Elsevier's Dictionary of Reptiles

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Elsevier's Dictionary of Reptiles


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Wrobel-reptiles VW





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Wrobel-reptiles VW



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ELSEVIER’S DICTIONARY OF REPTILES in Latin, English, German, French and Italian

compiled by M. WROBEL London, United Kingdom


Amsterdam – Boston – Heidelberg – London – New York – Oxford Paris – San Diego – San Francisco – Singapore – Sydney – Tokyo

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The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). Printed in The Netherlands.

Preface This dictionary has been compiled with the aim of giving an overview of the English, German, French and Italian names of reptiles. The Basic Table contains, in alphabetical order, the scientific names of families, genera, species and some sub-species with, again in alphabetical order, their identified names in English, French, German, and Italian, which are given in the singular for species and sub-species and in the plural for other terms. The relevant order and family are shown for each term and the taxonomy is that of the sources consulted. The criteria to determine which names are hyphenated or shown as two or more words are based on the frequency they are used by, and the relative importance I have attached to, the sources consulted. My special thanks go to Katayoun Asadollahzadeh-Sarab who prepared this work for publication and to my wife Myra for her support and encouragement. Murray Wrobel


Contents Preface




Basic Table


English Index


Deutsches Register


Index Français


Indice Italiano



Abbreviations The following abbreviations denote a general, but not necessarily exclusive, use in the various areas.



One or more of the French-speaking islands of the West Indies



Australia and New Zealand



Central and Southern Africa



Indian Subcontinent



North America






South East Asia



Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico



One or more of the English-speaking islands of the West Indies

Basic Table


Abronia gaiophantasma


d i

Asiatisches Natterauge Ablefaro de Kitaibel


Abronia Squamata - Anguidae Arboreal Alligator Lizards; Abronias; Gutezpaslias (NA) Baumschleichen; Bromelienschleichen Abronies

e d 1 e d f 2 e d f

Ablepharus Squamata - Scincidae Ocellated Skinks; Lidless Skinks; Snake-eyed Skinks Natteraugenskinke; Natteraugen Abléphares Ablepharus bivitattus Squamata - Scincidae Twin-striped Skink; Two-streaked Snake-eyed Skink Gestreiftes Natterauge Abléphare à deux bandes

f 8 e 9 e 10 e

3 e i

Ablepharus deserti Squamata - Scincidae Desert Lidless Skink Ablefaro bivittato

11 e

4 e d 5 e d f

i 6 e

Ablepharus grayanus Squamata - Scincidae Minor Snake-eyed Skink Kleines Natterauge

12 e

Ablepharus kitaibelii Squamata - Scincidae Juniper Skink; Balkan Skink; Snakeeyed Skink; European Copper Skink Johannisechse Abléphare de Kitaibel; Abléphare sans paupières; Scinque sans paupières; Scinque abléphare Scinco occhi di serpente


Ablepharus pannonicus Squamata - Scincidae Asian Snake-eyed Skink


e f 14 e


Abronia anzuetoi Squamata - Anguidae Anzuetoi Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia aurita Squamata - Anguidae Cope's Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia bogerti Squamata - Anguidae Bogert's Arboreal Alligator Lizard; Bogert's Abronia Abronia campbelli Squamata - Anguidae Campbell's Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia chiszari Squamata - Anguidae Chiszar's Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia deppei Squamata - Anguidae Deppe's Arboreal Alligator Lizard; Gutezpaslia (NA) Abronie de Deppe Abronia fuscolabialis Squamata - Anguidae Deppe's Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia gaiophantasma Squamata - Anguidae Brilliant Arboreal Alligator Lizard

Abronia graminea

16 e

Abronia graminea Squamata - Anguidae Terrestrial Arboreal Alligator Lizard


e 27

17 e

18 e 19 e 20 e 21 e 22 e

Abronia leurolepis Squamata - Anguidae White-scaled Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia lythrochila Squamata - Anguidae Red-lipped Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia matudai Squamata - Anguidae Matuda's Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia mitchelli Squamata - Anguidae Mitchell's Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia mixteca Squamata - Anguidae Mixtecan Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia montecristoi Squamata - Anguidae Montecristo Arboreal Alligator Lizard

e 28 e 29 e 30 e 31 e

d f 32 e

23 e

Abronia oaxacae Squamata - Anguidae Oaxacan Arboreal Alligator Lizard

33 e

24 e

25 e 26

Abronia ochoterenai Squamata - Anguidae Northern Chioapas Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia ornatus Squamata - Anguidae Ornate Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia ornelasi

34 e 35 e d f

Squamata - Anguidae Cerro Baul Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia ramirezi Squamata - Anguidae Ramirez's Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia reidi Squamata - Anguidae Reid's Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia salvadorensis Squamata - Anguidae Salvador Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia smithi Squamata - Anguidae Smith's Arboreal Alligator Lizard Abronia taeniata Squamata - Anguidae Bromeliad Arboreal Alligator Lizard; Streaked Gutezpalia; Bromeliad Alligator Lizard Gestreifte Baumschleiche Abronie à bandes Abronia vasconcelosi Squamata - Anguidae Bocourt's Arboreal Alligator Lizard Acalyptophis Squamata - Elapidae Perron's Sea Snakes Acalyptophis peroni Squamata - Elapidae Perron's Sea Snake Acanthochelys Testudines - Chelidae South American Sideneck Turtles Plattschildkröten Platémydes


Acanthodactylus dumerili

36 e

d f 37 e d f

Acanthochelys macrocephala Testudines - Chelidae Pantanal Swamp Turtle; Big-headed Pantanal Swamp Turtle; Pantanal Big-headed Turtle Großkopfplattschildkröte Platémyde à grosse tête Acanthochelys pallidipectoris Testudines - Chelidae Chaco Sideneck Turtle; Chaco Sidenecked Turtle Spornplattschildkröte; Sporenplattschildkröte Platémyde à éperons

e f 43 e 44 e 45 e

38 e d f 39 e

d f

Acanthochelys radiolata Testudines - Chelidae Brazilian Radiolated Swamp Turtle Strahlenplattschildkröte Platémyde radiolée Acanthochelys spixii Testudines - Chelidae Spinyneck Swamp Turtle; Black Spine-necked Swamp Turtle; Spix's Snake-necked Turtle; Black Spinynecked Swamp Turtle; Spiny-necked Swamp Turtle; Spiny-necked Turtle Stachelhalsplattschildkröte Platémyde de Spix

46 e

d f i 47 e 48

40 e d f

Acanthodactylus Squamata - Lacertidae Fringe-fingered Lizards; Sand Spinetoed Lizards; Fringe-toed Lizards Fransenfinger; Fransenfingereidechsen Acanthodactyles

e f 49 e

41 e 42

Acanthodactylus arabicus Squamata - Lacertidae Arabian Fringe-fingered Lizard Acanthodactylus aureus Squamata - Lacertidae



Golden Fringe-fingered Lizard; Golden Fringe-toed Lizard Acanthodactyle doré Acanthodactylus bedriaga Squamata - Lacertidae Bédriaga's Fringe-fingered Lizard Acanthodactylus blanci Squamata - Lacertidae White Fringe-fingered Lizard Acanthodactylus blanfordii Squamata - Lacertidae Blanford's Fringe-fingered Lizard Acanthodactylus boskianus Squamata - Lacertidae Bosc's Fringe-fingered Lizard; Bosc's Lizard; Bosc's Spinefoot; Bosc's Fringe-toed Lizard; Bosc's Sandracer Bosc-Fransenfinger Acanthodactyle de Bosc; Acanthodactyle rugueux Acantodattilo di Bosk Acanthodactylus boueti Squamata - Lacertidae Chabanaud's Fringe-fingered Lizard Acanthodactylus busacki Squamata - Lacertidae Busack's Fringe-fingered Lizard; Busack's Leopard Fringe-toed Lizard Acanthodactyle de Busack Acanthodactylus cantoris Squamata - Lacertidae Indian Fringe-fingered Lizard; Indian Fringe-toed Lizard (ISC); Indian Fringe-toed Sand Lizard Dünenfransenfinger; PakistanFransenfinger Acanthodactylus dumerili Squamata - Lacertidae

Acanthodactylus erythrurus

e f 51 e


f i

Duméril's Fringe-fingered Lizard; Duméril's Fringe-toed Lizard Acanthodactyle de Duméril Acanthodactylus erythrurus Squamata - Lacertidae Fringe-fingered Lizard; Fringe-toed Lizard; Common Fringe-toed Lizard; Spiny-footed Lizard; European Fringefinger Europäischer Fransenfinger; Gewöhnlicher Fransenfinger; Sägefinger Acanthodactyle commun Acantodattilo eritruro; Acantodatillo coda-rossa


e d f 59 e 60 e

61 52 e

Acanthodactylus felicis Squamata - Lacertidae Cat Fringe-fingered Lizard

e 62

53 e 54 e

55 e 56 e

Acanthodactylus gongrorhynchatus Squamata - Lacertidae Saudi Fringe-fingered Lizard Acanthodactylus grandis Squamata - Lacertidae Giant Fringe-fingered Lizard; Giant Fringe-toed Lizard Acanthodactylus guineensis Squamata - Lacertidae Guinea Fringe-fingered Lizard Acanthodactylus haasi Squamata - Lacertidae Haas's Fringe-fingered Lizard



63 e 64 e

f 57 e f 58

Acanthodactylus longipes Squamata - Lacertidae Long Fringe-fingered Lizard; Longfooted Fringe-toed Lizard Acanthodactyle à longs pieds Acanthodactylus maculatus Squamata - Lacertidae

65 e


Spotted Fringe-fingered Lizard; Spotted Leopard Fringe-toed Lizard Fransenfinger Acanthodactyle tacheté Acanthodactylus masirae Squamata - Lacertidae Masira Fringe-fingered Lizard Acanthodactylus micropholis Squamata - Lacertidae Yellowtail Fringe-fingered Lizard; Yellow-tailed Lizard; Persian Fringetoed Lizard Acanthodactylus opheodurus Squamata - Lacertidae Arnold's Fringe-fingered Lizard Acanthodactylus pardalis Squamata - Lacertidae Egyptian Fringe-fingered Lizard; Leopard Fringe-toed Lizard; Egyptian Leopard Lizard Gefleckter Fransenfinger; Pantherfransenfinger; Gefleckter Sandläufer Acanthodactylus robustus Squamata - Lacertidae Robust Fringe-fingered Lizard Acanthodactylus savignyi Squamata - Lacertidae Savigny's Fringe-fingered Lizard; Savigny's Spinefoot; Savigny's Fringe-toed Lizard Acanthodactyle de Savigny Acanthodactylus schmidti Squamata - Lacertidae Schmidt's Fringe-fingered Lizard; Schmidt's Fringe-toed Lizard Acanthodactylus schreiberi Squamata - Lacertidae


Acanthosaura crucigera

e 67 e

f 68 e 69 e 70 e 71 e

Schreiber's Fringe-fingered Lizard Acanthodactylus scutellatus Squamata - Lacertidae Nidua Fringe-fingered Lizard; Nidua Lizard; Shielded Spinefoot; Nidua Fringe-toed Lizard; Fringe-toed Lizard Acanthodactyle pommelé Acanthodactylus spinicauda Squamata - Lacertidae Domergue's Fringe-fingered Lizard Acanthodactylus tilburyi Squamata - Lacertidae Tilbury's Fringe-fingered Lizard Acanthodactylus tristrami Squamata - Lacertidae Lebanon Fringe-fingered Lizard Acanthodactylus yemenicus Squamata - Lacertidae Yemen Fringe-fingered Lizard

e d 76 e d i 77 e d i 78 e d 79 e

d 72 e d i 73 e

d i 74 d 75

Acanthophis Squamata - Elapidae Death Adders; Deaf Adders (ANZ) Todesottern Vipere della morte Acanthophis antarcticus Squamata - Elapidae Common Death Adder; Death Adder; Southern Death Adder; Deaf Adder (ANZ) Todesotter; Gewöhnliche Todesotter Vipera della morte Acanthophis antarcticus antarcticus Squamata - Elapidae Australische Todesotter Acanthophis antarcticus laevis Squamata - Elapidae

80 e

d f

81 e d f

New Guinea Death Adder Neuguinea Todesotter Acanthophis praelongus Squamata - Elapidae Northern Death Adder Nôrdliche Todesotter Vipera della morte del Nord Acanthophis pyrrhus Squamata - Elapidae Desert Death Adder Wüstentodesotter Vipera della morte del deserto Acanthosaura Squamata - Agamidae Pricklenapes; Angle-headed Lizards Nackenstachler; Winkelkopfagamen Acanthosaura armata Squamata - Agamidae Armoured Pricklenape; Horned Anglehead; Mountain Horned Dragon Nackenstachler; Winkelkopfagame; Malaysischer Nackenstachler Acanthosaura capra Squamata - Agamidae Green Pricklenape; Mountain Horned Dragon; Mountain Horned Lizard Grüner Nackenstachler; VietnamNackenstachler Lézard cornu des montagnes; Dragon cornu des montagnes; Dragon des montagnes Acanthosaura crucigera Squamata - Agamidae Pseudemoia; Horned Mountain Dragon; Mountain Horned Dragon Nackenstachler; Winkelkopfagame Dragon des montagnes

Acanthosaura lepidogaster

82 e d

Acanthosaura lepidogaster Squamata - Agamidae Brown Pricklenape Brauner Nackenstachler; Nackenstachler



93 e

83 e

Achalinus Squamata - Colubridae Odd-scaled Snakes

94 e

84 e

Achalinus ater Squamata - Colubridae Bourret's Odd-scaled Snake

95 e

85 e 86 e 87 e 88 e 89 e 90 e 91 e 92

Achalinus formosanus Squamata - Colubridae Formosa Odd-scaled Snake Achalinus formosanus chigirai Squamata - Colubridae Yaeyama Odd-scaled Snake Achalinus hainanus Squamata - Colubridae Hainan Odd-scaled Snake Achalinus jinggangensis Squamata - Colubridae Zong's Odd-scaled Snake Achalinus meiguensis Squamata - Colubridae Szechwan Odd-scaled Snake Achalinus niger Squamata - Colubridae Black Odd-scaled Snake Achalinus rufescens Squamata - Colubridae Boulenger's Odd-scaled Snake Achalinus spinalis Squamata - Colubridae

d f 96 e

97 e

98 e 99 e

100 e


Peters's Odd-scaled Snake; Japanese Odd-scaled Snake Aclys Squamata - Gekkonidae Elegant Legless Lizards Aclys concinna Squamata - Gekkonidae Elegant Legless Lizard Acontias Squamata - Scincidae Lance Skinks; Greater Legless Skinks (CSA); Dart Skinks Lanzenskinke Acontias Acontias breviceps Squamata - Scincidae Shorthead Lance Skink; Shortheaded Legless Skink (CSA) Acontias gracilicauda Squamata - Scincidae Slendertail Lance Skink; Thin-tailed Legless Skink (CSA); Slender-tailed Legless Skink (CSA) Acontias gracilicauda gracilicauda Squamata - Scincidae Slender-tailed Legless Skink (CSA) Acontias lineatus Squamata - Scincidae Lined Lance Skink; Striped Legless Skink (CSA); Woodbush Legless Skink (CSA) Acontias litoralis Squamata - Scincidae Broadley's Lance Skink; Coastal Legless Skink (CSA) Acontias meleagris Squamata - Scincidae


Adelophis foxi

e d f 102 e

Linnaeus's Lance Skink; Cape Legless Skink (CSA) Dunkler Lanzenskink; JapLanzenskink Acontias pintade Acontias meleagris meleagris Squamata - Scincidae Cape Legless Skink


d f 110 e

103 e

d 104 e 105 e

d 106 e

107 e 108 e d f

Acontias percivali Squamata - Scincidae Percival's Lance Skink; Percival's Limbless Skink (CSA); Teita Mountains Limbless Skink Westlicher Lanzenskink

d 111 e

Acontias percivali occidentalis Squamata - Scincidae Percival's Legless Skink Acontias plumbeus Squamata - Scincidae Giant Lance Skink; Giant Legless Skink (CSA); Giant Limbless Skink (CSA) Riesenlanzenskink Acontophiops Squamata - Scincidae Legless Skinks; Woodbush Legless Skinks Acontophiops lineatus Squamata - Scincidae Woodbush Legless Skink Acrochordidae Squamata Wart Snakes; File Snakes; Stilleto Snakes; Acrochordids Warzenschlangen Acrochordidés


f 112 e

d f 113 e 114 e 115


Acrochordus Squamata - Acrochordidae


Java Wart Snakes; Wart Snakes; Indian Wart Snakes; Javan Wart Snakes; File Snakes; Elephant's Trunk Snake Warzenschlangen Acrochordes Acrochordus arafurae Squamata - Acrochordidae Arafura File Snake (ANZ); McDowell's Wart Snake Arafura-Warzenschlange Acrochordus granulatus Squamata - Acrochordidae Little File Snake (ANZ); Marine File Snake; Indian Wart Snake; Granularscaled Wart Snake; Rasp-skinned Water Snake; Asiatic File Snake (ISC); Wart Snake (ISC); Granulated File Snake Südostasiatische Warzenschlange; Indische Warzenschlange; Javanische Warzenschlangen; Zwergwarzenschlange Chersydre à bandes Acrochordus javanicus Squamata - Acrochordidae Java File Snake; Elephant's-trunk Snake; Javan File Snake; Javan Wart Snake; File Snake Javanische Warzenschlange; Elefantenrüsselschlange Acrochorde de Java Adelophis Squamata - Colubridae Meadow Snakes Adelophis copei Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Mountain Meadow Snake Adelophis foxi Squamata - Colubridae Fox's Mountain Meadow Snake


116 e

117 e

118 e

119 e

120 e 121 e 122 e 123 e 124 e

Adelphicos Squamata - Colubridae American Burrowing Snakes; Highland Earth Snakes Adelphicos daryi Squamata - Colubridae Dary's Burrowing Snake; Highland Earth Snake Adelphicos quadrivirgatus Squamata - Colubridae Middle American Burrowing Snake; Four-lined Earth Snake Adelphicos veraepacis Squamata - Colubridae Stuart's Burrowing Snake; Highland Earth Snake


e 127 e d f 128 e d f 129 e

Adenorhinos Squamata - Viperidae Mountain Bush Vipers


Adenorhinos barbouri Squamata - Viperidae Uruzungwe Mountain Bush Viper


Adolfus Squamata - Lacertidae Forest Lizards


Adolfus africanus Squamata - Lacertidae Multi-scaled Forest Lizard


Adolfus alleni Squamata - Lacertidae Alpine Meadow Lizard





134 e

125 e d

Adolfus jacksoni Squamata - Lacertidae Jackson's Lizard; Jackson's Forest Lizard Tanzania-Eidechse


Squamata - Lacertidae Sparse-scaled Forest Lizard Aeluroscalabotes Squamata - Eublepharidae Cat Geckos Lidgeckos; Katzengeckos Geckos-chat Aeluroscalabotes felinus Squamata - Eublepharidae Cat Gecko Fuchsgesichtlidgecko; Katzengecko Gecko-chat Afroablepharus Squamata - Scincidae Dwarf Skinks Afroablepharus duruarus Squamata - Scincidae Monard's Dwarf Skink Afroablepharus megalurus Squamata - Scincidae Nieden's Dwarf Skink Afroablepharus seydeli Squamata - Scincidae Seydel's Dwarf Skink Afroablepharus tancredi Squamata - Scincidae Boulenger's Dwarf Skink; Abyssinian Lidless Skink Afroablepharus wahlbergi Squamata - Scincidae Werner's Dwarf Skink; Wahlberg's Dwarf Skink; Snake-eyed Skink (CSA) Wahlbergs Schlangenauge


Agama aculeata

135 e

Afroablepharus wilsoni Squamata - Scincidae Wilson's Dwarf Skink

e 145

136 e d 137 e

138 e

Afroedura Squamata - Gekkonidae Rock Geckos; Flat Geckos (CSA); Thick-tailed Geckos Felsengeckos Afroedura africana Squamata - Gekkonidae African Rock Gecko; African Flat Gecko (CSA) Afroedura amatolica Squamata - Gekkonidae Amatola Rock Gecko; Amatola Flat Gecko (CSA)


146 e

d 147 e 148

139 e

Afroedura bogerti Squamata - Gekkonidae Bogert's Rock Gecko

e d

140 e

141 e

Afroedura hawequensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Cape Rock Gecko; Hawequa Flat Gecko (CSA) Afroedura karroica Squamata - Gekkonidae Inland Rock Gecko; Karoo Flat Gecko (CSA)

149 e d 150 e

142 e d

Afroedura nivaria Squamata - Gekkonidae Drakensberg Rock Gecko; Mountain Flat Gecko (CSA) Schneefelsengecko

d f i 151

143 e


Afroedura pondolia Squamata - Gekkonidae Pondo Rock Gecko; Pondo Flat Gecko (CSA) Afroedura pondolia multiporis

e d f

Squamata - Gekkonidae Pondo Thick-tailed Gecko (CSA) Afroedura tembulica Squamata - Gekkonidae Queenstown Rock Gecko; Tembo Flat Gecko (CSA) Afroedura transvaalica Squamata - Gekkonidae Transvaal Rock Gecko; Transvaal Flat Gecko (CSA); African Flat Gecko; Flat-tailed Gecko Transvaal-Felsengecko Afroedura transvaalica transvaalica Squamata - Gekkonidae Transvaal Thick-tailed Gecko (CSA) Afronatrix Squamata - Colubridae African Brown Water Snakes; Brown Water Snakes Afrikanische Schwimmnattern Afronatrix anoscopus Squamata - Colubridae African Brown Water Snake; Brown Water Snake Afrikanische Schwimmnatter Agama Squamata - Agamidae Typical Agamas; Spiny Agamas; Agamas; Kenya Rock Lizards Agamen; Echte Agamen Agames Agame Agama aculeata Squamata - Agamidae Ground Agama Rote Stachelagame Agame aiguilloné

Agama agama

152 e

d f i

Agama agama Squamata - Agamidae Common Agama; Common Rock Agama; Rock Agama; Rainbow Lizard; Red-headed Rock Agama; African Redhead Agama; African Rainbow Lizard Siedleragame Agame des colons; Margouillat; Petit margouillat Agama


d 159 e d f 160 e

153 e d

154 e d 155 e

d f

156 e 157 e 158 e

Agama agama lionotus Squamata - Agamidae Common Agama; Blue Agama Blaue Siedlergame; Anchietas Agame Agama anchietae Squamata - Agamidae Anchieta's Agama; Desert Agama Wüstenagame Agama atra Squamata - Agamidae Southern Rock Agama; South African Rock Agama; South African Mountain Agama; Black Agama; Rock Agama (CSA); Black-necked Tree Agama (CSA) Schwarze Agame; Felsenagame; Bergagame Agame sombre; Agame commun; Agame des colons

161 e 162 e 163 e 164 e 165 e

Agama bocourti Squamata - Agamidae Bocourt's Agama


Agama bottegi Squamata - Agamidae Somali Agama


Agama boueti Squamata - Agamidae Mali Agama





Mali-Dornschwanz Agama boulengeri Squamata - Agamidae Boulenger's Agama Boulengers Agame Agame de Boulenger Agama caudispinosa Squamata - Agamidae Elmenteita Rock Agama Agama chernovi Squamata - Agamidae Chernov's Agama Agama cornii Squamata - Agamidae Scortecci's Agama Agama cristata Squamata - Agamidae Mocquard's Agama Agama doriae Squamata - Agamidae Nigeria Agama Agama etoshae Squamata - Agamidae Etosha Agama Agama gracilimembris Squamata - Agamidae Benin Agama Agama hartmanni Squamata - Agamidae Hartmann's Agama Agama hispida Squamata - Agamidae Common Spiny Agama; Spiny Agama (CSA)


Agama sennariensis

d f 169 e d f 170 e 171 e d f

Stachelagame Agame épineux; Agame terrestre Agama impalearis Squamata - Agamidae Bibron's Agama; Atlas Agama Atlas-Agame Agame de Bibron Agama insularis Squamata - Agamidae Insular Agama Agama kirkii Squamata - Agamidae Kirk's Rock Agama; Kirk's Agama Kirks Agame Agame de Kirk

d f 177 e 178 e 179 e d 180 e

172 e

Agama makarikarica Squamata - Agamidae De Waal's Agama

181 e

173 e d f 174 e 175 e d f 176 e

Agama mehelyi Squamata - Agamidae Méhely's Agama Méhelys Agame Agame de Méhely Agama microtympanum Squamata - Agamidae Small-eared Agama Agama mossambica Squamata - Agamidae Mozambique Agama; Moçambique Agama Mozambique-Agame; MoçambiqueAgame; Mozambik-Agame Agame de Mozambique Agama mwanzae Squamata - Agamidae Mwanza Rock Agama


182 e 183 e 184 e 185 e

Mwanza-Agame Agame de Mwanza Agama neumanni Squamata - Agamidae Neumann's Agama Agama pakistanica Squamata - Agamidae Pakistan Agama Agama paragama Squamata - Agamidae False Agama Falsche Siedleragame Agama persimilis Squamata - Agamidae Similar Agama Agama planiceps Squamata - Agamidae Namib Rock Agama; Namibian Rock Agama (CSA); Rock Agama Felsenagame; Stachelagame; Heldenagame Agama robecchii Squamata - Agamidae Robecchi's Agama Agama rueppelli Squamata - Agamidae Arboreal Agama Agama sankaranica Squamata - Agamidae Senegal Agama Agama sennariensis Squamata - Agamidae Werner's Agama

Agama spinosa

186 e 187 e 188 e 189 e d f 190 e d 191 e

192 e 193 e 194 e d f 195

Agama spinosa Squamata - Agamidae Lanza's Spiny Agama Agama sylvanus Squamata - Agamidae Forest Agama Agama weidholzi Squamata - Agamidae Gambia Agama Agamidae Squamata Agamas; Agamids; Dragon Lizards Agamen Agames; Agamidés Agamura Squamata - Gekkonidae Spider Geckos Spinnengeckos Agamura femoralis Squamata - Gekkonidae Pakistan Gecko; Sharp-tailed Spider Gecko Agamura gastropholis Squamata - Gekkonidae Werner's Spider Gecko Agamura missonei Squamata - Gekkonidae De Witte's Gecko Agamura persica Squamata - Gekkonidae Spider Gecko; Blunt-tailed Spider Gecko Spinnengecko Gecko araignée Agkistrodon



d f i 196 e d

f 197 e d 198

e 199 e 200 e d 201 e d

Squamata - Viperidae Copperheads; Cottonmouths and Mocassins; Cottonmouths; Cottonmouths and Copperheads; American Moccassins Mokassinschlangen; Dreiecksköpfe; Dreieckskopfottern; Mokassinottern Mocassins; Agkistrodons; Mocassins d'eau Serpenti testa di rame Agkistrodon bilineatus Squamata - Viperidae Cantil; Mexican Moccasin Mokassinschlange; Mexikanische Nasenotter; Mexikanische Mokassinotter; Mexikanische Mokassinschlange Mocassin des tropiques Agkistrodon bilineatus bilieanatus Squamata - Viperidae Mexican Cantil Mexikanische Mokassinotter Agkistrodon bilineatus howardgloydi Squamata - Viperidae Castellana Agkistrodon bilineatus russeolus Squamata - Viperidae Yucatan Cantil Agkistrodon bilineatus taylori Squamata - Viperidae Ornate Cantil; Taylor's Mocassin Tamaulipas Mokassinotter Agkistrodon blomhoffi Squamata - Viperidae Japanese Mamushi; Mamushi; Shorttailed Viper Mamushi


Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti

202 e

203 e

d f i 204 e d 205 e d

206 e


Agkistrodon caliginosus Squamata - Viperidae Dusky Mamushi; Caliginous Mamushi Agkistrodon contortrix Squamata - Viperidae Copperhead (NA); American Copperhead; Copperhead Moccasin (NA); Highland Moccasin (NA) Kupferkopf Mocassin à tête cuivrée; Tête-cuivrée Testa di rame Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix Squamata - Viperidae Southern Copperhead Südlicher Kupferkopf Agkistrodon contortrix laticinctus Squamata - Viperidae Broad-banded Copperhead Breitbändiger Kupferkopf; Breitbandkupferkopf Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen Squamata - Viperidae Northern Copperhead; Upland Moccasin; Chunkhead (NA); Deaf Adder (NA); Pilot Snake (NA) Nördlicher Kupferkopf

d f

i 210 e

d f 211 e d f 212 e 213 e d

207 e d 208 e d 209 e

Agkistrodon contortrix phaeogaster Squamata - Viperidae Osage Copperhead Osagen-Kupferkopf Agkistrodon contortrix pictigaster Squamata - Viperidae Trans-Pecos Copperhead Transpecos Kupferkopf Agkistrodon halys Squamata - Viperidae Siberian Pit Viper; Haly's Pit Viper; Haly's Viper; Central Asian Viper;

214 e


f 215 e

Shchitomordnik Halys Otter; Halys Schlange; HalySchlange; Halys Grubenotter Agkistrodon des steppes de la Russie; Moccassin d'Europe; Vipère d'Haly Crotalo caspico Agkistrodon himalayanus Squamata - Viperidae Himalaya Pit Viper; Himalayan Pit Viper (ISC); Himalayan Mamushi; Himalayan Palm Viper Himalaja-Grubenotter Agkistrodon de l'Himalaya Agkistrodon intermedius Squamata - Viperidae Central Asian Pit Viper; Asian Pit Viper Zentralasiatische Grubenotter Mocassin Agkistrodon intermedius saxatilis Squamata - Viperidae Korean Rock Viper Agkistrodon monticola Squamata - Viperidae Likiang Pit Viper; Large-spotted Viper; Mountain Pit Viper Likiang-Grubenotter Agkistrodon piscivorus Squamata - Viperidae Water Mocassin; Cottonmouth (NA); Cottonmouth Moccasin; Cottonmouth (NA) Wassermokassinotter; Wassermokassinschlange; Baumwollmaul Mocassin d'eau Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti Squamata - Viperidae Florida Cottonmouth

Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma



Florida-Wassermokassinschlange e

216 e

d 217 e d 218 e 219 e 220 e

221 e

d i 222 e 223 e 224

Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma Squamata - Viperidae Western Cottonmouth; Water Moccasin; Cottonmouth Moccasin (NA); Moccasin Westliche Wassermokassinschlange Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus Squamata - Viperidae Eastern Cottonmouth Östliche Wassermokassinschlange Agkistrodon saxatilis Squamata - Viperidae Brown Mamushi Agkistrodon shedaoensis Squamata - Viperidae Zhao Pit Viper Agkistrodon strauchi Squamata - Viperidae Strauch's Pit Viper; Strauch's Mamushi Ahaetulla Squamata - Colubridae Asian Longnose Whip Snakes; Vine Snakes; Whip Snakes; Bronze Snakes; Long-nosed Tree Snakes Bronzennattern; Peitschennattern; Baumschnüffler Serpenti delle vigne asiatici Ahaetulla dispar Squamata - Colubridae Indian Bronzeback Ahaetulla fasciolata Squamata - Colubridae Speckle-headed Whip Snake Ahaetulla fronticincta

225 e d 226 e

d f 227 e 228 e

d 229 e 230 e 231 e

Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Whip Snake Ahaetulla mycterizans Squamata - Colubridae Malayan Green Whip Snake; Common Green Whip Snake Baumschnüffler Ahaetulla nasuta Squamata - Colubridae Longnose Whip Snake; Long-nosed Tree Snake; Long-nosed Whip Snake; Long-nosed Vine Snake; Vine Snake (ISC); Common Green Whip Snake (ISC); Indian Green Vine Snake Baumschnüffler; Lianennatter; Peitschennatter Nasique Ahaetulla perroteti Squamata - Colubridae Western Ghats Bronzeback Ahaetulla prasina Squamata - Colubridae Oriental Whip Snake; Green Vine Snake; Malayan Whip Snake; Boie's Whip Snake; Grass-green Whip Snake; Himalaya-Malayan Green Whip Snake; Common Green Vine Snake Grüner Baumschnüffler Ahaetulla pulverulenta Squamata - Colubridae Brown-speckled Whip Snake Ailuronyx Squamata - Gekkonidae Duméril's Geckos Ailuronyx seychellensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Bronze Gecko; Seychelles Skin-


Algyroides nigropunctatus

d f

232 e 233 e d 234 e d 235 e 236 e 237 e 238 e d

239 e


sloughing Gecko Seychellen-Bronzefingergecko; Bronzegecko; Seychellen-Hausgecko Gecko de bronze; Gecko qui pèle des Seychelles Ailuronyx trachygaster Squamata - Gekkonidae Yellow Gecko Aipysurus Squamata - Elapidae Sea Snakes; Olive Sea Snakes Braune Seeschlangen Aipysurus apraefrontalis Squamata - Elapidae White-spotted Sea Snake; Sahul Reef Snake Riff Seeschlange; Sahul-Riffschlange Aipysurus duboisii Squamata - Elapidae Dubois's Sea Snake Aipysurus eydouxii Squamata - Elapidae Northern Sea Snake Aipysurus foliosquamata Squamata - Elapidae Red-brown Sea Snake Aipysurus fuscus Squamata - Elapidae Brown Sea Snake; Timor Reef Snake Riff Seeschlange; TimorRiffschlange Aipysurus laevis Squamata - Elapidae Olive Sea Snake; Olive-brown Sea Snake Aipysurus tenuis

e 241 e d f i 242 e d

f i

243 e d

f i 244 e d

f i 245

Squamata - Elapidae Arafura Sea Snake Algyroides Squamata - Lacertidae Algyroideses; Keeled Lizards Kieleidechsen; Kielechsen Algyroïdes Algiroidi Algyroides fitzingeri Squamata - Lacertidae Fitzinger's Algyroides; Pygmy Algyroides Zwergkieleidechse; Tyrrhenische Kieleidechse; Sardische Kieleidechse; Sardinische Kieleidechse; Tyrrhenische Kielechse Algyroïde tyrrhénien; Algyroïde de Fitzinger Algiroide nano; Algiroide di Fitzinger Algyroides marchi Squamata - Lacertidae Spanish Keeled Lizard; Spanish Algyroides; Spanish Lizard Peloponnesische Kieleidechse; Spanische Kieleidechse; Spanische Kielechse Algyroïde d'Espagne; Algyroïde de Valverde Algiroide di March Algyroides moreoticus Squamata - Lacertidae Greek Keeled Lizard; Greek Algyroides Ionische Kieleidechse; Peloponnesische Kieleidechse; Peloponnesische Kielechse Algyroïde du Péloponnèse Algiroide greco Algyroides nigropunctatus Squamata - Lacertidae




f i

246 e d f i 247 e

d f

248 e d f 249 e d f 250 e d

Blue-throated Keeled Lizard; Dalmatian Algyroides; Keeled Lizard Griechische Kieleidechse; Prachtkieleidechse; Blaukehlige Kieleidechse; Schwarzpunktierte Kieleidechse; Blaukehlige Kielechse Algyroïde à gorge bleue; Algyroïde à points noirs Algiroide magnifico; Algiroide punteggiato Alligator Crocodylia - Alligatoridae Alligators Alligatoren Alligators Alligatori Alligator mississippiensis Crocodylia - Alligatoridae American Alligator; Mississippi Alligator; Louisiana Alligator; Pikeheaded Alligator Mississippi-Alligator; Hechtalligator Alligator américain; Alligator du Mississippi Alligator sinensis Crocodylia - Alligatoridae Chinese Alligator; Janzi Alligator; Yangtse Alligator China-Alligator; Yangtse-Alligator Alligator chinois; Alligator du Chine Alligatoridae Squamata Alligators; Alligators and Caimans Alligatoren Alligatoridés Alopoglossus Squamata - Teiidae Northern Teiids; Shade Lizards Kleintejus


251 e 252 e

253 e

254 e

255 e 256 e 257 e 258 e 259 e

260 e d

Alopoglossus andreanus Squamata - Teiidae Andes Teiid Alopoglossus angulatus Squamata - Teiidae Northern Teiid; Large-scaled Shade Lizard Alopoglossus atriventrus Squamata - Teiidae Duellman's Teiid; Keel-bellied Shade Lizard Alopoglossus buckleyi Squamata - Teiidae Buckley's Teiid; Smooth-bellied Shade Lizard Alopoglossus festae Squamata - Teiidae Peracca's Teiid Alpetonotus Squamata - Lacertidae Longtail Lizards Alpetonotus dorsalis Squamata - Lacertidae Stejneger's Longtail Lizard Alsophis Squamata - Colubridae Racers Alsophis anomalus Squamata - Colubridae Hispaniola Racer; Hispaniolan Brown Racer Alsophis antillensis Squamata - Colubridae Antilles Racer; Leeward Racer (WI) Dominikanische Schlanknatter


Amapasaurus tetradactylus

261 e 262 e 263 e d

Alsophis ater Squamata - Colubridae Jamaica Racer; Jamaican Racer (WI) Alsophis biserialis Squamata - Colubridae Galapagos Racer Alsophis cantherigerus Squamata - Colubridae Cuban Racer; Cuban Ground Snake Kuba-Schlanknatter

271 e d 272 e d 273 e

264 e

265 e 266 e

Alsophis melanichinus Squamata - Colubridae La Vega Racer; Hispaniolan Green Racer Alsophis occidentalis Squamata - Colubridae Western Racer Alsophis portoricensis Squamata - Colubridae Puerto Rican Racer; Ground Snake

274 e d f i 275 e

267 e

268 e

269 e 270 e d

Alsophis rijersmai Squamata - Colubridae Anguilla Racer; Anguilla Bank Racer (WI) Alsophis rufiventris Squamata - Colubridae Saba Racer; West Indian Racer; Orange-bellied Racer (WI) Alsophis sanctaecrucis Squamata - Colubridae St. Croix Racer Alsophis vudii Squamata - Colubridae Bimini Racer; Bahamian Racer (WI) Bahama-Natter; BahamasPeitschennatter

276 e 277 e 278 e 279 e

Alsophylax Squamata - Gekkonidae Even-fingered Geckos Geradfingergeckos; Geradfinger Alsophylax laevis Squamata - Gekkonidae Southern Even-fingered Gecko Südlicher Geradfingergecko Alsophylax loricatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Strauch's Even-fingered Gecko Alsophylax pipiens Squamata - Gekkonidae Caspian Even-fingered Gecko; Caspian Straight-fingered Gecko Kaspischer Geradfinger; Kaspischer Geradfingergecko Alsophyle de la Caspienne Alsofilace caspico Alsophylax przewalskii Squamata - Gekkonidae Xinjiang Even-fingered Gecko Alsophylax tadjikiensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Tadjikistan Even-fingered Gecko Alsophylax tokabejevi Squamata - Gekkonidae Kirghizia Even-fingered Gecko Amapasaurus Squamata - Teiidae Four-toed Amapasauruses Amapasaurus tetradactylus Squamata - Teiidae Four-toed Amapasaurus


280 e

281 e

282 e

283 e

284 e

Amastridium Squamata - Colubridae Rustyhead Snakes; Rusty-headed Snakes Amastridium sapperi Squamata - Colubridae Rustyhead Snake; Northern Rustyheaded Snake Amastridium veliferum Squamata - Colubridae Rustyhead Snake; Southern Rustyheaded Snake; Rusty-headed Snake Amblyodipsas Squamata - Colubridae Purple-glossed Snakes; White-lipped Snakes Amblyodipsas concolor Squamata - Colubridae Natal Purple-glossed Snake; Purpleglossed Snake (CSA)


289 e 290 e 291 e 292 e

293 e d f 294

285 e 286 e

287 e

d 288 e

Amblyodipsas dimidiata Squamata - Colubridae Mpwapwa Purple-glossed Snake Amblyodipsas katengensis Squamata - Colubridae Katanga Purple-glossed Snake; Tanganyika White-lipped Snake Amblyodipsas micropthalma Squamata - Colubridae Eyeless Purple-glossed Snake; Eastern Purple-glossed Snake (CSA); Eastern White-lipped Snake (CSA); Purple Glossed Snake Purpurne Glanzschlange Amblyodipsas polylepis Squamata - Colubridae Common Purple-glossed Snake; Purple-glossed Snake (CSA)

e d f


e 296 e d f


Amblyodipsas rodhaini Squamata - Colubridae Rodhain's Purple-glossed Snake Amblyodipsas teitana Squamata - Colubridae Teitana Purple-glossed Snake Amblyodipsas unicolor Squamata - Colubridae Dull Purple-glossed Snake Amblyodipsas ventrimaculata Squamata - Colubridae Kalahari Purple-glossed Snake; Barotse Burrowing Snake (CSA) Amblyrhinchus Squamata - Iguanaidae Marine Iguanas Meerechsen; Galapagos-Meerechsen Amblyrhynques Amblyrhynchus cristatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Marine Iguana; Galapagos Marine Iguana Meerechse; Galapagos-Meerechse Amblyrhynque à crête; Iguane marin des Galapagos; Iguane marin Amblyrhynchus cristatus venustissimus Squamata - Iguanaidae Hood Island Marine Iguana Ameiva Squamata - Teiidae Ameivas; Runners; Racerunners Ameiven Améives; Améivas; Téjus des Caraïbes Ameiva ameiva Squamata - Teiidae


Ameiva leptophrys


d f 298 e 299 e

300 e 301 e 302 e d

Giant Ameiva; Comon Ameiva; Jungle Runner; Ground Lizard; South American Ground Lizard; Amazon Racerunner; Neotropical Ameiva (WI) Grüne Ameive; Ameiven-Teju; Ameive Améive géant; Améiva géante

306 e 307 e

Ameiva anomala Squamata - Teiidae Echternacht's Ameiva


Ameiva auberi Squamata - Teiidae Auber's Ameiva; Cuban Ameiva (WI)


Ameiva bifrontata Squamata - Teiidae Cope's Ameiva


Ameiva bridgesi Squamata - Teiidae Bridges's Ameiva Ameiva chaitzami Squamata - Teiidae Chaitzam's Ameiva Tigerameive




311 e

312 303 e d f

Ameiva chrysolaema Squamata - Teiidae Common Ameiva; Common Teiid; Hispaniolan Giant Ameiva Haiti-Ameive Améiva vulgaire; Améive vulgaire


313 e

304 e 305 e

Ameiva cineracea Squamata - Teiidae Guadeloupe Ameiva Ameiva corax Squamata - Teiidae Censky's Ameiva

314 e 315

Ameiva corvina Squamata - Teiidae Sombrero Ameiva Ameiva dorsalis Squamata - Teiidae Jamaica Ameiva Ameiva edracantha Squamata - Teiidae Bocourt's Ameiva Ameiva erythrocephala Squamata - Teiidae St. Christopher Ameiva; Orangethroated Ameiva (WI) Ameiva exsul Squamata - Teiidae Puerto Rican Ameiva; Common Ground Lizard ; Common Puerto Rican Ameiva; Puerto Rican Giant Ameiva (W) Ameiva festiva Squamata - Teiidae Middle American Ameiva; Central American Ameiva; Central American Whiptail Lizard Ameiva fuscata Squamata - Teiidae Dominican Ameiva; Dominica Ameiva (WI) Ameiva griswoldi Squamata - Teiidae Griswold's Ameiva; Antigua Bank Ameiva (WI) Ameiva leberi Squamata - Teiidae Hispaniola Ameiva Ameiva leptophrys Squamata - Teiidae

Ameiva lineolata

e 316 e d f

Delicate Ameiva Ameiva lineolata Squamata - Teiidae Dwarf Teiid; Pygmy Blue-tailed Ameiva Zwergameive Améive linéolée; Améiva linéolée


325 e 326 e d

317 e

Ameiva major Squamata - Teiidae Martinique Ameiva

327 e

318 e

319 e 320 e 321 e

322 e

Ameiva maynardi Squamata - Teiidae Great Inagua Ameiva; Bahamian Ameiva (WI) Ameiva nicefori Squamata - Teiidae Dunn's Ameiva Ameiva orcesi Squamata - Teiidae Peters's Ameiva Ameiva pleei Squamata - Teiidae Caribbean Ameiva; Anguilla Bank Ameiva (WI) Ameiva pluvianotata Squamata - Teiidae St. Croix Ameiva; Montserrat Ameiva (WI)

328 e

329 e d f i 330 e 331 e

323 e d 324 e

Ameiva polops Squamata - Teiidae Montserrat Ameiva; St. Croix Ground Lizard ; St. Croix Ameiva St.-Croix-Ameive Ameiva quadrilineata Squamata - Teiidae Four-lined Ameiva


332 e

Ameiva septemlineata Squamata - Teiidae Seven-lined Ameiva Ameiva taeniura Squamata - Teiidae Haitian Ameiva; Hispaniolan Bluetailed Ameiva Bänderschwanzameive Ameiva undulata Squamata - Teiidae Rainbow Ameiva; Metallic Ameiva Ameiva wetmorei Squamata - Teiidae Wetmore's Ameiva; Blue-tailed Ground Lizard ; Puerto Rican Bluetailed Ameiva Amphibolurus Squamata - Agamidae Australian Dragon Lizards; Lashtails (ANZ) Australische Bodenagamen; Bartagamen Amphibolures Anfiboluri Amphibolurus centralis Squamata - Agamidae Centralian Lashtail Amphibolurus muricatus Squamata - Agamidae Jacky Lizard; Australian Bloodsucker; Jacky Lashtail (ANZ); Jacky Dragon; Dragon Lizard (ANZ); Tree Dragon (ANZ) Australischer Blutsauger; Felsenechse Amphibolurus nobbi Squamata - Agamidae Nobbi; Nobbi Lashtail (ANZ); Nobbi Dragon (ANZ)


Amphiesma octolineata

333 e

334 e 335 e 336 e 337 e

338 e 339 e 340 e

Amphibolurus norrisi Squamata - Agamidae Norris's Dragon Lizard; Mallee Heath Lashtail (ANZ); Norris's Dragon (ANZ); Dragon Lizard (ANZ) Amphibolurus parviceps Squamata - Agamidae Coastal Earless Lizard Amphiesma Squamata - Colubridae Keelbacks Amphiesma atemporalis Squamata - Colubridae Tonkin Keelback Amphiesma beddomei Squamata - Colubridae Nilgiri Keelback; Beddome's Keelback Amphiesma bitaeniata Squamata - Colubridae Kutkai Keelback Amphiesma boulengeri Squamata - Colubridae Tai-yong Keelback Amphiesma conspicillata Squamata - Colubridae Redbelly Keelback; Red-bellied Keelback

343 e 344 e 345 e 346 e 347 e

348 e 349 e 350 e 351 e

341 e

Amphiesma craspedogaster Squamata - Colubridae Kuatun Keelback

352 e

342 e

Amphiesma deschauenseei Squamata - Colubridae Northern Keelback

353 e

Amphiesma flavifrons Squamata - Colubridae Sabah Keelback Amphiesma groundwateri Squamata - Colubridae Groundwater's Keelback Amphiesma inas Squamata - Colubridae Malayan Mountain Keelback Amphiesma johannis Squamata - Colubridae Johann's Keelback Amphiesma khasiensis Squamata - Colubridae Khasi Hills Keelback; Boulenger's Keelback Amphiesma metusia Squamata - Colubridae Wa Shan Keelback Amphiesma miyajimae Squamata - Colubridae Maki's Keelback Amphiesma modesta Squamata - Colubridae Modest Keelback Amphiesma monticola Squamata - Colubridae Wynad Keelback Amphiesma nicobariensis Squamata - Colubridae Nicobar Island Keelback Amphiesma octolineata Squamata - Colubridae Eight-lined Keelback

Amphiesma optata

354 e

Amphiesma optata Squamata - Colubridae Mount Omei Keelback



365 355 e

356 e 357 e 358 e

359 e 360 e 361 e

Amphiesma parallela Squamata - Colubridae Yunnan Keelback; Anderson's Keelback


Amphiesma pealii Squamata - Colubridae Assam Keelback


Amphiesma petersi Squamata - Colubridae Peters's Keelback


Amphiesma platyceps Squamata - Colubridae Himalayan Keelback; Blyth's Keelback


Amphiesma popei Squamata - Colubridae Pope's Keelback Amphiesma pryeri Squamata - Colubridae Pryer's Keelback Amphiesma pryeri concelarum Squamata - Colubridae Myiako Keelback



e d

369 e 370 e

371 362 e

Amphiesma pryeri ishigakiense Squamata - Colubridae Yaeyama Keelback

e 372

363 e

Amphiesma pryeri pryeri Squamata - Colubridae Pryer's Keelback Snake

e 373


Amphiesma sanguinae Squamata - Colubridae


Cameroon Keelback; Smedley's Keelback Amphiesma saravacensis Squamata - Colubridae Sarawak Keelback; Sarawak Mountain Keelback; Speckle-bellied Keelback Amphiesma sauteri Squamata - Colubridae Kosempo Keelback Amphiesma sieboldii Squamata - Colubridae Sikkim Keelback Amphiesma stolata Squamata - Colubridae Buff-striped Keelback (ISC); Striped Keelback Asiatische Streifennatter; Gelbhalswassernatter; Gelbbandwassernatter Amphiesma venningi Squamata - Colubridae Chin Hills Keelback Amphiesma vibakari Squamata - Colubridae Japanese Keelback; Vibrakari Keelback Amphiesma vibakari danzyoensis Squamata - Colubridae Danzyo Keelback Amphiesma xenura Squamata - Colubridae Wall's Keelback Amphiesmoides Squamata - Colubridae Ornate Snakes


Amphiglossus reticulatus

374 e 375 e f

Amphiesmoides ornaticeps Squamata - Colubridae Werner's Ornate Snake Amphiglossus Squamata - Scincidae Common Skinks; Madagascar Skinks Amphiglosses

e 385 e 386 e

376 e

Amphiglossus andranovahensis Squamata - Scincidae Andranovaho Skink

387 e

377 e

Amphiglossus ankodabensis Squamata - Scincidae Ankodabe Skink

388 e

378 e 379 e f

Amphiglossus ardouini Squamata - Scincidae Yellow Skink Amphiglossus astrolabi Squamata - Scincidae Diving Skink Amphiglosse d'Astrolabe

389 e 390 e

380 e

Amphiglossus decaryi Squamata - Scincidae Rock Skink

391 e

381 e

Amphiglossus frontoparietalis Squamata - Scincidae Boulenger's Skink

392 e

382 e

Amphiglossus gastrostictus Squamata - Scincidae O'Shaughnessy's Madagascar Skink

393 e

383 e

Amphiglossus igneocaidtus Squamata - Scincidae Redtail Skink

394 e


Amphiglossus intermedius Squamata - Scincidae

Stripeneck Skink Amphiglossus johannae Squamata - Scincidae Johanna's Skink Amphiglossus macrocercus Squamata - Scincidae Black-striped Skink Amphiglossus macrolepis Squamata - Scincidae Rusty Skink Amphiglossus melanopleura Squamata - Scincidae Common Madagascar Skink; Madagascar Skink Amphiglossus melanurus Squamata - Scincidae Spotted Skink Amphiglossus mouroundavae Squamata - Scincidae Morondava Skink Amphiglossus ornaticeps Squamata - Scincidae Grey Skink Amphiglossus poecilops Squamata - Scincidae Toamasina Skink Amphiglossus polleni Squamata - Scincidae Madagascar Coastal Skink Amphiglossus reticulatus Squamata - Scincidae Reticulate Skink

Amphiglossus splendidus

395 e 396 e

Amphiglossus splendidus Squamata - Scincidae Splendid Skink Amphiglossus stumpffi Squamata - Scincidae Stumpff's Skink


404 e

405 e

397 e 398 e 399 e 400 e d f 401 e

d f 402 e 403 e

Amphiglossus tsaratananensis Squamata - Scincidae Tsaratanan Skink Amphiglossus valhalle Squamata - Scincidae Valhalle Skink Amphiglossus waterloti Squamata - Scincidae Water Skink Amphisbaena Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Worm Lizards; Ringed Lizards; Amphisbaenas Doppelschleichen; Eigentliche Doppelschleichen Amphisbènes Amphisbaena alba Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Red Worm Lizard; Pale Worm Lizard; White-bellied Worm Lizard; Giant Amphisbaena Rote Doppelschleiche Amphisbène blanc Amphisbaena angustifrons Squamata - Amphisbaenidae South American Worm Lizard Amphisbaena bahiani Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Bahama Worm Lizard; Puerto Rican Grey Amphisbaena

406 e

407 e 408 e 409 e

410 e d f 411 e 412 e

Amphisbaena bakeri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Baker's Worm Lizard; La Cadena Blind Snake Amphisbaena caeca Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Blind Worm Lizard; Common Blind Snake Amphisbaena camura Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Crooked Worm Lizard; Puerto Rican Grey Amphisbaena Amphisbaena carlgansi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Cuban Pink Amphisbaena Amphisbaena carvalhoi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Carvalho's Worm Lizard Amphisbaena cubana Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Cuban Worm Lizard; Cuban Brown Amphisbaena Amphisbaena darwini Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Darwin's Worm Lizard; Darwin's Ringed Lizard Darwins Doppelschleiche Amphisbène de Darwin Amphisbaena dubia Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Uncertain Worm Lizard Amphisbaena fenestrata Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Cope's Worm Lizard; Virgin Islands Blind Snake ; Virgin Islands Amphisbaena (NA)


Amphisbaena polygrammica

413 e

d f

Amphisbaena fuliginosa Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Speckled Worm Lizard; Black-andwhite Worm Lizard; Spotted Worm Lizard Gefleckte Doppelschleiche Amphisbène enfumé


423 e 424

414 e

Amphisbaena fuliginosa bassleri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Mottled Amphisbaena

e 425

415 e

416 e 417 e 418 e 419 e d

Amphisbaena gonavensis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Gonave Worm Lizard; Gonave Amphisbaena Amphisbaena gracilis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Slender Worm Lizard Amphisbaena heathi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Heath's Worm Lizard Amphisbaena hogei Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Hoge's Worm Lizard Amphisbaena innocens Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Innocent Worm Lizard; Tiburon Amphisbaena Schuldlose Doppelschleiche

e 426 e 427 e 428 e 429 e 430 e

420 e

Amphisbaena leeseri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Urucum Worm Lizard

431 e

421 e

Amphisbaena leucocephala Squamata - Amphisbaenidae White-headed Worm Lizard

432 e


Amphisbaena manni Squamata - Amphisbaenidae

Mann's Worm Lizard; Hispaniolan Dwarf Amphisbaena Amphisbaena mertensi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Mertens's Worm Lizard Amphisbaena mitchelsii Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Mitchell's Worm Lizard Amphisbaena munoai Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Munoa Worm Lizard Amphisbaena neglecta Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Neglected Worm Lizard Amphisbaena nigricauda Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Black-headed Worm Lizard Amphisbaena occidentalis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Western Worm Lizard Amphisbaena pericensis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Perico Worm Lizard Amphisbaena petrei Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Rio Grande Worm Lizard Amphisbaena plumbea Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Lead Worm Lizard Amphisbaena polygrammica Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Werner's Worm Lizard

Amphisbaena prunicolor

433 e 434 e 435 e 436 e

Amphisbaena prunicolor Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Plum-coloured Worm Lizard Amphisbaena ridleyi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Ridley's Worm Lizard Amphisbaena roberti Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Robert's Worm Lizard Amphisbaena rozei Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Roze's Worm Lizard


e 444 e 445 e 446 e

447 437 e

438 e 439 e 440 e

Amphisbaena schmidti Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Schmidt's Worm Lizard; Triangleheaded Blind Snake ; Puerto Rican Dusky Amphisbaena Amphisbaena silvestrii Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Silvestri's Worm Lizard Amphisbaena slatery Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Slater's Worm Lizard Amphisbaena slevini Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Slevin's Worm Lizard


448 e d f 449 e

450 441 e 442 e 443

Amphisbaena spurelli Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Spurell's Worm Lizard Amphisbaena steindachneri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Steindachner's Worm Lizard Amphisbaena stejnegeri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae


451 e d

Stejneger's Worm Lizard Amphisbaena vanzolini Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Vanzolini's Worm Lizard Amphisbaena vermicularis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Wagler's Worm Lizard Amphisbaena violacea Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Violet Worm Lizard; Violet Roundsnouted Amphisbaenian (CSA) Amphisbaena xera Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Dry Worm Lizard; Dryland Blind Snake ; Puerto Rican Xeric Amphisbaena Amphisbaenidae Squamata Worm Lizards; Tropical Worm Lizards; Ringed Lizards Doppelschleichen; Eigentliche Doppelschleichen Amphisbénidés Amplorhinus Squamata - Colubridae Many-spotted Snakes; Cape Manyspotted Snakes Amplorhinus multimaculatus Squamata - Colubridae Many-spotted Snake; Cape Reed Snake; Cape Many-spotted Snake (CSA); Reed Snake (CSA) Amyda Testudines - Testudinidae Asiatic Softshells; Asiatic Softshell Turtles Weichschildkröten


Anatosaura brachylepis

452 e 453 e

d f i 454 e 455 e 456 e 457 e 458 e 459 e 460 e 461 e

Amyda Testudines - Trionychidae Asiatic Softshells


Amyda cartilaginea Testudines - Testudinidae Asiatic Softshell; Asiatic Softshell Turtle; Asian Softshell Turtle; Blackrayed Softshell Turtle Knorpelweichschildkröte Trionyx cartilagineuse Tartaruga dal guscio molle asiatica


Amyda cartilaginea Testudines - Trionychidae Asiatic Softshell Anadia Squamata - Teiidae Anadias Anadia altliserrania Squamata - Teiidae Harris's Anadia Anadia bitaeniata Squamata - Teiidae Two-banded Anadia Anadia blakei Squamata - Teiidae Blake's Anadia Anadia bogotensis Squamata - Teiidae Bogota Anadia Anadia brevifrontalis Squamata - Teiidae Shorthead Anadia Anadia hobarti Squamata - Teiidae Hobart's Anadia


e 464 e 465 e 466 e 467 e 468 e 469 e 470 e 471 e 472 e

Anadia marmorata Squamata - Teiidae Spotted Anadia Anadia metallica Squamata - Teiidae Metallic Anadia Anadia ocellata Squamata - Teiidae Ocellated Anadia Anadia pamplonensis Squamata - Teiidae Pamplona Anadia Anadia petersi Squamata - Teiidae Peters's Anadia Anadia pulchella Squamata - Teiidae Ruthven's Anadia Anadia rhombifera Squamata - Teiidae Rhombifer Anadia Anadia steyeri Squamata - Teiidae Steyer's Anadia Anadia vittata Squamata - Teiidae Boulenger's Anadia Anatosaura Squamata - Teiidae Anatosauras Anatosaura brachylepis Squamata - Teiidae Dixon's Anatosaura

Anatosaura collaris

473 e 474 e 475 e 476 e

Anatosaura collaris Squamata - Teiidae Collared Anatosaura Anatosaura vanzolinia Squamata - Teiidae Vanzolini's Anatosaura Ancylocranium Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Sharp-snouted Worm Lizards Ancylocranium barkeri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Lindi Sharp-snouted Worm Lizard



Lézards-fouisseur du Mexique


Anelytropsis papillosus Testudines - Dibamidae Mexican Blind Lizard Mexikanische Schlangenechse Lézard-fouisseur du Mexique

e d f 485 e d f 486

477 e 478 e 479 e 480 e 481 e 482 e 483 e d

Ancylocranium ionidesi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Kilwa Sharp-snouted Worm Lizard Ancylocranium somalicum Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Somali Sharp-snouted Worm Lizard Androngo Squamata - Scincidae Greater Burrowing Skinks Androngo alluaudi Squamata - Scincidae Brygoo's Burrowing Skink Androngo crenni Squamata - Scincidae Banded Burrowing Skink Androngo elongata Squamata - Scincidae Elongate Burrowing Skink Anelytropsis Testudines - Dibamidae Mexican Blind Lizards Mexikanische Schlangenechsen

e d 487 e d f 488 e d f 489 e d f i

Angolosaurus Squamata - Cordylidae Dune Plated Lizards; Desert Plated Lizard (CSA); Sand Dune Lizard Sandschildechsen Angolosaures Angolosaurus skoogi Squamata - Cordylidae Sand Dune Plated Lizard; Desert Plated Lizard (CSA) Sandschildechse Anguidae Crocodylia Anguid Lizards; Lateral-fold Lizards; Alligator Lizards (NA) Schleichen; Wirtelechsen Lézards terrestres; Anguidés; Orvets Anguis Squamata - Anguidae Slow Worms; Anguine Lizards Blindschleichen; Eigentliche Schleichen Orvets; Anguines Anguis fragilis Squamata - Anguidae Slow Worm; Blind Worm Blindschleiche; Haselwurm; Glasschlange; Bruchschleiche Orvet; Orvet fragile; Orvet commun; Serpent de verre; Serpent aveugle Orbettino; Angue fragile; Sordone; Giazòl


Anolis achilles

490 e

d f 491 e d f 492 e

d f

493 e 494 e 495 e

Aniliidae Squamata Coral Pipe Snakes; Cylinder Snakes; Pipe Snakes; South American Pipe Snakes Rollschlangen; Wühlschlangen; Eigentliche Rollschlangen Aniliidés Anilius Squamata - Aniliidae Coral Pipe Snakes; False Coral Snakes; Pipe Snakes Korallenrollschlangen Serpents-tube d'Amérique du Sud Anilius scytale Squamata - Aniliidae Coral Pipe Snake; Coral Cylinder Snake; Scarlet Pipe Snake; South American Pipe Snake; False Coral Snake; Red Pipe Snake Korallenrollschlange Serpent-tube d'Amérique du Sud; Faux serpent-corail; Serpent rouleau; Serpent à deux têtes; Faux corail Anisolepis Squamata - Iguanaidae Tree Lizards Anisolepis grilli Squamata - Iguanaidae Boulenger's Tree Lizard Anisolepis undulatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Wiegmann's Tree Lizard

497 e d f 498 e d f 499 e d

500 e 501 e d f 502 e d f i 503

496 e

d f

Anniella Squamata - Aniliidae Legless Lizards; American Legless Lizards; North American Legless Lizard Ringelschleichen Lézards apodes

e 504 e

Anniella geronimensis Squamata - Aniliidae Baja California Legless Lizard Geronimo-Ringelschleiche Lézard apode de Geronimo Anniella pulchra Squamata - Aniliidae California Legless Lizard Kalifornische Ringelschleiche Lézard apode de Californie Anniella pulchra nigra Squamata - Aniliidae Black Legless Lizard Schwarze Ringelschleiche; Dunkle Ringelschleiche Anniella pulchra pulchra Squamata - Aniliidae Silvery Legless Lizard Anniellidae Squamata Shovel-snouted Legless Lizards; California Legless Lizards (NA) Ringelschleichen Anniellidés; Lézards apodes Anolis Squamata - Iguanaidae Anoles; American Chameleons Saumfinger; Anolis; Saumfingerechsen Anolis Anolidi Anolis altitudinalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Turquino Green-mottled Anole Anolis achilles Squamata - Iguanaidae Achilles's Anole

Anolis acutus

505 e

Anolis acutus Squamata - Iguanaidae Sharp Anole; St. Croix Tree Lizard ; St. Croix Anole (NA)



516 506 e

507 e 508 e 509 e

Anolis aeneus Squamata – Iguanaidae Bronze Anole; Grenada Bush Anole (WI) Anolis aequatorialis Squamata - Iguanaidae Equatorial Anole Anolis agassizi Squamata - Iguanaidae Agassiz's Anole Anolis agueroi Squamata - Iguanaidae Cabo Cruz Bearded Anole

e 517 e 518 e 519 e

520 510 e

511 e 512 e

Anolis ahli Squamata - Iguanaidae Ahl's Anole; Escambray Blue-eyed Anole Anolis alayoni Squamata - Iguanaidae Guantanamo Twig Anole Anolis albi Squamata - Iguanaidae Light Anole

e 521 e 522 e

523 513 e

Anolis albimaculatus Squamata - Iguanaidae White-spotted Anole

e 524

514 e 515

Anolis alfaroi Squamata - Iguanaidae Small-fanned Bush Anole Anolis aliniger



Squamata - Iguanaidae La Vega Anole; Hispaniolan Orangearmpit Anole Anolis allisoni Squamata - Iguanaidae Allison's Anole; Cuban Blue Anole Anolis allogus Squamata - Iguanaidae Bueycito Anole; Spanish Flag Anole Anolis altae Squamata - Iguanaidae High Anole Anolis altavelensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Noble's Anole; Alto Velo Gracile Anole Anolis altivelensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Hassler's Anole Anolis alumina Squamata - Iguanaidae Shiny Anole; Barahona Grass Anole Anolis alutaceus Squamata - Iguanaidae Monte Verde Anole; Blue-eyed Twig Anole Anolis andianus Squamata - Iguanaidae Andes Anole Anolis anfiloquioi Squamata - Iguanaidae Anfiloqui Anole; Brown-eyed Bush Anole Anolis angusticeps Squamata - Iguanaidae


Anolis bateatus


526 e

Cienfuegos Anole; Cuban Twig Anole (WI) Anolis anisolepis Squamata - Iguanaidae Chiappas Ornate Anole

536 e d

537 527 e

Anolis annectens Squamata - Iguanaidae Annexe Anole

e 538

528 e 529 e 530 e 531 e 532 e

533 e 534 e

535 e

Anolis antioquiae Squamata - Iguanaidae Antioquia Anole Anolis antonii Squamata - Iguanaidae Anton's Anole Anolis apollinaris Squamata - Iguanaidae Boulenger's Anole Anolis aquaticus Squamata - Iguanaidae Water Anole Anolis aregenteolus Squamata - Iguanaidae Guantanamo Anole; Cuban Trunk Anole Anolis argillaceus Squamata - Iguanaidae Bay Anole; Cuban Dark-bark Anole Anolis armouri Squamata - Iguanaidae Armoured Anole; Black-throated Stout Anole Anolis attenuatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Slender Anole


539 e

540 e 541 e

542 e 543 e 544 e d 545

Anolis auratus Squamata - Iguanaidae Grass Anole Grasanolis; Kolumbianischer Baumleguan Anolis baccatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Bocourt's Anole Anolis bahorucaensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Baoruca Anole; Baoruco Longsnouted Anole Anolis baleatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Puerto Plata Anole; Dominica Giant Anole Anolis baracoae Squamata - Iguanaidae Baracoa Anole; Baracoa Giant Anole Anolis barahonae Squamata - Iguanaidae Barahona Anole; Barahona Giant Anole Anolis barbatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Western Bearded Anole Anolis barkeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Barker's Anole Anolis bartschi Squamata - Iguanaidae West Cuban Anole; Pinar del Rio Cliff Anole Höhlenanolis Anolis bateatus Squamata - Iguanaidae

Anolis bimaculatus

e 546 e

547 e 548 e d 549 e

550 e 551 e 552 e

River Anole Anolis bimaculatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Panther Anole; Statia Bank Tree Anole (WI) Anolis binotatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Two-marked Anole Anolis biporcatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Neotropical Green Anole; Central American Green Anole Großer Honduras-Anolis Anolis birama Squamata - Iguanaidae Branch Anole; Cuban Big-eared Anole Anolis biscutiger Squamata - Iguanaidae Twinshield Anole Anolis bitectus Squamata - Iguanaidae Roof Anole Anolis blanquillanus Squamata - Iguanaidae Hummelinck's Anole


e 556 e 557 e 558 e 559 e

560 e

561 e 562 e

563 553 e

Anolis boettgeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Boettger's Anole

e 564

554 e

Anolis bombiceps Squamata - Iguanaidae Surprise Anole; Blue-lipped Anole

e 565


Anolis bonairensis Squamata - Iguanaidae


Ruthven's Anole Anolis bourgeoei Squamata - Iguanaidae Bourgeoe's Anole Anolis bransfordii Squamata - Iguanaidae Bransford's Anole Anolis breedlovei Squamata - Iguanaidae Breedlove's Anole Anolis bremeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Herradura Anole; Cuban Variegated Anole Anolis brevirostris Squamata - Iguanaidae Shortnose Anole; Gracile Desert Anole Anolis bruneti Squamata - Iguanaidae Brunet's Anole Anolis brunneus Squamata - Iguanaidae Crooked Island Anole; CrookedAcklins Green Anole (WI) Anolis calimae Squamata - Iguanaidae Ayala's Anole Anolis capito Squamata - Iguanaidae Bighead Anole; Big-headed Anole Anolis caquetae Squamata - Iguanaidae Caqueta Anole


Anolis compressicauda

566 e

d f 567 e

568 e 569 e 570 e 571 e

572 e 573 e

574 e

Anolis carolinensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Green Anole; Alligator Lizard (NA); Fence Lizard (NA); Green Lizard (NA); Common Green Anole; Carolina Anole (WI); American Chameleon; American Anole Rotkehlanolis; Amerikanisches Chamäleon Anolis vert; Anolis de la Caroline Anolis carolinensis carolinensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Northern Green Anole; Green Lizard; Carolina Anole; Green Anole Anolis carolinensis seminolus Squamata - Iguanaidae Southern Green Anole

d f 575 e

576 e

577 e d f

Anolis carpenteri Squamata - Iguanaidae Carpenter Anole; Carpenter's Anole


Anolis casildae Squamata - Iguanaidae Casilda's Anole; Giant Anole


Anolis caudalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Cochran's Gianthead Anole; Gonave Gracile Anole


Anolis centralis Squamata - Iguanaidae Central Anole; Central Pallid Anole


Anolis chloris Squamata - Iguanaidae Boulenger's Green Anole; Green Anole


Anolis chlorocyanus Squamata - Iguanaidae Hispaniola Green Anole; Northern Green Anole ; Blue-green Anole








Haiti-Anole; Laubanole Anolis vert-bleu Anolis chocorum Squamata - Iguanaidae Chocolate Anole; Choco Green Anole Anolis christophei Squamata - Iguanaidae King Christophe Anole; Big-fanned Trunk Anole Anolis chrysolepis Squamata - Iguanaidae Goldenscale Anole Goldstreifenanolis Anolis chrysolépide Anolis chrysolepis scypheus Squamata - Iguanaidae Yellow-tongued Anole Anolis chrysolepis tandae Squamata - Iguanaidae Blue-throated Anole Anolis clivicola Squamata - Iguanaidae Mountain Anole; Turquino Fern Anole Anolis cobanensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Stuart's Anole Anolis coelestinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Jeremie Anole; Southern Green Anole Anolis compressicauda Squamata - Iguanaidae Malposo Scaly Anole

Anolis concolor

584 e 585 e 586 e

587 e

588 e 589 e d f 590 e 591 e 592 e 593 e


Anolis concolor Squamata - Iguanaidae Isla San Andres Anole


Anolis confusus Squamata - Iguanaidae Cabo Cruz Trunk Anole


Anolis conspersus Squamata - Iguanaidae Grand Cayman Anole; Caymans Blue-fanned Anole (WI)


Anolis cooki Squamata - Iguanaidae Cook's Anole; Dryland Anole ; Guanica Pallid Anole Anolis crassulus Squamata - Iguanaidae Ornate Anole Anolis cristatellus Squamata - Iguanaidae Crested Anole; Man Lizard ; Puerto Rican Crested Anole Kammanolis Petit anolis à crête Anolis cristatellus cristatellus Squamata - Iguanaidae Puerto Rican Crested Anole Anolis cristifer Squamata - Iguanaidae Cristifer Anole Anolis cumingi Squamata - Iguanaidae Balsas Anole Anolis cupeyalensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Cupeyal Anole; Stripe-bellied Grass Anole



e 597 e d 598 e 599 e d f 600 e 601 e 602 e 603 e

Anolis cupreus Squamata - Iguanaidae Copper Anole; Dry Forest Anole Anolis cuprinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Chiapas Anole Anolis curtus Squamata - Iguanaidae Short Anole Anolis cuvieri Squamata - Iguanaidae Cuvier's Anole; Puerto Rican Giant Anole Riesenanolis Anolis cyanopleurus Squamata - Iguanaidae Yateras Anole; Green Fern Anole Anolis cybotes Squamata - Iguanaidae Largehead Anole; Large-headed Anole; Hispaniolan Stout Anole Dickkopfanolis Anolis à grosse tête Anolis cybotes cybotes Squamata - Iguanaidae Common Large-headed Anole Anolis cymbops Squamata - Iguanaidae Cope's Veracruz Anole Anolis damulus Squamata - Iguanaidae Cope's Smooth Anole Anolis darlingtoni Squamata - Iguanaidae Darlington's Anole;


Anolis evermanni

La Hotte Twig Anole 604 e

605 e 606 e 607 e 608 e 609 e

d f 610 e

Anolis delafuente Squamata - Iguanaidae Guamuhaya Anole; Sierra de Trinidad Crested Anole


614 e

Anolis deltae Squamata - Iguanaidae Delta Anole


Anolis desechensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Heatwole's Anole; Desecheo Anole




Anolis dissimilis Squamata - Iguanaidae Odd Anole

d f i

Anolis distichoides Squamata - Iguanaidae Rosen's Anole


Anolis distichus Squamata - Iguanaidae Bark Anole; Yellow-throated Anole; Bahaman Bark Anole; Hispaniolan Gracile Anole (WI) Zaunanolis; Rindenanolis Anolis écorce


Anolis distichus dominicensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Green Bark Anole


e 619 e

620 e

611 e

Anolis distichus floridanus Squamata - Iguanaidae Florida Bark Anole

621 e

612 e

Anolis dolfusianus Squamata - Iguanaidae Coffee Anole

622 e


Anolis dolichocephalus Squamata - Iguanaidae

Place Negre Anole; La Hotte Longsnouted Anole Anolis duellmani Squamata - Iguanaidae Duellman's Pygmy Anole Anolis dunni Squamata - Iguanaidae Dunn's Anole Anolis equestris Squamata - Iguanaidae Knight Anole; Giant Chameleon; Cuban Giant Anole Ritteranolis Anolis chevalier; Anolis à écharpe Anolide di Cuba Anolis equestris equestris Squamata - Iguanaidae Western Knight Anole Anolis ernestwilliamsi Squamata - Iguanaidae Ernest's Anole; Carrot Rock Anole Anolis etheridgei Squamata - Iguanaidae Etheridge's Anole; Montane Bush Anole Anolis eugenegrahami Squamata - Iguanaidae Eugene's Anole; Black Stream Anole Anolis eulaemus Squamata - Iguanaidae Good Anole Anolis evermanni Squamata - Iguanaidae Eversmann's Anole; Emerald Anole ; Puerto Rican Emerald Anole

Anolis extrema

623 e

Anolis extrema Squamata - Iguanaidae Extreme Anole



634 624 e

Anolis fasciata Squamata - Iguanaidae Banded Anole; Barbados Anole (WI)

e 635

625 e d 626 e 627 e 628 e 629 e 630 e 631 e 632 e 633

Anolis ferreus Squamata - Iguanaidae Morne Constant Anole; MarieGalante Anole (WI) Großer Kammanolis Anolis festae Squamata - Iguanaidae Veronica's Anole Anolis fitchi Squamata - Iguanaidae Fitch's Anole Anolis forbesi Squamata - Iguanaidae Forbes's Anole Anolis foresti Squamata - Iguanaidae Forest Anole Anolis fowleri Squamata - Iguanaidae Fowler's Anole; Green-banded Anole Anolis fraseri Squamata - Iguanaidae Fraser's Anole Anolis frenatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Bridled Anole Anolis fugitivus Squamata - Iguanaidae

e f 636 e 637 e 638 e d

639 e 640 e 641 e 642 e

Moa Anole; Green-headed Grass Anole Anolis fungosus Squamata - Iguanaidae Myers's Anole Anolis fuscoauratus Squamata - Iguanaidae Brown-eared Anole Anolis brun doré Anolis fuscoauratus fuscoauratus Squamata - Iguanaidae Slender Anole Anolis gadovii Squamata - Iguanaidae Gadow's Anole Anolis garmani Squamata - Iguanaidae Jamaica Giant Anole; Jamaican Giant Anole; Jamaican Anole Grüner Jamaika-Saumfinger; Jamaika-Anolis Anolis garridoi Squamata - Iguanaidae Escambray Twig Anole Anolis gemnosus Squamata - Iguanaidae O'Shaughnessy's Anole Anolis gibbiceps Squamata - Iguanaidae Hook Anole Anolis gingivinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Anguilla Anole; Anguilla Bank Anole (WI)


Anolis insignis

643 e 644 e 645 e

646 e 647 e

Anolis godmani Squamata - Iguanaidae Godman's Anole Anolis graciliceps Squamata - Iguanaidae Charm Anole Anolis grahami Squamata - Iguanaidae Graham's Anole; Jamaican Turquoise Anole (WI) Anolis granuliceps Squamata - Iguanaidae Granular Anole Anolis grayi Squamata - Iguanaidae Gray's Anole

e 654 e 655 e

656 e 657 e

658 648 e

649 e 650 e 651 e 652 e


Anolis grisea Squamata - Iguanaidae Grey Anole; St. Vincent Tree Anole (WI) Anolis guafe Squamata - Iguanaidae Cabo Cruz Banded Anole Anolis guamuhaya Squamata - Iguanaidae Escambray Bearded Anole Anolis guazima Squamata - Iguanaidae Sierra Anole; Turquino Twig Anole Anolis gundlachi Squamata - Iguanaidae Gundlach's Anole; Yellow-bearded Anole ; Yellow-chinned Anole Anolis haetianus Squamata - Iguanaidae

e 659 e 660 e 661 e 662 e 663 e

Tiburon Anole; La Hotte Stout Anole Anolis haguei Squamata - Iguanaidae Hague's Anole Anolis hendersoni Squamata - Iguanaidae Henderson's Anole; La Selle Longsnouted Anole Anolis hernandezi Squamata - Iguanaidae Hernandez's Anole Anolis homolechis Squamata - Iguanaidae Habana Anole; Cuban White-fanned Anole Anolis huilae Squamata - Iguanaidae Huila Anole Anolis humilis Squamata - Iguanaidae Humble Anole; Ground Anole Anolis ibague Squamata - Iguanaidae Ibague Anole Anolis imias Squamata - Iguanaidae Imias Anole; Imias Rock Anole Anolis inexpectata Squamata - Iguanaidae Estrada's Anole Anolis insignis Squamata - Iguanaidae Decorated Anole; Short-legged Giant Anole

Anolis insolitus

664 e

Anolis insolitus Squamata - Iguanaidae La Palma Anole; Cordillera Central Twig Anole



675 665 e

666 e 667 e

Anolis intermedius Squamata - Iguanaidae Intermediate Anole; Gray Lichen Anole (NA); Grey Lichen Anole Anolis isolepis Squamata - Iguanaidae Jatibonico Anole Anolis isthmicus Squamata - Iguanaidae Tehuantepec Anole

e 676 e 677 e

678 668 e

Anolis jacare Squamata - Iguanaidae Jacare Anole

e 679

669 e

Anolis johnmeyeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Meyer's Anole; John Meyer's Anole

e 680

670 e

Anolis juangundlachi Squamata - Iguanaidae Finca Ceres Anole

e 681

671 e

Anolis jubar Squamata - Iguanaidae Cubitas Anole

e d

672 e

Anolis kemptoni Squamata - Iguanaidae Kempton's Anole

682 e

673 e


Anolis koopmani Squamata - Iguanaidae Koopman's Anole; Brown Redbellied Anole Anolis krugi

683 e

Squamata - Iguanaidae Krug's Anole; Upland Grass Anole ; Olive Bush Anole Anolis laevis Squamata - Iguanaidae Smooth Anole Anolis laeviventris Squamata - Iguanaidae White Anole Anolis leachii Squamata - Iguanaidae Leach's Anole; Barbuda Bank Tree Anole (WI) Anolis lemurinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Ghost Anole Anolis lerneri Squamata - Iguanaidae Lerner's Anole Anolis limifrons Squamata - Iguanaidae Border Anole; Slender Anole Anolis lineatopus Squamata - Iguanaidae Stripefoot Anole; Jamaican Grey Anole (WI) Strichfußanolis Anolis lineatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Striped Anole Anolis liogaster Squamata - Iguanaidae Guerreran Anole


Anolis matudai

684 e 685 e

686 e 687 e

688 e 689 e 690 e 691 e d f

Anolis lionotus Squamata - Iguanaidae Lion Anole


Anolis lividus Squamata - Iguanaidae Plymouth Anole; Montserrat Anole (WI)


Anolis longiceps Squamata - Iguanaidae Navassa Anole Anolis longitibialis Squamata - Iguanaidae Isla Beata Anole; Barahona Stout Anole Anolis loveridgei Squamata - Iguanaidae Loveridge's Anole Anolis loysianus Squamata - Iguanaidae Peach Anole Anolis luciae Squamata - Iguanaidae St. Lucia Anole Anolis lucius Squamata - Iguanaidae Cave Anole Höhlenanolis; Geckoanolis Anolis à museau de brochet


e 696 e 697 e 698 e 699 e

700 e 701 e f 702

692 e

Anolis luteogularis Squamata - Iguanaidae White-throated Anole

e 703

693 e

Anolis luteosignifer Squamata - Iguanaidae Cayman Brac Anole


Anolis lynchi Squamata - Iguanaidae Lynch's Anole Anolis macrini Squamata - Iguanaidae Macrinius's Anole Anolis macrolepis Squamata - Iguanaidae Big-scaled Anole Anolis maculigua Squamata - Iguanaidae Marked Anole Anolis maculiventris Squamata - Iguanaidae Blotchbelly Anole Anolis marcanoi Squamata - Iguanaidae La Horma Anole; Red-fanned Stout Anole Anolis mariarum Squamata - Iguanaidae Blemished Anole Anolis marmoratus Squamata - Iguanaidae Leopard Anole; Guadeloupe Anole (WI) Anolis à tête marbrée Anolis marron Squamata - Iguanaidae Jacmel Anole; Jacmel Gracile Anole Anolis matudai Squamata - Iguanaidae Matuda's Anole

Anolis maynardi

704 e

705 e 706 e 707 e 708 e 709 e 710 e 711 e 712 e 713 e 714 e

Anolis maynardi Squamata - Iguanaidae Maynard's Anole; Caymans Green Anole (WI) Anolis megalopithecus Squamata - Iguanaidae Ruida's Anole Anolis megapholidotus Squamata - Iguanaidae Large-scaled Anole Anolis menta Squamata - Iguanaidae Mixed Anole Anolis meridionalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Meridian Anole Anolis mestrei Squamata - Iguanaidae Pinar del Rio Anole Anolis microlepidotus Squamata - Iguanaidae Guerreran Oak Anole Anolis microlepis Squamata - Iguanaidae Chiapas Smooth Anole Anolis microtus Squamata - Iguanaidae Tiny Anole Anolis milleri Squamata - Iguanaidae Miller's Anole Anolis mimus Squamata - Iguanaidae Santiago Anole


715 e 716 e 717 e 718 e 719 e 720 e 721 e 722 e 723 e 724 e 725 e

Anolis monensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Mona Anole Anolis monticola Squamata - Iguanaidae Foothill Anole; La Hotte Bush Anole Anolis nannodes Squamata - Iguanaidae Little Anole Anolis nasofrontalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Nose Anole Anolis naufragus Squamata - Iguanaidae Hidalgo Anole Anolis nebuloides Squamata - Iguanaidae False Clouded Anole Anolis nebulosus Squamata - Iguanaidae Clouded Anole Anolis nelsoni Squamata - Iguanaidae Nelson's Anole Anolis nigropunctatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Black-spotted Anole Anolis noblei Squamata - Iguanaidae Holguin Anole Anolis notopholis Squamata - Iguanaidae Scalyback Anole


Anolis phyllorhinus

726 e 727 e 728 e

729 e 730 e d 731 e 732 e 733 e

734 e d

Anolis nubilus Squamata - Iguanaidae Redonda Anole


Anolis occultus Squamata - Iguanaidae Limestone Anole; Pygmy Anole


Anolis oculatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Eyed Anole; Puerto Rican Twig Anole ; Dominica Anole (WI) Anolis oligaspis Squamata - Iguanaidae West Indies Anole Anolis olssoni Squamata - Iguanaidae Monte Cristi Anole; Desert Grass Anole Grasanolis Anolis omiltemanus Squamata - Iguanaidae Omilteme Anole Anolis onca Squamata - Iguanaidae Bulky Anole Anolis opalinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Bluefield's Anole; Opal-bellied Anole (WI) Anolis ophiolepis Squamata - Iguanaidae Snakescale Anole Grasanolis


e d 738 e 739 e 740 e 741 e 742 e 743 e 744 e 745 e

735 e

Anolis ortonii Squamata - Iguanaidae Orton's Anole; Bark Anole

746 e

Anolis oxycephalus Squamata - Iguanaidae Red-headed Anole Anolis oxylophus Squamata - Iguanaidae Sharp-crested Anole; Stream Anole Wasseranolis Anolis pachypus Squamata - Iguanaidae Thick Anole Anolis parilis Squamata - Iguanaidae Ecuador Anole Anolis parvauritus Squamata - Iguanaidae Little-eared Anole Anolis parvicirculata Squamata - Iguanaidae Berriozabal Anole Anolis paternus Squamata - Iguanaidae Nueva Gerona Anole Anolis pentaprion Squamata - Iguanaidae Lichen Anole Anolis perraccae Squamata - Iguanaidae Peracca's Anole Anolis petersii Squamata - Iguanaidae Peters's Anole Anolis phyllorhinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Bat Anole

Anolis pigmaequestris

747 e 748 e 749 e 750 e 751 e

752 e 753 e


Anolis pigmaequestris Squamata - Iguanaidae Cayo Frances Anole


Anolis pinchoti Squamata - Iguanaidae Crab Cay Anole


Anolis placidus Squamata - Iguanaidae Placid Anole; Neiba Twig Anole


Anolis poecilopus Squamata - Iguanaidae Dappled Anole


Anolis pogus Squamata - Iguanaidae Bearded Anole; Anguilla Bank Bush Anole (WI) Anolis polylepis Squamata - Iguanaidae Many-scaled Anole Anolis polyrhachis Squamata - Iguanaidae Sierra Juarez Anole




e d f 761 e 762 e f 763

754 e

755 e d

756 e

Anolis poncensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Ponce Anole; Dryland Grass Anole ; Ponce Small-fanned Anole Anolis porcatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Cuban Green Anole Baumstammanole; Großer HondurasAnolis Anolis princeps Squamata - Iguanaidae First Anole

e 764 e 765 e 766 e

Anolis proboscis Squamata - Iguanaidae Horned Anole Anolis procellaris Squamata - Iguanaidae Stormy Anole Anolis pseudotigrinus Squamata - Iguanaidae False Tiger Anole Anolis pulchellus Squamata - Iguanaidae Puerto Rican Anole; Sharp-mouthed Lizard ; Puerto Rican Bush Anole Puerto-Rico-Grasanolis Anolis gentil Anolis pumilis Squamata - Iguanaidae Garrido's Anole Anolis punctatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Spotted Anole Anolis ponctué Anolis purpurescens Squamata - Iguanaidae Purple Anole Anolis pygmaeus Squamata - Iguanaidae Chiapas Pygmy Anole Anolis quadriocellifer Squamata - Iguanaidae Peninsula Anole Anolis quaggulus Squamata - Iguanaidae Flabby Anole


Anolis sagrei

767 e 768 e 769 e 770 e f

Anolis quercorum Squamata - Iguanaidae Oaxacan Oak Anole Anolis reconditus Squamata - Iguanaidae Blue Mountains Anole Anolis rhombifer Squamata - Iguanaidae Rhombifer Anole Anolis richardi Squamata - Iguanaidae Richard's Anole; Grenada Tree Anole (WI) Anolis de Richard

Smooth Anole 777 e d 778 e

779 d 780

771 e d f 772 e

773 e 774 e 775 e 776 e

Anolis ricordi Squamata - Iguanaidae Haitian Green Anole; Haitian Giant Anole Riesenanolis; Haiti-Risenanolis Anolis de Ricord Anolis rimarum Squamata - Iguanaidae Marmelade Anole; Artibonite Bush Anole Anolis riparius Squamata - Iguanaidae Riverbank Anole Anolis rivalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Neighbour Anolis robinsoni Squamata - Iguanaidae Robinson's Anole Anolis rodriguezi Squamata - Iguanaidae Rodriguez's Anole; Border Anole;

d 781 d 782 d 783 e 784 e

785 e d 786

Anolis roosevelti Squamata - Iguanaidae Culebra Giant Anole; Virgin Islands Giant Anole Roosevelts Anolis Anolis roquet Squamata - Iguanaidae Savanna Anole; Savannah Anole; Martinique Anole (WI) Anolis roquet aeneus Squamata - Iguanaidae Blauer Karibik-Anolis Anolis roquet guyananensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Blauer Anolis Anolis roquet roquet Squamata - Iguanaidae Martinique-Anolis Anolis roquet sumnus Squamata - Iguanaidae Gefleckter Anolis Anolis rubribarbus Squamata - Iguanaidae Sagua de Tanamo Anole Anolis rupinae Squamata - Iguanaidae Castillon Anole; Banded Red-bellied Anole Anolis sabanus Squamata - Iguanaidae Saban Anole; Saba Anole (WI) Saba-Anolis; Pantheranolis Anolis sagrei Squamata - Iguanaidae

Anolis sagrei ordinatus



f 787 e 788 e d 789 e 790 e

Brown Anole; West Indian Chameleon; Cuban Brown Anole (WI) Braune Anolis; Bahama-Anolis; Haiti-Anolis; Kuba-Anolis; SagreiAnolis Anolis brun; Anolis de Sagra Anolis sagrei ordinatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Bahaman Brown Anole Anolis sagrei sagrei Squamata - Iguanaidae Cuban Brown Anole Kuba-Anolis Anolis sagrei stejnegeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Key West Anole Anolis sallaei Squamata - Iguanaidae Sallae's Anole


796 e

797 e d 798 e 799 e 800 e

801 791 e

Anolis salvini Squamata - Iguanaidae Salvin's Anole

e 802

792 e 793 e 794 e 795 e

Anolis santamartae Squamata - Iguanaidae Santa Marta Anole


Anolis schiedii Squamata - Iguanaidae Schied's Anole


Anolis schmidti Squamata - Iguanaidae Schmidt's Anole


Anolis schwartzi Squamata - Iguanaidae Schwartz's Anole; Statia Bank Bush Anole (WI)



805 e

Anolis scriptus Squamata - Iguanaidae Silver Key Anole; Southern Bahamas Anole (WI) Anolis semilineatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Santo Domingo Anole; Hispaniolan Grass Anole Grasanolis Anolis sericeus Squamata - Iguanaidae Silky Anole Anolis sheplani Squamata - Iguanaidae Cabral Anole; Baoruco Twig Anole Anolis shrevei Squamata - Iguanaidae Shreve's Anole; Cordillera Central Stout Anole Anolis simmonsi Squamata - Iguanaidae Simmons's Anole Anolis singularis Squamata - Iguanaidae Porcupine Anole; Hispaniolan Green Twig Anole Anolis smallwoodi Squamata - Iguanaidae Smallwood's Anole Anolis smaragdinus Squamata - Iguanaidae South Point Anole; Bahamian Green Anole (WI) Anolis sminthus Squamata - Iguanaidae Mouse Anole


Anolis vanidicus

806 e

Anolis solitarius Squamata - Iguanaidae Solitare Anole


817 807 e 808 e 809 e 810 e

811 e 812 e 813 e 814 e 815 e 816

Anolis spectrum Squamata - Iguanaidae Mantanza's Anole Anolis squamulatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Small-scaled Anole


818 e

Anolis strahmi Squamata - Iguanaidae Strahl's Anole; Baoruca Stout Anole


Anolis stratulus Squamata - Iguanaidae St. Thomas Anole; Salmon Lizard ; Barred Anole; Puerto Rican Spotted Anole


Anolis subocularis Squamata - Iguanaidae Pacific Anole Anolis sulcifrons Squamata - Iguanaidae Grooved Anole Anolis taylori Squamata - Iguanaidae Taylor's Anole Anolis tigrinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Tiger Anole Anolis townsendi Squamata - Iguanaidae Townsend's Anole Anolis trachyderma Squamata - Iguanaidae


e 821 e 822 e 823 e 824 e d f 825 e

Roughskin Anole; Common Forest Anole Anolis transversalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Transverse Anole; Banded Tree Anole Anolis trinitatis Squamata - Iguanaidae Trinidad Anole; St. Vincent Bush Anole (WI) Anolis tropidogaster Squamata - Iguanaidae Tropical Anole Anolis tropidolepis Squamata - Iguanaidae Swift Anole; Cloud Forests Anole Anolis tropidonotus Squamata - Iguanaidae Greater Scaly Anole Anolis uniformis Squamata - Iguanaidae Lesser Scaly Anole Anolis utowanae Squamata - Iguanaidae Utowana Anole Anolis valencienni Squamata - Iguanaidae Short-tail Anole; Sword-tailed Iguanid; Jamaican Twig Anole (WI) Schwertschwanzanolis; Schwertschwanzleguan Anolis de Valenciennes Anolis vanidicus Squamata - Iguanaidae Vanidicus Anole

Anolis vaupesianus

826 e 827 e 828 e d f 829 e

Anolis vaupesianus Squamata - Iguanaidae Williams's Anole Anolis ventrimaculatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Speckled Anole Anolis vermiculatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Vinales Anole Wasseranolis Anolis vermiculé Anolis villai Squamata - Iguanaidae Country Anole


d 836 e d f i 837 e d

838 830 e 831 e 832 e

833 e

834 e

835 e

Anolis vittigerus Squamata - Iguanaidae Garland Anole Anolis vociferans Squamata - Iguanaidae Roaring Anole Anolis wattsi Squamata - Iguanaidae Watts's Anole; Barbuda Bank Bush Anole (WI) Anolis websteri Squamata - Iguanaidae Webster's Anole; Yellow-bellied Desert Anole Anolis whitemani Squamata - Iguanaidae Whiteman's Anole; Pallid Stout Anole Anolis woodi Squamata - Iguanaidae Wood's Anole


839 e

840 e

841 e

842 e 843 e

Chamäleone Anomalepididae Squamata Blind Snakes; American Blind Snakes Amerikanische Blindschlangen; Blindschlangen Anomalepididés Anomalepidi Anomalepis Squamata - Anomalepididae South American Blind Snakes; South American Worm Snakes Amerikanische Blindschlangen; Südamerikanische Blindschlangen Anomalepis aspinosus Squamata - Anomalepididae Taylor's Peru Blind Snake; Taylor's Peru Worm Snake Anomalepis colombius Squamata - Anomalepididae Colombian Blind Snake; Colombian Worm Snake Anomalepis flavapices Squamata - Anomalepididae Ecuador Blind Snake; Ecuador Worm Snake Anomalepis mexicanus Squamata - Anomalepididae Mexican Blind Snake; Mexican Worm Snake; Anomalous Blind Snake Anomalopus Squamata - Scincidae Lesser Burrowing Skinks Anomalopus brevicollis Squamata - Scincidae Shortneck Burrowing Skink



844 e

Anomalopus gowi Squamata - Scincidae Gow's Burrowing Skink

d f 854

845 e 846 e

Anomalopus leuckartii Squamata - Scincidae Leuckart's Burrowing Skink Anomalopus mackayi Squamata - Scincidae Mackay's Burrowing Skink

e d f 855 e

847 e

Anomalopus pluto Squamata - Scincidae Brown Burrowing Skink

856 e

848 e 849 e

850 e d i

851 e 852 e d 853 e

Anomalopus swansoni Squamata - Scincidae Swanson's Burrowing Skink Anomalopus verreauxi Squamata - Scincidae Verreaux's Burrowing Skink; Verreaux's Skink; Three-clawed Worm Skink

d f i 857 e i

Anomochilus Squamata - Uropeltidae Common Pipe Snakes Sumatra-Rollschlangen Serpenti cilindrici dell'Asia sudorientale


Anomochilus leonardi Squamata - Uropeltidae Leonard's Pipe Snake


Anomochilus weberi Squamata - Uropeltidae Pipe Snake; Weber's Cylinder Snake Sumatra-Rollschlange Anops Squamata - Amphisbaenidae King's Worm Lizards




860 e d

Kings Doppelschleichen Amphisbènes de King Anops kingii Squamata - Amphisbaenidae King's Worm Lizard Kings Doppelschleiche Amphisbène de King Antaresia Squamata - Boidae Antares Pythons Antaresia childreni Squamata - Boidae Children's Python; North Australian Python Gefleckter Python; Childrens Python Liasis de Children Pitone di Children Antaresia maculosa Squamata - Boidae Spotted Python Pitone maculato Antaresia perthensis Squamata - Boidae Perth Pygmy Python; Pymy Python; Western Water Python; Anthill Python Australischer Zwergpython Antaresia stimsoni Squamata - Boidae Large-blotched Antares Python; Stimson's Python; Large-blotched Python Antillophis Squamata - Colubridae Antillean Snakes Antillen-Nattern

Antillophis andreai

861 e 862 e

Antillophis andreai Squamata - Colubridae Common Antillean Snake Antillophis parvifrons Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Antillean Snake; Hispaniolan Lesser Racer (WI)


867 e f 868 e

863 e d f 864 e

d f i

865 e

d f

866 e

d f

Apalone Testudines - Trionychidae North American Softshells; North american Softshells Weichschildkröten Tortues molles Apalone ater Testudines - Trionychidae Black Spiny Softshell Turtle; Mexico Softshell Turtle; Black Soft-shelled Turtle; Cuatro Cienegas Soft-shelled Turtle; Cuatro Cienegas Black Turtle Schwarze Weichschildkröte Trionyx épineux noir; Tortue noire Tartaruga a guscio molle della Florida Apalone ferox Testudines - Trionychidae Florida Softshell; Southern Softshelled Turtle (NA); Florida Softshell Turtle Florida-Weichschildkröte; Wilde Dreiklaue; Beißschildkröte Tortue molle de Floride; Trionyx de Floride Apalone mutica Testudines - Trionychidae Smooth Softshell; Softshell; Brown Soft-shelled Turtle (NA); Spineless Soft-shelled Turtle (NA); Smooth Soft-shelled Turtle; Smooth Softshell Turtle Glattrandweichschildkröte Tortue molle lisse; Trionyx mutique

f i 869 e

d f i 870 e

f 871 e

f 872 e f 873

Apalone mutica calvata Testudines - Trionychidae Gulf Coast Smooth Softshell; Gulf Coast Smooth Softshell Turtle Trionyx mutique du Golfe Apalone mutica mutica Testudines - Trionychidae Midland Smooth Softshell; Smooth Softshell; Midland Smooth Softshell Turtle Ytionyx mutique commune Tartaruga a guscio molle liscia Apalone spinifera Testudines - Trionychidae Spiny Softshell; Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle (NA); Spiny Softshell Turtle; Eastern Spiny Softshell Dornrandweichschildkröte Tortue molle à épines Tartaruga a guscio molle spinosa Apalone spinifera aspera Testudines - Trionychidae Gulf Coast Spiny Softshell; Gulf Coast Soft-shelled Turtle; Gulf Coast Spiny Softshell Turtle Trionyx épineux du Golfe Apalone spinifera emoryi Testudines - Trionychidae Texas Spiny Softshell; Texas Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle; Texas Softshell; Texas Spiny Softshell Turtle; Rio Grande Spiny Softshell Turtle Trionyx épineux du Sud Apalone spinifera guadalupensis Testudines - Trionychidae Guadalupe Spiny Softshell; Guadalupe Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle Trionyx épineux de Guadalupe Apalone spinifera hartwegi Testudines - Trionychidae


Aperopristis paronae


f 874 e

f 875 e

f 876 e d 877 e

d 878 e 879 e

880 e

Western Spiny Softshell; Western Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle; Western Spiny Softshell Turtle Trionyx épineux de l'Ouest Apalone spinifera pallida Testudines - Trionychidae Pallid Spiny Softshell; Pallid Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle; Pallid Spiny Softshell Turtle Trionyx épineux pâle

881 e 882 e

Apalone spinifera spinifera Testudines - Trionychidae Eastern Spiny Softshell; Baby Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle (NA); Eastern Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle; Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle; Spiny Softshell Tortue molle à épines


Aparallactus Squamata - Colubridae Centipede-eaters; Centipede-eater Snakes Tausendfüßerfresser


Aparallactus capensis Squamata - Colubridae Cape Centipede-eater; Cape Centipede-eater Snake (CSA); Cape Black-headed Snake; Centipede-eater Tausendfüßerfresser

e 884 e

e 886 e 887 e

Aparallactus capensis capensis Squamata - Colubridae Black-headed Centipede-eater


Aparallactus guentheri Squamata - Colubridae Black Centipede-eater; Zanzibar Centipede-eter; Günther's Snake; Günther's Centipede-eater (CSA)


Aparallactus jacksoni Squamata - Colubridae Kilimanjaro Centipede-eater


e 890 e

Aparallactus lineatus Squamata - Colubridae Lined Centipede-eater Aparallactus lunulatus Squamata - Colubridae Reticulate Centipede-eater; Banded Centipede-eater; Plumbeous Centipede-eater; Reticulated Centipede-eater (CSA); Blotchedback Centipede-eater (CSA) Aparallactus lunulatus lunulatus Squamata - Colubridae Barred Centipede-eater Aparallactus modestus Squamata - Colubridae Western Forest Centipede-eater Aparallactus moeruensis Squamata - Colubridae Zaire Centipede-eater Aparallactus nigriceps Squamata - Colubridae Mozambique Centipede-eater Aparallactus turneri Squamata - Colubridae Malindi Centipede-eater Aparallactus werneri Squamata - Colubridae Usambara Centipede-eater Aperopristis Squamata - Iguanaidae Peracca's Iguanas Aperopristis paronae Squamata - Iguanaidae Peracca's Iguana


891 e d

Aphaniotis Squamata - Agamidae Earless Agamas; Blue-mouthed Agamas Blaumaul-Agamen Squamata - Agamidae


900 e d 901

892 e d

Aphaniotis acutirostris Indonesia Earless Agama; Earless Agama Blaumaul-Agame


d 893 e

Aphaniotis fusca Squamata - Agamidae Dusky Earless Agama

902 e

894 e

Aphaniotis nasuta Squamata - Agamidae Sabah Earless Agama

903 e

895 e

Aphaniotis ornata Squamata - Agamidae Ornate Earless Agama

904 e

896 e

897 e

898 e 899 e

Aplopeltura Squamata - Colubridae Blunthead Snakes; Blunthead Slug Snakes; Blunt-headed Tree Snakes; Indian Snail-eaters Aplopeltura boa Squamata - Colubridae Blunthead Snake; Blunthead Slug Snake; Blunt-headed Tree Snake; Indian Snail-eater Apodora Squamata - Boidae Papua Pythons Apodora papuanus Squamata - Boidae Papua Python; Papuan Olive Python; Papuan Water Python

905 e 906 e 907 e 908 e 909 e

Aporosaura Squamata - Lacertidae Sanddivers; Shovel-snouted Lizards (CSA); Sand Lizards; Dune Lizards Sandechsen Aporosaura anchieta Squamata - Lacertidae Namib Sanddiver; Shovel-snouted Lizard (CSA); Anchieta's Dune Lizard Sandtaucher; Sandechse Apostolepis Squamata - Colubridae Burrowing Snakes; Worm Snakes Apostolepis ambiniger Squamata - Colubridae South American Burrowing Snake Apostolepis assimilis Squamata - Colubridae Reinhardt's Burrowing Snake Apostolepis barrioi Squamata - Colubridae Barrio's Burrowing Snake Apostolepis caerensis Squamata - Colubridae Gomes's Burrowing Snake Apostolepis coronata Squamata - Colubridae Crowned Burrowing Snake Apostolepis dorbignyo Squamata - Colubridae Bolivian Burrowing Snake Apostolepis erythronota Squamata - Colubridae Peters's Burrowing Snake


Aprasia pseudopulchella

910 e 911 e 912 e 913 e 914 e

915 e

916 e 917 e

Apostolepis flavotorquata Squamata - Colubridae Central Burrowing Snake Apostolepis goiasensis Squamata - Colubridae Goias Burrowing Snake Apostolepis intermedia Squamata - Colubridae Matto Grosso Burrowing Snake

e 921 e 922 e


Apostolepis longicaudata Squamata - Colubridae Longhead Burrowing Snake


Apostolepis niceforoi Squamata - Colubridae Amazon Burrowing Snake; Amazon Worm Snake


Apostolepis nigroterminata Squamata - Colubridae Peru Burrowing Snake; Peruvian Worm Snake


Apostolepis quinquelineata Squamata - Colubridae Guyana Burrowing Snake Apostolepis rondoni Squamata - Colubridae Amaral's Burrowng Snake




926 e

927 918 e 919 e 920

Apostolepis tenuis Squamata - Colubridae Ruthven's Burrowing Snake Apostolepis ventrimaculata Squamata - Colubridae Spotted Burrowing Snake Apostolepis villaricae Squamata - Colubridae


d 928 e

Villarica Burrowing Snake Apostolepis vittatus Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Burrowing Snake Aprasia Squamata - Gekkonidae Blunt-tail Legless Geckos; Blunt-tail Legless Lizards; Blunt-tailed Scalyfoots Schmuckflossenfüße Aprasia aurita Squamata - Gekkonidae Eared Legless Gecko; Eared Legless Lizard; Mallee Worm Lizard (ANZ) Aprasia fusca Squamata - Gekkonidae Brown Legless Gecko; Brown Legless Lizard Aprasia haroldi Squamata - Gekkonidae Harold's Legless Gecko; Harold's Legless Lizard Aprasia inaurita Squamata - Gekkonidae Earless Legless Gecko; Earless Legless Lizard; Pink-nosed Worm Lizard (ANZ) Aprasia parapulchella Squamata - Gekkonidae Mongolo Legless Gecko; Mongolo Legless Lizard; Pink-tailed Worm Lizard (ANZ) Schmuckflossenfuß Aprasia pseudopulchella Squamata - Gekkonidae Flinders Legless Gecko; Flinders Legless Lizard

Aprasia pulchella

929 e d 930 e

931 e

932 e d 933 e

934 e 935 e 936 e

Aprasia pulchella Squamata - Gekkonidae Coastal Legless Gecko; Coastal Legless Lizard Schmuckflossenfuß Aprasia repens Squamata - Gekkonidae Hasty Legless Gecko; Hasty Legless Lizard Aprasia rostrata Squamata - Gekkonidae Beaked Legless Gecko; Beaked Legless Lizard Aprasia smithi Squamata - Gekkonidae Smith's Legless Gecko; Smith's Legless Lizard Wurmflossenfuß Aprasia striolata Squamata - Gekkonidae Striped Legless Gecko; Striped Legless Lizard; Striped Legless Skink (ANZ) Apterygodon Squamata - Scincidae Borneo Skinks Apterygodon vittatum Squamata - Scincidae Borneo Skink Aptycholaemos Squamata - Iguanaidae Longtail Iguanas


938 e 939 e

940 e

941 e 942 e

943 e

944 e

945 e d f 946

937 e

Aptycholaemos longicauda Squamata - Iguanaidae Argentine Longtail Iguana; Longtailed Anole

e d f

Aristelliger Squamata - Gekkonidae Caribbean Geckos Aristelliger barbouri Squamata - Gekkonidae Striped Caribbean Gecko; Inagua Gecko (WI) Aristelliger cochranae Squamata - Gekkonidae Cochran's Caribbean Gecko; Navassa Gecko Aristelliger georgeensis Squamata - Gekkonidae St. George Island Gecko Aristelliger hechti Squamata - Gekkonidae Hecht's Caribbean Gecko; Caicos Gecko (WI) Aristelliger lar Squamata - Gekkonidae Giant Caribbean Gecko; Hispaniolan Giant Gecko Aristelliger praesignis Squamata - Gekkonidae Spotted Caribbean Gecko; Jamaican Croaking Gecko (WI) Arizona Squamata - Colubridae Glossy Snakes; Faded Snakes Arizona-Nattern; Erznattern Couleuvres lustrées Arizona elegans Squamata - Colubridae Glossy Snake; Faded Snake Erznatter; Arizona-Natter Couleuvre élégante



947 e 948 e 949 e 950 e

951 e d 952 e d 953 e 954 e 955 e 956 e

Arizona elegans arenicola Squamata - Colubridae Texas Glossy Snake


Arizona elegans candida Squamata - Colubridae Mojave Glossy Snake


Arizona elegans eburnata Squamata - Colubridae Desert Glossy Snake


Arizona elegans elegans Squamata - Colubridae Kansas Glossy Snake; Smoothscaled Rat Snake (NA); Glossy Snake (NA); Faded Snake (NA)


Arizona elegans noctivaga Squamata - Colubridae Arizona Glossy Snake Arizona-Natter Arizona elegans occidentalis Squamata - Colubridae California Glossy Snake; Western Glossy Snake Westliche Arizona-Natter Arizona elegans philipi Squamata - Colubridae Painted Desert Glossy Snake Arizona pacata Squamata - Colubridae Peninsular Glossy Snake Arrhyton Squamata - Colubridae Island Racers Arrhyton ainictum Squamata - Colubridae Cuban Island Racer




e 961 e 962 e 963 e

964 e 965 e 966 e 967 e

Arrhyton dolichura Squamata - Colubridae Habana Island Racer Arrhyton landoi Squamata - Colubridae Schwartz's Island Racer Arrhyton taeniatum Squamata - Colubridae Guenther's Island Racer Arrhyton tanyplectum Squamata - Colubridae San Vicente Island Racer Arrhyton vittatum Squamata - Colubridae Common Island Racer; Island Racer Arthrosaura Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Arthrosauras; Creek Lizards Arthrosaura kocki Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Orangebelly Arthrosaura; Eastern Creek Lizard Arthrosaura reticulata Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Yellowbelly Arthrosaura Arthrosaura reticulata reticulata Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Western Creek Lizard Arthrosaura synaptolepis Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Donnelly's Arthrosaura Arthroseps Squamata - Teiidae Arthrosepses

Arthroseps fluminensis

968 e 969 e 970 e

Arthroseps fluminensis Squamata - Teiidae Forest Arthroseps Arthroseps werneri Squamata - Teiidae Sao Paolo Arthroseps Asaccus Squamata - Gekkonidae Middle Eastern Geckos



978 e d

979 971 e f i

Asaccus elisae Squamata - Gekkonidae Werner's Gecko Gecko d'Elisa Fillodattilo di Elisa

d 980 d

972 e

Asaccus gallagheri Squamata - Gekkonidae Gallagher's Gecko

981 e

973 e 974 e 975 e

976 e 977 e

Asaccus griseonotus Squamata - Gekkonidae Grey-marked Gecko Asiocolotes Squamata - Gekkonidae Golubev's Geckos Asiocolotes depressus Squamata - Gekkonidae Low-lying Gecko; Mountain Dwarf Gecko Asiocolotes levitoni Squamata - Gekkonidae Leviton's Gecko Aspidelaps Squamata - Elapidae Shieldnose Cobras; Shield-nosed Cobras; Shield-nosed Snakes; African Coral Snakes; Shield Snakes;


982 d 983 d 984 e d 985 e

Shieldnose Snakes Schildkobras; Nasenkobras; Schildnasenkobras Aspidelaps lubricus Squamata - Elapidae South African Coral Snake; Cape Coral Snake; Coral Snake (CSA) Kap-Zwergschildkobra; Südafrikanische Korallenkobra; Südafrikanische Korallenschlange Aspidelaps lubricus infuscatus Squamata - Elapidae Westafrikanische Korallenschlange Aspidelaps lubricus lubricus Squamata - Elapidae Südafrikanische Korallenschlange Aspidelaps scutatus Squamata - Elapidae Shieldnose Cobra; Shield-nosed Cobra; Shieldnose Snake; Shield Snake (CSA); Shield-nosed Snake Schildkobra; Schildnasenkobra; Schildschlange Aspidelaps scutatus intermedius Squamata - Elapidae Schildschlange Aspidelaps scutatus scutatus Squamata - Elapidae Schildschlange Aspideretes Testudines - Trionychidae Indian Softshells Indische Weichschildkröten Aspideretes gangeticus Testudines - Trionychidae Indian Softshell; Ganges Soft-shelled Turtle; Ganges Softshell (ISC); Indian Softshell Turtle (ISC); Indian


Aspidura deraniyagalae

d f i

986 e

d f 987 e

f 988 e

d f i

Soft-shelled Turtle (ISC); Ganga Soft-shelled Turtle (ISC); Ganges Softshell Turtle Ganges-Weichschildkröte Trionyx du Gange; Tortue du Gange Tartaruga dal guscio molle del Gange Aspideretes hurum Testudines - Trionychidae Indian Peacock Softshell; Peacock Soft-shelled Turtle; Peacock Softshell (ISC); Peacock-marked Soft-shelled Turtle (ISC); Indian Peacock Softshell Turtle; Peacock Softshell Turtle Pfauenaugeweichschildkröte; Pfauenaugenweichschildkröte Trionyx à ocelles; Trionyx paon Aspideretes leithii Testudines - Trionychidae Leith's Softshell; Nagpur Softshelled Turtle; Deccan Softshell (ISC); Peninsular Soft-shelled Turtle (ISC); Leith's Softshell Turtle; Nagpur Softshell Turtle Trionyx de Leith Aspideretes nigricans Testudines - Trionychidae Black Softshell; Black Soft-shelled Turtle; Chittagong Softshell (ISC); Black Softshell Turtle; Bostami Softshell Turtle; Dark-coloured Softshelled Turtle Dunkle Weichschildkröte Trionyx noirâtre; Trionyx sombre Tartaruga dal guscio molle scura; Tartaruga a guscio molle scura

990 e d f 991 e d 992 e 993 e 994 e 995 e 996 e 997 e

998 989 e d f

Aspidites Squamata - Boidae Womas; Black-headed Pythons Schwarzkopfpythone; Womas Pythons à tête noire


999 e

Aspidites melanocephalus Squamata - Boidae Black-headed Python Schwartzkopfpython Python à tête noire d'Australie Aspidites ramsayi Squamata - Boidae Woma; Ramsay's Python; Woma Python Woma; Ramsays Python Aspidomorphus Squamata - Elapidae Collared Adders Aspidomorphus lineaticollis Squamata - Elapidae Collared Adder Aspidomorphus muelleri Squamata - Elapidae Müller's Adder Aspidomorphus schlegelii Squamata - Elapidae Schlegel's Adder Aspidura Squamata - Colubridae Rough-sided Snakes; Aspiduras Aspidura brachyorrhus Squamata - Colubridae Boie's Rough-sided Snake; Boie's Aspidura Aspidura copii Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Rough-sided Snake; Cope's Aspidura Aspidura deraniyagalae Squamata - Colubridae Sri Lanka Rough-sided Snake

Aspidura drummondhayi

1000 e

1001 e

1002 e

1003 e d 1004 e d 1005 e

1006 e 1007 e 1008 e

Aspidura drummondhayi Squamata - Colubridae Drummond-Hay's Rough-sided Snake; Drummond-Hay's Roughside Aspidura guentheri Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Rough-sided Snake; Günther's Aspidura Aspidura trachyprocta Squamata - Colubridae Common Rough-sided Snake; Rough-sided Snake; Common Roughside Astrotia Squamata - Elapidae Stokes's Sea Snakes; Malayan Sea Snakes Stokes-Schlangen Astrotia stokesii Squamata - Elapidae Stokes's Sea Snake; Malayan Sea Snake Stokes-Schlange Ateuchosaurus Squamata - Scincidae Oriental Ateuchosauruses; Unarmoured Skinks; Ateuchosauruses Ateuchosaurus chinensis Squamata - Scincidae Chinese Ateuchosaurus Ateuchosaurus pellopleurum Squamata - Scincidae Japanese Ateuchosaurus Atheris Squamata - Viperidae Bush Vipers; African Bush Vipers; Tree Vipers; Hairy Bush Vipers


d f 1009 e d 1010 e d f 1011 e 1012 e d f 1013 e d

1014 e d 1015 e d

Buschvipern; Baumvipern Vipères d'arbres; Vipères arbricoles Atheris ceratophorus Squamata - Viperidae Usambara Mountain Bush Viper Usambara Buschviper Atheris chloroechis Squamata - Viperidae Green Bush Viper; Green Tree Viper Grüne Buschviper; Grüner Baumviper Vipère d'arbres Atheris desaixi Squamata - Viperidae Ashe's Bush Viper Atheris hindii Squamata - Viperidae Kinangop Mountain Bush Viper; Hind's Viper; Hind's Montane Viper Ostafrikanische Bergotter; HindViper Vipère de Hind Atheris hispidus Squamata - Viperidae Laurent's Mounatin Bush Viper; Hairy Bush Viper Rauschuppenbuschviper; Kielschuppige Buschviper Atheris katangensis Squamata - Viperidae Katanga Mountain Bush Viper Katanga-Buschviper Atheris nitschei Squamata - Viperidae Great Lakes Bush Viper Schwarzgrüne Buschviper; Nitschesche Baumviper


Atractaspis fallax

1016 e d

Atheris squamiger Squamata - Viperidae Rough-scaled Bush Viper; Green Bush Viper Rauhschuppige Buschviper; Blattgrüne Buschviper; Rankschuppige Buschviper

1017 e d

1018 e d f 1019 e

d f i 1020 e d

Atheris superciliaris Squamata - Viperidae Lowland Swamp Viper; Lowland Viper Blattgrüne Buschviper; Sumpfviper; Sumpfotter Atractaspididae Squamata Mole Vipers Erdvipern; Maulwurfsnattern; Erdottern Atractaspididés Atractaspis Squamata - Atractaspididae Mole Vipers; Burrowing Asps (CSA); Burrowing Vipers; Burrowing Adders (CSA); Stilleto Snakes (CSA); Side-stabbing Snakes (CSA); Assassin Snakes Erdvipern; Erdottern Atractaspides Atrattaspidi Atractaspis alterima Squamata - Atractaspididae Western Forest Mole Viper; Western Forest Burrowing Adder; Mole Viper Erdviper


d f 1023 e d 1024 e d 1025 e

d 1026 e d 1027 e d 1028

1021 e d 1022

Atractaspis battersbyi Squamata - Atractaspididae Battersby's Mole Viper; Mole Viper; Mole Viper Erdviper Atractaspis bibronii

e d 1029

Squamata - Atractaspididae Bibron's Mole Viper; Bibron's Burrowing Asp; Southern Burrowing Asp (CSA); Bibron's Burrowing Viper; Mole Viper; Oviparous Adder; Bibron's Stilleto Snake (CSA); Mole Adder (CSA) Südliche Erdotter; Erdviper; Bibrons Erdviper Atractaspide de Bibron Atractaspis boulengeri Squamata - Atractaspididae Boulenger's Mole Viper; Mole Viper Erdviper Atractaspis coalescens Squamata - Atractaspididae Perret's Mole Viper; Mole Viper Erdviper Atractaspis congica Squamata - Atractaspididae Eastern Congo Mole Viper; Eastern Congo Burrowing Asp (CSA); Mole Viper Erdviper Atractaspis corpulenta Squamata - Atractaspididae Fat Mole Viper; Mole Viper Erdviper Atractaspis dahomeyensis Squamata - Atractaspididae Bocage's Mole Viper; Mole Viper Erdviper Atractaspis engdahli Squamata - Atractaspididae Engdahl's Mole Viper; Mole Viper Erdviper Atractaspis fallax Squamata - Atractaspididae

Atractaspis irregularis

e d

False Mole Viper; Mole Viper Erdviper


e d

1030 e

d f

Atractaspis irregularis Squamata - Atractaspididae Variable Mole Viper; Variable Burrowing Adder; Mole Viper; Common Burrowing Viper Gewöhnliche Erdotter; Erdviper Atractaspide vulgaire

1038 e 1039 e

1031 e d

Atractaspis leucomelas Squamata - Atractaspididae White Mole Viper; Mole Viper Erdviper

1040 e

1032 e

d 1033 e d 1034 e 1035 e d 1036 e d 1037

Atractaspis microlepidota Squamata - Atractaspididae Small-scaled Mole Viper; Smallscaled Burrowing Asp; Small-scaled Burrowing Adder; South Arabian Mole Viper Erdviper Atractaspis micropholis Squamata - Atractaspididae Common Mole Viper; Mole Viper Erdviper Atractaspis phillipsi Squamata - Atractaspididae Phillips's Mole Viper Atractaspis reticulata Squamata - Atractaspididae Reticulate Mole Viper; Mole Viper Erdviper Atractaspis scortecci Squamata - Atractaspididae Scortecci's Mole Viper; Mole Viper Erdviper Atractus Squamata - Colubridae

1041 e 1042 e f 1043 e 1044 e 1045 e 1046 e 1047

Ground Snakes; Burrowing Spindle Snakes; Earth Snakes Spindelnattern Atractus albuquerqei Squamata - Colubridae Albuquerque Ground Snake Atractus alphonsehogei Squamata - Colubridae Alphonse's Ground Snake; Striped Earth Snake Atractus andinus Squamata - Colubridae Andean Ground Snake Atractus arrangoi Squamata - Colubridae Colombian Ground Snake Atractus badius Squamata - Colubridae Boie's Ground Snake Faux corail (Ants) Atractus balzani Squamata - Colubridae Bolivian Ground Snake Atractus biseriatus Squamata - Colubridae Two-lined Ground Snake Atractus bocki Squamata - Colubridae Bock's Ground Snake Atractus bocki Squamata - Colubridae Bocourt's Ground Snake Atractus boettgeri Squamata - Colubridae


Atractus iridescens

e 1048 e 1049 e 1050 e 1051 e 1052 e

1053 e

1054 e 1055 e 1056 e 1057 e

Boettger's Ground Snake Atractus boulengeri Squamata - Colubridae Boulenger's Ground Snake Atractus canedi Squamata - Colubridae Scroccho's Ground Snake Atractus carrioni Squamata - Colubridae Parker's Ground Snake Atractus clarki Squamata - Colubridae Clark's Ground Snake Atractus collaris Squamata - Colubridae Collared Ground Snake; Ringnecked Earth Snake Atractus crassicaudatus Squamata - Colubridae Thickhead Ground Snake; Thicktail Ground Snake Atractus duidensis Squamata - Colubridae Venezuela Ground Snake Atractus dunni Squamata - Colubridae Dunn's Ground Snake Atractus ecuadorensis Squamata - Colubridae Ecuadorean Ground Snake Atractus elaps Squamata - Colubridae Black Ground Snake; Ornate Earth Snake

1058 e 1059 e 1060 e 1061 e 1062 e

1063 e 1064 e 1065 e 1066 e 1067 e 1068 e

Atractus emigdioi Squamata - Colubridae Emigdio's Ground Snake Atractus emmeli Squamata - Colubridae Emmel's Ground Snake Atractus erythromelas Squamata - Colubridae Red-black Ground Snake Atractus favae Squamata - Colubridae Filippi's Ground Snake Atractus flammigerus Squamata - Colubridae Flaming Ground Snake; Blotched Earth Snake Atractus fuliginosus Squamata - Colubridae Hallowell's Ground Snake Atractus gaigae Squamata - Colubridae Gaige's Ground Snake Atractus guentheri Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Ground Snake Atractus indistinctus Squamata - Colubridae Indistinct Ground Snake Atractus insipidus Squamata - Colubridae Border Ground Snake Atractus iridescens Squamata - Colubridae Iridescent Ground Snake

Atractus lancinii

1069 e 1070 e 1071 e

1072 e 1073 e 1074 e 1075 e 1076 e

1077 e 1078 e 1079

Atractus lancinii Squamata - Colubridae Lancini's Ground Snake Atractus lasallei Squamata - Colubridae Lasalle's Ground Snake Atractus latifrons Squamata - Colubridae Broadhead Ground Snake; Wedgetailed Earth Snake Atractus lehmanni Squamata - Colubridae Lehmann's Ground Snake Atractus limitaneus Squamata - Colubridae Limitan Ground Snake Atractus loveridgei Squamata - Colubridae Loveridge's Ground Snake Atractus maculatus Squamata - Colubridae Spotted Ground Snake


e 1080 e 1081 e 1082 e 1083 e 1084 e 1085 e 1086 e

Atractus major Squamata - Colubridae Brown Ground Snake; Giant Earth Snake


Atractus manizalensis Squamata - Colubridae Prado's Ground Snake


Atractus mariselae Squamata - Colubridae Marisela's Ground Snake


Atractus melanogaster Squamata - Colubridae





Blackbelly Ground Snake Atractus melas Squamata - Colubridae Dark Ground Snake Atractus micheli Squamata - Colubridae French Guyana Ground Snake Atractus modestus Squamata - Colubridae Modest Ground Snake Atractus multicinctus Squamata - Colubridae Banded Ground Snake Atractus nicefori Squamata - Colubridae Northern Ground Snake Atractus nigricauda Squamata - Colubridae Black-headed Ground Snake Atractus nigriventris Squamata - Colubridae Black-ventered Ground Snake Atractus obesus Squamata - Colubridae Fat Ground Snake Atractus obtusirostris Squamata - Colubridae Bignose Ground Snake Atractus occidentalis Squamata - Colubridae Western Ground Snake Atractus occipitoalbus Squamata - Colubridae


Atractus univittatus


Grey Ground Snake e

1091 e

Atractus oculotemporalis Squamata - Colubridae Hispanic Ground Snake

1102 e

1092 e

Atractus pamplonensis Squamata - Colubridae Pamplona Ground Snake

1103 e

1093 e

Atractus paucidens Squamata - Colubridae Despax's Ground Snake

1104 e

1094 e

Atractus pauciscutatus Squamata - Colubridae Little-scaled Ground Snake

1105 e

1095 e

Atractus peruvianus Squamata - Colubridae Peru Ground Snake

1106 e

1096 e

1097 e

Atractus poeppigi Squamata - Colubridae Basin Ground Snake; Black-backed Earth Snake


Atractus punctiventris Squamata - Colubridae Pointed Ground Snake



e 1098 e

Atractus resplendens Squamata - Colubridae Resplendent Ground Snake

1109 e

1099 e

Atractus reticulatus Squamata - Colubridae Reticulate Ground Snake

1110 e

1100 e

Atractus riveroi Squamata - Colubridae Rivero's Ground Snake

1111 e


Atractus roulei

Squamata - Colubridae Roule's Ground Snake Atractus sanctamartae Squamata - Colubridae St, Marta's Ground Snake Atractus sanguineus Squamata - Colubridae Bloody Ground Snake Atractus schach Squamata - Colubridae Schach's Ground Snake Atractus serranus Squamata - Colubridae Sao Paolo Ground Snake Atractus steyermarki Squamata - Colubridae Steyermark's Ground Snake Atractus torquatus Squamata - Colubridae Neckband Ground Snake; Rusty Earth Snake Atractus trihedrurus Squamata - Colubridae Southern Ground Snake Atractus trilineatus Squamata - Colubridae Three-lined Ground Snake Atractus trivittatus Squamata - Colubridae Three-banded Ground Snake Atractus univittatus Squamata - Colubridae One-banded Ground Snake

Atractus variegatus

1112 e 1113 e 1114 e

Atractus variegatus Squamata - Colubridae Variegated Ground Snake Atractus ventrimaculatus Squamata - Colubridae Speckled Ground Snake Atractus vertebralis Squamata - Colubridae Vertebral Ground Snake


e d 1123 e d 1124 e

1115 e 1116 e 1117 e 1118 e 1119 e 1120 e

1121 e 1122

Atractus vertebrolineatus Squamata - Colubridae Striped Ground Snake Atractus wagleri Squamata - Colubridae Wagler's Ground Snake Atractus werneri Squamata - Colubridae Werner's Ground Snake Atractus zidocki Squamata - Colubridae Zidock's Ground Snake Atretium Squamata - Colubridae Keelbacks; Olivaceous Keelbacks Atretium schistosum Squamata - Colubridae Split Keelback; Olivaceous Keelback (ISC); Plumbaeous Keelback Water Snake; Olivaceous Keelback Water Snake Atretium yunnanensis Squamata - Colubridae Yunnan Olive Keelback Atropoides

1125 e d 1126 e 1127 e 1128 e d 1129 e

1130 e 1131 e

Squamata - Viperidae Jumping Pit Vipers Springende Lanzenottern Atropoides nummifer Squamata - Viperidae Jumping Pit Viper; Jumping Viper Springende Lanzenotter Atropoides olmec Squamata - Viperidae Olmecan Pit Viper Atropoides picadoi Squamata - Viperidae Picado's Pit Viper Picados Springende Lanzenotter Aulura Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Barbour's Worm Lizards Aulura anomola Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Barbour's Worm Lizard Austrelaps Squamata - Elapidae Australian Copperheads; Copperhead Snakes (ANZ); Copperheads (ANZ) Australische Kupferköpfe Austrelaps labialis Squamata - Elapidae Kangaroo Island Copperhead; Pygmy Copperhead Austrelaps ramsayi Squamata - Elapidae Highland Copperhead Austrelaps superbus Squamata - Elapidae Australian Copperhead; Australian


Azemiops feae

d 1132 e d 1133 e d

Lowlands Copperhead; Copperhead (ANZ) Australischer Kupferkopf Azemiops Squamata - Viperidae Fea's Vipers; Fea Vipers Fea-Vipern Azemiops feae Squamata - Viperidae Fea's Viper; Fea Viper; Whiteheaded Viper Fea-Viper





1143 e 1144

1134 e d 1135 e d 1136 e 1137 e 1138 e 1139 e 1140 e 1141 e 1142

Bachia Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Bachias; Worm Lizards Wüstentejus; Wühletejus


1145 e

D'Orbigny's Bachia Bachia guianensis Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Guyana Bachia Bachia heteropa Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae La Guiara Bachia; Earless Worm Lizard Bachia huallagana Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Dixon's Bachia

Bachia abendrothii Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Abendroth's Bachia Abendroths Schlangenteju


Bachia alleni Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Allen's Bachia


Bachia barbouri Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Barbour's Bachia


Bachia bicolor Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Two-coloured Bachia


Bachia blairi Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Blair's Bachia


Bachia bresslaui Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Bresslau's Bachia


Bachia cuvieri Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Cuvier's Bachia


Bachia trisanale Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae


Bachia trisanale trisanale Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae

Bachia dorbignyi Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae







Bachia intermedia Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Noble's Bachia Bachia pallidiceps Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Cope's Bachia Bachia panopila Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Thomas's Bachia Bachia peruana Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Peru Bachia; Peruvian Worm Lizard Bachia scolecoides Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Vanzolini's Bachia Bachia talpa Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Ruthven's Bachia


Batagur basca e

1154 e

1155 e 1156 e 1157 e d f 1158 e d 1159 e

1160 e f 1161 e 1162 e

Striped Worm Lizard Bachia vermiformis Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Small-legged Bachia; Brown Worm Lizard Baikia Squamata - Amphisbaenidae West African Worm Lizards Baikia africana Squamata - Amphisbaenidae West African Worm Lizard Barisia Squamata - Anguidae Alligator Lizards Krokodilschleichen Lézards-alligator Barisia imbricata Squamata - Anguidae Imbricate Alligator Lizard Kiel-Krokodilschleiche Barisia levicollis Squamata - Anguidae Chihuahuan Alligator Lizard; Chihuaha Alligator Lizard Barisia rudicollis Squamata - Anguidae Roughneck Alligator Lizard Gerrhonote à cou rude Barkudia Squamata - Scincidae Madras Spotted Skinks Barkudia insularis Squamata - Scincidae Madras Spotted Skink

1163 e d f 1164 e

d f 1165 e 1166 e d f i 1167 e d f

1168 e d i 1169

Basiliscus Squamata - Iguanaidae Basilisks Basilisken Basilisques; Basilics Basiliscus basiliscus Squamata - Iguanaidae Common Basilisk; Longtail Iguana; Helmeted Basilisk; Brown Basilisk; American Basilisk; Central American Basilisk Helmbasilisk Basilisque à bandes Basiliscus galeritus Squamata - Iguanaidae Western Basilisk Basiliscus plumifrons Squamata - Iguanaidae Green Basilisk; Plumed Basilisk; Double-crested Basilisk; Jesus Christ Lizard Stirnlappenbasilisk; Federbuschbasilisk Lézard peureux Basilisco piumato Basiliscus vittatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Brown Basilisk; Banded Basilisk; Striped Basilisk Streifenbasislisk Basilisque à bandes; Basilisque vert; Basilic vert Batagur Testudines - Emydidae Batagurine Turtles; Bastagurs; River Terrapins; Tuntongs Batagurschildkröten Tartarughe fluviale indiane Batagur basca Testudines - Emydidae



d f i 1170 e 1171 e 1172 e 1173 e 1174 e 1175 e


Batagurine Turtle; Batagur; Common Batagur; River Terrapin (ISC); Tuntong; Batagur Terrapin (ISC); Batagur River Terrapin (ISC) Batagurschildkröte Batagur malais; Tortue fluviale indienne Tartaruga fluviale indiana Bavayia Squamata - Gekkonidae New Caledonian Geckos Bavayia crassicollis Squamata - Gekkonidae Roux's Caledonian Gecko Bavayia cyclura Squamata - Gekkonidae Günther's New Caledonian Gecko Bavayia montana Squamata - Gekkonidae Mountain New Caledonian Gecko Bavayia ornata Squamata - Gekkonidae Ornate New Caledonian Gecko Bavayia savageii Squamata - Gekkonidae Savage's New Caledonian Gecko

1179 e 1180 e d f 1181 e d f 1182 e

d f 1183 e

1184 e

1176 e 1177 e

Bavayia septuiclavis Squamata - Gekkonidae Sadlier's New Caledonian Gecko Bavayia validiclavis Squamata - Gekkonidae Key New Caledonian Gecko

1185 e d 1186

1178 e

Bedriagaia Squamata - Lacertidae African Tree Lizards

e d

Bedriagaia tropidopholis Squamata - Lacertidae African Tree Lizard Bipedidae Squamata Two-legged Worm Lizards Zweifußdoppelschleichen Bipédidés Bipes Squamata - Bipedidae Two-legged Worm Lizards Handwühlen Bipes Bipes biporus Squamata - Bipedidae Five-toed Worm Lizard; Two-footed Worm Lizard; Two-legged Worm Lizard; Ajolote; Mole Lizard (NA); Common Two-legged Worm Lizard Handwühle Bipes à deux pores Bipes canaliculatus Squamata - Bipedidae Four-toed Worm Lizard; Four-toed Mole Lizard Bipes tridactylus Squamata - Bipedidae Three-toed Worm Lizard; Three-toed Mole Lizard Bitis Squamata - Viperidae Puff Adders; African Adders (CSA) Puffottern Bitis arietans Squamata - Viperidae Puff Adder; Common Puff Adder Gemeine Puffotter; Puffotter; Gewöhnliche Puffotter


Bitis schneideri f i

1187 e d f 1188 e 1189 e d i 1190 e d f 1191 e 1192 e d f i 1193 e

Vipère heurtante; Trigonocéphale; Vipère du Cap Vipera soffiante Bitis atropos Squamata - Viperidae Berg Adder (CSA); Mountain Adder Bergotter; Bergpuffotter; Atroposviper Vipère montagnarde Bitis atropos unicolor Squamata - Viperidae Mountain Adder Bitis caudalis Squamata - Viperidae Horned Puff Adder; Cape Horned Adder (CSA); Horned Adder (CSA); Sidewinder Adder; Horned Viper Gehörnte Puffotter; Gehörnte Zwergpuffotter Bitis cornuta Bitis cornuta Squamata - Viperidae Many-horned Adder Büschelbrauenotter; Südafrikanische Hornviper Vipère cornue Bitis cornuta cornuta Squamata - Viperidae Western Many-horned Adder Bitis gabonica Squamata - Viperidae Gaboon Viper; Gaboon Adder (CSA) Gabun-Viper; Gabun-Otter Vipère du Gabon Vipera del Gabon Bitis gabonica gabonica Squamata - Viperidae East African Gabun Viper

d 1194 e d 1195 e 1196 e d 1197 e d f 1198 e 1199 e 1200 e d f


Ostafrikanische Gabun-Viper Bitis gabonica rhinocerus Squamata - Viperidae West African Gabun Viper Westafrikanische Gabun-Viper Bitis heraldica Squamata - Viperidae Bocage's Horned Adder Bitis inornata Squamata - Viperidae Hornless Adder; Plains Mountain Adder; Plain Mountain Adder (CSA); Cape Puff Adder Hornlose Gabunviper Bitis nasicornis Squamata - Viperidae Rhinoceros Viper Nashornviper Vipère à cornes; Vipère rhinocéros Bitis olduvaiensis Squamata - Viperidae Olduvai Viper Bitis parvicula Squamata - Viperidae Ethiopia Viper Bitis peringueyi Squamata - Viperidae Péringuey's Adder; Dwarf Puff Adder; Péringuey's Viper; Desert Adder Namib-Viper; Zwergpuffotter; Peringuey-Wüstenotter; Péringueys Wüstenotter Vipère du désert de Namibie; Vipère du désert de Namib Bitis schneideri Squamata - Viperidae

Bitis worthingtoni

e d

1202 e 1203 e 1204 e d 1205 e d f i

1206 e d f i 1207 e

Namaqua Dwarf Adder; Namaqua Puff Adder Namaqua-Zwergpuffotter; NamaquaZwergotter Bitis worthingtoni Squamata - Viperidae Kenya Horned Viper Bitis xeropaga Squamata - Viperidae Desert Mountain Adder Blanus Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Mediterranean Worm Lizards Netzwühlen Blanus cinereus Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Mediterranean Worm Lizard; Iberian Worm Lizard; Grey Burrowing Lizard Maurische Netzwühle; Ringelschleiche; Maurische Ringelwühle Amphisbène cendré Blano cinereo; Anfisbena cinerea; Blano cinerino Blanus strauchi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Turkish Worm Lizard; Ringed Amphisbaenian Kleinasiatische Netzwühle Amphisbène de Strauch Blano di Strauch; Anfisbena turca Blythia Squamata - Colubridae Reticulate Snakes


1209 e d f 1210 e d f i 1211 e d 1212 e

1213 e d f i 1214 e d f

1208 e

Blythia reticulata Squamata - Colubridae Blyth's Reticulate Snake

1215 d

Boa Squamata - Boidae Boa Constrictors; Boas; Common Boas Boas; Abgottschlangen Boas Boa constrictor Squamata - Boidae Boa Constrictor; Neotropical Boa (WI) Abgottschlange; Königsschlange; Königsboa Couleuvre de terre (Ants); Boa constrictor; Boa constricteur Boa costrittore Boa constrictor amarali Squamata - Boidae Amaral's Boa Amarals Boa Boa constrictor constrictor Squamata - Boidae Red-tailed Python; True Redtail Boa; Red-tailed Boa Boa constrictor imperator Squamata - Boidae Hogg's Island Boa; Common Boa Constrictor Abgottschlange; Kaiserboa Boa de l'île de Hogg Boa costrittore; Boa coda rossa Boa constrictor occidentalis Squamata - Boidae Argentine Boa Südboa; Argentinische Rotschwanzboa; Argentinische Königsschlange Boa constricteur de l'Argentine Boa constrictor ortoni Squamata - Boidae Boa Constrictor


Boiga barnesi

1216 e d f i

Boa dumerili Squamata - Boidae Duméril's Boa; Duméril's Ground Boa; Duméril's Madagascar Boa Dumérils Madagaskar-Boa; DumérilBoa; Südliche Madagaskar-Boa; Madagaskar-Boa Boa de Duméril Boa di Duméril


1223 e d

1217 e


f 1218 e f

1219 e 1220 e 1221 e d 1222

Boa madagascariensis Squamata - Boidae Madagascar Boa; Madagascan Boa; Madagascar Boa Constrictor; Madagascan Ground Boa; Madagascar Tree Boa; Malagasy Tree Boa; Madagascar Ground Boa Madagaskar-Boa; Gewöhnliche Madagaskar-Boa; Nördliche Madagaskar-Boa; Malagassischer Hundskopfschlinger; MadagaskarHundskopfboa; MadagaskarHundskopfschlinger; Madagassische Erdboa Boa de Madagascar Boa manditra Squamata - Boidae Madagascar Tree Boa; Madagascan Tree Boa Boa arboricole de Madagascar; Boa canin de Madagascar

f i 1224 e f 1225 e d f i 1226 e

Bogertia Squamata - Gekkonidae Bogert's Geckos

d f i

Bogertia lutzae Squamata - Gekkonidae Bogert's Gecko


Bogertophis Squamata - Colubridae Rat Snakes; Desert Rat Snakes Rattennattern Bogertophis rosaliae

e 1228 e

Squamata - Colubridae Baja California Rat Snake; Santa Rosa Rat Snake Bogertophis subocularis Squamata - Colubridae Trans-Pecos Rat Snake; Davis Mountain Rat Snake; Davis Mountain Pilot Snake Transpecos-Kletternatter; Transpecos-Rattennatter Élaphe Trans-Pecos Serpente dei ratti Trans-Pecos Bogertophis subocularis subocularis Squamata - Colubridae Trans-Pecos Rat Snake Couleuvre de Mont Davis Boidae Squamata Boas; Boas and Pythons; Giant Snakes; Boids Riesenschlangen; Boaschlangen; Pythonschlangen Boïdés; Boas vrais Boidi Boiga Squamata - Colubridae Mangrove Snakes; Tree Snakes; Tree Cat Snakes Nachtbaumnattern; Trugnattern Serpents d'arbre Serpenti delle mangrovie; Serpenti gatto Boiga angulata Squamata - Colubridae Leyte Cat Snake Boiga barnesi Squamata - Colubridae Barnes's Cat Snake

Boiga blandingii

1229 e d 1230 e

1231 e d i 1232 e

d 1233 e d f i

1234 e 1235 e

Boiga blandingii Squamata - Colubridae Blanding's Cat Snake; Blanding's Tree Snake Blandings Nachtbaumnatter Boiga ceylonensis Squamata - Colubridae Sri Lanka Cat Snake; Günther's Cat Snake; Ceylon Cat Snake (ISC) Boiga cyanea Squamata - Colubridae Green Cat Snake; Green Cat-eyed Snake; Green Tree Snake Grüne Nachtbaumnatter; Grüne Katzenaugennatter Occhi di gatto verde Boiga cynodon Squamata - Colubridae Dog-tooth Cat Snake; Dog-toothed Cat Snake; Large-toothed Tree Snake; Boie's Tree Snake; Blackbarred Tree Snake; Dog-toothed Mangrove Snake Katzenaugennachtbaumnatter Boiga dendrophila Squamata - Colubridae Mangrove Snake; Yellow-ringed Cat Snake; Striking Mangrove Cat Snake Mangrovennachtbaumnatter; Ulaborong Serpent d'arbre; Serpent des paletuviers Serpente delle mangrovie; Serpe delle mangrovie Boiga dightoni Squamata - Colubridae Pirmad Cat Snake Boiga drapiezii Squamata - Colubridae White-spotted Cat Snake


1236 e 1237 e

1238 e

1239 e

1240 e d 1241 e 1242 e 1243 e

1244 e d

Boiga flavescens Squamata - Colubridae Yellow Snake Boiga forsteni Squamata - Colubridae Forsten's Snake; Forsten's Cat Snake (ISC) Boiga gokool Squamata - Colubridae Arrowback Tree Snake; Arrowbacked Tree Snake; Tree Snake; Eastern Gamma (ISC) Boiga hexagonata Squamata - Colubridae Grey Tree Snake; Stoliczka's Tree Snake Boiga irregularis Squamata - Colubridae Brown Tree Snake; Brown Cat Snake; Eastern Brown Tree Snake Braune Nachtbaumnatter Boiga jaspidea Squamata - Colubridae Jasper Cat Snake Boiga kraepelini Squamata - Colubridae Kelung Cat Snake Boiga multifasciata Squamata - Colubridae Many-banded Tree Snake; Himalayan Tree Snake Boiga multimaculata Squamata - Colubridae Marble Cat Snake; Many-spotted Cat Snake; Spotted Cat Snake; Largespotted Cat Snake Vielfleckennachtbaumnatter


Bothriechis schlegeli

1245 e

1246 e 1247 e 1248 e 1249 e

Boiga nigriceps Squamata - Colubridae Red Cat Snake; Dark-headed Cat Snake Boiga ocellata Squamata - Colubridae Grey Cat Snake Boiga philippina Squamata - Colubridae Philippine Cat Boiga pulverulenta Squamata - Colubridae Fischer's Cat Snake Boiga saengsomi Squamata - Colubridae Banded Green Cat Snake

e d f 1254 e d 1255 e d 1256 e

1257 1250 e

d 1251 e d f 1252 e d f i 1253

Boiga trigonata Squamata - Colubridae Indian Gamma Snake; Rear-fanged Snake; Common Tree Snake; Indian Gamma (ISC); Indian Cat Snake (ISC); Common Indian Cat Snake Dreiecknachtbaumnatter Bolyeria Squamata - Bolyeriidae Round Island Burrowing Boas; Round Island Boas Mauritius-Boas; Bolyer-Schlangen Bolyerides Bolyeria multocarinata Squamata - Bolyeriidae Round Island Burrowing Boa; Round Island Boa Mauritius-Boa Bolyeride Boa dell'isola di Round Bolyeriidae

e d 1258 e d 1259 e 1260 e d 1261 e

Squamata Round Island Boas Bolyers-Schlangen; Mauritius-Boas Bolyeriidés Bothriechis Squamata - Viperidae Palm Pit Vipers Palmenlanzenottern; Palmenvipern Bothriechis aurifer Squamata - Viperidae Yellow-blotched Palm Pit Viper Gelbgefleckte Palmenlanzenotter Bothriechis bicolor Squamata - Viperidae Guatemala Palm Pit Viper; Guatemalan Palm Pit Viper Bothriechis lateralis Squamata - Viperidae Side-striped Palm Pit Viper; Coffee Palm Viper Grüngelbe Palmenlanzenotter Bothriechis marchi Squamata - Viperidae March's Palm Pit Viper; Green Palm Pit Viper Marchs Palmenlanzenotter Bothriechis nigroviridis Squamata - Viperidae Black-speckled Palm Pit Viper Bothriechis rowleyi Squamata - Viperidae Rowley's Palm Pit Viper Rowleys Palmenlanzenotter Bothriechis schlegeli Squamata - Viperidae Eyelash Palm Pit Viper; Eyelash Viper; Eyelash Pit Viper; Common

Bothriechis supraciliaris


f 1262 e 1263 e 1264 e 1265 e d f 1266 e 1267 e

Eyelash Pitviper; Eyelash Lancehead; Schlegel's Palm Viper Schlegelsche Greifschwanzlanzenotter; Greifschwanzlanzenotter; Schlegelsche Lanzenotter; Greifschwanzpalmenlanzenotter Vipère de Schlegel Bothriechis supraciliaris Squamata - Viperidae Taylor's Eyelash Pit Viper Bothriopsis Squamata - Viperidae Forest Pit Vipers Bothriopsis alticola Squamata - Viperidae Andean Forest Pit Viper Bothriopsis bilineata Squamata - Viperidae Two-striped Forest Pit Viper; Green Jararaca; Two-lined Forest Pit Viper Grüne Jaracara Vipère arboricole; Vrai Jacquot Bothriopsis bilineata smaragdina Squamata - Viperidae Western Striped Forest Pit Viper Bothriopsis medusa Squamata - Viperidae Venezuela Forest Pit Viper



Chocoan Forest Pit Viper


Bothriopsis taeniata Squamata - Viperidae Speckled Forest Pit Viper Castelnauds Lanzenotter Vipère arboricole

e d f 1272 e d 1273 e d

1274 e 1275 e 1276 e d 1277

1268 e 1269 e 1270

Bothriopsis oligolepis Squamata - Viperidae Inca Forest Pit Viper Bothriopsis peruviana Squamata - Viperidae Peru Forest Pit Viper Bothriopsis punctata Squamata - Viperidae

e d 1278 e

Bothrochilus Squamata - Boidae Ringed Pythons; New Ireland Ringed Pythons; New Guinea Dwarf Pythons Zwergpythone Bothrochilus boa Squamata - Boidae Ringed Python; Bismarck Ringed Python; New Ireland Ringed Python Neuguinea-Zwergpython; Zwergpython; Bismarcks Python Bothrolycus Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Black Snakes Bothrolycus ater Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Black Snake Bothrophthalmus Squamata - Colubridae Red-black Striped Snakes; Striped Snakes Augengrubennattern Bothrophthalmus lineatus Squamata - Colubridae Red-black Striped Snake; Red-andblack Striped Snake Gestreifte Augengrubennatter Bothrops Squamata - Viperidae Lanceheads; American Lanceheads; Lancehead Snakes; Tree Pit Vipers


Bothrops insularis d

f i 1279 e d f 1280 e d 1281 e 1282 e d i

Lanzenottern; Gewöhnliche Lanzenottern; Amerikanische Lanzenottern; Amerikanische Lanzenschlangen Fer-de-lances; Vipères fer-de-lance Jaracara; Yaracara; Yarar Bothrops alternatus Squamata - Viperidae Urutu Lancehead; Urutu; Jararaca de Rabo (NA); Halfmoon Lancehead; Urutu Pit Viper Uruturu; Halbmondlanzenotter; Urutu Urutu Bothrops ammodytoides Squamata - Viperidae Patagonia Lancehead; Yararanata; Patagonian Pit Viper Yararanata Bothrops andianus Squamata - Viperidae Andean Lancehead Bothrops asper Squamata - Viperidae Terciopelo; Central American Lancehead Fer-de-Lance Terciopelo

e 1285 e d f 1286 e d 1287 e 1288 e d 1289 e

1290 1283 e

d f i 1284

Bothrops atrox Squamata - Viperidae Fer-de-lance; Common Lancehead; Lancehead; Barba Amarilla (NA); Caicaca Lancehead; South American Lancehead Caicaca; Gewöhnliche Lanzenotter; Lanzenotter; Lanzenschlange; Gewöhnliche Lanzenschlange Vipère fer-de-lance; Fer-de-lance; Grage (Ants) Ferro di lancia Bothrops barnetti


1291 e d f

Squamata - Viperidae Barnett's Lancehead Bothrops brazili Squamata - Viperidae Brazil's Lancehead; Brazil's Pit Viper; Velvety Lancehead Brazils Lanzenotter Grage petit carreaux (Ants) Bothrops caribbaeus Squamata - Viperidae St. Lucia Lancehad; St. Lucia Serpent; St. Lucia Pit Viper; St. Lucia Viper (WI) St.Lucia-Lanzenotter Bothrops cotiara Squamata - Viperidae Cotiara Bothrops erythromelas Squamata - Viperidae Caatinga Lancehead Rotschwarze Lanzenotter Bothrops fonsecai Squamata - Viperidae Fonseca's Lancehead; Fonseca's Pit Viper Bothrops iglesiasi Squamata - Viperidae Sertao Lancehead; Iglesias's Pit Viper Bothrops insularis Squamata - Viperidae Golden Lancehead; Island Lancehead; Island Viper; Jaracara Ilhoa (NA) Insel-Lanzenotter; QueimadaGrande-Insellanzenotter Vipère insulaire

Bothrops itapetiningae

1292 e d 1293 e d f 1294 e d f 1295 e 1296 e d f 1297 e 1298 e 1299 e


Bothrops itapetiningae Squamata - Viperidae Sao Paolo Lancehead; Cotiarinha (NA) Cotiarinha Bothrops jararaca Squamata - Viperidae Jararaca Jararaca Jararaca Bothrops jararacussu Squamata - Viperidae Jararacussu (NA); Jararacucu (NA) Jaracussu Jaracussu Bothrops jonathoni Squamata - Viperidae Jonathan's Lancehead Bothrops lanceolatus Squamata - Viperidae Martinique Lancehead; Martinican Pit Viper; Martinique Viper (WI) Martinique-Lanzenotter Fer-de-lance; Vipère jaune Bothrops leucurus Squamata - Viperidae Whitetail Lancehead Bothrops lojanus Squamata - Viperidae Lojan Lancehead; Lojan Pit Viper Bothrops marajoensis Squamata - Viperidae Marajo Lancehead; Ilha Marajo Lancehead; Marajoran Pit Viper Bothrops micropthalmus Squamata - Viperidae



1301 e d 1302 e d

1303 e 1304 e 1305 e 1306 e 1307 e 1308 e d 1309 e

Small-eyed Lancehead; Small-eyed Pit Viper; Cope's Pit Viper Bothrops moojeni Squamata - Viperidae Brazilian Lancehead; Caissaca Caissaca; Brasilianische Lanzenotter Bothrops neuwiedi Squamata - Viperidae Neuwied's Lancehead; Jaracara Pintada (NA); Neuwied's Pit Viper; Prince Neuwied's Pit Viper Neuwied-Lanzenotter; Newuwieds Lanzenotter; Lanzenotter Bothrops pictus Squamata - Viperidae Desert Lancehead Bothrops pirajai Squamata - Viperidae Piraja's Lancehead Bothrops pradoi Squamata - Viperidae Prado's Lancehead; Prado's Pit Viper Bothrops pulcher Squamata - Viperidae Dusky Lancehead Bothrops sanctaecrucis Squamata - Viperidae Bolivian Lancehead Bothrops venezuelensis Squamata - Viperidae Venezuela Lancehead; Venezuelan Pit Viper Lanzenotter Boulengerina Squamata - Elapidae Water Cobras; Water Snakes


Brachymeles talinis d f

Wasserkobras Couleuvres d'eau

1317 e

1310 e d f 1311 e d 1312 e 1313 e d f 1314 e d f 1315 e d 1316 e f

Boulengerina annulata Squamata - Elapidae Ringed Water Cobra; Banded Water Cobra; Ringed Water Snake; Water Cobra Geringelte Wasserkobra; Wasserkobra Couleuvre anulaire

1318 e 1319 e f

Boulengerina annulata stormsi Squamata - Elapidae Storm's Water Cobra Storms Wasserkobra


Boulengerina christyi Squamata - Elapidae Christy's Water Cobra


Brachylophus Squamata - Iguanaidae Fiji Iguanas; Fijian Iguanas; Banded Iguanas; Fijian Crested Iguanas Fidschi-Leguane; Kurzkammleguane; Fidji-Leguane Brachylophes Brachylophus fasciatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Fiji Banded Iguana ; Banded Iguana Fidschi-Leguan; Kurzkammleguan; Fidji-Leguan Brachylophe à bandes Brachylophus vitiensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Fiji Crested Iguana Kammleguan Brachymeles Squamata - Scincidae Short-legged Skinks; Brachymeleses Brachymèles


e 1322 e 1323 e 1324 e 1325 e 1326 e 1327 e

Brachymeles apus Squamata - Scincidae Hikida's Short-legged Skink Brachymeles bicolor Squamata - Scincidae Two-coloured Short-legged Skink Brachymeles bonitae Squamata - Scincidae Pretty Short-legged Skink Brachymèle de Bonite Brachymeles boulengeri Squamata - Scincidae Boulenger's Short-legged Skink Brachymeles cebuensis Squamata - Scincidae Rabor's Short-legged Skink Brachymeles elerae Squamata - Scincidae Common Short-legged Skink Brachymeles gracilis Squamata - Scincidae Pathfinder Short-legged Skink Brachymeles pathfinderi Squamata - Scincidae Brown's Short-legged Skink Brachymeles samarensis Squamata - Scincidae Mindanao Short-legged Skink Brachymeles schadenbergi Squamata - Scincidae Mindanao Short-legged Skink Brachymeles talinis Squamata - Scincidae Duméril's Short-legged Skink

Brachymeles tridactylus

1328 e 1329 e

Brachymeles tridactylus Squamata - Scincidae Three-fingered Short-legged Skink Brachymeles vermis Squamata - Scincidae Taylor's Short-legged Skink


1339 e d f 1340

1330 e

Brachymeles wrighti Squamata - Scincidae Wright's Short-legged Skink

e 1341

1331 e

Brachyophidium Squamata - Uropeltidae Mountain Burrowing Snakes

e 1342

1332 e 1333 e 1334 e 1335 e 1336 e 1337 e

1338 e

Brachyophidium rhodogaster Squamata - Uropeltidae Palni Mountain Burrowing Snakes Brachyophis Squamata - Colubridae Revoil's Short Snakes Brachyophis revoili Squamata - Colubridae Revoil's Short Snake Brachyorrhus Squamata - Colubridae White Racers Brachyorrhus albus Squamata - Colubridae White Racer Brachysaura Squamata - Agamidae Hardwick's Bloodsuckers; Night Agamas Brachysaura minor Squamata - Agamidae Hardwick's Bloodsucker

e d

1343 e d 1344 e 1345 e d 1346 e d

1347 e

Bradypodion Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Dwarf Chameleons Zwergchamäleone; Bunte Zwergchamäleone Caméléons nains Bradypodion adolfifriderici Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Ituri Forest Chameleon Bradypodion caffrum Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Transkei Dwarf Chameleon Bradypodion damaranum Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Kenya Dwarf Chameleon; Knysa Dwarf Chameleon (CSA) Knysna-Zwergchamäleon; Buntes Zwergchamäleon Bradypodion dracomontanum Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Drakensberg Dwarf Chameleon Drakensberg-Zwerchamäleon Bradypodion gutturale Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Robertson's Dwarf Chameleon Bradypodion karroicum Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Karoo Dwarf Chameleon Karoo-Zwergchamäleon Bradypodion melanocephalum Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Black-headed Dwarf Chameleon Zwergchmäleon; Schwarzkopfzwergchamäleon Bradypodion nemorale Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Zululand Dwarf Chameleon


Bronchocela smaragdina

1348 e 1349 e d f 1350 e 1351 e 1352 e 1353 e 1354 e

Bradypodion oxyrhinum Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Rednose Dwarf Chameleon Bradypodion pumilum Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Cape Dwarf Chameleon; Dwarf Chameleon (CSA) Buntes Zwergchamäleon Caméléon nain Bradypodion setaroi Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Setaro's Dwarf Chameleon Bradypodion setcersi Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Raw's Dwarf Chameleon Bradypodion taeniabronchum Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Smith's Dwarf Chameleon Bradypodion tenue Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Matschie's Dwarf Chameleon Bradypodion thamnobates Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Natal Midlands Dwarf Chameleon

e d f 1359 e 1360 e d f 1361 e 1362 e 1363 e d f

1355 e 1356 e 1357 e 1358

Bradypodion transvaalense Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Transvaal Dwarf Chameleon Briba Squamata - Gekkonidae Brazilian Geckos Briba brasiliana Squamata - Gekkonidae Amaral's Brazilian Gecko Bronchocela Squamata - Agamidae

1364 e d f 1365 e d f

Common Bloodsuckers; Slender Agamas Schönechsen Bronchocèles Bronchocela celebensis Squamata - Agamidae Sulawesi Bloodsucker Bronchocela cristatella Squamata - Agamidae Borneo Bloodsucker; Bornean Bloodsucker; Green Crested Lizard Borneo-Schönechse; Blutsaugeragame; Langschwanzagame Bronchocèle cristatelle Bronchocela danieli Squamata - Agamidae Daniel's Bloodsucker Bronchocela hayeki Squamata - Agamidae Sumatra Bloodsucker Bronchocela jubata Squamata - Agamidae Nicobar Island Bloodsucker Mähnenschönechse; Grüne Schönechse Bronchocèle à crinière Bronchocela marmorata Squamata - Agamidae Marbled Bloodsucker Marmorschönechse Bronchocèle marbré; Galéote marbré Bronchocela smaragdina Squamata - Agamidae Günther's Bloodsucker; Emerald Bloodsucker Smaragdschönechse Bronchocèle d'émeraude


1366 e 1367 e 1368 e d f


Bronia Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Brazilian Worm Lizards


Bronia brasiliana Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Brazilian Worm Lizard


Brookesia Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Leaf Chameleons; Stump-tailed Chameleons; Stub-tailed Chameleons Erdchmäleone; Stummelschwanzchamäleone Brookesies




e d f

1369 e

Brookesia antoetrae Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Brygoo's Leaf Chameleon

1379 e

1370 e

Brookesia betschii Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Blanc's Leaf Chameleon

1380 e

1371 e d 1372 e 1373 e 1374 e

Brookesia decaryi Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Spiny Leaf Chameleon Madagaskar-Erdchamäleon Brookesia dentata Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Toothed Leaf Chameleon Brookesia ebenaui Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Common Leaf Chameleon Brookesia griveaudi Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Marojejy Leaf Chameleon

d 1381 e 1382 e 1383 e d

1375 e

Brookesia karachi Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Naturelle Leaf Chameleon


Brookesia lambertoni Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Fito Leaf Chameleon Brookesia legenderi Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Nosy Be Leaf Chameleon Brookesia minima Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Minute Leaf Chameleon; Tiny Ground Chameleon Nossi-Bé-Zwergchamäleon; Nosy-Be Stummelschwanzchamäleon; NosyBe; Stummelschwanzchamäleon Brookesie de Nossi-Bé Brookesia nasus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Elongate Leaf Chameleon Brookesia peramata Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Antsingy Leaf Chameleon; Armoured Chameleon; Armoured Stub-tailed Chamaeleon; Armoured Leaf Chamaeleon Panzerchamäleon Brookesia peyrieresi Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Antongil Leaf Chameleon Brookesia ramanantsoai Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Ramanantsoa's Leaf Chameleon Brookesia stumpffi Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Plated Leaf Chameleon; Spiny Chameleon Stachelchamäleon Brookesia superciliaris Squamata - Chamaeleonidae


Bungarus multicinctus e d

Brown Leaf Chameleon AugenzipfelStummelschwanzchamäleon



Brookesia therezieni Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Perinet Leaf Chameleon


e 1386 e

Brookesia thieli Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Domergue's Leaf Chameleon


e d 1395 e

1387 e d 1388 e 1389 e 1390 e d f 1391 e

Brookesia tuberculata Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Mount d'Ambre Leaf Chameleon Madagaskar-Zwergchamäleon Brookesia vadoni Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Iraka River Leaf Chameleon Brookesia valeriae Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Rekworthy's Leaf Chameleon Bungarus Squamata - Elapidae Indian Kraits; Kraits; Bungars Kraite; Bungaren Bongares Bungarus andamanensis Squamata - Elapidae South Andaman Krait

d 1396 e d f 1397 e d f 1398 e d

1399 1392 e

1393 e

Bungarus bungaroides Squamata - Elapidae Northeastern Krait; Cantor's Krait; North Eastern Hill Krait Bungarus caeruleus Squamata - Elapidae Indian Krait; Common Indian Krait (ISC); Blue Krait; Common Krait (ISC); Banded Krait

e 1400 e 1401

Indischer Krait; Gewöhnlicher Krait; Gewöhnlicher Bungar; Blauer Krait Bongare commun Bungarus candidus Squamata - Elapidae Malayan Krait; Common Krait Malaiischer Krait; Blauer Krait Bungarus ceylonicus Squamata - Elapidae Ceylon Krait; Karawala; Sri Lankan Krait Karawala Bungarus fasciatus Squamata - Elapidae Banded Krait Gebänderter Krait; Gelber Bungar; Gelber Krait; Bänderkrait Bongare rayé; Bongare annelé Bungarus flaviceps Squamata - Elapidae Red-headed Krait; Yellow-headed Krait Rotkopfkrait Bongare à tète jaune Bungarus javanicus Squamata - Elapidae Java Krait Javanischer Bungar; Javanischer Krait Bungarus lividus Squamata - Elapidae Lesser Krait; Lesser Black Krait Bungarus magnimaculatus Squamata - Elapidae Burmese Krait Bungarus multicinctus Squamata - Elapidae

Bungarus niger

e d

Many-banded Krait Vielbindenbungar; Südchinesischer Vielbandenbungar; Vielbindenkrait


Bungarus niger Squamata - Elapidae Greater Krait; Black Krait; Greater Black Krait Schwarzer Bungar

e d 1403 e 1404 e 1405 e 1406 e

1407 e d

Bungarus sindanus Squamata - Elapidae Sind Krait Bunopus Squamata - Gekkonidae Arabian Geckos Bunopus crassicauda Squamata - Gekkonidae Thickhead Rock Gecko Bunopus spatalurus Squamata - Gekkonidae Spacious Rock Gecko; Arabian Rock Gecko Bunopus tuberculatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Baluch Rock Gecko Kleinere Warzengecko



Caiman latirostris




1417 e 1408 e 1409 e

1410 e

1411 e

1412 e 1413 e

1414 e

1415 e

Cabrita Squamata - Lacertidae Cabritas; Snake-eyes Cabrita jerdonii Squamata - Lacertidae Jerdon's Cabrita; Jerdon's Snake-eye (ISC) Cabrita leschenaulti Squamata - Lacertidae Leschenault's Cabrita; Leschenault's Snake-eye (ISC); Snake-eyed Lacerta Cacophis Squamata - Elapidae Dwarf Crowned Snakes; Crowned Snakes Cacophis harriettae Squamata - Elapidae White Crowned Snake Cacophis kreffti Squamata - Elapidae Dwarf Crowned Snake (ANZ); Redbellied Black Snake Cacophis squamulosus Squamata - Elapidae Golden Crowned Snake (ANZ); Redbellied Snake; Golden-crowned Snake Cadae Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Dickerson's Worm Lizards

1418 e d f i 1419 e d f 1420 e d f 1421 e 1422 e d 1423 e

Cadae blanoides Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Isla de Pinos Worm Lizard; Cuban Spotted Amphisbaena Cadae palirostrata Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Dickerson's Worm Lizard; Cuban Sharp-nosed Amphisbaena Caiman Crocodylia - Alligatoridae Speckled Caimans; Caimans Kaimane; Brillenkaimane Caïmans Caimani Caiman crocodilus Crocodylia - Alligatoridae Spectacled Caiman; Narrow-snouted Spectacled Caiman; Babilla; Common Caiman Krokodilkaiman; Brillenkaiman Caïman à lunettes Caiman crocodilus apaporiensis Crocodylia - Alligatoridae Rio Apaporis Spectacled Caiman; Rio Apaporis Caiman Rio-Apaporis-Brillenkaiman Caïman du Rio Apaporis Caiman crocodilus fuscus Crocodylia - Alligatoridae Brown Caiman Caiman crocodilus yacara Crocodylia - Alligatoridae Spectacled Caiman Brillenkaiman Caiman latirostris Crocodylia - Alligatoridae Broad-snouted Spectacled Caiman; Broad-nosed Caiman; Broadmouthed Caiman; Broad-snouted

Caiman yacari

d f

1424 e d f 1425 e 1426 e

Caiman Breitschnauzenkaiman Caïman à museau large; Caïman à large museau Caiman yacari Crocodylia - Alligatoridae Paraguay Caiman; Yacare; Yacare Caiman Südlicher Krokodilkaiman; Krokodilkaiman Jacaré Caimanops Squamata - Agamidae Caiman Agamas; Five Keel Agamas Caimanops amphiboluroides Squamata - Agamidae Caiman Agama; Mulga Dragon (ANZ); Five Keel Agama


d 1430 e 1431 e 1432 e 1433 e 1434 e

1427 e

d f i 1428 e

d f i

Calabaria Squamata - Boidae African Burrowing Pythons; Small African Pythons; Burrowing Pythons; Calabar Ground Pythons; West African Pythons Erdpythone; Erdpythonschlangen Calabarias Calabarie Calabaria reinhardtii Squamata - Boidae African Burrowing Python; Small African Python; Calabar Ground Python; Burrowing Python; West African Python; Calabar Burrowing Boa Erdpython Calabaria; Calabaria de Reinhardt Calabaria di Reinhardt; Calabaria

1435 e d 1436 e 1437 e 1438 e 1439

1429 e

Calamaria Squamata - Colubridae Dwarf Snakes; Reed Snakes


Zwergnattern; Zwergschlangen Calamaria bicolor Squamata - Colubridae Two-coloured Dwarf Snake Calamaria bitorques Squamata - Colubridae Luzon Dwarf Snake Calamaria buchi Squamata - Colubridae Dalat Dwarf Snake Calamaria gervaisi Squamata - Colubridae Philippine Dwarf Snake Calamaria leucogaster Squamata - Colubridae Ampat Lawang Dwarf Snake Calamaria linnaei Squamata - Colubridae Linné's Dwarf Snake; Linnaeus's Dwarf Snake Linnés Zwergschlange Calamaria lowi Squamata - Colubridae Lowe's Dwarf Snake Calamaria lumbricoidea Squamata - Colubridae Variable Dwarf Snake Calamaria margaritophora Squamata - Colubridae Bleeker's Dwarf Snake Calamaria pavimentata Squamata - Colubridae Collared Dwarf Snake; Collared Reed Snake


Calliophis kelloggi iwasakii

1440 e 1441 e 1442 e 1443 e 1444 e 1445 e 1446 e

Calamaria pavimentata miyarai Squamata - Colubridae Miyara's Collared Snake


Calamaria schlegelii Squamata - Colubridae White-headed Dwarf Snake


Calamaria septentrionalis Squamata - Colubridae Hong Kong Dwarf Snake


Calamaria sumatrana Squamata - Colubridae Sumatra Dwarf Snake Calamaria virgulata Squamata - Colubridae Boie's Dwarf Snake Calambdontophis Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Forest Snakes Calambdontophis paucidens Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Forest Snake



e d 1454 e d f 1455 e d

1456 1447 e

Calamorhabdium Squamata - Colubridae Iridescent Snakes

e 1457

1448 e

Calamorhabdium acuticeps Squamata - Colubridae Sulawesi Iridescent Snake

e 1458

1449 e

Calamorhabdium kukenthali Squamata - Colubridae Batjan Iridescent Snake

e 1459

1450 e

Caledoniscus Squamata - Scincidae Caledonian Skinks


Caledoniscus austrocaledonicus Squamata - Scincidae Caledonian Skink Caledoniscus orestes Squamata - Scincidae Sadler's Caledonian Skink Callagur Testudines - Emydidae Painted Terrapins; River Turtle; Callagurs Callagurschildkröten Callagur borneoensis Testudines - Emydidae Painted Terrapin; River Turtle; Biuku; Painted Batagur; Painted Terrapin Callagurschildkröte Émyde peinte de Bornéo Calliophis Squamata - Elapidae Oriental Coral Snakes; Coral Snakes Schmuckottern; Orientalische Korallenottern Calliophis bibroni Squamata - Elapidae Bibron's Coral Snake Calliophis gracilis Squamata - Elapidae Gray's Coral Snake Calliophis kelloggi Squamata - Elapidae Kellogg's Coral Snake Calliophis kelloggi iwasakii Squamata - Elapidae Iwasaki's Coral Snake

Calliophis maculiceps

1460 e d 1461 e

1462 e 1463 e

Calliophis maculiceps Squamata - Elapidae Small-spotted Coral Snake Südostasiatische Korallenotter Calliophis melanurus Squamata - Elapidae Indian Coral Snake; Slender Coral Snake (ISC) Calliophis nigrescens Squamata - Elapidae Black Coral Snake Calliophis sauteri Squamata - Elapidae Oriental Coral Snake





1470 e

1471 e

1464 e d f 1465 e d f

1466 e 1467

e 1468

Callisaurus Squamata - Iguanaidae Zebratail Iguanas; Gridiron-tailed Lizards; Zebra-tailed Lizards Gitterschwanzleguane Lézards à queue zébrée; Callisaures Callisaurus draconoides Squamata - Iguanaidae Zebratail Lizard; Gridiron-tailed Lizard; Common Gridiron-tailed Lizard; Zebra-tailed Lizard Gitterschwanzleguan; Zebraschwanzleguan Lézard-dragon; Callisaure draconoïde Callisaurus draconoides crinitus Squamata - Iguanaidae Viscaiño Zebra-tailed Lizard Callisaurus draconoides draconoides Squamata - Iguanaidae Common Zebra-tailed Lizard Callisaurus draconoides myurus

1472 e d 1473 e d 1474 e d

1475 e d

Squamata - Iguanaidae Nevada Zebratail Lizard; Nevada Zebra-tailed Lizard; Northern Zebratailed Lizard Callisaurus draconoides rhodostictus Squamata - Iguanaidae Mojave Zebratail Lizard; Western Zebra-tailed Lizard Callisaurus draconoides ventralis Squamata - Iguanaidae Arizona Zebratail Lizard; Eastern Zebra-tailed Lizard Callopistes Squamata - Teiidae False Monitors Callopistes flavipunctatus Squamata - Teiidae False Monitor Warran-Teju Callopistes maculatus Squamata - Teiidae Spotted False Monitor; Dwarf Tegu Chile-Teju Calloselasma Squamata - Viperidae Malayan Pit Vipers Malayische Mokassinottern; Malayen-Mokassinottern; Malayische Mokassinschlangen Calloselasma rhodostoma Squamata - Viperidae Malayan Pit Viper Malayische Mokassinotter; MalayenMokassinotter; Malayische Mokassinschlange; Malayische Mokassingrubenotter; MalayenMokassinschlange


Calotes mystaceus

1476 e 1477 e

1478 e

1479 e d f 1480 e d f 1481 e

d f

Calodactylodes Squamata - Gekkonidae Indian Geckos Calodactylodes aureus Squamata - Gekkonidae Beddome's Golden Gecko; Golden Gecko (ISC)

e d

1484 e

Calodactylodes illingworthi Squamata - Gekkonidae Illingworth's Gecko; Sri Lankan Golden Gecko


Calotes Squamata - Agamidae Varied Lizards; Variable Lizards; Caloteses (ISC); Beauty Lizards; Bloodsuckers Schönechsen Galéotes


Calotes andamanensis Squamata - Agamidae Andaman Lizard Andaman-Schönechse Galéote d'Andaman Calotes calotes Squamata - Agamidae Common Tree Lizard; Sawback Agama; Sawback Agamid; Tree Lizard; Bloodsucker; Southern Green Calotes (ISC); Common Green Forest Lizard Schönechse; Sägerückenagame Galéote commun


e 1487 e 1488 e 1489 e 1490 e 1491 e

1482 e d f 1483

Calotes ceylonensis Squamata - Agamidae Ceylon Bloodsucker; Sri Lankan Forest Lizard Ceylon-Schönechse Galéote de Ceylon Calotes emma

1492 e 1493

Squamata - Agamidae Thailand Bloodsucker Hinterindische Schönechse; Emmas Schönechse; Gehörnter Calotes Calotes grandisquamis Squamata - Agamidae Big-scaled Variable Lizard Calotes jerdoni Squamata - Agamidae Jerdon's Bloodsucker; Jerdon's Calotes (ISC); Eastern Green Calotes Calotes khakiensis Squamata - Agamidae Anderson's Bloodsucker Calotes kinabaluensis Squamata - Agamidae Sabah Bloodsucker Calotes kingdonwardi Squamata - Agamidae Kindon-Ward's Bloodsucker Calotes liocephalus Squamata - Agamidae Lionhead Agama Calotes liolepis Squamata - Agamidae Sri Lanka Agama Calotes maria Squamata - Agamidae Khasi Hills Agama Calotes medogenis Squamata - Agamidae Medog Bloodsucker Calotes mystaceus Squamata - Agamidae

Calotes nemoricola

e d 1494 e 1495 e d 1496 e

1497 e d f

Indo-Chinese Agama; Indo-Chinese Tree Agama Blaukopf-Calotes Calotes nemoricola Squamata - Agamidae Niligiri Hills Agama Calotes nigrigularis Squamata - Agamidae Black-throated Bloodsucker Hochlandagame Calotes nigrilabis Squamata - Agamidae Black-lipped Agama; Black-lipped Forest Lizard Calotes rouxi Squamata - Agamidae Bombay Agama; Red-headed Lizard; Forest Calotes (ISC); Forest Bloodsucker (ISC) Rotkopfagame Galéote de Roux


1501 e 1502 e 1503 e 1504 e 1505 e 1506 e 1507

1498 e


1499 e 1500 e

Calotes versicolor Squamata - Agamidae Variable Agama; Bloodsucker (ISC); Varied Lizard; Indian Bloodsucker; Indian Garden Lizard (ISC); Common Garden Lizard (ISC); Bloodsucker Indian Lizard Verschiedenfarbige Schönechse; Blutsaugeragame; Indischer Blutsauger; Blutsauger; Indische Schönechse; Indische Schönechse Calyptommatus Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Microteiids Calyptommatus liolepis Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Greater Microteiid

e 1508 e 1509 e d i 1510 e d

Calyptommatus nicterus Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Rodrigues's Microteiid Calyptommatus sinecrachiatus Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Lesser Microteiid Calyptotis Squamata - Scincidae Fossorial Skinks Calyptotis lepidorostrum Squamata - Scincidae Australian Fossorial Skink Calyptotis ruficauda Squamata - Scincidae Redtail Fossorial Skink Calyptotis scutirostris Squamata - Scincidae Brown Fossorial Skink Calyptotis temporalis Squamata - Scincidae Flecked Fossorial Skink Calyptotis thorntonensis Squamata - Scincidae Thornton Peak Fossorial Skink Candoia Squamata - Boidae Ground Boas; Pacific Boas Pazifik-Boas; Südsee-Boas Candoia Candoia aspera Squamata - Boidae New Guinea Viper Boa; New Guinea Ground Boa; Dwarf Boa; New Guinea Boa Pazifik-Boa; Neuguinea Boa


Carettochelys insculpta

1511 e d f 1512 e

d 1513 e d 1514 e d 1515 e 1516 e 1517 e

1518 e d f

Candoia bibroni Squamata - Boidae Pacific Island Boa; Bibron's Boa; Pacific Tree Boa Bibrons Boa; Pazifik-Boa Boa de Bibron; Boa des Loyautés Candoia carinata Squamata - Boidae Solomon Islands Ground Boa; Pacific Boa; Keeled Tree Boa; New Guinea Boa; Papuan Tree Boa; Halmerheran Tree Boa; Pacific Ground Boa Neiguinea-Boa Candoia carinata carinata Squamata - Boidae Pacific Tree Boa Pazifik-Boa Candoia carinata paulsoni Squamata - Boidae Pacific Ground Boa Pazifik-Boa Cantoria Squamata - Colubridae Water Snakes; Girard's Water Snakes Cantoria annulata Squamata - Colubridae Annulated Water Snake Cantoria violacea Squamata - Colubridae Cantor's Water Snake; Girard's Water Snake Caretta Testudines - Cheloniidae Loggerhead Turtles; Loggerheads; Loggerhead Sea Turtles Unechte Karettschildkröten; Unechte Karettenschildkröten Tortues caouane

1519 e

d f i

1520 e i 1521 e d f

1522 e d f 1523 e

Caretta caretta Testudines - Cheloniidae Loggerhead Turtle; Loggerhead; Loggerhead Musk Turtle; Loggerhead Sea Turtle; Lanternback Turtle; Red-brown Loggerhead Unechte Schildkröte; Unechte Karettschildkröte; Unechte Karettenschildkröte; Unechte Karette Cauane; Karet (Ants); Caret; Couanne; Tortue caouanne Tartaruga caretta; Tartaruga caretta comune; Caretta comune; Tartaruga marina comune; Caretta; Caretta comune Caretta caretta caretta Testudines - Cheloniidae Atlantic Loggerhead Tartarugone comune Carettochelyidae Testudines Pignnose Turtles; Pitted-shelled Turtles (ANZ); Fly River Turtles Neuguinea-Weichschildkröten; Papua-Weichschildkröten; PapuaSchildkröten Carettochélyidés; Tortues à carapace molle Carettochelys Testudines - Carettochelyidae Pignose Turtles; Fly River Turtle; Pig-nosed Turtles; Pitted-shelled Turtles Neuguinea-Weichschildkröten; Papua-Schildkröten Tortues à carapace molle Carettochelys insculpta Testudines - Carettochelyidae Pignose Turtle; Pitted-shell Turtle (ANZ); New Guinea River Turtle; Pig-snouted River Turtle; New Guinean Plateless Turtle; River Turtle; New Guinean Pig-nosed Turtle; Fly River Turtle;


d f

i 1524 e 1525 e 1526 e 1527 e 1528 e 1529 e 1530 e 1531 e


Pig-nosed Turtle Neuguinea-Weichschildkröte; PapuaSchildkröte Tortue à carapace molle de NouvelleGuinée; Tortue molle de NouvelleGuinée; Tortue sans écaille de Nouvelle-Guinée; Tortue à nez de cochon Tartaruga naso di porcello Carinatogecko Squamata - Gekkonidae Strand's Geckos Carinatogecko aspratilis Squamata - Gekkonidae Iranian Gecko Carinatogecko heteropholis Squamata - Gekkonidae Iraqui Gecko Carlia Squamata - Scincidae Carlias; Rainbow Skinks Carlia amax Squamata - Scincidae White-eared Carlia Carlia coensis Squamata - Scincidae Coen Carlia



1533 e 1534 e 1535 e 1536 e 1537 e 1538 e

1539 e d

Carlia dogare Squamata - Scincidae Speckle-lipped Carlia


Carlia fusca Squamata - Scincidae Indonesian Brown Carlia; Fourfingered Skink


Carlia gracilis Squamata - Scincidae




Copper Carlia; Slender Rainbow Skink Carlia jarnoldae Squamata - Scincidae Decorated Carlia Carlia johnstonei Squamata - Scincidae Woodland Carlia Carlia longipes Squamata - Scincidae Bronze Carlia Carlia munda Squamata - Scincidae Grey Carlia Carlia mundivensis Squamata - Scincidae Rock Carlia Carlia pectoralis Squamata - Scincidae Eastern Carlia; Open-litter Rainbow Skink Carlia rhomboidalis Squamata - Scincidae Speckled Carlia; Blue-throated Rainbow Skink Glanzschlankskink Carlia rimula Squamata - Scincidae Black Carlia Carlia rostralis Squamata - Scincidae Black-flecked Carlia; Black-throated Rainbow Skink Carlia rubrigularis Squamata - Scincidae


Causus e

1543 e 1544 e 1545 e 1546 e

1547 e

1548 e

Rainforest Carlia; Northern Redthroated Skink Carlia rufilatus Squamata - Scincidae Red-striped Carlia Carlia schmeltzii Squamata - Scincidae Olive Carlia; Robust Rainbow Skink

e d f 1553 e d f

Carlia scirtetis Squamata - Scincidae Cave Carlia


Carlia storri Squamata - Scincidae Storr's Carlia; Brown Bicarinate Rainbow Skink


Carlia tetradactyla Squamata - Scincidae Forest Carlia; Southern Rainbow Skink (ANZ)


Carlia triacantha Squamata - Scincidae Central Carlia



e 1557 e d

1549 e

1550 e 1551 e f 1552

Carlia vivax Squamata - Scincidae Brown-flecked Carlia; Tussock Rainbow Skink Carphodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Chameleon Geckos Carphodactylus laevis Squamata - Gekkonidae Chameleon Gecko Gecko caméléon Carphophis Squamata - Colubridae

f 1558 e

d f i 1559 e

Worm Snakes; Ground Snakes Wurmschlangen; Wurmnattern Couleuvres-ver Carphophis amoenus Squamata - Colubridae Worm Snake; Ground Snake; Eastern Worm Snake Wurmschlange; Wurmnatter Couleuvre-ver Carphophis amoenus amoenus Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Worm Snake Carphophis amoenus helenae Squamata - Colubridae Midwest Worm Snake; Midwestern Worm Snake Carphophis amoenus vermis Squamata - Colubridae Western Worm Snake Casarea Squamata - Bolyeriidae Round Island Boas; Mauritius Boa; Round Island Ground Boas Round-Island-Boas; Mauritius-Boas; Rundinsel-Boas Boas de Maurice Casarea dussumieri Squamata - Bolyeriidae Round Island Boa; Round Island Ground Boa; Round Island Keelscaled Boa; Round Island Burrowing Boa Round-Island-Boa; Mauritius-Boa; Rundinsel-Boa Boa de Maurice; Round Island Boa Boa carenato dell'isola di Round Causus Squamata - Viperidae Night Adders

Causus bilineatus

d f 1560 e 1561 e d 1562 e d

Krötenvipern; Nachtottern; Krötenottern Vipères nocturnes Causus bilineatus Squamata - Viperidae Two-lined Night Adder Causus defilippii Squamata - Viperidae Snouted Night Adder Defilippis Nachtotter Causus lichtensteini Squamata - Viperidae Lichtenstein's Night Adder Lichtensteins Nachtotter


1568 e d 1569 e d 1570 e 1571 e

1563 e

Causus maculatus Squamata - Viperidae Spotted Night Adder; West African Night Adder

1572 e

1564 e d

Causus resimus Squamata - Viperidae Green Night Adder; Velvety Green Night Adder Grüne Nachtotter; Grüne Krötenotter

d 1573 e

1565 e d f 1566 e 1567 e

Causus rhombeatus Squamata - Viperidae Common Night Adder (CSA); Rhombic Night Adder; Demon Adder Krötenotter; Nachtotter; Pfeilotter Vipère nocturne; Vipère démon

d 1574 e

Ceiolaemus Squamata - Iguanaidae Spotted Lizards


Ceiolaemus marmorata Squamata - Iguanaidae Burmeister's Spotted Lizard




Celestus Squamata - Anguidae Lesser Galliwasps; Galliwasps Doppelzungenschleichen Celestus barbouri Squamata - Anguidae Barbour's Galliwasp; Limestone Forest Galliwasp (WI) Barbours Doppelzungenschleiche Celestus bivittatus Squamata - Anguidae Two-striped Galliwasp Celestus crusculus Squamata - Anguidae Garman's Galliwasp; Jamaican Galliwasp (WI) Celestus curtissi Squamata - Anguidae Curtis's Galliwasp; Hispaniolan Khaki Galliwasp Curtiss-Doppelzungenschleiche Celestus darlingtoni Squamata - Anguidae Darlington's Galliwasp; Hispaniolan Striped Galliwasp Darlingtons Doppelzungenschleiche Celestus duquesneyi Squamata - Anguidae Duquesney's Galliwasp; Blue-tailed Galliwasp (WI) Celestus enneagrammus Squamata - Anguidae Huaxteca Lesser Galliwasp Celestus fowleri Squamata - Anguidae Fowler's Galliwasp; Bromeliad Galliwasp (WI)


Cerastes vipera d

1577 e d 1578 e

1579 e

Fowlers Doppelzungenchleiche Celestus hewardi Squamata - Anguidae Heward's Galliwasp; Three-streaked Galliwasp; Red-spotted Galliwasp (WI) Hewards Doppelzungenchleiche Celestus macrotus Squamata - Anguidae Thomas's Galliwasp; La Selle Galliwasp Celestus marcanoi Squamata - Anguidae Marcano's Galliwasp; Pico Duarte Galliwasp

d f 1586 e d f 1587 e 1588 e 1589

1580 e

1581 e

Celestus microblepharis Squamata - Anguidae Tiny Eyelid Galliwasp; Small-eyed Galliwasp (WI) Celestus montanus Squamata - Anguidae Mountain Lesser Galliwasp

e 1590 e d f

1582 e

1583 e

1584 e

1585 e

Celestus occiduus Squamata - Anguidae Sinking Galliwasp; Jamaican Giant Galliwasp (WI) Celestus rozellae Squamata - Anguidae Rozella's Lesser Galliwasp; Rozella's Galliwasp

1591 e d f i

Celestus stenurus Squamata - Anguidae Cope's Galliwasp; Hispaniolan Keeled Galliwasp


Cemophora Squamata - Colubridae Scarlet Snakes



Scharlachnattern Couleuvres écarlates Cemophora coccinea Squamata - Colubridae Scarlet Snake; Red Snake Scharlachnatter Couleuvre écarlate; Vipère écarlate Cemophora coccinea coccinea Squamata - Colubridae Florida Scarlet Snake Cemophora coccinea copei Squamata - Colubridae Northern Scarlet Snake Cemophora lineri Squamata - Colubridae Texas Scarlet Snake Cerastes Squamata - Viperidae Horned Vipers Afrikanische Hornvipern; Hornvipern Cérastes; Vipères cornues; Vipères à cornes Cerastes cerastes Squamata - Viperidae Horned Viper; Desert Horned Viper; Sahara Horned Viper; Carpet Viper; Sand Viper; Greater Cerastes Viper Hornviper Vipère cornue; Vipère à cornes ; Vipère à cornes du Sahara Ceraste cornuta; Diavolo del deserto Cerastes gasperettii Squamata - Viperidae Arabian Horned Viper Cerastes vipera Squamata - Viperidae


e d f

1594 e d f

Common Sand Viper; Sand Viper; Sahara Sand Viper; Lesser Cerastes Viper Avicenna-Viper; Avicennas Viper Céraste d'Avicenne; Vipère de l'Erg; Vipère d'Avicenne; Vipère des sables Ceratophora Squamata - Agamidae Horned Agamas; Horned Agamids; Horned Lizards Hornagamen; Nashornagamen Cératophores


1601 e 1602 e 1603 e 1604

1595 e d 1596 e d f 1597 e

1598 e d 1599 e 1600 e d

Ceratophora aspera Squamata - Agamidae Sri Lanka Horned Agama Hornagame; Spitznase Ceratophora stoddartii Squamata - Agamidae Mountain Horned Agama; Horned Agamid; Stoddard's Horned Lizard Stachelnase Cératophore de Stoddard Ceratophora tennentii Squamata - Agamidae Rhinoceros Agama; Tennent's Horned Lizard Cerberus Squamata - Colubridae Dog-faced Water Snakes Hundskopfwassertrugnattern Cerberus microlepis Squamata - Colubridae Dog-faced Water Snake Cerberus rhynchops Squamata - Colubridae Bokadam; Bockadam (ANZ); Dogfaced Water Snake (ISC); Estuarine Dog-faced Water Snake Hundskopfwassertrugnatter

e 1605 e 1606 e 1607 e 1608 e d 1609 e 1610 e d

Cercaspis Squamata - Colubridae Wolf Snakes; Ceylon Wolf Snakes Cercaspis carinatus Squamata - Colubridae Ceylon Wolf Snake Cercophis Squamata - Colubridae Golden Snakes Cercophis auratus Squamata - Colubridae Schlegel's Golden Snake Cercosaura Squamata - Teiidae Ocellated Tegus; Shade Lizards Cercosaura ocellata Squamata - Teiidae Ocellated Tegu Cercosaura ocellata bassleri Squamata - Teiidae Black Striped Shade Lizard Cerrophidion Squamata - Viperidae Pit Vipers Berggrubenottern; Hochlandvipern Cerrophidion barbouri Squamata - Viperidae Barbour's Montane Pit Viper Cerrophidion godmani Squamata - Viperidae Godman's Montane Pit Viper; Godman's Mountain Pit Viper Godman-Bergrubenotter


Chalcides moseri

1611 e

1612 e d

Cerrophidion tzotzilorum Squamata - Viperidae Tzotzil Montane Pit Viper; Tzotzil Mountain Pit Viper Chalarodon Squamata - Iguanaidae Madagascar Iguanas Madagaskar-Leguane

i 1619 e f i 1620

1613 e d 1614 e d f 1615 e 1616 e 1617 e d f i 1618 e d f

Chalarodon madagascariensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Madagascar Iguana; Spotted Lizard Madagaskar-Leguan Chalcides Squamata - Scincidae Cylindrical Skinks Walzenskinke Chalcides Chalcides armitagei Squamata - Scincidae Armitage's Cylindrical Skink Chalcides atlantis Squamata - Scincidae Pasteur's Cylindrical Skink Chalcides bedriagai Squamata - Scincidae Spanish Cylindrical Skink; Roundbodied Skink; Bedriaga's Skink; Spanish Barrel Skink Iberischer Walzenskink; Spanischer Walzenskink Seps de Bedriaga Gongilo di Bedriaga Chalcides chalcides Squamata - Scincidae Algerian Cylindrical Skink; Threetoed Skink Erzschleiche Seps tridactyle; Seps strié

e d f 1621 e d 1622 e d 1623 e f

1624 e d f 1625 e d

Luscengola; Fienarola Chalcides colosii Squamata - Scincidae Colosi's Cylindrical Skink; Riffian Skink Seps riffain; Seps du Rif Gongilo ocellato Chalcides ebneri Squamata - Scincidae Ebner's Cylindrical Skink; Ebner's Skink Ebners Walzenskink Seps d'Ebner Chalcides guentheri Squamata - Scincidae Günther's Cylidrical Skink Günthers Walzenskink Chalcides levitoni Squamata - Scincidae Leviton's Cylindrical Skink Arabische Walzenechse Chalcides mauritanicus Squamata - Scincidae Cylindrical Skink; Two-fingered Skink Chalcides maurétanique; Seps de Maurétanie Chalcides mionecton Squamata - Scincidae Morocco Cylindrical Skink; Mionecton Skink Marokkanische Erzschleiche Seps mionecton Chalcides moseri Squamata - Scincidae Moser's Cylindrical Skink Santorin-Walzenskink

Chalcides ocellatus

1626 e d f i 1627 e f i 1628 e d f

1629 e 1630 e 1631 e d 1632 e 1633 e d

Chalcides ocellatus Squamata - Scincidae Cylindrical Skink; Ocellated Skink; Eyed Skink Gefleckter Walzenskink; Walzenskink Seps ocellé; Chalcide ocellé; Scinque ocellé; Gongyle ocellé Gongilo; Gongilo ocellato Chalcides pistaciae Squamata - Scincidae Pyrenean Cylindrical Skink Seps de Valverde Gongilo ispano-lusitanico Chalcides polylepis Squamata - Scincidae Many-scaled Cylindrical Skink Marokkanischer Walzenskink Seps à écailles nombreuses; Scinque ocellé; Gongyle ocellé Chalcides pulchellus Squamata - Scincidae Mocquard's Cylindrical Skink Chalcides ragazzii Squamata - Scincidae Ragazzi's Cylindrical Skink Chalcides sexlinetus Squamata - Scincidae Six-lined Cylindrical Skink Gestreifter Kanarenskink Chalcides thierryi Squamata - Scincidae Thierry's Cylindrical Skink Chalcides viridianus Squamata - Scincidae Canaryan Cylindrical Skink; Canaries Cylindrical Skink Kanaren-Walzenskink; Kanaren-


Skink 1634 e 1635 e 1636 e d f 1637 e d 1638 e d f 1639 e d f 1640 e 1641 e

Chalcidoseps Squamata - Scincidae Thwaite's Skinks Chalcidoseps thwaitesi Squamata - Scincidae Thwaites's Skink Chamaeleo Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Chameleons Chamäleone; Eigentliche Chamäleone Caméléons Chamaeleo affinis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Rüppell's Desert Chameleon Äthiopisches Chamäleon Chamaeleo africanus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae African Chameleon Afrikanisches Chamäleon; Basiliskenchamäleon Caméléon africain Chamaeleo anchietae Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Double-scaled Chameleon; Angola Chameleon Angola-Chamäleon Caméléon d'Angola Chamaeleo angeli Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Angel's Chameleon Chamaeleo angusticoronatus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Narrow-crowned Chameleon


Chamaeleo chapini

1642 e 1643 e 1644 e

Chamaeleo antimena Squamata - Chamaeleonidae White-lined Chameleon


Chamaeleo arabicus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Arabian Chameleon


Chamaeleo balteatus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Rainforest Chameleon


e d f i 1653

1645 e

Chamaeleo barbouri Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Barbour's Chameleon

e 1654

1646 e 1647 e d f 1648 e d f

Chamaeleo belandaensis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Belalanda Chameleon Chamaeleo bifidus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Two-horned Chameleon Zweihornchamäleon Caméléon à nez forchu Chamaeleo bitaeniatus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Two-lined Chameleon; Doublebanded Chameleon Zweistreifenchamäleon; Streifenchamäleon Caméléon à deux bandes

e d 1655 e 1656 e 1657 e d

1649 e 1650 e d f

Chamaeleo boettgeri Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Boettger's Chameleon Chamaeleo brevicornis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Short-horned Chameleon Kurzhornchamäleon Caméléon à capuchon

f i 1658 e

Chamaeleo calcarifer Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Hillenius's Chameleon Chamaeleo calyptratus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Veiled Chameleon Jemen-Chamäleon Caméléon casqué Camaleonte velato Chamaeleo campani Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Madagascar Forest Chameleon Chamaeleo capuroni Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Madagascar Chameleon Kurzhornchamäleon Chamaeleo carpenteri Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Ruwenzori Mountains Chameleon Chamaeleo cephalolepis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Comoro Island Chameleon Chamaeleo chameleon Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Common Chameleon; Chameleon; European Chameleon; Mediterranean Chameleon; Indian Chameleon Europäisches Chamäleon; Gemeines Chamäleon; Gewöhnliches Chamäleon; Chamäleon Caméléon vulgaire; Caméléon commun; Caméléon ordinaire; Caméléon européen Camaleonte; Cameleonte comune Chamaeleo chapini Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Grey Chameleon

Chamaeleo cristatus

1659 e d 1660 e f

Chamaeleo cristatus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Crested Chameleon Kammchamäleon Chamaeleo cucullatus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Hooded Chameleon Caméléon à capuchon


d 1667 e d 1668 e

1661 e d 1662 e d f i

Chamaeleo deremensis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Wavy Chameleon; Usambara Threehorned Chameleon Usambara-Dreihornchamäleon Chamaeleo dilepis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Flapneck Chameleon; Flap-necked Chameleon; Common Chameleon Lappenchamäleon Caméléon bilobé Camaleonte orecchiuto africano

1669 e

1670 e

1671 e

1663 e

1664 e 1665 e d f 1666 e

Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Common Flap-necked Chameleon (CSA) Chamaeleo fallax Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Deceptive Chameleon Chamaeleo fischeri Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Fischer's Chameleon; Usambara Two-horned Chameleon; Kilimanjaro Two-horned Chameleon Fischers Chamäleon Caméléon de Fischer Chamaeleo fuelleborni Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Ngosi Volcano Chameleon; Poroto Three-horned Chameleon

d 1672 e d

1673 e

1674 e d

Dreihornlappenchamäleon Chamaeleo furcifer Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Forknose Chameleon Gabelchamäleon Chamaeleo gallus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Blade Chameleon Chamaeleo gastrotaenia Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Perinet Chameleon; Short-nosed Chameleon Chamaeleo globifer Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Flat-casqued Chameleon; Will's Chameleon Chamaeleo goetzi Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Ilota Chameleon; Goetze's Chameleon; Tanganyika Chameleon Goetzi-Chamäleon Chamaeleo gracilis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Graceful Chameleon; Spur-heeled Chameleon; Gracile Chameleon Fersenspornchamäleon; Zierliches Chamäleon; Fleckenchmäleon Chamaeleo guibei Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Northeastern Chameleon; Guibe's Chameleon Chamaeleo hoehnelii Squamata - Chamaeleonidae High-casqued Chameleon Helmchamäleon; Hoehnels Chamäleon


Chamaeleo montium

1675 e

Chamaeleo incornutus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Poroto Mountain Chameleon; Ukinga Hornless Chameleon

1682 e d

1676 e d

f 1677 e d

1678 e

1679 e

d 1680 e d f

Chamaeleo jacksoni Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Jackson's Chameleon; Jackson's Three-horned Chameleon; Threehorned Chameleon Jacksons Dreihornchamäleon; Jacksons Chamäleon; Dreihornchamäleon; Ostafrikanisches Dreihornchamleon; JacksonChamäleon Caméléon de Jackson Chamaeleo jacksoni xanthlophus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Yellow-crested Jackson's Chamaeleon Dreihornchamäleon; Ostafrikanisches Dreihornchamleon Chamaeleo jacksoni merumontana Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Dwarf Jackson's Chameleon; Mount Meru Chameleon Chamaeleo johnstoni Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Johnston's Chameleon; Three-horned Chameleon; Johnston's Three-horned Chameleon; Ruwenzori Threehorned Chameleon Johnston-Chamäleon Chamaeleo lateralis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Jewelled Chameleon; Carpet Chameleon Teppichchamäleon Caméléon à bandes laterales

1683 e 1684 e 1685 e d 1686 e d

1687 e 1688 e 1689 e 1690 e

1681 e

Chamaeleo lateralis major Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Giant Jewelled Chameleon


Chamaeleo laterispinis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Uzungwe Mountain Chameleon; Spiny-sided Chameleon Seitenstachelchamäleon Chamaeleo linotus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Maroantsetra Chameleon Chamaeleo malthe Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Yellow-green Chameleon Chamaeleo marsabitensis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Tilbury's Chameleon Marsabit-Chamäleon Chamaeleo melleri Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Meller's Chameleon; Giant Onehorned Chameleon Elefantenchamäleon; Elefantenohrchamäleon; Mellers Chamäleon; Meller-Chamäleon Chamaeleo minor Squamata - Chamaeleonidae South-central Chameleon Chamaeleo mlanjensis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Mlanje Mountain Chameleon Chamaeleo monachus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Monarch Chameleon Chamaeleo monoceras Squamata - Chamaeleonidae One-horned Chameleon Chamaeleo montium Squamata - Chamaeleonidae

Chamaeleo namaquensis

e d f 1692 e d f

1693 e f 1694 e 1695 e d f

Cameroon Sailfin Chameleon; Mountain Chameleon Bergchamäleon; Zweihornbergchmäleon Caméléon à deux cornes rostrales Chamaeleo namaquensis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Namaqua Chameleon Wüstenchamäleon Caméléon du désert; Caméléon namaquois Chamaeleo nasutus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Bignose Chameleon Caméléon nasu


e d f i 1699 e 1700 e 1701 e

Chamaeleo oshaughnessyi Squamata - Chamaeleonidae O'Shaughnessy's Chameleon


Chamaeleo oustaleti Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Oustalet's Chameleon; Malagasy Giant Chameleon Riesenchamäleon Caméléon d'Oustalet



e d f 1704

1696 e d f

1697 e d f 1698

Chamaeleo oweni Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Owen's Chameleon Dreihornchamäleon; Owens Dreihornchamäleon Caméléon à trois cornes; Caméléon d'Owen Chamaeleo pardalis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Panther Chameleon Pantherchamäleon Caméléon panthère Chamaeleo parsonii Squamata - Chamaeleonidae

e d 1705 e 1706 e d 1707

Parson's Chameleon Parsons Chamäleon Caméléon de Parsons Camaleonte di Parson Chamaeleo petteri Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Petter's Chameleon Chamaeleo peyrieresi Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Brygoo's Chameleon Chamaeleo pfefferi Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Pfeffer's Chameleon Chamaeleo polleni Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Mayotte Island Chameleon Chamaeleo quadricornis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Four-horned Chameleon Vierhornchamäleon Caméléon à quatre cornes Chamaeleo quilensis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Bocage's Chameleon Südafrikanisches Lappenchamäleon Chamaeleo rhinoceratus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Rhinoceros Chameleon Chamaeleo rudis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Coarse Chameleon; Ruwenzori Sidestriped Chameleon Zweistreifenchmäleon Chamaeleo ruspoli Squamata - Chamaeleonidae


Chamaeleolis porcus e

Lanza's Chameleon e

1708 e d f 1709 e

1710 e

1711 e

1712 e d f 1713 e 1714 e 1715 e d f 1716

Chamaeleo senegalensis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Senegal Chameleon Senegal-Chamäleon Caméléon du Sénégal Chamaeleo spinosus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Prickly Chameleon; Rosette-nosed Chameleon

d 1717 e 1718 e

Chamaeleo tavetanus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Mount Kilimanjaro Two-horned Chamaeleon


Chamaeleo tempeli Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Tanzania Mountain Chameleon; Tubercle-nosed Chameleon


Chamaeleo tigris Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Tiger Chameleon; Seychelles Chameleon Tigerchamäleon Caméléon tigré Chamaeleo tsaratananensis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Tsaratanan Chameleon Chamaeleo tuzentae Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Ambiky Chameleon Chamaeleo verrucosus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Warty Chameleon Warzenchamäleon Caméléon verruqueux Chamaeleo werneri


e 1721 e d 1722 e d 1723 e d f 1724 e d

Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Werner's Chameleon; Uzungwe Three-horned Chameleon Werners Dreihornchmäleon Chamaeleo wiedersheimi Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Mount Lefo Chameleon Chamaeleo willsii Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Canopy Chameleon Chamaeleo xenorhinus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Strangenose Chameleon; Single Welded-horn Chameleon Chamaeleo zeylanicus Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Indian Chameleon Chamaeleolis Squamata - Iguanaidae Crested False Chameleons Falsche Chamäleone Chamaeleolis barbatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Garrido's False Chameleon Falsches Chamäleon Chamaeleolis chamaeleonides Squamata - Iguanaidae False Chameleon; Short-bearded Anole Kubanisches Falsches Chamäleon; Falsches Chamäleon Anolis caméléonide Chamaeleolis porcus Squamata - Iguanaidae Cope's False Chameleon Falsches Chamäleon


1725 e d f 1726 e 1727 e 1728 e 1729 e 1730 e 1731 e 1732 e d f 1733 e d f


Chamaeleonidae Squamata Chameleons; True Chameleons; Old World Chameleons Chamäleone Caméléonidés; Caméléons


Chamaelinorops Squamata - Iguanaidae Mimic Chameleons


Chamaelinorops barbouri Squamata - Iguanaidae Mimic Chameleon

e d f

e d f

Chamaelycus Squamata - Colubridae Banded Snakes


Chamaelycus christyi Squamata - Colubridae Christy's Banded Snake


Chamaelycus fasciatus Squamata - Colubridae African Banded Snake


Chamaelycus parkeri Squamata - Colubridae Parker's Banded Snake Chamaesaura Squamata - Cordylidae Snake-Lizards; Grass Lizards (CSA) Schlangengürtelechsen Chamésaures Chamaesaura aenea Squamata - Cordylidae Transvaal Snake-Lizard; Transvaal Grass Lizard (CSA) Transvaal-Schlangenechse Chamésaure du Transvaal



e d f 1739 e d f i 1740 e

Chamaesaura anguina Squamata - Cordylidae Cape Snake-Lizard; Cape Grass Lizard (CSA); Anguine Lizard Kap-Schlangengürtelechse Chamésaure du Cap Chamaesaura macrolepis Squamata - Cordylidae Largescale Snake-Lizard; Largescale Grass Lizard (CSA); Large-scaled Snake-Lizard (CSA) Großschuppige Schlangengürtelechse Chamésaure macrolépide Chapinophis Squamata - Colubridae Guatemalan Snakes Chapinophis xanthocheilus Squamata - Colubridae Guatemalan Snake Charina Squamata - Boidae Rubber Boas Gummiboas; Zwergboas Boas cautchouc Charina bottae Squamata - Boidae Rubber Boa; Ball Snake; Rubber Snake (NA); Two-headed Snake (NA) Nordamerikanische Gummiboa; Nordamerikanische Sandboa; Gummiboa Boa caoutchouc Boa di gomma Charina bottae bottae Squamata - Boidae Pacific Rubber Boa; Northern Rubber Boa


Chelodina reimanni

1741 e 1742 e 1743 e

d f i 1744 e d f 1745 e

d i 1746 e


Charina bottae umbratica Squamata - Boidae Southern Rubber Boa Charina bottae utahensis Squamata - Boidae Rocky Mountain Rubber Boa Chelidae Testudines Side-necked Turtles; AustroAmerican Side-necked Turtles; Crooked Heads; Snake-necked Turtles Schlangenhalsschildkröten Chélyidés; Tortues à cou de serpent; Chélidés Tartarughe al collo di serpente Chelodina Testudines - Chelidae Snakeneck Turtles; Australian Snakenecked Turtles; Snake-necked Turtles Schlangenhalsschildkröten; Australische Schlangenhalsschildkröten Chélodines Chelodina expansa Testudines - Chelidae Giant Snakeneck Turtle; Broadshelled River Turtle; Giant Snakenecked Turtle; Broad-shelled Tortoise Riesen-Schlangenhalsschildkröte Tartaruga gigante collo di serpente Chelodina longicollis Testudines - Chelidae Common Snakeneck Turtle; Eastern Snake-necked Turtle; Long-necked Tortoise (ANZ); Australian Snakenecked Turtle; Australian Eastern Snake-necked Turtle; Common Snakeneck GlattrückenSchlangenhalsschildkröte;

f i

1747 e d i 1748 e

d f 1749 e


1750 e d 1751 e 1752 e

Australische Schlangenhalsschildkröte; Glattrückige Schlangenhalsschildkröte Tortue à cou de serpent; Chélodine à cou long Testuggine collo lungho d'Australia; Tartaruga lungocollo comune Chelodina mccordi Testudines - Chelidae McCord's Snakeneck Turtle McCords Schlangenhalsschildkröte Tartaruga collo di serpente di Roti Chelodina novaeguineae Testudines - Chelidae New Guinea Snakeneck Turtle; New Guinea Snake-necked Turtle; New Guinea Snake-necked Tortoise; New Guinea Snakeneck Tortoise Neuguinea-Schlangenhalsschildköte Chélodine de la Nouvelle-Guinée Chelodina oblonga Testudines - Chelidae Narrow-breasted Snakeneck Turtle; Oblong Turtle (ANZ); Narrowbreasted Snake-necked Turtle; Oblong Tortoise; Oblong Snakenecked Turtle SchmalbrustSchlangenhalsschildkröte Chelodina parkeri Testudines - Chelidae Parker's Snakeneck Turtle; Parker's Snake-necked Turtle Parkers Schlangenhalsschildkröte Chelodina pritchardi Testudines - Chelidae Pritchard's Snakeneck Turtle Chelodina reimanni Testudines - Chelidae Reimann's Snakeneck Turtle

Chelodina rugosa

d 1753 e

d 1754 e d


1755 e

d i


Reimanns Schlangenhalsschildkröte


Chelodina rugosa Testudines - Chelidae Northern Australian Snakeneck Turtle; Northern Snake-necked Turtle (ANZ); North Australian Snakenecked Turtle; Northern Longnecked Tortoise; Northern Sidenecked Turtle Rauhe Schlangenhalsschildkröte


Chelodina siebenrocki Testudines - Chelidae Siebenrock's Snakeneck Turtle; Siebenrock's Snake-necked Turtle SiebenrockSchlangenhalsschildkröte; Siebenrocks Schlangenhalsschildkröte Tartaruga collo di serpente di Siebenrock Chelodina steindachneri Testudines - Chelidae Steindachner's Snakeneck Turtle; Flat-shelled Turtle (ANZ); Dinnerplate Turtle; Steindachner's Snakenecked Turtle; Steindachner's Tortoise; Dinner-plate Tortoise; Plated Snake-necked Turtle Teller-Schlangenhalsschildkröte Tartaruga di Steindachner

1758 e

d f


1759 e 1760 e d f i 1761

1756 e d f 1757 e d

Chelonia Testudines - Cheloniidae Green Turtles; Turtles; Green Sea Turtles Meeresschildkröten; Suppenschildkröten Chélonées; Chélones Chelonia agassizii Testudines - Cheloniidae Pacific Green Sea Turtle; Black Turtle; Pacific Green Turtle Schwarze Suppenschildkröte


1762 e

1763 e d

Chélonée franche du Pacifique; Chélone franche du Pacifique Tartaruga verde di Agassiz Chelonia mydas Testudines - Cheloniidae Green Turtle; Green Sea Turtle; Edible Turtle; Indian Ocean Green Turtle; Common Green Turtle; Honu; Black Sea Turtle Grüne Meeresschildkröte; Gewöhnliche Suppenschildkröte; Suppenschildkröte Tortue verte; Tortue franche; Tortue à soupe; Tortue comestible; Chélone franche; Chélonée franche; Tortue blanc (Ants) Tartaruga verde; Tartaruga franca; Tartaruga mida; Mida Chelonia mydas mydas Testudines - Cheloniidae Atlantic Green Turtle Cheloniidae Testudines Marine Turtles; Sea Turtles Seeschildkröten; Meeresschildkröten; Eigentliche Meeresschildkröten Tortues marines; Tortues de mer; Chéloniidées Tartarughe marine Chelosania Squamata - Agamidae Chameleon Dragons; Chameleon Agamas Chelosania brunnea Squamata - Agamidae Chameleon Dragon; Chameleon Agama Chelus Testudines - Chelidae Matamata Turtles; Matamatas Fransenschildkröten; Matamatas


Chersodromus liebmanni f

1764 e d f i 1765 e d f 1766 e d f i

Chélydes; Matamatas Chelus fimbriata Testudines - Chelidae Matamata Turtle; Matamata; Amazon Matamata Fransenschildkröte Matamata Matamata Chelydra Testudines - Chelydridae Common Snapping Turtles; Snapping Turtles; Loggerhead Snapping Turtles Schnappschildkröten Chélydres Chelydra serpentina Testudines - Chelydridae Snapping Turtle; Common Snapping Turtle; Alligator-tailed Turtle; Snapper (ZZ); Mud Turtle (NA) Schnappschildkröte Chélydre serpentine; Tortue hargneuse; Tortue happante; Tortue vorace d'eau douce; Tortue happeuse Testugine azzanatrice; Tartaruga azzannatrice

e d f

1770 e d f 1771 e d f i 1772 e d 1773

1767 e d f 1768 e d f 1769

Chelydra serpentina acutirostris Testudines - Chelydridae South American Snapping Turtle; Ecuadorian Snapping Turtle Südamerikanische Schnappschildkröte Tortue happeuse d'Amérique du Sud Chelydra serpentina osceola Testudines - Chelydridae Florida Snapping Turtle Florida-Schnappschildkröte Tortue happeuse de Floride Chelydra serpentina rossignoni Testudines - Chelydridae

e d f i 1774 e 1775 e

Central American Snapping Turtle Mittelamerikanische Schnappschildkröte Tortue happeuse d'Amérique Centrale Chelydra serpentina serpentina Testudines - Chelydridae Common Snapping Turtle (NA); Eastern Snapping Turtle Nordamerikanische Schnappschildkröte Tortue happeuse commune Chelydridae Testudines Snapping Turtles; Loggerhead Snapping Turtles Alligatorschildkröten; Kaimanschildkröten; Schnappschildkröten Tortues harpantes; Tortues voraces Tartarughe azzannatrici Chersina Testudines - Testudinidae Bowsprit Tortoises Schnabelbrustschildkröten Chersina angulata Testudines - Testudinidae South African Bowsprit Tortoise; Angulate Tortoise (CSA); Bowsprit Tortoise Afrikanische Schnabelbrustschildkröte; Schnabelbrustschildkröte Tortue angulée Chersina; Testuggine del Sudafrica Chersodromus Squamata - Colubridae Earth Runners Chersodromus liebmanni Squamata - Colubridae Liebmann's Earth Runner

Chersodromus rubriventris

1776 e 1777 e d f 1778 e d f 1779 e

1780 e

1781 e

1782 e 1783 e 1784 e

Chersodromus rubriventris Squamata - Colubridae Redbelly Earth Runner Chilomeniscus Squamata - Colubridae Sand Snakes; Banded Burrowing Snakes Sandschlangen; Bändersandnattern Couleuvres arénicoles Chilomeniscus cinctus Squamata - Colubridae Banded Sand Snake; Burrowing Sand Snake Gebänderte Sandschlange; Bändersandnatter Couleuvre arénicole rayée Chilomeniscus punctatissimus Squamata - Colubridae Island Burrowing Sand Snake; Espiritu Santo Island Sand Snake Chilomeniscus savagei Squamata - Colubridae Savage's Sand Snake; Cerralvo Island Sand Snake Chilomeniscus stramineus Squamata - Colubridae Spotted Sand Snake; Bandless Sand Snake (NA); Variable Sand Snake Chilorhinophis Squamata - Colubridae Two-headed Snakes


1785 e

1786 e d f 1787 e

d f i 1788 e d f i 1789 e

Chilorhinophis butleri Squamata - Colubridae Butler's Two-headed Snake


Chilorhinophis carpenteri Squamata - Colubridae Liwale Two-headed Snake


Chilorhinophis gerardi Squamata - Colubridae Gerard's Two-headed Snake; Gerrard's Black-and-yellow Burrowing Snake (CSA); Tanganyika Two-headed Snake; Gerard's Striped Burrowing Snake (CSA) Chinemys Testudines - Emydidae Chinese Pond Turtles; Redneck Pond Turtles China-Sumpfschildkröten Chinémydes Chinemys nigricans Testudines - Emydidae Chinese Pond Turtle; Asian Yellow Pond Turtle; Red-necked Pond Turtle; Chinese Red-necked Pond Turtle Chinesische Rothalsschildkröten Chinémyde noirâtre Tartaruga cinese palustra collo rosso Chinemys reevesii Testudines - Emydidae Chinese Pond Turtle; Reeves's Turtle; Chinese Three-keeled Pond Turtle; Reeves's Pond Turtle Chinesische Dreikielschildkröte Chinémyde de Reeves Tartaruga cinese palustra Chionactis Squamata - Colubridae Shovelnose Snakes; Shovel-nosed Snakes; Shovel-nosed Ground Snakes Schaufelnasenschlangen; Schaufelnasennattern; Shaufelnasenwühlnattern Couleuvres à nez spatulé


Chirindia swynnertoni

1790 e d f 1791 e d 1792 e

1793 e

Chionactis occipitalis Squamata - Colubridae Western Shovelnose Snake; Western Shovel-nosed Snake; Desert Burrowing Snake Westliche Schaufelnasenschlange; Shaufelnasennatter; Westliche Shaufelnasenwühlnatter Couleuvre à nez spatulé de l'Ouest Chionactis occipitalis annulata Squamata - Colubridae Colorado Desert Shovelnose Snake; Colorado Desert Shovel-nosed Snake; Banded Burrowing Snake Westliche Schaufelnasenwühlnatter Chionactis occipitalis klauberi Squamata - Colubridae Tucson Shovelnose Snake; Tucson Shovel-nosed Snake Chionactis occipitalis occipitalis Squamata - Colubridae Mojave Shovelnose Snake; Mojave Shovel-nosed Snake; Mojave Ringed Snake; Western Shovel-nosed Snake

nosed Snake 1797 e

1798 e

1799 e 1800 e 1801 e

1802 1794 e

1795 e d f 1796 e

Chionactis occipitalis talpina Squamata - Colubridae Nevada Shovelnose Snake; Nevada Shovel-nosed Snake Chionactis palarostris Squamata - Colubridae Sonoran Shovelnose Snake; Sonoran Shovel-nosed Snake; Sonora Shovelnosed Snake Sonora-Schaufelnasenschlange Couleuvre à nez spatulé du Sonora Chionactis palarostris organica Squamata - Colubridae Sonoran Shovelnose Snake; Sonoran Shovel-nosed Snake; Organ-pipe Shovel-nosed Snake; Organ-pipe Shovelnose Snake; Sonora Shovel-

e 1803 e 1804 e d 1805 e

Chionactis saxatilis Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Shovelnose Snake; Mountain Shovel-nosed Snake Chirindia Squamata - Amphisbaenidae South African Worm Lizards; Pink Round-headed Worm Lizards; Sharpsnouted Worm Lizards Chirindia bushbyi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Mozambique Worm Lizard Chirindia everbecki Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Mbanja Worm Lizard Chirindia langi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Lang's Worm Lizard; Msimbit Worm Lizard (CSA) Chirindia mpwapwaensis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Mpwapwa Worm Lizard Chirindia orientalis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Mikindani Worm Lizard Chirindia rondoensis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Nichingidi Worm Lizard Tanzania-Doppelschleiche Chirindia swynnertoni Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Swynnerton's Worm Lizard; Swynnerton's Round-headed Worm Lizard; Swynnerton's Round-snouted Amphisbaenian (CSA)


1806 e d 1807 e 1808 e d

Chironius Squamata - Colubridae Sipos; Whip Snakes Sipos Chironius bicarinatus Squamata - Colubridae Two-headed Sipo Chironius carinatus Squamata - Colubridae Sipo; Brown Keeled Racer Sipo


e 1817 e 1818 e 1819 e

1809 e

Chironius cinnamomeus Squamata - Colubridae Surinam Sipo

1820 e

1810 e

Chironius cochranae Squamata - Colubridae Cochran's Sipo

1821 e

1811 e

1812 e 1813 e 1814 e 1815 e 1816

Chironius exoletus Squamata - Colubridae Linnaeus's Sipo; Green Keeled Racer; Common Whip Snake Chironius flavolineatus Squamata - Colubridae Boettger's Sipo Chironius flavopictus Squamata - Colubridae Werner's Sipo Chironius foveatus Squamata - Colubridae Coastal Sipo Chironius fuscus Squamata - Colubridae Brown Sipo; Olive Whip Snake Chironius grandisquamis

1822 e 1823 e 1824 e 1825 e 1826 e f

Squamata - Colubridae Ecuador Sipo; Black Keeled Racer Chironius holochlorus Squamata - Colubridae Peru Sipo Chironius laevicollis Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian Sipo Chironius melas Squamata - Colubridae Black Sipo Chironius monticola Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Sipo Chironius multiventris Squamata - Colubridae South American Sipo Chironius multiventris multiventris Squamata - Colubridae Long-tailed Whip Snake Chironius pyrrhopogon Squamata - Colubridae Wied's Sipo Chironius quadricarinatus Squamata - Colubridae Central Sipo Chironius schlueteri Squamata - Colubridae Schlueter's Sipo Chironius scurrulus Squamata - Colubridae Wagler's Sipo; Rusty Whip Snake Serpent agouti (Ants)



1827 e 1828 e

1829 e


1830 e d 1831 e

f 1832 e d f i 1833 e

d f

Chironius spixii Squamata - Colubridae Spix's Sipo Chironius vincenti Squamata - Colubridae Vincent's Sipo; St. Vincent Racer (WI) Chitra Testudines - Trionychidae Narrowhead Softshells; Striped Narrow-headed Soft-shelled Turtles; Southeast Asian Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle KurzkopfwWeichschildkröten; Chitraweichschildkröten Chitra chitra Testudines - Trionychidae Nutaphand's Narrowhead Softshell Kurzkopfweichschildkröte Chitra indica Testudines - Trionychidae Narrowhead Softshell; Narrowheaded Soft-shelled Turtle; Chitra Turtle (ISC); Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle Trionyx à rayures Chlamydosaurus Squamata - Agamidae Frilled Lizards; Frilled Dragons Kragenechsen; Kragenagamen Chlamydosaures; Lézards à collerete Clamidosauri Chlamydosaurus kingii Squamata - Agamidae Australian Frilled Lizard; Frilled Dragon; Frilled Lizard (ANZ); Bicycle Lizard Kragenagame; Kragenechse Chlamydosaure de King; Lézard à


1834 e d f 1835 e d f 1836

d 1837 e 1838 e d 1839 e d f 1840 e d f i

collerette Clamidosauro; Clamidosauro ornato; Lucertola dal collare Chondrodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Whorled Sand Geckos; Giant Ground Geckos (CSA); Sand Geckos Sandgeckos Chondrodactyles Chondrodactylus anguilifer Squamata - Gekkonidae Whorled Sand Gecko; Giant Ground Gecko (CSA); Sand Gecko Sandgecko Gecko de Namibie Chondrodactylus anguilifer namibensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Kornfingergecko Christinus Squamata - Gekkonidae Australian Clawed Geckos Christinus guentheri Squamata - Gekkonidae Günther's Island Gecko Lord-Howe-Insel-Blattfingergecko Christinus marmoratus Squamata - Gekkonidae Marbled Gecko Südaustralischer Blattfingergecko Gecko marbré Chrysemys Testudines - Emydidae Painted Turtles Zierschildkröten Tortues friandes de soleil Tartarughe palustre

Chrysemys picta

1841 e d f i 1842 e f 1843 e d f

Chrysemys picta Testudines - Emydidae Painted Turtle Zierschildkröte Tortue peinte; Chrysémyde peinte Tartaruga palustre dipinta Chrysemys picta belli Testudines - Emydidae Western Painted Turtle Tortue peinte de l'Ouest Chrysemys picta dorsalis Testudines - Emydidae Southern Painted Turtle Rückenstreifenzierschildkröte Chrysémyde du Sud


f 1848 e d f 1849 e d 1850

1844 e d f 1845 e f 1846 e d f 1847 e


Chrysemys picta marginata Testudines - Emydidae Midland Painted Turtle Gebänderte Zierschildkröte Chrysémyde du Nord Chrysemys picta picta Testudines - Emydidae Eastern Painted Turtle Chrysémyde peinte de l'Est Chrysopelea Squamata - Colubridae Flying Tree Snakes; Flying Snakes; Tree Snakes Schmuckbaumnattern; Schmuckbaumschlangen Couleuvres volantes Chrysopelea ornata Squamata - Colubridae Golden Tree Snake; Golden Flying Snake (ISC); Flying Snake; Black Tree Snake; Golden Gliding Snake; Ornate Flying Snake Gewöhnliche Schmuckbaumnatter; Goldschlange;


1851 e 1852 e d

1853 e d f i

1854 e

Schmuckbaumschlange Couleuvre volante; Serpent volant Chrysopelea paradisi Squamata - Colubridae Paradise Tree Snake; Paradise Flying Snake; Flying Snake; Garden Flying Snake Paradis-Schmuckbaumnatter; Paradis-Schlange Serpent volant Chrysopelea pelias Squamata - Colubridae Barred Tree Snake; Banded Flying Snake; Twin-barred Tree Snake Gebänderte Schmuckbaumnatter Chrysopelea rhodopleurum Squamata - Colubridae Moluccan Flying Snake; Moluccas Flying Snake Chrysopelea taprobanica Squamata - Colubridae Indian Flying Snake Claudius Testudines - Kinosternidae Narrow-bridged Musk Turtles; Narrow-bridged Mud Turtles Schlammschildkröten; Großkopfschlammschildkröten Claudius angustatus Testudines - Kinosternidae Narrow-bridged Musk Turtle; Narrow-bridged Mud Turtle Großkopfschlammschildkröte Staurotype nain Tartaruga del muschio a piastrone piccolo Clelia Squamata - Colubridae Mussuranas; Clelias (WI)


Clemmys muhlenbergii d f

Mussuranas Mussuranas

1863 e

1855 e 1856 e d f 1857 e

1858 e

1859 e 1860 e 1861 e

1862 e d f

Clelia bicolor Squamata - Colubridae Two-coloured Mussurana Clelia clelia Squamata - Colubridae Mussurana; Black Mussurana; Common Mussurana; Windward Clelia (WI); Mussurana Snake Mussurana Mussurana Clelia equatoriana Squamata - Colubridae Equatorial Mussurana; Southern Mussurana Clelia errabunda Squamata - Colubridae Underwood's Mussurana; St. Lucia Clelia (WI) Clelia occipitolutea Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian Mussurana Clelia rustica Squamata - Colubridae Culebra (NA) Clelia scytalina Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Snake-eater; Mexican Mussurana; Brown Mussurama Clemmys Testudines - Emydidae Pond Turtles; American Freshwater Turtles; American Pond Turtles Amerikanische Wasserschildkröten; Wasserschildkröten; Neuweltliche Wasserschildkröten Émydes; Clemmydes

d f i

1864 e d f i

1865 e d f i 1866 e

1867 e

1868 e d f

Clemmys guttata Testudines - Emydidae Spotted Turtle; Spotted Pond Turtle; Spotted Black Pond Turtle Tropfenschildkröte Tortue ponctuée (Qué); Clemmyde à gouttelettes Testuggine palustre punteggiata; Tartaruga macchiata Clemmys insculpta Testudines - Emydidae Wood Turtle Waldbachschildkröte Clemmyde sculpté; Tortue des bois nord-américanine; Tortue des bois (Qué) Testuggine palustre scolpita; Tartaruga di bosco Clemmys marmorata Testudines - Emydidae Western Pond Turtle; Pacific Pond Turtle; California Pond Turtle; Pacific Turtle Pazifik-Wasserschildkröte Émyde de l'Ouest; Clemmyde marbrée Testuggine palustre marmorizata Clemmys marmorata marmorata Testudines - Emydidae Northwestern Pond Turtle; Northern Pacific Pond Turtle Clemmys marmorata pallida Testudines - Emydidae Southwestern Pond Turtle; Western Pond Turtle; Southern Pacific Pond Turtle Clemmys muhlenbergii Testudines - Emydidae Bog Turtle; Mühlenberg's Turtle Mühlenbergs Wasserschildkröte; Mühlenberg-Schildkröte Émyde de Mühlenberg; Clemmyde


i 1869 e d f

1870 e d f 1871 e

1872 e 1873 e

1874 e 1875 e 1876 e

de Mühlenberg; Tortue de Muhlenberg Testuggine dei pantani Clonophis Squamata - Colubridae Kirtland's Snakes; Kirtland's Water Snakes Lianennattern; Kirtlands Wassernattern Serpents de Kirtland; Couleuvres de Kirtland Clonophis kirtlandii Squamata - Colubridae Kirtland's Snake; Kirtland's Water Snake Lianennatter; Kirtlands Wassernatter Serpent de Kirtland


1877 e 1878 e 1879 e 1880 e 1881 e

Cnemaspis Squamata - Gekkonidae Small-toed Geckos; Dwarf Geckos (ISC)


Cnemaspis affinis Squamata - Gekkonidae Stoliczka's Gecko


Cnemaspis africana Squamata - Gekkonidae African Gecko; Usambara Forest Gecko Cnemaspis argus Squamata - Gekkonidae Dring's Gecko


e 1884 e 1885 e

Cnemaspis barbouri Squamata - Gekkonidae Barbour's Gecko


Cnemaspis beddomei Squamata - Gekkonidae Beddome's Gecko




Cnemaspis boiei Squamata - Gekkonidae Boie's Gecko Cnemaspis boulengerii Squamata - Gekkonidae Boulenger's Gecko Cnemaspis dickersoni Squamata - Gekkonidae Dickerson's Gecko Cnemaspis dilepsis Squamata - Gekkonidae Two-scaled Gecko Cnemaspis elgonensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Loveridge's Gecko Cnemaspis gigas Squamata - Gekkonidae Perret's Gecko Cnemaspis goanensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Sharma's Gecko Cnemaspis indica Squamata - Gekkonidae Nilgiri Hills Gecko Cnemaspis jerdonii Squamata - Gekkonidae Jerdon's Indian Gecko; Punjab Snake-eyed Lacerta Cnemaspis kandiana Squamata - Gekkonidae Kelaart's Gecko Cnemaspis kendalli Squamata - Gekkonidae Kendall's Gecko; Kendall's Day



Gecko 1888 e 1889 e 1890 e 1891 e 1892 e 1893 e 1894 e 1895 e 1896 e 1897 e 1898


Cnemaspis koehleri Squamata - Gekkonidae Koehler's Gecko


Cnemaspis kummnoli Squamata - Gekkonidae Trang Province Gecko


Cnemaspis lavolineata Squamata - Gekkonidae Dew-lined Gecko


Cnemaspis littoralis Squamata - Gekkonidae Indian Forest Gecko


Cnemaspis mysoriensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Jerdon's Forest Gecko


Cnemaspis nairi Squamata - Gekkonidae Kerala Gecko


Cnemaspis nigridius Squamata - Gekkonidae Borneo Black Gecko


Cnemaspis occidentalis Squamata - Gekkonidae Western Gecko


Cnemaspis ornata Squamata - Gekkonidae Beddome's Ornate Gecko


Cnemaspis petrodroma Squamata - Gekkonidae Nigeria Crag Gecko Cnemaspis podihuna Squamata - Gekkonidae









e d f

Deraniyagala's Gecko Cnemaspis quattuorseriata Squamata - Gekkonidae Sternfeld's Gecko Cnemaspis siamensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Siamese Gecko; Green-eyed Gecko Cnemaspis sisparensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Theobald's Gecko Cnemaspis spinicollis Squamata - Gekkonidae Cameroon Collared Gecko Cnemaspis timoriensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Timor Gecko Cnemaspis tropidogaster Squamata - Gekkonidae Marked Belly Gecko Cnemaspis uzungwae Squamata - Gekkonidae Tanzania Gecko Cnemaspis wyandensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Wynaad Gecko Cnemidophorus Squamata - Teiidae Whiptails; Whiptail Lizards; Racerunners Renntejus; Rennechsen Lézards queue-en-fouet; Cnémidophores; Lézards agiles; Lézards courreurs; Lézards arc-enciel; Lézards queue-en-fouet et agiles

Cnemidophorus alpinus

1908 e 1909 e 1910 e 1911 e

1912 e f 1913


1914 e

1915 e 1916 e 1917 e

Cnemidophorus alpinus Squamata - Teiidae Alpine Whiptail; Whiptail Lizard Cnemidophorus angusticeps Squamata - Teiidae Yucatan Whiptail Cnemidophorus arubensis Squamata - Teiidae Aruba Whiptail Cnemidophorus bacatus Squamata - Teiidae San Pedro Nolasco Whiptail; San Pedro Nolasco Island Whiptail Cnemidophorus burti Squamata - Teiidae Giant Spotted Whiptail; Canyon Spotted Whiptail (NA) Queue-en-fouet tacheté des canyons Cnemidophorus burti stictogrammus Squamata - Teiidae Giant Whiptail; Giant Spotted Whiptail (NA) Cnemidophorus burti xanthonotus Squamata - Teiidae Redback Whiptail; Red-backed Whiptail (NA) Cnemidophorus calidipes Squamata - Teiidae Rio Tepalcatepic Valley Whiptail Cnemidophorus canus Squamata - Teiidae Salsipuedes Island Whiptail Cnemidophorus carmenensis Squamata - Teiidae Carmen Island Blue-throated


Whiptail 1918 e 1919 e 1920 e 1921 e

1922 e

1923 e

1924 e 1925 e

1926 e d f

Cnemidophorus catalinensis Squamata - Teiidae Santa Catalina Island Whiptail Cnemidophorus celeripes Squamata - Teiidae San Jose Island Whiptail Cnemidophorus ceralbensis Squamata - Teiidae Cerralvo Island Whiptail Cnemidophorus communis Squamata - Teiidae Colima Giant Whiptail; Giant Whiptail Cnemidophorus costatus Squamata - Teiidae Western Mexico Whiptail; Western Mexican Whiptail Cnemidophorus cozumelae Squamata - Teiidae Cozumel Racerunner; Cozumel Whiptail Cnemidophorus cryptus Squamata - Teiidae Cryptic Racerunner Cnemidophorus danheimae Squamata - Teiidae San Jose Island Blue-throated Whiptail Cnemidophorus deppei Squamata - Teiidae Blackbelly Racerunner; Black-bellied Racerunner; Seven-lined Racerunner Siebenstreifenrennechse Cnémidophore à sept raies


Cnemidophorus inornatus heptagrammus

1927 e f 1928 e

1929 e 1930 e

d f 1931 e f


Cnemidophorus dixoni Squamata - Teiidae Gray-checkered Whiptail (NA); Grey-chequered Whiptail Queue-en-fouet à carreaux gris


Cnemidophorus espiritensis Squamata - Teiidae Espiritu Santo Island Orangethroated Whiptail


Cnemidophorus estebannensis Squamata - Teiidae San Esteban Island Whiptail Cnemidophorus exsanguis Squamata - Teiidae Chihuahan Spotted Whiptail; Chihuahuan Whiptail; Chihuaha Whiptail; Chihuahua Spotted Whiptail Blasser Rennteju Queue-en-fouet tacheté de Chihuahua Cnemidophorus flagellicaudus Squamata - Teiidae Gila Spotted Whiptail Queue-en-fouet tacheté de Gila

e f

e d f 1938



e d f 1940

1932 e

1933 e

1934 e d

Cnemidophorus franciscensis Squamata - Teiidae San Francisco Island Blue-throated Whiptail Cnemidophorus gramivagrus Squamata - Teiidae McCrystal's Whiptail; Llanos Whiptail Cnemidophorus gularis Squamata - Teiidae Easstern Spotted Whiptail Rotkehlrennteju

e d f 1941 e 1942 e 1943


Cnemidophorus gularis gularis Squamata - Teiidae

Texas Spotted Whiptail Cnemidophorus guttatus Squamata - Teiidae Mexican Racerunner Queue-en-fouet du Texas Cnemidophorus hyperythrus Squamata - Teiidae Orange Whiptail; Orange-throated Whiptail (NA); Orangethroat Whiptail Orangekehlige Rennechse Queue-en-fouet à gorge orange Cnemidophorus hyperythrus beldingi Squamata - Teiidae Belding's Orange Whiptail; Belding Orange-throated Whiptail (NA) Cnemidophorus hyperythrus hyperythrus Squamata - Teiidae Cape Orange-throated Whiptail Orangekehlige Rennechse Queue-en-fouet à gorge orange Cnemidophorus inornatus Squamata - Teiidae Little Striped Whiptail; Seven-striped Whiptail Schlichter Rennteju Queue-en-fouet rayé Cnemidophorus inornatus arizonae Squamata - Teiidae Arizona Striped Whiptail Cnemidophorus inornatus gypsi Squamata - Teiidae Little White Whiptail Cnemidophorus inornatus heptagrammus Squamata - Teiidae

