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Gontents lffi:,l.ii,=::!r-i;i
Jobtittes andtasks A salesmeeting A requisition
Tatking aboutyourjob Talking aboutgoals,objectives, and targets Telephoning [anguage
At a trade fair Relationship building Follow-upemails
Beingpotite Estabtishing contactat a tradefair Smatt-tatk strategies Emailconventions andphrases
A salespitch TheAIDAapproachto sales A requestfor proposal An offer letter
Offers, tenders, andbids Tatking abouta product (orbidding)process Thetendering Activetistening
Tips for successfulnegotiations A companyvisit Negotiatingstyles Win-winnegotiations
Discussing termsandconditions (cond itionalsentences) Agreeing anddisagreeing Startingandendinga negotiation
Telephone orders An onlineorder A changeto an order Numbersandfigures Contracttermsand phrases
Exchanging information Handling orders Referring to numbersin an order
Deatingwith problemsoverthe telephoneand in writing An onlinecomplaintform
Comptaining effectivety Comptaint management withCASH Letters of complaint andapology
eontacts -"r I
22 ""'* I ttesotiations
32 |
42 "'*" I 50
I 't:"",.,.,,, "''t,,,::,:,,,,.. ;ffiffit?1ilitFffi€_*1ii1i|:-1;!i*:::;r,|.r=1y,rr. s8 6o
lest yourselfl Partner files
A-Z word list Usefut phrases and vocabulary
About this book with is for peoplewho needto communicate effectively Englishfor Salesand Purchasing pursuedifferentobjectives Althoughsalesandpurchasing internationatclients andcolleagues. bothrotesrequirefluentbusinessEnglishto achievetheirgoals.Buyersandsales withina business, peoplemanageinternationaI exhibitions, attendinternationa[ clients,dealwithforeignsuppliers, Englishfor Salesand andenquiries. drawup proposals, anddealwith all mannerof complaints presents techniques that will enableyou allthe essential expressions andconversation Purchasing successfutlv in allthesesituations. to communicate presentrealisticsituationsfor salesand Thesix unitsof Engtishfor Salesand Purchasing purchasing. andsales withinthe purchasing Thefirstunit providesan overviewof the coreactivities a newclient Thefollowingunitseachfocuson specificthemes,includingapproaching environment. and of proposals, the preparation anddevelopment the conception or selectingpotentialsupptiers, anddealingwith or makingcomplaints. tyingup ordersanddeliveries, realization of negotiations, readingtexts, the topic.Thisis followedby dialogues, Everyunit beginswith a Starterto introduce designed to aid the learningof important as wel[as a varietyof exercises andauthenticdocuments to the Partner and phrasesin contextual situations.ln eachunityouwitl be referred vocabulary whichenablelearners to practisethe vocabulary Filesin the backof the book.Thesearerole-plays whichconsistof with Output activities, in realistic situations. The units end language of the unit and readingtextsto extendthe unittopicor offerfurtherusefultips,andtheyalsoprovideopportunities at with a fun crossword Whenyou havefinishedallthe units,youcanTestyourselfl for discussion. the backofthe book. At the backof Englishfor Satesand Purchasingthereis an Answerkey so that you cancheckyour Thereis alsoan A-Z word list and a Usefulphraseslist that you canreferto answersindependently. Youwil[alsofind phrasesin this sectionthat whenpreparing to speakto customers andcolleagues. you canuseto makesmalltalk on a varietyof topics. TheMultiROMcontainsall the Listeningextractsfromthe book.Thesecanbe ptayedthroughthe CD-player. In orderto giveyourselfextra or througha conventional audioplayeron yourcomputer, your your practice, it caror download to MP3-player and listenwhenyou are listening listento it in that coverthe essential out and abqut.TheInteractiveexercises[et you reviewby doingexercises particularly your valuableif youareusingthe book fromthe bookon computer; thiswittbe language for self-study.
Jobs and responsibilities
look at the following tasks. Whichdo you do in your job? Whichdo you do in Engtish? Compareyour answerswith a partner's. often
makephonecalts writeemails fifl in forms do Internet searches go on business trips takepartin meetings takeclientsout for meals givepresentations do marketresearch go to tradefairs handlecustomer complaints
Whlchof the tasksabovearetypicalfor peopleworkingln sales?Whicharetypicalfor people Dlscuss with a partner. workingin purchasing? AUDIO
tr\ ll:l 2 -t
bothworkfor Interflights,an air carrlerlocatednearSeoul. CarolSayersandKimDong-Sun Ustento themdescribetheiriobs.lfllhoworksln salesandwhoworksin purchasing?
