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and Risk Assessment
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and Risk Assessment Principles, Methods, and Applications edited by
Anna M, Fan
California Environmental Protection Agency Berkeley, California
Louis W, Chang
University of Arkansas for MedicalSciences Little Rock, Arkansas
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publicatton Data
Toxicology and risk assessment:principles, methods,and applications / [edited by] Anna M. Fan, Louis W. Chang. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-8247-9490-7 (hardcover:alk. paper) 1. Toxicology. 2. Health risk assessment. I. Fen, Anna M. 11. Chang, Louis W. [DNLM: 1. Toxicology. 2. Risk Assessment. QV 600 "75565 19961 RA1211.T635 1996 615.94~20 DNLMDLC for Library of Congress
95-39860 CIP
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Current printing (last digit): l098765432
Rocky Cheuk and Jane C . Wang-Chang our spouses, for they are like the wind beneath our wings, giving us constant and much needed support.
Anna M . Fan Louis W. Chang
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The problem with toxicology isnot the practicing toxicologists, but chemists who can detect precisely toxicologically insignificant amountsof chemicals. @en6 Truhaut,Late Professor of Toxicology, University of Paris, 1909-1994) Our theories are the mirrors in which we see ourselves. (Unknown)
There have been monographs dealing with toxicology in which risk assessmentplayedan incidental role. There have been other books and reviews on risk assessment in which the question of the underlying toxicological phenomena was not the main emphasis. The cursorent monograph, to be published toward the end of this century, combines-rightfully the essentials in toxicology logically extending into risk assessment. Although the concept of toxicology is ancient, in practice, the field of toxicology was a specialty within the discipline of pharmacology.It was only about 1960 that toxicology began to establish itselfas a field in its own right. to define possible adverse effects in humans through laboratory Overall, toxicology attempts research, or to review and explore in the field observations of certain toxic or adverse effects in from overdosagesof drugs, humans. These can be quite varied, from the occurrence of poisoning of alcoholic beverages, or from exposureto certain products at the placeof work, or combinations thereof. A major early concern, therefore. was in occupational toxicology. Professional pursuits, and also widespread media attention, in recent decades, have singled out the observation and evaluation of chronic chemical exposures leading to cancer, allergies, neurotoxicity, or to effects on the immune system. In many instances, is the itquestion of cancer that has caught the imagination of the public, with no discrimination of whether justified, or scientifically unjustified, allegations were raised of cancer risks from environmental chemicals. That chemicals could cause cancer was first observed at the workplace, especially at of the end the last century and in the firsthalf of this century. Such observations, involving relatively few V
cases, were madein many of the industrialized countries, and public attention was fostered by extensive publicity. h turn, hilt public knowledge led to the generalization, in the 19488, that the existing cancer burden, affecting several 1OO,ooo9 patients per year, was related to expoauna to chemicals. The obvious candidates for suspicion in the general population were chemicals in the food chainas additives or contaminants. After relatively brief hearings, the Congress of the United States amended the existing food and drug lawsby addition of the Delaney Clause in 1958, which stipulated that carcinogens,as documented in humansor in animals, could notbe added to foods. One might say that this clause was justified, based on knowledge existing at the time. This understanding was meager indeed in the area ofthe mechanisms of minogenesis, in humans. or thatof causes of major types of cancer Beginning with that period, concern with health in general, and cancer in particular, has dramatically enlarged research funding through the National Institutes of Health and other public health service agencies, and also other voluntary societies, as the suchAmerican Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, and other disease-related groups, on causes of major These funds have been a splendid investment. The base of knowledge types of cancer and, importantly, the chronic diseases, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, many are the substantial underlying mechanisms have increased dramatically. Even more relevant advancesinfundamentalknowledgeinthebasicsciences,includingthoseassociatedwith 50 years ago, whereas toxicology. The genetic apparatus and DNA were virtually unknown currently studies on the gene are common and, in fact, are the basis of a new exciting industry that is based on biotechnology, On the other hand, legislation and regulatory actions by varied agenciesin the United States have not taken advantage of the factual knowledge and mechanistic understanding achieved. Yet, the time is opportune to consider mechanisms in evaluating and defining environmental problems, especially those relating to cancer, allergies, the immune system, or the nervous system. We have introduced the term genofoxic to denote a reactive form or metabolite of a chemical that can actas an electrophilic reactant,or can generate reactive oxygen compounds. to yieldsomatic Suchspecificreactivechemicalscaninteractwiththegeneticapparatus mutations, the fundamental change eventuating in cancer, or those that can modify DNA or proteins, including specific receptor proteins, that would eventually be expressed in virtually all others with abnormal other adverse effects. In many instances, cells carrying abnormal or DNA, proteins,needtoduplicatetoexpresstheinitialchanges.Thus,anyactivityaffectingcell duplication rates necessarily will be reflected in the ultimate outcome. A number of nongenotoxic chemicals play a major role in controlling DNA synthesis and cell duplication. However, for nongenotoxic mechanisms, dose-response action must be considemd in applying any results to public health activities. In fact, high dose levels of nongenotoxic chemicals have displayed a varietyof adverse effects, including cancer, in laboratory animals. For that reason, such chemicals were labeled carcinogens. In turn, this evaluation has led to regulatory actions, or even public pressures, that given an understanding of the underlying is widespreadfearof science, are notwelljustified, in myopinion.Forexample,there environmental contamination with a group of chlorinated chemicals known as dioxins. At high dosages in animals, dioxins have induced cancer. However, in studies involving a number of dosages, a low level was found that failed to induce a significant number of specific cancers under the conditions of the test. After high-level human exposure during industrial accidents in the United States and in Italy. the affected individuals displayed chloracne, but observation of the individuals affected has not produced evidence of cancer, except a few select cases, whom for other factors may have been involved. On the other hand, dioxinis a potent enzyme inducer, even at low levels. The enzymes induced are not only those of the cytochrome P450 system, but also phase I1 detoxification enzymes. Studies in animal models with low level dioxins and
a carcinogen show inhibition of the actionof the carcinogen through such mechanisms. The data from the extensive contamination of people in Seveso, Italy, begin to show that the breast cancer rate in the exposed population may be lower than in uncontaminated control groups. Chemical arises procedures can accurately measure tiny amounts of environmental dioxins. The question of whether these are really health risks, or perhaps, might even be beneficial. Recently, it was proposed that hospital incinerators be shut down because of emissions of This dioxins. raises the key problem of the safety to ship and bury hospital waste, which contains hazardous bacterial and viral contaminants, including HIV. I believe that traditional high-temperature destruction of anywastes by localincineration is thesafest,mosteffective,andmosteconomicmeans. Thisalsoappliestosolidwasteincineration byenergyplants,whichisoccasionallynot supported by lay groups with a different interpretation and understanding of the toxicology and objectives, and who often emphasize the potential risks from dioxins. Overall, experienced toxicologists should serveas a sound, objective, information resource on such questions. Pharmacokineticparametersareimportantcontrollingelementsinthedispositionand metabolism of xenobiotics and endogenous products. One mson dioxin displays prolonged activity is the slow elimination of this chemical and, in addition, it binds to the Ah receptor, extending its action on several physiological and pharmacological effectors. In contrast, ethanol is metabolized rapidly and its effect at several target sites evanescent. Metabolic and other pharmacologicalelements are frequentlymodifiedquantitatively bychemicals.Thus,itis important to consider not only the action of individual chemicals, butalso of realistic mixtures of chemicals. Furthermore, itis clear that chemicals usually do not act in a qualitative, absolute way, but that quantitation is most important. One can state that an individual who smokes 40 cigarettes per day is at a high risk of heart diseaseor of specific cancers. In contrast, the effect in individuals smoking b e to five cigarettes per day is hard to define. The question of risk assessment in relation to evaluation of toxicological data is critical. This is especially so for chemicals forming DNA-reactive metabolites that are labeled, thus, genotoxic. In the past, many scientists and regulatory agencies commonly used the linear extrapolation without threshold for all chemicals. Yet, other scientists hold that mechanistic considerations would suggest that the linear extrapolation should be applied only to DNA-reactive chemicals. Even in this instance, to there may be deviations from linearityat low dosesor exposures, and consideration needs be given to practical thresholds for this class of chemicals. Indeed, there are mechanisms for as DNArepair.Damaged cells can be removalofdamagedDNAthroughprocessessuch eliminated through cell death or through the phenomenon of apoptosis. The mycotoxin aflatoxin B1 is a powerful genotoxic chemical in the human dietary environment. It was discovered to be a carcinogen in 1962, and the FDA and USDA established regulations on the maximal amount of aflatoxin in foods for human consumption. The action level selected, 20 ppb, was appropriate, based on practical considerationsof ensuring an adequate food supply, even though in rats, this B1 causes liver cancer. dose level displays active carcinogenicity. In all species tested, aflatoxin This disease has a low incidence in the United States, but a high incidence in equatorial Africa, where the levelof food contamination is100-500 times higher, andthe people are more likely to carry the hepatitis antigen. This might suggest that there is a no-effect levelthis forpowerful genotoxic carcinogen. The regulatory action reflected the proper decision, displaying reasoning and approaches based on sound toxicological considerations. There are also many nongenotoxic carcinogens, and we emphasize carcinogens mainly because,inthecontextofenvironmentandhealth,thequestionofcancercausationand for such prevention is a field of general broad interest. Early developments in risk assessments chemicals assumed that they were no different from genotoxic chemicals. Such cases have not considered that nongenotoxic chemicals function by totally different mechanisms from those applicable to genotoxic carcinogens. Increased support is given tothe operation of nongemtoxic
mechanism, as evidenced by sound laboratory research and considerations of human epidemiological studies, establishing that these agents present a nonlinear dose-response, with a threshold Thus, prevailing environmental concentrations below the threshold should have no adverse effects. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that mixtures of such chemicals affectingdistinct target organs would act independently. Yet, failure to consider these facts can lead to costly proposals to completely eliminate such chemicals,for example, from drinking water. Parts per billion of chloroform and similar halogenated compounds Stem from the chlorinationof water, an important and, in fact, essential health-preserving process. Chloroform can be measured very precisely through accurate chemical techniques. Nonetheless, the amounts usually present in water have no toxicological significance, given their mechanism of action. However, debate still continues over the adequacy of existing or needed evidence to support a threshold phenomenon for nongenotoxic carcinogens. Risk assessment, thus, needs well-informed individualsto consider its use for risk management decision making. One noteworthy point is that risk management is often performed by scientifically lay people, and it often involves social, economic, legal, and political considerato health tions,sometimesresponding to publicpressures,andcannotbetotallyoriented be to developmore promotion. A moreefficient useof publicandprivatefundswould scientifically sound approachesto risk reduction and disease prevention, that are understood andaccepted by everybody. Risk managerscanbestusethetoxicological data base to so that optionsare clearly understood, and decisions can be made inform and educate the public, by all concerned that conform to a reasonable and sound toxicological evaluation and risk assessment. For example, relative to concerns with hazards attached to exposure to electromagnetic radiation from electric wiring, different opinionsare held among some toxicologists, the associated resource priority. and thus the general public, concerning Much has been learned through research about the causes of major diseases affecting people worldwide.Incontrastwiththeviewsprevailingatthebeginningofthiscentury,current evidence, although not totally conclusive, shows that environmental contamination by chemicals play a smaller role than previously thought, at least in North America. In any event, environmental contamination shouldbe avoided through risk reduction and pollution prevention. Importantly, the locally prevailing lifestyle is associated with major public health problems.Thisincludestheuseoftobaccoand,particularly,smokingofcigarettes,associated with a high risk of cardiovascular diseases and specific types of cancer. Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, meaning more than two glasses per day, is hazardous in some speas cigarette use. cificway, eitherassuchorthroughinteractionwithotherfactorssuch Traditionalnutritional habits-high in fat andsaltandtoolowinvegetablesandfruitsaccount for a large fraction of heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and even premature aging, as well as obesity. Greater efforts are needed to inform people of the need to change their lifestyles, and to educate the younger generations toward health-promoting personal habits. Those controlling public opinion and political actions need to be aware that legislation and regulations on toxic materials and ensuing risk control will have little influence on the current highexpendituresassociatedwiththeburdenofchronicdiseasediagnosisandtreatment. be implemented, to ensure Active health promotion related to proper, low-risk lifestyles needs to a healthy public through disease prevention. Humans are entitledtocleanwater,cleanair,andcleanfoods,andsociablepersonal interactions make life worth living. Great progress has been made to ensure clean air and water that in the 1990s is better, in many instances, than it wasinthe 1930s. The public has to understand the differences between theoretical and predicted risk, or the perceived and the real risk. Unfortunately, the media often seem to emphasize the few cases of criminal activities and play up the low, uncertain risk of disease stemming from exposure to trace amounts of chemicals
in the environment. It is important that the public be informed and educated about the major, proved, definitiverisks of lifestyle-associated prematurekilling or maiming diseases. The current volume illustrates a number of these points with reports on chemicals and mixtures with varied toxic actions, the underlying mechanisms, and, eventually, the quantitative for teaching and aspects expressedas risk assessment. It is a relevant and contemporary standard research. At the same time,it is hoped that those utilizing this volume would incorporate in their educational approaches some thoughts on interactionsof toxicological processes and personal lifestyles in disease causation and prevention.
John H.Weisburger
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Recent advances in toxicology have brought us from the period of qualitative evaluation of toxicological effects of hazardous substances to the new era of quantitative assessment and prediction of the healthrisk from exposure to them agents. Classical toxicology has progressed from trying to answer the question,“Is it toxic?”to modem toxicology that attempts to address of the probability the concern,“How toxic is it?” The emphasis on the quantitative assessment for logical risk assessment. of health risk, supported by qualitative evaluation, provides the basis This infomation is useful to characterize the health risk and provide guidance for regulators and decision makers to develop regulatory and risk management options, especially those relating to setting priorities for managing environmental health problems. In the 1%Os, the book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson brought to our attention the toxic propertiesofpesticides.Othermajorenvironmentalcontaminantsidentifiedinclude:polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and methylmercury in fish, dioxins in various environmental media,arsenicindrinkingwater,andleadinoldhomesfromleadedpaint.Occupational exposures of various agents related mesothelioma from asbestos, male reproductive toxicity from dibromochloropmpane, and angiosarcoma of the liver from vinyl chloride. Identification of the agents in association with human disease! conditions has led to the attempts to control and regulate environmental chemicals in order to reduce exposure drastically to these agents, and to eliminate or minimize the diseases resulting from exposure. Efforts to control and regulate chemicals to prevent excessive human exposure have led to is safe?” meal actions include developing drinking water the perplexing question “How safe and air standards and issuing health advisories for toxic chemicals in fish. These actions are based on risk assessment approaches leading to decisions onthe levels of restrictive chemical intake. But the process involved and the considerations included are not simple or straightforward. We have gone through concerns and debates relating to the benzene ruling and the risk level and voluntary versus involunDelaney Clause, and arguments regarding insignificant xi
tary risk. Development of more sensitive analytical methods has led to the capabilityof detecting
lower and lower levels of chemicals and, at times, corresponding lower chemical standards. The concepts of threshold and no threshold for chemicals, especially carcinogens, have generated debatesand diffennt approachesforriskassessment.Mathematicalmodelsandstatistical approaches are continuing to be developedto address the need to analyze data and conduct high to support assessment of human health risk. to low dose extrapolation in order In the 1980s. we saw risk assessments receiving national attention. Ethylene dihide, a fumigant originally thought not to leave a residue because of its high volatility, was found in cereal grains and bakery products. A mathematical model that incorporated exposure early in life was used to address the concern of infant or childhood exposure in the risk assessment. Following was the growth regulator daminozide used on apples. The risk assessments focused on the potential carcinogenicity of 1,l-dimethyl hydrazine, resulting from hydrolysis of daminozide. This product concentrated in apple juice following food processing, and again the major concern was the health effects in young children who consume apple juice. Thedevelop ment of the regulatory decisions in these two cases was the subject of intensive debate and discussions. Dietary exposureto pesticides has been brought to public attention in two recent reports by the National Academy of Sciences, and the related concerns are receiving programmaticattentionatthefederallevel.Decisions for effectivecontrolmeasures for naturally occumng (versus intentionally used) substancesor environmental byproductsare also difficult in drinkingwater,and to make.Examples are arsenic,disinfectantbyproductsandnitrate methylmercury in fish. Not all agencies that need theresults of risk assessment to support their activities have the capabilityorresourcestoconductriskassessment. In thisregard,the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has made available to the public and other agencies results of their chemical specific risk assessmentfor applications in local programs. The need for more trained toxicologists is recognized, and educational programsfor such purposes have steadily increased. Risk assessmentis now oftenincluded as an importantaspect of amodemtoxicologytraining program, but availability of educational and training materials to meet the training needs has not been encouraging. We have frequently been approached by professors, instructors, students, environmental consultants, attorneys, environmental health scientists, risk managers and those interested in risk assessment to help identify a specific useful reference s o m e on risk assessment.We soon came to realize that very useful information was available in journal articles, independent publications and books on special topics. There was not a single publication, however, that readily integrated all the useful, related information into one independent volume, and one was desperately needed It became apparent tous that this was the opportunityto develop one. An outline for the book be considered for practical applications on principles and methods was developed, plus aspects to be a to toxicologist and to that, from practical experience, one would need to know and explore perform risk assessment. This book is our first attempt to provide an answer to all those who ha asked for a textbook or reference book, all in one volume, eliminating the need to go to a was madeto make this diversity of resources to get an overall view and perspective.effort Much a comprehensive compilation; however,due to the vast knowledge developed in the fields of toxicology and risk assessment, it is not possible to be exhaustive or complete in scope and coverage. In this regard, readers are encouraged to obtain more detailed informationby using the references provided at the end of each chapter. For those who intend to pursue professional development in toxicology and risk assessment, it is important to get a formal education in basic toxicology to understand the toxicological principles and not to just mechanistically follow the methodological stepsin risk assessment. and There are limitations and uncertainties attendant to the risk assessment methodology,much
is gained from understanding the principles and issues continuously being debated. Current debates or considerations include the issues surrounding the following: interspecies scaling for body surface area, maximum tolerated dose, bolus dose (overdosing) compared to continuous dosing, benchmark dose. pharmacokinetic modeling, uncertainty factors, mechanism of toxic actions of chemicals [particularly those of genotoxic versus nongenotoxic (epigenetic) carcinogens], threshold versus nonthreshold models for carcinogens, specific cancer sites such as male rat kidney tumors and mouse liver tumors, multiple chemical sensitivity, and toxicity equivalent factors(e.g., dioxins and dioxin-likePCB congeners), among others. Those who use to include social, economic, risk assessment for making risk management decisions often need all expert advice from the toxicologists and risk and technical feasibility considerations; above assessors, or regulatory toxicologists, would be required. The futureof toxicological risk assessment is likely to include emphasis on special sensitive populations (e.g., infants and children, the elderly, ethnic groups), multiple chemical exposures, reducing uncertainties, multimedia exposure, exposure distribution analysis, and default assumptions. Reproductive/developmental toxicity and carcinogenicityare critical endpoints currently consideredfor environmental regulation. Immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and behavioral/ developmental toxicity are getting increasing attention. Endocrine effects and ocular toxicity demand more information. Improved data bases on human activities (often termed lifestyle), data for chemicals chemical Occurrence and monitoring, and overall exposure and toxicological are needed to adequately conduct risk assessments. Harmonization of risk assessment is an objective among different agencies and countries, and refinement of techniques is a goal among scientists. Coordination between researchers generating data and risk assessors using the data is areas with increasing attention important for the further advancement of risk assessment. Related m risk communication, ecological risk assessment, and environmental justice. As is clear from the presentations in this volume, toxicological risk assessment is a complex and important science that will continue to guide and have an impact on future health risk prediction, public health protection, pollution prevention, and environmental regulations. In the twilight of the 20th century, we are proud of all the advancements made in the past decades. Looking into a new century, we can also see the dawn new of excitements and challenges ahead of us. The present volume, we hope, serves as a treatise reflecting the development, accomplishments, and current status in the science of toxicological risk assessment. We further hope that it will also serve as the stepping stone for a new generation of toxicologists to carry the torch into a new era of excellence. of the Admittedly this accomplishmentwouldnot be possible without the refmement organizationof the outlinefor the book and the diligent planning and coordination of the leading scientist@) for each part of Parts I through VI11 of the book, and the dedication of each author. Each is an eminent scientistin his or her area of expertise. Readers are strongly urgedto refer to otherpublicationsandreferencesprovidedbytheseauthorsinordertogainabetter understanding of the relevant subject matters and issues described in their work. The review peer reviewers, whoare themselves authoritative experts, were invaluable comments provided by to ensurethequality of this book.We acknowledgetheimportantcontributionsofthese individuals that made this book possible. Anna M.Fan Louis W.Chang
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Foreword John H. Weisburger Preface Contributors
Part I General Toxlcology 1 Principles and Highlights of Toxicology Arthur Furst and AnnaM . Fan
xi xix
1 3
2 Carcinogenesis: Basic Principles David B. Couch
3 Principles of Genetic Toxicology Wai Nang Choy
4 Principles Underlying Developmental Toxicity John M . DeSesso and Stephen B. Hawk
5 Principles of Neurotoxicity I . K. H0 and Anna M . Fan
6 Biology of the Immune System and Immunotoxicity Kathleen Rodgers
7 Pharmacokinetics and Risk Assessment
Raghubir P. S h a m and Roger A. Coulombe,Jr.
Part II ToxicologicalTesting 8 Acute, Subchronic, and Chronic Toxicity Testing
. 101 103
Ann de Peyster and Moira A. Sullivan 9 Carcinogenicity-TestingMethods
J. A. Wisniewski 10 Genetic Toxicology Testing
Wai Nang Choy 11
The Design, Evaluation, and Inteqnztationof Developmental Toxicity Tests John M . DeSesso, StephenB. Harris, and Stella M.Swain
12 NeurotoxicityTesting
I . K. H 0 and Anna M.Fan 13 Immunotoxicity Testing
Kathleen Rodgers
Part 111 Basic Elements and Approaches in Risk Assessment
14 Cancer Risk Assessment: Historical Perspectives, Cumnt Issues,
and Future Directions Susan F. Velazquez, Rita Schoeny, Vincent J. Cogliano, and Glenn E. Rice 15 Risk Assessment: principles and Methodologies
Welford C. Roberts and Charles0.Abernathy
16 Medium-Specific and Multimedim Risk Assessment Brian K.Davis and A. K. Klein
27 1
17 Noncancer Risk Assessment: Presentand Emerging Issues
John L. Cicmanec, MichaelL. Dourson, and Richard C.Hertzbeg
Part IV Risk Assessment of Chemical Mixtures and Chemical Interactions
18 Predicting the ToxicologicalConsequences of MultipleChemicalInteractions
Edward J . Calabrese 19 Interaction: An Epidemiological Perspective for Risk Assessment
Kenneth A. Mundt and Carl M. Shy
20 The Median Effect Equation:A Useful Mathematical Model for Assessing Interaction of Carcinogens andLow-Dose Cancer Quantitative Risk Assessment
James Stewart and EdwardJ. Calabrese 21 Genetic Toxicology and Risk Assessment of Complex Environmental Mixtures Virginia StewartHouk and Michael D. Waters
22 The Effect of Combined Exposures of Chlorine, Copper, and Nitrite
on Methemoglobin Formation in Red Blood Cells of Dorset Sheep Cynthia J. Langlois, JamesA. Garrefi, Linda A. Baldwin, and Edward J. Calabrese
Part V Models and Statistical Methods
23 Statistical Methods in Developmental Toxicity Risk Assessment
yiliang Zhu and Karen Fung 24 Applications of Receptor-Binding Models in Toxicology
J. Denes, D. Blakey,D. Krewski, and J. R. Withey 25 Statistical Analysisof Heritable Mutagenesis Data
Walter W. Piegorsch 26 Statistical Analysisof Long-Tenn Animal Cancer Studies
Gregg E. Dinse 27 Risk Assessment for Nonquantal Toxic Effects
James J. Chen, Ralph L. Kodell, and David W.Gaylor 28 Physiologically Based pharmacokinetic Modeling of Phenanthrene
I . Chu and Lung-fa Ku 29 Biologically Based Cancer Modeling E. Georg Luebeck and SureshH . Moolgavkar
Part VI Use of Human Data and Animal to Human Data Extrapolation
30 Epidemiology: General Principles, Methodological Issues,
31 Use of Epidemiological Data for Assessment of Low Levels of Lead
and Applications to Environmental Toxicology Richard G. Ames
as Neurotoxic and Developmental Toxicants Jerry J. Zarriello 32 Issues in Data Extrapolation
Joseph P. Brown and AndrewG. Salmon
xviii 33 Metam: Animal Toxicology
and Human Risk Assessment
Lubow Jowa 34 Effects of Chemical-chemical Interactions onthe Evaluation of Toxicity
Amy L. Yorks and Katherine S. Squibb Part WI Risk Assessment: Statutory Requirements and Resource Needs
35 Environmental Laws and Risk Assessment Denise D. Fort
36 Resource Agencies with Information on Toxic Substances’ Health Effects
Hana$ Russell, Todd Millerl and Yi Y. Wang 37 Resources for Toxicology Risk Assessment
Po-Yung Lu and John S . Wassom 38 Electronic Resources for Toxicology and Environmental Health
Mary Ann Mahoney and Charleen Kubota Part Vlll Risk Assessment and Risk Management
39 Role of Risk Assessment in Regulatory Decision-Making for Biotechnology:
EPA’s Experience Under TSCA Ellie F. Clark 40 Risk Assessment for Risk Management and Regulatory Decision-Making
79 1
at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration P. Michael Bolger, Clark D. Carrington,and Sara Hale Henry 41 Comparative Risk Adding Value to Science
Richard A. Minard, Jr. 42 The Use of Comparative Risk Judgments in Risk Management
Carl F. Cranor 43 Risk Assessment in Monitoring, Compliance, and Enforcement
Barton P. Simmons Index
Charles 0. Abernathy United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Richard G. Ames California Environmental Protection Agency, Berkeley, California Linda A. Baldwin University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts D. Blakey Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
P. Michael Bolger United States Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D.C. Joseph P. Brown California Environmental htection Agency, Berkeley, California
Edward J. Calabrese University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts Clark D. Carrington United States Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D.C. Louis W. Chang University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas James J. Chen National Center for Toxicological Research, Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, Arkansas Wai Nang Choy Schering-Plough Research Institute, Lafayette, New Jersey 1. Chu Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
John L. Cicmanec United States Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio Ellie F. Clark United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Vincent J. Cogliano United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. David B. Couch University of Mississippi Medical Center. Jackson, Mississippi xix
Roger A. Coulombe, Jr. Utah State University, Logan, Utah Carl F. Cranor University of California at Riverside, Riverside, California Brian K. Davis California Department of Toxic Substances Control,Sacmento, California J. Den-
Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ann de Peyster San Diego State University, San Diego, California John M. DeSesso The MITRE Corporation, McLean, Virginia MichaelJ.DiBartolomeis
California Environmental Protection Agency,Berkeley,
Gregg E. Dinse NationalInstituteofEnvironmentalHealthSciences,ResearchTriangle Park, North Carolina Michael L. Dourson Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment, Cincinnati, Ohio Anna M. Fan California Environmental Protection Agency, Berkeley, California Denise D. Fort University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico Karen Fung University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada Arthur Furst University of San Francisco, San Francisco, Caliiornia James A. Garreffi University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts David W. Gaylor National Center for Toxicological Reseamh, Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, Arkansas Lynn Goldman United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Stephen B. Harris Stephen B. Harris Group, San Diego, California Sara Hale Henry United States Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D.C. Richard C. Herhberg United States Environmental Protection Agency, Atlanta, Georgia 1. K. Ho University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi
Virginia Stewart Houk United States Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Lubow Jowa California Environmental Protection Agency, Sacramento, California A. K. Klein California Departmentof Toxic Substances Control, Sacramento, California Ralph L. Kodell National Centerfor Toxicological Research, Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, Arkansas D. Krewski Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Lung-fa Ku Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Charleen Kubota University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California Cynthia J. Langlois University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts Po-Yung Lu Oak Ridge National Laboratory,Oak Ridge, Tennessee
E. Georg Luebeck Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington Mary Ann Mahoney University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California
Todd Miller California Environmental Protection Agency, Berkeley, California Richard A. Minard, Jr. Vermont Law School, South Royalton, Vermont Suresh H. Moolgavkar Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington Kenneth A. Mundt University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts Watter W. Piegorsch University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina Glenn E. Rice United States Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio Welford C. Roberts+ United States Anny Materiel Command, Alexandria, Virginia Kathleen Rodgers University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California Hanafi Russell California Environmental Protection Agency, Berkeley, California Andrew G. Salmon California Environmental Protection Agency, Berkeley, California Ria Schoeny United States Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio
Raghubir P. Sharma University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia Carl M. Shy University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Barton P. Simmons California Environmental Protection Agency, Berkeley, California Katherine S. Squibb University of Maryland at Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland James Stewart Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Moira A. Sullivan San Diego State University, San Diego, California Stella M. Swain San Diego State University, San Diego, California Susan F. Velazquez Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment, Cincinnati, Ohio Yi Y. Wang California Environmental Protection Agency, Berkeley, California
John S. Wassom Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Michael D.Waters United States Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
John H. Weisburger American Health Foundation, Valhalla, New York J. A. Wisniewski California Environmental Protection Agency, Sacramento, California J. R. Withey Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Amy L. Yorks University of Maryland at Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland Jerry J. Zarriello Consultant, Tahoe City, California Yiliang Zhu University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida *Current Mliation: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland
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University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi
Anna M. Fan CaliforniaEnvironmental Protection Agency Berkeley, California
Fundamental to the conduct of risk assessment of environmental chemicals is the need to of toxicological understand the principles of toxicologyto provide a scientific basis for the use data, whether derived from animal or human studies, for such an assessment. This section providesadiscussion of thebasicprinciplesandmodemconcepts of toxicology,witha state-of-the-art coverage on specific disciplines, including general acute, subchronic, and chronic toxicity, carcinogenicity, genotoxicity. reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and immunotoxicity. The mechanisms of action of specific chemicals and their toxic effects on specific organs are not explicitly discussed here, but examplesare presented in other sections. Neurotoxicity and immunotoxicity are receiving increasing attention, and there are emerging are referred to Part I1 for discussions concerns on endocrine effects and ocular toxicity. Readers on toxicological testingto gain a more comprehensive understanding of the study of the toxic effects of chemicals and the types of effects that may result from chemical exposures. The pharmacokinetic principles, including the concepts of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, are presented. The importance of the dose-response relationship and cumulative effects are pointed out. All the toxicological principles form the basic foundation of knowledge for toxicologists who perform risk assessment, which would require sound judgments thatare based on an ability to evaluate toxicological data, rather than a straightforward application of the methods used for risk assessment.It is this fundamental knowledge, coupled with a pertinent understanding of other related principles, issues, and perspectives described throughout this book, that enables toxicologists to become distinguished risk assessors. All the factors and issues to be considered in toxicological risk assessment are not specified in any guidebooksor manuals, and the ability to interpret toxicological data for assessing human of the toxicologistswho health implicationsis based on the education, training, and experience are the risk assessors. Considerable variations often exist in the intqretation of data and, for this reason, there are continuing debates on issues such as the significance of male rat kidney I
Part I
tumors, mouselivertumors,contactcarcinogens,thresholdversusnonthresholdphenomenon, bloodcholinesteraseinhibition,andthefinding of teratogenicityin the presence of maternal toxicity, In the area of immunotoxicity, in spite of well-documented immunomodulative effects of some known chemicals, such as tctrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD) and its congeners and some pesticides, it has been difficult to relate these changes to a more definitive health risk or a disease process. of occupational exposuresto toxic gases Acute toxicity has been evaluated under conditions and solvents (chlorine), dietary ingestion of pesticides (aldicarb), and accidental releases of toxic chemicals (metam). Chronic health risks have been the focusof risk assessments for regulatory purposes, suchas these for metals, pesticides, organic chemicals, and inorganic chemicals, in air, water, food, hazardous waste sites, and consumer products. Potential cumulative effects from long-term,low-levelexposuresandirreversibleeffects,suchasneurotoxicityandcarcinogenicity, are of great concern. Reproductive and developmental toxicity receive priority evaluation because of the possibility of a lifelong effect in offspring, especially when teratogenic effects can occur after a single exposure during a sensitive period of organogenesis during gestation. As the regulatory guidancefor evaluating reproductive toxicity (effects on function or structure of male and female reproductive systems, fetotoxicity)is still undergoing review, the authors have focused on developmental effects (birth effects) in the present chapter. Hypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity are often complaints received from the public. Often the cause-andeffect relationship is difficult to establish, and toxicology risk assessment is used to predict potential health outcomes.An understanding of the disposition and chemical reactivity of a chemical and its metabolites is necessary, and pharmacokinetic information is important in this prediction.
1 Principles and Highlights of Toxicology Arthur Furst
Universityof San Francisco San Francisco, California
Anna M. Fan
California Environmental Protection Agency Berkeley, California
Toxicology as an established science is relatively new,but poisons have been known since antiquity.Perhapsoneoftheearliestattemptstodescribethefieldwasin 1198 by the Spanish physician and philosopher, Maimonides, who published a book entitled,Poisons and Their Antidotes. Toxicology is now defmed as the study of the toxic properties,or adverse health effects,of agentsorsubstances.Inessence,modemtoxicologyencompasses two facets:qualitative evaluation, and quantitative assessment of toxicity. Qualitative evaluation here is the study of an agent, either chemical or physical, that can cause or have the potential to cause an adverse or harmful effectin living organisms, be it an intact humanor animal, or some subcomponents of it. The quantitative assessment aspect is described by Philippus T.A.B. von Holenheim (14931541), who called himself Paracelsus and enunciated a dictum: All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy. In a more modem parlance, the statement is the dose makes the poison. In other words, not only is the “toxic culprit” with the capability of inducing harm of concern, but the amount of that agent needed that can cause the harm is equally important. This provides the basis for the concept of dose-response that is an integral partin understanding the principles of toxicology, and for the concept of exposure, an integral partof risk assessment. Practically all phasesof our cultureis within therealm of the toxicologist who studies the adverse health effects of agents or substances. Inthe medical field, toxicity, diagnosis, treatment, are exposed to various agents in the form and prevention are considered. In industries, workers of gases, mists,or vapors; or particles suchas metals, fibers, or dusts: or liquids suchas organic the ambient solvents. In the food supply are fertilizers, pesticides, preservatives, and Inadditives. environment are criteria pollutants in air and contaminants in drinking water. Following Paracelsus was the Italian physician, Bemardin Ramazzini (1633-1714). who 3
was concerned with the plight of the workers; he convinced the medical profession at that time of the importance of exposure of the workers to toxic chemicals in their occupation. He first to be the founderof occupationaVindustria1 medicine; this described silicosis, and is considered is another important contribution to modem toxicology. In most cases, much higher levels of exposure occurin the workplace compared with those in the general environment (e.g., ambient air and water).
II. TOXICOLOGIST AS A PROFESSION The variety of potential harmful effects that can be caused by a diversity of agents in our environment is legion. Some chemicals produce a general toxic action, whereas others appear to be organ-specific. These effects range from subtle, almost imperceptible effects, to gross pathology and even death of the exposed subject. Scientists in this field of endeavor must be conversant (but not necessarilyan expert) in a broad range of related disciplines; this group of scientists who study and evaluate chemical toxicity are designated toxicologists. Being in a relatively new field, the toxicologists often come from a variety of scientific disciplines. Untilthelastfewdecades,therewerenospecificcoursesintoxicologyperseofferedin an academic institution devoted to universities, nor was there a separate department within this field. It is now possibletoobtainformaltrainingandadegreeintoxicologyfroma university department, or training and a degree in a related subject area with an emphasis on toxicology. Previously, toxicologists were trained in a related or ancillary field. Many physiof chemistry,biology,physiology, ciansspecializeintoxicology;otherscomefromfields biochemistry, or pathology. Other scientists, suchas some statisticians and mathematicians, are interested in applying statistical techniques and mathematical models to the toxicological data generated by toxicologists. The fieldof toxicology encompasses such a vast variety of disciplines as athat, result, many as specialistsina toxicologists are veryknowledgeablenot only intoxicology,butserve particular subjectarea, such as reproductive and development toxicity (teratology), carcinogenesis, genotoxicity, immunotoxicity, and neurotoxicity. Each of these is discussed in more detail throughout Chapters 2-6 in this section. In addition to having opportunities in conducting laboratory research or experiments, toxicologists can apply their training to major practical applications of the sciencethat will have an effect in environmental health protection;may they work in a poison control centeror forensic laboratory, engagein regulatory functions,or serve as a consultant to the legal profession or to other industries or organizations. Thus, there are specialties in basic research and in environmental and applied toxicology that provide a variety of opportunities for professional development.
A. Acute, Subchronic, and Chronic Studies Traditionally, the first measurements made by the toxicologists are the generalacute, subchronic, and chronic erects of the agent under investigation in experimental animals. Human dataare preferred, but these studies are difficult to conduct.Use of human data is discussed in a chapter that follows inPart VI. General toxiceffects are of great and continued interest, but they do not dominate the field. Acute toxic effects are generally measured or noted as effects occumng within a few hours after a single exposure (or dose) or after short-term exposure to the agent. The observation period would depend on the type of endpoint evaluated. Often in experimental animal studies, the observationof the percentage of mortalityin the exposed population is the
Principles and Highlights of Toxicology
main object of the study.For these studies, the observation period is generally 2 weeks. By the graphic or statistical techniques, the relative (not absolute) values of the medium lethalordose concentration (LD9 or LC50) after oral, dermal, or inhalation exposure are among the first measurements made. Other studies include eye irritation, skin irritation, and sensitization studies. From the studies of acute toxicological action the initial concept of dose-response emerges. The dose-response relationship is an expression of the graded magnitude of response (or an of dosing effect) correspondingto the incremental increase in intensity of the dose and frequency (or exposure). This relationship is actually evaluated in more extensive longer-term studies, with refinements in the dosing regimen that incorporate a range of dose levels. In acute studies, however, a highdose level of the test chemicalis usually given, and the major target organ@) of toxicity identified. The data generated help provide guidance on selecting dose levels and focusing on special toxicological endpoints for further toxicological evaluations. The various health effects that may result from acute exposures are evaluated in acute studies. From the information obtained from acute animal toxicity studies, the appropriate dose rangeis derived for further toxicity studies. Subchronic studies are usually conducted for a duration of 30,60, or 90 days. For these studies, more detailed pathological changes in organs or tissues, and other physiological and biochemical changesare evaluated. The resultsof these studies provide better insight into the toxic properties of the agent under study, and more information for conducting long-term or chronic studies, which could have a duration of longer than 90 days, or last the lifetimeof the or physiological effectsare then determined in test animals. Detailed pathological, biochemical, a chronic study. Toxicokinetics play an important role in the design of the chronic study. A 9 on chronic study canbe combined with a carcinogenicity study (further described in Chapter carcinogenicity testing). A detailed discussion of the potential health effects of substances to be predicted from animal studies is provided Pa in rt II,Toxicological Testing,which describes the tests specifically designed to evaluate these effects. The mechanism of toxic action of chemicals can vary and for manychemicalsitisnotclearlyunderstood.Thebiologicalbasisoftoxicityforspecific chemicals is reflected in other chapters throughout this book. The use of testing data for risk assessment is discussed inPart 111, Risk Assessment.
B. ExperimentalSystems Thenatureoftheinvestigationsconductedbymodemtoxicologistsencompassesawide vivo), it a human or animal, or a member spectrum. Some studies involve the intact subject (in be organ (in vitro), such of an alternative species. Others may study a specific and isolatedortissue as lungs, brain, liver,or muscle. Assays or systems are developed with organ or cell culture,or with componentsof the cell, suchas mitochondria or enzymes. Attention has been given to the DNA or interaction of agents with the ultimate genetic information found in nucleic acids, the RNA, and the proteins elaborated by them. There is no limit to the interests of toxicologists in the studyof some livingor near-living systems. The in vivo and in vitro testing and the associated assay systemsare discussed inPart 11,Toxicological Testing.
C. FactorsAffecting Toxicity The investigation of the adverse health effects of chemical in exposed biological systems is be considered. The effects extremely complicated. Both absorption mechanisms and rates must resulting from exposureto a substance is more closely related to the “effective dose” than the is usually carried by some componentof administered dose. Once in the bloodstream, the agent the blood, be it a protein or the red blood cells. After passing through the liver, the agent be can
metabolized to a product thatcan be more toxic thanthe original parent chemical,or the agent can be metabolized (detoxified) to a less active or toxic agent. The mode, rate, and mute of distribution and excretion, allmay playa role in the final evaluation of the effects of the material on the subject exposed. These natural biological events are lacking in in vitro test systems, to which experimentally derived metabolism activation is sometimes added, Cumulative efects may result in toxicity being seen in chronic studies that is not seen in acute and subchronic studies. More details relating to the interplay of these aspects are provided in Chapter 7 on pharmacokinetics andin related aspects in later chapters on pharmacokinetic modeling. In the study and evaluation of chemical toxicity, emphasis has been placed on the use of data relevant to human exposure, as the route of exposure can affect the final toxicity. These data would involve major exposure routes such as ingestion, inhalation, or dermal absorption, or combinations thereof (seePart 111, Risk Assessment). However, data have also been generated from studies in which the mute of administration is not of major importance to humans, For intact animals, every conceivable route has been employed; just about every organ in the body has been injected and the agent under investigation has been deposited at the site. the brain,the Thus,information is nowavailableonchemicalsfollowingimplantationin lungs, the eye, the liver, the kidney, the spleen, the muscle, the testes, the ovary, and the subcutaneous tissue. Toxicological endpointsfrom the various studies constitute a wide spectrum of observable effects, suchas behavior modification, alterationsin respiration, changeof color of the eyes of rodents orthe condition of thefur, and quantitative recordingsof activities and other physiologare often measured. Endpoints can range from ical events. Pathological and biochemical changes the most subtle changes, to total oblivion, death. Many toxicologists are mostly involved with the observational partof the science, othersare mainly engaged in elucidating the mechanism of action of the chemical producingthe effects observed with the “toxic” agent or studying the toxicokinetics of the agent. Factors such as sex, age, species, or strain differences; nutritional status; and multiple chemical interactions, among others, may affect the toxicity observation are provided in Part VI on following chemical exposure. More details on these considerations of human data andon extrapolating data from animals to humans. issues concerning the use
IV. THE MANY USES OF TOXICOLOGY By understanding how an agent produces its toxic effects, it may be possible to predict the potential toxicityof other related compoundsbased on the structure-activity relationships.This can lead to developing alternate agents that can have the same beneficial or pharmacological effect, but with much less detrimental side effects on the exposed population. Some materials thatappearinnocuousbecause of theirlowacutetoxicitycanhavesurprisinglyprofound is a casein point.The understanding of the pathological consequences; the thalidomide tragedy types of potentialhealtheffectsandmechanismofactioncanalsohelpidentifypotential chemicals of health concern so actions canbe taken to prevent unnecessary exposure. Data generatedby the toxicological investigations also can result in a great of variety social actions (oreven inactions). Some experiments result in pure academic exercises; it is never possible, however,to predict when esoteric results find a “practical” application. Information can be used to suggest further research, or can result in practical applications such as decisions to clean up a toxic waste site, development of testing requirementsto ensure safe useof chemicals or establishment of environmental standards to limit chemical exposure (see Part VIII, Risk Assessment and Risk Management). Some research results in identifying logical antidotes for some toxic materials. An entire group of toxicologists is concerned with the application of data generated by
Principles and Highlights of Toxicology
various toxicological investigations to make judgments about the risk to an individual or a population who may be exposed to toxic chemicals; these are the risk assessors. One major the exposed individualor population objective of a subgroupof these toxicologists is to protect from harmful effects of agents the in environment by minimizing exposure to the agents through technical support for the formulation of logical environmental regulations. At all times it is necessary to make educated judgments based on highquality toxicological and exposuredata. To this end, increasing attemptsare made to quantitate, through the process risk of assessment, the potential or actual harmful effects of chemicals to those exposed or potentially exposed. Special considerations are now being given to protecting the more sensitive fraction of the are exquisitelysensitive. population:infants,theelderly,andthoseinthepopulationwho Mathematical and biological models and statistical approaches are being developed for data are useful in attemptanalysis and manipulation. Some formulas and computer-generated models ing to examine highdose exposures, and to extrapolate information from one or more data points, or from high doses (from experimental studies) to low doses, such as those foundin the human ambient environment.These are discussed inParts IV and V in thisbook in moredetail. The specialtyof risk assessment has evolved to evaluate toxicity and characterize the associated health risk of chemicals, or to predict the potential health risk and the associated probability that harm will result from such chemical exposure. Finally, ofisinterest that the science of toxicology is one of the very few disciplines that are concerned with protection of the general public from of health harmful substances. Increased use ofrisk assessment is also evident for management issues in the occupational environment. As yet to be completely evaluated are the toxic effects of chemical mixures; in such mixtures, the resultingtoxicitycan be additive,antagonistic, or synergistic.Everyliving organism in the universe is exposed to various complex mixtures of chemicals; this field still needs many more intensive investigations. Exposure to chemicals from multiple media also deserves increased attention. These are discussedPart in III and Part IV. The key to performing adequaterisk assessment is the availability ofthe needed information. More dataare needed on toxicologyof chemicals, exposure patternsin humans, and data on the issues receiving increasing attention, as noted in the foregoing. Thereplatory basis for risk assessmentandresourcesforprovidingexistingavailableinformationisdiscussedin Part VII. Examples of the use of this information in risk assessment and risk management are discussed inParts III and W I .
V. SUMMARY Following the basic principles and highlights pxesented in this chapter on general toxicology, the remaining chapters of Part 1 present indepth details of the various disciplines of toxicology. Each chapter discusses the principles and concepts with a state-of-the-art ofcoverage the current knowledge and status of research development, combined with excellent, pertinent references to that subject. Eachof the following chapters has provided excellent references, including those relating to all aspects discussed in this chapter, the compilation is comprehensive and the topics specific. Therefore, readers are referred to the references found in all these chapters, as they will serve as a complete compilationfor this chapter.
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2 Carcinogenesis: Basic Principles David B. Couch Universityof Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi
In multicellular organisms, cell growth is generally a well-regulated process that responds to specific needsof the organism. Occasionally, however, normal regulation of cellular proliferation is lost, and a cell can replicate in excess of those needs. If daughter cells retain theproperty of unregulated growth, a clone of cells with unlimited growth potential, or neoplasm, can be formed. This chapter concerns malignant transformation ofnormal cells and the ability of process. chemicals to participate in that
II. DISTURBANCES OF NORMAL CELL GROWTH Normal cell replication and cancerous growth represent the two extremes of a continuum of growth patterns (reviewed in Lieberman and Lebovitz, 1990). In the adult, cell replication is generally limited to replacing cells lost through normal turnover. In addition, some tissues can regenerate an approximately normal structure through replication, which ceases after replacement of lost cells. Hyperplasia, an increase in a tissue or organ cell number, may increase the risk of neoplasia in an organ, especially if a chronic stimulus of cell division exists. Replacement of one celltype in a tissue with another is referred to as metaplasia, which canoccur in response to different stimuli, including imtation Since the replacement cells are morphologically normal, metaplasia is not usually considered a precancerous lesion, although occasionally, may precede it neoplasia. Dysplasia ischaracterizedbymorphologicallyatypicalcellsandadisorganized growth pattern. In dysplasia, cells are often pleiotropic and show an increase in the ratio of nucleus to cytoplasm, and Severe dysplasia can be difficult to distinguish from carcinoma in situ,or preinvasive malignancy.A neoplasm (new growth) is defined as an abnormal mass of cells that exhibits uncontrolled proliferation and that persists after cessation of the stimulus (mostoften unknown) thatproducedit.Cellswithproliferativecapacitycangiveriseto 9
neoplasms, which, although they express varying of states differentiation, usually have sufficient normal characteristics that they can be classified accordingto the tissue and cell type from which they were derived. If a cause of neoplastic change can be identified, there is almost always a long delay, or latent period, between the causal event and the clinical manifestation of disease. Benign tumors remain localized in the area in which they arise, whereas malignant tumors, or cancers, have the ability to invade contiguous tissue and metastasize to distant sites where a subpopulation of cells can take up residence and continue unregulated growth. Cancerous cells, then, are characterized by lack of normal growth control, invasiveness, and metastasis, the underlying mechanisms of whichare not yet completely understood.
A. Cellular Growth Control
Cell growth involves duplication of cellular contents, including DNA, and physical division of the cell into two daughter cells (reviewed in Murray and Hunt,1993). These events can be used to describe a cell cycle, the ordered set of processes by which cells grow and divide. The cell cycle is divided into two fundamental parts, interphase and mitosis (M). Cells in mitosis, which includes the various stages of nuclear and cytoplasmic division, are easily recognized, as the replicated chromosomes condense and can be identified by light microscopy. lbo types of processesoccurduringinterphase: (1) continuousprocesses,suchasribosome,membrane, are collectivelyreferredtoasgrowth;and organelle,and(most)proteinsynthesis,which (2) stepwise processes, which occur once per cell cycle. DNA replication is an example of a stepwise process, and it is restrictedto a specific part of interphase called S (synthesis) phase. Cells in S phasearereadilyvisualized by avariety of techniques,includingtheuse of radiolabeled DNA precursors and autoradiography. The remainder of interphase consists of G1 phase, a gap between the previous cell division and S, and G2 phase, a gap between DNA replication and mitosis. Cells in G1 not yet committed to DNA replication can enter a resting state, referred to asGo, distinct from proliferating cells in any stage. The cell cycleis controlled by proteins that interact to induce and coordinate processes that duplicate and divide the cell contents (reviewed in Alberts et al., 1994). These proteins are or from the environment that can stop or delay the cycle regulated by signals from within the cell at multiple specific checkpoints. The cell cycle control system is primarily based on two families ofproteins:the cyclindependent protein kinases (CDK) and the cyclins. Cyclindependent kinases are serine-threonine kinases capable of inducing downstream events. Cyclins, which build up during interphase and are degraded in mitosis by an ubiquitin-dependent pathway, are subunits that bind CDK molecules and regulate their catalytic activity. Animal cells have at least to as GI, S, and G2, ormitotic,cyclins. twoCDKgenesandmultiplecyclins,referred Environmental signals generally actat one of two major check points, one in G1 and the other in G2. Mitotic induction, or passing the G2 checkpoint, depends on Cdkz protein binding to cyclin B to produce a complex analogous to the yeast M-phase-promoting factor (MPF).When activated by phosphorylation, this complex triggers events that culminate in cell division. The G1 checkpoint is the pointat which the cell cycle control system can initiateDNA replication; when conditions are not favorable for cell division, cells may accumulate at this point. Formation of a CDK-GI cyclin (possibly a cyclin D) complex similarMPF to is thought to stimulate the events that lead to DNA replication. In addition to intracellular processes, positive signals, including protein growth factors, from other cells are generally required for cell growth and division in multicellular organisms. In the absenceof these signals,which trigger intracellular signaling cascades to stimulate proliferation, cells can enter the Go phase. Negative-feedback signals are also important in ensuring that the cell cycle control system does not proceed until of CDK,theCDK downstreameventsarecompleted.Anotherregulatorysubunitfamily
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inhibitory proteins(CKI), play a role in stopping progression of the cell cycle (reviewed in Peter and Herskowitz, 1994). An example of feedback control is the system that operates to prevent cells with damaged DNA from entering S phase: a protein, p53, accumulates in cells with G1 by inducing transcription of damaged DNA and seemsto block progress of the cell cycle in the p22 gene, which encodes aCKI protein. Many genes implicated in neoplastic transformation encode proteins that are involved in regulating cell proliferation, either positively,by helping to promote growth and drive the cell pastthe G1 checkpoint, or negatively,bystoppingprogressionthroughthecellcycleand dismantling the control system. If a gene’s product promotes proliferation and is expressed inappropriately, the altered gene is tenned anoncogene. and the normal cellular counterpart is are referred to referred toas a protooncogene.If the genes’ products restrain proliferation, they may also accelerate neoplastic as tumor suppressor genes, as changes that inactivate these genes transformation. In addition to cell proliferation, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes have been implicated in the regulation of apoptosis, or programmed cell death (reviewed in Hanington et al., 1994), the inhibition of which may be involved in the growth of some malignant is discussed further tumors. The role of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in carcinogenesis later in the chapter.
B. Alterations in Cell-to-Cell Interactions Invasiveness and metastasis confer the property of malignancy on a cell.To create a metastatic colony, cells mustbe able to leave the primary tumor, first enter the circulation, then leave it at some distant site, invade local tissue, and proliferate. Angiogenesis is also essential for both of linked steps primary tumor and metastatic growth. These events appear to require a cascade involving poorly understood multiple host-tumor cell interactions dependent on activation of seved genes, some of which are distinct from those that regulate proliferation (reviewed in Liotta and Stetler-Stevenson,1991). The restrictionof a normalcell type to a given tissue or organ is maintained by cell-to-cell recognition and by physicalbaniers, including the basal lamina that underlies of layers epithelial cells. Tumor cell binding to the basement membrane through both integrin- and nonintegrin-type cell surface receptors is an important step in invasion and metastasis, which also depend, in part, on the abilityof tumor cells to digest their way through cell barriers. Several proteinases, which a can disrupt the basal laminae, have been associated with the metastatic phenotype, includihg plasminogh activator and metalloproteinases. Host proteinase inhibitors, including tissue metalloproteinase inhibitom, exist and may act to block metastasis; loss of genes encoding these proteins may favor tumor progression to metastasis. After disruption of the basal lamina, tumor process that may be regulated bytumor cell cells must move into the interstitial sttoma, a cytokinesandinfluenced byhost chemoattractants.Invasionandmetastasis,therefore,are facilitated by proteins that enhance bindingof tumor cells to extracellular matrices and tumor cell ptoteolysis and locomotion. Other factots exist that act to block the production or activity of these proteins, and an imbalance in positive- and negative-control elements can result in acquisition of metastatic potential. Other properties of malignant cells that may be due to alteration in cell-to-cell interactions are the ability of malignant cells to grow sumunded by cells with which they do not normally interact and the ability to elude the immune system. Reduced immunosurveillance may also be due to production of immunosuppressive agents by the cancer.It is evident that tumor cells can produce cytokines with immunosuppressive activity, but the extent to which imis unclear munosuppression might be responsible for the growth and spread of the tumors (reviewed in Sulitzeanu, 1993).
111. CARCINOGENESIS AS A MULTISTAGE PROCESS Because all cancers share the properties of uncontrolled growth, invasion, and metastasis, a of carcinogenesis common mechanismfor their origin has often been suggested. Various theories or havebeenpostulatedtoaddressaparticularfeatureofthemorphological,biochemical, molecular aspects ofthe disease, but these have usually lacked general applicability. Among the of the immune suggested bases for cancer are selective deletionof certain protein species; failure system to recognize transformed cells; alterations in cellular membranes, including those of mitochondria, or of signal transducing pathways; and disruption of hierarchical relations within the somatic mutation and among tissues.An early explanation of malignancy, still widely isheld, theory, which states that a tumor can arise by clonal proliferation from a somatic cell that has been transformed by acquired modification of its DNA base sequence (discussed in Crawford, 1985). Currently, the most commonly held view of carcinogenesis is that virtually all malignant tumors arise from single cells that retain proliferative capacity by a complex, multistage process, in which both genetic and epigenetic alterations are important (see, e.g., IARC, 1992). This view of cancerhasevolvedovermanyyears,basedonbothpathologicalandepidemiological observations, as well as experimental studies of chemical carcinogenesis.As a result of these studies, the process of neoplastic development has been divided into operationally defined stages of initiation, promotion, and progression, each of which mayalso consistof multiple steps.
A. Initiation Skin cancer studies provide support for the concept of carcinogenesis as a multistage pmcess (reviewed in Hennings et al., 1993). Mouse skin tumors can be induced by applying initiators, that is, mutagenic agents, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, directly to the skin. A single treatment of these agents does not typically give rise to but may produce latent damage a tumor, that can result in tumor formation following subsequent insult. The correlation between the ability to induce mutations and tumorigenesis is good for most chemical initiating agents, as well as ionizing radiation and viruses.
B. Promotion Following initiation, subsequent application of certain substances, referredto as tumor promoters, to the skin can result in development of numerous benign papillomas. Tumor promoters of initiators (Pitot et al., 1992). First, have, in general, properties quite different from those promoters are not themselves mutagenic, that is, promotion is commonly an epigenetic phenomenon,which,likedifferentiation,involveschangesingeneexpression,notgenestructure. Although promoting agentsare incapable of directly inducing structural genetic changes, they may induce metabolic changes that lead to mutation. Specifically, the formation of active oxygen radicals that occurs as a consequence of exposure to various promoters can produce base modifications,DNAstrandbreaks,andchromosomalalterations.Thesesecondaryeffects may acceleratethetransition of cellsfrompromotiontoprogression.Second,unlikemost initiating agents, many promoters do not require metabolic activation, and several act through specifictargetcellreceptorstoenhancegenetranscription.Whereasinitiation is generally considered to be an irreversible process, promotion is not, so repeated exposure to promoters may be required for tumorigenesis. Possible mechanismsof tumor promotion, which need not be mutually exclusive, include induction of cell proliferation; inhibition of intercellular communication, which relieves initiated cells from restraint normally exertedby surrounding normal tissue; and immunosuppression.
C. Progression The rate of conversion of papillomas to carcinomas, termed progression or malignant conversion, can be increasedby treatment with some agents. Similar to initiation, progression is thoughtto have a genetic basis and be essentially irreversible. As aneuploidy (an abnormal number of chromosomes) is a common feature of cancer cells, it has been suggested that genomic instability itself could contribute to tumor progression (see, e.g., Nowell, 1991). A great number of genes code for proteins involved in maintaining genomic stability, including those involvedDNA in replication and repair, mitosis, and control of the cell cycle. Mutations in these genes, which could decrease stability, would not necessarily produce the malignant phenotype directly, but to the would increase the likelihood of mutation throughout the genome, which could contribute evolution toward malignant behavior and heterogeneity characteristic of tumors.
D. Molecular Targets in Multistage Carcinogenesis Heritable alterations that leadto altered expressionor function of genes involved in regulation of proliferation and differentiation are important in carcinogenesis. Protooncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are two such gene classes. Protooncogenes are normal cellular genes that, when inappropriately activated by mutational events to oncogenes, alter regulation of growth and 1990). Mutations of this sort have a dominant effect (i.e., differentiation (reviewed in Cooper, only one affected allele confers the mutant phenotype on the cell). Many oncogenes have been identifiedthroughtheirpresenceintransformingretroviruses or bytheirassociationwith chromosomal abnormalities. Protooncogene products include molecules implicated in all phases by oncogenes, with a representative gene given in of cell signaling. Signaling elements encoded parentheses, include growth factors (sis), membrane-associated tyrosine-specific kinases (m), GTP-binding proteins(rm),growth factor receptors(erb B), cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases(fes), steroidlike growth factor receptors(erb A), serine/thonine-specific protein kinases (raj), and nuclear proteins associated with gene expression (myc). Genetic mechanisms by which protooncogenes can become activated include insertional mutagenesis (proviral insertion or transpositionintoadefinedhostgenomiclocus),geneamplification,pointmutation(base-pair substitutions, insertions, and deletions), and chromosomal rearrangement (deletions, inversions, and translocations). Alterations in protooncogene expression are not associated with all tumors, however, and it has been argued that generationof cancer genes by genetic transpositions,or recombinationbetweenlargelynonhomogenousregions, may also be importantinhuman disease (Cairns, 1981; Duesberg et al., 1991). Translocations can, if the breaks occur within or fusion proteins, genes on each involved chromosome, also result in creation of chimeric, which, like oncogene proteins, often transcription factors and are commonly associated with tumors (Rabbitts, 1994). Genetic alterations that inactivate tumor suppressor genes may also lead to loss of control of proliferative and differentiation processes and increase the likelihood of neoplastic transfor1993). As bothalleles must usually be affectedto alterphenotype!, mation (reviewed in Knudson, mutations in tumor suppressor genes have recessive effects on the cell. The best-studied tumor suppressor genesare the Rb gene andthep53 gene. TheRb gene, associated with retinoblastoma, a rare human cancer, codes for a protein that, when not phosphorylated, appears to block passage from G1 to S, apparently by complexing with a transcription factor. Individuals predisposed to the disease have experienced germline mutations inactivating one allele of the Rb gene, and cancers can developif the remaining gene functionis lost. Most genetic mechanisms that lead to inactivationof the second allele usually involveloss of flanking regionsof the chromosome as well, and the resulting loss of heterozygosity of restriction fragment length polymorphisms is indicative of a cancer-dependent loss of function of a tumor suppressor gene (reviewed in
Dunlop, 1991). In addition, inactivation of one tumor suppressor gene allele through genomic imprinting,ordifferentialexpressionofpaternalandmaternalgenes, maybe arelatively common phenomenon (Hochberget al., 1994). Mutations of the p53 gene are the most common genetic lesions associated with human cancer. As with the Rb gene, people who inherit only one functional copy of the p53 gene m predisposed to cancer development (the Li-Fraumeni syndrome) and, like the Rb gene product, the p53 protein acts to block cell replication. The p53 protein binds DNA and induces expression of a gene the product of which inhibits protein kinase activity of a CDK-cyclin complex. As previously noted, p53 may function to halt proliferation in cells with damaged DNA, allowing the cellsto repair damage before replication.Loss or inactivation ofp53, then, may not only allow proliferation of initiated cells, but also generate further mutations when damaged DNA is replicated, contributing to the genomic instability that characterizes cancer cells. It has been technically easier to identify protooncogenes thantumor suppressor genes,so many more of the former (about 60)are currently known, whereas there are about 15 knownor suspected tumor suppressor genes. The multiple tumor suppressor gene ( " S I ) , that encodes the cell cycle regulatory protein, p16, and theBRCAl gene, implicated in some human breast cancers have been recently described, however, and it is likely that more genes oftype thiswill soon be identified. Many lines of evidence suggest thata single alteration is not sufficient to convert a normal cell into a malignant one, and it seems apparent that neoplastic disease development involves loss or inactivation of multiple tumor suppressor genes, or activation of protooncogenes, or a combination thereof, throughout the carcinogenic process. In addition to protooncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, other targets important for neoplastic transformation may exist. For example, transformation effector and suppressor genes have been described that are normal cellulargeneswhichencodeproteinsthatcooperatewith, or oppose,oncogenefunctions, respectively(BoylanandZarbl,1991). Many othercancer-relatedgenetargetshavebeen proposed,includingmigrationgenes,metastasisandmetastasissuppressorgenes,genomic instability genes, immune tolerance genes, and epigenetic regulation genes (Cheng and L a b , 1993), and cooperative interactions between various genes seems be to involved in acquisition of malignant properties.
E.EpigeneticChanges Heritablealterationsthat are notgenetic,thatis,duetoalterationsin DNA sequence, or mutations, are referred to as epigenetic. Epigenetic changes involved in regulating gene expression include alterations inDNA methylation, transcription activation, translational control, and posttranslational modifications. These changes, which may be heritable and stable (Holliday, 1987).arenotuniquetocarcinogenesis,butalsooccurduringnormaldevelopmentand differentiation. It is also possible that mutations can result from interactions of xenobiotics with targets other than DNA, as shown, for example, by the ability of manganese ion to reduce the fidelity of DNA polymerase (Beckmanet al., 1985). Nonheritable epigenetic changes, such as or hormonal effects, mayalso contribute to stimulation of cell proliferation through cytotoxicity neoplastic transformation (see, e.g.,Melnick et al., 1993 and references cited therein). Cell division is essential for convertingDNA damage into mutations andfor selection of cells with altered phenotype. If an initiating event has occurredin a cell, clonal expansion also increases may the likelihoodof further genetic or epigenetic changes, and agents that induce cell division influence each stage of carcinogenesis involving genetic change. An agent's ability to induce proliferationinagiventissuedoesnot,however,unequivocallydemonstrateitspotential carcinogenicity, as the only relevant population to carcinogenesis is the initiated cell(s). Finally,
some investigators believe the somatic mutation theory may place undue emphasis on only one element of a multifaceted, dynamic process (see, e.g., Vasiliev, 1983; Farber, 1984; Epstein, 1986). One alternate view is that a hierarchy of morphogenic fieldsor tissue organizersare of primary importance in maintaining control of growth and differentiation (Rubin, 1985). This as the principal determinants concept identifies epigenetic changes that alter tissue organization of malignant transformation, and the chromosomal and other genetic modifications that occur m regarded as epiphenomena, or adaptive changes secondary to the primary events.
Theterm chemicalcarcinogenesis is usuallydefinedastheinduction or enhancement of neoplasticdisease,includingbothbenignandmalignanttumors, byxenobiotics.Chemical carcinogenicitycanbemanifested by (1)anincreasedfrequencyoftumors also seen in controls, (2) appearanceof a type of tumor not seen in controls, (3) a decreased latentperiod before appearanceof tumors, or (4) an increase in the numberof tumors produced per animal (Lu, 1991). Epidemiological evidence for chemical carcinogenesis existed before animal models are nowused to classifycompounds weredeveloped,andbothanimalandhumandata accordingtotheircarcinogenicity.Differentriskassessmentmethodologiesandregulatory approaches have been developed for environmental chemicals classified as carcinogens and those considered noncarcinogenic. Inevaluationofchemicals for carcinogenicpotentialbytheInternationalAgency for Research on Cancer (IARC), human data, usually from occupational or medical exposures,are given more weight than animal data, and evidence for carcinogenicity is considered stronger be demonstrated at low dose, in when malignant tumorsare induced, when carcinogenicity can several species and strains, and if the chemical under consideration reacts with DNA. On the basis of these considerations, chemicalsare placed in oneof four categories: group I includes those agents for which there is sufficient evidence to conclude they are carcinogenic to humans; agents in group 2 are considered either probably (group 2a) or possibly (2b) carcinogenic to humans, dependingon the strengthof the supporting data; agents group in 3 are not classifiable as to carcinogenicity; and agents in group 4 are considered tobe unlikely to be carcinogenic to humans. Presently, over 50 agents, mixtures, and occupational settings are considered to be carcinogenic to humans, and about 200 more are classified in group2 ( M C , 1987). The compounds that have been identified as carcinogens are not believed to account for most human neoplastic disease, however, which appears to be associated with lifestyle, particularly diet, the use of tobacco products, and alcohol consumption (see, e.g., Weisburger, 1994b).
A. Mode of Action I . Initiators In the multistage paradigm of carcinogenesis, chemicalsmay act to increase the likelihood of cancers by initiating neoplastic transformation in cell, a promoting tumor formation,or conferring malignant properties on a neoplasm. Chemicals that by can, themselves, induce cancerare called complete carcinogens, which exhibit properties of all three (initiating, promoting, and progressor) agents (reviewed in Lu, 1991). Few agents are known thatare pure initiators, without promoter or progressor capability, but many carcinogens act as initiators at low doses. Most initiating agents are genotoxic (i.e., they, or their metabolites, can react withDNA to produce may be unrepaired, reversed through adducts or other genetic lesions). Initiator-induced damage beerror-free DNA repair,or,if the DNA sequenceisnotexactlyrestored,misrepaired fore S phase DNA replication, which may be blocked by some nonrepaired lesions, but that
be expected to can proceed past others. Following replication, then, misrepaired lesions would result in a high, repaired and lesions in a low, probability of mutation, whereas unrepaired lesions would be expected to lead to cytotoxicity or mutation with high probability. Carcinogenic initiation becomes essentially irreversible after the cell undergoes replication.
2. Promoters 'hmor promoters are known to produce a variety of effects on cells, ultimately leading to cellular proliferation. In skin cancer models, promoters increase the frequency of tumor formation markedly only when given after exposure to initiators and if sufficient exposure to promoter occurs. Phorbol esters, especially tetradecanoylphorbol acetate ("PA), are the best-studied tumor promoters(reviewedinCastagna, 1987). Cytosolicandmembrane-boundproteinkinaseC (PKC) is a receptorfor the phorbol esters, and their biological effects are probably produced by modulatingPKCactivityandthesubsequentactivation or inhibition by PKCof enzymes involved in cell proliferation. Other promoters thatare structurally dissimilar to TPA, such as teleocidin and aplysiatoxins, may also produce their effects by interacting with PKC. Some cytotoxicants, such as nitriloacetic acid, and hormones, such as estradiol, do not interact with PKC, but act by increasing cell proliferation. If cell antioxidant defenses are overwhelmed, oxygen radicals can induce DNA damage and alter membrane-associated activities, such as signal transduction, and generation of free radicals may be involved in promoting effects of compounds such as chrysarobin, palytoxin, and peroxides. In contrast with promoters, cocarcinogens,such as ethanol,increasethecarcinogenicity of simultaneouslyadministered initiators. These compounds may increase the effective concentration of the ultimate carcinogen, for example, through effects on absorptionor metabolism, but the agents alone are not considered to be genotoxicants. 3. ProgressorAgents to that of progressionare Chemicals capableof inducing transition from the stage of promotion progressor agents. Since karyotypic alterations are a distinctive trait associated with progression, genotoxicants, especially clastogens, are potential progressor agents. The human carcinogens arsenic, asbestos, and benzene can induce chromosomal aberrations and may have progressor activity as well (Pitot et al., 1992), and it is possible that more progressor agents without significant initiatingor promoting activitiesare yet to be discovered.
B. Chemical Classes of Carcinogens Awidevariety of chemicalcompounds,oftenwithnoobviousstructuralsimilarities, are carcinogenic (reviewed in Williams and Weisburger, 1991). A common mechanism for many diverse chemical agents has been proposed, namely, that compounds that are not themselves electrophilic reactants (direct,or ultimate carcinogens) mustbe metabolized to an electrophilic form that can Eact with nucleophilic moieties of cellular macromolecules (reviewed in Miller and Miller, 1981). Direct carcinogens are sometimes classified as genotoxic (DNA-reactive), whereas chemicals classified as nongenotoxicor epigenetic carcinogens do not damage DNA, but enhance the growth of tumors induced by genotoxic carcinogens. Chemicals may work through both genotoxic and nongenotoxic mechanisms, however, and it is not often easy to assign a chemical to a given category (Barrett, 1992). As most known chemical carcinogens are procarcinogens, which require metabolic intervention to become ultimate carcinogens either directly or through an intermediate stage, the proximate carcinogens, biotransformation is an important process in initiating chemical carcinogenesis and in determining the site of tumor formation. Xenobiotic metabolism, including of that carcinogens, is generally dividedintophase I reactions, which include oxidations, especially those mediated by the cytochrome P450 group
of enzymes, reductions, and hydrolyses, and phase I1 reactions, which involve conjugation of a number of substrates with the xenobiotic. Many agents require more than one enzymatic step for activation (i.e., they are converted first to proximate carcinogens then to ultimate carcinogens). The amountof ultimate carcinogen produced depends on the relative activities of the activation and detoxification pathways. I . Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons It is beyond thescope of this chapter to describe all known carcinogens and their metabolism, butsomerepresentativeclasseswill be discussed.Somecarcinogens,including polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) can be produced by incomplete combustion of organic matter, including fossil fuels, and are widely distributed in the environment. A common source of humanexposuretotheseagents is tobaccosmoke.Many PAH, includingbenzo[a]pyrene, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene,and 3-methylcholanthrene, have been carcinogenic in animal studies. The metabolic activation ofPAH requires a sequence of three reactions, catalyzedby enzymes of the cytochrome P 4 5 0 system, specifically CYPlA1, leading to generation of a dihydrodiol epoxide. Initially, it was felt that carcinogenicity was associated with K-region (Le.,the 9-10 phenanthrene-like double bond) epoxides, but it has since been shown that metabolites with epoxides adjacentto a bay region of the molecule are the active compounds. In vitro, dihydrodiol epoxides do not appearbetosubstrates for epoxide hydrolase, which may be important to their carcinogenicity.A class of sterically hindered bay region derivatives termed fjord region diol epoxides display marked genotoxic properties, together with resistance to hydrolysis, andmay be important carcinogens, as well (see,e.g., Hecht et al.,1994). Heterocyclic aromatic compoundsare a related groupof carcinogens, which also canarise from combustion, andsomemembersof this class, the heterocyclic aromatic amines, are pyrolysis products are foundincookedfoods(reviewedinSugimuraand of aminoacidsandproteinsand Wakabayashi, 1990). Representative members of this group include IQ, MeIQ, Glu-P-1,and Trp-P-l. Polycyclic aromatic heterocyclic agents undergo oxidation by another member of the cytochrome P 4 5 0 family, CYPlA2. Prostaglandin H synthase can,in the presence of arachidofree radical intermediates that also can bioactivate many chemical carcinogens, nic acid, generate et al., 1990). This pathway is probably of such as PAH and aromatic amines (reviewed in Eling most significance in extrahepatic tissues with low monooxygenase activities.