Cnemidophorus inornatus juniperus

e 1944 e

Trans-Pecos Striped Whiptail Cnemidophorus inornatus juniperus Squamata - Teiidae Woodland Striped Whiptail



e 1954

1945 e 1946 e 1947 e 1948 e f 1949 e d f 1950 e

1951 e

1952 e

Cnemidophorus inornatus llanuras Squamata - Teiidae Plains Striped Whiptail Cnemidophorus labialis Squamata - Teiidae Baja California Whiptail Cnemidophorus lacertoides Squamata - Teiidae Bibron's Whiptail Cnemidophorus laredoensis Squamata - Teiidae Laredo Striped Whiptail Queue-en-fouet rayé de Laredo Cnemidophorus lemniscatus Squamata - Teiidae Rainbow Whiptail; Dotted Racerunner; Spotted Racerunner; Rainbow Whiptail Tüpfelrennechse Cnémidophore ponctué Cnemidophorus lineatissimus Squamata - Teiidae Many-striped Whiptail; Many-lined Whiptail Cnemidophorus longicaudus Squamata - Teiidae Longtail Whiptail; Lagartija Cola Roja (NA) Cnemidophorus marmoratus Squamata - Teiidae Marbled Whiptail

e 1955 e

1956 e

1957 e 1958 e 1959 e

1960 e f

1961 e 1962

Cnemidophorus marmoratus marmoratus Squamata - Teiidae Western Marbled Whiptail Cnemidophorus marmoratus reticuloriens Squamata - Teiidae Eastern Marbled Whiptail Cnemidophorus martyris Squamata - Teiidae San Pedro Martir Whiptail; San Pedro Martir Island Whiptail Cnemidophorus maximus Squamata - Teiidae Cape Region Whiptail; Giant Whiptail (NA) Cnemidophorus mexicanus Squamata - Teiidae Mexican Whiptail Cnemidophorus montaguae Squamata - Teiidae Giant Whiptail Cnemidophorus murinus Squamata - Teiidae Laurent's Whiptail; Blausanna Whiptail Cnemidophorus neomexicanus Squamata - Teiidae New Mexico Whiptail; New Mexican Whiptail (NA) Queue-en-fouet du NouveauMexique Cnemidophorus ocellifer Squamata - Teiidae Spix's Whiptail; Calango (NA) Cemidophorus pai Squamata - Teiidae


Cnemidophorus tigris gracilis e

1963 e 1964 e 1965 e

1966 e 1967 e 1968 e d f 1969 e


e 1971 e d

Pai Striped Whiptail Cnemidophorus opatae Squamata - Teiidae Opata Whiptail Cnemidophorus parvisocius Squamata - Teiidae Mexican Pygmy Whiptail Cnemidophorus pictus Squamata - Teiidae Monserrate Island Blue-throated Whiptail Cnemidophorus pseudolemniscatus Squamata - Teiidae Colee's Racerunner Cnemidophorus rodecki Squamata - Teiidae Rodeck's Whiptail Cnemidophorus sacki Squamata - Teiidae Sack's Spotted Whiptail; Blue-bellied Racerunner; Spotted Whiptail Fleckenrennechse Cnémidophore tacheté Cnemidophorus septemvittatus Squamata - Teiidae Plateau Spotted Whiptail; Mexican Plateau Spotted Whiptail Cnemidophorus septemvittatus septemvittatus Squamata - Teiidae Bif Bend Spotted Whiptail Cnemidophorus sexlineatus Squamata - Teiidae Six-lined Racerunner (NA); Six-lined Lizard; Prairie Lined Racerunner Sechsstreifenrennechse; Sechsstreifenrennteju





e d

1974 e 1975 e f 1976 e d f 1977 e d f 1978 e

Lézard agile à six lignes; Cnémidophore à six raies Cnemidophorus sexlineatus sexlineatus Squamata - Teiidae Six-lined Racerunner; Eastern Sixlined Racerunner Cnemidophorus sexlineatus stephensae Squamata - Teiidae Texas Yellowhead Racerunner; Yellow-headed Racerunner; Texas Yellow-headed Racerunner Westliche Rennechse; Getigerter Rennteju Cnemidophorus sexlineatus viridis Squamata - Teiidae Prairie Racerunner Cnemidophorus sonorae Squamata - Teiidae Sonoran Spotted Whiptail Queue-en-fouet tacheté du Sonora Cnemidophorus tessselatus Squamata - Teiidae Common Checkered Whiptail (NA); Colorado Chequered Whiptail; Checkered Whiptail (NA) Würfelrennechse Queue-en-fouet carrelé du Colorado Cnemidophorus tigris Squamata - Teiidae Western Whiptail; Marbled Whiptail; Tiger Whiptail Westliche Rennechse Queue-en-fouet tigré Cnemidophorus tigris gracilis Squamata - Teiidae Southern Whiptail; Arizona Desert Whiptail

Cnemidophorus tigris multiscutatus

1979 e

Cnemidophorus tigris multiscutatus Squamata - Teiidae Coastal Whiptail; Tiger Whiptail; Cedros Island Whiptail


1989 e f

1980 e

Cnemidophorus tigris mundus Squamata - Teiidae California Whiptail

1990 e

1981 e

Cnemidophorus tigris punctilineatus Squamata - Teiidae Sonoran Tiger Whiptail

1991 e

1982 e 1983


1984 e 1985 e 1986 e 1987 e f 1988 e

Cnemidophorus tigris rubidus Squamata - Teiidae Reddish Whiptail Cnemidophorus tigris septentrionalis Squamata - Teiidae Northern Whiptail; Painted Desert Whiptail; Plateau Tiger Whiptail Cnemidophorus tigris stejnegeri Squamata - Teiidae Coastal Whiptail Cnemidophorus tigris tigris Squamata - Teiidae Great Basin Whiptail Cnemidophorus tigris vividus Squamata - Teiidae South Coronado Island Whiptail Cnemidophorus uniparens Squamata - Teiidae Desert Grassland Whiptail Queue-en-fouet du désert semi-aride Cnemidophorus vanzoi Squamata - Teiidae Vanzo's Whiptail; Maria Islands Whiptail (WI)

1992 e 1993 e 1994 e 1995 e 1996 e 1997 e 1998 e

Cnemidophorus velox Squamata - Teiidae Plateau Striped Whiptail; Plateau Whiptail (NA) Queue-en-fouet rayé des plateaux Cnemidophorus vittatus Squamata - Teiidae Slender Whiptail Cnemidophorus xanthonotus Squamata - Teiidae Redback Whiptail; Red-backed Whiptail (NA) Coeranoscinus Squamata - Scincidae Fawn Skinks Coeranoscinus frontalis Squamata - Scincidae Chocolate Burrowing Skink Coeranoscinus reticulatus Squamata - Scincidae Fawn Skink Coleodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Amazon Geckos Coleodactylus amazonicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Amazon Gecko Coleodactylus brachystoma Squamata - Gekkonidae Goias Gecko Coleodactylus guimaraesi Squamata - Gekkonidae Rondonian Gecko



1999 e 2000 e

2001 e d f 2002 e d f

Coleodactylus meridionalis Squamata - Gekkonidae Meridian Gecko Coleodactylus septentrionalis Squamata - Gekkonidae Ilha Marca Gecko; Ilha di Maraca Leaf-glitter Gecko Coleonyx Squamata - Eublepharidae Banded Geckos Wüstengeckos; Krallengeckos Geckos-léopard; Coléonyx Coleonyx brevis Squamata - Eublepharidae Texas Banded Gecko Krallengecko; Texas-Krallengecko Gecko-léopard du Texas


2008 e f 2009 e

2010 e d f

2003 e d

2004 e 2005 e 2006 e d f 2007 e

Coleonyx elegans Squamata - Eublepharidae Yucatan Banded Gecko Mexikanischer Krallengecko; Mittelamerikanischer Krallengecko

2011 e

Coleonyx fasciatus Squamata - Eublepharidae Black Banded Gecko


Coleonyx gypsicolus Squamata - Eublepharidae San Marcos Island Barefoot Gecko


Coleonyx mitratus Squamata - Eublepharidae Central American Banded Gecko Belize-Krallengecko; Krallengecko Gecko de Nicaragua


Coleonyx reticulatus Squamata - Eublepharidae Reticulate Banded Gecko; Reticulated Gecko; Texas Banded




2015 e

Gecko Gecko-léopard réticulée; Coléonyx réticulé Coleonyx switaki Squamata - Eublepharidae Barefoot Banded Gecko; Barefoot Gecko; Switak's Banded Gecko Gecko-léopard de Baja Coleonyx switaki switaki Squamata - Eublepharidae Peninsular Banded Gecko; Peninsular Barefoot Gecko Coleonyx variegatus Squamata - Eublepharidae Western Banded Lizard; Western Banded Gecko; Banded Gecko (NA) Gebänderter Krallengecko; Gebänderter Wüstengecko Gecko-léopard de l'Ouest; Coléonyx varié Coleonyx variegatus abbotti Squamata - Eublepharidae San Diego Banded Gecko Coleonyx variegatus bogerti Squamata - Eublepharidae Tucson Banded Gecko Coleonyx variegatus utahensis Squamata - Eublepharidae Utah Banded Gecko Coleonyx variegatus variegatus Squamata - Eublepharidae Desert Banded Gecko; Tucson Banded Gecko Collorhabdium Squamata - Colubridae Reed Snakes; Williamson's Reed Snakes

Collorhabdium williamsoni

2016 e 2017 e 2018 e 2019 e 2020 e 2021 e 2022 e 2023 e 2024 e 2025 e 2026 e

Collorhabdium williamsoni Squamata - Colubridae Williamson's Reed Snake Colobodactylus Squamata - Teiidae Amaral's Teiids Colobodactylus dalcyanus Squamata - Teiidae Vanzolini's Teiid Colobodactylus taunayi Squamata - Teiidae Taunay Teiid Colobosaura Squamata - Teiidae Colobosauras Colobosaura kraepelini Squamata - Teiidae Kraepelin's Colobosaura Colobosaura landii Squamata - Teiidae Colobosaura Colobosaura mentalis Squamata - Teiidae Amaral's Colobosaura Colobosaura modesta Squamata - Teiidae Bahia Colobosaura Colobosauroides Squamata - Teiidae Cuha's Teiid Colobosauroides caerensis Squamata - Teiidae Cuha's Teiid


2027 e

2028 e

2029 e

2030 e f 2031 e d f 2032 e 2033 e 2034 e

d f

Coloptychon Squamata - Anguidae Lateral-fold Lizards; Alligator Lizards Coloptychon rhombifer Squamata - Anguidae Peters's Lateral-fold Lizard; Peters's Alligator Lizard Colopus Squamata - Gekkonidae Kalahari Geckos; Kalahari Ground Geckos (CSA) Colopus wahlbergi Squamata - Gekkonidae Wahlberg's Kalahari Gecko; Kalahari Ground Gecko (CSA) Gecko terrestre du Kalahari Coluber Squamata - Colubridae Common Racers (NA); Racers; Whip Snakes; North American Racers Zornnattern; Pfeilnattern; Bunte Zornnattern; Eigentliche Nattern Coleuvres agiles; Couleuvres Coluber bholanathi Squamata - Colubridae Sharma's Racer Coluber brevis Squamata - Colubridae Short Racer Coluber constrictor Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Racer; Racer (NA); Northern Racer; Black Snake; Black Racer; North American Racer; American Racer Schwarznatter Couleuvre agile noire; Couleuvre noire; Couleuvre agile


Coluber jugularis

2035 e 2036 e

2037 e 2038 e

2039 e 2040 e

2041 e

2042 e 2043 e 2044 e 2045

Coluber constrictor anthicus Squamata - Colubridae Buttermilk Racer Coluber constrictor constrictor Squamata - Colubridae Northern Black Racer; Black Racer (NA) Coluber constrictor etheridgei Squamata - Colubridae Tan Racer Coluber constrictor flaviventris Squamata - Colubridae Yellowbelly Racer; Eastern Yellowbelly Racer Coluber constrictor foxi Squamata - Colubridae Blue Racer Coluber constrictor helvigularis Squamata - Colubridae Brownchin Racer; Brown-chinned Racer; Everglades Racer Coluber constrictor latrunculus Squamata - Colubridae Blackmask Racer; Black-masked Racer Coluber constrictor oaxaca Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Racer Coluber constrictor paludicola Squamata - Colubridae Everglades Racer Coluber constrictor priapus Squamata - Colubridae Southern Black Racer Coluber cypriensis

e d f i 2046 e d f 2047 e d f

2048 e 2049 e d f i

2050 e 2051 e


Squamata - Colubridae Cyprus Racer Zypern-Natter; Zypern Schlanknatter Couleuvre de Chypre Colubro ciprioto Coluber elegantissimus Squamata - Colubridae Elegant Racer Prachtzornnatter Couleuvre fouet élégante Coluber florulentus Squamata - Colubridae Flowered Racer Ägyptische Zornnatter Couleuvre algérienne; Couleuvre d'Égypte Coluber gracilis Squamata - Colubridae Graceful Racer Coluber hippocrepis Squamata - Colubridae Horseshoe Racer; Horseshoe Snake; Horseshoe Whip Snake Hufeisennatter Couleuvre fer-à-cheval Colubro ferro di cavallo; Colubro sardo Coluber insularis Squamata - Colubridae Saro Island Racer Coluber jugularis Squamata - Colubridae Fire Racer; Large Whip Snake; Caspian Whip Snake; Balkan Whip Snake; European Whip Snake; Persian Large Whip Snake Jochnatter; Pfeilnatter; BalkanNatter; Kaspische Zornnatter; Kaspische Pfeilnatter; Persische Pfeilnatter

Coluber karelini

f i

Serpent-fouet; Couleuvre flèche; Couleuvre de la Caspienne; Couleuvre-fouet Colubro caspico; Colubro saltatore


f i 2059

2052 e

Coluber karelini Squamata - Colubridae Spotted Desert Racer

e d

2053 e d f i

2054 e

Coluber laurenti Squamata - Colubridae Balkan Racer; Balkan Whip Snake Zornnatter; Balkan-Zornnatter; Pfeilnatter; Südenpfeilnatter Couleuvre des Balkans; Couleuvre de Laurenti Biacco minore; Biacco balcanico; Colubro dei Balcani Coluber manseri Squamata - Colubridae Manser's Black Racer

f i 2060 e d f 2061

2055 e 2056 e

2057 e d f i 2058 e d

Coluber messanai Squamata - Colubridae Schatti's Racer Coluber mormon Squamata - Colubridae Western Yellowbelly Racer; Western Yellow-bellied Racer; Western Racer Coluber najadum Squamata - Colubridae Ghamcheh Racer; Dahl's Whip Snake; Slender Racer Schlanknatter; Steignatter Serpent-fouet; Couleuvre fouet; Couleuvre de Dahl; Couleuvre à coup tacheté Colubro saetta Coluber nummifer Squamata - Colubridae Asian Racer; Reuss's Whip Snake Reuss-Zornnatter; Münzennatter

e d f 2062 e d f 2063 e d f

2064 e

Couleuvre à monnaie; Couleuvre à nummulites Colubro nummifero Coluber ravergieri Squamata - Colubridae Ravergier's Snake; Spotted Whip Snake; Mountain Racer Ravergieris Zornnatter; Bunte Zornnatter; Transkaspische Zornnatter Couleuvre fouet de Ravergier; Couleuvre de Ravergier; Couleuvre magnifique Colubro di Ravergier Coluber rhodorachis Squamata - Colubridae Braid Snake; Cliff Racer Jahns Pfeilnatter Couleuvre de Jan Coluber rogersi Squamata - Colubridae Rogers's Racer Anderson-Pfeilnatter; Andersons Pfeilnatter Couleuvre d'Anderson Coluber sinai Squamata - Colubridae Sinai Racer Sinai-Zornnatter Couleuvre du Sinaï Coluber smithi Squamata - Colubridae Smith's Racer; Southern Flowered Snake Smiths Natter; Smiths Pfeilnatter Couleuvre fouet de Smith; Couleuvre de Smith Coluber socotrae Squamata - Colubridae Socotran Racer


Coniophanes imperialis

2065 e 2066 e

Coluber spinalis Squamata - Colubridae Slender Racer Coluber thomasi Squamata - Colubridae Thomas's Semi-banded Racer

d f

Nattern; Echte Nattern Colubridés; Couleuvres


Compsophis Squamata - Colubridae Bighead Snakes

e 2073

2067 e

Coluber variabilis Squamata - Colubridae Variable Snake

e 2074

2068 e d f i 2069 e

d f i

2070 e d i 2071 e

Coluber ventromaculatus Squamata - Colubridae Hardwicke's Rat Snake; Glossybellied Racer; Gray's Rat Snake (ISC) Gefleckte Zornnatter Couleuvre tachetée Colubro di Gray Coluber viridiflavus Squamata - Colubridae Yellow-green Racer; Green Whip Snake; European Whip Snake; Dark Green Whip Snake; Dark Green Racer; Western Whip Snake; Dark Green Snake Gelbgrüne Zornnatter; Gelbgrüne Pfeilnatter; Zornnatter; Pfeilnatter Couleuvre verte-et-jaune; Zamenis Biacco; Colubro comune; Colubri verde-e-giallo; Biacco maggiore; Milordo; Frustone; Biàcc Coluber viridiflavus carbonarius Squamata - Colubridae Black Whip Snake Schwarze Pfeilnatter; Karbonarnatter; Karbonarschlange Colubro carbonaro Colubridae Squamata Colubrid Snakes; Typical Snakes; Colubrids

e f 2075 e 2076 e 2077 e

2078 e 2079 e

2080 e 2081

Compsophis albiventris Squamata - Colubridae Madagascar Bighead Snake Coniophanes Squamata - Colubridae Black-striped Snakes; Black-banded Snakes; Debris Snakes Couleuvres à raies noires Coniophanes alvarezi Squamata - Colubridae Alvarez's Debris Snake Coniophanes andresensis Squamata - Colubridae Andresen Snake Coniophanes bipunctatus Squamata - Colubridae Two-spotted Snake; Two-spotted Debris Snake Coniophanes dromiciformis Squamata - Colubridae Peters's Running Snake Coniophanes fissidens Squamata - Colubridae Yellowbelly Snake; White-lipped Debris Snake Coniophanes flangivirgatus Squamata - Colubridae Peters's Snake Coniophanes imperialis Squamata - Colubridae

Coniophanes imperialis imperialis



Black-striped Snake; Black-banded Snake; Imperial Snake; Black-striped Debris Snake; Regal Black-striped Snake Couleuvre à raies noires


2090 e d

2082 e

2083 e

Coniophanes imperialis imperialis Squamata - Colubridae Black-striped Snake; Tamaulpin Black Striped Snake Coniophanes joanae Squamata - Colubridae Joan's Snake; Joan's Debris Snake

2091 e d f 2092

2084 e 2085 e

2086 e

Coniophanes lateritius Squamata - Colubridae Stripeless Snake

e d

Coniophanes meridanus Squamata - Colubridae Peninsula Stripeless Snake; Yucatan Debris Snake


Coniophanes piceivittis Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Black-striped Snake; Striped Debris Snake



e d

2087 e

2088 e

2089 e d f

Coniophanes quinquevittatus Squamata - Colubridae File-striped Snake; Five-lined Debris Snake


Coniophanes schmidti Squamata - Colubridae Faded Black-striped Snake; Schmidt's Debris Snake


Conolophus Squamata - Iguanaidae Galapagos Land Iguanas; Land Iguanas Drusenköpfe Iguanes terrestres


e 2097 e

Conolophus pallidus Squamata - Iguanaidae Santa Fe Land Iguana; Barrington Land Iguana; Barrington Island Land Iguana; Barrington Island Iguana Santa-Fé-Drüsenkopf Conolophus subcristatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Galapagos Land Iguana; Land Iguana Galapagos-Drüsenkopf; GalapagosLandleguan Iguane terrestre des Galapagos Conophis Squamata - Colubridae Road Guarders Trugnattern; Streifennattern Conophis biserialis Squamata - Colubridae Two-lined Mexican Road Guarder; Two-lined Mexican Earth Snake Conophis lineatus Squamata - Colubridae Road Guarder; Common Road Guarder Mexikanische Trugnatter Conophis nasus Squamata - Colubridae Largenose Road Guarder; Largenose Earth Snake Conophis pulcher Squamata - Colubridae Beautiful Road Guarder Conophis vittatus Squamata - Colubridae Striped Road Guarder; Mexican Road Guarder


Corallus caninus

2098 e d f

2099 e d f

2100 e d f

Contia Squamata - Colubridae Sharptail Snakes; Sharp-tailed Snakes Dornschwanzschlangen Couleuvres à queue pointue; Couleuvres à queue fine Contia tenuis Squamata - Colubridae Sharp-tailed Snake; Sharptail Snake; Purple-tailed Snake Dornschwanzschlange Couleuvre à queue pointue; Couleuvre à queue fine Cophosaurus Squamata - Iguanaidae Earless Lizards; Greater Earless Lizards Texanische Taubiguane; Taubiguane Cophosaures; Lézards gros sans oreilles; Iguanes sourds

2105 e d 2106 e d 2107 e d

2108 e d 2109

2101 e d f 2102 e

Cophosaurus texanus Squamata - Iguanaidae Greater Earless Lizard Texanischer Taubiguan; Taubiguan Cophosaure du Texas; Iguane sourd Cophosaurus texanus scitulus Squamata - Iguanaidae Southwestern Earless Lizard; Greater Earless Lizard; Chihuahuan Earless Lizard; Chihuahuan Greater Earless Lizard

e d f 2110 e d 2111

2103 e 2104 e d

Cophosaurus texanus texanus Squamata - Iguanaidae Texas Earless Lizard Cophoscincopus Squamata - Scincidae Keeled Water Skinks Wasserskinke

e d

Cophoscincopus durus Squamata - Scincidae Keeled Water Skink Wasserskink Cophotis Squamata - Agamidae Earless Agamas; Deaf Agamids; Deaf Agamas Taubagamen; Baumagamen Cophotis ceylanica Squamata - Agamidae Ceylon Deaf Agama Ceylon-Taubagame; Baumagame; Taubagame Cophotis sumatrana Squamata - Agamidae Sumatra Deaf Agama Sumatra-Taubagame Corallus Squamata - Boidae Tree Boas Hundskopfboas; Windeschlangen; Hundskopfschlinger Serpents canines Corallus annulatus Squamata - Boidae Annulated Boa; Ringed Tree Boa; Costa Rica Boa; Annulated Tree Boa Geringelte Baumboa; Ringelboa Corallus caninus Squamata - Boidae Emerald Tree Boa; Emerald Boa; Dog-headed Tree Boa; Green Tree Boa Grüne Hundskopfboa; Echte Hundskopfboa; Grüner Hundskopfschlinger; Hundskopfschlinger; SurinamHundskopfschlinger; Hundskopfboa; Smaragdboa

Corallus enhydris

f i

Boa émeraude; Boa canine; Serpent à perroquets; Boa canin (Ants); Faux jacquot (Ants) Boa smeraldino


e d

2112 e d f i 2113 e d 2114 e

Corallus enhydris Squamata - Boidae Amazon Tree Boa; Garden Tree Boa; Yellow Tree Boa Gartenboa; Hundskopfboa; Cooksche Boa; Baumboa Boa arboricole (Ants); Boa de Cook Boa dei giardini

f i 2119 e d f

Corallus enhydris cooki Squamata - Boidae Cook's Garden Tree Boa; Cook's Tree Boa; St. Vincent Boa (WI) Cooks Gartenboa


Corallus ruschenbergii Squamata - Boidae Ruschenberg's Tree Boa



e 2115 e d f

Cordylidae Squamata Girdle-tailed Lizards; Spinytail Lizards Gürtelechsen; Gürtelschwänze; Gürtelschweife Cordylidés

d f

2122 2116 e d f

Cordylosaurus Squamata - Cordylidae Blue-black Plated Lizards; Dwarf Plated Lizards (CSA) Blauschwarze Schildechsen Cordylosaures


d f

2117 e d 2118

Cordylosaurus subtesselatus Squamata - Cordylidae Blue-black Plated Lizard; Dwarf Plated Lizard (CSA) Blauschwarze Schildechse Cordylus

2123 e

Squamata - Cordylidae Spinytail Lizards; Girdled Lizards (CSA); Spiny-tailed Lizards (CSA); Club-tailed Lizards Gürtelschweife; Echte Gürtelschweife Cordyles Cordili Cordylus caeroleopunctatus Squamata - Cordylidae Blue-spotted Spinytail Lizard; Bluespotted Girdled Lizard (CSA) Blaufleckiger Gürtelschweif Cordyle ponctué de bleu Cordylus campbelli Squamata - Cordylidae Campbell's Spinytail Lizard; Campbell's Girdled Lizard (CSA) Cordylus cataphractus Squamata - Cordylidae Armadillo Spinytail Lizard; Armadillo Girdled Lizard (CSA); Armadillo Lizard; Armadillo Girdletailed Lizard Panzergürtelschweif Cordyle cataphracté; Zonure cataphracté; Armadillo Cordylus cordylus Squamata - Cordylidae Common Spinytail Lizard; Cape Girdled Lizard (CSA); Common Cape Girdled Lizard; Rough-sealed Girdled Lizard Zwerggürtelschweif; Gewöhnlicher Gürtelschweif Cordyle vulgaire Cordylus giganteus Squamata - Cordylidae Giant Spinytail Lizard; Giant Girdled Lizard (CSA); African Armadillo Lizard; Sungazer (CSA); Lord Derby's Girdled Lizard; Giant


Cordylus warreni

d f 2124 e 2125 e

2126 e

2127 e

2128 e

Sungazer Riesengürtelschweif; Südafrikanischer Sonnengucker Cordyle géant; Zonure géante Cordylus lawrenci Squamata - Cordylidae Lawrence's Girdled Lizard Cordylus macropholis Squamata - Cordylidae Coastal Spinytail Lizard; Largescaled Girdled Lizard (CSA) Cordylus mclachlani Squamata - Cordylidae McLachlan's Spinytail Lizard; McLachlan's Girdled Lizard (CSA) Cordylus namaquensis Squamata - Cordylidae Namaqua Spinytail Lizard; Namaqua Girdled Lizard (CSA) Cordylus peersi Squamata - Cordylidae Hewitt's Spinytail Lizard; Peers's Girdled Lizard (CSA)

2132 e d 2133 e

d f 2134 e i 2135

e 2136 e

2129 e f 2130 e 2131 e

Cordylus polyzonus Squamata - Cordylidae African Spinytail Lizard; Karoo Girdled Lizard (CSA) Cordyle polyzoné; Zonure polyzoné Cordylus pustulatus Squamata - Cordylidae Herero Girdled Lizard Cordylus rhodesianus Squamata - Cordylidae Zimbabwe Girdled Lizard; Rhodesian Girdled Lizard (CSA); Manica Girdled Lizard (CSA); Montane Girdled Lizard; Montane Spiny-tailed Lizard (CSA)

2137 e d 2138 e d f

Cordylus tasmani Squamata - Cordylidae Tasman's Girdled Lizard Tanzania-Gürtelschweif Cordylus tropidosternum Squamata - Cordylidae Tropical Spinytail Lizard; Tropical Girdled Lizard (CSA); Tropical Spiny-tailed Lizard (CSA); Eastern Spiny-tailed Lizard; Savanna Spinytailed Lizard (CSA) Zwerggürtelschweif; Gürtelschweif Cordyle épineuse; Lézard Sungazer Cordylus tropidosternum jonesii Squamata - Cordylidae Lowveld Girdled Lizard; Tropical Spinytail Lizard Cordilo Cordylus tropidosternum tropidosternum Squamata - Cordylidae Tropical Girdled Lizard Cordylus ukingensis Squamata - Cordylidae Ukinga Spinytail Lizard; Ukinga Spiny-tailed Lizard Cordylus vittifer Squamata - Cordylidae Reichenow's Spinytail Lizard; Transvaal Girdled Lizard (CSA) Rostbrauner Gürtelschweif Cordylus warreni Squamata - Cordylidae Warren's Spinytail Lizard; Warren's Girdled Lizard; Warren's Spiny-tailed Lizard (CSA); Zonure Warrens Gürtelschweif Cordyle de Warren

Cordylus warreni barbertonensis

2139 e 2140 e 2141 e 2142 e 2143 e 2144 e 2145 e d f 2146 e d f i

2147 e

Cordylus warreni barbertonensis Squamata - Cordylidae Barberton's Dark-girdled Lizard


d f

Cordylus warreni breyeri Squamata - Cordylidae Breyer's Dark-girdled Lizard


Cordylus warreni depressus Squamata - Cordylidae Flat Dark-girdled Lizard


Cordylus warreni laevigatus Squamata - Cordylidae Zoutspansberg Dark-girdled Lizard Cordylus warreni perkoensis Squamata - Cordylidae Olifant's River Dark-girdled Lizard Cordylus warreni vandami Squamata - Cordylidae Van Dams Dark-girdled Lizard Coronella Squamata - Colubridae Smooth Snakes; European Smooth Snakes Glattnattern; Schlingnatttern Coronelles; Couleuvres-lézard Coronella austriaca Squamata - Colubridae Smooth Snake; European Smooth Snake Glattnatter; Schlingnatter; Haselnatter Couleuvre lisse; Coronelle lisse; Coronelle légère; Coronelle Colubro liscio; Colubro austriaco; Coronella austriaca Coronella girondica Squamata - Colubridae Southern Smooth Snake

e d f 2149 e d f

2150 e d 2151 e d 2152 e d f

Gironde-Glattnatter; Gironde-Natter; Girondische Glattnatter; Girondische Schlingnatter Couleuvre bordelaise; Couleuvre girondine; Coronelle bordelaise; Couleuvre coronelle girondine; Coronelle girondine Colubro di Riccioli; Colubro del Riccioli; Colubro girondina; Colubro dai Riccioli Corucia Squamata - Scincidae Solomon Islands Skinks Winkelschwanzskinke Scinques géants Corucia zebrata Squamata - Scincidae Solomon Islands Skink; Monkeytailed Skink ; Prehensile-tailed Giant Skink; Solomons Giant Skink Wickelschwanzskink; SalomonenWinkelschwanzskink; SalomonenRiesenskink Scinque géant; Scinque à queue préhensile des Îles Salomons Coryophophylax Squamata - Agamidae Subcristate Angleheads; Nicobar Forest Dragons Kammwinkelkopfagamen Coryophophylax subcristatus Squamata - Agamidae Subcristate Anglehead; Nicobar Forest Dragon Kammwinkelkopfagame Corytophanes Squamata - Iguanaidae Helmeted Iguanas; Helmeted Iguanids; Helmeted Lizards; Helmeted Basilisks Helmleguane Corytophanes



2153 e

d f

2154 e d f 2155 e d 2156 e d 2157 e 2158 e

d 2159 e

Corytophanes cristatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Smooth Helmeted Iguana; Elegant Helmeted Lizard; Helmeted Iguana; Helmeted Lizard; Smooth Helmeted Basilisk; Helmeted Basilisk; Smoothhead Helmeted Basilisk Helmleguan Corytophane à crête; Caméléon des forêts; Iguane à casque Corytophanes hernandezii Squamata - Iguanaidae Hernandez's Helmeted Iguana; Hernandez's Helmeted Lizard; Hernandez's Helmeted Basisk Hernandez-Helmleguan Corytophane caméléopside Corytophanes percarinatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Keeled Helmeted Iguana; Keeled Helmeted Lizard; Keeled Helmeted Basilisk Guatemala-Helmleguan Cosymbotus Squamata - Gekkonidae Asian House Geckos Asiatische Hausgeckos Cosymbotus craspedotus Squamata - Gekkonidae Mocquard's House Gecko Cosymbotus platyurus Squamata - Gekkonidae Asian House Gecko; Frilled House Gecko (ISC); Flat-tailed Gecko; Flattailed House Gecko (NA); Asian Flat-tailed Gecko Thailändischer Hausgecko Crenadactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Clawless Geckos

2160 e

2161 e d f 2162 e d f 2163 e 2164 e

2165 e d f 2166 e d f 2167 d f

Crenadactylus ocellatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Ocellated Clawless Gecko; Clawless Gecko (ANZ) Cricosaura Squamata - Xantusiidae Cuban Night Lizards Spitzschnauzenskinke; KubaNachtechsen Cricosaures Cricosaura typica Squamata - Xantusiidae Cuban Night Lizard Eigentlicher Spitzschnauzenskink; Kuba-Nachtechse Cricosaure typique Crisantophis Squamata - Colubridae Dunn's Road Guarders Crisantophis nevermanni Squamata - Colubridae Dunn's Road Guarder; Southern Road Guarder Crocodilurus Squamata - Teiidae Crocodile Teiids; Crocodile Tegus Krokodilschwanzechsen Crocodilures Crocodilurus lacertinus Squamata - Teiidae Crocodile Teiid; Crocodile Tegu Krokodilschwanzechse Crocodilure lézardet Crocodylia Krokodilier Crocodiliens


2168 e d f i 2169 e d f i 2170 e d f

2171 e

d f

2172 e d f


Crocodylidae Squamata True Crocodiles; Crocodiles Krokodile; Echte Krokodile; Panzerechsen Crocodilidés Coccodrilli e alligatori Crocodylus Crocodylia - Crocodylidae Crocodiles Echte Krokodile; Panzerechsen Crocodiles Coccodrilli Crocodylus acutus Crocodylia - Crocodylidae American Crocodile; Common Crocodile (NA); Central American Alligator Spitzkrokodil Crocodile américain; Crocodile à museau pointu Crocodylus cataphractus Crocodylia - Crocodylidae African Slender-snouted Crocodile; Western African Crocodile; West African Long-snouted Crocodile; Long-snouted Crocodile; Slendersnouted Crocodile Panzerkrokodil Crocodile à museau allongé; Crocodile noir; Faux gavial africain; Crocodile à nuque cuirassée; Crocodile camus africain; Crocodile à museau de gavial Crocodylus intermedius Crocodylia - Crocodylidae Orinoco Crocodile Orinoko-Krokodil Crocodile de l'Orénoque; Crocodile de l'Amazon Crocodylus johnstoni



d f

2174 e d f 2175 e d f 2176 e d f 2177

e d f 2178 e d f

Crocodylia - Crocodylidae Australian Freshwater Crocodile; Freshwater Crocodile (ANZ); Australian Crocodile; Johnston River Crocodile; Johnston's Crocodile Australien-Krokodil Crocodile d'Australie; Crocodile de Johnston Crocodylus moreletti Crocodylia - Crocodylidae Morelet's Crocodile Beulenkrokodil Crocodile de Morelet Crocodylus niloticus Crocodylia - Crocodylidae Nile Crocodile; Nilotic Crocodile; African Crocodile Nil-Krokodil Crocodile du Nil; Crocodile Crocodylus novaeguineae Crocodylia - Crocodylidae Freshwater Crocodile; New Guinea Crocodile; New Guinean Crocodile Neuguinea-Krokodil Crocodile de la Nouvelle Guinée Crocodylus novaeguineae mindorensis Crocodylia - Crocodylidae Philippine Crocodile; Mindoro Crocodile Mindoro-Krokodil Crocodile de Mindoro Crocodylus palustris Crocodylia - Crocodylidae Mugger Crocodile; Mugger; Snubnosed Crocodile; Marsh Crocodile (ISC) Sumpfkrokodil; Stumpfkrokodil Crocodile des marais; Crocodile indien des marais


Crotalus basiliscus

2179 e d f

2180 e d f

2181 e d f

2182 e d 2183 e d 2184 e 2185 e d f

Crocodylus porosus Crocodylia - Crocodylidae Saltwater Crocodile; Man-eating Saltwater Crocodile; Estuarine Crocodile; Indo-Pacific Crocodile Leistenkrokodil Crocodile marin; Crocodile des estuaires; Crocodile à double crète Crocodylus rhombifer Crocodylia - Crocodylidae Cuban Crocodile Rautenkrokodil; Kuba-Krokodil Crocodile rhombifère; Crocodile rhombifère du Cuba; Crocodile du Cuba


2186 e

d f i

Crocodylus siamensis Crocodylia - Crocodylidae Siamese Crocodile; Estuarine Crocodile; East Indian Saltwater Crocodile Siam-Krokodil Crocodile siamois; Crocodile de Siam


Crossobamon Squamata - Gekkonidae Comb-toed Geckos Wüstengeckos; Kammzehengeckos


Crossobamon eversmanni Squamata - Gekkonidae Comb-toed Gecko Kammzehengecko Crossobamon orientalis Squamata - Gekkonidae Sind Gecko Crotalus Squamata - Viperidae Rattlesnakes Klapperschlangen Crotales; Crotales maillés; Serpents à sonnettes

e 2188 e


d f i 2190 e d

Crotali; Vipere dalle fossette; Serpenti a sonagli; Mocassini Crotalus adamanteus Squamata - Viperidae Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake; Eastern Diamondback (NA); Highland Ratlesnake (NA); Diamondback (NA); Eastern Diamond Rattlesnake; Eastern Diamon-backed Rattlesnake Diamantklapperschlange; Östliche Diamantklapperschlange Crotale diamantin de l'Est; Crotale diamant; Crotale diamantin Crotalo diamantino; Crotalo diamantino orientale Crotalus angelensis Squamata - Viperidae Angel Island Speckled Rattlesnake Crotalus aquilus Squamata - Viperidae Queretaran Dusky Rattlesnake Crotalus atrox Squamata - Viperidae Western Diamondback Rattlesnake; Western Diamondback (NA); Western Diamond Rattlesnake; Texas Rattlesnake; Western Diamondbacked Rattlesnake Texas-Klapperschlange; Westliche Diamantklapperschlange Crotale diamantin de l'Ouest; Crotale du Texas Crotalo diamantino occidentale Crotalus basiliscus Squamata - Viperidae Mexican West Coast Rattlesnake; Basilisc Rattlesnake; Oaxacan Rattlesnake Basiliskenklapperschlange; Mexikanische WestküstenKlapperschlange

Crotalus catalinensis

2191 e d 2192 e

d f i 2193 e d

2194 e d

2195 e d

2196 e


Crotalus catalinensis Squamata - Viperidae Santa Catalina Island Rattlesnake; Santa Catalina Rattlesnake Santa-Catalina-Klapperschlange Crotalus cerastes Squamata - Viperidae Sidewinder Rattlesnake; Sidewinder; Horned Rattlesnake (NA); American Sidewinder; Mojave Desert Sidewinder Gehörnte Klapperschlange; Seitenwinder-Klappershlange; Seitenwinder Crotale cornu; Serpent à sonnettes cornu Crotalo ceraste Crotalus cerastes cerastes Squamata - Viperidae Mojave Desert Sidewinder Mojave-SeitenwinderKlapperschlange Crotalus cerastes cercobombus Squamata - Viperidae Sonoran Sidewinder; Sonoran Desert Sidewinder Sonora-SeitenwinderKlapperschlange Crotalus cerastes laterorepens Squamata - Viperidae Colorado Desert Sidewinder Colorado-SeitenwinderKlapperschlange Crotalus durissus Squamata - Viperidae Neotropical Rattlesnake; Cascabel Rattlesnake; Cascabel; Tropical Rattlesnake; Cascaval; Tropical Rattlesnake; South American Rattlesnake Schauerklapperschlange; Tropische Klapperschlange; Cascabel-




2197 d

2198 e d 2199 d 2200 e d

2201 e d 2202 e d 2203 e d

Klapperschlange; Schreckensklapperschlange; Schauerklapperschlange; Cascaval Crotale des tropiques; Cascabel; Crotale diamantin; Serpent à sonnette; Crotale; Crotale sudaméricain Cascavel; Serpente a sonagli tropicale Crotalus durissus culminatus Squamata - Viperidae Nordwestliche Schauerklapperschlange Crotalus durissus cumanensis Squamata - Viperidae Columbian Rattlesnake Kolumbianische Klapperschlange Crotalus durissus durissus Squamata - Viperidae Schauerklapperschlange Crotalus durissus terrificus Squamata - Viperidae South American Rattlesnake Südamerikanische Klapperschlange; Eigentliche Cascaval Crotalus durissus totonacus Squamata - Viperidae Totonacan Rattlesnake Totonaca-Klapperschlange Crotalus durissus tzabcan Squamata - Viperidae Yucatan Rattlesnake Yucatan-Schauerklapperschlange Crotalus durissus unicolor Squamata - Viperidae Aruba Rattlesnake Aruba-Klapperchlange


Crotalus mitchelli mitchelli

2204 e d

2205 e 2206 e

2207 e 2208 e

d f 2209 e d f 2210 e

Crotalus enyo Squamata - Viperidae Baja California Rattlesnake (NA); Lower California Rattlesnake Nieder-Kalifornische Klapperschlange Crotalus estebanensis Squamata - Viperidae San Esteban Island Rattlesnake

2212 e d f 2213 e d

Crotalus exsul Squamata - Viperidae Cedros Island Diamond Rattlesnake; Red Diamond Rattlesnake; Red Diamond Rattler (NA); Cedros Island Rattler; Cedros Island Rattlesnake


Crotalus exsul exsul Squamata - Viperidae Peninsular Red Diamond Rattlesnake


Crotalus horridus Squamata - Viperidae Timber Rattlesnake; Canebrake Rattlesnake; Seminole Rattler (NA); Swamp Rattler (NA); Banded Rattlesnake Waldklapperschlange Crotale des bois; Crotale Crotalus horridus atricaudatus Squamata - Viperidae Canebrake Rattlesnake Waldklapperschlange Crotale des bois Crotalus intermedius Squamata - Viperidae Mexican Smallhead Rattlesnake; Tatalcan Small-headed Rattlesnake

e d

e d 2216 e d 2217 e 2218 e d f 2219

2211 e

Crotalus lannomi Squamata - Viperidae Autlan Rattlesnake

e d

Crotalus lepidus Squamata - Viperidae Rock Rattlesnake; Mottled Rock Rattlesnake; Green Rattlesnake Felsenklapperschlange Crotale rupestre; Crotale des rochers Crotalus lepidus klauberi Squamata - Viperidae Banded Rock Rattlesnake; New Mexico Banded Rock Rattlesnake Gestreifte Felsenklapperschlange Crotalus lepidus lepidus Squamata - Viperidae Mottled Rock Rattlesnake Felsenklapperschlange Crotalus lepidus maculosus Squamata - Viperidae Durango Rock Rattlesnake Durango-Felsenklapperschlange Crotalus lepidus morulus Squamata - Viperidae Tamaulipas Rock Rattlesnake Tamaulipas-Felsenklapperschlange Crotalus lorenzoensis Squamata - Viperidae San Lorenzo Island Rattlesnake Crotalus mitchelli Squamata - Viperidae Speckled Rattlesnake; Mitchell's Rattlesnake; San Lucan Speckled Rattlesnake Gefleckte Klapperschlange Crotale de Mitchell Crotalus mitchelli mitchelli Squamata - Viperidae San Lucan Speckled Rattlesnake San-Lucas Gefleckte Klapperschlange

Crotalus mitchelli pyrrhus

2220 e d

2221 e 2222 e d f 2223 e d 2224 e d

2225 e

2226 e d

2227 e

Crotalus mitchelli pyrrhus Squamata - Viperidae Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake Südwestliche Gefleckte Klapperschlange Crotalus mitchelli stephensi Squamata - Viperidae Panamint Rattlesnake Crotalus molossus Squamata - Viperidae Black-tailed Rattlesnake; Blacktail Rattlesnake Schwarzschwanzklapperschlange Crotale ä queue noire Crotalus molossus molossus Squamata - Viperidae Northern Black-tailed Rattlesnake (NA); Blacktail Rattlesnake Schwarzschwanzklapperschlange Crotalus molossus nigrescens Squamata - Viperidae Mexican Black-tailed Rattlesnake Mexikanische Schwarzschwanzklapperschlange Crotalus muertensis Squamata - Viperidae El Muerto Island Speckled Rattlesnake Crotalus polystictus Squamata - Viperidae Mexican Lancehead Rattlesnake; Mexican Lance-headed Rattlesnake Mexikanische Lanzenkopfklapperschlange Crotalus pricei Squamata - Viperidae Twin-spotted Rattlesnake; Twin-spot Rattlesnake; Arizona Twin-spotted Rattlesnake; Price's Rattlesnake


d f 2228 e d 2229 e d 2230 e d f i 2231 e 2232 e d f 2233 e d f i 2234 e d

Prices Klapperschlange Crotale de Price Crotalus pricei pricei Squamata - Viperidae Western Twin-spotted Rattlesnake Prices Klapperschlange Crotalus pusillus Squamata - Viperidae Tancitaran Dusky Rattlesnake Tancitaro-Klapperschlange Crotalus ruber Squamata - Viperidae Red Diamond Rattlesnake; Red Rattlesnake Rote Diamantklapperschlange Crotale diamantin rouge Diamante rosso Crotalus ruber lucanensis Squamata - Viperidae Cape Red Rattlesnake Crotalus ruber ruber Squamata - Viperidae Northern Red Rattlesnake Rote Diamantklapperschlange Crotale diamantin rouge Crotalus scutulatus Squamata - Viperidae Mojave Rattlesnake; Mojave Green Rattlesnake; Mojave Diamond Rattlesnake Mojave-Klapperschlange Crotale du Mojave Crotalo di Mojave Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus Squamata - Viperidae Mojave Green Rattlesnake; Mojave Rattlesnake Mojave-Klapperschlange


Crotalus viridis oreganus

2235 e

Crotalus stejnegeri Squamata - Viperidae Longtail Rattlesnake; Long-tailed Rattlesnake

2244 e d

2236 e d f 2237 e

2238 e 2239 e d

2240 e 2241 e

Crotalus tigris Squamata - Viperidae Tiger Rattlesnake; Tiger Rattler Tigerklapperschlange Crotale tigré Crotalus tortugensis Squamata - Viperidae Tortuga Island Rattlesnake; Tortuga Island Diamondback Rattlenake; Tortuga Island Diamond Rattlesnake Crotalus transversus Squamata - Viperidae Cross-banded Mountain Rattlesnake Crotalus triseriatus Squamata - Viperidae Mexican Dusky Rattlesnake; Spotted Rattlesnake; Central Plateau Dusky Rattlesnake Dunkle Mexikanische Klapperschlange Crotalus triseriatus aquilus Squamata - Viperidae Queretaran Dusky Rattlesnake Crotalus triseriatus triseriatus Squamata - Viperidae Central Plateau Dusky Rattlesnake

f i 2245 e

2246 e 2247 e d 2248 e

2249 e d 2250 e

2242 e 2243 e d

Crotalus unicolor Squamata - Viperidae Aruba Island Rattlesnake Crotalus vegrandis Squamata - Viperidae Uracoan Rattlesnake Uracoa-Klapperschlange; Venezolanische Klapperschlanage

2251 e d 2252

Crotalus viridis Squamata - Viperidae Western Rattlesnake; Prairie Rattlesnake Prärie-Klapperschlange; PrärienKlapperschlange Crotale des prairies; Crotale de l'ouest Crotalo verde; Crotalo del Pacifico Crotalus viridis abyssus Squamata - Viperidae Grand Canyon Rattlesnake; Plains Rattlesnake Crotalus viridis caliginis Squamata - Viperidae Los Coronados Island Rattlesnake Crotalus viridis cerberus Squamata - Viperidae Arizona Black Rattlesnake Schwarze Arizona-Klapperschlange Crotalus viridis concolor Squamata - Viperidae Midget Faded Rattlesnake; New Mexico Midget Faded Rattlesnake Crotalus viridis helleri Squamata - Viperidae Southern Pacific Rattlesnake Südliche Prairie-Klapperschlange Crotalus viridis lutosus Squamata - Viperidae Great Basin Rattlesnake Crotalus viridis nuntius Squamata - Viperidae Hopi Rattlesnake Hopi-Prairie-Klapperschlanage Crotalus viridis oreganus Squamata - Viperidae

Crotalus viridis viridis

e d

2253 e d f

Northern Pacific Rattlesnake; Pacific Rattlesnake; Blacktail Rattlesnake; Pacific Rattler (NA) Nordpazifische Klapperschlange; Nördliche Prairie-Klapperschlange Crotalus viridis viridis Squamata - Viperidae Prairie Rattlesnake Prairie-Klapperschlange Crotale des prairies


2259 e

2260 e 2261

2254 e d f 2255 e d 2256 e

d 2257 e d 2258 e


Crotalus willardi Squamata - Viperidae Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake; Ridgenose Rattlesnake; Willard's Rattlesnake Willard-Klapperschlange; Willards Klapperschlange; Kantenkopfklapperschlange Crotale de Willard Crotalus willardi meridionalis Squamata - Viperidae Southern Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake Südliche Willard-Klapperschlange Crotalus willardi obscurus Squamata - Viperidae New Mexico Ridgenose Rattlesnake; Animas Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake; New Mexico Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake Neumexiko Willard-Klapperschlange

e 2262 e

d 2263 e 2264 e d f

Crotalus willardi silus Squamata - Viperidae Chihuahan Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake Chihuaha-Willard-Klapperschlange


Crotalus willardi willardi Squamata - Viperidae Arizona Ridgenose Rattlesnake; Ridgenose Rattlesnake; Arizona Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake; Willards Rattlesnake Willard-Klapperschlange



e d f

Crotaphopeltis Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Water Snakes; Herald Snakes; Red-lipped Snakes (CSA); Yellow-lipped Snakes; Herald's Snakes Crotaphopeltis acarina Squamata - Colubridae Roman's Tropical Snake Crotaphopeltis barotseensis Squamata - Colubridae Barotse Water Snake Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia Squamata - Colubridae Herald Snake (CSA); Red-lipped Snake (CSA); Black-templed Cat Snake (CSA); White-lipped Snake; Irrascible Snake Weißlippenschlange Crotaphopeltis tornieri Squamata - Colubridae Werner's Cat Snake Crotaphytus Squamata - Iguanaidae Collared Lizards Halsbandleguane Crotaphytinés; Lézards à colliers Crotaphytus bicinctores Squamata - Iguanaidae Mojave Black-collared Lizard; Great Basin Collared Lizard Crotaphytus collaris Squamata - Iguanaidae Collared Lizard; Common Collared Lizard; Eastern Collared Lizard Halsbandleguan; Kugelechse Lézard à colliers


Cryptoblepharus carnabyi

2267 e

2268 e

Crotaphytus collaris auriceps Squamata - Iguanaidae Yellowhead Collared Lizard; Yellow-headed Collared Lizard Crotaphytus collaris baileyi Squamata - Iguanaidae Western Collared Lizard

e f 2277 e

2278 2269 e d 2270 e d

Crotaphytus collaris collaris Squamata - Iguanaidae Eastern Collared Lizard Halsbandleguan; Kugelechse Crotaphytus collaris fuscus Squamata - Iguanaidae Chihuahuan Collared Lizard Brauner Halsbandleguan

e 2279 e 2280 e

2271 e 2272 e d f 2273 e 2274 e 2275 e 2276

Crotaphytus dickersonae Squamata - Iguanaidae Dickerson's Collared Lizard Crotaphytus insularis Squamata - Iguanaidae Black-collared Lizard; Desert Collared Lizard (NA); Angel Island Collared Lizard Wüstenhalsbandleguan Lézard à colliers noirs Crotaphytus insularis bicinctores Squamata - Iguanaidae Great Basin Collared Lizard Crotaphytus insularis vestigium Squamata - Iguanaidae Baja California Collared Lizard Crotaphytus nebrius Squamata - Iguanaidae Sonoran Collared Lizard Crotaphytus reticulatus Squamata - Iguanaidae

2281 e

2282 e

2283 e d 2284 e

Reticulate Collared Lizard Lézard à collier réticulé Crotaphytus vestigium Squamata - Iguanaidae Baja Black-collared Lizard; Baja California Collared Lizard Cryophis Squamata - Colubridae Forest Snakes Cryophis hallbergi Squamata - Colubridae Hallberg's Cloud Forest Snake Cryptagama Squamata - Agamidae Hidden Agamas; Fringe-lip Agamas; Gravel Dragons (ANZ); Large-eared Forest Dragons Cryptagama aurita Squamata - Agamidae Hidden Agama; Gravel Dragon (ANZ); Large-eared Forest Dragon; Fringe-lip Agama Cryptoblepharus Squamata - Scincidae Snake-eyed Skinks; Coastal Skinks (CSA)s; Island-dwellers; Rock Dwellers Cryptoblepharus boutonii Squamata - Scincidae Snake-eyed Skink; Bouton's Skink (CSA); Bouton's Island-dweller Inselskink Cryptoblepharus carnabyi Squamata - Scincidae Grey Snake-eyed Skink; Carnaby's Wall Skink (ANZ)

Cryptoblepharus eximius

2285 e 2286 e

2287 e

2288 e

Cryptoblepharus eximius Squamata - Scincidae Pygmy Snake-eyed Skink Cryptoblepharus fuhni Squamata - Scincidae Fuhn's Snake-eyed Skink; Fuhn's Island-dweller Cryptoblepharus litoralis Squamata - Scincidae Green-black Snake-eyed Skink; Supralittoral Shining Snake-eyed Skink; Supralittoral Shining Skink Cryptoblepharus megastictus Squamata - Scincidae Metallic Snake-eyed Skink; Spotted Snake-eyed Skink


Snake (CSA) 2294 e 2295 e 2296 e 2297 e 2298

2289 e

2290 e

2291 e

2292 e

Cryptoblepharus plagiocephalus Squamata - Scincidae Australian Snake-eyed Skink; Australian Island-dweller; Callosepalmed Shining Skink (NA); Callosepalmed Shining Snake-eyed Skink (NA)

e 2299 e

Cryptoblepharus poecilopleurus Squamata - Scincidae Snake-eyed Skink; Mottled Snakeeyed Skink


Cryptoblepharus virgatus Squamata - Scincidae Silver Snake-eyed Skink; Wall Skink; Cream-striped Shining Skink


Cryptolycus Squamata - Colubridae Dwarf Wolf Snakes; Cryptis Wolf Snakes

e d

e d 2302 e

2293 e

Cryptolycus nanus Squamata - Colubridae Dwarf Wolf Snake; Cryptic Wolf

Cryptophidion Squamata - Colubridae Secret Snakes Cryptophidion annamensis Squamata - Colubridae Vietnam Secret Snake Cryptoposcincus Squamata - Scincidae Secret Skinks Cryptoposcincus minimus Squamata - Scincidae Mocquard's Secret Skink Ctenoblepharis Squamata - Iguanaidae Desert Iguanas Ctenoblepharis adspersus Squamata - Iguanaidae Coastal Desert Iguana Ctenophorus Squamata - Agamidae Australian Dragons Bartagemen Ctenophorus caudicinctus Squamata - Agamidae Ringtail Dragon; Ring-tailed Dragon (ANZ); Ring-tailed Bicycle Dragon (ANZ) Ringenschwanzbartagame Ctenophorus clayi Squamata - Agamidae Clay's Dragon; Black-shouldered Ground Dragon (ANZ)


Ctenophorus rubens

2303 e d 2304 e

2305 e

2306 e

2307 e d f 2308 e

2309 e 2310 e d 2311

Ctenophorus cristatus Squamata - Agamidae Crested Dragon; Crested Bicycle Dragon (ANZ) Kammbartagame Ctenophorus decresii Squamata - Agamidae Kangaroo Island Dragon; Tawny Dragon (ANZ); Tawny Crevice Dragon (ANZ) Ctenophorus femoralis Squamata - Agamidae Exmouth Gulf Dragon; Long-tailed Sand Dragon (ANZ) Ctenophorus fionni Squamata - Agamidae Eyre Peninsula Dragon; Peninsula Crevice Dragon (ANZ); Peninsula Dragon (ANZ) Ctenophorus fordi Squamata - Agamidae Mallee Dragon; Mallee Sand Dragon (ANZ) Fords Bartagame Amphibolure de Ford Ctenophorus gibba Squamata - Agamidae Gibba Plains Dragon; Bulldust Ground Dragon (ANZ) Ctenophorus inermis Squamata - Agamidae De Vis's Bloodsucker Ctenophorus isolepis Squamata - Agamidae Military Dragon; Military Sand Dragon (ANZ) Soldatenagame Ctenophorus maculatus

e d f 2312 e d f 2313 e

2314 e d 2315 e d f

2316 e d f 2317 e

Squamata - Agamidae Spotted Dragon; Spotted Agama; Spotted Sand Dragon (ANZ) Gefleckte Bodenagame Amphibolure tacheté Ctenophorus maculosus Squamata - Agamidae Lake Eyre Dragon (ANZ); Lake Eyre Agama; Small Spotted Dragon; Saltlake Ground Dragon (ANZ) Lake-Eyre-Agame Amphibolure deLac Eyrie Ctenophorus mckenziei Squamata - Agamidae McKenzie's Dragon; Dwarf Bicycle Dragon (ANZ) Ctenophorus nuchalis Squamata - Agamidae Central Netted Dragon; Central Netted Ground Dragon (ANZ) Netzagame Ctenophorus ornatus Squamata - Agamidae Ornate Dragon; Ornate Crevice Dragon (ANZ); Painted Dragon; Painted Ground Dragon (ANZ) Schmuckbartagame; Gemalte Bartagame; Australische Bodenagame Amphibolure orné; Amphibolure bigarré Ctenophorus reticulatus Squamata - Agamidae Western Netted Dragon; Western Netted Ground Dragon (ANZ) Netzagame Amphibolure réticulé Ctenophorus rubens Squamata - Agamidae Reddening Sand Dragon

Ctenophorus rufescens

2318 e f 2319 e

2320 e

2321 e 2322 e

2323 e

2324 e d


Ctenophorus rufescens Squamata - Agamidae Red Dragon; Bicycle Lizard; Rusty Crevice Dragon (ANZ) Amphibolure rouget


Ctenophorus salinarum Squamata - Agamidae Saltbush Dragon; Saltpan Ground Dragon (ANZ)


Ctenophorus scutulatus Squamata - Agamidae Lozenge-marked Dragon; Lozengemarked Bicycle Dragon (ANZ)


Ctenophorus tjantjalua Squamata - Agamidae Tjantjalu Dragon Ctenophorus vadnappa Squamata - Agamidae Houston's Dragon; Red-barred Crevice Dragon (ANZ) Ctenophorus yinnietharra Squamata - Agamidae Yinnietharra Dragon; Yinnietharra Crevice Dragon (ANZ) Ctenosaura Squamata - Iguanaidae Greater Spinytail Iguanas; Spinytailed Iguanas Schwarze Leguane; Schwarzleguane

e d


e 2330 e 2331 e


2332 e

2333 2325 e d f 2326 e

Ctenosaura acanthura Squamata - Iguanaidae Northeastern Spinytail Iguana; Eastern Spinytail Iguana Schwarzer Leguan Iguane noir du Mexique Ctenosaura alfredschmidti Squamata - Iguanaidae Campeche Spinytail Iguana

e 2334 e


Ctenosaura bakeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Baker's Spinytail Iguana; Utila Spinytail Iguana Utila-Schwarzleguan; Utila-Leguan Ctenosaura clarki Squamata - Iguanaidae Balsas Spinytail Iguana; Balsas Armed Lizard Ctenosaura defensor Squamata - Iguanaidae Yucatan Spinytail Iguana Ctenosaura flavidorsalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Yellow-backed Spinytail Iguana Ctenosaura hemilopha Squamata - Iguanaidae Cape Spinytail Iguana; Cape Spinytailed Iguana; Short-crested Spinytailed Iguana; Cape Iguana; Northern False Iguana; Spiny-tailed Iguana; Peninsular Spinytail Iguana (NA) Iguane à queue épineuse-et-crête courte; Iguane commun à queue épineuse Ctenosaura hemilopha hemilopha Squamata - Iguanaidae Peninsular Spiny-tailed Iguana; Iguana Ctenosaura hemilopha macrolopha Squamata - Iguanaidae Sonoran Spiny-tailed Iguana Ctenosaura oedirhina Squamata – Iguanaidae De Queiroz's Spinytail Iguana; Roatan Spinytail Iguana Ctenosaura pectinata Squamata - Iguanaidae


Ctenotus catnifer e d f

2336 e d

Mexican Spinytail Iguana; Western Spiny-tailed Iguana; Spiny-tailed Iguana; Spinytail Iguana Schwarzleguan Iguane à queue épineuse-et-crête courte Ctenosaura quinquecarinata Squamata - Iguanaidae Oaxacan Spinytail Iguana; Central American Armed Lizard; Five-keeled Spinytail Iguana Kurzkopfkielschwanzleguan

2344 e 2345 e 2346 e 2347

2337 e d 2338 e d 2339 e 2340 e 2341 e

Ctenosaura similis Squamata - Iguanaidae Black Iguana; Black Spiny-tailed Iguana; Common Spinytail Iguana; Black Spinytail Iguana Schwarzer Leguan Ctenotus Squamata - Scincidae Ctenotuses Streifenskinke Ctenotus alacer Squamata - Scincidae Black Ctenotus Ctenotus alleni Squamata - Scincidae Allen's Ctenotus Ctenotus allotropis Squamata - Scincidae Mallee Ctenotus

e 2348 e 2349 e 2350 e

2351 e

2352 e

2342 e

Ctenotus angusticeps Squamata - Scincidae Olive-grey Ctenotus

2353 e

2343 e

Ctenotus arcanus Squamata - Scincidae Olive-brown Ctenotus


Ctenotus ariadnae Squamata - Scincidae Dunes Ctenotus; Ariadna's Ctenotus Ctenotus arnhemensis Squamata - Scincidae Western Arnhem Ctenotus Ctenotus astarte Squamata - Scincidae Crevice Ctenotus Ctenotus atlas Squamata - Scincidae Porcupinegrass Ctenotus Ctenotus australis Squamata - Scincidae Australian Striped Ctenotus Ctenotus borealis Squamata - Scincidae Boreal Ctenotus Ctenotus brachyonyx Squamata - Scincidae Arid Ctenotus; Murray Striped Skink (ANZ) Ctenotus brooksi Squamata - Scincidae Brooks's Ctenotus; Brooks's Striped Skink (ANZ) Ctenotus calurus Squamata - Scincidae Eight-striped Ctenotus Ctenotus capricorni Squamata - Scincidae Capricorn Ctenotus Ctenotus catnifer Squamata - Scincidae

Ctenotus coggeri

e 2355 e 2356 e 2357 e 2358 e 2359 e 2360 e 2361 e 2362 e 2363 e 2364 e 2365

Heath Ctenotus



Ctenotus coggeri Squamata - Scincidae Cogger's Ctenotus


Ctenotus colleti Squamata - Scincidae Collett's Ctenotus


Ctenotus decaneurus Squamata - Scincidae Ten-striped Ctenotus


Ctenotus delli Squamata - Scincidae White-dotted Ctenotus


Ctenotus dux Squamata - Scincidae Desert Ctenotus; Chief Ctenotus


Ctenotus ehmanni Squamata - Scincidae Ehmann's Ctenotus


Ctenotus essingtonii Squamata - Scincidae Essington's Ctenotus


Ctenotus eurydice Squamata - Scincidae Woodland Ctenotus


Ctenotus eutaenius Squamata - Scincidae Townsville Ctenotus


Ctenotus fallens Squamata - Scincidae Coastal Ctenotus


Ctenotus gagudju Squamata - Scincidae












Alligator River Ctenotus Ctenotus gemmula Squamata - Scincidae Southern Ctenotus Ctenotus grandis Squamata - Scincidae Grand Ctenotus Ctenotus greeri Squamata - Scincidae Greer's Ctenotus Ctenotus hanloni Squamata - Scincidae Hanlon's Ctenotus Ctenotus hebetior Squamata - Scincidae Grass Ctenotus Ctenotus helenae Squamata - Scincidae Helena's Ctenotus Ctenotus hilli Squamata - Scincidae Hill's Ctenotus Ctenotus impar Squamata - Scincidae Eleven-striped Ctenotus Ctenotus ingrami Squamata - Scincidae Ingram's Ctenotus Ctenotus inornatus Squamata - Scincidae Sandstone Ctenotus Ctenotus joanae Squamata - Scincidae


Ctenotus rubicundus e

2377 e 2378 e d f 2379 e d 2380 e 2381 e 2382 e 2383 e 2384 e

Newcastle Waters Ctenotus


Ctenotus kurnbudj Squamata - Scincidae Eucalypt Ctenotus


Ctenotus labillardieri Squamata - Scincidae Labillardière's Ctenotus; Labilliardière's Skink Labilliardières Skink Scinque de Labilliardière


Ctenotus lancelini Squamata - Scincidae Lancelin Ctenotus Lancelin-Streifenskink Ctenotus lateralis Squamata - Scincidae Interior Ctenotus Ctenotus leae Squamata - Scincidae Red Sand Ctenotus Ctenotus leonhardii Squamata - Scincidae Leonhard's Ctenotus Ctenotus mastigura Squamata - Scincidae Iridescent Ctenotus Ctenotus militaris Squamata - Scincidae Military Ctenotus


e 2389 e 2390 e 2391 e 2392 e 2393 e 2394 e

2395 e

2385 e 2386

Ctenotus mimetes Squamata - Scincidae Southwestern Ctenotus Ctenotus monticola Squamata - Scincidae

2396 e

Atherton Tableland Ctenotus Ctenotus pallescens Squamata - Scincidae Hummockgrass Ctenotus Ctenotus pantherinus Squamata - Scincidae Swift Ctenotus Ctenotus piankai Squamata - Scincidae White-bellied Ctenotus Ctenotus pulchellus Squamata - Scincidae Queensland Ctenotus Ctenotus quattuordecimlineatus Squamata - Scincidae Many-lined Ctenotus Ctenotus quinkan Squamata - Scincidae Cooktown-Laura Ctenotus Ctenotus rawlinsoni Squamata - Scincidae Rawlinson's Ctenotus Ctenotus regius Squamata - Scincidae Royal Ctenotus; Regal Striped Skink (ANZ) Ctenotus robustus Squamata - Scincidae Robust Ctenotus; Large Striped Skink (ANZ) Ctenotus rubicundus Squamata - Scincidae Pilbara Ctenotus

Ctenotus rutilans

2397 e 2398 e 2399 e 2400 e 2401 e 2402 e 2403 e 2404 e 2405 e 2406 e 2407 e


Ctenotus rutilans Squamata - Scincidae Scrub Ctenotus


Ctenotus saxatilis Squamata - Scincidae Rock Ctenotus




Ctenotus schevilli Squamata - Scincidae Black Soil Ctenotus


Ctenotus schomburgkii Squamata - Scincidae Variable Ctenotus


Ctenotus septenarius Squamata - Scincidae Seven-striped Ctenotus


Ctenotus serotinus Squamata - Scincidae Gravel Ctenotus


Ctenotus serventyi Squamata - Scincidae Plains Ctenotus


Ctenotus severus Squamata - Scincidae Mulga Ctenotus


Ctenotus spaldingi Squamata - Scincidae Spalding's Ctenotus


Ctenotus storri Squamata - Scincidae Storr's Ctenotus


Ctenotus strauchii Squamata - Scincidae Strauch's Ctenotus











Ctenotus striaticeps Squamata - Scincidae Striated Ctenotus Ctenotus taeniolatus Squamata - Scincidae Coppertail Ctenotus; Copper-tailed Skink (ANZ) Ctenotus tanamiensis Squamata - Scincidae Tanami Desert Ctenotus Ctenotus tantillus Squamata - Scincidae Northern Ctenotus Ctenotus uber Squamata - Scincidae Sandy Ctenotus Ctenotus uber orientalis Squamata - Scincidae Uber Striped Skink Ctenotus vertebralis Squamata - Scincidae Escarpment Ctenotus Ctenotus xenopleura Squamata - Scincidae West Australian Ctenotus Ctenotus youngsoni Squamata - Scincidae Youngson's Ctenotus Ctenotus zastictus Squamata - Scincidae Shark Bay Ctenotus Ctenotus zebrilla Squamata - Scincidae Highland Ctenotus


Cuora pani

2419 e d f

2420 e d f i 2421 e f 2422 f 2423 e f 2424 e d f i

Cuora Testudines - Emydidae Asian Box Turtles; Malayan Box Turtles; Box Turtles; Old World Box Turtles Scharnierschildkröten Tortues-boîte; Tortues tabatières; Tortues tabatières d'Asie Cuora amboinensis Testudines - Emydidae South East Asia Box Turtle; Amboina Box Turtle; Malayan Box Turtle (ISC); East Indian Box Turtle Amboina-Scharnierschildkröte Tortue-boîte de Malaisie; Tortueboîte d'Asie orientale Tartaruga scatola malese Cuora amboinensis amboiensis Testudines - Emydidae Amboina Box Turtle Tortue-boîte d'Amboine Cuora amboinensis couro Testudines - Emydidae Tortue-boîte de la Sonde Cuora amboinensis kamaroma Testudines - Emydidae Thailand Box Turtle Tortue-boîte de Thaïlande Cuora aurocapitata Testudines - Emydidae Yellow-headed Box Turtle; Yellowmargined Box Turtle; Golden-headed Box Turtle Goldkopfscharnierschildkröte Tortue-boîte à tête jaune Tartaruga scatola dalla testa gialla

d f i 2426 e f


e f

2428 e f 2429 e d f i 2430 e d f i 2431

2425 e

Cuora flavomarginata Testudines - Emydidae Yellow-margined Box Turtle; Snakeeating Turtle; Common Yellow-

e d f

margined Box Turtle; Chinese Box Turtle Gelbrandscharnierschildkröte Tortue-boîte à bords jaunes Tartaruga scatola cinese a bordi gialli Cuora flavomarginata evelynae Testudines - Emydidae Ryu-Kyu Yellow-margined Tortoise Tortue-boîte à bords jaunes des RyuKyu Cuora flavomarginata flavomarginata Testudines - Emydidae Taiwan Yellow-margined Box Turtle Tortue-boîte à bords jaunes de Taïwan Cuora flavomarginata sinensis Testudines - Emydidae Chinese Yellow-margined Box Turtle Tortue-boîte à bords jaunes du Chine Cuora galbinifrons Testudines - Emydidae Indo-Chinese Box Turtle; Vietnam Box Turtle; Flowerback Box Turtle Südostasiaitische Scharnierschildkröte; Hinterindische Scharnierschildkröte Tortue-boîte à front jaune Tartaruga scatola indocinese Cuora mccordi Testudines - Emydidae McCord's Box Turtle McCords Scharnierschildkröte Tortue-boîte de McCord Tartaruga scatola di McCord Cuora pani Testudines - Emydidae Pan's Box Turtle Pans Scharnierschildkröte Tortue-boîte de Pan

Cuora trifasciata



Tartaruga scatola cinese e

2432 e

d f i 2433 e d f 2434 e d 2435 e d 2436 e d

2437 e d


Cuora trifasciata Testudines - Emydidae Chinese Three-striped Box Turtle; Three-banded Box Turtle; Threelined Box Turtle; Three-striped Box Turtle Dreistreifenscharnierschildkröte Tortue-boîte à trois bandes Tartaruga scatola dalle tre fasce

d 2439 e d f

Cuora yunnanensis Testudines - Emydidae Yunnan Box Turtle Yunnan-Scharnierschildkröte Tortue-boîte du Yunnan


Cuora zhoui Testudines - Emydidae Zhou's Box Turtle; Pale-headed Box Turtle Zhous Scharnierschildkröte


Cyclagras Squamata - Colubridae Water Cobras; Brazilian False Water Cobras Brasilianische Glanznattern Cyclagras gigas Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian Water Cobra; False Water Cobra; South American River Snake; Brazilian False Water Cobra Brasilianische Glanznatter; Falsche Wasserkobra; Brasilianische Glattnatter Cyclanorbis Testudines - Trionychidae Sub-Saharan Flapshell Turtles Mittelafrikanische Klappenweichschildkröten Cyclanorbis elegans

e d f

e d f i 2442 e d i 2443 e 2444 e 2445 e

Testudines - Trionychidae Nubian Flapshell Turtle; Nubian Soft-shelled Turtle Rückenfleckenweichschildkröte Cyclanorbis senegalensis Testudines - Trionychidae Senegal Flapshell Turtle; Senegal Soft-shelled Turtle Senegal-Weichschildkröte Trionyx à clapets du Sénégal Cyclemys Testudines - Emydidae Asian Leaf Turtles Dornschildkröten Cyclemmydes Cyclemys dentata Testudines - Emydidae Asian Leaf Turtle; Leaf Turtle; Garo and Khasi Hill Tortoise Malayische Dornschildkröte Cyclemmyde dentelée Tartaruga foglia asiatica Cyclemys tcheponensis Testudines - Emydidae Stripeneck Leaf Turtle; Stripe-necked Leaf Turtle Laos-Dornschildkröte; Indochinesische Dornschildkröte Tartaruga foglia dal collo striato Cyclocorus Squamata - Colubridae Lined Snakes Cyclocorus lineatus Squamata - Colubridae Reinhardt's Lined Snake Cycloderma Testudines - Trionychidae Central African Flapshell Turtles


Cyclura d

2446 e d f 2447 e d f 2448 e 2449 e 2450 e 2451 e 2452 e 2453 e 2454

Westafrikanische Klappenweichschildkröten Cycloderma aubryi Testudines - Trionychidae Aubry's Flapshell Turtle; Aubry's Soft-shelled Turtle; West African Flapshell Turtle Rotrückige Klappenweichschildkröte Trionyx à clapets d'Aubry Cycloderma frenatum Testudines - Trionychidae Zambezi Flapshell Turtle; Zambezi Soft-shelled Turtle; Zambezi Softshelled Terrapin (CSA) Graurückige Klappenweichschildkröte Trionyx à clapets du Zambézie Cyclodina Squamata - Scincidae New Zealand Skinks Cyclodina aenea Squamata - Scincidae Girard's Skink Cyclodina alani Squamata - Scincidae Alan's Skink Cyclodina macgregori Squamata - Scincidae MacGregor's New Zealand Skink

e 2455 e 2456 e 2457 e d 2458 e 2459 e d 2460 e 2461 e d

Cyclodina oliveri Squamata - Scincidae Oliver's New Zealand Skink


Cyclodina ornata Squamata - Scincidae Gray's Ornate Skink


Cyclodina whitakeri


e d

Squamata - Scincidae Whitaker's New Zealand Skink Cyclodomorphus Squamata - Scincidae Pale-throated Skinks Cyclodomorphus branchialis Squamata - Scincidae Lesser Pale-throated Skink Cyclodomorphus casuarinae Squamata - Scincidae Oak Skink Kasuarinen-Blauzungenskink Cyclodomorphus maxima Squamata - Scincidae Greater Pale-throated Skink Cyclophiops Squamata - Colubridae Green Snakes; Asian Green Snakes Asiatische Grünschlangen Cyclophiops doriae Squamata - Colubridae Doria's Green Snake Cyclophiops major Squamata - Colubridae South China Green Snake; Chinese Green Snake Chinesische Grünnatter Cyclophiops multicinctus Squamata - Colubridae North China Green Snake Cyclura Squamata - Iguanaidae Rhinoceros Iguanas Wirtelschwanzleguane; Nashornleguane

Cyclura carinata



Cyclures; Iguanes à cornes e

2464 e d

Cyclura carinata Squamata - Iguanaidae Turks Island Iguana; Mayaguana; Rock Iguana; Southern Bahamas Rock Iguana Turks-Caicos-Wirtelschwanzleguan; Wirtelschwanz; Türks-und-CaicosLeguan


2471 e d

2465 e

2466 e d f

2467 e

2468 e

d 2469 e


Cyclura collei Squamata - Iguanaidae Jamaica Iguana; Jamaican Rock Iguana (WI) Cyclura cornuta Squamata - Iguanaidae Rhinoceros Iguana; Corned Iguana; Hispaniolan Rock Iguana ; Rhinoceros Rock Iguana Nashornleguan; MonaNashornleguan Iguane cornu; Iguane rhinocéros; Iguane à cornes Cyclura cyclura Squamata - Iguanaidae Exuma Island Ground Iguana; Allen Cays Rock Iguana; Northern Bahamas Rock Iguana Cyclura nubila Squamata - Iguanaidae Cayman Islands Ground Iguana; Cuban Ground Iguana ; Rock Iguana; Cuban Iguana; Cuban Rock Iguana (WI) Kuba-Wirtelschwanzleguan Cyclura nubila lewisi Squamata - Iguanaidae Grand Cayman Ground Iguana; Grand Cayman Iguana; Blue Rock Iguana (WI) Cyclura pinguis

2472 e

2473 e 2474 e d f i 2475 e d 2476 e 2477 e

Squamata - Iguanaidae Anegada Ground Iguana; Anegada Rock Iguana Anegada-Leguan; AnegadaWirtelschwanzleguan Cyclura ricordi Squamata - Iguanaidae Ricord's Ground Iguana; Banded Rock Agama Hispaniola-Leguan Cyclura rileyi Squamata - Iguanaidae White Cay Ground Iguana; Watling Island Ground Iguana; Central Bahamas Rock Iguana (WI) Cyclura stejnegeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Mona Rock Iguana Cylindrophis Squamata - Uropeltidae Island Pipe Snakes; Cylinder Snakes; Pipe Snakes; Asian Pipe Snakes; Oriental Pipe Snakes; Earth Snakes Walzenschlangen; Rollschlangen Serpents-tube tachetés Serpenti cilindrici Cylindrophis aruensis Squamata - Uropeltidae Aru Island Pipe Snake; Aru Cylinder Snake Aru-Walzenschlange Cylindrophis boulengeri Squamata - Uropeltidae Boulenger's Pipe Snake Cylindrophis isolepis Squamata - Uropeltidae Jampea Island Pipe Snake



2478 e d 2479 e d f

Cylindrophis lineatus Squamata - Uropeltidae Blanford's Pipe Snake; Striped Assam Pipe Snake; Blanford's Earth Snake Blanfords Rollschlange Cylindrophis maculatus Squamata - Uropeltidae Spotted Pipe Snake; Ceylonese Cylinder Snake; Sri Lankan Pipe Snake Ceylon-Walzenschlange; Gefleckte Warzenschlange Serpent-tube tacheté

e 2486 e 2487 e 2488 e 2489

2480 e

Cylindrophis melanotus Squamata - Uropeltidae Black Pipe Snake

e 2490

2481 e

Cylindrophis opisthorhodus Squamata - Uropeltidae Island Pipe Snake

e 2491

2482 e d f i 2483 e 2484 e 2485

Cylindrophis rufus Squamata - Uropeltidae Red Pipe Snake; Red Cylinder Snake; Red-tailed Pipe Snake; Malayan Pipe Snake Rote Walzenschlange; Rotschwanzrollschlange; Korallenrollschlange Serpent à deux têtes; Tête-double; Queue-double; Serpent double-tête Cilindrofide rosso

e 2492 e 2493 e

Cynisca Squamata - Amphisbaenidae West African Worm Lizards


Cynisca bifrontalis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae French Congo Worm Lizard


Cynisca degrysi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae




Sierra Leone Worm Lizard Cynisca feae Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Ugly Worm Lizard Cynisca haughi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Haugh's Worm Lizard Cynisca kraussi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Ghana Worm Lizard Cynisca lamottei Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Guinea Worm Lizard Cynisca leonina Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Los Archipelago Worm Lizard Cynisca leucura Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Coast Worm Lizard Cynisca liberiensis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Liberia Worm Lizard Cynisca mulleri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Muller's Worm Lizard Cynisca oligopholis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Cassine River Worm Lizard Cynisca schaeferi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Cameroon Worm Lizard Cyrtodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae

Cyrtodactylus aguasanensis

e d f 2497 e 2498 e 2499 e 2500 e 2501 e 2502 e 2503 e 2504 e 2505 e 2506

Bow-fingered Geckos; Nakedfingered Geckos Bogenfinger; Nacktfingergeckos; Bodenfingergeckos Cyrtodactyles Cyrtodactylus aguasanensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Mindanao Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus angularis Squamata - Gekkonidae Angulated Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus annulatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Annulated Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus baluensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Balu Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus biordinis Squamata - Gekkonidae Guadalcanal Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus brevipalmatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Kampuchea Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus cavernicolus Squamata - Gekkonidae Sarawak Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus chitralensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Pakistan Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus condorensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Pulo Condore Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus consobrinoide Squamata - Gekkonidae



Cousin Bow-fingered Gecko


Cyrtodactylus consobrinus Squamata - Gekkonidae Peters's Bow-fingered Gecko Gebänderter Bogenfinger

e d 2508 e 2509 e 2510 e 2511 e 2512 e 2513 e 2514 e 2515 e 2516 e

Cyrtodactylus darmandvillei Squamata - Gekkonidae D'Armandville Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus dattanensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Khan's Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus derongo Squamata - Gekkonidae Derongo Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus deveti Squamata - Gekkonidae Moluccan Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus elok Squamata - Gekkonidae Malaysia Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus fasciolatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Striped Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus feae Squamata - Gekkonidae Ugly Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus fraenatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Sri Lanka Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus fumosus Squamata - Gekkonidae Sulawesi Bow-fingered Gecko


Cyrtodactylus minikanus

2517 e 2518 e

Cyrtodactylus gubernatoris Squamata - Gekkonidae Navigator Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus himalayensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Himalaya Bow-fingered Gecko

e 2528 e

2529 2519 e

Cyrtodactylus indusoani Squamata - Gekkonidae Punjab Bow-fingered Gecko

e 2530

2520 e 2521 e d

2522 e 2523 e 2524 e 2525 e 2526 e 2527

Cyrtodactylus ingeri Squamata - Gekkonidae Sabah Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus intermedius Squamata - Gekkonidae Intermediate Bow-fingered Gecko Zimtfarbener Bogenfinger; Kleiner Bogenfinger

e d 2531 e

Cyrtodactylus irregularis Squamata - Gekkonidae Irregular Bow-fingered Gecko


Cyrtodactylus jellesmae Squamata - Gekkonidae Kabena Bow-fingered Gecko


Cyrtodactylus khasiensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Assam Bow-fingered Gecko




e f

Cyrtodactylus khirmanensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Nikolsky's Bow-fingered Gecko


Cyrtodactylus laevigatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Komodo Bow-fingered Gecko


Cyrtodactylus lateralis Squamata - Gekkonidae




Sumatra Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus lawderanus Squamata - Gekkonidae Stoliczka's Bow-fingered Gecko; Lawder's Ground Gecko Cyrtodactylus loriae Squamata - Gekkonidae Boulenger's Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus louisiadensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Ringtail Bow-fingered Gecko; Ringtailed Gecko (ANZ); Louisiades Bow-fingered Gecko Bänderschwanz-Nacktfinger Cyrtodactylus malayanus Squamata - Gekkonidae Borneo Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus malcolmsmithi Squamata - Gekkonidae Malcolm's Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus mansarulus Squamata - Gekkonidae Jammu Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus marmoratus Squamata - Gekkonidae Marbled Bow-fingered Gecko Gymnodactyle marbré Cyrtodactylus matsuii Squamata - Gekkonidae Hikida Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus medongensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Medog Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus minikanus Squamata - Gekkonidae

Cyrtodactylus mintoni

e 2538 e 2539 e 2540 e

False Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus mintoni Squamata - Gekkonidae Minton's Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus novaeguinea Squamata - Gekkonidae New Guinea Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus oldhami Squamata - Gekkonidae Odham's Bow-fingered Gecko


2547 e 2548 e 2549 e

2550 2541 e

Cyrtodactylus papuensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Papua Bow-fingered Gecko

e 2551

2542 e d

Cyrtodactylus peguensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Thai Bow-fingered Gecko Augenfleck-Bogenfinger; Gefleckter Krallengecko

e 2552 e

2543 e 2544 e 2545 e d f 2546 e

Cyrtodactylus philippinicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Philippine Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus pubisculus Squamata - Gekkonidae Inger's Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus pulchellus Squamata - Gekkonidae Beautiful Bow-fingered Gecko; Beautiful Bent-toed Gecko Malayischer Bogenfinger; Bändergecko Gymnodtyle gentil Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Taylor's Bow-fingered Gecko

2553 e 2554 e 2555 e 2556 e 2557

Cyrtodactylus redimiculus Squamata - Gekkonidae Palawan Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus rohtasfortai Squamata - Gekkonidae Azad Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus rubidus Squamata - Gekkonidae Red Bow-fingered Gecko; Bent-toed Gecko (ISC) Cyrtodactylus sadleiri Squamata - Gekkonidae Sadleir's Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus sermowaiensis Squamata - Gekkonidae De Rooij's Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus stoliczkai Squamata - Gekkonidae Frontier Bow-fingered Gecko; Karakorum Rock Gecko Cyrtodactylus sworderi Squamata - Gekkonidae Johore Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus tibetinus Squamata - Gekkonidae Tibetan Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus variegatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Variegated Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus wetariensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Wetar Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtodactylus yoshii Squamata - Gekkonidae


Cyrtopodion watsoni e

2558 e 2559 e 2560 f i 2561 e 2562 e 2563 e 2564 e 2565 e d f i 2566 e

Yoshi's Bow-fingered Gecko Cyrtopodion Squamata - Gekkonidae Bowfoot Geckos Cyrtopodion agamuroides Squamata - Gekkonidae Nikolsky's Gecko Cyrtopodion basoglui Squamata - Gekkonidae Cyrtopodion de Basoglu Geco di Basoglu Cyrtopodion elongatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Yangihissar Gecko Cyrtopodion kachhensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Kachh Gecko; Kutch Gecko Cyrtopodion kachhensis kachhensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Warty Rock Gecko (ISC) Cyrtopodion montiumsalsorum Squamata - Gekkonidae Salt Range Gecko Cyrtopodion scabrum Squamata - Gekkonidae Roughtail Gecko; Keeled Rock Gecko; Rough-tailed Gecko (NA) Krokodilgecko Cyrtopodion rugueux Geco scabro Cyrtopodion watsoni Squamata - Gekkonidae Watson's Gecko





e 2573 e

2567 e d 2568 e d f

2569 e d f 2570 e d f i 2571 e d f i

Daboia Squamata - Viperidae Mid-East Vipers Mittelasiatische Ottern Daboia mauritanica Squamata - Viperidae Morocco Viper; Moorish Viper Atlas-Otter Vipère de l'Atlas; Vipère de Maurétanie Daboia palaestinae Squamata - Viperidae Palestine Viper Palästina-Viper Vipère de Palestine Daboia raddei Squamata - Viperidae Caucasus Viper; Russian Viper; Radde's Viper; Armenian Viper; Radde's Rock Viper Armenische Bergotter; Raddes Otter; Radde-Viper Vipère de Radde; Vipère d'Arménie Vipera di Radde Daboia xanthina Squamata - Viperidae Ottoman Viper; Coastal Viper; Rock Viper; Mountain Viper Bergotter; Kleinasiatische Bergotter Vipère d'Asie mineure; Vipère ottomane; Vipère montagnarde Vipera ottomana; Vipera di Xanto

2574 e d 2575 e 2576 e d 2577 e d 2578 e d

2579 e 2580 e 2581

Darlingtonia Squamata - Colubridae Ground Snakes Darlingtonia haetiana Squamata - Colubridae Haitian Ground Snake; Montane Ground Snake Dasia Squamata - Scincidae Dasias; Tree Skinks Baumskinke Dasia griffini Squamata - Scincidae Griffin's Dasia Dasia grisea Squamata - Scincidae Grey Dasia Brauner Baumskink Dasia haliana Squamata - Scincidae Ceylonese Dasia Ceylon-Baumskink Dasia olivacea Squamata - Scincidae Olive Dasia; Emerald Skink Olivfarbener Baumskink; Getüpfelter Smaragdskink Dasia semicincta Squamata - Scincidae Peters's Dasia Dasia subcaerulea Squamata - Scincidae Boulenger's Dasia Dasypeltis Squamata - Colubridae


Deirochelys reticularia miaria e d f

2582 e 2583 e d 2584 e

d 2585 e

2586 e

d f i 2587

Egg-eating Snakes; African Eggeating Snakes; Egg-eaters (CSA) Afrikanische Eierschlangen Serpents mangeurs d'oeufs; Mangeurs d'oeufs Dasypeltis atra Squamata - Colubridae African Egg-eating Snake Dasypeltis fasciata Squamata - Colubridae Western Forest Egg-eating Snake; Central African Egg-eating Snake; Western Forest Egg-eater Gestreifte Eierschlange Dasypeltis inornata Squamata - Colubridae Brown Egg-eating Snake (CSA); Southern Brown Egg-eating Snake; Southern Brown Egg-eater (CSA); Brown Egg-eater Braune Eierschlange Dasypeltis medici Squamata - Colubridae East African Egg-eating Snake; East African Egg-eater (CSA); Bianconi's Egg-eater; Eastern Egg-eater (CSA); Rufous Egg-eater (CSA) Dasypeltis scabra Squamata - Colubridae Common Egg-eating Snake (CSA); Common Rhombic Egg-eater; Rhombic Egg-eater (CSA); Common Egg-eater (CSA); African Egg-eating Snake; Egg-eating Snake Gewöhnliche Eierschlange; Eierschlange; Afrikanische Eierschlange Serpent mangeur d'oeufs; Couleuvre mangeuse d'oeufs Mangiatore d'uova Davewakeum

e 2588 e 2589 e d 2590 e

d 2591 e d f 2592 e d f i 2593 e f 2594 e f

Squamata - Scincidae Miriam's Skinks Davewakeum miriamae Squamata - Scincidae Miriam's Skink Deinagkistrodon Squamata - Viperidae Hundred-pace Vipers Chinesische Nasenottern Deinagkistrodon acutus Squamata - Viperidae Hundred-pace Viper; Chinese Moccasin; Chinese Copperhead; Sharp-nosed Pit Viper; Hundredpacer; Chinese Sharp-nosed Viper Chinesische Nasenotter Deirochelys Testudines - Emydidae Chicken Turtles Langhalsschmuckschildkröten Tortues reticulées; Déirochélydes Deirochelys reticularia Testudines - Emydidae Chicken Turtle Langhalsschmuckschildkröte Tortue reticulée; Déirochélyde réticulaire; Émyde réticulée Testuggine reticolata Deirochelys reticularia chrysea Testudines - Emydidae Florida Chicken Turtle Émyde réticulée de Floride Deirochelys reticularia miaria Testudines - Emydidae Western Chicken Turtle Émyde réticulée de l'Ouest

Deirochelys reticularia reticularia

2595 e f

Deirochelys reticularia reticularia Testudines - Emydidae Eastern Chicken Turtle Émyde réticulée de l'Est



2605 2596 e d 2597 e

2598 e

2599 e

Delma Squamata - Gekkonidae Flapped Scalyfoots; Flapped Geckos Glattschuppige Flossenfüße Delma australis Squamata - Gekkonidae Australian Scalyfoot; Australian Gecko; Southern Legless Lizard (ANZ) Delma borea Squamata - Gekkonidae Black-banded Scalyfoot; Blackbanded Gecko Delma butleri Squamata - Gekkonidae Butler's Scalyfoot; Butler's Gecko; Butler's Legless Lizard (ANZ)

e d 2606 e

2607 e 2608 e 2609 e

2600 e 2601 e d 2602 e d

Delma elegans Squamata - Gekkonidae Elegant Scalyfoot; Elegant Gecko Delma fraseri Squamata - Gekkonidae Fraser's Scalyfoot; Fraser's Gecko Frasers Flossenfuß Delma grayii Squamata - Gekkonidae Gray's Scalyfoot; Gray's Gecko Grays Flossenfuß

2610 e 2611 e d 2612 e

2603 e

Delma haroldi Squamata - Gekkonidae Harold's Scalyfoot; Harold's Gecko

2613 e


Delma impar

Squamata - Gekkonidae Victoria Scalyfoot; Victoria Gecko; Striped Legless Skink (ANZ) Delma inornata Squamata - Gekkonidae Unadorned Scalyfoot; Unadorned Gecko; Olive Legless Lizard (ANZ) Schmuckloser Flossenfuß Delma labialis Squamata - Gekkonidae Yellow-lipped Scalyfoot; Yellowlipped Gecko Delma molleri Squamata - Gekkonidae Southern Scalyfoot; Southern Gecko Delma nasuta Squamata - Gekkonidae Northern Scalyfoot; Northern Gecko Delma pax Squamata - Gekkonidae Hamersley Scalyfoot; Hamersley Gecko Delma plebia Squamata - Gekkonidae Grey Scalyfoot; Grey Gecko Delma tincta Squamata - Gekkonidae Dyed Scalyfoot; Dyed Gecko Gemalter Flossenfuß Delma torquata Squamata - Gekkonidae Collared Scalyfoot; Collared Gecko Demansia Squamata - Elapidae Venomous Whip Snakes; Whip Snakes; Brown Snakes; Australian


Dendrelaphis cyanochloris

d f 2614 e d 2615 e 2616 e d 2617 e 2618 e d

2619 e 2620 e 2621 e d 2622 e

Brown Snakes Peitschenschlangen; Braunschlangen Serpents jaunes Demansia atra Squamata - Elapidae Black Whip Snake Schwarze Peitschenotter Demansia calodera Squamata - Elapidae Calodera Whip Snake Demansia olivacea Squamata - Elapidae Olive Whip Snake Olive Peitschenotter Demansia papuensis Squamata - Elapidae Papua Whip Snake Demansia psammophis Squamata - Elapidae Yellow-faced Whip Snake Gelbkopfpeitschenschlange; Gelbkopfbraunschlange Demansia rufescens Squamata - Elapidae Storr's Whip Snake Demansia simplex Squamata - Elapidae Woodland Whip Snake Demansia torquata Squamata - Elapidae Collared Whip Snake Halsbandpeitschenotter Demansia vestigiata Squamata - Elapidae De Vis's Whip Snake

2623 e d f 2624 e f 2625 e d 2626 e

2627 e d 2628 e

2629 e

2630 e

Dendragama Squamata - Agamidae Tree Agamas; Sumatran Tree Dragons Baumagamen Dendragames Dendragama boulengeri Squamata - Agamidae Boulenger's Tree Agama; Sumatran Tree Dragon Dendragame de Boulenger Dendrelaphis Squamata - Colubridae Bronzebacks; Bronzeback Snakes; Bronze-backed Snakes Bronzenattern Dendrelaphis bifrenalis Squamata - Colubridae Boulenger's Bronzeback; Boulenger's Bronzeback Snake Dendrelaphis calligaster Squamata - Colubridae Northern Bronzeback; Northern Bronzeback Snake; Northern Tree Snake (ANZ) Nördliche Bronzenatter Dendrelaphis caudolineatus Squamata - Colubridae Gray's Bronzeback; Gray's Bronzeback Snake Dendrelaphis caudolineolatus Squamata - Colubridae Striped Bronzeback; Striped Bronzeback Snake Dendrelaphis cyanochloris Squamata - Colubridae Wall's Bronzeback; Wall's Bronzeback Snake; Blue-green Bronzeback Snake

Dendrelaphis formosus

2631 e

2632 e

2633 e

2634 e

2635 e

2636 e

2637 e

2638 e

2639 e

Dendrelaphis formosus Squamata - Colubridae Elegant Bronzeback; Elegant Bronzeback Snake Dendrelaphis gastrostictus Squamata - Colubridae New Guinea Bronzeback; New Guinea Bronzeback Snake Dendrelaphis gorei Squamata - Colubridae Gore's Bronzeback; Gore's Bronzeback Snake Dendrelaphis grandoculis Squamata - Colubridae Southern Bronzeback; Southern Bronzeback Snake Dendrelaphis humayuni Squamata - Colubridae Tiwari's Bronzeback; Tiwari's Bronzeback Snake Dendrelaphis lorentzi Squamata - Colubridae Lorentz's Bronzeback; Lorentz's Bronzeback Snake Dendrelaphis oliveri Squamata - Colubridae Oliver's Bronzeback; Oliver's Bronzeback Snake Dendrelaphis papuensis Squamata - Colubridae Papua Bronzeback; Papua Bronzeback Snake Dendrelaphis pictus Squamata - Colubridae Gmelin's Bronzeback; Gmelin's Bronzeback Snake; Indonesian Bronzeback; Eastern Bronzeback; Indo-Malayan Bronzeback; Painted



2640 e

2641 e

2642 e

2643 e

2644 e d f i 2645 e

d f i

Tree Snake; Common Bronzeback; Painted Bronzeback Gewöhnliche Bronzenatter; Gemeine Bronzenatter Dendrelaphis punctulatus Squamata - Colubridae Common Bronzeback; Common Bronzeback Snake; Common Tree Snake (ANZ); Green Tree Snake Dendrelaphis salmonis Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Bronzeback; Günther's Bronzeback Snake Dendrelaphis subocularis Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Bronzeback; Mountain Bronzeback Snake Dendrelaphis tristis Squamata - Colubridae Daudin's Bronzeback; Daudin's Bronzeback Snake; Seba's Bronzeback; Indian Bronzeback; Common Indian Bronzeback (ISC); Common Indian Tree Snake (ISC) Dendroaspis Squamata - Elapidae Mambas Mambas Mambas; Mambas rouge-et-verts Mambe Dendroaspis angusticeps Squamata - Elapidae Mamba; Common Mamba; Eastern Green Mamba (CSA); East African Green Mamba; Green Mamba (CSA); South African Mamba Mamba; Blattgrüne Mamba; Gewöhnliche Mamba; Ostafrikanische Grüne Mamba Mamba noir-et-vert Mamba verde


Denisonia maculata

2646 e d f

Dendroaspis jamesoni Squamata - Elapidae Jameson's Mamba Jameson-Mamba; Jamesons Mamba Mamba de Jameson

e 2655 e

2647 e d f i

Dendroaspis polylepis Squamata - Elapidae Black Mamba; Brown Mamba (CSA); Black-mouthed Mamba (CSA) Schwarze Mamba; Schwarzmamba Mamba noir Mamba nero

2656 e

2657 e

2648 e d f i 2649 e

Dendroaspis viridis Squamata - Elapidae Green Mamba; Western Green Mamba; West African Green Mamba Grüne Mamba; Westafrikanische Grüne Mamba Mamba vert; Serpent de bananier Mamba verde Dendrolycus Squamata - Colubridae Rainforest Snakes

2658 e

2659 e

2660 2650 e

Dendrolycus elapoides Squamata - Colubridae Cameroon Rainforest Snake

e 2661

2651 e 2652 e 2653 e 2654

Dendrophidion Squamata - Colubridae Forest Racers Dendrophidion bivittatus Squamata - Colubridae Forest Racer Dendrophidion boshelli Squamata - Colubridae Boshell's Forest Racer Dendrophidion brunneus

e d 2662 e d 2663 e

Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Forest Racer Dendrophidion clarkii Squamata - Colubridae Clark's Forest Racer Dendrophidion dendrophis Squamata - Colubridae Olive Forest Racer; Common Forest Racer Dendrophidion nuchalis Squamata - Colubridae Peters's Forest Racer; Three-coloured Forest Racer Dendrophidion paucicarinatum Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Forest Racer; Cloud Forest Racer Dendrophidion percarinatum Squamata - Colubridae South American Forest Racer; Brown Forest Racer Dendrophidion vinitor Squamata - Colubridae Barred Forest Racer Denisonia Squamata - Elapidae Ornamental Snakes; Banded Snakes; Australian Copperheads Bänderottern; Ornamentschlangen Denisonia devisi Squamata - Elapidae De Vis's Banded Snake De Vis-Bänderotter Denisonia maculata Squamata - Elapidae Ornamental Snake


d 2664 e d f

2665 e d f 2666 e d f i 2667 e d f i


Ornament-Bänderotter Dermatemydidae Testudines Central American River Turtles; River Turtles; Tabasco Turtles Tabasco-Schildkröten Dermatémydidés; Tortues de Tabasco Dermatemys Testudines - Dermatemydidae Central American River Turtles Tabasco-Schildkröten Dermatémydes Dermatemys mawii Testudines - Dermatemydidae Central American River Turtle; Tabasco Turtle Tabasco-Schildkröte Dermatémyde de Mawe; Tortue de Tababasco Dermatemide di fiume Dermochelyidae Testudines Leatherback Turtles; Leathery Turtles (ANZ); Leatherbacks Lederschildkröten; Meeresschildkröten Tortues marines; Dermochélyidés; Tortues-Luths; Tortues cuir Sfargide; Tartarughe liuto

d f i

2670 e

2671 e 2672 e d f 2673 e d f 2674

2668 e d f 2669 e

Dermochelys Testudines - Dermochelyidae Leatherback Turtles; Leatherback Sea Turtles; Leatherbacks Lederschildkröten Tortues-luth; Tortues-cuir Dermochelys coriacea Testudines - Dermochelyidae Leatherback Turtle; Leatherback Sea Turtle; Leathery Turtle (ANZ); Luth


2675 e


Turtle (ANZ); Luth; Trunk Turtle; Leatherback Lederschildkröte; Luth Bataklin (Ants); Tortue-luth; Tortue cuir; Luth Tartaruga liuto; Sfargide; Sfargide coriacea; Dermochelide coriacea; Grande sfargide Dermochelys coriacea coriacea Testudines - Dermochelyidae Atlantic Leatherback; Leatherback; Marine Leatherback; Leathery Turtle Dermochelys coriacea schlegeli Testudines - Dermochelyidae Pacific Leatherback Sea Turtle Diadophis Squamata - Colubridae Ringneck Snakes; Ring-necked Snakes Ringhalsnattern; Halsbandnattern Couleuvres à collier Diadophis punctatus Squamata - Colubridae Ringneck Snake; Ring-necked Snake; Southern Ring-necked Snake; Eastern Ringneck Snake Ringhalsnatter; Halsbandnatter; Halsringnatter Couleuvre à collier Diadophis punctatus acricus Squamata - Colubridae Key Ringneck Snake; Key Ringnecked Snake Diadophis punctatus amabilis Squamata - Colubridae Pacific Ringneck Snake; Pacific Ring-necked Snake; California Ringnecked Snake (NA); Western Ringnecked Snake (NA); Red-bellied Snake (NA); Western Ringneck Halsbandnatter


Dibamus alfredi

2676 e

2677 e

2678 e

2679 e

2680 e

2681 e

2682 e f 2683 e


Diadophis punctatus anthonyi Squamata - Colubridae Todos Santos Island Ringneck Snake; Todos Santos Island Ringnecked Snake Diadophis punctatus arnyi Squamata - Colubridae Prairie Ringneck Snake; Prairie Ring-necked Snake Diadophis punctatus edwardsii Squamata - Colubridae Northern Ringneck Snake; Northern Ring-necked Snake Diadophis punctatus modestus Squamata - Colubridae San Bernardino Ringneck Snake; San Bernardino Ring-necked Snake Diadophis punctatus occidentalis Squamata - Colubridae Northwestern Ringneck Snake; Northwestern Ring-necked Snake; Ring-necked Snake Diadophis punctatus pulchellus Squamata - Colubridae Coralbelly Ringneck Snake; Coralbelly Ring-necked Snake; Coral-bellied Ringneck Snake; Coralbellied ring-necked Sn ake Diadophis punctatus punctatus Squamata - Colubridae Southern Ringneck Snake; Southern Ring-necked Snake Couleuvre à collier Diadophis punctatus regalis Squamata - Colubridae Regal Ringneck Snake; Regal Ringnecked Snake; Sonoran Ring-necked Snake Diadophis punctatus similis


2685 e

2686 e

2687 e 2688 e 2689 e

2690 e d f 2691 e d f 2692 e d

Squamata - Colubridae San Diego Ringneck Snake; San Diego Ring-necked Snake Diadophis punctatus stictogenys Squamata - Colubridae Mississippi Ringneck Snake; Mississippi Ring-necked Snake Diadophis punctatus vandenburghi Squamata - Colubridae Monterey Ringneck Snake; Monterey Ring-necked Snake Diaphorolepis Squamata - Colubridae Frog-eating Snakes Diaphorolepis laevis Squamata - Colubridae Colombian Frog-eating Snake Diaphorolepis wagneri Squamata - Colubridae Ecuador Frog-eating Snake; Wagner's Frog-eating Snake Dibamidae Squamata Blind Lizards; Wormlike Lizards; Blind Skinks; Dibamids Schlangenschleichen Dibamidés Dibamus Squamata - Dibamidae Blind Skinks; Dibamid Lizards Schlangenschleichen Dibames Dibamus alfredi Squamata - Dibamidae Alfred's Blind Skink; Alfred's Dibame Alfreds Schlangenschleiche

Dibamus bogadeki

2693 e f 2694 e d f 2695 e 2696 e 2697 e 2698 e 2699 e d 2700 e 2701 e 2702

Dibamus bogadeki Squamata - Dibamidae Bogadek's Blind Skink Dibame Dibamus bourreti Squamata - Dibamidae Bourret's Blind Skink; Bourret's Dibame Bourrets Schlangenschleiche Dibame de Bourret Dibamus celebensis Squamata - Dibamidae Sulawesi Blind Skink Dibamus greeri Squamata - Dibamidae Greer's Blind Skink Dibamus leucurus Squamata - Dibamidae White Blind Skink Dibamus montanus Squamata - Dibamidae Mountain Blind Skink Dibamus novaeguinea Squamata - Dibamidae New Guinea Blind Skink; New Guinea Dibame Neuguinea-Schlangenschleiche Dibamus seramensis Squamata - Dibamidae Seram Blind Skink Dibamus smithi Squamata - Dibamidae Smith's Blind Skink Dibamus taylori Squamata - Dibamidae


e 2703 e d 2704 e 2705 e 2706 e 2707 e d 2708 e 2709 e 2710 e

2711 e d 2712

Taylor's Blind Skink Dicrodon Squamata - Teiidae Desert Tegus Wüstentejus Dicrodon guttulatum Squamata - Teiidae Peru Desert Tegu Dicrodon heterolepis Squamata - Teiidae Ecuador Desert Tegu Dicrodon holmbergi Squamata - Teiidae Holmberg's Desert Tegu Dinodon Squamata - Colubridae Big-tooth Snakes Großnattern; Großzahnnattern Dinodon flavozonatus Squamata - Colubridae Big-tooth Snake Dinodon gammiei Squamata - Colubridae Gammie's Wolf Snake Dinodon orientalis Squamata - Colubridae Oriental Big-tooth Snake; Oriental Odd-tooth Snake Dinodon rosozonatum Squamata - Colubridae Rose Big-tooth Snake Großzahnnatter Dinodon rufozonatum Squamata - Colubridae


Diplodactylus jeanae e

2713 e 2714 e 2715 e

2716 e

2717 e d

2718 e 2719 e 2720 e 2721 e d

Red-banded Snake; Red-banded Wolf Snake Dinodon rufozonatum rufozonatum Squamata - Colubridae Red-banded Odd-tooth Snake Dinodon rufozonatum walli Squamata - Colubridae Sakishima Odd-tooth Snake Dinodon semicarinatum Squamata - Colubridae Loo-choo Big-tooth Snake; Ryuku Odd-tooth Snake Dinodon septentrionalis Squamata - Colubridae White-banded Big-tooth Snake; White-banded Wolf Snake Diplodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Spinytail Geckos; Dyed Geckos Stachelschwanzgeckos; Australische Geckos

2722 e

2723 e 2724 e d 2725 e 2726 e 2727 e

Diplodactylus alboguttatus Squamata - Gekkonidae White Spotted; Collared Gecko


Diplodactylus assimilis Squamata - Gekkonidae Grey Spinytail Gecko


Diplodactylus byrnei Squamata - Gekkonidae Byrne's Gecko


Diplodactylus ciliaris Squamata - Gekkonidae Spinytail Gecko; Spiny-tailed Gecko (ANZ); Northern Spiny-tailed Gecko Stachelschwanzgecko




2731 e

Diplodactylus conspicillatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Remarkable Gecko; Fat-tailed Diplodactylus (ANZ) Diplodactylus damaeus Squamata - Gekkonidae Deer Gecko; Beaded Gecko (ANZ) Diplodactylus elderi Squamata - Gekkonidae Jewelled Gecko Juwelengecko Diplodactylus fulleri Squamata - Gekkonidae Lake Disappointment Gecko Diplodactylus furcosus Squamata - Gekkonidae Forked Gecko Diplodactylus galeatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Kluge's Helmeted Gecko Diplodactylus granariensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Pilbara Gecko Diplodactylus immaculatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Immaculate Gecko Diplodactylus intermedius Squamata - Gekkonidae Eastern Spinytail Gecko; Eastern Spiny-tailed Gecko (ANZ) Diplodactylus jeanae Squamata - Gekkonidae Jean's Spinytail Gecko

Diplodactylus kenneallyi

2732 e 2733 e 2734 e 2735 e 2736 e 2737 e 2738 e 2739 e 2740 e 2741 e 2742 e

Diplodactylus kenneallyi Squamata - Gekkonidae Kenneally's Gecko Diplodactylus maini Squamata - Gekkonidae Australian Woodland Gecko Diplodactylus mcmillani Squamata - Gekkonidae McMillan's Spinytail Gecko Diplodactylus michaelseni Squamata - Gekkonidae Michaelsen's Spinytail Gecko Diplodactylus mitchelli Squamata - Gekkonidae Mitchell's Gecko Diplodactylus occultus Squamata - Gekkonidae Alligator River Gecko Diplodactylus ornatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Gray's Ornate Gecko Diplodactylus polyophthalmus Squamata - Gekkonidae Many-eyed Gecko Diplodactylus pulcher Squamata - Gekkonidae Beautiful Gecko Diplodactylus rankini Squamata - Gekkonidae Rankin's Spinytail Gecko Diplodactylus savagei Squamata - Gekkonidae Spinifex Gecko


2743 e d

2744 e 2745 e 2746 e 2747 e 2748 e 2749 e

2750 e d

2751 e d 2752

Diplodactylus spinigerus Squamata - Gekkonidae Western Spinytail Gecko; Western Spiny-tailed Gecko (ANZ) Westlicher Stachelschwanzgecko; Australischer Dornschwanzgecko Diplodactylus squarrosus Squamata - Gekkonidae Heath Gecko Diplodactylus steindachneri Squamata - Gekkonidae Steindachner's Gecko Diplodactylus stenodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Long-fingered Gecko Diplodactylus strophurus Squamata - Gekkonidae Silver Spinytail Gecko Diplodactylus taeniatus Squamata - Gekkonidae White Spinytail Gecko Diplodactylus taenicauda Squamata - Gekkonidae Goldentail Gecko; Golden-tailed Gecko (ANZ) Diplodactylus tessellatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Tessellated Gecko Geziegelter Stachelschwanzgecko; Mosaikdoppelfingergecko Diplodactylus vittatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Wood Gecko Steingecko Diplodactylus wellingtonae Squamata - Gekkonidae


Diploglossus monotropis e

2753 e d

Wellington's Spinytail Gecko Diplodactylus williamsi Squamata - Gekkonidae Williams's Spinytail Gecko Williams-Stachelgecko; Williams Stachelschwanzgecko

2762 e

2763 e

2754 e

Diplodactylus wilsoni Squamata - Gekkonidae Wilson's Gecko

2764 e

2755 e

Diplodactylus wombeyi Squamata - Gekkonidae Wombey's Gecko

2765 e

2756 e d f

Diploglossus Squamata - Anguidae Greater Galliwasps; Galliwasp Gallwespenschleichen Diploglosses

2766 e 2767

2757 e

2758 e 2759 e 2760 e d 2761 e

Diploglossus anelpistus Squamata - Anguidae San Cristobal Galliwasp; Alta Gracia Giant Galliwasp Diploglossus bilobatus Squamata - Anguidae O'Shaughnessy's Galliwasp Diploglossus carraui Squamata - Anguidae Comedero Galliwasp Diploglossus costatus Squamata - Anguidae Common Galliwasp; Hispaniolan Smooth Galliwasp Hispaniola-Schleiche Diploglossus cyanochloris Squamata - Anguidae Blue-green Galliwasp

e 2768 e 2769 e 2770 e d

2771 e

Diploglossus delasagra Squamata - Anguidae Cuban Galliwasp; Cuban Palenecked Galliwasp Diploglossus fasciatus Squamata - Anguidae Banded Galliwasp Diploglossus garridoi Squamata - Anguidae Cuban Small-eared Galliwasp Diploglossus legnotus Squamata - Anguidae Campbell's Galliwasp Diploglossus lessonae Squamata - Anguidae Brazilian Galliwasp Diploglossus maculata Squamata - Anguidae Spotted Galliwasp Diploglossus microcephalus Squamata - Anguidae Smallhead Galliwasp Diploglossus microlepis Squamata - Anguidae Small-lipped Galliwasp Diploglossus millepunctatus Squamata - Anguidae Dotted Galliwasp Weißpunkt-Gallwespenschleiche; Malpelo-Gallwespenschleiche Diploglossus monotropis Squamata - Anguidae Kuhl's Galliwasp

Diploglossus montiserrati

2772 e 2773 e 2774 e f 2775 e f

Diploglossus montiserrati Squamata - Anguidae Montserrat Galliwasp Diploglossus montisilvestris Squamata - Anguidae Panama Galliwasp Diploglossus owenii Squamata - Anguidae Owen's Galliwasp Diploglosse d'Owen Diploglossus pleei Squamata - Anguidae Puerto Rico Galliwasp; Plee's Diploglossus; Puerto Rican Galliwasp Diploglosse de Plee


e d 2782 e

2783 e

2784 e

2776 e d 2777 e 2778 e 2779 e d

2780 e 2781

Diploglossus warreni Squamata - Anguidae Warren's Galliwasp; Hispaniolan Giant Galliwasp Warrens Doppelzungenschleiche Diplolaemus Squamata - Iguanaidae Patagonia Iguanas Diplolaemus bibronii Squamata - Iguanaidae Bibron's Iguana Diplolaemus darwinii Squamata - Iguanaidae Darwin's Iguana; Patagonian Lizard Patagonischer Leguan; Darwins Eidechse; Patagonischer Erdleguan Diplolaemus leopardinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Leopard Iguana Diporiphora

2785 e 2786 e

2787 e

2788 e

2789 e

Squamata - Agamidae Two-pored Agamas; Two-pored Dragons; Two-pored Lizards; Twolined Dragons (ANZ) Australische Bodenagamen Diporiphora albilabris Squamata - Agamidae Kimberley Plateau Two-pored Dragon; White-lipped Two-line Dragon (ANZ) Diporiphora australis Squamata - Agamidae Australian Two-pored Dragon; Eastern Two-line Dragon (ANZ); Two-lined Dragon Diporiphora bennettii Squamata - Agamidae Bennett's Two-pored Dragon; Robust Two-line Dragon (ANZ) Diporiphora bennettii arnhemica Squamata - Agamidae Arnhem Land Two-line Dragon Diporiphora bilineata Squamata - Agamidae Two-lined Dragon; Two-pored Lizard; Northern Two-line Dragon (ANZ) Diporiphora convergens Squamata - Agamidae Crystal Creek Dragon; Crystal Creek Two-line Dragon (ANZ) Diporiphora lalliae Squamata - Agamidae Storr's Two-pored Dragon; Lally's Two-line Dragon (ANZ) Diporiphora linga Squamata - Agamidae Coastal Two-pored Dragon;


Dipsas brevifacies

Pink Two-line Dragon e 2790 e

Diporiphora magna Squamata - Agamidae Northern Two-pored Dragon; Yellow-sided Two-line Dragon

2799 e

2791 e

2792 e

2793 e d 2794 e

Diporiphora pindan Squamata - Agamidae Pindan Two-pored Dragon; Pindan Two-line Dragon Diporiphora reginae Squamata - Agamidae Queen Two-pored Dragon; Plainbacked Two-line Dragon (ANZ)

2800 e 2801 e

Diporiphora superba Squamata - Agamidae Exalted Two-pored Dragon; Superb Two-line Dragon (ANZ) Australische Baumagame


Diporiphora valens Squamata - Agamidae Pilbara Two-pored Dragon; Pilbara Two-line Dragon (ANZ)

e d

e 2803

2804 2795 e

2796 e

2797 e


Diporiphora winneckei Squamata - Agamidae Winnecke's Two-pored Dragon; Cane Grass Dragon Lizard; Cane Grass Two-line Dragon Dipsadoboa Squamata - Colubridae Tree Snakes; Cat-eyed Tree Snakes (CSA) Dipsadoboa aulica Squamata - Colubridae Court Tree Snake; Cross-barred Tree Snake (CSA); Marbled Tree Snake (CSA); Cross-barred Snake (CSA) Dipsadoboa aulicus

e 2805 e

2806 e 2807 e 2808

Squamata - Colubridae Cross-barred Snake; Günther's Crossbarred Snake Dipsadoboa duchesnii Squamata - Colubridae Boulenger's Brown Tree Snake Dipsadoboa shrevei Squamata - Colubridae Shreve's Tree Snake Dipsadoboa unicolor Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Green Tree Snake Dipsadoboa werneri Squamata - Colubridae Werner's Green Tree Snake Dipsas Squamata - Colubridae Snail-eaters; Thirst Snakes Amerikanische Schneckennattern; Dickkopfnattern; Schneckennattern Dipsas albifrons Squamata - Colubridae Sauvage's Snail-eater Dipsas articulata Squamata - Colubridae American Snail-eater; Caribbean Snail-eater Dipsas bicolor Squamata - Colubridae Two-coloured Snail-eater Dipsas boettgeri Squamata - Colubridae Boettgers Snail-eater Dipsas brevifacies Squamata - Colubridae

Dipsas catesbyi


2809 e

2810 e 2811 e 2812 e 2813 e 2814 e 2815 e 2816 e

2817 e 2818 e

Snail-eating Thirst Snake; Shortfacied Snail-eater


2819 e

Dipsas catesbyi Squamata - Colubridae Catesby's Snail-eater; Ornate Thirst Snake


Dipsas copei Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Snail-eater


Dipsas elegans Squamata - Colubridae Elegant Snail-eater


Dipsas ellipsifera Squamata - Colubridae Boulenger's Snail-eater


Dipsas gaigeae Squamata - Colubridae Gaige's Thirst Snake Dipsas gracilis Squamata - Colubridae Graceful Snail-eater Dipsas incerta Squamata - Colubridae Jan's Snail-eater Dipsas indica Squamata - Colubridae Neotropical Snail-eater; Common Slug-eating Snake Dipsas indica indica Squamata - Colubridae Big-headed Thirst Snake Dipsas infrenalis Squamata - Colubridae Rosen's Snail-eater




e 2824 e 2825 e

2826 e 2827 e 2828 e 2829

Dipsas latifasciata Squamata - Colubridae Striped Snail-eater Dipsas latifrontalis Squamata - Colubridae Venezuela Snail-eater Dipsas longicaudata Squamata - Colubridae Longhead Snail-eater Dipsas maxillaris Squamata - Colubridae Werner's Snail-eater; Tabasco Snaileater Dipsas neivai Squamata - Colubridae Bahia Snail-eater Dipsas oreas Squamata - Colubridae Ecuador Snail-eater Dipsas pavonina Squamata - Colubridae Northern Snail-eater; Ringed Thirst Snake Dipsas perijaensis Squamata - Colubridae Aleman's Snail-eater Dipsas peruana Squamata - Colubridae Peru Snail-eater Dipsas poecilolepis Squamata - Colubridae Sao Paolo Snail-eater Dipsas polylepis Squamata - Colubridae


Disteira kingii e

2830 e

Many-scaled Snail-eater Dipsas pratti Squamata - Colubridae Pratt's Snail-eater

e d f 2841

2831 e 2832 e 2833 e 2834 e

2835 e 2836 e 2837 e 2838 e 2839 e 2840

Dipsas sanctijoannis Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Snail-eater Dipsas schunkii Squamata - Colubridae Schunk's Snail-eater Dipsas temporalis Squamata - Colubridae Temporal Snail-eater; Snail-eater Dipsas tenuissima Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Snail-eater; Pacific Snaileater Dipsas variegata Squamata - Colubridae Variegated Snail-eater Dipsas vermiculata Squamata - Colubridae Vermiculate Snail-eater Dipsas viguieri Squamata - Colubridae Bocourt's Snail-eater Dipsina Squamata - Colubridae Dwarf Beaked Snakes Dipsina multimculata Squamata - Colubridae Dwarf Beaked Snake Dipsosaurus

e d f

2842 e

2843 e d f 2844 e d f i 2845 e 2846 e 2847 e

Squamata - Iguanaidae Desert Iguanas; Crested Lizards Wüstenleguane Dipsosaures Dipsosaurus dorsalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Desert Iguana (NA); Keeled-back Iguana; Pygmy Iguana; Northern Crested Lizard Wüstenleguan Iguane du désert; Dipsosaure du désert Dipsosaurus dorsalis dorsalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Desert Iguana; Northern Desert Iguana (NA) Dispholidus Squamata - Colubridae Boomslangs Boomslangen; Trugnattern Boomslangs Dispholidus typus Squamata - Colubridae Boomslang (CSA); Back-fanged Tree Snake; Tree Snake (CSA) Grüne Boomslang; Trugnatter; Boomslang Serpent d'arbre du Cap; Boomslang Boomslang Dispholidus typus kivuensis Squamata - Colubridae Boomslang Disteira Squamata - Elapidae Common Sea Snake Disteira kingii Squamata - Elapidae King Sea Snake

Disteira major

2848 e 2849 e 2850 e 2851 e 2852 e 2853 e 2854 e 2855 e d

Disteira major Squamata - Elapidae Common Sea Snake Disteira nigrocinctus Squamata - Elapidae Black-banded Sea Snake Disteira wallii Squamata - Elapidae Wall's Sea Snake Ditaxodon Squamata - Colubridae Hensel's Snakes Ditaxodon taeniatus Squamata - Colubridae Hensel's Snake Dityophis Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Racers Dityophis vivax Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Racer Dogania Testudines - Trionychidae Malayan Softshells Malayen-Weichschildkröten


d 2858 e d f 2859 e d 2860 e d f 2861 e 2862 e 2863 e

2856 e d f 2857 e

Dogania subplana Testudines - Trionychidae Malayan Softshell; Malayan Softshelled Turtle; Malayan Soft-shell Turtle; Redcheek Softshell-turtle Malayen-Weichschildkröte Trionyx de Malaisie Dracaena Squamata - Teiidae Caiman Lizards

d f 2864 e


Krokodiltejus Dracaena guianensis Squamata - Teiidae Guyana Caiman Lizard; Guianan Caiman Lizard; Norther Caiman Lizard Guayana-Krokodilteju; Krokodilteju Téju caiman Dracaena paraguayensis Squamata - Teiidae Paraguay Caiman Lizard; Paraguyan Caiman Lizard Paraguay-Krokodilteju Draco Squamata - Agamidae Flying Dragons; Asiatic Flying Lizards; Dracos Flugdrachen; Flattereidechsen Dragons volants Draco affinis Squamata - Agamidae Bartlett's Flying Dragon Draco biaro Squamata - Agamidae Lazell's Flying Dragon Draco blanfordii Squamata - Agamidae Blanford's Flying Dragon; Blanford's Dragon Blanfords Flugdrache Dragon de Blanford Draco dussumieri Squamata - Agamidae Indian Flying Dragon; Indian Dragon; Flying Lizard; Draco (ISC); Gliding Lizard (ISC); South Indian Flying Lizard (ISC) Indischer Flugdrache


Drepanoides anomalus f

2865 e f

Dragon de Dussumier; Dragon d'Inde Draco fimbriatus Squamata - Agamidae Fringed Flying Dragon Dragon frangé

2873 e 2874 e

2866 e

Draco formosus Squamata - Agamidae Formosa Flying Dragon

2875 e

2867 e d f 2868 e

Draco haematopogon Squamata - Agamidae Red-barbed Flying Dragon; Redbarbed Dragon Rotbartflugdrache Dragon barbe-rouge Draco jarechii Squamata - Agamidae Jarechi's Flying Dragon

2876 e d f 2877 e

2869 e d f 2870 e d f 2871 e 2872 e d f

Draco lineatus Squamata - Agamidae Lined Flying Dragon Linealflugdrache Dragon rayé; Dragon de Daudin Draco maculatus Squamata - Agamidae Spotted Flying Dragon; Spotty Dragon FleckfFlugdrache Dragon tacheté Draco maximus Squamata - Agamidae Great Flying Dragon Draco melanopogon Squamata - Agamidae Black-barbed Flying Dragon; Blackbarbed Dragon Schwarzbartflugdrache Dragon barbe-noire

2878 e f 2879 e d f 2880 e 2881 e

Draco norvilli Squamata - Agamidae Alcock's Flying Dragon Draco obscurus Squamata - Agamidae Veiled Flying Dragon Draco punctatus Squamata - Agamidae Dotted Flying Dragon Draco quinquefasciatus Squamata - Agamidae Five-lined Flying Dragon; Five-lined Dragon Fünfstreifenflugdrache Dragon à cinq bandes Draco spilopterus Squamata - Agamidae Philippine Flying Dragon Draco taeniopterus Squamata - Agamidae Thai Flying Dragon; Flying Lizard; Flying Dragon Dragon taenioptère Draco volans Squamata - Agamidae Common Flying Dragon Gewöhnlicher Flugdrache; Gemeiner Flugdrache Dragon volant; Dragon de Timor Drepanoides Squamata - Colubridae Black-collared Snakes; Egg-eaters Drepanoides anomalus Squamata - Colubridae Black-collared Snake; Amazon Eggeater


2882 e 2883 e 2884 e 2885 e 2886 e

2887 e

2888 e

2889 e

Dromicodryas Squamata - Colubridae Striped Snakes



Dromicodryas bernieri Squamata - Colubridae Bernier's Striped Snake


Dromicodryas quadrilineatus Squamata - Colubridae Four-striped Snake


Dromicus Squamata - Colubridae Island Racers; Ground Snakes


Dromicus calliaemus Squamata - Colubridae Jamaica Island Racer; Jamaican Red Ground Snake (WI) Dromicus exiguum Squamata - Colubridae Virgin Island Racer; Puerto Rican Ground Snake Dromicus funereum Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Island Racer; Jamaican Black Ground Snake (WI) Dromicus polylepis Squamata - Colubridae Many-scaled Island Racer; Jamaican Long-tailed Ground Snake (WI)




2895 e

2896 e 2897 e d f 2898 e

2890 e d 2891 e

Dromophis Squamata - Colubridae Olympic Snakes Sumpfschlange Dromophis lineatus Squamata - Colubridae Lined Olympic Snake; Striped Swamp Snake (CSA); Buff-striped

d f i 2899

Grass Snake (CSA); Lined Swamp Snake (CSA) Gestreifte Sumpfschlange Dromophis praeornatus Squamata - Colubridae African Swamp Snake Dryadophis Squamata - Colubridae Forest Racers Dryadophis dorsalis Squamata - Colubridae Bocourt's Tropical Racer; Brown Highland Racer Dryadophis melanolomus Squamata - Colubridae Dark Tropical Racer; Olive Racer; Lizard-eater Dryadophis pleei Squamata - Colubridae Plee's Forest Racer; Plee's Racer Drymarchon Squamata - Colubridae Indigo Snakes; Speckled Snakes; Cribos Indigoschlangen; Indigonattern Serpents indigos Drymarchon corais Squamata - Colubridae Indigo Snake; Gopher Snake; Cribo; Florida Indigo Snake; Western Indigo Snake Indigoschlange; Indigonatter; Blaue Bullennatter Serpent indigo Serpente indaco Drymarchon corais corais Squamata - Colubridae


Dryocalamus gracilis e d

2900 e d 2901 e d 2902 e d

Yellowtail Cribo; Common Cribo Indigonatter Drymarchon corais couperi Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Indigo Snake; Indigo Snake (NA) Östliche Indigonatter Drymarchon corais erebennus Squamata - Colubridae Texax Indigo Snake Texas-Indigonatter Drymarchon corais melanurus Squamata - Colubridae Blacktail Cribo Indigonatter

d f


e d 2909 e 2910 e

2903 e d

Drymarchon corais rubidus Squamata - Colubridae Mexico Redtail Cribo Mexikanische Indigonatter

2911 e

2904 e d 2905 e

d f 2906 e

Drymarchon corais unicolor Squamata - Colubridae Central American Cribo Mittelamerikanischer Cribo Drymobius Squamata - Colubridae Speckled Racers; Slender Ground Snakes; Tropical Racers; Central American Racers; Racers; Neotropiccal Racers Rennn-Nattern Couleuvres coureuses Drymobius chloroticus Squamata - Colubridae Green Highland Racer

2912 e

2913 e 2914 e d 2915 e

2907 e

Drymobius margaritiferus Squamata - Colubridae Speckled Racer; Green-spotted


Snake; Mexican Speckled Snake; Central American Speckled Racer Perlnatter; Gesprenklte Bodenschlange; Juwelennatter Couleuvre coureuse mouchetée; Couleuvre tachetée Drymobius margaritiferus margaritiferus Squamata - Colubridae Northern Speckled Racer Perlnatter Drymobius melanotropis Squamata - Colubridae Black Forest Racer; Green Racer Drymobius rhombifer Squamata - Colubridae Esmeralda Racer; Diamondback Racer; Blotched Racer Drymoluber Squamata - Colubridae Woodland Racers; Glossy Racers Drymoluber brazili Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian Woodland Racer; Common Glossy Racer Drymoluber dichrous Squamata - Colubridae Northern Woodland Racer Dryocalamus Squamata - Colubridae Bridal Snakes; Wood-Reed Snakes Waldrohrschlangen Dryocalamus davisoni Squamata - Colubridae Blanford's Bridal Snake Dryocalamus gracilis Squamata - Colubridae

Dryocalamus nympha

e 2917 e 2918 e 2919 e 2920 e 2921 e

Scarce Bridal Snake



Dryocalamus nympha Squamata - Colubridae Vellore Bridal Snake


Dryocalamus subannulatus Squamata - Colubridae Malayan Bridal Snake


Dryocalamus tristrigatus Squamata - Colubridae Striped Bridal Snake Dryophiops Squamata - Colubridae Whip Snakes Dryophiops philippina Squamata - Colubridae Philippine Whip Snake


e d 2929 e

2930 e

2922 e

2923 e

2924 e 2925 e d 2926 e

Dryophiops rubescens Squamata - Colubridae Red Whip Snake; Keel-bellied Whip Snake; Speckle-headed Tree Snake Drysdalia Squamata - Elapidae Australian Crowned Snakes; Crowned Snakes (ANZ) Drysdalia coronata Squamata - Elapidae Crowned Snake Drysdalia coronoides Squamata - Elapidae White-lipped Snake Weißlippenotter Drysdalia mastersi Squamata - Elapidae Masters's Snake

Masters-Schlange; Masters-Otter Drysdalia rhodogaster Squamata - Elapidae Australian Rosebelly Snake Duberria Squamata - Colubridae Slug-eaters; African Snail-eating Snakes; Homalosoma Snakes; Slugeater Snakes Afrikanische Schneckenfresser Duberria lutrix Squamata - Colubridae Slug-eater (CSA); Common Slugeater (CSA); Abyssinia Slug-eater; Homalosoma Snake; African Slugeater Duberria variegata Squamata - Colubridae Variegated Slug-eater; Spotted Slugeater (CSA); Peters's Slug-eater; Variegated Snake


Echis jogeri



e d f i 2940

2931 e 2932 e 2933 e 2934 e 2935 e d 2936 e d 2937 e d 2938 e d

Ebenavia Squamata - Gekkonidae Madagascar Clawless Geckos Ebenavia inunguis Squamata - Gekkonidae Madagascar Clawless Gecko Echananthera Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian Tropical Snakes Echananthera amoenus Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian Tropical Snake Echinosaura Squamata - Teiidae Rough Teiids Stacheltejus Echinosaura horrida Squamata - Teiidae Rough Teiid Stachelteju Echiopsis Squamata - Elapidae Bardick's Snakes Bardick-Schlangen Echiopsis curta Squamata - Elapidae Bardick's Snake; Bardick (ANZ) Bardick; Bardick-Schlange

e d f i

2941 e d 2942 e d 2943 e

d f 2944 e 2945 e

Echis Squamata - Viperidae Saw-scaled Vipers; Carpet Vipers Sandrasselottern Échides; Serpents de Cléopatre Echidi Echis carinatus Squamata - Viperidae Saw-scaled Viper; Phoorsa Sandrasselotter; Efa-Schlange Échide carénée; Vipère des pyramides; Vipère d'Égypte; Vipère à écailles carénées Echide carinato; Serpente squame a sega Echis carinatus leakeyi Squamata - Viperidae Eastern Saw-scaled Viper Östliche Sandrasselotter Echis carinatus ocellatus Squamata - Viperidae Western Saw-scaled Viper Westliche Sandrasselotter Echis coloratus Squamata - Viperidae Palestine Saw-scaled Viper; Burton's Painted Carpet Viper; Arabian Carpet Viper; Burton's Carpet Viper; Arabian Saw-scaled Viper Arabische Sandrasselotter Echide d'Arabie Echis hughesi Squamata - Viperidae Hughes's Saw-scaled Viper Echis jogeri Squamata - Viperidae Joger's Saw-scaled Viper

Echis leucogaster

2946 e f 2947 e 2948 e 2949 e 2950 e d 2951 e 2952 e d

2953 e 2954 e

Echis leucogaster Squamata - Viperidae Roman's Saw-scaled Viper; Whitebellied Carpet Viper Echide à ventre blanc Echis megalocephalos Squamata - Viperidae Cherlin's Saw-scaled Viper Echis multisquamatus Squamata - Viperidae Iranian Saw-scaled Viper Echis ocellatus Squamata - Viperidae African Saw-scaled Viper Echis pyramidum Squamata - Viperidae Egyptian Saw-scaled Viper; East African Carpet Viver; Saw-scaled Viper; Carpet Viper Nordostafrikanische Sandrasselotter


Skink (ANZ) 2955 e d f 2956 e d 2957 e d 2958 e

Echis sochurchi Squamata - Viperidae Stemmler's Saw-scaled Viper


Egernia Squamata - Scincidae Spiny-tailed Skinks; Spinytail Skinks; Spiny Skinks; Egernias Stachelskinke; Dornschwanzskinke; Stachelschwanzskinke; Stachelechsen


Egernia carinata Squamata - Scincidae Dark Spinytail Skink Egernia coventryi Squamata - Scincidae Coventry's Spintytail Skink; Coventry's Skink (ANZ); Swamp


e d

2961 e d 2962 e

Egernia cunninghami Squamata - Scincidae Cunningham's Skink Cunninghams Dornschwanzskink; Felsenskink; Plattschwänzchen; Cunninghams Skink Scinque à queue épineuse Egernia depressa Squamata - Scincidae Pygmy Spinytail Skink; Pygmy Spiny-tailed Skink (ANZ) Plattschwanzstachelskink Egernia douglasi Squamata - Scincidae Douglas's Skink Baumstachelskink Egernia formosa Squamata - Scincidae Formosa Skink Egernia frerei Squamata - Scincidae Major Skink Egernia hosmeri Squamata - Scincidae Hosmer's Skink Hosmer-Stachelskink; Hosmers Skink Egernia inornata Squamata - Scincidae Desert Skink Wüstenstachelskink Egernia kingii Squamata - Scincidae King's Skink



2963 e

Egernia kintorei Squamata - Scincidae Great Desert Skink

e 2974

2964 e d 2965 e d

Egernia luctuosa Squamata - Scincidae Peters's Swamp Skink Trauerskink Egernia major Squamata - Scincidae Land Mullet Großer Stachelskink; Stachelskink

e 2975 e d

2976 2966 e

Egernia margaretae Squamata - Scincidae Black-spotted Skink

e 2977

2967 e 2968 e 2969 e

2970 e 2971 e

Egernia mcpheei Squamata - Scincidae McPhee's Skink Egernia modesta Squamata - Scincidae Pale-spotted Skink Egernia multiscutata Squamata - Scincidae Coastal Dune Skink; Heath Skink (ANZ) Egernia napoleonis Squamata - Scincidae Napoleon Skink Egernia pilbarensis Squamata - Scincidae Pilbara Skink

e d

2978 e d 2979 e d 2980 e d 2981

2972 e 2973

Egernia pulchra Squamata - Scincidae Keel-scaled Skink Egernia richardi

e d f i

Squamata - Scincidae Richard's Alligator River Skink Egernia rugosa Squamata - Scincidae Yakka Skink Egernia saxatilis Squamata - Scincidae Black Rock Skink Felsenstachelskink; Brauner Felsenskink; Schwarzer Felsenskink Egernia slateri Squamata - Scincidae Slater's Dull Skink Egernia stokesii Squamata - Scincidae Gidgee Skink Stokes-Stachelskink; Dornschwanzskink; Stachelskink Egernia striata Squamata - Scincidae Elliptical-eyed Skink Gestreifte Stachelechse; Nachtskink Egernia striolata Squamata - Scincidae Tree Skink Baumskink Egernia whitii Squamata - Scincidae White's Skink White-Stachelskink Eirenis Squamata - Colubridae Dwarf Racers Zwergnattern Couleuvres nains Irene

Eirenis arabica

2982 e

Eirenis arabica Squamata - Colubridae Arabian Dwarf Racer


i 2989

2983 e d f i 2984 e d f i 2985 e d f i

Eirenis barani Squamata - Colubridae Baran Dwarf Racer Baran-Zwergnatter; Barans Zwergnatter Couleuvre naine de Baran Irene di Baran Eirenis collaris Squamata - Colubridae Collared Dwarf Racer; Collared Dwarf Snake Halsbandzwergnatter Couleuvre naine à collier Irene dal collare Eirenis coronella Squamata - Colubridae Crowned Dwarf Racer; Crowned Peace Snake Krönchenzwergnatter Couleuvre naine couronnée Irene coronella

e d f i 2990 e d f i 2991 e d f 2992

2986 e 2987 e d f i 2988 e d f

Eirenis coronelloides Squamata - Colubridae Sinai Dwarf Racer Eirenis eiselti Squamata - Colubridae Eiselt's Dwarf Racer Eiselts Zwergnatter Couleuvre naine d'Eiselt Irene di Eiselt Eirenis modestus Squamata - Colubridae Asia Minor Dwarf Racer; Ringheaded Dwarf Snake KopfbindenZwergnatter Couleuvre naine à tête rayée;

e d f 2993 e d f i 2994 e

Couleuvre naine d'Asie mineure Irene modesta Eirenis punctatolineatus Squamata - Colubridae Boettger's Dwarf Racer; Dotted Dwarf Racer; Dotted Dwarf Snake Armenische Zwergnatter; Punktenzwergnatter Couleuvre naine à points alignés; Couleuvre naine d'Arménie; Couleuvre naine ponctuée Irene lineopuctata Eirenis rothii Squamata - Colubridae Roth's Dwarf Racer; Roth's Snake Roths Zwergnatter Couleuvre naine de Roth Irene di Roth Elachistodon Squamata - Colubridae Indian Egg-eating Snakes Indische Eierschlangen Couleuvres de Westermann Elachistodon westermanni Squamata - Colubridae Indian Egg-eating Snake; Westermann's Snake Indische Eierschlange Couleuvre de Westermanm Elaphe Squamata - Colubridae Rat Snakes Kletternattern; Rattenschlangen; Hühnerschlangen Couleuvres ratiers; Élaphes Elafi Elaphe bairdi Squamata - Colubridae Baird's Rat Snake; Baird's Pilot


Elaphe flavirufa pardalina

d i 2995 e d

2996 e

Snake Bairds Kletternatter Elafe di Baird Elaphe bimaculata Squamata - Colubridae Twin-spotted Rat Snake; Chinese Leopard Snake; Chinese Twinspotted Rat Snake Chinesische Zweiflecknatter; Zweiflecknatter; Zweifleckkletternatter; Zweistreifennatter; Chinesische Leopardnatter Elaphe cantoris Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Trinket Snake; Cantor's Rat Snake; Ring-tailed Dhaman

e d 3002 e d 3003 e d f i

2997 e

d i

Elaphe carinata Squamata - Colubridae Taiwan Stink Snake; Stink Snake; Stinking Goddess; China King Rat Snake; King Rat Snake; Keeled Rat Snake Stinknatter; Gekielte Kletternatter Serpente dei ratti reale cinese

3004 e d 3005

2998 e

Elaphe carinata carinata Squamata - Colubridae Chinese Keeled Rat Snake

e 3006

2999 e

Elaphe carinata yonaguniensis Squamata - Colubridae Yonaguni Keeled Rat Snake

e d

3000 e d


Elaphe climacophora Squamata - Colubridae Japanese Rat Snake; Albino Rat Snake Inselnatter; Japanische Inselkletternatter; Inselkletternatter; Japan-Kletternatter Elaphe conspicillata Squamata - Colubridae

3007 e d 3008

Red Japanese Rat Snake; Japanese Forest Rat Snake; Burrowing Rat Snake; Japanese Wood Snake Japanische Walnatter Elaphe davidi Squamata - Colubridae Père David's Rat Snake Davids Kletternatter Elaphe dione Squamata - Colubridae Steppe Rat Snake; Dione Snake; Pallas's Coluber; Steppes Rat Snake; Dione's Rat Snake Dione-Natter; Steppennatter; Kletternatter Couleuvre Dione; Couleuvre de Dioné; Elaphe de Dioné Colubro Dione Elaphe emoryi Squamata - Colubridae Great Plains Rat Snake; Emory's Rat Snake; Spotted Chicken Snake (NA); Emory's Pilot Snake Prairie-Kornnatter; Graue Kornnatter Elaphe emoryi emoryi Squamata - Colubridae Northern Plains Rat Snake Elaphe erythrura Squamata - Colubridae Reddish Rat Snake; Philippine Rat Snake Philippinen Kletternatter Elaphe flavirufa Squamata - Colubridae Yellow-red Rat Snake; Red-yellow Rat Snake Mexikanische Nachtnatter Elaphe flavirufa pardalina Squamata - Colubridae

Elaphe flavolineata

d 3009 e

d 3010 e d 3011 e d 3012 e d f i 3013 e d f

3014 e

Mexikanische Nachtnatter Elaphe flavolineata Squamata - Colubridae Black Copper Rat Snake; Common Malayan Rat Snake; Common Malayan Racer; Yellow-striped Snake Gelbstreifennatter Elaphe frenata Squamata - Colubridae Assam Green Trinket Snake Zügelnatter Elaphe gloydi Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Fox Snake Östliche Fuchsnatter Elaphe guttata Squamata - Colubridae Corn Snake; Red Rat Snake; Red Chicken Snake (NA); Red House Snake; Spotted Racer Kornnatter Élaphe des blés; Couleuvre à gouttelettes; Serpent des blés Serpente del grano; Elafe scarlatta Elaphe guttata guttata Squamata - Colubridae Corn Snake Kornnatter Serpent des blés; Couleuvre à gouttelettes Elaphe guttata meahllmorum Squamata - Colubridae Southwestern Rat Snake; South Plains Rat Snake


3016 e


3017 e d 3018 e d f i 3019 e d 3020 e 3021 e d 3022 e

3015 d

Elaphe guttata rosacea Squamata - Colubridae Rosa Kornnatter

d f

Elaphe helenae Squamata - Colubridae Common Trinket Snake; Trinket Snake (ISC); Helena's Rat Snake; Daudin's Rat Snake; Trinket Rat Smake Indische Schmucknatter; Indische Schmuckbaumnatter; Indische Schönnatter Elaphe hodgsonii Squamata - Colubridae Himalaya Trinket Snake; Hodgson's Rat Snake Hodgsons Kletternatter Elaphe hohenackeri Squamata - Colubridae Trans-Caucasian Rat Snake; Caucasian Snake Transkaukasische Kletternatter Couleuvre de Hohenacker; Élaphe de Hohenacker Colubro di Hohenacker Elaphe janseni Squamata - Colubridae Jansen's Rat Snake Celebes-Schwarzschwanznatter Elaphe japonica Squamata - Colubridae Northern Japanese Rat Snake Elaphe leonardi Squamata - Colubridae Burmese Rat Snake Leonards Kletternatter Elaphe longissima Squamata - Colubridae Aesculapian Rat Snake; Aesculapian Snake Äskulapnatter Couleuvre d'Esculape; Elaphe d'Esculape


Elaphe phaescens i

Saettone; Colubro di Eusculapio; Serpente di Esculapio; Saettone di Esculapio; Frustone

e d

3023 e d 3024 e d i

3025 e d

3026 e

d f i 3027 e d


Elaphe longissima longissima Squamata - Colubridae Aesculapian Snake Äskulapnatter Elaphe mandarina Squamata - Colubridae Mandarin Rat Snake Mandarinnatter; Mandarinschlange Serpente dei ratti mandarino; Serpente mandarino Elaphe moellendorfi Squamata - Colubridae Red-headed Rat Snake; Flower Snake Blumennatter; Moellendorfs Kletternatter; Moellendorf's Blumennatter; Chinesische Kletternatter Elaphe obsoleta Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Rat Snake; Red Rat Snake; Common Rat Snake; Pilot Black Snake (NA); Mountain Black Snake (NA); Black Chicken Snake (NA); Rat Snake; American Rat Snake Grüne Erdnatter; Pilotnatter; Kükennatter; Erdnatter; Schwarze Rattenschlange Élaphe ratier; Couleuvre obscure; Serpent ratier Elafe americano; Serpente pilota nero Elaphe obsoleta lindheimerii Squamata - Colubridae Texas Rat Snake Texas-Kükennatter; Erdnatter; Lindheimers Erdnatter; Pilotnatter; Schwarze Rattennatter Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta


3029 e

d f 3030 e d 3031 e d f 3032 e d 3033 e d 3034 e

Squamata - Colubridae Black Rat Snake; American Rat Snake Pilotnatter; Schwarze Rattennatter; Schwarze Erdnatter; Schwarze Pilotnatter Couleuvre obscure; Serpen ratier noire Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata Squamata - Colubridae Yellow Rat Snake; Four-lined Chicken Snake; Common Chicken Snake (NA); Chicken Snake (NA); Four-lined Rat Snake Kükennatter; Gelbe Erdnatter; Gelbe Erdnatter Serpent-ratier jaune Elaphe obsoleta rossalleni Squamata - Colubridae Everglades Rat Snake Everglades-Kükenatter Elaphe obsoleta spiloides Squamata - Colubridae Gray Rat Snake (NA); Spotted Chicken Snake Graue Erdnatter; Graue Pilotnatter Serpent-ratier gris Elaphe perlacea Squamata - Colubridae Szechwan Rat Snake Perlennatter Elaphe persica Squamata - Colubridae Persia Rat Snake Persische Kletternatter Elaphe phaescens Squamata - Colubridae Yucatan Rat Snake

Elaphe porphyracea

3035 e i

Elaphe porphyracea Squamata - Colubridae Black-banded Trinket Snake; Broadbarred Rat Snake; Purple-spotted Rat Snake; Red Mountain Rat Snake Elafe rosso montano


d f i 3042

3036 d

Elaphe porphyracea porphyracea Squamata - Colubridae Rote Bambusnatter

e d

3037 e d

3038 e d

3039 e d f i 3040 e d 3041 e

Elaphe prasina Squamata - Colubridae Green Trinket Snake; Green Tree Racer; Green Tree Rat Snake; Small Green Rat Snake; Green Rat Snake Grüne Strauchnatter; Grüne Baumnatter Elaphe quadrivirgata Squamata - Colubridae Japanese Four-lined Rat Snake; Japanese Four-lined Snake Japanische Vierstreifennatter; Rotaugennatter Elaphe quatuorlineata Squamata - Colubridae Four-lined Rat Snake; Four-rayed Snake; Four-lined Snake Vierstreifennatter Élaphe à quatre raies; Couleuvre à quatre raies; Couleuvre à quatre bandes; Couleuvre à quatre lignes Cervone Elaphe quatuorlineata sauromates Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Four-lined Rat Snake Östliche Vierstreifennatter Elaphe radiata Squamata - Colubridae Radiated Rat Snake; Copper-headed Racer; Copper-headed Rat Snake; Stripe-necked Rat Snake; Asian

3043 e d f i 3044 e


3045 e d f i 3046 e d

Copperhed; Copperhead (ISC); Copperhead Rat Snake Strahlennatter Serpent-ratier à tête cuivrée Serpente dei ratti raggiato Elaphe rufodorsata Squamata - Colubridae Frog-eating Rat Snake; Rayed Coluber Rlotrückennatter Elaphe scalaris Squamata - Colubridae Ladder Snake; Ladder Rat Snake Treppennatter Couleuvre à échelons; Bisse Colubro scalare; Colubro bilineato Elaphe schrenckii Squamata - Colubridae Russian Rat Snake; Amur Rat Snake; Siberian Rat Snake; Great Black Coluber; Manchurian Black Water Snake Amur-Natter; Liebesnatter; Russische Rattenschlange; Sibirische Rattenschlange Elaphe situla Squamata - Colubridae Leopard Rat Snake ; Leopard Snake; European Leopard Snake; Asiaminor Chicken Snake Leopardnatter Couleuvre léopard; Couleuvre léopardine Colubro leopardino Elaphe subradiata Squamata - Colubridae Sunda Rat Snake; Indonesian Rat Snake Indonesische Kletternatter


Elapomorphus dimidiatus

3047 e

d i

Elaphe taeniura Squamata - Colubridae Taiwan Beauty Snake; Beauty Snake; Beauty Rat Snake; Banded Coluber; Stripe-tailed Rat Snake; Striped Racer; Cave Racer Schönnatter; Streifenkletternatter; Streifennatter; Schönkletternatter; Streifenschwanznatter Serpente dalla coda a strisce

Couleuvre jaune 3055 e d 3056 e

3048 e d f 3049 e 3050 e 3051 e 3052 e d f 3053 e 3054 e d f

Elaphe taeniura friesi Squamata - Colubridae Taiwan Beauty Snake Taiwan-Schönnatter Serpent-ratier de Chine Elaphe taeniura grabowskyi Squamata - Colubridae Borneo Blue Beauty Elaphe taeniura gridleyi Squamata - Colubridae Cave-dwelling Rat Snake Elaphe taeniura schmackeri Squamata - Colubridae Sakishima Beauty Snake Elaphe triaspis Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Rat Snake; Green Rat Snake (NA); Mexican Green Snake Grüne Rattennatter; Rattennatter Élaphe verte Elaphe triaspis intermedia Squamata - Colubridae Western Green Rat Snake Elaphe vulpina Squamata - Colubridae Fox Snake; Western Fox Snake Fuchsnatter Élaphe vulpine; Couleuvre renardine;

d f 3057 e d 3058 e d 3059 e 3060 e 3061 e 3062 e 3063 e

Elaphe vulpina vulpina Squamata - Colubridae Western Fox Snake Fuchsnatter; Westliche Fuchsnatter Elapidae Squamata Cobras, Kraits and Sea Snakes; Cobras; Coral Snakes (NA); Frontfanged Snakes Giftnattern; Nattern Élapidés Elapognathus Squamata - Elapidae Little Brown Snakes Kleine Braunottern Elapognathus minor Squamata - Elapidae Little Brown Snake; Little Desert Snake Kleine Braunotter Elapoides Squamata - Colubridae Brown Mountain Racers Elapoides fuscus Squamata - Colubridae Brown Mountain Racer Elapomorphus Squamata - Colubridae Diadem Snakes Elapomorphus bilineatus Squamata - Colubridae Two-lined Lizard-eating Snake Elapomorphus dimidiatus Squamata - Colubridae Jan's Diadem Snake

Elapomorphus lemniscatus

3064 e 3065 e 3066 e 3067 e 3068 e 3069 e 3070 e 3071 e 3072 e 3073 e 3074 e

Elapomorphus lemniscatus Squamata - Colubridae Duméril's Diadem Snake Elapomorphus lepidus Squamata - Colubridae Minas Gerais Snake Elapomorphus mertensi Squamata - Colubridae Mertens's Lizard-eating Snake Elapomorphus nasutus Squamata - Colubridae Gomes's Lizard-eating Snake


3075 e d

3076 e 3077 e

Elapomorphus punctatus Squamata - Colubridae Dotted Diadem Snake


Elapomorphus quinquelineatus Squamata - Colubridae Radde's Lizard-eating Snake Snake


Elapomorphus spegazzinii Squamata - Colubridae Spegazzini's Diadem Snake


Elapomorphus tricolor Squamata - Colubridae Tricolor Lizard-eating Snake


Elapomorphus wuchereri Squamata - Colubridae Wucherer's Lizard-eating Snake Elapotinus Squamata - Colubridae Jan's Snakes Elapotinus picteti Squamata - Colubridae Jan's Snake





3082 e



Elapsoidea Squamata - Elapidae Venomous Garter Snakes; Garter Snakes Afrikanische Korallenschlangen; Afrikanische Bänderkorallenschlangen Elapsoidea chelazzii Squamata - Elapidae Somali Garter Snake Elapsoidea guentheri Squamata - Elapidae Günther's Garter Snake; Western Garter Snake (CSA) Elapsoidea laticincta Squamata - Elapidae Werner's Garter Snake Elapsoidea loveridgei Squamata - Elapidae Loveridge's Garter Snake Elapsoidea nigra Squamata - Elapidae Black Garter Snake Elapsoidea semiannulata Squamata - Elapidae Half-banded Garter Snake (CSA); Southern Garter Snake Elapsoidea semiannulata boulengeri Squamata - Elapidae Boulenger's Garter Snake; Halfbanded Garter Snake (CSA) Elapsoidea semiannulata semiannulata Squamata - Elapidae Angola Garter Snake


Elgaria multicarinata scincicauda

3084 e d

3085 e


Elapsoidea sundevallii Squamata - Elapidae African Garter Snake Südafrikanische Strumpfbandnatter; Afrikanische Termitenotter


Elapsoidea sundevallii longicauda Squamata - Elapidae Sundevall's Garter Snake (CSA)



e 3086 e

Elapsoidea sundevallii media Squamata - Elapidae Sundevall's Garter Snake (CSA)

3095 e

3087 e 3088 e d f 3089 e

3090 e d f

Elapsoidea sundevallii sundevallii Squamata - Elapidae Sundevall's Garter Snake (CSA) Elgaria Squamata - Anguidae Western Alligator Lizards; Alligator Lizards Alligatorschleichen; Krokodilschleichen Lézards-alligator du Pacifique Elgaria cedronensis Squamata - Anguidae Cedros Alligator Lizard; Cedros Island Alligator Lizard Elgaria coerulea Squamata - Anguidae Northern Alligator Lizard; Longtailed Lizard; California Plated Lizard Nördliche Krokodilschleiche Lézard-alligator du Nord

d f 3096 e f 3097 e d f

3098 e

3091 e

Elgaria coerulea coerulea Squamata - Anguidae San Francisco Alligator Lizard 3099


Elgaria coerulea palmeri Squamata - Anguidae


Sierra Alligator Lizard Elgaria coerulea principes Squamata - Anguidae Northern Alligator Lizard; Northwestern Alligator Lizard (NA) Elgaria coerulea shastensis Squamata - Anguidae Shasta Alligator Lizard Elgaria kingii Squamata - Anguidae Madrean Alligator Lizard (NA); Sonoran Alligator Lizard; Arizona Alligator Lizard (NA) Mexikanische Alligatorschleiche; Arizona-Alligatorschleiche Lézard-alligator d'Arizona Elgaria kingii nobilis Squamata - Anguidae Madrean Alligator Lizard; Arizona Alligator Lizard Lézard-alligator d'Arizona Elgaria multicarinata Squamata - Anguidae California Alligator Lizard; Southern Alligator Lizard (NA); Santa Cruz Island Alligator Lizard Südliche Alligatorchleiche; Südliche Krokodilschleiche Lézard-alligator du Sud; Gerrhonote multicaréné; Lézard alligator; Lézard crocodile Elgaria multicarinata multicarinata Squamata - Anguidae Southern Alligator Lizard (NA); California Alligator Lizard; California Southern Alligator Lizard Elgaria multicarinata scincicauda Squamata - Anguidae Oregon Alligator Lizard; Skink-tailed Plated Lizard

Elgaria multicarinata webbii

3100 e 3101 e f 3102 e 3103 e 3104 e d 3105 e

d i

3106 e d i

Elgaria multicarinata webbii Squamata - Anguidae San Diego Alligator Lizard Elgaria panamintina Squamata - Anguidae Panamint Alligator Lizard Lézard-alligator panamint


3108 e d i

Elgaria parva Squamata - Anguidae Pygmy Alligator Lizard


Elgaria paucicarinata Squamata - Anguidae San Lucan Alligator Lizard


Elseya Testudines - Chelidae Australia Snapping Turtles; Australian Snapping Turtles Elseya-Schildkröten


Elseya dentata Testudines - Chelidae Northern Australia Snapping Turtle; Northern Snapping Turtle (ANZ); Elseya; Snapping Tortoise; Whiteheaded Turtle Elseya-Schildkröte Tartaruga azzannatrice del Australia settentrionale Elseya latisternum Testudines - Chelidae Serrated Snapping Turtle; Sawshelled Turtle (ANZ); Sawshell Tortoise Breitbrust-Elseya-Schildkröte; Breitbrustspitzkopfschildkröte Tartaruga azzannatrice a carapace dentellato



e d 3112 e 3113 e 3114 e 3115 e 3116 e

3107 e

Elseya macrurus Testudines - Chelidae Cann's Snapping Turtle


Elseya novaeguineae Testudines - Chelidae New Guinea Snapping Turtle; New Guinea Sideneck Turtle; New Guinea Snapper Rückenflecken-Elseya-Schildkröte; Rückenfleckenspitzkopfschildkröte Tartaruga azzannatrice della Nova Guinea Emmochliophis Squamata - Colubridae Pichinda Snakes Emmochliophis fugleri Squamata - Colubridae Pichinda Snake Emoia Squamata - Scincidae Emo Skinks; Emoias Küstenschlankskinke Emoia acrocarinata Squamata - Scincidae Pointed Emo Skink Emoia adspersa Squamata - Scincidae Steindachner's Emo Skink Emoia aenea Squamata - Scincidae Bronze Emo Skink Emoia ahli Squamata - Scincidae Ahl's Emo Skink Emoia aneityumensis Squamata - Scincidae Medway's Emo Skink Emoia arnoensis Squamata - Scincidae


Emoia guttata e

3118 e d 3119 e 3120 e 3121 e

Emo Skink Emoia atrocostata Squamata - Scincidae Mangrove Skink; Mangrove Emo Skink; Green Tree Skink; Blacksided Emo Skink Mangrovenskink Emoia aurulenta Squamata - Scincidae Brown's Emo Skink Emoia battersbyi Squamata - Scincidae Battersby's Emo Skink Emoia baudini Squamata - Scincidae Baudin's Emo Skink

3128 e 3129 e 3130 e 3131 e 3132 e d

3122 e 3123 e 3124 e 3125 e 3126 e

Emoia bismarkensis Squamata - Scincidae Bismark Emo Skink Emoia boettgeri Squamata - Scincidae Boettger's Emo Skink Emoia bogerti Squamata - Scincidae Bogert's Emo Skink Emoia brongersmai Squamata - Scincidae Brongersma's Emo Skink Emoia caeruleocauda Squamata - Scincidae Pacific Bluetail Skink; Pacific Bluetailed Skink

3133 e 3134 e 3135 e 3136 e 3137 e

3127 e

Emoia callistica Squamata - Scincidae New Guinea Emo Skink

Emoia campbelli Squamata - Scincidae Montane Emo Skink Emoia coggeri Squamata - Scincidae Cogger's Emo Skink Emoia concolor Squamata - Scincidae Fiji Green Emo Skink Emoia cyanogaster Squamata - Scincidae Teal Emo Skink Emoia cyanura Squamata - Scincidae Bluetail Emo Skink; Coppertailed Skink; Blue-tailed Emo Skink Blauschwanzskink; Blauschwanzschlankskink Emoia cyclops Squamata - Scincidae Cyclops Emo Skink Emoia digul Squamata - Scincidae Digul Emo Skink Emoia erronan Squamata - Scincidae Common Emo Skink Emoia flavigularis Squamata - Scincidae Yellow-throated Emo Skink Emoia guttata Squamata - Scincidae Allison's Emo Skink

Emoia impar

3138 e 3139 e 3140 e 3141 e 3142 e 3143 e 3144 e 3145 e 3146 e 3147 e 3148 e

Emoia impar Squamata - Scincidae Azure-tailed Skink


3149 e

Emoia iriannensis Squamata - Scincidae Irian Emo Skink


Emoia isolata Squamata - Scincidae Isolated Emo Skink


Emoia jakati Squamata - Scincidae Kopstein's Emo Skink


Emoia jamur Squamata - Scincidae Jamur Emo Skink


Emoia klossi Squamata - Scincidae Kloss's Emo Skink


Emoia kordoana Squamata - Scincidae Meyer's Emo Skink


Emoia kuekenthali Squamata - Scincidae Kueckenthal's Emo Skink


Emoia laobaoensis Squamata - Scincidae Bourret's Emo Skink


Emoia lawesi Squamata - Scincidae Günther's Emo Skink Emoia layaltiensis Squamata - Scincidae Roux's Emo Skink








e d 3158 e 3159

Emoia longicauda Squamata - Scincidae Longtail Emo Skink; Long-tailed Emo Skink Emoia loveridgei Squamata - Scincidae Loveridge's Emo Skink Emoia maculata Squamata - Scincidae Spotted Emo Skink Emoia maxima Squamata - Scincidae Great Emo Skink Emoia mivarti Squamata - Scincidae Boulenger's Emo Skink Emoia montana Squamata - Scincidae Mountain Emo Skink Emoia murphyi Squamata - Scincidae Murphy's Emo Skink Emoia nativittatis Squamata - Scincidae Island Emo Skink Emoia nigra Squamata - Scincidae Black Emo Skink; Black Skink Lackschwarzer Südsee-Skink Emoia nigromarginata Squamata - Scincidae Black-bordered Emo Skink Emoia obscura Squamata - Scincidae


Emoia taumakoensis e

3160 e 3161 e 3162 e 3163 e 3164 e 3165 e 3166 e 3167 e 3168 e 3169 e 3170

Obscure Emo Skink


Emoia orbita Squamata - Scincidae Eyelid Emo Skink


Emoia pallidiceps Squamata - Scincidae De Vis's Emo Skink


Emoia paniai Squamata - Scincidae Coastal Emo Skink


Emoia parkeri Squamata - Scincidae Parker's Emo Skink


Emoia physicae Squamata - Scincidae Slender Emo Skink


Emoia physicina Squamata - Scincidae Five-toed Emo Skink


Emoia ponapea Squamata - Scincidae Kiester's Emo Skink


Emoia popei Squamata - Scincidae Pope's Emo Skink


Emoia pseudocyanura Squamata - Scincidae False Bluetail Emo Skink


Emoia pseudopallidiceps Squamata - Scincidae Arboreal Emo Skink


Emoia reimschisseli Squamata - Scincidae












Reimschissel's Emo Skink Emoia rennelensis Squamata - Scincidae Bright Emo Skink Emoia ruficauda Squamata - Scincidae Redtail Emo Skink Emoia rufilabialis Squamata - Scincidae Red-lipped Emo Skink Emoia samoensis Squamata - Scincidae Samoa Emo Skink Emoia sanfordi Squamata - Scincidae Sanford's Emo Skink Emoia schmidti Squamata - Scincidae Schmidt's Emo Skink Emoia similis Squamata - Scincidae Dunn's Emo Skink; Dunn's Emoia Emoia slevini Squamata - Scincidae Slevin's Emo Skink Emoia sorex Squamata - Scincidae Sorex Emo Skink Emoia submetallica Squamata - Scincidae Macleay's Emo Skink Emoia taumakoensis Squamata - Scincidae

Emoia tetrataenia

e 3182 e 3183 e 3184 e 3185 e 3186 e d f

i 3187 e d 3188 e d

3189 e


Taumako Emo Skink Emoia tetrataenia Squamata - Scincidae Four-striped Emo Skink Emoia tropidolepis Squamata - Scincidae Forest Emo Skink Emoia trossula Squamata - Scincidae Gibbons's Emo Skink Emoia veracunda Squamata - Scincidae Tropical Emo Skink Emydidae Testudines Emydid Turtles; Pond Turtles; Marsh Turtles; Freshwater Turtles; Pond and Box Turtles Sumpfschildkröten Tortues subaquatiques; Tortues bourbeuses; Tortues d'eau douce; Tortues fluviatiles; Tortues des marais; Émidés Emididi Emydocephalus Squamata - Elapidae Turtlehead Sea Snakes Schildkrötenköpfige Seeschlangen Emydocephalus annulatus Squamata - Elapidae Ringed Turtlehead Sea Snake; Eggeating Sea Snake Eierfressende Seeschlange; Schildkrötenköpfige Seeschlange Emydocephalus ijimae Squamata - Elapidae Turtlehead Sea Snake; Ijima's Turtle-

headed Sea Snake 3190 e d f

3191 e d f i 3192 e

d f 3193 e

d 3194 e d f

Emydoidea Testudines - Emydidae Blanding's Turtles; American Pond Turtles Amerikanische Sumpfschildkröten Tortues mouchetées; Tortues de Blanding Emydoidea blandingii Testudines - Emydidae Blanding's Turtle; American Pond Turtle Amerikanische Sumpfschildkröte Tortue mouchetée (Qué); Tortue de Blanding; Emyde de Blanding Tartaruga di Blanding Emydura Testudines - Chelidae Australian River Turtles; Sharpsnouted Turtles; Australian Mollusceating Turtles; Australian Shortnecked Turtles Spitzkopfschildkröten; Spitzkopfschlangenhalsschildkröten Émydures Emydura australis Testudines - Chelidae Australian Bighead Turtle; Australian Big-headed Turtle; Northwestern Red-faced Tortoise; Australian Sharp-snouted Turtle Australische Spitzkopfschildkröte Emydura krefftii Testudines - Chelidae Krefft's River Turtle; Krefft's Turtle; Krefft's Sharp-snouted Turtle; Krefft's Tortoise Krefft-Spitzkopfschildkröte; Kreffts Spitzkopfschildkröte Émydure de Krefft


Emys orbicularis galloitalica

3195 e

d f i 3196 e

3197 e d i

3198 e

3199 e d f

Emydura macquarrii Testudines - Chelidae Murray River Turtle; Murray Turtle; Macquarr's Murray Turtle; Macquarr's Murray River Turtle; Macquarr's Tortoise; Murray River Short-necked Turtle Murray-River-Spitzkopfschildkröte; Breitrandspitzkopfschildkröte Émydure de Macquarr Tartaruga capogrosso Emydura signata Testudines - Chelidae Brisbane Shortneck Turtle; Brisbane Short-necked Turtle; Brisbane Shortneck Tortoise Emydura subglobosa Testudines - Chelidae Redbelly Shortneck Turtle; Painted Shortneck Turtle; Red-bellied Shortnecked Turtle Rotbauchspitzkopfschildkröte; Rundliche Spitzkopfschildkröte Tartaruga orecchie rosse al collo corto Emydura victoriae Testudines - Chelidae Victoria Shortneck Turtle; Victoria Short-necked Turtle Emys Testudines - Emydidae European Pond Turtles; Freshwater Turtles Eigentliche Sumpfschildkröten Tortues des marais; Tortues bourbeuses; Tortues boueuses; Tortues jaunes; Cistudes

3201 e

d f i

3202 e d 3203 e d 3204 e d 3205 e

3200 e d

Emys marmorata Testudines - Emydidae Western Pond Turtle Europäische Sumpfschildkröten; Eigentliche Sumpfschildkröten

d 3206

Emys orbicularis Testudines - Emydidae European Pond Turtle; Swamp Turtle; European Swamp Terrapin; European Swamp Tortoise; European Pond Terrapin; Common European Pond Turtle Europäische Sumpfschildkröte; Teichschildkröte Tortue bourbeuse; Cistude d'Europe; Cistude des marais; Tortue boueuse; Tortue jaune; Tortue des marais Testuggine palustre; Testuggine d'acqua; Tartaruga palustre europea; Tartaruga palustre; Galana d'acqua; Tartuca stizziata; Tartaruga d'acqua comune; Emide europea; Testuggine d'acqua comune; Tartaruga palustre comune; Testuggine palustre europea; Testuggine acquatica; Tartuca do Sciumi Emys orbicularis capolongoi Testudines - Emydidae Corsican Pond Turtle; Korsische Sumpfschildkröte Korsische Sumpfschildkröte Emys orbicularis colchia Testudines - Emydidae Colchic Pond Turtle; Kolchische Sumpfschildkröte Kolchische Sumpfschildkröte Emys orbicularis eiselti Testudines - Emydidae Eiselt's; Eiselts Sumpfschildkröte Eiselts Sumpfschildkröte Emys orbicularis fritsjuergenobsti Testudines - Emydidae Eastern Spanish Pond Turtle; Ostspanische Sumpfschildkröte Ostspanische Sumpfschildkröte Emys orbicularis galloitalica Testudines - Emydidae

Emys orbicularis hellenica

e d 3207 e d 3208 e d 3209 e d

Mediterranean Pond Turtle; Mittelländische Sumpfschildkröte Mittelländische Sumpfschildkröte Emys orbicularis hellenica Testudines - Emydidae East Mediterranenan Pond Turtle; Ostmediterrane Sumpfschildkröte Ostmediterrane Sumpfschildkröte Emys orbicularis hispanica Testudines - Emydidae Iberian Pond Turtle; Iberische Sumpfschildkröte Iberische Sumpfschildkröte Emys orbicularis lanzai Testudines - Emydidae Corsican Pond Turtle; Korsische Sumpfschildkröte Korsische Sumpfschildkröte


3214 e 3215 e

d 3216 e

3217 e d

3210 e d

Emys orbicularis luteofusca Testudines - Emydidae Central Anatolian Pond Turtle; Zentralanatolische Sumpfschildkröte Zentralanatolische Sumpfschildkröte

f 3218 e

3211 e d f 3212 e d 3213 e d

Emys orbicularis occidentalis Testudines - Emydidae North African Pond Turtle; Nordafrikanische Sumpfschildkröte Nordafrikanische Sumpfschildkröte Cistude d'Europe Emys orbicularis orbicularis Testudines - Emydidae Pontic Pond Turtle; Pontische Sumpfschildkröte Pontische Sumpfschildkröte Emys orbicularis persica Testudines - Emydidae Iranian Pond Turtle; Persische Sumpfschildkröte Persische Sumpfschildkröte

3219 e 3220 e 3221 e f 3222 e

Enhydrina Squamata - Elapidae Beaked Sea Snakes Enhydrina schistosa Squamata - Elapidae Beaked Sea Snake; Common Beaked Sea Snake; Common Sea Snake; Hook-nosed Sea Snake (ISC); Valakadiyan (ISC) Schnabelseeschlange Enhydrina zweifeli Squamata - Elapidae Zweifel's Sea Snake; Zweifel's Beaked Sea Snake Enhydris Squamata - Colubridae Rainbow Water Snakes; Water Snakes (CSA) Orientalische Wassertrugnattern; Choury-Schlangen Couleuvres aquatiques Enhydris albomaculatua Squamata - Colubridae White-spotted Water Snake Enhydris alternans Squamata - Colubridae Reuss's Water Snake Enhydris bennetti Squamata - Colubridae Bennett's Water Snake Enhydris bocourti Squamata - Colubridae Bocourts Water Snake Couleuvre aquatique Enhydris chinensis Squamata - Colubridae Chinese Water Snake


Enulius bifoveatus d

3223 e 3224 e 3225 e

3226 e 3227 e 3228 e

Chinesiche Wassertrugnatter Enhydris doriae Squamata - Colubridae Sarawak Water Snake Enhydris dussumieri Squamata - Colubridae Dussumier's Water Snake Enhydris enhydris Squamata - Colubridae Rainbow Water Snake; Schneider's Water Snake; Schneider's Smooth Water Snake (ISC)

3233 e 3234 e d 3235 e d

Enhydris indica Squamata - Colubridae West Malaysia Water Snake


Enhydris innominata Squamata - Colubridae Tay Minh Water Snake


Enhydris jagori Squamata - Colubridae Striped Water Snake; Jagor's Water Snake




e d

3229 e

Enhydris longicauda Squamata - Colubridae Longhead Water Snake

3239 e

3230 e

Enhydris maculosa Squamata - Colubridae Blanford's Spotted Water Snake

3240 e

3231 e 3232 e

Enhydris matanensis Squamata - Colubridae Boulenger's Water Snake Enhydris pahangensis Squamata - Colubridae Pahang Water Snake

3241 e 3242

Enhydris pakistanica Squamata - Colubridae Sind River Snake Enhydris plumbea Squamata - Colubridae Yellowbelly Water Snake; Ricepaddy Snake; Yellow-bellied Water Snake; Plumbeous Water Snake Reisfeld-Wassssertrugnatter Enhydris polylepis Squamata - Colubridae Macleay's Water Snake Maclays Wassertrugnatter Enhydris punctata Squamata - Colubridae Spotted Water Snake Enhydris sieboldi Squamata - Colubridae Siebold's Water Snake Enhydris smithi Squamata - Colubridae Smith's Water Snake; Smith's African Water Snake Afrikanische Wassernatter Enuliophis Squamata - Colubridae Colombian Longtail Snakes Enuliophis sclateri Squamata - Colubridae Colombian Longtail Snake; Whiteheaded Snake Enulius Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Longtail Snakes Enulius bifoveatus Squamata - Colubridae

Enulius flavitorques

e 3243 e

3244 e 3245 e 3246 e 3247 e

3248 e 3249 e

3250 e


Guanaja Longtail Snake

Wood Lizard

Enulius flavitorques Squamata - Colubridae Pacific Longtail Snake; Common Longtail Snake


Enulius oligostichus Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Longtail Snake


Enulius roatanensis Squamata - Colubridae Roatan Longtail Snake Enyalioides Squamata - Iguanaidae Dwarf Iguanas; Wood Lizards


e d f 3255 e f

Enyalioides cofanorum Squamata - Iguanaidae Duellman's Dwarf Iguana; Cofan Wood Lizard


Enyalioides heterolepis Squamata - Iguanaidae Bocourt's Dwarf Iguana


Enyalioides laticeps Squamata - Iguanaidae Guichenot's Dwarf Iguana; Amazon Wood Lizard Enyalioides microlepis Squamata - Iguanaidae Tiny-scale Dwarf Iguana; Brown Wood Lizard


e d f 3258 e 3259 e

3251 e

Enyalioides oshaughnessyi Squamata - Iguanaidae O'Shaughnessy's Dwarf Iguana

3260 e

3252 e

Enyalioides palpebralis Squamata - Iguanaidae Boulenger's Dwarf Iguana; Horned


Enyalioides praestabilis Squamata - Iguanaidae Dwarf Iguana; Blue-spotted Wood Lizard Enyalius Squamata - Iguanaidae Fathead Anoles; Brazilian Lizards Brasilianische Leguane Enyales Enyalius bileneatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Two-lined Fathead Anole; Two-lined Brazilian Lizards Enyale à deux raies Enyalius brasiliensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Brazilian Fathead Anole; Brazilian Chameleon; Brazilian Tree Lizard Enyalius catenatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Wied's Fathead Anole Brasilianisches Chamäleon; Brasiliansicher Leguan Enyale rhombifère Enyalius iheringii Squamata - Iguanaidae Ihering's Fathead Anole Enyalius leechii Squamata - Iguanaidae Leech's Fathead Anole Enyalius perdites Squamata - Iguanaidae Jackson's Fathead Anole Eopleopus Squamata - Teiidae


Epicrates inornatus e

Gaudichaud's Eopleopuses d

3262 e 3263 e 3264 e 3265 e d f

3266 e d f

Eopleopus guadichaudii Squamata - Teiidae Gaudichaud's Eopleopus Ephalophis Squamata - Elapidae Grey's Sea Snakes Ephalophis greyi Squamata - Elapidae Grey's Sea Snake Epicrates Squamata - Boidae Rainbow Boas; Slender Boas; Tree Boas Schlankboas; Glattlippenboas Boas; Boas arc-en-ciel; Serpents foulard (Ants) Epicrates angulifer Squamata - Boidae Cuban Boa; Pale-headed Tree Boa Kuba-Schlankboa; Kuba-Boa; Kubanische Schlankboa Boa de Cuba

3270 e d 3271 e d f

3272 e d 3273 e d

3267 e d f

3268 e d

Epicrates cenchria Squamata - Boidae Rainbow Boa; Thick-necked Tree Boa; Common Rainbow Boa Bunte Regenbogenboa; Regenbogenboa Aboma; Arc-en-ciel; Boa arc-en-ciel; Serpent foulard (Ants) Epicrates cenchria alvarezie Squamata - Boidae Argentine Rainbow Boa Argentinische Regenbogenboa

3274 e d 3275 e

3276 3269 e

Epicrates cenchria cenchria Squamata - Boidae Red Rainbow Boa; Brazilian


Rainbow Boa Rote Regenbogenboa; Brasilianische Regenbogenboa; Bunte Regenbogenboa Epicrates cenchria crassus Squamata - Boidae Rainbow Boa Regenbogenboa Epicrates cenchria maurus Squamata - Boidae Brown Rainbow Boa; Columbian Rainbow Boa Braune Regenbogenboa; Kolumbianische Regenbogenboa Boa arc-en-ciel de Colombie; Serpent foulard (Ants) Epicrates chrysogaster Squamata - Boidae Turks Island Boa; Southern Bahamas Boa (WI) Bahama-Schlankboa Epicrates exsul Squamata - Boidae Abaco Island Boa; Exsul Boa; Northern Bahamas Boa (WI) Abaco-Insel-Schlankboa; GreatAbaco-Schlankboa Epicrates fordi Squamata - Boidae Ford's Boa; Dominican Boa; Hispaniolan Desert Boa Fords Boa; Ford-Boa Epicrates gracilis Squamata - Boidae Hispaniola Boa; Hispaniolan Gracile Boa Epicrates inornatus Squamata - Boidae Puerto Rica Boa; Puerto Rican Boa; Yellow-headed Boa; Puerto Rican

Epicrates monensis

d f 3277 e d f

3278 e d

3279 e

Tree Boa ; Puerto Rican Giant Boa Puerto-Rico-Schlankboa; PuertoRico-Boa Boa de Porto Rico Epicrates monensis Squamata - Boidae Mona Island Boa; Virgin Islands Boa; Mona Boa; Tree Boa ; Puerto Rican Dwarf Boa Mona-Schlankboa Boa des Îles Vierges; Boa de l'île Mona Epicrates striatus Squamata - Boidae Haitian Boa; Bahama Boa (NA); Bimini Streaked Tree Boa; Hispaniolan Giant Boa (WI) Haiti-Boa; Silbergraue Schlankboa; Schlankboa Epicrates striatus ailurus Squamata - Boidae Cat Island Boa


e d 3285 e

3286 e 3287 e d f 3288 e d f

3280 e

Epicrates striatus exagistus Squamata - Boidae Tiburon Peninsula Boa

3289 e

3281 e d 3282 e

Epicrates striatus fosteri Squamata - Boidae Bimini Boa Bimini-Boa; Bimini-Schlankboa Epicrates striatus fowleri Squamata - Boidae Berry Island Boa

3290 e d

3291 3283 e

Epicrates striatus mccraniei Squamata - Boidae Ragged Islands Boa

e 3292


Epicrates striatus striatus Squamata - Boidae


Fischer's Boa; Haitian Boa Silbergraue Schlankboa Epicrates striatus strigulatus Squamata - Boidae New Providence Island Boa; Eleuthera Island Boa; Nassau Boa Epicrates striatus warreni Squamata - Boidae Ile de la Tortue Boa Epicrates subflavus Squamata - Boidae Jamaica Boa; Jamaican Boa (WI) Jamaika-Boa; Jamaika Schlankboa Boa de la Jamaïque Eremias Squamata - Lacertidae Racerunners; Desert Lacertas Wüstenrenner; Wüstenrennereidechsen; Buckelnasen Érémias Eremias acutirostris Squamata - Lacertidae Point-snouted Racerunner; Reticulate Desert Lacerta Eremias argus Squamata - Lacertidae Mongolia Racerunner; Mongolian Racerunner Mongolischer Wüstenrenner; Steppenrenner Eremias brenchleyi Squamata - Lacertidae Ordos Racerunner Eremias buechneri Squamata - Lacertidae Kaschar Racerunner


Eretmochelys imbricata d

3293 e 3294 e 3295 e d 3296 e f 3297 e d

3298 e d

3299 e d 3300 e d f i

Kaschgar-Wüstenrenner Eremias ercolinii Squamata - Lacertidae Lanza's Racerunner Eremias grammica Squamata - Lacertidae Reticulate Racerunner Eremias lineoocellata Squamata - Lacertidae Ocellated Racerunner; Ocellated Sand Lizard (CSA) Fleckenstreifenwüstenrenner Eremias lugubris Squamata - Lacertidae Mourning Racerunner; Dull Lizard; Black-and-yellow Sand Lizard (CSA) Lézard lugubre Eremias multiocellata Squamata - Lacertidae Multi-ocellated Racerunner Kleinfleckiger Wüstenrenner; Vierfleckiger Wüstenrenner Eremias przewalskii Squamata - Lacertidae Gobi Racerunner Przewalskis Wüstenrenner; Schachbrettwüstenrenner Eremias quadrifrons Squamata - Lacertidae Alachan Racerunner Alaschan-Wüstenrenner Eremias suphani Squamata - Lacertidae Basoglu Racerunner Türkischer Wüstenrenner Eremias de Süphan Eremia di Suphan

3301 e d f i 3302 e d 3303 e d 3304 e d 3305 e d 3306 e d f 3307 e d

Eremias velox Squamata - Lacertidae Rapid Racerunner; Rapid Fringe-toed Lizard; Racerunner Kaukasischer Wüstenrenner; Schneller Wüstenrenner Érémias véloce Eremia veloce Eremias vermiculata Squamata - Lacertidae Variegated Racerunner Zentralasien-Wüstenrenner Eremiascincus Squamata - Scincidae Sand Swimmers; Sand-swimming Skinks Sandschwimmer Eremiascincus fasciolatus Squamata - Scincidae Narrow-banded Sand Swimmer; Striped Sand-swimming Skink Schmalbändiger Sandschwimmer Eremiascincus richardsonii Squamata - Scincidae Broad-banded Sand Swimmer; Richardson's Sand-swimming Skink Breitbändiger Sandschwimmer Eretmochelys Testudines - Cheloniidae Hawksbill Turtles; Hawksbills; Hawksbill Sea Turtles Echte Karettschildkröten; Echte Karettenschildkröten Carets Eretmochelys imbricata Testudines - Cheloniidae Hawksbill Turtle; Hawksbill; Hawkbill; Tortoiseshell Turtle; Hawksbill Sea Turtle; Carey Echte Karettschildkröte; Echte Karettenschildkröte; Echte Karette

Eretmochelys imbricata bissa

f i 3308 e

3309 e

3310 e

Tortue marine à écailles; Caret; Tortue à écailles; Tortue tuilée; Tortue imbriquée; Tortue caret Tartaruga embricata Eretmochelys imbricata bissa Testudines - Cheloniidae Pacific Hawksbill; Pacific Hawksbill Sea Turtle Eretmochelys imbricata imbricata Testudines - Cheloniidae Atlantic Hawksbill; Hawksbill; Hawkbill; Tortoiseshell Turtle; Atlantic Hawksbill Sea Turtle Eridiphas Squamata - Colubridae Baja California Night Snakes


3316 e d 3317 e d i 3318 e d f 3319

3311 e 3312 e 3313 e 3314 e d f 3315 e d f

Eridiphas marcosensis Squamata - Colubridae San Marcos Island Night Snake Eridiphas sleveni Squamata - Colubridae Baja California Night Snake Eridiphas sleveni sleveni Squamata - Colubridae Baja California Night Snake Eristicophis Squamata - Viperidae MacMahon's Vipers; MacMahon's Desert Vipers; Leaf-nosed Vipers MacMahon-Vipern Vipères de MacMahon Eristicophis macmahonii Squamata - Viperidae MacMahon's Viper; MacMahon's Desert Viper; Leaf-nosed Viper MacMahon-Viper Vipère de Macmahon; Vipère des sables

e d f i 3320 e d 3321 e

d f 3322

Erpeton Squamata - Colubridae Tentacled Snakes; Tentacle Snakes Fühlerschlangen; Tentakelschlangen Erpeton tentaculatum Squamata - Colubridae Tentacled Snake; Tentacle Snake; Fishing Snake Fühlerschlange; Tentakelschlange Ngu-kradan; Serpente tentacolato Erymnochelys Testudines - Pelomedusidae Madagascar Bighead Turtles Madagaskar-Schienenschildkröten Podocnémides Erymnochelys madagascariensis Testudines - Pelomedusidae Madagascar Bighead Turtle; Madagascan Big-headed Side-necked Turtle Madagaskar-Schienenschildkröte Podocnémide de Madagascar; Podocnémis de Madagascar; Réré Podocnemide del Madagascar Erythrolamprus Squamata - Colubridae False Coral Snakes Falsche Korallennattern Erythrolamprus aesculapii Squamata - Colubridae Aesculapian False Coral Snake; Tropical American Coral Mimic (NA); Aesculapian Coral Snake; False Coral Snake Falsche Äsculap-Korallennatter Faux corail Erythrolamprus aesculapii aesculapii Squamata - Colubridae


Eryx miliaris e

3323 e

3324 e

3325 e

3326 e

Common False Coral Snake Erythrolamprus bizona Squamata - Colubridae Jan's False Coral Snake; Doublebanded False Coral Snake Erythrolamprus guentheri Squamata - Colubridae Günther's False Coral Snake; Pinknaped False Coral Snake Erythrolamprus mimus Squamata - Colubridae Mimic False Coral Snake; Singlebanded False Coral Snake Erythrolamprus pseudocorallus Squamata - Colubridae False Coral Snake

d f

3331 e 3332 e

d f i

3327 e d f 3328 e d f

3329 e d 3330 e

Eryx Squamata - Boidae Sand Boas; Earth Boas (ISC) Sandboas Éryx; Javelots; Boas des sables Eryx colubrinus Squamata - Boidae Egyptian Sand Boa Ägyptische Sandboa; Ägyptische Schlankboa Boa du sable; Boa des sables d'Égypte Eryx colubrinus loveridgi Squamata - Boidae Kenya Sand Boa; East African Sand Boa Kenya-Sandboa; Sandboa Eryx conicus Squamata - Boidae Rough-scaled Sand Boa; Roughtailed Sand Boa; Russell's Sand Boa; Indian Sand Boa; Russell's Earth Boa

3333 e

3334 e

d f

3335 e d f i

(ISC); Common Sand Boa Gefleckte Sandboa; Bunte Sandboa Boa du sable; Boa aux écailles rugueuses; Boa des sables Eryx elegans Squamata - Boidae Central Asia Sand Boa Eryx jaculus Squamata - Boidae Caucasian Sand Boa; Javelin Sand Boa; Egyptian Sand Boa; European Sand Boa; Spotted Sand Boa; Turkish Sand Boa; Sand Boa Europäische Sandboa; Sandboa; Westliche Sandboa; Türkische Sandboa; Sandschlange Javelot; Éryx-javelot; Boa des sables occidental; Boa des sables européen; Boa-javelot Erice iaculo; Boa delle sabbie occidentale Eryx jayakari Squamata - Boidae Arabian Sand Boa; Jayakar's Sand Boa Eryx johnii Squamata - Boidae Brown Sand Boa; Indian Sand Boa; Indian Boa; Two-headed Snake; John's Earth Boa (ISC); John's Sand Boa (ISC) Indische Sandboa Éryx de John; Boa des sables; Boa de l'Inde; Boa des sables de l'Inde Eryx miliaris Squamata - Boidae Dwarf Sand Boa; Desert Sand Boa Wüstensandboa; Zwergsandboa; Östliche Sandboa Boa des sables oriental; Eryx miliaire Boa delle sabbie orientale

Eryx muelleri

3336 e f 3337 e

Eryx muelleri Squamata - Boidae Müller's Sand Boa; Bosenborgo Sand Python Boa du sable Eryx somalicus Squamata - Boidae Somali Sand Boa; Somalian Sand Boa


3345 e d f i 3346

3338 e d

3339 e 3340 e

Eryx tataricus Squamata - Boidae Tartar Sand Boa; Tartary Sand Boa Tatarische Sandboa; Große Sandboa; Sandboa Etheridgeum Squamata - Colubridae Sumatra Etheridge Snakes Etheridgeum pulchrum Squamata - Colubridae Sumatra Etheridge Snake


3347 e

3348 e

3349 3341 e d f 3342 e f 3343 e 3344 e

Eublepharidae Squamata Eyelid Geckos Geckos; Lidgeckos Eublepharidés Eublepharis Squamata - Eublepharidae Eyelid Geckos; Fat-tailed Geckos; Leopard Geckos (ISC) Geckos-panthère Eublepharis angramainyu Squamata - Eublepharidae Iraqui Eyelid Gecko Eublepharis hardwickii Squamata - Eublepharidae Hardwicke's Eyelid Gecko

e 3350 e 3351 e

3352 e 3353 e

Eublepharis macularius Squamata - Eublepharidae Leopard Gecko (ISC); Fat-tailed Gecko; Spotted Cat-eyed Gecko (ISC) Leopardgecko; Panthergecko Gecko-panthère à paupières mobiles; Gecko-léopard Geco leopardo Eublepharis turcmenicus Squamata - Eublepharidae Turkmenistan Eyelid Gecko; Turkmenistan Fat-tailed Gecko Eugongylus Squamata - Scincidae New Caledonia Skinks; Indo-Pacific Skinks Eugongylus albofasciolatus Squamata - Scincidae White-striped Cape Skink; Whitestriped Sheen Skink Eugongylus haraldmeieri Squamata - Scincidae New Caledonia Skink Eugongylus microlepis Squamata - Scincidae Tonga Skink Eugongylus rufescens Squamata - Scincidae Purple Cape Skink; Bar-lipped Sheen Skink Eugongylus sulaensis Squamata - Scincidae Sula Skink Eulamprus Squamata - Scincidae Five-fingered Skinks


Eumeces capito

3354 e 3355 e

3356 e 3357 e

Eulamprus amplus Squamata - Scincidae Olive Five-fingered Skink Eulamprus heatwolei Squamata - Scincidae Heatwole's Five-fingered Skink; Yellow-bellied Water Skink (ANZ) Eulamprus kosciuskoi Squamata - Scincidae Alpine Water Skink Eulamprus leuraensis Squamata - Scincidae Blue Mountains Tree Skink

d f

3364 e 3365 e f 3366 e

3358 e

Eulamprus luteilateralis Squamata - Scincidae Clarke Range Tree Skink

3367 e

3359 e

Eulamprus quoyii Squamata - Scincidae Eastern Water Skink

3368 e

3360 e 3361 e d f 3362 e 3363 e

Eulamprus tympanum marniae Squamata - Scincidae Corangamite Water Skink Eumeces Squamata - Scincidae Eyelid Skinks; Long-legged Skinks; Long Skinks; Opaque-lidded Skinks; Skinks; Great Skinks (NA) Langbeinige Skinke Scinques lignées; Eumécès Eumeces afer Squamata - Scincidae Peters's Eyelid Skink Eumeces algerensis Squamata - Scincidae Algerian Skink; Northern Skink; Berber Skink; Algerian Orange-tailed

3369 e f 3370 e 3371 e f 3372 e

Skink Berberskink Eumécès d'Algérie; Scinque d'Algérie; Scinque berber Eumeces altamirani Squamata - Scincidae Tepalcatepec Skink Eumeces anthracinus Squamata - Scincidae Coal Skink Scinque anthracite Eumeces anthracinus anthracinus Squamata - Scincidae Northern Coal Skink Eumeces anthracinus pluvialis Squamata - Scincidae Southern Coal Skink Eumeces barbouri Squamata - Scincidae Barbour's Eyelid Skink Eumeces bocourti Squamata - Scincidae Bocourt's Eyelid Skink Scinque de Bocourt Eumeces brevirostris Squamata - Scincidae Shortnose Skink Eumeces callicephalus Squamata - Scincidae Fair-headed Skink; Mountain Skink (NA) Scinque des montagnes Eumeces capito Squamata - Scincidae Gail's Skink

Eumeces chinensis

3373 e f

Eumeces chinensis Squamata - Scincidae Chinese Skink Eumécès de Chine


3383 e 3384

3374 e

Eumeces colimensis Squamata - Scincidae Colima Skink

e 3385

3375 e 3376 e 3377 e 3378 e

3379 e 3380 e 3381 e

3382 e

Eumeces copei Squamata - Scincidae Cope's Skink Eumeces coreensis Squamata - Scincidae Smith's Skink Eumeces dugesii Squamata - Scincidae Duges's Skink Eumeces egregius Squamata - Scincidae Blue-tailed Mole Skink; Florida Skink; Mole Skink; Striped Redtailed Skink Eumeces egregius egregius Squamata - Scincidae Florida Keys Mole Skink Eumeces egregius insularis Squamata - Scincidae Cedar Key Mole Skink Eumeces egregius lividus Squamata - Scincidae Bluetail Mole Skink; Blue-tailed Mole Skink Eumeces egregius onocrepis Squamata - Scincidae Pensinsula Mole Skink

e d f

3386 e d f 3387 e 3388 e 3389 e 3390 e 3391 e

Eumeces egregius similis Squamata - Scincidae Northern Mole Skink Eumeces elegans Squamata - Scincidae Shanghai Elegant Skink Eumeces fasciatus Squamata - Scincidae Five-lined Skink; Common Fivelined Skink (NA) Fünfstreifenskink; Streifenskink Scinque pentaligne; Eumécès à bandes; Scinque à cinque lignes; Scinque à bandes Eumeces gilberti Squamata - Scincidae Gilbert's Skink; Greater Western Skink; Gilbert Skink Gilberts Skink Scinque de Gilbert Eumeces gilberti arizonensis Squamata - Scincidae Arizona Skink Eumeces gilberti cancellosus Squamata - Scincidae Variegated Skink Eumeces gilberti gilberti Squamata - Scincidae Greater Brown Skink Eumeces gilberti placerencis Squamata - Scincidae Northern Brown Skink Eumeces gilberti rubricaudatus Squamata - Scincidae Western Red-tailed Skink


Eumeces okadae

3392 e d f 3393 e 3394 e 3395 e 3396 e d f

3397 e 3398 e 3399 e 3400 e 3401

Eumeces inexpectatus Squamata - Scincidae Southeastern Five-lined Skink; Florida Five-lined Skink; Southern Five-lined Skink Fünfbindenskink Scinque pentaligne du Sud-ouest Eumeces kishinouyei Squamata - Scincidae Japanese Skink Eumeces lagunensis Squamata - Scincidae San Lucan Skink Eumeces lateralis Squamata - Scincidae Ground Skink Eumeces laticeps Squamata - Scincidae Broad-headed Skink; Broadhead Skink; Greater Five-lined Skink Breitkopfskink; Rotkopfskink Scinque à tête large; Eumécès à tête large; Scinque à queue bleue Eumeces latiscutatus Squamata - Scincidae Far Eastern Skink Eumeces livi Squamata - Scincidae Hikida's Skink Eumeces longirostris Squamata - Scincidae Longnose Skink Eumeces lynxe Squamata - Scincidae Oak Forest Skink Eumeces managuae

e 3402 e 3403 e 3404 e f 3405 e 3406 e 3407

e 3408 e d f 3409 e 3410 e

Squamata - Scincidae Managua Skink; Pacific Giant Skink Eumeces marginatus Squamata - Scincidae Ousima Skink Eumeces multilineatus Squamata - Scincidae Chihuahuan Skink Eumeces multivirgatus Squamata - Scincidae Many-lined Skink Scinque multiligne Eumeces multivirgatus epipleurotes Squamata - Scincidae Many-lined Skink; Variable Skink Eumeces multivirgatus gaigeae Squamata - Scincidae Variable Skink Eumeces multivirgatus multivirgatus Squamata - Scincidae Northern Many-lined Skink Eumeces obsoletus Squamata - Scincidae Great Plains Skink; Brown Skink (NA); Sonoran Skink Rotkopfskink; Spitzkopfskink Scinque des plaines Eumeces ochoterenae Squamata - Scincidae Guerreran Skink Eumeces okadae Squamata - Scincidae Okada's Skink

Eumeces parviauriculatus

3411 e 3412 e 3413 e 3414 e 3415 e


Eumeces parviauriculatus Squamata - Scincidae Northern Pygmy Skink


Eumeces parvulus Squamata - Scincidae Southern Pygmy Skink


Eumeces poonaensis Squamata - Scincidae Poona Skink Eumeces popei Squamata - Scincidae Pope's Skink Eumeces quadrilineatus Squamata - Scincidae Hong Kong Skink


e f 3422 e d f 3423 e

3416 e d f i 3417 e

3418 e f

Eumeces schneideri Squamata - Scincidae Schneider's Skink; Schneider's Gold Skink; Orange-tailed Skink; Gold Skink Tüpfelskink; Fleckenskink Eumécès de Schneider; Scinque de Schneider Eumece di Schneider Eumeces schwartzei Squamata - Scincidae Schwartze's Skink; Yucatan Giant Skink Eumeces septentrionalis Squamata - Scincidae Prairie Skink; Northern Prairie Skink Scinque des prairies

3424 e 3425 e 3426 e 3427 e 3428



Eumeces septentrionalis obtusirostris Squamata - Scincidae Southern Prairie Skink

e 3429

Eumeces septentrionalis pallidus Squamata - Scincidae Pallid Skink Eumeces septentrionalis septentrionalis Squamata - Scincidae Northern Prairie Skink; Blackbanded Skink Scinque des Prairies Eumeces skiltonianus Squamata - Scincidae Western Skink; Skilton's Skink; Common Western Skink Skilton Skink Scinque de l'Ouest Eumeces skiltonianus interparietalis Squamata - Scincidae Coronado Island Skink; Coronado Skink (NA) Eumeces skiltonianus skiltonianus Squamata - Scincidae Skilton Skink; Skilton's Skink Eumeces skiltonianus utahensis Squamata - Scincidae Great Basin Skink Eumeces stimsonii Squamata - Scincidae Stimson's Skink Eumeces sumichrasti Squamata - Scincidae Sumichrasts's Skink Eumeces taeniolatus Squamata - Scincidae Alpine Punjab Skink Eumeces tamdaoensis Squamata - Scincidae


Euprepes chaperi e

Vietnam Skink; Vietnamese Skink d

3430 e f 3431


Eumeces tetragrammus Squamata - Scincidae Four-lined Skink; Four-striped Skink Scinque tétraligne Eumeces tetragrammus brevilineatus Squamata - Scincidae Short-lined Skink

f i 3439 e 3440


e 3433 e

3434 e 3435 e d f 3436 e 3437 e f 3438 e

Eumeces tetragrammus tetragrammus Squamata - Scincidae Four-lined Skink; Long-lined Skink Eumecia Squamata - Scincidae Western Serpentiform Skinks; Serpentiform Skinks Eumecia anchietae Squamata - Scincidae Western Serpentiform Skink Eunectes Squamata - Boidae Anacondas; Water Boas Anakondas; Wasserboas Eunectes; Anacondas Eunectes barbouri Squamata - Boidae Barbour's Anaconda Eunectes deschauenseei Squamata - Boidae Dark-spotted Anaconda; Deschauensee's Anaconda Anaconda; Couleuvre d'eau (Ants) Eunectes murinus Squamata - Boidae Green Anaconda; Anaconda; Water

e d f i 3441 e 3442 e 3443 e 3444 e 3445 e 3446 e

Boa Große Anakonda; Anakonda; Grüne Anakonda Anaconda; Anaconda vert; Couleuvre d'eau (Ants) Anaconda; Anaconda verde Eunectes murinus murinus Squamata - Boidae Common Anaconda Eunectes notaeus Squamata - Boidae Yellow Anaconda; Southern Anaconda; Paraguay Anaconda Südanakonda; Gelbe Anakonda; Paraguay-Anakonda; Südliche Anakonda Anaconda jaune; Anaconda de Paraguay Anaconda giallo; Anaconda Euprepes Squamata - Scincidae Serpentiform Skinks Euprepes acutilabris Squamata - Scincidae Sharp-lipped Skink Euprepes aureopunctatus Squamata - Scincidae Gold-dotted Skink Euprepes bilineatus Squamata - Scincidae Grandidier's Two-lined Skink Euprepes binotatus Squamata - Scincidae Bocage's Serpentiform Skink Euprepes chaperi Squamata - Scincidae Serpentiform Skink

Euprepes vittatus

3447 e 3448 e 3449 e 3450 e 3451 e 3452 e 3453 e 3454 e 3455 e 3456 e 3457 e


Euprepes vittatus Squamata - Scincidae Banded Skink


Eurydactylodes Squamata - Gekkonidae Prehensile-tail Geckos


Eurydactylodes symmetricus Squamata - Gekkonidae Symmetrical Gecko


Eurydactylodes vieillardi Squamata - Gekkonidae Bavay's Gecko


Euspondylus Squamata - Teiidae Sun Tegus


Euspondylus acutirostris Squamata - Teiidae Sharp-snouted Sun Tegu


Euspondylus ampuedae Squamata - Teiidae Lancini's Sun Tegu


Euspondylus guentheri Squamata - Teiidae Günther's Sun Tegu


Euspondylus maculatus Squamata - Teiidae Spotted Sun Tegu Euspondylus phelpsi Squamata - Teiidae Phelps's Sun Tegu Euspondylus rahmi Squamata - Teiidae Rahm's Sun Tegu








3465 e d

Euspondylus simonsii Squamata - Teiidae Simons's Sun Tegu Euspondylus spinalis Squamata - Teiidae Boulenger's Sun Tegu Evesia Squamata - Scincidae Bell's Skinks Evesia bellii Squamata - Scincidae Bell's Skink Exelencophis Squamata - Colubridae Maria Madre Snakes Exelencophis neslsoni Squamata - Colubridae Maria Madre Snake Exiliboa Squamata - Boidae Oaxacan Dwarf Boas; Mexican Dwarf Boas; Bogert's Boas Mexikanische Zwergboas Exiliboa placata Squamata - Boidae Oaxacan Dwarf Boa; Bogert's Boa Oaxaca-Zwergboa; Mexikanische Zwergboa


Ficimia olivacea e


d f 3472 e

3466 e d f

Farancia Squamata - Colubridae Mud Snakes; Rainbow Mud Snakes; Horn Snakes; Rainbow Snakes Schlammnattern; Halsbandnattern; Regenbogennattern Couleuvres arc-en-ciel

3473 e d 3474

3467 e d f

3468 e d 3469 e d 3470 e d f

Farancia abacura Squamata - Colubridae Mud Snake; Horn Snake; Red-bellied Mud Snake Schlammnatter Couleuvre mosaïque; Couleuvre cornue Farancia abacura abacura Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Mud Snake; Mud Snake; Stinging Snake (NA); Horn Snake (NA) Östliche Schlammnatter Farancia abacura reinwardtii Squamata - Colubridae Western Mud Snake Westliche Schlammnatter Farancia erythrogramma Squamata - Colubridae Rainbow Snake; Rainbow Mud Snake Regenbogennatter Couleuvre arc-en-ciel

e 3475 e

3476 e 3477 e 3478 e

d f 3479


Farancia erythrogramma erythrogramma Squamata - Colubridae


Rainbow Snake; Common Rainbow Snake Regenbogennatter Couleuvre arc-en-ciel Farancia erythrogramma seminola Squamata - Colubridae South Florida Rainbow Snake; Southern Florida Rainbow Snake Feylinia Squamata - Scincidae Feylinias Afrikanische Schlangenechsen Feylinia boulengeri Squamata - Scincidae Boulenger's Feylinia Feylinia currori Squamata - Scincidae Western Forest Feylinia; Curror's Feylinia Feylinia elegans Squamata - Scincidae Elegant Feylinia Feylinia polylepis Squamata - Scincidae Many-scaled Feylinia Ficimia Squamata - Colubridae Hooknose Snakes; Mexican Hooknose Snakes; Hook-nosed Snakes; Mexican Hook-nosed Snakes; Eastsern Hook-nosed Snakes Hakennasennattern; Mexikanischen Hakennasennattern; Sichelnattern Couleuvres à nez crochu Ficimia olivacea Squamata - Colubridae Brown Hooknose Snake; Mexican Hooknose Snake; Mexican Hook-

Ficimia publia


nosed Snake Mexikanische Hakennasennatter


3488 e

3480 e

3481 e

3482 e 3483 e

f 3484 e 3485 e d 3486 e d 3487 e

Ficimia publia Squamata - Colubridae Blotched Hooknose Snake; Cope's Hook-nosed Snake; Blotched Hooknosed Snake Ficimia ramirezi Squamata - Colubridae Ramirez's Hooknose Snake; Ramirez's Hook-nosed Snake Ficimia ruspator Squamata - Colubridae Guerreran Hooknose Snake Ficimia streckeri Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Hooknose Snake; Mexican Hook-nosed Snake; Strecker's Hooknosed Snake; Tamaulipan Hooknose Snake; Tamaulipan Hook-nosed Snake Couleuvre à nez crochu du Mexique Ficimia variegata Squamata - Colubridae Tehuantepec Hooknose Snake Fimbrios Squamata - Colubridae Bearded Snakes Lippennattern Fimbrios klossi Squamata - Colubridae Bearded Snake; Kloss's Snake Lippennatter Fojia Squamata - Scincidae Fojia Skinks

3489 e d f 3490 e d f 3491 e 3492 e d 3493 e d 3494 e d 3495 e 3496

Fojia bumui Squamata - Scincidae Fojia Skink Fordonia Squamata - Colubridae Whitebelly Mangrove Snakes; Crabeting Water Snakes Krebstrugnattern Serpents d'eau à ventre blanc Fordonia leucobalia Squamata - Colubridae Whitebelly Mangrove Snake; Crabeating Water Snake; White-bellied Mangrove Snake (ANZ) Krebstrugnatter Serpent d'eau à ventre blanc Furina Squamata - Elapidae Naped Snakes; Red-naped Snakes Furina barnardi Squamata - Elapidae Yellow-naped Snake Gelbkragenotter Furina diadema Squamata - Elapidae Red-naped Snake; Diadem Snake Rothalsotter Furina dunmalli Squamata - Elapidae Dunmall's Snake Dunmalls Schlange Furina ornata Squamata - Elapidae Orange-naped Snake Furina tristis Squamata - Elapidae

209 e d

Brown-headed Snake Australische Braunkopfnatter




e d f 3504

3497 e d 3498 e d

3499 e d f 3500 e d f 3501 e d f 3502 e 3503

Gallotia Squamata - Lacertidae Gallot's Lizards; Gallotias; Canarian Lizards; Canary Island Lizard Kanaren-Eidechsen Gallotia atlantica Squamata - Lacertidae Atlantic Lizard Atlantische Eidechse; Atlantische Kanareneidechse; Purpurarieneidechse Gallotia galloti Squamata - Lacertidae Gallot's Lizard; West Canaries Gallotia Kanaren-Eidechse Lézard de Gallot Gallotia simonyi Squamata - Lacertidae Simony's Lizard; Hierro Giant Lizard Hierro-Rieseneidechse Lézard géant de Hierro Gambelia Squamata - Iguanaidae Leopard Lizards Leopardleguane Lézards-léopard Gambelia copeii Squamata - Iguanaidae Cope's Leopard Lizard Gambelia sila

e d f

3505 e 3506 e

3507 e

3508 e 3509 e

3510 e d

Squamata - Iguanaidae Bluntnose Leopard Lizard; Bluntnosed Leopard Lizard; San Joaquin Leopard Lizard San-Joaquin-Leopardleguan Lézard-léopard à nez court Gambelia wislizenii Squamata - Iguanaidae Longnose Leopard Lizard; Leopard Lizard; Common Leopard Lizard; Long-nosed Leopard Lizard (NA) Leopardleguan Lézard-léopard à nez long; Lézard de Wislizen Gambelia wislizenii maculosa Squamata - Iguanaidae Lahontan Basin Leopard Lizard Gambelia wislizenii punctata Squamata - Iguanaidae Pale Leopard Lizard; Small-spotted Leopard Lizard (NA) Gambelia wislizenii wislizeni Squamata - Iguanaidae Longnose Leopard Lizard; Largespotted Leopard Lizard (NA) Gastropholis Squamata - Lacertidae Keelbelly Ground Lizards Gastropholis vittata Squamata - Lacertidae Keelbelly Ground Lizard; Keelbellied Ground Lizard Gastropyxis Squamata - Colubridae Emerald Snakes; Keel-scaled Green Snakes Grünnattern


Geckolepis polylepis

3511 e d

Gastropyxis smaragdina Squamata - Colubridae Emerald Snake; Keel-scaled Green Snake Grünnattern

e 3520 e

3512 e d f 3513 e d f 3514 e

d f 3515 e 3516 e 3517 e 3518 e 3519

Gavialidae Squamata Gavials Gaviale Gavialidés Gavialis Squamata - Gavialidae Gharials; Gavials; Indian Gavials Ganges-Gaviale Gaviales du Gange Gavialis gangeticus Squamata - Gavialidae Gavial; Indian Gavial ; Gharial (ISC); Ganges Gharial; Long-snouted Crocodile (ISC); True Gharial; Indian Gharial Ganges-Gavial; Schnabelkrokodil; Mudela Gaviale du Gange; Gharial

3521 e 3522 e

3523 e 3524 e 3525 e

Geargas Squamata - Colubridae Tehuantepec Striped Snakes


Geargas redimitus Squamata - Colubridae Tehuantepec Striped Snake


Geckoella Squamata - Gekkonidae Indian Geckos; Ground Geckos (ISC)


Geckoella collegalensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Beddome's Indian Gecko


Geckoella deccanensis





Squamata - Gekkonidae Gunther's Indian Gecko Geckoella jeyporensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Patinghe Indian Gecko Geckoella nebulosus Squamata - Gekkonidae Gunther'sMadras Gecko Geckoella triedrus Squamata - Gekkonidae Sri Lanka Gecko; Dark Bent-toed Gecko Geckoella yakhuna Squamata - Gekkonidae Northern Sri Lanka Gecko Geckolepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Large-scaled Geckos Geckolepis anomala Squamata - Gekkonidae Anomolous Gecko Geckolepis maculata Squamata - Gekkonidae Peters's Spotted Gecko Geckolepis modesta Squamata - Gekkonidae Modest Gecko Geckolepis petiti Squamata - Gekkonidae Angel's Gecko Geckolepis polylepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Many-scaled Gecko

Geckolepis typica

3530 e d

Geckolepis typica Squamata - Gekkonidae Grandidier's Gecko Schuppengecko


3539 e 3540

3531 e d f 3532 e d f 3533 e d 3534 e 3535 e d 3536 e 3537 e 3538 e

Geckonia Squamata - Gekkonidae Helmethead Geckos; Helmeted Geckos Helmkopfgeckos; Helmgeckos Geckos casqués Geckonia chazaliae Squamata - Gekkonidae Helmethead Gecko; Helmeted Gecko Helmkopfgecko; Helmgecko Gecko casqué Gehyra Squamata - Gekkonidae Dtellas Pazifik-Geckos Gehyra angusticaudata Squamata - Gekkonidae Narrowhead Dtella Gehyra australis Squamata - Gekkonidae Northern Dtella Australischer Hausgecko Gehyra baliola Squamata - Gekkonidae Duméril's Dtella Gehyra barea Squamata - Gekkonidae Banda Island Dtella Gehyra borroloola Squamata - Gekkonidae Carpentaria Dtella

e 3541 e 3542 e 3543 e 3544 e 3545 e 3546 e 3547 e 3548 e 3549 e

Gehyra brevipalmata Squamata - Gekkonidae Ceres Gehyra butleri Squamata - Gekkonidae Butler's Dtella Gehyra catenata Squamata - Gekkonidae Chain Dtella Gehyra dubia Squamata - Gekkonidae Macleay's Dtella; Dubious Dtella Gehyra fehlmanni Squamata - Gekkonidae Fehlmann's Dtella Gehyra fenestra Squamata - Gekkonidae Mitchell's Dtella Gehyra intermedia Squamata - Gekkonidae Ryuku Dtella Gehyra interstitialis Squamata - Gekkonidae Oudeman's Dtella Gehyra kimberleyi Squamata - Gekkonidae Kimberley Dtella Gehyra lacerata Squamata - Gekkonidae Lacerated Dtella Gehyra lampei Squamata - Gekkonidae Irian Jaya Dtella


Gekko athymus

3550 e 3551 e 3552 e 3553 e 3554 e 3555 e

d f 3556 e 3557 e 3558 e d 3559

Gehyra leopoldi Squamata - Gekkonidae Leopold Dtella Gehyra marginata Squamata - Gekkonidae Ternate Dtella Gehyra membranacruralis Squamata - Gekkonidae Port Moresby Dtella Gehyra minuta Squamata - Gekkonidae Barkly Tableland Dtella Gehyra montium Squamata - Gekkonidae Mountain Dtella Gehyra mutilata Squamata - Gekkonidae Stump-toed Dtella; Stump-toed Gecko; Sugar Lizard; Pacific Lizard; Eastern House Gecko (ISC); Fourclawed Gecko Pazifik-Gecko Gecko à doigts mutilés Gehyra nana Squamata - Gekkonidae Dwarf Dtella

e 3560 e 3561 e 3562 e 3563 e 3564 e 3565 e f 3566 e d

Gehyra occidentalis Squamata - Gekkonidae Western Dtella


Gehyra oceanica Squamata - Gekkonidae Oceanic Dtella; Oceanic Gecko Südsee-Gecko


Gehyra pamela Squamata - Gekkonidae


e d 3569

Sandstone Dtella Gehyra papuana Squamata - Gekkonidae Papua Dtella Gehyra pilbara Squamata - Gekkonidae Pilbara Dtella Gehyra punctata Squamata - Gekkonidae Spotted Dtella Gehyra purpurascens Squamata - Gekkonidae Purple Dtella Gehyra robusta Squamata - Gekkonidae Robust Dtella Gehyra variegata Squamata - Gekkonidae Tree Dtella (ANZ); Variegated Dtella Gecko arboricole Gehyra vorax Squamata - Gekkonidae Voracious Dtella; Fiji Gecko Halmahera-Riesengecko Gehyra xenopus Squamata - Gekkonidae Foreign Dtella Gekko Squamata - Gekkonidae Pacific Geckos; Geckos; Tropical Asian Geckos (NA) Geckos Gekko athymus Squamata - Gekkonidae

Gekko auriverrucosus

e 3570 e 3571 e 3572 e d f i 3573 e 3574 e 3575 e d f 3576 e 3577 e d f

Brown's Gecko Gekko auriverrucosus Squamata - Gekkonidae Shanxi Gecko Gekko chinensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Gray's Chinese Gecko Gekko gecko Squamata - Gekkonidae Tokay Gecko; Asian Tokay; Tokay (ISC); Tuctoo (ISC) Tokeh; Tokee Tokay; Gecko tokay Geko tokai Gekko gecko gecko Squamata - Gekkonidae Common Tokay Gecko Gekko gigante Squamata - Gekkonidae Giant Gecko Gekko grossmanni Squamata - Gekkonidae Marbled Gecko Gepunkteter Gecko; Vvietnam Gepunkteter Gecko Gecko marbré Gekko hokouensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Kwangsi Gecko Gekko japonicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Schlegel's Japanese Gecko; Japanese Gecko Japan-Gecko Gecko japonais


3578 e 3579 e 3580 e 3581 e 3582 e d 3583 e 3584 e 3585 e 3586 e d

3587 e

Gekko kikuchii Squamata - Gekkonidae Botel Gecko Gekko liboensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Guizhou's Gecko Gekko palmatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Palm Gecko Gekko palwanensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Palawan Gecko Gekko petricolus Squamata - Gekkonidae ThaikoThai Gecko Laos-Gecko; Gelbrückengecko Gekko porosus Squamata - Gekkonidae Taylor's Gecko Gekko romblon Squamata - Gekkonidae Philippine Gecko Gekko scabridus Squamata - Gekkonidae Yunnan Gecko Gekko smithii Squamata - Gekkonidae Smith's Green-eyed Gecko; Forest Gecko Smiths Grünaugengecko; Smiths Grünaugenriesengecko Gekko subpalmatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Southern Palm Gecko


Geochelone denticulata

3588 e 3589 e 3590 e 3591 e 3592 e 3593 e d 3594 e 3595 e d f 3596 e 3597 e

Gekko swinhonis Squamata - Gekkonidae Peking Gecko Gekko taibaiensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Mingtao's Gecko Gekko tawaensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Tawa Gecko Gekko tuberculatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Bumpy Gecko Gekko verreuxi Squamata - Gekkonidae Andaman Gecko Gekko vittatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Lined Gecko; White-lined Gecko Streifengecko Gekko yakuensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Yakushima Gecko Gekkonidae Squamata Geckos; Geckos and Legless Lizards; Gekkonid Lizards; Typical Geckos (CSA) Geckos; Haftzeher; Geckonen Geckos; Geckotiens; Geckonidés Geocalamus Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Kenya Worm Lizards Geocalamus acutus Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Wedge-snouted Worm Lizard; Voi Wedge-snouted Worm Lizard

3598 e

3599 e

3600 e d f 3601 e d f i

3602 e d f i

3603 e

d f i

Geocalamus modestus Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Mpwapwa Wedge-snouted Worm Lizard Geocalamus noltei Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Tanganyika Wedge-snouted Worm Lizard Geochelone Testudines - Testudinidae Typical Tortoises Schildkröten; Landschildkröten Tortues Geochelone carbonaria Testudines - Testudinidae Redfoot Tortoise; Red-footed Tortoise Köhlerschildkröte Tortue charbonnière; Tortue-terre (Ants) Testuggine carbonaria; Testuggine terrestre a zampe rosse; Testuggine a zampe rosse Geochelone chilensis Testudines - Testudinidae Chaco Tortoise; Chilean Tortoise; Argentine Land Tortoise Argentinische Landschildkröte Tortue d'Argentine Testuggine d'Argentine; Testuggine argentina Geochelone denticulata Testudines - Testudinidae South American Yellowfoot Tortoise; Yellow-footed Tortoise; Yellowfoot Tortoise; South American Yellow-footed Tortoise Waldschildkröte Tortue dentelée; Tortue terrestre denticulée; Tortue-terre (Ants) Tartaruga denticolata; Testuggine terrestre a zampe gialle

Geochelone elegans

3604 e d f i

3605 e d f i

3606 e d f i

3607 e d f i 3608 e 3609 e d

Geochelone elegans Testudines - Testudinidae Indian Star Tortoise; Star Tortoise; Indian Starred Tortoise (ISC) Indische Sternschildkröte; Indische Strahlenschildkröte; Sternschildkröte Tortue élégante Tartaruga elegante; Tartaruga indiana stellata Geochelone gigantea Testudines - Testudinidae Aldabra Tortoise; Aldabran Giant Tortoise Seychellen-Riesenschildkröte; Elefantenschildkröte Tortue géante d'Aldabra; Tortue géante des Seychelles Testuggine gigante delle Seicelle; Testuggine gigante di Aldabra Geochelone nigra Testudines - Testudinidae Galapagos Tortoise; Galapagos Giant Tortoise Galapagos-Riesenschildkröte; Elefantenschildkröte Tortue géante des Galapagos Testuggine delle Galapagos; Testuggine gigante delle Galapagos Geochelone pardalis Testudines - Testudinidae Leopard Tortoise Pantherschildkröte Tortue léopard Testuggine leopardo Geochelone pardalis babcocki Testudines - Testudinidae Tropical Leopard Tortoise Geochelone platynota Testudines - Testudinidae Burmese Star Tortoise; Burmese Starred Tortoise Burma-Landschildkröte


f 3610 e d f i 3611 e d f i

3612 e

d f i 3613 e d f 3614 e


Tortue à dos plat Geochelone radiata Testudines - Testudinidae Radiated Tortoise; Madagascar Radiated Tortoise Madagassische Strahlenschildkröte; Strahlenschildkröte Tortue étoilée; Tortue rayonnée; Tortue étoilée de Madagascar Testugggine raggiata Geochelone sulcata Testudines - Testudinidae African Spurred Tortoise Spornschildkröte; Sporenschildkröte Tortue sillonée Tartaruga solcata; Testuggine africana Geochelone yniphora Testudines - Testudinidae Angonoka; Madagascan Tortoise; Ploughshare Tortoise; Angonoka Radiated Tortoise; Angulated Tortoise; Angulated Madagascar Tortoise Madagassische Schnabelbrustschildkröte Tortue à soc; Tortue de Madagascar Testuggine Angonoka Geoclemys Testudines - Emydidae Spotted Pond Turtles; Black Pond Turtles Strahlendreikielschildkröten Géoclémydes Geoclemys hamiltonii Testudines - Emydidae Spotted Pond Turtle; Black-breasted Pond Turtle; Black Pond Turtle; Spotted Black Terrapin (ISC); North Indian Freshwater Tortoise; Black Spotted Pond Turtle Indische Strahlendreikielschildkröte;


Geophis brachycephalus

f i 3615 e 3616 e 3617 e 3618 e 3619 e 3620 e

3621 e 3622 e d f 3623 e f

Strahlendreikielschildkröte Géoclémyde d'Hamilton; Tortue d'Hamilton Tartaruga palustre di Hamilton Geodipsas Squamata - Colubridae African Forest Snakes; Forest Snakes Geodipsas boulengeri Squamata - Colubridae Boulenger's Forest Snake Geodipsas depressiceps Squamata - Colubridae Dark Forest Snake Geodipsas heimi Squamata - Colubridae Heim's Forest Snake Geodipsas infralineata Squamata - Colubridae Lined Forest Snake

3624 e d f i 3625 e 3626 e 3627 e 3628 e

Geodipsas procterae Squamata - Colubridae Loveridge's Forest Snake; Uluguru Forest Snake


Geodipsas vauerocegae Squamata - Colubridae Usambara Forest Snake


Geoemyda Testudines - Emydidae Leaf Turtles Erdschildkröten; Zackenerdschildkröten Géoémydes Geoemyda japonica Testudines - Emydidae Okinawa Black-breasted Leaf Turtle Géoémyde des Ryu-Kyu


e 3631 e 3632 e 3633

Geoemyda spengleri Testudines - Emydidae Chinese Black-breasted Leaf Turtle; Black-breasted Leaf Turtle; Chinese Leaf Turtle Zackenerdschildkröte; Spenglers Erdschildkröte; Chinesische Zackenerdschildkröte Géoémyde de Spengler Tartaruga foglia a petto nero Geomyersia Squamata - Scincidae Australian Island Skinks Geomyersia coggeri Squamata - Scincidae Cogger's Island Skink Geomyersia glabra Squamata - Scincidae Greer's Island Skink Geophis Squamata - Colubridae Latin American Earth Snakes Geophis anocularis Squamata - Colubridae Sierra Mije Earth Snake Geophis betaniensis Squamata - Colubridae Betanien Earth Snake Geophis bicolor Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Plateau Earth Snake Geophis blanchardi Squamata - Colubridae Blanchard's Earth Snake Geophis brachycephalus Squamata - Colubridae

Geophis cancellatus


3634 e 3635 e 3636 e 3637 e 3638 e

Colombian Earth Snake; Grey Earth Snake Geophis cancellatus Squamata - Colubridae Chiapas Earth Snake Geophis carinosus Squamata - Colubridae Keeled Earth Snake Geophis chalybeus Squamata - Colubridae Veracruz Earth Snake Geophis championi Squamata - Colubridae Panamanian Earth Snake Geophis damiani Squamata - Colubridae Damian's Earth Snake


3644 e

3645 e d 3646 e

3647 e

3648 e

3639 e

3640 e 3641 e 3642 e 3643 e

Geophis downsi Squamata - Colubridae Savage's Earth Snake; Downs's Earth Snake Geophis dubius Squamata - Colubridae Mesa del Sur Earth Snake Geophis duellmani Squamata - Colubridae Sierra Juarez Earth Snake Geophis dugesii Squamata - Colubridae Duges's Earth Snake Geophis dunni Squamata - Colubridae Dunn's Earth Snake; Banded Earth Snake

3649 e 3650 e 3651 e 3652 e 3653 e

Geophis fulvoguttatus Squamata - Colubridae Mertens's Earth Snake; Yellowblotched Earth Snake Geophis godmani Squamata - Colubridae Godman's Earth Snake; Yellowbellied Earth Snake Godman-Berggrubenotter Geophis hoffmanni Squamata - Colubridae Hoffmann's Earth Snake; Common Earth Snake Geophis immaculatus Squamata - Colubridae Downs's Earth Snake; Immaculate Earth Snake Geophis incomptus Squamata - Colubridae Sierra Coalcoman Geophis isthmicus Squamata - Colubridae Isthmian Earth Snake Geophis laticinctus Squamata - Colubridae Mesa Central Earth Snake Geophis laticollaris Squamata - Colubridae Wide-collar Earth Snake Geophis latifrontalis Squamata - Colubridae Potosi Earth Snake Geophis maculiferus Squamata - Colubridae Michoacan Earth Snake


Gerrhonotus imbricatus

3654 e 3655 e 3656 e 3657 e 3658 e 3659 e 3660 e 3661 e 3662 e 3663 e 3664 e

Geophis multitorques Squamata - Colubridae Highland Earth Snake


Geophis nasalis Squamata - Colubridae Coffee Earth Snake


Geophis nigrocinctus Squamata - Colubridae Black-banded Earth Snake


Geophis omiltemanus Squamata - Colubridae Guerreran Earth Snake


Geophis petersii Squamata - Colubridae Peters's Earth Snake


Geophis pyburni Squamata - Colubridae Pyburn's Earth Snake


Geophis rhodogaster Squamata - Colubridae Rosebelly Earth Snake


Geophis rostralis Squamata - Colubridae Sierra Madre Earth Snake


Geophis russatus Squamata - Colubridae Red Earth Snake


Geophis ruthveni Squamata - Colubridae Ruthven's Earth Snake Geophis sallaei Squamata - Colubridae Sallae's Earth Snake









e d f

3674 e d

Geophis semiannulatus Squamata - Colubridae Broken-ringed Earth Snake Geophis semidoliatus Squamata - Colubridae Coral Earth Snake Geophis sieboldi Squamata - Colubridae Siebold's Earth Snake Geophis talamancae Squamata - Colubridae Talamanca Earth Snake Geophis tarascae Squamata - Colubridae Tarascan Earth Snake Geophis zeledoni Squamata - Colubridae Zeledon's Earth Snake Gerarda Squamata - Colubridae Gerard's Water Snakes Gerarda prevostiana Squamata - Colubridae Gerard's Water Snake Gerrhonotus Squamata - Anguidae Eastern Alligator Lizards Alligatorschleichen; Krokodilschleichen Lézards-alligator du Texas; Lézardscaïman Gerrhonotus imbricatus Squamata - Anguidae Eastern Alligator Lizard Kiel-Krokodilschleiche

Gerrhonotus infernalis

3675 e 3676 e 3677 e d f 3678 e d f i

Gerrhonotus infernalis Squamata - Anguidae Texas Alligator Lizard Gerrhonotus kufoi Squamata - Anguidae Lugo's Alligator Lizard Gerrhonotus liocephalus Squamata - Anguidae Texas Alligator Lizard; Mexican Plated Lizard Texas-Alligatorschleiche; TexasKrokodilschleiche Lézard-alligator du Texas Gerrhosaurus Squamata - Cordylidae Plated Lizards; Rock Lizards Schildechsen; Eigentliche Schildechsen Gerrhosaures Gerrosauri


d f i 3683 e

3684 e d 3685 e f 3686

3679 e d 3680 e 3681 e d f 3682 e

Gerrhosaurus auritus Squamata - Cordylidae Kalahari Plated Lizard Kalahari-Schildechse Gerrhosaurus bulsi Squamata - Cordylidae Laurent's Plated Lizard Gerrhosaurus flavigularis Squamata - Cordylidae Yellow-throated Plated Lizard Gelbkehlige Schildechse; Rotflankenschildechse Gerrhosaure à gorge jaune Gerrhosaurus major Squamata - Cordylidae Rough-scaled Plated Lizard; Tawny African Great Lizard; Tawny Plated Lizard (CSA); Sudan Plated Lizard

e d f 3687 e 3688 e 3689 e 3690

Sudan-Schildechse; Braune Schildechse; Rote Sudan-Schildechse Gerrhosaure africain Gerrosauro maggiore Gerrhosaurus multilineatus Squamata - Cordylidae Keeled Plated Lizard; Kalahari Plated Lizard (CSA); Many-lined Plated Lizard (CSA); Angolan Plated Lizard (CSA) Gerrhosaurus nigrolineatus Squamata - Cordylidae Black-lined Plated Lizard Gestreifte Schildechse Gerrhosaurus typicus Squamata - Cordylidae Karoo Plated Lizard; Namaqua Plated Lizard (CSA) Gerrhosaure typique Gerrhosaurus validus Squamata - Cordylidae Giant Plated Lizard; Rock Plated Lizard (CSA); Smith's Rock Plated Lizard Felsenschildechse Gerrhosaure de Smith; Gerrhosaure Glaphyromorphus Squamata - Scincidae Pygmy Tree Skinks Glaphyromorphus brongersmai Squamata - Scincidae Brongersma's Tree Skink Glaphyromorphus cracens Squamata - Scincidae Vine Skink Glaphyromorphus crassicaudus Squamata - Scincidae


Gonatodes atillensis e

3691 e 3692 e 3693 e 3694 e 3695 e 3696 e 3697 e 3698 e 3699 e 3700 e 3701

Spotted-flank Ground Skink Glaphyromorphus darwiniensis Squamata - Scincidae Darwin's Ground Skink Glaphyromorphus douglasi Squamata - Scincidae Douglas's Tree Skink Glaphyromorphus fuscicaudis Squamata - Scincidae Brown Tree Skink; Grey-tailed Skink Glaphyromorphus gracilipes Squamata - Scincidae Southwestern Tree Skink Glaphyromorphus isolepis Squamata - Scincidae Night Skink; Smooth-scaledSkink Glaphyromorphus mjobergi Squamata - Scincidae Atherton Tableland Skink Glaphyromorphus nigricaudis Squamata - Scincidae Blacktail Skink Glaphyromorphus pardalis Squamata - Scincidae Panther Burrowing Skink Glaphyromorphus pumilus Squamata - Scincidae Pygmy Tree Skink Glaphyromorphus punctatus Squamata - Scincidae Brown-spotted Skink Gnypetoscincus Squamata - Scincidae


3702 e

3703 e 3704 e 3705 e d f 3706 e d f

3707 e d 3708 e 3709 e

Keeled Queensland Skinks; Prickly Forest Skinks Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae Squamata - Scincidae Keeled Queensland Skink; Prickly Forest Skink Gomesophis Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian Burrowing Snakes Gomesophis brasiliensis Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian Burrowing Snake Gonatodes Squamata - Gekkonidae American Geckos; Streak Lizards; Bent-toed Geckos (NA) Mittelamerikanische Taggeckos Gonatodes Gonatodes albogularis Squamata - Gekkonidae Yellowhead Gecko; Yellow-headed Gecko; Padless Gecko; Neotropical Clawed Gecko (WI) Weißkehlgecko; Gelbkopfgecko Gecko à tête jaune; Gonatode à gorge blanche Gonatodes albogularis fuscus Squamata - Gekkonidae Dusky Yellow-headed Gecko Gelbkopfgecko Gonatodes annularis Squamata - Gekkonidae Annulated Gecko Gonatodes atillensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Antilles Gecko

Gonatodes atricullaris

3710 e 3711 e 3712 e d


Gonatodes atricullaris Squamata - Gekkonidae Cajamarca Gecko


Gonatodes caudiscutatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Shieldhead Gecko


Gonatodes ceciliae Squamata - Gekkonidae Brilliant South American Gecko Buntgecko




e 3723

3713 e

3714 e 3715 e 3716 e

3717 e

3718 e 3719 e

Gonatodes concinnatus Squamata - Gekkonidae O'Shaughnessy's Gecko; Collared Streak Lizard

e d

Gonatodes eladioi Squamata - Gekkonidae South American Gecko


Gonatodes falconensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Estado Falcon Gecko


Gonatodes hasemani Squamata - Gekkonidae Haseman's Gecko; Brown-headed Streak Lizard


Gonatodes humeralis Squamata - Gekkonidae Trinidad Gecko; Amazon Streak Lizard Gonatodes ocellatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Eyespot Gecko Gonatodes petersi Squamata - Gekkonidae Peters's Gecko



e 3727 e 3728 e 3729 e 3730

Gonatodes seigleri Squamata - Gekkonidae Estados Sucre Gecko Gonatodes taniae Squamata - Gekkonidae Estado Aragua Gecko Gonatodes tapajonicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Para Gecko Gonatodes vittatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Wiegmann's Striped Gecko; Streak Lizard Streifengecko Gongilomorphus Squamata - Scincidae Bojer's Skinks Gongilomorphus bojeri Squamata - Scincidae Bojer's Skink Gongylosoma Squamata - Colubridae Smooth Snakes Gongylosoma baliodeirus Squamata - Colubridae Boie's Smooth Snake Gongylosoma longicauda Squamata - Colubridae Peters's Smooth Snake Gongylosoma scripta Squamata - Colubridae Common Grey Ringneck Gongylus Squamata - Scincidae


Gonocephalus e

3731 e 3732 e 3733 e 3734 e 3735 e 3736 e 3737 e 3738 e 3739 e 3740 e 3741

Thicktail Skinks


Gongylus androvandii Squamata - Scincidae Androvandi's Skink


Gongylus arborum Squamata - Scincidae Bavay's Skink


Gongylus austrocaledonica Squamata - Scincidae Austro-Caledonian Skink


Gongylus baudini Squamata - Scincidae Baudin's Skink


Gongylus bougainvillii Squamata - Scincidae Bougainville's Skink


Gongylus brachypoda Squamata - Scincidae Duméril's Skink


Gongylus cartereti Squamata - Scincidae Carteret's Skink


Gongylus coctei Squamata - Scincidae Bibron's Skink


Gongylus concolor Squamata - Scincidae Brilliant Skink


Gongylus crassicaudum Squamata - Scincidae Thicktail Skink Gonionotophis Squamata - Colubridae









3750 e d f

African Ground Snakes Gonionotophis brussauxi Squamata - Colubridae Mocquard's African Ground Snake Gonionotophis granti Squamata - Colubridae Grant's African Ground Snake Gonionotophis klingi Squamata - Colubridae Matschie's African Ground Snake Goniurosaurus Squamata - Eublepharidae Chinese Eyelid Geckos Goniurosaurus araneus Squamata - Eublepharidae Chinese Tiger Gecko Goniurosaurus kuroiwae Squamata - Eublepharidae Tokashiki Gecko Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi Squamata - Eublepharidae Lichtenfelder's Gecko Goniurosaurus luii Squamata - Eublepharidae Chinese Cave Gecko; Chinese Leopard Gecko Gecko-léopard chinois; Gecko des caves chinois; Gecko des grottes chinois Gonocephalus Squamata - Agamidae Humphead Forest Dragons; Forest Dragons; Angleheads; Angle-headed Lizards Winkelkopfagamen Gonocéphales

Gonocephalus abbotti

3751 e 3752 e d

Gonocephalus abbotti Squamata - Agamidae Cochran's Forest Dragon Gonocephalus bellii Squamata - Agamidae Bell's Forest Dragon Bells Winkelkopfagame


e 3762 e 3763 e

3753 e 3754 e 3755 e 3756 e 3757 e 3758 e d

Gonocephalus beyschlagi Squamata - Agamidae Sumatra Forest Dragon

d f

Gonocephalus borneensis Squamata - Agamidae Borneo Forest Dragon


Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus Squamata - Agamidae Chameleon Forest Dragon


Gonocephalus denzeni Squamata - Agamidae Denzen's Forest Dragon


Gonocephalus doriae Squamata - Agamidae Peters's Forest Dragon


Gonocephalus grandis Squamata - Agamidae Giant Forest Dragon Große Winkelkopfagame






e 3769

3759 e

Gonocephalus herveyi Squamata - Agamidae Hervey's Forest Dragon

e 3770

3760 e

Gonocephalus interruptus Squamata - Agamidae Boulenger's Forest Dragon

e 3771


Gonocephalus klossi Squamata - Agamidae


Kloss's Forest Dragon Gonocephalus lacunosus Squamata - Agamidae Manthey's Forest Dragon Gonocephalus liogaster Squamata - Agamidae Tropical Forest Dragon; Bornean Angle-headed Lizard Borneo-Winkelkopfagame Gonocéphale de Bornéo Gonocephalus megalepsis Squamata - Agamidae Bleeker's Forest Dragon Gonocephalus mjoeberbi Squamata - Agamidae Mjoeberb Forest Dragon Gonocephalus robinsonii Squamata - Agamidae Robinson's Forest Dragon Gonocephalus semperi Squamata - Agamidae Mindoro Forest Dragon Gonocephalus sophiae Squamata - Agamidae Negros Forest Dragon Gonyophis Squamata - Colubridae Rainbow Tree Snakes Gonyophis margaritatus Squamata - Colubridae Rainbow Tree Snake Gonyosoma Squamata - Colubridae Redtail Rat Snakes; Tree Racers;


Graptemys caglei

d i 3772 e

d i 3773 e d f i 3774 e

d f i

3775 e d f i


Green Rat Snakes; Rat Snakes Spitzkopfnattern; Rotschwanznattern Colubri codarossa Gonyosoma oxycephalum Squamata - Colubridae Redtail Rat Snake; Tree Racer; Redtailed Green Rat Snake; Red-tailed Rat Snake; Red-tailed Racer; Boie's Rat Snake; Rat-tailed Racer Spitzkopfnatter; Rotschwanznatter; Mangrovenrattenschlange Colubro codarossa Gopherus Testudines - Testudinidae Gopher Tortoises Gopherschildkröten Tortues fouisseuses Tartarughe del deserto Gopherus agassizii Testudines - Testudinidae Mojave Desert Tortoise (Mojave pop.); Sonoran Desert Tortoise (Sonora pop.); Desert Gopher (NA); Mojave Desert Tortoise; Californian Desert Tortoise; Desert Tortoise (NA); Western Desert Tortoise Kalifornische Gopherschildkröte; Agassiz-Gopherschildkröte; Wüstenschildkröte Tortue du désert Tartaruga del deserto; Testuggine del deserto

e d f i

3777 e d f i

3778 e 3779 e 3780 e d f

Gopherus berlandieri Testudines - Testudinidae Berlandier's Tortoise; Texas Gopher Tortoise; Texas Tortoise Texas-Gopherschildkröte Tortue du Texas Tartaruga del Texas; Testuggine del deserto del Texas


