, 1990. - - - . A Scrap of Time and Other Stories. Translated by Madeline G. Levine with Francine Prose. New York: Pantheon, 1987. - - - . Skrawek czasu. London: Aneks, 1987. - - - . Slady. Warsaw: Wydawn. WAB, 1996. - - - . Traces: Stories. Translated by Philip Boehm and Francine Prose. New York: Metropolitan Books, 1997. - - - . "A Scrap of Time" and "The Table." In Different Voices: Women and the Holocaust, edited by Carol Rittner and John K. Roth. New York: Paragon House, 1993. Forum Polek. London: Forum Publication Group, 1988. A women's anthology in Polish and English.

FrajIich, Anna, 1942-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. POLl121 POL1122 POLl123 POLl124 POL1125

POL1126 POL1127

Frajlich, Anna. Between Dawn and the Wind. Translated and edited by Regina GrolProkopczyk. Austin: Host Publications, 1991. In Polish and English. - - - . Kt6ry las. London: Oficyna Poetow i Malarzy, 1986. - - - . Poems: "Telephone" and "Eve." Translated by Regina Grol-Prokopczyk. Terra poetica 1, no. 2-3 (1981): 28-9. - - - . Tylko ziemia. London: Oficyna Poet6w i Malarzy, 1979. Wegrzyniakowa, Anna. "Zycie w podrozy: 0 liryce Anny FrajIich." In "Ktokolwiek jestes be: ojczyzny... ": Topika polskiej wsp6lczesnej poezji emigracyjnej, edited by Wojciech Ligeza and Wojciech Wyskiel, 299-312. Lodz: Wydawnictwo biblioteka., 1995. Franke, Jerzy. Polska prasa kobieca w latach 1820-1918: W kregu ofiary i poswiecenia. Warsaw: Wydawn. SBP, 1999. About Polish women's magazines 1820-1918. Frankiewicz, Malgorzata. "Kobietajako zrodlo grzechu (mezczyzny portret wlasny)." In Glos majq kobiety: Teksty feministyczne, edited by Slawomira Walczewska, introduced by Anna Titkow, 18-23. Cracow: Convivium, 1992. About male portrayals of women as the origin of





Gasiorowska, Xenia. "Portrait of a Lady in Polish Positivist Fiction." Slavic and East European Joumal20 (1976): 261-72.

Ginczanka, Zuzanna, pseud. [Ginsburg, Sara, Weinzieher, Sara] 1917-1944. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Women Writers from Poland: http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/POLAND.html. Ginsburg was arrested by the Nazis, tortured and executed shortly before World War II because her Polish landlady had denounced her to the police. POL1129

POL1130 POLl131


Ginczanka, Zuzanna. Poems. In Pol'skie poetessy: Antologiia [Polish Poetesses: An Anthology}, compiled by Natal'ia Astaf'eva. SPb: Aleteiia, 2002. Poems translated into Russian; includes biography of the poet, portraits. - - - . Zuzanna Ginczanka. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1980. Poems. A miniature book. Kiec, Izolda. Ginczanka: tycie i tworczosc. Poznan: Observator, 1994. About the writer's life and work. Gladsky, Thomas S. and Rita Gladsky, eds. Something ofMy Very Own To Say: American Women Writers ofPolish Descent. [Boulder, CO:] East European Monographs, 1997.

Glinka, Beata Iwona, 1971-. Contemporary Polish flutist. See Dimitri Sykias's biographical sketch at http://users/otenet.gr/%7Edsyk/glinka/Glinka.html POLl133

Glowa, Jadwiga. "Kobiety, kt6re walcza-obrazy kobiet we wsp6lczesnych filmach dokumentalnych." In Gender w humanistyce, edited by Malgorzata Radkiewicz, 81-92. Cracow: Rabid, 2001.

Goerke, Natasza, 1960-. See Women Writers from Poland: http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/POLAND.html POLl134 POLl135 POL1136 POLl137 POL1138

Goerke, Natasza. Fractale: [sklepy przescieradlowe]. Poznan: Obserwator, 1994. - - - . Ksiega pasztet6w. Poznan: Obserwator, 1997. - - - . Pozegnanie plazmy. Czame: Wydawn. Czame, 1999. - - - . Sibirische Palme: Erzdhlungen. Translated by Henryk Bereska. Hamburg: Rospo, 1997. Klemm, Wojtek. "Czy Natasza Goerke jest kobieta?" In Wiek Kobiet w Literaturze, edited by Jadwiga Zacharska and Mark Kochanowski, 279-95. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 2002.

Gojawiczynska, Pola, 1896-1963. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. POL1139 POLl140

POL1141 POLl142 POL1143

Gojawiczynska, Pola. Dziewczeta z Nowolipek. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1970. - - - . Dziewczeta z Nowolipek. Directed and scripted by Barbara Sass, based on the 1937 novel of the same name by Pola Gojawiczynska, 94 min. color. Videocassette release of 1985 film, 1988. About four girls' lives, from primary school through adulthood, in tum-of-thecentury Warsaw. Polish dialogue without subtitles. - - - . Krata. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1974. - - - . "A Mother" and "Two Women." In Russian and Polish Women's Fiction, translated and edited by Helena Goscilo, 303-6, 306-20. Nashville: Univ. of Tennessee Press, 1985. - - - . Powszedni dzien: opowiadania. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1978.


Poland POLl144 POLl145 POLl146 POLl147 POLl148

- - - . Rajska jablon. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1955. - - - . Rozmowy z milczeniem. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1957. - - - . Stolica. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1958. - - - . Ziemia Elzbiety, Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1977. - - - . Z serca do serca utwory z lat 19161938 drukowane i czasopismach. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1971.


Golinski, Janusz K. "Mistyka i laska: Zycie wewnetrzne Marianny Marchockiej w swietle Zywota" In Pisarki polskie epok dawnych, edited by Krystyna Stasiewicz, 57-67. Olsztyn: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna. 1998. Golunski, Miroslaw. "0 niewaznosci bycia kobieta (w powiesciach Parnickiego)." In Kobiety w literaturze: materialy z 11 Miedzyuczelnianej Sesji Studentow i Naukowcow z cyklu 'Swiat jeden, ale nie jednolity': Bydgoszcz, 3-5 listopada 1998 roku, edited by Lidia Wisniewska, 205-11. Bydgoszcz: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1999. About the insignificance of women's existence in Pamicki's fiction. Gornicka-Boratynska, Aneta. "Idea emancypacji w literaturze polskiej XIX i XX Wieku." In Nowa swiadomosc plci w modemizmie: studia spod znaku gender w kulturze polskiej i rosyjskiej u schylku stulecia, edited by German Ritz, Christa Binswanger and Carmen Scheide, 13-31. Cracow: TAiWPN Universitas, 2000. - - - . "'Pustka na kanapie', czyli 0 kobiecie w tworczosci Michala Chorornanskiego." In Krytyka feministyczna: siostra teorii i historii literatury, edited by Grazyna Borkowska i Liliana Sikorska, 279-90. Warsaw: IBL, 2000. Graczyk, Ewa. "'Inne panienki skacza'. 0 Iwonie i ksieciu Filipie w Gombrowiczowskiej Iwonie, ksiezniczce Burgunda." In Krytyka feministyczna: siostra teorii i historii literatury, edited by Grazyna Borkowska and Liliana Sikorska, 250-63. Warsaw: ffiL, 2000. Graff, Agnieszka. "Poetyka polskiego patriarchatu." In Krytyka feministyczna: siostra teorii i historii literatury, edited by Grazyna Borkowska i Liliana Sikorska, 340-49. Warsaw: IBL, 2000.






Gretkowska, Manuela, 1964-. See Women Writers from Poland: http://www.digita1.library.upenn.edu/women/_generateIPOLAND.htm! POLl155 POLl156 POLl157 POLl158 POL1159 POLl160


Gretkowska, Manuela. Kabaret metafizyczny. Warsaw: Wydawn. W. A. B, 1994,1997.

- - - . My zdies emigranty, Warsaw: W.A.B, 1996. - - - . Namietnik. Warsaw: W.A.B, 1999. - - - . Podrecznik do ludzi: Tom 1 i ostatni. Czaszka. Warsaw: Beba Mazeppo & Co, 1996. - - - . Swiatowidz. Warsaw: W.A. B, 1998. - - - . Tarot paryski. Warsaw: W.A.B, 1999. Translated into French by Marie Bouvard and Eric Pellet under the title Le tarot de Paris: roman ([Paris:] Flammarion, 1997).

Grol, Regina, edited, translated, and introduction. Ambers Aglow: An Anthology of Contemporary Polish Women's Poetry (1981-1995). Austin: Host Publications, 1996. A bilingual anthology that presents the work of 30 poets including Wislawa Szymborska, Ewa Lipska, Julia Hartwig, Marzena Broda, and Agata Tuszynska. "As the recent award of the Nobel Prize to Wislawa Szymborska has shown, Polish women's poetry constitutes a powerful body of literature, which deserves to be better known in the West. This judiciously chosen and excellently translated anthology illustrates the range of that poetry, its stylistic variety and interest. An important and richly rewarding collection."-Eva Hoffman.

Gruszecka, Aniela [Powalski, Jan, pseud.], 1884-1976. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.



POLl162 POL1163 POLl164 POLl165 POLl166 POLl167




Gruszecka, Aniela. Od Karpat nad Baltyk. [Warsaw:] Czytelnik, 1946. - - - . Powiesc 0 Kronice Galla. Cracow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1962-1966. - - - . Przygoda w nieznanym kraju. Warsaw: Wydawn. "Kobieta Wsp6lczesna," 1933. - - - . W grodzie zak6w. [Warsaw:] Czytelnik, 1947. - - - . W sloncu. Cracow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1959. Araszkiewicz, Agata. "Dotkniecie ciala. Literacka strategia Anieli Gruszeckiej." In Krytyka feministyczna: siostra teorii i historii literatury, edited by Grazyna Borkowska and Liliana Sikorska, 121-35. Warsaw: IBL, 2000. Kraskowska, Ewa. "Sens 'Przygody w nieznanym kraju' Anieli Gruszeckiej." In her Pi6rem niewiescim: Z problem6w prozy kobiecej dwudziestolecia miedzywojennego, 101-25. Seria Filologia Polska, 60. Poznan: Wydawn. Nauk. UAM, 1999. Gurdus, Luba Krugman. Painful Echoes: Poems of the Holocaust. New York: Holocaust Library, 1985. Poetry written in the Warsaw Ghetto and Belsac. Her drawings of the era accompany the text. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. Gutowski, Wojciech. "Pod ciezarem Ewy: totalnoso--obojctnosc-c-nicosc." In Kobiety w literaturze: materialy z II Miedzyuczelnianej Sesji Student6w i Naukowc6w z cyklu 'Swiat jeden, ale nie jednolity': Bydgoszcz: 3-5 listopada 1998 roku, edited by LidiaWisniewska, 129-45. Bydgoszcz: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1999.

