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Pages 14 Page size 612 x 792 pts (letter) Year 2007
Crossing her legs primly, Jena picked up her romance novel and fought to ignore the naked man handcuffed to the bed. That was no mean trick, partly because he was handsome and muscular, but mostly because the head of his erect cock was brushing his navel. That, plus the predatory cruelty in his hazel eyes, had blown Jena's ability to concentrate all to hell. "You do realize," he said in a voice so deep and rich she felt it like a stroke of fur down her spine, "that everybody involved in this plot will get twenty to life. Kidnapping's a federal crime." Oh, she knew it. She'd been thinking of nothing else since the moment she'd been blackmailed into this mess. Now, though, it was far too late to back out. "But don't worry your pretty little head about that." His smile was slow and nasty. "I've got other plans for you." Yeah, she'd gathered that when she'd noticed the malicious anticipation gathering in his eyes while his impressive cock slowly hardened. She didn't even want to know what he was thinking. But she wished to hell they hadn't insisted on stripping him nude before they'd cuffed him. The SilCo thug who'd done it had claimed it would make it harder for him to escape. In reality, she thought they'd been trying to humiliate and embarrass him. Apparently nobody had realized that "modesty" didn't even appear in Kurt Weir's lexicon. She was a lot more embarrassed than he was. "Such a lovely face." Kurt sighed elaborately, trying again for a reaction. "Too bad there's no brain behind it. If there was, you'd realize you're being set up to take the fall for this, and you'd free me now rather than waiting for my men to find us. Because once they do, you've lost the only chance you've got to get out of this thing." "It's too bad there isn't a brain behind YOUR face," Jena shot back, "or you'd realize that threatening me is the last thing you should be doing." He grinned outright, delighted to get a response. "Oh, but I'm not threatening you. I'm simply making sure you know there are certain inevitable consequences when you kidnap one of the richest men in America." "Fine. You've done your civic duty. Now shut the hell up." For a moment there was blessed silence. Then Kurt asked so softly she barely heard him, "Tell me something, Jena -- has anybody ever reamed that tight little ass of yours?" She jerked her head up and stared at him. His cock looked thick and
hard and as cruel as the grin he gave her. Jena opened her mouth, but her dry throat produced nothing but a shocked rasp. "Good," he said. "I didn't think so." She sucked in a breath and tried to pull her straying gaze away from his prick. He was bluffing. Just trying to intimidate her, make her turn him loose. That's all. He wouldn't... Then again, she HAD crashed his dinner party, tempted him into following her beyond the reach of his bodyguards. Set him up. They wouldn't have been able to take him if not for her. "You know, you really should find a vibrator somewhere and ... practice." His voice was so casual it took her a moment to understand what he was alluding to. "Get used to the penetration. And buy a big tube of lubricant while you're at it. I may not have the chance." "Maybe I should just get an X-Acto knife instead," Jena gritted. "A little amateur surgery might do wonders for your worldview." He barked out a laugh, not at all intimidated. Fuming, she got up and stalked into the bathroom. She had to get away from him, even if it was only to splash cold water on her face.
Kurt watched her duck into the john and wondered if she thought he was making empty threats. Probably. He grinned viciously. It was a good thing she didn't have that X-Acto handy; if she'd known what he'd been fantasizing for the last four hours, she'd have lopped off his cock in sheer self-defence. Particularly if she'd known he had every intention of making those fantasies come true the minute he was free. And he would be freed. Jordon Levie was one of the best security experts in the business. It shouldn't take him long to run his employer's redheaded kidnapper to ground. And as soon as he did, Jena would be the one wearing the handcuffs. Kurt shifted restlessly in his bonds, grimacing a bit at the feeling of skin-warmed steel biting into his wrists. Once he had her, he wouldn't want any interference, particularly from the cops. Maybe he'd take her to his estate on the island. He'd always wanted to try his hand at playing the Marquis de Sade. And God knew he'd never met a more tempting victim than Jena. The breasts under that pink T-shirt were absolutely perfect; full, yet pert, riding high and saucy on her narrow chest. Her legs were long and well-muscled, and her ass was tight and delightfully rounded. Then there were the big gray eyes he could easily picture with a pleading expression, set in that delicately angular face. And that mouth. Jena had the sort of full, soft mouth a man wanted to see wrapped around his cock.