Gopherus flavomarginatus Testudines - Testudinidae


e d f i

Bolson Tortoise; Mexican Gopher Tortoise; Mexican Giant Gopher; Bolson Gopher Tortoise Bolson-Schildkröte; Mexikanische Gopherschildkröte; Gelbrandgopherschildkröte Tortue à bords jaunes Testuggine del deserto a margini gialli Gopherus polyphemus Testudines - Testudinidae Gopher Tortoise; Florida Gopher Tortoise Georgia-Gopherschildkröte; Gopherschildkröte Tortue gaufrée; Gophère polyphème Tartaruga del deserto; Tartaruga del deserto comune Graciliscincus Squamata - Scincidae Sadlier's Skinks Graciliscincus shonae Squamata - Scincidae Sadlier's Skink Graptemys Testudines - Emydidae Map Turtles; Map Turtles and Sawbacks Höckerschildkröten; Höckerschmuckschildkröten Tortues géographiques; Graptémydes Graptemys barbouri Testudines - Emydidae Barbour's Map Turtle; Barbour's Sawback Turtle; Barbour's Sawback Barbours Höckerschildkröte Tortue géographique de Barbour; Graptémyde de Barbour Tartaruga carta geografica di Barbour Graptemys caglei Testudines - Emydidae

Graptemys ernsti

e d f

3783 e

3784 e

d f

3785 e

d f i 3786 e d 3787 e d

Cagle's Map Turtle Cagles Höckerschildkröte; Guadelupe-River-Höckerschildkröte Tortue géographique de Cagle; Graptémyde de Cagle Graptemys ernsti Testudines - Emydidae Ernst's Map Turtle; Escambia Map Turtle Graptemys flavimaculata Testudines - Emydidae Yellow-blotched Map Turtle; Yellow-blotched Sawback (NA); Yellow-blotched Sawback Map Turtle Gefleckte Höckerschildkröte Tortue géographique taches jaunes; Graptémyde à taches jaunes Graptemys geographica Testudines - Emydidae Common Map Turtle; Geographic Terrapin; Map Turtle (NA); Slider Turtle (NA); Slider (NA); Northern Map Turtle Landkartenhöckerschildkröte; Echte Landkartenhöckerschildkröte; Landkartenschildkröte Tortue géographique; Tortue à dessins géopgraphiques; Graptémyde géographique Tartaraguga carta geografica Graptemys gibbonsi Testudines - Emydidae Gibbons's Map Turtle; Pascagoula Map Turtle Pascagoula-Höckerschildkröte Graptemys nigrinoda Testudines - Emydidae Black-knobbed Map Turtle; Blackknobbed Sawback; Black-knobbed Sawback Map Turtle Schwarzkopfhöckerschildkröte


f i 3788 e f 3789 e f 3790 e d f i 3791 e d f


e f 3793 e f 3794

Tortue géographique à nodules noirs; Graptémyde à points noirs Tartaruga dalla gobba nera Graptemys nigrinoda delticola Testudines - Emydidae Delta Map Turtle Graptémyde à points noirs du Sud Graptemys nigrinoda nigrinoda Testudines - Emydidae Black-knobbed Map Turtle Graptémyde à points noirs du Nord Graptemys oculifera Testudines - Emydidae Ringed Map Turtle; Ringed Sawback Turtle; Ringed Sawback Pfauenaugenhöckerschildkröte; Prachthöckerschildkröte; Pfauenaugehöckerschildkröte Tortue géographique ocellée; Graptémyde à ocelles Tartaruga carta geografica di Pearl Graptemys ouachitensis Testudines - Emydidae Ouachita Map Turtle Ouachita-Höckerschildkröte Tortue géographique Ouachita; Graptémyde de l'Ouatchita Graptemys ouatchitensis ouatchitensis Testudines - Emydidae Ouachita Map Turtle Tortue géographique Ouachita Graptemys ouatchitensis sabinensis Testudines - Emydidae Sabine Map Turtle Graptémyde de la Sabine Graptemys pseudogeographica Testudines - Emydidae


Gyalopion quadrangularis desertorum e d f i


e d f i 3796

e f 3797 e d f

3798 e d f i 3799 e

False Map Turtle; Mississippi Sawback; Mississippi Sawback Turtle Falsche Landkartenschildkröte; Falsche Landkartenhöckerschildkröte Tortue pseudogéographique; Graptémyde pseudogéographique Tartaruga falsa carta geografica Graptemys pseudogeographica kohnii Testudines - Emydidae Mississippi Map Turtle; Mississippi Sawback; Mississippi Sawback Turtle Mississippi-Höckerschildkröte Tortue du Mississippi; Tortue à crête dorsale du Mississippi; Graptémyde du Sud Tartaraguga carta geografica Graptemys pseudogeographica pseudogeographica Testudines - Emydidae False Map Turtle Grapémyde du Nord Graptemys pulchra Testudines - Emydidae Alabama Map Turtle; Alabama Sawback; Alabama Sawback Turtle Schmuckhöckerschildkröte Tortue géographique d'Alabama; Graptémyde de l'Alabama Graptemys versa Testudines - Emydidae Texas Map Turtle; Texas Sawback; Texas Sawback Turtle Texas-Höckerschildkröte Tortue géographique du Texas; Graptémyde de Texas Tartaruga carta geografica del Texas Grayia Squamata - Colubridae African Water Snakes

d 3800 e 3801 e 3802 e

3803 e

d f 3804 e

d f 3805 e

f 3806


Afrikanische Wassernattern Grayia caesar Squamata - Colubridae Caesar's African Water Snake Grayia ornata Squamata - Colubridae Ornate African Water Snake Grayia tholloni Squamata - Colubridae Tholloni's African Water Snake; Thollonis Water Snake Gyalopion Squamata - Colubridae Desert Hooknose Snakes; Plateau Hooknose Snakes; Plateau Hooknosed Snakes; Hook-nosed Snakes; Western Hook-nosed Snakes Mexikanische Hakennasennattern Couleuvres à nez crochu Gyalopion canum Squamata - Colubridae Western Hooknose Snake; Western Hook-nosed Snake; Pug-nosed Snake; Chihuahan Hook-nosed Snake; Chihuahan Hooknose Snake Westliche Hakennasennatter; Hakenschnauzennatter Couleuvre à nez crochu de l'Ouest Gyalopion quadrangularis Squamata - Colubridae Desert Hooknose Snake; Desert Hook-nosed Snake (NA); Thornscrub Hook-Nosed Snake; Thornscrub Hooknose Snake Couleuvre à nez crochu du désert Gyalopion quadrangularis desertorum Squamata - Colubridae Sonoran Hook-nosed Snake


3807 e d f 3808 e d 3809 e 3810 e d f 3811 e d 3812 e 3813 e 3814 e 3815 e

Gymnodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Naked-toed Geckos Nacktfingergeckos; Nacktfinger Gymnodactyles; Geckos à doigts nus Gymnodactylus geckoides Squamata - Gekkonidae Naked-toed Gecko Brasilianischer Nacktfingergecko Gymnodactylus guttulatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Brazilian Naked-toed Gecko Gymnophthalmidae Squamata Spectacled Tegus Brillentegus; Microteiide Echsen Gymnophthalmidés Gymnophthalmus Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Spectacled Tegus; Tegu Lizards Brillentejus Gymnophthalmus cryptus Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Cryptic Spectacled Tegu Gymnophthalmus leucomystax Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae White Spectacled Tegu Gymnophthalmus lineatus Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Striped Spectacled Tegu Gymnophthalmus pleei Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Martinique Spectacled Tegu; Roughscaled Worm Lizard (WI)


3816 e d 3817 e

Gymnophthalmus speciosus Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Golden Spectacled Tegu; Central American Spectacled Microteid; Red-tailed Teiid Nördlicher Brillenteju Gymnophthalmus underwoodi Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Underwood's Spectacled Tegu; Underwood's Spectacled Microteiid; Smooth-scaled Worm Lizard (WI)


Helicops carinicaudus


d f i 3826 e

3818 e 3819 e 3820 e d 3821 e d 3822 e 3823 e 3824 e d 3825 e

Haackgreerius Squamata - Scincidae Haacke-Greer's Skinks Haackgreerius miopus Squamata - Scincidae Haacke-Greer's Skink Haplocercus Squamata - Colubridae Ceylon Keelbacks Ceylon-Nattern Haplocercus ceylonensis Squamata - Colubridae Ceylon Keelback Ceylon-Nattern

3827 e 3828 e 3829 e 3830 e

Hapsidophrys Squamata - Colubridae Black-lined Green Snakes


Hapsidophrys lineatum Squamata - Colubridae Black-lined Green Snake


Hardella Testudines - Emydidae Crowned River Turtles Diademschildkröten Hardella thurjii Testudines - Emydidae Crowned River Turtle; Brahminy River Turtle; Brahminy Terrapin (ISC); Kali Kauntha (ISC); Ganges


e d

3833 e

3834 e d

Crowned River Turtle Diademschildkröte Émyde indienne à diadème du Gange Tartaruga di fiume incoronata Harpesaurus Squamata - Agamidae Nose-horned Lizards; Hook-nosed Lizards; Snout Agamas Harpesaurus beccarii Squamata - Agamidae Sumatra Nose-horned Lizard Harpesaurus ensicauda Squamata - Agamidae Nias Nose-horned Lizard Harpesaurus modigliani Squamata - Agamidae Modigliani's Nose-horned Lizard Harpesaurus thescelorhinos Squamata - Agamidae King's Nose-horned Lizard Harpesaurus tricinctus Squamata - Agamidae Java Nose-horned Lizard Helicops Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Keelbacks; Water Snakes Schielaugennattern; Scheelaugennattern Helicops angulatus Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Keelback; South American Water Snake Helicops carinicaudus Squamata - Colubridae Wied's Keelback Kielschwanznatter

Helicops danieli

3835 e 3836 e 3837 e

3838 e 3839 e

3840 e

3841 e

3842 e


Helicops danieli Squamata - Colubridae Daniel's Keelback


Helicops gomesi Squamata - Colubridae Sao Paolo Keelback


Helicops hagmanni Squamata - Colubridae Hagmann's Keelback; Painted Watersnake


Helicops hogei Squamata - Colubridae Hoge's Keelback



e 3848 e

Helicops leopardinus Squamata - Colubridae Leopard Keelback; Spotted Water Snake


Helicops modestus Squamata - Colubridae Olive Keelback; Olivaceous Keelback


Helicops pastazae Squamata - Colubridae Shreve's Keelback; Olive Water Snake Helicops petersi Squamata - Colubridae Spiral Keelback



3851 e

3852 e

3843 e 3844 e

Helicops pictiventris Squamata - Colubridae Werner's Keelback Helicops polylepis Squamata - Colubridae Norman's Keelback; Günther's Keelback; Black-chinned Water Snake

d f i 3853 e

Helicops scalaris Squamata - Colubridae Ladder Keelback Helicops trivittatus Squamata - Colubridae Equatorial Keelback Helicops yacu Squamata - Colubridae Peru Keelback; Forest Water Snake Helminthophis Squamata - Anomalepididae Greater Blind Snakes; Greater Worm Snakes Helminthophis flavoterminatus Squamata - Anomalepididae Yellowtail Blind Snake; Yellowtail Worm Snake Helminthophis frontalis Squamata - Anomalepididae Costa Rica Blind Snake; Costa Rica Worm Snake; Pink-headed Blind Snake Helminthophis praeocularis Squamata - Anomalepididae Preocular Blind Snake; Preocular Worm Snake Heloderma Squamata - Helodermatidae Gila Monsters; Venomous Lizards; Beaded Lizards Gila-Krustenechsen; Krustenechsen Monstres de Gila; Hélodermes; Lézards vénéneux Elodermi; Gili Heloderma horridum Squamata - Helodermatidae Beaded Lizard; Escorpion (NA); Mexican Beaded Lizard (NA)


Hemibungarus japonicus boettgeri d f i

3854 e d f i 3855 e i

Krustenechse; Escorpion; Südliche Krustenechse; Skorpionkrustenechse Héloderme granuleux; Héloderme mexicain; Héloderme hérissé Lucertola imperlata

d i

Heloderma suspectum Squamata - Helodermatidae Gila Monster Gila-Krustenechse; Nördliche Krusteneche; Gilatier Monstre de Gila Mostro di Gila; Gila


Heloderma suspectum cinctum Squamata - Helodermatidae Banded Gila Monster Gila


e d i

e 3863

3856 e i 3857 e d f

3858 e 3859 e 3860 e

Heloderma suspectum suspectum Squamata - Helodermatidae Reticulated Gila Monster; Reticulate Gila Monster Gila Helodermatidae Squamata Gila Monsters; Venomous Lizards (NA); Beaded Lizards Krustenechsen Monstres de Gila; Lézards venimeux; Hélodermatidés Helophis Squamata - Colubridae Sun Snakes Helophis schoutedeni Squamata - Colubridae Schouteden's Sun Snake Hemachatus Squamata - Elapidae Spitting Cobras; Ring-necked Cobras; Ringhals Snakes; Rinkhals Snakes (CSA); African Spitting


3864 e

d 3865 e 3866 e 3867 e 3868 e

Cobras Ringhalskobras; Ringhalsottern; Ringkobras; Südafrikanische Speikobras Cobra sputatori Hemachatus haemachatus Squamata - Elapidae Ringhals; Ringneck Spitting Cobra; Rinkhals (CSA); Ringhals Snake; Ring-necked Spitting Cobra Ringhalskobra; Ringhals Cobra sputatore Hemiaspis Squamata - Elapidae Grey Swamp Snakes; Swamp Snakes Hemiaspis dameli Squamata - Elapidae Grey Swamp Snake; Grey Snake (ANZ) Hemiaspis signata Squamata - Elapidae Blackbelly Swamp Snake; Blackbellied Swamp Snake (ANZ); Swamp Snake; Marsh Snake ; Blackbellied Marsh Snake Schwarzbäuchige Sumpfotter Hemibungarus Squamata - Elapidae Asian Coral Snakes Hemibungarus calligaster Squamata - Elapidae Philippine Coral Snake Hemibungarus japonicus Squamata - Elapidae Japanese Coral Snake Hemibungarus japonicus boettgeri Squamata - Elapidae Hai Coral Snake; Okinawa Coral

Hemibungarus japonicus japonicus


Snake e 3869 e

3870 e



Hemibungarus japonicus japonicus Squamata - Elapidae Hyan Coral Snake; Amami Coral Snake Hemibungarus macclellandi Squamata - Elapidae Asian Coral Snake; MacClelland's Coral Snake (ISC); Banded Coral Snake (ISC) Hemibungarus macclellandi iwasakii Squamata - Elapidae Iwasaki's Coral Snake

3878 e 3879 e f 3880 e 3881

3872 e d f i 3873 e 3874 e

Hemidactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Leaf-toed Geckos; Tropical House Geckos (CSA); House Geckos (NA) Hausgeckos; Halbfinger; Halbfingergeckos; Halbzehergeckos; Halbzeher Hémidactyles Emidattili Hemidactylus agrius Squamata - Gekkonidae Country Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus albopunctatus Squamata - Gekkonidae White Leaf-toed Gecko

e d 3882 e 3883 e

d f 3884

3875 e

Hemidactylus anamallensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Anamally Hills Gecko

e 3885

3876 e


Hemidactylus aporus Squamata - Gekkonidae Annobon Leaf-toed Gecko; Southern Forest Gecko (ISC) Hemidactylus arnoldi

e 3886

Squamata - Gekkonidae Arnold's Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus barodanos Squamata - Gekkonidae Ethiopia Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus bavazzanoi Squamata - Gekkonidae Somali Leaf-toed Gecko Gecko à bande de Somalie Hemidactylus bayonii Squamata - Gekkonidae Barboza's Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus bouvieri Squamata - Gekkonidae Cape Verde Leaf-toed Gecko Bouvier-Halbzehergecko Hemidactylus bowringii Squamata - Gekkonidae Oriental Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus brookii Squamata - Gekkonidae Brook's Leaf-toed Gecko; Brook's Gecko (ISC); Spotted Indian Gecko; House Lizard; Spotted Indian House Gecko (ISC); Northern Woodslave Afrikanischer Hausgecko Gecko des maisons asiatique Hemidactylus citernii Squamata - Gekkonidae Speedy Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus curlei Squamata - Gekkonidae Northern Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus depressus Squamata - Gekkonidae


Hemidactylus isolepis e

Sri Lanka Leaf-toed Gecko; Flattened Gecko


Hemidactylus echinus Squamata - Gekkonidae Hedgehog Leaf-toed Gecko

e 3888 e d f

Hemidactylus fasciatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Banded Leaf-toed Gecko; Banded House Gecko; Common Pike-lined Skink Streifengecko Hémidactyle à bandes; Gecko à bandes; Gecko aux doigts en feuile

3893 e d f

3894 e 3895

3889 e


3890 e

Hemidactylus flaviviridis Squamata - Gekkonidae Indian Leaf-toed Gecko; Yellowbellied House Gecko; Northern House Gecko (ISC); Yellow-spotted Gecko Indischer Hausgecko; Gelbgrüner Halbzehengecko Hemidactylus forbesii Squamata - Gekkonidae Socotra Leaf-toed Gecko

e 3896 e 3897 e 3898

3891 e

d f

3892 e

Hemidactylus frenatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Common House Gecko; House Gecko; South Asian Waif Gecko; Cheechak; Bridled House Gecko; Southern House Gecko (ISC); ChitChat; Asian House Gecko Gewöhnlicher Halbzehengecko; Tschitschak; Asiatischer Hausgecko; Hausgecko Hémidactyle bridé; Gecko du Pacifique; Gecko des maisons; Margouillat domestique Hemidactylus funaiolii Squamata - Gekkonidae Kenya Leaf-toed Gecko; Archer's Post Gecko

e 3899 e 3900 e 3901 e

Hemidactylus garnotii Squamata - Gekkonidae Indo-Pacific Gecko; Indo-Pacific House Gecko; Fox Gecko; Garnot's House Gecko Indopazifik-Gecko; Indopazifischer Halbzehergecko Gecko renard; Hémidactyle de Garnot; Gecko de l'Indo-pacifique; Margouillat d'extérieur Hemidactylus giganteus Squamata - Gekkonidae Giant Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus gracilis Squamata - Gekkonidae Graceful Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus granchii Squamata - Gekkonidae Granchi's Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus granti Squamata - Gekkonidae Grant's Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus greefi Squamata - Gekkonidae Sao Tome Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus homoeolepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Arabian Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus intestinalis Squamata - Gekkonidae Nigeria Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus isolepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Scaly Leaf-toed Gecko; Uniformscaled Gecko

Hemidactylus jubensis

3902 e 3903 e 3904 e 3905 e 3906 e 3907 e 3908 e f

3909 e

3910 e

Hemidactylus jubensis Squamata - Gekkonidae African Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus karenorum Squamata - Gekkonidae Burmese Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus klauberi Squamata - Gekkonidae Klauber's Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus laevis Squamata - Gekkonidae Common Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus laticaudatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Andersson's Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus lemurinus Squamata - Gekkonidae Dhofar Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus leschenaultii Squamata - Gekkonidae Leschenault's Leaf-toed Gecko; Bark Gecko (ISC) Hémidactyle de Leschenault; Gecko de Leschenault Hemidactylus longicephalus Squamata - Gekkonidae Longhead Leaf-toed Gecko; Longheaded Tropical House Gecko Hemidactylus mabouia Squamata - Gekkonidae Cosmopolitan Leaf-toed Gecko; Moreau's House Gecko; Moreau's Tropical House Gecko (CSA); Tasman's Tropical House Gecko; Moreau's Gecko; Tropical House Gecko (CSA); Southern Woodslave ; Amerafrican House Gecko; Common House Gecko (WI); Amerafrican


d f

3911 e f 3912 e d f 3913 e d 3914 e 3915 e 3916 e 3917 e f 3918 e

House Gecko (NA) Brauner Halbzehengecko Hémidactyle mabouia; Gecko des maisons; Gecko tropical des maisons; Gecko tropical de Moreau; Mabouia de Jonnes Hemidactylus macropholis Squamata - Gekkonidae Longhead Leaf-toed Gecko Gecko de Boulanger Hemidactylus maculatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Spotted Leaf-toed Gecko; Rock Gecko (ISC) Gefleckter Halbfingergecko Hémidactyle tacheté Hemidactylus marmoratus Squamata - Gekkonidae Ryukyu Leaf-toed Gecko Marmorgecko Hemidactylus matschiei Squamata - Gekkonidae Togo Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus megalops Squamata - Gekkonidae Parker's Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus mercatorius Squamata - Gekkonidae Gray's Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus modestus Squamata - Gekkonidae Moderate Leaf-toed Gecko Gecko de Tana Hemidactylus muriceus Squamata - Gekkonidae Guinea Leaf-toed Gecko


Hemidactylus stejnegeri

3919 e 3920 e 3921 e 3922 e 3923 e 3924 e

3925 e

3926 e

f 3927 e 3928 e

Hemidactylus newtoni Squamata - Gekkonidae Newton's Leaf-toed Gecko


Hemidactylus nigriventis Squamata - Gekkonidae Blackbelly Leaf-toed Gecko


Hemidactylus ophiolepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Snakescale Leaf-toed Gecko


Hemidactylus ophiolepoides Squamata - Gekkonidae Lanza's Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus oxyrhinus Squamata - Gekkonidae Sharpnose Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus palaichthus Squamata - Gekkonidae Antilles Leaf-toed Gecko; Maria Islands Leaf-toed Gecko (WI) Hemidactylus persicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Persia Leaf-toed Gecko; Persian Gecko Hemidactylus platycephalus Squamata - Gekkonidae Flathead Leaf-toed Gecko; Flatheaded Tropical House Gecko (CSA); Baobab Gecko (CSA); Tree Gecko Gecko des arbres Hemidactylus prashadi Squamata - Gekkonidae Bombay Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus puccionii Squamata - Gekkonidae Zanzibar Leaf-toed Gecko



e f 3932 e f 3933 e 3934 e 3935 e 3936 e 3937 e f 3938 e

Hemidactylus pumilio Squamata - Gekkonidae Pygmy Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus reticulatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Reticulate Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus richardsonii Squamata - Gekkonidae Richardson's Leaf-toed Gecko Gecko des forêts de Richardson Hemidactylus ruspolii Squamata - Gekkonidae Farm Leaf-toed Gecko Gecko du prince Ruspoli Hemidactylus scabriceps Squamata - Gekkonidae Annandale's Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus sinaitus Squamata - Gekkonidae Sinai Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus smithi Squamata - Gekkonidae Smith's Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus somalicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Northern Somali Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus squamulatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Tornier's Leaf-toed Gecko Gecko Nyika Hemidactylus stejnegeri Squamata - Gekkonidae Stejneger's Leaf-toed Gecko

Hemidactylus subtriedrus

3939 e 3940 e 3941 e f

3942 e 3943 e f 3944 e f 3945 e


f i

Hemidactylus subtriedrus Squamata - Gekkonidae Madras Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus tanganicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Tanszania Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus tasmani Squamata - Gekkonidae Tasmanian Leaf-toed Gecko Gecko tropical des maisons de Tasman Hemidactylus taylori Squamata - Gekkonidae Taylor's Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus triedrus Squamata - Gekkonidae Dakota Leaf-toed Gecko; Termite Hill Gecko (ISC) Hémidactyle à tubercles triédres Hemidactylus tropidolepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Mocquards Leaf-toed Gecko Hecko de Ogden Hemidactylus turcicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Mediterranean Gecko; Turkish Gecko; Turkish Warty Gecko; Warty Gecko; Mediterranean House Gecko (NA) Europäischer Halbzehengecko; Europäischer Halbzeher; Scheibenfinger; Europäischer Halbfingergecko; Halbzeher; Europäischer Halbfinger; Europäischer Halbzehergecko Gecko verruqueux; Hémidactyle verruqueux; Gecko turc; Gecko méditerranéen Emidattilo turco; Geco verrucoso; Emidattilo verrucoso


3946 e d i 3947 e 3948 e 3949 e 3950 e f 3951 e 3952 e

3953 e f 3954 e

Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Mediterranean Gecko; Turkish House Gecko Europäischer Halbzehengecko; Halbzeher; Europäischer Halbfinger Emidattilo turco Hemidactylus vietnamensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Vietnam Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus yerburii Squamata - Gekkonidae Southern Leaf-toed Gecko Hemiergis Squamata - Scincidae Lined Skinks; Hemiergises Hemiergis decresiensis Squamata - Scincidae Cuvier's Three-toed Skink; Threetoed Skink (ANZ); Tridactyle Skink Hemiergis de Decres Hemiergis initialis Squamata - Scincidae Five-lined Skink Hemiergis millewae Squamata - Scincidae Orange-striped Skink; Millewa Skink (ANZ) Hemiergis peronii Squamata - Scincidae Yellowbelly Skink; Four-toed Skink (ANZ) Hemiergis de Peron Hemiergis quadrilinetum Squamata - Scincidae Golden Four-lined Skink


Heosemys leytensis

3955 e d 3956 e 3957 e 3958 e d 3959

e 3960 e 3961 e 3962 e 3963 e

3964 e

Hemiphyllodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Gypsy Geckos Zigeunergeckos Hemiphyllodactylus hartertri Squamata - Gekkonidae Ewerner's Gypsy Gecko Hemiphyllodactylus insularis Squamata - Gekkonidae Insular Gypsy Gecko Hemiphyllodactylus typus Squamata - Gekkonidae Indo-Pacific Gypsy Gecko; Tree Gecko; Indo-Pacific Tree Gecko Zigeunergecko Hemiphyllodactylus typus aurantiacus Squamata - Gekkonidae Western Ghats Worm Gecko Hemiphyllodactylus typus typus Squamata - Gekkonidae Common Indo-Pacific Tree Gecko Hemiphyllodactylus yunnanensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Yunnan Gypsy Gecko Hemirhagerrhis Squamata - Colubridae Bark Snakes; Many-spotted Snakes Hemirhagerrhis kelleri Squamata - Colubridae Keller's Bark Snake; Stripe-bellied Snake Hemirhagerrhis nototaenia Squamata - Colubridae Bark Snake; Mopane Snake (CSA); Mopani Snake; Cape Many-spotted

Snake 3965 e d 3966 e d f i 3967 e

3968 e d f 3969 e d f 3970 e d i 3971 e

Hemitheconyx Squamata - Eublepharidae Fat-tail Geckos; Fat-tailed Geckos Afrikanische Krallengeckos Hemitheconyx caudicinctus Squamata - Eublepharidae Fat-tail Gecko; West African Fattailed Gecko; Fat-tailed Gecko Afrikanischer Krallengecko Gecko à grosse queue; Gecko à queue grasse; Gecko à queue adipeuse Geko coda clava Hemitheconyx taylori Squamata - Eublepharidae Taylor's Fat-tail Gecko; Somali Fattailed Gecko Heosemys Testudines - Emydidae Forest Turtles Erdschildkröten; Asiatische Erdschildkröten Héosémydes Heosemys depressa Testudines - Emydidae Arakan Forest Turtle Flache Erdschildkröte Héosémyde de l'Arakan Heosemys grandis Testudines - Emydidae Giant Asian Pond Turtle; Orangeheaded Temple Terrapin Riesenerdschildkröte Tartaruga palustre asiatica gigante Heosemys leytensis Testudines - Emydidae Philippine Pond Turtle; Leyte Pond Turtle

Heosemys silvatica

d f 3972 e

d f

3973 e d f i

Philippinen-Erdschildkröte Héosémyde de Leyte Heosemys silvatica Testudines - Emydidae Cochin Forest Leaf Turtle; Cochin Forest Cane Turtle; Kavalai Forest Turtle (ISC); Kerala Forest Terrapin (ISC) Gelbkopferdschildkröte Géoémyde de Cochin; Héosémyde de Cochin Heosemys spinosa Testudines - Emydidae Spiny Turtle; Ground-dwelling Turtle Stachelerdschildkröte Tortue épineuse; Héosémyde épineuse Tartaruga spinosa


d f i

3979 e d 3980 e d 3981

3974 e 3975 e 3976 e 3977 e d f i 3978 e

Heterodactylus Squamata - Teiidae Ground Teiids Heterodactylus imbricatus Squamata - Teiidae Rio de Janeiro Teiid

e d 3982 e

Heterodactylus lundii Squamata - Teiidae Lund's Teiid Heterodon Squamata - Colubridae Hognose Snakes; Hog-nosed Snakes; North american Hog-nosed Snakes Hakennasennattern; Hakennattern; Schweinnasenschlangen Hétérodons Muso di porcello Heterodon nasicus Squamata - Colubridae Western Hognose Snake; Western Hog-nosed Snake; Texas Hog-nosed

d f i 3983 e

Snake (NA) Westliche Hakennatter Hétérodon de l'Ouest; Couleuvre à nez retroussé Muso di porcello occidentale; Serpente muso di porcello; Serpente naso di porco Heterodon nasicus gloydi Squamata - Colubridae Dusty Hognose Snake; Dusty Hognosed Snake Hakennatter Heterodon nasicus kennerlyi Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Hognose Snake; Mexican Hog-nosed Snake Mexikanische Hakennatter Heterodon nasicus nasicus Squamata - Colubridae Plains Hognose Snake; Plains Hognosed Snake; Western Hognose Westliche Hakennasennatter Heterodon platyrhinos Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Hognose Snake; Eastern Hog-nosed Snake; Common Hognosed Snake (NA); Puff Adder (NA); Spreading Adder (NA); Hissing Adder (NA); Blow Snake (NA); Blowing Viper (NA); Melanistic Eastern Hognose Snake; Eastern Hognose Östliche Hakennatter; Gewöhnliche Hakennatter; Südöstliche Hakennatter Hétérodon de l'Est; Serpent à groin; Couleuvre à nez plat Muso di porcello orientale Heterodon simus Squamata - Colubridae Southern Hognose Snake; Southern Hog-nosed Snake; Spreadhead (NA);


Holbrookia maculata

d f 3984 e

Blow Snake (NA); Puff Adder (NA); Hissing Adder (NA) Südliche Hakennatter Hétérodon du Sud Heteroliodon Squamata - Colubridae Madagascar Snakes

3993 e d f

3994 3985 e 3986 e 3987 e f

Heteroliodon torquatus Squamata - Colubridae Boettger's Madagascar Snake Heteronotia Squamata - Gekkonidae Australian Forest Geckos Heteronotia binoei Squamata - Gekkonidae Bynoe's Gecko; Prickly Gecko Gecko de Bynoe

e d 3995 e d

3996 e

3988 e 3989 e 3990 e 3991 e 3992 e d f

Heteronotia planiceps Squamata - Gekkonidae Storr's Gecko Heteronotia spelea Squamata - Gekkonidae Desert Cave Gecko Heurnia Squamata - Colubridae Mamberamo River Snakes Heurnia ventrimaculata Squamata - Colubridae Mamberamo River Snake Hieremys Testudines - Emydidae Yellow-headed Temple Turtles; Annadale's Turtles Tempelschildkröten Hiérémydes

d f 3997 e f 3998 e

3999 e d f

Hieremys annadalei Testudines - Emydidae Yellow-headed Temple Turtle; Annandale's Turtle; Temple Turtle Tempelschildkröte Hiérémyde d'Annandale; Tortue des temples à tête jaune Holaspis Squamata - Lacertidae Sawtail Lizards; Blue-tailed Lizard (CSA) Sägeschwanzeidechsen Holaspis guentheri Squamata - Lacertidae Sawtail Lizard Sägeschwanzeidechse; Günthers Stacheleidechse Holbrookia Squamata - Iguanaidae Earless Lizards; Lesser Earless Lizards Taubleguane Lézards sans oreilles; Iguanes sourds Holbrookia lacerata Squamata - Iguanaidae Spot-tailed Earless Lizard; Blunttailed Earless Lizard Lézard sans oreilles lacéré Holbrookia lacerata lacerata Squamata - Iguanaidae Plateau Earless Lizard; Northern Spot-tailed Earless Lizards Holbrookia maculata Squamata - Iguanaidae Lesser Earless Lizard; Common esser Earless Lizard Gefleckter Taubleguan Lézard sans oreilles tacheté

Holbrookia maculata approximans

4000 e

Holbrookia maculata approximans Squamata - Iguanaidae Speckled Earless Lizard



4010 4001 e 4002 e

4003 e

4004 e

4005 e 4006 e 4007 e f

Holbrookia maculata bunkeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Bunker's Earless Lizard Holbrookia maculata maculata Squamata - Iguanaidae Speckled Earless Lizard; Spotted Lizard (NA); Northern Earless Lizard; Great Plains Earless Lizard Holbrookia maculata perspicua Squamata - Iguanaidae Eastern Earless Lizard; Eastern Lesser Earless Lizard; Prairie Earless Lizard Holbrookia maculata pulchra Squamata - Iguanaidae Huachuca Earless Lizard; Northern Earless Lizard Holbrookia maculata ruthveni Squamata - Iguanaidae Bleached Earless Lizard Holbrookia maculata thermophila Squamata - Iguanaidae Western Earless Lizard Holbrookia propinqua Squamata - Iguanaidae Keeled Earless Lizard Lézard sans oreilles caréné

e d 4011 e 4012 e f

4013 e 4014 e 4015 e 4016 e d f

4008 e


Holbrookia propinqua propinqua Squamata - Iguanaidae Keeled Earless Lizard; Northern Keeled Earless Lizard Holbrookia subcaudalis Squamata - Iguanaidae

4017 e d

Southern Earless Lizard; Southern Spot-tailed Earless Lizard Holbrookia texana Squamata - Iguanaidae Greater Earless Lizard Taubleguane Holodactylus Squamata - Eublepharidae Whole-toed Geckos Holodactylus africanus Squamata - Eublepharidae African Whole-toed Gecko Gecko nain à queue grasse; Gecko griffu africain Holodactylus cornii Squamata - Eublepharidae Scortecci's Whole-toed Gecko Hologerrhum Squamata - Colubridae Philippine Stripe-lipped Snakes Hologerrhum philippinum Squamata - Colubridae Philippine Stripe-lipped Snake Homalopsis Squamata - Colubridae Masked Water Snakes; Water Snakes; Dog-faced Water Snakes; Puff-faced Water Snakes Wassertrugnattern; BoaWassertrugnattern; Boa-Trugnattern Homalopsides Homalopsis buccata Squamata - Colubridae Masked Water Snake; Puff-faced Water Snake; Dog-faced Water Snake Boa-Wassertrugnatter; BoaTrugnatter; Wassertrugnatter


Homopus areolatus f

Homalopside joufflu e

4018 e

Homonota Squamata - Gekkonidae Marked Geckos

4029 e

4019 e 4020 e 4021 e

Homonota andicola Squamata - Gekkonidae Cei's Marked Gecko Homonota borellii Squamata - Gekkonidae Borelli's Marked Gecko Homonota darwinii Squamata - Gekkonidae Darwin's Marked Gecko; Prickly Gecko

4030 e 4031 e 4032 e

4022 e

Homonota fasciatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Banded Marked Gecko

4033 e

4023 e

Homonota gaudichaudii Squamata - Gekkonidae Chilean Marked Gecko

4034 e

4024 e

Homonota horrida Squamata - Gekkonidae South American Marked Gecko

4035 e

4025 e 4026 e 4027 e 4028

Homonota penai Squamata - Gekkonidae Coquimbo Marked Gecko Homonota underwoodi Squamata - Gekkonidae Underwood's Marked Gecko Homonota uruguayensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Uruguay Marked Gecko Homonota whitii

4036 e d f i 4037 e

Squamata - Gekkonidae Argentine Marked Gecko Homopholis Squamata - Gekkonidae Madagascar Velvet Geckos; Velvet Geckos (CSA) Homopholis antongilensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Antongil Velvet Gecko Homopholis boivini Squamata - Gekkonidae Madagascar Velvet Gecko Homopholis fasciata Squamata - Gekkonidae Striped Velvet Gecko Homopholis mulleri Squamata - Gekkonidae Muller's Velvet Gecko Homopholis sakalava Squamata - Gekkonidae Grandidier's Velvet Gecko Homopholis wahlbergii Squamata - Gekkonidae Wahlberg's Velvet Gecko; Wahlberg's Velverty Gecko (CSA); Velvety Gecko (CSA); Wahlberg's Gecko (CSA) Homopus Testudines - Testudinidae Cape Tortoises; Padlopers (CSA) Flachschildkröten Homopodes Omopi Homopus areolatus Testudines - Testudinidae Beaked Cape Tortoise; Parrot-beaked

Homopus bergeri

d f i

4038 e d f i 4039 e

d f i 4040 e d f 4041 e d f i 4042

Tortoise; Parrot-beaked Cape Tortoise Areolen-Flachschildkröte Homopode aréolé Omopo arreolata; Testuggine del Capo areolato Homopus bergeri Testudines - Testudinidae Berger's Cape Tortoise; Nama Padloper (CSA); Berger's Padloper Bergers Flachschildkröte Homopode de Namibie Omopo di Berger Homopus boulengeri Testudines - Testudinidae Boulenger's Cape Tortoise; Donderweer Tortoise; Donderweer Skilpad (CSA); Klipskilpad (CSA); Rooisklipajie (CSA); Boulenger's Padloper (CSA); Karoo Padloper (CSA); Donderweer Tortoise (CSA) Boulenger-Flachschildkröte Homopode de Boulenger Omopo di Boulenger Homopus femorlis Testudines - Testudinidae Karoo Cape Tortoise; Karoo Tortoise; Great Padloper (CSA); Greater Padloper (CSA) Spornflachschildkröte Homopode à éperon Homopus signatus Testudines - Testudinidae Speckled Cape Tortoise; Speckled Padloper (CSA); Speckled Tortoise (CSA) Gesägte Flachschildkröte Homopode marqué Testuggine del Capo marcata Homopus signatus cafer Testudines - Testudinidae



Southern Speckled Padloper


Homopus signatus signatus Testudines - Testudinidae Speckled Padloper (CSA)

e 4044 e d 4045 e

4046 e

d 4047 e

4048 e d 4049 e d

4050 e

Homoroselaps Squamata - Colubridae Harlequin Snakes; Dwarf Garter Snakes Afrikanische Korallenschlangen Homoroselaps dorsalis Squamata - Colubridae Striped Harlequin Snake; Striped Dwarf Garter Snake (CSA); Striped Garter Snake Homoroselaps lacteus Squamata - Colubridae Spotted Harlequin Snake; Southern Dwarf Garter Snake; Southern Garter Snake; Spotted Dwarf Garter Snake (CSA); Dwarf Garter Snake Afrikanische Korallenschlange Hoplocephalus Squamata - Elapidae Pale-headed Snakes; Broad-headed Snakes Hoplocephalus bitorquatus Squamata - Elapidae Pale-headed Snake Blaßkopfotter Hoplocephalus bungaroides Squamata - Elapidae Broadhead Snake; Broad-headed Snake; Yellow-spotted Snake Breitkopfotter; Gelbfleckenschlange; Breitkopfschlange Hoplocephalus stephensi Squamata - Elapidae Stephens's Banded Snake; Stephens's


Hydraethiops melanogaster

Snake; Yellow-banded Snake; Banded Broad-headed Snake; Stephens Snake 4051 e d 4052 e d 4053 e 4054 e 4055 e d

Hoplocercus Squamata - Iguanaidae Weapontails Stachelschwanzleguane Hoplocercus spinosus Squamata - Iguanaidae Weapontail; Prickletail Lizard Stachelschwanzleguan Hoplodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Sticky-toed Geckos Hoplodactylus chrysosireticus Squamata - Gekkonidae Golden Sticky-toed Gecko Hoplodactylus delcourti Squamata - Gekkonidae Delcourt's Sticky-toed Gecko Riesengecko

4060 e d 4061 e 4062 e 4063 e 4064 e

4065 e 4066

4056 e d 4057 e d 4058 e 4059 e

Hoplodactylus duvauceli Squamata - Gekkonidae Northern Sticky-toed Gecko Duvaucels Gecko Hoplodactylus granulatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Gray's Sticky-toed Gecko Neuseeländischer Waldgecko Hoplodactylus kahutarae Squamata - Gekkonidae Whitaker's Sticky-toed Gecko Hoplodactylus maculatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Spotted Sticky-toed Gecko

e 4067 e 4068 e d 4069 e d

Hoplodactylus pacificus Squamata - Gekkonidae Pacific Sticky-toed Gecko Gewöhnlicher Baumgecko Hoplodactylus raikurae Squamata - Gekkonidae Stewart's Sticky-toed Gecko Hoplodactylus stephensi Squamata - Gekkonidae Stephens's Sticky-toed Gecko Hormonotus Squamata - Colubridae Uganda House Snakes Hormonotus modestus Squamata - Colubridae Uganda House Snake; Hallowell's House Snake Hydrablabes Squamata - Colubridae Small-eyed Snakes Hydrablabes periops Squamata - Colubridae Olive Small-eyed Snake Hydrablabes praefrontalis Squamata - Colubridae Mocquard's Small-eyed Snake Hydraethiops Squamata - Colubridae Blackbelly Snakes Schwarzbauchwassernattern Hydraethiops melanogaster Squamata - Colubridae Blackbelly Snake Schwarzbauchwassernatter


4070 e 4071 e 4072 e d 4073 e 4074 e d

4075 e d f 4076 e

d f

Hydrelaps Squamata - Elapidae Darwin's Sea Snakes


4077 e

Hydrelaps darwiniensis Squamata - Elapidae Darwin's Sea Snake Hydrodynastes Squamata - Colubridae False Water Snakes Falsche Wasserkobras Hydrodynastes bicintus Squamata - Colubridae Hermann's Water Snake Hydrodynastes gigas Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian False Water Snake; False Water Cobra Brasilianische Glattnatter; Brasilianische Falsche Wasserkobra; Falsche Wasserkobra Hydromedusa Testudines - Chelidae South American Snakeneck Turtles; South American Side-necked Turtles Schlangenhalsschildkröten; Südamerikanische Schlangenhalsschildkröten Hydroméduses Hydromedusa maximiliani Testudines - Chelidae Brazilian Snakeneck Turtle; Maximilian's Snake-headed Turtle; Prince Maximilian's Turtle; Maximilian's Snake-necked Turtle; Brazil Snake-headed Turtle; Brazilian Snake-necked Turtle Brasilianische Schlangenhalsschildkröte Hydroméduse de Maximilian; Tortue à cou serpent de Brésil


f i 4078 e 4079 e 4080 e

4081 e

4082 e d f 4083 e

Hydromedusa tectifera Testudines - Chelidae South American Snakeneck Turtle; South American Side-necked Turtle; South American Snake-headed Turtle; Argentine Snake-headed Turtle; Cope's Turtle; South American Snake-necked Turtle; Uruguay Snake-necked Turtle Südamerikanische Schlangenhalsschildkröte; Argentinische Schlangenhalsschildkröte Hydroméduse à dos rugueux Tartaruga collo di serpente Hydromorphus Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Water Snakes Hydromorphus clarki Squamata - Colubridae Clark's Water Snake Hydromorphus concolor Squamata - Colubridae Costa Rica Water Snake; Common Water Snake Hydromorphus dunni Squamata - Colubridae Dunn's Water Snake; Panamanian Water Snake Hydrophis Squamata - Elapidae Asian Sea Snakes; Sea Snakes; Bluebanded Sea Snakes Ruderschlangen Hydrophides Hydrophis atriceps Squamata - Elapidae Southeast Asia Sea Snake


Hydrophis melanosoma

4084 e d

Hydrophis belcheri Squamata - Elapidae Belcher's Sea Snake Walo Walo-Ruderschlange

d 4094 e

4085 e

Hydrophis bituberculatus Squamata - Elapidae Peters's Sea Snake

4095 e

4086 e

Hydrophis brookei Squamata - Elapidae Brooke's Sea Snake

4096 e

4087 e d 4088 e 4089 e 4090 e

4091 e 4092 e 4093 e

Hydrophis caerulescens Squamata - Elapidae Dark Blue-banded Sea Snake; Manytoothed Sea Snake; Merrem's Sea Snake Blaugebänderte Ruderschlange Hydrophis cantoris Squamata - Elapidae Günther's Sea Snake Hydrophis coggeri Squamata - Elapidae Coggers Sea Snake Hydrophis cyanocinctus Squamata - Elapidae Annulated Sea Snake; Chittul (ISC); Banded Sea Snake Hydrophis czeblukovi Squamata - Elapidae Czeblukov's Sea Snake Hydrophis elegans Squamata - Elapidae Elegant Sea Snake Hydrophis fasciatus Squamata - Elapidae Striped Sea Snake; Banded Smallheaded Sea Snake

4097 e 4098 e 4099 e 4100 e 4101 e

4102 e 4103 e

Gebänderte Ruderschlange Hydrophis geometricus Squamata - Elapidae Geometric Sea Snake Hydrophis gracilis Squamata - Elapidae Smallhead Sea Snake Hydrophis inornatus Squamata - Elapidae Blue-grey Sea Snake Hydrophis klossi Squamata - Elapidae Kloss's Sea Snake Hydrophis lamberti Squamata - Elapidae Lambert's Sea Snake Hydrophis lapemoides Squamata - Elapidae Persian Gulf Sea Snake Hydrophis macdowelli Squamata - Elapidae McDowell's Sea Snake Hydrophis mamillaris Squamata - Elapidae Bombay Sea Snake; Broad-banded Sea Snake Hydrophis melanocephalus Squamata - Elapidae Black-headed Sea Snake Hydrophis melanosoma Squamata - Elapidae Black-striped Sea Snake

Hydrophis obscurus

4104 e

4105 e

Hydrophis obscurus Squamata - Elapidae Russel's Sea Snake; Estuarine Sea Snake (ISC) Hydrophis ornatus Squamata - Elapidae Reef Sea Snake; Gray's Sea Snake


e d 4114 e d

4106 e

Hydrophis ornatus maresinensis Squamata - Elapidae Ryukyu Ornate Sea Snake

4115 e

4107 e 4108 e d

Hydrophis pacificus Squamata - Elapidae Pacific Sea Snake Hydrophis semperi Squamata - Elapidae Garman's Sea Snake; Lake Taal Snake Sempersche Ruderschlange; TaalSeeschlange; PhilippinenSeeschlange; Duhol

4116 e

d f 4117

4109 e d 4110 e 4111 e

4112 e 4113

Hydrophis spiralis Squamata - Elapidae Yellow Sea Snake (ISC); Narrowbanded Sea Snake Ruderschlangen Hydrophis stricticolis Squamata - Elapidae Collared Sea Snake Hydrophis torquatus Squamata - Elapidae West Coast Black-headed Sea Snake; Günther's Sea Snake Hydrophis vorisi Squamata - Elapidae Kharin's Sea Snake Hydrops

e d f 4118 e d f 4119 e

Squamata - Colubridae Amazon Water Snakes; Mud Snakes Amazonas-Nattern Hydrops martii Squamata - Colubridae Amazon Water Snake; Coral Mud Snake Amazonas-Natter Hydrops triangularis Squamata - Colubridae Triangle Water Snake; Common Mud Snake Hydrosaurus Squamata - Agamidae Sailfin Lizards; Water Lizards; Sailtailed Lizards; Sailing Lizards; Sailfin Dragons; Sailtail Dragons; Crested Water Dragons Segelechsen Hydrosaures Hydrosaurus amboinensis Squamata - Agamidae Sailfin Lizard; Common Sailfin Lizard; Soa-Soa Segelechse; Soa-Soa Hydrosaure d'Amboine; Porte-crête Hydrosaurus pustulatus Squamata - Agamidae Philippine Sailfin Lizard; Sailfin Water Lizard; Water Lizard; Philippine Sailfin Philippinische Segelechse Hydrosaure des Philippines Hydrosaurus weberi Squamata - Agamidae Weber's Sailfin Lizard; Weber's Sailing Lizard; Philippine Water Lizard; Indonesian Water Lizard; Emerald Water Dragon; Emerald Water Lizard; Philippine Water


Hypsiglena torquata klauberi

d f 4120 e d

Dragon; Indonesian Water Dragon; Weber's Sailfin; Moluccas Sailfin Webers Segelechse Hydrosaure de Weber Hylagama Squamata - Agamidae Wood Agamas Waldagamen

e 4128 e d f 4129

4121 e d 4122 e d 4123 e


4124 e d 4125 e 4126 e 4127

Hylagama borneensis Squamata - Agamidae Wood Agama Waldagame Hypnale Squamata - Viperidae Humpnose Vipers; Hump-nosed Vipers Ceylon-Nasenottern Hypnale hypnale Squamata - Viperidae Indian Humpnose Viper; Humpnosed Moccasin; Hump-nosed Pit Viper (ISC); Merrem's Hump-nosed Viper; Humpnose Viper Indische Nasenotter; Indische Höckernasengrubenotter Hypnale nepa Squamata - Viperidae Sri Lanka Humpnose Viper; Laurenti's Hump-nosed Viper Ceylon-Nasenottern Hypnale walli Squamata - Viperidae Wall's Humpnose Viper Hypoptophis Squamata - Colubridae African Bighead Snakes Hypoptophis wilsoni Squamata - Colubridae

e 4130 e 4131 e d f 4132 e 4133 e 4134 e 4135 e 4136 e

African Bighead Snake Hypsiglena Squamata - Colubridae Night Snakes; Fangless Night Snakes (NA) Nachtschlangen; Nachtnattern Couleuvres nocturnes Hypsiglena gularis Squamata - Colubridae Partida Norte Island Night Snake Hypsiglena tanzeri Squamata - Colubridae Tanzer's Night Snake Hypsiglena torquata Squamata - Colubridae Night Snake Nachtschlange; Nachtnatter Couleuvre nocturne Hypsiglena torquata baueri Squamata - Colubridae Cedros Island Night Snake Hypsiglena torquata chlorophaea Squamata - Colubridae Sonoran Night Snake Hypsiglena torquata deserticola Squamata - Colubridae Desert Night Snake Hypsiglena torquata jani Squamata - Colubridae Texas Night Snake Hypsiglena torquata klauberi Squamata - Colubridae San Diego Night Snake

Hypsiglena torquata loreala

4137 e 4138 e 4139 e


Hypsiglena torquata loreala Squamata - Colubridae Mesa Verde Night Snake


Hypsiglena torquata martinensis Squamata - Colubridae San Martin Island Night Snake


Hypsiglena torquata nuchalata Squamata - Colubridae California Night Snake


e d f 4148

4140 e d 4141 e

d f 4142 e 4143 e d f 4144 e 4145 e

Hypsiglena torquata ochrorhyncha Squamata - Colubridae Spotted Night Snake Gepunktete Bachschlange Hypsilurus Squamata - Agamidae Anglehead Forest Dragons; Australian Forest Dragons; Angleheaded Forest Dragons; Forest Dragons Winkelkopfagamen Hypsilures Hypsilurus binotatus Squamata - Agamidae Two-marked Forest Dragon Hypsilurus boydii Squamata - Agamidae Boyd's Forest Dragon; Boyd's Rainforest Dragon Boyds Agame; Boyds Winkelkopfagame Hypsilure du Boyd Hypsilurus bruijnii Squamata - Agamidae Bruijn's Forest Dragon Hypsilurus dilophus Squamata - Agamidae Indonesian Forest Dragon

e 4149 e 4150 e d f 4151 e 4152 e

4153 e 4154 e

Hypsilurus geelvinkianus Squamata - Agamidae New Guinea Forest Dragon Hypsilurus godeffroyi Squamata - Agamidae Northern Forest Dragon; Godeffroy's Forest Dragon Godeffroys Winkelkopfagame Hypsilure de Godeffroy Hypsilurus modestus Squamata - Agamidae Modest Forest Dragon Hypsilurus nigrilabris Squamata - Agamidae Black-lipped Forest Dragon Hypsilurus papuensis Squamata - Agamidae Papua Forest Dragon Papua-Winkelkopfagame Hypsilure de Papua Hypsilurus schoedei Squamata - Agamidae Vogt's Forest Dragon Hypsilurus spinipes Squamata - Agamidae Southern Forest Dragon (ANZ); Southern Anglehead Dragon; Southern Angle-headed Dragon (ANZ); Rain Forest Dragon Hypsirhynchus Squamata - Colubridae Hispaniola Cat-eyed Snakes Hypsirhynchus ferox Squamata - Colubridae Hispaniola Cat-eyed Snake; Common Hog-nosed Racer





e 4164 e

4155 e 4156 e

4157 e

4158 e

4159 e d

Ialtris Squamata - Colubridae Fanged Snakes Ialtris agyrtes Squamata - Colubridae Barreras Fanged Snake; Southern Desert Racer Ialtris dorsalis Squamata - Colubridae Brown Fanged Snake; W-headed Racer Ialtris parishi Squamata - Colubridae Parish's Fanged Snake; Tiburon Banded Racer Ichnotropis Squamata - Lacertidae Rough-scaled Lizards Rauschuppige Echsen

4165 e d 4166 e d f

4167 e d f i

4160 e 4161 e d 4162 e

Ichnotropis bivittatus Squamata - Lacertidae Angola Rough-scaled Lizard Ichnotropis capensis Squamata - Lacertidae Cape Rough-scaled Lizard; Cape Rough-scaled Sand Lizard (CSA) Rauschuppige Kap-Eidechse Ichnotropis grandiceps Squamata - Lacertidae Caprivi Rough-scaled Lizard

4168 e d f 4169 e

Ichnotropis microlepidota Squamata - Lacertidae Marx's Rough-scaled Lizard Ichnotropis squamulosa Squamata - Lacertidae Common Rough-scaled Lizard; Mozambique Rough-scaled Sand Lizard (CSA); Tropical Rough-scaled Sand Lizard (CSA) Iguana Squamata - Iguanaidae Common Iguanas Leguane; Grüne Leguane Iguana delicatissima Squamata - Iguanaidae West Indian Iguana; Lesser Antillean Green Iguana; Antillean Iguana; Lesser Antillean Iguana (WI) Grüner Inselleguan Iguane des Antilles; Iguane tuberculeux Iguana iguana Squamata - Iguanaidae Green Iguana; Common Iguana; Green Mexican Iguana Grüner Leguan Iguane verte; Iguane vrai; Iguane commun Iguana verde; Iguana dei tubercoli; Iguana comune; Iguana Iguanaidae Squamata Iguanids Leguane Iguanes; Iguanidés Iguanognathus Squamata - Colubridae Spatula-tooth Snakes

Iguanognathus werneri

4170 e 4171 e d 4172 e d 4173 e

4174 e

Iguanognathus werneri Squamata - Colubridae Spatula-tooth Snake Imantodes Squamata - Colubridae Central American Tree Snakes; Blunt-headed Tree Snakes; Tree Snakes Riesennattern Imantodes cenchoa Squamata - Colubridae Blunthead Tree Snake; Blunt-headed Tree Snake; Common Blunt-headed Tree Snake Riesennatter Imantodes gemmistratus Squamata - Colubridae Central American Tree Snake; Spotted Blunt-headed Tree Snake Imantodes inornatus Squamata - Colubridae Western Tree Snake; Brown Bluntheaded Tree Snake; Yellow Bluntheaded Tree Snake


e 4179 e 4180 e d 4181 e d f i 4182 e d f i

4175 e

Imantodes lentiferus Squamata - Colubridae Amazon Basin Tree Snake; Amazon Tree Snake

4183 e

4176 e

4177 e


Imantodes phantasma Squamata - Colubridae Phantasma Tree Snake; Fantastic Blunt-headed Tree Snake


Imantodes tenuissimus Squamata - Colubridae Yucatan Blunthead Snake; Yucatan Blunt-headed Tree Snake


Incaspis Squamata - Colubridae



Donoso-Barros's Snakes Incaspis cercostsropha Squamata - Colubridae Donoso-Barros's Snake Indotestudo Testudines - Testudinidae Asian Tortoises Asiatische Landschildkröten Indotestudo elongata Testudines - Testudinidae Elongate Tortoise; Red-nosed Tortoise; Elongated Tortoise Gelbkopflandschildkröte; Gelbkopfschildkröte Tortue à tête jaune Testuggine a testa gialla Indotestudo forstenii Testudines - Testudinidae Travancore Tortoise; Celebes Tortoise Celebes-Landschildkröte; Travancore-Landschildkröte Tortue des Célèbes; Tortue de Travancore Testuggine di Forsten; Testuggine di Travancore Internatus Squamata - Colubridae Slug Snakes; Vine Snakes Internatus laevis Squamata - Colubridae Smooth Slug Snake; Smooth Vine Snake Internatus malaccanus Squamata - Colubridae Malayan Slug Snake; Malayan Vine Snake


Ithycyphus miniatus

4186 e 4187 e

4188 e 4189 e 4190 e 4191 e 4192 e 4193 e 4194 e 4195 e

Iphisa Squamata - Teiidae Iphisas; Glossy Shade Lizards Iphisa elegans Squamata - Teiidae Common Iphisa; Glossy Shade Lizard Isopachys Squamata - Scincidae Isopachys Isopachys anguinoides Squamata - Scincidae Heyer's Isopachys Isopachys borealis Squamata - Scincidae Lang's Isopachys Isopachys hyldenstolpei Squamata - Scincidae Gyldenstolpe's Isopachys Isopachys roulei Squamata - Scincidae Roule's Isopachys Ithycyphus Squamata - Colubridae Forest Night Snakes Ithycyphus goudoti Squamata - Colubridae Forest Night Snake Ithycyphus miniatus Squamata - Colubridae Tiny Night Snake




e d f 4204

4196 e 4197 e 4198 e 4199 e d f 4200 e d f 4201 e 4202 e 4203

Janetascincus Squamata - Scincidae Janet's Skinks Janetascincus braueri Squamata - Scincidae Brauer's Skink Janetascincus veseyfitzgeraldi Squamata - Scincidae Vesey's Skink Japalura Squamata - Agamidae Mountain Lizards; Japalures; Japalura Lizards (ISC); Mountain Agamas Bergagamen Japalures Japalura andersoniana Squamata - Agamidae Anderson's Japalure Andersons Bergagame Japalure d'Anderson Japalura brevipes Squamata - Agamidae Short-legged Japalure Japalura chapaensis Squamata - Agamidae Japalure Japalura dymondi Squamata - Agamidae

e d f 4205 e 4206 e 4207 e d f 4208 e 4209 e d f 4210 e 4211 e 4212

Dymond's Japalure Dymonds Bergagame Japalure de Dymond Japalura fasciata Squamata - Agamidae Banded Japalure Gebänderte Bergagame Japalure rayé Japalura flavipes Squamata - Agamidae Szechwan Japalure Japalura grahami Squamata - Agamidae Graham's Japalure Japalura hamptoni Squamata - Agamidae Hampton's Japalure Hamptons Bergagame Japalure de Hampton Japalura kaulbacki Squamata - Agamidae Smith's Japalure Japalura kumaonensis Squamata - Agamidae Kumaon Japalure Kumaonische Bergagame Japalure de Kumaon Japalura major Squamata - Agamidae Himalayan Japalure Japalura makii Squamata - Agamidae Ota's Japalure Japalura mitsukuruii Squamata - Agamidae


Japalura yunnanensis e

Botel Tobago Japalure



Japalura nasuta Squamata - Agamidae De Jong's Japalure

e d f

Japalura ornata Squamata - Agamidae Ornate Japalure


e 4214 e 4215 e 4216 e 4217 e

4218 e 4219 e d f 4220 e 4221 e 4222 e

Japalura planidorsata Squamata - Agamidae Khasi Japalure Japalura polygonata Squamata - Agamidae Ryukyu Japalure Japalura polygonata ishigakiensis Squamata - Agamidae Okinawan Tree Lizard; Sakishima Tree Lizard Japalura sagittifera Squamata - Agamidae Burmese Japalure Japalura splendida Squamata - Agamidae Splendid Japalure Prachtvolle Bergagame Japalure splendide Japalura swinhonis Squamata - Agamidae Taiwan Japalure Japalura tricarinata Squamata - Agamidae Cloud Forest Japalure Japalura varcoae Squamata - Agamidae Chinese Japalure


Japalura variegata Squamata - Agamidae Variegated Japalure Veränderliche Bergagame Japalure varié Japalura yunnanensis Squamata - Agamidae Yunnan Japalure





4229 e

4225 e d f 4226 e

d f 4227 e

d f i 4228 e

d f

Kachuga Testudines - Emydidae Indian Roofed Turtles; Roofed Turtles; Roof Turtles Dachschildkröten Kachugas Kachuga dhongoka Testudines - Emydidae Three-striped Roofed Turtle; Dhongoka Turtle; Dhoor (ISC); Three-striped Roofed Terrapin (ISC); Three-striped Roof Turtle; Dhomgoka Roof Turtle Dhongoka-Dachschildkröte Kachuga à front rayé Kachuga kachuga Testudines - Emydidae Red-crowned Roofed Turtle; Dura Turtle; Red-crowned Roofed Terrapin (ISC); Bengal Roofed Turtle (ISC); Bengal Roof Turtle; Red-crowned Roof Turtle Bengalische Dachschildkröte; Kachuga-Dachschildkröte Kachuga à front rouge Kachuga fronte rossa Kachuga smithii Testudines - Emydidae Brown-roofed Turtle; Brown Roofed River Turtle; Brown River Turtle; Brown Roofed Terrapin (ISC); Chapant (ISC); Brown Roof Turtle Smiths Dachschildkröte; SmithDachschildkröte Kachuga de Smith

d f 4230 e

d f i 4231 e

f i 4232 e d f

4233 e d

Kachuga di Smith Kachuga sylhetensis Testudines - Emydidae Assam Roofed Turtle; Assam Roofed Terrapin (ISC); Assam Saw-back Turtle; Assam Roof Turtle Assam-Dachschildkröte Kachuga de l'Assam Kachuga tecta Testudines - Emydidae Indian Roofed Turtle; Indian Sawback Turtle; Indian Sawback (ISC); Roofed Terrapin (ISC); North Indian Roofed Turtle; Indian Roof Turtle; Indian Tent Turtle; Indian Turtle Indische Dachschildkröte Kachuga à dos en toit; Tortue à toit de l'Inde Tartaruga dal dorso a tetto Kachuga tentoria Testudines - Emydidae Indian Tent Turtle; Deccan Sawback (ISC); Indian Tent Terrapin (ISC); South Indian Roofed Turtle; Indian Sawback Turtle Kachuga carénée Tartaruga a tetto indiana Kachuga trivittata Testudines - Emydidae Burmese Roofed Turtle; Burmese Roof Turtle Dreistreifendachschildkröte Kachuga de Birmanie; Tortue de Birmanie Kentropyx Squamata - Teiidae Kentropyx; Whiptails Kieltejus


Kinixys natalensis

4234 e 4235 e 4236 e d 4237 e 4238 e d 4239 e 4240 e 4241 e 4242 e 4243 e 4244

Kentropyx altamazonicus Squamata - Teiidae Amazon Kentropyx; Cocha Whiptail Kentropyx borckiana Squamata - Teiidae Guyana Kentropyx Kentropyx calcaratus Squamata - Teiidae Spix's Kentropyx Afterspornechse Kentropyx paulensis Squamata - Teiidae Boettger's Kentropyx Kentropyx striatus Squamata - Teiidae Striped Kentropyx Kielteju Kentropyx vanzoi Squamata - Teiidae Gallagher's Kentropyx Kentropyx viridistriga Squamata - Teiidae Green Kentropyx Kentropyx williamsoni Squamata - Teiidae Williamson's Kentropyx Kerilia Squamata - Elapidae Jerdon's Sea Snakes Kerilia jerdoni Squamata - Elapidae Jerdon's Sea Snake Kinixys Testudines - Testudinidae

e d f 4245 e

d f i 4246 e

d f i

4247 e d f i

4248 e

4249 e d

Hingeback Tortoises Gelenkschildkröten Kinyx Kinixys belliana Testudines - Testudinidae Bell's Hingeback Tortoise; Bell's Hinged Tortoise(CSA); Bell's Eastern Hinged Tortoise; Hinged Tortoise (CSA) Glattrandgelenkschildkröte Kinyx de Bell Cinisside di Bell; Testuggine di Bell Kinixys erosa Testudines - Testudinidae Serrated Hingeback Tortoise; Serrated Hinged-back Tortoise ; Eroded Hingeback Tortoise; Rosy Hingeback; Schweigger's Hingeback Tortoise Stachelrandgelenkschildkröte Kinixys rongée Cinisside denticolata; Testuggine serrata Kinixys homeana Testudines - Testudinidae Home's Hingeback Tortoise; Home's Hinge-backed Tortoise; Home's Hinged Tortoise Stutzgelenkschildkröte Kinyx de Home Cinisside di Home; Testuggine di Home Kinixys lobatsiana Testudines - Testudinidae Lobatsa Hingeback Tortoise; Lobatsa Hinged Tortoise Kinixys natalensis Testudines - Testudinidae Natal Hingeback Tortoise; Natal Hinged Tortoise (CSA); Natal Hingebacked Tortoise Natal-Gelenkschildkröte

Kinixys spekii

4250 e

Kinixys spekii Testudines - Testudinidae Speke's Hingeback Tortoise; Savanna Hingeback


4256 e 4257

4251 e d

f i

4252 e d f

Kinosternidae Testudines Mud and Musk Turtles; American Mud and Musk Turtles; Musk Turtles Schlammschildkröten; Moschusschildkröten; Klappschildkröten; Klappbrust- und Moschusschildkröten Tortues bourbeuses et musquées; Kinosternidés Tartarughe muschiate; Tartarughe del fango Kinosternon Testudines - Kinosternidae American Mud Turtles; Mud Turtles; Musk Turtles Klappschildkröten; Moschusschildkröten Tortues bourbeuses; Kinosternes; Cinosternes

e d f i 4258 e 4259 e

d f

4253 e d f 4254 e f 4255 e f

Kinosternon acutum Testudines - Kinosternidae Tabasco Mud Turtle Tabasco-Klappschildkröte; Spitzschnauzenklappschildkröte Cinosterne de Tabasco Kinosternon alamosae Testudines - Kinosternidae Alamos Mud Turtle; American Musk Turtle Cinosterne d'Alamos Kinosternon angustipons Testudines - Kinosternidae Narrow-bridged Mud Turtle; Central American Mud Turtle; Caribbean Mud Turtle Cinosterne à pont étroit

i 4260 e 4261 e d f i 4262 e f

Kinosternon arizonense Testudines - Kinosternidae Arizoona Mud Turtle Kinosternon baurii Testudines - Kinosternidae Striped Mud Turtle Dreistreifenklappschildkröte; Streifenklappschildkröte Tortue bourbeuse rayé; Kinosterne de Baur; Cinosterne de Baur Tartaruga del fango striata Kinosternon bauri bauri Testudines - Kinosternidae Key Mud Turtle Kinosternon carinatum Testudines - Kinosternidae Razorback Musk Turtle; Razorbacked Musk Turtle; Mississippi Musk Turtle; Keel-backed Musk Turtle; Razor-backed Mud Turtle Dachmoschusschildkröte; Gekielte Moschusschildkröte Tortue musquée carénée; Cinosterne cariné Tartaruga del muschio carenata Kinosternon chimalhuaca Testudines - Kinosternidae Jalisco Mud Turtle Kinosternon creaseri Testudines - Kinosternidae Creaser's Mud Turtle; Yucatan Mud Turtle Yucatan-Klappschildkröte Cinosterne du Yucatan Tartaruga del fango di Creaser Kinosternon depressum Testudines - Kinosternidae Flat Musk Turtle; Flattened Musk Turtle Tortue musquée déprimée;


Kinosternon leucostomum


Cinosterne aplati Tartaruga del muschio appiattita

i 4270

4263 e d f 4264 e d f i 4265 e 4266 e 4267 e 4268 e d f 4269 e

d f

Kinosternon dunni Testudines - Kinosternidae Dunn's Mud Turtle; Colombian Mud Turtle Dunns Klappschildkröte Cinosterne de Colombie Kinosternon flavescens Testudines - Kinosternidae Yellow Mud Turtle Gelbliche Klappschildkröte Tortue bourbeuse jaune; Cinosterne jaune Tartaruga del fango gialla Kinosternon flavescens arizonense Testudines - Kinosternidae Southwestern Mud Turtle Kinosternon flavescens flavescens Testudines - Kinosternidae Yellow Mud Turtle Kinosternon flavescens spooneri Testudines - Kinosternidae Illinois Mud Turtle Kinosternon herrerai Testudines - Kinosternidae Herrera's Mud Turtle Herreras Klappschildkröte Cinosterne d'Herrera Kinosternon hirtipes Testudines - Kinosternidae Mexican Roughfoot Mud Turtle; Mexican Mud Turtle; Rough-footed Mud Turtle; Mexican Rough-footed Mud Turtle; Big Bend Mud Turtle Raufußklappschildkröte Tortue bourbeuse du Mexique; Cinosterne du Mexique central

e f 4271 e f 4272 e f 4273 e f 4274 e f 4275 e f 4276 e d f i 4277 e

Tartaruga del fango dai piedi rugosi Kinosternon hirtipes chapalensis Testudines - Kinosternidae Lake Chapala Mud Turtle Cinosterne duLac Chapala Kinosternon hirtipes hirtipes Testudines - Kinosternidae Mexican Mud Turtle Cinosterne de Mexique Kinosternon hirtipes magdalense Testudines - Kinosternidae San Juanico Mud Turtle Cinosterne de San Juanico Kinosternon hirtipes megacephalum Testudines - Kinosternidae Viesca Mud Turtle Cinosterne de Viesca Kinosternon hirtipes murrayi Testudines - Kinosternidae Big Bend Mud Turtle; Mexican Plateau Mud Turtle Cinosterne du plateau mexicain Kinosternon hirtipestarascene Testudines - Kinosternidae Patzuaro Mud Turtle Cinosterne de Patzcuaro Kinosternon integrum Testudines - Kinosternidae Mexican Mud Turtle; Le Conte's Mud Turtle Mexiko-Klappschildkröte Cinosterne du Mexique occidental Testuggine del fango messicana Kinosternon leucostomum Testudines - Kinosternidae White-lipped Mud Turtle

Kinosternon leucostomum leucostomum

d f i


e f 4279

e f 4280 e d f i 4281 e f 4282 e f 4283 e f 4284 e

Weißmaulklappschildkröte Cinosterne à bouche blanche Tartaruga del fango dalla bocca bianca Kinosternon leucostomum leucostomum Testudines - Kinosternidae Northern White-lipped Mud Turtle Cinosterne à bouche blanche du Nord Kinosternon leucostomum postinguinale Testudines - Kinosternidae Southern White-lipped Mud Turtle Cinosterne à bouche blanche du Sud Kinosternon minor Testudines - Kinosternidae Loggerhead Musk Turtle Kleine Moschusschildkröte Tortue musquée mineure; Cinosterne à grosse tête Tartaruga del muschio capogrosso Kinosternon minor minor Testudines - Kinosternidae Loggerhead Musk Turtle Cinostserne à grosse tête commune Kinosternon minor peltifer Testudines - Kinosternidae Stripeneck Musk Turtle Cinosterne à cou rayé


d f i

4285 e d f i 4286 e f 4287 e f 4288 e f 4289 e f

Kinosternon oaxacae Testudines - Kinosternidae Oaxacan Mud Turtle; Oaxaca Mud Turtle Cinosterne d'Oaxaca


Kinosternon odoratum Testudines - Kinosternidae Common Musk Turtle; Stinkin' Jenny (NA); Musk Turtle; Stinkin' Jim


e f


(NA); Stinkpot (NA) Gewöhnliche Moschusschildkröte; Moschusschildkröte; Stinkender Jim Tortue musquée odorante; Sternothère odorant; Tortue musquée (Qué); Cinosterne odorant Tartaruga del muschio comune; Tartaruga muschiata comune Kinosternon scorpioides Testudines - Kinosternidae Scorpion Mud Turtle Skorpionklappschildkröte Cinosterne scorpioïde; Tortuescorpion Tartaruga scorpione Kinosternon scorpioides abaxillare Testudines - Kinosternidae Chiapas Mud Turtle Cinostserne de Chiapas Kinosternon scorpioides albogulare Testudines - Kinosternidae White-throated Mud Turtle Cinosterne à gorge blanche Kinosternon scorpioides carajensis Testudines - Kinosternidae Carajas Mud Turtle Cinosterne de Carajas Kinosternon scorpioides cruentatum Testudines - Kinosternidae Redhead Mud Turtle Cinossterne ensanglanté Kinosternon scorpioides scorpioides Testudines - Kinosternidae Amazon Mud Turtle Cinosterne de l'Amazone Kinosternon scorpioides seriei Testudines - Kinosternidae Argentine Mud Turtle


Kolpophis annandalei f

4292 e d f


e f 4294 e f 4295 e d f i 4296 e f

Cinosterne d'Argentine Kinosternon sonoriense Testudines - Kinosternidae Sonoran Mud Turtle; Sonora Mud Turtle Sonora-Klappschildkröte Tortue bourbeuse du Sonora; Cinosterne de Sonora

e f 4299 e d f

Kinosternon sonoriense longifemorale Testudines - Kinosternidae Sonoyta Mud Turtle Cinosterne de Sonoyta


Kinosternon sonoriense sonoriense Testudines - Kinosternidae Sonoran Mud Turtle; Common Sonora Mud Turtle; Sonora Mud Turtle Cinosterne du Sonora commune


Kinosternon subrubrum Testudines - Kinosternidae Mud Turtle (NA); Common Mud Turtle; Eastern Mud Turtle Pennsylvania-Klappschildkröte Tortue bourbeuse des marais; Tortue des marais; Cinosterne rougeâtre Tartaruga del fango comune Kinosternon subrubrum hippocrepis Testudines - Kinosternidae Mississippi Mud Turtle; Mississippi Musk Turtle Cinosterne rougeâtre du Mississippi

e d f

e 4302 e 4303 e 4304 e 4305 e 4306


e f 4298

Kinosternon subrubrum steindachneri Testudines - Kinosternidae Florida Mud Turtle Cinosterne rougeâtre de Floride Kinosternon subrubrum subrubrum Testudines - Kinosternidae


Eastern Mud Turtle Cinosterne rougeâtre commune Klauberina Squamata - Xantusiidae Island Night Lizards Insel-Nachtechsen Lézards nocturnes des îles Klauberina riversiana Squamata - Xantusiidae Island Night Lizard Insel-Nachtechse Lézard nocturne des îles Klauberina riversiana reticulata Squamata - Xantusiidae San Clemente Night Lizar Klauberina riversiana riversiana Squamata - Xantusiidae San Nicolas Night Lizard Kleiometopon Squamata - Colubridae Booliati Snakes Kleiometopon booliati Squamata - Colubridae Booliati Snake Kolpophis Squamata - Elapidae Bighead Sea Snakes Kolpophis annandalei Squamata - Elapidae Bighead Sea Snake




e 4312 e d

4307 e d f i 4308 e d

f i

4309 e d f

4310 e d f i 4311

Lacerta Squamata - Lacertidae Common Eurasian Lizards; Mediterranean Lizards (CSA); Lizards Echte Eidechsen; Halsbandeidechsen; Eidechsen Lézards Lucertole Lacerta agilis Squamata - Lacertidae Sand Lizard Zauneidechse; Flinke Eidechse; Graue Eidechse; Gewöhnliche Eidechse; Gemeine Eidechse; Kleinäugige Eidechse Lézard des souches; Lézard agile Lucertola dei ceppi; Lucertola agile; Lucertola delle sterpi; Lucertola degli arbusti Lacerta andreanskyi Squamata - Lacertidae Andreansky's Lizard; Wall Lizard Atlas-Bergeidechse Lézard du Haut Atlas; Lézard d'Andreansky Lacerta armeniaca Squamata - Lacertidae Armenian Lizard Armenische Felseneidechse; Armenische Eidechse Lézard arménien; Lézard d'Arménie Lucertola armena Lacerta australis

f i 4313 e d f i 4314 e f i 4315 e d f i 4316 e d f i

4317 e

Squamata - Lacertidae Southern Rock Lizard Lacerta bedriagae Squamata - Lacertidae Bédriaga's Rock Lizard Tyrrhenische Gebirgseidechse; Bedriagas Gebirgseidechse Lézard de montagne corse; Lézard de Bédriaga; Lézard montagnard corse Lucertola di Bedriaga Lacerta bilineata Squamata - Lacertidae Western Green Lizard Westliche Smaragdeidechse Lézard vert Ramarro occidentale; Ramarro Lacerta bithynica Squamata - Lacertidae Méhely's Lizard Lézard de Bithynie Lucertola bitinica Lacerta brandti Squamata - Lacertidae Persian Lizard Persische Eidechse Lézard de Perse; Lézard nain Lucertola di Brandt Lacerta cappadocica Squamata - Lacertidae Anatolian Lizard; Cappadocian Lizard Kappadokische Eidechse Lézard d'Anatolie; Lézard de Cappadoce Lucertola anatolica; Lucertola cappadocica Lacerta caucasica Squamata - Lacertidae Caucasian Lizard


Lacerta laevis d f i

4318 e d f i 4319 e d f i 4320 e 4321 e d f i 4322 e d f i

Kaukasus-Eidechse; Kaukasische Eidechse; Kaukasus-Gebirgseidechse Lézard du Caucase Lucertola caucasica Lacerta chlorogaster Squamata - Lacertidae Greenbelly Lizard; Green-bellied Lizard Grünbaucheidechse Lézard à ventre vert Lucertola chlorogaster Lacerta clarkorum Squamata - Lacertidae Clark's Lizard Clarks Eidechse; Clarks Feldeidechse Lézard de Clark Lucertola di Clark Lacerta cyanura Squamata - Lacertidae Omman's Lizard Lacerta dahli Squamata - Lacertidae Dahl's Lizard Dahls Eidechse; Dahls Feldeidechse Lézard de Dahl Lucertola di Dahl Lacerta danfordi Squamata - Lacertidae Danford's Lizard Danford-Eidechse; Danfords Gebirgseidechse; Anatolische Eidechse Lézard de Danford Lucertola di Danford

4324 e d f i 4325 e d 4326 e d f 4327 e d f i 4328 e d f i

4329 e 4330

4323 e d f

Lacerta defilippii Squamata - Lacertidae Elburs Lizard Elburs-Eidechse Lézard d'Elburs

e d f i

Lacerta derjugini Squamata - Lacertidae Derjugin's Lizard Artwinner-Eidechse; Derjugins Eidechse Lézard de Derjugin Lucertola di Derjugin Lacerta echinata Squamata - Lacertidae Cope's Spinytail Lizard Stachelschwanzeidechse Lacerta fraasii Squamata - Lacertidae Fraas's Lizard Fraas-Eidechse Lézard de Fraas Lacerta graeca Squamata - Lacertidae Greek Rock Lizard Griechische Felseidechse; Griechische Spitzkopfeidechse Lézard grec Lucertola greca Lacerta horvathi Squamata - Lacertidae Horvath's Rock Lizard Kroatische Gebirgseidechse Lézard de Horvath Lucertola di Horvath; Lucertola croata Lacerta jayakari Squamata - Lacertidae Jayakar Lizard Lacerta laevis Squamata - Lacertidae Lebanon Lizard; Smooth Lizard Syrische Eidechse; Libanon-Eidechse Lézard du Liban; Lézard lisse Lucertola liscia

Lacerta lepida

4331 e d f i 4332 e d f i 4333 e d f i 4334 e d f i 4335 e d f i

Lacerta lepida Squamata - Lacertidae Jewelled Lizard; European Eyed Lizard; Eyed Lizard; Ocellated Lizard; Spanish Lizard Perleidechse Lézard ocellé; Rassade; Lambert; Lézard ocellé d'Europe Lucertola ocellata; Lucertola occhiata Lacerta mixta Squamata - Lacertidae Adjar Lizard Bastardeidechse; Adsharische Eidechse Lézard d'Adjarie; Lézard bâtard Lucertola bastarda Lacerta monticola Squamata - Lacertidae Iberian Mountain Lizard Iberische Gebirgseidechse Lézard de montagne pyrénéen; Lézard montagnard pyrénéen; Lézard montagnard Lucertola montana Lacerta mosorensis Squamata - Lacertidae Mosor Rock Lizard Mosor-Eidechse; MosorGebirgseidechse Lézard de Mosor Lucertola di Mosor Lacerta oxycephala Squamata - Lacertidae Sharp-snouted Rock Lizard; Longheaded Lizard Dalmatinische Spitzkopfeidechse; Dalmatinische Spitzköpfige Eidechse; Spitzkopfeidechse Lézard à tête pointue; Lézard oxycéphale Lucertola ossicefala


4336 e d f i 4337 e d f i 4338 e d f 4339 e d f i 4340 e d f i 4341 e d f

Lacerta parva Squamata - Lacertidae Dwarf Lizard; North African Eyed Lizard Zwergeidechse; Zwergzauneidechse Lézard d'Asie Mineure; Lézard nain Lucertola parva Lacerta parvula Squamata - Lacertidae Redbelly Lizard; Red-bellied Lizard Rotbauchfelseneidechse; Rotbaucheidechse Lézard à ventre rouge Lucertola parvola Lacerta pater Squamata - Lacertidae Lataste's Lizard; North African Eyed Lizard Berbereidechse Lézard ocellé d'Afrique du Nord Lacerta portschinskii Squamata - Lacertidae River Kura Lizard Portschinskis Eidechse; Kuriner Eidechse; Kuriner Feldeidechse Lézard de Portschinski Lucertola di Portschinski Lacerta praticola Squamata - Lacertidae Meadow Lizard; Pontic Lizard Wieseneidechse; Kaukasische Wieseneidechse Lézard de prairie; Lézard des prairies Lucertola dei prati Lacerta princeps Squamata - Lacertidae Zagrosian Lizard Zagros-Eidechse Lézard de Zagros; Lézard de Blanford


Lacerta viridis i

Lucertola principe d

4342 e d f i

Lacerta raddei Squamata - Lacertidae Azerbaijan Lizard Aserbaidshanische Eidechse; Aserbaidshanische Feldeidechse Lézard d'Azerbaïdjan Lucertola di Radde

f i 4348 e

4343 e d f i 4344 e d

f 4345 e

4346 e d f i

4347 e

Lacerta rostombekovi Squamata - Lacertidae Rostombekov's Lizard Rostombekows Eidechse; Rostombekows Feldeidechse Lézard de Rostombekov Lucertola di Rostombekov Lacerta rudis Squamata - Lacertidae Spinytail Lizard; Spiny-tailed Lizard Kielschwanz-Felseneidechse; Georgische Eidechse; Kielschwanzfelseidechse; Grusinische Eidechse Lézard à queue épineuse Lacerta rupicola Squamata - Lacertidae Zoutspansberg Rock Lizard; Zoutspansberg Lizard Lacerta schreiberi Squamata - Lacertidae Iberian Emerald Lizard; Schreiber's Lizard; Schreiber's Green Lizard Iberische Smaragdeidechse; Schreibers Smaragdeidechse Lézard vert d'Espagne; Lézard de Schreiber Ramarro di Schreiber; Ramarro iberico; Lucertola di Schreiber Lacerta strigata Squamata - Lacertidae Caucasus Emerald Lizard; Fivestreaked Lizard; Caspian Green

d f i 4349 e d f i 4350 e d f i 4351 e d f i 4352 e

Lizard Streifeneidechse; Streifensmaragdeidechse; Kaspische Smaragdeidechse Lézard vert de la Caspienne Ramarro caspico Lacerta trilineata Squamata - Lacertidae Balkan Emerald Lizard; Three-lined Lizard; Giant Green Lizard; Balkan Green Lizard; Three-lined Emerald Lizard Riesensmaragdeidechse; Gelbkehlige Smaragdeidechse Lézard vert à trois lignes Ramarro trilineato; Ramarro gigante Lacerta unisexualis Squamata - Lacertidae Whitebelly; White-bellied Lizard Weißbaucheidechse; Weißbauchfeldeidechse Lézard à ventre blanc; Lézard unisexué Lucertola unisessuale Lacerta uzzelli Squamata - Lacertidae Uzzell's Lizard Uzzells Eidechse; Uzzells Feldeidechse Lézard d'Uzell Lucertola di Uzzell Lacerta valentini Squamata - Lacertidae Valentin's Lizard Valentins Eidechse; Vlentins Feldeidechse Lézard de Valentin Lucertola di Valentin Lacerta viridis Squamata - Lacertidae Emerald Lizard; Green Lizard; Green Lacerta Lizard

Lacerta vivipara

d f i

4353 e


f i 4354 e d 4355 d 4356 e 4357 e

4358 e d f

Smaragdeidechse Lézard vert Ramarro; Ramarro europeo; Lucertola ramarro; Ramàrr; Màrr Lacerta vivipara Squamata - Lacertidae Lacertid Lizard; Common Viviparous Lizard; Common Lizard; Scaly Lizard; Common English Lizard; Swift Lizard; Viviparous Lizard Waldeidechse; Bergeidechse; Schwarze Waldechse; Safranbäuchige Eidechse; Mooreidechse; Gebäreidechse Lézard vivipare Lucertola vivipara Lacerta vivipara Squamata - Lacertidae Common Lizard Bergeidechse Lacerta vivipara pannonica Squamata - Lacertidae Pannonische Bergeidechse Lacertaspis Squamata - Scincidae Lidless Skinks Lacertaspis reichenowi Squamata - Scincidae Reichenow's Lidless Skink; Reichenow's Snake-eyed Skink Lacertidae Squamata Lacertids; Long-tailed Lizards; Old World Lizards; True Lizards; Sand Lizards Halsbandeidechsen; Landeidechsen; Echte Eidechsen; Lacerten Lézards typiques; Lacertidés; Lézards vrais


4359 e 4360 e 4361 e d f 4362 e 4363 e d f

4364 e d 4365 e d 4366 e d f

Lacertus Squamata - Scincidae Eared Skinks Lacertus auratus Squamata - Scincidae Eared Skink Lachesis Squamata - Viperidae Bushmasters; Surucucus Buschmeister; Surucucus Surucucus Lachesis melanocephala Squamata - Viperidae Black-headed Bushmaster Lachesis muta Squamata - Viperidae South American Bushmaster; Surucucu; Bushmaster Buschmeister; Surucucu Surucucu; Maître de la brousse; Grage grands carreaux (Ants) Lachesis muta muta Squamata - Viperidae Amazonian Bushmaster; Amazon Bushmaster Buschmeister Lachesis stenophrys Squamata - Viperidae Central American Bushmaster Mittelamerikanischer Buschmeister Laemanctus Squamata - Iguanaidae Casquehead Iguanas; Casque-headed Lizards Helmkopfbasilisken; Kronenbasilisken Laimanctes


Lampropeltis catalinensis

4367 e f 4368 e

d 4369 e d

Laemanctus longipes Squamata - Iguanaidae Eastern Casquehead Iguana; Conehead Lizard; Common Iguana; Casque-headed Iguana Laimancte longipède Laemanctus serratus Squamata - Iguanaidae Serrated Casquehead Iguana; Coneheaded Lizard (NA); Serrated Conehead Lizard; Casque-headed Lizard; Serrated Casque-headed Iguana Helmkopfleguan; Helmkopfbasilisk Lamprolepis Squamata - Scincidae Emerald Skinks Baumskinks

e d f i

4375 e 4376 e 4377 e

4370 e d 4371 e d f 4372 e 4373 e d f


Lamprolepis nieuwenhuisi Squamata - Scincidae Bieuwenhuis's Skink Nieuwenhuisens Baumskink Lamprolepis smaragdina Squamata - Scincidae Emerald Skink; Emerald Tree Skink; Green Tree Skink Smaragdskink Léiolopisme émeraudin Lamprolepis vyneri Squamata - Scincidae Shelford's Skink Lampropeltis Squamata - Colubridae King Snakes; Milk Snakes; New World King Snakes Königsnattern; Milchschlangen Couleuvres royales; Couleuvres du roi; Serpents du roi; Serpents-roi Lampropeltis alterna

f i 4378 e 4379




4381 e

Squamata - Colubridae Gray-banded King Snake; Davis's Mountain King Snake; Grey-banded King Snake Graugebänderte Königsnatter; Alterna-Königsnatter Serpent-roi gris à bandes Serpente reale a bande grigie; Serpente reale grigio Lampropeltis alterna alterna Squamata - Colubridae Gray-banded King Snake Lampropeltis alterna blairi Squamata - Colubridae Blair's King Snake Lampropeltis calligaster Squamata - Colubridae Prairie King Snake; Mole Snake (NA); Evans's King Snake; Yellowbellied King Snake Couleuvre royal des prairies Serpente reale di prateria Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster Squamata - Colubridae Prairie King Snake Lampropeltis calligaster occipitolineata Squamata - Colubridae South Florida Mole King Snake; Gray-banded King Snake (NA); South Florida Mole Snake; Greybanded King Snake Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata Squamata - Colubridae Mole King Snake; Brown King Snake ; Mole Snake Lampropeltis catalinensis Squamata - Colubridae Santa Catalina Island King Snake

Lampropeltis getula

4382 e d f i

4383 e 4384 e d f i

4385 e d f i

Lampropeltis getula Squamata - Colubridae Common King Snake; Chain Snake Kettenkönigsnatter; Kettennatter; Königsnatter Couleuvre royale commune; Couleuvre du roi; Serpent du roi; Serpent-roi Serpente reale ; Serpente reale comune Lampropeltis getula brooksi Squamata - Colubridae Brooks Kingsnake Lampropeltis getula californiae Squamata - Colubridae California King Snake; Californian King Snake; Cali Kingsnake (NA) Kalifornische Königsnatter; Kalifornische Kettennatter Serpent-roi de Californie Serpente reale californiano; Serpente reale della California Lampropeltis getula floridana Squamata - Colubridae Florida King Snake Florida-Kettennatter Serpent-roi de Floride Serpente reale della Florida


e d i 4389 e d i 4390 e d f i 4391 e d i 4392

4386 e d i

Lampropeltis getula getula Squamata - Colubridae Eastern King Snake; Chain Snake (NA); King Snake (NA); Chain King Snake Östliche Kettennatter Serpente reale dell'est

e 4393 e 4394

4387 e

Lampropeltis getula goini Squamata - Colubridae Goin's Kingsnake

e d


Lampropeltis getula holbrooki Squamata - Colubridae


Speckled King Snake; Holbrook's King Snake Gesprenkelte Königsnatter; Gesprenkelte Kettennatter Serpente reale screziato Lampropeltis getula niger Squamata - Colubridae Black King Snake; Eastern Black King Snake Schwarze Kettennatter Serpente reale nero Lampropeltis getula nigrita Squamata - Colubridae Black Desert King Snake; Mexican Black King Snake; Western Black King Snake Schwarze Wüstenkettennatter Serpent-roi noir du Mexique; Serpent-roi noir Serpente reale nero messicano Lampropeltis getula splendida Squamata - Colubridae Desert King Snake; Sonoran King Snake Texas-Königsnatter; Wüstenkettennatter Serpente reale del deserto di Sonora Lampropeltis getula sticticeps Squamata - Colubridae Outer Banks King Snake Lampropeltis herrerae Squamata - Colubridae Todos Santos Island King Snake Lampropeltis mexicana Squamata - Colubridae Mexican King Snake; Variable King Snake; Grey-banded King Snake Transpecos-Königsnatter; Mexikanische Königsnatter Couleuvre royale mexicaine;


Lampropeltis triangulum andesiana


Serpent-roi noir du Mexique Serpente reale messicano

4401 e

4395 e d 4396 e d i 4397 e d i

4398 e i

Lampropeltis mexicana blairi Squamata - Colubridae Milk Snake Transpecos-Königsnatter Lampropeltis mexicana greeri Squamata - Colubridae Greer's King Snake Greers Königsnatter Serpente reale di Greer Lampropeltis mexicana mexicana Squamata - Colubridae San Luis Potosi King Snake; Mexican King Snake Mexikanische Königsnatter; Transpecos-Kettennatter Serpente reale di San Luis Potosi; Serpente reale messicano Lampropeltis mexicana thayeri Squamata - Colubridae Nuevo Leon King Snake; Thayer's Variable King Snake; Thayer's King Snake; Variable King Snake Serpente reale del Nuevo Leon



d i 4403 e 4404 e d i 4405 e d

4399 e

d f i


e d

Lampropeltis pyromelana Squamata - Colubridae Sonoran Mountain King Snake; Sonora Mountain King Snake; Arizona Coral King Snake; Huachuca Mountain King Snake Arizona-Königsnatter; ArizonaNatter; Bergkönigsnatter Couleuvre royale du Sonora Serpente reale di Sonora; Serpente reale delle montagne Lampropeltis pyromelana infralabialis Squamata - Colubridae Utah Mountain King Snake Utah-Königsnatter

f i 4406 e 4407 e 4408

Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi Squamata - Colubridae Chihuahua Mountain King Snake; Tarahumara Mountain King Snake Lampropeltis pyromelana pyromelana Squamata - Colubridae Arizona Mountain King Snake; Arizona King Snake (NA); Banded King Snake; Sonoran Mountain King Snake Arizona-Königsnatter Serpente reale dell'Arizona Lampropeltis pyromelana woodini Squamata - Colubridae Huachuca Mountain King Snake Lampropeltis ruthveni Squamata - Colubridae Ruthven's King Snake Ruthvens Königsnatter; Königsnatter Serpente reale di Ruthven Lampropeltis triangulum Squamata - Colubridae Milk Snake; American Milk Snake; Tropical Milk Snake Rote Königsnatter; Milchschlange; Dreiecksnatter Couleuvre royale tachetée; Couleuvre tachetée (Qué); Faux serpent corail; Serpent du lait Serpente del latte Lampropeltis triangulum abnorma Squamata - Colubridae Guatemalan Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum amaura Squamata - Colubridae Louisiana Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum andesiana Squamata - Colubridae

Lampropeltis triangulum annulata

e 4409 e d

Andean Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum annulata Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Milk Snake; House Snake; Milk Adder Mexikanische Milchschlange; Mexikanische Königsnatter



e d

4419 4410 e 4411 e

Lampropeltis triangulum arcifera Squamata - Colubridae Jalisco Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum blanchardi Squamata - Colubridae Blanchard's Milk Snake



e 4412 e

4413 e d 4414 e 4415 e d 4416 e 4417 e d

Lampropeltis triangulum celaenops Squamata - Colubridae New Mexico Milk Snake; Big Bend Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum conanti Squamata - Colubridae Conant's Milk Snake Conants Dreiecknatter Lampropeltis triangulum dixoni Squamata - Colubridae Dixon's Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides Squamata - Colubridae Scarlet King Snake Rote Königsnatter Lampropeltis triangulum gaigeae Squamata - Colubridae Black Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum gentilis Squamata - Colubridae Central Plains Milk Snake Central-Plains-Milchschlange; Ebenen-Dreiecksnatter

4421 e 4422 e 4423 e

4424 e d i 4425 e

Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis Squamata - Colubridae Honduran Milk Snake Honduras-Königsnatter; HondurasMilchschlange; HondurasDreiecksnatter Lampropeltis triangulum micropholis Squamata - Colubridae Ecuadorian Milk Snake; Ecuadoran Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum multistriata Squamata - Colubridae Pale Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum nelsoni Squamata - Colubridae Nelson's Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum oligozona Squamata - Colubridae Pacific Central American Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum polyzona Squamata - Colubridae Atlantic Central American Milk Snake; Central American Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum sinaloae Squamata - Colubridae Sinaloa Milk Snake; Sinaloan Milk Snake Sinaloa-Königsnatter; Rote Königsnatter; SinaloaMilchschlange; Königsnatter Serpente del latte sinaloan Lampropeltis triangulum smithi Squamata - Colubridae Smith's Milk Snake


Lamprophis fuliginosus

4426 e 4427 e 4428 e 4429

e d 4430 e d f

Lampropeltis triangulum stuarti Squamata - Colubridae Stuart's Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum syspila Squamata - Colubridae Red Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum taylori Squamata - Colubridae Utah Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Milk Snake; Common Milk Snake (NA); Milk Snake (NA); Southern Milk Snake (NA) Östliche Dreiecksnatter Lampropeltis trianuglum campbelli Squamata - Colubridae Pueblan Milk Snake; Milk Snake Milchschlange; Königsnatter Faux serpent corail; Serpent du lait

4434 e

4435 e

4436 e

4437 e d 4438 e d 4439

4431 e d f i 4432 e d 4433 e

Lampropeltis zonata Squamata - Colubridae California Mountain King Snake; Coast Range Coral Snake; California King Snake Bergkönigsnatter; Korallenkönigsnatter Couleuvre royale de Californie Serpente reale di montagna Lampropeltis zonata agalma Squamata - Colubridae San Pedro King Snake; Baja California Mountain King Snake; San Pedro Mountain King Snake San Pedro Königsnatter Lampropeltis zonata herrerae Squamata - Colubridae Todos Santos Island Milk Snake

e d f 4440 e d 4441 e d 4442

Lampropeltis zonata multicinctata Squamata - Colubridae Sierra Mountain King Snake; Coral King Snake Lampropeltis zonata multifasciata Squamata - Colubridae Coast Mountain King Snake; Coastal Mountain King Snake Lampropeltis zonata parvirubra Squamata - Colubridae San Bernardino Mountain King Snake Lampropeltis zonata pulchra Squamata - Colubridae San Diego Mountain King Snake Kalifornische Bergkönigsnatter Lampropeltis zonata zonata Squamata - Colubridae St. Helena Mountain King Snake Korallenkönigsnatter Lamprophis Squamata - Colubridae House Snakes Hausschlangen; Südafrikanische Hausschlangen Serpents des maisons Lamprophis aurora Squamata - Colubridae Aurora House Snake; Aurora Snake (CSA); Night Snake Aurora-Hausschlange; Aurora-Natter Lamprophis fiskii Squamata - Colubridae Fisk's House Snake; Fisk's Snake Fisk-Hausschlange Lamprophis fuliginosus Squamata - Colubridae

Lamprophis fuscus


d f i 4443 e d 4444 e 4445 e d 4446 e d

4447 e d

f 4448

Brown House Snake; Common House Snake (CSA); Common African House Snake; African House Snake Braune Schlange; Hausschlange; Afrikanische Hausschlange; Braune Hausschlange Serpent des maisons; Couleuvre commune d'Afrique; Serpent africain des maisons Serpente bruno delle case Lamprophis fuscus Squamata - Colubridae Yellowbelly House Snake; Yellowbellied House Snake; Yellow-lipped Snake; Yellow-bellied Snake (CSA) Gelbbauchhausschlange Lamprophis geometricus Squamata - Colubridae Seychelles House Snake Lamprophis guttatus Squamata - Colubridae Spotted House Snake Olivfarbene Hausschlange Lamprophis inornatus Squamata - Colubridae Olive House Snake (CSA); Black House Snake; Brown Snake Schwarze Hausschlange; Olivfarbene Hausschlange Lamprophis lineatus Squamata - Colubridae African House Snake; Striped House Snake; Lined House Snake Gestreifte Hausschlange; Afrikanische Hausnatter; Gewöhnliche Hausschlange; Westafrikanische Hausschlange Boaédon à quatre raies Lamprophis maculatus Squamata - Colubridae


e 4449 e d 4450 e 4451 e 4452 e 4453 e 4454 e 4455 e 4456 e

4457 e d

Dotted House Snake Lamprophis swazicus Squamata - Colubridae Swazi House Snake; Swaziland House Snake; Swazi Rock Snake (CSA); Eastern House Snake (CSA) Swasiland-Hausschlange Lamprophis virgatus Squamata - Colubridae Hallowell's House Snake Lampropholis Squamata - Scincidae Water Skinks; Metallic Skinks Lampropholis amicula Squamata - Scincidae Brown Water Skink Lampropholis basiliscus Squamata - Scincidae Basilisk Water Skink Lampropholis caligula Squamata - Scincidae Grey Water Skink Lampropholis czechuci Squamata - Scincidae Czech Water Skink Lampropholis delicata Squamata - Scincidae Delicate Water Skink; Metallic Skink; Rainbow Skink; Delicate Skink (ANZ) Lampropholis guichenoti Squamata - Scincidae Guichenot's Water Skink; Guichenot's Skink; Guichenot's Grass Skink; Garden Skink (ANZ) Guichenots Skink


Latastia f

4458 e 4459 e d

4460 e i 4461 e d i 4462 e

4463 e

Scinque de Guichenot Lampropholis mirabilis Squamata - Scincidae Olive Water Skink Langaha Squamata - Colubridae Leafnose Snakes; Leaf-nosed Snakes; Madagascan Twig Snakes Blattnasennattern; Madagassische Baumschlangen Langaha alluaudi Squamata - Colubridae Southern Leafnose Snake; Southern Leafnose Cresto di gallo Langaha madagascariensis Squamata - Colubridae Madagascar Leafnose Vine Snake Madagassische Blasennatter Cresto di gallo del Madagascar Langaha pseudoalluaudi Squamata - Colubridae Northern Leafnose Snake; Northern Leafnose Lankascincus Squamata - Scincidae Tree Skinks

4467 e 4468 e d 4469 e 4470 e d f 4471 e d f 4472 e d 4473

4464 e 4465 e 4466 e

Lankascincus deignani Squamata - Scincidae Deignan's Tree Skink Lankascincus deraniyagalae Squamata - Scincidae Deraniyagalae's Tree Skink Lankascincus fallax Squamata - Scincidae Peters's Tree Skink

e d 4474 e d

Lankascincus gansi Squamata - Scincidae Gans's Tree Skink; Carl Gans's Skink Lankascincus taprobanensis Squamata - Scincidae Ceylon Tree Skink Ceylon-Waldskink Lankascincus taylori Squamata - Scincidae Taylor's Tree Skink Lanthanotus Squamata - Varanidae Earless Monitors; Earless Lizards Taubwarane Varans sans oreilles Lanthanotus borneensis Squamata - Varanidae Borneo Earless Monitor; Bornean Earless Monitor; Bornean Earless Lizard Borneo-Taubwaran; Taubwaran Varan sans oreilles Lapemis Squamata - Elapidae Shaw's Sea Snakes Plump-Seeschlangen Lapemis curtus Squamata - Elapidae Shaw's Sea Snake (CSI); Short Sea Snake; Hardwicke's Sea Snake Plump-Seeschlange Latastia Squamata - Lacertidae Longtail Lizards; Long-tailed Lacertas; Long-tailed Lizards Langschwanzeidechsen

Latastia bosacai

4475 e 4476 e 4477 e

4478 e

4479 e 4480 e 4481 e d f i 4482 e

d i


Latastia bosacai Squamata - Lacertidae Eritrea Longtail Lizard


Latastia carinata Squamata - Lacertidae Peters's Longtail Lizard


Latastia johnstoni Squamata - Lacertidae Nyasa Longtail Lizard; Nyasaland Long-tailed Lizard Latastia longicaudata Squamata - Lacertidae Southern Longtail Lizard; Southern Long-tailed Lizard Latastia siebenrocki Squamata - Lacertidae Siebenrock's Longtail Lizard Latastia taulori Squamata - Lacertidae Taylor's Longtail Lizard Laticauda Squamata - Elapidae Banded Sea Snakes; Flat-tailed Sea Snakes; Sea Kraits; Amphibious Sea Snakes Plattschwänze; Plattschwanzseeschlangen Serpents à queue plate Serpenti di mare Laticauda colubrina Squamata - Elapidae Banded Sea Snake; Yellow-lipped Sea Snake; Ringed Sea Snake; Schneider's Sea Snake; Giant Banded Sea Krait; Yellow-lipped Sea Krait Natternplattschwanz Serpente di mare



d f 4485 e 4486 e d 4487 e d

4488 e 4489 e


Laticauda crockeri Squamata - Elapidae Crocker's Sea Snake Laticauda laticaudata Squamata - Elapidae Black-banded Sea Snake; Largescaled Sea Snake; Linnaeus's Sea Krait; Banded Amphibious Sea Snake Gewöhnlicher Plattschwanz; Plattschwanzseeschlange Serpent à queue plate Laticauda schistorhynchus Squamata - Elapidae Flat-tail Sea Snake Laticauda semifasciata Squamata - Elapidae Chinese Sea Snake; Erabu Sea Snake Halbgebänderter Plattschwanz Leiocephalus Squamata - Iguanaidae Curlytail Lizards; Crested Keeled Lizards; Curly-tailed Lizards; Curlytails Ringelschwanzleguane; Rollschwanzleguane; Maskenleguane; Glattkopfleguane Leiocephalus barahonensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Barahona Curlytail Lizard Leiocephalus carinatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Northern Curlytail Lizard; Northern Curly-tailed Lizard; Curly-tailed Lizard; Bahaman Crested Lizard; Rough-scaled Lizard; Crested Keeled Lizard; Carinate Curly-tailed Lizard; Saw-scaled Curlytail (WI) Strandhündchen; Rollschwanzleguan; Ringelschwanzleguan; Maskenleguan


Leiocephalus semilineatus f

4490 e 4491 e 4492 e

4493 e

4494 e

4495 e

4496 e

4497 e

4498 e 4499

Lézard à queue recourbée Leiocephalus cubensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Cuban Curlytail Lizard Leiocephalus eremitus Squamata - Iguanaidae Navassa Curlytail Lizard Leiocephalus greenwayi Squamata - Iguanaidae Plana Cay Curlytail Lizard; East Plana Curlytail (WI) Leiocephalus herminieri Squamata - Iguanaidae Martinique Curlytail Lizard; Martinique Curlytail (WI) Leiocephalus inaguae Squamata - Iguanaidae Inagua Curlytail Lizard; Inagua Curlytail (WI) Leiocephalus loxogrammus Squamata - Iguanaidae Rum Cay Curlytail Lizard; San Salvador Curlytail (WI) Leiocephalus lunatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Santo Domingo Curlytail Lizard; Santo Domingo Curly-tailed Lizard Leiocephalus macropus Squamata - Iguanaidae Monte Verde Curlytail Lizard; Cuban Side-blotched Curlytail Leiocephalus melanochlorus Squamata - Iguanaidae Jeremie Curlytail Lizard Leiocephalus onaneyi Squamata - Iguanaidae

e 4500 e d


4501 e 4502 e

4503 e

4504 e

4505 e 4506 e d


Sierra Curlytail Lizard Leiocephalus personatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Haitian Curlytail Lizard Bunter Haiti-Maskenleguan; Gewöhlicher Maskenleguan; Maskenleguan; Bunter Maskenleguan Lézard à queue frisée; Lézard à queue courbée; Curlytail Leiocephalus pratensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Atalaye Curlytail Lizard Leiocephalus psammodromus Squamata - Iguanaidae Bastion Cay Curlytail Lizard; Turks and Caicos Curlytail (WI) Leiocephalus punctatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Spotted Curlytail Lizard; CrookedAcklins Curlytail (WI) Leiocephalus raviceps Squamata - Iguanaidae Mountain Curlytail Lizard; Pallid Curlytail Leiocephalus rhutidira Squamata - Iguanaidae Lapierre Curlytail Lizard Leiocephalus schreibersii Squamata - Iguanaidae Red-sided Curlytail Lizard; Redsided Curly-tailed Lizard; Schreiber's Curly-tailed Lizard Schreibers Glattkopfleguan; Maskenleguan; Großer Maskenleguan; HaitiGlattkopfleguan; Glattkopfleguan Leiocephalus semilineatus Squamata - Iguanaidae

Leiocephalus stictigaster



Thomazeau Curlytail Lizard d

4508 e

Leiocephalus stictigaster Squamata - Iguanaidae Cabo Corrientes Curlytail Lizard

f 4516

4509 e

Leiocephalus vinculum Squamata - Iguanaidae Cochran's Curlytail Lizard

e 4517

4510 e d

4511 e 4512 e d

4513 e

4514 e d f 4515 e

Leioheterodon Squamata - Colubridae Madagascar Brown Snakes; Madagascar Hognose Snakes; Madagascar Hognoses Hakennattern; MadagaskarHakennattern; Madagaskar-Nattern Leioheterodon geayi Squamata - Colubridae Madagascar Dune Snake Leioheterodon madagascariensis Squamata - Colubridae Madagascar Menarana Snake; Giant Madagascar Hognose Snake; Madagascar Giant Hognose Snake Madagaskar-Hakennatter; Madagaskar-Natter Leioheterodon modestus Squamata - Colubridae Madagascar Brown Snake; Brown Hognose Snake Leiolepis Squamata - Agamidae Butterfly Lizards; Granular-scaled Lizards; Smooth-scaled Agamas; Butterfly Agamas Schmetterlingsagamen Léiolépides Leiolepis belliana Squamata - Agamidae Butterfly Lizard; Butterfly Agama;

e d f 4518 e 4519 e 4520 e 4521 e d f 4522 e 4523 e 4524

Common Butterfly Lizard Prachtschmetterlingsagame; Schmetterlingsagame Agame-papillon Leiolepis belliana rubritaeniata Squamata - Agamidae Sand Lizard Leiolepis guttata Squamata - Agamidae Spotted Butterfly Lizard Fleckige Schmetterlingsagame Léiolépide à gouttelettes Leiolepis peguensis Squamata - Agamidae Burmese Butterfly Lizard Leiolepis reevesii Squamata - Agamidae Reeves's Butterfly Lizard Leiolepis triploida Squamata - Agamidae Thai Butterfly Lizard Leiolopisma Squamata - Scincidae Ground Skinks; Window-eyed Skinks; Leiolopismas Leilopismaskinke Léiolopismes Leiolopisma acrinasum Squamata - Scincidae Hardy's Ground Skink Leiolopisma alazon Squamata - Scincidae Lauan Ground Skink Leiolopisma austrocaledonicum Squamata - Scincidae


Leiolopisma striatum e

4525 e 4526 e 4527 e 4528 e 4529 e

4530 e 4531 e 4532 e 4533 e 4534 e

Caledonian Ground Skink Leiolopisma cyclodina Squamata - Scincidae Common Ground Skink Leiolopisma eulepis Squamata - Scincidae Fitzinger's Ground Skink Leiolopisma fallai Squamata - Scincidae McCann's Ground Skink Leiolopisma gracilicorpus Squamata - Scincidae Graceful Ground Skink Leiolopisma grande Squamata - Scincidae Large Ground Skink; Large Leiolopisma Leiolopisma hombronia Squamata - Scincidae Girard's Ground Skink Leiolopisma infrapunctatum Squamata - Scincidae Dotted Ground Skink Leiolopisma lineoocellatum Squamata - Scincidae Eyespot Ground Skink Leiolopisma lioscincus Squamata - Scincidae Bocage's Ground Skink Leiolopisma lygosomella Squamata - Scincidae Island Ground Skink

e f 4536 e 4537 e 4538 e 4539 e 4540 e 4541 e 4542 e 4543 e

4544 e

4545 4535

Leiolopisma moco

Squamata - Scincidae Moco Ground Skink Léiolopisme moco Leiolopisma nigriplantare Squamata - Scincidae Dark Ground Skink Leiolopisma nigrofasciatum Squamata - Scincidae Black-banded Ground Skink Leiolopisma oligosoma Squamata - Scincidae Longtail Ground Skink Leiolopisma orocryptum Squamata - Scincidae Hutchinson's Ground Skink Leiolopisma pseudemoi Squamata - Scincidae Fuhn's Ground Skink Leiolopisma rawlinsoni Squamata - Scincidae Rawlinson's Ground Skink Leiolopisma sauroscincus Squamata - Scincidae Peters's Ground Skink Leiolopisma smithi Squamata - Scincidae Smith's Ground Skink; Smith's Leiolopisma Leiolopisma steindachneri Squamata - Scincidae Steindachner's Ground Skink; Steindachner's Window-eyed Skink Leiolopisma striatum Squamata - Scincidae

Leiolopisma suteri

e 4546 e

4547 e d f

4548 e 4549 e 4550 e 4551 e 4552 e 4553 e d f 4554 e

Striped Ground Skink Leiolopisma suteri Squamata - Scincidae Suter's Ground Skink; Suter's Window-eyed Skink Leiolopisma telfairi Squamata - Scincidae Telford's Ground Skink; Round Island Skink Telfords Skink Scinque de l'île Ronde; Léiolopisme de Telford; Scinque de Telfair


d f 4555 e 4556 e 4557 e

Leiolopisma tricolor Squamata - Scincidae Three-colour Ground Skink


Leiolopisma trilloni Squamata - Scincidae Ineich's Ground Skink


Leiolopisma tropidoscincus Squamata - Scincidae Tropical Ground Skink


Leiolopisma variabile Squamata - Scincidae Variable Ground Skink


Leiolopisma zelandicum Squamata - Scincidae Zelandic Ground Skink


Leiopython Squamata - Boidae White-lipped Pythons Weißlippenpythone Pythons de la Nouvelle Guinée


Leiopython albertisii Squamata - Boidae White-lipped Python; D'Albertis's Python; Purple-brown Python







4564 e

Weißlippenpython Python de la Nouvelle Guinée Leiosaurus Squamata - Iguanaidae Southern Anoles; Matuastos Leiosaurus bardensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Southern Anole; Matuasto Leiosaurus bellii Squamata - Iguanaidae Bell's Anole; Bell's Matuasto Lepidoblepharis Squamata - Gekkonidae Scaly-eyed Geckos; Dwarf Geckos Lepidoblepharis buchwaldi Squamata - Gekkonidae Buchwald's Scaly-eyed Gecko Lepidoblepharis colombianus Squamata - Gekkonidae Colombian Scaly-eyed Gecko Lepidoblepharis duolepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Antioquia Scaly-eyed Gecko Lepidoblepharis festae Squamata - Gekkonidae Amazon Scaly-eyed Gecko; Brown Dwarf Gecko Lepidoblepharis grandis Squamata - Gekkonidae Grand Scaly-eyed Gecko; Greater Dwarf Gecko Lepidoblepharis heyerorum Squamata - Gekkonidae Vanzolini's Scaly-eyed Gecko;


Lepidodactylus balioburius

Amazon Dwarf Gecko 4565 e 4566 e 4567 e 4568 e 4569 e 4570 e 4571 e 4572 e 4573 e 4574 e d f

Lepidoblepharis intermedius Squamata - Gekkonidae Lowland Scaly-eyed Gecko Lepidoblepharis microlepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Tiny Scaly-eyed Gecko Lepidoblepharis miyata Squamata - Gekkonidae Miyata Scaly-eyed Gecko Lepidoblepharis oxycephalus Squamata - Gekkonidae Sharp Scaly-eyed Gecko Lepidoblepharis peraccae Squamata - Gekkonidae Peracca's Scaly-eyed Gecko Lepidoblepharis ruthveni Squamata - Gekkonidae Ruthven's Scaly-eyed Gecko Lepidoblepharis sanctaemartae Squamata - Gekkonidae Panama Scaly-eyed Gecko Lepidoblepharis williamsi Squamata - Gekkonidae Williams's Scaly-eyed Gecko Lepidoblepharis xanthostigma Squamata - Gekkonidae Costa Rica Scaly-eyed Gecko Lepidochelys Testudines - Cheloniidae Ridley Turtles; Ridleys; Ridley Sea Turtles Bastardschildkröten Tortues bâtardes

4575 e




4576 e

d f i 4577 e d

4578 e 4579 e

Lepidochelys kempii Testudines - Cheloniidae Kemp's Ridley Turtle; Kemp Turtle; Bastard Turtle; Kemp's Loggerhead; Kemp's Ridley; Atlantic Ridley Sea Turtle; Atlantic Olive Ridley; Atlantic Ridley; Gulf Ridley Turtle; Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle Atlantik-Bastardschildkröte; Kemps Bastardschildkröte; Bastardschildkröte; Atlantische Bastardschildkröte; Kemps Schildkröte Ridley de Kemp; Tortue bâtarde; Tortue mexicaine; Chelonée de Kemp; Tortue d'Espagne; Tortue de Kemp; Lépidochélyde Tartaruga di Kemp; Tartaruga Kemp; Tartaruga bastarda Lepidochelys olivacea Testudines - Cheloniidae Olive Ridley Turtle; Ridley; Olive Ridley Sea Turtle (NA); Pacific Ridley (ANZ); Olive Ridley; Ridley Sea Turtle; Olive Loggerhead; Pacific Olive Ridley Pazifische Bastardschildkröte; Bastardschildkröte; Olive Bastardschildkröte Ridley olivacée; Tortue bâtarde; Chelonée olivâtre; Tortue olivacée Tartaruga olivacea Lepidodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Scaly-toed Geckos Schuppenfingergeckos; Schuppenfinger Lepidodactylus aurelineatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Golden Scaly-toed Gecko Lepidodactylus balioburius Squamata - Gekkonidae Batan Scaly-toed Gecko

Lepidodactylus browni

4580 e 4581 e 4582 e 4583 e 4584 e 4585 e 4586 e 4587 e 4588 e d f 4589 e


Lepidodactylus browni Squamata - Gekkonidae Brown's Scaly-toed Gecko


Lepidodactylus christiani Squamata - Gekkonidae Christian Scaly-toed Gecko


Lepidodactylus euaensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Eua Scaly-toed Gecko


Lepidodactylus flaviocularis Squamata - Gekkonidae Yellow-eyed Scaly-toed Gecko


Lepidodactylus gardineri Squamata - Gekkonidae Rotuman Scaly-toed Gecko


Lepidodactylus guppyi Squamata - Gekkonidae Solomon Scaly-toed Gecko


Lepidodactylus herreri Squamata - Gekkonidae Negros Scaly-toed Gecko


Lepidodactylus listeri Squamata - Gekkonidae Christmas Scaly-toed Gecko


Lepidodactylus lugubris Squamata - Gekkonidae Mourning Gecko; Sad Gecko; Morning Gecko Schuppenfinger; Schuppenfingergecko; Jungferngecko Veuf


Lepidodactylus magnus Squamata - Gekkonidae Mountain Scaly-toed Gecko









e 4599 e 4600 e

Lepidodactylus manni Squamata - Gekkonidae Fiji Scaly-toed Gecko Lepidodactylus mutahi Squamata - Gekkonidae Bougainville's Scaly-toed Gecko Lepidodactylus novaeguineae Squamata - Gekkonidae New Guinea Scaly-toed Gecko Lepidodactylus oorti Squamata - Gekkonidae Indonesia Scaly-toed Gecko Lepidodactylus orientalis Squamata - Gekkonidae Oriental Scaly-toed Gecko Lepidodactylus planicaudus Squamata - Gekkonidae Mindanao Scaly-toed Gecko Lepidodactylus pulcher Squamata - Gekkonidae Wild Scaly-toed Gecko Lepidodactylus pumilus Squamata - Gekkonidae Torres Scaly-toed Gecko Lepidodactylus pusillus Squamata - Gekkonidae Cope's Scaly-toed Gecko Lepidodactylus shebae Squamata - Gekkonidae Guadalcanal Scaly-toed Gecko Lepidodactylus woodfordi Squamata - Gekkonidae Woodford's Scaly-toed Gecko



4601 e 4602 e

Lepidodactylus yami Squamata - Gekkonidae Lanyu Scaly-toed Gecko Lepidodactyus ranauensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Sabah Scaly-toed Gecko

4611 e

e 4613

4603 e d 4604 e 4605 e 4606 e 4607 e d 4608 e

4609 e 4610 e

Lepidophyma Squamata - Xantusiidae Tropical Night Lizards Mittelamerikanische Nachtechsen Lepidophyma alvarezi Squamata - Xantusiidae Alvarez del Toro's Night Lizard Lepidophyma chicoaensis Squamata - Xantusiidae Sumidero Night Lizard Lepidophyma dontomasi Squamata - Xantusiidae MacDougall's Night Lizard Lepidophyma flavimaculatum Squamata - Xantusiidae Yellow-spotted Night Lizard; Tropical Night Lizard; Yellowspotted Tropical Night Lizard Krokodilnachtechsen Lepidophyma gaigae Squamata - Xantusiidae Gaige's Night Lizard; Gaige's Tropical Night Lizard Lepidophyma lipetzi Squamata - Xantusiidae Lipetz's Night Lizard Lepidophyma mayae Squamata - Xantusiidae Maya Night Lizard


4614 e 4615 e 4616 e

4617 e

4618 e 4619 e

4620 e 4621

Lepidophyma micropholis Squamata - Xantusiidae Cave Night Lizard; Cave Tropical Night Lizard Squamata - Xantusiidae Japlan Night Lizard Lepidophyma pajapanensis Squamata - Xantusiidae Pajapan Night Lizard; Pajapan Tropical Night Lizard Lepidophyma radula Squamata - Xantusiidae Yautepec Night Lizard Lepidophyma sawini Squamata - Xantusiidae Sawin's Night Lizard Lepidophyma smithii Squamata - Xantusiidae Smith's Night Lizard; Smith's Tropical Night Lizard Lepidophyma sylvaticum Squamata - Xantusiidae Madrean Night Lizard; Madrean Tropical Night Lizard Lepidophyma tarascae Squamata - Xantusiidae Tarascan Night Lizard Lepidophyma tuxtlae Squamata - Xantusiidae Tuxtla Night Lizard; Tuxtla Tropical Night Lizard Leposoma Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Skink Tegus; Spectacled Lizards Leposoma Squamata - Teiidae

Leposoma annectans

e 4622 e 4623 e 4624 e 4625 e 4626 e

4627 e 4628 e 4629 e 4630 e

4631 e

Leposomas Leposoma annectans Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Ruibal's Brown Tegu Leposoma guianense Squamata - Teiidae Guyana Leposoma Leposoma hexalepis Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Six-scaled Tegu Leposoma joanna Squamata - Teiidae Joanna Leposoma Leposoma parietale Squamata - Teiidae Cope's Leposoma; Common Root Lizard Leposoma percarinatum Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Müller's Tegu; Keeled Microteiid Leposoma rugiceps Squamata - Teiidae Red Leposoma Leposoma scincoides Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Skink Tegu


4632 e 4633 e 4634 e 4635 e 4636 e 4637 e 4638 e 4639 e 4640 e

Leposoma southi Squamata - Teiidae Southern Leposoma; Northern Spectacled Lizard


Leposternon Squamata - Amphisbaenidae South American Worm Lizards




Leposternon affine Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Paraguay Worm Lizard Leposternon boettgeri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Boettger's Worm Lizard Leposternon borelli Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Borelli's Worm Lizard Leposternon boulengeri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Boulanger's Worm Lizard Leposternon carcani Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Luque Worm Lizard Leposternon carcani Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Tebicuari Worm Lizard Leposternon crassum Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Thick Worm Lizard Leposternon guentheri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Günther's Worm Lizard Leposternon infraorbitale Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Berthold's Worm Lizard Leposternon laticeps Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Matto Grosso Worm Lizard Leposternon latifrontale Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Asuncion Worm Lizard


Leptodeira punctata

4643 e d e

Leposternon microcephalum Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Smallhead Worm Lizard Kleinköpfige Doppelschleiche Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Duméril's Worm Lizard

e 4655 e 4656

4645 e 4646 e

Leposternon onychocephalum Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Yellow-headed Worm Lizard Leposternon petersi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Peters's Worm Lizard

e d f 4657 e

4647 e 4648 e 4649 e 4650 e 4651 e

Leposternon pfefferi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Pfeffer's Worm Lizard Leposternon phacaena Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Buenos Aires Worm Lizard Leposternon polystegoides Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Lake Papary Worm Lizard Leposternon polystegum Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Bahia Worm Lizard Leposternon rostratum Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Beaked Worm Lizard

d f 4658 e 4659 e 4660 e

4661 4652 e

Leposternon scutigerum Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Shielded Worm Lizard

e 4662

4653 e 4654

Leposternon sinuosum Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Winding Worm Lizard Leposternon strauchi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae



Strauch's Worm Lizard Leposternon wuchereri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Wucherer's Worm Lizard Leptodeira Squamata - Colubridae Cat-eyed Snakes; Annulated Snakes Katzenaugennattern Couleuvres oeil-de-chat Leptodeira annulata Squamata - Colubridae Banded Cat-eyed Snake; Cat-eyed Snake; Annulated Snake; Common Cat-eyed Snake Namamen-Natter; Katzenaugennatter; Bananennatter Serpent coco (Ants) Leptodeira annulata annulata Squamata - Colubridae Common Cat-eyed Snake Leptodeira bakeri Squamata - Colubridae Baker's Cat-eyed Snake Leptodeira frenata Squamata - Colubridae Rainforest Cat-eyed Snake; Yucatan Cat-eyed Snake Leptodeira maculata Squamata - Colubridae Southwestern Cat-eyed Snake Leptodeira nigrofasciata Squamata - Colubridae Black-banded Cat-eyed Snake; Banded Cat-eyed Snake Leptodeira punctata Squamata - Colubridae

Leptodeira septentrionalis

e 4664 e d f

Western Cat-eyed Snake Leptodeira septentrionalis Squamata - Colubridae Cat-eyed Snake; Northern Cat-eyed Snake; Annulated Snake; Ringed Snake; Spotted Cat-eyed Snake Gebänderte Katzenaugennatter Couleuvre oeil-de-chat


4672 e 4673 e d i


e 4666 e

Leptodeira septentrionalis septentrionalis Squamata - Colubridae Northern Cat-eyed Snake Leptodeira splendida Squamata - Colubridae Splendid Cat-eyed Snake

4674 e d

4675 4667 e 4668 e

4669 e d f 4670 e 4671 e

Leptodrymus Squamata - Colubridae Striped Lowland Snakes


Leptodrymus pulcherrimus Squamata - Colubridae Striped Lowland Snake; Greenheaded Racer


Leptomicrurus Squamata - Elapidae Thread Coral Snakes; Slender Coral Snakes Schlanke Korallenottern; Schlankkorallenottern; Korallenschlangen Serpents corail


Leptomicrurus collaris Squamata - Elapidae Schlegel's Thread Coral Snake Leptomicrurus narduccii Squamata - Elapidae Jan's Thread Coral Snake; Schlegel's Thread Coral Snake



4678 e

4679 e d

Leptomicrurus scutiventris Squamata - Elapidae Cope's Thread Coral Snake Leptophis Squamata - Colubridae Parrot Snakes Schlanknattern; Papageienschlangen; Dünnschlangen Serpenti papagallo Leptophis ahaetulla Squamata - Colubridae Parrot Snake; Common Parrot Snake; Greater Green Parrot Snake Brasilianische Schlanknatter; Brasilianische Dünnschlange Leptophis ahaetulla nigromarginatus Squamata - Colubridae Black-skinned Parrot Snake Leptophis cupreus Squamata - Colubridae Copper Parrot Snake; Brown Parrot Snake Leptophis depressirostris Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Parrot Snake; Lesser Green Parrot Snake; Satiny Parrot Snake Leptophis diplotropis Squamata - Colubridae Pacific Coast Parrot Snake; Pacific Parrot Snake Leptophis mexicanus Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Parrot Snake; Bronzebacked Parrot Snake Mexikanische Dünnschlange; Papageienschlange


Leptosiaphos vigintiserierum

4680 e 4681 e

4682 e

4683 e 4684 e

4685 e

4686 e

4687 e 4688 e

4689 e

Leptophis modestus Squamata - Colubridae Cloud Forest Parrot Snake


Leptophis nebulosus Squamata - Colubridae Oliver's Parrot Snake; Striped Parrot Snake


Leptophis riveti Squamata - Colubridae Despax's Parrot Snake; Panamanian Parrot Snake; Turquoise Parrot Snake Leptosiaphos Squamata - Scincidae Five-toed Skinks Leptosiaphos aloysiisabaudiae Squamata - Scincidae Uganda Five-toed Skink; Uganda Lidless Skink Leptosiaphos amieti Squamata - Scincidae Cameroon Five-toed Skink; Cameroon Lidless Skink Leptosiaphos blochmanni Squamata - Scincidae Zaire Five-toed Skink; Zaire Lidless Skink Leptosiaphos dewittei Squamata - Scincidae Dewitte's Five-toed Skink Leptosiaphos fuhni Squamata - Scincidae Fuhn's Five-toed Skink; Fuhn's Lidless Skink Leptosiaphos gemmiventris Squamata - Scincidae Sjosstedt's Five-toed Skink


e 4692 e 4693 e 4694 e 4695 e 4696 e 4697 e 4698 e 4699 e 4700 e

Leptosiaphos graueri Squamata - Scincidae Rwanda Five-toed Skink Leptosiaphos hackarsi Squamata - Scincidae Hackars's Five-toed Skink Leptosiaphos hylophilus Squamata - Scincidae Laurent's Five-toed Skink Leptosiaphos ianthwoxantha Squamata - Scincidae Böhme's Five-toed Skink Leptosiaphos kilemensis Squamata - Scincidae Kilimanjaro Five-toed Skink Leptosiaphos lepesmei Squamata - Scincidae Angel's Five-toed Skink Leptosiaphos luberoensis Squamata - Scincidae Witte's Five-toed Skink Leptosiaphos meleagris Squamata - Scincidae Ruwenzori Four-toed Skink Leptosiaphos pauliana Squamata - Scincidae Pauliana's Five-toed Skink Leptosiaphos rhodurus Squamata - Scincidae Red Five-toed Skink Leptosiaphos vigintiserierum Squamata - Scincidae African Five-toed Skink


4701 e d f i 4702 e d f

Leptotyphlopidae Squamata Blind Snakes; Slender Blind Snakes (NA); Thread Snakes (CSA); Worm Snakes (NA); Leptotyphlopids Blindschlangen; Schlankblindschlangen; Engmundschlangen Leptotyphlopidés; Serpents aveugles Leptotiflopidi Leptotyphlops Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Slender Blind Snakes; Worm Snakes; Blind Snakes; Thread Snakes Blindschlangen; Schlankblindschlangen Serpents aveugles; Serpents minutes; Leptotyphlops


4709 e 4710 e 4711 e

4712 e

4713 4703 e

Leptotyphlops affinis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Venezuela Blind Snake

e 4714

4704 e

4705 e 4706 e 4707 e 4708 e

Leptotyphlops albifrons Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Wagler's Blind Snake; Wagler's Worm Snake; White-fronted Thread Snake Leptotyphlops albipunctatus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Tucuman Blind Snake Leptotyphlops amazonicus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Amazon Blind Snake Leptotyphlops anthracinus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Bailey's Blind Snake Leptotyphlops asbolepis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Martin Garcia Tree Snake


4715 e 4716 e 4717 e 4718 e

Leptotyphlops australis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Freiberg's Blind Snake Leptotyphlops bicolor Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Two-coloured Blind Snake Leptotyphlops bilineatus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Two-lined Blind Snake; Lesser Antillean Thread Snake (WI) Leptotyphlops blanfordi Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Ethiopia Blind Snake; Ethiopian Blind Snake; Sind Thread Snake Leptotyphlops borrichianus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Degerbol's Blind Snake Leptotyphlops boulengeri Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Manda Flesh-pink Blind Snake; Manda Flesh-pink Worm Snake Leptotyphlops braccianii Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Eritrea Blind Snake Leptotyphlops brasiliensis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Brazilian Blind Snake Leptotyphlops bressoni Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Michoacan Slender Blind Snake Leptotyphlops brevicaudus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Shorthead Blind Snake


Leptotyphlops erythraeus

4719 e 4720 e 4721 e d f 4722 e 4723 e 4724 e

4725 e

4726 e 4727 e

Leptotyphlops brevissimus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Caqueta Blind Snake


Leptotyphlops burii Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Arabian Blind Snake


Leptotyphlops cairi Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Cairo Blind Snake Ägyptische Schlankblindschlange Leptotyphlops du Caire



e 4731

Leptotyphlops calypso Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Samana Thread Snake


Leptotyphlops collaris Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Collared Blind Snake


Leptotyphlops columbi Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae San Salvador Blind Snake; Bahamian Thread Snake (WI)


Leptotyphlops conjunctus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Cape Blind Snake; Cape Thread Snake (CSA); Jan's Black Worm Snake (CSA); Jan's All-black Worm Snake; Jan's All-black Thread Snake; Jan's Black Thread Snake; Cape Worm Snake (CSA) Leptotyphlops cupinensis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Mato Grosso Blind Snake Leptotyphlops debilis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae West African Blind Snake


e d f

4734 e

4735 e

4736 e


Leptotyphlops diaplocius

Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Common Peru Blind Snake; Amazonian Thread Snake Leptotyphlops dimidiatus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Dainty Blind Snake Leptotyphlops dissimilis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Sudan Blind Snake Leptotyphlops distanti Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Distant's Blind Snake; Distant's Thread Snake (CSA); Distant's Snake; Transvaal Worm Snake (CSA); Transvaal Thread Snake Leptotyphlops dugandi Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Dugand's Blind Snake Leptotyphlops dulcis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Texas Blind Snake; Plains Blind Snake Texas-Schlankblindschlange Serpent aveugle du Texas; Leptotyphlops du Texas Leptotyphlops dulcis dissectus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae New Mexico Blind Snake; New Mexican Blind Snake; New Mexico Blind Snake Leptotyphlops dulcis dulcis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Plains Blind Snake; Texas Blind Snake Leptotyphlops erythraeus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Red Blind Snake

Leptotyphlops filiformis

4737 e 4738 e 4739 e 4740 e d 4741 e

4742 e 4743 e 4744 e d f

4745 e

Leptotyphlops filiformis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Socotra Island Blind Snake Leptotyphlops fitzingeri Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Fitzinger's Blind Snake Leptotyphlops gestri Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Central African Blind Snake Leptotyphlops goudoti Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Black Blind Snake; Common Worm Snake Mittelamerikanische Blindschlange Leptotyphlops gracilior Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Slender Blind Snake; Slender Thread Snake (CSA) Leptotyphlops guayaquilensis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Guyaquila Blind Snake Leptotyphlops hamulirostris Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Nikolsky's Blind Snake Leptotyphlops humilis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Western Blind Snake; Western Thread Snake; Trans-Pecos Blind Snake; Western Slender Blind Snake Mexikanische Schlankblindschlange; Westamerikanische Blindschlange Serpent aveugle de l'Ouest; Leptotyphlops du Mexique Leptotyphlops humilis cahuilae Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Desert Blind Snake; Desert Thread Snake


4746 e

4747 e

4748 e

4749 e 4750 e 4751 e

4752 e 4753 e

4754 e

Leptotyphlops humilis humilis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Southwestern Blind Snake; Southwestsern Thread Snake Leptotyphlops humilis segregus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Trans-Pecos Blind Snake; TransPecos Thread Snake Leptotyphlops humilis utahensis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Utah Blind Snake; Utah Thread Snake Leptotyphlops joshuai Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Joshua's Blind Snake Leptotyphlops koppesi Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Amaral's Blind Snake Leptotyphlops labialis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Damara Blind Snake; Damara Thread Snake (CSA) Leptotyphlops leptipileptus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Haitian Border Thread Snake Leptotyphlops longicaudus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Long-tail Blind Snake; Long-tailed Thread Snake (CSA); Long-tailed Flesh-pink Thread Snake; Longtailed Flesh-pink Worm Snake; Long-tailed Worm Snake (CSA) Leptotyphlops macrolepis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Big-scaled Blind Snake; Large-scaled Worm Snake; Big-eyed Thread Snake


Leptotyphlops rostratus

4755 e d

f i

Leptotyphlops macrorhynchus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Beaked Blind Snake; Long-nosed Worm Snake; Beaked Thread Snake; Worm Snake Langnasige Schlankblindschlange; Hakenschnabelblindschlange; Nordafrikanische Schlankblindschlange Leptotyphlops oncirostre; Leptotyphlops macrorhynque Leptotiflope macrorinco

4764 e 4765 e

4766 4756 e

Leptotyphlops macrurus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Boulenger's Blind Snake

e 4767

4757 e 4758 e 4759 e 4760 e 4761 e

4762 e 4763 e

Leptotyphlops maximus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Giant Blind Snake Leptotyphlops melanotermus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Latin American Blind Snake Leptotyphlops melanurus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Dark Blind Snake Leptotyphlops munoi Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Rio Grande del Sul Blind Snake Leptotyphlops nasalis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Taylor's Blind Snake; Managuan Worm Snake Leptotyphlops nasirostris Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Bignose Blind Snake Leptotyphlops natatrix Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Gambia Blind Snake


4768 e f

4769 e d 4770 e

4771 e 4772 e

Leptotyphlops nicefori Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Santander Blind Snake Leptotyphlops nigricans Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Schlegel's Blind Snake; Black Thread Snake (CSA); Black Blind Snake; Cape Worm Snake; Black Worm Snake (CSA) Leptotyphlops nursii Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Nurse's Blind Snake Leptotyphlops occidentalis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Occident Blind Snake; Western Thread Snake (CSA) Leptotyphlops peruvianus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Peru Blind Snake Leptotyphlops de Phillips; Leptotyphlops d'Israël Leptotyphlops phillipsi Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Phillips's Blind Snake Israelische Schlankblindschlange Leptotyphlops pyrites Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Thomas's Blind Snake; Barahona Thread Snake Leptotyphlops reticulatus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Reticulate Blind Snake Leptotyphlops rostratus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Bocage's Blind Snake

Leptotyphlops rubrolineatus

4773 e

Leptotyphlops rubrolineatus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Red-lined Blind Snake


e 4783

4774 e 4775 e 4776 e

4777 e 4778 e 4779 e

4780 e 4781 e d 4782

Leptotyphlops rufidorsus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Rose Blind Snake Leptotyphlops salgueiroi Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Espirito Santo Blind Snake Leptotyphlops scutifrons Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Shielded Blind Snake; Peters's Thread Snake (CSA); Peters's Black Thread Snake; Peters's Black Worm Snake (CSA); Glossy Worm Snake; Glossy Thread Snake; Scaly-fronted Worm Snake (CSA) Leptotyphlops scutifrons merkeri Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Merker's Worm Snake Leptotyphlops septemstriatus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Seven-striped Blind Snake Leptotyphlops signatus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae South American Blind Snake; Peruvian Thread Snake


4784 e

4785 e 4786 e 4787 e 4788 e 4789 e

Leptotyphlops subcrotillus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Klauber's Blind Snake


Leptotyphlops sundevalli Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Sundevall Blind Snake; Sundevall's Worm Snake Sundevall-Schlankblindschlange


Leptotyphlops teaguei


e 4792 e

Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Northern Blind Snake Leptotyphlops telloi Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Tello's Blind Snake; Tello's Thread Snake (CSA) Leptotyphlops tenellus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Guyana Blind Snake; Neotropical Thread Snake (WI) Leptotyphlops tesselatus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Tschudi's Blind Snake Leptotyphlops tricolor Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Three-coloured Blind Snake Leptotyphlops undecimstriatus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Eleven-striped Blind Snake Leptotyphlops unguirostris Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Southern Blind Snake Leptotyphlops variabilis Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Variable Blind Snake Leptotyphlops weyrauchi Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Argentine Blind Snake Leptotyphlops wilsoni Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Wilson's Blind Snake Lepturophis Squamata - Colubridae Slender Wolf Snakes


Lerista fragilis

4793 e

Lepturophis borneensis Squamata - Colubridae Slender Wolf Snake

e 4804

4794 e f 4795 e 4796 e 4797 e 4798 e 4799 e 4800 e 4801 e 4802 e f 4803

Lerista Squamata - Scincidae Leristas; Rhodonas Léristes Lerista aericeps Squamata - Scincidae Sandridge Lerista Lerista allanae Squamata - Scincidae Allan's Lerista Lerista allochira Squamata - Scincidae Gorge Lerista Lerista ameles Squamata - Scincidae Woodland Lerista Lerista apoda Squamata - Scincidae Legless Lerista Lerista bipes Squamata - Scincidae Two-legged Lerista; Two-toed Skink Lerista borealis Squamata - Scincidae Boreal Lerista Lerista bougainvillii Squamata - Scincidae Bougainville's Lerista; Bougainville's Skink Scinque de Bougainville Lerista carpentariae

e 4805 e 4806 e 4807 e 4808 e 4809 e 4810 e 4811 e 4812 e 4813 e

Squamata - Scincidae Carpentaria Lerista Lerista chalybura Squamata - Scincidae Olive-grey Lerista Lerista christinae Squamata - Scincidae Christina's Lerista Lerista cinerea Squamata - Scincidae Charters Towers Lerista Lerista connivens Squamata - Scincidae Eyelid Lerista Lerista desertorium Squamata - Scincidae Desert Lerista Lerista distinguenda Squamata - Scincidae Distinguished Lerista Lerista dorsalis Squamata - Scincidae Shiny Lerista Lerista elegans Squamata - Scincidae Elegant Lerista Lerista flammicauda Squamata - Scincidae Redtail Lerista Lerista fragilis Squamata - Scincidae Fragile Lerista

Lerista frosti

4814 e 4815 e 4816 e 4817 e


Lerista frosti Squamata - Scincidae Frost's Lerista


Lerista gascoynensis Squamata - Scincidae Gascoyne River Lerista


Lerista gerrardi Squamata - Scincidae Gerrard's Lerista Lerista greeri Squamata - Scincidae Greer's Lerista


e d f 4827 e f 4828

4818 e

Lerista griffini Squamata - Scincidae Griffin's Lerista

e 4829

4819 e

Lerista haroldi Squamata - Scincidae Harold's Lerista

e 4830

4820 e 4821 e 4822 e 4823 e 4824 e

Lerista humphriesi Squamata - Scincidae Humphrey's Lerista

e d

Lerista ips Squamata - Scincidae Pink Lerista


Lerista kalumburu Squamata - Scincidae Napier Broome Bay Lerista


Lerista karlschmidti Squamata - Scincidae Karl's Lerista


Lerista kennedyensis Squamata - Scincidae Kendrick's Lerista






Lerista labialis Squamata - Scincidae Interior Lerista; Southern Sandslider Lerista lineata Squamata - Scincidae Lined Lerista; Lineated Lerista Australischer Skink Lériste à quatre raies Lerista lineopunctata Squamata - Scincidae Six-lined Lerista Scinque linéo-ponctué Lerista macropisthopus Squamata - Scincidae Purple Lerista Lerista microtis Squamata - Scincidae Small-eared Lerista Lerista muelleri Squamata - Scincidae Müller's Lerista; Müller's Skink (ANZ) Müllers Waldskink Lerista neanderi Squamata - Scincidae Opthalmia Range Lerista Lerista nicholsii Squamata - Scincidae Nichols's Lerista Lerista onsloviana Squamata - Scincidae Exmouth Gulf Lerista Lerista orientalis Squamata - Scincidae Bronze Lerista


Lialis burtonis

4835 e 4836 e 4837 e 4838 e 4839 e

4840 e 4841 e 4842 e 4843 e 4844 e 4845 e

Lerista picturata Squamata - Scincidae Fry's Lerista


Lerista planiventralis Squamata - Scincidae Two-fingered Lerista


Lerista praefrontalis Squamata - Scincidae King Hall Island Lerista


Lerista praepedita Squamata - Scincidae Spotted Lerista


Lerista punctatovittata Squamata - Scincidae Western Lerista; Spotted Burrowing Skink (ANZ)


Lerista separanda Squamata - Scincidae Dampier Land Lerista Lerista simillima Squamata - Scincidae Pindan Lerista Lerista stictopleura Squamata - Scincidae Mount Augustus Lerista Lerista storri Squamata - Scincidae Storr's Lerista Lerista stylis Squamata - Scincidae Carpentaria Lerista Lerista taeniata Squamata - Scincidae Speckled Lerista





e 4851 e 4852 e 4853 e 4854 e d f 4855 e d f

Lerista terdigitata Squamata - Scincidae Island Lerista Lerista uniduo Squamata - Scincidae Shrub Lerista Lerista varia Squamata - Scincidae Variable Lerista Lerista vermicularis Squamata - Scincidae Great Sandy Desert Lerista Lerista vittata Squamata - Scincidae Brown-flecked Lerista Lerista walkeri Squamata - Scincidae Walker's Lerista Lerista wilkinsi Squamata - Scincidae Wilkins's Lerista Lerista xanthura Squamata - Scincidae Buff Lerista Lialis Squamata - Gekkonidae Snake Lizards Flossenfüße Lialis Lialis burtonis Squamata - Gekkonidae Burton's Snake Lizard; Sharpsnouted Snake Lizard Spitzkopfflossenfuß Lialis de Burton

Lialis jicari

4856 e d f 4857 e d 4858 e


4859 e d

4860 e 4861 e 4862 e

4863 e


Lialis jicari Squamata - Gekkonidae Papua Snake Lizard; New Guinea Snake Lizard; Jicar's Snake Lizard; Jicar's Scalefoot Neuguinea-Flossenfuß Lialis de la Nouvelle Guinée


Liasis Squamata - Boidae Rock Pythons; Australian Water Pythons; Water Pythons Australische Felsenpythone



e d f

e d f

Liasis fuscus Squamata - Boidae Brown Python; Water Python; New Guinea Orange-bellied Black Water Python; New Guinea Python; Brown Water Python Brauner Wasserpython; Wasserpython


Liasis mackloti Squamata - Boidae Macklot's Python; Spotted Python; Indonesian Water Python Macklots Python; NeuguineaWasserpython


Liasis mackloti dunni Squamata - Boidae Dunn's Python Liasis mackloti mackloti Squamata - Boidae Macklot's Python Liasis mackloti savuensis Squamata - Boidae White-eyed Python; Savu Python; Sawu Python Liasis olivaceus Squamata - Boidae Olive Python (ANZ); Olive-brown


e d f i

e d i 4868 e d i 4869 e d i

Python; Papuan Python Olivpython; Olivfarbiger Python Lichanura Squamata - Boidae Rosy Boas Rosenboas Boas roses Lichanura trivirgata Squamata - Boidae Rosy Boa; Mexican Rosy Boa Dreistreifenrosenboa Boa rose; Boa à trois bandes; Boa ligné Boa roseo Lichanura trivirgata gracia Squamata - Boidae Desert Rosy Boa Dreistreifenrosenboa Boa rose du désert Boa roseo del deserto Lichanura trivirgata roseofusca Squamata - Boidae Coastal Rosy Boa (NA); California Boa (NA); Rosy Boa Echte Rosenboa; Rosenboa Boa roseo della costa Lichanura trivirgata saslowi Squamata - Boidae Baja California Rosy Boa Baja-Rosenboa Boa roseo della Baja California Lichanura trivirgata trivirgata Squamata - Boidae Mexican Rosy Boa Rosenboa; Dreistreifenrosenboa Boa roseo messicano


Liolaemus buergeri

4870 e d 4871 e d 4872 e 4873 e d f i 4874 e 4875 e 4876 e 4877 e 4878 e

Limnophis Squamata - Colubridae Striped Swamp Snakes; Tropical Green Snakes; Bicoloured Swamp Snakes Sumpfnattern Limnophis bicolor Squamata - Colubridae Striped Swamp Snake; Tropical Green Snake; Bicoloured Swamp Snake Zweifarbige Sumpfnatter Liochlorophis Squamata - Colubridae Smooth Green Snakes Liochlorophis vernalis Squamata - Colubridae Smooth Green Snake Glatte Grasnatter Serpent vert lisse; Couleuvre verte Serpente verde liscio Liochlorophis vernalis blanchardi Squamata - Colubridae Western Smooth Green Snake Liochlorophis vernalis vernalis Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Smooth Green Snake Lioheterophis Squamata - Colubridae Ihering's Snakes Lioheterophis iheringi Squamata - Colubridae Ihering's Snake Liolaemus Squamata - Iguanaidae Tree Iguanas; Smooth-throated Lizards

d 4879 e 4880 e 4881 e 4882 e 4883 e

4884 e 4885 e 4886 e 4887 e 4888 e

Erdleguane Liolaemus alticolor Squamata - Iguanaidae Brilliant Tree Iguana Liolaemus andinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Andes Tree Iguana Liolaemus annectens Squamata - Iguanaidae United Tree Iguana Liolaemus archeforus Squamata - Iguanaidae Main Tree Iguana Liolaemus austromendocinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Austromendocino Tree Iguana; Lagarto de las piedras (NA) Liolaemus bibroni Squamata - Iguanaidae Bibron's Tree Iguana Liolaemus bisignatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Philippi's Tree Iguana Liolaemus bitaeniatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Striped Tree Iguana Liolaemus boulengeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Boulenger's Tree Iguana Liolaemus buergeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Buerger's Tree Iguana

Liolaemus capillitas

4889 e

Liolaemus capillitas Squamata - Iguanaidae Hulse's Tree Iguana



4901 4890 e

Liolaemus ceii Squamata - Iguanaidae Cei's Iguana

e 4902

4891 e e 4893 e 4894 e 4895 e 4896 e 4897 e 4898 e 4899 e 4900

Liolaemus chacoensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Chaco Tree Iguana Squamata - Iguanaidae Chilean Tree Iguana

e 4903 e

Liolaemus coerules Squamata - Iguanaidae Blue Tree Iguana


Liolaemus constanzae Squamata - Iguanaidae Constanze's Tree Iguana


Liolaemus copiapensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Müller's Tree Iguana


Liolaemus cranwelli Squamata - Iguanaidae Cranwell's Tree Iguana


Liolaemus curicensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Curicen Tree Iguana


Liolaemus curis Squamata - Iguanaidae Nunez Tree Iguana


Liolaemus cyanogaster Squamata - Iguanaidae Cyan Tree Iguana


Liolaemus darwinii Squamata - Iguanaidae








Darwin's Tree Iguana; Darwins Lagartiga (NA) Liolaemus donosobarrosi Squamata - Iguanaidae Donoso-Barros's Tree Iguana Liolaemus donosoi Squamata - Iguanaidae Karen's Tree Iguana Liolaemus dorbignyi Squamata - Iguanaidae D'Orbigny's Tree Iguana Liolaemus duellmani Squamata - Iguanaidae Duellman's Tree Iguana Liolaemus elegans Squamata - Iguanaidae Elegant Tree Iguana Liolaemus eleodori Squamata - Iguanaidae Eleodor's Tree Iguana Liolaemus elongtus Squamata - Iguanaidae Elongate Tree Iguana Liolaemus fabianus Squamata - Iguanaidae Yanez's Tree Iguana Liolaemus fitzgeraldi Squamata - Iguanaidae Fitzgerald's Tree Iguana Liolaemus fitzingerii Squamata - Iguanaidae Fitzinger's Tree Iguana


Liolaemus monticola

4911 e 4912 e 4913 e

4914 e 4915 e

4916 e 4917 e

Liolaemus forsteri Squamata - Iguanaidae Forster's Tree Iguana Liolaemus fuscus Squamata - Iguanaidae Brown Tree Iguana Liolaemus goetschi Squamata - Iguanaidae Goetsch's Tree Iguana

Liolaemus gracilis Squamata - Iguanaidae Graceful Tree Iguana

e 4922 e 4923 e 4924 e 4925 e

Liolaemus gravenhorstii Squamata - Iguanaidae Gravenhorst's Tree Iguana; Gravenhorst's Larartija (NA)


Liolaemus griseus Squamata - Iguanaidae Grey Tree Iguana


Liolaemus hellmichi Squamata - Iguanaidae Hellmich's Tree Iguana


e d

4928 4918 e

Liolaemus jamesi Squamata - Iguanaidae James's Tree Iguana

e 4929

4919 e

Liolaemus kingii Squamata - Iguanaidae King's Tree Iguana

e 4930

4920 e

Liolaemus kriegi Squamata - Iguanaidae Krieg's Tree Iguana

e 4931


Liolaemus kuhlmanni Squamata - Iguanaidae


Kuhlmnan's Tree Iguana Liolaemus lemniscutus Squamata - Iguanaidae Wreath Tree Iguana Liolaemus leopardinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Leopard Tree Iguana Liolaemus lineomaculatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Decorated Tree Iguana Liolaemus lorenzmuelleri Squamata - Iguanaidae Lorenz's Tree Iguana Liolaemus lutzae Squamata - Iguanaidae Lutz's Tree Iguana Liolaemus magellanicus Squamata - Iguanaidae Magellan's Tree Iguana; Magellan's Smooth-throated Lizard Magellans Erdleguan; Erdleguan; Magellan-Erdleguan Liolaemus mocquardi Squamata - Iguanaidae Mocquard's Tree Iguana Liolaemus modestus Squamata - Iguanaidae Modest Tree Iguana Liolaemus montanus Squamata - Iguanaidae Mountain Tree Iguana Liolaemus monticola Squamata - Iguanaidae Peak Tree Iguana

Liolaemus multicolor

4932 e 4933 e

4934 e 4935 e 4936 e 4937 e 4938 e 4939 e 4940 e 4941 e 4942 e


Liolaemus multicolor Squamata - Iguanaidae Many-coloured Tree Iguana


Liolaemus multiformis Squamata - Iguanaidae Peru Tree Iguana; Peruvian Smooththroated Lizard


Liolaemus multimaculatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Many-spotted Tree Iguana Liolaemus nigriceps Squamata - Iguanaidae Black Tree Iguana Liolaemus nigromaculatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Black-spotted Tree Iguana Liolaemus nigroviridis Squamata - Iguanaidae Black-green Tree Iguana Liolaemus nitidus Squamata - Iguanaidae Shining Tree Iguana Liolaemus occipitalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Skull Tree Iguana Liolaemus ornatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Ortez's Tree Iguana Liolaemus ortizii Squamata - Iguanaidae Ornate Tree Iguana Liolaemus patherinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Panther Tree Iguana


e 4945 e 4946 e 4947 e 4948 e 4949 e 4950 e 4951 e 4952 e 4953 e

Liolaemus paulinae Squamata - Iguanaidae Paulina Tree Iguana Liolaemus pictus Squamata - Iguanaidae Painted Tree Iguana Liolaemus platei Squamata - Iguanaidae Braided Tree Iguana Liolaemus pulcher Squamata - Iguanaidae Beautiful Tree Iguana Liolaemus rabinoi Squamata - Iguanaidae Rabino's Tree Iguana Liolaemus robertmertensi Squamata - Iguanaidae Robert's Tree Iguana Liolaemus rothi Squamata - Iguanaidae Roth's Tree Iguana Liolaemus ruibali Squamata - Iguanaidae Ruitbal's Tree Iguana Liolaemus ruizleali Squamata - Iguanaidae Ruizleal Tree Iguana Liolaemus sanjuanensis Squamata - Iguanaidae San Juan Tree Iguana Liolaemus scapularis Squamata - Iguanaidae Shoulder Tree Iguana


Liophis albiventris

4954 e 4955 e 4956 e 4957 e 4958 e 4959 e 4960 e 4961 e 4962 e 4963 e

4964 e

Liolaemus schmidti Squamata - Iguanaidae Schmidt's Tree Iguana


Liolaemus schroederi Squamata - Iguanaidae Schroeder's Tree Iguana


Liolaemus signifer Squamata - Iguanaidae Zodiac Tree Iguana


Liolaemus simonsi Squamata - Iguanaidae Simons's Tree Iguana Liolaemus tachae Squamata - Iguanaidae Spotted Tree Iguana Liolaemus tenuis Squamata - Iguanaidae Thin Tree Iguana Liolaemus uspallatensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Macola's Tree Iguana Liolaemus variegatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Variegated Tree Iguana Liolaemus walkeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Walker's Tree Iguana Liolaemus wiegmanni Squamata - Iguanaidae Wiegmann's Tree Iguana; Lagartija de la arena (NA) Liolaemus zapallarensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Zapallaren Tree Iguana




4968 e

4969 e 4970 e 4971 e 4972 e 4973 e

4974 e 4975

Liopeltis Squamata - Colubridae Reed Snakes; Smooth Snakes Liopeltis calamaria Squamata - Colubridae Calamaria Reed Snake Liopeltis frenatus Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Reed Snake; Günther's Smooth Snake; Reed Snake Liopeltis tricolor Squamata - Colubridae Malayan Reed Snake; Schlegel's Smooth Snake Liophidium Squamata - Colubridae Bright Snakes Liophidium mayottensis Squamata - Colubridae Peters's Bright Snake Liophidium rhodogaster Squamata - Colubridae Gold-collared Bright Snake Liophidium trilineatum Squamata - Colubridae Madagascar Bright Snake Liophis Squamata - Colubridae Amazon Ground Snakes; Swamp Snakes; Ground Snakes (WI) Liophis albiceps Squamata - Colubridae Pale Ground Snake Liophis albiventris Squamata - Colubridae

Liophis almadensis

e 4976 e 4977 e 4978 e 4979 e d

4980 e 4981 e

Jan's Ground Snake Liophis almadensis Squamata - Colubridae Almaden's Ground Snake Liophis amarali Squamata - Colubridae Amaral's Ground Snake Liophis amazonicus Squamata - Colubridae Amazon Ground Snake Liophis anomolus Squamata - Colubridae Strange Ground Snake Parana-Goldbauchnatter; Goldbauchnatter Liophis atraventer Squamata - Colubridae Dixon's Ground Snake Liophis bimaculatus Squamata - Colubridae Two-spotted Ground Snake


4986 e 4987 e 4988 e 4989 e 4990 e 4991 e

4992 e

4982 e 4983 e 4984 e 4985 e

Liophis biridis Squamata - Colubridae Green Ground Snake Liophis brazili Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian Ground Snake Liophis breviceps Squamata - Colubridae Short Ground Snake Liophis breviceps Squamata - Colubridae Amazon Swamp Snake

4993 e 4994 e

4995 e

Liophis canaima Squamata - Colubridae Roze's Ground Snake Liophis carajascinsis Squamata - Colubridae Carajascin Ground Snake Liophis chrysostoma Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Ground Snake Liophis cobella Squamata - Colubridae South American Ground Snake Liophis cobella dyticus Squamata - Colubridae South American Swamp Snake Liophis coralliventris Squamata - Colubridae Coral Ground Snake; Boulenger's Tropical Snake Liophis cursor Squamata - Colubridae Lacepède's Ground Snake; Martinique Ground Snake (WI) Liophis dilepis Squamata - Colubridae Lema's Ground Snake Liophis epinephalus Squamata - Colubridae Night Ground Snake; Fire-bellied Snake Liophis festae Squamata - Colubridae Drab Ground Snake


Liophis reginae

4996 e 4997 e 4998 e 4999 e

Liophis flavifrenatus Squamata - Colubridae Fronted Ground Snake Liophis fraseri Squamata - Colubridae Fraser's Ground Snake Liophis frenata Squamata - Colubridae Common Ground Snake Liophis ingeri Squamata - Colubridae Inger's Ground Snake

e 5007 e 5008 e 5009 e

5010 5000 e

Liophis jaegeri Squamata - Colubridae Jaeger's Ground Snake

e 5011

5001 e

5002 e

Liophis juliae Squamata - Colubridae Julia's Ground Snake; Leeward Ground Snake (WI) Liophis lineatus Squamata - Colubridae Lined Ground Snake; Lined Tropical Snake; Striped Ground Snake


5012 e d 5013

5003 e

Liophis longiventris Squamata - Colubridae Long Ground Snake

e 5014

5004 e

Liophis maryellenae Squamata - Colubridae Maryellen's Ground Snake

e 5015

5005 e


Liophis melanotus Squamata - Colubridae Shaw's Dark Ground Snake; Grenada Ground Snake (WI) Liophis miliaris Squamata - Colubridae

e 5016 e

Military Ground Snake Liophis miliaris chrysostomus Squamata - Colubridae White-lipped Swamp Snake Liophis mossoroensis Squamata - Colubridae Mossoro Ground Snake Liophis ornatus Squamata - Colubridae Ornate Ground Snake; St. Lucia Ground Snake (WI) Liophis paucidens Squamata - Colubridae Hoge's Ground Snake Liophis perfuscus Squamata - Colubridae Tan Ground Snake; Barbados Ground Snake (WI) Liophis poecilogyrus Squamata - Colubridae Wied's Ground Snake Buntnatter; Argentinische Buntnatter Liophis problematicus Squamata - Colubridae Problem Ground Snake Liophis pseudocobella Squamata - Colubridae Peracca's Ground Snake Liophis purpurans Squamata - Colubridae Purple Ground Snake Liophis reginae Squamata - Colubridae Royal Ground Snake

Liophis reginae semilineatus

5017 e 5018 e 5019 e 5020 e 5021 e 5022 e 5023 e 5024 e 5025 e 5026 e 5027 e d


Liophis reginae semilineatus Squamata - Colubridae Common Swamp Snake


Liophis sagittifer Squamata - Colubridae Arrow Ground Snake


Liophis taeniurus Squamata - Colubridae Thin Ground Snake


Liophis trebbaui Squamata - Colubridae Trebbau's Ground Snake


Liophis triscalis Squamata - Colubridae Three-scaled Ground Snake


Liophis typhlus Squamata - Colubridae Blind Ground Snake


Liophis typhlus typhlus Squamata - Colubridae Velvety Swamp Snake


Liophis vanzolinii Squamata - Colubridae Vanzolini's Ground Snake


Liophis williamsi Squamata - Colubridae Williams's Ground Snake Liophis zweifeli Squamata - Colubridae Zweifel's Ground Snake Liopholidophis Squamata - Colubridae Madagascar Water Snakes Kurznattern









5036 e

5037 e

Liopholidophis grandidieri Squamata - Colubridae Grandidier's Water Snake Liopholidophis lateralis Squamata - Colubridae Lateral Water Snake Liopholidophis pinguis Squamata - Colubridae Madagascar Water Snake Liopholidophis pseudolateralis Squamata - Colubridae False-striped Water Snake Liopholidophis sexlineatus Squamata - Colubridae Six-lined Water Snake Liopholidophis stumpffi Squamata - Colubridae Yellow-striped Water Snake Liopholidophis thielei Squamata - Colubridae Thiele's Water Snake Liotyphlops Squamata - Anomalepididae Lesser Blind Snakes; Lesser Worm Snakes; Slender Blind Snakes Liotyphlops albirostris Squamata - Anomalepididae Whitenose Blind Snake; Whitenose Worm Snake Liotyphlops anops Squamata - Anomalepididae Cope's Blind Snake; Cope's Worm Snake


Lipinia subvittata

5038 e

5039 e

5040 e

5041 e

5042 e

Liotyphlops metae Squamata - Anomalepididae Meta Blind Snake; Meta Worm Snake Liotyphlops schubarti Squamata - Anomalepididae Sao Paolo Blind Snake; Sao Paolo Worm Snake Liotyphlops teretzii Squamata - Anomalepididae Ternetz's Blind Snake; Ternetz's Worm Snake; Ternetz's Lesser Blind Snake

5048 e 5049 e 5050 e

5051 e

Liotyphlops wilderi Squamata - Anomalepididae Wilder's Blind Snake; Wilder's Worm Snake


Lipinia Squamata - Scincidae Lipinias



e 5043 e

Lipinia auriculata Squamata - Scincidae Taylor's Lipinia

5054 e

5044 e

Lipinia cheesmanae Squamata - Scincidae Cheesman's Lipinia

5055 e

5045 e

Lipinia leptosoma Squamata - Scincidae Slender Lipinia; Slender Skink

5056 e

5046 e

Lipinia longiceps Squamata - Scincidae Long Lipinia

5057 e

5047 e

Lipinia macrotympanum Squamata - Scincidae Big-eared Lipinia

5058 e

Lipinia miangensis Squamata - Scincidae Werner's Lipinia Lipinia miotis Squamata - Scincidae Boulenger's Lipinia Lipinia noctua Squamata - Scincidae Moth Lipinia; Moth Skink; Brown Skink Lipinia pulchella Squamata - Scincidae Beautiful Lipinia Lipinia pulchra Squamata - Scincidae Small-legged Lipinia Lipinia quadrivittata Squamata - Scincidae Four-striped Lipinia Lipinia rabori Squamata - Scincidae Rabor's Lipinia Lipinia relicta Squamata - Scincidae Vinciguerra's Lipinia Lipinia rouxi Squamata - Scincidae Roux's Lipinia Lipinia semperi Squamata - Scincidae Semper's Lipinia Lipinia subvittata Squamata - Scincidae Striped Lipinia

Lipinia venemai

5059 e 5060 e 5061 e 5062 e 5063 e d 5064 e d f i 5065 f 5066 e


Lipinia venemai Squamata - Scincidae Brongersma's Lipinia


e f

Lipinia vittigera Squamata - Scincidae Banded Lipinia


Lipinia vulcania Squamata - Scincidae Vulcan Lipinia

d f

Lipinia zamboangensis Squamata - Scincidae Zamboang Lipinia Lissemys Testudines - Trionychidae Indian Flapshell Turtles; Indian Mud Turtles Indische Klappenweichschildkröten Lissemys punctata Testudines - Trionychidae Indian Flapshell Turtle; Indian Flapshelled Turtle; Indian Mud Turtle (ISC); Indian Flapshell Indische Klappenweichschildkröte; Klappenweichschildkröte Trionyx à clapets de l'Inde; Tortue de l'Inde Tartaruga alata indiana Lissemys punctata andersoni Testudines - Trionychidae Trionyx à clapets de l'Inde du Nord Lissemys punctata granosa Testudines - Trionychidae Peninsular Mud Turtle (ISC); Peninsular Flapshell (ISC); Southern Flap-shelled Turtle (ISC) Lissemys punctata punctata Testudines - Trionychidae


5069 e d 5070 e

5071 e 5072 e 5073 e 5074 e d f 5075 e d f

Indo-Gangetic Mud Turtle (ISC); Indo-Gangetic Flapshell (ISC); North Indian Flap-shelled Turtle (ISC) Trionyx à clapets de l'Inde du Sud Lissemys scutata Testudines - Trionychidae Burmese Flapshell Turtle; Burmese Flapshelled Turtle Burma-Klappenweichschildkröte Trionyx à clapets de Birmanie Lobulia Squamata - Scincidae Lobulias; Eared Skinks Neuguinea-Skinke Lobulia brongersmai Squamata - Scincidae Brongersma's Lobulia; Brongersma's Eared Skink Lobulia elegans Squamata - Scincidae Elegant Lobulia Lobulia phaeodes Squamata - Scincidae New Guinea Lobulia Lobulia stanleyana Squamata - Scincidae Stanley's Lobulia Lophocalotes Squamata - Agamidae Crested Lizards Kammeidechsen Lophocalotes Lophocalotes ludekingi Squamata - Agamidae Crested Lizard Kammeidechse Lophocalote


Luperosaurus cunningii

5076 e d 5077 e d 5078 e

5079 e

5080 e 5081 e 5082 e

5083 e 5084 e

Lophognathus Squamata - Agamidae Water Dragons; Australian Water Dragons Australische Wasserdrachen Lophognathus gilberti Squamata - Agamidae Gilbert's Water Dragon; Gilbert's Lashtail; Gilbert's Dragon (ANZ) Gilberts Wasserdrachen Lophognathus longirostris Squamata - Agamidae Australian Water Dragon; Longnosed Water Dragon (ANZ); Longsnouted Lashtail (ANZ) Lophognathus temporalis Squamata - Agamidae Papua Water Dragon; Swamplands Lashtail (ANZ); Northern Water Dragon (ANZ); Southeast Asian Water Dragon Loveridgea Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Tanzania Worm Lizards Loveridgea ionidesi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Liwale Worm Lizard Loveridgea phylophiniens Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Udjitiji Worm Lizard; Ujiji Worm Lizard Loveridgelaps Squamata - Elapidae Orange-banded Snakes Loveridgelaps elapsoides Squamata - Elapidae Orange-banded Snake

5085 e d f i 5086 e

d i

5087 e 5088 e 5089 e 5090 e

5091 e

5092 e

Loxocemus Squamata - Boidae Mexican Burrowing Pythons; Mexican Pythons Spitzkopfphythone Pythons mexicains Serpenti scavatore del Messico Loxocemus bicolor Squamata - Boidae Mexican Burrowing Python; Neotropical Sunbeam Snake; Mexican Python; Mexican Burrowing Snake Spitzkopfphython Pitone del Nuevo Monde; Serpente scavatore del Messico Lubuya Squamata - Scincidae Iven's Skinks Lubuya ivensi Squamata - Scincidae Iven's Skink Luperosaurus Squamata - Gekkonidae Wolf Lizards; Wolf Geckos Luperosaurus brooksii Squamata - Gekkonidae Brooks's Wolf Lizard; Brooks's Wolf Gecko Luperosaurus browni Squamata - Gekkonidae Brown's Wolf Lizard; Brown's Wolf Gecko Luperosaurus cunningii Squamata - Gekkonidae Philippine Wolf Lizard; Philippine Wolf Gecko

Luperosaurus joloensis

5093 e

5094 e

5095 e

5096 e d f 5097 e 5098 e 5099 e d 5100 e 5101 e

Luperosaurus joloensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Taylor's Wolf Lizard; Taylor's Wolf Gecko Luperosaurus macgregori Squamata - Gekkonidae MacGregor's Wolf Lizard; MacGregor's Wolf Gecko Luperosaurus palawanensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Palawan Wolf Lizard; Palawan Wolf Gecko Lycodon Squamata - Colubridae Wolf Snakes; Asian Wolf Snakes; Lycodontine Snakes Wolfszahnnattern Serpents-loup Lycodon albofuscus Squamata - Colubridae Brown Wolf Snake Lycodon alcalai Squamata - Colubridae Alcala's Wolf Snake Lycodon aulicus Squamata - Colubridae Indian Wolf Snake; House Snake; Indian Lycodontine Snake; Common Wolf Snake (ISC); Wolf Snake (ISC) Gewöhnliche Wolfszahnnatter


5102 e 5103 e 5104 e

5105 e d 5106 e 5107 e 5108 e 5109 e

Lycodon bibonius Squamata - Colubridae Ota's Wolf Snake


Lycodon butleri Squamata - Colubridae Butler's Wolf Snake




Lycodon chrysoprateros Squamata - Colubridae Ross's Wolf Snake Lycodon dumerili Squamata - Colubridae Duméril's Wolf Snake Lycodon fasciatus Squamata - Colubridae Banded Wolf Snake; Anderson's Wolf Snake; Yellow-banded Wolf Snake (ISC) Lycodon flavomaculatus Squamata - Colubridae Yellow-spotted Wolf Snake Gelbgepunkte Wolfszahnnatter Lycodon florensis Squamata - Colubridae Flores Wolf Snake Lycodon jara Squamata - Colubridae Twin-spotted Wolf Snake Lycodon kindui Squamata - Colubridae Burmese Wolf Snake Lycodon laoensis Squamata - Colubridae Laotian Wolf Snake; Indo-Chinese Wolf Snake Lycodon mackinnoni Squamata - Colubridae Mackinnon's Wolf Snake Lycodon muelleri Squamata - Colubridae Java Wolf Snake



5112 e 5113 e 5114 e 5115 e

5116 e

Lycodon osmanhilli Squamata - Colubridae Colombo Wolf Snake Lycodon paucifasciatus Squamata - Colubridae Rendahl's Wolf Snake Lycodon ruhstrati Squamata - Colubridae Formosa Wolf Snake Lycodon ruhstrati multifasciatus Squamata - Colubridae White-banded Wolf Snake; Formosa Wolf Snake

e 5123 e d 5124 e

5125 e

Lycodon solivagus Squamata - Colubridae Common Wolf Snake 5126

5117 e 5118 e

5119 e

5120 e 5121 e 5122

Lycodon stormi Squamata - Colubridae Sulawesi Wolf Snake Lycodon striatus Squamata - Colubridae Northern Wolf Snake; Shaw's Wolf Snake (ISC) Lycodon subcinctus Squamata - Colubridae Malayan Banded Wolf Snake; Banded Wolf Snake Lycodon tesselatus Squamata - Colubridae Manila Wolf Snake Lycodon tiwari Squamata - Colubridae Andaman Wolf Snake Lycodon travancoricus Squamata - Colubridae


5127 e

d 5128 e 5129 e


Travancore Wolf Snake Lycodonomorphus Squamata - Colubridae African Water Snakes; Water Snakes (CSA) Sumpfnattern Lycodonomorphus bicolor Squamata - Colubridae Tanganyika Water Snake; Tanganyika White-bellied Water Snake; Fish-eating Water Snake Lycodonomorphus laevissimus Squamata - Colubridae Duskbelly Water Snake; Duskybellied Water Snake (CSA); Vatermeyer's Black Snake; Black Water Snake (CSA) Lycodonomorphus leleupi Squamata - Colubridae Mulanje Water Snake; Leleup's Water Snake (CSA) Lycodonomorphus rufulus Squamata - Colubridae Lichtenstein's Water Snake; Common Water Snake (CSA); Brown Water Snake (CSA); Olive-brown Water Snake; Black Water Snake Braune Sumpfnatter Lycodonomorphus sybtaeniatus Squamata - Colubridae Lined Water Snake Lycodonomorphus whytii Squamata - Colubridae Whyte's Water Snake (CSA); Whitelipped Water Snake (CSA); Darkbellied Water Snake Lycodryas Squamata - Colubridae

Lycodryas arctifasciatus

e d 5131 e 5132 e 5133 e 5134 e 5135 e 5136 e 5137 e 5138 e 5139 e 5140 e 5141

Banded Tree Snakes Kurznattern Lycodryas arctifasciatus Squamata - Colubridae Banded Tree Snake Lycodryas betsileanus Squamata - Colubridae Betsileo Tree Snake Lycodryas gaimardi Squamata - Colubridae Rusty Tree Snake


e 5142 e d

5143 e d

Lycodryas guentheri Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Tree Snake


Lycodryas inornatus Squamata - Colubridae Dull Tree Snake


Lycodryas maculatus Squamata - Colubridae St. Johann's Tree Snake


Lycodryas sanctijohannis Squamata - Colubridae Orange Tree Snake


Lycodryas seychellensis Squamata - Colubridae Seychelles Tree Snake


Lycodryas variabilis Squamata - Colubridae Orange Tree Snake


Lycognathophis Squamata - Colubridae Seychelles Wolf Snakes


Lycognathophis seychellensis








Squamata - Colubridae Seychelles Wolf Snake Lycophidion Squamata - Colubridae African Wolf Snakes; Wolf Snakes (CSA) Wolfsnattern; Afrikanische Wolfsnattern Lycophidion capense Squamata - Colubridae Cape Wolf Snake; Common Wolf Snake (CSA); Wolf Snake (CSA) Kap-Wolfsnatter Lycophidion capense jacksoni Squamata - Colubridae Jackson's Wolf Snake Lycophidion depressirostris Squamata - Colubridae Flat-snouted Wolf Snake Lycophidion irroratum Squamata - Colubridae Leach's Wolf Snake Lycophidion laterale Squamata - Colubridae Flat Wolf Snake Lycophidion meleagre Squamata - Colubridae Boulenger's Wolf Snake Lycophidion ornatum Squamata - Colubridae Ornate Wolf Snake Lycophidion polylepis Squamata - Colubridae Many-scaled Wolf Snake


Lygodactylus blanci

5151 e

d 5152 e 5153 e d 5154 e 5155 e 5156 e

5157 e 5158 e 5159 e 5160 e

Lycophidion semiannule Squamata - Colubridae Mozambique Wolf Snake; Eastern Wolf Snake (CSA); Black-speckled Wolf Snake; Northern Wolf Snake; Steel Snake Östliche Wolfsnatter Lycophidion uzungwense Squamata - Colubridae Red-snouted Wolf Snake Lycophidion variegatum Squamata - Colubridae Variegated Wolf Snake Bunte Wolfsnatter Lygisaurus Squamata - Scincidae Four-fingered Skinks Lygisaurus aeratus Squamata - Scincidae Queensland Four-fingered Skink Lygisaurus burnetti Squamata - Scincidae Snake-eyed Four-fingered Skink; Snake-eyed Carlia Lygisaurus foliorum Squamata - Scincidae De Vis's Four-fingered Skink Lygisaurus laevis Squamata - Scincidae Oudeman's Four-fingered Skink Lygisaurus mcfarlani Squamata - Scincidae McFarlan's Four-fingered Skink Lygisaurus novaeguineae Squamata - Scincidae New Guinea Four-fingered Skink

5161 e 5162 e 5163 e 5164 e 5165 e d f 5166 e 5167 e

5168 e 5169 e

5170 e

Lygisaurus rococo Squamata - Scincidae Rococo Four-fingered Skink Lygisaurus sesbrauna Squamata - Scincidae Cape York Four-fingered Skink Lygisaurus tanneri Squamata - Scincidae Tanner's Four-fingered Skink Lygisaurus timlowi Squamata - Scincidae Low's Four-fingered Skink Lygodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Dwarf Geckos Zerggeckos; Haftschwanzgeckos; Haftschwanzgeckonen Lygodactyles Lygodactylus angolensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Angola Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus angularis Squamata - Gekkonidae Angled Dwarf Gecko; Yellowhead Daygecko Lygodactylus arnoulti Squamata - Gekkonidae Pasteur's Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus bernardi Squamata - Gekkonidae Fitzsimons's Dwarf Gecko; Bernard's Dwarf Gecko (CSA); Inyangani Dwarf Gecko (CSA) Lygodactylus blanci Squamata - Gekkonidae Blanc's Dwarf Gecko

Lygodactylus bradfieldi

5171 e

5172 e d f 5173 e 5174 e d 5175 e 5176 e 5177 e 5178 e 5179 e


Lygodactylus bradfieldi Squamata - Gekkonidae Bradfield's Dwarf Gecko; Kalahari Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus capensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Cape Dwarf Gecko Kap-Zwerggecko; Gemeiner Zwerggecko Gecko du Cap Lygodactylus capensis capensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Common Dwarf Gecko (CSA) Lygodactylus chobiensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Okavango Dwarf Gecko; Chobe Dwarf Gecko (CSA) Haftschwanzgecko


e 5181 e 5182 e 5183 e 5184 e 5185 e

Lygodactylus conradti Squamata - Gekkonidae Matschie's Dwarf Gecko


Lygodactylus conrani Squamata - Gekkonidae Cameroon Dwarf Gecko


Lygodactylus decaryi Squamata - Gekkonidae Angel's Dwarf Gecko


Lygodactylus depressus Squamata - Gekkonidae Zaire Dwarf Gecko


Lygodactylus expectatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Ambilobe Dwarf Gecko; Hispaniolan Desert Gecko


Lygodactylus fischeri Squamata - Gekkonidae






Fischer's Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus grandisonae Squamata - Gekkonidae Kenya Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus gravis Squamata - Gekkonidae Usambara Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus guibei Squamata - Gekkonidae Western Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus gutturalis Squamata - Gekkonidae Uganda Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus heterurus Squamata - Gekkonidae Boettger's Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus inexpectatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Dar-es-Salaam Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus insularis Squamata - Gekkonidae Insular Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus keniensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Parker's Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus klemmeri Squamata - Gekkonidae Klemmer's Dwarf Gecko; Neon Day Gecko Lygodactylus klugei Squamata - Gekkonidae Kluge's Dwarf Gecko


Lygodactylus tuberosus

5191 e 5192 e 5193 e 5194 e 5195 e

5196 e 5197 e 5198 e

5199 e 5200 e d

Lygodactylus lawrencei Squamata - Gekkonidae Lawrence's Dwarf Gecko


Lygodactylus luteopicturatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Zanzibar Dwarf Gecko


Lygodactylus madagascariensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Madagascar Dwarf Gecko


Lygodactylus manni Squamata - Gekkonidae Mann's Dwarf Gecko


Lygodactylus methueni Squamata - Gekkonidae Woodbrush Dwarf Gecko; Methuen's Dwarf Gecko (CSA)


Lygodactylus miops Squamata - Gekkonidae Gunther's Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus montanus Squamata - Gekkonidae Mount Ivohibe Gecko Lygodactylus ocellatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Ocellated Dwarf Gecko; Spotted Dwarf Gecko (CSA) Lygodactylus ornatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Ornate Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus picturatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Painted Dwarf Gecko; Yellowheaded Dwarf Gecko; White-headed Dwarf Gecko Gelbkopfhaftschwanzgecko; Gelbkopfzwerggecko





e 5206 e 5207 e 5208 e 5209 e d 5210 e 5211

Lygodactylus pictus Squamata - Gekkonidae Robust Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus rarus Squamata - Gekkonidae Thin Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus rex Squamata - Gekkonidae King Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus scheffleri Squamata - Gekkonidae Scheffler's Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus scorteccii Squamata - Gekkonidae Scortecci's Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus septemtuberculatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Seven-bump Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus somalicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Somali Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus stevensoni Squamata - Gekkonidae Stevenson's Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus thomensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Annobon Dwarf Gecko; Thomé Dwarf Gecko Thomé-Zwerggecko Lygodactylus tolampyae Squamata - Gekkonidae Grandidier's Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus tuberosus Squamata - Gekkonidae

Lygodactylus verticillatus

e 5212 e

Bumpy Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus verticillatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Mocquard's Dwarf Gecko


5221 e

5222 5213 e 5214 e 5215 e 5216 e

Lygodactylus wetzeli Squamata - Gekkonidae South American Dwarf Gecko Lygophis Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Snakes Lygophis flavifrenatus Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Tropical Snake Lygophis paucidens Squamata - Colubridae Goias Tropical Snake

e d 5223 e 5224 e

5225 e

5217 e

Lygophis tristriatus Squamata - Colubridae Three-striped Tropical Snake

5226 e

5218 e d f 5219 e d

5220 e

Lygosoma Squamata - Scincidae Writhing Skinks; Slender Skinks; Supple Skinks; Lygosomic Skinks; Sand Skinks Prachtskinke; Schlankskinke Ligosomes Lygosoma afer Squamata - Scincidae Peters's Writhing Skink; Mozambique Writhing Skink (CSA) Mozambique-Schlankskink; Moçambique-Schlankskink; Mozambik Schlankskink Lygosoma albopunctatum Squamata - Scincidae White-dotted Writhing Skink

5227 e d f i 5228 e 5229

Lygosoma angeli Squamata - Scincidae Angel's Writhing Skink; Angel's Slender Skink Lygosoma anguininum Squamata - Scincidae Burmese Writhing Skink; Burmese Slender Skink Burma-Schlankskink Lygosoma bamfyldei Squamata - Scincidae Bamfylde's Writhing Skink Lygosoma bowringii Squamata - Scincidae Bowring's Writhing Skink; Bowring's Slender Skink Lygosoma brevicaudus Squamata - Scincidae Greer's Writhing Skink Lygosoma corpulentum Squamata - Scincidae Fat Skink Lygosoma fernandi Squamata - Scincidae Fire Skink; Fernando Po Fire Skink; Fernando Po Skink; Red-and-black Skink Fernand-Schlankskink; FernandPrachtskink Scinque à flancs rouges; Scinque rouge Scinco did fuoco Lygosoma frontoparietale Squamata - Scincidae Taylor's Writhing Skink Lygosoma grandisonianum Squamata - Scincidae


Lygosoma punctatum e

5230 e

5231 e

5232 e

5233 e 5234 e d 5235 e d 5236 e 5237 e

Lanza's Writhing Skink Lygosoma guentheri Squamata - Scincidae Günther's Writhing Skink; Günther's Slender Skink Lygosoma guineense Squamata - Scincidae Guinea Writhing Skink; Guinea Slender Skink

5239 e

5240 e 5241 e

Lygosoma haroldyoungi Squamata - Scincidae Harold's Writhing Skink; Harold Young's Slender Skink


Lygosoma herberti Squamata - Scincidae Herbert's Writhing Skink


Lygosoma isodactylum Squamata - Scincidae Siamese Writhing Skink; Siamese Slender Skink Siam-Schlankskink Lygosoma koratense Squamata - Scincidae Korat Writhing Skink Khorat-Skink Lygosoma laeviceps Squamata - Scincidae Common Writhing Skink Lygosoma lanceolatum Squamata - Scincidae Broadley's Writhing Skink


e d 5244 e

5245 e 5246 e

5247 e

5238 e f

Lygosoma lineatum Squamata - Scincidae Lined Writhing Skink; Writhing Skink; Lined Slender Skink Skinque à bandes

5248 e

Lygosoma lineolatum Squamata - Scincidae Striped Writhing Skink; Striped Slender Skink Lygosoma mabuiiforme Squamata - Scincidae Mabuya-like Skink Lygosoma miopus Squamata - Scincidae African Horn Skink Lygosoma mocquardi Squamata - Scincidae Mocqauard's Writhing Skink Lygosoma opisthorhodum Squamata - Scincidae Sumatra Writhing Skink; Sumatran Slender Skink Sumatra-Schlankskink Lygosoma paedocarinatum Squamata - Scincidae Abyssinia Writhing Skink; Abyssinian Slender Skink Lygosoma pembanum Squamata - Scincidae Pemba Island Writhing Skink Lygosoma popae Squamata - Scincidae Pope's Writhing Skink; Pope's Lygosoma Lygosoma productum Squamata - Scincidae Boulenger's Writhing Skink Lygosoma punctatum Squamata - Scincidae Dotted Writhing Skink; Snake Skink (ISC); Dotted Slender Skink

Lygosoma quadrupes

5249 e 5250 e 5251 e

Lygosoma quadrupes Squamata - Scincidae Linnaeus's Writhing Skik Lygosoma simonettai Squamata - Scincidae Simonetta's Writhing Skink Lygosoma singhum Squamata - Scincidae Singh Writhing Skink


f 5258 e d f

5259 5252 e

5253 e d f 5254 e 5255 e

5256 e

5257 e d

Lygosoma somalicum Squamata - Scincidae Somali Writhing Skink; Somali Slender Skink

e d

Lygosoma sundevalli Squamata - Scincidae Sundevall's Writhing Skink; African Snake Skink Sundevall-Prachtskink; SundevallSchlankskink; Sundevalls Schlankskink Lygosome de Sundevall


Lygosoma tanae Squamata - Scincidae Loveridge's Writhing Skink


Lygosoma vinciguerra Squamata - Scincidae Vinciguerra's Writhing Skink; Vinciguerra's Slender Skink

e 5261 e


5263 e d

Lygosoma vosmaeri Squamata - Scincidae Vosmer's Writhing Skink; Vosmer's Slender Skink


Lyriocephalus Squamata - Agamidae Lyrehead Lizards; Lyre-headed Lizards Lyrakopfagamen; Leierkopfagamen

d f


Lyriocéphales Lyriocephalus scutatus Squamata - Agamidae Lyrehead Lizard; Lyre-headed Lizard; Ceylonese Ballnose Lyrakopfagame; Stumpfnase; Leieragame; Leierkopfagame; Lyrakopf Lyriocéphale commun; Lyriocéphale perlé Lystrophis Squamata - Colubridae South American Hognose Snakes; South American Hognoses Südamerikanische Hakennattern Lystrophis dorbignyi Squamata - Colubridae South American Hognose Snake Lystrophis histricus Squamata - Colubridae Jan's Hognose Snake Lystrophis semicinctus Squamata - Colubridae Ringed Hognose Snake; Tri-coloured Hognose Snake Lytorhynchus Squamata - Colubridae Leafnose Snakes; Awl-headers; Awlheded Snakes Schnauzennattern Lytorhynchus diadema Squamata - Colubridae Crowned Leafnose Snake; Diadem Sand Snake; Common Leaf-nosed Snake Gekrönte Schnauzennatter Couleuvre diadème; Lytorhynque diadème; Couleuvre fouisseuse à diadème


Lytorhynchus ridgewayi i

5265 e 5266 e 5267 e 5268 e

5269 e

5270 e

Colubro diadema Lytorhynchus gaddi Squamata - Colubridae Diamond Snake Lytorhynchus gasperetti Squamata - Colubridae Keviton's Leafnose Snake Lytorhynchus kennedyi Squamata - Colubridae Kennedy's Leafnose Snake Lytorhynchus maynardi Squamata - Colubridae Maynard's Leafnose Snake; Maynard's Awl-headed Snake Lytorhynchus paradoxus Squamata - Colubridae Sind Leafnose Snake; Sind Awlheaded Snake Lytorhynchus ridgewayi Squamata - Colubridae Derfshi Snake; Afghan Awl-headed Snake




f i 5278

5271 e d f

Mabuya Squamata - Scincidae Mabuyas; Typical Skinks (CSA); Skinks Mabujen; Mabuyen Mabuyas; Mabuias

e 5279 e 5280

5272 e d 5273 e

Mabuya acutilabris Squamata - Scincidae Sharp-lipped Mabuya; Wedgesnouted Skink (CSA) Keilschnauzenmabuya Mabuya affinis Squamata - Scincidae Senegal Mabuya


5281 e d 5282

5274 e 5275 e d

5276 e 5277 e d

Mabuya albilabris Squamata - Scincidae Guinea Mabuya Mabuya andamanensis Squamata - Scincidae Andaman Mabuya Andaman-Mabuje; AndamanMabuya Mabuya arjara Squamata - Scincidae Arajara Mabuya Mabuya aurata Squamata - Scincidae Golden Grass Mabuya; Golden Grass Skink Östlicher Goldskink; Goldmabuje; Goldstreifenskink; Goldene Mabuje;


5283 e d f 5284 e

5285 e

Goldene Mabuya; Goldfarbige Mabuya; Goldfarbige Mabuje; Goldmabuya Mabuya doré Mabuia dorata Mabuya aureopunctata Squamata - Scincidae Gold-spotted Mabuya Mabuya bayonii Squamata - Scincidae Bayon's Mabuya; Bayon's Skink Mabuya beddomii Squamata - Scincidae Beddome's Mabuya; Beddome's Skink Mabuya bensoni Squamata - Scincidae Benson's Mabuya; Benson's Skink Bensons Skink Mabuya betsileana Squamata - Scincidae Betsileo Mabuya; Madagascan Mabuya Mabuya bibroni Squamata - Scincidae Bibron's Mabuya; Sand Skink (ISC); Bibron's Skink Bibrons Skink Mabuya de Bibron Mabuya binotata Squamata - Scincidae Bocage's Mabuya; Ovambo Tree Skink (CSA) Mabuya bistriata Squamata - Scincidae Two-striped Mabuya; Two-lined Skink


Mabuya ferrarai

5286 e d

Mabuya boettgeri Squamata - Scincidae Boettger's Mabuya; Boettger's Skink Boettgers Skink

Kielmabuya 5295 e

5287 e d 5288 e 5289 e 5290 e 5291 e 5292 e 5293 e

d f 5294 e d

Mabuya boulengeri Squamata - Scincidae Boulenger's Mabuya; Boulenger's Skink (CSA) Boulengers Skink

5296 e

Mabuya brauni Squamata - Scincidae Braun's Mabuya


Mabuya brevicollis Squamata - Scincidae Sudan Mabuya; Short-necked Skink


Mabuya breviparietalis Squamata - Scincidae Chabanaud's Mabuya


Mabuya buttneri Squamata - Scincidae Buttner's Mabuya


Mabuya caissara Squamata - Scincidae Caissara Mabuya Mabuya capensis Squamata - Scincidae Cape Three-striped Mabuya; Cape Skink (CSA); Cape Three-striped Skink (CSA); Three-lined Skink (CSA) Kap-Mabuya Scinque du Cap Mabuya carinata Squamata - Scincidae Keeled Indian Mabuya; Common Skink (ISC); Brahminy Skink (ISC) Glanzskink; Kielmabuje;





5301 e 5302 e 5303 e 5304 e

Mabuya carvalhoi Squamata - Scincidae Carvalho's Mabuya Mabuya chimbana Squamata - Scincidae Chimban Mabuya; Chimba Skink (CSA) Mabuya clivicola Squamata - Scincidae Inger's Mabuya Mabuya croizati Squamata - Scincidae Horton's Mabuya Mabuya cunningi Squamata - Scincidae Cunning's Mabuya Mabuya dissimilis Squamata - Scincidae Striped Grass Mabuya; Striped Grass Skink (ISC) Mabuya dorsivittata Squamata - Scincidae Paraguay Mabuya Mabuya elegans Squamata - Scincidae Elegant Mabuya Mabuya engelei Squamata - Scincidae Engel's Mabuya Mabuya ferrarai Squamata - Scincidae Ferrara's Mabuya

Mabuya ficta

5305 e 5306 e 5307 e

Mabuya ficta Squamata - Scincidae Rebouch's Mabuya Mabuya frenata Squamata - Scincidae Cope's Mabuya Mabuya gravenhorstii Squamata - Scincidae Gravenhorst's Mabuya


e 5316 e 5317 e

5318 5308 e 5309 e 5310 e 5311 e 5312 e

5313 e

5314 e 5315

Mabuya guaporicola Squamata - Scincidae Dunn's Mabuya Mabuya heathi Squamata - Scincidae Brazilian Mabuya Mabuya hemmingi Squamata - Scincidae Somali Mabuya Mabuya hildenbrandtii Squamata - Scincidae Hildenbrandt's Mabuya Mabuya hoeschi Squamata - Scincidae Hoesch's Mabuya; Hoesch's Skink (CSA) Mabuya homalocephala Squamata - Scincidae Red-Sided Skink; Smooth-headed Skink (CSA); Cape Speckled Skink Mabuya homalocephala depressa Squamata - Scincidae Black-flanked Skink (CSA) Mabuya indeprensa Squamata - Scincidae


5319 e 5320 e 5321 e 5322 e 5323 e d

5324 e

Brown's Mabuya Mabuya innovata Squamata - Scincidae Blanford's Mabuya Mabuya irregularis Squamata - Scincidae Alpine Meadow Mabuya; Alpine Meadow Skink Mabuya lacertiformis Squamata - Scincidae Rock Mabuya; Bronze Rock Skink (CSA); Lacertiform Rock Skink (CSA) Mabuya lineolata Squamata - Scincidae Lined Mabuya Mabuya longicauda Squamata - Scincidae Longtail Mabuya; Long-tailed Skink Mabuya macleani Squamata - Scincidae Carrot Rock Skink Mabuya macrorhyncha Squamata - Scincidae Hoge's Mabuya Mabuya macularia Squamata - Scincidae Bronze Mabuya; Little Skink (ISC); Bronze Grass Skink; Little Indian Skink Gefleckte Mabuje; Fleckenmabuje; Gefleckte Mabuya; Fleckenmabuya Mabuya maculata Squamata - Scincidae Spotted Mabuya


Mabuya seychellensis

5325 e

5326 e 5327 e

5328 e d f 5329 e 5330 e 5331 e 5332 e 5333 e


Mabuya maculilabris Squamata - Scincidae Speckle-lipped Mabuya; Specklelipped Skink (CSA)

e f

Mabuya madagascariensis Squamata - Scincidae Malagasy Mabuya


Mabuya megalura Squamata - Scincidae Grass-top Mabuya; Grass-top Skink (CSA)


Mabuya multifasciata Squamata - Scincidae East Indian Brown Mabuya; East Indian Brown-sided Skink; Indonesian Skink Vielstreifenmabuje; Vielstreifenmabuya Mabuya multibande Mabuya multifasciata balinensis Squamata - Scincidae Bali Skink Mabuya nagarjuni Squamata - Scincidae Sharma's Mabuya Mabuya nigropalmata Squamata - Scincidae Black Mabuya; Black-handed Skink Mabuya novemcarinata Squamata - Scincidae Andersson's Mabuya Mabuya occidentalis Squamata - Scincidae Western Three-striped Mabuya; Western Three-striped Skink (CSA) Mabuya perrotetii


e 5337 e 5338 e d

f 5339

e 5340 e 5341 e 5342 e f

Squamata - Scincidae Teita Mabuya; Perrotet's Skink; Perrotet's Mabuya; Red-sided Skink Mabuya de Perrotet Mabuya polytropis Squamata - Scincidae Tropical Mabuya Mabuya praesigne Squamata - Scincidae Early Mabuya Mabuya quadrivittata Squamata - Scincidae Beautiful Mabuya Mabuya quinquetaeniata Squamata - Scincidae Rainbow Mabuya; Five-lined Skink (CSA); Rainbow Skink (CSA); Bean Skink Blauschwanzskink; Fünfstreifenmabuje; Blauschwanzmabuje; Fünfstreifenmabuya; Blauschwanzmabuya Scinque à queue bleue d'Afrique Mabuya quinquetaeniata margaritifer Squamata - Scincidae Blue-tailed Kopje Skink (CSA) Mabuya rodenburgi Squamata - Scincidae Rodenburg's Mabuya Mabuya rudis Squamata - Scincidae Rough Mabuya Mabuya seychellensis Squamata - Scincidae Seychelles Mabuya Mabuya des Seychelles

Mabuya spilogaster

5343 e

5344 e 5345 e

d f 5346 e 5347 e 5348 e

Mabuya spilogaster Squamata - Scincidae Spiny Mabuya; Kalahari Tree Skink (CSA) Mabuya stanjorgeri Squamata - Scincidae Stanjorger's Mabuya Mabuya striata Squamata - Scincidae African Striped Mabuya; Striped Mabuya; Striped Skink (CSA); Common Striped Skink (CSA); African Striped Skink; Eastern Striped Skink (CSA) Gestreifte Mabuje; Streifenskink; Hausskink; Zweistreifenskink Scinque répandu


5352 e d 5353 e

5354 e

5355 e

Mabuya striata punctatissimus Squamata - Scincidae Striped Skink


Mabuya striata striata Squamata - Scincidae Striped Skink


Mabuya sulcata Squamata - Scincidae Kopje Mabuya; Western Rock Skink (CSA)


e d f i 5358

5349 e

Mabuya trivittata Squamata - Scincidae Three-banded Mabuya

e 5359

5350 e 5351 e

Mabuya tytleri Squamata - Scincidae Tytler's Mabuya Mabuya unimarginata Squamata - Scincidae Central American Mabuya; Central American Skink

e d 5360 e d

Mabuya vaillanti Squamata - Scincidae Vaillant's Mabuya Vaillant-Skink Mabuya varia Squamata - Scincidae Savanna Variable Mabuya; Variable Skink (CSA); Savannah Variable Mabuya Mabuya variegata Squamata - Scincidae Variegated Mabuya; Variegated Skink (CSA) Mabuya variegata punctulata Squamata - Scincidae Long-lobed Skink Mabuya vato Squamata - Scincidae Boulder Mabuya Mabuya vittata Squamata - Scincidae Bridled Mabuya; Bridled Skink Streifenmabuje; Streifenmabuya Mabuya à bandes; Mabuya d'Olivier Mabuia vittata Mabuya wrightii Squamata - Scincidae Wright's Mabuya Macrelaps Squamata - Colubridae Natal Black Snakes Natal-Schwarzschlangen Macrelaps microlepidotus Squamata - Colubridae Natal Black Snake Natal-Schwarzschlange


Macroprotodon cucullatus textilis

5361 e 5362 e 5363 e 5364 e

Macrocalamus Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Reed Snakes Macrocalamus jasoni Squamata - Colubridae Jason's Mountain Reed Snake Macrocalamus lateralis Squamata - Colubridae Malayan Mountain Reed Snake Macrocalamus tweediei Squamata - Colubridae Tweedie's Mountain Reed Snake


5371 e

5372 e

5373 e

5365 e d f 5366 e d f i 5367 e 5368 e 5369 e 5370

Macroclemys Testudines - Chelydridae Alligator Snapping Turtles; Alligator Snappers Geierschildkröten Macrolémydes; Tortues-alligator Macroclemys temminckii Testudines - Chelydridae Alligator Snapping Turtle; Alligator Snapper; Alligator Turtle (NA) Geierschildkröte Tortue-alligator; Macrolémyde de Temminck; Tortue vorace Tartaruga alligatore Macrolepis Squamata - Cordylidae Snake-Lizards Macrolepis miopropus Squamata - Cordylidae Northern Rhodesia Snake-Lizard Macrophistodon Squamata - Colubridae Varied Keelbacks; Keelbacks Macrophistodon flaviceps

5374 e 5375 e 5376 e d f 5377 e d f i

5378 f

Squamata - Colubridae Orangeneck Keelback; Malayan Keelback; Orange-necked Keelback Macrophistodon plumbicolor Squamata - Colubridae Lead Keelback; Common Indian Whip Snake; Green Keelback (ISC) Macrophistodon rhodomelas Squamata - Colubridae Blueneck Keelback; Boie's Keelback; Blue-necked Keelback Macrophistodon rudis Squamata - Colubridae Red Keelback Macropholidus Squamata - Teiidae Macropholiduses Macropholidus ruthveni Squamata - Teiidae Ruthven's Macropholidus Macroprotodon Squamata - Colubridae False Smooth Snakes Kaputzennattern Couleuvres à capuchon Macroprotodon cucullatus Squamata - Colubridae False Smooth Snake; Hooded Smooth Snake; False Hooded Snake; Cowled Snake; Hooded Snake Kaputzennatter Couleuvre à capuchon Colubro dal cappucio; Colubro cucullato Macroprotodon cucullatus textilis Squamata - Colubridae Couleuvre à capuchon commune

Macroscincus cocteaui

e d f 5380 e d f 5381 e 5382 e 5383 e d f

5384 e d f



Squamata - Scincidae Cape Verde Giant Skinks Kapverdische Riesenskinke Macroscinques


Macroscincus cocteaui Squamata - Scincidae Cape Verde Giant Skink Kapverdischer Riesenskink Macroscinque de Cocteau


Madagascarophis Squamata - Colubridae Moila Snakes Madagascarophis colubrina Squamata - Colubridae Madagascar Common Snake Malaclemys Testudines - Emydidae Diamondback Terrapins; Diamondbacked Terrapins Diamantschildkröten Tortues diamantines; Tortues diamantées; Tortues d'eau saumâtre; Malaclemmydes Malaclemys terrapin Testudines - Emydidae Diamondback Terrapin; Diamondbacked Terrapins Diamantschildkröte Tortue diamantine; Tortue diamantée; Tortue à dos diamanté; Malaclemmyde; Tortue d'eau saumâtre; Malaclemmyde concentrique Testuggine dal dorso di diamante



5388 e

5389 e

5390 e 5391 e

5392 e d f i 5393 e

5385 e

Malaclemys terrapin centrata Testudines - Emydidae Carolina Diamondback Terrapin; Diamondback Terrapin (NA); Carolina Diamond-backed Terrapin

d f i

Malaclemys terrapin littoralis Testudines - Emydidae Texas Diamondback Terrapin; Texas Diamond-backed Terrapin Malaclemys terrapin macrospilota Testudines - Emydidae Ornate Diamondback Terrapin; Ornate Diamond-backed Terrapin Malaclemys terrapin pileata Testudines - Emydidae Mississippi Diamondback Terrapin; Mississippi Diamond-backed Terrapin Malaclemys terrapin rhizophorarum Testudines - Emydidae Mangrove Diamondback Terrapin; Mangrove Diamond-backed Terrapin Malaclemys terrapin tequesta Testudines - Emydidae Florida East Coast Terrapin Malaclemys terrapin terrapin Testudines - Emydidae Northern Diamondback Terrapin; Northern Diamond-backed Terrapin Malacochersus Testudines - Testudinidae Pancake Tortoises Spaltenschildkröten Tortues de Tornier Malacochersi Malacochersus tornieri Testudines - Testudinidae African Pancake Tortoise; Pancake Tortoise; Soft-shelled Tortoise Ostafrikanische Spaltenschildkröte; Spaltenschildkröte Tortue de Tornier Malacocherso; Testuggine foccacia africana


Masticophis barbouri

5394 e d f 5395 e d f i

5396 e d f 5397 e d f 5398 e d f i

Malayemys Testudines - Emydidae Malayan Snail-eating Turtles Malayen-Sumpfschildkröten Tortues malayses; Malayémides Malayemys subtrijuga Testudines - Emydidae Malayan Snail-eating Turtle; Snaileating Turtle Malayen-Sumpfschildkröte Tortue malays à trois carènes; Malayémide à trois arêtes; Tortue malayse mangeuse d'escargots Testuggine d'acqua malese; Tartaruga malese Malpolon Squamata - Colubridae Montpellier Snakes Eidechsennattern Couleuvres de Montpellier Malpolon moilensis Squamata - Colubridae Moila Snake Arabische Eidechsennatter; MoilaNatter Couleuvre de Moila Malpolon monspessulanus Squamata - Colubridae Montpellier Snake Eidechsennatter; Europäische Eidechsennatter; Rieseneidechsennatter Couleuvre de Montpellier; Couleuvre maillée; Colubre; Ser Colubro lacertino; Colubro di Montpellier; Malpolo di Montpellier

e 5401 e d 5402 e

d f i 5403 e d f i 5404 e d f 5405 e 5406

5399 e 5400

Manolepis Squamata - Colubridae Ridgehead Snakes Manolepis putnami



Squamata - Colubridae Ridgehead Snake Manouria Testudines - Testudinidae Indo-Chinese Tortoises Hinterindische Landschildkröten Manouria emys Testudines - Testudinidae Asian Brown Tortoise; Eastern Hill Tortoise (ISC); Yellow-and-black Giant Tortoise (ISC); Assam Land Tortoise; Burmese Brown Tortoise; Six-footed Tortoise; Brown Tortoise; Mountain Tortoise Braune Landschildkröte Tortue brune de Birmanie Tartaruga bruna birmana Manouria impressa Testudines - Testudinidae Impressed Tortoise Hinterindische Landschildkröte Tortue imprimée Testuggine impressa Masticophis Squamata - Colubridae Whip Snakes; Coachwhips; Australian Whip Snakes Peitschennattern; Zornnattern; Kutscherpeitschennattern Serpents-fouet; Couleuvres à fouet Masticophis anthonyi Squamata - Colubridae Clarion Island Whip Snake Masticophis aurigulus Squamata - Colubridae Baja California Striped Whip Snake; Cape Whip Snake (NA) Masticophis barbouri Squamata - Colubridae

Masticophis bilineatus


5408 e d f 5409 e

5410 e 5411 e d f 5412 e 5413 e d 5414 e

Espiritu Santo Island Striped Whip Snake Masticophis bilineatus Squamata - Colubridae Sonoran Whip Snake; Sonora Whip Snake; Sonora Racer Sonora-Zornnatter Serpent-fouet du Sonora Masticophis bilineatus bilineatus Squamata - Colubridae Sonoran Mountain Whip Snake; Sonoran Whip Snake Masticophis bilineatus lineolatus Squamata - Colubridae Ajo Mountain Whip Snake Masticophis flagellum Squamata - Colubridae Coachwhip; Coachwhip Snake; San Joaquin Whip Snake Kutscherpeitschennatter; Peitschenschlange; Peitschennatter Serpent-fouet flagellé Masticophis flagellum cingulum Squamata - Colubridae Sonoran Coachwhip Masticophis flagellum flagellum Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Coachwhip Östliche Kutscherpeitschennatter Masticophis flagellum fuliginosus Squamata - Colubridae Baja California Coachwhip; Baja Coachwhip


5416 e d 5417 e 5418 e d 5419 e

d f 5420 e d 5421 e

5422 e 5423

5415 e

Masticophis flagellum lineatulus Squamata - Colubridae Lined Coachwhip


Masticophis flagellum piceus Squamata - Colubridae Red Coachwhip; Red Racer Rote Kutscherpeitschennatter Masticophis flagellum ruddocki Squamata - Colubridae San Joaquin Coachwhip Masticophis flagellum testaceus Squamata - Colubridae Western Coachwhip; Central Coachwhip Westliche Kutscherpeitschennatter Masticophis lateralis Squamata - Colubridae Striped Racer (NA); Chaparral Snake; California Whip Snake; California Striped Whip Snake; California Striped Racer Streifenzornnatter Serpent-fouet agile Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus Squamata - Colubridae Alameda Striped Racer; Alameda Whip Snake Alameda-Peitschenschlange Masticophis lateralis lateralis Squamata - Colubridae Chaparral Whip Snake; California Striped Whip Snake; California Striped Racer Masticophis mentovarius Squamata - Colubridae Neotropical Whip Snake Masticophis pulchericeps Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Whip Snake


Mastigodryas sanguiventris

5424 e 5425 e

Masticophis schotti Squamata - Colubridae Schott's Whip Snake Masticophis schotti ruthvenii Squamata - Colubridae Ruthven's Whip Snake

5434 e d 5435 e

5426 e

Masticophis schotti schotti Squamata - Colubridae Schott's Whip Snake

5436 e

5427 e

Masticophis slevini Squamata - Colubridae San Esteban Island Whip Snake

5437 e

5428 e 5429 e d f 5430 e 5431 e

5432 e d

Masticophis stigodryas Squamata - Colubridae Amaral's Whip Snake Masticophis taeniatus Squamata - Colubridae Striped Whip Snake; Striped Racer Bandnatter Serpent-fouet ligné Masticophis taeniatus girardi Squamata - Colubridae Central Texas Whip Snake Masticophis taeniatus taeniatus Squamata - Colubridae Desert Striped Whip Snake; Desert Striped Racer Mastigodryas Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Racers; Racers Panthernattern

5438 e 5439 e 5440 e

5441 e 5442 e 5443

5433 e

Mastigodryas amarali Squamata - Colubridae Amaral's Tropical Racer


Mastigodryas bifossatus Squamata - Colubridae Rio Tropical Racer Panthernatter Mastigodryas boddaerti Squamata - Colubridae Boddaert's Tropical Racer Mastigodryas boddaerti boddaerti Squamata - Colubridae Tan Racer Mastigodryas bruesi Squamata - Colubridae Barbour's Tropical Racer; Windward Tree Racer (WI) Mastigodryas danieli Squamata - Colubridae Daniel's Tropical Racer Mastigodryas heathii Squamata - Colubridae Heath's Tropical Racer Mastigodryas melanolomus Squamata - Colubridae Dark Tropical Racer; Salmon-bellied Racer Mastigodryas pleei Squamata - Colubridae Plee's Tropical Racer Mastigodryas pulchriceps Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Tropical Racer Mastigodryas sanguiventris Squamata - Colubridae Taylor's Tropical Racer


5444 e d 5445 e 5446 e d

5447 e d 5448 e 5449 e 5450 e d f 5451 e d f

Maticora Squamata - Elapidae Malaysian Coral Snakes; Longglanded Coral Snakes Bauchdrüsenottern Maticora beddomei Squamata - Elapidae Beddome's Malaysian Coral Snake Maticora bivirgata Squamata - Elapidae Blue Malaysian Coral Snake Rotbäuchige Bauchdrüsenotter; Indoaustralische Bauchdrüsenotter; Bauchdrüsenotter; Blaue Korallenotter Maticora intestinalis Squamata - Elapidae Banded Malaysian Coral Snake Rotschwanzbauchdrüsenotter Maticora maculiceps Squamata - Elapidae Günther's Malaysian Coral Snake Maticora nigrescens Squamata - Elapidae Black Malaysian Coral Snake Mauremys Testudines - Emydidae Stripeneck Turtles; Eurasian Freshwater Turtles; Pond Turtles Eurasische Wasserschildkröten; Eurasiatische Wasserschildkröten Émydes Mauremys annamensis Testudines - Emydidae Annam Leaf Turtle; Annam Pond Turtle; Vietnamese Leaf Turtle Annam-Sumpfschildkröte; AnnamSchildkröte Émyde de l'Annam


i 5452 e

d f i 5453 e f 5454 e f 5455 e f 5456 e 5457 e d f i 5458 e

Tartaruga foglia del Vietnam Mauremys caspica Testudines - Emydidae Caspian Turtle; Stripe-necked Terrapin; Caspian Terrapin; Stripenecked Pond Turtle; Caspian Pond Turtle Kaspische Bachschildkröte; Kaspische Wasserschildkröte; Kaspische Sumpfschildkröte Émyde caspienne; Cistude Mauremide caspica; Clemmide Mauremys caspica caspica Testudines - Emydidae Eastern Caspian Turtle Émyde caspienne orientale Mauremys caspica cretica Testudines - Emydidae Cretan Caspian Turtle Émyde de Crète Mauremys caspica rivulata Testudines - Emydidae Western Caspian Turtle Émyde caspienne occidentale Mauremys iversoni Testudines - Emydidae Fujian Pond Turtle Mauremys japonica Testudines - Emydidae Japanese Pond Turtle; Japanese Turtle; Japanese Water Tortoise Japanische Wasserschildkröte Émyde du Japon Testuggine del Giappone Mauremys leprosa Testudines - Emydidae Mediterranean Turtle; Mediterranean Terrapin; Spanish Terrapin; Spanish


Mehelya egbensis


f i

5459 e d f i 5460 e d 5461 e 5462 e 5463 e 5464 e

Turtle; Leprous Terrapin; Stripenecked Terrapin; Spanish Pond Turtle; Mediterranean Pond Turtle; Leprous Pond Turtle Maurische Sumpfschildkröte; Mittelmeer-Sumpfschildkröte; Spanische Wasserschildkröte; Spanische Sumpfschildkröte; Nordafrikanische Sumpfschildkröte Émyde lépreuse; Tortue d'Espagne; Clemmyde lépreuse; Cistude de Maurétanie Clemmide iberico; Mauremide leprosa; Mauremide occidentale; Clemmide; Testuggine palustre leprosa spagnola Mauremys mutica Testudines - Emydidae Yellow Pond Turtle; Asian Yellow Pond Turtle Dreikielwasserschildkröte Émyde mutique Testuggine palustre asiatica gialla Mediodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Middle-toed Geckos Nacktfingergeckos Mediodactylus amictopholis Squamata - Gekkonidae Israeli Middle-toed Gecko Mediodactylus brevipes Squamata - Gekkonidae Iranian Middle-toed Gecko Mediodactylus heterocercus Squamata - Gekkonidae Blanford's Middle-toed Gecko Mediodactylus kotschyi Squamata - Gekkonidae Kotchy's Gecko; Naked-fingered Gecko; Crimean Gecko; European Naked-fingered Gecko



i 5465 e d f i 5466 e

5467 e 5468 e d 5469 e d

5470 e 5471

Europäischer Nacktfingergecko; Ägäischer Bogenfingergecko; Ägäischer Nacktfingergecko; Ägäischer Nacktfinger Gymnodactyle de Kotchyi; Cyrtopodion de Kotschy; Cyrtopodion de la Crimée; Gecko à doigts nus; Cyrtopodion Geco di Kotschy; Gimnodattilo Mediodactylus russowii Squamata - Gekkonidae Caucasus Middle-toed Gecko; Caucasian Gecko Transkaspischer Bogenfingergecko; Transkaspischer Nacktfingergecko Cyrtopodion transcaspien Geco di Russow Mediodactylus sagittifer Squamata - Gekkonidae Nikolsky's Middle-toed Gecko; Jaz Maurian Bent-toed Gecko Mediodactylus spinicauda Squamata - Gekkonidae Thorny Middle-toed Gecko Mehelya Squamata - Colubridae File Snakes Feilennattern; Feilenschlangen Mehelya capensis Squamata - Colubridae Cape File Snake; File Snake (CSA); Three-cornered Snake Gewöhnliche Feilennatter; Feilennatter; Kap-Feilennatter Mehelya crossi Squamata - Colubridae African File Snake Mehelya egbensis Squamata - Colubridae

Mehelya guirali

e 5472 e 5473 e d 5474 e

5475 e 5476 e 5477 e d 5478 e d 5479 e 5480 e

Dunger's File Snake Mehelya guirali Squamata - Colubridae Mocquard's File Snake Mehelya nyassae Squamata - Colubridae Nyasa File Snake; Black File Snake (CSA); Northern File Snake (CSA); Northern Three-cornered Snake Schwarze Feilenschlange Mehelya poensis Squamata - Colubridae Western Forest File Snake; Purple File Snake Mehelya riggenbachi Squamata - Colubridae Riggenbach's File Snake Mehelya stenophtalmus Squamata - Colubridae Small-eyed File Snake Mehelya vernayi Squamata - Colubridae Angola File Snake Angola-Feilennatter Meizodon Squamata - Colubridae Crowned Snakes; African Smooth Snakes (CSA) Buschschlangen Meizodon coronatus Squamata - Colubridae Western Crowned Snake Meizodon semiornatus Squamata - Colubridae Semiornate Snake


5481 e d

5482 e

d f

5483 e

d f

5484 e f 5485 e f 5486

e f

Melanochelys Testudines - Emydidae Indian Black Turtles Vorderindische Erdschildkröten; Dreikielerdschildkröten Melanochelys tricarinata Testudines - Emydidae Tricarinate Hill Turtle; Eastern Hill Terapin (ISC); Three-keeled Tortoise; Terrestial Turtle; Burmese Swamp Turtle; Burmese Peacock Turtle; Three-keeled Asian Turtle Dreikielschildkröte; Dreikielerdschildkröte Tortue à trois carènes; Émyde indienne à trois carènes; Tortue de Birmanie; Tortue tricarénée Melanochelys trijuga Testudines - Emydidae Indian Black Turtle; Ceylon Terrapin; Asiatic Geoemyda; Indian Pond Terrapin (ISC); Black Turtle (ISC); Madras Pond Tortoise Schwarzbaucherdschildkröte Géoémyde d'Asie; Émyde noire à trois bandes; Émyde noire à trois arrètes Melanochelys trijuga coronata Testudines - Emydidae Cochin Black Turtle Émyde noire de Cochin Melanochelys trijuga edeniana Testudines - Emydidae Burma Black Turtle Émyde noire de Birmanie Melanochelys trijuga indopeninsularis Testudines - Emydidae Bengal lack Turtle Émyde noire du Bengale


Menetia greyii

5487 e f

Melanochelys trijuga parkeri Testudines - Emydidae Parker's Black Turtle Émyde noire de Parker

Skink 5497 e

5488 e f 5489 e f 5490 e f 5491 e

Melanochelys trijuga thermalis Testudines - Emydidae Sri Lanka Black Turtle Émyde noire du Sri Lanka Melanochelys trijuga trijuga Testudines - Emydidae Peninsular Black Turtle Éyde noire péninsulaire Melanochelys trijuga wiroti Testudines - Emydidae Indian Snail-eating Turtle Émyde noire de Thaïlande Melanophidium Squamata - Uropeltidae Black Earth Snakes

5498 e

5499 e d f 5500 e d f i

5492 e

Melanophidium bilineatum Squamata - Uropeltidae Two-lined Black Earth Snake

5501 e

5493 e

Melanophidium punctatum Squamata - Uropeltidae Beddome's Black Earth Snake

5502 e

5494 e

Melanophidium wynaudensis Squamata - Uropeltidae Indian Black Earth Snake

5503 e

5495 e

Melanoseps Squamata - Scincidae Limbless Skinks

5504 e

5496 e

Melanoseps ater Squamata - Scincidae Longtail Limbless Skink; Eastern Legless Skink; Long-tailed Limbless

5505 e

Melanoseps longicauda Squamata - Scincidae Pangani Black Limbless Skink Melanoseps occidentalis Squamata - Scincidae Western Limbless Skink; Western Legless Skink Melanosuchus Crocodylia - Alligatoridae Black Caimans Mohrenkaimane Caïmans noirs Melanosuchus niger Crocodylia - Alligatoridae Black Caiman; Large Caiman; Jacare-assu Mohrenkaiman Caïman noir; Caïman blanc; Caïman noir de Guyane Caimano nero Menetia Squamata - Scincidae Menetias Menetia alanae Squamata - Scincidae Coastal Menetia Menetia amaura Squamata - Scincidae Shark Bay Menetia Menetia concinna Squamata - Scincidae Silver Menetia Menetia greyii Squamata - Scincidae Grey-brown Menetia; Grey's Menetia

Menetia koshlandae

5506 e 5507 e 5508 e 5509 e 5510 e d 5511 e

5512 e d 5513 e d 5514 e

Menetia koshlandae Squamata - Scincidae Koshland Menetia Menetia maini Squamata - Scincidae Metallic Menetia Menetia sadlieri Squamata - Scincidae Sadlier's Menetia Menetia surda Squamata - Scincidae Inland Menetia Meroles Squamata - Lacertidae South African Sand Lizards; Desert Lizards (CSA); Sand Lizards Scharr-Eidechsen Meroles ctenodactylus Squamata - Lacertidae Smith's Sand Lizard; Smith's Desert Lizard (CSA) Meroles cuneirostris Squamata - Lacertidae Wedge-snouted Sand Lizard; Wedgesnouted Desert Lizard (CSA); Wedge-snouted Lizard Wüsteneidechse; Scharr-Eidechse Meroles knoxii Squamata - Lacertidae Knox's Ocellated Sand Lizard; Knox's Desert Lizard (CSA) Knox-Scharreidechse Meroles micropholidotus Squamata - Lacertidae Small-scaled Sand Lizard; Smallscaled Desert Lizard (CSA)


5515 e

5516 e

5517 e 5518 e

5519 e 5520 e f

5521 e f 5522 e f 5523 e

Meroles reticulatus Squamata - Lacertidae Reticulate Sand Lizard; Reticulated Desert Lizard (CSA) Meroles suborbitalis Squamata - Lacertidae Spotted Sand Lizard; Spotted Desert Lizard (CSA) Mesalina Squamata - Lacertidae Sand Lizards; Mesalinas Mesalina adramitana Squamata - Lacertidae Hadramawt Sand Lizard; Arabian Mesalina Mesalina ayunensis Squamata - Lacertidae Arnold's Sand Lizard Mesalina guttulata Squamata - Lacertidae Small-spotted Sand Lizard; Smallspotted Lizard; Long-tailed Desert Lacerta Lézard à goutteletes; Érémias à goutelettes Mesalina olivieri Squamata - Lacertidae Oliviers Sand Lizard; Olivier's Small Lizard Érémias d'Olivier Mesalina pasteuri Squamata - Lacertidae Pasteur's Lizard; Pasteur's Small Lizard Érémias de Pasteur Mesalina regeli Squamata - Lacertidae Tajik Racerunner


Microgecko latifi

5524 e f 5525 e d 5526 e 5527 e 5528 e 5529 e 5530 e

5531 e 5532 e

5533 e

Mesalina rubropunctata Squamata - Lacertidae Red-spotted Lizard; Red-spotted Small Lizard Érémias à points rouges Mesaspis Squamata - Anguidae Mexican Alligator Lizards Hochland-Krokodilschleichen Mesaspis antauges Squamata - Anguidae Mount Orizaba Alligator Lizard Mesaspis gadovii Squamata - Anguidae Gadow's Alligator Lizard Mesaspis juarezi Squamata - Anguidae Sierra Juarez Alligator Lizard Mesaspis monticolus Squamata - Anguidae Cope's Alligator Lizard Mesaspis moreletii Squamata - Anguidae Morelet's Alligator Lizard; Highland Alligator Lizard Mesaspis viridiflava Squamata - Anguidae Dwarf Alligator Lizard Mesobaena Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Inirida Worm Lizards; Dwarf Amphisbaenas Mesobaena huebneri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Inirida Worm Lizard; Dwarf Amphisbaena

5534 e 5535 e 5536 e 5537 e 5538 e 5539 e 5540 e d f 5541 e 5542 e 5543 e 5544

Micreablepharus Squamata - Teiidae Tinyfoot Teiids Micreablepharus dunni Squamata - Teiidae Dunn's Tinyfoot Teiid Micreablepharus maximiliani Squamata - Teiidae Maximilian's Tinyfoot Teiid Micrelaps Squamata - Colubridae Two-headed Snakes Micrelaps bicoloratus Squamata - Colubridae Kenya Two-headed Snake Micrelaps boettgeri Squamata - Colubridae Boettger's Two-headed Snake Micrelaps muelleri Squamata - Colubridae Müller's Two-headed Snake Erdviper; Müllers Erdviper Vipère de Mueller Micrelaps vaillanti Squamata - Colubridae Somali Two-headed Snake Microgecko Squamata - Gekkonidae Tiny Geckos Microgecko helenae Squamata - Gekkonidae Tiny Helena Gecko Microgecko latifi Squamata - Gekkonidae

Microgecko persicus

e 5545 e 5546 e 5547 e

5548 e 5549 e

5550 e

5551 e 5552 e

5553 e 5554 e

Tiny Zagros Gecko Microgecko persicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Tiny Persia Gecko Microlophus Squamata - Iguanaidae Pacific Iguanas Microlophus atacamensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Atacamen Pacific Iguana; Donoso's Lava Lizard Microlophus delalonis Squamata - Iguanaidae Hood Island Lava Lizard Microlophus grayi Squamata - Iguanaidae Gray's Pacific Iguana; Gray's Lava Lizard Microlophus occipitalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Knobbed Pacific Iguana; Brush Lava Lizard


5555 e 5556 e 5557 e 5558 e 5559 e 5560 e 5561 e

Microlophus pacificus Squamata - Iguanaidae Comon Pacific Iguana


Microlophus peruvianus Squamata - Iguanaidae Peru Pacific Iguana; Peru Lava Lizard


Microlophus quadrivittatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Four-banded Pacific Iguana


Microlophus stolzmanni Squamata - Iguanaidae Stolzmann's Pacific Iguana






Microlophus tarapacensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Tarapaca Pacific Iguana Microlophus theresiae Squamata - Iguanaidae Theresia's Pacific Iguana Microlophus theresioides Squamata - Iguanaidae Small Pacific Iguana Microlophus thoracicus Squamata - Iguanaidae Tschudi Pacific Iguana Microlophus tigris Squamata - Iguanaidae Tiger Pacific Iguana Microphistodon Squamata - Colubridae Flathead Snakes Microphistodon ochraceus Squamata - Colubridae Flathead Snake Micropochis Squamata - Elapidae Pacific Coral Snakes Micropochis ikaheka Squamata - Elapidae Pacific Coral Snake; New Guinea Small-eyed Snake Microscalabotes Squamata - Gekkonidae Tiny Scaled Geckos Microscalabotes bivittis Squamata - Gekkonidae Tiny Scaled Gecko


Micrurus collaris

5566 e d f 5567 e d f

Micruroides Squamata - Elapidae Western Coral Snakes (NA); Arizona Coral Snakes; Sonoran Coral Snakes Arizona-Korallenottern; ArizonaKorallenschlangen; Korallenschlangen Serpents-corail de l'Arizona Micruroides euryxanthus Squamata - Elapidae Western Coral Snake; Sonoran Coral Snake; Sonora Coral Snake; Arizona Coral Snake Arizona-Korallenschlange; ArizonaKorallenotter Serpent-corail de l'Arizona

e 5573 e 5574 e

5575 e

5576 5568

e d f 5569 e d f 5570 e

Micruroides euryxanthus euryxanthus Squamata - Elapidae Arizona Coral Snake Arizona-Korallenotter; ArizonaKorallenschlange Serpent-corail de l'Arizona


5577 e

Micrurus Squamata - Elapidae Common Coral Snakes; Coral Snakes; Eastern Coral Snakes; American Coral Snakes Echte Korallenottern; Korallenschlangen; Echte Korallenschlangen Serpents-corail


Micrurus alleni Squamata - Elapidae Allen's Coral Snake; Black-headed Coral Snake



5579 e

e 5581

5571 e 5572

Micrurus ancoralis Squamata - Elapidae Anchor Coral Snake Micrurus annelatus Squamata - Elapidae

e d f

Annellated Coral Snake Micrurus anomalis Squamata - Elapidae Regal Coral Snake Micrurus averyi Squamata - Elapidae Black-headed Coral Snake; Avery's Coral Snake Micrurus bernardi Squamata - Elapidae Blotched Coral Snake; Bernard's Coral Snake Micrurus bocourti Squamata - Elapidae Ecuador Coral Snake; Bocourt's Coral Snake; San Gil Coral Snake Micrurus bogerti Squamata - Elapidae Bogert's Coral Snake Micrurus browni Squamata - Elapidae Brown's Coral Snake; Sierra Madre Coral Snake Micrurus catamayensis Squamata - Elapidae Catamayo Coral Snake Micrurus clarki Squamata - Elapidae Clark's Coral Snake Micrurus collaris Squamata - Elapidae Guyana Blackback Coral Snake Schwarzkopfkorallenschlange; Schwarzkopfkorallenotter Serpent-corail

Micrurus corallinus

5582 e d f 5583 e

5584 e 5585 e

5586 e

5587 e

5588 e 5589 e 5590 e


Micrurus corallinus Squamata - Elapidae Painted Coral Snake Gewöhnliche Korallenschlange Serpent-corail commun Micrurus decoratus Squamata - Elapidae Brazilian Coral Snake; Common Snake; Cobra Common Snake Micrurus diastema Squamata - Elapidae Variable Coral Snake Micrurus dissoleucus Squamata - Elapidae Pygmy Coral Snake; Dunn's Coral Snake Micrurus distans Squamata - Elapidae West Mexican Coral Snake; Broadbanded Coral Snake


e d

5592 e 5593 e

d f

5594 e

Micrurus dumerili Squamata - Elapidae Duméril's Coral Snake; Rough-tailed Coral Snake


Micrurus elegans Squamata - Elapidae Elegant Coral Snake


Micrurus ephippifer Squamata - Elapidae Oaxacan Coral Snake


Micrurus filiformis Squamata - Elapidae Slender Coral Snake; Thread-form Coral Snake Micrurus frontalis Squamata - Elapidae

e f



5598 e

Coral Snake (NA); Arizona Coral Snake; Southern Coral Snake; Coral Cobra Kobra-Korallenschlange; KobraKorallennatter; Brasilianische Korallenotter Micrurus frontifasciatus Squamata - Elapidae Bolivian Coral Snake Micrurus fulvius Squamata - Elapidae Eastern Coral Snake; Florida Coral Snake (NA); Thunder Snake (NA); Harlequin Snake; Bead Snake; Harlequin Coral Snake Harlekin-Korallennatter; HarlekinKorallenschlange Serpent-corail de l'Est; Serpentarlequin Micrurus fulvius fulvius Squamata - Elapidae Eastern Coral Snake Micrurus hemprichii Squamata - Elapidae Hemprich's Coral Snake Serpent corail Micrurus hemprichii ortonii Squamata - Elapidae Orange-ringed Coral Snake Micrurus hippocrepis Squamata - Elapidae Maya Coral Snake; Horseshoe Coral Snake Micrurus ibiboboca Squamata - Elapidae Caatinga Coral Snake; Merrem's Coral Snake


Micrurus psyches

5599 e

5600 e 5601 e 5602 e 5603 e

5604 e d

Micrurus isozonus Squamata - Elapidae Venezuela Coral Snake; Amazonian Coral Snake Micrurus karlschmidti Squamata - Elapidae Pygmy Blackback Coral Snake Micrurus langsdorffi Squamata - Elapidae Langsdorff's Coral Snake Micrurus laticollaris Squamata - Elapidae Balsan Coral Snake Micrurus latifasciatus Squamata - Elapidae Broad-ringed Coral Snake; Longbanded Coral Snake Micrurus lemniscatus Squamata - Elapidae South American Coral Snake; Large Coral Snake; Tropical Coral Snake Ibiboca

d 5609 e 5610 e 5611 e

5612 e 5613 e

5614 e

5605 e 5606 e

Micrurus limbatus Squamata - Elapidae Tuxtlan Coral Snake Micrurus margaritiferus Squamata - Elapidae Speckled Coral Snake; Roze's Coral Snake

5615 e 5616 e

5607 e

Micrurus mertensi Squamata - Elapidae Mertens's Coral Snake

5617 e

5608 e

Micrurus mipartitus Squamata - Elapidae Redtail Coral Snake; Black-ringed Coral Snake


Costa-Rica-Korallenschlange Micrurus multifasciatus Squamata - Elapidae Many-banded Coral Snake Micrurus multiscutatus Squamata - Elapidae Cauca Coral Snake Micrurus narduccii Squamata - Elapidae Andean Blackback Coral Snake; Andean Black-backed Coral Snake Micrurus nebularis Squamata - Elapidae Cloud Forest Coral Snake Micrurus nigricinctus Squamata - Elapidae Central American Coral Snake; Central America Coral Snake; Blackbanded Coral Snake Micrurus peruvianus Squamata - Elapidae Peru Coral Snake; Peruvian Coral Snake Micrurus petersi Squamata - Elapidae Peters's Coral Snake Micrurus proximans Squamata - Elapidae Nayarit Coral Snake Micrurus psyches Squamata - Elapidae Carib Coral Snake; Small Coral Snake Serpent corail

Micrurus putamayensis

5618 e

5619 e 5620 e 5621 e

Micrurus putamayensis Squamata - Elapidae Putamayo Coral Snake; Putamayan Coral Snake; Sooty Coral Snake Micrurus rondonianus Squamata - Elapidae Rondo Coral Snake Micrurus ruatanus Squamata - Elapidae Roatan Coral Snake Micrurus sangilensis Squamata - Elapidae Santander Coral Snake


f 5628 e d 5629 e 5630 e

5631 5622 e d 5623 e

5624 e 5625 e 5626 e 5627 e

Micrurus spixii Squamata - Elapidae Amazon Coral Snake; Wagler's Coral Snake; Spix's Coral Snake; Amazonian Coral Snake Riesenkorallenotter Micrurus spurelli Squamata - Elapidae Colombian Coral Snake; Spurell's Coral Snake

e 5632 e 5633 e

Micrurus steindachneri Squamata - Elapidae Steindachner's Coral Snake


Micrurus stewarti Squamata - Elapidae Panamanian Coral Snake


Micrurus stuarti Squamata - Elapidae Stuart's Coral Snake


Micrurus surinamensis Squamata - Elapidae Aquatic Coral Snake; Surinam Coral Snake




5637 e

Serpent corail Micrurus tener Squamata - Elapidae Texas Coral Snake Texas-Korallenschlange Micrurus tener tener Squamata - Elapidae Texas Coral Snake Micrurus tschudii Squamata - Elapidae Desert Coral Snake; Bolivian Coral Snake; Tschudi's Coral Snake Mictopholis Squamata - Agamidae Annandale's Dragons Mictopholis austeniana Squamata - Agamidae Annandale's Dragon Millotisaurus Squamata - Gekkonidae Marvellous Geckos Millotisaurus mirabilis Squamata - Gekkonidae Marvellous Gecko Mimophis Squamata - Colubridae Big-eyed Snakes Mimophis mahfalensis Squamata - Colubridae Big-eyed Snake; Common Big-eyed Snake Moloch Squamata - Agamidae Thorny Devils; Molochs; Thorny


Monopeltis schoutedeni

d f 5638 e d f

Devil Lizards Dornteufel; Wüstenteufel; Dornteufelchen Molochs Moloch horridus Squamata - Agamidae Thorny Devil; Moloch; Thorny Devil Lizard Dornteufel; Wüstenteufel; Moloch Diable épineux; Moloch d'Australie; Moloch épineux; Moloch hérissé; Diable cornu; Moloch

5645 e 5646 e 5647 e 5648

5639 e

5640 e 5641 e

5642 e

d 5643 e 5644 e

Monopeltis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Wedge-snouted Worm Lizards; Spade-snouted Worm Lizards (CSA) Monopeltis adercae Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Lualuba Worm Lizard Monopeltis anchieate Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Angola Worm Lizard; Angolan Spade-snouted Worm Lizard (CSA); Anchieta's Wedge-snouted Amphisbaenian (CSA)

e 5649 e

5650 e

Monopeltis capensis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Cape Wedge-snouted Worm Lizard; Cape Spade-snouted Worm Lizard (CSA); Cape Wedge-snouted Amphisbaenian (CSA); Cape Worm Lizard (CSA) Afrikanische Doppelschleiche


Monopeltis decosteri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Delagoa Bay Worm Lizard


Monopeltis galeata Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Helmeted Worm Lizard


e 5652 e



Monopeltis guentheri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Western Congo Worm Lizard Monopeltis habenichti Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Mahinga Worm Lizard Monopeltis jugularis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Gaboon Worm Lizard Monopeltis kabindae Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Kabinda Worm Lizard Monopeltis leonhardi Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Kalahari Worm Lizard; Leonhard's Spade-snouted Worm Lizard (CSA); Kalahari Wedge-snouted Amphisbaenian (CSA) Monopeltis mauricei Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Maurice Worm Lizard; Slender Wedge-snouted Amphisbaenian (CSA) Monopeltis ocularis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Bechuanaland Worm Lizard Monopeltis remaclei Squamata - Amphisbaenidae De Witte's Worm Lizard Monopeltis scalper Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Carved Worm Lizard Monopeltis schoutedeni Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Middle Congo Worm Lizard

Monopeltis sphenorhynchus

5655 e

5656 e 5657 e


Monopeltis sphenorhynchus Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Slender Wedge-snouted Worm Lizard; Slender Spade-snouted Worm Lizard (CSA); Slender Wedgesnouted Amphisbaenian (CSA); Wedge-snouted Worm Lizard (CSA)


Monopeltis vanderysti Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Vanderyst Worm Lizard


Monopeltis zambezensis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Zambezi Spade-snouted Worm Lizard

e d

e d 5664 e

5658 e d

Morelia Squamata - Boidae Carpet Pythons; Diamond Pythons; Australian Diamond Pythons Rautenpythone; Teppichschlangen; Teppichpythone; Teppichpythonschlangen; Rautenschlangen

d f i

5665 5659 e d f i 5660 e d 5661 e d i

Morelia amethistina Squamata - Boidae Scrub Python; Amethystine Python (ANZ); Queensland Rock Python; Merauke Scrub Python Amethystpython; Amethystschlange Liasis améthyste; Python des rochers Pitone ametistino Morelia boeleni Squamata - Boidae Boelen's Python; Boelen's Water Python Boelens Python; Schwarzer Python Morelia bredli Squamata - Boidae Blotched Python; Centralian Python Inland-Teppichpython Morelia tappeto centroaustralico

e d 5666 e 5667 e d 5668 e d

Morelia carinata Squamata - Boidae Rough-scaled Python; Rough-scaled Carpet Python Rauschuppiger Python; Rauschuppige Teppichschlange; Felsenpython Morelia oenpelliensis Squamata - Boidae Oenpelli Python; South African Water Python; Oenpelli Rock Python Oenpelli-Python Morelia spilota Squamata - Boidae Carpet Python; Diamond Python; Australian Python Teppichpython; Rautenpython; Australischer Python; Teppichschlange; Rautenschlange Python tapis; Serpent diamant Morelia tappeto; Pitone diamantino; Pitone australiano Morelia spilota cheynei Squamata - Boidae Jungle Carpet Python Dschungel-Rautenpython Morelia spilota imbricata Squamata - Boidae Southwestern Carpet Python(ANZ) Morelia spilota mcdowelli Squamata - Boidae Coastal Carpet Python Küstenrautenpython Morelia spilota spilota Squamata - Boidae Inland Carpet Python; Diamond Python Rautenpython; Diamantpython