Haendel, Ida, 1924-. Polish violinist. http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/1844/ihaendel.html Hartwig, Julia, 1921-. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001; Women Writers from Poland: http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/womenl_generate/POLAND.html POLl171 POLl172 POLl173

POLl174 POLl175 POLl176 POLl177

POL1178 POLl179 POLl180 POLl181 POL1182 POL1183 POLl184 POL1185

Hartwig, Ju1ia. Dwoistosc. Warsaw: Czyte1nik, 1971. - - - . Lzejszym glosem: wiersze z r6znych lat. Warsaw: Wydawn. "bis," 1998. - - - . Poems. In Pol'skie poetessy: Antologiia [Polish Poetesses: An AnthologyJ, compiled by Natal'ia Astaf'eva. SPb: Aleteiia, 2002. Poems translated into Russian; includes biography of the poet, portraits. - - - . Moja ziemia. Warsaw: Sport i Turystyka, 1962. - - - . Nim opatrzy sie zielen. Cracow: Znak, 1995. - - - . Obcowanie. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1987. - - - . Poems. In Spoiling Cannibals' Fun: Polish Poetry of the Last Two Decades of Communist Rule, translated by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh, foreword by Helen Vendler, 48-53. Evanston: Northwestern Univ. Press, 1991. - - - . Przemija postac swiata. Warsaw: Proszyriski, 1999. - - - . Wolne rece. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1969. - - - . Zawsze od nowa: 100 wierszy. Warsaw: Tw6j Styl, 1999. - - - . Zobaczone. Cracow: Wydawn. a5, 1999. - - - , with Artur Miedzyrzecki and Aleksander Rymkiewicz. Bajki zza kurtyny sztuki dla teatru dzieciecego. Warsaw: Centralny Osrodek Metodyki Upowszechniania Kultury, 1972. Grol-Prokopczyk, Regina. '''A Conjuration of Existence': Selections from Julia Hartwig's Poetry." Polish Review 39, no. 3 (1994): 317-26. Grzesczak, Marian. "Pelnia." Tworczosc 44, no. 4, 509 (1988): 95-8. About Hartwig's poetic form. Przybylski, Ryszard Kazimierz. "Potrzeba sensu." Tworczosc 38, no. 5, 442 (1982): 122-6. About Hartwig's poetry.



Hillar, Malgorzata, 1926-1995. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. POL1186

Nietresta, Agnieszka. Malgorzata Hillar: Szkic monograficzny. Cracow: Wydawn. Homini, 2003. Includes photographs, chronology of Hillar' s life and works, and a selection of her poetry. Holland, Agnieszka, 1948-. One of Poland's premier contemporary film directors. See "Agnieszka Holland"in Current Biography Yearbook. Vol. 59, 300-3. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1998.


Holland, Agnieszka. Magia i pieniqdze. Cracow: Znak, 2002. Extensive interview with Holland by Maria Komatowska. Includes filmography (pp. 379-84). POL1188 Bobowski, Slawomir. W poszukiwaniu siebie: tworczosc filmowa Agnieszki Holland. Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 2302. Wroclaw: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 2001. POL1189 Cohen, Roger. "Holland Without a Country." New York Times Magazine (8 August 1993): 2832. POL1190 Cmkovic, Gordana P. "Interview with Agnieszka Holland." Film Quarterly 52, no. 2, (1999):2-9. POL1191 Jankun-Dopartowa, Mariola. Gorzkie kino Agnieszki Holland. Gdansk: Slowo/Obraz Terytoria, 2000. POL1192 Quart, Barbara. "Three Central European Women Directors Revisited." Cineaste 19, no. 4 (1993): 58-61. Discusses the films of Holland, Vera Chytilova and Marta Meszaros. POL 1193 Turk, Edward Baron. "Agnieszka Holland's Total Eclipse: A Contemporary 'Film Maudit' ." French Review 72, no. 2 (1998 Dec): 260-72. Treatment of homosexuality in Holland's "Total Eclipse". POLl194 Zawislinski, Stanislaw, Agnieszka Holland, Maciej Parowski and Jerzy Uszynski, Rezyseria: AgnieszkaHolland. Warsaw: Wydawn. Skorpion, 1995. About the films of Holland, with her cooperation. Foreword by Andrzej Wajda, under whom Holland studied. Holmgren, Beth. "Sedno sprawy, czyli unarodowienie romansu." In Cialo i tekst: feminizm w literaturoznawstwie: antologia szkicow, edited by Anna Nasilowska, 77-93. Warsaw: Instytut Badan Literackich, 2001. POL 1196 Homung, Magdalena, Marcin Jedrzejczak, and Tadeusz Korsak, eds. Cialo, plec, literatura: prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Germanowi Ritzowi w piecdziesiqtq rocznice urodzin. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawn. Wiedza Powszechna, 2001. POL1197 Hulewska, Aleksandra, Jasielska, Aleksandra and Michal Ziarko, eds. Interdyscyplinarne POL1195

studia nad plciq: Od polaryzacjk plciowej ku depolaryzacji rodzajowej [Interdisciplinary studies on sex: From sexual polarization to generic depolarization. PoznanWydawn. Fundacji

Humaniora, 2002. Includes essays on sexual stereotypes, emotions and sex, feminism, homosexuality, transexuality, etc. Illakowicz6wna, Kazimiera, 1892-1970. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Dictionary ofPolish Literature, edited by E. J. Czerwinski. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994. POL1198 POL1199 POL1200

Illakowiczowna, Kazimiera. Ballady bohaterskie. Lvov: Wydawn. Zakladu Narodowego im. Ossolinskich, 1934. Heroic ballads. . "Cma," "Kamien," "Placz," and "Ojczyzna." In An Anthology of Polish Literature, edited by Manfred Kridl. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1957. . Placzqcy Ptak. Warsaw: Ksiegarnia F. Hoesicka, 1927.


Poland POL1201

POL1202 POL1203 POL1204 POL1205 POL1206 POL1207 POL1208

POL1209 POL1210 POL1211






- - - . Poems. In Pol'skie poetessy: Antologiia [Polish Poetesses: An AnthologyJ, compiled by Natal'ia Astaf'eva. SPb: Aleteiia, 2002. Poems translated into Russian; includes biography of the poet, portraits. - - - . Polow. Warsaw; Cracow: J. Mortkowicz, 1926. - - - . Popiol i perry. Warsaw: Ksiegarnia F. Hoesicka, 1930. - - - . Wspomnienia i reportze. Warsaw: Wiez, 1997. - - - . Z glebi serca. Warsaw: Gebethner i Wolff, 1928. - - - . Zwierciadlo nocy. Warsaw: J. Mortkowicz, 1928. Danielewska, Lucja. "Kazimiery Illakowiczowny droga do Polski." Poezja 13, no. 11-2 (1978): 129-34. Dzedzyk, Zofia. "Pantarka i pliszka: Broszura Marii Wielopolskiej oraz polemika wokol wspomnien Kazimiery Illakowicz6wny w zwierciadle satyry." Ruch literacki 31, no. 4-5, 1812 (1990): 327-37. Pieszczachowicz, Jan. "Poezja samoistna." Tworczosc 28, no. 9 (1972): 69-91. Rogozinski, Julian. "Modulacje szeptu." Poezja 3, no. 6 (1967): 7-13. Zamojska-Hutchins, Danuta. "Kazimiera Illakowiczowna: The Poet as Witness of History and of Double National Allegiance." In Literature and Politics in Eastern Europe: Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992. Iwasi6w, fuga. "I Faustyna umrze ... 0 tworczosci Krystyny Kofty." In Cialo i tekst: [eminizm w literaturoznawstwie: antologia szkicow, edited by Anna Nasilowska, 28-41. Warsaw: Instytut Badan Literackich, 2001. - - - . "Kobiecosc w tekscie homoerotycznym." In Kobiety w literaturze: materialy z 11 Miedzyuczelnianej Sesji Studentow i Naukowcow z cyklu 'Swiat jeden, ale nie jednolity': Bydgoszcz: 3-5 listopada 1998 roku, edited by Lidia Wisniewska, 193-204. Bydgoszcz: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1999. About womanhood in the homoerotic text. - - - . "Obcosc kultury, znajoma bliskosc innych: Watki lesbijskie we wsp6lczesnej literaturze polskiej." In Cialo, plec, literatura: prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Germanowi Ritzowi w piecdziesiqtq rocznice urodzin, edited by Magdalena Hornung, Marcin Jedrzejczak, Tadeusz Korsak, 435-53. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawn. Wiedza Powszechna, 2001. - - - , and Piotr Urbanski, "Wolnosc i przemoc. 0 niekt6rych aspektach poemancypacyjnego dyskursu plci." In Krytyka feministyczna: siostra teorii i historii literatury, edited by Grazyna Borkowska i Liliana Sikorska, 43-53. Warsaw: IBL, 2000. Jakubczak, Marzenna. "Doswiadczenie mistyczne w perspektywie gender studies: Szkic interkulturowy." In Gender w humanistyce, edited by Malgorzata Radkiewicz, 223-36. Cracow: Rabid, 2001.

Jakubowska, Wanda, 1907-1998. The first Polish female film director to gain national and international recognition, who directed 14 full-length feature films. POL1217


Liebman, Stuart, and Leonard Quart. "Lost and Found: Wanda Jakubowska's 'The Last Stop'." Cineaste 22, no. 4 (1997): 43-5. About "Ostatni etap" a powerful and historically accurate film about the experiences of women in Auschwitz. The film celebrates the resilience of female solidarity and was one of the few films made in the actual place where the events happened, by the survivors themselves. Mazierska, Ewa. "Wanda Jakubowska's Cinema of Commitment." European Journal of Women's Studies 8, no. 2(2001): 221-38.

Janda, Krystyna, 1952-. Film and theater actress.



POL1219 POL1220 POL1221

Janda, Krystyna, with Bozena Janicka. Gwiazdy majq czerwony pazury. Warsaw: W.A.B, 1998. Janda discusses her career with Bozena Janicka. . Tylko sie nie pchaj. Warsaw: Polska Oficyna Wydawnicza "BGE," 1992. Janda discusses her theater and television roles with Bozena Janicka. Horton, Andrew James. "The Female Face of Moral Concern: Krystyna Janda Interviewed." Kinoeye 2, no. 6 (2002). Available online at: http://www.kinoeye.orglarchive/english.php

Janion, Maria. Kobiety i duch innosci. Warsaw: Sic!, 1996. Images of women and women's writing in the Polish and European (especially French, German and English) traditions from Romanticism to the present. Feminist study of individual themes and writers. Reviewed in WEWno. 51 (January 1998) by Andrea Lanoux, UCLA. POL1223 Janko, Anna. "Poezja kobieca czy poezja kobiet?" Wyrazy 1 (1997): 37-8. POL1224 Jamiewicz, Jerzy. "Poland, Poetry and Gender." Women's Studies International Forum 18, no. 1 (1995): 45-50. POL1225 Kaczmarczyk, Monika. "Kobieta jako rekwizyt w dramatch Slawornira Mrozka." In Kobiety w literaturze: materialy z II Miedzyuczelnianej Sesji Studentow i Naukowcow z cyklu 'Swiat jeden, ale nie jednolity': Bydgoszcz, 3-5 listopada 1998 roku, edited by Lidia Wisniewska, 223-30.Bydgoszcz: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1999. About women as props in the plays of Slawomir Mrozek.


