English Grammar In Use with Answers: A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students of English 3rd edition

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English Grammar In Use with Answers: A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students of English 3rd edition

English Grammar in Use A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English with answers THIR

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English Grammar in Use

A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English

with answers THIRD EDITION

Raymond Murphy ~ CAM B R ID G E



Camb ridge, New York, Melbo urne, Madrid, Cape Tow n. Singapore, SilO Paulo Cambridge University Press T he Ed inburgh Building. Cambridge C Bl l RU, UK www.carob ridge.org Information o n this tide : ww w.cambridge.o rg/978052 153289 1

o Ca mbridge University Press 2004 This publication is in copyright. Subiecr to statutor y exception and to the provi sion s of releva nt collective licensing agreements. no reprod uct ion of an y part rna)' take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2004 7th printing 2005 Printed in Singapore by KHL Print ing Co Pte l td A c before

!rt fi!ft .. presenl simpl(' 25A !rrfiju' • omg 60B begin I. -;ng or 10 .,.1 S6C beginning Idl II" IJrginning ) 1218 being is and I" iJ bring) 4C believe (i,,) 136A


believed ( il ;s belit'ml ... I 45A be tter ID.l C

{,ad better JSA-B between (noun . /l('t 1('('('I1) 11 9E b lame 1358 bond bored and !rnrmg 98 bortJ It'lt'' I30C

born 0 I('.JJ "u'" ... J 44C both (n f) 119 /ro tb ... dlld 891> bo lll an d tI), .lINJl/llo( ... 1 134£ com pou nd nou ns (imed Icit/, J 30B di\f>tl~·'l'I't'I)~"'d(,I't.'f')·'lJillg

9O.-\--e ('I't'n· .lnJ (,old , 9 1 el't'~"Q>le ,lOd ('1·1.'1)· (mt' 9 1D

expect • tf) ... SS.-\ expect... d 'I f IS "."" (' inr In... furur... I q g"''' g ''' ! U 1( '111 !-I_!-! ' 1·,11 J.nJ sf..lll 11 D. l ! D I/'Ill J.nd guilt!: ,. , ! 3 l/'lff be ,1"lIIft ,julur... ..:untlnuous ' 14 ' I/"Iff 1'.II 'C' J.. n.' ,iururc J"C'rit'\.'1 ' ! 4 fUlure \\ IIh 11 ·1",'11. ,,- l"1":. 1 j . I IH. 115C. I I " B


Index gener ous t+ prepo \ ition l IJ U:\ geogra phical names with JnJ wit hou t tbe -gerund see - i n~ ger g" 1

in the

pJ ~~i \ e

.... 0

g.·t 5"mo'tbl"~ .1" " 1' " 6C ~.-, 5.111.> l· f c. I-C 1"", ".Will!!, WI' ·, t' hill 'lII!! 1.'1c. I -C b.ll'l' to (and lI/"s l) 3 I b.I/'1' got to 3 10 I!.II 'I' so snetbing d 0 1l1' 46 II.J/'i"g (d Oli'" H D. 61lC !K.. with t he present simple- or C.lII 4D

I,,,~ + prC"iC'TII simpleIN.J~ .IlIJ uTsl, " I A


I hopr 50 1 1110/'1' 1101 5 I D Impr • 10 • • • 5·B., 56 .\ hoo.pital l/}()s,,'t.111 th.., 1105pit.lll -" 8. 125.\ .\n"Il"ficiln English Appen dix 7 00 '" abou t t » -illgl 60.\ how lon g .. . ? 1+ presenr ~rfn.-r l

11-1 1

53B. I..OB. 141.\

ho w lon l/. is it since .•• ; 11C

gO"11 JUIII!! and go " " tll.lO .i 68

go 0'" 139.-\.