Morethia storri

5669 e d f 5670 e d f i 5671 e d f 5672 e d

f i

Morelia spilota variegata Squamata - Boidae Australian Carpet Python; Northwestern Carpet Python (ANZ); Carpet Python Australischer Teppichpython; Teppichpython Python tapis Morelia viridis Squamata - Boidae Green Tree Python; Green Python (ANZ); Aru Green Python Grüner Baumpython; Chondropython Python vert; Python vert d'Indonésie Morelia verde Morenia Testudines - Emydidae Eyed Turtles Pfauenaugensumpfschildkröten; Pfauenaugesumpfschildkröten Émydes à ocelles Morenia ocellata Testudines - Emydidae Burmese Eyed Turtle; Burmese Swamp Turtle Hinterindische Pfauenaugensumpfschildkröte ; Hinterindische Pfauenaugesumpfschildkröte Émyde à ocelles de Birmanie Tartaruga ocellata birmana

5674 e 5675 e

5676 e

5677 e 5678 e f 5679 e

5680 e 5681

5673 e d


Morenia petersi Testudines - Emydidae Indian Eyed Turtle Indische Pfauenaugensumpfschildkröte; Vorderindische Pfauenaugensumpfschildkröte; Indische Pfauenaugesumpfschildkröte; Vorderindische Pfauenaugesumpfschildkröte Émyde à ocelles de Bengale


Morethia Squamata - Scincidae Morethias Morethia adalaidensis Squamata - Scincidae Adelaide Morethia; Samphire Skink (ANZ) Morethia boulengeri Squamata - Scincidae Boulenger's Morethia; Boulenger's Skink (ANZ) Morethia butleri Squamata - Scincidae Butler's Morethia Morethia lineoocellata Squamata - Scincidae Line-eyed Morethia; Line-eyed Skink; Eyed Pete Scinque rayé-et-ocellé Morethia obscura Squamata - Scincidae Obscure Morethia; Obscure Skink (ANZ) Morethia ruficauda Squamata - Scincidae Redtail Morethia Morethia storri Squamata - Scincidae Storr's Morethia





e d i 5697

5688 e 5689 e 5690 e 5691 e

Nactus Squamata - Gekkonidae Sea Geckos Nactus coindermirensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Mauritius Accidental Gecko Nactus galgajuga Squamata - Gekkonidae Trevathan Range Gecko Nactus pelagicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Pelagic Gecko; Pelagic Rock Gecko

e d f

5698 e d i 5699 e

5692 e d 5693 e

Nactus serpeninsula Squamata - Gekkonidae Serpent Island Gecko Serpent-Insel-Gecko Nactus vankampeni Squamata - Gekkonidae Vankampen's Gecko

d 5700 e d f

5694 e d f 5695 e

Naja Squamata - Elapidae Cobras; True Cobras Kobras; Echte Kobras; Königshutschlangen; Hutschlangen Cobras Naja annulifera Squamata - Elapidae Snouted Cobra

5701 e d

Naja atra Squamata - Elapidae Chinese Cobra Chinesische Kobra; Indochinesische Kobra Cobra cinese Naja haje Squamata - Elapidae Egyptian Cobra; Asp; South African Cobra; Banded Cobra Uräusschlange Cobra égyptien; Cobra d'Égypte; Cobra d'Afrique du Nord Naja kaouthia Squamata - Elapidae Monocled Cobra; Thai Monoculate Cobra; Monocellate Cobra (ISC) Monokelkobra; Thai-Kobra Cobra monocolo Naja katiensis Squamata - Elapidae Mali Cobra; West African Brown Spitting Cobra Mali-Kobra Naja melanoleuca Squamata - Elapidae Forest Cobra (CSA); Black-andwhite Cobra; Black-lipped Cobra Schwarzweiße Kobra; Schwarzweiße Hutschlange Cobra noir-et-blanc; Cobra de forêt; Cobra des forêts Naja mossambica Squamata - Elapidae Mozambique Spitting Cobra; M'fezi (CSA); Mossambic Cobra Moçambique-Speikobra; Mozambique-Speikobra; MozambikSpeikobra


Naja sputatrix

5702 e

d f

5703 d 5704 d

Naja naja Squamata - Elapidae Indian Cobra; Biocellate Cobra (ISC); Asiatic Cobra; Indian Spectacled Cobra; Common Cobra (ISC); Asian Cobra; Spectacled Cobra (ISC) Brillenschlange; Kobra Cobra à lunettes; Cobra indien; Naja; Cobra d'Afrique du Nord Naja naja naja Squamata - Elapidae Vorderindische Kobra Naja naja polyocellata Squamata - Elapidae Gepunktete Ceylon-Kobra

5709 e d f 5710 e d 5711 e

d 5705 e

d f

Naja nigricollis Squamata - Elapidae Black-necked Cobra; Blackneck Spitting Cobra; Black-necked Spitting Cobra; Pink Spitting Cobra; Red Spitting Cobra Afrikanische Speikobra; Speikobra; Schwarzhalskobra Cobra à cou noir; Cobra cracheur; Cobra

f 5712 e d i 5713

5706 e d 5707 e d 5708 e d

Naja nigricollis nigricincta Squamata - Elapidae Western Barred Spitting Cobra; Zebra Snake; Zebra Spitting Cobra Speikobra Naja nigricollis nigricollis Squamata - Elapidae Black-necked Spitting Cobra Speikobra Naja nigricollis woodi Squamata - Elapidae Black Spitting Cobra; South-western Spitting Cobra Speikobra

e d 5714 e d 5715 e d 5716

Naja nivea Squamata - Elapidae Cape Cobra; Cape Yellow Cobra; Yellow Cobra Kap-Kobra Cobra du Cap Naja nubiae Squamata - Elapidae Nubian Spitting Cobra Nübische Speikobra Naja oxiana Squamata - Elapidae Central Asia Cobra; Central Asian Cobra; Trans-Caspian Cobra; Oxus Cobra; Black Cobra (ISC); Acellate Cobra (ISC) Mittelasiatische Kobra; Russische Kobra Naja Naja pallida Squamata - Elapidae African Cobra; Red Spitting Cobra Rote Speikobra Cobra sputatore rosso Naja philippinensis Squamata - Elapidae Philippine Cobra Philippinen-Kobra Naja samarensis Squamata - Elapidae Peters's Cobra Samar Kobra Naja siamensis Squamata - Elapidae Indo-Chinese Spitting Cobra Siamesische Kobra; Thai-Speikobra Naja sputatrix Squamata - Elapidae

Naja sumatrana

e d

5717 e d 5718 e 5719 e

Indonesian Cobra; Indonesian Spitting Cobra Javanische Speikobra; Indonesische Speikobra; Malayische Kobra; Sunda-Speikobra Naja sumatrana Squamata - Elapidae Golden Spitting Cobra; Equatorial Spitting Cobra; Sumatran Cobra Goldene Speikobra; Speikobra Nannoscincus Squamata - Scincidae Elf Skinks Nannoscincus gracilis Squamata - Scincidae Slender Elf Skink


5726 e 5727 e d f 5728 e d f i

5720 e 5721 e

Nannoscincus greeri Squamata - Scincidae Greer's Elf Skink Nannoscincus maccoyi Squamata - Scincidae McCoy's Elf Skink; McCoy's Skink (ANZ)

5729 e d 5730 e

5722 e

Nannoscincus mariae Squamata - Scincidae Maria's Elf Skink

5731 e

5723 e 5724 e 5725 e

Nannoscincus rankini Squamata - Scincidae Rankin's Elf Skink


Nannoscincus slevini Squamata - Scincidae Slevin's Elf Skink


Narudasia Squamata - Gekkonidae Festive Geckos




Narudasia festiva Squamata - Gekkonidae Festive Gecko Natator Testudines - Cheloniidae Flatback Turtles; Flatback Sea Turtles Australische Flachrückenschildkröten Chélonées à dos plats Natator depressa Testudines - Cheloniidae Flatback Turtle; Flatback Sea Turtle; Flatback Green Turtle Australische Suppenschildkröte; Australische Flachrückenschildkröte Chélonée à dos plat; Chélone à dos plat Tartaruga franca del Pacifico Natriceteres Squamata - Colubridae Marsh Snakes Sumpfnattern Natriceteres fuliginoides Squamata - Colubridae Marsh Snake Natriceteres olivacea Squamata - Colubridae Olive Marsh Snake (CSA); Banded Marsh Snake Olivfarbige Sumpfnatter; Afrikanische Olive Sumpfnatter Natriceteres variegata Squamata - Colubridae Forest Marsh Snake Natrix Squamata - Colubridae Grass Snakes; Eurasian Water Snakes; Common Water Snakes; Water Snakes; Ringed Snakes


Natrix tessellata tessellata d i

5734 e d f i 5735 e d f i

Kielrückennattern; Schwimmnattern Natrice Natrix maura Squamata - Colubridae Viperine Grass Snake; Viperine Snake; Viperine Water Snake Vipernatter Couleuvre vipérine Natrice viperina; Biscia viperina Natrix megalocephala Squamata - Colubridae Large-headed Grass Snake; Largeheaded Water Snake; Bighead European Grass Snake Großkopfrngelnatter Couleuvre à grosse tête; Couleuvre mégalocéphale Natrice megacefala

e d 5740 e d

5741 e d 5742 e d 5743

5736 e d f i

5737 e d 5738 e d 5739

Natrix natrix Squamata - Colubridae Grass Snake; European Grass Snake; Common Grass Snake; Ringed Snake Ringelnatter; Wassernatter; Schwimmnatter; Gemeine Natter Couleuvre à collier Natrice dal collare; Biscia dal collare; Natrice; Biscia viperina; Biscia; Biscia d'acqua europea; Bèssa; Serpe bottaia; Biscia d'acqua dal collare Natrix natrix astreptohora Squamata - Colubridae Green-collared Grass Snake; Grass Snake; Ringed Snake Ringelnatter; Spanische Ringelnatter Natrix natrix helvetica Squamata - Colubridae European Grass Snake Barrenringelnatter Natrix natrix natrix Squamata - Colubridae

d 5744 d 5745 e d f i

5746 d 5747 d

Common Grass Snake Gewöhnliche Ringelnatter Natrix natrix persa Squamata - Colubridae Balkan Grass Snake Gestreifte Ringelnatter; Streifenringelnatter Natrix natrix schweizeri Squamata - Colubridae European Grass Snake Ringelnatter; Milos-Ringelnatter Natrix natrix scutata Squamata - Colubridae Crimean Grass Snake Ringelnatter Natrix natrix scutata Squamata - Colubridae Russische Ringelnatter Natrix natrix sicula Squamata - Colubridae Sizilianische Ringelnatter Natrix tessellata Squamata - Colubridae Dice Snake; Tessellated Snake; Tessellated Water Snake; Diced Snake Würfelnatter; Gefleckte Wassernatter Couleuvre tesselée; Serpent nageur Natrice tesselata; Biscia tesselata; Bèssa Natrix tessellata heinrothi Squamata - Colubridae Heinroths Würfelnatter Natrix tessellata tessellata Squamata - Colubridae Gewöhnliche Würfelnatter


5748 e d

5749 e d f 5750 e d 5751 e 5752 e 5753 e

Naultinus Squamata - Gekkonidae Tree Geckos Baumgeckos; Neuseeländerische Baumgeckos; Grüne Baumgeckos Naultinus elegans Squamata - Gekkonidae Green Tree Gecko Grüner Baumgecko; Neuseeländerischer Baumgecko Gecko vert des arbres Naultinus gemmeus Squamata - Gekkonidae South Island Tree Gecko Juwelengecko Naultinus grayii Squamata - Gekkonidae Gray's Tree Gecko Naultinus manukanus Squamata - Gekkonidae Northern Tree Gecko Naultinus poecilochlorus Squamata - Gekkonidae Central Tree Gecko



d f 5758 e d f

5759 e d

5760 e d 5761 e

5754 e 5755 e d

Naultinus rudis Squamata - Gekkonidae Natural Tree Gecko Naultinus stellatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Starry Tree Gecko Sterngecko

5762 e d 5763 e

5756 e 5757

Naultinus tuberculatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Warty Tree Gecko Neoseps

5764 e

Squamata - Scincidae Sand Skinks; American Burrowing Skinks; Florida Burrowing Skinks; Florida Worm Lizards; Florida Sand Skinks (NA) Florida-Sandskinke Scinques de Reynolds; Néoseps Neoseps reynoldsi Squamata - Scincidae American Sand Skink; Florida Sand Skink; Small Sand Skink; Sand Skink Florida-Sandskink Scinque de Reynolds; Néoseps de Reynolds Nephrurus Squamata - Gekkonidae Knobtail Geckos; Kidney-tailed Geckos Keulenschwanzgeckos; Knopfschwanzgeckos Nephrurus asper Squamata - Gekkonidae Rough Knobtail Gecko Keulenschwanzgecko Nephrurus deleani Squamata - Gekkonidae Acacia Knobtail Gecko Nephrurus laevis Squamata - Gekkonidae Smooth Knobtail Gecko Glatter Keulenschwanzgecko Nephrurus laevissimus Squamata - Gekkonidae Spinifex Knobtail Gecko; Pale Smooth Knob-tailed Gecko Nephrurus milii Squamata - Gekkonidae Knobtail Gecko; Thick-tailed Gecko (ANZ)


Nerodia fasciata d

5765 e 5766 e 5767 e 5768 e

Knopfschwanzgecko; Dickschwänziger Rindengecko Nephrurus sphyrurus Squamata - Gekkonidae Ogilby's Knobtail Gecko Nephrurus stellatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Starry Knobtail Gecko Nephrurus vertebratus Squamata - Gekkonidae Storr's Knobtail Gecko Nephrurus wheeleri Squamata - Gekkonidae Wheeler's Knobtail Gecko

5773 e

5774 e d f 5775 e d

5769 e


f 5770 e

Nerodia Squamata - Colubridae Water Snakes; American Water Snakes; Water and Salt Marsh Snakes; North American Water Snakes Amerikanische Wassernattern; Wassernattern; Nordamerikanische Wassernattern; Amerikanische Schwimmnattern Couleuvres d'eau Nerodia clarkii Squamata - Colubridae Saltmarsh Snake; Ring Snake


5776 e

5777 e

5778 5771 e

5772 e

Nerodia clarkii clarkii Squamata - Colubridae Saltmarsh Snake; Ring Snake; Gulf Salt Marsh Snake Nerodia clarkii compressicauda Squamata - Colubridae Mangrove Salt Marsh Snake; Flattailed Water Snake; Saltwater Moccasin (NA)


5779 e d 5780

Nerodia clarkii taeniata Squamata - Colubridae Atlantic Salt Marsh Snake; Gulf Saltmarsh Snake Nerodia cyclopion Squamata - Colubridae Mississippi Green Water Snake; Green Water Snake; Cyclops Water Snake Grüne Schwimmnatter; Grüne Wasserschlange Couleuvre d'eau verte Nerodia erythrogaster Squamata - Colubridae Plain-bellied Water Snake; Redbellied Water Snake; Plainbelly Water Snake; Red Water Snake Rotbäuchige Schwimmnatter; Rotbauchwassernatter Couleuvre d'eau à ventre unicolore; Couleuvre à ventre rouge Nerodia erythrogaster erythrogaster Squamata - Colubridae Redbelly Water Snake; Red-bellied Water Snake; Copper-bellied Moccasin (NA) Nerodia erythrogaster flavigaster Squamata - Colubridae Yellowbelly Water Snake; Yellowbellied Water Snake Nerodia erythrogaster neglecta Squamata - Colubridae Copperbelly Water Snake; Copperbellied Water Snake Nerodia erythrogaster transversa Squamata - Colubridae Blotched Water Snake Sattelfleckwassernatter Nerodia fasciata Squamata - Colubridae

Nerodia fasciata confluens

e d f

Southern Water Snake; Banded Watersnake; Saltmarsh Snake Südliche Schwimmnatter; Gebänderte Wassernatter Couleuvre d'eau du Sud


5788 e d

5781 e d 5782 e d 5783 e d 5784 e 5785 e d f

Nerodia fasciata confluens Squamata - Colubridae Broad-banded Water Snake Gebänderte Wassernatter Nerodia fasciata fasciata Squamata - Colubridae Banded Water Snake Gebänderte Wassernatter Nerodia fasciata pictiventris Squamata - Colubridae Florida Water Snake Gebänderte Wassernatter Nerodia floridana Squamata - Colubridae Florida Green Water Snake Nerodia harteri Squamata - Colubridae Brazos Water Snake; Harter's Water Snake; Brazos River Water Snake Harters Schwimmnatter; Harters Wassernatter Couleuvre d'eau de Harter

5789 e d f

5790 e 5791 e 5792 e d f 5793 e

5786 e 5787 e d f

Nerodia paucimaculata Squamata - Colubridae Concho Water Snake Nerodia rhombifer Squamata - Colubridae Diamondback Water Snake; Diamondback (NA); Diamondbacked Water Snake Rautenschwimmnatter; Diamantwassernatter; Rautenwassernatter Couleuvre d'eu diamantine

5794 e d f

5795 e

Nerodia rhombifer rhombifer Squamata - Colubridae Diamondback Water Snake; Northern Diamondback Water Snake; Northern Diamond-backed Water Snake Diamantwassernatter Nerodia sipedon Squamata - Colubridae Northern Water Snake; Common Water Snake Siegelringnatter; Siegelringelnatter Couleuvre d'eau du Nord; Couleuvre d'eau (Qué) Nerodia sipedon insularum Squamata - Colubridae Lake Erie Water Snake Nerodia sipedon pleuralis Squamata - Colubridae Midland Water Snake Nerodia sipedon sipedon Squamata - Colubridae Northern Water Snake; Banded Water Snake; Common Water Snake Siegelringnatter Couleuvre d'eau Nerodia sipedon williamengelsi Squamata - Colubridae Carolina Water Snake Nerodia taxispilota Squamata - Colubridae Brown Water Snake; Water Pilot Braune Schwimmnatter; Braune Wassernatter; Braune Wasserschlange Couleuvre d'eu brune; Couleuvre jaune Nerodia valida Squamata - Colubridae Kennicott's Water Snake; Pacific


Neusticurus strangulatus


5796 e d f 5797 e 5798 e d f 5799 e 5800 e d

5801 e 5802 e 5803 e 5804

Water Snake (NA); Pacific Garter Snake; Mexican West Coast Watersnake Mexikanische WestküstenWassernatter Nessia Squamata - Scincidae Nessias; Ceylon Skinks Ceylon-Skinke; Glattechsen Nessies

e 5805 e d 5806 e

Nessia bipes Squamata - Scincidae Two-legged Nessia


Nessia burtonii Squamata - Scincidae Burton's Nessia Burtons Glattechse Nessie de Burton


Nessia deraniyagalai Squamata - Scincidae Deraniyagla's Nessia


Nessia didactyla Squamata - Scincidae Two-toed Nessia Zweizehenfaultier; Zweizehen Ceylon-Skink; Ceylon-Skink

e d

e d


5810 e

Nessia hickanala Squamata - Scincidae Hickanala Nessia


Nessia layardi Squamata - Scincidae Layard's Nessia


Nessia monodactyla Squamata - Scincidae One-toed Nessia


Nessia sarasinorum




Squamata - Scincidae Müller's Nessia Neusticurus Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Neusticuruses; Stream Lizards Wassertejus Neusticurus apodemus Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Uzzell's Neusticurus; Water Teiid Neusticurus bicarinatus Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Two-faced Neusticurus Wasserteju; Eigentlicher Wasserteju Neusticurus cochranae Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Cochran's Neusticurus Cochrans Wasserteju Neusticurus eopleopus Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Cope's Neusticurus; Common Stream Lizard Neusticurus medemi Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Medem's Neusticurus Neusticurus racenisi Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Roze's Neusticurus Neusticurus rudis Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Red Neusticurus Neusticurus strangulatus Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Big-scaled Neusticurus

Neusticurus tatei

5814 e 5815 e d 5816 e

d f 5817 e d 5818 e

5819 e 5820 e

Neusticurus tatei Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Tate's Neusticurus Nilssonia Testudines - Trionychidae Burmese Peacock Softshells Burma-Weichschildkröten Nilssonia formosa Testudines - Trionychidae Burmese Peacock Softshell; Burmese Soft-shelled Turtle; Burmese Softshell (ISC); Burmese Peacock Soft-shelled Turtle; Burmese Peacock Softshell Turtle; Burmese Softshell Turtle Burma-Weichschildkröte Trionyx de Birmanie Ninia Squamata - Colubridae Common Coffee Snakes; Coffee Snakes Kaffeenattern Ninia atrata Squamata - Colubridae Hallowell's Coffee Snake; Southern Coffee Snake Ninia celata Squamata - Colubridae Rare Coffee Snake Ninia diademata Squamata - Colubridae Ringneck Coffee Snake; Ring-necked Coffee Snake



5823 e

5824 e 5825 e 5826 e

5827 e d f i 5828 e d f i 5829

5821 e 5822

Ninia espinali Squamata - Colubridae Espinal's Coffee Snake Ninia hudsoni



Squamata - Colubridae Hudson's Coffee Snake; Amazon Coffee Snake Ninia maculata Squamata - Colubridae Spotted Coffee Snake; Checkered Coffee Snake Ninia oxynota Squamata - Colubridae Werner's Coffee Snake Ninia psephota Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Coffee Snake Ninia sebae Squamata - Colubridae Redback Coffee Snake; Red Coffee Snake Notechis Squamata - Elapidae Black Tiger Snakes; Tiger Snakes; Australian Tiger Snakes Tigerottern Serpents tigrés Serpenti tigre Notechis ater Squamata - Elapidae Black Tiger Snake (ANZ); Western Tiger Snake; Peninsula Tiger Snake; Chapell Island Tiger Snake Schwarze Tigerotter Serpent tigré noir Serpente tigre nero Notechis scutatus Squamata - Elapidae Mainland Tiger Snake (ANZ); Eastern Tiger Snake; Common Tiger Snake; Tiger Snake (ANZ); Australian Tiger Snake Östliche Tigerotter; Tigerotter


Nucras taeniolata f

Serpent tigré e

5830 e

Nothobachia Squamata - Teiidae Nothobachias

d 5840

5831 e 5832 e

Nothobachia ablephara Squamata - Teiidae Nothobachia Nothopsis Squamata - Colubridae Rough Coffee Snakes


5841 e

5833 e

5834 e d

Nothopsis rugosus Squamata - Colubridae Rough Coffee Snake; Rough Forest Snake Notochelys Testudines - Emydidae Malayan Flatshell Turtles Plattrückenschildkröten

5842 e 5843 e

5835 e d f 5836 e

Notochelys platynota Testudines - Emydidae Malayan Flatshell Turtle; Malayan Flat-shelled Turtle; Purple-bellied Turtle; Spotted-shelled Turtle Plattrückenschildkröte Tortue-boîte à dos plat Notoscincus Squamata - Scincidae Snake-eyed Skinks

d 5844 e d f 5845

5837 e

Notoscincus butleri Squamata - Scincidae Butler's Snake-eyed Skink

e 5846

5838 e 5839

Notoscincus ornatus Squamata - Scincidae Ornate Snake-eyed Skink Nucras

e f

Squamata - Lacertidae Tiger Lizards; Sandveld Lizards (CSA); Blunt-headed Lacertids Nucras-Eidechsen; Nukras-Eidechsen Nucras boulengeri Squamata - Lacertidae Uganda Savanna Lizard; Savanna Lizard; Savannah Lizard; Uganda Savannah Lizard; Boulenger's Scrub Lizard Nucras caesicaudata Squamata - Lacertidae Bluetail Scrub Lizard; Blue-tailed Sandveld Lizard (CSA); Blue-tailed Scrub Lizard (CSA) Nucras emini Squamata - Lacertidae Boulenger's Sandveld Lizard Nucras intertexta Squamata - Lacertidae Spotted Sandveld Lizard; Spotted Scrub Lizard (CSA) Stumpfkopfeidechse Nucras lalandii Squamata - Lacertidae Delalandes Sandveld Lizard; Delalande's Lizard; Lalande's Sandveld Lizard (CSA) Delalandes Eidechse Lézard de Delalande Nucras scalaris Squamata - Lacertidae Scaled Sandveld Lizard Nucras taeniolata Squamata - Lacertidae Striped Scrub Lizard Scinque à queue cuivrée

Nucras taeniolata ornata

5847 e 5848 e d f

Nucras taeniolata ornata Squamata - Lacertidae Ornate Sandveld Lizard (CSA) Nucras tesselata Squamata - Lacertidae Tiger Lizard; Striped Sandveld Lizard (CSA); Banded Sand Lizard; Chequered Lizard Westliche Scharreidechse Lézard marqueté



Oedura rhombifer d


5856 e 5857

5849 e d

5850 e 5851 e 5852 e

d f i

Ocadia Testudines - Emydidae Chinese Stripeneck Turtles Streifenschildkröten; Chinesische Streifenschildkröten Ocadia glyphistoma Testudines - Emydidae Stripeneck Turtle Ocadia philippeni Testudines - Emydidae Philippen's Stripeneck Turtle Ocadia sinensis Testudines - Emydidae Chinese Stripeneck Turtle; Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle; Green-headed Turtle; Chinese Golden Thread Turtle Chinesische Streifenschildkröte Émyde commune à coup rayé Testuggine cinese a collo striato

e 5858 e 5859 e 5860 e d

5861 e d

5862 5853 e d 5854 e d 5855 e

Oedura Squamata - Gekkonidae Velvet Geckos; Fat-tailed Geckos Samtgeckos; Fettschwanzgeckos Oedura castelnaui Squamata - Gekkonidae Northern Velvet Gecko Fettschwanzgecko; Samtgecko Oedura coggeri Squamata - Gekkonidae Northern Spotted Velvet Gecko

e 5863 e

5864 e

Coggers Fettschwanzgecko Oedura filicipoda Squamata - Gekkonidae Mitchell Velvet Gecko Oedura gemmata Squamata - Gekkonidae Bejewelled Velvet Gecko Oedura gracilis Squamata - Gekkonidae Graceful Velvet Gecko Oedura lesueurii Squamata - Gekkonidae Lesueur's Velvet Gecko Oedura marmorata Squamata - Gekkonidae Marbled Velvet Gecko; Fat-tailed Gecko; Marbled Fat-tailed Gecko Gefleckter Samtgecko; Gefleckter Fettschwanzgecko Oedura monilis Squamata - Gekkonidae Ocellated Velvet Gecko Augenfleckengecko; Fettschwanzgecko; Samtgecko Oedura obscura Squamata - Gekkonidae Obscure Velvet Gecko Oedura reticulata Squamata - Gekkonidae Reticulate Velvet Gecko; Reticulated Velvet Gecko (ANZ) Oedura rhombifer Squamata - Gekkonidae Zigzag Velvet Gecko

Oedura robusta

5865 e 5866 e

5867 e d

Oedura robusta Squamata - Gekkonidae Robust Velvet Gecko Oedura tryoni Squamata - Gekkonidae Southern Spotted Velvet Gecko; Tryon's Velvet Gecko; Velvet Gecko Ogmodon Squamata - Elapidae Fiji Cobras; Fiji Cobra Snakes Fidschi-Giftnattern; FidschiSchlangen



Russet Kukri Snake; Common Kukri Snake (ISC); Banded Kukri Snake


Oligodon barroni Squamata - Colubridae Barron's Kukri Snake; Smith's Kukri Snake


5876 e 5877 e

5868 e d 5869 e d

Ogmodon vitianus Squamata - Elapidae Fiji Cobra Fidschi-Giftnatter; Fidschi-Schlange Oligodon Squamata - Colubridae Kukri Snakes Kukrinattern

5878 e 5879 e 5880

5870 e

Oligodon affinis Squamata - Colubridae Kukri Snake

e 5881

5871 e

5872 e 5873 e 5874

Oligodon albocinctus Squamata - Colubridae Light-barred Kukri Snake; Ladderback (ISC); Ladderback Kukri Snake Oligodon annamensis Squamata - Colubridae Leviton's Kukri Snake Oligodon annulifer Squamata - Colubridae Ringed Kukri Snake Oligodon arnensis Squamata - Colubridae

e 5882 e 5883 e 5884 e

Oligodon bellus Squamata - Colubridae Pretty Kukri Snake Oligodon bitorquata Squamata - Colubridae Shorthead Kukri Snake Oligodon bitorquatus Squamata - Colubridae Boie's Kukri Snake Oligodon calamarius Squamata - Colubridae Sri Lanka Kukri Snake Oligodon catenata Squamata - Colubridae Assam Kukri Snake Oligodon chinensis Squamata - Colubridae Chinese Kukri Snake Oligodon cinereus Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Kukri Snake Oligodon cruentatus Squamata - Colubridae Pegu Kukri Snake Oligodon cyclurus Squamata - Colubridae Cantor's Kukri Snake


Oligodon mouhoti

5885 e

Oligodon dorsalis Squamata - Colubridae Gray's Kukri Snake


5896 5886 e

Oligodon durkheimi Squamata - Colubridae Durkheim's Kukri Snake

e 5897

5887 e

5888 e 5889 e 5890 e 5891 e

5892 e 5893 e 5894 e 5895

Oligodon erythrogaster Squamata - Colubridae Nagarkot Kukri Snake; Coral-bellied Kukri Snake Oligodon erythrorachis Squamata - Colubridae Namsang Kukri Snake Oligodon everetti Squamata - Colubridae Everett's Kukri Snake Oligodon forbesi Squamata - Colubridae Forbes's Kukri Snake Oligodon formosanus Squamata - Colubridae Formosa Kukri Snake; Formosan Kukri Snake Oligodon inornatus Squamata - Colubridae Inornate Kukri Snake Oligodon jacobi Squamata - Colubridae Jacob's Kukri Snake Oligodon joynsoni Squamata - Colubridae Grey Kukri Snake Oligodon juglandifer Squamata - Colubridae

e 5898 e 5899 e 5900 e 5901 e

5902 e 5903 e 5904 e 5905 e

Walnut Kukri Snake; Large-spotted Kukri Snake Oligodon kunmigeosis Squamata - Colubridae Kuo's Kukri Snake Oligodon lacroixi Squamata - Colubridae Lacroix Kukri Snake Oligodon macrurus Squamata - Colubridae Angel's Kukri Snake Oligodon maculatus Squamata - Colubridae Spotted Kukri Snake Oligodon mcdougalli Squamata - Colubridae McDougall's Kukri Snake Oligodon melaneus Squamata - Colubridae Bluebelly Kukri Snake; Blue-bellied Kukri Snake Oligodon melanozonatus Squamata - Colubridae Abor Hills Kukri Snake Oligodon meyerinkii Squamata - Colubridae Sulu Kukri Snake Oligodon modestum Squamata - Colubridae Luzon Kukri Snake Oligodon mouhoti Squamata - Colubridae Cambodian Kukri Snake; Boulenger's Kukri Snake

Oligodon multizonatus

5906 e 5907 e 5908 e 5909 e 5910 e

5911 e


Oligodon multizonatus Squamata - Colubridae Luding Kukri Snake


Oligodon ningshaanensis Squamata - Colubridae Ningshaan Kukri Snake


Oligodon notospilus Squamata - Colubridae Asian Kukri Snake


Oligodon ocellatus Squamata - Colubridae Ocellated Kukri Snake Oligodon octolineatus Squamata - Colubridae Grace's Kukri Snake; Striped Kukri Snake Oligodon ornatus Squamata - Colubridae Ornate Kukri Snake




d 5919 e 5920 e 5921

5912 e d 5913 e 5914 e 5915 e

Oligodon purpurescens Squamata - Colubridae Brown Kukri Snake; HimalayoChinese Kukri Snake; Schlegel's Brown Kukri Snake Braune Kukrinatter

e 5922 e

Oligodon signata Squamata - Colubridae Barred Kukri Snake


Oligodon splendidus Squamata - Colubridae Splendid Kukri Snake


Oligodon subcarinatus Squamata - Colubridae Beautiful Kukri Snake





Oligodon sublineatus Squamata - Colubridae Duméril's Kukri Snake Oligodon taeniatus Squamata - Colubridae Striped Kukri Snake Oligodon taeniolatus Squamata - Colubridae Loos Snake; Streaked Kukri Snake; Variegated Kukri Snake (ISC); Russell's Kukri Snake (ISC); Common Kukri Snake Gestreifte Kukrinatter Oligodon theobaldi Squamata - Colubridae Theobald's Kukri Snake Oligodon travancoricus Squamata - Colubridae Travancore Kukri Snake Oligodon trilineatus Squamata - Colubridae Three-lined Kukri Snake Oligodon venustus Squamata - Colubridae Jerdon's Kukri Snake Oligodon vertebralis Squamata - Colubridae Vertebral Kukri Snake Oligodon waandersi Squamata - Colubridae Bleck's Kukri Snake Ommateremias Squamata - Lacertidae Steppe Racerunners; Steppe Lizards



5926 e d f i 5927 e d

Ommateremias arguta Squamata - Lacertidae Steppe Racerunner; Racerunner; Stepperunner; Arguta Bunter Wüstenrenner; Steppeneidechse; Buckelnase Érérmias élégant; Érémias variable Eremia steppica Ommateremias aria Squamata - Lacertidae Aria Racerunner; Aria Lizard; Afghanistan Racerunner; Afghan Racerunner Afghanistan-Wüstenrenner

e f 5934 e 5935 e 5936 e

5928 e d 5929 e d f 5930 e d f i 5931 e f 5932 e

Ommateremias nigrocellata Squamata - Lacertidae Black-spotted Racerunner; Blackocellated Racerunner Schwarzäugiger Wüstenrenner Opheodrys Squamata - Colubridae Green Snakes; North American Green Snakes; Rough Green Snakes Grasnattern Serpents verts Opheodrys aestivus Squamata - Colubridae Rough Green Snake; Small Kukri Snake; Keeled Green Snake Rauhe Grasnatter Serpent vert rugueux Serpente verde della pelle ruvida Opheodrys aestivus aestivus Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Rough Green Snake; Northern Rough Green Snake Serpent vert rugueux de l'Est Opheodrys aestivus carinatus Squamata - Colubridae Florida Rough Green Snake

d f 5937 e 5938 e f 5939 e 5940 e 5941 e d f i

Squamata - Colubridae Western Rough Green Snake Serpent vert rugueux de l'Ouest Ophidiocephalus Squamata - Gekkonidae Snakehead Lizards Ophidiocephalus taeniatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Snakehead Lizard Ophiodes Squamata - Anguidae South American Worm Lizards; Worm Lizards Schlangenschleichen Ophiodes Ophiodes intermedius Squamata - Anguidae Middle Worm Lizard Ophiodes striatus Squamata - Anguidae Striped Worm Lizard; Cariococca Ophiode strié Ophiodes vertebralis Squamata - Anguidae Jointed Worm Lizard Ophiodes yacupoi Squamata - Anguidae Yacupoi Worm Lizard Ophiomorus Squamata - Scincidae Greater Snake Skinks; Sand Skinks; Ophiomores Schlangenskinke Ophiomores Offiomoro punteggiato

Ophiomorus blanfordi

5942 e d f 5943 e d 5944 e 5945 e

5946 e 5947 e d f 5948 e

d f

5949 e

Ophiomorus blanfordi Squamata - Scincidae Blanford's Snake Skink Blanfords Schlangenskink Ophiomore de Blanford Ophiomorus brevipes Squamata - Scincidae Short-legged Snake Skink Kurzfußschlangenskink Ophiomorus chernovi Squamata - Scincidae Chernov's Snake Skink Ophiomorus latasti Squamata - Scincidae Lataste's Snake Skink; Lataste's Sand Skink Ophiomorus nuchalis Squamata - Scincidae Nilson's Snake Skink Ophiomorus persicus Squamata - Scincidae Persia Snake Skink; Persian Sand Skink Persischer Schlangenskink Ophiomore persan Ophiomorus punctatissimus Squamata - Scincidae Greek Snake Skink; Spotted Greek Legless Skink; Speckled Snake Skink; Spotted Skink; Legless Skink; Speckled Sand Skink Gesprenkelter Schlangenskink Ophiomore ponctué; Scinque serpentiforme Ophiomorus streeti Squamata - Scincidae Street's Snake Skink; Street's Skink


5950 e d 5951 e d f 5952 e d f i 5953 e d 5954 e 5955 e 5956 e 5957 e d f

Ophiomorus tridactylus Squamata - Scincidae Three-toed Snake Skink; Sandfish (ISC); Indian Sandswimmer (ISC); Three-toed Sand Skink Dreizehiger Schlangenskink Ophiophagus Squamata - Elapidae King Cobras; Hamadryads; Snakeeating Cobras Königskobras Cobras Ophiophagus hannah Squamata - Elapidae King Cobra; Hamadryad Königskobra; Riesenhutschlange; Hamadryad Cobra hannah; Cobra royal Cobra reale Ophioscincus Squamata - Scincidae Lesser Snake Skinks Schlangenskinke Ophioscincus coolooensis Squamata - Scincidae Rainforest Snake Skink Ophioscincus ophioscincus Squamata - Scincidae Snake Skink Ophioscincus truncatus Squamata - Scincidae Burrowing Snake Skink Ophisaurus Squamata - Anguidae Glass Lizards; Slender Glass Lizards Glasschleichen; Panzerschleichen Ophisaures


Ophisaurus sokolovi

5958 e

d f i

5959 e d f

Ophisaurus apodus Squamata - Anguidae Armoured Glass Lizard; Sheltopusik; Sheltopusic; Glass Snake; Armoured Glass Snake; Balkan Glass Snake; Glass Lizard; European Glass Lizard; European Glass Snake; European Legless Lizard Seitenfalter; Panzerschleiche; Scheltopusik Sheltopusik; Pseudope de Pallas; Serpent-lézard sans pattes; Ophisaure Ofisauro apodo; Pseudopo; Pseudopo europeo; Ofisauro europeo Ophisaurus attenuatus Squamata - Anguidae Slender Glass Lizard; Slender Glass Snake Schlanke Glasschleiche Ophisaure élancé; Ophisaure svelte

d f 5965 e d 5966 e

5967 e d

5960 e

5961 e

5962 e d

5963 e

5964 e

Ophisaurus attenuatus attenuatus Squamata - Anguidae Western Slender Glass Lizard; Western Slender Glass Snake Ophisaurus attenuatus longicaudus Squamata - Anguidae Eastern Slender Glass Lizard; Eastern Slender Glass Snake Ophisaurus buettikofferi Squamata - Anguidae Buettikofer's Glass Lizard; Buettikofer's Glass Snake Kalamantan-Schleiche; BorneoSchleiche Ophisaurus ceroni Squamata - Anguidae Ceron's Glass Lizard; Ceron's Glass Snake Ophisaurus compressus Squamata - Anguidae Island Glass Lizard; Island Glass

5968 e

5969 e d f 5970 e

5971 e

Snake Küstenglasschleiche Ophisaure compact Ophisaurus gracilis Squamata - Anguidae Burma Glass Lizard; Burma Glass Snake; Burman Glass Lizard; Burmese Glass Snake (ISC) Burma-Schleiche Ophisaurus hainanus Squamata - Anguidae Hainan Glass Lizard; Hainan Glass Snake Ophisaurus harti Squamata - Anguidae Hart's Glass Lizard; Hart's Glass Snake Südchinesische Schleiche Ophisaurus incomptus Squamata - Anguidae Plain-neck Glass Lizard; Plain-neck Glass Snake Ophisaurus koellikeri Squamata - Anguidae Koelliker's Glass Lizard; Koelliker's Glass Snake; Moroccan Glass Lizard Türkis-Panzerschleiche; MarokkoSchleiche Orvet du Maroc Ophisaurus mimicus Squamata - Anguidae Mimic Glass Lizard; Mimic Glass Snake Ophisaurus sokolovi Squamata - Anguidae Sokolov's Glass Lizard; Sokolov's Glass Snake; Sokolov's Glass Lizard

Ophisaurus ventralis

5972 e d f

5973 e d 5974 e d f 5975 e 5976 e d f i 5977 e 5978 e

Ophisaurus ventralis Squamata - Anguidae Eastern Glass Lizard; Eastern Glass Snake Östliche Glasschleiche Ophisaure de l'Est; Ophisaure ventrale Ophisaurus wegneri Squamata - Anguidae Wegner's Glass Lizard; Wegner's Glass Snake; Wegner's Glass Lizard Sumatra-Schleiche


5979 e d 5980 e 5981 e

Ophisops Squamata - Lacertidae Snake-eyed Lizards; Snake-eyed Lacertas; Snake-eyed Lacertids Schlangenaugen; Schlangenaugeeidechsen; Schlangenaugeneidechsen Ophisops; Lézards à l'oeil de serpent


Ophisops elbaensis Squamata - Lacertidae Elbaen Snake-eyed Lizard


Ophisops elegans Squamata - Lacertidae Snake-eyed Lizard; Ménétries's Lizard Europäische Schlangenaugeeidechse; Europäisches Schlangenauge; Schlangenauge Ophisops élégant; Lézard à l'oeil de serpent Ofisope elegante


Ophisthoplus Squamata - Colubridae Rio Grande Snakes Ophisthoplus degener Squamata - Colubridae Rio Grande Snake

e 5983 e


e 5986 e 5987 e 5988 e 5989 e

Ophisthotropis Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Keelbacks Bergwassernattern Ophisthotropis alcali Squamata - Colubridae Gary's Mountain Keelback Ophisthotropis andersoni Squamata - Colubridae Anderson's Mountain Keelback Ophisthotropis balteatus Squamata - Colubridae Hainan Mountain Keelback Ophisthotropis guangxiensis Squamata - Colubridae Guanxi Mountain Keelback Ophisthotropis jacobi Squamata - Colubridae Chapa Mountain Keelback Ophisthotropis kuatunensis Squamata - Colubridae Chinese Mountain Keelback Ophisthotropis lateralis Squamata - Colubridae Tonkin Mountain Keelback Ophisthotropis latouchii Squamata - Colubridae Sichuan Mountain Keelback Ophisthotropis maxwelli Squamata - Colubridae Maxwell's Mountain Keelback Ophisthotropis praemaxillaris Squamata - Colubridae Angel's Mountain Keelback


Oplurus quadrimaculatus

5990 e 5991 e 5992 e 5993 e d 5994 e d 5995 e d 5996 e 5997 e 5998 e 5999 e

Ophisthotropis rugos Squamata - Colubridae Sumatra Mountain Keelback


Ophisthotropis spenceri Squamata - Colubridae Smith's Mountain Keelback


Ophisthotropis typica Squamata - Colubridae Olive Mountain Keelback


Ophryacus Squamata - Viperidae Mexican Horned Vipers; Mexican Horned Pit Viper Mexikanische Hornlanzenottern


Ophryacus undulatus Squamata - Viperidae Mexican Horned Viper; Mexican Horned Pit Viper Mexikanische Hornlanzenotter Ophryoessoides Squamata - Iguanaidae Keeled Iguanas Festlandglattkopfleguane Ophryoessoides aculeatus Squamata - Iguanaidae O'Shaughnessy's Keeled Iguana Ophryoessoides caducus Squamata - Iguanaidae Cope's Lava Lizard




e 6004 e d 6005 e

6006 e d

6007 e d

Ophryoessoides erythrogaster Squamata - Iguanaidae Redbelly Lava Lizard


Ophryoessoides iridescens Squamata - Iguanaidae Iridescent Lava Lizard




Ophryoessoides scapularis Squamata - Iguanaidae Boulenger's Lava Lizard Ophryoessoides tricristatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Duméril's Lava Lizard Opipeuter Squamata - Teiidae River Teiids Opipeuter xestus Squamata - Teiidae River Teiid Oplurus Squamata - Iguanaidae Madagascar Swifts Madagaskar-Leguane Oplurus cuvieri Squamata - Iguanaidae Cuvier's Madagascar Swift; Cuvier's Madagascar Tree Swift Oplurus cyclurus Squamata - Iguanaidae Merrem's Madagascar Swift; Madagascar Tree Swift Riesen Madagaskar-Leguan; Madagaskar-Leguan; Kugelechse Oplurus fierinensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Anzamala Madagascar Swift Blauer Madagaskar-Leguan Oplurus grandidieri Squamata - Iguanaidae Grandidier's Madagascar Swift Oplurus quadrimaculatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Duméril's Madagascar Swift

Oplurus saxicola

6010 e 6011 e 6012 e

Oplurus saxicola Squamata - Iguanaidae Marked Madagascar Swift


6018 e

Oreocalamus Squamata - Colubridae Kalimantan Burrowing Snakes

d f

Oreocalamus hanitschi Squamata - Colubridae Kalimantan Burrowing Snake

i 6019

6013 e 6014 e 6015 e d f 6016 e d f i 6017 e d f i

Oriocalotes Squamata - Agamidae Smith's Agamas


Oriocalotes paulus Squamata - Agamidae Smith's Agama


Orlitia Testudines - Emydidae Malaysia Giant Turtle; Malaysian Giant Turtles; Malayan Giant Turtles Borneo-Flussschildkröten Émydes géantes de Bornéo Orlitia borneensis Testudines - Emydidae Malaysia Giant Turtle; Malaysian Giant Turtle; Bornean River Turtle; Malayan Giant Turtle Borneo-Flussschildkröte Émyde géante de Bornéo Tartaruga gigante delle Malesia Osteolaemus Crocodylia - Crocodylidae African Dwarf Crocodiles; Dwarf Crocodiles Stumpfkrokodile Crocodiles nains Osteolemi


e 6021 e f

6022 e 6023 e 6024 e 6025 e d

Osteolaemus tetraspis Crocodylia - Crocodylidae African Dwarf Crocodile; Dwarf Crocodile; West African Dwarf Crocodile Stumpfkrokodil Crocodile des marais; Crocodile cuirassée; Crocodile à front large; Crocodile noir à front large; Crodile d'Osborn; Crocodile nain Osteolemo Otocryptis Squamata - Agamidae Hidden-eared Agamas; Ground Agamas Otocryptes Otocryptis beddomi Squamata - Agamidae South India Agama Otocryptis wiegmanni Squamata - Agamidae Wiegmann's Agama; Sri Lankan Kangaroo Lizard Otocrypte de Wiegmann; Otocrypte à deux bandes Ovophis Squamata - Viperidae Asian Pit Vipers Ovophis chaseni Squamata - Viperidae Mount Kinabalu Pit Viper Ovophis convictus Squamata - Viperidae Stoliczka's Pit Viper Ovophis monticola Squamata - Viperidae Chinese Mountain Pit Viper Berglanzenotter


Oxyrhopus marcapatae

6026 e d 6027 e

Ovophis okinavensis Squamata - Viperidae Ryukyu Island Pit Viper; Himehabu Okinawa-Habusschlange Ovophis tokarensis Squamata - Viperidae Tokara Habu Pit Viper

e 6034 e

6035 6028 e d f

6029 e

d f

6030 e f 6031 e

6032 e d f 6033

Oxybelis Squamata - Colubridae Vine Snakes; Pike-headed Tree Snakes; American Vine Sn akes Spitznattern Serpents des vignes mexicains; Serpents-liane Oxybelis aeneus Squamata - Colubridae Brown Vine Snake; Mexican Vine Snake; Pike-headed Tree Snake; American Vine Snake; Tropical Vine Snake Erzspitznatter; Erdspitzschlange; Mexikanische Spitznatter Serpent des vignes mexicain; Serpent-liane Oxybelis argenteus Squamata - Colubridae Daudin's Vine Snake Serpent-liane Oxybelis brevirostris Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Vine Snake; Short-nosed Vine Snake Oxybelis fulgidus Squamata - Colubridae Green Vine Snake; Green Whip Snake Glanzspitznatter Serpent-liane Oxybelis wilsoni

e 6036 e 6037 e d 6038 e 6039 e 6040 e 6041 e

6042 e 6043

Squamata - Colubridae Yellow Vine Snake Oxyrhabdium Squamata - Colubridae Shrub Snakes; Neotropical Vine Snakes Oxyrhabdium leporinum Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Philippine Shrub Snake Oxyrhabdium modestum Squamata - Colubridae Philippine Shrub Snake Oxyrhopus Squamata - Colubridae False Coral Snakes; Calico Snakes Mondnattern Oxyrhopus clathratus Squamata - Colubridae Duméril's False Coral Snake Oxyrhopus doliatus Squamata - Colubridae Bibron's False Coral Snake Oxyrhopus fitzingeri Squamata - Colubridae Fitzinger's False Coral Snake Oxyrhopus formosus Squamata - Colubridae Formosa False Coral Snake; Yellowheaded Calico Snake Oxyrhopus leucomelas Squamata - Colubridae Werner's False Coral Snake Oxyrhopus marcapatae Squamata - Colubridae

Oxyrhopus melanogenys

e 6044 e 6045

e 6046 e

6047 e 6048 e 6049 e d 6050 e 6051 e d 6052 e d

Boulenger's False Coral Snake Oxyrhopus melanogenys Squamata - Colubridae Tschudi's False Coral Snake Oxyrhopus melanogenys melanogenys Squamata - Colubridae Black-headed Calico Snake Oxyrhopus petola Squamata - Colubridae Calico False Coral Snake; Forest Flame Snake; White-bellied False Coral Snake Oxyrhopus petola digitalis Squamata - Colubridae Banded Calico Snake Oxyrhopus rhombifer Squamata - Colubridae Amazon False Coral Snake Oxyrhopus trigeminus Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian False Coral Snake; South American Coral Mimic; Brazilian Calico Snake Mondnatter Oxyrhopus venezuelanus Squamata - Colubridae Amazon False Coral Snake Oxyuranus Squamata - Elapidae Taipans Taipane Oxyuranus microlepidotus Squamata - Elapidae Fierce Snake; Inland Taipan Schreckensotter; Inland Taipan


i 6053 e d i

Taipan; Taipan australiano Oxyuranus scutellatus Squamata - Elapidae Taipan; Coastal Taipan Taipan; Östlicher Taipan Taipan; Serpente bruno australiano


Pachydactylus kochii




e 6054 e d f

Pachydactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Thick-toed Geckos; Gecko (CSA) Dickfingergeckos Pachydactyles

6062 e

6063 6055 e

Pachydactylus austeni Squamata - Gekkonidae Austen Thick-toed Gecko; Austen's Gecko (CSA)


6064 6056 e

d f

6057 e

6058 e

6059 e

Pachydactylus bibronii Squamata - Gekkonidae Bibron's Thick-toed Gecko; Bibron's Gecko (CSA); Bibron's Clawless Gecko; Bibron's Thick-toed Rock Gecko; Bibron Gecko Bibrons Dickfingergecko Pachydactyle de Bibron; Gecko de Bibron Pachydactylus bicolor Squamata - Gekkonidae Two-coloured Thick-toed Gecko; Velvety Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus capensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Cape Thick-toed Gecko; Cape Gecko (CSA); Cape Ground Gecko (CSA); Cape Thick-toed Ground Gecko Pachydactylus capensis affinis Squamata - Gekkonidae Transvaal Gecko; Transvaal Thicktoed Gecko


6065 e 6066 e

6067 e

6068 e 6069 e


Pachydactylus capensis capensis

Squamata - Gekkonidae Cape Gecko; Cape Thick-toed Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus capensis oshauyghnessyi Squamata - Gekkonidae O'Shaughnessy's Gecko Pachydactylus capensis vansoni Squamata - Gekkonidae Van Son's Gecko; Van Son's Thicktoed Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus caraculicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Angola Thick-toed Gecko; Angolan Banded Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus fasciatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Striped Thick-toed Gecko; Banded Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus formosus Squamata - Gekkonidae Smith's Thick-toed Gecko Pachydactylus gaiasensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Brandberg Thick-toed Gecko; Brandberg Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus geitje Squamata - Gekkonidae Craddock Thick-toed Gecko; Ocellated Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus haackei Squamata - Gekkonidae Haacke's Thick-toed Gecko Pachydactylus kochii Squamata – Gekkonidae Cape Cross Thick-toed Gecko; Koch's Gecko (CSA)

Pachydactylus labialis

6070 e

Pachydactylus labialis Squamata - Gekkonidae Calvinia Thick-toed Gecko; Western Cape Gecko (CSA)



6079 6071 e

Pachydactylus laevigatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Fischer's Thick-toed Gecko; Buttonscaled Gecko (CSA)


6080 6072 e d 6073 e

6074 e

Pachydactylus maculatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Spotted Thick-toed Gecko; Spotted Gecko (CSA); Puff-adder Lizard Gefleckter Dickfingergecko Pachydactylus mariquensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Ceres Thick-toed Gecko; Marico Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus namaquensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Namaqua Thick-toed Gecko; Namaqua Gecko (CSA)


6081 e

6082 e

6083 6075 e

6076 e

6077 e


Pachydactylus oculatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Inland Thick-toed Gecko; Golden Spotted Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus oreophilus Squamata - Gekkonidae African Thick-toed Gecko; Kaokoveld Rock Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus punctatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Pointed Thick-toed Gecko; Speckled Gecko (CSA); Spotted Thick-toed Gecko; Spotted Ground Gecko (CSA); Spotted Thick-toed Ground Gecko; Speckled Thick-toed Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus rugosus


6084 e d 6085 e 6086 e

Squamata - Gekkonidae Wrinkled Thick-toed Gecko; Roughscaled Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus sansteyni Squamata - Gekkonidae Coastal Thick-toed Gecko; Sansteyn's Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus scutatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Shielded Thick-toed Gecko; Largescaled Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus serval Squamata - Gekkonidae Werner's Thick-toed Gecko; Western Spotted Gecko (CSA) Pachydactylus tetensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Zambezi Thick-toed Gecko; Tete Gecko (CSA); Zambezi Rock Gecko; Zambezi Thick-toed Rock Gecko Pachydactylus tigrinus Squamata - Gekkonidae Tiger Thick-toed Gecko; Tiger Gecko (CSA); Tiger Rock Gecko (CSA); Tigroid Thick-toed Gecko (CSA); Tiger Thick-toed Ground Gecko Pachydactylus tsodiloensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Tsodilo Thick-toed Gecko; Tsodilo Gecko (CSA) Tsodilo-Dickfingergecko Pachydactylus tuberculosus Squamata - Gekkonidae Warty Thick-toed Gecko Pachydactylus weberi Squamata - Gekkonidae Weber's Thick-toed Gecko;


Panaspis breviceps

Weber's Gecko (CSA) d 6087 e d

Palea Testudines - Trionychidae Wattleneck Turtles; Wattleneck Softshells; Wattle-necked Softshells Nackendornenweichschildkröten

f 6093 e

6088 e

d f 6089 e d f

Palea steindachneri Testudines - Trionychidae Wattleneck Turtle; Wattleneck Softshell; Wattle-necked Soft-shelled Turtle (NA); Wattle-necked Softshell Turtle; Spiny-necked Softshell Turtle; Wattle-necked Softshells Nackendornenweichschildkröte Trionyx à tubercules Paleosuchus Crocodylia - Alligatoridae Smooth-fronted Caimans; Dwarf Caimans Glattstirnkaimane Paléosuches; Caïmans à front lisse; Caïmans cuirassés

d f

6094 e

6095 e 6096

6090 e d f i

Paleosuchus palpebrosus Crocodylia - Alligatoridae Dwarf Caiman; Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman; Cuvier's Smooth-fronted Caiman; Musky Caiman Brauen-Glattstirnkaiman Caïman à paupières osseuses Caimano nano

e 6097 e

6098 6091 e d f

6092 e

Paleosuchus trigonotus Crocodylia - Alligatoridae Smooth-fronted Caiman; Schneider's Dwarf Caiman; Schneider's Smoothfronted Caiman Keilkopf-Glattstirnkaiman Caïman à front lisse; Caïman gris; Caiman de Schneider


Palmatogecko Squamata - Gekkonidae Namib Geckos; Web-footed Geckos



e 6100

(CSA) Namib-Geckos; Wüstengeckos; Sandgeckos Geckos du désert Palmatogecko rangei Squamata - Gekkonidae Namib Sand Gecko; Namib Webfooted Gecko; Web-footed Gecko (CSA) Namib-Gecko; Sandgecko; Wüstengecko; Schwimmfußgecko Gecko du désert; Gecko palmé des sables; Gecko palmé namibien; Gecko palmé de Namibie Palmatogecko vanzyli Squamata - Gekkonidae Namib Desert Gecko; Kaoko Webfooted Gecko Pamelaescincus Squamata - Scincidae Gardiner's Skinks Pamelaescincus gardinieri Squamata - Scincidae Gardinier's Skink Panaspis Squamata - Scincidae Lidless Skinks; Snake-eyed Skinks (CSA); African Lidless Skinks Panaspis africana Squamata - Scincidae Guinea Lidless Skink Panaspis annobonensis Squamata - Scincidae Annobon Lidless Skink Panaspis breviceps Squamata - Scincidae Peters's Lidless Skink

Panaspis cabindaee

6101 e

Panaspis cabindaee Squamata - Scincidae Cabinda Lidless Skink


e 6112

6102 e

Panaspis nimbaensis Squamata - Scincidae Ruwenzori Lidless Skink

e 6113

6103 e

6104 e 6105 e

Panaspis rohdei Squamata - Scincidae Gaboon Lidless Skink; Snake-eyed Skink Panaspis togoensis Squamata - Scincidae Togo Lidless Skink Panaspis wahlbergi Squamata - Scincidae Savanna Lidless Skink; Wahlberg's Snake-eyed Skink (CSA); Savannah Lidless Skink

e 6114 e 6115 e 6116 e

Pantodactylus Squamata - Teiidae Many-fingered Teiids


Pantodactylus quadrilineatus Squamata - Teiidae Lined Many-fingered Teiid


Pantodactylus schreibersii Squamata - Teiidae Schreibers's Many-fingered Teiid


Papuascincus Squamata - Scincidae Emo Skinks




Papuascincus buergersi Squamata - Scincidae Bürger's Emo Skink


Papuascincus morocana

6106 e 6107 e 6108 e 6109 e 6110






Squamata - Scincidae Morocco Emo Skink Paracontias Squamata - Scincidae Stone Skinks Paracontias brocchii Squamata - Scincidae Stone Skink Paracontias hildenbrandti Squamata - Scincidae Hildenbrandt's Skink Paracontias holomelas Squamata - Scincidae Anzahamaru Skink Paracontias milloti Squamata - Scincidae Nosy Mamoko Skink Paracontias rothschildi Squamata - Scincidae Rothschild's Skink Paradelma Squamata - Gekkonidae Queensland Legless Lizards Paradelma orientalis Squamata - Gekkonidae Queensland Legless Lizard Paragehyra Squamata - Gekkonidae Angel's Petite Geckos Paragehyra petiti Squamata - Gekkonidae Angel's Petite Gecko


Pareas margaritophorus

6122 e 6123 e 6124 e 6125 e

Parahydrophis Squamata - Elapidae Roux's Sea Snakes


Parahydrophis mertoni Squamata - Elapidae Roux's Sea Snake


Paranaja Squamata - Elapidae Many-banded Snakes Paranaja multifasciata Squamata - Elapidae Many-banded Snake; Burrowing Cobra


e d 6135 e 6136 e

6126 e

Parapistocalamus Squamata - Elapidae Hediger's Snakes

6137 e

6127 e

Parapistocalamus hedigeri Squamata - Elapidae Hediger's Snake

6138 e

6128 e

Parapostolepis Squamata - Colubridae Shingled Water Snakes

6139 e

6129 e

Parapostolepis polylepis Squamata - Colubridae Shingled Water Snake

6140 e

6130 e

Pararhabdophis Squamata - Colubridae Vietnam Water Snakes

6141 e

6131 e

Pararhabdophis chapaensis Squamata - Colubridae Vietnam Water Snake

6142 e

6132 e

Pararhadinea Squamata - Colubridae Madagascar Burrowing Snakes


Pararhadinea melanogaster Squamata - Colubridae Madagascar Burrowing Snake Pareas Squamata - Colubridae Asian Slug Snakes; Slug-eating Snakes; Slug Snakes Asiatische Schneckennattern Pareas boulengeri Squamata - Colubridae Boulenger's Slug Snake Pareas carinatus Squamata - Colubridae Keeled Slug Snake Pareas chinensis Squamata - Colubridae Chinese Slug Snake Pareas formosensis Squamata - Colubridae Formosa Slug Snake Pareas hamptoni Squamata - Colubridae Hampton's Slug Snake Pareas komaii Squamata - Colubridae Taiwan Slug Snake Pareas macularius Squamata - Colubridae Spotted Slug Snake Pareas margaritophorus Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Slug Snake; White-spotted Slug Snake Weißfleckenschneckennatten

Pareas monticola

6143 e

6144 e 6145 e 6146 e 6147 e

Pareas monticola Squamata - Colubridae Common Slug Snake; Cantor's Slug Snake; Snail Snake Pareas stanleyi Squamata - Colubridae Stanley's Slug Snake Pareas vertebralis Squamata - Colubridae Vertebral Slug Snake Paroedura Squamata - Gekkonidae Madagascar Ground Geckos Paroedura androyensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Grandidier's Madagascar Ground Gecko


e d f

6154 e 6155 e 6156 e d 6157

6148 e

6149 e 6150 e 6151 e 6152 e 6153

Paroedura bastardi Squamata - Gekkonidae Mocquard's Madagascar Ground Gecko Paroedura gracilis Squamata - Gekkonidae Graceful Madagascar Ground Gecko

e 6158 e d

Paroedura guibeae Squamata - Gekkonidae SouthernMadagascar Ground Gecko


Paroedura homalorhinus Squamata - Gekkonidae Northern Madagascar Ground Gecko


Paroedura oviceps Squamata - Gekkonidae Nosy Be Ground Gecko


Paroedura pictus





Squamata - Gekkonidae Madagascar Ground Gecko; Madagascar Big-headed Gecko; Ocelot Gecko Madagaskar-Großkopfgecko Gecko-panthère; Gecko à grosse tête; Gecko peint de Madagascar Paroedura sanctijohannis Squamata - Gekkonidae Comoro Ground Gecko Paroedura stumpffi Squamata - Gekkonidae Stumpff's Madagascar Ground Gecko Pedioplanis Squamata - Lacertidae Sand Lizards Wüstenrenner Pedioplanis benguelensis Squamata - Lacertidae Bocage's Sand Lizard Pedioplanis breviceps Squamata - Lacertidae Sternfeld's Sand Lizard; Shortheaded Sand Lizard (CSA) Kurzkopfwüstenrenner Pedioplanis burchelli Squamata - Lacertidae Burchell's Sand Lizard Pedioplanis gaerdesi Squamata - Lacertidae Mayer's Sand Lizard Pedioplanis husabensis Squamata - Lacertidae Husab Sand Lizard Pedioplanis inornata Squamata - Lacertidae


Pelomedusa subrufa e

6163 e 6164 e f

Plain Sand Lizard Pedioplanis laticeps Squamata - Lacertidae Cape Sand Lizard Pedioplanis lineoocellata Squamata - Lacertidae Spotted Sand Lizard; Ocellated Sand Lizard Lézard linéo-ocellé

d 6171 e

d f 6172

6165 e d f 6166 e 6167 e 6168 e d

Pedioplanis namaquensis Squamata - Lacertidae Namaqua Sand Lizard Namaqua-Wüstenrenner Lézard namaquensis Pedioplanis rubens Squamata - Lacertidae Ruben's Sand Lizard Pedioplanis undata Squamata - Lacertidae Western Sand Lizard Pelamis Squamata - Elapidae Pelagic Snakes; Pelagic Sea Snakes; Yellow-bellied Sea Snakes Plättchenseeschlangen


6173 e d 6174 e d f i 6175

6169 e


6170 e

Pelamis platurus Squamata - Elapidae Pelagic Snake; Pelagic Sea Snake; Yellow-bellied Sea Snake; Yellowbelly Sea Snake; Particoloured Sea Snake; Flat-tail (ISC); Black-and-yellow Sea Snake (ISC) Plättchenseeschlange; Hochseeschlange Pelochelys Testudines - Trionychidae Asian Giant Softshells

e d f i 6176 e

Riesenweichschildkröten Pelochelys bibroni Testudines - Trionychidae Asian Giant Softshell; Asian Giant Soft-shelled Turtle; Asian Giant Softshell Turtle; New Guinea Giant Softshell Turtle Riesenweichschildkröte Trionyx géant Pelochelys cantorii Testudines - Trionychidae Asian Giant Softshell Turtle; Cantor's Giant Softshell Turtle; Antipa Turtle; Blunt-headed Giant Softshell Turtle Pelodiscus Testudines - Trionychidae Chinese Softshells; Chinese Softshelled Turtles Chinesische Weichschildkröten Pelodiscus sinensis Testudines - Trionychidae Chinese Softshell Turtle; Chinese Soft-shelled Turtle; Spiny Softshell Turtle; Chinese Softshell Chinesische Weichschildkröte Trionyx de Chine Tartaruga a guscio molle cinese Pelomedusa Testudines - Pelomedusidae Helmeted Turtles; Helmeted Terrrapins Starrbrustpelomedusenschildkröten Péloméduses Pelomeduse; Pelomeduse africane Pelomedusa subrufa Testudines - Pelomedusidae Helmeted Turtle; African Helmeted Turtle; Helmeted Terrapin (CSA); Marsh Terrapin (CSA); Common African Helmeted Turtle; African Hingeless Terrapin; Cape Terrapin


d f i 6177 e d f i

6178 e d f 6179 e

d f i 6180 e d f i 6181

(CSA) Starrbrustschildkröte; Weißbrustpelomedusenschildkröte; Starrbrustpelomedusenschildkröte Tortue aquatique; Péloméduse roussâtre; Pélusios rougâtre Pelomedusa; Tartaruga elmetto Pelomedusidae Testudines Side-necked Turtles; Afro-American Side-necked Turtles; Hidden-neck Turtles; River Turtles Pelomedusenschildkröten Pélomédusidés Tartarughe con il collo di lato; Pelomedusidi Peltocephalus Testudines - Pelomedusidae Bighead Amazon River Turtles; Bigheaded River Turtles Duméril-Schienenschildkröten Peltocéphales Peltocephalus dumerilianus Testudines - Pelomedusidae Bighead Amazon River Turtle; Bigheaded Amazon River Turtle; Bigheaded Side-necked Turtle; Bigheaded River Turtle Duméril-Schienenschildkröte Peltocéphale; Podocnémide de Duméril Tartaruga capogrosso Pelusios Testudines - Pelomedusidae African Hinged Terrapins; Hinged Terrapins (CSA) Klappbrustpelomedusen Péluses Tartarughe scatola africane Pelusios adansonii Testudines - Pelomedusidae



d f

6182 e f 6183 e f 6184 e f i 6185 e

f i 6186 e

Adanson's Mud Turtle; Adanson's Turtle; Adanson's Terrapin; Sahelian Terrapin; Adanson's Hinged Terrrapin Weißbrustpelomedusenschildkröte; Weißbrustpelomeduse Péluse d'Adanson; Pélusios d'Adanson Pelusios bechuanicus Testudines - Pelomedusidae Okavango Mud Turtle; Okavanga Hinged Terrapin (CSA); Okavanga Terrapin; Fitzsimons's Terrapin Péluse de l'Okavango Pelusios broadleyi Testudines - Pelomedusidae Turkana Mud Turtle; Lake Turkana Mud Turtle; Broadley's Mud Terrapin; Kenya Mud Terrapin Péluse de Broadley Pelusios carinatus Testudines - Pelomedusidae African Keeled Mud Turtle; Laurent's Terrapin; Keel-backed Terrapin Péluse à dos caréné Tartaruga del fango africana carenata Pelusios castaneus Testudines - Pelomedusidae West African Mud Turtle; African Mud Turtle; Chestnut Hinged Terrapin (CSA); Schweigger's Terrapin; Chestnut Terrapin; Brown Hinged Terrapin; Swamp Hinged Terrapin Péluse de Schweigger; Pseudémyde Tartaruga del fango africana Pelusios castanoides Testudines - Pelomedusidae Yellowbelly Mud Turtle; Eastern Hinged Terrpin (CSA); Yellowbellied Mud Turtle; Bianconi's


Perochirus guentheri

i 6187 e

6188 e

d f

Terrapin; East African Yellowbellied Mud Turtle Tartaruga del fango gialla Pelusios chapini Testudines - Pelomedusidae Central African Mud Turtle; Centrtal African Giant Terrapin; Chapin's Terrapin Pelusios gabonsensis Testudines - Pelomedusidae African Forest Turtle; Gabon Turtle; African Forest Terrapin; Gabon Terrapin; African Black Terrapin; Gabon Hinged Terrapin Rückstreifenpelomedusenschildkröte; Rückenstreifenpelomeduse Péluse du Gabon; Pélusios noir


Seychelles Mud Turtle; Siebenrock's Terrapin; Seychelles Black Terrapin


Pelusios sinuatus Testudines - Pelomedusidae East African Serrated Mud Turtle; Serrated Turtle; Serrated Hinged Terrapin (CSA); Hinged Terrapin (CSA); Smith's Terrapin Gezähnelte Pelomedusenschildkröte; Gezähnelte Pelomeduse Péluse à bord sineux Pelusio a bordo sinuato


d f i 6194 e d

6189 e f 6190 e

d f i 6191 e


Pelusios nanus Testudines - Pelomedusidae African Dwarf Mud Turtle; African Dwarf Terrapin Péluse naine Pelusios niger Testudines - Pelomedusidae West African Black Turtle; West African Black Forest Turtle; West African Black Forest Terrapin; Black Terrapin; Hooked-beak Terrapin; African Black Terrapin; Black Hinged Terrapin Schwarze Pelomedusenschildkröte; Schwarze Pelomeduse Péluse à bec crochu; Pélusios noir Tartaruga di foresta africana nera Pelusios rhodesianus Testudines - Pelomedusidae Variable Mud Turtle; Mashona Hinged Terrapin(CSA); Hewitt's Terrapin Pelusios seychellensis Testudines - Pelomedusidae

f i 6195 e

6196 e f 6197 e 6198 e 6199

Pelusios subniger Testudines - Pelomedusidae East African Black Mud Turtle; Pan Hinged Terrapin (CSA); East African Side-necked Turtle Dunkle Pelomedusenschildkröte; Dunkle Pelomeduse Péluse noirâtre Pelusio nerastro Pelusios upembae Testudines - Pelomedusidae Upemba Mud Turtle; Upemba Basin Terrapin; Broadley's Terrapin Pelusios williamsi Testudines - Pelomedusidae Williams's Mud Turtle; Williams's African Mud Turtle; Lake Victoria Mud Turtle; Williams's Terrapin Péluse duLac Victoria Perochirus Squamata - Gekkonidae Tropical Geckos Perochirus ateles Squamata - Gekkonidae Duméril's Tropical Gecko Perochirus guentheri Squamata - Gekkonidae

Perochirus scutellatus


Günther'sTropical Gecko


Perochirus scutellatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Shielded Tropical Gecko

e 6201 e d 6202 e d f 6203 e 6204 e

Petrosaurus Squamata - Iguanaidae Rock Lizards; California Rock Lizards Felsensleguane Petrosaurus mearnsi Squamata - Iguanaidae Banded Rock Lizard Gebänderter Felsenleguan Streptosaure de Mearns Petrosaurus mearnsi mearnsi Squamata - Iguanaidae Mearns's Rock Lizard Petrosaurus thalassinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Baja California Rock Lizard


e d f 6209 e d 6210 e d 6211 e d

6212 e

6205 e

6206 e 6207 e d f 6208

Petrosaurus thalassinus repens Squamata - Iguanaidae Short-nosed Rock Lizard; Shortnose Rock Lizard Petrosaurus thalassinus thalassinus Squamata - Iguanaidae San Lucan Rock Lizard Phelsuma Squamata - Gekkonidae Day Geckos; Madagascar Green Geckos; Madagascar Day Geckos Taggeckos; Madagassische Taggeckos; Phelsumen Phelsumes; Geckos diurnes Phelsuma abbotti Squamata - Gekkonidae

6213 e 6214 e d f 6215 e f

Aldabra Day Gecko; Abbott's Gecko Taggecko; Aldabra-Taggecko; Olivgrüner Taggecko; SeychellenTaggecko Phelsumes des Seychelles Phelsuma andamenensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Andaman Day Gecko; Andaman Emerald Gecko (ISC); Emerald Gecko (ISC) Andamanen-Taggecko Phelsuma astriata Squamata - Gekkonidae Seychelles Day Gecko; Day Gecko Kleiner Seychellen-Taggecko Phelsuma barbouri Squamata - Gekkonidae Barbour's Day Gecko Barbour's Taggecko; Gebirgstaggecko Phelsuma befotakensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Northwestern Day Gecko Phelsuma borbonica Squamata - Gekkonidae Reunion Day Gecko Phelsuma cepediana Squamata - Gekkonidae Bluetail Day Gecko; Madagascar Gecko; Blue-tailed Day Gecko Blauschwanztaggecko; Blauschwanzphelsume Phelsuma Phelsuma chekei Squamata - Gekkonidae Northern Day Gecko Gecko diurne du Nord


Phelsuma nigristriata

6216 e d

Phelsuma comorensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Comoro Day Gecko Komoren-Taggecko

6225 e 6226

6217 e 6218 e d 6219 e 6220 e d 6221 e d

6222 e 6223 e 6224 e d

Phelsuma dubia Squamata - Gekkonidae Zanzibar Day Gecko Phelsuma flavigularis Squamata - Gekkonidae Yellow-throated Day Gecko Gelbkehliger Taggecko Phelsuma gigas Squamata - Gekkonidae Rodrigues's Day Gecko Phelsuma guentheri Squamata - Gekkonidae Round Island Day Gecko Günthers Taggecko Phelsuma guimbeaui Squamata - Gekkonidae Mauritius Day Gecko; Orangespotted Day Gecko (NA); Day Gecko Guimbeau-Taggecko; Guimbeaus Taggecko Phelsuma guimbeaui guimbeaui Squamata - Gekkonidae Guimbeau's Day Gecko Phelsuma guttata Squamata - Gekkonidae Speckled Day Gecko Phelsuma laticauda Squamata - Gekkonidae Broad-tailed Day Gecko; Madagascar Gecko Goldstaubtaggecko; Flachschwanztaggecko

e d f

6227 e d


6228 e f 6229 e 6230 e f 6231 e d f 6232

Phelsuma laticauda laticauda Squamata - Gekkonidae Gold-dust Day Gecko Phelsuma lineata Squamata - Gekkonidae Striped Day Gecko; Lined Day Gecko Streifentaggecko Gecko diurne à ligne; Gecko diurne ligné; Gecko diurne à bande Phelsuma madagascariensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Madagascar Day Gecko; Madagascar Gecko; Giant Day Gecko; Grandis Day Gecko Großer Madagaskar-Taggecko; Madagassischer Taggecko; Madagassischer Großer Taggecko; Großer Taggecko Phelsume de Madagascar; Gecko diurne géant Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis Squamata - Gekkonidae Madagascar Giant Day Gecko Gecko diurne géant de Madagascar Phelsuma minuthi Squamata - Gekkonidae Borner's Day Gecko Phelsuma modesta Squamata - Gekkonidae Modest Day Gecko Gecko diurne modeste Phelsuma mutabilis Squamata - Gekkonidae Thicktail Day Gecko Veränderlicher Taggecko Gecko diurne à queue fine Phelsuma nigristriata Squamata - Gekkonidae

Phelsuma ocellata

e d

Island Day Gecko Schwarzstreifentaggecko


6241 d

6233 e

6234 e f 6235 e 6236 e d f

Phelsuma ocellata Squamata - Gekkonidae Ocellated Day Gecko; Namaqua Day Gecko (CSA)


Phelsuma ornata Squamata - Gekkonidae Ornate Day Gecko; Day Gecko Gecko diurne orné de Mauritius


Phelsuma parkeri Squamata - Gekkonidae Parker's Day Gecko Phelsuma quadriocellata Squamata - Gekkonidae Peacock Day Gecko Augenflecktaggecko; Pfauenaugentaggecko; Pfauenaugetaggecko Phelsume à quatre ocelles

e d

e 6244 e d 6245 e d 6246

6237 e d 6238 e d 6239 e d 6240 e d

Phelsuma robertmertensi Squamata - Gekkonidae Mertens's Day Gecko Mertens-Taggecko Phelsuma serraticauda Squamata - Gekkonidae Serrated Day Gecko Sägeschwanztaggecko Phelsuma standingi Squamata - Gekkonidae Standing's Day Gecko Standing-Taggecko Phelsuma sundbergi Squamata - Gekkonidae Seychelles Giant Day Gecko Großer Seychellen-Taggecko

e 6247 e 6248 e 6249 e 6250 e

Phelsuma sundbergi ladiguensis Squamata - Gekkonidae La-Digue-Taggecko Phelsuma sundbergi sundbergi Squamata - Gekkonidae Seychelles Giant Day Gecko Großer Seychellen-Taggecko Phelsuma trilieanta Squamata - Gekkonidae Three-lined Day Gecko Phelsuma v-nigra Squamata - Gekkonidae Indian Day Gecko Komoren-Zwergtaggecko Phenacosaurus Squamata - Iguanaidae Andes Anoles; False Anoles Anden-Anolis Phenacosaurus heterodermus Squamata - Iguanaidae Flat Andes Anole Phenacosaurus neblinae Squamata - Iguanaidae Myers's Andes Anole Phenacosaurus nicefori Squamata - Iguanaidae Nicéforo's Andes Anole Phenacosaurus orcesi Squamata - Iguanaidae Orces's Andes Anole Phenacosaurus richteri Squamata - Iguanaidae Richter's Andes Anole


Philodryas olfersii

6251 e

6252 e 6253 e

Philochortus Squamata - Lacertidae Orangetail Lizards; Shield-backed Ground Lizards Philochortus hardeggeri Squamata - Lacertidae Hardegger's Orangetail Lizard Philochortus intermedia Squamata - Lacertidae Southern Orangetail Lizard; Southern Shield-backed Ground Lizard

6261 e 6262 e d

6263 e

6254 e

Philochortus lhotei Squamata - Lacertidae Lhote Orangetail Lizard

6264 e

6255 e

6256 e 6257 e 6258 e 6259 e d

Philochortus neumanni Squamata - Lacertidae Neumann's Orangetail Lizard; Neumann's Lizard Philochortus phillipsii Squamata - Lacertidae Phillips's Orangetail Lizard Philochortus spinalis Squamata - Lacertidae Eritrea Orangetail Lizard Philochortus zolli Squamata - Lacertidae Scortecci's Orangetail Lizard Philodryas Squamata - Colubridae Green Racers; Cobra-cipos; Palm Snakes Grüne Strauchnattern

6265 e 6266 e 6267 e 6268 e 6269 e 6270

6260 e

Philodryas aestivus Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian Green Racer

e d

Philodryas arnaldoi Squamata - Colubridae Arnaldo's Green Racer Philodryas baroni Squamata - Colubridae Baron's Green Racer Langnasenstrauchnatter; Argentinische Langnasenstrauchnatter Philodryas burmeisteri Squamata - Colubridae Burmeister's Green Racer Philodryas carbonelli Squamata - Colubridae Roze's Green Racer Philodryas chamissonis Squamata - Colubridae Chilean Green Racer Philodryas elegans Squamata - Colubridae Elegant Green Racer Philodryas inca Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Green Racer Philodryas mattogrossensis Squamata - Colubridae Miranda Green Racer Philodryas nattereri Squamata - Colubridae Paraguay Green Racer Philodryas olfersii Squamata - Colubridae Lichtenstein's Green Racer Grüne Strauchnatter

Philodryas olfersii herbeus

6271 e 6272 e 6273 e 6274 e 6275 e 6276 e 6277 e 6278 e

6279 e d

6280 e


Philodryas olfersii herbeus Squamata - Colubridae Green-bellied Palm Snake


Philodryas oligolepis Squamata - Colubridae Gomes's Green Racer


Philodryas patagoniensis Squamata - Colubridae Patagonia Green Racer


Philodryas psammophideus Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Green Racer






Philodryas simonsi Squamata - Colubridae Simon's Green Racer


Philodryas tachymenoides Squamata - Colubridae Schmidt's Green Racer


Philodryas varius Squamata - Colubridae Jan's Green Racer Philodryas viridissimus Squamata - Colubridae Common Green Racer; Green Palm Snake Philothamnus Squamata - Colubridae African Green Snakes; Green Bush Snakes; Bush Snakes Grüne Buschschlangen; Grüne Buschnattern; Grünnattern Philothamnus angolensis Squamata - Colubridae Angola Green Snake; Western Green Snake (CSA)



6287 e 6288 e

6289 e 6290 e

Philothamnus battersbyi Squamata - Colubridae Battersby's Green Snake Philothamnus bequaerti Squamata - Colubridae Bequaert's Green Snake Philothamnus carinatus Squamata - Colubridae Thirteen-scaled Green Snake Philothamnus dorsalis Squamata - Colubridae Striped Green Snake; Striped Wood Snake Philothamnus girardi Squamata - Colubridae Girard's Green Snake Philothamnus heterodermus Squamata - Colubridae Variable Green Snake; Thirteenscaled Snake Philothamnus heterolepidotus Squamata - Colubridae Slender Green Snake Philothamnus hoplogaster Squamata - Colubridae Southeastern Green Snake (CSA); Green Water Snake (CSA); Common Green Water Snake (CSA); Common Green Bush Snake Philothamnus hughesi Squamata - Colubridae Hughes's Green Snake Philothamnus irregularis Squamata - Colubridae Western Green Snake (CSA); Northern Green Bush Snake;


Pholidobolus anomalus

d 6291 e 6292 e

Northern Green Snake (CSA) Grüne Sumpfschlange

e d

Philothamnus macrops Squamata - Colubridae Usambara Green Snake


Philothamnus natalensis Squamata - Colubridae East Natal Green Snake; Natal Green Water Snake; Natal Green Bush Snake




6302 6293 e

Philothamnus natalensis natalensis Squamata - Colubridae Natal Green Snake (CSA)

e 6303


e 6295 e 6296 e 6297 e

6298 e

d 6299

Philothamnus natalensis occidentalis Squamata - Colubridae Natal Green Snake (CSA) Philothamnus nitidus Squamata - Colubridae Green Bush Snake Philothamnus ornatus Squamata - Colubridae Ornate Green Snake Philothamnus punctatus Squamata - Colubridae Spotted Green Snake; Green Bush Snake Philothamnus semivariegatus Squamata - Colubridae Variegated Green Snake; Spotted Bush Snake (CSA); Green Bush Snake; Variegated Bush Snake (CSA); Bush Snake (CSA) Gefleckte Buschschlange Phimophis Squamata - Colubridae

e 6304 e 6305 e 6306 e 6307 e 6308 e 6309 e

Pampas Snakes Schnauzennattern Phimophis guerini Squamata - Colubridae Argentine Pampas Snake Phimophis guianensis Squamata - Colubridae Troschel's Pampas Snake; Southern Hook-nosed Snake Phimophis iglesias Squamata - Colubridae Gomes's Pampas Snake Phimophis vittatus Squamata - Colubridae Banded Pampas Snake Phoboscincus Squamata - Scincidae Garnier's Skinks Phoboscincus garnieri Squamata - Scincidae Garnier's Skink Pholidobolus Squamata - Teiidae Pholidoboluses Pholidobolus affinis Squamata - Teiidae Peters's Pholidobolus Pholidobolus annectens Squamata - Teiidae Parker's Pholidobolus Pholidobolus anomalus Squamata - Teiidae Strange Pholidobolus

Pholidobolus macbrydei

6310 e 6311 e d

Pholidobolus macbrydei Squamata - Teiidae MacBryde's Pholidobolus Pholidobolus montium Squamata - Teiidae Mountain Pholidobolus Zwergteju; Gebirgszwergteju


d f

6320 e 6321

6312 e

Pholidobolus prefrontalis Squamata - Teiidae Montanucci's Pholidobolus

e 6322

6313 e d

Phoxophrys Squamata - Agamidae Eyebrow Lizards; Eyebrowed Lizards Borneo-Bergagamen

e 6323 e

6314 e

Phoxophrys borneensis Squamata - Agamidae Sabah's Eyebrow Lizard

6324 e

6315 e

Phoxophrys cephalum Squamata - Agamidae Mocquard's Eyebrow Lizard

6325 e

6316 e

Phoxophrys nigrilabris Squamata - Agamidae Black-lipped Eyebrow Lizard

6326 e

6317 e d 6318 e 6319 e

Phoxophrys spiniceps Squamata - Agamidae Sarawak Eyebrow Lizard Borneo-Bergagame

6327 e

Phoxophrys tuberculata Squamata - Agamidae Hubrecht's Eyebrow Lizard


Phrynocephalus Squamata - Agamidae Toadhead Agamas; Toad Agamas (ISC); Toad-headed Agamas




Krötenkopfagamen; Krötenköpfe Agames à tête de crapaud; Phrynocéphales Phrynocephalus acutirostris Squamata - Agamidae Sharpnose Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus alpherakii Squamata - Agamidae Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus alticola Squamata - Agamidae Jammu Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus arabicus Squamata - Agamidae Arabian Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus arcellazzii Squamata - Agamidae Central Asian Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus axillaris Squamata - Agamidae Greater Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus birulai Squamata - Agamidae Tsarewsky's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus blanfordi Squamata - Agamidae Blanford's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus carinilabris Squamata - Agamidae Lesser Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus ciliaris Squamata - Agamidae Cryptic Toadhead Agama


Phrynocephalus ludovici

6330 e

Phrynocephalus clarcorum Squamata - Agamidae Afghan Toadhead Agama

i 6340

6331 e

Phrynocephalus elegans Squamata - Agamidae Elegant Toadhead Agama

e 6341

6332 e 6333 e

6334 e

Phrynocephalus erythrurus Squamata - Agamidae Zugmayer's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus euptilopus Squamata - Agamidae Pakistan Toadhead Agama; Indian Desert Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus forsythii Squamata - Agamidae Forsyth's Toadhead Agama

e d f i 6342 e d 6343

6335 e

6336 e 6337 e 6338 e 6339 e d f

Phrynocephalus frontalis Squamata - Agamidae Shansi Toadhead Agama; Shansi Sand Lizard Phrynocephalus geckoides Squamata - Agamidae Gecko Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi Squamata - Agamidae Grumgrzimail's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus guetheri Squamata - Agamidae Günther's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus guttatus Squamata - Agamidae Spotted Toadhead Agama; Spotted Toad Agama Gefleckter Krötenkopf; Schwanzroller Phrynocéphale caudivolvue;

e 6344 e 6345 e 6346 e 6347 e 6348 e

Phrynocéphale tacheté Frinocefallo guttato Phrynocephalus haeckeli Squamata - Agamidae Haeckel's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus helioscopus Squamata - Agamidae Sunwatcher Toadhead Agama; Sunwatcher Sonnengucker Phrynocéphale hélioscope Frinocefallo elioscopo Phrynocephalus interscapularis Squamata - Agamidae Lichtenstein's Toadhead Agama Stachelkopf Phrynocephalus isseli Squamata - Agamidae Issel's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus koslowi Squamata - Agamidae Koslow's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus kuschakewitschi Squamata - Agamidae Bédriaga's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus laungwalensis Squamata - Agamidae Rajasthan Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus lidskii Squamata - Agamidae Tibetan Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus ludovici Squamata - Agamidae Ludovic's Toadhead Agama

Phrynocephalus luteoguttatus

6349 e

6350 e d f 6351 e d f i 6352 e d 6353 e d f 6354 e 6355 e 6356

Phrynocephalus luteoguttatus Squamata - Agamidae Yellow-speckled Toadhead Agama; Yellow-speckled Toad Agama Phrynocephalus maculatus Squamata - Agamidae Blacktail Toadhead Agama; Blacktailed Toad Agama Gefleckte Krötenkopfagame; Gefleckter Krötenkopf Phrynocéphale tacheté Phrynocephalus mystaceus Squamata - Agamidae Secret Toadhead Agama; Toadheaded Agama Bärtiger Krötenkopf; Ohrenkrötenkopf Phrynocéphale barbé; Phrynocéphale à oreilles; Phrynocéphale à moustache; Agame des sables Frinocefallo mustacchino Phrynocephalus nejdensis Squamata - Agamidae Haas's Toadhead Agama; Toadheaded Agama Arabische Krötenagame Phrynocephalus ornatus Squamata - Agamidae Striped Toadhead Agama; Striped Toad Agama Schmuckkrötenkopf Phrynocéphale orné Phrynocephalus parvulus Squamata - Agamidae Slight Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus przewalskii Squamata - Agamidae Przewalski's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus pylzowi


e 6357 e 6358 e d f 6359 e 6360 e d 6361 e 6362 e 6363 e 6364 e 6365 e 6366

Squamata - Agamidae Pylzow's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus reldae Squamata - Agamidae Hidden Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus reticulatus Squamata - Agamidae Reticulate Toadhead Agama Netzkrötenkopfagame Phrynocéphale réticulé Phrynocephalus roborowskii Squamata - Agamidae Roborowski's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus rossikowi Squamata - Agamidae Uzbekistan Toadhead Agama Kisyl-Kum-Krötenkopf Phrynocephalus rostralis Squamata - Agamidae Tzarewsky's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus salenskyi Squamata - Agamidae Salensky's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus scutellatus Squamata - Agamidae Grey Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus sogdianus Squamata - Agamidae Tadjikistan Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus steindachneri Squamata - Agamidae Steindachner's Toadhead Agama Phrynocephalus theobaldi Squamata - Agamidae


Phrynops raniceps e d f

Himalaya Toadhead Agama Himalaja-Krötenkopf Phrynocéphale de Théobald


Phrynocephalus versicolor Squamata - Agamidae Tuva Toadhead Agama

e 6368 e 6369 e d f 6370 e d


6371 e

d f i 6372 e

Phrynocephalus vlangalii Squamata - Agamidae Ching-Hai Toadhead Agama Phrynops Testudines - Chelidae Toadhead Turtles; Toad-headed Turtles Krötenkopfschildkröten; Froschkopfschildkröten Batrachémydes; Platémydes Phrynops dahli Testudines - Chelidae Dahl's Toadhead Turtle; Dahl's Toadheaded Turtle; Colombian Toadheaded Turtle Kolumbianische Froschkopfschildkròte; Kolumbianische Krötenkopfkopfschildkröte Batrachémyde de Dahl; Platémyde de Dahl Phrynops geoffroanus Testudines - Chelidae Geoffroy's Sideneck Turtle; Geoffrey's Side-necked Turtle; Dark Frog-headed Turtle; Geoffroy's Sidenecked Turtle; Spotted Toad-headed Turtle Dunkle Krötenkopfschildkröte Platémyde de Geoffroy; Batrachémyde de Geoffroy Tartaruga di Geoffroy Phrynops gibbus Testudines - Chelidae Gibba Turtle; South American Gibba

d f i

6373 e d f i 6374 e f

6375 e

d f i 6376 e f

Turtle; Keel-backed Side-necked Turtle; Lesser Toad-headed Turtle Buckelkrötenkopfschildkröte; Buckelschildkröte Platémyde bossue; Batrachémyde bossue Tartaruga gobbosa dell'America del sud Phrynops hilarii Testudines - Chelidae Hilaire's Sideneck Turtle; Hilaire's Side-necked Turtle; Spot-bellied Side-necked Turtle Hellrandige Krötenkopfschildkröte Platémyde de Saint-Hilaire; Batrachémyde de Saint-Hilaire Tartaruga di Hilary Phrynops hogei Testudines - Chelidae Hoge's Sideneck Turtle; Hoge's Sidenecked Turtle Platémyde de Hoge; Batrachémyde de Hoge Phrynops nasutus Testudines - Chelidae Common Toadhead Turtle; Common Toad-headed Turtle; American Toadheaded Turtle; Common Toadheaded Side-necked Turtle Gewöhnliche Krötenkopfschildkröte; Gewöhnliche Froschkopfschildkröte Platémyde de Schweigger; Batrachémyde de Schweigger; Tortue à tête de crapaud Tartaruga testa di rospo Phrynops raniceps Testudines - Chelidae Amazon Toadhead Turtle; Amazon Toad-headed Turtle; Greater Toadheaded Turtle Platémyde de l'Amazone; Batrachémyde de l'Amazone

Phrynops rufipes

6377 e

d f

6378 e f

6379 e d f

6380 e f

6381 e


6382 e d

Phrynops rufipes Testudines - Chelidae Red Sideneck Turtle; Red-footed Amazon Side-necked Turtle; Red Turtle; Red Amazon Side-necked Turtle; Red-headed Side-necked Turtle; Red Toad-headed Turtle Rote Krötenkopfschildkröte Platémyde à pieds rouges; Batrachémyde à pieds rouges Phrynops tuberculatus Testudines - Chelidae Tuberculate Toadhead Turtle; Tuberculate Toad-headed Turtle Platémyde à tubercules; Batrachémyde à tubercules Phrynops tuberosus Testudines - Chelidae Peters's Side-necked Turtle Peters Krötenkopfschildkröte Platémyde à dos rugueux; Batrachémyde à dos rugueux Phrynops vanderhaegei Testudines - Chelidae Vanderhaege's Toadhead Turtle; Vanderhaege's Toad-headed Turtle Platémyde de Vanderhaege; Batrachémyde de Vanderhaege Phrynops williams Testudines - Chelidae Williams's Sideneck Turtle; Williams's Side-necked Turtle; Williams's South American Toadheaded Turtle Platémyde de Williams; Batrachémyde de Williams Phrynops zuliae Testudines - Chelidae Zulia Toadhead Turtle; Zulia Toadheaded Turtle; Zulia Toad-headed Side-necked Turtle Zulia-Krötenkopfschildkröte



6383 e 6384 e 6385 e 6386 e 6387 e d f

6388 e d 6389 e

6390 e 6391 e

Platémyde de Zulia; Batrachémyde de Zulia Phrynosaura Squamata - Iguanaidae Tree Iguanas Phrynosaura audituvelatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Tree Iguana Phrynosaura reichei Squamata - Iguanaidae Reich's Tree Iguana Phrynosaura stolzmanni Squamata - Iguanaidae Stolzmann'sTree Iguana Phrynosoma Squamata - Iguanaidae Horned Lizards; American Horned Lizards; Horny Toads (NA) Krötenechsen Phrynosomes; Lézards cornues; Lézards-crapaud Phrynosoma asio Squamata - Iguanaidae Giant Horned Lizard; Long-spined Horned Lizard Riesenkrötenechse Phrynosoma braconnieri Squamata - Iguanaidae Short-tail Horned Lizard; Braconnier's Horned Lizard Phrynosoma cerroense Squamata - Iguanaidae Cedros Island Horned Lizard Phrynosoma cornutum Squamata - Iguanaidae Texas Horned Lizard


Phrynosoma platyrhinhos d f

Texas-Krötenechse Phrynosome de Texas

Horned Lizard 6399

6392 e d f 6393 e

Phrynosoma cornutum blainvillei Squamata - Iguanaidae San Diego Horned Lizard; Pacific Horned Toad (NA) Texas-Kröte Lézard cornu de San Diego Phrynosoma cornutum frontale Squamata - Iguanaidae California Horned Lizard

e 6400 e

6401 e

6394 e d f

6395 e

d f

6396 e

Phrynosoma coronatum Squamata - Iguanaidae Coast Horned Lizard; Pacific Horned Lizard Kronenkrötenechse; Nordamerikanische Krötenechse Phrynosome de la côte; Phrynosome couronné; Tapaya Phrynosoma douglassii Squamata - Iguanaidae Short-horned Lizard; Douglass's Horned Lizard (NA); Pygmy Horned Lizard; Pigmy Short-horned Lizard (NA) Nordamerikanische Kurzhornkrötenechse; Kurzhornkrötenechse Phrynosome de Douglas; Iguane à petities cornues Phrynosoma douglassii brevirostre Squamata - Iguanaidae Eastern Short-horned Lizard

6402 e d f 6403 e d f 6404 e f 6405

6397 e 6398


Phrynosoma douglassii douglassii Squamata - Iguanaidae Pygmy Shorthorned Lizard Phrynosoma douglassii ornatissimum Squamata - Iguanaidae Desert Short-horned Lizard; Painted

e d f

Phrynosoma douglassii ornatum Squamata - Iguanaidae Salt Lake Short-horned Lizard Phrynosoma hernandesi Squamata - Iguanaidae Mountain Short-horned Lizard; Greater Short-horned Lizard Phrynosoma hernandesi hernandesi Squamata - Iguanaidae Hernandez Horned Lizard Phrynosoma mcallii Squamata - Iguanaidae Flat-tail Horned Lizard; Flat-tailed Horned Lizard; McCall's Horned Lizard Flachschwanzkrötenechse Phrynosome à queue plate Phrynosoma modestum Squamata - Iguanaidae Roundtail Horned Lizard; Little Bleached Horned Lizard; Roundtailed Horned Lizard Rundschwanzkrötenechse Phrynosome à queue ronde Phrynosoma orbiculare Squamata - Iguanaidae Mountain Horned Lizard; Mexican Horned Lizard; Red Horned Lizard Phrynosome orbiculaire Phrynosoma platyrhinhos Squamata - Iguanaidae Desert Horned Lizard; Smooth Horned Lizard (NA) Wüstenkrötenechse Phrynosome du désert

Phrynosoma platyrhinhos calidiarum


e 6407 e 6408 e 6409 e d f 6410 e 6411 e d f 6412 e 6413 e 6414 e 6415

Phrynosoma platyrhinhos calidiarum Squamata - Iguanaidae Southern Desert Horned Lizard Phrynosoma platyrhinhos goodei Squamata - Iguanaidae Goode's Desert Horned Lizard Phrynosoma platyrhinos platyrhinos Squamata - Iguanaidae Northern Desert Horned Lizard Phrynosoma solare Squamata - Iguanaidae Regal Horned Lizard; Southern Desert Horned Lizard Vierhornkrötenechse; Königskrötenechse Phrynosome royal Phrynosoma taurus Squamata - Iguanaidae Mexican Horned Lizard Phyllodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Leaf-toed Geckos Blattfingergeckos Phyllodactyles Phyllodactylus angustidigitus Squamata - Gekkonidae Narrow Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus ansorgii Squamata - Gekkonidae Angola Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus apricus Squamata - Gekkonidae Las Animas Island Gecko Phyllodactylus barringtonensis


e 6416 e 6417 e 6418 e

6419 e 6420 e 6421 e 6422 e 6423 e 6424 e 6425 e

Squamata - Gekkonidae Barrington Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus baurii Squamata - Gekkonidae Baur's Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus bordai Squamata - Gekkonidae Guerreran Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus bugastrolepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Catalina Island Leaf-toed Gecko; Santa Catalina Island Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus clinatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Cerro Illescas Gecko Phyllodactylus darwini Squamata - Gekkonidae Darwin's Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus davisi Squamata - Gekkonidae Davis's Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus delcampoi Squamata - Gekkonidae Del Campo's Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus dixoni Squamata - Gekkonidae Dixons Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus duellmani Squamata - Gekkonidae Duellman's Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus europaeus Squamata - Gekkonidae European Leaf-toed Gecko; Leaf-


Phyllodactylus muralis

d f


fingered Gecko; European Leaffingered Gecko Europäischer Blattfingergecko; Europäischer Blattfinger Phyllodactyle européen; Phyllodactyle d'Europe; Gecko à doigt en forme de feuille; Phyllodactyle Tarantolino; Fillodattilo europeo

6435 e 6436 e 6437

6426 e

Phyllodactylus galapagensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Galapagos Leaf-toed Gecko

e 6438

6427 e

Phyllodactylus gerrhopygus Squamata - Gekkonidae South American Leaf-toed Gecko

e 6439

6428 e

Phyllodactylus gilberti Squamata - Gekkonidae Gilbert's Leaf-toed Gecko

e 6440

6429 e 6430 e 6431 e 6432 e 6433 e 6434 e

Phyllodactylus heterurus Squamata - Gekkonidae Tarapaca Leaf-toed Gecko


Phyllodactylus homolepidurus Squamata - Gekkonidae Sonoran Leaf-toed Gecko


Phyllodactylus inaequalis Squamata - Gekkonidae Peru Leaf-toed Gecko


Phyllodactylus insularis Squamata - Gekkonidae Belize Leaf-toed Gecko





Phyllodactylus interandinus Squamata - Gekkonidae Antilles Leaf-toed Gecko


Phyllodactylus johnwrighti Squamata - Gekkonidae Rio Huancabamba Leaf-toed Gecko



Phyllodactylus julieni Squamata - Gekkonidae Aruba Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus kofordi Squamata - Gekkonidae Coastal Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus lanei Squamata - Gekkonidae Lane's Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus leei Squamata - Gekkonidae Chatham Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus lepidopygus Squamata - Gekkonidae Western Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus lineata Squamata - Gekkonidae Lined Leaf-toed Gecko; Lined Day Gecko Phyllodactylus martini Squamata - Gekkonidae Dutch Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus melanostictus Squamata - Gekkonidae Thai Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus microlepidotus Squamata - Gekkonidae Fitzsimons's Leaf-toed Gecko; Smallscaled Leaf-toed Gecko (CSA) Phyllodactylus microphyllus Squamata - Gekkonidae Central Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus muralis Squamata - Gekkonidae

Phyllodactylus nocticolus

e i

6446 e

6447 e

6448 e

6449 e 6450 e

Oaxacan Leaf-toed Gecko Lucertola degli muragli; Lucertola muraiola Phyllodactylus nocticolus Squamata - Gekkonidae Insular Leaf-toed Gecko; Peninsular Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus palmeus Squamata - Gekkonidae Honduras Leaf-toed Gecko; Bay Islands Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus partidus Squamata - Gekkonidae Partida Norte Leaf-toed Gecko; Partida Norte Island Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus paucituberculatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Rio Marquez Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus peringueyi Squamata - Gekkonidae Péringuey's Leaf-toed Gecko


e 6455 e 6456 e 6457 e 6458 e 6459 e d 6460 e

6451 e f 6452 e f 6453 e 6454

Phyllodactylus porphyreus Squamata - Gekkonidae Daudin's Leaf-toed Gecko; Marbled Leaf-toed Gecko (CSA); Marbled Gecko Phyllodactyle porphyré Phyllodactylus pulcher Squamata - Gekkonidae Barbados Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactyle gentille Phyllodactylus pumilus Squamata - Gekkonidae Ecuador Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus reissi Squamata - Gekkonidae

6461 e 6462 e 6463 e f 6464

Peters's Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus riebecki Squamata - Gekkonidae Riebeck's Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus rutteni Squamata - Gekkonidae Venezuela Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus santacruzensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Santa Cruz Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus sentosus Squamata - Gekkonidae Lima Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus siamensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Siamese Leaf-toed Gecko Siamesischer Blattfingergecko Phyllodactylus tincklei Squamata - Gekkonidae Raza Island Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus trachyrhinus Squamata - Gekkonidae Boulenger's Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus transversalis Squamata - Gekkonidae Colombian Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus tuberculosus Squamata - Gekkonidae Yellow-belly Gecko; Common Leaftoed Gecko; Yellowbelly Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactyle tuberculeux Phyllodactylus unctus Squamata - Gekkonidae


Phyllorhynchus decurtatus perkinsi e

6465 e 6466 e

6467 e f 6468 e

San Lucan Gecko; San Lucan Leaftoed Gecko Phyllodactylus ventralis Squamata - Gekkonidae Margarita Leaf-toed Gecko Phyllodactylus wirshingi Squamata - Gekkonidae Puerto Rican Leaf-toed Gecko; Antillean Banded Gecko

e d f 6475 e

d f

Phyllodactylus xanti Squamata - Gekkonidae Leaf-toed Gecko; Cape Leaf-toed Gecko; Peninsular Leaf-toed Gecko Gecko phyllodactyle américain


Phyllodactylus xanti nocticolus Squamata - Gekkonidae Peninsular Leaf-toed Gecko



e 6469 e

Phyllodactylus xanti xanti Squamata - Gekkonidae Cape Leaf-toed Gecko; Xantus Leaftoed Gecko

6478 e

6470 e

Phyllodactylus xanti zweifeli Squamata - Gekkonidae Santa Margarita Island Leaf-toed Gecko

d f 6479

6471 e 6472 e 6473 e 6474

Phyllopezus Squamata - Gekkonidae Brazilian Geckos Phyllopezus periosus Squamata - Gekkonidae Peraiba Gecko Phyllopezus pollicaris Squamata - Gekkonidae Brazilian Gecko Phyllorhynchus

e 6480 e

6481 e

Squamata - Colubridae Leafnose Snakes; Leaf-nosed Snakes Blattnasennattern Couleuvres à nez foliacé Phyllorhynchus browni Squamata - Colubridae Saddled Leafnose Snake; Saddled Leaf-nosed Snake; Saddle Leafnose Snake; Brown Leaf-nosed Snake; Pima Leaf-nosed Snake Geringelte Blattnasennatter Couleuvre à nez foliacé de Brown Phyllorhynchus browni browni Squamata - Colubridae Pima Leafnose Snake; Pima Leafnosed Snake Phyllorhynchus browni lucidus Squamata - Colubridae Maricopa Leafnose Snake; Maricopa Leaf-nosed Snake Phyllorhynchus decurtatus Squamata - Colubridae Spotted Leafnose Snake; Spotted Leaf-nosed Snake; Leaf-nosed Snake Gefleckte Blattnasennatter Couleuvre à nez foliacé tachetée Phyllorhynchus decurtatus decurtatus Squamata - Colubridae Baja California Leaf-nosed Snake Phyllorhynchus decurtatus nubilis Squamata - Colubridae Clouded Leafnose Snake; Clouded Leaf-nosed Snake; Cloudy Leafnosed Snake Phyllorhynchus decurtatus perkinsi Squamata - Colubridae Western Leafnose Snake; Western Leaf-nosed Snake


6482 e d

Phyllurus Squamata - Gekkonidae Leaftail Geckos; Leaf-tailed Geckos Blattschwanzgeckos


6491 e 6492

6483 e 6484 e d

6485 e d f

Phyllurus caudiannulatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Barred Leaftail Gecko Phyllurus cornutus Squamata - Gekkonidae Northern Leaftail Gecko; Northern Leaf-tailed Gecko (ANZ) Hornblattschwanzgecko; Blattschwanzgecko Phyllurus platurus Squamata - Gekkonidae Southern Leaftail Gecko; Southern Leaf-tailed Gecko (ANZ) Breitschwanzgecko Gecko du Sud à queue-en-feuille

e d f i 6493 e d f

6494 6486 e 6487 e d 6488 e 6489 e d

Phyllurus salebrosus Squamata - Gekkonidae Tuberculate Leaftail Gecko Phymaturus Squamata - Iguanaidae Mountain Lizards Hochgebirgsleguane Phymaturus mallimaccii Squamata - Iguanaidae Thorntail Mountain Lizard Phymaturus palluma Squamata - Iguanaidae High Mountain Lizard; Dwarf Chilean Chuckwalla Hochgebirgsleguan


d f

6495 e 6496 e 6497

6490 e

Phymaturus patagonicus Squamata - Iguanaidae Patagonia Mountain Lizard


Phymaturus punae Squamata - Iguanaidae Cei's Mountain Lizard Physignathus Squamata - Agamidae Water Dragons; Water Lizards Wasseragamen; Wasserdrachen Physignathes Fisignati; Draghi d'acqua Physignathus cocincinus Squamata - Agamidae Water Dragon; Green Water Dragon; Chinese Water Dragon; Oriental Water Dragon Grüne Wasseragame; Cochin-ChinaWasseragame; Cochin-ChinaWasserdrachen Physignathe de Cochinchine; Dragon d'eau; Agame aquatique Physignathus lesueuri Squamata - Agamidae Eastern Water Dragon; Brown Water Dragon; Australian Water Dragon; Lesueur's Water Dragon; Leisure Water Dragon (ANZ) Braune Wasseragame; Australische Wasseragame; Wasseragame; Gewöhnlicher Wasserdrachen Agame aquatique; Physignathe de Lesueuer Physignathus lesueuri howitti Squamata - Agamidae Gippsland Water Dragon Physignathus lesueuri lesueri Squamata - Agamidae Eastern Water Dragon Pituophis Squamata - Colubridae Gopher Snakes; Bull Snakes; Pine Snakes


Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi d

6498 e d

Bullennattern; Kiefernnattern Pituophis catenifer Squamata - Colubridae Bull Snake; Gopher Snake; Pacific Gopher Snake; Coast Gopher Snake Kettenbullennattern

6506 e d i 6507

6499 e d 6500 e d 6501 e d 6502 e d

Pituophis catenifer affinis Squamata - Colubridae Sonoran Gopher Snake; Bull Snake Bullennatter Pituophis catenifer annectens Squamata - Colubridae San Diego Gopher Snake; Gopher Snake Bullennatter Pituophis catenifer catenifer Squamata - Colubridae Pacific Gopher Snake; Pacific Bull Snake Bullennatter Pituophis catenifer coronalis Squamata - Colubridae Los Coronados Island Gopher Snake Bullennatter

e d 6508 e 6509 e 6510 e 6511 e d

6503 e d 6504 e d 6505 e d

Pituophis catenifer deserticola Squamata - Colubridae Great Basin Gopher Snake Bullennatter Pituophis catenifer fulginatus Squamata - Colubridae San Martin Island Gopher Snake Bullennatter Pituophis catenifer pumilis Squamata - Colubridae Santa Cruz Gopher Snake; Santa Cruz Island Gopher Snake Bullennatter

f i

6512 e

6513 e d

Pituophis catenifer sayi Squamata - Colubridae Bull Snake; Common Bull Snake (NA) Bullennatter Serpente toro Pituophis deppei Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Bull Snake; Mexican Pine Snake; Mexican Gopher Snake Mexikanische Bullennatter Pituophis deppei jani Squamata - Colubridae Northern Mexican Pine Snake Pituophis insulanus Squamata - Colubridae Cedros Island Gopher Snake Pituophis lineaticollis Squamata - Colubridae Middle American Gopher Snake Pituophis melanoleucus Squamata - Colubridae Gopher Snake; Pine Snake; Bull Snake; Common Pine Snake Kiefernnatter; Kettennatter; Gophernatter; Schwarzweiße Bullennatter; Bullennatter Serpent-taureau; Couleuvre à nez mince Colubro delle pinete; Serpente dei roditori Pituophis melanoleucus bimaris Squamata - Colubridae Central Baja California Gopher Snake; Baja Gopher Snake Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi Squamata - Colubridae Black Pine Snake Schwarze Kiefernnatter

Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus


e d i 6515 e d 6516 e 6517 e

Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus Squamata - Colubridae Northern Pine Snake; Pine Snake Nördliche Kiefernnatter Colubro delle pinete settentrionale Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus Squamata - Colubridae Florida Pine Snake Florida-Kiefernnatter Pituophis ruthveni Squamata - Colubridae Louisiana Pine Snake Pituophis vertebralis Squamata - Colubridae Baja California Gopher Snake; Cape Gopher Snake


6524 e 6525 e 6526 e 6527 e d f 6528

6518 e 6519 e

Placosoma Squamata - Teiidae Brazilian Lizards Placosoma cipoense Squamata - Teiidae Cuha's Brazilian Lizard


d f

6520 e 6521 e 6522 e 6523 e

Placosoma cordylinum Squamata - Teiidae Tschudi's Brazilian Lizard Placosoma glabellum Squamata - Teiidae Peters's Brazilian Lizard

i 6529 e d

Plagiopholis Squamata - Colubridae Chinese Mountain Snakes


Plagiopholis blakewayi Squamata - Colubridae Blakeway's Mountain Snake



Plagiopholis nuchalis Squamata - Colubridae Assam Mountain Snake Plagiopholis styani Squamata - Colubridae Chinese Mountain Snake Plagiopholis unipostocularis Squamata - Colubridae Yunnan Mountain Snake Platemys Testudines - Chelidae Twistneck Turtles; South American Side-necked Swamp Turtle; Twistnecked Turtles Plattschildkröten Platémydes Platemys platycephala Testudines - Chelidae Twistneck Turtle; South American Snake-necked Turtle; Flat-headed Flat-shelled Turtle; Twist-necked Turtle; Grooved Side-necked Turtle; South American Flathead Turtle Plattschildkröte; Rotkopfplattschildkröte Platémyde platycéphale; Platémyde à tête plate; Platémyde à tête orange (Ants) Tartaruga girocollo Platemys platycephala melanonota Testudines - Chelidae Western Twist-necked Turtle Platémyde à tête plate occidentale Platemys platycephala platycephala Testudines - Chelidae Platémyde à tête plate orientale Platyinion Squamata - Colubridae


Platysaurus ocellatus e

6532 e 6533 e 6534 e 6535 e 6536 e

Blue Racers Platyinion lividum Squamata - Colubridae Guiacurus Blue Racer Platyplacopus Squamata - Lacertidae Rock Racers Platyplacopus intermedius Squamata - Lacertidae Stejneger's Rock Racer Platyplacopus kuehnei Squamata - Lacertidae Van Denburgh's Rock Racer Platyplecturus Squamata - Uropeltidae Thorntail Snakes

d f 6542 e 6543 e 6544 e 6545 e d

6537 e

Platyplecturus madurensis Squamata - Uropeltidae Travancore Hills Thorntail Snake

f 6546

6538 e 6539 e d f 6540 e 6541 e

Platyplecturus trilineatus Squamata - Uropeltidae Lined Thorntail Snake Platysaurus Squamata - Cordylidae Flat Lizards Plattgürtelechechsen; Plattgürtelschweife; Plattechsen Platysaures Platysaurus capensis Squamata - Cordylidae Cape Flat Lizard Platysaurus guttatus Squamata - Cordylidae Lesser Flat Lizard; Dwarf Flat Lizard

e d 6547 e d 6548 e d 6549

(CSA); Transvaal Red-tailed Rock Lizard; Flat Rock Lizard Kleine Plattgürtelechse; Kleiner Plattgürtelschweif Platysaure à gouttelettes Platysaurus guttatus guttatus Squamata - Cordylidae Lesser Flat Rock Lizard Platysaurus guttatus minor Squamata - Cordylidae Lesser Flat Rock Lizard Platysaurus guttatus orientais Squamata - Cordylidae Lesser Flat Rock Lizard Platysaurus imperator Squamata - Cordylidae Imperial Flat Lizard; Emperor Flat Lizard (CSA) Kaiser-Plattgürtelschweif; KaiserPlattgürtelechse Platysaure impérial Platysaurus intermedius Squamata - Cordylidae Common Flat Lizard; Yumba Flat Lizard; Transvaal Flat Rock Lizard (CSA); Common Flat Lizard (CSA) Gewöhnliche Plattechse Platysaurus maculatus Squamata - Cordylidae Spotted Flat Lizard Fleckige Plattechse Platysaurus mitchelli Squamata - Cordylidae Mitchell's Flat Lizard Mitchells Plattechse Platysaurus ocellatus Squamata - Cordylidae

Platysaurus pungweensis


6550 e 6551 e

6552 e

6553 e d f i 6554 e d f


Chimanimani Flat Lizard; Ocellated Flat Lizard (CSA) Platysaurus pungweensis Squamata - Cordylidae Pungwe Flat Lizard Platysaurus relictus Squamata - Cordylidae Transvaal Flat Lizard; Relict Flat Lizard (CSA) Platysaurus torquatus Squamata - Cordylidae Transvaal Flat Lizard; Striped Flat Lizard (CSA); Tete Flat Lizard (CSA) Platysternidae Testudines Big-headed Turtles; Bighead Turtles Großkopfschildkröten Platysternes Tartarughe capogrosso Platysternon Testudines - Pelomedusidae Bighead Turtles; Big-headed Turtles Großkopfschildkröten Platysternes

e f 6558 e f 6559

e f 6560 e f 6561 e 6562 e 6563

6555 e d f i 6556

e f

Platysternon megacephalum Testudines - Pelomedusidae Bighead Turtle; Big-headed Turtle Großkopfschildkröte Platysterne Platisterno capogrosso Platysternon megacephalum megacephalum Testudines - Pelomedusidae Chinese Bighead Turtle Platysterne de Chine

e 6564 e 6565 e

6566 6557

Platysternon megacephalum

peguense Testudines - Pelomedusidae Burmese Bighead Turtle Platysterne de Birmanie Platysternon megacephalum shiui Testudines - Pelomedusidae Vietnam Bighead Turtle Platysterne du Vietnam Platysternon megacephalum tristernalis Testudines - Pelomedusidae Yunnan Bighead Turtle Platysterne du Yunnan Platysternon megacephalum vogeli Testudines - Pelomedusidae Thailand Bighead Turtle Platysterne de la Thaïlande Plecturus Squamata - Uropeltidae African Burrowing Snakes Plecturus aureus Squamata - Uropeltidae Kerala Burrowing Snake Plecturus canaricus Squamata - Uropeltidae Karnataka Burrowing Snake Plecturus guentheri Squamata - Uropeltidae Günther's Burrowing Snake Plecturus perroteti Squamata - Uropeltidae Nilgiri Burrowing Snake; Nilgiri Uropelt (ISC) Plesiomicrolophus Squamata - Iguanaidae


Podarcis filfolensis e

Frost's Iguanas e

6567 e

Plesiomicrolophus kuepehforon Squamata - Iguanaidae Frost's Iguana

6577 e

6568 e

Pletholax Squamata - Gekkonidae Black-striped Legless Geckos

6578 e

6569 e 6570 e d 6571 e

6572 e d 6573 e 6574 e d

6575 e 6576

Pletholax gracilis Squamata - Gekkonidae Black-striped Legless Gecko Plica Squamata - Iguanaidae Racerunners; Treerunners Stelzenläufer; Stelzenläuferleguane Plica plica Squamata - Iguanaidae Treerunner; Tree Racerunner; Collared Tree Lizard Plica umbra Squamata - Iguanaidae Harlequin Racerunner; Racerunner Stelzenläufer Plica umbra ochrocollaris Squamata - Iguanaidae Blue-lipped Tree Lizard Pliocercus Squamata - Colubridae Common False Coral Snakes Halloween-Nattern; Falsche Korallenschlange Pliocercus annellatus Squamata - Colubridae Annulated False Coral Snake Pliocercus arubricus

6579 e

6580 e d f i 6581 e d f i 6582 e d f i 6583 e

Squamata - Colubridae Aruba False Coral Snake Pliocercus dimidiatus Squamata - Colubridae Tiny False Coral Snake Pliocercus elapoides Squamata - Colubridae Common False Coral Snake; Northern Halloween Snake Pliocercus euryzonus Squamata - Colubridae Cope's False Coral Snake; Southern Halloween Snake Podarcis Squamata - Lacertidae Wall Lizards Mauereidechsen Lézards des murailles Lucertole Podarcis dugesii Squamata - Lacertidae Madeira Wall Lizard; Madeira Lizard Madeira-Mauereidechse; MadeiraEidechse Lézard de Madère Lucertola del Duges Podarcis erhardi Squamata - Lacertidae Erhard's Wall Lizard; Aegean Wall Lizard Ägäische Mauereidechse; ZykladenEidechse; Ägäische Eidechse Lézard de l'Égée; Lézard d'Erhard; Lézard égéen Lucertola di Ehrhardt Podarcis filfolensis Squamata - Lacertidae Filfola Wall Lizard; Maltese Wall Lizard

Podarcis hispanica

d f i 6584 e d f i

Malta-Eidechse; FilfolaMauereidechse; Maltesische Mauereidechse Lézard maltais; Lézard de Filfola; Lézard de Malte Lucertola maltese; Lucertola di Malta Podarcis hispanica Squamata - Lacertidae Iberian Wall Lizard Iberische Mauereidechse; Spanische Mauereidechse; Spitzkopfeidechse Lézard hispanique; Lézard espagnol Lucertola spagnola


6589 e d

f i

6590 i

6585 f 6586 e d f i

6587 e d f i

6588 e d f i

Podarcis hispanica vaucheri Squamata - Lacertidae Lézard hispanique d'Afrique du Nord Podarcis lilfordi Squamata - Lacertidae Lilford's Wall Lizard; Balearic Wall Lizard Balearen-Eidechse Lézard des Baléares Lucertola di Lilford; Lucertola balearica Podarcis melisellensis Squamata - Lacertidae Dalmatian Wall Lizard; Karst Lizard; Adriatic Lizard Adriatische Mauereidechse; Karstläufer Lézard de l'Adriatique Lucertola adriatica; Lucertola di Melisello Podarcis milensis Squamata - Lacertidae Milos Wall Lizard; Wall Lizard Milos-Mauereidechse; MilosEidechse Lézard de Milo Lucertola di Milo

6591 e d f i 6592 e d f i 6593 e d f i 6594 e d f

Podarcis muralis Squamata - Lacertidae Common Wall Lizard; Wall Lizard Mauereidechse; Ungefleckte Mauereidechse; Gestreifte Mauereidechse; Gewöhnliche Mauereidechse Lézard des murailles; Lézard gris Lucertola dei muri; Lucertola muraiola; Lusèrta; Lusèrtla; Lagromuso Podarcis muralis colossi Squamata - Lacertidae Lucertola dei muri a dorso verde Podarcis peloponnesiaca Squamata - Lacertidae Peloponnese Wall Lizard Peloponnesos-Eidechse; Peloponnesische Eidechse; Peleponnes-Eidechse Lézard des Péloponnèses; Lézard du Péloponnèse Lucertola peloponnesiaca Podarcis perspicillata Squamata - Lacertidae Menorca Wall Lizard; Moroccan Rock Lizard Brilleneidechse Lézard à lunettes Lucertola dagli occhiali Podarcis pityuensis Squamata - Lacertidae Ibiza Wall Lizard Pityusen-Eidechse Lézard des Pityuses Lucertola delle Pitiuse Podarcis sicula Squamata - Lacertidae Italian Wall Lizard; Ruin Lizard Ruineneidechse Lézard des ruines; Lézard sicilien;


Podocnemis unifilis


6595 i 6596 e d f i 6597 e d f i

6598 e d f i

6599 e d f

Lézard des murailles; Lézard des murailles italien; Lézard de Sicilie Lucertola campestre; Luce; Lucertola sicula; Lusèrta; Lusèrtla Podarcis sicula cettii Squamata - Lacertidae Lucertola campestre sarda Podarcis taurica Squamata - Lacertidae Crimean Wall Lizard; Meadow Lizard; Taurican Lizard; Bull Lizard; Crimean Lizard Taurische Eidechse; Krim-Eidechse Lézard du Taurus; Lézard de Crimée; Lézard taurique Lucertola taurica Podarcis tiliguerta Squamata - Lacertidae Tyrrhenian Wall Lizard Tyrrhenische Mauereidechse Lézard tyrrhénien Lucertola tirrenica; Lucertola tiliguerta; Lucertola sarda Podarcis wagleriana Squamata - Lacertidae Sicilian Wall Lizard Sizilianische Mauereidechse Lézard des murailles de Sicile Lucertola siciliana; Lucertola di Wagner Podocnemis Testudines - Pelomedusidae South American Sideneck River Turtles; River Turtles; South American River Turtles Schienenschildkröten Podocnémides; Tortues de l'Amazone; Podocnemies (Ants); Tortues fluviales; Tortues fluviales de l'Amérique du Sud; Tortues fluviatiles ; Tortues fluviatiles d'Amérique du Sud

i 6600 e

d f 6601 e

d f i 6602 e d f i 6603 e d f

6604 e

Tartarughe dei fiume Podocnemis erythrocephala Testudines - Pelomedusidae Red-headed River Turtle; Red-head Amazon Side-necked Turtle ; Redheaded Amazon River Turtle; Redheaded Side-necked Turtle Rotkopfschienenschildkröte Podocnémide à tête rouge Podocnemis expansa Testudines - Pelomedusidae South American River Turtle; Arrau Sideneck Turtle; Arrau River Turtle; Arrau Sideneck; Giant South American River Turtle; True Amazon Turtle; Arrau Side-necked Turtle Arrau-Schienenschildkröte; ArrauSchildkröte Podocnémide élargie; Tortue géante d'Amérique du Sud Tartaruga Charapa Podocnemis lewyana Testudines - Pelomedusidae Magdalena River Turtle; Rio Magdalena River Turtle Glattmaulschienenschildkröte Podocnémide de Léwy Tartaruga Arrau Podocnemis sextuberculata Testudines - Pelomedusidae Six-tuberculed River Turtle; Sixtuberculed Amazon River Turtle; Amazon River Turtle Höckerschienenschildkröte Podocnémide tuberculée; Tortue de l'Amazone à six tubercules Podocnemis unifilis Testudines - Pelomedusidae Yellow-spotted River Turtle; Yellowspotted Amazon River Turtle; Yellow-spotted Sideneck Turtle;

Podocnemis vogli

d f i

Yellow-headed Side-necked Turtle Terekay-Schienenschildkröte Podocnémide de Cayenne; Tortue de l'Amazone à taches jaune; Podocnemie de la Cayenne (Ants) Tartaruga aica


6611 e d 6612

6605 e

d f i

6606 e 6607 e 6608 e d f

Podocnemis vogli Testudines - Pelomedusidae Savanna Sideneck Turtle; Savanna Side-necked Turtle; Savannah Sidenecked Turtle; Llanos Side-necked Turtle Orinoko-Schienenschildkröte Podocnémide de Vogl Tartaruga Terecay; Tartaruga di Llanos Poecilopholis Squamata - Colubridae Cameroon Racers Poecilopholis cameronensis Squamata - Colubridae Cameroon Racer Pogona Squamata - Agamidae Bearded Dragons Bartagamen Lézards barbus

e d f 6613 e d 6614 e d f 6615 e d 6616

6609 e d f i 6610 e

Pogona barbata Squamata - Agamidae Bearded Dragon; Eastern Bearded Dragon (ANZ); Bearded Lizard; Barbed Agama Gemeine Bartagame; Östliche Bartagame; Bartagame Lézard barbu d'Australie; Agame barbé; Amphibolure barbé Anfiboluro dalla barba Pogona barbata henrylawsoni Squamata - Agamidae Black-soil Bearded Dragon


d f

6617 e

Pogona microlepidota Squamata - Agamidae Drysdale River Bearded Dragon; Small-scaled Drgon Kimberley-Bartagame Pogona minima Squamata - Agamidae Western Bearded Dragon; Lesser Bearded Dragon Kleine Bartagame; Westliche Bartagame Petit Amphibolure Pogona minor Squamata - Agamidae Dwarf Bearded Dragon Zwergbartagame Pogona mitchelli Squamata - Agamidae Mitchell's Bearded Dragon; Mitchell's Dragon Mitchells Bartagame Amphibolure de Mitchell Pogona nullarbor Squamata - Agamidae Nullarbor Bearded Dragon Nullabor Bartagame Pogona vitticeps Squamata - Agamidae Inland Bearded Dragon; Central Bearded Dragon; Australian Bearded Dragon; Bearded Dragon; Common Bearded Dragon Australische Bartagame; Bartagame Agame barbu d'Australie; Agame barbue des terres; Dragon barbu; Agame barbu; Dragon barbu australien Polemon Squamata - Colubridae Snake-eaters


Poromera fordii

6618 e 6619 e 6620 e

Polemon acanthias Squamata - Colubridae Reinhardt's Snake-eater


Polemon barthii Squamata - Colubridae Guinea Snake-eater


Polemon bocourti Squamata - Colubridae Bocourt's Snake-eater

d f



6631 6621 e 6622 e

6623 e 6624 e 6625 e 6626 e 6627 e

Polemon christyi Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Snake-eater Polemon collaris Squamata - Colubridae Collared Snake-eater ; Pale-collared Snake-eater Polemon fulvicollis Squamata - Colubridae African Snake-eater Polemon gabonensis Squamata - Colubridae Gaboon Snake-eater Polemon graciliceps Squamata - Colubridae Cameroon Snake-eater Polemon gracilis Squamata - Colubridae Graceful Snake-eater Polemon neuwiedi Squamata - Colubridae Ivory Coast Snake-eater

e d f 6632 e

6633 e

6634 e

6635 e d f 6636 e

6628 e

Polemon notatus Squamata - Colubridae Peters's Snake-eater


Polemon robustus Squamata - Colubridae Zaire Snake-eater Polychrus Squamata - Iguanaidae Bush Anoles; Long-legged Lizards; Monkey Lizards Buntleguane; Labgbeinleguane Polychres Polychrus acutirostris Squamata - Iguanaidae Brazilian Bush Anole Spitzkopfleguan Polychre à museau pointu Polychrus femoralis Squamata - Iguanaidae Werner's Bush Anole; Monkey Lizard Polychrus gutturosus Squamata - Iguanaidae Berthold's Bush Anole; Canopy Lizard Polychrus liogaster Squamata - Iguanaidae Boulenger's Bush Anole; Southern Monkey Lizard Polychrus marmoratus Squamata - Iguanaidae Many-coloured Bush Anole; Bush Lizard; Common Monkey Lizard Marmorierter Buntleguan Polychre marbré Poromera Squamata - Lacertidae Striped Lizards Poromera fordii Squamata - Lacertidae


e 6638 e d 6639 e

West African Striped Lizard Porthidium Squamata - Viperidae Hognose Vipers Stülpnasenottern Porthidium dunni Squamata - Viperidae Dunn's Hognose Viper; Dunn's Hognosed Viper


6646 e

6647 e 6648 e

6640 e 6641 e

Porthidium hespere Squamata - Viperidae Western Hognose Viper Porthidium hyoprora Squamata - Viperidae Amazon Hognose Viper; Hognose Lancehead

6649 e 6650 e

6642 e

Porthidium lansbergi Squamata - Viperidae Lansberg's Hognose Viper; Lansberg's Hog-nosed Viper

6651 e

6643 e

6644 e d

6645 e d

Porthidium melanurum Squamata - Viperidae Blacktail Hognose Viper; Blacktailed Montane Pit Viper; Blacktail Montane Pit Viper Porthidium nasutum Squamata - Viperidae Rain Forest Hognose Viper; Hognosed Pit Viper; Rain Forest Hognosed Viper Nasenlanzenotter; Stülpnasenlanzenotter Porthidium ophryomegas Squamata - Viperidae Slender Hognose Viper; Slender Hog-nosed Pit Viper Schlanke Stülpnasenlanzenotter

6652 e d 6653 e

6654 e


Porthidium yucatanicum Squamata - Viperidae Yucatan Hognose Viper; Yucatan Hog-nosed Pit Viper Prasinohaema Squamata - Scincidae Green Tree Skinks Prasinohaema flavipes Squamata - Scincidae Common Green Tree Skink; Greenblooded Skink Prasinohaema parkeri Squamata - Scincidae Parker's Green Tree Skink Prasinohaema prehensicauda Squamata - Scincidae Prehensile Green Tree Skink; Prehensile-tailed Skink Prasinohaema semoni Squamata - Scincidae Semon's Green Tree Skink; Greenblooded Skink Prasinohaema virens Squamata - Scincidae Green Tree Skink Grünblütiger Schlankskink Prionodactylus Squamata - Teiidae Slender Priondactyluses; Eyed Lizards Prionodactylus argulus Squamata - Teiidae White-lipped Priondactylus; Elegant Eyed Lizard Prionodactylus dicrus Squamata - Teiidae


Pristurus insignoides e

6656 e 6657 e 6658 e

Uzzell's Priondactylus Prionodactylus eigenmanni Squamata - Teiidae Eigenmann's Priondactylus Prionodactylus manicatus Squamata - Teiidae Slender Priondactylus Prionodactylus vertebralis Squamata - Teiidae Brown Priondactylus; Striped Prionodactylus

6666 e 6667 e f 6668 e 6669

6659 e

Pristidactylus Squamata - Iguanaidae Primitive Anoles

e 6670

6660 e

Pristidactylus achalensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Argentine Anole

e 6671

6661 e 6662 e 6663 e 6664 e 6665 e f

Pristidactylus alvaroi Squamata - Iguanaidae Alvaro's Anole

e f

Pristidactylus casuhatiensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Casuhatien Anole


Pristidactylus fasciatus Squamata - Iguanaidae D'Orbigny's Banded Anole


Pristidactylus scapulatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Burmeister's Anole


Pristurus Squamata - Gekkonidae Rock Geckos; Semaphore Geckos Pristures






Pristurus abdelkuri Squamata - Gekkonidae Abd el Kuri Rock Gecko Pristurus carteri Squamata - Gekkonidae Carter's Rock Gecko; Ornate Rock Gecko Gecko scorpion Pristurus celerrimus Squamata - Gekkonidae Oman Rock Gecko Pristurus collaris Squamata - Gekkonidae Collared Rock Gecko Pristurus crucifer Squamata - Gekkonidae Valenciennes Rock Gecko Pristurus flavipunctatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Middle Eastern Rock Gecko Pristure à points jaunes Pristurus gasperetti Squamata - Gekkonidae Wadi Kharrar Rock Gecko Pristurus guichardi Squamata - Gekkonidae Guichard's Rock Gecko Pristurus insignis Squamata - Gekkonidae Blanford's Rock Gecko Pristurus insignoides Squamata - Gekkonidae Haggier Massif Rock Gecko

Pristurus minimus

6676 e 6677 e 6678 e 6679 e 6680 e 6681 e 6682 e 6683 e 6684 e 6685 e 6686 e


Pristurus minimus Squamata - Gekkonidae Arnold's Rock Gecko


Pristurus ornithocephalus Squamata - Gekkonidae Birdhead Rock Gecko


Pristurus phillipsi Squamata - Gekkonidae Somali Rock Gecko


Pristurus popovi Squamata - Gekkonidae Saudi Rock Gecko


Pristurus rupestris Squamata - Gekkonidae Persia Rock Gecko


Pristurus saada Squamata - Gekkonidae Yemen Rock Gecko


Pristurus simonettai Squamata - Gekkonidae Coastal Rock Gecko


Pristurus sokotranus Squamata - Gekkonidae Socotra Rock Gecko


Proablepharus Squamata - Scincidae Small Skinks


Proablepharus kinghorni Squamata - Scincidae Kinghorn's Small Skink


Proablepharus reginae Squamata - Scincidae Royal Small Skink













Proablepharus tenuis Squamata - Scincidae Broom's Small Skink Procellosaurinus Squamata - Teiidae Rodrigues's Teiids Procellosaurinus erythrocercus Squamata - Teiidae Rodrigues's Red Teiid Procellosaurinus tetradactylus Squamata - Teiidae Rodrigues's Four-fingered Teiid Proctoporus Squamata - Teiidae Lightbulb Lizards Proctoporus bogotensis Squamata - Teiidae Bogota Lightbulb Lizard Proctoporus bolivianus Squamata - Teiidae Bolivian Lightbulb Lizard Proctoporus cashcaensis Squamata - Teiidae Kizorian Lightbulb Lizard Proctoporus columbianus Squamata - Teiidae Colombian Lightbulb Lizard Proctoporus guentheri Squamata - Teiidae Günther's Lightbulb Lizard Proctoporus hypostictus Squamata - Teiidae Boulenger's Lightbulb Lizard


Prosymna ambigua

6698 e 6699 e 6700 e 6701 e 6702 e

Proctoporus laevis Squamata - Teiidae Shiny Lightbulb Lizard Proctoporus luctuosus Squamata - Teiidae Lightbulb Lizard Proctoporus meleagris Squamata - Teiidae Brown Lightbulb Lizard Proctoporus oculatus Squamata - Teiidae Tropical Lightbulb Lizard Proctoporus pachyurus Squamata - Teiidae Tschudi's Lightbulb Lizard

e 6709 e 6710 e 6711 e 6712 e

6713 6703 e d

Proctoporus shrevei Squamata - Teiidae Shreve's Lightbulb Lizard; Luminous Lizard Leuchtteju

e 6714 e

6704 e 6705 e 6706 e 6707 e 6708

Proctoporus simoterus Squamata - Teiidae O'Shaughnessy's Lightbulb Lizard Proctoporus striatus Squamata - Teiidae Striped Lightbulb Lizard Proctoporus unicolor Squamata - Teiidae Drab Lightbulb Lizard Proctoporus ventrimaculatus Squamata - Teiidae Spotted Lightbulb Lizard Proctotretus Squamata - Iguanaidae

6715 e 6716 e d 6717 e

Shingled Iguanas Proctotretus azureus Squamata - Iguanaidae Muller's Iguana Proctotretus doellojuradoi Squamata - Iguanaidae Freiberg's Iguana Proctotretus pectinatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Brazilian Striped Iguana Proscelotes Squamata - Scincidae Montane Skinks; Slender Skinks (CSA) Proscelotes aenea Squamata - Scincidae Montane Skink Proscelotes arnoldi Squamata - Scincidae Arnold's Montane Skink; Arnold's Skink (CSA) Proscelotes eggeli Squamata - Scincidae Usambara Five-toed Skink Prosymna Squamata - Colubridae Shovelsnout Snakes; Shovel-nosed Snakes; Coppery Snakes Schaufelnasennattern Prosymna ambigua Squamata - Colubridae East African Shovelsnout Snake; Spotted Shovel-nosed Snake; Grey Shovelsnout (CSA); Bocage's Shovelsnout (CSA)

Prosymna ambigua ambigua

6718 e 6719 e 6720 e

Prosymna ambigua ambigua Squamata - Colubridae East African Shovelsnout Prosymna angolensis Squamata - Colubridae Angola Shovelsnout Snake Prosymna bivittata Squamata - Colubridae Twin-striped Shovelsnout Snake; Two-striped Shovel-nosed Snake; Two-striped Shovel-snouted Snake; Two-striped Shovelsnout (CSA); Twin-striped Shovelsnout (CSA)


e 6728 e 6729 e

d 6730

6721 e

6722 e 6723 e

6724 e 6725 e 6726 e


Prosymna frontalis Squamata - Colubridae Southwestern Shovelsnout Snake; Southwestern Shovelsnout Prosymna greigerti Squamata - Colubridae Greigert's Shovelsnout Snake Prosymna janii Squamata - Colubridae Mozambique Shovelsnout Snake; Black-headed Coppery Snake Prosymna meleagris Squamata - Colubridae Reinhardt's Shovelsnout Snake Prosymna ornatissima Squamata - Colubridae Ornate Shovelsnout Snake Prosymna pitmani Squamata - Colubridae Pitman's Shovelsnout Snake; Multiscaled Shovelsnout Snake Prosymna ruspolii Squamata - Colubridae

e 6731 e 6732 e 6733 e d 6734 e d f i

6735 e

Ruspoli's Shovelsnout Snake Prosymna somalica Squamata - Colubridae Somali Shovelsnout Snake Prosymna sundevalli Squamata - Colubridae Sundevall's Shovelsnout Snake; Sundevall's Shovel-nosed Snake; Coppery Shovelsnout Snake; Ornate Shovelsnout Snake; Sundevall's Shovelsnout (CSA) Sundevall-Schaufelnasennatter Prosymna sundevalli lineata Squamata - Colubridae Lined Shovelsnout Prosymna sundevalli sundevallii Squamata - Colubridae Lined Shovelsnout Prosymna varius Squamata - Colubridae Jan's Shovelsnout Snake Psammobates Testudines - Testudinidae South African Star Tortoises Landschildkröten Psammobates geometricus Testudines - Testudinidae Geometeric Tortoise Geometrische Landschildkröte Tortue géométrique Psammobate geometrico; Testuggine geometrica Psammobates oculifer Testudines - Testudinidae Serrated Tortoise; Serrated Tent Tortoise (CSA); Kalahari Tent Tortoise (CSA); African Serrated


Psammophilus dorsalis

d f i 6736 e d f i

Tortoise; Kalahari Geometric Tortoise (CSA); Serrated Star Tortoise Stachelrandlandschildkröte Tortue ocellée Psammobate oculifero Psammobates tentorius Testudines - Testudinidae Tent Tortoise; South African Tent Tortoise; African Tent Toirtoise Falsche Spitzkopfschildkröte; Höckerlandschildkröte Tortue bocellée Psammobate tentorio; Testuggine tentoria

d f i 6741


6742 e f

6737 e d f i 6738 e d f i

6739 e f 6740 e

Psammodromus Squamata - Lacertidae Sand Lizards; Psammodromuses; Plated Lacertids; Plated Lizards Sandläufer Psammodromes Psammodromi Psammodromus algirus Squamata - Lacertidae Algerian Psammodromus; Algerian Sand Lizard; Algerian Sand Racer; Large Psammodromus Algerischer Sandläufer Psammodrome algire; Psammodrome d'Algérie; Psammodrome Lucertola striata comune; Psammodromo algerino; Lucertola della sabbia Psammodromus blanci Squamata - Lacertidae Blanc's Psammodromus; Blank's Sand Lizard; Blanc's Plated Lizard Psammodrome de Blanc Psammodromus hispanicus Squamata - Lacertidae Spanish Psammodromus; Spanish Sand Lizard; Spanish Sand Racer

6743 e d 6744 e

6745 e d 6746 e d 6747 e d 6748

Spanischer Sandläufer Lézard des truffiers; Psammodrome cendré; Psammodrome d'Espagne Psammodromo spagnolo Psammodromus hispanicus edwardsi Squamata - Lacertidae Psammodrome d'Edwards; Psammodrome d'Espagne Psammodromus microdactylus Squamata - Lacertidae Small-fingered Psammodromus; Small-fingered Sand Lizard; Green Psammodromus Psammodrome vert Psammodynastes Squamata - Colubridae Mock Vipers Trugnattern; Trugvipern Psammodynastes pictus Squamata - Colubridae Painted Mock Viper; Günther's Mock Viper Psammodynastes pulverulentus Squamata - Colubridae Common Mock Viper; Mock Viper (ISC) Asiatische Trugviper Psammophilus Squamata - Agamidae Sand Agamas Sandagamen Psammophilus blanfordianus Squamata - Agamidae Blanford's Sand Agama Blanfords Sandagame Psammophilus dorsalis Squamata - Agamidae


e f 6749 e d f 6750 e

6751 e 6752 e

Indian Sand Agama; Peninsular Rock Agama (ISC); Peninsular Rock Lizard (ISC) Agame dos-a-bandes Psammophis Squamata - Colubridae Sand Racers; Sand and Grass Snakes (CSA); Grass Snakes; Sand Snakes Sandrennn-Nattern Couleuvres des sables Psammophis angolensis Squamata - Colubridae Dwarf Sand Racer; Dwarf Sand Snake (CSA); Pygmy Sand Snake (CSA); Angola Sand Snake


6756 e 6757 e

6758 e 6759 e

Psammophis ansorgii Squamata - Colubridae Link-marked Sand Racer


Psammophis biseriatus Squamata - Colubridae Two-striped Sand Racer; Linkmarked Sand Snake



e 6762

6753 e

6754 e

6755 e


Psammophis brevirostris Squamata - Colubridae Short-snouted Sand Racer; Shortsnouted Sand Snake; Short-snouted Grass Snake (CSA) Psammophis condanarus Squamata - Colubridae Indian Sand Racer; Indian Sand Snake; Indo-Chinese Sand Snake; Condanarous Snake (ISC) Psammophis crucifer Squamata - Colubridae Crossed Sand Racer; Cross-marked Grass Snake; Montane Grass Snake (CSA); Cross-marked Sand Snake (CSA); Crossed Grass Snake (CSA) Quergebänderte Sandrenn-Natter


6763 e 6764 e 6765 e 6766

Psammophis elegans Squamata - Colubridae Elegant Sand Racer Psammophis jallae Squamata - Colubridae Jalla's Sand Racer; Jalla's Sand Snake (CSA); Rhodesian Sand Snake Psammophis leightoni Squamata - Colubridae Cape Sand Snake Psammophis leightoni leightoni Squamata - Colubridae Cape Sand Snake Psammophis leightoni namibensis Squamata - Colubridae Namib Sand Snake Psammophis leightoni trinasalis Squamata - Colubridae Fork-marked Sand Snake Psammophis leithii Squamata - Colubridae Pakistan Sand Racer; Pakistan Ribbon Snake Psammophis leucoaster Squamata - Colubridae Sprawl's Sand Racer Psammophis lineolatus Squamata - Colubridae Steppe Ribbon Racer Psammophis longifrons Squamata - Colubridae Long Sand Racer Psammophis notostictus Squamata - Colubridae


Psammophylax tritaeniatus e

6767 e

6768 e 6769 e

6770 e 6771 e d f

6772 e

d f


Karoo Sand Racer; Karoo Sand Snake (CSA); Karoo Whip Snake (CSA); Whip Snake (CSA); Dapplebacked Sand Snake Psammophis phillipsi Squamata - Colubridae Olive Sand Racer; Olive Grass Snake (CSA); Sun Snake; Olive Sand Snake (CSA) Psammophis pulcher Squamata - Colubridae Boulenger's Sand Racer Psammophis punctatus Squamata - Colubridae Speckled Sand Racer; Speckled Sand Snake Psammophis rukwae Squamata - Colubridae Rukwa Sand Racer Psammophis schokari Squamata - Colubridae Schokar Sand Racer; Afro-Asian Sand Snake; Desert Sand Snake (ISC); Schokar Sand Snake Sandrenn-Natter; Schlanke Sandrenn-Natter; Forskals SandrennNatter Couleuvre des sables; Psammophis de Forskal; Couleuvre de Schokar Psammophis sibilans Squamata - Colubridae African Beauty Racer; African Beauty Snake; Hissing Sand Snake; Olive Grass Snake (CSA); Shortsnouted Grass Snake (CSA) Zischnatter; Gestreifte SandrennNatter Couleuvre sifflante; Psammophis rayé Psammophis sibilans brevirostris


6774 e 6775 e d 6776

e d 6777 e 6778 e

6779 e d 6780 e

d 6781

Squamata - Colubridae Short-snouted Grass Snake; Shortsnouted Sand Snake (CSA) Psammophis sibilans leopardinus Squamata - Colubridae Leopard Grass Snake Psammophis subtaeniatus Squamata - Colubridae Stripebelly Sand Racer; Stripebellied Sand Snake (CSA); Stripebellied Grass Snake Rotgestreifte Sandrenn-Natter Psammophis subtaeniatus subtaeniatus Squamata - Colubridae Yellow-bellied Sand Snake Rotgestreifte Sandrenn-Natter Psammophis tanganicus Squamata - Colubridae Western Link-marked Sand Racer Psammophis trigrammus Squamata - Colubridae Western Sand Snake; Namaqualand Sand Snake Psammophylax Squamata - Colubridae Skaapstekers; Rear-fanged Snake; Grass Snakes Shaapsteker (pl) Psammophylax rhombeatus Squamata - Colubridae Spotted Skaapsteker (CSA); Spotted Rear-fanged Snake; Rhombic Skaapsteker (CSA); Skaapsteker (CSA) Gefleckter Shaapsteker Psammophylax tritaeniatus Squamata - Colubridae

Psammophylax variabilis


d 6782 e

6783 e

Striped Skaapsteker (CSA); Striped Rear-fanged Snake; White-bellied Grass Snake; Striped Grass Snake (CSA); Three-lined Grass Snake (CSA) Gestreifter Shaapsteker Psammophylax variabilis Squamata - Colubridae Greybelly Skaapsteker; Grey-bellied Rear-fanged Snake; Grey-bellied Skaapsteker (CSA); Grey-bellied Grass Snake Pseudablabes Squamata - Colubridae Burrowing Night Snakes


d 6789 e 6790 e d f i 6791

6784 e 6785 e d 6786 e d i 6787 e d f 6788 e

Pseudablabes agassizzii Squamata - Colubridae Burrowing Night Snake Pseudaspis Squamata - Colubridae Mole Snakes; Sand Snakes Maulwurfsnattern; Maulwurfnattern

e d 6792 e

Pseudaspis cana Squamata - Colubridae Mole Snake (CSA); Sand Snake; Molslang (CSA); African Mole Snake Maulwurfsnatter; Maulwurfnatter Serpente talpa


Pseudechis Squamata - Elapidae King Brown Snakes; Australian Black Snakes; Mulga Snakes; Mulga Brown Snakes Schwarzottern Serpents noirs


Pseudechis australis Squamata - Elapidae King Brown Snake; Mulga Brown

e d

e 6795 e 6796

Snake; Mulga Mulga-Schlange; Schwarzotter Pseudechis butleri Squamata - Elapidae Butler's Black Snake Pseudechis colletti Squamata - Elapidae Collett's Black Snake; Collett's Snake (ANZ) Collett-Giftnatter; ColletSchwarzotter Serpent de Collet Serpente di Collett Pseudechis guttatus Squamata - Elapidae Spotted Black Snake (ANZ); Bluebellied Black Snake Gefleckte Schwarzotter Pseudechis papuanus Squamata - Elapidae Papua Brown Snake; Papuan Black Snake Pseudechis porphyriacus Squamata - Elapidae Redbelly Black Snake; Red-bellied Black Snake (ANZ); Papuan Black Snake Rotbäuchige Schwarzotter; Rotbauchschwarzotter Pseudemoia Squamata - Scincidae Window-eyed Skinks Pseudemoia baudini Squamata - Scincidae Baudin's Window-eyed Skink Pseudemoia conventryi Squamata - Scincidae


Pseudemydura umbrina e

Coventry's Window-eyed Skink



Pseudemoia duperreyi Squamata - Scincidae Duperrey's Window-eyed Skink

e d


6808 6798 e

6799 e 6800 e 6801 e d 6802 e 6803 e 6804 e

6805 e 6806 e

Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii Squamata - Scincidae Entrecasteaux's Window-eyed Skink; Entrecasteaux's Leiolopisma; Southern Grass Skink (ANZ) Pseudemoia greeni Squamata - Scincidae Green Window-eyed Skink Pseudemoia jigurru Squamata - Scincidae Shiny Window-eyed Skink Pseudemoia lichenigerum Squamata - Scincidae Lord Howe Island Skink Lord-Howe-Insel-Schlankskink Pseudemoia metallica Squamata - Scincidae Metallic Skink Pseudemoia microlepidota Squamata - Scincidae Tiny-scaled Window-eyed Skink Pseudemoia ocellata Squamata - Scincidae Ocellated Window-eyed Skink; Ocellated Skink (ANZ) Pseudemoia orocrypta Squamata - Scincidae Highland Window-eyed Skink Pseudemoia pagenstecheri Squamata - Scincidae Tusssock Skink

e 6809 e 6810 e

6811 e

6812 e 6813 e 6814 e d 6815 e


Pseudemoia palfreymani Squamata - Scincidae Palfreyman's Window-eyed Skink Australischer Skink Pseudemoia platynotum Squamata - Scincidae Red-throated Skink Pseudemoia pretiosa Squamata - Scincidae Bass Strait Skink Pseudemoia rawlinsoni Squamata - Scincidae Rawlinson's Window-eyed Skink; Glossy Grass Skink (ANZ) Pseudemoia spenceri Squamata - Scincidae Spencer's Window-eyed Skink; Spencer's Skink (ANZ) Pseudemoia trilineatum Squamata - Scincidae Three-lined Skink Pseudemoia zia Squamata - Scincidae Flecked Window-eyed Skink Pseudemydura Testudines - Chelidae Swamp Turtles; Short-necked Turtles Falsche Spitzkopfschildkröten Pseudemydura umbrina Testudines - Chelidae Swamp Turtle; Western Swamp Turtle (ANZ); Short-necked Turtle; Swamp Tortoise; Western Turtle; Western Short-necked Swamp Tortoise Falsche Spitzkopfschildkröte


f i

Tortue à col de serpent de l'Ouest Tartaruga di palude occidentale


6822 e

6816 e d f

6817 e f

6818 e d f i 6819 e 6820 e d f i

Pseudemys Testudines - Emydidae River Cooters; Pseudemid Turtles; Cooters Schmuckschildkröten Tortues friandes de soleil; Tortues d'ornement; Pseudémydes Pseudemys alabamensis Testudines - Emydidae Alabama Redbelly Turtle; Alabama Red-bellied Turtle; Redbelly Turtle; Alamaba Red-bellied Turtle Tortue à ventre rouge d'Alabama; Pseudémyde de l'Alabama Pseudemys concinna Testudines - Emydidae River Cooter; Cooter Turtle; Cooter; Common Cooter Hieroglyphenschmuckschildkröte Tortue conchoïde des rivières; Pseuémyde concinne Cooter di fiume Pseudemys concinna concinna Testudines - Emydidae Eastern River Cooter Pseudemys concinna floridana Testudines - Emydidae Aquatic Cooter; Mobile Turtle; Florida Cooter; Cooter (NA); Coastal Plain Cooter Florida-Schmuckschildkröte Tortue conchoïde; Pseudémyde de Floride; Pseudémyde de Floride septentrionale Cooter comune

6823 e f 6824 e d f i

6825 e d f 6826 e

d f i

6827 e

6821 e

Pseudemys concinna hieroglyphica Testudines - Emydidae Hieroglyphic River Cooter

Pseudemys concinna metteri Testudines - Emydidae Missouri River Cooter Pseudemys gorzugi Testudines - Emydidae Rio Grande River Cooter; Rio Grande Cooter Pseudémyde du Rio Grande Pseudemys nelsoni Testudines - Emydidae Florida Red-bellied Turtle; Florida Redbelly Turtle; Florida Red-bellied Cooter Florida-Rotbauchschmuckschildkröte Tortue à ventre rouge de Floride; Pseudémyde de Nelson Cooter di Nelson; Testuggine della Florida Pseudemys peninsularis Testudines - Emydidae Peninsula Cooter; Western River Cooter Peninsula-Schmuckschildkröte Pseudémyde peninsulaire Pseudemys rubriventris Testudines - Emydidae Eastern Red-bellied Turtle; Redbellied Turtle; American Redbelly Turtle; American Red-bellied Turtle; Redbelly Turtle (NA); Northern Redbellied Cooter Rotbauchschmuckschildkröte Tortue à ventre rouge Testuggine americana dal ventre rosso Pseudemys suwanniensis Testudines - Emydidae River Cooter; Suwanee River Turtle; Suwanee River Cooter; Suwanee Cooter


Pseudocalotes poilani

6828 e f 6829 e 6830 e 6831 e 6832 e 6833 e 6834 e

6835 e 6836 e

Pseudemys texana Testudines - Emydidae Texas River Cooter; Texas Cooter Pseudémyde du Texas Pseuderemias Squamata - Lacertidae Greater Racerunners; Sand Lizards Pseuderemias brenneri Squamata - Lacertidae Brenner's Racerunner Pseuderemias erythrosticta Squamata - Lacertidae Boulenger's Racerunner Pseuderemias mucronata Squamata - Lacertidae Sinai Racerunner Pseuderemias smithii Squamata - Lacertidae Smith's Racerunner Pseuderemias striata Squamata - Lacertidae Peters's Racerunner; Peters's Sand Lizard Pseudoacontias Squamata - Scincidae Giant Madagascar Skinks Pseudoacontias madagascariensis Squamata - Scincidae Giant Madagascar Skink


6839 e 6840 e

6841 e 6842 e 6843 e 6844 e 6845 e 6846 e d 6847

6837 e

Pseudoboa Squamata - Colubridae False Boas; Scarlet Snakes

e 6848


Pseudoboa coronata Squamata - Colubridae


Crowned False Boa; Amazon Scarlet Snake Pseudoboa haasi Squamata - Colubridae Parana False Boa Pseudoboa neuwiedi Squamata - Colubridae Neuwied's False Boa; Windward Pseudoboa (WI) Pseudoboa nigra Squamata - Colubridae Black False Boa Pseudoboodon Squamata - Colubridae Banded Snakes Pseudoboodon lemniscatus Squamata - Colubridae Banded Snake Pseudocalotes brevipes Squamata - Agamidae Vietnam False Bloodsucker Pseudocalotes flavigula Squamata - Agamidae Malaya False Bloodsucker Pseudocalotes floweri Squamata - Agamidae Thai False Bloodsucker Flowers Schönechse Pseudocalotes microlepis Squamata - Agamidae Burmese False Bloodsucker Pseudocalotes poilani Squamata - Agamidae Laotioan False Bloodsucker

Pseudocalotes tympanystriga

6849 e d f

Pseudocalotes tympanystriga Squamata - Agamidae Indonesian False Bloodsucker Kuhls Spitzkopfagame Bronchocèle à tympan strié


e d 6857

6850 e d f 6851 e d 6852 e 6853 e d f 6854 e

Pseudocerastes Squamata - Viperidae False Horned Vipers Trughornvipern; Persische Trughornvipern; Asiatische Hornvipern Pseudocérastes Pseudocerastes fieldi Squamata - Viperidae Field's Horned Viper Field's Trughornviper Pseudocerastes latirostris Squamata - Viperidae Iranian Horned Viper Pseudocerastes persicus Squamata - Viperidae Persian Horned Viper; False Cerastes Persische Trughornviper; Westasiatische Hornviper Pseudocéraste de Perse Pseudoclotes Squamata - Agamidae False Bloodsuckers; Slender Beauty Lizards

e d f 6858 e d 6859 e d f

6860 e 6861 e d

6855 e d f 6856

Pseudocordylus Squamata - Cordylidae False Girdled Lizards; Crag Lizards (CSA) Scheingürtelschweife; Falsche Gürtelschweife; Unechte Gürtelschweife Pseudocordyle Pseudocordylus capensis

6862 e 6863


Squamata - Cordylidae False Girdled Lizard; Graceful Crag Lizard (CSA) Unechter Gürtelschweif Pseudocordylus langi Squamata - Cordylidae Lang's Girdled Lizard; Lang's Crag Lizard (CSA) Langs Gürtelschweif Pseudocordyle de Lang Pseudocordylus melanotus Squamata - Cordylidae Drakensberg Crag Lizard Drakensberg-Gürtelschweif Pseudocordylus microlepidotus Squamata - Cordylidae Crag Lizard; Cape Crag Lizard (CSA) Kleinschuppiger Scheingürtelschweif; Falscher KapGürtelschweif Pseudocordyle microlépidote; Zonure microlépidote Pseudocordylus robertsi Squamata - Cordylidae Roberts's Girdled Lizard Pseudocordylus spinosus Squamata - Cordylidae Prickly Girdled Lizard; Spiny Crag Lizard (CSA) Dorniger Gürtelschweif Pseudocordylus spinosus subviridis Squamata - Cordylidae Drakensberg Crag Lizard Pseudocordylus spinosus transvaalensis Squamata - Cordylidae Drakensberg Crag Lizard


Pseudohaje nigra

6864 e 6865 e f i 6866 e 6867 e

6868 e 6869 e 6870 e 6871 e

Pseudocyclophis Squamata - Colubridae Dwarf Racers


Pseudocyclophis persicus Squamata - Colubridae Dark-headed Dwarf Racer; Persian Dwarf Snake Couleuvre naine de Perse Irene persiana


Pseudoeryx Squamata - Colubridae Pond Snakes; Eel Snakes Pseudoeryx plicatilis Squamata - Colubridae South American Pond Snake; Eel Snake Pseudoficimia Squamata - Colubridae False Ficimias Pseudoficimia frontalis Squamata - Colubridae False Ficimia Pseudogecko Squamata - Gekkonidae False Gecko Pseudogecko brevipes Squamata - Gekkonidae Luzon False Gecko



6876 e 6877 e 6878 e

6879 e 6880 e 6881 e d 6882

6872 e 6873 e

Pseudogecko compressicorpus Squamata - Gekkonidae Philippine False Gecko Pseudogecko labialis Squamata - Gekkonidae Mindanao False Gecko

e d f 6883

Pseudogecko smaragdinus Squamata - Gekkonidae Polillo False Gecko Pseudogonatodes Squamata - Gekkonidae South American Clawed Geckos; Pygmy Geckos Pseudogonatodes barbouri Squamata - Gekkonidae Barbour's Clawed Gecko Pseudogonatodes furvus Squamata - Gekkonidae Colombian Clawed Gecko Pseudogonatodes guanensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Guyana Clawed Gecko; Amazon Pygmy Gecko Pseudogonatodes lunulatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Venezuela Clawed Gecko Pseudogonatodes peruvianus Squamata - Gekkonidae Peru Clawed Gecko Pseudohaje Squamata - Elapidae Forest Cobras; Tree Cobras Waldkobras Pseudohaje goldii Squamata - Elapidae Black Forest Cobra; Gold's Forest Cobra; Gold's Tree Cobra; Gold's Cobra Waldkobra; Golds Waldkobra Cobra de Gold Pseudohaje nigra Squamata - Elapidae


e d

6884 e 6885 e 6886 e 6887 e d

Hoodless Cobra Schwarze Waldkobra; Australische Scheinkobra Pseudoleptodeira Squamata - Colubridae False Cat-eyed Snakes Pseudoleptodeira latifasciata Squamata - Colubridae False Cat-eyed Snake Pseudoleptodeira uribei Squamata - Colubridae False Cat-eyed Snake Pseudonaja Squamata - Elapidae Venomous Brown Snakes; Brown Snakes Braunschlangen; Scheinkobras


e 6893 e d 6894 e d

6895 e 6896 e

6888 e d 6889 e d 6890 e 6891 e d 6892

Pseudonaja affinis Squamata - Elapidae Dugite Dugite Pseudonaja guttata Squamata - Elapidae Speckled Brown Snake; Spotted Brown Snake; Banded Brown Snake Gefleckte Scheinkobra Pseudonaja inframacula Squamata - Elapidae Pensinsula Brown Snake Pseudonaja ingrami Squamata - Elapidae Ingram's Brown Snake Ingrams Scheinkobra Pseudonaja modesta Squamata - Elapidae

6897 e 6898 e 6899 e 6900 e 6901 e d f

Ringed Brown Snake Pseudonaja nuchalis Squamata - Elapidae Western Brown Snake; Gwardar (ANZ) Westliche Braunschlange Pseudonaja textilis Squamata - Elapidae Eastern Brown Snake Gewöhnliche Braunschlange; Östliche Braunschlange; Braunschlange; Östliche Scheinkobra Pseudorabdion Squamata - Colubridae Dwarf Reed Snakes Pseudorabdion collaris Squamata - Colubridae Common Collared Snake Pseudorabdion longiceps Squamata - Colubridae Cantor's Dwarf Reed Snake Pseudorabdion oxycephalum Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Dwarf Reed Snake Pseudotomodon Squamata - Colubridae False Tomodon Snakes Pseudotomodon trigonatus Squamata - Colubridae False Tomodon Snake Pseudotrapelus Squamata - Agamidae Sinai Agamas Sinai-Agamen Agames du Sinaï


Pseudoxyrhopus occipitalis

6902 e d f 6903 e 6904 e

6905 e

Pseudotrapelus sinaitus Squamata - Agamidae Sinai Agama Sinai-Agame Agame du Sinaï


Pseudotyphlops Squamata - Uropeltidae Large Shieldtail Snakes


Pseudotyphlops philippinus Squamata - Uropeltidae Large Shieldtail Snake; Sri Lanka Shield-tailed Snake Pseudoxenodon Squamata - Colubridae Bamboo Snakes; Hooded Tree Snakes; Keelbacks

e 6913

6914 e 6915 e 6916

6906 e

Pseudoxenodon bambusicola Squamata - Colubridae Bamboo Snake

e 6917

6907 e

Pseudoxenodon baramensis Squamata - Colubridae Baramen Bamboo Snake

e 6918

6908 e

Pseudoxenodon dorsalis Squamata - Colubridae Night Bamboo Snake

e 6919

6909 e

Pseudoxenodon fukiensis Squamata - Colubridae Fukien Bamboo Snake

e 6920

6910 e

Pseudoxenodon inornatus Squamata - Colubridae Dull Bamboo Snake

e 6921

6911 e

Pseudoxenodon jacobsoni Squamata - Colubridae Jacobson's Bamboo Snake


Pseudoxenodon karlschmidti Squamata - Colubridae Chinese Bamboo Snake Pseudoxenodon macrops Squamata - Colubridae Big-eyed Bamboo Snake; Mock Cobra; Hooded Tree Snake; Big-eyed Keelback; Big-eyed Mountain Keelback Pseudoxenodon stejnegeri Squamata - Colubridae Stejneger's Bamboo Snake Pseudoxyrhopus Squamata - Colubridae Brook Snakes Pseudoxyrhopus ambreensis Squamata - Colubridae Ambre Brook Snake Pseudoxyrhopus dubius Squamata - Colubridae Mocquard's Brook Snake Pseudoxyrhopus heterurus Squamata - Colubridae Night Brook Snake Pseudoxyrhopus imerinae Squamata - Colubridae Plateau Brook Snake Pseudoxyrhopus microps Squamata - Colubridae Brown Brook Snake Pseudoxyrhopus occipitalis Squamata - Colubridae Madagascar Brook Snake

Pseudoxyrhopus quinquelineatus

6922 e 6923 e d

Pseudoxyrhopus quinquelineatus Squamata - Colubridae Striped Brook Snake Pseustes Squamata - Colubridae Puffing Snakes; Bird Snakes Vogelnattern


e 6933 e 6934 e

6924 e

6925 e 6926 e

Pseustes poecilonotus Squamata - Colubridae Puffing Snake; Neotropical Bird Snake Pseustes poecilonotus polylepis Squamata - Colubridae Common Bird Snake Pseustes sexcarinatus Squamata - Colubridae Wagler's Puffing Snake

6935 e 6936 e

6937 e

6927 e 6928 e 6929 e 6930 e 6931 e 6932

Pseustes shropshirei Squamata - Colubridae Shropshire's Puffing Snake Pseustes sulphureus Squamata - Colubridae Amazon Puffing Snake Pseustes sulphureus Squamata - Colubridae Giant Bird Snake

6938 e d 6939 e

Psilothalmus Squamata - Teiidae Psilothalmuses


Psilothalmus paeminosus Squamata - Teiidae Psilothalmus


Psomophis Squamata - Colubridae



Spirit Ground Snakes Psomophis genimaculatus Squamata - Colubridae Spirit Ground Snake Psomophis jobertsi Squamata - Colubridae Joberts's Ground Snake Psomophis obtusus Squamata - Colubridae Wide Ground Snake Ptenopus Squamata - Gekkonidae Chirping Geckos; Barking Geckos (CSA) Ptenopus carpi Squamata - Gekkonidae Namib Chirping Gecko; Carp's Barking Gecko (CSA) Ptenopus garrulus Squamata - Gekkonidae Whistling Gecko; Barking Gecko; Common Barking Gecko Sandgecko; Grabgecko; Pfeifgecko Ptenopus garrulus garrulus Squamata - Gekkonidae Common Barking Gecko (CSA); Barking Gecko (CSA) Ptenopus garrulus maculatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Barking Gecko (CSA) Ptenopus kochi Squamata - Gekkonidae Koch's Chirping Gecko; Koch's Barking Gecko (CSA)


Ptychophis flavovirgatus

6942 e d f 6943 e d f 6944 e

d f

6945 e 6946 e 6947 e

6948 e 6949

Ptyas Squamata - Colubridae Indian Rat Snakes; Asian Rat Snakes; Dhaman Snakes Asiatische Rattenschlangen Serpents-ratiers Ptyas korros Squamata - Colubridae Indian Rat Snake; Chinese Rat Snake; Schlegel's Rat Snake; IndoChinese Rat Snake; Slender Dhaman Gelbbäuchige Rattenschlange; Chinesische Rattenschlange Petit serpent-ratier d'Inde Ptyas mucosus Squamata - Colubridae Oriental Rat Snake; Dhaman Rat Snake; Greater Indian Rat Snake; Dhaman (ISC); Common Rat Snake; Asian Rat Snake Dhaman; Orientalische Rattennatter; Asiatische Rattenschlange; Rattennatter; Rattenschlange Grand serpent-ratier d'Inde; Serpentratier; Serpent-ratier asiatique Ptychoglossus Squamata - Teiidae Largescale Lizard; Swamp Lizards Ptychoglossus bicolor Squamata - Teiidae Werner's Largescale Lizard

e 6950 e 6951 e 6952 e 6953 e 6954 e 6955 e 6956 e 6957 e

Ptychoglossus brevifrontalis Squamata - Teiidae Boulenger's Largescale Lizard; Slender Swamp Lizard


Ptychoglossus danieli Squamata - Teiidae Daniel's Largescale Lizard


Ptychoglossus eurylepis



Squamata - Teiidae Largescale Lizard Ptychoglossus festae Squamata - Teiidae Peracca's Largescale Lizard Ptychoglossus gorgonas Squamata - Teiidae Rueda's Largescale Lizard Ptychoglossus grandisquamatus Squamata - Teiidae Common Largescale Lizard Ptychoglossus kugleri Squamata - Teiidae Kugler's Largescale Lizard Ptychoglossus nicefori Squamata - Teiidae Loveridge's Largescale Lizard Ptychoglossus picticeps Squamata - Teiidae Cope's Largescale Lizard Ptychoglossus plicatus Squamata - Teiidae Taylor's Largescale Lizard Ptychoglossus romulus Squamata - Teiidae King Largescale Lizard Ptychophis Squamata - Colubridae Fanged Water Snakes; Big Oriental Rat Snakes; Oriental Rat Snakes Ptychophis flavovirgatus Squamata - Colubridae Fanged Water Snake; Big Oriental Rat Snake; Oriental Rat Snake


6960 e d f 6961 e

6962 e

6963 e

d f 6964 e d

6965 e

6966 e d

Ptychozoon Squamata - Gekkonidae Flying Geckos; Parachuting Geckos; Fringed Geckos Faltengeckos; Fächerfinger; Fächerfußsgeckos Geckos volants Ptychozoon horsfieldi Squamata - Gekkonidae Horsfield's Flying Gecko; Horsfield's Parachuting Gecko; Horsfield's Fringed Gecko Ptychozoon intermedium Squamata - Gekkonidae Intermediate Flying Gecko; Intermediate Parachuting Gecko; Philippines Fringed Gecko Ptychozoon kuhli Squamata - Gekkonidae Kuhl's Flying Gecko; Kuhl's Parachuting Gecko; Flying Gecko; Parachuting Gecko; Kuhl's Fringed Gecko; Gliding Gecko (ISC) Kuhls Faltengecko; Faltengecko Gecko volant; Gecko parachute Ptychozoon lionotum Squamata - Gekkonidae Common Flying Gecko; Common Parachuting Gecko; Burmese Flying Gecko; Flying Gecko; Gliding Gecko Gewöhnlicher Faltengecko; Faltengecko Ptychozoon rhacophorus Squamata - Gekkonidae Sabah Flying Gecko; Sabah Parachuting Gecko Ptyodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Fan-fingered Geckos; Fan-footed Geckos Fächerfingergeckos; Fächerfinger;


f 6967 e 6968 e d



d 6970 d 6971 d 6972 e 6973 e d f 6974

Fächerzäher Ptyodactyles Ptyodactylus guttatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Sinai Fan-fingered Gecko Ptyodactylus hasselquistii Squamata - Gekkonidae Yellow Fan-fingered Gecko; Fantoed Rock Gecko; Fan-toed Gecko; Fan-footed Gecko Gelber Fächerfingergecko; Östlicher Fächerfußgecko; Gemeiner Fächerfuß; Gemeiner Fächerzeher; Fächerfingergecko; Fächerfußgecko Gecko des maisons; Ptyodactyle de Hasselquist; Ptyodactyle; Gecko à doigts en forme d'éventail Ptyodactylus hasselquistii hasselquistii Squamata - Gekkonidae Östlicher Fächerfußgecko Ptyodactylus hasselquistii oudrii Squamata - Gekkonidae Wüstenfächerfußgecko Ptyodactylus hasselquistii togoensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Westlicher Fächerfußgecko Ptyodactylus homolepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Pakistan Fan-fingered Gecko Ptyodactylus oudrii Squamata - Gekkonidae Algerian Fan-fingered Gecko; Oudri's Fan-footed Gecko Oudris Flachfingergecko Ptyodactyle d'Oudri Ptyodactylus puiseuxi Squamata - Gekkonidae


Python curtus curtus e

Israeli Fan-fingered Gecko; Fan-toed Gecko

e d

6975 e d f 6976 e 6977 e

6978 e 6979 e 6980 e

Ptyodactylus ragazzii Squamata - Gekkonidae Ragazzi's Fan-footed Gecko Ragazzis Fächerfingergecko Gecko de Ragazzi Pyctolaemus Squamata - Agamidae Throated Agamas Pyctolaemus gularis Squamata - Agamidae Throated Agama; Blue-throated Lizard (ISC) Pygomeles Squamata - Scincidae Short Skinks Pygomeles braconnieri Squamata - Scincidae Braconnier's Short Skink Pygomeles petteri Squamata - Scincidae Petter's Short Skink

6984 e d f 6985 e d f 6986 e

d f i 6987

6981 e d f 6982 e d f 6983

Pygopus Squamata - Gekkonidae Australian Scalyfoots; Scalyfoots Flossenfüße Pygopodes Pygopus lepidopodus Squamata - Gekkonidae Common Scalyfoot Gewöhnlicher Flossenfuß; Schlangenflossenfuss Pygopode lépidopode Pygopus nigriceps Squamata - Gekkonidae


6988 e d f 6989 e d

Hooded Scalyfoot; Western Scalyfoot Westlicher Flossenfuß Python Squamata - Boidae Common Pythons; Pythons; Typical Pythons Echte Pythone; Pythone Pythons Python anchietae Squamata - Boidae Angola Python; Anchieta's Dwarf Python (CSA); Anchieta's Python; Angolan Python Angola-Python Python d'Angola Python curtus Squamata - Boidae Blood Python; Short-tailed Python; Short Python; Malayan Python; Lesser Python; Red Python; Borneo Blood Python Buntpython; Blutpython; Kurzpython; Kurzschwanzpython Python malais; Python à queue courte Pitone corto Python curtus breitensteini Squamata - Boidae Bornean Short-tailed Python; Borneo Short-tailed Python Python curtus brongersmai Squamata - Boidae Blood Python; Red Blood Python Buntpython; Roter Blutpython Python tacheté Python curtus curtus Squamata - Boidae Sumatran Short-tailed Python; Black Blood Python Kurzschwanzpython; Blutpython

Python molurus

6990 e d f i

6991 e d f i 6992 e d 6993 e d f i 6994 e d f i 6995 e

Python molurus Squamata - Boidae Indian Python ; Burmese Python; Indian Rock Python; Black-tailed Python Tigerpython; Burma-Python; BurmaTigerpython; Tigerschlange Python molure; Python indien; Python de l'Inde Pitone moluro birmani; Pitone moluro; Pitone delle rocce indiano Python molurus bivittatus Squamata - Boidae Burmese Python Dunkler Tigerpython; Burma-Python Python birman Pitone delle rocce Python molurus molurus Squamata - Boidae Indian Python ; Indian Rock Python Heller Tigerpython Python regius Squamata - Boidae Ball Python; Royal Python; King Python Königspython; Ballschlange; Ballpython Python royal Pitone reale; Pitone palla Python reticulatus Squamata - Boidae Reticulate Python; Reticulated Python; Malay Python Netzpython; Gitterschlange; Netzschlange; BorneoRiesenschlange Python réticulé Pitone reticolato Python sebae Squamata - Boidae African Rock Python; African


d f i

6996 e d 6997 e d 6998 e

6999 e

7000 e d f 7001 e d f i

Python (CSA); Common African Python; Rock Python Felsenpython; Hieroglyphschlange; Assala Python de Séba Pitone di Seba; Pitone delle rocce; Pitone delle rocce africano Python sebae natalensis Squamata - Boidae Lesser Rock Python; Natal Rock Python; Southern African Python; Southern African Rock Python Südlicher Felsenpython Python timoriensis Squamata - Boidae Timor Python Timor-Python Pythonodipsas Squamata - Colubridae Western Keeled Snakes; Keeled Snakes Pythonodipsas carinata Squamata - Colubridae Western Keeled Snake; Keeled Snake Pyxidea Testudines - Emydidae Keeled Box Turtles Indische Dornschildkröten Tortues-boîte à trois carènes Pyxidea mouhotii Testudines - Emydidae Keeled Box Turtle (ISC); Jaggedshell Turtle; Jaggedshell Box Turtle; Jagged-shelled Turtle Indische Dornschildkröte Tortue-boîte à trois carènes Tartaruga scatola carinata


Pyxis planicauda

7002 e d f 7003 e d f i

7004 e


f i

Pyxis Testudines - Testudinidae Spider Tortoises Spinnenschildkröten Pyxides Pyxis arachnoides Testudines - Testudinidae Spider Tortoise; Common Spider Tortoise; Madagascan Spider Tortoise Spinnenschildkröte; MadagaskarSpinnenschildkröte Pyxide arachnoide Pisside; Testuggine aracnoide comune Pyxis planicauda Testudines - Testudinidae Flat-shelled Spider Tortoise; Madagascan Flat-tailed Tortoise; Madagascar Flat-shelled Tortoise; Madagascar Flat-tailed Spider Tortoise Madagasische Flachschwanzschildkröte; Madagasische Flachrückenschildkröte Tortue à queue plate Acinisside; Testuggine aracnoide a guscio platto


Q 7005 e d 7006 e d f

Quedenfeldtia Squamata - Gekkonidae Atlas Day Geckos Atlas-Taggeckos Quedenfeldtia trachyblepharus Squamata - Gekkonidae Atlas Day Gecko; Thorny-eyelidded Gecko; High Atlas Moroccan Day Gecko Atlas-Taggecko Gecko à paupière épineuse; Gecko à paupières hérissées; Gecko à paupières épineuses du Haut Atlas



Ramphotyphlops cunningii



e 7014 e

7007 e 7008 e d f i

7009 e

f 7010 e d i

Rafetus Testudines - Trionychidae Billacosites; Billacosite Softshells


Rafetus euphraticus Testudines - Trionychidae Euphrates Softshell; Euphrates Softshelled Turtle; Billacosite Softshell Turtle; Euphrates Softshell Turtle Euphrat-Weichschildkröte Trionyx à deux callositées; Trionyx de l'Euphrate Trionice eufratico; Tartaruga a guscio molle dell'Eufrate


Rafetus swinhoei Testudines - Trionychidae Shanghai Softshell; Swinhoe's Softshelled Turtle; Shanghai Softshell Turtle; Swinhoe's Softshell Turtle; Swinhoe's Softshell Trionyx de Swinhoe Ramphotyphlops Squamata - Typhlopidae Common Blind Snakes; Australasian Blind Snakes; Australian Thread Snakes; Brahminy Blind Snakes Blindschlangen Rantotiflopi


e 7017 e


f i 7018 e d 7019

7011 e

Ramphotyphlops acuticauda Squamata - Typhlopidae Palau Island Blind Snake

e 7020

7012 e

Ramphotyphlops affinis Squamata - Typhlopidae Brown Blind Snake


Ramphotyphlops albiceps Squamata - Typhlopidae White-headed Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops australis Squamata - Typhlopidae Australian Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops batillus Squamata - Typhlopidae Batillus Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops bituberculatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Anglenose Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops braminus Squamata - Typhlopidae Brahminy Blind Snake; Bootlace Snake; Flowerpot Snake; Conmmon Worm Snake (ISC); Common Blind Snake (ISC); Island Blind Snake (NA); Flowerpot Blind Snake; Russel's Blind Snake Gewöhnliche Blindschlange; Blindschlange; Schnürsenkelschlange; Blumentopfschlange Typhlops commun; Serpent aveugle du Brahminy Rantotiflope partenogenico Ramphotyphlops broomi Squamata - Typhlopidae Broom's Blind Snake; Striated Blind Snake; Striate Blind Snake Gestreifte Blindschlange Ramphotyphlops centralis Squamata - Typhlopidae Central Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops cunningii Squamata - Typhlopidae Philippine Blind Snake

Ramphotyphlops diversus

7021 e 7022 e 7023 e 7024 e 7025 e 7026 e 7027 e 7028 e 7029 e 7030 e 7031 e


Ramphotyphlops diversus Squamata - Typhlopidae Diverse Blind Snake


Ramphotyphlops endotera Squamata - Typhlopidae Reddish Blind Snake


Ramphotyphlops exocoeti Squamata - Typhlopidae Pale Blind Snake


Ramphotyphlops glavipenter Squamata - Typhlopidae Indonesian Blind Snake


Ramphotyphlops gryphus Squamata - Typhlopidae Blacktail Blind Snake


Ramphotyphlops guentheri Squamata - Typhlopidae Günther's Blind Snake


Ramphotyphlops hamatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Hooked Blind Snake


Ramphotyphlops howi Squamata - Typhlopidae Wall Point Blind Snake


Ramphotyphlops kimberleyensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Kimberley Blind Snake


Ramphotyphlops leptosoma Squamata - Typhlopidae Purple Blind Snake


Ramphotyphlops leucoproctus Squamata - Typhlopidae Island Blind Snake













Ramphotyphlops ligatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Eastern Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops lineatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Striped Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops margaretae Squamata - Typhlopidae Lake Throssell Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops micromma Squamata - Typhlopidae Leopold Downs Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops minimus Squamata - Typhlopidae Groote Eylandt Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops multilineatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Many-lined Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops nigrescens Squamata - Typhlopidae Night Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops olivaceus Squamata - Typhlopidae Olive Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops pinguis Squamata - Typhlopidae Fat Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops polygrammicus Squamata - Typhlopidae Yellow-tipped Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops proximus Squamata - Typhlopidae Chocolate Blind Snake


Rhabderemias fasciata

7043 e 7044 e 7045 e d 7046 e 7047 e 7048 e 7049 e 7050 e d f 7051 e d f 7052

Ramphotyphlops tovelli Squamata - Typhlopidae Darwin Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops troglodytes Squamata - Typhlopidae Tunnel Cave Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops unguirostris Squamata - Typhlopidae Peters's Blind Snake Peters Blindschlange Ramphotyphlops waitii Squamata - Typhlopidae Waite's Blind Snake

e d f

7053 e

d f

Ramphotyphlops wiedii Squamata - Typhlopidae Wied's Blind Snake


Ramphotyphlops yampiensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Kooland Island Blind Snake


Ramphotyphlops yirrikala Squamata - Typhlopidae Darwin Land Blind Snake


Regina Squamata - Colubridae Crayfish Snakes; Queen Snakes Königinnatter; Krebsnattern Couleuvres-écrevisse


Regina alleni Squamata - Colubridae Striped Crayfish Snake; Allen's Mud Snake; Allen's Snake; Striped Swamp Snake Gestreifte Sumpfnatter; Gestreifte Krebsnatter Couleuvre-écrevisse des marais Regina grahamii




e d f 7058 e 7059 e

Squamata - Colubridae Graham's Crayfish Snake; Graham's Water Snake; Graham's Queen Snake Grahams Wassernatter; Grahams Krebsnatter Couleuvre-écrevisse de Graham; Couleuvre de Graham Regina rigida Squamata - Colubridae Glossy Crayfish Snake; Glossy Crayfish Water Snake; Glossy Water Snake; Stiff Snake; Striped Water Snake Gestreifte Wassernatter; Glanzkrebsnatter Couleuvre-écrevisse luisante; Couleuvre rayée Regina rigida deltae Squamata - Colubridae Delta Crayfish Snake Regina rigida rigida Squamata - Colubridae Glossy Crayfish Snake Regina rigida sinicola Squamata - Colubridae Gulf Crayfish Snake Regina septemvittata Squamata - Colubridae Queen Snake; Leather King Water Snake Königinennatter; Königinnatter; Königinschlange; Königsnatter; StreifenwWassernatter Couleuvre-écrevisse royale Rhabderemias Squamata - Lacertidae Lesser Racerunners Rhabderemias fasciata Squamata - Lacertidae Sistan Racerunner

Rhabderemias lineolata

7060 e 7061 e d f i

Rhabderemias lineolata Squamata - Lacertidae Striped Racerunner Rhabderemias pleskei Squamata - Lacertidae Pleske's Racerunner Transkaukasischer Wüstenrenner; Pleskes Wüstenrenner Érémias de Pleske Eremia di Pleske


Keelback; Speckle-bellied Keelback 7070 e

7071 e 7072

7062 e

Rhabderemias scripta Squamata - Lacertidae Sand Racerunner

e 7073

7063 e

Rhabdophidium Squamata - Colubridae Pointed Snake

e 7074

7064 e

Rhabdophidium forsteni Squamata - Colubridae Forsten's Pointed Snake

e 7075

7065 e

Rhabdophis Squamata - Colubridae Keelbacks; Common Keelbacks

e 7076

7066 e

Rhabdophis auriculatus Squamata - Colubridae Eared Keelback

e 7077

7067 e

7068 e 7069 e

Rhabdophis ceylonensis Squamata - Colubridae Ceylonese Keelback; Ceylon Keelback Rhabdophis chrysargoides Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Keelback Rhabdophis chrysargus Squamata - Colubridae Specklebelly Keelback; Schlegel's

e d

7078 e 7079

Rhabdophis himalayanus Squamata - Colubridae Orange-collared Keelback; Gamboge-collared Keelback Rhabdophis leonardi Squamata - Colubridae Leonards Keelback Rhabdophis lineata Squamata - Colubridae Lined Keelback Rhabdophis murudensis Squamata - Colubridae Muruden Keelback Rhabdophis nigrocinctus Squamata - Colubridae Green Keelback Rhabdophis nuchalis Squamata - Colubridae Hubei Keelback Rhabdophis spilogaster Squamata - Colubridae Boie's Keelback Rhabdophis subminiatus Squamata - Colubridae Redneck Keelback; Red-necked Keelback; Malayan Bush Snake; Vermilion-necked Keelback Rothalskielrückennatter; Rotnackenwassernatter Rhabdophis swinhonis Squamata - Colubridae Taiwan Keelback Rhabdophis tigrinus Squamata - Colubridae


Rhadinaea anachoreta e d

Asian Tiger Keelback; Tiger Keelback; Asian Tiger Snake; Yamakagashi Tigernatter; Tigerwassernatter

7089 e d

7080 e 7081 e 7082 e 7083 e 7084 e 7085 e d

Rhabdops Squamata - Colubridae Trapezoid Snakes Rhabdops bicolor Squamata - Colubridae Brown Trapezoid Snake Rhabdops olivaceus Squamata - Colubridae Olive Trapezoid Snake Rhachidelus Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian Bird Snakes

7090 e d f 7091 e


Rhachidelus brazili Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian Bird Snake


Rhacodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Giant Geckos Riesengeckos



e 7094

7086 e d f

Rhacodactylus auriculatus Squamata - Gekkonidae New Caledonia Bumpy Gecko Höckerkopfgecko Gecko gargouille

e 7095 e

7087 e 7088 e

Rhacodactylus australis Squamata - Gekkonidae Australian Giant Gecko Rhacodactylus cavaticus Squamata - Gekkonidae Kimberley Giant Cave Gecko

7096 e 7097 e

Rhacodactylus chahoua Squamata - Gekkonidae Bavay's Giant Gecko; Bavay's New Caledonian Gecko Neukaledonischer Riesengecko; Flechtengecko Rhacodactylus ciliatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Guichenot's Giant Gecko Kronengecko; Kronenkopfgecko Gecko à crête Rhacodactylus leachianus Squamata - Gekkonidae New Caledonia Giant Gecko; New Caledonian Giant Forest Gecko; New Caledonian Gecko; New Caledonian Giant Gecko Neukaledonischer Riesengecko; Kaledonischer Riesengecko Rhacodactylus lindneri Squamata - Gekkonidae Giant Cave Gecko (ANZ) Rhacodactylus sarasinorum Squamata - Gekkonidae Roux's Giant Gecko Rhacodactylus trachyrhynchus Squamata - Gekkonidae Tough-snouted Giant Gecko Rhadinaea Squamata - Colubridae Graceful Brown Snakes; Pine Woods Snakes; Litter Snakes Rhadinaea altamontana Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Graceful Brown Snake Rhadinaea anachoreta Squamata - Colubridae Litter Snake

Rhadinaea bogertorum

7098 e 7099 e

7100 e 7101 e 7102 e

7103 e

Rhadinaea bogertorum Squamata - Colubridae Oaxacan Graceful Brown Snake Rhadinaea calligaster Squamata - Colubridae Thick Graceful Brown Snake; Spotbelly Litter Snake Rhadinaea cuneata Squamata - Colubridae Veracruz Graceful Brown Snake Rhadinaea decipiens Squamata - Colubridae American Graceful Brown Snake Rhadinaea decorata Squamata - Colubridae Adorned Graceful Brown Snake; Pink-bellied Litter Snake Rhadinaea dumerilii Squamata - Colubridae Duméril's Graceful Brown Snake


e 7108 e 7109 e

7110 e 7111 e

7112 e

7113 7104 e

d f 7105 e

Rhadinaea flavilata Squamata - Colubridae Pine Wood Snake; Pine Woods Snake; Yellow-lipped Snake; Brownheaded Snake; Pine Woods Litter Snake Kiefernwaldschlange Couleuvre des pinèdes Rhadinaea forbesi Squamata - Colubridae Forbes's Graceful Brown Snake

e 7114 e 7115 e

7116 7106 e

Rhadinaea fulviceps Squamata - Colubridae Graceful Brown Snake

e 7117


Rhadinaea fulvivittis Squamata - Colubridae


Ribbon Graceful Brown Snake Rhadinaea gaigeae Squamata - Colubridae Gaige's Pine Forest Snake Rhadinaea godmani Squamata - Colubridae Godman's Graceful Brown Snake; Godman's Litter Snake Rhadinaea guentheri Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Graceful Brown Snake Rhadinaea hannsteini Squamata - Colubridae Hannstein's Spot-lipped Snake; Hannstein's Litter Snake Rhadinaea hempsteadae Squamata - Colubridae Hempstead's Pine Woods Snake; Hempstead's Litter Snake Rhadinaea hesperia Squamata - Colubridae Western Graceful Brown Snake Rhadinaea kanalchutchan Squamata - Colubridae Litter Snake Rhadinaea kinkelini Squamata - Colubridae Kinkelin's Graceful Brown Snake; Kinkelin's Litter Snake Rhadinaea lachrymams Squamata - Colubridae Tearful Pine-Oak Snake Rhadinaea lateristriga Squamata - Colubridae Berthold's Graceful Brown Snake



7118 e

Rhadinaea laureata Squamata - Colubridae Crowned Graceful Brown Snake


7129 7119 e

7120 e

Rhadinaea macdougalli Squamata - Colubridae MacDougall's Graceful Brown Snake; MacDougall's Litter Snake Rhadinaea marcellae Squamata - Colubridae Marcella's Graceful Brown Snake


7130 e 7131

7121 e

Rhadinaea montana Squamata - Colubridae Nuevo Leon Graceful Brown Snake

e 7132

7122 e

7123 e 7124 e

Rhadinaea montecristi Squamata - Colubridae Monte Cristi Graceful Brown Snake; Monte Cristi Litter Snake Rhadinaea multilineata Squamata - Colubridae Many-lined Graceful Brown Snake Rhadinaea myersi Squamata - Colubridae Myers's Graceful Brown Snake

e 7133 e 7134 e

7135 7125 e 7126 e 7127 e


Rhadinaea omiltemana Squamata - Colubridae Guerreran Pine Woods Snake Rhadinaea pachyura Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Graceful Brown Snake Rhadinaea pilonaorum Squamata - Colubridae Stuart's Graceful Brown Snake; Slender Litter Snake Rhadinaea posadasi Squamata - Colubridae


7136 e 7137 e


Posada's Graceful Brown Snake; Slevin's Litter Snake Rhadinaea pulveriventris Squamata - Colubridae Common Graceful Brown Snake; Common Litter Snake Rhadinaea quinquelineata Squamata - Colubridae Pueblan Graceful Brown Snake Rhadinaea rogerromani Squamata - Colubridae Orange-bellied Litter Snake Rhadinaea sargenti Squamata - Colubridae Sargent's Graceful Brown Snake Rhadinaea schistosa Squamata - Colubridae Broken-collar Graceful Brown Snake Rhadinaea serperaster Squamata - Colubridae Southern Graceful Brown Snake; Striped Litter Snake Rhadinaea stadelmani Squamata - Colubridae Stadelman's Graceful Brown Snake; Stadelman's Litter Snake Rhadinaea taeniata Squamata - Colubridae Pine-Oak Snake Rhadinaea vermiculaticeps Squamata - Colubridae Vermiculate Graceful Brown Snake; Vermiculate Litter Snake Rhadinophanes Squamata - Colubridae

Rhadinophanes monticola


7139 e

7140 e d 7141 e 7142 e d 7143 e 7144 e d

Graceful Mountain Snakes; Pine Wood Snakes Rhadinophanes monticola Squamata - Colubridae Graceful Mountain Snake; Pine Wood Snake Rhamphiophis Squamata - Colubridae Beaked Snakes; Beak-nosed Snakes Schnabelnasennattern Rhamphiophis acutus Squamata - Colubridae Striped Beaked Snake Rhamphiophis oxyrhychus Squamata - Colubridae Hook-nosed Beaked Snake Rötliche Schnabelnasennatter


7147 e

7148 e 7149 e

d f 7150 e

Rhamphiophis oxyrhychus rostratus Squamata - Colubridae Rufous Beaked Snake (CSA) Rhamphiophis rubropunctatus Squamata - Colubridae Red-spotted Beaked Snake; Red Beaked Snake Rotrückenschnabelnasennatter

d f

7151 e

7145 e d f 7146 e

Rhampholeon Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Stumptail Chameleons; Leaf Chameleons (CSA); Pygmy Chameleons Stummelschwanzchamäleone; Zwergchamäleone Caméléons nains Rhampholeon brachura Squamata - Chamaeleonidae African Stumptail Chameleon; Beardless Pygmy Chameleon

7152 e

7153 e d

Rhampholeon brevicaudata Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Tanzania Stumptail Chameleon; Bearded Pygmy Chameleon Rhampholeon chapmani Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Chapman's Stumptail Chameleon Rhampholeon kersteni Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Kenya Stumptail Chameleon; Kenya Pygmy Chameleon; Somali Pygmy Chameleon; Dwarf Chameleon (CSA) Somali-Zwergchamäleon Caméléon nain de Somali Rhampholeon marshalli Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Marshall's Stumptail Chameleon; Marshall's Leaf Chameleon (CSA); Marshall's Chameleon; Marshall's Dwarf Forest Chameleon (CSA); Marshall's Dwarf Chameleon (CSA) Marshalls Zwergchamäleon Caméléon nain de Marshall; Caméléon de Marshall Rhampholeon mclachlani Squamata - Chamaeleonidae McLachlan's Stumptail Chameleon Rhampholeon nchisiensis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae South African Stumptail Chameleon; Pitless Pygmy Chameleon Rhampholeon platyceps Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Malawi Stumptail Chameleon; Flat-headed Chameleon Flachkopfblattchamäleon



7154 e d

7155 e

7156 e d 7157 e d i 7158 e d f

Rhampholeon spectrum Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Cameroon Stumptail Chameleon; Cameroon Dwarf Chameleon; Spectral Pygmy Chameleon Stummelschwanzchamäleon; Blattchamäleon Rhampholeon temporalis Squamata - Chamaeleonidae Usambara Stumptail Chameleon; Pitted Pygmy Chameleon Rheodytes Testudines - Chelidae Fitzroy River Turtles; Fitzroy Turtles; Fitzroy Tortoises Fitzroy-Schildkröten Rheodytes leukops Testudines - Chelidae Fitzroy River Turtle; Fitzroy Turtle; Fitzroy Tortoise; White-eyed River Diver Fitzroy-Schildkröte Tartaruga del fiume Fitzroy Rhineura Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Florida Worm Lizards; Wide-snouted Wall Lizards (NA) Florida-Doppelschleichen Amphisbènes de Floride; Rhineures ; Rhineures de Floride

7161 e

7162 e

7163 e 7164 e 7165 e d 7166 e d f 7167 e

7159 e d f

7160 e

Rhineura floridana Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Florida Worm Lizard Florida-Doppelschleiche Amphisbène de Floride; Rhineure de Floride Rhinobothryum Squamata - Colubridae Banded Snakes; Ringed Snakes

7168 e

7169 e d f

Rhinobothryum bovallii Squamata - Colubridae Honduras Banded Snake; Big-headed False Coral Snake Rhinobothryum lentiginosum Squamata - Colubridae Amazon Banded Snake; Amazon Ringed Snake Rhinocalamus Squamata - Colubridae Tanganyika Snakes Rhinocalamus dimidiatus Squamata - Colubridae Tanganyika Red-banded Snake Rhinocheilus Squamata - Colubridae Longnose Snakes; Long-nosed Snakes Langnasennattern; Nasennattern Rhinocheilus lecontei Squamata - Colubridae Long-nosed Snake; Le Conte's Snake; Longnose Snake Nasennatter Couleuvre à long nez Rhinocheilus lecontei lecontei Squamata - Colubridae Western Longnose Snake; Western Long-nosed Snake Rhinocheilus lecontei tesselatus Squamata - Colubridae Texas Longnose Snake; Texas Longnosed Snake Rhinoclemmys Testudines - Emydidae Neotropical Wood Turtles Amerikanische Erdschildkröten Rhinoclemmydes

Rhinoclemmys annulata

7170 e d f 7171 e d f i 7172 e d f 7173 e d f 7174 e f 7175 e f 7176 e


Rhinoclemmys annulata Testudines - Emydidae Brown Wood Turtle Braune Erdschildkröte Rhinoclemmyde annelée Rhinoclemmys areolata Testudines - Emydidae Furrowed Wood Turtle Gefurchte Erdschildkröte Rhinoclemmyde aréolée Tartaruga rugosa di foresta Rhinoclemmys diademata Testudines - Emydidae Maracaibo Wood Turtle Venezuela-Erdschildkröte Rhinoclemmyde à diadème Rhinoclemmys funerea Testudines - Emydidae Black Wood Turtle; Black River Turtle Bauchstreifenerdschildkröte Rhinoclemmyde funèbre Rhinoclemmys melanosterna Testudines - Emydidae Colombian Wood Turtle Rhinoclemmyde à plastron noir Rhinoclemmys nasuta Testudines - Emydidae Largenose Wood Turtle; Large-nosed Wood Turtle Rhinoclemmyde à museau pointu Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima Testudines - Emydidae Painted Wood Turtle; American Geomyda; Mexican Wood Turtle; Mexican Painted Wood Turtle; Mexican Red Turtle; Ornate Wood Turtle Prachterdschildkröte


f i 7177 e f 7178 e f


e f 7180 e

d f i 7181 e d f 7182 e f 7183

Géoémyde américaine; Rhinoclemmyde peinte Tartaruga dipinta di foresta Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima incisa Testudines - Emydidae Salvador Painted Wood Turtle Rhinoclemmyde peinte du Salvador Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima manni Testudines - Emydidae Costa Rica Painted Wood Turtle Rhinoclemmyde peinte du Costa Rica Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima rogerbarbouri Testudines - Emydidae Sonora Painted Wood Turtle Rhinoclemmyde peinte de Sonora Rhinoclemmys punctularia Testudines - Emydidae Spot-legged Wood Turtle; Spottedlegged Wood Turtle; Spotted-legged Turtle; Spot-legged Turtle; Guiana Wood Turtle Südamerikanische Erdschildkröte; Rückenfleckenerdschildkröte Rhinoclemmyde ponctulaire Tartaruga dalle zampe penteggiate Rhinoclemmys rubida Testudines - Emydidae Mexican Spotted Wood Turtle; Oaxaca Wood Turtle Rückenfleckenerdschildkröte Rhinoclemmyde brune d'Oaxaca Rhinoclemmys rubida perixantha Testudines - Emydidae Colima Spotted Wood Turtle Rhinoclemmyde brune de Colima Rhinoleptus Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae


Rhinotyphlops acutus e

7184 e 7185 e

7186 e f 7187 e 7188 e

7189 e 7190 e d

Villier's Blind Snakes


Rhinoleptus koniagui Squamata - Leptotyphlopidae Villier's Blind Snake


Rhinophis Squamata - Uropeltidae Rhinoceros Earth Snakes; Earth Snakes


Rhinophis blythii Squamata - Uropeltidae Blyth's Earth Snake Serpent de queue armée de Blyth Rhinophis dorsimaculatus Squamata - Uropeltidae Polkadot Earth Snake Rhinophis drummondhayi Squamata - Uropeltidae Drummond-Hay's Earth Snake; Drummond-Hay's Shieldtail Rhinophis fergusonius Squamata - Uropeltidae Cardamon Hills Earth Snake Rhinophis oxyrhynchys Squamata - Uropeltidae Schneider's Earth Snake Ceylonesischer Schildschwanz


e 7196 e 7197 e 7198 e 7199 e d 7200 e

7201 7191 e

7192 e 7193

Rhinophis philippinus Squamata - Uropeltidae Peters's Philippine Earth Snake; Cuvier's Earth Snake Rhinophis punctatus Squamata - Uropeltidae Müller's Earth Snake Rhinophis sanguineus Squamata - Uropeltidae

e d 7202 e 7203

Salty Earth Snake Rhinophis travancoricus Squamata - Uropeltidae Tamil Nadu Earth Snake Rhinophis trevelyana Squamata - Uropeltidae Trevelyan's Earth Snake Rhinoplocephalus Squamata - Elapidae Deadly Whip Snakes Rhinoplocephalus bicolor Squamata - Elapidae Southwestern Whip Snake Rhinoplocephalus boschmai Squamata - Elapidae Carpentaria Whip Snake Rhinoplocephalus nigrescens Squamata - Elapidae Eastern Small-eyed Snake; Australian Small-eyed Snake Östliche Kleinaugenotter Rhinoplocephalus nigrostriatus Squamata - Elapidae Australian Black-striped Snake; Black-striped Snake (ANZ) Rhinoplocephalus pallidiceps Squamata - Elapidae Northern Small-eyed Snake Nördliche Kleinaugenotter Rhinotyphlops Squamata - Typhlopidae Beaked Snakes Rhinotyphlops acutus Squamata - Typhlopidae

Rhinotyphlops anomalus

e 7204 e 7205 e

7206 e 7207 e 7208 e

Beaked Blind Snake Rhinotyphlops anomalus Squamata - Typhlopidae Anomalous Beaked Snake Rhinotyphlops caecus Squamata - Typhlopidae Gaboon Beaked Snake; Benin Beaked Snake Rhinotyphlops crossii Squamata - Typhlopidae Cross's Beaked Snake Rhinotyphlops feae Squamata - Typhlopidae St. Thomas Beaked Snake Rhinotyphlops gracilis Squamata - Typhlopidae Urungu Beaked Snake


7214 e 7215 e

7216 e 7217 e 7218 e

7219 7209 e 7210 e 7211 e

7212 e 7213 e

Rhinotyphlops graueri Squamata - Typhlopidae Sternfeld's Beaked Snake


Rhinotyphlops kibarae Squamata - Typhlopidae Katanga Beaked Snake

d f

Rhinotyphlops lalandei Squamata - Typhlopidae Delalande's Beaked Snake; Delalande's Blind Snake (CSA); Lalande's Blind Snake (CSA) Rhinotyphlops leucocephalus Squamata - Typhlopidae Whiteheaded Beaked Snake Rhinotyphlops lumbriciformis Squamata - Typhlopidae Wormlike Beaked Snake; Wormlike Blind Snake

7220 e 7221 e 7222 e d f

Rhinotyphlops newtonii Squamata - Typhlopidae Newton's Beaked Snake Rhinotyphlops pallidus Squamata - Typhlopidae Zanzibar Beaked Snake; Zanzibar Blind Snake Rhinotyphlops praeocularis Squamata - Typhlopidae Leopoldville Beaked Snake Rhinotyphlops rufescens Squamata - Typhlopidae Haut-Oubangui Beaked Snake Rhinotyphlops schinzi Squamata - Typhlopidae Beaked Snake; Beaked Blind Snake (CSA) Rhinotyphlops schlegelii Squamata - Typhlopidae Schlegel's Beaked Snake; Schlegel's Beaked Blind Snake; Schlegel's Blind Snake (CSA); Southeastern Blind Snake Afrikanische Blindschlange Typhlops de Schlegel Rhinotyphlops schlegelii schlegelii Squamata - Typhlopidae Giant Blind Snake Rhinotyphlops scorteccii Squamata - Typhlopidae Scortecci's Beaked Snake Rhinotyphlops simoni Squamata - Typhlopidae Simon's Beaked Snake Israelische Wurmschlange Typhlops de Simon; Typhlops d'Israël


Rhynchocalamus satunini

7223 e 7224 e

Rhinotyphlops somalicus Squamata - Typhlopidae Highland Beaked Snake Rhinotyphlops stejnegeri Squamata - Typhlopidae Stejneger's Beaked Snake

Namib Day Gecko (CSA) 7233 e

7234 7225 e

Rhinotyphlops sudeanensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Sudan Beaked Snake

e 7235

7226 e

Rhinotyphlops unitaeniatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Kenya Beaked Snake

e 7236

7227 e

Rhinotyphlops wittei Squamata - Typhlopidae De Witte's Beaked Snake

e 7237

7228 e

7229 e

7230 e d 7231 e

7232 e

Rhoptropus Squamata - Gekkonidae Slender Geckos; Namib Day Geckos (CSA) Rhoptropus afer Squamata - Gekkonidae Olive Slender Gecko; Namib Day Gecko (CSA); Common Namib Day Gecko Rhoptropus barnardi Squamata - Gekkonidae Barnard's Slender Gecko; Barnard's Namib Day Gecko (CSA) Namib-Taggecko Rhoptropus biporosus Squamata - Gekkonidae Orupembe Slender Gecko; Kaokoveld Namib Day Gecko (CSA) Rhoptropus boultoni Squamata - Gekkonidae Boulton's Slender Gecko; Boulton's

e 7238 e 7239 e d f 7240 e 7241 e 7242 f

Rhoptropus bradfieldi Squamata - Gekkonidae Namib Slender Gecko; Bradfield's Namib Day Gecko (CSA) Rhoptropus taeniostictus Squamata - Gekkonidae Angola Slender Gecko Rhynchocalamus Squamata - Colubridae Kukri Snakes Rhynchocalamus arabicus Squamata - Colubridae Aden Kukri Snake Rhynchocalamus dorsolateralis Squamata - Colubridae Wall's Kukri Snake Rhynchocalamus eberhardti Squamata - Colubridae Eberhardt's Kukri Snake Rhynchocalamus melanocephalus Squamata - Colubridae Palestine Kukri Snake Schwarzkopfzwergnatter Couleuvre à tête noire Rhynchocalamus phaenochalinus Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Kukri Snake Rhynchocalamus propinquis Squamata - Colubridae Jan's Kukri Snake Rhynchocalamus satunini Squamata - Colubridae Rhynchocalame de Satunin

Rhynchocalamus violaceus

i 7243 e

Rincocalamo di Satunin Rhynchocalamus violaceus Squamata - Colubridae Violet Kukri Snake

7244 e d f i

Rhynchocephalia Tuataras Brückenechsen Rhynchcéphales Rincocefalli


Rhynchoedura Squamata - Gekkonidae Beaked Geckos

e 7246 e 7247 e 7248 e 7249 e 7250 e 7251 e d 7252 e

Rhynchoedura ornata Squamata - Gekkonidae Beaked Gecko Rhynchophis Squamata - Colubridae Rhinoceros Snakes Rhynchophis boulengeri Squamata - Colubridae Rhinoceros Snake Riolama Squamata - Teiidae White-spotted Riolamas Riolama leucostictus Squamata - Teiidae White-spotted Riolama Ristella Squamata - Scincidae Ristellas Katzenskinke Ristella beddomei Squamata - Scincidae Beddome's Ristella


7253 e 7254 e 7255 e d

Ristella guentheri Squamata - Scincidae Günther's Ristella Ristella rurkii Squamata - Scincidae Rurk's Ristella Ristella travancorica Squamata - Scincidae Travancore Ristella Travancore-Schlankskink


Salvadora deserticola



7264 e 7256 e d

7257 e d f 7258 f 7259 e

7260 e d i 7261 e 7262 e

Sacalia Testudines - Emydidae Eyed Turtles Pfauenaugenwasserschildkröten; Pfauenaugeschildkröten Sacalia bealei Testudines - Emydidae Beale's Eyed Turtle; Eyed Turtle Pfauenaugeschildkröte; Pfauenaugenwasserschildkröte Émyde chinoise à ocelles Sacalia bealei bealei Testudines - Emydidae Émyde chinoise à deux ocelles Sacalia pseudocellata Testudines - Emydidae Chinese False Eyed Turtle; False Eyed Turtle Sacalia quadriocellata Testudines - Emydidae Four-eyed Turtle Vieraugenschildkröte Tartaruga quattr'occhi Saiphos Squamata - Scincidae Three-toed Skinks Saiphos equalis Squamata - Scincidae Three-toed Skink

7265 e 7266 e

7267 e 7268 e 7269 e 7270 e d f 7271 e d 7272



Squamata - Agamidae Asia Minor Agamas; Salea Lizards (ISC) Salea anamallayana Squamata - Agamidae Anamally Agama; Anamalai Salea (ISC); Anamalai Spiny Lizard (ISC) Salea brachydactyla Squamata - Agamidae Rendahl's Agama Salea horsfieldi Squamata - Agamidae Nilgiri Agama; Nilgiri Slea (ISC); Nilgiri Spiny Lizard (ISC) Salea kakhienensis Squamata - Agamidae Kakhien Agama Salomonelaps Squamata - Elapidae Solomon Islands Brown Snakes Salomonelaps par Squamata - Elapidae Solomon Islands Brown Snake Salvadora Squamata - Colubridae Patchnose Snakes; Patch-nosed Snakes Pflasternasennattern; Pflasterzahnnattern Couleuvres à nez plaqué Salvadora bairdi Squamata - Colubridae Baird's Patchnose Snake; Baird's Patch-nosed Snake Bairds Pflasternasennatter Salvadora deserticola Squamata - Colubridae

Salvadora grahamiae

e d f 7273 e

d f

7274 e

7275 e

7276 e d f 7277 e d 7278 e 7279

Big Bend Patchnose Snake; Big Bend Patch-nosed Snake Wüstenpflasternasennatter Couleuvre à nez plaqué de Big Bend Salvadora grahamiae Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Patchnose Snake; Mountain Patch-nosed Snake; Flatnosed Snake (NA); Eastern Patchnose Snake; Eastern Patchnosed Snake Bergpflasternasennatter; GebirgsPflasternasennatter Couleuvre à nez plaqué des montagnes Salvadora grahamiae grahamiae Squamata - Colubridae Platean Patch-nosed Snake; Mountain Patchnose Snake; Mountain Patch-nosed Snake Salvadora grahamiae lineata Squamata - Colubridae Texas Patchnose Snake; Texas Patchnosed Snake Salvadora hexalepis Squamata - Colubridae Western Patchnose Snake; Western Patch-nosed Snake Westliche Pflasternasennatter Couleuvre à nez plaqué de l'Ouest Salvadora hexalepis hexalepis Squamata - Colubridae Desert Patchnose Snake; Desert Patch-nosed Snake Wüstenpflasternasennatter



7280 e

7281 e

7282 e

7283 e

7284 e

7285 e 7286 e

Salvadora hexalepis klauberi Squamata - Colubridae Baja California Patch-nosed Snake


Salvadora hexalepis mohavensis



Squamata - Colubridae Mojave Patch-nosed Snake; Mojave Patchnose Snake; Western Patchnosed Snake Salvadora hexalepis virgultea Squamata - Colubridae Coast Patchnose Snake; Coast Patchnosed Snake Salvadora intermedia Squamata - Colubridae Oaxacan Patchnose Snake; Oaxacan Patch-nosed Snake Salvadora lemniscata Squamata - Colubridae Pacific Patchnose Snake; Pacific Patch-nosed Snake Salvadora lineata Squamata - Colubridae Texas Patchnose Snake; Texas Patchnosed Snake; Patch-nosed Snake (NA); Rio Grande Patch-nosed Snake (NA) Salvadora mexicana Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Patchnose Snake; Mexican Patch-nosed Snake Saphenophis Squamata - Colubridae Saphenophis Snakes Saphenophis antioquiensis Squamata - Colubridae Dunn's Saphenophis Snake Saphenophis atahuallpae Squamata - Colubridae Atahuallpa Saphenophis Snake Saphenophis boursieri Squamata - Colubridae


Saurodactylus mauritanicus e

7289 e 7290 e 7291 e

Boursier's Saphenophis Snake Saphenophis sneiderni Squamata - Colubridae Saphenophis Snake Saphenophis tristriatus Squamata - Colubridae Striped Saphenophis Snake Saproscincus Squamata - Scincidae Basilisk Skinks; Shade Skinks

7299 e 7300 e 7301 e

7302 7292 e 7293 e

7294 e

7295 e

Saproscincus basiliscus Squamata - Scincidae Basilisk Skink; Basal Shade Skink Saproscincus challengeri Squamata - Scincidae Challenger's Skink; Challenger's Shade Skink; Orange-tailed Shade Skink Saproscincus czechurai Squamata - Scincidae Czechura's Skink; Czechura's Shade Skink Saproscincus mustelinus Squamata - Scincidae Weasel Skink

e d 7303 e d f 7304 e d f 7305

7296 e 7297 e 7298 e

Saproscincus tetradactylus Squamata - Scincidae Marked Skink Sator Squamata - Iguanaidae Sators Sator angustus Squamata - Iguanaidae Santa Cruz Island Sator

e d f

7306 e

Sator grandaevus Squamata - Iguanaidae Cerralvo Island Sator Sauresia Squamata - Anguidae Sauresias; Sauresians Sauresia agasepsoides Squamata - Anguidae Thomas's Sauresia; Serpentine Fourtoed Galliwasp Sauresia sepsoides Squamata - Anguidae Common Sauresia; Hispaniolan Four-toed Galliwasp Ägyptische Erzschleiche Saurodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Lizard-fingered Geckos; Lizard-toed Geckos Echsenfingergeckos Saurodactyles Saurodactylus brosseti Squamata - Gekkonidae Brosset's Lizard-toed Gecko Brossets Echsenfingergecko Saurodactyle de Brosset Saurodactylus fasciatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Banded Lizard-fingered Gecko; Banded Lizard-toed Gecko; Banded Toed Gecko Echsenfingergecko; Gebänderter Echsenfingergecko Saurodactyle à bandes; Saurodactyle fascié Saurodactylus mauritanicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Moroccan Lizard-fingered Gecko; Mauritanian Lizard-toed Gecko;


d f

7307 e d 7308 e d 7309 e

Toed Gecko Marokkanischer Zwerggecko; Echsenfingergecko; Mauritanischer Echsenfingergecko Saurodactyle maurétanique; Saurodactyle de Maurétanie Sauromalus Squamata - Iguanaidae Chuckwallas Chuckwallas Sauromalus ater Squamata - Iguanaidae Northern Chuckwalla; Chuckwalla; Common Chuckwalla Chuckwalla Sauromalus australis Squamata - Iguanaidae Peninsula Chuckwalla


7315 e 7316 e

7317 e d 7318 e d 7319

7310 e 7311 e

Sauromalus hispidus Squamata - Iguanaidae Spiny Chuckwalla Sauromalus klauberi Squamata - Iguanaidae Spotted Chuckwalla; Klauber's Chuckwalla (NA)


7320 e 7321

7312 e d f

Sauromalus obesus Squamata - Iguanaidae Chuckwalla; Common Chuckwalla Chuckwalla Chuckwalla

e 7322 e

7313 e

Sauromalus obesus multiforminatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Glen Canyon Chuckwalla

7323 e

7314 e

Sauromalus obesus obesus Squamata - Iguanaidae Western Chuckwalla; Great Basin Chuckwalla


Sauromalus obesus tumidus Squamata - Iguanaidae Chuckwalla; Arizona Chuckwalla Sauromalus slevini Squamata - Iguanaidae Monserrat Chuckwalla; Slevin's Chuckwalla Sauromalus varius Squamata - Iguanaidae Piebald Chuckwalla; San Esteban Island Chuckwalla St.Esteban-Chuckwalla Scaphiodontophis Squamata - Colubridae Neckband Snakes; Neck-banded Snakes Amerikanische Vielzahnnatter Scaphiodontophis annulatus Squamata - Colubridae Guatemala Neckband Snake; Neckbanded Snake; Shovel-toothed Snake Scaphiodontophis carpicinctus Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Neckband Snake Scaphiodontophis venustissimus Squamata - Colubridae Common Neckband Snake Scaphiodontophis zeteki Squamata - Colubridae Zetek's Neckband Snake Scaphiophis Squamata - Colubridae Grey Beaked Agkistrodon Snakes; Grey Beaked Snakes; African Shovel-nosed Snakes Afrikanische Schaufelnasennattern; Schaufelnattern


Sceloporus cryptus

7324 e d

7325 e d f

Scaphiophis albopunctatus Squamata - Colubridae Grey Beaked Snake; African Shovelnosed Snake Afrikanische Schaufelnasennatter; Schaufelnattern Sceloporus Squamata - Iguanaidae Spiny Lizards; Rough-scaled Lizards; Spiny Swifts; Bluebellies (NA) Stachelleguane; Zaunleguane; Stachelschuppenleguane Lézards épineux; Scélopores

e 7334 e 7335 e 7336 e

7326 e

Sceloporus acanthinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Bocourt's Spiny Lizard

7337 e

7327 e 7328 e 7329 e 7330 e

7331 e 7332 e 7333

Sceloporus adleri Squamata - Iguanaidae Adler's Spiny Lizard

d f

Sceloporus aeneus Squamata - Iguanaidae Southern Bunchgrass Lizard


Sceloporus anahuacus Squamata - Iguanaidae Anahuacan Bunchgrass Lizard


Sceloporus arenicolus Squamata - Iguanaidae Sand Dune Lizard; Dunes Sagebrush Lizard


e 7340 e

Sceloporus bicanthalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Trans-Volcanic Spiny Lizard


Sceloporus bulleri Squamata - Iguanaidae Buller's Spiny Lizard


Sceloporus carinatus



Squamata - Iguanaidae Keeled Spiny Lizard Sceloporus cautus Squamata - Iguanaidae Shy Spiny Lizard Sceloporus chaneyi Squamata - Iguanaidae Chaney's Spiny Lizard Sceloporus chrysostictus Squamata - Iguanaidae Yellow-spotted Spiny Lizard Sceloporus clarkii Squamata - Iguanaidae Clark's Spiny Lizard (NA); Clark's Swift (NA); Clark Spiny Lizard Clarks Stacheschuppenleguan; Clark's Stachelleguan Lézard de Clark Sceloporus clarkii clarkii Squamata - Iguanaidae Sonoran Spiny Lizard Sceloporus clarkii vallaris Squamata - Iguanaidae Plateau Spiny Lizard Sceloporus couchii Squamata - Iguanaidae Couch's Spiny Lizard Sceloporus cozumelae Squamata - Iguanaidae Cozumel Spiny Lizard Sceloporus cryptus Squamata - Iguanaidae Sierra Juarez Spiny Lizard

Sceloporus dugesii

7343 e 7344 e 7345 e 7346 e

Sceloporus dugesii Squamata - Iguanaidae Duges's Spiny Lizard Sceloporus edwardtaylori Squamata - Iguanaidae Taylor's Spiny Lizard Sceloporus exsul Squamata - Iguanaidae Queretaran Spiny Lizard Sceloporus formosus Squamata - Iguanaidae Emerald Spiny Lizard


7353 e

d f 7354 e 7355

e 7347 e

Sceloporus gadovae Squamata - Iguanaidae Gadow's Spiny Lizard

7356 e

7348 e

Sceloporus goldmani Squamata - Iguanaidae Goldman's Bunchgrass Lizard

7357 e

7349 e f 7350 e 7351 e 7352


Sceloporus graciosus Squamata - Iguanaidae Sagebrush Lizard; Spiny Lizard; Fence Swift; Sand-dune Lizard; Common Sagebrush Lizard Lézard des armoises

7358 e

Sceloporus graciosus gracilis Squamata - Iguanaidae Western Sagebrush Lizard


Sceloporus graciosus graciosus Squamata - Iguanaidae Northern Sagebrush Lizard


Sceloporus graciosus vandenburgianus Squamata - Iguanaidae Southern Sagebrush Lizard; Western Sagebrush Lizard





Sceloporus grammicus Squamata - Iguanaidae Mesquite Lizard; Common Sagebrush Lizard; Northern Sagebrush Lizard; Graphic Spiny Lizard Mesquite-Stachelschuppenleguan Lézard des mesquites Sceloporus grammicus disparilis Squamata - Iguanaidae Common Mesquite Lizard Sceloporus grammicus microlepidotus Squamata - Iguanaidae Mesquite Lizard Sceloporus heterolepis Squamata - Iguanaidae Dorsal-keel Spiny Lizard Sceloporus horridus Squamata - Iguanaidae Horrible Spiny Lizard; Northern Mesquite Lizard Sceloporus hunsakeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Hunsaker's Spiny Lizard; Hunsaker Spiny Lizard Sceloporus insignis Squamata - Iguanaidae Michoacan Spiny Lizard Sceloporus jalapae Squamata - Iguanaidae Jalapa Spiny Lizard Sceloporus jarrovii Squamata - Iguanaidae Yarrow's Spiny Lizard; Yarrow's Scaly Lizard; Mountain Spiny Lizard (NA)


Sceloporus merriami d f

7362 e f

7363 e

7364 e

7365 e 7366 e 7367 e

Stachelleguan Lézard de Yarrow; Lézard des pallisades Sceloporus jarrovii jarovii Squamata - Iguanaidae Yarrow's Spiny Lizard Lézard de Yarrow; Lézard des pallisades Sceloporus licki Squamata - Iguanaidae Cape Arboreal Spiny Lizard; Mountain Spiny Lizard; Cape Spiny Lizard (NA) Sceloporus lineatulus Squamata - Iguanaidae Santa Catalina Spiny Lizard; Santa Catalina Island Spiny Lizard Sceloporus lundelli Squamata - Iguanaidae Lundell's Spiny Lizard Sceloporus macdougalli Squamata - Iguanaidae MacDougall's Spiny Lizard Sceloporus maculosus Squamata - Iguanaidae Spotted Spiny Lizard

7370 e 7371 e 7372 e 7373 e 7374 e 7375 e

7376 e d

7377 7368 e d f

7369 e

Sceloporus magister Squamata - Iguanaidae Desert Spiny Lizard; Twin-spotted Spiny Lizard Wüstenstachelleguan; Wüstenstachelschuppenleguan Lézard épineux du désert; Scélopore du désert Sceloporus magister bimaculosus Squamata - Iguanaidae Twin-spotted Spiny Lizard

e 7378 e 7379 e f

Sceloporus magister cephaloflavus Squamata - Iguanaidae Orange-headed Spiny Lizard Sceloporus magister magister Squamata - Iguanaidae Purple-backed Spiny Lizard Sceloporus magister monserratensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Southern Spiny Lizard Sceloporus magister rufidorsum Squamata - Iguanaidae Red-striped Spiny Lizard Sceloporus magister transversus Squamata - Iguanaidae Barred Spiny Lizard Sceloporus magister uniformis Squamata - Iguanaidae Yellowback Spiny Lizard; Yellowbacked Spiny Lizard (NA) Sceloporus malachiticus Squamata - Iguanaidae Green Spiny Lizard Malachitgrüner Stachelleguan; Stachelleguan Sceloporus megalepidurus Squamata - Iguanaidae Largescale Spiny Lizard Sceloporus melanorhinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Pastel Spiny Lizard Sceloporus merriami Squamata - Iguanaidae Canyon Lizard; Merriam's Canyon Lizard Lézard des canyons

Sceloporus merriami annulatus

7380 e

Sceloporus merriami annulatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Big Bend Canyon Lizard


7390 e

7381 e

Sceloporus merriami longipunctatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Presidio Canyon Lizard

7391 e

7382 e

Sceloporus merriami merriami Squamata - Iguanaidae Merriam's Canyon Lizard

7392 e

7383 e

Sceloporus monserratensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Monserrat Island Spiny Lizard

7393 e

7384 e 7385 e

Sceloporus mucronatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Southern Crevice Spiny Lizard Sceloporus nelsoni Squamata - Iguanaidae Nelson's Spiny Lizard

7394 e d f 7395

7386 e d f

Sceloporus occidentalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Western Fence Lizard; Pacific Swift (NA); Pacific Fence Lizard; Bluebelly Lizard Westlicher Zaunleguan; Westlicher Stachelschuppenleguan Lézard des palissade de l'Ouest; Scélopore du désert

e f 7396 e 7397

7387 e

Sceloporus occidentalis becki Squamata - Iguanaidae Island Fence Lizard

e 7398

7388 e

Sceloporus occidentalis biseriatus Squamata - Iguanaidae San Joaquin Fence Lizard

e 7399

7389 e

Sceloporus occidentalis bocourtii Squamata - Iguanaidae Coast Range Fence Lizard


Sceloporus occidentalis longipes Squamata - Iguanaidae Great Basin Fence Lizard Sceloporus occidentalis occidentalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Northwestern Fence Lizard Sceloporus occidentalis taylori Squamata - Iguanaidae Sierra Fence Lizard Sceloporus ochoterenae Squamata - Iguanaidae Queretaran Spiny Lizard Sceloporus olivaceus Squamata - Iguanaidae Texas Spiny Lizard Texas-Stachelschuppenleguan Lézard épineux de Texas Sceloporus orcutti Squamata - Iguanaidae Granite Spiny Lizard Lézard granite Sceloporus ornatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Ornate Spiny Lizard Sceloporus palaciosi Squamata - Iguanaidae Palacios's Bunchgrass Lizard Sceloporus parvus Squamata - Iguanaidae Bluebelly Lizard Sceloporus poinsettii Squamata - Iguanaidae Crevice Spiny Lizard (NA); Crevice Scaly Lizard; Red Scaly Lizard


Sceloporus undulatus d f

7400 e

7401 e 7402 e 7403 e 7404 e d f 7405 e 7406 e 7407 e f 7408 e 7409

Stachelleguan Lézard des crevasses; Lézard épineux Sceloporus poinsettii poinsettii Squamata - Iguanaidae Northern Crevice Spiny Lizard; Crevice Spiny Lizard (NA) Sceloporus pyrocephalus Squamata - Iguanaidae Boulder Spiny Lizard Sceloporus rufidorsum Squamata - Iguanaidae Mexican Spiny Lizard Sceloporus salvini Squamata - Iguanaidae Salvin's Spiny Lizard Sceloporus scalaris Squamata - Iguanaidae Bunchgrass Lizard Zaunleguan Lézard scalaire Sceloporus scalaris slevini Squamata - Iguanaidae Bunchgrass Lizard Sceloporus serrifer Squamata - Iguanaidae Blue Spiny Lizard Sceloporus serrifer cyanogenys Squamata - Iguanaidae Blue Spiny Lizard Lézard bleu Sceloporus siniferus Squamata - Iguanaidae Longtail Spiny Lizard Sceloporus slevinii

e 7410 e 7411 e 7412 e 7413 e 7414 e 7415 e 7416 e 7417 e

7418 e d 7419 e

Squamata - Iguanaidae Slevin's Bunchgrass Lizard Sceloporus smithi Squamata - Iguanaidae Smith's Rosebelly Lizard Sceloporus spinosus Squamata - Iguanaidae Spiny Lizard; Spiny Swift (NA) Sceloporus squamosus Squamata - Iguanaidae Mexican Spiny Lizard Sceloporus stejnegeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Stejneger's Blackcollar Spiny Lizard Sceloporus subniger Squamata - Iguanaidae Tolucan Bunchgrass Lizard Lizard Sceloporus subpictus Squamata - Iguanaidae Paintbelly Spiny Lizard Sceloporus taeniocnemis Squamata - Iguanaidae Guatemalan Emerald Spiny Lizard Sceloporus teapensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Teapan Rosebelly Lizard; Teapa Spiny Lizard Sceloporus torquatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Crevice Swift; Collared Swift (NA) Blauer Stachelleguan Sceloporus undulatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Eastern Fence Lizard; Undulated

Sceloporus undulatus consobrinus

d f

7420 e

7421 e

7422 e 7423


7424 e 7425 e 7426 e 7427 e 7428 e

Swift (NA); Eastern Fence Swift; Prairie Lizard; Fence Lizard Östlicher Zaunleguan; Gewöhnlicher Zaunleguan; Zaunleguan Lézard des palissades de l'Est; Scélopore ondulé Sceloporus undulatus consobrinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Southern Prairie Lizard; Banded Swift (NA)


7429 e

7430 e f

Sceloporus undulatus cowlesi Squamata - Iguanaidae White Sands Prairie Lizard; Cowles Prairie Lizard


Sceloporus undulatus elongatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Northern Plateau Lizard


Sceloporus undulatus erythrocheilus Squamata - Iguanaidae Red-lipped Prairie Lizard; Redlipped Plateau Lizard Sceloporus undulatus garmani Squamata - Iguanaidae Northern Prairie Lizard Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus Squamata - Iguanaidae Northern Fence Lizard Sceloporus undulatus speari Squamata - Iguanaidae Cabeza de Vaca Prairie Lizard Sceloporus undulatus tristichus Squamata - Iguanaidae Southern Plateau Lizard Sceloporus undulatus undulatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Southern Fence Lizard


e f 7433 e f 7434 e

7435 e d f 7436 e


Sceloporus utiformis Squamata - Iguanaidae Cope's Largescale Spiny Lizard; Largescale Spiny Lizard Sceloporus variabilis Squamata - Iguanaidae Rosebelly Lizard; Rose-bellied Lizard Lézard à ventre rose Sceloporus variabilis marmoratus Squamata - Iguanaidae Texas Rose-bellied Lizard; Rosebelly Lizard Sceloporus virgatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Striped Plateau Lizard Scélopore ligné des plateaux Sceloporus woodi Squamata - Iguanaidae Florida Scrub Lizard; Scrub Pine Lizard Lézard de Wood Sceloporus zosteromus Squamata - Iguanaidae San Lucan Spiny Lizard; Baja California Spiny Lizard (NA) Scelotes Squamata - Scincidae Burrowing Skinks; Dwarf Burrowing Skinks (CSA) Scelotesskinke Scélotes Scelotes anguina Squamata - Scincidae Boulenger's Burrowing Skink; Algoa Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) Scelotes arenicolor Squamata - Scincidae


Scincella beddomi e

7438 e 7439 e

7440 e d

7441 e

Sandy Burrowing Skink; Zululand Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) Scelotes bicolor Squamata - Scincidae Two-coloured Burrowing Skink Scelotes bidigittata Squamata - Scincidae Two-toed Burrowing Skink; Lowveld Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) Scelotes bipes Squamata - Scincidae Common Burrowing Skink; Silvery Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA); Two-legged Burrowing Skink Zweizehenscelotesskink; Zweibeinskink; Scelotesskink Scelotes brevipes Squamata - Scincidae Shortfoot Burrowing Skink; Hewit's Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA); Short-footed Burrowing Skink (CSA)

(CSA) 7446 e

7447 e

7448 e

7449 e

7450 7442 e

Scelotes caffer Squamata - Scincidae Peters's Burrowing Skink; Cape Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA)


7451 7443 e d 7444 e

7445 e

Scelotes capensis Squamata - Scincidae Cape Burrowing Skink; Western Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) Kap-Scelotesskink Scelotes gronovii Squamata - Scincidae Gronovi's Burrowing Skink; Gronovi's Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) Scelotes guentheri Squamata - Scincidae Günther's Burrowing Skink; Günther's Dwarf Burrowing Skink

e d 7452 e

7453 e

Scelotes inornatus Squamata - Scincidae Legless Burrowing Skink; Smith's Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA); Olain Burrowing Skink Scelotes kasneri Squamata - Scincidae Kasner's Burrowing Skink; Kasner's Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) Scelotes limpopoensis Squamata - Scincidae Limpopo Burrowing Skink; Limpopo Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA); Limpopo Skink (CSA); Limpopo Sand Skink (CSA) Scelotes mira Squamata - Scincidae Montane Burrowing Skink; Montane Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) Scelotes uluguriensis Squamata - Scincidae Uluguru Burrowing Skink; Uluguru Five-toed Scelotes Scincella Squamata - Scincidae Ground Skinks; Dwarf Skinks Schlankskinke Scincella barbouri Squamata - Scincidae Barbour's Ground Skink; Barbour's Dwarf Skink Scincella beddomi Squamata - Scincidae Beddome's Ground Skink; Beddome's Dwarf Skink

Scincella bilineata

7454 e d

Scincella bilineata Squamata - Scincidae Two-lined Ground Skink Zeilinienschlankskink


7464 e 7465

7455 e

7456 e 7457 e

7458 e 7459 e 7460 e 7461 e 7462 e d

Scincella boettgeri Squamata - Scincidae Boettger's Ground Skink; Boettger's Dwarf Skink Scincella caudaequinae Squamata - Scincidae Horsehead Ground Skink Scincella doriae Squamata - Scincidae Doria's Ground Skink; Doria's Dwarf Skink Scincella exigua Squamata - Scincidae Anderson's Ground Skink Scincella formosa Squamata - Scincidae Formosa Ground Skink Scincella formosensis Squamata - Scincidae Van Denburgh's Ground Skink Scincella gemmingeri Squamata - Scincidae Forest Ground Skink Scincella himalayana Squamata - Scincidae Himalaya Ground Skink; Himalayan Dwarf Skink Himalaja-Schlankskink

e d 7466 e f

7467 e d 7468 e 7469 e 7470 e 7471 e

7472 e

7463 e

Scincella inconspicua Squamata - Scincidae Hidden Ground Skink


Scincella kohtaoensis Squamata - Scincidae Kohtaoen Ground Skink Scincella ladacensis Squamata - Scincidae Ladak Ground Skink; Ladak Dwarf Skink Ladak-Schlankskink Scincella lateralis Squamata - Scincidae Ground Skink; Little Brown Skink Scinque terrestre; Scinque à bandes latérales Scincella laterimaculata Squamata - Scincidae Spotted Ground Skink Seitenfleckschlankskink Scincella melanosticta Squamata - Scincidae Black Ground Skink Scincella modesta Squamata - Scincidae Modest Ground Skink Scincella ochracea Squamata - Scincidae Bourret's Ground Skink Scincella reevesi Squamata - Scincidae Reeves's Ground Skink; Reeves's Skink Scincella schmidti Squamata - Scincidae Schmidt's Ground Skink; Schmidt's Dwarf Skink Scincella siamensis Squamata - Scincidae


Seminatrix pygaea e d

7474 e d 7475 e 7476 e d f 7477 e d f 7478 e d f 7479 e d f 7480 e d 7481

Siamese Ground Skink Siam-Schlankskink Scincella sikimensis Squamata - Scincidae Sikkim Ground Skink Sikkim-Schlankskink Scincella sylvicola Squamata - Scincidae Taylor's Ground Skink Scincidae Squamata Skinks Skinke Scincidés; Scinques Scincopus Squamata - Scincidae Banded Skinks Nachtskinke Scinques à bandes; Scinques fasciés Scincopus fasciatus Squamata - Scincidae Peters's Banded Skink; Banded Skink Nachtskink Scinque à bandes; Scinque fascié Scincus Squamata - Scincidae Sand Skinks; Sandfishes Sandskinke Scinques; Poissons du sable Scincus conirostris Squamata - Scincidae Iranian Sand Skink; Iranian Desertdwelling Skink; Iranian Skink Iranischer Sandskink Scincus mitranus Squamata - Scincidae

e d f 7482 e

d f

7483 e 7484 e

7485 e 7486 e

7487 e 7488 e d f 7489

Eastern Sand Skink; Mitre Sandfish; Arabian Skink Östlicher Sandskink Scinque de l'Est Scincus scincus Squamata - Scincidae Sand Skink; Burrowing Sand Skink; Desert Skink; Egyptian Skink; Sandfish; Common Skink; North African Sandfish Apothekerskink Scinque officinal; Scinque des sables; Scinque des boutiques Scolecophis Squamata - Colubridae Black-banded Snakes Scolecophis atrocinctus Squamata - Colubridae Black-banded Snake; Harlequin Snake Scolecoseps Squamata - Scincidae Limbless Skinks Scolecoseps acontias Squamata - Scincidae Sandy Limbless Skink; Sandy-soil Limbless Skink Scolecoseps boulengeri Squamata - Scincidae Boulenger's Limbless Skink Seminatrix Squamata - Colubridae Swamp Snakes; Swamp Mud Snakes; Red-bellied Mud Snakes Schwarze Sumpfnattern; Sumpfnatter Couleuvres noires des marais Seminatrix pygaea Squamata - Colubridae

Seminatrix pygaea cyclas

e d f 7490 e 7491 e

7492 e 7493 e 7494 e

7495 e 7496 e

Black Swamp Snake; Swamp Snake; Red-bellied Mud Snake Schwarze Sumpfnatter Couleuvre noire des marais Seminatrix pygaea cyclas Squamata - Colubridae South Florida Swamp Snake Seminatrix pygaea paludis Squamata - Colubridae Carolina Swamp Snake; Black Swamp Snake Seminatrix pygaea pygaea Squamata - Colubridae North Florida Swamp Snake Senticolis Squamata - Colubridae Green Rat Snakes Senticolis trisaspis Squamata - Colubridae Green Rat Snake; Olivaceous Tropical Rat Snake Senticolis trisaspis trisaspis Squamata - Colubridae Green Rat Snake Sepsina Squamata - Scincidae Bocage's Skinks; Savanna Burrowings Skink (CSA)


7499 e 7500 e 7501 e

7502 e d f 7503 e d f 7504 e

7505 e d

7497 e

7498 e

Sepsina alberti Squamata - Scincidae Albert's Skink; Albert's Burrowing Skink (CSA) Sepsina angolensis Squamata - Scincidae Angola Skink; Angola Burrowing Skink (CSA)

