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Changeling Press Presents Candy Hearts #4 Hearts ‘n’ Handcuffs Ann Jacobs All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2005 by Ann Jacobs
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ISBN 1-59596-135-6
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Changeling Press LLC
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Editor: Margaret Riley Cover Artist: Bryan Keller
This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.
Chapter One “Tie me up and take me. Please.” Josh Gerard stepped inside his bedroom and closed the door, peeling off his suit jacket as he crossed the room. He stared down at his very naked wife. Her pose put him in mind of a pagan sacrifice, laid out for the pleasure of an ancient god. He could hardly believe his eyes. “You want me to do what?” Not that he was averse to fucking her brains out, but she suddenly wanted him to tie her up? She giggled, gesturing toward the Velcro restraints. “I already fastened them to the bed. Come on. Make me helpless to resist you.” “You mean you’re not already?” His cock practically burst out of his khaki slacks -- apparently it had no qualms about doing whatever it took to get inside Nancy’s hot, wet cunt. “Hold on, at least let me get my pants off.” What the hell had come over her? This wasn’t the wife he’d left at home this morning. It wasn’t even the adventuresome college girl he’d fallen in love with and married ten years ago, before kids and their respective job responsibilities had tamed their libidos. Lately Nancy had gotten, well, hot was the only word he could think of that defined her brand-new attitude. Every time they made love, she seemed to want more from him. She’d needed to give more to him. Hell, she’d even been craving oral sex -- not ordinarily her favorite sort of foreplay. She’d even hinted that she’d like to try anal play. Now she wanted him to join her in some BDSM games? As recently as a few months ago he’d have spent the night on the couch if he’d dared to try anything like that. Several nights, most likely. Not that he minded indulging her appetite for kink. But it worried him some, this sudden change. It was almost as if Nancy was desperate to rediscover that long-ago
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college student she used to be. As if their life now -- a good life even if it was a bit on the dull side in the bedroom -- wasn’t quite enough to satisfy her. Right now it didn’t matter. They had a maximum of two precious hours alone before the kids got home from Little League practice, so if she wanted to play bondage games it was fine with him. He tore off his shirt, popping a couple of the buttons in his eagerness to participate in her current game, then dropped his drawers. Reaching across the bed, he lifted first one arm and then the other, dropping kisses on the tips of her fingers before wrapping the Velcro cuffs around her slender wrists. “Now to take care of your legs,” he said with mock-ferocity. Her neatly trimmed pussy beckoned. He’d never considered himself one for needing to restrain his lover, but this was damn arousing, nibbling at her toes. “Spread your legs for me, honey.” “Yes, Master.” She wanted him to control her. That was obvious. What surprised Josh was that having her at his mercy got him hot as hell, too. Taking his time, he bound her ankles to either side of their antique brass bed frame. “Ooh. Tighter. Yes, that’s it.” God, did she look good enough to eat -- and he was about to have a feast. “Where’d you find these restraints?” The conservative, button-down lawyer in him hoped to hell she hadn’t strolled into one of the triple-X stores near the hospital where she worked, where anybody who walked by might have recognized her. The macho guy he’d pretty much squelched these past few years didn’t give a damn if half of Dallas had seen his wife buying toys to serve his pleasure. She giggled again. “I ordered them from a store on the Internet. I’m going to get some more toys, too.” He could just imagine what might appear in her next shipment. “I think I’ll torture you by refusing to play your games,” he growled, kissing his way up her right leg. Her skin felt like silk, and she smelled like cherries and sex -- sort of like that massage lotion she’d rubbed on him the other night and licked off slowly, so slowly
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he’d thought he might die before she got to his aching cock and balls. “Later, though. Right now I’m gonna play.” He wouldn’t make her wait. Her pussy beckoned. He dived in, finding her clit and flailing it with his tongue. When she moaned and strained against her bonds, he stilled her by laying both hands on her hips. “My way today, honey,” he whispered against her wet, swollen slit, at the same time sliding his hands upward to cup her small, firm breasts. “Yes, Master. Ooh, that feels so good. Don’t stop.” “I won’t.” He found her cunt with his tongue, delved inside. He loved her taste, her smell -- hell, he loved her to pieces. He hadn’t been so hard in ages. “Fuck me now, Master. Please.” He’d oblige her, gladly. Lifting his head, he knelt between her bound legs and fitted his cock into her creamy cunt. “How do you want it, slow and easy or hard and fast?” “Make me come. Please.” He almost withdrew, then slowly pushed back into her welcoming heat. Tight. So tight. “Squeeze me.” She did. “Harder.” God but he loved fucking her. Her inner muscles clenched him like a fist. This wasn’t going to last long. Gotta hold back. Wait for her. He bent his head, took a puckered nipple in his mouth, and sucked. Her breathing grew fast and shallow. She lifted her hips a little when he slammed into her, harder each time. She was close. Reaching. He balanced on his hands, deepening the penetration, slammed into her cunt so deeply he found her cervix. Her cunt started to convulse around his cock, and she started making those little noises that told him she was coming. “That’s it, honey. Come for me.” “I am.” A honking horn startled him just as he let go and began to spurt hot come into her spasming cunt. Reality had intruded. The kids were home early, and from Nancy’s