Jobsand responsibilities
Listenagain and decidewho does the fotlowing as part of his/her job.
-*iffi*-ifi-i i.r',"t _..-*-| *--"---"r*-_
r callsandvisitsclients
._ - ._ _ ._ _ .._ t
z writesemaits
3 collectsa$gryrygy: ____l__
_ ]
products 4 presents
I tr1'rur9'"':1t:!_ ,hfr-^fc
offers 7 makes
I _* _ _:
,i i ,ti
g goesto tradefairs 10 dealswith tenders
-_ _
handles complaints
tl .
--_. - ---*-,,.-)
tlatch the two partsto makephrasesusedby CarolandDong-Sun. a b c d e f
to negotiate to handle market to fitlin delivery to drawup
date tenders orderforms contracts complaints research
ilow matchthe phrasesa-f to the definltionsr-6. r
goodsor services. Towritedownthe informationneededto purchase
z Cotlecting information aboutwhatcustomers buy,andwhy. 3 Towritea formalrequestto suppliersaskingthemto presenttheirproposalsor offers. aboutdetailslike price,quantity,discounts,etc. 4 Totry to reachan agreement 5 Thegoodshaveto be deliveredby this time.
,'--, ii i _- l T---"1 il
llatch the job adsfroma Brltlshnewspaperon the next pageto the fobtlttes below. 1----t
i** I
6 Totakecareof customers'problems.
manager r----l keyaccount
i c ti
i_l supply chainmanager L] purchaser senior
The ideal candidatewill be responsible products for the ordering and salesofthe new of as well as the identification will be business opportunities' He/She able to be will required to be flexible and offer excellentcustomerservice'
Ihis willbea keyposition withinthe production andcommercial operations. to theProduction Director, themain Reporting responsibility ofthisposition isto manage, from contsolandrecordtheflowof products sitBs, ourownandthirdpartyproduction
Jobsandresponsibilities | 7
This is a senior salesrole with a strong focus on improvingkey and strategicaccounts.As a senior member of the team,you will be responsiblefor managingspecificglobal,multinationaland national retailersas well as identifyingand exploitingnew businessopportunities.
The ke)r skills recJuirement,$ ur(! a,sfollou,s: recordin n.goriuriorr,*a *ing, .: )pr"l*T Knotrledge of materials -, usedin lhe manufa"tuie
of fumiture . Ability to create and develop supplier relationships o Skills in sourcing products and services . {bi [i ry ro w ork w i rhi n a proj eer team enyi ronment
below. tlatch the followingiob titles with the descriptions 1 keyaccount manager (orbuyer) 2 seniorpurchaser 3 salesrepresentative 4 supptychainmanager 5 strategicbuyer 6 regionalsalesmanager officer 7 sourcing(orprocurement) 8 customerservicemanager
makessurethatclients'needs aremetand helpscustomers whenthingsgo wrong is responsible for specificsalesaccounts and directclientcontact is responsible for strategicplanning (i.e.makingsurea company haseverything necessary for production, machines including andnewproduction sites) or negotiates with suppliersaboutlong-term framecontracts is in chargeof makingandmaintaining contact with clientswithina specificgeographical area for is responsible for largeclients,especially clientsof strategicinterestto the company g is in chargeof a teamof purchasers o h is in chargeof logisticsandof makingsure suppliers meetdemands
Whatis youriob title? Howwouldyoudescribewhatyoudoin English?
positionin the hierarchy, their are usuallydetermined by the person's Jobtitlesin mostcountries payment,and whetherthey are legallyallowed.torepresent for theircompanyand sign contracts, The Thisis not atwaysthe casein the U.S.,the U.K.and otherEngtish-speaking countries. example. job titlesthereoftengiveyou no clearindicationof the person's responsibilities becauseeach companyhas a differentstructureand operatesunderdifferentrules.Thusa vice president(V.P.) mayhavea verydifferentjob description froma V.P.in anothercompany. in one organization
Youaretaking part in a seminarwlth peoptefromothercompanies.Uselanguagefromthe box to preparea short presentationon your company,the deparlmentyouwork in and,especiatly, youriob andresponsibitities. Thengivethe presentation to a partneror the group.
i Descdblngthe company/department i I wort in the sales/purchasing department of a smalUmedium-sized/ largecompanycalled... produce/setl/... Wedevelop/make/ iw. Ourdeoartment is dividedinto... ]ou Weneedto liaise/work closelywith ... iw( Wealsoare moreactivelyinvolvedin ... My team/groupmakessurethat... lMl
Describing responsibilities My teamis responsible for... I am in chargeof ... My mainresponsibility is... A lot of our/myworkinvolves ... Wehaveto/needto ... I spenda lot of time... Myjob atsoincludes...