2. Aromatic Amines and Azo Dyes Unlike PAH, aromatic amines andazo dyes are not widely encountered in the environment, but individuals are exposed to these synthetic agents in certain occupational settings. Indeed, the initial observation that led to the discovery of this group of carcinogens was the finding of bladdercancerinanilinedyeworkers.Themetabolism of theprototypearomaticamine, 2-napthylamine, also involves oxidationby cytochrome P450 monooxygenases. One product, 2-napthylhydroxylamine, rapidly undergoes conjugation with glucuronic acid in the liver, and the unreactive conjugateis excreted in the urine. In the urinary bladder, however, low pH and the presence of a soluble p-glucuronidase regenerate the hydroxylamine, which can form the (AAF), ultimate carcinogen. Other aromatic amine carcinogens, such as 2-acetylaminofluorene also are converted to active N-hydroxyl compounds. Azo dyes undergo both reductive and oxidative metabolism, the latter catalyzed by both cytochrome P-450 and flavin-containing monooxygenases. Like aromatic amines,azo dyes are convertedto N-hydroxyl derivatives that as proximate carcinogens. can be further metabolized to esters that serve 3. N-Nitroso Compounds Many N-nitroso compounds are carcinogenic, producing tumors at a wide variety of sites. The prototype agent is N-nitrosodimethylamine, a symmetrical N-nitrosamine reported tobe carci-
nogenic in all animal species tested. Other nitrosamines, including asymmetrical compounds, such as N-nitrosomethyl-n-propylamine,and cyclic compounds, such as 4-(methy1nitrosamino)1-(3-pyridyl)-l-butone (NW), 'a tobacco-specific compound, are also animal carcinogens. Humans can be exposed to certain of these agents (e.g., NNK) in the environment, and other compounds in this class may be generated in vivo through the reaction of nitrite ion with amines and amides. Nitrosamines undergo oxidation by several enzymes, including the cytochrome P450 monooxygenases CYPlA2, CYP2A6, and CYP2D6. The resulting metabolites are converted nonenzymatically to the ultimate carcinogens, which maybe diazonium compounds or carboniumions.AsubgroupofN-nitrosocompounds,includingalkylnitrosoureas,introsourethanes, and nitrosoguanidines, give rise to reactive intermediates without the intervention of cellular metabolism. The symmetrical hydrazines may be converted through a series of reactions to the same ultimate carcinogens that are produced from nitrosamines. 4. Other Catrinogens Carcinogenic propertiesare also associated with some natural products, including aflatoxinB1, formed by certain strains of Aspergillus flaws, safrole, cycasin, and isatidine. Halogenated as carbon tetrachloride, ethylene dibromide, and vinyl chloride are aliphatic hydrocarbons, such another classof carcinogens, and urethane and related compounds make up another small group. Inorganic chemicals, including some metals and metalloids (e.g., beryllium, chromium, nickel, and asbestos), and miscellaneous organics, including thiourea and thioacetamide, have also been implicated as carcinogens. Agents that increase the number of peroxisomes in tissues, although not considered genotoxic themselves, can produce tumors in rodents (reviewed in Gibson, 1993). These agents damage DNA through increased production in the cell of active oxygen species and can induce proliferation, oncogene activation, CYP4504A1 induction, and hepatomegaly. Examplesof peroxisome proliferators include clofibrate, di(2-ethylhexy1)phthalate and 1,l,Ztrichlorethane.
C. Anticarcinogens Dietary constituents are known that inhibit carcinogenesis (reviewed in Weisburger, 1994a). Several antipromoters have been identified that are analogues of vitamin A, a retinoid essential for normal epithelial cell differentiation. Retinoids and other carotenoids appear to block the promotion-progression phase of carcinogenesis, as they are ineffective when given before or together with an initiating carcinogen, but can block the promoting effects of phorbol esters. Anticancer activity has also been demonstrated in some models with other antioxidants, as such vitamin E, selenium, and the polyphenol, epigallocatechin gallate. Sphingolipids, which are hydrolyzed toPKC inhibitors, and some fatty acids, such as conjugated linoleic acid and the (0-3 fattyacids,especiallyeicosapentaenoicacidanddocosahexaenoicacid,whichmodifythe conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins, also show anticarcinogenic activityin some circumstances (Borek, 1993). Components of cruciferous vegetables, suchas phenethyl isothiocyanate, inhibit production of lung cancer by a nitroso compound found in tobacco smoke; and ellagicacid,whichinhibits CYPlAl activityandreducestheincidence of PAH-induced carcinomas,are other examplesof this group. Both synthetic and naturally occurring compounds with the ability to inhibit preneoplastic events of carcinogenesis have been employed in cancer chemoprevention studies (see,e.g., El-Bayoumy, 1994).
Variation, both in number andsite of tumors, has been noted in the response of different animal speciesandstrainstothesamechemicalcarcinogens. This variability mayberelated to endogenous factors, such as extent of metabolic activation and detoxification reactions,DNA repair capability, and capacity for cell proliferation.
A.AnimalStudies Over 400 long-term chemical carcinogenesis studies using rats and mice have recently been reviewed (Huff et al., 1991). and some similarities in incidence and site of tumor development were found. For example, in both species of rodents, liver is the most common tumor site, and, although mice are more likely to experience liver tumors, there is an 80% interspecies concordance for hepatocarcinogenicity. Other organ sites, such as lung, forestomach, and the in hematopoetic system, also show a high interspecies correlation. Differences were also noted response of the two rodent species. For example, female rats had the most chemically associated mammary tumors, whereas the male rat was most prone to chemically induced tumors of the kidney and pancreas. Furthermore,tumors at some sites were far more common in a particular species: for example, urinary bladder cancers occur more frequently in the rat, but harderian gland neoplasmsare found mainly in the mouse. Sites of tumor formation in humans show some similarities to those produced in rodent carcinogenicity bioassays(Huff et al., 1991). The lung, hematopoetic system, mammary gland, of development in both urinary bladder, and uterusare among the ten most frequent sites tumor the United States population and in rodent bioassays. Moreover, all agents for which there is evidence of carcinogenicity in humans cause cancer at a common site in at least one animal species. In contrast, the data for inductionof human tumors by known animal carcinogensare much less consistent, perhaps because human dataare lacking for some chemicals, or because of the difference between genotoxic and nongenotoxic carcinogens. Most known human carcinbgens are genotoxicants, whereas about half known rodent carcinogensare of the nongenotoxic Variety, which usually require long exposuresto relatively high doses to cause their effect. The mechanism of tumorigenesis by these agents may thus be so different from that of genotoxic carcinogens that extrapolation to the low doses to which humans are exposed is questionable. as found in Some chemicals, however, also produce tumors in humans in the same organs kats or mice.Examplesareaflatoxinanddiethylstilbesterol,whichwerefirstshownto be carcinogenic in rodents.
B. Biotransformation Many carcinogens must undergo biotransformation to produce the ultimate carcinogen, and some bbserved species differences in susceptibility to carcinogenesis have a metabolic basis. Many of to electrophilic, reactive agentsare the reactions that convert chemically stable procarcinogens cartiedout by cytochrome P450 enzymes.Multiple P450 isozymesexistwithdifferent substrate specificities or differences in their distribution among organs, species, and individuals (Harris, 1991). The differential Sensitivity of rodents and humans to vinyl chloride-induced liver tumors is one exampleof metabolic capacity determining tumor incidence (cited M C in,1992). Rats and mice oxidize vinyl chloride 12 and 15 times faster (normalized bybodyweight), respectively, thando humans, and the mdent sensitivity to vinyl chloride-induced liver cancer is
greater by approximately the same degree. There are also many instances in which species be explained by metabolism: Cotton rats, for example, are differences in carcinogenicity cannot resistant to the carcinogenic effectsof A A F , although the compound is readily metabolized in vivo to genotoxic products. be modifiedby In addition to species differences, xenobiotic-metabolizing activity can other variables, such as pharmacokinetic factors. The relatively high doses employed in testing regimens may saturate some metabolic reactions, whereas, at the lower doses to which maybequalitativelyand humans are exposed, rates and pathways of metabolic processes quantitatively different, Nutritional factors, hormonal influences, or exposure to carcinogens In animalstudiesthat orotherdrugscanalsoalterdrug-metabolizingenzymaticactivity. be controlled, and metabolic difuse reasonably homogenous populations, these factors can ferencesbetweenindividualanimalsaregenerallysmall.Inhumans,however,therecan be considerable interindividual differences, which may be reflected in different risk of neoplasticdisease.Inadditiontoenvironmentalornutritionalfactors,geneticpolymorphisms or detoxification (reviewedin Idle exist in several enzymes that catalyze carcinogen activation et al., 1992). Polymorphisms that may modulate chemical carcinogenesis are known for both phase I reactions, including those catalyzed by members of the cytochrome P-450 familyCYPlAl, CYPlA2, CYP2A6, C W D 6 , and CYP3A4-and phase I1 reactions, including UDPglucuronosyltransferases, N-acetyltransferases, sulfotransferases, and glutathione S-transferases. Although these polymorphisms are well-established, epidemiological data linking a particular phenotype to increased or decreased cancer risk are often lacking. An association between the extensive metabolizer phenotypeof debrisoquine-4-hydroxylase(CYP2D6) and increased lung cancer risk hasbeen reported, and the tobacco-specific nitrosamine, NNK, is a substratefor this enzyme. Associations between arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase inducibility(Cm1 Al)and lung andlaryngealcancerandbetweentheslow-acetylatorphenotype(N-acetyltransferase)and bladder cancer and the fast-acetylator phenotype and colon cancer have also been reported.
C. DNA Repair
The DNA molecules undergo frequent, potentially mutagenic alterations, including spontaneous deaminations, depurinations, and oxidative damage,as well as damage from xenobiotic exposure. Most alterations are quickly corrected by a variety of DNA repair processes, most of which depend on the existence of double-stranded DNA in the region of the damage (reviewed in Barnes et al., 1993; Sancar and Tang, 1993). Animal cells have pathwaysfor direct reversal of as repair of alkylated bases or strand breaks, for DNA damage ina single enzymatic step, such both base and nucleotide excision repair and for mismatch repair. Recombinational repair of daughter strand gaps and inducible SOS repair response to severely damaged DNA exist in are thought to operate in animal cells as well. The enzymes prokaryotes, and analogous processes involved in DNA repair interact to form a network of reactions, such that alterations in a single component of the system might have a marked influence in overall repair capacity. In addition, some proteins involved in DNA repair processes are also involved in other cellular activities as gene regulation and DNAreplication (Hanawalt et 1994). al., relevant to carcinogenesis, such The carcinogenicityof some chemical agents, suchas arsenicals, may, at least partly, be dueto inhibition of DNA repair processes. Human mutagen-hypersensitivity syndromes provide evidence that defectiveDNA repair systems can increase the risk of cancer (reviewed in Heddle et al., 1983). Individuals with xeroderma pigmentosum develop skin cancer as a resultof accumulated sunlight (UV)-induced DNA damage andare defective in the incisionstep of nucleotide excision repair. At least seven differentgeneproducts are associatedwiththedisorder,whichmayreflecttheneedfor
chromosomal structural modification before incision. Other rare genetic disorders characterized by DNA repair deficiencies that render individuals more susceptibleto neoplastic disease are Bloom’s syndrome, Fanconi’s anemia, and ataxia-telangiectasia. The basis of a morecommon condition,hereditarynonpolyposiscolorectalcancer, is adefectinrepairofmismatched sequences on thetwo DNA strands, which leadsto intrinsic instability in genomic microsatellite repeat sequences characteristicof the disease (reviewed in Cleaver, 1994). In addition to these as severe defects in DNA repair, relatively large differences in the ability to repair DNA, measured by unscheduled DNA synthesis or 06-alkyltransferase activity, existin the general population. These genetic polymorphisms influencing the rate and fidelity of DNA repair may Harris, 1991).Repair contribute to interindividualdifferences in cancerrisk(Shieldsand capacity also varies between different organs and species, whichmay be relevant to observed differences in patternsof tumor formation.
D. CellProliferation Responses to tumor promoters in skin carcinogenesis models also varies markedly with species and strain of animal used, and in some well-established cases, differences in cell proliferation are responsible for species-specificityof carcinogenesis (reviewed in Swenberg al., et 1992). For example, a-2pglobulin nephropathy, is a disease that occurs only in male rats. Chemicals known to cause the disease all bind a-2p-globulin, leading to toxic accumulation of this protein, specific to male rats, in the nephron. Cell proliferation restores the resulting necrosis, in appearance of renal cell tumors. Furthermore, and chronic exposure to the agents results chemicalsthatproducerodentthyroidneoplasia,secondary to hypothyroidismcausedby induction of hormonal imbalance, can also be consideredbetospecies-specific,as the phenomenon does not occur in primates. Finally, although variation in drug-metabolizing enzymes can result in some differences in species specificity of genotoxic urinary bladder carcinogens, such as aromatic amines, considerablygreaterspeciesdifferencesarefoundwithnongenotoxic carcinogens, suchas melamine. At high doses, these agents induce sustained urothelial proliferation and, eventually, urinary bladder carcinomas. Rats seem more susceptible to this form of carcinogenesis than mice and humans.
VI. DOSE-RESPONSE RELATIONSHIPS IN CHEMICAL CARCINOGENESIS There is general agreement that a knowledgeof the mechanism of their action is necessary to evaluate risks of exposure to potential chemical carcinogens. Interpretation of dose-response (1) changes at the molecule or cellular levelsare relationships is complicated by whether or not reversible,(2)carcinogeniceffectscanpersist or accumulate,and (3) thresholdsexist for carcinogenic effects.Time- and dose-response relationships canbe demonstrated for chemical carcinogenesis, but the existence of thresholds (i.e., doses below which thereis no carcinogenic response) remains uncertain. Some issues concerning dose-response relationships can be addressed in animalexperimentsinwhichthereislittlevariationinthetestedpopulation; furthermore, the dose and other experimental conditions canbe controlled and the production oftumorscan be monitoredfromthebeginningoftheexposurethroughouttheanimals’ lives. Reliably detecting relative rare events, such as induction oftumors at low exposure levels, however, requires too many animals to be practical. Estimation of risk to low doses, then, involves extrapolation based on a model, and different models thatfit the experimental (highdose) data equally well may predict lowdose responses that differ greatly. One view of threshold phenomena in carcinogenesis is that for genotoxic chemicals, it may be correct to
assume, in theory, that no threshold (ora very low one) exists, but for agents that work through epigenetic mechanisms, (larger) thresholds are to be expected (Cohen and Ellwein,1991). For some carcinogens, there might not be a threshold for initiation, but the observed dose-response could be modified considerablyby thresholds for effects on promotion. For example, in some studies, the time required for appearance of tumors,or latent period, appearsto be dose-related; even if irreversible genetic changes occur,at low doses the latent period would exceed thelife be seen. of the animal and no evidence for tumorigenicity would Threshold phenomena have also been examined in mutational assays, in which a very large number of treated individuals can be analyzed, particularly when singlecelled organisms are used (reviewed in Ehrenberg et al., 1983). In some such experiments that used low doses of ionizing radiation or ethylene oxide, no deviations from linearityin the dose-response curves were observed, even at doses corresponding to the “one-hit” level. According to this concept, can be infinitesimally small, an individual cell either is hit by although the average dose per cell an ionizing particle, for example, or is not, and that particle imparts a fixed quantum of energy. arecells At average doses thatare lower than those which correspond to the one-hit dose, fewer hit, but those that are can still experience one critical lesion; under these circumstances, the a threshold. There does not appear observed linear dose-response curve is consistent with oflack to be any reason, however, why true or apparent thresholds should not exist for some mutagens. For example, the requirement for metabolic activation or the existence of saturable DNA repair processes might lead an to apparent no-effect level of exposure, and experimental data exist that support this notion,as well.
VII. SUMMARY Many stepsare required to convert a normal cell into a cancerous one. The cancermust cell be able to multiply under conditions that a normal cell would not and to invade surrounding tissue and spread throughout the body. Both genetic changes, such as activation of oncogenes or inactivation oftumor suppressor genes, and epigenetic changes, such as stimulation of cell proliferation,contributetothedevelopment of cancers.Chemicalagentscanincreasethe probability of malignant transformation by inducing mutations that can ultimately lead to tumor in cellswith preexisting genetic damage, or formation, by promoting the development tumors of traits by benign tumors. Chemical carcinogens by increasing the rate of acquisition of malignant are structurallydiverse,butallinitiatingagentsareeitheralreadyelectrophiles or can be converted to electrophilic reactants through metabolic activation. Genetic and environmental factors can alteran individual’s ability to metabolize carcinogens, to repairDNA damage, and to respond to mitogenic stimuli, of allwhich canalter susceptibilityto chemical carcinogenesis. The incidence and time required for appearance of tumors appear to be dose-related, but the existence of no-effect doses of carcinogens remains controversial.
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inciples of Genetic Scheri~g-Pl~ugh R e s e ~ I~~ht i t u t e ~ ~ e t N t ae y ,Jersey
1. Genetic toxicology is the study of damages to the genes by chemical or physical agents. Damages to the genes (Le., to DNA) if not repaired timely and correctly, change the DNA sequence and cause mutations. Mutations often result in the e ~ m ~ aortalteration i ~ of gene functions, and if the damages are not lethal, will lead to inheritable changes. G e ~ o ~ o ~isi thus c i ~ customarily defined as the a b i l i ~to d ~ a g DNA e and to change DNA sequence. DNA sequence changes can be single nucleotide changes that result in point mutations, or multiple nucleotide changes that Rsult in visible chromosomal aberrations. The adverse effect of a m u ~ ~ is o dependent n on the gene and the tissue afYected. The most serious effects of mu~tionsin somatic cells are neoplasms, and in germ cells, inheritable neoplasms or birth defects. The development of genetic toxicology, both for testing and research, has been closely associated with advances in genetics. Ebrly genetic toxicology tests were developed based on classic microbial, ~ r o ~ o ~and ~ somatic i Z ~ , cell genetics and cytogenetics. In vivo m ~ a l i a n tests were developed from rodent reproductive studies (Brusick, 198’7; Li and Heflich, 1991). Many tests were validated in the past 20 years, and those judged reliable for the detection of mu~genshave become standardized routine tests. The tests that are commonly used by regulatory agencies for the d~terminationof genotoxicity of chemicals are listed in Table 1. Recent advances in recombinant DNA and transgenic animal technologies have initiated developments of new tests for changes at the molecular level (Glickman and Corelick, 1993), and for gene m u ~ t i in ~ vivo s (Tennant et al., 1994). Since many validated tests can reliably detect mutagens, the usefixlness of these new tests is d e ~ n d e n on t their ability to identify carcinogens. The routine genetic toxicology tests are described in Chapter 10. This chapter is focused on the role of genetic toxicology in cancer and genetic risk assessment. Among the four components of risk assessment: hazard identi~cation,dose-response relationship, exposure assessment, and risk c h ~ c t e ~ ~ t igenetic o n , toxicology has been mostly 25
Table 1 C a m o n GeneticToxicologyTests In Vitro Gene Mutation Bacteria
Salmonella typhimurium (Am- test)
MammaliancellsChinesehamsterovarycells(CHO/HGPRT) Mouse lymphoma cells(L5178YRK) Cytogenetics ChromosomeaberrationMammaliancellsHumanperipheralbloodlymphocytes (HPBL) Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts(CHL) Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) In vivo
Gene mutation Transgenic mice (MutaTWouse and Big BlueTM) Cytogenetics Mouse bone marrow erythrocytes Micronucleus Chromosome aberration Rat bone marrow cells DNAhepatocyte repair Rat unscheduledDNA synthesis
confined to hazard identification. Since almost all genetic toxicology studies, both in vitro and in vivo, are conducted at high doses and for short durations, the dose-response data are not suitableforriskextrapolationtolowdosesandlong-termexposurestohumans.Recent of genetic toxicologyto developments in molecular epidemiology have extended the application exposure assessments using quantifiable biomarkers, such as protein and DNA adducts (Groopman and Skipper, 1991). Genetic toxicology is important for cancer risk characterization as it of a cancer distinguishes genotoxic from nongenotoxic carcinogens, which affects the selection risk assessment model.
II. GENOTOXICWY AND CARCINOGENICITY The “somaticcell mutation theory of carcinogenesis” (Boveri,1929) postulates that cancer can be caused by mutations. This theory was first supported by early studies in childhood cancers
f 1
Dose (Cardnogan)
Figure 1 Dose-response curves of tumor induction by genotoxic and nongenotoxic carcinogens at the low dose region. Genotoxic carcinogens are not assumed to have threshold doses below which carcinoas and its genesis doesnot occur. Cancer potencyis the slope of the dose-response curve, designated (ql), upper 95% confidence levelis (ql*). Nongenotoxic carcinogens are assumed to have threshold doses.
Genetic Toxicology
which showed that the incidences of retinoblastomasis dependent on the numberof defective on genes (Knudsonet al., 1975). Approximately 100 human cancer genes were estimated based the Occurrence of inheritable tumors (Knudson, 1986). Recent developments in molecular cancer genetics further showed that carcinogenesis is often associated with mutations in oncogenes and antioncogenes(tumorsuppressorgenes)(Knudson, 1993). Infact,multiplemutationsand genetic alternations have beendemonstratedtoberequired for humantumordevelopment (Vogelsteinet al., 1988; Kem and Vogelstein, 1991). The association of mutations to neoplasms supports the somatic cell mutation theory. Accordingly, it seems reasonable to use mutagenicity tests to identify carcinogens. The limitation ofwhich is that these tests cannot detect nongenotoxic carcinogens. Carcinogenesis not associated with genetic alternations, at least at its early stages, has recently become an important issue in cancer risk assessment (Butterworth and Slaga, 1987). Studies in rodent cancer bioassays have identified several chemicals thatare carcinogenic, but are not mutagenic in standard routine toxicology tests. Nongenotoxic carcinogenesis is often species-, sex- and tissue-specific, and its mechanisms are diverse. A common mechanism of nongenotoxic carcinogenesis is believed to be enhanced cell proliferation (Cohen and Ellwein, 1990). Cell proliferation is an attractive hypothesis because it resembles the loss of growth control at early stages of neoplastic transformation. Direct evidence that cell proliferation alone can lead to neoplasms, however, is still lacking. Since neoplastic progression is a multistepprocess (Barrett, 1987) and cancer phenotypes areinheritable in cancercells,theremustbeastepduringprogressionatwhichgenetic alternation occurs (Littlefield,1976). Genotoxic carcinogensmay induce genetic changes at an initial step, whereas nongenotoxic carcinogens may create conditions favorable for genetic changesatalaterstep.Theimplications of thesetwomechanism of carcinogenesis for quantitative cancer risk assessment will be discussed later.
Germ cell mutations are inheritable, and genetic alternations are transmissible to the offsprings 1990). Genetic risk assessment is the risk assessment of germ cell mutations. In (Allen et fact, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guidelines on risk assessment of mutagenicity was addressed primarily for heritable mutagenic risk (USEPA,1986), although study of germ cell mutationsis a confinedate8 in genetic toxicology. All somatic cell mutagens are potential germ cell mutagens, and the susceptibility of germ cells to these mutagens is decross pendent on the ability of these mutagens to the blood-gem cell barrier (Setchell and Main, 1978), h d the DNA mplicative stages of the gem cells (Russellet al., 1992). Reports on germ cell mutagenesis in rodents and in humans showed that animals male are more sensitive to germ cell 1994; Brewen mutagens, especially at the stem cell spermatogonia and poststem-cell stages (Russell, et al., 1975). The resting oocytes in females are not dividing cells, and they are less susceptible to as mutagens (Russell, 1994). In a recent study, many chemotherapeutic agents were identified rodent germ cell mutagens, and a ranking system of mutagens was proposed (Shelby et al., 1993; Shelby, 1994). Human germ cell mutagens, however, are difficult to identify (Shelby, 1994).
IV. GENETIC TOXICOLOGY AND REGULATORY RISK ASSESSMENT A. HazardIdentification The most recognized role of genetic toxicology in risk assessment is the identification of mutagens. Mutagensare usually identified by test results from a battery of standard genetic toxicology
tests. These tests are validated for their ability in detecting mutagens, but their reliability in in vitro andin vivo genetic toxicology tests that detecting carcinogens vary. Among the common havebeenvalidated,onlyfourmajor types of tests are routinelyperformed formutagen identification. They are the bacterial mutagenicity assays, the mammalian cell mutagenicity assays, the in vitro cytogenetic assays, and thein vivo cytogenetic assays(see Table 1). These m described in greater detail in Chapter 10. tests are briefly described in the following, and they For bacterial mutagenicity, the most popular test by far is the Salmonella reverse gene mutation test, whichis alsoknown as the Ames test (Ames, 1975; Maron and Ames, 1983). This test uses several (usually five) genetically altered tester strains of Salmonella typhimurium to detect two types of mutations-DNA base-pair substitution and frameshift-as monitored by reverse mutations of the histidine gene, from autotropic for histidine(his-) to prototrophic for histidine (his+). Several genetic alternations were introduced into the bacteria to increase their to enhance permeabilityof chemicals to the cells sensitivity to mutagenesis. These are mutations ( f a mutation), to eliminate DNA repair (uvrA mutation), andto enhance sensitivity by introducing multiple copiesof the his- gene into the bacteriaby plasmids. For the mammalian cell mutagenicity assays, the most widely used tests are the Chinese hamster ovary cell (CHO) mutagenicity assay (Hsie et al., 1981) and the mouse lymphoma cell mutagenicity assays (Clive et al., 1983, 1987). The CH0 assay detects mutationsat the hypoX chromosome, and xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) gene located on the the mouse lymphoma assay, thymidine kinase (TK)gene on chromosome 11. The mouse lymphoma assay has been considered be to more sensitive becauseof its abilityto detect mutations caused by large DNA deletions, and presumably, it can also detect cytogenetic changes based on the occurrence of mutant colonies of smaller diameter (USFDA, 1993). The mouse lymphoma assay, however, often produces false-positive results for the prediction of carcinogenicity. The in vitro cytogenetic assay is to detect chromosomal aberrations in cultured cells. The commonly used cells are the Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO, Galloway et al:, 1985,1987), (CHL;Ishidate et al., 1988). or human peripheral blood lymphocytes Chinese hamster lung cells (HPBL; Evens, 1962). The testing procedures are often complicated, with multiple treatment durations and multiple harvests. Chromosomal aberrations examined in the assay are chromosomal breaks, gaps, rearrangement, endoreduplication, and aneuploidy. The most commonly conducted in vivo cytogenetic assays are the mouse bone mamw micronucleus assay (Schmid, 1976; MacGregor et al., 1987) and the rat bonem m w chromosomal aberration assay (Preston et al., 1981). The mouse bone marrow micronucleus assay is to as a result of chromosomal detect the inductionof micronuclei (small nuclei) by the test article breaks and abnormal chromosomal segregations in mouse bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes (young RNAcontaining erythrocytes). The rat bone marrow chromosomal aberration assay detects chromosomal aberrations, and itis often performed to confirm findings in the in vitro chromosomal aberration assay. are detectable by this battery of four As evidenced by validation studies, all potent mutagens are tests. However, for weak mutagens,or for resolution of inconclusive results, additional tests often performed. The most common additional tests are the in vim and the in vivo-in vitro unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) for DNA damages in rat liver cells (Mirsalis and Butterworth, 1980; Steinmetzet al., 1988). For definitive demonstration of DNA reactivity, DNA adduct induction studies using32Ppostlabcling technique(Randem& et al., 1981) m usually performed. Chemical or physical agentsare classified as “genotoxic” or “nongenotoxic,” based onthe results of these tests, although interpretation of equivocal results can sometimes be controversial. A chemical identifiedas genotoxic is generally considered to associate with high healthrisks, simply because cancer and birth defects are serious diseases. The use of genetic toxicology tests for identification of carcinogens was initiated with the
Genetic Toxicology
development of the Salmonella bacterial mutagenicity assay (Ameset al., 1973; Ames, 1979). Early correlation studies showed that the Ames test was reliable in detecting carcinogens, reportedly up to90% accuracy (Ameset al., 1975; McCann et al., 1975; Purchase et al., 1978). This level of accuracy, however, diminishes in subsequent validation studies using different genotoxicity databases. In a correlation study of222 National Cancer Institute-National Toxicology Program (NCI/NTP)bioassayswith Salmonella testresultsandchemicalstructure (potential electrophilic sites), only73% of rodent carcinogens (ratsand mice; tumors at single Salmonella test.Astrongconcordanceof 92% was or multiple sites) were positive in the observed between positive Salmonella test results and chemicals containing potential DNAreactivefunctionalgroups(AshbyandTennant, 1988). Thisfindingissimilartoarecent correlation study of 251 chemicals in the Carcinogen Potency Database (CPDB) that 81% of carcinogens (rats and mice, multiple sites) andW O of carcinogens (rats and mice, single site) were positive in theSalmonella assay (Gold et al., 1993). When the test results aofbattery of genetic toxicology tests were compared with the results of rodent cancer bioassays, the correlations were not as good as those for theSalmonella assay alone (Shelby and Stasiewicz,1984; Auletta and Ashby, 1988). In a N T P study, test results of four genetic toxicology tests were compared with carcinogenicity of 114 dataNTP rodent cancer bioassays (Tennantet al., 1987; Zeiger et al.,1990). The four tests evaluated wereSalmonella the bacterial mutagenicity assay (SAL), the mouse lymphoma assay (MLA), CH0 the chromosomal aberration assay (ABS),and the CH0 sister chromatidexchange assay (SCE)[Note: The SCE assay is a cytogenetic assay for chromosomal breakage and reunion between sister chromatids. This assay is no longer a routine assay, partly because the biological consequences of SCE are unknown]. Thepositive predictivity, defined as the proportion of chemicals positive in a mutagenicity assay that are also carcinogenic in rodents, was 89% for SAL, 73% for ABS, 64% for SCE, and 63% for MLA. The concordance,defined as the overall proportion of carcinogens and noncarcinogens thatare correctly identified, was 66% for SAL,61% for ABS, 59% for SCE, and 59% for MLA. A combination of four tests improved neither the positive predictivity nor the concordancefor carcinogenicity (Zeigeret al., 1990). For human carcinogens, a correlation study was performed on the39 International Agency for Research on Cancer(IARC) group Ihuman carcinogens (IARC,1987a,b) with the Salmonella assay and thed e n t cytogenetic assay (chromosomal aberration or micronucleus) (Shelby and Zeiger, 1990). Except for 6 hormones and 3 fibers, which were not tested or negative in these two mutagenicity assays, 2 of 3 metals; 4 of 5 soots, tars, and oils; and all 21 organic compounds showed positive responses in one or both assays. This led to the conclusion that a combination of the assay and a rodent Salmonella in vivo cytogenetic assaycan predict most genotoxic human carcinogens (Shelby and Zeiger, 1990). Although not as intensively studied, genetic toxicology tests are also used for the identificationofgermcellmutagens.Thesignificanceofgermcellmutationinriskassessment, however, has been overshadowed by routine animal reproductive toxicology studies. A variety of germ cell mutation assays were developed (Allen et al., 1990), and the common in vivo germ Drosophila sex-linked recessive lethal (SLRL) test (Auerbach and cell mutation assays were the Robson, 1946, Lee et al., 1983), the mouse specific-locus (MSL) test (Russell,1951). and the dominant lethal test (Green etal., 1985). The Drosophila assay is to examine the susceptibility of male flies to gem cell mutagens at various stages of sperm maturation using a recessive genetic marker. The mouse specific-locus tests detects the occurrence of a variety of recesor hair structureas results of mutations sive traits, suchas coat color, eye color, ear morphology, in the exposed parent. A modification of this assay was developed to measure the changes of mobility of proteins by electrophoresis (Johnson and Lewis, 1981). The dominant lethal test is to detect mutations that cause embryo death (Green et al., 1985). Recent developments in assays that use transgenic mice permit concomitant screening of mutations in somatic and germ cells
in the same animal.In vitro assaysof DNA damage in germ cells were also developed, and the (UDS; Sega, 1982; Working most widely used assaysare germ cell unscheduled DNA synthesis and Butterworth, 1984; Bentley and Working,1988), and DNA strand breaks by alkaline elution (m,Bradley and Dysart, 1985; Skare and Schrotel, 1985). In a recent correlation study of the Drosophila SLRL, the UDS, and AE assays with the MSL assay, the overall concordance of SLRL with MLS the was only59%, which is lower than 92%, and 100% for UDS and AE in postspermatogonia cells, respectively. This finding that of the has prompted the USEPAto favor UDS and AE over SLRL in the development of the agency testing scheme (Bentleyet al., 1994).
B. D o d e s p o n s e Relationship
Dose-responsestudies are essentialfortheidentificationofgenotoxicchemicalsandthe are often included in estimation of their “mutagenic potency.” Although dose-response analyses genetic toxicology tests, the data are seldom, if ever, used beyond hazard identification, One reason is that regulatory risk assessment is based on low-dose chronic exposure, which is the usual condition for human exposure to chemicals. The doses used for genetic toxicology studies are always very high, with the endpoint being the highest dose that especially for in vitro assays, causes severe cytotoxicityor creates an unphysiological condition (Brusick,1986; Scott et al., 1991). For in vivo genetic toxicology tests, the doses are lower, but the high doses are still doses approaching lethal doses (greater than the median lethal dose [LDSO] because of the shorter duration of the test). These high doses are not expectedto be encountered in vivoin animals or humans before severe systemic toxicityor death occurs; however, response at the low doses in in vivo studiesmay be useful for dose-response assessment. or between species, Correlation studiesof mutagenicity between in vitro and in vivo assays, are possible if pharmacokinetic dataare available. Simple pharmacokinetic parameters, such as chemical concentrations in the bloodor in the target tissue, can be usedas effective doses for extrapolation of mutagenicity to different test systems. A second reason is that, although genotoxicity may lead to cancer or reproductive toxicity, the adverse effectsof genotoxicity cannot be readily identifiedas clinical signs. The genotoxic data, in practice, are not used for cancer or reproductive risk assessment. Carcinogenicity and are obtained from animal bioassays. Recent developments in germ cell reproductive toxicity data mutation assays may provide a basis to justify germ cell mutation as a discrete endpoint for Nolan, 1994). quantitative risk assessment (Waters and
C. ExposureAssessment
The toxicity chemicals and their levels of exposure determine their hazard to public health. Current exposure assessment is based on the amount of chemicals in the environment, suchas air, water, food, soil, and the amount of intake from such sources, based on human physiological are not always possible. Genetic toxicology had rameters. Accurate measurements of exposures not been usedfor exposure assessment until the development of molecular epidemiology. Most epidemiology studies use chemically modified cellular macromolecules, alsoas biomarkknown ers, to quantify chemical exposure. The most widely used biomarkersDNA are and protein adbe detected by radioactive labeling, immunoassays, or high-performance ducts. These adducts can liquid chromatographic(HPLC) methods. Quantificationof adducts in exposed animals provides direct information onthe amount of chemical, or its metabolites, in the target tissues. DNA adducts have been used in molecular dosimetry studies of many carcinogens, including aflatoxin B1 (Groopman et al., 1985), PAH (Perera et al., 1988), cisplatin (Reed et al., 1986),
8-methoxypsoralin (Santella,1988). and styrene oxide (Liu et al., 1988). The reliability of adduct estimation is dependent on the sensitivity of the assay. Molecular epidemiology studies also include conventional genotoxicity endpoints. Chromobeen studied in lymphocytes and in othertypes cellin workers exposed to somal aberrations have 1982; Carrano and Moore, 1982). Micronuclei in lymphocytes were industrial chemicals (Evans, also studied in workers exposed to organic chemicals and metals (Hogstedt et al., 1983; Stich HGPRT gene in human lymphocytes (Messing and Dunn,1988). More recently, mutations at the et al., 1986; O’Neill etal., 1987) and glycophorinAgene in human red blood cells (Jensen et al., 1986; Langlois et al., 1987) were studied in humans exposed to chemotherapeutic agents or radiation. Other markers, such as DNA breaks (Walleset al., 1988). unscheduled DNA synthesis (Per0 et al., 1982). and oncogene activations havealso been studied (Brandt-Rauf, 1988).
D. Risk Characterization Genetic toxicology has a major role in risk characterization of carcinogens for the estimationof cancer potency. Cancer potency is the slope of the dose-response curve of tumor induction. of tumor induction at low doses cannot be demonstrated experimentally, Since the dose-response avarietyofmathematicalmodelswereproposed for high-doseto lowdose extrapolations (Crump et al., 1977; Moolgavkar and Venzon, 1979; Crump, 1981; Moolgavkar and Knudson, 1981; Anderson et al.,1982; Bogen, 1989). For genotoxic carcinogens, the linearized multistage model (Crump et al., 1977; Crump, 1981) is customarily used by regulatory agencies for the calculation of cancer potency and, in turn, the regulatory exposure levels (Anderson et al., 1983; CDHS, 1985). Thismodelwasconstructedfromtheassumptionsthatcarcinogenesisisa a threshold dose below which multistep process, and that the dose-response does not have carcinogenesis does not occur (see Figure 1). Limited DNAadduct dosimetry studies have shown that a linear dose-response may exist at low doses for aflatoxin B1 (Buss et al., 1990; Choy, 1993), but similar data for most genotoxic carcinogens are not available. As discussedearlier,avarietyofmechanismshavebeenproposedfornongenotoxic 1987). The dose-responsefor nongenotoxic carcinogens carcinogenesis (Butterworth and Slaga, is considered to have a threshold dose below which carcinogenesis does not(see occur Figure 1). Risk assessmentof nongenotoxic carcinogens, therefore, may be performed by the safety factor method, with an extra safety factor to account for carcinogenicity (CDHS, 1990). Risk analysis using the linearized multistage model always generates a more conservative estimate of carcinogenicity than the safety factor method which, in turn, results in more stringent regulatory standards. These regulatory standards have major implications to society,to relative public health and the economy for regulatory compliance.
V. CONCLUSIONS This chapter described the rolesof genetic toxicologyas related to regulatory risk assessment. Genetic toxicology is mostly used for hazard identification of mutagens and carcinogens. The validity of this approach is based on evidence that mutations are often associated with neoplastic transformation, and many carcinogens are mutagens. Once a carcinogen is identified, genetic toxicology is used to distinguish if the carcinogen is genotoxicor nongenotoxic, which in turn, determines the cancer risk assessment method for risk characterization. to developalongseveraldirections. As for thefuture,genetictoxicologyisexpected Continueddevelopmentsofnewtesttechnology,such as the transgenic mouse assays, will undoubtedlyprovidenewinsightintothedose-responseofinvivomutagenesisandfor comparative mutagenesisin target tissues. Incorporationof genetic toxicology tests into routine
toxicology testes and pharmacokinetic studies will permit meaningful interpretation of genetic toxicological results related to metabolism, systemic toxicity, and carcinogenicity. Molecular studies on mutant DNA, DNA adducts, and DNA repair should provide new insights into the mechanism of chemical-specific mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Finally, harmonization of regulatory guidelines will eliminate inconsistence in testing requirements, testing p m e d u n s , and datainterpretations. Progress in these areas will increase the reliability of genetic toxicology in the assessment of genetic and cancer risks.
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4 Principles Underlying Developmental Toxicity John M. DeSesso The MITRE Corporation McLean, Virginia
Stephen B.Harris Stephen B . Harris Group San Diego, California
1. INTRODUCTION Developmental toxicity in humans is a widespread problem. Approximately 250,000 infants (-7% of births) areborn with birth defects in the United States each year (National Foundation, 1979). In addition, more than560,000 pregnancies annually terminate in miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death because of maldevelopment. Among liveborn infants who die by the age of four, 20% die as a result of congenital defects (Department of Health and Human Services,1981). This makes birth defects the leading cause of death among children. The causes of some birth defects have been traced to genetic transmission, chromosomal aberrations,andenvironmentalfactors,includingionizingirradiation,infections,,maternal (Table 1). Although drugs and chemicals account for metabolic disease, and chemical substances no more than about6% of birth defects some 18 chemical substancesor classes of substances have been identified as proved human teratogens, (Table 2; Koren and Nulman, 1994). and of developmenapproximately lo00 chemicals (outof -2800 tested) have elicited some measure tal toxicity in at least one species of laboratory animal (Schardein et al., 1985). Since (1) the (2) humans are etiology of more than two-thirds of all congenital defects is unknown. and exposedtomorethan 65,000 chemicalsforwhichthere are sometoxicitydata(National Research Council,1984), it behoovesus to perform developmental toxicity testing on chemicals that are likely to come into broad contact with women of reproductive years.
II. BRIEF HISTORICALPERSPECTNE Despite the foregoing statistics, the problems of birth defects and other adverse outcomes of pregnancy are’notnew to the industrial era. Congenital malformations have fascinated and awed man for centuries, stretching back before the brief spanof recorded history. Neolithic statues found in Turkey (Warkany, 1971), Stone Age rock drawings discovered in Oceania (Brodsky,
DeSesso and Harris
Table 1 Causes of Congenital Defects in Humans (Estimates as a Percentageof Total) ~
Genetic transmission Chromosomal aberrations Environmental agents Ionizing Radiation Infections Maternal metabolic imbalance Drugs and chemicals Combinations and interactions Unknown
1% 2-3% l-2%
46% ? 65-70%
Sowre: Wbm (1977a).
Table 2 h g s and Chemicals: Roved Human Teratogens Drug, chemical, or chemical class
Selected adverse effects in offspring
Alcohol Alkylating agents(e.g., busulfan, chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide, mechlorethamine) Antimetabolite agents(e.g., aminopterin, azauridine, cytarabine, 5-FU, methotrexate) Carbamazepine Carbon monoxide Coumadins
Fetal alcohol syndrome: mental retardation, microcephaly, shortu p turned nose, micrognathia, hypoplastic philtrum Growth retardation, cleft palate, agenesis of kidney, malformations of digits, cardiac defects
Hydrocephalus, meningoencephalocele, growth retardation, eye and ear malformations, cleft palate, micrognathia
Increased risk for neural tube defects (NTDs) Mental retardation, microcephaly Fetal warfarin syndrome: brachydactyly, malformed eyes and ears, microcephaly, hydrocephalus, mental retardation Female offspring: vaginalor cervical adenocarcinoma Diethylstilbestrol(DES) Male offspring: hypogonadism, diminished spermatogenesis Lower scores in developmental tests Lead Ebstein’s anomaly of tricuspid valve Lithium carbonate Methylmercury, mercuric sulfide Microcephaly, eye malformations,mental retardation Stillbirth; irritatedhwollen gums, hyperpigmentation (“cola” staining); PCBs delayed posrnatal development Hyperelastosis of skin Penicillamine Fetal hydantoin syndrome: inner epicanthal folds, hypertelorism, low Phenytoin set or abnormal ears, microcephaly and mental retardation, growth deficiency Systemic retinoids (isotretinoin, Spontaneous abortions; deformities of face, limbs; heart defects etretinate) Growth retardation, cardiac anomalies,cleft palate and lip Trimethadione Phocomelia, amelia, heart defects, deafness, microtia, anotia Thalidomide Staining of deciduous teeth, destructionof enamel Temcycliie Spina bifida with meningomyelocele. microcephaly Valproic acid Source: Konn and Nulman (1994).
Principles Toxicityof Developmental
1943), and prehistoric Peruvian pottery (Saxen and Rapola, 1969) attest to primitive man’s interests in these phenomena all over the world. Early written records of congenital malformations both described them and conjectured as to their significance. The Chaldeans of ancient Babylon believed they could augur the future from celestial and terrestrial omens, including oddities seenat birth (Leix, 1940). In 1894, Ballantyne published the translation of a Chaldean tabletthatcatalogued 62 humanmalformationsandtheappropriateprophecy for each. In contrast to the Chaldeans’ belief that malformations could help foretell the future, the ancient Hebrews believed that congenital malformations were manifestationsGod’s of wrath and were sent as a punishment for evil deeds committed in the past (Landauer, 1962). Early scientific theories concerning the etiology of congenital malformations were grouped into 13 categories by Ambmse Pad in 1573.Pad included hereditary influences, the mechanical effects of a narrow uterus, the will of God, the work of the devil, and hybridization between animals and humans among the possible causes (Persaud, 1970; Clegg, 1971). Although the consideration of animal-human hybridizationmay seem unlikely today, it was both considered plausible and dealt with seriously by the public and legal communities of Europe and America. As late as 1643 in Copenhagen, a young woman who had delivered a child “with theof head a cat”(probableanencephaly)wasburnedaliveafterbeingconvicted of having had bestial relations (Bartholin, 1661). In 1642 in New Haven Colony (Connecticut), George Spencer, a common farm worker “of lewd spirit” was similarly convicted of having allegedly indulged himself in the pleasure of a sow who subsequently gave birth to a cyclopic piglet (Hoadly, 1857). The description of the piglet included the likening of its proboscis to “a man’s instrument of generation.” The evidence against Spencer, who had a cataract in one eye, was (1) that hehad worked on the farm from which the sow had been obtained (although not at the critical period of her pregnancy), and (2) the piglet’s sole eye was cataractous. The court found Spencer guilty of bestiality, which it declared to be a capital offense, and both Spencer and the sow were executed. Even though nonscientific explanations for congenital malformation continued to circulate among the rather naive lay public, serious scientists persevered in their search for credible causes. In 1651, William Harvey offerednew a scientific explanationfor congenital malformations based upon experimental observation: the arrest of embryonic development at specific loci. Unfortunately, Harvey’s theory did not gain ascendancy for another 150 years (Warkany, 1959). The basis for the modem study of teratology was laid by Geoffrey St. Hilaire, the Elder, who described and classified most of theknown human abnormalities during the 1820s (Barrow, 1971). Between 1855 and 1891, Dareste performed early experimental studies. He demonstrated that influences such as hyperthermia, hypothermia, or anoxia could cause congenital malformations in chicken embryos (Hickey, 1953). Because the mammalian prenatal maternal-offspring relationship is so different from that of avian and reptilian animal models, manyof Dareste’s contemporaries did not consider his experiments tobe relevant to the human condition. Rather, they believed that mammalian embryos were protected from untoward environmental effects. During the period from 1920 to 1940, it was demonstrated that mammalian teratogenesis could be induced environmentally by x-irradiation (Goldstein and Murphy, 1929; Job et al., 1935) andby dietary deficiency (Hale, 1933.1935; Warkany and Nelson, 1940).In 1941, Gregg identified the rubellavirus as a human teratogen. These significant observations established the susceptibility of mammalian embryos, including humans, to environmental influences.In spite virtually the entire lay public of these scientific advances, mostof the medical community and remained apathetic about the possible susceptibility of humansto environmentally induced birth defects.They f m l y believedthathumanembryosexistedinaprivilegedsitethatwas safeguarded by the uterus and the “placental barrier” (Fig. 1). It took the thalidomide tragedy of
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Figure l A conceptualization of the protected environmentof the human embryo. Until the Occurrence of the thalidomide tragedy, many scientists and most of the public believed thatthe human uterine contents were protected from environmental insults. (After a cartoon designed by Dr. James G. Wilson.) thelate1950sandearly1960s (Lenz, 1%1;McBride,1961) to shattertheircomplacency. Thalidomide was a seemingly harmless sedative-hypnotic drug that, when taken during early pregnancy, caused the severe malformation of an estimated l0,OOO babies. The results of this painful experience were to amuse the awareness of the public to the human embryos' vulnerability to environmental insult, to amplify research efforts into the causes of birth defects, and to prompt the design of developmental toxicity safety tests for substances with which humans were expected to come into contact.
111. PRINCIPLES OF DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICOLOGY During the ensuing decades, considerable headway has been made in identifying agents that cause birth defects in experimental animals and in understanding the scientific principles that govern how environmental agents adversely impingeon mammalian embryos. These scientific principles were first enunciated by Wilson (1959, 1965, 1973, 1977b) and have been discussed, augmented, and modified by others (Langman, 1969; Saxen and Rapola, 1969; Brent, 1976; Poswillo, 1976; Harbison, 1980; Beckman and Brent, 1994).
A. Definitions l . Teratology(DevelopmentalToxicology) The science that emerged from these principles is teratology or, more inclusively, develop mental toxicology. Teratology is concerned with the study of the causes, mechanisms, and manifestations of adverse outcomes of pregnancy. The four major manifestationsof developmentaltoxicology include the death, structuralmalformation,alteredgrowth, or functional deficits of offspring. A biologically significant increase in any one of the four manifestations of developmental toxicity caused by the environmental exposure to a test substance is a reason
Principles Toxicity of Developmental
for concern, because it indicates that the test agentmay impair development, giving rise to a developmental hazard. 2. Mechanism
The means bywhichdevelopmentaltoxicantsinteractwiththeaffected embryo istermed its mechanism of action. Mechanisms have been defined at many levels of biological organization (e.g., cellular, subcellular, biochemical, and molecular). All levels of organization in anembryo are important for itscontinueddevelopmentand are potentiallyvulnerableto teratogenicattack.However,notallagent-inducedchangesin embryos resultin develop mental toxicity.Thus,we believe a working definition of a teratogenic mechanism is necessary. An agent’smechanism of developmental toxicity is the fundamental physical or chemical process that sets in motion a perturbed sequence of developmental events that result in ofone the four manifestationsof developmental toxicity. Because an agent may interact with an embryo in more than one way, it is possible for an agent to have more than a single mechanism of developmental toxicity. This has been shown for even simple molecules, suchas hydroxyurea, whichinterfereswithuterinebloodflow,initiatesfreeradicalreactionsinembryoniccells, and inhibits embryonicDNA synthesis (Millicovskyet al., 1980a,b, 1981; DeSessoet al., 1979, 1990, 1994; Scottet al., 1971). Embryonic developmentis an intricate phenomenon that involves numerous simultaneous processes that must occurspecific in sequences and at particular times in gestation. For instance, the information required to direct differentiation (e.g., manufactureof cellular structural proteins, receptor molecules, and extracellular matrix molecules) is contained within the genetic material of the cell’s nucleus, whereas the infomation required to maintain developmental schedules is usually from environmental stimuli (e.g., inducer molecules,as well as permissive and instructivesignalmolecules).Sinceboththeembryo’sgeneticmaterialanditsenvironment are instrumental in successful development,it should not be surprising that abnormalities in either an embryo’s genetic material (i.e., mutations) m its environment can lead to developmental toxicity. Although the thrust of the remainder of this chapter will be primarily with adverse environmentalinfluencesthatcanalterdevelopment,afewbriefcommentsaboutnormal variations in the genomeof developing organismsare in order.
B. EmbryonicGenome l . EmbryonicSusceptibility In simplest terms, the genome of the conceptusis important because it controls the development are being laid down, of the organism.It is the genome that ultimately determines what tissues their metabolic enzyme complements, and therefwe, the overall inherent susceptibilityof the embryo to any exogenous agent at any givenof time development. Because healthy development of an organism requires timely interactions between (normal) environmental factors and genes as they are expressed and repressed throughout development (Edelman, 1988). it is not surprising that if exogenous agents gain access to the embryo, they may disrupt the appropriate environmental factor%ene interactions resulting in developmental errors. Thus, the susceptibility of an embryo to an adverse environmental factor depends both on the expressed genome at the time of the exposure and the mannerin which the genome interacts with the adverse environmental factor.Moreover,becausethecommonlyusedlaboratoryanimalsproducemorethanone offspring per litter, each with its own genome and developmental schedule, is not it unusual to observe intralitter variation in response toa teratogen. Tjrpically, offspring in an affected litter may be malformed, dead (resorbed), growth retarded,or normal.
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2. SpeciesDifferences Species are groups of related and physically similar individualsshare that common attributes and as the genome of an individual embryo controls its development nearly identical genomes. Just so too the genotypic makeup of a given and determines its susceptibility to environmental agents, species determines the likelihood of an agent to adversely affect the development of embryos of that species.It can be inferred that embryos of some species may be unaffected by environmental agents that induce predictable, consistent developmental toxicity in others. For example, mice are usually more susceptible to cleft palate induced by steroid hormones (i.e., cortisone and progesterone) thanare rats. Another exampleis that humans and other higher primates are more susceptible to limb malformations causedby thalidomide exposure thanare rats or mice. Within a given species, thereare subsets (strains)of that species thatare genetically more of thesamespecies.Thatthesestrainsmayreact homogeneousrelativetoothergroups are strain differences differently to environmental agents should not be surprising. Thus, there mice exposed to cortisone in susceptibility to environmental factors, such that differentofstrains exhibit different frequenciesof cleft palate (Fraser, 1965).
C.Embryonic(Gestational)Stage The age of the embryo at the time of exposure to the environmental agent is an important determinant of whether the agent will induce developmental toxicity and which manifestation is produced. Embryonic susceptibilityto developmental toxicants varies greatly during the course of gestation (Fig.2). During theperiod between fertilization of the ovum, but before implantation
Usually Not Affected by Developmental Toxicants
Highly Susceptlble to DevelopmentalToxicants: Structural Maiformatlons Readlly Induced
lncreaslngly Resistant to Developmental Toxicity (Especlally Structural Malformation) with Advancing Gestatlonai Age Day 46
Figure 2 A schematic illustrationof various stages of human embryonic development to depict the embryo's changes in sensitivity to developmental toxicants at different times in gestation.(After Wilson, 1965.)
Principles Toxicity of Developmental
of the blastocyst into the uterine wall, the embryo is usually resistant to the induction of malformations by environmental agents. Embryosat this stage are small, comprising no more than 100 cells or so. Inaddition,thecells are morphologicallysimilar,havingthe Same susceptibilities and metabolic needs, but not yet having begun differentiation into specific be likely to affect all cells uniformly. tissues. Insultsto the early embryo during this period would Severe effects that could kill cellsare likely to kill all of the cells, or to kill so many that an embryolethal effectis produced. In the event that some cells survived, theis likely insult to retard growth, rather than cause malformations, because the cells of the embryo at this early are stage all able to differentiate into any embryonic tissue, although recent experiments exposing females of matinghaveproducedmalformedyounginafewinstances tomutagenswithinhours (Generoso et al., 1988). During the early embryonic period, the germ layers form, cells beginto differentiate, and early organ development begins. This period is characterized by maximal susceptibility to teratoorgans are first laid down(organogenesis),most organs undergenic insult, During the time when period,” during which they are most susceptibleto damage by environmental agents. go their “critical Differentiation and early organogenesis begin near theoftime implantation. Their total duration differs from species to species, but it is positively correlated with the length of the gestational 3). Although a developmentally toxic insult may cause a period for the particular species (Table may also occur. malformation during this time,if the insult is great enough, embryonic death To help understand the effect of embryonic age on developmental toxicity, two concepts related to embryonic development will be explained. The two concepts relateto the potential and itsstate of differentiation.Briefly, fate of agivencell(embryoniccellularpotency) embryonic cellular potency is the total range of developmental possibilities (i.e., all possible adult tissues) that an embryonic cell is capable of becoming under any conditions. In contrast, cellular dlrerentiation is a progressive, continuous process whereby an embryonic cell attains the intrinsic properties and functions that characterize a particular adult tissue.As depicted in Figure 3, an embryonic cell’s potency and its state of differentiation are reciprocal. Cellsin the earlystages of development,such as those ofthemorula, are notdifferentiated,they are
Table 3 Comparative Gestational Milestonesand Developmental Toxicity Testing Schedules for Mammals Developmental toxicity-testing schedulesa milestonesa Gestational
Species Hamster Mouse
Ab B C D Implantation Differentiation Organogenesis ends ends ends Parturition
4.5-5 7 Rat 5-6 Rabbit 18 7.5 6-29 Guinea Pig 9 Monkey Human -50-566-7 13
9 10 9 14.5 21 21
16 15 18
16 19-20 21-22 31-33
“In gestational day& day of canfinned mating = gestational day0. bCapital letters =fer tomilestones on the time lime shown in Figure 4. WA. not applicable.
64-68 166 266
Exposure period
5-14 6-15 6-15 Or7-19 6-18 29 6-30 9-45 or 10-50 100 NAc
Cesarean section
21 60 NA
Principles of Developmental Toxicity
morphologically similar and have the potential to become nearly anytype of embryonic cell. As development proceeds, however, developmental decisions are made concerning the fate of each cell. Thus, at later periods of gestation, the cells have become dissimilar from one another; one cell may have become an endoderm cell that will give rise to an alveolar cell lining the lung, the othermay be a mesoderm cell that will give rise to a cell in the proximal convoluted tubule of the kidney.The possible ultimate fates availableto the endoderm cellare not the sameas those of the mesoderm cell. Thus, potency of the cells have declined; their but state of differentiation has increased,as they now look different from one another and perform different cellular functions. Developmental toxicants generally affect only a percentage of the cells in an embryo. A single developmentally toxic insult early in gestation (when cells have higher potency) has the opportunity to affect cells that can eventually give rise to more adult tissues than a similar dose administered to an older embryo the cells of which (1) are more differentiated,(2) have made In moredevelopmentaldecisions,and(3)therefore,cancontributetofeweradulttissues. general, the more developmental decisions that have been made, the less severe the of the effect developmental toxicant. Thus, from the endof the early embryonic period (when the embryo undergoes advanced organogenesis and the rudiments of the organ systems have been formed) period, the incidence of fetal deaths and malformations decline. continuing throughout the fetal For However, malformationsof latedeveloping organ systems and functional deficits can occur. example, the central nervous and urogenital systems do not develop completely until after birth. Thus, it is possible to cause damage to these systems, particularly cellular and functional 4 is a generalized depiction of the extentof offspring sensitivity maturational impairment. Figure to developmental toxicants with advancing gestational age. In human development, the period of organogenesis, with its maximum susceptibility to teratogenesis, occurs from day 20 to 55 of gestation (see Table 3). In the rat and mouse, differentiation and organogenesis occur from day 6 to 15 of gestation, and in the rabbit they occur from day 6 to 18 of gestation. In animal teratogenesis studies, knowing the period of organogenesis of the test species is crucial so that test agents may be administered during the time of maximum teratogenic susceptibility. Usually, experimental administration of test substances in developmental toxicity safety of early tests begins after embryos have implanted into the uterine wall and development placentae have commenced. Depending on the test species, as many as 8 days may elapse between fertilization of ova inupper the female reproductive tract and implantation of the zygote (see Table 3). If the test species is either a mouseor a rabbit, exposure tothe test substance is initiated before implantation is completed, because mouse and rabbit embryos begin differentiation before they implant. The foregoing discussion notwithstanding, the developmentalofstage anembryo at the time an agent is givento the pregnant female does not always determine the time of exposure to the of embryo. Ritteret al., (1973) showed that cytosine arabinoside palmitate (a slow-release form cytarabine [cytosine arabinoside]) implanted intraperitoneally on gestational day 12, exerted its
Figure 3 A diagram of a conceptualized synopsisof development. The flowof time is from left to right. The developmental decisionsof tissues as they differentiateare designated by diverging m w s . Note that early differentiation coincides with the time of implantation. Susceptibility to developmentally toxic agents is greatestduring the periods of earlydifferentiationandorganogenesis.Notethat as timeelapses, developmental decisionsare made, and early tissues differentiate. Early cells (e.g., cellsof the inner cell mass) are morphologically similar and have the potential to become nearly any type of embryonic tissue. A s the cells increase in differentiation, their embryonic cellular potency decreases.
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Principles of Developmental Toxicity
developmentally toxic effect48-72 h after exposure, whereas intraperitoneal administration of cytarabine produced the same embryonic effects within 23-29 h. These results led them to conclude that the susceptibility of an embryo depends on its developmental stage at the time when an agent is effective. Later studies showed that much longer intervals could transpire between the time of administration of a test compound and its effect. In humans, women whose exposure to lipid-soluble substances had been terminated for an extended period before im1988). Presumably, this is due to the pregnation have given birth to malformed infants (Lammer, sequestering of the compound in the body’s lipid stores and its prolonged elimination half-life and (2) a delayed timeof exposure leading to(1) sustained low concentrations in maternal blood to the embryo that coincided with release of the material from her lipid stores.
D. Dose or Embryonic Exposure I . Dose-Response Functional deficits are usually not manifested until some time after weaning. Consequently, the endpoints that are monitored in most developmental toxicity safety tests are fetal death, malformation, and growth retardation. In addition, not all embryos will respond identically to a given dose of a test agent, because there are differences between embryos within litters relative to stage of development, genetic makeup, and position related to uterine blood flow. Within a given litter, there are typically some dead fetuses, some malformed fetuses, some growth-retarded fetuses, in addition to some normal individuals. Because the different endpoints (death, malformation, or growth retardation) may be caused by different mechanisms of the test agent, graphs ofthedose-responsecurves for each endpoint frequently do not overlap (Neubext et al., 1980). If, however, all of the endpoints of developmental toxicity are combined as a positive response, then the quantitative relationship between increasing embryonic dose and the manifestationsof developmental toxicity increase in frequency and severity from no-effectdoses to amaximallyeffective(oftentotallyalethal)dose.Thegraph of the relationship exhibits the shape of a typical dose-response curve 5). (Fig. ’Qpically,the slope of the dose-response curveis steep. It lies between lower doses that fail to elicit fetal effects and higher doses that kill the embryos. Thepurposeofperformingadevelopmentaltoxicitysafetytestis to establishanoobservable adverse effect level (NOAEL). Figure 5 depicts a hypotheticaldose-response curve by triangles). The NOAEL is the higher constructed from datafor five dose groups (designated in offspring. The lowest dose that caused a significant of the two doses that produced no effects effect is thelowestabsewable adverse effect level(LOAEL). Because the dose-response curve zero, it is said to exhibit a threshold intersects the abscissa (dose scale) at a point greater than (see next section), and thereis a safe level of exposure to developmental toxicants.This is in contrast with genotoxic carcinogens, which have dose-response curves that intersect the doseof risk at any dose. response curve at the origin, and for which there is some probability Infectious agents(e.g., viruses) do not exhibit typical dose-response relationships. Even a small “exposure” to a virus can result in symptoms of disease in the female and developmental toxicity in offspring. Thereason for this is that such agents can reproduce within the pregnant animal, placenta, or embryo, thereby increasing the exposure of the offspring. 2. Threshold
For developmentally toxic effects (including functional deficits, growth retardation, structural malformation, and death)an embryonic dose exists below which the incidence among treated litters is neither statistically nor biologically different from incidence in untreated litters. This threshold dose. Wilson (1973) has asserted thatevery developmental toxicant dose is termed the
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Response (Percentage of Animals Showing Response) Threshold
Figure 5 Depiction of a hypothetical dose-esponse curve.Data points arc represented by triangles. The no-obsmable adverse effect level (NOAEL) is the highest dose that caused no significant effects (over background) in offspring. The lowest-observable adverse effect level (LOAEL)is the lowest dose that caused significant effects (over background)in offspring. The threshold is the calculated lowest point on the dose-response curve at which a dose of test agent would elicit changesin offspring; doses below the threshold will not cause deleterious effects in offspring and should be considered safe. that has been examined under welldesigned test conditions has demonstrated a threshold. That an extremely important concept from the standdevelopmental toxicants exhibit a threshold is point of risk assessment, because it means that a safe exposure level exists for the agent in question. This stands in stark contrast with the situation presented by genotoxic cancercausing agents, which are thought to possess the risk of initiating tumorigenesis at extremely low doses and for which an absolutely safe exposure level does not exist (see discussions in Brent, 1986a; Johnson, 1986). It must be stressed that determining a NOAEL does not identify the threshold for developmental toxicity. On the dose-response curve for the agent tested (see Fig. 5). the threshold is higher than the NOAEL, but lower than the LOAEL. Determining a NOAEL simply establishes that, under the conditions of the study, no adverse effects were detected at the dose level(s) used. Depending on the spacing between the doses selected for testing, the NOAEL may be an order of magnitude smaller than the LOAEL and, therefore, is often a poor estimate of the true threshold dose. Because the use of point estimates, like the NOAEL, as surrogates for the US. developmental toxicity threshold has limitations for human health risk assessment, the Environmental Protection Agency @PA, 1991a) is presently evaluating other techniques for quantifying dose-response relationships, such as the benchmark dose method (Crump, 1984; Kimmel and Zenick, 1993). One of the challenges that faces the real-world interpretation of developmental toxicity results occurs when an embryois exposedto two or more agents that, when acting together, have a greater effect than either agent acting alone. This situation exemplifies of thesynergism. notion As noted by Fraser (1977), the existenceof threshold doses in developmental toxicity can lead to difficulties when interpreting the resultsof a situation whereintwo substances are applied at a low dose during the embryo’s critical period. If both agents are given at high subthreshold doses (i.e., doses approaching the threshold), and if the agents share the same mechanism or
Principles Toxicity of Developmental
biochemical site of action, they may appearto be acting synergistically when theyare not. The reason that the agents appear to act synergistically is that if they are given separately, neither exerts a deleterious effect (because they are both below their respective thresholds). However, when given together, their threshold is exceeded, but it is merely by an additive mechanism. Consequently, situations involving exposure to multiple agents must be interpreted with caution.
3. Mod8et-s of Embryonic Dose Pharmacokinetics. The pregnant mammal is a unique experimental system that differs greatly from theusualbiologicalsystemsstudiedintoxicologyexperimentsbecausethepregnant mammal is composed ofthree interdependent, functional units: the pregnant dam, the placenta, and the embryo, From a pharmacokinetic perspective, the pregnant female is not the same organism as a somewhat heavy nonpregnant female. Numerous changes occur in the pregnant female with time over the course of gestation (see Pageet al., 1976; Koren, 1994). These include increases in renal function (resulting in augmented clearance rates for substances excreted by the kidney), decreased gastrointestinal transit time (leading to increased likelihood of absorption of poorly absorbed agents), increased total body water (affecting the concentrationdependent transfer of agents), and decreased serum protein binding (altering the kinetics of substances that are usually boundto albumin). Inanimalsthatproducemultipleyoung,eachindividualembryohas its own placenta attached to the uterine wall of the dam. Therefore, any test substance that is administered to several placentae the pregnant dam must traverse not only her vascular system, but alsoof. one to reach the vascular system of a particular embryo. This means that all embryos of a given litter share a common maternal environment, but each embryo maintainsits own placenta and or internal(embryonic)milieu.Each of these functional units (pregnant female, placentae, embryos) may be affected by the test agents that traverse it, and each functional unit has the opportunitytoalterthedistribution of substancesthatpassthroughit.Dependingonthe metabolic activities of individual placentae and embryos and the position of these relative to uterine blood flow, the embryos of a given litter may not be exposedthetosame substancesor similar amounts of those substances. PlacentalTransport. Theapposition of maternal to embryonictissuesforthepurposeof physiological exchange is the placenta. In primates (including humans), this transient organ comprisestissuesandvasculaturefromthechorionandallantoisand,therefore,istermed the chorioallantoic placenta (Ramsey, 1982). The placenta acts as a lung, kidney, and digestive tract for the embryo. It is the site of transfer for nutrients, gases, metabolic waste, and foreign substances. Since the placenta is the interface between the embryo and the maternal environment, it is the siteof absorption, transfer, and metabolism of nutrients and foreign compounds. As recently as the195Os,many scientistsbelievedthattheplacentawasabarrierthatpreventedthe The mammalian movement of all unwanted, foreign xenobiotic substances into the embryo. embryo (especially the human embryo) was believed to exist in a “privileged” environment that was protected from unwanted environmental assaults. More recently, the placenta has been conceptualized as a sieve that retardsor blocks the transfer of molecules that weigh mom than lo00 D, are highly chargedor polar, are hydrophilic, or are strongly bound to (serum) proteins. Currently, however,it is recognized that a wide diversityof mechanisms exist forthe transport of molecules through the placenta (Miller et al., 1976, 1983; Miller, 1986; Wild, 1981). The transport mechanisms include both simple diffusion for smaller molecules (relative molecular mass [Mv] of less than lo00 D, but especially those under 600D such as urea, oxygen, carbon dioxide)andcarrier-mediatedtransport(Mirkin,1973;Miller,1986).Thecarrier-mediated mechanisms include active transport (e.g., sodium and potassium, calcium, amino acids) facili-
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tated diffusion (e.g.. D-glucose), and receptor-mediated endocytosis (e.g., immunoglobulins, on the amountof agent presented to vitamin B12,transferrin). Under some situations, depending the placenta, more than one mechanism may be available to the agent (Milleret al., 1983). Thus, given the multiplicity of available transport mechanisms, when any substance is presented to the placenta, the question concerning entry into the embryo should not be whether or not placental transfer occurs, but rather, by which mechanism(s) and at what rate transfer will occur. Rodents and lagomorphs(e.g., rabbit and guinea pig), with their relatively short gestational periods, differ from primates in that an early placenta develops from the yolk sac (the inverted yolk sac placenta) and is later replaced by the chorioallantoic placenta. Although the yolk sac placenta experiences reduced importance after the establishment of the chorioallantoic placenta, in gestation. Consequently, there remain distinct it does continueto function until relatively late differences in placental structure and function between humans and typical laboratory species. These differences complicate the interspecies extrapolation of developmental toxicology data. Biotransformation. When compounds thatare foreign to an organism enter its body, the foreign substances (xenobiotics)are chemically transformed by various enzymes thatare present inthe organism to prepare the xenobiotic for excretion (Neal, 1980). Xenobiotics that are lipophilic (more soluble in lipidlike materials than in aqueous media) tend to accumulate in thebody and may perturb cellular functions, leading to a toxic effect. A subset of biotransformation enzymes metabolizes the xenobiotic substance (e.g., the test agent) to make it more water-soluble and, hence, more readily excreted. This situation becomes considerably more complicated in pregnan maternal-placental+mbryonic unit is capableof metabolizmammals, because each part of the ing xenobiotics that enter it. Consequently, each of the three units may be exposed not only to the test agent, but also to biotransformation products of the other units. This means that the proximate developmental toxicantmay not actually be the agent that was administered to the pregnant female, and the dose-response curve using the maternally administered dose of test agent, is only a surrogate for the true dose-response curve of the embryonic dose of the proximate developmental toxicant versus developmentally toxic Iteffect. is assumed that the true dose-response curve is proportional to the one based on maternal exposure. MaternalMetabolism.As an adultorganism,thepregnantfemale is capableofbiotransforming test agents according to any of the appropriate detoxification mechanisms available to her species (see the following for discussions: Williams, 1959; Testa and Jenner, 1976; Jakob et al., 1982).The timeof exposure during her gestation will also affect her ability to biotransform or excrete the test agent. For instance, as mentioned in Sec. III.D.3 on pharmacokinetics, normal physiological changes of pregnancy will increase plasma and extracellular volumes, increase gastrointestinal absorption, and enhance renal excretion. These changes will affect the kinetics of biotransformation. In addition, the maternal liver demonstrates increased clearance ratesof some drugs during early and middle pregnancy (see Page et al., 1976; Koren, 1994). Consequently, the pregnant female differs metabolically from the nonpregnant female adult and, depending on the time in gestation, from other pregnant females as well. Placental Metabolism. In addition to transferring molecules to the embryo, the placenta may also metabolize substances, whether they are xenobiotic compounds or nutrients. In the cow and sheep, the trophoblast of the placenta converts maternally delivered glucose to fructose which, inturn, is transferredto the embryo. In those species, an intravenous dose of glucose to the pregnant animal causes a dramatic rise in fetal blood levels of fructose, rather than fetal levels of glucose.This illustrates both species differences among placentae and that the placentae are not merely sieves. Placentae also contain various enzymes (at low concentrations that change with gestational age) that are capable of metabolizing xenobiotics (Battaglia, 1981; Juchau, 1972, 1980, 1982;
Principles Toxicity of Developmental
Juchau and Rettie, 1986). These enzymes include reductases, epoxide hydrases, cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, glucuronidases, and others. The enzymes are not present at all times during gestation, but make their appearances at different times. The presence (or absence) of these enzymes reflects the genome of the embryo, rather than that of the mother. Placental enzymes can be induced by inducers of monooxygenases, such as phenobarbitol, benzo[a]pyrene,and3-methylcholanthrene.Inaddition,theformationofreactiveintermediatesfrom xenobiotic compounds by placental enzyme preparations has been demonstrated in vitro. EmbryonicMetabolism.Throughoutgestation,developingembryoscontinuallychange morphologically, biochemically, and metabolically. The response of a younger embryo (e.g., of an older embryo gestational day9) to a given dose aoftest agent may differ from the response (e.g., gestational day14) to an identical dose, because the metabolic and biochemical capabilities (i.e., the detoxificationas well as catabolic and anabolic enzyme complements) of the two ages may handle and of the same embryoare not the same. Thus, different ages of the same embryo as if they were different organisms. react to the same amount of test substance
E. Risk Assessment I . MaternalToxicity The pregnant female provides her developing embryo(s) with a physical environment, nutriIn as much as thephysiological ents,andamechanismforeliminatingmetabolicwaste. status of the dam affects her ability to provide those requirements for the embryo(@, it should be no surprise that factors that compromise her physiological state can affect the well-being of the embryo@). Thus, the health status of the pregnant(see dam discussion in DeSesso, 1987) as well as environmental stress (Chernoffetal.,1987;Schardein,1987)mayaffecther offspring. Test agent-induced toxicity in the dam may cause indirect effectsin her offspring. This means that, although developmental toxicity is often describedas an independent effect,it can be intimately tied to maternal toxicity. When there is significant maternal toxicity, it is often difficult to distinguish effects mediated through toxicity in the mother from those caused by direct action of the test agent within the embryo itself (Khera, 1985, 1987). Therefore, it is of the important to (1) minimize extraneous environmental factors that could affect the health dams and possibly compromise the healthy outcome of pregnancy; and (2) utilize a range of doses that includes a high dose that causes maternal toxicity. Given a knowledge of the physiology of the maternal-placental-embryonic complex, it axe toxic to adults, there is a likelihood that it should notbe surprising that for compounds that if a dose of a compoundis high enough to elicit could alsobe toxic to embryos. Consequently, toxicity in a pregnant female, then it is biologically plausible that the compound will also produce effects in offspring. This may mean that the compound itself simultaneously exerts effects in both the maternal organism and her offspring. Because maternal toxicity also exerts nonspecific effects on developing offspring, itis important to identify a NOAEL for develop mental toxicity safety tests in the absence of maternal toxicity, if possible. Those agents of greatest concern an? thosethatcauseseveredevelopmentaleffectsin offspring, but no adverse effects in the pregnant female. Methylmercury and thalidomide are examples of this type of dangerous human developmental toxicant.