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sudden stiffening beneath him, he knew she realized their bedroom game had been called. It had been good while it lasted. It would have been better if the boys’ practice had lasted another half-hour. Hell, it would have been better still if they both hadn’t been listening with one ear for the boys’ carpool to drop them off. Josh had the feeling that while Nancy came -- more than once -- she hadn’t quite reached the mind-blowing orgasm she’d so obviously needed. Two hours watching the clock just wasn’t going to be enough. They were long overdue for a vacation. Maybe even just a weekend getaway. When he saw the card she handed him the next morning, he knew he was right. “You are cordially invited to Members Only, where your privacy will be assured.” The ivory vellum card, as thick as a wedding invitation, bore a discreetly small address and phone number… and the boldly scrawled signature of Doctor X. Nancy stood on tiptoes and whispered in his ear. “Promise me you’ll check it out. My friend said to tell you you’ll love their welcome tour.” Josh could hardly wait to check out this place, where he and Nancy could indulge their fantasies without kids or real life to interrupt them. He’d take this Doctor X up on his invitation -- and soon.
Chapter Two Submission. Acceding to a lover’s slightest wish. Letting go. The more Nancy Williams-Gerard thought about it, the more she wanted to do just that. Let go of the pressures of her career, the stresses that had built up in her in the years since she and Josh had been university students, so much in love and in lust that they’d thought nothing would ever change. Time had changed things -- time, and kids, and responsibilities. That hurt. The romantic love was still there somewhere, buried under the pressures of living, working, and raising their two kids. The boys were getting big enough now that she and Josh had to be careful not to be too demonstrative anywhere little eyes might be spying on them. Nancy envied her friend Maggie Berman -- now Maggie Calhoun, for she’d taken Cade’s name professionally as well as personally when they’d married four months earlier. Maggie practically glowed when she looked at her man, as though she couldn’t wait to get home to touch him -- hold him -- love him. Nancy wanted that kind of relationship with Josh. Maggie’s words rang in her ears. “You’ve got to let go. Don’t think. Feel. Let him take control when you make love. You have to be in charge in the OR, but when you walk away from the job, make Josh take over.” That made sense, so much so that Nancy had taken the conversation further, learned Cade and Maggie lived in a Master/slave relationship that apparently kept both of them supremely satisfied. At first it had shocked Nancy to think of her friends enjoying a secret and highly sexual lifestyle, but as time went on the idea had begun to intrigue her enough to want to learn more.
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The more Nancy studied the BDSM lifestyle, the more she knew she wanted to submit… and she wanted Josh to exert the sort of sexual, sensual control that made her hot and wet just thinking about it. That’s why, after a few furtive attempts to lure Josh into the lifestyle at home, she’d talked her best friend into getting her and Josh an invitation to the dungeon where Maggie and Cade often went to play. If only Josh would take the hint and join Members Only…
*** Josh didn’t understand it. Not that he minded, exactly. Since Nancy had developed this fascination with kinky bedtime sports, their sex life had become -- well, a lot more interesting. He hated admitting it, but in ten years they definitely had slipped into a routine that, while he wouldn’t call it dull, had certainly become, well, predictable. He glanced up and down the tree-shaded street where most of the century-old homes had been renovated and converted into professional offices and upscale businesses. Then he checked the address on the card Nancy had given him once more. It was a big sandstone house set well back from the street. Heavy drapes lay behind the mullioned windows, nineteenth century vintage if he wasn’t mistaken. The place reminded him of a dowager’s estate, well-maintained and proud of its heritage, fairly smacking of respectability in the pricey neighborhood not far from downtown Dallas. Emboldened by the look of the place, Josh drew his courage, strode up the cobblestone walkway, and raised a gleaming brass knocker on an unmarked wooden door. “May I have your invitation, sir?” Josh handed it over, feeling foolish to be stared down by a dark-haired woman dressed in black. She didn’t look like anybody who’d submit to a man. Ever. He couldn’t help noticing the silver-handled whip tucked into the snug belt around her waist, or the blood-red polish on her talon-like nails. “Is it in order?” he asked when she scrutinized what he couldn’t help thinking of as his ticket to debauchery.