1400 . I.. IC going 10 :\ ppn1d i\ 3 g!. + inl1nili\"r 54-59


.:om inu,>u\ inl1n iti"e (to 1Jt' d",,,g l

HB perin."'! intin ili\'e (10 I!.II"" do"l') H B. 58C in lini l i\~ aitr ! a queslioll word

540 \erl:>!. . ohjm • intiniti\'e 55 \ erk • infinili\r or -m.l{ 55-58

il'$ lime .. . 3.1C il'$ worth 1+ ·ill g ) 6JA jealous to!) 1.1 IA jU\ t ;/151 with the pre....nt perfect 7C ;/15/ i ll (.151" I I"" i/l5t'l5 116A i/l5/ hI tim r 1l2 A

keen (... 1) IJ 1C

' ''J' kr l'p O il

5.l. 56A. 141A

I.:I"I'P liP /w lth ...J 14J A I.: l'I"P .lll'd)' (from ..., 145B kind (ki"d of Sf>m",ml' ,., ,10 som r ,I1/JlJ: 1 1>t' kmd /.. 5 + ( , t! 1350. 136E. Ir.

I"O- H I anOl hl"l' 81C onJ~ tp< l'loirio n 0; '''11)'. 1 10


neit her toft 89

m ake

n tlun~ '

adjecnv e

mllSllI't 31e. 32.-\ m llSt and sl10uld H

look fOTU '"rJ t l} 6OC, 62 A, 137B


mflst + nou n - 5.'1. m ost ,ufl 1111 m"st in superlanve , l OS much rand m.1 /1\·) 69 C , 8m ild} /nf l 88 '

m"sf and e.", ·t 28 mlf$t and b","t' to 31

n o Ifm~er I mJ/ .•. oJ"y 10llger 111 B



m U\ 1



m O ~1

mncb + comparanve 106:\

11k... and C'i .. 3C cont muouc le n ~ " 30 heeng Id" 1/l'! 8 lC-O p.!\1 \im p!.: .and pr('\('f11 perfect 12-1 4 p.! ~1 \ Im p\(' .anel Pol \{ pttfn:t 15C p.!\1 \ im pk p.!"i'( 42C P;l ~

p,;~' p,;~'

in pa\..i\C' '>C'nfC'no:n 44 .\ uo",t f.. ..J.\·, for somttlm lg

IU8 p.Jy lvcli: 14K pcopk 79 0

6bD prepositions in relarive cla uses 9JC.96 A ;1//01 aft er 3 superlative I OXE lik t a nd olS 117 f"r and d llril1g 119 11" 120, 128 b,· a nd ""til 1208 olt/em lm llimc:l 111-122 Oil tmlt a nd ill ","e 121 A .Jt th t 1'11,1 and m t l1t' end 1228 ,;tloll /", lptrsi lio ni 123- 125 tololtl",lm to 126 ml,;tkm tor ber u\C"S 1 11 7

b,· c,;rlb,.bllSt1c.1 2S B

pC'riC'C1 ~ prN:n' pC'ri«t. pa\l


perfect infinili, ( 110 ".JI 't J OIItI 4 J8 11'fIr l 7-8 pre-e m perfecr with this "" m llng. t"J" ,. e re. H8, 14 8 presen t perfect sim ple a nel con tm uous

10- 11

pr C\I.'nf perfec t w ith Im ll' I" ng. fur .\lId nnce 1 1-1 1 pr e\ent pt:rtl'.:t an d r'I ~ 1 sim pl... 11-1 4 rr(\(' nt pt°rfC'\.·t a nd ra ~f pt"ri l'l;f 15 B r r........n! pt:rtl-':I aller II'h /' 1I 1 .,B r re:\ent pcrtl'.:t pa\\i s'( 4J C r rf"II' in p,H sin' SC/ll('rlI.·tIl '"

U!.. ('


wit h tilt" pro:-srn l sim pk or ".11/ 4 D tastr + adject ive 9 9(:

luch It"oJclJ in p.Jssi\ t" ..nII('f'I( \)

....a nt


It's tim" ... 3 .\ (

II',/"r ~(}"'t'tllft' (/mll

coun table or uncountable noun

s"mclhl"g 55B u-urn someolle ol/,/IIOIII somc/hing

- 0.-\ timt.' an d 11IIIII1C 111.-\ tired Im ·.1 and tlrmg 98 011

tm'd o{ 13 IB to + intinitiv e infinitive

It "

I,,· , I "