Global sourcing(HQ)
Controtling/ Finance
fF.ti"".t I purchasing
R e g i o n ak le ya cco u n ts Regional kevaccounts R e g i o n ak le ya cco u n ts -
Sp a r ep a r ts
I l- nircrattmaintenance I
e q u ip m e n t I Air cr a ft I Offcesuppty |_
@ 4
A fetlowmemberof the salesdepartment at Interfllghtslc fllflng CarolSayeroIn on a meetlng shemissed.Llstenanddecldewhlchtoplcsfromthe agendetheydlseuss. Agenda SalesMeeting5 June,3.00 - 5.00 Room 2.343 Participants:Park Chin-Sun,DanielBerndt,James Falter,Bob Jameson
program- timeline 1.1 Introduction to 'Sales!'clientmanagement and organization 1.2 Trainingrequirements 2.1 Newsalestargets(updatefrom Chin-Sun) 2.2 NewAsianfacilities 2.3 European figuresfor the lastyear 2.4 Newoffersin SouthAmerica 3.1 Nextyear'sholidayplanning
lobsandresponsibilities | 9
Listenagainto the diatogue.Complete thesesentences. r
...firstof all,Chin-Sun hasrevised our by ten percentovera[[.
z Shewantsto 3 Therearealsosome
for the variousregions.
meanswe wi[[be 4 lt certainly
our newtargets,if it allworksout.
present my ideasfor S DidChin-Sun
6 Wewitlalsoneeda
specifically for the region.
7 l'll
that,althoughI'mafraidit might
8 | couldatsocontact the
In my area.
*-*. - ,'iii,
i : i " : '- - ': ; - J - ; i : : j . . . . : J : a . '*. i . " - e ; ; '| ''; ! +: : ; i . i . ] i i : ] . . : . : : : : : :;* - * ,'* '- - - _ _ .- - .- l i .:;i
Thewordsgoa!,objective,and targethavesimilarmeanings.Goalstendto be long-termi andare oftenusedto referto companyplirns,for example.Thewordobjectivesis often usedin moreformalsituations to referto specificthingspeoplewantto achieve (objectives for example). of a meeting, In bothsalesandpurchasing, however, or i whenever moneyor figuresareinvolved, the mostfrequently usedwordis target, Herearesomeexpressions with fargef: to set a torget to be on target to reacho target
to be obove/belowtarget to exceeda target to revisea taroet
Gomplete the sentenceswlth the correctformof the expressionsfromthe box. r
Management shouldbe satisfied. We
z Unfortunately, lastyearwe numberof oursalesteam. 3 Theboardof directors year.
right well
4 Afterthe stockmarketcrashlastyear,we hadto
target,so we hadto cut the
our newsalestargetsfor next
5 Thisyearhasgoneverywetlforus andthewayit looksnow,we should targetsby at leastfifteenpercent. 6 Wehada coupleof bigorders,whichenabledusto Hopefulty, it willcontinue thirdquarter. likethis.
7we that,I'msure.
our profitability targets.HQwittbe happyto hear
10 | UNIT1
Lookat theseexpressionswith the wordsdles. promotion
force i I
, figures
Match the erpressionsabovewith the definitions below. r Theamountof goodssotdby a company. z Thecomplete teamof peopleworkingin sales. for everyitemsold. 3 An amountwhichmustbe paidto the government The leveI of sales that a sales team wants to reach. 4 wherethe membersof a salesteamgettogetherto discussresultsand makeplans. 5 An occasion 6 Theamountwhichhasbeensoldof a product. the salesof a product. 7 A set of activitiesdesignedto increase 8 A manor womanworkingin the salesdepartment. AUDIO
a 5
Kim Dong-Sunfrom Interflights is making a telephonecall to his colleaguefohn, one of the flight crewcoordinators.Listenand completethe two gaps in the reguisitionform.