Oh, yeah. Once he got her to El Huevo Verde, she'd find out his threats were anything but empty.
An hour later, Jena jerked open the condo's refrigerator door and scanned its contents, intent on scrounging herself something to eat. She'd just finished feeding Kurt a sandwich, bite by torturous bite. His eyes had made hot, angry threats the whole time, though he hadn't said a word. If only he was homely. But noooo. He had to be the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen in her life. If they'd met under different circumstances ... Well, he probably wouldn't have been interested in more than a roll in the hay, but it would have been one hell of a roll. A memory to keep her warm when she was eighty and living with six cats. But as it was now, when she was eighty she was probably going to be someplace where the only men were prison guards. Kurt was right; there really wasn't a brain behind her face. If she'd been smart, she'd have let Ricky live with the results of his greed, beloved little brother or no. But being stupid, when SilCo's security expert had showed up at her apartment with his file full of damning evidence that Ricky had embezzled $150,000 from the computer giant, her only thought had been to keep her brother from doing hard time. When they'd offered to drop the charges in return for her help in avoiding a hostile takeover by Kurt Weir, Jena had agreed. She hadn't really realized what she was getting herself into until the night she'd pulled on that low-cut black cocktail dress and gone out to lure Kurt into the clutches of his kidnappers. They'd sworn they only wanted to delay him from making a bid in the bidding war until their white knight investor could win with its lower offer. But then, as she and Kurt were standing in the garden of his magnificent Rhode Island estate, SilCo's sharpshooter had fired a trank dart into his shoulder blade. He'd collapsed into her arms, out cold in the midst of a searing kiss. Struggling to hold him erect, Jena had finally realized that she'd stepped in some very deep shit. It had gotten even deeper when they'd forced her to be the one to deal with him in person, tending to his meals and keeping an eye on him. It was just as Kurt said; they were setting her up to take the fall for this because she had no obvious connection to the computer company. Yeah, her brother had done work for SilCo, but then, he did work for a lot of people; he was a CPA. It would be damn hard to prove who was behind the kidnapping. SilCo's executives would be safe. Unfortunately, SHE wouldn't be. Dispirited, Jena stared into the depths of the cabinet. Nothing much
in there but a dusty liquor bottle with a familiar black label. Not that it mattered -- her appetite seemed to have vanished. She doubted she could do justice to a Ritz cracker. Now, that bottle of Jack Daniels, on the other hand ... What the hell. Jena snagged the Jack and a glass, then retreated to the kitchen table to pour herself a tall drink.
Grimacing, Kurt tried to shake the circulation back into his arms. He'd never realized how boring it was being handcuffed to a bed. If only Jena would come back. Tormenting her -- verbally or otherwise -- could easily become his favorite sport. Just as he was dreamily considering just which form of torture he'd like to try next, the bedroom door swung open to bang against the back wall. Kurt jerked his head around. Jena took a step inside, a tall glass of something suspiciously amber in one hand. Swaying against the door frame, she drank down a long swallow, then cradled the tumbler against her chest. "You are truly a beautiful man, Kurt. Has anybody ever told you that?" "Why, Jena," he said, feeling the first real amusement he'd known since last night's kidnapping. "You're drunk." She shook her head a bit too vigorously. "Not so. I've only had one." "And did you eat anything while you were at it?" "No." Jena sighed again. "My appetite was spoiled by visions of greasy prison guards with big pot bellies." Wandering over, she flopped down in her customary chair by the bed and leaned back, hooking a long, slim leg over the arm. She smiled suddenly. "You know, I've had fantasies just like this. Except I was the one in the handcuffs, and somebody like you was the kidnapper." Kurt grinned. "Tell you what -- uncuff me and we'll try it the other way." "Sorry, I'm not THAT drunk." She took a big sip, staring at him speculatively. "Bet if it was me in those 'cuffs, you'd have raped me by now." "That's a pretty safe bet." And one of these days, she was going to find out just how safe. "In fact, if it was you in these cuffs, you'd find yourself wearing nipple clamps while I caned your pretty ass. And THEN I'd fuck you." "You keep saying that." She swallowed visibly, her eyes sliding almost closed. "I'm beginning to think you mean it."