2. Predictive Value of Animal Findings The four major developmental toxicity endpoints do not necessarily share the same underlying mechanism. This means that their dose-response curvesare often nonlinear. Moreover, as the dose of testagetltincreases,oneendpoint(e.g.,death of the offspring) may preclude the manifestation of the others.
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The predictive value of teratogenicity tests in animals for infening human risk is not clear-cut (Kalter, 1965). The induction of a particular developmentally adverse effect in one animal species does not predict the same effect in another species (including humans). Whereas virtually everyknown human teratogenis teratogenic in at least one laboratory species, roughly 71% of substances that have been correlated with human no-adverse developmental effects are positive in at least one test animal (Frankos, 1985). Even though the amount of human data is generally limited and the shape of the humandoseresponse curve for developmental toxicity is unknown, the lack of concordance between animal and human studies means that the predictability of a single animal study is unknown. Thus, although an adequately designed, positive animal teratology studysuggests the possibilityof risk to humans, it cannot predict whether or not that substance will cause developmental toxicity in humans. Nevertheless, because animals do respond to known human teratogens, a biologically significant increase in any of the major endpoints in a developmental toxicity studyis a concern for risk assessment purposes, and that concern is heightenedwhen a given test agent causes developmentally adverse effects in more than one test species.
3. Establishment of Human Teratogenicity Determination of whether an environmental agent causes developmental toxicity in humansis a difficult task. Animal studies are useful in elucidating the mechanism of action for known human developmental toxicants andfor alerting regulators and the public to suspect agents that might have the potential to cause human developmental toxicity. Animal studies, however,are not able to predict human effects because interspecies extrapolations cannot be performed with certainty. Consequently, most human developmental toxicants have been discovered by vigilant physiciansandbiomedicalscientists.Theprocessinvolvesthetentativeidentification of a relationship between exposureto an environmental agent and an adverse outcome of pregnancy, ' usuallyinacase report. Subsequentepidemiologicalstudies m used toanalyzetheincidence and trends of the particular adverse outcome to understand whether a causal relationship is plausible. Brent (1986b) has established several criteria that strengthen the causal relationshipbetweenhumanexposuretoanenvironmentalagentanddevelopmentaltoxicity.The criteria are summarized below:
1. Well-designed epidemiology studies consistently demonstrate that exposure to a given agent is associated with increased incidence of a particular developmentally toxic effect or set of developmentally toxic effects. 2. For widespread exposures, secular trend data support the relationship between the exposures in humans and the incidence of the developmentally toxic effect or set of developmentally toxic effects. 3. An animal model is (or can be) developed that mimics the human fmdings at doses that cau neither maternal toxicity nor reduced consumption of food or water. 4. The developmentally toxic effects increase with increasing of doses the environmental agent. 5. The mechanism(s) underlying the developmentally toxic effects am plausible and do not contradict the scientific principles of biology.
Note that none of the criteria individually prove the human teratogenesis of an agent, but the more of the criteria that apply to the situation, the stronger is the argument for a causal relationship.
Principles Toxicity of Developmental W.
Teratology or, more broadly, developmental "toxicology, investigates the causes, mechanisms, perturand effectsof adverse pregnancy outcomes including congenital malformations, growth bations, functional deficits,or death of offspring. Environmental agents are estimated to cause 18 drugs, chemicals,or chemical classes have 8-12% of human congenital defects, although only been positively identified as human teratogens. In experimental animals, over lo00 test agents have elicited developmental toxicity in at least one laboratory species. Envimnmental agents that induce aberrant development follow several basic principles that determine the extenttype and of adverse effect. The concepts that are important to developing the principles include the embryonic genome; embryonic (gestational) stage; and embryonic exposure or dose, including the existence of a threshold and modifiers of embryonic dose (pharmacokinetics, placental transport, and biotransformation by mother, placenta or embryo). Continued investigation of environmental developmental toxicants is important becausewill it lead us to an understanding of the mechanisms of developmental toxicity that may enable us to prevent, ameliorate, or perhaps reverse developmental toxicities from all causes.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Supported in part byMITRE Sponsored Research Project 9587C.
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Principles of Neurotoxicity 1. K. Ho
Universityof Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi
Anna M. Fan CaliforniaEnvirotunental Protection Agency Berkeley, California
I. INTRODUCTION Neurotoxicity is defined as “any adverse effect on the structure or function of the central and/or peripheral nervous system relatedto exposure to a chemical substance” (USEPA, 1987; U. S. Congress, Officeof Technology Assessment,1990). Any chemical substance that exertsn e w toxicity is a neurotoxicant. It is estimated that among the 70,000 chemicals being used in commerce (National Research Council, 1992), a large numberknown are to be neurotoxicants. These do not include chemicals used as therapeutic drugs or found in natural sources. Ihentyeight percent of the chemicals that have been substantially used in American industries were indicated tobe potential neurotoxicants (Anger, 1984). Neurotoxic effects of a chemical in vivo are usually produced when the target site within the nervous systemis exposed to a sufficient amount of the chemical or its toxic metabolite for is sufficient to induce biological changes. These may be seen as changes a duration of time that in behavior, biochemistry, physiology, morphology, and pharmacology. There are several special considerations that should be given to the assessment of adverse effects on the nervous system, compared with other body organs or systems. First, the nervous system controls all physiological functions of the body, including those of the cardiovascular, digestive,or respiratory systems. Second, neurons in the brain are formed before birth Third, the interconnections among and cannotbe regenerated, as can other cellular components. neurons within a nervous pathway or among different pathways and other organs are very complex and sophisticated. All these contribute to the difficulties in predicting the nature of neurotoxicity that maybe induced by a neurotoxicant andin delineating the site and mechanisms . of action of a neurotoxicant. as the “Decade of the Brain” The Congressof the United States has designated the 1990s (U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 1990). Neurological disorders are among the (v.S. Congress, Officeof Technology Assessment, 1990). most frequently encountered diseases 57
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Neurotoxicity from exposure to chemicals is emerging as an endpoint for risk assessment of potentially toxic substances(USEPA, 1993). This chapter provides general background on how neurotoxicity may be induced when humans or animals m exposed to neurotoxicants.
II. CLASSIFICATIONOFNEUROTOXICANTS There is currently no unified system established for classifying neurotoxicants, although several classificationshavebeenproposed(Biereley et al., 1971; Brucher, 1967; Malamud, 1963; Norton, 1986; Scholz, 1953; Windle, 1963). Most textbooks of toxicology or neurotoxicology usually classify neurotoxicants based on multiple considerations, such as functional use and chemical structun (pesticides:inorganiccompounds,pyrethroids,chlorinatedhydrocarbons, organophosphates, and carbamates, among others), chemical property (heavy metals, solvents), physicalproperty(gases,vapors, comsives), effectsorneurotoxicendpoints(convulsants, depressants, substances of abuse), and source (natural, semisynthetic, and synthetic products). of these categories. Table 1 gives examplesof neurotoxicants classified under some
Neuroroxicunfs are considered to be agents that produce neurotoxicity by direct actions on the structure or function of the central nervous system or peripheral nervous system, or both. A chemical that exerts indirect consequence secondary to the effect induced by acting on other organs should notbe considered a neurotoxicant. For example, carcinogens, such as benzo[u]pyrene, aflatoxins, and dimethylnitrosamine induced cancers that could make patients exhibit some degreeofbehavioralabnormalitybecauseofseveresickness.However,thesecompounds themselves are not considered tobe neurotoxicants. Environmental chemicals, such as organophosphates and carbamate pesticides, alcohols, lead, and mercury,are neurotoxicants as listed in Table1. They are known to directly affect the are not structure or functionof the nervous system. However, the effects of neurotoxic agents specific only to the nervous system and, depending on the extentof exposure, neurotoxicants can also affect other organs or systems. Even for neurotoxicants with relatively well-known an mechanisms of action, there is still a lack of specificity. For example, chlorpromazine, antipsychotic agent, is believed to be a dopamine receptor antagonist, for which the therapeutic rationale is based. This compound also actsalonand 1x2-adrenergic receptors, histamine l(H1) receptors,serotonin2(5-H"2)receptors,andmuscariniccholinergicreceptors.Thisis why this agent. significant adverse reactions and toxic side effects always accompany the use of Central nervous system stimulants, such as amphetamines and cocaine, are known to interfere withmonoamines(norepinephrine,dopamine,andserotonin).Methylmercuryalsoproduces 1990). renaltoxicity at exposureshigherthanthoseassociatedwithneurotoxicity(WHO, Benzene causes leukemia in addition toCNS depression (Hume and Ho, 1994). Cholinersteraseinhibiting pesticides are often known to produce other biological responses (Hayes and Laws, 1991). The complexity of the nervous system, the many potential endpoints thatbemay affected, the sensitivity of some neurological endpoints, the difficulties in detecting them methodologically, and the potential for masking such effects by other toxicological responses, all make the identification of neurotoxicity of chemicals a complicated task.
W. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM "he nervoussystemcomprisesthecentralnervoussystem(CNS)andperipheralnervous system (PNS).The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord, whereas the PNS consists of
the autonomic, sympathetic, and parasympathetic nervous systems. The PNS communicates as theheart, neuronaltransmissionbetweenthespinalcordandperipheralorgans.such muscles, and glands. A simplified diagram of neuronal structures is illustrated in 1. Figure The major function of This function is carried out by two major the nervous system is to handle neuronal transmissions. types of cells in the nervous systems: neurons and glial cells. Neurons are responsible for neuronal transmissions. The glial cells support and p t e c t neurons by providing nutrition, as myelin sheath). It is obvious that any structural support, and protection and insulation (such chemical agent that interferes with nonneuronal processes, such as maintaining integrity of the cell structures, may indirectly affect neuronal processes and produce neurotoxicity. Examples are the chemicals that disturb neuronal energy metabolism and the synthetic and degradative are essential pathways, suchas carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins. These processes for maintaining the primary functions of the cells and their suborganelles (nucleus, mitochondria, endoplastic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, among others). The information transfer and processing by neurons are achieved by electrical currents flowing across neuronal membranes, and chemical transmission occurs at the synaptic junctions are different morphologically distinctive types of neurons (e.g., between neurons. Although there unipolar, pyramidal, bipolar, and multipolar), a neuron generally consists of the cell body, axon, dendrites, and nerve endings (terminals). The cell body contains the organelles responsible for the synthesisof macromolecules necessary for the metabolism of chemicals called neurotransmitters, which are essential for neuronal transmission and cellular maintenance. The axon is mainly responsible for transport of macromolecules and precursors from the cell body to the nerve endings for the synthesis and maintenance of neurotransmitters. Another major function of the axon is transporting action potentials down toward the nerve endings for the initiation of chemical transmission. The output of information takes place at nerve endings. The synthesis of smallmolecularweightneurotransmitters(e.g.,acetylcholine,biogenicamines,aminoacid neurotransmitters) also occurs at the nerve endings. A specialized contact zone with a gapof 300-400 A, called synapse, connects a presynaptic nerve ending and the postsynaptic site of another neuron. The synapse consists pof and postsynaptic membranes, and the gap is called the synaptic cleft. Dendrites usually receive and integrate information, but some also function similarly to the nerve endings that contain mitochondria and neurotransmitters. In general, neurotransmittersare synthesized at the presynaptic sitesof the nerve endings. The precursor and synthetic machineryof a neurotransmitter would travel down to the ending from the cell body through microtubules in the axon. After synthesis is completed, the neurotransmitter is stored in synaptic vesicles. On stimulation of the nerve, the neurotransmitter is released. When it is released into the synaptic cleft, it can bind to postsynaptic receptors. After the interaction of the neurotransmitter with the receptors, the reuptake process into the preof theneurotransmitterwilloccurto synapticsite, or degradationatthepostsynapticsite inactivate the actionof the released neurotransmitter. The neurotransmitter that is taken back to be either metabolized or restored in vesicles. When receptors recognize the presynaptic site can the neurotransmitter, a conformational change of the receptor protein occurs, which results in transmembrane signaling and the induction of intracellular responses. For more detailed knowledge on structure and functionof the nervous system, refer to the book, Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmucology,by Cooper et al. (1991).
V. SITES OF NEUROTOXICAM ACTION It is clear that neurotoxicants could act on presynaptic sites of neurotransmitters, such as those for synthesis, storage, release, reuptake, autoreceptors, and metabolism. They could also onact
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Postsynaptic event Ion channels Second messengers Signal transductions
Figure 1 Diagrammaticpresentation of aneuron.The simplified diagramshows a neuron with organelles (nucleus,Golgi apparatus, endoplastic reticulum, Nisslbodies, mitochondria), dendrites, axon, myelin sheath, nerve ending, and synaptic connection (synapse) with other neurons. A neuronmay be surrounded by glialcells.
postsynaptic sites of the neurotransmitters, suchas those of receptors, degradation, and signal by a neurotoxicant could potentially result in neurotoxtransduction. Any of these sites affected icity. With the complexity of the nervous systems, it is difficult to pinpoint where the exact sites of action of neurotoxicants are. Neurotoxicity induced by neurotoxicants can be by direct or indirect actions on the nervous systems. For example, the CNS is protectedby the blood-brain barrier (BBB), formed by endothelial cells surrounding capillaries that supply the brain and interact with astrocytes. The BBB allows only certain smaller-molecular-sized substances, such as lipophilic compoundsor certain nutrients, amino acids, hormones, fatty acids, peptides, and carbohydrates,that require activetransportsystemstoreachthebrain(Pardridge, 1988). However, not all areasof the brain are equally protected by theBBB. Certain regions, suchas the postrema area and circumventriculararea, lack the protectionof the BBB. Furthermore, in theyoung,the BBB isnotwelldeveloped.Chemicalsthataffectthe BBBcanlead to neurotoxicity by itself or to other substances as a result of entry to the brain. Table 2 summarizes the sitesof possible neurotoxicant action on the nervous systems.
VI. NEUROTRANSMllTERS INNEUROTOXICITY With the complexity of the nervous system, the most well-understood sites at which neuroof synaptic contacts involve processes toxicants might act are the synapses. The great majority of chemical transmission in which the arrivalof an action potential at the terminal region from
Table 2 Sites of Neurotoxicant Action Site system nervous of the
The centml nervous system(CNS) and the peripheral nervoussystem (PNS) Neurons (cellbody, axon, nerve endings, and dendrites)
Affected process
Electrical properties through ionic events MPS
Channels Chemical actions (neurotransmitters) through synaptic transmission Presynaptic Transportation Synthesis Storage Release Autoreceptors Reuptake
Glia (astrocytes,oligodendrocytes and microglial cells) Other nonneuronal processes related to the functions of neurons andglia
Blood-brain barrier @BB)
Metabolism Postsynaptic Receptors Metabolism Second messengers Signal transduction Reuptake Metabolism Synthesis and degradation of Carbohydrates Lipids and fatty acids Nucleic acids
Proteins Modified entry to the brain ~~
the axon initiates the release of the neurotransmitter (see Fig. 1). This chemical transmitter diffusesacrossthesynapticcleftandtheninteractswithspecializedreceptorsitesonthe surface of the postsynapticcell to trigger a rapid and short-lasting change in the permeability of the cell membrane. Depending on which neurotransmitter and whichtype of receptor sites are involved, the change in membrane permeability may either excite or inhibit the firing of actionpotentialsbythepostsynapticcells.Whenanexcitatorypathway is stimulated,a depolarization or excitatorypostsynapticpotential (EPSP) isrecorded.When an inhibitory pathway is stimulated, the postsynaptic membrane is hyperpolarized and an inhibitory postsynaptic potential(IPSP) is recorded. be a small molecule that is synthesized at the nerve endings (e.g., The neurotransmitter may acetylcholine, monoamines, histamine, 'y-aminobutyric acid, glycine, glutamate), or a larger peptide (e.g., p-endorphin, substanceP,newtensin, cholecystokinin) which is synthesized at the cell body.Table 3 lists most of the widely recognized small molecular weight nonpeptide neurotransmitters and their subtypes of receptors.. These neurotransmitters have demonstrated electrophysiological activity and an effect on humanbehaviors.Thesesubstances are alsounevenlydistributedthroughoutthenervous
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Table 3 Nonneuropeptide Neurotransmitters and Their Receptor Subtypes Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine (ACh) Adenosine y-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) Aspartic acid Dopamine @A) Glutamic acid (Glu) Glycine (Gly)
Histamine (His) Norepinephrine (NE)
serotonin (5-HT)
systems. For instance, most of the cell bodies of the norepinephrine-containingneurons are located in the locus ceruleus and other nuclei in the pons and medulla. mons Somedescend of the in the spinal cord, innervating the dorsal and ventral horns and lateral gray columns. Some enter the cerebellum. Some ascend in the ventral bundle to innervate the hypothalamus, and some ascend in the dorsal bundle to innervate the dorsal hypothalamus, limbic system, and neocortex. Serotonin-containing neurons have their cell bodies in the raphe nucleiof the brain stem and project to the hypothalamus, the limbic system, the andneocortex. Distributionsof norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain appear to be parallel. Both serotonin and norepinephrine are On the other hand, dopamine, another monoamine, has a distribution related to mental function. pattern quite different from those of norepinephrine and serotonin. Many dopaminergic neurons have their cell bodies in the midbrain. They project from the substantia nigra to the striatal region (nigrostriatalpathway)andfromventraltegmentalareatotheolfactorytubercle,nucleus accumbens, and related areas (mesolimbic pathway). There is also a separate intrahypothalamic system of dopaminergic neurons that project from cell bodies in the arcuate nucleus to the It is external layerof the median eminenceof the hypothalamus (tuberoinfundibular pathway). evident that dopamine in the CNS is involved inthe endocrine, motor, and mental functions. The amino acid neurotransmitters (y-aminobutyric acid [GABA] and glutamate), are much more gram of brain, abundant than those of monoamines. They are detected at levels of micromoles per instead of nanomoles per gramof brain, as with monoamines. However,their distributionin the CNS is much more ubiquitous and less defined. More detailed information on neurotransmitters can be found in book, the The Biochemical Basis ofNeuropharmacology,by Cooperet al.(1991). Neurotransmitters, after being released from presynaptic terminals, can activate recep their tors at the postsynaptic and presynaptic (autoreceptor) sites. It is well established that a general class of receptors canbe classified into subtypes of receptors. Subtypesof receptors for different neurotransmitters, as listed in a recent reference (TIPS, 1993) are also summarized in Table 3. Furthermore,manyreceptorsaremultimericproteinsconsistingofmultiplesubunits.For ofseveral example, the GABAA receptor complex is a heterooligomeric protein consisting
distinct protein subunits.At least five types of GABAA receptor subunits exist,a, p, y, 6, and p. Evidence indicates thatthe GABAA receptors are highly heterogeneous, not onlyin terms of anatomical structure, but also vulnerability in response to toxicological challenges.
VII. TOXlCOKlNETlCS OF NEUROTOXICANTS Neurotoxicityinducedbyneurotoxicantswouldbeevidentwhenacertainamountofthe agent reached the target site. The fraction of neurotoxicant that enters the CNS after a subject of it is in a free or unboundstate. isexposedtotheagentisdetermined byhowmuch Therefore, the plasma concentration of free or unbound chemical or its biologically active metabolite is the primary factor that determines the intensity of biological actions. The study of toxicokinetics of a neurotoxicant has become one of the most important meansof determining the toxicity of suspected toxic compound.It includes absorption from the administration site; distribution into bodycompartments,includingtissuedepots,suchasadiposetissue;biotransformation or metabolism to active or inactive metabolites: and excretion of parent compounds or metabolites from the body. Excellent textbooks (Ah-Donia, 1992; Amdur et al., 1993) are available on these topics. These parameters also determine the onset and durationof the actionsof a neurotoxicant. One of the best examplesto illustrate the importanceof toxicokinetic factors that influence As shown in Figure 2, the action of compounds with similar structure is the action of barbiturates. thiopental, pentobarbital, phenobarbital, and barbital share a similar chemical formula, barbituric acid (2,4,6-trioxohexahydropyrimidine).However, different functional groupsare attached to in the rate of the basic structure, and differences in lipid solubility make significant differences absorption, distribution, biotransformation, and excretion of these chemicals. For example, the
15-30 minutes
3-6 hours
24-48 hours N-c' H
>48 hours H
Figure 2 Representative structures of barbiturates and theirduration of action(sedativ+hypnotic Pl-opertY).
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Table 4 Examples of Neurotoxicants That Might Be Metabolized to Form Active Toxic Metabolites Parent Phenacetin Acetanilid Acetaminophen Parathion Malathion Meperidine Cocaine 1-Methyl-rtphenyl-l.2,3,6tetrahydropyridine 0 Chloral hydrate Methanol Benzene Codeine Ethanol Ephedrine Primidone
Phenetidin Aniline N-Acetyl-P-hnmquinone Paraoxon Malaoxon Normeperidme
Norcocaine 1-methyl-4phenylpyridinium ion (MPPC) 'Wchlomthanol Formaldehyde, formic acid Phenol, dihydrodiol Morphine Acetaldehyde Norephedrine Phenobarbitol
lipid solubility of thiopental is about 600, 200, and 15 times higher than that of barbital, phenobarbital, or pentobarbital, respectively. Thiopental can reach peak concentration in the brain in seconds, It will also distribute to other tissues and fluids rapidly. Therefore, the rapid rate of distribution of thiopental is the determining factor for the rapid onset and short duration of action of thiscompound,although its rate of metabolismiscomparablewiththat of pentobarbital. Although pentobarbital administered intravenously produces rapid of effects, onset the durationof action is determined entirelyby the rateof metabolism of the compound by the low lipid solubility, slowly penetrate the liver, In contrast, barbital and phenobarbital, with their BBB. Therefore, evenif theyare being administered intravenously, about 15-30 min are required peak effect of these compounds. The central action of barbitol is mainly determined to initiate the by the rate of renal excretion, since nearly 100% of barbital administered is excreted intact in the urine. For phenobarbital, 70% is metabolized in the liver and 30% is excreted unchanged from the kidney. The biotransformation of a neurotoxicant is usually the primary mechanism for its detoxification. Mostof the neumtoxicants wouldbe metabolized to more polar metabolite(s) that can be readily excreted by the kidneys. For example, pentobarbital alcohol, a major metabolite of always exceptions. For pentobarbital, has no obvious toxicological property. However, are there 4, some neurotoxicantsare biotransformed to metabolite(s) that can the examples cited in Table be more active,or equally as active, as the parent compounds.
VIII. FACTORS THAT MIGHT INFLUENCE NEUROTOXICITY OF NEUROTOXICANTS Exposure of humans or animals to the same dose of a neurotoxicant under the same environmental conditions can induce varying degrees of neurotoxicity in different individuals. Numerous factorsare known toinfluencetheseverity of neurotoxicity in differentsubjects.Fora
neurotoxicant, the physicochemical property, forms of preparation, dose and concentration, routes of administration, and metabolic rate of the agent would significantly affect the of degree neurotoxicityafterthesubjectshavebeenexposedtotheagent.Variations of biological systems,suchasage,sex,genetics,stateofhealth,nutritional or dietaryfactors, are also important parameters to be considered for the Occurrence of neurotoxicity induced by neurotoxicants. Environmental factors, suchas physical location, temperature, and Occupation, also deserve consideration. Examples of neurotoxicity influencedby various factorsare cited in the following. Accidental exposure to neurotoxicants is usually the by inhalation, oral, ordennal route. In general, the order of severity is inhalation > oral > dermal. Different routesof administration with certain compounds will also influence the degree of neurotoxicity. Francis (1985) illustrated routes of administration on organophosphorus ester-induced delayed neurotoxicity in experimental animals. Tri-o-cresyl phosphate (TOCP) induced delayed neuropathy in monkeys and dogs by subcutaneous injection but not by oral administration. Mipafox, an organophosphorus insecticide, also produced delayed neurotoxicityin rats by the subcutaneous route, but only marginal effect when it was given in the diet, The difference could be due to the difference in metabolism of these organophosphorus compounds with different routes of administration. The first pass be why oral administration causes much less delayed neurotoxicity of these through the liver may compounds. Differences in speciesare also obvious. Excellent examples in comparisons of the susceptibility of humans and animals to various insecticides are summarized by Hayes (1991). sex, strain differences, andso on, can alsobe found in the Handbook of More examples on age, Pesticide Toxicology (Hayes and Laws, 1991). Speciesdifferencesinmetabolism of neurotoxicantscanalsoinfluenceneurotoxicity. Parathionisactivated to paraoxon,acholinesteraseinhibitor, bythemicrosomalenzyme, desulfurase. Therank order of microsomal parathion desulfurase activity in vitro in the animals tested is guinea pig>hamster > mouse > rat > rabbit (Hodgson and Guthrie, 1980). Sex variation in enzyme activity is also evident, Parathion is metabolically activated to paraoxon faster by female rats than by the male. Therefore, itis more toxic to the female rats (Hodgson, 1987).
IX. ACUTE AND CHRONIC EXPOSURES TO NEUROTOXICANTS Acute exposms to neurotoxicants usually are related to accident or intentional exposures. Symptoms of acute neurotoxicity are obvious or are easier to be detected. However, slowly developingneurotoxicity by chronicexposurestolowdoses or subtoxicdosesofneurotoxicantsisdifficulttodetect.Chronicexposureisalong-term process thatcanalso be complicated by numerous factors. Symptoms induced by a neurotoxicant following acute or chronicexpo'sure are notalwaysidentical.Mostoften,theycan be completelydifferent. For example, the neurotoxicity of organophophorous cholinesterase inhibitors is due to their irreversible inhibition of acetylcholinesterase. They produce acute symptoms such as anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, confusion, slurred speech, ataxia, tremor, or convulsion. However, these symptoms cah disappear, even when the cholinesterase activities have not appreciably recovered. In cases of long-term exposure to orgMophosphorus pesticides such as parathion, octamethyl pymphosphoramide, Syston, EPN, Di-Syston, and Delnav, tolerance to these agents has been well recognized (Barnes and Denz, 1951, 1954; Bombinski and DuBois, 1958; Cooper, 1962; Hodge, et al., 1954; Oliver and Funhell, 1961; Rider et al.,1952).Sumerfordetal.(1953) reported that farm workers in Wenatchee, Washington, had erythrocyte and plasma cholinesterase activityas low as 15% of the normal level without complaints of any symptoms throughout thesprayseason.Thissuggestedthattheyhaddevelopedtolerancetoorganophosphorus
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insecticides.Chronicexposure to organophosphorusinsecticides can alsoleadtodelayed peripheral neuropathy. The solvent, n-hexane, which is CNS a depressant, can cause headache and anoxia at acute can causesevere CNS toxicity,such as low-doseexposures.Athigherconcentrations,it confusion, stupor, and coma. However, chronic exposure to this solvent in workers exposed to ambient air containing high concentration of n-hexane produces a polyneuropathy believed to be due to the metabolite, 2.5-hexanedione(Goto et al., 1974).
X. GOALS AND TRENDS FOR STUDYING NEUROTOXICITY INDUCED BY TOXICANTS With the increasing knowledge of neurotoxicology and the need to evaluate the public health significance of the presence of chemicals in our environment, it is essential to investigate the potential neurotoxicity that may be induced by these chemicals. The goals for the study of chemically induced neurotoxicities include the following: 1. Identification of toxicants that are potentially neurotoxicants 2. Detection of the nature of neurotoxicity induced by neurotoxicants
Determination of specific mechanisms of action involved Correlation of neurotoxicity with possible mechanisms of action Development of predictive testing techniques Designsuitableregimens for theprevention and treatmentofneurotoxicitypotentially induced by neurotoxicants 7. Provide a reliable databasefor risk assessment andrisk management
3. 4. 5. 6.
Current testing data requirements for regulationof chemicals in the environment, such as those specified under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and To Substances Control Act (TSCA), are minimal. Neurotoxicity testing guidelines for pesticide assessment have been revised in 1991 by the USEPA. Regulatory agencies and scientific bodies are developing risk assessment guidelinesfor neurotoxicity evaluation of chemicals (USEPA, 1993). The National Academy of Sciences WAS, 1993), in its recent report, The Pesticides in the Diet of Infunrs and Children, also recommended neurotoxicity evaluation as part of the overall safety evaluationfor pesticides. Expanded neurotoxicity testing and risk assessment will help better characterize the public health implications of the presence of environmental chemicals and provide a basis for improve regulations to minimize unnecessary human exposure. Finally, for an up to date understanding of the principles and methodsof neurotoxicology are referred to the books by Chang and Dyer (1993, and risk assessment of neurotoxicity, readers Chang and Slikker(1995), and Chang (1995).
REFERENCES Abou-Donia, M.B. (1992). Neumtoxicology, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FT,. Amdur, M. O., Doull, J., and Klaassen, C.D. (1993). Cusurett and Doull's Toxicology: The Busic Science of Poisons, 4th ed.. McGraw-Hill, NewYork. Anger, K. W.(1984). Neurobehavioral testing of chemicals: Impact on recommended standards, Neurobehuv. Toxicol.Terutol.,6,147-153. Bames. J. M.and F.A.(1951). The chronic toxicity of p-nitrophenyl diethyl thiophosphate (E!. 605); a long term feeding experiment with rats, J . Hyg., 49.43W1. Barnes, J. M. and Den,F. A. (1954). Thereactionof rats to diets containing octamethyl pyrophosphoramide
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[TIPS] Trendr in Pharmacological Sciences (1993). 1993 Receptor Nomenclature Supplement, Elsevier,
Amsterdam. U.S. Congress, Office of 7kchnologyAssessment(1990). Neurotoxicity:IdentifyingandControlling Poisons of the Nervous System,(OTA-BA-436): U.S. Government Printing Oftice; [USEPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency (1987). Health effects testing guidelines, CFR 798.52 FR 26150, July 13, Chem. Reg. Rep.,31,7001-7872. [USEPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency (1991). Neurotoxicity testing guidelines, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA. [USEPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency (1993). Draft report:Principles of neurotoxicity risk assessment, Fed. Reg.,58,4155641599. [WHO]WorldHealthOrganization(1990).Methylmercury,EnvironmentalHealthSciencesNo. 59, Geneva. Windle, W. F. (1963). Selective vulnembility of the central newous system of hesus monkeys to asphyhyxia during birth. In Selective Vulnerabilityof the Central Nervous System in Hypoxaemia (J. F. Shade and W. H. McMenemy, eds.), F. A. Davis, Philadelphia.
Biology of the Immune System and Immunotoxicity Kathleen Rodgers
University of Southern California Los Angeles, California
1. INTRODUCTION The immune system is the body’s defense against foreign materials (called antigens), which include transformed cells, transplanted tissues, viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Immunology is the study of immunity. Immunity means “protection from,” here, protection from infectious disease or neoplasia. The body has both innate and adaptive immunity. Innate immunity is the nonspecific defense against disease, suchas the skin or polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs), and is constitutive. The adaptive immune response is specific and requires antigenic stimulation and the interaction and cooperationof several different cell typesin the immune system (Katz and Benacerraf, 1972). Zmmunoroxicology is the study of the toxic effects of xenobiotics,assuch therapeutic drugs, narcotics, and environmental pollutants, on the immune system. The immune system is influenced by stress and alterations in the homeostasis of other physiological systems (Folch and Waksman, 1974; Heiss and Palmer, 1978; Jose and Good, 1973; Monjan and Collector, 1977; be Purtilo et al., 1972). Therefore, the studyof the immunotoxic potential of a chemical must conducted at doses that are below that which produces other toxic reactions. Immunotoxicity can be the result of either (1) the suppressionof the ability of the immune system to respond to a foreign antigen, or (2) nonspecific or antigen-specific enhancement of an immune response. Immune suppression can result in an increase in the incidence or duration ofan infectious disease or neoplasia. Immune enhancement may result in allergic responses (respiratory, gastric, or dermal), autoimmune disease, or exacerbation of these processes.
II. LYMPHOID TISSUES The tissues in which the immune system resides are dispersed throughout the body and include the lymphatic vessels, spleen, liver, thymus, lymph nodes, appendix, skin, and bone marrow 71
(Wrella et al., 1990). The lymphatic vessels retrieve lymph from the extracellular space and return white blood cells to lymphoid organs. Lymphoid organsasact sites for the differentiation of cells involved in the immune response and the generation of immune responses. Lymphoid organs are situated at locations where foreign material might enter the body. For example, gastrointestinallymphoidorgans (i.e., Peyerspatchesandappendix) are locatedalongthe absorptive areas of the gastrointestinal tract.
111. INNATEIMMUNITY Innate immunity includes mechanical barriers, secreted products, and inflammatory cells (Sell, as ageand 1987a).Innateresistanceismodulatedonlybyphysiologicalconditions,such nutrition,anddoesnotdistinguishbetweendifferentmicroorganisms.Mechanicalbarriers include theskin, mucous membranes, and the epithelial lining of the lungs. Stomach acid, saliva, lysozyme,andmucous or waxy secretions, all are secretory products of the innate defense systems. Macrophages and PMNs are nonspecific inflammatory cells that are the first line of defense against invading organisms that breach epithelial barriers. The adaptive immune system is a backupto this first lineof defense.
W.INFLAMMATORYRESPONSE Inflammation is a primary response to infection or trauma and involves both innate and adaptive defense mechanisms (Sell, 1987b). Followingan initial vasoconstriction, increased blood flow (vasodilation) occurs, which causes redness and increases temperature. In turn, an influx of blood proteins, fluids, and blood cells occurs at this site of increased blood flow. Secondarily, there is a chemotaxisof white blood cells or leukocytes (firstPMNs then macrophages) into the site of inflammation. Leukocytes ingest and dispose of invading organisms or tissue debris. These cells also release proteolytic enzymes and inflammatory mediators during the course of the inflamas interleukin- 1( I L 1) andIL-6 and prostaglanmatory response. Some of these mediators, such dins, are also involved in the regulation of an immune response, as will be discussed later.
V. ADAPTIVE OR SPECIFIC IMMUNITY The functioning of the adaptive immune system is highly regulated and requires the interaction and communication of multiplecell types, including macrophages, lymphocytes, and granulocytes (Erb and Feldman, 1975; Gorczynski et al., 1971; Miller et al., 1971). Each cell type of are unique to that celltype (Goust, 1990; Virella, the immune system has distinct functions that of many of these celltypes can overlap. 1990). However, the functional capability
A. Lymphocytes The lymphocytesare small, mononuclear cells( 6 1 5 p m ) that originatein the bonemarrow and are differentiated either in the ‘‘bursa equivalent” (B cells) or thymus (T cells) (Stobo et al., 1987). Lymphocytes constitute the component of the immune system that responds to and neutralizes antigen in a specific manner. Each lymphocyte bears on its cell surface a receptor that is capableof recognizing a specific and distinctportion of the antigen. For theB cell, the antigen-specific receptor is a membrane form of an antibody. For the T cell, the receptor that confers recognitionof antigen and specificity for self, termed T-cell receptor, is a molecule with immunoglobulin like domains, but is much m m complex in its design (Arden et al., 1985). The T-cell receptor complex consists of (1) the T-cell receptor, which hastwo disulfide-linked
System Biology of the Immune
glycoproteins (aand p or 6 and y), and (2) CD3, an invariant complex of proteins (6.6, E, and y) that transducesthe signal generatedby antigen bindingto the receptor. The portion of the antigen recognized by the T-cell receptoror membrane-bound antibody is called an epitope. An epitope is a small portion of the antigenic molecule, such as a protein or carbohydrate, that fit caninto the binding site of the antigen receptor, termed a purutope. On exposure to this epitope, the immature lymphocyte, whichis capable of responding to the antigen, is stimulated to differentiate and proliferate.This proliferation, termedclonal expansion,allows the formation ofmany cells thatare capable of eliminating the antigen. After the initial immune response to an antigen is completed, some of these lymphocytes become memory cells and generate a stronger and more This latter featureof the immune response rapid response to antigen with subsequent exposures. is the basisof immunizations against pathogens suchas tetanus. Each individual lymphocyte is able to recognize and respond to a single epitope. The uniqueness of each lymphocyte is determined by a genetic rearrangement event in the DNA coding forthe antigen receptor, whichoccurs before an encounter with the antigen (Tonegawa, 1983). For example, the germline DNA for immunoglobulin molecule, which is present in each B cell, contains multiple copies of regions termed variable region genes non-B cell and the stem (V),joining chain genes(J),diversity genes(D), and constant region genes (C, which determines V and J or the classof antibody). DuringBcell maturation, the intervening sequences between V and D and J is removed, such that the antibody-secreting cell contains DNA with the VJ or V D J genomic regions in juxtaposition. This rearrangement deletes the unnecessary genomic material and creates a unique immunoglobulin gene for that individual B cell. It also brings J regionenhancingsite,whichactionallows togetherthe V regionpromotersiteandthe transcription of this immunoglobulin gene. This mechanism permits the generation of millions of antigenic epitopeswhen needed. of unique lymphocytes that are ready to respond to millions
1. T Cells Tcell maturation involves stem cells that are produced in the bone marrow and circulate to and mature in the thymus (Sell,1987~).In the thymus, these cells acquire cell surface proteins that are specific for T cells (to which monoclonal antibodies are available such that these cells can be phenotypedbyflowcytometry). In additiontotheantigen-specificreceptor(discussed earlier), thymocytes express receptors for the tissue transplantation antigens from the gene famil called the major histocompatibility complex(MHC), which is responsible for self-recognition. Self-recognition is requiredfor T-cell response to antigen and for T-cell help to B cells in the generation of humoral response. After differentiation in the thymus, the T cells migrate from the thymus and settle in other lymphoid organs. T cells are the effector cells of the cell-mediated immune response and the regulatory cells of the adaptive immune response (Goust, 1990). The cell-mediated immune response clears antigen through directcell-cell interaction. CytotoxicT cells destroy cells thatare recognized by their T-cell receptor. OtherT cells, called Td cells, mediate delayed hypersensitivity. Another subset of T cells, which are identified by function and distinct patterns of cell surface proteins, m able to regulate the immune response. These include helper T cells, which function to augment an immune response through the release of cytokines, and suppressor T cells, which suppress the generation of an immune response.
2. B Cells Bone marrow cells also differentiate into B cells under the influence of many possible lymphoid occurs in the organs in the mammal (Sell, 1987~).In the chicken, the differentiation of B cells bursa of Fabricus (hence,B cells);it is unclear where this occurs in mammals. After the B cells develop, they migrate to lymphoid organs to await antigenic stimulation.
The B cells are the effectorcells of the humoral immune response. The humoral immune response is mediated through soluble factors such as immunoglobulins(%ella, 1990). Although B cells can aid in the initial generation of an immune response through the presentation of antigen, the function of B cells is to differentiate into plasma cells, which secrete immunoglobulin molecules or antibodies. Antibodies can agglutinate or neutralize an antigen, or they can opsonize an antigen for subsequent lysis, by complement fixation or antibodydependent cytotoxicity (ADCC), or by phagocytosis.Therearefiveclassesofantibodies.Theclass of antibody is determined by the constant region ofthe molecule andis changed during B-cell differentiation through a gene-splicing event in the immunoglobulin heavy chain gene, The IgM, IgG,and IgA antibodies aidin the neutralizationor elimination of the antigen (Goodman, 1987). Antibodies of the IgE class bind to a receptor on mast cells or basophils and mediate the degranulation of these cells following exposure to polyvalent f o m of their antigen. The IgD antibody is found on the surface of immature B cells and may act as the cellular receptor for antigen.
3. Natural Killer Cells Natural killer(NK) cells (i.e., cells that can lyse selected tumors without previous contact with the antigen) are nonadherent lymphocytes that share some propertiesTwith cells (e.g., the lytic mechanism) and macrophages (e.g., size and nuclear shape). The NK cells appear to have a receptor for their tumor target, but the nature of this receptor is unclear, and the lysis is not restricted by self-MHC proteins.
B. Macrophages The macrophageis the largest cell in the lymphoid system (1215 p m ) (diZerega and Rodgers, 1992).Themyeloidstemcelldifferentiatesinthebonemarrow to thepromyelocyte(the common precursor to granulocytes and macrophages), then to the megakaryocyte. The megakaryocyte differentiates into a monocyte, which is the blood-borne precursor to the macrophage or histiocyte,thetissuemacrophage.Themacrophage is theterminalcellinthedifferentiative schema. Macrophages are multifunctionalcells (in that they mediate both inflammatory and immune responses), the activity of which depends on their differentiative status. In the generation of an as well as secrete monokines immune response, macrophages phagocytose and process antigen that regulate immune responsiveness. Antigen pmcessing includes ingestion of the molecule and degradation of the antigen into fragments in phagolysosomes that can be recognized by the T cell. Following processing, the antigenic fragments are placed on the surface of the macro.phage in conjunction with the MHC class I1 protein, termed Ia, which mediates theinteraction between macrophages and lymphocytes bearing a cell surface protein called CM.
in Immune Responses
To generate a humoral immune response (i.e., production of specific antibody by plasma cells), the interaction of at least T and B cells and macrophages is required (Erb and Feldman, 1975; Gorczynski et al., 1971; Miller et al., 1971). Macrophages, or antigen-presenting cells, arc required for the stimulation of helper T cells, which, in turn, produce growth and differentiative factors for B cells. B cells are then stimulated to proliferate and differentiate into antibodysecreting plasma cells. Certain antigens are called “thymus-independent,” which means that
Immune Biology of the
T cells are not requiredfor the B cell to respondto this molecule. Such antigens can stimulate B cells directly, perhaps through d i m t interaction with the antigen receptor on the B cell. Helper and suppressor T cells also have a regulatory role the generation in of mature effector T cells (Miller et al., 1971). Some of these regulatory processes may occur through direct cell-cell interaction through the release of soluble factors.
B. Cytokines Cytokines, more specifically interleukins, interferons, and colony-stimulating factors are produced by cells activated during an immune response andare critical in the induction, maintenance, and control of this response (Oppenheim etal., 1987). Interleukin (IL)-l is released by macrophages and stimulateshelperriducer T cells in conjunction with antigento produce IL-2 and expressL 2 receptors. Interleukin-2 canact in an autocrine fashion to stimulate activated T cells to proliferate and produce various growth and differentiative factors for B and T cells and macrophages, such as IL-4 and interferon gamma. Current knowledge indicates that different types of helper T cells, calledT H 1 and TH2, secrete a different set of cytokines, depending on the typeof immune response theyare inducing.
VII. IMMUNOSUPPRESSION Suppression of the immune response can occur through many avenues and can have devastating consequences. The occurrence of repeated infections in an individual mayresult from suppression of host defense mechanisms (Ammann,1987). Immune deficiencymay be due to primary or secondary diseases. Primary immune deficiencies block the acquisition of immune maturity and may result from genetic or developmental abnonnalities. Secondary immune deficiencies result from diseases and interfere with the expression of an immune response. Primary immune deficiencies result in the permanent loss of immune cells at specific sites. Three major primary immune deficits can occur combined antibody and cellular, antibody alone, and cellular alone. Combined immune deficiencies include reticular dysgenesis, severe combined immune deficiencies (Swiss type agammaglobulinemia, ataxia telangiectasia, and others), dysgammaglobulinemias, and DiGeorge syndrome. Primary immune deficiencies also result from defects in the complement system, phagocytic dysfunction, and deficiencies in cytokine production. Secondary immune deficiencies may resultfrom naturally occuning disease p e s s e s or subsequent to the administration of suppressive agents. These processes affect the expressionof established defense mechanisms. Diseases affecting the cellular immune system include leprosy, measles and other viral infections, diabetes, and cancer. The clinical manifestations of immune deficiency diseases include infection with organisms thatare not usually pathogenic (opportunistic infections). As stated,exposure to immunosuppressiveagents may alsocausesecondaryimmune deficiencies. The study of this phenomenon is one aspect of field of immunotoxicology and imunopharmacology. The mechanismsof action of immunosuppressive agents are extremely (1) direct destructionof lymphoidcells, (2) interference withDNA synthesis, varied and include (3) interferencewiththeproduction of cytokines,and (4) interferencewiththefunctional capabilities of immunocytes. The result of exposure to immunosuppressive agents, either in a therapeutic situationor through envirotlmental exposure, maybe increased in the incidence or duration of infections or neoplasia. Several studies have shown this to occur following the administration of immunosuppressive agents following tissue transplantation (perm, 1985).
VIII. IMMUNOPATHOLOGY A. Introduction Immunopathology is the studyof tissue damage and disease that is the resultof immune effector 1992). In the study of diseases causedby immune mechanisms, mechanisms (Rose and MacKay, many organ systems may be involved, therefore, the lesions are best described by the effector mechanism used. Because these effector mechanisms also as protective act immune mechanisms, be a two-edged sword. The five effector mechanisms that are involved the immune response can in both the protective and destructive functions of the immune systemare as follows: (1) neutralization, (2) cytotoxicity, (3) immune complex reaction, (4) allergic reaction, and (5) cellmediated immunity (Table 1). For example, specific antibodies to antigens, such as diphtheria, lead to neutralization and clearance of the bacteria. However, when specific antibodies are made to molecules necessary for physiological homeostasis (suchas insulin or parts of the nervous system), diseases (suchas insulin resistance or myasthenia gravis) occur.
B. Neutralization Formation of antibodies specific for enzymes, hormones, or cell surface receptorsmay inactivate case, may activate the function of the receptor (Sell, the functionof the molecule or, in the latter 1987d). The resultant disease depends on the biological function of the molecule affected. Inactivation can result from (1) direct inactivation (i.e., steric hindrance of an active site or alteration in the tertiary structure of the molecule), (2) indirect inactivation (i.e.. aggregation and enhanced clearanceby the reticuloendothelial system), or (3) receptor loss(i.e., steric hindrance or down-regulationof the receptor). Many diseases are the result of specific antibodiesto biologically active molecules. Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases in which carbohydrate metabolism is abnormal owing to the inability of insulin to act.Qpe I diabetes mellitusmay result from antibodies to insulin, insulin of the receptor receptors, or islet cells. The antibody can neutralize insulin, block the availability to the insulin, or mediate the lysis of insulin-producing cells. Myasthenia gravis, which is characterized by muscle weakness and fatigue, is a functional abnormality in the conduction of nerve impulses from the motor nerve to the muscle fiber owing to antibody formation, with subsequent binding to the acetylcholine receptor. Thyroid disease can also result from autoantibodyformation;antibodiescanneutralizethyroidhormonesorblockreceptoraccess.
Table 1 Effector Mechanisms of the Immune System and Their Fbnctions mechanism Destructive Effector Protective function Neutralization
Diphtheria, tetanus
Insulin resistance, myas-
Cytotoxicity Immune complex reaction Allergic reaction
Bacteriolysis Acute inflammation Focal inflammation Parasite expulsion
thenia gravis Hemolysis, leukopenia Vasculitis, arthritis Asthma, uticaria, hay fever
Cell-mediated reaction DHR
Destruction of virus-infected
cell, cancer surveillance tuberculosis Leprosy,
Contact dermatitis, autoimmunity
Biology of the Immune System
Additionally, other diseases that can result from autoantibody formation include pernicious anemia, polyendocrinopathy,infertility, and hemophilia.
C.CytolyticReaction A cytolytic reaction can occur when an antibody or an immunized cell binds to an antigen present on a cell (Sell, 1987e). Cytolysis resulting from antibody binding can occur through the activation of complement (a series of blood proteins, the activation of which by IgM or some subtypesof IgG results in the insertion ofa pore into the membrane of the coated cell), or ADCC, which is mediated by macrophages or ADCC cells. The diseases that result from lysis of cellsthat are hematopoieticinorigin,includinghemolyticanemia,thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis,andvascularpurpura,can be calledimmunohematologicaldiseases.Other as allergic diseasesthatresultfromcytolyticreactionsincludeautoimmunediseases,such thyroiditis and acute endocarditis.
D. Immune Complex Reactions An immune complex reaction is the result of the interaction of an antibody with an antigen, followed by the deposition of this complex in tissues (Sell, 19870. The aggregated antigenof anaphylatoxic and antibody complexes cause the activation of complement and the production chemotactic fragments of complement, C4a, C3a, and C5a. Following this initial event, an inflammatory response ensues that leads to tissue destruction. Examples of disease states that are serum sickness, Arthus reaction, glomerulonephritis. result from this tissue damage Serum sickness, symptoms of which include glomerulonephritis, arthritis, and vasculitis, was first noted in 1905 in patients who had been injected with immune horse serumtetanus to toxin 10-14 days previously. In thisinstance,thepatientwhoreceivedthehorseserum recognized these proteinsas foreign, made a specific antibody responseto these proteins, and the antigen-antibody complexes precipitatedin the glomeruli of the kidneys, the walls of the small arteries, and the joints. The ensuing inflammatory response led to the symptoms that characterized the disease. Glomerulonephritis is inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney and is a common manifestation of immune complex disease. This phenomenon is due to interference with the structure and function of the glomeruli in their concentration of excreted metabolites into urine. of this Skin reactionsare also common manifestations of immune reactions. One example is the Arthus reaction.An Arthus reaction is a dermal inflammatory response of a precipitating antibody with its antigen, characterized by edema, erythema, and hemorrhage, and usually occurs within a few hours, Many other skin diseases m the result of immune complex deposition, including erythema nodosum, erythema multiforme, and dermatitis herpeformis.
E. Atopic or Anaphylactic Reactions (Allergy) An allergic reactionoccurs following the releaseof inflammatory mediators by the crosslinking of specific IgE antibodies (termed reagins), which passively bind to basophilic granulocytes through cell surface receptors in the constant region of the antibody, by multivalent antigens (termed allergins) (Terr, 1987). The inflammatory response has two phases: (1) the early phase by basophilic granulocytes and is is initiated by the releaseof histamine, heparin, and serotonin characterized by smooth-muscle constriction (by H1 receptors on the smooth muscles of the pulmonary bronchi, gastrointestinal tract, and others) or dilation of arterioles (by H2 receptors (2) thelatephase is initiated by arachidonicacid onthevascularsmoothmuscles);and metabolites (prostaglandins and leukotrienes), characterized by infiltration ofPMNs, lympho-
cytes, and macrophages. This later phase causes the painful, indurated responses in the skin and the prolonged decrease in airflow to the lung. fever. For Manifestationof allergic reactions include anaphylaxis, urticaria, asthma,hay and example, asthmais a reversible acute respiratory disease caused mainly by constriction of the smooth muscles of the small bronchi. There are at least two forms of asthma: (1) the allergic form, mediatedby mast cell activation through IgE antibody and allergin, and (2) the nonallergic form, although not well understood, may be due to an imbalance of smooth-muscle tone.
F. Cell-Mediated Immune Disease The immune-mediated diseasesjust discussed, which involve hyper-reactivityor inappropriate on responsivenessof the humoral immune system and the specificity of the reaction, were based the presence of an antibody specific for the antigen (Sell, 19878). In this section, the immunopathologythatresultsfrominappropriateexpressionof,or as thesideeffectof,the cell-mediated immune response is discussed. These reactions are called delayed hypersensitivity and granulomatous reactions.
l . Delayed Hypersensitivity Reactions A delayedhypersensitivityreaction(DHR)isanimmunemediatedinflammatoryreaction initiated by immune T cells. This response is characterized by a perivascular accumulation of mononuclear cells at the site of antigen localization. The inflammatory response is induced and maintained by the release of inflammatory cytokines and enzymes, such as IL1, lymphotoxin, interferon, and lysosomal hydrolases. The reaction is termed delayed because it occurs over a period of days or weeks, ratherthan minutes or hours, as in the Arthus reaction. This response is mediated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (which directly destroy antigen-bearing cells), Td cells (which release inflammatory lymphokines), and macrophages (which infiltrate in response to chemotactic factors releasedby sensitized lymphocytes). graft rejection, graft-versus-host reactions, and many The DHR results in contact dermatitis, ofthelesionscharacteristicofviralinfections.Contactdermatitis is mediatedmainlyby cytotoxic T lymphocytes that cross the epidermis and kill epithelialcells. The classic contact dermatitis reaction is observed with poison ivyor poison oak and is characterized by redness, of target cell death (recognizedas induration, and vesiculation.Graft rejection is also the result foreign by the expression of nonself-MHC class I proteins) and lymphokine release by sensitized T cells. A DHR to viral antigens expressed on host cells may be either protective, by limiting viral infection,or destructive, by destroying functioning host cells. The DHR mediates the fever and eruptive skin lesions observed with some viral infections. 2. GranulomatousReactions Granulomatous reactions (GR) are also cell-mediated andare identified by a focal collectionof mononuclear cells (Sell, 1987h). Granulomatous reactions are cellular responses to irritating, persistent, and poorly soluble substances that may be initiated by sensitized lymphocytes with the depositionof immune complexes. Granulomas may progress from highly cellular reactions to fibrous scars or central necrosis surroundedby fibrous scars. Granulomatous hypersensitivity diseasesincludeinfectiousdisease (e.g., tuberculosis),antigenicresponses(e.g.,zirconium granuloma, berylliosis), and diseases of unknown etiology (e.g., sarcoidosis).
G. Autoimmune Disease Most diseases discussedin the foregoing were placed in the contextof an immune responseto an exogenous agent, such as a heavy metalor virus, which, inturn,has debilitating consequences
Biology of the Immune System
m e t et al., 1982). However, as was described in the section on antibody-mediated disease, an immuneresponsecanoccur to one'sownantigens,termed autoimmunity, throughlossof tolerance to self. Acquired hemolytic anemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenia, and lupus erythematosus are examples of autoimmune disease thatare the result of a humoral immune response. are theresult ofcell-mediatedimmune There are manyotherautoimmunediseasesthat responses. One disease, encephalomyelitis, can be experimentally induced in animals by immunization with tissuesfrom the central nervous system. The resulting disease is very similar to acute hemorrhagic and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in the acute phase and to multiple sclerosisinthechronicphase.Manyotherdiseases,includinguveitis,peripheralneuritis, thyroiditis, orchitis, and Sjogren's syndrome, fall into this category of autoimmunity. However, most diseases in which the immune system attacks(i.e., self autoimmunity)are a mixture ofall of the effector mechanisms discussed earlier and are the resultof many interacting factors.
H. lmmunostimulation Immunostimulation may occurin a therapeutic setting, such as during vaccination to a pathogen as the or or stimulationof the immune system of patients with immunodeficiencies or neoplasia, result of exposure to environmental toxicants capableof stimulating immune responsiveness. Therefore, exposure to environmental toxicants can result in immune-mediatedItdisease. is also to an agent that causes nonspecific immune stimulation can exacerbate conceivable that exposure preexisting immune-mediated diseases.
IX. SUMMARY The immune system is in constant flux and responds to our environment to protect us from foreign invaders. Modulation of the immune system, either through disease or exposure to xenobiotics, can result in the inability to rid ourselves of foreign invaders (suppression) or inappropriate immune responses and subsequent immune-mediated disease (stimulation).
Ammann, A. J. (1987).Immunodeficiencydisease. In Basic and Clinical Immunology P. Stites, J. D. Stobo, and J. V. Wells, eds.), Appleton & Lange, Norwalk,C", pp. 317-355. Arden, C. J., et al. (1985). Diversity and structure of genes of the alpha family of mouse T cell antigen receptor, Nature, 316,783-788. diZerega, G. S. and Rodgers. K. E. (1992). Peritoneal macrophages.In The Peritoneum, Springer-Verlag, New York,pp. 136-154. h e t , P., Bernard, A., Hirsch, F., Weening, J.J., Gengoux, P., Mahieu, P., and Birkeland, S. (1982). Immunologically mediated glomerulonephritis inducedby heavy metals, Arch. Toxicol. 50,197-194. Erb, P. and Feldmann, M. (1975). The role of macrophages in the generationof T helper cells.III. Influence of macrophage-derived factorsin helper cell induction,Eur. J . Immunol., 5.759-766. Folch, H. and Waksman, B. H. (1974). The splenic suppressor cell. I. Activity of thymus dependent adherent cells: Changes with age andstress, J . Immunol., 113,127-139. Goodman, J. W. (1987). Immunoglobulin I: Structure and function. In Basic and Clinical Immunology (D.P. Stites, J. D. Stobo, and J. V. Wells, eds.), Appleton & Lange, Norwalk, C", pp. 27-36. Gorczynski, R. M., Miller, R. G., and Phillips,R. A. (1971). In vivo requirementfor radiation resistent cell in the immune responseto sheep erythrocytes,J . Exp. Med.. 134. 1201-1221. Goust, J. M.(1990).Cell-mediatedimmunity. In Introduction to MedicalImmunology (G. Villa, J. M. Goust, H.H. Fudenberg, and G. G . Patrick, eds.), Marcel Dekker,New York,pp. 195-216. Heiss, L. E. and Palmer, D. I,. (1978). Anergyin patients with leukocytosis.Am. J. Med., 56.323-333.
Jose, D. J. and Good,R. A. (1973). Quantitative effectsof nutritional essential amino acid deficiency upon immune responsesto tumors in mice,J . &p. Med., 137,l-9. Katz. D. H. and Benacerraf, B. (1972). The regulatory influenceof activated T cells onB cell nsponses to antigen, A h . Immunol.. 15.1-24. F. R. S., Basten, R. S., et al. (1971). Cell to cell interaction in the immune Miller,J.F.A.P.,Sprent, response. VII.Requirement for differentiationof thymusderived cells,J. Exp. Med., 134,1266-1284. Monjan, A. A. and Collector, M. I. (1977). Stress induced modulation of the immune response, Science, l%, 307-308. Oppenheim,J.J., Ruscetti, F. W.,andFaltynek,C. R. (1987).Interleukinsandinterferons.In Basic and Clinical Immunology (D. P. Stites, S. D.Stobo,andJ. V. Wells,eds.),Appleton & Lange, Nowalk, C T , pp. 82-95. Penn. I. (1985). Neoplastic consequences of immunosuppression. In Immunoroxicologyand Immunepharmacology (J. H.Dean, M. I. Luster, A. E. Munson, etal., eds.), Raven h s , New York,pp. 79-89. Purtilo,D.T.,Halgrew, M., andYunis,E.J.(1972).Depressedmaternallymphocyteresponses to phytohemagglutinin in human pregnancy,Lancet, 1,769-771. Rose, N. R. and Mackay, I. R. (1992). The AutoimmuneDiseases, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, Sell, S. (1987a). Introduction to immunology. In Immunology, Immunopathology and Immunity, Elsevier Science, New York,pp. 3-14. Sell S. (1987b). Inflammation. In Immunology, Immunopathology and Immunity, Elsevier Science, New York,pp. 261-306. Sell, S. (1987~).The immune system JIk Development of lymphoid organs (ontogeny). In Immunology, Immunopathology and Immunity,Elsevier Science, NewYork,pp. 5748. Sell, S. (1987d).Inactivationoractivation of biologicallyactivemolecules. In Immunology,Immunopathology, and Immunity, Elsevier Science, NewYork,pp. 323-348. Sell, S. (1987e). Cytotoxicor cytolytic reactions.In Immunology, Immunopathology and Immunity, Elsevier Science, New York,pp. 349-372. Sell, S. (19870. Immune complex reactions. In Immunology, Immunopathology and Immunity. Elsevier Science, NewYork,pp. 373412. Sell, S. (1987g). Delayed hypersensitivity reactions (cell-mediated immunity). In Immunology, Immunopathology and Immunity,Elsevier Science, NewYork,pp. 471-510. Sell, S. (1987h).Granulomatousreactions. In Immunology,Immunopathology and Immunity, Elsevier Science, NewYork,pp. 529-544. Stobo, J. D., Levitt, D., and Cooper,M.D.(1987).Lymphocytes.In Basic and Clinical Immunology (D.P. Stites,J. D. Stobo, and J. V. Wells, eds.), Appleton& Lange, Norwalk,C r , pp. 65-81. Tern, A. I. (1987). Allergic diseases. In Basic and Clinical Immunology (D. P. Stites, J.D. Stobo, and J. V. Wells, eds.), Appleton& Lange, Norwalk,C T , pp. 435-456. Tonegawa,S. (1983). Somatic generationof antibody diversity,Nuture, 302,575-579. Villa, G., Patrick,C. C., and Goust, J.M. (1990). Tissuesand cells in the immune response. In Introduction to MedicalImmunology (G. Villa, J.M.Goust,H.H.Fudenbeg,and G. G. Patrick,ads.), Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 11-30. Introduction to MedicalImmunology (G. Villa, Villa, G.(1990).Humoralimmuneresponse.In J. M.Goust, H. H. Fudenberg, and G. G. Patrick, eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York,pp. 217-238.
7 Pharmacokinetics and Risk Assessment Raghubir P. Sharma Universityof Georgia Athens, Georgia
Roger A. Coulombe,Jr. Utah State University Logan, Utah
The exposure of an animal to a foreign chemical initiates a series of events in which the compound is absorbed, distributed, altered, and eliminated. When the chemical reaches the blood from the siteof administration, it is quickly diffused into nearly every tissue of the body. until an equilibrium occurs. The study of these processes is called pharmucokinerics. More accurately, pharmacokineticsis the study of the behavior (i.e., absorption, distribution, and elimination) of foreign (and endogenous) chemicals inbody. the The term pharmacokineticsis derived from the Greek words pharmucon (medicine or poison) and kineticos (movement). In describing and quantitating the behaviorof chemicals in thebody, pharmacokinetics makes wide use of words, rely all symbols, or equations derivedfrom animal data. Because classic pharmacokinetic studies on determinationsof the plasmaor blood concentration of the chemical, the analysisis only as good as the accuracy of these determinations. Within the context of the present discussion, an ultimate goal of pharmacokinetics is to predict the risk posed to various tissues and to the individual from chemical exposure. Pharmacokinetic data generated from animal and human of human health risk. studies m an important component in the overall assessment
II. GENERALPHARMACOKINETICPRINCIPLES A. The Compartment Concept In M effort to simplify the description of chemical behaviorin the body, pharmacokineticists or more accurately, any group of tissues make use ofthe term compartment to include any tissue, In this sense, the body is that have rates of uptake and elimination of the chemical in question. considered a small compartment. composedof countless compartments, because each cellbecan In practice, however, only a few compartments, generally up to three,can be discerned from 81
S h a m and Coulombe
conventionalplasmachemicalconcentrationdeterminations.Theblood serves as thecommon conduitthatconductschemicalsintoand out of variousCompartmentsand is often calledthe centralcompartment, thiscompartment actually includesallorgansandtissues inwhichthechemicalisinrapidequilibrium.Conversely,peripheralcompartmentswould include those tissues and organs in which the chemical equilibration occurs more slowly than in the central compartment. Whetherthechemical is said to be in equilibriumwithone or morecompartments, is determined by analyzing the time c o m e of the log plasma concentration of a chemical in an animal. Since most chemicals enter cells by diffusion, the rate of transport is first-order relative to the concentration of the chemical. In the simplest case following a single bolus injection, a chemical’s behavior is best described by one-compartment pharmacokinetics; the log plasma concentration versus time curve yields a straight line when plotted on a semilogarithmic scale (Fig.1). Here, the data depict the body as one unit relative to drug movement (i.e., the chemical partitions into the various tissues, such as the blood, liver, and kidneys,at an equal rate).This can be illustrated by a one-compartment modelin which kgb and kel are constants that describe the 2). rate of entry and elimination, respectively, of the chemical from the central compartment (Fig. The movement (appearance and disappearance) of the chemical in the plasma over time can be described by the first-order expression C = CO e+
where C is the concentration of the chemical at any time t and COis the concentration of the chemical when time= 0, and k1 the first-order elimination rate constant. The plasma concentration at time 0 can be obtained as the y-interceptof the straight line.A plot of the logC against kfl.303. time is linear with a slope of From this data, we can determine M important measure of the residence time of the chemical in the body, or half-life (?M). The half-life is the time required to eliminate one-half of the chemical from the blood or plasma (where the isdrug usually sampled) andis calculated by the equation: C&
0.693 =-
Note that CMis independent of dose and is affected only by the rate of elimination. Plasma
Figure 1 (a) Plasma concentration vs. time; (b) curve is linear when log plasma concentration vs. time is plotted.
Pharmacokinetics andRisk Assessment
Figure 2 IUustration of a onecompartment model. half-liie can also be easily obtained by inspecting the curve of this relationship, as can CO, kcl, and t ~ . The &l is a firstader elimination rate! constant with units of reciprocal time (such as min” or W]) and is defined as the proportion of the drug eliminated to the total amount remaining at any one time. Therefon, a of 0.05 m i d means that 5% of the total amount of chemical present at any time is eliminated in 1 min. Although the absolute amount of the chemical being eliminated declines over time, the fraction of the total amount present in the body that is eliminated remains constant. The idealized curve in Figure 3, with instantaneous absorption approximates the events following a single intravenous administrationof a chemical. When a chemical is administered as orally, dermally, or subcutaneously, absorption is to an animal other than intravenously, such not instantaneous, and a distinct lag period before peak concentration of the chemical in the is due to the time necessary for the chemicalto reach the plasma plasma is seen. This lag period from the site of administration. Following administration of a single dose oral of a chemical, the plot is similar to that seen after an intravenous dose, except for the period lag (Fig. 4). The curve is the result of two exponential processes, one describing the “absorptive phase,” the other describing the “postabsorptive” or “elimination phase.” The equation describing this plot is similar to that for instantaneousadministration,exceptfortheaddition of anexponential expression describing absorptionof the chemical into the central compartment. can be determined by extrapolating the The plasma chemical concentration at time0 (CO) A is the y-intercept of the absorptive rate linear portion of the elimination curve to the y-axis. residuals. This entailsplottingthepointsobtained by curvecreatedusingthemethodof
figure 3 Plasma concentration vs. time plot illustrating onecomparfment pharmacokinetics following a single intravascular bolus dose.
S h a m and Coulombe
84 c
time Figure 4 Plasma concentration vs. time plot illustrating one-compattmcnt pharmacokinetics following a single oraldose.
subtracting the experimentally determined plasma concentration valuesfrom the extrapolated plasma chemical concentration values at the early time intervals. The absorptive ratekaconstant is determined from the slope of this line. This extrapolated line can be used to obtain a quantitative measurement of the rate of chemicalabsorption.Inthisexample, two oppositeinfluences,absorptionandelimination, simultaneously determine the time c o r n of the concentration of the chemical in the plasma. The plasma concentration will continuerise tountil the rateof absorption equals the elimination rate. At the early time periods, the absorption dominates drug behavior, but the elimination term eventually characterizes plasma concentration of the chemical. The behavior of a chemical in the body is frequently too complex to be described by a one-compartment model. In this instance, the chemical is distributed more slowly into a second group of tissues, as is evident from the log plasma concentration versus time plot whichmay show a multiexponential character, with more than one linear region. The equilibrium of a is illustrated by Figure5. chemical about the central and peripheral tissue compartments Movement of the chemical into and out of the central and peripheral compartment@)becan measured by various pharmacokinetic relationships described later. In addition to the absorption and elimination rate constants, the kinetics for the chemical is described by the intermediate constants k1,2 and k 2 ~The . first number of the subscript designates the originating compartment and the second number designates the receiving compartment. Figure 6 shows an idealized plot of the distribution of a chemical in the plasma following a bolus injection in which the time two distinct exponential functions, one course of chemical in the plasma is a composite of representing a rapidly equilibrating group of tissues (central compartment) and a second, more slowly equilibrating compartment (peripheral compartment). These two exponential phases can be describedby the equation. C = Ae-
+ l3e-p'
in which thefirstexponentialtermrepresentsthedistributivephase,whereas the second represents the postdistributive or elimination phase. In the two-compartment model, A and B are theintercepts of theextrapolatedlinesfortheeliminationandabsorptionrateprocesses, respectively. The slopeof the elimination phaseof the curve is used to determine p, the overall elimination rate constant, whereas the slopeof the absorptive phase curve isa. The overall or hybrid elimination rate constant p is a composite of several individual constantscanand be used
Pharmacokinetics and Risk Assessment
Central Compartment
Figure 5 Illustration of a twocompartment model. to calculate the biological half-lifeof the compoundas 0.693n. Likewise, (x is the hybrid value for absorption into the second comparbnent. volume of distribution Other useful parameters describing chemical fate in the body,as such and area-under-thecurve (AUC), can be determined, and the reader is referred to a more definitive sourcefor their derivations (Gibaldi and Pemer,1982).
B. The PlateauPrinciple Human exposures to environmental contaminants in water, air, and food,do not usually occur as a single bolus, but usuallyoccur on a regular basis andat a constant rate. Thus, the rateof exposure to environmental toxinsis zero-order (i.e., exposure is independent of other factors). However, as with single exposures, the rate of chemical elimination is always a first-order process relative to the amount of chemical in the body, unless the exposure is very high and elimination is governed by saturation kinetics. c
S I m S
time Figure 6 Plasma concentration vs. time plot illustrating twocompartment pharmacokinetics foUowing intravenous bolus dose.
a single
S h a m and Coulombe
In such multiple-dose situations, in which the rate of input of chemical in the body is constant and the rateof output or eliminationof the chemical in the bodyis first-order relative to the amount presentin the body, the body burdenof chemical can be predicted from the ratio of the regular, zero-order intake rate of a chemical (ka with units of amount per time) to the (kwith unitsof reciprocal time) accordingto the equation overall elimination rate constant
Over time, the body burden of chemical (X) will increme in a zigzag pattern until a plateau (Xma) is reached, which represents an equilibrium between intake and elimination. Although the proportion of chemical eliminated(k+) always remains constant,at plateau, the absorption and elimination of the chemical are equal (Fig. 7). Accumulation of chemical to the plateauis 50% completewhen t = t~ for thatchemical.Thus,foranychemical,half-plateauisreached according to the equation
0.693 t& = ke
and X- is reachedin approximately five to seven half-lives. Accumulation of chemicals in the body resulting from constant exposures can be compared are regulardepositsandregularwithdrawals, when withabankaccountinwhichthere the amount of money withdrawn is based on some constant proportion of the available balance. Assume that you openedan account with $1 and deposited an additional dollar each day (i.e., ka = $1 day”), and withdrew half of the total balance available each day (i.e., kc = 0.5 day’l),your accountwouldreachamaximumbalance or “plateau” (i.e., X-) of$1.99 (about $2) in approximately7 days at which time the amount of money deposited would bein near equilibrium with the amount withdrawn. The balance would rise and fall in a zigzag patte identical with that seen withzerosrder chemical intake andfmt-order chemical elimination. is significantly less than 0.5 day”, but the The elimination rate constant for most chemicals are identical. This phenomenon is principles underlying chemical accumulation in the body called the plateau principle, and for a more in-depth description as well as mathematical derivations, the reader is encouraged to consult a more definitive source (Neubig,1990).
time Figure 7 Plasma concentrationvs. time plot following multipledoses of a chemical.