7506 e 7507 e

Sepsina bayoni Squamata - Scincidae Bayon's Skink Sepsina copei Squamata - Scincidae Sepsina Skink Sepsina tetradactyla Squamata - Scincidae Four-fingered Skink; Four-toed Sepsina Shinisaurus Squamata - Xantusiidae Crocodile Lizards Krokodilschwanzhöckerechsen Shinisaures Shinisaurus crocodilurus Squamata - Xantusiidae Chinese Crocodile Lizard; Crocodile Lizard Krokodilschwanzhöckerechse Shinisaure crocodilure Sibon Squamata - Colubridae Snail-suckers; Slug-eaters; Snaileating Snakes Sibon annulata Squamata - Colubridae Ringed Snail-sucker; Ringed Slugeater Schneckennatter Sibon annuliferus Squamata - Colubridae Western Snail-sucker Sibon anthracops Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Snail-sucker; Coral Mimic Slug-eater



7508 e 7509 e

7510 e

7511 e 7512 e

7513 e

Sibon argus Squamata - Colubridae Argus Snail-sucker; Argus Slug-eater


Sibon carri Squamata - Colubridae Carr's Snail-sucker; Pacific Slugeater


Sibon dimidiatus Squamata - Colubridae Slender Snail-sucker; Banded Slugeater Sibon dunni Squamata - Colubridae Dunn's Snail-sucker Sibon longifrenis Squamata - Colubridae Stejneger's Snail-sucker; Lichencoloured Slug-eater Sibon nebulatus Squamata - Colubridae Cloudy Snail-sucker; Common Slugeater; Cloudy Snail-eating Snake


e 7520 e 7521 e 7522 e 7523 e 7524 e

7514 e

Sibon neilli Squamata - Colubridae Neill's Snail-sucker

7525 e

7515 e

Sibon philippi Squamata - Colubridae Philippi's Snail-sucker

7526 e

7516 e

7517 e

Sibon sannicola Squamata - Colubridae Pygmy Snail-sucker; Yucatan Slugeater Sibon zweifeli Squamata - Colubridae Zweifel's Snail-sucker

7527 e 7528 e

Sibynomorphus Squamata - Colubridae South American Tree Snakes Sibynomorphus inaequifasciata Squamata - Colubridae Equator Tree Snake Sibynomorphus mikani Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian Tree Snake Sibynomorphus neuwiedi Squamata - Colubridae Neuwied's Tree Snake Sibynomorphus oneilli Squamata - Colubridae O'Neill's Tree Snake Sibynomorphus turgidus Squamata - Colubridae Bolivian Tree Snake Sibynomorphus vagrans Squamata - Colubridae Dunn's Tree Snake Sibynomorphus vagus Squamata - Colubridae Jan's Tree Snake Sibynomorphus ventrimaculatus Squamata - Colubridae Boulenger's Tree Snake Sibynomorphus williamsi Squamata - Colubridae Williams's Tree Snake Sibynophis Squamata - Colubridae Many-toothed Snakes; Manytooth Snakes; Polyondont Snakes

Sibynophis bistrigatus

d 7529 e

7530 e

7531 e

7532 e

7533 e

7534 e

7535 e

7536 e

Asiatische Vielzahnnattern Sibynophis bistrigatus Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Many-toothed Snake; Günther's Manytooth Snake Sibynophis chinensis Squamata - Colubridae Chinese Many-toothed Snake; Chinese Manytooth Snake; Chinese Collared Snake Sibynophis collaris Squamata - Colubridae Common Many-toothed Snake; Common Manytooth Snake; Collared Polyodont; Gray's Polyodont; Collared Snake; Collared Dwarf Snake Sibynophis geminatus Squamata - Colubridae Boie's Many-toothed Snake; Boie's Manytooth Snake Sibynophis melanocephalus Squamata - Colubridae Malayan Many-toothed Snake; Malayan Manytooth Snake; Malayan Polyodont Sibynophis subpunctatus Squamata - Colubridae Jerdon's Many-toothed Snake; Jerdon's Manytooth Snake; Jerdon's Polyodont Sibynophis triangularis Squamata - Colubridae Triangle Many-toothed Snake; Triangle Manytooth Snake Siebenrockiella Testudines - Emydidae Black Marsh Turtles


d f 7537 e d f i 7538 e 7539 e d 7540 e 7541 e d 7542 e 7543 e 7544 e d

Schwarze Dickkopfschildkröten Émydes dentelées à trois carènes Siebenrockiella crassicollis Testudines - Emydidae Black Marsh Turtle; Siamese Temple Turtle; Thick-necked Turtle Schwarze Dickkopfschildkröte Émyde dentelée à trois carènes Tartaruga nera di palude Simophis Squamata - Colubridae Snouted Snakes Simophis rhinostoma Squamata - Colubridae Snouted Snake; Sao Paulo False Coral Snake; Sao Paolo False Coral Snake Sao- Paulo-Falsche Korallenschlange Simophis rhodei Squamata - Colubridae Rhode's Snouted Snake Simoselaps Squamata - Elapidae Australian Coral Snakes Australische Korallenottern Simoselaps anomalus Squamata - Elapidae Morthwestern Black-striped Snake Simoselaps approximans Squamata - Elapidae West Australian Black-striped Snake Simoselaps australis Squamata - Elapidae Australian Coral Snake; Coral Snake (ANZ) Australische Korallenotter


Siphlophis pulcher

7545 e 7546 e 7547 e 7548 e d

7549 e 7550 e 7551 e 7552 e 7553 e d

7554 e

Simoselaps bertholdi Squamata - Elapidae Desert Banded Snake Simoselaps bimaculatus Squamata - Elapidae Western Black-naped Snake Simoselaps calonotus Squamata - Elapidae Western Black-striped Snake Simoselaps fasciolatus Squamata - Elapidae Narrow-banded Snake; Banded Racer Gebänderte Zornnatter; Australische Wüstenkorallenotter Simoselaps incinctus Squamata - Elapidae Norther Desert Banded Snake Simoselaps littoralis Squamata - Elapidae Yellow-banded Snake Simoselaps minimus Squamata - Elapidae White-banded Snake Simoselaps roperi Squamata - Elapidae Roper's Banded Snake Simoselaps semifasciatus Squamata - Elapidae Half-girdled Snake; Half-banded Snake Halbgebänderte Australische Korallenotter Simoselaps warro Squamata - Elapidae Orange Coral Snake; Warro's Australian Coral Snake

7555 e d

7556 e 7557 e

7558 e

7559 e 7560 e

7561 e 7562 e 7563 e

Sinonatrix Squamata - Colubridae Asiatic Water Snakes Dreieckschwimmnattern; Asiatische Dreieckschwimmnatter; Asiatische Schwimmnatter Sinonatrix aequifasciata Squamata - Colubridae Asiatic Water Snake Sinonatrix annularis Squamata - Colubridae Ringed Water Snake; Red-bellied Water Snake Sinonatrix percarinata Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Water Snake; Boulenger's Eastern Water Snake; Boulenger's Asian Water Snake Siphlophis Squamata - Colubridae Spotted Night Snakes; Liana Snakes Siphlophis cervinus Squamata - Colubridae Panama Spotted Night Snake; Spotted Night Snake; Common Liana Snake Siphlophis leucocephalus Squamata - Colubridae Common Spotted Night Snake Siphlophis longicaudtus Squamata - Colubridae Brazilian Spotted Night Snake Siphlophis pulcher Squamata - Colubridae Guanabara Spotted Night Snake

Siphlophis worontzowi

7564 e 7565 e d f 7566 e d f 7567 e d 7568 e d 7569 e d

Siphlophis worontzowi Squamata - Colubridae Worontzow's Spotted Night Snake Sistrurus Squamata - Viperidae Pygmy Rattlesnakes; Ground Rattlesnakes (NA); Massasaugas Zwergklapperschlangen Crotales à plaques


e d 7572 e d 7573

Sistrurus catenatus Squamata - Viperidae Massasauga; Black Snapper (NA); Swamp Rattler (NA); Swamp Rattlesnake; Western Massasauga Westliche Massasauga; Kettenklapperschlange; Massasauga Massasauga


Sistrurus catenatus catenatus Squamata - Viperidae Eastern Massasauga Östliche Massasauga


Sistrurus catenatus edwardsii Squamata - Viperidae Desert Massasauga Wüstenmassasauga Sistrurus catenatus tergeminus Squamata - Viperidae Western Massasauga ; Prairie Pygmy Rattlesnake Westliche Massasauga

e d

e d f

e d f 7576 e d f 7577

7570 e d f


Sistrurus miliarius Squamata - Viperidae Pygmy Rattlesnake; Ground Rattlesnake (NA) Zwergklapperschlange; Eigentliche Zwergklapperschlange Crotale nain; Crotale pygmée; Serpent à sonnettes pygmée Sistrurus miliarius barbouri

e d f 7578 e

Squamata - Viperidae Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake Wolkige Zwergklapperschlange Sistrurus miliarius miliarius Squamata - Viperidae Carolina Pygmy Rattlesnake Carolina-Zwergklapperschlange Sistrurus miliarius streckeri Squamata - Viperidae Western Pygmy Rattlesnake Westliche Klapperschlange Sistrurus ravus Squamata - Viperidae Mexican Pygmy Rattlesnake; Mexican Massasauga Mexikanische Zwergklapperschlange Crotale pygmée de Mexique Sitana Squamata - Agamidae Sita Lizards; Four-toed Agamas Sita-Agamen Sitanes Sitana ponticeriana Squamata - Agamidae Sita Lizard; Fan-throated Lizard (ISC) Sita-Agame Sitane de Pondichéry Sonora Squamata - Colubridae Desert Ground Snakes; Ground Snakes; North american Ground Snakes Erdnattern Couleuvres de terre Sonora aemula Squamata - Colubridae Filetail Ground Snake


Sphaerodactylus anasae

7579 e 7580 e f

7581 e

Sonora michoacaensis Squamata - Colubridae Michoacan Ground Snake Sonora semiannulata Squamata - Colubridae Ground Snake; Arizona Earth Snake; Western Ground Snake Couleuvre de terre de l'Ouest; Couleuvre de terre Sordellina Squamata - Colubridae Dotted Brown Snakes; Ground Snakes

e f 7588 e f 7589 e 7590

7582 e

Sordellina punctata Squamata - Colubridae Dotted Brown Snake; Ground Snake

e 7591

7583 e d f

Spalerosophis Squamata - Colubridae Diadem Snakes Diademnattern Couleuvres diadèmes

e d f 7592

7584 e 7585 e

Spalerosophis arenarius Squamata - Colubridae Red-spotted Diadem Snake Spalerosophis atriceps Squamata - Colubridae Royal Diadem Snake; Royal Snake (ISC)

e d f 7593 e

7586 e d f


Spalerosophis diadema Squamata - Colubridae Diadem Snake Pakistanische Diademnatter; Diademnatter Couleuvre diadème; Couleuvre à diadème; Couleuvre diadème de Clifford Spalerosophis diadema cliffordi Squamata - Colubridae

7594 e

7595 e

Clifford's Diadem Snake; Clifford's Snake; Clifford's Rat Snake; Diadem Snake; Diadem Rat Snake Couleuvre diadème de Clifford Spalerosophis dolichospilos Squamata - Colubridae Werner's Diadem Snake; Mograbin Diadem Snake Couleuvre diadème du Maghreb Spalerosophis josephcorteccii Squamata - Colubridae Scortecci's Diadem Snake Spalerosophis microlepis Squamata - Colubridae Zebra Snake Spehenodon Rhynchocephalia - Sphenodontidae Tuataras; Tuateras Tuataras; Brückenechsen Rhynchocéphales Sphaerodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Least Geckos; Dwarf Geckos (NA); Sphaeros Kugelfingergeckos; Kugelfinger Sphérodactyles Sphaerodactylus alayoi Squamata - Gekkonidae Cuban Least Gecko; Cuban Dwarf Gecko Sphaerodactylus altavelensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Alto Velo Least Gecko; Alto Velo Dwarf Gecko; Alto Velo Sphaero Sphaerodactylus anasae Squamata - Gekkonidae Jaragua Sphaero

Sphaerodactylus argivus

7596 e

Sphaerodactylus argivus Squamata - Gekkonidae Cayman Least Gecko; Cayman Dwarf Gecko; Cayman Islands Sphaero (WI)


7604 e d

7597 e d f

Sphaerodactylus argus Squamata - Gekkonidae Ocellated Gecko; Ocellated Dwarf Gecko; Jamaican Stippled Sphaero (WI) Antillen-Kugelfingergecko Gecko ocellé

7605 e

7606 7598 e 7599 e

7600 e

7601 e

7602 e

7603 e

Sphaerodactylus argus argus Squamata - Gekkonidae Common Ocellated Gecko


Sphaerodactylus armasi Squamata - Gekkonidae Guantanamo Least Gecko; Guantanamo Dwarf Gecko; Spottedhead Sphaero


Sphaerodactylus armstrongi Squamata - Gekkonidae Armstrong's Least Gecko; Armstrong's Dwarf Gecko; Southern Forest Sphaero


Sphaerodactylus asterulus Squamata - Gekkonidae Haitian Least Gecko; Haitian Dwarf Gecko; Haitian Stippled Sphaero Sphaerodactylus beattyi Squamata - Gekkonidae Beatty's Least Gecko; Beatty's Dwarf Gecko; Cotton Ginner ; St. Croix Sphaero (NA) Sphaerodactylus becki Squamata - Gekkonidae Beck's Least Gecko; Beck's Dwarf Gecko; Navassa Sphaero

e 7608

d f 7609 e

7610 e

7611 e

Sphaerodactylus bromelarium Squamata - Gekkonidae El Yunque Least Gecko; El Yunque Dwarf Gecko; Cuban Bromeliad Sphaero Kubanischer Kugelfingergecko Sphaerodactylus caicosensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Caicos Least Gecko; Caicos Dwarf Gecko; Turks and Caicos Banded Sphaero (WI) Sphaerodactylus callocricus Squamata - Gekkonidae Callous Least Gecko; Callous Dwarf Gecko; Rough-banded Sphaero Sphaerodactylus celicara Squamata - Gekkonidae Baracoan Eyespot Sphaero Sphaerodactylus cinereus Squamata - Gekkonidae Grey Least Gecko; Grey Dwarf Gecko; Ashy Gecko; Haitian Broadbanded Sphaero Aschgrauer Kugelfingergecko; Grauer Kugelfinger Gecko cendré; Sphérodactyle cendré Sphaerodactylus clenchi Squamata - Gekkonidae Peninsula Least Gecko; Peninsula Dwarf Gecko; Orange-spotted Sphaero Sphaerodactylus cochranae Squamata - Gekkonidae Cochran's Least Gecko; Cochran's Dwarf Gecko; Haiti Striped Sphaero Sphaerodactylus copei Squamata - Gekkonidae Cope's Least Gecko; Cope's Dwarf Gecko; Haitian Big-scaled Sphaero


Sphaerodactylus goniorhynchus

(WI) 7612 e

Sphaerodactylus corticola Squamata - Gekkonidae Rum Cay Least Gecko; Rum Cay Dwarf Gecko; Central Bahamas Sphaero (WI)


7621 e 7622

7613 e 7614 e

7615 e

7616 e

7617 e 7618 e 7619 e


Sphaerodactylus cricoderus Squamata - Gekkonidae Turquino Collared Sphaero Sphaerodactylus cryphius Squamata - Gekkonidae Baoruco Least Gecko; Baoruco Dwarf Gecko; Desert Pygmy Sphaero Sphaerodactylus darlingtoni Squamata - Gekkonidae Darlington's Least Gecko; Darlington's Dwarf Gecko; Northern Forest Sphaero Sphaerodactylus difficilis Squamata - Gekkonidae Difficult Least Gecko; Difficult Dwarf Gecko; Hispaniolan Eyespot Sphaero Sphaerodactylus docimus Squamata - Gekkonidae Cabo Cruz Banded Sphaeroi Sphaerodactylus dunni Squamata - Gekkonidae Dunns Least Gecko; Dunns Dwarf Gecko Sphaerodactylus elasmorhynchus Squamata - Gekkonidae Marche Leon Least Gecko; Marche Leon Dwarf Gecko; Snout-shield Sphaero Sphaerodactylus elegans Squamata - Gekkonidae


7623 e 7624 e f 7625 e

7626 e

7627 e

7628 e

Macleay's Ashy Gecko; Ashy Gecko; Ashy Sphaero Sphaerodactylus elegans elegans Squamata - Gekkonidae Cuban Ashy Gecko Sphaerodactylus elegantulus Squamata - Gekkonidae Antigua Least Gecko; Antigua Dwarf Gecko; Antigua Bank Sphaero (WI) Sphaerodactylus epiurus Squamata - Gekkonidae Hispaniolan Tailspot Sphaero Sphaerodactylus fantasticus Squamata - Gekkonidae Fantastic Least Gecko; Fantastic Dwarf Gecko; Southern Leeward Sphaero (WI) Sphérodactyle bizarre Sphaerodactylus gaigeae Squamata - Gekkonidae Gaige's Least Gecko; Gaige's Dwarf Gecko; Pandura Gecko ; Chevronate Gecko (NA) Sphaerodactylus gilvitorques Squamata - Gekkonidae Jamaica Least Gecko; Jamaica Dwarf Gecko; Jamaican Collared Sphaero (WI) Sphaerodactylus glaucus Squamata - Gekkonidae Least Gecko; Dwarf Gecko; House Gecko Sphaerodactylus goniorhynchus Squamata - Gekkonidae Cabarita Least Gecko; Cabarita Dwarf Gecko; Jamaican Forest Sphaero (WI)

Sphaerodactylus graptolaemus

7629 e

7630 e

7631 e

7632 e

7633 e

Sphaerodactylus graptolaemus Squamata - Gekkonidae Costa Rica Least Gecko; Costa Rica Dwarf Gecko Sphaerodactylus helioconia Squamata - Gekkonidae Santa Marta Least Gecko; Santa Marta Dwarf Gecko Sphaerodactylus homolepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Caribbean Least Gecko; Caribbean Dwarf Gecko Sphaerodactylus inaguae Squamata - Gekkonidae Inagua Least Gecko; Inagua Dwarf Gecko; Inagua Sphaero (WI) Sphaerodactylus intermedius Squamata - Gekkonidae Mantanzas Least Gecko; Mantanzas Dwarf Gecko; North Coast Banded Sphaero


Sphaero 7638 e

7639 e

7640 e

7641 e

7642 7634 e 7635 e

7636 e

7637 e

Sphaerodactylus kirbyi Squamata - Gekkonidae Bequia Sphaero Sphaerodactylus klauberi Squamata - Gekkonidae Klauber's Least Gecko; Klauber's Dwarf Gecko; Upland Gecko ; Puerto Rican Upland Sphaero Sphaerodactylus ladae Squamata - Gekkonidae Martin Garcia Least Gecko; Martin Garcia Dwarf Gecko; Spotted Agave Sphaero Sphaerodactylus lazelli Squamata - Gekkonidae Cap Haitien Least Gecko; Cap Haitien Dwarf Gecko; Cape Haitien


7643 e

7644 e

7645 e

Sphaerodactylus leucaster Squamata - Gekkonidae Eastern Least Gecko; Eastern Dwarf Gecko; Broken-stripe Sphaero Sphaerodactylus levinsi Squamata - Gekkonidae Isla Desecheo Least Gecko; Isla Desecheo Dwarf Gecko; Desecheo Gecko ; Desecheo Sphaero Sphaerodactylus lineolatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Panama Least Gecko; Panama Dwarf Gecko Sphaerodactylus macrolepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Big-scaled Least Gecko; Big-scaled Dwarf Gecko; Common Dwarf Gecko ; Puerto Rican Eyespot Sphaero (WI) Sphaerodactylus mariguanae Squamata - Gekkonidae Mayaguana Least Gecko; Mayaguana Dwarf Gecko; Southern Bahamas Sphaero (WI) Sphaerodactylus microlepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Little-scaled Least Gecko; Littlescaled Dwarf Gecko; St. Lucia Sphaero (WI) Sphaerodactylus micropithecus Squamata - Gekkonidae Isla Monita Least Gecko; Isla Monita Dwarf Gecko; Monita Sphaero Sphaerodactylus millepunctatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Spotted Least Gecko; Spotted Dwarf Gecko


Sphaerodactylus plummeri

7646 e

7647 e

7648 e

7649 e

Sphaerodactylus molei Squamata - Gekkonidae Tobago Least Gecko; Tobago Dwarf Gecko Sphaerodactylus monensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Mona Least Gecko; Mona Dwarf Gecko; Mona Gecko ; Mona Sphaero Sphaerodactylus nicholsi Squamata - Gekkonidae Nichols Least Gecko; Nichols Dwarf Gecko; Puerto Rican Crescent Sphaero Sphaerodactylus nigropunctatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Black-spotted Least Gecko; Blackspotted Dwarf Gecko; Cuban Threespotted Sphaero; Cuban Threebanded Sphaero (WI)


7655 e

7656 e

7657 e

7658 7650 e d f 7651 e 7652 e

7653 e


Sphaerodactylus notatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Reef Gecko; Brown-speckled Sphaero (WI) Riffgecko Gecko des récifs Sphaerodactylus notatus notatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Florida Reef Gecko Sphaerodactylus nycteropus Squamata - Gekkonidae Morne Dubois Least Gecko; Morne Dubois Dwarf Gecko; Haitian Flathead Sphaero Sphaerodactylus ocoae Squamata - Gekkonidae Peravia Least Gecko; Peravia Dwarf Gecko; Ocoa Sphaero Sphaerodactylus oliveri


7659 e

7660 e

7661 e 7662 e

Squamata - Gekkonidae Huventud Least Gecko; Huventud Dwarf Gecko; Escambray Spotted Sphaero Sphaerodactylus omoglaux Squamata - Gekkonidae Fond Parisien Least Gecko; Fond Parisien Dwarf Gecko; Haitian Border Sphaero Sphaerodactylus oxyrhinus Squamata - Gekkonidae Sharp-snouted Least Gecko; Sharpsnouted Dwarf Gecko; Jamaican Sharp-nosed Sphaero (WI) Sphaerodactylus pacificus Squamata - Gekkonidae Pacific Least Gecko; Pacific Dwarf Gecko Sphaerodactylus parkeri Squamata - Gekkonidae Parker's Least Gecko; Parker's Dwarf Gecko; Parker's Banded Sphaero (WI) Sphaerodactylus parthenopion Squamata - Gekkonidae Virgin Gorda Least Gecko; Virgin Gorda Dwarf Gecko; Virgin Gorda Gecko ; Virgin Islands Dwarf Sphaero Sphaerodactylus perissodactylius Squamata - Gekkonidae Dominican Least Gecko; Dominican Dwarf Gecko; Martin Garcia Sphaero Sphaerodactylus pimienta Squamata - Gekkonidae Cuban Pepper Sphaero Sphaerodactylus plummeri Squamata - Gekkonidae Barahona Big-scaled Sphaero

Sphaerodactylus ramsdeni

7663 e

7664 e

Sphaerodactylus ramsdeni Squamata - Gekkonidae Ramsden's Least Gecko; Ramsden's Dwarf Gecko; Cuban Forest Sphaero Sphaerodactylus randi Squamata - Gekkonidae Pedernales Least Gecko; Pedernales Dwarf Gecko; Barahoona Speckled Sphaero


Gecko; Northern Leeward Sphaero (WI) 7672 e

7673 e

7665 e

Sphaerodactylus rhabdotus Squamata - Gekkonidae Valle de Neiba Least Gecko; Valle de Neiba Dwarf Gecko; Hispaniolan Two-stripe Sphaero

7674 e

7666 e

Sphaerodactylus richardi Squamata - Gekkonidae Richard's Banded Sphaero 7675

7667 e

7668 e

7669 e

7670 e

7671 e

Sphaerodactylus richardsoni Squamata - Gekkonidae Richardson's Least Gecko; Richardson's Dwarf Gecko; Montego Banded Sphaero (WI) Sphaerodactylus roosevelti Squamata - Gekkonidae Roosevelt's Least Gecko; Roosevelt's Dwarf Gecko; Littoral Gecko (WI}; Guanica Khaki Sphaero Sphaerodactylus rosaurae Squamata - Gekkonidae Bay Islands Least Gecko; Bay Island Dwarf Gecko Sphaerodactylus ruibali Squamata - Gekkonidae Ruibal's Least Gecko; Ruibal's Dwarf Gecko; Guantanamo Bay Sphaero Sphaerodactylus sabanus Squamata - Gekkonidae Saba Least Gecko; Saba Dwarf


7676 e 7677 e 7678 e

7679 e

Sphaerodactylus samanensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Samana Least Gecko; Samana Dwarf Gecko; Haiti Banded Sphaero Sphaerodactylus savagei Squamata - Gekkonidae Savage's Least Gecko; Savage's Dwarf Gecko; Altagracia Speckled Sphaero Sphaerodactylus scaber Squamata - Gekkonidae Camaguey's Least Gecko; Camaguey's Dwarf Gecko; Doublecollared Sphaero Sphaerodactylus scapularis Squamata - Gekkonidae Boulenger's Least Gecko; Boulenger's Dwarf Gecko Sphaerodactylus schuberti Squamata - Gekkonidae Neiba Agave Sphaero Sphaerodactylus schwartzi Squamata - Gekkonidae Guantanamo Bay Sphaero Sphaerodactylus semasiops Squamata - Gekkonidae Cockpit Least Gecko; Cockpit Dwarf Gecko; Cockpit Eyespot Sphaero (WI) Sphaerodactylus shrevei Squamata - Gekkonidae Shreve's Least Gecko; Shreve's Dwarf Gecko; Northwest Haiti Blotched Sphaero



7680 e

7681 e f 7682 e

7683 e 7684 e

7685 e

Sphaerodactylus sommeri Squamata - Gekkonidae Terre Nueve Least Gecko; Terre Nueve Dwarf Gecko; Northwest Haiti Banded Sphaero Sphaerodactylus sputator Squamata - Gekkonidae Least Gecko; Dwarf GeckoI; Leeward Banded Sphaero (WI) Sphérodactyle sputateur Sphaerodactylus stejnegeri Squamata - Gekkonidae Stejneger's Least Gecko; Stejneger's Dwarf Gecko Sphaerodactylus storeyae Squamata - Gekkonidae Isles of Pines Sphaero Sphaerodactylus streptophorus Squamata - Gekkonidae Hispaniola Least Gecko; Hispaniola Dwarf Gecko; Hispaniolan Smalleared Sphaero Sphaerodactylus thompsoni Squamata - Gekkonidae Thompson's Least Gecko; Thompson's Dwarf Gecko; Barahona Limestone Sphaero


Underwood's Least Gecko; Underwood's Dwarf Gecko; Turks Islands Sphaero (WI)


Sphaerodactylus vincenti Squamata - Gekkonidae Vincent's Least Gecko; Vincent's Dwarf Gecko; Windward Sphaero (WI)


7690 e

7691 e

7692 e 7693 e d i 7694

7686 e

7687 e


Sphaerodactylus torrei Squamata - Gekkonidae Barbour's Least Gecko; Barbour's Dwarf Gecko; Cuban Broad-banded Sphaero Sphaerodactylus townsendi Squamata - Gekkonidae Townsend's Least Gecko; Townsend's Dwarf Gecko; Puerto Rican Sandy Sphaero Sphaerodactylus underwoodi Squamata - Gekkonidae

e d f 7695 e d f

Sphaerodactylus williamsi Squamata - Gekkonidae Williams's Least Gecko; Williams's Dwarf Gecko; Haitian Striped Sphaero Sphaerodactylus zygaena Squamata - Gekkonidae Dame Marie Least Gecko; Dame Marie Dwarf Gecko; Tiburon Coastal Sphaero Sphenodon guentheri Rhynchocephalia - Sphenodontidae Brother Island Tuatara Sphenodon punctatus Rhynchocephalia - Sphenodontidae Tuatara Brückenechse Tuatara Sphenodontidae Rhynchocephalia Tuataras Brückenechsen Sphénodontidés Sphenomorphus Squamata - Scincidae Forest Skinks; Forest-dweller Skinks; Tree Skinks Waldskinke Sphénomorphes

Sphenomorphus assatus

7696 e 7697 e

Sphenomorphus assatus Squamata - Scincidae Red Forest Skink Sphenomorphus cherriei Squamata - Scincidae Brown Forest Skink; Ground Skink; Striped Litter Skink


f 7705 e d

7706 7698 e

7699 e f 7700 e

Sphenomorphus derooyae Squamata - Scincidae De Rooij's Forest Skink; De Rooij's Tree Skink Sphenomorphus dussumieri Squamata - Scincidae Dussumier's Forest Skink; Dussumier's Forest-dweller Sphénomorphe de Dussumier Sphenomorphus incerta Squamata - Scincidae Stuart's Forest Skink

e f 7707 e

d f 7708

7701 e 7702 e d f 7703 e f 7704 e

Sphenomorphus tenuis Squamata - Scincidae Fawn Forest Skink Sphenops Squamata - Scincidae Wedge-snouted Skinks Keilskinke; Keilkopfschleichen; Keilkopfskinke Sphénops


d f 7709 e

Sphenops boulengeri Squamata - Scincidae Boulenger's Wedge-snouted Skink; Boulenger's Sand Skink Sphénops de Boulenger

7710 e d

Sphenops delislei Squamata - Scincidae De l'Isle's Wedge-snouted Skink; De l'Isle's Sand Skink


f i


Sphénops de De l'Isle Sphenops sepsoides Squamata - Scincidae Wedge-snouted Skink Keilskink; Keilkopfschleiche; Keilkopfskink; Keilschleiche Sphenops sphenopsiformis Squamata - Scincidae Demuril's Wedge-snouted Skink; Senegal Sand Skink Sphénops occidental Spilotes Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Rat Snakes; Chicken Snakes; Black-and-yellow Rat Snakes; Tiger Snakes; Tiger Rat Snakes Hühnerfresser; Hühneresser Serpents des poulaillers Spilotes pullatus Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Rat Snake; Chicken Snake; Tiger Rat Snake; Black-and-yellow Rat Snake; Tiger Tree Snake; Tiger Snake Hühnerfresser; Hühneresser Serpent des poulaillers Spilotes pullatus pullatus Squamata - Colubridae Common Tiger Rat Snake Squamata Lizards, Worm Lizards and Snakes Squamaten; Echsen, Brückenechsen und Schlangen Reptiles écailleux Squamati Staurotypus Testudines - Kinosternidae Giant Musk Turtles


Stellio atricollis d f

Kreuzbrustschildkröten Staurotypes

7719 e

7712 e

d f 7713 e d f i

Staurotypus salvinii Testudines - Kinosternidae Chiapas Giant Musk Turtle; Crucilla Turtle; Salvin's Musk Turtle; Mexican Giant Musk Turtle; Pacific Coast Giant Musk Turtle; Central American Musk Turtle Kreuzbrustschildkröte; Salvins Kreuzbrustschildkröte; SalvinKreuzbrustschildkröten Staurotype de Salvin Staurotypus triporcatus Testudines - Kinosternidae Mexican Giant Musk Turtle; Guau Musk Turtle; Giant Musk Turtle Mexikanische Kreuzbrustschildkröte; Große Kreuzbrustschildkröte Staurotype tricariné; Staurotype de l'Atlantique Tartaruga del muschio gigante

7720 e 7721 e 7722 e 7723 e d f 7724

7714 e

Stegonotus Squamata - Colubridae Frog-eating Snakes

e 7725

7715 e

Stegonotus batjanensis Squamata - Colubridae Batjan Frog-eating Snake

e 7726

7716 e 7717 e d 7718 e

Stegonotus borneensis Squamata - Colubridae Borneo Frog-eating Snake Stegonotus cucullatus Squamata - Colubridae Murray Frog-eating Snake; Slatygrey Snake (ANZ); Slate-grey Snake Graue Schieferenatter Stegonotus dumerili Squamata - Colubridae Duméril's Frog-eating Snake


7727 e

d f

Stegonotus heterurus Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Frog-eating Snake Stegonotus modestus Squamata - Colubridae New Guinea Frog-eating Snake Stegonotus muelleri Squamata - Colubridae Müller's Frog-eating Snake Stegonotus parvus Squamata - Colubridae Meyer's Frog-eating Snake Stellio Squamata - Agamidae Rock Agamas Wirtelschwanzagamen Stellions Stellio adramitanus Squamata - Agamidae Anderson's Rock Agama Stellio agrorensis Squamata - Agamidae Stoliczka's Rock Agama Stellio annectens Squamata - Agamidae Eritrea Rock Agama; Eritrean Rock Agama Stellio atricollis Squamata - Agamidae Blue-throated Rock Agama; Blacknecked Agama; Tree Agama; Bluethroated Agama; Blue-headed Tree Agama Blaukehlagame Agame à cou noir; Agame a gorge bleue

Stellio badakhshana

7728 e 7729 e

Stellio badakhshana Squamata - Agamidae Badakhshana Rock Agama Stellio blanfordi Squamata - Agamidae Blanford's Rock Agama


Turkmenische Agame 7737 e d 7738

7730 e d f i 7731 e 7732 e

7733 e 7734 e

7735 e 7736 e d

Stellio caucasius Squamata - Agamidae Northern Rock Agama; Caucasian Agama Kaukasus-Agame Agame du Caucase Agama caucasica Stellio chernovi Squamata - Agamidae Chernov Rock Agama Stellio cyanogaster Squamata - Agamidae Bluebelly Rock Agama; Tree Agama; Black-necked Arboreal Agama Stellio erythrogaster Squamata - Agamidae Redbelly Rock Agama Stellio himalayanus Squamata - Agamidae Himalaya Rock Agama; Himalayan Rock Agama Stellio kirmanensis Squamata - Agamidae Nikolsky's Rock Agama Stellio lehmanni Squamata - Agamidae Turkestan Rock Agama; Turkestan Agama; Turkmenian Agama Wirtelschwanzagame; Turkestanische Agame;

e 7739 e d 7740 e 7741 e 7742 e 7743 e

d f i 7744 e

Stellio melanurus Squamata - Agamidae Black Rock Agama Schwarze Pakistan-Agame Stellio microlepis Squamata - Agamidae Small-scaled Rock Agama Stellio nupta Squamata - Agamidae Yellow-headed Rock Agama; Yellow-headed Agama; Large-scaled Rock Agama Riesenagame Stellio nuristanicus Squamata - Agamidae Leviton's Rock Agama Stellio phillipsii Squamata - Agamidae Phillips's Rock Agama Stellio sacra Squamata - Agamidae Annan's Rock Agama Stellio stellio Squamata - Agamidae Roughtail Rock Agama; Hardun; Rough-tailed Agama; Rhode Dragon; Golden Agama; Short-toed Agama; Clown Agama; Painted Agama; Painted Dragon Hardun; Schleuderschwanz Hardoun stellion; Stellion Stellione; Agama stellione Stellio stoliczkanus Squamata - Agamidae Mongolia Rock Agama; Mongolean Agama


Stenocercus ivitus d

Gobi-Agame e

7745 e

Stellio tarimensis Squamata - Agamidae Zugmayer's Rock Agama

7755 e

7746 e

Stellio trachypleurus Squamata - Agamidae Peters's Rock Agama

7756 e

7747 e d f

Stellio tuberculatus Squamata - Agamidae Kashmir Rock Agama Kaschmir-Agame Agame tuberculeux

7757 e 7758

7748 e

Stellio yemmenensis Squamata - Agamidae Yemen Rock Agama

e 7759

7749 e

Stellio zonurus Squamata - Agamidae Boulenger's Rock Agama

e 7760

7750 e d f 7751 e 7752 e 7753 e 7754

Stenocercus Squamata - Iguanaidae Whorltail Iguanas; Narrow-tailed Lizards; Leaf Lizards Kurzschwanzleguane Sténocerques Stenocercus apuricamus Squamata - Iguanaidae Fritt's Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus boettgeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Boettger's Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus bolivarensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Bolivian Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus carrioni

e 7761 e 7762 e 7763 e 7764 e

Squamata - Iguanaidae Parker's Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus chrysopagus Squamata - Iguanaidae Golden Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus crassicaudatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Spiny Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus cupreus Squamata - Iguanaidae Copper Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus empetrus Squamata - Iguanaidae Rock Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus festae Squamata - Iguanaidae Peracca's Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus formosus Squamata - Iguanaidae Formosa Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus guentheri Squamata - Iguanaidae Günther's Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus haenschi Squamata - Iguanaidae Haensch's Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus humeralis Squamata - Iguanaidae Patterned Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus ivitus Squamata - Iguanaidae Ivy Whorltail Iguana

Stenocercus marmoratus

7765 e 7766 e 7767 e 7768 e 7769 e 7770 e 7771 e 7772 e 7773 e 7774 e 7775 e

Stenocercus marmoratus Squamata - Iguanaidae Spotted Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus melanopygus Squamata - Iguanaidae Dark Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus modestus Squamata - Iguanaidae Modest Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus nigromaculatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Black-spotted Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus nubicola Squamata - Iguanaidae Cloud Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus ochoai Squamata - Iguanaidae Ochoa Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus orientalis Squamata - Iguanaidae Eastern Whorltail Iguana


7776 e f 7777 e 7778 e 7779 e 7780 e 7781 e d f

Stenocercus ornatissimus Squamata - Iguanaidae Lesser Ornate Whorltail Iguana


Stenocercus ornatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Girard's Whorltail Iguana


Stenocercus praeornatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Greater Ornate Whorltail Iguana


Stenocercus rhodomelas Squamata - Iguanaidae Red-black Whorltail Iguana



e d 7785 e

Stenocercus roseiventris Squamata - Iguanaidae Rose Whorltail Iguana; Pink-bellied Leaf Lizard Sténocerque à ventre rose Stenocercus simonsii Squamata - Iguanaidae Simons's Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus trachycephalus Squamata - Iguanaidae Duméril's Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus variabilis Squamata - Iguanaidae Variable Whorltail Iguana Stenocercus varius Squamata - Iguanaidae Keeled Whorltail Iguana Stenodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Short-fingered Geckos Dünnfingergeckos Sténodactyles Stenodactylus affinis Squamata - Gekkonidae Iranian Short-fingered Gecko Stenodactylus arabicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Arabian Short-fingered Gecko Stenodactylus doriae Squamata - Gekkonidae Middle Eastern Short-fingered Gecko Engfingergecko Stenodactylus grandiceps Squamata - Gekkonidae Jordan Short-fingered Gecko; Large-


Stoliczkaia khasiensis

headed Ground Gecko 7786 e 7787 e

Stenodactylus khobarensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Gulf Short-fingered Gecko Stenodactylus leptocosymbotes Squamata - Gekkonidae Southern Short-fingered Gecko

7794 e 7795 e

7796 7788 e d f

7789 e 7790 e

Stenodactylus petrii Squamata - Gekkonidae Anderson's Short-fingered Gecko; Petrie's Gecko; Sand Gecko Petris Dünnfingergecko; Dünnfingergecko Sténodactyle de Petrie; Gecko de Petrie Stenodactylus pulcher Squamata - Gekkonidae Beautiful Short-fingered Gecko Stenodactylus slevini Squamata - Gekkonidae Slevin's Short-fingered Gecko


7797 e

7798 e d f 7799

7791 e d f i 7792 e 7793 e

Stenodactylus sthenodactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Lichtenstein's Short-fingered Gecko; Sand Gecko; Sand-eye; Whiptail Gecko; Israeli Sand Gecko Wüstendünnfingergecko Sténodactyle tacheté; Sténodactyle commun Stenodattilo Stenodactylus yemenensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Yemen Short-fingered Gecko Stenolepis Squamata - Teiidae Pernambuco Teiids

e d f 7800 e 7801 e 7802 e

Stenolepis ridleyi Squamata - Teiidae Pernambuco Teiid Stenorrhina Squamata - Colubridae Blood Snakes; South American Tree Snakes Stenorrhina degenhardtii Squamata - Colubridae Degenhardt's Scorpion-eating Snake; Degenhardt Scorpion-eater Stenorrhina freminvillii Squamata - Colubridae Blood Snake; Freminville's Scorpioneater Stilosoma Squamata - Colubridae Short-tail Snakes; Short-tailed Snakes Kurzschwanznattern Couleuvres à queue courte Stilosoma extenuatum Squamata - Colubridae Short-tail Snake; Short-tailed Snake Kurzschwanznatter Couleuvre à queue courte Stoliczkaia Squamata - Colubridae Red Snakes Stoliczkaia borneensis Squamata - Colubridae Borneo Red Snake Stoliczkaia khasiensis Squamata - Colubridae Khasi Red Snake


7803 e d f


Storeria Squamata - Colubridae Brown Snakes; Red-bellied Snakes; North American Brown Snakes Braunschlangen; Braunnattern Couleuvres brunes

e d f 7812

7804 e d f 7805 e d 7806 e 7807 e

7808 e 7809 e

Storeria dekayi Squamata - Colubridae DeKay's Brown Snake; Common Brown Snake; DeKay's Snake (NA); Brown Snake; Tropical Brown Snake Gewöhnliche Braunschlange; Braunnatter; Nördliche Braunnatter; Gewöhnliche Braunnatter Couleuvre brune




Storeria dekayi dekayi Squamata - Colubridae Northern Brown Snake Nördliche Braunnatter


Storeria dekayi limnetes Squamata - Colubridae Marsh Brown Snake; Brown Snake


Storeria dekayi texana Squamata - Colubridae Texas Brown Snake; Northern Brown Snake


Storeria dekayi victa Squamata - Colubridae Florida Brown Snake


Storeria dekayi wrightorum Squamata - Colubridae Midland Brown Snake




e d 7818 e

7810 e

Storeria hidalgoensis Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Yellowbelly Brown Snake

7819 e


Storeria occipitomaculata Squamata - Colubridae

Red-bellied Snake; Redbelly Snake; Storer's Snake Rotbäuchige Braunschlange; Rotbauchnatter; Rotbauchbraunnatter Couleuvre à ventre rouge Storeria occipitomaculata obscura Squamata - Colubridae Florida Redbelly Snake; Florida Redbellied Snake Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata Squamata - Colubridae Northern Redbelly Snake; Northern Red-bellied Snake Storeria occipitomaculata pahasapae Squamata - Colubridae Black Hills Redbelly Snake; Black Hills Red-bellied Snake Storeria storerioides Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Brown Snake Suta Squamata - Elapidae Little Snakes; Myall Snakes; Curl Snakes Suta fasciata Squamata - Elapidae Rosen's Snake Rosens Schlange; Rosen-Bänderotter Suta flagellum Squamata - Elapidae Little Whip Snake Suta gouldii Squamata - Elapidae Gould's Black-headed Snake; Blackheaded Snake


Synophis miops

7820 e 7821 e 7822 e 7823 e d

Suta monachus Squamata - Elapidae Hooded Snake


Suta nigriceps Squamata - Elapidae Günther's Black-headed Snake


Suta ordensis Squamata - Elapidae Storr's Cross-banded Snake


Suta punctatus Squamata - Elapidae Little Spotted Snake Gefleckte Bänderotter




e 7834

7824 e 7825 e

7826 e 7827 e 7828 e 7829 e


Suta spectabilis Squamata - Elapidae Little Night Snake Suta suta Squamata - Elapidae Curl Snake; Myall Snake (ANZ); Myall (ANZ) Symphimus Squamata - Colubridae White-lipped Snakes Symphimus leucostomus Squamata - Colubridae Isthmian White-lipped Snake Symphimus mayae Squamata - Colubridae Yucatan White-lipped Snake Sympholis Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Short-tail Snakes; Mexican Short-tailed Snake Sympholis lippiens

e f

Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Short-tail Snake; Mexican Short-tailed Snake Synophis Squamata - Colubridae Fishing Snakes Synophis bicolor Squamata - Colubridae Two-coloured Fishing Snake Synophis lasallei Squamata - Colubridae Lasalle's Fishing Snake Synophis miops Squamata - Colubridae Fishing Snake Couleuvre pêcheuse





e 7845 e

7835 e 7836 e 7837 e 7838 e 7839 e

Tachymenis Squamata - Colubridae Slender Snakes Tachymenis affinis Squamata - Colubridae Boulenger's Slender Snake Tachymenis attenuata Squamata - Colubridae Walkers Slender Snake Tachymenis chilensis Squamata - Colubridae Chilean Slender Snake Tachymenis elongata Squamata - Colubridae Depax's Slender Snake

7846 e

7847 e 7848 e 7849 e d f

7840 e

Tachymenis peruviana Squamata - Colubridae Peru Slender Snake

7850 e

7841 e 7842 e 7843 e

Tachymenis tarmensis Squamata - Colubridae Slender Snake Taeniophallus Squamata - Colubridae Forest Snakes; Ground Snakes Taeniophallus affinis Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Forest Snake

d 7851 e 7852 e

Taeniophallus bilineatus Squamata - Colubridae Two-lined Forest Snake Taeniophallus brevirostris Squamata - Colubridae Peters's Forest Snake; Short-nosed Ground Snake Taeniophallus occipitalis Squamata - Colubridae Jan's Forest Snake; Spotted Ground Snake Taeniophallus persimilis Squamata - Colubridae Dunn's Forest Snake Taeniophallus poecilopogon Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Forest Snake Takydromus Squamata - Lacertidae Grass Lizards; Oriental Grass Lizards; Tachydromes Schnellläufer; Langschwanzeidechsen Tachydromes Takydromus amurensis Squamata - Lacertidae Amur Grass Lizard; Northern Grass Lizard Amur-Schnellläufer Takydromus formosanus Squamata - Lacertidae Formosa Grass Lizard Takydromus haughtonianus Squamata - Lacertidae Goalpora Grass Lizard


Tantilla brevis

7853 e 7854 e 7855 e 7856 e d f 7857 e d

Takydromus khasiensis Squamata - Lacertidae Java Grass Lizard Takydromus sauteri Squamata - Lacertidae Koshun Grass Lizard Takydromus septentrionalis Squamata - Lacertidae China Grass Lizard Takydromus sexlineatus Squamata - Lacertidae Asian Grass Lizard; Six-lined Lizard Sechsstreifiger Schnellläufer; Sechsstreifige Langschwanzeidechse Tachydrome à six raies Takydromus smaragdinus Squamata - Lacertidae Green Grass Lizard Smaragdschnellläufer


d f 7863 e

7864 e

7865 e 7866 e

7858 e

7859 e d 7860 e 7861 e 7862

Takydromus tachydromoides Squamata - Lacertidae Japanese Grass Lizard; Japan Grass Lizard Takydromus wolteri Squamata - Lacertidae Mountain Grass Lizard Koreanischer Schnellläufer Tantalophis Squamata - Colubridae Oaxacan Cat-eyed Snakes Tantalophis discolor Squamata - Colubridae Oaxacan Cat-eyed Snake Tantilla Squamata - Colubridae

f 7867 e

7868 e 7869 e

7870 e

Centipede Snakes; Black-headed Snakes (NA); Centipede-eaters; American Black-headed Snakes; Crowned Snakes Schwarzkopfschlangen; Schwarzkopfnattern Serpents à tête plate Tantilla albiceps Squamata - Colubridae Barbour's Centipede Snake; Panamanian Centipede-eater Tantilla alticola Squamata - Colubridae Boulenger's Centipede Snake; Highland Centipede-eater Tantilla andanista Squamata - Colubridae Andes Centipede Snake Tantilla atriceps Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Black-headed Snake; Mexican Blackhead Snake Serpent à tête noire mexicain Tantilla bairdi Squamata - Colubridae Baird's Black-headed Snake; Baird's Centipede-eater Tantilla bocourti Squamata - Colubridae Bocourt's Black-headed Snake Tantilla brevicauda Squamata - Colubridae Mertens's Centipede Snake; Shorttailed Centipede-eater Tantilla brevis Squamata - Colubridae Short Centipede Snake

Tantilla briggsi

7871 e

Tantilla briggsi Squamata - Colubridae Briggs's Centipede Snake



7881 7872 e

Tantilla calamarina Squamata - Colubridae Pacific Coast Centipede Snake

e 7882

7873 e

Tantilla canula Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Centipede Snake

e 7883

7874 e

Tantilla capistrata Squamata - Colubridae Capistrata Centipede Snake

e 7884

7875 e

Tantilla cascadae Squamata - Colubridae Michoacan Centipede Snake

e 7885

7876 e 7877 e d f 7878 e

7879 e 7880

Tantilla coronadoi Squamata - Colubridae Guerreran Centipede Snake Tantilla coronata Squamata - Colubridae Southeastern Crowned Snake; Blackhead Snake; Crowned Snake (NA) Gekrönte Schwarzkopfschlange Serpent diadème du Sud-est Tantilla cucullata Squamata - Colubridae Blackhood Snake; Big Bend Blackhead Snake; Trans-Pecos Black-headed Snake Tantilla cuesta Squamata - Colubridae Wilson's Centipede Snake Tantilla cuniculato Squamata - Colubridae


d f 7886 e

7887 e 7888 e 7889

Peten Centipede Snake; Collared Centipede-eater Tantilla deppei Squamata - Colubridae Deppe's Centipede Snake Tantilla equatoriana Squamata - Colubridae Equator Centipede Snake Tantilla excubitor Squamata - Colubridae South American Centipede Snake Tantilla flavilineata Squamata - Colubridae Yellow-lined Centipede Snake Tantilla gracilis Squamata - Colubridae Flathead Snake; Flat-headed Snake; Miter Snake (NA); Southern Slender Black-headed Snake; Graceful Tantilla Schlanke Schwarzkopfschlange Serpent à tête plate Tantilla hobartsmithi Squamata - Colubridae Southwestern Black-headed Snake; Southwestern Blackhead Snake; Smith's Black-headed Snake; Smith's Black-head Snake Tantilla impensa Squamata - Colubridae Centipede-eater Tantilla insulamontani Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Centipede Snake Tantilla jani Squamata - Colubridae


Tantilla reticulata e

7890 e 7891 e d 7892

e 7893 e

Jan's Centipede Snake Tantilla lempira Squamata - Colubridae Mena's Centipede Snake Tantilla melanocephala Squamata - Colubridae Black-headed Snake; Black-headed Centipede-eater Dunkelköpfige Schwarzkopfschlange Tantilla melanocephala melanocephala Squamata - Colubridae Common Black-headed Snake Tantilla miniata Squamata - Colubridae Veracruz Centipede Snake

7899 e 7900 e f 7901 e 7902 e d 7903

7894 e

Tantilla moesta Squamata - Colubridae Blackbelly Centipede Snake; Blackbellied Centipede-eater

e f

7895 e

Tantilla morgani Squamata - Colubridae Morgan's Black-headed Snake

7904 e

7896 e

Tantilla nigra Squamata - Colubridae Black Centipede Snake

7905 e

7897 e d f 7898 e

Tantilla nigriceps Squamata - Colubridae Plains Black-headed Snake; Plains Blackhead Snake; Great Plains Black-headed Snake Flachlandschwarzkopfschlange Serpent à tête noire des plaines Tantilla nigriceps nigriceps Squamata - Colubridae Western Plains Black-headed Snake

7906 e 7907 e

Tantilla oaxacae Squamata - Colubridae Oaxacan Centipede Snake Tantilla oolitica Squamata - Colubridae Rim Rock Crowned Snake Serpent diadème oolitique Tantilla petersi Squamata - Colubridae Peters's Black-headed Snake Tantilla planiceps Squamata - Colubridae Western Black-headed Snake; Western Blackhead Snake; California Black-headed Snake Westliche Schwarzkopfschlange Tantilla relicta Squamata - Colubridae Florida Crowned Snake; Southwestern Blackhead Snake; Central Florida Crowned Snake Serpent didaème de Floride Tantilla relicta neilli Squamata - Colubridae Central Florida Crowned Snake Tantilla relicta pamlica Squamata - Colubridae Central Dunes Crowned Snake; Coastal Dunes Crowned Snake Tantilla relicta relicta Squamata - Colubridae Peninsula Crowned Snake Tantilla reticulata Squamata - Colubridae Reticulate Centipede Snake; Reticulated Centipede-eater

Tantilla rubra

7908 e d f

Tantilla rubra Squamata - Colubridae Red Centipede-eater; Big Bend Blackhead Snake; Big Bend Blackheaded Snake; Red Blackhead Snake Große Schwarzkopfschlange Serpent à tête noire de Big Bend



7918 e 7919

7909 e

Tantilla rubra diabola Squamata - Colubridae Devil's River Black-headed Snake

e 7920

7910 e

7911 e

Tantilla schistosa Squamata - Colubridae Red Earth Centipede Snake; Redtailed Centipede-eater Tantilla semicincta Squamata - Colubridae Ringed Centipede Snake

e 7921 e

7922 7912 e 7913 e 7914 e 7915 e

7916 e

Tantilla shawi Squamata - Colubridae Potosi Centipede Snake


Tantilla slaveni Squamata - Colubridae Slaven's Centipede Snake


Tantilla striata Squamata - Colubridae Striped Centipede Snake


Tantilla supracincta Squamata - Colubridae Banded Centipede Snake; Tricoloured Centipede-eater


Tantilla taeniata Squamata - Colubridae Central American Centipede Snake; Striped Centipede-eater



e f 7926 e


Tantilla tayrae Squamata - Colubridae

Volcan Tacana Centipede Snake; Tayra's Centipede-eater Tantilla tecta Squamata - Colubridae White-striped Centipede-eater Tantilla trilineta Squamata - Colubridae Three-lined Centipede Snake Tantilla triseriata Squamata - Colubridae Isthmian Centipede-eater Tantilla tritaeniata Squamata - Colubridae Three-banded Centipede Snake; Guanaja Centipede-eater Tantilla vermiformis Squamata - Colubridae Hallowell's Centipede Snake; Wormlike Centipede-eater Tantilla virgata Squamata - Colubridae Common Centipede Snake Tantilla vulcani Squamata - Colubridae Vulcan Centipede-eater Tantilla wilcoxi Squamata - Colubridae Chihuahuan Black-headed Snake; Chihuahuan Blackhead Snake; Arizona Tantilla Serpent à tête noire Chihuahua Tantilla wilcoxi wilcoxi Squamata - Colubridae Huachaca Black-headed Snake


Tarentola delalandii

7927 e f 7928 e 7929 e

7930 e

7931 e

7932 e d f i 7933 e 7934 e

7935 e d

Tantilla yaquia Squamata - Colubridae Yaqui Black-headed Snake; Yaqui Blackhead Snake Serpent à tête noire Yaqui Tantillita Squamata - Colubridae Dwarf Short-tail Snakes Tantillita brevissima Squamata - Colubridae Speckled Dwarf Short-tail Snake; Speckled Dwarf Centipede-eater Tantillita canula Squamata - Colubridae Yucatan Dwarf Short-tail Snake; Yucatan Dwarf Centipede-eater Tantillita lintoni Squamata - Colubridae Linton's Dwarf Short-tail Snake; Linton's Dwarf Centipede-eater Tarentola Squamata - Gekkonidae Wall Geckos Mauergeckos Tarentes Tarantole Tarentola albertschwartzi Squamata - Gekkonidae Jamaican Giant Gecko Tarentola americana Squamata - Gekkonidae American Wall Gecko; Cuban Giant Gecko (WI) Tarentola angustimentalis Squamata - Gekkonidae Canary Wall Gecko Kanarischer Mauergecko

7936 e d f 7937 e f 7938 e d f

7939 e d 7940 e 7941 e 7942 e 7943 e 7944 e d

Tarentola annularis Squamata - Gekkonidae Ringed Wall Gecko; Egyptian Gecko; White-spotted Gecko Ringgecko Tarante annelée Tarentola annularis annularis Squamata - Gekkonidae House Gecko Tarante annelée Tarentola boehmei Squamata - Gekkonidae Morocco Wall Gecko; Böhme's Gecko Böhmes Gecko Tarante de Boehne; Tarente du Maroc Tarentola boettgeri Squamata - Gekkonidae Boettger's Wall Gecko Gestreifter Mauergecko Tarentola boreensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Branco Wall Gecko Tarentola caboverdianus Squamata - Gekkonidae Cape Verde Wall Gecko Tarentola clypyeata Squamata - Gekkonidae Gray's Wall Gecko Tarentola darwini Squamata - Gekkonidae Darwin's Wall Gecko Tarentola delalandii Squamata - Gekkonidae Tenerife Wall Gecko Tenerife-Mauergecko

Tarentola deserti

7945 e d f 7946 e f

Tarentola deserti Squamata - Gekkonidae Desert Wall Gecko; Moorish Desert Gecko; Desert Gecko Wüstenmauergecko Tarante du désert Tarentola ephippiata Squamata - Gekkonidae African Wall Gecko Tarente du Hoggar


e f 7952 e f 7953 e

7947 e f 7948 e d

Tarentola ephippiata hoggarensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Hoggar Gecko Tarente de Hoggar Tarentola gomerensis Squamata - Gekkonidae Gomera Wall Gecko Gomera-Mauergecko; GomeraGecko

7954 e d f 7955 e

7949 e

d f


7950 e f 7951

Tarentola mauritanica Squamata - Gekkonidae Common Wall Gecko; Common Gecko; Wall Gecko; Moorish Gecko; Crocodile Gecko; Moorish Wall Gecko (NA) Mauergecko Tarente de Mauritanie; Gecko des murs; Gecko des murailles; Tarente des murailles; Gecko de Mauritanie; Tarente; Tarente du Midi; Tarente commune Tarantola mauritanica; Geco comune; Geco muraiolo; Tarentola muraiola; Geco Tarentola mauritanica juliae Squamata - Gekkonidae Moorish Gecko Tarente commune Tarentola mauritanica mauritanica Squamata - Gekkonidae

7956 e d 7957 e d f 7958 e 7959 e d

Moorish Gecko Tarente commune Tarentola neglecta Squamata - Gekkonidae Algerian Wall Gecko; Neglected Gecko Tarente négligée; Tarente dédaignée Tarentola parvicarinata Squamata - Gekkonidae Sierra Leone Wall Gecko Teiidae Squamata Tegus; Whiptails (NA); Racerunners Schienenechsen; Tejus; Macroteteiide Echsen Téjus; Téiidés Teius Squamata - Teiidae Four-toed Tegus Teius teyou Squamata - Teiidae Four-toed Tegu; Lagarija Verde (NA) Vierzehenameive Telescopus Squamata - Colubridae Tiger Snakes; Cat Snakes Katzennattern Couleuvres-chat Telescopus beetzi Squamata - Colubridae Namib Tiger Snake Telescopus dhara Squamata - Colubridae Arabian Tiger Snake; Large-eyed Snake; Israeli Cat Snake Israelische Katzennatter


Teratolepis albofasciata f

7960 e f

Couleuvre-chat d'Israël Telescopus dhara obtusus Squamata - Colubridae North African Cat Snake Couleuvre-chat d'Afrique du Nord

7967 e d

7968 7961 e d f i

7962 e

Telescopus fallax Squamata - Colubridae Southern Tiger Snake; Mediterranean Cat Snake; European Cat Snake; Cat Snake Europäische Katzennatter Couleuvre-chat d'Europe; Couleuvrechat; Telescopus Serpente gatto; Colubro gatto; Telescopo vivace; Telescopo europeo; Colubro carsico Telescopus guentheri Squamata - Colubridae Iberian Tiger Snake; Southern Largeeyed Snake

e d f i 7969 e

7970 7963 e

Telescopus iberus Squamata - Colubridae Indian Desert Tiger Snake

e 7971

7964 e

Telescopus rhynopoma Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Tiger Snake; Indian Desert Cat Snake

e d 7972

7965 e d f 7966 e

Telescopus semiannulatus Squamata - Colubridae Soosan Tiger Snake; Tiger Cat Snake; Eastern Tiger Snake; Tiger Snake (CSA) Getigerte Katzennatter; Tigerschlange Serpent tigre Telescopus variegatus Squamata - Colubridae Variegated Tiger Snake

e 7973 e d f 7974

Tenuidactylus Squamata - Gekkonidae Grasping Gecko Nacktfingergeckos; Bogenfingergeckos Tenuidactylus caspicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Caspian Grasping Gecko; Caspian Gecko; Caspian Naked-fingered Gecko Kaspischer Nacktfingergecko; Kaspischer Bogenfingergecko; Kaspischer Nacktfinger Cyrtopodion de la Caspienne Geco caspico Tenuidactylus feldschenkoi Squamata - Gekkonidae Feldtschenko's Grasping Gecko; Turkistan Rock Gecko; Central Asian Naked-fingered Gecko Tenuidactylus longipes Squamata - Gekkonidae Iranian Grasping Gecko Tenuidactylus turcmenicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Turkish Grasping Gecko Turkmenischer Gecko Tenuidactylus voraginosus Squamata - Gekkonidae Afghan Grasping Gecko Teratolepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Viper Geckos; Sind Broad-tailed Geckos; Scaled Geckos (ISC) Viperngeckos; Rübenschwanzviperngeckos Geckos vipère Teratolepis albofasciata Squamata - Gekkonidae

Teratolepis fasciata

e d

White-striped Viper Gecko Rübenschwanzviperngecko


e 7983

7975 e d f 7976 e d 7977 e 7978 e d 7979 e d 7980 e d f 7981 d 7982

Teratolepis fasciata Squamata - Gekkonidae Carrot-tail Viper Gecko; Sind Broadtailed Gecko; Banded Scaled Gecko (ISC); Viper Gecko Rübenschwanzviperngecko Gecko vipère Teratoscincus Squamata - Gekkonidae Wonder Geckos; Plate-tailed Geckos Wundergecko Teratoscincus bedriagai Squamata - Gekkonidae Bédriaga's Wonder Gecko Teratoscincus microlepis Squamata - Gekkonidae Small-scaled Wonder Gecko; Baluch Plate-tailed Gecko Zwergwundergecko Teratoscincus przewalskii Squamata - Gekkonidae Przewalski's Wonder Gecko Przewalskis Wundergecko Teratoscincus scincus Squamata - Gekkonidae Wonder Gecko; Turkestan Platetailed Gecko; Sand Gecko; Frog-eyed Gecko Wundergecko; Sandgecko Scinque monstrueux Teratoscincus scincus keyserlingii Squamata - Gekkonidae Großer Wundergecko Teratoscincus tripolitanus Squamata - Gekkonidae

e 7984 e 7985 e d f i 7986 e d f


7987 e f 7988 e d f 7989 e f

Common Wonder Gecko Tereturus Squamata - Uropeltidae Purple-red Earth Snakes Tereturus sanguineus Squamata - Uropeltidae Purple-red Earth Snake Terrapene Testudines - Emydidae Box Turtles; American Box Turtles Dosenschildkröten Tortues-boîte; Tortue-tabatières Tartarughe scatola Terrapene carolina Testudines - Emydidae Box Turtle; Common Box Turtle (NA); Eastern Box Turtle; American Box Turtle Carolina-Dosenschildkröte Tortue-boîte de Caroline; Tortueboîte orientale; Tortue-boîte commune; Tortue tabatière; Tortue boîte de l'Est Tartaruga scatola americana; Terrapene a scatola comune Terrapene carolina bauri Testudines - Emydidae Florida Box Turtle Tortue-boîte de Floride Terrapene carolina carolina Testudines - Emydidae Eastern Box Turtle Carolina-Dosenschildkröte Tortue-boîte commune Terrapene carolina major Testudines - Emydidae Gulf Coast Box Turtle Tortue-boîte du Golfe


Testudo hermanni

7990 e f 7991 e f i 7992 e f 7993 e d f i 7994 e d f

Terrapene carolina mexicana Testudines - Emydidae Mexican Box Turtle Tortue-boîte du Mexique Terrapene carolina triunguis Testudines - Emydidae Three-toed Box Turtle Tortue-boîte à trois griffes Tartaruga scatola triungulata Terrapene carolina yucatana Testudines - Emydidae Yucatan Box Turtle Tortue-boîte du Yucatan Terrapene coahuila Testudines - Emydidae Coahuilan Box Turtle; Coahuila Box Turtle; Aquatic Box Turtle Wasserdosenschildkröte Tortue-boîte de Coahuila; Tortue de Mexique Terrapene di Coahula Terrapene nelsoni Testudines - Emydidae Spotted Box Turtle; Nelson's Box Turtle; Southern Spotted Box Turtle; Mexican Black Box Turtle Nelson-Dosenschildkröte Tortue-boîte ponctuée; Tortue-boîte de Nelson

7997 e 7998 e d f i

Testudines Turtles and Tortoises Wasser-und Landschildkröten Tortues Tartarughe e Testuggine


Testudinidae Testudines Tortoises; Terrestrial Turtles (NA) Landschildkröten Tortues terrestres; Tortues vraies; Testudinidés Testudini

e d f i 8000 e d f 8001 e d f i

7995 e d f i 7996 e

Terrapene ornata Testudines - Emydidae Ornate Box Turtle; Western Box Turtle Schmuckdosenschildkröte Tortue-boîte ornée Tartaruga scatola ornata Terrapene ornata luteola Testudines - Emydidae Desert Box Turtle

Terrapene ornata ornata Testudines - Emydidae Ornate Box Turtle

8002 e d f i

Testudo Testudines - Testudinidae Palearctic Tortoises Landschildkröten; Schildkröten; Eigentliche Landschildkröten Tortue terrestres Testudo graeca Testudines - Testudinidae Mediterranean Spur-thighed Tortoise; Spur-thighed Tortoise; Spurred Tortoise; Greek Tortoise Maurische Landschildkröte Tortue grecque; Tortue mauresque; Tortue turque Testuggine moresca; Testuggine greca Testudo hermanni Testudines - Testudinidae Hermann's Tortoise; Greek Tortoise Griechische Landschildkröte; Landschildkròte Tortue d'Hermann Testuggine comune; Testuggine di Hermann; Tartaruga

Testudo hermanni hermanni

8003 e f

Testudo hermanni hermanni Testudines - Testudinidae Western Hermann's Tortoise Tortue d'Hermann occidentale


f i 8010

8004 e f

Testudo hermanni noettgeri Testudines - Testudinidae Eastern Hermann's Tortoise Tortue d'Hermann orientale


8011 8005 e d

Testudo hermanni robertmertensi Testudines - Testudinidae Robert Mertens's Tortoise Robert-Mertens-Landschildkröte

e f 8012

8006 e d f i

8007 e d 8008 e d f i 8009 e d

Testudo horsfieldii Testudines - Testudinidae Central Asia Tortoise; Horsfield's Tortoise; Russian Tortoise; Afghan Tortoise Vierzehenlandschildkröte; Steppenschildkröte Tortue d'Horsfield; Tortue des steppes Testuggine di Horsfield; Testuggine delle steppe Testudo ibera Testudines - Testudinidae Asia Minor Spur-thighed Tortoise; Algerian Tortoise Maurische Landschildkröte Testudo kleinmanni Testudines - Testudinidae Egyptian Tortoise; Kleinmann's Tortoise; Leith's Tortoise Ägyptische Landschildkröte Tortue de Kleinmann; Tortue d'Égypte Testuggine egiziana Testudo marginata Testudines - Testudinidae Marginated Tortoise Griechische Breitrandschildkröte;

e d f 8013 e d f 8014 e d f 8015 e d f

Breitrandschildkröte Tortue bordée Testuggine marginata Testudo terrestris Testudines - Testudinidae Middle Eastern Spur-thighed Tortoise Testudo weissingeri Testudines - Testudinidae Peloponnese Dwarf Tortoise Tortue naine du Péloponnèse Tetradactylus Squamata - Cordylidae Whip Lizards; Plated Snake Lizards (CSA); Seps (CSA) Geißelschildechsen Tétradactyles Tetradactylus africanus Squamata - Cordylidae African Whip Lizard; African Longtailed Seps (CSA) Große Geißelschildechse Tétradactyle africain Tetradactylus breyeri Squamata - Cordylidae Breyer's Whip Lizard; Breyer's Longtailed Seps (CSA); Breyer's Plated Lizard (CSA) Breyers Geißelschildechse Tétradactyle de Breyer Tetradactylus eastwoodae Squamata - Cordylidae Eastwood's Whip Lizard; Eastwood's Long-tailed Seps (CSA); Eastwood's Plated Lizard (CSA) Eastwoods Geißelschildechse Tétradactyle de Eastwood



8016 e d f 8017 e f 8018 e d f 8019 e d f 8020 e 8021 e 8022 e 8023 e

Tetradactylus ellenbergeri Squamata - Cordylidae Ellenberger's Whip Lizard; Ellenberger's Long-tailed Seps (CSA) Ellenbergers Geißelschildechse Tétradactyle d'Ellenberger Tetradactylus fitzsimonsi Squamata - Cordylidae Fitzsimons's Whip Lizard; Congo Long-tailed Seps Tétradactyle de Fitzsimons

8024 e 8025 e 8026 e

Tetradactylus seps Squamata - Cordylidae Five-toed Whip Lizard; Short-legged Seps (CSA); Short-legged Plated Lizard Fünfzehige Geißelschildechse Tétradactyle à cinque doigts


Tetradactylus tetradactylus Squamata - Cordylidae Longtail Whip Lizard; Common Long-tailed Seps (CSA); Long-tailed Seps Vierzehige Geißelschildechse Tétradactyle à quatre doigts


Tetralepis Squamata - Colubridae Java Snakes Tetralepis frustorferi Squamata - Colubridae Bluebelly Java Snake Teuchocercus Squamata - Teiidae Key Tegus Teuchocercus keyi Squamata - Teiidae Key Tegu

e 8028 e

e 8030 e 8031 e d 8032 e 8033 e d f

Thalassophis Squamata - Elapidae Viperine Sea Snakes Thalassophis anomalus Squamata - Elapidae Anomolous Sea Snake Thalassophis viperina Squamata - Elapidae Viperine Sea Snake Thamnodynastes Squamata - Colubridae Coastal House Snakes; Mock Vipers Thamnodynastes chimanta Squamata - Colubridae Roze's House Snake Thamnodynastes pallidus Squamata - Colubridae Amazon Coastal House Snake Thamnodynastes rutilus Squamata - Colubridae Prado's Coastal House Snake Thamnodynastes strigilis Squamata - Colubridae Northern Coastal House Snake Graue Laubnatter Thamnodynastes strigtus Squamata - Colubridae Coastal House Snake Thamnophis Squamata - Colubridae Garter Snakes; Ribbon Snakes; North American Garter Snakes Strumpfbandnattern Serpents-jarretière et serpents-ruban; Serpents-ruban

Thamnophis atratus

i 8034 e

d 8035 e

8036 e d


Serpenti giarrettiera Thamnophis atratus Squamata - Colubridae California Garter Snake; Middle California Garter Snake; Western Coast Garter Snake; Pacific Coast Garter Snake; Black Garter Snake; Western Garter Snake; Western Aquatic Garter Snake; Central Coast Garter Snake; Aquatic Garter Snake; Santa Cruz Garter Snake Westliche Strumpfbandnatter

e d f

8041 e 8042 e

Thamnophis atratus aquaticus Squamata - Colubridae Aquatic Garter Snake; Northern California Coast Garter Snake Thamnophis atratus atratus Squamata - Colubridae Santa Cruz Garter Snake; Singlestriped Garter Snake Einstreifige Strumpfbandnatter

d f

8043 8037 e d

Thamnophis atratus hydrophilus Squamata - Colubridae Oregon Garter Snake; Oregon Grey Garter Snake Oregon-Strumpfbandnatter

e 8044 e

8038 e

8039 e

d f 8040

Thamnophis atratus zaxanthus Squamata - Colubridae Diablo Garter Snake; Diablo Range Garter Snake Thamnophis brachystoma Squamata - Colubridae Shorthead Garter Snake; Shortheaded Garter Snake; Small-headed Garter Snake (NA); New York Dwarf Garter Snake Kurzkopfstrumpfbandnatter Serpent-jarretière à petite tête Thamnophis butleri

8045 e

d f

Squamata - Colubridae Butler's Garter Snake Butlers Strumpfbandnatter Serpent-jarretière de Butler; Couleuvre à petite tête Thamnophis chrysocephalus Squamata - Colubridae Goldenhead Garter Snake Thamnophis couchii Squamata - Colubridae Western Aquatic Garter Snake; Sierra Garter Snake; Sierra Nevada Garter Snake; Couch's Garter Snake; West Coast Garter Snake; Black Water Snake (NA); Couch's Water Snake; Fish Snake; Mocassin Garter Snake Westliche Strumpfbandnatter; Couchs Strumpfbandnatter Serpent-jarretière aquatique de l'Ouest Thamnophis couchii aquaticus Squamata - Colubridae Aquatic Garter Snake Thamnophis couchii couchii Squamata - Colubridae Western Aquatic Garter Snake Thamnophis cyrtopsis Squamata - Colubridae Blackneck Garter Snake; Blacknecked Garter Snake; White-bellied Garter Snake; Spotted Garter Snake; Brown Garter Snake; Checkerboard Garter Snake; Black-necked Garter Snake; Green-bellied Garter Snake; Reuss's Garter Snake Gefleckte Strumpfbandnatter; Schwarznackenstrumpfbandnatter; Mexikanische Strumpfbandnatter Serpent-jarretière à cou noir


Thamnophis eques

8046 e d 8047 e d

8048 e d

8049 e 8050 e 8051 e

d f

8052 e

Thamnophis cyrtopsis collaris Squamata - Colubridae Collared Garter Snake Halsbandstrumpfbandnatter Thamnophis cyrtopsis cyrtopsis Squamata - Colubridae Western Blackneck Garter Snake; Western Black-necked Garter Snake; Western Blackhead Garter Snake Westliche Schwarznackenstrumpfbandnatter; Westliche Gefleckte Strumpfbandnatter Thamnophis cyrtopsis ocellatus Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Blackneck Garter Snake; Eastern Black-necked Garter Snake; Ocellated Garter Snake Ocellenstrumpfbandnatter; Östliche Schwarznackenstrumpfbandnatter; Östliche Gefleckte Strumpfbandnatter Thamnophis cyrtopsis postremus Squamata - Colubridae Tepalcatepec Valley Garter Snake Thamnophis cyrtopsis pulchrilatus Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Highland Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans Squamata - Colubridae Western Terrestrial Garter Snake; Terrestial Garter Snake; Elegant Garter Snake; Boyd's Garter Snake; Three-striped Garter Snake Bergstrumpfbandnatter; Westliche Strumpfbandnatter Serpent-jarretiêre élégant; Couleuvre de l'Ouest Thamnophis elegans arizonae Squamata - Colubridae Arizona Garter Snake; Arizona

Terrestial Garter Snake; Arizona Wandering Garter Snake 8053 e

8054 e d 8055 e 8056 e 8057 e d

8058 e d

8059 e 8060 e d

Thamnophis elegans biscutatus Squamata - Colubridae Klamath Garter Snake; Northwestern Garter Snake; Washington Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans elegans Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Garter Snake Westliche Strumpfbandnatter Thamnophis elegans hueyi Squamata - Colubridae San Pedro Martir Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans nigrecens Squamata - Colubridae Dusky Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans terrestris Squamata - Colubridae Coast Garter Snake; Terrestial Garter Snake Westliche Strumpfbandnatter; Bergstrumpfbandnatter Thamnophis elegans vagrans Squamata - Colubridae Wandering Garter Snake; Intermountain Wandering Garter Snake Wandernde Strumpfbandnatter; Bergstrumpfbandnatter Thamnophis elegans vascotanneri Squamata - Colubridae Upper Basin Garter Snake Thamnophis eques Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Garter Snake; Arizona Garter Snake; Emory's Garter Snake Mexikanische Strumpfbandnatter;

Thamnophis eques eques

f 8061 e 8062 e 8063 e 8064 e d 8065 e d 8066 e d

Braune Strumpfbandnatter Serpent-jarretière mexicain Thamnophis eques eques Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Garter Snake Thamnophis eques megalops Squamata - Colubridae Northern Mexican Garter Snake Thamnophis exsul Squamata - Colubridae Montane Garter Snake Thamnophis fulvus Squamata - Colubridae Highland Garter Snake; Guatemalan Garter Snake Guatemala-Strumpfbandnatter Thamnophis gigas Squamata - Colubridae Giant Garter Snake Riesenstrumpfbandnatter Thamnophis godmani Squamata - Colubridae Godman's Garter Snake Godmans Strumpfbandnatter; Treppenstrumpfbandnatter



e 8070 e

d f i 8071 e d 8072 e d

8073 8067 e

d i 8068 e

Thamnophis hammondii Squamata - Colubridae Two-striped Garter Snake; Southern California Garter Snake; Hammond's Garter Snake; Pacific Garter Snake; Water Snake ; Garter Snake; Ribbon Snake Zweistreifenstrumpfbandnatter Serpente giarrettiera Thamnophis hammondii digueti Squamata - Colubridae Diguet Two-striped Garter Snake

e 8074 e


Thamnophis hammondii hammondii Squamata - Colubridae Hammond Two-striped Garter Snake Thamnophis marcianus Squamata - Colubridae Chequered Garter Snake; Checkered Garter Snake (NA); Northern Mexican Garter Snake; Marcy's Garter Snake; Spotted Garter Snake; Desert Garter Snake; Mouse Snake; Marcy Garter Snake Karierte Strumpfbandnatter; TexasStrumpfbandnatter Serpent-jarretière réticulé; Serpentjarretière à échiquier Serpente giarrettiera a scacchi Thamnophis marcianus marcianus Squamata - Colubridae Sonoran Garter Snake; Marcy's Checkered Garter Snake; Checkered Garter Snake (NA) Gefleckte Strumpfbandnatter Thamnophis melanogaster Squamata - Colubridae Blackbelly Garter Snake; Mexican Blackbelly Water Snake Schwarzbauchstrumpfbandnatter; Mexikanische Strumpfbandnatter Thamnophis mendax Squamata - Colubridae Tamaulipan Montane Garter Snake Thamnophis ordinoides Squamata - Colubridae Northwestern Garter Snake; Gray Garter Snake (NA); Grey Garter Snake; Northwest Garter Snake; Puget Garter Snake; Red-striped Garter Snake; Black Garter Snake; Pacific Coast Garter Snake; Western Garter Snake Nordwestliche Strumpfbandnatter


Thamnophis sauritus sackeni f

8075 e d f 8076 e 8077 e 8078 e

8079 e d 8080 e d f i

Serpent-jarretière du Nord-ouest Thamnophis proximus Squamata - Colubridae Western Ribbon Snake; Long's Garter Snake Westliche Streifenstrumpfbandnatter; Westliche Bändernatter Serpent-ruban de l'Ouest Thamnophis proximus diabolicus Squamata - Colubridae Arid Land Ribbon Snake Thamnophis proximus orarius Squamata - Colubridae Gulf Coast Ribbon Snake Thamnophis proximus proximus Squamata - Colubridae Western Ribbon Snake; Orangestriped Ribbon Snake Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus Squamata - Colubridae Red-striped Ribbon Snake; Redstripe Ribbon Snake Rotstreifenbändernatter Thamnophis radix Squamata - Colubridae Plains Garter Snake; Prairie Garter Snake; Transition Garter Snake; Redstriped Garter Snake Tiefland Strumpfbandnatter; PrairieStrumpfbandnatter; Südwestliche Strumpfbandnatter Serpent-jarretière des plaines; Couleuvre des plaines; Serpentjarretière Serpente giarrettiera di pianuara

8082 e 8083 e

d f 8084 e



8085 e d f 8086 e

8081 e

Thamnophis radix haydeni Squamata - Colubridae Western Plains Garter Snake


Thamnophis radix radix Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Plains Garter Snake Thamnophis rufipunctatus Squamata - Colubridae Narrowhead Garter Snake; Narrowheaded Garter Snake; Long-nosed Garter Snake; Brown-spotted Garter Snake; Red-spotted Garter Snake; Mexican Highland Garter Snake; Red-spotted Chilopoma Schmalköpfige Strumpfbandnatter; Braunfleckenstrumpfbandnatter Serpent-jarretière à tête étroite Thamnophis sauritus Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Ribbon Snake; Riband Snake; North American Ribbon Snake; Slender Garter Snake; Saurite Snake; Slim Garter Snake; Spotted Ribbon Snake; Striped Water Snake; Swift Garter Snake; Swift Streaked Garter Snake; Water Garter Snake; Yellow-headed Garter Snake Bändernatter; Östliche Strumpfbandnatter; Östliche Streifenstrumpfbandnatter; Östliche Bändernatter Serpent-ruban de l'Est; Serpentjarretière Thamnophis sauritus nitae Squamata - Colubridae Bluestripe Ribbon Snake; Bluestriped Ribbon Snake Blaugestreifte Bändernatter Couleuvre mince Thamnophis sauritus sackeni Squamata - Colubridae Peninsula Ribbon Snake; Southern Ribbon Snake (NA) Florida-Bändernatter

Thamnophis sauritus sauritus

8087 e d 8088 e d 8089 e d 8090 e d 8091 e


f i

8092 e d

Thamnophis sauritus sauritus Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Ribbon Snake; Common Ribbon Snake Östliche Bändernatter Thamnophis sauritus septentrionalis Squamata - Colubridae Northern Ribbon Snake Nördliche Bändernatter Thamnophis scalaris Squamata - Colubridae Longtail Alpine Garter Snake; Mexican Garter Snake; Highland Garter Snake Treppenstrumpfbandnatter Thamnophis scaliger Squamata - Colubridae Short-tail Alpine Garter Snake; Mexican Highland Garter Snake Hochlandstrumpfbandnatter Thamnophis sirtalis Squamata - Colubridae Striped Garter Snake; Spotted Garter Snake (NA); North American Garter Snake; Sirtal Snake; Spotted Snake; Streaked Snake; Striped Grass Snake; Striped Adder; Eastern Garter Snake; Common Garter Snake Gewöhnliche Strumpfbandnatter; Strumpfbandnatter; Rotstreifenstrumpfbandnatter; Gemeine Strumpfbandnatter Serpent-jarretière rayé; Couleuvre rayé (Qué) Serpente giarrettiera comune; Serpente giarrettiera Thamnophis sirtalis annectens Squamata - Colubridae Striped Garter Snake; Texas Garter Snake Texanische Strumpfbandnatter


8093 e

8094 e

8095 e

8096 e

8097 e 8098 e

8099 e

d f

Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus Squamata - Colubridae Red-spotted Garter Snake; Northwestern Garter Snake; Redbarred Garter Snake; Pacific Garter Snake; One-striped Garter Snake Thamnophis sirtalis dorsalis Squamata - Colubridae New Mexico Garter Snake; New Mexican Garter Snake Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi Squamata - Colubridae Valley Garter Snake; Red-barred Garter Snake; California Garter Snake; Cascade Garter Snake; Borthwestern Garter Snake; Pacific Garter Snake Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis Squamata - Colubridae California Red-sided Garter Snake; San Francisco Garter Snake; Onestriped Garter Snake Thamnophis sirtalis lowei Squamata - Colubridae Chihuaha Garter Snake Thamnophis sirtalis pallidulus Squamata - Colubridae Maritime Garter Snake; Quebec Garter Snake; Spotted Garter Snake Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis Squamata - Colubridae Red-sided Garter Snake; Greenstriped Garter Snake; Parietal Garter Snake; Red Garter Snake; Say's Garter Snake; Western Garter Snake; Prairie Garter Snake; Rocky Mountain Garter Snake Rotgefleckte Strumpfbandnatter; Rotseitige Strumpfbandnatter; Rotseitenstrumpfbandnatter Serpent-jarretière à flancs rouges


Thermophis baileyi

8100 e

8101 e d 8102 e


8103 e

d f i 8104 e 8105 e 8106 e 8107

Thamnophis sirtalis pickeringii Squamata - Colubridae Puget Sound Garter Snake; Pickering's Garter Snake; Nisqually Garter Snake; Northwestern Garter Snake Thamnophis sirtalis semifasciatus Squamata - Colubridae Chicago Garter Snake Chicago-Strumpfbandnatter Thamnophis sirtalis similis Squamata - Colubridae Bluestripe Garter Snake; Florida Blue-striped Garter Snake; Bluestriped Garter Snake; Florida Garter Snake; Eastern Garter Snake Blaue Strumpfbandnatter; FloridaStrumpfbandnatter; Blaustreifen Florida-Strumpfbandnatter Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Garter Snake; Slow Garter Snake; Yellow Snake; Spotted Garter Snake; Ordinary Garter Snake; Common Garter Snake Gewöhnliche Strumpfbandnatter; Östliche Strumpfbandnatter Serpent-jarretière Serpente giarettiera comune Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia Squamata - Colubridae San Francisco Garter Snake Thamnophis sumichrasti Squamata - Colubridae Sumichrast's Garter Snake

e d f 8108 e

d f 8109 e d i 8110 e


8111 e

d i

Thamnophis vicinus Squamata - Colubridae Smith's Garter Snake





Squamata - Gekkonidae Turniptail Geckos; Smooth Geckos; Turnip-tailed Geckos Rübenschwanzgeckos Thécadactyles Thecadactylus rapicauda Squamata - Gekkonidae Turniptail Gecko; Turnip-tailed Gecko; Smooth Gecko; Giant Woodslave ; Thick-tailed Gecko (NA) Rübenschwanzgecko Thécadactyle Thelotornis Squamata - Colubridae Bird Snakes; Vine Snakes; Twig Snakes; Kirtland's Snakes Vogelnattern; Baumnattern Serpenti degli uccelli Thelotornis capensis Squamata - Colubridae Bird Snake; Twig Snake; Savanna Twig Snake; Southern Vine Snake (CSA); Savanna Vine Snake (CSA); Vine Snake (CSA) Kap Baumnatter; Südafrikanische Baumnatter Thelotornis kirtlandi Squamata - Colubridae Northern Vine Snake; Twig Snake; Forest Twig Snake; Northern Vine Snake; Kirtland's Tree Snake; Bird Snake; Voelslang (CSA) Vogelnatter; Graue Baumnatter; Lianennatter Serpente degli uccelli Thermophis Squamata - Colubridae Bailey's Snakes Thermophis baileyi Squamata - Colubridae


e 8114 e d 8115 e 8116 e d 8117 e

8118 e d f i 8119 e 8120 e 8121 e

Bailey's Snake Thrasops Squamata - Colubridae Black Tree Snakes Schwarze Baumschlangen Thrasops aethiopissa Squamata - Colubridae Black Tree Snake Thrasops jacksoni Squamata - Colubridae Jackson's Black Tree Snake; Black Tree Snake Schwarze Baumschlange Thrasops occidentalis Squamata - Colubridae Western Black Tree Snake; Parker's Black Tree Snake Tiliqua Squamata - Scincidae Bluetongue Skinks; Blue-tonged Skinks; Tiliquine Skinks; Giant Skinks Blauzungenskinke; Riesenskinkverwandte; Blauzungen Scinques géantes; Scinques à langue bleue Tilique Tiliqua adelaidensis Squamata - Scincidae Adelaide Scrub Skink Tiliqua branchialis Squamata - Scincidae Günther's Bluetongue Skink Tiliqua casuarinae Squamata - Scincidae Scrub Skink; Oak Skink (ANZ); Sheoak Skink


f 8122 e d f 8123 e d

8124 e 8125 e d 8126 e d f 8127 e d f

Scinque de la Casuarine Tiliqua gerrardii Squamata - Scincidae Pinktongue Skink; Pink-tongued Lizard (ANZ); Blue-tongued Skink; Pink-tongued Skink Rosazungenskink; Schneckenskink; Schneckenblauzungenskink; Gerrards Skink; Gerrards Blauzunge Scinque à langue rose Tiliqua gigas Squamata - Scincidae Giant Bluetongue Skink; Giant Bluetongued Skink Riesenblauzungenskink; Riesenskink; Oaouanische Blauzunge Tiliqua maxima Squamata - Scincidae Storr's Scrub Skink Tiliqua multifaciata Squamata - Scincidae Central Bluetongue Skink; Centralian Blue-tongued Lizard (ANZ) Nördlicher Blauzungenskink Tiliqua nigrolutea Squamata - Scincidae Blotched Bluetongue Skink; Blotched Blue-tongued Lizard (ANZ) Gefleckter Blauzungenskink; Schwarzgelbe Glattechse; Blauzunge Scinque noir-jaune Tiliqua occipitalis Squamata - Scincidae Western Bluetongue Skink; Western Blue-tongued Lizard (ANZ); Western Blue-tongued Skink (ANZ) Westliche Blauzunge Scinque à la langue bleue


Tomuropeltis ellenbergeri

8128 e d f

8129 e

d f i 8130 d 8131 d 8132 e 8133 e 8134 e


Tiliqua rugosa Squamata - Scincidae Shingleback Skink; Shingleback (ANZ); Sleepy Lizard; Stump-tailed Skink; Rugose Stump-tail Tannenzapfenechse; Stutzechse Lézard pomme-de-pin; Trachydosaure rugeux; Scinque à queue tronquée Tiliqua scincoides Squamata - Scincidae Bluetongue Skink; Blue-tongued Skink; Eastern Blue-tongued Skink; Eastern Blue-tongued Lizard (ANZ); Common Bluetongue; Common Blue-tongued Lizard (ANZ) Blauzungenskink; Gewöhnliche Blauzunge; Gemeiner Blauzungenskink Scinque d'Australie à langue bleue; Scinque à langue bleue Tiliqua della lingua azzurra; Scinco Tiliqua scincoides gigas Squamata - Scincidae Papuanische Riesenblauzunge Tiliqua scincoides intermedia Squamata - Scincidae Nördliche Blauzunge Toluca Squamata - Colubridae Tolucan Ground Snakes Toluca amphistricha Squamata - Colubridae Twin-spotted Tolucan Ground Snake Toluca conica Squamata - Colubridae Large-blotched Tolucan Ground Snake Toluca lineata

e 8136 e 8137 e d f 8138 e

d f 8139 e 8140 e 8141 e 8142 e 8143 e 8144

Squamata - Colubridae Lined Tolucan Ground Snake Toluca megalodon Squamata - Colubridae San Felipe Ground Snake Tomistoma Crocodylia - Crocodylidae False Gharials; False Gavials; Tomistomas Sunda-Gaviale Faux-gavials; Faux-gavials malais Tomistoma schlegeli Crocodylia - Crocodylidae False Gharial; False Gavial; Malayan Gavial; Malayan Gharial; Malayan False Gharial; Sunda Ghavial; Malay Gavial; Tomistoma Sunda-Gavial; Sunda-Krokodil Faux-gavial; Faux-gavial malais Tomodon Squamata - Colubridae Pampas Snakes Tomodon Squamata - Colubridae Pampas Snake Tomodon dorsatus Squamata - Colubridae Pampas Snake Tomodon ocellatus Squamata - Colubridae Ocellated Pampas Snake Tomuropeltis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Horntail Worm Lizards Tomuropeltis ellenbergeri Squamata - Amphisbaenidae

Tomuropeltis gigantea

e 8145 e 8146 e 8147 e 8148 e 8149 e

8150 e 8151 e 8152 e 8153 e 8154

Lealui Worm Lizard



Tomuropeltis gigantea Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Kwango Worm Lizard


Tomuropeltis granti Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Beira Worm Lizard


Tomuropeltis jallae Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Northern Rhodesia Worm Lizard


Tomuropeltis luluae Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Sandoa Worm Lizard


Tomuropeltis pistillum Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Horntail Worm Lizard; Blunt-tailed Worm Lizard (CSA); Square-tailed Wedge-snouted Amphisbaenian (CSA); Horny-tailed Worm Lizard (CSA)






e 8160 e d

Toxicocalamus Squamata - Elapidae Venomous Island Snakes


Toxicocalamus buergersi Squamata - Elapidae Toricelli Tropical Snake

e d f

Toxicocalamus grandis Squamata - Elapidae Iran Jaya Tropical Snake Toxicocalamus holopelturus Squamata - Elapidae Rossel Island Snake Toxicocalamus longissimus Squamata - Elapidae

8162 e d 8163 e d f

Woodlark Island Snake Toxicocalamus loriae Squamata - Elapidae New Guinea Tropical Snake Toxicocalamus misimae Squamata - Elapidae Misima Island Snake Toxicocalamus preussi Squamata - Elapidae Northern Tropical Snake Toxicocalamus spilolepidotus Squamata - Elapidae Highland Tropical Snake Toxicocalamus stanleyanus Squamata - Elapidae Southern Tropical Snake Tracheloptychus Squamata - Cordylidae Keeled Cordylids Kielschildechsen Tracheloptychus madagascariensis Squamata - Cordylidae Madagascar Keeled Cordylid Madagassische Kielschildechse Scinque crocodile Tracheloptychus petersi Squamata - Cordylidae Peters's Keeled Cordylid Peters Kielschildechse Trachemys Testudines - Emydidae Sliders Schmuckschildkröten Trachémydes


Trachemys stejnegeri

8164 e d f 8165 e d f i 8166 e d f

8167 e 8168 e

d f i 8169

Trachemys decorata Testudines - Emydidae Hispaniola Slider; Hispaniolan Slider; Haitian Slider; Hispaniolan Elegant Slider Kinnfleckpfauenaugenschildkröte; Kinnfleckpfauenaugeschildkröte Trachémyde d'Hispaniola Trachemys decussata Testudines - Emydidae North Antilles Slider; Slider Turtle; North Antillean Slider; Antillean Painted Turtle ; Cuban Slider (WI) Kubanische Schmuckschildkröte Trachémyde de Cuba Tartaruga delle Antille Trachemys dorbigni Testudines - Emydidae D'Orbigny's Slider; South American Slider; Black-bellied Slider; Brazil Pseudemyd Slider Brasilianische Schmuckschildkröte Pseudémyde du Brésil; Trachémyde de d'Orbigny Trachemys gaigeae Testudines - Emydidae Big Bend Slider Trachemys scripta Testudines - Emydidae Slider; Pond Slider; American Redeared Terrapin ; Red-eared Turtle; South American Red-lined Turtle; Slider Turtle; American Slider Turtle; Red-eared Slider (WI) Buchstabenschmuckschildkröte; Rotwangenschildkröte; Gelbwangenschildkröte Tortue à dessins; Tortue d'eau douce américaine; Trachémyde écrite Testuggine palustre comune Trachemys scripta callirostris Testudines - Emydidae

d 8170 e d f i

8171 e 8172 e 8173 e d 8174 e d i

8175 e d i 8176 e

Kinnfleckschmuckschildkröte Trachemys scripta elegans Testudines - Emydidae Red-eared Slider; Texas Red-eared Terrapin (CSA) Rotwangenschmuckschildkröte Tortue aux oreilles rouges; Tortue de Floride Testuggine scritta elegante; Testuggine d'acqua dipinta dalle orecchie rosse; Testuggine dalle orecchie rosse; Tartaruga dalle orecchie rosse; Terrapene dalle orecchie rosse Trachemys scripta hiltoni Testudines - Emydidae Fuerte Slider Trachemys scripta nebulosa Testudines - Emydidae Baja California Slider Trachemys scripta ornata Testudines - Emydidae Mesoamerican Slider Pfauenaugenschmuckschildkröte Trachemys scripta scripta Testudines - Emydidae Yellowbelly Slider; Yellow-bellied Terrapin; Yellow-bellied Slider Gelbbauchschildkröte Testuggine d'acqua dipinta dalle orecchie gialle Trachemys scripta troostii Testudines - Emydidae Cumberland Slider Cumberland-Zierschildkröte Testuggine d'acqua dipinta di Troosti Trachemys stejnegeri Testudines - Emydidae Central Antillian Slider; Puerto Rican

Trachemys terrapen

f 8177 e d f 8178 e d 8179 e

8180 e

Slider; Caiman Island Terrapin; Antillean Slider (WI); Dominican Slider (WI) Trachémyde de Stejneger Trachemys terrapen Testudines - Emydidae Slider; Jamaican Slider (WI); Jamaican Terrapin Jamaika-Schmuckschildkröte; Antillen-Schmuckschildkröte Trachémyde de la Jamaïque Trachischium Squamata - Colubridae Worm-eating Snakes; Roughsides Orientalische Wurmnattern Trachischium fuscum Squamata - Colubridae Blackbelly Worm-eating Snake; Black-bellied Roughside; Blackbellied Worm-eating Snake; Blackbellied Vermiphage Trachischium guentheri Squamata - Colubridae Rosebelly Worm-eating Snake; Rosebellied Roughside


e d 8185 e 8186 e d f 8187 e d f 8188 e d 8189

8181 e

Trachischium monticola Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Worm-eating Snake

e 8190

8182 e

8183 e d 8184

Trachischium tenuiceps Squamata - Colubridae Yellowbelly Worm-eating Snake; Canary-bellied Worm-eating Snake; Yellow-bellied Roughside Trachyboa Squamata - Boidae Eyelash Boas; Rough Boas Rauhboas; Rauhschuppenboas Trachyboa boulengeri

e 8191 e 8192 e

Squamata - Boidae Northern Eyelash Boa; Eyelash Boa; Rough Boa Rauhboa; Rauhschuppenboa Trachyboa gularis Squamata - Boidae Southern Eyelash Boa Trapelus Squamata - Agamidae Middle-Eastern Agamas; Steppes Agamas Agamen Trapelus Trapelus agilis Squamata - Agamidae Brilliant Agama Schlankagame Agame agile Trapelus blanfordi Squamata - Agamidae Anderson's Agama; Blanford's Agama; Persian Agama Blanfords Agame Trapelus flavimaculatus Squamata - Agamidae Yellow-spotted Agama Trapelus isolepis Squamata - Agamidae Similar-scaled Agama Trapelus jaykari Squamata - Agamidae Oman Agama Trapelus megalonyx Squamata - Agamidae Afghan Ground Agama


Tretioscincus bifasciatus

8193 e d f

8194 e

Trapelus mutabilis Squamata - Agamidae Desert Agama; Changeable Agama; Pale Agama; Variable Agamid Wüstenagame Agame changeant; Agame variable; Agame inerme; Agame du désert Trapelus persicus Squamata - Agamidae Persia Agama

e d

8200 e

8201 e

8195 e 8196 e d f i 8197 e d f i

Trapelus rubrigularis Squamata - Agamidae Red-throated Agama Trapelus ruderatus Squamata - Agamidae Horn-scaled Agama; Horny-scaled Agama; Oliver's Agama; Baluch Ground Agama Syrische Agame; Ruinenagame; Schuttagame; Dornschuppenhautagame Agame à peau rugueuse; Agame des ruines Agama ruderale; Agama dei ruderi Trapelus sanguinolentus Squamata - Agamidae Steppe Agama Steppenagame; Asiatische Steppenagame Agame des steppes Agama sanguinolenta; Agama delle steppe

8202 e 8203 e d 8204 e d 8205 e d 8206

8198 e d f


Trapelus tournevillei Squamata - Agamidae Sahara Agama; Erg Agama; Tourneville's Agama Dünenagame; Gescheckte Agame Agame de Tourneville; Agame des sables Tretanorhinus Squamata - Colubridae

e d 8207 e

Striped Swamp Snakes Sumpfnattern; Karibische Wasserschlangen Tretanorhinus mocquardi Squamata - Colubridae Mocquard's Swamp Snake; Panamanian Swamp Snake Tretanorhinus nigroluteus Squamata - Colubridae Orangebelly Swamp Snake; Middle American Swamp Snake Tretanorhinus taeniatus Squamata - Colubridae Striped Swamp Snake Tretanorhinus variabilis Squamata - Colubridae Variable Swamp Snake; Caribbean Water Snake; Cuban Water Snake (WI) Karibische Wasserschlange Tretanorhinus variabilis lewisi Squamata - Colubridae Cuba Swamp Snake Kuba-Wasserenatter Tretioscincus Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Smooth Tegus Skinktejus Tretioscincus agilis Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Smooth Tegu Skinkteju Tretioscincus bifasciatus Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Rio Magdalena Tegu


8208 e d f 8209 e 8210 e 8211 e

Tribolonotus Squamata - Scincidae Helmet Skinks; Spiny-tailed Skinks; Casque-headed Skinks; Tribolonotes Helmskinke; Buschkrokodile Tribolonotes; Scinques à tête casquée Tribolonotus annectens Squamata - Scincidae Zweifel's Helmet Skink Tribolonotus blanchardi Squamata - Scincidae Blanchard's Helmet Skink Tribolonotus brongersmai Squamata - Scincidae Brongersma's Helmet Skink; Brongersma's Casque-headed Skink


d f 8217 e d f i 8218 e

d i

8212 d f

8213 e d f 8214 e 8215 e 8216 e

Tribolonotus gracilis Squamata - Scincidae Krokodilskink Scinque à tête casquée; Scinque crocodile aux yeux oranges Tribolonotus novaeguinea Squamata - Scincidae New Guinea Helmet Skink; Casqueheaded Skink Neuguinea-Helmskink; Buschkrokodil Tribolonote de la Nouvelle Guinée Tribolonotus ponceletei Squamata - Scincidae Poncelet's Helmet Skink Tribolonotus pseudoponceleti Squamata - Scincidae False Poncelet's Helmet Skink Tribolonotus schmidti Squamata - Scincidae Schmidt's Helmet Skink

8219 e d 8220 e 8221 e 8222 e

8223 e

Schmidts Helmskink Tribolonote de Schmidt Trimeresurus Squamata - Viperidae Asian Pit Vipers; Asiatic Lancehead Snakes; Asian Lancehead Snakes Lanzenottern; Asiatische Lanzenottern; Bambusottern Fer-de-lances asiatiques Trimeresuri Trimeresurus albolabris Squamata - Viperidae White-lipped Pit Viper; Whiteranged Green Pit Viper; Bamboo Viper; White-lipped Tree Viper; Seven-step Snake Weißlippenbambusotter; Weißlippenlanzenotter Trimeresuro labra bianche; Vipera del bamboo Trimeresurus borneensis Squamata - Viperidae Borneo Pit Viper; Bornean Pit Viper; Bornean Flat-nosed Viper Borneo-Bambusotter Trimeresurus brongersmai Squamata - Viperidae Brongersma's Pit Viper Trimeresurus cantori Squamata - Viperidae Cantor's Pit Viper Trimeresurus cornutus Squamata - Viperidae Horned Pit Viper; Fan-si-pan Horned Pit Viper Trimeresurus elegans Squamata - Viperidae Elegant Pit Viper; Sakishima Habu


Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus

8224 e d

8225 e

Trimeresurus erythrurus Squamata - Viperidae Redtail Pit Viper; Red-tailed Pit Viper; Bengal Pit Viper; Bengal Green Lancehead Snake Smaragdlanzenotter; Smaragdbambusotter Trimeresurus fasciatus Squamata - Viperidae Banded Pit Viper

8232 e 8233 e d

8234 8226 e d 8227 e d f 8228 e 8229 e d f

8230 e 8231 e

Trimeresurus flavomaculatus Squamata - Viperidae Philippine Pit Viper; Habu Philippinische Bambusotter Trimeresurus flavoviridis Squamata - Viperidae Yellow-spotted Pit Viper; Yellowspotted Lancehead Snake; Okinawa Habu; Habu Habu-Schlange Habu Trimeresurus gracilis Squamata - Viperidae Kikuchi Habu Trimeresurus gramineus Squamata - Viperidae Indian Green Tree Viper; Common Bamboo Viper (ISC); Bamboo Pit Viper (ISC); Green Pit Viper (ISC) Gewöhnliche Bambusotter; Grüne Bambusotter; Bambusotter Vipère du bambou; Crotale des bambous

e 8235 e 8236 e 8237 e d 8238 e

8239 e

Trimeresurus hageni Squamata - Viperidae Indonesian Pit Viper


Trimeresurus huttoni Squamata - Viperidae Madura Pit Viper




Trimeresurus jerdoni Squamata - Viperidae Oriental Pit Viper Trimeresurus kanburiensis Squamata - Viperidae Kanburi Pit Viper; Kanchanaburi Pit Viper Kanchanaburi-Bambusotter; Kanchanaburi-Lanzenotter Trimeresurus kaulbacki Squamata - Viperidae Burmese Pit Viper Trimeresurus labialis Squamata - Viperidae Island Pit Viper Trimeresurus macrolepis Squamata - Viperidae Large-scaled Pit Viper Trimeresurus macrops Squamata - Viperidae Kramer's Pit Viper; Large-eyed Pit Viper Großäugige Bambusotter Trimeresurus malabaricus Squamata - Viperidae Malabarian Pit Viper; Malabar Pit Viper (ISC) Trimeresurus mangshanensis Squamata - Viperidae Mangshanen Pit Viper Trimeresurus medoensis Squamata - Viperidae Green Bamboo-leaf Pit Viper Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus Squamata - Viperidae Chinese Habu; Pointed-scaled Pit

Trimeresurus occidentalis


8242 e

Viper (ISC); Turtle-designed Snake; Taiwan Habu Taiwanesische Habuschlange; Glattschuppige Lanzenotter Trimeresurus occidentalis Squamata - Viperidae Green Pit Viper


e 8249 e d i

8243 e d

8244 e d

8245 e


8246 e

8247 e d


Trimeresurus popeorum Squamata - Viperidae Pope's Tree Viper; Pope's Pit Viper; Pope's Lancehead Viper; Pope's Bamboo Snake Popes Lanzenotter; PopeLanzenotter; Pope-Bambusotter Trimeresurus puniceus Squamata - Viperidae Ashy Pit Viper; Flat-nosed Pit Viper Java-Palmenotter; Braune Bambusotter Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus Squamata - Viperidae Mangrove Viper; Mangrove Pit Viper; Shore Pit Viper (ISC); Gray's Shore Pit Viper; Purple-spotted Pit Viper Mangrovenotter; Mangrovenviper; Mangrovengrubenotter Trimeresurus schultzei Squamata - Viperidae Schultz's Pit Viper; Schultze's Pit Viper Trimeresurus stejnegeri Squamata - Viperidae Chinese Green Tree Viper; Stejneger's Pit Viper; Taiwan Bamboo Pit Viper; Ao Habu Chinesische Bambusotter; Chinesische Baumviper Trimeresurus strigatus Squamata - Viperidae

8250 e 8251 e d 8252 e d

8253 e d

8254 e 8255 e 8256 e

Gray's Pit Viper; Horseshoe Pit Viper Trimeresurus sumatranaus Squamata - Viperidae Sumatra Pit Viper; Sumatran Pit Viper Sumatra-Lanzenotter; SumatraGrubenviper Trimeresuro di Sumatra Trimeresurus tibetanus Squamata - Viperidae Tibetan Pit Viper Trimeresurus tokarensis Squamata - Viperidae Tokaren Pit Viper; Tokara Habu Pit Viper; Tokara Habu Tokara-Habugrubenotter Trimeresurus trigonocephalus Squamata - Viperidae Ceylon Pit Viper Ceylon-Bambusotter; CeylonLanzenotter Trimeresurus venustus Squamata - Viperidae Vogal's Pit Viper Schöne Lanzenotter; Bunte Lanzenotter Trimeresurus xiangchengensis Squamata - Viperidae Szechwan Pit Viper Trimetopon Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Ground Snakes Trimetopon barbouri Squamata - Colubridae Barbour's Tropical Ground Snake ; Barbour's Dwarf Snake


Trionyx triunguis

8257 e

8258 e

8259 e

8260 e

Trimetopon gracile Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Tropical Ground Snake; Slender Dwarf Snake Trimetopon pliolepis Squamata - Colubridae Cope's Tropical Ground Snake; Faded Dwarf Snake Trimetopon simile Squamata - Colubridae Dunn's Tropical Ground Snake; White-bellied Dwarf Snake Trimetopon slevini Squamata - Colubridae Slevin's Tropical Ground Snake; Slevin's Dwarf Snake



e d

8267 e d

8261 e

8262 e d f 8263 e d f 8264 e d

Trimetopon viquezi Squamata - Colubridae Viquez's Tropical Ground Snake; Viquez's Dwarf Snake Trimorphodon Squamata - Colubridae Lyre Snakes Lyraschlangen Couleuvres-lyres Trimorphodon biscutatus Squamata - Colubridae Lyre Snake; Coastal Lyre Snake; Western Lyre Snake Küstenlyraschlange Couleuvre-lyre Trimorphodon biscutatus lambda Squamata - Colubridae Sonoran Lyre Snake Sonora-Lyraschlange; SonoraLeierschlange

8268 e d 8269 e d f i 8270 e d f 8271


Trimorphodon biscutatus lyrophanes


Squamata - Colubridae Baja California Lyre Snake (NA); Western Lyre Snake; Arizona Lyre Snake (NA); Southern Baja California Lyre Snake; California Lyre Snake Trimorphodon biscutatus vandenburghi Squamata - Colubridae California Lyre Snake; Lyre Snake (NA); Vandenburgh's Lyre Snake Van den Burghs Lyraschlange; Leiernatter; Van den Burghs Leiernatter Trimorphodon biscutatus vilkinsonii Squamata - Colubridae Texas Lyre Snake; Wilkinson's Lyre Snake Wilkinsons Lyrachlange Trimorphodon tau Squamata - Colubridae Mexican Lyre Snake Mexikanische Leiernatter Trionychidae Testudines Softshell Turtles; Softshells Echte Weichschildkröten; Holarktische und Paläotropische Weichschildkröten Tortues molles; Tortues à carapace molle; Trionychidés Tartarughe dal guscio molle Trionyx Testudines - Trionychidae African Softshells Afrikanische Weichschildkröten; Dreiklauenweichschildkröten Trionyx; Tortues de l'eau douce Trionyx triunguis Testudines - Trionychidae African Softshell; African Soft-


d f i

8272 e

shelled Turtle; Nile Soft-shelled Turtle; Nile Soft-shelled Terrapin (CSA); Nile Softshell Turtle; African Softshell Turtle; Three-clawed Turtle Afrikanische Dreiklauenweichschildkröte; Afrikanische Weichschildkröte Trionyx du Nil; Trionyx d'Afrique Trionice triungue; Tartaruga a guscio molle africana Tripanurgos Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Flat Snakes; Red-eyed Tree Snakes


e f

8278 e f

8279 e 8280

8273 e

Tripanurgos compressus Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Flat Snake; Banded Tree Snake; Red-eyed Tree Snake


8281 8274 e d f 8275 e d f 8276 e d f


Trogonophidae Squamata Trogonophids Spitzschwanzdoppelschleichen; Spitzzahndoppelschleichen Trogonophidés Trogonophis Squamata - Trogonophidae Sharp-tailed Worm Lizards Schachbrettdoppelschleichen; Spitzschwanzdoppelschleichen Trogonophides; Trogonophis Trogonophis wiegmanni Squamata - Trogonophidae Chequerboard Worm Lizard; Wiegmann's Worm Lizard; Checkerboard Worm Lizard (NA) Schachbrettdoppelschleiche; Spitzschwanzdoppelschleiche Trogonophide de Wiegmann; Trogonophis de Wiegmann Trogonophis wiegmanni elegans Squamata - Trogonophidae

e f 8282 e d f 8283 e 8284 e 8285 e 8286

Sharp-tailed Worm Lizard Trogonophide mauve; Trogonophis mauve; Trogonophis de Wiegmann Trogonophis wiegmanni wiegmanni Squamata - Trogonophidae Sharp-tailed Worm Lizard Trogonophide jaune; Trogonophis jaune; Trogonophis de Wiegmann Tropidechis Squamata - Elapidae Rough-scaled Snakes Tropidechis carinatus Squamata - Elapidae Rough-scaled Snake (ANZ); Clarence River Snake Tropidoclonion Squamata - Colubridae Lined Snakes; Ribbon Snakes Serpents lignés Tropidoclonion lineatum Squamata - Colubridae Lined Snake Streifennatter Serpent ligné Tropidoclonion lineatum annectens Squamata - Colubridae Central Lined Snake Tropidoclonion lineatum lineatum Squamata - Colubridae Northern Lined Snake Tropidoclonion lineatum texanum Squamata - Colubridae Texas Lined Snake Tropidodipsas Squamata - Colubridae


Tropidophis battersbyi e

8287 e

8288 e 8289 e

8290 e 8291 e 8292 e 8293 e d f 8294 e d f 8295

Snail-eaters Tropidodipsas fasciata Squamata - Colubridae Banded Snail-sucker; Banded Snaileater Tropidodipsas fischeri Squamata - Colubridae Fischer's Snail-eater Tropidodipsas sartorii Squamata - Colubridae Terrestial Snail-sucker; Ringed Snaileater Tropidodryas Squamata - Colubridae Serra Snakes Tropidodryas pseudoserra Squamata - Colubridae False Serra Snake Tropidodryas serra Squamata - Colubridae Serra Snake Tropidolaemus Squamata - Viperidae Wagler's Palm Vipers; Wagler's Pit Vipers Tempelottern; Waglers Lanzenottern; Wagler-Lanzenottern Vipères de Wagler Tropidolaemus wagleri Squamata - Viperidae Wagler's Palm Viper; Wagler's Temple Pit Viper; Wagler's Pit Viper Waglers Tempelotter; Waglers Lanzentotter; Wagler-Lanzenotter Vipère de Wagler Tropidonophis Squamata - Colubridae

e d 8296 e 8297 e d 8298 e 8299 e 8300 e 8301 e 8302 e 8303 e d f i 8304 e

Eastern Keelbacks Kielrücken Tropidonophis elongata Squamata - Colubridae Moluccan Keelback Tropidonophis mairii Squamata - Colubridae Common Keelback; Keelback; Freshwater Snake (ANZ) Kielrückenwassernattter Tropidonophis montana Squamata - Colubridae Lorentz River Keelback Tropidonophis novaeguinea Squamata - Colubridae New Guinea Keelback Tropidonophis picturata Squamata - Colubridae Lobo Bay Keelback Tropidonophis punctiventris Squamata - Colubridae Halmahera Keelback Tropidonophis truncata Squamata - Colubridae Indonesian Keelback Tropidophis Squamata - Boidae Dwarf Boas; Wood Snakes; West Indian Boas; Tropes (WI) Zwergboas; Erdboas Boas terrestres Tropidofidi Tropidophis battersbyi Squamata - Boidae Battersby's Dwarf Boa

Tropidophis canus

8305 e d 8306 e d 8307 e 8308 e

8309 e d i 8310 e d

Tropidophis canus Squamata - Boidae Great Inagua Island Dwarf Boa; Inagua Trope (WI) Bahama-Zwergboa Tropidophis caymanensis Squamata - Boidae Cayman Islands Dwarf Boa; Grand Cayman Trope (WI) Kuba-Zwergboa Tropidophis feicki Squamata - Boidae Feick's Dwarf Boa Tropidophis greenwayi Squamata - Boidae Ambergris Cay Dwarf Boa; Caicos Trope (WI) Tropidophis haetianus Squamata - Boidae Haitian Dwarf Boa; Haitian Wood Snake; Hispaniolan Trope (WI) Haiti-Zwergboa Tropidofide di Haiti; Pitone di Haiti Tropidophis maculatus Squamata - Boidae Spotted Dwarf Boa Gefleckte Zwergboa


8313 e 8314 e 8315 e 8316 e 8317 e 8318 e 8319 e d f 8320

8311 e d i 8312 e

Tropidophis melanurus Squamata - Boidae Navassa Island Blacktail Dwarf Boa; Cuban Dwarf Boa; Cuban Wood Snake; Wood Snake; Navassa Trope Kubanische Zwergboa Tropidofide di Cuba Tropidophis nigriventris Squamata - Boidae Blackbelly Dwarf Boa

e 8321 e

8322 e

Tropidophis pardalis Squamata - Boidae Leopard Dwarf Boa Tropidophis paucisquamis Squamata - Boidae Brazilian Dwarf Boa Tropidophis pilsbryi Squamata - Boidae Pilsbry's Dwarf Boa Tropidophis semicinctus Squamata - Boidae Banded Dwarf Boa Tropidophis taczanowskyi Squamata - Boidae Taczanowsky's Dwarf Boa Tropidophis wrighti Squamata - Boidae Wright's Dwarf Boa Tropidophorus Squamata - Scincidae Keeled Skinks; Waterside Skinks Kielskinke; Wasserskinke; Krokodilskinke; Kielschuppenskinke Tropidophores Tropidophorus baviensis Squamata - Scincidae Bavay's Keeled Skink Tropidophorus beccarii Squamata - Scincidae Beccari's Keeled Skink; Beccari's Water Skink Tropidophorus grayi Squamata - Scincidae Gray's Keeled Skink


Tropidurus spinulosus

8323 e d

Tropidophorus laotus Squamata - Scincidae Laotian Keeled Skink Laos-Kielskink

8332 e 8333

8324 e

Tropidophorus robinsoni Squamata - Scincidae Robinson's Keeled Skink

e 8334

8325 e d f

Tropidosaura Squamata - Lacertidae Mountain Lizards Gebirgseidechsen Tropidosaures

e 8335 e

8326 e

Tropidosaura cottrelli Squamata - Lacertidae Cottrell's Mountain Lizard

8336 e

8327 e

Tropidosaura essexi Squamata - Lacertidae Essex's Mountain Lizard

8337 e

8328 e

Tropidosaura gularis Squamata - Lacertidae Cape Mountain Lizard; Yellowstriped Mountain Lizard

8338 e

8329 e d 8330 e d

8331 e

Tropidosaura montana Squamata - Lacertidae Green-striped Mountain Lizard; Common Mountain Lizard (CSA) Glattkehlgebirgseidechse Tropidurus Squamata - Iguanaidae Lava Lizards; Keel-tailed Lizards; Thornytails Kielechsen; Kielschwänze; Kielschwanzleguane Tropidurus amathites Squamata - Iguanaidae Amathites Lava Lizard

8339 e 8340 e 8341 e d 8342

Tropidurus arenarius Squamata - Iguanaidae Tschudi's Lava Lizard Tropidurus bogerti Squamata - Iguanaidae Keeled Lava Lizard Tropidurus catalensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Catalen Lava Lizard Tropidurus etheridgei Squamata - Iguanaidae Etheridge's Lava Lizard Tropidurus heterolepis Squamata - Iguanaidae Many-scaled Lava Lizard Tropidurus hispidus Squamata - Iguanaidae Peters's Lava Lizard; Guianan Lava Lizard; Lagartixa de pedra (NA) Tropidurus hygomi Squamata - Iguanaidae Reinhardt's Lava Lizard Tropidurus melanopleurus Squamata - Iguanaidae Black Lava Lizard Tropidurus nanuzae Squamata - Iguanaidae Rodrigues's Lava Lizard Tropidurus semitaeniatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Striped Lava Lizard Gelbrückenkielschwanz Tropidurus spinulosus Squamata - Iguanaidae

Tropidurus torquatus

e 8343 e d

8344 e 8345 e d f 8346 e d f 8347 e 8348 e 8349 e d f 8350 e d

Spiny Lava Lizard Tropidurus torquatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Amazon Lava Lizard Halsbandkielschwanz; Kielschwanzleguan Tropidurus yanezi Squamata - Iguanaidae Yanez's Lava Lizard; Tree Lizard



8351 e f 8352

e f

Tropiocolotes Squamata - Gekkonidae Sand Geckos; Dwarf Geckos; Pygmy Geckos Mikrogeckos; Zwerggeckos Tropiocolotes


Tropiocolotes nattereri Squamata - Gekkonidae Natterer's Gecko Natterers Zwerggecko Tropiocolote de Natterer


Tropiocolotes persicus Squamata - Gekkonidae Persia Sand Gecko Tropiocolotes scorteccii Squamata - Gekkonidae Scortecci's Sand Gecko Tropiocolotes steudneri Squamata - Gekkonidae Algerian Sand Gecko; Steudner's Pygmy Gecko; Steudner's Gecko Steudners Zwerggecko Tropiocolote de Steudner Tropiocolotes tripolitanus Squamata - Gekkonidae Northern Sand Gecko Zwergwüstengecko

e d f

e d f 8355 e d f

8356 e d

Tropiocolote d'Algérie; Gecko nain; Gecko nain de Tripoli Tropiocolotes tripolitanus algericus Squamata - Gekkonidae Tripoli Dwarf Gecko; Tripoli Pygmy Gecko; Tripoli Gecko Gecko à écailles carénées Tropiocolotes tripolitanus occidentalis Squamata - Gekkonidae Tripoli Pygmy Gecko Gecko à écailles carénées Tupinambis Squamata - Teiidae Tegus Großtejus; Echte Tejus Téjus; Tégus Tupinambis rufescens Squamata - Teiidae Red Tegu Roter Teju; Roter Großteju Téju rouge Tupinambis teguixin Squamata - Teiidae Black Tegu; Northern Black Tegu; Common Tegu; Black-and-yellow Tegu; Golden Tegu Bänderteju; Schwarzweißer Teju; Salompenter Téju commun; Loup du poulailler; Téju nain Tympanocryptis Squamata - Agamidae Australian Earless Agamas; Australian Earless Lizards; Deaf Agamas Taubagamen; Australische Bodenagamen



8357 e

8358 e

8359 e

8360 e

8361 e

8362 e

8363 e

8364 e

8365 e

Tympanocryptis adelaidensis Squamata - Agamidae Adelaide Earless Lizard; Adelaide Earless Agama


Tympanocryptis cephalus Squamata - Agamidae Red Earless Lizard; Red Earless Agama


Tympanocryptis dimiensis Squamata - Agamidae Mountain Earless Lizard; Mountain Earless Agama; Mountain Dragon (ANZ)


Tympanocryptis intima Squamata - Agamidae Interior Earless Lizard; Interior Earless Agama


Tympanocryptis lineata Squamata - Agamidae Lined Earless Lizard; Lined Earless Agama; Lined Earless Dragon


Tympanocryptis lineata lineata Squamata - Agamidae Lined Earless Dragon (ANZ); Dragon Lizard (ANZ) Tympanocryptis tetraporophora Squamata - Agamidae Australian Earless Lizard; Australian Earless Agama; Long-tailed Earless Dragon Tympanocryptis uniformis Squamata - Agamidae Uniform Earless Lizard; Uniform Earless Agama Typhlacontias Squamata - Scincidae Blind Dart Skinks; Western Burrowing Skinks (CSA)





e 8371 e 8372 e

8373 e

8374 e d

Typhlacontias bogerti Squamata - Scincidae Bogert's Blind Dart Skink; Bogert's Burrowing Skink (CSA) Typhlacontias brevipes Squamata - Scincidae Short Blind Dart Skink; Fitzsimons's Burrowing Skink (CSA) Typhlacontias gracilis Squamata - Scincidae Roux's Blind Dart Skink; Kalahari Burrowing Skink (CSA); Gracile Legless Skink (CSA) Typhlacontias ngamiensis Squamata - Scincidae Ngamien Blind Dart Skink; Ngami Limbless Skink (CSA) Typhlacontias punctatissimus Squamata - Scincidae Dotted Blind Dart Skink Typhlacontias rohani Squamata - Scincidae Rohan's Blind Dart Skink Typhlophis Squamata - Anomalepididae Trinidad Blind Snakes; Trinidad Worm Snakes Typhlophis squamosus Squamata - Anomalepididae Trinidad Blind Snake; Trinidad Worm Snake Typhlopidae Squamata Blind Snakes; Blind Worm Snakes; Worm Snakes; Blind Burrowing Snakes Gewöhnliche Blindschlangen; Typische Blindschlangen; Eigentliche Blindschlangen


f i 8375 e d f

8376 e

8377 e 8378 e 8379 e


Typhlopidés; Serpents à deux têtes Tiflopidi

Blind Snake; Two-headed Snake; Ground Snake

Typhlops Squamata - Typhlopidae Common Worm Snakes; Blind Snakes; Glass Snakes; Double-ended Snakes Eigentliche Blindschlangen Typhlops vermiculaires; Serpents à deux têtes


Typhlops acutus Squamata - Typhlopidae Beaked Worm Snake; Beaked Blind Snake


Typhlops andamanensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Andaman Worm Snake Typhlops angolensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Angola Worm Snake Typhlops annae Squamata - Typhlopidae St. Barts Blind Snake


8385 e

e 8387 e

8388 e

8389 e

8380 e

Typhlops arenarius Squamata - Typhlopidae Sand Worm Snake

8390 e

8381 e 8382 e 8383 e

Typhlops ater Squamata - Typhlopidae Irian Jayan Worm Snake Typhlops beddomi Squamata - Typhlopidae Beddome's Worm Snake Typhlops bibronii Squamata - Typhlopidae Bibron's Worm Snake; Bibron's Blind Snake (CSA); South African

8391 e 8392 e 8393

Typhlops biminensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Bimini Worm Snake; Bahamian Pink Blind Snake (WI) Typhlops bipartitus Squamata - Typhlopidae Tidore Island Worm Snake Typhlops bisubocularis Squamata - Typhlopidae Western Java Worm Snake Typhlops boylei Squamata - Typhlopidae Boyle's Worm Snake; Boyle's Blind Snake (CSA) Typhlops brongersmianus Squamata - Typhlopidae Borngersma's Worm Snake; Black Blind Snake Typhlops canlaoensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Taylor's Worm Snake Typhlops capitulatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Richmond's Worm Snake; Haitian Pale-lipped Blind Snake Typhlops cariei Squamata - Typhlopidae Hoffstetter's Worm Snake Typhlops castanotus Squamata - Typhlopidae Wynn's Worm Snake Typhlops catapontus Squamata - Typhlopidae


Typhlops fornasinii e

8394 e

8395 e

Erica's Worm Snake; British Virgins Blind Snake Typhlops caymanensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Cayman Worm Snake; Grand Cayman Blind Snake (WI) Typhlops ceylonicus Squamata - Typhlopidae Ceylon Worm Snake

8404 e 8405 e d 8406

8396 e

Typhlops coecatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Ivory Coast Worm Snake

e 8407

8397 e 8398 e 8399 e 8400 e

8401 e 8402 e 8403 e

Typhlops collaris Squamata - Typhlopidae Collared Worm Snake


Typhlops comorensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Comoro Worm Snake


Typhlops conradi Squamata - Typhlopidae Conrad's Worm Snake


Typhlops costaricensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Costa Rica Worm Snake; Costa Rican Blind Snake



8410 e

Typhlops cuneirostris Squamata - Typhlopidae Wedge-nosed Worm Snake


Typhlops decorosus Squamata - Typhlopidae Cameroon Worm Snake


Typhlops decorsei Squamata - Typhlopidae Mocquard's Worm Snake





Typhlops depressiceps Squamata - Typhlopidae Sepik River Worm Snake Typhlops diardi Squamata - Typhlopidae Indo-Chinese Worm Snake; Diard's Worm Snake (ISC); Diard's Blind Snake (ISC); Burmese Blind Snake Diards Blindschlange Typhlops disparilis Squamata - Typhlopidae Mystery Worm Snake Typhlops dominicanus Squamata - Typhlopidae Dominican Worm Snake; Dominica Blind Snake (WI) Typhlops elegans Squamata - Typhlopidae Elegant Worm Snake Typhlops epactia Squamata - Typhlopidae Cayman Brac Worm Snake; Cayman Brac Blind Snake (WI) Typhlops exiguus Squamata - Typhlopidae Belgaum Worm Snake Typhlops filiformis Squamata - Typhlopidae File Worm Snake Typhlops floweri Squamata - Typhlopidae Flower's Worm Snake Typhlops fornasinii Squamata - Typhlopidae Fornasini's Worm Snake; Fornasini's Blind Snake (CSA);

Typhlops fuscus

West African Blind Snake 8414 e 8415 e 8416 e

8417 e

8418 e 8419 e

8420 e 8421 e

8422 e



Typhlops fuscus Squamata - Typhlopidae Brown Worm Snake


Typhlops giadinhensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Vietnam Worm Snake


Typhlops gierrai Squamata - Typhlopidae Usambara Spotted Worm Snake; Usambara Spotted Blind Snake


Typhlops gonavensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Gonave Island Worm Snake; Gonave Blind Snake Typhlops grandidieri Squamata - Typhlopidae Grandidier's Worm Snake Typhlops granti Squamata - Typhlopidae Grant's Worm Snake; Dryland Worm Snake ; Guanica Blind Snake Typhlops grivensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Grey Worm Snake Typhlops guadeloupensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Guadeloupe Worm Snake; Guadeloupe Blind Snake (WI) Typhlops hectus Squamata - Typhlopidae Thomas's Worm Snake; La Hotte Blind Snake



e 8427 e 8428 e

8429 e 8430 e 8431 e 8432 e 8433 e


Typhlops hedraeus Squamata - Typhlopidae

Negros Island Worm Snake Typhlops hypogius Squamata - Typhlopidae Cebu Island Worm Snake Typhlops hypomethes Squamata - Typhlopidae Coastal Dwarf Blind Snake Typhlops hypspbothrius Squamata - Typhlopidae Sumatra Worm Snake Typhlops inornatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Dull Worm Snake Typhlops jamaicensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Jamaica Worm Snake; Jamaican Blind Snake (WI} Typhlops jerdoni Squamata - Typhlopidae Jerdon's Worm Snake Typhlops khoratensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Khorat Worm Snake Typhlops klemmeri Squamata - Typhlopidae Kuala Lumpur Worm Snake Typhlops koekkoeki Squamata - Typhlopidae Boenjoe Island Worm Snake Typhlops koshunensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Koshun Worm Snake


Typhlops mirus

8434 e

Typhlops kraali Squamata - Typhlopidae Kei Island Worm Snake

e 8445

8435 e

Typhlops lankaensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Sri Lanka Worm Snake

e 8446

8436 e

Typhlops lehneri Squamata - Typhlopidae Estado Falcon Worm Snake

e 8447

8437 e

Typhlops leucomelas Squamata - Typhlopidae Pied Worm Snake; Pied Blind Snake

e 8448

8438 e

Typhlops leucostictus Squamata - Typhlopidae Liberia Worm Snake

e 8449

8439 e

Typhlops lioneolatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Common Lined Worm Snake

e 8450

8440 e

Typhlops longissimus Squamata - Typhlopidae Long Worm Snake

e 8451

8441 e

Typhlops lorenzi Squamata - Typhlopidae Lorenz's Worm Snake

e 8452

8442 e 8443 e d 8444

Typhlops loveridgei Squamata - Typhlopidae Loveridge's Worm Snake Typhlops lumbricalis Squamata - Typhlopidae Earthworm Worm Snake; Earthworm Blind Snake; Bahamian Brown Blind Snake (WI) Regenwurmblindschlange Typhlops luzonensis


8453 e

8454 e

Squamata - Typhlopidae Luzon Worm Snake Typhlops macrurus Squamata - Typhlopidae Secret Worm Snake Typhlops madagascariensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Madagascar Worm Snake Typhlops malcolmi Squamata - Typhlopidae Malcolm's Worm Snake Typhlops manilae Squamata - Typhlopidae Manila Worm Snake Typhlops manni Squamata - Typhlopidae Mann's Worm Snake Typhlops marxi Squamata - Typhlopidae Marx's Worm Snake Typhlops melanocephalus Squamata - Typhlopidae Black-headed Worm Snake Typhlops microstomus Squamata - Typhlopidae Yucatan Worm Snake; Yucatan Blind Snake Typhlops minuisquamus Squamata - Typhlopidae Basin Worm Snake; White-nosed Blind Snake Typhlops mirus Squamata - Typhlopidae Jan's Worm Snake; Jan's Ceylon Blind Snake

Typhlops monastus

8455 e

8456 e d


Typhlops monastus Squamata - Typhlopidae Montserrat Worm Snake; Montserrat Blind Snake (WI)


Typhlops monensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Mona Worm Snake; Mona Blind Snake Mona-Blindschlange




8467 8457 e 8458 e 8459 e 8460 e

Typhlops mucronatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Boettger's Worm Snake


Typhlops mutilatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Werner's Worm Snake


Typhlops oatesii Squamata - Typhlopidae Andaman Islands Worm Snake


Typhlops obtusus Squamata - Typhlopidae Malawi Worm Snake; Slender Blind Snake (CSA); Blunt-snouted Blind Snake (CSA)





8471 8461 e 8462 e

8463 e 8464 e

Typhlops ocularis Squamata - Typhlopidae Parker's Worm Snake Typhlops oligolepis Squamata - Typhlopidae Few-scaled Worm Snake; Few-scaled Blind Snake; Wall's Blind Snake Typhlops pammeces Squamata - Typhlopidae South India Worm Snake Typhlops paucisquamus Squamata - Typhlopidae Pernambuco Worm Snake


8472 e f 8473 e d f

Typhlops platycephalus Squamata - Typhlopidae Flathead Worm Snake; Puerto Rican Forest Blind Snake (WI) Typhlops platyrhynchus Squamata - Typhlopidae Tanga Worm Snake; Tanga Blind Snake Typhlops porrectus Squamata - Typhlopidae Slender Worm Snake; Stoliczka's Blind Snake Typhlops pseudosaurus Squamata - Typhlopidae Guam Worm Snake Typhlops psittacus Squamata - Typhlopidae Parrot Worm Snake Typhlops punctatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Leach's Worm Snake; Spotted Blind Snake Typhlops pusillus Squamata - Typhlopidae Hispaniola Worm Snake; Hispaniolan Common Blind Snake Typhlops reticulatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Reticulate Worm Snake; Giant Blind Snake Serpent à deux têtes Typhlops reuteri Squamata - Typhlopidae Reuter's Worm Snake; Reuter's Blind Snake Reuters Blindschlange Typhlops de Reuter


Typhlops thurstoni

8474 e

8475 e

8476 e

8477 e 8478 e 8479 e 8480 e

8481 e

Typhlops richardi Squamata - Typhlopidae Richard's Worm Snake; Richard's Blind Snake; Virgin Islands Blind Snake Typhlops rondoensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Rondo Worm Snake; Rondo Blind Snake Typhlops rostellatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Puerto Rican Worm Snake; Tailspot Worm Snake ; Puerto Rican Brown Blind Snake Typhlops ruber Squamata - Typhlopidae Red Worm Snake Typhlops ruficaudus Squamata - Typhlopidae Red-headed Worm Snake Typhlops schmutzi Squamata - Typhlopidae Schmutz's Worm Snake Typhlops schwartzi Squamata - Typhlopidae Schwartz's Worm Snake; Eastern Short-tailed Blind Snake Typhlops siamensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Thailand Worm Snake

8484 e 8485 e

8486 e

8487 e

8488 e 8489 e 8490 e

8491 e

8492 8482 e

Typhlops socotranus Squamata - Typhlopidae Socotra Worm Snake

e 8493

8483 e

Typhlops stadelmani Squamata - Typhlopidae Stadelman's Worm Snake


Typhlops steinhausi Squamata - Typhlopidae Steinhaus's Worm Snake Typhlops sulcatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Island Worm Snake; Bi-coloured Blind Snake Typhlops syntherus Squamata - Typhlopidae Barahona Worm Snake; Barahona Blind Snake Typhlops tasymicris Squamata - Typhlopidae Grenada Worm Snake; Grenada Blind Snake (WI) Typhlops tenebrarum Squamata - Typhlopidae Gloomy Worm Snake Typhlops tenuicollis Squamata - Typhlopidae Saragutin Worm Snake Typhlops tenuis Squamata - Typhlopidae Coffee Worm Snake; Coffee Blind Snake Typhlops tetrathyreus Squamata - Typhlopidae Haitian Worm Snake; Cul-de-sac Blind Snake Typhlops textilis Squamata - Typhlopidae Rare Worm Snake Typhlops thurstoni Squamata - Typhlopidae Thurston's Worm Snake

Typhlops tindali

8494 e

Typhlops tindali Squamata - Typhlopidae Nilgiri Hills Worm Snake


e 8504

8495 e

8496 e 8497 e 8498 e 8499 e 8500 e 8501 e

d f i 8502 e

Typhlops titanops Squamata - Typhlopidae Titan Worm Snake; Big-eyed Blind Snake Typhlops trangensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Trang Worm Snake Typhlops trinitatus Squamata - Typhlopidae Trinidad Worm Snake Typhlops ulugurensis Squamata - Typhlopidae Uluguru Worm Snake Typhlops unilineatus Squamata - Typhlopidae One-lined Worm Snake Typhlops veddae Squamata - Typhlopidae Vedda Worm Snake Typhlops vermicularis Squamata - Typhlopidae Eurasian Worm Snake; Eurasian Blind Snake; European Blind Snake; Worm Snake; Vermiform Blind Snake Europäische Wurmschlange; Blödauge; Wurmschlange Typhlops vermiculaire; Serpent d'Aristotèle; Typhlops vermiculé Tiflope vermiculare Typhlops verticalis Squamata - Typhlopidae Smith's Worm Snake; Yellow-brown Blind Snake

e 8505 e 8506 e 8507 e d 8508 e



8510 e

8511 e


Squamata - Typhlopidae Violet Worm Snake Typhlops wilsoni Squamata - Typhlopidae Iranian Worm Snake Typhlops yonenagae Squamata - Typhlopidae Yonenga Worm Snake Typhlops zenkeri Squamata - Typhlopidae Zenker's Worm Snake Typhlosaurus Squamata - Scincidae Legless Skinks; Blind Legless Skinks (CSA); Blind Skinks Afrikanische Blindskinke Typhlosaurus aurantiacus Squamata - Scincidae Golden Blind Legless Skink; Golden Limbless Skink (CSA); Golden Blind Skink (CSA) Typhlosaurus aurantiacus fitzimonsi Squamata - Scincidae Fitzsimons's Blind Legless Skink; Fitzsimons's Legless Skink; Golden Legless Skink (CSA) Typhlosaurus braini Squamata - Scincidae Haacke's Legless Skink; Brain's Blind Legless Skink (CSA) Typhlosaurus caecus Squamata - Scincidae Cuvier's Legless Skink; Cuvier's Blind Legless Skink (CSA) Typhlosaurus cregoi Squamata - Scincidae


Typhlosaurus vermis e

8513 e 8514 e 8515 e 8516 e

8517 e

8518 e

Cregoe's Legless Skink; Cregoe's Blind Legless Skink (CSA); Cregoe's Blind Skink (CSA); Cregoe's Limbless Skink (CSA) Typhlosaurus gariepensis Squamata - Scincidae Gariep Blind Legless Skink Typhlosaurus lineatus Squamata - Scincidae Striped Blind Legless Skink (CSA) Typhlosaurus lineatus subtaeniatus Squamata - Scincidae Striped Legless Skink Typhlosaurus meyeri Squamata - Scincidae Meyer's Legless Skink; Meyer's Blind Legless Skink (CSA) Typhlosaurus plowesi Squamata - Scincidae Plowes's Legless Skink; Plowes's Blind Skink Typhlosaurus vermis Squamata - Scincidae Boulenger's Legless Skink; Boulenger's Blind Legless Skink (CSA)




d 8526 e f

8519 e d f

Uma Squamata - Iguanaidae Fringe-toed Lizards; Umas Fransenzehenleguane Lézards à doigts frangés; Umas

8527 e 8528

8520 e

Uma exsul Squamata - Iguanaidae Fringe-toed Sand Lizard

e 8529

8521 e f

Uma inornata Squamata - Iguanaidae Coachella Valley Fringe-toed Lizard; Coachella Uma Lézard à doigts frangés Coachella

e 8530 e

8522 e d f

8523 e 8524 e

8525 e

Uma notata Squamata - Iguanaidae Sonoran Desert Fringe-toed Lizard; Colorado Desert Fringe-toed Lizard; Colorado Uma; Fringe-toed Lizard Colorado-Fransenzehenleguan Lézard à doigts frangés ; Uma du Colorado Uma notata notata Squamata - Iguanaidae Colorado Desert Fringe-toed Lizard Uma notata rufopunctata Squamata - Iguanaidae Desert Fringe-toed Lizard; Yuman Desert Fringe-toed Lizard Uma paraphygas Squamata - Iguanaidae Chihuahan Fringe-toed Lizard;

8531 e d 8532 e d 8533 e d 8534 e

Colorado Desert Fringe-toed Lizard Colorado-Fransenzehenleguan Uma scoparia Squamata - Iguanaidae Mojave Fringe-toed Lizard; Crescent Uma Lézard à doigts frangés du Mojave Umbrivaga Squamata - Colubridae Tropical Forest Snakes; Moss Snakes Umbrivaga mertensi Squamata - Colubridae Mertens's Tropical Forest Snake Umbrivaga pyburni Squamata - Colubridae Pyburn's Tropical Forest Snake Umbrivaga pygmaea Squamata - Colubridae Amazon Tropical Forest Snake; Pygmy Moss Snake Ungaliophis Squamata - Boidae Banana Boas Bananenboas; Zwergboas Ungaliophis continentalis Squamata - Boidae Isthmian Dwarf Boa Mittelamereikanische Zwergboa Ungaliophis panamensis Squamata - Boidae Panamanian Dwarf Boa Panamische Boa; Panama-Zwergboa Uracentron Squamata - Iguanaidae Thornytail Iguanas; Spiny-tailed




Iguanids Dornschwanzleguane

e 8544

8535 e d 8536 e

Uracentron azureum Squamata - Iguanaidae Green Thornytail Iguana; Thornytail Lizard Azurblauer Dornschwanzleguan Uracentron azureun guentheri Squamata - Iguanaidae Southern Green Thornytail; Southern Green Thornytail Iguana

e 8545 e d

8546 8537 e

8538 e d 8539 e d 8540 e 8541 e

Uracentron flaviceps Squamata - Iguanaidae Tropical Thornytail Iguana; Amazon Thornytail; Amazon Thornytail Iguana Uranoscodon Squamata - Iguanaidae Mophead Iguanas Mopskopfleguane Uranoscodon superciliosa Squamata - Iguanaidae Mophead Iguana; Mop-headed Lizard; Diving Lizard Mopskopfleguan Urocotyledon Squamata - Gekkonidae Surprise Geckos Urocotyledon inexpectata Squamata - Gekkonidae Seychelles Surprise Gecko


8547 e

8548 e d 8549 e 8550 e

8551 8542 e 8543

Urocotyledon palmata Squamata - Gekkonidae Congo Palm Gecko Urocotyledon weileri Squamata - Gekkonidae


8552 e

Weiler's Gecko Urocotyledon wolterstorffi Squamata - Gekkonidae Wolterstorff's Gecko Uromacer Squamata - Colubridae Pointed Snakes; Haitian Vine Snakes Spitzkopfnattern; HaitiSpitzkopfnattern; HispanidaSpizkopfnattern Uromacer catesbyi Squamata - Colubridae Catesby's Pointed Snake; Bluntheaded Green Tree Snake Uromacer frenatus Squamata - Colubridae Island Pointed Snake; Sharp-nosed Vine Snake Uromacer oxyrhynchus Squamata - Colubridae Pointed Snake; Sharp-nosed Green Treesnake Haiti-Spitzkopfnatter Uromacer wetmorei Squamata - Colubridae Wetmore's Pointed Snake Uromacerina Squamata - Colubridae Sao Paolo Sharp Snakes; Sao Paulo Sharp Snakes Uromacerina ricardinii Squamata - Colubridae Sao Paolo Sharp Snake; Sao Paulo Sharp Snake Uromastyx Squamata - Agamidae Mastigures; Spiny-tailed Agamids;

Uromastyx acanthinurus

d f i 8553 e




8554 e d f

8555 e

8556 e

Spiny-tailed Lizards; Thorny-tailed Lizards; Dobb Lizards; Dab Lizards; Spiny-tailed Agamas Dornschwanzagamen; Dornschwänze Lézards à queue épineuse; Fouettesqueue; Uromastyx Uromastice Uromastyx acanthinurus Squamata - Agamidae Dabbs Mastigure; Bell's Mastigure; African Spiny-tailed Lizard; Bell's Dab-Lizard; Bell's Dobb-Lizard; Spiny-tailed Agama; Mali Uromastyx; North African Uromastyx; Moroccan Uromastyx Dornschwanzagame; Veränderlicher Dornschwanz; Afrikanischer Dornschwanz; Nordafrikanischer Dornschwanz Fouette-queue acanthinure; Fouettequeue d'Afrique du Nord; Lézard des palmiers; Fouette-queue; Fouette queue commun; Uromastyx Uromastice maggiore; Uromastice acantinuro; Dab; Uromastice Dab Uromastyx aegyptius Squamata - Agamidae Egyptian Mastigure; Egyptian Spinytailed Lizard; Egyptian Spiny-tailed Agamid; Egyptian Uromastyx Ägyptischer Dornschwanz; Ägyptische Dornschwanzagame Uromastyx d'Égypte; Fouette-queue d'Égypte; Fouette-queue spinipède; Agame à queue épineuse; Agame fouette-queue d'Égypte; Lézard fouette-queue d'Égypte Uromastyx asmussi Squamata - Agamidae Iranian Mastigure; Iranian Spinytailed Lizard Uromastyx benti Squamata - Agamidae Bent's Mastigure; Arabian


Uromastyx; Red Uromastyx 8557 e f 8558 e d f 8559 e d f

8560 e

8561 e 8562 e d 8563 e d f

Uromastyx dispar Squamata - Agamidae Sudan Mastigure Fouette-queue du Mali Uromastyx geyri Squamata - Agamidae Sahara Mastigure; Dab Lizard; Geyr's Dab-Lizard Geyrs Dornschwanz; Dornschwanzagame Fouette-queue de Geyr Uromastyx hardwickii Squamata - Agamidae Indian Mastigure; Indian Spiny-tailed Lizard; Spiny-tailed Lizard (ISC); Harwick's Uromastyx Indischer Dornschwanz Fouette-queue d'Inde; Fouette-queue d'Harwicke Uromastyx loricatus Squamata - Agamidae Mesopotamian Mastigure; Mesopotamian Spiny-tailed Lizard; Small-scaled Spiny-tailed Lizard Uromastyx macfadyeni Squamata - Agamidae Somali Mastigure Uromastyx ocellatus Squamata - Agamidae Ocellated Mastigure; Ocellated Uromastyx Dornschwanzagame Uromastyx ornatus Squamata - Agamidae Ornate Mastigure; Ornate Uromastyx Geschmückte Dornschwanzagame Uromastyx orné; Uromastix du Proche Orient; Fouette-queue orné


Uropeltis ocellatus

8564 e 8565 e 8566 e 8567 e d f 8568 e d f 8569 e 8570 e 8571 e 8572 e d

Uromastyx princeps Squamata - Agamidae Princely Mastigure Uromastyx scorteccii Squamata - Agamidae Scortecci's Mastigure Uromastyx thomasi Squamata - Agamidae Thomas's Mastigure Uropeltidae Squamata Burrowing Snakes; Short-tail Snakes; Shieldtail Snakes; Shieldtails; Roughtails; Shield-tailed Snakes Schildschwanzschlangen; Schildschwänze; Wühlschlangen Uropeltidés Uropeltis Squamata - Uropeltidae Indian Earth Snakes; Uropelts; Earth Snakes Rauhschwanzschlangen Uropeltis

f 8573 e 8574 e 8575 e

8576 e 8577 e 8578 e

Uropeltis arcticeps Squamata - Uropeltidae Madura Earth Snake


Uropeltis beddomii Squamata - Uropeltidae Beddome's Earth Snake


Uropeltis broughami Squamata - Uropeltidae Brougham's Earth Snake


Uropeltis ceylanicus Squamata - Uropeltidae Ceylon Earth Snake; Ceylon Shieldtailed Snake Ceylon-Schildschwanz





e d

Uropeltis de Ceylan Uropeltis dindigalensis Squamata - Uropeltidae Sirumalai Hills Earth Snake Uropeltis ellioti Squamata - Uropeltidae Elliot's Earth Snake Uropeltis liura Squamata - Uropeltidae Günther's Earth Snake; Ashambu Roughtail (ISC) Uropeltis macrolepis Squamata - Uropeltidae Bombay Earth Snake Uropeltis macrorhynchus Squamata - Uropeltidae Anamally Earth Snake Uropeltis maculatus Squamata - Uropeltidae Spotted Earth Snake Uropeltis melanogaster Squamata - Uropeltidae Gray's Earth Snake Uropeltis myhendrae Squamata - Uropeltidae Boulenger's Earth Snake Uropeltis nitidus Squamata - Uropeltidae Southern Earth Snake Uropeltis ocellatus Squamata - Uropeltidae Ocellated Earth Snake; Ocellate Shieldtail (ISC); Ocellate Uropelt Gefleckter Schildschwanz

Uropeltis petersi

8583 e 8584 e 8585 e 8586 e 8587 e f 8588 e 8589 e 8590 e 8591 e d

8592 e 8593

Uropeltis petersi Squamata - Uropeltidae Shieldtail Earth Snake



Uropeltis phillipsi Squamata - Uropeltidae Phillips's Earth Snake


Uropeltis pulneyensis Squamata - Uropeltidae Indian Earth Snake


Uropeltis rubrolineatus Squamata - Uropeltidae Red-lined Earth Snake Uropeltis rubromaculatus Squamata - Uropeltidae Red-spotted Earth Snake Uropeltis à taches rouges Uropeltis ruhane Squamata - Uropeltidae Deraniyagala's Earth Snake Uropeltis smithi Squamata - Uropeltidae Smith's Earth Snake Uropeltis woodmasoni Squamata - Uropeltidae Woodmason's Earth Snake Uroplatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Flat-tail Geckos; Flat-tailed Geckos Blattschwanzgeckos; Plattschwanzgeckos Uroplatus alluaudi Squamata - Gekkonidae Northern Flat-tail Gecko Uroplatus ebenaui


8595 e 8596 e f 8597 e d 8598 e d f 8599 e

8600 e f

Squamata - Gekkonidae Nosy Be Flat-tail Gecko; Spearpointed Leaf-tailed Gecko Uroplatus fimbriatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Common Flat-tail Gecko; Common Leaf-tailed Gecko; Flat-tailed Gecko; Madagascan Leaf-tiled Gecko Blattschwanzgecko; Plattschwanzgecko; Madagassischer Plattschwanzleguan; Madagassischer Plattschwanzgecko Uroplatus guentheri Squamata - Gekkonidae Günther's Flat-tail Gecko Uroplatus henkeli Squamata - Gekkonidae Henkel's Leaf-tailed Gecko Gecko à queue-en-feuille de Henkel Uroplatus lineatus Squamata - Gekkonidae Lined Flat-tail Gecko Bambusblattschwanzgecko Uroplatus phantasticus Squamata - Gekkonidae Fantastic Leaf-tailed Gecko; Leaftailed Gecko Plattschwanzgecko Gecko satanique Uroplatus siskorae Squamata - Gekkonidae Southern Flat-tail Gecko; Mossy Leaftail Gecko Urosaurus Squamata - Iguanaidae Tree Lizards; Tree and Climbing Lizards; Climbing Utas; Tree and Brush Lizards Lézards arboricoles; Urosaures


Urosaurus ornatus wrighti

8601 e 8602 e 8603 e 8604 e 8605 e f 8606 e

Urosaurus auriculatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Socorro Island Tree Lizard Urosaurus bicarinatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Tropical Tree Lizard Urosaurus clarionensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Clarion Island Tree Lizard Urosaurus gadovi Squamata - Iguanaidae Gadow's Tree Lizard

8611 e f 8612 e d f 8613 e

Urosaurus graciosus Squamata - Iguanaidae Brush Lizard; Long-tailed Brush Lizard (NA); Long-tailed Uta Lézard des brousailles


Urosaurus graciosus graciosus Squamata - Iguanaidae Western Brush Lizard



e 8607 e

8608 e 8609 e

8610 e

Urosaurus graciosus shanoni Squamata - Iguanaidae Arizona Brush Lizard; Long-tailed Brush Lizard; Arizona Long-tailed Brush Lizard

8616 e

Urosaurus irregularis Squamata - Iguanaidae Mexican Brush Lizard


Urosaurus lahtelai Squamata - Iguanaidae Baja California Lizard; Baja California Brush Lizard


Urosaurus microscutatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Small-scaled Lizard; Small-scaled Uta; Small-scaled Tree Lizard


e 8619 e

Urosaurus nigricaudus Squamata - Iguanaidae Blacktail Brush Lizard; Black-tailed Brush Lizard Lézard à queue noire Urosaurus ornatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Northern Tree Lizard; Ornate Tree Lizard; Common Tree Lizard; Texas Tree Uta; Tree Lizard (NA) Baumleguan Lézard arboricole; Urosaure orné Urosaurus ornatus levis Squamata - Iguanaidae Canyon Tree Lizard; Smooth Tree Lizard Urosaurus ornatus linearis Squamata - Iguanaidae Lined Tree Lizard; Ornate Tree Lizard Urosaurus ornatus ornatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Eastern Tree Lizard; Texas Tree Lizard Urosaurus ornatus schmidti Squamata - Iguanaidae Big Bend Tree Lizard Urosaurus ornatus schottii Squamata - Iguanaidae Schott's Tree Lizard Urosaurus ornatus symmetricus Squamata - Iguanaidae Colorado River Tree Lizard Urosaurus ornatus wrighti Squamata - Iguanaidae Northern Tree Lizard; Cliff Tree Lizard


8620 e f

Urostrophus Squamata - Iguanaidae Steppe Iguanas Urostrophes


e 8630 e

8621 e

Urostrophus torquatus Squamata - Iguanaidae Philippi's Steppe Iguana

8631 e

8622 e 8623 e f 8624 e 8625 e 8626 e d f 8627 e

8628 e 8629

Urostrophus valeriae Squamata - Iguanaidae Donoso's Steppe Iguana Urostrophus vautieri Squamata - Iguanaidae Brazilian Steppe Iguana Urostrophe de Vautier Urotheca Squamata - Colubridae Twin Coral Snakes Urotheca elapoides Squamata - Colubridae Twin Coral Snake Uta Squamata - Iguanaidae Side-blotched Lizards; Ground Utas; Small-scaled Swifts Seitenfleckenleguane Utas Uta antiqua Squamata - Iguanaidae San Lorenzo Island Side-blotched Lizard Uta concinna Squamata - Iguanaidae Dickerson's Side-blotched Lizard Uta encantadae Squamata - Iguanaidae

8632 e

8633 e

8634 e d f 8635 e

8636 e

8637 e

Enchanted Side-blotched Lizard Uta lowei Squamata - Iguanaidae Dead Side-blotched Lizard Uta nolascensis Squamata - Iguanaidae San Pedro Nolasco Lizard; San Pedro Nolasco Side-blotched Lizard; San Pedro Nolasco Island Spinytail Iguana (NA) Uta palmeri Squamata - Iguanaidae San Pedro Side-blotched Lizard; San Pedro Martir Side-blotched Iguana Uta squamata Squamata - Iguanaidae Santa Catalina Island Side-blotched Lizard Uta stansburiana Squamata - Iguanaidae Side-blotched Lizard; Common Sideblotched Iguana; Stansbury's Swift; Common Side-blotched Lizard Seitenfleckenleguan Lézard à côtes tachetés Uta stansburiana elegans Squamata - Iguanaidae California Side-blotched Lizard; California Side-blotched Iguana; Western Side-blotched Lizard Uta stansburiana nevadensis Squamata - Iguanaidae Nevada Side-blotched Lizard; Nevada Side-blotched Iguana Uta stansburiana stansburiana Squamata - Iguanaidae Northern Side-blotched Lizard; Stansbury's Swift (NA)


Uta tumidarostra

8638 e

8639 e

8640 e

8641 e

Uta stansburiana stejnegeri Squamata - Iguanaidae Eastern Side-blotched Lizard; Desert Side-blotched Lizard; Desert Sideblotched Iguana Uta stansburiana uniformis Squamata - Iguanaidae Colorado Side-blotched Lizard; Colorado Side-blotched Iguana Uta stellata Squamata - Iguanaidae San Benito Island Side-blotched Lizard; San Benito Island Sideblotched Iguana Uta tumidarostra Squamata - Iguanaidae Swollen-nose Side-blotched Lizard; Swollen-nose Side-blotched Iguana




e 8649 e 8650

8642 e 8643 e 8644 e d f 8645 e d f i

Vanzosaura Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Redtail Tegus Vanzosaura rubricauda Squamata - Gymnophthalmidae Redtail Tegu Varanidae Squamata Monitors; Monitor Lizards; Goannas Warane Varanidés; Varans Varanus Squamata - Varanidae Monitors Warane Varans; Psammosaures Varani

e d f 8651 e 8652 e d f i 8653 e

8646 e d

Varanus acanthurus Squamata - Varanidae Ridgetail Monitor; Ridge-tailed Monitor (ANZ) Stachelschwanzwaran

d f 8654

8647 e


Varanus albigularis Squamata - Varanidae White-throated Monitor; Whitethroated Monitor Lizard; Whitethroated Savanna Monitor; Whitethroat Monitor Weißkehlwaran; Kap-Waran

e d 8655 e


Varanus baritji

Squamata - Varanidae Stone Monitor; White's Monitor Varanus beccarii Squamata - Varanidae Black Tree Monitor Varanus bengalensis Squamata - Varanidae Bengal Monitor; Common Indian Monitor (ISC); Indian Monitor Bengal-Waran; Bengalen-Waran; Bengalischer Waran Varan du Bengale Varanus bogerti Squamata - Varanidae Bogert's Monitor Varanus brevicauda Squamata - Varanidae Short-tail Monitor; Short-tailed Monitor Kurzschwanzwaran; Zwergwaran Varan à queue courte Varano dalla coda breve Varanus caudolineatus Squamata - Varanidae Stripetail Monitor; Stripe-tailed Monitor Schwanzstrichwaran; Streifenschwanzwaran Varan à queue rayé Varanus doreanus Squamata - Varanidae Bluetail Monitor; Blue-tailed Monitor Blauschwanzwaran Varanus dumerili Squamata - Varanidae Duméril's Monitor; Duméril's Monitor Lizard; Duméril's Water Monitor


Varanus jobiensis d f

8656 e d 8657 e

d f i

8658 e d f 8659 e d f 8660 e d f 8661

Duméril-Waran Varan de Duméril Varanus eremius Squamata - Varanidae Spinifex Monitor; Pygmy Monitor Höhlenwaran Varanus exanthematicus Squamata - Varanidae Savanna Monitor; Rock Monitor (CSA); Bosc Monitor; Bosc's Monitor; Cape Monitor; Whitethroated Iguana; Rock Iguana; Land Leguan (CSA); Rock Leguan; Savannah Monitor; African Savannah Monitor; Savannah Monitor Steppenwaran; Schwarzkehlwaran; Kap-Waran Varan du Cap; Varan des savannes; Varan de savanne Varano della savanna; Varano; Varano della steppa Varanus flavescens Squamata - Varanidae Yellow Monitor; Golden Monitor Gelbwaran Varan jaune Varanus giganteus Squamata - Varanidae Perentie; Giant Monitor; Perenty Australischer Riesenwaran; Großwaran; Perenty Varan gigantesque Varanus gilleni Squamata - Varanidae Pygmy Monitor; Pygmy Mulga Monitor (ANZ); Gillen's Monitor; Gillen's Dwarf Monitor Gillen-Waran; Gillens Zwergwaran; Gillens Waran Varan de Gillen Varanus glauerti

e d f 8662 e

8663 d 8664 e

d f 8665 e d f i 8666 e d f 8667 e d

Squamata - Varanidae Glauert's Monitor; Long-tailed Rock Monitor (ANZ) Glauerts Waran Varan de Glauert Varanus glebopalma Squamata - Varanidae Longtail Monitor; Long-tailed Rock Monitor Varanus gouldi horni Squamata - Varanidae Arguswaran Varanus gouldii Squamata - Varanidae Sand Monitor; Gould's Goanna (ANZ); Gould's Monitor; Sand Goanna; Monitor (ANZ); Rosenberg's Goanna (ANZ) Goulds Waran Varan de Gould Varanus griseus Squamata - Varanidae Desert Monitor; Trans-Caspian Desert Monitor Wüstenwaran; Mittelasiatischer Wüstenwaran Varan du désert; Varan des sables Varano grigio; Varano del deserto Varanus indicus Squamata - Varanidae Mangrove Monitor; Indian Monitor; Indian Water Monitor; Indian Monitor Lizard; Pacific Monitor Pazifik-Waran; Mangrovenwaran Varan des Indes Varanus jobiensis Squamata - Varanidae Peach-throated Monitor; Peachthroat Monitor Rothalswaran

Varanus kingorum

8668 e 8669 e d f i

Varanus kingorum Squamata - Varanidae Crevice Monitor Varanus komodoensis Squamata - Varanidae Komodo Dragon; Komodo Monitor; Komodo Island Monitor Komodo-Waran Varan des Kommodos Drago di Komodo


e d 8676 e 8677 e

8670 e d f 8671 e d 8672 e d f i 8673 e d 8674 e 8675

Varanus mertensi Squamata - Varanidae Mertens's Water Monitor; Mertens's Monitor Mertens-Wasserwaran Varan de Mertens Varanus mitchelli Squamata - Varanidae Mitchell's Water Monitor; Mitchell's Monitor Mitchells Wasserwaran Varanus niloticus Squamata - Varanidae Nile Monitor; African Monitor; Water Monitor (CSA); Water Leguan (CSA) Nil-Waran Varan du Nil Varano del Nilo Varanus olivaceus Squamata - Varanidae Gray's Monitor; Nile Water Monitor Grays Waran Varanus pilbarensis Squamata - Varanidae Pilbara Monitor Varanus prasinus Squamata - Varanidae

8678 e d f i 8679 e d 8680 e

d f i

8681 e


Emerald Monitor; Emerald Tree Monitor Lizard; Green Tree Monitor; Emerald Tree Monitor Smaragdwaran Varanus primordius Squamata - Varanidae Brown Monitor Varanus rosenbergi Squamata - Varanidae Black Sand Monitor Varanus rudicollis Squamata - Varanidae Roughneck Monitor; Rough-necked Monitor Rauhnackenwaran Varan cou-rude Varano rudicollo Varanus salvadorii Squamata - Varanidae Crocodile Monitor; Papuan Monitor Papua-Waran Varanus salvator Squamata - Varanidae Indo-Malay Water Monitor Lizard; Water Monitor (ISC); Asian Water Monitor (ANZ); Two-banded Monitor Bindenwaran Varan aquatique; Varan malais; Varan sauvegarde; Varan à deux bandes Varano fasciato; Varano della Malesia Varanus scalaris Squamata - Varanidae Spotted Monitor; Australian Spotted Tree Monitor Varanus semiremex Squamata - Varanidae


Vipera ammodytes e d

Rusty Monitor Rostkopfwaran; Rostroter Waran; Rotkopfwaran


Varanus spenceri Squamata - Varanidae Spencer's Monitor Spencer-Waran; Spencers Waran Varan de Spencer

e d f

d f 8691 e 8692

8684 e 8685 e d f 8686 e 8687 e

Varanus spinulosus Squamata - Varanidae Solomon Islands Monitor Varanus storri Squamata - Varanidae Dwarf Monitor Storrs Zwergwaran; Zwergwaran Varan nain Varanus telenestses Squamata - Varanidae Rossel Island Monitor Varanus teriae Squamata - Varanidae Queensland Tree Monitor; Queensland Blue-nosed Monitor Lizard

e d 8693 e d

8694 e 8695 e 8696

8688 e d f 8689 e d

Varanus timorensis Squamata - Varanidae Spotted Tree Monitor; Timor Monitor Timor-Waran Varan de Timor Varanus tristis Squamata - Varanidae Arid Monitor Trauerwaran

e 8697 e d f i 8698

8690 e

Varanus varius Squamata - Varanidae Lace Monitor; Lace Monitor Lizard;


Variegated Lizard; Tree Goanna (ANZ); Variegated Monitor Buntwaran Varan bigarré Varanus yemenensis Squamata - Varanidae Yemen Monitor Vermicella Squamata - Elapidae Bandy-Bandy Snakes Bandy-Bandys Vermicella annulata Squamata - Elapidae Bandy-Bandy (ANZ); Ringed Snake (ANZ); Australian Burrowing Snake Bandy-Bandy; Australische Giftnatter Vermicella multifasciata Squamata - Elapidae Northern Bandy-Bandy Vilcunia Squamata - Iguanaidae Forest Iguanas Vilcunia silvanae Squamata - Iguanaidae Donoso's Forest Iguana Vipera Squamata - Viperidae Sand Vipers; Oriental Pit Vipers; True Vipers Ottern; Echte Ottern; Echte Vipern Vipères Vipere Vipera ammodytes Squamata - Viperidae Sand Viper; Nose-horned Viper; Horned Viper; Long-nosed Viper;

Vipera ammodytes montadoni


f i 8699 e d 8700 e d f i

8701 e d 8702 e d 8703 e d

European Nose-horned Viper Europäische Sandotter; Europäische Hornotter; Sandotter; Hornotter; Sandviper; Transkaukasische Hornviper; Europäische Hornviper Vipère ammodyte; Vipère des sables; Vipère unicorne Vipera dal corno; Vipera ammodite Vipera ammodytes montadoni Squamata - Viperidae Bulgarian Viper Bulgarische Hornotter Vipera aspis Squamata - Viperidae Asp Viper; Aspis Viper; Asp; European Asp Aspisviper; Aspisotter; Jura-Viper Vipère commune; Vipère aspic; Aspic Vipera comune; Aspide; Vipera aspide; Vèpra; Vipra Vipera aspis aspis Squamata - Viperidae Asp Viper Aspisviper Vipera aspis atra Squamata - Viperidae Alpine Viper Alpen-Viper Vipera aspis francisciredi Squamata - Viperidae Redi's Viper Redi-Viper

e d

Vipera aspis hugyi Squamata - Viperidae Sicilian Viper Sizilianische Viper


Vipera aspis zinnikeri



e d 8706 e d f i 8707 e

d f

i 8708 f 8709 e d f 8710 e d f i 8711

Squamata - Viperidae Spanish Asp Viper Spanische Aspisviper Vipera barani Squamata - Viperidae Turkish Viper; Black Viper Barans Otter Vipère de Baran Vipera di Baran Vipera berus Squamata - Viperidae Common Viper; Viper; Adder; Northern Viper; Northern Cross Adder; European Adder; Common Northern Viper; Common European Northern Viper; Common Adder Kreuzotter Vipère; Péliade; Vipère péliade; Vipère du Nord; Vipère bérus; Vipère commune; Vipère vulgaire; Vipère noire Marasso; Marasso palustre Vipera berus bosniensis Squamata - Viperidae Vipère péliade de Yougoslavie Vipera bornmulleri Squamata - Viperidae Lebanon Viper Libanesische Bergotter Vipère du Liban Vipera bulgardaghica Squamata - Viperidae Taurus Viper; Bulgar Dagh Viper Taurische Bergotter Vipère du Taurus; Vipère du Mont Bolkar Vipera dei Monti Bulgar Vipera darevskii Squamata - Viperidae


Vipera schweizeri e d f i

Darevsky's Viper Darevski-Kreuzotter Vipère de Darevski Vipera di Darevsky

8717 d 8718

8712 e d f i 8713 e d f i 8714 e d f i 8715 e d f 8716 e d f i

Vipera dinniki Squamata - Viperidae Dinnik's Viper Westliche Kaukasus-Otter; Westkaukasische Kreuzotter Vipère du Caucase occidental; Vipère de Dinnik Vipera di Dinnick Vipera kaznakovi Squamata - Viperidae Kaznakow's Viper; Caucasus Viper; Red Viper; Caucasian Viper Kaukasus-Otter Vipère du Caucase Vipera di Kaznakov

e d 8719 e d f

8720 e d

Vipera latastei Squamata - Viperidae Lataste's Viper; Snub-nosed Viper Stülpnasenotter Vipère de Lataste Vipera di Lataste


Vipera latifii Squamata - Viperidae Latifi's Viper Elburs-Otter; Latifis Otter; LatifiOtter Vipère de Latifi

d f

Vipera lebetina Squamata - Viperidae Bluntnose Viper; Levantine Viper; Blunt-nosed Viper; Snub-nosed Viper; Lebetina Viper Levante-Otter; Gjurza; LevanteViper Vipère du Levant; Vipère lébétine Vipera levantina; Vipera lebetina

e 8722 e

8723 d 8724 e d f i

Vipera lebetina lebetina Squamata - Viperidae Zypriotische Levante-Otter Vipera lebetina turanica Squamata - Viperidae Russian Viper Russische Levante-Otter Vipera monticola Squamata - Viperidae Mountain Viper Atlas-Zwergotter Vipère naine de l'Atlas; Vipère de l'Atlas Vipera nikolskii Squamata - Viperidae Nikolsky's Viper Waldsteppenotter Vipera pontica Squamata - Viperidae Black Sea Viper Vipera russellii Squamata - Viperidae Russell's Viper; Tic Polonga; Tic Polonga Viper; Chain Viper Kettenviper; Daboia Vipère de Russell Vipera russellii siamensis Squamata - Viperidae Siamesische Kettenviper Vipera schweizeri Squamata - Viperidae Milos Blunt-nosed Viper; Cyclades Blunt-nosed Viper Zykladen-Otter; Milos-Otter; Zykladen-Levante-Otter Vipère des Cyclades Vipera di Schweizer; Vipera delle Cicladi; Vipera di Milo

Vipera seoanei

8725 e d f i 8726 e d f i 8727 e d f i

Vipera seoanei Squamata - Viperidae Portuguese Viper; Iberian Adder; Pyrenean Viper; Spanish Viper Iberien-Otter; Iberische Kreuzotter; Pyrenäen-Otter; Nordiberische Kreuzotter Vipère de Séoane; Vipère des Pyrénées Vipera di Seoane; Vipera iberica Vipera ursinii Squamata - Viperidae Orsini's Viper; Meadow Viper Wiesenotter; Spitzkopfotter; KarstOtter Vipère d'Orsini Vipera dell'Orisini; Vipera di Orsini Vipera wagneri Squamata - Viperidae Wagner's Viper Wagners Bergotter Vipère de Wagner Vipera di Wagner


8731 e d f 8732 e

8733 e 8734 e

8735 e

8728 e d f

Viperidae Squamata Vipers; Adders Vipern; Ottern Vipéridés

8736 e 8737

8729 e d f 8730 e d f

Virginia Squamata - Colubridae Earth Snakes; Ground Snakes; North american Earth Snakes Erdschlangen; Rauhnattern Couleuvres fouisseuses Virginia striatula Squamata - Colubridae Rough Earth Snake; Brown Snake (NA); Southern Ground Snake Rauhe Erdschlange; Rauhnatter Couleuvre fouisseuse rugueuse

e 8738 e 8739 e

Virginia valeriae Squamata - Colubridae Smooth Earth Snake; Eastern Ground Snake Glatte Erdschlange Couleuvre fouisseuse lisse Virginia valeriae elegans Squamata - Colubridae Western Earth Snake; Western Smooth Earth Snake Virginia valeriae pulchra Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Earth Snake Virginia valeriae valeriae Squamata - Colubridae Eastern Earth Snake; Brown Snake (NA); Worm Snake (NA); Ground Snake (NA); Eastern Smooth Earth Snake Voeltzkovia Squamata - Scincidae Burrowing Blind Skinks Voeltzkovia fierinensis Squamata - Scincidae Common Burrowing Blind Skink Voeltzkovia mira Squamata - Scincidae Burrowing Blind Skink Voeltzkovia petiti Squamata - Scincidae Tiny Burrowing Blind Skink Voeltzkovia rubrocaudata Squamata - Scincidae Redtail Burrowing Blind Skink


Wetmoreana haetiana

W 8740 e d 8741 e d 8742 e d 8743 e d f 8744 e 8745 e

Waglerophis Squamata - Colubridae Wagler's Snakes Haubennattern Waglerophis merremii Squamata - Colubridae Wagler's Snake Merrems Haubennattern Walterinnesia Squamata - Elapidae Black Desert Cobras; Desert Cobras; Desert Black Cobra Wüstenkobras Walterinnesia aegyptia Squamata - Elapidae Black Desert Cobra; Desert Cobra; Desert Black Cobra Schwarze Wüstenkobra; Wüstenkobra Cobra noir du désert Wetmoreana Squamata - Anguidae Haitian Lizards Wetmoreana haetiana Squamata - Anguidae Cochran's Haitian Lizard; Earless Galliwasp





e 8753 e

8746 e d f 8747 e 8748 e d f

8749 e 8750 e

8751 e d f

Xantusia Squamata - Xantusiidae Night Lizards Nachtechsen; Wüstennachtechsen; Granitechsen Xantusies Xantusia bolsonae Squamata - Xantusiidae Bolson Night Lizard Xantusia henshawi Squamata - Xantusiidae Granite Night Lizard; Henshaw's Night Lizard Granitechse; Granitnachtechse Lézard nocturne de Henshaw; Xantusie de Henshaw Xantusia henshawi gracilis Squamata - Xantusiidae Sandstone Night Lizard Xantusia henshawi henshawi Squamata - Xantusiidae Henshaw Night Lizard; Granite Night Lizard Xantusia vigilis Squamata - Xantusiidae Desert Night Lizard Kleine Nachtechse; Wüstennachtechse; YuccaNachtechse Lézard nocturne du désert; Xantusie du désert

8754 e 8755 e 8756 e

8757 e d f 8758 e 8759 e 8760 e f 8761 e

Xantusia vigilis arizonoae Squamata - Xantusiidae Arizona Night Lizard Xantusia vigilis gilberti Squamata - Xantusiidae Baja California Night Lizard Xantusia vigilis sierrae Squamata - Xantusiidae Sierra Night Lizard Xantusia vigilis utahensis Squamata - Xantusiidae Utah Night Lizard Xantusia vigilis vigilis Squamata - Xantusiidae Common Night Lizard; Yucca Night Lizard; Desert Night Lizard Xantusiidae Squamata Night Lizards Nachtechsen Xantusiidés; Lézards nocturnes Xenagama Squamata - Agamidae Strange Agamas Xenagama batillifera Squamata - Agamidae Somali Strange Agama Xenagama taylori Squamata - Agamidae Taylor's Strange Agama; Taylor's Agama Agame de Taylor Xenelaphis Squamata - Colubridae Malaysian Brown Snakes;


Xenochrophis piscator

Brown Snakes 8762 e 8763 e 8764 e 8765 e 8766 e d 8767 e

Xenelaphis ellipsifer Squamata - Colubridae Ocellated Brown Snake Xenelaphis hexagonotus Squamata - Colubridae Malaysian Brown Snake Xenoboa Squamata - Boidae Cropan's Boas; Cropan's Tree Boas Xenoboa cropanii Squamata - Boidae Cropan's Boa; Cropan's Tree Boa Xenocalamus Squamata - Colubridae Quill-snouted Snakes; Slender Quillsnouted Snakes; Quill-nosed Snakes; Slender Quill-nosed Snakes Spatelnasennattern Xenocalamus bicolor Squamata - Colubridae Slender Quill-snouted Snake; Bicoloured Quill-snouted Snake (CSA); Northern Quill-nosed Snake; Northern Quill-snouted Snake

8771 e

8772 e 8773 e 8774 e

8775 e d 8776 e 8777 e

8768 e

Xenocalamus bicolor australis Squamata - Colubridae Waterberg Quill-snouted Snake; Bicoloured Quill-snouted Snake (CSA)

8778 e

8769 e

Xenocalamus bicolor bicolor Squamata - Colubridae Bi-coloured Quill-snouted Snake

8779 e

8770 e

Xenocalamus bicolor lineatus Squamata - Colubridae Lined Quill-snouted Snake; Bicoloured Quill-snouted Snake (CSA)


Xenocalamus mechowii Squamata - Colubridae Elongate Quill-snouted Snake; Western Quill-nosed Snake; Western Quill-snouted Snake; Mechow's Quill-snouted Snake (CSA) Xenocalamus michellii Squamata - Colubridae Michell's Quill-snouted Snake Xenocalamus sabiensis Squamata - Colubridae Sabi Quill-snouted Snake Xenocalamus transvaalensis Squamata - Colubridae Transvaal Quill-snouted Snake (CSA); Transvaal Quill-nosed Snake Xenochrophis Squamata - Colubridae Painted Keelbacks; Keelbacks Fischernattern Xenochrophis asperrimus Squamata - Colubridae Boulenger's Keelback Xenochrophis cerasogaster Squamata - Colubridae Painted Keelback; Dark-bellied Marsh Snake Xenochrophis flavipunctatus Squamata - Colubridae Gold-dotted Keelback Xenochrophis piscator Squamata - Colubridae Chequered Keelback; Asiatic Water Snake; Checkered Keelback (ISC); Chequered Keelback Water Snake Fischernatter; Fischnatter

Xenochrophis punctulata

8780 e

Xenochrophis punctulata Squamata - Colubridae Dotted Keelback


d 8789

8781 e d 8782 e d 8783 e d 8784 e d

8785 e

Xenochrophis vittata Squamata - Colubridae Banded Keelback Indonesische Wassernatter Xenodermus Squamata - Colubridae Xenodermine Snakes; Xenodermon Snakes Javanische Höckernattern Xenodermus javanicus Squamata - Colubridae Xenodermine Snake; Xenodermon Snake Javanische Höckernatter Xenodon Squamata - Colubridae False Fer-de-Lances; False Lanceheads; False Vipers Haubennattern; Ungleichzahnige Nattern; Falsche Lanzenottern Xenodon bertholdi Squamata - Colubridae Berthold's False Fer-de-Lance; Berthold's False Lancehead


8790 e d f 8791 e d f i 8792 e 8793 e d

8786 e

8787 e

8788 e

Xenodon guentheri Squamata - Colubridae Günther's False Fer-de-Lance; Günther's False Lancehead Xenodon neuwiedii Squamata - Colubridae Neuwied's False Fer-de-Lance; Neuwied's False Lancehead Xenodon rabdocephalus Squamata - Colubridae False Fer-de-Lance; False

f i 8794 e


Lancehead; Common False Viper Krötennatter Xenodon severus Squamata - Colubridae Amazon False Fer-de-Lance; Amazon False Lancehead; Giant False Viper Xenopeltidae Squamata Sunbeam Snakes Erdschlangen; Wühlschlangen; Regenbogenschlangen Xenopeltidés Xenopeltis Squamata - Xenopeltidae Sunbeam Snakes; Iridescent Earth Snakes Regenbogenerdschlangen Serpents arc-en-ciel Serpenti ragio di sole Xenopeltis hainanensis Squamata - Xenopeltidae Chinese Sunbeam Snake Xenopeltis unicolor Squamata - Xenopeltidae Sunbeam Snake; Asian Sunbeam Snake; Iridescent Earth Snake Regenbogenerdschlange; Sonnenglanzschlange; Regenbogenschlange; Flachkopfschlange Serpent arc-en-ciel Xenopeltide unicolore Xenopholis Squamata - Colubridae Scaled Ground Snakes; Flat-headed Snakes Xenopholis scalaris Squamata - Colubridae


Xylophis stenorhynchus e

8796 e

Wucherer's Ground Snake; Flatheaded Snake Xenopholis undulatus Squamata - Colubridae Jensen's Ground Snake

8805 e 8806 e

8797 e d f 8798 e d 8799 e 8800 e d 8801 e 8802 e 8803 e d 8804 e

Xenosauridae Squamata Knob-scaled Lizards; Guest Lizards; Strange Lizards Höckerechsen Xénosauridés Xenosaurus Squamata - Xenosauridae American Knob-scaled Lizard; Xenosaures Eigentliche Höckerechsen Xenosaurus arboreus Squamata - Xenosauridae King's Knob-scaled Lizard Xenosaurus grandis Squamata - Xenosauridae Knob-scaled Lizard Gemeine Höckerechse Xenosaurus newmanorum Squamata - Xenosauridae Newman's Knob-scaled Lizard Xenosaurus platyceps Squamata - Xenosauridae Flathead Knob-scaled Lizard Xenosaurus rackhami Squamata - Xenosauridae Rackham's Knob-scaled Lizard Rackhams Höckerechse Xenosaurus rectocollaris Squamata - Xenosauridae Pallid Knob-scaled Lizard

8807 e

Xylophis Squamata - Colubridae Mountain Snakes Xylophis perroteti Squamata - Colubridae Perrotet's Mountain Snake Xylophis stenorhynchus Squamata - Colubridae Günther's Mountain Snake





8815 e 8816

8808 e d f 8809 e d f 8810 e 8811 e

8812 e

8813 e d f 8814 e

Zaocys Squamata - Colubridae Keeled Rat Snakes; Rat Snakes Orientalische Rattennattern; Chinesische Rattennattern Coryphodons Zaocys carinatus Squamata - Colubridae Keeled Rat Snake; Carinated Rat Snake Gekielte Rattennatter Coryphodon cariné Zaocys dhumnades Squamata - Colubridae Cantor's Rat Snake Zaocys fuscus Squamata - Colubridae Whitebelly Rat Snake; White-bellied Rat Snake Zaocys nigromarginatus Squamata - Colubridae Black-bordered Rat Snake; Blyth's Rat Snake Zonosaurus Squamata - Cordylidae Girdled Lizards Ringelschildechsen Zonosaures Zonosaurus aeneus Squamata - Cordylidae Bronze Girdled Lizard

e 8817 e d 8818 e d

8819 e d

8820 e d 8821 e d 8822 e d

Erzringelschildechse Zonosaurus boettgeri Squamata - Cordylidae Boettger's Girdled Lizard Zonosaurus brygooi Squamata - Cordylidae Brygoo's Girdled Lizard Zonosaurus karsteni Squamata - Cordylidae Karsten's Girdled Lizard Karsten-Ringelschildechse Zonosaurus laticaudatus Squamata - Cordylidae Western Girdled Lizard; Girdled Lizard Breitschwanzringelschildechse; Bunte Felsenechse Zonosaurus madagascariensis Squamata - Cordylidae Madagascar Girdled Lizard; Girdled Lizard Madagassische Gürtelschildechse; Madagassische Ringelschildechse Zonosaurus maximus Squamata - Cordylidae Southeastern Girdled Lizard Große Ringelschildechse Zonosaurus ornatus Squamata - Cordylidae Ornate Girdled Lizard Schmuckringelschildechse Zonosaurus quadrilineatus Squamata - Cordylidae Four-lined Girdled Lizard Vierstreifenringelschildechse


Zygaspis quadrifrons

8823 e 8824 e 8825 e

8826 e

Zonosaurus rufipes Squamata - Cordylidae Red-legged Girdled Lizard Zonosaurus trilineatus Squamata - Cordylidae Three-lined Girdled Lizard Zygaspis Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Kalahari Round-snouted Worm Lizards; Purple Round-headed Worm Lizards Zygaspis quadrifrons Squamata - Amphisbaenidae Kalahari Round-snouted Worm Lizard; Kalahari Round-headed Worm Lizard; Round-snouted Amphisbaenian; Kalahari Roundsnouted Amphisbaenian (CSA); Eastern Worm Lizard (CSA)

English Index


Abaco Island Boa 3273 Abbott's Gecko 6208 Abd el Kuri Rock Gecko 6666 Abendroth's Bachia 1135 Abor Hills Kukri Snake 5902 Abronias 7 Abyssinia Slug-eater 2929 Abyssinia Writhing Skink 5244 Abyssinian Lidless Skink 133 Abyssinian Slender Skink 5244 Acacia Knobtail Gecko 5761 Acellate Cobra (ISC) 5711 Achilles's Anole 504 Acrochordids 108 Adanson's Hinged Terrrapin 6181 Adanson's Mud Turtle 6181 Adanson's Terrapin 6181 Adanson's Turtle 6181 Adder 8707 Adders 8728 Adelaide Earless Agama 8357 Adelaide Earless Lizard 8357 Adelaide Morethia 5675 Adelaide Scrub Skink 8119 Aden Kukri Snake 7236 Adjar Lizard 4332 Adler's Spiny Lizard 7327 Adorned Graceful Brown Snake 7102 Adriatic Lizard 6587 Aegean Wall Lizard 6582 Aesculapian Coral Snake 3321 Aesculapian False Coral Snake 3321 Aesculapian Rat Snake 3022

African Rock Python

Aesculapian Snake 3022, 3023 Afghan Awl-headed Snake 5270 Afghan Grasping Gecko 7972 Afghan Ground Agama 8192 Afghan Racerunner 5927 Afghan Toadhead Agama 6330 Afghan Tortoise 8006 Afghanistan Racerunner 5927 African Adders (CSA) 1185 African Armadillo Lizard 2123 African Banded Snake 1730 African Beauty Racer 6772 African Beauty Snake 6772 African Bighead Snake 4127 African Bighead Snakes 4126 African Black Terrapin 6188, 6190 African Brown Water Snake 149 African Brown Water Snakes 148 African Burrowing Python 1428 African Burrowing Pythons 1427 African Burrowing Snakes 6561 African Bush Vipers 1008 African Chameleon 1638 African Cobra 5712 African Coral Snakes 977 African Crocodile 2175 African Dwarf Crocodile 6018 African Dwarf Crocodiles 6017 African Dwarf Mud Turtle 6189 African Dwarf Terrapin 6189

African Egg-eating Snake 2582, 2586 African Egg-eating Snakes 2581 African File Snake 5470 African Five-toed Skink 4700 African Flat Gecko (CSA) 137 African Flat Gecko 146 African Forest Snakes 3615 African Forest Terrapin 6188 African Forest Turtle 6188 African Garter Snake 3084 African Gecko 1873 African Green Snakes 6279 African Ground Snakes 3741 African Helmeted Turtle 6176 African Hinged Terrapins 6180 African Hingeless Terrapin 6176 African Horn Skink 5241 African House Snake 4442, 4447 African Keeled Mud Turtle 6184 African Leaf-toed Gecko 3902 African Lidless Skinks 6097 African Long-tailed Seps (CSA) 8013 African Mole Snake 6786 African Monitor 8672 African Mud Turtle 6185 African Pancake Tortoise 5393 African Python (CSA) 6995 African Rainbow Lizard 152 African Redhead Agama 152 African Rock Gecko 137 African Rock Python 6995

African Savannah Monitor

African Savannah Monitor 8657 African Saw-scaled Viper 2949 African Serrated Tortoise 6735 African Shovel-nosed Snake 7324 African Shovel-nosed Snakes 7323 African Slender-snouted Crocodile 2171 African Slug-eater 2929 African Smooth Snakes (CSA) 5478 African Snail-eating Snakes 2928 African Snake Skink 5253 African Snake-eater 6623 African Softshell 8271 African Softshell Turtle 8271 African Soft-shelled Turtle 8271 African Softshells 8270 African Spinytail Lizard 2129 African Spiny-tailed Lizard 8553 African Spitting Cobras 3860 African Spurred Tortoise 3611 African Striped Mabuya 5345 African Striped Skink 5345 African Stumptail Chameleon 7146 African Swamp Snake 2892 African Tent Toirtoise 6736 African Thick-toed Gecko 6076 African Tree Lizard 1179 African Tree Lizards 1178 African Wall Gecko 7946 African Water Snakes 3799, 5123 African Whip Lizard 8013


African Whole-toed Gecko 4012 African Wolf Snakes 5142 Afro-American Side-necked Turtles 6177 Afro-Asian Sand Snake 6771 Agamas 150,189 Agamids 189 Agassiz's Anole 508 Ahl's Anole 510 Ahl's Emo Skink 3115 Ajo Mountain Whip Snake 5410 Ajolote 1182 Alabama Map Turtle 3797 Alabama Red-bellied Turtle 6817 Alabama Redbelly Turtle 6817 Alabama Sawback 3797 Alabama Sawback Turtle 3797 Alachan Racerunner 3299 Alamaba Red-bellied Turtle 6817 Alameda Striped Racer 5420 Alameda Whip Snake 5420 Alamos Mud Turtle 4254 Alan's Skink 2450 Albert's Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7497 Albert's Skink 7497 Albino Rat Snake 3000 Albuquerque Ground Snake 1038 Alcala's Wolf Snake 5098 Alcock's Flying Dragon 2873 Aldabra Day Gecko 6208 Aldabra Tortoise 3605 Aldabran Giant Tortoise 3605 Aleman's Snail-eater 2826 Alfred's Blind Skink 2692 Alfred's Dibame 2692

Algerian Cylindrical Skink 1618 Algerian Fan-fingered Gecko 6973 Algerian Orange-tailed Skink 3363 Algerian Psammodromus 6738 Algerian Sand Gecko 8349 Algerian Sand Lizard 6738 Algerian Sand Racer 6738 Algerian Skink 3363 Algerian Tortoise 8007 Algerian Wall Gecko 7952 Algoa Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7436 Algyroideses 241 Allan's Lerista 4796 Allen Cays Rock Iguana 2467 Allen's Bachia 1136 Allen's Coral Snake 5570 Allen's Ctenotus 2340 Allen's Mud Snake 7051 Allen's Snake 7051 Alligator Lizard (NA) 566 Alligator Lizards (NA) 487 Alligator Lizards 1157, 2927, 3088 Alligator River Ctenotus 2365 Alligator River Gecko 2737 Alligator Snapper 5366 Alligator Snappers 5365 Alligator Snapping Turtle 5366 Alligator Snapping Turtles 5365 Alligator Turtle (NA) 5366 Alligators 246, 249 Alligators and Caimans 249 Alligator-tailed Turtle 1766 Allison's Anole 516 Allison's Emo Skink 3137 Almaden's Ground Snake 4976


Alphonse's Ground Snake 1039 Alpine Meadow Lizard 124 Alpine Meadow Mabuya 5317 Alpine Meadow Skink 5317 Alpine Punjab Skink 3428 Alpine Viper 8702 Alpine Water Skink 3356 Alpine Whiptail 1908 Alta Gracia Giant Galliwasp 2757 Altagracia Speckled Sphaero 7673 Alto Velo Dwarf Gecko 7594 Alto Velo Gracile Anole 519 Alto Velo Least Gecko 7594 Alto Velo Sphaero 7594 Alvarez del Toro's Night Lizard 4604 Alvarez's Debris Snake 2075 Alvaro's Anole 6661 Amami Coral Snake 3869 Amaral's Blind Snake 4750 Amaral's Boa 1211 Amaral's Brazilian Gecko 1357 Amaral's Burrowng Snake 917 Amaral's Colobosaura 2023 Amaral's Ground Snake 4977 Amaral's Teiids 2017 Amaral's Tropical Racer 5433 Amaral's Whip Snake 5428 Amathites Lava Lizard 8331 Amatola Flat Gecko (CSA) 138 Amatola Rock Gecko 138 Amazon Banded Snake 7162

American Copperhead

Amazon Basin Tree Snake 4175 Amazon Blind Snake 4706 Amazon Burrowing Snake 914 Amazon Bushmaster 4364 Amazon Coastal House Snake 8029 Amazon Coffee Snake 5822 Amazon Coral Snake 5622 Amazon Dwarf Gecko 4564 Amazon Egg-eater 2881 Amazon False Coral Snake 6048, 6050 Amazon False Fer-de-Lance 8789 Amazon False Lancehead 8789 Amazon Gecko 1996 Amazon Geckos 1995 Amazon Ground Snake 4978 Amazon Ground Snakes 4973 Amazon Hognose Viper 6641 Amazon Kentropyx 4234 Amazon Lava Lizard 8343 Amazon Matamata 1764 Amazon Mud Turtle 4290 Amazon Puffing Snake 6928 Amazon Pygmy Gecko 6878 Amazon Racerunner 297 Amazon Ringed Snake 7162 Amazon River Turtle 6603 Amazon Scaly-eyed Gecko 4562 Amazon Scarlet Snake 6838 Amazon Streak Lizard 3717 Amazon Swamp Snake 4985 Amazon Thornytail 8537 Amazon Thornytail Iguana 8537

Amazon Toadhead Turtle 6376 Amazon Toad-headed Turtle 6376 Amazon Tree Boa 2112 Amazon Tree Snake 4175 Amazon Tropical Forest Snake 8530 Amazon Water Snake 4114 Amazon Water Snakes 4113 Amazon Wood Lizard 3249 Amazon Worm Snake 914 Amazonian Bushmaster 4364 Amazonian Coral Snake 5599, 5622 Amazonian Thread Snake 4728 Ambergris Cay Dwarf Boa 8308 Ambiky Chameleon 1714 Ambilobe Dwarf Gecko 5179 Amboina Box Turtle 2420, 2421 Ambre Brook Snake 6916 Ameivas 296 Amerafrican House Gecko (NA) 3910 Amerafrican House Gecko 3910 American Alligator 247 American Anole 566 American Basilisk 1164 American Black-headed Snakes 7862 American Blind Snakes 836 American Box Turtle 7986 American Box Turtles 7985 American Burrowing Skinks 5757 American Burrowing Snakes 116 American Chameleon 566 American Chameleons 502 American Copperhead 203

American Coral Snakes

American Coral Snakes 5569 American Crocodile 2170 American Freshwater Turtles 1862 American Geckos 3705 American Geomyda 7176 American Graceful Brown Snake 7101 American Horned Lizards 6387 American Knob-scaled Lizard 8798 American Lanceheads 1278 American Legless Lizards 496 American Milk Snake 4405 American Moccassins 195 American Mud and Musk Turtles 4251 American Mud Turtles 4252 American Musk Turtle 4254 American Pond Turtle 3191 American Pond Turtles 1862, 3190 American Racer 2034 American Rat Snake 3026, 3028 American Red-bellied Turtle 6826 American Redbelly Turtle 6826 American Red-eared Terrapin 8168 American Sand Skink 5758 American Sidewinder 2192 American Slider Turtle 8168 American Snail-eater 2805 American Toad-headed Turtle 6375 American Vine Sn akes 6028 American Vine Snake 6029 American Wall Gecko 7934 American Water Snakes 5769


Amethystine Python (ANZ) 5659 Ampat Lawang Dwarf Snake 1434 Amphibious Sea Snakes 4481 Amphisbaenas 400 Amur Grass Lizard 7850 Amur Rat Snake 3044 Anaconda 3438 Anacondas 3435 Anadias 455 Anahuacan Bunchgrass Lizard 7329 Anamalai Salea (ISC) 7264 Anamalai Spiny Lizard (ISC) 7264 Anamally Agama 7264 Anamally Earth Snake 8577 Anamally Hills Gecko 3875 Anatolian Lizard 4316 Anatosauras 471 Anchieta's Agama 154 Anchieta's Dune Lizard 901 Anchieta's Dwarf Python (CSA) 6985 Anchieta's Python 6985 Anchieta's Wedge-snouted Amphisbaenian (CSA) 5641 Anchor Coral Snake 5571 Andaman Day Gecko 6209 Andaman Emerald Gecko (ISC) 6209 Andaman Gecko 3592 Andaman Islands Worm Snake 8459 Andaman Lizard 1480 Andaman Mabuya 5275 Andaman Wolf Snake 5121 Andaman Worm Snake 8377 Andean Blackback Coral Snake 5611 Andean Black-backed Coral Snake 5611

Andean Forest Pit Viper 1264 Andean Ground Snake 1040 Andean Lancehead 1281 Andean Milk Snake 4408 Anderson's Agama 8188 Anderson's Bloodsucker 1486 Anderson's Ground Skink 7458 Anderson's Japalure 4200 Anderson's Keelback 355 Anderson's Mountain Keelback 5981 Anderson's Rock Agama 7724 Anderson's Short-fingered Gecko 7788 Anderson's Wolf Snake 5104 Andersson's Leaf-toed Gecko 3906 Andersson's Mabuya 5332 Andes Anole 523 Andes Anoles 6245 Andes Centipede Snake 7865 Andes Teiid 251 Andes Tree Iguana 4880 Andranovaho Skink 376 Andreansky's Lizard 4309 Andresen Snake 2076 Androvandi's Skink 3731 Anegada Ground Iguana 2470 Anegada Rock Iguana 2470 Anfiloqui Anole 524 Angel Island Collared Lizard 2272 Angel Island Speckled Rattlesnake 2187 Angel's Chameleon 1640 Angel's Dwarf Gecko 5177 Angel's Five-toed Skink 4695 Angel's Gecko 3528 Angel's Kukri Snake 5898


Angel's Mountain Keelback 5989 Angel's Petite Gecko 6121 Angel's Petite Geckos 6120 Angel's Slender Skink 5221 Angel's Writhing Skink 5221 Angled Dwarf Gecko 5167 Anglehead Forest Dragons 4141 Angle-headed Forest Dragons 4141 Angle-headed Lizards 3750 Angle-headed Lizards 78 Angleheads 3750 Anglenose Blind Snake 7016 Angola Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7498 Angola Chameleon 1639 Angola Dwarf Gecko 5166 Angola File Snake 5477 Angola Garter Snake 3083 Angola Green Snake 6280 Angola Leaf-toed Gecko 6413 Angola Python 6985 Angola Rough-scaled Lizard 4160 Angola Sand Snake 6750 Angola Shovelsnout Snake 6719 Angola Skink 7498 Angola Slender Gecko 7234 Angola Thick-toed Gecko 6063 Angola Worm Lizard 5641 Angola Worm Snake 8378 Angolan Banded Gecko (CSA) 6063 Angolan Plated Lizard (CSA) 3683 Angolan Python 6985 Angolan Spade-snouted Worm Lizard (CSA) 5641 Angonoka 3612

Anzahamaru Skink

Angonoka Radiated Tortoise 3612 Anguid Lizards 487 Anguilla Anole 642 Anguilla Bank Ameiva (WI) 321 Anguilla Bank Anole (WI) 642 Anguilla Bank Bush Anole (WI) 751 Anguilla Bank Racer (WI) 267 Anguilla Racer 267 Anguine Lizard 1734 Anguine Lizards 488 Angulate Tortoise (CSA) 1773 Angulated Bow-fingered Gecko 2498 Angulated Madagascar Tortoise 3612 Angulated Tortoise 3612 Animas Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake 2256 Ankodabe Skink 377 Annadale's Turtles 3992 Annam Leaf Turtle 5451 Annam Pond Turtle 5451 Annandale's Dragon 5632 Annandale's Dragons 5631 Annandale's Leaf-toed Gecko 3933 Annandale's Turtle 3993 Annan's Rock Agama 7742 Annellated Coral Snake 5572 Annexe Anole 527 Annobon Dwarf Gecko 5209 Annobon Leaf-toed Gecko 3876 Annobon Lidless Skink 6099 Annulated Boa 2110 Annulated Bow-fingered Gecko 2499 Annulated False Coral Snake 6575

Annulated Gecko 3708 Annulated Sea Snake 4090 Annulated Snake 4657, 4664 Annulated Snakes 4656 Annulated Tree Boa 2110 Annulated Water Snake 1516 Anoles 502 Anomalous Beaked Snake 7204 Anomalous Blind Snake 841 Anomolous Gecko 3525 Anomolous Sea Snake 8025 Antares Pythons 855 Anthill Python 858 Antigua Bank Ameiva (WI) 313 Antigua Bank Sphaero (WI) 7622 Antigua Dwarf Gecko 7622 Antigua Least Gecko 7622 Antillean Banded Gecko 6466 Antillean Iguana 4166 Antillean Painted Turtle 8165 Antillean Slider (WI) 8176 Antillean Snakes 860 Antilles Gecko 3709 Antilles Leaf-toed Gecko 3924, 6433 Antilles Racer 260 Antioquia Anole 528 Antioquia Scaly-eyed Gecko 4561 Antipa Turtle 6172 Antongil Leaf Chameleon 1381 Antongil Velvet Gecko 4030 Anton's Anole 529 Antsingy Leaf Chameleon 1380 Anzahamaru Skink 6115

Anzamala Madagascar Swift

Anzamala Madagascar Swift 6007 Anzuetoi Arboreal Alligator Lizard 8 Ao Habu 8247 Aquatic Box Turtle 7993 Aquatic Cooter 6820 Aquatic Coral Snake 5627 Aquatic Garter Snake 8034,8035, 8043 Arabian Carpet Viper 2943 Arabian Chameleon 1643 Arabian Dwarf Racer 2982 Arabian Fringe-fingered Lizard 41 Arabian Geckos 1404 Arabian Horned Viper 1592 Arabian Leaf-toed Gecko 3899 Arabian Mesalina 5518 Arabian Rock Gecko 1406 Arabian Sand Boa 3333 Arabian Saw-scaled Viper 2943 Arabian Short-fingered Gecko 7783 Arabian Skink 7481 Arabian Tiger Snake 7959 Arabian Toadhead Agama 6323 Arabian Uromastyx 8556 Arafura File Snake (ANZ) 110 Arafura Sea Snake 240 Arajara Mabuya 5276 Arakan Forest Turtle 3969 Arboreal Agama 183 Arboreal Alligator Lizards 7 Arboreal Emo Skink 3169 Archer's Post Gecko 3892 Argentine Anole 6660 Argentine Blind Snake 4790 Argentine Boa 1214 Argentine Land Tortoise 3602


Argentine Longtail Iguana 937 Argentine Marked Gecko 4028 Argentine Mud Turtle 4291 Argentine Pampas Snake 6300 Argentine Rainbow Boa 3268 Argentine Snake-headed Turtle 4077 Argus Slug-eater 7508 Argus Snail-sucker 7508 Arguta 5926 Aria Lizard 5927 Aria Racerunner 5927 Ariadna's Ctenotus 2344 Arid Ctenotus 2350 Arid Land Ribbon Snake 8076 Arid Monitor 8689 Arizona Alligator Lizard (NA) 3095 Arizona Alligator Lizard 3096 Arizona Black Rattlesnake 2247 Arizona Brush Lizard 8607 Arizona Chuckwalla 7315 Arizona Coral King Snake 4399 Arizona Coral Snake 5567, 5568, 5591 Arizona Coral Snakes 5566 Arizona Desert Whiptail 1978 Arizona Earth Snake 7580 Arizona Garter Snake 8052, 8060 Arizona Glossy Snake 951 Arizona King Snake (NA) 4402 Arizona Long-tailed Brush Lizard 8607 Arizona Lyre Snake (NA) 8265 Arizona Mountain King Snake 4402

Arizona Night Lizard 8752 Arizona Ridgenose Rattlesnake 2258 Arizona Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake 2258 Arizona Skink 3387 Arizona Striped Whiptail 1941 Arizona Tantilla 7925 Arizona Terrestial Garter Snake 8052 Arizona Twin-spotted Rattlesnake 2227 Arizona Wandering Garter Snake 8052 Arizona Zebratail Lizard 1470 Arizoona Mud Turtle 4256 Armadillo Girdled Lizard (CSA) 2121 Armadillo Girdle-tailed Lizard 2121 Armadillo Lizard 2121 Armadillo Spinytail Lizard 2121 Armenian Lizard 4310 Armenian Viper 2570 Armitage's Cylindrical Skink 1615 Armoured Anole 534 Armoured Chameleon 1380 Armoured Glass Lizard 5958 Armoured Glass Snake 5958 Armoured Leaf Chamaeleon 1380 Armoured Pricklenape 79 Armoured Stub-tailed Chamaeleon 1380 Armstrong's Dwarf Gecko 7600 Armstrong's Least Gecko 7600 Arnaldo's Green Racer 6261 Arnhem Land Two-line Dragon 2785 Arnold's Fringe-fingered Lizard 61


Arnold's Leaf-toed Gecko 3877 Arnold's Montane Skink 6714 Arnold's Rock Gecko 6676 Arnold's Sand Lizard 5519 Arnold's Skink (CSA) 6714 Arrau River Turtle 6601 Arrau Sideneck 6601 Arrau Sideneck Turtle 6601 Arrau Side-necked Turtle 6601 Arrow Ground Snake 5018 Arrowback Tree Snake 1238 Arrow-backed Tree Snake 1238 Arthrosauras 962 Arthrosepses 967 Artibonite Bush Anole 772 Aru Cylinder Snake 2475 Aru Green Python 5670 Aru Island Pipe Snake 2475 Aruba False Coral Snake 6576 Aruba Island Rattlesnake 2242 Aruba Leaf-toed Gecko 6435 Aruba Rattlesnake 2203 Aruba Whiptail 1910 Ashambu Roughtail (ISC) 8575 Ashe's Bush Viper 1011 Ashy Gecko 7608, 7620 Ashy Pit Viper 8244 Ashy Sphaero 7620 Asia Minor Agamas 7263 Asia Minor Dwarf Racer 2988 Asia Minor Spur-thighed Tortoise 8007 Asia-minor Chicken Snake 3045 Asian Box Turtles 2419 Asian Brown Tortoise 5402 Asian Cobra 5702

Atlantic Green Turtle

Asian Copperhed 3041 Asian Coral Snake 3870 Asian Coral Snakes 3865 Asian Flat-tailed Gecko 2158 Asian Giant Softshell 6171 Asian Giant Softshell Turtle 6171, 6172 Asian Giant Soft-shelled Turtle 6171 Asian Giant Softshells 6170 Asian Grass Lizard 7856 Asian Green Snakes 2459 Asian House Gecko 2158, 3891 Asian House Geckos 2156 Asian Kukri Snake 5908 Asian Lancehead Snakes 8217 Asian Leaf Turtle 2441 Asian Leaf Turtles 2440 Asian Longnose Whip Snakes 221 Asian Pipe Snakes 2474 Asian Pit Viper 211 Asian Pit Vipers 6022, 8217 Asian Racer 2058 Asian Rat Snake 6944 Asian Rat Snakes 6942 Asian Sea Snakes 4082 Asian Slug Snakes 6134 Asian Snake-eyed Skink 6 Asian Softshell Turtle 453 Asian Sunbeam Snake 8793 Asian Tiger Keelback 7079 Asian Tiger Snake 7079 Asian Tokay 3572 Asian Tortoises 4180 Asian Water Monitor (ANZ) 8680 Asian Wolf Snakes 5096 Asian Yellow Pond Turtle 1787, 5459 Asiatic Cobra 5702 Asiatic File Snake (ISC) 111

Asiatic Flying Lizards 2860 Asiatic Geoemyda 5483 Asiatic Lancehead Snakes 8217 Asiatic Softshell 453, 454 Asiatic Softshell Turtle 453 Asiatic Softshell Turtles 451 Asiatic Softshells 451, 452 Asiatic Water Snake 7556, 8779 Asiatic Water Snakes 7555 Asp 5697, 8700 Asp Viper 8700, 8701 Aspiduras 996 Aspis Viper 8700 Assam Bow-fingered Gecko 2524 Assam Green Trinket Snake 3010 Assam Keelback 356 Assam Kukri Snake 5880 Assam Land Tortoise 5402 Assam Mountain Snake 6524 Assam Roof Turtle 4229 Assam Roofed Terrapin (ISC) 4229 Assam Roofed Turtle 4229 Assam Saw-back Turtle 4229 Assassin Snakes 1019 Asuncion Worm Lizard 4642 Atacamen Pacific Iguana 5547 Atahuallpa Saphenophis Snake 7287 Atalaye Curlytail Lizard 4501 Ateuchosauruses 1005 Atherton Tableland Ctenotus 2386 Atherton Tableland Skink 3696 Atlantic Central American Milk Snake 4423 Atlantic Green Turtle 1759

Atlantic Hawksbill

Atlantic Hawksbill 3309 Atlantic Hawksbill Sea Turtle 3309 Atlantic Leatherback 2670 Atlantic Lizard 3498 Atlantic Loggerhead 1520 Atlantic Olive Ridley 4575 Atlantic Ridley 4575 Atlantic Ridley Sea Turtle 4575 Atlantic Salt Marsh Snake 5773 Atlas Agama 169 Atlas Day Gecko 7006 Atlas Day Geckos 7005 Auber's Ameiva 299 Aubry's Flapshell Turtle 2446 Aubry's Soft-shelled Turtle 2446 Aurora House Snake 4440 Aurora Snake (CSA) 4440 Austen Thick-toed Gecko 6055 Austen's Gecko (CSA) 6055 Australasian Blind Snakes 7010 Australia Snapping Turtles 3104 Australian Bearded Dragon 6616 Australian Bighead Turtle 3193 Australian Big-headed Turtle 3193 Australian Black Snakes 6787 Australian Black-striped Snake 7200 Australian Blind Snake 7014 Australian Bloodsucker 331 Australian Brown Snakes 2613 Australian Burrowing Snake 8693 Australian Carpet Python 5669


Australian Clawed Geckos 1837 Australian Copperhead 1131 Australian Copperheads 1128, 2661 Australian Coral Snake 7544 Australian Coral Snakes 7541 Australian Crocodile 2173 Australian Crowned Snakes 2923 Australian Diamond Pythons 5658 Australian Dragon Lizards 329 Australian Dragons 2300 Australian Earless Agama 8363 Australian Earless Agamas 8356 Australian Earless Lizard 8363 Australian Earless Lizards 8356 Australian Eastern Snakenecked Turtle 1746 Australian Forest Dragons 4141 Australian Forest Geckos 3986 Australian Fossorial Skink 1504 Australian Freshwater Crocodile 2173 Australian Frilled Lizard 1833 Australian Gecko 2597 Australian Giant Gecko 7087 Australian Island Skinks 3625 Australian Island-dweller 2289 Australian Lowlands Copperhead 1131 Australian Mangrove Snake 5687

Australian Mangrove Snakes 5686 Australian Mollusc-eating Turtles 3192 Australian Python 5664 Australian River Turtles 3192 Australian Rosebelly Snake 2927 Australian Scalyfoot 2597 Australian Scalyfoots 6981 Australian Sharp-snouted Turtle 3193 Australian Short-necked Turtles 3192 Australian Small-eyed Snake 7199 Australian Snake-eyed Skink 2289 Australian Snake-necked Turtle 1746 Australian Snake-necked Turtles 1744 Australian Snapping Turtles 3104 Australian Spotted Tree Monitor 8681 Australian Striped Ctenotus 2348 Australian Thread Snakes 7010 Australian Tiger Snake 5829 Australian Tiger Snakes 5827 Australian Two-pored Dragon 2783 Australian Water Dragon 5078, 6494 Australian Water Dragons 5076 Australian Water Pythons 4857 Australian Water Snake 5687 Australian Whip Snakes 5404 Australian Woodland Gecko 2733


Austro-American Sidenecked Turtles 1743 Austro-Caledonian Skink 3733 Austromendocino Tree Iguana 4883 Autlan Rattlesnake 2211 Avery's Coral Snake 5574 Awl-headers 5263 Awl-heded Snakes 5263 Ayala's Anole 563 Azad Bow-fingered Gecko 2548 Azerbaijan Lizard 4342 Azure-tailed Skink 3138 Babilla 1419 Baby Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle (NA) 875 Bachias 1134 Back-fanged Tree Snake 2844 Badakhshana Rock Agama 7728 Bahama Boa (NA) 3278 Bahama Worm Lizard 403 Bahaman Bark Anole 609 Bahaman Brown Anole 787 Bahaman Crested Lizard 4489 Bahamian Ameiva (WI) 318 Bahamian Brown Blind Snake (WI) 8443 Bahamian Green Anole (WI) 804 Bahamian Pink Blind Snake (WI) 8384 Bahamian Racer (WI) 270 Bahamian Thread Snake (WI) 4724 Bahia Colobosaura 2024 Bahia Snail-eater 2823 Bahia Worm Lizard 4650 Bailey's Blind Snake 4707 Bailey's Snake 8113 Bailey's Snakes 8112

Banded Amphibious Sea Snake

Baird's Black-headed Snake 7867 Baird's Centipede-eater 7867 Baird's Patchnose Snake 7271 Baird's Patch-nosed Snake 7271 Baird's Pilot Snake 2994 Baird's Rat Snake 2994 Baja Black-collared Lizard 2277 Baja California Brush Lizard 8609 Baja California Coachwhip 5414 Baja California Collared Lizard 2277 Baja California Collared Lizard 2274 Baja California Gopher Snake 6517 Baja California Leaf-nosed Snake 6479 Baja California Legless Lizard 497 Baja California Lizard 8609 Baja California Lyre Snake (NA) 8265 Baja California Mountain King Snake 4432 Baja California Night Lizard 8753 Baja California Night Snake 3312, 3313 Baja California Night Snakes 3310 Baja California Patch-nosed Snake 7278 Baja California Rat Snake 1222 Baja California Rattlesnake (NA) 2204 Baja California Rock Lizard 6204 Baja California Rosy Boa 4868 Baja California Slider 8172 Baja California Spiny Lizard (NA) 7434

Baja California Striped Whip Snake 5406 Baja California Whiptail 1946 Baja Coachwhip 5414 Baja Gopher Snake 6512 Baker's Cat-eyed Snake 4659 Baker's Spinytail Iguana 2327 Baker's Worm Lizard 404 Balearic Wall Lizard 6586 Bali Skink 5329 Balkan Emerald Lizard 4348 Balkan Glass Snake 5958 Balkan Grass Snake 5740 Balkan Green Lizard 4348 Balkan Racer 2053 Balkan Skink 5 Balkan Whip Snake 2051, 2053 Ball Python 6993 Ball Snake 1739 Balsan Coral Snake 5602 Balsas Anole 592 Balsas Armed Lizard 2328 Balsas Spinytail Iguana 2328 Balu Bow-fingered Gecko 2500 Baluch Ground Agama 8196 Baluch Plate-tailed Gecko 7978 Baluch Rock Gecko 1407 Bamboo Pit Viper (ISC) 8229 Bamboo Snake 6906 Bamboo Snakes 6905 Bamboo Viper 8218 Bamfylde's Writhing Skink 5223 Banana Boas 8531 Banda Island Dtella 3537 Banded Amphibious Sea Snake 4484

Banded Anole

Banded Anole 624 Banded Basilisk 1167 Banded Broad-headed Snake 4050 Banded Brown Snake 6889 Banded Burrowing Skink 481 Banded Burrowing Snake 1791 Banded Burrowing Snakes 1777 Banded Calico Snake 6047 Banded Cat-eyed Snake 4657, 4662 Banded Centipede Snake 7915 Banded Centipede-eater 882 Banded Cobra 5697 Banded Coluber 3047 Banded Coral Snake (ISC) 3870 Banded Dwarf Boa 8316 Banded Earth Snake 3643 Banded Flying Snake 1849 Banded Galliwasp 2763 Banded Gecko (CSA) 6064 Banded Gecko (NA) 2010 Banded Geckos 2001 Banded Gila Monster 3855 Banded Green Cat Snake 1249 Banded Ground Snake 1083 Banded House Gecko 3888 Banded Iguana 1314 Banded Iguanas 1313 Banded Japalure 4204 Banded Keelback 8781 Banded King Snake 4402 Banded Krait 1393, 1396 Banded Kukri Snake 5874 Banded Leaf-toed Gecko 3888 Banded Lipinia 5060 Banded Lizard-fingered Gecko 7305


Banded Lizard-toed Gecko 7305 Banded Malaysian Coral Snake 5447 Banded Marked Gecko 4022 Banded Marsh Snake 5731 Banded Pampas Snake 6303 Banded Pit Viper 8225 Banded Racer 7548 Banded Rattlesnake 2208 Banded Red-bellied Anole 784 Banded Rock Agama 2471 Banded Rock Lizard 6202 Banded Rock Rattlesnake 2213 Banded Sand Lizard 5848 Banded Sand Snake 1778 Banded Scaled Gecko (ISC) 7975 Banded Sea Snake 4090, 4482 Banded Sea Snakes 4481 Banded Skink 3447, 7478 Banded Skinks 7477 Banded Slug-eater 7510 Banded Small-headed Sea Snake 4093 Banded Snail-eater 8287 Banded Snail-sucker 8287 Banded Snake 6843 Banded Snakes 1728, 2661,6842, 7160 Banded Swift (NA) 7420 Banded Toed Gecko 7305 Banded Tree Anole 817 Banded Tree Snake 5131, 8273 Banded Tree Snakes 5130 Banded Water Cobra 1310 Banded Water Snake 5782, 5792 Banded Watersnake 5780 Banded Wolf Snake 5104, 5119

Bandless Sand Snake (NA) 1781 Bandy-Bandy (ANZ) 8693 Bandy-Bandy Snakes 8692 Baobab Gecko (CSA) 3926 Baoruca Anole 538 Baoruca Stout Anole 809 Baoruco Dwarf Gecko 7614 Baoruco Least Gecko 7614 Baoruco Long-snouted Anole 538 Baoruco Twig Anole 799 Baracoa Anole 540 Baracoa Giant Anole 540 Baracoan Eyespot Sphaero 7607 Barahona Anole 541 Barahona Big-scaled Sphaero 7662 Barahona Blind Snake 8486 Barahona Curlytail Lizard 4488 Barahona Giant Anole 541 Barahona Grass Anole 521 Barahona Limestone Sphaero 7685 Barahona Stout Anole 687 Barahona Thread Snake 4770 Barahona Worm Snake 8486 Barahoona Speckled Sphaero 7664 Baramen Bamboo Snake 6907 Baran Dwarf Racer 2983 Barba Amarilla (NA) 1283 Barbados Anole (WI) 624 Barbados Ground Snake (WI) 5011 Barbados Leaf-toed Gecko 6452 Barbed Agama 6609 Barberton's Dark-girdled Lizard 2139 Barbour's Anaconda 3436 Barbour's Bachia 1137


Barbour's Centipede Snake 7863 Barbour's Chameleon 1645 Barbour's Clawed Gecko 6876 Barbour's Day Gecko 6211 Barbour's Dwarf Gecko 7686 Barbour's Dwarf Skink 7452 Barbour's Dwarf Snake 8256 Barbour's Eyelid Skink 3368 Barbour's Galliwasp 1569 Barbour's Gecko 1875 Barbour's Ground Skink 7452 Barbour's Least Gecko 7686 Barbour's Map Turtle 3781 Barbour's Montane Pit Viper 1609 Barbour's Sawback 3781 Barbour's Sawback Turtle 3781 Barbour's Tropical Ground Snake 8256 Barbour's Tropical Racer 5437 Barbour's Worm Lizard 1127 Barbour's Worm Lizards 1126 Barboza's Leaf-toed Gecko 3880 Barbuda Bank Bush Anole (WI) 832 Barbuda Bank Tree Anole (WI) 677 Bardick (ANZ) 2938 Bardick's Snake 2938 Bardick's Snakes 2937 Barefoot Banded Gecko 2008 Barefoot Gecko 2008 Bark Anole 609, 735 Bark Gecko (ISC) 3908 Bark Snake 3964

Bay Island Dwarf Gecko

Bark Snakes 3962 Barker's Anole 543 Barking Gecko (CSA) 6939, 6940 Barking Gecko 6938 Barking Geckos (CSA) 6936 Barkly Tableland Dtella 3553 Bar-lipped Sheen Skink 3351 Barnard's Namib Day Gecko (CSA) 7230 Barnard's Slender Gecko 7230 Barnes's Cat Snake 1228 Barnett's Lancehead 1284 Baron's Green Racer 6262 Barotse Burrowing Snake (CSA) 292 Barotse Water Snake 2261 Barred Anole 810 Barred Centipede-eater 883 Barred Forest Racer 2660 Barred Kukri Snake 5913 Barred Leaftail Gecko 6483 Barred Spiny Lizard 7374 Barred Tree Snake 1849 Barreras Fanged Snake 4156 Barrington Island Iguana 2090 Barrington Island Land Iguana 2090 Barrington Land Iguana 2090 Barrington Leaf-toed Gecko 6415 Barrio's Burrowing Snake 905 Barron's Kukri Snake 5875 Bartlett's Flying Dragon 2861 Basal Shade Skink 7292 Basilisc Rattlesnake 2190 Basilisk Skink 7292 Basilisk Skinks 7291

Basilisk Water Skink 4453 Basilisks 1163 Basin Ground Snake 1096 Basin Worm Snake 8453 Basoglu Racerunner 3300 Bass Strait Skink 6809 Bastagurs 1168 Bastard Turtle 4575 Bastion Cay Curlytail Lizard 4502 Bat Anole 746 Batagur 1169 Batagur River Terrapin (ISC) 1169 Batagur Terrapin (ISC) 1169 Batagurine Turtle 1169 Batagurine Turtles 1168 Batan Scaly-toed Gecko 4579 Batillus Blind Snake 7015 Batjan Frog-eating Snake 7715 Batjan Iridescent Snake 1449 Battersby's Dwarf Boa 8304 Battersby's Emo Skink 3120 Battersby's Green Snake 6281 Battersby's Mole Viper 1021 Baudin's Emo Skink 3121 Baudin's Skink 3734 Baudin's Window-eyed Skink 6795 Baur's Leaf-toed Gecko 6416 Bavay's Gecko 3450 Bavay's Giant Gecko 7089 Bavay's Keeled Skink 8320 Bavay's New Caledonian Gecko 7089 Bavay's Skink 3732 Bay Anole 533 Bay Island Dwarf Gecko 7669

Bay Islands Leaf-toed Gecko

Bay Islands Leaf-toed Gecko 6447 Bay Islands Least Gecko 7669 Bayon's Mabuya 5279 Bayon's Skink 5279, 7499 Bead Snake 5593 Beaded Gecko (ANZ) 2723 Beaded Lizard 3853 Beaded Lizards 3852, 3857 Beaked Blind Snake (CSA) 7218 Beaked Blind Snake 4755, 7203, 8376 Beaked Cape Tortoise 4037 Beaked Gecko 7246 Beaked Geckos 7245 Beaked Legless Gecko 931 Beaked Legless Lizard 931 Beaked Sea Snake 3215 Beaked Sea Snakes 3214 Beaked Snake 7218 Beaked Snakes 7140, 7202 Beaked Thread Snake 4755 Beaked Worm Lizard 4651 Beaked Worm Snake 8376 Beak-nosed Snakes 7140 Beale's Eyed Turtle 7257 Bean Skink 5338 Bearded Anole 751 Bearded Dragon 6609, 6616 Bearded Dragons 6608 Bearded Lizard 6609 Bearded Pygmy Chameleon 7147 Bearded Snake 3486 Bearded Snakes 3485 Beardless Pygmy Chameleon 7146 Beatty's Dwarf Gecko 7602 Beatty's Least Gecko 7602 Beautiful Bent-toed Gecko 2545 Beautiful Bow-fingered Gecko 2545


Beautiful Gecko 2740 Beautiful Kukri Snake 5915 Beautiful Lipinia 5051 Beautiful Mabuya 5337 Beautiful Road Guarder 2096 Beautiful Short-fingered Gecko 7789 Beautiful Tree Iguana 4946 Beauty Lizards 1479 Beauty Rat Snake 3047 Beauty Snake 3047 Beccari's Keeled Skink 8321 Beccari's Water Skink 8321 Bechuanaland Worm Lizard 5651 Beck's Dwarf Gecko 7603 Beck's Least Gecko 7603 Beddome's Black Earth Snake 5493 Beddome's Dwarf Skink 7453 Beddome's Earth Snake 8570 Beddome's Gecko 1876 Beddome's Golden Gecko 1477 Beddome's Ground Skink 7453 Beddome's Indian Gecko 3518 Beddome's Keelback 337 Beddome's Mabuya 5280 Beddome's Malaysian Coral Snake 5445 Beddome's Ornate Gecko 1896 Beddome's Ristella 7252 Beddome's Skink 5280 Beddome's Worm Snake 8382 Bédriaga's Fringe-fingered Lizard 43 Bédriaga's Rock Lizard 4312 Bedriaga's Skink 1617

Bédriaga's Toadhead Agama 6345 Bédriaga's Wonder Gecko 7977 Beira Worm Lizard 8146 Bejewelled Velvet Gecko 5857 Belalanda Chameleon 1646 Belcher's Sea Snake 4084 Belding Orange-throated Whiptail (NA) 1938 Belding's Orange Whiptail 1938 Belgaum Worm Snake 8410 Belize Leaf-toed Gecko 6432 Bell's Anole 4557 Bell's Dab-Lizard 8553 Bell's Dobb-Lizard 8553 Bell's Eastern Hinged Tortoise 4245 Bell's Forest Dragon 3752 Bell's Hingeback Tortoise 4245 Bell's Hinged Tortoise(CSA) 4245 Bell's Mastigure 8553 Bell's Matuasto 4557 Bell's Skink 3461 Bell's Skinks 3460 Bengal Green Lancehead Snake 8224 Bengal lack Turtle 5486 Bengal Monitor 8650 Bengal Pit Viper 8224 Bengal Roof Turtle 4227 Bengal Roofed Turtle (ISC) 4227 Benin Agama 166 Benin Beaked Snake 7205 Bennett's Two-pored Dragon 2784 Bennett's Water Snake 3220 Benson's Mabuya 5281 Benson's Skink 5281 Bent's Mastigure 8556


Bent-toed Gecko (ISC) 2549 Bent-toed Geckos (NA) 3705 Bequaert's Green Snake 6282 Bequia Sphaero 7634 Berber Skink 3363 Berg Adder (CSA) 1187 Berger's Cape Tortoise 4038 Berger's Padloper 4038 Berlandier's Tortoise 3775 Bernard's Coral Snake 5575 Bernard's Dwarf Gecko (CSA) 5169 Bernier's Striped Snake 2883 Berriozabal Anole 741 Berry Island Boa 3282 Berthold's Bush Anole 6633 Berthold's False Fer-deLance 8785 Berthold's False Lancehead 8785 Berthold's Graceful Brown Snake 7117 Berthold's Worm Lizard 4640 Betanien Earth Snake 3630 Betsileo Mabuya 5282 Betsileo Tree Snake 5132 Bianconi's Egg-eater 2585 Bianconi's Terrapin 6186 Bibron Gecko 6056 Bibron's Agama 169 Bibron's Blind Snake (CSA) 8383 Bibron's Boa 1511 Bibron's Burrowing Asp 1022 Bibron's Burrowing Viper 1022 Bibron's Clawless Gecko 6056 Bibron's Coral Snake 1456 Bibron's False Coral Snake 6039

Bignose Ground Snake

Bibron's Gecko (CSA) 6056 Bibron's Iguana 2778 Bibron's Mabuya 5283 Bibron's Mole Viper 1022 Bibron's Skink 3738, 5283 Bibron's Stilleto Snake (CSA) 1022 Bibron's Thick-toed Gecko 6056 Bibron's Thick-toed Rock Gecko 6056 Bibron's Tree Iguana 4884 Bibron's Whiptail 1947 Bibron's Worm Snake 8383 Bi-coloured Blind Snake 8485 Bi-coloured Quill-snouted Snake (CSA) 8767, 8768, 8770 Bi-coloured Quill-snouted Snake 8769 Bicoloured Swamp Snake 4871 Bicoloured Swamp Snakes 4870 Bicycle Lizard 1833, 2318 Bieuwenhuis's Skink 4370 Bif Bend Spotted Whiptail 1970 Big Bend Blackhead Snake 7878, 7908 Big Bend Black-headed Snake 7908 Big Bend Canyon Lizard 7380 Big Bend Milk Snake 4412 Big Bend Mud Turtle 4269, 4274 Big Bend Patchnose Snake 7272 Big Bend Patch-nosed Snake 7272 Big Bend Slider 8167 Big Bend Tree Lizard 8616 Big Oriental Rat Snake 6959 Big Oriental Rat Snakes 6958

Big-eared Lipinia 5047 Big-eyed Bamboo Snake 6913 Big-eyed Blind Snake 8495 Big-eyed Keelback 6913 Big-eyed Mountain Keelback 6913 Big-eyed Snake 5636 Big-eyed Snakes 5635 Big-eyed Thread Snake 4754 Big-fanned Trunk Anole 576 Bighead Amazon River Turtle 6179 Bighead Amazon River Turtles 6178 Bighead Anole 564 Bighead European Grass Snake 5735 Bighead Sea Snake 4306 Bighead Sea Snakes 4305 Bighead Snakes 2072 Bighead Turtle 6555 Bighead Turtles 6553, 6554 Big-headed Amazon River Turtle 6179 Big-headed Anole 564 Big-headed False Coral Snake 7161 Big-headed Pantanal Swamp Turtle 36 Big-headed River Turtle 6179 Big-headed River Turtles 6178 Big-headed Side-necked Turtle 6179 Big-headed Thirst Snake 2817 Big-headed Turtle 6555 Big-headed Turtles 6553, 6554 Bignose Blind Snake 4762 Bignose Chameleon 1693 Bignose Ground Snake 1088

Big-scaled Anole

Big-scaled Anole 696 Big-scaled Blind Snake 4754 Big-scaled Dwarf Gecko 7641 Big-scaled Least Gecko 7641 Big-scaled Neusticurus 5813 Big-scaled Variable Lizard 1484 Big-tooth Snake 2708 Big-tooth Snakes 2707 Billacosite Softshell Turtle 7008 Billacosite Softshells 7007 Billacosites 7007 Bimini Boa 3281 Bimini Racer 270 Bimini Streaked Tree Boa 3278 Bimini Worm Snake 8384 Biocellate Cobra (ISC) 5702 Bird Snake 8110, 8111 Bird Snakes 6923, 8109 Birdhead Rock Gecko 6677 Bismarck Ringed Python 1273 Bismark Emo Skink 3122 Biuku 1454 Black Agama 155 Black Banded Gecko 2004 Black Blind Snake 4740, 4765, 8388 Black Blood Python 6989 Black Caiman 5500 Black Caimans 5499 Black Carlia 1540 Black Centipede Snake 7896 Black Centipede-eater 879 Black Chicken Snake (NA) 3026 Black Cobra (ISC) 5711 Black Copper Rat Snake 3009


Black Coral Snake 1462 Black Ctenotus 2339 Black Desert Cobra 8743 Black Desert Cobras 8742 Black Desert King Snake 4390 Black Earth Snakes 5491 Black Emo Skink 3157 Black False Boa 6841 Black File Snake (CSA) 5473 Black Forest Cobra 6882 Black Forest Racer 2909 Black Garter Snake 3080, 8034, 8074 Black Ground Skink 7468 Black Ground Snake 1057 Black Hills Red-bellied Snake 7814 Black Hills Redbelly Snake 7814 Black Hinged Terrapin 6190 Black House Snake 4446 Black Iguana 2337 Black Keeled Racer 1816 Black King Snake 4389 Black Krait 1402 Black Lava Lizard 8339 Black Legless Lizard 499 Black Mabuya 5331 Black Malaysian Coral Snake 5449 Black Mamba 2647 Black Marsh Turtle 7537 Black Marsh Turtles 7536 Black Milk Snake 4416 Black Mussurana 1856 Black Odd-scaled Snake 90 Black Pine Snake 6513 Black Pipe Snake 2480 Black Pond Turtle 3614 Black Pond Turtles 3613 Black Racer (NA) 2036 Black Racer 2034

Black Rat Snake 3028 Black River Turtle 7173 Black Rock Agama 7737 Black Rock Skink 2975 Black Sand Monitor 8677 Black Sea Turtle 1758 Black Sea Viper 8721 Black Sipo 1819 Black Skink 3157 Black Snake 2034 Black Snapper (NA) 7566 Black Softshell 988 Black Softshell Turtle 988 Black Soft-shelled Turtle 864, 988 Black Soil Ctenotus 2399 Black Spine-necked Swamp Turtle 39 Black Spiny Softshell Turtle 864 Black Spiny-necked Swamp Turtle 39 Black Spinytail Iguana 2337 Black Spiny-tailed Iguana 2337 Black Spitting Cobra 5708 Black Spotted Pond Turtle 3614 Black Stream Anole 620 Black Striped Shade Lizard 1607 Black Swamp Snake 7489, 7491 Black Tegu 8355 Black Terrapin 6190 Black Thread Snake (CSA) 4765 Black Tiger Snake (ANZ) 5828 Black Tiger Snakes 5827 Black Tree Iguana 4935 Black Tree Monitor 8649 Black Tree Snake 1847, 8115, 8116 Black Tree Snakes 8114 Black Turtle (ISC) 5483


Black Turtle 1757 Black Viper 8706 Black Water Snake (CSA) 5125 Black Water Snake (NA) 8042 Black Water Snake 5127 Black Whip Snake 2070, 2614 Black Wood Turtle 7173 Black Worm Snake (CSA) 4765 Black-and-white Cobra 5700 Black-and-white Worm Lizard 413 Black-and-yellow Rat Snake 7708 Black-and-yellow Rat Snakes 7707 Black-and-yellow Sand Lizard (CSA) 3296 Black-and-yellow Sea Snake (ISC) 6169 Black-and-yellow Tegu 8355 Black-backed Earth Snake 1096 Black-banded Cat-eyed Snake 4662 Black-banded Coral Snake 5613 Black-banded Earth Snake 3656 Black-banded Gecko 2598 Black-banded Ground Skink 4537 Black-banded Scalyfoot 2598 Black-banded Sea Snake 2849, 4484 Black-banded Skink 3421 Black-banded Snake 2081, 7484 Black-banded Snakes 2074, 7483 Black-banded Trinket Snake 3035 Black-barbed Dragon 2872

Black-lipped Agama

Black-barbed Flying Dragon 2872 Black-barred Tree Snake 1232 Black-bellied Centipedeeater 7894 Black-bellied Marsh Snake 3864 Black-bellied Racerunner 1926 Black-bellied Roughside 8179 Black-bellied Slider 8166 Black-bellied Swamp Snake (ANZ) 3864 Black-bellied Vermiphage 8179 Black-bellied Worm-eating Snake 8179 Blackbelly Centipede Snake 7894 Blackbelly Dwarf Boa 8312 Blackbelly Garter Snake 8072 Blackbelly Ground Snake 1079 Blackbelly Leaf-toed Gecko 3920 Blackbelly Racerunner 1926 Blackbelly Snake 4069 Blackbelly Snakes 4068 Blackbelly Swamp Snake 3864 Blackbelly Worm-eating Snake 8179 Black-bordered Emo Skink 3158 Black-bordered Rat Snake 8812 Black-breasted Leaf Turtle 3624 Black-breasted Pond Turtle 3614 Black-chinned Water Snake 3844 Black-collared Lizard 2272 Black-collared Snake 2881 Black-collared Snakes 2880

Black-flanked Skink (CSA) 5314 Black-flecked Carlia 1541 Black-green Tree Iguana 4937 Black-handed Skink 5331 Blackhead Snake 7877 Black-headed Bushmaster 4362 Black-headed Calico Snake 6045 Black-headed Centipedeeater 7891 Black-headed Centipedeeater 878 Black-headed Coppery Snake 6723 Black-headed Coral Snake 5570, 5574 Black-headed Dwarf Chameleon 1346 Black-headed Ground Snake 1085 Black-headed Python 990 Black-headed Pythons 989 Black-headed Sea Snake 4102 Black-headed Snake 7819, 7891 Black-headed Snakes (NA) 7862 Black-headed Worm Lizard 427 Black-headed Worm Snake 8451 Blackhood Snake 7878 Black-knobbed Map Turtle 3787, 3789 Black-knobbed Sawback 3787 Black-knobbed Sawback Map Turtle 3787 Black-lined Green Snake 3823 Black-lined Green Snakes 3822 Black-lined Plated Lizard 3684 Black-lipped Agama 1496

Black-lipped Cobra

Black-lipped Cobra 5700 Black-lipped Eyebrow Lizard 6316 Black-lipped Forest Dragon 4149 Black-lipped Forest Lizard 1496 Blackmask Racer 2041 Black-masked Racer 2041 Black-mouthed Mamba (CSA) 2647 Blackneck Garter Snake 8045 Blackneck Spitting Cobra 5705 Black-necked Agama 7727 Black-necked Arboreal Agama 7732 Black-necked Cobra 5705 Black-necked Garter Snake 8045 Black-necked Spitting Cobra 5705, 5707 Black-necked Tree Agama (CSA) 155 Black-ocellated Racerunner 5928 Black-rayed Softshell Turtle 453 Black-ringed Coral Snake 5608 Black-shouldered Ground Dragon (ANZ) 2302 Black-sided Emo Skink 3118 Black-skinned Parrot Snake 4675 Black-soil Bearded Dragon 6610 Black-speckled Palm Pit Viper 1259 Black-speckled Wolf Snake 5151 Black-spotted Anole 723 Black-spotted Dwarf Gecko 7649 Black-spotted Least Gecko 7649 Black-spotted Racerunner 5928


Black-spotted Skink 2966 Black-spotted Tree Iguana 4936 Black-spotted Whorltail Iguana 7768 Black-striped Debris Snake 2081 Black-striped Legless Gecko 6569 Black-striped Legless Geckos 6568 Black-striped Sea Snake 4103 Black-striped Skink 386 Black-striped Snake (ANZ) 7200 Black-striped Snake 2081, 2082 Black-striped Snakes 2074 Blacktail Blind Snake 7025 Blacktail Brush Lizard 8611 Blacktail Cribo 2902 Blacktail Hognose Viper 6643 Blacktail Montane Pit Viper 6643 Blacktail Rattlesnake 2222, 2223, 2252 Blacktail Skink 3697 Blacktail Toadhead Agama 6350 Black-tailed Brush Lizard 8611 Black-tailed Montane Pit Viper 6643 Black-tailed Python 6990 Black-tailed Rattlesnake 2222 Black-tailed Toad Agama 6350 Black-templed Cat Snake (CSA) 2262 Black-throated Bloodsucker 1495 Black-throated Rainbow Skink 1541 Black-throated Stout Anole 534

Black-ventered Ground Snake 1086 Blade Chameleon 1668 Blair's Bachia 1139 Blair's King Snake 4376 Blake's Anadia 458 Blakeway's Mountain Snake 6523 Blanchard's Earth Snake 3632 Blanchard's Helmet Skink 8210 Blanchard's Milk Snake 4411 Blanc's Dwarf Gecko 5170 Blanc's Leaf Chameleon 1370 Blanc's Plated Lizard 6739 Blanc's Psammodromus 6739 Blanding's Cat Snake 1229 Blanding's Tree Snake 1229 Blanding's Turtle 3191 Blanding's Turtles 3190 Blanford's Agama 8188 Blanford's Bridal Snake 2915 Blanford's Dragon 2863 Blanford's Earth Snake 2478 Blanford's Flying Dragon 2863 Blanford's Fringe-fingered Lizard 45 Blanford's Mabuya 5316 Blanford's Middle-toed Gecko 5463 Blanford's Pipe Snake 2478 Blanford's Rock Agama 7729 Blanford's Rock Gecko 6674 Blanford's Sand Agama 6747 Blanford's Snake Skink 5942 Blanford's Spotted Water Snake 3230