"Count on it." He grinned, picturing the moment when he got the cuffs on her, her delicious surprise when he began tormenting her nipples, her ass, her creamy pussy. His cock stirred against his belly, rolled toward full erection. Staring at him, Jena made a soft humming sound far back in her throat. "God," she croaked, "you're so ..." MMMMmmm. So the lust was mutual after all. Maybe he could use this... "Like what you see?" Jena licked her lips. A jolt of pure lust shot into his groin. "I guess you do." He paused to clear his throat. "But that's not very fair, is it? You get to see me, but I don't get to see you." She glanced toward his face, puzzled. "Why don't you show me those pretty breasts, Jena?" He smiled, pumping all the charm he could manage into the curve of his lips. "After all, you're safe. It's not like I can do anything to you." "No," she said slowly, "I don't guess you could .... But I shouldn't." "But you want to." "Yeah." She took a deep breath, staring unblinking at his cock. "I want to." Slowly, weaving just slightly, she got to her feet and grabbed the hem of her T-shirt. As Kurt watched, delighted, Jena tugged it off, revealing white lace cupped softly around pretty, proud mounds. Twisting her arms behind her, she unsnapped the bra, then let it slither down and drop to the floor. Her nipples were delightfully pert, delicate pink. He groaned. "You like them?" "God, yeah." She smiled a slow, dreamy smile. Almost absently, she reached up with both hands and caught her full breasts. Her thumbs flicked her nipples as she squeezed the soft, tempting flesh. "You'd really put clamps on these?" God, his balls hurt. "Alligator clips at the very least." "Oooo." She caught her nipples and pinched them gently. They flushed rose, stiffening between her fingers. "I'll bet you'd love watching me squirm while you tortured my pretty breasts." "Oh, yeah." He stopped to swallow. "I'd twist those clamps until your nipples stood out red and hard and you begged me to stop." She smiled dreamily down at him, her fingers twisting and
plucking. "Then you'd cane me, right?" "Until your lovely butt turned bright pink." Staring into his eyes, she reached for the snap of her jeans, then began to wiggle them down off her hips. Her panties went too, the clothing sliding into a pile around her slender feet. Her bush was a fiery red, soft copper curls that seemed to beg for his fingers. Slowly, she turned her back on him and bent. The pale, perfect bowls of her ass taunted him, white and curving as she set her feet wide. He saw her hand slide between her legs, slipping into her hot sex, probing her delicate petals. It was very hard to breathe suddenly. "Do you really want to spank me?" "Yeah." Kurt barely recognized the growl as his own. "You have no idea how I'd love it. How hard it would make me." He could almost see the way she'd struggle and kick under his relentless hand ... Jena sank a finger deeply into her sex, then drew it out glistening. "I wonder what you'd do then, with your cock big and thick and your balls all tight." He jerked hard at the cuffs, but they didn't give. "I'd probably spread those pink cheeks and sink my prick right into your virgin asshole." "Ohhhh." Two slender fingers dipped into her sex, pumped once. With her free hand, she reached back and parted her cheeks. As Kurt watched hungrily, one finger found her puckered anus. Touched it gingerly. "Here? But it's so small." "Yes." He scarcely recognized that predatory growl as his own. "And your prick is so big." "Yessss." Suddenly she pushed, inserting her forefinger a little way into her anus. She groaned softly, then slowly screwed it in deeper. "Ohhh. It hurts. It's so tight." The sound he made was nothing like a word. As though experimenting, she eased in and out a few times. He watched the tiny opening seem to suck at her finger. "I can see why you want to do it to me. I'll bet it would feel so snug and hot around your cock. But it would hurt, being forced to take that big shaft up my ass." "You'll get used to it." The blood roared in his ears. "I'll even teach you to like it." "But first I'd whimper and struggle." She sank the finger all the way in up to the knuckle. "I'd beg you not to ream me." His cock jerked against his belly. "God, I'd love to hear you plead."