Pharmacokinetics and Risk Assessment
111. LINEARVERSUSNONLINEARKINETICS The pharmacokineticsof chemicals in the bodyare generally linear if the doseof chemical is smallandprocesses,such as metabolismandexcretion, are notsaturated.Thekineticsis of considered linear if the decline (or various phases of decline) is linear when the logarithm plasma concentration of a chemical is a straight line when plotted against time. As indicated earlier, there may be more than one phase of decline yielding several corresponding half-life values (tN); each successive th is larger than the preceding value. Therefore, the pharmacokinetics of a chemical with multiple compartments (multiexponential), representing phases of distribution (or distribution in several compartments), excretion, and metabolism, is essentially linear. Here, thet M values, composition of metabolites, and route of excretionare independent of dose, whereas AUC value is proportional to dose (Levy, 1968). In many toxicology studies, however, relatively large doses are used.Manylong-term studies m conducted at the socalled maximum-tolerated dose (MTD)level, and the ex@ments involving pharmacokinetics may also involve doses thatare several ordersof magnitude largerthantheintended or inadvertentexposurelevels.Use of largedosesfacilitatesthe quantitative characterizationof transformation products or, in some cases, simplifies analytical methods. Largedose pharmacokinetics helps determine the large-dose exposuresin long-term experiments. It has now been well recognized that pharmacokinetic parameters may be dosedependent, and for the purpose of risk-assessment, pharmacokinetic valuesat exposure levels closest to real-life situationsare extremely important. It is not unusual to saturate the metabolism or excretion when evaluating xenobiotics of relatively low toxicity. Metabolic pathways are easy to saturate with chemicals that have low K m values. Excretory processes are saturated for substances that are eliminated by active transport mechanisms. For example, many organic acids and quaternary amines follow active secretary pathways in renal tubules or in bile. The decline of chemicals in plasma at theselevelswill,therefore,not be log-linear,butshouldfollowaMichaelis-Menten type kinetics. Thet4fr pattern of excretory products, and even the route of excretion be can altered by increasing the dose. Ethanol is a good example of such nonlinear pharmacokinetics. The Km of ethanol .in of humans is estimated to be 82 m& (Holford, 1987),and since the toxic and euphoric effects alcohol begin at blood alcohol levelsof 800 m& (legal basisof intoxication in many states), the plasma decline of alcohol is largely linear with time, rather than exponential. The disappearance rates become linear when blood levels are close to theK m value and the metabolism reverts to a fmt-order process, rather than azero-oder at high-alcohol levels. An approximated blood concentration of ethanol after a large dose of 96 m1 of ethanol (roughly equivalent to five drinks of 80 proof liquor) is illustrated in Figure 8. al., 1978). The processis similar for lP-dioxane, a widely used organic solvent (Young et When rats were injected with an intravenous dose ranging between 3 and IO00 m a g (the median lethal dose [LDm] of 1,4-dioxane in rats is 5600 mg/kg), the plasma decline for this chemical was linear between 3- and 30-mg/kg doses (Fig. 9). A saturation phenomenon was 100 mg/kg and above, at which the decline in plasma for 1,4-dioxane levels obvious at doses of 30 pp)ml. 1,4-Dioxaneis carcinogenic in ratsat was linear when concentrations declined below organ pathology is also associated with the treatment high levels of exposure, particularly when (Kociba et al., 1974), suggesting that biotransformation of 1,4-dioxaneto a toxic metabolitein the body occurs only at levels at which saturation of its normal metabolism (which is observed occurred. Since the rateof elimination of 1,4dioxane at at relatively lower concentrations) has low-level exposure(e.g., 50 ppm in air for 6 h) in humans (Younget al., 1977) is similar to that observed in the rat (Young et al., 1978), it was predicted that the metabolism of this chemical
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Figure 8 Simulated decline of ethanol in adult human blood. The model is based on estimated values as Km of 82 mg/L and V,, of 125 mg/kglhrl. Nonlinearity at the exponential scale (right) suggests a saturation phenomenon and a nonlinear pharmacokinetics.
will probably notbe saturated in occupational exposures, and 50 ppm may be considered asafe exposure value.
Toxicology is largely a predictive science. A thorough testing of chemicals for their untoward effects is neither feasible nor desirable in people. Laboratory animals, particularly rodents, therefore, are largely used for routine toxicity evaluation. For new chemicals and chemicals with low toxicity, or for carcinogen evaluations, large doses are administered to test animals and to varioustoxicityparameters are observed.Models to extrapolatethelarge-doseeffects probability of effect at low doses in animals and humans are described, many of these are considered in detail elsewherein this monograph. In several instances, however, these extrapolations are not comborated with observations in humans, for whom accidental or occupational exposures have provided a reasonable amountdata. of Toxicity of a chemical is a net effect of large numbers of processes. Besides the dose, other major factors that need to be considered are variations in absorption, distribution, metabare commonlyreferred to as pharmacokinetic olism,andexcretion,amongothers.These parameters and are generally speciesdependent. These are not the only considerations, however; differences in species sensitivity be candetermined by other genetic factors (e.g., variation in specific receptors, ability of certain species to repair the damage, or other). But when all factors are considered,pharmacokineticvariablesare of majorimportanceandshould be considered in extrapolation of laboratory data to humans, since changes in various parameters of pharmacokinetics are either easily determined experimentally or can be predicted with a reasonable accuracy. An illustration of highdose to lowdose extrapolation has been indicated in the forgoing, in which 1,4dioxane is characterized by a saturation kinetics at relatively higher doses, but shows a linear one-compartment model at doses of less than 30 m a g in rats. In addition to a saturation phenomenon observed at high doses, differences in pharmacokinetics at relatively similarlevelscanalso be seen. An example of thatis the insecticide,2,4dinitrophenol.
Pharmacokineticsand Risk Assessment
Time, Hours
Figure 9 Concentration of dioxane in plasma of rats given various intravenous doses of 1.4-dioxane. etal.. 1978.)
The values close to graphs depict milligramper kilogram of dioxane. (From Young
Dinitrophenol is highly toxic, and in low doses, it produced corned opacity in ducklings and 1969). A close examinationof pharmacokinetic parameters young rabbits (Gehring and Buerge, suggested that the fiist-order eliminationof dinitrophenol in young versus mature rabbits was 0.15 and 0.82 h i ' , respectively. Ducklingsare also very susceptible to cataractogenic effectsof dinitrophenol,anditskinetics are compatiblewithatwo-compartmentopenmodelwith elimination constantsof 0.25 and 0.11 hr" for the rapid and slow phases, respectively. Differences in pathways of metabolism canalso play a major rolein determining toxicity of a given chemical. Some of the examples indicated here will iIlustrate this point; however, important consideration shouldbe given to the information available for each chemical.
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V. DOSE-DEPENDENT METABOLIC FATE OF CHEMICALS Although biotransformation of chemicals is usually afmt-order process, deviation of this general rule often occurs when the chemical in question is present in large amounts and saturates the metabolic systems. Examples of saturated metabolism (i.e., that of ethanol and 1,4dioxane)have been indicated earlier. If a chemical is toxic, or is convertedto toxic products in vivo, the fraction or tissues at usual test dosesmay not of chemical or its toxic metabolite observed in the body be expected at the low levelsof exposure thatare necessarily reflect the proportions that would relevant. Detoxification processes can be saturated when large doses of chemicals are employed, thereby providing larger fractions of toxic intermediates or of the parent compound. be further complicatedwhen certain metabolic processes appear only when The problem can Km value, large concentrationsof the chemical are available in tissues. If an enzyme has a high its product will not be found at low concentration when other enzymes of relatively low Km values may be more operative. This phenomenon was elegantly illustrated by Gehring et al. (1976) for chemicals that are eliminated or metabolizedby more than one process. Figure 10 provides a diagrammatic representationof such processes, the secondary pathway appears and magnifies as the dose or exposure increases. The phenomenon is apparently more prevalent when nonlinear pharmacokinetics is apparent at high-dose levels. Repeated exposures can also build a high body burden and may saturate the primary pathways of metabolism; therefore, results obtained from pharmacokinetic studieshighdose at a level shouldbe carefully considered in extrapolating the information to small-dose conditions. This point can be adequately illustrated by the dose-related toxicity of o-phenylphenol. tumors in F344 ratswhen dietscontained 1% or more of Thischemicalcausedbladder o-phenylphenol for 13-91 weeks (Hiraga and Fujii, 1981). Reitz et al. (1983) investigated the dose-related toxicity of this chemical and its sodium salt. At low levels in rats, the primary
Figure 10 Diagrammatic representation of elimination of a chemical by a primafy saturable pathway and by a secondary pathway, the significanceof which increases with saturation of the primary pathway. (From Gehring et al., 1976.)
Pharmacokinetics Assessment and Risk
metabolites of 0-phenylphenol were water-soluble glucuronides or sulfate esters. The chemical can also be activated to a dihydroquinone derivative by the liver microsomal mixed function oxidase system, the activated molecule that can produce macromolecular adducts in the urinary bladder. The presenceof dihydroquinone metabolite was not detected when 0-phenylphenol was administered as 5 or 50 mg/kg, but when doses were increased to 500 mg/kg, nearly a quarter of the total radioactivity was in the form of this metabolite. The dose-related tissue binding and toxicity were also confirmed in subchronic studies. o-Phenylphenol, therefore, can be considered a carcinogen onlyat doses that saturate the conjugation pathways, thereby allowing production of DNA-binding. of a toxic metabolite that is capable
VI. SPECIES DIFFERENCES IN FATE OF CHEMICALS AND EFFECT ON PHARMACOKINETICS AND BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS A. Differences in Metabolism There are majordiffexencesinthe ratesof metabolismbetweenspecies(williams,1971). in both phase1 and phaseI1 reactions. For example, when aniline Differences have been found is hydroxylated by microsomal enzymes, it produces both p-hydroxyaniline and o-hydroxy4-6 in aniline. The ratio of para/ortho derivativesis close toor less than 1 in dog, cat, and ferret, mouse, rats, and rabbit, whereas it is in 15the gerbil.Cats are deficient in glucuronic acid conjugation, whereas the pig is relatively poorin sulfate conjugation, compared with the dog. These the rates of metdifferences not only alter the nature of biotransformation products, but also affect abolism of xenobiotics and can have profound effects on pharmacokinetic behavior of chemicals. An illustration of the role of metabolism and its effect on pharmacokinetics is apparent from thespeciesvariabilityforthemetabolism ofthiopental.Thiopental is asulfur-containing After an intravenous dose, it barbiturate usedfor the induction of short-term surgical anesthesia. produces anesthesia in humans for only5-15 min; its short-term effect has been attributed to arapidredistribution of thechemicalfromcentralnervoussystemto rest of theorgans. Thiobarbiturates are relatively more lipid-soluble and, hence, to able enter the brain without an As the levels decline in plasma owing to rapid distribution in other apparent blood-brain banier. organs of the body, brain levels also decline rapidly, causing a termination of anesthetic effects. In some species, however (e.g. in cattle), the anesthetic effect of a single intravenous dose of thiopentalpersistsformorethan anhour.Sharma et al. (197Oa) determinedtherole of metabolism on the kineticsof this drug in various large animal species. Thiopental is metabolized by cattle liverat a rate that is two tothree times lower than in sheep, goat, or swine, species that for only 5-20 min. Whenthe pharmacokineticsof thiopental was evalhave an anesthesia lasting uated in all these species, the initial or delayed rates of distribution were similar in all species, in other the fmal elimination rate from plasma was three to five times slower in cattle thanfarm animals. Even in cattle, when the rate of thiopental and metabolism was increased by pretreatof inicrosomal metabolism, the terminal ment of animals with phenobarbital, a known inducer plasma ratewas increased by 2.5times over untreated animals; accordingly, the liver metabolism was also increased to the same extent (Sharma et al., 197Ob). The durationof anesthesia was not altered after phenobarbital pretreatment because the distribution phase for thiopental for 2 lasts h in most animal species; the recovery from depression was reduced by nearly fivefold,as it was determined by the final elimination phase, and it was considerably altered.
B. Renal Elimination and Species or Sex Differences The differences in renal eliminationin different species are expected and well known, largely owing to relative kidney size and blood flow. Even considerable sex differences in elimination
Sharma and Coulombe
have been noticed for some chemicals. Braun and Sauerhoff (1976) measured urinary excretion of pentachlorophenol in both sexes of monkeys. Although the extent of renal excretion was similar in male and female monkeys, the total elimination was completed twice as fast in males 72 and 83.5 h for as in females. The corresponding plasma disappearance half-life values were males and females, respectively. The importance of sex differences on pharmacokineticsbe can emphasized by such an example.
VII. PHYSIOLOGICAL MODELING IN PHARMACOKINETICS Risk assessment is largely extrapolationof experimental data either from ahighdose scenario to environmental levels,or from animal experimentationto human situations. Indeed much of this is done by using various models. However, the use of modelingis nowhere greater in risk are assessment of chemicals than it is in defining pharmacokinetics. Pharmacokinetic parametem largely result of various processes, suchas absorption, distribution, accumulation, metabolism, and elimination. Many of these processesare defined by known rate orders, and variationsare understood both in dose-related differences or in species variations. Modeling of pharmacokinetics thus provides an excellent opportunityfor incorporating these differences into refinement of risk assessment. Pharmacokinetic modelingbased on physiological behaviorof chemicals is relatively new, at least in its present form. Currently, there is a great interest in physiologically based models, partly because much experimental data has been accumulatedso these models can be verified, and also because of the popularityof computers and available software. Modeling that is based on physiological processes has been performed for a long time; however, most toxicologists either did not want to undertake difficult computational problems, or did not appreciate the far-reaching consequences that such models can provide. of Much the earlier models were based on the fit of available experimental data, rather than on predicting the experimental variables based onknown physicochemical valuesfor the chemical. Briefly, a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model is a prediction of pharmacokinetic behaviorof a given chemical, given the distribution and elimination of the chemical. Rates of distribution canbe accurately predictedby total mass and blood flow to various organs, provided the transport is essentially by diffusion. Parameters such as octanolhater partition coefficient to describe the lipid solubility, and thus the rate of transport or tissue/blood ratioof the drug, canbe incorporated in the function. The elimination process is predicted by the rateof metabolism, and a Michaelis-Menten type of kinetics canbe incorporated to describe a saturable phenomenon, Renal elimination rates, orloss by other routes, are either known experimentally or predicted from chemicals with similar physicochemical characteristics.A set of simultaneous The reader is referred to differential equations is thus derived and solved by using a computer. other publications for details of such equations (Andersen et al., 1987; Gerlowski and Jain, 1983). The principle has been applied to a variety of chemicals and models, then verified (bung et al.,1988;Andersen et al.,1991).Theroleofspecific-bindingreceptors,generationand distribution of metabolites, and resulting toxicological effectsare incorporated in these models that have been described.A general kinetic modelis provided in Figure 11. Such a model was predicted after an intravenous injection of of thiopental in swine 20 mgikg usingparametersdescribedearlier(Sharma et al.,1970a). Thedifferentialequationswere in Figure 11. The resulting predicted approached usingan analog computer and the model shown and experimentally derived plasma concentrationsare shown in Figure 12.
Pharmacokinetics andRisk Assessment Plasma protein blndlna
Drug Injected,
k!+d Richly perfused
Figure 11 A simplifiedgeneralpresentation of physiologically based pharmacdrietic modelafter intravenous injection of a drug. The main differential equation will be: (kunQu+RuyQu)+= dQ. + + where Qu is the quantity of unbound (free) drug is plasma, t is time, kW and &,,y represent rates of metabolism and excretion, respectively, and dQaJdt represents the change in the mount of drug in a given organ. This last function dQe+Jdt can be predicted by a set of simultaneous equations (e.g., dQ$df = huQa - &,,& and so on, where kgu and harefer to rate constants that indicate transport rates of drug from plasma (unbound) the to organ "a" and vice versa, and Qa is the mount of the drug in the organ. Richly pefised organsincludeliverandkidneyuptake of thedrug.Parameters Qm and Q, may be approximatelythe same ifthere are no factors such as iontrapping or protein binding in tissues influencing the transport.
VIII. PHARMACOKINETICS AND DEVELOPMENTAL RISK One of the advantages of pharmacokinetics is prediction or experimental determination of chemical concentration in altered tissue states. Models have been applied to accumulation of anticancer drugs in cancerous tissue, for example, where it may be possible to determine the optimum differences in drug levels between the target cancerous tissue and blood or noma1 tissues and, therefore, increase the therapeutic ratio. These approaches are particularly usefulin
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-cm W
.3 2
adipose tissue
hours after injection
Figure 12 Predictedmodel of thiopentaldistribution after an intravenousinjectioninswine.The parameters used were thosedescribed by S h m a et al. (1970) and a set of differential equations indicated the circles are experimentally in Figure 1l. The solid linesare the computer estimated curves, whereas open determined values. (Sharma,R. P., unpublished observations.)
development of drugs for which targeteddrug delivery is the primary goal. Similar approaches are also important in providing therapeutic drug concentrationsin other pathological tissuesor organs. The role of pharmacokinetics, however, is highly evident in expression of developmental toxicity or for protection of the developing fetus from harmful agents. To understand the risk of a developing human fetus to tetracycline, physiological models were developed (Olanoff and Anderson, 1980). These models are similar to the PBPK models (see Sec. VU), an extra functionof placental blood flow and the resulting pharmacokinetics in modified to account for changing fetal various fetal tissues were added. These simulationsbecan mass and maternal blood flowto the uterus. However,it should be recognized that a difference in fetal pharmacokinetic parameters does not necessarily explain differences in the teratogenic potential of chemicals. Several retinoids (derivatives of vitamin A) are teratogenic, and birth defects have been noticed in newborns after therapeutic use of these drugs by mothers. In the case of one such retinoid, etretinate (a methoxy derivative and acetate ester of retinoic acid), teratogenicity occurredevenwhenthepregnancystartedmorethan1yearafterthetherapyhadceased ( L a m e r et al., 1987). The teratogenic potential of various retinoids varies over several orders these of magnitude and pharmacokinetic differences have been investigated to describeofsome differences. Creech-Kraftet al. (1987) investigatedthe embryo concentrationsof 13-cis-retinoic acid and suggested that its relatively low teratogenicity compared with its all-tram isomer can be described bylow accumulation in the embryo. Similar findings were later reported for other metabolites of retinoic acid (Creech-Kraft et al., 1989). These workers suggested that pharmacokinetic parameters may be partly responsible for the observed differences in teratogenic potential (Kochhar et al., 1987). After further investigations with other retinoids (Howard et al.,1989a.b). it became apparent that pharmacokinetic differences do not explain the teratogenic potentialof retinoids. New information suggests that a large contribution in retinoid teratogenesis comes from these compound's nuclear receptor interactions and perhaps their chemical stability to metabolic biotransformation, rather than to pharmacokinetic differences (Kim et al., 1994).
Pharmacokinetics Assessment and Risk
Pharmacokinetic data have been critical in assessing the cancer risk associated with envimnmental and industrial exposures to many chemicals. Pharmacokinetics of a chemical is an important are much less than those that are used consideration because “real-world” exposures generally in long-term tumor studies to establish the carcinogenic activity of a chemical. It is often are handledby the body in thesamemanner as smaller,more assumedthatlargedoses are known to often saturate enzymatic environmentally relevant doses, when in fact, high doses processes that activateor detoxify the chemical. Although the use of higher doses in long-term tumor studiesis generally scientifically valid, pharmacokinetic analysis be canof great value in to much lower doses. reconciling high-dose tumor studies with the risk expected at exposures One of the best examples in which pharmacokinetic data contributed to an understanding of low-dose cancer risk estimates is vinyl chloride. Vinyl chloride is an important monomeric starting material for the polymer polyvinyl chloride.Vinylchlorideisavolatilegas,andoccupationalinhalation of vinylchloride is especially high in workers who clean reactor vessels used in the polymerization process. Vinyl chloride is a recognized human carcinogen, and itis these workers whoare at the greatest risk for developing liver angiosarcomas (Maltoni and Selikoff, 1988). The carcinogenic action of vinyl chloride is presumably owing to cytochrome P450dependent activation to a reactive epoxide intermediate. The pharmacokinetic fateof vinyl chloride appearsto be affected primarilyby the amount of vinyl chloride metabolized by an animal, rather than the dose. In a series of studies to determine the dose effects on the pharmacokinetics of vinyl chloride, Watanabe and Gehring (1976) noted that, as the oral doses were increased from 0.05 to 100 mg/kg, the amount of unmetabolized vinyl chloride in expired air increased, whereas the amount of vinyl chloride metabolites (as fractionof dose) found in urine, feces, and tissues, decreased. Thus, as the dose of vinyl chloride is increased, pulmonary expiration of vinyl chloride per se becomes the most important route of excretion. However, because the slopes of urinary vinyl chloride excretion over time were similar among these doses, the authors concluded that urinary excretion of is independent of dose. Likewise, whenrats are exposed nonvolatile vinyl chloride metabolites for 6 hr to various concentrationsof vinyl chloride in inhalation chambers, metabolism did not increase proportionately in responseto increasing concentrationsof vinyl chloride, but rather, obeyed Michaelis-Menten, or saturation kinetics (Gehring et al., 1978). If one uses a linear v and V,,, are the velocity and maximum transformation of the Michaelis-Menten equation where velocity, respectively, for the biotransformation of vinyl chloride in microgram (pg) equivalents 6 hr, of vinyl chloride metabolized per
and S and K m are the concentration of vinyl chloride inhaled and the Michaelis constant in micrograms per liter (p&) air, respectively, one can see that vinyl chloride kinetics follows 13). saturation kinetics from the linearity of the data plot (Fig. When this nonlinear pharmacokinetic model was considered in light of the published tumor incidence in rats that were exposed to concentrations from 50 to 10,OOO ppm vinyl chloride for 4 hr/day 5 days/weekfor 12 months(MaltoniandLefemine, 1975). aprobitplot for the v, over the incidence of hepatic angiosarcomas versus the amount of vinyl chloride metabolized, 14). Assuming no threshold for the exposure concentration, S. yielded a straight line (Fig. response (angiosarcomas) the authors calculated the lowest amount of vinyl chloride to produce
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- ___ k
Figure 13 Metabolism of vinyl chloride analyzed in accordance with the Wolf-Augustinson-Hofsn-Hofstee form of the Michaelis-Menten equation. The line was fit by linear regression analysis with a regression coefficient of 0.88. (prom Gehringet al. 1978.) Percenl Incidence Of Tumors
. 0 0
“t 30
am a1
621 --
- 4 1.00
L 1.28 4
Figure 14 (a) Metabolism of vinyl chloride expnssed as log v (micrograms vinyl chloride metabolized every 4 hr) versus percentageincidence of hepatic angiosarcoma (probability scale).(b) Exposun concentration expressed as log S @pmvinyl chloride) versus the percentage incidence of hepatic angiosarcoma. The pmbit equivalentsof the percentage incidenceare shown on the right-hand ordinate.The solid line is the bestfit for expaimentally observed responses, and the dashed line represents extrapolationbelow those doses producing an observable response,assuming no threshold (Gehringet al. 1978.)
Pharmacokinetics and Risk Assessment
one angiosarcoma in10,OOO rats (an incidenceof 0.01%), to be 4.6 ppm given an exposure of 4 Wday, 5 dayslweek for 1 year. If the overall goalof pharmacokinetic analysisis to develop risk assessment models, how then does this data apply to human exposures? When corrected for body surface area and assuming no-response threshold, the theoretical extrapolation for persons exposed 1 ppm tovinyl chloride for 8 h/day, was calculated to be 1.5:lOO million, which is less than the expected incidence of spontaneous angiosarcomas in humans (Gehring et al., 1978). From this example, it is obvious that the pharmacokinetics of a chemical is an important consideration when assessing the risk posed by human exposure. Other examples for which 1,3pharmacokinetics has been used in risk assessment and low-dose extrapolation include, butadiene, chlorofom, and styrene.
It is apparent that the principles of pharmacokinetics are indispensable in risk assessment. are very important when data are Variations in ratesof distribution, excretion, and metabolism extrapolated from high-dose levels to low-dose levels and also from experimental animalsto humans. Aclear understanding of how different processes may vary in different situations is very at exposure levelsof practical importance in industrial important in predicting the health effects or environmental situations.By using pharmacokinetic principles,it is possible to estimatethe total body burden after a constantor repeated exposure for a certain time and how much time body. This is particularly would be needed to completely eliminate the chemical from the important in assessing a safe level of chemical exposure in special circumstances (e.g., extended shifts, pregnancy,or disease state). It should be remembered, however, that pharmacokinetics is not a substitute for a better understanding ofthe mechanismof action of toxic compounds. Occasionally, a single parameter (e.g., peak plasma concentration) may be of greater importance than the clearance rates or half-life values in determining toxicity. In other instances, molecular mechanisms of chemicals need to be understood before a full assessment of their toxicity is possible. Physiology-based pharmacokinetic models are extremely useful in evaluating the risk of chemicals. Several software programs have been developedto simplify this approach (Menzel et al., 1987). The greatest usefulnessof these models is their flexibility. If a situation changes (e.g., because of disease, pregnancy, physical activity), the parameters be caneasily rearranged as such to accommodate such alterations. The models can take account of saturable phenomena, high-dose kinetics for metabolism and elimination. If a chemical induces or inhibits its own metabolism, appropriate consideration for the same can be incorporated. The models are also flexible enough to include toxicological effects; for example, production of blood carboxyhemoglobinafterdichloromethanewasmodeledbyAndersen et al. (1991). Extrapolation in these between species is easily done if differences in physiological processes related to them species are understood. Data are now available on relative mass and blood flow to different 1983). organs and tissues in many species, including humans (Gerlowski and Jain, One of the challenges in pharmacokinetics is validation of these models for chemicals for which no experimental data are available. In most instances the models were constructed after a large volume of data on various parameters were experimentally derived, to check if these da is an important task in model development, it does fit a predictive model. Although validation little for prospective modeling for new chemicals. If physicochemical properties of the new be adequately chemicalareknown,andfactorssuch as itsmetabolismandexcretioncan
S h a m and Coulombe
predicted, reasonably accurate models can be constructed. However, it is necessary to carry out in more extensive studies with a series of chemicals to ascertain structwe-activity relationships pharmacokinetics. A better prediction of models for new chemicals will then be possible. So far very little has been done in evaluating pharmacokinetics or modeling for special compartments. Only a handfulof examples exist for whichthe kinetics of fetal or tumor uptake has been attempted. This is especially true for newer biotechnology products. Macromolecules, such as small peptides, are being proposed for specific targeting of drug delivery. Not much infonnation is available in defining the kinetics of such products. The possible increasing of use gene therapy may provide additional opportunities for evaluating pharmacokinetics of such therapeutic agents. In conclusion, in spite of large advances made in the fieldof pharmacokinetics, much more needs to be done in the future. A better predictionof risk is possible only after all necessary underlying processesare well understood and a rational extrapolation based on factual data can be made. It is likely that we will have a greater involvement of pharmacokinetics in future directions of risk assessment.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authorswish to acknowledge the support of National Institutesof Health Grants, HD28259 and ES04813, andthe Utah State University Agricultural Experiment Station. This publication has been approved as Utah Agricultural Experiment Station Journal PaperNo. 4650.
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Pharmacokinetics Assessment and Risk
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PARTII TOXICOLOGICAL TESTING Arthur Furst University of San Francisco San Francisco, California
Anna M. Fan CaliforniaEnvimnmental Protection Agency Berkeley, California
Risk assessmentsare performed based on either experimental animal data or human data are that used to extrapolate to real-life human situations. Although human data are preferred and such of major concern, overall the data are available for some of the environmental chemicals availability of such data is limited, and most of the assessments have been performed using animal data. Relevant animal data are generated by toxicological research studies to address specific interests,or by laboratory testing to meet regulatory requirements. The data most useful for risk assessment are those obtained from well-designed and well-conducted studies, following Good Laboratory Practice guidelines, which generate data suitable for quantitative assessment. There are toxicological study or testing guidelines provided by various scientific bodies or regulatory agencies, the latter of which may specify data requirements for chemicals that m intended to be used, and for which human exposure is anticipated and, accordingly, need to be regulated to prevent harmful exposures. There are existing efforts to achieve consistency in testing guidelines and requirements, and coordination among different agencies and countries is needed to accomplish this goal. To address the needfor toxicological data, this section provides a discussionof the principles and methods in toxicological testing in ofareas acute, subchronic, and chronic toxicity, carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, genotoxicity, immunotoxicity, and neurotoxicity.It must be emphasized that as new techniques are developed and as new questions or concerns arise that relate to environmental chemicals and toxicology, the toxicological testingof chemicals will continueto evolve with new guidelines and requirements. One hopes that, at the same time, they will generate more and more data that will be useful forrisk assessment. In experimental animal acute, subchronic, and chronic studies, observationsare made on general appearance and behavior, food consumption, and survival rate. Acute studies provide information on target organ toxicity and dosefor designing longer-term studies. Eye and skin irritation studies and skin sensitization studies are also conducted. In subchronic and chronic
Part II
studies, observationsm made on biochemical, physiological, and pathological changes. Testing guidelines havebeen developed far most of the toxicological studiesin specialized areas; those for neurotoxicityhave undergone recent development, and those for immunotoxicity need further development. Oenotoxicity testing has involved using a batter of tests, including microbial and plantsystems,inadditiontotheanimalmodel.Theevaluationofdevelopmentaleffects, particularly in relation to birth defects in the offspring, has been a subject of considerable discussion. The regulatory guidance for developmental toxicity has recently undergone review For reproductive toxicity, the and revision;and the present discussion is current and informative. same authors feel that regulatory guidance is still undergoing review and comments, and decided thatdiscussiononreproductivetoxicitytestingshouldwaituntilsuchguidancebecomes as carcinogens finalized in the future. Carcinogenicity studies have received the most attention, are of great concern to the general public and a subject of focused regulatory control. be or Animal studies have successfully identified or demonstrated health effects that canare foundinhumans.Examplesaredibromochloropropane(malereproductiveeffect),aldicarb (cholinergic symptoms), mercury (neurotoxicity), and vinyl chloride (liver cancer). But others, such as arsenic (carcinogenicity),are not as successful. In the absence of human data, animal data continueto be a reasonable sourceof information for studying the potential health effects of chemicals and for prediction in the human population. Continued progress and development to generate quality data. are being made in the design and conduct of these studies
Acute, Subchronic, and Chronic Toxicity Testing Ann de Peyster and Moira A. Sullivan
San Diego Stare University San Diego, California
1. INTRODUCTION The terms acute, subchronic, and chronic refer to both the types of effects seen after defined periods of exposure to chemicals and the experimental protocols used to test for these effects. This chapter describes the basic components of acute, subchronic, and chronic toxicity tests, including specific tests for the ability of a chemical to cause death (e.g., median lethal dose [LD~o]or median lethal concentration [LCso]), eye irritation, skin irritation, or sensitization (allergic) reactions, and studiesof metabolism. In addition to describing the basic toxicity test components, this chapter discusseshow information obtained from eachtype of study is used. For example, data from general acute studies, as well as eye and dermal toxicity studies, are often used to communicate health risks by warning statements on product labels. Data from subchronic and chronic studies are often suitable for establishing reference doses (RfD) or regulatory standards, such as maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) or permissible exposure levels (PELS). Readers are alsoreferredtootherchaptersformoredetailedcoverageof tests performed to study specific toxic effects, applications of toxicity test data. Other specialized are such as cancer,reproductivetoxicity,genotoxicity,immunotoxicity,andneurotoxicity, discussed elsewhere in this book. Another good reference text that discusses both the general aspects of toxicity testingin detail and provides additional references is principles and technical Principles ond Methods of ToxicoZogy edited by A. Wallace Hayes (Hayes, 1994). This chapter focuses on standardized guidelines for human health effects testing established by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) for evaluating chemicals to meet requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (USEPA, 1984a.b). It is important to understand that the procedures described in this chapter are guidelines, not rigid laws imposed on testing facilities. The need for some flexibilityin interpreting these guidelineswhen performing toxicity tests is recognized by the agencies requiring the data, provided that the basic principles and foundation I03
de Peyster and Sullivan
of the study design are followed, the deviations p p o s e d can be justified, and the scientific validity of the results is not compromised. For example, FIFRA policy guidelines acknowledge that a toxicity test that combines two different protocols to reduce the useof laboratory animals and other resources, but still fulfills the necessary data requirements, may be acceptable are notcompromised.Thus,healthprofessionals,suchasrisk . ifgoodscientificpractices assessors, may encounter circumstances under which toxicology studies used to assess health risk and set safe levels of environmental contaminants do not necessarily follow standardized test protocols to the letter. The guidelines described inthis chapter were developed specificallyfor testing chemicals to generate data that will meet regulatory data requirements and will permit informed decisions about whether production of specific chemical products should be allowed, and whether they can be released to consumers. Although individual chemicals are most often tested, the same approaches can also sometimes be used to examine the toxicity associated with exposure to environmental samples containing one or more chemicals as complex mixtures. These procedures were not developed expressly for providing data for human health risk assessments, as they are now conducted; however,many studies that follow these protocols are suitable for this purpose. On the other hand, the best study available for a risk assessment may not have been or other regulatory requirements, performed for the express purpose of meeting TSCA, FIFRA, from thesestandardTSCAand FIFRA guidelines.Thebest andmaydepartsignificantly in availablestudydataalso mayhavebeencollectedatatimewhenscientificpractices toxicology were slightly differentor less stringent. Thus, although standardized guidelines have helped promote uniformity in toxicity testing procedures, not all studies used for risk assessmen can necessarilybe expected to strictly follow the protocols described here. Standardized toxicity test protocols have also been adopted by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) for foods, drugs, and cosmetics. Other countries, including Canada, own requirements for chemical product Japan, and the United Kingdom, have established their toxicity testing. These test protocols vary, as do the types of tests requiredby the United States and certain other countries. A comparison of current USEPA, TSCA, and FIFRA guidelines and requirements with those adopted by other agencies and organizations is beyond thescope of this chapter. Consultation with the agencies and organizations promulgating the guidelines is advised if it is necessary to know the most current guidelines and data requirements in a given situation. Efforts are currently underway to develop more of a consensus worldwide on procedures used in toxicity testing and on product safety requirements, a process commonly referred to as harmonization. Toxicity-testing guidelines issued by the Organization for Economic Cooperation andDevelopmentdeservespecialrecognitionhere(OECD, 1981). The 24 OCED member nations include the United States, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia, with the balance USEPA, the OECD from Europe. Although the OECD is not a regulatory agency like the guidelinesserve as awidelyacknowledgedbasisforestablishingcommonprinciplesand methods for testing the health effects of chemicals. In recent years, industry and regulatory toxicologists, other scientists, and policymakers from around the world have been meeting to work toward an agreement on chemical product safety assessment protocols and data requirements, as well as how human health risk assessments should be conducted. Ideally, properly acceptable conducted studies and health risk assessments generated by one country be could then soon anywhereintheworld.Worldwideharmonizationoftoxicity-testingapproachesmay eliminate some tests and result in substantial revisionof others. For example, certain procedures may become optional, or the numbers of animals or species recommended may be reduced. Many, although not all, of the tests described in theOECD guidelines are now very similar to theUSEPA guidelines described in this chapter. However, harmonization may lead to some changes in these study protocols.
nic and Subchronic, Acute,
In summary, it is important to realize at the outset that deviationsfrom standardized test protocols do not necessarily invalidate data from a toxicity study, and that different agencies and organizations may requiredifferentinformation. In addition,modificationsinthestandard toxicity test protocols described in this chapter be canexpected.
A. Protocol Selection
Selection of a protocol for a toxicity study depends on the kind of information needed about the substance or sample of interest. The objective of anacute studyis to determine short-term effects of relatively high exposures, a situation analogous to an abnormally highor accidental exposure for a human. Examples might be a single, high exposure to a toxic gas following an explosion, or an accidental acute pesticide poisoning by ingestion or by contact with unprotected skin. Accordingly, testing for acute effects involves single or multiple doses administered within a 24-hr period and observation of effects soon thereafter and up to a period of 14 days. Effects observedincludegeneralbehaviorandappearance,lethality,andmacroscopicpathological changes. Subchronic and chronic exposures are more common than single, acute exposures. Subchronic toxicity refers to effects observed after multiple exposures and observation for a or may not produce longer period, generallyup to 90 days. Repeated doses are given that may immediate effects. In the contextof animal studies, a subchronic study is one that lastsup to approximately 10% of the lifespan of the organism. Thus, an objective aofsubchronic study is to determine the consequencesof more prolonged, repeated exposures. Examples of situations most likely to result in subchronic chemical exposures in the human population might be an process was occupational exposure to a solvent over an extended, but limited, time new while a being used, or repeated ingestionof a medication for a limited timeto cure an illness. Chronic toxicity tests involve multiple, lowdose exposures for long time periods, possibly for the lifetime of the individual. A chronic toxicity test would be appropriate for studying effects of daily exposure to low levels aofpollutant in water or air, or regular daily intake of a toxic component found in a popular beverage consumed on a regular basis. The term subacute toxicity is sometimes used to refer to dosing periods lying between the lWo lifespan. Protocols for these short-term, repeateddose studies, lasting single acute dose and 14,21, and 28 days, m not included among the standard test guidelines recommended by the USEPA and, therefore,m not discussed here.The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development can be consulted for more information on the subacute toxicity test guidelines (OECD, 1981). Some specialized tests focusing on the skin and eye as target organs or other specific endpoints are also discussed in this chapter. The skin has the largest surface area of any organ in the human body, withthe average adult having about 1.86 m2 (20 f?) of skin surface. There are two principal categories of toxicants that affect the skin: sensitizers and irritants. Chemicals that are irritants are especially destructive to the eyes and mucous membranes. Because of the likelihood of contact of unprotected skin and eyes with toxicants, information on dermal and ocular irritation has been used to support warning statements on product labels. Although some information canbe obtained from general acute and subchronic studies, specialized protocols for aretests used eye andskin irritation are used to generate data for this purpose. Skin sensitization to evaluate the sensitizing potential of a chemicalon an individual with repeated exposure to the same chemical. Similarly, a separate study is usually performed to study metabolism. In toxicity testing, acute, subchronic, and other short-term studies generally precede chronic toxicity testing
de Peyster and Sullivan
B. ExposureRoutes With recognition that the effects occurring with different exposure scenarios can vary with theroute of exposure,standardizedprotocolshavebeendevelopedforthemostcommon routes of chemical exposure whichare dermal (skin) absorption, oral ingestion, and inhalation. Doses are typically expressed in units of grams per kilogram (@g) or milligrams per kilogram ( m a g ) , interpreted as weight of substance administered per kilogram of the animal body weight. A group of animals, designatedas controls, is usually given any vehicle used to dissolve the test substance, such as water or c m oil, and are otherwise handled in a manner identical withthatofanimalstreatedwiththetestsubstancetoobserveanyeffectscausedby the experimental procedures themselves. Thedermalroute is aprimaryrouteofhumanexposure to manychemicals,particularlythose to whichpersons are exposedoccupationally.Indermalstudies,thesubstance is applied on the back of the animal on an area of unabraded skin that has been clipped of fur or shaved 24 hr before the test. This area must comprise roughly 10% of the total body surface area. Suitable dressings are applied to retain the test substance, and residual, unabsorbed test substance is removed with water or other appropriate solvent at the end of the 24-hr exposure period. In oral exposure studies, the test substance is often given by gavage, placingthesubstance directly intothegastrointestinaltractoftheanimalwithablunt-ended gavageneedleorstomach tube, ratherthanaddingit to theanimal'sfood or water.This ensures that the dose of the substance to each animal is known and also reduces the dispersionoftoxicsubstancesinuneaten food. Guidelines are provided for supplying food and of diet.Inhalation is also waterduringthesestudies to minimizetheconfoundingeffects a common route of exposure to toxicants found in both ambient and workplace air. Inhalation toxicity test experiments are conducted in inhalation test chambers. These experiments requirespecializedfacilitiesandadditionalpersonnelwithspecializedtrainingtooperate and maintain the test chambers. Test guidelines also specify how the inhalation test exposure should be created and monitored. Whenconductingahealthriskassessment or settingastandard,thedesired data for specific exposure route@) of concern may not yet be available. It may then be necessary to use studies employing other routes of exposure. Thismay be appropriate if reliable information is available on the toxicokinetics of the chemical to determine whether or not route-to-route extrapolation and adjustments may be done with some degree of confidence. Although sometimes used in risk assessment when no other data exist for a chemical, short-term exposure studies in laboratory animals provide very limited information for predicting effects of long-term exposure in humans.
C. Laboratory Models All of the standardized toxicity study protocols specify that common laboratory animal species and strains should be used to enable comparison with existing data. Justification must be provided for the use of alternatives. Thereis now a serious effort to minimize the unnecessary use of experimental animals in toxicity testing. For example, there have been changes proposed recently in acute pesticide toxicity testing under FWRA that result in the useof fewer animals. (1) elimination of the requirement for a concurrent vehicle control group; These changes include (2) limiting studies to the more sensitive sex, using previous history on the chemical class to make the determination, and testingof only a few animals of the other sex; and (3) whenever
Subchronic, Acute,
Testing Toxicity and Chronic
possible, the use of test protocols employing the lowest feasible number of animals, rather than routinely requiring at least ten animals (five of each sex) at each dose level.
D. Use of Structure-Activity Relationships Regulatory agencies currently recommend review and use of existing information on structurall other chemially related chemicals before initiating tests, particularly acute toxicity If tests. cals tested with similar structures show similar toxicity, then certain tests may not be required. Structure-activity relationship(SAR)data may also be used in risk assessments of chemicals for which no test data are available. Intelligent use of the concept of SARs can eliminate unnecessary testing.
E. Limit Tests Performance of a limit test is recommended in general acute and subchronic toxicity testing. of the test substance.If no compoundInitially, a single groupof animals receives a large dose related mortality occurs withthis high dose, then additional acute toxicity tests, using multiple doses as described in Secs. III and IV, are not required, particularly if toxicity would not be expected basedon data of structurally related compounds. If the limit test indicates that further acute toxicity studies are needed, thenthree different doses must be used to reveal how responses vary over a wide dose range. Figure 1 illustrates the use of the limit test to decide whether additional acute and subchronic tests need to be conducted.
Oral: 5 m g k g Dermal: 2 g k g
Oral: 1000 mglkg Dermal: 1000 m g k g
No Additional Testing Required
Figure 1 Acute and subchronic testing decision logic.
de Peyster and Sullivan
F. SatelliteGroups A satellite group is a group of animals that is mated with the high dose of the substance of days, interest and observed after treatment ceases. For example, in subchronic studies90lasting observation of the animals in the satellite groupare made for a period of appropriate duration after treatment stops, normally for not less than 28 days. The satellite group provides additional information about the reversibility, persistence or delayed toxicity of the substance, ofallwhich are important for a thorough evaluation of the health risks associated with exposure.
A. Objectives
Acute toxicity tests provide information on the harmful health effects associated with short-term are not usually based exposure. Although human health risk estimates and regulatory standards directly on data from acute studies, under FIFRA USEPA the canissue a rebuttable presumption or restrict it for use only by against registration(RPAR), or classify a pesticide for general use, certified applicators on the basis of acute toxicity data. Acute toxicity data may also serveas the basis for classifying and labeling a chemical. It is important to appreciate the value of acute toxicity test data in the overall toxicity testing sequence. Acute toxicity tests an generally performed first, and the information from these studies is used to design protocols for longer-term studies, including subchronic and chronic toxicity tests and others described elsewhere in this book in chapters devoted to reproductive, developmental, carcinogenicity, and neurotoxicity testing. If designed appropriately, these studies may also provide initial information on toxicokinetics and mechanisms of action.
B. Median Lethal Dose Test Versus the General Acute Toxicity Test Manyinthegeneralpublichavebecomefamiliarwiththe term LDm (lethal dose 50, or median lethal dose), a statistically derived dose of a substance that can be expected to cause death in 50% of a given test population exposed for a specified time. Familiarity with this term may stem from the fact that~ommonexpressions of potencyare sometimes basedon the LD50(Tables 1 and 2). Materials can also be classified as hazardous waste on the basis of the LD50 of the material (Table 3). A number of protocols exist for conducting LD50 studies (Litchfield and Wilcoxon,1949; Weil, 1958; Bruce, 1985). The majority of LD50 studies con-
Table 1 Commonly Used Acute Toxicity Classifications
4-hr vapor causing 24 deaths in 6-rat groups (ppm)
commonly used term Extremely toxic Highly toxic Moderately toxic Slightly toxic Practically nontoxic Relatively harmless
0.001 or less 0.001-0.05
Less than 10
0.05-0.50 0.50-5.0
5.0-15.0 > 15.00
10-100 1~~10,OOo 1o,m100,OOo > 100,Ooo
Skin for rabbits (@g) 0.005 or less 0.0054.043 0.044-0.340
0.35-2.81 2.82-22.6
> 22.6
r“ words
Acute, Subchronic, Testing Toxicity and Chronic Table 2 Categories of Toxicity and Signal Wordsfor Pesticides Hazard category Category Signal
I Category I1 ‘‘Caution” “Caution” “Warning”
Category N
Categov III ~
Oral LDS
including andtoUp 50 m a g Dermal m50 Up to and including 200 mglkg Inhalation of LC9 Up to and including 0.2 m& (actual chamber concentration measured for a 4-hr exposure) Eye effects Corrosive (irreversible destruction of mlar tissue) or corneal involvement or irritation persistingfor more than 21 days Skin effects Corrosive (tissue destruction into the dermis and/or scarring)
> 50-500 m?&
> 500-5OOo
> 5000 mglkg
> 2W2000
> 200&5000
> 5000 m a g
mg/kg > 0.2-2.0 mg/L
mag > 2-20 m&
> 20 m&
Corneal involvement or imtation clearing in 8-21 days
Cornealinvolve-Minimaleffects ment or imtaclearing in less tion clearing than 24 hr in 7 days or less
Severe initation at 72 hr (se vere erythema or edema)
Moderate imtation at 72 hr (moderate erythema)
Mild or slight Uritation (no irritation or slight erythema)
Soume: USEPA (1984~).
ducted in recent years employ protocols calling for the fewest numbers of animals possible while still retainiig statistical significance. The LDm values are often used to compare the potency of different chemicals. Strictly speaking, thisis most appropriate when the acute toxicity doseresponse curves of the chemicals being compared have the same slope. This can occur if the chemicals have the same effects and mechanismsofaction:forexample,foragroupoforganophosphorusinsecticidesthatall A common misconception is that the LD50 is an absolute reversibly inhibit acetylcholinesterase. from one study to the next dependingon species, sex, number. In reality this number may vary LDso can diet, and other biological and environmental factors. Nevertheless, the be a useful piece of information contributing to the total toxicity profile of a chemical if its significance and limitations are fully understood and appreciated.
Table 3 Toxicity Criteria for Hazardous Waste ~~
A waste is considered to be hazardous on the basis of toxicity if it has: an oral LDm in rats of < SO00 m@g (single administration) or a dermal LDsoin rabbits of c 4300 mglkg at 24 hr or an inhalation LC% in rats of < 10,000 ppm (gas or vapor) or a 96-hr LC9 in fish of < 500 mg/L (in fathead minnows, golden shiners, or rainbow trout) ~
Soume: USEPA (1984).
de Peyster and Sullivan
Acute toxicity testsare sometimes mistakenly equated with tests performed specifically to determine an LD5o. In fact, lethalityis just one of many measures of toxicity evaluated in general acute toxicity studies. The focusof the general acute toxicity-testing guidelines described here is to identify sublethal effects and target organs, with emphasis on behavioral, gross anatomical, hematological, biochemical, and histopathological changes. The requirement for determining LD50 with precise information on statistical limits and slope has been relaxed by many regulato agencies. Instead, dose selectionin acute toxicity tests should aim to produce doseresponse a c w e that will enable an “acceptable estimation” of the median lethal dose, usually defined as that which occurs within24 hr after initiationof exposure.
C. TestSpecies
Most agency guidelines specify that dennal acute toxicitytests may use adult rats, rabbits, or guinea pigs. The albino rabbit is preferred in USEPAguidelines because of size, easeof handling, skin permeability characteristics, and the extensive existing data base. For acute inhalation and are the preferred species.Ten adult animalsare exposed at each dose oral exposure studies, rats In level in acute toxicity tests, five males and five nulliparous, nonpregnant females per group. acute studies, concurrent untreated controls are unnecessary, and concurrent vehicle controls are necessary only when historical data are unavailable to indicate whether there is any acute toxicit associated with the vehicle.
D. Exposures The doses used in the acute toxicity limit tests are 2 @g dermal, 5 m& for 4 hr by inhalation, is performedwith at least or 5 @g givenorally.Iftoxicityisevident,thenthefulltest (see Fig. 1). As noted earlier, dose selection in these tests should three dosesof the test substance aim to produce a dose-response curve that will enable an acceptable estimation of the median lethal dose, in addition to providing much information about sublethal effects. In the acute dermal and inhalation studies, the test substance is administered over a period of up to 24 hr. If possible, all of the desired oral dosages are given by single-gavage administration, although divided dosesare permitted.
E. Observations Test and control animals are observed at least daily for a minimum of 14 days in studies involving testslisted in Table4. The all of these routes. Observations made routinely in acute toxicity are condition of the fur, skin, eyes, and mucous membranes is noted daily, as well as unusual behaviors, suchas lethargy, tremors, seizures,or hyperactivity. Abnormal physiological responses indicating damageto any of the major organ systems (e.g., gastrointestinal, nervous, respiratory, or cardiovascular) are also noted. Animals found dead are necropsied, and those that are weak or are isolated for closer observation. At the endof the test, surviving animals are sacrificed. Tie of death and body weight at deathor sacrifice are noted. Necropsy procedures consist ofgross pathology .examinations of all test animals. As indicated in Table 4. acute toxicity study protocols recommend that clinical chemistry and microscopic examination of slides prepared from organs 24 hr because this may showing gross pathology shouldbe considered for animals surviving over of future studies. yield additional useful information about mechanisms of action and the design
F. Applications of Acute Toxicity Data Potential for causing death and other manifestationsof acute toxicity only partly describe the toxicity of a chemical. However, because information on acute toxicity is most often available,
Subchronic, Acute,
Testing Toxiciry and Chronic
Table 4 General Acute, SubchmNc. and Chronic Toxicity Study Observations and Frequency Observation ~~
Cage-side appearance weekly Daily Daily Fur, skin, eyes, mucous membranes; behavior, gastrointestinal function; nervous system function; somatomotor activity; respiratory and circulatory function Weekly Weekly Other periodic observations Daily Weight, food consumption, death, time of death Gross necropsy Yes YeS Yes Allanimals All Clinical Surviving Hematology:Hct, Hb, erythrocyte count, total and differential leukocyte count, clotting potential (e.g., clotting time, prothrombin time, thromboplastin time, or platelet count) Blood biochemistry: electrolyte balance, carbohydrate metabolism, liver and kidney function (suggested: calcium, phosphorus, chloride, sodium, potassium, fasting glucose, ALT,AST, ornithine decarboxylase, GGT, urea nitrogen, albumin, blood creatinine, totalbiliibin, total serum protein) Additional: lipids, homones, acid-base balance, methemoglobin, cholinesterase, and more, where necessary Opthalmological: before exposure and at temination of study. If changes seen in the few @/dose) examined, examineall Urinalysis: Not suggested routinely; onlyif indicated Only Histopathology All indicated if All Source: USEPA (1984a,b).
and also probably because death and other acute toxic responses are best understood and appreciatedby the general public, acute toxicity properties often serve as the basis for classifying chemicals and communicating risks to the public. For example, variations of Table 1, which relates an acute toxicity endpoint (death) to expressions of toxicity thatare more familiar to the lay public, are found in many toxicology textbooks. This table is useful for understanding rela potency of chemicals causing acute effects, but can be misleading. Some chemicals that are currently the focus of great regulatory interest owing to their potential for causing harmful health effectsactuallyhave verylow acutetoxicity.They are of greatconcernbecauseoftheir persistence in the environment, abilityto bioaccumulate, and adverse health effects, especially following chronic exposures. These chemicals would be classified as relatively harmless according to Table1 because their LDS@ are very high. Many pesticides produce toxicity in humans and other mammals, even after a single, acute exposure.Warninglabelsapplied topesticidecontainersmustcarryspecific,signalwords 2). For example, a pesticide causing severe eye indicating the level of acute toxicity (see Table or skin injury, or producing severe acute toxicity in another vital organ and thus having a low LD50, may be classified in toxicity categoryI and carry the signal word “Danger.”
IV. SUBCHRONICTOXICITY A. Objectives The extended exposure period and more extensive observations made during repeated subchronic dose experiments permit the study of cumulative effects from bioaccumulation potential of the toxicant and, also, clearer identification of specific target organs. Data from subchronic
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studies are used to choose dose levels for general chronic toxicity or carcinogenesis studies, such as the maximum tolerated dose ("D). They arc also used to establish safety criteria or reference values for human exposures, suchas the RfDs developed by the USEPA basedon no-observed effect levels (NOEL) or no-observed adverse effect levels (NOAEL) in animal studies.
B. Test Species Recommendations for selection of species and numbersof test animalsare currently similar to those for acute toxicity tests discussed earlier, with the following exceptions. More animals are included in each dose group; that is, 20 adult animals per group versus 10 in acute studies, with equal numbersof each sex. In addition, dogsof defined breeds, suchas beagles, canbe used for subchronic inhalation studies involving nonrodent species. If dogs are used, then each exposure level should includeat least eight animals, four per sex.
C. Exposures Doses recommended for the subchronic limit test are l o o 0 mglkg for dermal or oral studies. If no toxic effects are observed, and chemicals with similar structure have low toxicity, then full studies using three dose levels may not be necessary(see Fig. 1). A minimum of three different dose groups and a control group should be used in subchronic toxicity tests. Whereas an acute study aims for some lethality at the highest dose to enable an approximation of an LDS& the highest dose in rodent subchronic studies should produce toxic effects, but not fatalities to the extent that prevents meaningful analysis of sublethal effects. There should be no fatalities at thehigh dose in experiments involving nonrodent species. The lowest dose in a subchronic study should exceed the estimate ofhuman exposure, but not produce any evidence of toxicity. Ideally, the intermediate dose@) should produce minimal observable toxic effects. occur Dosefrequency is as follows:Fordermalandinhalationstudies,dosingshould 6 hr/day, 7 days/week for 90 days, although 5 days/week is acceptable. In subchronic oral studies, the test substance may be administered in the diet or in capsules, or for rodents, by gavage orin drinking water. The treatment periodis typically 90 days.
D. Observations
For some chemicals, subchronic studies are the first, and sometimes the only, repeated-dose are more extensive than those required for acute studies, are and studies. Thus, the data collected generally similarto those required in chronic studies, as illustrated in Table4. In addition to the required cage-side observations made in acute studies, clinical chemistry and histopathology da The physical condishould be collected routinely on all animals involved in subchronic studies. of altered physiological function should be recorded at least tion, behavior, and other overt signs daily during the 9Oday observation period.Any test animals dying before the conclusion of the 9Oday observation period are necropsied. Body weights and food consumption are recorded gross patholweekly in subchronic studies. At the end of the study, extensive clinical chemistry, ogy, and histopathological examination of tissues is performed on all animals. Ophthalmic examinaare compared with pretreatment observationsfor each animal. tions are also completed, and results
E. Application If there is no evidence that the test substance causes cancer, and the establishment of a reference value for comparison with actual or expected human exposures in a given situation is the desired goal, then aNOEL (no-observed effect level) can sometimes be determined from a subchronic
Subchronic, Acute,
Testing Toxicity and Chronic
study if human exposures are likely to be subchronic. An uncertainty factor is applied to the NOEL to derive the reference value (see Part IV for details).In the absence of adequate chronic toxicity data, thereferencevaluecan be derivedfromsubchronictoxicitydatawiththe incorporation of an additional uncertainty factor. However, it is important to note that toxicity data used in establishing reference values should be carefully evaluated for biological significance and interpreted accordingto sound scientific principles. The data should notbe viewed simply as numbers that canbe manipulated mathematically in a mechanical way to achieve the desired end result.
V. CHRONIC TOXICITY A. Objectives Chronic toxicity tests are designedto examine the effects of a substance following prolonged and repeated exposure. Many chemicalsare not acutely toxic at the concentrations foundthein environment. However, latent and cumulative effects can become apparent through chronic toxic studies, which are designed to reveal long-term dose-response relationships. There are many (PCBs) cause skin examples ofthis.Forexample,dioxinandpolychlorinatedbiphenyls chloracne, but are not acutely toxic to internal organs. When they accumulate in the body they types of adverse effects. Similarly, concentrations of lead may can cause liver damage and other be low enough not to cause frank adverse health effects, but long-term exposures to such levels may result in blood, neurological, and reproductive disorders. The c h n i c toxicity study guidelines discussed in this sectionare designed to reveal general toxic effects, including some basic neurotoxicity, and physiological, biochemical, hematological, and pathological effects other than cancer. Chronic studies with a main objective of testing as oncogenicity studies, involve specialized specifically for cancer-causing potential, referred to protocols and are discussed elsewhere. Sometimes the general chronic studyis combined with an oncogenicity studyto save time and resources.
B. Test Species The USEPA requires that two mammalian species, one rodent and one nonrodent, be used to evaluate the chronic toxicityof a substance. The rat is the preferred rodent species; the dog is per the preferrednondent species. The minimum numbers of animals currently recommended dose groupare 40 rats or8 dogs, half males and half females. If additional interim sacrifices are planned before the end of the study, then these numbers should be increased to provide enough animals for meaningful statistical evaluation of data from the last sacrifice.
C. Exposures Dosing of test and control animals begins at an early age in chronic to mimic studies near lifetime exposures. (See also Chapter 11 on repmductive and developmental toxicity tests that study effects on newborn and perinatal periods.) For rats, dosing begins as soon as possible after weaning, and for dogs between 4 and 6 months of age. At least three dose levels should be administeredinadditiontoaconcurrentcontrol.Selection of doses is based onseveral or concenconsiderations, including resultsfrom 90-day subchronic toxicity studies and doses a trations expected in human populations. Ideally, chronic toxicity study results should(1)reveal dose-response relationship for the toxic substance, (2) a no-observed toxic effect level, and (3) some evidenceof toxicity at the highest dose level. If inappropriate dosesare selected, itmay take many months to discover this. Needlessto say, final selection of dosages for a long-term
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study is one of the more difficult challenges faced by toxicologists. Dosing frequency for chronic studies is the same as for subchronic studies, but treatment should last at least 12 months to constitute a chronic study. It is unusual to subject a given test substance to chronic studies using all possible routes of exposure. This is partly becauseof the expense and time involved, and also because it is likely that the chemical will find way its to sensitive target tissues with prolonged exposuE, regardless of the route of administration. The route(s) chosen should typify human exposures that are most likely to occur.
D. Observations The condition of each animal should be observed at least daily during chronic exposure studies. As illustrated in Table 4, the information collected in chronic and subchronic toxicity studies is similar. The longer exposure time and larger number of animals involvedin the chronic study increases the likelihood that adverse effects will be detected if they are to occur.
E. Application Chronic studiesare often usedas the basis for setting regulatory standards for specific chemicals in environmental media that involve long-term human exposure. When properly designed and conducted, a chronic study can generate data for use in a human health risk assessment for to study cancercausing potential should be noncancer endpoints. Only chronic studies designed used for cancer risk assessments.
A. Objectives Sensitization tests are used to identify substances with significant sensitization potential. A sensitization mction is typicallyone that results from repeated exposure to a substance. Sensitizers differ from irritants in that sensitizers initiate an immunologically mediated reaction, whereasirritantscauselocalizedtissuedestruction,withoutinitiallyinvolvingtheimmune system. Prior exposure to a sensitizer, or a similar chemical that cross-reacts with it, is necessary of irritants can be seen on first contact. In humans, the hypersensito see its effects. The effects tive state that develops recumnt after exposure to a sensitizer may be characterizedby dermatitis or hives. Examples of substances thatare sensitizers are nickel, chromium salts, formaldehyde, and hexamethylenediisocyanate. Thedermalsensitizationtestmethodconsists of two repeatedapplications ofthetest substance, an induction exposure, followed by a challenge exposure, separated by a period ofat least 1 week. Sensitization is determined by comparing the challenged state with the induced are expected to produce significantly greater reactions after state. Chemicals that are sensitizers the challenge exposure.
B. TestSpecies and Exposures Under most guidelines, the pxeferred species for dermal sensitization tests is the young adult guinea pig. There are seven acceptable test protocols specified in both USEPAandOECD guidelines: Freund’s complete adjuvant test, guinea-pig maximization test, split adjuvant technique, Buehler test, open eqicutaneous test, Mauer optimization test, and footpad technique in guinea pig. The number of test animals and dose levels used on depends which method is chosen. Females should be nulliparous and nonpregnant. Animals may serve as their own controls; alternatively, induced animalsmay be compared with animals that received only the challenge
nic and Subchronic, Acute,
dose. Intermittent use of positive control substances with an acceptable levelof reliability for the chosen test systemis recommended.
C. Observations Two endpoints,erythema(redness)andedema(swelling) are gradedaccording to the extent of response (none, slight, moderate, severe). Reactions are observed at specific times after the challenge exposure, according to the pmtocol selected, usually at 24, 48 and 72 hr after exposure.
VII. DERMAL IRRITATION AND PRIMARY EYE IRRITATION A. Objectives Dermal and eye irritation tests provide information on the imtant or corrosive properties of a testsubstance. Irritation isdefined as reversibleinflammatorychanges in skinfollowing exposuretoasubstance,whereas dermalcorrosion istheproduction of irreversible tissue damage in the skin. Substances known to be highly toxic by the dermal mute, that is, with an LD50 less than 200 mglkg, and substances thatare strongly acidic @H of 2 or less) or alkaline (pH equal toor greater than 11S) need notbe tested by this protocol. Likewise, strongly acidic or alkaline substances and materials that have demonstratedimtant severeor corrosive properties 2 illustrates the in the skin irritation test do notrequire further testing for eye irritation. Figure decision logic used for dermal and eye imtation testing.
No Testing Required
lNo lNo (Dermal E y e Testing Required
No Testing Required
No Testing Required
Figure 2 Dermal and eye initation testing logic.
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B. TestSpecies and Exposures The albino rabbitis the preferred speciesfor both of these tests. At leastsix animals shouldbe used, unless fewer can be justified. Twenty-four hours before thestart of the dermal irritation test,fur is shaven from the back of the animal without abrading the skin. The use of untreated control animals is not recommended. Instead, untreated areasof skin of the test animal thatare adjacent to the test siteare used as a control for the dermal test. The untreated eye of the test animal is used as a control in the primary eye irritancy test. In the dermal test a single dose oflof liquidor 500 mg of solid or semisolidis applied 0.5 m to an area of approximately 6 cm2. Solidsmay require use of a vehicle to ensure good contact with the skin. A dosage levelof 0.1 m1 is recommended for liquids in the eye irritant test. For solids, pastes, or particulate substances, the amount used should have a volume of 0.1m1 or a be ground to a fine dust. The imtant effect of the weight not greater than 100 mg. Solids should vehicle, if any, must be takeninto account. Liquids should be applied undiluted.In the skin test, the area is then covered with a semiocclusive dressing, generally Longer for 4 exposuresmay be required under certain conditions. At the end of the exposure period, residual test substance should be removed.
C. Observations In the dermal test the dressing is removed and the areanimals examined for erythema and edema at least 72 hr and no more than 14 days after application. Responses are scored within30-60 min after patch removal and then again24,48, at and 72 The scoring systemfor dermal imtation consists of a 4-point scale for degree of erythema and edema observed, where 0 = no response; 1 =very slight, 2 = slighthelldefined, 3 = moderate, and 4 = severe. In addition to irritation, any other lesions or toxic effects shouldbe fully described. Reactionsare also observed in the eye imtancy test at 1,24,48, and 72 hr after exposure using a slit-lamp microscope. Damage to thecornea, iris, andconjunctivaeshould be exposedaccordingtoastandardizedocular lesion-grading system.
VIII. METABOLISM A. Objectives Although acute, subchronic, and chronic toxicity tests are valuable for determining theharmful effects of a substance and levels at which the substance may be used safely, these testsare not designed to provide detailed information on absorption, distribution, biotransformation, and excretion (ADME). From a toxicologist’s perspective, this informationis of critical importance for a complete understandingof the toxicityof a chemical. Information from metabolic studies is used to aid in the initial design of toxicology studies. For example, metabolicare studies often performed in various species to aid in selection of appropriate test species to use in toxicity studies to increase the predictive value of this information when used for human health risk assessment. Metabolic studies are also performed to identify appropriate dose levels to use to achieve internal concentrations expected under different routes of human exposure. When selecting species and routes of exposure for metabolic studies, consideration is given of anticipated human to the intended use of the substance under study and the conditions exposure. Current TSCA and FIFRA guidelines stipulatethe thattest compoundbe administered by the oral route, either in single or repeated doses, and that the rat is the preferred species to use. However, dermal and inhalation exposure studies are also encouraged if these are clearly
Subchronic, Acute,
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more likely routesof human exposure, orif marked differences in the behavior of a chemical in the body are suspected depending on route of exposure. In some instances little-used routesof exposure may be employed. For example, when chronic low-level exposure to a compound is anticipated, continuous infusion may provide the most accurate prediction of how the compound is handledby the body over time. Similarly, known species differences between rats and humans suggest that the rat may not always be thebest model for human exposures. As an example, rats are obligate nose breathers; that is, they inhale primarily through the nose, not the mouth, whereas humans inhale through either the nose or the mouth. Additionally, the nasal passages of rats are more complex than human nasal passages. Consequently, airborne substances inhaled by rats are subject to more they might be in humans. Hence,a species filtration and absorption in their nasal passages than that breathes through both nose and mouth, as asuch dog,may bea better one to use in inhalation toxicity and metabolism studies.
B. Species Under TSCA and FIFRA guidelines,prefmed the species to use in metabolic studies is the young better to evaluate adult ratif no information is available suggesting that another species be would be used at each dose levels. human exposures. Equal numbers of males and females should Females should be nulliparous and nonpregnant. The minimum number of animals at each to use J F R A , with equal numbersof each sex. dose level is eight under TSCA or ten under F
C. Exposures A minimum of two test doses shouldbe used. The highest should produce toxic effects, but not fatalitiesto such an extent to as prevent meaningful analysis of sublethal effects. The lowest dose should be approximately equivalent to the NOEL. The test substance should be administered by the oral route by capsule or gavage, either as a single or as a repeated dose. If an alternative route of administrationis chosen, then the basis for its selection should be provided. Singledose testing should be performed with a radioactively labeled compound that can be detected easily in body fluids and tissues. D, should be studied. These groups differ in Four groupsof animals, designated A through terms of route of administration of the test substance, use of labeled versus unlabeled compound, single versus repeated doses, and dose level. This format maximizesdata the yield per number C of animals used. Animals ingroups A, B, and D receive a labeled substance, whereas group animals receive the nonlabeled version. Group A receives a single low by dose the intravenous route, group B a single low dose by the oral route, and group D a single high doseby the oral of unlabeled substancefor a 14-day route. Group C animals receive a series of daily oral doses period at the low dose. Twenty-four hours after the last dose, the animals receive a single oral dose of labeled compound.
C. Observations The concentration and quantity of the test substance and major metabolites should be measured in organs, urine, and fecal extracts of all animals, using suitable analytical techniques. llssues should be analyzed at the time of sacrifice. When rats are used, quantitiesof test chemical and major metabolites in urine, feces, and expired air should be measured at several hourly time points following the exposure (i.e., 4, 8, 12, and 24 hr) and daily thereafter, until 95% of the or until 7 daysafterdosing. If dogs are used,thenthese administereddoseisexcreted measurements should be taken at regular intervalsfor the first2 days after dosing and then every
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12 hr for the remaining5 days. If a preliminary study shows that no volatile, labeled materials arebeingexcretedinexhaledairwithinthe24-hrperiodafterdosing,thenexpiredair measurements are not required.
In an effort to minimize the potential for misrepresentation of toxicity study results and other unlawful or otherwise undesirable practices that could jeopardize the health of the public, the USFDA and USEPA both adopted Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) standards for health effects testing of chemicals and other products undergoing review for human or veterinary use (USFDA 1989; USEPA, 1983). These standards were adopted first by the USFDA in 1979 and later in 1983 by the USEPA and have undergone subsequent revisions. They address such issues as proper recordkeeping practices, the requirement for an internal quality assurance unit and regu inspections, and control in all important aspects of toxicity testing. Data submitted to these agencies in support of product development, manufacturing, and use is now routinely scrutinized for adherence to GLP standards of quality. Not all data used for calculating risks and setting standards were collected after the GLPs were adopted. These data may be the only available information, however, andmay be entirely suitable for this purpose. is important to remember that deviations As was stated in the Introduction to this chapter, it from standardized test protocolsdo not necessarilyinvalidatedatafromastudy,andthat modifications in the current guidelines can be expected. Conversely, a toxicity test that seems on the surface to meet the basic criteria outlined in these guidelines may have other problems that raise serious concerns about the validityof the data. The testing approaches and protocols summarized in the previous sections do not necessarily address all of the important issues in toxicity testing that should be considered carefully when evaluating the suitability and quality of toxicity test data and applying it for a specific purpose. Highlighted in the following are equallyimportanttothoseoutlinedinthetest areafewoftheseconsiderationsthat guidelines described earlier. It could easily be argued that the two most important componentsof a toxicity test are the test animal and the test substance. Maintaining the overall health and welfare of the animal be a main concern. If the requirements of the animal to maintain before and during a study should good health are not understood and attended to, and all animals are not cared for in the same manner, aside from the doses of test substance administered, then toxicity test results are likely to be invalid. Evidence of inappropriate or contaminated feed or bedding, unnecessary stress owing to neglect or improper handling, or inadequately controlled lighting or other climatic conditionsintheanimalquartersalsoraisequestionsaboutexternalfactorsthatcouldbe affecting the toxicity response. Likewise, if the purity or composition of the test substance administered is not knownor is not consistent, then the resultsof a toxicity study are virtually impossible to interpret. Laboratories conducting experiments following GLPs should be able to providethoroughdocumentationofthehealthoftheanimalsandthecompositionofthe substances being tested. The GLPs emphasize the importance of standard operating procedures and specify the extensive documentation expected. An audit of a studyof adherence to GLPs may reveal observations that were made inconsistently,or clinical chemistry and pathology specimens that were not collected, preserved, analyzed,or interpreted in a consistent way. Conversely, even though a study may have been done before the adoption of GLPs, good laboratory records may be available andmay contain sufficient detail about how toxicity test data were collected, reference
Subchronic, Acute,
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standardsused for comparison,precision,accuracy,andservice records oftheanalytical equipment used, and other impo-t information to allow evaluation of the quality of the study. The ultimate responsibility for the conduct and interpretation of studydata rests with an by a individual identifiedas the study director. However, a toxicology study is rarely conducted No one person single person, but rather by a teamof scientists, technicians, and other specialists. can claim expertise and experience in all of the many aspects of toxicity testing discussed in this volume. For example, a person with the specialized expertise in pathology necessary to interpret histology slides may have limited experience with recognizing abnormal animal behavior or relating abnormal clinical chemistry data to altexed functions in internal organs. Additional expertise in risk assessment and regulatory policy are also necessary in the interpretation and application of toxicity study data in risk assessment. As with any complex process, the design, conduct, evaluation, and interpretation of toxicity studies and application of the results to risk assessment requires a team of professionals with broad expertise and experience. The qualifications and be documented accordingto GLPs. training of clinical and other analytical personnel should
X. MODIFICATION OF TOXICITY TEST GUIDELINES Changes in standard test protocols can be expected to occur as a result of harmonization of test guidelines, as was discussed at the beginning of this chapter. Modifications have also been as new adopted over the years because of scientific advances, suchknowledge about how the body handles chemical insults. Introduction of new technologies has made certain diagnostic procedures types of exposure easier to achieve. For example, easier to perform and appropriate routes and many laboratories now have the analytical capability to measure dozens of parameters simultaneously in a single small sample of blood, urine, or other body fluid. Theofuse tiny minipumps implanted beneath the skin and continuous infusion pumps used to administer low levels of a substance to mimic continuous exposures over extended time periods has becomem m widespread as this technology has improved. These procedures for delivering test substances may eventually be incorporated into standard test guidelines. Toxicity test protocol modifications typically are usually adopted only aftera period of discussion, with -ties for public comments.
In the United States, the responsibility for establishing the safety of chemical products typically falls to the manufacturer of the product, whoalso pays for the costs of the testing. Most studies of health effectsof new drugs, household and industrial solvents, pesticides, or other chemicals, are conducted either by toxicologistsor other scientists working directlyfor the manufacturer, are or by outside testing laboratories under contract to the manufacturer. Some toxicity studies conducted and financedby the federal government. For example, when a chemical of concern is a naturally occumng substance (e.g., asbestos, aflatoxin), or a process used by numerous of chemicals (e.g., cokeovenemissions, industriesresults in apotentiallytoxicmixture trihalomethanes resulting from chlorination of drinking water). Most of the studies discussed in this chapter are now required routinely by regulatory agencies. Some knowledge of the costs of routine acute, subchronic, and chronic toxicity tests is important for a full appreciation of the effort involved in conducting these tests according to GLPs. Acute toxicity studies currently cost anywhere from 1,OOO to 30,000 in U. S. dollars. The low-endfiguremightapply to a simple mouse LD50 study or an eye or skinimitation or sensitization test, whereas higher costs are incurred, for example, in general acute toxicity studies that involve m m animals per sex and observation of multiple endpoints. Costs of a 90-day repeatdose rodentstudyclimbto 100,OOO dollars or more.Expenses are evenhigherfor
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inhalation studies because of the additional facilities, equipment, and specialized personnel test atmosphere during these studies. In general, the longer involved in maintaining an inhalation the study, the greater the cost, although direct proportionality to length of study cannot be assumed (i.e., costs for a year-long study are not necessarily four times the cost of a 9O-day to 500,000 dollars and in dogs study). A l-year general chronic toxicity study in rodents costs up between 500,000 and 800,000dollars. A lifetime chronic toxicity study in rodents can cost over on species, duration, exposure route, a millionU.S. dollars. Costs of testing thus depend largely theby manufacturer and number of endpoints measured, as well as whether the testing is done in an in-house testing facility or by an outside contract laboratory (Amdur et al., 1991; and personal communications). The public is often surprised to learn how little information exists about the toxic effects of some chemicals. Although the cost of toxicology is notstudies the only factor that discourages exhaustive testing of a chemical, given the relatively high cost of testin it is not surprising that product manufacturers concerned about profits will typically conduct o those studies thatare required by the regulatory agencies involved in approving the manufacture and sale of their products. Readers of this chapter should have developed an appreciation for the effort involved in conducting toxicology studies, as well as some of the subtleties that lie beneath the surface of what might,at first glance, appear be tofairly straightforward standard test protocols. Experience and good judgment, in addition to knowledge of how toxicology studies should be conducted, are needed to collect and interpret toxicity study data in a meaningful way. Likewise,risk health assessments and interpretation of regulatory standards shouldbe undertaken in consultation with individuals having this specialized knowledge and experience.