Kamienska, Anna, 1920-1986. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991, and Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by lane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. Kamienska, Anna. Drugie szczescie hioba. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawn, 1974. - - - . "Foreword." In Psalter: baltycki: wiersze wybrane i nowe, Zbigniew Jankowski. Wrodaw: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich, 1974. POL1228 - - - . Jeden z grzechow pieknych. Lublin: Wydawn. Lubelskie, 1967. POL1229 - - - . Od czarnolasu: najpiekniejsze wiersze polskie. Warsaw: Iskry, 1971. POL1230 - - - . Poems. In Pol'skie poetessy: Antologiia [Polish Poetesses: An Anthology], compiled by Natal'ia Astaf'eva. SPb: Aleteiia, 2002. Poems translated into Russian; includes biography of the poet, portraits. POL1231 - - - . Poems. In Spoiling Cannibals' Fun: Polish Poetry of the Last Two Decades of Communist Rule, translated by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh, foreword by Helen Vendier, 41-7. Evanston: Northwestern Univ. Press, 1991. POL1232 - - - . Pragnaca literatura: problemy pisarstwa ludowego i nurtu ludowego poezji wspolczesnej. Warsaw: Ludowa Sp6ldzielnia Wydawnicza, 1964. POL1233 - - - . Rekopis znalezlony we snie: wiersze z lat 1973-1975. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1978. POL1234 - - - . Two Darknesses. Translated by Tomasz P. Krzeszowski and Desmond Graham. Jesmond: Flambard, 1994. POL1235 - - - . W pot slowa wiers:e z lat 1979-1980. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1983. POL1236 - - - , and Jan Spiewak, eds. Wspomnienia 0 K. 1. Galczynskim. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1961. POL1226 POL1227


Keblowska-Lawniczak, Ewa. "Skandal w ramach paradygmatu wzrokocentrycznego: Przyczynek do badan nad zjawiskiem." In Gender w humanistyce, edited by Malgorzata Radkiewicz, 263-74. Cracow: Rabid, 2001. Kedzierzawska, Dorota, 1957-. Film director. See Kinoeye 2, no. 6 (18 March 2002): http://www.kinoeye.org/02/06/braid06.html.


Braid, Monika. "In the Absence of Love: The Films of Dorota Kedzierzawska." Kinoeye: New




POL1240 POL1241





Perspectives on European Film 2, no. 6 (18 March 2002). Available online at: http://www.kinoeye.org/archive/articles_voI2.php. Maziertska, Ewa. "Opresja kobiet i dzieci w spoleczenstwach patriarchalnych-kino Terence'a Daviesa i Doroty Kedzierzawskiej." In Gender w humanistyce, edited by Malgorzata Radkiewicz, 65-79. Cracow: Rabid, 2001.

Kejna-Sharratt, Barbara. "Emancipation of Women in Polish Literature." New Zealand Slavonic Journal (1992): 149-57. Kielak, Dorota. "Kobiecosc i polskosc, Ozimina Waclawa Berenta." In Krytykafeministyczna: siostra teorii i historii literatury, edited by Grazyna Borkowska i Liliana Sikorska, 245-55. Warsaw: IBL, 2000. Kirchner, Hanna. "Pisarki rniedzywojennego dwudziestolecia." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tworcow kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodleglym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 45-61. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About female writers in the interwar years. Kloch, Zbigniew. "De Saussure i lingwistyka feministyczna." In Krytykafeministyczna: siostra teorii i historii literatury, edited by Grazyna Borkowska i Liliana Sikorska, 20-9. Warsaw: IBL, 2000. Klosinska, Krystyna. "Kobiet autorka." In Cialo i tekst: feminizm w literaturoznawstwie: antologia szkicow, edited by Anna Nasilowska, 94-135. Warsaw: Instytut Badan Literackich, 2001. Kobylinska-Masiejewska, Eugenia. Corki chcq inaczej. Gdansk: Wydawn. Morskie, 1973. A novel about daughters. Komornicka, Maria [Nalecz, Wlast, P.W.O, pseud.], 1876-1949. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; and The History of Polish Literature by Czeslaw Milosz. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1983.

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Komornicka, Maria. Historie nie z tej ziemi. [Warsaw:] Wydawn. Radia i Telewizji, 1987. - - - . Poems. In Pol'skie poetessy: Antologiia [Polish Poetesses: An Anthology], compiled by Natal'ia Astaf'eva. SPb: Aleteiia, 2002. Poems translated into Russian; includes biography of the poet, portraits. - - - . Utwory poetyckie proza wierszem. Edited by Maria Podraza-Kwiatkowska. Cracow: Wydawn. Literackie, 1995. Boniecki, Edward. Modernistyczny dramat ciala: Maria Komornicka. Warsaw: IBL Wydawn, 1988. Helbig-Mischewski, Brygitta. "Dlaczego wyj'l 'wewnetrzne demony'? Metaforyka prozni egzystencjalnej w Biesach Marii Komornickiej." In Wiek Kobiet w Literaturze, edited by Jadwiga Zacharska and Mark Kochanowski, 202-14. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 2002. Kralkowska-Gatkowska, Krystyna. Cien twarzy: Szkice 0 tworczosci Marii Komomickiej. Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Slaskiego w Katowicach, 2094. Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 2002. - - - . "Przeczucia i doswiadczenia mistyczne w tekstach Marii Komornickiej." In Erfolge und Niederlagen der Frauenfiguren in der deutschen und polnischen Literatur, edited by Grazyna Barbara Szewczyk, 55-96. Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 1902. Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 2000. Kowalska, Beata. "Glos za zaslony: Kobiety w kulturze muzulmanskiej." In Gender w humanistyce, edited by Malgorzata Radkiewicz, 275-87. Cracow: Rabid, 2001.




Kralkowska-Gatkowska, Krystyna. "Przeczucia i doswiadczenia mistyczne w tekstach Marii Komomickiej." In Erfolge und Niederlagen der Frauenfiguren in der deutschen und polnischen Literatur, edited by Grazyna Barbara Szewczyk, 55-96. Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 2000.

Konopnicka, Maria, 1842-1910. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Dictionary ofPolish Literature, edited by E. J. Czerwinski. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994; Women Writers from Poland: http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/POLAND.html. POL1255

Konopnicka, Maria. Poems & short story "Dyrn." In An Anthology ofPolish Literature, edited with English commentary by Manfred Kridl. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1957. POL1256 - - - . Banasiowa. Warsaw: Gebethner i Wolff, 1927. POL1257 - - - . The Brownie Scouts. translated by Kate Zuk-Skarszewska. London, Warsaw: M. Arct, 1929. Translation of 0 krasnoludkach. POL1258 - - - . Dym: Martwa natura. Warsaw: Ksiazka, 1946. POL1259 - - - . The Golden Seed. Adapted by Catharine Fournier; illustrated by Janina Domanska. New York: Scribner, 1962. POL1260 - - - . Hrabiqtko: Jak Suzin zginql. Warsaw: Gebethner i Wollf, 1929. POL1261 - - - . Imagina. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1980. POL1262 - - - . Italia. Warsaw: Gebethner i Wolff, 1901. POL1263 - - - . Korespondencja. Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossoliiiskich, 1971. POL1264 - - - . Linie i dzwieki: poezje. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1978. POL1265 - - - . Ludziom i chwilom: 1904. Lvov: Polskie Tow. Nakl.: Ski. GI- Ksieg. Narodowa, 1905. POL1266 - - - . Mendel Gdanski: obrazek. Warsaw: Ksiazka, 1946; Gebethner i Wolff, 1930. POL1267 - - - . Na normandzkim brzegu. Warsaw: Gebethner i Wolff, 1904. POL1268 - - - . Nowele. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1968; Warsaw: Gazeta Polska, 1899. POL1269 - - - . Opowiadania. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1979. POL1270 - - - . Pan Balcer w Brazylii. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1955; Warsaw: Gebethner i Wolff, 1925. POL1271 - - - . "Urbanowa" and "Banasiowa." In Russian and Polish Women's Fiction, edited by Helena Goscilo, 231-4, 235-48. Knoxville: Univ. of Tennessee Press, 1985. POL1272 - - - . When the King Went Forth to War. London: J. & W. Chester, 1920. Song score. Translation of A gdy poszedl kr6l na wojne. POL1273 Bobrowska, Barbara. Konopnicka na szlakach romantyk6w. Warsaw: Wydawn. Nauk. PWN, 1997. POL1274 Budrewicz, Tadeusz. Konopnicka: szkice historyczno-literackie. Cracow: Wydawn. Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, 2000. POL1275 Faber-Chojnacka, Anna and Barbara G6ra. Bibliografia przeklad6w utwor6w Marii Konopnickiej za lata 1879-1979. Cracow: Wydawn. Naukowe WSP, 1986. POL1276 - - - . Maria Konopnicka: materialy do bibliografii podmiotowo-przedmiotowej za lata 1971-1996. Cracow: Wydawn. Naukowe WSP, 1999. POL1277 Prymak, Thomas M. "The Great Migration: East Central Europe to the Americas in the Literatures of the Slays, 1880-1914." Ethnic Forum 12, no. 2 (1992): 31-47. Discusses Sienkiewicz, Konopnicka, Kukucin, Korolenko, and Franko. POL1278 Slawinska, Halina. Maria Konopnicka w Bronowie i Gusinie. Warsaw: Wydawn. Literatura, 2003. POL1279 Tomicka, Jadwiga Petrazycka, Konopnicka w swietle wlasnych utwor6w. Cracow: n.p, 1920. POL1280 - - - . Mistycyzm Konopnickiej. Lvov: n.p, 1924.

Kossak, Zofia, 1890-1968. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by



Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Dictionary of Polish Literature, edited by E. J. Czerwinski. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994. POL1281

Kossak, Zofia. Angels in the Dust. London; New York: Hutchinson: 1951; New York: Roy, 1947. Translation of Krzyzowcy. POL1282 - - - . Blessed Are the Meek. Translated by Lurka Langer. New York: Roy, 1944; London, New York: Hutchinson, 1944; New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1944. Translation of Bez oreza. POL1283 - - - . The Covenant. Translated by H. C. Stevens. London; New York: Wingate, 1951; New York: Roy, 1951. Translation of Przymierre. POL1284 - - - . The Gift ofNessus. London; New York: Hutchinson, 1948. Also translated as The Meek Shall Inherit. New York: Roy, 1948. POL1285 - - - . The Leper King. Translated by F. S. Placzek. London: Hutchinson, 1945; New York: Roy, 1945. Translation of Kr6l Tredowaty. POL1286 - - - . Nieznany kraj. Warsaw: R6j, 1932. POL1287 - - - . Pozoga: wspomnienia z Wolynia, 1917-19/9. Warsaw: Pax, 1996. Translated into English as The Blaze: Reminiscences ofVolhynia, /9/7-/9/9. New York: Polish Book Importing, 1927. POL1288 - - - . The Troubles of Gnome. Translated by Monica M. Gardner. London: A. and C. Black, 1928. POL1289 - - - . Z otchlani: wspomnienia z lagru. Czestochowa: W. Naglowskiego, 1946. POL1290 Bartelski, Leslaw M. "Zofia Kossak." Kultura 6 (21 April 1968): 3. POL1291 Bartoszewski, Wladyslaw. "Z Zofia Kossak w podziemiu." Tygodnik powszechny 22 (16 June 1968): 2-3. POL1292 Giffuni, Cathe. "Zofia Kossak: An English Bibliography" New Zealand Slavonic Journal (1992): 137-47. Includes works in translation of and criticism on the noted Polish historical novelist who survived Auschwitz. POL1293 Lasocka, Janina. "Zofia Kossak w czasie okupacji." Kierunki 17(8 April 1973): 1,5, 10-1. POL1294 Szafranska, Amelia. Kossak-Szatkowska. Warsaw: Agencja Autorska [i Dom Ksiazki], 1968. POL1295 Wankowicz, Melchior. "Wspomnienie 0 Zofii Kossak." Kierunki 15 (11 ArpiI1971): 3. POL1296 Wozniak, Monika. "Embarassing Problems Connected with Polish Concentration Camp Literature." In The Conscience of Humankind: Literature and Traumatic Experiences, edited by Elrud Ibsch in cooperation with Douwe Fokkema and Joachim von der Thusen, 133-42. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000. Discusses Tadeusz Borowski's treatment of Jews and Poles in Auschwitz in his story Bylismy w Oswiecimiu, compared to Seweryna Szmaglewska's Dymy nad Birkenau and Zofia Kossak' s Z otchlani. POL1297 Ziomek, J. "Zofii Kossak ksiegi powt6rzonego prawa." In Wizerunki polskich pisarzy katolickich, 79-104. Poznan: Wydawn. Poznanskie, 1963.