Blanford's Toadhead Agama 6327 Blank's Sand Lizard 6739 Blausanna Whiptail 1959 Bleached Earless Lizard 4005 Bleck's Kukri Snake 5924 Bleeker's Dwarf Snake 1438 Bleeker's Forest Dragon 3764 Blemished Anole 700 Blind Burrowing Snakes 8374 Blind Dart Skinks 8365 Blind Ground Snake 5022 Blind Legless Skinks (CSA) 8507 Blind Lizards 2690 Blind Skinks 2690, 2691, 8507 Blind Snakes 4701, 4702 Blind Snakes 836, 8374, 8375 Blind Worm 489 Blind Worm Lizard 405 Blind Worm Snakes 8374 Blood Python 6986, 6988 Blood Snake 7797 Blood Snakes 7795 Bloodsucker (ISC) 1498 Bloodsucker 1481 Bloodsucker Indian Lizard 1498 Bloodsuckers 1479 Bloody Ground Snake 1103 Blotchbelly Anole 698 Blotched Bluetongue Skink 8126 Blotched Blue-tongued Lizard (ANZ) 8126 Blotched Coral Snake 5575 Blotched Earth Snake 1062 Blotched Hooknose Snake 3480 Blotched Hook-nosed Snake 3480

Blue-throated Anole

Blotched Python 5661 Blotched Racer 2910 Blotched Water Snake 5779 Blotched-back Centipedeeater (CSA) 882 Blow Snake (NA) 3982, 3983 Blowing Viper (NA) 3982 Blue Agama 153 Blue Krait 1393 Blue Malaysian Coral Snake 5446 Blue Mountains Anole 768 Blue Mountains Tree Skink 3357 Blue Racer 2039 Blue Racers 6531 Blue Rock Iguana (WI) 2469 Blue Spiny Lizard 7406, 7407 Blue Tree Iguana 4893 Blue-banded Sea Snakes 4082 Blue-bellied Black Snake 6791 Blue-bellied Kukri Snake 5901 Blue-bellied Racerunner 1968 Bluebellies (NA) 7325 Bluebelly Java Snake 8021 Bluebelly Kukri Snake 5901 Blue-belly Lizard 7386 Bluebelly Lizard 7398 Bluebelly Rock Agama 7732 Blue-black Plated Lizard 2117 Blue-black Plated Lizards 2116 Blue-eyed Twig Anole 522 Bluefield's Anole 733 Blue-green Anole 574 Blue-green Bronzeback Snake 2630 Blue-green Galliwasp 2761

Blue-grey Sea Snake 4096 Blue-headed Tree Agama 7727 Blue-lipped Anole 554 Blue-lipped Tree Lizard 6573 Blue-mouthed Agamas 891 Blueneck Keelback 5372 Blue-necked Keelback 5372 Blue-spotted Girdled Lizard (CSA) 2119 Blue-spotted Spinytail Lizard 2119 Blue-spotted Wood Lizard 3253 Bluestripe Garter Snake 8102 Bluestripe Ribbon Snake 8085 Blue-striped Garter Snake 8102 Blue-striped Ribbon Snake 8085 Bluetail Day Gecko 6214 Bluetail Emo Skink 3132 Bluetail Mole Skink 3381 Bluetail Monitor 8654 Bluetail Scrub Lizard 5841 Blue-tailed Day Gecko 6214 Blue-tailed Emo Skink 3132 Blue-tailed Galliwasp (WI) 1574 Blue-tailed Ground Lizard 328 Blue-tailed Kopje Skink (CSA) 5339 Blue-tailed Lizard (CSA) 3994 Blue-tailed Mole Skink 3378, 3381 Blue-tailed Monitor 8654 Blue-tailed Sandveld Lizard (CSA) 5841 Blue-tailed Scrub Lizard (CSA) 5841 Blue-throated Agama 7727 Blue-throated Anole 579

Blue-throated Keeled Lizard

Blue-throated Keeled Lizard 245 Blue-throated Lizard (ISC) 6977 Blue-throated Rainbow Skink 1539 Blue-throated Rock Agama 7727 Blue-tonged Skinks 8118 Bluetongue Skink 8129 Bluetongue Skinks 8118 Blue-tongued Skink 8122, 8129 Blunthead Slug Snake 897 Blunthead Slug Snakes 896 Blunthead Snake 897 Blunthead Snakes 896 Blunthead Tree Snake 4172 Blunt-headed Giant Softshell Turtle 6172 Blunt-headed Green Tree Snake 8546 Blunt-headed Lacertids 5839 Blunt-headed Tree Snake 4172 Blunt-headed Tree Snake 897 Blunt-headed Tree Snakes 896, 4171 Bluntnose Leopard Lizard 3503 Bluntnose Viper 8716 Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard 3503 Blunt-nosed Viper 8716 Blunt-snouted Blind Snake (CSA) 8460 Blunt-tail Legless Geckos 922 Blunt-tail Legless Lizards 922 Blunt-tailed Earless Lizard 3997 Blunt-tailed Scaly-foots 922 Blunt-tailed Spider Gecko 194 Blunt-tailed Worm Lizard (CSA) 8149


Blyth's Earth Snake 7186 Blyth's Keelback 358 Blyth's Rat Snake 8812 Blyth's Reticulate Snake 1208 Boa Constrictor 1210 Boa Constrictors 1209 Boas 1209, 1225 Boas and Pythons 1225 Bocage's Blind Snake 4772 Bocage's Chameleon 1704 Bocage's Ground Skink 4533 Bocage's Horned Adder 1195 Bocage's Mabuya 5284 Bocage's Mole Viper 1027 Bocage's Sand Lizard 6157 Bocage's Serpentiform Skink 3445 Bocage's Shovelsnout (CSA) 6717 Bocage's Skinks 7496 Bockadam (ANZ) 1600 Bock's Ground Snake 1045 Bocourt's Agama 156 Bocourt's Ameiva 308 Bocourt's Anole 537 Bocourt's Arboreal Alligator Lizard 32 Bocourt's Black-headed Snake 7868 Bocourt's Coral Snake 5576 Bocourt's Dwarf Iguana 3248 Bocourt's Eyelid Skink 3369 Bocourt's Ground Snake 1046 Bocourt's Snail-eater 2837 Bocourt's Snake-eater 6620 Bocourt's Spiny Lizard 7326 Bocourt's Tropical Racer 2894 Bocourts Water Snake 3221

Boddaert's Tropical Racer 5435 Boelen's Python 5660 Boelen's Water Python 5660 Boenjoe Island Worm Snake 8432 Boettger's Anole 553 Boettger's Chameleon 1649 Boettger's Dwarf Gecko 5185 Boettger's Dwarf Racer 2989 Boettger's Dwarf Skink 7455 Boettger's Emo Skink 3123 Boettger's Girdled Lizard 8815 Boettger's Ground Skink 7455 Boettger's Ground Snake 1047 Boettger's Kentropyx 4237 Boettger's Mabuya 5286 Boettger's Madagascar Snake 3985 Boettger's Sipo 1812 Boettger's Skink 5286 Boettgers Snail-eater 2807 Boettger's Two-headed Snake 5539 Boettger's Wall Gecko 7939 Boettger's Whorltail Iguana 7752 Boettger's Worm Lizard 4633 Boettger's Worm Snake 8457 Bog Turtle 1868 Bogadek's Blind Skink 2693 Bogert's Abronia 10 Bogert's Arboreal Alligator Lizard 10 Bogert's Blind Dart Skink 8366 Bogert's Boa 3465 Bogert's Boas 3464


Bogert's Burrowing Skink (CSA) 8366 Bogert's Coral Snake 5577 Bogert's Emo Skink 3124 Bogert's Gecko 1220 Bogert's Geckos 1219 Bogert's Monitor 8651 Bogert's Rock Gecko 139 Bogota Anadia 459 Bogota Lightbulb Lizard 6692 Böhme's Five-toed Skink 4693 Böhme's Gecko 7938 Boids 1225 Boie's Aspidura 997 Boie's Dwarf Snake 1444 Boie's Gecko 1877 Boie's Ground Snake 1042 Boie's Keelback 5372, 7076 Boie's Kukri Snake 5878 Boie's Manytooth Snake 7532 Boie's Many-toothed Snake 7532 Boie's Rat Snake 3772 Boie's Rough-sided Snake 997 Boie's Smooth Snake 3727 Boie's Tree Snake 1232 Boie's Whip Snake 228 Bojer's Skink 3725 Bojer's Skinks 3724 Bokadam 1600 Bolivian Burrowing Snake 908 Bolivian Coral Snake 5592, 5630 Bolivian Ground Snake 1043 Bolivian Lancehead 1307 Bolivian Lightbulb Lizard 6693 Bolivian Tree Snake 7523 Bolivian Whorltail Iguana 7753

Boulenger's Bow-fingered Gecko

Bolson Gopher Tortoise 3776 Bolson Night Lizard 8747 Bolson Tortoise 3776 Bombay Agama 1497 Bombay Earth Snake 8576 Bombay Leaf-toed Gecko 3927 Bombay Sea Snake 4101 Booliati Snake 4304 Booliati Snakes 4303 Boomslang (CSA) 2844 Boomslang 2845 Boomslangs 2843 Bootlace Snake 7017 Border Anole 680, 776 Border Ground Snake 1067 Boreal Ctenotus 2349 Boreal Lerista 4801 Borelli's Marked Gecko 4020 Borelli's Worm Lizard 4634 Bornean Pit Viper 8219 Bornean Angle-headed Lizard 3763 Bornean Bloodsucker 1360 Bornean Earless Lizard 4471 Bornean Earless Monitor 4471 Bornean Flat-nosed Viper 8219 Bornean River Turtle 6016 Bornean Short-tailed Python 6987 Borneo Black Gecko 1894 Borneo Blood Python 6986 Borneo Bloodsucker 1360 Borneo Blue Beauty 3049 Borneo Bow-fingered Gecko 2531 Borneo Earless Monitor 4471 Borneo Forest Dragon 3754 Borneo Frog-eating Snake 7716

Borneo Pit Viper 8219 Borneo Red Snake 7801 Borneo Short-tailed Python 6987 Borneo Skink 935 Borneo Skinks 934 Borner's Day Gecko 6229 Borngersma's Worm Snake 8388 Borthwestern Garter Snake 8095 Bosc Monitor 8657 Bosc's Fringe-fingered Lizard 46 Bosc's Fringe-toed Lizard 46 Bosc's Lizard 46 Bosc's Monitor 8657 Bosc's Sandracer 46 Bosc's Spinefoot 46 Bosenborgo Sand Python 3336 Boshell's Forest Racer 2653 Bostami Softshell Turtle 988 Botel Gecko 3578 Botel Tobago Japalure 4212 Bougainville's Lerista 4802 Bougainville's Scaly-toed Gecko 4591 Bougainville's Skink 3735, 4802 Boulanger's Worm Lizard 4635 Boulder Mabuya 5356 Boulder Spiny Lizard 7401 Boulenger's Agama 159 Boulenger's Anadia 470 Boulenger's Anole 530 Boulenger's Asian Water Snake 7558 Boulenger's Blind Legless Skink (CSA) 8518 Boulenger's Blind Snake 4756 Boulenger's Bow-fingered Gecko 2529

Boulenger's Bronzeback

Boulenger's Bronzeback 2626 Boulenger's Bronzeback Snake 2626 Boulenger's Brown Tree Snake 2799 Boulenger's Burrowing Skink 7436 Boulenger's Bush Anole 6634 Boulenger's Cape Tortoise 4039 Boulenger's Centipede Snake 7864 Boulenger's Dasia 2580 Boulenger's Dwarf Gecko 7675 Boulenger's Dwarf Iguana 3252 Boulenger's Dwarf Skink 133 Boulenger's Earth Snake 8580 Boulenger's Eastern Water Snake 7558 Boulenger's Emo Skink 3153 Boulenger's False Coral Snake 6043 Boulenger's Feylinia 3474 Boulenger's Forest Dragon 3760 Boulenger's Forest Snake 3616 Boulenger's Garter Snake 3082 Boulenger's Gecko 1878 Boulenger's Green Anole 573 Boulenger's Ground Snake 1048 Boulenger's Keelback 347 Boulenger's Keelback 8776 Boulenger's Kukri Snake 5905 Boulenger's Largescale Lizard 6947 Boulenger's Lava Lizard 6000


Boulenger's Leaf-toed Gecko 6461 Boulenger's Least Gecko 7675 Boulenger's Legless Skink 8518 Boulenger's Lightbulb Lizard 6697 Boulenger's Limbless Skink 7487 Boulenger's Lipinia 5049 Boulenger's Mabuya 5287 Boulenger's Mole Viper 1023 Boulenger's Morethia 5676 Boulenger's Odd-scaled Snake 91 Boulenger's Padloper (CSA) 4039 Boulenger's Pipe Snake 2476 Boulenger's Racerunner 6831 Boulenger's Rock Agama 7749 Boulenger's Sand Racer 6768 Boulenger's Sand Skink 7703 Boulenger's Sandveld Lizard 5842 Boulenger's Scrub Lizard 5840 Boulenger's Short-legged Skink 1320 Boulenger's Skink (ANZ) 5676 Boulenger's Skink (CSA) 5287 Boulenger's Skink 381 Boulenger's Slender Snake 7836 Boulenger's Slug Snake 6135 Boulenger's Snail-eater 2812 Boulenger's Sun Tegu 3459 Boulenger's Tree Agama 2624

Boulenger's Tree Iguana 4887 Boulenger's Tree Lizard 494 Boulenger's Tree Snake 7526 Boulenger's Tropical Snake 4991 Boulenger's Water Snake 3231 Boulenger's Wedge-snouted Skink 7703 Boulenger's Wolf Snake 5148 Boulenger's Writhing Skink 5247 Boulton's Namib Day Gecko (CSA) 7232 Boulton's Slender Gecko 7232 Bourgeoe's Anole 556 Bourret's Blind Skink 2694 Bourret's Dibame 2694 Bourret's Emo Skink 3146 Bourret's Ground Skink 7470 Bourret's Odd-scaled Snake 84 Boursier's Saphenophis Snake 7288 Bouton's Island-dweller 2283 Bouton's Skink (CSA) 2283 Bow-fingered Geckos 2496 Bowfoot Geckos 2558 Bowring's Slender Skink 5224 Bowring's Writhing Skink 5224 Bowsprit Tortoise 1773 Bowsprit Tortoises 1772 Box Turtle 7986 Box Turtles 2419, 7985 Boyd's Forest Dragon 4143 Boyd's Garter Snake 8051 Boyd's Rainforest Dragon 4143 Boyle's Blind Snake (CSA) 8387


Boyle's Worm Snake 8387 Brachymeleses 1316 Braconnier's Horned Lizard 6389 Braconnier's Short Skink 6979 Bradfield's Dwarf Gecko 5171 Bradfield's Namib Day Gecko (CSA) 7233 Brahminy Blind Snake 7017 Brahminy Blind Snakes 7010 Brahminy River Turtle 3825 Brahminy Skink (ISC) 5294 Brahminy Terrapin (ISC) 3825 Braid Snake 2060 Braided Tree Iguana 4945 Brain's Blind Legless Skink (CSA) 8510 Branch Anole 549 Branco Wall Gecko 7940 Brandberg Gecko (CSA) 6066 Brandberg Thick-toed Gecko 6066 Bransford's Anole 557 Brauer's Skink 4197 Braun's Mabuya 5288 Brazil Pseudemyd Slider 8166 Brazil Snake-headed Turtle 4076 Brazilian Bird Snake 7084 Brazilian Bird Snakes 7083 Brazilian Blind Snake 4716 Brazilian Burrowing Snake 3704 Brazilian Burrowing Snakes 3703 Brazilian Bush Anole 6631 Brazilian Calico Snake 6049 Brazilian Chameleon 3256 Brazilian Coral Snake 5583

Broad-banded Coral Snake

Brazilian Dwarf Boa 8314 Brazilian False Coral Snake 6049 Brazilian False Water Cobra 2436 Brazilian False Water Cobras 2435 Brazilian False Water Snake 4074 Brazilian Fathead Anole 3256 Brazilian Galliwasp 2766 Brazilian Gecko 6473 Brazilian Geckos 1356, 6471 Brazilian Green Racer 6260 Brazilian Ground Snake 4983 Brazilian Lancehead 1301 Brazilian Lizards 3254, 6518 Brazilian Mabuya 5309 Brazilian Mussurana 1859 Brazilian Naked-toed Gecko 3809 Brazilian Radiolated Swamp Turtle 38 Brazilian Rainbow Boa 3269 Brazilian Sipo 1818 Brazilian Snakeneck Turtle 4076 Brazilian Snake-necked Turtle 4076 Brazilian Spotted Night Snake 7562 Brazilian Steppe Iguana 8623 Brazilian Striped Iguana 6711 Brazilian Tree Lizard 3256 Brazilian Tree Snake 7520 Brazilian Tropical Snake 2934 Brazilian Tropical Snakes 2933 Brazilian Water Cobra 2436 Brazilian Woodland Racer 2912

Brazilian Worm Lizard 1367 Brazilian Worm Lizards 1366 Brazil's Lancehead 1285 Brazil's Pit Viper 1285 Brazos River Water Snake 5785 Brazos Water Snake 5785 Breedlove's Anole 558 Brenner's Racerunner 6830 Bresslau's Bachia 1140 Breyer's Dark-girdled Lizard 2140 Breyer's Long-tailed Seps (CSA) 8014 Breyer's Plated Lizard (CSA) 8014 Breyer's Whip Lizard 8014 Bridal Snakes 2914 Bridges's Ameiva 301 Bridled Anole 632 Bridled House Gecko 3891 Bridled Mabuya 5357 Bridled Skink 5357 Briggs's Centipede Snake 7871 Bright Emo Skink 3171 Bright Snakes 4969 Brilliant Agama 8187 Brilliant Arboreal Alligator Lizard 15 Brilliant Skink 3739 Brilliant South American Gecko 3712 Brilliant Tree Iguana 4879 Brisbane Shortneck Tortoise 3196 Brisbane Shortneck Turtle 3196 Brisbane Short-necked Turtle 3196 British Virgins Blind Snake 8393 Broad-banded Copperhead 205 Broad-banded Coral Snake 5586

Broad-banded Sand Swimmer

Broad-banded Sand Swimmer 3305 Broad-banded Sea Snake 4101 Broad-banded Water Snake 5781 Broad-barred Rat Snake 3035 Broadhead Ground Snake 1071 Broadhead Skink 3396 Broadhead Snake 4049 Broad-headed Skink 3396 Broad-headed Snake 4049 Broad-headed Snakes 4047 Broadley's Lance Skink 100 Broadley's Mud Terrapin 6183 Broadley's Terrapin 6195 Broadley's Writhing Skink 5237 Broad-mouthed Caiman 1423 Broad-nosed Caiman 1423 Broad-ringed Coral Snake 5603 Broad-shelled River Turtle 1745 Broad-shelled Tortoise 1745 Broad-snouted Caiman 1423 Broad-snouted Spectacled Caiman 1423 Broad-tailed Day Gecko 6224 Broken-collar Graceful Brown Snake 7133 Broken-ringed Earth Snake 3665 Broken-stripe Sphaero 7638 Bromeliad Alligator Lizard 31 Bromeliad Arboreal Alligator Lizard 31 Bromeliad Galliwasp (WI) 1576 Brongersma's Casqueheaded Skink 8211


Brongersma's Eared Skink 5070 Brongersma's Emo Skink 3125 Brongersma's Helmet Skink 8211 Brongersma's Lipinia 5059 Brongersma's Lobulia 5070 Brongersma's Pit Viper 8220 Brongersma's Tree Skink 3688 Bronze Anole 506 Bronze Carlia 1535 Bronze Emo Skink 3114 Bronze Gecko 231 Bronze Girdled Lizard 8814 Bronze Grass Skink 5323 Bronze Lerista 4834 Bronze Mabuya 5323 Bronze Rock Skink (CSA) 5318 Bronze Snakes 221 Bronzeback Snakes 2625 Bronze-backed Parrot Snake 4679 Bronze-backed Snakes 2625 Bronzebacks 2625 Brook Snakes 6915 Brooke's Sea Snake 4086 Brook's Gecko (ISC) 3883 Brooks Kingsnake 4383 Brook's Leaf-toed Gecko 3883 Brooks's Ctenotus 2351 Brooks's Striped Skink (ANZ) 2351 Brooks's Wolf Gecko 5090 Brooks's Wolf Lizard 5090 Broom's Blind Snake 7018 Broom's Small Skink 6687 Brosset's Lizard-toed Gecko 7304 Brother Island Tuatara 7692 Brougham's Earth Snake 8571

Brown Anole 786 Brown Basilisk 1164, 1167 Brown Bicarinate Rainbow Skink 1546 Brown Blind Snake 7012 Brown Blunt-headed Tree Snake 4174 Brown Brook Snake 6920 Brown Burrowing Skink 847 Brown Caiman 1421 Brown Cat Snake 1240 Brown Dwarf Gecko 4562 Brown Egg-eater 2584 Brown Egg-eating Snake (CSA) 2584 Brown Fanged Snake 4157 Brown Forest Racer 2659 Brown Forest Skink 7697 Brown Fossorial Skink 1506 Brown Garter Snake 8045 Brown Ground Snake 1076 Brown Highland Racer 2894 Brown Hinged Terrapin 6185 Brown Hognose Snake 4513 Brown Hooknose Snake 3479 Brown House Snake 4442 Brown Keeled Racer 1808 Brown King Snake 4380 Brown Kukri Snake 5912 Brown Leaf Chameleon 1384 Brown Leaf-nosed Snake 6475 Brown Legless Gecko 924 Brown Legless Lizard 924 Brown Lightbulb Lizard 6700 Brown Mamba (CSA) 2647 Brown Mamushi 218 Brown Monitor 8676


Brown Mountain Racer 3060 Brown Mountain Racers 3059 Brown Mussurama 1861 Brown Parrot Snake 4676 Brown Pricklenape 82 Brown Priondactylus 6658 Brown Python 4858 Brown Rainbow Boa 3271 Brown Red-bellied Anole 673 Brown River Turtle 4228 Brown Roof Turtle 4228 Brown Roofed River Turtle 4228 Brown Roofed Terrapin (ISC) 4228 Brown Sand Boa 3334 Brown Sea Snake 238 Brown Sipo 1815 Brown Skink (NA) 3408 Brown Skink 5050 Brown Snake (NA) 8730, 8734 Brown Snake 4446, 7804, 7806 Brown Snakes 2613, 6887, 7803, 8761 Brown Soft-shelled Turtle (NA) 866 Brown Tortoise 5402 Brown Trapezoid Snake 7081 Brown Tree Iguana 4912 Brown Tree Skink 3693 Brown Tree Snake 1240 Brown Vine Snake 6029 Brown Water Dragon 6494 Brown Water Python 4858 Brown Water Skink 4452 Brown Water Snake (CSA) 5127 Brown Water Snake 149, 5794 Brown Water Snakes 148 Brown Wolf Snake 5097

Burmese Brown Tortoise

Brown Wood Lizard 3250 Brown Wood Turtle 7170 Brown Worm Lizard 1154 Brown Worm Snake 8414 Brownchin Racer 2040 Brown-chinned Racer 2040 Brown-eared Anole 635 Brown-eyed Bush Anole 524 Brown-flecked Carlia 1549 Brown-flecked Lerista 4850 Brown-headed Snake 3496, 7104 Brown-headed Streak Lizard 3716 Brown-roofed Turtle 4228 Brown's Coral Snake 5578 Brown's Emo Skink 3119 Brown's Gecko 3569 Brown's Mabuya 5315 Brown's Scaly-toed Gecko 4580 Brown's Short-legged Skink 1324 Brown's Wolf Gecko 5091 Brown's Wolf Lizard 5091 Brown-speckled Sphaero (WI) 7650 Brown-speckled Whip Snake 229 Brown-spotted Garter Snake 8083 Brown-spotted Skink 3700 Bruijn's Forest Dragon 4144 Brunet's Anole 561 Brush Lava Lizard 5550 Brush Lizard 8605 Brygoo's Burrowing Skink 480 Brygoo's Chameleon 1700 Brygoo's Girdled Lizard 8816 Brygoo's Leaf Chameleon 1369 Buchwald's Scaly-eyed Gecko 4559 Buckley's Teiid 254

Buenos Aires Worm Lizard 4648 Buerger's Tree Iguana 4888 Buettikofer's Glass Lizard 5962 Buettikofer's Glass Snake 5962 Bueycito Anole 517 Buff Lerista 4853 Buff-striped Grass Snake (CSA) 2891 Buff-striped Keelback (ISC) 368 Bulgar Dagh Viper 8710 Bulgarian Viper 8699 Bulky Anole 732 Bull Lizard 6596 Bull Snake 6498, 6499, 6506, 6511 Bull Snakes 6497 Bulldust Ground Dragon (ANZ) 2308 Buller's Spiny Lizard 7332 Bumpy Dwarf Gecko 5211 Bumpy Gecko 3591 Bunchgrass Lizard 7404, 7405 Bungars 1390 Bunker's Earless Lizard 4001 Burchell's Sand Lizard 6159 Bürger's Emo Skink 6110 Burma Black Turtle 5485 Burma Glass Lizard 5965 Burma Glass Snake 5965 Burman Glass Lizard 5965 Burmeister's Anole 6664 Burmeister's Green Racer 6263 Burmeister's Spotted Lizard 1567 Burmese Bighead Turtle 6557 Burmese Blind Snake 8405 Burmese Brown Tortoise 5402

Burmese Butterfly Lizard

Burmese Butterfly Lizard 4518 Burmese Eyed Turtle 5672 Burmese False Bloodsucker 6847 Burmese Flapshell Turtle 5068 Burmese Flapshelled Turtle 5068 Burmese Flying Gecko 6964 Burmese Glass Snake (ISC) 5965 Burmese Japalure 4218 Burmese Krait 1400 Burmese Leaf-toed Gecko 3903 Burmese Peacock Softshell 5816 Burmese Peacock Softshell Turtle 5816 Burmese Peacock Softshelled Turtle 5816 Burmese Peacock Softshells 5815 Burmese Peacock Turtle 5482 Burmese Pit Viper 8234 Burmese Python 6990, 6991 Burmese Rat Snake 3021 Burmese Roof Turtle 4232 Burmese Roofed Turtle 4232 Burmese Slender Skink 5222 Burmese Softshell (ISC) 5816 Burmese Softshell Turtle 5816 Burmese Soft-shelled Turtle 5816 Burmese Star Tortoise 3609 Burmese Starred Tortoise 3609 Burmese Swamp Turtle 5482, 5672 Burmese Wolf Snake 5108 Burmese Writhing Skink 5222


Burrowing Adders (CSA) 1019 Burrowing Asps (CSA) 1019 Burrowing Blind Skink 8737 Burrowing Blind Skinks 8735 Burrowing Cobra 6125 Burrowing Night Snake 6784 Burrowing Night Snakes 6783 Burrowing Python 1428 Burrowing Pythons 1427 Burrowing Rat Snake 3001 Burrowing Sand Skink 7482 Burrowing Sand Snake 1778 Burrowing Skinks 7435 Burrowing Snake Skink 5956 Burrowing Snakes 8567 Burrowing Snakes 902 Burrowing Spindle Snakes 1037 Burrowing Vipers 1019 Burton's Carpet Viper 2943 Burton's Nessia 5798 Burton's Painted Carpet Viper 2943 Burton's Snake Lizard 4855 Busack's Fringe-fingered Lizard 48 Busack's Leopard Fringetoed Lizard 48 Bush Anoles 6630 Bush Lizard 6635 Bush Snake (CSA) 6298 Bush Snakes 6279 Bush Vipers 1008 Bushmaster 4363 Bushmasters 4361 Butler's Black Snake 6789 Butler's Dtella 3540 Butler's Garter Snake 8040

Butler's Gecko 2599 Butler's Legless Lizard (ANZ) 2599 Butler's Morethia 5677 Butler's Scalyfoot 2599 Butler's Snake-eyed Skink 5837 Butler's Two-headed Snake 1783 Butler's Wolf Snake 5101 Butterfly Agama 4515 Butterfly Agamas 4514 Butterfly Lizard 4515 Butterfly Lizards 4514 Buttermilk Racer 2035 Buttner's Mabuya 5291 Button-scaled Gecko (CSA) 6071 Bynoe's Gecko 3987 Byrne's Gecko 2720 Caatinga Coral Snake 5598 Caatinga Lancehead 1288 Cabarita Dwarf Gecko 7628 Cabarita Least Gecko 7628 Cabeza de Vaca Prairie Lizard 7426 Cabinda Lidless Skink 6101 Cabo Corrientes Curlytail Lizard 4508 Cabo Cruz Banded Anole 649 Cabo Cruz Banded Sphaeroi 7617 Cabo Cruz Bearded Anole 509 Cabo Cruz Trunk Anole 585 Cabral Anole 799 Cabritas 1408 Caesar's African Water Snake 3800 Cagle's Map Turtle 3782 Caicaca Lancehead 1283 Caicos Dwarf Gecko 7605 Caicos Gecko (WI) 942 Caicos Least Gecko 7605


Caicos Trope (WI) 8308 Caiman Agama 1426 Caiman Agamas 1425 Caiman Island Terrapin 8176 Caiman Lizards 2857 Caimans 1418 Cairo Blind Snake 4721 Caissaca 1301 Caissara Mabuya 5292 Cajamarca Gecko 3710 Calabar Burrowing Boa 1428 Calabar Ground Python 1428 Calabar Ground Pythons 1427 Calamaria Reed Snake 4966 Calango (NA) 1961 Caledonian Ground Skink 4524 Caledonian Skink 1451 Caledonian Skinks 1450 Cali Kingsnake (NA) 4384 Calico False Coral Snake 6046 Calico Snakes 6037 California Alligator Lizard 3097, 3098 California Black-headed Snake 7902 California Boa (NA) 4867 California Garter Snake 8034, 3095 California Glossy Snake 952 California Horned Lizard 6393 California King Snake 4384, 4431 California Legless Lizard 498 California Legless Lizards (NA) 501 California Lyre Snake 8265, 8266 California Mountain King Snake 4431

Canopy Chameleon

California Night Snake 4139 California Plated Lizard 3090 California Pond Turtle 1865 California Red-sided Garter Snake 8096 California Ring-necked Snake (NA) 2675 California Rock Lizards 6201 California Side-blotched Iguana 8635 California Side-blotched Lizard 8635 California Southern Alligator Lizard 3098 California Striped Racer 5419, 5421 California Striped Whip Snake 5419, 5421 California Whip Snake 5419 California Whiptail 1980 Californian Desert Tortoise 3774 Californian King Snake 4384 Caliginous Mamushi 202 Callagurs 1453 Callose-palmed Shining Skink (NA) 2289 Callose-palmed Shining Snake-eyed Skink (NA) 2289 Callous Dwarf Gecko 7606 Callous Least Gecko 7606 Calodera Whip Snake 2615 Caloteses (ISC) 1479 Calvinia Thick-toed Gecko 6070 Camaguey's Dwarf Gecko 7674 Camaguey's Least Gecko 7674 Cambodian Kukri Snake 5905 Cameroon Collared Gecko 1902

Cameroon Dwarf Chameleon 7154 Cameroon Dwarf Gecko 5176 Cameroon Five-toed Skink 4685 Cameroon Keelback 364 Cameroon Lidless Skink 4685 Cameroon Racer 6607 Cameroon Racers 6606 Cameroon Rainforest Snake 2650 Cameroon Sailfin Chameleon 1691 Cameroon Snake-eater 6625 Cameroon Stumptail Chameleon 7154 Cameroon Worm Lizard 2495 Cameroon Worm Snake 8402 Campbell's Arboreal Alligator Lizard 11 Campbell's Galliwasp 2765 Campbell's Girdled Lizard (CSA) 2120 Campbell's Spinytail Lizard 2120 Campeche Spinytail Iguana 2326 Canarian Lizards 3497 Canaries Cylindrical Skink 1633 Canary Island Lizard 3497 Canary Wall Gecko 7935 Canaryan Cylindrical Skink 1633 Canary-bellied Wormeating Snake 8182 Cane Grass Dragon Lizard 2795 Cane Grass Two-line Dragon 2795 Canebrake Rattlesnake 2208, 2209 Cann's Snapping Turtle 3107 Canopy Chameleon 1718

Canopy Lizard

Canopy Lizard 6633 Cantil 196 Cantor's Dwarf Reed Snake 6897 Cantor's Giant Softshell Turtle 6172 Cantor's Krait 1392 Cantor's Kukri Snake 5884 Cantor's Pit Viper 8221 Cantor's Rat Snake 2996, 8810 Cantor's Slug Snake 6143 Cantor's Water Snake 1517 Canyon Lizard 7379 Canyon Spotted Whiptail (NA) 1912 Canyon Tree Lizard 8613 Cap Haitien Dwarf Gecko 7637 Cap Haitien Least Gecko 7637 Cape Arboreal Spiny Lizard 7363 Cape Black-headed Snake 877 Cape Blind Snake 4725 Cape Burrowing Skink 7443 Cape Centipede-eater 877 Cape Centipede-eater Snake (CSA) 877 Cape Cobra 5709 Cape Coral Snake 978 Cape Crag Lizard (CSA) 6859 Cape Cross Thick-toed Gecko 6069 Cape Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7442 Cape Dwarf Chameleon 1349 Cape Dwarf Gecko 5172 Cape File Snake 5469 Cape Flat Lizard 6540 Cape Gecko (CSA) 6058 Cape Gecko 6060 Cape Girdled Lizard (CSA) 2122


Cape Gopher Snake 6517 Cape Grass Lizard (CSA) 1734 Cape Ground Gecko (CSA) 6058 Cape Haitien Sphaero 7637 Cape Horned Adder (CSA) 1189 Cape Iguana 2331 Cape Leaf-toed Gecko 6467, 6469 Cape Legless Skink (CSA) 101 Cape Legless Skink 102 Cape Many-spotted Snake (CSA) 450 Cape Many-spotted Snake 3964 Cape Many-spotted Snakes 449 Cape Monitor 8657 Cape Mountain Lizard 8328 Cape Orange-throated Whiptail 1939 Cape Puff Adder 1196 Cape Red Rattlesnake 2231 Cape Reed Snake 450 Cape Region Whiptail 1956 Cape Rock Gecko 140 Cape Rough-scaled Lizard 4161 Cape Rough-scaled Sand Lizard (CSA) 4161 Cape Sand Lizard 6163 Cape Sand Snake 6758, 6759 Cape Skink (CSA) 5293 Cape Snake-Lizard 1734 Cape Spade-snouted Worm Lizard (CSA) 5642 Cape Speckled Skink 5313 Cape Spiny Lizard (NA) 7363 Cape Spinytail Iguana 2331 Cape Spiny-tailed Iguana 2331 Cape Terrapin (CSA) 6176

Cape Thick-toed Gecko (CSA) 6060 Cape Thick-toed Gecko 6058 Cape Thick-toed Ground Gecko 6058 Cape Thread Snake (CSA) 4725 Cape Three-striped Mabuya 5293 Cape Three-striped Skink (CSA) 5293 Cape Tortoises 4036 Cape Verde Giant Skink 5380 Cape Verde Giant Skinks 5379 Cape Verde Leaf-toed Gecko 3881 Cape Verde Wall Gecko 7941 Cape Wedge-snouted Amphisbaenian (CSA) 5642 Cape Wedge-snouted Worm Lizard 5642 Cape Whip Snake (NA) 5406 Cape Wolf Snake 5143 Cape Worm Lizard (CSA) 5642 Cape Worm Snake (CSA) 4725 Cape Worm Snake 4765 Cape Yellow Cobra 5709 Cape York Four-fingered Skink 5162 Capistrata Centipede Snake 7874 Cappadocian Lizard 4316 Capricorn Ctenotus 2353 Caprivi Rough-scaled Lizard 4162 Caqueta Anole 565 Caqueta Blind Snake 4719 Carajas Mud Turtle 4288 Carajascin Ground Snake 4987


Cardamon Hills Earth Snake 7189 Carey 3307 Carib Coral Snake 5617 Caribbean Ameiva 321 Caribbean Dwarf Gecko 7631 Caribbean Geckos 938 Caribbean Least Gecko 7631 Caribbean Mud Turtle 4255 Caribbean Snail-eater 2805 Caribbean Water Snake 8203 Carinate Curly-tailed Lizard 4489 Carinated Rat Snake 8809 Cariococca 5938 Carl Gans's Skink 4467 Carlias 1527 Carmen Island Bluethroated Whiptail 1917 Carnaby's Wall Skink (ANZ) 2284 Carolina Anole (WI) 566 Carolina Anole 567 Carolina Diamondback Terrapin 5385 Carolina Diamond-backed Terrapin 5385 Carolina Pygmy Rattlesnake 7572 Carolina Swamp Snake 7491 Carolina Water Snake 5793 Carpentaria Dtella 3538 Carpentaria Lerista 4803, 4844 Carpentaria Whip Snake 7198 Carpenter Anole 569 Carpenter's Anole 569 Carpet Chameleon 1680 Carpet Python 5664, 5669 Carpet Pythons 5658 Carpet Viper 1591, 2950 Carpet Vipers 2939

Cayman Islands Ground Iguana

Carp's Barking Gecko (CSA) 6937 Carrot Rock Anole 618 Carrot Rock Skink 5321 Carrot-tail Viper Gecko 7975 Carr's Snail-sucker 7509 Carteret's Skink 3737 Carter's Rock Gecko 6667 Carvalho's Mabuya 5295 Carvalho's Worm Lizard 408 Carved Worm Lizard 5653 Cascabel 2196 Cascabel Rattlesnake 2196 Cascade Garter Snake 8095 Cascaval 2196 Casilda's Anole 570 Caspian Even-fingered Gecko 274 Caspian Gecko 7968 Caspian Grasping Gecko 7968 Caspian Green Lizard 4347 Caspian Naked-fingered Gecko 7968 Caspian Pond Turtle 5452 Caspian Straight-fingered Gecko 274 Caspian Terrapin 5452 Caspian Turtle 5452 Caspian Whip Snake 2051 Casquehead Iguanas 4366 Casque-headed Iguana 4367 Casque-headed Lizard 4368 Casque-headed Lizards 4366 Casque-headed Skink 8213 Casque-headed Skinks 8208 Cassine River Worm Lizard 2494 Castellana 198 Castillon Anole 784 Casuhatien Anole 6662 Cat Fringe-fingered Lizard 52

Cat Gecko 128 Cat Geckos 127 Cat Island Boa 3279 Cat Snake 7961 Cat Snakes 7957 Catalen Lava Lizard 8334 Catalina Island Leaf-toed Gecko 6418 Catamayo Coral Snake 5579 Catesby's Pointed Snake 8546 Catesby's Snail-eater 2809 Cat-eyed Snake 4657, 4664 Cat-eyed Snakes 4656 Cat-eyed Tree Snakes (CSA) 2796 Cauca Coral Snake 5610 Caucasian Agama 7730 Caucasian Gecko 5465 Caucasian Lizard 4317 Caucasian Sand Boa 3332 Caucasian Snake 3018 Caucasian Viper 8713 Caucasus Emerald Lizard 4347 Caucasus Middle-toed Gecko 5465 Caucasus Viper 2570, 8713 Cave Anole 691 Cave Carlia 1545 Cave Night Lizard 4611 Cave Racer 3047 Cave Tropical Night Lizard 4611 Cave-dwelling Rat Snake 3050 Cayman Brac Anole 693 Cayman Brac Blind Snake (WI) 8409 Cayman Brac Worm Snake 8409 Cayman Dwarf Gecko 7596 Cayman Islands Dwarf Boa 8306 Cayman Islands Ground Iguana 2468

Cayman Islands Sphaero

Cayman Islands Sphaero (WI) 7596 Cayman Least Gecko 7596 Cayman Worm Snake 8394 Caymans Blue-fanned Anole (WI) 586 Caymans Green Anole (WI) 704 Cayo Frances Anole 747 Cebu Island Worm Snake 8424 Cedar Key Mole Skink 3380 Cedros Alligator Lizard 3089 Cedros Island Alligator Lizard 3089 Cedros Island Diamond Rattlesnake 2206 Cedros Island Gopher Snake 6509 Cedros Island Horned Lizard 6390 Cedros Island Night Snake 4132 Cedros Island Rattler 2206 Cedros Island Rattlesnake 2206 Cedros Island Whiptail 1979 Cei's Iguana 4890 Cei's Marked Gecko 4019 Cei's Mountain Lizard 6491 Celebes Tortoise 4182 Censky's Ameiva 305 Centipede Snakes 7862 Centipede-eater 7887 Centipede-eater 877 Centipede-eater Snakes 876 Centipede-eaters 876, 7862 Central African Blind Snake 4739 Central African Egg-eating Snake 2583 Central African Flapshell Turtles 2445 Central African Mud Turtle 6187


Central America Coral Snake 5613 Central American Alligator 2170 Central American Ameiva 311 Central American Armed Lizard 2336 Central American Banded Gecko 2006 Central American Basilisk 1164 Central American Bushmaster 4365 Central American Centipede Snake 7916 Central American Coral Snake 5613 Central American Cribo 2904 Central American Green Anole 548 Central American Lancehead 1282 Central American Mabuya 5351 Central American Milk Snake 4423 Central American Mud Turtle 4255 Central American Musk Turtle 7712 Central American Racers 2905 Central American River Turtle 2666 Central American River Turtles 2664, 2665 Central American Skink 5351 Central American Snapping Turtle 1769 Central American Speckled Racer 2907 Central American Spectacled Microteid 3816 Central American Tree Snake 4173 Central American Tree Snakes 4171

Central American Whiptail Lizard 311 Central Anatolian Pond Turtle 3210 Central Anole 572 Central Antillian Slider 8176 Central Asia Cobra 5711 Central Asia Sand Boa 3331 Central Asia Tortoise 8006 Central Asian Cobra 5711 Central Asian Nakedfingered Gecko 7969 Central Asian Pit Viper 211 Central Asian Toadhead Agama 6324 Central Asian Viper 209 Central Bahamas Rock Iguana (WI) 2472 Central Bahamas Sphaero (WI) 7612 Central Baja California Gopher Snake 6512 Central Bearded Dragon 6616 Central Blind Snake 7019 Central Bluetongue Skink 8125 Central Burrowing Snake 910 Central Carlia 1548 Central Coachwhip 5418 Central Coast Garter Snake 8034 Central Dunes Crowned Snake 7905 Central Florida Crowned Snake 7903, 7904 Central Leaf-toed Gecko 6444 Central Lined Snake 8283 Central Netted Dragon 2314 Central Netted Ground Dragon (ANZ) 2314 Central Pallid Anole 572 Central Plains Milk Snake 4417 Central Plateau Dusky Rattlesnake 2239, 2241


Central Sipo 1824 Central Texas Whip Snake 5430 Central Tree Gecko 5753 Centralian Blue-tongued Lizard (ANZ) 8125 Centralian Lashtail 330 Centralian Python 5661 Centrtal African Giant Terrapin 6187 Ceres 3539 Ceres Thick-toed Gecko 6073 Ceron's Glass Lizard 5963 Ceron's Glass Snake 5963 Cerralvo Island Sand Snake 1780 Cerralvo Island Sator 7299 Cerralvo Island Whiptail 1920 Cerro Baul Arboreal Alligator Lizard 26 Cerro Illescas Gecko 6419 Ceylon Bloodsucker 1482 Ceylon Cat Snake (ISC) 1230 Ceylon Deaf Agama 2107 Ceylon Earth Snake 8572 Ceylon Keelback 3821, 7067 Ceylon Keelbacks 3820 Ceylon Krait 1395 Ceylon Pit Viper 8252 Ceylon Shield-tailed Snake 8572 Ceylon Skinks 5796 Ceylon Terrapin 5483 Ceylon Tree Skink 4468 Ceylon Wolf Snake 1602 Ceylon Wolf Snakes 1601 Ceylon Worm Snake 8395 Ceylonese Ballnose 5258 Ceylonese Cylinder Snake 2479 Ceylonese Dasia 2577 Ceylonese Keelback 7067

Chief Ctenotus

Chabanaud's Fringefingered Lizard 47 Chabanaud's Mabuya 5290 Chaco Sideneck Turtle 37 Chaco Side-necked Turtle 37 Chaco Tortoise 3602 Chaco Tree Iguana 4891 Chain Dtella 3541 Chain King Snake 4386 Chain Snake (NA) 4386 Chain Snake 4382 Chain Viper 8722 Chaitzam's Ameiva 302 Challenger's Shade Skink 7293 Challenger's Skink 7293 Chameleon 1657 Chameleon Agama 1762 Chameleon Agamas 1761 Chameleon Dragon 1762 Chameleon Dragons 1761 Chameleon Forest Dragon 3755 Chameleon Gecko 1551 Chameleon Geckos 1550 Chameleons 1636, 1725 Chaney's Spiny Lizard 7335 Changeable Agama 8193 Chapa Mountain Keelback 5984 Chapant (ISC) 4228 Chaparral Snake 5419 Chaparral Whip Snake 5421 Chapell Island Tiger Snake 5828 Chapin's Terrapin 6187 Chapman's Stumptail Chameleon 7148 Charm Anole 644 Charters Towers Lerista 4806 Chatham Leaf-toed Gecko 6438 Checkerboard Garter Snake 8045

Checkerboard Worm Lizard (NA) 8276 Checkered Coffee Snake 5823 Checkered Garter Snake (NA) 8070, 8071 Checkered Keelback (ISC) 8779 Checkered Whiptail (NA) 1976 Cheechak 3891 Cheesman's Lipinia 5044 Chequerboard Worm Lizard 8276 Chequered Garter Snake 8070 Chequered Keelback 8779 Chequered Keelback Water Snake 8779 Chequered Lizard 5848 Cherlin's Saw-scaled Viper 2947 Chernov Rock Agama 7731 Chernov's Agama 161 Chernov's Snake Skink 5944 Chestnut Hinged Terrapin (CSA) 6185 Chestnut Terrapin 6185 Chevronate Gecko (NA) 7625 Chiapas Anole 595 Chiapas Earth Snake 3634 Chiapas Giant Musk Turtle 7712 Chiapas Mud Turtle 4286 Chiapas Pygmy Anole 764 Chiapas Smooth Anole 711 Chiappas Ornate Anole 526 Chicago Garter Snake 8101 Chicken Snake (NA) 3029 Chicken Snake 7708 Chicken Snakes 7707 Chicken Turtle 2592 Chicken Turtles 2591 Chief Ctenotus 2359

Chihuaha Alligator Lizard

Chihuaha Alligator Lizard 1159 Chihuaha Garter Snake 8097 Chihuaha Whiptail 1930 Chihuahan Fringe-toed Lizard 8525 Chihuahan Hooknose Snake 3804 Chihuahan Hook-nosed Snake 3804 Chihuahan Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake 2257 Chihuahan Spotted Whiptail 1930 Chihuahua Mountain King Snake 4401 Chihuahua Spotted Whiptail 1930 Chihuahuan Alligator Lizard 1159 Chihuahuan Blackhead Snake 7925 Chihuahuan Black-headed Snake 7925 Chihuahuan Collared Lizard 2270 Chihuahuan Earless Lizard 2102 Chihuahuan Greater Earless Lizard 2102 Chihuahuan Skink 3403 Chihuahuan Whiptail 1930 Children's Python 856 Chilean Green Racer 6265 Chilean Marked Gecko 4023 Chilean Slender Snake 7838 Chilean Tortoise 3602 Chilean Tree Iguana 4892 Chimanimani Flat Lizard 6549 Chimba Skink (CSA) 5296 Chimban Mabuya 5296 Chin Hills Keelback 369 China Grass Lizard 7855 China King Rat Snake 2997 Chinese Alligator 248


Chinese Ateuchosaurus 1006 Chinese Bamboo Snake 6912 Chinese Bighead Turtle 6556 Chinese Black-breasted Leaf Turtle 3624 Chinese Box Turtle 2425 Chinese Cave Gecko 3749 Chinese Cobra 5696 Chinese Collared Snake 7530 Chinese Copperhead 2590 Chinese Crocodile Lizard 7503 Chinese Eyelid Geckos 3745 Chinese False Eyed Turtle 7259 Chinese Golden Thread Turtle 5852 Chinese Green Snake 2461 Chinese Green Tree Viper 8247 Chinese Habu 8241 Chinese Japalure 4222 Chinese Keeled Rat Snake 2998 Chinese Kukri Snake 5881 Chinese Leaf Turtle 3624 Chinese Leopard Gecko 3749 Chinese Leopard Snake 2995 Chinese Manytooth Snake 7530 Chinese Many-toothed Snake 7530 Chinese Moccasin 2590 Chinese Mountain Keelback 5985 Chinese Mountain Pit Viper 6025 Chinese Mountain Snake 6525 Chinese Mountain Snakes 6522

Chinese Pond Turtle 1787, 1788 Chinese Pond Turtles 1786 Chinese Rat Snake 6943 Chinese Red-necked Pond Turtle 1787 Chinese Sea Snake 4486 Chinese Sharp-nosed Viper 2590 Chinese Skink 3373 Chinese Slug Snake 6137 Chinese Softshell 6174 Chinese Softshell Turtle 6174 Chinese Soft-shelled Turtle 6174 Chinese Soft-shelled Turtles 6173 Chinese Softshells 6173 Chinese Stripeneck Turtle 5852 Chinese Stripeneck Turtles 5849 Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle 5852 Chinese Sunbeam Snake 8792 Chinese Three-keeled Pond Turtle 1788 Chinese Three-striped Box Turtle 2432 Chinese Tiger Gecko 3746 Chinese Twin-spotted Rat Snake 2995 Chinese Water Dragon 6493 Chinese Water Snake 3222 Chinese Yellow-margined Box Turtle 2428 Ching-Hai Toadhead Agama 6368 Chirping Geckos 6936 Chiszar's Arboreal Alligator Lizard 12 Chit-Chat 3891 Chitra Turtle (ISC) 1831 Chittagong Softshell (ISC) 988 Chittul (ISC) 4090


Chobe Dwarf Gecko (CSA) 5174 Choco Green Anole 575 Chocoan Forest Pit Viper 1270 Chocolate Anole 575 Chocolate Blind Snake 7042 Chocolate Burrowing Skink 1993 Christian Scaly-toed Gecko 4581 Christina's Lerista 4805 Christmas Scaly-toed Gecko 4587 Christy's Banded Snake 1729 Christy's Water Cobra 1312 Chuckwalla 7308, 7312, 7315 Chuckwallas 7307 Chunkhead (NA) 206 Cienfuegos Anole 525 Clarence River Snake 8280 Clarion Island Tree Lizard 8603 Clarion Island Whip Snake 5405 Clark Spiny Lizard 7337 Clarke Range Tree Skink 3358 Clark's Coral Snake 5580 Clark's Forest Racer 2655 Clark's Ground Snake 1051 Clark's Lizard 4319 Clark's Spiny Lizard (NA) 7337 Clark's Swift (NA) 7337 Clark's Water Snake 4079 Clawless Gecko (ANZ) 2160 Clawless Geckos 2159 Clay's Dragon 2302 Clelias (WI) 1854 Cliff Racer 2060 Cliff Tree Lizard 8619

Cobras, Kraits and Sea Snakes

Clifford's Diadem Snake 7587 Clifford's Rat Snake 7587 Clifford's Snake 7587 Climbing Utas 8600 Cloud Forest Coral Snake 5612 Cloud Forest Japalure 4221 Cloud Forest Parrot Snake 4680 Cloud Forest Racer 2658 Cloud Forests Anole 820 Cloud Whorltail Iguana 7769 Clouded Anole 721 Clouded Leafnose Snake 6480 Clouded Leaf-nosed Snake 6480 Cloudy Leaf-nosed Snake 6480 Cloudy Snail-eating Snake 7513 Cloudy Snail-sucker 7513 Clown Agama 7743 Club-tailed Lizards 2118 Coachella Uma 8521 Coachella Valley Fringetoed Lizard 8521 Coachwhip 5411 Coachwhip Snake 5411 Coachwhips 5404 Coahuila Box Turtle 7993 Coahuilan Box Turtle 7993 Coal Skink 3365 Coarse Chameleon 1706 Coast Garter Snake 8057 Coast Gopher Snake 6498 Coast Horned Lizard 6394 Coast Mountain King Snake 4435 Coast Patchnose Snake 7280 Coast Patch-nosed Snake 7280 Coast Range Coral Snake 4431

Coast Range Fence Lizard 7389 Coast Worm Lizard 2491 Coastal Carpet Python 5667 Coastal Ctenotus 2364 Coastal Desert Iguana 2299 Coastal Dune Skink 2969 Coastal Dunes Crowned Snake 7905 Coastal Dwarf Blind Snake 8425 Coastal Earless Lizard 334 Coastal Emo Skink 3162 Coastal House Snake 8032 Coastal House Snakes 8027 Coastal Leaf-toed Gecko 6436 Coastal Legless Gecko 929 Coastal Legless Lizard 929 Coastal Legless Skink (CSA) 100 Coastal Lyre Snake 8263 Coastal Menetia 5502 Coastal Mountain King Snake 4435 Coastal Plain Cooter 6820 Coastal Rock Gecko 6682 Coastal Rosy Boa (NA) 4867 Coastal Sipo 1814 Coastal Skinks (CSA)s 2282 Coastal Spinytail Lizard 2125 Coastal Taipan 6053 Coastal Thick-toed Gecko 6079 Coastal Two-pored Dragon 2789 Coastal Viper 2571 Coastal Whiptail 1979, 1984 Cobra Common Snake 5583 Cobra-cipos 6259 Cobras 3056, 5694 Cobras, Kraits and Sea Snakes 3056

Cocha Whiptail

Cocha Whiptail 4234 Cochin Black Turtle 5484 Cochin Forest Cane Turtle 3972 Cochin Forest Leaf Turtle 3972 Cochran's Caribbean Gecko 940 Cochran's Curlytail Lizard 4509 Cochran's Dwarf Gecko 7610 Cochran's Forest Dragon 3751 Cochran's Gianthead Anole 571 Cochran's Haitian Lizard 8745 Cochran's Least Gecko 7610 Cochran's Neusticurus 5808 Cochran's Sipo 1810 Cockpit Dwarf Gecko 7678 Cockpit Eyespot Sphaero (WI) 7678 Cockpit Least Gecko 7678 Coen Carlia 1529 Cofan Wood Lizard 3247 Coffee Anole 612 Coffee Blind Snake 8490 Coffee Earth Snake 3655 Coffee Palm Viper 1257 Coffee Snakes 5817 Coffee Worm Snake 8490 Cogger's Ctenotus 2355 Cogger's Emo Skink 3129 Cogger's Island Skink 3626 Coggers Sea Snake 4089 Colchic Pond Turtle 3203 Colee's Racerunner 1966 Colima Giant Whiptail 1921 Colima Skink 3374 Colima Spotted Wood Turtle 7182 Collared Adder 993 Collared Adders 992


Collared Anatosaura 473 Collared Blind Snake 4723 Collared Centipede-eater 7880 Collared Dwarf Racer 2984 Collared Dwarf Snake 1439, 2984, 7531 Collared Garter Snake 8046 Collared Gecko 2612, 2718 Collared Ground Snake 1052 Collared Lizard 2266 Collared Lizards 2264 Collared Polyodont 7531 Collared Reed Snake 1439 Collared Rock Gecko 6669 Collared Scalyfoot 2612 Collared Sea Snake 4110 Collared Snake 7531 Collared Snake-eater 6622 Collared Streak Lizard 3713 Collared Swift (NA) 7418 Collared Tree Lizard 6571 Collared Whip Snake 2621 Collared Worm Snake 8397 Collett's Black Snake 6790 Collett's Ctenotus 2356 Collett's Snake (ANZ) 6790 Colobosaura 2022 Colobosauras 2020 Colombian Blind Snake 839 Colombian Clawed Gecko 6877 Colombian Coral Snake 5623 Colombian Earth Snake 3633 Colombian Frog-eating Snake 2688 Colombian Ground Snake 1041 Colombian Leaf-toed Gecko 6462 Colombian Lightbulb Lizard 6695

Colombian Longtail Snake 3240 Colombian Longtail Snakes 3239 Colombian Mud Turtle 4263 Colombian Scaly-eyed Gecko 4560 Colombian Toad-headed Turtle 6370 Colombian Wood Turtle 7174 Colombian Worm Snake 839 Colombo Wolf Snake 5112 Colorado Chequered Whiptail 1976 Colorado Desert Fringetoed Lizard 8522, 8523, 8525 Colorado Desert Shovelnose Snake 1791 Colorado Desert Shovelnosed Snake 1791 Colorado Desert Sidewinder 2195 Colorado River Tree Lizard 8618 Colorado Side-blotched Iguana 8639 Colorado Side-blotched Lizard 8639 Colorado Uma 8522 Colosi's Cylindrical Skink 1619 Colubrid Snakes 2071 Colubrids 2071 Columbian Rainbow Boa 3271 Columbian Rattlesnake 2198 Comb-toed Gecko 2183 Comb-toed Geckos 2182 Comedero Galliwasp 2759 Common Adder 8707 Common African Helmeted Turtle 6176 Common African House Snake 4442


Common African Python 6995 Common Agama 152, 153 Common Ameiva 303 Common Anaconda 3439 Common Antillean Snake 861 Common Bamboo Viper (ISC) 8229 Common Barking Gecko (CSA) 6939 Common Barking Gecko 6938 Common Basilisk 1164 Common Batagur 1169 Common Beaked Sea Snake 3215 Common Bearded Dragon 6616 Common Big-eyed Snake 5636 Common Bird Snake 6925 Common Black-headed Snake 7892 Common Blind Snake (ISC) 7017 Common Blind Snake 405 Common Blind Snakes 7010 Common Bloodsuckers 1358 Common Bluetongue 8129 Common Blue-tongued Lizard (ANZ) 8129 Common Blunt-headed Tree Snake 4172 Common Boa Constrictor 1213 Common Boas 1209 Common Box Turtle (NA) 7986 Common Bronzeback 2639, 2640 Common Bronzeback Snake 2640 Common Brown Snake 7804 Common Bull Snake (NA) 6506

Common Green Forest Lizard

Common Burrowing Blind Skink 8736 Common Burrowing Skink 7440 Common Burrowing Viper 1030 Common Butterfly Lizard 4515 Common Caiman 1419 Common Cape Girdled Lizard 2122 Common Cat-eyed Snake 4657, 4658 Common Centipede Snake 7923 Common Chameleon 1657, 1662 Common Checkered Whiptail (NA) 1976 Common Chicken Snake (NA) 3029 Common Chuckwalla 7308, 7312 Common Cobra (ISC) 5702 Common Coffee Snakes 5817 Common Collared Lizard 2266 Common Collared Snake 6896 Common Cooter 6818 Common Coral Snakes 5569 Common Cribo 2899 Common Crocodile (NA) 2170 Common Death Adder 73 Common Dwarf Gecko (CSA) 5173 Common Dwarf Gecko 7641 Common Earth Snake 3646 Common Egg-eater (CSA) 2586 Common Egg-eating Snake (CSA) 2586 Common Emo Skink 3135 Common English Lizard 4353

Common esser Earless Lizard 3999 Common Eurasian Lizards 4307 Common European Northern Viper 8707 Common European Pond Turtle 3201 Common Eyelash Pitviper 1261 Common False Coral Snake 3322, 6578 Common False Coral Snakes 6574 Common False Viper 8788 Common Five-lined Skink (NA) 3385 Common Flap-necked Chameleon (CSA) 1663 Common Flat Lizard (CSA) 6546 Common Flat Lizard 6546 Common Flat-tail Gecko 8594 Common Flying Dragon 2879 Common Flying Gecko 6964 Common Forest Anole 816 Common Forest Racer 2656 Common Fringe-toed Lizard 51 Common Galliwasp 2760 Common Garden Lizard (ISC) 1498 Common Garter Snake 8091, 8103 Common Gecko 7949 Common Glossy Racer 2912 Common Graceful Brown Snake 7129 Common Grass Snake 5736, 5739 Common Green Anole 566 Common Green Bush Snake 6288 Common Green Forest Lizard 1481

Common Green Racer

Common Green Racer 6278 Common Green Tree Skink 6648 Common Green Turtle 1758 Common Green Vine Snake 228 Common Green Water Snake (CSA) 6288 Common Green Whip Snake (ISC) 226 Common Green Whip Snake 225 Common Grey Ringneck 3729 Common Gridiron-tailed Lizard 1465 Common Ground Lizard 310 Common Ground Skink 4525 Common Ground Snake 4998 Common Hog-nosed Racer 4154 Common Hog-nosed Snake (NA) 3982 Common House Gecko (WI) 3910 Common House Gecko 3891 Common House Snake (CSA) 4442 Common Iguana 4167, 4367 Common Iguanas 4165 Common Indian Bronzeback (ISC) 2643 Common Indian Cat Snake 1250 Common Indian Krait (ISC) 1393 Common Indian Monitor (ISC) 8650 Common Indian Tree Snake (ISC) 2643 Common Indian Whip Snake 5371 Common Indo-Pacific Tree Gecko 3960 Common Iphisa 4187


Common Island Racer 961 Common Keelback 8297 Common Keelbacks 7065 Common King Snake 4382 Common Krait (ISC) 1393 Common Krait 1394 Common Kukri Snake (ISC) 5874 Common Kukri Snake 5918 Common Lancehead 1283 Common Large-headed Anole 600 Common Largescale Lizard 6952 Common Leaf Chameleon 1373 Common Leaf-nosed Snake 5264 Common Leaf-tailed Gecko 8594 Common Leaf-toed Gecko 3905, 6463 Common Leopard Lizard 3504 Common Liana Snake 7560 Common Lined Worm Snake 8439 Common Litter Snake 7129 Common Lizard 4353, 4354 Common Longtail Snake 3243 Common Long-tailed Seps (CSA) 8019 Common Madagascar Skink 388 Common Malayan Racer 3009 Common Malayan Rat Snake 3009 Common Mamba 2645 Common Manytooth Snake 7531 Common Many-toothed Snake 7531 Common Map Turtle 3785 Common Mesquite Lizard 7354 Common Milk Snake (NA) 4429

Common Mock Viper 6745 Common Mole Viper 1033 Common Monkey Lizard 6635 Common Mountain Lizard (CSA) 8329 Common Mud Snake 4115 Common Mud Turtle 4295 Common Musk Turtle 4284 Common Mussurana 1856 Common Namib Day Gecko 7229 Common Neckband Snake 7321 Common Night Adder (CSA) 1565 Common Night Lizard 8756 Common Northern Viper 8707 Common Ocellated Gecko 7598 Common Parachuting Gecko 6964 Common Parrot Snake 4674 Common Peru Blind Snake 4728 Common Pike-lined Skink 3888 Common Pine Snake 6511 Common Pipe Snakes 850 Common Puerto Rican Ameiva 310 Common Puff Adder 1186 Common Purple-glossed Snake 288 Common Pythons 6984 Common Racers (NA) 2031 Common Rainbow Boa 3267 Common Rainbow Snake 3471 Common Rat Snake 3026, 6944 Common Rhombic Eggeater 2586 Common Ribbon Snake 8087 Common Road Guarder 2094


Common Rock Agama 152 Common Root Lizard 4626 Common Rough-scaled Lizard 4164 Common Roughside 1002 Common Rough-sided Snake 1002 Common Sagebrush Lizard 7349, 7353 Common Sailfin Lizard 4117 Common Sand Boa 3330 Common Sand Viper 1593 Common Sauresia 7302 Common Scalyfoot 6982 Common Sea Snake 2846, 2848, 3215 Common Short-legged Skink 1322 Common Side-blotched Iguana 8634 Common Side-blotched Lizard 8634 Common Skink (ISC) 5294 Common Skink 7482 Common Skinks 375 Common Slug Snake 6143 Common Slug-eater (CSA) 2929 Common Slug-eater 7513 Common Slug-eating Snake 2816 Common Snake 5583 Common Snakeneck 1746 Common Snakeneck Turtle 1746 Common Snapping Turtle (NA) 1770 Common Snapping Turtle 1766 Common Snapping Turtles 1765 Common Sonora Mud Turtle 4294 Common Spider Tortoise 7003 Common Spiny Agama 168


Common Spinytail Iguana 2337 Common Spinytail Lizard 2122 Common Spotted Night Snake 7561 Common Stream Lizard 5809 Common Striped Skink (CSA) 5345 Common Swamp Snake 5017 Common Tegu 8355 Common Teiid 303 Common Tiger Rat Snake 7709 Common Tiger Snake 5829 Common Toadhead Turtle 6375 Common Toad-headed Side-necked Turtle 6375 Common Toad-headed Turtle 6375 Common Tokay Gecko 3573 Common Tree Lizard 1481, 8612 Common Tree Snake (ANZ) 2640 Common Tree Snake 1250 Common Trinket Snake 3016 Common Two-legged Worm Lizard 1182 Common Viper 8707 Common Viviparous Lizard 4353 Common Wall Gecko 7949 Common Wall Lizard 6589 Common Water Snake (CSA) 5127 Common Water Snake 4080, 5789, 5792 Common Water Snakes 5733 Common Western Skink 3422 Common Whip Snake 1811

Common Wolf Snake (CSA) 5143 Common Wolf Snake (ISC) 5099 Common Wolf Snake 5116 Common Wonder Gecko 7982 Common Worm Snake 4740 Common Worm Snakes 8375 Common Writhing Skink 5236 Common Yellow-margined Box Turtle 2425 Common Zebra-tailed Lizard 1467 Comon Ameiva 297 Comon Pacific Iguana 5551 Comoro Day Gecko 6216 Comoro Ground Gecko 6154 Comoro Island Chameleon 1656 Comoro Worm Snake 8398 Conant's Milk Snake 4413 Concho Water Snake 5786 Condanarous Snake (ISC) 6754 Conehead Lizard 4367 Cone-headed Lizard (NA) 4368 Congo Long-tailed Seps 8017 Congo Palm Gecko 8542 Conmmon Worm Snake (ISC) 7017 Conrad's Worm Snake 8399 Constanze's Tree Iguana 4894 Cook's Anole 587 Cook's Garden Tree Boa 2113 Cook's Tree Boa 2113 Cooktown-Laura Ctenotus 2392 Cooter (NA) 6820 Cooter 6818

Cooter Turtle

Cooter Turtle 6818 Cooters 6816 Cope's Alligator Lizard 5529 Cope's Ameiva 300 Cope's Antillean Snake 862 Cope's Arboreal Alligator Lizard 9 Cope's Aspidura 998 Cope's Bachia 1147 Cope's Black-striped Snake 2086 Cope's Blind Snake 5037 Cope's Burrowing Snake 921 Cope's Centipede Snake 7873 Cope's Coffee Snake 5825 Cope's Dwarf Gecko 7611 Cope's False Chameleon 1724 Cope's False Coral Snake 6579 Cope's Forest Racer 2658 Cope's Forest Snake 7848 Cope's Galliwasp 1584 Cope's Graceful Brown Snake 7126 Cope's Ground Snake 4988 Cope's Hook-nosed Snake 3480 Cope's Island Racer 2888 Cope's Kukri Snake 7240 Cope's Largescale Lizard 6955 Cope's Largescale Spiny Lizard 7429 Cope's Lava Lizard 5997 Cope's Least Gecko 7611 Cope's Leopard Lizard 3502 Cope's Leposoma 4626 Cope's Mabuya 5306 Cope's Mountain Meadow Snake 114 Cope's Neusticurus 5809 Cope's Parrot Snake 4677 Cope's Pit Viper 1300


Cope's Rat Snake 3052 Cope's Rough-sided Snake 998 Cope's Scaly-toed Gecko 4598 Cope's Skink 3375 Cope's Smooth Anole 602 Cope's Snail-eater 2810 Cope's Snail-sucker 7507 Cope's Spinytail Lizard 4325 Cope's Thread Coral Snake 4672 Cope's Tropical Ground Snake 8258 Cope's Tropical Racer 5442 Cope's Tropical Snake 5215 Cope's Turtle 4077 Cope's Veracruz Anole 601 Cope's Vine Snake 6031 Cope's Whip Snake 5423 Cope's Worm Lizard 412 Cope's Worm Snake 5037 Copper Anole 594 Copper Carlia 1532 Copper Parrot Snake 4676 Copper Whorltail Iguana 7757 Copper-bellied Moccasin (NA) 5776 Copper-bellied Water Snake 5778 Copperbelly Water Snake 5778 Copperhead (ANZ) 1131 Copperhead (ISC) 3041 Copperhead (NA) 203 Copperhead Moccasin (NA) 203 Copperhead Rat Snake 3041 Copperhead Snakes (ANZ) 1128 Copper-headed Racer 3041 Copper-headed Rat Snake 3041 Copperheads (ANZ) 1128

Copperheads 195 Coppertail Ctenotus 2409 Copper-tailed Skink (ANZ) 2409 Copper-tailed Skink 3132 Coppery Shovelsnout Snake 6729 Coppery Snakes 6716 Coquimbo Marked Gecko 4025 Coral Cobra 5591 Coral Cylinder Snake 492 Coral Earth Snake 3666 Coral Ground Snake 4991 Coral King Snake 4434 Coral Mimic Slug-eater 7507 Coral Mud Snake 4114 Coral Pipe Snake 492 Coral Pipe Snakes 490, 491 Coral Snake (ANZ) 7544 Coral Snake (CSA) 978 Coral Snake (NA) 5591 Coral Snakes (NA) 3056 Coral Snakes 1455, 5569 Coral-bellied Kukri Snake 5887 Coral-bellied Ringneck Snake 2681 Coral-bellied ring-necked Sn ake 2681 Coralbelly Ringneck Snake 2681 Coralbelly Ring-necked Snake 2681 Corangamite Water Skink 3360 Cordillera Central Stout Anole 800 Cordillera Central Twig Anole 664 Corn Snake 3012, 3013 Corned Iguana 2466 Coronado Island Skink 3423 Coronado Skink (NA) 3423


Corsican Pond Turtle 3202, 3209 Cosmopolitan Leaf-toed Gecko 3910 Costa Rica Blind Snake 3850 Costa Rica Boa 2110 Costa Rica Dwarf Gecko 7629 Costa Rica Least Gecko 7629 Costa Rica Painted Wood Turtle 7178 Costa Rica Scaly-eyed Gecko 4573 Costa Rica Water Snake 4080 Costa Rica Worm Snake 3850, 8400 Costa Rican Blind Snake 8400 Cotiara 1287 Cotiarinha (NA) 1292 Cotton Ginner 7602 Cottonmouth (NA) 214 Cottonmouth Moccasin (NA) 216 Cottonmouth Moccasin 214 Cottonmouths 195 Cottonmouths and Copperheads 195 Cottonmouths and Mocassins 195 Cottrell's Mountain Lizard 8326 Couch's Garter Snake 8042 Couch's Spiny Lizard 7340 Couch's Water Snake 8042 Country Anole 829 Country Leaf-toed Gecko 3873 Court Tree Snake 2797 Cousin Bow-fingered Gecko 2506 Coventry's Skink (ANZ) 2954 Coventry's Spintytail Skink 2954

Cross-barred Tree Snake

Coventry's Window-eyed Skink 6796 Cowled Snake 5377 Cowles Prairie Lizard 7421 Cozumel Racerunner 1923 Cozumel Spiny Lizard 7341 Cozumel Whiptail 1923 Crab Cay Anole 748 Crab-eating Water Snake 3490 Crab-eting Water Snakes 3489 Craddock Thick-toed Gecko 6067 Crag Lizard 6859 Crag Lizards (CSA) 6855 Cranwell's Tree Iguana 4896 Crayfish Snakes 7050 Cream-striped Shining Skink 2291 Creaser's Mud Turtle 4261 Creek Lizards 962 Cregoe's Blind Legless Skink (CSA) 8512 Cregoe's Blind Skink (CSA) 8512 Cregoe's Legless Skink 8512 Cregoe's Limbless Skink (CSA) 8512 Crescent Uma 8526 Crested Anole 589 Crested Bicycle Dragon (ANZ) 2303 Crested Chameleon 1659 Crested Dragon 2303 Crested False Chameleons 1721 Crested Keeled Lizard 4489 Crested Keeled Lizards 4487 Crested Lizard 5075 Crested Lizards 2840, 5074 Crested Water Dragons 4116 Cretan Caspian Turtle 5454

Crevice Ctenotus 2346 Crevice Monitor 8668 Crevice Scaly Lizard 7399 Crevice Spiny Lizard (NA) 7399, 7400 Crevice Swift 7418 Cribo 2898 Cribos 2897 Crimean Gecko 5464 Crimean Grass Snake 5742 Crimean Lizard 6596 Crimean Wall Lizard 6596 Cristifer Anole 591 Crocker's Sea Snake 4483 Crocodile Gecko 7949 Crocodile Lizard 7503 Crocodile Lizards 7502 Crocodile Monitor 8679 Crocodile Tegu 2166 Crocodile Tegus 2165 Crocodile Teiid 2166 Crocodile Teiids 2165 Crocodiles 2168, 2169 Crocodiles and Alligators 2167 Crocodilians 2167 Crooked Heads 1743 Crooked Island Anole 562 Crooked Worm Lizard 406 Crooked-Acklins Curlytail (WI) 4503 Crooked-Acklins Green Anole (WI) 562 Cropan's Boa 8765 Cropan's Boas 8764 Cropan's Tree Boa 8765 Cropan's Tree Boas 8764 Cross-banded Mountain Rattlesnake 2238 Cross-barred Snake (CSA) 2797 Cross-barred Snake 2798 Cross-barred Tree Snake (CSA) 2797

Crossed Grass Snake

Crossed Grass Snake (CSA) 6755 Crossed Sand Racer 6755 Cross-marked Grass Snake 6755 Cross-marked Sand Snake (CSA) 6755 Cross's Beaked Snake 7206 Crowned Burrowing Snake 907 Crowned Dwarf Racer 2985 Crowned False Boa 6838 Crowned Graceful Brown Snake 7118 Crowned Leafnose Snake 5264 Crowned Peace Snake 2985 Crowned River Turtle 3825 Crowned River Turtles 3824 Crowned Snake (NA) 7877 Crowned Snake 2924 Crowned Snakes (ANZ) 2923 Crowned Snakes 1411, 1411, 5478 Crucilla Turtle 7712 Cryptic Racerunner 1924 Cryptic Spectacled Tegu 3812 Cryptic Toadhead Agama 6329 Cryptic Wolf Snake (CSA) 2293 Cryptis Wolf Snakes 2292 Crystal Creek Dragon 2787 Crystal Creek Two-line Dragon (ANZ) 2787 Ctenotuses 2338 Cuatro Cienegas Black Turtle 864 Cuatro Cienegas Softshelled Turtle 864 Cuba Swamp Snake 8204 Cuban Ameiva (WI) 299 Cuban Ashy Gecko 7621 Cuban Big-eared Anole 549 Cuban Blue Anole 516


Cuban Boa 3266 Cuban Broad-banded Sphaero 7686 Cuban Bromeliad Sphaero 7604 Cuban Brown Amphisbaena 409 Cuban Brown Anole (WI) 786 Cuban Brown Anole 788 Cuban Crocodile 2180 Cuban Curlytail Lizard 4490 Cuban Dark-bark Anole 533 Cuban Dwarf Boa 8311 Cuban Dwarf Gecko 7593 Cuban Forest Sphaero 7663 Cuban Galliwasp 2762 Cuban Giant Anole 616 Cuban Giant Gecko (WI) 7934 Cuban Green Anole 755 Cuban Ground Iguana 2468 Cuban Ground Snake 263 Cuban Iguana 2468 Cuban Island Racer 956 Cuban Least Gecko 7593 Cuban Night Lizard 2162 Cuban Night Lizards 2161 Cuban Pale-necked Galliwasp 2762 Cuban Pepper Sphaero 7661 Cuban Pink Amphisbaena 407 Cuban Racer 263 Cuban Rock Iguana (WI) 2468 Cuban Sharp-nosed Amphisbaena 1417 Cuban Side-blotched Curlytail 4497 Cuban Slider (WI) 8165 Cuban Small-eared Galliwasp 2764 Cuban Spotted Amphisbaena 1416

Cuban Three-banded Sphaero (WI) 7649 Cuban Three-spotted Sphaero 7649 Cuban Trunk Anole 532 Cuban Twig Anole (WI) 525 Cuban Variegated Anole 559 Cuban Water Snake (WI) 8203 Cuban White-fanned Anole 657 Cuban Wood Snake 8311 Cuban Worm Lizard 409 Cubitas Anole 671 Cuha's Brazilian Lizard 6519 Cuha's Teiid 2025, 2026 Cul-de-sac Blind Snake 8491 Culebra (NA) 1860 Culebra Giant Anole 777 Cumberland Slider 8175 Cunningham's Skink 2955 Cunning's Mabuya 5299 Cupeyal Anole 593 Curicen Tree Iguana 4897 Curl Snake 7825 Curl Snakes 7816 Curlytail Lizards 4487 Curly-tailed Lizard 4489 Curly-tailed Lizards 4487 Curlytails 4487 Curror's Feylinia 3475 Curtis's Galliwasp 1572 Cuvier's Anole 597 Cuvier's Bachia 1141 Cuvier's Blind Legless Skink (CSA) 8511 Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman 6090 Cuvier's Earth Snake 7191 Cuvier's Legless Skink 8511 Cuvier's Madagascar Swift 6005


Cuvier's Madagascar Tree Swift 6005 Cuvier's Smooth-fronted Caiman 6090 Cuvier's Three-toed Skink 3950 Cyan Tree Iguana 4899 Cyclades Blunt-nosed Viper 8724 Cyclops Emo Skink 3133 Cyclops Water Snake 5774 Cylinder Snakes 2474 Cylinder Snakes 490 Cylindrical Skink 1623, 1626 Cylindrical Skinks 1614 Cyprus Racer 2045 Czeblukov's Sea Snake 4091 Czech Water Skink 4455 Czechura's Shade Skink 7294 Czechura's Skink 7294 Dab Lizard 8558 Dab Lizards 8552 Dabbs Mastigure 8553 Dahl's Lizard 4321 Dahl's Toadhead Turtle 6370 Dahl's Toad-headed Turtle 6370 Dahl's Whip Snake 2057 Dainty Blind Snake 4729 Dakota Leaf-toed Gecko 3943 Dalat Dwarf Snake 1432 D'Albertis's Python 4554 Dalmatian Algyroides 245 Dalmatian Wall Lizard 6587 Damara Blind Snake 4751 Damara Thread Snake (CSA) 4751 Dame Marie Dwarf Gecko 7691 Dame Marie Least Gecko 7691

De l'Isle's Sand Skink

Damian's Earth Snake 3638 Dampier Land Lerista 4840 Danford's Lizard 4322 Daniel's Bloodsucker 1361 Daniel's Keelback 3835 Daniel's Largescale Lizard 6948 Daniel's Tropical Racer 5438 Danzyo Keelback 371 Dapple-backed Sand Snake 6766 Dappled Anole 750 Dar-es-Salaam Dwarf Gecko 5186 Darevsky's Viper 8711 Dark Bent-toed Gecko 3522 Dark Blind Snake 4759 Dark Blue-banded Sea Snake 4087 Dark Forest Snake 3617 Dark Frog-headed Turtle 6371 Dark Green Racer 2069 Dark Green Snake 2069 Dark Green Whip Snake 2069 Dark Ground Skink 4536 Dark Ground Snake 1080 Dark Spinytail Skink 2953 Dark Tropical Racer 2895, 5440 Dark Whorltail Iguana 7766 Dark-bellied Marsh Snake 8777 Dark-bellied Water Snake 5129 Dark-coloured Soft-shelled Turtle 988 Dark-headed Cat Snake 1245 Dark-headed Dwarf Racer 6865 Dark-spotted Anaconda 3437 Darlington's Anole 603 Darlington's Dwarf Gecko 7615

Darlington's Galliwasp 1573 Darlington's Least Gecko 7615 D'Armandville Bowfingered Gecko 2508 Dart Skinks 95 Darwin Blind Snake 7043 Darwin Land Blind Snake 7049 Darwin's Ground Skink 3691 Darwin's Iguana 2779 Darwins Lagartiga (NA) 4900 Darwin's Leaf-toed Gecko 6420 Darwin's Marked Gecko 4021 Darwin's Ringed Lizard 410 Darwin's Sea Snake 4071 Darwin's Sea Snakes 4070 Darwin's Tree Iguana 4900 Darwin's Wall Gecko 7943 Darwin's Worm Lizard 410 Dary's Burrowing Snake 117 Dasias 2574 Daudin's Bronzeback 2643 Daudin's Bronzeback Snake 2643 Daudin's Leaf-toed Gecko 6451 Daudin's Rat Snake 3016 Daudin's Vine Snake 6030 Davis Mountain Pilot Snake 1223 Davis Mountain Rat Snake 1223 Davis's Leaf-toed Gecko 6421 Davis's Mountain King Snake 4374 Day Gecko 6210, 6221, 6234 Day Geckos 6207 De Jong's Japalure 4213 De l'Isle's Sand Skink 7704

De l'Isle's Wedge-snouted Skink

De l'Isle's Wedge-snouted Skink 7704 De Queiroz's Spinytail Iguana 2334 De Rooij's Bow-fingered Gecko 2551 De Rooij's Forest Skink 7698 De Rooij's Tree Skink 7698 De Vis's Banded Snake 2662 De Vis's Bloodsucker 2309 De Vis's Emo Skink 3161 De Vis's Four-fingered Skink 5157 De Vis's Whip Snake 2622 De Waal's Agama 172 De Witte's Beaked Snake 7227 De Witte's Gecko 193 De Witte's Worm Lizard 5652 Dead Side-blotched Lizard 8630 Deadly Whip Snakes 7196 Deaf Adder (ANZ) 73 Deaf Adder (NA) 206 Deaf Adders (ANZ) 72 Deaf Agamas 2106, 8356 Deaf Agamids 2106 Death Adder 73 Death Adders 72 Debris Snakes 2074 Deccan Sawback (ISC) 4231 Deccan Softshell (ISC) 987 Deceptive Chameleon 1664 Decorated Anole 663 Decorated Carlia 1533 Decorated Tree Iguana 4924 Deer Gecko 2723 Degenhardt Scorpion-eater 7796 Degenhardt's Scorpioneating Snake 7796


Degerbol's Blind Snake 4713 Deignan's Tree Skink 4464 DeKay's Brown Snake 7804 DeKay's Snake (NA) 7804 Del Campo's Leaf-toed Gecko 6422 Delagoa Bay Worm Lizard 5643 Delalande's Beaked Snake 7211 Delalande's Blind Snake (CSA) 7211 Delalande's Lizard 5844 Delalandes Sandveld Lizard 5844 Delcourt's Sticky-toed Gecko 4055 Delicate Ameiva 315 Delicate Skink (ANZ) 4456 Delicate Water Skink 4456 Delta Anole 605 Delta Crayfish Snake 7054 Delta Map Turtle 3788 Demon Adder 1565 Demuril's Wedge-snouted Skink 7706 Denzen's Forest Dragon 3756 Depax's Slender Snake 7839 Deppe's Arboreal Alligator Lizard 13, 14 Deppe's Centipede Snake 7881 Deraniyagalae's Tree Skink 4465 Deraniyagala's Earth Snake 8588 Deraniyagala's Gecko 1898 Deraniyagla's Nessia 5799 Derfshi Snake 5270 Derjugin's Lizard 4324 Derongo Bow-fingered Gecko 2510 Deschauensee's Anaconda 3437 Desecheo Anole 606

Desecheo Gecko 7639 Desecheo Sphaero 7639 Desert Adder 1200 Desert Agama 154 Desert Agama 8193 Desert Banded Gecko 2014 Desert Banded Snake 7545 Desert Black Cobra 8742, 8743 Desert Blind Snake 4745 Desert Box Turtle 7996 Desert Burrowing Snake 1790 Desert Cave Gecko 3989 Desert Cobra 8743 Desert Cobras 8742 Desert Collared Lizard (NA) 2272 Desert Coral Snake 5630 Desert Ctenotus 2359 Desert Death Adder 77 Desert Fringe-toed Lizard 8524 Desert Garter Snake 8070 Desert Gecko 7945 Desert Glossy Snake 949 Desert Gopher (NA) 3774 Desert Grass Anole 730 Desert Grassland Whiptail 1987 Desert Ground Snakes 7577 Desert Hooknose Snake 3805 Desert Hooknose Snakes 3803 Desert Hook-nosed Snake (NA) 3805 Desert Horned Lizard 6405 Desert Horned Viper 1591 Desert Iguana (NA) 2841 Desert Iguana 2842 Desert Iguanas 2298, 2840 Desert King Snake 4391 Desert Lacertas 3288 Desert Lancehead 1303


Desert Lerista 4808 Desert Lidless Skink 3 Desert Lizards (CSA) 5510 Desert Massasauga 7568 Desert Monitor 8665 Desert Mountain Adder 1203 Desert Night Lizard 8751, 8756 Desert Night Snake 4134 Desert Patchnose Snake 7277 Desert Patch-nosed Snake 7277 Desert Plated Lizard (CSA) 485, 486 Desert Pygmy Sphaero 7614 Desert Rat Snakes 1221 Desert Rosy Boa 4866 Desert Sand Boa 3335 Desert Sand Snake (ISC) 6771 Desert Short-horned Lizard 6398 Desert Side-blotched Iguana 8638 Desert Side-blotched Lizard 8638 Desert Skink 2961, 7482 Desert Spiny Lizard 7368 Desert Striped Racer 5431 Desert Striped Whip Snake 5431 Desert Tegus 2703 Desert Thread Snake 4745 Desert Tortoise (NA) 3774 Desert Wall Gecko 7945 Despax's Ground Snake 1093 Despax's Parrot Snake 4682 Devil's River Black-headed Snake 7909 Dewitte's Five-toed Skink 4687 Dew-lined Gecko 1890 Dhaman (ISC) 6944

Dominica Anole

Dhaman Rat Snake 6944 Dhaman Snakes 6942 Dhofar Leaf-toed Gecko 3907 Dhomgoka Roof Turtle 4226 Dhongoka Turtle 4226 Dhoor (ISC) 4226 Diablo Garter Snake 8038 Diablo Range Garter Snake 8038 Diadem Rat Snake 7587 Diadem Sand Snake 5264 Diadem Snake 3493, 7586, 7587 Diadem Snakes 3061, 7583 Diamond Python 5664, 5668 Diamond Pythons 5658 Diamond Snake 5265 Diamondback (NA) 2186, 5787 Diamondback Racer 2910 Diamondback Terrapin (NA) 5385 Diamondback Terrapin 5384 Diamondback Terrapins 5383 Diamondback Water Snake 5787, 5788 Diamond-backed Terrapins 5383, 5384 Diamond-backed Water Snake 5787 Diard's Blind Snake (ISC) 8405 Diard's Worm Snake (ISC) 8405 Dibamid Lizards 2691 Dibamids 2690 Dice Snake 5745 Diced Snake 5745 Dickerson's Collared Lizard 2271 Dickerson's Gecko 1879 Dickerson's Side-blotched Lizard 8628

Dickerson's Worm Lizard 1417 Dickerson's Worm Lizards 1415 Difficult Dwarf Gecko 7616 Difficult Least Gecko 7616 Diguet Two-striped Garter Snake 8068 Digul Emo Skink 3134 Dinner-plate Tortoise 1755 Dinner-plate Turtle 1755 Dinnik's Viper 8712 Dione Snake 3003 Dione's Rat Snake 3003 Distant's Blind Snake 4731 Distant's Snake 4731 Distant's Thread Snake (CSA) 4731 Distinguished Lerista 4809 Diverse Blind Snake 7021 Diving Lizard 8539 Diving Skink 379 Dixon's Anatosaura 472 Dixon's Bachia 1145 Dixon's Ground Snake 4980 Dixons Leaf-toed Gecko 6423 Dixon's Milk Snake 4414 Dobb Lizards 8552 Dog-faced Water Snake (ISC) 1600 Dog-faced Water Snake 1599, 4017 Dog-faced Water Snakes 1598, 4016 Dog-headed Tree Boa 2111 Dog-tooth Cat Snake 1232 Dog-toothed Cat Snake 1232 Dog-toothed Mangrove Snake 1232 Domergue's Fringe-fingered Lizard 68 Domergue's Leaf Chameleon 1386 Dominica Ameiva (WI) 312 Dominica Anole (WI) 728

Dominica Blind Snake

Dominica Blind Snake (WI) 8407 Dominica Giant Anole 539 Dominican Ameiva 312 Dominican Boa 3274 Dominican Dwarf Gecko 7660 Dominican Least Gecko 7660 Dominican Slider (WI) 8176 Dominican Worm Snake 8407 Donderweer Skilpad (CSA) 4039 Donderweer Tortoise (CSA) 4039 Donderweer Tortoise 4039 Donnelly's Arthrosaura 966 Donoso-Barros's Snake 4179 Donoso-Barros's Snakes 4178 Donoso-Barros's Tree Iguana 4901 Donoso's Forest Iguana 8696 Donoso's Lava Lizard 5547 Donoso's Steppe Iguana 8622 D'Orbigny's Bachia 1142 D'Orbigny's Banded Anole 6663 D'Orbigny's Slider 8166 D'Orbigny's Tree Iguana 4903 Doria's Dwarf Skink 7457 Doria's Green Snake 2460 Doria's Ground Skink 7457 Dorsal-keel Spiny Lizard 7356 Dotted Blind Dart Skink 8370 Dotted Brown Snake 7582 Dotted Brown Snakes 7581 Dotted Diadem Snake 3068 Dotted Dwarf Racer 2989 Dotted Dwarf Snake 2989


Dotted Flying Dragon 2875 Dotted Galliwasp 2770 Dotted Ground Skink 4531 Dotted House Snake 4448 Dotted Keelback 8780 Dotted Racerunner 1949 Dotted Slender Skink 5248 Dotted Writhing Skink 5248 Double-banded Chameleon 1648 Double-banded False Coral Snake 3323 Double-collared Sphaero 7674 Double-crested Basilisk 1166 Double-ended Snakes 8375 Double-scaled Chameleon 1639 Douglas's Skink 2957 Douglas's Tree Skink 3692 Douglass's Horned Lizard (NA) 6395 Downs's Earth Snake 3639, 3647 Drab Ground Snake 4995 Drab Lightbulb Lizard 6706 Draco (ISC) 2864 Dracos 2860 Dragon Lizard (ANZ) 331, 333, 8362 Dragon Lizards 189 Drakensberg Crag Lizard 6858, 6862, 6863 Drakensberg Dwarf Chameleon 1343 Drakensberg Rock Gecko 142 Dring's Gecko 1874 Drummond-Hay's Earth Snake 7188 Drummond-Hay's Roughside 1000 Drummond-Hay's Roughsided Snake 1000 Drummond-Hay's Shieldtail 7188

Dry Forest Anole 594 Dry Worm Lizard 447 Dryland Anole 587 Dryland Blind Snake 447 Dryland Grass Anole 754 Dryland Worm Snake 8419 Drysdale River Bearded Dragon 6611 Dtellas 3533 Dubious Dtella 3542 Dubois's Sea Snake 235 Duellman's Dwarf Iguana 3247 Duellman's Leaf-toed Gecko 6424 Duellman's Pygmy Anole 614 Duellman's Teiid 253 Duellman's Tree Iguana 4904 Dugand's Blind Snake 4732 Duges's Earth Snake 3642 Duges's Skink 3377 Duges's Spiny Lizard 7343 Dugite 6888 Dull Bamboo Snake 6910 Dull Lizard 3296 Dull Purple-glossed Snake 291 Dull Tree Snake 5135 Dull Worm Snake 8427 Duméril's Boa 1216 Duméril's Coral Snake 5587 Duméril's Diadem Snake 3064 Duméril's Dtella 3536 Duméril's False Coral Snake 6038 Duméril's Fringe-fingered Lizard 50 Duméril's Fringe-toed Lizard 50 Duméril's Frog-eating Snake 7718 Duméril's Geckos 230 Duméril's Graceful Brown Snake 7103


Duméril's Ground Boa 1216 Duméril's Kukri Snake 5916 Duméril's Lava Lizard 6001 Duméril's Madagascar Boa 1216 Duméril's Madagascar Swift 6009 Duméril's Monitor 8655 Duméril's Monitor Lizard 8655 Duméril's Short-legged Skink 1327 Duméril's Skink 3736 Duméril's Tropical Gecko 6198 Duméril's Water Monitor 8655 Duméril's Whorltail Iguana 7778 Duméril's Wolf Snake 5103 Duméril's Worm Lizard 4644 Dune Lizards 900 Dune Plated Lizards 485 Dunes Ctenotus 2344 Dunes Sagebrush Lizard 7330 Dunger's File Snake 5471 Dunmall's Snake 3494 Dunn's Ameiva 319 Dunn's Anole 615 Dunn's Coral Snake 5585 Dunns Dwarf Gecko 7618 Dunn's Earth Snake 3643 Dunn's Emo Skink 3177 Dunn's Emoia 3177 Dunn's Forest Snake 7847 Dunn's Ground Snake 1055 Dunn's Hognose Viper 6639 Dunn's Hog-nosed Viper 6639 Dunns Least Gecko 7618 Dunn's Mabuya 5308 Dunn's Mud Turtle 4263 Dunn's Python 4860

Dwarf Sand Boa

Dunn's Road Guarder 2164 Dunn's Road Guarders 2163 Dunn's Saphenophis Snake 7286 Dunn's Snail-sucker 7511 Dunn's Spinytail Iguana 5685 Dunn's Tinyfoot Teiid 5535 Dunn's Tree Snake 7524 Dunn's Tropical Ground Snake 8259 Dunn's Water Snake 4081 Duperrey's Window-eyed Skink 6797 Duquesney's Galliwasp 1574 Dura Turtle 4227 Durango Rock Rattlesnake 2215 Durkheim's Kukri Snake 5886 Duskbelly Water Snake 5125 Dusky Earless Agama 893 Dusky Garter Snake 8056 Dusky Lancehead 1306 Dusky Mamushi 202 Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake 7571 Dusky Yellow-headed Gecko 3707 Dusky-bellied Water Snake (CSA) 5125 Dussumier's Forest Skink 7699 Dussumier's Forest-dweller 7699 Dussumier's Water Snake 3224 Dusty Hognose Snake 3979 Dusty Hog-nosed Snake 3979 Dutch Leaf-toed Gecko 6441 Dwarf Alligator Lizard 5531 Dwarf Amphisbaena 5533 Dwarf Amphisbaenas 5532

Dwarf Beaked Snake 2839 Dwarf Beaked Snakes 2838 Dwarf Bearded Dragon 6613 Dwarf Bicycle Dragon (ANZ) 2313 Dwarf Boa 1510 Dwarf Boas 8303 Dwarf Burrowing Skinks (CSA) 7435 Dwarf Caiman 6090 Dwarf Caimans 6089 Dwarf Chameleon (CSA) 1349, 7149 Dwarf Chameleons 1339 Dwarf Chilean Chuckwalla 6489 Dwarf Crocodile 6018 Dwarf Crocodiles 6017 Dwarf Crowned Snake (ANZ) 1413 Dwarf Crowned Snakes 1411 Dwarf Dtella 3556 Dwarf Flat Lizard (CSA) 6541 Dwarf Garter Snake 4046 Dwarf Garter Snakes 4044 Dwarf Gecko 7627 Dwarf GeckoI 7681 Dwarf Geckos (ISC) 1871 Dwarf Geckos (NA) 7592, 4558, 5165, 8345 Dwarf Iguana 3253 Dwarf Iguanas 3246 Dwarf Jackson's Chameleon 1678 Dwarf Lizard 4336 Dwarf Monitor 8685 Dwarf Plated Lizard (CSA) 2117 Dwarf Plated Lizards (CSA) 2116 Dwarf Puff Adder 1200 Dwarf Racers 2981, 6864 Dwarf Reed Snakes 6895 Dwarf Sand Boa 3335

Dwarf Sand Racer

Dwarf Sand Racer 6750 Dwarf Sand Snake (CSA) 6750 Dwarf Short-tail Snakes 7928 Dwarf Skinks 129 Dwarf Skinks 7451 Dwarf Snakes 1429 Dwarf Tegu 1473 Dwarf Teiid 316 Dwarf Wolf Snake 2293 Dwarf Wolf Snakes 2292 Dyed Gecko 2611 Dyed Geckos 2717 Dyed Scalyfoot 2611 Dymond's Japalure 4203 Eared Keelback 7066 Eared Legless Gecko 923 Eared Legless Lizard 923 Eared Skink 4360 Eared Skinks 4359, 5069 Earless Agama 892 Earless Agamas 2106 Earless Agamas 891 Earless Galliwasp 8745 Earless Legless Gecko 926 Earless Legless Lizard 926 Earless Lizards 2100, 3996, 4470 Earless Monitors 4470 Earless Worm Lizard 1144 Early Mabuya 5336 Earth Boas (ISC) 3327 Earth Runners 1774 Earth Snakes 1037, 2474, 7185, 8568, 8729 Earthworm Blind Snake 8443 Earthworm Worm Snake 8443 Easstern Spotted Whiptail 1934 East African Black Mud Turtle 6194 East African Carpet Viver 2950


East African Egg-eater (CSA) 2585 East African Egg-eating Snake 2585 East African Gabun Viper 1193 East African Green Mamba 2645 East African Sand Boa 3329 East African Serrated Mud Turtle 6193 East African Shovelsnout 6718 East African Shovelsnout Snake 6717 East African Side-necked Turtle 6194 East African Yellow-bellied Mud Turtle 6186 East Indian Box Turtle 2420 East Indian Brown Mabuya 5328 East Indian Brown-sided Skink 5328 East Indian Saltwater Crocodile 2181 East Mediterranenan Pond Turtle 3207 East Natal Green Snake 6292 East Plana Curlytail (WI) 4492 Eastern Alligator Lizard 3674 Eastern Alligator Lizards 3673 Eastern Bearded Dragon (ANZ) 6609 Eastern Black King Snake 4389 Eastern Blackneck Garter Snake 8048 Eastern Black-necked Garter Snake 8048 Eastern Blind Snake 7032 Eastern Blue-tongued Lizard (ANZ) 8129 Eastern Blue-tongued Skink 8129

Eastern Box Turtle 7986, 7988 Eastern Bronzeback 2639 Eastern Brown Snake 6894 Eastern Brown Tree Snake 1240 Eastern Carlia 1538 Eastern Caspian Turtle 5453 Eastern Casquehead Iguana 4367 Eastern Chicken Turtle 2595 Eastern Coachwhip 5413 Eastern Collared Lizard 2266, 2266 Eastern Congo Burrowing Asp (CSA) 1025 Eastern Congo Mole Viper 1025 Eastern Coral Snake 5593, 5594 Eastern Coral Snakes 5569 Eastern Cottonmouth 217 Eastern Creek Lizard 963 Eastern Diamon-backed Rattlesnake 2186 Eastern Diamond Rattlesnake 2186 Eastern Diamondback (NA) 2186 Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake 2186 Eastern Dwarf Gecko 7638 Eastern Earless Lizard 4003 Eastern Earth Snake 8734 Eastern Egg-eater (CSA) 2585 Eastern Fence Lizard 7419 Eastern Fence Swift 7419 Eastern Four-lined Rat Snake 3040 Eastern Fox Snake 3011 Eastern Gamma (ISC) 1238 Eastern Garter Snake 8091, 8102, 8103 Eastern Glass Lizard 5972 Eastern Glass Snake 5972


Eastern Green Calotes 1485 Eastern Green Mamba (CSA) 2645 Eastern Ground Snake 8731 Eastern Hermann's Tortoise 8004 Eastern Hill Terapin (ISC) 5482 Eastern Hill Tortoise (ISC) 5402 Eastern Hinged Terrpin (CSA) 6186 Eastern Hognose 3982 Eastern Hognose Snake 3982 Eastern Hog-nosed Snake 3982 Eastern House Gecko (ISC) 3555 Eastern House Snake (CSA) 4449 Eastern Indigo Snake 2900 Eastern Keelbacks 8295 Eastern King Snake 4386 Eastern Least Gecko 7638 Eastern Legless Skink 5496 Eastern Lesser Earless Lizard 4003 Eastern Marbled Whiptail 1954 Eastern Massasauga 7567 Eastern Milk Snake 4429 Eastern Mud Snake 3468 Eastern Mud Turtle 4295, 4298 Eastern Painted Turtle 1845 Eastern Patchnose Snake 7273 Eastern Patch-nosed Snake 7273 Eastern Plains Garter Snake 8082 Eastern Purple-glossed Snake (CSA) 287 Eastern Racer 2034 Eastern Rat Snake 3026 Eastern Red-bellied Turtle 6826

Ecuador Sipo

Eastern Ribbon Snake 8084, 8087 Eastern Ringneck Snake 2673 Eastern River Cooter 6819 Eastern Rough Green Snake 5931 Eastern Sand Skink 7481 Eastern Saw-scaled Viper 2941 Eastern Short-horned Lizard 6396 Eastern Short-tailed Blind Snake 8480 Eastern Side-blotched Lizard 8638 Eastern Six-lined Racerunner 1972 Eastern Slender Glass Lizard 5961 Eastern Slender Glass Snake 5961 Eastern Small-eyed Snake 7199 Eastern Smooth Earth Snake 8734 Eastern Smooth Green Snake 4875 Eastern Snake-eater 6621 Eastern Snake-necked Turtle 1746 Eastern Snapping Turtle 1770 Eastern Spanish Pond Turtle 3205 Eastern Spiny Softshell 869, 875 Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle 875 Eastern Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle 875 Eastern Spinytail Gecko 2730 Eastern Spinytail Iguana 2325 Eastern Spiny-tailed Gecko (ANZ) 2730 Eastern Spiny-tailed Lizard 2133

Eastern Striped Skink (CSA) 5345 Eastern Tiger Snake 5829, 7964, 7965 Eastern Tree Lizard 8615 Eastern Trinket Snake 2996 Eastern Two-line Dragon (ANZ) 2783 Eastern Water Dragon 6494, 6496 Eastern Water Skink 3359 Eastern Water Snake 7558 Eastern White-lipped Snake (CSA) 287 Eastern Whorltail Iguana 7771 Eastern Wolf Snake (CSA) 5151 Eastern Worm Lizard (CSA) 8826 Eastern Worm Snake 1553, 1554 Eastern Yellowbelly Racer 2038 Eastern Zebra-tailed Lizard 1470 Eastsern Hook-nosed Snakes 3478 Eastwood's Long-tailed Seps (CSA) 8015 Eastwood's Plated Lizard (CSA) 8015 Eastwood's Whip Lizard 8015 Eberhardt's Kukri Snake 7238 Ebner's Cylindrical Skink 1620 Ebner's Skink 1620 Echternacht's Ameiva 298 Ecuador Anole 739 Ecuador Blind Snake 840 Ecuador Coral Snake 5576 Ecuador Desert Tegu 2705 Ecuador Frog-eating Snake 2689 Ecuador Leaf-toed Gecko 6453 Ecuador Sipo 1816

Ecuador Snail-eater

Ecuador Snail-eater 2824 Ecuador Worm Snake 840 Ecuadoran Milk Snake 4419 Ecuadorean Ground Snake 1056 Ecuadorian Milk Snake 4419 Ecuadorian Snapping Turtle 1767 Edible Turtle 1758 Eel Snake 6867 Eel Snakes 6866 Egernias 2952 Egg-eaters (CSA) 2581 Egg-eaters 2880 Egg-eating Sea Snake 3188 Egg-eating Snake 2586 Egg-eating Snakes 2581 Egyptian Cobra 5697 Egyptian Fringe-fingered Lizard 62 Egyptian Gecko 7936 Egyptian Leopard Lizard 62 Egyptian Mastigure 8554 Egyptian Sand Boa 3328, 3332 Egyptian Saw-scaled Viper 2950 Egyptian Skink 7482 Egyptian Spiny-tailed Agamid 8554 Egyptian Spiny-tailed Lizard 8554 Egyptian Tortoise 8008 Egyptian Uromastyx 8554 Ehmann's Ctenotus 2360 Eigenmann's Priondactylus 6656 Eight-lined Keelback 353 Eight-striped Ctenotus 2352 Eiselt's 3204 Eiselt's Dwarf Racer 2987 Eiselts Sumpfschildkröte 3204 El Muerto Island Speckled Rattlesnake 2225


El Yunque Dwarf Gecko 7604 El Yunque Least Gecko 7604 Elbaen Snake-eyed Lizard 5975 Elburs Lizard 4323 Elegant Bronzeback 2631 Elegant Bronzeback Snake 2631 Elegant Coral Snake 5588 Elegant Eyed Lizard 6654 Elegant Feylinia 3476 Elegant Garter Snake 8051 Elegant Gecko 2600 Elegant Green Racer 6266 Elegant Helmeted Lizard 2153 Elegant Legless Lizard 94 Elegant Legless Lizards 93 Elegant Lerista 4811 Elegant Lobulia 5071 Elegant Mabuya 5302 Elegant Pit Viper 8223 Elegant Racer 2046 Elegant Sand Racer 6756 Elegant Scalyfoot 2600 Elegant Sea Snake 4092 Elegant Snail-eater 2811 Elegant Toadhead Agama 6331 Elegant Tree Iguana 4905 Elegant Worm Snake 8408 Eleodor's Tree Iguana 4906 Elephant's Trunk Snake 109 Elephant's-trunk Snake 112 Eleuthera Island Boa 3285 Eleven-striped Blind Snake 4787 Eleven-striped Ctenotus 2373 Elf Skinks 5718 Ellenberger's Long-tailed Seps (CSA) 8016 Ellenberger's Whip Lizard 8016

Elliot's Earth Snake 8574 Elliptical-eyed Skink 2978 Elmenteita Rock Agama 160 Elongate Burrowing Skink 482 Elongate Leaf Chameleon 1379 Elongate Quill-snouted Snake 8771 Elongate Tortoise 4181 Elongate Tree Iguana 4907 Elongated Tortoise 4181 Elseya 3105 Emerald Anole 622 Emerald Bloodsucker 1365 Emerald Boa 2111 Emerald Gecko (ISC) 6209 Emerald Lizard 4352 Emerald Monitor 8675 Emerald Skink 2578, 4371 Emerald Skinks 4369 Emerald Snake 3511 Emerald Snakes 3510 Emerald Spiny Lizard 7346 Emerald Tree Boa 2111 Emerald Tree Monitor 8675 Emerald Tree Monitor Lizard 8675 Emerald Tree Skink 4371 Emerald Water Dragon 4119 Emerald Water Lizard 4119 Emigdio's Ground Snake 1058 Emmel's Ground Snake 1059 Emo Skink 3117 Emo Skinks 3111, 6109 Emoias 3111 Emory's Garter Snake 8060 Emory's Pilot Snake 3004 Emory's Rat Snake 3004 Emperor Flat Lizard (CSA) 6545 Emydid Turtles 3186


Enchanted Side-blotched Lizard 8629 Engdahl's Mole Viper 1028 Engel's Mabuya 5303 Entrecasteaux's Leiolopisma 6798 Entrecasteaux's Windoweyed Skink 6798 Equator Centipede Snake 7882 Equator Tree Snake 7519 Equatorial Anole 507 Equatorial Keelback 3846 Equatorial Mussurana 1857 Equatorial Spitting Cobra 5717 Erabu Sea Snake 4486 Erg Agama 8198 Erhard's Wall Lizard 6582 Erica's Worm Snake 8393 Eritrea Blind Snake 4715 Eritrea Longtail Lizard 4475 Eritrea Orangetail Lizard 6257 Eritrea Rock Agama 7726 Eritrean Rock Agama 7726 Ernest's Anole 618 Ernst's Map Turtle 3783 Eroded Hingeback Tortoise 4246 Escambia Map Turtle 3783 Escambray Bearded Anole 650 Escambray Blue-eyed Anole 510 Escambray Spotted Sphaero 7654 Escambray Twig Anole 639 Escarpment Ctenotus 2414 Escorpion (NA) 3853 Esmeralda Racer 2910 Espinal's Coffee Snake 5821 Espirito Santo Blind Snake 4775

Ewerner's Gypsy Gecko

Espiritu Santo Island Orange-throated Whiptail 1928 Espiritu Santo Island Sand Snake 1779 Espiritu Santo Island Striped Whip Snake 5407 Essex's Mountain Lizard 8327 Essington's Ctenotus 2361 Estado Aragua Gecko 3721 Estado Falcon Gecko 3715 Estado Falcon Worm Snake 8436 Estados Sucre Gecko 3720 Estrada's Anole 662 Estuarine Crocodile 2179, 2181 Estuarine Dog-faced Water Snake 1600 Estuarine Sea Snake (ISC) 4104 Etheridge's Anole 619 Etheridge's Lava Lizard 8335 Ethiopia Blind Snake 4712 Ethiopia Leaf-toed Gecko 3878 Ethiopia Viper 1199 Ethiopian Blind Snake 4712 Etosha Agama 165 Eua Scaly-toed Gecko 4582 Eucalypt Ctenotus 2377 Eugene's Anole 620 Euphrates Softshell 7008 Euphrates Softshell Turtle 7008 Euphrates Soft-shelled Turtle 7008 Eurasian Blind Snake 8501 Eurasian Freshwater Turtles 5450 Eurasian Water Snakes 5733 Eurasian Worm Snake 8501 European Adder 8707 European Asp 8700

European Blind Snake 8501 European Cat Snake 7961 European Chameleon 1657 European Copper Skink 5 European Eyed Lizard 4331 European Fringefinger 51 European Glass Lizard 5958 European Glass Snake 5958 European Grass Snake 5736, 5738, 5741 European Leaf-fingered Gecko 6425 European Leaf-toed Gecko 6425 European Legless Lizard 5958 European Leopard Snake 3045 European Naked-fingered Gecko 5464 European Nose-horned Viper 8698 European Pond Terrapin 3201 European Pond Turtle 3201 European Pond Turtles 3199 European Sand Boa 3332 European Smooth Snake 2146 European Smooth Snakes 2145 European Swamp Terrapin 3201 European Swamp Tortoise 3201 European Whip Snake 2051, 2069 Evans's King Snake 4377 Even-fingered Geckos 271 Everett's Kukri Snake 5889 Everglades Racer 2040, 2043 Everglades Rat Snake 3030 Eversmann's Anole 622 Ewerner's Gypsy Gecko 3956

Exalted Two-pored Dragon

Exalted Two-pored Dragon 2793 Exmouth Gulf Dragon 2305 Exmouth Gulf Lerista 4833 Exsul Boa 3273 Extreme Anole 623 Exuma Island Ground Iguana 2467 Eyebrow Lizards 6313 Eyebrowed Lizards 6313 Eyed Anole 728 Eyed Lizard 4331 Eyed Lizards 6653 Eyed Pete 5678 Eyed Skink 1626 Eyed Turtle 7257 Eyed Turtles 5671, 7256 Eyelash Boa 8184 Eyelash Boas 8183 Eyelash Lancehead 1261 Eyelash Palm Pit Viper 1261 Eyelash Pit Viper 1261 Eyelash Viper 1261 Eyeless Purple-glossed Snake 287 Eyelid Emo Skink 3160 Eyelid Geckos 3341, 3342 Eyelid Lerista 4807 Eyelid Skinks 3361 Eyespot Gecko 3718 Eyespot Ground Skink 4532 Eyre Peninsula Dragon 2306 Faded Black-striped Snake 2088 Faded Dwarf Snake 8258 Faded Snake (NA) 950 Faded Snake 946 Faded Snakes 945 Fair-headed Skink 3371 False Agama 179 False Anoles 6245 False Bloodsuckers 6854


False Bluetail Emo Skink 3168 False Boas 6837 False Bow-fingered Gecko 2537 False Cat-eyed Snake 6885, 6886 False Cat-eyed Snakes 6884 False Cerastes 6853 False Chameleon 1723 False Clouded Anole 720 False Coral Snake 3321, 3326 False Coral Snake 492 False Coral Snakes 3320, 491, 6037 False Eyed Turtle 7259 False Fer-de-Lance 8788 False Fer-de-Lances 8784 False Ficimia 6869 False Ficimias 6868 False Gavial 8138 False Gavials 8137 False Gecko 6870 False Gharial 8138 False Gharials 8137 False Girdled Lizard 6856 False Girdled Lizards 6855 False Hooded Snake 5377 False Horned Vipers 6850 False Lancehead 8788 False Lanceheads 8784 False Map Turtle 3794, 3796 False Mole Viper 1029 False Monitor 1472 False Monitors 1471 False Poncelet's Helmet Skink 8215 False Serra Snake 8291 False Smooth Snake 5377 False Smooth Snakes 5376 False Tiger Anole 759 False Tomodon Snake 6900

False Tomodon Snakes 6899 False Vipers 8784 False Water Cobra 2436, 4074 False Water Snakes 4072 False-striped Water Snake 5031 Fan-fingered Geckos 6966 Fan-footed Gecko 6968 Fan-footed Geckos 6966 Fanged Snakes 4155 Fanged Water Snake 6959 Fanged Water Snakes 6958 Fangless Night Snakes (NA) 4128 Fan-si-pan Horned Pit Viper 8222 Fantastic Blunt-headed Tree Snake 4176 Fantastic Dwarf Gecko 7624 Fantastic Leaf-tailed Gecko 8598 Fantastic Least Gecko 7624 Fan-throated Lizard (ISC) 7576 Fan-toed Gecko 6968, 6974 Fan-toed Rock Gecko 6968 Far Eastern Skink 3397 Farm Leaf-toed Gecko 3932 Fat Blind Snake 7040 Fat Ground Snake 1087 Fat Mole Viper 1026 Fat Skink 5226 Fathead Anoles 3254 Fat-tail Gecko 3966 Fat-tail Geckos 3965 Fat-tailed Diplodactylus (ANZ) 2722 Fat-tailed Gecko 3345, 3966, 5860 Fat-tailed Geckos 3342, 3965, 5853 Fawn Forest Skink 7701 Fawn Skink 1994 Fawn Skinks 1992


Fea Viper 1133 Fea Vipers 1132 Fea's Viper 1133 Fea's Vipers 1132 Fehlmann's Dtella 3543 Feick's Dwarf Boa 8307 Feldtschenko's Grasping Gecko 7969 Fence Lizard (NA) 566 Fence Lizard 7419 Fence Swift 7349 Fer-de-lance 1283 Fernando Po Fire Skink 5227 Fernando Po Skink 5227 Ferrara's Mabuya 5304 Festive Gecko 5726 Festive Geckos 5725 Few-scaled Blind Snake 8462 Few-scaled Worm Snake 8462 Feylinias 3473 Field's Horned Viper 6851 Fierce Snake 6052 Fiji Banded Iguana 1314 Fiji Cobra 5868 Fiji Cobra Snakes 5867 Fiji Cobras 5867 Fiji Crested Iguana 1315 Fiji Gecko 3566 Fiji Green Emo Skink 3130 Fiji Iguanas 1313 Fiji Scaly-toed Gecko 4590 Fijian Crested Iguanas 1313 Fijian Iguanas 1313 File Snake (CSA) 5469 File Snake 112 File Snakes 108, A4653109 File Snakes 5468 File Worm Snake 8411 File-striped Snake 2087 Filetail Ground Snake 7578 Filfola Wall Lizard 6583

Flat Wolf Snake

Filippi's Ground Snake 1061 Finca Ceres Anole 670 Fire Racer 2051 Fire Skink 5227 Fire-bellied Snake 4994 Firetail Skink 5682 Fire-tailed Skink (ANZ) 5682 First Anole 756 Fischer's Boa 3284 Fischer's Cat Snake 1248 Fischer's Chameleon 1665 Fischer's Dwarf Gecko 5180 Fischer's Snail-eater 8288 Fischer's Thick-toed Gecko 6071 Fish Snake 8042 Fish-eating Water Snake 5124 Fishing Snake 3317, 7834 Fishing Snakes 7831 Fisk's House Snake 4441 Fisk's Snake 4441 Fitch's Anole 627 Fito Leaf Chameleon 1376 Fitzgerald's Tree Iguana 4909 Fitzinger's Algyroides 242 Fitzinger's Blind Snake 4738 Fitzinger's False Coral Snake 6040 Fitzinger's Ground Skink 4526 Fitzinger's Tree Iguana 4910 Fitzroy River Turtle 7157 Fitzroy River Turtles 7156 Fitzroy Tortoise 7157 Fitzroy Tortoises 7156 Fitzroy Turtle 7157 Fitzroy Turtles 7156 Fitzsimons's Blind Legless Skink 8509

Fitzsimons's Burrowing Skink (CSA) 8367 Fitzsimons's Dwarf Gecko 5169 Fitzsimons's Leaf-toed Gecko 6443 Fitzsimons's Legless Skink 8509 Fitzsimons's Terrapin 6182 Fitzsimons's Whip Lizard 8017 Five Keel Agama 1426 Five Keel Agamas 1425 Five-fingered Skinks 3353 Five-keeled Spinytail Iguana 2336 Five-lined Debris Snake 2087 Five-lined Dragon 2876 Five-lined Flying Dragon 2876 Five-lined Skink (CSA) 5338 Five-lined Skink 3385, 3951 Five-streaked Lizard 4347 Five-toed Emo Skink 3165 Five-toed Skinks 4683 Five-toed Whip Lizard 8018 Five-toed Worm Lizard 1182 Flabby Anole 766 Flaming Ground Snake 1062 Flapneck Chameleon 1662 Flap-necked Chameleon 1662 Flapped Geckos 2596 Flapped Scalyfoots 2596 Flat Andes Anole 6246 Flat Dark-girdled Lizard 2141 Flat Geckos (CSA) 136 Flat Lizards 6539 Flat Musk Turtle 4262 Flat Rock Lizard 6541 Flat Wolf Snake 5147

Flatback Green Turtle

Flatback Green Turtle 5728 Flatback Sea Turtle 5728 Flatback Sea Turtles 5727 Flatback Turtle 5728 Flatback Turtles 5727 Flat-casqued Chameleon 1670 Flathead Knob-scaled Lizard 8802 Flathead Leaf-toed Gecko 3926 Flathead Snake 5561, 7885 Flathead Snakes 5560 Flathead Worm Snake 8465 Flat-headed Chameleon 7153 Flat-headed Flat-shelled Turtle 6528 Flat-headed Snake 7885, 8795 Flat-headed Snakes 8794 Flat-headed Tropical House Gecko (CSA) 3926 Flat-nosed Pit Viper 8244 Flat-nosed Snake (NA) 7273 Flat-shelled Spider Tortoise 7004 Flat-shelled Turtle (ANZ) 1755 Flat-snouted Wolf Snake 5145 Flat-tail (ISC) 6169 Flat-tail Geckos 8591 Flat-tail Horned Lizard 6402 Flat-tail Sea Snake 4485 Flat-tailed Gecko 146 Flat-tailed Gecko 2158, 8594 Flat-tailed Geckos 8591 Flat-tailed Horned Lizard 6402 Flat-tailed House Gecko (NA) 2158 Flat-tailed Sea Snakes 4481 Flat-tailed Water Snake 5772


Flattened Gecko 3886 Flattened Musk Turtle 4262 Flecked Fossorial Skink 1507 Flecked Window-eyed Skink 6813 Flinders Legless Gecko 928 Flinders Legless Lizard 928 Flores Wolf Snake 5106 Florida Bark Anole 611 Florida Blue-striped Garter Snake 8102 Florida Box Turtle 7987 Florida Brown Snake 7808 Florida Burrowing Skinks 5757 Florida Chicken Turtle 2593 Florida Cooter 6820 Florida Coral Snake (NA) 5593 Florida Cottonmouth 215 Florida Crowned Snake 7903 Florida East Coast Terrapin 5390 Florida Five-lined Skink 3392 Florida Garter Snake 8102 Florida Gopher Tortoise 3777 Florida Green Water Snake 5784 Florida Indigo Snake 2898 Florida Keys Mole Skink 3379 Florida King Snake 4385 Florida Mud Turtle 4297 Florida Pine Snake 6515 Florida Red-bellied Cooter 6824 Florida Red-bellied Snake 7812 Florida Red-bellied Turtle 6824 Florida Redbelly Snake 7812

Florida Redbelly Turtle 6824 Florida Reef Gecko 7651 Florida Rough Green Snake 5932 Florida Sand Skink 5758 Florida Sand Skinks (NA) 5757 Florida Scarlet Snake 1587 Florida Scrub Lizard 7433 Florida Skink 3378 Florida Snapping Turtle 1768 Florida Softshell 865 Florida Softshell Turtle 865 Florida Water Snake 5783 Florida Worm Lizard 7159 Florida Worm Lizards 5757, 7158 Flower Snake 3025 Flowerback Box Turtle 2429 Flowered Racer 2047 Flowerpot Blind Snake 7017 Flowerpot Snake 7017 Flower's Worm Snake 8412 Fly River Turtle 1522, 1523 Fly River Turtles 1521 Flying Dragon 2878 Flying Dragons 2860 Flying Gecko 6963, 6964 Flying Geckos 6960 Flying Lizard 2864, 2878 Flying Snake 1847, 1848 Flying Snakes 1846 Flying Tree Snakes 1846 Fojia Skink 3488 Fojia Skinks 3487 Fond Parisien Dwarf Gecko 7655 Fond Parisien Least Gecko 7655 Fonseca's Lancehead 1289 Fonseca's Pit Viper 1289 Foothill Anole 716


Forbes's Anole 628 Forbes's Graceful Brown Snake 7105 Forbes's Kukri Snake 5890 Ford's Boa 3274 Foreign Dtella 3567 Forest Agama 187 Forest Anole 629 Forest Arthroseps 968 Forest Bloodsucker (ISC) 1497 Forest Calotes (ISC) 1497 Forest Carlia 1547 Forest Cobra (CSA) 5700 Forest Cobras 6881 Forest Dragons 3750, 4141 Forest Emo Skink 3183 Forest Flame Snake 6046 Forest Gecko 3586 Forest Ground Skink 7461 Forest Iguanas 8695 Forest Lizards 122 Forest Marsh Snake 5732 Forest Night Snake 4194 Forest Night Snakes 4193 Forest Pit Vipers 1263 Forest Racer 2652 Forest Racers 2651, 2893 Forest Skinks 7695 Forest Snakes 2278, 3615, 7842 Forest Turtles 3968 Forest Twig Snake 8111 Forest Water Snake 3847 Forest-dweller Skinks 7695 Forked Gecko 2726 Fork-marked Sand Snake 6761 Forknose Chameleon 1667 Formosa False Coral Snake 6041 Formosa Flying Dragon 2866 Formosa Grass Lizard 7851

Frilled House Gecko

Formosa Ground Skink 7459 Formosa Kukri Snake 5891 Formosa Odd-scaled Snake 85 Formosa Skink 2958 Formosa Slug Snake 6138 Formosa Whorltail Iguana 7760 Formosa Wolf Snake 5114, 5115 Formosan Kukri Snake 5891 Fornasini's Blind Snake (CSA) 8413 Fornasini's Worm Snake 8413 Forsten's Cat Snake (ISC) 1237 Forsten's Pointed Snake 7064 Forsten's Snake 1237 Forster's Tree Iguana 4911 Forsyth's Toadhead Agama 6334 Fossorial Skinks 1503 Four-banded Pacific Iguana 5553 Four-clawed Gecko 3555 Four-eyed Turtle 7260 Four-fingered Skink 1531, 7501 Four-fingered Skinks 5154 Four-horned Chameleon 1703 Four-lined Ameiva 324 Four-lined Chicken Snake 3029 Four-lined Earth Snake 118 Four-lined Girdled Lizard 8822 Four-lined Rat Snake 3029, 3039 Four-lined Skink 3430, 3432 Four-lined Snake 3039 Four-rayed Snake 3039 Four-striped Emo Skink 3182

Four-striped Lipinia 5053 Four-striped Skink 3430 Four-striped Snake 2884 Four-toed Agamas 7575 Four-toed Amapasaurus 279 Four-toed Amapasauruses 278 Four-toed Mole Lizard 1183 Four-toed Sepsina 7501 Four-toed Skink (ANZ) 3953 Four-toed Tegu 7956 Four-toed Tegus 7955 Four-toed Worm Lizard 1183 Fowler's Anole 630 Fowler's Galliwasp 1576 Fox Gecko 3893 Fox Snake 3054 Fox's Mountain Meadow Snake 115 Fraas's Lizard 4326 Fragile Lerista 4813 Fraser's Anole 631 Fraser's Gecko 2601 Fraser's Ground Snake 4997 Fraser's Scalyfoot 2601 Freiberg's Blind Snake 4709 Freiberg's Iguana 6710 Freminville's Scorpion-eater 7797 French Congo Worm Lizard 2484 French Guyana Ground Snake 1081 Freshwater Crocodile (ANZ) 2173 Freshwater Crocodile 2176 Freshwater Snake (ANZ) 8297 Freshwater Turtles 3186, 3199 Frilled Dragon 1833 Frilled Dragons 1832 Frilled House Gecko (ISC) 2158

Frilled Lizard

Frilled Lizard (ANZ) 1833 Frilled Lizards 1832 Fringed Flying Dragon 2865 Fringed Geckos 6960 Fringe-fingered Lizard 51 Fringe-fingered Lizards 40 Fringe-lip Agama 2281 Fringe-lip Agamas 2280 Fringe-toed Lizard 51, d 67 Fringe-toed Lizard 8522 Fringe-toed Lizards 40 Fringe-toed Lizards 8519 Fringe-toed Sand Lizard 8520 Fritt's Whorltail Iguana 7751 Frog-eating Rat Snake 3042 Frog-eating Snakes 2687, 7714 Frog-eyed Gecko 7980 Fronted Ground Snake 4996 Front-fanged Snakes 3056 Frontier Bow-fingered Gecko 2552 Frost's Iguana 6567 Frost's Iguanas 6566 Frost's Lerista 4814 Fry's Lerista 4835 Fuerte Slider 8171 Fuhn's Five-toed Skink 4688 Fuhn's Ground Skink 4540 Fuhn's Island-dweller 2286 Fuhn's Lidless Skink 4688 Fuhn's Snake-eyed Skink 2286 Fujian Pond Turtle 5456 Fukien Bamboo Snake 6909 Furrowed Wood Turtle 7171 Gabon Hinged Terrapin 6188 Gabon Terrapin 6188 Gabon Turtle 6188 Gaboon Adder (CSA) 1192


Gaboon Beaked Snake 7205 Gaboon Lidless Skink 6103 Gaboon Snake-eater 6624 Gaboon Viper 1192 Gaboon Worm Lizard 5647 Gadow's Alligator Lizard 5527 Gadow's Anole 637 Gadow's Spiny Lizard 7347 Gadow's Tree Lizard 8604 Gaige's Dwarf Gecko 7625 Gaige's Ground Snake 1064 Gaige's Least Gecko 7625 Gaige's Night Lizard 4608 Gaige's Pine Forest Snake 7108 Gaige's Thirst Snake 2813 Gaige's Tropical Night Lizard 4608 Gail's Skink 3372 Galapagos Giant Tortoise 3606 Galapagos Land Iguana 2091 Galapagos Land Iguanas 2089 Galapagos Leaf-toed Gecko 6426 Galapagos Marine Iguana 294 Galapagos Racer 262 Galapagos Tortoise 3606 Gallagher's Gecko 972 Gallagher's Kentropyx 4239 Galliwasp 2756 Galliwasps 1568 Gallotias 3497 Gallot's Lizard 3499 Gallot's Lizards 3497 Gambia Agama 188 Gambia Blind Snake 4763 Gamboge-collared Keelback 7070 Gammie's Wolf Snake 2709 Ganga Soft-shelled Turtle (ISC) 985

Ganges Crowned River Turtle 3825 Ganges Gharial 3514 Ganges Softshell (ISC) 985 Ganges Softshell Turtle 985 Ganges Soft-shelled Turtle 985 Gans's Tree Skink 4467 Garden Flying Snake 1848 Garden Skink (ANZ) 4457 Garden Tree Boa 2112 Gardiner's Skinks 6095 Gardinier's Skink 6096 Gariep Blind Legless Skink 8513 Garland Anole 830 Garman's Galliwasp 1571 Garman's Sea Snake 4108 Garnier's Skink 6305 Garnier's Skinks 6304 Garnot's House Gecko 3893 Garo and Khasi Hill Tortoise 2441 Garrido's Anole 761 Garrido's False Chameleon 1722 Garter Snake 8067 Garter Snakes 3075, 8033 Gary's Mountain Keelback 5980 Gascoyne River Lerista 4815 Gaudichaud's Eopleopus 3262 Gaudichaud's Eopleopuses 3261 Gavial 3514 Gavials 3512, 3513 Gecko (CSA) 6054 Gecko Toadhead Agama 6336 Geckos 3568, 3595 Geckos and Legless Lizards 3595 Gekkonid Lizards 3595 Geoffrey's Side-necked Turtle 6371


Geoffroy's Sideneck Turtle 6371 Geoffroy's Side-necked Turtle 6371 Geographic Terrapin 3785 Geometeric Tortoise 6734 Geometric Sea Snake 4094 Gerard's Striped Burrowing Snake (CSA) 1785 Gerard's Two-headed Snake 1785 Gerard's Water Snake 3672 Gerard's Water Snakes 3671 Gerrard's Black-and-yellow Burrowing Snake (CSA) 1785 Gerrard's Lerista 4816 Geyr's Dab-Lizard 8558 Ghamcheh Racer 2057 Ghana Worm Lizard 2488 Gharial (ISC) 3514 Gharials 3513 Ghost Anole 678 Giant Ameiva 297 Giant Amphisbaena 401 Giant Anole 570 Giant Asian Pond Turtle 3970 Giant Banded Sea Krait 4482 Giant Bird Snake 6929 Giant Blind Snake 4757, 7220, 8472 Giant Bluetongue Skink 8123 Giant Blue-tongued Skink 8123 Giant Caribbean Gecko 943 Giant Cave Gecko (ANZ) 7092 Giant Chameleon 616 Giant Day Gecko 6227 Giant Earth Snake 1076 Giant False Viper 8789 Giant Forest Dragon 3758 Giant Fringe-fingered Lizard 54

Gliding Gecko

Giant Fringe-toed Lizard 54 Giant Garter Snake 8065 Giant Gecko 3574 Giant Geckos 7085 Giant Girdled Lizard (CSA) 2123 Giant Green Lizard 4348 Giant Ground Gecko (CSA) 1835 Giant Ground Geckos (CSA) 1834 Giant Horned Lizard 6388 Giant Jewelled Chameleon 1681 Giant Lance Skink 105 Giant Leaf-toed Gecko 3894 Giant Legless Skink (CSA) 105 Giant Limbless Skink (CSA) 105 Giant Madagascar Hognose Snake 4512 Giant Madagascar Skink 6836 Giant Madagascar Skinks 6835 Giant Monitor 8659 Giant Musk Turtle 7713 Giant Musk Turtles 7711 Giant One-horned Chameleon 1686 Giant Plated Lizard 3686 Giant Skinks 8118 Giant Snakeneck Turtle 1745 Giant Snake-necked Turtle 1745 Giant Snakes 1225 Giant South American River Turtle 6601 Giant Spinytail Lizard 2123 Giant Spotted Whiptail (NA) 1913 Giant Spotted Whiptail 1912 Giant Sungazer 2123 Giant Whiptail (NA) 1956

Giant Whiptail 1913, 1921, 1958 Giant Woodslave 8108 Gibba Plains Dragon 2308 Gibba Turtle 6372 Gibbons's Emo Skink 3184 Gibbons's Map Turtle 3786 Gidgee Skink 2977 Gila Monster 3854 Gila Monsters 3852, 3857 Gila Spotted Whiptail 1931 Gilbert Skink 3386 Gilbert's Dragon (ANZ) 5077 Gilbert's Lashtail 5077 Gilbert's Leaf-toed Gecko 6428 Gilbert's Skink 3386 Gilbert's Water Dragon 5077 Gillen's Dwarf Monitor 8660 Gillen's Monitor 8660 Gippsland Water Dragon 6495 Girard's Green Snake 6285 Girard's Ground Skink 4530 Girard's Skink 2449 Girard's Water Snake 1517 Girard's Water Snakes 1515 Girard's Whorltail Iguana 7773 Girdled Lizard 8818, 8819 Girdled Lizards (CSA) 2118 Girdled Lizards 8813 Girdle-tailed Lizards 2115 Glass Lizard 5958 Glass Lizards 5957 Glass Snake 5958 Glass Snakes 8375 Glauert's Monitor 8661 Glen Canyon Chuckwalla 7313 Gliding Gecko (ISC) 6963 Gliding Gecko 6964

Gliding Lizard

Gliding Lizard (ISC) 2864 Gloomy Worm Snake 8488 Glossy Crayfish Snake 7053, 7055 Glossy Crayfish Water Snake 7053 Glossy Grass Skink (ANZ) 6810 Glossy Racers 2911 Glossy Shade Lizard 4187 Glossy Shade Lizards 4186 Glossy Snake (NA) 950 Glossy Snake 946 Glossy Snakes 945 Glossy Thread Snake 4776 Glossy Water Snake 7053 Glossy Worm Snake 4776 Glossy-bellied Racer 2068 Gmelin's Bronzeback 2639 Gmelin's Bronzeback Snake 2639 Goalpora Grass Lizard 7852 Goannas 8644 Gobi Racerunner 3298 Godeffroy's Forest Dragon 4147 Godman's Anole 643 Godman's Earth Snake 3645 Godman's Garter Snake 8066 Godman's Graceful Brown Snake 7109 Godman's Litter Snake 7109 Godman's Montane Pit Viper 1610 Godman's Mountain Pit Viper 1610 Goetsch's Tree Iguana 4913 Goetze's Chameleon 1671 Goias Burrowing Snake 911 Goias Gecko 1997 Goias Tropical Snake 5216 Goin's Kingsnake 4387 Gold Skink 3416


Gold-collared Bright Snake 4971 Gold-dotted Keelback 8778 Gold-dotted Skink 3443 Gold-dust Day Gecko 6225 Golden Agama 7743 Golden Blind Legless Skink 8508 Golden Blind Skink (CSA) 8508 Golden Crowned Snake (ANZ) 1414 Golden Flying Snake (ISC) 1847 Golden Four-lined Skink 3954 Golden Fringe-fingered Lizard 42 Golden Fringe-toed Lizard 42 Golden Gecko (ISC) 1477 Golden Gliding Snake 1847 Golden Grass Mabuya 5277 Golden Grass Skink 5277 Golden Lancehead 1291 Golden Legless Skink (CSA) 8509 Golden Limbless Skink (CSA) 8508 Golden Monitor 8658 Golden Scaly-toed Gecko 4578 Golden Snakes 1603 Golden Spectacled Tegu 3816 Golden Spitting Cobra 5717 Golden Spotted Gecko (CSA) 6075 Golden Sticky-toed Gecko 4054 Golden Tegu 8355 Golden Tree Snake 1847 Golden Whorltail Iguana 7755 Golden-crowned Snake 1414 Goldenhead Garter Snake 8041

Golden-headed Box Turtle 2424 Goldenscale Anole 577 Goldentail Gecko 2749 Golden-tailed Gecko (ANZ) 2749 Goldman's Bunchgrass Lizard 7348 Gold's Cobra 6882 Gold's Forest Cobra 6882 Gold's Tree Cobra 6882 Gold-spotted Mabuya 5278 Golubev's Geckos 974 Gomera Wall Gecko 7948 Gomes's Burrowing Snake 906 Gomes's Green Racer 6272 Gomes's Lizard-eating Snake 3067 Gomes's Pampas Snake 6302 Gonave Amphisbaena 415 Gonave Blind Snake 8417 Gonave Gracile Anole 571 Gonave Island Worm Snake 8417 Gonave Worm Lizard 415 Good Anole 621 Goode's Desert Horned Lizard 6407 Gopher Snake 2898, 6498, 6500, 6511 Gopher Snakes 6497 Gopher Tortoise 3777 Gopher Tortoises 3773 Gore's Bronzeback 2633 Gore's Bronzeback Snake 2633 Gorge Lerista 4797 Gould's Black-headed Snake 7819 Gould's Goanna (ANZ) 8664 Gould's Monitor 8664 Gow's Burrowing Skink 844


Graceful Brown Snake 7106 Graceful Brown Snakes 7095 Graceful Chameleon 1672 Graceful Crag Lizard (CSA) 6856 Graceful Ground Skink 4528 Graceful Leaf-toed Gecko 3895 Graceful Madagascar Ground Gecko 6149 Graceful Mountain Snake 7139 Graceful Mountain Snakes 7138 Graceful Racer 2048 Graceful Snail-eater 2814 Graceful Snake-eater 6626 Graceful Tantilla 7885 Graceful Tree Iguana 4914 Graceful Velvet Gecko 5858 Grace's Kukri Snake 5910 Gracile Chameleon 1672 Gracile Desert Anole 560 Gracile Legless Skink (CSA) 8368 Graham's Anole 645 Graham's Crayfish Snake 7052 Graham's Japalure 4206 Graham's Queen Snake 7052 Graham's Water Snake 7052 Granchi's Leaf-toed Gecko 3896 Grand Canyon Rattlesnake 2245 Grand Cayman Anole 586 Grand Cayman Blind Snake (WI) 8394 Grand Cayman Ground Iguana 2469 Grand Cayman Iguana 2469 Grand Cayman Trope (WI) 8306

Gray's Wall Gecko

Grand Ctenotus 2367 Grand Scaly-eyed Gecko 4563 Grandidier's Dwarf Gecko 5210 Grandidier's Gecko 3530 Grandidier's Madagascar Ground Gecko 6147 Grandidier's Madagascar Swift 6008 Grandidier's Two-lined Skink 3444 Grandidier's Velvet Gecko 4034 Grandidier's Water Snake 5028 Grandidier's Worm Snake 8418 Grandis Day Gecko 6227 Granite Night Lizard 8748, 8750 Granite Spiny Lizard 7395 Grant's African Ground Snake 3743 Grant's Leaf-toed Gecko 3897 Grant's Worm Snake 8419 Granular Anole 646 Granular-scaled Lizards 4514 Granular-scaled Wart Snake 111 Granulated File Snake 111 Graphic Spiny Lizard 7353 Grasping Gecko 7967 Grass Anole 536 Grass Ctenotus 2370 Grass Lizards (CSA) 1732 Grass Lizards 7849 Grass Snake 5736, 5737 Grass Snakes 5733, 6749, 6779 Grass-green Whip Snake 228 Grass-top Mabuya 5327 Grass-top Skink (CSA) 5327 Gravel Ctenotus 2402

Gravel Dragon (ANZ) 2281 Gravel Dragons (ANZ) 2280 Gravenhorst's Larartija (NA) 4915 Gravenhorst's Mabuya 5307 Gravenhorst's Tree Iguana 4915 Gray Garter Snake (NA) 8074 Gray Lichen Anole (NA) 665 Gray Rat Snake (NA) 3031 Gray-banded King Snake (NA) 4379 Gray-banded King Snake 4374, 4375 Gray-checkered Whiptail (NA) 1927 Gray's Anole 647 Gray's Bronzeback 2628 Gray's Bronzeback Snake 2628 Gray's Chinese Gecko 3571 Gray's Coral Snake 1457 Gray's Earth Snake 8579 Gray's Gecko 2602 Gray's Keeled Skink 8322 Gray's Kukri Snake 5885 Gray's Lava Lizard 5549 Gray's Leaf-toed Gecko 3916 Gray's Monitor 8673 Gray's Ornate Gecko 2738 Gray's Ornate Skink 2453 Gray's Pacific Iguana 5549 Gray's Pit Viper 8248 Gray's Polyodont 7531 Gray's Rat Snake (ISC) 2068 Gray's Scalyfoot 2602 Gray's Sea Snake 4105 Gray's Shore Pit Viper 8245 Gray's Sticky-toed Gecko 4057 Gray's Tree Gecko 5751 Gray's Wall Gecko 7942

Great Basin Chuckwalla

Great Basin Chuckwalla 7314 Great Basin Collared Lizard 2265, 2273 Great Basin Fence Lizard 7390 Great Basin Gopher Snake 6503 Great Basin Rattlesnake 2250 Great Basin Skink 3425 Great Basin Whiptail 1985 Great Black Coluber 3044 Great Desert Skink 2963 Great Emo Skink 3152 Great Flying Dragon 2871 Great Inagua Ameiva 318 Great Inagua Island Dwarf Boa 8305 Great Lakes Bush Viper 1015 Great Padloper (CSA) 4040 Great Plains Black-headed Snake 7897 Great Plains Earless Lizard 4002 Great Plains Rat Snake 3004 Great Plains Skink 3408 Great Sandy Desert Lerista 4849 Great Skinks (NA) 3361 Greater Black Krait 1402 Greater Blind Snakes 3848 Greater Brown Skink 3389 Greater Burrowing Skinks 479 Greater Cerastes Viper 1591 Greater Dwarf Gecko 4563 Greater Earless Lizard 2101, 2102, 4010 Greater Earless Lizards 2100 Greater Five-lined Skink 3396 Greater Galliwasps 2756


Greater Green Parrot Snake 4674 Greater Indian Rat Snake 6944 Greater Krait 1402 Greater Legless Skinks (CSA) 95 Greater Microteiid 1500 Greater Ornate Whorltail Iguana 7774 Greater Padloper (CSA) 4040 Greater Pale-throated Skink 2458 Greater Racerunners 6829 Greater Scaly Anole 821 Greater Short-horned Lizard 6400 Greater Snake Skinks 5941 Greater Spinytail Iguanas 2324 Greater Toadhead Agama 6325 Greater Toad-headed Turtle 6376 Greater Western Skink 3386 Greater Worm Snakes 3848 Greek Algyroides 244 Greek Keeled Lizard 244 Greek Rock Lizard 4327 Greek Snake Skink 5948 Greek Tortoise 8001, 8002 Green Anaconda 3438 Green Anole 566, 567, 573 Green Bamboo-leaf Pit Viper 8240 Green Bark Anole 610 Green Basilisk 1166 Green Bush Snake 6295, 6297, 6298 Green Bush Snakes 6279 Green Bush Viper 1010, 1016 Green Cat Snake 1231 Green Cat-eyed Snake 1231 Green Crested Lizard 1360

Green Fern Anole 598 Green Grass Lizard 7857 Green Ground Snake 4982 Green Highland Racer 2906 Green Iguana 4167 Green Jararaca 1265 Green Keelback (ISC) 5371 Green Keelback 7074 Green Keeled Racer 1811 Green Kentropyx 4240 Green Lacerta Lizard 4352 Green Lizard (NA) 566 Green Lizard 4352 Green Lizard 567 Green Mamba (CSA) 2645 Green Mamba 2648 Green Mexican Iguana 4167 Green Night Adder 1564 Green Palm Pit Viper 1258 Green Palm Snake 6278 Green Pit Viper (ISC) 8229 Green Pit Viper 8242 Green Pricklenape 80 Green Psammodromus 6742 Green Python (ANZ) 5670 Green Racer 2909 Green Racers 6259 Green Rat Snake (NA) 3052 Green Rat Snake 3037, 7494, 7495 Green Rat Snakes 3771, 7493 Green Rattlesnake 2212 Green Sea Turtle 1758 Green Sea Turtles 1756 Green Snakes 2459, 5929 Green Spiny Lizard 7376 Green Thornytail Iguana 8535 Green Tree Boa 2111 Green Tree Gecko 5749 Green Tree Monitor 8675 Green Tree Python 5670


Green Tree Racer 3037 Green Tree Rat Snake 3037 Green Tree Skink 3118, 4371, 6652 Green Tree Skinks 6647 Green Tree Snake 1231, 2640 Green Tree Viper 1010 Green Trinket Snake 3037 Green Turtle 1758 Green Turtles 1756 Green Vine Snake 228 Green Vine Snake 6032 Green Water Dragon 6493 Green Water Snake (CSA) 6288 Green Water Snake 5774 Green Whip Snake 2069, 6032 Green Window-eyed Skink 6799 Green-banded Anole 630 Green-bellied Garter Snake 8045 Green-bellied Lizard 4318 Green-bellied Palm Snake 6271 Greenbelly Lizard 4318 Green-black Snake-eyed Skink 2287 Green-blooded Skink 6648, 6651 Green-collared Grass Snake 5737 Green-eyed Gecko 1900 Green-headed Grass Anole 633 Green-headed Racer 4668 Green-headed Turtle 5852 Green-spotted Snake 2907 Green-striped Garter Snake 8099 Green-striped Mountain Lizard 8329 Greer's Blind Skink 2696 Greer's Ctenotus 2368 Greer's Elf Skink 5720

Ground Rattlesnake

Greer's Island Skink 3627 Greer's King Snake 4396 Greer's Lerista 4817 Greer's Writhing Skink 5225 Greigert's Shovelsnout Snake 6722 Grenada Blind Snake (WI) 8487 Grenada Bush Anole (WI) 506 Grenada Ground Snake (WI) 5005 Grenada Tree Anole (WI) 770 Grenada Worm Snake 8487 Grey Anole 648 Grey Beaked Agkistrodon Snakes 7323 Grey Beaked Snake 7324 Grey Beaked Snakes 7323 Grey Burrowing Lizard 1205 Grey Carlia 1536 Grey Cat Snake 1246 Grey Chameleon 1658 Grey Dasia 2576 Grey Dwarf Gecko 7608 Grey Earth Snake 3633 Grey Garter Snake 8074 Grey Gecko 2610 Grey Ground Snake 1090 Grey Kukri Snake 5894 Grey Least Gecko 7608 Grey Lichen Anole 665 Grey Scalyfoot 2610 Grey Shovelsnout (CSA) 6717 Grey Skink 391 Grey Snake (ANZ) 3863 Grey Snake-eyed Skink 2284 Grey Spinytail Gecko 2719 Grey Swamp Snake 3863 Grey Swamp Snakes 3862

Grey Toadhead Agama 6363 Grey Tree Iguana 4916 Grey Tree Snake 1239 Grey Water Skink 4454 Grey Worm Snake 8420 Grey-banded King Snake 4374, 4379, 4394 Grey-bellied Grass Snake 6782 Grey-bellied Rear-fanged Snake 6782 Grey-bellied Skaapsteker (CSA) 6782 Greybelly Skaapsteker 6782 Grey-brown Menetia 5505 Grey-chequered Whiptail 1927 Grey-marked Gecko 973 Grey's Menetia 5505 Grey's Sea Snake 3264 Grey's Sea Snakes 3263 Grey-tailed Skink 3693 Gridiron-tailed Lizard 1465 Gridiron-tailed Lizards 1464 Griffin's Dasia 2575 Griffin's Lerista 4818 Griswold's Ameiva 313 Gronovi's Burrowing Skink 7444 Gronovi's Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7444 Groote Eylandt Blind Snake 7036 Grooved Anole 812 Grooved Side-necked Turtle 6528 Ground Agama 151 Ground Agamas 6019 Ground Anole 659 Ground Boas 1509 Ground Geckos (ISC) 3517 Ground Lizard 297 Ground Rattlesnake (NA) 7570

Ground Rattlesnakes

Ground Rattlesnakes (NA) 7565 Ground Skink 3395, 7466, 7697 Ground Skinks 4521, 7451 Ground Snake (NA) 8734 Ground Snake 1553 Ground Snake 266, 7580, 7582, 8383 Ground Snakes (WI) 4973 Ground Snakes 1037, 1552, 2572, 2885, 7577, 7581, 7842, 8729 Ground Teiids 3974 Ground Utas 8626 Ground-dwelling Turtle 3973 Groundwater's Keelback 344 Grumgrzimail's Toadhead Agama 6337 Guadalcanal Bow-fingered Gecko 2501 Guadalcanal Scaly-toed Gecko 4599 Guadalupe Spiny Softshell 872 Guadalupe Spiny Softshelled Turtle 872 Guadeloupe Ameiva 304 Guadeloupe Anole (WI) 701 Guadeloupe Blind Snake (WI) 8421 Guadeloupe Worm Snake 8421 Guam Worm Snake 8468 Guamuhaya Anole 604 Guanabara Spotted Night Snake 7563 Guanaja Centipede-eater 7921 Guanaja Longtail Snake 3242 Guanica Blind Snake 8419 Guanica Khaki Sphaero 7668 Guanica Pallid Anole 587 Guantanamo Anole 532


Guantanamo Bay Sphaero 7670, 7677 Guantanamo Dwarf Gecko 7599 Guantanamo Least Gecko 7599 Guantanamo Twig Anole 511 Guanxi Mountain Keelback 5983 Guatemala Neckband Snake 7319 Guatemala Palm Pit Viper 1256 Guatemalan Emerald Spiny Lizard 7416 Guatemalan Garter Snake 8064 Guatemalan Milk Snake 4406 Guatemalan Palm Pit Viper 1256 Guatemalan Snake 1737 Guatemalan Snakes 1736 Guau Musk Turtle 7713 Guenther's Island Racer 959 Guerreran Anole 683 Guerreran Centipede Snake 7876 Guerreran Earth Snake 3657 Guerreran Hooknose Snake 3482 Guerreran Leaf-toed Gecko 6417 Guerreran Oak Anole 710 Guerreran Pine Woods Snake 7125 Guerreran Skink 3409 Guest Lizards 8797 Guiacurus Blue Racer 6532 Guiana Wood Turtle 7180 Guianan Caiman Lizard 2858 Guianan Lava Lizard 8337 Guibe's Chameleon 1673 Guichard's Rock Gecko 6673

Guichenot's Dwarf Iguana 3249 Guichenot's Giant Gecko 7090 Guichenot's Grass Skink 4457 Guichenot's Skink 4457 Guichenot's Water Skink 4457 Guimbeau's Day Gecko 6222 Guinea Fringe-fingered Lizard 55 Guinea Leaf-toed Gecko 3918 Guinea Lidless Skink 6098 Guinea Mabuya 5274 Guinea Slender Skink 5231 Guinea Snake-eater 6619 Guinea Worm Lizard 2489 Guinea Writhing Skink 5231 Guizhou's Gecko 3579 Gulf Coast Box Turtle 7989 Gulf Coast Ribbon Snake 8077 Gulf Coast Smooth Softshell 867 Gulf Coast Smooth Softshell Turtle 867 Gulf Coast Soft-shelled Turtle 870 Gulf Coast Spiny Softshell 870 Gulf Coast Spiny Softshell Turtle 870 Gulf Crayfish Snake 7056 Gulf Ridley Turtle 4575 Gulf Salt Marsh Snake 5771 Gulf Saltmarsh Snake 5773 Gulf Short-fingered Gecko 7786 Gundlach's Anole 652 Günther's Forest Snake 7843 Günther's Aspidura 1001 Günther's Black Snake 1275


Günther's Black Snakes 1274 Günther's Black-headed Snake 7821 Günther's Blind Snake 7026 Günther's Bloodsucker 1365 Günther's Bluetongue Skink 8120 Günther's Bronzeback 2641 Günther's Bronzeback Snake 2641 Günther's Burrowing Skink 7445 Günther's Burrowing Snake 6564 Günther's Cat Snake 1230 Günther's Centipede-eater (CSA) 879 Günther's Cross-barred Snake 2798 Günther's Cylidrical Skink 1621 Günther's Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7445 Gunther's Dwarf Gecko 5196 Günther's Dwarf Reed Snake 6898 Günther's Earth Snake 8575 Günther's Emo Skink 3147 Günther's False Coral Snake 3324 Günther's False Fer-deLance 8786 Günther's False Lancehead 8786 Günther's Flat-tail Gecko 8595 Günther's Forest Racer 2654 Günther's Frog-eating Snake 7719 Günther's Garter Snake 3077 Günther's Graceful Brown Snake 7110 Günther's Green Racer 6274 Günther's Green Tree Snake 2801

Haggier Massif Rock Gecko

Günther's Ground Snake 1065 Gunther's Indian Gecko 3519 Günther's Island Gecko 1838 Günther's Keelback 3844, 7068 Günther's Kukri Snake 5882 Günther's Lightbulb Lizard 6696 Günther's Malaysian Coral Snake 5448 Günther's Manytooth Snake 7529 Günther's Many-toothed Snake 7529 Günther's Mock Viper 6744 Günther's Mountain Snake 8807 Günther's New Caledonian Gecko 1172 Günther's Philippine Shrub Snake 6035 Günther's Racer 2854 Günther's Racers 2853 Günther's Reed Snake 4967 Günther's Ristella 7253 Günther's Rough-sided Snake 1001 Günther's Sea Snake 4088, 4111 Günther's Slender Skink 5230 Günther's Smooth Snake 4967 Günther's Snake 879 Günther's Sun Tegu 3454 Günther's Toadhead Agama 6338 Günther's Tree Snake 5134 Günther's Tropical Ground Snake 8257 Günther's Whip Snake 224 Günther's Whorltail Iguana 7761 Günther's Worm Lizard 4639

Günther's Writhing Skink 5230 Gunther'sMadras Gecko 3521 Günther'sTropical Gecko 6199 Gutezpaslia (NA) 13 Gutezpaslias (NA) 7 Guyana Bachia 1143 Guyana Blackback Coral Snake 5581 Guyana Blind Snake 4784 Guyana Burrowing Snake 916 Guyana Caiman Lizard 2858 Guyana Clawed Gecko 6878 Guyana Kentropyx 4235 Guyana Leposoma 4623 Guyaquila Blind Snake 4742 Gwardar (ANZ) 6893 Gyldenstolpe's Isopachys 4191 Gypsy Geckos 3955 Haacke-Greer's Skink 3819 Haacke-Greer's Skinks 3818 Haacke's Legless Skink 8510 Haacke's Thick-toed Gecko 6068 Haas's Fringe-fingered Lizard 56 Haas's Toadhead Agama 6352 Habana Anole 657 Habana Island Racer 957 Habu 8226, 8227 Hackars's Five-toed Skink 4691 Hadramawt Sand Lizard 5518 Haeckel's Toadhead Agama 6340 Haensch's Whorltail Iguana 7762 Haggier Massif Rock Gecko 6675

Hagmann's Keelback

Hagmann's Keelback 3837 Hague's Anole 654 Hai Coral Snake 3868 Hainan Glass Lizard 5966 Hainan Glass Snake 5966 Hainan Mountain Keelback 5982 Hainan Odd-scaled Snake 87 Hairy Bush Viper 1013 Hairy Bush Vipers 1008 Haiti Banded Sphaero 7672 Haiti Striped Sphaero 7610 Haitian Ameiva 326 Haitian Big-scaled Sphaero (WI) 7611 Haitian Boa 3278, 3284 Haitian Border Sphaero 7655 Haitian Border Thread Snake 4752 Haitian Broad-banded Sphaero 7608 Haitian Curlytail Lizard 4500 Haitian Dwarf Boa 8309 Haitian Dwarf Gecko 7601 Haitian Flathead Sphaero 7652 Haitian Giant Anole 771 Haitian Green Anole 771 Haitian Ground Snake 2573 Haitian Least Gecko 7601 Haitian Lizards 8744 Haitian Pale-lipped Blind Snake 8390 Haitian Slider 8164 Haitian Stippled Sphaero 7601 Haitian Striped Sphaero 7690 Haitian Vine Snakes 8545 Haitian Wood Snake 8309 Haitian Worm Snake 8491 Half-banded Garter Snake (CSA) 3081, 3082 Half-banded Snake 7553


Half-girdled Snake 7553 Halfmoon Lancehead 1279 Hallberg's Cloud Forest Snake 2279 Hallowell's Centipede Snake 7922 Hallowell's Coffee Snake 5818 Hallowell's Ground Snake 1063 Hallowell's House Snake 4064, 4450 Halmahera Keelback 8301 Halmerheran Tree Boa 1512 Haly's Pit Viper 209 Haly's Viper 209 Hamadryad 5952 Hamadryads 5951 Hamersley Gecko 2609 Hamersley Scalyfoot 2609 Hammond Two-striped Garter Snake 8069 Hammond's Garter Snake 8067 Hampton's Japalure 4207 Hampton's Slug Snake 6139 Hanlon's Ctenotus 2369 Hannstein's Litter Snake 7111 Hannstein's Spot-lipped Snake 7111 Hardegger's Orangetail Lizard 6252 Hardun 7743 Hardwicke's Eyelid Gecko 3344 Hardwicke's Rat Snake 2068 Hardwicke's Sea Snake 4473 Hardwick's Bloodsucker 1338 Hardwick's Bloodsuckers 1337 Hardy's Ground Skink 4522 Harlequin Coral Snake 5593

Harlequin Racerunner 6572 Harlequin Snake 5593, 7484 Harlequin Snakes 4044 Harold Young's Slender Skink 5232 Harold's Gecko 2603 Harold's Legless Gecko 925 Harold's Legless Lizard 925 Harold's Lerista 4819 Harold's Scalyfoot 2603 Harold's Writhing Skink 5232 Harris's Anadia 456 Harter's Water Snake 5785 Hartmann's Agama 167 Hart's Glass Lizard 5967 Hart's Glass Snake 5967 Harwick's Uromastyx 8559 Haseman's Gecko 3716 Hassler's Anole 520 Hasty Legless Gecko 930 Hasty Legless Lizard 930 Haugh's Worm Lizard 2487 Haut-Oubangui Beaked Snake 7217 Hawequa Flat Gecko (CSA) 140 Hawkbill 3307, 3309 Hawksbill 3307, 3309 Hawksbill Sea Turtle 3307 Hawksbill Sea Turtles 3306 Hawksbill Turtle 3307 Hawksbill Turtles 3306 Hawksbills 3306 Heath Ctenotus 2354 Heath Gecko 2744 Heath Skink (ANZ) 2969 Heath's Tropical Racer 5439 Heath's Worm Lizard 417 Heatwole's Anole 606 Heatwole's Five-fingered Skink 3355


Hecht's Caribbean Gecko 942 Hedgehog Leaf-toed Gecko 3887 Hediger's Snake 6127 Hediger's Snakes 6126 Heim's Forest Snake 3618 Helena's Ctenotus 2371 Helena's Rat Snake 3016 Hellmich's Tree Iguana 4917 Helmet Skinks 8208 Helmeted Basilisk 1164, 2153 Helmeted Basilisks 2152 Helmeted Gecko 3532 Helmeted Geckos 3531 Helmeted Iguana 2153 Helmeted Iguanas 2152 Helmeted Iguanids 2152 Helmeted Lizard 2153 Helmeted Lizards 2152 Helmeted Terrapin (CSA) 6176 Helmeted Terrrapins 6175 Helmeted Turtle 6176 Helmeted Turtles 6175 Helmeted Worm Lizard 5644 Helmethead Gecko 3532 Helmethead Geckos 3531 Hemiergises 3949 Hemprich's Coral Snake 5595 Hempstead's Litter Snake 7112 Hempstead's Pine Woods Snake 7112 Henderson's Anole 655 Henkel's Leaf-tailed Gecko 8596 Hensel's Snake 2852 Hensel's Snakes 2851 Henshaw Night Lizard 8750 Henshaw's Night Lizard 8748

Himalaya-Malayan Green Whip Snake

Herald Snake (CSA) 2262 Herald Snakes 2259 Herald's Snakes 2259 Herbert's Writhing Skink 5233 Herero Girdled Lizard 2130 Hermann's Tortoise 8002 Hermann's Water Snake 4073 Hernandez Horned Lizard 6401 Hernandez's Anole 656 Hernandez's Helmeted Basisk 2154 Hernandez's Helmeted Iguana 2154 Hernandez's Helmeted Lizard 2154 Herradura Anole 559 Herrera's Mud Turtle 4268 Hervey's Forest Dragon 3759 Heward's Galliwasp 1577 Hewit's Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7441 Hewitt's Spinytail Lizard 2128 Hewitt's Terrapin 6191 Heyer's Isopachys 4189 Hickanala Nessia 5801 Hidalgo Anole 719 Hidden Agama 2281 Hidden Agamas 2280 Hidden Ground Skink 7463 Hidden Toadhead Agama 6357 Hidden-eared Agamas 6019 Hidden-neck Turtles 6177 Hieroglyphic River Cooter 6821 Hierro Giant Lizard 3500 High Anole 518 High Atlas Moroccan Day Gecko 7006 High Mountain Lizard 6489 High-casqued Chameleon 1674

Highland Alligator Lizard 5530 Highland Beaked Snake 7223 Highland Centipede-eater 7864 Highland Copperhead 1130 Highland Ctenotus 2418 Highland Earth Snake 117, 119 Highland Earth Snake 3654, 116 Highland Garter Snake 8064, 8089 Highland Moccasin (NA) 203 Highland Ratlesnake (NA) 2186 Highland Tropical Snake 8158 Highland Window-eyed Skink 6805 Hikida Bow-fingered Gecko 2535 Hikida's Short-legged Skink 1317 Hikida's Skink 3398 Hilaire's Sideneck Turtle 6373 Hilaire's Side-necked Turtle 6373 Hildenbrandt's Mabuya 5311 Hildenbrandt's Skink 6114 Hillenius's Chameleon 1651 Hill's Ctenotus 2372 Himalaya Bow-fingered Gecko 2518 Himalaya Ground Skink 7462 Himalaya Pit Viper 210 Himalaya Rock Agama 7734 Himalaya Toadhead Agama 6366 Himalaya Trinket Snake 3017 Himalaya-Malayan Green Whip Snake 228

Himalayan Dwarf Skink

Himalayan Dwarf Skink 7462 Himalayan Japalure 4210 Himalayan Keelback 358 Himalayan Mamushi 210 Himalayan Palm Viper 210 Himalayan Pit Viper (ISC) 210 Himalayan Rock Agama 7734 Himalayan Tree Snake 1243 Himalayo-Chinese Kukri Snake 5912 Himehabu 6026 Hind's Montane Viper 1012 Hind's Viper 1012 Hingeback Tortoises 4244 Hinged Terrapin (CSA) 6193 Hinged Terrapins (CSA) 6180 Hinged Tortoise (CSA) 4245 Hispanic Ground Snake 1091 Hispaniola Ameiva 314 Hispaniola Boa 3275 Hispaniola Cat-eyed Snake 4154 Hispaniola Cat-eyed Snakes 4153 Hispaniola Dwarf Gecko 7684 Hispaniola Green Anole 574 Hispaniola Least Gecko 7684 Hispaniola Racer 259 Hispaniola Slider 8164 Hispaniola Worm Snake 8471 Hispaniolan Blue-tailed Ameiva 326 Hispaniolan Brown Racer 259 Hispaniolan Common Blind Snake 8471


Hispaniolan Desert Boa 3274 Hispaniolan Desert Gecko 5179 Hispaniolan Dwarf Amphisbaena 422 Hispaniolan Elegant Slider 8164 Hispaniolan Eyespot Sphaero 7616 Hispaniolan Four-toed Galliwasp 7302 Hispaniolan Giant Ameiva 303 Hispaniolan Giant Boa (WI) 3278 Hispaniolan Giant Galliwasp 2776 Hispaniolan Giant Gecko 943 Hispaniolan Gracile Anole (WI) 609 Hispaniolan Gracile Boa 3275 Hispaniolan Grass Anole 797 Hispaniolan Green Racer 264 Hispaniolan Green Twig Anole 802 Hispaniolan Keeled Galliwasp 1584 Hispaniolan Khaki Galliwasp 1572 Hispaniolan Lesser Racer (WI) 862 Hispaniolan Orange-armpit Anole 515 Hispaniolan Rock Iguana 2466 Hispaniolan Slider 8164 Hispaniolan Small-eared Sphaero 7684 Hispaniolan Smooth Galliwasp 2760 Hispaniolan Stout Anole 599 Hispaniolan Striped Galliwasp 1573 Hispaniolan Tailspot Sphaero 7623

Hispaniolan Trope (WI) 8309 Hispaniolan Two-stripe Sphaero 7665 Hissing Adder (NA) 3982, 3983 Hissing Sand Snake 6772 Hobart's Anadia 461 Hodgson's Rat Snake 3017 Hoesch's Mabuya 5312 Hoesch's Skink (CSA) 5312 Hoffmann's Earth Snake 3646 Hoffstetter's Worm Snake 8391 Hoge's Ground Snake 5010 Hoge's Keelback 3838 Hoge's Mabuya 5322 Hoge's Sideneck Turtle 6374 Hoge's Side-necked Turtle 6374 Hoge's Worm Lizard 418 Hoggar Gecko 7947 Hogg's Island Boa 1213 Hognose Lancehead 6641 Hognose Snakes 3977 Hognose Vipers 6638 Hog-nosed Pit Viper 6644 Hog-nosed Snakes 3977 Holbrook's King Snake 4388 Holguin Anole 724 Holmberg's Desert Tegu 2706 Homalosoma Snake 2929 Homalosoma Snakes 2928 Home's Hingeback Tortoise 4247 Home's Hinge-backed Tortoise 4247 Home's Hinged Tortoise 4247 Honduran Milk Snake 4418 Honduras Banded Snake 7161


Honduras Leaf-toed Gecko 6447 Hong Kong Dwarf Snake 1442 Hong Kong Skink 3415 Honu 1758 Hood Island Lava Lizard 5548 Hood Island Marine Iguana 295 Hooded Chameleon 1660 Hooded Scalyfoot 6983 Hooded Smooth Snake 5377 Hooded Snake 5377, 7820 Hooded Tree Snake 6913 Hooded Tree Snakes 6905 Hoodless Cobra 6883 Hook Anole 641 Hooked Blind Snake 7027 Hooked-beak Terrapin 6190 Hooknose Snakes 3478 Hook-nosed Beaked Snake 7142 Hook-nosed Lizards 3826 Hook-nosed Sea Snake (ISC) 3215 Hook-nosed Snakes 3478, 3803 Hopi Rattlesnake 2251 Horn Snake (NA) 3468 Horn Snake 3467 Horn Snakes 3466 Horned Adder (CSA) 1189 Horned Agamas 1594 Horned Agamid 1596 Horned Agamids 1594 Horned Anglehead 79 Horned Anole 757 Horned Lizards 1594, 6387 Horned Mountain Dragon 81 Horned Pit Viper 8222 Horned Puff Adder 1189 Horned Rattlesnake (NA) 2192

Iberian Pond Turtle

Horned Viper 1189, 1591, 8698 Horned Vipers 1590 Horned Wood Lizard 3252 Hornless Adder 1196 Horn-scaled Agama 8196 Horntail Worm Lizard 8149 Horntail Worm Lizards 8143 Horny Toads (NA) 6387 Horny-scaled Agama 8196 Horny-tailed Worm Lizard (CSA) 8149 Horrible Spiny Lizard 7357 Horsehead Ground Skink 7456 Horseshoe Coral Snake 5597 Horseshoe Pit Viper 8248 Horseshoe Racer 2049 Horseshoe Snake 2049 Horseshoe Whip Snake 2049 Horsfield's Flying Gecko 6961 Horsfield's Fringed Gecko 6961 Horsfield's Parachuting Gecko 6961 Horsfield's Tortoise 8006 Horton's Mabuya 5298 Horvath's Rock Lizard 4328 Hosmer's Skink 2960 House Gecko 3891, 7627, 7937 House Geckos (NA) 3872 House Lizard 3883 House Snake 4409, 5099 House Snakes 4439 Houston's Dragon 2322 Huachaca Black-headed Snake 7926 Huachuca Earless Lizard 4004 Huachuca Mountain King Snake 4399, 4403

Huaxteca Lesser Galliwasp 1575 Hubei Keelback 7075 Hubrecht's Eyebrow Lizard 6318 Hudson's Coffee Snake 5822 Hughes's Green Snake 6289 Hughes's Saw-scaled Viper 2944 Huila Anole 658 Hulse's Tree Iguana 4889 Humble Anole 659 Hummelinck's Anole 552 Hummockgrass Ctenotus 2387 Humphead Forest Dragons 3750 Humphrey's Lerista 4820 Humpnose Viper 4123 Humpnose Vipers 4122 Hump-nosed Moccasin 4123 Hump-nosed Pit Viper (ISC) 4123 Hump-nosed Vipers 4122 Hundred-pace Viper 2590 Hundred-pace Vipers 2589 Hundred-pacer 2590 Hunsaker Spiny Lizard 7358 Hunsaker's Spiny Lizard 7358 Husab Sand Lizard 6161 Hutchinson's Ground Skink 4539 Huventud Dwarf Gecko 7654 Huventud Least Gecko 7654 Hyan Coral Snake 3869 Ibague Anole 660 Iberian Adder 8725 Iberian Emerald Lizard 4346 Iberian Mountain Lizard 4333 Iberian Pond Turtle 3208

Iberian Tiger Snake

Iberian Tiger Snake 7962 Iberian Wall Lizard 6584 Iberian Worm Lizard 1205 Iberische Sumpfschildkröte 3208 Ibiza Wall Lizard 6593 Iglesias's Pit Viper 1290 Iguana 2332 Iguanids 4168 Ihering's Fathead Anole 3258 Ihering's Snake 4877 Ihering's Snakes 4876 Ijima's Turtle-headed Sea Snake 3189 Ile de la Tortue Boa 3286 Ilha di Maraca Leaf-glitter Gecko 2000 Ilha Marajo Lancehead 1299 Ilha Marca Gecko 2000 Illingworth's Gecko 1478 Illinois Mud Turtle 4267 Ilota Chameleon 1671 Imbricate Alligator Lizard 1158 Imias Anole 661 Imias Rock Anole 661 Immaculate Earth Snake 3647 Immaculate Gecko 2729 Imperial Flat Lizard 6545 Imperial Snake 2081 Impressed Tortoise 5403 Inagua Curlytail (WI) 4494 Inagua Curlytail Lizard 4494 Inagua Dwarf Gecko 7632 Inagua Gecko (WI) 939 Inagua Least Gecko 7632 Inagua Sphaero (WI) 7632 Inagua Trope (WI) 8305 Inca Forest Pit Viper 1268 Indian Black Earth Snake 5494 Indian Black Turtle 5483


Indian Black Turtles 5481 Indian Bloodsucker 1498 Indian Boa 3334 Indian Bronzeback 222 Indian Bronzeback 2643 Indian Cat Snake (ISC) 1250 Indian Chameleon 1657, 1720 Indian Cobra 5702 Indian Coral Snake 1461 Indian Day Gecko 6244 Indian Desert Cat Snake 7964 Indian Desert Tiger Snake 7963 Indian Desert Toadhead Agama 6333 Indian Dragon 2864 Indian Earth Snake 8585 Indian Earth Snakes 8568 Indian Egg-eating Snake 2992 Indian Egg-eating Snakes 2991 Indian Eyed Turtle 5673 Indian Flapshell 5064 Indian Flapshell Turtle 5064 Indian Flapshell Turtles 5063 Indian Flap-shelled Turtle 5064 Indian Flying Dragon 2864 Indian Flying Snake 1851 Indian Forest Gecko 1891 Indian Fringe-fingered Lizard 49 Indian Fringe-toed Lizard (ISC) 49 Indian Fringe-toed Sand Lizard 49 Indian Gamma (ISC) 1250 Indian Gamma Snake 1250 Indian Garden Lizard (ISC) 1498 Indian Gavial 3514

Indian Gavials 3513 Indian Geckos 1476, 3517 Indian Gharial 3514 Indian Green Tree Viper 8229 Indian Green Vine Snake 226 Indian Humpnose Viper 4123 Indian Krait 1393 Indian Kraits 1390 Indian Leaf-toed Gecko 3889 Indian Lycodontine Snake 5099 Indian Mastigure 8559 Indian Monitor 8650, 8666 Indian Monitor Lizard 8666 Indian Mud Turtle (ISC) 5064 Indian Mud Turtles 5063 Indian Ocean Green Turtle 1758 Indian Peacock Softshell 986 Indian Peacock Softshell Turtle 986 Indian Pond Terrapin (ISC) 5483 Indian Python 6990, 6992 Indian Rat Snake 6943 Indian Rat Snakes 6942 Indian Rock Python 6990, 6992 Indian Roof Turtle 4230 Indian Roofed Turtle 4230 Indian Roofed Turtles 4225 Indian Sand Agama 6748 Indian Sand Boa 3330, 3334 Indian Sand Racer 6754 Indian Sand Snake 6754 Indian Sandswimmer (ISC) 5950 Indian Sawback (ISC) 4230 Indian Sawback Turtle 4230, 4231


Indian Snail-eater 897 Indian Snail-eaters 896 Indian Snail-eating Turtle 5490 Indian Softshell 985 Indian Softshell Turtle (ISC) 985 Indian Soft-shelled Turtle (ISC) 985 Indian Softshells 984 Indian Spectacled Cobra 5702 Indian Spiny-tailed Lizard 8559 Indian Star Tortoise 3604 Indian Starred Tortoise (ISC) 3604 Indian Tent Terrapin (ISC) 4231 Indian Tent Turtle 4230, 4231 Indian Turtle 4230 Indian Wart Snake 111 Indian Wart Snakes 109 Indian Water Monitor 8666 Indian Wolf Snake 5099 Indigo Snake (NA) 2900 Indigo Snake 2898 Indigo Snakes 2897 Indistinct Ground Snake 1066 Indo-Chinese Agama 1493 Indo-Chinese Box Turtle 2429 Indo-Chinese Rat Snake 6943 Indo-Chinese Sand Snake 6754 Indo-Chinese Spitting Cobra 5715 Indo-Chinese Tortoises 5401 Indo-Chinese Tree Agama 1493 Indo-Chinese Wolf Snake 5109 Indo-Chinese Worm Snake 8405

Iranian Mastigure

Indo-Gangetic Flapshell (ISC) 5067 Indo-Gangetic Mud Turtle (ISC) 5067 Indo-Malay Water Monitor Lizard 8680 Indo-Malayan Bronzeback 2639 Indonesia Earless Agama 892 Indonesia Scaly-toed Gecko 4593 Indonesian Blind Snake 7024 Indonesian Bronzeback 2639 Indonesian Brown Carlia 1531 Indonesian Cobra 5716 Indonesian False Bloodsucker 6849 Indonesian Forest Dragon 4145 Indonesian Keelback 8302 Indonesian Pit Viper 8230 Indonesian Rat Snake 3046 Indonesian Skink 5328 Indonesian Spitting Cobra 5716 Indonesian Water Dragon 4119 Indonesian Water Lizard 4119 Indonesian Water Python 4859 Indo-Pacific Crocodile 2179 Indo-Pacific Gecko 3893 Indo-Pacific Gypsy Gecko 3958 Indo-Pacific House Gecko 3893 Indo-Pacific Skinks 3347 Indo-Pacific Tree Gecko 3958 Ineich's Ground Skink 4549 Inger's Bow-fingered Gecko 2544 Inger's Ground Snake 4999 Inger's Mabuya 5297

Ingram's Brown Snake 6891 Ingram's Ctenotus 2374 Inirida Worm Lizard 5533 Inirida Worm Lizards 5532 Inland Bearded Dragon 6616 Inland Carpet Python 5668 Inland Menetia 5509 Inland Rock Gecko 141 Inland Taipan 6052 Inland Thick-toed Gecko 6075 Innocent Worm Lizard 419 Inornate Kukri Snake 5892 Insular Agama 170 Insular Dwarf Gecko 5187 Insular Gypsy Gecko 3957 Insular Leaf-toed Gecko 6446 Interior Ctenotus 2380 Interior Earless Agama 8360 Interior Earless Lizard 8360 Interior Lerista 4825 Intermediate Anole 665 Intermediate Bow-fingered Gecko 2521 Intermediate Flying Gecko 6962 Intermediate Parachuting Gecko 6962 Intermountain Wandering Garter Snake 8058 Inyangani Dwarf Gecko (CSA) 5169 Iphisas 4186 Iraka River Leaf Chameleon 1388 Iran Jaya Tropical Snake 8152 Iranian Desert-dwelling Skink 7480 Iranian Gecko 1525 Iranian Grasping Gecko 7970 Iranian Horned Viper 6852 Iranian Mastigure 8555

Iranian Middle-toed Gecko

Iranian Middle-toed Gecko 5462 Iranian Pond Turtle 3213 Iranian Sand Skink 7480 Iranian Saw-scaled Viper 2948 Iranian Short-fingered Gecko 7782 Iranian Skink 7480 Iranian Spiny-tailed Lizard 8555 Iranian Worm Snake 8504 Iraqui Eyelid Gecko 3343 Iraqui Gecko 1526 Irian Emo Skink 3139 Irian Jaya Dtella 3549 Irian Jayan Worm Snake 8381 Iridescent Ctenotus 2383 Iridescent Earth Snake 8793 Iridescent Earth Snakes 8791 Iridescent Ground Snake 1068 Iridescent Lava Lizard 5999 Iridescent Snakes 1447 Irrascible Snake 2262 Irregular Bow-fingered Gecko 2522 Isla Beata Anole 687 Isla de Pinos Worm Lizard 1416 Isla Desecheo Dwarf Gecko 7639 Isla Desecheo Least Gecko 7639 Isla Monita Dwarf Gecko 7644 Isla Monita Least Gecko 7644 Isla San Andres Anole 584 Island Blind Snake (NA) 7017 Island Blind Snake 7031 Island Burrowing Sand Snake 1779 Island Day Gecko 6232 Island Emo Skink 3156


Island Fence Lizard 7387 Island Glass Lizard 5964 Island Glass Snake 5964 Island Ground Skink 4534 Island Lancehead 1291 Island Lerista 4846 Island Night Lizard 4300 Island Night Lizards 4299 Island Pipe Snake 2481 Island Pipe Snakes 2474 Island Pit Viper 8235 Island Pointed Snake 8547 Island Racer 961 Island Racers 2885 Island Racers 955 Island Viper 1291 Island Worm Snake 8485 Island-dwellers 2282 Isles of Pines Sphaero 7683 Isolated Emo Skink 3140 Isopachys 4188 Israeli Cat Snake 7959 Israeli Fan-fingered Gecko 6974 Israeli Middle-toed Gecko 5461 Israeli Sand Gecko 7791 Issel's Toadhead Agama 6343 Isthmian Centipede-eater 7920 Isthmian Dwarf Boa 8532 Isthmian Earth Snake 3649 Isthmian White-lipped Snake 7827 Italian Wall Lizard 6594 Ituri Forest Chameleon 1340 Iven's Skink 5088 Iven's Skinks 5087 Ivory Coast Snake-eater 6627 Ivory Coast Worm Snake 8396 Ivy Whorltail Iguana 7764

Iwasaki's Coral Snake 1459, 3871 Jacare Anole 668 Jacare-assu 5500 Jackson's Black Tree Snake 8116 Jackson's Chameleon 1676 Jackson's Fathead Anole 3260 Jackson's Forest Lizard 125 Jackson's Lizard 125 Jackson's Three-horned Chameleon 1676 Jackson's Wolf Snake 5144 Jacky Dragon 331 Jacky Lashtail (ANZ) 331 Jacky Lizard 331 Jacmel Anole 702 Jacmel Gracile Anole 702 Jacob's Kukri Snake 5893 Jacobson's Bamboo Snake 6911 Jaeger's Ground Snake 5000 Jaggedshell Box Turtle 7001 Jaggedshell Turtle 7001 Jagged-shelled Turtle 7001 Jagor's Water Snake 3228 Jalapa Spiny Lizard 7360 Jalisco Milk Snake 4410 Jalisco Mud Turtle 4260 Jalla's Sand Racer 6757 Jalla's Sand Snake (CSA) 6757 Jamaica Ameiva 307 Jamaica Boa 3287 Jamaica Dwarf Gecko 7626 Jamaica Giant Anole 638 Jamaica Iguana 2465 Jamaica Island Racer 2886 Jamaica Least Gecko 7626 Jamaica Racer 261 Jamaica Worm Snake 8428 Jamaican Anole 638


Jamaican Black Ground Snake (WI) 2888 Jamaican Blind Snake (WI} 8428 Jamaican Boa (WI) 3287 Jamaican Collared Sphaero (WI) 7626 Jamaican Croaking Gecko (WI) 944 Jamaican Forest Sphaero (WI) 7628 Jamaican Galliwasp (WI) 1571 Jamaican Giant Anole 638 Jamaican Giant Galliwasp (WI) 1582 Jamaican Giant Gecko 7933 Jamaican Grey Anole (WI) 681 Jamaican Long-tailed Ground Snake (WI) 2889 Jamaican Racer (WI) 261 Jamaican Red Ground Snake (WI) 2886 Jamaican Rock Iguana (WI) 2465 Jamaican Sharp-nosed Sphaero (WI) 7656 Jamaican Slider (WI) 8177 Jamaican Stippled Sphaero (WI) 7597 Jamaican Terrapin 8177 Jamaican Turquoise Anole (WI) 645 Jamaican Twig Anole (WI) 824 Jameson's Mamba 2646 James's Tree Iguana 4918 Jammu Bow-fingered Gecko 2533 Jammu Toadhead Agama 6322 Jampea Island Pipe Snake 2477 Jamur Emo Skink 3142 Janet's Skinks 4196 Jan's All-black Thread Snake 4725

Jerdon's Forest Gecko

Jan's All-black Worm Snake 4725 Jan's Black Thread Snake 4725 Jan's Black Worm Snake (CSA) 4725 Jan's Centipede Snake 7889 Jan's Ceylon Blind Snake 8454 Jan's Diadem Snake 3063 Jan's False Coral Snake 3323 Jan's Forest Snake 7846 Jan's Green Racer 6277 Jan's Ground Snake 4975 Jan's Hognose Snake 5261 Jan's Kukri Snake 7241 Jan's Shovelsnout Snake 6732 Jan's Snail-eater 2815 Jan's Snake 3074 Jan's Snakes 3073 Jan's Thread Coral Snake 4671 Jan's Tree Snake 7525 Jan's Worm Snake 8454 Jansen's Rat Snake 3019 Janzi Alligator 248 Japalura Lizards (ISC) 4199 Japalure 4202 Japalures 4199 Japan Grass Lizard 7858 Japanese Ateuchosaurus 1007 Japanese Coral Snake 3867 Japanese Forest Rat Snake 3001 Japanese Four-lined Rat Snake 3038 Japanese Four-lined Snake 3038 Japanese Gecko 3577 Japanese Grass Lizard 7858 Japanese Keelback 370 Japanese Mamushi 201 Japanese Odd-scaled Snake 92

Japanese Pond Turtle 5457 Japanese Rat Snake 3000 Japanese Skink 3393 Japanese Turtle 5457 Japanese Water Tortoise 5457 Japanese Wood Snake 3001 Japlan Night Lizard 4612 Jaracara Ilhoa (NA) 1291 Jaracara Pintada (NA) 1302 Jaragua Sphaero 7595 Jararaca 1293 Jararaca de Rabo (NA) 1279 Jararacucu (NA) 1294 Jararacussu (NA) 1294 Jarechi's Flying Dragon 2868 Jason's Mountain Reed Snake 5362 Jasper Cat Snake 1241 Jatibonico Anole 666 Java File Snake 112 Java Grass Lizard 7853 Java Krait 1398 Java Nose-horned Lizard 3831 Java Snakes 8020 Java Wart Snakes 109 Java Wolf Snake 5111 Javan File Snake 112 Javan Wart Snake 112 Javan Wart Snakes 109 Javelin Sand Boa 3332 Jayakar Lizard 4329 Jayakar's Sand Boa 3333 Jaz Maurian Bent-toed Gecko 5466 Jean's Spinytail Gecko 2731 Jensen's Ground Snake 8796 Jerdon's Bloodsucker 1485 Jerdon's Cabrita 1409 Jerdon's Calotes (ISC) 1485 Jerdon's Forest Gecko 1892

Jerdon's Indian Gecko

Jerdon's Indian Gecko 1885 Jerdon's Kukri Snake 5922 Jerdon's Manytooth Snake 7534 Jerdon's Many-toothed Snake 7534 Jerdon's Polyodont 7534 Jerdon's Sea Snake 4243 Jerdon's Sea Snakes 4242 Jerdon's Snake-eye (ISC) 1409 Jerdon's Worm Snake 8429 Jeremie Anole 582 Jeremie Curlytail Lizard 4498 Jesus Christ Lizard 1166 Jewelled Chameleon 1680 Jewelled Gecko 2724 Jewelled Lizard 4331 Jicar's Scalefoot 4856 Jicar's Snake Lizard 4856 Joanna Leposoma 4625 Joan's Debris Snake 2083 Joan's Snake 2083 Joberts's Ground Snake 6934 Joger's Saw-scaled Viper 2945 Johanna's Skink 385 Johann's Keelback 346 John Meyer's Anole 669 John's Earth Boa (ISC) 3334 John's Sand Boa (ISC) 3334 Johnston River Crocodile 2173 Johnston's Chameleon 1679 Johnston's Crocodile 2173 Johnston's Three-horned Chameleon 1679 Johore Bow-fingered Gecko 2553 Jointed Worm Lizard 5939 Jonathan's Lancehead 1295 Jordan Short-fingered Gecko 7785


Joshua's Blind Snake 4749 Julia's Ground Snake 5001 Jumping Pit Viper 1123 Jumping Pit Vipers 1122 Jumping Viper 1123 Jungle Carpet Python 5665 Jungle Runner 297 Juniper Skink 5 Kabena Bow-fingered Gecko 2523 Kabinda Worm Lizard 5648 Kachh Gecko 2562 Kakhien Agama 7267 Kalahari Burrowing Skink (CSA) 8368 Kalahari Dwarf Gecko 5171 Kalahari Geckos 2029 Kalahari Geometric Tortoise (CSA) 6735 Kalahari Ground Gecko (CSA) 2030 Kalahari Ground Geckos (CSA) 2029 Kalahari Plated Lizard (CSA) 3683 Kalahari Plated Lizard 3679 Kalahari Purple-glossed Snake 292 Kalahari Round-headed Worm Lizard 8826 Kalahari Round-snouted Amphisbaenian (CSA) 8826 Kalahari Round-snouted Worm Lizard 8826 Kalahari Round-snouted Worm Lizards 8825 Kalahari Tent Tortoise (CSA) 6735 Kalahari Tree Skink (CSA) 5343 Kalahari Wedge-snouted Amphisbaenian (CSA) 5649 Kalahari Worm Lizard 5649 Kali Kauntha (ISC) 3825 Kalimantan Burrowing Snake 6012

Kalimantan Burrowing Snakes 6011 Kampuchea Bow-fingered Gecko 2502 Kanburi Pit Viper 8233 Kanchanaburi Pit Viper 8233 Kangaroo Island Copperhead 1129 Kangaroo Island Dragon 2304 Kansas Glossy Snake 950 Kaoko Web-footed Gecko 6094 Kaokoveld Namib Day Gecko (CSA) 7231 Kaokoveld Rock Gecko (CSA) 6076 Karakorum Rock Gecko 2552 Karawala 1395 Karen's Tree Iguana 4902 Karl's Lerista 4823 Karnataka Burrowing Snake 6563 Karoo Cape Tortoise 4040 Karoo Dwarf Chameleon 1345 Karoo Flat Gecko (CSA) 141 Karoo Girdled Lizard (CSA) 2129 Karoo Padloper (CSA) 4039 Karoo Plated Lizard 3685 Karoo Sand Racer 6766 Karoo Sand Snake (CSA) 6766 Karoo Tortoise 4040 Karoo Whip Snake (CSA) 6766 Karst Lizard 6587 Karsten's Girdled Lizard 8817 Kaschar Racerunner 3292 Kashmir Rock Agama 7747 Kasner's Burrowing Skink 7447


Kasner's Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7447 Katanga Beaked Snake 7210 Katanga Mountain Bush Viper 1014 Katanga Purple-glossed Snake 286 Kavalai Forest Turtle (ISC) 3972 Kaznakow's Viper 8713 Keelback 8297 Keel-backed Musk Turtle 4259 Keel-backed Side-necked Turtle 6372 Keel-backed Terrapin 6184 Keelbacks 1119, 335, 5369, 6905, 7065, 8775 Keel-bellied Ground Lizard 3509 Keel-bellied Shade Lizard 253 Keel-bellied Whip Snake 2922 Keelbelly Ground Lizard 3509 Keelbelly Ground Lizards 3508 Keeled Box Turtle (ISC) 7001 Keeled Box Turtles 7000 Keeled Cordylids 8160 Keeled Earless Lizard 4007, 4008 Keeled Earth Snake 3635 Keeled Green Snake 5930 Keeled Helmeted Basilisk 2155 Keeled Helmeted Iguana 2155 Keeled Helmeted Lizard 2155 Keeled Iguanas 5995 Keeled Indian Mabuya 5294 Keeled Lava Lizard 8333 Keeled Lizard 245 Keeled Lizards 241

Kikuchi Habu

Keeled Microteiid 4627 Keeled Plated Lizard 3683 Keeled Queensland Skink 3702 Keeled Queensland Skinks 3701 Keeled Rat Snake 2997, 8809 Keeled Rat Snakes 8808 Keeled Rock Gecko 2565 Keeled Skinks 8319 Keeled Slug Snake 6136 Keeled Snake 6999 Keeled Snakes 6998 Keeled Spiny Lizard 7333 Keeled Tree Boa 1512 Keeled Water Skink 2105 Keeled Water Skinks 2104 Keeled Whorltail Iguana 7780 Keeled-back Iguana 2841 Keel-scaled Green Snake 3511 Keel-scaled Green Snakes 3510 Keel-scaled Skink 2972 Keel-tailed Lizards 8330 Kei Island Worm Snake 8434 Kelaart's Gecko 1886 Keller's Bark Snake 3963 Kellogg's Coral Snake 1458 Kelung Cat Snake 1242 Kemp Turtle 4575 Kemp's Loggerhead 4575 Kemp's Ridley 4575 Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle 4575 Kemp's Ridley Turtle 4575 Kempton's Anole 672 Kendall's Day Gecko 1887 Kendall's Gecko 1887 Kendrick's Lerista 4824 Kenneally's Gecko 2732 Kennedy's Leafnose Snake 5267

Kennicott's Water Snake 5795 Kentropyx 4233 Kenya Beaked Snake 7226 Kenya Dwarf Chameleon 1342 Kenya Dwarf Gecko 5181 Kenya Horned Viper 1202 Kenya Leaf-toed Gecko 3892 Kenya Mud Terrapin 6183 Kenya Pygmy Chameleon 7149 Kenya Rock Lizards 150 Kenya Sand Boa 3329 Kenya Stumptail Chameleon 7149 Kenya Two-headed Snake 5538 Kenya Worm Lizards 3596 Kerala Burrowing Snake 6562 Kerala Forest Terrapin (ISC) 3972 Kerala Gecko 1893 Keviton's Leafnose Snake 5266 Key Mud Turtle 4258 Key New Caledonian Gecko 1177 Key Ringneck Snake 2674 Key Ring-necked Snake 2674 Key Tegu 8023 Key Tegus 8022 Key West Anole 789 Khan's Bow-fingered Gecko 2509 Kharin's Sea Snake 4112 Khasi Hills Agama 1491 Khasi Hills Keelback 347 Khasi Japalure 4215 Khasi Red Snake 7802 Khorat Worm Snake 8430 Kidney-tailed Geckos 5759 Kiester's Emo Skink 3166 Kikuchi Habu 8228

Kilimanjaro Centipede-eater

Kilimanjaro Centipedeeater 880 Kilimanjaro Five-toed Skink 4694 Kilimanjaro Two-horned Chameleon 1665 Kilwa Sharp-snouted Worm Lizard 477 Kimberley Blind Snake 7029 Kimberley Dtella 3547 Kimberley Giant Cave Gecko 7088 Kimberley Plateau Twopored Dragon 2782 Kinangop Mountain Bush Viper 1012 Kindon-Ward's Bloodsucker 1488 King Brown Snake 6788 King Brown Snakes 6787 King Christophe Anole 576 King Cobra 5952 King Cobras 5951 King Dwarf Gecko 5203 King Hall Island Lerista 4837 King Largescale Lizard 6957 King Python 6993 King Rat Snake 2997 King Sea Snake 2847 King Snake (NA) 4386 King Snakes 4373 Kinghorn's Small Skink 6685 King's Knob-scaled Lizard 8799 King's Nose-horned Lizard 3830 King's Skink 2962 King's Tree Iguana 4919 King's Worm Lizard 854 King's Worm Lizards 853 Kinkelin's Graceful Brown Snake 7115 Kinkelin's Litter Snake 7115


Kirghizia Even-fingered Gecko 277 Kirk's Agama 171 Kirk's Rock Agama 171 Kirtland's Snake 1870 Kirtland's Snakes 1869, 8109 Kirtland's Tree Snake 8111 Kirtland's Water Snake 1870 Kirtland's Water Snakes 1869 Kizorian Lightbulb Lizard 6694 Klamath Garter Snake 8053 Klauber's Blind Snake 4780 Klauber's Chuckwalla (NA) 7311 Klauber's Dwarf Gecko 7635 Klauber's Leaf-toed Gecko 3904 Klauber's Least Gecko 7635 Kleinmann's Tortoise 8008 Klemmer's Dwarf Gecko 5189 Klipskilpad (CSA) 4039 Kloss's Emo Skink 3143 Kloss's Forest Dragon 3761 Kloss's Sea Snake 4097 Kloss's Snake 3486 Kluge's Dwarf Gecko 5190 Kluge's Helmeted Gecko 2727 Knight Anole 616 Knobbed Pacific Iguana 5550 Knob-scaled Lizard 8800 Knob-scaled Lizards 8797 Knobtail Gecko 5764 Knobtail Geckos 5759 Knox's Desert Lizard (CSA) 5513 Knox's Ocellated Sand Lizard 5513 Knysa Dwarf Chameleon (CSA) 1342

Koch's Barking Gecko (CSA) 6941 Koch's Chirping Gecko 6941 Koch's Gecko (CSA) 6069 Koehler's Gecko 1888 Koelliker's Glass Lizard 5969 Koelliker's Glass Snake 5969 Kohtaoen Ground Skink 7464 Kolchische Sumpfschildkröte 3203 Komodo Bow-fingered Gecko 2526 Komodo Dragon 8669 Komodo Island Monitor 8669 Komodo Monitor 8669 Kooland Island Blind Snake 7048 Koopman's Anole 673 Kopje Mabuya 5348 Kopstein's Emo Skink 3141 Korat Writhing Skink 5235 Korean Rock Viper 212 Korsische Sumpfschildkröte 3202, 3209 Kosempo Keelback 366 Koshland Menetia 5506 Koshun Grass Lizard 7854 Koshun Worm Snake 8433 Koslow's Toadhead Agama 6344 Kotchy's Gecko 5464 Kraepelin's Colobosaura 2021 Kraits 1390 Kramer's Pit Viper 8237 Krefft's River Turtle 3194 Krefft's Sharp-snouted Turtle 3194 Krefft's Tortoise 3194 Krefft's Turtle 3194 Krieg's Tree Iguana 4920 Krug's Anole 674


Kuala Lumpur Worm Snake 8431 Kuatun Keelback 341 Kueckenthal's Emo Skink 3145 Kugler's Largescale Lizard 6953 Kuhlmnan's Tree Iguana 4921 Kuhl's Flying Gecko 6963 Kuhl's Fringed Gecko 6963 Kuhl's Galliwasp 2771 Kuhl's Parachuting Gecko 6963 Kukri Snake 5870 Kukri Snakes 5869, 7235 Kumaon Japalure 4209 Kuo's Kukri Snake 5896 Kutch Gecko 2562 Kutkai Keelback 338 Kwango Worm Lizard 8145 Kwangsi Gecko 3576 La Cadena Blind Snake 404 La Guiara Bachia 1144 La Horma Anole 699 La Hotte Blind Snake 8422 La Hotte Bush Anole 716 La Hotte Long-snouted Anole 613 La Hotte Stout Anole 653 La Hotte Twig Anole 603 La Palma Anole 664 La Selle Galliwasp 1578 La Selle Long-snouted Anole 655 La Vega Anole 515 La Vega Racer 264 Labillardière's Ctenotus 2378 Labilliardière's Skink 2378 Lace Monitor 8690 Lace Monitor Lizard 8690 Lacepède's Ground Snake 4992 Lacerated Dtella 3548 Lacertid Lizard 4353

Large Psammodromus

Lacertids 4358 Lacertiform Rock Skink (CSA) 5318 Lacroix Kukri Snake 5897 Ladak Dwarf Skink 7465 Ladak Ground Skink 7465 Ladder Keelback 3845 Ladder Rat Snake 3043 Ladder Snake 3043 Ladderback (ISC) 5871 Ladderback Kukri Snake 5871 Lagarija Verde (NA) 7956 Lagartija Cola Roja (NA) 1951 Lagartija de la arena (NA) 4963 Lagartixa de pedra (NA) 8337 Lagarto de las piedras (NA) 4883 Lahontan Basin Leopard Lizard 3505 Lake Chapala Mud Turtle 4270 Lake Disappointment Gecko 2725 Lake Erie Water Snake 5790 Lake Eyre Agama 2312 Lake Eyre Dragon (ANZ) 2312 Lake Papary Worm Lizard 4649 Lake Taal Snake 4108 Lake Throssell Blind Snake 7034 Lake Turkana Mud Turtle 6183 Lake Victoria Mud Turtle 6196 Lalande's Blind Snake (CSA) 7211 Lalande's Sandveld Lizard (CSA) 5844 Lally's Two-line Dragon (ANZ) 2788 Lambert's Sea Snake 4098 Lance Skinks 95

Lancehead 1283 Lancehead Snakes 1278 Lanceheads 1278 Lancelin Ctenotus 2379 Lancini's Ground Snake 1069 Lancini's Sun Tegu 3453 Land Iguana 2091 Land Iguanas 2089 Land Leguan (CSA) 8657 Land Mullet 2965 Lane's Leaf-toed Gecko 6437 Lang's Crag Lizard (CSA) 6857 Lang's Girdled Lizard 6857 Lang's Isopachys 4190 Lang's Worm Lizard 1801 Langsdorff's Coral Snake 5601 Lansberg's Hognose Viper 6642 Lansberg's Hog-nosed Viper 6642 Lanternback Turtle 1519 Lanyu Scaly-toed Gecko 4601 Lanza's Chameleon 1707 Lanza's Leaf-toed Gecko 3922 Lanza's Racerunner 3293 Lanza's Spiny Agama 186 Lanza's Writhing Skink 5229 Laotian Keeled Skink 8323 Laotian Wolf Snake 5109 Laotioan False Bloodsucker 6848 Lapierre Curlytail Lizard 4505 Laredo Striped Whiptail 1948 Large Caiman 5500 Large Coral Snake 5604 Large Ground Skink 4529 Large Leiolopisma 4529 Large Psammodromus 6738

Large Shieldtail Snake

Large Shieldtail Snake 6904 Large Shieldtail Snakes 6903 Large Striped Skink (ANZ) 2395 Large Whip Snake 2051 Large-blotched Antares Python 859 Large-blotched Python 859 Large-blotched Tolucan Ground Snake 8134 Large-eared Forest Dragon 2281 Large-eared Forest Dragons 2280 Large-eyed Pit Viper 8237 Large-eyed Snake 7959 Largehead Anole 599 Large-headed Anole 599 Large-headed Grass Snake 5735 Large-headed Ground Gecko 7785 Large-headed Water Snake 5735 Largenose Earth Snake 2095 Largenose Road Guarder 2095 Largenose Wood Turtle 7175 Large-nosed Wood Turtle 7175 Largescale Grass Lizard (CSA) 1735 Largescale Lizard 6945, 6949 Largescale Snake-Lizard 1735 Largescale Spiny Lizard 7377, 7429 Large-scaled Anole 706 Large-scaled Gecko (CSA) 6080 Large-scaled Geckos 3524 Large-scaled Girdled Lizard (CSA) 2125 Large-scaled Pit Viper 8236


Large-scaled Rock Agama 7739 Large-scaled Sea Snake 4484 Large-scaled Shade Lizard 252 Large-scaled Snake-Lizard (CSA) 1735 Large-scaled Worm Snake 4754 Large-spotted Cat Snake 1244 Large-spotted Kukri Snake 5895 Large-spotted Leopard Lizard (NA) 3507 Large-spotted Viper 213 Large-toothed Tree Snake 1232 Las Animas Island Gecko 6414 Lasalle's Fishing Snake 7833 Lasalle's Ground Snake 1070 Lashtails (ANZ) 329 Lataste's Lizard 4338 Lataste's Sand Skink 5945 Lataste's Snake Skink 5945 Lataste's Viper 8714 Lateral Water Snake 5029 Lateral-fold Lizards 2027 Lateral-fold Lizards 487 Latifi's Viper 8715 Latin American Blind Snake 4758 Latin American Earth Snakes 3628 Lauan Ground Skink 4523 Laurenti's Hump-nosed Viper 4124 Laurent's Five-toed Skink 4692 Laurent's Mounatin Bush Viper 1013 Laurent's Plated Lizard 3680 Laurent's Terrapin 6184 Laurent's Whiptail 1959

Lava Lizards 8330 Lawder's Ground Gecko 2528 Lawrence's Dwarf Gecko 5191 Lawrence's Girdled Lizard 2124 Layard's Nessia 5802 Lazell's Flying Dragon 2862 Le Conte's Mud Turtle 4276 Le Conte's Snake 7166 Leach's Anole 677 Leach's Wolf Snake 5146 Leach's Worm Snake 8470 Lead Keelback 5371 Lead Worm Lizard 431 Leaf Chameleons (CSA) 7145 Leaf Chameleons 1368 Leaf Lizards 7750 Leaf Turtle 2441 Leaf Turtles 3622 Leaf-fingered Gecko 6425 Leafnose Snakes 4459, 5263, 6474 Leaf-nosed Snake 6478 Leaf-nosed Snakes 4459, 6474 Leaf-nosed Viper 3315 Leaf-nosed Vipers 3314 Leaftail Geckos 6482 Leaf-tailed Gecko 8598 Leaf-tailed Geckos 6482 Leaf-toed Gecko 6467 Leaf-toed Geckos 3872, 6411 Lealui Worm Lizard 8144 Least Gecko 7627, 7681 Least Geckos 7592 Leather King Water Snake 7057 Leatherback 2669, 2670 Leatherback Sea Turtle 2669


Leatherback Sea Turtles 2668 Leatherback Turtle 2669 Leatherback Turtles 2667, 2668 Leatherbacks 2667, 2668 Leathery Turtle (ANZ) 2669 Leathery Turtle 2670 Leathery Turtles (ANZ) 2667 Lebanon Fringe-fingered Lizard 70 Lebanon Lizard 4330 Lebanon Viper 8709 Lebetina Viper 8716 Leech's Fathead Anole 3259 Leeward Banded Sphaero (WI) 7681 Leeward Ground Snake (WI) 5001 Leeward Racer (WI) 260 Legless Burrowing Skink 7446 Legless Lerista 4799 Legless Lizards 496 Legless Skink 5948, 106 Legless Skinks 8507 Lehmann's Ground Snake 1072 Leiolopismas 4521 Leisure Water Dragon (ANZ) 6494 Leith's Softshell 987 Leith's Softshell Turtle 987 Leith's Tortoise 8008 Leleup's Water Snake (CSA) 5126 Lema's Ground Snake 4993 Leonards Keelback 7071 Leonard's Pipe Snake 851 Leonhard's Ctenotus 2382 Leonhard's Spade-snouted Worm Lizard (CSA) 5649 Leopard Anole 701 Leopard Dwarf Boa 8313

Lichtenfelder's Gecko

Leopard Fringe-toed Lizard 62 Leopard Gecko (ISC) 3345 Leopard Geckos (ISC) 3342 Leopard Grass Snake 6774 Leopard Iguana 2780 Leopard Keelback 3839 Leopard Lizard 3504 Leopard Lizards 3501 Leopard Rat Snake 3045 Leopard Snake 3045 Leopard Tortoise 3607 Leopard Tree Iguana 4923 Leopold Downs Blind Snake 7035 Leopold Dtella 3550 Leopoldville Beaked Snake 7216 Leposomas 4621 Leprous Pond Turtle 5458 Leprous Terrapin 5458 Leptotyphlopids 4701 Leristas 4794 Lerner's Anole 679 Leschenault's Cabrita 1410 Leschenault's Leaf-toed Gecko 3908 Leschenault's Snake-eye (ISC) 1410 Lesser Antillean Green Iguana 4166 Lesser Antillean Iguana (WI) 4166 Lesser Antillean Thread Snake (WI) 4711 Lesser Bearded Dragon 6612 Lesser Black Krait 1399 Lesser Blind Snakes 5035 Lesser Burrowing Skinks 842 Lesser Cerastes Viper 1593 Lesser Earless Lizard 3999 Lesser Earless Lizards 3996 Lesser Flat Lizard 6541

Lesser Flat Rock Lizard 6542, 6543, 6544 Lesser Galliwasps 1568 Lesser Green Parrot Snake 4677 Lesser Krait 1399 Lesser Microteiid 1502 Lesser Ornate Whorltail Iguana 7772 Lesser Pale-throated Skink 2456 Lesser Python 6986 Lesser Racerunners 7058 Lesser Rock Python 6996 Lesser Scaly Anole 822 Lesser Snake Skinks 5953 Lesser Spinytail Iguanas 5683 Lesser Toadhead Agama 6328 Lesser Toad-headed Turtle 6372 Lesser Worm Snakes 5035 Lesueur's Velvet Gecko 5859 Lesueur's Water Dragon 6494 Leuckart's Burrowing Skink 845 Levantine Viper 8716 Leviton's Cylindrical Skink 1622 Leviton's Gecko 976 Leviton's Kukri Snake 5872 Leviton's Rock Agama 7740 Leyte Cat Snake 1227 Leyte Pond Turtle 3971 Lhote Orangetail Lizard 6254 Liana Snakes 7559 Liberia Worm Lizard 2492 Liberia Worm Snake 8438 Lichen Anole 743 Lichen-coloured Slug-eater 7512 Lichtenfelder's Gecko 3748

Lichtenstein's Green Racer

Lichtenstein's Green Racer 6270 Lichtenstein's Night Adder 1562 Lichtenstein's Shortfingered Gecko 7791 Lichtenstein's Toadhead Agama 6342 Lichtenstein's Water Snake 5127 Lidless Skinks 1 Lidless Skinks 4356, 6097 Liebmann's Earth Runner 1775 Light Anole 512 Light-barred Kukri Snake 5871 Lightbulb Lizard 6699 Lightbulb Lizards 6691 Likiang Pit Viper 213 Lilford's Wall Lizard 6586 Lima Leaf-toed Gecko 6458 Limbless Skinks 5495, 7485 Limestone Anole 727 Limestone Forest Galliwasp (WI) 1569 Limitan Ground Snake 1073 Limpopo Burrowing Skink 7448 Limpopo Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7448 Limpopo Sand Skink (CSA) 7448 Limpopo Skink (CSA) 7448 Lindi Sharp-snouted Worm Lizard 476 Lineated Lerista 4826 Lined Centipede-eater 881 Lined Coachwhip 5415 Lined Day Gecko 6226, 6440 Lined Earless Agama 8361 Lined Earless Dragon (ANZ) 8362 Lined Earless Dragon 8361 Lined Earless Lizard 8361 Lined Flat-tail Gecko 8597


Lined Flying Dragon 2869 Lined Forest Snake 3619 Lined Gecko 3593 Lined Ground Snake 5002 Lined House Snake 4447 Lined Keelback 7072 Lined Lance Skink 99 Lined Leaf-toed Gecko 6440 Lined Lerista 4826 Lined Mabuya 5319 Lined Many-fingered Teiid 6107 Lined Olympic Snake 2891 Lined Quill-snouted Snake 8770 Lined Shovelsnout 6730, 6731 Lined Skinks 3949 Lined Slender Skink 5238 Lined Snake 8282 Lined Snakes 2443, 8281 Lined Swamp Snake (CSA) 2891 Lined Thorntail Snake 6538 Lined Tolucan Ground Snake 8135 Lined Tree Lizard 8614 Lined Tropical Snake 5002 Lined Water Snake 5128 Lined Writhing Skink 5238 Line-eyed Morethia 5678 Line-eyed Skink 5678 Link-marked Sand Racer 6751 Link-marked Sand Snake 6752 Linnaeus's Dwarf Snake 1435 Linnaeus's Lance Skink 101 Linnaeus's Sea Krait 4484 Linnaeus's Sipo 1811 Linnaeus's Writhing Skik 5249 Linné's Dwarf Snake 1435

Linton's Dwarf Centipedeeater 7931 Linton's Dwarf Short-tail Snake 7931 Lion Anole 684 Lionhead Agama 1489 Lipetz's Night Lizard 4609 Lipinias 5042 Litter Snake 7097, 7114 Litter Snakes 7095 Little Anole 717 Little Bleached Horned Lizard 6403 Little Brown Skink 7466 Little Brown Snake 3058 Little Brown Snakes 3057 Little Desert Snake 3058 Little File Snake (ANZ) 111 Little Indian Skink 5323 Little Night Snake 7824 Little Skink (ISC) 5323 Little Snakes 7816 Little Spotted Snake 7823 Little Striped Whiptail 1940 Little Whip Snake 7818 Little White Whiptail 1942 Little-eared Anole 740 Little-scaled Dwarf Gecko 7643 Little-scaled Ground Snake 1094 Little-scaled Least Gecko 7643 Littoral Gecko (WI} 7668 Liwale Two-headed Snake 1784 Liwale Worm Lizard 5081 Lizard-eater 2895 Lizard-fingered Geckos 7303 Lizards 4307 Lizards, Worm Lizards and Snakes 7710 Lizard-toed Geckos 7303 Llanos Side-necked Turtle 6605


Llanos Whiptail 1933 Lobatsa Hingeback Tortoise 4248 Lobatsa Hinged Tortoise 4248 Lobo Bay Keelback 8300 Lobulias 5069 Loggerhead 1519 Loggerhead Musk Turtle 1519, 4280, 4281 Loggerhead Sea Turtle 1519 Loggerhead Sea Turtles 1518 Loggerhead Snapping Turtles 1765, 1771 Loggerhead Turtle 1519 Loggerhead Turtles 1518 Loggerheads 1518 Lojan Lancehead 1298 Lojan Pit Viper 1298 Long Fringe-fingered Lizard 57 Long Ground Snake 5003 Long Lipinia 5046 Long Sand Racer 6765 Long Skinks 3361 Long Worm Snake 8440 Long-banded Coral Snake 5603 Long-fingered Gecko 2746 Long-footed Fringe-toed Lizard 57 Long-glanded Coral Snakes 5444 Longhead Burrowing Snake 913 Longhead Leaf-toed Gecko 3909, 3911 Longhead Snail-eater 2821 Longhead Water Snake 3229 Long-headed Lizard 4335 Long-headed Tropical House Gecko 3909 Long-legged Lizards 6630 Long-legged Skinks 3361

Lord Derby's Girdled Lizard

Long-lined Skink 3432 Long-lobed Skink 5355 Long-necked Tortoise (ANZ) 1746 Longnose Leopard Lizard 3504, 3507 Longnose Skink 3399 Longnose Snake 7166 Longnose Snakes 7165 Longnose Whip Snake 226 Long-nosed Garter Snake 8083 Long-nosed Leopard Lizard (NA) 3504 Long-nosed Snake 7166 Long-nosed Snakes 7165 Long-nosed Tree Snake 226 Long-nosed Tree Snakes 221 Long-nosed Vine Snake 226 Long-nosed Viper 8698 Long-nosed Water Dragon (ANZ) 5078 Long-nosed Whip Snake 226 Long-nosed Worm Snake 4755 Long's Garter Snake 8075 Long-snouted Crocodile (ISC) 3514 Long-snouted Crocodile 2171 Long-snouted Lashtail (ANZ) 5078 Long-spined Horned Lizard 6388 Longtail Alpine Garter Snake 8089 Long-tail Blind Snake 4753 Longtail Emo Skink 3149 Longtail Ground Skink 4538 Longtail Iguana 1164, 936 Longtail Limbless Skink 5496 Longtail Lizards 256 Longtail Lizards 4474

Longtail Mabuya 5320 Longtail Monitor 8662 Longtail Rattlesnake 2235 Longtail Spiny Lizard 7408 Longtail Whip Lizard 8019 Longtail Whiptail 1951 Long-tailed Anole 937 Long-tailed Brush Lizard (NA) 8605 Long-tailed Brush Lizard 8607 Long-tailed Desert Lacerta 5520 Long-tailed Earless Dragon 8363 Long-tailed Emo Skink 3149 Long-tailed Flesh-pink Thread Snake 4753 Long-tailed Flesh-pink Worm Snake 4753 Long-tailed Lacertas 4474 Long-tailed Limbless Skink 5496 Long-tailed Lizard 3090 Long-tailed Lizards 4358, 4474 Long-tailed Rattlesnake 2235 Long-tailed Rock Monitor (ANZ) 8661 Long-tailed Rock Monitor 8662 Long-tailed Sand Dragon (ANZ) 2305 Long-tailed Seps 8019 Long-tailed Skink 5320 Long-tailed Thread Snake (CSA) 4753 Long-tailed Uta 8605 Long-tailed Whip Snake 1822 Long-tailed Worm Snake (CSA) 4753 Loo-choo Big-tooth Snake 2715 Loos Snake 5918 Lord Derby's Girdled Lizard 2123

Lord Howe Island Skink

Lord Howe Island Skink 6801 Lorentz River Keelback 8298 Lorentz's Bronzeback 2636 Lorentz's Bronzeback Snake 2636 Lorenz's Tree Iguana 4925 Lorenz's Worm Snake 8441 Los Archipelago Worm Lizard 2490 Los Coronados Island Gopher Snake 6502 Los Coronados Island Rattlesnake 2246 Louisiades Bow-fingered Gecko 2530 Louisiana Alligator 247 Louisiana Milk Snake 4407 Louisiana Pine Snake 6516 Loveridge's Anole 688 Loveridge's Emo Skink 3150 Loveridge's Forest Snake 3620 Loveridge's Garter Snake 3079 Loveridge's Gecko 1881 Loveridge's Ground Snake 1074 Loveridge's Largescale Lizard 6954 Loveridge's Worm Snake 8442 Loveridge's Writhing Skink 5254 Lower California Rattlesnake 2204 Lowe's Dwarf Snake 1436 Lowland Scaly-eyed Gecko 4565 Lowland Swamp Viper 1017 Lowland Viper 1017 Low-lying Gecko 975 Low's Four-fingered Skink 5164 Lowveld Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7439


Lowveld Girdled Lizard 2134 Lozenge-marked Bicycle Dragon (ANZ) 2320 Lozenge-marked Dragon 2320 Lualuba Worm Lizard 5640 Luding Kukri Snake 5906 Ludovic's Toadhead Agama 6348 Lugo's Alligator Lizard 3676 Luminous Lizard 6703 Lundell's Spiny Lizard 7365 Lund's Teiid 3976 Luque Worm Lizard 4636 Luth 2669 Luth Turtle (ANZ) 2669 Lutz's Tree Iguana 4926 Luzon Dwarf Snake 1431 Luzon False Gecko 6871 Luzon Kukri Snake 5904 Luzon Worm Snake 8444 Lycodontine Snakes 5096 Lygosomic Skinks 5218 Lynch's Anole 694 Lyre Snake (NA) 8266 Lyre Snake 8263 Lyre Snakes 8262 Lyrehead Lizard 5258 Lyrehead Lizards 5257 Lyre-headed Lizard 5258 Lyre-headed Lizards 5257 Mabuya-like Skink 5240 Mabuyas 5271 MacBryde's Pholidobolus 6310 MacClelland's Coral Snake (ISC) 3870 MacDougall's Graceful Brown Snake 7119 MacDougall's Litter Snake 7119 MacDougall's Night Lizard 4606

MacDougall's Spiny Lizard 7366 MacGregor's New Zealand Skink 2451 MacGregor's Wolf Gecko 5094 MacGregor's Wolf Lizard 5094 Mackay's Burrowing Skink 846 Mackinnon's Wolf Snake 5110 Macklot's Python 4859, 4861 Macleay's Ashy Gecko 7620 Macleay's Dtella 3542 Macleay's Emo Skink 3180 Macleay's Water Snake 3235 MacMahon's Desert Viper 3315 MacMahon's Desert Vipers 3314 MacMahon's Viper 3315 MacMahon's Vipers 3314 Macola's Tree Iguana 4960 Macquarr's Murray River Turtle 3195 Macquarr's Murray Turtle 3195 Macquarr's Tortoise 3195 Macrinius's Anole 695 Macropholiduses 5374 Madagascan Big-headed Side-necked Turtle 3319 Madagascan Boa 1217 Madagascan Flat-tailed Tortoise 7004 Madagascan Ground Boa 1217 Madagascan Leaf-tiled Gecko 8594 Madagascan Mabuya 5282 Madagascan Spider Tortoise 7003 Madagascan Tortoise 3612 Madagascan Tree Boa 1218


Madagascan Twig Snakes 4459 Madagascar Bighead Snake 2073 Madagascar Bighead Turtle 3319 Madagascar Bighead Turtles 3318 Madagascar Big-headed Gecko 6153 Madagascar Boa 1217 Madagascar Boa Constrictor 1217 Madagascar Bright Snake 4972 Madagascar Brook Snake 6921 Madagascar Brown Snake 4513 Madagascar Brown Snakes 4510 Madagascar Burrowing Snake 6133 Madagascar Burrowing Snakes 6132 Madagascar Chameleon 1654 Madagascar Clawless Gecko 2932 Madagascar Clawless Geckos 2931 Madagascar Coastal Skink 393 Madagascar Common Snake 5382 Madagascar Day Gecko 6227 Madagascar Day Geckos 6207 Madagascar Dune Snake 4511 Madagascar Dwarf Gecko 5193 Madagascar Flat-shelled Tortoise 7004 Madagascar Flat-tailed Spider Tortoise 7004 Madagascar Forest Chameleon 1653 Madagascar Gecko 6214, 6224, 6227

Malayan False Gharial

Madagascar Giant Day Gecko 6228 Madagascar Giant Hognose Snake 4512 Madagascar Girdled Lizard 8819 Madagascar Green Geckos 6207 Madagascar Ground Boa 1217 Madagascar Ground Gecko 6153 Madagascar Ground Geckos 6146 Madagascar Hognose Snakes 4510 Madagascar Hognoses 4510 Madagascar Iguana 1613 Madagascar Iguanas 1612 Madagascar Keeled Cordylid 8161 Madagascar Leafnose Vine Snake 4461 Madagascar Menarana Snake 4512 Madagascar Radiated Tortoise 3610 Madagascar Skink 388 Madagascar Skinks 375 Madagascar Snakes 3984 Madagascar Swifts 6004 Madagascar Tree Boa 1217, 1218 Madagascar Tree Swift 6006 Madagascar Velvet Gecko 4031 Madagascar Velvet Geckos 4029 Madagascar Water Snake 5030 Madagascar Water Snakes 5027 Madagascar Worm Snake 8446 Madeira Lizard 6581 Madeira Wall Lizard 6581 Madras Leaf-toed Gecko 3939

Madras Pond Tortoise 5483 Madras Spotted Skink 1162 Madras Spotted Skinks 1161 Madrean Alligator Lizard (NA) 3095 Madrean Alligator Lizard 3096 Madrean Night Lizard 4617 Madrean Tropical Night Lizard 4617 Madura Earth Snake 8569 Madura Pit Viper 8231 Magdalena River Turtle 6602 Magellan's Smooth-throated Lizard 4927 Magellan's Tree Iguana 4927 Mahinga Worm Lizard 5646 Main Tree Iguana 4882 Mainland Tiger Snake (ANZ) 5829 Major Skink 2959 Maki's Keelback 349 Malabar Pit Viper (ISC) 8238 Malabarian Pit Viper 8238 Malagasy Giant Chameleon 1695 Malagasy Mabuya 5326 Malagasy Tree Boa 1217 Malawi Stumptail Chameleon 7153 Malawi Worm Snake 8460 Malay Gavial 8138 Malay Python 6994 Malaya False Bloodsucker 6845 Malayan Banded Wolf Snake 5119 Malayan Box Turtle (ISC) 2420 Malayan Box Turtles 2419 Malayan Bridal Snake 2918 Malayan Bush Snake 7077 Malayan False Gharial 8138

Malayan Flatshell Turtle

Malayan Flatshell Turtle 5835 Malayan Flatshell Turtles 5834 Malayan Flat-shelled Turtle 5835 Malayan Gavial 8138 Malayan Gharial 8138 Malayan Giant Turtle 6016 Malayan Giant Turtles 6015 Malayan Green Whip Snake 225 Malayan Keelback 5370 Malayan Krait 1394 Malayan Manytooth Snake 7533 Malayan Many-toothed Snake 7533 Malayan Mountain Keelback 345 Malayan Mountain Reed Snake 5363 Malayan Pipe Snake 2482 Malayan Pit Viper 1475 Malayan Pit Vipers 1474 Malayan Polyodont 7533 Malayan Python 6986 Malayan Reed Snake 4968 Malayan Sea Snake 1004 Malayan Sea Snakes 1003 Malayan Slug Snake 4185 Malayan Snail-eating Turtle 5395 Malayan Snail-eating Turtles 5394 Malayan Softshell 2856 Malayan Soft-shell Turtle 2856 Malayan Soft-shelled Turtle 2856 Malayan Softshells 2855 Malayan Vine Snake 4185 Malayan Whip Snake 228 Malaysia Bow-fingered Gecko 2512 Malaysia Giant Turtle 6015, 6016


Malaysian Brown Snake 8763 Malaysian Brown Snakes 8761 Malaysian Coral Snakes 5444 Malaysian Giant Turtle 6016 Malaysian Giant Turtles 6015 Malcolm's Bow-fingered Gecko 2532 Malcolm's Worm Snake 8447 Mali Agama 158 Mali Cobra 5699 Mali Uromastyx 8553 Malindi Centipede-eater 887 Mallee Ctenotus 2341 Mallee Dragon 2307 Mallee Heath Lashtail (ANZ) 333 Mallee Sand Dragon (ANZ) 2307 Mallee Worm Lizard (ANZ) 923 Malposo Scaly Anole 583 Maltese Wall Lizard 6583 Mamba 2645 Mambas 2644 Mamberamo River Snake 3991 Mamberamo River Snakes 3990 Mamushi 201 Man Lizard 589 Managua Skink 3401 Managuan Worm Snake 4761 Manchurian Black Water Snake 3044 Manda Flesh-pink Blind Snake 4714 Manda Flesh-pink Worm Snake 4714 Mandarin Rat Snake 3024 Man-eating Saltwater Crocodile 2179

Mangrove Diamondback Terrapin 5389 Mangrove Diamond-backed Terrapin 5389 Mangrove Emo Skink 3118 Mangrove Monitor 8666 Mangrove Pit Viper 8245 Mangrove Salt Marsh Snake 5772 Mangrove Skink 3118 Mangrove Snake 1233 Mangrove Snakes 1226 Mangrove Viper 8245 Mangshanen Pit Viper 8239 Manica Girdled Lizard (CSA) 2131 Manila Wolf Snake 5120 Manila Worm Snake 8448 Mann's Dwarf Gecko 5194 Mann's Worm Lizard 422 Mann's Worm Snake 8449 Manser's Black Racer 2054 Mantanza's Anole 807 Mantanzas Dwarf Gecko 7633 Mantanzas Least Gecko 7633 Manthey's Forest Dragon 3762 Many-banded Coral Snake 5609 Many-banded Krait 1401 Many-banded Snake 6125 Many-banded Snakes 6124 Many-banded Tree Snake 1243 Many-coloured Bush Anole 6635 Many-coloured Tree Iguana 4932 Many-eyed Gecko 2739 Many-fingered Teiids 6106 Many-horned Adder 1190 Many-lined Blind Snake 7037 Many-lined Ctenotus 2391


Many-lined Graceful Brown Snake 7123 Many-lined Plated Lizard (CSA) 3683 Many-lined Skink 3404, 3405 Many-lined Whiptail 1950 Many-scaled Anole 752 Many-scaled Cylindrical Skink 1628 Many-scaled Feylinia 3477 Many-scaled Gecko 3529 Many-scaled Island Racer 2889 Many-scaled Lava Lizard 8336 Many-scaled Snail-eater 2829 Many-scaled Wolf Snake 5150 Many-spotted Cat Snake 1244 Many-spotted Snake 450 Many-spotted Snakes 3962 Many-spotted Snakes 449 Many-spotted Tree Iguana 4934 Many-striped Whiptail 1950 Manytooth Snakes 7528 Many-toothed Sea Snake 4087 Many-toothed Snakes 7528 Map Turtle (NA) 3785 Map Turtles 3780 Map Turtles and Sawbacks 3780 Maracaibo Wood Turtle 7172 Marajo Lancehead 1299 Marajoran Pit Viper 1299 Marble Cat Snake 1244 Marbled Bloodsucker 1364 Marbled Bow-fingered Gecko 2534 Marbled Fat-tailed Gecko 5860 Marbled Gecko 1839, 3575, 6451

Martinique Viper

Marbled Leaf-toed Gecko (CSA) 6451 Marbled Tree Snake (CSA) 2797 Marbled Velvet Gecko 5860 Marbled Whiptail 1952, 1977 Marcano's Galliwasp 1579 Marcella's Graceful Brown Snake 7120 Marche Leon Dwarf Gecko 7619 Marche Leon Least Gecko 7619 March's Palm Pit Viper 1258 Marcy Garter Snake 8070 Marcy's Checkered Garter Snake 8071 Marcy's Garter Snake 8070 Margarita Leaf-toed Gecko 6465 Marginated Tortoise 8009 Maria Islands Leaf-toed Gecko (WI) 3924 Maria Islands Whiptail (WI) 1988 Maria Madre Snake 3463 Maria Madre Snakes 3462 Maria's Elf Skink 5722 Marico Gecko (CSA) 6073 Maricopa Leafnose Snake 6477 Maricopa Leaf-nosed Snake 6477 Marie-Galante Anole (WI) 625 Marine File Snake 111 Marine Iguana 294 Marine Iguanas 293 Marine Leatherback 2670 Marine Turtles 1760 Marisela's Ground Snake 1078 Maritime Garter Snake 8098 Marked Anole 697

Marked Belly Gecko 1904 Marked Geckos 4018 Marked Madagascar Swift 6010 Marked Skink 7296 Marmelade Anole 772 Maroantsetra Chameleon 1683 Marojejy Leaf Chameleon 1374 Marsh Brown Snake 7806 Marsh Crocodile (ISC) 2178 Marsh Snake 3864, 5730 Marsh Snakes 5729 Marsh Terrapin (CSA) 6176 Marsh Turtles 3186 Marshall's Chameleon 7150 Marshall's Dwarf Chameleon (CSA) 7150 Marshall's Dwarf Forest Chameleon (CSA) 7150 Marshall's Leaf Chameleon (CSA) 7150 Marshall's Stumptail Chameleon 7150 Martin Garcia Dwarf Gecko 7636 Martin Garcia Least Gecko 7636 Martin Garcia Sphaero 7660 Martin Garcia Tree Snake 4708 Martinican Pit Viper 1296 Martinique Ameiva 317 Martinique Anole (WI) 778 Martinique Curlytail (WI) 4493 Martinique Curlytail Lizard 4493 Martinique Ground Snake (WI) 4992 Martinique Lancehead 1296 Martinique Spectacled Tegu 3815 Martinique Viper (WI) 1296

Marvellous Gecko

Marvellous Gecko 5634 Marvellous Geckos 5633 Marx's Rough-scaled Lizard 4163 Marx's Worm Snake 8450 Maryellen's Ground Snake 5004 Mashona Hinged Terrapin(CSA) 6191 Masira Fringe-fingered Lizard 59 Masked Water Snake 4017 Masked Water Snakes 4016 Massasauga 7566 Massasaugas 7565 Masters's Snake 2926 Mastigures 8552 Matamata 1764 Matamata Turtle 1764 Matamata Turtles 1763 Matamatas 1763 Mato Grosso Blind Snake 4726 Matschie's African Ground Snake 3744 Matschie's Dwarf Chameleon 1353 Matschie's Dwarf Gecko 5175 Matto Grosso Burrowing Snake 912 Matto Grosso Worm Lizard 4641 Matuasto 4556 Matuastos 4555 Matuda's Anole 703 Matuda's Arboreal Alligator Lizard 19 Maurice Worm Lizard 5650 Mauritanian Lizard-toed Gecko 7306 Mauritius Accidental Gecko 5689 Mauritius Boa 1557 Mauritius Day Gecko 6221 Maximilian's Snake-headed Turtle 4076


Maximilian's Snake-necked Turtle 4076 Maximilian's Tinyfoot Teiid 5536 Maxwell's Mountain Keelback 5988 Maya Coral Snake 5597 Maya Night Lizard 4610 Mayaguana 2464 Mayaguana Dwarf Gecko 7642 Mayaguana Least Gecko 7642 Mayer's Sand Lizard 6160 Maynard's Anole 704 Maynard's Awl-headed Snake 5268 Maynard's Leafnose Snake 5268 Mayotte Island Chameleon 1702 Mbanja Worm Lizard 1800 McCall's Horned Lizard 6402 McCann's Ground Skink 4527 McCord's Box Turtle 2430 McCord's Snakeneck Turtle 1747 McCoy's Elf Skink 5721 McCoy's Skink (ANZ) 5721 McCrystal's Whiptail 1933 McDougall's Kukri Snake 5900 McDowell's Sea Snake 4100 McDowell's Wart Snake 110 McFarlan's Four-fingered Skink 5159 McKenzie's Dragon 2313 McLachlan's Girdled Lizard (CSA) 2126 McLachlan's Spinytail Lizard 2126 McLachlan's Stumptail Chameleon 7151 McMillan's Spinytail Gecko 2734

McPhee's Skink 2967 Meadow Lizard 4340, 6596 Meadow Snakes 113 Meadow Viper 8726 Mearns's Rock Lizard 6203 Mechow's Quill-snouted Snake (CSA) 8771 Medem's Neusticurus 5810 Mediterranean Cat Snake 7961 Mediterranean Chameleon 1657 Mediterranean Gecko 3945, 3946 Mediterranean House Gecko (NA) 3945 Mediterranean Lizards (CSA) 4307 Mediterranean Pond Turtle 3206, 5458 Mediterranean Spur-thighed Tortoise 8001 Mediterranean Terrapin 5458 Mediterranean Turtle 5458 Mediterranean Worm Lizard 1205 Mediterranean Worm Lizards 1204 Medog Bloodsucker 1492 Medog Bow-fingered Gecko 2536 Medway's Emo Skink 3116 Méhely's Agama 173 Méhely's Lizard 4314 Melanistic Eastern Hognose Snake 3982 Meller's Chameleon 1686 Mena's Centipede Snake 7890 Menetias 5501 Ménétries's Lizard 5976 Menorca Wall Lizard 6592 Merauke Scrub Python 5659 Meridian Anole 708 Meridian Gecko 1999 Merker's Worm Snake 4777


Merrem's Coral Snake 5598 Merrem's Hump-nosed Viper 4123 Merrem's Madagascar Swift 6006 Merrem's Sea Snake 4087 Merriam's Canyon Lizard 7379, 7382 Mertens's Centipede Snake 7869 Mertens's Coral Snake 5607 Mertens's Day Gecko 6237 Mertens's Earth Snake 3644 Mertens's Lizard-eating Snake 3066 Mertens's Monitor 8670 Mertens's Tropical Forest Snake 8528 Mertens's Water Monitor 8670 Mertens's Worm Lizard 423 Mesa Central Earth Snake 3650 Mesa del Sur Earth Snake 3640 Mesa Verde Night Snake 4137 Mesalinas 5517 Mesoamerican Slider 8173 Mesopotamian Mastigure 8560 Mesopotamian Spiny-tailed Lizard 8560 Mesquite Lizard 7353, 7355 Meta Blind Snake 5038 Meta Worm Snake 5038 Metallic Ameiva 327 Metallic Anadia 463 Metallic Menetia 5507 Metallic Skink 4456, 6802 Metallic Skinks 4451 Metallic Snake-eyed Skink 2288 Methuen's Dwarf Gecko (CSA) 5195 Mexican Alligator Lizards 5525

Mexican Plateau Spotted Whiptail

Mexican Beaded Lizard (NA) 3853 Mexican Black Box Turtle 7994 Mexican Black King Snake 4390 Mexican Blackbelly Water Snake 8072 Mexican Blackhead Snake 7866 Mexican Black-headed Snake 7866 Mexican Black-tailed Rattlesnake 2224 Mexican Blind Lizard 484 Mexican Blind Lizards 483 Mexican Blind Snake 841 Mexican Box Turtle 7990 Mexican Brown Snake 7815 Mexican Brush Lizard 8608 Mexican Bull Snake 6507 Mexican Burrowing Python 5086 Mexican Burrowing Pythons 5085 Mexican Burrowing Snake 5086 Mexican Cantil 197 Mexican Dusky Rattlesnake 2239 Mexican Dwarf Boas 3464 Mexican Garter Snake 8060, 8061, 8089 Mexican Giant Gopher 3776 Mexican Giant Musk Turtle 7712, 7713 Mexican Gopher Snake 6507 Mexican Gopher Tortoise 3776 Mexican Green Snake 3052 Mexican Highland Garter Snake 8050, 8083, 8090 Mexican Hognose Snake 3980 Mexican Hog-nosed Snake 3980

Mexican Hooknose Snake 3479, 3483 Mexican Hooknose Snakes 3478 Mexican Hook-nosed Snake 3479, 3483 Mexican Hook-nosed Snakes 3478 Mexican Horned Lizard 6404, 6410 Mexican Horned Pit Viper 5993, 5994 Mexican Horned Viper 5994 Mexican Horned Vipers 5993 Mexican King Snake 4394, 4397 Mexican Lancehead Rattlesnake 2226 Mexican Lance-headed Rattlesnake 2226 Mexican Longtail Snake 3244 Mexican Longtail Snakes 3241 Mexican Lyre Snake 8268 Mexican Massasauga 7574 Mexican Milk Snake 4409 Mexican Moccasin 196 Mexican Mud Turtle 4269, 4271, 4276 Mexican Mussurana 1861 Mexican Neckband Snake 7320 Mexican Painted Wood Turtle 7176 Mexican Parrot Snake 4679 Mexican Patchnose Snake 7284 Mexican Patch-nosed Snake 7284 Mexican Pine Snake 6507 Mexican Plateau Earth Snake 3631 Mexican Plateau Mud Turtle 4274 Mexican Plateau Spotted Whiptail 1969

Mexican Plated Lizard

Mexican Plated Lizard 3677 Mexican Pygmy Rattlesnake 7574 Mexican Pygmy Whiptail 1964 Mexican Python 5086 Mexican Pythons 5085 Mexican Racer 2042 Mexican Racerunner 1936 Mexican Red Turtle 7176 Mexican Road Guarder 2097 Mexican Rosy Boa 4865, 4869 Mexican Roughfoot Mud Turtle 4269 Mexican Rough-footed Mud Turtle 4269 Mexican Short-tail Snake 7830 Mexican Short-tail Snakes 7829 Mexican Short-tailed Snake 7829, 7830 Mexican Smallhead Rattlesnake 2210 Mexican Snake-eater 1861 Mexican Speckled Snake 2907 Mexican Spiny Lizard 7402, 7412 Mexican Spinytail Iguana 2335 Mexican Spotted Wood Turtle 7181 Mexican Vine Snake 6029 Mexican West Coast Rattlesnake 2190 Mexican West Coast Watersnake 5795 Mexican Whiptail 1957 Mexican Wood Turtle 7176 Mexican Worm Snake 841 Mexican Yellowbelly Brown Snake 7810 Mexico Redtail Cribo 2903 Mexico Softshell Turtle 864 Meyer's Anole 669


Meyer's Blind Legless Skink (CSA) 8516 Meyer's Emo Skink 3144 Meyer's Frog-eating Snake 7722 Meyer's Legless Skink 8516 M'fezi (CSA) 5701 Michaelsen's Spinytail Gecko 2735 Michell's Quill-snouted Snake 8772 Michoacan Centipede Snake 7875 Michoacan Earth Snake 3653 Michoacan Ground Snake 7579 Michoacan Slender Blind Snake 4717 Michoacan Spiny Lizard 7359 Microteiids 1499 Middle American Ameiva 311 Middle American Burrowing Snake 118 Middle American Gopher Snake 6510 Middle American Swamp Snake 8201 Middle California Garter Snake 8034 Middle Congo Worm Lizard 5654 Middle Eastern Geckos 970 Middle Eastern Rock Gecko 6671 Middle Eastern Shortfingered Gecko 7784 Middle Eastern Spurthighed Tortoise 8010 Middle Worm Lizard 5937 Middle-Eastern Agamas 8186 Middle-toed Geckos 5460 Mid-East Vipers 2567 Midget Faded Rattlesnake 2248 Midland Brown Snake 7809