REFERENCES Amdur, M. 0..Doull, J., and Klaassen, C. D. (1991).Casarert and Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, 4th ed., PergamonPress, New York. Bruce, R. D. (1985). An up-and-downprocedure for acute toxicity testing. Fundam. Appl. Toxicol., 5,151-157. Hayes, A. W. (1994). Principles and Methods of Toxicology, 3rd ed., RavenPress, New York. Litchfield, J. T.andWilcoxon, F. (1949).Simplifiedmethod of evaluatingdose-effectexperiments, J. Phannacol. .?Lap.Ther., 96.99-1 13. [OECD] Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (1981).Guidelinesfor the Testing of Chemicals.Section 4 Health Effects, 1981 and subsequent addenda (1984,1987,1993). Environmental Health and Safety Division, Paris,France. [USEPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency (1983). Toxic substancecontrol: Good Laboratory Practicestandards; final rule(andsubsequentrevisions), Fed. Reg., 48(230),53921-53944, November 29. health effects test [USEPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency (1984a). New and revised guidelines, Officeof Pesticides and Toxic Substances, USEPA,Fed. Reg. 49(198),October 11,1984. [USEPA]UnitedStatesEnvironmentalProtectionAgency(1984b). PesticideAssessmentGuidelines, Subdivision F, Hazard Evaluation: Human andDomestic Animals,PB86-108958, Ofice of Pesticide Programs, EPA 540/9-84414. [USEPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency(1984~).Labeling Requirements for Pesticides and Devices, 40 CFR Part 156. [USEPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency (1984d). Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 40 CFR Parts 240-27 1. [USFDA] United States Food and Drug Administration (1989). Good Laboratov Practice Standardsfor Nonclinical Laboratory Studies,21 CFR Part 58. Weil, C. S. (1956).Tables for convenientcalculation of medianeffectivedose(LC50 or ECm) and instructions in their use, Biometrics, 8,249.
Carcinogenicity-TestingMethods J. A. Wisniewski CaliforniaEnvironmental Protection Agency Sacramento, California
1. INTRODUCTION Epidemiological studies suggest a causal relationship between exposure to a chemical and the Occurrence of cancer in a population. However, most suggestive evidence for human carcinogenicity comes from experimental studies performed on animals. Although the production of n e e plasia in animals is not definitive evidence of human carcinogenicity, we assume that a chemical that induces cancer in animals has the potential to behave similarly in humans (NTP, 1984). This provides a conservative approachto risk assessment for public health purposes. Extrapolations from rodentsto humans are based on the best scientific evidence available at that time, and these estimates m subject to changewhen newer scientific evidence becomes available. The primary goal of carcinogen-testing methodsis to provide data for evaluatingcarcine genic risk to humans (williams and Weisburger, 1991). Current testing methods for long-term 1%Os by the U. S. Food studies in rodents have improved over those first initiated during the and Drug Administration (USFDA) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The same basic procedures are used today, but with multiple species and sufficient numbers of animals to assure statistically significant results and with proper quality control to ensure theand validity integrity of study results. Lifetime cancer bioassays in animals are an essential component of estimating chemical carcinogenicity.They are, however,extremelyexpensiveandtime-consumingtoperform. Short-term genotoxicity tests provide much information on the potential of a chemical to bind to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), but they provide little insight on whether this actually induces neoplastic lesions in the body. A need for testing methods to bridge the gap between shortterm genotoxicity tests and conventional long-term testing led to the development of several or medium-term in vivo bioassays (It0 et al., 1992). Theseassaysbasedonthetwo-stage multiple-stage theory of carcinogenesis, and they involve induction of specific steps in the carcinogenic process. Oneof the most promising is the rat liver-altered foci assay. 121
The purpose of this chapter is to present an overview of in vivo carcinogen-testing methods, are accepted or have been proposed including both medium-term and long-term bioassays, that for use in human health risk assessment. For more detailed discussion of particular aspects of carcinogenicity testing, readers are directed to Arnold et al. (1990a). IARC (1980). Milman and Weisburger (1985). N T P (1984), Robens et al. (1989). and Sontag et al. (1976). Other topics I present include a synopsis of the decision point approach to carcinogenicity testing proposedbyWeisburgerandWilliams(1984)andanoverview of the National Toxicology Program (W).Short-term genotoxicity tests are not discussed here, but are treated in Chapter 10 of this book.
II. THE MULTISTEP CARCINOGENIC PROCESS Carcinogenesis is a multistage process, which is initiated when a genotoxic or DNA-reactive agentproducesanirreversiblegeneticalterationinthecell(Barrett,1993;Goldbergand Diamandis, 1993). Initiated cells undergo clonal expansion to a preneoplastic lesion or benign tumor after exposure to a “promoting” agent. Promotion is a reversible change that is believed to result from a nongenetic alteration, such as defects in terminal differentiation or growth (Hanis, 1992).Conversion of thebenigntumorto a control,orresistancetocytotoxicity as activation of protooncogenes and malignant tumor involves additional genetic changes, such inactivationoftumorsuppressorgenes.Thefinaleventofthecarcinogenicprocessisthe progression of malignant tumors to metastases and clinical cancer. [Detailed treatment of the principles of carcinogenicity can be found in Chapter 2 of this volume.] two broad Weisburger and Williams (198 1) havegroupedchemicalcarcinogensinto categories based on their mechanism of action-genotoxic carcinogens and epigenetic agents. Genotoxic carcinogens interact with DNA or genetic material, either directly or after undergenotoxic has now been replaced going metabolic conversion to a reactive molecule. The term DNA with DNA-reactive (Barrett,1993).Agentsthatactthroughmechanismsotherthan interactions are termed epigenetic, and are further grouped into the following classes: solidstate carcinogens, hormones, immunosuppressors, cocarcinogens, and promoters (Weisburger and Williams, 1981).A problem with this classification scheme is that carcinogenic agents may or the other. Furthermore, the classification may not not act exclusively by one mechanism accurately describe the mechanism by which the cellular phenotype is altered, even though it describes the action of the chemical. For example, an agent may not be directly reactive with as chromosomal rearrangement or DNA, but it may indirectly elicit a genetic change, such aneuploidy, throughan epigenetic mechanism (Barrett, 1993). Such a chemical could not strictly be called an epigenetic carcinogen. Regardless of the chemical classification, mostknown human carcinogens are active in a variety of genetic toxicology tests. Subsequently, much current research has focused on molecof genesandgenemutationsinvolvedinthe ular genetics, in particular, the identification carcinogenic process. In general, the genetic damage found in cancer cells is of two types: dominant,withprotooncogenes as targets;andrecessive,withtumorsuppressorgenes or antioncogenes as targets (Bishop, 1991). The dominant lesions normally result in a gain of function, whereas the recessive damage results in a loss of. function. More specifically, protooncogenesareinvolvedintheregulationofnormalcellulargrowthanddifferentiation. Oncogenes are the mutated forms of the protooncogenes; they act by subverting the normalsignaling pathways governing entry into the G1 phase of the cell cycle (Schmandt and Mills, 1993). This generally results in gene overexpression, inappropriate gene expression, or expression of an abnormal gene product, which leads to increased cellular proliferation and malignancy. Tumor suppressor genes, on the other hand,are growth-inhibitory genes that provide a second
level of regulation of the cell cycle and cellular differentiation (Schmandt and Mills, 1993). They must be inactivated or lost in tumor cells. Multiple tumor suppressor genes frequently are affected in common human tumors, such as lung, colon, and breast, indicating that malignant growth is subject to several levels of negative control(Barrett,1993). As many as ten or more mutational events have been proposed to occur in adult human cancers. These include point mutations, deletion mutations, chromosomal rearrangements, gene amplification, and chromosomal losses and gains(Barrett, 1993; Schmandt and Mills, 1993). Several oncogenes have been identified in human cancers, includingras, neu,myc,fos,src, sis, and erb B (Bishop, 1991; Hunter, 1991; Schmandt and Mills, 1993). Some of the tumor suppressorgenesthathavebeenincriminatedinhumantumorsinclude: p53, Rbl (retinoblastoma), W1(Wilms’ tumor),DCC, NFI, FAP, and MEN-I (Bishop, 1991; Harris, 1992; Jones et al., 1991; Levine et al., 1991; Marshall, 1991). The p53 gene is the most frequently altered gene in human cancers, including astrocytoma, carcinoma of the breast. colon, liver, esophagus, and lung, and osteosarcoma. Recent advances in molecular genetics have provided much insight into the mutational (and nonmutational) basis of chemical carcinogenesis, but have had minimal influence on methods’ development for human health risk assessment. Nevertheless, the techniques employed in studies of molecular carcinogenesis show promise for application as carcinogen-screening tests. Measurement of endpoints associated with promotion or progression, such as inhibition of gapjunction and cell-cell communication, formation of radicals and clastogenic factors, increased DNA synthesis and cell proliferation, and inflammatory effects, may be useful in identifying spectra provides a method by nongenotoxic carcinogens (Ramel, 1992). Analysis of mutational which the action of specific chemicals can be fingerprinted (Harris, 1992, 1993; Jones et al., as p21-ras. has been usedto 1991). Immunohistochemical detection of oncogene products, such identify and characterize preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions in human tissues (Gulbis and Galand, 1993). Although these and other methods for detecting molecular targets of carcinogens will undoubtedlybe incorporated into a battery of short-term tests for screening carcinogens in the future, they are still in the developmental phase and have not been validated for use in risk assessment. Therefore, theywill not be treated further in this chapter.
A. Medium-Term Assays I . Introduction The evaluation of potential human carcinogens typically is based on the results of long-term carcinogenicity bioassays with rodents. These assays are performed over the lifetime of the animal, generally 2 years, and many animals are used to obtain statistically relevant results. Detailed histopathological examinations must be performed on numerous tissue samples to detect any neoplastic changes resulting from exposure to the test chemical. Consequently, the long-termcancerbioassayisextremelyexpensiveandtakesyearstocomplete.Withthe ever-increasing numbers of chemicals that have been introduced into the environment in recent years, it is not practical to test allof themfor carcinogenesisby the current comprehensive testing arose for more rapid, convenient, and economical bioassays capable methods. Therefore, a need of predicting the carcinogenic potential of chemicals. Several short-term bioassays have been developedto screen chemicals for potential genotoxicity. Examples include the tests for mutations in Salmonella typhimuriurn and for sister chromatid exchanges and chromosomal aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Although these tests are quite useful, some recent evidence suggests that mutagenicity and genotoxicity
do not always correlate with carcinogenicity (McGmgor, 1992;Eiger, 1987). Moreover, these or short-term assays are limited in that they cannot determine organ-specific carcinogenicity promoting activity of chemicals. Various medium-term bioassays have been developed in rodents that use liver, skin, lung, targets to test the carcinogenic potential of chemicals. The mammary gland, and other organs as most promising methodsare based on the two-stage or multiple-stage theory of txrcinogenesis, such as the mouse skin tumor assay and the rat liver altered-foci assay. Another more recent development is the multiorgan model, in which neoplastic lesions are initiated in rats by the sequential administration of three or more carcinogens, and then enhanced by various test agents. 1present five medium-term bioassays in this chapter. They are the mouse skin tumor assay, the A mouse lung tumor assay, the rat mammary gland tumor rat liver altered-foci assay, the strain assay, and the multiple-organ model. 2. Mouse Skin Tumor Assay
Chemical carcinogenesis in skin is a multistage process, consisting of initiation, promotion, and progression, or malignant conversion (Henningset al., 1993a; Warrenet al., 1993). Initiation can result from single exposureto a genotoxic agent, which produces a mutation in a critical gene. Initiation is generally consideredan irreversible genetic change. The initiated cells remain in a repressed state owing to interactions from sumunding normal cells. During promotion, these cells lose their abilityto respond to the repressive signals from adjacent cells, and they begin a clonal expansion toform a benign papilloma. This stepis thought to be a reversible, epigenetic change. Malignant conversion of papillomas to carcinomas occurs spontaneously at a low rate, but can be enhancedbyexposure of papilloma-bearingmiceto a gentoxicagent.These "progressor" agents appear to act by a second genetic change in the papilloma (Hennings et al., 1993a; W m n et al., 1993). Like initiation, progression is irreversible. Bioassays for the induction of mouse skin tumors are based on this multistage process. are three Chemicals canbe tested for activityas initiator, promoter, and progressor agents. There standard protocols for induction of mouse skin tumors': (1) the complete carcinogenesis protocol, (2) the two-stage model, and (3) the multistage model. In the following I will present the standard procedures for all three protocols and then specific details for each. 'ThestandardskintumorprotocolusestheSENCARstrainmouse,whichhasbeen selectively bred for sensitivity to skin tumor induction (Slaga et al., 1982; Slaga and Nesnow, 1985). Other strains that have been used are CD-l, C57BW6, BALB/c, I C W a Swiss, and NMRI, which generally are less sensitive than the SENCAR strain (Slaga et al., 1982; Slaga and Nesnow, 1985; Edler et al., 1991). Another strain used recently, the FVB/N mouse, had a higherrateofmalignantconversionofpapillomas to squamouscellcarcinomasthandid after treatment with7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene(DMBA) SENCAR and other mouse strains or 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate("PA), or both (Hennings et al., 1993b). The FVB/N mice are widely used to establish transgenic lines containing active oncogenes. Female mice generally are used, since they are more docile than males when housed five or more in cages. The age of the mice at the beginning of treatment ranges 3from to 9 weeks. Mice that are 3 weeks old or between7 and 9 weeks oldare in the resting phase (telogen)of the hair growth cycle. Whereas earlier studies by Borum (1954) and Berenblum et al. (1958) suggested thatmouseskinintherestingphasewasmoresusceptibletotumorinduction,arecent were more sensitive to study showed that mice in the sustained hair growth phase (anagen) tumor initiation by DMBA, with or without TPA (Miller et al., 1993). The effect of the hair cycle on tumor growth, however, appears to be time-dependent. That is, the anagen-treated animalsyieldedsignificantlymoretumorsthanthetelogen-treatedanimalsafter20weeks posttreatment, but differences were not significant at 10 weeks posttreatment. These results
should be confirmed, since the increase in cellular proliferation accompanying the hair growth phase could affect not only the induction of tumors, but possibly even the type of tumor formed (benign vs, malignant). A minimum of 15 mice per treatment group should be used to obtain statistically significant results (Edleret al., 1991), but 2 0 4 0 mice per p u p is typical (Pereira, 1982a). The usual route of administration is topical application or subcutaneous injection. If a topical treatment is chosen, the backsof the animals should be shaved 2 days before treatment. Other routes of administration include oral, intraperitoneal (IP)injection, and transplacental transmission (Pereira, 1982a). During the study, body weights shouldbe recorded at least once a month, butas often as weekly. The presenceof tumors is recorded weekly. This includes papillomas larger thanmm 1 that persist for 1 or 2 consecutive weeks, and carcinomas (Slaga and Nesnow, 1985; Hennings et al., 1993b; Miller et al., 1993; Chenet al., 1994). Other generaldata that shouldbe recorded or calculated are presented in Table1. A complete carcinogen induces tumors in the absence of other treatments, provided the dose of and the frequencyof administration are suficient. The protocol involves the administration either a single large dose or smaller weekly dosesof the test chemicalto each animal. Multiple weeks (Hennings et al., 1993h Chen et al., 1994), doses typicallyare given once a week for 20 but treatment periods have extended to 52 weeks or more (Slaga and Nesnow, 1985). There should be a minimum of three dose groups of the test chemical to establish a dose-response relationship. A negative control (for example, acetone) and a positive control (for example, DMBA in acetone) are also included. The two-stage protocol consists of the administration ofsubhshold a dose of a carcinogen, initiation, followedbyrepeateddosesofanoncarcinogenicpromotingagent, promotion. A subthreshold doseis one thatwill not produce tumors in the animals’s lifetime without other treatments. A chemical withunknown carcinogenic activity can be tested for both initiating and promotingproperties.Forinitiatingactivity,asingledose ofthetestchemical isapplied topically. Treatmentgroups should include a negative control, that is, the carrier solvent, usually acetone; a positive control, suchas DMBA or 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) in acetone; and at
Table 1 Mouse Skin Tumor Assay: Data to Be Collected or Calculated Data
Papilloma incidence Papilloma multiplicity (yield) Papilloma latent period
Percentage of mi- with one or mom papilloma Average number of papillomas per surviving mouse Number of weeks until 50% of the mice had one or more papilloma of mice with one or mom dCarcinoma incidence Cumulative percentage noma among the mice alive when thefirst carcinoma appeared Caminoma multiplicity (yield) Cumulative number of carcinomas per number of mice alive when the fmt carcinoma appeared in allanimals Carcinomalatent period Number of weeks required for development of the f i t carcinoma, or the average timefor carcinoma development f S.E Conversion fresuency Percentage conversion, for each group is (total carcinomas divided by total papillomas)x 100 Some: Hemrings et
al. (1993b) and Chen et al. (1994).
least two dose groups (low- and high-dose) (Hennings et al., 1993b; M6ller et al., 1993; Slaga andNesnow,1985).Weekly or twice-weekly doses of the promoting chemical are applied topically 1-2 weeks after initiation, usually for a minimum of 20 weeks. If testing for promoting activity, treatment groups should include a control and at least two dose groups. Although TPA is used most oftenas the promoting agent in two-stage protocols, benzoyl peroxide, chrysarobin, and mezerein also have been effective (DiGiovanni et al., 1993). Slaga and Nesnow (1985) recommended that either benzoyl peroxide or chrysarobin be used, since TPA is subject to degradation by esterases. With the standard DMBA-TPA protocol, papillomas become visible6-8 at weeks and reach a plateau at about 20 weeks. Carcinomas develop at about 30 weeks and reach a maximal number at about 50 weeks. Most carcinomas develop from existing papillomas. The maximum number of carcinomas that a mouse can support is three to four (Warren et al., 1993). The multistage model further employs the administration of a progressor to papillomaagent bearing mice to increase the frequencyof conversion to malignant carcinoma. The progressor agent typically is a direct-acting carcinogen, such as ethylnitrosourea (ETU)or N-methyl-Mnitrdhitrosoguanidine (MNNG), which affects existing papillomas, rather than producing new tumors (Henningset al., 1993a; Warren et al., 1993). Therefore,it is administered to mice after the 20-week promotion period, whenthe formation of papillomas has reacheda plateau. ThefollowingprotocolfortumorprogressionwasdescribedbyWarrenetal.(1993). (as described), the progressor Subsequent to initiation with DMBA and promotion with TPAjust agents are administered topicallyto mice twice a week for 2 weeks. The number of agents tested may vary, but Warren and colleagues used three groups: a control (1 pg P A ) , 10 pm01 ETU, and 1 p o l MNNG. (The progressor agents also may be administered as a single dose, either topically or IP, or they may be given once or twice weekly for up to 30 weeks.) After these treatments, P A is again administered twice a week until week 40 of the study. The investigators found that animals treated with ETU and MNNG formed carcinomas earlier and in greater numbers than those treated with TPA alone. Approximately15-20%ofsquamous cellcarcinomasundergofurtherprogression to metastatic lesions; however, a specific protocol this for activity has not been reported (Hennings et al., 1993a). for carcinogenicactivityinmouse skin. The Over 500 chemicalshavebeenassayed predominant class of chemicals that has tested positive as initiators and complete carcinogens samis the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), their metabolites, and environmental ples containing mixtures of PAHs. Of thenon-PAHchemicals,most are direct or indirect alkylating agents. An extensive listing of these chemicals can be found in Pereira (1982a) and Slaga and Nesnow (1985). These two references also provide a list of chemicals tested for promoting activity. ETU and MNNG,have increased papilloma progression in mouse Several agents, along with skin. They include benzo[u]pyrene (B[u]P) diol epoxide, cisplatin, urethane, 4-nitroquinoline-Noxide, benzoyl peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, diethyl maleate, and ionizing radiation (Hennings et al., 1993a; Warren et al., 1993). Although most progressor agents do not produce papillomas, benzoyl peroxideis active as both a tumor promoter and progressor agent (Hennings et al., 1993% Warrenet al., 1993). It possesses genotoxic activity, but does not have activityas a complete carcinogen or tumor initiator. Benzoyl peroxide possesses clastogenic activity, that (1993) is, it produces single-strand DNA breaks. Hennings et al. (1993a) and Warren et suggested this activity as the mechanism by which benzoyl peroxide enhances progression of papillomas to carcinoma. A favorable characteristicof the mouse skin tumor assayis that tumors are formed on the exterior of the animals, which permits easy detection and monitoring of tumor size and type.
Therefore, fewer animalsare needed for the study because necropsies scheduled midstudy can be limited or omitted altogether. The assay also has an extensive database for skin carcinogens, and good dose-response data have been obtained for several chemicals (Slaga al., et 1982; Slaga to distinguish among initiators, and Nesnow, 1985). Additionally,the assay allows investigators promoters, and progressors. A limitation of this assay is that the topical route may prevent systemic absorption of chemicals that require metabolic activation in other organ systems for carcinogenic activity to occur. Also, the protocol requires frequent application and sometimes large doses of the test PAHs, and limited chemical tobe effective. Moreover, mostof the data obtained have been on numbers of chemical classes have been tested. Data are not yet adequate to correlate the results of themouse skin tumor assay with results of lifetime cancer studies in animals and humans. However, five chemicals that tested positive in themouseskintumorassayalso had positiveactivity as animal or humanrespiratory carcinogens. They included the chemical classes of carbamates, PAHs, chloromethyl ethers, There also appears tobe some quinolines, and coke oven emissions (Slaga and Nesnow, 1985). tumor assay and the mouse lung adenoma assay. That is, the correlation between the mouse skin lowest dose administered systemically that elicits a positive carcinogenic response appears to be similar with both assays, but this requires further study (Pereira, 198%). The mouse skin tumor assay has limited application as a replacement for the long-term be an integral test in a decision scheme for evaluating carcinogenic cancer bioassay, but it would agents. It alsois animportanttool for determiningmechanismsoftumorformationand progression, especially for pharmacological research on chemotherapeutic agents.
3. Rat Liver Altered-Foci Assay As with skin,carcinogenesisintheliverapparentlyisamultistage process, consisting of initiation, promotion, and progression. Initiated cells withDNA altered undergo clonal expansion during promotion. Focal changes in the phenotype, or altered hepatic foci, am recognized as aggregates of cells that display altered enzymatic activity or other cellular constituents (Pereira, 1982b). For example, the altered foci have excessive storage of glycogen, a change in enzymes involved in carbohydrate and drug metabolism, and an increase in proliferation rate (Bannasch and Zerban, 1992; It0 et al., 1992). It is generally accepted that altered foci are the earliest or detectable preneoplastic lesion, and that they progress either directly into hepatocarcinoma, first to hyperplastic nodules and then to carcinoma (Bannasch and Zerban, 1992; Goldfarb and are an Pugh,1982;It0 et al., 1992; Pereira,1982b,1985).Hence,thealteredhepaticfoci especially sensitive indicatorof a chemical's carcinogenic potential. Numerous histochemical markers have been used to detect altered foci, including changes in 'y-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), basophilia, DT-diaphorase, glycogen storage, glucose-6phosphate dehydrogenase, adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase). and iron storage (Bannasch and Zerban, 1992;It0 et al., 1992; Pereira, 1982b, 1985). The most widely used marker is GGT because it has strong activityin preneoplastic lesions and very low activity in background parenchymal cells. It is present in approximately 90%of the foci, and also is associated with most liver cancer, including rat and human hyperplastic nodules and A limitation of using GGT activity as a biomarker hepatocellular carcinomas (Pereira, 1982b). isthatnumerouschemicals,such as phenobarbital,butylatedhydroxytoluene(BHT),and ethanol, can induce the enzyme in the periportal region of the liver lobule (It0 et al., 1992; Pereira,1985).Therefore,anyincreaseinGGTactivityintheperiportalregionmustbe differentiated from the actual induction of GGT-positive foci. Another limitation is that not all initiators or promoters produce GGT-positive foci. For example, altered foci induced in F344 rats after administration of clofibrate, di(2)ethylhexylphthalate, and Wy-14,643, all of
which are peroxisome pliferators, were negative for GGT activity (It0 etal., 1992; Rao etal., 1982). The best approach may be to select at least two biomarkers that differ in sensitivityto the test chemical. Glutathione-S-transferase placental form (GST-P) activity also has been used to detect altered foci, andit was a more reliable marker than GGT for diethylnitrosamine (DEN)-initiated lesions (It0 et al., 1992). There was a slight induction of GST-P in the periportal region after BHT administration, butto a much lesser extent than GGT. A reported advantage of this marker are is theease of immunohistochemicalstainingandtheclearlydistinguishablefocithat produced (It0 et al., 1992). Most studies of carcinogenesis in rat liver have focused on the initiation-promotion (P) model. This model predicts neoplastic effects from administration of a nonnemgenic, subcarcinogenic dose ofan initiating agent, suchas DEN, coupled with administration of thetest chemical (i.e., putativepromotingagent) for aspecifiedtimeperiod.Alternatively,atest chemicalcan be givenfollowed by administration of apromoter,such as phenobarbital. to increase the interaction of the test A “stimulus” of hepatocyte proliferation may be employed chemical with initiated cells. This is accomplished eitherby treating immature animals with DEN or byperforming atwo-thirds (70%) partialhepatectomy (PH), onadultanimals.Apparently with both practices, the resulting regenerative cell proliferation “fixes” DNA alterations IP assay are presented inthe literature. (Bannasch and Zerban,1992). Numerous variations of the (1992). Goldsworthy et al.(1986), Osterle I refer readersto the reviews of Bannasch and Zerban and Deml(1990), and Pereira(1982b, 1985) for detailsof additional protocols. With the initiation-promotio~progression(IPP) assay, administration of the promoter is followed by treatment with a known or putative progtessor agent, depending on which stage of carcinogenesis is being examined. Another method, referred to as “stop protocol” by Bannasch and Zerban(1992), is similar tothe complete carcinogenesis protocol described in mouse skin. It employs administration of a carcinogen either in a single dose or in multiple doses over a specified time period. This protocol is useful for investigating mechanisms of carcinogenic action,butthelagperiodtoformationofalteredfoci is quitelengthywithoutadditional experimental manipulations. Therefore, only protocolsfor the IP and the IPP modelsin the rat liver will be presented. for the altered liver foci assay, but other species,assuch mice Rats are the species of choice et al., 1988), have (Vesselinovitchet al., 1985), hamsters (Stenbkk et al., 1986). and fish (Hinton been used to study foci induction after chemical exposure. Male or female F344 or SpragueDawley rats are the most commonly used strains. Depending on the protocol, ages of animals range from5 days to 6 weeks. One of the most straightforward procedures for the IP model is described by Ito and colleagues (Cabralet al., 1991; Hakoi et al., 1992; It0 et al., 1992). Male F344 rats, 6 weeks old, are divided into three groups, using 15 or 16 animals per group. Group 1 is the treatment group. Aniials receive an IP injection of 200 m a g DEN in 0.9% NaCl on day 0 of the study. Tbo weeks later, administration of the test compound begins. It typically is added to the diet, but may be administered inthe drinking wateror by injection (Por IV). Treatment continues for 6 weeks. Group 2, the control, also is initiated with DEN, but only receives basal diet without the test compound for 6 weeks. Group 3 receives saline (vehicle control) without DEN and the test compound in thediet; itis used to assess the abilityof the test compoundto induce altered foci without initiation. The PH is performed in all three groups at week 3, and the experiment is terminated at week8. A n i m a l s are sacrificed and body weights are recorded. The livers are removed, weighed, sectioned,andfixedinice-coldacetoneforimmunohistochemicalexaminationofGST-P
activity. Additional sections are fmed in 10% phosphate-buffered formalin solution for routine staining with hematoxylin and eosin. The numbers per square centimeters (no./cm2 of liver) and areas [millimeter per square centimeter (mm2/cm2) of liver] of GST-P-positivefoci that are larger than 0.2 mm in diameter are measuredusingacolorvideoimageprocessor.Statisticalanalysesareperformed by comparing the differences between groups 1 and 2. Results are considered positive when both the numbers and areas of foci are increased significantly. Another IP protocol described by Pereira (1982b) has been used by the Health Effects Research Laboratory in Cincinnati, Ohioas part of their Carcinogenesis Testing Matrix. In one method, rats are given a two-thirds PH 18-24 hr before administration of the test compound. Then, the animals receive 500 ppm phenobarbital in their drinking water ad libitum starting 6 days after the test chemical is administered and continuing 7 weeks. for Alternatively, initiation 7, phenobarbital (500 ppm)is beginsonday 0 withthetestchemical.Startingwithday weeks (to day56). The PH is performed during administered in the animals’ drinking water7for phenobarbital promotion on day 14. From day 7 to day 14, the phenobarbital concentration is decreased to 100 ppm because of increased toxicity after PH.A favorable characteristicof this protocol, as wellas that described by It0 and colleagues, is that both have a relatively short study duration of 8 weeks. Dragan et al. (1991) described still another variation of the Ip protocol. A 70% PH is performed on male and female Fischer 344 rats weighing 130-200 g. Four to 11 animals are used per treatment group. Twenty-four hours later, DEN at 10 mgikg is administered by gastric intubation, and the animals are allowed a 2-week recovery period. Then a promoter, either the or have not been test chemical or phenobarbital (positive control), is given to animals that have initiated with DEN. Animalsare sacrificed after6 months of promotion. Tissuesare prepared as described earlier, except that stainingis performed for GGT, ATPase, and G6Pase activities, in addition to GST-P activities. The number of altered foci per cubic centimeter of liver, liver weight, and the number of foci per liver are recorded for each rat. It0 et al. (1992) tested 179 chemicals in the altered liver foci assay using the initiationpromotion protocol described earlier. These chemicals were classified into four categories: (1) liver carcinogens, (2) nonliver carcinogens,(3) noncarcinogens, and (4) unknown carcino” b o of the three negative genicity. Of the 41 known liver carcinogens, 38 tested positive. chemicals, that is,di(2)ethylhexylphthalate and clofibrate, were peroxisome proliferaton, which appear to produce preneoplastic lesions that are phenotypically different from foci produced by most hepatocarcinogens. Consequently, the most commonly used markers (i.e., GGT and GST-P activity) are not effective in predicting carcinogenic activity from this class of compounds. Eight of the 33 nonliver carcinogens showed positive, and all of the noncarcinogens gave negative results in the altered liver foci assay. Of the 68 chemicals with unknown carcinogenic activity, 18 tested positive. The 84 chemicals that gave positive results belong to a range of chemical classes, including Aromaticaminesand azo dyes [e.g., 2-acetylaminofluorene (ZAAF) and 3’-methyl+ dmethylarninoazobenzene (3’-Me-DAB)] Nitrosamines (e.g., DEN) PAHs, (e.g., B[u]P) Hormones (e.g., diethylstilbestrol) Pesticides (e.g., captan, pp’-DDT, trifluralin) Drugs and dyes(e.g., doxorubicin, phenobarbital) Miscellaneous compounds (e.g., aflatoxin B1, safrole, and urethane)
Similar results have been reported in Pereira (1982b) in which alternative protocols were used P protocol canbe used to predict the for the altered foci assay. These results indicated that the carcinogenicity of a variety of chemicals, both liver and nonliver carcinogens. Dragan et al. (1993) described a protocol for the IPP model similar to Pereim’s II? protocol except that administration of a progressor agent is incorporated. Additionally, this protocol are smaller (presumably more recent) lesions measures the formation of foci-in-foci (FIF), which observed within larger (presumably older) lesions. The FIF are indicative of the progressive development of initiated cells to preneoplastic foci and further to malignant neoplasms. Carcinoma incidence is monitored, too, since the study duration is about 12 months. The protocol is described in the following: Neonatal (5day old) male and female Sprague-Dawley rats(7-12 animals per group)are initiated with a single IP injection of DEN (10mg/kg body weight). Promotion begins at weaning 0.05% phenobarbital in the diet for 6 months. Six (about 3 weeks of age) with administration of months after weaning, 70%PH is performed on the animals, followed by administration ofthe progressor agent 24 hr later. A control group does not receive the progressor At thisagent. point, promotion by phenobarbitol either is maintained for another 6 months or is discontinued and basal diet is fed. Discontinuation allows the detection of foci that develop independently of exposure to a promoting agent. Animals are sacrificed 10-14 months after weaning and livers are removed. Sections are taken and frozenon dry ice and stained for GST-P, GGT, ATPase,or G6Pase activity. Additional sections are fixed in formalin, embedded paraffh, in and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histological examination. The number of altered foci per cubic centimeter of liver, the liver weight, and the number of foci per liver are recorded for each animal. TheFIF are measured qualitatively by visual inspection of overlays of the four phenotypic markers. That is, serial sections of liver are stained for thefour different enzymes, and the tracings from each of these are overlaid to show the presence of heterogeneous foci. Dragan et al. (1993) tested the progressor activity of hydroxyurea (HU;150 mgkg) or N-nitroso-n-ethylurea ( E W , 100 mg/kg) after administering DEN as an initiating agent and phenobarbital as a promoting agent to rats. Phenobarbital treatment was discontinued after administration of the progressor agents. They observed a significant increase in FIF per liver and in FIF per altered foci compared with animals without progressor treatment. Additionally,promoter-independentfociweresignificantlyincreasedinthetreatmentgroupscomwas amorepotentprogressorthan However,the paredwiththecontrol,butENU hepatocarcinomaincidencewaslowinallgroups. In thegroupsinwhichphenobarbital promotioncontinuedaftertreatmentwithHUandENU,hepatocarcinomaincidencewas increased markedly. These results provide evidence that theP P model mimics cancer developto be useful in classifying chemicals as having ment in liver. Furthermore, the protocol appears initiator, promoter,or progressor activities. A major limitation of the rat liver foci assay, as with other single-organ models, is that negative results cannot rule our carcinogenic activity in target organs other than the liver. Additionally, a large discrepancy exists between the number of foci that appear early during hepatocarcinogenesis and the finaltumor yield. Estimatesof carcinoma formationfrom altered liverfocirangefrom 1:1,300to1:12,000(BannaschandZerban,1992),butabout2%of hyperplastic nodules develop to carcinoma (It0 et al., 1992). The reason for this discrepancy is unknown. Other problems include strain and species differences in sensitivity to foci induction and to choiceof biomarker for measuring foci (Deml etal., 1981; It0 et al., 1992). Several advantages of the altered foci assay in rat are as follows: (1) It requires fewer animals, and it takes less time for preneoplastic and neoplastic lesionsto appear compared with the conventional 2-year bioassay; (2) it is accepted that the altered foci represent an early
response of liver cells to hepatocarcinogens, and that they precede the appearance of hepatic carcinomas; and (3) it appearsto offer a good correlation with results from the 2-year bioassay. In summary, the rat liver altered foci assay appears to be a reliable method for identifying chemicals with carcinogenic potential. Because more than 60% of the carcinogens listed by (IARC) as having sufficient evidence for carcinoInternational Agency for Research on Cancer et al., 1992). and because the altered genicity in humansare hepatocarcinogens in animals (Hakoi foci is acceptedas a preneoplastic lesion, this assay is particularly relevantas a tool for screening carcinogens.Whetherthealteredfocicanbeusedinadditiontohepaticneoplasmsasa toxicological endpoint in 2-year carcinogenicity studies is still under debate (Bannasch and Zerban, 1992).
4. Strain A Mice Lung Tumor Assay When compared with other inbred strains, strain A mice develop a higher incidence of agerelated, spontaneous lung neoplasms during their lifetime (Stoner, 1991; Stoner and Shimkin, 1982, 1985). The tumors, usually adenomas, are located at or near the pleural surface and are distributed throughout both lungs, but more frequently in the right lung (Dixon al., 1991). et They can be observedeitherby gross examination or with the use of a dissecting microscope. Treatment of strainA mice with certain chemicals increases the average number of lung tumors per mouse when compared with control animals (Stoner, 1991; Stoner and Shimkin, p 1982,1985). Thisis the basis for using the mouse lung tumor assay to assess the Carcinogenic tential of specific chemicals. The protocol for the bioassay, which was developed Dr.Michael by Shimkin, follows. The animals used the in lung tumor assay shouldbe healthy andfree of pneumonia and other diseases. If possible, endogenous murine viruses, such as Reo-3, Sendai, lactate dehydrogenase virus, and Moloney-sarcoma virus, should be identified in the mouse colony, since these have been shownto influence the chemical induction of lung adenomas in strain(Stoner, 1991; A mice Stoner and Shimkin, 1985). Male and female strain A mice, 6-8 weeks old with an average weight of 18-20 g, are distributed randomly among control and treatment groups. It is recommended that corncob bedding be used in place of cedar shavings, which contain terpene compounds that may induce drug-metabolizing enzymes (Stoner, 1991; Stoner and Shimkin, 1985). Before performing the bioassay, the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) must be determined for each test chemical. Serial twofold dilutionsof the chemical are injected IP into groups of five mice; the MTD is the maximum single dose that all five mice survive for 2 weeks after receiving six IP injections (three injections per week) (Stoner and Shimkin, 1985). Animals should be observed for at least 2 months following treatment, since some test chemicals may be immunosuppressant and likelyto produce delayed toxicity. For the bioassay, the test agent can be administered by several different routes, although IP injection is themostcommon.Foreachtest, three dose levels are used:theone-halfthe MTD, and one-fifth theMTD. At least 30 mice, 15 of each sex,are used per dosefor a total of 90 animals per test chemical. For highly toxic chemicals, the number can to50mice be increased perdose.Animals are dosed three timesperweekfor 8 weeks, A positivecontrolgroup (10 animals per dose, 5 each of males and females) is treated with urethane, using a single injection of 10 or 20 mg/mouse. 'ILvo other control groups are included: (1) untreated control (30 mice, 15 males and 15 females), for incidence of spontaneous tumors; and (2) vehicle control (30 mice, 15 males and 15 females). The bioassays are terminated 16 weeks after the last injection, for a total period of 24 weeks. For weak carcinogens, the animals may need to be maintained until 36 weeks to demonstrate carcinogenicity. Animals are sacrificed, and the lungs are removed and fixed in Tellyesniczky's fluid (20 parts 70% alcohol:2 parts formaldehyde:l
part acetic acid)or 10% buffered formalinfor 24 The tumors, which appearaspearly white or yellowish noduleson the lung surface,are counted and the numbers recorded,A few tumors from test animals and controls should be removed for histological examination to c o n f m the morphological appearance of adenoma (Stoner, 1991; Stoner and Shimkin, 1985). Unlikethelong-termcancerbioassay,significantevidenceofcarcinogenicitycanbe obtained in 30-35 weeks with the mouse lung tumor assay. However, extending the test longer the incidence of pulmonary tumors in control animals inthan 36 weeksis not desirable because creases rapidly after 35 weeks; consequently, test the loses sensitivity (Williams and Weisburger, 1991). The rate of spontaneously occurringtumors in untreated mice after 24 weeks varies from 0.2 to 0.4 tumors per mouse. The minimum carcinogenic response in treated animals considered to be statistically significant is 0.8-1 tumor per mouse, when 30 mice are used per dose level (Stoner, 1991). A similar bioassay was described by Wang and Busby (19!93), who used newborn CD-1 mice instead of strain A mice.Animals were treatedwithapotentialcarcinogen,inthiscase 6 and 9 months. An average of 44 pups (about half males and fluoranthene, and maintained for groups. A dosedependent half females) were used for each control and the three treatment increaseinfluoranthene-inducedlung tumors (predominantlyadenomas)wasobservedin both the 6-month and 9-month groups. Tumor multiplicity in the highest fluoranthene treatment group (17.3 pnoVmouse) was significantly different from the control group (0.6-0.7 vs. 0-0.05, respectively). Nearly 400 chemicals have been tested for carcinogenic activity in the lung tumor assay (Stoner, 1991). Positive responses have been produced with compounds within the following chemical classes: PAHs, N-nitroso compounds, nitrogen mustards, carbamates, hydrazines, and chemotherapeutic agents (Stoner, 1991; Stoner and Shimkin, 1982, 1985). However, the assay was relatively insensitive to aromatic amines, metal salts, and organohalides. These results indicate that the assay is somewhat chemical-specific, which may decrease its usefulnessas a screening test for carcinogens. An advantage of this assay is that it can measure both the percentage of animals with neoplasms compared with controls and the multiplicity or yield of tumors, which indicates or curcinucarcinogenic potency (Williams and Weisburger, 1991; Stoner, 1991). The potency, genic index is the dose of the test chemical thatis required to produce a minimum response of 0.8-1 tumor per mouse. This can be obtained by plotting the average number of lung tumors versus the log of the molar dose of the chemical (Stoner, 1991). The most potent carcinogen tested in strainA mice is DMBA. The dose required to produce one lung tumor0.6was pnol/kg (Stoner, 1991). A limitation of the assay is the poor correlation of results from the strainA mouse assay (Maronpot et al., 1986; Maronpot, with the long-term rodent bioassay. Maronpot and colleagues 1991) compared the results of the tumor lung assay performed in two different laboratories, using 59chemicals,withtheresults of 2-yearcarcinogenicitytestpreviouslyperformed by the National Cancer Institute for the same 59 chemicals. LaboratoryA tested 53 of the 59 chemicals and laboratory B tested 30 of the 59 chemicals. Twenty-four of the 59 were tested in both laboratories.Amongthe 59 chemicals, 32 were aromaticamines, 5 werearomaticnitrocontaining compounds, 4 were ureas, 5 were aliphatic halides, and 13 were classified into a miscellaneous category. Genotoxicity test data fromGENETOX and CHEMTRACK databases were also compared with the results of the lung tumor assay. tumor assay were carcinogenic in Although most chemicals that tested positive in the lung the long-term cancer bioassay, the converse was not true. For example, of the 16 chemicals that we= positive in the lung tumor assay, 11 were positive in the 2-year bioassay (Maronpot, 1991). But, of the 40 chemicals that were positive in the 2-year bioassay, only 11 were positive in the
Caminogenicity-Testing Methods
lung tumor assay.There also waspoor agreement of the gentoxicity tests with the strainA assay results (Maronpot et al., 1986). Of the 61 chemicals with genotoxicity data, 50 had positive results for genotoxicity in one or more tests. However, there were no clear differences in A assay and those that were genotoxicity between the chemicals that were positive in the strain negative. Therefore, the selection of carcinogens with a nongenotoxic or epigenetic mechanism of action for testing does not appear tobe a plausible explanation for the lack of concordance between the lung tumor assay and the 2-year cancer bioassay. The investigators (Maronpot et al., 1986; Maronpot, 1991) suggested that differences in pharmacokinetics and metabolism, duration oftteatment,totaldosegiven,andtargetorganandspeciesspecificitymightexplainthe discrepancies in results. In addition, the lung tumor assay is relatively insensitive to aromatic amines, and the majority of the chemicals used in this comparison were aromatic amines. In summary, the strainA mouse lung tumor assay has limited applicabilityas a short-term scxeening tool for carcinogens, but it might be useful in a decision point approach to carcinogen testing (described in Sec. JY).Moreover, this assay would be useful in studies of mechanisms of pulmonary carcinogenesis (Maronpot, 1991).
5. Rat Mammary Gland Tumor Assay During the 194Os, Bielschowsky and Shay independently studied the carcinogenic effects of subchronic or chronic exposures of2-AAF and 3°C on the rat mammary gland. Their work was extended by Huggins, who reported that single intragastric or IV doses of several PAHs could induce mammary cancer in rats (McCormick and Moon, 1985; Weisburger and Williams, 1984). The current rat mammary gland tumor assay is based on the work of Huggins (1959, 1961). and thissingledose model is described in the following. Mammary m o r s havebeeninducedinmanystrainsofrats,including Wistar, F-344, Long-Evans, and Lewis, but the Sprague-Dawley appears be the to most sensitive and, therefore, the animal of choice. n o limitations of using this strain, however, are (1) dose-response relationships may vary substantially among Sprague-Dawley rats obtained from different sources, and (2) the Sprague-Dawley rat develops a high incidence of age-related spontaneous mammary tumors, although theyare primarily benign fibroadenomas (McCormick and Moon, 1985). These limitations shouldbe taken into consideration when choosing a rat strain. Sensitivity to tumor induction in the mammary gland peaks in 50- to 70-day-old rats. This appears to result from age-related changes in the mammary gland, including maximal cell division at 50 days of age, when female rats undergo puberty. Additionally, morphological changes occur in parenchymal tissue at this age. These changes include differentiation of tissues to those that have less proliferative with a high levelof cellular proliferation (terminal end buds) capacity (acini and lobules) (McCormick and Moon, 1985). Therefore, animals used in the assay should be 50-daydd females. Additionally, virgin rats should be used, since they are signifito mammary tumor induction thanare animals that have undergone one or cantly more sensitive more full-term pregnancies. That is, the nonpregnant animals have many more terminal end bud which are sensitiveto mammary carcinogenesis (McCormick and Moon, 1985).A minimum of 20 animals per dose group is used (Berger et al., 1983). The test compound canbe administered by severalroutes, including oral gavage, TV injection, subcutaneous injection, or direct application to the mammary fat pad (McCormick and M m , 1985). With gavage, the test compound is dissolved in a vehicle carrier, such as corn oil, sesame oil,or trioctanoin, and1.0 ml of the test compoundis administered to animals that have TV administration,thetestcompoundisdissolvedinsterile beenfastedovernight.With phosphate-buffered saline, or other suitable carrier, and the solution is injected at a volume of 0.4 ml/lOO g body weight (McCormick and Moon, 1985). TheIV route is used primarily with water-soluble compounds.
Animals are weighedandpalpatedweekly or semiweekly to monitorappearance of mammary tumors beginning4-6 weeks after administration of the test compound (Berger et al., 1983; McCormick and Moon, 1985; Sobottka et al., 1993). Since most tumors develop in the cervical-thoracic chainsof the mammary glands surrounding the forepaws, rather than in the abdominal-inguinal glands, the former should be examined more thoroughly (McCormick and Moon, 1985). Careful palpation can detect tumors at a diameterof 2 mm or smaller. The presence of any tumorsor masses should be mapped for later confiation with necropsy and histological findings, especially since some tumorsmay regress. These data are valuable for time-to-tumor appearance as well. Depending on the carcinogenic potency of the test compound, tumors can become palpable as early as 4-6 weeks after administration of the test compound, as with DMBA, or as long as 9 months following exposure to B[u]P (McCormick and Moon, 1985). Thus, depending on the test compound, as well as the dose, the assay period may extend to 6-9 months. Beyond this time, however, spontaneous tumor induction increases, which may influence interpretation ofthe results. Nevertheless, this should have a minimal effect, since most spontaneous tumors are fibroadenomas or fibrosarcomas, rather than adenocarcinomas. Furthermore, histopathological types. diagnosis is essential to differentiate between these tumor At the terminationof the study, tissue samples are collected from all palpable and nonpalp able mammary tumors and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histological examination and classification. A positive responseis indicated by an increase in the incidence and multiplicity of mammary gland tumors. The preponderant tumor type is the adenocarcinoma, with or without papillary characteristics (McCormick and Moon, 1985). Mixed adenocarcinoma-fibroadenomas also may be found. Various PAHs have been tested for carcinogenic activityin the rat mammary tumor assay: DMBA was the most potent; 3-MC and B[a]P were much less potent than DMBA, however, both benz[u]anthracene and phenanthrene were inactive in this system (McCormick and Moon, 1985). Other active chemicals include 2-AAF, arylamines, hetemcyclic amines, nitrosoureas, especially ethyl methanesulfonate, and 1,2-dichloroethane (Berger et al., N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (W), 1983;McCormickandMoon,1985;WilliamsandWeisburger,1991).Singleexposuresto radiation (neutrons, x-rays, or gamma rays) also induce mammary tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats, although differences have been noted between tumor induction by radiation versus chemical agents in site of tumor formation, age-dependency, and reproductive status (McCormick and Moon, 1985). The rat mammary gland tumor assay has many favorable characteristics for a short-term as carcinogen screening test. As mentioned previously,data canbe obtained on tumor incidence well as multiplicity or yield, which an is indicator of minogenic potency. Strong carcinogens will produce positive responses in 9 monthsor less, and tumors canbe detected in the animals by palpation over the come of the study without performing interim sacrifices. This provides of animals neededfor significant results. data on tumor latency period and reduces the numbers More importantly, the mammary tumors produced the in rat model are similar to those produced in humans; that is, tissues are of epithelial origin and histologically similar. Although the rat mammary tumor assay has many positive attributesas a screening test,it As mentioned previously, spontaneous tumor production increases also has some disadvantages. in older Sprague-Dawley strains. This problem be cancircumventedby limiting the assay period to 9 months or less. Chemicals that induce rat mammary tumorsmay be inactive in other test systems, which is a general problem with many single-organ screening tests. Furthermore, little information was available on whether results from the mammary tumor assay correlated with results oflong-termcancerstudies.Thesedisadvantageslimittheapplicabilityof the rat mammaryglandtumorassay as a carcinogen-screening test. This bioassay has been used,
however, in initiation-promotion systems to explore the relationship among dietary fat, hormones, and breast cancer incidence (Williams and Weisburger, 1991). Additionally,has it been used to study theeffects of various anticancer treatments on MNU-induced mammary tumors in rats (Berger et al., 1983; Sobottka et al., 1993).
6. Multiple-OrganCarcinogenesisModel It0 and colleagues (It0et al., 1992; Hasegawa et al., 1993; Hirose et al., 1993a,b) developed a multiorgan carcinogenesis system in rats that utilizes treatment with multiple potent carcinogens and either concurrent or sequential administrationof a test compound. It has a relatively short duration of 36 weeksor less. By using multiple carcinogens, neoplastic changes can be initiated in a wide varietyof organs in each animal, which eliminates the need to perform several assays, each targeting a separate system.A protocol is described in the following. Male Fischer 344 rats, 5 4 weeks old, are divided into at least three treatment groups, each containing 15-16 animals. Group 1 is treated with the “DMD regimen (see later) and the test chemical (control); and the test chemical; group 2 with the DMD regimen, but without group 3 with the test chemical, but without the DMD regimen (vehicle only) (Ito et al., 1992; Hasegawa et al., 1993). The DMD regimen is administered as follows: animalsare injected IP at day0 with a single dose of DEN at 100 mg/kg body weight; DEN is a potent hepatocarcinogen. A wide-spectrum mgkg body weight) 3 days carcinogen, M W , is administeredIP in four consecutive doses (20 apart, beginning 2 days after DEN administration (i.e., days 2,5,8, and 11). On day14, rats are given 2,2’-dhydroxydi-n-propyhitrosamine(DHPN) in their drinking waterat a dose levelof 0.1% for 2 weeks, DHPN induces tumors in the kidney, lung, thyroid, and urinary bladder in rats. An alternative treatment regimen, which is designed to target the upper digestive tract, as dimethylhydrazine (Hiroseet al., 1993a.b). includes two or more additional carcinogens, such Test chemicals are administered either in the drinking water or the diet for 16-20 weeks (It0 et al., 1992; Hasegawaet al., 1993). Animalsare then killed and organs removed. Livers and kidneys are weighed, and liver slicesm fixed in ice-cold acetone and immunohistachemically stained for quantitative assessment GST-P-positive foci. Stomachs are inflated with sublimated of formaldehyde, cut intostrips, and immunohistochemically stained for quantitative assessment (PAPG).The GST-P-positive foci and PAPG are biomarkers pepsinogen-l-altered pyloric glands for preneoplastic lesions in the liver and glandular stomach, respectively (It0 et al., 1992). The other main organs (i.e., thyroid, lung, forestomach, intestines, kidney, and urinary bladder) and the remainder of the liver are fixed in buffered formalin, stained with hematoxylin and eosin, are madeforhistopathologicalexamination.Statistical imbeddedinparaffin,andsections p u p 2 (control). analyses are performed by comparing the results in group 1 (test group) with to enhance It0 et al. (1992) examined the ability of several carcinogens and noncarcinogens the neoplastic changes in various organs induced by the DEN-MNU-DHPN treatment. Phenobarbital, 2-AAF, m-ethionine, and 3’-Me-DAB, which are liver carcinogens, caused a significant increase in the GST-P-positivearea (mm2/cm2). Catechol targets the stomach, and it enhanced hyperplasia and papilloma of the forestomach and submucosal growth of the glandular stomach. Benzo[a]pyrene, a lung and skin carcinogen, was inactive in this system. In another study, five pesticides were examined for their carcinogenic potential (Hasegawa et al., 1993). Folpet, (IRIS,1993), produced a significant increase in PAPG a B2 carcinogen based on duodenal cancer in the glandular stomach and hyperplasia of theforestomach.SimilareffectswereSeenin captan-treated animals, but toa much greater extent. The carcinogenicity of captan is currently under review by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)(IRIS, 1992). However, neoplasia has been reported in the duodenum and other regions of the digestive tract of mice after exposure to captan(It0 et al., 1992).
The multiple-organ assay shows promise for detecting the carcinogenic potentialof some chemicals. Those that target the liver or the gastmintestinal tract appear to be the most sensitive used in these organs are very sensitive toxin this assay, possibly because the biomarkersarethat icity endpoints. The development of more specific markers in other organs should enhance the usefulness of this model as a carcinogen-screening tool. This model is also quite useful in determining the chemopreventive and other modifying effects of chemicals on neoplastic lesions in different organs (Hiroseet al., 1993a,b).
B. Long-TermCancer Bioassay F'mxdures for the lifetime cancer bioassay in animals werefirst standardizedin the early 1960s by the USFDA, who were concerned with safety assessment of food- and drug-related chemi1984; Robens et al., 1989). The NCI pubcalsandpesticides(WeisburgerandWilliams, lishedguidelinesfortheirbioassayprograminthemid 1970s (Sontagetal., 1976), and these were adopted and modified by NTP the after its establishment in1978 (Moore et al., 198 1; N T P , 1984). Other cancer-testing procedures have been published by theIARC (1980) and the USEPA (Jaeger, 1984). Thegoalsoftheanimalbioassay m (1) to determine if exposure to a test substance increases the incidenceof tumor production over the background rate, and (2) to provide some information, such as time-to-tumor, dose-response, and mechanistic data, that can be used in human health risk assessment (NTP, 1984, Hamm, 1985). The cancer bioassay, asthe final step in a decision point approach, also can be used to confirm questionable results from more limited testing, such as short-term mutagenicity assays, and the medium-term in vivo tests described earlier (Weisburger and Williams, 1984). The conventional protocol is presented in the following.
I . Test Chemicals Test Chemical. Selecting a chemical to test is the fint and certainly an important step in the carcinogen bioassay process. For chemical manufacturers or processors that a= mandated under federal or state laws to provide carcinogenicity data, the selection of chemicals is clear-cut. For (FIFRA, USEPA, 1991a) example,theFederalInsecticide,Fungicide,andRodenticideAct requires that oncogenicity tests be conducted to support the registration of each manufacturing1984). For other agencies or use product or end-use product that meets specific criteria (Jaeger, institutes performing studies, suchas the NTP or the Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology (CIIT), selection is based on the potential for human exposure, production levels, chemical H a m m ,1985; N T P , 1984, 1989). Chemicals may be structure, and available toxicological data ( nominated by other agencies for testing by the NTP, for example, the USFDA nominated acetaminophen because of its increasing over-thecounter use and lack of information on the health risks associated with long-term exposure(NTP, 1993). A thoroughliteraturereviewisperformedtoobtain all informationavailableonthe chemical's toxicity andto determine if there are data gaps to be filled. Other relevant information includeschemicalclass,synonymsandtradenames,structuralandmolecularformulaand molecular weight, melting point, boiling point, solubility, stability and reactivity, and analytical the vehicle methods for identifying and quantitating the test chemical, both in its purein form and used to administer it (Feronet al., 1980; N T P , 1984; Robens et 1989). Thetestsubstance is ahighlypurifiedchemical, or an actualproduct,includingthe impurities, to which humans are exposed. The chemical typicallyis administered to animals in a vehicle, suchas water, cornoil, or feed. It is critical that analytical methods are developed for the dosage formulation before testing to c o n f m the stability of the test compound and the presence of impurities over the duration of the study (Feron et al., 1980; Sontag et al., 1976).
Special handling should be given to chemicals thatare hygroscopic, or are altered in the presence of water (Robens et al.,1989). Because impuritiesor contaminants may enhance or diminish the toxicity or carcinogenicity of a test chemical, identifying these compounds is crucial. Additionally, a misdosage because of inaccurate analysis or other emrs could cause inadequate exposure to the test chemical, unexpected toxicity, or possibly animal death (Robens et al., 1989). Dosage. At least two (Jaeger, 1984), but preferably three,dose levels (NTP, 1984) should be used, in addition to the control group. Although two doses may provide positive evidence for carcinogenicity, they may be inadequate for providing doseresponse data or no-effect levels. The doses should be chosen so that thereare no statistically significant differences in survivabil1990a). ity among the test groups, except for a carcinogenic or tumorigenic response (Arnold, The highest dose, the MTD,is that dose level sufficient to elicit signsof minimal toxicity without causing a significant decrease in survival (Femn et al., 1980; Hamm, 1985; Jaeger, 1984; Sontag et al., 1976). It is chosen based on acute,14day. 90day. and metabolic studies performed in the same species, strain, and sexof animal, and using the same exposure routeas for the chronic in the absence of other signsof toxicity, usually bioassay. A10% decrease in body weight gain, defines theMTD (Weisburger and Williams,1984). The lowest dose is near the threshold limit be lower than10% of the highest dose used. value, ifone is available (Hamm,1985). It should not The intermediate doseis between the lowest doseand the MTD, on a log scale(Hamm, 1985). For feeding studies, the highest dose should not exceed 5% of the diet, except for nutrients, 1990% Weisburger andWilliams, 1984). to maintain the nutritional balance of the diet (Arnold, For inhalation' studies, the limiting factor for dosageis the available oxygen. This should not drop below 18% by volume under standard atmospheric pressure, or the test compound may Hamm,1985). cause asphyxiation( 2. Animals and Their Environment Species and Strain. Long-termcarcinogenicitystudies are performed in twomammalian species over the greater portion of the animals' lifetime (Sontag et al., 1976; Jaeger, 1984; N T P , 1984). Because many animalsare required to detect a statistically significant increasetumor in incidence, the species used should be relatively inexpensive to maintain, yet have a relatively short life span. Rats and mice meet these criteria. They are well adapted to the laboratory environment and are used widelyin pharmacological and toxicological studies. Other species, such as guineapigs,dogs,ormonkeys, may be consideredifthebioavailabilityorthe metabolism of the test chemical is similar to that in humans, and the added costs for these animals can be rationalized(Robens et al., 1989). Theparticularanimalstrainchosenshouldbe susceptible, but not hypersensitive, to tumor induction by the chemical being tested (Robens et al.. 1989). F-344 rats and B6C3F1 miceare the rodents used most commonly. Consequently, there is a considerable historical database for these strains. Age and Weight. Rodents used in a long-term carcinogenicity study should be weaned and between 6 and 8 weeks oldat the start of the study (Sontaget al., 1976; Jaeger, 1984; Weisburger and Williams, 1984). Animal weights should vary no more than 320% of the mean weight of each sex at the beginning of the study. Studies using prenatal or neonatal animals may be recommended under special conditions, such as when the test agent is suspected of having reproductive or teratogenic activity (Jaeger,1984, N T P , 1984). Sex. Males and females are used at each dose level (Sontag et al., 1976; Feron et al., 1980; NTP, 1984; Jaeger, 1984). Females shouldbe nulliparous and nonpregnant (Jaeger, 1984). Numbers. For rodents, a minimumof 50 animals per sex is used at eachdoseleveland concurrent control (Sontag etal., 1976; Feron et al., 1980; Jaeger, 1984; NTP, 1984). If interim sacrifices are planned midstudy, another 10 animals should be added per sex per dose group.
Additional animalsmay be used per dose groupas disease sentinels. TheCIIT uses 74 animals per sex per species per dose groupto provide 10 animals for a 15-month necropsy, 4 sentinel 60 animals for a 24-month animals for animal health studies throughout the bioassay, and necropsy (Hamm, 1985). A minimum number of animals in each group must surviveto the endof the study to permit pathological and statistical evaluation. Survival rateat 15 months for mice and 18 months for rats shouldbe at least 50%. At 18 months for mice and 24 months for rats, survival rate should be at least25% in any group (Jaeger,1984). Controls. A concurrent control is required. This would include an untreated or sham-treated control or a vehicle control which is the same vehicle used in administering the test substance (Sontag et al.,1976; Femn et al., 1980; Jaeger, 1984). Both are recommended if the toxicity of the vehicle is unknown. Additionally, a concurrent negative controlbemay needed under certain conditions (e.g., inhalation studies using aerosols). This group is treated in the same manneras all other test animals, except thatisitnot exposed to the test substance or any vehicle. Animal Husbandry. The major sources of information for animal husbandry requirementsare the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (USDHEW,1978) and the Institute of Laboratory AnimalsResources (ILAR, 1976,1978). Theimportantaspects for theanimal bioassay are summarized. Animals typicallyare purchased from commercial stocks. They should be of high quality, disease-free, genetically stable, and adequately identified as to colony source (Sontag et al., 1976). Animalsmust be housedin a sanitary environment; the facilities must beproperly ventilated, and the air adequately filtered. A “clean-dirty“ corridor flow will minimize the inadvertent transfer of contaminants between the animal moms and the remaining facilities (Sontag, 1976). This not only protects the animals, but also protects laboratory personnel from exposure to hazardous materials. Also, a slightly positiveair pressure in the animal room will be 10-15 fresh air exchanges minimize air contamination from the comdor. There should per hour, and the temperature and relative humidity should be maintained within the ranges of 23.3” f 1.1’C and 40 f5%, respectively (Sontaget al., 1976; Robens et al., 1989). The lighting a light-dark cycle (Hamm, mimics natural circadian rhythm and is placed on timers with12-hr 1985; WeisburgerandWilliams, 1984). Theseenvironmentalparametersareautomatically controlled and recorded. An emergency power supply should be available, especially for the lighting and air-conditioning systems. than per cage.Each Animals are housed in plasticor stainless steel cages, with no morefive as ear notching,toe clipping, or is given an identification number using standard methods, such tagging (Sontag et al., 1976). The animals are randomly distributed to treatment and control groups before initiating the experiment. A typical randomization procedure stratifies the animals by initial body weight(Hamm, 1985; Robens et al., 1989). This is done after the animals have been allowed to acclimate to their environment for a couple of weeks, to avoid changes in body weight from stress (Hamm,1985). Fresh, suitably treated water and a standard, nutritionally balanced laboratory feed are provided ad libitum. (Sontag et al.,1976; Robens et al., 1989; Weisburger and Williams, 1984). The bedding material is either ground corncob or hardwood chips andis sterilized.
3. ExposuretoTestSubstance Route. The routeof administration of the test substance either should be the sameas in humans, if a potential human hazard is being evaluated, or it should be one that provides for adequate absorption and distributionof the test chemical in the animal (Feron et al., 1980; Hamm, 1985; Jaeger, 1984; N T P , 1984; Sontag et al., 1976). The physical and chemical characteristics of the test substance must be considered, as well. The three main routes of administration are oral,
dermal, and respiratory (inhalation), which are described in the following paragraphs. Intraperitoneal and subcutaneous injection are used also, but muchless frequently. The oral route is preferred over respiratory and dermal, providing that the test chemical is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The test substance is either administered in the diet, dissolved in drinking water, or given by gavage or capsule (Feron et al., 1980; Jaeger, 1984; Weisburger and Williams,1984). With the dermal route, animals are administered the test chemical by topical application, ideally for at least 6 hr day (Jaeger,1984). An area approximately10% of the total body surface area is clipped or shaved, and the test substance is applied uniformly over the prepared surface. When highly toxic substances are applied, less surface area is covered, but with as thin and may be held in place with a porous gauze dressing uniform a filmas possible. The test substance and nonirritating tape. The test site should be protected further with a suitable covering to ensure 1984). that the animals cannot ingest the test substance (Jaeger, For respiratory exposure, animals are exposed to the test substance in a dynamic inhalation 1984). The chamberwith a suitable analytical system to control air concentrations (Jaeger, airflowrateshould be adjusted so thatconditions are essentiallythesamethroughoutthe exposure chamber. Maintenance of slight negative pressure inside the chamber will prevent leakage of the test substance into the surrounding area (Jaeger,1984). Temperature should be 40 and 60%. Food maintained at22' f 2'C, and relative humidity should be maintained between and waterare withheld during exposure. For details on inhalation exposure chambers and aerosol generation, see Snellings and Dodd(1990). Duration. The duration of exposure should comprise mostof the life spanof the test animals (NTP,1984, Sontag et al., 1976; Weisburger and Williams, 1984). Treatment usually is started or even during fetal development, after weaning, although it may be started in the neonatal period since some organ systems may be mote susceptible to certain carcinogens at this time. The exposure period is typically 24-30 months for rats and 18-24 months for mice. Ideally, animals are dosed with the test substance7 days/week, but for practical reasons, dosing5 days/week is acceptable (Jaeger, 1984). Exposure is continuous if the test chemical is administered in the drinking water or the diet. For inhalation studies, either intermittent (6 hr/day, 5 days/week) or continuous (22-24 hr/day, 7 days/week) exposuresare used (Feron et al., 1980). 4 . Observationof Animals Body weights and measurements of food and water consumption should be recordedfor each 12-13 weeks of the test period and once a month thereafter animal once a week during the first (Feron et al., 1980; Hamm, 1985; Jaeger, 1984). A detailed clinical examinationof each animal is made at least twice each week. In addition, animals are observed once or twice daily, and observations are recorded for changes in skin and fur; eyes and mucous membranes; respiratory, circulatory, autonomic and central nervous systems; somatomotor activity and behavior pattern; and for development of tissue masses (Feron et al., 1980; Hamm, 1985; Jaeger, 1984; Sontag et al., 1976). The following information shouldbe recorded on each visible or palpable mass: time of onset, location, size, appearance, and progression (Jaeger, 1984). Weak or moribund animals shouldbe removed to individual cagesto avoid loss by cannibalismor tissue autolysis, as thesecan be prevented or orshould be sacrificedtominimizesuffering.Lossessuch minimized with good management practices, and should not exceed10% of the animalsin any test group (Arnold,1990a).
5. Clinical Pathology A blood smear should be obtained from ten animals per sex per dosage group at 12 months, 18 months, and at sacrifice (Jaeger, 1984). Differential blood counts are performed on blood
smears from the highest-dose group and the controls only, unless these data or data from thepathologicalexaminationshowamajordiscrepancybetweenthese two groups.Then blood counts should be done on the lower-dose group(s) at 12 and 18 months. In addition, a differential blood count should be performed on all animals in which health deteriorated during thestudy.Zawidzka (1990) providesadetaileddiscussionofthehematologicalevaluation performed as part of a toxicological study. Other clinical chemistry parameters are described by Basel et al.(1990). 6. Gross Necropsy
A complete postmortem examination is performed of all animals, including those that died during the experiment or were killed in moribund conditions (Jaeger, 1984; N T P , 1984). The liver, kidneys, brain, andtestes (males) are weighed from at least ten rodents per sexper group, and the wet weightsare recorded. Otherorgans are selected basedon the expected effects of the test chemical. The information obtained from any clinical examinations should be available to the pathologistbeforemicroscopicexamination, as theresults may alertthepathologist to a significant effect. 7. Histopathology The most important component of the histopathological examination is the proper collection and preservation of abnormal tissues during the postmortem examination.It is the responsibilityof the pathologist to recognize any abnormalities immediately; if a tissue is not saved during the initial necropsy, it cannotbe recovered at a later date. Table2 lists the tissues thatare collected and preserved in a suitable medium. Specific methods are described in Sontag et al. (1976). Rather than examine all tissues from all animals in the study, full histopathologyis performed only on tissues from the following groups(NTP,1984; Jaeger, 1984; Hamm, 1985): 1. All animals in which gross abnormalities were found 2. The high-dose and control animals that died or were killed before study termination 3. The lowerdose animals in which chemically related lesions (neoplastic or nonneoplastic)
were identified in the high-dose group 4. The next highest dose (and the high dose) if survival in the highdose group was reduced
because of toxicity unrelated to neoplasia
An alternative approach proposed by NTP (1984) is to perform examination only on “core” tissues or organs (see Table 2) that have previously been associated with spontaneous neoplasms (> 1%) in control animals. Although this “selected inverse pyramid” approach would reduce the pathology workload, it would also diminish the database over time for noncore tissues. Opponents of this approach understandably are concerned that certain chemical-specific neobe missed completely by examiners plasia, occurring at distinct tissue and organ sites, can looking only for increased numbers of spontaneoustumors.
8. Data Acquisition and Management Computers are used in toxicological studies for protocol design, data acquisition, data management, and data analysis. Where data once were transcribed manually from laboratory records entered into the computer, today analytical results canbe transferred directly to the computer from instruments, such as balances, clinical chemistry or hematology analyzers, and colony counters. Automated data collection systems record experimental data on an on-going basis, providing current information on dosing regimens, body weights, and clinical status of experimental subjects throughout the in-life phase of the study (Krewski etal., 1990). Bar codes may be used to identify each experimental animal and facilitate data collection. Use of codes to describe daily observations, clinical pathology, necropsy, histopathology, and other experimenta
Caxinogenicity-TestingMethods Table 2 Tissues Collected for Possible Histopathological Examination'
Aorta Bone Sternum and/or femur Bone marrow Sternum and/or femur Braillb
Medullidpons Cerebellar cortex Cerebral cortex Cervix
Costochondral junction, rib
Esophagus Eyes and optic nerve Gallbladder (when present) Haderian glands Heartb Kidneysb
Large intestine CWUm
Colon Rectum Larynxb Liver" Lungsb and bronchi Lymph node Mandibuld
Skeletal muscle (thigh) Skin
Small intestine Duodenum Jejunum
Ileum Spinal cord Cervical Midthoracic Lumbar
Spleenb Stomachb Testes/epididymisb Thymus Thyroid/parathymidsb Trachea Urinary bladderb
Prostate/seminal vesiclesb Salivary glands
Gross lesions Masses or suspect tumors
Nasal passagesb
Nerves Peripheral Sciatic Ovaries/uterusb Pancreasb
and associated tissues
Iissues that an collected a
d preserved during necropsy for possible future histopathe logical examination. bCore tissues proposedby the National ToxicologyProgram (1984) for the selected inverse pyramid approach to histopathological examination. Source: NTP (1984): Hamm (1985); Jaeger (1984); Robins et al. (1989).
results allows standardized terminology for identifying toxicological effects and to helps assure collection of consistent and error-free results by study personnel. Some data collection and management systemsare able to examine data entries and detect obvious discrepancies in results before they are stored. Examples of commercial toxicology data management systems include Toxicology Data Management Systems (TDMS), developed by the National Center for ToxicoXYEHON Pathnox System,andARTEMISToxicologyData logicalResearch,LABCAT, System (Krewskiet al., 1990; Updike, K. A., personal communication).