"But it won't do me any good, will it?" "No." He ground his hips upward. "I'm going to be merciless." Jena threw her head back, long red hair flying against her slim spine. Before he quite knew what was happening, she jerked her hand away from her ass and whirled. Grabbing his aching prick, she swung a leg over his waist. Kurt jerked convulsively in his bonds as Jena aimed him at the wet red curls of her pussy. Slowly, she sank downward until he was poised at her creamy opening. Then, with exquisite control, she began to lower herself further until he felt her petals part around him, caressing his shaft with hot, slick silk. "Eviiiil man. I'd ...OH!..better make sure I'm never at your mercy." And slowly engulfed him inch by straining, glorious inch. He dug his head back into the pillow and groaned in pleasure. An eternity later, he felt her silky little bottom settle against his belly. "Jennnnnaaaaa...." "You fill me so full," she moaned. Slowly, carefully, she leaned forward, rising off his desperate prick. Then sank back down, creamy, tight, endless pleasure pouring over his organ until his entire being felt concentrated in that one spot. Hungry for more, he rolled his hips up, lifting her clear of the bed with the strength of his pelvis. She writhed, impaled on his cock, whimpering softly. Ground down on him, pulling him deeper. Her breasts bobbed, nipples pointing stiffly at the ceiling as she arched her back, maddeningly out of reach of his cuffed hands. He wanted to grab her, suck her, possess her, force her to submit to him. But all he had was her gloving cunt, tight and slick around him. He snarled, maddened with lust and pleasure and frustration. "I'm gonna have you, Jena. I'm going to tie you up and cane you and fuck you." He thrust upward with all his strength, intent on spearing her. She whimpered. "Fuck your mouth and your cunt and your virgin asshole. I'm going to be your master, Jena." "Nooo," she moaned, circling her hips wildly, forcing his pelvis to mash into her clit. "You'll hurt me." "And ... you'll ... LOVE it." She snapped back so sharply her hair brushed his thighs with bright silk, her spine arching like a bow. He felt her cunt ripple in long contractions. "I'm commmmmmmmmiiiiiiiing!." "YEAH!" And the feeling of those hot, wet walls clamping and releasing his prick slammed him up and over. He came in jets of fire.
Jena lay on his chest, dreamily feeling it heave under her with his hard breathing. Slowly, she traced a finger over the hard bunch of his biceps as they stretched over his head. His wrists were red and angry in the cuffs. Sighing, she felt the alcoholic haze begin to lift. She was going to have to let him go. Fact was, Kurt's life was in danger. She wasn't sure SilCo could be trusted not to order him killed to prevent the truth coming out. Stirring, Jena wondered where the handcuff key was... Chiiiirp chiiirp chiiirp "Damn. The phone." She pulled herself off him reluctantly, ignoring his murmured protest. Naked, she walked into the opposite bedroom, and picked up the phone on the bedside table. "Jena!" "Ricky." She blinked in foggy surprise. "How'd you know I was here?" "Never mind that. Listen, I can't talk long. Weir's guys are onto you. They got their hands on Jeff Davis at SilCo and made him confess the whole plot. His secretary just called to let me know. They know where you are, Jena. You've got to get the hell out of there before they arrive." Stone cold sobriety flooded over her. "Thanks, brother. I'm gone." She banged the phone down and ran into Kurt's bedroom. "Your people are on their way," Jena told him, hurriedly collecting her clothes and slipping into them. "You'll be free very soon." She looked up to meet his hypnotic stare. "Stay, Jena. It'll go a lot easier for you in the long run if you don't make me come after you." "I can't. I'm sorry, Kurt. I shouldn't have gotten involved with this damn thing, but I did, and I'm not just going to give up without a fight." Fumbling, she zipped her jeans. "But I'm glad you're going to be okay." Somehow keeping herself from stealing a second look at the naked man handcuffed to the bed, Jena ran out of the room.
Desperately, she tossed an armload of clothing into her suitcase and forced it shut. She had to lean her full weight on it to get it locked, but somehow she managed, the struggle punctuated by the ticks of the living room clock that went off like gunshots in her ears.