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“Of course. Come in. Any friend of Doctor X is always welcome.” Josh stepped inside the dungeon called Members Only. From the look of the place, he assumed it would cost him at least a couple of hefty legal fees to join. The place was plush. A sensual paradise that reminded him of movie sets depicting Old West saloons and pleasure palaces. Amazed, he looked around, trying to school his expression to one of bored acceptance -- until his hostess ushered him to a mirror of one-way glass from which he had an excellent view of a large, well-appointed torture chamber. Oh my God. The members had sex in there, right in front of God and everybody? “Do you have any -- ah -- private rooms?” Damn if he could imagine himself performing for an audience. “Yes, we do. Your identity will remain secure wherever you go in this house. Once you leave the dressing rooms you will be masked,” his hostess explained. “It’s a condition of entrance to the common halls and torture chambers, even though no one would ever take what happens here outside these walls.” She must have noticed him staring at a masked Dom fucking the ass of a trussed up but very orgasmic sounding sub, whose face was also obscured. Her hood, in fact, covered her entire head except the tip of her nose and her scarlet-tinted lips. Yeah, Josh thought, a mask in this place would definitely be a must. After all, he made his living defending people who’d run afoul of the law, and in a few minutes’ time he managed to enumerate at least a dozen statutes currently being violated in the torture chamber of this establishment. Never mind that those laws were archaic fossils no one bothered trying to enforce. The Texas legislators hadn’t gotten around to repealing the old morality laws. What the fuck had Nancy gotten him into? Yeah, the idea of making her come like that sub in the swing turned him hard as stone. What red-blooded guy wouldn’t like to have his woman a total slave to his desires? Never mind that. Nancy had to have lost her mind. Gone berserk. Josh liked Margaret, but why the hell had the woman persuaded Nancy to get involved in the BDSM scene? Josh didn’t
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mind playing little bondage games like the one she’d instigated last night, not if they did it in the privacy of their own bedroom. Tying her up had gotten him hotter than he’d been in months. But having kinky sex before an audience? He had to love Nancy, or he wouldn’t even have been here, much less considering joining the club. “Here’s the toy store,” his hostess said. “Would you like some time to yourself, to shop for your slave?” He didn’t have a fucking slave. Didn’t want one. He and Nancy had always been equals. He loathed men who used their greater strength to force their wills on women. He refused to defend potential clients accused of domestic violence. “No, thank you.” Then they caught his eye. A pair of handcuffs. Very real looking, but for the fact they were shiny red instead of chrome. “Maybe those,” he amended. “Nancy would love them.” “Surely. You know, you seem reluctant. May I guess it’s your partner who wants you to get involved in the BDSM scene?” “Yeah.” Was he so obviously ill at ease? “Some half-ass idea a friend of hers put into her head. Something about needing a break from making decisions -- she has to do that all the time in her job. So now I’m supposed to turn myself into a Dom and make her my bedroom slave.” Though he tried to sound disinterested, Josh couldn’t control his body’s reactions. This place turned him on. Blood flowed to his cock when he glanced through the one-way glass again and saw a sub giving head to one Dom while another one fucked her. “I don’t want to share my -- my sub like that,” he said, protesting his own arousal more than the unspoken suggestion of a ménage. “That’s strictly up to you as her master. Some of our members are into that scene. Some aren’t. Many of our patrons thrive on threesomes. A lot of those in committed relationships don’t, though.” That made sense. “You’re certain members’ anonymity is assured?” The partners in his law firm wouldn’t appreciate hearing he was playing in the BDSM world, any
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more than Nancy’s superiors at the hospital would approve of their prim, proper anesthesiologist getting her jollies as a closet sub. “Very private. You pick your club name, and once you walk through that door into the dungeon in your mask, that’s your only identity. It’s the same for your slave. I’m guessing from your reluctance to share your sub that she’s your wife. Am I right?” “Yes.” And Josh would do anything it took to make her happy. “I believe I’m ready to join the club.”