Kowalska, Anka, 1932-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. POL1298 POL1299 POL1300 POL1301

Kowalska, Anka. Credo najmniejsze. Warsaw: Pax, 1960. - - - . Grosse Ferien. Munich: Ehrenwirth, 1967. - - - . Spojrzenie. Warsaw: Pax, 1974. - - - . Psalm z doliny. Warsaw: Pax, 1969.

Kowalska, Anna, 1903-1969. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991. POL1302

Kowalska, Anna. Bejdula i paradnice: opowiadania wybrane. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1961.


Poland POL1303 POL1304 POL1305 POL1306 POL1307 POL1308 POL1309 POL1310 POL1311 POL1312 POL1313 POL1314

- - - . Kandelabr efeski. Warsaw: PIW, 1960. - - - . Mijajq nas: powiesc. Warsaw: Ksiegarnia F. Hoesicka, 1932. - - - . Oltarze: opowiadania. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1962. - - - . Opowiesci wroclawskie. [Warsaw:] Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1955. - - - . Pestka. Gdansk: Marabut, 1995. - - - . Szczelina. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1967. - - - . Uliczka Klasztorna: powiesc. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1949. - - - . Wieza: opowiadania. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1965. - - - . Wielka pr6ba. [Warsaw]: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1951. - - - . Zlota kula. Warsaw: R6j, 1933. - - - , and Jerzy Kowalski. Gqszcz. [Warsaw]: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1961. - - - , and Jerzy Kowalski. Gruce: powiesc. Warsaw: Ksiegarnia F. Hoesicka, 1936.

Koziof, Urszula, 1931-. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; The History of Polish Literature by Czeslaw Milosz. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1983; and Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. POL1315



Koziol, Urszula. Poems. Translated and introduced by Regina Grol-Prokopczyk. Austin Host Publications, 1989. A slim, nicely produced bilingual selection of Koziol's rich and varied poetry. . Poems. In Pol'skie poetessy: Antologiia [Polish Poetesses: An Anthology}, compiled by Natal'ia Astaf'eva. SPb: Aleteiia, 2002. Poems translated into Russian; includes biography of the poet, portraits. . Poems. In Spoiling Cannibals' Fun: Polish Poetry of the Last Two Decades of Communist Rule, translated by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh, foreword by Helen Vendler, 128-30. Evanston: Northwestern Univ. Press, 1991.

Kozyra, Katarzyna, 1963-. Polish sculptor, creator of installations and video art. See http://www.culture.pl/en/culture/artykuly/os_kozyra_katarzyna. POL1318



Jakubowska, Agata. "Podladani i podgladane: 0 Lazniach Katarzyny Kozyry." In Gender w humanistyce, edited by Malgorzata Radkiewicz, 21-9. Cracow: Rabid, 2001. About Kozyra's two videos "Laznia" (Bathhouse), filmed with a hidden camera in a women's (1997) and men's (1999) bathhouse. Kowalczyk, Izabela. "Dekonstrukcje roznicy plci i sposob6w widzenia w szuce wideo polskich artystek: Katarzyny Kozyry, Anny Baumgart i Alicji Zebrowskiej." In Gender w humanistyce, edited by Malgorzata Radkiewicz, 31-42. Cracow: Rabid, 2001. Sex in the video art of Katarzyna Kozyra, Anna Baumart and Alicja Zebrowska Lubiak, Jaroslaw. "Jaka dzis zalozyc plec? Zakwestionowanie tozsamosci plciowej w tworczosci Katarzyny Kozyry." In A Queer Mixture: Gender Perspectives on Minority Sexual Identities = Odmiany odmienca: Mniejszosciowe orientacje seksualne w perspektywie gender, edited by Tomasz Basiuk, Dominika Ferens, Tomasz Sikora, 63-84. Katowice: Slask, 2002.

Krahelska, Halina Irena, 1892-1945. POL1321 POL1322 POL1323 POL1324

Krahelska, Halina Irena. Opowiesc 0 zwyczanej dziewczynie. Warsaw: Horyzonty, 1972. - - - . SOS. Warsaw: Wydawn. Epoka, 1988. - - - . Wspomnienia rewolucjonistki. Warsaw: Wydawn. M. Fruchtmana, 1934. Smaszcz, Waldemar. Milosc bezjutra: muza wojenna, 1939-1945. Bialystok: Wydawn. Luk, 1994. This book about 6 Polish war poets, 1939-1945, includes Krahelska.




Wr6blewski, Zbigniew. Wykuc serca musze: rzec: 0 Halinie Krahelskiej. Warsaw: Wydawn. Epoka, 1983.

Krahelska, Krystyna [Danuta, pseud.], 1914-1944. Poet and ethnographer. See Literatura polska XX wieku: Przewodnik encyklopedyczny, vol. 1. Warsaw: PWN, 2000. POL1326 POL1327 POL1328



Krahelska, Krystyna. 0 wolnosc. N.p.: n.p, 1979. - - - . Obudzmy jej zamikly spiew. Warsaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza Rytm. 1996. - - - . Smutna rzeka. London: Kolo Bylych Zolnierzy Armii Krajowej, 1964. A collection of songs, verses and exceprts from Krahelska's letters, printed on the zo" anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. - - - . Wiersze: Wybral i wstep opatrzyl Bogdan Ostronecki. Note biograficznq napisala Jadwiga Bury-Zaleska. Edited by Halina Czarnocka. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytit Wydawniczy, 1978. Poetry edited and introduced by Bogdan Ostromecki, with a biographical note by Jadwiga Bury-Zaleska. Grochowska, Maria Marzena Krystyna Krahelska: obudzmy jej zamikly spiew. Warsaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza Rytm, 1996.

Krall, Hanna, 1937-. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001, and Women Writers from Poland: http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generatelPOLAND.html. POL1331 POL1332 POL1333 POL1334

Krall, Hanna. Dowody na istnienie/Proof ofExistence. Poznan: Wydawn. A5, 1995. - - - . Sublokatorka. Warsaw: Iskry, 1989. - - - . Tam ju; nie ma zadnej rzeki. Cracow: Wydawn. a5, 1998. - - - . Taniec na czudym weselu. Warsaw: Polska Oficyna Wydawnicza BGW, 1994.


Kraskowska, Ewa. "Kilka uwag na temat powiesci kobiecej." In Cialo i tekst: feminizm w literaturoznawstwie: antologia szkicow, edited by Anna Nasilowska, 235-49. Warsaw: Instytut Badan Literackich, 2001. - - - . "0 tak zwanej 'kobiecosci' jako konwencji literackiej." In Krytyka feministyczna: siostra teorii i historii literatury, edited by Grazyna Borkowska i Liliana Sikorska, 200-12. Warsaw: IBL, 2000. - - - . Pi6rem niewiescim: Z problem6w prozy kobiecej dwudziestolecia miedzywojennego. Seria Filologia Polska, 60. Poznan: Wydawn. Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. A. Mickiewicza, 1999. English summary: The book explores some aspects of prose written by Polish women authors in the two decades between the World Wars. The author discusses some misunderstandings and controversies concerning such notions as "women's literature" and "feminist criticism" and sets out her own methodological standpoint. "Femininity" in literature is understood here as a higher-level convention that overrides genre, style and other conventions ... Chapter 1 sets out the critical and literary context of the era and hence provides both a description and evaluation of women's prose in the inter-war period. Chapters 2-6 deal with the work of individual women writers (Nalkowska, Boguszewska, Gruszecka, Szernplinska-Sobolewska, Kuncewiczowa, Melcer). In Chapter 7 the author turns to women writers who also wrote journalistic pieces, especially feature articles (reportazi concerning social problems. The final chapter describes some theoretical problems.



Krausharowa, Jadwiga, 1858-1912. Polish-Jewish poet who wrote on Jewish themes, a new trend after the 1863 revolution. POL1338

Wierzbicka, Maria. "Z burzuaczji do intelgencji: Jadwiga Krausharowa." In vol. 1 of Kobieta i



edukacja na ziemiacli Polskich w XIX i XX w, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 217-27. Warsaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1992. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora.


Krukowska, Aleksandra. "'Kartki z zycia kobiety' J6zefy Kisielnickiej." In Kobiety w Iiteraturze: materialy z II Miedzyuczelnianej Sesji Studentow i Naukowcow z cyklu 'Swiat jeden, ale nie jednolity': Bydgoszcz, 3-5 listopada 1998 roku, edited by Lidia Wisniewska, 93100. Bydgoszcz: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1999. About Jozefa Kisielnicka's Leavesfrom a Woman's Life.

Krzywicka, Irena, 1899-1994. POL1340 POL1341 POL1342 POL1343 POL1344


Krzywicka, Irena. Mieszane towarzystwo: opowiadania dla doroslych 0 zwierzetach, 2nd ed. Warsaw: "Czytelnik", 1997. - - - . Sqd idzie. Warsaw: "Czytelnik", 1998. - - - . Ucieczka z ciemnosci. Warsaw: "R6j", 1939. - - - . Wyznania gorszycielki. 5th ed. Edited by Agata Tuszynska, Warsaw: Czytelnik, 2002. Araszkiewicz, Agata. "Inna inicjacja: 0 wczesnych powiesciach Ireny Krzywickiej." In Cialo, plec, literatura: prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Germanowi Ritzowi w piecdziesiatq rocznice urodzin, edited by Magdalena Hornung, Marcin Jedrzejczak, Tadeusz Korsak, 235-72. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawn. Wiedza Powszechna, 2001. Zylinska, Agata. "Irena Krzywicka: recepcja tworczosci w okresie miedzywojennym i po 1945 roku." In Wiek Kobiet w Literaturze, edited by Jadwiga Zacharska and Mark Kochanowski, 264-70. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 2002.

Kuciak, Agnieszka, 1970-. POL1346

Kuciak, Agnieszka. [Poems]. In A Fine Line: New Poetry From Eastern & Central Europe, edited by Jean Boase-Beier, Alexandra Biichler and Fiona Sampson, 96-103. Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK: Arc Publications, 2003. A selection of 6 poems in Polish, with English translations.

Kuncewiczowa, Maria Szczepanska, [Kuncewicz], 1899-1989. See The History ofPolish Literature by Czeslaw Milosz. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1983 and Dictionary of Literary Biography, v. 215. Detroit: Gale Group, 1999. POL1347 POL1348 POL1349 POL1350 POL1351 POL1352 POL1353

POL1354 POL1355 POL1356 POL1357 POL1358

Kuncewiczowa, Maria Szczepanska. Cudzoziemka. Warsaw: Pax, 1981. - - - . Don Kichote i nianki. Warsaw: Pax, 1966. - - - . Dwa ksiezyce. Warsaw: Pax, 1980. - - - . Fantomy. Lublin: Wydawn. Lubelskie, 1971, 1989. - - - . Gaj oliwny. Lublin: Wydawn. Lubelskie, 1990. - - - . Kowalscy sie odnalezl. Warsaw: R6j, 1938. - - - . Klucze. Lublin: Wydawn. Lubelskie, 1990. Translated into English as The Keys: A Journey through Europe at War. London & New York: Hutchinson International Authors Ltd., 1945. - - - . Listy do Jerzego. Lublin: Wydawn. Lubelskie, 1997. - - - . Miasto Heroda: notatki palestynskie (1938 r.) Warsaw: Pax, 1982. - - - . Natura. Warsaw: Pax, 1976. - - - . Odkrycie Patusanu. Warsaw: Pax, 1958, 1983. - - - . Polish Millstones. Translated by Stephen Garry. London: P. S. King and Staples, 1942. About women and Poland during World War 11.