9. Data Evaluation and Reporting All observed results shouldbe evaluated by an appropriate statistical method, which should be selected during the design of the study. I refer readers to Goddardet al. (1990), NTP (1984), Park and Kociba (1985), and Pet0 et al. (1980), for guidance on choosing significance tests appropriate for the long-term cancer bioassay. Many of the commercially available computer data management systems listed in the previous paragraph include statistical functions that perform data analyses and automatically generate reports. et The resultsof the study should firstbe evaluated for their scientific adequacy (Feron al., 1980). For example,if the animal survival rate was low, because the highest was dosetoo toxic or an outbreakof an infectious disease occurred, then there may be insufficient numbersof live animals remainingto perform meaningful statistical evaluations. Next, the results are evaluated
in terms of the relationship between the dose of the test chemical and the response, as such the presence or absence,theincidence,andtheseverityofabnormalities,includingeffectson survival rate, body weight changes, behavioral and clinical abnormalities,gross lesions, identified target organs, and any other general or specific toxic effects (Jaeger, 1984). Additionally, of tumors or marginal increases historical control data may be used to assess the significance rare of tumor incidence in treated animals compared with concurrent controls. However, these data should be carefully scrutinized, because there are many sources of variability in the database, such as laboratory differences, species or strain differences in tumor susceptibility over time, and differences in pathological techniques and diagnoses (NTP,1984; Robenset al., 1990). In animal bioassays,a chemicalis considered to have a positive carcinogenic effect if it(1) produces types of neoplasms not seen in control animals, (2) it increases the incidence tumors of Compared with controls,(3) it decreases the time to development of malignant tumors compared with Controls, or (4) it increases the number of tumors per individual animal compared with controls (Weisburger and Williams, 1984). Carcinogenicity studies perfomed under the N T P are classified according to their strength of experimental evidence using the following guidelines(NTP,1994): 1. Clear evidence of carcinogenic activity isdemonstratedbystudiesthat are interpreted as showing a dose-related (1) increase of malignant neoplasms; (2) increase of a combination of malignant and benign neoplasms; or (3) marked increase of benign neoplasms if there is an indication from this or other studies of the ability of such tumors to progress to malignancy. 2. Some evidence of carcinogenic activity is demonstrated by studies that are interpreted as showingachemicallyrelatedincreasedincidenceofneoplasms(malignant, benign, or combined) in which the strength of the response is less than that required for clear evidence. 3. Equivocal evidence of carcinogenic activity is demonstrated by studies that are interpreted as showing a marginal increase of neoplasms that may be chemically related. 4. No evidence of carcinogenic activity isdemonstratedbystudiesthatareinterpreted as showing no chemically related increases in malignantor benign neoplasms. 5 . Inadequate study of carcinogenic activity is demonstrated by studies that because of major qualitative or quantitative limitations cannotbe interpreted as valid for showing either the presence or absence of a carcinogenic effect. Each individual study or experiment-that is, male rats, female rats, male mice, female mice-is given a strength of evidence classification. TheNTF'levels of evidence refer only to the individual study, and not to the overall weight-of-evidence classification of the chemicalas a human carcinogen, Other organizations, suchas the IARC or the USEPA, use the strength of evidenceranking,alongwithotheravailabledata,such as structure-activityrelationships, pharmacokinetic data, and results of genotoxicity and other toxicity studies, to classify carcinogens according to a weight-of-evidence scheme, such as USEPA classification A, B 1, B2, C,D, or E; or IARCgroup 1, 2A, 2B, or 3. Formoreinformationontheweight-of-evidence classification, I refer readersto IARC (1982) and USEPA (1989). Snuly Report. The technical report is composed of the study protocol (see Arnoldet al., 199Ob for a listof information included in the protocol), conductof the study, individual animal data anddatasummarytables,pathologyresults,statisticalanalyses,standardoperatingproceof any quality assurance inspections or dures and other quality control information, results audits,discussion,andconclusions(Sontag et al., 1976). Therawdataandcorresponding summarytablesshouldincludetoxicresponseandothereffectsdatabydoseandsex,and individual animal data for (1) time of death during the study or whetheranimalssurvived
to termination; (2) time of observation of each mass and subsequent course; (3) food or water consumption, if appropriate; (4) body weight; (5) hematological tests and results; (6) necropsy findings;and(7)detaileddescription of allhistopathological fidings (Jaeger,1984).The discussion should include limitations or inadequacies in the study design and conduct of the experiment (Feron et al., 1980).
10. Quality Assurance and Control Quality assurance and conml must be applied through each stage of the toxicological study, including experimental design, choice and care of animals to be used, procurement and useof the test agent, animal observations, necropsy and histopathological examinations, data collection, management, analyses, and preparation of the final report. to regulatory agencies, such as the USFDA or USEPA, must Toxicological studies submitted comply with Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs). These were first introduced by theUSFDA in 1976,andsubsequentlyweredevelopedbytheEuropeanChemicalIndustryEcologyand ToxicologyCenter,theOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the USEPA (Amold, 199Ob). These regulations arose as a result of inspections conducted in the toxicologicaltestingfacilities of pharmaceuticalcompaniesandcontractlaboratories,and internal review of USFDA’s own laboratories. Problems encountered during these inspections raised serious concerns about the integrity and validity of data collected for human health safety assessment (Arnold, 199Ob). The GLPs were designed to minimize the opportunity for significant e m r intoxicitytesting.Theycoverpersonnel,includingresponsibilities of thestudy director; testing facilities; equipmenq test, control and reference substances; protocols and study conduct; animal care and handling; control animals; analytical methods; and records and reports, including data collection and management (Arnold, 1990b; Boorman et al., 1985; Robenset al., 1989; USEPA, 1991b). The GLPs developed by the USFDA include a component for use of computer technology in nonclinical laboratory studies. Standard operating procedures (SOPS) are required in written form underGLPs for all laboratory practicesand should be available to the laboratory technicians and other personnel. The SOPs are a stepwise listing of how each routine or repetitive procedure isto be performed. Any changes in these procedures are made onlywithwrittenauthorizationbythestudydirector. A qualityassuranceunit (QAU) is GLPs (Arnold, 1990b; Arnold responsible for monitoring each study to ensure compliance with et al., 1990b). The QAU personnel are not associated with planningor conduct of the study to GLPs will facilitate the complete reconstruction of a study maintain objectivity. Compliance with of a study audit or a reevaluation in the absence of all principal study personnel for the purpose two types of inspections that can of results in light of future findings (Arnold 199Ob). There are be performed underGLPs. The f i t is a routine surveillance inspection to determine compliance with GLPs. The second is a study audit, whichis performed if the regulatory agency has .some concernsaboutthequality of datasubmitted.Inthisinstance,adetailedinvestigationis conducted of the study, from the time of conception through the completed report. Depending on the type of problem revealed, GLPs allow for legal action to be taken against the study director or other testing facility personnel. The regulatory agency subsequentlymay refuse to accept any data from the study director or testing facility (Arnold,199Ob).
Thepublicdemandsthatchemicals to whichthey are exposedareproved“safe.”These chemicals are found in food, drugs, consumer products, pesticides, the workplace, and elsewher Toxicity testing requirements have increased over the years, in part because the public has demanded it, but also because our knowledge of mechanisms of toxic action has expanded. This
knowledge has lead to the development of numerous in vitro and in vivo bioassays to study the effects of chemicals. Many of these tests have been designed to detect or evaluate the potential carcinogenicity of chemicals. As mentioned previously, most evidence for chemical carcinogenicity in humans comes from animal studies, in particular, the conventional long-term cancer bioassay. However, these tests require a considerable investment of time and funding, as well as animals. Unnecessary are carried testing couldbe reduced by usinga systematic approachTrogressively rigorous tests out in stages that allow evaluation of the results before proceeding to the next level. Chemicals be eliminated from further testing, whereas those that test positive early in the testing scheme can 3) has been that test negative advance tothe next stage. This “decision point approach” (Table suggested by Weisburger and Williams as a guidefor the eliminationof unnecessary procedures, and provides a logical step approach in pedorming testingfor potentially carcinogenic chemicals. Similar decision processes for evaluating carcinogens have been proposed by Bull and Pereira (1982) and It0 et al. (1992). A description of the decision process can be found in Williams and Weisburger (1991) and Weisburger and Williams(1981, 1984). Briefly, the decision point approach consists of a series of sequential steps, beginning with an evaluation of structure-activity relationshipsof the test chemical. Then, a variety of tests, designedtoidentifygenotoxic or epigeneticagents, are conductedinstages,andthedata are evaluated. Both qualitative (yes or no) and quantitative (low, medium, obtained at each stage high) effectsare considered. A decision is made at each point indicated (see Table 3) on whether the data m sufficient to reach a definitive conclusion about the genotoxicity or potential carcinogenicity,or whether further, more-advanced testing is required (Weisburger and Williams,
Table 3 Decision Point Approach to Carcinogen Testing Stage A Stage B:
Structureofchemical Short-terminvitro tests Mammalian cellDNA repair Bacterial mutagenesis Mammalian mutagenesis Chromosome integrity Cell transformation
Decision Point I : Evaluation of all tests conducted in stagesA and B Stage C: Tests for promoters In vitro
In vivo Evaluation of results from stages A through C Limitedinvivobioassays Altered foci induction in rodent liver Skin neoplasm inductionin mice Pulmonary neoplasm induction in mice Breast cancer induction in female Sprague-Dawleyrats Decision Point 3: Evaluation of resultsfrom stages A through C, and the appropriate tests in stage D Stage E Long-term bioassay Decision Point 4: Final evaluation of all the results and application to health risk analysis. Thisevalu-
Decision Point 2:
Stage D
ation must include data from stages A through C to provide a basisfor mechanistic considerations
1981, 1984; Williams and Weisburger, 1991). The fiial decision on carcinogenic potential and classification, suchas DNA-reactive or epigenetic mechanism, of the test chemicalis based on all of the preceding evaluations. The information then is applied to human health risk assessment. This approach is particularly beneficial to pharmaceutical, industrial, agricultural, or other production-type companies that develop new products for consumer use. By detecting potential carcinogens early in the developmental process, the companies can halt or suspend further development of that chemical and invest in another potentially safer product.
V. NATIONAL TOXICOLOGY PROGRAM A. TheProgram The National ToxicologyProgram (NTP) was established in 1978 as a cooperative effort with to coordinate toxicology theU. S. Depamnent of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) researchandtestingactivitieswithinthedepartment,includingmethodsdevelopmentand validation; to provide information about potentially toxic chemicalsto research and regulatory agencies, and the public; and to strengthen the science base in toxicology (Moore et al., 1981; N T P , 1994). Since its inception, the N T P has been a leader in designing, conducting, and interpreting animals assays for toxicity(NTP,1994). The participating agencies within the USDHHSare (1) the National Institute of Environ(2) the National Center mental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National Institutes of Health0 ; for Toxicological Research (NCTR), Food and Drug Administration (USFDA); and (3) the for Disease Control and National Institutefor Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Centers Prevention (CDC) (NTP, 1994; Moore et al., 1981). The.NIH’s National Cancer Institute (NCI) was a chatter member of the NTP, but its carcinogenesis bioassay program was transferred to the NIEHS in July 1981. Still, the NCI remains active in the NTP through membership on the executive committee, which provides oversight of the program. Other members of the NTP ExecutiveCommitteeincludetheleadpersonsoftheNIEHS,NIH,NIOSH,FDA,EPA, Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (NTP, 1994). (OSHA), and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) The programs within the N T P are grouped intotwo broad categories: toxicological research T P , 1994). The former and testing, and coordinative management activities (Moore et al.,N 1981; includescarcinogenesis(short-termtestdevelopmentandtumorpathology),chemicaldisposition, general toxicology (toxicopathology), genetic toxicology, immunotoxicology, neumtoxicology, respiratory toxicology, and reproductive and developmental toxicology et (Moore al., 1981). The NTP also is seeking alternative methods to replace, reduce, and refine the use of animals in its testing programs. Coordinate management activities include bioassay coordination, chemicalnomination,chemicalrepository,datamanagementandanalysis(carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, toxicology, and Toxicology Data Management System (TDMS) development), information dissemination, laboratory animal quality control, and laboratory health and safety technical information (Mooreet al., 1981). Chemicalsselectedforstudybythe NTP are nominated by variousgroups,such as academia, industry, labor, public,NTP research and regulatory agencies, for example, USFDA and NIOSH, and other federal agencies, such as CPSC. Many more chemicals are nominated than can be tested, so the NTP developed eight criteria for selecting chemicals for study. Operating under the principle that “industry will test chemicals for health and environmental NTP will nominate effects as intended and mandated by Congress under legislative authorities,” chemicals from the following categories (Moore et al., 1981;N T P , 1994):
1. Environmental chemicals that are not closely associated with commercial activities 2. Potential substitutes for existing chemicals, particularly therapeutic agents, that might be not developed or tested without federal involvement 3. Chemicals that should be tested to improve scientific understanding of structureactivity relationships and, thereby, limit the numbers of chemicals requiring extensive evaluations 4. Biological or physical agents that may notbe adequately evaluated without federal involvement 5 . Chemicals or agents that will aid our understanding of chemical toxicities, or our understanding of the use of test systemsto evaluate potential toxicities 6. Substances that occuras mixtures for which evaluation cannot be required of industry 7. Chemicals that have the potential for large-scale or intense human exposure, which were marketed before current testing requirements, or those that generate too little revenue to support further evaluationsby industry 8. Emergencies or other events that warrant immediate government evaluation of a chemical or agent
Most chemicalsare selected on the basisof human exposure, production levels, chemical structure, availabilityor lack of toxicological data, potential biological activity, and metabolic pathways (NTP,1989; 1994). The majority of the NTP carcinogenesis studiesare managed by the NIEHS component. The NCTR studies usually involve chemicals relevant to the USFDA, whereas NOSH studies are frequently performed on substances and route of administration associated with occupational exposures(NTP, 1994).
B. Interaction with Federal Agencies Over a 00 O ,OO chemicals are used commerciallyin America (NTP,1994). The publicis exposed to these chemicals in the workplace, in their residences, or in the environment. The responsibility for demonstrating whether a chemical is safe or hazardous, that is, the “burden of proof,” may fall on the produceror user of the chemical, or may lie with the appropriate regulatory agency. This all depends onhow the law governing the regulatory agencies was written. For example, the USFDA has the authority under 1958 the Amendment to theFood, Drug, and Cosmetics Act be demonstrated before marketing (Memll,1991). This to require that safety of food additives places the burden for testing food additives on industry. Likewise,USEPA the has the authority under FIFRA to require toxicological studies, including long-term cancer bioassays, for the 1991; USEPA, registration of new pesticides and for those undergoing reevaluation (Merrill, 1991a). A similar authority is provided under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). This act covers all chemicals manufactured or processed inor imported into the United States, except for those already regulated under other laws. It allows the USEPA to collect scientific data or to require testing to develop the necessary data on chemicals suspected of posing an unreasonable health risk tothe public or environment (Merrill,1991). It also requires manufacturers to inform USEPA if adverse healthor environmental effectsare indicated in animalor human studies. Some agencies, however, do not have the authority to require toxicity testing, and must rely on other sources for data. The NTP is a primary source of toxicology data, particularly on carcinogens. For example,OSHA, under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1970, of was notempoweredwiththeauthoritytomandateemployertestingofsuspectedoccupational hazards, or to do its own research (Beliles,1985). OSHArelies onMOSH, also established under the OSH Act, for research support in setting workplace standards. Additionally, it may nominate chemicals for testingby the NTP that are found in the workplace and appearbetocarcinogens or other health hazards. The Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) regulates an assortment of chemicalcontaining products, such as paints, aerosol products, cleaners, dyes, textile products, pressed
Carcinogenicity-Testing Methods . .
woodproducts,andplastics (Ulsamer al., 1985). Its jurisdiction excludes foods, drugs. cosmetics, pesticides, fungicides, and rodenticides. Under the Consumer Products Safety Act (CPSA), the CPSC can require manufacturers to provide technical and performance data about products (msameret al., 1985). Under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA), the CPSC also has jurisdiction over products that are toxic, corrosive, combustible, radioactive, or that generate pressure (Merrill, 1991). However, neither the CPSA nor FHSA the requires manufacor to obtain approval for any design turers to notify the CPSC of plans to market a new product or material (Merrill, 1991). Sources of information on chemical hazards are obtained mostly from other programs, such as the NTP and the IARC monographs. For data on carcinogens, the CPSC relieson bioassays performedby the NTP. et'
VI. CONCLUDINGREMARKS Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States.It is not surprising that the public is concerned about this disease and how to prevent it or reduce its incidence. Scientists as air, soil, and estimate that 3 W o of cancers are caused by environmental chemicals, such water contaminants; naturally occurring substances, suchas aflatoxin and radiation; drugs; and lifestyle factors, such as diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption. In response to the public's concern over environmental chemicals, regulatory agencies, private industries, and other reof chemicals to which the public is exposed. search groups have increased carcinogenicity testing Since most suggestive evidence for human carcinogenicity comes from experimental studies performed in animals, the conventional 2-year cancer bioassay remains the accepted method for testing the carcinogenic potential of chemicals. Nevertheless, in vivo and in vitro carcinogen be developed and refinedas the need for more rapid and economical testing methods continue to methods increases and our knowledge of carcinogenic mechanisms expands. We expect as this important research area continues to progress that the capacity for rapid selective screeningof potentially carcinogenic chemicals will grow, as will the confidence of the scientific community and the general public in these methods.
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10 Genetic Toxicology Testing Wai Nang Choy Schering-Plough Research Institute W i e t t e , New Jersey
The developmentof genetic toxicologybegan in the 1960s in the midst of increasing awareness of human exposure to toxic chemicals in the environment. Early genetic toxicology studies were designed to detect reproductive toxicants. It was not until the 1970s that most of the current routine genetic toxicology tests were developed, and test results were used for identification of risk assessment (for review,see Brusick, 1987a; carcinogens and risk characterization for cancer Li and Heflich, 1991).
II. GENETIC TOXICOLOGY TESTS Genetic toxicology testsare designed to detect mutations. The diversity and specificity of these tests, as related to test species and genetic endpoints, may seem bewildering. The reason for this diversity is that most test methods were adopted directly from existing genetic research systems by researchers of mutagen screening. The validityof these tests is based on the assumption that or physical damages. An the DNAs in different organismsare similarly susceptible to chemical estimate of about 100 test systems has been proposed, but fewer than 10 tests are routinely performed in recentyears. The justification for the useof genetic toxicology tests to predict carcinogens is based on the somatic mutation theory of carcinogenesis (Boveri, 1929), which postulated that cancer is caused by mutations in somatic cells. Evidences for this theory are strong. It has been shown thatmanyrodentcarcinogensaremutagens(Gold et al.,1993),andmostknownhuman carcinogens are mutagens (Shelby, 1988; Shelby and Zeiger, 1990). Cytogenetic studies also showed that all cancer cells are heteroploid, with specific chromosomal changes in some tumor .types (Mitelman, 1988). Molecular cancer genetic studies further demonstrated that oncogene 153
activations and tumor suppressor gene (antioncogene) inactivations m mostly mediated by mutational events (Knudson, 1993). Since each genetic toxicology test measures only mutations in a single species at a specific are necessary to assessthe geneticmarker,abatteryofseveralgenetictoxicologytests mutagenicity of a chemical. Indeed, all regulatory agencies require a battery of genetic toxicolare required for each battery are different. ogy tests for mutagen identification, but the tests that The conduct of each “routine” testis also different among different testing facilities. An effort for the standardizationof testing proceduresof several routine testshas recently been completed (Galloway, 1994), andtwo programs on the harmonization of international testing requirement guidelines (ICH2;OECD) are in progress. The major genetic toxicology tests have been repeatedly evaluated (Stich and San, 1981; de Serres and Ashby, 1981; Ashby et al., 1985, 1988; Brusick, 1987a; Li and Heflich, 1991). Early in vivo tests for the detection of germ cell mutagens in Drosophiliu (Lee et al., 1983) or in rodents (Green et al., 1985; Russell and Shelby, 1985; Russell et al., 1981; Preston et al., 1981) are no longer routinely performed.The common tests conducted in recent yearsare listed in Tables 1 and 2. For regulatory compliance, thereare four basic types of tests in a test battery: the bacterial mutagenicity assay, the mammalian cell mutagenicity assay, the in vitro chromosomal aberration assay, and the in vivo cytogenetic assay. TheDNA rep& assay is sometimes required to clarify questionable findings. These tests, together with the transgenic mouse assays, are briefly described in the following.
2. The Bacterial Mutagenicity Assays The bacterial mutagenicity assays are performedSalmonella in typhimurium(Ames, 1979; Ames et al., 1973,1975), and sometimesalso in Escherichia coli(Green, 1984).The Salmonella assay is often referred to as the “Ames test” because it was developed by Dr. Bruce Ames at the University of California at Berkeley (Ames et al., 1975; Maron and Ames, 1983). The Salmonella mutagenicity assay is to test the ability of a chemical to induce mutations in the genes for histidine biosynthesis. Several Salmonella tester strains each carries a mutation in one of the histidine genes (collectively designated as his-) are used in the assay. The tester strains are auxotrophic and require exogenous histidine to growth. The mutation assay is to detect the mutationof the histidine gene(his-) back to wild-type(his+),and the bacteria no longer require histidine to grow. Because this assay is to detect reverse mutations, it is also
Table 1 Common In Vitro Genetic Toxicology Tests ~~
Bacteria Mammalian cells Gene mutations Chinese
Salmonella typhimurium (Ames test) Escherichia coli
hamster ovary cells (CHO/HGPRT) Chinese hamsterovary AS52 cells (CHOAS52KPRT) Mouse lymphoma cells (L5 178Y/Ix) ChromosomalaberrationsHumanperipheralbloodlymphocytes(HPBL) Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts(CHL) Chinese hamsterovary cells (CHO) Primary rat hepatocytes (unscheduled DNA synthesis;UDS) DNA repair Primary human hepatocytes (unscheduled DNA synthesis;UDS) Neoplastic transformation Syrian hamster embryo fibroblasts(SHE) BALBK3T3 mouse fibroblasts
Genetic Toxicity Testing Table 2 Common In Vivo Genetic Toxicology Tests Cytogenetics Chromosomal aberrations Micronucleus
Rat bone marrow cells Mouse bone marrow erythrocytes
Mouse peripheral blood erythrocytes Rat bone marrow erythrocytes Gene mutations Somatic cells Transgenic mice (Mutam Mouse and
Big Bluem) Human lymphocytes
GermMouse dominant cells test lethal
DNA repair
Mouse specific locustest hepatocytes Rat (unscheduled
DNA synthesis; UDS)
referred to as the “reversion assay,” and the mutants “revertants.” Revertants m selected in agar medium deficient in histidine. ofreversion(i.e., Sincethe his- strains are geneticallycharacterized,thespecificity base-pair substitutionor frameshift) can be elucidated by the pattern of mutagenic response ain combination of tester strains. To enhance the sensitivityof this assay, several genetic changes are a mutation in the DNA repair gene (uvrB), were also introduced to these tester strains. They a mutation to increase cell permeability (Ma),and the additionof plasmids (pKM101, pAQ1)to the cells. Plasmid pKMlOl enhances error-prone DNA repair and multicopy plasmid pAQl provides multiple copies of thehis- gene, which increase the target size and, thus, the sensitivity of the assay. Four Salmonella tester strainsare commonly used for this assay: TA1535, TA100, TA1537, and TA98. Strains TA97a. TA97, and TA1537 are used interchangeably (Gatehouse et al., 1994). Strain TA102 detects A-T base-pair changes (Maron and Ames, 1983; Levin et al., 1982) andis often added as the fifth strain. Strains TA1535, TA100, and TA102 detect base-pair substitution mutations, and TA98, TA1537, TA97, and TA97a detect frameshift mutations. The genetic characteristicsof Salmonella tester strainsare shown in Table 3. the assay. This The Escherichia mutagenicity assay is a complementary assay toSalmonella assay is currently required by regulatory agencies in Japan. The ability of this assay in detecting A-T base-pairchangesissimilar to that of Salmonella TA102 (wilcox et al., 1990).The Escherichia assay is alsoareversionassay,butthetargetgeneisinvolvedintryptophan growth, The biosynthesis. Tester strainsare auxotrophic mutants(trp-) that require tryptophan to of the test agent to mutate the tryptophan (CV-) gene back to wild-type assay is to test the ability (trp). Mutants are selected in tryptophandeficient agarmedium. ’Tho Escherichia tester strains are used for this assay: WP2uvrAand WP2uvrA@KM101). Both strains are defective inthe DNA repair gene(uvrA),and one strain carries plasmid pUM101. The genetic characteristics of these two strainsare shown in Table 3. A metabolic activation system is includedinallinvitroteststodetectmutagensthat requiremetabolicactivation. A host-mediatedinvivoactivationassayusingrodenthosts reformetabolismwasdevelopedinthe1970s(Legator et al.,1982).butthisassaywas placed by in vitro activation systems. At present, the metabolic activation system customarilyusedinroutinetests is thesupernatant of Aroclor 1254inducedratliverhomogenate after centrifugation at 9OOO x g . This supematant is commonly referred to as the S9 fraction (Maron and Ames, 1983). A typical Salmonella mutagenicityassayconsistsofadoserange-findingassayanda mutagenicityassay(Kier et al.,1986;Gatehouseetal.,1994).Themutagenicityassayis
Table 3 Genotypes of Bacteria Tester Strains Additional mutations Genes
Bacterial strains
Salmonella typhimurium TA1535 his G46 TA 100 his G46 TA 97 his D66 10 his 0 1242 his D6610 97a TA his 0 1242 TA 98 his D3052 TA1537 his C3076 TA 102 his G428 Escherichia coli WP2uvrA WP2uvrA (pKMlO1)
trp trp
R Factor mutation detected
uvrB uvrB uvrB
rfa rfa rfa
pKMlOl pKMlOl
pKMlOl Frameshift
uvrB uvrB
rfa rfa rfu
uvrA uvrA
+ +
pKMlOl pAQ1
Base-pair substitution Base-pair substitution Frameshift
Frameshift Frameshift Base-pair substitution Base-pair substitution Base-pair substitution
conducted in two independenttrials, each with at least four tester strains and five dose levels, with or without S9 metabolic activation. For the plate incorporation assay, whichis the most common one, bacteria are treated with the test agent and plated onto histidmedeficient agar plates. Mutant colonies are scored 2 days after cell growth on agar. TheEscherichia mutagenicity assay is similar to the Salmonella assay, except that only two tester strains are used and the selection medium are tryptophan-deficient agar plates.
B. Mammalian Cell Mutagenicity Assays
Themammaliancellmutagenicityassayspresumably are morereliablethanthebacterial in mammals. The most common mutagenicity assays for the evaluation of chemical mutagenicity assays are the CHO/HGPRT assay (Chinese hamster ovary cells using the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase gene [HGPRTJ as the genetic marker; Hsie et al., 1981; Li etal., 1987). the mouse lymphoma L5178Y assay (mouse lymphoma cell L5178Y using the heterozygous thymidine kinase gene [TIP”] as the genetic marker; Clive et al., 1983, 1987; Casparyetal.,1988;Blazak et al.,1989).andtheCHOAS52/XPRTassay(Chinesehamster ovary cells AS52 using the xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase gene [XPRTJ as the genetic marker; Stankowski and Hsie, 1986; Stankowski and Tindall, 1987; Tindall and are forward mutation assays. Stankowski, 1987). These assays All t h e genetic markersare enzymes involved in nuclei acid biosynthesis. The tester cells are wild-type cells and mutations are monitored at the HGPRT, XPRT, and TK genes for the CHO/HGPRT, CHOAS52/XPRT, and the mouse lymphoma TK+” assays, respectively. Mutations at these genes abolish the respective enzymes to incorporate certain nucleotides to the c Because of this defect, mutants are also resistant to toxic nucleotide analogues that can be mistakenly incorporatedby wild-type cells and cause cell death. In these assays, toxic nucleotide analogues, 6-thioguanine (6-TG) and trifluorothymidme are used for mutant selections. Mutants defectivein HGPRT and XPRT are resistent to 6-TG, and mutants defective inTK are TK+”
resistant to TFT.Both the CHOMGPRT and the mouse lymphoma assays are well-established assays. The CHOASSmRT assay may require further validations. The procedures of the mammalian cell mutagenicity assay, although they vary with different cell types, follow a basic plan (Nestmann et al., 1991; Aaron, et al., 1994). A typical assay consists of a dose range-finding assay and a mutagenicity assay in two independent trial. For for 3-6 hrinthepresence or absenceof eachtrial,cells are treatedwiththetestagent S9 metabolicactivation.Treatedcells are allowed to growfor a few days for phenotypic expression before mutant selection. Phenotypic expression is required for selectionof mutants be removed by cell of a recessive trait because the preexisting wild-type gene product has to expressed. Mutantsare selected division or protein turnover before the mutant phenotypebecan 6-TGor TFT. with the respective selection agents, For the mouse lymphoma assay, the size of the mutant colonies are also measured and mutants are classified into small-colony mutants and large-colony mutants. Small-colony mutantsoftenassociatewithchromosomeaberrations(Blazak et al., 1989). whichled to the proposal that the mouse lymphoma assayalso detects cytogenetic changes. The mouse lymphoma assay is generally considered be atomore sensitive assay than other mammalian cell mutagenicity assays, but is also it known to produce more false-positive results, as related to carcinogenicity. Some false-positive findings may be caused by test agent-induced changes in the culture conditions. ChangespH in and osmolalityin cultures are known to affect the resultsof this assay (Brusick,1986; Cifone et al., 1987). Recently, the mouse lymphoma assay has become the favored mammalian cell mutagenicity assay by several regulatory agencies. One reason is that the mouse lymphoma assay is believed to detect cytogenetic changes,as demonstrated in the small-colony mutants. Another reason is to be more sensitive thanthe CHOMGPRT assay that the mouse lymphoma assay is considered because of the location of the TK gene on an autosome. TheHGPRT gene in the CH0 cells is located on the X chromosome, but the TK gene in the mouse lymphoma cells is located on Chromosome 11 (KO& and Ruddle, 1977). and the XPRT gene in the CHOAS52 cells, are locatedonchromosome 6 or 7 (Michaelis et al., 1994). Sincethere is onlyoneactive X chromosome in a cell,it is believed that chemicals that induce large DNA deletions cannot be detected in the CHOMGPRT assay. A large deletion in the HGPRT gene extending to its neighboring "essential" genesin the X chromosome is expectedto be lethal to the cell because of the absence of a complementary homologous chromosome, and dead cells do not form mutants. Although this theoretical assumption has not been demonstrated experimentally, the future. mouse lymphoma assay is expected to be the preferred assay in the near
C. Cytogenetic Assays Cytogenetic assays detect clastogens and chemicals that cause abnormal chromosomal segregaare heteroploid, and heteroploid conversion is a prerequisite for cancer step tions. All cancer cells development (Littlefield,1976). Chromosomal aberrations appear to be a relevant marker for the prediction of carcinogenicity. I . In Vitro Chromosomal Aberration Assays The in vitrochromosomalaberrationassaysdetecttheabilityofthetestagent to induce are chromosomalgapsand breaks, chromosomaldamage.Themostcommonaberrations but complex chromosomal exchanges, endoreduplications, and polyploidy are also identified. The cells commonly used for this assay are Chinese hamster lung cells ( C m , Ishidate and 1988). Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO; Galloway et al.,1985, Sofuni, 1985; Ishidate et 1987a). and human periphed blood lymphocytes (HPBL; Preston et al., 1981,1987).
The procedures the of chromosomal aberration assay vary for differenttypes cell(Swierenga, of a dose range-finding assay and et al., 1991b; Galloway et al., 1994). A typical assay consists a chromosomal aberration assay, usually in two trials. For each trial,cells are treated with the testagent,with or without S9 metabolicactivation, for 3-6 hr andharvestedatapproximately 1.5 times that of the cell cycle after treatment. Variations to this procedure include or prolonged harvests for up to two cell cycles. These prolonged treatments, multiple harvests, variations are known to increase-the sensitivityof the assay, especially for certain classes of et al., 1988).Harvested chemicals, suchas nucleotides (Sofuni,1993)and nitrosamides (Ishidate for chromosomalaberrations. cells are fixedonmicroscopeslides,stained,andexamined The chromosomal aberration assays are sensitive to nonphysiological cell culture conditions. Changes in pH and osmolality, test agent precipitates, and severe cytotoxicity induced by the test 1987b; Gallowayetal., 1987k Scott et al., 1991; article affect thetestresults(Brusick, Armstrong et al., 1992;Morita et al., 1992).
2. In vivo Cytogenetic Assay: The Mouse Micronucleus Test The micronucleus test is an in vivo assay for the detection of both clastogens and agents that induceaneuploidy(abnormalchromosomalsegregation; i.e., nondisjunction).Thistestwas initially developed in mouse bone marrow erythrocytes (Schmid, 1976). but it also has been conducted in rats (George, et al., WO), hamsters (Basler, 1986), and monkeys (Choy et al., 1993). The routine micronucleus test is conducted in mouse bone marrow erythrocytes (Heddle, et al., 1983;Mavoumin et al., 1990). Micronuclei are small nuclei that arise from chromosomal fiagments resultingfrom chromosomal breaks (double-stranded DNA breaks), or detached chromosomes (microtubule malfunctions in cell division). In the mouse micronucleus test, the target cells are the bone marrow erythroblasts. Chemically induced micronuclei in the erythroblastsare retained in the erythrocytes after the extrusionof the main nuclei from the cells during maturation and can be scored young erythrocytes). An increase of micronuclei in PCE in polychromatic erythrocytes (m, indicates genotoxicityof the test agent. The procedures of the micronucleus test vary by the number of dosings, the number of harvests, and the timingof the harvest(s) (Tinwell,1990). As genotoxic responsesare expected and multiple harvests arerequired to capture to be different for each test agent, multiple dosing the window of maximum micronuclei occmnce in bone marrow PCE (MacGregor, et al., 1987; Hayashi et al., 1994). All common mouse strains canbe used for this assay. A typical micronucleus test consistsof a dose range-finding assay and a micronucleus assay. Male and female by intraperitoneal injection, but other routes of dosing mice are dosed withthe test agent, usually a also acceptable. Toxicity is monitoredby animal death or by bone marrow suppression, or both. Bone marrow suppression is measured by the decrease of the ratio of PCE to normo+ NCE), chromatic erythrocytes (NCE; mature erythrocytes), or to total erythrocytes @BC, PCE as the PCE/NCE,or PCE/RBC ratio. Dosing in the bone marrow whichis commonly referred to can be a single dose, or daily doses for 2-3 days. Bone marrow cells are harvested from the femurs of the mice at 24, 48, and/or 72 hr after the last dosing, dependent on the protocol. are considered sufficient for multiple In general,two harvests, 24 and 48 hr after the last dosing, 24,48,and 72 hr. are needed for single dosing. Bone marrow smears dosings, but three harvests, are prepared on microscope slides, stained with giemsa or acridine orange (Hayashi et al., 19831, and scored for micronucleated PCE. Micronuclei can also be detected in PCE in mouse peripheral blood (MacGregor. et 1980, 1983). With a recent improvement in the acridine orange-staining technique (Hayashi for the validation of the peripheral et al., 1990),an interlaboratory study was conducted in Japan blood micronucleus test (for review, see CSGMT, 1992). The advantages of the peripheral blood
Genetic Toxicity Testing
assay are that easy sampling and multiple sampling from the same animal for kinetic studies are possible. The peripheral blood micronucleus test, however, can be performed only in mice, butnotinanyotherspeciesyetstudied,becausethemouseistheonlyspeciesinwhich micronucleated erythrocytes are not removed by the spleen, but persistent in the circulating blood. This ability of accumulating micronucleated erythrocytes also permits the scoring of micronuclei in NCE obtained from routine blood smears in toxicological multidose studies. Indeed, retrospective evaluations of micronuclei in NCE of peripheral blood have been performed in several National Toxicology Program (NTP) cancer bioassays (Choy et al., 1985; MacGregor et al., 1990).Incorporationofthemicronucleustestintochronicanimalbioassays provides early information on the genotoxicity ofthe test agent in the same system for the carcinogenicity bioassays.
D. Unscheduled DNA Synthesis Assays The unscheduled DNA synthesis (LTDS) assay measures repairable DNA damages induced by or in the test agent. TheUDS assays are customarily conducted in hepatocytes, both for in vitro vivo studies, and no exogenous metabolic activation system is required. Metabolic activation inside the hepatocytes proximal to DNA is believed to enhance the sensitivity for the detection of DNA damages induced by short-lived genotoxic metabolites. 1. In vitro Assay
Routine in vitro UDS assays are performed in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes (williams, 1977; Mitchellet al., 1983; Williamset al., 1985; Butterworth,et al., 1987), but assays in mouse, al., hamster, monkey, and human hepatocytes were also reported (San and Stich, 1975;etMartin 1978; Steinmetzet al., 1988). The procedures of the in vitro UDS assay in rat hepatocytesdo not vary much (Swierenga, et al., 1991a. Madle,et al., 1994). In a typical assay, primary rat hepatocyte cultures are exposed to the test agent simultaneously with tritium-labeled thymidine (t3H1thymidine), a radioactive precursor of DNA synthesis. DNA damaged by the test agent will undergo DNA repair, referred to as unscheduled DNA synthesis (ascomparedwithDNAsynthesisincelldivision),and incorporate [3H]thymidine into DNA, which is detected by autoradiography and appears as dark grains in the nuclei. An increase of grain counts in the nuclear region indicated DNA repair, and, thereby, DNA damage by the test agent. 2. In vivo-In Vitro Assay The in vivo-in vitro UDS assay is similar to the in vitro UDS assay, except that the test agent is administered to the animals.The assay is then conducted in cultured hepatocytes (Mirsalis and Butterworth, 1980; Mirsaliset al., 1982; Mirsalis, 1988). This assayis usually conducted in rats, but studies in mice have also been reported (Mirsaliset al., 1988b Ashby et al., 1991). There are few variations in the procedures of the in vivo-in vitro UDS assay (Madleet al., 1994). A typical assay is to treat male and female rats with the test agent, usually by a single oral gavage dose, and to isolate hepatocytes at two harvests, usually 2 hr and 16hr after dosing. Hepatocyte cultures are exposed to [3H]thymidine, and the amount of [3H]thymidine incorporation is detected by autoradiography as grain counts. An increase of grain counts in the nuclear region indicatesDNA repair. of detecting liver carcinogens, Both the in vitro and in vivo-in UDS vitro assays are capable but not necessarily carcinogens that affect other tissues (Tennant et al., 1987; Mirsalis et al., 1989). The in vivo-in vitro UDS assay is consideredto be more reliable than the in vitroUDS assay, as the in vitro UDS assay is known to produce false-positive results, relative to rodent carcinogenicity (Mirsalis, 1987; Mirsalis et al., 1982, 1986, 1988a).
E. In Viio Gene Mutation Assays: The Transgenic Mouse Assays The developmentof the in vivo mutagenicity assays has been slow and plagued by many dificulties associated with ineEcient mutant selection systems. Onlyone human assay (Albertini et al., 1982; Moreley et al., 1983) and one mouse assay (Joneset al., 1985) have been reported so far. Both assaysare limited to the selection of HGPRT mutants in lymphocyte cultures, and neither has been validated for prospective genotoxicity studies. Recent advances in transgenic animal technology have generated a variety of transgenic animals for carcinogenicity and mutagenicity studies (for review, see1994; Short, Tennant et al., 1994). For in vivo gene mutation assays, two transgenic mouse assays are currently under intensive validationsfor their possible adoptionto routine assays. Theyare the Big Blue (lacl) assay (Kohler etal., 1991; Dycaico et al., 1994) and the Muta Mouse (lacz) assay (Gossenet al., 1989,1994). Both assay monitor mutations in the bacterial lactose operon genes introduced into the mouse bya bacteriophage-h shuttle vector. The Big Blue assay detects mutations in the lac1 gene (the P-galactosidase repressor gene), or mutations in the operator region (the repressorbinding site for the inhibition of expressionof P-galactosidase). Mutations in the lacl gene, or the operator region, inactivate repressor function and allow the expression of P-galactosidase gene. In the Big Blue assay, a mutation is monitored as the induction of the P-galactosidase activity.TheMutaMouseassay, on the otherhand,detectsmutations in the lacZ gene (theP-galactosidasestructuralgene),andmutationsinthisgenediminishP-galactosidase activity. In the Muta Mouse assay, a mutation is monitored as the loss of the @-galactosidase activity. The Big Blue mice are available in C57BW6 and B6C3F1 strains, and Muta Mouse mice, in theCD2 strain. The basic procedures of these two assays m similar, although there is much flexibility in the route of test agent administration, the duration of dosing, and the selectionof tissue(s) for mutation screening. In a typical assay, mice are dosed with the test agent and allowed to express the mutant phenotype. The duration of the expression time is dependent on the metabolism and to be optimized distribution of the test agent,or its metabolites,to the target tissue@, and it has by in for each study. DNA from the tissueto be studied is isolated and packaged into h-phages vitro phage assembly. The DNA containing the mutated genes is encapsulated into individual h-phages which are used to infect Escherichia coli. Infected cells are grown on agar plates containing a chromogenic substrate X-gal(5-bromo4chloro-3-indolyl-~D-galactoside). Phages expressing P-galactosidase appear as blue plaques inthe indicator plate, andthe phages that do not express P-galactosidase,as clear plaques. In the Big Blue assay, mutations in thelac1 gene are detected as blue allow the expression of P-galactosidase, and phages containing this mutation plaques (mutant phenotype) among clear plaques (parental phenotype). In the Muta Mouse assay, mutations in thelac2 gene abolish B-galactosidase activity and phages containing this mutation appear as clear plaques (mutant phenotype) among blue plaques (parental phenotype). When a large number of plaques are screened, typically5 0 ~ ~ 1 0 0 , 0 per 0 0 phage package, the Big Blue assay has the advantage of easy identification of mutant plaques. To improve the efficiency of scoring, a positive mutant selection system was recently developed for the Muta Mouse assay that eliminates the use of the chromogenic reaction for mutation screening (Myhr et al., 1993; Dean and Myhr,1994). This selectionis to use an E . coli mutant strain,g u l p , as the host for phage infection. The E. coli strain galE cannot grow in the presence of galactose. TheE. coli galE- infected with phages are grown in agar plates containing phenylgulactose (P-gal),aprecursorofgalactose.Phagescontainingtheintact lucZ gene (parental phenotype) are able to convert P-gal to galactose, which inhibits growth of E. coli galE-, and the phage cannot form plaques. In contrast, phages containing the mutated lac2 gene, to galactose, lacking the P-galactosidase activity (mutant phenotype), are unable to convert P-gal
Genetic Toxicity Testing
and are able to form plaques. Mutations at the lac2 gene are identified by the Occurrence of phage plaques. A positive selection system was also developed for the Big Blue assay,it is but not widely used (htzet al., 1992; Lundberg et al., 1993). The greatest advantage of the transgenic mouse assay is its ability to detect mutations in almost all the tissues in the mouse. Such information is useful for doss-response studies of genotoxicity as related to target tissue doses and target tissue toxicity. Current validation studies are focused on standardization of testing protocols, correlation of test results with conventional genotoxicity endpoints, and with rodent cancer bioassays.
111. REGULATORY GENETIC TOXICOLOGY TESTING GUIDELINES Regulatory agencies worldwide have established genetic toxicology testing guidelines for risk vary assessment of pharmaceutical, agricultural, and environmental chemicals. These guidelines according to regional expertise and scientific opinions of regulators. Most guidelines are revised are periodically as new knowledge of technology develop. All studies for regulatory submissions performed in compliance with the Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) guidelines, as specified by CFR Part 58; USEPA-FIFRA 40 CFR, Part 160; the respective agencies (e.g., USFDA, 21 JMHW (Japan) USEPA-TSCA. 40 CFR, Part 792; EEC Council Directive, 90/18/EED, and Notification No. 313). These GLP guidelines, similar to other regulatory guidelines, are also amended periodically. Several regulatory genetic toxicology guidelines have been developed in the United States, Canada,Europe,UnitedKingdom,Australia,Japan,andtheNordiccountries.Themajor guidelines are those of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA, Redbook I,. 1982; Redbook 11, revision in progress, 1993); the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA, Toxic Substance Control Act [TSCA] and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide et al.,1993);the Act m A ] ; USEPA,1985,1986,1987;Dearfield etal.,1991;Auletta EuropeanEconomicCommunityCouncil(CPh4P.1989,1990).andtheUnitedKingdom (DH, 1989; UKEMS, 1990, Kirkland, 1993); The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Genetic Toxicology(WED, 1983, 1984, 1986); and the (W, 1990; Sofuni, 1993). These guidelines define Japan Ministry of Health and Welfare the battery of genetic toxicology tests requiredby their respective agencies. The current requirements and expected changes of four major regulatory guidelines (USFDA, 4. The OECD guidelines are being revised, USEPA, Europe, and Japan) are summarized in Table and their final form is expected to be very similar to the USEPA guidelines. All guidelines require the Salmonella bacteria mutagenicity assay in at least fourSalmonella strains: TA1535, TA1537 (interchangeable with TA97aor TA97), TA98, and TA100. Strain TA102 should also beincludedwhentestingoxidizingagents,crosslinkingagentsandhydrazines.TheJapanEscherichia strain, which can ese guidelines specifically require an additional assay in one be WP2urvA or WF’2uVrA(pKMlOl). At least four strains are generally required for the bacterialmutagenicityassay.ExceptforJapanandEEC,mostguidelinesrequireamammalian the USEPA, the CHOWGPRT cell mutagenicity test, preferably the mouse lymphoma For assay. assay is acceptableif it is accompanied by an in vitro cytogenetic assay. Both Europe and Japan require an in vitro cytogenetic test, preferably in Chinese hamster lung cells or human peripheral bloodlymphocytes.Allguidelinesrequirethemousebonemarrowmicronucleustest.The are observed European guidelines also require an in vivo-in UDS vitro assay, if positive findings are considered supplementary. in in vitro assays. The transgenic mouse assays of testingguidelines.The There are twomajoreffortsforinternationalharmonization “International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH2).” and the update of the “OECD Genetic Toxicology Test
162 I
Guideline.” A major goal ofICH2 is to define a “core” test battery and to clarify specific test requirements. The update of the OECD guidelines provides an opportunity for the harmonization of the OECD and the USEPA guidelines (Auletta, et al., 1993).
IV. CONCLUSIONS All current routine genetic toxicology tests for regulatory compliances are mutation tests for DNA sequence changes. The most common tests are described in this chapter. New testing are often methodologies are alwaysbeingdeveloped,andrecombinantDNAtechnologies are required before theyare adopted employed in newtests. Extensive validations of new tests for regulatory purposes. Results of genetic toxicology tests are customarily used for hazard identification and for the classification ofgenofoxicand nongenofoxiccarcinogens. The use of genetic toxicology tests for risk assessment of reproductive risk, often referred to as genetic risk, is not yet common. The success of international harmonization of testing procedures and regulatory testing guidelineswill be majorachievementsforgenetictoxicitytesting.Harmonizationofdata interpretation will further improve its consistence among various regulatory agencies.
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The Design, Evaluation, and Interpretation of Developmental Toxicity Tests John M. DeSesso The M F R E Corporation McLRan, Virginia
Stephen B. Harris Stephen B . Harris Group San Diego, California
Stella M. Swain San Diego State University San Diego, California
1. INTRODUCTION Mammalian reproduction and embryonic development are complicated and carefully controlled phenomena at all levels of biological organization. Although a knowledge of reproductive are helpful for understanding the mechanisms whereby environmenphysiology and embryology tal toxicants interfere with these processes, many individuals who are responsible for the review of developmental toxicity safety testreports have not had significant experience in these areas. Consequently, the present chapter will briefly summarize the essentials of the science underlying regulatory developmental toxicology. The reasons for perfoming reproductive and developmental toxicology safety tests are to establish a noto identify substances that are potentially hazardous to development and (NOAEL). Hence,thesefindingsshould be thefocus of observableadverseeffectlevel thedevelopmentaltoxicity reports, which are thefirststeps in theassessmentofhuman developmental risk. Since many reviewers of developmental toxicology reports are not trained in these specialized areas of toxicology, we have included brief descriptions of, and commentaries on, the are collected,and underlyingassumptions,basicexperimentaldesign,kindsofdatathat interpretation of conventional developmental toxicity studies. More detailedinfomation about theregulatoryrequirementsandthetheoryunderlyingdevelopmentaltoxicitytestinghave beenpublishedelsewhere (USFDA, 1%6; USEPA, 1982,1985,1991a;Ministry of Health and Welfare, 1973; OECD, 1981; IRLG, 1981; Wilson, 1973; Schadein, 1985; Manson and Kang, 1989).
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II. GENERALCONSIDERATIONS A. Animals I . Appropriate Test Animals Disease-free animals of similar reproductive age and parity and possessing uniform genetic background shouldbe used. Females shouldbe nulliparous (virgin) because the confirmation of pregnancy in previously gravid females is not easily resolved. Animal husbandry practices are a necessityinthelaboratory (NIH,1985) andshouldcomplywithguidanceissuedbythe U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA,1970,1990).
2. Choice of Species Registration of products that are intended for use in foods (i.e., when tolerances or exemptions from tolerances are to be considered) and for nonfood uses,when women of reproductive age m likely to be exposed to significant amounts of theproduct, requires developmental toxicity testing in two species. The usual test speciesan one rodent (rat or mouse) and one nonrodent (rabbit). Although the use of different species may be acceptable, a clear justification of the selection of the species will be required. The species that responds to the test agent most like humans (i.e., the “most appropriate” animal species) should be used to estimate risk. When a particular species is not known to react to the test substance like humans, the most sensitive species is used for risk estimation. The rationale for this, is that, for those agents thatm known to be human developmental toxicants, humans are at least as sensitive as the most sensitive animal species (Kimmel and Price, 1990).
B. Test Material and Exposure I . Purity of the Test Substance Impurities in the test material mayplayanimportantroleinthepotentialreproductive or developmental toxicityof a compound. In some cases, the impuritiesmay be responsible for any observed adverse effects.For this reason, the purity of the test compound and the identity of all impurities should be disclosed in the final report. Usually, it is the active ingredient (i.e., the technical material intended for commercial use) that is tested, consequently, testing of the product formulation is not required.
2. DosingFormulations Test substancesare rarely administered neat, but ratherare mixed with either vehicle, drinking is essential it that the concentrawater, or feed for administration to the test animals. Obviously, be accurate. Predosing and postdosing chemical tion of test material in the exposure formulation analyses of the exposure formulations should be performed to c o n f m the accuracy of the calculated concentration.A major problem in reproductive and developmental toxicology studies arises when the administered dose of test agentis not the intended dose. This most commonly occurs whenthe analyzed concentrationof test agent in the exposure formulation is not the same as the nominal,or target, concentration specifiedin the protocol. The analytical concentrations If the analytical of the exposure formulations should fall f10% withinof the target concentration. be rejected. exposure concentrationsare outside the target range, the study should 3. Vehicle When a vehicle is used to administer the test agent, a control group of animals should be administered an equal volume of the vehicle without the test substance. The vehicle should not or developmental toxicity.If there is inadequate information concerning the cause either parental
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potential toxicityof the vehicle, the rationalefor the choiceof that vehicle should be provided. required if the toxicity of the vehicle is unknown. A sham and an untreated control groupbemay 4. Route of Exposure The route of exposure selected for reproductive and developmental toxicity studies shouldbe the likely routeof human exposure.
5. Concurrence of Test Groups Alltreatedandcontrolgroupsshouldrunconcurrently.Whilestaggeringtheinduction of is acceptable, the mean time of induction of pregnancy should not pregnancy within dose groups differ significantly among the treated and control groups. Prolonged periods before achieving the mandated number of presumed pregnant females in the study suggest a mating problem that could be caused by such factorsas poor health amongthe animals or a stressful environmentin the aninla1 facility.
C. Dacumentation I . StudyProtocol The protocolis a detailed descriptionof all aspects for the planned study, including test species, dosage levels, modeof exposure, numbersof animals per group, and all observations are thatto be made. The study protocol should clearly define the timing and types of all maternal and fetal observations, including all methodsof fetal examination. If these methods are not adequately of the addressed in the protocol, they shouldbe available in the standard operating procedures laboratory. It is imperative that these proceduresare spelled-out. Although the protocol must meet the requirements of the guidelines and testing requirements of the appropriate regulatory agencies, it mustbe understood that the testing requirements are minimum data needs. Additional testing or modificationof routine study designs may be required to assess the developmental toxicity potential of a particular agent. For instance, deviations from basic protocols are acceptable with proper reasoning.An example of this would be a situation in which a postnatal phase may be necessary to distinguish dilated renal pelvis (which is a reversible condition) from true hydronephrosis (a kidney malformation). All experimental data must be accurately recorded and quality-assured. This can be achieved by performing data inspections and audits according to the Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs) U. S. Food andDrugAdministration (USFDA, 1978)and regulationspromulgatedbythe guidance that was subsequently developed by the European Chemical Industry Ecology and ToxicologyCenter(1979).theOrganizationforEconomicCooperationandDevelopment (OECD 1982) and theU. S. Environmental Protection Agency(USEPA; 1983a.b). Compliance good science and helps facilitate the withGLPsprovides a framework for the practice of reconstruction of a study in the event it becomes necessary. Although the purpose of these guidelines is to ensure the quality and integrity of the data, they were not intended to limit informed scientific judgment when the data are inconclusive.
2. Presentation of Findings Well-organized,cleartableformatsshould be used topresentbothindividualanimaland summary data because they facilitate both scientific and regulatory audit and review. It is be readily traceable to individual animals imperative that all reported parental and fetal findings from which they were derived. The data should be displayed such that the identity of any female presenting with any clinical sign on any gestational day can be readily by accessed the reviewer. Similarly, the complete identity of each fetus (including maternal parent) that exhibited a given be easily traceable. All reported mean data should be carefully variation or malformation should
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compared with the individual data from which the mean was calculated for possible inconsistencies. The appropriate useof statistical methods shouldbe verified.
3. Final Reports Allreportssubmitted as finalmust be signedanddatedbyboththeStudyDirectorand the Director of Quality Assurance. Any report that fails to be so signed and dated should be considered a draft report that may be changed. It shouldbe assumed that unsigned reports do not represent the final conclusions of the laboratory. Draft reports cannot be used to fulfill regulatory requirements.
A. Introduction
Developmentaltoxicitystudiesdeterminewhetheratestagentadministered to a pregnant are mammal causes adverse effects on her offspring. Although data from the pregnant dam collected throughout the study and analyzed in the final report, the four major endpoints of developmental toxicity studies relate to the offspring. These endpoints include the death of developing offspring, structural abnormalities in offspring (congenital malformations), altered m considered important; a biologically growth, and functional deficits. All four manifestations significant increase in anyof them suggests that the test agent disrupts development and poses a developmental hazard. Standard developmental toxicity tests am designed to examine the potential for test compounds to induce the first three manifestations. Although functional deficits have seldom been evaluated in routine testing, several recent developmental toxicity assessment have included functional evaluations(USEPA 1986, 1988,1989, 1991b).
B. TestingProcedures 1. Qpe of Srudy The maintypes of developmental toxicity studies are the range-findingor pilot and the definitive II)studies. A range-finding study determines the dose levels to developmental toxicity (segment
be used in the definitive developmental toxicity study, A range-finding study uses more dose levels with fewer animals per group than the definitive study. A typical range-finding study consists of four to sixdosegroupsofeighttotenpregnantanimalseach.Asuccessful range-finding study establishes the dose of test substance that causes minimal maternal toxicity (to be used as the high dose in the definitive study) and a dose that elicits no adverse effects in the offspring (to be used as the low dose). In-life maternal data collection requirements in the pilot studyare virtually identical with those of the definitive study, but the data collected at term are usually limited togross examination and weighingof fetuses. The goal of a definitive developmental toxicity study is the determination of whether or not the test agent causes adverse effects in developing organisms and, if so, the establishment of the NOAEL. A copious amount of postmortem data is collected in the definitive develop mental toxicity study.
C. ExperimentalDesign l . DoseSelection The doses thatare used in the definitive developmental toxicity studyare based on the results of the range-finding study. Except when the biological, physical,or chemical propertiesof the test agent limit the exposure amount, the highest dose should cause overt maternal toxicity
(e.g., statistically significant reduction in maternal body weight or body weight gain). The dose is considered too high if more than 10% of the treated dams die. Dose levels that produce excessive, but nonlethal, maternal toxicity may produce an unexpected increase in fetal deaths or loss of the products of or abortions.Studiesthatexperienceexcessivematernaldeaths conception have limited usefulness in determining developmental toxicity potential and may have to be repeated. Although excessive maternal toxicitybemust avoided, a study in which the Ideally, the rangeof doses high dose causes no maternal toxicity may also have to repeated. be in a developmental toxicity should be set such that the high dose causes mild maternal toxicity and the low dose should produce no adverse effects on the pregnant animal or her offspring.
2. Treatment Group A sufficient number of treatment groups should be used to establish a dose-response relationshi At a minimum,three treatment groupsat different dose levels and a concurrent vehicle-treated control groupare required. The number of animals per group should be large enough to provide is pregstatistical powerfor the results. The number suggested in most regulatory guidance 20 nantrodents(werecommend 30 pregnantmice or hamsters; 25 pregnantrats)and 12-16 pregnant rabbits (we recommend 20 pregnant rabbits). If body weight data are tobe used as an indicator of potential toxicity, test animals must be randomized in a way that ensures that all dose groups (including the control group) start with similar mean maternal body weights and variances. Although a positive control is not required by regulators, a concurrent positive control group should be considered for inclusion in the study design if the laboratory performing the study is inexperienced.
3. Exposure Period Adequatestudydesignsfordevelopmentaltoxicitystudies(USFDA, 1966; USEPA, 1985; OECD, 1981; Kimmel and Price,1990) require timed-mating of healthy laboratory animals. The usual reference pointfor timing of gestation defines gestational day0 in one of the following ways, depending on the species used and method of breeding. Gestational day0 is (1) the day that a vaginal plug is detected (inorrats mice), or (2) the day that sperm are found in the vaginal lavage (in rats), or (3) the day that mating was observed (rabbits), (4)or the day that artificial insemination was performed (rabbits). Exposure of assumed pregnant animals continues thmugh(days 6-15 for ratsand mice; 6-18 or 7-19 for rabbits; and out the time of major organogenesis 5-14 for hamsters; see Table 3 in Chapter 4). In experiments wherein the test agent is not incorporated into drinking water or feed and the animals must be individually exposed by technicians (e.g., by gastric intubation), dosing should be performed at the same time each day with no longer than 2 hr elapsing between the dosingof the first and last animals,if possible. The timing of exposure is a critical consideration in developmental toxicology studies because This is embryologicalschedulesoperateduringnarrowperiods oftimeduringgestation. especially true in those species with short gestations, such as those that are routinely used in developmental toxicity studies. 4. Extended Exposure Regimens Occasionally, a study design may require the exposure of pregnant animalsto begin at the end of implantationandcontinuethroughouttheentireperiod of gestation.Suchanextended exposure design may provide results that disclose developmental changes that would not be detected under the exposure conditions of a standard developmental toxicity study. For instance, continuous treatment of pregnant animals from the beginning of organogenesis to cesman section often causes a higher incidence of growth retardation, characterized by decreased mean fetal body weights, than is seen under standard studies. An extended dosing regimen can cause as the heart, brain, lungs, and gonads, because these organs structural alterations in organs, such
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undergo significant functional and morphological development after the end of major organogenesis. Thus, the length of the exposure period may affect the findingsof a study and mustbe carefully stated when interpreting the results of the study. 5. StudyTermination Pregnant females shouldbe scheduled for cesman section and sacrifice just before delivery to prevent cannibalization of malformed young (see Chapter 4, Table 3).
D. In-Life Procedures and Data As mentioned earlier, good animal husbandry practices (NIH,1985; USDA, 1970, 1990) must be followedatalltimes.Animalsshould be observed at least Once daily for mortality, This is usually accomplished at the time of weighing. Additional moribundity, and clinical signs. daily observation timesmay be scheduled if the test material is knownto be toxic. 1. Maternal Deaths and Abortions
Factors other than the test agent can cause death of the pregnant animalor abortions, Possible causes of non-test agent-induced maternal deathor abortion include maternal disease, environmental factors, and technical errors, such as misdosing of the animals. Ifa pregnant animal dies, the autopsy records should be inspected to ascertain the probable reason for the death. For instance, if the autopsy records reveal that dam exhibited inflamed (reddened) tracheal lining, pulmonary congestion, nasal discharge, and the presenceof fluid in the lungs, then the likely cause of death was either accidental intratracheal intubation, a technician error, or respiratory disease. Another example would be the death of a pregnant rabbit in which the daily clinical signsincludedlocalizedhairloss(alopecia),decreased or absentappetite(anorexia),and diarrhea. These signs are consistent with the presenceof a hairball in the stomach, a common occurrence in rabbits. Therefore, maternal deaths cannot always be accurately interpreted as being dueto test agent-induced toxicity, because the death may be caused by an event (whether spontaneous or iatrogenic) that is unrelated to the toxicity of the test agent. In a similar fashion, abortions and total litter resorptions may be caused by factors thatare unrelated to the toxicityof the test agent (Chemoff et al., 1987; Schadein, 1987). For instance, environmental stress from conditions, suchas excessive noise in the animal mom, deviations in light-dark cycles, and rough manipulation by technicians, may induce abortions, particularly in rabbits. Although total litter resorptions do happen in rabbits, they take place more regularly in rodents (e.g., mice, rats,or hamsters), which do not usually abort. 2. Maternal Body Weights and Maternal Body Weight Gains Optimally, pregnant animals shouldbe weighed daily. Alternatively, dams must be weighted on the following schedule: theday of mating; gestational day 5; each day of the exposure p e r i d , at 3-to 5-day intervals during the postdosingperiod, and at study termination. The maternal body weight gain during specific segments of gestation, especially during the exposure period or throughoutmajororganogenesis,isordinarilyamoresensitivegaugeofmaternaladverse effect than either the final mean body weight at study termination or the mean body weight gain over the entire gestational period. The increased sensitivity of incremental body weight changes is due to their easy detection and the likelihood that they will notbe masked by the “rebound” weight gain that often takes place among treated animals in the postdosing period, after exposure has ended.
Developmental Toxicio Tests
3. Clinical Signs Clinical observationsare significant qualitative indicatorsof toxicity. Theyare objective observations (e.g., presence of tremors, excessive salivation, hunched posture in mice) that should be noted by well-trained technicians. The pilot (range-finding) and other toxicological studies should provide an awareness of the anticipated clinical signs of toxicity by the induced test agent. Such signs are probably among the most reliable criteriaof maternal toxicity. In many cases, clinical sign data are a m m sensitive indicator of maternal toxicity than changes in maternal body weight or maternal body weight gain. Documentation of clinical sign data must comprise the identity of the observed effect, its time of onset, intensity, and duration. Examples of clinical observations include the presence of diarrhea, excessive salivation and mastication, discharges from the eyes or nose, hair loss (alopecia), listlessness, tremors, and convulsions. Likewise, changes in respiratory rate, alertness, posture, movement within the cage, consumption of food and water (see next section), color of be recorded. mucous membranes, color of urine, and frequency of urination should Behavioral changes(e.g., animals that appear aggressive or depressed) reported during daily to symptoms observations of animals arc not as objective as clinical sign data. They are similar reported by human patients. Both behavioral changes in animals and symptoms in patients require a subjective interpretationby the reporter. Although changes noted in animal behavior should be recorded, it is not possible to ascertain if behavioral changes are early signs of subclinical toxicity thatmay be manifestedas “objective” clinical signs at higher doses. 4 . Food and Water Contamination When the test agent is administered in the feedor W i n g water, food and water consumption must be measured daily to calculate the dose. Food and water consumption should also be monitored when the test agent is suspected of causing appetite or excretory effects. Altered food and water consumption after thestart of test agent exposure m endpoints that can be used to assess possible maternal effects. It must be recalled, however, that test agents in either the diet or drinking water can cause reduced consumption owing to unpalatability.
E. Necropsy Procedures and Data
Several detailed descriptions of methods for examining offspring in both pilot and definitive development toxicity studies have been published (Wilson, 1973; Manson and Kang, 1989). Briefly, after the female is humanely killed, her gravid uterus, with the ovaries intact, is remove on each ovaryare recorded for both rats and rabbits; and weighed. The number of corpora lutea however, because of the difficulty of differentiating luteal tissue from that of the ovary, this is notnecessary in mice.Thecontents of theuterus are examinedbyincisingitalongthe antimesometrial border. The numbers and locations of implantation sites, resorptions, and viable are removed from the uterus, weighed, and and dead fetuses should be recorded. Viable fetuses to discern the presence of any external malformaexamined to determine sex of each fetus and tions. Pilot studies require no further offspring analysis; in fact, it is minimally acceptable to record only the numbers of implantation sites, resorptions, and live and dead fetuses. In the definitive developmental toxicology study. further analysis of the offspring takes place. One half 1989; of the viable fetuses undergo visceral examination by either dissection (Manson and Kang, Staples, 1974; Stuckhardt and Poppe, 1984) or the Wilson free-hand razor blade-sectioning technique (Wilson,1965); the remainderare prepared for the visualizationof skeletal structures red S) (Staples and Schnell,1%8) or bone and by staining with dyes specific for bone (alizarin cartilage (alizarin red S-alcian blue) (Inouye, 1976). An alternative procedure subjects all fetuses
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to fresh, visceral dissections, after which either they are all prepared for skeletal visualization, as just outlined;or one half of the fetusesare decapitated to allow the headsto be prepared for free-hand razor blade sectioning,and the remaining intact fetuses and all bodies are stained for skeletal visualization. Maternal Data Confirmation of Pregnancy. When the uterus is examined at the time of laparotomy, the presence of offspring or resorption sites is considered evidence of pregnancy.The pregnancy (conception)index for eachtreatmentgroupcan be calculated by dividingthenumberof confirmed pregnancies in that group by the number of females mated. The pregnancy index is of used in the assessmentof reproductive performance. Depression of this index relative to that the control group may indicate a possible reproductive toxic effect only if treatment began before mating and implantation. Since treatment in developmental toxicity studies usually begins after implantation is completed, a low pregnancy index suggests maternal health problems, poor animal husbandry,or that the timefor initial dosingwas miscalculated (i.e., begun too early). Pregnancy indices in pregnant animals thatare shipped from suppliers are generally lower than the pregnancy indices of animals bred in-house. Thisis especially true in mice.Develop be repeated if there are statistically significant mental toxicity studies will usually have to differences in pregnancy indices among groups. Number of Corpora Lutea. Corpora lutea mark the sites on the ovary from which eggs This means were emitted during ovulation. Each corpus luteum contained a single ovum (egg). that the numberof corpora lutea equalsthe number of ova that were available for fertilization. If the corpora lutea outnumber the total number of implantations (i.e., the numberof fetuses plus resorption sites), then the litter experienced preimplantation loss. Increased preimplantation loss in a standard developmental toxicity study cannor be a compound-induced effect because the lossofembryosoccurredbeforetheinitiationofdosing.Thus,reviewersshouldexamine individual data sheets to verify (1) that dosing did not begin prematurely (i.e., before completion of implantation), and(2) that thereis no evidence of environmental stress in the animal facility. Gravid Uterine Weight and Corrected Maternal Body Weight. The pregnant uterus together with the ovaries are considered the “products of conception.” They are excised by transecting the vagina just inferiorto the union of the uterine horns and incising the mesentery connecting them to the posterior body wall. The weight of theseorgans is a useful measurement whenan animal bearing few fetuses per litter is compared withother animals with many fetuses per litter. For instance, if a control animal were to have many more pups than usually expected in a litter, then the average fetal weight within thatislitter likely to be less than the usual mean pup weight; conversely, animals that bear litters with only a few (e.g., two or three) fetuses (but not a high number of resorptions), the average pup weight is frequently much greater than the normal average fetal weight. Even though the mean pup weights two in the preceding examplesmay be significantly different from each other, oftentimes the gravid uterine weights will not differ. The gravid uterine weight can be used to determine how much weight the pregnant female gained as a result of being pregnant, regardless of the number of fetuses. The corrected maternal body weight is calculated by subtracting the gravid uterine weight (as determinedabove)fromthefinalbodyweightofthepregnantdambeforesacrifice. Comparison of this measurement among groups allows the determination of whether compoundinduced adverse body weight changes were caused primarily by toxic effects in the mother or in the fetal-placental unit (products of conception). Numbers of Implantations, Resorptions, Living and Dead Fetuses. In d e n t s , especially rats and mice, dead offspring may present as resorptionsor dead fetuses. Thistype of finding is termed “fetal wastage.” Rabbits either resorb or abort their litters. Together, these findings are
Developmental Toxicity Tests
considered postimplantation loss. They are expressed as a percentage of the total n u m h of implantations per litter. The causes of fetal wastage include direct lethal effects of the test substance, lethal malformationsof the offspring (whether spontaneous or compound-induced), maternal toxicity (whether compound-induced or because of disease), and environmental stress. The presence of a dose-response relationship for fetal wastage strengthens conclusions about the developmental toxicityof a test compound. When one type of postimplantation loss predominates, itmay be possible to deduce the time or stage in development at which the test compound was toxic to the developing organism. The number of live fetuses per litter is also recorded. This endpoint, when presented as the percentage of implantations per litter, provides a measure of a compound‘s developmental toxicity that includes its ability to kill offspring during all stages of development. OrganWeightsandClinicalChemistry.Althoughcurrentregulationsdonotrequire the collection of maternal organ weight and clinical chemistry data, dose-related effects on theabsoluteandrelative(absoluteorganweightdivided by thecorrectedmaternalbody weight) maternal organ weights can be useful when assessing maternal toxicity. As an example, the liver often exhibits early signs of toxicity (e.g., induction of enzymes, fatty change, or hydropic change) that are generally associated with increased liver weights. Consequently, if a report providesmaternalliverweights,theyshouldnotbeignored,butrather,shouldbe carefully evaluated. Occasionally, clinical chemistry data (e.g., hematology and enzyme markers) are reported in developmental toxicology studies. When theyare reported and notable effects are seen, the data may be useful in assessing maternal toxicity, even in the absenceof overt signs, such as decreased food consumption. Fetal Data FetalWeights.Fetalbodyweightisasensitiveendpointforassessingdevelopmental toxicity. Because the sizes of fetuses vary within any litter, the parameter that is assessed is the mean fetal body weight. Reduced mean fetal body weight in treated groups compared with control values is evidenceof growth retardation (one of the four major endpointsof develop mental toxicity). When the number of fetuses per litter is similar between control and treated groups, decreased mean fetal body weight in a treated litter generally implies a compoundrelated, embryo-fetotoxic effect. Often, reduced mean fetal body weights may be the only sign of developmental toxicity. When evaluating the data it must be recalled, however, that male fetuses weigh more than females(so the similarity of sex distribution within groups shouldbe verified) and that individual fetal body weights tend to be greater in litters with fewer fetuses (see foregoing section,Gravid Uterine Weight). Little is known about the long-term health effects of fetal body weight reduction on test body weights are the only findings in a developmental animal species. When reduced mean fetal toxicity study, their interpretation is not clear-cut. Modest fetal weight reductions may be only temporary. That is to say, during the postnatal period, fetuses that were smaller at birth may increase in weight, size, and maturation, thereby abolishing any appreciable differences between lasting (i.e., offspring treated and control pups. In other cases, the fetal weight reductionbemay fail to recover after birth). The possibility that fetal weight differences may disappear during the perinatal period can be assessed by considering available offspring growth and viability data from multigeneration reproduction studies (wherein the pups are allowed to mature). Extremely small fetuses, described as “runts” or “stunted,” are classified as malformed young. The criteria used to classify runts vary from laboratory to laboratory. criteria are body weights that are two or three standard deviations less than the mean control fetal body weight or 25-30% below the historical mean control body weight.
and Swain
FetalExaminations.Liveoffspring are usuallyinspected for thepresenceofexternal, soft-tissue and skeletal alterations. All morphological differences from the normal anatomical patternshould be recorded.Thedifferences are classified as malformations,anomalies,or variations according to their severity (palmer, 1977). Malformations are extreme anatomical changes that interfere with the viability, health, or quality of life of the fetus. Spina bifida, cleft palate, absence of digits, and cyclopia are examples of malformations. Anomalies are minor anatomical changes that cause only a slight amount of fetal impairment. Absence of nails on the digits is an example ofan anomaly. Variations are structural alterations that commonly appear in control animals. Asymmetrical sternebrae in rabbits and rodents and bifurcated gallbladder in rabbits are examples of anatomicalvariations.Thedeterminationofwhetheraparticular alteration should be classified as a malformation, an anomaly, or a variation is a subjective process that depends on the training, experience, and competence of the observer. Divergence in the classification of the same fetal alterations by different observers has led to significant disagreementsintheconclusionsreached by different laboratories studying the same compounds. The ensuing sections offer some guidance concerning the classification of findings during fetal examinations. Gross structuralchanges.Atcesareansection, the graviduterusandfetusesshould be manipulated gently. Rough handling of these tissues before the external examination can induce artifactual subcutaneous hemorrhages. Reviewers shouldbe especially wary of studies inwhichthese are theonly signs of developmentaltoxicity.Acluethatshouldleadone to investigate possible technician-induced hemorrhages is their Occurrence in both the experimental and control groups. The fetuses should be recovered and examined quickly to avoid possible artifacts. For example, rodent and rabbit fetuses that remain in the uterus for prolonged timesmay present can bereadilymistakenforarthrogryposis(clubpaws). withflexedwristsandanklesthat Similarly, fetuses lingering on the examining for table prolonged intervals before being examined can develop hyperextendedor stiff joints. External fetal examination should include the determination of the sex of each fetus, as well as the presence of any structural alterations. The possibility that a compound may preferentially affect a particular sex shouldbe analyzed, although verified agent-induced effectson sex ratio (number of females/number of males)are quite rare. Skeletal changes. Many differences among the skeletal structures of fetuses are so combe “normal.” Examples of multiple normal mon that a variety of patterns are considered to skeletal patterns include the presence of either 13 or 14 pairs of ribs in rodents, either12 or 13 pairs of ribs in rabbits, and retarded ossification of sternebra number 5 in rodents and rabbits. are called variations. Variations do not seem to Minor abnormal changes in skeletal patterns adversely impingeon the health or longevity of affected fetuses. Presumably, variations are the as reduced ossificaconsequenceof transient delays in developmental schedules. Findings such wavy tion in phalanges or sternebrae; permanent supernumerary ribs in the lumbar region, and ribs (which can repair themselves during postnatal development) are examples of variations. Although the biological significance of variations has not been determined, supernumerary ribs in mice and wavy ribs in rats have often been observed in fetuses borne by dams that exhibited nonspecific maternal toxicity. Thus, although skeletal variations such wavyasor supernumerary may be indicative ribs are not themselves considered tobe adverse developmental effects, they of maternal toxicity or maternal stress.If a statistically significant, dose-related increase in the incidence of a particular variation (above the concurrent control incidence) is observed, the laboratory’s historical control data should be evaluated to assess whether fidings the ofthe study in question are outside the rangeof a larger population of controls. If fetuses are removed by cesarean section 12-24 hr earlier than recommended (e.g., on
gestational day 19 or 20, rather .thanon day 21 for rats), development (especially ossification) of some bony elements will not be complete. The bones, although normal for their gestational age, will appear to exhibit what would be described as reduced or absent ossification andare likely to be recorded as variations. Had the fetuses been examined at the recommended time, ossification would have appeared normal. This is because the bones of rodent fetuses ossify 48 hr of gestation. Thus, scheduling mistakes for sacrifice times can lead rapidly during the last to the reporting of spurious increases in developmental variations. body are also susceptible to Visceral (soft-tissue) changes. The viscera (organs) of the developmental toxicity, although alterations in the viscera asare readily not observedas are those of the external body and skeleton. Visceral malformations commonly occur in the heart and great vessels (e.g., ventricular septal defects, tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of the great vessels), brain (e.g., hydrocephalus), kidneys (e.g., agenesis of kidneys, polycystic kidney), diaphragm (e.g., diaphragmatic hernia), and other organs. A knowledge of the normal anatomy of the test $pedes provides an important context within which to evaluate visceral alterations. For instance, evaluators should know the xiormal shapes of organs, their usual relatibn to vessels, nerves, and eachother,andtheacceptedrangeofnormalpatterns.Thus,theyshouldknowthatthe diaphragm exhibits both a muscular and a membranous region, and that the membranous region can be transparent. Fetusescm be erroneousl), reportedto exhibit a diaphragmatic hernia if the is missing technician can see throughit, and surmises the appropriate portion of the diaphragm without probing thearea to discern the presenceof a membrane. The visceral anatomies of test species differ markedly in some respects. For instance, rabbits and mice possess gallbladders, but rats do not. Furthermore, changes in the organs of one species may qualify as a malformation, but the same change may not necessarily be a malformation whenseeninothers. As examples,presenceofaventralpancreas,accessoryspleen, or retroesophageal subclavianartery are malformations when seen in rats, are butconsidered within the range of normal patterns when they are observed in rabbits. As when performing cesarean sections and external fetal examinations, dissections should be performed gently and with care. Rough handling of fetuses can induce petechial hemorrhages of on the surfaceof viscera. Improper cuttingof the umbilical cord can result in backflowblood from the placenta into the fetus, causing either intra-abdominal hemorrhage or an apparent hemorrhagic liver. Careless probing or pulling on delicate fetal organs can tear the tissues. The or normal, are smooth. Malformed organs do not present edges ofall organs, whether malformed with jagged edges. Rather, the presence of jagged edges on organs is an indication that tissue damage occurred during the dissection. A knowledge of the embryology of the structures being evaluated will aid in determining or the classification of any observed alterations. For example, in rabbits, when a bifurcated duplicated gallbladder is attached to a single bile duct, the fmding is not considered to be a malformation. The reasoning behind this is that these alterations ensue from slight shifts in the branching pattern of the hepatic diverticulum during development. Similarly, abnormal lobulaare not consideredto be malformations because they tions of the liver or accessory renal arteries also emanate from slight deviations in normal developmental processes.