Description of goods/services:
Clickhereto enterdetails Dategoods/services required: I July 2
Person makingtherequest: Date: Clickhereto enterquotes
20 March
Jobsandresponsibilities | lJ-
Hstenagalnandtick p the correctstatements. Arethe klndsof suggestions llong-Sunmakes typicalof purchasersat your company?Why,or why not? r
in gettingcompanycreditcardsfor the flightcrew. Johnis interested
z Theflightcrewoftenneedto getcashwhenawayon business. hasrequested. 3 Thereareno supplierson the marketfor the creditcardsDong-Sun suggestssomesolutionsthat Johnhad notthoughtof. 4 Dong-Sun of the variousoffersandcomparethem. 5 Johnwill makean assessment 6 Johnis unhappybecause Dong-Sun is takingtoo muchtimeto finda solution.
Complete the tablewlth verbsandnounsfromthe unit so far. i VERB
'T-' i. NOUN
i to agree
1 to specify i_
j to suppty AUDIO
@ 6
aboutthe credltcardissuediscussed in exercise9. fohnls Informinghis department Completethls excerptwith the correctformof wordsfromthe table above.Thenlisten to checkyouranswers. youallonthesituation SoI wanted to update withthevarious for offerspurchasing hasreceived creditcardsfor the international flightcrew.Dong-Sun's teamis currently offers.The atl
' is verytoughat the moment,whichis of coursegoodfor us-Not 3wereableto meetour
offersstraightaway.Theywitt haveto
4,so theywereableto excludesome s the restverycarefu[yand perhapsput in
6 for moreinformation. Butthe peoplein our purchasing department arevery thorough,and I'msurethat theywilt findthe best
- for
.:3s a ndre sp on s ibilit ies
Sayingwho you are Thisis AdamBedserfromXYZLtd. It'sDavidJonesfrompurchasing. Hi Sarah.lt'sFrankhere.
Gettingthroughto the right person Coutd/Can I speakto JohnMurphy,please? : I'dtiketo speakto somebody in yoursales/ i purchasing ptease. department, l l s Mi chel te thereat the moment?
Workwith a partner.Usethe informationin the PartnerFiles to practisea telephone dialoguebetweensomeone in purchasing (PartnerA) and someonein sales (Partner B). Lookat the phrasesabovebeforestarting.
PartnerA Filer, p. 6o PartnerB Filer, p.6z
Readthesecomments that peoplein salesandpurchasing departments havegivenabout workingtogether.Whichdoyouagreewith? VeronicaLu,Headof Sales Whenwe had to streamlineour processeslastyeor we salespeoplehad a terrible time with our purchasers.lt alwaystakesthem too long to do their'shapping', ond thereforeit takesour companytoo long to produceour goods. lt reatlyis a disaster! Marcel Le Maigre,AccountManage Cooperationbetweenbuyersand salespeople within one company?Neverheardof it. Whatever
*o|t!'!"'""d!:::!1,1" "i'| i,!!":,.::,:111 ,,,.,,t
EmmaWild, Sales Representative Buyersbuy.And salesrepssell. Sa buyersand sellersore'natural enemies';they are on oppositesides,haveopposinginterestsond quite a differentmentality.Of course they deol with eachother in sepat'atecompanies,but in the samecompany?No.How could theypossiblycooperote? .s MariaSantos,SeniorPurchaser Salesand purchasingare otl partof producingand deliveing goodsor servicesto o customer.tf the two departmentsdon't cooperatewell in the process,the companywill lose money.lt's as simpleas that.
EdwardMcCoy, ManagingDirector !n ourcompony, are thepeoptein the salesandpurchosing departments They expertsin variousmarketsandtheyall try to stayon topof developments. negotiateaboutquatity,deliverytimeand,mostimportantly, ln aboutpriceS. ourcompany, welearnfromeachAtherthrough regularmeetings. lt works.
. Describe thecooperation between thesalesandpurchasing departments in yourcompany. . Howoftendo youliaisewithpeoplein otherdepartments? Whichdepartments do youdealwith? . Whatcouldbe the benefitsof closecooperation betweenpurchasing, andother sales,production, departments in a company?
lr s
New contacts
Thesentencesbelowwere overheardat a trade fair. Work with a partner to decidewhether the speakerswork in purchasingor sales.Write P or 5 (or both) in the box. a Couldyou tell us aboutthe paymentoptions? :.....] b Wouldyou ptease,give me somebackground aboutyourcompahy? c You'[[findaltourbrochures on the tableoverthere. d Howmuchdoesthis costif we order5oo? e Arethereanyotherquestions we needto talkabout? 't tt'
f,,, Woutdyou need,ny ;laitiooat featuresl g Doesyoursub-contractor alsohavea standhere? , . .. . : .