*** Gathering his courage a few minutes later, “Master Jay” donned a leather halfmask and ventured for the first time into the club world of BDSM. For the first few minutes he felt ill at ease in the chamber, fully dressed while most of the participants were naked or decked out in various provocative pieces of leather. Arousal soon warred with his discomfort, though. A gruff-voiced master handed his hooded slave a new butt plug still in its packaging and ordered her to see to the pleasure of Master Jay. Whoa! Josh took his marriage vows damn seriously. That was the reason he’d come here in the first place. He wasn’t about to let some woman… Was this part of the welcoming ritual, like an initiation of sorts? Surely Nancy wouldn’t have sent him here if she’d known. Would she? Was that what she’d meant by her whispered comment this morning? Maybe she did know, and imagining him getting serviced by another woman turned her on. No. Not Nancy. Not the old Nancy, the proper professional woman and mother of his sons. But the Nancy who’d wangled him an invitation to this place? Yeah, that Nancy just might get off… Josh’s resistance wavered when the sub unbuckled his belt, slid his boxers down around his ankles, and carefully unrolled a condom down the length of his penis. There was something heady about standing there in the corner of the dungeon with his pants bunched around his ankles, watching a strange woman’s black-shrouded head bob up and down on his exposed cock, feeling her fingers on his sac while she worked the plug
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in his ass. He pictured Nancy watching, getting off on seeing him get off. She wanted kinky. Well, that was certainly kinky. Oh God. The sub was sucking the come out of him, swallowing his cock while she ass-fucked him and lightly squeezed his balls. His qualms forgotten, he clasped her head in his hands, forced her to deep-throat him when he shot his load. “Thank you, Master Jay, and welcome to Members Only.” She smiled up at him as she slid the condom from his cock, then turned to her own master. “Would you like for me to service you now, Master?” “Position yourself on the fucking swing.” The master spoke in a tone that left no room for argument. “Master Jay, I echo my slave’s welcome. Come anytime.” He chuckled as he donned a condom and rammed his impressive cock up his slave’s puckered ass. His cleanly shaved ball sac bounced against her plump pink labia with every stroke. Being hairless the way Josh had noticed both of them were had to enhance the sensations of sex. Before he left, Josh spent another hour watching -- and another wad of cash, buying trappings of the lifestyle he was pretty sure he and Nancy would enjoy. Imagining Nancy naked except for the red corset he’d bought her had him practically salivating with anticipation. On the way out he made appointments for the next day with the club’s aesthetician. Thinking about having himself and Nancy made smooth from neck to toe got him rock-hard again as he packed most of his new toys in his locker at the club. Kids or no kids, though, he had to take those red handcuffs home.