POL1359 POL1360

POL1361 POL1362 POL1363


POL1365 POL1366 POL1367 POL1368 POL1369 POL1370 POL1371




POL1375 POL1376


- - - . Przezrocza. Lublin: Wydawn. Lubelskie, 1997. - - - . "Strange Rachel." Translated by Margaret Bozenna Goscilo. In Russian and Polish Women's Fiction, edited by Helena Goscilo, 321-30. Knoxville: Univ. of Tennessee Press, 1985. - - - . Tristan 1946. Warsaw: Proszynski i S-ka, 1975. - - - . Twar: mezczyny i trzy nowele. Warsaw: Pax, 1986. - - - . "W zarnku bialej damy." In Proza polska 1939-1945. Vol. 1: Dziesiec opowiesci: 0 lotnikach, marynarzach, bohaterach I szpiegach, edited by Arkady Fiedler and Stanislaw Lam, 89-98. Paris: Ksiegarnia Polska, 1946. Bratkowska, Katarzyna. "Klamstwo muzyczne w Cudzoziemce Marii Kuncewiczowej." In Cialo, plec, literatura: prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Germanowi Ritzowi w piecdziesiqta rocznice urodzin. edited by Magdalena Homung, Marcin Jedrzejczak, Tadeusz Korsak, 34778. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawn. Wiedza Powszechna, 2001. Janaszek-Ivanickova, Halina. Kuncewiczowa. Warsaw: Authors' Agency, 1974. Kazimierczyk, Barbara. Dylizans ksiezycowy: opowiesc 0 tworczosci Marii Kuncewiczowej. Warsaw: Pax, 1977. Ludorowski, Lech. 0 tworczosci Marii Kuncewiczwowej. Lublin: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Marii Curie- Sklodowskiej, 1997. Includes bibliography. Palczak, Anna. Maria Kuncewiczowa. Opole: Woj. Biblioteka Publiczna, 1989. Smith, Mary C. The Stranger: A Study and Note about Maria Kuncewiczowa. Brooklyn: Czas Publishing Co., 1972. Szagalan, Alicja. Maria Kuncewiczowa: Monografia dokumentacyjna 1895-1989. Warsaw: IBL, 1995. W6jcik, Wlodimierz. W strone Kuncewiczowej: studia i szkice. Katowice: Uniwesytet SIClSki, 1988. Criticism and interpretation of Kuncewiczowa's work. Summaries in English and Russian. Includes bibliography. Zaborowska, Magdalena J. "Ethnicity in Exile in Maria Kuncewicz's Writings." In Something ofMy Very Own to Say: American Women Writers of Polish Descent, edited by Thomas S. and Rita Gladsky, 170-90. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1997. - - - . "In Alien Worlds: Transcending the Boundaries of Exile in the Works of Maria Kuncewiczowa." In How We Found America: Reading Gender through East-European Immigrant Narratives, 165-221. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1995. - - - . "Writing the Virgin, Writing the Crone: Maria Kuncewicz's Embodiments of Faith." In Engendering Slavic Literatures, edited by Pamela Chester and Sibelan Forrester, 174-200. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1996. Zak, Stanislaw. Maria Kuncewiczowa. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1973. Zaworska, Helena. Rozmowy z Mariq Kuncewiczowq. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1983. Interviews with the author.

Kurz, Iwona. "Sexuality on Trial: The Case of Kalina Jedrusik." In Gender in Film and Media: East-West Dialogues, edited by Elzbieta H. Oleksy, Elzbieta Ostrowska and Michael Stevens, 131-7. New York: P. Lang, 2000.

Kus, Mira, 1958-. POL1378

KU8, Mira. Poems. In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by WaIter M. Cummins, 268, 311. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993.


Kwartet zenski: Kazimiera Iliakowiczowna, Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska, Wislawa Szymborska, Ewa Lipska: wiers:e. Poznan: Wydawn. Poznanskie, 1987. A quartet of Polish




women poets. Lanckoronska, Karolina. Wspomnienia wojenne: 22 IX 1939-5 IV 1945. Slowo wstepne Lech Kalinowski i Elzbieta Orman. Cracow: Wydawn. Znak, 2001.

Lars, Krystyna, 1950-. See The Columbia Guide to the Literatures ofEastern Europe Since 1945, edited by Harold B. Segel, New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2003. POL1381 POL1382



POL1385 POL1386

Lars, Krystyna. Chirurgia mistyczna. Bydgoszcz: Pomorze, 1985. - - - . Poems. In Pol'skie poetessy: Antologiia [Polish Poetesses: An Anthology}, compiled by Natal'ia Astaf'eva. SPb: Aleteiia, 2002. Poems translated into Russian; includes biography of the poet, portraits. - - - . Poems. In Young Poets ofa New Poland. An Anthology, translated and edited by Donald Pirie, 1-14. London; Lincoln Centre, MA: Forest Books; Unesco, 1993. A selection of works by Polish poets born between 1950-1969. Includes bio-bibliographical notes. - - - . "Seven Scenes from the Life of Men." In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by Walter M. Cummins, 268-9, 312-20. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. - - - . Umieranki i inne wiers:e. Gdansk: Tytul, 2000. Lazowski, Urszula. "Mela Muter: A Poet of Forgotten Things." Woman's Art Journal 22, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2001): 21-6. Polish emigre artist nee Maria Melania Klingsland (18761967) in a wealthy Polish Jewish merchant family.

Lipska, Ewa, 1945-. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001; Dictionary ofPolish Literature, edited by E. J. Czerwinski. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994. POL1387 POL1388 POL1389

POL1390 POL1391

POL 1392

POL1393 POL1394 POL 1395


Lipska, Ewa. Pet Shop and Other Poems, translated by Barbara Bogoczek. Todmorden, UK: Arc Publications, 2003. . Pet Shops and Other Poems. Translated by Barbara Bogoczek and Tony Howard. Todmorden, Lanes: Arc, 2002. . Poems. In Shifting Borders: East European Poetries of the Eighties, edited by WaIter M. Cummins, 269, 288-9. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Cranbury, NJ: Associated Univ. Presses, 1993. . Poems. In Contemporary East European Poetry: Anthology, edited by Emery George, 148-50. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1983. . Poems. In Pol'skie poetessy: Antologiia [Polish Poetesses: An Anthology}, compiled by Natal'ia Astaf'eva. SPb: Aleteiia, 2002. Poems translated into Russian; includes biography of the poet, portraits. . Poems. In Spoiling Cannibals' Fun: Polish Poetry of the Last Two Decades of Communist Rule, translated by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh, foreword by Helen Vendler, 146-51. Evanston: Northwestern Univ. Press, 1991. . Poet? Criminal? Madman? Poems. Translated by Barbara Plebanek and Tony Howard, introduced by Adam Czerniawski. London: Forest Books, 1992. . Such Times: Select Poems. Translated John Robert Colombo and Waclaw Iwaniuk. Toronto: Hounslow Press, 1981. Legezynska, Anna. Gest pozegnania: szkice 0 poetyckiej swiadomosci elegijno-ironicznej. Poznan [Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza,] 1999. This study of elegiac-ironic consciousness in Polish poetry includes the work of Ewa Lipska. Lisowski, Krzysztof. Ewa Lipska: wsp6lnicy zielonego wiatraczka. Cracow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1996. Criticism and interpretation of Lipska's work.






Loska, Krzysztof. "Kobiety w poszukiwaniu tozsamosci-vo feministycznej literaturze science fiction." In Gender w humanistyce, edited by Malgorzata Radkiewicz, 181-90. Cracow: Rabid, 2001. Maciejewska, Iwona. "Specyfika relacji pamietnikarskiej Procederu podrozy i zycia mego awantur Reginy Salomei z Rusieckich Pilsztynowej." In Pisarki polskie epok dawnych, edited by Krystyna Stasiewicz, 141-52. Olsztyn: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1998. About Regina Salomea Rusiecka Pilsztynowa' s romance novel based on her stay in Istanbul. Majkowska, Dorota. "Nowa interpretacja w starych ramach: Szkic 0 feminizmie, kobiecej transgresji i antropologii kultury." In Gender w humanistyce, edited by Malgorzata Radkiewicz, 251-62. Cracow: Rabid, 2001.

Malewska, Hanna, 1911-1983. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; Dictionary ofPolish Literature, edited by E. J. Czerwinski. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994. POL1400 POL1401 POL1402 POL1403 POL1404



Malewska, Hanna. Apokryfrodzinny. Edited by Andrzej Sulikowski. Cracow: Universitas, 1997. - - - . 0 odpowiedzialnosci i inne szkice: wybor publicystyki, 1945-1976. Cracow: Znak, 1987. . Panowie Leszczynscy. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1996. . Zelazna korona. Warsaw: Pax, 1956. Ziomek, J. "Hanna Malewska: Ksiegi Kronik." In Wizerunki polskich pisarzy katolickich, 748. Poznan: Wydawn. Poznanskie, 1963. Marzin, Florian F. "Stanislaw Lem und die Frauen: Versuch der Erklarung einer Abwesenheit." In Stanislaw Lem: An den Grenzen der Science Fiction und dariiber hinaus, 171-8. Meitingen: Corian- Verlag, 1985. About the absence of women in Stanislaw Lem's works. Mason, M. S. "The New Women in the Movies." World Monitor 4, no. 2 (1991): 66-8. About the portrayal of women in the new Polish cinema.

Maurer, Jadwiga, 1932-. Award-winning writer of short fiction about Holocaust survivors, and Professor of Slavic languages and literatures at the University of Kansas. POL1407 POL1408 POL1409


Maurer, Jadwiga. Liga ocalalych. London: Nakl. Polskiej Fundacji Kulturalnej, 1970. Short stories. . Podro: na wybrzeze dalmacji. London: Oficyna Poet6w i Malarzy, 1982. Mazurkiewicz, Filip. "'Kocham cie' i nieobecnosc przedmiotu." In Kobiety w literaturze: materialy z II Miedzyuczelnianej Sesji Studentow i Naukowcow z cyklu 'Swiat jeden, ale nie jednolity': Bydgoszcz: 3-5 listopada 1998 roku, edited by Lidia Wisniewska, 213-22. Bydgoszcz: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1999. About "I love you" and the missing subject. Meducka, Marta. "Artystki 0 sobie: Pamietniki polskich artystek sprzed 1919 roku." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tworcow kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodleglym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 211-21. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About Polish women artists' memoirs before 1919.

Mikolajska, Halina, 1925-1989. Theater actress. POL1411

Brandys, Marian. "Od dzwonka do dzwonka." Teatr 12 (1990): 24-7. About Mikolajska.




Braun, Kazimierz. "Wielkie role Haliny Mikolajskiej." Przeglqd Polski July 6, 1989: 6-7. About the roles of theater actor Halina Mikolajska.

Milobedzka, Krystyna, 1932-. See Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing, edited by Jane Eldridge Miller. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. POL1413 POL1414

POL1415 POL1416 POL1417

Milobedzka, Krystyna. Dom, pokarmy. Wroclaw; Warsaw: Zaklad Narodowy lmienia Ossolinskich, 1975. - - - . Poems. In Pol'skie poetessy: Antologiia [Polish Poetesses: An Anthology], compiled by Natal'ia Astaf'eva. SPb: Aleteiia, 2002. Poems translated into Russian; includes biography of the poet, portraits. - - - . Pokrewne. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1984. - - - . Pamietam: zapisy stanu wojennego. Wroclaw: Wydawn. A, 1992. - - - . Wykaz tresci. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1984.