Midland Painted Turtle 1844 Midland Smooth Softshell 868 Midland Smooth Softshell Turtle 868 Midland Water Snake 5791 Midwest Worm Snake 1555 Midwestern Worm Snake 1555 Mikindani Worm Lizard 1803 Military Ctenotus 2384 Military Dragon 2310 Military Ground Snake 5006 Military Sand Dragon (ANZ) 2310 Milk Adder 4409 Milk Snake (NA) 4429 Milk Snake 4395, 4405, 4430 Milk Snakes 4373 Miller's Anole 713 Millewa Skink (ANZ) 3952 Milos Blunt-nosed Viper 8724 Milos Wall Lizard 6588 Mimic Chameleon 1727 Mimic Chameleons 1726 Mimic False Coral Snake 3325 Mimic Glass Lizard 5970 Mimic Glass Snake 5970 Minas Gerais Snake 3065 Mindanao Bow-fingered Gecko 2497 Mindanao False Gecko 6873 Mindanao Scaly-toed Gecko 4595 Mindanao Short-legged Skink 1325, 1326 Mindoro Crocodile 2177 Mindoro Forest Dragon 3767 Mingtao's Gecko 3589 Minor Snake-eyed Skink 4


Minton's Bow-fingered Gecko 2538 Minute Leaf Chameleon 1378 Mionecton Skink 1624 Miranda Green Racer 6268 Miriam's Skink 2588 Miriam's Skinks 2587 Misima Island Snake 8156 Mississippi Alligator 247 Mississippi Diamondback Terrapin 5388 Mississippi Diamondbacked Terrapin 5388 Mississippi Green Water Snake 5774 Mississippi Map Turtle 3795 Mississippi Mud Turtle 4296 Mississippi Musk Turtle 4259, 4296 Mississippi Ringneck Snake 2685 Mississippi Ring-necked Snake 2685 Mississippi Sawback 3794, 3795 Mississippi Sawback Turtle 3794, 3795 Missouri River Cooter 6822 Mitchell Velvet Gecko 5856 Mitchell's Arboreal Alligator Lizard 20 Mitchell's Bearded Dragon 6614 Mitchell's Dragon 6614 Mitchell's Dtella 3544 Mitchell's Flat Lizard 6548 Mitchell's Gecko 2736 Mitchell's Monitor 8671 Mitchell's Rattlesnake 2218 Mitchell's Water Monitor 8671 Mitchell's Worm Lizard 424 Miter Snake (NA) 7885 Mitre Sandfish 7481

Mojave Shovel-nosed Snake

Mittelländische Sumpfschildkröte 3206 Mixed Anole 707 Mixtecan Arboreal Alligator Lizard 21 Miyara's Collared Snake 1440 Miyata Scaly-eyed Gecko 4567 Mjoeberb Forest Dragon 3765 Mlanje Mountain Chameleon 1688 Moa Anole 633 Mobile Turtle 6820 Moçambique Agama 175 Mocassin Garter Snake 8042 Moccasin 216 Mock Cobra 6913 Mock Viper (ISC) 6745 Mock Vipers 6743, 8027 Moco Ground Skink 4535 Mocqauard's Writhing Skink 5242 Mocquard's African Ground Snake 3742 Mocquard's Agama 163 Mocquard's Brook Snake 6917 Mocquard's Cylindrical Skink 1629 Mocquard's Dwarf Gecko 5212 Mocquard's Eyebrow Lizard 6315 Mocquard's File Snake 5472 Mocquard's House Gecko 2157 Mocquards Leaf-toed Gecko 3944 Mocquard's Madagascar Ground Gecko 6148 Mocquard's Secret Skink 2297 Mocquard's Small-eyed Snake 4067

Mocquard's Swamp Snake 8200 Mocquard's Tree Iguana 4928 Mocquard's Worm Snake 8403 Moderate Leaf-toed Gecko 3917 Modest Day Gecko 6230 Modest Forest Dragon 4148 Modest Gecko 3527 Modest Ground Skink 7469 Modest Ground Snake 1082 Modest Keelback 350 Modest Tree Iguana 4929 Modest Whorltail Iguana 7767 Modigliani's Nose-horned Lizard 3829 Mograbin Diadem Snake 7588 Moila Snake 5397 Moila Snakes 5381 Mojave Black-collared Lizard 2265 Mojave Desert Sidewinder 2192, 2193 Mojave Desert Tortoise (Mojave pop.) 3774 Mojave Desert Tortoise 3774 Mojave Diamond Rattlesnake 2233 Mojave Fringe-toed Lizard 8526 Mojave Glossy Snake 948 Mojave Green Rattlesnake 2233, 2234 Mojave Patchnose Snake 7279 Mojave Patch-nosed Snake 7279 Mojave Rattlesnake 2233, 2234 Mojave Ringed Snake 1793 Mojave Shovelnose Snake 1793 Mojave Shovel-nosed Snake 1793

Mojave Zebratail Lizard

Mojave Zebratail Lizard 1469 Mole Adder (CSA) 1022 Mole King Snake 4380 Mole Lizard (NA) 1182 Mole Skink 3378 Mole Snake (CSA) 6786 Mole Snake (NA) 4377 Mole Snake 4380 Mole Snakes 6785 Mole Viper 1020, 1021, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1033, 1035, 1036 Mole Vipers 1018, 1019 Moloch 5638 Molochs 5637 Molslang (CSA) 6786 Moluccan Bow-fingered Gecko 2511 Moluccan Flying Snake 1850 Moluccan Keelback 8296 Moluccas Flying Snake 1850 Moluccas Sailfin 4119 Mona Anole 715 Mona Blind Snake 8456 Mona Boa 3277 Mona Dwarf Gecko 7647 Mona Gecko 7647 Mona Island Boa 3277 Mona Least Gecko 7647 Mona Rock Iguana 2473 Mona Sphaero 7647 Mona Worm Snake 8456 Monarch Chameleon 1689 Monard's Dwarf Skink 130 Mongolean Agama 7744 Mongolia Racerunner 3290 Mongolia Rock Agama 7744 Mongolian Racerunner 3290


Mongolo Legless Gecko 927 Mongolo Legless Lizard 927 Monita Sphaero 7644 Monitor (ANZ) 8664 Monitor Lizards 8644 Monitors 8644, 8645 Monkey Lizard 6632 Monkey Lizards 6630 Monkey-tailed Skink 2149 Monocellate Cobra (ISC) 5698 Monocled Cobra 5698 Monserrat Chuckwalla 7316 Monserrat Island Spiny Lizard 7383 Monserrate Island Bluethroated Whiptail 1965 Montane Burrowing Skink 7449 Montane Bush Anole 619 Montane Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7449 Montane Emo Skink 3128 Montane Garter Snake 8063 Montane Girdled Lizard 2131 Montane Grass Snake (CSA) 6755 Montane Ground Snake 2573 Montane Skink 6713 Montane Skinks 6712 Montane Spiny-tailed Lizard (CSA) 2131 Montanucci's Pholidobolus 6312 Monte Cristi Anole 730 Monte Cristi Graceful Brown Snake 7122 Monte Cristi Litter Snake 7122 Monte Verde Anole 522 Monte Verde Curlytail Lizard 4497 Montecristo Arboreal Alligator Lizard 22

Montego Banded Sphaero (WI) 7667 Monterey Ringneck Snake 2686 Monterey Ring-necked Snake 2686 Montpellier Snake 5398 Montpellier Snakes 5396 Montserrat Ameiva (WI) 322 Montserrat Ameiva 323 Montserrat Anole (WI) 685 Montserrat Blind Snake (WI) 8455 Montserrat Galliwasp 2772 Montserrat Worm Snake 8455 Moorish Desert Gecko 7945 Moorish Gecko 7949, 7950, 7951 Moorish Viper 2568 Moorish Wall Gecko (NA) 7949 Mopane Snake (CSA) 3964 Mopani Snake 3964 Mophead Iguana 8539 Mophead Iguanas 8538 Mop-headed Lizard 8539 Moreau's Gecko 3910 Moreau's House Gecko 3910 Moreau's Tropical House Gecko (CSA) 3910 Morelet's Alligator Lizard 5530 Morelet's Crocodile 2174 Morethias 5674 Morgan's Black-headed Snake 7895 Morne Constant Anole 625 Morne Dubois Dwarf Gecko 7652 Morne Dubois Least Gecko 7652 Morning Gecko 4588 Moroccan Glass Lizard 5969


Moroccan Lizard-fingered Gecko 7306 Moroccan Rock Lizard 6592 Moroccan Uromastyx 8553 Morocco Cylindrical Skink 1624 Morocco Emo Skink 6111 Morocco Viper 2568 Morocco Wall Gecko 7938 Morondava Skink 390 Morthwestern Black-striped Snake 7542 Morunosaur 5685 Moser's Cylindrical Skink 1625 Mosor Rock Lizard 4334 Moss Snakes 8527 Mossambic Cobra 5701 Mossoro Ground Snake 5008 Mossy Leaftail Gecko 8599 Moth Lipinia 5050 Moth Skink 5050 Mottled Amphisbaena 414 Mottled Rock Rattlesnake 2212, 2214 Mottled Snake-eyed Skink 2290 Mount Augustus Lerista 4842 Mount d'Ambre Leaf Chameleon 1387 Mount Ivohibe Gecko 5197 Mount Kilimanjaro Twohorned Chamaeleon 1710 Mount Kinabalu Pit Viper 6023 Mount Lefo Chameleon 1717 Mount Meru Chameleon 1678 Mount Omei Keelback 354 Mount Orizaba Alligator Lizard 5526 Mountain Adder 1187, 1188 Mountain Agamas 4199

Mozambique Wolf Snake

Mountain Anole 580 Mountain Black Snake (NA) 3026 Mountain Blind Skink 2698 Mountain Bronzeback 2642 Mountain Bronzeback Snake 2642 Mountain Burrowing Snakes 1331 Mountain Bush Vipers 120 Mountain Centipede Snake 7888 Mountain Chameleon 1691 Mountain Curlytail Lizard 4504 Mountain Dragon (ANZ) 8359 Mountain Dtella 3554 Mountain Dwarf Gecko 975 Mountain Earless Agama 8359 Mountain Earless Lizard 8359 Mountain Earth Snake 8733 Mountain Emo Skink 3154 Mountain Flat Gecko (CSA) 142 Mountain Garter Snake 8054 Mountain Graceful Brown Snake 7096 Mountain Grass Lizard 7859 Mountain Horned Agama 1596 Mountain Horned Dragon 79, n 80, n 81 Mountain Horned Lizard 6404 Mountain Horned Lizard 80 Mountain Keelback 3833 Mountain Keelbacks 3832, 5979 Mountain Lesser Galliwasp 1581 Mountain Lizards 4199, 6487, 8325 Mountain New Caledonian Gecko 1173

Mountain Patchnose Snake 7273, 7274 Mountain Patch-nosed Snake 7273, 7274 Mountain Pholidobolus 6311 Mountain Pit Viper 213 Mountain Racer 2059 Mountain Reed Snakes 5361 Mountain Scaly-toed Gecko 4589 Mountain Short-horned Lizard 6400 Mountain Shovelnose Snake 1797 Mountain Shovel-nosed Snake 1797 Mountain Sipo 1820 Mountain Skink (NA) 3371 Mountain Slug Snake 6142 Mountain Snakes 8805 Mountain Spiny Lizard (NA) 7361 Mountain Spiny Lizard 7363 Mountain Tortoise 5402 Mountain Tree Iguana 4930 Mountain Viper 2571, 8719 Mountain Worm-eating Snake 8181 Mourning Gecko 4588 Mourning Racerunner 3296 Mouse Anole 805 Mouse Snake 8070 Mozambique Agama 175 Mozambique Centipedeeater 886 Mozambique Rough-scaled Sand Lizard (CSA) 4164 Mozambique Shovelsnout Snake 6723 Mozambique Spitting Cobra 5701 Mozambique Wolf Snake 5151

Mozambique Worm Lizard

Mozambique Worm Lizard 1799 Mozambique Writhing Skink (CSA) 5219 Mpwapwa Purple-glossed Snake 285 Mpwapwa Wedge-snouted Worm Lizard 3598 Mpwapwa Worm Lizard 1802 Msimbit Worm Lizard (CSA) 1801 Mud and Musk Turtles 4251 Mud Snake 3467, 3468 Mud Snakes 3466, 4113 Mud Turtle (NA) 1766, 4295 Mud Turtles 4252 Mugger 2178 Mugger Crocodile 2178 Mühlenberg's Turtle 1868 Mulanje Water Snake 5126 Mulga 6788 Mulga Brown Snake 6788 Mulga Brown Snakes 6787 Mulga Ctenotus 2404 Mulga Dragon (ANZ) 1426 Mulga Snakes 6787 Müller's Adder 994 Müller's Earth Snake 7192 Müller's Frog-eating Snake 7721 Muller's Iguana 6709 Müller's Lerista 4830 Müller's Nessia 5804 Müller's Sand Boa 3336 Müller's Skink (ANZ) 4830 Müller's Tegu 4627 Müller's Tree Iguana 4895 Müller's Two-headed Snake 5540 Muller's Velvet Gecko 4033 Muller's Worm Lizard 2493 Multi-ocellated Racerunner 3297


Multi-scaled Forest Lizard 123 Multi-scaled Shovelsnout Snake 6726 Munoa Worm Lizard 425 Murphy's Emo Skink 3155 Murray Frog-eating Snake 7717 Murray River Short-necked Turtle 3195 Murray River Turtle 3195 Murray Striped Skink (ANZ) 2350 Murray Turtle 3195 Muruden Keelback 7073 Musk Turtle 4284 Musk Turtles 4251, 4252 Musky Caiman 6090 Mussurana 1856 Mussurana Snake 1856 Mussuranas 1854 Mwanza Rock Agama 176 Myall (ANZ) 7825 Myall Snake (ANZ) 7825 Myall Snakes 7816 Myers's Andes Anole 6247 Myers's Anole 634 Myers's Graceful Brown Snake 7124 Myiako Keelback 361 Mystery Worm Snake 8406 Nagarkot Kukri Snake 5887 Nagpur Softshell Turtle 987 Nagpur Soft-shelled Turtle 987 Naked-fingered Gecko 5464 Naked-fingered Geckos 2496 Naked-toed Gecko 3808 Naked-toed Geckos 3807 Nama Padloper (CSA) 4038 Namaqua Chameleon 1692 Namaqua Day Gecko (CSA) 6233 Namaqua Dwarf Adder 1201

Namaqua Gecko (CSA) 6074 Namaqua Girdled Lizard (CSA) 2127 Namaqua Plated Lizard (CSA) 3685 Namaqua Puff Adder 1201 Namaqua Sand Lizard 6165 Namaqua Spinytail Lizard 2127 Namaqua Thick-toed Gecko 6074 Namaqualand Sand Snake 6778 Namib Chirping Gecko 6937 Namib Day Gecko (CSA) 7229 Namib Day Geckos (CSA) 7228 Namib Desert Gecko 6094 Namib Geckos 6092 Namib Rock Agama 181 Namib Sand Gecko 6093 Namib Sand Snake 6760 Namib Sanddiver 901 Namib Slender Gecko 7233 Namib Tiger Snake 7958 Namib Web-footed Gecko 6093 Namibian Rock Agama (CSA) 181 Namsang Kukri Snake 5888 Naped Snakes 3491 Napier Broome Bay Lerista 4822 Napoleon Skink 2970 Narrow Leaf-toed Gecko 6412 Narrow-banded Sand Swimmer 3304 Narrow-banded Sea Snake 4109 Narrow-banded Snake 7548 Narrow-breasted Snakeneck Turtle 1749 Narrow-breasted Snakenecked Turtle 1749


Narrow-bridged Mud Turtle 1853, 4255 Narrow-bridged Mud Turtles 1852 Narrow-bridged Musk Turtle 1853 Narrow-bridged Musk Turtles 1852 Narrow-crowned Chameleon 1641 Narrowhead Dtella 3534 Narrowhead Garter Snake 8083 Narrowhead Softshell 1831 Narrowhead Softshells 1829 Narrow-headed Garter Snake 8083 Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle 1831 Narrow-headed Soft-shelled Turtle 1831 Narrow-snouted Spectacled Caiman 1419 Narrow-tailed Lizards 7750 Nassau Boa 3285 Natal Black Snake 5360 Natal Black Snakes 5359 Natal Green Bush Snake 6292 Natal Green Snake (CSA) 6293, 6294 Natal Green Water Snake 6292 Natal Hingeback Tortoise 4249 Natal Hinge-backed Tortoise 4249 Natal Hinged Tortoise (CSA) 4249 Natal Midlands Dwarf Chameleon 1354 Natal Purple-glossed Snake 284 Natal Rock Python 6996 Natterer's Gecko 8346 Natural Tree Gecko 5754 Naturelle Leaf Chameleon 1375 Navassa Anole 686

New Caledonian Giant Forest Gecko

Navassa Curlytail Lizard 4491 Navassa Gecko 940 Navassa Island Blacktail Dwarf Boa 8311 Navassa Sphaero 7603 Navassa Trope 8311 Navigator Bow-fingered Gecko 2517 Nayarit Coral Snake 5616 Neckband Ground Snake 1107 Neckband Snakes 7318 Neck-banded Snake 7319 Neck-banded Snakes 7318 Neglected Gecko 7952 Neglected Worm Lizard 426 Negros Forest Dragon 3768 Negros Island Worm Snake 8423 Negros Scaly-toed Gecko 4586 Neiba Agave Sphaero 7676 Neiba Twig Anole 749 Neighbour 774 Neill's Snail-sucker 7514 Nelson's Anole 722 Nelson's Box Turtle 7994 Nelson's Milk Snake 4421 Nelson's Spiny Lizard 7385 Neon Day Gecko 5189 Neotropical Ameiva (WI) 297 Neotropical Bird Snake 6924 Neotropical Boa (WI) 1210 Neotropical Clawed Gecko (WI) 3706 Neotropical Green Anole 548 Neotropical Rattlesnake 2196 Neotropical Snail-eater 2816 Neotropical Sunbeam Snake 5086

Neotropical Thread Snake (WI) 4784 Neotropical Vine Snakes 6034 Neotropical Whip Snake 5422 Neotropical Wood Turtles 7169 Neotropiccal Racers 2905 Nessias 5796 Neumann's Agama 177 Neumann's Lizard 6255 Neumann's Orangetail Lizard 6255 Neusticuruses 5805 Neuwied's False Boa 6840 Neuwied's False Fer-deLance 8787 Neuwied's False Lancehead 8787 Neuwied's Lancehead 1302 Neuwied's Pit Viper 1302 Neuwied's Tree Snake 7521 Nevada Shovelnose Snake 1794 Nevada Shovel-nosed Snake 1794 Nevada Side-blotched Iguana 8636 Nevada Side-blotched Lizard 8636 Nevada Zebratail Lizard 1468 Nevada Zebra-tailed Lizard 1468 New Caledonia Bumpy Gecko 7086 New Caledonia Giant Gecko 7091 New Caledonia Skink 3349 New Caledonia Skinks 3347 New Caledonian Gecko 7091 New Caledonian Geckos 1170 New Caledonian Giant Forest Gecko 7091

New Caledonian Giant Gecko

New Caledonian Giant Gecko 7091 New Guinea Blind Skink 2699 New Guinea Boa 1510, 1512 New Guinea Bow-fingered Gecko 2539 New Guinea Bronzeback 2632 New Guinea Bronzeback Snake 2632 New Guinea Crocodile 2176 New Guinea Death Adder 75 New Guinea Dibame 2699 New Guinea Dwarf Pythons 1272 New Guinea Emo Skink 3127 New Guinea Forest Dragon 4146 New Guinea Four-fingered Skink 5160 New Guinea Frog-eating Snake 7720 New Guinea Giant Softshell Turtle 6171 New Guinea Ground Boa 1510 New Guinea Helmet Skink 8213 New Guinea Keelback 8299 New Guinea Lobulia 5072 New Guinea Orange-bellied Black Water Python 4858 New Guinea Python 4858 New Guinea River Turtle 1523 New Guinea Scaly-toed Gecko 4592 New Guinea Sideneck Turtle 3108 New Guinea Small-eyed Snake 5563 New Guinea Snake Lizard 4856


New Guinea Snakeneck Tortoise 1748 New Guinea Snakeneck Turtle 1748 New Guinea Snake-necked Tortoise 1748 New Guinea Snake-necked Turtle 1748 New Guinea Snapper 3108 New Guinea Snapping Turtle 3108 New Guinea Tropical Snake 8155 New Guinea Viper Boa 1510 New Guinean Crocodile 2176 New Guinean Pig-nosed Turtle 1523 New Guinean Plateless Turtle 1523 New Ireland Ringed Python 1273 New Ireland Ringed Pythons 1272 New Mexican Blind Snake 4734 New Mexican Garter Snake 8094 New Mexican Whiptail (NA) 1960 New Mexico Banded Rock Rattlesnake 2213 New Mexico Blind Snake 4734, 4734 New Mexico Garter Snake 8094 New Mexico Midget Faded Rattlesnake 2248 New Mexico Milk Snake 4412 New Mexico Ridgenose Rattlesnake 2256 New Mexico Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake 2256 New Mexico Whiptail 1960 New Providence Island Boa 3285 New World King Snakes 4373

New York Dwarf Garter Snake 8039 New Zealand Skinks 2448 Newcastle Waters Ctenotus 2376 Newman's Knob-scaled Lizard 8801 Newton's Beaked Snake 7214 Newton's Leaf-toed Gecko 3919 Ngami Limbless Skink (CSA) 8369 Ngamien Blind Dart Skink 8369 Ngosi Volcano Chameleon 1666 Nias Nose-horned Lizard 3828 Nicéforo's Andes Anole 6248 Nichingidi Worm Lizard 1804 Nichols Dwarf Gecko 7648 Nichols Least Gecko 7648 Nichols's Lerista 4832 Nicobar Forest Dragon 2151 Nicobar Forest Dragons 2150 Nicobar Island Bloodsucker 1363 Nicobar Island Keelback 352 Nidua Fringe-fingered Lizard 67 Nidua Fringe-toed Lizard 67 Nidua Lizard 67 Nieden's Dwarf Skink 131 Nigeria Agama 164 Nigeria Crag Gecko 1897 Nigeria Leaf-toed Gecko 3900 Night Adders 1559 Night Agamas 1337 Night Bamboo Snake 6908 Night Blind Snake 7038 Night Brook Snake 6918


Night Ground Snake 4994 Night Lizards 8746, 8757 Night Skink 3695 Night Snake 4131, 4440 Night Snakes 4128 Nikolsky's Blind Snake 4743 Nikolsky's Bow-fingered Gecko 2525 Nikolsky's Gecko 2559 Nikolsky's Middle-toed Gecko 5466 Nikolsky's Rock Agama 7735 Nikolsky's Viper 8720 Nile Crocodile 2175 Nile Monitor 8672 Nile Softshell Turtle 8271 Nile Soft-shelled Terrapin (CSA) 8271 Nile Soft-shelled Turtle 8271 Nile Water Monitor 8673 Nilgiri Agama 7266 Nilgiri Burrowing Snake 6565 Nilgiri Hills Gecko 1884 Nilgiri Hills Worm Snake 8494 Nilgiri Keelback 337 Nilgiri Slea (ISC) 7266 Nilgiri Spiny Lizard (ISC) 7266 Nilgiri Uropelt (ISC) 6565 Niligiri Hills Agama 1494 Nilotic Crocodile 2175 Nilson's Snake Skink 5946 Ningshaan Kukri Snake 5907 Nisqually Garter Snake 8100 Nobbi 332 Nobbi Dragon (ANZ) 332 Nobbi Lashtail (ANZ) 332 Noble's Anole 519 Noble's Bachia 1146

Northern Cat-eyed Snake

Nordafrikanische Sumpfschildkröte 3211 Norman's Keelback 3844 Norris's Dragon (ANZ) 333 Norris's Dragon Lizard 333 North African Cat Snake 7960 North African Eyed Lizard 4336, 4338 North African Pond Turtle 3211 North African Sandfish 7482 North African Uromastyx 8553 North American Brown Snakes 7803 North american Earth Snakes 8729 North American Garter Snake 8091 North American Garter Snakes 8033 North American Green Snakes 5929 North american Ground Snakes 7577 North american Hog-nosed Snakes 3977 North American Legless Lizard 496 North American Racer 2034 North American Racers 2031 North American Ribbon Snake 8084 North American Softshells 863 North american Softshells 863 North American Water Snakes 5769 North Antillean Slider 8165 North Antilles Slider 8165 North Australian Python 856 North Australian Snakenecked Turtle 1753 North China Green Snake 2462

North Coast Banded Sphaero 7633 North Eastern Hill Krait 1392 North Florida Swamp Snake 7492 North Indian Flap-shelled Turtle (ISC) 5067 North Indian Freshwater Tortoise 3614 North Indian Roofed Turtle 4230 Northeastern Chameleon 1673 Northeastern Krait 1392 Northeastern Spinytail Iguana 2325 Norther Caiman Lizard 2858 Norther Desert Banded Snake 7549 Northern Alligator Lizard 3090, 3093 Northern Australia Snapping Turtle 3105 Northern Australian Snakeneck Turtle 1753 Northern Bahamas Boa (WI) 3273 Northern Bahamas Rock Iguana 2467 Northern Bandy-Bandy 8694 Northern Black Racer 2036 Northern Black Tegu 8355 Northern Black-tailed Rattlesnake (NA) 2223 Northern Blind Snake 4782 Northern Bronzeback 2627 Northern Bronzeback Snake 2627 Northern Brown Skink 3390 Northern Brown Snake 7805, 7807 Northern California Coast Garter Snake 8035 Northern Cat-eyed Snake 4664, 4665

Northern Chioapas Arboreal Alligator Lizard

Northern Chioapas Arboreal Alligator Lizard 24 Northern Chuckwalla 7308 Northern Coal Skink 3366 Northern Coastal House Snake 8031 Northern Copperhead 206 Northern Crested Lizard 2841 Northern Crevice Spiny Lizard 7400 Northern Cross Adder 8707 Northern Ctenotus 2411 Northern Curlytail Lizard 4489 Northern Curly-tailed Lizard 4489 Northern Day Gecko 6215 Northern Death Adder 76 Northern Desert Horned Lizard 6408 Northern Desert Iguana (NA) 2842 Northern Diamondback Terrapin 5391 Northern Diamondback Water Snake 5788 Northern Diamond-backed Terrapin 5391 Northern Diamond-backed Water Snake 5788 Northern Dtella 3535 Northern Earless Lizard 4002, 4004 Northern Eyelash Boa 8184 Northern False Iguana 2331 Northern Fence Lizard 7425 Northern File Snake (CSA) 5473 Northern Flat-tail Gecko 8592 Northern Forest Dragon 4147 Northern Forest Sphaero 7615 Northern Gecko 2608 Northern Grass Lizard 7850 Northern Green Anole 567, 574

Northern Green Bush Snake 6290 Northern Green Snake (CSA) 6290 Northern Ground Snake 1084 Northern Halloween Snake 6578 Northern House Gecko (ISC) 3889 Northern Japanese Rat Snake 3020 Northern Keelback 342 Northern Keeled Earless Lizard 4008 Northern Leafnose 4462 Northern Leafnose Snake 4462 Northern Leaftail Gecko 6484 Northern Leaf-tailed Gecko (ANZ) 6484 Northern Leaf-toed Gecko 3885 Northern Leeward Sphaero (WI) 7671 Northern Lined Snake 8284 Northern Long-necked Tortoise 1753 Northern Madagascar Ground Gecko 6151 Northern Many-lined Skink 3407 Northern Map Turtle 3785 Northern Mesquite Lizard 7357 Northern Mexican Garter Snake 8062, 8070 Northern Mexican Pine Snake 6508 Northern Mole Skink 3383 Northern Pacific Pond Turtle 1866 Northern Pacific Rattlesnake 2252 Northern Pine Snake 6514 Northern Plains Rat Snake 3005 Northern Plateau Lizard 7422


Northern Prairie Lizard 7424 Northern Prairie Skink 3418, 3421 Northern Pygmy Skink 3411 Northern Quill-nosed Snake 8767 Northern Quill-snouted Snake 8767 Northern Racer 2034 Northern Red Rattlesnake 2232 Northern Red-bellied Cooter 6826 Northern Red-bellied Snake 7813 Northern Redbelly Snake 7813 Northern Red-throated Skink 1542 Northern Rhodesia SnakeLizard 5368 Northern Rhodesia Worm Lizard 8147 Northern Ribbon Snake 8088 Northern Ringneck Snake 2678 Northern Ring-necked Snake 2678 Northern Rock Agama 7730 Northern Rough Green Snake 5931 Northern Rubber Boa 1740 Northern Rusty-headed Snake 281 Northern Sagebrush Lizard 7351, 7353 Northern Sand Gecko 8350 Northern Scalyfoot 2608 Northern Scarlet Snake 1588 Northern Sea Snake 236 Northern Side-blotched Lizard 8637 Northern Side-necked Turtle 1753 Northern Skink 3363


Northern Small-eyed Snake 7201 Northern Snail-eater 2825 Northern Snake-necked Turtle (ANZ) 1753 Northern Snapping Turtle (ANZ) 3105 Northern Somali Leaf-toed Gecko 3936 Northern Speckled Racer 2908 Northern Spectacled Lizard 4630 Northern Spiny-tailed Gecko 2721 Northern Spot-tailed Earless Lizards 3998 Northern Spotted Velvet Gecko 5855 Northern Sri Lanka Gecko 3523 Northern Sticky-toed Gecko 4056 Northern Teiid 252 Northern Teiids 250 Northern Three-cornered Snake 5473 Northern Tree Gecko 5752 Northern Tree Lizard 8612, 8619 Northern Tree Snake (ANZ) 2627 Northern Tropical Snake 8157 Northern Two-line Dragon (ANZ) 2786 Northern Two-pored Dragon 2790 Northern Velvet Gecko 5854 Northern Vine Snake 8111, 8111 Northern Viper 8707 Northern Water Dragon (ANZ) 5079 Northern Water Snake 5789, 5792 Northern Whiptail 1983 Northern White-lipped Mud Turtle 4278

Obscure Emo Skink

Northern Wolf Snake 5118, 5151 Northern Woodland Racer 2913 Northern Woodslave 3883 Northern Zebra-tailed Lizard 1468 Northwest Garter Snake 8074 Northwest Haiti Banded Sphaero 7680 Northwest Haiti Blotched Sphaero 7679 Northwestern Alligator Lizard (NA) 3093 Northwestern Carpet Python (ANZ) 5669 Northwestern Day Gecko 6212 Northwestern Fence Lizard 7391 Northwestern Garter Snake 8053, 8074, 8093, 8100 Northwestern Pond Turtle 1866 Northwestern Red-faced Tortoise 3193 Northwestern Ringneck Snake 2680 Northwestern Ring-necked Snake 2680 Nose Anole 718 Nose-horned Lizards 3826 Nose-horned Viper 8698 Nosy Be Flat-tail Gecko 8593 Nosy Be Ground Gecko 6152 Nosy Be Leaf Chameleon 1377 Nosy Mamoko Skink 6116 Nothobachia 5831 Nothobachias 5830 Nubian Flapshell Turtle 2438 Nubian Soft-shelled Turtle 2438 Nubian Spitting Cobra 5710 Nueva Gerona Anole 742

Nuevo Leon Graceful Brown Snake 7121 Nuevo Leon King Snake 4398 Nullarbor Bearded Dragon 6615 Nunez Tree Iguana 4898 Nurse's Blind Snake 4766 Nutaphand's Narrowhead Softshell 1830 Nyasa File Snake 5473 Nyasa Longtail Lizard 4477 Nyasaland Long-tailed Lizard 4477 Oak Forest Skink 3400 Oak Skink (ANZ) 8121 Oak Skink 2457 Oaxaca Mud Turtle 4283 Oaxaca Wood Turtle 7181 Oaxacan Arboreal Alligator Lizard 23 Oaxacan Cat-eyed Snake 7861 Oaxacan Cat-eyed Snakes 7860 Oaxacan Centipede Snake 7899 Oaxacan Coral Snake 5589 Oaxacan Dwarf Boa 3465 Oaxacan Dwarf Boas 3464 Oaxacan Graceful Brown Snake 7098 Oaxacan Leaf-toed Gecko 6445 Oaxacan Mud Turtle 4283 Oaxacan Oak Anole 767 Oaxacan Patchnose Snake 7281 Oaxacan Patch-nosed Snake 7281 Oaxacan Rattlesnake 2190 Oaxacan Spinytail Iguana 2336 Oblong Snake-necked Turtle 1749 Oblong Tortoise 1749 Oblong Turtle (ANZ) 1749 Obscure Emo Skink 3159

Obscure Morethia

Obscure Morethia 5679 Obscure Skink (ANZ) 5679 Obscure Velvet Gecko 5862 Occident Blind Snake 4767 Oceanic Dtella 3558 Oceanic Gecko 3558 Ocellate Shieldtail (ISC) 8582 Ocellate Uropelt 8582 Ocellated Anadia 464 Ocellated Brown Snake 8762 Ocellated Clawless Gecko 2160 Ocellated Day Gecko 6233 Ocellated Dwarf Gecko 5198, 7597 Ocellated Earth Snake 8582 Ocellated Flat Lizard (CSA) 6549 Ocellated Garter Snake 8048 Ocellated Gecko (CSA) 6067 Ocellated Gecko 7597 Ocellated Kukri Snake 5909 Ocellated Lizard 4331 Ocellated Mastigure 8562 Ocellated Pampas Snake 8142 Ocellated Racerunner 3295 Ocellated Sand Lizard (CSA) 3295 Ocellated Sand Lizard 6164 Ocellated Skink (ANZ) 6804 Ocellated Skink 1626 Ocellated Skinks 1 Ocellated Tegu 1606 Ocellated Tegus 1605 Ocellated Uromastyx 8562 Ocellated Velvet Gecko 5861 Ocellated Window-eyed Skink 6804 Ocelot Gecko 6153


Ochoa Whorltail Iguana 7770 Ocoa Sphaero 7653 Odd Anole 607 Odd-scaled Snakes 83 Odham's Bow-fingered Gecko 2540 Oenpelli Python 5663 Oenpelli Rock Python 5663 Ogilby's Knobtail Gecko 5765 Okada's Skink 3410 Okavanga Hinged Terrapin (CSA) 6182 Okavanga Terrapin 6182 Okavango Dwarf Gecko 5174 Okavango Mud Turtle 6182 Okinawa Black-breasted Leaf Turtle 3623 Okinawa Coral Snake 3868 Okinawa Habu 8227 Okinawan Tree Lizard 4217 Olain Burrowing Skink 7446 Old World Box Turtles 2419 Old World Chameleons 1725 Old World Lizards 4358 Olduvai Viper 1198 Olifant's River Dark-girdled Lizard 2143 Olivaceous Keelback (ISC) 1120 Olivaceous Keelback 3840 Olivaceous Keelback Water Snake 1120 Olivaceous Keelbacks 1119 Olivaceous Tropical Rat Snake 7494 Olive Blind Snake 7039 Olive Bush Anole 674 Olive Carlia 1544 Olive Dasia 2578 Olive Five-fingered Skink 3354

Olive Forest Racer 2656 Olive Grass Snake (CSA) 6767, 6772 Olive House Snake (CSA) 4446 Olive Keelback 3840 Olive Legless Lizard (ANZ) 2605 Olive Loggerhead 4576 Olive Marsh Snake (CSA) 5731 Olive Mountain Keelback 5992 Olive Python (ANZ) 4863 Olive Racer 2895 Olive Ridley 4576 Olive Ridley Sea Turtle (NA) 4576 Olive Ridley Turtle 4576 Olive Sand Racer 6767 Olive Sand Snake (CSA) 6767 Olive Sea Snake 239 Olive Sea Snakes 233 Olive Slender Gecko 7229 Olive Small-eyed Snake 4066 Olive Trapezoid Snake 7082 Olive Water Skink 4458 Olive Water Snake 3841 Olive Whip Snake 1815, 2616 Olive-brown Ctenotus 2343 Olive-brown Python 4863 Olive-brown Sea Snake 239 Olive-brown Water Snake 5127 Olive-grey Ctenotus 2342 Olive-grey Lerista 4804 Oliver's Agama 8196 Oliver's Bronzeback 2637 Oliver's Bronzeback Snake 2637 Oliver's New Zealand Skink 2452 Oliver's Parrot Snake 4681


Oliviers Sand Lizard 5521 Olivier's Small Lizard 5521 Olmecan Pit Viper 1124 Olympic Snakes 2890 Oman Agama 8191 Oman Rock Gecko 6668 Omilteme Anole 731 Omman's Lizard 4320 One-banded Ground Snake 1111 One-horned Chameleon 1690 O'Neill's Tree Snake 7522 One-lined Worm Snake 8499 One-striped Garter Snake 8093, 8096 One-toed Nessia 5803 Opal-bellied Anole (WI) 733 Opaque-lidded Skinks 3361 Opata Whiptail 1963 Open-litter Rainbow Skink 1538 Ophiomores 5941 Opthalmia Range Lerista 4831 Orange Coral Snake 7554 Orange Tree Snake 5137, 5139 Orange Whiptail 1937 Orange-banded Snake 5084 Orange-banded Snakes 5083 Orange-bellied Litter Snake 7131 Orange-bellied Racer (WI) 268 Orangebelly Arthrosaura 963 Orangebelly Swamp Snake 8201 Orange-collared Keelback 7070 Orange-headed Spiny Lizard 7370 Orange-headed Temple Terrapin 3970

Ornate Snakes

Orange-naped Snake 3495 Orangeneck Keelback 5370 Orange-necked Keelback 5370 Orange-ringed Coral Snake 5596 Orange-spotted Day Gecko (NA) 6221 Orange-spotted Sphaero 7609 Orange-striped Ribbon Snake 8078 Orange-striped Skink 3952 Orangetail Lizards 6251 Orange-tailed Shade Skink 7293 Orange-tailed Skink 3416 Orangethroat Whiptail 1937 Orange-throated Ameiva (WI) 309 Orange-throated Whiptail (NA) 1937 Orces's Andes Anole 6249 Ordinary Garter Snake 8103 Ordos Racerunner 3291 Oregon Alligator Lizard 3099 Oregon Garter Snake 8037 Oregon Grey Garter Snake 8037 Organ-pipe Shovelnose Snake 1796 Organ-pipe Shovel-nosed Snake 1796 Oriental Ateuchosauruses 1005 Oriental Big-tooth Snake 2710 Oriental Coral Snake 1463 Oriental Coral Snakes 1455 Oriental Grass Lizards 7849 Oriental Leaf-toed Gecko 3882 Oriental Odd-tooth Snake 2710 Oriental Pipe Snakes 2474 Oriental Pit Viper 8232 Oriental Pit Vipers 8697

Oriental Rat Snake 6944, 6959 Oriental Rat Snakes 6958 Oriental Scaly-toed Gecko 4594 Oriental Water Dragon 6493 Oriental Whip Snake 228 Orinoco Crocodile 2172 Ornamental Snake 2663 Ornamental Snakes 2661 Ornate African Water Snake 3801 Ornate Anole 588 Ornate Arboreal Alligator Lizard 25 Ornate Box Turtle 7995, 7997 Ornate Cantil 200 Ornate Crevice Dragon (ANZ) 2315 Ornate Day Gecko 6234 Ornate Diamondback Terrapin 5387 Ornate Diamond-backed Terrapin 5387 Ornate Dragon 2315 Ornate Dwarf Gecko 5199 Ornate Earless Agama 895 Ornate Earth Snake 1057 Ornate Flying Snake 1847 Ornate Girdled Lizard 8821 Ornate Green Snake 6296 Ornate Ground Snake 5009 Ornate Japalure 4214 Ornate Kukri Snake 5911 Ornate Mastigure 8563 Ornate New Caledonian Gecko 1174 Ornate Rock Gecko 6667 Ornate Sandveld Lizard (CSA) 5847 Ornate Shovelsnout Snake 6725, 6729 Ornate Snake-eyed Skink 5838 Ornate Snakes 373

Ornate Spiny Lizard

Ornate Spiny Lizard 7396 Ornate Thirst Snake 2809 Ornate Tree Iguana 4941 Ornate Tree Lizard 8612, 8614 Ornate Uromastyx 8563 Ornate Wolf Snake 5149 Ornate Wood Turtle 7176 Orsini's Viper 8726 Ortez's Tree Iguana 4940 Orton's Anole 735 Orupembe Slender Gecko 7231 Osage Copperhead 207 O'Shaughnessy's Anole 640 O'Shaughnessy's Chameleon 1694 O'Shaughnessy's Dwarf Iguana 3251 O'Shaughnessy's Galliwasp 2758 O'Shaughnessy's Gecko 3713, 6061 O'Shaughnessy's Keeled Iguana 5996 O'Shaughnessy's Lightbulb Lizard 6704 O'Shaughnessy's Madagascar Skink 382 Ostmediterrane Sumpfschildkröte 3207 Ostspanische Sumpfschildkröte 3205 Ota's Japalure 4211 Ota's Wolf Snake 5100 Ottoman Viper 2571 Ouachita Map Turtle 3791, 3792 Oudeman's Dtella 3546 Oudeman's Four-fingered Skink 5158 Oudri's Fan-footed Gecko 6973 Ousima Skink 3402 Oustalet's Chameleon 1695 Outer Banks King Snake 4392


Ovambo Tree Skink (CSA) 5284 Oviparous Adder 1022 Owen's Chameleon 1696 Owen's Galliwasp 2774 Oxus Cobra 5711 Pacific Anole 811 Pacific Bluetail Skink 3126 Pacific Blue-tailed Skink 3126 Pacific Boa 1512 Pacific Boas 1509 Pacific Bull Snake 6501 Pacific Central American Milk Snake 4422 Pacific Coast Centipede Snake 7872 Pacific Coast Garter Snake 8034, 8074 Pacific Coast Giant Musk Turtle 7712 Pacific Coast Parrot Snake 4678 Pacific Coral Snake 5563 Pacific Coral Snakes 5562 Pacific Dwarf Gecko 7657 Pacific Fence Lizard 7386 Pacific Garter Snake 5795, 8067, 8093, 8095 Pacific Geckos 3568 Pacific Giant Skink 3401 Pacific Gopher Snake 6498, 6501 Pacific Green Sea Turtle 1757 Pacific Green Turtle 1757 Pacific Ground Boa 1512, 1514 Pacific Hawksbill 3308 Pacific Hawksbill Sea Turtle 3308 Pacific Horned Lizard 6394 Pacific Horned Toad (NA) 6392 Pacific Iguanas 5546 Pacific Island Boa 1511 Pacific Least Gecko 7657

Pacific Leatherback Sea Turtle 2671 Pacific Lizard 3555 Pacific Longtail Snake 3243 Pacific Monitor 8666 Pacific Olive Ridley 4576 Pacific Parrot Snake 4678 Pacific Patchnose Snake 7282 Pacific Patch-nosed Snake 7282 Pacific Pond Turtle 1865 Pacific Rattler (NA) 2252 Pacific Rattlesnake 2252 Pacific Ridley (ANZ) 4576 Pacific Ringneck Snake 2675 Pacific Ring-necked Snake 2675 Pacific Rubber Boa 1740 Pacific Sea Snake 4107 Pacific Slug-eater 7509 Pacific Snail-eater 2834 Pacific Sticky-toed Gecko 4060 Pacific Swift (NA) 7386 Pacific Tree Boa 1511, 1513 Pacific Turtle 1865 Pacific Water Snake (NA) 5795 Padless Gecko 3706 Padlopers (CSA) 4036 Pahang Water Snake 3232 Pai Striped Whiptail 1962 Paintbelly Spiny Lizard 7415 Painted Agama 7743 Painted Batagur 1454 Painted Bronzeback 2639 Painted Coral Snake 5582 Painted Desert Glossy Snake 953 Painted Desert Whiptail 1983 Painted Dragon 2315, 7743


Painted Dwarf Gecko 5200 Painted Ground Dragon (ANZ) 2315 Painted Horned Lizard 6398 Painted Keelback 8777 Painted Keelbacks 8775 Painted Mock Viper 6744 Painted Shortneck Turtle 3197 Painted Terrapin 1454, 1454 Painted Terrapins 1453 Painted Tree Iguana 4944 Painted Tree Snake 2639 Painted Turtle 1841 Painted Turtles 1840 Painted Watersnake 3837 Painted Wood Turtle 7176 Pajapan Night Lizard 4613 Pajapan Tropical Night Lizard 4613 Pakistan Agama 178 Pakistan Bow-fingered Gecko 2504 Pakistan Fan-fingered Gecko 6972 Pakistan Gecko 191 Pakistan Ribbon Snake 6762 Pakistan Sand Racer 6762 Pakistan Toadhead Agama 6333 Palacios's Bunchgrass Lizard 7397 Palau Island Blind Snake 7011 Palawan Bow-fingered Gecko 2547 Palawan Gecko 3581 Palawan Wolf Gecko 5095 Palawan Wolf Lizard 5095 Pale Agama 8193 Pale Blind Snake 7023 Pale Ground Snake 4974 Pale Leopard Lizard 3506 Pale Milk Snake 4420

Papuan Black Snake

Pale Smooth Knob-tailed Gecko 5763 Pale Worm Lizard 401 Palearctic Tortoises 8000 Pale-collared Snake-eater 6622 Pale-headed Box Turtle 2434 Pale-headed Snake 4048 Pale-headed Snakes 4047 Pale-headed Tree Boa 3266 Pale-spotted Skink 2968 Palestine Kukri Snake 7239 Palestine Saw-scaled Viper 2943 Palestine Viper 2569 Pale-throated Skinks 2455 Palfreyman's Window-eyed Skink 6807 Pallas's Coluber 3003 Pallid Curlytail 4504 Pallid Knob-scaled Lizard 8804 Pallid Skink 3420 Pallid Spiny Softshell 874 Pallid Spiny Softshell Turtle 874 Pallid Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle 874 Pallid Stout Anole 834 Palm Gecko 3580 Palm Pit Vipers 1254 Palm Snakes 6259 Palni Mountain Burrowing Snakes 1332 Pampas Snake 8140, 8141 Pampas Snakes 6299, 8139 Pamplona Anadia 465 Pamplona Ground Snake 1092 Pan Hinged Terrapin (CSA) 6194 Panama Dwarf Gecko 7640 Panama Galliwasp 2773 Panama Least Gecko 7640 Panama Scaly-eyed Gecko 4571

Panama Spotted Night Snake 7560 Panamanian Centipedeeater 7863 Panamanian Coral Snake 5625 Panamanian Dwarf Boa 8533 Panamanian Earth Snake 3637 Panamanian Parrot Snake 4682 Panamanian Swamp Snake 8200 Panamanian Water Snake 4081 Panamint Alligator Lizard 3101 Panamint Rattlesnake 2221 Pancake Tortoise 5393 Pancake Tortoises 5392 Pandura Gecko 7625 Pangani Black Limbless Skink 5497 Pan's Box Turtle 2431 Pantanal Big-headed Turtle 36 Pantanal Swamp Turtle 36 Panther Anole 546 Panther Burrowing Skink 3698 Panther Chameleon 1697 Panther Tree Iguana 4942 Papua Bow-fingered Gecko 2541 Papua Bronzeback 2638 Papua Bronzeback Snake 2638 Papua Brown Snake 6792 Papua Dtella 3560 Papua Forest Dragon 4150 Papua Python 899 Papua Pythons 898 Papua Snake Lizard 4856 Papua Water Dragon 5079 Papua Whip Snake 2617 Papuan Black Snake 6792, 6793

Papuan Monitor

Papuan Monitor 8679 Papuan Olive Python 899 Papuan Python 4863 Papuan Tree Boa 1512 Papuan Water Python 899 Para Gecko 3722 Parachuting Gecko 6963 Parachuting Geckos 6960 Paradise Flying Snake 1848 Paradise Tree Snake 1848 Paraguay Anaconda 3440 Paraguay Caiman 1424 Paraguay Caiman Lizard 2859 Paraguay Green Racer 6269 Paraguay Mabuya 5301 Paraguay Worm Lizard 4632 Paraguyan Caiman Lizard 2859 Parana False Boa 6839 Parietal Garter Snake 8099 Parish's Fanged Snake 4158 Parker's Banded Snake 1731 Parker's Banded Sphaero (WI) 7658 Parker's Black Tree Snake 8117 Parker's Black Turtle 5487 Parker's Day Gecko 6235 Parker's Dwarf Gecko 5188, 7658 Parker's Emo Skink 3163 Parker's Green Tree Skink 6649 Parker's Ground Snake 1050 Parker's Leaf-toed Gecko 3915 Parker's Least Gecko 7658 Parker's Pholidobolus 6308 Parker's Snakeneck Turtle 1750 Parker's Snake-necked Turtle 1750


Parker's Whorltail Iguana 7754 Parker's Worm Snake 8461 Parrot Snake 4674 Parrot Snakes 4673 Parrot Worm Snake 8469 Parrot-beaked Cape Tortoise 4037 Parrot-beaked Tortoise 4037 Parson's Chameleon 1698 Parti-coloured Sea Snake 6169 Partida Norte Island Leaftoed Gecko 6448 Partida Norte Island Night Snake 4129 Partida Norte Leaf-toed Gecko 6448 Pascagoula Map Turtle 3786 Pastel Spiny Lizard 7378 Pasteur's Cylindrical Skink 1616 Pasteur's Dwarf Gecko 5168 Pasteur's Lizard 5522 Pasteur's Small Lizard 5522 Patagonia Green Racer 6273 Patagonia Iguanas 2777 Patagonia Lancehead 1280 Patagonia Mountain Lizard 6490 Patagonian Lizard 2779 Patagonian Pit Viper 1280 Patchnose Snakes 7270 Patch-nosed Snake (NA) 7283 Patch-nosed Snakes 7270 Pathfinder Short-legged Skink 1323 Patinghe Indian Gecko 3520 Patterned Whorltail Iguana 7763 Patzuaro Mud Turtle 4275

Pauliana's Five-toed Skink 4698 Paulina Tree Iguana 4943 Peach Anole 689 Peachthroat Monitor 8667 Peach-throated Monitor 8667 Peacock Day Gecko 6236 Peacock Softshell (ISC) 986 Peacock Softshell Turtle 986 Peacock Soft-shelled Turtle 986 Peacock-marked Softshelled Turtle (ISC) 986 Peak Tree Iguana 4931 Pedernales Dwarf Gecko 7664 Pedernales Least Gecko 7664 Peers's Girdled Lizard (CSA) 2128 Pegu Kukri Snake 5883 Peking Gecko 3588 Pelagic Gecko 5691 Pelagic Rock Gecko 5691 Pelagic Sea Snake 6169 Pelagic Sea Snakes 6168 Pelagic Snake 6169 Pelagic Snakes 6168 Peloponnese Dwarf Tortoise 8011 Peloponnese Wall Lizard 6591 Pemba Island Writhing Skink 5245 Peninsula Anole 765 Peninsula Chuckwalla 7309 Peninsula Cooter 6825 Peninsula Crevice Dragon (ANZ) 2306 Peninsula Crowned Snake 7906 Peninsula Dragon (ANZ) 2306 Peninsula Dwarf Gecko 7609


Peninsula Least Gecko 7609 Peninsula Ribbon Snake 8086 Peninsula Stripeless Snake 2085 Peninsula Tiger Snake 5828 Peninsular Banded Gecko 2009 Peninsular Barefoot Gecko 2009 Peninsular Black Turtle 5489 Peninsular Flapshell (ISC) 5066 Peninsular Glossy Snake 954 Peninsular Leaf-toed Gecko 6446, 6467, 6468 Peninsular Mud Turtle (ISC) 5066 Peninsular Red Diamond Rattlesnake 2207 Peninsular Rock Agama (ISC) 6748 Peninsular Rock Lizard (ISC) 6748 Peninsular Soft-shelled Turtle (ISC) 987 Peninsular Spinytail Iguana (NA) 2331 Peninsular Spiny-tailed Iguana 2332 Pensinsula Brown Snake 6890 Pensinsula Mole Skink 3382 Peracca's Anole 744 Peracca's Ground Snake 5014 Peracca's Iguana 890 Peracca's Iguanas 889 Peracca's Largescale Lizard 6950 Peracca's Scaly-eyed Gecko 4569 Peracca's Teiid 255 Peracca's Whorltail Iguana 7759 Peraiba Gecko 6472

Peters's Blind Snake

Peravia Dwarf Gecko 7653 Peravia Least Gecko 7653 Percival's Lance Skink 103 Percival's Legless Skink 104 Percival's Limbless Skink (CSA) 103 Père David's Rat Snake 3002 Perentie 8659 Perenty 8659 Perico Worm Lizard 429 Perinet Chameleon 1669 Perinet Leaf Chameleon 1385 Péringuey's Adder 1200 Péringuey's Leaf-toed Gecko 6450 Péringuey's Viper 1200 Pernambuco Teiid 7794 Pernambuco Teiids 7793 Pernambuco Worm Snake 8464 Perret's Gecko 1882 Perret's Mole Viper 1024 Perron's Sea Snake 34 Perron's Sea Snakes 33 Perrotet's Mabuya 5334 Perrotet's Mountain Snake 8806 Perrotet's Skink 5334 Persia Agama 8194 Persia Leaf-toed Gecko 3925 Persia Rat Snake 3033 Persia Rock Gecko 6680 Persia Sand Gecko 8347 Persia Snake Skink 5947 Persian Agama 8188 Persian Dwarf Snake 6865 Persian Fringe-toed Lizard 60 Persian Gecko 3925 Persian Gulf Sea Snake 4099 Persian Horned Viper 6853

Persian Large Whip Snake 2051 Persian Lizard 4315 Persian Sand Skink 5947 Persische Sumpfschildkröte 3213 Perth Pygmy Python 858 Peru Bachia 1149 Peru Blind Snake 4768 Peru Burrowing Snake 915 Peru Clawed Gecko 6880 Peru Coral Snake 5614 Peru Desert Tegu 2704 Peru Forest Pit Viper 1269 Peru Ground Snake 1095 Peru Keelback 3847 Peru Lava Lizard 5552 Peru Leaf-toed Gecko 6431 Peru Pacific Iguana 5552 Peru Sipo 1817 Peru Slender Snake 7840 Peru Snail-eater 2827 Peru Tree Iguana 4933 Peruvian Coral Snake 5614 Peruvian Smooth-throated Lizard 4933 Peruvian Thread Snake 4779 Peruvian Worm Lizard 1149 Peruvian Worm Snake 915 Peten Centipede Snake 7880 Peters's Alligator Lizard 2028 Peters's Ameiva 320 Peters's Anadia 466 Peters's Anole 745 Peters's Banded Skink 7478 Peters's Black Thread Snake 4776 Peters's Black Worm Snake (CSA) 4776 Peters's Black-headed Snake 7901 Peters's Blind Snake 7045

Peters's Bow-fingered Gecko

Peters's Bow-fingered Gecko 2507 Peters's Brazilian Lizard 6521 Peters's Bright Snake 4970 Peters's Burrowing Skink 7442 Peters's Burrowing Snake 909 Peters's Cobra 5714 Peters's Coral Snake 5615 Peters's Dasia 2579 Peters's Earth Snake 3658 Peters's Eyelid Skink 3362 Peters's Forest Dragon 3757 Peters's Forest Racer 2657 Peters's Forest Snake 7845 Peters's Gecko 3719 Peters's Ground Skink 4542 Peters's Keelback 357 Peters's Keeled Cordylid 8162 Peters's Lateral-fold Lizard 2028 Peters's Lava Lizard 8337 Peters's Leaf-toed Gecko 6454 Peters's Lidless Skink 6100 Peters's Longtail Lizard 4476 Peters's Odd-scaled Snake 92 Peters's Philippine Earth Snake 7191 Peters's Pholidobolus 6307 Peters's Racerunner 6834 Peters's Rock Agama 7746 Peters's Running Snake 2078 Peters's Sand Lizard 6834 Peters's Sea Snake 4085 Peters's Side-necked Turtle 6379 Peters's Slug-eater 2930 Peters's Smooth Snake 3728 Peters's Snake 2080 Peters's Snake-eater 6628


Peters's Spotted Gecko 3526 Peters's Swamp Skink 2964 Peters's Thread Snake (CSA) 4776 Peters's Tree Skink 4466 Peters's Worm Lizard 4646 Peters's Writhing Skink 5219 Petrie's Gecko 7788 Petter's Chameleon 1699 Petter's Short Skink 6980 Pfeffer's Chameleon 1701 Pfeffer's Worm Lizard 4647 Phantasma Tree Snake 4176 Phelps's Sun Tegu 3456 Philippen's Stripeneck Turtle 5851 Philippine Blind Snake 7020 Philippine Bow-fingered Gecko 2543 Philippine Cat 1247 Philippine Cobra 5713 Philippine Coral Snake 3866 Philippine Crocodile 2177 Philippine Dwarf Snake 1433 Philippine False Gecko 6872 Philippine Flying Dragon 2877 Philippine Gecko 3584 Philippine Pit Viper 8226 Philippine Pond Turtle 3971 Philippine Rat Snake 3006 Philippine Sailfin 4118 Philippine Sailfin Lizard 4118 Philippine Shrub Snake 6036 Philippine Stripe-lipped Snake 4015 Philippine Stripe-lipped Snakes 4014 Philippine Water Dragon 4119

Philippine Water Lizard 4119 Philippine Whip Snake 2921 Philippine Wolf Gecko 5092 Philippine Wolf Lizard 5092 Philippines Fringed Gecko 6962 Philippi's Snail-sucker 7515 Philippi's Steppe Iguana 8621 Philippi's Tree Iguana 4885 Phillips's Blind Snake 4769 Phillips's Earth Snake 8584 Phillips's Mole Viper 1034 Phillips's Orangetail Lizard 6256 Phillips's Rock Agama 7741 Pholidoboluses 6306 Phoorsa 2940 Picado's Pit Viper 1125 Pichinda Snake 3110 Pichinda Snakes 3109 Pickering's Garter Snake 8100 Pico Duarte Galliwasp 1579 Piebald Chuckwalla 7317 Pied Blind Snake 8437 Pied Worm Snake 8437 Pigmy Short-horned Lizard (NA) 6395 Pignnose Turtles 1521 Pignose Turtle 1523 Pignose Turtles 1522 Pig-nosed Turtle 1523 Pig-nosed Turtles 1522 Pig-snouted River Turtle 1523 Pike-headed Alligator 247 Pike-headed Tree Snake 6029 Pike-headed Tree Snakes 6028 Pilbara Ctenotus 2396 Pilbara Dtella 3561


Pilbara Gecko 2728 Pilbara Monitor 8674 Pilbara Skink 2971 Pilbara Two-line Dragon (ANZ) 2794 Pilbara Two-pored Dragon 2794 Pilot Black Snake (NA) 3026 Pilot Snake (NA) 206 Pilsbry's Dwarf Boa 8315 Pima Leafnose Snake 6476 Pima Leaf-nosed Snake 6475, 6476 Pinar del Rio Anole 709 Pinar del Rio Cliff Anole 544 Pindan Lerista 4841 Pindan Two-line Dragon 2791 Pindan Two-pored Dragon 2791 Pine Snake 6511, 6514 Pine Snakes 6497 Pine Wood Snake 7104, 7139 Pine Wood Snakes 7138 Pine Woods Litter Snake 7104 Pine Woods Snake 7104 Pine Woods Snakes 7095 Pine-Oak Snake 7136 Pink Lerista 4821 Pink Round-headed Worm Lizards 1798 Pink Spitting Cobra 5705 Pink Two-line Dragon 2789 Pink-bellied Leaf Lizard 7776 Pink-bellied Litter Snake 7102 Pink-headed Blind Snake 3850 Pink-naped False Coral Snake 3324 Pink-nosed Worm Lizard (ANZ) 926

Plumbeous Water Snake

Pink-tailed Worm Lizard (ANZ) 927 Pinktongue Skink 8122 Pink-tongued Lizard (ANZ) 8122 Pink-tongued Skink 8122 Pipe Snake 852 Pipe Snakes 2474 Pipe Snakes 490, 491 Piraja's Lancehead 1304 Pirmad Cat Snake 1234 Pit Vipers 1608 Pitless Pygmy Chameleon 7152 Pitman's Shovelsnout Snake 6726 Pitted Pygmy Chameleon 7155 Pitted-shell Turtle (ANZ) 1523 Pitted-shelled Turtles (ANZ) 1521 Pitted-shelled Turtles 1522 Place Negre Anole 613 Placid Anole 749 Plain Mountain Adder (CSA) 1196 Plain Sand Lizard 6162 Plain-backed Two-line Dragon (ANZ) 2792 Plain-bellied Water Snake 5775 Plainbelly Water Snake 5775 Plain-neck Glass Lizard 5968 Plain-neck Glass Snake 5968 Plains Blackhead Snake 7897 Plains Black-headed Snake 7897 Plains Blind Snake 4733, 4735 Plains Ctenotus 2403 Plains Garter Snake 8080 Plains Hognose Snake 3981

Plains Hog-nosed Snake 3981 Plains Mountain Adder 1196 Plains Rattlesnake 2245 Plains Striped Whiptail 1945 Plana Cay Curlytail Lizard 4492 Platean Patch-nosed Snake 7274 Plateau Brook Snake 6919 Plateau Earless Lizard 3998 Plateau Hooknose Snakes 3803 Plateau Hook-nosed Snakes 3803 Plateau Spiny Lizard 7339 Plateau Spotted Whiptail 1969 Plateau Striped Whiptail 1989 Plateau Tiger Whiptail 1983 Plateau Whiptail (NA) 1989 Plated Lacertids 6737 Plated Leaf Chameleon 1383 Plated Lizards 3678, 6737 Plated Snake Lizards (CSA) 8012 Plated Snake-necked Turtle 1755 Plate-tailed Geckos 7976 Plee's Diploglossus 2775 Plee's Forest Racer 2896 Plee's Racer 2896 Plee's Tropical Racer 5441 Pleske's Racerunner 7061 Ploughshare Tortoise 3612 Plowes's Blind Skink 8517 Plowes's Legless Skink 8517 Plumbaeous Keelback Water Snake 1120 Plumbeous Centipede-eater 882 Plumbeous Water Snake 3234

Plum-coloured Worm Lizard

Plum-coloured Worm Lizard 433 Plumed Basilisk 1166 Plymouth Anole 685 Pointed Emo Skink 3112 Pointed Ground Snake 1097 Pointed Snake 7063, 8548 Pointed Snakes 8545 Pointed Thick-toed Gecko 6077 Pointed-scaled Pit Viper (ISC) 8241 Point-snouted Racerunner 3289 Polillo False Gecko 6874 Polkadot Earth Snake 7187 Polyondont Snakes 7528 Ponce Anole 754 Ponce Small-fanned Anole 754 Poncelet's Helmet Skink 8214 Pond and Box Turtles 3186 Pond Slider 8168 Pond Snakes 6866 Pond Turtles 1862, 3186, 5450 Pondo Flat Gecko (CSA) 143 Pondo Rock Gecko 143 Pondo Thick-tailed Gecko (CSA) 144 Pontic Lizard 4340 Pontic Pond Turtle 3212 Pontische Sumpfschildkröte 3212 Poona Skink 3413 Pope's Bamboo Snake 8243 Pope's Emo Skink 3167 Pope's Keelback 359 Pope's Lancehead Viper 8243 Pope's Lygosoma 5246 Pope's Pit Viper 8243 Pope's Skink 3414 Pope's Tree Viper 8243


Pope's Writhing Skink 5246 Porcupine Anole 802 Porcupinegrass Ctenotus 2347 Poroto Mountain Chameleon 1675 Poroto Three-horned Chameleon 1666 Port Moresby Dtella 3552 Portuguese Viper 8725 Posada's Graceful Brown Snake 7128 Potosi Centipede Snake 7912 Potosi Earth Snake 3652 Prado's Coastal House Snake 8030 Prado's Ground Snake 1077 Prado's Lancehead 1305 Prado's Pit Viper 1305 Prairie Earless Lizard 4003 Prairie Garter Snake 8080, 8099 Prairie King Snake 4377, 4378 Prairie Lined Racerunner 1971 Prairie Lizard 7419 Prairie Pygmy Rattlesnake 7569 Prairie Racerunner 1974 Prairie Rattlesnake 2244, 2253 Prairie Ringneck Snake 2677 Prairie Ring-necked Snake 2677 Prairie Skink 3418 Pratt's Snail-eater 2830 Prehensile Green Tree Skink 6650 Prehensile-tail Geckos 3448 Prehensile-tailed Giant Skink 2149 Prehensile-tailed Skink 6650 Preocular Blind Snake 3851

Preocular Worm Snake 3851 Presidio Canyon Lizard 7381 Pretty Kukri Snake 5876 Pretty Short-legged Skink 1319 Price's Rattlesnake 2227 Pricklenapes 78 Prickletail Lizard 4052 Prickly Chameleon 1709 Prickly Forest Skink 3702 Prickly Forest Skinks 3701 Prickly Gecko 3987, 4021 Prickly Girdled Lizard 6861 Primitive Anoles 6659 Prince Maximilian's Turtle 4076 Prince Neuwied's Pit Viper 1302 Princely Mastigure 8564 Pritchard's Snakeneck Turtle 1751 Problem Ground Snake 5013 Pryer's Keelback 360 Pryer's Keelback Snake 363 Przewalski's Toadhead Agama 6355 Przewalski's Wonder Gecko 7979 Psammodromuses 6737 Pseudemid Turtles 6816 Pseudemoia 81 Psilothalmus 6931 Psilothalmuses 6930 Pueblan Graceful Brown Snake 7130 Pueblan Milk Snake 4430 Puerto Plata Anole 539 Puerto Rica Boa 3276 Puerto Rican Ameiva 310 Puerto Rican Anole 760 Puerto Rican Blue-tailed Ameiva 328 Puerto Rican Boa 3276


Puerto Rican Brown Blind Snake 8476 Puerto Rican Bush Anole 760 Puerto Rican Crescent Sphaero 7648 Puerto Rican Crested Anole 589, 590 Puerto Rican Dusky Amphisbaena 437 Puerto Rican Dwarf Boa 3277 Puerto Rican Emerald Anole 622 Puerto Rican Eyespot Sphaero (WI) 7641 Puerto Rican Forest Blind Snake (WI) 8465 Puerto Rican Galliwasp 2775 Puerto Rican Giant Ameiva (W) 310 Puerto Rican Giant Anole 597 Puerto Rican Giant Boa 3276 Puerto Rican Grey Amphisbaena 403, 406 Puerto Rican Ground Snake 2887 Puerto Rican Leaf-toed Gecko 6466 Puerto Rican Racer 266 Puerto Rican Sandy Sphaero 7687 Puerto Rican Slider 8176 Puerto Rican Spotted Anole 810 Puerto Rican Tree Boa 3276 Puerto Rican Twig Anole 728 Puerto Rican Upland Sphaero 7635 Puerto Rican Worm Snake 8476 Puerto Rican Xeric Amphisbaena 447 Puerto Rico Galliwasp 2775 Puff Adder (NA) 3982, 3983

Pyrenean Viper

Puff Adder 1186 Puff Adders 1185 Puff-adder Lizard 6072 Puff-faced Water Snake 4017 Puff-faced Water Snakes 4016 Puffing Snake 6924 Puffing Snakes 6923 Puget Garter Snake 8074 Puget Sound Garter Snake 8100 Pug-nosed Snake 3804 Pulo Condore Bow-fingered Gecko 2505 Pungwe Flat Lizard 6550 Punjab Bow-fingered Gecko 2519 Punjab Snake-eyed Lacerta 1885 Purple Anole 763 Purple Blind Snake 7030 Purple Cape Skink 3351 Purple Dtella 3563 Purple File Snake 5474 Purple Glossed Snake 287 Purple Ground Snake 5015 Purple Lerista 4828 Purple Round-headed Worm Lizards 8825 Purple-backed Spiny Lizard 7371 Purple-bellied Turtle 5835 Purple-brown Python 4554 Purple-glossed Snake (CSA) 284, 288 Purple-glossed Snakes 283 Purple-red Earth Snake 7984 Purple-red Earth Snakes 7983 Purple-spotted Pit Viper 8245 Purple-spotted Rat Snake 3035 Purple-tailed Snake 2099

Putamayan Coral Snake 5618 Putamayo Coral Snake 5618 Pyburn's Earth Snake 3659 Pyburn's Tropical Forest Snake 8529 Pygmy Algyroides 242 Pygmy Alligator Lizard 3102 Pygmy Anole 727 Pygmy Blackback Coral Snake 5600 Pygmy Blue-tailed Ameiva 316 Pygmy Chameleons 7145 Pygmy Copperhead 1129 Pygmy Coral Snake 5585 Pygmy Geckos 6875, 8345 Pygmy Horned Lizard 6395 Pygmy Iguana 2841 Pygmy Leaf-toed Gecko 3929 Pygmy Monitor 8656, 8660 Pygmy Moss Snake 8530 Pygmy Mulga Monitor (ANZ) 8660 Pygmy Rattlesnake 7570 Pygmy Rattlesnakes 7565 Pygmy Sand Snake (CSA) 6750 Pygmy Shorthorned Lizard 6397 Pygmy Snail-sucker 7516 Pygmy Snake-eyed Skink 2285 Pygmy Spinytail Skink 2956 Pygmy Spiny-tailed Skink (ANZ) 2956 Pygmy Tree Skink 3699 Pygmy Tree Skinks 3687 Pylzow's Toadhead Agama 6356 Pymy Python 858 Pyrenean Cylindrical Skink 1627 Pyrenean Viper 8725


Pythons 6984 Quebec Garter Snake 8098 Queen Snake 7057 Queen Snakes 7050 Queen Two-pored Dragon 2792 Queensland Blue-nosed Monitor Lizard 8687 Queensland Ctenotus 2390 Queensland Four-fingered Skink 5155 Queensland Legless Lizard 6119 Queensland Legless Lizards 6118 Queensland Rock Python 5659 Queensland Tree Monitor 8687 Queenstown Rock Gecko 145 Queretaran Dusky Rattlesnake 2188, 2240 Queretaran Spiny Lizard 7345, 7393 Quill-nosed Snakes 8766 Quill-snouted Snakes 8766 Rabino's Tree Iguana 4947 Rabor's Lipinia 5054 Rabor's Short-legged Skink 1321 Racer (NA) 2034 Racers 2031 Racers 258, 2905, 5432 Racerunner 3301, 5926, 6572 Racerunners 1907, 296, 3288, 6570, 7954 Rackham's Knob-scaled Lizard 8803 Radde's Lizard-eating Snake Snake 3069 Radde's Rock Viper 2570 Radde's Viper 2570 Radiated Rat Snake 3041 Radiated Tortoise 3610 Ragazzi's Cylindrical Skink 1630


Ragazzi's Fan-footed Gecko 6975 Ragged Islands Boa 3283 Rahm's Sun Tegu 3457 Rain Forest Dragon 4152 Rain Forest Hognose Viper 6644 Rain Forest Hog-nosed Viper 6644 Rainbow Ameiva 327 Rainbow Boa 3267, 3270 Rainbow Boas 3265 Rainbow Lizard 152 Rainbow Mabuya 5338 Rainbow Mud Snake 3470 Rainbow Mud Snakes 3466 Rainbow Skink (CSA) 5338 Rainbow Skink 4456 Rainbow Skinks 1527 Rainbow Snake 3470, 3471 Rainbow Snakes 3466 Rainbow Tree Snake 3770 Rainbow Tree Snakes 3769 Rainbow Water Snake 3225 Rainbow Water Snakes 3217 Rainbow Whiptail 1949, 1949 Rainforest Carlia 1542 Rainforest Cat-eyed Snake 4660 Rainforest Chameleon 1644 Rainforest Snake Skink 5954 Rainforest Snakes 2649 Rajasthan Toadhead Agama 6346 Ramanantsoa's Leaf Chameleon 1382 Ramirez's Arboreal Alligator Lizard 27 Ramirez's Hooknose Snake 3481 Ramirez's Hook-nosed Snake 3481 Ramsay's Python 991

Ramsden's Dwarf Gecko 7663 Ramsden's Least Gecko 7663 Rankin's Elf Skink 5723 Rankin's Spinytail Gecko 2741 Rapid Fringe-toed Lizard 3301 Rapid Racerunner 3301 Rare Coffee Snake 5819 Rare Worm Snake 8492 Rasp-skinned Water Snake 111 Rat Snake 3026 Rat Snakes 1221, 2993, 3771, 8808 Rat-tailed Racer 3772 Rattlesnakes 2185 Ravergier's Snake 2059 Rawlinson's Ctenotus 2393 Rawlinson's Ground Skink 4541 Rawlinson's Window-eyed Skink 6810 Raw's Dwarf Chameleon 1351 Rayed Coluber 3042 Raza Island Leaf-toed Gecko 6460 Razorback Musk Turtle 4259 Razor-backed Mud Turtle 4259 Razor-backed Musk Turtle 4259 Rear-fanged Snake 1250, 6779 Rebouch's Mabuya 5305 Red Amazon Side-necked Turtle 6377 Red Beaked Snake 7144 Red Blackhead Snake 7908 Red Blind Snake 4736 Red Blood Python 6988 Red Bow-fingered Gecko 2549 Red Cat Snake 1245


Red Centipede-eater 7908 Red Chicken Snake (NA) 3012 Red Coachwhip 5416 Red Coffee Snake 5826 Red Cylinder Snake 2482 Red Diamond Rattler (NA) 2206 Red Diamond Rattlesnake 2206, 2230 Red Dragon 2318 Red Earless Agama 8358 Red Earless Lizard 8358 Red Earth Centipede Snake 7910 Red Earth Snake 3662 Red Five-toed Skink 4699 Red Forest Skink 7696 Red Garter Snake 8099 Red Horned Lizard 6404 Red House Snake 3012 Red Japanese Rat Snake 3001 Red Keelback 5373 Red Leposoma 4628 Red Milk Snake 4427 Red Mountain Rat Snake 3035 Red Neusticurus 5812 Red Pipe Snake 2482 Red Pipe Snake 492 Red Python 6986 Red Racer 5416 Red Rainbow Boa 3269 Red Rat Snake 3012, 3026 Red Rattlesnake 2230 Red Sand Ctenotus 2381 Red Scaly Lizard 7399 Red Sideneck Turtle 6377 Red Snake 1586 Red Snakes 7800 Red Spitting Cobra 5705, 5712 Red Tegu 8354

Redfoot Tortoise

Red Toad-headed Turtle 6377 Red Turtle 6377 Red Uromastyx 8556 Red Viper 8713 Red Water Snake 5775 Red Whip Snake 2922 Red Worm Lizard 401 Red Worm Snake 8477 Red-and-black Skink 5227 Red-and-black Striped Snake 1277 Redback Coffee Snake 5826 Redback Whiptail 1914, 1991 Red-backed Whiptail (NA) 1914, 1991 Red-banded Odd-tooth Snake 2713 Red-banded Snake 2712 Red-banded Wolf Snake 2712 Red-barbed Dragon 2867 Red-barbed Flying Dragon 2867 Red-barred Crevice Dragon (ANZ) 2322 Red-barred Garter Snake 8093, 8095 Red-bellied Black Snake (ANZ) 6793 Red-bellied Black Snake 1413 Red-bellied Keelback 340 Red-bellied Lizard 4337 Red-bellied Mud Snake 3467, 7489 Red-bellied Mud Snakes 7488 Red-bellied Short-necked Turtle 3197 Red-bellied Snake (NA) 2675 Red-bellied Snake 1414, 7811 Red-bellied Snakes 7803 Red-bellied Turtle 6826

Red-bellied Water Snake 5775, 5776, 7557 Redbelly Black Snake 6793 Redbelly Earth Runner 1776 Redbelly Keelback 340 Redbelly Lava Lizard 5998 Redbelly Lizard 4337 Redbelly Rock Agama 7733 Redbelly Shortneck Turtle 3197 Redbelly Snake 7811 Redbelly Turtle (NA) 6826 Redbelly Turtle 6817 Redbelly Water Snake 5776 Red-black Ground Snake 1060 Red-black Striped Snake 1277 Red-black Striped Snakes 1276 Red-black Whorltail Iguana 7775 Red-brown Loggerhead 1519 Red-brown Sea Snake 237 Redcheek Softshell-turtle 2856 Red-crowned Roof Turtle 4227 Red-crowned Roofed Terrapin (ISC) 4227 Red-crowned Roofed Turtle 4227 Reddening Sand Dragon 2317 Reddish Blind Snake 7022 Reddish Rat Snake 3006 Reddish Whiptail 1982 Red-eared Slider (WI) 8168 Red-eared Slider 8170 Red-eared Turtle 8168 Red-eyed Tree Snake 8273 Red-eyed Tree Snakes 8272 Red-fanned Stout Anole 699 Redfoot Tortoise 3601

Red-footed Amazon Side-necked Turtle

Red-footed Amazon Sidenecked Turtle 6377 Red-footed Tortoise 3601 Red-head Amazon Sidenecked Turtle 6600 Redhead Mud Turtle 4289 Red-headed Amazon River Turtle 6600 Red-headed Anole 736 Red-headed Krait 1397 Red-headed Lizard 1497 Red-headed Rat Snake 3025 Red-headed River Turtle 6600 Red-headed Rock Agama 152 Red-headed Side-necked Turtle 6377, 6600 Red-headed Worm Snake 8478 Redi's Viper 8703 Red-legged Girdled Lizard 8823 Red-lined Blind Snake 4773 Red-lined Earth Snake 8586 Red-lipped Arboreal Alligator Lizard 18 Red-lipped Emo Skink 3173 Red-lipped Plateau Lizard 7423 Red-lipped Prairie Lizard 7423 Red-lipped Snake (CSA) 2262 Red-lipped Snakes (CSA) 2259 Red-naped Snake 3493 Red-naped Snakes 3491 Redneck Keelback 7077 Redneck Pond Turtles 1786 Red-necked Keelback 7077 Red-necked Pond Turtle 1787 Rednose Dwarf Chameleon 1348 Red-nosed Tortoise 4181 Redonda Anole 726

Red-sided Curlytail Lizard 4506 Red-sided Curly-tailed Lizard 4506 Red-sided Garter Snake 8099 Red-Sided Skink 5313 Red-sided Skink 5334 Red-snouted Wolf Snake 5152 Red-spotted Beaked Snake 7144 Red-spotted Chilopoma 8083 Red-spotted Diadem Snake 7584 Red-spotted Earth Snake 8587 Red-spotted Galliwasp (WI) 1577 Red-spotted Garter Snake 8083, 8093 Red-spotted Lizard 5524 Red-spotted Small Lizard 5524 Redstripe Ribbon Snake 8079 Red-striped Carlia 1543 Red-striped Garter Snake 8074, 8080 Red-striped Ribbon Snake 8079 Red-striped Spiny Lizard 7373 Redtail Burrowing Blind Skink 8739 Redtail Coral Snake 5608 Redtail Emo Skink 3172 Redtail Fossorial Skink 1505 Redtail Lerista 4812 Redtail Morethia 5680 Redtail Pit Viper 8224 Redtail Rat Snake 3772 Redtail Rat Snakes 3771 Redtail Skink 383 Redtail Tegu 8643 Redtail Tegus 8642


Red-tailed Boa 1212 Red-tailed Centipede-eater 7910 Red-tailed Green Rat Snake 3772 Red-tailed Pipe Snake 2482 Red-tailed Pit Viper 8224 Red-tailed Python 1212 Red-tailed Racer 3772 Red-tailed Rat Snake 3772 Red-tailed Teiid 3816 Red-throated Agama 8195 Red-throated Skink 6808 Red-yellow Rat Snake 3007 Reed Snake (CSA) 450 Reed Snake 4967 Reed Snakes 1429, 2015, 4965 Reef Gecko 7650 Reef Sea Snake 4105 Reeves's Butterfly Lizard 4519 Reeves's Ground Skink 7471 Reeves's Pond Turtle 1788 Reeves's Skink 7471 Reeves's Turtle 1788 Regal Black-striped Snake 2081 Regal Coral Snake 5573 Regal Horned Lizard 6409 Regal Ringneck Snake 2683 Regal Ring-necked Snake 2683 Regal Striped Skink (ANZ) 2394 Reichenow's Lidless Skink 4357 Reichenow's Snake-eyed Skink 4357 Reichenow's Spinytail Lizard 2137 Reich's Tree Iguana 6385 Reid's Arboreal Alligator Lizard 28 Reimann's Snakeneck Turtle 1752


Reimschissel's Emo Skink 3170 Reinhardt's Burrowing Snake 904 Reinhardt's Lava Lizard 8338 Reinhardt's Lined Snake 2444 Reinhardt's Shovelsnout Snake 6724 Reinhardt's Snake-eater 6618 Rekworthy's Leaf Chameleon 1389 Relict Flat Lizard (CSA) 6551 Remarkable Gecko 2722 Rendahl's Agama 7265 Rendahl's Wolf Snake 5113 Resplendent Ground Snake 1098 Reticulate Banded Gecko 2007 Reticulate Blind Snake 4771 Reticulate Centipede Snake 7907 Reticulate Centipede-eater 882 Reticulate Collared Lizard 2276 Reticulate Desert Lacerta 3289 Reticulate Gila Monster 3856 Reticulate Ground Snake 1099 Reticulate Leaf-toed Gecko 3930 Reticulate Mole Viper 1035 Reticulate Python 6994 Reticulate Racerunner 3294 Reticulate Sand Lizard 5515 Reticulate Skink 394 Reticulate Snakes 1207 Reticulate Toadhead Agama 6358

Ridley Turtles

Reticulate Velvet Gecko 5863 Reticulate Worm Snake 8472 Reticulated Centipede-eater (CSA) 882 Reticulated Centipede-eater 7907 Reticulated Desert Lizard (CSA) 5515 Reticulated Gecko 2007 Reticulated Gila Monster 3856 Reticulated Python 6994 Reticulated Velvet Gecko (ANZ) 5863 Reunion Day Gecko 6213 Reuss's Garter Snake 8045 Reuss's Water Snake 3219 Reuss's Whip Snake 2058 Reuter's Blind Snake 8473 Reuter's Worm Snake 8473 Revoil's Short Snake 1334 Revoil's Short Snakes 1333 Rhinoceros Agama 1597 Rhinoceros Chameleon 1705 Rhinoceros Earth Snakes 7185 Rhinoceros Iguana 2466 Rhinoceros Iguanas 2463 Rhinoceros Rock Iguana 2466 Rhinoceros Snake 7248 Rhinoceros Snakes 7247 Rhinoceros Viper 1197 Rhode Dragon 7743 Rhode's Snouted Snake 7540 Rhodesian Girdled Lizard (CSA) 2131 Rhodesian Sand Snake 6757 Rhodonas 4794 Rhombic Egg-eater (CSA) 2586 Rhombic Night Adder 1565

Rhombic Skaapsteker (CSA) 6780 Rhombifer Anadia 468 Rhombifer Anole 769 Riband Snake 8084 Ribbon Graceful Brown Snake 7107 Ribbon Snake 8067 Ribbon Snakes 8033, 8281 Rice-paddy Snake 3234 Richard's Alligator River Skink 2973 Richard's Anole 770 Richard's Banded Sphaero 7666 Richard's Blind Snake 8474 Richard's Worm Snake 8474 Richardson's Dwarf Gecko 7667 Richardson's Leaf-toed Gecko 3931 Richardson's Least Gecko 7667 Richardson's Mangrove Snake 5687 Richardson's Mangrove Snakes 5686 Richardson's Sandswimming Skink 3305 Richmond's Worm Snake 8390 Richter's Andes Anole 6250 Ricord's Ground Iguana 2471 Ridgehead Snake 5400 Ridgehead Snakes 5399 Ridgenose Rattlesnake 2254, 2258 Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake 2254 Ridgetail Monitor 8646 Ridge-tailed Monitor (ANZ) 8646 Ridley 4576 Ridley Sea Turtle 4576 Ridley Sea Turtles 4574 Ridley Turtles 4574


Ridleys 4574 Ridley's Worm Lizard 434 Riebeck's Leaf-toed Gecko 6455 Riffian Skink 1619 Riggenbach's File Snake 5475 Rim Rock Crowned Snake 7900 Ring Snake 5770, 5771 Ringed Amphisbaenian 1206 Ringed Brown Snake 6892 Ringed Centipede Snake 7911 Ringed Hognose Snake 5262 Ringed Kukri Snake 5873 Ringed Lizards 400, 448 Ringed Map Turtle 3790 Ringed Python 1273 Ringed Pythons 1272 Ringed Sawback 3790 Ringed Sawback Turtle 3790 Ringed Sea Snake 4482 Ringed Slug-eater 7505 Ringed Snail-eater 8289 Ringed Snail-sucker 7505 Ringed Snake (ANZ) 8693 Ringed Snake 4664, 5736, 5737 Ringed Snakes 5733, 7160 Ringed Spinytail Iguana 5684 Ringed Thirst Snake 2825 Ringed Tree Boa 2110 Ringed Turtlehead Sea Snake 3188 Ringed Wall Gecko 7936 Ringed Water Cobra 1310 Ringed Water Snake 1310, 7557 Ringhals 3861 Ringhals Snake 3861 Ringhals Snakes 3860


Ring-headed Dwarf Snake 2988 Ringneck Coffee Snake 5820 Ringneck Snake 2673 Ringneck Snakes 2672 Ringneck Spitting Cobra 3861 Ring-necked Cobras 3860 Ring-necked Coffee Snake 5820 Ring-necked Earth Snake 1052 Ring-necked Snake 2673, 2680 Ring-necked Snakes 2672 Ring-necked Spitting Cobra 3861 Ringtail Bow-fingered Gecko 2530 Ringtail Dragon 2301 Ring-tailed Bicycle Dragon (ANZ) 2301 Ring-tailed Dhaman 2996 Ring-tailed Dragon (ANZ) 2301 Ring-tailed Gecko (ANZ) 2530 Rinkhals (CSA) 3861 Rinkhals Snakes (CSA) 3860 Rio Apaporis Caiman 1420 Rio Apaporis Spectacled Caiman 1420 Rio de Janeiro Teiid 3975 Rio Grande Cooter 6823 Rio Grande del Sul Blind Snake 4760 Rio Grande Patch-nosed Snake (NA) 7283 Rio Grande River Cooter 6823 Rio Grande Snake 5978 Rio Grande Snakes 5977 Rio Grande Spiny Softshell Turtle 871 Rio Grande Worm Lizard 430

Rio Huancabamba Leaftoed Gecko 6434 Rio Magdalena River Turtle 6602 Rio Magdalena Tegu 8207 Rio Marquez Leaf-toed Gecko 6449 Rio Tepalcatepic Valley Whiptail 1915 Rio Tropical Racer 5434 Ristellas 7251 River Anole 545 River Cooter 6818, 6827 River Cooters 6816 River Kura Lizard 4339 River Teiid 6003 River Teiids 6002 River Terrapin (ISC) 1169 River Terrapins 1168 River Turtle 1453, 1454, 1523 River Turtles 2664, 6177, 6599 Riverbank Anole 773 Rivero's Ground Snake 1100 Road Guarder 2094 Road Guarders 2092 Roaring Anole 831 Roatan Coral Snake 5620 Roatan Longtail Snake 3245 Roatan Spinytail Iguana 2334 Robecchi's Agama 182 Robert Mertens's Tortoise 8005 Robert's Tree Iguana 4948 Robert's Worm Lizard 435 Robertson's Dwarf Chameleon 1344 Roberts's Girdled Lizard 6860 Robinson's Anole 775 Robinson's Forest Dragon 3766


Robinson's Keeled Skink 8324 Roborowski's Toadhead Agama 6359 Robust Ctenotus 2395 Robust Dtella 3564 Robust Dwarf Gecko 5201 Robust Fringe-fingered Lizard 63 Robust Rainbow Skink 1544 Robust Two-line Dragon (ANZ) 2784 Robust Velvet Gecko 5865 Rock Agama (CSA) 155 Rock Agama 152, 181 Rock Agamas 7723 Rock Carlia 1537 Rock Ctenotus 2398 Rock Dwellers 2282 Rock Gecko (ISC) 3912 Rock Geckos 136 Rock Geckos 6665 Rock Iguana 2464, 2468, 8657 Rock Leguan 8657 Rock Lizards 3678, 6201 Rock Mabuya 5318 Rock Monitor (CSA) 8657 Rock Plated Lizard (CSA) 3686 Rock Python 6995 Rock Pythons 4857 Rock Racers 6533 Rock Rattlesnake 2212 Rock Skink 380 Rock Viper 2571 Rock Whorltail Iguana 7758 Rocky Mountain Garter Snake 8099 Rocky Mountain Rubber Boa 1742 Rococo Four-fingered Skink 5161 Rodeck's Whiptail 1967

Rough-scaled Carpet Python

Rodenburg's Mabuya 5340 Rodhain's Purple-glossed Snake 289 Rodrigues's Day Gecko 6219 Rodrigues's Four-fingered Teiid 6690 Rodrigues's Lava Lizard 8340 Rodrigues's Microteiid 1501 Rodrigues's Red Teiid 6689 Rodrigues's Teiids 6688 Rodriguez's Anole 776 Rogers's Racer 2061 Rohan's Blind Dart Skink 8371 Roman's Saw-scaled Viper 2946 Roman's Tropical Snake 2260 Rondo Blind Snake 8475 Rondo Coral Snake 5619 Rondo Worm Snake 8475 Rondonian Gecko 1998 Roof Anole 551 Roof Turtles 4225 Roofed Terrapin (ISC) 4230 Roofed Turtles 4225 Rooisklipajie (CSA) 4039 Roosevelt's Dwarf Gecko 7668 Roosevelt's Least Gecko 7668 Roper's Banded Snake 7552 Rose Big-tooth Snake 2711 Rose Blind Snake 4774 Rose Whorltail Iguana 7776 Rose-bellied Lizard 7430 Rose-bellied Roughside 8180 Rosebelly Earth Snake 3660 Rosebelly Lizard 7430, 7431 Rosebelly Worm-eating Snake 8180

Rosenberg's Goanna (ANZ) 8664 Rosen's Anole 608 Rosen's Snail-eater 2818 Rosen's Snake 7817 Rosette-nosed Chameleon 1709 Rossel Island Monitor 8686 Rossel Island Snake 8153 Ross's Wolf Snake 5102 Rostombekov's Lizard 4343 Rosy Boa 4865, 4867 Rosy Boas 4864 Rosy Hingeback 4246 Roth's Dwarf Racer 2990 Roth's Snake 2990 Roth's Tree Iguana 4949 Rothschild's Skink 6117 Rotuman Scaly-toed Gecko 4584 Rough Boa 8184 Rough Boas 8183 Rough Coffee Snake 5833 Rough Coffee Snakes 5832 Rough Earth Snake 8730 Rough Forest Snake 5833 Rough Green Snake 5930 Rough Green Snakes 5929 Rough Knobtail Gecko 5760 Rough Mabuya 5341 Rough Teiid 2936 Rough Teiids 2935 Rough-banded Sphaero 7606 Rough-footed Mud Turtle 4269 Roughneck Alligator Lizard 1160 Roughneck Monitor 8678 Rough-necked Monitor 8678 Rough-scaled Bush Viper 1016 Rough-scaled Carpet Python 5662

Rough-scaled Gecko

Rough-scaled Gecko (CSA) 6078 Rough-scaled Lizard 4489 Rough-scaled Lizards 4159, 7325 Rough-scaled Plated Lizard 3682 Rough-scaled Python 5662 Rough-scaled Sand Boa 3330 Rough-scaled Snake (ANZ) 8280 Rough-scaled Snakes 8279 Rough-scaled Worm Lizard (WI) 3815 Rough-sealed Girdled Lizard 2122 Rough-sided Snake 1002, 996 Roughsides 8178 Roughskin Anole 816 Roughtail Gecko 2565 Roughtail Rock Agama 7743 Rough-tailed Agama 7743 Rough-tailed Coral Snake 5587 Rough-tailed Gecko (NA) 2565 Rough-tailed Sand Boa 3330 Roughtails 8567 Roule's Ground Snake 1101 Roule's Isopachys 4192 Round Island Boa 1252, 1558 Round Island Boas 1251, 1253, 1557 Round Island Burrowing Boa 1252, 1558 Round Island Burrowing Boas 1251 Round Island Day Gecko 6220 Round Island Ground Boa 1558 Round Island Ground Boas 1557


Round Island Keel-scaled Boa 1558 Round Island Skink 4547 Round-bodied Skink 1617 Round-snouted Amphisbaenian 8826 Roundtail Horned Lizard 6403 Round-tailed Horned Lizard 6403 Roux's Blind Dart Skink 8368 Roux's Caledonian Gecko 1171 Roux's Emo Skink 3148 Roux's Giant Gecko 7093 Roux's Lipinia 5056 Roux's Sea Snake 6123 Roux's Sea Snakes 6122 Rowley's Palm Pit Viper 1260 Royal Ctenotus 2394 Royal Diadem Snake 7585 Royal Ground Snake 5016 Royal Python 6993 Royal Small Skink 6686 Royal Snake (ISC) 7585 Rozella's Galliwasp 1583 Rozella's Lesser Galliwasp 1583 Roze's Coral Snake 5606 Roze's Green Racer 6264 Roze's Ground Snake 4986 Roze's House Snake 8028 Roze's Neusticurus 5811 Roze's Worm Lizard 436 Rubber Boa 1739 Rubber Boas 1738 Rubber Snake (NA) 1739 Ruben's Sand Lizard 6166 Rueda's Largescale Lizard 6951 Rufous Beaked Snake (CSA) 7143 Rufous Egg-eater (CSA) 2585

Rugose Stump-tail 8128 Ruibal's Brown Tegu 4622 Ruibal's Dwarf Gecko 7670 Ruibal's Least Gecko 7670 Ruida's Anole 705 Ruin Lizard 6594 Ruitbal's Tree Iguana 4950 Ruizleal Tree Iguana 4951 Rukwa Sand Racer 6770 Rum Cay Curlytail Lizard 4495 Rum Cay Dwarf Gecko 7612 Rum Cay Least Gecko 7612 Runners 296 Rüppell's Desert Chameleon 1637 Rurk's Ristella 7254 Ruschenberg's Tree Boa 2114 Ruspoli's Shovelsnout Snake 6727 Russell's Earth Boa (ISC) 3330 Russell's Kukri Snake (ISC) 5918 Russell's Sand Boa 3330 Russell's Viper 8722 Russel's Blind Snake 7017 Russel's Sea Snake 4104 Russet Kukri Snake 5874 Russian Rat Snake 3044 Russian Tortoise 8006 Russian Viper 2570, 8718 Rusty Crevice Dragon (ANZ) 2318 Rusty Earth Snake 1107 Rusty Monitor 8682 Rusty Skink 387 Rusty Tree Snake 5133 Rusty Whip Snake 1826 Rustyhead Snake 281, 282 Rustyhead Snakes 280 Rusty-headed Snake 282 Rusty-headed Snakes 280


Ruthven's Anadia 467 Ruthven's Anole 555 Ruthven's Bachia 1151 Ruthven's Burrowing Snake 918 Ruthven's Earth Snake 3663 Ruthven's King Snake 4404 Ruthven's Macropholidus 5375 Ruthven's Scaly-eyed Gecko 4570 Ruthven's Whip Snake 5425 Ruwenzori Four-toed Skink 4697 Ruwenzori Lidless Skink 6102 Ruwenzori Mountains Chameleon 1655 Ruwenzori Side-striped Chameleon 1706 Ruwenzori Three-horned Chameleon 1679 Rwanda Five-toed Skink 4690 Ryuku Dtella 3545 Ryuku Odd-tooth Snake 2715 Ryukyu Island Pit Viper 6026 Ryukyu Japalure 4216 Ryukyu Leaf-toed Gecko 3913 Ryukyu Ornate Sea Snake 4106 Ryu-Kyu Yellow-margined Tortoise 2426 Saba Anole (WI) 785 Saba Dwarf Gecko 7671 Saba Least Gecko 7671 Saba Racer 268 Sabah Bloodsucker 1487 Sabah Bow-fingered Gecko 2520 Sabah Earless Agama 894 Sabah Flying Gecko 6965 Sabah Keelback 343 Sabah Parachuting Gecko 6965

San Bernardino Ring-necked Snake

Sabah Scaly-toed Gecko 4602 Sabah's Eyebrow Lizard 6314 Saban Anole 785 Sabi Quill-snouted Snake 8773 Sabine Map Turtle 3793 Sack's Spotted Whiptail 1968 Sad Gecko 4588 Saddle Leafnose Snake 6475 Saddled Leafnose Snake 6475 Saddled Leaf-nosed Snake 6475 Sadleir's Bow-fingered Gecko 2550 Sadler's Caledonian Skink 1452 Sadlier's Menetia 5508 Sadlier's New Caledonian Gecko 1176 Sadlier's Skink 3779 Sadlier's Skinks 3778 Sagebrush Lizard 7349 Sagua de Tanamo Anole 783 Sahara Agama 8198 Sahara Horned Viper 1591 Sahara Mastigure 8558 Sahara Sand Viper 1593 Sahelian Terrapin 6181 Sahul Reef Snake 234 Sailfin Dragons 4116 Sailfin Lizard 4117 Sailfin Lizards 4116 Sailfin Water Lizard 4118 Sailing Lizards 4116 Sailtail Dragons 4116 Sail-tailed Lizards 4116 Sakishima Beauty Snake 3051 Sakishima Habu 8223 Sakishima Odd-tooth Snake 2714

Sakishima Tree Lizard 4217 Salea Lizards (ISC) 7263 Salensky's Toadhead Agama 6362 Sallae's Anole 790 Sallae's Earth Snake 3664 Salmon Lizard 810 Salmon-bellied Racer 5440 Salsipuedes Island Whiptail 1916 Salt Lake Short-horned Lizard 6399 Salt Range Gecko 2564 Saltbush Dragon 2319 Saltlake Ground Dragon (ANZ) 2312 Saltmarsh Snake 5770, 5771, 5780 Saltpan Ground Dragon (ANZ) 2319 Saltwater Crocodile 2179 Saltwater Moccasin (NA) 5772 Salty Earth Snake 7193 Salvador Arboreal Alligator Lizard 29 Salvador Painted Wood Turtle 7177 Salvin's Anole 791 Salvin's Musk Turtle 7712 Salvin's Spiny Lizard 7403 Samana Dwarf Gecko 7672 Samana Least Gecko 7672 Samana Thread Snake 4722 Samoa Emo Skink 3174 Samphire Skink (ANZ) 5675 San Benito Island Sideblotched Iguana 8640 San Benito Island Sideblotched Lizard 8640 San Bernardino Mountain King Snake 4436 San Bernardino Ringneck Snake 2679 San Bernardino Ringnecked Snake 2679

San Clemente Night Lizar

San Clemente Night Lizar 4301 San Cristobal Galliwasp 2757 San Diego Alligator Lizard 3100 San Diego Banded Gecko 2011 San Diego Gopher Snake 6500 San Diego Horned Lizard 6392 San Diego Mountain King Snake 4437 San Diego Night Snake 4136 San Diego Ringneck Snake 2684 San Diego Ring-necked Snake 2684 San Esteban Island Chuckwalla 7317 San Esteban Island Rattlesnake 2205 San Esteban Island Whip Snake 5427 San Esteban Island Whiptail 1929 San Felipe Ground Snake 8136 San Francisco Alligator Lizard 3091 San Francisco Garter Snake 8096, 8104 San Francisco Island Bluethroated Whiptail 1932 San Gil Coral Snake 5576 San Joaquin Coachwhip 5417 San Joaquin Fence Lizard 7388 San Joaquin Leopard Lizard 3503 San Joaquin Whip Snake 5411 San Jose Island Bluethroated Whiptail 1925 San Jose Island Whiptail 1919 San Juan Tree Iguana 4952


San Juanico Mud Turtle 4272 San Lorenzo Island Rattlesnake 2217 San Lorenzo Island Sideblotched Lizard 8627 San Lucan Alligator Lizard 3103 San Lucan Gecko 6464 San Lucan Leaf-toed Gecko 6464 San Lucan Rock Lizard 6206 San Lucan Skink 3394 San Lucan Speckled Rattlesnake 2218, 2219 San Lucan Spiny Lizard 7434 San Luis Potosi King Snake 4397 San Marcos Island Barefoot Gecko 2005 San Marcos Island Night Snake 3311 San Martin Island Gopher Snake 6504 San Martin Island Night Snake 4138 San Nicolas Night Lizard 4302 San Pedro King Snake 4432 San Pedro Martir Garter Snake 8055 San Pedro Martir Island Whiptail 1955 San Pedro Martir Sideblotched Iguana 8632 San Pedro Martir Whiptail 1955 San Pedro Mountain King Snake 4432 San Pedro Nolasco Island Spinytail Iguana (NA) 8631 San Pedro Nolasco Island Whiptail 1911 San Pedro Nolasco Lizard 8631 San Pedro Nolasco Sideblotched Lizard 8631

San Pedro Nolasco Whiptail 1911 San Pedro Side-blotched Lizard 8632 San Salvador Blind Snake 4724 San Salvador Curlytail (WI) 4495 San Vicente Island Racer 960 Sand Agamas 6746 Sand and Grass Snakes (CSA) 6749 Sand Boa 3332 Sand Boas 3327 Sand Dune Lizard 485 Sand Dune Lizard 7330 Sand Dune Plated Lizard 486 Sand Gecko 1835, 7788, 7791, 7980 Sand Geckos 1834, 8345 Sand Goanna 8664 Sand Lizard 4308, 4516 Sand Lizards 4358, 5510, 5517, 6156, 6737, 6829 Sand Lizards 900 Sand Monitor 8664 Sand Racers 6749 Sand Racerunner 7062 Sand Skink (ISC) 5283 Sand Skink 5758, 7482 Sand Skinks 5218, 5757, 5941, 7479 Sand Snake 6786 Sand Snakes 1777, 6749, 6785 Sand Spine-toed Lizards 40 Sand Swimmers 3303 Sand Viper 1591, 1593, 8698 Sand Vipers 8697 Sand Worm Snake 8380 Sanddivers 900 Sand-dune Lizard 7349 Sand-eye 7791 Sandfish (ISC) 5950


Sandfish 7482 Sandfishes 7479 Sandoa Worm Lizard 8148 Sandridge Lerista 4795 Sandstone Ctenotus 2375 Sandstone Dtella 3559 Sandstone Night Lizard 8749 Sand-swimming Skinks 3303 Sandveld Lizards (CSA) 5839 Sandy Burrowing Skink 7437 Sandy Ctenotus 2412 Sandy Limbless Skink 7486 Sandy-soil Limbless Skink 7486 Sanford's Emo Skink 3175 Sansteyn's Gecko (CSA) 6079 Santa Catalina Island King Snake 4381 Santa Catalina Island Leaftoed Gecko 6418 Santa Catalina Island Rattlesnake 2191 Santa Catalina Island Sideblotched Lizard 8633 Santa Catalina Island Spiny Lizard 7364 Santa Catalina Island Whiptail 1918 Santa Catalina Rattlesnake 2191 Santa Catalina Spiny Lizard 7364 Santa Cruz Garter Snake 8034, 8036 Santa Cruz Gopher Snake 6505 Santa Cruz Island Alligator Lizard 3097 Santa Cruz Island Gopher Snake 6505 Santa Cruz Island Sator 7298 Santa Cruz Leaf-toed Gecko 6457

Savannah Lizard

Santa Fe Land Iguana 2090 Santa Margarita Island Leaf-toed Gecko 6470 Santa Marta Anole 792 Santa Marta Dwarf Gecko 7630 Santa Marta Least Gecko 7630 Santa Rosa Rat Snake 1222 Santander Blind Snake 4764 Santander Coral Snake 5621 Santiago Anole 714 Santo Domingo Anole 797 Santo Domingo Curlytail Lizard 4496 Santo Domingo Curly-tailed Lizard 4496 Sao Paolo Arthroseps 969 Sao Paolo Blind Snake 5039 Sao Paolo False Coral Snake 7539 Sao Paolo Ground Snake 1105 Sao Paolo Keelback 3836 Sao Paolo Lancehead 1292 Sao Paolo Sharp Snake 8551 Sao Paolo Sharp Snakes 8550 Sao Paolo Snail-eater 2828 Sao Paolo Worm Snake 5039 Sao Paulo False Coral Snake 7539 Sao Paulo Sharp Snake 8551 Sao Paulo Sharp Snakes 8550 Sao Tome Leaf-toed Gecko 3898 Saphenophis Snake 7289 Saphenophis Snakes 7285 Saragutin Worm Snake 8489 Sarawak Bow-fingered Gecko 2503

Sarawak Eyebrow Lizard 6317 Sarawak Keelback 365 Sarawak Mountain Keelback 365 Sarawak Water Snake 3223 Sargent's Graceful Brown Snake 7132 Saro Island Racer 2050 Satiny Parrot Snake 4677 Sators 7297 Saudi Fringe-fingered Lizard 53 Saudi Rock Gecko 6679 Sauresians 7300 Sauresias 7300 Saurite Snake 8084 Sauvage's Snail-eater 2804 Savage's Dwarf Gecko 7673 Savage's Earth Snake 3639 Savage's Least Gecko 7673 Savage's New Caledonian Gecko 1175 Savage's Sand Snake 1780 Savanna Anole 778 Savanna Burrowings Skink (CSA) 7496 Savanna Hingeback 4250 Savanna Lidless Skink 6105 Savanna Lizard 5840 Savanna Monitor 8657 Savanna Sideneck Turtle 6605 Savanna Side-necked Turtle 6605 Savanna Spiny-tailed Lizard (CSA) 2133 Savanna Twig Snake 8110 Savanna Variable Mabuya 5353 Savanna Vine Snake (CSA) 8110 Savannah Anole 778 Savannah Lidless Skink 6105 Savannah Lizard 5840

Savannah Monitor

Savannah Monitor 8657, 8657 Savannah Side-necked Turtle 6605 Savannah Variable Mabuya 5353 Savigny's Fringe-fingered Lizard 64 Savigny's Fringe-toed Lizard 64 Savigny's Spinefoot 64 Savu Python 4862 Sawback Agama 1481 Sawback Agamid 1481 Sawin's Night Lizard 4615 Saw-scaled Curlytail (WI) 4489 Saw-scaled Viper 2940, 2950 Saw-scaled Vipers 2939 Sawshell Tortoise 3106 Saw-shelled Turtle (ANZ) 3106 Sawtail Lizard 3995 Sawtail Lizards 3994 Sawu Python 4862 Say's Garter Snake 8099 Scaled Geckos (ISC) 7973 Scaled Ground Snakes 8794 Scaled Sandveld Lizard 5845 Scaly Leaf-toed Gecko 3901 Scaly Lizard 4353 Scalyback Anole 725 Scaly-eyed Geckos 4558 Scalyfoots 6981 Scaly-fronted Worm Snake (CSA) 4776 Scaly-toed Geckos 4577 Scarce Bridal Snake 2916 Scarlet King Snake 4415 Scarlet Pipe Snake 492 Scarlet Snake 1586 Scarlet Snakes 1585, 6837 Schach's Ground Snake 1104


Schatti's Racer 2055 Scheffler's Dwarf Gecko 5204 Schied's Anole 793 Schlegel's Adder 995 Schlegel's Beaked Blind Snake 7219 Schlegel's Beaked Snake 7219 Schlegel's Blind Snake (CSA) 7219 Schlegel's Blind Snake 4765 Schlegel's Brown Kukri Snake 5912 Schlegel's Golden Snake 1604 Schlegel's Japanese Gecko 3577 Schlegel's Keelback 7069 Schlegel's Palm Viper 1261 Schlegel's Rat Snake 6943 Schlegel's Smooth Snake 4968 Schlegel's Thread Coral Snake 4670, 4671 Schlueter's Sipo 1825 Schmidt's Anole 794 Schmidt's Debris Snake 2088 Schmidt's Dwarf Skink 7472 Schmidt's Emo Skink 3176 Schmidt's Fringe-fingered Lizard 65 Schmidt's Fringe-toed Lizard 65 Schmidt's Green Racer 6276 Schmidt's Ground Skink 7472 Schmidt's Helmet Skink 8216 Schmidt's Tree Iguana 4954 Schmidt's Worm Lizard 437 Schmutz's Worm Snake 8479 Schneider's Dwarf Caiman 6091

Schneider's Earth Snake 7190 Schneider's Gold Skink 3416 Schneider's Sea Snake 4482 Schneider's Skink 3416 Schneider's Smooth Water Snake (ISC) 3225 Schneider's Smooth-fronted Caiman 6091 Schneider's Water Snake 3225 Schokar Sand Racer 6771 Schokar Sand Snake 6771 Schott's Tree Lizard 8617 Schott's Whip Snake 5424, 5426 Schouteden's Sun Snake 3859 Schreiber's Curly-tailed Lizard 4506 Schreiber's Fringe-fingered Lizard 66 Schreiber's Green Lizard 4346 Schreiber's Lizard 4346 Schreibers's Many-fingered Teiid 6108 Schroeder's Tree Iguana 4955 Schultze's Pit Viper 8246 Schultz's Pit Viper 8246 Schunk's Snail-eater 2832 Schwartze's Skink 3417 Schwartz's Anole 795 Schwartz's Island Racer 958 Schwartz's Worm Snake 8480 Schweigger's Hingeback Tortoise 4246 Schweigger's Terrapin 6185 Scorpion Mud Turtle 4285 Scortecci's Agama 162 Scortecci's Beaked Snake 7221 Scortecci's Diadem Snake 7589


Scortecci's Dwarf Gecko 5205 Scortecci's Mastigure 8565 Scortecci's Mole Viper 1036 Scortecci's Orangetail Lizard 6258 Scortecci's Sand Gecko 8348 Scortecci's Whole-toed Gecko 4013 Scroccho's Ground Snake 1049 Scrub Ctenotus 2397 Scrub Pine Lizard 7433 Scrub Python 5659 Scrub Skink 8121 Sea Geckos 5688 Sea Kraits 4481 Sea Snakes 233 Sea Snakes 4082 Sea Turtles 1760 Seba's Bronzeback 2643 Secret Skinks 2296 Secret Snakes 2294 Secret Toadhead Agama 6351 Secret Worm Snake 8445 Semaphore Geckos 6665 Seminole Rattler (NA) 2208 Semiornate Snake 5480 Semon's Green Tree Skink 6651 Semper's Lipinia 5057 Senegal Agama 184 Senegal Chameleon 1708 Senegal Flapshell Turtle 2439 Senegal Mabuya 5273 Senegal Sand Skink 7706 Senegal Soft-shelled Turtle 2439 Sepik River Worm Snake 8404 Seps (CSA) 8012 Sepsina Skink 7500

Sharp-nosed Pit Viper

Seram Blind Skink 2700 Serpent Island Gecko 5692 Serpentiform Skink 3446 Serpentiform Skinks 3433, 3441 Serpentine Four-toed Galliwasp 7301 Serra Snake 8292 Serra Snakes 8290 Serrated Casquehead Iguana 4368 Serrated Casque-headed Iguana 4368 Serrated Conehead Lizard 4368 Serrated Day Gecko 6238 Serrated Hingeback Tortoise 4246 Serrated Hinged Terrapin (CSA) 6193 Serrated Hinged-back Tortoise 4246 Serrated Snapping Turtle 3106 Serrated Star Tortoise 6735 Serrated Tent Tortoise (CSA) 6735 Serrated Tortoise 6735 Serrated Turtle 6193 Sertao Lancehead 1290 Setaro's Dwarf Chameleon 1350 Seven-bump Dwarf Gecko 5206 Seven-lined Ameiva 325 Seven-lined Racerunner 1926 Seven-step Snake 8218 Seven-striped Blind Snake 4778 Seven-striped Ctenotus 2401 Seven-striped Whiptail 1940 Seychelles Black Terrapin 6192 Seychelles Chameleon 1712 Seychelles Day Gecko 6210

Seychelles Giant Day Gecko 6240, 6242 Seychelles House Snake 4444 Seychelles Mabuya 5342 Seychelles Mud Turtle 6192 Seychelles Skin-sloughing Gecko 231 Seychelles Surprise Gecko 8541 Seychelles Tree Snake 5138 Seychelles Wolf Snake 5141 Seychelles Wolf Snakes 5140 Seydel's Dwarf Skink 132 Shade Lizards 1605 Shade Lizards 250 Shade Skinks 7291 Shanghai Elegant Skink 3384 Shanghai Softshell 7009 Shanghai Softshell Turtle 7009 Shansi Sand Lizard 6335 Shansi Toadhead Agama 6335 Shanxi Gecko 3570 Shark Bay Ctenotus 2417 Shark Bay Menetia 5503 Sharma's Gecko 1883 Sharma's Mabuya 5330 Sharma's Racer 2032 Sharp Anole 505 Sharp Scaly-eyed Gecko 4568 Sharp-crested Anole 737 Sharp-lipped Mabuya 5272 Sharp-lipped Skink 3442 Sharp-mouthed Lizard 760 Sharpnose Leaf-toed Gecko 3923 Sharpnose Toadhead Agama 6320 Sharp-nosed Green Treesnake 8548 Sharp-nosed Pit Viper 2590

Sharp-nosed Vine Snake

Sharp-nosed Vine Snake 8547 Sharp-snouted Dwarf Gecko 7656 Sharp-snouted Least Gecko 7656 Sharp-snouted Rock Lizard 4335 Sharp-snouted Snake Lizard 4855 Sharp-snouted Sun Tegu 3452 Sharp-snouted Turtles 3192 Sharp-snouted Worm Lizards 1798 Sharp-snouted Worm Lizards 475 Sharptail Snake 2099 Sharptail Snakes 2098 Sharp-tailed Snake 2099 Sharp-tailed Snakes 2098 Sharp-tailed Spider Gecko 191 Sharp-tailed Worm Lizard 8277, 8278 Sharp-tailed Worm Lizards 8275 Shasta Alligator Lizard 3094 Shaw's Dark Ground Snake 5005 Shaw's Sea Snake (CSI) 4473 Shaw's Sea Snakes 4472 Shaw's Wolf Snake (ISC) 5118 Shchitomordnik 209 Shelford's Skink 4372 Sheltopusic 5958, 5958 She-oak Skink 8121 Shield Snake (CSA) 981 Shield Snakes 977 Shield-backed Ground Lizards 6251 Shielded Blind Snake 4776 Shielded Spinefoot 67 Shielded Thick-toed Gecko 6080


Shielded Tropical Gecko 6200 Shielded Worm Lizard 4652 Shieldhead Gecko 3711 Shieldnose Cobra 981 Shieldnose Cobras 977 Shieldnose Snake 981 Shieldnose Snakes 977 Shield-nosed Cobra 981 Shield-nosed Cobras 977 Shield-nosed Snake 981 Shield-nosed Snakes 977 Shieldtail Earth Snake 8583 Shieldtail Snakes 8567 Shield-tailed Snakes 8567 Shieldtails 8567 Shingleback (ANZ) 8128 Shingleback Skink 8128 Shingled Iguanas 6708 Shingled Water Snake 6129 Shingled Water Snakes 6128 Shining Tree Iguana 4938 Shiny Anole 521 Shiny Lerista 4810 Shiny Lightbulb Lizard 6698 Shiny Window-eyed Skink 6800 Shore Pit Viper (ISC) 8245 Short Anole 596 Short Blind Dart Skink 8367 Short Centipede Snake 7870 Short Ground Snake 4984 Short Python 6986 Short Racer 2033 Short Sea Snake 4473 Short Skinks 6978 Short-bearded Anole 1723 Short-crested Spiny-tailed Iguana 2331 Short-facied Snail-eater 2808

Short-fingered Geckos 7781 Shortfoot Burrowing Skink 7441 Short-footed Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7441 Shorthead Anadia 460 Shorthead Blind Snake 4718 Shorthead Garter Snake 8039 Shorthead Kukri Snake 5877 Shorthead Lance Skink 96 Short-headed Garter Snake 8039 Short-headed Legless Skink (CSA) 96 Short-headed Sand Lizard (CSA) 6158 Short-horned Chameleon 1650 Short-horned Lizard 6395 Short-legged Giant Anole 663 Short-legged Japalure 4201 Short-legged Plated Lizard 8018 Short-legged Seps (CSA) 8018 Short-legged Skinks 1316 Short-legged Snake Skink 5943 Short-lined Skink 3431 Shortneck Burrowing Skink 843 Short-necked Skink 5289 Short-necked Turtle 6815 Short-necked Turtles 6814 Shortnose Anole 560 Shortnose Rock Lizard 6205 Shortnose Skink 3370 Short-nosed Chameleon 1669 Short-nosed Ground Snake 7845 Short-nosed Rock Lizard 6205


Short-nosed Vine Snake 6031 Short-snouted Grass Snake (CSA) 6753, 6772 Short-snouted Grass Snake 6773 Short-snouted Sand Racer 6753 Short-snouted Sand Snake (CSA) 6773 Short-snouted Sand Snake 6753 Short-tail Alpine Garter Snake 8090 Short-tail Anole 824 Short-tail Horned Lizard 6389 Short-tail Monitor 8652 Short-tail Snake 7799 Short-tail Snakes 7798, 8567 Short-tailed Centipede-eater 7869 Short-tailed Monitor 8652 Short-tailed Python 6986 Short-tailed Snake 7799 Short-tailed Snakes 7798 Short-tailed Viper 201 Short-toed Agama 7743 Shoulder Tree Iguana 4953 Shovelnose Snakes 1789 Shovel-nosed Ground Snakes 1789 Shovel-nosed Snakes 1789, 6716 Shovelsnout Snakes 6716 Shovel-snouted Legless Lizards 501 Shovel-snouted Lizard (CSA) 901 Shovel-snouted Lizards (CSA) 900 Shovel-toothed Snake 7319 Shreve's Anole 800 Shreve's Dwarf Gecko 7679 Shreve's Keelback 3841 Shreve's Least Gecko 7679

Simon's Beaked Snake

Shreve's Lightbulb Lizard 6703 Shreve's Tree Snake 2800 Shropshire's Puffing Snake 6927 Shrub Lerista 4847 Shrub Snakes 6034 Shy Spiny Lizard 7334 Siamese Crocodile 2181 Siamese Gecko 1900 Siamese Ground Skink 7473 Siamese Leaf-toed Gecko 6459 Siamese Slender Skink 5234 Siamese Temple Turtle 7537 Siamese Writhing Skink 5234 Siberian Pit Viper 209 Siberian Rat Snake 3044 Sichuan Mountain Keelback 5987 Sicilian Viper 8704 Sicilian Wall Lizard 6598 Side-blotched Lizard 8634 Side-blotched Lizards 8626 Side-necked Turtles 1743, 6177 Side-stabbing Snakes (CSA) 1019 Side-striped Palm Pit Viper 1257 Sidewinder 2192 Sidewinder Adder 1189 Sidewinder Rattlesnake 2192 Siebenrock's Longtail Lizard 4479 Siebenrock's Snakeneck Turtle 1754 Siebenrock's Snake-necked Turtle 1754 Siebenrock's Terrapin 6192 Siebold's Earth Snake 3667 Siebold's Water Snake 3237 Sierra Alligator Lizard 3092

Sierra Anole 651 Sierra Coalcoman 3648 Sierra Curlytail Lizard 4499 Sierra de Trinidad Crested Anole 604 Sierra Fence Lizard 7392 Sierra Garter Snake 8042 Sierra Juarez Alligator Lizard 5528 Sierra Juarez Anole 753 Sierra Juarez Earth Snake 3641 Sierra Juarez Spiny Lizard 7342 Sierra Leone Wall Gecko 7953 Sierra Leone Worm Lizard 2485 Sierra Madre Coral Snake 5578 Sierra Madre Earth Snake 3661 Sierra Mije Earth Snake 3629 Sierra Mountain King Snake 4434 Sierra Nevada Garter Snake 8042 Sierra Night Lizard 8754 Sikkim Ground Skink 7474 Sikkim Keelback 367 Silky Anole 798 Silver Key Anole 796 Silver Menetia 5504 Silver Snake-eyed Skink 2291 Silver Spinytail Gecko 2747 Silvery Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7440 Silvery Legless Lizard 500 Silvestri's Worm Lizard 438 Similar Agama 180 Similar-scaled Agama 8190 Simmons's Anole 801 Simonetta's Writhing Skink 5250 Simon's Beaked Snake 7222

Simon's Green Racer

Simon's Green Racer 6275 Simons's Sun Tegu 3458 Simons's Tree Iguana 4957 Simons's Whorltail Iguana 7777 Simony's Lizard 3500 Sinai Agama 6902 Sinai Agamas 6901 Sinai Dwarf Racer 2986 Sinai Fan-fingered Gecko 6967 Sinai Leaf-toed Gecko 3934 Sinai Racer 2062 Sinai Racerunner 6832 Sinaloa Milk Snake 4424 Sinaloan Milk Snake 4424 Sind Awl-headed Snake 5269 Sind Broad-tailed Gecko 7975 Sind Broad-tailed Geckos 7973 Sind Gecko 2184 Sind Krait 1403 Sind Leafnose Snake 5269 Sind River Snake 3233 Sind Thread Snake 4712 Singh Writhing Skink 5251 Single Welded-horn Chameleon 1719 Single-banded False Coral Snake 3325 Single-striped Garter Snake 8036 Sinking Galliwasp 1582 Sipo 1808 Sipos 1806 Sirtal Snake 8091 Sirumalai Hills Earth Snake 8573 Sistan Racerunner 7059 Sita Lizard 7576 Sita Lizards 7575 Six-footed Tortoise 5402 Six-lined Cylindrical Skink 1631


Six-lined Lerista 4827 Six-lined Lizard 1971, 7856 Six-lined Racerunner (NA) 1971 Six-lined Racerunner 1972 Six-lined Water Snake 5032 Six-scaled Tegu 4624 Six-tuberculed Amazon River Turtle 6603 Six-tuberculed River Turtle 6603 Sjosstedt's Five-toed Skink 4689 Skaapsteker (CSA) 6780 Skaapstekers 6779 Skilton Skink 3424 Skilton's Skink 3422, 3424 Skink Tegu 4629 Skink Tegus 4620 Skinks 3361, 5271, 7476 Skink-tailed Plated Lizard 3099 Skull Tree Iguana 4939 Slate-grey Snake 7717 Slater's Dull Skink 2976 Slater's Worm Lizard 439 Slaty-grey Snake (ANZ) 7717 Slaven's Centipede Snake 7913 Sleepy Lizard 8128 Slender Agamas 1358 Slender Anole 535, 636, 680 Slender Beauty Lizards 6854 Slender Blind Snake (CSA) 8460 Slender Blind Snake 4741 Slender Blind Snakes (NA) 4701 Slender Blind Snakes 4702, 5035 Slender Boas 3265 Slender Coral Snake (ISC) 1461 Slender Coral Snake 5590

Slender Coral Snakes 4669 Slender Dhaman 6943 Slender Dwarf Snake 8257 Slender Elf Skink 5719 Slender Emo Skink 3164 Slender Garter Snake 8084 Slender Geckos 7228 Slender Glass Lizard 5959 Slender Glass Lizards 5957 Slender Glass Snake 5959 Slender Green Snake 6287 Slender Ground Snakes 2905 Slender Hognose Viper 6645 Slender Hog-nosed Pit Viper 6645 Slender Lipinia 5045 Slender Litter Snake 7127 Slender Priondactylus 6657 Slender Priondactyluses 6653 Slender Quill-nosed Snakes 8766 Slender Quill-snouted Snake 8767 Slender Quill-snouted Snakes 8766 Slender Racer 2057, 2065 Slender Rainbow Skink 1532 Slender Skink 5045 Slender Skinks (CSA) 6712 Slender Skinks 5218 Slender Snail-sucker 7510 Slender Snake 7841 Slender Snakes 7835 Slender Spade-snouted Worm Lizard (CSA) 5655 Slender Swamp Lizard 6947 Slender Thread Snake (CSA) 4741 Slender Wedge-snouted Amphisbaenian (CSA) 5650, 5655


Slender Wedge-snouted Worm Lizard 5655 Slender Whiptail 1990 Slender Wolf Snake 4793 Slender Wolf Snakes 4792 Slender Worm Lizard 416 Slender Worm Snake 8467 Slender-snouted Crocodile 2171 Slendertail Lance Skink 97 Slender-tailed Legless Skink (CSA) 97, ) 98 Slevin's Bunchgrass Lizard 7409 Slevin's Chuckwalla 7316 Slevin's Dwarf Snake 8260 Slevin's Elf Skink 5724 Slevin's Emo Skink 3178 Slevin's Litter Snake 7128 Slevin's Short-fingered Gecko 7790 Slevin's Tropical Ground Snake 8260 Slevin's Worm Lizard 440 Slider (NA) 3785 Slider 8168, 8177 Slider Turtle (NA) 3785 Slider Turtle 8165, 8168 Sliders 8163 Slight Toadhead Agama 6354 Slim Garter Snake 8084 Slow Garter Snake 8103 Slow Worm 489 Slow Worms 488 Slug Snakes 4183, 6134 Slug-eater (CSA) 2929 Slug-eater Snakes 2928 Slug-eaters 2928, 7504 Slug-eating Snakes 6134 Small African Python 1428 Small African Pythons 1427 Small Coral Snake 5617 Small Green Rat Snake 3037

Smith's Mountain Keelback

Small Kukri Snake 5930 Small Pacific Iguana 5557 Small Sand Skink 5758 Small Skinks 6684 Small Spotted Dragon 2312 Small-eared Agama 174 Small-eared Lerista 4829 Small-eyed File Snake 5476 Small-eyed Galliwasp (WI) 1580 Small-eyed Lancehead 1300 Small-eyed Pit Viper 1300 Small-eyed Snakes 4065 Small-fanned Bush Anole 514 Small-fingered Psammodromus 6742 Small-fingered Sand Lizard 6742 Smallhead Galliwasp 2768 Smallhead Sea Snake 4095 Smallhead Worm Lizard 4643 Small-headed Garter Snake (NA) 8039 Small-legged Bachia 1154 Small-legged Lipinia 5052 Small-lipped Galliwasp 2769 Small-scaled Anole 808 Small-scaled Burrowing Adder 1032 Small-scaled Burrowing Asp 1032 Small-scaled Desert Lizard (CSA) 5514 Small-scaled Drgon 6611 Small-scaled Leaf-toed Gecko (CSA) 6443 Small-scaled Lizard 8610 Small-scaled Mole Viper 1032 Small-scaled Rock Agama 7738 Small-scaled Sand Lizard 5514 Small-scaled Spiny-tailed Lizard 8560

Small-scaled Swifts 8626 Small-scaled Tree Lizard 8610 Small-scaled Uta 8610 Small-scaled Wonder Gecko 7978 Small-spotted Coral Snake 1460 Small-spotted Leopard Lizard (NA) 3506 Small-spotted Lizard 5520 Small-spotted Sand Lizard 5520 Small-toed Geckos 1871 Smallwood's Anole 803 Smedley's Keelback 364 Smith's African Water Snake 3238 Smith's Agama 6014 Smith's Agamas 6013 Smith's Arboreal Alligator Lizard 30 Smith's Black-head Snake 7886 Smith's Black-headed Snake 7886 Smith's Blind Skink 2701 Smith's Desert Lizard (CSA) 5511 Smith's Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7446 Smith's Dwarf Chameleon 1352 Smith's Earth Snake 8589 Smith's Garter Snake 8106 Smith's Green-eyed Gecko 3586 Smith's Ground Skink 4543 Smith's Japalure 4208 Smith's Kukri Snake 5875 Smith's Leaf-toed Gecko 3935 Smith's Legless Gecko 932 Smith's Legless Lizard 932 Smith's Leiolopisma 4543 Smith's Milk Snake 4425 Smith's Mountain Keelback 5991

Smith's Night Lizard

Smith's Night Lizard 4616 Smith's Racer 2063 Smith's Racerunner 6833 Smith's Rock Plated Lizard 3686 Smith's Rosebelly Lizard 7410 Smith's Sand Lizard 5511 Smith's Skink 3376 Smith's Terrapin 6193 Smith's Thick-toed Gecko 6065 Smith's Tropical Night Lizard 4616 Smith's Water Snake 3238 Smith's Worm Snake 8502 Smooth Anole 675, 776 Smooth Earth Snake 8731 Smooth Gecko 8108 Smooth Geckos 8107 Smooth Green Snake 4873 Smooth Green Snakes 4872 Smooth Helmeted Basilisk 2153 Smooth Helmeted Iguana 2153 Smooth Horned Lizard (NA) 6405 Smooth Knobtail Gecko 5762 Smooth Lizard 4330 Smooth Slug Snake 4184 Smooth Snake 2146 Smooth Snakes 2145, 3726, 4965 Smooth Softshell 866, 868 Smooth Softshell Turtle 866 Smooth Soft-shelled Turtle 866 Smooth Tegu 8206 Smooth Tegus 8205 Smooth Tree Lizard 8613 Smooth Vine Snake 4184 Smooth-bellied Shade Lizard 254 Smooth-fronted Caiman 6091


Smooth-fronted Caimans 6089 Smooth-head Helmeted Basilisk 2153 Smooth-headed Skink (CSA) 5313 Smooth-scaled Agamas 4514 Smooth-scaled Rat Snake (NA) 950 Smooth-scaled Worm Lizard (WI) 3817 Smooth-scaledSkink 3695 Smooth-throated Lizards 4878 Snail Snake 6143 Snail-eater 2833 Snail-eaters 2803, 8286 Snail-eating Snakes 7504 Snail-eating Thirst Snake 2808 Snail-eating Turtle 5395 Snail-suckers 7504 Snake Lizards 4854 Snake Skink (ISC) 5248 Snake Skink 5955 Snake-eaters 6617 Snake-eating Cobras 5951 Snake-eating Turtle 2425 Snake-eyed Carlia 5156 Snake-eyed Four-fingered Skink 5156 Snake-eyed Lacerta 1410 Snake-eyed Lacertas 5974 Snake-eyed Lacertids 5974 Snake-eyed Lizard 5976 Snake-eyed Lizards 5974 Snake-eyed Skink (CSA) 134 Snake-eyed Skink 2283, 2290 Snake-eyed Skink 5, 6103 Snake-eyed Skinks (CSA) 6097 Snake-eyed Skinks 1 Snake-eyed Skinks 2282, 5836

Snake-eyes 1408 Snakehead Lizard 5935 Snakehead Lizards 5934 Snake-Lizards 1732, 5367 Snakeneck Turtles 1744 Snake-necked Turtles 1743, 1744 Snakescale Anole 734 Snakescale Leaf-toed Gecko 3921 Snapper (ZZ) 1766 Snapping Tortoise 3105 Snapping Turtle 1766 Snapping Turtles 1765, 1771 Snout Agamas 3826 Snouted Cobra 5695 Snouted Night Adder 1561 Snouted Snake 7539 Snouted Snakes 7538 Snout-shield Sphaero 7619 Snub-nosed Crocodile 2178 Snub-nosed Viper 8714, 8716 Soa-Soa 4117 Socorro Island Tree Lizard 8601 Socotra Island Blind Snake 4737 Socotra Leaf-toed Gecko 3890 Socotra Rock Gecko 6683 Socotra Worm Snake 8482 Socotran Racer 2064 Softshell 866 Softshell Turtles 8269 Soft-shelled Tortoise 5393 Softshells 8269 Sokolov's Glass Lizard 5971, 5971 Sokolov's Glass Snake 5971 Solitare Anole 806 Solomon Islands Brown Snake 7269 Solomon Islands Brown Snakes 7268


Solomon Islands Ground Boa 1512 Solomon Islands Monitor 8684 Solomon Islands Skink 2149 Solomon Islands Skinks 2148 Solomon Scaly-toed Gecko 4585 Solomons Giant Skink 2149 Somali Agama 157 Somali Dwarf Gecko 5207 Somali Fat-tailed Gecko 3967 Somali Garter Snake 3076 Somali Leaf-toed Gecko 3879 Somali Mabuya 5310 Somali Mastigure 8561 Somali Pygmy Chameleon 7149 Somali Rock Gecko 6678 Somali Sand Boa 3337 Somali Sharp-snouted Worm Lizard 478 Somali Shovelsnout Snake 6728 Somali Slender Skink 5252 Somali Strange Agama 8759 Somali Two-headed Snake 5541 Somali Writhing Skink 5252 Somalian Sand Boa 3337 Sombrero Ameiva 306 Sonora Coral Snake 5567 Sonora Mountain King Snake 4399 Sonora Mud Turtle 4292, 4294 Sonora Painted Wood Turtle 7179 Sonora Racer 5408 Sonora Shovel-nosed Snake 1795, 1796 Sonora Whip Snake 5408

South American Gibba Turtle

Sonoran Alligator Lizard 3095 Sonoran Coachwhip 5412 Sonoran Collared Lizard 2275 Sonoran Coral Snake 5567 Sonoran Coral Snakes 5566 Sonoran Desert Fringe-toed Lizard 8522 Sonoran Desert Sidewinder 2194 Sonoran Desert Tortoise (Sonora pop.) 3774 Sonoran Garter Snake 8071 Sonoran Gopher Snake 6499 Sonoran Hook-nosed Snake 3806 Sonoran King Snake 4391 Sonoran Leaf-toed Gecko 6430 Sonoran Lyre Snake 8264 Sonoran Mountain King Snake 4399, 4402 Sonoran Mountain Whip Snake 5409 Sonoran Mud Turtle 4292, 4294 Sonoran Night Snake 4133 Sonoran Ring-necked Snake 2683 Sonoran Shovelnose Snake 1795, 1796 Sonoran Shovel-nosed Snake 1795, 1796 Sonoran Sidewinder 2194 Sonoran Skink 3408 Sonoran Spiny Lizard 7338 Sonoran Spiny-tailed Iguana 2333 Sonoran Spotted Whiptail 1975 Sonoran Tiger Whiptail 1981 Sonoran Whip Snake 5408, 5409 Sonoyta Mud Turtle 4293 Soosan Tiger Snake 7965 Sooty Coral Snake 5618

Sorex Emo Skink 3179 South African Blind Snake 8383 South African Bowsprit Tortoise 1773 South African Cobra 5697 South African Coral Snake 978 South African Mamba 2645 South African Mountain Agama 155 South African Rock Agama 155 South African Sand Lizards 5510 South African Star Tortoises 6733 South African Stumptail Chameleon 7152 South African Tent Tortoise 6736 South African Water Python 5663 South African Worm Lizards 1798 South American Blind Snake 4779, 837 South American Burrowing Snake 903 South American Bushmaster 4363 South American Centipede Snake 7883 South American Clawed Geckos 6875 South American Coral Mimic 6049 South American Coral Snake 5604 South American Dwarf Gecko 5213 South American Flathead Turtle 6528 South American Forest Racer 2659 South American Gecko 3714 South American Gibba Turtle 6372

South American Ground Lizard

South American Ground Lizard 297 South American Ground Snake 4989 South American Hognose Snake 5260 South American Hognose Snakes 5259 South American Hognoses 5259 South American Lancehead 1283 South American Leaf-toed Gecko 6427 South American Marked Gecko 4024 South American Pipe Snake 492 South American Pipe Snakes 490 South American Pond Snake 6867 South American Rattlesnake 2196, 2200 South American Red-lined Turtle 8168 South American River Snake 2436 South American River Turtle 6601 South American River Turtles 6599 South American Sideneck River Turtles 6599 South American Sideneck Turtles 35 South American Sidenecked Swamp Turtle 6527 South American Sidenecked Turtle 4077 South American Sidenecked Turtles 4075 South American Sipo 1821 South American Slider 8166 South American Snakeheaded Turtle 4077 South American Snakeneck Turtle 4077


South American Snakeneck Turtles 4075 South American Snakenecked Turtle 4077, 6528 South American Snapping Turtle 1767 South American Swamp Snake 4990 South American Tree Snakes 7518, 7795 South American Water Snake 3833 South American Worm Lizard 402 South American Worm Lizards 4631, 5936 South American Worm Snakes 837 South American Yellowfoot Tortoise 3603 South American Yellowfooted Tortoise 3603 South Andaman Krait 1391 South Arabian Mole Viper 1032 South Asian Waif Gecko 3891 South China Green Snake 2461 South Coronado Island Whiptail 1986 South East Asia Box Turtle 2420 South Florida Mole King Snake 4379 South Florida Mole Snake 4379 South Florida Rainbow Snake 3472 South Florida Swamp Snake 7490 South India Agama 6020 South India Worm Snake 8463 South Indian Flying Lizard (ISC) 2864 South Indian Roofed Turtle 4231 South Island Tree Gecko 5750

South Plains Rat Snake 3014 South Point Anole 804 South-central Chameleon 1687 Southeast Asia Sea Snake 4083 Southeast Asian Narrowheaded Softshell Turtle 1829 Southeast Asian Water Dragon 5079 Southeastern Blind Snake 7219 Southeastern Crowned Snake 7877 Southeastern Five-lined Skink 3392 Southeastern Girdled Lizard 8820 Southeastern Green Snake (CSA) 6288 Southern African Python 6996 Southern African Rock Python 6996 Southern Alligator Lizard (NA) 3097, 3098 Southern Anaconda 3440 Southern Anglehead Dragon 4152 Southern Angle-headed Dragon (ANZ) 4152 Southern Anole 4556 Southern Anoles 4555 Southern Bahamas Anole (WI) 796 Southern Bahamas Boa (WI) 3272 Southern Bahamas Rock Iguana 2464 Southern Bahamas Sphaero (WI) 7642 Southern Baja California Lyre Snake 8265 Southern Black Racer 2044 Southern Blind Snake 4788 Southern Bronzeback 2634 Southern Bronzeback Snake 2634


Southern Brown Egg-eater (CSA) 2584 Southern Brown Egg-eating Snake 2584 Southern Bunchgrass Lizard 7328 Southern Burrowing Asp (CSA) 1022 Southern California Garter Snake 8067 Southern Coal Skink 3367 Southern Coffee Snake 5818 Southern Copperhead 204 Southern Coral Snake 5591 Southern Crevice Spiny Lizard 7384 Southern Ctenotus 2366 Southern Death Adder 73 Southern Desert Horned Lizard 6406, 6409 Southern Desert Racer 4156 Southern Dwarf Garter Snake 4046 Southern Earless Lizard 4009 Southern Earth Snake 8581 Southern Even-fingered Gecko 272 Southern Eyelash Boa 8185 Southern Fence Lizard 7428 Southern Five-lined Skink 3392 Southern Flap-shelled Turtle (ISC) 5066 Southern Flat-tail Gecko 8599 Southern Florida Rainbow Snake 3472 Southern Flowered Snake 2063 Southern Forest Dragon (ANZ) 4152 Southern Forest Gecko (ISC) 3876 Southern Forest Sphaero 7600 Southern Garter Snake 3081, 4046

Southern Speckled Padloper

Southern Gecko 2607 Southern Graceful Brown Snake 7134 Southern Grass Skink (ANZ) 6798 Southern Green Anole 568, 582 Southern Green Calotes (ISC) 1481 Southern Green Thornytail 8536 Southern Green Thornytail Iguana 8536 Southern Ground Snake 1108, 8730 Southern Halloween Snake 6579 Southern Hognose Snake 3983 Southern Hog-nosed Snake 3983 Southern Hook-nosed Snake 6301 Southern House Gecko (ISC) 3891 Southern Large-eyed Snake 7962 Southern Leafnose 4460 Southern Leafnose Snake 4460 Southern Leaftail Gecko 6485 Southern Leaf-tailed Gecko (ANZ) 6485 Southern Leaf-toed Gecko 3948 Southern Leeward Sphaero (WI) 7624 Southern Legless Lizard (ANZ) 2597 Southern Leposoma 4630 Southern Longtail Lizard 4478 Southern Long-tailed Lizard 4478 Southern Milk Snake (NA) 4429 Southern Monkey Lizard 6634 Southern Mussurana 1857

Southern Orangetail Lizard 6253 Southern Pacific Pond Turtle 1867 Southern Pacific Rattlesnake 2249 Southern Painted Turtle 1843 Southern Palm Gecko 3587 Southern Plateau Lizard 7427 Southern Prairie Lizard 7420 Southern Prairie Skink 3419 Southern Pygmy Skink 3412 Southern Rainbow Skink (ANZ) 1547 Southern Ribbon Snake (NA) 8086 Southern Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake 2255 Southern Ringneck Snake 2682 Southern Ring-necked Snake 2673, 2682 Southern Road Guarder 2164 Southern Rock Agama 155 Southern Rock Lizard 4311 Southern Rubber Boa 1741 Southern Rusty-headed Snake 282 Southern Sagebrush Lizard 7352 Southern Sandslider 4825 Southern Scalyfoot 2607 Southern Shield-backed Ground Lizard 6253 Southern Short-fingered Gecko 7787 Southern Slender Blackheaded Snake 7885 Southern Smooth Snake 2147 Southern Soft-shelled Turtle (NA) 865 Southern Speckled Padloper 4042

Southern Spiny Lizard

Southern Spiny Lizard 7372 Southern Spot-tailed Earless Lizard 4009 Southern Spotted Box Turtle 7994 Southern Spotted Velvet Gecko 5866 Southern Tiger Snake 7961 Southern Tropical Snake 8159 Southern Vine Snake (CSA) 8110 Southern Water Snake 5780 Southern Whiptail 1978 Southern White-lipped Mud Turtle 4279 Southern Woodslave 3910 SouthernMadagascar Ground Gecko 6150 Southwestern Carpet Python(ANZ) 5666 Southwestern Blackhead Snake 7886, 7903 Southwestern Black-headed Snake 7886 Southwestern Blind Snake 4746 Southwestern Cat-eyed Snake 4661 Southwestern Ctenotus 2385 Southwestern Earless Lizard 2102 Southwestern Mud Turtle 4265 Southwestern Pond Turtle 1867 Southwestern Rat Snake 3014 Southwestern Shovelsnout 6721 Southwestern Shovelsnout Snake 6721 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake 2220 South-western Spitting Cobra 5708 Southwestern Tree Skink 3694


Southwestern Whip Snake 7197 Southwestsern Thread Snake 4746 Spacious Rock Gecko 1406 Spade-snouted Worm Lizards (CSA) 5639 Spalding's Ctenotus 2405 Spanish Algyroides 243 Spanish Asp Viper 8705 Spanish Barrel Skink 1617 Spanish Cylindrical Skink 1617 Spanish Flag Anole 517 Spanish Keeled Lizard 243 Spanish Lizard 243 Spanish Lizard 4331 Spanish Pond Turtle 5458 Spanish Psammodromus 6740 Spanish Sand Lizard 6740 Spanish Sand Racer 6740 Spanish Terrapin 5458 Spanish Turtle 5458 Spanish Viper 8725 Sparse-scaled Forest Lizard 126 Spatula-tooth Snake 4170 Spatula-tooth Snakes 4169 Spear-pointed Leaf-tailed Gecko 8593 Speckle-bellied Keelback 365 Speckle-bellied Keelback 7069 Specklebelly Keelback 7069 Speckled Anole 827 Speckled Brown Snake 6889 Speckled Caimans 1418 Speckled Cape Tortoise 4041 Speckled Carlia 1539 Speckled Coral Snake 5606 Speckled Day Gecko 6223

Speckled Dwarf Centipedeeater 7929 Speckled Dwarf Short-tail Snake 7929 Speckled Earless Lizard 4000, 4002 Speckled Forest Pit Viper 1271 Speckled Gecko (CSA) 6077 Speckled Ground Snake 1113 Speckled King Snake 4388 Speckled Lerista 4845 Speckled Padloper (CSA) 4041, 4043 Speckled Racer 2907 Speckled Racers 2905 Speckled Rattlesnake 2218 Speckled Sand Racer 6769 Speckled Sand Skink 5948 Speckled Sand Snake 6769 Speckled Snake Skink 5948 Speckled Snakes 2897 Speckled Thick-toed Gecko (CSA) 6077 Speckled Tortoise (CSA) 4041 Speckled Worm Lizard 413 Speckle-headed Tree Snake 2922 Speckle-headed Whip Snake 223 Speckle-lipped Carlia 1530 Speckle-lipped Mabuya 5325 Speckle-lipped Skink (CSA) 5325 Spectacled Caiman 1419, 1422 Spectacled Cobra (ISC) 5702 Spectacled Lizards 4620 Spectacled Tegus 3810, 3811 Spectral Pygmy Chameleon 7154 Speedy Leaf-toed Gecko 3884


Spegazzini's Diadem Snake 3070 Speke's Hingeback Tortoise 4250 Spencer's Monitor 8683 Spencer's Skink (ANZ) 6811 Spencer's Window-eyed Skink 6811 Sphaeros 7592 Spider Gecko 194 Spider Geckos 190 Spider Tortoise 7003 Spider Tortoises 7002 Spineless Soft-shelled Turtle (NA) 866 Spinifex Gecko 2742 Spinifex Knobtail Gecko 5763 Spinifex Monitor 8656 Spiny Agama (CSA) 168 Spiny Agamas 150 Spiny Chameleon 1383 Spiny Chuckwalla 7310 Spiny Crag Lizard (CSA) 6861 Spiny Lava Lizard 8342 Spiny Leaf Chameleon 1371 Spiny Lizard 7349, 7411 Spiny Lizards 7325 Spiny Mabuya 5343 Spiny Skinks 2952 Spiny Softshell 869, 875 Spiny Softshell Turtle 6174 Spiny Softshell Turtle 869 Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle (NA) 869 Spiny Swift (NA) 7411 Spiny Swifts 7325 Spiny Turtle 3973 Spiny Whorltail Iguana 7756 Spiny-footed Lizard 51 Spinyneck Swamp Turtle 39

Spotted Curlytail Lizard

Spiny-necked Softshell Turtle 6088 Spiny-necked Swamp Turtle 39 Spiny-necked Turtle 39 Spiny-sided Chameleon 1682 Spinytail Gecko 2721 Spinytail Geckos 2717 Spinytail Iguana 2335 Spinytail Lizard 4344 Spinytail Lizards 2115, 2118 Spinytail Skinks 2952 Spiny-tailed Agama 8553 Spiny-tailed Agamas 8552 Spiny-tailed Agamids 8552 Spiny-tailed Gecko (ANZ) 2721 Spiny-tailed Iguana 2331, 2335 Spiny-tailed Iguanas 2324 Spiny-tailed Iguanids 8534 Spiny-tailed Lizard (ISC) 8559 Spiny-tailed Lizard 4344 Spiny-tailed Lizards (CSA) 2118 Spiny-tailed Lizards 8552 Spiny-tailed Skinks 2952, 8208 Spiral Keelback 3842 Spirit Ground Snake 6933 Spirit Ground Snakes 6932 Spitting Cobras 3860 Spix's Coral Snake 5622 Spix's Kentropyx 4236 Spix's Sipo 1827 Spix's Snake-necked Turtle 39 Spix's Whiptail 1961 Splendid Cat-eyed Snake 4666 Splendid Japalure 4219 Splendid Kukri Snake 5914 Splendid Skink 395

Split Keelback 1120 Spot-bellied Side-necked Turtle 6373 Spotbelly Litter Snake 7099 Spot-legged Turtle 7180 Spot-legged Wood Turtle 7180 Spot-tailed Earless Lizard 3997 Spotted Agama 2311 Spotted Agave Sphaero 7636 Spotted Anadia 462 Spotted Anole 762 Spotted Black Pond Turtle 1863 Spotted Black Snake (ANZ) 6791 Spotted Black Terrapin (ISC) 3614 Spotted Blind Snake 8470 Spotted Blunt-headed Tree Snake 4173 Spotted Box Turtle 7994 Spotted Brown Snake 6889 Spotted Burrowing Skink (ANZ) 4839 Spotted Burrowing Snake 919 Spotted Bush Snake (CSA) 6298 Spotted Butterfly Lizard 4517 Spotted Caribbean Gecko 944 Spotted Cat Snake 1244 Spotted Cat-eyed Gecko (ISC) 3345 Spotted Cat-eyed Snake 4664 Spotted Chicken Snake (NA) 3004 Spotted Chicken Snake 3031 Spotted Chuckwalla 7311 Spotted Coffee Snake 5823 Spotted Curlytail Lizard 4503

Spotted Desert Lizard

Spotted Desert Lizard (CSA) 5516 Spotted Desert Racer 2052 Spotted Dragon 2311 Spotted Dtella 3562 Spotted Dwarf Boa 8310 Spotted Dwarf Garter Snake (CSA) 4046 Spotted Dwarf Gecko (CSA) 5198 Spotted Dwarf Gecko 7645 Spotted Earth Snake 8578 Spotted Emo Skink 3151 Spotted False Monitor 1473 Spotted Flat Lizard 6547 Spotted Flying Dragon 2870 Spotted Fringe-fingered Lizard 58 Spotted Galliwasp 2767 Spotted Garter Snake (NA) 8091 Spotted Garter Snake 8045, 8070, 8098, 8103 Spotted Gecko (CSA) 6072 Spotted Greek Legless Skink 5948 Spotted Green Snake 6297 Spotted Ground Gecko (CSA) 6077 Spotted Ground Skink 7467 Spotted Ground Snake 1075, 7846 Spotted Harlequin Snake 4046 Spotted House Snake 4445 Spotted Indian Gecko 3883 Spotted Indian House Gecko (ISC) 3883 Spotted Kukri Snake 5899 Spotted Leafnose Snake 6478 Spotted Leaf-nosed Snake 6478 Spotted Leaf-toed Gecko 3912 Spotted Least Gecko 7645


Spotted Leopard Fringetoed Lizard 58 Spotted Lerista 4838 Spotted Lightbulb Lizard 6707 Spotted Lizard (NA) 4002 Spotted Lizard 1613 Spotted Lizards 1566 Spotted Mabuya 5324 Spotted Monitor 8681 Spotted Night Adder 1563 Spotted Night Snake 4140, 7560 Spotted Night Snakes 7559 Spotted Pipe Snake 2479 Spotted Pond Turtle 1863, 3614 Spotted Pond Turtles 3613 Spotted Python 4859 Spotted Python 857 Spotted Racer 3012 Spotted Racerunner 1949 Spotted Rattlesnake 2239 Spotted Rear-fanged Snake 6780 Spotted Ribbon Snake 8084 Spotted Sand Boa 3332 Spotted Sand Dragon (ANZ) 2311 Spotted Sand Lizard 5516, 6164 Spotted Sand Snake 1781 Spotted Sandveld Lizard 5843 Spotted Scrub Lizard (CSA) 5843 Spotted Shovel-nosed Snake 6717 Spotted Skaapsteker (CSA) 6780 Spotted Skink 389 Spotted Skink 5948 Spotted Slug Snake 6141 Spotted Slug-eater (CSA) 2930 Spotted Snake 8091

Spotted Snake-eyed Skink 2288 Spotted Spiny Lizard 7367 Spotted Sticky-toed Gecko 4059 Spotted Sun Tegu 3455 Spotted Thick-toed Gecko 6072, 6077 Spotted Thick-toed Ground Gecko 6077 Spotted Toad Agama 6339 Spotted Toadhead Agama 6339 Spotted Toad-headed Turtle 6371 Spotted Tree Iguana 4958 Spotted Tree Monitor 8688 Spotted Turtle 1863 Spotted Water Snake 3236, 3839 Spotted Whip Snake 2059 Spotted Whiptail 1968 Spotted Whorltail Iguana 7765 Spotted Worm Lizard 413 Spotted-flank Ground Skink 3690 Spotted-head Sphaero 7599 Spotted-legged Turtle 7180 Spotted-legged Wood Turtle 7180 Spotted-shelled Turtle 5835 Spotty Dragon 2870 Sprawl's Sand Racer 6763 Spreadhead (NA) 3983 Spreading Adder (NA) 3982 Spurell's Coral Snake 5623 Spurell's Worm Lizard 441 Spur-heeled Chameleon 1672 Spurred Tortoise 8001 Spur-thighed Tortoise 8001 Square-tailed Wedgesnouted Amphisbaenian (CSA) 8149 Sri Lanka Agama 1490


Sri Lanka Black Turtle 5488 Sri Lanka Bow-fingered Gecko 2515 Sri Lanka Cat Snake 1230 Sri Lanka Gecko 3522 Sri Lanka Horned Agama 1595 Sri Lanka Humpnose Viper 4124 Sri Lanka Kukri Snake 5879 Sri Lanka Leaf-toed Gecko 3886 Sri Lanka Rough-sided Snake 999 Sri Lanka Shield-tailed Snake 6904 Sri Lanka Worm Snake 8435 Sri Lankan Forest Lizard 1482 Sri Lankan Golden Gecko 1478 Sri Lankan Kangaroo Lizard 6021 Sri Lankan Krait 1395 Sri Lankan Pipe Snake 2479 St, Marta's Ground Snake 1102 St. Barts Blind Snake 8379 St. Christopher Ameiva 309 St. Croix Ameiva 322, 323 St. Croix Anole (NA) 505 St. Croix Ground Lizard 323 St. Croix Racer 269 St. Croix Sphaero (NA) 7602 St. Croix Tree Lizard 505 St. George Island Gecko 941 St. Helena Mountain King Snake 4438 St. Johann's Tree Snake 5136 St. Lucia Anole 690 St. Lucia Clelia (WI) 1858

Steppe Rat Snake

St. Lucia Ground Snake (WI) 5009 St. Lucia Lancehad 1286 St. Lucia Pit Viper 1286 St. Lucia Serpent 1286 St. Lucia Sphaero (WI) 7643 St. Lucia Viper (WI) 1286 St. Thomas Anole 810 St. Thomas Beaked Snake 7207 St. Vincent Boa (WI) 2113 St. Vincent Bush Anole (WI) 818 St. Vincent Racer (WI) 1828 St. Vincent Tree Anole (WI) 648 Stacy's Bachia 1152 Stadelman's Graceful Brown Snake 7135 Stadelman's Litter Snake 7135 Stadelman's Worm Snake 8483 Standing's Day Gecko 6239 Stanjorger's Mabuya 5344 Stanley's Lobulia 5073 Stanley's Slug Snake 6144 Stansbury's Swift (NA) 8637 Stansbury's Swift 8634 Star Tortoise 3604 Starry Knobtail Gecko 5766 Starry Tree Gecko 5755 Statia Bank Bush Anole (WI) 795 Statia Bank Tree Anole (WI) 546 Steel Snake 5151 Steindachner's Coral Snake 5624 Steindachner's Emo Skink 3113 Steindachner's Gecko 2745 Steindachner's Ground Skink 4544

Steindachner's Snakeneck Turtle 1755 Steindachner's Snakenecked Turtle 1755 Steindachner's Toadhead Agama 6365 Steindachner's Tortoise 1755 Steindachner's Windoweyed Skink 4544 Steindachner's Worm Lizard 442 Steinhaus's Worm Snake 8484 Stejneger's Bamboo Snake 6914 Stejneger's Beaked Snake 7224 Stejneger's Blackcollar Spiny Lizard 7413 Stejneger's Dwarf Gecko 7682 Stejneger's Leaf-toed Gecko 3938 Stejneger's Least Gecko 7682 Stejneger's Longtail Lizard 257 Stejneger's Pit Viper 8247 Stejneger's Rock Racer 6534 Stejneger's Snail-sucker 7512 Stejneger's Worm Lizard 443 Stemmler's Saw-scaled Viper 2951 Stephens Snake 4050 Stephens's Banded Snake 4050 Stephens's Snake 4050 Stephens's Sticky-toed Gecko 4062 Steppe Agama 8197 Steppe Iguanas 8620 Steppe Lizards 5925 Steppe Racerunner 5926 Steppe Racerunners 5925 Steppe Rat Snake 3003

Steppe Ribbon Racer

Steppe Ribbon Racer 6764 Stepperunner 5926 Steppes Agamas 8186 Steppes Rat Snake 3003 Sternfeld's Beaked Snake 7209 Sternfeld's Gecko 1899 Sternfeld's Sand Lizard 6158 Steudner's Gecko 8349 Steudner's Pygmy Gecko 8349 Stevenson's Dwarf Gecko 5208 Stewart's Sticky-toed Gecko 4061 Steyermark's Ground Snake 1106 Steyer's Anadia 469 Sticky-toed Geckos 4053 Stiff Snake 7053 Stilleto Snakes (CSA) 1019 Stilleto Snakes 108 Stimson's Python 859 Stimson's Skink 3426 Stinging Snake (NA) 3468 Stink Snake 2997 Stinkin' Jenny (NA) 4284 Stinkin' Jim (NA) 4284 Stinking Goddess 2997 Stinkpot (NA) 4284 Stoddard's Horned Lizard 1596 Stokes's Sea Snake 1004 Stokes's Sea Snakes 1003 Stoliczka's Blind Snake 8467 Stoliczka's Bow-fingered Gecko 2528 Stoliczka's Gecko 1872 Stoliczka's Pit Viper 6024 Stoliczka's Rock Agama 7725 Stoliczka's Tree Snake 1239 Stolzmann's Pacific Iguana 5554


Stolzmann'sTree Iguana 6386 Stone Monitor 8648 Stone Skink 6113 Stone Skinks 6112 Storer's Snake 7811 Storm's Water Cobra 1311 Stormy Anole 758 Storr's Carlia 1546 Storr's Cross-banded Snake 7822 Storr's Ctenotus 2406 Storr's Gecko 3988 Storr's Knobtail Gecko 5767 Storr's Lerista 4843 Storr's Morethia 5681 Storr's Scrub Skink 8124 Storr's Two-pored Dragon 2788 Storr's Whip Snake 2619 Strahl's Anole 809 Strand's Geckos 1524 Strange Agamas 8758 Strange Ground Snake 4979 Strange Lizards 8797 Strange Pholidobolus 6309 Strangenose Chameleon 1719 Strauch's Ctenotus 2407 Strauch's Even-fingered Gecko 273 Strauch's Mamushi 220 Strauch's Pit Viper 220 Strauch's Worm Lizard 4654 Streak Lizard 3723 Streak Lizards 3705 Streaked Gutezpalia 31 Streaked Kukri Snake 5918 Streaked Snake 8091 Stream Anole 737 Stream Lizards 5805 Strecker's Hook-nosed Snake 3483

Street's Skink 5949 Street's Snake Skink 5949 Striate Blind Snake 7018 Striated Blind Snake 7018 Striated Ctenotus 2408 Striking Mangrove Cat Snake 1233 Stripe-bellied Grass Anole 593 Stripe-bellied Grass Snake 6775 Stripe-bellied Sand Snake (CSA) 6775 Stripe-bellied Snake 3963 Stripebelly Sand Racer 6775 Striped Adder 8091 Striped Anole 682 Striped Assam Pipe Snake 2478 Striped Basilisk 1167 Striped Beaked Snake 7141 Striped Blind Legless Skink (CSA) 8514 Striped Blind Snake 7033 Striped Bow-fingered Gecko 2513 Striped Bridal Snake 2919 Striped Bronzeback 2629 Striped Bronzeback Snake 2629 Striped Brook Snake 6922 Striped Caribbean Gecko 939 Striped Centipede Snake 7914 Striped Centipede-eater 7916 Striped Crayfish Snake 7051 Striped Day Gecko 6226 Striped Debris Snake 2086 Striped Dwarf Garter Snake (CSA) 4045 Striped Earth Snake 1039 Striped Flat Lizard (CSA) 6552


Striped Garter Snake 4045, 8091, 8092 Striped Grass Mabuya 5300 Striped Grass Skink (ISC) 5300 Striped Grass Snake (CSA) 6781 Striped Grass Snake 8091 Striped Green Snake 6284 Striped Ground Skink 4545 Striped Ground Snake 1115, 5002 Striped Harlequin Snake 4045 Striped House Snake 4447 Striped Keelback 368 Striped Kentropyx 4238 Striped Kukri Snake 5910, 5917 Striped Lava Lizard 8341 Striped Legless Gecko 933 Striped Legless Lizard 933 Striped Legless Skink (ANZ) 2604 Striped Legless Skink (ANZ) 933 Striped Legless Skink (CSA) 99 Striped Legless Skink 8515 Striped Lightbulb Lizard 6705 Striped Lipinia 5058 Striped Litter Skink 7697 Striped Litter Snake 7134 Striped Lizards 6636 Striped Lowland Snake 4668 Striped Lowland Snakes 4667 Striped Mabuya 5345 Striped Mud Turtle 4257 Striped Narrow-headed Soft-shelled Turtles 1829 Striped Parrot Snake 4681 Striped Plateau Lizard 7432 Striped Prionodactylus 6658

Sudan Plated Lizard

Striped Racer (NA) 5419 Striped Racer 3047, 5429 Striped Racerunner 7060 Striped Rear-fanged Snake 6781 Striped Red-tailed Skink 3378 Striped Road Guarder 2097 Striped Sand-swimming Skink 3304 Striped Sandveld Lizard (CSA) 5848 Striped Saphenophis Snake 7290 Striped Scrub Lizard 5846 Striped Sea Snake 4093 Striped Skaapsteker (CSA) 6781 Striped Skink (CSA) 5345 Striped Skink 5346, 5347 Striped Slender Skink 5239 Striped Snail-eater 2819 Striped Snakes 1276, 2882 Striped Spectacled Tegu 3814 Striped Swamp Snake (CSA) 2891 Striped Swamp Snake 4871, 7051, 8202 Striped Swamp Snakes 4870, 8199 Striped Thick-toed Gecko 6064 Striped Toad Agama 6353 Striped Toadhead Agama 6353 Striped Tree Iguana 4886 Striped Velvet Gecko 4032 Striped Water Snake 3228, 7053, 8084 Striped Whip Snake 5429 Striped Wood Snake 6284 Striped Worm Lizard 1153, 5938 Striped Writhing Skink 5239 Stripefoot Anole 681 Stripeless Snake 2084

Stripeneck Leaf Turtle 2442 Stripeneck Musk Turtle 4282 Stripeneck Skink 384 Stripeneck Turtle 5850 Stripeneck Turtles 5450 Stripe-necked Leaf Turtle 2442 Stripe-necked Pond Turtle 5452 Stripe-necked Rat Snake 3041 Stripe-necked Terrapin 5452, 5458 Stripetail Monitor 8653 Stripe-tailed Monitor 8653 Stripe-tailed Rat Snake 3047 Stuart's Anole 581 Stuart's Burrowing Snake 119 Stuart's Coral Snake 5626 Stuart's Forest Skink 7700 Stuart's Graceful Brown Snake 7127 Stuart's Milk Snake 4426 Stub-tailed Chameleons 1368 Stumpff's Madagascar Ground Gecko 6155 Stumpff's Skink 396 Stumptail Chameleons 7145 Stump-tailed Chameleons 1368 Stump-tailed Skink 8128 Stump-toed Dtella 3555 Stump-toed Gecko 3555 Subcristate Anglehead 2151 Subcristate Angleheads 2150 Sub-Saharan Flapshell Turtles 2437 Sudan Beaked Snake 7225 Sudan Blind Snake 4730 Sudan Mabuya 5289 Sudan Mastigure 8557 Sudan Plated Lizard 3682

Sugar Lizard

Sugar Lizard 3555 Sula Skink 3352 Sulawesi Blind Skink 2695 Sulawesi Bloodsucker 1359 Sulawesi Bow-fingered Gecko 2516 Sulawesi Iridescent Snake 1448 Sulawesi Wolf Snake 5117 Sulu Kukri Snake 5903 Sumatra Bloodsucker 1362 Sumatra Bow-fingered Gecko 2527 Sumatra Deaf Agama 2108 Sumatra Dwarf Snake 1443 Sumatra Etheridge Snake 3340 Sumatra Etheridge Snakes 3339 Sumatra Forest Dragon 3753 Sumatra Mountain Keelback 5990 Sumatra Nose-horned Lizard 3827 Sumatra Pit Viper 8249 Sumatra Worm Snake 8426 Sumatra Writhing Skink 5243 Sumatran Cobra 5717 Sumatran Pit Viper 8249 Sumatran Short-tailed Python 6989 Sumatran Slender Skink 5243 Sumatran Tree Dragon 2624 Sumatran Tree Dragons 2623 Sumichrast's Garter Snake 8105 Sumichrasts's Skink 3427 Sumidero Night Lizard 4605 Sun Snake 6767 Sun Snakes 3858 Sun Tegus 3451 Sunbeam Snake 8793


Sunbeam Snakes 8790, 8791 Sunda Ghavial 8138 Sunda Rat Snake 3046 Sundevall Blind Snake 4781 Sundevall's Garter Snake (CSA) 3085, 3086, 3087 Sundevall's Shovel-nosed Snake 6729 Sundevall's Shovelsnout (CSA) 6729 Sundevall's Shovelsnout Snake 6729 Sundevall's Worm Snake 4781 Sundevall's Writhing Skink 5253 Sungazer (CSA) 2123 Sunwatcher 6341 Sunwatcher Toadhead Agama 6341 Superb Two-line Dragon (ANZ) 2793 Supple Skinks 5218 Supralittoral Shining Skink 2287 Supralittoral Shining Snakeeyed Skink 2287 Surinam Coral Snake 5627 Surinam Sipo 1809 Surprise Anole 554 Surprise Geckos 8540 Surucucu 4363 Surucucus 4361 Suter's Ground Skink 4546 Suter's Window-eyed Skink 4546 Suwanee Cooter 6827 Suwanee River Cooter 6827 Suwanee River Turtle 6827 Swamp Hinged Terrapin 6185 Swamp Lizards 6945 Swamp Mud Snakes 7488 Swamp Rattler (NA) 2208, 7566

Swamp Rattlesnake 7566 Swamp Skink (ANZ) 2954 Swamp Snake 3864, 7489 Swamp Snakes 3862, 4973, 7488 Swamp Tortoise 6815 Swamp Turtle 3201, 6815 Swamp Turtles 6814 Swamplands Lashtail (ANZ) 5079 Swanson's Burrowing Skink 848 Swazi House Snake 4449 Swazi Rock Snake (CSA) 4449 Swaziland House Snake 4449 Swift Anole 820 Swift Ctenotus 2388 Swift Garter Snake 8084 Swift Lizard 4353 Swift Streaked Garter Snake 8084 Swinhoe's Softshell 7009 Swinhoe's Softshell Turtle 7009 Swinhoe's Soft-shelled Turtle 7009 Switak's Banded Gecko 2008 Swollen-nose Side-blotched Iguana 8641 Swollen-nose Side-blotched Lizard 8641 Sword-tailed Iguanid 824 Swynnerton's Roundheaded Worm Lizard 1805 Swynnerton's Roundsnouted Amphisbaenian (CSA) 1805 Swynnerton's Worm Lizard 1805 Symmetrical Gecko 3449 Szechwan Japalure 4205 Szechwan Odd-scaled Snake 89 Szechwan Pit Viper 8254


Szechwan Rat Snake 3032 Tabasco Mud Turtle 4253 Tabasco Snail-eater 2822 Tabasco Turtle 2666 Tabasco Turtles 2664 Tachydromes 7849 Taczanowsky's Dwarf Boa 8317 Tadjikistan Even-fingered Gecko 276 Tadjikistan Toadhead Agama 6364 Tailspot Worm Snake 8476 Taipan 6053 Taipans 6051 Taiwan Bamboo Pit Viper 8247 Taiwan Beauty Snake 3047, 3048 Taiwan Habu 8241 Taiwan Japalure 4220 Taiwan Keelback 7078 Taiwan Slug Snake 6140 Taiwan Stink Snake 2997 Taiwan Yellow-margined Box Turtle 2427 Tai-yong Keelback 339 Tajik Racerunner 5523 Talamanca Earth Snake 3668 Tamaulipan Hooknose Snake 3483 Tamaulipan Hook-nosed Snake 3483 Tamaulipan Montane Garter Snake 8073 Tamaulipas Rock Rattlesnake 2216 Tamaulpin Black Striped Snake 2082 Tamil Nadu Earth Snake 7194 Tan Ground Snake 5011 Tan Racer 2037, 5436 Tanami Desert Ctenotus 2410 Tancitaran Dusky Rattlesnake 2229

Taylor's Worm Snake

Tanga Blind Snake 8466 Tanga Worm Snake 8466 Tanganyika Chameleon 1671 Tanganyika Red-banded Snake 7164 Tanganyika Snakes 7163 Tanganyika Two-headed Snake 1785 Tanganyika Water Snake 5124 Tanganyika Wedge-snouted Worm Lizard 3599 Tanganyika White-bellied Water Snake 5124 Tanganyika White-lipped Snake 286 Tanner's Four-fingered Skink 5163 Tanszania Leaf-toed Gecko 3940 Tanzania Gecko 1905 Tanzania Mountain Chameleon 1711 Tanzania Stumptail Chameleon 7147 Tanzania Worm Lizards 5080 Tanzer's Night Snake 4130 Tarahumara Mountain King Snake 4401 Tarapaca Leaf-toed Gecko 6429 Tarapaca Pacific Iguana 5555 Tarascan Earth Snake 3669 Tarascan Night Lizard 4618 Tartar Sand Boa 3338 Tartary Sand Boa 3338 Tasmanian Leaf-toed Gecko 3941 Tasman's Girdled Lizard 2132 Tasman's Tropical House Gecko 3910 Tatalcan Small-headed Rattlesnake 2210 Tate's Neusticurus 5814 Taumako Emo Skink 3181

Taunay Teiid 2019 Taurican Lizard 6596 Taurus Viper 8710 Tawa Gecko 3590 Tawny African Great Lizard 3682 Tawny Crevice Dragon (ANZ) 2304 Tawny Dragon (ANZ) 2304 Tawny Plated Lizard (CSA) 3682 Tay Minh Water Snake 3227 Taylor's Agama 8760 Taylor's Anole 813 Taylor's Blind Skink 2702 Taylor's Blind Snake 4761 Taylor's Bow-fingered Gecko 2546 Taylor's Eyelash Pit Viper 1262 Taylor's Fat-tail Gecko 3967 Taylor's Gecko 3583 Taylor's Ground Skink 7475 Taylor's Largescale Lizard 6956 Taylor's Leaf-toed Gecko 3942 Taylor's Lipinia 5043 Taylor's Longtail Lizard 4480 Taylor's Mocassin 200 Taylor's Peru Blind Snake 838 Taylor's Peru Worm Snake 838 Taylor's Short-legged Skink 1329 Taylor's Spiny Lizard 7344 Taylor's Strange Agama 8760 Taylor's Tree Skink 4469 Taylor's Tropical Racer 5443 Taylor's Wolf Gecko 5093 Taylor's Wolf Lizard 5093 Taylor's Worm Snake 8389

Taylor's Writhing Skink

Taylor's Writhing Skink 5228 Tayra's Centipede-eater 7917 Teal Emo Skink 3131 Teapa Spiny Lizard 7417 Teapan Rosebelly Lizard 7417 Tearful Pine-Oak Snake 7116 Tebicuari Worm Lizard 4637 Tegu Lizards 3811 Tegus 7954, 8353 Tehuantepec Anole 667 Tehuantepec Hooknose Snake 3484 Tehuantepec Striped Snake 3516 Tehuantepec Striped Snakes 3515 Teita Mabuya 5334 Teita Mountains Limbless Skink 103 Teitana Purple-glossed Snake 290 Telford's Ground Skink 4547 Tello's Blind Snake 4783 Tello's Thread Snake (CSA) 4783 Tembo Flat Gecko (CSA) 145 Temple Turtle 3993 Temporal Snail-eater 2833 Tenerife Wall Gecko 7944 Tennent's Horned Lizard 1597 Ten-striped Ctenotus 2357 Tent Tortoise 6736 Tentacle Snake 3317 Tentacle Snakes 3316 Tentacled Snake 3317 Tentacled Snakes 3316 Tepalcatepec Skink 3364 Tepalcatepec Valley Garter Snake 8049 Terciopelo 1282


Termite Hill Gecko (ISC) 3943 Ternate Dtella 3551 Ternetz's Blind Snake 5040 Ternetz's Lesser Blind Snake 5040 Ternetz's Worm Snake 5040 Terre Nueve Dwarf Gecko 7680 Terre Nueve Least Gecko 7680 Terrestial Garter Snake 8051, 8057 Terrestial Snail-sucker 8289 Terrestial Turtle 5482 Terrestrial Arboreal Alligator Lizard 16 Terrestrial Turtles (NA) 7999 Tessellated Gecko 2750 Tessellated Snake 5745 Tessellated Water Snake 5745 Tete Flat Lizard (CSA) 6552 Tete Gecko (CSA) 6082 Texas Alligator Lizard 3675, 3677 Texas Banded Gecko 2002, 2007 Texas Blind Snake 4733, 4735 Texas Brown Snake 7807 Texas Cooter 6828 Texas Coral Snake 5628, 5629 Texas Diamondback Terrapin 5386 Texas Diamond-backed Terrapin 5386 Texas Earless Lizard 2103 Texas Garter Snake 8092 Texas Glossy Snake 947 Texas Gopher Tortoise 3775 Texas Hog-nosed Snake (NA) 3978 Texas Horned Lizard 6391

Texas Lined Snake 8285 Texas Longnose Snake 7168 Texas Long-nosed Snake 7168 Texas Lyre Snake 8267 Texas Map Turtle 3798 Texas Night Snake 4135 Texas Patchnose Snake 7275, 7283 Texas Patch-nosed Snake 7275, 7283 Texas Rat Snake 3027 Texas Rattlesnake 2189 Texas Red-eared Terrapin (CSA) 8170 Texas River Cooter 6828 Texas Rose-bellied Lizard 7431 Texas Sawback 3798 Texas Sawback Turtle 3798 Texas Scarlet Snake 1589 Texas Softshell 871 Texas Spiny Lizard 7394 Texas Spiny Softshell 871 Texas Spiny Softshell Turtle 871 Texas Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle 871 Texas Spotted Whiptail 1935 Texas Tortoise 3775 Texas Tree Lizard 8615 Texas Tree Uta 8612 Texas Yellowhead Racerunner 1973 Texas Yellow-headed Racerunner 1973 Texax Indigo Snake 2901 Thai Bow-fingered Gecko 2542 Thai Butterfly Lizard 4520 Thai False Bloodsucker 6846 Thai Flying Dragon 2878 Thai Leaf-toed Gecko 6442


Thai Monoculate Cobra 5698 ThaikoThai Gecko 3582 Thailand Bighead Turtle 6560 Thailand Bloodsucker 1483 Thailand Box Turtle 2423 Thailand Worm Snake 8481 Thayer's King Snake 4398 Thayer's Variable King Snake 4398 Theobald's Gecko 1901 Theobald's Kukri Snake 5919 Theresia's Pacific Iguana 5556 Thick Anole 738 Thick Graceful Brown Snake 7099 Thick Worm Lizard 4638 Thickhead Ground Snake 1053 Thickhead Rock Gecko 1405 Thick-necked Tree Boa 3267 Thick-necked Turtle 7537 Thicktail Day Gecko 6231 Thicktail Ground Snake 1053 Thicktail Skink 3740 Thicktail Skinks 3730 Thick-tailed Gecko (ANZ) 5764 Thick-tailed Gecko (NA) 8108 Thick-tailed Geckos 136 Thick-toed Geckos 6054 Thiele's Water Snake 5034 Thierry's Cylindrical Skink 1632 Thin Dwarf Gecko 5202 Thin Ground Snake 5019 Thin Tree Iguana 4959 Thin-tailed Legless Skink (CSA) 97 Thirst Snakes 2803

Three-streaked Galliwasp

Thirteen-scaled Green Snake 6283 Thirteen-scaled Snake 6286 Tholloni's African Water Snake 3802 Thollonis Water Snake 3802 Thomas's Bachia 1148 Thomas's Blind Snake 4770 Thomas's Galliwasp 1578 Thomas's Mastigure 8566 Thomas's Sauresia 7301 Thomas's Semi-banded Racer 2066 Thomas's Worm Snake 8422 Thomazeau Curlytail Lizard 4507 Thomé Dwarf Gecko 5209 Thompson's Dwarf Gecko 7685 Thompson's Least Gecko 7685 Thornscrub Hooknose Snake 3805 Thornscrub Hook-Nosed Snake 3805 Thorntail Mountain Lizard 6488 Thorntail Snakes 6536 Thornton Peak Fossorial Skink 1508 Thorny Devil 5638 Thorny Devil Lizard 5638 Thorny Devil Lizards 5637 Thorny Devils 5637 Thorny Middle-toed Gecko 5467 Thorny-eyelidded Gecko 7006 Thornytail Iguanas 8534 Thornytail Lizard 8535 Thorny-tailed Lizards 8552 Thornytails 8330 Thread Coral Snakes 4669 Thread Snakes (CSA) 4701 Thread Snakes 4702

Thread-form Coral Snake 5590 Three-banded Box Turtle 2432 Three-banded Centipede Snake 7921 Three-banded Ground Snake 1110 Three-banded Mabuya 5349 Three-clawed Turtle 8271 Three-clawed Worm Skink 849 Three-colour Ground Skink 4548 Three-coloured Blind Snake 4786 Three-coloured Forest Racer 2657 Three-cornered Snake 5469 Three-fingered Shortlegged Skink 1328 Three-horned Chameleon 1676, 1679 Three-keeled Asian Turtle 5482 Three-keeled Tortoise 5482 Three-lined Box Turtle 2432 Three-lined Centipede Snake 7919 Three-lined Day Gecko 6243 Three-lined Emerald Lizard 4348 Three-lined Girdled Lizard 8824 Three-lined Grass Snake (CSA) 6781 Three-lined Ground Snake 1109 Three-lined Kukri Snake 5921 Three-lined Lizard 4348 Three-lined Skink (CSA) 5293 Three-lined Skink 6812 Three-scaled Ground Snake 5021 Three-streaked Galliwasp 1577

Three-striped Box Turtle

Three-striped Box Turtle 2432 Three-striped Garter Snake 8051 Three-striped Roof Turtle 4226 Three-striped Roofed Terrapin (ISC) 4226 Three-striped Roofed Turtle 4226 Three-striped Tropical Snake 5217 Three-toed Box Turtle 7991 Three-toed Mole Lizard 1184 Three-toed Sand Skink 5950 Three-toed Skink (ANZ) 3950 Three-toed Skink 1618, 7262 Three-toed Skinks 7261 Three-toed Snake Skink 5950 Three-toed Worm Lizard 1184 Throated Agama 6977 Throated Agamas 6976 Thunder Snake (NA) 5593 Thurston's Worm Snake 8493 Thwaite's Skinks 1634 Thwaites's Skink 1635 Tibetan Bow-fingered Gecko 2554 Tibetan Pit Viper 8250 Tibetan Toadhead Agama 6347 Tiburon Amphisbaena 419 Tiburon Anole 653 Tiburon Banded Racer 4158 Tiburon Coastal Sphaero 7691 Tiburon Peninsula Boa 3280 Tic Polonga 8722 Tic Polonga Viper 8722 Tidore Island Worm Snake 8385


Tiger Anole 814 Tiger Cat Snake 7965 Tiger Chameleon 1712 Tiger Gecko (CSA) 6083 Tiger Keelback 7079 Tiger Lizard 5848 Tiger Lizards 5839 Tiger Pacific Iguana 5559 Tiger Rat Snake 7708 Tiger Rat Snakes 7707 Tiger Rattler 2236 Tiger Rattlesnake 2236 Tiger Rock Gecko (CSA) 6083 Tiger Snake (ANZ) 5829 Tiger Snake (CSA) 7965 Tiger Snake 7708 Tiger Snakes 5827, 7707, 7957 Tiger Thick-toed Gecko 6083 Tiger Thick-toed Ground Gecko 6083 Tiger Tree Snake 7708 Tiger Whiptail 1977, 1979 Tigroid Thick-toed Gecko (CSA) 6083 Tilbury's Chameleon 1685 Tilbury's Fringe-fingered Lizard 69 Tiliquine Skinks 8118 Timber Rattlesnake 2208 Timor Gecko 1903 Timor Monitor 8688 Timor Python 6997 Timor Reef Snake 238 Tiny Anole 712 Tiny Burrowing Blind Skink 8738 Tiny Eyelid Galliwasp 1580 Tiny False Coral Snake 6577 Tiny Geckos 5542 Tiny Ground Chameleon 1378 Tiny Helena Gecko 5543

Tiny Night Snake 4195 Tiny Persia Gecko 5545 Tiny Scaled Gecko 5565 Tiny Scaled Geckos 5564 Tiny Scaly-eyed Gecko 4566 Tiny Zagros Gecko 5544 Tinyfoot Teiids 5534 Tiny-scale Dwarf Iguana 3250 Tiny-scaled Window-eyed Skink 6803 Titan Worm Snake 8495 Tiwari's Bronzeback 2635 Tiwari's Bronzeback Snake 2635 Tjantjalu Dragon 2321 Toad Agamas (ISC) 6319 Toadhead Agama 6321 Toadhead Agamas 6319 Toadhead Turtles 6369 Toad-headed Agama 6351, 6352 Toad-headed Agamas 6319 Toad-headed Turtles 6369 Toamasina Skink 392 Tobago Dwarf Gecko 7646 Tobago Least Gecko 7646 Todos Santos Island King Snake 4393 Todos Santos Island Milk Snake 4433 Todos Santos Island Ringneck Snake 2676 Todos Santos Island Ringnecked Snake 2676 Toed Gecko 7306 Togo Leaf-toed Gecko 3914 Togo Lidless Skink 6104 Tokara Habu 8251 Tokara Habu Pit Viper 6027, 8251 Tokaren Pit Viper 8251 Tokashiki Gecko 3747 Tokay (ISC) 3572 Tokay Gecko 3572


Tolucan Bunchgrass Lizard Lizard 7414 Tolucan Ground Snakes 8132 Tomistoma 8138 Tomistomas 8137 Tonga Skink 3350 Tonkin Keelback 336 Tonkin Mountain Keelback 5986 Toothed Leaf Chameleon 1372 Toricelli Tropical Snake 8151 Tornier's Leaf-toed Gecko 3937 Torres Scaly-toed Gecko 4597 Tortoises 7999 Tortoiseshell Turtle 3307, 3309 Tortuga Island Diamond Rattlesnake 2237 Tortuga Island Diamondback Rattlenake 2237 Tortuga Island Rattlesnake 2237 Totonacan Rattlesnake 2201 Tough-snouted Giant Gecko 7094 Tourneville's Agama 8198 Townsend's Anole 815 Townsend's Dwarf Gecko 7687 Townsend's Least Gecko 7687 Townsville Ctenotus 2363 Trang Province Gecko 1889 Trang Worm Snake 8496 Trans-Caspian Cobra 5711 Trans-Caspian Desert Monitor 8665 Trans-Caucasian Rat Snake 3018 Transition Garter Snake 8080 Transkei Dwarf Chameleon 1341

Trevelyan's Earth Snake

Trans-Pecos Black-headed Snake 7878 Trans-Pecos Blind Snake 4744, 4747 Trans-Pecos Copperhead 208 Trans-Pecos Rat Snake 1223, 1224 Trans-Pecos Striped Whiptail 1943 TransPecos Thread Snake 4747 Transvaal Dwarf Chameleon 1355 Transvaal Flat Gecko (CSA) 146 Transvaal Flat Lizard 6551, 6552 Transvaal Flat Rock Lizard (CSA) 6546 Transvaal Gecko 6059 Transvaal Girdled Lizard (CSA) 2137 Transvaal Grass Lizard (CSA) 1733 Transvaal Quill-nosed Snake 8774 Transvaal Quill-snouted Snake (CSA) 8774 Transvaal Red-tailed Rock Lizard 6541 Transvaal Rock Gecko 146 Transvaal Snake-Lizard 1733 Transvaal Thick-tailed Gecko (CSA) 147 Transvaal Thick-toed Gecko 6059 Transvaal Thread Snake 4731 Transvaal Worm Snake (CSA) 4731 Transverse Anole 817 Trans-Volcanic Spiny Lizard 7331 Trapezoid Snakes 7080 Travancore Hills Thorntail Snake 6537 Travancore Kukri Snake 5920

Travancore Ristella 7255 Travancore Tortoise 4182 Travancore Wolf Snake 5122 Trebbau's Ground Snake 5020 Tree Agama 7727, 7732 Tree Agamas 2623 Tree and Brush Lizards 8600 Tree and Climbing Lizards 8600 Tree Boa 3277 Tree Boas 2109, 3265 Tree Cat Snakes 1226 Tree Cobras 6881 Tree Dragon (ANZ) 331 Tree Dtella (ANZ) 3565 Tree Gecko 3926, 3958 Tree Geckos 5748 Tree Goanna (ANZ) 8690 Tree Iguana 6384 Tree Iguanas 4878, 6383 Tree Lizard (NA) 8612 Tree Lizard 1481, 8344, 493 Tree Lizards 8600 Tree Pit Vipers 1278 Tree Racer 3772 Tree Racers 3771 Tree Racerunner 6571 Tree Skink 2979 Tree Skinks 2574, 4463, 7695 Tree Snake (CSA) 2844 Tree Snake 1238 Tree Snakes 1226, 1846, 2796, 4171 Tree Vipers 1008 Treerunner 6571 Treerunners 6570 Trevathan Range Gecko 5690 Trevelyan's Earth Snake 7195

Triangle Manytooth Snake

Triangle Manytooth Snake 7535 Triangle Many-toothed Snake 7535 Triangle Water Snake 4115 Triangle-headed Blind Snake 437 Tribolonotes 8208 Tricarinate Hill Turtle 5482 Tricolor Lizard-eating Snake 3071 Tri-coloured Centipedeeater 7915 Tri-coloured Hognose Snake 5262 Tridactyle Skink 3950 Trinidad Anole 818 Trinidad Blind Snake 8373 Trinidad Blind Snakes 8372 Trinidad Gecko 3717 Trinidad Worm Snake 8373, 8497 Trinidad Worm Snakes 8372 Trinket Rat Smake 3016 Trinket Snake (ISC) 3016 Tripoli Dwarf Gecko 8351 Tripoli Gecko 8351 Tripoli Pygmy Gecko 8351, 8352 Trogonophids 8274 Tropes (WI) 8303 Tropical American Coral Mimic (NA) 3321 Tropical Anole 819 Tropical Asian Geckos (NA) 3568 Tropical Brown Snake 7804 Tropical Coral Snake 5604 Tropical Emo Skink 3185 Tropical Flat Snake 8273 Tropical Flat Snakes 8272 Tropical Forest Dragon 3763 Tropical Forest Snake 1446 Tropical Forest Snakes 1445, 8527


Tropical Geckos 6197 Tropical Girdled Lizard (CSA) 2133 Tropical Girdled Lizard 2135 Tropical Green Racer 6267 Tropical Green Snake 4871 Tropical Green Snakes 4870 Tropical Ground Skink 4550 Tropical Ground Snakes 8255 Tropical House Gecko (CSA) 3910 Tropical House Geckos (CSA) 3872 Tropical Leopard Tortoise 3608 Tropical Lightbulb Lizard 6701 Tropical Mabuya 5335 Tropical Milk Snake 4405 Tropical Night Lizard 4607 Tropical Night Lizards 4603 Tropical Racers 2905, 5432 Tropical Rat Snake 7708 Tropical Rat Snakes 7707 Tropical Rattlesnake 2196, 2196 Tropical Rough-scaled Sand Lizard (CSA) 4164 Tropical Snail-eater 2831, 2834 Tropical Snakes 5214 Tropical Spinytail Lizard 2133, 2134 Tropical Spiny-tailed Lizard (CSA) 2133 Tropical Thornytail Iguana 8537 Tropical Tree Lizard 8602 Tropical Vine Snake 6029 Tropical Water Snakes 2259, 4078 Tropical Worm Lizards 448 Troschel's Pampas Snake 6301

True Amazon Turtle 6601 True Chameleons 1725 True Cobras 5694 True Crocodiles 2168 True Gharial 3514 True Lizards 4358 True Redtail Boa 1212 True Vipers 8697 Trunk Turtle 2669 Tryon's Velvet Gecko 5866 Tsaratanan Chameleon 1713 Tsaratanan Skink 397 Tsarewsky's Toadhead Agama 6326 Tschudi Pacific Iguana 5558 Tschudi's Blind Snake 4785 Tschudi's Brazilian Lizard 6520 Tschudi's Coral Snake 5630 Tschudi's False Coral Snake 6044 Tschudi's Lava Lizard 8332 Tschudi's Lightbulb Lizard 6702 Tsodilo Gecko (CSA) 6084 Tsodilo Thick-toed Gecko 6084 Tuatara 7693 Tuataras 7244, 7591, 7694 Tuateras 7591 Tubercle-nosed Chameleon 1711 Tuberculate Leaftail Gecko 6486 Tuberculate Toadhead Turtle 6378 Tuberculate Toad-headed Turtle 6378 Tucson Banded Gecko 2012, 2014 Tucson Shovelnose Snake 1792 Tucson Shovel-nosed Snake 1792 Tuctoo (ISC) 3572


Tucuman Blind Snake 4705 Tunnel Cave Blind Snake 7044 Tuntong 1169 Tuntongs 1168 Turkana Mud Turtle 6183 Turkestan Agama 7736 Turkestan Plate-tailed Gecko 7980 Turkestan Rock Agama 7736 Turkish Gecko 3945 Turkish Grasping Gecko 7971 Turkish House Gecko 3946 Turkish Sand Boa 3332 Turkish Viper 8706 Turkish Warty Gecko 3945 Turkish Worm Lizard 1206 Turkistan Rock Gecko 7969 Turkmenian Agama 7736 Turkmenistan Eyelid Gecko 3346 Turkmenistan Fat-tailed Gecko 3346 Turks and Caicos Banded Sphaero (WI) 7605 Turks and Caicos Curlytail (WI) 4502 Turks Island Boa 3272 Turks Island Iguana 2464 Turks Islands Sphaero (WI) 7688 Turniptail Gecko 8108 Turniptail Geckos 8107 Turnip-tailed Gecko 8108 Turnip-tailed Geckos 8107 Turquino Collared Sphaero 7613 Turquino Fern Anole 580 Turquino Green-mottled Anole 503 Turquino Twig Anole 651 Turquoise Parrot Snake 4682 Turtle-designed Snake 8241 Turtlehead Sea Snake 3189

Two-lined Fathead Anole

Turtlehead Sea Snakes 3187 Turtles 1756 Turtles and Tortoises 7998 Tussock Rainbow Skink 1549 Tusssock Skink 6806 Tuva Toadhead Agama 6367 Tuxtla Night Lizard 4619 Tuxtla Tropical Night Lizard 4619 Tuxtlan Coral Snake 5605 Tweedie's Mountain Reed Snake 5364 Twig Snake 8110, 8111 Twig Snakes 8109 Twin Coral Snake 8625 Twin Coral Snakes 8624 Twin-barred Tree Snake 1849 Twinshield Anole 550 Twin-spot Rattlesnake 2227 Twin-spotted Rat Snake 2995 Twin-spotted Rattlesnake 2227 Twin-spotted Spiny Lizard 7368, 7369 Twin-spotted Tolucan Ground Snake 8133 Twin-spotted Wolf Snake 5107 Twin-striped Shovelsnout (CSA) 6720 Twin-striped Shovelsnout Snake 6720 Twin-striped Skink 2 Twistneck Turtle 6528 Twistneck Turtles 6527 Twist-necked Turtle 6528 Twist-necked Turtles 6527 Two-banded Anadia 457 Two-banded Monitor 8680 Two-coloured Bachia 1138 Two-coloured Blind Snake 4710

Two-coloured Burrowing Skink 7438 Two-coloured Dwarf Snake 1430 Two-coloured Fishing Snake 7832 Two-coloured Mussurana 1855 Two-coloured Short-legged Skink 1318 Two-coloured Snail-eater 2806 Two-coloured Thick-toed Gecko 6057 Two-faced Neusticurus 5807 Two-fingered Lerista 4836 Two-fingered Skink 1623 Two-footed Worm Lizard 1182 Two-headed Sipo 1807 Two-headed Snake (NA) 1739 Two-headed Snake 3334, 8383 Two-headed Snakes 1782, 5537 Two-horned Chameleon 1647 Two-legged Burrowing Skink 7440 Two-legged Lerista 4800 Two-legged Nessia 5797 Two-legged Worm Lizard 1182 Two-legged Worm Lizards 1180, 1181 Two-lined Black Earth Snake 5492 Two-lined Blind Snake 4711 Two-lined Brazilian Lizards 3255 Two-lined Chameleon 1648 Two-lined Dragon 2783, 2786 Two-lined Dragons (ANZ) 2781 Two-lined Fathead Anole 3255

Two-lined Forest Pit Viper

Two-lined Forest Pit Viper 1265 Two-lined Forest Snake 7844 Two-lined Ground Skink 7454 Two-lined Ground Snake 1044 Two-lined Lizard-eating Snake 3062 Two-lined Mexican Earth Snake 2093 Two-lined Mexican Road Guarder 2093 Two-lined Night Adder 1560 Two-lined Skink 5285 Two-marked Anole 547 Two-marked Forest Dragon 4142 Two-pored Agamas 2781 Two-pored Dragons 2781 Two-pored Lizard 2786 Two-pored Lizards 2781 Two-scaled Gecko 1880 Two-spotted Debris Snake 2077 Two-spotted Ground Snake 4981 Two-spotted Snake 2077 Two-streaked Snake-eyed Skink 2 Two-striped Forest Pit Viper 1265 Two-striped Galliwasp 1570 Two-striped Garter Snake 8067 Two-striped Mabuya 5285 Two-striped Sand Racer 6752 Two-striped Shovel-nosed Snake 6720 Two-striped Shovelsnout (CSA) 6720 Two-striped Shovel-snouted Snake 6720 Two-toed Burrowing Skink 7439


Two-toed Nessia 5800 Two-toed Skink 4800 Typical Agamas 150 Typical Geckos (CSA) 3595 Typical Pythons 6984 Typical Skinks (CSA) 5271 Typical Snakes 2071 Typical Tortoises 3600 Tyrrhenian Wall Lizard 6597 Tytler's Mabuya 5350 Tzarewsky's Toadhead Agama 6361 Tzotzil Montane Pit Viper 1611 Tzotzil Mountain Pit Viper 1611 Uber Striped Skink 2413 Udjitiji Worm Lizard 5082 Uganda Dwarf Gecko 5184 Uganda Five-toed Skink 4684 Uganda House Snake 4064 Uganda House Snakes 4063 Uganda Lidless Skink 4684 Uganda Savanna Lizard 5840 Uganda Savannah Lizard 5840 Ugly Bow-fingered Gecko 2514 Ugly Worm Lizard 2486 Ujiji Worm Lizard 5082 Ukinga Hornless Chameleon 1675 Ukinga Spinytail Lizard 2136 Ukinga Spiny-tailed Lizard 2136 Uluguru Burrowing Skink 7450 Uluguru Five-toed Scelotes 7450 Uluguru Forest Snake 3620 Uluguru Worm Snake 8498 Umas 8519

Unadorned Gecko 2605 Unadorned Scalyfoot 2605 Unarmoured Skinks 1005 Uncertain Worm Lizard 411 Underwood's Dwarf Gecko 7688 Underwood's Least Gecko 7688 Underwood's Marked Gecko 4026 Underwood's Mussurana 1858 Underwood's Spectacled Microteiid 3817 Underwood's Spectacled Tegu 3817 Undulated Swift (NA) 7419 Uniform Earless Agama 8364 Uniform Earless Lizard 8364 Uniform-scaled Gecko 3901 United Tree Iguana 4881 Upemba Basin Terrapin 6195 Upemba Mud Turtle 6195 Upland Gecko 7635 Upland Grass Anole 674 Upland Moccasin 206 Upper Basin Garter Snake 8059 Uracoan Rattlesnake 2243 Uropelts 8568 Urucum Worm Lizard 420 Uruguay Marked Gecko 4027 Uruguay Snake-necked Turtle 4077 Urungu Beaked Snake 7208 Urutu 1279 Urutu Lancehead 1279 Urutu Pit Viper 1279 Uruzungwe Mountain Bush Viper 121 Usambara Centipede-eater 888 Usambara Dwarf Gecko 5182


Usambara Five-toed Skink 6715 Usambara Forest Gecko 1873 Usambara Forest Snake 3621 Usambara Green Snake 6291 Usambara Mountain Bush Viper 1009 Usambara Spotted Blind Snake 8416 Usambara Spotted Worm Snake 8416 Usambara Stumptail Chameleon 7155 Usambara Three-horned Chameleon 1661 Usambara Two-horned Chameleon 1665 Utah Banded Gecko 2013 Utah Blind Snake 4748 Utah Milk Snake 4428 Utah Mountain King Snake 4400 Utah Night Lizard 8755 Utah Thread Snake 4748 Utila Spinytail Iguana 2327 Utowana Anole 823 Uzbekistan Toadhead Agama 6360 Uzungwe Mountain Chameleon 1682 Uzungwe Three-horned Chameleon 1716 Uzzell's Lizard 4350 Uzzell's Neusticurus 5806 Uzzell's Priondactylus 6655 Vaillant's Mabuya 5352 Valakadiyan (ISC) 3215 Valenciennes Rock Gecko 6670 Valentin's Lizard 4351 Valhalle Skink 398 Valle de Neiba Dwarf Gecko 7665 Valle de Neiba Least Gecko 7665

Velvet Gecko

Valley Garter Snake 8095 Van Dams Dark-girdled Lizard 2144 Van Denburgh's Ground Skink 7460 Van Denburgh's Rock Racer 6535 Van Son's Gecko 6062 Van Son's Thick-toed Gecko (CSA) 6062 Vandenburgh's Lyre Snake 8266 Vanderhaege's Toadhead Turtle 6380 Vanderhaege's Toad-headed Turtle 6380 Vanderyst Worm Lizard 5656 Vanidicus Anole 825 Vankampen's Gecko 5693 Vanzolini's Anatosaura 474 Vanzolini's Bachia 1150 Vanzolini's Ground Snake 5024 Vanzolini's Scaly-eyed Gecko 4564 Vanzolini's Teiid 2018 Vanzolini's Worm Lizard 444 Vanzo's Whiptail 1988 Variable Agama 1498 Variable Agamid 8193 Variable Blind Snake 4789 Variable Burrowing Adder 1030 Variable Coral Snake 5584 Variable Ctenotus 2400 Variable Dwarf Snake 1437 Variable Green Snake 6286 Variable Ground Skink 4551 Variable King Snake 4394, 4398 Variable Lerista 4848 Variable Lizards 1479 Variable Mole Viper 1030 Variable Mud Turtle 6191

Variable Sand Snake 1781 Variable Skink (CSA) 5353 Variable Skink 3405, 3406 Variable Snake 2067 Variable Swamp Snake 8203 Variable Whorltail Iguana 7779 Varied Keelbacks 5369 Varied Lizard 1498 Varied Lizards 1479 Variegated Bow-fingered Gecko 2555 Variegated Bush Snake (CSA) 6298 Variegated Dtella 3565 Variegated Green Snake 6298 Variegated Ground Snake 1112 Variegated Japalure 4223 Variegated Kukri Snake (ISC) 5918 Variegated Lizard 8690 Variegated Mabuya 5354 Variegated Monitor 8690 Variegated Racerunner 3302 Variegated Skink (CSA) 5354 Variegated Skink 3388 Variegated Slug-eater 2930 Variegated Snail-eater 2835 Variegated Snake 2930 Variegated Tiger Snake 7966 Variegated Tree Iguana 4961 Variegated Wolf Snake 5153 Vatermeyer's Black Snake 5125 Vedda Worm Snake 8500 Veiled Chameleon 1652 Veiled Flying Dragon 2874 Vellore Bridal Snake 2917 Velvet Gecko 5866

Velvet Geckos

Velvet Geckos (CSA) 4029 Velvet Geckos 5853 Velvety Gecko (CSA) 4035, 6057 Velvety Green Night Adder 1564 Velvety Lancehead 1285 Velvety Swamp Snake 5023 Venezuela Blind Snake 4703 Venezuela Clawed Gecko 6879 Venezuela Coral Snake 5599 Venezuela Forest Pit Viper 1267 Venezuela Ground Snake 1054 Venezuela Lancehead 1308 Venezuela Leaf-toed Gecko 6456 Venezuela Snail-eater 2820 Venezuelan Pit Viper 1308 Venomous Brown Snakes 6887 Venomous Garter Snakes 3075 Venomous Island Snakes 8150 Venomous Lizards (NA) 3857 Venomous Lizards 3852 Venomous Whip Snakes 2613 Veracruz Centipede Snake 7893 Veracruz Earth Snake 3636 Veracruz Graceful Brown Snake 7100 Vermiculate Graceful Brown Snake 7137 Vermiculate Litter Snake 7137 Vermiculate Snail-eater 2836 Vermiform Blind Snake 8501 Vermilion-necked Keelback 7077


Veronica's Anole 626 Verreaux's Burrowing Skink 849 Verreaux's Skink 849 Vertebral Ground Snake 1114 Vertebral Kukri Snake 5923 Vertebral Slug Snake 6145 Vesey's Skink 4198 Vibrakari Keelback 370 Victoria Gecko 2604 Victoria Scalyfoot 2604 Victoria Shortneck Turtle 3198 Victoria Short-necked Turtle 3198 Viesca Mud Turtle 4273 Vietnam Bighead Turtle 6558 Vietnam Box Turtle 2429 Vietnam False Bloodsucker 6844 Vietnam Leaf-toed Gecko 3947 Vietnam Secret Snake 2295 Vietnam Skink 3429 Vietnam Water Snake 6131 Vietnam Water Snakes 6130 Vietnam Worm Snake 8415 Vietnamese Leaf Turtle 5451 Vietnamese Skink 3429 Villarica Burrowing Snake 920 Villier's Blind Snake 7184 Villier's Blind Snakes 7183 Vinales Anole 828 Vincent's Dwarf Gecko 7689 Vincent's Least Gecko 7689 Vincent's Sipo 1828 Vinciguerra's Lipinia 5055 Vinciguerra's Slender Skink 5255 Vinciguerra's Writhing Skink 5255

Vine Skink 3689 Vine Snake (CSA) 8110 Vine Snake (ISC) 226 Vine Snakes 221 Vine Snakes 4183, 6028, 8109 Violet Kukri Snake 7243 Violet Round-snouted Amphisbaenian (CSA) 446 Violet Worm Lizard 446 Violet Worm Snake 8503 Viper 8707 Viper Gecko 7975 Viper Geckos 7973 Viperine Grass Snake 5734 Viperine Sea Snake 8026 Viperine Sea Snakes 8024 Viperine Snake 5734 Viperine Water Snake 5734 Vipers 8728 Viquez's Dwarf Snake 8261 Viquez's Tropical Ground Snake 8261 Virgin Gorda Dwarf Gecko 7659 Virgin Gorda Gecko 7659 Virgin Gorda Least Gecko 7659 Virgin Island Racer 2887 Virgin Islands Amphisbaena (NA) 412 Virgin Islands Blind Snake 412 Virgin Islands Blind Snake 8474 Virgin Islands Boa 3277 Virgin Islands Dwarf Sphaero 7659 Virgin Islands Giant Anole 777 Viscaiño Zebra-tailed Lizard 1466 Viviparous Lizard 4353 Voelslang (CSA) 8111 Vogal's Pit Viper 8253 Vogt's Forest Dragon 4151


Voi Wedge-snouted Worm Lizard 3597 Volcan Tacana Centipede Snake 7917 Voracious Dtella 3566 Vosmer's Slender Skink 5256 Vosmer's Writhing Skink 5256 Vulcan Centipede-eater 7924 Vulcan Lipinia 5061 Wa Shan Keelback 348 Wadi Kharrar Rock Gecko 6672 Wagler's Blind Snake 4704 Wagler's Coral Snake 5622 Wagler's Ground Snake 1116 Wagler's Palm Viper 8294 Wagler's Palm Vipers 8293 Wagler's Pit Viper 8294 Wagler's Pit Vipers 8293 Wagler's Puffing Snake 6926 Wagler's Sipo 1826 Wagler's Snake 8741 Wagler's Snakes 8740 Wagler's Temple Pit Viper 8294 Wagler's Worm Lizard 445 Wagler's Worm Snake 4704 Wagner's Frog-eating Snake 2689 Wagner's Viper 8727 Wahlberg's Dwarf Skink 134 Wahlberg's Gecko (CSA) 4035 Wahlberg's Kalahari Gecko 2030 Wahlberg's Snake-eyed Skink (CSA) 6105 Wahlberg's Velverty Gecko (CSA) 4035 Wahlberg's Velvet Gecko 4035 Waite's Blind Snake 7046


Walker's Lerista 4851 Walkers Slender Snake 7837 Walker's Tree Iguana 4962 Wall Gecko 7949 Wall Geckos 7932 Wall Lizard 4309, 6588, 6589 Wall Lizards 6580 Wall Point Blind Snake 7028 Wall Skink 2291 Wall's Blind Snake 8462 Wall's Bronzeback 2630 Wall's Bronzeback Snake 2630 Wall's Humpnose Viper 4125 Wall's Keelback 372 Wall's Kukri Snake 7237 Wall's Sea Snake 2850 Walnut Kukri Snake 5895 Wandering Garter Snake 8058 Warren's Galliwasp 2776 Warren's Girdled Lizard 2138 Warren's Spinytail Lizard 2138 Warren's Spiny-tailed Lizard (CSA) 2138 Warro's Australian Coral Snake 7554 Wart Snake (ISC) 111 Wart Snakes 108, 109 Warty Chameleon 1715 Warty Gecko 3945 Warty Rock Gecko (ISC) 2563 Warty Thick-toed Gecko 6085 Warty Tree Gecko 5756 Washington Garter Snake 8053 Water and Salt Marsh Snakes 5769 Water Anole 531

Water Boa 3438 Water Boas 3435 Water Cobra 1310 Water Cobras 1309, 2435 Water Dragon 6493 Water Dragons 5076, 6492 Water Garter Snake 8084 Water Leguan (CSA) 8672 Water Lizard 4118 Water Lizards 4116, 6492 Water Mocassin 214 Water Moccasin 216 Water Monitor (CSA) 8672 Water Monitor (ISC) 8680 Water Pilot 5794 Water Python 4858 Water Pythons 4857 Water Skink 399 Water Skinks 4451 Water Snake 8067 Water Snakes (CSA) 3217, 5123 Water Snakes 1309, 1515, 3832, 4016, 5733, 5769 Water Teiid 5806 Waterberg Quill-snouted Snake 8768 Waterside Skinks 8319 Watling Island Ground Iguana 2472 Watson's Gecko 2566 Wattleneck Softshell 6088 Wattleneck Softshells 6087 Wattleneck Turtle 6088 Wattleneck Turtles 6087 Wattle-necked Softshell Turtle 6088 Wattle-necked Soft-shelled Turtle (NA) 6088 Wattle-necked Softshells 6087, 6088 Watts's Anole 832 Wavy Chameleon 1661 Weapontail 4052 Weapontails 4051

Weasel Skink

Weasel Skink 7295 Weber's Cylinder Snake 852 Weber's Gecko (CSA) 6086 Weber's Sailfin 4119 Weber's Sailfin Lizard 4119 Weber's Sailing Lizard 4119 Weber's Thick-toed Gecko 6086 Web-footed Gecko (CSA) 6093 Web-footed Geckos (CSA) 6092 Webster's Anole 833 Wedge-nosed Worm Snake 8401 Wedge-snouted Desert Lizard (CSA) 5512 Wedge-snouted Lizard 5512 Wedge-snouted Sand Lizard 5512 Wedge-snouted Skink (CSA) 5272 Wedge-snouted Skink 7705 Wedge-snouted Skinks 7702 Wedge-snouted Worm Lizard (CSA) 5655 Wedge-snouted Worm Lizard 3597 Wedge-snouted Worm Lizards 5639 Wedge-tailed Earth Snake 1071 Wegner's Glass Lizard 5973, 5973 Wegner's Glass Snake 5973 Weiler's Gecko 8543 Wellington's Spinytail Gecko 2752 Werner's Agama 185 Werner's Bush Anole 6632 Werner's Cat Snake 2263 Werner's Chameleon 1716 Werner's Coffee Snake 5824 Werner's Diadem Snake 7588


Werner's Dwarf Skink 134 Werner's False Coral Snake 6042 Werner's Garter Snake 3078 Werner's Gecko 971 Werner's Green Tree Snake 2802 Werner's Ground Snake 1117 Werner's Keelback 3843 Werner's Largescale Lizard 6946 Werner's Lipinia 5048 Werner's Ornate Snake 374 Werner's Sipo 1813 Werner's Snail-eater 2822 Werner's Spider Gecko 192 Werner's Thick-toed Gecko 6081 Werner's Worm Lizard 432 Werner's Worm Snake 8458 West African Black Forest Terrapin 6190 West African Black Forest Turtle 6190 West African Black Turtle 6190 West African Blind Snake 4727, 8413 West African Brown Spitting Cobra 5699 West African Dwarf Crocodile 6018 West African Fat-tailed Gecko 3966 West African Flapshell Turtle 2446 West African Gabun Viper 1194 West African Green Mamba 2648 West African Long-snouted Crocodile 2171 West African Mud Turtle 6185 West African Night Adder 1563 West African Python 1428 West African Pythons 1427

West African Striped Lizard 6637 West African Worm Lizard 1156 West African Worm Lizards 1155, 2483 West Australian Blackstriped Snake 7543 West Australian Ctenotus 2415 West Canaries Gallotia 3499 West Coast Black-headed Sea Snake 4111 West Coast Garter Snake 8042 West Cuban Anole 544 West Indian Boas 8303 West Indian Chameleon 786 West Indian Iguana 4166 West Indian Racer 268 West Indies Anole 729 West Malaysia Water Snake 3226 West Mexican Coral Snake 5586 Westermann's Snake 2992 Western African Crocodile 2171 Western Alligator Lizards 3088 Western Aquatic Garter Snake 8034, 8042, 8044 Western Arnhem Ctenotus 2345 Western Banded Gecko 2010 Western Banded Lizard 2010 Western Barred Spitting Cobra 5706 Western Basilisk 1165 Western Bearded Anole 542 Western Bearded Dragon 6612 Western Black King Snake 4390


Western Black Tree Snake 8117 Western Blackhead Garter Snake 8047 Western Blackhead Snake 7902 Western Black-headed Snake 7902 Western Black-naped Snake 7546 Western Blackneck Garter Snake 8047 Western Black-necked Garter Snake 8047 Western Black-striped Snake 7547 Western Blind Snake 4744 Western Bluetongue Skink 8127 Western Blue-tongued Lizard (ANZ) 8127 Western Blue-tongued Skink (ANZ) 8127 Western Box Turtle 7995 Western Brown Snake 6893 Western Brush Lizard 8606 Western Burrowing Skinks (CSA) 8365 Western Cape Gecko (CSA) 6070 Western Caspian Turtle 5455 Western Cat-eyed Snake 4663 Western Chicken Turtle 2594 Western Chuckwalla 7314 Western Coachwhip 5418 Western Coast Garter Snake 8034 Western Collared Lizard 2268 Western Congo Worm Lizard 5645 Western Coral Snake 5567 Western Coral Snakes (NA) 5566 Western Cottonmouth 216 Western Creek Lizard 965

Western Lyre Snake

Western Crowned Snake 5479 Western Desert Tortoise 3774 Western Diamond Rattlesnake 2189 Western Diamondback (NA) 2189 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake 2189 Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake 2189 Western Dtella 3557 Western Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7443 Western Dwarf Gecko 5183 Western Earless Lizard 4006 Western Earth Snake 8732 Western Fence Lizard 7386 Western Forest Burrowing Adder 1020 Western Forest Centipedeeater 884 Western Forest Egg-eater 2583 Western Forest Egg-eating Snake 2583 Western Forest Feylinia 3475 Western Forest File Snake 5474 Western Forest Mole Viper 1020 Western Fox Snake 3054, 3055 Western Garter Snake (CSA) 3077 Western Garter Snake 8034, 8074, 8099 Western Gecko 1895 Western Ghats Bronzeback 227 Western Ghats Worm Gecko 3959 Western Girdled Lizard 8818 Western Glossy Snake 952 Western Graceful Brown Snake 7113

Western Green Lizard 4313 Western Green Mamba 2648 Western Green Rat Snake 3053 Western Green Snake (CSA) 6280, 6290 Western Ground Snake 1089, 7580 Western Hermann's Tortoise 8003 Western Hognose 3981 Western Hognose Snake 3978 Western Hognose Viper 6640 Western Hog-nosed Snake 3978 Western Hooknose Snake 3804 Western Hook-nosed Snake 3804 Western Hook-nosed Snakes 3803 Western Indigo Snake 2898 Western Java Worm Snake 8386 Western Keeled Snake 6999 Western Keeled Snakes 6998 Western Knight Anole 617 Western Leafnose Snake 6481 Western Leaf-nosed Snake 6481 Western Leaf-toed Gecko 6439 Western Legless Skink 5498 Western Lerista 4839 Western Limbless Skink 5498 Western Link-marked Sand Racer 6777 Western Longnose Snake 7167 Western Long-nosed Snake 7167 Western Lyre Snake 8263, 8265

Western Many-horned Adder

Western Many-horned Adder 1191 Western Marbled Whiptail 1953 Western Massasauga 7566, 7569 Western Mexican Whiptail 1922 Western Mexico Whiptail 1922 Western Mud Snake 3469 Western Netted Dragon 2316 Western Netted Ground Dragon (ANZ) 2316 Western Painted Turtle 1842 Western Patchnose Snake 7276 Western Patch-nosed Snake 7276, 7279 Western Plains Blackheaded Snake 7898 Western Plains Garter Snake 8081 Western Pond Turtle 1865, 1867, 3200 Western Pygmy Rattlesnake 7573 Western Quill-nosed Snake 8771 Western Quill-snouted Snake 8771 Western Racer 2056 Western Racer 265 Western Rattlesnake 2244 Western Red-tailed Skink 3391 Western Ribbon Snake 8075, 8078 Western Ringneck 2675 Western Ring-necked Snake (NA) 2675 Western River Cooter 6825 Western Rock Skink (CSA) 5348 Western Rough Green Snake 5933 Western Sagebrush Lizard 7350, 7352


Western Sand Lizard 6167 Western Sand Snake 6778 Western Saw-scaled Viper 2942 Western Scalyfoot 6983 Western Serpentiform Skink 3434 Western Serpentiform Skinks 3433 Western Short-necked Swamp Tortoise 6815 Western Shovelnose Snake 1790 Western Shovel-nosed Snake 1790, 1793 Western Side-blotched Lizard 8635 Western Skink 3422 Western Slender Blind Snake 4744 Western Slender Glass Lizard 5960 Western Slender Glass Snake 5960 Western Smooth Earth Snake 8732 Western Smooth Green Snake 4874 Western Snail-sucker 7506 Western Spiny Softshell 873 Western Spiny Softshell Turtle 873 Western Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle 873 Western Spinytail Gecko 2743 Western Spiny-tailed Gecko (ANZ) 2743 Western Spiny-tailed Iguana 2335 Western Spotted Gecko (CSA) 6081 Western Striped Forest Pit Viper 1266 Western Swamp Turtle (ANZ) 6815 Western Terrestrial Garter Snake 8051

Western Thread Snake (CSA) 4767 Western Thread Snake 4744 Western Three-striped Mabuya 5333 Western Three-striped Skink (CSA) 5333 Western Tiger Snake 5828 Western Tree Snake 4174 Western Turtle 6815 Western Twin-spotted Rattlesnake 2228 Western Twist-necked Turtle 6529 Western Water Python 858 Western Whip Snake 2069 Western Whiptail 1977 Western Worm Lizard 428 Western Worm Snake 1556 Western Yellow-bellied Racer 2056 Western Yellowbelly Racer 2056 Western Zebra-tailed Lizard 1469 Wetar Bow-fingered Gecko 2556 Wetmore's Ameiva 328 Wetmore's Pointed Snake 8549 W-headed Racer 4157 Wheeler's Knobtail Gecko 5768 Whip Lizards 8012 Whip Snake (CSA) 6766 Whip Snakes 1806, 2031 Whip Snakes 221, 2613, 2920, 5404 Whiptail Gecko 7791 Whiptail Lizard 1908 Whiptail Lizards 1907 Whiptails (NA) 7954 Whiptails 1907, 4233 Whistling Gecko 6938 Whitaker's New Zealand Skink 2454


Whitaker's Sticky-toed Gecko 4058 White Anole 676 White Blind Skink 2697 White Cay Ground Iguana 2472 White Crowned Snake 1412 White Fringe-fingered Lizard 44 White Leaf-toed Gecko 3874 White Mole Viper 1031 White Racer 1336 White Racers 1335 White Sands Prairie Lizard 7421 White Spectacled Tegu 3813 White Spinytail Gecko 2748 White Spotted 2718 White-banded Big-tooth Snake 2716 White-banded Snake 7551 White-banded Wolf Snake 2716, 5115 White-bellied Carpet Viper 2946 White-bellied Ctenotus 2389 White-bellied Dwarf Snake 8259 White-bellied False Coral Snake 6046 White-bellied Garter Snake 8045 White-bellied Grass Snake 6781 White-bellied Lizard 4349 White-bellied Mangrove Snake (ANZ) 3490 White-bellied Rat Snake 8811 White-bellied Worm Lizard 401 Whitebelly 4349 Whitebelly Mangrove Snake 3490

Whorled Sand Gecko

Whitebelly Mangrove Snakes 3489 Whitebelly Rat Snake 8811 White-dotted Ctenotus 2358 White-dotted Writhing Skink 5220 White-eared Carlia 1528 White-eyed Python 4862 White-eyed River Diver 7157 White-fronted Thread Snake 4704 Whiteheaded Beaked Snake 7212 White-headed Blind Snake 7013 White-headed Dwarf Gecko 5200 White-headed Dwarf Snake 1441 White-headed Snake 3240 White-headed Turtle 3105 White-headed Viper 1133 White-headed Worm Lizard 421 White-lined Chameleon 1642 White-lined Gecko 3593 White-lipped Debris Snake 2079 White-lipped Mud Turtle 4277 White-lipped Pit Viper 8218 White-lipped Priondactylus 6654 White-lipped Python 4554 White-lipped Pythons 4553 White-lipped Snake 2262, 2925, 283 White-lipped Snakes 7826 White-lipped Swamp Snake 5007 White-lipped Tree Viper 8218 White-lipped Two-line Dragon (ANZ) 2782 White-lipped Water Snake (CSA) 5129

Whiteman's Anole 834 Whitenose Blind Snake 5036 Whitenose Worm Snake 5036 White-nosed Blind Snake 8453 White-ranged Green Pit Viper 8218 White's Monitor 8648 White's Skink 2980 White-scaled Arboreal Alligator Lizard 17 White-spotted Anole 513 White-spotted Cat Snake 1235 White-spotted Gecko 7936 White-spotted Riolama 7250 White-spotted Riolamas 7249 White-spotted Sea Snake 234 White-spotted Slug Snake 6142 White-spotted Water Snake 3218 White-striped Cape Skink 3348 White-striped Centipedeeater 7918 White-striped Sheen Skink 3348 White-striped Viper Gecko 7974 Whitetail Lancehead 1297 Whitethroat Monitor 8647 White-throated Anole 692 White-throated Iguana 8657 White-throated Monitor 8647 White-throated Monitor Lizard 8647 White-throated Mud Turtle 4287 White-throated Savanna Monitor 8647 Whole-toed Geckos 4011 Whorled Sand Gecko 1835

Whorled Sand Geckos

Whorled Sand Geckos 1834 Whorltail Iguanas 7750 Whyte's Water Snake (CSA) 5129 Wide Ground Snake 6935 Wide-collar Earth Snake 3651 Wide-snouted Wall Lizards (NA) 7158 Wied's Blind Snake 7047 Wied's Fathead Anole 3257 Wied's Ground Snake 5012 Wied's Keelback 3834 Wied's Sipo 1823 Wiegmann's Agama 6021 Wiegmann's Striped Gecko 3723 Wiegmann's Tree Iguana 4963 Wiegmann's Tree Lizard 495 Wiegmann's Worm Lizard 8276 Wild Scaly-toed Gecko 4596 Wilder's Blind Snake 5041 Wilder's Worm Snake 5041 Wilkinson's Lyre Snake 8267 Wilkins's Lerista 4852 Willard's Rattlesnake 2254 Willards Rattlesnake 2258 Williamson's Kentropyx 4241 Williamson's Reed Snake 2016 Williamson's Reed Snakes 2015 Williams's African Mud Turtle 6196 Williams's Anole 826 Williams's Dwarf Gecko 7690 Williams's Ground Snake 5025 Williams's Least Gecko 7690 Williams's Mud Turtle 6196


Williams's Scaly-eyed Gecko 4572 Williams's Sideneck Turtle 6381 Williams's Side-necked Turtle 6381 Williams's South American Toad-headed Turtle 6381 Williams's Spinytail Gecko 2753 Williams's Terrapin 6196 Williams's Tree Snake 7527 Will's Chameleon 1670 Wilson's Blind Snake 4791 Wilson's Centipede Snake 7879 Wilson's Dwarf Skink 135 Wilson's Gecko 2754 Winding Worm Lizard 4653 Window-eyed Skinks 4521, 6794 Windward Clelia (WI) 1856 Windward Pseudoboa (WI) 6840 Windward Sphaero (WI) 7689 Windward Tree Racer (WI) 5437 Winnecke's Two-pored Dragon 2795 Witte's Five-toed Skink 4696 Wolf Geckos 5089 Wolf Lizards 5089 Wolf Snake (CSA) 5143 Wolf Snake (ISC) 5099 Wolf Snakes (CSA) 5142 Wolf Snakes 1601, 5096 Wolterstorff's Gecko 8544 Woma 991 Woma Python 991 Womas 989 Wombey's Gecko 2755 Wonder Gecko 7980 Wonder Geckos 7976

Wood Agama 4121 Wood Agamas 4120 Wood Gecko 2751 Wood Lizards 3246 Wood Snake 8311 Wood Snakes 8303 Wood Turtle 1864 Woodbrush Dwarf Gecko 5195 Woodbush Legless Skink (CSA) 99 Woodbush Legless Skink 107 Woodbush Legless Skinks 106 Woodford's Scaly-toed Gecko 4600 Woodland Carlia 1534 Woodland Ctenotus 2362 Woodland Lerista 4798 Woodland Racers 2911 Woodland Striped Whiptail 1944 Woodland Whip Snake 2620 Woodlark Island Snake 8154 Woodmason's Earth Snake 8590 Wood-Reed Snakes 2914 Wood's Anole 835 Worm Lizards 1134 Worm Lizards 400, 448, 5936 Worm Snake (NA) 8734 Worm Snake 1553, 4755, 8501 Worm Snakes (NA) 4701 Worm Snakes 1552, 4702, 8374, 902 Worm-eating Snakes 8178 Wormlike Beaked Snake 7213 Wormlike Blind Snake 7213 Wormlike Centipede-eater 7922 Wormlike Lizards 2690


Worontzow's Spotted Night Snake 7564 Wreath Tree Iguana 4922 Wright's Dwarf Boa 8318 Wright's Mabuya 5358 Wright's Short-legged Skink 1330 Wrinkled Thick-toed Gecko 6078 Writhing Skink 5238 Writhing Skinks 5218 Wucherer's Ground Snake 8795 Wucherer's Lizard-eating Snake 3072 Wucherer's Worm Lizard 4655 Wynaad Gecko 1906 Wynad Keelback 351 Wynn's Worm Snake 8392 Xantus Leaf-toed Gecko 6469 Xenodermine Snake 8783 Xenodermine Snakes 8782 Xenodermon Snake 8783 Xenodermon Snakes 8782 Xenosaures 8798 Xinjiang Even-fingered Gecko 275 Yacare 1424 Yacare Caiman 1424 Yacupoi Worm Lizard 5940 Yaeyama Keelback 362 Yaeyama Odd-scaled Snake 86 Yakka Skink 2974 Yakushima Gecko 3594 Yamakagashi 7079 Yanez's Lava Lizard 8344 Yanez's Tree Iguana 4908 Yangihissar Gecko 2561 Yangtse Alligator 248 Yaqui Blackhead Snake 7927 Yaqui Black-headed Snake 7927

Yellow-brown Blind Snake

Yararanata 1280 Yarrow's Scaly Lizard 7361 Yarrow's Spiny Lizard 7361, 7362 Yateras Anole 598 Yautepec Night Lizard 4614 Yellow Anaconda 3440 Yellow Blunt-headed Tree Snake 4174 Yellow Cobra 5709 Yellow Fan-fingered Gecko 6968 Yellow Gecko 232 Yellow Monitor 8658 Yellow Mud Turtle 4264, 4266 Yellow Pond Turtle 5459 Yellow Rat Snake 3029 Yellow Sea Snake (ISC) 4109 Yellow Skink 378 Yellow Snake 1236, 8103 Yellow Tree Boa 2112 Yellow Vine Snake 6033 Yellow-and-black Giant Tortoise (ISC) 5402 Yellowback Spiny Lizard 7375 Yellow-backed Spiny Lizard (NA) 7375 Yellow-backed Spinytail Iguana 2330 Yellow-banded Snake 4050, 7550 Yellow-banded Wolf Snake (ISC) 5104 Yellow-bearded Anole 652 Yellow-bellied Desert Anole 833 Yellow-bellied Earth Snake 3645 Yellow-bellied House Gecko 3889 Yellow-bellied House Snake 4443 Yellow-bellied King Snake 4377

Yellow-bellied Mud Turtle 6186 Yellow-bellied Roughside 8182 Yellow-bellied Sand Snake 6776 Yellow-bellied Sea Snake 6169 Yellow-bellied Sea Snakes 6168 Yellow-bellied Slider 8174 Yellow-bellied Snake (CSA) 4443 Yellow-bellied Terrapin 8174 Yellow-bellied Water Skink (ANZ) 3355 Yellow-bellied Water Snake 3234, 5777 Yellowbelly Arthrosaura 964 Yellow-belly Gecko 6463 Yellowbelly House Snake 4443 Yellowbelly Leaf-toed Gecko 6463 Yellowbelly Mud Turtle 6186 Yellowbelly Racer 2038 Yellowbelly Sea Snake 6169 Yellowbelly Skink 3953 Yellowbelly Slider 8174 Yellowbelly Snake 2079 Yellowbelly Water Snake 3234, 5777 Yellowbelly Worm-eating Snake 8182 Yellow-blotched Earth Snake 3644 Yellow-blotched Map Turtle 3784 Yellow-blotched Palm Pit Viper 1255 Yellow-blotched Sawback (NA) 3784 Yellow-blotched Sawback Map Turtle 3784 Yellow-brown Blind Snake 8502

Yellow-chinned Anole

Yellow-chinned Anole 652 Yellow-crested Jackson's Chamaeleon 1677 Yellow-eyed Scaly-toed Gecko 4583 Yellow-faced Whip Snake 2618 Yellowfoot Tortoise 3603 Yellow-footed Tortoise 3603 Yellow-green Chameleon 1684 Yellow-green Racer 2069 Yellowhead Collared Lizard 2267 Yellowhead Daygecko 5167 Yellowhead Gecko 3706 Yellow-headed Agama 7739 Yellow-headed Boa 3276 Yellow-headed Box Turtle 2424 Yellow-headed Calico Snake 6041 Yellow-headed Collared Lizard 2267 Yellow-headed Dwarf Gecko 5200 Yellow-headed Garter Snake 8084 Yellow-headed Gecko 3706 Yellow-headed Krait 1397 Yellow-headed Racerunner 1973 Yellow-headed Rock Agama 7739 Yellow-headed Side-necked Turtle 6604 Yellow-headed Temple Turtle 3993 Yellow-headed Temple Turtles 3992 Yellow-headed Worm Lizard 4645 Yellow-lined Centipede Snake 7884 Yellow-lipped Gecko 2606 Yellow-lipped Scalyfoot 2606


Yellow-lipped Sea Krait 4482 Yellow-lipped Sea Snake 4482 Yellow-lipped Snake 4443, 7104 Yellow-lipped Snakes 2259 Yellow-margined Box Turtle 2424, 2425 Yellow-naped Snake 3492 Yellow-red Rat Snake 3007 Yellow-ringed Cat Snake 1233 Yellow-sided Two-line Dragon 2790 Yellow-speckled Toad Agama 6349 Yellow-speckled Toadhead Agama 6349 Yellow-spotted Agama 8189 Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle 6604 Yellow-spotted Gecko 3889 Yellow-spotted Lancehead Snake 8227 Yellow-spotted Night Lizard 4607 Yellow-spotted Pit Viper 8227 Yellow-spotted River Turtle 6604 Yellow-spotted Sideneck Turtle 6604 Yellow-spotted Snake 4049 Yellow-spotted Spiny Lizard 7336 Yellow-spotted Tropical Night Lizard 4607 Yellow-spotted Wolf Snake 5105 Yellow-striped Mountain Lizard 8328 Yellow-striped Snake 3009 Yellow-striped Water Snake 5033 Yellowtail Blind Snake 3849 Yellowtail Cribo 2899

Yellowtail Fringe-fingered Lizard 60 Yellowtail Worm Snake 3849 Yellow-tailed Lizard 60 Yellow-throated Anole 609 Yellow-throated Day Gecko 6218 Yellow-throated Emo Skink 3136 Yellow-throated Plated Lizard 3681 Yellow-tipped Blind Snake 7041 Yellow-tongued Anole 578 Yemen Fringe-fingered Lizard 71 Yemen Monitor 8691 Yemen Rock Agama 7748 Yemen Rock Gecko 6681 Yemen Short-fingered Gecko 7792 Yinnietharra Crevice Dragon (ANZ) 2323 Yinnietharra Dragon 2323 Yonaguni Keeled Rat Snake 2999 Yonenga Worm Snake 8505 Yoshi's Bow-fingered Gecko 2557 Youngson's Ctenotus 2416 Yucatan Banded Gecko 2003 Yucatan Blind Snake 8452 Yucatan Blunthead Snake 4177 Yucatan Blunt-headed Tree Snake 4177 Yucatan Box Turtle 7992 Yucatan Cantil 199 Yucatan Cat-eyed Snake 4660 Yucatan Debris Snake 2085 Yucatan Dwarf Centipedeeater 7930 Yucatan Dwarf Short-tail Snake 7930 Yucatan Giant Skink 3417


Yucatan Hognose Viper 6646 Yucatan Hog-nosed Pit Viper 6646 Yucatan Mud Turtle 4261 Yucatan Rat Snake 3034 Yucatan Rattlesnake 2202 Yucatan Slug-eater 7516 Yucatan Spinytail Iguana 2329 Yucatan Whiptail 1909 Yucatan White-lipped Snake 7828 Yucatan Worm Snake 8452 Yucca Night Lizard 8756 Yuman Desert Fringe-toed Lizard 8524 Yumba Flat Lizard 6546 Yunnan Bighead Turtle 6559 Yunnan Box Turtle 2433 Yunnan Gecko 3585 Yunnan Gypsy Gecko 3961 Yunnan Japalure 4224 Yunnan Keelback 355 Yunnan Mountain Snake 6526 Yunnan Olive Keelback 1121 Zagrosian Lizard 4341 Zaire Centipede-eater 885 Zaire Dwarf Gecko 5178 Zaire Five-toed Skink 4686 Zaire Lidless Skink 4686 Zaire Snake-eater 6629 Zambezi Flapshell Turtle 2447 Zambezi Rock Gecko 6082 Zambezi Soft-shelled Terrapin (CSA) 2447 Zambezi Soft-shelled Turtle 2447 Zambezi Spade-snouted Worm Lizard 5657 Zambezi Thick-toed Gecko 6082

Zweifel's Snail-sucker

Zambezi Thick-toed Rock Gecko 6082 Zamboang Lipinia 5062 Zanzibar Beaked Snake 7215 Zanzibar Blind Snake 7215 Zanzibar Centipede-eter 879 Zanzibar Day Gecko 6217 Zanzibar Dwarf Gecko 5192 Zanzibar Leaf-toed Gecko 3928 Zapallaren Tree Iguana 4964 Zebra Snake 5706, 7590 Zebra Spitting Cobra 5706 Zebratail Iguanas 1464 Zebratail Lizard 1465 Zebra-tailed Lizard 1465 Zebra-tailed Lizards 1464 Zelandic Ground Skink 4552 Zeledon's Earth Snake 3670 Zenker's Worm Snake 8506 Zentralanatolische Sumpfschildkröte 3210 Zetek's Neckband Snake 7322 Zhao Pit Viper 219 Zhou's Box Turtle 2434 Zidock's Ground Snake 1118 Zigzag Velvet Gecko 5864 Zimbabwe Girdled Lizard 2131 Zodiac Tree Iguana 4956 Zong's Odd-scaled Snake 88 Zonure 2138 Zoutspansberg Dark-girdled Lizard 2142 Zoutspansberg Lizard 4345 Zoutspansberg Rock Lizard 4345 Zugmayer's Rock Agama 7745

Zugmayer's Toadhead Agama 6332 Zulia Toadhead Turtle 6382 Zulia Toad-headed Sidenecked Turtle 6382 Zulia Toad-headed Turtle 6382 Zululand Dwarf Burrowing Skink (CSA) 7437 Zululand Dwarf Chameleon 1347 Zweifel's Beaked Sea Snake 3216 Zweifel's Ground Snake 5026 Zweifel's Helmet Skink 8209 Zweifel's Sea Snake 3216 Zweifel's Snail-sucker 7517

Deutsches Register


Abaco-Insel-Schlankboa 3273 Abendroths Schlangenteju 1135 Abgottschlange 1210, 1213 Abgottschlangen 1209 Adriatische Mauereidechse 6587 Adsharische Eidechse 4332 Afghanistan-Wüstenrenner 5927 Afrikanische Bänderkorallenschlange n 3075 Afrikanische Blindschlange 7219 Afrikanische Blindskinke 8507 Afrikanische Doppelschleiche 5642 Afrikanische Dreiklauenweichschildk röte 8271 Afrikanische Eierschlange 2586 Afrikanische Eierschlangen 2581 Afrikanische Hausnatter 4447 Afrikanische Hausschlange 4442 Afrikanische Hornvipern 1590 Afrikanische Korallenschlange 4046 Afrikanische Korallenschlangen 3075, 4044 Afrikanische Krallengeckos 3965 Afrikanische Olive Sumpfnatter 5731 Afrikanische Schaufelnasennatter 7324 Afrikanische Schaufelnasennattern 7323 Afrikanische Schlangenechsen 3473

Amerikanische Schwimmnattern

Afrikanische Schnabelbrustschildkröte 1773 Afrikanische Schneckenfresser 2928 Afrikanische Schwimmnatter 149 Afrikanische Schwimmnattern 148 Afrikanische Speikobra 5705 Afrikanische Termitenotter 3084 Afrikanische Wassernatter 3238 Afrikanische Wassernattern 3799 Afrikanische Weichschildkröte 8271 Afrikanische Weichschildkröten 8270 Afrikanische Wolfsnattern 5142 Afrikanischer Dornschwanz 8553 Afrikanischer Hausgecko 3883 Afrikanischer Krallengecko 3966 Afrikanisches Chamäleon 1638 Afterspornechse 4236 Ägäische Eidechse 6582 Ägäische Mauereidechse 6582 Ägäischer Bogenfingergecko 5464 Ägäischer Nacktfinger 5464 Ägäischer Nacktfingergecko 5464 Agamen 150, 189 Agamen 8186 Agassiz-Gopherschildkröte 3774 Ägyptische Dornschwanzagame 8554 Ägyptische Erzschleiche 7302

Ägyptische Landschildkröte 8008 Ägyptische Sandboa 3328 Ägyptische Schlankblindschlange 4721 Ägyptische Schlankboa 3328 Ägyptische Zornnatter 2047 Ägyptischer Dornschwanz 8554 Alameda-Peitschenschlange 5420 Alaschan-Wüstenrenner 3299 Aldabra-Taggecko 6208 Alfreds Schlangenschleiche 2692 Algerischer Sandläufer 6738 Alligatoren 246, 249 Alligatorschildkröten 1771 Alligatorschleichen 3088, 3673 Alpen-Viper 8702 Alterna-Königsnatter 4374 Amarals Boa 1211 Amazonas-Natter 4114 Amazonas-Nattern 4113 AmboinaScharnierschildkröte 2420 Ameive 297 Ameiven 296 Ameiven-Teju 297 Amerikanische Blindschlangen 836, 837 Amerikanische Erdschildkröten 7169 Amerikanische Lanzenottern 1278 Amerikanische Lanzenschlangen 1278 Amerikanische Schneckennattern 2803 Amerikanische Schwimmnattern 5769

Amerikanische Sumpfschildkröte

Amerikanische Sumpfschildkröte 3191 Amerikanische Sumpfschildkröten 3190 Amerikanische Vielzahnnatter 7318 Amerikanische Wassernattern 5769 Amerikanische Wasserschildkröten 1862 Amerikanisches Chamäleon 566 Amethystpython 5659 Amethystschlange 5659 Amur-Natter 3044 Amur-Schnellläufer 7850 Anakonda 3438 Anakondas 3435 Anatolische Eidechse 4322 Anchietas Agame 153 Andamanen-Taggecko 6209 Andaman-Mabuje 5275 Andaman-Mabuya 5275 Andaman-Schönechse 1480 Anden-Anolis 6245 Anderson-Pfeilnatter 2061 Andersons Bergagame 4200 Andersons Pfeilnatter 2061 Anegada-Leguan 2470 AnegadaWirtelschwanzleguan 2470 Angola-Chamäleon 1639 Angola-Feilennatter 5477 Angola-Python 6985 Annam-Schildkröte 5451 Annam-Sumpfschildkröte 5451 Anolis 502 Antillen-Kugelfingergecko 7597 Antillen-Nattern 860 AntillenSchmuckschildkröte 8177