Chapter Three “Lock the door, then give me your hands.” They’d finally tucked the kids in and retired to their bedroom. Nancy stared down at the cold metal in her cupped hands. A pair of scarlet handcuffs and an elaborate looking key. “What are these for?” Dumb question. She knew it didn’t make sense the moment she asked it, but… “Your Valentine’s Day present, a day early. I want you to get Madge to stay with the kids tomorrow night. We’re going out to play -- at Members Only.” He’d done it. He’d really gone and joined Maggie’s dungeon. Her pussy already wet at the prospect, Nancy set the key on the bedside table and handed him back the handcuffs. “Want to use them now?” “Oh, yeah.” With one deft motion, Josh cuffed her hands behind her back. “Now I’m about to make you feel good. Really good.” Nancy expected him to toss her on the bed, but instead he knelt at her feet and spread her legs. Her clit swelled and hardened against his fingers when he pulled apart her outer lips and blew on her damp slit. Oh God. That felt so good. She loved having him go down on her, but it had been a long, long time… “Oh, yesss. Don’t stop.” His tongue felt like hot wet velvet on her clit. She strained at her bonds, wanting to bury her fingers in his dark, soft hair and hold him there, coax him to tongue-fuck her cunt. But she couldn’t. She was helpless to his sexual onslaught. “I love it,” she gasped as the first waves of a long-awaited climax rippled through her body. “Love you.” When he stood up she knew it wasn’t over. His big, beautiful cock was rigid, his sac drawn tight against his body. A creamy drop of lubrication glistened at its tip. “I
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love your cock, you know.” He turned her and unfastened the cuffs, only to restrain her hands again after positioning her face down on the bed. “And I love your pussy.” He slapped her smartly on the ass. “On your knees, so I can put my cock inside it.” His whispered order started another twinge of excitement in her belly as she complied, spreading her legs and sticking her butt in the air. Incredible, the feel of him rubbing his cock along her slit, the mingling of lubrication that filled the air with the heady scent of mating. When he plunged into her cunt from the unfamiliar angle, she yelped at the pressure of his thick cock on her G-spot. “Shhh! Quiet,” he cautioned. “Tomorrow you can yell all you want.” Grasping her nipples, he tugged at them while pounding into her cunt. Slowly at first, a wet, tight journey in… a sloshing, terribly sexy sound when he withdrew and plunged back in. His balls slammed into her clit. “Come for me now.” That whispered order opened a floodgate of sensation, as though her body had accepted his mastery and was determined to accede to his every demand. She bit down on the pillow, determined not to make a sound. As she came, she clamped down on his cock, loving the full, tingly feeling in her cunt… the sense of being filled… the hot spurts of his own climax enhancing hers. He collapsed on top of her, his weight welcome… reassuring. She felt him fiddle with the cuffs, felt it when they gave way, heard them clank when they hit the bedside table. He rolled to his side, taking her with him, holding her close. The sounds of them breathing, the shared warmth of their naked bodies… the thump-thump of his heartbeat against her back reminded her this was Josh. The man she’d loved for more than ten years now -- yet a new, exciting lover, too. A master in the making.
*** Nancy counted the hours until she’d go meet Josh at Members Only. The key dangled on a gold chain between her breasts, a constant reminder that in just an hour now she’d walk through those doors, identify herself only as Master Jay’s slave, and
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embark on a sensual journey to a level of pleasure she’d fantasized about yet never achieved. Josh checked his watch. Almost time. His cock twitched when he thought of the night ahead. No kids, no interruptions. No holds barred when it came to giving and taking sexual pleasure. About now Nancy would be getting what the hostess at Members Only had described as “the works.” Full body waxing, a massage to coax away the tensions she’d have built up during her day at work… He got an instant hard-on when he imagined how she’d look, decked out as his submissive Valentine in that red corset, stiletto heels - and not much else. The soft material of his boxers brushed against his naked groin. Amazing how the wax job he’d had during his lunch hour magnified every sensation in his cock and balls. It felt different, not having a hair on his body except what was on his head. The club’s barber had tried without success to talk him out of that, as well, insisting a cleanly-shaven head was the height of fashion for a Dom. He’d resisted, though, opting instead for a high-n-tight flattop that he figured lent him a military sort of look and still wouldn’t be noteworthy when he had to argue a case in court. Not having hair kept him constantly aware of his body in a way he hadn’t been before. The brush of his clothes against his bare skin when he walked kept him in a constant state of semi-arousal. Even his head, relieved of the longish wavy locks he’d worn since college, registered every little breeze, especially on the cleanly shaved back and sides. Stacking the papers on his desk, Josh prepared to go. In thirty minutes now he’d become Master Jay, hooded Dom in black leather and chains. Nancy’s Dom. Though he’d been cool to the idea at first, suddenly he could hardly wait.