Modrzejewska, Helena [Modjeska], 1840-1909. Theater actress who emigrated to the United States. POL1418 POL1419

POL 1420

POL1421 POL1422


Helena Modjeska Collection, 1881-1989. http://www.oac.cdlib.org/cgi-bin/oac/ucilspcoll/r37. Primary and secondary source materials on Modrzejewska's life and career in America. Modrzejewska, Helena. Korespondencja Heleny Modrzejweskiej i Karola Chlapowskiego. Edited by Jerzy Got and J6zef Szczublewski. 2 vols. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1965. Correspondence between Modrzejewsk and her husband. Volume 2 includes an index. . Wspomnienia i wrazenia. Cracow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1957. Translated into English under the title Memories and Impressions ofHelena Modjeska: An Autobiography New York: B. Blom, 1969; 1910. Reminiscences and correspondence of Modrzejewska. Polish edition includes bibliography and index. Siedlecki, Franciszek. Helena Modrzejewska. Cracow: Oficyna Cracovia: 1990. A biography of Modrzejewska. Szczublewski, Jozef. Zywot Modrzejewskiej. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut wydawniczy, 1977. "A 700-plus page biography, the most important biography of the actress." -Halina Filipowicz. Morawinska, Agnieszka. Artystki polskie: Katalog wystawy. Warsaw: Muzeum narodowe w Warszawie, 1991. Translated under the title Voices of Freedom: Polish Women Artists and the Avant-Garde, 1880-1990 (Washington, D.C.: National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1991). Published on the occasion of the exhibit "Polish Women Artists and the Avant-Garde, 18801990," organized jointly by Washington' s National Museum of Women in the Arts and Warsaw's National Museum. December 19, 1991 to March 22,1992.

Mostowska, Anna, ea. 1762-1833. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991, and Literatura polska: Przewodnik encyklopedyczny, vol. 1. Warsaw: PWN, 1987. POL1424 POL1425 POL1426 POL1427

Mostowska, Anna. Astolda: ksiezniczka z krwi Palemona, 2 vols. Wilno: Druk. J6zefa Zawadzkiego Imperatorskiego Uniwersytetu Typografa, 1807. - - - . Matylda i Danillo. Wilno: 1806. - - - . Rozrywki w smutku, 3 vols. [N.p.: n.p.], 1806. - - - . Strach w zameczku; Posqg i Salamandra. Compiled by Magdalena Siwiec. Cracow: Universitas, 2002.


Poland POL1428 POL1429

- - - . Zabawki w spoczynku. Wilno: w druk. dyecealnej, 1809. - - - . Zamek Koniecpolskich. Wilno: 1806. Gebethner, Jan. Poprzedniczka romantyzmu Anna Mostowska. Prace Historyczno-Literackie, 12. Cracow: [s.n.], 1918.

Mostwin, Danuta, 1921-. Fiction writer. POL1430 POL1431 POL1432 POL1433 POL1434 POL1435 POL1436 POL1437 POL1438 POL1439 POL1440 POL1441 POL1442 POL1443

Mostwin, Danuta. Ameryko! Ameryko! Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1961. - - - . Asteroidy. London: Nakl. Polskiej Fundacji Kulturalnej, 1965. - - - . Cien ksiedza Piotra. Warsaw: Pax, 1985. - - - . Dom starej lady: powiesc. London: Nakladem Katolickiego Osrodka Wydawniczego Veritas, 1958; London: Veritas, 1958. - - - . la za wodq, ty za wodq. Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1972. - - - . Nie ma domu. Lublin: Norbertinum, 1996. - - - . Odchodzq moi synowie. London: Polska Fundacja Kulturalna, 1977. - - - . Odkrywanie Ameryki. Lublin: Norbertinum, 1992. - - - . Olivia. Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1965. - - - . Slysze, jak spiewa Ameryka. London: Polska Fundacja Kulturalna, 1998. - - - . Szmaragdowa zjawa. Warsaw: Pax, 1988. - - - . Tajemnica zwyciezonych. London: PolskaFundacja Kulturalna, 1982, 1992. Stepien, Marian. Trzecia wartosc: 0 twrczosci Danuty Mostwin. Cracow: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, 2000. Wroblewski, Boguslaw, ed. Mi~dzy Lublinem a Baltimore: dorobek literacki i naukowy Danuty Mostwin: wystawa w Muzeum Literackim im. l6zefa Czechowicza. Lublin: Muzeum Lubelskie, 1997.

Nalkowska, Zofia, 1884-1954. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; The History of Polish Literature by Czeslaw Milosz. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1983; Dictionary ofPolish Literature, edited by E. J. Czerwinski. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994; and Dictionary of Literary Biography, v. 215. Detroit: Gale Group, 1999. POL1444


POL1446 POL1447 POL1448 POL1449 POL1450 POL1451 POL1452 POL1453 POL1454 POL1455 POL1456 POL1457

Nalkowska, Zofia. "At the Railroad Track" and "Rock Bottom." In Russian and Polish Women's Fiction, edited by Helena Goscilo, 331-4, 334-43. Knoxville: Univ. of Tennessee Press, 1985. - - - . "The Boiler." Translated by Elzbieta Ettinger. In Studies in Poetics: Commemorative Volume Krystyna Pomorska (1928-1986), edited by Elena Semeka-Pankratov. Columbus: Slavica, 1995. - - - . Choucas. Warsaw: Gebethner i Wolff, 1927. - - - . Dom Kobiet. Warsaw: Gebethner i Wolff, 1930. - - - . Dom nad lqkami. Warsaw: PIW, 1953; 1925. - - - . Dzien jego powrotu. Warsaw: Gebethner i Wolff, 1931. - - - . Dziela. 14 vols. Warsaw: "Czytelnik", 1976-86. - - - . Granica. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1966; 1935. - - - . Kobiety. Warsaw: N.p, 1906. - - - . Narcyza. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1982; 1911. - - - . Niedobra milosc. Warsaw: Wiedza, 1946; 1928. - - - . Pour prendre conge: A Lady's Narrative. Henley-on-Thames: Carpathian Press, 1990. World War l-era personal narrative. - - - . Romans Teresy Hennert. Warsaw: Sp6lka Wydawniczo-Ksiegarska, 1995; 1923. - - - . Sciany swiata. Warsaw: Gebethner i Wolff, 1931. Gloomy book about "people of the prison"- Manfred Kridl (An Anthology ofPolish Literature, 1957).



POL1458 POL1459 POL1460 POL1461


POL1463 POL1464



POL1467 POL1468 POL1469


POL1471 POL1472

- - - . Tajemnica krwi. Warsaw: Nakladem Autorki, 1917. - - - . Women. Translated by Michael Henry Dziewicki. New York; London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1920. - - - . "Zloczyncy." In An Anthology ofPolish Literature, edited by Manfred KridI. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1957. Borkowska, Grazyna. "Plec jako skaza: Przybyszewski i Nalkowska." In Nowa swiadomosc plci w modernizmie: studia spod znaku gender w kulturze polskiej i rosyjskiej u schylku stulecia, edited by German Ritz, Christa Binswanger, Carmen Scheide, 77-87. Cracow: TAiWPN Universitas, 2000. Kraskowska, Ewa. "Niebezpieczne zwiazki: 0 prozie Zofii Nalkowskiej." In her Pi6rem niewiescim: Z problem6w prozy kobiecej dwudziestolecia miedzywojennego.Ys-Ta. Seria Filologia Polska, 60. Poznan: Wydawn. Nauk. UAM, 1999. - - - . Zofia Nalkowska. Poznan: Dom Wydawn. "Rebis", 1999. Marszatek, Magdalena. "Zycie i papier": autobiograficzny projekt Zofii Nalkowskiej "Dzienniki" 1899-1954. Cracow: TAiWPN Universitas, 2003. Revision and abridgement of 2002 Ph.D thesis, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin. Smolen, Barbara. "Kobieta i egzystencja. Wok61 Domu kobiet Zofii Nalkowskiej." In Krytyka feministyczna: siostra teorii i historii literatury, edited by Grazyna Borkowska i Liliana Sikorska, 105-20. Warsaw: IBL, 2000. - - - . "Plec i smierc: Tanatyczna wyobraznia Zofii Nalkowskiej." In Cialo, plec, literatura: prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Germanowi Ritzowi w piecdziesiata rocznice urodzin, edited by Magdalena Homung, Marcin Jedrzejczak, Tadeusz Korsak, 197-233. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawn. Wiedza Powszechna, 2001. W6jcik, Wlodzimierz. Powr6t do Nalkowskiej. (Prace naukowe Uniwersytetu Slaskiego w Katowicach, 2194) Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 2004. - - - . Zofia Nalkowska. Warsaw: Wiedza Powszechna, 1973. Nasilowska, Anna. "Dziedzictwo Zofii: Szlacheckie wzorce obyczajowe w prozie kobiet XX wieku." In Cialo, plec, literatura: prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Germanowi Ritzowi w piecdziesiqtq rocznice urodzin, edited by Magdalena Homung, Marcin Jedrzejczak, Tadeusz Korsak, 171-95. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawn. Wiedza Powszechna, 2001. ---."Feminizm i psychoanaliza-ucieczka od opozycji." In Cialo i tekst: feminizm w literaturoznawstwie: antologia szkicow, edited by Anna Nasilowska, 206-14. Warsaw: Instytut Badan Literackich, 2001. - - - . "Teksty feministyczne." In Cialo i tekst: feminizm w literaturoznawstwie: antologia szkicow, edited by Anna Nasilowska, 7-12. Warsaw: Instytut Badan Literackich, 2001. - - - , ed. Cialo i tekst: feminizm w literaturoznawstwie: antologia szkicow. Warsaw: Instytut Badan Literackich, 2001.

Negri, Pola, pseud., [Chalupiec, Barbara Apollina], 1897-. Silent screen actress in Hollywood. See http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/2440/negri.html. POL1473

Czapinska, Wieslawa. Pola Negri, polska kr6lowa Hollywood. Warsaw: Wydawn. Philip Wilson, 1996. About the actress.


Neyman, Elzbieta, "A cialo slowem sie stalo." In Cialo i tekst: [eminizm w literaturoznawstwie: antologia szkicow, edited by Anna Nasilowska, 42-64. Warsaw: Instytut Badan Literackich, 2001.

Niemiryczowa, Antonina, 1702-1760. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991.




R06ko, Agata. "Wizerunek artystyczny Antoniny Niemiryczowej." In Pisarki polskie epok dawnych, edited by Krystyna Stasiewicz, 129-40. Olsztyn: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna. 1998. An artistic portrait of Antonina Niemiryczowa.


Niklewska, Jolanta. "Autorki literatury dla dzieci i mlodziezy w zaborze rosysjkim w XIX i poczatkach XX wieku." In Kobieta i kultura: Kobiety wsrod tw6rc6w kultury intelektualne] i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodlegiym panstwie polskim, edited by Anna Zarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, 63-72. Warsaw: DiG, 1996. About women authors for children and youth in Russian Poland in the and early twentieth centuries. Nikolchina, Miglena. "Love and Automata: From Hoffmann to Lem and from Freud to Kristeva." In Functions of the Fantastic: Selected Essaysfrom the Thirteenth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, edited by Joe Sanders, 77-82. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1995.