F. Interpretation of Resutts
I . MaternalToxicity The endpoints employedto assess maternal toxicity include maternal death, abortion or resorption of litters, reduced maternal body weights and body weight gains, and the presence of clinic signs. Because animals in the high-dose group of the definitive developmental toxicity study
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should exhibit mild maternal toxicity, the data collected daily during the in-life phaseof the study must include the aforementioned signs of maternal toxicity. Findings in animals of the high-dose group may include some maternal deaths as well as an increased incidence of total litter resorptions and abortions among surviving females, especially in rabbits. Although such findings clearly indicate maternal toxicity, dosages that produce a high proportion of maternal deaths or abortions or total litter resorptions are not desirable because there will be too few offspring for evaluation. Ideally, mild maternal toxicity should occur in only the highdose group. With some test compounds, however, the dose-response curve for maternal toxicity is steep. In such cases, the difference between a dose that causes maternal death and abortion or total litter resorption and doses that induce less extreme endpoints of be small. When that happens, maternal toxicity (e.g., decreased body weight gain, tremors) may be prominentfindingseven in the maternaldeathsandabortionsortotalresorptionsmay lowest-dose group. data are sensitive indicators of maternal Maternal body weight and body weight gain toxicity. In most test species, these endpoints are frequently the basis for determining NOAEL the for maternal toxicity. Rabbits, however, are an exception because pregnant rabbits often lose weight during a normal pregnancy. Optimally, mean body weight gain (or percentage change in body weight) for all dose groups should be similar during the predosing period. Decreases in mean maternal body weights observed during the treatment period are usually the result of eithe toxicity of the test compoundor decreased food consumption. In general, test substance-induced reductions in maternal body weights or body weight gains am dose-related. Nevertheless, there may be some situations in which low-dose animals are affected, whereas animals inthe high-dose group are not. Examples such as these occur when the high-dose group experienced excessive maternal mortality, eliminating sensitive animals and reducing the numberof surviving animalsfor comparison. In such a situation, the absence of a dose-response in a maternal body weight parameter does not imply the absence ofa compoundrelated effect. Likewise, maternal body weight parameters are not useful for detennining the presence or absence of a treatment-related maternal effects if a high proportion of surviving females have experienced numerous resorptions per litter. To assess a possible compoundbody weight of the females should be compared induced effect on the female alone, the starting with their corrected maternal body weight (terminal body weight minus gravid uterine weight). This removes the variability introduced by the differing uterine weights between those animals that experienced total litter resorptions (or a high proportion of resorptions) versus those that bore a litter to term. Reduced food consumption is another indicator of possible maternal toxicity. This may be observed soon after the initial exposure,or it may q u i r e repeated exposures before becoming apparent. Frequently, when there has been reduced mean body weights during the exposure in maternal body weight (adaptation or "rebound" period, treated animals experience increase an effect) during the postexposure period. This is especially common when the animals reduced their food consumption during the exposure period. To determine whether the reduced food consumption is causedby a maternally toxic effect of the test substance orto unpalatability of the food, another experiment couldbe perfomed in which feed intake would be measured in groups of animals presented with either controlor treated diet. Alternatively, a food efficiency index (FEI) could be determined for each group. TheF E 1 is the grams of food consumed per gram of body weight gained.The FE1 is considered to be a measure of how effectively food is used by the animal (e.g., body weight gain). If the FEIs for the treated and control groupsare similar, then a maternally toxic effect is unlikely and unpalatability is the probable cause for reduced food consumption. Rabbits provide several challenges to the determination of maternal toxicity. Because of
their inherent erratic body weight gains and losses during gestation, maternal body weight changes in rabbits are difficult to interpret. During lastthe week of gestation, rabbits often reduce their food consumption while they attend to preparation of a nest, rather than eating. At the same time, rabbits often experience hair loss (alopecia) in the abdominal region because thehaii is being used to construct the nest, Especially for rabbits, it is important tobe cognizant of those changes that occur normally and to compare the data in the treated groups with both concurrent control and historical control data when evaluating maternal toxicity. 2. Developmental Toxicity
When exposure to a test substance is associated with a demonstrable increase in the incidence of any developmental toxicity endpoint, compared with the spontaneous incidence, the agent can besuspectedofbeingadevelopmentaltoxicant.Thespontaneousincidence is estimated primarily from concurrent control data, but historical controlmay data also be used (see below). If the increased endpoint is congenital malformations, the agent is a suspected teratogen. Because of the importance of developmental toxicity as a noncancer endpoint for human health risk assessment, determining the existence of a causal relationship between exposure to the test of the endpointis crucial. substance and the appearance The results of developmental toxicity tests can be confounded by the proclivity for the fetuses of a given litter to exhibit similar endpoints, thereby artificially increasing the apparent incidence of any given endpoint. This proclivity has been designated the “litter effect.’’ The litter effect is thoughtto be caused by the fact that all fetusesin any given litter are exposed to the same maternal environment as their littermates (accounting for the similarity in outcomes of that litter), but the maternal environment differs from litter to litter within the same treatment group. Another potential difficulty in the interpretation of results is that, owing to the large number of offspring that are evaluated, findings may too easily achieve statistical significance (1) if they are analyzed withthe statistical methods routinely used in toxicology studies, and (2) if the fetus is the sampling unit. Several statistical procedures have been developed to addressthis problem (Weil,1970;Gaylor, 1978; GadandWeil,1986).Forregulatorypurposes,theappropriate sampling unit for developmental toxicity safety tests is the number of treated females (USEPA, 1991a). To address the challengesof varying numbers of fetuses per litter and the litter effect, some statistical procedures express fetal endpoints as incidence per litter and analyze that value, whereas others analyze the number of litters with a fetus (or fetuses) that exhibit a be clearly statedin boththe protocol particular endpoint. The choice of statistical methods should and the final report. The results of statistical analyses aloneare not suffkient to judge whetheror not an agent should be considered a developmental toxicant. When the level of statistical significance is set at a probabilityof p 5 0.05, 1 of every 20 (1:20) comparisons willbe statistically significantby chance alone. Since so many observations are made and analyzed in developmental toxicity studies (e.g., all of the individual skeletal elements that are checked and all of the viscera that are examined), it should be expected that one to several observations per study will attain be evaluated to statistical significanceby chance alone. Consequently, other considerations must resolve whether or not the statistically significant finding is cause for concem. An important consideration in the determinationof developmental toxicity is whether the finding at issue displays a dose-response. When the finding is statistically significant in the higherdose group(s), a positive dose-response is strong evidence for developmental toxicity. Positive dose-related trends in the incidence of fetal effects, however, may appear without attaining statistical significance in the highdose group. By way of illustration, a congenital malformation, suchas spina bifida, may occur at a low, but dose-related, incidence in the treated groups with none of them being statistically different from control values. When such cases arise,
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it is important to know the spontaneous incidenceof the observed finding in the test species. If the finding is one that rarely occurs in the test species, then the dose-related trend will be an important factor in determining the developmental toxicity of the agent. This is not true if the III F.3). finding is seen regularly among controls (see following Sec. Asecondconsiderationisthatthemajorendpoints (e.g., death,malformation, growth retardation) may be related to each other such that the presenceof one precludes the presence ofothers.Forinstance,embryonicdeathobviouslypreventsgrowthretardation,functional deficits, and malformations in living fetuses.This helps explain situations in which increased malformation incidences may occur in the low- or mid-dose groups, but not in the high-dose In other group when the high dose produced a large amount of postimplantation loss. cases,when no adverse fetal effects are induced by the low and middle doses, but the high dose elicits extensive postimplantation loss, its teratogenic potential may have been masked. In such an event, a decrease in the magnitude of the high dose might cause fewerembryo or fetal deaths and an increased incidence of malformed surviving fetuses. The preceding discussion notwithstanding, the mechanisms that cause postimplantation loss are not always the same as those 1989). That is to say,it is possible leading to malformations(see discussion in Manson and Kang, for an agent to cause embryoor fetal deaths, but not malformations. A third consideration is whether or not the dam experienced maternal toxicity during considered tobe those produced gestation. The developmentally toxic effects of a test are agent in the absence of maternal toxicity, When adverse fetal effects occur in litters from females that experienced notable maternal toxicity, the fetal effects may have been produced either directly (by the test agent)or indirectly. A s alluded to previously, maternal toxicity is associated with a as wavy ribs, retarded ossificationof sternebrae low incidenceof ‘nonspecific” alterations such and phalanges, or reduced fetal body weight. Occasionally, adverse fetal effects appear at doses thatcauseonlyminimalmaternaltoxicity. In suchinstances,thefindingsshouldnotbe interpreted to have been caused by the maternal toxicity. Rather, the findings suggest that both the embryo and the mother are susceptible to the same dose of test agent. Furthermore, the appearance of maternal toxicity in a pregnant dam does not guarantee that adverse fetal effects will occur, because some agents elicit profound maternal toxicity, but exert no apparent adverse effects on offspring. The final considerationis to realize that nor all malformations are caused by rest agents. Notonlycanvirtually all malformationsappearspontaneously(Palmer, 1977). but also a particular malformation can be produced by multiple agents or conditions. Each test species has a background incidence of spontaneously occurring malformations. When malformations arise in the absenceof a dose-response, they may be spontaneous in origin. When rare malformations is required do occur, examinationof the laboratory’s historical control data (see next discussion) to establish whetheror not that malformation has been experienced previously.
3. HistoricalControl Data Laboratories should collect and maintain a database of their control results to serve as the historical data. As discussed in the preceding section, the large amount of data analyzed in developmental toxicity studies increases the likelihood that statistically significant differences arise by chance alone. At times, even an between data from treated and control groups will apparent doseresponse may be present. An example of this occurs when the control incidence of a particular effect is lower than usual, whereas its incidencehighdose in the group is slightly greater than normally observed. Knowing the range of incidence among control litters for the effect in question is helpful in the evaluation of the data. When the incidence of the effect in the treated groups is within the range of historical incidence, the finding is likely due to chance. Thus, a laboratory’s historical control data may prevent evaluators from falsely concluding that
Developmental Toxicity Tests
an agent is a developmental toxicant based' o n . statistical significance that arose by random chance. Over time, historical control data provide important information about changes in the incidence of various findings that maybe due to such factorsas genetic drift, modifications in the animals' diet, seasonal changes, or even differences in the proficiency of technicians in handling animals and recording observations.
W. CONCLUSION Thechallengefor all subdisciplines of regulatorytoxicology is toestablishsafelevels of exposureforenvironmentalagents.Thisentailsidentifyingboththoseexposurelevels of test agents that cause adverse effects and those that do not. Developmental toxicity safety develop tests are a preliminary part of the assessment of a test agent's potential risk to human maternal-placentakmbryonic relationships ment. Because of(1) the complicated nature of the (see discussion in Chapter 4), (2) the necessity for multidisciplinary scientific knowledge, and (3) the numerous interrelated maternal and fetal parameters that are evaluated, the determination of the developmental toxicityof an agent can be a daunting task. This chapter has provideda concise introduction to the discipline from the perspective of the information that is routinely evaluated in developmental toxicity test reports. The chapter has focused on those aspects of are essential in the critical evaluation of developmental regulatory developmental toxicology that toxicity test results.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Supported in part byMITRE Sponsored Research Project9587C.
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12 Neurotoxicity Testing 1. K. Ho Universityof Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi
Anna M. Fan CaliforniaEnvironmental Protection Agency Berkeley, California
With the increasing awareness of neurotoxicity associated with environmental chemicals (AbouDonia, 1992; National Research Council 1992; U. S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 1990), data from neurotoxicity testing will provide important informationfor future risk assessment (USEPA, 1993) and for risk management of these chemicals to minimize expense and provide health protection. The previous chapter on neurotoxicity (Chapter 5) has presented background on neurotoxicity induced by neurotoxicants. This chapter presents the different disciplines usedto detect neurotoxicity, and outline U. theS. Environmental Protection Agency's Neurotoxicity Testing Guidelines(USEPA, 1991), and future perspectivesin neurotoxicology.
II. ASSESSMENTS OF NEUROTOXICITY Neurotoxicity induced by neurotoxicants, regardless of the sites of action (i.e., central nervous system or peripheral nervous system; CNS or PNS), direct or indirect actions on the nervous system, and specificityof action on target sites, can be detected in terms of changes in fourareas: behavior, biochemistry (or neurochemistry), pathology, and physiology. These four different disciplines are described in the following.
A.BehavioralToxicology Behavioral changes following acute or chronic exposureto neurotoxicantsare sensitive and rapid 1988; Gad, 1989; Kulig, 1989; Moser, 1989; Rice, indices of neurotoxicity (Annua and Cuomo, 1990, Schaeppi and Fitzgerald, 1989; 'Iilson and Mitchell, 1984). A series of tests have been widely used by neurotoxicologists for screening of neurotoxicity. The methods designed for neurobehavioral testing are based on changes in motor function, sensory function, reactivity, 187
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learning and memory, and naturally occurring behaviors (lllson and Mitchell, 1984). As detailed in Moser's study @loser, 1989), the functional observational battery for characterizing neumtoxicants falls in three categories. These are as follows:
1. Home cageandopenfieldbehaviors:posture,convulsionsandtremors,palpebralclosure, lacrimation, piloerection, salivation, vocalizations, tearing, urination, defecation, gait, arousal, mobility, stereotypy, andbizane behavior 2. Manipulativeresponses:ease of removal,easeofhandling,approachresponse,click response, tail pinch response, righting reflex, landing foot splay, forelimb grip strength, hindlimb grip strength, and pupil response 3. Physiologic measurements: body temperature and body weight For evaluating cognitive functions, such as learning and memory, procedures designed are to determine acquisition using positive and negative reinforcing contingencies and to evaluate intermediate andlong-ten memory (Tilson and Mitchell,1984).
B. NeurochemicalToxicology
Most of the chemicals that produce neurotoxicity act on the biochemical processes of the CNS and PNS,either through a general actionor by specific mechanism at the molecular or cellular of most knownneurotoxicants are not well level.Althoughthebiochemicalmechanisms the best examples is understood, certain agents have been relatively extensively studied.ofOne organophosphorus cholinesterase inhibitors (OP.ChE1). The well-known organophosphorus insecticides, such as parathion, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, disulfoton, malathion, phorate, and terbufos are some of the examples. The major action of these insecticides is their potent irreversible inhibitory actionof acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and other esterases. Their chemistry, fate, and effects have recentlybeem reviewed (Chambers and Levi,1992). Their mechanism of action is to inhibit AChE by the phosphorylation of a serine residue of the active site of this enzyme of acetylcholine and produces cholinergic overactivity. which, in turn, leads to the accumulation The carbamatetype of insecticides also act onAChE, except in a reversible manner. Some of the 0P.ChEI also produce delayed neurotoxicity called organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy (OPIDN, Johnson 1975, 1982, 1987, Lotti 1990; et al., 1984;Richardson, 1992). The target site for these compounds to induce OPIDN is a membrane-bound nerve cell protein called neurotoxic esterase or neuropathy target enzyme (NTE).The characteristics of OPIDN are a dying back of long myelinated nerve mons, especially in the sciatic nerve and within the spinal cord. Some organophosphorus compounds (e.g., tri-ocresyl phosphate; TOCP) that are not insecticidesare also potent inhibitorsof NTE. Otherneurotransmittersystemshavealsobeendemonstratedtobeaffectedby new toxicants. Bicuculline and picrotoxin, two alkaloids isolated from are plants, y-aminobuteric acid are potent convulsants. However, they act at different sites A (GABAA) receptor antagonists and of the GABAA receptors. Bicuculline is a direct competitive antagonist of the GABA-binding site (Cooper et al., 1991). and picrotoxin is a blocker of Cl- ionophores. Strychnine, another its effects by acting on glycine receptors, another amino acid inhibitory potent convulsant, exerts neurotransmitter (Cooperet al., 1991). l-Methyl4phenyl-l,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine(MPTP), a contaminant identified in a synthetic street opioid preparation, caused a Parkinson-like syndro "'P. It is a relatively in some persons who were administered the preparation containing selectiveneurotoxin that destroys nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons through its metabolite (Langston et al., 1987;Zigmond and Stricker,1989).It appears that someof the neurotoxicants,
such as the examples just cited, have been demonstrated to act specifically on certain biochemical processes.
C. ElectrophysiologicalToxicology An electrophysiological approach is one of several means to study neurotoxicity. Electrical signals thatare generated by nerve and muscle cellsare associated with ionic fluxes across the by changing cell membranes.A variety of neurotoxins excite these cells. This excitation occurs membrane potential caused by membrane permeability changes to different cations such as Na+, ,'K and Ca2+. Marine neurotoxins, such as tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin, have been well demonstrated to block Na+ channels (Catterall, 1980; Narahashi, 1974; Richie, 1979). Brevetoxins, toxins isolated from Ptychodiscus brevis, which depolarize nerve and muscle membrane, also act on Na+ channels as their target site (Wu and Narahashi, 1988). The insecticides, DDT and type I pyrethroids, cause repetitive discharges of the nervous system (Narahashi, 1992). Because of the easy access of peripheral neuromuscular junctions, isolated rat phrenic nerve hemidiaphragm, the frog sciatic nerve and sartorius muscle, the crayfish neuromuscular junctions, and electroplax of the electric eel are generally used for electrophysiological investigations of neurotoxicants.
D. NeuropathologicalToxicology Neuropathological investigation is dneof the essential aspects of neurotoxicology. The objecM location of the lesions tives of neuropathology are to furnish information on the topography and to define the nature and characteristics of the damage of the nervous systems caused by neurotoxicants(Chang,1992).Theobservationinneuropathologicalfindings may provide from behavioral,neurochemical,andelectrovaluable correlation with the results obtained physical studies.For example, OPIDN is often seen in neuropathological changes in the sciatic, peroneal, and tibial nerves. The pathological findings can be correlated with the inhibition of NIT and neurological symptoms suchas ataxia and paralysis.
111. OUTLINES OF UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY NEUROTOXICITY TESTING GUIDELINES With the increasing importance of neurotoxicology, design of methods for neurotoxicity-testing of chemicals that have potential as neurotoxicants becomes crucial to the success of identifying of and controlling poisonsof the nervous systems. The following provides a brief description neurotoxicity-testingguidelinespublished bythe USEPA (1991).Thesetestsincludefive different test procedures that encompass evaluation of changes in behavior, neuropathology, biochemistry, and electrophysiology.
A. Delayed Neurotoxicity of Organophosphorus Substances Following Acute and 28-Day Exposures 1. Purpose
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2. Definitions
Organophosphorus-induceddelayed neurotoxicity (OPIDN) is defined by 1. Neurological syndromes: limb weakness and upper motor neuron spasticity 2. Pathological signs: distal axonapathyof peripheral nerve and spinal cord 3. Biochemical changes: inhibition and aging of NTW in neural tissues Neuropathic target enzyme (NTE) is a membrane-bound enzyme that hydrolyzes phenyl to paraoxon,butsensitivetomipafox or neuropathicorganophosvalerate.Itisresistant phorus ester inhibition.
3. Principle Acute and 28-day exposure studiesare used, 4. TestProcedure Species. Adult domestic laying hen(Gullus gallues domesticus, 8-14 months of age)are used for the test. Route ofAdministration. Administration is oral (preferably by gavage). Dose Levels. There m three types of dosage levels:
1. Acute: 1 dose. Levels of test substances greater than 2@gneednotbe tested. Either a median lethal dose@,Dm) or an approximate lethal dose(0 in the) hen may be used to determine the acute high dose. 2. 28-day study: Levels of test substances greater thanlg/kg need not be tested High dose: sufficient to causeOPIDN or maximum tolerated dose based on the acute high dose Low dose: minimum effective level (e.g., EDlo)or a no-effect level Intermediate dose: equally spaced between the high and low doses 3. Controlgroups Positive controk tri-o-cresyl phosphate ("OCP)-treated animals Vehicle control
Group size. The group sizes include: Exposure groups:at least nine survivors(six for behavioral observationsfistopathology andat least three forNTE) Positive control group:at least nine survivors (sixfor a concurrent or historical control and at least three forNTE) Vehicle control group: at least nine survivors (six for histopathology and three for NTE) Study Conduct. The study will comprise the following features:
1. Biochemical measurements: NTE and AChE. These studies will be conducted in brain and spinal cordof three hens from each group at 48 hr after the last dose. Other times may be of effects. chosen to optimize detection 2. 21-day observation: All remaining hens of each group will be observed at least once daily for at least 21 days. Observations of toxicity include: behavioral abnormality, locomotor ataxia, and paralysis. 3. Necropsy and histopathological studies: Gross necropsies"the brain and spinalcod. Tissue sections for microscopic examination include medulla oblongata, spinal cord (the rostral cervical, the midthoracic, and the lumbosacral regions), and peripheral nerves.
Neurotoxicity Testing
5. Data Reporting and Evaluation Test report Treatment of results Evaluation of results
B. NeurotoxicityScreening Battery 1. Purpose
The test battery consists of the following: gross functional deficits in animals and to quantify behavioral or neurological effects detected in other studies; 2. Motor activity test using an automated device to measure the level of activity of individual animals; and 3. Neuropathology: providing data to detect and to characterize histopathological changesin the central and peripheral nervous system.
1. Functionalobservationalbattery:noninvasiveproceduresdesignedtodetect
2. Definitions Neurotoxicity: any adverse effect on the structureor function of the nervous system related to exposure to a chemical substance. Toxic g e c t : an adverse change in a structure or function of an experimental animalas a result of exposure to a chemical substance. Motor activity: any movement of the experimental animals. 3. Principle
Acute studies Subchronic (and chronic) studies
4. TestProcedure Species. Both male and female (nulliparous and nonpregnant) young adult rats (at 42 least days old) m generally the choice. Other species (e.g., the mouse or the dog) under some circumstances, may be used. Route of Administration. Selectioncriteria are basedonthemostlikelyrouteofhuman exposure,bioavailability,thelikelihoodofobservingeffects,practicaldifficulties,andthe likelihood of producing nonspecific effects. The route that best meets these criteria shouldbe selected. Dietary feeding is generally acceptable for repeated exposure studies. Dose Levels. Dose levels are related to the type of study: 1. Acutestudies: 3 doses
High dose: highest nonlethal dose(< 2g/kg) Low dose: minimal effect or noeffect dose Middle dose: successive fraction of high dose 2. Subchronic (and chronic) studies: 3 doses High dose: dose producing signifcant neurotoxic or clearly toxic effects, but not lethal dose (accumulative) Low dose-middle dose: fractions of the high dose
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3. Control groups Positive control: The test laboratory should provide evidence of the ability of the observational methods used to detect major neurotoxic endpoints and includes limb weakness or paralysis (e.g., repeated exposure to acrylamide), tremor (e.g., ppDDT), and autonomic signs (e.g., carbaryl). Positive control dataare also required to demonstrate the sensitivity and reliabilityof the activity measuring device and testing procedures. Concurrent (vehicle) control
Group Size. At least 10 males and10 females shallbe used in each dose and control group for behavioral testing. At least five males andfive females shall be used in each dose and control group for terminal neuropathology. Study Conduct. The studies will include the following: 1. Time of testing (observations and activity testing) Acutestudies:beforetheinitiationofexposure,attheestimatedtimeofpeakeffect within 8 hr of dosing, and at7 and 14 days after dosing. Subchronic (and chronic) studies: before the initiation of exposure and before the daily exposure; or, for feeding studies, at the same time ofday, during the 4th, 8th, and 13th weeks of exposure (every3 monthsfor chronic). All animals shallbe weighed on each test day and at least weekly during the exposure period. 2. Functionalobservationalbattery General consideration Blind test Minimize variations in the test conditions Observations in the home cage List of measures score from none 1. Signs of autonomic function: lacrimation and salivation (ranking to severe); piloerection and exophthalmus (presence or absence); urination and defecation,includingpolyuriaanddiarrhea(ranking);pupillaryfunction;and degree of palpebral closure. or abnormal motor of any convulsions, tremor, 2. Description, incidence and severity movements (home cage and open field) 3. Reactivity to general stimuli 4. Arousal level 5. Posture and gait abnormalities (home cage and open field) 6. Forelimb and hindlimb grip strength 7. Landing foot splay 8. Sensorimotor responsesto stimuli (pain or sound) 9. Body weight 10. Unusual or abnormal behaviors, stereotypies, emaciation, dehydration, hypotonia or hypertonia, altered fur appearance, red or crusty deposits around the eyes, nose, or mouth, and so on. Additional measures 1. Count of rearing ability on the open field 2. Ranking of righting ability 3. Bodytemperature 4. Excessive or spontaneous vocalizations 5. Alterations in rate and ease of respiration(e.g., rales or dyspnea)
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6. Sensorimotor responses to visualor proprioceptive stimuli 7. others 3. Motor activity (by automated activity recording apparatus) 4. Neuropathology Fixation and processing of tissue: in situ fixation, paraffin/plastic embedding, hematoxylin and eosin(HBrE) or comparable staining Quantitative examination Subjective diagnosis
5. Data Reporting and Evaluation Description of equipment and test methods Results Evaluation ofdata
C. Appendix: Guideline for Assaying Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein This procedure is designed to be used in conjunction with behavioral and neuropathological investigations as part of the neurotoxicity screening battery described in the foregoing.
I . Purpose Astrocyte hypertrophy has been demonstrated to be associated with chemically induced injury at the site of damage. Assay of glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP), the major intermediate filament protein of astrocytes can document the existence and location of chemical-hduced injury of the CNS. 2. TestProcedure Species. n e s e are usually laboratory young adultrats used in other tests for neurotoxicity. Group Size. At least six animalsfor both the exposed and controlgroups will be studied. Tissue To Be Studied. Sixregions:cerebellum,cerebralcortex,hippocampus,striatum, thalamus/hypothalamus, and the rest of the brain are evaluated.
3. Data Reporting and Evaluation Test report Evaluation of results
D. DevelopmentalNeurotoxicityStudy 1. Purpose The test is intended to develop data on the potential functional and morphological hazards to thenervoussystemthat may occur in the offspring from exposure ofthemotherduring pregnancy and lactation.
2. Principle Pregnant animals shallbe administered test substance during gestation and early lactation. The to detect gross neurological and behavioral abnormalities. Deteminatest includes observations tion of motor activity, response to auditory startle, assessment of learning, neuropathological evaluation, and brain weights.
3. Test Procedure. Species. Young, pregnant, adult female rats (nulliparous females)are used for the study.
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Highest dose: (1) When the test substance is knownto be developmentally toxic, the dose be to used is the maximum dose that will not induce in utero or neonatal deathor malformations. (2) When it is unknown, the dose shall induce some overt maternal toxicity, but shall not reduce weight gain exceeding29% during gestation and lactation. Lowest dose: not to produce any grossly observable evidence of either maternal or develop mental neurotoxicity. Intermediate dose: equally spaced between the two. (2) Thecontrolgroupincludesconcurrentcontrolgroups orvehicletreated concurrent control groups. Dosing Period. The dosing period covers from day 6 of gestation through day 10 postnatally (but not on the day of parturition). Observation of Dams 1. Gross examination: once each day before daily treatment 2. Functional observational battery: once each daybefore daily treatment
Testsfor the Ofspring 1. Observation of offspring to include cage-side examination daily for gross signs of mortality
or morbidity and gross signs of toxicity (functional observational battery). 2. Developmentallandmarks:
3. 4.
5. 6.
Live pup counts Weight of each pup within a litter at birth and on postnatal days 4.11, 17.21, and at least once every 2 weeks thereafter Age of vaginal opening and preputial separation Motor activity is monitoredon postnatal days 13, 17,21, and 60 (adays). Auditory startle test is performed on the offspring on days 22 and 6of (2 days). Learning and memory tests are conducted as associative learning and memory tests at about 60 f 2). the time of weaning (postnatal day21-24) and at adulthood (postnatal day Neuropathology: A neuropathological evaluationis conducted on animals on postnatal day 11 and at the terminationof the study. At day 11, one male or female pup from each litter also at the termination. (six male and six female) is evaluated, and
4. Data Collection,Reporting, and Evaluation Description of test system and test methods Results Evaluation of data
E. SchedulaControlledOperantBehavior I . Purpose The test is to evaluate the effects of acute and repeated exposures on the rate and pattern of responding under schedules of reinforcement. The test is intended to assess the effects of neurotoxicants on learning, memory, and behavioral performance.
2. Definitions
Behavioral toxicity: any adverse changein the functioning of the organism with respect toits environment in relation to exposure to a chemical substance Operant: a class of behavioral responses that change or operate on the environment in the same way Operant behavior: further distinguished as behavior that is modifiedby its consequences Operunt condition: the experimental procedure used to modify some class ofbehaviorby reinforcement or punishment Schedule of reinforcement: therelationbetweenbehavioralresponsesandthedelivery of reinforcers (e.g., food or water) Fixed ratio (FR) schedule: a fmed numberof responses to produce a reinforcer (e.g., FR30) Fixedinterval (FI) schedule: thefirstresponseafterafixedperiod oftimeis reinfonxd (e.g., FI 5 min)
3. Principle Animals are trained to perform under a schedule of reinforcement and measurements of their to the experimental operant behaviorare made. Testing substance is then administered according design (between groupsor within subjects) and the duration of exposure (acute and repeated). 4 . TestProcedures
RouteofAdntinistrution. Selectionofroute is based on themostlikelyroute ofhuman exposure,bioavailability, the likelihood of observingeffects,practicaldifficulties,andthe likelihood of producing nonspecific effects. Dietary feeding is generally acceptable for repeated exposure studies. Dose Levels 1. Acute studies: three doses
or other clearly toxic effects High dose: a dose that produces significant neurotoxic effects
(< Low dose: fraction ofa high dose that produces minimal effects (e.g., an EDlo) or no effects Middle dose: fraction of the high dose 2. Subchronic (and chronic) studies:three doses or other clearly toxic effects High dose: a dose that produces significant neurotoxic effects (< Wm. or Lowdose:fractionofthehighdosethatproducesminimaleffects(e.g.,anEDlo) no effects Middle dose: fraction of the high dose 3. Control groups A concurrent control groupor control session(s) are required. Positive control data that indicate the experimental proceduresare sensitive to substances known to affect operant behavior are also required.
Group Size. Six to 12 animals shall be exposed to each dose of the test substance or to the control pwedure. Study Conduct 1. Apparatus:automatedequipment 2. Chamber assignment: concurrent treatment group shall be balanced across chambers
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3. Schedule of food availability 4. Time, frequency, and duration of testing 5. Scheduleselection
5. Data Reporting and Evaluation Description of equipment and test methods Results Evaluation of data
F. PeripheralNerveFunction I . Purpose The guideline defines proceduresfar evaluating aspects of the neurophysiological functioning of peripheral nerves. It is intended to evaluate the effects of exposures on the velocity and amplitude of conduction of peripheral nerves. 2. Definition
Conduction velocity: the speed at which the compound nerve action potential traverses a nerve Amplitude: the voltage excursion recorded during the process of recording the compound nerve action potential (an indirect measure of the number of axons firing).
3. Principle The peripheral nerve conduction velocity and amplitude m assessed by electrophysiological techniques in experimental and control animals. 4 . Test Procedures Species. Young male and/or female rats (at least60 f 15 days) are generally the selection. Route of Administration. Selectioncriteria are thesame as thosecitedunderSec. E on schedule-controlled operant behavior. Dose b e l s 1. Acute studies: three doses 2. Subchronic (and chronic) studies: three doses
The criteria for selection of doses are the same as those listed under Sec. E on schedulecontrolled operant behavior. 3. Controlgroups Concurrent controlp u p . Positive control data shall also be provided.
Group Size. Wenty animals per dose levelor controls are required. Study Conduct 1. Choice of nerve@: both sensory and motor nerve mons: either a hind limb(e.g., tibial) or tail (e.g., ventral caudal) nerve. 2. hparation for in vivo testing. 3. Monitoring both core and nerve temperature. 4. Testing shall be conducted on motor nerve andsensory nerve.
Neurotoxicity Testing
5. Data Collection, Reporting,and Evaluatwn
Description of equipment and test methods Results Evaluation of data
IV. FUTUREPERSPECTIVES As listed in the previous section, testing procedures are available for use in assessment of neurotoxicity of chemicals. These procedures encompass behavioral, functional, biochemical, pathological, and electrophysiological endpoints. However, neurotoxicants do not usually produce single specific endpoints; multiple systems are more likely to be involved. Therefore, neurotoxicity-testing procedures used to assess acute toxicity, subacute toxicity, and chronic toxicity of agivenpotentialneurotoxicantshouldbeabletoevaluatechemicallyinduced deurotoxicity as specificallyas possible. Future perspectives on the importance of elucidating the mechanisms by which neurotoxic chemicals exert their effects on the nervous systems should be emphasized. Information obtained from such investigations can lead to the development of sensitive,reliable,andsimpledetectingmethods, (e.g.,in vitrotesting)forthepotential neurotoxicants.Theproblemsassociatedwithchemical*hemicalinteractions,whichmay exaggerate or potentiate neurotoxicity, and the potential hazards induced by low-dose chronic exposure should alsobe addressed. For developing a better neurotoxicity testing battery, several points listed in the following deserve serious attention to develop more specific-testing procedures for reliably detecting neurotoxicity induced by neurotoxicants.
A. lnvestigertions on the MechaniSmS of Action of Nburotoxic Chemicals
As noticed from the previous section, the available guidelines for neurotoxicity testing have heavilyreliedontheexistingknowledge of organophosphoruscompounds.Thisclass of compounds has been extensively studied and their mechanism of action has been demonstrated. are not yet available. For However, the mechanismsof action of the majority of neurotoxicants instance, mechanisms of action of some widely used insecticides (e.g., cyclodienes, hexachloroare largely unknown. Use ofthe guidelines cyclohexanes, lindane, toxaphene, and pyrethroids) developed from organophosphorus compounds would not allow reliable detection of neure toxicity inducedby these chemicals. Evidence has accumulated suggesting that these insecticides as aligand, may alsoinhibitotherneurotransmittersystems.With[3H]dihydmpicrotoxinin Leeb-LundbergandOlsen(1980)reportedthatcyanophenoxybenzyl pyrethids (type 2) interacted with convulsant binding sites of GABAA, receptor complex of rat brain synaptosomes. Studies of 37 pyrethroids by Lawrence and Casida (1983) indicated a correlation between inhibition of [35S]TBPSbinding to rat brain synaptic membranes and intracerebral neurotoxicity in the mouse. Their studies revealed that all toxic cyano compounds, but not their nontoxic stereoisomers, are [35S]TBPS-bmdmg inhibitors;cis-isomersweremorepotentthantrans(type1) are much less isomers as both neurotoxicants and inhibitors: and noncyano pyrethroids potent or are inactive. Further evidence hasalso indicated thatthe pyrethroid-binding sitemay be closely related to the convulsant benzodiazepine siteof action (Lawrence et al., 1985). These studies showed that the most toxic type2 pyrethroids are the most potent inhibitors of the specific bindingof [3H]R0 5-4864, a convulsant benzodiazepine ligand, to rat brain membranes. Additional studies ontheeffects of pyrethoridsonGABA-inducedchlorideinfluxintomousebrainvesicles
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(Bloomquist et al., 1986) and rat brain microsacs (Abalis et al., 1986) further support the notion that type 2 pyrethroids interact with GABAA receptors. Other insecticides (e.g., cyclodienes, hexachlorocyclohexane, toxaphene, and avermectin) have been suggested to act at GABAA receptorsas well. Lawnnce and Casida (1984) demonstratedthatthreemajorchlorinatedhydrocarboninsecticides (lindanehexachlorocyclohexane,toxapheneand aldWdieldrin) are potent,competitive,andstereospecificinhibitors of [35S]TBPSbinding to fresh rat brain synaptic membranes. Toxicity in the mouse has also been shown to be closely related to the potency for inhibition of TBPS binding (Lawrence and Casida, 19W, Abalis et al., 1985) or GABA-induced 36Cl-flux (Abalis et al.,1986; Ogata et al.,1988). Therefore, investigation on the mechanisms of action of neurotoxicants is essential for the future development of more specific-testing methods.
B. Investigations on Multiple Systems Involved in the Actionof Neurotoxic Chemicals
Because of the complex interconnections of the nervous systems, multiple systems are more likelyaffectedbyneurotoxicchemicals.Forinstance,thetoxicitiesoforganophosphorus of acetylcholinesterase, thereby cholinesterase inhibitorsarc due to their irreversible inactivation producing long-lasting inhibitory activity. Organophosphorus cholinesterase inhibitors exhibit behavioral, neurological, and biochemical effects in both animals and humans. On long-term exposure, these compounds are known to induce neurotoxic effects. However, tolerance also develops to the behavioral effects of these agents, and evidence suggests that this may result from subsensitivity to acetylcholine. It is not yet well established whether all of the toxic symptoms are due to the alterations of cholinergic function, or if other neurochemical changes mightalso be intimatelyinvolved.Recentevidenceavailablehasstronglyindicatedthat noncholinergicsystems(e.g.,biogenicamines,glutamicacid,y-aminobutyric acid,cyclic in theinitiation,continuation,and nucleotides, or others) may also playimportantroles disappearance of organophosphoruscholinesteraseinhibitor-inducedneurotoxicity.Karand Martin (1972) suggested that paraoxon convulsions are related to GABA levels in the CNS. Certain organophosphorus compounds cause convulsions and death, butdo not inhibit AChE (Bellet and Casida, 1973) and are believed to produce their effects by altering central GABA function (Bowery et al., 1976). The study of diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP, Sivam et al., 1983) revealed that the numbers of both GABA and dopamine @A) receptors were significantly increased after acute treatment, but the increases were less prominent after chronic treatment. The evidence, therefore, seems to indicate that the GABAA and DA the receptor activationmay play a partin the acute effects of organophosphorus compounds. Evidence available also shows that not only GABAA receptor density, DA butreceptor also density was increased after a single injection of DFP (Sivam et al., 1983). It has also been reported that DA levels are increased after acute DFP treatment (Glisson et al., 1974). On the other hand, mipafox decreased DA levels after chronic administration (Freed et al., 1976). The increased motor activity of parkinsonism is dueto an imbalance of cholinergic and dopaminergic activityinthebasalganglia(i.e.,increasedcholinergicactivityowingtoDAdeficiency; Helbronn and Bartfai, 1978; Weiss et al., 1976). It has been reported that striatal DA has an inhibitory effect on striatal neurons (Kmjevic and phillis, 1963) and also reduces the spontaneous and cholinergic neuronal firing in the striatum (McGeer et al., 1975). It has been suggested that dopaminergic (inhibitory) and cholinergic (excitatory) mechanisms interact in a delicate way to maintain the normal functionof striatum (Anden et al.,1966). The striatal increasesin GABAA and DA receptor densities observed after acute treatments with DFP returned gradually to cont levels after cessationof treatment. Thus, the neurochemical imbalance produced as a result of
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acute inhibition of AChE may be partially counteracted by an acute increase in dopaminergic activity supportedby an increase in GABAergic activity. These studies indicate an involvement of ACh, DA, and GABAreceptors in the effectsof organophosphorus cholinesterase inhibitors. It is suggested that the GABA and DA systems, by organosingularly or in combination, counteract the enhanced cholinergic activity induced phosphorus compounds. Almost all of the neurotoxins one encounters elicit toxicity that involves interactions of multiple complex systems. It is, therefore, important to focus more attention on interactions of neuronal systems by using multidisciplinary approaches.
C. Alteration in Susceptibility After Repeated Exposure to Neurotoxic Chemicals The nervous system changes its sensitivity to certain neurotoxic chemicals after being exposed to aneurotoxicant. For example,paraoxoneand DFP are extremelypotentinhibitors of acetylcholinesterase, with rapid enzyme-aging action (Holmstedt, 1959; Coult al., 1966). et They cause CNS cholinergic overstimulation, which includes tremors, convulsions, chewing movements, and hmd-limb abduction (Fernandoet al., 1984,1985a). These effects usually disappear these agents, whereas the acetylcholinesterase activity within a few hours after a single dose of recovers from inhibition gradually over days (Fernando et al., 1985a). Muscarinic receptor antagonists,such as atropine,effectivelyblockthecholinergicneurotoxicityproduced by anticholinesterase agents, DFP being a common example (Fernando et al., 1985a). On the other of DFP, a hand,ifanantimuscarinicagentisgivenseveralhoursaftertheadministration characteristic form of hyperactivity results (Fernando et al., 1985b).It appears that after repeated of asubjectcould be exposuretoneurotoxicchemicals,thevulnerability(susceptibility) significantly modified.
D. Investigation on Drug Interactions, ChemicaCDrug, or Chemical-Chemical Interactions Toxicities are often seen when different drugsare taken together. Adverse reactionsor additive or synergistic toxicity owingto drug-drug, drug-chemical, or chemical-chemical interactions should be important areas of future research, since these are realities that occur daily. However, the knowledge of drugs or of chemical interactions is limited. For example, consumption of alcoholic beverages, suchas wine, beer, or liquor, is consideredto be one of social functions.If one takes certain medications, such as sedative-hypnotics, opioid analgesics, antianxiety agents, of these drugs will be potentiated antipsychotics, antidepressants,or anticonvulsants, the actions or toxicity by alcohol. Furthermore, since alcoholis a potent CNS depressant, adverse reactions from some substances (which would not be obvious under usual situations), couldbe significantlyincreasedin a person who is under the influence of alcohol. These examples alone demonstmte that it is necessary to emphasize the importance of drug-chemical interactions in modem neurotoxicology evaluation.
E. Development of In Vitro System for Neurotoxicity Testing As mentioned underthe earlier Sec. IILA, when the mechanism of action of a specific class of neurotoxicants is well understood, an in vitro system, which is effective, rapid, and relatively inexpensive, can be developed for neurotoxicity testing. For example, the acetylcholinesterase assay procedure has beenused to screen organophosphateand carbamate analogues. TheNTE assay has been used to detect possible OPIDN caused by agents similarto TOCP. Potential in
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vitro systems at molecular levels and target organs should be emphasized for the development of preliminary neurotoxicity testing. In the past20 years, significant progress has been made in the development ofin vitro procedures for research in neuroscience. For example, heavy metals produce their primarytoxic effects on the nervoussystem (Aschner and Kimelberg,1991). Cell culture techniques, which are relatively simple and yeteasy to control, and in which experimental variables canbe manipulated, are feasible foruse as an in vitro model system for the initial step in developing neurotoxicity testing. For more information on neurotoxicity testing, see Chang and Slikker(1995).
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13 lmmunotoxicity Testing Kathleen Rodgers
University of Southern California Los Angeles, California
1. BACKGROUND A. Function of the Immune System Immunotoxicology is a subdisciplinein toxicology that examines the effectsof xenobiotics on the immune system(NRC, 1992; Smialowicz and Holsapple, in press).As reviewed in Chapter 6, this system confers resistance of the host to infection by bacteria, viruses, and parasites; functions in the rejection of allografts; and may eliminatespontaneouslyoccurring tumors (Mims, 1982). Proper function of the immune system is exquisitely sensitive to disruptions in physiological homeostasis (Folch and Waksman, 1974; Heiss and Palmer, 1978; Jose and Good, 1973; Monjan and Collector, 1977; Purtilo et al., 1972). Theimmuneresponse is highly regulated; however, there is a great deal of duplication in the immune system,in that different mechanisms may be used to eliminate a foreign antigen. Themfore,a toxicant may affect one facet of the host defense against an infective agent without altering the ability of the host to survive challengeby another such agent.
B. Overview of lmmunotoxicology Several recent reviews have surveyed the effects of various xenobiotics on the immune system (Smialowicz and Holsapple, in press; Dean et al., in press). The classes andtypes of chemicals found to be immunotoxic ate too extensiveto be reviewed in this chapter. However, pesticides are one classof compound thatis immunotoxic. A summary of the pesticides that have an effect on theimmune system canbe found in Table1 (reviewed in Rodgers, in press). The strengthof evidence for the abilityof these chemicalsto affect the immune systemis widely varied, from one study showing a small change after in vitro exposure, to well-characterized effectson an immune response with an attempt to define the mechanism of action of the chemical. Each study and the body of evidence for the immunotoxic potential for a compound should be analyzed 203
Table 1 Pesticides That Affect the Immune System Organochlorine pesticides Chlordane Dichlorodiphenyltrichloruethane(DDT) Dieldrin Heptachlor Lindane Mirex Toxaphene Organophosphate pesticides Carbophenothion Crufomate Demeton-o-methyl Dichlorovos Diisopropylethyl phosphate Dimethoate Malathion Methyl parathion Monocrotophos O,O,O-Trimethyl phosphomthioate 0,OS-Trimethyl phosphomthioate O,SS.-Trimethyl phosphorodithioate Parathion Soman Tetra"cresy1 piperazinyldiphosphoramidate aiphenyl phosphate Triphenyl phosphine oxide
Tris(2,3-dichloropmpyl)phospate Cmbamate Aldicarb h i n d Carbaryl Carbofuran Ethyl carbamate Methyl carbamate mthroid Allethrin Cypennethrin Deltamethrin Fenpropathrin Permethrin Herbicides Atrazin Diuron Mecoprop Propanil Source: Reviewed by and originally referencedin Rodgers
(Imrnunotoxicology of Pesticides).
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before extrapolation of the data to effects on human health. Factors that should be considered in such an analysis include the relevance of the dose administeredto human exposures,the route of administration, the siteof action of the chemical, and the level of immune alteration noted (Table 2). Only with such a detailed and careful analysis ofinfomation the can the relevanceof animal studiesto effects on human healthbe determined.
C. Generation of an Immune Response The generation of an immune response results in the formation of effector cells, either cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) or antibody-secreting plasma cells. The humoral response, which protects against bacterial and viral infections,is mediated by the collaboration of the macrophage, the regulatory T lymphocyte, and theB lymphocyte. Protein factors, called lymphokines, cytokines, or interleukins, are released from all three cell types and provide signals for lymphocyte and 1983). The plasma cell macrophage differentiation and interaction (Oppenheim and Cohen, generated by this responseis a terminally differentiatedB lymphocyte that secretes an antibody monospecific for the antigen that stimulated the immune response. These antibodies mediate the clearance of antigen by several mechanisms. The cell-mediated immune response eliminates cells that do not express the normal self-ahtigens (virally infected cells, neoplastic cells, or tissue allografts). This response results from the interaction between macrophages, regulatory T lymphocytes, and precursors of C T L . The CTL eliminates the antigen through direct cell-cell of the cell bearing the antigen. contact and subsequent lysis
Many defenses against incoming antigens do not require a time lag or previous exposureto the antigen to be effective (We& and Goldstein, 1987). Mononuclear phagocytes, polymorphonuclearneutrophils (FMN), andnaturalkillercellsareeffectorcellsinthemediation of nonspecific immunity. Natural killer cells, through a mechanism similar to, but not identical with, lysis byC T L , lyse tumorcells that express proteins which render them sensitive to natural
Table 2 Considerations for Immunotoxicity Testing ~
Examination of nontoxic dose To eliminate complications of other toxic effects To reduce the influenceof stress Selection of species Metabolism Manipulation of the system Comparability with human immuneresponse Ability to be included in standardtoxicity screen Usually examine basal immunity Qpically least sensitiveto modulation Considerations for use of in vim exposure Influence of metabolism Pharmacokinetics Indirect effects on immune system Relevance of concentration toin vivo exposure
killer cells. The PMNs are effective in the elimination of invading bacteria through the release of cytocidalfactors.Macrophages are importantinprotectingthehostagainst tumors and intracellular parasites, The functionof the macrophage and PMN is multifaceted, in that they can remove particulate matter through phagocytosis, generate oxygen radicals through a respiratory burst, and secrete many inflammatory mediators and proteases. The macrophage is also key in the generation of a specific immune response and is involved in several other systems, including inflammatory response, coagulation, and wound healing. Other aspectsof nonspecific immunity include the banier between the body and the outside the world that is provided by the skin and gut. These initial defenses are very important in maintenance of physiological well-being, and many possible antigens are eliminated before the generation of a specific immune response by these systems.
II. CONSEQUENCES OF IMMUNE MODULATION A. ImmuneEnhancement Normally, the protection of the host against infection and neoplastic disease is accomplished intheabsenceofextensivedestruction of the sumunding tissues,owingtotolerance of self-antigens through mechanisms not currently understood. However, a number of diseases involve hypersensitivity of the immune system to either foreign (e.g., allergy) or self (autoimmunity) antigens. Allergic responses occur in response to numemus environmental antigens, including ragweedand domesticated animals (Terr, 1987). Allergy is the resultof the formation of allergen-specific IgE antibodies, which bind to mast cellsor basophils and leadto degranulation of these cells on subsequent exposure to antigen, and allergen-specific T-cell activation. Autoimmune diseases include juvenile diabetes (which may result from a viral infection of the pancreatic islet cells and their subsequent destruction), penicillin-induced hemolytic anemia, and myasthenia gravis (which is the result of the formation of antibodies to receptors for acetylcholine) (Theofilopoulos,1987). The etiology of autoimmune diseaseis complex, multifaceted, and not yet well understood.
B. ImmuneSuppression The study of human immunodeficiency disease syndromes reveals a clear association between thesuppression or absence of animmunologicalfunctionandanincreasedincidenceof 1987). Immunosuppressiveagentsareused in infectiousorneoplasticdiseases(Ammann, treating autoimmune disease and as adjunctive therapy in organ transplantation procedures to prevent rejection of the donor tissue. Studies in this area provide information on the clinical effects of chronic, low-level immunosuppression. These types of therapies have resulted in an increase in the incidence of parasitic, viral, fungal, and bacterial infections. There is a wellestablished association between the therapeutic use of chemical immunosuppressive agents and 1985). an increased incidence of infections and neoplastic diseases in humans (Penn, The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS) provides another exampleof the consequences of immunosuppression, in which the loss of immune responsiveness is associated with an increased incidence of disease, most notably from Pneumocystis carinii and other opportunistic pathogens, and the development of Kaposi’s sarcoma, a rare formof cancer.
111. CONSIDERATIONS IN SCREENING FOR IMMUNOTOXICITY As stated, the immune system is designed to respond to influences from the external environment and to defend the host from the invading antigens, As a result, the function of the immune system
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is very susceptibleto alterations in the physiology of the host. For example, stress and pregnancy will substantially alter the ability of an animal to generate an immune response to antigen (Monjan and Collector, 1977; Purtilo et al., 1972). Therefore, care should be taken to design experiments that will minimize alterations in the physiological homeostasis of the laboratory (i.e., the immune system animal (see Table 2). This distinguishes the direct immunotoxic effects is the most sensitive target for the compound) from alterations in immune function owing to as a resultof indirect toxicity. This does not mean, however, that alterations in immune function effects m not important to acknowledge and determine.
A. Examination of Nontoxic Doses To reduce the contribution stress, of or the release of corticosteroids in response to tissue damage by the compound, when examining the effectsanofagent on the immune system, initial studies should be conducted at nontoxic doses,as measured by the most sensitive parameter to assess red blood cell acetylcholinesterase is currently thought to be toxicity. For example, inhibition of a sensitive indicator of organophosphate toxicity. Therefore, studiesof the immunotoxicity of organophosphate compounds should be conducted at doses that do not inhibit theofactivity the blood enzyme (i.e., noncholinergic doses) (Rodgers and Ellefson, 1992).
B. Selection of Species The mouse is the species most often used in the assessment of the immunotoxic effects of a chemical. However, the effects of a chemical on the immune system may vary from species to may be due to differences in the pharmacokineticsof the species. The differences among species compound or to those within the immune system. These differences should be acknowledged and compensated. For example, if possible, studies shouldbe conducted on an animal species for which the metabolic capability is similar to humans. In addition, if the immune response under consideration differs from species to species, theofsite action should be determined.For example, the numberof mast cells or basophils in a given organ varies from animal to animal. This identificationof the siteof action allows a further understanding of the effects a compound may haveon the human immune system and indicates potential differences between animals and humans. That is, if the site of action of a compound can be determined and the importance of the analogous site to the function of the human immune! system can be established, then the risk to human health by exposure to a given chemical ability of the animal model to predict the can be morefully evaluated. Recent studies on the immune system of fish and other nonmammalian species of interest in ecotoxicological studies indicate that similar types of immune responses can be examined in these species (Zelikoff,in press).
C. Inclusion in Standard Toxicology Screen
Pathological evaluation canbe a useful immunotoxicological assessment because it can be incorporated into the standard toxicological assessment of new chemicals (Vos. 1980). Therefm, it would not be necessary touse more animals than those required in the standard toxicological bioassay. Immunopathological evaluation includes assessment of hematological values, as well as weight, histopathology, and the cellularity of lymphoid organs (Kuper et al., in press). However, as will later be discussed further, immunopathological analysis is not a sensitive parameter and does not measure an immune function. Additional models are being generated to minimize the number of animals that would be added to a toxicological study to assess the effect of a compound on immune function. Exon and others (1986) have developed a system in the rat
that allows the assessment of several immune parameters simultaneously after in vivo immuni tion. Alternatively, the animals couldbe treated with the compound in vivo, to allow consideration of the pharmacodynamics of the compound in immunotoxicological testing, followed by in vitro stimulationof the immune response, thereby allowing assessment of several parameters simultaneously (Rodgers et al., 1986). However, in vitro stimulation of the immune response may not allow the detection of the immunotoxic potential of compounds that act at a site present only in the activated macrophage or lymphocyte or through an indirect mechanism.
D. Considerations for In Vlro Testing Although assessmentof immune functionafter in vivo administrationof a compoundis optimal for several reasons,in vitro exposure to a chemicalis often used in immunotoxicology. Several factors shouldbe considered when in vitro exposureis used. These factors include the influence (1) ofmetabolism on the immunotoxicological potential of the compound; (2) of crossing physiologicalbarriersontheconcentration of the compound at thetargetsite; (3) of the endocrine or nervous system on the immune system; and (4) of culture conditions (i.e., concentration of a stimulant, serum type, concentrationof the compound, and so on) on the immunotoxic potentialof the compound.For example, it is possible to achieve very high concentrations be of the chemical in the culture and, thereby, produce immunotoxic effects that would not observed after in vivo administration. This route of exposure is very useful in that it would measure a direct effectof the chemical on the immunocyte. In addition, the number of animals and subsequently the cost of the experiments is reduced because multiple chemicals can be examined using the cells from a single animal.
IV. GENERAL TESTS OF IMMUNE STATUS: BASAL In the followingtwo sections, several techniquesto study immune functionare mentioned. The specific methodology for most of these immune function parameters can be found in a recent book entitled Modern Methods inImmunotoxicology,edited byDrs. G. R. Burleson, J. H. Dean, and A.E. Munson. The statusof the basal, unstimulated immune systemtheiseasiest to assess during standard of the structure and cellularity of toxicological analysis(MC, 1992). This includes examination lymphoid organs, the basal levels of immunoglobulins circulating in the peripheral blood, and analysis of the numbers and types of specific immunocyte populationsin lymphoid organs by flow cytometric analysis (Kuper et al., in press; Comacoff et al., in press). However, these measures of immunity are quite insensitive to modulation by environmental toxicants, because the cells and immunoglobulins have long half-lives, and it may require overt cytotoxicity or alterations in the patterns of immunocyte homing to cause a measurable effect. The level of immunoglobulins and the numberof cells of a given subpopulation would be a more sensitive measure of immunotoxicity,if these parameters were assessed after administrationanofantigen or immunostimulant.However,thiswouldprecludetheincorporationofthesestudiesinto toxicological examinationsas they are currently designed. As discussed earlier, immunopathological examination of the immune system includes the organs. assessment of hematological parameters and histopathological examination of lymphoid The hematological parameters that would indicate alterations in the immune system include the lymphocytes, PMNs, basophils, eosinophils, and monocytes. The lymphoid organs that should be examined are the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, bone m m w , and peripheml.blood. Flow cytometric analysisof the subpopulationsof cells of the immune system involves the use of reagents called monoclonal antibodies (labeled with fluorescein to allow detection), which
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recognize proteins specific for certain populations(e.g., CD4, a protein expressed by T cells and macrophages; CD3, a protein associated with the T-cell receptor and expressed on T cells, and others), in various combinations to allow the identificationof these populations (Comacoffet al.,inpress).Byusingsophisticatedequipmentthat is readilyavailablein many clinical be quantilaboratories-the flow cytometer4he number of cells expressing these markers can tated. The usefulnessof this parameter to detect immunotoxicity may increase ifit is assessed following stimulation of the immune system. After stimulation of the immune system, new cells infiltrate into the organ in question, and the cells present before stimulation may change the proteins expressed on the cell surface. Interference with this process by a chemical would be immunotoxicity and should be more sensitive to modulation than at basal levels.
V. SPECIFIC TESTS OF IMMUNE ENHANCEMENT Hypersensitivityreactions are themostcommon type of immunotoxicityassociatedwith chemical exposure (Trizio et al., 1988). Hypersensitivity responses and susceptibility to autoimmune diseaseare strongly influenced by genetics and variations in the neurological-hormonal of balance. Animal models are under development to detect and elucidate the mechanisms hypersensitivityreactionsmediated by chemicals (Kmber, inpress;Stern,inpress;Karol, in press; Sarlo and Clark, in press). However, significant differences in the immunological andinflammatoryresponsesbetweenvariouslaboratoryanimalshavemadeitdifficultto interpret data obtained. The guinea pig is commonly used to evaluate asthmatic and contact sensitivity responses to chemicals (Buehler, in press). The techniques using this species have been refined and validated as sensitive indicators of pulmonary and dermal hypersensitivity, and they show promise as predictors of these disorders in humans (Karol, in press; Buehler, in press). Hypersensitivity reactions are divided into several categories that differ in the kinetics of expression, the cells involved in the generation, and the adverse effects that occur as a result of the response.
A. Immunoglobulin E- and Immunoglobulin G-Mediated Immediate Reactions One categoryof hypersensitivity is immediate hypersensitivity. An immediate hypersensitivity response usuallycan be identifed in routine toxicological studies. Daily exposure of animals to a chemical providesan opportunity to induce an immune response and allows adverse effects to be identified. The guinea pigis considered a sensitive animal for hypersensitivity reactions, of as evidenced by erythema, edema, urticaria, pulmonary distress, and other clinical signs anaphylactic shock thatar8 indicators of the hypersensitivity reaction.
B. ContactHypersensitivity The contact hypersensitivity response, another category of hypersensitivity reaction, is mediated by T cells (i.e., is cell-mediated and transferable with T cells) and is classically demonstrated hr. Many skin sensitization procedures 2 4 4 8 hr after challenge. The response decreases 48 after are available andare commonly usedto detect this reaction. The following assays (many using the guinea pig) are used to measure this reaction: Buehler test, open epicutaneous test, guinea pigmaximizationtest, Draize test,optimizationtest,Freund'scompleteadjuvanttest,split adjuvant technique, and mouse ear swelling test (Buehler, in press; Gad, in press). The reactions are complex and require the interaction ofmany cell types and cytokines during both the sensitization and elicitation phases. These tests differ in the ability of the chemical to penetrate into the skin and in the use of various adjuvants to amplify the immunological response that
occurs. A number of parameters are teste.d in these models fromgross examination of the area of treatment, to assessment of cell and protein infiltration using radiolabeled reagents.
C. Autoimmunity Autoimmune disease occurs when the tolerance of the immunesysem to the host is broken. This breakdown of immune tolerance results desmction in of the person’s own tissues. Autoimmune diseasehasbeenassociatedwithexposure to xenobiotics ( M C , 1992). Thesymptoms of autoimmunity manifest after exposure to the chemical and go into remission after removal from exposure. However, thereare very few models of autoimmunity currently used in the assessment of the immunotoxicological potential of a chemical (Rose and Bhatia, in press). Since the etiologyofthediseasesiscomplex,geneticpredispositionorconcurrentexposuretoselfantigens may interact with the chemical to produce autoimmune disease. There are strains of animalsthat are geneticallypredisposed to developvariousautoimmunediseases,suchas autoimmune diabetes and systemic lupus erythematosus. Autoimmunity can also be induced by injection of autoantigens and an appropriate adjuvant into these animals. However, chemically induced autoimmunity is also possible. Some of the xenobiotics that were shown to cause autoimmune disease in humans were studied in animals with variable results. These studies,for the most part, were conducted in animals not prone to autoimmune disease. Parameters that were examined in these animals include the generation of glomerulonephritis, antinuclear antibodies, anti-DNA antibodies, and glucose and protein in urine.
VI. SPECIFIC TESTS OF IMMUNE SUPPRESSION A.HumoralImmunity The humoral immune response results the in production of antibodies by differentiated B cells. be of use in the assessmentof Although the studies of basal immunity, discussed earlier, would thestatus of thehumoralimmunity,adetermination of immunefunctionshouldalso be conducted. Because of the complexity of this response (see foregoing), the ability of immunocytes to generate a primary immune response is a sensitive indicator of immune dysfunction caused by immunotoxicants. be generated after either in vivo or in vitro immunization. A humoral immune response can Sevekl types of antigens can be used to generate a humoral immune response, with varying degrees of regulatory T-lymphocyte involvement, After in vivo immunization, the response can be measured either by quantitation of the serum antibody titer to the antigen (measured by immunoassayorhemagglutination), or by countingthecellsthatproduceantigen-specific press;inExon antibodies (through determining the number of plaque-forming cells) (Holsapple, and Talcott, in press). The humoral immune response can also be assessed by the ability of immunocytes to proliferate in responseto a mitogen, suchas lipopolysaccharide.
B. Cellular Immunity A cellular immune response results in the generation of effector cells that phagocytose or lyse invading antigens. Two assay systems are used to measure the effect of environmental toxicants on the in vivo generationof a cell-mediated immune response. Oneis the generation of adelayed-typehypersensitivityresponsetoantigens,such as keyholelimpethemocyanin. This response is measured by the area of induration formed, the ability of radiolabeled monocytes to migrate and become macrophages, or the amount of radiolabeled albumin that infil-
tnununotoxicity Testing
trates the area, all as a resultof antigen challenge.The second parameter that canbe measured
or in vitro exposure to antigen is the generation of CTL to alloantigen (House after either in vivo and Thomas, in press), The levelof response is assessed by the ability of immunized cells to lyse target cells that have the same major histocompatibility locus as that of the immunizing antigen. Both of these assay systems involve complex interactions of many cell types and cytokines (House, in press). The mixed leukocyte response(MLR) is also a measure of the cellular arm of the immune system (Smialowicz, in press). It assesses the ability of the lymphocytes to proliferate in response to alloantigen. Although MLR does not measure the ability of the effector cells to eliminate antigen, it is sensitive to perturbation by chemicals known to affect cellular immunity and is generally m m sensitive to changes than the proliferative response to mitogens, which cause polyclonal activation of lymphocytes. The mitogens usedto stimulate the proliferation of T cells are the plant lectins phytohemagglutinin and concanavalin A.
C. NonspecificImmunity The immune system is able to eliminate antigen before the generation of specific immune responses through nonspecific mechanisms. Natural killer cells can lyse tumor cells that are sensitive to them at the time of initial exposure (i.e., time to generate a specific immune response is unnecessary; Djeu, in press). Macrophages andPMNs also participate in the first-line of defense against foreign invaders. Standard assays for nonspecific leukocyte function include quantitation of peritoneal macrophage and PMN number (basal and in responseto in vivo stimuli) and quantitation of macrophage phagocytosis (basal and stimulated; Becker, in press; Neldon et al., in press). Currently, standardized assays to measure the function of PMN are lacking, but someare under develop ment,such as phagocytosisandbactericidalactivity.Additionalestimates ofmacrophage function that can be measuredand are sensitive to modulation by environmental toxicants include quantitation of ectoenzymes, bactericidal activity, tumoricidal activity, modulationof cellsurfacemarkers,therespiratoryburstactivity,nitricoxideformation,thesecretion of inflammatory mediators and cytokines, and the presentation of antigento immuneT cells (Lewis, b; Dietert et al., in press; Qureshi and Dietert, in press). These assays in press; Rodgers, in press, are useful in determining the site of action of various environmental toxicants on the macrophage and the generationof immune responses.
D. Bone Marrow The reservoir of stem cells that replenish erythroid, myeloid, and lymphoid cells is found in the bone marrow. This replenishment is necessary following systemic depletion of lymphocytes, granulocytes, macrophages,or red blood cells by chemical destruction or natural attrition. In addition, the bone marrow can supply additional immunocytes, as needed, to fight infection. Because this organ contains many highly proliferating cells, it is sensitive to toxic agents that modulate cellular proliferation. Therefore, a change in the cellularity of the bone marrow could be a useful indicator of a general toxicity,or may lead to immunotoxic effects in circumstances for which it is necessary to call on the reserveof the bone marrow. ' M O assays currently used are (1) determinationof the number ofcells to assess the effects of toxicants on the bone marrow units; CFU-S) and that form colonies in the spleen after intravenous injection (colony-forming (2) determination of the number of cells that form granulocyte-monocyte colonies in vitro in response to necessary nutrients (Cm-GM) @eldar et al., in press).
VII. HOSTRESISTANCE There are many models of host resistance currently usedto assess the integrityof the immune system after exposureto toxicants (Bradley, in press). These assays are expensive to conduct, require special housing to isolate infected animals, and require special facilities to grow the tests pathogens.Mostcontractlaboratoriesthatconductimmunotoxicitytestinghavesuch available, but these models are not generally feasible for individual investigators to undertake. Because of the expense and the insensitive (but definitely clinically relevant) endpoint currently be used to screen the immunotoxic potential of a used in these assays, these models should not chemical. However, once an alteration in one area of immune function is noted, the appropriate model (asdiscussed later) couldbe used to determine the effectof the toxicant on the integrated immune systemto respond to an invader (Lusteret al., 1988). The ability of the body to resist infection by some pathogens is mediated by the humoral immune response. A decrease in the resistance of mice to influenza virus is associated with suppression of the number of plaque-forming cells (measure of humoral immunity) and in the mitogenic responsesof B cells. The productionof antibodies that opsonize (coat bacteria with antibodies to allow more efficient ingestionby phagocytes) and fix complement and the levels of complementare involved in the elimination of streptococcal infection. In addition, a decrease PZusmodium in humoral immune responses results in increased parasitemia after infection with yoelli (the parasite that causes malaria in mice). been associated with increased susceptibilAlterations in cell-mediated immunity have also ity to disease. A change in the abilityof the host to resist influenza virus, herpes simplex virus, Listeria monocytogenes (anobligate intracellular microbe), and Plasmodium yoelli infections, and to eliminate the tumor PYB6 was correlated with alterations in MLR. Changes in T-cell responses to mitogen and cell-mediated responses are correlated with the ability of the mouse to eliminate Listeria monocytogenes,herpes simplex virus, PYB6 tumor, and Plasmodium yoelli.
Methods for testing the immune function in human populations have been adopted from clinica immunology (NRC,1992). In this setting, an unusual susceptibility to infections is characteristic of a defect in immunity, whether primary or secondary. In addition, as reviewed in Chapter 6, immune hypersensitivity or autoimmune disease can result from overactivity of the immune system.Asystemicapproachtotheevaluationofimmunocompetence is based on simple screening procedures, followedby appropriate specialized testsof immune function. Currently, the tests are not sensitive enough to detect modest immunodeficiency caused by toxic agents. This is because a wide range of responses in normal individuals resulting from day-to-day and person-to-person variability in these responses. The testing methods to assess immune function are reviewed in Reese and Betts(1991). Aloisi (1988), and the parameters in human populations NRC publication of Biologic Markers in Immunoroxicology (1992). The tier-testing regimen outlined in the NRC publication involves a series of currently recommended assays. The first tier presents a series of simple tests that can be done on all individuals to screen for immunodeficiency. The fractionof the population that is foundto be outside the normal range in and 3in this scheme. Currently available the first tier would undergo the testing outlined in 2tiers tests examine the abilityof the immune systemto respond to secondary recall antigens (antigens previously exposed to during childhood vaccinations or normal illnesses). Because this secondaryrecallresponseislesssensitivetomodulationthanaprimaryimmuneresponse,it is recommended that antigensbe developed that could be given to test a primary immune response
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(i.e., the human population has not been previously exposed to the antigen) to which andit would be safe to expose the general population. Currently, keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)is one suchantigenunderconsideration.However,itisnecessarytodevelopadditional primary antigens for evaluation of the immune system in longitudinal studies.
IX. IMMUNOTOXlCrrY TESTING IN RISK ASSESSMENT The placeof immunotoxicity testing in the assessment of the of anrisk adverse effect in response are establishing guidelines for the to a chemicalis currently under development, Many agencies use of immunotoxicity testing in the regulation of chemicals. In some instances, the effectsof a the immune system is the organ chemical on the immune system is relatively well-defined and U. S. Environmental most sensitive to the effects of the chemical. In a few instances, the from immunotoxicity testing Protection Agency (USEPA) has chosento use these data obtained to establish regulatory guidelines. Attemptshavebeenmadein the scientific community to determine (1) whichtestsof immunefunctioncandetectchemicalsthathaveimmunotoxicpotentialwiththegreatest reliability, and (2) what level of immune suppression is correlated with an increase in the sensitivity to disease (Lusteret al., 1992; Luster et al., in press). The generationof a primary with regulatory humoral immune response to an antigen that requires the interactionB cell of the T lymphocytes was the most sensitive parameter to modulation by a chemical (i.e., the testing of this chatacteristic identified 78% of the immunotoxic chemicals). Various immune measurements, in conjunction with the generation of a primary immune response, were able to detect twothat greater than90% of the remaining immunosuppressive chemicals. These studies suggest or three testsof immune function, used together, could detect most immunosuppressive chemicals, regardlessof the mechanism of action. Additional studies showed that, contraryto what was thought previously, a slight suppressionofimmunefunctioncouldresultinan inckase in the susceptibility to disease if the population being examined was large enough. These studies indicate that immunotoxicity testing of a chemical is important and could be accomplished using relatively few assays. As always, however, the drawback to animal testing is the extrapolation of the data obtained from administrationof high doses of a single chemicalin laboratory animals to the assessment of the risk of the sameeffect occurring in humans after exposure to a low dose of the chemical in a complex environment, Studies in research laboratories that establish the mechanism by to modulate an immune response are useful in the risk assessment process, which a chemical acts Once a site of action is determined, the contribution of this site to the resistance of the host against disease or in the generation of a hypersensitivity reaction in the human and animal of the risk canbe reached. species canbe assessed, and a more reasonable determination In summary, althoughthe contributionof the field of immunotoxicity to risk assessment is still being established, inroads have been made into the definition of such a contribution.