Apothekerskink 7482 Arabische Eidechsennatter 5397 Arabische Krötenagame 6352 Arabische Sandrasselotter 2943 Arabische Walzenechse 1622 Arafura-Warzenschlange 110 Areolen-Flachschildkröte 4037 Argentinische Buntnatter 5012 Argentinische Königsschlange 1214 Argentinische Landschildkröte 3602 Argentinische Langnasenstrauchnatter 6262 Argentinische Regenbogenboa 3268 Argentinische Rotschwanzboa 1214 Argentinische Schlangenhalsschildkröte 4077 Arguswaran 8663 Arizona-Alligatorschleiche 3095 Arizona-Königsnatter 4399, 4402 Arizona-Korallenotter 5567, 5568 Arizona-Korallenottern 5566 Arizona-Korallenschlange 5567, 5568 Arizona-Korallenschlangen 5566 Arizona-Natter 4399 Arizona-Natter 946, 951, 945 Armenische Bergotter 2570 Armenische Eidechse 4310 Armenische Felseneidechse 4310


Armenische Zwergnatter 2989 Arrau-Schienenschildkröte 6601 Arrau-Schildkröte 6601 Artwinner-Eidechse 4324 Aruba-Klapperchlange 2203 Aru-Walzenschlange 2475 Aschgrauer Kugelfingergecko 7608 Aserbaidshanische Eidechse 4342 Aserbaidshanische Feldeidechse 4342 Asiatische Dreieckschwimmnatter 7555 Asiatische Erdschildkröten 3968 Asiatische Grünschlangen 2459 Asiatische Hausgeckos 2156 Asiatische Hornvipern 6850 Asiatische Landschildkröten 4180 Asiatische Lanzenottern 8217 Asiatische Rattenschlange 6944 Asiatische Rattenschlangen 6942 Asiatische Schneckennattern 6134 Asiatische Schwimmnatter 7555 Asiatische Steppenagame 8197 Asiatische Streifennatter 368 Asiatische Trugviper 6745 Asiatische Vielzahnnattern 7528 Asiatischer Hausgecko 3891 Asiatisches Natterauge 6 Äskulapnatter 3022, 3023 Aspisotter 8700 Aspisviper 8700, 8701


Assala 6995 Assam-Dachschildkröte 4229 Äthiopisches Chamäleon 1637 Atlantik-Bastardschildkröte 4575 Atlantische Bastardschildkröte 4575 Atlantische Eidechse 3498 Atlantische Kanareneidechse 3498 Atlas-Agame 169 Atlas-Bergeidechse 4309 Atlas-Otter 2568 Atlas-Taggecko 7006 Atlas-Taggeckos 7005 Atlas-Zwergotter 8719 Atroposviper 1187 Augenfleck-Bogenfinger 2542 Augenfleckengecko 5861 Augenflecktaggecko 6236 Augengrubennattern 1276 AugenzipfelStummelschwanzchamäleon 1384 Aurora-Hausschlange 4440 Aurora-Natter 4440 Australien-Krokodil 2173 Australische Bartagame 6616 Australische Baumagame 2793 Australische Bodenagame 2315 Australische Bodenagamen 2781, 329, 8356 Australische Braunkopfnatter 3496 Australische Felsenpythone 4857 Australische Flachrückenschildkröte 5728 Australische Flachrückenschildkröten 5727

Barbour's Taggecko

Australische Geckos 2717 Australische Giftnatter 8693 Australische Korallenotter 7544 Australische Korallenottern 7541 Australische Kupferköpfe 1128 Australische Scheinkobra 6883 Australische Schlangenhalsschildkröt e 1746 Australische Schlangenhalsschildkröt en 1744 Australische Spitzkopfschildkröte 3193 Australische Suppenschildkröte 5728 Australische Todesotter 74 Australische Wasseragame 6494 Australische Wasserdrachen 5076 Australische Wüstenkorallenotter 7548 Australischer Blutsauger 331 Australischer Dornschwanzgecko 2743 Australischer Hausgecko 3535 Australischer Kupferkopf 1131 Australischer Python 5664 Australischer Riesenwaran 8659 Australischer Skink 4826, 6807 Australischer Teppichpython 5669 Australischer Zwergpython 858 Avicennas Viper 1593 Avicenna-Viper 1593

Azurblauer Dornschwanzleguan 8535 Bahama-Anolis 786 Bahama-Natter 270 Bahama-Schlankboa 3272 Bahamas-Peitschennatter 270 Bahama-Zwergboa 8305 Bairds Kletternatter 2994 Bairds Pflasternasennatter 7271 Baja-Rosenboa 4868 Balearen-Eidechse 6586 Balkan-Natter 2051 Balkan-Zornnatter 2053 Ballpython 6993 Ballschlange 6993 Bambusblattschwanzgecko 8597 Bambusotter 8229 Bambusottern 8217 Bananenboas 8531 Bananennatter 4657 Bändergecko 2545 Bänderkrait 1396 Bändernatter 8084 Bänderottern 2661 Bändersandnatter 1778 Bändersandnattern 1777 Bänderschwanzameive 326 BänderschwanzNacktfinger 2530 Bänderteju 8355 Bandnatter 5429 Bandy-Bandy 8693 Bandy-Bandys 8692 Barans Otter 8706 Barans Zwergnatter 2983 Baran-Zwergnatter 2983 Barbours Doppelzungenschleiche 1569 Barbours Höckerschildkröte 3781 Barbour's Taggecko 6211


Bardick 2938 Bardick-Schlange 2938 Bardick-Schlangen 2937 Barrenringelnatter 5738 Bartagame 6609, 6616, 329 Bartagamen 6608 Bartagemen 2300 Bärtiger Krötenkopf 6351 Basilisken 1163 Basiliskenchamäleon 1638 Basiliskenklapperschlange 2190 Bastardeidechse 4332 Bastardschildkröte 4575, 4576 Bastardschildkröten 4574 Batagurschildkröte 1169 Batagurschildkröten 1168 Bauchdrüsenotter 5446 Bauchdrüsenottern 5444 Bauchstreifenerdschildkröte 7173 Baumagame 2107 Baumagamen 2106, 2623 Baumboa 2112 Baumgeckos 5748 Baumleguan 8612 Baumnattern 8109 Baumschleichen 7 Baumschnüffler 221, 225, 226 Baumskink 2979 Baumskinke 2574, 4369 Baumstachelskink 2957 Baumstammanole 755 Baumvipern 1008 Baumwollmaul 214 Bedriagas Gebirgseidechse 4312 Beißschildkröte 865 Belize-Krallengecko 2006 Bells Winkelkopfagame 3752 Bengalen-Waran 8650 Bengalische Dachschildkröte 4227


Bengalischer Waran 8650 Bengal-Waran 8650 Bensons Skink 5281 Berbereidechse 4338 Berberskink 3363 Bergagame 155 Bergagamen 4199 Bergchamäleon 1691 Bergeidechse 4353, 4354 Bergers Flachschildkröte 4038 Berggrubenottern 1608 Bergkönigsnatter 4399, 4431 Berglanzenotter 6025 Bergotter 1187, 2571 Bergpflasternasennatter 7273 Bergpuffotter 1187 Bergstrumpfbandnatter 8051, 8057, 8058 Bergwassernattern 5979 Beulenkrokodil 2174 Bibrons Boa 1511 Bibrons Dickfingergecko 6056 Bibrons Erdviper 1022 Bibrons Skink 5283 Bimini-Boa 3281 Bimini-Schlankboa 3281 Bindenwaran 8680 Bismarcks Python 1273 Blandings Nachtbaumnatter 1229 Blanfords Agame 8188 Blanfords Flugdrache 2863 Blanfords Rollschlange 2478 Blanfords Sandagame 6747 Blanfords Schlangenskink 5942 Blasser Rennteju 1930 Blaßkopfotter 4048 Blattchamäleon 7154 Blattfingergeckos 6411

Blattgrüne Buschviper 1016, 1017 Blattgrüne Mamba 2645 Blattnasennattern 4459, 6474 Blattschwanzgecko 6484, 8594 Blattschwanzgeckos 6482, 8591 Blaue Bullennatter 2898 Blaue Korallenotter 5446 Blaue Siedlergame 153 Blaue Strumpfbandnatter 8102 Blauer Anolis 780 Blauer Karibik-Anolis 779 Blauer Krait 1393, 1394 Blauer Madagaskar-Leguan 6007 Blauer Stachelleguan 7418 Blaufleckiger Gürtelschweif 2119 Blaugebänderte Ruderschlange 4087 Blaugestreifte Bändernatter 8085 Blaukehlagame 7727 Blaukehlige Kielechse 245 Blaukehlige Kieleidechse 245 Blaukopf-Calotes 1493 Blaumaul-Agame 892 Blaumaul-Agamen 891 Blauschwanzmabuje 5338 Blauschwanzmabuya 5338 Blauschwanzphelsume 6214 Blauschwanzschlankskink 3132 Blauschwanzskink 3132, 5338 Blauschwanztaggecko 6214 Blauschwanzwaran 8654 Blauschwarze Schildechse 2117 Blauschwarze Schildechsen 2116


Blaustreifen FloridaStrumpfbandnatter 8102 Blauzunge 8126 Blauzungen 8118 Blauzungenskink 8129 Blauzungenskinke 8118 Blindschlange 7017 Blindschlangen 4701, 4702, 7010, 836 Blindschleiche 489 Blindschleichen 488 Blödauge 8501 Blumennatter 3025 Blumentopfschlange 7017 Blutpython 6986, 6989 Blutsauger 1498 Blutsaugeragame 1360, 1498 Boa Constrictor 1215 Boas 1209 Boaschlangen 1225 Boa-Trugnatter 4017 Boa-Trugnattern 4016 Boa-Wassertrugnatter 4017 Boa-Wassertrugnattern 4016 Bodenfingergeckos 2496 Boelens Python 5660 Boettgers Skink 5286 Bogenfinger 2496 Bogenfingergeckos 7967 Böhmes Gecko 7938 Bolson-Schildkröte 3776 Bolyer-Schlangen 1251 Bolyers-Schlangen 1253 Boomslang 2844 Boomslangen 2843 Borneo-Bambusotter 8219 Borneo-Bergagame 6317 Borneo-Bergagamen 6313 Borneo-Flussschildkröte 6016 Borneo-Flussschildkröten 6015 Borneo-Riesenschlange 6994


Borneo-Schleiche 5962 Borneo-Schönechse 1360 Borneo-Taubwaran 4471 Borneo-Winkelkopfagame 3763 Bosc-Fransenfinger 46 Boulenger-Flachschildkröte 4039 Boulengers Agame 159 Boulengers Skink 5287 Bourrets Schlangenschleiche 2694 Bouvier-Halbzehergecko 3881 Boyds Agame 4143 Boyds Winkelkopfagame 4143 Brasilianische Dünnschlange 4674 Brasilianische Falsche Wasserkobra 4074 Brasilianische Glanznatter 2436 Brasilianische Glanznattern 2435 Brasilianische Glattnatter 2436, 4074 Brasilianische Korallenotter 5591 Brasilianische Lanzenotter 1301 Brasilianische Leguane 3254 Brasilianische Regenbogenboa 3269 Brasilianische Schlangenhalsschildkröte 4076 Brasilianische Schlanknatter 4674 Brasilianische Schmuckschildkröte 8166 Brasilianischer Nacktfingergecko 3808 Brasilianisches Chamäleon 3257 Brasiliansicher Leguan 3257

Brauen-Glattstirnkaiman 6090 Braune Anolis 786 Braune Bambusotter 8244 Braune Eierschlange 2584 Braune Erdschildkröte 7170 Braune Hausschlange 4442 Braune Kukrinatter 5912 Braune Landschildkröte 5402 Braune Nachtbaumnatter 1240 Braune Regenbogenboa 3271 Braune Schildechse 3682 Braune Schlange 4442 Braune Schwimmnatter 5794 Braune Seeschlangen 233 Braune Strumpfbandnatter 8060 Braune Sumpfnatter 5127 Braune Wasseragame 6494 Braune Wassernatter 5794 Braune Wasserschlange 5794 Brauner Baumskink 2576 Brauner Felsenskink 2975 Brauner Halbzehengecko 3910 Brauner Halsbandleguan 2270 Brauner Nackenstachler 82 Brauner Wasserpython 4858 Braunfleckenstrumpfbandnatter 8083 Braunnatter 7804 Braunnattern 7803 Braunschlange 6894 Braunschlangen 2613, 6887, 7803 Brazils Lanzenotter 1285 Breitbändiger Kupferkopf 205 Breitbändiger Sandschwimmer 3305 Breitbandkupferkopf 205


Breitbrust-ElseyaSchildkröte 3106 Breitbrustspitzkopfschildkr öte 3106 Breitkopfotter 4049 Breitkopfschlange 4049 Breitkopfskink 3396 Breitrandschildkröte 8009 Breitrandspitzkopfschildkrö te 3195 Breitschnauzenkaiman 1423 Breitschwanzgecko 6485 Breitschwanzringelschildec hse 8818 Breyers Geißelschildechse 8014 Brilleneidechse 6592 Brillenkaiman 1419, 1422 Brillenkaimane 1418 Brillenschlange 5702 Brillentegus 3810 Brillentejus 3811 Bromelienschleichen 7 Bronzegecko 231 Bronzenattern 2625 Bronzennattern 221 Brossets Echsenfingergecko 7304 Bruchschleiche 489 Brückenechse 7693 Brückenechsen 7244, 7591, 7694 Buchstabenschmuckschildk röte 8168 Buckelkrötenkopfschildkröte 6372 Buckelnase 5926 Buckelnasen 3288 Buckelschildkröte 6372 Bulgarische Hornotter 8699 Bullennatter 6499, 6500, 6501, 6502, 6503, 6504, 6505, 6506, 6511 Bullennattern 6497 Bungaren 1390 Bunte Felsenechse 8818 Bunte Lanzenotter 8253


Bunte Regenbogenboa 3267, 3269 Bunte Sandboa 3330 Bunte Wolfsnatter 5153 Bunte Zornnatter 2059 Bunte Zornnattern 2031 Bunte Zwergchamäleone 1339 Bunter Haiti-Maskenleguan 4500 Bunter Maskenleguan 4500 Bunter Wüstenrenner 5926 Buntes Zwergchamäleon 1342, 1349 Buntgecko 3712 Buntleguane 6630 Buntnatter 5012 Buntpython 6986, 6988 Buntwaran 8690 BurmaKlappenweichschildkröte 5068 Burma-Landschildkröte 3609 Burma-Python 6990, 6991 Burma-Schlankskink 5222 Burma-Schleiche 5965 Burma-Tigerpython 6990 Burma-Weichschildkröte 5816 Burma-Weichschildkröten 5815 Burtons Glattechse 5798 Büschelbrauenotter 1190 Buschkrokodil 8213 Buschkrokodile 8208 Buschmeister 4361, 4363, 4364 Buschschlangen 5478 Buschvipern 1008 Butlers Strumpfbandnatter 8040 Cagles Höckerschildkröte 3782 Caicaca 1283 Caissaca 1301 Callagurschildkröte 1454

Callagurschildkröten 1453 Carolina-Dosenschildkröte 7986, 7988 CarolinaZwergklapperschlange 7572 Cascabel-Klapperschlange 2196 Cascaval 2196 Castelnauds Lanzenotter 1271 Celebes-Landschildkröte 4182 CelebesSchwarzschwanznatter 3019 Central-PlainsMilchschlange 4417 Ceylon-Bambusotter 8252 Ceylon-Baumskink 2577 Ceylonesischer Schildschwanz 7190 Ceylon-Lanzenotter 8252 Ceylon-Nasenottern 4122, 4124 Ceylon-Nattern 3820, 3821 Ceylon-Schildschwanz 8572 Ceylon-Schönechse 1482 Ceylon-Skink 5800 Ceylon-Skinke 5796 Ceylon-Taubagame 2107 Ceylon-Waldskink 4468 Ceylon-Walzenschlange 2479 Chamäleon 1657 Chamäleone 1636, 1725, 835 Chicago-Strumpfbandnatter 8101 Chihuaha-WillardKlapperschlange 2257 Childrens Python 856 Chile-Teju 1473 China-Alligator 248 China-Sumpfschildkröten 1786 Chinesiche Wassertrugnatter 3222


Chinesische Bambusotter 8247 Chinesische Baumviper 8247 Chinesische Dreikielschildkröte 1788 Chinesische Grünnatter 2461 Chinesische Kletternatter 3025 Chinesische Kobra 5696 Chinesische Leopardnatter 2995 Chinesische Nasenotter 2590 Chinesische Nasenottern 2589 Chinesische Rattennattern 8808 Chinesische Rattenschlange 6943 Chinesische Rothalsschildkröten 1787 Chinesische Streifenschildkröte 5852 Chinesische Streifenschildkröten 5849 Chinesische Weichschildkröte 6174 Chinesische Weichschildkröten 6173 Chinesische Zackenerdschildkröte 3624 Chinesische Zweiflecknatter 2995 Chitraweichschildkröten 1829 Chondropython 5670 Choury-Schlangen 3217 Chuckwalla 7308, 7312 Chuckwallas 7307 Clarks Eidechse 4319 Clarks Feldeidechse 4319 Clark's Stachelleguan 7337


Clarks Stacheschuppenleguan 7337 Cochin-ChinaWasseragame 6493 Cochin-ChinaWasserdrachen 6493 Cochrans Wasserteju 5808 Coggers Fettschwanzgecko 5855 Collet-Schwarzotter 6790 Collett-Giftnatter 6790 ColoradoFransenzehenleguan 8522, 8525 Colorado-SeitenwinderKlapperschlange 2195 Conants Dreiecknatter 4413 Cooks Gartenboa 2113 Cooksche Boa 2112 Costa-RicaKorallenschlange 5608 Cotiarinha 1292 Couchs Strumpfbandnatter 8042 Cumberland-Zierschildkröte 8175 Cunninghams Dornschwanzskink 2955 Cunninghams Skink 2955 CurtissDoppelzungenschleiche 1572 Daboia 8722 Dachmoschusschildkröte 4259 Dachschildkröten 4225 Dahls Eidechse 4321 Dahls Feldeidechse 4321 Dalmatinische Spitzkopfeidechse 4335 Dalmatinische Spitzköpfige Eidechse 4335 Danford-Eidechse 4322 Danfords Gebirgseidechse 4322 Darevski-Kreuzotter 8711

Darlingtons Doppelzungenschleiche 1573 Darwins Doppelschleiche 410 Darwins Eidechse 2779 Davids Kletternatter 3002 De Vis-Bänderotter 2662 Defilippis Nachtotter 1561 Delalandes Eidechse 5844 Derjugins Eidechse 4324 Dhaman 6944 Dhongoka-Dachschildkröte 4226 Diademnatter 7586 Diademnattern 7583 Diademschildkröte 3825 Diademschildkröten 3824 Diamantklapperschlange 2186 Diamantpython 5668 Diamantschildkröte 5384 Diamantschildkröten 5383 Diamantwassernatter 5787, 5788 Diards Blindschlange 8405 Dickfingergeckos 6054 Dickkopfanolis 599 Dickkopfnattern 2803 Dickschwänziger Rindengecko 5764 Dione-Natter 3003 Dominikanische Schlanknatter 260 Doppelschleichen 400, 448 Doppelzungenschleichen 1568 Dorniger Gürtelschweif 6861 Dornrandweichschildkröte 869 Dornschildkröten 2440 Dornschuppenhautagame 8196 Dornschwanzagame 8553, 8558, 8562 Dornschwanzagamen 8552


Dornschwänze 8552 Dornschwanzleguane 8534 Dornschwanzschlange 2099 Dornschwanzschlangen 2098 Dornschwanzskink 2977 Dornschwanzskinke 2952 Dornteufel 5637, 5638 Dornteufelchen 5637 Dosenschildkröten 7985 Drakensberg-Gürtelschweif 6858 DrakensbergZwerchamäleon 1343 Dreiecknachtbaumnatter 1250 Dreieckschwimmnattern 7555 Dreiecksköpfe 195 Dreieckskopfottern 195 Dreiecksnatter 4405 Dreihornchamäleon 1676, 1677, 1696 Dreihornlappenchamäleon 1666 Dreikielerdschildkröte 5482 Dreikielerdschildkröten 5481 Dreikielschildkröte 5482 Dreikielwasserschildkröte 5459 Dreiklauenweichschildkröte n 8270 Dreistreifendachschildkröte 4232 Dreistreifenklappschildkröte 4257 Dreistreifenrosenboa 4865, 4866, 4869 Dreistreifenscharnierschildk röte 2432 Dreizehiger Schlangenskink 5950 Drusenköpfe 2089 Dschungel-Rautenpython 5665 Dugite 6888 Duhol 4108


Duméril-Boa 1216 Dumérils Madagaskar-Boa 1216 DumérilSchienenschildkröte 6179 DumérilSchienenschildkröten 6178 Duméril-Waran 8655 Dünenagame 8198 Dünenfransenfinger 49 Dunkelköpfige Schwarzkopfschlange 7891 Dunkle Krötenkopfschildkröte 6371 Dunkle Mexikanische Klapperschlange 2239 Dunkle Pelomeduse 6194 Dunkle Pelomedusenschildkröte 6194 Dunkle Ringelschleiche 499 Dunkle Weichschildkröte 988 Dunkler Lanzenskink 101 Dunkler Tigerpython 6991 Dunmalls Schlange 3494 Dünnfingergecko 7788 Dünnfingergeckos 7781 Dunns Klappschildkröte 4263 Dünnschlangen 4673 DurangoFelsenklapperschlange 2215 Duvaucels Gecko 4056 Dymonds Bergagame 4203 Eastwoods Geißelschildechse 8015 Ebenen-Dreiecksnatter 4417 Ebners Walzenskink 1620 Echsen, Brückenechsen und Schlangen 7710 Echsenfingergecko 7305, 7306

Echsenfingergeckos 7303 Echte Agamen 150 Echte Eidechsen 4307, 4358 Echte Gürtelschweife 2118 Echte Hundskopfboa 2111 Echte Karette 3307 Echte Karettenschildkröte 3307 Echte Karettenschildkröten 3306 Echte Karettschildkröte 3307 Echte Karettschildkröten 3306 Echte Kobras 5694 Echte Korallenottern 5569 Echte Korallenschlangen 5569 Echte Krokodile 2168, 2169 Echte Landkartenhöckerschildkröte 3785 Echte Nattern 2071 Echte Ottern 8697 Echte Pythone 6984 Echte Rosenboa 4867 Echte Tejus 8353 Echte Vipern 8697 Echte Weichschildkröten 8269 Efa-Schlange 2940 Eidechsen 4307 Eidechsennatter 5398 Eidechsennattern 5396 Eierfressende Seeschlange 3188 Eierschlange 2586 Eigentliche Blindschlangen 8374, 8375 Eigentliche Cascaval 2200 Eigentliche Chamäleone 1636 Eigentliche Doppelschleichen 400, 448 Eigentliche Höckerechsen 8798


Eigentliche Landschildkröten 8000 Eigentliche Meeresschildkröten 1760 Eigentliche Nattern 2031 Eigentliche Rollschlangen 490 Eigentliche Schildechsen 3678 Eigentliche Schleichen 488 Eigentliche Sumpfschildkröten 3199, 3200 Eigentliche Zwergklapperschlange 7570 Eigentlicher Spitzschnauzenskink 2162 Eigentlicher Wasserteju 5807 Einstreifige Strumpfbandnatter 8036 Eiselts Sumpfschildkröte 3204 Eiselts Zwergnatter 2987 Elburs-Eidechse 4323 Elburs-Otter 8715 Elefantenchamäleon 1686 Elefantenohrchamäleon 1686 Elefantenrüsselschlange 112 Elefantenschildkröte 3605, 3606 Ellenbergers Geißelschildechse 8016 Elseya-Schildkröte 3105 Elseya-Schildkröten 3104 Emmas Schönechse 1483 Engfingergecko 7784 Engmundschlangen 4701 Erdboas 8303 Erdchmäleone 1368 Erdleguan 4927 Erdleguane 4878 Erdnatter 3026, 3027

Falsche Siedleragame

Erdnattern 7577 Erdottern 1018, 1019 Erdpython 1428 Erdpythone 1427 Erdpythonschlangen 1427 Erdschildkröten 3622, 3968 Erdschlangen 8729, 8790 Erdspitzschlange 6029 Erdviper 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1035, 1036, 5540 Erdvipern 1018, 1019 Erznatter 946 Erznattern 945 Erzringelschildechse 8814 Erzschleiche 1618 Erzspitznatter 6029 Escorpion 3853 Euphrat-Weichschildkröte 7008 Eurasiatische Wasserschildkröten 5450 Eurasische Wasserschildkröten 5450 Europäische Eidechsennatter 5398 Europäische Hornotter 8698 Europäische Hornviper 8698 Europäische Katzennatter 7961 Europäische Sandboa 3332 Europäische Sandotter 8698 Europäische Schlangenaugeeidechse 5976 Europäische Sumpfschildkröte 3201 Europäische Sumpfschildkröten 3200 Europäische Wurmschlange 8501

Europäischer Blattfinger 6425 Europäischer Blattfingergecko 6425 Europäischer Fransenfinger 51 Europäischer Halbfinger 3945, 3946 Europäischer Halbfingergecko 3945 Europäischer Halbzehengecko 3945, 3946 Europäischer Halbzeher 3945 Europäischer Halbzehergecko 3945 Europäischer Nacktfingergecko 5464 Europäisches Chamäleon 1657 Europäisches Schlangenauge 5976 Everglades-Kükenatter 3030 Fächerfinger 6960, 6966 Fächerfingergecko 6968 Fächerfingergeckos 6966 Fächerfußgecko 6968 Fächerfußsgeckos 6960 Fächerzäher 6966 Falsche ÄsculapKorallennatter 3321 Falsche Chamäleone 1721 Falsche Gürtelschweife 6855 Falsche Korallennattern 3320 Falsche Korallenschlange 6574 Falsche Landkartenhöckerschild kröte 3794 Falsche Landkartenschildkröte 3794 Falsche Lanzenottern 8784 Falsche Siedleragame 179

Falsche Spitzkopfschildkröte

Falsche Spitzkopfschildkröte 6736, 6815 Falsche Spitzkopfschildkröten 6814 Falsche Wasserkobra 2436, 4074 Falsche Wasserkobras 4072 Falscher Kap-Gürtelschweif 6859 Falsches Chamäleon 1722, 1723, 1724 Faltengecko 6963, 6964 Faltengeckos 6960 Fea-Viper 1133 Fea-Vipern 1132 Federbuschbasilisk 1166 Feilennatter 5469 Feilennattern 5468 Feilenschlangen 5468 Felsenagame 155, 181 Felsenechse 331 Felsengeckos 136 Felsenklapperschlange 2212, 2214 Felsenpython 5662, 6995 Felsenschildechse 3686 Felsenskink 2955 Felsensleguane 6201 Felsenstachelskink 2975 Fer-de-Lance 1282 Fernand-Prachtskink 5227 Fernand-Schlankskink 5227 Fersenspornchamäleon 1672 Festlandglattkopfleguane 5995 Fettschwanzgecko 5854, 5861 Fettschwanzgeckos 5853 Fidji-Leguan 1314 Fidji-Leguane 1313 Fidschi-Giftnatter 5868 Fidschi-Giftnattern 5867 Fidschi-Leguan 1314 Fidschi-Leguane 1313


Fidschi-Schlange 5868 Fidschi-Schlangen 5867 Field's Trughornviper 6851 Filfola-Mauereidechse 6583 Fischernatter 8779 Fischernattern 8775 Fischers Chamäleon 1665 Fischnatter 8779 Fisk-Hausschlange 4441 Fitzroy-Schildkröte 7157 Fitzroy-Schildkröten 7156 Flache Erdschildkröte 3969 Flachkopfblattchamäleon 7153 Flachkopfschlange 8793 Flachlandschwarzkopfschla nge 7897 Flachschildkröten 4036 Flachschwanzkrötenechse 6402 Flachschwanztaggecko 6224 Flattereidechsen 2860 Flechtengecko 7089 Fleckenchmäleon 1672 Fleckenmabuje 5323 Fleckenmabuya 5323 Fleckenrennechse 1968 Fleckenskink 3416 Fleckenstreifenwüstenrenner 3295 FleckfFlugdrache 2870 Fleckige Plattechse 6547 Fleckige Schmetterlingsagame 4517 Flinke Eidechse 4308 Florida-Bändernatter 8086 Florida-Doppelschleiche 7159 Florida-Doppelschleichen 7158 Florida-Kettennatter 4385 Florida-Kiefernnatter 6515 FloridaRotbauchschmuckschildkröte 6824

Florida-Sandskink 5758 Florida-Sandskinke 5757 Florida-Schmuckschildkröte 6820 Florida-Schnappschildkröte 1768 Florida-Strumpfbandnatter 8102 FloridaWassermokassinschlange 215 Florida-Weichschildkröte 865 Flossenfüße 4854, 6981 Flowers Schönechse 6846 Flugdrachen 2860 Ford-Boa 3274 Fords Bartagame 2307 Fords Boa 3274 Forskals Sandrenn-Natter 6771 Fowlers Doppelzungenchleiche 1576 Fraas-Eidechse 4326 Fransenfinger 40, 58 Fransenfingereidechsen 40 Fransenschildkröte 1764 Fransenschildkröten 1763 Fransenzehenleguane 8519 Frasers Flossenfuß 2601 Froschkopfschildkröten 6369 Fuchsgesichtlidgecko 128 Fuchsnatter 3054, 3055 Fühlerschlange 3317 Fühlerschlangen 3316 Fünfbindenskink 3392 Fünfstreifenflugdrache 2876 Fünfstreifenmabuje 5338 Fünfstreifenmabuya 5338 Fünfstreifenskink 3385 Fünfzehige Geißelschildechse 8018 Gabelchamäleon 1667 Gabun-Otter 1192


Gabun-Viper 1192 Galapagos-Drüsenkopf 2091 Galapagos-Landleguan 2091 Galapagos-Meerechse 294 Galapagos-Meerechsen 293 GalapagosRiesenschildkröte 3606 Gallwespenschleichen 2756 Ganges-Gavial 3514 Ganges-Gaviale 3513 Ganges-Weichschildkröte 985 Gartenboa 2112 Gaviale 3512 Gebänderte Bergagame 4204 Gebänderte Katzenaugennatter 4664 Gebänderte Ruderschlange 4093 Gebänderte Sandschlange 1778 Gebänderte Schmuckbaumnatter 1849 Gebänderte Wassernatter 5780, 5781, 5782, 5783 Gebänderte Zierschildkröte 1844 Gebänderte Zornnatter 7548 Gebänderter Bogenfinger 2507 Gebänderter Echsenfingergecko 7305 Gebänderter Felsenleguan 6202 Gebänderter Krait 1396 Gebänderter Krallengecko 2010 Gebänderter Wüstengecko 2010 Gebäreidechse 4353 Gebirgseidechsen 8325 Gebirgs-Pflasternasennatter 7273 Gebirgstaggecko 6211

Gelbgepunkte Wolfszahnnatter

Gebirgszwergteju 6311 Geckoanolis 691 Geckonen 3595 Geckos 3341, 3568, 3595 Gefleckte Bänderotter 7823 Gefleckte Blattnasennatter 6478 Gefleckte Bodenagame 2311 Gefleckte Buschschlange 6298 Gefleckte Doppelschleiche 413 Gefleckte Höckerschildkröte 3784 Gefleckte Klapperschlange 2218 Gefleckte Krötenkopfagame 6350 Gefleckte Mabuje 5323 Gefleckte Mabuya 5323 Gefleckte Sandboa 3330 Gefleckte Scheinkobra 6889 Gefleckte Schwarzotter 6791 Gefleckte Strumpfbandnatter 8045, 8071 Gefleckte Warzenschlange 2479 Gefleckte Wassernatter 5745 Gefleckte Zornnatter 2068 Gefleckte Zwergboa 8310 Gefleckter Anolis 782 Gefleckter Blauzungenskink 8126 Gefleckter Dickfingergecko 6072 Gefleckter Fettschwanzgecko 5860 Gefleckter Fransenfinger 62 Gefleckter Halbfingergecko 3912 Gefleckter Krallengecko 2542 Gefleckter Krötenkopf 6339, 6350 Gefleckter Python 856

Gefleckter Samtgecko 5860 Gefleckter Sandläufer 62 Gefleckter Schildschwanz 8582 Gefleckter Shaapsteker 6780 Gefleckter Taubleguan 3999 Gefleckter Walzenskink 1626 Gefurchte Erdschildkröte 7171 Gehörnte Klapperschlange 2192 Gehörnte Puffotter 1189 Gehörnte Zwergpuffotter 1189 Gehörnter Calotes 1483 Geierschildkröte 5366 Geierschildkröten 5365 Geißelschildechsen 8012 Gekielte Kletternatter 2997 Gekielte Moschusschildkröte 4259 Gekielte Rattennatter 8809 Gekrönte Schnauzennatter 5264 Gekrönte Schwarzkopfschlange 7877 Gelbbandwassernatter 368 Gelbbauchhausschlange 4443 Gelbbäuchige Rattenschlange 6943 Gelbbauchschildkröte 8174 Gelbe Anakonda 3440 Gelbe Erdnatter 3029, 3029 Gelber Bungar 1396 Gelber Fächerfingergecko 6968 Gelber Krait 1396 Gelbfleckenschlange 4049 Gelbgefleckte Palmenlanzenotter 1255 Gelbgepunkte Wolfszahnnatter 5105

Gelbgrüne Pfeilnatter

Gelbgrüne Pfeilnatter 2069 Gelbgrüne Zornnatter 2069 Gelbgrüner Halbzehengecko 3889 Gelbhalswassernatter 368 Gelbkehlige Schildechse 3681 Gelbkehlige Smaragdeidechse 4348 Gelbkehliger Taggecko 6218 Gelbkopfbraunschlange 2618 Gelbkopferdschildkröte 3972 Gelbkopfgecko 3706, 3707 Gelbkopfhaftschwanzgecko 5200 Gelbkopflandschildkröte 4181 Gelbkopfpeitschenschlange 2618 Gelbkopfschildkröte 4181 Gelbkopfzwerggecko 5200 Gelbkragenotter 3492 Gelbliche Klappschildkröte 4264 Gelbrandgopherschildkröte 3776 Gelbrandscharnierschildkröte 2425 Gelbrückengecko 3582 Gelbrückenkielschwanz 8341 Gelbstreifennatter 3009 Gelbwangenschildkröte 8168 Gelbwaran 8658 Gelenkschildkröten 4244 Gemalte Bartagame 2315 Gemalter Flossenfuß 2611 Gemeine Bartagame 6609 Gemeine Bronzenatter 2639 Gemeine Eidechse 4308 Gemeine Höckerechse 8800 Gemeine Natter 5736 Gemeine Puffotter 1186


Gemeine Strumpfbandnatter 8091 Gemeiner Blauzungenskink 8129 Gemeiner Fächerfuß 6968 Gemeiner Fächerzeher 6968 Gemeiner Flugdrache 2879 Gemeiner Zwerggecko 5172 Gemeines Chamäleon 1657 Geometrische Landschildkröte 6734 Georgia-Gopherschildkröte 3777 Georgische Eidechse 4344 Gepunktete Bachschlange 4140 Gepunktete Ceylon-Kobra 5704 Gepunkteter Gecko 3575 Geradfinger 271 Geradfingergeckos 271 Geringelte Baumboa 2110 Geringelte Blattnasennatter 6475 Geringelte Wasserkobra 1310 Geronimo-Ringelschleiche 497 Gerrards Blauzunge 8122 Gerrards Skink 8122 Gesägte Flachschildkröte 4041 Gescheckte Agame 8198 Geschmückte Dornschwanzagame 8563 Gesprenkelte Kettennatter 4388 Gesprenkelte Königsnatter 4388 Gesprenkelter Schlangenskink 5948 Gesprenklte Bodenschlange 2907 Gestreifte Augengrubennatter 1277

Gestreifte Baumschleiche 31 Gestreifte Blindschlange 7018 Gestreifte Eierschlange 2583 Gestreifte Felsenklapperschlange 2213 Gestreifte Hausschlange 4447 Gestreifte Krebsnatter 7051 Gestreifte Kukrinatter 5918 Gestreifte Mabuje 5345 Gestreifte Mauereidechse 6589 Gestreifte Ringelnatter 5740 Gestreifte Sandrenn-Natter 6772 Gestreifte Schildechse 3684 Gestreifte Stachelechse 2978 Gestreifte Sumpfnatter 7051 Gestreifte Sumpfschlange 2891 Gestreifte Wassernatter 7053 Gestreifter Kanarenskink 1631 Gestreifter Mauergecko 7939 Gestreifter Shaapsteker 6781 Gestreiftes Natterauge 2 Getigerte Katzennatter 7965 Getigerter Rennteju 1973 Getüpfelter Smaragdskink 2578 Gewöhlicher Maskenleguan 4500 Gewöhnliche Bambusotter 8229 Gewöhnliche Blauzunge 8129 Gewöhnliche Blindschlange 7017 Gewöhnliche Blindschlangen 8374 Gewöhnliche Braunnatter 7804


Gewöhnliche Braunschlange 6894, 7804 Gewöhnliche Bronzenatter 2639 Gewöhnliche Eidechse 4308 Gewöhnliche Eierschlange 2586 Gewöhnliche Erdotter 1030 Gewöhnliche Feilennatter 5469 Gewöhnliche Froschkopfschildkröte 6375 Gewöhnliche Hakennatter 3982 Gewöhnliche Hausschlange 4447 Gewöhnliche Korallenschlange 5582 Gewöhnliche Krötenkopfschildkröte 6375 Gewöhnliche Lanzenotter 1283 Gewöhnliche Lanzenottern 1278 Gewöhnliche Lanzenschlange 1283 Gewöhnliche MadagaskarBoa 1217 Gewöhnliche Mamba 2645 Gewöhnliche Mauereidechse 6589 Gewöhnliche Moschusschildkröte 4284 Gewöhnliche Plattechse 6546 Gewöhnliche Puffotter 1186 Gewöhnliche Ringelnatter 5739 Gewöhnliche Schmuckbaumnatter 1847 Gewöhnliche Strumpfbandnatter 8091, 8103


Gewöhnliche Suppenschildkröte 1758 Gewöhnliche Todesotter 73 Gewöhnliche Wolfszahnnatter 5099 Gewöhnliche Würfelnatter 5747 Gewöhnlicher Baumgecko 4060 Gewöhnlicher Bungar 1393 Gewöhnlicher Faltengecko 6964 Gewöhnlicher Flossenfuß 6982 Gewöhnlicher Flugdrache 2879 Gewöhnlicher Fransenfinger 51 Gewöhnlicher Gürtelschweif 2122 Gewöhnlicher Halbzehengecko 3891 Gewöhnlicher Krait 1393 Gewöhnlicher Plattschwanz 4484 Gewöhnlicher Wasserdrachen 6494 Gewöhnlicher Zaunleguan 7419 Gewöhnliches Chamäleon 1657 Geyrs Dornschwanz 8558 Gezähnelte Pelomeduse 6193 Gezähnelte Pelomedusenschildkröte 6193 Geziegelter Stachelschwanzgecko 2750 Giftnattern 3056 Gila-Krustenechse 3854 Gila-Krustenechsen 3852 Gilatier 3854 Gilberts Skink 3386 Gilberts Wasserdrachen 5077 Gillens Waran 8660 Gillens Zwergwaran 8660

Gillen-Waran 8660 Gironde-Glattnatter 2147 Gironde-Natter 2147 Girondische Glattnatter 2147 Girondische Schlingnatter 2147 Gitterschlange 6994 Gitterschwanzleguan 1465 Gitterschwanzleguane 1464 Gjurza 8716 Glanzkrebsnatter 7053 Glanzschlankskink 1539 Glanzskink 5294 Glanzspitznatter 6032 Glasschlange 489 Glasschleichen 5957 Glatte Erdschlange 8731 Glatte Grasnatter 4873 Glattechsen 5796 Glatter Keulenschwanzgecko 5762 Glattkehlgebirgseidechse 8329 Glattkopfleguan 4506 Glattkopfleguane 4487 Glattlippenboas 3265 Glattmaulschienenschildkröte 6602 Glattnatter 2146 Glattnattern 2145 Glattrandgelenkschildkröte 4245 Glattrandweichschildkröte 866 GlattrückenSchlangenhalsschildkröte 1746 Glattrückige Schlangenhalsschildkröte 1746 Glattschuppige Flossenfüße 2596 Glattschuppige Lanzenotter 8241 Glattstirnkaimane 6089

Glauerts Waran

Glauerts Waran 8661 Gobi-Agame 7744 Godeffroys Winkelkopfagame 4147 Godman-Berggrubenotter 3645 Godman-Bergrubenotter 1610 Godmans Strumpfbandnatter 8066 Goetzi-Chamäleon 1671 Goldbauchnatter 4979 Goldene Mabuje 5277 Goldene Mabuya 5277 Goldene Speikobra 5717 Goldfarbige Mabuje 5277 Goldfarbige Mabuya 5277 Goldkopfscharnierschildkröte 2424 Goldmabuje 5277 Goldmabuya 5277 Golds Waldkobra 6882 Goldschlange 1847 Goldstaubtaggecko 6224 Goldstreifenanolis 577 Goldstreifenskink 5277 Gomera-Gecko 7948 Gomera-Mauergecko 7948 Gophernatter 6511 Gopherschildkröte 3777 Gopherschildkröten 3773 Goulds Waran 8664 Grabgecko 6938 Grahams Krebsnatter 7052 Grahams Wassernatter 7052 Granitechse 8748 Granitechsen 8746 Granitnachtechse 8748 Grasanolis 536, 730, 734, 797 Grasnattern 5929 Graue Baumnatter 8111 Graue Eidechse 4308 Graue Erdnatter 3031 Graue Kornnatter 3004 Graue Laubnatter 8031


Graue Pilotnatter 3031 Graue Schieferenatter 7717 Grauer Kugelfinger 7608 Graugebänderte Königsnatter 4374 Graurückige Klappenweichschildkröte 2447 Grays Flossenfuß 2602 Grays Waran 8673 Great-Abaco-Schlankboa 3273 Greers Königsnatter 4396 Greifschwanzlanzenotter 1261 Greifschwanzpalmenlanzen otter 1261 Griechische Breitrandschildkröte 8009 Griechische Felseidechse 4327 Griechische Kieleidechse 245 Griechische Landschildkröte 8002 Griechische Spitzkopfeidechse 4327 Großäugige Bambusotter 8237 Große Anakonda 3438 Große Geißelschildechse 8013 Große Kreuzbrustschildkröte 7713 Große Ringelschildechse 8820 Große Sandboa 3338 Große Schwarzkopfschlange 7908 Große Winkelkopfagame 3758 Großer Honduras-Anolis 548, 755 Großer Kammanolis 625 Großer MadagaskarTaggecko 6227

Großer Maskenleguan 4506 Großer SeychellenTaggecko 6240, 6242 Großer Stachelskink 2965 Großer Taggecko 6227 Großer Wundergecko 7981 Großkopfplattschildkröte 36 Großkopfrngelnatter 5735 Großkopfschildkröte 6555 Großkopfschildkröten 6553, 6554 Großkopfschlammschildkröte 1853 Großkopfschlammschildkröten 1852 Großnattern 2707 Großschuppige Schlangengürtelechse 1735 Großtejus 8353 Großwaran 8659 Großzahnnatter 2711 Großzahnnattern 2707 Grünbaucheidechse 4318 Grünblütiger Schlankskink 6652 Grüne Ameive 297 Grüne Anakonda 3438 Grüne Bambusotter 8229 Grüne Baumgeckos 5748 Grüne Baumnatter 3037 Grüne Boomslang 2844 Grüne Buschnattern 6279 Grüne Buschschlangen 6279 Grüne Buschviper 1010 Grüne Erdnatter 3026 Grüne Hundskopfboa 2111 Grüne Jaracara 1265 Grüne Katzenaugennatter 1231 Grüne Krötenotter 1564 Grüne Leguane 4165 Grüne Mamba 2648 Grüne Meeresschildkröte 1758


Grüne Nachtbaumnatter 1231 Grüne Nachtotter 1564 Grüne Rattennatter 3052 Grüne Schönechse 1363 Grüne Schwimmnatter 5774 Grüne Strauchnatter 3037, 6270 Grüne Strauchnattern 6259 Grüne Sumpfschlange 6290 Grüne Wasseragame 6493 Grüne Wasserschlange 5774 Grüner Baumgecko 5749 Grüner Baumpython 5670 Grüner Baumschnüffler 228 Grüner Baumviper 1010 Grüner Hundskopfschlinger 2111 Grüner Inselleguan 4166 Grüner Jamaika-Saumfinger 638 Grüner Leguan 4167 Grüner Nackenstachler 80 Grüngelbe Palmenlanzenotter 1257 Grünnattern 3510, 3511, 6279 Grusinische Eidechse 4344 Guadelupe-RiverHöckerschildkröte 3782 Guatemala-Helmleguan 2155 GuatemalaStrumpfbandnatter 8064 Guayana-Krokodilteju 2858 Guichenots Skink 4457 Guimbeaus Taggecko 6221 Guimbeau-Taggecko 6221 Gummiboa 1739 Gummiboas 1738 Günthers Stacheleidechse 3995 Günthers Taggecko 6220 Günthers Walzenskink 1621 Gürtelechsen 2115 Gürtelschwänze 2115


Gürtelschweif 2133 Gürtelschweife 2115, 2118 Habu-Schlange 8227 Haftschwanzgecko 5174 Haftschwanzgeckonen 5165 Haftschwanzgeckos 5165 Haftzeher 3595 Haiti-Ameive 303 Haiti-Anole 574 Haiti-Anolis 786 Haiti-Boa 3278 Haiti-Glattkopfleguan 4506 Haiti-Risenanolis 771 Haiti-Spitzkopfnatter 8548 Haiti-Spitzkopfnattern 8545 Haiti-Zwergboa 8309 Hakennasennattern 3478, 3977 Hakennatter 3979 Hakennattern 3977, 4510 Hakenschnabelblindschlange 4755 Hakenschnauzennatter 3804 Halbfinger 3872 Halbfingergeckos 3872 Halbgebänderte Australische Korallenotter 7553 Halbgebänderter Plattschwanz 4486 Halbmondlanzenotter 1279 Halbzeher 3872, 3945, 3946 Halbzehergeckos 3872 Halloween-Nattern 6574 Halmahera-Riesengecko 3566 Halsbandeidechsen 4307, 4358 Halsbandkielschwanz 8343 Halsbandleguan 2266, 2269 Halsbandleguane 2264 Halsbandnatter 2673, 2675 Halsbandnattern 2672, 3466 Halsbandpeitschenotter 2621

Halsbandstrumpfbandnatter 8046 Halsbandzwergnatter 2984 Halsringnatter 2673 Halys Grubenotter 209 Halys Otter 209 Halys Schlange 209 Haly-Schlange 209 Hamadryad 5952 Hamptons Bergagame 4207 Handwühle 1182 Handwühlen 1181 Hardun 7743 Harlekin-Korallennatter 5593 Harlekin-Korallenschlange 5593 Harters Schwimmnatter 5785 Harters Wassernatter 5785 Haselnatter 2146 Haselwurm 489 Haubennattern 8740, 8784 Hausgecko 3891 Hausgeckos 3872 Hausschlange 4442 Hausschlangen 4439 Hausskink 5345 Hechtalligator 247 Heinroths Würfelnatter 5746 Heldenagame 181 Heller Tigerpython 6992 Hellrandige Krötenkopfschildkröte 6373 Helmbasilisk 1164 Helmchamäleon 1674 Helmgecko 3532 Helmgeckos 3531 Helmkopfbasilisk 4368 Helmkopfbasilisken 4366 Helmkopfgecko 3532 Helmkopfgeckos 3531 Helmkopfleguan 4368 Helmleguan 2153


Helmleguane 2152 Helmskinke 8208 Hernandez-Helmleguan 2154 Herreras Klappschildkröte 4268 Hewards Doppelzungenchleiche 1577 Hieroglyphenschmuckschildkröte 6818 Hieroglyphschlange 6995 Hierro-Rieseneidechse 3500 Himalaja-Grubenotter 210 Himalaja-Krötenkopf 6366 Himalaja-Schlankskink 7462 Hind-Viper 1012 Hinterindische Landschildkröte 5403 Hinterindische Landschildkröten 5401 Hinterindische Pfauenaugensumpfschildkröte 5672 Hinterindische Pfauenaugesumpfschildkröte 5672 Hinterindische Scharnierschildkröte 2429 Hinterindische Schönechse 1483 Hispanida-Spizkopfnattern 8545 Hispaniola-Leguan 2471 Hispaniola-Schleiche 2760 Hochgebirgsleguan 6489 Hochgebirgsleguane 6487 Hochlandagame 1495 HochlandKrokodilschleichen 5525 Hochlandstrumpfbandnatter 8090 Hochlandvipern 1608 Hochseeschlange 6169 Höckerechsen 8797


Höckerkopfgecko 7086 Höckerlandschildkröte 6736 Höckerschienenschildkröte 6603 Höckerschildkröten 3780 Höckerschmuckschildkröten 3780 Hodgsons Kletternatter 3017 Hoehnels Chamäleon 1674 Höhlenanolis 544, 691 Höhlenwaran 8656 Holarktische und Paläotropische Weichschildkröten 8269 Honduras-Dreiecksnatter 4418 Honduras-Königsnatter 4418 Honduras-Milchschlange 4418 Hopi-PrairieKlapperschlanage 2251 Hornagame 1595 Hornagamen 1594 Hornblattschwanzgecko 6484 Hornlose Gabunviper 1196 Hornotter 8698 Hornviper 1591 Hornvipern 1590 Hosmers Skink 2960 Hosmer-Stachelskink 2960 Hufeisennatter 2049 Hühneresser 7707, 7708 Hühnerfresser 7707, 7708 Hühnerschlangen 2993 Hundskopfboa 2111, 2112 Hundskopfboas 2109 Hundskopfschlinger 2109, 2111 Hundskopfwassertrugnatter 1600 Hundskopfwassertrugnattern 1598 Hutschlangen 5694 Iberien-Otter 8725

Iberische Gebirgseidechse 4333 Iberische Kreuzotter 8725 Iberische Mauereidechse 6584 Iberische Smaragdeidechse 4346 Iberische Sumpfschildkröte 3208 Iberischer Walzenskink 1617 Ibiboca 5604 Indigonatter 2898, 2899, 2902 Indigonattern 2897 Indigoschlange 2898 Indigoschlangen 2897 Indische Dachschildkröte 4230 Indische Dornschildkröte 7001 Indische Dornschildkröten 7000 Indische Eierschlange 2992 Indische Eierschlangen 2991 Indische Höckernasengrubenotter 4123 Indische Klappenweichschildkröte 5064 Indische Klappenweichschildkröten 5063 Indische Nasenotter 4123 Indische Pfauenaugensumpfschildkröte 5673 Indische Pfauenaugesumpfschildkröte 5673 Indische Sandboa 3334 Indische Schmuckbaumnatter 3016 Indische Schmucknatter 3016 Indische Schönechse 1498, 1498


Indische Schönnatter 3016 Indische Sternschildkröte 3604 Indische Strahlendreikielschildkröte 3614 Indische Strahlenschildkröte 3604 Indische Warzenschlange 111 Indische Weichschildkröten 984 Indischer Blutsauger 1498 Indischer Dornschwanz 8559 Indischer Flugdrache 2864 Indischer Hausgecko 3889 Indischer Krait 1393 Indoaustralische Bauchdrüsenotter 5446 Indochinesische Dornschildkröte 2442 Indochinesische Kobra 5696 Indonesische Kletternatter 3046 Indonesische Speikobra 5716 Indonesische Wassernatter 8781 Indopazifik-Gecko 3893 Indopazifischer Halbzehergecko 3893 Ingrams Scheinkobra 6891 Inland Taipan 6052 Inland-Teppichpython 5661 Inselkletternatter 3000 Insel-Lanzenotter 1291 Insel-Nachtechse 4300 Insel-Nachtechsen 4299 Inselnatter 3000 Inselskink 2283 Ionische Kieleidechse 244 Iranischer Sandskink 7480 Israelische Katzennatter 7959

Kanarischer Mauergecko

Israelische Schlankblindschlange 4769 Israelische Wurmschlange 7222 Jackson-Chamäleon 1676 Jacksons Chamäleon 1676 Jacksons Dreihornchamäleon 1676 Jahns Pfeilnatter 2060 Jamaika Schlankboa 3287 Jamaika-Anolis 638 Jamaika-Boa 3287 JamaikaSchmuckschildkröte 8177 Jameson-Mamba 2646 Jamesons Mamba 2646 Japan-Gecko 3577 Japanische Inselkletternatter 3000 Japanische Vierstreifennatter 3038 Japanische Walnatter 3001 Japanische Wasserschildkröte 5457 Japan-Kletternatter 3000 Jap-Lanzenskink 101 Jaracussu 1294 Jararaca 1293 Javanische Höckernatter 8783 Javanische Höckernattern 8782 Javanische Speikobra 5716 Javanische Warzenschlange 112 Javanische Warzenschlangen 111 Javanischer Bungar 1398 Javanischer Krait 1398 Java-Palmenotter 8244 Jemen-Chamäleon 1652 Jochnatter 2051 Johannisechse 5 Johnston-Chamäleon 1679

Jungferngecko 4588 Jura-Viper 8700 Juwelengecko 2724, 5750 Juwelennatter 2907 Kachuga-Dachschildkröte 4227 Kaffeenattern 5817 Kaimane 1418 Kaimanschildkröten 1771 Kaiserboa 1213 Kaiser-Plattgürtelechse 6545 Kaiser-Plattgürtelschweif 6545 Kalahari-Schildechse 3679 Kalamantan-Schleiche 5962 Kaledonischer Riesengecko 7091 Kalifornische Bergkönigsnatter 4437 Kalifornische Gopherschildkröte 3774 Kalifornische Kettennatter 4384 Kalifornische Königsnatter 4384 Kalifornische Ringelschleiche 498 Kammanolis 589 Kammbartagame 2303 Kammchamäleon 1659 Kammeidechse 5075 Kammeidechsen 5074 Kammleguan 1315 Kammwinkelkopfagame 2151 Kammwinkelkopfagamen 2150 Kammzehengecko 2183 Kammzehengeckos 2182 Kanaren-Eidechse 3499 Kanaren-Eidechsen 3497 Kanaren-Skink 1633 Kanaren-Walzenskink 1633 Kanarischer Mauergecko 7935


Kanchanaburi-Bambusotter 8233 Kanchanaburi-Lanzenotter 8233 Kantenkopfklapperschlange 2254 Kap Baumnatter 8110 Kap-Feilennatter 5469 Kap-Kobra 5709 Kap-Mabuya 5293 Kappadokische Eidechse 4316 Kap-Scelotesskink 7443 Kap-Schlangengürtelechse 1734 Kaputzennatter 5377 Kaputzennattern 5376 Kapverdische Riesenskinke 5379 Kapverdischer Riesenskink 5380 Kap-Waran 8647, 8657 Kap-Wolfsnatter 5143 Kap-Zwerggecko 5172 Kap-Zwergschildkobra 978 Karawala 1395 Karbonarnatter 2070 Karbonarschlange 2070 Karibische Wasserschlange 8203 Karibische Wasserschlangen 8199 Karierte Strumpfbandnatter 8070 Karoo-Zwergchamäleon 1345 Karsten-Ringelschildechse 8817 Karstläufer 6587 Karst-Otter 8726 Kaschgar-Wüstenrenner 3292 Kaschmir-Agame 7747 Kaspische Bachschildkröte 5452 Kaspische Pfeilnatter 2051 Kaspische Smaragdeidechse 4347


Kaspische Sumpfschildkröte 5452 Kaspische Wasserschildkröte 5452 Kaspische Zornnatter 2051 Kaspischer Bogenfingergecko 7968 Kaspischer Geradfinger 274 Kaspischer Geradfingergecko 274 Kaspischer Nacktfinger 7968 Kaspischer Nacktfingergecko 7968 KasuarinenBlauzungenskink 2457 Katanga-Buschviper 1014 Katzenaugennachtbaumnatt er 1232 Katzenaugennatter 4657 Katzenaugennattern 4656 Katzengecko 128 Katzengeckos 127 Katzennattern 7957 Katzenskinke 7251 Kaukasische Eidechse 4317 Kaukasische Wieseneidechse 4340 Kaukasischer Wüstenrenner 3301 Kaukasus-Agame 7730 Kaukasus-Eidechse 4317 Kaukasus-Gebirgseidechse 4317 Kaukasus-Otter 8713 Keilkopf-Glattstirnkaiman 6091 Keilkopfschleiche 7705 Keilkopfschleichen 7702 Keilkopfskink 7705 Keilkopfskinke 7702 Keilschleiche 7705 Keilschnauzenmabuya 5272 Keilskink 7705 Keilskinke 7702 Kemps Bastardschildkröte 4575

Kemps Schildkröte 4575 Kenya-Sandboa 3329 Kettenbullennattern 6498 Kettenklapperschlange 7566 Kettenkönigsnatter 4382 Kettennatter 4382, 6511 Kettenviper 8722 Keulenschwanzgecko 5760 Keulenschwanzgeckos 5759 Khorat-Skink 5235 Kiefernnatter 6511 Kiefernnattern 6497 Kiefernwaldschlange 7104 Kielechsen 241 Kielechsen 8330 Kieleidechsen 241 Kiel-Krokodilschleiche 1158, 3674 Kielmabuje 5294 Kielmabuya 5294 Kielrücken 8295 Kielrückennattern 5733 Kielrückenwassernattter 8297 Kielschildechsen 8160 Kielschuppenskinke 8319 Kielschuppige Buschviper 1013 Kielschwänze 8330 Kielschwanzfelseidechse 4344 KielschwanzFelseneidechse 4344 Kielschwanzleguan 8343 Kielschwanzleguane 8330 Kielschwanznatter 3834 Kielskinke 8319 Kielteju 4238 Kieltejus 4233 Kimberley-Bartagame 6611 Kings Doppelschleiche 854 Kings Doppelschleichen 853 Kinnfleckpfauenaugenschil dkröte 8164


Kinnfleckpfauenaugeschildkröte 8164 Kinnfleckschmuckschildkröte 8169 Kirks Agame 171 Kirtlands Wassernatter 1870 Kirtlands Wassernattern 1869 Kisyl-Kum-Krötenkopf 6360 Klappbrust- und Moschusschildkröten 4251 Klappbrustpelomedusen 6180 Klappenweichschildkröte 5064 Klapperschlangen 2185 Klappschildkröten 4251, 4252 Kleinasiatische Bergotter 2571 Kleinasiatische Netzwühle 1206 Kleinäugige Eidechse 4308 Kleine Bartagame 6612 Kleine Braunotter 3058 Kleine Braunottern 3057 Kleine Moschusschildkröte 4280 Kleine Nachtechse 8751 Kleine Plattgürtelechse 6541 Kleiner Bogenfinger 2521 Kleiner Plattgürtelschweif 6541 Kleiner SeychellenTaggecko 6210 Kleinere Warzengecko 1407 Kleines Natterauge 4 Kleinfleckiger Wüstenrenner 3297 Kleinköpfige Doppelschleiche 4643 Kleinschuppiger Scheingürtelschweif 6859


Kleintejus 250 Kletternatter 3003 Kletternattern 2993 Knopfschwanzgecko 5764 Knopfschwanzgeckos 5759 Knorpelweichschildkröte 453 Knox-Scharreidechse 5513 Knysna-Zwergchamäleon 1342 Kobra 5702 Kobra-Korallennatter 5591 Kobra-Korallenschlange 5591 Kobras 5694 Köhlerschildkröte 3601 Kolchische Sumpfschildkröte 3203 Kolumbianische Froschkopfschildkròte 6370 Kolumbianische Klapperschlange 2198 Kolumbianische Krötenkopfkopfschildkröte 6370 Kolumbianische Regenbogenboa 3271 Kolumbianischer Baumleguan 536 Komodo-Waran 8669 Komoren-Taggecko 6216 Komoren-Zwergtaggecko 6244 Königinennatter 7057 Königinnatter 7050, 7057 Königinschlange 7057 Königsboa 1210 Königshutschlangen 5694 Königskobra 5952 Königskobras 5951 Königskrötenechse 6409 Königsnatter 4382, 4404, 4424, 4430, 7057 Königsnattern 4373 Königspython 6993 Königsschlange 1210

KopfbindenZwergnatter 2988 Korallenkönigsnatter 4431, 4438 Korallenrollschlange 2482 Korallenrollschlange 492, 491 Korallenschlangen 4669, 5566, 5569 Koreanischer Schnellläufer 7859 Kornfingergecko 1836 Kornnatter 3012, 3013 Korsische Sumpfschildkröte 3202, 3209 Kragenagame 1833 Kragenagamen 1832 Kragenechse 1833 Kragenechsen 1832 Kraite 1390 Krallengecko 2002, 2006 Krallengeckos 2001 Krebsnattern 7050 Krebstrugnatter 3490 Krebstrugnattern 3489 Kreffts Spitzkopfschildkröte 3194 Krefft-Spitzkopfschildkröte 3194 Kreuzbrustschildkröte 7712 Kreuzbrustschildkröten 7711 Kreuzotter 8707 Krim-Eidechse 6596 Kroatische Gebirgseidechse 4328 Krokodile 2168 Krokodilgecko 2565 Krokodilier 2167 Krokodilkaiman 1419, 1424 Krokodilnachtechsen 4607 Krokodilschleichen 1157, 3088, 3673 Krokodilschwanzechse 2166 Krokodilschwanzechsen 2165


Krokodilschwanzhöckerechse 7503 Krokodilschwanzhöckerechsen 7502 Krokodilskink 8212 Krokodilskinke 8319 Krokodilteju 2858 Krokodiltejus 2857 Krönchenzwergnatter 2985 Kronenbasilisken 4366 Kronengecko 7090 Kronenkopfgecko 7090 Kronenkrötenechse 6394 Krötenechsen 6387 Krötenkopfagamen 6319 Krötenköpfe 6319 Krötenkopfschildkröten 6369 Krötennatter 8788 Krötenotter 1565 Krötenottern 1559 Krötenvipern 1559 Krustenechse 3853 Krustenechsen 3852, 3857 Kuba-Anolis 786, 788 Kuba-Boa 3266 Kuba-Krokodil 2180 Kuba-Nachtechse 2162 Kuba-Nachtechsen 2161 Kubanische Schlankboa 3266 Kubanische Schmuckschildkröte 8165 Kubanische Zwergboa 8311 Kubanischer Kugelfingergecko 7604 Kubanisches Falsches Chamäleon 1723 Kuba-Schlankboa 3266 Kuba-Schlanknatter 263 Kuba-Wasserenatter 8204 Kuba-Wirtelschwanzleguan 2468 Kuba-Zwergboa 8306 Kugelechse 2266, 2269, 6006


Kugelfinger 7592 Kugelfingergeckos 7592 Kuhls Faltengecko 6963 Kuhls Spitzkopfagame 6849 Kükennatter 3026, 3029 Kukrinattern 5869 Kumaonische Bergagame 4209 Kupferkopf 203 Kuriner Eidechse 4339 Kuriner Feldeidechse 4339 Kurzfußschlangenskink 5943 Kurzhornchamäleon 1650, 1654 Kurzhornkrötenechse 6395 Kurzkammleguan 1314 Kurzkammleguane 1313 Kurzkopfkielschwanzlegua n 2336 Kurzkopfstrumpfbandnatter 8039 Kurzkopfweichschildkröte 1830 Kurzkopfwüstenrenner 6158 KurzkopfwWeichschildkröt en 1829 Kurznattern 5027, 5130 Kurzpython 6986 Kurzschwanzleguane 7750 Kurzschwanznatter 7799 Kurzschwanznattern 7798 Kurzschwanzpython 6986, 6989 Kurzschwanzwaran 8652 Küstenglasschleiche 5964 Küstenlyraschlange 8263 Küstenrautenpython 5667 Küstenschlankskinke 3111 Kutscherpeitschennatter 5411 Kutscherpeitschennattern 5404 Labgbeinleguane 6630 Labilliardières Skink 2378 Lacerten 4358

Lackschwarzer SüdseeSkink 3157 Ladak-Schlankskink 7465 La-Digue-Taggecko 6241 Lake-Eyre-Agame 2312 Lancelin-Streifenskink 2379 Landeidechsen 4358 Landkartenhöckerschildkröte 3785 Landkartenschildkröte 3785 Landschildkròte 8002 Landschildkröten 3600, 6733, 7999, 8000 Langbeinige Skinke 3361 Langhalsschmuckschildkröte 2592 Langhalsschmuckschildkröten 2591 Langnasennattern 7165 Langnasenstrauchnatter 6262 Langnasige Schlankblindschlange 4755 Langs Gürtelschweif 6857 Langschwanzagame 1360 Langschwanzeidechsen 4474, 7849 Lanzenotter 1283, 1302, 1308 Lanzenottern 1278, 8217 Lanzenschlange 1283 Lanzenskinke 95 Laos-Dornschildkröte 2442 Laos-Gecko 3582 Laos-Kielskink 8323 Lappenchamäleon 1662 Latifi-Otter 8715 Latifis Otter 8715 Laubanole 574 Lederschildkröte 2669 Lederschildkröten 2667, 2668 Leguane 4165, 4168 Leieragame 5258 Leierkopfagame 5258


Leierkopfagamen 5257 Leiernatter 8266 Leilopismaskinke 4521 Leistenkrokodil 2179 Leonards Kletternatter 3021 Leopardgecko 3345 Leopardleguan 3504 Leopardleguane 3501 Leopardnatter 3045 Leuchtteju 6703 Levante-Otter 8716 Levante-Viper 8716 Lianennatter 1870 Lianennatter 226, 8111 Lianennattern 1869 Libanesische Bergotter 8709 Libanon-Eidechse 4330 Lichtensteins Nachtotter 1562 Lidgeckos 127 Lidgeckos 3341 Liebesnatter 3044 Likiang-Grubenotter 213 Lindheimers Erdnatter 3027 Linealflugdrache 2869 Linnés Zwergschlange 1435 Lippennatter 3486 Lippennattern 3485 Lord-Howe-InselBlattfingergecko 1838 Lord-Howe-InselSchlankskink 6801 Luth 2669 Lyrakopf 5258 Lyrakopfagame 5258 Lyrakopfagamen 5257 Lyraschlangen 8262 Mabujen 5271 Mabuyen 5271 Macklots Python 4859 Maclays Wassertrugnatter 3235 MacMahon-Viper 3315 MacMahon-Vipern 3314

Malayische Kobra

Macroteteiide Echsen 7954 Madagasische Flachrückenschildkröte 7004 Madagasische Flachschwanzschildkröt e 7004 Madagaskar-Boa 1216, 1217 Madagaskar-Erdchamäleon 1371 MadagaskarGroßkopfgecko 6153 Madagaskar-Hakennatter 4512 Madagaskar-Hakennattern 4510 Madagaskar-Hundskopfboa 1217 MadagaskarHundskopfschlinger 1217 Madagaskar-Leguan 1613, 6006 Madagaskar-Leguane 1612, 6004 Madagaskar-Natter 4512 Madagaskar-Nattern 4510 MadagaskarSchienenschildkröte 3319 MadagaskarSchienenschildkröten 3318 MadagaskarSpinnenschildkröte 7003 MadagaskarZwergchamäleon 1387 Madagassische Baumschlangen 4459 Madagassische Blasennatter 4461 Madagassische Erdboa 1217 Madagassische Gürtelschildechse 8819 Madagassische Kielschildechse 8161

Madagassische Ringelschildechse 8819 Madagassische Schnabelbrustschildkröte 3612 Madagassische Strahlenschildkröte 3610 Madagassische Taggeckos 6207 Madagassischer Großer Taggecko 6227 Madagassischer Plattschwanzgecko 8594 Madagassischer Plattschwanzleguan 8594 Madagassischer Taggecko 6227 Madeira-Eidechse 6581 Madeira-Mauereidechse 6581 Magellan-Erdleguan 4927 Magellans Erdleguan 4927 Mähnenschönechse 1363 Malachitgrüner Stachelleguan 7376 Malagassischer Hundskopfschlinger 1217 Malaiischer Krait 1394 Malayen-Mokassinotter 1475 Malayen-Mokassinottern 1474 Malayen-Mokassinschlange 1475 Malayen-Sumpfschildkröte 5395 MalayenSumpfschildkröten 5394 Malayen-Weichschildkröte 2856 Malayen-Weichschildkröten 2855 Malayische Dornschildkröte 2441 Malayische Kobra 5716

Malayische Mokassingrubenotter

Malayische Mokassingrubenotter 1475 Malayische Mokassinotter 1475 Malayische Mokassinottern 1474 Malayische Mokassinschlange 1475 Malayische Mokassinschlangen 1474 Malayischer Bogenfinger 2545 Malaysischer Nackenstachler 79 Mali-Dornschwanz 158 Mali-Kobra 5699 MalpeloGallwespenschleiche 2770 Malta-Eidechse 6583 Maltesische Mauereidechse 6583 Mamba 2645 Mambas 2644 Mamushi 201 Mandarinnatter 3024 Mandarinschlange 3024 Mangrovengrubenotter 8245 Mangrovennachtbaumnatter 1233 Mangrovenotter 8245 Mangrovenrattenschlange 3772 Mangrovenskink 3118 Mangrovenviper 8245 Mangrovenwaran 8666 Marchs Palmenlanzenotter 1258 Marmorgecko 3913 Marmorierter Buntleguan 6635 Marmorschönechse 1364 Marokkanische Erzschleiche 1624 Marokkanischer Walzenskink 1628

Marokkanischer Zwerggecko 7306 Marokko-Schleiche 5969 Marsabit-Chamäleon 1685 Marshalls Zwergchamäleon 7150 Martinique-Anolis 781 Martinique-Lanzenotter 1296 Maskenleguan 4489, 4500, 4506 Maskenleguane 4487 Massasauga 7566 Masters-Otter 2926 Masters-Schlange 2926 Matamatas 1763 Mauereidechse 6589 Mauereidechsen 6580 Mauergecko 7949 Mauergeckos 7932 Maulwurfnatter 6786 Maulwurfnattern 6785 Maulwurfsnatter 6786 Maulwurfsnattern 1018, 6785 Maurische Landschildkröte 8001, 8007 Maurische Netzwühle 1205 Maurische Ringelwühle 1205 Maurische Sumpfschildkröte 5458 Mauritanischer Echsenfingergecko 7306 Mauritius-Boa 1252, 1558 Mauritius-Boas 1251, 1253, 1557 McCords Scharnierschildkröte 2430 McCords Schlangenhalsschildkröte 1747 Meerechse 294 Meerechsen 293 Meeresschildkröten 1756, 1760, 2667


Méhelys Agame 173 Meller-Chamäleon 1686 Mellers Chamäleon 1686 Merrems Haubennattern 8741 Mertens-Taggecko 6237 Mertens-Wasserwaran 8670 MesquiteStachelschuppenleguan 7353 Mexikanische Alligatorschleiche 3095 Mexikanische Bullennatter 6507 Mexikanische Dünnschlange 4679 Mexikanische Gopherschildkröte 3776 Mexikanische Hakennasennatter 3479 Mexikanische Hakennasennattern 3803 Mexikanische Hakennatter 3980 Mexikanische Hornlanzenotter 5994 Mexikanische Hornlanzenottern 5993 Mexikanische Indigonatter 2903 Mexikanische Königsnatter 4394, 4397, 4409 Mexikanische Kreuzbrustschildkröte 7713 Mexikanische Lanzenkopfklapperschlange 2226 Mexikanische Leiernatter 8268 Mexikanische Milchschlange 4409 Mexikanische Mokassinotter 196, 197 Mexikanische Mokassinschlange 196 Mexikanische Nachtnatter 3007, 3008


Mexikanische Nasenotter 196 Mexikanische Schlangenechse 484 Mexikanische Schlangenechsen 483 Mexikanische Schlankblindschlange 4744 Mexikanische Schwarzschwanzklappe rschlange 2224 Mexikanische Spitznatter 6029 Mexikanische Strumpfbandnatter 8045, 8060, 8072 Mexikanische Trugnatter 2094 Mexikanische WestküstenKlapperschlange 2190 Mexikanische WestküstenWassernatter 5795 Mexikanische Zwergboa 3465 Mexikanische Zwergboas 3464 Mexikanische Zwergklapperschlange 7574 Mexikanischen Hakennasennattern 3478 Mexikanischer Krallengecko 2003 Mexiko-Klappschildkröte 4276 Microteiide Echsen 3810 Mikrogeckos 8345 Milchschlange 4405, 4430 Milchschlangen 4373 Milos-Eidechse 6588 Milos-Mauereidechse 6588 Milos-Otter 8724 Milos-Ringelnatter 5741 Mindoro-Krokodil 2177 Mississippi-Alligator 247 MississippiHöckerschildkröte 3795


Mitchells Bartagame 6614 Mitchells Plattechse 6548 Mitchells Wasserwaran 8671 Mittelafrikanische Klappenweichschildkröten 2437 Mittelamereikanische Zwergboa 8532 Mittelamerikanische Blindschlange 4740 Mittelamerikanische Nachtechsen 4603 Mittelamerikanische Schnappschildkröte 1769 Mittelamerikanische Taggeckos 3705 Mittelamerikanischer Buschmeister 4365 Mittelamerikanischer Cribo 2904 Mittelamerikanischer Krallengecko 2003 Mittelasiatische Kobra 5711 Mittelasiatische Ottern 2567 Mittelasiatischer Wüstenwaran 8665 Mittelländische Sumpfschildkröte 3206 MittelmeerSumpfschildkröte 5458 Moçambique-Agame 175 Moçambique-Schlankskink 5219 Moçambique-Speikobra 5701 Moellendorf's Blumennatter 3025 Moellendorfs Kletternatter 3025 Mohrenkaiman 5500 Mohrenkaimane 5499 Moila-Natter 5397 Mojave-Klapperschlange 2233, 2234 Mojave-SeitenwinderKlapperschlange 2193 Mokassinottern 195

Mokassinschlange 196 Mokassinschlangen 195 Moloch 5638 Mona-Blindschlange 8456 Mona-Nashornleguan 2466 Mona-Schlankboa 3277 Mondnatter 6049 Mondnattern 6037 Mongolischer Wüstenrenner 3290 Monokelkobra 5698 Mooreidechse 4353 Mopskopfleguan 8539 Mopskopfleguane 8538 Mosaikdoppelfingergecko 2750 Moschusschildkröte 4284 Moschusschildkröten 4251, 4252 Mosor-Eidechse 4334 Mosor-Gebirgseidechse 4334 Mozambik Schlankskink 5219 Mozambik-Agame 175 Mozambik-Speikobra 5701 Mozambique-Agame 175 Mozambique-Schlankskink 5219 Mozambique-Speikobra 5701 Mudela 3514 Mühlenbergs Wasserschildkröte 1868 Mühlenberg-Schildkröte 1868 Mulga-Schlange 6788 Müllers Erdviper 5540 Müllers Waldskink 4830 Münzennatter 2058 Murray-RiverSpitzkopfschildkröte 3195 Mussurana 1856 Mussuranas 1854 Mwanza-Agame 176 Nachtbaumnattern 1226


Nachtechsen 8746, 8757 Nachtnatter 4131 Nachtnattern 4128 Nachtotter 1565 Nachtottern 1559 Nachtschlange 4131 Nachtschlangen 4128 Nachtskink 2978, 7478 Nachtskinke 7477 Nackendornenweichschildk röte 6088 Nackendornenweichschildk röten 6087 Nackenstachler 78, 79, 81, 82 Nacktfinger 3807 Nacktfingergeckos 2496, 3807, 5460, 7967 Namamen-Natter 4657 Namaqua-Wüstenrenner 6165 Namaqua-Zwergotter 1201 Namaqua-Zwergpuffotter 1201 Namib-Gecko 6093 Namib-Geckos 6092 Namib-Taggecko 7230 Namib-Viper 1200 Nasenkobras 977 Nasenlanzenotter 6644 Nasennatter 7166 Nasennattern 7165 Nashornagamen 1594 Nashornleguan 2466 Nashornleguane 2463 Nashornviper 1197 Natal-Gelenkschildkröte 4249 Natal-Schwarzschlange 5360 Natal-Schwarzschlangen 5359 Natteraugen 1 Natteraugenskinke 1 Natterers Zwerggecko 8346 Nattern 2071, 3056


Natternplattschwanz 4482 Neiguinea-Boa 1512 Nelson-Dosenschildkröte 7994 Netzagame 2314, 2316 Netzkrötenkopfagame 6358 Netzpython 6994 Netzschlange 6994 Netzwühlen 1204 Neuguinea Boa 1510 Neuguinea Todesotter 75 Neuguinea-Flossenfuß 4856 Neuguinea-Helmskink 8213 Neuguinea-Krokodil 2176 NeuguineaSchlangenhalsschildköte 1748 NeuguineaSchlangenschleiche 2699 Neuguinea-Skinke 5069 Neuguinea-Wasserpython 4859 NeuguineaWeichschildkröte 1523 NeuguineaWeichschildkröten 1521, 1522 Neuguinea-Zwergpython 1273 Neukaledonischer Riesengecko 7089, 7091 Neumexiko WillardKlapperschlange 2256 Neuseeländerische Baumgeckos 5748 Neuseeländerischer Baumgecko 5749 Neuseeländischer Waldgecko 4057 Neuweltliche Wasserschildkröten 1862 Neuwied-Lanzenotter 1302 Newuwieds Lanzenotter 1302 Nieder-Kalifornische Klapperschlange 2204

Nieuwenhuisens Baumskink 4370 Nil-Krokodil 2175 Nil-Waran 8672 Nitschesche Baumviper 1015 Nordafrikanische Schlankblindschlange 4755 Nordafrikanische Sumpfschildkröte 3211, 5458 Nordafrikanischer Dornschwanz 8553 Nordamerikanische Gummiboa 1739 Nordamerikanische Krötenechse 6394 Nordamerikanische Kurzhornkrötenechse 6395 Nordamerikanische Sandboa 1739 Nordamerikanische Schnappschildkröte 1770 Nordamerikanische Wassernattern 5769 Nordiberische Kreuzotter 8725 Nördliche Bändernatter 8088 Nördliche Blauzunge 8131 Nördliche Braunnatter 7804, 7805 Nördliche Bronzenatter 2627 Nördliche Kiefernnatter 6514 Nördliche Kleinaugenotter 7201 Nördliche Krokodilschleiche 3090 Nördliche Krusteneche 3854 Nördliche Madagaskar-Boa 1217 Nördliche PrairieKlapperschlange 2252 Nôrdliche Todesotter 76


Nördlicher Blauzungenskink 8125 Nördlicher Brillenteju 3816 Nördlicher Kupferkopf 206 Nordostafrikanische Sandrasselotter 2950 Nordpazifische Klapperschlange 2252 Nordwestliche Schauerklapperschlange 2197 Nordwestliche Strumpfbandnatter 8074 Nossi-Bé-Zwergchamäleon 1378 Nosy-Be 1378 Nosy-Be Stummelschwanzchamäleon 1378 Nübische Speikobra 5710 Nucras-Eidechsen 5839 Nukras-Eidechsen 5839 Nullabor Bartagame 6615 Oaouanische Blauzunge 8123 Oaxaca-Zwergboa 3465 Ocellenstrumpfbandnatter 8048 Oenpelli-Python 5663 Ohrenkrötenkopf 6351 Okinawa-Habusschlange 6026 Olive Bastardschildkröte 4576 Olive Peitschenotter 2616 Olivfarbene Hausschlange 4445, 4446 Olivfarbener Baumskink 2578 Olivfarbige Sumpfnatter 5731 Olivfarbiger Python 4863 Olivgrüner Taggecko 6208 Olivpython 4863 Orangekehlige Rennechse 1937, 1939 Oregon-Strumpfbandnatter 8037


Orientalische Korallenottern 1455 Orientalische Rattennatter 6944 Orientalische Rattennattern 8808 Orientalische Wassertrugnattern 3217 Orientalische Wurmnattern 8178 Orinoko-Krokodil 2172 OrinokoSchienenschildkröte 6605 Ornament-Bänderotter 2663 Ornamentschlangen 2661 Osagen-Kupferkopf 207 Ostafrikanische Bergotter 1012 Ostafrikanische GabunViper 1193 Ostafrikanische Grüne Mamba 2645 Ostafrikanische Spaltenschildkröte 5393 Ostafrikanisches Dreihornchamleon 1676, 1677 Östliche Bändernatter 8084, 8087 Östliche Bartagame 6609 Östliche Braunschlange 6894 Östliche Diamantklapperschlang e 2186 Östliche Dreiecksnatter 4429 Östliche Fuchsnatter 3011 Östliche Gefleckte Strumpfbandnatter 8048 Östliche Glasschleiche 5972 Östliche Hakennatter 3982 Östliche Indigonatter 2900 Östliche Kettennatter 4386 Östliche Kleinaugenotter 7199

Östliche Kutscherpeitschennatter 5413 Östliche Massasauga 7567 Östliche Sandboa 3335 Östliche Sandrasselotter 2941 Östliche Scheinkobra 6894 Östliche Schlammnatter 3468 Östliche Schwarznackenstrumpfbandnatter 8048 Östliche Streifenstrumpfbandnatter 8084 Östliche Strumpfbandnatter 8084, 8103 Östliche Tigerotter 5829 Östliche Vierstreifennatter 3040 Östliche Wassermokassinschlange 217 Östliche Wolfsnatter 5151 Östlicher Fächerfußgecko 6968, 6969 Östlicher Goldskink 5277 Östlicher Sandskink 7481 Östlicher Taipan 6053 Östlicher Zaunleguan 7419 Ostmediterrane Sumpfschildkröte 3207 Ostspanische Sumpfschildkröte 3205 Ottern 8697, 8728 Ouachita-Höckerschildkröte 3791 Oudris Flachfingergecko 6973 Owens Dreihornchamäleon 1696 Pakistan-Fransenfinger 49 Pakistanische Diademnatter 7586 Palästina-Viper 2569 Palmenlanzenottern 1254 Palmenvipern 1254 Panama-Zwergboa 8533

Panamische Boa

Panamische Boa 8533 Pannonische Bergeidechse 4355 Pans Scharnierschildkröte 2431 Pantheranolis 785 Pantherchamäleon 1697 Pantherfransenfinger 62 Panthergecko 3345 Panthernatter 5434 Panthernattern 5432 Pantherschildkröte 3607 Panzerchamäleon 1380 Panzerechsen 2168, 2169 Panzergürtelschweif 2121 Panzerkrokodil 2171 Panzerschleiche 5958 Panzerschleichen 5957 Papageienschlange 4679 Papageienschlangen 4673 Papuanische Riesenblauzunge 8130 Papua-Schildkröte 1523 Papua-Schildkröten 1521, 1522 Papua-Waran 8679 Papua-Weichschildkröten 1521 Papua-Winkelkopfagame 4150 Paradis-Schlange 1848 ParadisSchmuckbaumnatter 1848 Paraguay-Anakonda 3440 Paraguay-Krokodilteju 2859 Parana-Goldbauchnatter 4979 Parkers Schlangenhalsschildkröte 1750 Parsons Chamäleon 1698 PascagoulaHöckerschildkröte 3786 Patagonischer Erdleguan 2779


Patagonischer Leguan 2779 Pazifik-Boa 1510, 1511, 1513, 1514 Pazifik-Boas 1509 Pazifik-Gecko 3555 Pazifik-Geckos 3533 Pazifik-Waran 8666 Pazifik-Wasserschildkröte 1865 Pazifische Bastardschildkröte 4576 Peitschennatter 226 Peitschennatter 5411, 221 Peitschennattern 5404 Peitschenschlange 5411 Peitschenschlangen 2613 Peleponnes-Eidechse 6591 Pelomedusenschildkröten 6177 Peloponnesische Eidechse 6591 Peloponnesische Kielechse 244 Peloponnesische Kieleidechse 243, 244 Peloponnesos-Eidechse 6591 PeninsulaSchmuckschildkröte 6825 PennsylvaniaKlappschildkröte 4295 Perenty 8659 Péringueys Wüstenotter 1200 Peringuey-Wüstenotter 1200 Perleidechse 4331 Perlennatter 3032 Perlnatter 2907, 2908 Persische Eidechse 4315 Persische Kletternatter 3033 Persische Pfeilnatter 2051 Persische Sumpfschildkröte 3213 Persische Trughornviper 6853

Persische Trughornvipern 6850 Persischer Schlangenskink 5947 Peters Blindschlange 7045 Peters Kielschildechse 8162 Peters Krötenkopfschildkröte 6379 Petris Dünnfingergecko 7788 Pfauenaugehöckerschildkröte 3790 Pfauenaugenhöckerschildk-röte 3790 Pfauenaugenschmuckschild kröte 8173 Pfauenaugensumpfschildkröten 5671 Pfauenaugentaggecko 6236 Pfauenaugenwasserschildkröte 7257 Pfauenaugenwasserschildkr öten 7256 Pfauenaugenweichschildkröte 986 Pfauenaugeschildkröte 7257 Pfauenaugeschildkröten 7256 Pfauenaugesumpfschildkröten 5671 Pfauenaugetaggecko 6236 Pfauenaugeweichschildkröte 986 Pfeifgecko 6938 Pfeilnatter 2051, 2053, 2069 Pfeilnattern 2031 Pfeilotter 1565 Pflasternasennattern 7270 Pflasterzahnnattern 7270 Phelsumen 6207 Philippinen Kletternatter 3006 Philippinen-Erdschildkröte 3971 Philippinen-Kobra 5713 Philippinen-Seeschlange 4108


Philippinische Bambusotter 8226 Philippinische Segelechse 4118 Picados Springende Lanzenotter 1125 Pilotnatter 3026, 3027, 3028 Pityusen-Eidechse 6593 Platémyde à tête plate occidentale 6529 Platémyde à tête plate orientale 6530 Plättchenseeschlange 6169 Plättchenseeschlangen 6168 Plattechsen 6539 Plattgürtelechechsen 6539 Plattgürtelschweife 6539 Plattrückenschildkröte 5835 Plattrückenschildkröten 5834 Plattschildkröte 6528 Plattschildkröten 35 Plattschildkröten 6527 Plattschwänzchen 2955 Plattschwänze 4481 Plattschwanzgecko 8594, 8598 Plattschwanzgeckos 8591 Plattschwanzseeschlange 4484 Plattschwanzseeschlangen 4481 Plattschwanzstachelskink 2956 Pleskes Wüstenrenner 7061 Plump-Seeschlange 4473 Plump-Seeschlangen 4472 Pontische Sumpfschildkröte 3212 Pope-Bambusotter 8243 Pope-Lanzenotter 8243 Popes Lanzenotter 8243 Portschinskis Eidechse 4339 Prachterdschildkröte 7176 Prachthöckerschildkröte 3790


Prachtkieleidechse 245 Prachtschmetterlingsagame 4515 Prachtskinke 5218 Prachtvolle Bergagame 4219 Prachtzornnatter 2046 Prairie-Klapperschlange 2253 Prairie-Kornnatter 3004 Prairie-Strumpfbandnatter 8080 Prärie-Klapperschlange 2244 Prärien-Klapperschlange 2244 Prices Klapperschlange 2227, 2228 Przewalskis Wundergecko 7979 Przewalskis Wüstenrenner 3298 Puerto-Rico-Boa 3276 Puerto-Rico-Grasanolis 760 Puerto-Rico-Schlankboa 3276 Puffotter 1186 Puffottern 1185 Punktenzwergnatter 2989 Purpurarieneidechse 3498 Purpurne Glanzschlange 287 Pyrenäen-Otter 8725 Pythone 6984 Pythonschlangen 1225 Queimada-GrandeInsellanzenotter 1291 Quergebänderte SandrennNatter 6755 Rackhams Höckerechse 8803 Raddes Otter 2570 Radde-Viper 2570 Ragazzis Fächerfingergecko 6975 Ramsays Python 991 Rankschuppige Buschviper 1016

Rattennatter 3052, 6944 Rattennattern 1221 Rattenschlange 6944 Rattenschlangen 2993 Raufußklappschildkröte 4269 Rauhboa 8184 Rauhboas 8183 Rauhe Erdschlange 8730 Rauhe Grasnatter 5930 Rauhe Schlangenhalsschildkröte 1753 Rauhnackenwaran 8678 Rauhnatter 8730 Rauhnattern 8729 Rauhschuppenboa 8184 Rauhschuppenboas 8183 Rauhschuppige Buschviper 1016 Rauhschwanzschlangen 8568 Rauschuppenbuschviper 1013 Rauschuppige Echsen 4159 Rauschuppige KapEidechse 4161 Rauschuppige Teppichschlange 5662 Rauschuppiger Python 5662 Rautenkrokodil 2180 Rautenpython 5664, 5668 Rautenpythone 5658 Rautenschlange 5664 Rautenschlangen 5658 Rautenschwimmnatter 5787 Rautenwassernatter 5787 Ravergieris Zornnatter 2059 Redi-Viper 8703 Regenbogenboa 3267, 3270 Regenbogenerdschlange 8793 Regenbogenerdschlangen 8791 Regenbogennatter 3470, 3471 Regenbogennattern 3466


Regenbogenschlange 8793 Regenbogenschlangen 8790 Regenwurmblindschlange 8443 Reimanns Schlangenhalsschildkröte 1752 Reisfeld-Wassssertrugnatter 3234 Rennechsen 1907 Rennn-Nattern 2905 Renntejus 1907 Reuss-Zornnatter 2058 Reuters Blindschlange 8473 Riesen Madagaskar-Leguan 6006 Riesenagame 7739 Riesenanolis 597, 771 Riesenblauzungenskink 8123 Riesenchamäleon 1695 Rieseneidechsennatter 5398 Riesenerdschildkröte 3970 Riesengecko 4055 Riesengeckos 7085 Riesengürtelschweif 2123 Riesenhutschlange 5952 Riesenkorallenotter 5622 Riesenkrötenechse 6388 Riesenlanzenskink 105 Riesennatter 4172 Riesennattern 4171 Riesenschlangen 1225 RiesenSchlangenhalsschildkröte 1745 Riesenskink 8123 Riesenskinkverwandte 8118 Riesensmaragdeidechse 4348 Riesenstrumpfbandnatter 8065 Riesenweichschildkröte 6171 Riesenweichschildkröten 6170 Riff Seeschlange 234, 238


Riffgecko 7650 Rindenanolis 609 Ringelboa 2110 Ringelnatter 5736, 5737, 5741, 5742 Ringelschildechsen 8813 Ringelschleiche 1205, 496, 501 Ringelschwanzleguan 4489 Ringelschwanzleguane 4487 Ringenschwanzbartagame 2301 Ringgecko 7936 Ringhals 3861 Ringhalskobra 3861 Ringhalskobras 3860 Ringhalsnatter 2673 Ringhalsnattern 2672 Ringhalsottern 3860 Ringkobras 3860 Rio-ApaporisBrillenkaiman 1420 Ritteranolis 616 Rlotrückennatter 3042 Robert-MertensLandschildkröte 8005 Rollschlangen 2474 Rollschlangen 490 Rollschwanzleguan 4489 Rollschwanzleguane 4487 Roosevelts Anolis 777 Rosa Kornnatter 3015 Rosazungenskink 8122 Rosen-Bänderotter 7817 Rosenboa 4867, 4869 Rosenboas 4864 Rosens Schlange 7817 Rostbrauner Gürtelschweif 2137 Rostkopfwaran 8682 Rostombekows Eidechse 4343 Rostombekows Feldeidechse 4343 Rostroter Waran 8682

Rotaugennatter 3038 Rotbartflugdrache 2867 Rotbauchbraunnatter 7811 Rotbaucheidechse 4337 Rotbauchfelseneidechse 4337 Rotbäuchige Bauchdrüsenotter 5446 Rotbäuchige Braunschlange 7811 Rotbäuchige Schwarzotter 6793 Rotbäuchige Schwimmnatter 5775 Rotbauchnatter 7811 Rotbauchschmuckschildkröte 6826 Rotbauchschwarzotter 6793 Rotbauchspitzkopfschildkröte 3197 Rotbauchwassernatter 5775 Rote Bambusnatter 3036 Rote Diamantklapperschlange 2230, 2232 Rote Doppelschleiche 401 Rote Königsnatter 4405, 4415, 4424 Rote Krötenkopfschildkröte 6377 Rote Kutscherpeitschennatter 5416 Rote Regenbogenboa 3269 Rote Speikobra 5712 Rote Stachelagame 151 Rote Sudan-Schildechse 3682 Rote Walzenschlange 2482 Roter Blutpython 6988 Roter Großteju 8354 Roter Teju 8354 Rotflankenschildechse 3681 Rotgefleckte Strumpfbandnatter 8099 Rotgestreifte SandrennNatter 6775, 6776 Rothalskielrückennatter 7077


Rothalsotter 3493 Rothalswaran 8667 Roths Zwergnatter 2990 Rotkehlanolis 566 Rotkehlrennteju 1934 Rotkopfagame 1497 Rotkopfkrait 1397 Rotkopfplattschildkröte 6528 Rotkopfschienenschildkröte 6600 Rotkopfskink 3396, 3408 Rotkopfwaran 8682 Rötliche Schnabelnasennatter 7142 Rotnackenwassernatter 7077 Rotrückenschnabelnasennatter 7144 Rotrückige Klappenweichschildkröte 2446 Rotschwanzbauchdrüsenotter 5447 Rotschwanznatter 3772 Rotschwanznattern 3771 Rotschwanzrollschlange 2482 Rotschwarze Lanzenotter 1288 Rotseitenstrumpfbandnatter 8099 Rotseitige Strumpfbandnatter 8099 Rotstreifenbändernatter 8079 Rotstreifenstrumpfbandnatter 8091 Rotwangenschildkröte 8168 Rotwangenschmuckschild= kröte 8170 Round-Island-Boa 1558 Round-Island-Boas 1557 Rowleys Palmenlanzenotter 1260 Rübenschwanzgecko 8108 Rübenschwanzgeckos 8107


Rübenschwanzviperngecko 7974, 7975 Rübenschwanzviperngeckos 7973 Rückenflecken-ElseyaSchildkröte 3108 Rückenfleckenerdschildkröte 7180, 7181 Rückenfleckenspitzkopfschildkröte 3108 Rückenfleckenweichschildkröte 2438 Rückenstreifenpelomeduse 6188 Rückenstreifenzierschildkrö te 1843 Rückstreifenpelomedusensc hildkröte 6188 Ruderschlangen 4082, 4109 Ruinenagame 8196 Ruineneidechse 6594 Rundinsel-Boa 1558 Rundinsel-Boas 1557 Rundliche Spitzkopfschildkröte 3197 Rundschwanzkrötenechse 6403 Russische Kobra 5711 Russische Levante-Otter 8718 Russische Rattenschlange 3044 Russische Ringelnatter 5743 Ruthvens Königsnatter 4404 Saba-Anolis 785 Safranbäuchige Eidechse 4353 Sägefinger 51 Sägerückenagame 1481 Sägeschwanzeidechse 3995 Sägeschwanzeidechsen 3994 Sägeschwanztaggecko 6238 Sagrei-Anolis 786 Sahul-Riffschlange 234

Salomonen-Riesenskink 2149 SalomonenWinkelschwanzskink 2149 Salompenter 8355 SalvinKreuzbrustschildkröten 7712 Salvins Kreuzbrustschildkröte 7712 Samar Kobra 5714 Samtgecko 5854, 5861 Samtgeckos 5853 San Pedro Königsnatter 4432 Sandagamen 6746 Sandboa 3329, 3332, 3338 Sandboas 3327 Sandechse 901 Sandechsen 900 Sandgecko 1835, 6093, 6938, 7980 Sandgeckos 1834, 6092 Sandläufer 6737 Sandotter 8698 Sandrasselotter 2940 Sandrasselottern 2939 Sandrenn-Natter 6771 Sandrennn-Nattern 6749 Sandschildechse 486 Sandschildechsen 485 Sandschlange 3332 Sandschlangen 1777 Sandschwimmer 3303 Sandskinke 7479 Sandtaucher 901 Sandviper 8698 San-Joaquin-Leopardleguan 3503 San-Lucas Gefleckte Klapperschlange 2219 Santa-CatalinaKlapperschlange 2191 Santa-Fé-Drüsenkopf 2090 Santorin-Walzenskink 1625

Sao- Paulo-Falsche Korallenschlange

Sao- Paulo-Falsche Korallenschlange 7539 Sardinische Kieleidechse 242 Sardische Kieleidechse 242 Sattelfleckwassernatter 5779 Saumfinger 502 Saumfingerechsen 502 Scelotesskink 7440 Scelotesskinke 7435 Schachbrettdoppelschleiche 8276 Schachbrettdoppelschleichen 8275 Schachbrettwüstenrenner 3298 Scharlachnatter 1586 Scharlachnattern 1585 Scharnierschildkröten 2419 Scharr-Eidechse 5512 Scharr-Eidechsen 5510 Schauerklapperschlange 2196, 2196, 2199 Schaufelnasennattern 1789, 6716 Schaufelnasenschlangen 1789 Schaufelnattern 7323, 7324 Scheelaugennattern 3832 Scheibenfinger 3945 Scheingürtelschweife 6855 Scheinkobras 6887 Scheltopusik 5958 Schielaugennattern 3832 Schienenechsen 7954 Schienenschildkröten 6599 Schildechsen 3678 Schildkobra 981 Schildkobras 977 Schildkröten 3600, 8000 Schildkrötenköpfige Seeschlange 3188 Schildkrötenköpfige Seeschlangen 3187 Schildnasenkobra 981 Schildnasenkobras 977

Schildschlange 981, 982, 983 Schildschwänze 8567 Schildschwanzschlangen 8567 Schlammnatter 3467 Schlammnattern 3466 Schlammschildkröten 1852, 4251 Schlangenauge 5976 Schlangenaugeeidechsen 5974 Schlangenaugen 5974 Schlangenaugeneidechsen 5974 Schlangenflossenfuss 6982 Schlangengürtelechsen 1732 Schlangenhalsschildkröten 1743, 1744, 4075 Schlangenschleichen 2690, 2691, 5936 Schlangenskinke 5941, 5953 Schlankagame 8187 Schlankblindschlangen 4701, 4702 Schlankboa 3278 Schlankboas 3265 Schlanke Glasschleiche 5959 Schlanke Korallenottern 4669 Schlanke Sandrenn-Natter 6771 Schlanke Schwarzkopfschlange 7885 Schlanke Stülpnasenlanzenotter 6645 Schlankkorallenottern 4669 Schlanknatter 2057 Schlanknattern 4673 Schlankskinke 5218, 7451 Schlegelsche Greifschwanzlanzenotter 1261


Schlegelsche Lanzenotter 1261 Schleichen 487 Schleuderschwanz 7743 Schlichter Rennteju 1940 Schlingnatter 2146 Schlingnatttern 2145 Schmalbändiger Sandschwimmer 3304 SchmalbrustSchlangenhalsschildkröte 1749 Schmalköpfige Strumpfbandnatter 8083 Schmetterlingsagame 4515 Schmetterlingsagamen 4514 Schmidts Helmskink 8216 Schmuckbartagame 2315 Schmuckbaumnattern 1846 Schmuckbaumschlange 1847 Schmuckbaumschlangen 1846 Schmuckdosenschildkröte 7995 Schmuckflossenfuß 927, 929 Schmuckflossenfüße 922 Schmuckhöckerschildkröte 3797 Schmuckkrötenkopf 6353 Schmuckloser Flossenfuß 2605 Schmuckottern 1455 Schmuckringelschildechse 8821 Schmuckschildkröten 6816, 8163 Schnabelbrustschildkröte 1773 Schnabelbrustschildkröten 1772 Schnabelkrokodil 3514 Schnabelnasennattern 7140 Schnabelseeschlange 3215 Schnappschildkröte 1766 Schnappschildkröten 1765, 1771


Schnauzennattern 5263, 6299 Schneckenblauzungenskink 8122 Schneckennatter 7505 Schneckennattern 2803 Schneckenskink 8122 Schneefelsengecko 142 Schneller Wüstenrenner 3301 Schnellläufer 7849 Schnürsenkelschlange 7017 Schöne Lanzenotter 8253 Schönechse 1481 Schönechsen 1358, 1479 Schönkletternatter 3047 Schönnatter 3047 Schreckensklapperschlange 2196 Schreckensotter 6052 Schreibers Glattkopfleguan 4506 Schreibers Smaragdeidechse 4346 Schuldlose Doppelschleiche 419 Schuppenfinger 4577, 4588 Schuppenfingergecko 4588 Schuppenfingergeckos 4577 Schuppengecko 3530 Schuttagame 8196 Schwanzroller 6339 Schwanzstrichwaran 8653 Schwartzkopfpython 990 Schwarzäugiger Wüstenrenner 5928 Schwarzbartflugdrache 2872 Schwarzbaucherdschildkröte 5483 Schwarzbäuchige Sumpfotter 3864 Schwarzbauchstrumpfbandnatter 8072 Schwarzbauchwassernatter 4069 Schwarzbauchwassernattern 4068

Schwarzweiße Hutschlange

Schwarze Agame 155 Schwarze ArizonaKlapperschlange 2247 Schwarze Baumschlange 8116 Schwarze Baumschlangen 8114 Schwarze Dickkopfschildkröte 7537 Schwarze Dickkopfschildkröten 7536 Schwarze Erdnatter 3028 Schwarze Feilenschlange 5473 Schwarze Hausschlange 4446 Schwarze Kettennatter 4389 Schwarze Kiefernnatter 6513 Schwarze Leguane 2324 Schwarze Mamba 2647 Schwarze Pakistan-Agame 7737 Schwarze Peitschenotter 2614 Schwarze Pelomeduse 6190 Schwarze Pelomedusenschildkröte 6190 Schwarze Pfeilnatter 2070 Schwarze Pilotnatter 3028 Schwarze Rattennatter 3027, 3028 Schwarze Rattenschlange 3026 Schwarze Ringelschleiche 499 Schwarze Sumpfnatter 7489 Schwarze Sumpfnattern 7488 Schwarze Suppenschildkröte 1757 Schwarze Tigerotter 5828 Schwarze Waldechse 4353 Schwarze Waldkobra 6883 Schwarze Weichschildkröte 864

Schwarze Wüstenkettennatter 4390 Schwarze Wüstenkobra 8743 Schwarzer Bungar 1402 Schwarzer Felsenskink 2975 Schwarzer Leguan 2325, 2337 Schwarzer Python 5660 Schwarzgelbe Glattechse 8126 Schwarzgrüne Buschviper 1015 Schwarzhalskobra 5705 Schwarzkehlwaran 8657 Schwarzkopfhöckerschildkr öte 3787 Schwarzkopfkorallenotter 5581 Schwarzkopfkorallenschlange 5581 Schwarzkopfnattern 7862 Schwarzkopfpythone 989 Schwarzkopfschlangen 7862 Schwarzkopfzwergchamäleon 1346 Schwarzkopfzwergnatter 7239 Schwarzleguan 2335 Schwarzleguane 2324 Schwarzmamba 2647 Schwarznackenstrumpfbandnatter 8045 Schwarznatter 2034 Schwarzotter 6788 Schwarzottern 6787 Schwarzpunktierte Kieleidechse 245 Schwarzschwanzklapperschlange 2222, 2223 Schwarzstreifentaggecko 6232 Schwarzweiße Bullennatter 6511 Schwarzweiße Hutschlange 5700

Schwarzweiße Kobra

Schwarzweiße Kobra 5700 Schwarzweißer Teju 8355 Schweinnasenschlangen 3977 Schwertschwanzanolis 824 Schwertschwanzleguan 824 Schwimmfußgecko 6093 Schwimmnatter 5736 Schwimmnattern 5733 Sechsstreifenrennechse 1971 Sechsstreifenrennteju 1971 Sechsstreifige Langschwanzeidechse 7856 Sechsstreifiger Schnellläufer 7856 Seeschildkröten 1760 Segelechse 4117 Segelechsen 4116 Seitenfalter 5958 Seitenfleckenleguan 8634 Seitenfleckenleguane 8626 Seitenfleckschlankskink 7467 Seitenstachelchamäleon 1682 Seitenwinder 2192 SeitenwinderKlappershlange 2192 Sempersche Ruderschlange 4108 Senegal-Chamäleon 1708 Senegal-Weichschildkröte 2439 Serpent-Insel-Gecko 5692 SeychellenBronzefingergecko 231 Seychellen-Hausgecko 231 SeychellenRiesenschildkröte 3605 Seychellen-Taggecko 6208 Shaapsteker (pl) 6779 Shaufelnasennatter 1790 Shaufelnasenwühlnattern 1789 Siamesische Kettenviper 8723


Siamesische Kobra 5715 Siamesischer Blattfingergecko 6459 Siam-Krokodil 2181 Siam-Schlankskink 5234, 7473 Sibirische Rattenschlange 3044 Sichelnattern 3478 Siebenrocks Schlangenhalsschildkröte 1754 SiebenrockSchlangenhalsschildkröte 1754 Siebenstreifenrennechse 1926 Siedleragame 152 Siegelringelnatter 5789 Siegelringnatter 5789, 5792 Sikkim-Schlankskink 7474 Silbergraue Schlankboa 3278, 3284 Sinai-Agame 6902 Sinai-Agamen 6901 Sinai-Zornnatter 2062 Sinaloa-Königsnatter 4424 Sinaloa-Milchschlange 4424 Sipo 1808 Sipos 1806 Sita-Agame 7576 Sita-Agamen 7575 Sizilianische Mauereidechse 6598 Sizilianische Ringelnatter 5744 Sizilianische Viper 8704 Skilton Skink 3422 Skinke 7476 Skinkteju 8206 Skinktejus 8205 Skorpionklappschildkröte 4285 Skorpionkrustenechse 3853 Smaragdbambusotter 8224 Smaragdboa 2111

Smaragdeidechse 4352 Smaragdlanzenotter 8224 Smaragdschnellläufer 7857 Smaragdschönechse 1365 Smaragdskink 4371 Smaragdwaran 8675 Smith-Dachschildkröte 4228 Smiths Dachschildkröte 4228 Smiths Grünaugengecko 3586 Smiths Grünaugenriesengecko 3586 Smiths Natter 2063 Smiths Pfeilnatter 2063 Soa-Soa 4117 Soldatenagame 2310 Somali-Zwergchamäleon 7149 Sonnenglanzschlange 8793 Sonnengucker 6341 Sonora-Klappschildkröte 4292 Sonora-Leierschlange 8264 Sonora-Lyraschlange 8264 SonoraSchaufelnasenschlange 1795 Sonora-SeitenwinderKlapperschlange 2194 Sonora-Zornnatter 5408 Spaltenschildkröte 5393 Spaltenschildkröten 5392 Spanische Aspisviper 8705 Spanische Kielechse 243 Spanische Kieleidechse 243 Spanische Mauereidechse 6584 Spanische Ringelnatter 5737 Spanische Sumpfschildkröte 5458 Spanische Wasserschildkröte 5458 Spanischer Sandläufer 6740


Spanischer Walzenskink 1617 Spatelnasennattern 8766 Speikobra 5705, 5706, 5707, 5708, 5717 Spencers Waran 8683 Spencer-Waran 8683 Spenglers Erdschildkröte 3624 Spindelnattern 1037 Spinnengecko 194 Spinnengeckos 190 Spinnenschildkröte 7003 Spinnenschildkröten 7002 Spitzkopfeidechse 4335, 6584 Spitzkopfflossenfuß 4855 Spitzkopfleguan 6631 Spitzkopfnatter 3772 Spitzkopfnattern 3771, 8545 Spitzkopfotter 8726 Spitzkopfphython 5086 Spitzkopfphythone 5085 Spitzkopfschildkröten 3192 Spitzkopfschlangenhalsschildkröten 3192 Spitzkopfskink 3408 Spitzkrokodil 2170 Spitznase 1595 Spitznattern 6028 Spitzschnauzenklappschildk röte 4253 Spitzschnauzenskinke 2161 Spitzschwanzdoppelschleiche 8276 Spitzschwanzdoppelschleichen 8274, 8275 Spitzzahndoppelschleichen 8274 Sporenplattschildkröte 37 Sporenschildkröte 3611 Spornflachschildkröte 4040 Spornplattschildkröte 37 Spornschildkröte 3611 Springende Lanzenotter 1123


Springende Lanzenottern 1122 Squamaten 7710 St.-Croix-Ameive 323 St.Esteban-Chuckwalla 7317 St.Lucia-Lanzenotter 1286 Stachelagame 168, 181 Stachelchamäleon 1383 Stachelechsen 2952 Stachelerdschildkröte 3973 Stachelhalsplattschildkröte 39 Stachelkopf 6342 Stachelleguan 7361, 7376, 7399 Stachelleguane 7325 Stachelnase 1596 Stachelrandgelenkschildkröte 4246 Stachelrandlandschildkröte 6735 Stachelschuppenleguane 7325 Stachelschwanzeidechse 4325 Stachelschwanzgecko 2721 Stachelschwanzgeckos 2717 Stachelschwanzleguan 4052 Stachelschwanzleguane 4051 Stachelschwanzskinke 2952 Stachelschwanzwaran 8646 Stachelskink 2965, 2977 Stachelskinke 2952 Stachelteju 2936 Stacheltejus 2935 Standing-Taggecko 6239 Starrbrustpelomedusenschildkröte 6176 Starrbrustpelomedusenschildkröten 6175 Starrbrustschildkröte 6176 Steignatter 2057 Steingecko 2751 Stelzenläufer 6570, 6572

Stelzenläuferleguane 6570 Steppenagame 8197 Steppeneidechse 5926 Steppennatter 3003 Steppenrenner 3290 Steppenschildkröte 8006 Steppenwaran 8657 Sterngecko 5755 Sternschildkröte 3604 Steudners Zwerggecko 8349 Stinkender Jim 4284 Stinknatter 2997 Stirnlappenbasilisk 1166 Stokes-Schlange 1004 Stokes-Schlangen 1003 Stokes-Stachelskink 2977 Storms Wasserkobra 1311 Storrs Zwergwaran 8685 Strahlendreikielschildkröte 3614 Strahlendreikielschildkröten 3613 Strahlennatter 3041 Strahlenplattschildkröte 38 Strahlenschildkröte 3610 Strandhündchen 4489 Streifenbasislisk 1167 Streifenchamäleon 1648 Streifeneidechse 4347 Streifengecko 3593, 3723, 3888 Streifenklappschildkröte 4257 Streifenkletternatter 3047 Streifenmabuje 5357 Streifenmabuya 5357 Streifennatter 3047, 8282 Streifennattern 2092 Streifenringelnatter 5740 Streifenschildkröten 5849 Streifenschwanznatter 3047 Streifenschwanzwaran 8653 Streifenskink 3385, 5345 Streifenskinke 2338


Streifensmaragdeidechse 4347 Streifentaggecko 6226 StreifenwWassernatter 7057 Streifenzornnatter 5419 Strichfußanolis 681 Strumpfbandnatter 8091 Strumpfbandnattern 8033 Stülpnasenlanzenotter 6644 Stülpnasenotter 8714 Stülpnasenottern 6638 Stummelschwanzchamäleon 1378, 7154 Stummelschwanzchamäleone 1368, 7145 Stumpfkopfeidechse 5843 Stumpfkrokodil 2178, 6018 Stumpfkrokodile 6017 Stumpfnase 5258 Stutzechse 8128 Stutzgelenkschildkröte 4247 Südafrikanische Baumnatter 8110 Südafrikanische Hausschlangen 4439 Südafrikanische Hornviper 1190 Südafrikanische Korallenkobra 978 Südafrikanische Korallenschlange 978, 980 Südafrikanische Speikobras 3860 Südafrikanische Strumpfbandnatter 3084 Südafrikanischer Sonnengucker 2123 Südafrikanisches Lappenchamäleon 1704 Südamerikanische Blindschlangen 837 Südamerikanische Erdschildkröte 7180 Südamerikanische Hakennattern 5259 Südamerikanische Klapperschlange 2200


Südamerikanische Schlangenhalsschildkröte 4077 Südamerikanische Schlangenhalsschildkröt en 4075 Südamerikanische Schnappschildkröte 1767 Südanakonda 3440 Sudan-Schildechse 3682 Südaustralischer Blattfingergecko 1839 Südboa 1214 Südchinesische Schleiche 5967 Südchinesischer Vielbandenbungar 1401 Südenpfeilnatter 2053 Südliche Alligatorchleiche 3097 Südliche Anakonda 3440 Südliche Erdotter 1022 Südliche Hakennatter 3983 Südliche Krokodilschleiche 3097 Südliche Krustenechse 3853 Südliche Madagaskar-Boa 1216 Südliche PrairieKlapperschlange 2249 Südliche Schwimmnatter 5780 Südliche WillardKlapperschlange 2255 Südlicher Felsenpython 6996 Südlicher Geradfingergecko 272 Südlicher Krokodilkaiman 1424 Südlicher Kupferkopf 204 Südostasiaitische Scharnierschildkröte 2429 Südostasiatische Korallenotter 1460 Südostasiatische Warzenschlange 111

Südöstliche Hakennatter 3982 Südsee-Boas 1509 Südsee-Gecko 3558 Südwestliche Gefleckte Klapperschlange 2220 Südwestliche Strumpfbandnatter 8080 Sumatra-Grubenviper 8249 Sumatra-Lanzenotter 8249 Sumatra-Rollschlange 852 Sumatra-Rollschlangen 850 Sumatra-Schlankskink 5243 Sumatra-Schleiche 5973 Sumatra-Taubagame 2108 Sumpfkrokodil 2178 Sumpfnatter 7488 Sumpfnattern 4870, 5123, 5729, 8199 Sumpfotter 1017 Sumpfschildkröten 3186 Sumpfschlange 2890 Sumpfviper 1017 Sunda-Gavial 8138 Sunda-Gaviale 8137 Sunda-Krokodil 8138 Sunda-Speikobra 5716 Sundevall-Prachtskink 5253 Sundevalls Schlankskink 5253 SundevallSchaufelnasennatter 6729 SundevallSchlankblindschlange 4781 Sundevall-Schlankskink 5253 Suppenschildkröte 1758 Suppenschildkröten 1756 SurinamHundskopfschlinger 2111 Surucucu 4363 Surucucus 4361 Swasiland-Hausschlange 4449


Syrische Agame 8196 Syrische Eidechse 4330 Taal-Seeschlange 4108 Tabasco-Klappschildkröte 4253 Tabasco-Schildkröte 2666 Tabasco-Schildkröten 2664, 2665 Taggecko 6208 Taggeckos 6207 Taipan 6053 Taipane 6051 Taiwanesische Habuschlange 8241 Taiwan-Schönnatter 3048 Tamaulipas Mokassinotter 200 TamaulipasFelsenklapperschlange 2216 Tancitaro-Klapperschlange 2229 Tannenzapfenechse 8128 Tanzania-Doppelschleiche 1804 Tanzania-Eidechse 125 Tanzania-Gürtelschweif 2132 Tatarische Sandboa 3338 Taubagame 2107 Taubagamen 2106, 8356 Taubiguan 2101 Taubiguane 2100 Taubleguane 3996, 4010 Taubwaran 4471 Taubwarane 4470 Taurische Bergotter 8710 Taurische Eidechse 6596 Tausendfüßerfresser 876, 877 Teichschildkröte 3201 Tejus 7954 Telfords Skink 4547 TellerSchlangenhalsschildkröte 1755 Tempelottern 8293


Tempelschildkröte 3993 Tempelschildkröten 3992 Tenerife-Mauergecko 7944 Tentakelschlange 3317 Tentakelschlangen 3316 Teppichchamäleon 1680 Teppichpython 5664, 5669 Teppichpythone 5658 Teppichpythonschlangen 5658 Teppichschlange 5664 Teppichschlangen 5658 TerekaySchienenschildkröte 6604 Texanische Strumpfbandnatter 8092 Texanische Taubiguane 2100 Texanischer Taubiguan 2101 Texas-Alligatorschleiche 3677 Texas-Gopherschildkröte 3775 Texas-Höckerschildkröte 3798 Texas-Indigonatter 2901 Texas-Klapperschlange 2189 Texas-Königsnatter 4391 Texas-Korallenschlange 5628 Texas-Krallengecko 2002 Texas-Krokodilschleiche 3677 Texas-Kröte 6392 Texas-Krötenechse 6391 Texas-Kükennatter 3027 TexasSchlankblindschlange 4733 TexasStachelschuppenleguan 7394 Texas-Strumpfbandnatter 8070 Thai-Kobra 5698

Thailändischer Hausgecko 2158 Thai-Speikobra 5715 Thomé-Zwerggecko 5209 Tiefland Strumpfbandnatter 8080 Tigerameive 302 Tigerchamäleon 1712 Tigerklapperschlange 2236 Tigernatter 7079 Tigerotter 5829 Tigerottern 5827 Tigerpython 6990 Tigerschlange 6990, 7965 Tigerwassernatter 7079 Timor-Python 6997 Timor-Riffschlange 238 Timor-Waran 8688 Todesotter 73 Todesottern 72 Tokara-Habugrubenotter 8251 Tokee 3572 Totonaca-Klapperschlange 2201 Transkaspische Zornnatter 2059 Transkaspischer Bogenfingergecko 5465 Transkaspischer Nacktfingergecko 5465 Transkaukasische Hornviper 8698 Transkaukasische Kletternatter 3018 Transkaukasischer Wüstenrenner 7061 Transpecos Kupferkopf 208 Transpecos-Kettennatter 4397 Transpecos-Kletternatter 1223 Transpecos-Königsnatter 4394, 4395 Transpecos-Rattennatter 1223 Transvaal-Felsengecko 146


Transvaal-Schlangenechse 1733 Trauerskink 2964 Trauerwaran 8689 Travancore-Landschildkröte 4182 Travancore-Schlankskink 7255 Treppennatter 3043 Treppenstrumpfbandnatter 8066, 8089 Tropfenschildkröte 1863 Tropische Klapperschlange 2196 Trughornvipern 6850 Trugnatter 2844 Trugnattern 1226, 2092, 2843, 6743 Trugvipern 6743 Tschitschak 3891 Tsodilo-Dickfingergecko 6084 Tuataras 7591 Tüpfelrennechse 1949 Tüpfelskink 3416 Turkestanische Agame 7736 Türkische Sandboa 3332 Türkischer Wüstenrenner 3300 Türkis-Panzerschleiche 5969 Turkmenische Agame 7736 Turkmenischer Gecko 7971 Turks-CaicosWirtelschwanzleguan 2464 Türks-und-Caicos-Leguan 2464 Typische Blindschlangen 8374 Tyrrhenische Gebirgseidechse 4312 Tyrrhenische Kielechse 242 Tyrrhenische Kieleidechse 242 Tyrrhenische Mauereidechse 6597


Ulaborong 1233 Unechte Gürtelschweife 6855 Unechte Karette 1519 Unechte Karettenschildkröte 1519 Unechte Karettenschildkröten 1518 Unechte Karettschildkröte 1519 Unechte Karettschildkröten 1518 Unechte Schildkröte 1519 Unechter Gürtelschweif 6856 Ungefleckte Mauereidechse 6589 Ungleichzahnige Nattern 8784 Uracoa-Klapperschlange 2243 Uräusschlange 5697 Urutu 1279 Uruturu 1279 Usambara Buschviper 1009 UsambaraDreihornchamäleon 1661 Utah-Königsnatter 4400 Utila-Leguan 2327 Utila-Schwarzleguan 2327 Uzzells Eidechse 4350 Uzzells Feldeidechse 4350 Vaillant-Skink 5352 Valentins Eidechse 4351 Van den Burghs Leiernatter 8266 Van den Burghs Lyraschlange 8266 Venezolanische Klapperschlanage 2243 Venezuela-Erdschildkröte 7172 Veränderliche Bergagame 4223 Veränderlicher Dornschwanz 8553

Veränderlicher Taggecko 6231 Verschiedenfarbige Schönechse 1498 Vielbindenbungar 1401 Vielbindenkrait 1401 Vielfleckennachtbaumnatter 1244 Vielstreifenmabuje 5328 Vielstreifenmabuya 5328 Vieraugenschildkröte 7260 Vierfleckiger Wüstenrenner 3297 Vierhornchamäleon 1703 Vierhornkrötenechse 6409 Vierstreifennatter 3039 Vierstreifenringelschildechse 8822 Vierzehenameive 7956 Vierzehenlandschildkröte 8006 Vierzehige Geißelschildechse 8019 Vietnam-Nackenstachler 80 Vipern 8728 Vipernatter 5734 Viperngeckos 7973 Vlentins Feldeidechse 4351 Vogelnatter 8111 Vogelnattern 6923, 8109 Vorderindische Erdschildkröten 5481 Vorderindische Kobra 5703 Vorderindische Pfauenaugensumpfschildkröte 5673 Vorderindische Pfauenaugesumpfschildkröte 5673 Vvietnam Gepunkteter Gecko 3575 Wagler-Lanzenotter 8294 Wagler-Lanzenottern 8293 Waglers Lanzenottern 8293 Waglers Lanzentotter 8294 Waglers Tempelotter 8294 Wagners Bergotter 8727


Wahlbergs Schlangenauge 134 Waldagame 4121 Waldagamen 4120 Waldbachschildkröte 1864 Waldeidechse 4353 Waldklapperschlange 2208, 2209 Waldkobra 6882 Waldkobras 6881 Waldrohrschlangen 2914 Waldschildkröte 3603 Waldskinke 7695 Waldsteppenotter 8720 Walo Walo-Ruderschlange 4084 Walzenschlangen 2474 Walzenskink 1626 Walzenskinke 1614 Wandernde Strumpfbandnatter 8058 Warane 8644, 8645 Warran-Teju 1472 Warrens Doppelzungenschleiche 2776 Warrens Gürtelschweif 2138 Warzenchamäleon 1715 Warzenschlangen 108, 109 Wasseragame 6494 Wasseragamen 6492 Wasseranolis 737, 828 Wasserboas 3435 Wasserdosenschildkröte 7993 Wasserdrachen 6492 Wasserkobra 1310 Wasserkobras 1309 Wassermokassinotter 214 Wassermokassinschlange 214 Wassernatter 5736 Wassernattern 5769 Wasserpython 4858 Wasserschildkröten 1862

Westliche Schlammnatter

Wasserskink 2105 Wasserskinke 2104, 8319 Wasserteju 5807 Wassertejus 5805 Wassertrugnatter 4017 Wassertrugnattern 4016 Wasser-und Landschildkröten 7998 Webers Segelechse 4119 Weichschildkröten 451, 863 Weißbaucheidechse 4349 Weißbauchfeldeidechse 4349 Weißbrustpelomeduse 6181 Weißbrustpelomedusenschildkröte 6176, 6181 Weißfleckenschneckennatten 6142 Weißkehlgecko 3706 Weißkehlwaran 8647 Weißlippenbambusotter 8218 Weißlippenlanzenotter 8218 Weißlippenotter 2925 Weißlippenpython 4554 Weißlippenpythone 4553 Weißlippenschlange 2262 Weißmaulklappschildkröte 4277 WeißpunktGallwespenschleiche 2770 Werners Dreihornchmäleon 1716 Westafrikanische GabunViper 1194 Westafrikanische Grüne Mamba 2648 Westafrikanische Hausschlange 4447 Westafrikanische Klappenweichschildkröten 2445 Westafrikanische Korallenschlange 979 Westamerikanische Blindschlange 4744

Westasiatische Hornviper 6853 Westkaukasische Kreuzotter 8712 Westliche Arizona-Natter 952 Westliche Bändernatter 8075 Westliche Bartagame 6612 Westliche Blauzunge 8127 Westliche Braunschlange 6893 Westliche Diamantklapperschlange 2189 Westliche Fuchsnatter 3055 Westliche Gefleckte Strumpfbandnatter 8047 Westliche Hakennasennatter 3804, 3981 Westliche Hakennatter 3978 Westliche Kaukasus-Otter 8712 Westliche Klapperschlange 7573 Westliche Kutscherpeitschennatter 5418 Westliche Massasauga 7566, 7569 Westliche Pflasternasennatter 7276 Westliche Rennechse 1973, 1977 Westliche Sandboa 3332 Westliche Sandrasselotter 2942 Westliche Scharreidechse 5848 Westliche Schaufelnasenschlange 1790 Westliche Schaufelnasenwühlnatter 1791 Westliche Schlammnatter 3469

Westliche Schwarzkopfschlange

Westliche Schwarzkopfschlange 7902 Westliche Schwarznackenstrumpfbandnatter 8047 Westliche Shaufelnasenwühlnatter 1790 Westliche Smaragdeidechse 4313 Westliche Streifenstrumpfbandnatter 8075 Westliche Strumpfbandnatter 8034, 8042, 8051, 8054, 8057 Westliche Wassermokassinschlange 216 Westlicher Fächerfußgecko 6971 Westlicher Flossenfuß 6983 Westlicher Lanzenskink 103 Westlicher Stachelschuppenleguan 7386 Westlicher Stachelschwanzgecko 2743 Westlicher Zaunleguan 7386 White-Stachelskink 2980 Wickelschwanzskink 2149 Wieseneidechse 4340 Wiesenotter 8726 Wilde Dreiklaue 865 Wilkinsons Lyrachlange 8267 Willard-Klapperschlange 2254, 2258 Willards Klapperschlange 2254 Williams Stachelschwanzgecko 2753 Williams-Stachelgecko 2753


Windeschlangen 2109 Winkelkopfagame 79, 81 Winkelkopfagamen 3750, 4141 Winkelkopfagamen 78 Winkelschwanzskinke 2148 Wirtelechsen 487 Wirtelschwanz 2464 Wirtelschwanzagame 7736 Wirtelschwanzagamen 7723 Wirtelschwanzleguane 2463 Wolfsnattern 5142 Wolfszahnnattern 5096 Wolkige Zwergklapperschlange 7571 Woma 991 Womas 989 Wühletejus 1134 Wühlschlangen 490 Wühlschlangen 8567, 8790 Wundergecko 7976, 7980 Würfelnatter 5745 Würfelrennechse 1976 Wurmflossenfuß 932 Wurmnatter 1553 Wurmnattern 1552 Wurmschlange 1553, 8501 Wurmschlangen 1552 Wüstenagame 154 Wüstenagame 8193 Wüstenchamäleon 1692 Wüstendünnfingergecko 7791 Wüsteneidechse 5512 Wüstenfächerfußgecko 6970 Wüstengecko 6093 Wüstengeckos 2001, 2182, 6092 Wüstenhalsbandleguan 2272 Wüstenkettennatter 4391 Wüstenkobra 8743 Wüstenkobras 8742 Wüstenkrötenechse 6405

Wüstenleguan 2841 Wüstenleguane 2840 Wüstenmassasauga 7568 Wüstenmauergecko 7945 Wüstennachtechse 8751 Wüstennachtechsen 8746 Wüstenpflasternasennatter 7272, 7277 Wüstenrenner 3288, 6156 Wüstenrennereidechsen 3288 Wüstensandboa 3335 Wüstenschildkröte 3774 Wüstenstachelleguan 7368 Wüstenstachelschuppenlegu an 7368 Wüstenstachelskink 2961 Wüstentejus 1134, 2703 Wüstenteufel 5637, 5638 Wüstentodesotter 77 Wüstenwaran 8665 Yangtse-Alligator 248 Yararanata 1280 Yucatan-Klappschildkröte 4261 YucatanSchauerklapperschlange 2202 Yucca-Nachtechse 8751 YunnanScharnierschildkröte 2433 Zackenerdschildkröte 3624 Zackenerdschildkröten 3622 Zagros-Eidechse 4341 Zaunanolis 609 Zauneidechse 4308 Zaunleguan 7404, 7419 Zaunleguane 7325 Zebraschwanzleguan 1465 Zeilinienschlankskink 7454 Zentralanatolische Sumpfschildkröte 3210 Zentralasiatische Grubenotter 211


Zentralasien-Wüstenrenner 3302 Zerggeckos 5165 Zhous Scharnierschildkröte 2434 Zierliches Chamäleon 1672 Zierschildkröte 1841 Zierschildkröten 1840 Zigeunergecko 3958 Zigeunergeckos 3955 Zimtfarbener Bogenfinger 2521 Zischnatter 6772 Zornnatter 2053, 2069 Zornnattern 2031, 5404 Zügelnatter 3010 ZuliaKrötenkopfschildkröte 6382 Zweibeinskink 7440 Zweifarbige Sumpfnatter 4871 Zweifleckkletternatter 2995 Zweiflecknatter 2995 Zweifußdoppelschleichen 1180 Zweihornbergchmäleon 1691 Zweihornchamäleon 1647 Zweistreifenchamäleon 1648 Zweistreifenchmäleon 1706 Zweistreifennatter 2995 Zweistreifenskink 5345 Zweistreifenstrumpfbandnat ter 8067 Zweizehen Ceylon-Skink 5800 Zweizehenfaultier 5800 Zweizehenscelotesskink 7440 Zwergameive 316 Zwergbartagame 6613 Zwergboas 1738, 8303, 8531 Zwergchamäleone 1339,

Zypriotische Levante-Otter

7145 Zwergchmäleon 1346 Zwergeidechse 4336 Zwerggeckos 8345 Zwerggürtelschweif 2122, 2133 Zwergkieleidechse 242 Zwergklapperschlange 7570 Zwergklapperschlangen 7565 Zwergnattern 1429, 2981 Zwergpuffotter 1200 Zwergpython 1273 Zwergpythone 1272 Zwergsandboa 3335 Zwergschlangen 1429 Zwergteju 6311 Zwergwaran 8652, 8685 Zwergwarzenschlange 111 Zwergwundergecko 7978 Zwergwüstengecko 8350 Zwergzauneidechse 4336 Zykladen-Eidechse 6582 Zykladen-Levante-Otter 8724 Zykladen-Otter 8724 Zypern Schlanknatter 2045 Zypern-Natter 2045 Zypriotische Levante-Otter 8717

Index Français


Abléphare à deux bandes 2 Abléphare de Kitaibel 5 Abléphare sans paupières 5 Abléphares 1 Aboma 3267 Abronie à bandes 31 Abronie de Deppe 13 Abronies 7 Acanthodactyle à longs pieds 57 Acanthodactyle commun 51 Acanthodactyle de Bosc 46 Acanthodactyle de Busack 48 Acanthodactyle de Duméril 50 Acanthodactyle de Savigny 64 Acanthodactyle doré 42 Acanthodactyle pommelé 67 Acanthodactyle rugueux 46 Acanthodactyle tacheté 58 Acanthodactyles 40 Acontias 95 Acontias pintade 101 Acrochorde de Java 112 Acrochordes 109 Acrochordidés 108 Agame à cou noir 7727 Agame a gorge bleue 7727 Agame à peau rugueuse 8196 Agame à queue épineuse 8554 Agame agile 8187 Agame aiguilloné 151 Agame aquatique 6493, 6494 Agame barbé 6609, 6616 Agame barbu d'Australie 6616 Agame barbue des terres 6616 Agame changeant 8193 Agame commun 155 Agame de Bibron 169

Amphisbènes de King

Agame de Boulenger 159 Agame de Kirk 171 Agame de Méhely 173 Agame de Mozambique 175 Agame de Mwanza 176 Agame de Taylor 8760 Agame de Tourneville 8198 Agame des colons 152, 155 Agame des ruines 8196 Agame des sables 6351, 8198 Agame des steppes 8197 Agame dos-a-bandes 6748 Agame du Caucase 7730 Agame du désert 8193 Agame du Sinaï 6902 Agame épineux 168 Agame fouette-queue d'Égypte 8554 Agame inerme 8193 Agame sombre 155 Agame terrestre 168 Agame tuberculeux 7747 Agame variable 8193 Agame-papillon 4515 Agames 150, 189 Agames à tête de crapaud 6319 Agames du Sinaï 6901 Agamidés 189 Agkistrodon de l'Himalaya 210 Agkistrodon des steppes de la Russie 209 Agkistrodons 195 Algyroïde à gorge bleue 245 Algyroïde à points noirs 245 Algyroïde de Fitzinger 242 Algyroïde de Valverde 243 Algyroïde d'Espagne 243 Algyroïde du Péloponnèse 244 Algyroïde tyrrhénien 242 Algyroïdes 241

Alligator américain 247 Alligator chinois 248 Alligator du Chine 248 Alligator du Mississippi 247 Alligatoridés 249 Alligators 246 Alsophyle de la Caspienne 274 Amblyrhynque à crête 294 Amblyrhynques 293 Améiva géante 297 Améiva linéolée 316 Améiva vulgaire 303 Améivas 296 Améive géant 297 Améive linéolée 316 Améive vulgaire 303, 296 Amphibolure barbé 6609 Amphibolure bigarré 2315 Amphibolure de Ford 2307 Amphibolure de Mitchell 6614 Amphibolure deLac Eyrie 2312 Amphibolure orné 2315 Amphibolure réticulé 2316 Amphibolure rouget 2318 Amphibolure tacheté 2311 Amphibolures 329 Amphiglosse d'Astrolabe 379 Amphiglosses 375 Amphisbène blanc 401 Amphisbène cendré 1205 Amphisbène de Darwin 410 Amphisbène de Floride 7159 Amphisbène de King 854 Amphisbène de Strauch 1206 Amphisbène enfumé 413 Amphisbènes 400 Amphisbènes de Floride 7158 Amphisbènes de King 853


Amphisbénidés 448 Anaconda 3437, 3438 Anaconda de Paraguay 3440 Anaconda jaune 3440 Anaconda vert 3438 Anacondas 3435 Angolosaures 485 Anguidés 487 Anguines 488 Aniliidés 490 Anniellidés 501 Anolis 502 Anolis à écharpe 616 Anolis à grosse tête 599 Anolis à museau de brochet 691 Anolis à tête marbrée 701 Anolis brun 786 Anolis brun doré 635 Anolis caméléonide 1723 Anolis chevalier 616 Anolis chrysolépide 577 Anolis de la Caroline 566 Anolis de Richard 770 Anolis de Ricord 771 Anolis de Sagra 786 Anolis de Valenciennes 824 Anolis écorce 609 Anolis gentil 760 Anolis ponctué 762 Anolis vermiculé 828 Anolis vert 566 Anolis vert-bleu 574 Anomalepididés 836 Arc-en-ciel 3267 Armadillo 2121 Aspic 8700 Atractaspide de Bibron 1022 Atractaspide vulgaire 1030 Atractaspides 1019 Atractaspididés 1018 Basilic vert 1167 Basilics 1163


Basilisque à bandes 1164, 1167 Basilisque vert 1167 Basilisques 1163 Batagur malais 1169 Bataklin (Ants) 2669 Batrachémyde à dos rugueux 6379 Batrachémyde à pieds rouges 6377 Batrachémyde à tubercules 6378 Batrachémyde bossue 6372 Batrachémyde de Dahl 6370 Batrachémyde de Geoffroy 6371 Batrachémyde de Hoge 6374 Batrachémyde de l'Amazone 6376 Batrachémyde de SaintHilaire 6373 Batrachémyde de Schweigger 6375 Batrachémyde de Vanderhaege 6380 Batrachémyde de Williams 6381 Batrachémyde de Zulia 6382 Batrachémydes 6369 Bipédidés 1180 Bipes 1181 Bipes à deux pores 1182 Bisse 3043 Boa à trois bandes 4865 Boa arboricole (Ants) 2112 Boa arboricole de Madagascar 1218 Boa arc-en-ciel 3267 Boa arc-en-ciel de Colombie 3271 Boa aux écailles rugueuses 3330 Boa canin (Ants) 2111 Boa canin de Madagascar 1218 Boa canine 2111

Boa caoutchouc 1739 Boa constricteur 1210 Boa constricteur de l'Argentine 1214 Boa constrictor 1210 Boa de Bibron 1511 Boa de Cook 2112 Boa de Cuba 3266 Boa de Duméril 1216 Boa de la Jamaïque 3287 Boa de l'île de Hogg 1213 Boa de l'île Mona 3277 Boa de l'Inde 3334 Boa de Madagascar 1217 Boa de Maurice 1558 Boa de Porto Rico 3276 Boa des Îles Vierges 3277 Boa des Loyautés 1511 Boa des sables 3330, 3334 Boa des sables de l'Inde 3334 Boa des sables d'Égypte 3328 Boa des sables européen 3332 Boa des sables occidental 3332 Boa des sables oriental 3335 Boa du sable 3328, 3330, 3336 Boa émeraude 2111 Boa ligné 4865 Boa rose 4865 Boa rose du désert 4866 Boaédon à quatre raies 4447 Boa-javelot 3332 Boas 1209, 3265 Boas arc-en-ciel 3265 Boas cautchouc 1738 Boas de Maurice 1557 Boas des sables 3327 Boas roses 4864 Boas terrestres 8303 Boas vrais 1225 Boïdés 1225


Bolyeride 1252 Bolyerides 1251 Bolyeriidés 1253 Bongare à tète jaune 1397 Bongare annelé 1396 Bongare commun 1393 Bongare rayé 1396 Bongares 1390 Boomslang 2844 Boomslangs 2843 Brachylophe à bandes 1314 Brachylophes 1313 Brachymèle de Bonite 1319 Brachymèles 1316 Bronchocèle à crinière 1363 Bronchocèle à tympan strié 6849 Bronchocèle cristatelle 1360 Bronchocèle d'émeraude 1365 Bronchocèle marbré 1364 Bronchocèles 1358 Brookesie de Nossi-Bé 1378 Brookesies 1368 Caïman à front lisse 6091 Caïman à large museau 1423 Caïman à lunettes 1419 Caïman à museau large 1423 Caïman à paupières osseuses 6090 Caïman blanc 5500 Caiman de Schneider 6091 Caïman du Rio Apaporis 1420 Caïman gris 6091 Caïman noir 5500 Caïman noir de Guyane 5500 Caïmans 1418 Caïmans à front lisse 6089 Caïmans cuirassés 6089 Caïmans noirs 5499


Calabaria 1428 Calabaria de Reinhardt 1428 Calabarias 1427 Callisaure draconoïde 1465 Callisaures 1464 Caméléon à bandes laterales 1680 Caméléon à capuchon 1650, 1660 Caméléon à deux bandes 1648 Caméléon à deux cornes rostrales 1691 Caméléon à nez forchu 1647 Caméléon à quatre cornes 1703 Caméléon à trois cornes 1696 Caméléon africain 1638 Caméléon bilobé 1662 Caméléon casqué 1652 Caméléon commun 1657 Caméléon d'Angola 1639 Caméléon de Fischer 1665 Caméléon de Jackson 1676 Caméléon de Marshall 7150 Caméléon de Parsons 1698 Caméléon des forêts 2153 Caméléon d'Oustalet 1695 Caméléon d'Owen 1696 Caméléon du désert 1692 Caméléon du Sénégal 1708 Caméléon européen 1657 Caméléon nain 1349 Caméléon nain de Marshall 7150 Caméléon nain de Somali 7149 Caméléon namaquois 1692 Caméléon nasu 1693 Caméléon ordinaire 1657 Caméléon panthère 1697 Caméléon tigré 1712 Caméléon verruqueux 1715 Caméléon vulgaire 1657

Caméléonidés 1725 Caméléons 1636, 1725 Caméléons nains 1339, 7145 Caret 1519, 3307 Carets 3306 Carettochélyidés 1521 Cascabel 2196 Cauane 1519 Céraste d'Avicenne 1593 Cérastes 1590 Cératophore de Stoddard 1596 Cératophores 1594 Chalcide ocellé 1626 Chalcides 1614 Chalcides maurétanique 1623 Chamésaure du Cap 1734 Chamésaure du Transvaal 1733 Chamésaure macrolépide 1735 Chamésaures 1732 Chélidés 1743 Chélodine à cou long 1746 Chélodine de la NouvelleGuinée 1748 Chélodines 1744 Chélone à dos plat 5728 Chélone franche 1758 Chélone franche du Pacifique 1757 Chélonée à dos plat 5728 Chelonée de Kemp 4575 Chélonée franche 1758 Chélonée franche du Pacifique 1757 Chelonée olivâtre 4576 Chélonées 1756 Chélonées à dos plats 5727 Chélones 1756 Chéloniidées 1760 Chélydes 1763 Chélydre serpentine 1766 Chélydres 1765


Chélyidés 1743 Chersydre à bandes 111 Chinémyde de Reeves 1788 Chinémyde noirâtre 1787 Chinémydes 1786 Chlamydosaure de King 1833 Chlamydosaures 1832 Chondrodactyles 1834 Chrysémyde du Nord 1844 Chrysémyde du Sud 1843 Chrysémyde peinte 1841 Chrysémyde peinte de l'Est 1845 Chuckwalla 7312 Cinossterne ensanglanté 4289 Cinosterne à bouche blanche 4277 Cinosterne à bouche blanche du Nord 4278 Cinosterne à bouche blanche du Sud 4279 Cinosterne à cou rayé 4282 Cinosterne à gorge blanche 4287 Cinosterne à grosse tête 4280 Cinosterne à pont étroit 4255 Cinosterne aplati 4262 Cinosterne cariné 4259 Cinosterne d'Alamos 4254 Cinosterne d'Argentine 4291 Cinosterne de Baur 4257 Cinosterne de Carajas 4288 Cinosterne de Colombie 4263 Cinosterne de l'Amazone 4290 Cinosterne de Mexique 4271 Cinosterne de Patzcuaro 4275 Cinosterne de San Juanico 4272 Cinosterne de Sonora 4292


Cinosterne de Sonoyta 4293 Cinosterne de Tabasco 4253 Cinosterne de Viesca 4273 Cinosterne d'Herrera 4268 Cinosterne d'Oaxaca 4283 Cinosterne du Mexique central 4269 Cinosterne du Mexique occidental 4276 Cinosterne du plateau mexicain 4274 Cinosterne du Sonora commune 4294 Cinosterne du Yucatan 4261 Cinosterne duLac Chapala 4270 Cinosterne jaune 4264 Cinosterne odorant 4284 Cinosterne rougeâtre 4295 Cinosterne rougeâtre commune 4298 Cinosterne rougeâtre de Floride 4297 Cinosterne rougeâtre du Mississippi 4296 Cinosterne scorpioïde 4285 Cinosternes 4252 Cinostserne à grosse tête commune 4281 Cinostserne de Chiapas 4286 Cistude 5452 Cistude de Maurétanie 5458 Cistude des marais 3201 Cistude d'Europe 3201, 3211 Cistudes 3199 Clemmyde à gouttelettes 1863 Clemmyde de Mühlenberg 1868 Clemmyde lépreuse 5458 Clemmyde marbrée 1865 Clemmyde sculpté 1864 Clemmydes 1862 Cnémidophore à sept raies 1926

Cnémidophore à six raies 1971 Cnémidophore ponctué 1949 Cnémidophore tacheté 1968 Cnémidophores 1907 Cobra 5705 Cobra à cou noir 5705 Cobra à lunettes 5702 Cobra cracheur 5705 Cobra d'Afrique du Nord 5697, 5702 Cobra de forêt 5700 Cobra de Gold 6882 Cobra d'Égypte 5697 Cobra des forêts 5700 Cobra du Cap 5709 Cobra égyptien 5697 Cobra hannah 5952 Cobra indien 5702 Cobra noir du désert 8743 Cobra noir-et-blanc 5700 Cobra royal 5952 Cobras 5694, 5951 Coléonyx 2001 Coléonyx réticulé 2007 Coléonyx varié 2010 Coleuvres agiles 2031 Colubre 5398 Colubridés 2071 Cophosaure du Texas 2101 Cophosaures 2100 Cordyle cataphracté 2121 Cordyle de Warren 2138 Cordyle épineuse 2133 Cordyle géant 2123 Cordyle polyzoné 2129 Cordyle ponctué de bleu 2119 Cordyle vulgaire 2122 Cordyles 2118 Cordylidés 2115 Cordylosaures 2116 Coronelle 2146 Coronelle bordelaise 2147


Coronelle girondine 2147 Coronelle légère 2146 Coronelle lisse 2146 Coronelles 2145 Coryphodon cariné 8809 Coryphodons 8808 Corytophane à crête 2153 Corytophane caméléopside 2154 Corytophanes 2152 Couanne 1519 Couleuvre à capuchon 5377 Couleuvre à capuchon commune 5378 Couleuvre à collier 2673, 2682, 5736 Couleuvre à coup tacheté 2057 Couleuvre à diadème 7586 Couleuvre à échelons 3043 Couleuvre à gouttelettes 3012, 3013 Couleuvre à grosse tête 5735 Couleuvre à long nez 7166 Couleuvre à monnaie 2058 Couleuvre à nez crochu de l'Ouest 3804 Couleuvre à nez crochu du désert 3805 Couleuvre à nez crochu du Mexique 3483 Couleuvre à nez foliacé de Brown 6475 Couleuvre à nez foliacé tachetée 6478 Couleuvre à nez mince 6511 Couleuvre à nez plaqué de Big Bend 7272 Couleuvre à nez plaqué de l'Ouest 7276 Couleuvre à nez plaqué des montagnes 7273 Couleuvre à nez plat 3982 Couleuvre à nez retroussé 3978 Couleuvre à nez spatulé de l'Ouest 1790

Couleuvre diadème du Maghreb

Couleuvre à nez spatulé du Sonora 1795 Couleuvre à nummulites 2058 Couleuvre à petite tête 8040 Couleuvre à quatre bandes 3039 Couleuvre à quatre lignes 3039 Couleuvre à quatre raies 3039 Couleuvre à queue courte 7799 Couleuvre à queue fine 2099 Couleuvre à queue pointue 2099 Couleuvre à raies noires 2081 Couleuvre à tête noire 7239 Couleuvre à ventre rouge 5775, 7811 Couleuvre agile 2034 Couleuvre agile noire 2034 Couleuvre algérienne 2047 Couleuvre anulaire 1310 Couleuvre aquatique 3221 Couleuvre arc-en-ciel 3470, 3471 Couleuvre arénicole rayée 1778 Couleuvre bordelaise 2147 Couleuvre brune 7804 Couleuvre commune d'Afrique 4442 Couleuvre cornue 3467 Couleuvre coronelle girondine 2147 Couleuvre coureuse mouchetée 2907 Couleuvre d'Anderson 2061 Couleuvre de Chypre 2045 Couleuvre de Dahl 2057 Couleuvre de Dioné 3003 Couleuvre de Graham 7052 Couleuvre de Hohenacker 3018 Couleuvre de Jan 2060

Couleuvre de la Caspienne 2051 Couleuvre de Laurenti 2053 Couleuvre de l'Ouest 8051 Couleuvre de Moila 5397 Couleuvre de Mont Davis 1224 Couleuvre de Montpellier 5398 Couleuvre de Ravergier 2059 Couleuvre de Schokar 6771 Couleuvre de Smith 2063 Couleuvre de terre (Ants) 1210 Couleuvre de terre 7580 Couleuvre de terre de l'Ouest 7580 Couleuvre de Westermanm 2992 Couleuvre d'eau (Ants) 3437, 3438 Couleuvre d'eau (Qué) 5789 Couleuvre d'eau 5792 Couleuvre d'eau à ventre unicolore 5775 Couleuvre d'eau de Harter 5785 Couleuvre d'eau du Nord 5789 Couleuvre d'eau du Sud 5780 Couleuvre d'eau verte 5774 Couleuvre d'Égypte 2047 Couleuvre des Balkans 2053 Couleuvre des pinèdes 7104 Couleuvre des plaines 8080 Couleuvre des sables 6771 Couleuvre d'Esculape 3022 Couleuvre d'eu brune 5794 Couleuvre d'eu diamantine 5787 Couleuvre diadème 5264, 7586 Couleuvre diadème de Clifford 7586, 7587 Couleuvre diadème du Maghreb 7588

Couleuvre Dione

Couleuvre Dione 3003 Couleuvre du roi 4382 Couleuvre du Sinaï 2062 Couleuvre écarlate 1586 Couleuvre élégante 946 Couleuvre fer-à-cheval 2049 Couleuvre flèche 2051 Couleuvre fouet 2057 Couleuvre fouet de Ravergier 2059 Couleuvre fouet de Smith 2063 Couleuvre fouet élégante 2046 Couleuvre fouisseuse à diadème 5264 Couleuvre fouisseuse lisse 8731 Couleuvre fouisseuse rugueuse 8730 Couleuvre girondine 2147 Couleuvre jaune 3054, 5794 Couleuvre léopard 3045 Couleuvre léopardine 3045 Couleuvre lisse 2146 Couleuvre magnifique 2059 Couleuvre maillée 5398 Couleuvre mangeuse d'oeufs 2586 Couleuvre mégalocéphale 5735 Couleuvre mince 8085 Couleuvre mosaïque 3467 Couleuvre naine à collier 2984 Couleuvre naine à points alignés 2989 Couleuvre naine à tête rayée 2988 Couleuvre naine couronnée 2985 Couleuvre naine d'Arménie 2989 Couleuvre naine d'Asie mineure 2988 Couleuvre naine de Baran 2983


Couleuvre naine de Perse 6865 Couleuvre naine de Roth 2990 Couleuvre naine d'Eiselt 2987 Couleuvre naine ponctuée 2989 Couleuvre nocturne 4131 Couleuvre noire 2034 Couleuvre noire des marais 7489 Couleuvre obscure 3026, 3028 Couleuvre oeil-de-chat 4664 Couleuvre pêcheuse 7834 Couleuvre rayé (Qué) 8091 Couleuvre rayée 7053 Couleuvre renardine 3054 Couleuvre royal des prairies 4377 Couleuvre royale commune 4382 Couleuvre royale de Californie 4431 Couleuvre royale du Sonora 4399 Couleuvre royale mexicaine 4394 Couleuvre royale tachetée 4405 Couleuvre sifflante 6772 Couleuvre tachetée (Qué) 4405 Couleuvre tachetée 2068, 2907 Couleuvre tesselée 5745 Couleuvre verte 4873 Couleuvre verte-et-jaune 2069 Couleuvre vipérine 5734 Couleuvre volante 1847 Couleuvre-chat 7961 Couleuvre-chat d'Afrique du Nord 7960 Couleuvre-chat d'Europe 7961

Couleuvre-chat d'Israël 7959 Couleuvre-écrevisse de Graham 7052 Couleuvre-écrevisse des marais 7051 Couleuvre-écrevisse luisante 7053 Couleuvre-écrevisse royale 7057 Couleuvre-fouet 2051 Couleuvre-lyre 8263 Couleuvres 2031, 2071 Couleuvres à capuchon 5376 Couleuvres à collier 2672 Couleuvres à fouet 5404 Couleuvres à nez crochu 3478, 3803 Couleuvres à nez foliacé 6474 Couleuvres à nez plaqué 7270 Couleuvres à nez spatulé 1789 Couleuvres à queue courte 7798 Couleuvres à queue fine 2098 Couleuvres à queue pointue 2098 Couleuvres à raies noires 2074 Couleuvres aquatiques 3217 Couleuvres arc-en-ciel 3466 Couleuvres arénicoles 1777 Couleuvres brunes 7803 Couleuvres coureuses 2905 Couleuvres de Kirtland 1869 Couleuvres de Montpellier 5396 Couleuvres de terre 7577 Couleuvres de Westermann 2991 Couleuvres d'eau 1309, 5769 Couleuvres des sables 6749 Couleuvres diadèmes 7583


Couleuvres du roi 4373 Couleuvres écarlates 1585 Couleuvres fouisseuses 8729 Couleuvres lustrées 945 Couleuvres nains 2981 Couleuvres nocturnes 4128 Couleuvres noires des marais 7488 Couleuvres oeil-de-chat 4656 Couleuvres ratiers 2993 Couleuvres royales 4373 Couleuvres volantes 1846 Couleuvres-chat 7957 Couleuvres-écrevisse 7050 Couleuvres-lézard 2145 Couleuvres-lyres 8262 Couleuvres-ver 1552 Couleuvre-ver 1553 Cricosaure typique 2162 Cricosaures 2161 Crocodile 2175 Crocodile à double crète 2179 Crocodile à front large 6018 Crocodile à museau allongé 2171 Crocodile à museau de gavial 2171 Crocodile à museau pointu 2170 Crocodile à nuque cuirassée 2171 Crocodile américain 2170 Crocodile camus africain 2171 Crocodile cuirassée 6018 Crocodile d'Australie 2173 Crocodile de Johnston 2173 Crocodile de la Nouvelle Guinée 2176 Crocodile de l'Amazon 2172 Crocodile de l'Orénoque 2172 Crocodile de Mindoro 2177

Dibame de Bourret

Crocodile de Morelet 2174 Crocodile de Siam 2181 Crocodile des estuaires 2179 Crocodile des marais 2178, 6018 Crocodile du Cuba 2180 Crocodile du Nil 2175 Crocodile indien des marais 2178 Crocodile marin 2179 Crocodile nain 6018 Crocodile noir 2171 Crocodile noir à front large 6018 Crocodile rhombifère 2180 Crocodile rhombifère du Cuba 2180 Crocodile siamois 2181 Crocodiles 2169 Crocodiles nains 6017 Crocodilidés 2168 Crocodiliens 2167 Crocodilure lézardet 2166 Crocodilures 2165 Crodile d'Osborn 6018 Crotale 2196, 2208 Crotale ä queue noire 2222 Crotale cornu 2192 Crotale de l'ouest 2244 Crotale de Mitchell 2218 Crotale de Price 2227 Crotale de Willard 2254 Crotale des bambous 8229 Crotale des bois 2208, 2209 Crotale des prairies 2244, 2253 Crotale des rochers 2212 Crotale des tropiques 2196 Crotale diamant 2186 Crotale diamantin 2186, 2196 Crotale diamantin de l'Est 2186 Crotale diamantin de l'Ouest 2189

Crotale diamantin rouge 2230, 2232 Crotale du Mojave 2233 Crotale du Texas 2189 Crotale nain 7570 Crotale pygmée 7570 Crotale pygmée de Mexique 7574 Crotale rupestre 2212 Crotale sud-américain 2196 Crotale tigré 2236 Crotales 2185 Crotales à plaques 7565 Crotales maillés 2185 Crotaphytinés 2264 Curlytail 4500 Cyclemmyde dentelée 2441 Cyclemmydes 2440 Cyclures 2463 Cyrtodactyles 2496 Cyrtopodion 5464 Cyrtopodion de Basoglu 2560 Cyrtopodion de Kotschy 5464 Cyrtopodion de la Caspienne 7968 Cyrtopodion de la Crimée 5464 Cyrtopodion rugueux 2565 Cyrtopodion transcaspien 5465 Déirochélyde réticulaire 2592 Déirochélydes 2591 Dendragame de Boulenger 2624 Dendragames 2623 Dermatémyde de Mawe 2666 Dermatémydes 2665 Dermatémydidés 2664 Dermochélyidés 2667 Diable cornu 5638 Diable épineux 5638 Dibame 2693 Dibame de Bourret 2694


Dibames 2691 Dibamidés 2690 Diploglosse de Plee 2775 Diploglosse d'Owen 2774 Diploglosses 2756 Dipsosaure du désert 2841 Dipsosaures 2840 Dragon à cinq bandes 2876 Dragon barbe-noire 2872 Dragon barbe-rouge 2867 Dragon barbu 6616 Dragon barbu australien 6616 Dragon cornu des montagnes 80 Dragon de Blanford 2863 Dragon de Daudin 2869 Dragon de Dussumier 2864 Dragon de Timor 2879 Dragon d'eau 6493 Dragon des montagnes 80, 81 Dragon d'Inde 2864 Dragon frangé 2865 Dragon rayé 2869 Dragon tacheté 2870 Dragon taenioptère 2878 Dragon volant 2879 Dragons volants 2860 Echide à ventre blanc 2946 Échide carénée 2940 Echide d'Arabie 2943 Échides 2939 Élaphe à quatre raies 3039 Elaphe de Dioné 3003 Élaphe de Hohenacker 3018 Élaphe des blés 3012 Elaphe d'Esculape 3022 Élaphe ratier 3026 Élaphe Trans-Pecos 1223 Élaphe verte 3052 Élaphe vulpine 3054 Élaphes 2993 Élapidés 3056 Émidés 3186


Émyde à ocelles de Bengale 5673 Émyde à ocelles de Birmanie 5672 Émyde caspienne 5452 Émyde caspienne occidentale 5455 Émyde caspienne orientale 5453 Émyde chinoise à deux ocelles 7258 Émyde chinoise à ocelles 7257 Émyde commune à coup rayé 5852 Emyde de Blanding 3191 Émyde de Crète 5454 Émyde de l'Annam 5451 Émyde de l'Ouest 1865 Émyde de Mühlenberg 1868 Émyde dentelée à trois carènes 7537 Émyde du Japon 5457 Émyde géante de Bornéo 6016 Émyde indienne à diadème du Gange 3825 Émyde indienne à trois carènes 5482 Émyde lépreuse 5458 Émyde mutique 5459 Émyde noire à trois arrètes 5483 Émyde noire à trois bandes 5483 Émyde noire de Birmanie 5485 Émyde noire de Cochin 5484 Émyde noire de Parker 5487 Émyde noire de Thaïlande 5490 Émyde noire du Bengale 5486 Émyde noire du Sri Lanka 5488 Émyde peinte de Bornéo 1454

Émyde réticulée 2592 Émyde réticulée de Floride 2593 Émyde réticulée de l'Est 2595 Émyde réticulée de l'Ouest 2594 Émydes 1862, 5450 Émydes à ocelles 5671 Émydes dentelées à trois carènes 7536 Émydes géantes de Bornéo 6015 Émydure de Krefft 3194 Émydure de Macquarr 3195 Émydures 3192 Enyale à deux raies 3255 Enyale rhombifère 3257 Enyales 3254 Érémias 3288 Érémias à goutelettes 5520 Érémias à points rouges 5524 Érémias de Pasteur 5522 Érémias de Pleske 7061 Eremias de Süphan 3300 Érémias d'Olivier 5521 Érémias variable 5926 Érémias véloce 3301 Érérmias élégant 5926 Éryx 3327 Éryx de John 3334 Eryx miliaire 3335 Éryx-javelot 3332 Eublepharidés 3341 Eumécès 3361 Eumécès à bandes 3385 Eumécès à tête large 3396 Eumécès d'Algérie 3363 Eumécès de Chine 3373 Eumécès de Schneider 3416 Eunectes 3435 Éyde noire péninsulaire 5489 Faux corail (Ants) 1042 Faux corail 3321


Faux corail 492 Faux gavial africain 2171 Faux jacquot (Ants) 2111 Faux serpent corail 4405, 4430 Faux serpent-corail 492 Faux-gavial 8138 Faux-gavial malais 8138 Faux-gavials 8137 Faux-gavials malais 8137 Fer-de-lance 1283, 1296 Fer-de-lances 1278 Fer-de-lances asiatiques 8217 Fouette queue commun 8553 Fouette-queue 8553 Fouette-queue acanthinure 8553 Fouette-queue d'Afrique du Nord 8553 Fouette-queue de Geyr 8558 Fouette-queue d'Égypte 8554 Fouette-queue d'Harwicke 8559 Fouette-queue d'Inde 8559 Fouette-queue du Mali 8557 Fouette-queue orné 8563 Fouette-queue spinipède 8554 Fouettes-queue 8552 Galéote commun 1481 Galéote d'Andaman 1480 Galéote de Ceylon 1482 Galéote de Roux 1497 Galéote marbré 1364 Galéotes 1479 Gaviale du Gange 3514 Gaviales du Gange 3513 Gavialidés 3512 Gecko à bande de Somalie 3879 Gecko à bandes 3888 Gecko à crête 7090

Gecko palmé des sables

Gecko à doigt en forme de feuille 6425 Gecko à doigts en forme d'éventail 6968 Gecko à doigts mutilés 3555 Gecko à doigts nus 5464 Gecko à écailles carénées 8351, 8352 Gecko à grosse queue 3966 Gecko à grosse tête 6153 Gecko à paupière épineuse 7006 Gecko à paupières épineuses du Haut Atlas 7006 Gecko à paupières hérissées 7006 Gecko à queue adipeuse 3966 Gecko à queue grasse 3966 Gecko à queue-en-feuille de Henkel 8596 Gecko à tête jaune 3706 Gecko araignée 194 Gecko arboricole 3565 Gecko aux doigts en feuile 3888 Gecko caméléon 1551 Gecko casqué 3532 Gecko cendré 7608 Gecko de Bibron 6056 Gecko de Boulanger 3911 Gecko de bronze 231 Gecko de Bynoe 3987 Gecko de Leschenault 3908 Gecko de l'Indo-pacifique 3893 Gecko de Mauritanie 7949 Gecko de Namibie 1835 Gecko de Nicaragua 2006 Gecko de Petrie 7788 Gecko de Ragazzi 6975 Gecko de Tana 3917 Gecko d'Elisa 971 Gecko des arbres 3926

Gecko des caves chinois 3749 Gecko des forêts de Richardson 3931 Gecko des grottes chinois 3749 Gecko des maisons 3891, 3910, 6968 Gecko des maisons asiatique 3883 Gecko des murailles 7949 Gecko des murs 7949 Gecko des récifs 7650 Gecko diurne à bande 6226 Gecko diurne à ligne 6226 Gecko diurne à queue fine 6231 Gecko diurne du Nord 6215 Gecko diurne géant 6227 Gecko diurne géant de Madagascar 6228 Gecko diurne ligné 6226 Gecko diurne modeste 6230 Gecko diurne orné de Mauritius 6234 Gecko du Cap 5172 Gecko du désert 6093 Gecko du Pacifique 3891 Gecko du prince Ruspoli 3932 Gecko du Sud à queue-enfeuille 6485 Gecko gargouille 7086 Gecko griffu africain 4012 Gecko japonais 3577 Gecko marbré 1839, 3575 Gecko méditerranéen 3945 Gecko nain 8350 Gecko nain à queue grasse 4012 Gecko nain de Tripoli 8350 Gecko Nyika 3937 Gecko ocellé 7597 Gecko palmé de Namibie 6093 Gecko palmé des sables 6093

Gecko palmé namibien

Gecko palmé namibien 6093 Gecko parachute 6963 Gecko peint de Madagascar 6153 Gecko phyllodactyle américain 6467 Gecko qui pèle des Seychelles 231 Gecko renard 3893 Gecko satanique 8598 Gecko scorpion 6667 Gecko terrestre du Kalahari 2030 Gecko tokay 3572 Gecko tropical de Moreau 3910 Gecko tropical des maisons 3910 Gecko tropical des maisons de Tasman 3941 Gecko turc 3945 Gecko verruqueux 3945 Gecko vert des arbres 5749 Gecko vipère 7975 Gecko volant 6963 Gecko-chat 128 Gecko-léopard 3345 Gecko-léopard chinois 3749 Gecko-léopard de Baja 2008 Gecko-léopard de l'Ouest 2010 Gecko-léopard du Texas 2002 Gecko-léopard réticulée 2007 Geckonidés 3595 Gecko-panthère 6153 Gecko-panthère à paupières mobiles 3345 Geckos 3595 Geckos à doigts nus 3807 Geckos casqués 3531 Geckos diurnes 6207 Geckos du désert 6092 Geckos vipère 7973


Geckos volants 6960 Geckos-chat 127 Geckos-léopard 2001 Geckos-panthère 3342 Geckotiens 3595 Géoclémyde d'Hamilton 3614 Géoclémydes 3613 Géoémyde américaine 7176 Géoémyde d'Asie 5483 Géoémyde de Cochin 3972 Géoémyde de Spengler 3624 Géoémyde des Ryu-Kyu 3623 Géoémydes 3622 Gerrhonote à cou rude 1160 Gerrhonote multicaréné 3097 Gerrhosaure 3686 Gerrhosaure à gorge jaune 3681 Gerrhosaure africain 3682 Gerrhosaure de Smith 3686 Gerrhosaure typique 3685 Gerrhosaures 3678 Gharial 3514 Gonatode à gorge blanche 3706 Gonatodes 3705 Gongyle ocellé 1626, 1628 Gonocéphale de Bornéo 3763 Gonocéphales 3750 Gophère polyphème 3777 Grage (Ants) 1283 Grage grands carreaux (Ants) 4363 Grage petit carreaux (Ants) 1285 Grand serpent-ratier d'Inde 6944 Grapémyde du Nord 3796 Graptémyde à ocelles 3790 Graptémyde à points noirs 3787

Graptémyde à points noirs du Nord 3789 Graptémyde à points noirs du Sud 3788 Graptémyde à taches jaunes 3784 Graptémyde de Barbour 3781 Graptémyde de Cagle 3782 Graptémyde de la Sabine 3793 Graptémyde de l'Alabama 3797 Graptémyde de l'Ouatchita 3791 Graptémyde de Texas 3798 Graptémyde du Sud 3795 Graptémyde géographique 3785 Graptémyde pseudogéographique 3794 Graptémydes 3780 Gymnodactyle de Kotchyi 5464 Gymnodactyle marbré 2534 Gymnodactyles 3807 Gymnodtyle gentil 2545 Gymnophthalmidés 3810 Habu 8227 Hardoun stellion 7743 Hecko de Ogden 3944 Hélodermatidés 3857 Héloderme granuleux 3853 Héloderme hérissé 3853 Héloderme mexicain 3853 Hélodermes 3852 Hémidactyle à bandes 3888 Hémidactyle à tubercles triédres 3943 Hémidactyle bridé 3891 Hémidactyle de Garnot 3893 Hémidactyle de Leschenault 3908 Hémidactyle mabouia 3910 Hémidactyle tacheté 3912


Hémidactyle verruqueux 3945 Hémidactyles 3872 Hemiergis de Decres 3950 Hemiergis de Peron 3953 Héosémyde de Cochin 3972 Héosémyde de l'Arakan 3969 Héosémyde de Leyte 3971 Héosémyde épineuse 3973 Héosémydes 3968 Hétérodon de l'Est 3982 Hétérodon de l'Ouest 3978 Hétérodon du Sud 3983 Hétérodons 3977 Hiérémyde d'Annandale 3993 Hiérémydes 3992 Homalopside joufflu 4017 Homalopsides 4016 Homopode à éperon 4040 Homopode aréolé 4037 Homopode de Boulenger 4039 Homopode de Namibie 4038 Homopode marqué 4041 Homopodes 4036 Hydroméduse à dos rugueux 4077 Hydroméduse de Maximilian 4076 Hydroméduses 4075 Hydrophides 4082 Hydrosaure d'Amboine 4117 Hydrosaure de Weber 4119 Hydrosaure des Philippines 4118 Hydrosaures 4116 Hypsilure de Godeffroy 4147 Hypsilure de Papua 4150 Hypsilure du Boyd 4143 Hypsilures 4141 Iguane à casque 2153 Iguane à cornes 2466

Lézard à colliers noirs

Iguane à petities cornues 6395 Iguane à queue épineuse-etcrête courte 2331, 2335 Iguane commun 4167 Iguane commun à queue épineuse 2331 Iguane cornu 2466 Iguane des Antilles 4166 Iguane du désert 2841 Iguane marin 294 Iguane marin des Galapagos 294 Iguane noir du Mexique 2325 Iguane rhinocéros 2466 Iguane sourd 2101 Iguane terrestre des Galapagos 2091 Iguane tuberculeux 4166 Iguane verte 4167 Iguane vrai 4167 Iguanes 4168 Iguanes à cornes 2463 Iguanes sourds 2100, 3996 Iguanes terrestres 2089 Iguanidés 4168 Jacaré 1424 Japalure d'Anderson 4200 Japalure de Dymond 4203 Japalure de Hampton 4207 Japalure de Kumaon 4209 Japalure rayé 4204 Japalure splendide 4219 Japalure varié 4223 Japalures 4199 Jaracussu 1294 Jararaca 1293 Javelot 3332 Javelots 3327 Kachuga à dos en toit 4230 Kachuga à front rayé 4226 Kachuga à front rouge 4227 Kachuga carénée 4231 Kachuga de Birmanie 4232 Kachuga de l'Assam 4229

Kachuga de Smith 4228 Kachugas 4225 Karet (Ants) 1519 Kinixys rongée 4246 Kinosterne de Baur 4257 Kinosternes 4252 Kinosternidés 4251 Kinyx 4244 Kinyx de Bell 4245 Kinyx de Home 4247 Lacertidés 4358 Laimancte longipède 4367 Laimanctes 4366 Lambert 4331 Léiolépide à gouttelettes 4517 Léiolépides 4514 Léiolopisme de Telford 4547 Léiolopisme émeraudin 4371 Léiolopisme moco 4535 Léiolopismes 4521 Lépidochélyde 4575 Leptotyphlopidés 4701 Leptotyphlops 4702 Leptotyphlops de Phillips 4768 Leptotyphlops d'Israël 4768 Leptotyphlops du Caire 4721 Leptotyphlops du Mexique 4744 Leptotyphlops du Texas 4733 Leptotyphlops macrorhynque 4755 Leptotyphlops oncirostre 4755 Lériste à quatre raies 4826 Léristes 4794 Lézard à collerette 1833 Lézard à collier réticulé 2276 Lézard à colliers 2266 Lézard à colliers noirs 2272

Lézard à côtes tachetés

Lézard à côtes tachetés 8634 Lézard à doigts frangés 8522 Lézard à doigts frangés Coachella 8521 Lézard à doigts frangés du Mojave 8526 Lézard à goutteletes 5520 Lézard à l'oeil de serpent 5976 Lézard à lunettes 6592 Lézard à queue courbée 4500 Lézard à queue épineuse 4344 Lézard à queue frisée 4500 Lézard à queue noire 8611 Lézard à queue recourbée 4489 Lézard à tête pointue 4335 Lézard à ventre blanc 4349 Lézard à ventre rose 7430 Lézard à ventre rouge 4337 Lézard à ventre vert 4318 Lézard agile 4308 Lézard agile à six lignes 1971 Lézard alligator 3097 Lézard apode de Californie 498 Lézard apode de Geronimo 497 Lézard arboricole 8612 Lézard arménien 4310 Lézard barbu d'Australie 6609 Lézard bâtard 4332 Lézard bleu 7407 Lézard cornu de San Diego 6392 Lézard cornu des montagnes 80 Lézard crocodile 3097 Lézard d'Adjarie 4332 Lézard d'Anatolie 4316 Lézard d'Andreansky 4309 Lézard d'Arménie 4310


Lézard d'Asie Mineure 4336 Lézard d'Azerbaïdjan 4342 Lézard de Bédriaga 4312 Lézard de Bithynie 4314 Lézard de Blanford 4341 Lézard de Cappadoce 4316 Lézard de Clark 4319, 7337 Lézard de Crimée 6596 Lézard de Dahl 4321 Lézard de Danford 4322 Lézard de Delalande 5844 Lézard de Derjugin 4324 Lézard de Filfola 6583 Lézard de Fraas 4326 Lézard de Gallot 3499 Lézard de Horvath 4328 Lézard de l'Adriatique 6587 Lézard de l'Égée 6582 Lézard de Madère 6581 Lézard de Malte 6583 Lézard de Milo 6588 Lézard de montagne corse 4312 Lézard de montagne pyrénéen 4333 Lézard de Mosor 4334 Lézard de Perse 4315 Lézard de Portschinski 4339 Lézard de prairie 4340 Lézard de Rostombekov 4343 Lézard de Schreiber 4346 Lézard de Sicilie 6594 Lézard de Valentin 4351 Lézard de Wislizen 3504 Lézard de Wood 7433 Lézard de Yarrow 7361, 7362 Lézard de Zagros 4341 Lézard d'Elburs 4323 Lézard d'Erhard 6582 Lézard des armoises 7349 Lézard des Baléares 6586 Lézard des brousailles 8605

Lézard des canyons 7379 Lézard des crevasses 7399 Lézard des mesquites 7353 Lézard des murailles 6589, 6594 Lézard des murailles de Sicile 6598 Lézard des murailles italien 6594 Lézard des palissade de l'Ouest 7386 Lézard des palissades de l'Est 7419 Lézard des pallisades 7361, 7362 Lézard des palmiers 8553 Lézard des Péloponnèses 6591 Lézard des Pityuses 6593 Lézard des prairies 4340 Lézard des ruines 6594 Lézard des souches 4308 Lézard des truffiers 6740 Lézard du Caucase 4317 Lézard du Haut Atlas 4309 Lézard du Liban 4330 Lézard du Péloponnèse 6591 Lézard du Taurus 6596 Lézard d'Uzell 4350 Lézard égéen 6582 Lézard épineux 7399 Lézard épineux de Texas 7394 Lézard épineux du désert 7368 Lézard espagnol 6584 Lézard fouette-queue d'Égypte 8554 Lézard géant de Hierro 3500 Lézard granite 7395 Lézard grec 4327 Lézard gris 6589 Lézard hispanique 6584 Lézard hispanique d'Afrique du Nord 6585


Lézard linéo-ocellé 6164 Lézard lisse 4330 Lézard lugubre 3296 Lézard maltais 6583 Lézard marqueté 5848 Lézard montagnard 4333 Lézard montagnard corse 4312 Lézard montagnard pyrénéen 4333 Lézard nain 4315, 4336 Lézard namaquensis 6165 Lézard nocturne de Henshaw 8748 Lézard nocturne des îles 4300 Lézard nocturne du désert 8751 Lézard ocellé 4331 Lézard ocellé d'Afrique du Nord 4338 Lézard ocellé d'Europe 4331 Lézard oxycéphale 4335 Lézard peureux 1166 Lézard pomme-de-pin 8128 Lézard sans oreilles caréné 4007 Lézard sans oreilles lacéré 3997 Lézard sans oreilles tacheté 3999 Lézard scalaire 7404 Lézard sicilien 6594 Lézard Sungazer 2133 Lézard taurique 6596 Lézard tyrrhénien 6597 Lézard unisexué 4349 Lézard vert 4313, 4352 Lézard vert à trois lignes 4348 Lézard vert de la Caspienne 4347 Lézard vert d'Espagne 4346 Lézard vivipare 4353 Lézard-alligator d'Arizona 3095, 3096

Macroscinque de Cocteau

Lézard-alligator du Nord 3090 Lézard-alligator du Sud 3097 Lézard-alligator du Texas 3677 Lézard-alligator panamint 3101 Lézard-dragon 1465 Lézard-fouisseur du Mexique 484 Lézard-léopard à nez court 3503 Lézard-léopard à nez long 3504 Lézards 4307 Lézards à collerete 1832 Lézards à colliers 2264 Lézards à doigts frangés 8519 Lézards à l'oeil de serpent 5974 Lézards à queue épineuse 8552 Lézards à queue zébrée 1464 Lézards agiles 1907 Lézards apodes 496, 501 Lézards arboricoles 8600 Lézards arc-en-ciel 1907 Lézards barbus 6608 Lézards cornues 6387 Lézards courreurs 1907 Lézards des murailles 6580 Lézards épineux 7325 Lézards gros sans oreilles 2100 Lézards nocturnes 8757 Lézards nocturnes des îles 4299 Lézards queue-en-fouet 1907 Lézards queue-en-fouet et agiles 1907 Lézards sans oreilles 3996 Lézards terrestres 487 Lézards typiques 4358 Lézards vénéneux 3852

Lézards venimeux 3857 Lézards vrais 4358 Lézards-alligator 1157 Lézards-alligator du Pacifique 3088 Lézards-alligator du Texas 3673 Lézards-caïman 3673 Lézards-crapaud 6387 Lézards-fouisseur du Mexique 483 Lézards-léopard 3501 Lialis 4854 Lialis de Burton 4855 Lialis de la Nouvelle Guinée 4856 Liasis améthyste 5659 Liasis de Children 856 Ligosomes 5218 Lophocalote 5075 Lophocalotes 5074 Loup du poulailler 8355 Luth 2669 Lygodactyles 5165 Lygosome de Sundevall 5253 Lyriocéphale commun 5258 Lyriocéphale perlé 5258 Lyriocéphales 5257 Lytorhynque diadème 5264 Mabouia de Jonnes 3910 Mabuias 5271 Mabuya à bandes 5357 Mabuya de Bibron 5283 Mabuya de Perrotet 5334 Mabuya des Seychelles 5342 Mabuya d'Olivier 5357 Mabuya doré 5277 Mabuya multibande 5328 Mabuyas 5271 Macrolémyde de Temminck 5366 Macrolémydes 5365 Macroscinque de Cocteau 5380


Macroscinques 5379 Maître de la brousse 4363 Malaclemmyde 5384 Malaclemmyde concentrique 5384 Malaclemmydes 5383 Malayémide à trois arêtes 5395 Malayémides 5394 Mamba de Jameson 2646 Mamba noir 2647 Mamba noir-et-vert 2645 Mamba vert 2648 Mambas 2644 Mambas rouge-et-verts 2644 Mangeurs d'oeufs 2581 Margouillat 152 Margouillat d'extérieur 3893 Margouillat domestique 3891 Massasauga 7566 Matamata 1764 Matamatas 1763 Mocassin des tropiques 196 Mocassin 211 Mocassin à tête cuivrée 203 Mocassin d'eau 214 Mocassins 195 Mocassins d'eau 195 Moccassin d'Europe 209 Moloch 5638 Moloch d'Australie 5638 Moloch épineux 5638 Moloch hérissé 5638 Molochs 5637 Monstre de Gila 3854 Monstres de Gila 3852, 3857 Mussurana 1856 Mussuranas 1854 Naja 5702, 5711 Nasique 226 Néoseps 5757 Néoseps de Reynolds 5758


Nessie de Burton 5798 Nessies 5796 Ophiode strié 5938 Ophiodes 5936 Ophiomore de Blanford 5942 Ophiomore persan 5947 Ophiomore ponctué 5948 Ophiomores 5941 Ophisaure 5958 Ophisaure compact 5964 Ophisaure de l'Est 5972 Ophisaure élancé 5959 Ophisaure svelte 5959 Ophisaure ventrale 5972 Ophisaures 5957 Ophisops 5974 Ophisops élégant 5976 Orvet 489 Orvet commun 489 Orvet du Maroc 5969 Orvet fragile 489 Orvets 487, 488 Otocrypte à deux bandes 6021 Otocrypte de Wiegmann 6021 Otocryptes 6019 Pachydactyle de Bibron 6056 Pachydactyles 6054 Paléosuches 6089 Péliade 8707 Péloméduse roussâtre 6176 Péloméduses 6175 Pélomédusidés 6177 Peltocéphale 6179 Peltocéphales 6178 Péluse à bec crochu 6190 Péluse à bord sineux 6193 Péluse à dos caréné 6184 Péluse d'Adanson 6181 Péluse de Broadley 6183 Péluse de l'Okavango 6182 Péluse de Schweigger 6185

Péluse du Gabon 6188 Péluse duLac Victoria 6196 Péluse naine 6189 Péluse noirâtre 6194 Péluses 6180 Pélusios d'Adanson 6181 Pélusios noir 6188, 6190 Pélusios rougâtre 6176 Petit Amphibolure 6612 Petit anolis à crête 589 Petit margouillat 152 Petit serpent-ratier d'Inde 6943 Phelsuma 6214 Phelsume à quatre ocelles 6236 Phelsume de Madagascar 6227 Phelsumes 6207 Phelsumes des Seychelles 6208 Phrynocéphale à moustache 6351 Phrynocéphale à oreilles 6351 Phrynocéphale barbé 6351 Phrynocéphale caudivolvue 6339 Phrynocéphale de Théobald 6366 Phrynocéphale hélioscope 6341 Phrynocéphale orné 6353 Phrynocéphale réticulé 6358 Phrynocéphale tacheté 6339, 6350 Phrynocéphales 6319 Phrynosome à queue plate 6402 Phrynosome à queue ronde 6403 Phrynosome couronné 6394 Phrynosome de Douglas 6395 Phrynosome de la côte 6394 Phrynosome de Texas 6391 Phrynosome du désert 6405


Phrynosome orbiculaire 6404 Phrynosome royal 6409 Phrynosomes 6387 Phyllodactyle 6425 Phyllodactyle d'Europe 6425 Phyllodactyle européen 6425 Phyllodactyle gentille 6452 Phyllodactyle porphyré 6451 Phyllodactyle tuberculeux 6463 Phyllodactyles 6411 Physignathe de Cochinchine 6493 Physignathe de Lesueuer 6494 Physignathes 6492 Platémyde à dos rugueux 6379 Platémyde à éperons 37 Platémyde à grosse tête 36 Platémyde à pieds rouges 6377 Platémyde à tête orange (Ants) 6528 Platémyde à tête plate 6528 Platémyde à tubercules 6378 Platémyde bossue 6372 Platémyde de Dahl 6370 Platémyde de Geoffroy 6371 Platémyde de Hoge 6374 Platémyde de l'Amazone 6376 Platémyde de Saint-Hilaire 6373 Platémyde de Schweigger 6375 Platémyde de Spix 39 Platémyde de Vanderhaege 6380 Platémyde de Williams 6381 Platémyde de Zulia 6382


Platémyde platycéphale 6528 Platémyde radiolée 38 Platémydes 35 Platémydes 6369, 6527 Platysaure à gouttelettes 6541 Platysaure impérial 6545 Platysaures 6539 Platysterne 6555 Platysterne de Birmanie 6557 Platysterne de Chine 6556 Platysterne de la Thaïlande 6560 Platysterne du Vietnam 6558 Platysterne du Yunnan 6559 Platysternes 6553, 6554 Podocnémide à tête rouge 6600 Podocnémide de Cayenne 6604 Podocnémide de Duméril 6179 Podocnémide de Léwy 6602 Podocnémide de Madagascar 3319 Podocnémide de Vogl 6605 Podocnémide élargie 6601 Podocnémide tuberculée 6603 Podocnémides 3318, 6599 Podocnemie de la Cayenne (Ants) 6604 Podocnemies (Ants) 6599 Podocnémis de Madagascar 3319 Poissons du sable 7479 Polychre à museau pointu 6631 Polychre marbré 6635 Polychres 6630 Porte-crête 4117 Pristure à points jaunes 6671 Pristures 6665

Psammodrome 6738 Psammodrome algire 6738 Psammodrome cendré 6740 Psammodrome d'Algérie 6738 Psammodrome de Blanc 6739 Psammodrome d'Edwards 6741 Psammodrome d'Espagne 6740, 6741 Psammodrome vert 6742 Psammodromes 6737 Psammophis de Forskal 6771 Psammophis rayé 6772 Psammosaures 8645 Pseudémyde 6185 Pseudémyde de Floride 6820 Pseudémyde de Floride septentrionale 6820 Pseudémyde de l'Alabama 6817 Pseudémyde de Nelson 6824 Pseudémyde du Brésil 8166 Pseudémyde du Rio Grande 6823 Pseudémyde du Texas 6828 Pseudémyde peninsulaire 6825 Pseudémydes 6816 Pseudocéraste de Perse 6853 Pseudocérastes 6850 Pseudocordyle 6855 Pseudocordyle de Lang 6857 Pseudocordyle microlépidote 6859 Pseudope de Pallas 5958 Pseuémyde concinne 6818 Ptyodactyle 6968 Ptyodactyle de Hasselquist 6968 Ptyodactyle d'Oudri 6973 Ptyodactyles 6966

Pygopode lépidopode

Pygopode lépidopode 6982 Pygopodes 6981 Python à queue courte 6986 Python à tête noire d'Australie 990 Python birman 6991 Python d'Angola 6985 Python de la Nouvelle Guinée 4554 Python de l'Inde 6990 Python de Séba 6995 Python des rochers 5659 Python indien 6990 Python malais 6986 Python molure 6990 Python réticulé 6994 Python royal 6993 Python tacheté 6988 Python tapis 5664, 5669 Python vert 5670 Python vert d'Indonésie 5670 Pythons 6984 Pythons à tête noire 989 Pythons de la Nouvelle Guinée 4553 Pythons mexicains 5085 Pyxide arachnoide 7003 Pyxides 7002 Queue-double 2482 Queue-en-fouet à carreaux gris 1927 Queue-en-fouet à gorge orange 1937, 1939 Queue-en-fouet carrelé du Colorado 1976 Queue-en-fouet du désert semi-aride 1987 Queue-en-fouet du Nouveau-Mexique 1960 Queue-en-fouet du Texas 1936 Queue-en-fouet rayé 1940 Queue-en-fouet rayé de Laredo 1948 Queue-en-fouet rayé des plateaux 1989


Queue-en-fouet tacheté de Chihuahua 1930 Queue-en-fouet tacheté de Gila 1931 Queue-en-fouet tacheté des canyons 1912 Queue-en-fouet tacheté du Sonora 1975 Queue-en-fouet tigré 1977 Rassade 4331 Reptiles écailleux 7710 Réré 3319 Rhineure de Floride 7159 Rhineures 7158 Rhineures de Floride 7158 Rhinoclemmyde à diadème 7172 Rhinoclemmyde à museau pointu 7175 Rhinoclemmyde à plastron noir 7174 Rhinoclemmyde annelée 7170 Rhinoclemmyde aréolée 7171 Rhinoclemmyde brune de Colima 7182 Rhinoclemmyde brune d'Oaxaca 7181 Rhinoclemmyde funèbre 7173 Rhinoclemmyde peinte 7176 Rhinoclemmyde peinte de Sonora 7179 Rhinoclemmyde peinte du Costa Rica 7178 Rhinoclemmyde peinte du Salvador 7177 Rhinoclemmyde ponctulaire 7180 Rhinoclemmydes 7169 Rhynchcéphales 7244 Rhynchocalame de Satunin 7242 Rhynchocéphales 7591 Ridley de Kemp 4575 Ridley olivacée 4576 Round Island Boa 1558

Saurodactyle à bandes 7305 Saurodactyle de Brosset 7304 Saurodactyle de Maurétanie 7306 Saurodactyle fascié 7305 Saurodactyle maurétanique 7306 Saurodactyles 7303 Scélopore du désert 7368, 7386 Scélopore ligné des plateaux 7432 Scélopore ondulé 7419 Scélopores 7325 Scélotes 7435 Scincidés 7476 Scinque à bandes 3385, 7478 Scinque à bandes latérales 7466 Scinque à cinque lignes 3385 Scinque à flancs rouges 5227 Scinque à la langue bleue 8127 Scinque à langue bleue 8129 Scinque à langue rose 8122 Scinque à queue bleue 3396 Scinque à queue bleue d'Afrique 5338 Scinque à queue cuivrée 5846 Scinque à queue épineuse 2955 Scinque à queue préhensile des Îles Salomons 2149 Scinque à queue tronquée 8128 Scinque à tête casquée 8212 Scinque à tête large 3396 Scinque abléphare 5 Scinque anthracite 3365 Scinque berber 3363 Scinque crocodile 8161 Scinque crocodile aux yeux oranges 8212


Scinque d'Algérie 3363 Scinque d'Australie à langue bleue 8129 Scinque de Bocourt 3369 Scinque de Bougainville 4802 Scinque de Gilbert 3386 Scinque de Guichenot 4457 Scinque de la Casuarine 8121 Scinque de Labilliardière 2378 Scinque de l'Est 7481 Scinque de l'île Ronde 4547 Scinque de l'Ouest 3422 Scinque de Reynolds 5758 Scinque de Schneider 3416 Scinque de Telfair 4547 Scinque des boutiques 7482 Scinque des montagnes 3371 Scinque des plaines 3408 Scinque des prairies 3418 Scinque des Prairies 3421 Scinque des sables 7482 Scinque du Cap 5293 Scinque fascié 7478 Scinque géant 2149 Scinque linéo-ponctué 4827 Scinque monstrueux 7980 Scinque multiligne 3404 Scinque noir-jaune 8126 Scinque ocellé 1626, 1628 Scinque officinal 7482 Scinque pentaligne 3385 Scinque pentaligne du Sudouest 3392 Scinque rayé-et-ocellé 5678 Scinque répandu 5345 Scinque rouge 5227 Scinque sans paupières 5 Scinque serpentiforme 5948 Scinque terrestre 7466 Scinque tétraligne 3430 Scinques 7476, 7479 Scinques à bandes 7477

Serpent nageur

Scinques à langue bleue 8118 Scinques à tête casquée 8208 Scinques de Reynolds 5757 Scinques fasciés 7477 Scinques géantes 8118 Scinques géants 2148 Scinques lignées 3361 Seps à écailles nombreuses 1628 Seps de Bedriaga 1617 Seps de Maurétanie 1623 Seps de Valverde 1627 Seps d'Ebner 1620 Seps du Rif 1619 Seps mionecton 1624 Seps ocellé 1626 Seps riffain 1619 Seps strié 1618 Seps tridactyle 1618 Ser 5398 Serpen ratier noire 3028 Serpent à deux têtes 2482 Serpent à deux têtes 492, 8472 Serpent à groin 3982 Serpent à perroquets 2111 Serpent à queue plate 4484 Serpent à sonnette 2196 Serpent à sonnettes cornu 2192 Serpent à sonnettes pygmée 7570 Serpent à tête noire Chihuahua 7925 Serpent à tête noire de Big Bend 7908 Serpent à tête noire des plaines 7897 Serpent à tête noire mexicain 7866 Serpent à tête noire Yaqui 7927 Serpent à tête plate 7885 Serpent africain des maisons 4442

Serpent agouti (Ants) 1826 Serpent arc-en-ciel 8793 Serpent aveugle 489 Serpent aveugle de l'Ouest 4744 Serpent aveugle du Brahminy 7017 Serpent aveugle du Texas 4733 Serpent coco (Ants) 4657 Serpent corail 5595, 5617, 5627 Serpent d'arbre 1233 Serpent d'arbre du Cap 2844 Serpent d'Aristotèle 8501 Serpent de bananier 2648 Serpent de Collet 6790 Serpent de Kirtland 1870 Serpent de queue armée de Blyth 7186 Serpent de verre 489 Serpent d'eau à ventre blanc 3490 Serpent des blés 3012, 3013 Serpent des maisons 4442 Serpent des paletuviers 1233 Serpent des poulaillers 7708 Serpent des vignes mexicain 6029 Serpent diadème du Sud-est 7877 Serpent diadème oolitique 7900 Serpent diamant 5664 Serpent didaème de Floride 7903 Serpent double-tête 2482 Serpent du lait 4405, 4430 Serpent du roi 4382 Serpent foulard (Ants) 3267, 3271 Serpent indigo 2898 Serpent ligné 8282 Serpent mangeur d'oeufs 2586 Serpent nageur 5745

Serpent ratier

Serpent ratier 3026 Serpent rouleau 492 Serpent tigré 5829, 7965 Serpent tigré noir 5828 Serpent vert lisse 4873 Serpent vert rugueux 5930 Serpent vert rugueux de l'Est 5931 Serpent vert rugueux de l'Ouest 5933 Serpent volant 1847, 1848 Serpent-arlequin 5593 Serpent-corail 5581 Serpent-corail commun 5582 Serpent-corail de l'Arizona 5567, 5568 Serpent-corail de l'Est 5593 Serpent-fouet 2051, 2057 Serpent-fouet agile 5419 Serpent-fouet du Sonora 5408 Serpent-fouet flagellé 5411 Serpent-fouet ligné 5429 Serpent-jarretière 8080, 8084, 8103 Serpent-jarretière à cou noir 8045 Serpent-jarretière à échiquier 8070 Serpent-jarretière à flancs rouges 8099 Serpent-jarretière à petite tête 8039 Serpent-jarretière à tête étroite 8083 Serpent-jarretière aquatique de l'Ouest 8042 Serpent-jarretière de Butler 8040 Serpent-jarretière des plaines 8080 Serpent-jarretière du Nordouest 8074 Serpent-jarretiêre élégant 8051 Serpent-jarretière mexicain 8060 Serpent-jarretière rayé 8091


Serpent-jarretière réticulé 8070 Serpent-lézard sans pattes 5958 Serpent-liane 6029, 6030, 6032 Serpent-ratier 6944 Serpent-ratier à tête cuivrée 3041 Serpent-ratier asiatique 6944 Serpent-ratier de Chine 3048 Serpent-ratier gris 3031 Serpent-ratier jaune 3029 Serpent-roi 4382 Serpent-roi de Californie 4384 Serpent-roi de Floride 4385 Serpent-roi gris à bandes 4374 Serpent-roi noir 4390 Serpent-roi noir du Mexique 4390, 4394 Serpent-ruban de l'Est 8084 Serpent-ruban de l'Ouest 8075 Serpents à deux têtes 8374, 8375 Serpents à queue plate 4481 Serpents à sonnettes 2185 Serpents à tête plate 7862 Serpents arc-en-ciel 8791 Serpents aveugles 4701, 4702 Serpents canines 2109 Serpents corail 4669 Serpents d'arbre 1226 Serpents de Cléopatre 2939 Serpents de Kirtland 1869 Serpents d'eau à ventre blanc 3489 Serpents des maisons 4439 Serpents des poulaillers 7707 Serpents des vignes mexicains 6028 Serpents du roi 4373

Serpents foulard (Ants) 3265 Serpents indigos 2897 Serpents jaunes 2613 Serpents lignés 8281 Serpents mangeurs d'oeufs 2581 Serpents minutes 4702 Serpents noirs 6787 Serpents tigrés 5827 Serpents verts 5929 Serpents-corail 5569 Serpents-corail de l'Arizona 5566 Serpents-fouet 5404 Serpents-jarretière et serpents-ruban 8033 Serpents-liane 6028 Serpents-loup 5096 Serpents-ratiers 6942 Serpents-roi 4373 Serpents-ruban 8033 Serpents-tube d'Amérique du Sud 491 Serpents-tube tachetés 2474 Serpent-taureau 6511 Serpent-tube d'Amérique du Sud 492 Serpent-tube tacheté 2479 Sheltopusik 5958 Shinisaure crocodilure 7503 Shinisaures 7502 Sitane de Pondichéry 7576 Sitanes 7575 Skinque à bandes 5238 Sphénodontidés 7694 Sphénomorphe de Dussumier 7699 Sphénomorphes 7695 Sphénops 7702 Sphénops de Boulenger 7703 Sphénops de De l'Isle 7704 Sphénops occidental 7706 Sphérodactyle bizarre 7624 Sphérodactyle cendré 7608


Sphérodactyle sputateur 7681 Sphérodactyles 7592 Staurotype de l'Atlantique 7713 Staurotype de Salvin 7712 Staurotype nain 1853 Staurotype tricariné 7713 Staurotypes 7711 Stellion 7743 Stellions 7723 Sténocerque à ventre rose 7776 Sténocerques 7750 Sténodactyle commun 7791 Sténodactyle de Petrie 7788 Sténodactyle tacheté 7791 Sténodactyles 7781 Sternothère odorant 4284 Streptosaure de Mearns 6202 Surucucu 4363 Surucucus 4361 Tachydrome à six raies 7856 Tachydromes 7849 Tapaya 6394 Tarante annelée 7936, 7937 Tarante de Boehne 7938 Tarante du désert 7945 Tarente 7949 Tarente commune 7949, 7950, 7951 Tarente de Hoggar 7947 Tarente de Mauritanie 7949 Tarente dédaignée 7952 Tarente des murailles 7949 Tarente du Hoggar 7946 Tarente du Maroc 7938 Tarente du Midi 7949 Tarente négligée 7952 Tarentes 7932 Tégus 8353 Téiidés 7954 Téju caiman 2858 Téju commun 8355

Tortue de Kleinmann

Téju nain 8355 Téju rouge 8354 Téjus 7954, 8353 Téjus des Caraïbes 296 Telescopus 7961 Testudinidés 7999 Tête-cuivrée 203 Tête-double 2482 Tétradactyle à cinque doigts 8018 Tétradactyle à quatre doigts 8019 Tétradactyle africain 8013 Tétradactyle de Breyer 8014 Tétradactyle de Eastwood 8015 Tétradactyle de Fitzsimons 8017 Tétradactyle d'Ellenberger 8016 Tétradactyles 8012 Thécadactyle 8108 Thécadactyles 8107 Tokay 3572 Tortue à bords jaunes 3776 Tortue à carapace molle de Nouvelle-Guinée 1523 Tortue à col de serpent de l'Ouest 6815 Tortue à cou de serpent 1746 Tortue à cou serpent de Brésil 4076 Tortue à crête dorsale du Mississippi 3795 Tortue à dessins 8168 Tortue à dessins géopgraphiques 3785 Tortue à dos diamanté 5384 Tortue à dos plat 3609 Tortue à écailles 3307 Tortue à nez de cochon 1523 Tortue à queue plate 7004 Tortue à soc 3612 Tortue à soupe 1758

Tortue à tête de crapaud 6375 Tortue à tête jaune 4181 Tortue à toit de l'Inde 4230 Tortue à trois carènes 5482 Tortue à ventre rouge 6826 Tortue à ventre rouge d'Alabama 6817 Tortue à ventre rouge de Floride 6824 Tortue angulée 1773 Tortue aquatique 6176 Tortue aux oreilles rouges 8170 Tortue bâtarde 4575, 4576 Tortue blanc (Ants) 1758 Tortue bocellée 6736 Tortue boîte de l'Est 7986 Tortue bordée 8009 Tortue boueuse 3201 Tortue bourbeuse 3201 Tortue bourbeuse des marais 4295 Tortue bourbeuse du Mexique 4269 Tortue bourbeuse du Sonora 4292 Tortue bourbeuse jaune 4264 Tortue bourbeuse rayé 4257 Tortue brune de Birmanie 5402 Tortue caouanne 1519 Tortue caret 3307 Tortue charbonnière 3601 Tortue comestible 1758 Tortue conchoïde 6820 Tortue conchoïde des rivières 6818 Tortue cuir 2669 Tortue d'Argentine 3602 Tortue de Birmanie 4232, 5482 Tortue de Blanding 3191 Tortue de Floride 8170 Tortue de Kemp 4575 Tortue de Kleinmann 8008

Tortue de l'Amazone à six tubercules

Tortue de l'Amazone à six tubercules 6603 Tortue de l'Amazone à taches jaune 6604 Tortue de l'Inde 5064 Tortue de Madagascar 3612 Tortue de Mexique 7993 Tortue de Muhlenberg 1868 Tortue de Tababasco 2666 Tortue de Tornier 5393 Tortue de Travancore 4182 Tortue d'eau douce américaine 8168 Tortue d'eau saumâtre 5384 Tortue d'Égypte 8008 Tortue dentelée 3603 Tortue des bois (Qué) 1864 Tortue des bois nordaméricanine 1864 Tortue des Célèbes 4182 Tortue des marais 3201, 4295 Tortue des steppes 8006 Tortue des temples à tête jaune 3993 Tortue d'Espagne 4575, 5458 Tortue d'Hamilton 3614 Tortue d'Hermann 8002 Tortue d'Hermann occidentale 8003 Tortue d'Hermann orientale 8004 Tortue d'Horsfield 8006 Tortue diamantée 5384 Tortue diamantine 5384 Tortue du désert 3774 Tortue du Gange 985 Tortue du Mississippi 3795 Tortue du Texas 3775 Tortue élégante 3604 Tortue épineuse 3973 Tortue étoilée 3610 Tortue étoilée de Madagascar 3610 Tortue fluviale indienne 1169

Tortue franche 1758 Tortue gaufrée 3777 Tortue géante d'Aldabra 3605 Tortue géante d'Amérique du Sud 6601 Tortue géante des Galapagos 3606 Tortue géante des Seychelles 3605 Tortue géographique 3785 Tortue géographique à nodules noirs 3787 Tortue géographique d'Alabama 3797 Tortue géographique de Barbour 3781 Tortue géographique de Cagle 3782 Tortue géographique du Texas 3798 Tortue géographique ocellée 3790 Tortue géographique Ouachita 3791, 3792 Tortue géographique taches jaunes 3784 Tortue géométrique 6734 Tortue grecque 8001 Tortue happante 1766 Tortue happeuse 1766 Tortue happeuse commune 1770 Tortue happeuse d'Amérique Centrale 1769 Tortue happeuse d'Amérique du Sud 1767 Tortue happeuse de Floride 1768 Tortue hargneuse 1766 Tortue imbriquée 3307 Tortue imprimée 5403 Tortue jaune 3201 Tortue léopard 3607 Tortue malays à trois carènes 5395


Tortue malayse mangeuse d'escargots 5395 Tortue marine à écailles 3307 Tortue mauresque 8001 Tortue mexicaine 4575 Tortue molle à épines 869, 875 Tortue molle de Floride 865 Tortue molle de NouvelleGuinée 1523 Tortue molle lisse 866 Tortue mouchetée (Qué) 3191 Tortue musquée (Qué) 4284 Tortue musquée carénée 4259 Tortue musquée déprimée 4262 Tortue musquée mineure 4280 Tortue musquée odorante 4284 Tortue naine du Péloponnèse 8011 Tortue noire 864 Tortue ocellée 6735 Tortue olivacée 4576 Tortue peinte 1841 Tortue peinte de l'Ouest 1842 Tortue ponctuée (Qué) 1863 Tortue pseudogéographique 3794 Tortue rayonnée 3610 Tortue reticulée 2592 Tortue sans écaille de Nouvelle-Guinée 1523 Tortue sillonée 3611 Tortue tabatière 7986 Tortue terrestre denticulée 3603 Tortue terrestres 8000 Tortue tricarénée 5482 Tortue tuilée 3307 Tortue turque 8001 Tortue verte 1758 Tortue vorace 5366


Tortue vorace d'eau douce 1766 Tortue-alligator 5366 Tortue-boîte à bords jaunes 2425 Tortue-boîte à bords jaunes de Taïwan 2427 Tortue-boîte à bords jaunes des Ryu-Kyu 2426 Tortue-boîte à bords jaunes du Chine 2428 Tortue-boîte à dos plat 5835 Tortue-boîte à front jaune 2429 Tortue-boîte à tête jaune 2424 Tortue-boîte à trois bandes 2432 Tortue-boîte à trois carènes 7001 Tortue-boîte à trois griffes 7991 Tortue-boîte commune 7986, 7988 Tortue-boîte d'Amboine 2421 Tortue-boîte d'Asie orientale 2420 Tortue-boîte de Caroline 7986 Tortue-boîte de Coahuila 7993 Tortue-boîte de Floride 7987 Tortue-boîte de la Sonde 2422 Tortue-boîte de Malaisie 2420 Tortue-boîte de McCord 2430 Tortue-boîte de Nelson 7994 Tortue-boîte de Pan 2431 Tortue-boîte de Thaïlande 2423 Tortue-boîte du Golfe 7989 Tortue-boîte du Mexique 7990 Tortue-boîte du Yucatan 7992

Trionyx à clapets d'Aubry

Tortue-boîte du Yunnan 2433 Tortue-boîte orientale 7986 Tortue-boîte ornée 7995 Tortue-boîte ponctuée 7994 Tortue-luth 2669 Tortues 3600, 7998 Tortues à carapace molle 1521, 1522, 8269 Tortues à cou de serpent 1743 Tortues bâtardes 4574 Tortues boueuses 3199 Tortues bourbeuses 3186, 3199, 4252 Tortues bourbeuses et musquées 4251 Tortues caouane 1518 Tortues cuir 2667 Tortues de Blanding 3190 Tortues de l'Amazone 6599 Tortues de l'eau douce 8270 Tortues de mer 1760 Tortues de Tabasco 2664 Tortues de Tornier 5392 Tortues d'eau douce 3186 Tortues d'eau saumâtre 5383 Tortues des marais 3186, 3199 Tortues diamantées 5383 Tortues diamantines 5383 Tortues d'ornement 6816 Tortues fluviales 6599 Tortues fluviales de l'Amérique du Sud 6599 Tortues fluviatiles 3186, 6599 Tortues fluviatiles d'Amérique du Sud 6599 Tortues fouisseuses 3773 Tortues friandes de soleil 1840, 6816 Tortues géographiques 3780 Tortues harpantes 1771 Tortues jaunes 3199

Tortues malayses 5394 Tortues marines 1760, 2667 Tortues molles 8269 Tortues molles 863 Tortues mouchetées 3190 Tortues reticulées 2591 Tortues subaquatiques 3186 Tortues tabatières 2419 Tortues tabatières d'Asie 2419 Tortues terrestres 7999 Tortues voraces 1771 Tortues vraies 7999 Tortues-alligator 5365 Tortues-boîte 2419, 7985 Tortues-boîte à trois carènes 7000 Tortue-scorpion 4285 Tortues-cuir 2668 Tortues-luth 2668 Tortues-Luths 2667 Tortue-tabatières 7985 Tortue-terre (Ants) 3601, 3603 Trachémyde de Cuba 8165 Trachémyde de d'Orbigny 8166 Trachémyde de la Jamaïque 8177 Trachémyde de Stejneger 8176 Trachémyde d'Hispaniola 8164 Trachémyde écrite 8168 Trachémydes 8163 Trachydosaure rugeux 8128 Trapelus 8186 Tribolonote de la Nouvelle Guinée 8213 Tribolonote de Schmidt 8216 Tribolonotes 8208 Trigonocéphale 1186 Trionychidés 8269 Trionyx 8270 Trionyx à clapets d'Aubry 2446

Trionyx à clapets de Birmanie

Trionyx à clapets de Birmanie 5068 Trionyx à clapets de l'Inde 5064 Trionyx à clapets de l'Inde du Nord 5065 Trionyx à clapets de l'Inde du Sud 5067 Trionyx à clapets du Sénégal 2439 Trionyx à clapets du Zambézie 2447 Trionyx à deux callositées 7008 Trionyx à ocelles 986 Trionyx à rayures 1831 Trionyx à tubercules 6088 Trionyx cartilagineuse 453 Trionyx d'Afrique 8271 Trionyx de Birmanie 5816 Trionyx de Chine 6174 Trionyx de Floride 865 Trionyx de Leith 987 Trionyx de l'Euphrate 7008 Trionyx de Malaisie 2856 Trionyx de Swinhoe 7009 Trionyx du Gange 985 Trionyx du Nil 8271 Trionyx épineux de Guadalupe 872 Trionyx épineux de l'Ouest 873 Trionyx épineux du Golfe 870 Trionyx épineux du Sud 871 Trionyx épineux noir 864 Trionyx épineux pâle 874 Trionyx géant 6171 Trionyx mutique 866 Trionyx mutique du Golfe 867 Trionyx noirâtre 988 Trionyx paon 986 Trionyx sombre 988 Trogonophide de Wiegmann 8276


Trogonophide jaune 8278 Trogonophide mauve 8277 Trogonophidés 8274 Trogonophides 8275 Trogonophis 8275 Trogonophis de Wiegmann 8276, 8277, 8278 Trogonophis jaune 8278 Trogonophis mauve 8277 Tropidophores 8319 Tropidosaures 8325 Tropiocolote d'Algérie 8350 Tropiocolote de Natterer 8346 Tropiocolote de Steudner 8349 Tropiocolotes 8345 Typhlopidés 8374 Typhlops commun 7017 Typhlops de Reuter 8473 Typhlops de Schlegel 7219 Typhlops de Simon 7222 Typhlops d'Israël 7222 Typhlops vermiculaire 8501 Typhlops vermiculaires 8375 Typhlops vermiculé 8501 Uma du Colorado 8522 Umas 8519 Uromastix du Proche Orient 8563 Uromastyx 8552, 8553 Uromastyx d'Égypte 8554 Uromastyx orné 8563 Uropeltidés 8567 Uropeltis 8568 Uropeltis à taches rouges 8587 Uropeltis de Ceylan 8572 Urosaure orné 8612 Urosaures 8600 Urostrophe de Vautier 8623 Urostrophes 8620 Urutu 1279 Utas 8626 Varan à deux bandes 8680

Varan à queue courte 8652 Varan à queue rayé 8653 Varan aquatique 8680 Varan bigarré 8690 Varan cou-rude 8678 Varan de Duméril 8655 Varan de Gillen 8660 Varan de Glauert 8661 Varan de Gould 8664 Varan de Mertens 8670 Varan de savanne 8657 Varan de Spencer 8683 Varan de Timor 8688 Varan des Indes 8666 Varan des Kommodos 8669 Varan des sables 8665 Varan des savannes 8657 Varan du Bengale 8650 Varan du Cap 8657 Varan du désert 8665 Varan du Nil 8672 Varan gigantesque 8659 Varan jaune 8658 Varan malais 8680 Varan nain 8685 Varan sans oreilles 4471 Varan sauvegarde 8680 Varanidés 8644 Varans 8644, 8645 Varans sans oreilles 4470 Veuf 4588 Vipère 8707 Vipère à cornes 1197, 1591 Vipère à cornes du Sahara 1591 Vipère à écailles carénées 2940 Vipère ammodyte 8698 Vipère arboricole 1265, 1271 Vipère aspic 8700 Vipère bérus 8707 Vipère commune 8700, 8707 Vipère cornue 1190, 1591


Vipère d'arbres 1010 Vipère d'Arménie 2570 Vipère d'Asie mineure 2571 Vipère d'Avicenne 1593 Vipère de Baran 8706 Vipère de Darevski 8711 Vipère de Dinnik 8712 Vipère de Hind 1012 Vipère de Lataste 8714 Vipère de Latifi 8715 Vipère de l'Atlas 2568, 8719 Vipère de l'Erg 1593 Vipère de Macmahon 3315 Vipère de Maurétanie 2568 Vipère de Mueller 5540 Vipère de Palestine 2569 Vipère de Radde 2570 Vipère de Russell 8722 Vipère de Schlegel 1261 Vipère de Séoane 8725 Vipère de Wagler 8294 Vipère de Wagner 8727 Vipère d'Égypte 2940 Vipère démon 1565 Vipère des Cyclades 8724 Vipère des pyramides 2940 Vipère des Pyrénées 8725 Vipère des sables 1593, 3315, 8698 Vipère d'Haly 209 Vipère d'Orsini 8726 Vipère du bambou 8229 Vipère du Cap 1186 Vipère du Caucase 8713 Vipère du Caucase occidental 8712 Vipère du désert de Namib 1200 Vipère du désert de Namibie 1200 Vipère du Gabon 1192 Vipère du Levant 8716 Vipère du Liban 8709

Zonure polyzoné

Vipère du Mont Bolkar 8710 Vipère du Nord 8707 Vipère du Taurus 8710 Vipère écarlate 1586 Vipère fer-de-lance 1283 Vipère heurtante 1186 Vipère insulaire 1291 Vipère jaune 1296 Vipère lébétine 8716 Vipère montagnarde 1187, 2571 Vipère naine de l'Atlas 8719 Vipère nocturne 1565 Vipère noire 8707 Vipère ottomane 2571 Vipère péliade 8707 Vipère péliade de Yougoslavie 8708 Vipère rhinocéros 1197 Vipère unicorne 8698 Vipère vulgaire 8707 Vipères 8697 Vipères à cornes 1590 Vipères arbricoles 1008 Vipères cornues 1590 Vipères d'arbres 1008 Vipères de MacMahon 3314 Vipères de Wagler 8293 Vipères fer-de-lance 1278 Vipères nocturnes 1559 Vipéridés 8728 Vrai Jacquot 1265 Xantusie de Henshaw 8748 Xantusie du désert 8751 Xantusies 8746 Xantusiidés 8757 Xenopeltidés 8790 Xénosauridés 8797 Ytionyx mutique commune 868 Zamenis 2069 Zonosaures 8813

Zonure cataphracté 2121 Zonure géante 2123 Zonure microlépidote 6859 Zonure polyzoné 2129

Indice Italiano


Ablefaro bivittato 3 Ablefaro de Kitaibel 6 Acantodatillo coda-rossa 51 Acantodattilo di Bosk 46 Acantodattilo eritruro 51 Acinisside 7004 Agama 152 Agama caucasica 7730 Agama dei ruderi 8196 Agama delle steppe 8197 Agama ruderale 8196 Agama sanguinolenta 8197 Agama stellione 7743 Agame 150 Algiroide di Fitzinger 242 Algiroide di March 243 Algiroide greco 244 Algiroide magnifico 245 Algiroide nano 242 Algiroide punteggiato 245 Algiroidi 241 Alligatori 246 Alsofilace caspico 274 Anaconda 3438, 3440 Anaconda giallo 3440 Anaconda verde 3438 Anfiboluri 329 Anfiboluro dalla barba 6609 Anfisbena cinerea 1205 Anfisbena turca 1206 Angue fragile 489 Anolide di Cuba 616 Anolidi 502 Anomalepidi 836 Aspide 8700 Atrattaspidi 1019 Basilisco piumato 1166 Bèssa 5736, 5745 Biàcc 2069 Biacco 2069 Biacco balcanico 2053 Biacco maggiore 2069 Biacco minore 2053 Biscia 5734

Colubro di Gray

Biscia d'acqua dal collare 5736 Biscia d'acqua europea 5736 Biscia dal collare 5736 Biscia tesselata 5745 Biscia viperina 5734, 5736 Bitis cornuta 1189 Blano cinereo 1205 Blano cinerino 1205 Blano di Strauch 1206 Boa carenato dell'isola di Round 1558 Boa coda rossa 1213 Boa costrittore 1210, 1213 Boa dei giardini 2112 Boa delle sabbie occidentale 3332 Boa delle sabbie orientale 3335 Boa dell'isola di Round 1252 Boa di Duméril 1216 Boa di gomma 1739 Boa roseo 4865 Boa roseo del deserto 4866 Boa roseo della Baja California 4868 Boa roseo della costa 4867 Boa roseo messicano 4869 Boa smeraldino 2111 Boidi 1225 Boomslang 2844 Caimani 1418 Caimano nano 6090 Caimano nero 5500 Calabaria 1428 Calabaria di Reinhardt 1428 Calabarie 1427 Camaleonte 1657 Camaleonte di Parson 1698 Camaleonte orecchiuto africano 1662 Camaleonte velato 1652 Cameleonte comune 1657 Candoia 1509

Caretta 1519 Caretta comune 1519 Cascavel 2196 Ceraste cornuta 1591 Cervone 3039 Chersina 1773 Cilindrofide rosso 2482 Cinisside denticolata 4246 Cinisside di Bell 4245 Cinisside di Home 4247 Clamidosauri 1832 Clamidosauro 1833 Clamidosauro ornato 1833 Clemmide 5452, 5458 Clemmide iberico 5458 Cobra cinese 5696 Cobra monocolo 5698 Cobra reale 5952 Cobra sputatore 3861 Cobra sputatore rosso 5712 Cobra sputatori 3860 Coccodrilli 2169 Coccodrilli e alligatori 2168 Colubri codarossa 3771 Colubri verde-e-giallo 2069 Colubro austriaco 2146 Colubro bilineato 3043 Colubro carbonaro 2070 Colubro carsico 7961 Colubro caspico 2051 Colubro ciprioto 2045 Colubro codarossa 3772 Colubro comune 2069 Colubro cucullato 5377 Colubro dai Riccioli 2147 Colubro dal cappucio 5377 Colubro dei Balcani 2053 Colubro del Riccioli 2147 Colubro delle pinete 6511 Colubro delle pinete settentrionale 6514 Colubro di Eusculapio 3022 Colubro di Gray 2068

Colubro di Hohenacker

Colubro di Hohenacker 3018 Colubro di Montpellier 5398 Colubro di Ravergier 2059 Colubro di Riccioli 2147 Colubro diadema 5264 Colubro Dione 3003 Colubro ferro di cavallo 2049 Colubro gatto 7961 Colubro girondina 2147 Colubro lacertino 5398 Colubro leopardino 3045 Colubro liscio 2146 Colubro nummifero 2058 Colubro saetta 2057 Colubro saltatore 2051 Colubro sardo 2049 Colubro scalare 3043 Cooter comune 6820 Cooter di fiume 6818 Cooter di Nelson 6824 Cordili 2118 Cordilo 2134 Coronella austriaca 2146 Cresto di gallo 4460 Cresto di gallo del Madagascar 4461 Crotali 2185 Crotalo caspico 209 Crotalo ceraste 2192 Crotalo del Pacifico 2244 Crotalo di Mojave 2233 Crotalo diamantino 2186 Crotalo diamantino occidentale 2189 Crotalo diamantino orientale 2186 Crotalo verde 2244 Dab 8553 Dermatemide di fiume 2666 Dermochelide coriacea 2669 Diamante rosso 2230 Diavolo del deserto 1591


Draghi d'acqua 6492 Drago di Komodo 8669 Echide carinato 2940 Echidi 2939 Elafe americano 3026 Elafe di Baird 2994 Elafe rosso montano 3035 Elafe scarlatta 3012 Elafi 2993 Elodermi 3852 Emidattili 3872 Emidattilo turco 3945, 3946 Emidattilo verrucoso 3945 Emide europea 3201 Emididi 3186 Eremia di Pleske 7061 Eremia di Suphan 3300 Eremia steppica 5926 Eremia veloce 3301 Erice iaculo 3332 Eumece di Schneider 3416 Ferro di lancia 1283 Fienarola 1618 Fillodattilo di Elisa 971 Fillodattilo europeo 6425 Fisignati 6492 Frinocefallo elioscopo 6341 Frinocefallo guttato 6339 Frinocefallo mustacchino 6351 Frustone 2069, 3022 Galana d'acqua 3201 Geco 7949 Geco caspico 7968 Geco comune 7949 Geco di Basoglu 2560 Geco di Kotschy 5464 Geco di Russow 5465 Geco leopardo 3345 Geco muraiolo 7949 Geco scabro 2565 Geco verrucoso 3945 Geko coda clava 3966 Geko tokai 3572

Gerrosauri 3678 Gerrosauro maggiore 3682 Giazòl 489 Gila 3854, 3855, 3856 Gili 3852 Gimnodattilo 5464 Gongilo 1626 Gongilo di Bedriaga 1617 Gongilo ispano-lusitanico 1627 Gongilo ocellato 1619, 1626 Grande sfargide 2669 Iguana 4167 Iguana comune 4167 Iguana dei tubercoli 4167 Iguana verde 4167 Irene 2981 Irene coronella 2985 Irene dal collare 2984 Irene di Baran 2983 Irene di Eiselt 2987 Irene di Roth 2990 Irene lineopuctata 2989 Irene modesta 2988 Irene persiana 6865 Jaracara 1278 Kachuga di Smith 4228 Kachuga fronte rossa 4227 Lagromuso 6589 Leptotiflope macrorinco 4755 Leptotiflopidi 4701 Luce 6594 Lucertola adriatica 6587 Lucertola agile 4308 Lucertola anatolica 4316 Lucertola armena 4310 Lucertola balearica 6586 Lucertola bastarda 4332 Lucertola bitinica 4314 Lucertola campestre 6594 Lucertola campestre sarda 6595 Lucertola cappadocica 4316


Lucertola caucasica 4317 Lucertola chlorogaster 4318 Lucertola croata 4328 Lucertola dagli occhiali 6592 Lucertola dal collare 1833 Lucertola degli arbusti 4308 Lucertola degli muragli 6445 Lucertola dei ceppi 4308 Lucertola dei muri 6589 Lucertola dei muri a dorso verde 6590 Lucertola dei prati 4340 Lucertola del Duges 6581 Lucertola della sabbia 6738 Lucertola delle Pitiuse 6593 Lucertola delle sterpi 4308 Lucertola di Bedriaga 4312 Lucertola di Brandt 4315 Lucertola di Clark 4319 Lucertola di Dahl 4321 Lucertola di Danford 4322 Lucertola di Derjugin 4324 Lucertola di Ehrhardt 6582 Lucertola di Horvath 4328 Lucertola di Lilford 6586 Lucertola di Malta 6583 Lucertola di Melisello 6587 Lucertola di Milo 6588 Lucertola di Mosor 4334 Lucertola di Portschinski 4339 Lucertola di Radde 4342 Lucertola di Rostombekov 4343 Lucertola di Schreiber 4346 Lucertola di Uzzell 4350 Lucertola di Valentin 4351 Lucertola di Wagner 6598 Lucertola greca 4327 Lucertola imperlata 3853 Lucertola liscia 4330 Lucertola maltese 6583 Lucertola montana 4333

Pitone delle rocce

Lucertola muraiola 6445, 6589 Lucertola occhiata 4331 Lucertola ocellata 4331 Lucertola ossicefala 4335 Lucertola parva 4336 Lucertola parvola 4337 Lucertola peloponnesiaca 6591 Lucertola principe 4341 Lucertola ramarro 4352 Lucertola sarda 6597 Lucertola siciliana 6598 Lucertola sicula 6594 Lucertola spagnola 6584 Lucertola striata comune 6738 Lucertola taurica 6596 Lucertola tiliguerta 6597 Lucertola tirrenica 6597 Lucertola unisessuale 4349 Lucertola vivipara 4353 Lucertole 4307, 6580 Luscengola 1618 Lusèrta 6589, 6594 Lusèrtla 6589 Mabuia dorata 5277 Mabuia vittata 5357 Malacochersi 5392 Malacocherso 5393 Malpolo di Montpellier 5398 Mamba nero 2647 Mamba verde 2645, 2648 Mambe 2644 Mangiatore d'uova 2586 Marasso 8707 Marasso palustre 8707 Màrr 4352 Matamata 1764 Mauremide caspica 5452 Mauremide leprosa 5458 Mauremide occidentale 5458 Mida 1758

Milordo 2069 Mocassini 2185 Morelia tappeto 5664 Morelia tappeto centroaustralico 5661 Morelia verde 5670 Mostro di Gila 3854 Muso di porcello 3977 Muso di porcello occidentale 3978 Muso di porcello orientale 3982 Natrice 5733, 5736 Natrice dal collare 5736 Natrice megacefala 5735 Natrice tesselata 5745 Natrice viperina 5734 Ngu-kradan 3317 Occhi di gatto verde 1231 Offiomoro punteggiato 5941 Ofisauro apodo 5958 Ofisauro europeo 5958 Ofisope elegante 5976 Omopi 4036 Omopo arreolata 4037 Omopo di Berger 4038 Omopo di Boulenger 4039 Orbettino 489 Osteolemi 6017 Osteolemo 6018 Pelomedusa 6176 Pelomeduse 6175 Pelomeduse africane 6175 Pelomedusidi 6177 Pelusio a bordo sinuato 6193 Pelusio nerastro 6194 Pisside 7003 Pitone ametistino 5659 Pitone australiano 5664 Pitone corto 6986 Pitone del Nuevo Monde 5086 Pitone delle rocce 6991, 6995

Pitone delle rocce africano

Pitone delle rocce africano 6995 Pitone delle rocce indiano 6990 Pitone di Children 856 Pitone di Haiti 8309 Pitone di Seba 6995 Pitone diamantino 5664 Pitone maculato 857 Pitone moluro 6990 Pitone moluro birmani 6990 Pitone palla 6993 Pitone reale 6993 Pitone reticolato 6994 Platisterno capogrosso 6555 Podocnemide del Madagascar 3319 Psammobate geometrico 6734 Psammobate oculifero 6735 Psammobate tentorio 6736 Psammodromi 6737 Psammodromo algerino 6738 Psammodromo spagnolo 6740 Pseudopo 5958 Pseudopo europeo 5958 Ramàrr 4352 Ramarro 4313, 4352 Ramarro caspico 4347 Ramarro di Schreiber 4346 Ramarro europeo 4352 Ramarro gigante 4348 Ramarro iberico 4346 Ramarro occidentale 4313 Ramarro trilineato 4348 Rantotiflope partenogenico 7017 Rantotiflopi 7010 Rincocalamo di Satunin 7242 Rincocefalli 7244 Saettone 3022 Saettone di Esculapio 3022 Scinco 8129


Scinco did fuoco 5227 Scinco occhi di serpente 5 Serpe bottaia 5736 Serpe delle mangrovie 1233 Serpente a sonagli tropicale 2196 Serpente bruno australiano 6053 Serpente bruno delle case 4442 Serpente dalla coda a strisce 3047 Serpente degli uccelli 8111 Serpente dei ratti mandarino 3024 Serpente dei ratti raggiato 3041 Serpente dei ratti reale cinese 2997 Serpente dei ratti TransPecos 1223 Serpente dei roditori 6511 Serpente del grano 3012 Serpente del latte 4405 Serpente del latte sinaloan 4424 Serpente delle mangrovie 1233 Serpente di Collett 6790 Serpente di Esculapio 3022 Serpente di mare 4482 Serpente gatto 7961 Serpente giarettiera comune 8103 Serpente giarrettiera 8067, 8091 Serpente giarrettiera a scacchi 8070 Serpente giarrettiera comune 8091 Serpente giarrettiera di pianuara 8080 Serpente indaco 2898 Serpente mandarino 3024 Serpente muso di porcello 3978 Serpente naso di porco 3978 Serpente pilota nero 3026

Serpente reale 4382 Serpente reale a bande grigie 4374 Serpente reale californiano 4384 Serpente reale comune 4382 Serpente reale del deserto di Sonora 4391 Serpente reale del Nuevo Leon 4398 Serpente reale della California 4384 Serpente reale della Florida 4385 Serpente reale dell'Arizona 4402 Serpente reale delle montagne 4399 Serpente reale dell'est 4386 Serpente reale di Greer 4396 Serpente reale di montagna 4431 Serpente reale di prateria 4377 Serpente reale di Ruthven 4404 Serpente reale di San Luis Potosi 4397 Serpente reale di Sonora 4399 Serpente reale grigio 4374 Serpente reale messicano 4394, 4397 Serpente reale nero 4389 Serpente reale nero messicano 4390 Serpente reale screziato 4388 Serpente scavatore del Messico 5086 Serpente squame a sega 2940 Serpente talpa 6786 Serpente tentacolato 3317 Serpente tigre nero 5828 Serpente toro 6506 Serpente verde della pelle ruvida 5930


Serpente verde liscio 4873 Serpenti a sonagli 2185 Serpenti cilindrici 2474 Serpenti cilindrici dell'Asia sudorientale 850 Serpenti degli uccelli 8109 Serpenti delle mangrovie 1226 Serpenti delle vigne asiatici 221 Serpenti di mare 4481 Serpenti gatto 1226 Serpenti giarrettiera 8033 Serpenti papagallo 4673 Serpenti ragio di sole 8791 Serpenti scavatore del Messico 5085 Serpenti testa di rame 195 Serpenti tigre 5827 Sfargide 2667, 2669 Sfargide coriacea 2669 Sordone 489 Squamati 7710 Stellione 7743 Stenodattilo 7791 Taipan 6052, 6053 Taipan australiano 6052 Tarantola mauritanica 7949 Tarantole 7932 Tarantolino 6425 Tarentola muraiola 7949 Tartaraguga carta geografica 3785, 3795 Tartaruga 8002 Tartaruga a guscio molle africana 8271 Tartaruga a guscio molle cinese 6174 Tartaruga a guscio molle della Florida 864 Tartaruga a guscio molle dell'Eufrate 7008 Tartaruga a guscio molle liscia 868 Tartaruga a guscio molle scura 988 Tartaruga a guscio molle

Tartaruga di fiume incoronata

spinosa 869 Tartaruga a tetto indiana 4231 Tartaruga aica 6604 Tartaruga alata indiana 5064 Tartaruga alligatore 5366 Tartaruga Arrau 6602 Tartaruga azzannatrice 1766 Tartaruga azzannatrice a carapace dentellato 3106 Tartaruga azzannatrice del Australia settentrionale 3105 Tartaruga azzannatrice della Nova Guinea 3108 Tartaruga bastarda 4575 Tartaruga bruna birmana 5402 Tartaruga capogrosso 3195, 6179 Tartaruga caretta 1519 Tartaruga caretta comune 1519 Tartaruga carta geografica del Texas 3798 Tartaruga carta geografica di Barbour 3781 Tartaruga carta geografica di Pearl 3790 Tartaruga Charapa 6601 Tartaruga cinese palustra 1788 Tartaruga cinese palustra collo rosso 1787 Tartaruga collo di serpente 4077 Tartaruga collo di serpente di Roti 1747 Tartaruga collo di serpente di Siebenrock 1754 Tartaruga d'acqua comune 3201 Tartaruga dal dorso a tetto 4230 Tartaruga dal guscio molle asiatica 453 Tartaruga dal guscio molle del Gange 985

Tartaruga dal guscio molle scura 988 Tartaruga dalla gobba nera 3787 Tartaruga dalle orecchie rosse 8170 Tartaruga dalle zampe penteggiate 7180 Tartaruga del deserto 3774, 3777 Tartaruga del deserto comune 3777 Tartaruga del fango africana 6185 Tartaruga del fango africana carenata 6184 Tartaruga del fango comune 4295 Tartaruga del fango dai piedi rugosi 4269 Tartaruga del fango dalla bocca bianca 4277 Tartaruga del fango di Creaser 4261 Tartaruga del fango gialla 4264, 6186 Tartaruga del fango striata 4257 Tartaruga del fiume Fitzroy 7157 Tartaruga del muschio a piastrone piccolo 1853 Tartaruga del muschio appiattita 4262 Tartaruga del muschio capogrosso 4280 Tartaruga del muschio carenata 4259 Tartaruga del muschio comune 4284 Tartaruga del muschio gigante 7713 Tartaruga del Texas 3775 Tartaruga delle Antille 8165 Tartaruga denticolata 3603 Tartaruga di Blanding 3191 Tartaruga di bosco 1864 Tartaruga di fiume incoronata 3825

Tartaruga di foresta africana nera

Tartaruga di foresta africana nera 6190 Tartaruga di Geoffroy 6371 Tartaruga di Hilary 6373 Tartaruga di Kemp 4575 Tartaruga di Llanos 6605 Tartaruga di palude occidentale 6815 Tartaruga di Steindachner 1755 Tartaruga dipinta di foresta 7176 Tartaruga elegante 3604 Tartaruga elmetto 6176 Tartaruga embricata 3307 Tartaruga falsa carta geografica 3794 Tartaruga fluviale indiana 1169 Tartaruga foglia a petto nero 3624 Tartaruga foglia asiatica 2441 Tartaruga foglia dal collo striato 2442 Tartaruga foglia del Vietnam 5451 Tartaruga franca 1758 Tartaruga franca del Pacifico 5728 Tartaruga gigante collo di serpente 1745 Tartaruga gigante delle Malesia 6016 Tartaruga girocollo 6528 Tartaruga gobbosa dell'America del sud 6372 Tartaruga indiana stellata 3604 Tartaruga Kemp 4575 Tartaruga liuto 2669 Tartaruga lungocollo comune 1746 Tartaruga macchiata 1863 Tartaruga malese 5395 Tartaruga marina comune 1519 Tartaruga mida 1758

Tartaruga muschiata comune 4284 Tartaruga naso di porcello 1523 Tartaruga nera di palude 7537 Tartaruga ocellata birmana 5672 Tartaruga olivacea 4576 Tartaruga orecchie rosse al collo corto 3197 Tartaruga palustre 3201 Tartaruga palustre asiatica gigante 3970 Tartaruga palustre comune Tartaruga palustre di Hamilton 3614 Tartaruga palustre dipinta 1841 Tartaruga palustre europea 3201 Tartaruga quattr'occhi 7260 Tartaruga rugosa di foresta 7171 Tartaruga scatola americana 7986 Tartaruga scatola carinata 7001 Tartaruga scatola cinese 2431 Tartaruga scatola cinese a bordi gialli 2425 Tartaruga scatola dalla testa gialla 2424 Tartaruga scatola dalle tre fasce 2432 Tartaruga scatola di McCord 2430 Tartaruga scatola indocinese 2429 Tartaruga scatola malese 2420 Tartaruga scatola ornata 7995 Tartaruga scatola triungulata 7991 Tartaruga scorpione 4285 Tartaruga solcata 3611 Tartaruga spinosa 3973 Tartaruga Terecay 6605


Tartaruga testa di rospo 6375 Tartaruga verde 1758 Tartaruga verde di Agassiz 1757 Tartarughe al collo di serpente 1743 Tartarughe azzannatrici 1771 Tartarughe capogrosso 6553 Tartarughe con il collo di lato 6177 Tartarughe dal guscio molle 8269 Tartarughe dei fiume 6599 Tartarughe del deserto 3773 Tartarughe del fango 4251 Tartarughe e Testuggine 7998 Tartarughe fluviale indiane 1168 Tartarughe liuto 2667 Tartarughe marine 1760 Tartarughe muschiate 4251 Tartarughe palustre 1840 Tartarughe scatola 7985 Tartarughe scatola africane 6180 Tartarugone comune 1520 Tartuca do Sciumi 3201 Tartuca stizziata 3201 Telescopo europeo 7961 Telescopo vivace 7961 Terciopelo 1282 Terrapene a scatola comune 7986 Terrapene dalle orecchie rosse 8170 Terrapene di Coahula 7993 Testa di rame 203 Testudini 7999 Testugggine raggiata 3610 Testuggine a testa gialla 4181 Testuggine a zampe rosse 3601


Testuggine acquatica Testuggine africana 3611 Testuggine americana dal ventre rosso 6826 Testuggine Angonoka 3612 Testuggine aracnoide a guscio platto 7004 Testuggine aracnoide comune 7003 Testuggine argentina 3602 Testuggine carbonaria 3601 Testuggine cinese a collo striato 5852 Testuggine collo lungho d'Australia 1746 Testuggine comune 8002 Testuggine d'acqua 3201 Testuggine d'acqua comune 3201 Testuggine d'acqua dipinta dalle orecchie gialle 8174 Testuggine d'acqua dipinta dalle orecchie rosse 8170 Testuggine d'acqua dipinta di Troosti 8175 Testuggine d'acqua malese 5395 Testuggine dal dorso di diamante 5384 Testuggine dalle orecchie rosse 8170 Testuggine d'Argentine 3602 Testuggine dei pantani 1868 Testuggine del Capo areolato 4037 Testuggine del Capo marcata 4041 Testuggine del deserto 3774 Testuggine del deserto a margini gialli 3776 Testuggine del deserto del Texas 3775 Testuggine del fango messicana 4276 Testuggine del Giappone 5457

Vipera dal corno

Testuggine del Sudafrica 1773 Testuggine della Florida 6824 Testuggine delle Galapagos 3606 Testuggine delle steppe 8006 Testuggine di Bell 4245 Testuggine di Forsten 4182 Testuggine di Hermann 8002 Testuggine di Home 4247 Testuggine di Horsfield 8006 Testuggine di Travancore 4182 Testuggine egiziana 8008 Testuggine foccacia africana 5393 Testuggine geometrica 6734 Testuggine gigante delle Galapagos 3606 Testuggine gigante delle Seicelle 3605 Testuggine gigante di Aldabra 3605 Testuggine greca 8001 Testuggine impressa 5403 Testuggine leopardo 3607 Testuggine marginata 8009 Testuggine moresca 8001 Testuggine palustre 3201 Testuggine palustre asiatica gialla 5459 Testuggine palustre comune 8168 Testuggine palustre europea 3201 Testuggine palustre leprosa spagnola 5458 Testuggine palustre marmorizata 1865 Testuggine palustre punteggiata 1863 Testuggine palustre scolpita 1864 Testuggine reticolata 2592

Testuggine scritta elegante 8170 Testuggine serrata 4246 Testuggine tentoria 6736 Testuggine terrestre a zampe gialle 3603 Testuggine terrestre a zampe rosse 3601 Testugine azzanatrice 1766 Tiflope vermiculare 8501 Tiflopidi 8374 Tiliqua della lingua azzurra 8129 Tilique 8118 Trimeresuri 8217 Trimeresuro di Sumatra 8249 Trimeresuro labra bianche 8218 Trionice eufratico 7008 Trionice triungue 8271 Tropidofide di Cuba 8311 Tropidofide di Haiti 8309 Tropidofidi 8303 Tuatara 7693 Uromastice 8552 Uromastice acantinuro 8553 Uromastice Dab 8553 Uromastice maggiore 8553 Varani 8645 Varano 8657 Varano dalla coda breve 8652 Varano del deserto 8665 Varano del Nilo 8672 Varano della Malesia 8680 Varano della savanna 8657 Varano della steppa 8657 Varano fasciato 8680 Varano grigio 8665 Varano rudicollo 8678 Vèpra 8700 Vipera ammodite 8698 Vipera aspide 8700 Vipera comune 8700 Vipera dal corno 8698

Vipera dei Monti Bulgar

Vipera dei Monti Bulgar 8710 Vipera del bamboo 8218 Vipera del Gabon 1192 Vipera della morte 73 Vipera della morte del deserto 77 Vipera della morte del Nord 76 Vipera delle Cicladi 8724 Vipera dell'Orisini 8726 Vipera di Baran 8706 Vipera di Darevsky 8711 Vipera di Dinnick 8712 Vipera di Kaznakov 8713 Vipera di Lataste 8714 Vipera di Milo 8724 Vipera di Orsini 8726 Vipera di Radde 2570 Vipera di Schweizer 8724 Vipera di Seoane 8725 Vipera di Wagner 8727 Vipera di Xanto 2571 Vipera iberica 8725 Vipera lebetina 8716 Vipera levantina 8716 Vipera ottomana 2571 Vipera soffiante 1186 Vipere 8697 Vipere dalle fossette 2185 Vipere della morte 72 Vipra 8700 Xenopeltide unicolore 8793 Yaracara 1278 Yarar 1278