Obertynska, Beata, [Rudzka, Maria, pseud.], 1898-1980. See Literatura polska XX wieku: Przewodnik encyklopedyczny, vol. 1. Warsaw: PWN, 2000. POL1478 POL1479

POL1480 POL1481

POL1482 POL1483

POL1484 POL1485


Obertynska, Beata. Mi6d i piolun. London: Veritas, 1972. Poetry. - - - . Poems. In Pol'skie poetessy: Antologiia [Polish Poetesses: An Anthology], compiled by Natal'ia Astaf'eva. SPb: Aleteiia, 2002. Poems translated into Russian; includes biography of the poet, portraits. - - - . Wiersze wybrane. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1983. Selected poems. - - - . W domu niewoli. 2 vols. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo KRAG, 1946, 1981. Reminiscences of Siberian exile. There were two editions of the English translation, published under the author's pseudonym. - - - . Ziamka piasku: opowiadania i nowele. London: Veritas, 1957. Stories. Kralkowska-Gatkowska, Krystyna. "Topos ziarna w poezji Beaty Obertynskiej." In "Ktokolwiek jestes be: ojczyzny... ": Topika polskiej wspolczesnej poezji emigracyjnej, edited by Wojciech Ligeza and Wojciech Wyskiel, 271-98. Lodz: Wydawnictwo biblioteka, 1995. Oleksy, Elzbieta H., Elzbieta Ostrowska and Michael Stevenson, eds. Gender in Film and Media: East- West Dialogues. New York: P. Lang, 2000. - - - . Gender-film-media. Cracow: RABID, 2001. The English and Polish editions are not identical: the English edition contains 18 articles and the Polish, 23 articles on gender in international film. - - - . "'A Sparrow With a Broken Wing... and a Shot of Vodka': Constructions of Feminity in Post-War Polish Visual Culture;" In Gender in Film and Media: East- West Dialogues, edited by Elzbieta H. Oleksy, Elzbieta Ostrowska and Michael Stevens, 109-19. New York: P. Lang, 2000.

Orzeszkowa, Eliza, 1841-1910. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991; The History of Polish Literature by Czeslaw Milosz. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1983; Dictionary of Polish Literature, edited by E. J. Czerwinski. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994. POL1487 POL1488 POL1489 POL1490

Orzeszkowa, Eliza. Bene nati: opowiesc wiejska. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1960; Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1950; 1891. - - - . Cham .. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1954; 1889. Describes peasant life. - - - . Dziurdziowie. Warsaw: Gebethner i Wolff, 1938; 1884. - - - . Eli Makower. Warsaw: Gebethner i Wolff, 1912. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora.



POL1491 POL1492 POL1493 POL1494


POL1496 POL1497 POL1498 POL1499 POL1500 POL1501



POL1504 POL1505 POL1506 POL1507 POL1508

POL1509 POL1510 POL1511 POL1512

- - - . Eliza Orzeszkowa 0 sobie. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1974. Eliza Orzeszkowa about herself. - - - . Marta. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1984; 1873. - - - . Meir Ezofowicz: Warsaw: S. Lewental, 1879; 1877. Annotated under Jewish Diaspora. - - - . "Miss Antonina." Translated by Margaret Bozenna Goscilo. In Russian and Polish Women's Fiction, edited by Helena Goscilo, 199-230. Knoxville: Univ. of Tennessee Press, 1985. - - - . Nad Niemnem. Poznan: Wydawn. Podsiedlik Raniowski i Spolka, 1997; 1886. Considered her masterpiece. "A broadly conceived picture of Polish society in the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania and of the relations between the manor and the small gentry"Manfred Kridl, Anthology of Polish Literature, 1957. - - - . "Ogniwa." In An Anthology of Polish Literature, edited by Manfred Kridl. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1957. Abridged version. - - - . Pamietnik Waclawy. Poznan: Grupa Wydawnicza "Slowo," 1995; 1871. - - - . Panna Antonina. Warsaw: Gebethner i Wolff, 1938. - - - . Panna Roza. Warsaw: Gebethner i Wolff, 1920. - - - . Wyb6r pism. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1952. Includes a chapter called "Kilka slow o kobietach" [A Few Words About Women]. Baczewski, Antoni. Natura, czlowiek; naturalism: 0 powiesciacn wiejskicn Elizy Orzeszkowej: Niziny, Dziurdziowie, Cham. Rzeszow: Fosze, 1996. About nature, people and naturalism in three rural novels by Orzeszkowa. Chwedczuk, Malgorzata. "Kobieta 0 kobietach, czyli Gloria victis Elizy Orzeszkowej." In: Wiek Kobiet w Literatur;e, edited by Jadwiga Zacharska and Mark Kochanowski, 150-7. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 2002. Chomicz, Anna. "Portrety kobiet w Argonautach Elizy Orzeskowej." In Wiek Kobiet w Literaturze, edited by Jadwiga Zacharska and Mark Kochanowski, 143-9. Bialystok: Trans Humana, 2002. Ihnatowicz, Ewa. Eliza Orzeszkowa: opowiadania. Warsaw: Dom Wydawn. "Jota," 1991. Jankowski, Edmund. Eliza Orzeszkowa. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1988; 1964. Jezowski, Stanislaw, Eliza Orzeszkowa, Nad Niemnem. Tarnow: Nakladem Ksiegarni Zygmunta Jelenia, 1926. Najder, Zdzislaw. Orzeszkowa, Sienkiewicz. Prus: 0 literaturze. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1956. Przewoska, M. Eliza Orzeszkowa w literaturze i w ruchu kobiecym. Zarys syntetyczny. Cracow: Ksiegarnia Ludowa K. Wojnara, 1909. About Eliza Orzeszkowa in literature and in the women's movement. Story, Joyce. "Eliza Orzeszkowa's Feminist and Jewish Works in Polish and Russian Criticism." Ph.D. diss, Indiana Univ., 1975. Zarembianka, Janina. Zlote mysli Elizy Orzeszkowej. Warsaw: Ksieg. M. Borkowskiego, 1903. Zmigrodzka, Maria. Eliza Orzeszkowa. Warsaw: N.p, 1951. - - - . Orzeszkowa: Mlodosc pozytywizmu. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1965. About Orzeszkowa and the youth of positivism.

Osiecka, Agnieszka, 1936-1997. Poet and writer of over 2,000 songs, as well as screenplays and works of prose. POL1513 POL1514 POL1515

Osiecka, Agnieszka. Rozmowy w tancu. Warsaw: Wydawn. Tenten, 1993. Osiecka's autobiography. - - - . Szpetni czterdziestoletni. Graphics by Jana Mlodozenca. Warsaw: Iskry, 1985. Bakula, Hanna. Ostatni bal: listy do Agnieszki Osieckiej. Warsaw: Warszawskie Wydawn. Literackie MUZA SA, 2001, 2002. Correspondence between Bakula and Osiecka.





Derlatka, Piotr, Lambryczak, Anna and Michal Traczyk, eds. Agnieszka Osiecka 0 kobietach, meicrymacn i swiecie. Poznan: Wydawn. "Poznanskie Studia Polonistyczne", 2003. A collection of articles about the poetry and songs of Osiecka. Turowska, Zofia. Agnieszki: pejzaze z Agnieszka Osiecka. Warsaw: Pr6szynski i S-ka, 2000. Biographical treatment of Agnieszka Osiecka.

Ostrowska, Bronislawa, 1881-1928. See An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers, edited by Katharina M. Wilson. New York: Garland, 1991, and The History ofPolish Literature by Czeslaw Milosz. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1983. POL1518 POL1519 POL1520 POL1521

POL1522 POL1523


POL1525 POL1526






Ostrowska, Bronislawa. Bronislawa Ostrowska: Wybor poezji. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1968. - - - . Chusty ofiarne. Warsaw: J. Mortkowicz, 1932. - - - . Pierscien zycia. Warsaw: Nakladem Kasy Przezornosci i Pomocy Warszawskich Pomocnik6w Ksiegarskich, 1918. - - - . Poems. In Pol'skie poetessy: Antologiia [Polish Poetesses: An AnthologyJ, compiled by Natal'ia Astaf'eva. SPb: Aleteiia, 2002. Poems translated into Russian; includes biography of the poet, portraits. - - - . Utwory prozq. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1982. Ostrowska-Grabska, Halina. Bric Cl brac: 1848-1939. Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1978. A biography of Bronislawa Ostrowska, her husband, the sculptor Stanislaw K. Ostrowski and their daughter, and by the author herself. Wydrycka, Anna. "goriankam!" 270-75; Andreeva, Z. A. "Zhenshchiny zemli Chuvashskoi," 275-80. Budnitskii, 1. V., comp. and ed. Zhenshchiny-terroristki v Rossii (Rostov-on-Don: Feniks, 1996). Memoirs of Socialist Revolutionaries. Clyman, Toby W., and Judith Vowles, eds. Russia Through Women's Eyes: Autobiographies from Tsarist Russia (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996). Sokhanskaia, Nadezhda. "An Autobiography," Valentina Baslyk, tr., 47-59; Kobiakova, Aleksandra. "An Autobiography," Lucy Vogel, tr., 60-74; Khvoshchinskaia, Sofia. "Reminiscences of Institute Life," Valentina Baslyk, tr., 75-108; Nikulina-Kositskaia, Liubov. "Notes," Mary F. Zirin, tr. 109-57; Kashevarova-Rudneva, Varvara. "An Autobiography," Toby W. Clyman, tr., 158-85; Slanskaia, Ekaterina, "House Calls: A Day in the Practice of a Duma Woman Doctor in St. Petersburg," Toby W. Clyman, tr., 186-216; Grot, Natalia. "From a Family Chronicle: Reminiscences for Children and Grandchildren," Lesli La Rocco, tr., 217-41; Tatlina, Praskovia. "Reminiscences," Judith Vowles, tr., 242-80; Lvova, Elizaveta. "From the Distant Past: Fragments from Childhood Memories," Mary F. Zirin, tr., 281-310; Pimenova, Emiliia. "Bygone Days," Natasha Roklina, tr., 311-33; and Verbitskaia, Anastasiia. "To My Reader," Judith Vowles, tr., 335-81. Demidova, Ol'ga R., comp. Puteshestvie iz Peterburga v Parizh: Vospominaniia russkikh pisate/'nits 0 pervykh godakh sovetskoi vlasti (1917-1924). Po materia/am Bakhmet 'evskogo arkhiva (Wilhelmshorst: F.K. Gopfert, 1996). Anichkova, S. (Sofiia Taube). "Vechera poetov v gody bedstvii (Pg., 1917-1924)," 11-117; Berestovskaia, Evgeniia. "Vospominaniia," 119-55; Manukhina, Tat'iana Ivanovna. "Puteshestvie iz Peterburga v Parizh v 1921 godu," 157-202; Kutyrina, Iuliia Aleksandrovna. "Oktiabr'skie dni v Moskve," 203-14; and Petrunkevich, Aleksandra Mikhailovna. "Kak eto bylo, 21541." Engel, Barbara Alpern, and Clifford Rosenthal, trs. and eds. Five Sisters: Women Against the Tsar: The Memoirs ofFive Young Anarchist Women ofthe 1870s (NY: Alfred A. 76