Time. If only she had time to get out before the police came. Reaching for the hem of her shirt, Jena jerked it over her head. It was a risk, but she had to change her clothes; she still smelled like Kurt. A foggy memory rolled through her mind, the feeling of her own finger sliding into her ass. Had she actually done that? BANG BANG BANG!!! A heavy fist hitting her apartment door so hard it bounced on its hinges. She jumped. The cops! God, what was she going to do ... "Jena! Open up!" No, not the police. Kurt. How the hell had he tracked her down so fast? Dammit, she shouldn't have stopped at the bank ... "Jena, open up or I'll kick the door down!" "NO!" She plunged toward it, desperate to engage the extra locks she hadn't taken time for. "Don't you dare, Kurt Weir!" Something hit the door, hard. Wood split, and it flew open to boom against the wall. Kurt lunged inside, then grabbed the door and slammed it shut again. Jena's mouth went dry at the fury and determination on his face. She started to backpeddle, but before she could take another step, he was on her, flinging her against the wall. One big hand grabbed her wrist, jerked it behind her back. She heard a click, felt metal clamp around her skin. Handcuffs? "Are you arresting me, Kurt?" Her voice sounded high and breathless. "Honey, not only have I arrested you..." He grabbed the other wrist and clicked the cuffs around it. "...but I've tried you and convicted you and sentenced you to life as a sex slave." Jena choked on a startled laugh. "Yeah, right, and your riding crop is waiting." She rested her forehead against the cool wall, almost wishing he really was going to lock her up somewhere for his private use. It would be infinitely preferable to federal pen. Her eyes began to burn. Kurt leaned into her. She felt his size, his strength against her back, the warmth of his breath in her hair. "I'm serious, Jena. I own a little island in the Pacific that isn't in anybody's jurisdiction. You're gonna work out your sentence there. A bit like community service, except what you're going to service is my cock." Suddenly she felt his big hand wrap itself in the thin strap of her bra, yank hard. The delicate silk tore, baring her breasts. The hand moved down, began to explore the curve of her rump. "Mmmmm. Got any KY, Jena?"
She laughed bitterly. Her world was ending, and he wanted to play games. "What, one quick butt-fuck before you call the police? Forget it, Kurt. The phone's on the coffee table. I think you know the number." He jerked her away from the wall and spun her to face him. The lust in his eyes was hot, animal. "The last thing I want around here is the cops." He grinned recklessly. "But that butt-fuck idea has merit. Might as well start getting your asshole used to my cock, because I promise you, it's going to get plenty of exercise on the island." She gaped at him. Under the desire, his eyes were hard with determination. "You're serious, aren't you? You're really planning to make me into some kind of sex slave." "You got it." "You're NUTS!" Jena exploded. "That's completely against the law." "So's kidnapping," he shot back. "Would you rather go to prison?" Jena blinked, staring up into his brutally handsome face. God knew, she could think of worse fates. But slavery... "For how long?" "As long as I want you. Which probably will be a somewhat shorter period of time than you'd otherwise spend in the pen." She couldn't believe this. "But..." "Go get the KY, Jena." "NO!" she exploded. "I'll play your game within reason, but the Marquis de Sade bit is OUT, buster..." Hard fingers bit into her upper arms. Before she quite knew what was happening, he'd dragged her over to the couch. The next moment, she was bottom upward across his knees, staring in bewilderment at the carpet. Fire exploded in her bottom as his hand slammed down. She kicked out in sheer startled astonishment and began to struggle, but her hands were cuffed, and he held her easily as he began to administer a relentless spanking. She was stunned at his strength. No matter how she fought and swore, she couldn't free herself. His hand kept rising and falling, raining merciless strokes over her helpless ass. His cock dug into her belly, hard and eager. Finally, he stopped. "Ready to get that lubricant, Jena?" Pride made her scream, "Fuck you!" "That's the idea," he said, and went back to beating her butt.
The pain was bad, but worse was the humiliation, the feeling of utter helplessness. Nothing she could do would stop him. And worse, she knew he loved punishing her, relished it; she could feel his pleasure in the hardon under her stomach. The only way to save herself was surrender. At last he paused again. "Well?" Her ass blazed. "Is baby oil okay?" "Perfect." He picked her up with humiliating ease and put her on her feet, then turned her to unlock the cuffs. Somehow she managed to keep from stumbling when she turned and headed for the bathroom. The phone. There was another phone in the bedroom. She could call the cops, they'd save her from him .... And she'd go to jail. Safe from his punishment. Safe from his hot mouth on her breasts, his delicious cock sliding into her needy cunt ... She froze in the hallway, looking at the bedroom door.
When Jena came out with the bottle of baby oil, Kurt was sprawled on the couch with a visible bulge in his jeans and a triumphant glitter in his eyes. She froze. "There was another phone in your bedroom, wasn't there?" She licked her lips. "Yes." He smiled slowly. "Turn around and get down on your knees. I want you to oil your asshole for me." She felt a flare of resentment, but there was no point. He'd won. Silently, she obeyed, only hesitating a moment when the time came to slide her oiled fingers deeply into her anus. The little opening didn't want to yield to the penetration, and she groaned in pain and humiliation. "It won't be so bad, Jena." Was there a note of compassion in his voice? "In fact, there'll come a day when you'll love this as much as I do." She heard his zipper whisper, the creak of floorboards as he knelt behind her. Catching her wrists, he handcuffed them again. "You'll realize you were meant for this." Something big and blunt touched her ass. "And so was I." Slowly, Kurt began to force his cock into her.