*** Nancy had never felt so sexy. So aware of her own femininity. The scarlet velvet corset cinched in her waist, showcasing bare breasts to be offered up for her master’s pleasure. Red stiletto heels and black fishnet stockings held up with garters attached to
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the corset framed her pale, freshly waxed pussy. Her clit poked out, swollen with erotic anticipation, vulnerable to the onslaught of her master’s teeth and tongue. “Master Jay wishes you masked,” the dressing room attendant who’d laced her into the corset said, holding up a scarlet satin hood. “Bend your head and I’ll lace you into it.” The cool fabric molded to her face, obscured it but for two slits for her nostrils and a hole that left her mouth free. Light showed vaguely through the material, not enough that she could see, yet enough to cast her in a rosy glow and keep her from losing her equilibrium. “There. It’s a perfect fit. Your master also ordered you gagged. Open your mouth.” A frisson of fear shot through her when she surrendered her powers of speech. Had Jay gone too far? She recalled what he’d told her this morning as they’d left for work. Your safe word is “ear.” How the hell was she going to use a safe word with a gag in her mouth? No. She wouldn’t panic. It didn’t matter. She’d trust Josh with her life. Come to think of it, that’s basically what she was doing. And she loved every minute of it. The gag -- a ball gag from the feel of it against her tongue and the roof of her mouth -- felt surprisingly erotic, almost as though it were stretching her to take his huge, rigid cock and suck him off the way she hadn’t done for years. The way she’d wanted to do last night. The strap around her head secured the gag, and she found the pressure of it against her occipital bone strangely arousing. Deprived of sight and speech, she concentrated on the sounds of soft, sensual music -- reeds and woodwinds, with a rhythmic background of muted percussion instruments. The music surrounded her, haunting and provocative -- incredibly erotic though subtle, as though it waited to burst out for her master’s order. It carried her, transformed her, took her from her routine everyday world into a place in her head that she found vaguely frightening, immensely arousing, charged with sensual excitement.
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“I will take you to the dungeon your master has taken for the night. Others will see you as we go through the hallway, but after that you will be alone with him.” Nancy hesitated when the woman gripped her elbow. Her breasts were bare. The nipples tingled. She imagined they looked hard as jewels -- rouged jewels. Her bare ass got goosebumps in the cool air, reminding her she was naked below the corset and above the stockings. Totally naked, stripped to the skin for her master’s pleasure. She’d wanted this, needed it, begged Josh to join the BDSM club and bring her here. So why did every heavy footfall that punctuated the sharp clatter of stilettos on the tiled floor make her want to run and hide? She held her head high, tried not to imagine strangers ogling her wet, bare cunt. Maggie did this… surely she did, though she hadn’t mentioned the exhibitionism that must pervade the club. A door opened, then closed with a solid sound. A very male sounding intake of breath told Nancy she was no longer alone with her attendant.
Chapter Four His woman. This delectable creature was his wife. He grasped her waist, compressed with the laces to where he could span it with both hands, lifted her, tasted first one painted nipple and then the other. When he lowered her, he did it slowly, savoring every brush of her incredibly soft skin against his own. If he’d known it would feel so damn good he’d have gotten rid of his body hair years ago. And hers. “Let’s get you onto this swing.” He savored the silence… the little moan of pleasure when he cupped her mound and tweaked the hard little button that was her clit. He’d never been so hard. His cock felt like it would burst. Checking twice to be sure the straps would hold, he secured her facedown on the fucking swing. God but she looked hot, her rounded ass flaring below the tight corset, her shaved pussy framed by the garters and those dusky thigh-high stockings. He could hardly wait to eat her… fuck her… ream her pretty ass with his aching cock. “My God but you’re fucking beautiful.” He spread her legs and stepped between them, securing her ankles and thighs to the swing as shown in the pictures the dungeon master had provided. Rubbing his cock along her swollen slit was pure pleasure -restraining himself from plunging it into her creamy cunt was pure agony. She moaned behind the gag, as though she wanted more. Wanted him. Nancy did want him. Desperately. But he didn’t give her his cock. Instead he stepped back and worked something that felt almost like a cock into her cunt. Its slow, persistent vibrations seemed to enhance the sounds of music… the cadence of his breathing, deliberate yet ragged. God but Nancy wanted to come. The cool air on her pussy lips should have calmed her, but instead it made her hotter. She sensed her guide had left, and that Josh was looking at her. He’d be seeing