U 4F was/w ere .'iD U',/S/U'/'Tt.' -ill8 (pasr co nt inuo us) uvuhrcre gWlIg /0

,/0 erc.t see


to .!f>D an d were in if ....-nrcnccs 39C

U' ,IS!r I'l'f(' ,1/1/,· /I',I S

to 126 to + -I"g 6nc noun + to 1191)

w ast e (II',lsle t im e/III"' /I')', 0.1 rnlste o'- lime/money) 6.~( wea ther lllnCt>unlahll' eou n } 70 B

ad jective + 10 I JO.-\. 13 IC verb + to 13.!, U6D 100 and ('"w'gh 103 to p 1.11 tln'/op l 1.!4(

well 10 1:\ were rused with l/ht.'!s!Jelil ) .We.

tra nsla te If ro m/i ll t" 1 1 .~6B travel tuncoumable noun ! -O B trouble slnu-c Im,,/>/(' doi"g somcthm KI 63B tr y try + to ... o r -mg 5'7.-\ try fi li I 139 C trvon 140C C nt, polsr, fllmre, pa\~ i \' c ctc. w rlls not uscd in continuum rl'ose s 4A,6E, IDe. If>E, 17A liST of irregular mh~ Appendi x 1.4 pn.-scnr 'lIId I'.ISI I,'n",', Appl'nJix .! "l'rhs + ·ing ,mJ 'crt-· • :



n an

w h at /1'11,11 in qUl.'srions II'h,l/ '-or? 6 4(

-1 9

W'Jl,lt ! (e:t.: c1am;lI io ns ) iIA-B /l'h, lt .IllJ /",rt jre[;ui ,'c o;buses) 9.!C. 9,m /l'I1 whom ;n qu",tions 49 C in relaliv c dauses 94 1\, 96A- R " lIJmll/t'!some of lI'llO'" 96 1~ whose lin rd,uiw d,w,,'s) '\I4A, 95 (\ wh y /l'1,y im 'flclitill 'f 1' ·K. 1.. , : 491) wh y in rl.'btil'l.' d ,HN " 'l4 t:

" ill : I-~~ ll'lll y,m: .! I C-D, J7A 11'/1/ and ;1.',/11 ll D,HD 11'/1/ and goi llg /0 23 will /1•• ,f oillg (futu re connnuous! 14 willIM/ ·!.' dane (future perfect ) 14 "'IN in if end wh t.'11 sentences 15, II S( will and U'f>llid J6 R, Appe ndix 4 will in the passive 4J A 0",,'/ ... , lI·ill \'till ? 52 D wil/ and other fueure forms ApPI.'ndlx 3 will and other modal verbs Appendix 4 w ish 4 1 11f'lsh I klll'II' ere. .19, 4 1 1 wish /,.1kml/l '/f etc. 40 C, 4\ /l'i s/, and Impt' 4 1A wish ... /1 '1111/.1 41 D with nou n + w ith 11 9E adjective + u-ith BOB- C, IJ 1C verb + sc -itls 1J6C without 1+ ·ill g) 60B wo m (= ,, ·/ll lIoll 2 1- 21 wo rd o rder "0.1",' s" ml'lJ,illg ,IfillI' 46 question s 49 ncganvc questions 49D embedd ed q uestions Hso you k llOIl' /I'/MI ... ?) 50A reponed questions SOB o rde r of adje cnves 99 verb and objec t rngcrhc r 109A place and nmc I0 9R position of adve rb s wit h the verb (" Iso, "I"',I\'s ere.I 110 word order wirh phrasal verbs I/llm Oil the lighl, 111 m it Oil erc.j

\J7( work uncounrnble noun 70 B,74C 11 'Ilrk oul 1398 worried (,ibmrt) U OB wo rse lOse WOt SI


won h (il s U'lITIIJ + .i ngl 63A wou ld 36 l('Iwld and will 36B WOllld )'O ll ... ? 37A rmllld )" liI /ike? I'd lib, 37 E ll'lllrid in If sentences 38-40 lI'i511 ... ll'lwld 4 1D 1('11/11,1 /lk d /rll'elllilld Jm:fa + to ...

55 A, 5 8B-C 5SB, 59 8 ll'lllrid rather 59C-D ll',,,,/d an d othe r rno,bl verbs Appeu dix 4 wri te /I·rift.' 1/1 JJ 1A wr ite dow" 1411> rmllld />rc(cr

yet \'