a presentation of ourproducts foryou?' :, , h Whenfoutdwearrange ,
doyouprovide? ,i Whatguarantees i
Nowdiscussthese questionswith your partner. r Whatis yourexperience of tradefairs? z Doyouthinktradefairsaregoodfor business? Why,or why not? possibitities What other are for there establishing newcontacts or findingnewproducts? 3 DonaldAdams,a sales rep at Aircraft fftaintenanceInc. in Liverpool,has iust finished a presentation of his company's products at Ifte ltointenance, Repairond Overhoul @RO) Servicesand Productstrade fair in Brussels. Listen to this conversationwith a potential customer,Brigitte Dupontof Air South, Brussets,and say whether the following sentences are true p or false f,. r
Donaldhasmet Brigittebefore.
products. z Brigitte thinksthat Donald's hassomeinteresting company 3 Donaldwill catlBrigitteafterthe fairis over.
liewcon tacts
-\-2 UE ,:
: Listen again to the conversation.Completethe sentencesfor how:
a2 7
Brigitteintroduces herself.
. BrigitteDupont. z Brigittesaysthat the presentation wasimportantfor her. Well,I foundit very . ...yours wasdefinitely job. Donaldasksabout Brigitte's CanI ask Brigittesayswhatherjob is. l'm DonaldasksBrigitteaboutherinterestin hiscompany. Do you think that our MROservices Donaldasksaboutsettingup a meeting. Well,if you have time next week, card. 7 Donaldasksfor Brigitte'sbusiness yourcard? 8 DonaldoffersBrigittea catalogue. ln the meontime,
Generally, the lessdirectyousaysomething in English, the morepoliteit sounds.Usingthe structures and belowwiltmakeyou appearfriendlier, language especialty to nativespeakers of English. Askingindirectquestions Whatcompanyoreyou with?+ ConI osk which companyyou are with? Giveme your card.+ Couldyou give me your card? Youhovean office here,right?) Doesn'tyour companyhovean officehereT
Using would/could Look at our new catalogue.+ Wouldyou like to look at our new catalogue? I will cometo your officenext week.+ I could cometo your office next week. Are you interestedin meetingafter the fair? -> Wouldyou be interestedin meetingafter the foir?
Make the following sentencesmorepolite. r What'syourname? z Whatbusiness areyouin? 3 | wantto meetyou nextweek. 4 WaituntilI get my diary. 5 Givemeyourcontactinformation. 5 Youworkat HTElectronics, right? you Do want meet later discussthe details? to to 7 your nameon our mailingtist. 8 Put
uxrr2 nms tatch the sentenceson the left with the responseson the right
Couldwe meetnextweek?Say,Wednesday? 2 I'llsendyouthosedetails. Whendo you needthem exactly? Wouldyou mindgivingmeyourbusiness card? 4 Couldwe meetafterthe fairto discussthis in moredetail? l'll prepareour offerandemailit to you by next Friday. l'll talkto the headof my department and ringyou tomorrow. 7
Greetings andintrod:uctions Goodmorning/afternoon. Hello.Mynameis ... Please callme... myselP May/Can I introduce Nice/Pleased to meetyou(too).
a b
c d e f
No,not at all. Hereit is. Yes,goodidea.Whencouldyou @meb my office? Yes,of course.That'sfine. Howabout rr-m? OK,but l'm only in the officein the moming Canyou callbeforenoon? I reallyneedthem by Tuesdayif possiHe. That'sgreat.I look forwardto gettingiL
Movingonto business Howdidyoulikethepresentation? Whatdoyouthinkof ...? Haveyoufoundanything of interest? Whatlineof business areyouin? Letmegiveyou/Here's my(business) card.
Arrangingto follow-up Wouldit berpossibh to setup/arrange/fix a meeting? CouldI caltyouinthe"next fiv,days/come to seeyou? you I couldsend someinformation. Perhaps Woutdyoubeinterested in meeting afterthefairis over? Couldyousendmeyourpricelists? youa callnextweek. l'll sendyouanemail/give
Workwlth a partnerto practisemeetlngsomeoneat a tradefalr for the ftrst time. Firstlook at the phrasesabw€,then follow the flow chartor makea dialogueto flt your ownsituation.