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the submissive slut she’d become, not just Nancy, wife and mother of his children or even the competent professional woman she was in real life. Her cunt clenched, its juices flooding her slit. A drop slid down her thigh, stopped by the top of her stocking. “Welcome to Members Only.” His voice, mellow, distinctive… seductive now, was unmistakable. She’d recognize it anywhere. His breath tickled the back of her neck when he bent and licked her there. He wore a mask, too, she could tell from its cool smoothness above the five o’clock shadow of his jaw. The distinctive smell of new leather filled her nostrils, invaded her allencompassing hood. It would be black, she imagined, picturing him in her mind in the silver-trimmed trappings of a real Dom. “Touch me,” he rasped, taking one of her hands and drawing it to his groin. He groaned when she obeyed, curling her fingers around his fully aroused shaft, realizing at once that he too had been shaved. She touched his satin-smooth sac, cupped it, loved feeling his heavy balls shift against her fingers. Her mouth watered, and she wanted to scream for him to take out the gag, let her taste his hot, satiny cock. “You like this, don’t you? Like being my Valentine’s Day slut.” “Mmmff.” She couldn’t suck him so she sucked the ball gag, pretending… pretending it was him in her mouth, her cunt. She tested her restraints, found them as strong as she’d imagined. Helpless. She was helpless to his every whim and knowing that got her even more desperate for him to fill her. From the way she arched her back, from her fast shallow breathing, from the lubrication that gushed from around the vibrator in her cunt and made her swollen pussy glisten, Josh knew it. She loved it. Loved having him possess her this way. The knowledge gave him a heady feeling. She was wetter, hotter than he’d ever seen her. He pinched her clit, a rock-hard nub silently begging for his attention. The swollen folds of her satiny pussy seemed to clutch his fingers when he turned up the speed of the vibrations in her cunt. “Your breasts need some attention, don’t they?” With his free hand he caressed them, pinching and tugging at the taut nipples. “Let’s try these.” He clamped first one
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nipple, then the other, watching with satisfaction when she started to squirm as much as her bonds would allow. “Your pretty ass is beckoning.” He bent and bit one pink ass cheek. “I’m going to fuck you there, and you’re gonna love it.” She mumbled something -- probably an entreaty, but whether to proceed or stop he couldn’t tell. “I’m putting on a condom… lubricating it… lubricating you -- God but you’re tight here.” The vibrator in her cunt buzzed as he inserted first one, then two lubed fingers up her ass, the sucking sound punctuating the silence when he withdrew them. “I’m going to put my cock in you now. Relax and let yourself enjoy this.” Nancy had no choice. The broad head of his cock pressed against her rear entrance, slowly. Deliberately. He wouldn’t stop until he took her fully -- more fully than he’d ever done before. It was all about him being in control, more than the hood and the gag, and the straps that held her firmly for his pleasure. Control punctuated by pain that dwarfed the stinging in her nipples where he’d clamped them, pain of him forcing his rigid flesh into her anus. “Easy, sweetheart. You can take me here. It’s just like losing your virginity all over again.” Hardly. That hadn’t hurt like this, hadn’t made her feel as though he were splitting her apart. She’d never felt so full. So taken. So… mastered. She lay there, open, vulnerable, trying to relax her anal sphincter while the vibrator hummed in her cunt. His abdominal muscles rippled against her back as though he was fighting for control. “I love it, baby. Love you. Come on, relax and let me in.” He pressed forward then, took her. It hurt terribly, yet felt strangely erotic… The pain gave way to a feeling of fullness, of being totally possessed. It built with his every slow, deep thrust into her ass. With each vibration, each tug of his fingers on her nipples and her tingling clit, the sensation intensified. When it burst in a rush of delicious sensation, he sank in her to his balls and let go as he released the nipple
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clamps, enhancing her pleasure with the brief, blinding pain. Long moments later he pulled out of her and removed the vibrator. He bent and nipped her left ass cheek, more a caress than a punishment. “I’m discarding the condom now. Did you know, last night when I joined the club I saw two Doms pleasuring one sub. Would you like that?” No! Although she found the thought strangely arousing, as well as shocking. “Think about it. Maybe next time we’ll try the public room. Right now I’m about to stand you against the wall and fuck your hot, wet cunt.” He unfastened the straps that held her to the swing, but her liberation was short-lived, for he stood her up, her back against a padded wall, and clamped some sort of metal devices around her waist and thighs. She hung, suspended off the ground, legs spread. “This time I’m leaving your hands free.” Scorched by his body heat when he approached, she reached out to touch him. His heart thumped in