Leaning back, he watched as his massive erection began to work its way into Jena's asshole. The tiny hole seemed to strain desperately around his width. She whimpered. He shuttered his eyes and sucked in a breath. For a moment he hesitated. He was in to the hilt now, and she clamped around him like a slick fist. A shudder ran down his spine in a hot wave of lust. He had her at last. Soon they'd be on the island, and he could establish his mastery in earnest. Sodomizing her was only the delicious beginning. He leaned down to breathe into her ear, "It's lucky you rode me so hard earlier. I'll be able to make this last so much longer." Hearing her moan, he chuckled. Slowly, Kurt began to thrust in short, ruthlessly controlled digs, penetrating deeper. He could feel Jena's muscles loosening, yielding by degrees to his dominating prick. He knew that by the time he finished fucking her ass, she would be his slave.
Jena gasped. He was so big, and each thrust tortured her straining rectum. Yet there was nothing she could do to stop him. He held all the cards; strength, ruthlessness, and her own crimes against him. All she could do was submit. Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to relax, to let her ass open completely for his rapacious prick. "That's it, Jena," he cooed in her ear. "It's so much better when you surrender." His hips drove in against her bottom, dragging a strangled cry from her throat. "Not that you have much choice." But then Kurt bent closer, one big hand seeking between her thighs. His fingers found her clit, began to strum and circle it. She shuddered as pleasure rose through the pain. "I'll be a demanding master, Jena," he whispered. "But you'll find I reward obedience." Then, as his cock stroked in and out of her ass and his finger stroked her clit, Kurt began to describe what he'd do to her once they reached the island. It was a threatening litany, but there was something intensely erotic about it, something darkly exciting. Somewhere in the middle of it, Jena realized that she was thrusting back on his prick, helplessly welcoming the feeling of being spread, impaled. Pleasure and pain corkscrewed up her spine. There was no longer anything even vaguely gentle in the way he gored her now; he had taken possession of her, and he wanted to make sure she knew it. Then his fingers pressed hard into her clit, and that last rough stimulation kicked her over the edge. Jena's knees slipped out from
under her and she sprawled to her belly on the floor, screaming out her climax, her hands twisting in the cuffs. Kurt loomed over her, sought a deeper, harder angle in the new position, and slammed his prick home. Arching his spine, he growled like a wolf as his sperm began to fill her asshole.
Some minutes went by before Kurt stirred and lifted his weight from his limp slave. He knew he'd better get her out of the apartment and onto his private plane before the cops finished questioning those involved and realized they'd missed one. Nobody was taking Jena away from him. Gently, he tugged his cock free, smiling a bit as she groaned, half in protest, half in pain. Yielding to impulse, he caught her cheeks in his hands and spread them. Her formerly virgin anus pouted, smeared in her master's cum. "Kurt?" He looked up. Jena's eyes looked dazed, her red hair tumbled over her face as she looked back at him over one shoulder. Her cuffed hands lay against her naked spine. Kurt felt a conqueror's grin spread across his face. For a moment he saw rebellion flicker in her gray eyes. Then it faded slowly, as memories began to shimmer in its place. He knew she thinking about the feel of his cock in her ass, the pain of it, the moment when she began to submit to him. The pleasure. And she smiled. "My. That was ... interesting." Kurt laughed. "You've got a gift for understatement." Before he could yield to the impulse to take her again, he jumped up, then reached down to carefully help her to her feet. "We need to get your things." "I'm already packed, Kurt." "Good. Then all we have to do is keep you from looking like somebody who's just been thoroughly reamed." He reached into the pocket of the jeans he hadn't taken time to remove and pulled out the handcuff key. Promising himself he'd see her back in them as soon as they got her dressed, Kurt unlocked the cuffs. "You know, Jena," he said, as she quickly started looking for something to wear, "I think you should start calling me master." She snorted. "Dream on." Kurt grinned, but didn't bother to make an issue of it. Yet. As soon as he got her to the island, he'd have plenty of time to change her mind. He HAD promised her a taste of those nipple clamps, after all.
And he couldn't wait.