P=purchaser " S€il
\e", contacts
Two businessmenare having lunch in a prib at the annual trade fair if RO Servicesond Products in Brussels.listen to this excerptfrom their conversationand tick p ttre topics they talk about.
i nterculturaldifferences
Listenagain and tick the sentencesyou hear. 1 a b 2 a b a 3 b a 4 b 5 a b 6 a b
lt remindsmeverymuchof England. lt makesmethinkof England. placeto havea fair. lt'scertainlyan interesting I thinkit'sa niceplaceto havea fair,don'tyou? Doyou tikefootbatl? Areyou interested in footbatt? I seetradefairsas a placeto getto knowpeople... Forme,tradefairsaremoreaboutgetting to knowpeople... Maylask if youalreadyhavesome information aboutmy company? Letmetellyoua bit aboutmy company. Now,let me buyyou anotherbeer. Now,tell me,what'syourfavouriteBetgianbeer?
In manypartsof the wortd,smalltalkis an partof business. essential lt is seenas an important'tool'togetto knowyourbusiness partnerandto establishrapport,whichcanbe the keyto a goodbusiness relationship. Herearesome waysto starta conversation: ls this your first time hereI in Belgium? Whatdo you think of Brusselslthefair? Are you interestedin footballlfilmslwinter sports? Theweatherherehasjust been fantasticI horrible.
goingby askinga Youcankeepthe conversation follow-upquestionof yourown.Also,insteadof just answering questions withyesor no, giving detailedanswerscanoftenleadto otherquestions andcomments. Are you interestedin anyparticularsport? -Yes, I'm reallyinto snowboarding. Howabout you? Haveyou beento Liverpool? - Yes,I've been theremanytimes.I reallylike the atmosphere,and the people arefriendly.
youcanusea sentence Whenyou arereadyto moveon to business, startingwithso or right to signaIthe changeof subject. So, you are looking for suppliers? Right,shall weget down to business?
UNIT2 Newcontacts| 17
Put the words in the right order to makesmall-talk questions,and then matchthem to the responses(a-f). r What think fair trade so you far the do of ? 2 you Have to been Wimbledon ever? : 3 stay Are to whole you the planning week? - , 4 Chicago the at weather in the is moment How? ,-.-l l 5 Do in countries fairs are different you think other? 6 Brusselsyou took to a chance Have had around? a b c d e f
not.I haveto leaveon Wednesday. Unfortunately Yes,l'vebeentwicenow.| lovethe atmosphere there,andI'ma bigtennisfan. Notmuchbetterthanhereactually. Maybea littlecolder,so I'mhappyto be away. I'mreallyenjoyingit. But l'mafraidl'llonlybe ableto seehalfthe standsbeforeI leavetomorrow! Notyet,unfortunately. I'mhopingto havesometimeafterthe fairis over. Well,I thinkmaybethe standsin England area littlemoreentertaining.
Howcan the speakerskeepthe conversationgoing? tlatch these follow-up questionswith the exchangesabove. A B C D E F
Andwhat'sthe weatherlikein Madridnow? l Whataboutyou?Howlongareyou staying? Haveyou everbeento a tradefairin England? ._:. 0h, you'releavingso soon.Whereareyouoff to? i--: Whataboutyou?Areyou interested in anyparticular sport? ; YouknowBrussels wel[.Canyou recommend somethingsfor meto see? j'-l
going. Lookatthesesmall-tatkquestions andthinkofresponsestokeeptheconversation lsn't London great for going to the theatre? ;" t
Do you like this style of architecture? I
Do you visit trade fairs oll over Europe? *t"a_ -{'
-'* J'
4 Haveyou everbeenskiing in America? ?'
Discussthese questionsabout smatl talk with a partner. phrases? Doyou knowanyothersmall-talk Whichonesdo youfind mostusefulto get goingin a business context? conversations questions do you usuallyaskon the telephone? z Whatsmall-talk Howaretheydifferentfromthe onesyou askface-to-face? 3 Haveyou beenin a situationwhereyou hadto makesmalltalkwith a nativespeakerof Engtish? Whatwaseasyor difficult?Shareyourexperiences withthe group. r
Newcon tact s
Lookat the checklistbelowto helpyou pieparefor a conversationat the www.buslness.org tradefair.Workwith a partner.Usethe informationin yourPartnerFileto dothe role-play.
o u r Pa rlner' ingluAing 7 Aemembe r to greely namet' *L exchanqlnq olifr"' '. W" ,^oll+oli'to'o'- "p , , in{ormation ,----^-r-coulAatklor 3 F\ove ontobusinets'You
qutslionS tlaqe lo answer ,r"ro'"A ol so^e o u't v o v r co m?a ny' abovt you rtell a nA ab
Arrono" lht n"'l