Individual Women

RHI479 RHI480




RHI484 RHI485


Knopf, 1975; reissued with updated bibliography: Winchester, MA: AlIen and Unwin, 1987). Excerpted memoirs of the revolutionary movements of the 1870s-1880s by Vera Figner, 1-58; Vera Zasulich, 59-94; Praskovia Ivanovskaia, 95-142; Olga Liubatovich, 143-202; and Elizaveta Kovalskaia, 203-52. Grossman, L. ed. Pis'ma zhenshchin k Pushkinu (rpt., M.: Terra, 1997). In addition to letters, the edition contains memoirs by a number of the women in Pushkin's life. Horsbrugh-Porter, Anna, ed. Memories ofRevolution: Russian Women Remember. Elena Snow and Frances Welsh, interviews. (London: Routledge, 1993). Oral histories recorded by women from the prerevolutionary nobility and intelligentsia, all but one (Ada Nikolskaya, nee Krassina) emigrees. "Anya Troup," 8-12, 130; "Tatiana Vladimirovna Toporkova," 13-25, 131-32; "Princess Sophia Wacznadze," 26-38, 132-33; "Dorothy Russell," 39-46, 133-34; "Irina Sergevna Tidmarsh," 47-69, 134-35; "Ludmila Mathias," 70-82, 135-36; "Marie Allan," 83-95, 136; "Olga Lawrence," 96-104, 137; "Eugenia Peacock," 105-19, 137-38; "Ada Nikolskaya," 120-27, 138. Ilizarov, B. S., ed. Zhenskaia sud'ba v Rossii. Narodnyi arkhiv (M.: Rossiia molodaia, 1994). "Baryshnia-smolianka: Vospominaniia Z. K. Manakinoi," 8-17; "Moia babyshka samaia, samaia.... E. F. Kun v vospominaniiakh vnuchki A. ID. Kamenskoi," 17-22; "Teatr - moia zhizn', moia sud'ba: Vospominaniia L. N. Semenovoi-Filonovoi," 22-38; "Deti Ariny: Vospominaniia M. K. Bel'skoi," 42-59; "Ot mertvykh ne otrekaiutsia: Iz perepiski Z. M. Zakkit," 59-86; "My borolis' za ideiu! Vospominaniia F. E. Treiuvas," 8797; "Sud'ba materi: Iz perepiski N. G. Lishchinoi-Shaikevich," 97-109; "Strakh: Vospominaniia M. 1. Martynovoi," 109-18; "Zhizn' vse ravno prekrasna! Vospominaniia M. M. Blokhinoi," 119-30; "Tri goda v plenu - eta vechnost': Vospominaniia T. V. Sereginoi," 134-43; "Dvadtsat' let v shakhte: Vospominaniia S. P. Pozdniakovoi," 143-48; "Na piati rabotakh po sovmestitel'stvu: Vospominaniia L. A. Matveevoi," 148-54; "'Rodilas' sama ne znaiu gde ....': Interv'iu s T. N. Nekrasovoi," 158-69; "Tri ispovedi doktoru Nikolaevu: Zhena. Prostitutka. Lesbiianka," 170-75. Ispoved' zhenskogo serdtsa ili istoriia Rossii XIX stoletiia v dnevnikakh, zapiskakh, pis'makh i stikhakh sovremennits. 2 vols. (M.: Fond im. 1. D. Sytina, 2000). Volume 1 contains writings by Nadezhda Durova, Zinaida Volkonskaia, Anna Kern, Karolina Pavlova, Polina Annenkova, Mariia Volkonskaia, Anna Olenina, and Aleksandra Smirnova-Rosset. Volume 2 contains pieces by Antonina Bludova, Anna Tiutcheva, Vera Aksakova, Evdokiia Rostopchina, Iuliia Vrevskaia, Elena Shtakenshneider, Mariia Bashkirtseva, and Mirra Lokhvitskaia. Kiselev, A. F., Galina Vladimirovna Aksenova, et al., eds. Vladimir Ivanovich Ger'e i Moskovskie vysshie zhenskie kursy: Memuary i dokumenty (M.: Moskovskii pedagogicheskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, 1997). Kudelli, P. F., comp. Rabotnitsa v 1905 g. v Sc-Peterburge. Sbornik statei i vospominanii (L.: Priboi, 1926). Anthology of articles about and memoirs by St. Petersburg workers. Moiseeva, Galina N., ed. Zapiski russkikh zhenshchin XVIII - pervoi poloviny XIX veka. (M.: Sovremennik, 1990). The memoirs of four women from "prominent" [znatnykh] families: Natal'ia Dolgorukaia, 41-66; Ekaterina Dashkova, 67-280; Sofia KapnistSkalon, 281-388; and Nadezhda Mordvinova, 389-449. Vospominaniia vrachei Iulii Al. Kviatkovskoi i Marii P. Rashkovich i kratkiia biografii N A. is. P. Doroshevskikh, E. P. Dzhunkovskoi i E. 1. Kristi-Sitsinskoi (Paris: [s.n.], 1937). Physicians'memoirs.


Russian History and Society: Imperial Russia

Individuals See also Tsetsiliia Bobrovskaia, Gesia Gel'fman, Emma Goldman, Fanni Kaplan', Anna Kulisciojf, Mollie Steimer, Man'ia Vil'bushevich, and Pauline Wengeroffunder NonRussian Peoples ofRussian - Jews - History, Society, and Culture - Individual Women.

RHI487 RHI488



RHI491 RHI492

Evgeniia Nikolaevna Adamovich (1872-1938). Revolutionary and Bolshevik. "Iz vospominanii 0 partiinoi rabote v Ekaterinoslave, 1901-1902 gg.," Letopis' revoliutsii (1923), no. 2:44-57. "Vosstanovlenie podpol'noi bol'shevistskoi organizatsii v Khar'kove v 1911-12 gg.," Letopis' revoliutsii (1924), no. 1:137-70. Zhukova, lu. la., and Ts. V. Zorina. "'Vsegda byla bol'shevikom' (Evgeniia Adamovich)" in Belikov et aI., eds. Revoliutsionerki Rossii (1983): 29-39.

Anna Aleksandrovna Adler (1856-1924). Sizova, A. I. Anna Aleksandrovna Adler (M.: Logos, 1996). Nina Ferdinandovna Agadzhanova ("Nune," 1889-1974). Revolutionary. Arutiunov, G. A., and Z. 1. Peregudova. Nune: Nina Ferdinandovna Aghajanova (Yerevan: Hayastan, 1974). Leiberov, I. P., and Z. I Peregudova. Podvig Nune: Dokumental'naia povest' 0 N. F Agadzhanovoi (L.: Lenizdat, 1985). Klara Agranovich-Shulman (b. 1895).


Neobyknovennaia zhizn odnoi zhenshchiny: Memuary (NY: [Klara Shulman], 1981). Memoir of political imprisonment.

Vera Sergeevna Aksakova (1819-1864). DRWW RP-1800. See Ispoved' zhenskogo serdtsa - under Imperial Russia - Individual Women - Anthologies ofMemoirs.



RHI496 RHI497 RHI498 RHI499 RHI500 RHI501

Tat'iana Aleksandrovna Aksakova-Sivers (1892-1981). "Doch' genealoga." L. Ostroumova, ed. Minuvshee istoricheskii al'manakh 4 (1987): 792. The daughter of a prominent numismatist, Aksakova offers a rare account of the way in which her aristocratic family and friends adapted to life in revolutionary and Stalinist Russia from 1917-1935. Semeinaia khronika. 2 vols. (Paris: Atheneum, 1988). Memoir of repression and arrests she and family members suffered throughout the Soviet period. Liubov' Isaakovna Aksel'rod ('Ortodoks,' 1868[?]-1946). Activist, philosopher, and historian of literature. KLE. Rlili. RP-1800. Etiudy i vospominaniia (L.: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo, 1925). Filosofskie ocherki: Otvet filosofskim kritikam istoricheskogo materializma (M.: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo, 1923). Idealisticheskaia dialektika Gegelia i materialisticheskaia dialektika Marksa (M.: Gosudarstvennoe sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoe izdatel'stvo, 1934). "Iz moikh vospominanii," Katorga i ssylka (1930), no. 2:22-42. Kritika osnov burzhuaznogo obshchestvovedeniia i istoricheskii materializm (IvanovoVoznesensk: Osnova, 1925). Lev Tolstoi. 2d ed. (M.: Gosudarstvennaia akademiia khudozhestvennykh nauk, 1928).


Individual Women

RHI502 RHI503 RHI504 RHI505

RHI506 RHI507 RHI508




1. N. Tolstoi: Sbornik statei (M.: Moskovskoe otdelenie gosudarstvennogo izdatel'stva, 1922). Moral'i krasota v proizvedeniiakh Oskara Uail'da ([Pg.7]: Osnova, 1923). Protiv idealizma: Kritika nekotorykh idealisticheskikh techenii filosfskoi mysli: Sbornik statei (M.: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo, 1922). V zashchitu dialekticheskogo materializma: Protiv skholastiki (M.: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo, 1928). Khristina Danilovna Alchevskaia (1841-1920). Pedagogue, critic of literature for children and a popular audience, and author of fiction for children. RP-1800. Frid'eva, N. la. Zhizn' dlia prosveshcheniia naroda: 0 deiatelnosti Kh. D. Alchevskoi (M.: Vses. knizhnaia palata, 1963). Includes a bibliography of Alchevskaia's works. Mukhin, M. I. Pedahohichni pohliady ta osvitnia diial'nist' Kh. D. Alchevskoi (Kiev: Vyshcha shkola, 1979). Steklov, Mikhail. Chetyre portreta: S. A. Rachinskii, ~ P. Vakhterov, Kh. D. Alchevskaia, K. N Venttsel' (M.: Verdikt, 1995). Aleksandra (skhimonakhina, b. A. S. Mel'gunova, d. 1789). Woman religious, founder of Serafimo-Diveevo women's monastery. Chichagov, L. M. Letopis' Serafimo-Diveevskago monastyria Nizhegorodskoi gub. Ardatovskago uezda: S zhizneopisniem osnovatelei eia, prepodobnago Serafima i skhimonakhini Aleksandry, urozhd A. S. Mel'gunovoi. 2 vols. (1903; rpt., Krasnodar: Krasnodarskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1991). Aleksandra Fedorovna (1798-1860). Consort ofNicholas I, Emperor. MERSH. WWR. A Czarina's Story, Being an Account ofthe Early Married Life ofthe Emperor Nicholas I ofRussia Written by His Wife. Una Pope-Hennessy, tr. from the French (London: Nicholson and Watson, 1948).61 pp. Vasetskii, N. A. "Neizvestnaia imperatritsa: Nikolai I i Aleksandra" in his Zhenshchiny vo vlasti i bezvlastii (1997): 224-39. Aleksandra Pavlovna (1783-1801). See Iskusstvo zhenskogo roda under General Background -- Reference and Bibliographies.


Aleksandra Petrovna (1838-1900). Woman religious. Tsarstvennaia inokinia (Odessa: Sviato-Arkhangelo-Mikhai1ovskii zhenskii monastyr', 1995).


Anna Alekseevna Alekseeva (1856-1934). Mucheniki idei. Vospominaniia (Odessa: [no p.], 1926). Memoirs of Odessa in the 1860s1870s.

RHI514 RHI515

Tania Alexander. WWR.. A Little ofAll These: An Estonian Childhood (London: Cape, 1987). Tania: Memories ofa Lost World (Bethesda, MD: Adler and Adler, 1988). Russian childhood and youth in Estonia from 1918-1933. Alexandra Feodorovna (1872-1918). Consort of Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia. MERSH. WWR. See also Grebel'skii and Mirvis under General Histories; and Marfa 79

Russian History and Society: Imperial Russia

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Muchanov in this section. The Complete Wartime Correspondence ofTsar Nicholas 11and Empress Aleksandra: April 1914