his smooth, muscular chest, its cadence accelerating, seemingly in time with the crescendo of percussion flowing into her ears. His small pebbly nipples hardened instantly when she brushed her knuckles across them. “Mmmf.” If only he’d remove the gag, let her say all she was thinking. He stepped between her legs, his cock obviously erect again as he slid its broad, smooth head along her wet, swollen slit. He was hot. Damp. “You’re still hot, too. Good.” For a moment she thought he’d take her ass again -- not as fearsome a prospect as it had been before she’d experienced the profound pleasure of total surrender, serving her master’s every need. He didn’t, though. In one hard thrust he filled her cunt. Skin on skin -- his cleanly depilated scrotum rested in her wet slit, the heavy testicles shifting deliciously against her as he pumped slowly in and out. Unable to move with him, she tightened her inner muscles, milking him… loving the way he sank into her so deep, the slick slide of his cock when he pulled out and thrust deeper still. When she slid her hands up his sweat-slick back and ground her exposed breasts into his chest, he moaned. The total smoothness was so erotic -- so sensually arousing
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she hoped he’d want to keep them both that way. Oh God. She needed for him to take her breasts, suckle her. Apparently he heard her silent plea because he dipped his head, took an aching nipple in his mouth. She cupped the back of his head, realized it was as smooth as his body. She found the sweet spot that always drove him crazy, stroked it, so different yet as arousing for her as ever -- no, more so, for this wasn’t the Josh of her everyday life, but the Master Jay of her wildest fantasies. She couldn’t hold back any longer, had to take the release that built with every thrust. The slapping sound of his balls on her bare pussy, the slide of his cock along her wet, swollen cunt, the feel of his bare skin stroking over her own, satin over steely muscles… she’d never come quite like this before. “Fuck. I’m coming. Oh God yes. Squeeze my cock. Yessss.” His hot seed spurted into her cunt, setting off more waves of ecstasy that took her breath away. “Happy Valentine’s Day, my sweet slave.”
Epilogue Her Master. Once he’d unmasked her and she’d seen him, masked and wearing traditional black leather chaps and vest, Nancy had no doubts. This commanding Dom bore faint resemblance to her beloved Josh, yet she loved him as well. Wanted him more. She’d follow Master Jay anywhere, even to the opulent, decadent main torture chamber where he’d hinted he might someday share her with a fellow Dom. Back home again in their vanilla world, Josh kept that aura of command he’d assumed at the club. Maybe it was his no-nonsense haircut, or the timbre of his voice that retained an element of control. Even dressed for court in gray pinstripes and a crisp white shirt -- or to do the yard work in ratty cutoffs and nothing else -- he conveyed the absolute confidence he exhibited on their weekly sleepovers at Members Only. They were going to the club again tonight. Nancy closed her eyes and imagined herself on her knees the way she’d been in their bedroom last night after the children were asleep, her face bobbing up and down on his cock. She loved deep-throating him, cradling his satiny balls in her hands, swallowing the salty, slick essence of him when he came. She loved feeling his fingers tunneling through her hair, exerting his will on her with exquisitely gentle force. In the months since Valentine’s Day they’d made several new friends who shared the lifestyle they’d embraced so fully. Tonight would be the night. She’d don her hood, her corset, and her stilettos and let her master lead her into the mirrored main dungeon and secure her to the elaborate St. Andrew’s Cross. And Master Jay would allow another master to fuck her ass while he buried his own cock in her cunt. For her pleasure… the realization of one of her most vivid fantasies. Her cunt clenched with anticipation.
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Nancy stripped off her work clothes and stepped into the shower, pausing to rub her hand over her freshly waxed pussy. The small clit ring her master had insisted she wear as evidence of her enslavement caught on her finger, and she gave it a tug. She loved it. Loved the lifestyle that had changed their sex life from boring to mindblowing. Her clit swelled and hardened, eager to play. “Soon,” she whispered, toweling herself dry and lifting the heavy gold collar she dared not wear to work. The clasp snapped closed, and she was his slave again. Bound by her master’s will until he chose to end the game for a time and set her free. Whether she wore the collar or not, she was enslaved. Forever bound by her love for Master Jay. For Josh, the man who’d always be her heart’s desire. Her Valentine.
The End…
But for them it’s just the beginning…
Ann Jacobs Ann Jacobs is the award-winning author of more erotic romances than she can count. (I know. We tried.) Ann has also written as Sara Jarrod and Ann Josephson, and has contracted for a series of urban legend books under her Shana Nichols pseudonym. Ann loves to hear from readers. You may contact her through her website, www.annjacobs.us