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PARTIll BASIC ELEMENTSAND APPROACHES IN RISK ASSESSMENT Charles 0. Abernathy United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington,D.C.
Risk is the probability of an adverse effect occurring after exposure to an agent, whereas risk assessment is the process used to quantify that risk. According to the National Academy of Sciences paradigm, risk assessmentis a stepwise process consistingof a hazard identification, dose-response evaluation, and exposure assessment,all of which are then integrated into a final risk characterization. Risk assessment can be either qualitative or quantitative, depending on the database used to develop it. Currently,for human health risk assessments, emphasisis put on or population risk. using existingdata to quantitatively extrapolate to individual The underlying principles for risk assessmentare covered in this section. Although these of almost any activity (e.g., driving automobiles or accidents can be applied to assessing the risk in the home), this section will concentrate on environmental chemical risk assessments. Accordingly, the focus will primarily be on environmental agents and their relevant routesof human exposure (i.e., dermal, oral, and inhalation). In environmental toxicology, chemicals have been commonly separated intotwo classes; those with carcinogenic effects and those producing other types ofhealtheffects.AccordFor assessingly, risk assessmentof environmental chemicals has been generally dichotomous. ing noncarcinogenic effects of chemicals that occur after oral exposure, the U. S. Environmental ProtectionAgency(USEPA)uses aReference Dose (RfD) methodology(the RfD concept RfD is similartothat of theAcceptableDailyIntakeinboththeoryandpractice).The procedure is based on a “threshold” theory that assumes that a “range of exposures from zero to some finite amount can be toleratedby the organism with essentially no chance of expression of the toxiceffect” Recently, the “zero” part of the threshold assumption has been modifiedto accommodate the essential trace elements m s ) . With any ETE, a zero exposure can lead to deleterious effects (since an element essential to the well-being of the organism would be lacking) as well as an excessive exposure (which can lead to toxicity). However, the lower end within the range 21 7
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of essentiality does not obviate the presence of a finite upper bound threshold for the lack of toxic effects. In addition, the relative risks to specific subpopulations and new methods for dose-response modeling are being examined by theUSEPA. These aspects are covered in the chapter on noncancer risk assessment. For carcinogens, cancer slope factors are developed to express the carcinogenic potency of the chemicals. In general, agents that can cause cancer, either in experimental or humans, animals have been consideredas though thereis no thresholdfor cancer induction, In other words, it is assumed that there is no level of chemical exposure isthat “safe,” and any exposure poses some are data that demonstrate otherwise. The chapter on cancer risk risk to the organism, unless there assessment covers this subject from its historical aspects to current perspectives. In addition, it discusses many issues that are currently being debated during the revisionof USEPA’s cancer guidelines. Until the revisionis finalized, however, the1986 guidelines are still in effect. Calculation of a RfD, or a cancer slope factor, is only one of the first steps in the risk assessment process. This infomation must then be used in conjunction with various exposure the of exposure occumng scenarios thatare encountered in the environment. Depending ontypes or by ingesting of food to humans (e.g., exposure atochemical by ingestion of soil by children, or drinking water by a specific population), “real-life” risk assessments are performed. Such aspects are considered in the chapter on medium-specific and multimedium risk assessments. The final partof the risk assessment paradigm is risk characterization. This step describes the strengths and weaknesses of the database, integrates all the information considered, and gives a carefully weighed discussionof the conclusions presented in the preceding hazard identification, dose-response evaluation and exposure assessment. At times, little emphasis has been placed on this facet, and it has been neglected by some as playing an important role in risk assessment. However, this discussion is of paramount importance. Risk characterization summarizes and integrates the database on a chemical to provide an understanding of the overall qu of the risk assessment. This overall characterization is discussedin the chapters on cancer and noncancer risk assessment.
14 Cancer Risk Assessment: Historical Perspectives, Current Issues, and Future Directions* Susan F. Velazquez Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment Cincinnati, Ohio Rita Schoeny and Glenn E. Rice United States Environmental Protection Agency Cincinnati, Ohio Vincent J. Cogliano United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency Washington,D.C.
INTRODUCTION A. Historical Perspectives
In the simplest terms, cancer may be defined as a diseaseof unregulated growth. Although it is common to referto cancer as a distinct entity, in actuality, cancer encompasses a multitude of different diseases having different etiologies, varying manifestations, and different prognoses for treatment and cure. Cancer has been associated with the natural process of aging, but causal associations have also been inferred between the development of various cancers and diversetypes of exposures, including the following: radiation, biological agents (e.g., cytomegalovirus, schistosomial parasites), naturally occurring plant products (e.g., aflatoxins, cycasin), solid-state materials (e.g., asbestos), inorganics (e.g., nickel refinery dust), and organic materials (e.g., vinyl chloride). Many lifestyle and natural factors appear to modify the carcinogenic process, either providing protection from, or increasing the likelihood of, a neoplastic response. These include genetic predisposition or resistance,dietaryinfluences,immunocompetency,age,andendogenous on the risk assessment of chemical hormonal factors. The scope of this chapter will focus carcinogens, but will briefly consider numerous other factors that influence carcinogenesis. 1775 Chemical carcinogenesis was first reported in by Dr.Percival Pott, the English surgeon of materials who linked the occurrence of human scrotal cancer with exposures to the mixture (Pott, 1775). Nearly 150 years later this observation was extended to other found in chimney soot *The opinions in this manuscript BTC those of the authors and do not necessarily refledthe opinion or policies of the U.S.hvironmental ProtectionAgency.
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mammals.Yamagiwa andIchikawa(1915,1918)describedtheelicitation of a neoplastic response on the ears of rabbits and later on mouse skin following the dermal application of coal tar. Subsequent work by Kennaway (1924a,b) dealt with fractionation of coal tars into less complex mixtures; treatment of animals with specific chemical compounds, rather than mixtures, soon followed (reviewed inPitot, 1981). This pattern of initial identification of carcinogenicity in humans followed by experimental demonstration was also seen for another important class of chemical carcinogens: namely, the aromatic amines. Rehn, a German physician, reported on a cluster of bladder cancers observed among dye workers in Germany in theearly 1800s (Rehn, 1895). One of the constituents of their to be carcinogenic in dogs1937 in exposure, P-naphthylamine (2-aminonaphthalene), was shown (Williams and Weisburger, 1991). Vinyl chloride and cigarette smoke are other agents determined to be carcinogenic, first inhumansand,subsequently,inanimalmodels.Fromthe standpoint of human health, this is not the preferred sequence of events. The goal of the risk hazards that assessment process is the identification of the type and extent of potential human so avoidance or remediation can be implemented to prevent negative impacts on human health.
B. Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis Chemical carcinogens have been grouped as being either genotoxic (those that cause a permanent change in DNA)or nongenotoxic. Mechanisms of nongenotoxic chemicals are diverse, and may be specific for thespecies,strain,sex, or organinvolved. A discussionofnongenotoxic carcinogenesis is found inSection lII.B. For those compounds interacting with DNA, some are dinct acting (e.g.,N-nihoso-Nmethylurea), but the majority require metabolism to reactive electrophilic species, as demonstrated by thepioneeringworkbyMillerandMiller(1981).Onceformed,electrophilic metabolites bind covalently to nucleophilic sites found on proteins, DNA bases, and other cellular macromolecules. Because of the many types and high concentrations of metabolizing enzymes present in the liver, this organ has the largest capacity for the biotransformation of carcinogens. Several other organs, including skin, kidney, and lung, also have the ability to metabolize chemicals to active species. The metabolic activation of carcinogens representsone major rate-limiting step for subsequent chemical-DNA interactions (e.g., the formation of DNA adducts), which maybe linked to the development of cancer. Route of exposure, exposure regimens, and species, sex, and age differences have roles in defining the metabolic fateof a chemical. Once nuclearDNA has been damaged, several repair mechanisms may come into play. Most repair processes result in error-free restoration of the original DNA sequence. Some unrepaired altered base sequences are themselves mutagenic (e.g., 06-methylguanine adducts, which cause mispairing). It appears, however, that the majority of permanent, heritable changes in DNA structure are the consequencesof emrs made during someDNA repair processes. These types of repair may be called into play when DNA replication occurs before repair of damaged sequences or when damage to the genome is extreme or at multiple sites. Mutations can take many forms, including single-base changes; small additionsor deletions, resultingin a shift of the message-reading frame; large deletions; translocations, inversion of sequences, and amplification of sequences. Carcinogenesis has been recognized for some timeas a process that resultsafter multiple events have occurred on the cellular level. Studies that have been conducted to discern whether distinct stagesof the carcinogenic process could be defied led to the adoption of operational terms such as initiation, promotion, and progression. Zniriafionhas traditionally been defined as
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an irreversible first step involving DNA mutations that have become permanently integrated into the cell’s genetic information andare passed on to all subsequent generations of cells. Likely targets for initiation are oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. These genes are normal constituents of the genome, and generally code for proteins that play a role in physiological processes involved in various aspects of cell division and growth regulation. Specific mutations to these oncogenes, or theloss or inactivation of tumor suppressor genes, can result in genetic changes, leading to altered protein products that are defective in performing their normal roles in growth regulation. Alternatively, the normal proteins may be over- or underexpressed. Many oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, either through activating mutations or altered expression, have been shown to play a role in many cancers, both in humans and in experimental animal models (reviewed inBos and van Kreijl, 1992; Harris, 1992). In the classic initiation-promotion theory of carcinogenesis, an initiated cell can remain quiescent or undergo limited proliferation. Various stimuli can then cause the initiated cell@) to begin a clonal expansion. It is this stage, during which the cells no longer respond approas promotion or progrespriately to normal growth control signals, that has been referred to sion.Thisprocesscanbefacilitated by chemical-promotingagents(e.g.,phorbolesters), physiological factors (e.g., hormonal influence),or physical stresses (e.g., wounding) that lead to a proliferative response. The terms initiation, promotion, and progression were coined from experiments demonstrating that different agents can elicitcadnogenic a response when administered ina specific order (Le., a single dose of an initiator followed by repeated administration of a promoter). Although it appean that some temporal requirements exist for different stages in the carcinogenic pathway, it is clear that manyof these stages mayoccur simultaneously, or they may be reversed with an A good exampleof this is colon cancer, for which multiple genetic equal carcinogenic outcome. changes must occur, the order and specificity of which are not rigidly defined (Fearon and Vogelstein, 1990). Chemical carcinogens are benerally identified from animal bioassays or epidemiological observations, in which the incidence of tumors at various sites is measured. Generally these studies give very little ihdication about how the chemical acted in increasing the incidence of tumors. The most cotrimonly available “mechanistic” information has to do with the abilityof the agent to prduce DNA damage or mutation. Initiation-promotion assays, primarily in skin or liver, can tell whetherthe chemical fits some functional definition: initiator (something that needs tobe given only onceor a few times to produce neoplasia when followed by a promoter); or promoter (something that is generally given repeatedly and after an initiator to produce tumors). This terminology, however, is overly restrictive in that chemical carcinogens do not generally fit into narrowly defined mechanistic categories. A central goal in modem cancer risk assessment is to develop and employ mechanistic information, resulting in a more detailed and more complete characterizationof the circumstances leading to carcinogenicity.
II. OVERVIEW OF CANCER RISK ASSESSMENT BY THE U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY In 1986, theU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) published general guidelines to be usedbyagencyscientistsindevelopingandevaluatingriskassessmentsforcarcinogens used (USEPA, 1986). Althougha general framework is presented that describes the process to be for cancer risk assessments, it is stated at the outset that “the guidelines emphasize that risk assessments will be conducted on a case-by-case basis, giving full consideration to all relevant scientific information.” To promote consistency in scientific decisions, particularly in areas of uncertainty or controversy, the guidelines offer science policy guidance or a preferred agency
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approach. The USEPA’S guidelinesfollow the risk assessmentparadigm described by the of risk NationalResearchCouncil in 1983 @RC, 1983),whichdefinesfourcomponents assessment:hazardidentification, dose-mponse assessment,exposureassessment,andrisk characterization. It is also consistent with the underlying scientific and policy basis of other OSTP, 1985). federal agencies(e.g., Office of Science and Technology Policy: see
A. Hazard Identification of Carcinogens Hazard identification refers to the process of dete-ing if a compound has the potential to elicit a carcinogenic response in humans. Many types of information may be used to determine the overall weight-of-evidence of carcinogenicity: epidemiological infomation, chronic animalbioassays,mutagenicitytests,othershort-termtests,structure-activityrelationships, metabolicandpharmacokineticproperties,toxicologicaleffects,andphysicalandchemical properties (USEPA, 1986). The current guidelines specify that information be categorized into one of three types: human data, animal data, and supporting data. All information contributes to the assignmentof the agent into a categorybased on the weightof evidence that the material is a carcinogen for In the first step, the animal and human data are humans. The process is done in two steps. evaluated for adequacy and are described in the following terms: sufficient, limited, inadequate, no data, and no evidence of carcinogenicity. The guidelines defme some requirements for each of these judgments. For example, sufSicienr human data may consist of “evidence of carcinogenicity, which indicates that there is a causal relationship between the agent and human cancer”; the guidelines indicate that life-threatening benign neoplasms in humans are included in the evaluation. The guidelines for animal bioassay data deal with such topics as the relevance of specific tumor types to human cancer; the use of benign neoplasms (generally included): the use of number of observations required for sufficient data (generally two independent studies); tumors with high background incidence: and the use of information from studies conducted at themaximumtolerateddose (MTD). Thehumanandanimaldataontheagent(including nonpositive studies)are then used to make a preliminary judgment on the likelihood that mayit produce tumors in humans. This judgment is expressed in terms of the following categories:
Group A Carcinogenic to humans Group B*: Probably carcinogenicto humans Group C: Possibly carcinogenicto humans Group D. Not classifiable for human carcinogenicity Group E: Evidence of noncarcinogenicityfor humans The second stepis to evaluatethe supporting data(e.g., genotoxicity, mechanistic data, and pharmacokinetic information). The levelof concern indicated by evaluation of the supporting of the amount and type data is used to elevate or downgrade the classification. For a description of data required for a chemical be to assigned to any one of these gmups, the reader is referred to the guidelines (USEPA, 1986). The principal issuesfor hazard identificationare twofold: (1) whether the bioassay demonof agent administered and an increase in carcinogenic strates an association between the amount outcome; and(2) if so, what the implications arefor human carcinogenicity. Statistical tests can
*Group B includes the categnies B1 and B2. Limited human evidence of carcinogenicity is necessary for placement of a chemical in Oroup B1. Group B2 includes chemicals with sufficient animal evidence. but inadequatehuman
evidence for carcinogenicity.
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help answer the first of these questions, as described in the following. The implications for human carcinogenicityare discussed in Section III.
I . Trend Tests Versus Pairwise Comparison Tests The primary unitof analysis is an experiment involving all dosegroup for onesex and strain Program ( N T P ) protocol, for example, provides four of animal.The typical National Toxicology experiments: malerats,female rats, male mice, and female mice. Each tumor type is considered separately. Benign lesions are generally counted together with malignant tumors if they are of the same histological origin and can progress to malignancy. This practice also recognizes that cancer bioassays are typically terminated while most animals m expected to be alive,so that a benign lesionat the endof the study can represent a malignancy that would have developed had the animal lived out its total life span. The USEPA follows the guidance provided by the Nationa Toxicology Program (McConnell et al., 1986) for determining which benign and malignant lesions are appropriate to combine. Any set of tumor incidences from a cancer bioassay involves some uncertainty because of sampling error: If the experiment were repeated, some difference in the observed incidences wouldbeexpected, based on chancealone.Todeterminewhetherchanceisaplausible explanation for an apparent increase in carcinogenic activity, statistical tests are used. They estimate, given the number of animals tested and the size of the increase in incidence, the probability that the observed results could have been due to chance alone. If chance is an unlikel explanation, then confidence is increased in the existence of a biological explanation for the tests-have observed results.n o kinds of statistical tests-trend tests and pairwise comparison been used to answer the question of whether the tumor incidences for one sex and strain of animal show an increase in carcinogenic activity. Trend Tests. Trend tests focus on whether the results in all dose p u p s , considered together,as a whole, increase in accordance with the level of dose. One commonly used trend test is the Cochran-Armitage trend test (Snedecor and Cochran, 1980). This test fits a straight-line regression of the tumor incidences across all dose p u p s as a function of dose level. The result is a p value that estimates the probability that the slope of the regression line could be zero,which would be true if the tumor incidences showed no overall upward or downward trends with dose. S%), indicating that the trend is not likely to be due If this probability is small (typically below to chance, then the dose-incidence trend is said to be statistically significant. The CochranArmitage trend test also provides a test for nonlinearity, estimating ap value that canbe usedto determine whether the dose-incidence data differsignificantly from a linear relationship. Pairwise Comparison Tests. These tests focus on whether the incidence in one particular dose others, is increased over the control p u p incidence. The group, considered separately from the 1932). It provides most commonlyused pairwise comparison test is the Fisher exact test (Fisher, a p value representing the probability that differencesas large as those observed between the dose group and the control group would happen by chance. If this probability is small (typically below 5%), indicating that the difference is not likely to be due to chance, then the tumor incidence in the dose groupis said tobe statistically significantly increased over the control. These two kinds of statisticaltestshavedifferentstrengthsandlimitations,andthey can sometimes give conflicting results. Significance in a pairwise comparison test is highly dependentonthenumbers of animalsinthedoseandcontrolgroups. If thenumbersof may reportstatisticalsignificanceforonly animals are small,apairwisecomparisontest to reportstatisticalsignificancefor largeincreasedincidences:thiscanmakeitunlikely carcinogens oflowtomediumpotency.Thislimitationcanbeovercomebyusing a trend test. Because a trend test considers all dose groups together, the sample sizes acmss all dose
groups are effectively pooled, providing greater power to identify a small, butreal, increase in incidence as statistically significant. On the other hand, significance in a trend test depends on the presence of an overall trend for the highest doses are sharply reduced because of across all dose groups. If tumor incidences competing mortality, no overall trend may be apparent. This limitation can be overcome by or by dropping animals from the group if they are not considered adjusting for competing risks to be at risk for tumors. a chemical There are other casesfor which an overall trend may not be apparent. Suppose is carcinogenic through metabolic activation, and metabolism becomes saturated below the dose tested in the bioassay. Then all groups dose (except controls) would receive approximately equal doses of the carcinogenic metabolite. If there were severalgroups, dose the dossresponse curve be unlikely would appear tobe mostly flat, no trend wouldbe apparent, and a trend test would to report statistical significance. The USEPA generally considers statistical significance in a trend as signifying test a positive experiment. The examples described illustrate why further analysis and judgment are usually necessary to determine whether the experimental protocol or the chemical’s activity would affect the behavior or appropriateness of any statistical test in a particular set of circumstances. Multiple statistical tests can sometimes provide greater insight. It is not, however, an appropriate to require confirmationof a significant trend test with significance use of multiple statistical tests in a pairwise comparison or other test.
2. Historical Versus Concurrent Controls Whenever possible, concurrent controlsare used to analyze the resultsof an experiment. Concurrent controls usually share much in common with the other animals in an experiment: source and age of animals; dates, location, room conditions, protocol,.personnel, and other experimental conditions; as well as slide preparation, evaluation criteria, personnel, and pathological evaluation. There are, however, some circumstances when additional perspective may be gained by using historical controls in an analysis. Which animals are appropriate to include as historical controls can be a complex matter requiring careful judgment. Many animal strains have exhibited a genetic drift, in which the control tumor incidence is not stable, but has changed over time. Criteria governing pathologica evaluations have changed over time for some tumors. The experiments may have been conducted in different laboratories, and the slides may have been evaluated by different pathologists. The experiments may have been conducted under somewhat different protocols; age and health of the animals, for example, may be particularly important. It is important to select only those historical controls that are representative of the background incidence of the animals in the experiment in question. A reasonable rule of thumb is to consider only historical control data 3-to from the concurrent control-testing laboratory, and within a 5-year period of the assay. With rare tumors, historical control data are essential to understanding the of the rarity tumor type.Experience with50 concurrent controls does not provide the proper perspective that comes from a thorough knowledge of the experience of a particular strain at a particular laboratory. For example, a concurrent control incidence of 050 does not take on the same importance as an overall historical control incidence of 0:2000, or even 1:2000. This is an important consideration in determining which statistical testsare appropriate in an analysis. Pairwise comparison tests, which are highly dependent on the numberof animals, can give misleading results when only concurrent controls are used in a comparison for a rare tumor. Sometimes itis desirable to look to historical control informationto determine whether the experience of a concurrent control group isan aberration. For example, if the tumor incidence in the concurrent control group is uncharacteristically low, an experiment may give a false-
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positiveindication.Conversely, if the tumor incidenceintheconcurrentcontrolgroupis uncharacteristically high,an experiment may give a false-negative indication. Historical control information, by its nature, cannot satisfactorily resolve this question. Although historical control information can add valuable insight into whether the experience of the animals in a particular bioassay is unusual, it cannot be used to conclude that only the beconcurrent control group is unusual, whereas the dosed groups are not. That is, differences tween concurrent controls and historical controls are not an explanation for differences observed between concurrent controls and dosed animals-it is just as reasonable to conclude that the background tumor rate for all animals in an experiment happened to be somewhat higher or lower than usual. In view of the presumption that concurrent controls am generally the most representative of the animals in an experiment, careful judgment must be applied before the interpretation of results using concurrent controls is altered by the use of historical controls.
B. Dose-Response Assessment for Carcinogens Dose-response evaluation is considered appropriatefor those materials judged tobe group A, human carcinogens, and group B, probable human carcinogens. Dose-response evaluation is done on a case-by-case basisfor those agents categorizedas group C, possible human carcinogen. This assessment is distinct from the weight-ofevidence approach used to determine the probability that a chemical possesses a carcinogenic potential for humans. As emphasized in the guidelines, the “calculation of quantitative estimatesof cancer risk does not require that an agent be carcinogenic inhumans.’’ Ideally, the estimation of the carcinogenic potency of a chemical wouldbe based on human data. Epidemiological data, however, are not generally available or suitable for use in quantitative dose-response assessments, requiring that animal models be used a surrogates. The guidelines suggest that “data from a species that responds most like humans should be used, if information tothis effect exists.” In practice, information is usually not available to suggest that, for a given chemical, one species is definitely better able to serve as a model for carcinogenesis inhumansthananother.Sincehumansmay be as susceptible as the most sensitive animal species, the data set demonstrating the greatest tumor response (and thus leading to the most conservativeriskestimate)hastraditionallybeen used. There are certain types oftumors, however, that have been demonstrated to have no relevance to human cancer, and these are now or dose-response assessconsidered as being inappropriate as a basis for hazard identification ment. These are discussed in more detail later in this chapter. The initial step is to identify the data set(s) to be used for the dose-response evaluation. Although relevance to humans is a consideration, the quantitative estimate does not attempt to predict a tumor t w or tumor siteto be found in humans. Tumor types not found in humans, or tumors in animal organs not present in humans, may indicate carcinogenic potential and thuscanbeusedtoestimatepotency.Otherconsiderationsinthechoiceofdatasetsinclude study quality, route of exposure (i.e., relevance to environmental exposures), and statistitumors areincludedinthetotal callysignificantincreasesinincidence.Generally,benign is scientific evidence to indicate that these tumors would incidence to be modeled, unless there not progress to malignancy. After identifying the study that is most appropriate for developing a quantitative risk estimate,thenextstepis to transformthedosestowhichtheanimalswereexposedinto human-equivalent doses. In concert with other federal agencies, the USEPA (1992) has recently proposed the use of a cross-species scaling factor of (body weight)%, which is based on a body surface area adjustment. This scaling factor, representing a consensus opinion of several federal agencies, was chosen Over other options, such as the previously used scaling factor of (body
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weight)%(alsobasedonsurfacearea) or scaling on thebasisofastraightbodyweight as a function of body size conversion. Analysis of the variation of key physiological parameters was performed across several mammalian species, and supported the cross-species scaling factor of (body weight).% After having transformed the administeredtodoses human equivalent doses, the next step isto model the dose-response information to determine the carcinogenic potency of the chemicalat low doses. This is accomplished with the use of statistical models, described in the following. Cancer bioassaysare generally performed in laboratory animalsat very high doses relative to levels at which humans are actually exposed. These high doses m necessary to produce a statistically measurable effect, given the relatively small number of animals used.Doseresponse assessment, however,is concerned with estimating quantitative carcinogenic risk associated with environmental exposures. Alternatively, risk managers may be interested in setting standards for exposures by various media (e.g., air or drinking water) based on a carcinogenic risk level that is consideredto be de minimis(e.g., 1:l millionrisk).Datafromacancerbioassaycan generally provide information only about the dose associated with a statistically significant 5 to 100% (Clayson, 1978). To determine experimentally the shape of the tumor incidence, from dose-response curvedown to a low tumor incidence (e.g., l%), thousands of animals wouldbe required. For example, the “EDol” study, by the National Center for Toxicological Research (Cairns, 1979). Since the use of thousands (NCTR), used24,192 rodents at considerable expense of animals is not feasible for routine testing, the question how becomes bestto estimate the shape of the dose-response curve at very low levels of cancer risk (i.e., below those that can be determined experimentally). In the absence of mechanistic datato support a threshold mechanism. it has been assumed by the USEPA and most regulatory agencies that any dose of a carcinogen is associated with some increased risk. The results of the ED01 studyare consistent with this idea for a genotoxic agent.Thisstudyinvolvedexposingover24,000femaleBALB/cmicetolowdosesof 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) for up to 33 months (Gaylor, 1979). Carcinogenic responses attributed to 2-AAF were observed in the liver and bladder. For liver tumors, a linear relatio was apparent over the range of experimental doses, supporting a nonthreshold mechanism of tumor induction. The incidence of bladder tumors was not linear, but decreased dramatically at the lower end of the dose range. As time was extended, however, the of bladder incidence tumors increased at the lower doses, so that no threshold could be determined. It was concluded by Gaylor (1979) that the ED01 study “demonstrates the impossibility of establishing time-dose thresholds, even with large numbers of animals.” Thenatureofthecurveatlevelsofexposurebelowthelowestexperimentaldoseis unknown. Several models have been developed to estimate cancer risk in this region. Some stochastic models are based on biological theory of distinct events (e.g., DNA damage) that m responsible for the carcinogenic response elicited by a chemical. These include the onehit (Hoe1 et al., 1975). multihit (Rai and Van Ryzin, 1981), multistage (Clump, 1979; Crump et al., 1976), and two-stage models (Moolgavkar and Knudson,1981; Thorslund et al., 1987). Althoughthesemodels are based on assumptionsofbiologicaleventsleadingtocarcinogenesis, they are, in reality, arbitrary because relatively little is actually known about these events (Munro and Krewski, 1981). Other models are more purely statistical. These include, 1978), probit (Mantel and Bryan, 1961), for example, the logit (Doll, 1971; Cornfield et and Weibull (Carlborg, 1981) models. These models assume that each animal exposed to a carcinogen has its own level of tolerance. Although thresholds may exist for individuals, the variance for these individuals precludes the demonstration of a population threshold (see Mum and Krewski, 1981 for review). Another type of modeling takes into account changes in the period, latencyor time-to-tumor,
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induced by a carcinogen. This type of modelis based on the idea that treatment with a carcinogen process may be dose-dependent may affect the lengthof time beforea tumor develops, and this (WHO, 1978). It was demonstratedin the ED01 study that the time-to-tumorof bladder tumors became progressively longer as the dose decreased, leading to speculation that, whereas a threshold may appear to be presentfor a certain tumor type, an alternative explanation is that a decreased dose results in an increased latencyperiod that eventually exceeds the lengthof the observation period (Gaylor, 1979). Still other modelers have attempted to incorporate knowledge of the kineticsof a carcinogen into shaping the low region of the dose-mponse curve. The model proposed by Cornfield (1977) refers to a dose-response relationship in the shape of a hockey stick, resultingfrom a fairly low increase in tumor incidence until one reaches a dose levelat which one or more physiological processes (e.g., deactivating metabolism)are saturated. After this point, there is a significant rise in tumor incidence with increasing dose. broad Application of different mathematical models to a cancer data set can result in differences in the estimates of risk at low doses. The model used most often by the USEPA is adapted from the multistage model, originally proposed by Annitage and Doll (1954, 1961), which assumes that cancer is the result of a sequence of changes in a cell or organ and that exposure to a carcinogen can increase the transition rate between these stages, leading to malignancy. To simplify the mathematical computations, a more flexible model, with fewer constraints than thehitage-Doll model, was proposed by Crumpet al. (1976). However, that the Crump formulation could sometimes produce numerically unstable low-dose risk estimates, when changing the results of only oneor two animals could affectlowdose risk estimates by several ordersof magnitude. Accordingly,the 95% upper confidence limit of the linear component of this model is generally used as an upper-bound estimate of cancer potency (formerly referred toas the qi* by the USEPA), because it is numerically more stable than a central estimate and also is in keeping with the lowdose linear approach adopted for cancer risk assessments (USEPA, 1986). The 1986 guidelines provide the latitude for other models that can be validated to be used in low-dose extrapolations for the estimation of cancer potencies (USEPA, 1986). There are generally no data to demonstrate that one model is superior to another. The linearized of choicebecauseitprovidesa multistage model @MS) has traditionally been the model plausible and stable upper-bound estimate that is not likely to underestimate the cancer risk, but recognizes that, at very low doses, the response could be zero. This model is consistent with the theory of the multistage, nonthreshold nature of cancer. It is also recognized that exposure to carcinogenic agents, particularly those acting by nongenotoxic mechanisms, may elicit effects as such, may alsobe thatadd to backgroundprocesses(e.g.,increasedmitogenesis)and, represented by low-dose linear extrapolation. As more mechanistic data become available and statisticalmodels are furtherrefmed,cancerriskassessmentwillbecomeorientedtoward developing chemical-specific low-dose extrapolation models.
111. BIOLOGICAL ISSUES IN CANCER RISK ASSESSMENT In the absence of adequate epidemiological studies, the process of hazard identification and dose-response assessment is often highly dependent on controlled experiments on laboratory anto the contrary, chemicalsor other agents imals. The assumptionis that, unless there is evidence shown to elicit a carcinogenic response in other species may be considered to have a similar tumorigenic potential in humans. Although risk assessors adopt this as a default position, it is also widely recognized that this underlying assumption may not be validin some circumstances. For some chemicals, tumorigenic potential across species may be quite comparable. Perhaps the best known example of a carcinogen with similar activity in several species is that of vinyl
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chloride, which causes liver cancer in every mammalian species tested, including humans, by several modes of administration. For other chemicals, the target organ@) is species-specific. Following exposure to P-naphthylamine, dogs, hamsters, monkeys, and humans develop bladder cancer; mice develop hepatomas; however, cats, rabbits, and rats do not develop cancer (Clayso 1975; Shubik and Clayson, 1976). To fullyunderstandthepotentialachemicalhasforinducingcancerinhumans,itis necessary to understand the mechanism by which it is causing cancer. The potential for the same be operative in humans would then provide the basis for extrapolation or a related mechanism to from other animal species to estimate the risk of cancer to humans. The following is a description types,and specific chemicals for which there are indications of some mechanisms, specific tumor that methods other than the traditionallowdose extrapolation may be more appropriate.
A. Use of Data from Animals Tested at the Maximum Tolerated Dose Many of the carcinogenrisk assessments developed by theUSEPA are based on repeated, daily administration of an agent to animals (generally rodents) at an array of dose intervals.In these bioassays, the animals in the highestdose group are administered what is consideredto be the MTD.A National Cancer Institute (NCI) report defined theMTD as “the highest dose of a test agent during the chronic study that can be predicted not to alter the animals’ longevity from effects other than carcinogenicity” (Sontaget al., 1976). The MTD is generally derived from a shorter-term (e.g.,90 days) study employing a broad dose range of the same compound and test species from which one dose level, foundto be slightly toxic, is selected as the highest dose to be administered in the lifetime bioassay. The objective of testing at the “I’D is to elicit a or measurable toxic response in a group of exposed animals, without causing excessive lethality toxicity (Chhabra et al., 1990). The validity of conclusions basedon carcinogenicity testingat the MTD continues to be the be found inM C (1993). Testing at theMTD subject of debate, an in-depth review of which can has been defended by some as being a necessary component of the hazard identification process. Proponents of this dosing strategy have justified its use by citing the importance of considering uncertainties associated with extrapolation of a carcinogenic response anddoseresponse from test species (usually d e n t s ) to humans (Kociba, 1987). If no carcinogenic response, but also no toxic response, is demonstrated in a chronic study, then one may argue that the doses tested were not sufficient to elicit any measurable response. Consequently, a study that fails to achieve an MTD and also fails to elicit a neoplastic response; does not definitively answer the question of the potential for this chemical to be a carcinogen. Carr and Kolbye (1991) state that the original intent of the MTD was to minimize the possibility of not detecting a carcinogen by providing the greatest opportunity to exhibit carcinogenicity. In other words, maximizing the exposure minimizes the possibility of nondetection (false-negative result). OpponentsofthistestingregimenarguethatadministrationofcertaintypesofcomMTD leads pounds (e.g., nongenotoxic chemicals having no specific cellular receptor) at the to a proliferative response. This response could result from repeated cell damage followed by reparative hyperplasia that ultimately evolves into uncontrolled cell growth. Mechanisms that elicit a carcinogenic response at the MTD, therefore, may not be relevant at the relatively low environmental levels of carcinogenic agents to which humans are generally exMTD arguethatallevents posed(AmesandGold,1990).Alternatively,proponentsofthe leading up to clinical cancer diagnosis are not known; toxicity and increased proliferation can certainly be two important contributing factors, but are probably not the only critical events (Weinstein, 1992). In fact, for different types of cancers, a wide array of different cellular or organ events maybe critical.
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W Omultichemical analyses of chronic (2-year) NTP bioassays showed that chemically induced cell proliferation and organ toxicity did not always correlate with cancer in rodents. Tennat et al. (1991) examined the relation between mutagenicity, toxicity, and carcinogenicity for 31 compounds, which NTP had tested between 1987 and 1989 in the same rodent species and strains. Chemically induced toxicity and hyperplasia did not always result in a neoplastic or nonmutagenic compounds.It was concluded that other elements response for either mutagenic (e.g., tumor suppressor genes, immune factors, chromosomal perturbations) may effectively limit the expression of carcinogenicity in these nonpositive bioassays (Weinstein,1992). The results of Tennant et al. support the earlier work of Hoe1 et al. (1988) in which similar test animal endpoints were evaluatedfor 99 NTP compounds. Opponents of the MTD-based testing regimen state that the problem of the MTD starts with its imprecise definition. Further argumentsare based on three points:(1) high doses lead to toxicity, mitogenicity, and ultimately cancer; (2) abnormal physiological processes that result from chronic high-dose testing may be responsible for the carcinogenic response; and (3) empirically, many compounds that seemingly have no effect in humans test positively in animals at theMTD. Celldivisionis animportantelement in themultifactorialprocess ofcancer.Cellular progression from a normal to a transformed state can be “locked in” (i.e., permanently integrated into the DNA) only during replication (Cohen and Ellwein, 1991). Long-term high dosing has thecapacity to causerepeatedcellinsultanddeath,leadingtocompensatoryhyperplasia. Because replicating cells have an elevated mutation risk by chance alone, the MTD-related mitogenesis may, in part, be responsible for increased mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. This has contributed to a belief that mechanistic studies of carcinogenesis maybe more valuable when determining human risk than bioassays involving exposure to the MTD (Ames and Gold,1990). Second, animals and humans are not normally subjected over a long period to the high levels of compounds used in cancer bioassays. Long-term exposure to high doses may upset physiological or homeostaticmechanismsleadingto,forexample,hormonalimbalance,immune dysfunction, and diminished DNA repair capabilities (Carr and Kolbye, 1991). Increased cancer incidence has also been liriked to advancing age; theMTD testing regimen may cause physiological changes, similar to aging, to occur earlier in life. The elevated metabolic rate of rodents may exacerbate this artificial aging. The USEPA (1986) guidelines for cancer riskhsessment support the u$eof bioassays that expose animalsto the MTD. This subject has been evaluated recently by the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Risk Assessment Methology (CRAM) (NRC, 1993). A number of criticisms of the MTD testing regimen werecited 1. The mechanism by which some agents induce cancer at high doses (e.g., induction of cell
proliferation) may not be operative at lower doses; therefore, theymay not be relevant to human exposures. at the MTD may 2. Even when effects are present at low doses, tumor incidence data generated provide little insight into the nature of the doseresponse relationship at lower doses. 3. Strong correlations have been shown between toxicity and carcinogenicity, leading some to suggest that the two are inherently related. It was noted, however, that this is not true for all chemicals. The majority ofthis committee recommended that theMTD should continue to be used as the highest tested dose in carcinogenicity bioassays, but that to facilitate inteqmtation, the rationale for dose selection should be clearly explained. The CRAM report states that “theMTD bioassay as currently conducted in rodents is most useful as a qualitative screen to determine whether a chemical has the potentialto induce cancer.It does not provide (nor was intended to
provide) all the information useful for low-dose human risk assessment” (NRC, 1993). For MTD,it was suggested that additional datam necessary to chemicals that induce cancer at the determine the relevance of the response to human health risk assessment. In particular, data should be obtained on the chemical-specific mechanisms of carcinogenicity. No conclusions weregiven,however, on how this information may be usedinconsortwithdatafrom an MTD-bioassay to establish a quantitative cancer potency estimate. CRAM report, maintains that dose selecThe minority view point, also outlined in the tion should not be based on the “ID, but should be selected only after analysis of preliminarystudiesiscompletedtogaininformationaboutthemechanismsoftoxicityandthe dose-response relationship for toxic effects. The highest dose chosen for a cancer bioassay, then should be such that it is “expected to yield results relevant to humans, not the highest dose that can be administered to animals without causing early mortality from causes other than cancer” ( M C , 1993).
B. NongenotoxicCarcinogens
Clayson (1989) has described nongenotoxic carcinogens as “agents that fail either directly or indirectly to interactin a biologically significant manner with cellular DNA.” The question of whetheranagentinducescancerbygenotoxicmechanismsissignificantbecauseofthe assumptions that are made in lowdose extrapolations using statistical models. These models generally assume that carcinogens operate withouta threshold and that some degree of risk is associatedwithanyexposure. This assumptionmaynot be valid for somenongenotoxic no carcinogenic risk. carcinogens, which may demonstrate a threshold below which they pose It has been suggested that separate approaches to the risk assessment of carcinogens be adopted for genotoxic and nongenotoxic compounds (Clayson and Clegg, 1991). A decision tree approach has been described by Butterworth and Eldridge(1992) to help a risk assessor decide whether chemical-specific data support the use of the linearized lowdose extrapolation, or whether a quantitative risk estimate could be better determined by other methods (e.g., the NOAELhncertainty factor approach). Nongenotoxic carcinogens may elicit their effects in a number of ways, involving such mechanisms as diverseas cytotoxicity or chronic tissue damage, leading to reparative proliferation,hormonalimbalances,immunologicaldeficits,andimpairedDNArepairmechanisms (reviewed in ButterworthandEldridge,1992).Becausethemechanismsofnongenotoxic are also difficult to define. The carcinogens are diverse, and often not well characterized, they one factor that appears to be operative for most nongenotoxic carcinogens is their ability to stimulate cell proliferation (Ramel,1992). In a review of 139 chemicals determinedbetominogenic by the NTP, Ashby and Tennant (1988) reported that57 (42%) were not mutagenic in the salmonella mutation assay, commonly referred to as theAmestest(Amesetal.,1973a.b).Althoughthisinvitroassayhasbeen acknowledged as only one measure of genotoxicity, and other assays may reveal additional types of gene mutation, the salmonella assay is a sensitive first-level screening tool for identifying genotoxic compounds. Although it is difficult to develop screening tools to detect nongenotoxic carcinogens, Ramel (1992) suggested that the most appropriate endpoint of choice would be an ability to induce cell proliferation. The types of tumors that are found to result from the administration of nonmutagenic chemicals to animals tend tobe limited to a more narrow range of target tissues than those of genotoxiccarcinogens(AshbyandTennant,1988).Thebest-studiedsystemsdemonstrating tumorigenesis after exposure to nongenotoxic carcinogens include the liver oftheB6C3F1
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mouse, male rat kidney, rat thyroid, and rat bladder and urinary tract. These are discussed in more detail later.
C. Peroxisome Proliferators One mechanism by which a diverse group of chemicals has been hypothesized to induce liver are organelles (found preponcancer in rodents involves peroxisomal proliferation. Peroxisomes derantly in the liver) that contain a variety of enzymes, including those that are responsible for the p-oxidation of fatty acids. Under normal conditions, metabolism by peroxisomal enzymes is secondary to other cellular metabolic routes (Stott, 1988). Some chemicals that induce liver tumors in rodents also cause proliferation of peroxisomes (Stott,1988).Agentssuggested to inducecancer by amechanisminvolvingperoxisomal as di(2-ethylhexy1)phthalate proliferation are diverse, and include commercial plasticizers, such (DEW); chlomphenoxy acid herbicides; some polychlorinated biphenyl isomers; the fibrate hypolipidemic drugs(e.g., clofibrate, ciprofibrate); and even high-fat diets (see Gibson, 1993 for review). Although the morphological characteristics of liver tumors induced by peroxisome proliferators are similar to those induced by genotoxic carcinogens, some notable differences of alpha + fetoprotein, have been observed; namely, lack of expressiony-glutamyltranspeptidase, in Reddy and Rao, 1991). or glutathione S-transferase-P (reviewed Although the mechanismsof peroxisomal proliferation and of the subsequent carcinogenic response are not fully known, it appears that a receptor-mediated process, possibly related to the nuclear steroid receptor superfamily, is involved (Issemann and Green, 1990). The requirement for an interaction with a cellular receptor helps explain the cell-specific effects observed for peroxisomal proliferators, which induce the proliferation of these organelles only in the liver, despite their presencein virtually all celltypes (Reddy and Rao, 1992). Peroxisome proliferators are nongenotoxic both in vivo and in vitro (Butterworth et al., 1987; Cattley et al., 1988). The induction of cancerbyperoxisomeproliferatorshasbeen postulated to involve at least three possible mechanisms involving oxidative stress, cell prolifstress attributed to eration,andpromotion ofspontaneouslyinitiatedcells.Theoxidative peroxisome proliferators is believed to result from receptor-mediated activation of specific are produced at levels that far outweigh genes, such that hydrogen peroxide-generating enzymes the minimal increases in peroxide-degrading enzymes (e.g., catalase) (Reddy and Rao, 1992). By using a hydroxylated base(i.e., 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine)as a measure of oxidative DNA damage, Takagi et al. (1990) have shown that, indeed, peroxisome proliferatorsare capable of inducing DNA damage that is consistent with the hypothesis of oxidative stress. Marsmen et al. (1988) suggested that the extent of cellular proliferation, perhaps resulting from oxidative damage,is more closely associated with the development of liver tumors than is the degree of actual peroxisomal proliferation. This observation supported a theory that the operativemechanismforperoxisomeproliferatorsinvolvedcellularproliferation.Because increasedcellularproliferationincreasesthechance for spontaneousmutations,anyagent inducing cellular division may ultimately be responsible for an increased incidence of neoplasia (Stott, 1988). The role of cellular proliferation in peroxisome proliferator-induced carcinogenesis has been minimized, however, by investigators who have shown that the induction of a mitogenic response is highest during the initial week of exposure to peroxisome proliferators, with the response decreasing over time, despite continued exposure (Rao and Reddy, 1989). Although the induction of cellularproliferation is losingfavor as amechanismbywhichperoxisome proliferators induce cancer,it may still play an important role, insofaras it may be involved in the stages of tumor progression (Cattley et al., 1991; Rao and Reddy, 1992). The relevance of peroxisomal proliferation as a mechanism for human carcinogenesis has
been questioned by some. Peroxisomal proliferation appears to be greater in smaller species, particularly rodents, but is less activein larger species, including primates (Cohen andGrasso, 1981). Epidemiological studies of hyperlipidemic patients treated with peroxisome proliferators have not shown increases in cancer, and biopsies have failed to demonstrate the proliferation of peroxisomes (Cattleyet al., 1992). The degree of peroxisomal proliferation that is induced may not be the endpoint of concern, however. More recent findings demonstrating the interaction of peroxisome proliferators with a cytosolic receptor suggest that this may be the key to subsequent it is possible that no threshold can be biological effects.As with other receptor-mediated events, demonstrated for the effects of peroxisome proliferators. The role that these agentsmay play in human carcinogenesis, and the mechanisms by which they may elicit their effectsare not yet known. It is clear, however, that the potential for receptor-mediated effects that are relevant to human carcinogenesis, possibly involving effectson other nuclear genes, cannotbe ruled out.
D. Liver Tumors in the Male B6C3F1 Mouse The liver of the male B6C3F1 mouse is the most common target organ observed in animal Program (NTP) (Maronpot et al., 1987). Of carcinogenesis testing by the National Toxicology the chemicals testedby the NTP that were foundto have carcinogenic activity in mice, rats, or both (141 chemicals out of 278 tested through 1984), about50% (71/141) caused liver tumors in mice (Haseman et al., 1985). For 26 of these 71 chemicals, mouse liver was theonly organ demonstrating a neoplastic response. Because of the frequency with which chemicals induce mouse liver cancer in 2-year bioassays, a great deal of attention has been focused on the import of murine hepatocarcinogenesis. The European Society of Toxicology devoted a symposium to this topic, the proceedingsof which providea good review of the issues (Maronpotet al., 1987). Therelevanceofmouselivercancertohumanhealthhasbeenchallengedonseveral bases. Whereas liver cancer is observed at very high frequencies in certain strains of mice, it is a m cancerinhumansinmostpartsoftheworld(althoughitismorecommonin developing countries). In relation to the prevalence of other types of cancer, liver ranks 14th in developed countries, but 7th in developing countries (WHO, 1990). The geographic distributionshowsagoodcorrelationbetweenhigherincidenceareas(e.g.,sub-SaharanAfrica, East and South-East Asia) and the prevalence of hepatitis B and also aflatoxin contamination of foodstuffs (WHO, 1990). The relevance of liver cancer in the male B6C3F1 mouse has been questioned because many [BHA], widely divergent chemicals (e.g., pesticides, phenobarbital, butylated hydroxyanisole chlorinated hydrocarbons)are able to induce a dose-related increase in mouse liver tumors, but be uniquely not in rat liver or in any other organ system. Most of the chemicals shown to carcinogenic to murine liver do not appear to be genotoxic, supporting an argument by many that the etiologyof these tumors may not be operative in other organsor in other species. Geneticdifferencesamonginbredmousestrainshaveresultedinvariable,andoften high, levels of spontaneous liver tumor formation. For example, C57BL and BALB/c mice exhibit relatively low frequencies of spontaneous liver cancer ( M % ) , whereas C3H mice and B6C3F1 mice (used in the NTP bioassay) are much more susceptible (20430%) (Buchmann et al., 1991). These substantial strain differences have raised questions about the validity of using mouse liver tumors in susceptible strains in both the hazard identification and doseresponse assessmentof carcinogens. Apart from strain variations, male miceare m m susceptible than femalesto liver cancer. Analyzingthetumorincidencedata from control(untreated)B6C3F1micein 59 studies, Haseman et al. (1 985) reported an average liver tumor (adenoma or carcinoma) incidenceof 30 f 8% for males, but only8 f 4% for females. In males, the incidence of carcinomas was about
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twice that of adenomas, whereas incidences were similar for females. A hormonal basis for this difference between male and female mice has been postulated. Strain differences in susceptibility to hepatocarcinogenesis havebeen attributed, to a large hcs (hepatocarcinogen-sensitivity locus)thatis extent, to ageneticpredispositiontermed involved in the regulation of cell division (Hanigan et al., 1990). Genetic linkage analysis has recently demonstrated that there are at least three separate genes that are involved in determining murine susceptibilityto liver cancer (Gariboldi et al., 1993). Hcs-I is located on chromosome 7, in the same region as the H-rus oncogene (Hillyard et al., 1992). The H-rusis oncogene activated (e.g., acquire transforming properties)by point mutations in hotspots of the gene (i.e., codons 12and61).TheH-rusoncogene is activated,toalargeextent,inbothspontaneousand chemically induced tumors of sensitive strains (e.g., B6C3F1), but rarely in insensitive strains (e.g., C57BL, BALB/c; Buchmann et al., 1991). Activation of rus oncogenes is also quite rare in rat liver tumors (Stowers et al., 1988). A small percentageof human liver cancers have been attributed to genetic factors (reviewed to the genetic in Dragani et al., 1992), but these do not appear to be relatedinanyway predispositions seen in certain strains of mice. The most striking difference between liver cancer in humans and miceis that cirrhosis is a major risk factor in the development of liver cancer in humans, but develops very rarely in mice. Likewise, whereas rus activation is highly prevalent in susceptible mouse strains, itis rarely found in human hepatocellular carcinoma (Tada et al., 1990). This suggests that the mechanisms involved in human liver cancer maybe notthe same as those in B6C3F1 mouse liver. It is possible, however, that mechanisms similar to those operative in mouse liver (such as activation of the rus oncogene) may be relevant for human organs other than liver. This possibility is supported by reports that rus oncogenes are activated in a wide varietyof human tumors (reviewed in Bos, 1989). Species-specific metabolic differences have also been purportedto contribute to the high frequency of mouse liver tumors. Chemical carcinogenesis often involves the metabolic oxygenation of the parent compound to reactive intermediates (e.g., epoxides, quinones). The formation of reactive oxygen radicals (e.g., superoxy anion or hydroxy radical) may also result from metabolic activities. Oxidative metabolism, which takes place primarily in the liver by mixedfunction oxidases, varies inversely with body size. The mouse may be particularly susceptible to DNA damage resulting from its high rate of oxidative metabolism. For many xenobiotics, this rate is about50 times greater than that of humans (Davidsonet al., 1986). been For the forgoing reasons, the relevance of mousetumors liver to human cancer risk has questioned. The B6C3F1 mouse continues to be used in bioassays conducted by the National Toxicology Program, largely because of the large amount of historical information on this strain, and also because of the moderately low incidence of liver tumors in female B6C3F1 mice. Until more conclusive evidence disallows the use of this strain (in particular, data on liver tumors), it cannot be assumed that the operative mechanisms leadingto liver cancer are not also possible in humans. The USEPA (1986) guidelines provide the latitude and guidance for less weight to for begiven to malemouselivertumorsinthehazardidentificationofcarcinogens,and dose-responseonmurine!livercancerstobeconsideredlessappropriatethandatafrom other target organs for use in the determination of a quantitative cancer risk estimate. The quantitative assessment verified by USEPA's Carcinogen Risk Assessment Verification Endeavor(CRAVE)WorkGroup for pentachlorophenol (PCP), a group B2 carcinogen, is an example (USEPA, 1993). Multiple tumor types were induced in B6C3F1 mice, including liver tumors, pheochromocytomas, and hemangiosarcomas in female mice, and liver tumors and pheochromocytomas in male mice. The most conservative risk estimate(0.5 per (mg/kg)/day) tumors andpheochromocytomasinmalemice. wouldhaveresulted from theuseofliver However, based on the greater biological significance of the hemangiosarcomas in female mice,
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this was considered to be “the tumor of greatest concern,” and the verified slope factor for PCP
(0.12 per (mg/kg)/day)) was ultimately based on the combined incidences of hemangiosarcomas, hepatocellular tumors, and pheochromocytomas in female mice. Determination of the genetic and metabolic similarities and differences between humans and rodentsusedincarcinogenicitytesting,andtherelationbetweengeneticmakeupandthe development of cancer, will contribute greatly to the development of more meaningful risk assessments. Until a greater understandingis reached on the operative mechanisms of carcinogenesis in humans and rodents, however, the induction of liver tumors in the male B6C3F1 mouse should continue to be included in the weight-ofevidence assessment to determine the carcinogenic classificationof a chemical.
E. Male Rat Kidney Tumors
“Classic” renal carcinogens such as nitrosamines, lead acetate, and aflatoxin B1 (Hard, 1990) generally induce cancer in both male and female rats, as well as in other sites and in other are generally genotoxic andare capable of inducing renal species of animals. These compounds 100% of the exposed animals tubule cancer in well over half, and sometimes approaching (USEPA, 1991). Several chemicals, however, induce a significant tumorigenic response exclusively in the kidney of male rats. These tumors are morphologically indistinguishable from either spontaneous kidney tumors or those inducedby classic renal carcinogens. Their development, however, proceeds by a specific process involving the accumulation of the male rat-specific protein, a2,-globulin. In male rats, normal physiological concentrations of low molecular weight plasma proteins (e.g., a2p-globulin) are maintained by renal filtration. Removal of these proteins from the plasma is followed by either excretion into the urine or reabsorption and catabolism in the proximal tubules of the kidney. The reabsorbed proteins that accumulate in the renal tubule cells are catabolized in hyaline droplets, which are formed by the fusion of lysosomes with proteincontaining endocytic vacuoles. Hyaline droplets in the tubules of malerats contain a2p-globulin, which, because it is not broken down easily, results in the formation of crystalline structuresin the tubule cells (Alden, 1986). The following eventsare thought to be involved: accumulationof a*-globulin appears to playacausativeroleintheformationofkidneytumorsresultingfromcertainchemical exposures.Thesechemicalsformcomplexeswitha2p-globulinthataremoreresistantto degradation than is uncomplexed a2p-globulin. Chemicals that form such complexes include unleaded gasoline, pentachloroethane, &limonene, methyl isobutyl ketone, decalin, isophorone, and certainjet fuels (USEPA, 1991). The consequential accumulation of the chemical+~2~-globulin complex in the renal tubule leads to an overload of lysosomal protein, and eventually cell death (Swenberg et al., 1989). This, in tum,leads to regenerative proliferation (which is sustained as long as the chemical exposure continues), the formationof foci of hyperplasia and, ultimately, renal tubule tumors. Several investigators have concluded that this series of renal effects thatare seen in malerats is not likely to occur in the absence of a*-globulin (Hamm and Lehman-McKeeman, 1991; Green et al., 1990). Although many low molecular weight proteins appear to be common to both males and females and to play similar roles in different species, the a2p-globulin appears to be species- a sex-specific. It was first characterized in the urine of male rats (Roy and Neuhaus, 1967) and has sincebeen found tobe present in most strains of male rats, including F344,Sprague-Dawley, Buffalo, and Brown Norway rats (Ridder et al., 1990). The one exception is the NCI Blacka~p-globulincontaininghyaline Reiter (NBR) rat (Chatterjeeet al., 1989). The accumulation of
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droplets has not been demonstrated in female rats or in any other species, including mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, dogs, and monkeys (USEPA, 1991). Likewise, globulin does not appear to play a role in humans; only about1% of the concentration of a2,,-globulin in rat urine is found in human urine (Olson et al., 1990). @LW)of the USEPA has evaluated this unique tumor type and The Risk Assessment Forum has published its conclusions in a report providing extensive scientific background and policy discussion (USEPA, 1991). TheRAF has formulated the following science policy statement: Maleratrenaltubuletumorsarising as aresult of aprocessinvolvinga*-globulin poses accumulation do not contribute to the qualitative weight-of-evidence that a chemical a human carcinogenic hazard. Such tumors are not included in dose-response extrapolations for the estimationof human carcinogenic risk. TheRAFalsotakesthispolicystatement one step farther to concludethatmalerat as an endpoiit for nephropathy associated withaw-globulin accumulationis likewise not suited determiningnoncarcinogenichazard. Toapplythispolicy,enoughscientificdatamust be available to show that, in exposed male rats, the administered chemical was responsible for an cells, that the protein increased number and size of hyaline droplets in the renal proximal tubule as a2p-globulin,andthatthespecific accumulatinginthehyalinedropletswasidentified is present (USEPA, 1991). This histopathological sequence of lesions caused by ~2~-globulin sequencestartswiththedemonstrationofanexcessiveaccumulation ofhyalinedroplets containing a2p-globulin in renal proximal tubules, followed by cytotoxicity, single-cell necrosis, and regenerative tubule cell proliferation. Subsequently, intralumenal granular casts and papillary mineralization develop, followed by the formationof foci of tubule hyperplasia, and finally renal tubule tumors(USEPA, 1991). It is important to recognize that not all kidney tumors of male rats involve an accumulation of a2,globulin. The use of this tumor type is considered to be appropriate for use in human cancer risk assessments unless sufficient evidence exists to implicate a*-globulin as playing a causative role.
F. Thyroid Follicular Cell Tumors Another tumortype that presents a unique situation to cancerassessors risk is that of the thyroid follicular cell. In this case, it is not suggested that humans cannot develop thyroid cancer with an etiology similar to that operative in experimental animals. Rather, the question is whether a is sufficient threshold model should be used for dose-response modeling, and whether there evidence to conclude that humans are less sensitive than experimental animal models. The cause of most thyroid follicular cell tumors (TFcTs) involves a disturbance of the intricate feedback mechanism between the hypothalamus, the anterior pituitary of the brain, and also known as triiodothyronine W] and thyroxine the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones("S, to stimulus by the pituitary in theformof [T4]) are producedbythethyroidinresponse thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating hormone; TSH). The TSH, in turn, is controlled by the amount secreted by thehypothalamus,andalso by the of thyrotropin-releasinghormone 0, amount of circulating T3andT4. Thyroid hormones, essentially combinations of iodinated tyrosyl residues, are involved in numerous roles associated with the regulationof metabolism, THs in the circulation is growth, and maintenance of an animal. Control over the level of achievedhomeostatically by anegative-feedbacksysteminwhichasufficientamount of circulating THs suppresses the releaseof TSH. Conversely, low levels of T3 and T4 stimulate the pituitary to secret more TSH, in an effort to produce of more the thyroid hormones. Inlaboratoryanimals,manyagentsthat causeadisturbanceinthe thyroid4tuitary
relationship can elicit a tumorigenic response in the thyroid. These include partial thyroidectomy (Dent et al., 1956). iodine deficiency (Schaller and Stevenson, 1966), ionizing radiation (NAS, 1980). and goitrogenic compounds found in foodstuffs (e.g., cabbage; reviewed in Van Etten, 1969). In addition, many synthetic compounds have demonstrated the potential for inducing TFCTs, including several thionamides, aromatic amines, and polyhydric phenols (see Paynter et al., 1986 for review). The mechanisms by which these agents induce cancer are different, but the common denominator is a disturbance of the feedback mechanism between the thyroid and the pituitary. If exposure to an agent causes circulating levelsof TH to decrease, the pituitary responds by secreting increased levels of TSH, thereby stimulating a hypertrophic and, eventually, hyperplastic response in the thyroid. After prolonged stimulation, neoplasia may develop. If exposure to the causative agent is terminated and normal homeostatic regulationof thyroid to be reversible. hormones can be resumed, this process is considered Atechnicalpanelofthe USEPA's RAF was convenedtoinvestigatemorefullythe mechanisms by which thyroid follicular cell tumors develop and to provide guidance on the use of this tumor type in the risk assessment process. Although no final guidance has been issued by the USEPA, the conclusions of this group have been published by et Hill(1989). As suggested TFCTs may develop as by numerous investigators, the technical panel supported the notion that aresult of chronicimbalances in thethymid-pituitaryfeedbackmechanismandthatthis mechanism maybe considered to have a threshold below which neoplasia will not develop. The panel also concluded that, although humans do respond to goitrogens in a manner to that similar observed in experimental animals, the development of TFCTs in humans is relatively rare; ionizing radiation is theonly known human thyroid carcinogen( N W ,1985).
G. BladderTumors There has been a great deal of controversy over some well-known rodent bladder carcinogens, which are particularly visible because of their use as artificial sweeteners. Perhaps the best studied of these is saccharin. In contrast with the classic genotoxic bladder carcinogen 2-acetylaminofluorene, saccharinis not genotoxic, appears to operate only at high doses, and induces bladder cancer in rats, but not in mice, hamsters, or monkeys (reviewed in Ellwein and rats than Cohen, 1990). It has also been demonstrated that susceptibility is higher for male females, higher for the F344 strain than Spragu+Dawley rats, and is highly dependent on the type of diet consumed (Garlandet al., 1989). Inadditiontothespecies,strain,andsex-specificsusceptibilities to saccharin-induced bladder cancer, urinarypH also appears to be a determining factor. Thedietary effect may be attributed to differencesin the urinary pH that result from the administration of different feeds; ratsgiventhesemisyntheticAIN-76Adiethavelittletumorigenicresponsetosaccharin, apparently becauseof the low urinary pH associated with this diet (Okamura et al., 1991). Other urinary factors, such as sodium concentration and volume, also play a role in bladder carcinogenesis in the rat (reviewed in Chappel, 1992). The.mechanismfor saccharin-induced bladder cancer has been hypothesized to involve the of silicatecontaining binding of saccharin to urinary proteins, initiating the subsequent formation precipitate and crystals (Cohen et al., 1991). These urinary crystals act as an abrasive to the bladder epithelium, causing cytotoxicity with resultant regenerative hyperplasia. Cohen et al., (1991)havefurtherhypothesizedthatthesex-,species-,dose-anddiet-specificeffects of saccharin may be related to the formationof these crystals. Numerous epidemiological studies have not demonstrated any clear relationship between bladder cancer in humans and sodium saccharin consumption (reviewed in Elcock and Morgan, in 1993). Furthermore, itmay be relevant that although bladder stones have been tumorigenic
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rodents (Jull.1979). they have not been related to cancer in humans (Dodson, 1970). raising the question of whether nongenotoxic chemicals that cause only bladder stone-related bladder cancer in rodentsare relevant to human carcinogenesis. The issues, then, for determining the relevance of nongenotoxicratbladdercarcinogenstohumanhealthare twofold first, whetherthe this mechanism mechanism operative in rats is also operative in humans; and second, whether operates with true a threshold, andif so, how can that threshold be determined for humans? These questions have been the subject of active debate and research, the answers to which will provide more meaningful risk assessmentsof nongenotoxic bladder carcinogens.
IV. FUTURE DIRECTIONS: REVISIONS TO THE USEPA GUIDELINES In August of 1988, USEPA initiated a review of the existing guidelines, with several goals in to include new informationin areas on mechanisms mind. One goal was to update the guidelines of carcinogenesis (e.g., those describedfor the associationof renal cancer in malerats with the species- and sex-specific a2p-globulin protein). Such mechanistic information may substantially impinge on the determinationof whether a chemical poses a real concernfor issues of human cancer. Also, several areas of scientific controversy remained for which no current policy had been established(e.g., how to deal with tumor promoters). The USEPA convened two workshops to address these issues (USEPA,1989). The first,in January 1989, convened experts in various areas of science germane to cancer risk assessment. Workgroupsmet todiscussthefollowingtopics:use ofanimaldata; weight-ofevidence schemes; and dose-response assessment, A second workshop (June 1989) was held on use of human data in cancer risk assessment. Subsequent to these meetings working groups of USEPA scientistswereassembledundertheaegisoftheRAF to turn theideasgeneratedinthe workshops into a drafi of revised Guidelines for Risk Assessment of Carcinogens. In1992, case studies wererun by three groupsof USEPA riskassessors to test the application of draft guidance on hazard identification and dose response asdssment. At the end of 1992, a working draftof tevised guidelineswas shared with scientists at a colloquium sponsored by the Society for Risk Analysis. As of this writing, the working draft is being revised, but does not constitute agency policy. Until formal announcement by USEPAis made in the Federal Register, the policies set forth in the1986 carcinogen guidelines remain in effect. Theworkingdraftreflectssomemajorchanges of emphasisandprdcedureforboth qualitative and quantitative assessment, The working draft stipulates that a narrative statement be used to express the weight-of-evidence for human carcinogenicity.It has not yet been decided whether to use an alphanumeric-rating system, such as is currently the practice. The working be characterized as either humah observational data draft specifies that data on carcinogenicity or experimental data. The latter category includes not only evidence from long-term animal data” in the 1986 guidelines (e.g., bioassays, but also those types of data considered “supporting data on genotoxicity, pharmacokinetics, orstructureactivity relationships). Emphasis is on the use and interpretation of mechanistic datain the determinationof an agent’s potentialfor human carcinogenicity. The working draft indicates that certain types of animal data judged by the scientific communityto be irrelevant to human carcinogenicitybe excluded from consideration in the weight of evidence. The example cited in the drafi is increased incidence of male rat kidney tumors attributable to a@-globulin. The narrative classification can include qualifying statements on likelihood of human carcinogenicity specific to exposures conditions; for example, agent X is not likely to be a human carcinogen under conditions of environmental exposure (dealing with effects secondary to toxicity seen only at a high or dose); agent Y is likely to be a carcinogen by inhalation, but there are not data to indicate a carcinogenic effectby ingestion (route-dependent carcinogenicity).
The working draft indicates that there should be a closer link between the qualitative and quantitative judgments; the mechanismof action of the agent should be an essential consideration in both judgments. The narrative statement can indicate whether and what lowdose type of extrapolation is appropriate. The dose-response assessment wouldbe done intwo steps. The first step wouldbe to fit a to usebe an extrapolation model to data in the observed range. The second step, if needed, would procedure to estimate risk in the range of human exposure. In both steps, the preferred approac are sufficient data. The draft indicates that data other is to usea biologically based model if there than tumor incidence (e.g., information on DNA adducts) can be used in the extension of the A change of emphasis in this document involves the dose-response below the observable range. as a default inlowdose extrapolation. In the revision, the process would use ofa linear procedure be to provide justificationfor the use of the LMS (or any other model) insteadof justifying a departure from the default. Moreover,draft thecontemplates use of a margin of exposure analysis to exist in the dose-response relationship. Thedraft in lieu of a model when a threshold is likely recommends using all appropriate data in the analysis, in contrast with the selection of a single data setfor modeling. Optionsfor presenting results include use of a single data set (if justified), combining data sets for modeling, combining all animals with tumors in a single study, and presenting ranges of estimates and combinations of these options. The goal is to present the results in the way that best represents the biologicaldata.
Humans are exposed to a multitude of chemicals that pose varying healthrisks. A mandate for regulatory agencies, such as the USEPA, is to identify those agents that occur, or have the potential to be released into the environment at levels that warrant concern. This chapter has attempted to outline various topics that must be addressed when characterizing the carcinogenic risk posed bya chemical. Biological and statistical issues come into forplay assessments of both hazard identification (i.e., the likelihood of a chemical being a human carcinogen) and d o s s response (i.e., the dose of a chemical likely to result in a carcinogenic response of a certain magnitude).Inadditiontohazardidentificationand dossresponse assessments,theactual characterization of carcinogenic risk posed by a chemical also entails a determination of the extent ofhuman exposure, a topic beyond the scope of discussion for this chapter. These assessments each involve the use of many assumptions and estimations, the magnitude of which may be decreased by the incorporation of more information (e.g., mechanistic studies, pharmacokinetic data, improvedlowdose extrapolation models).To acquire these data and to establish guidelines for incorporating them into the risk characterization process remain goals; the proce of cancer risk assessment will become more sophisticated as we attain a greater understanding of the disease and its causes.
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15 Risk Assessment: Principles and Methodologies WeHord C. Roberts* United States Army Materiel Command Alexandria, Virginia
Charles 0. Abernathy United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington,D.C.
1. INTRODUCTION Various federal, state, and other local governmental agencies have statutory requirements to regulatecontaminants to protecthumanhealthandtheenvironment. For eachchemical, biological, or physical agent, it is necessary to identify whether it causes a harmful effect, to determine the potencyof the agent, and to estimate the potential risk imposedby exposure to that contaminant. The process of estimating and characterizing potential risks from various a regulation involves risk agents is called risk assessment.Translation of the risk assessment into management. The public is informedof risk assessment and risk management actions through risk communicutioh. This chapter will focus on risk assessment and will consider only briefly risk management and communication.
A. What IS Risk? Webster’s unabridged dictionary(1970) defines risk as 1. The chance of injury, damage, or loss; a dangerous chance; a hazard. 2. In insurance (a) the chanceof loss; (b) the degreeof probability of loss; (c) the amount of possible loss to the insuring company: in full, amount at risk; (d) a personor thing with referenceto the risk involvedin insuring him or it; (e) thetype of loss that a policy fire, etc. to run (or take) U risk; to expose oneself to the chance of injury covers, as life, or loss; to endanger oneself; to take a chance
For this discussion, risk is considered the possibility of an injury, disease, or death, resulting from anexposuretoanenvironmentalagent.Riskassessment is theestimate of therisk *Cumnr mliution: Uniformed Services Universityof the Health Sciences, Bethesda. Maryland
Roberts and Abernathy
associated with a specific set of conditions (Abernathy and Roberts, 1994). By this definition “risk” hastwo principal components: 1. The existence of a hazard 2. The likelihood of being exposed to a hazard
B. Why Worry About Risk? There are two reasons to be concerned with risk. Exposureto an agent poses a real probability of an adverse health effect. Second, the public perceives risk from a potential exposure to an agent. is influencedbyavarietyofsocialand “Riskperception” is arelativeconceptthat psychological factors. The degree of risk that a person or society is willing to accept depends on the level of tolerance that exists for undesirable consequences when the possible, and usually perceived as the mom probable, outcome of a situation will be favorable. Even though this presentation of the topic addresses primarily health effects, the concept of risk assessment is broader and encompasses many experiences. For example, risk can be applied to economic outcomes. When one selectsan investment vehicle, suchas a stock option, the decision process requires a consideration of the possibility that there will be no income generated from the be a financial loss. People who encounter such situations, and make transaction, and there could of action, go through a risk assessment process to identify decisions about the pursuit of a course and determine the probability of a successful versus an unsuccessful outcome. Even thoughrisk and risk assessment can bedefied for a varietyof situations, this chapter will focus on definitions and dynamics associated with health. Thus, the major concerns are the identification, assessment, and subsequent prevention or diminution of adverse health effects. In terms of health effects, people may accept certain levels of risk to derive benefits that provide “a better way of life.” There are many examples of common practices and events that have some risk associated with them; however, these activities provide comforts and services to 1 lists some events that exemplify this concept. society and the risks, then, are accepted. Table It showsthatavariety of acceptableandevenexpectedactivities (e.g.,working,driving, smoking,drinkingcoffeeandalcoholicbeverages,andrecreationalactivities[swimming, bicycling]) can shorten life. This table illustrates that this is not a risk-free society and suggests that some “acceptable” risks shorten life span more than environmental risks. For a detailed review and quantitative assessment of loss of life expectancy for a large variety of risks, the reader is referred to an articleby Cohen (1991). We make choices of lifestyle, diet, and occupation that have associated risks; the choices by a variety of factors, reflect the levelof tolerated risk.This tolerance/acceptance is influenced which include individual and group needs, societal needs and practices, level of technology, economics, and geography, These factors may be beneficial (economic growth, employment, increased standardof living and quality of life, revenues generated)or detrimental (decreased quality of life, emotional difficulties, health effects, lawsuits, lossof environmental resources, by the way risk loss of work, medical payments) (Klaassen,1986). Tolerance is also influenced is perceived. Risk perception may be influenced by the visibility ofthe risk, fear associated with it, and bythe degreeof control that one believes he or may she have, or believes to have, on the 1990). Santos (1990) implies that the public may view risks risk factor (Zeckhouse and Viscusi, a number offactors that differently from regulatory and other public agencies, and thatarethere can influence the perception. Table2 contains some of the factors that she identifies that were originally characterizedby Sandman (Sandman, 1993; Chess et al., 1988), who described them as “outrage factors” (i.e., “everything about a risk except how likely it isto cause harm”).
Risk Assessment: Principlesand Methods
Table 1 Loss of Life Expectancy from Various Societal Activities and Phenomena factor
(days) expectancy Loss of life
Cancer risks associated with environmental pollutants Indoor Worker chemical exposure Pesticide residuesin food Indoor air pollution Consumer products use ozone Stratospheric Inactive hazardous waste sites Carcinogens inair pollution Drinking water contaminants Noncancer risks associated with environmental pollutants Lead Carbon Sulfur Radon Air pollutants (e.g.. benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chlorine, etc.) Drinking water materials (e.g., lead, pathogens, nitrates, chlorine disinfectants, etc.) Industrial discharge into surface water Sewage treatment plan sludge Mining wastes Lifestyle/demographic status Being an unmarried male Smoking cigarettes andbeiig male Being an unmarried female Being 30% overweight Being 20%overweight Having less than an 8th-grade education Smoking cigarettes and being female Being poor Smoking cigars Having a dangerousjob Driving a motor vehicle Alcohol Accidents in the home Suicide Being murdered Misusing legal drugs
30 30 12 10 10
22 2.5 4 1.3 20 20 20 0.2 0.2 0.2
Few minutes Few minutes Few minutes 3500
2250 1600
1300 900 850
800 700
330 300 207 130 95 95 90 90
Soume: Adapted fium &hen and Lee (1979) and cohen (1991).
C. Historical Perspective The concept of assessing risk probably has existed as long as people have been on this planet and capable of making decisions. A report to the Secretary,Health and Human Services provides a historical perspectiveof risk acceptability by indicating how temporal changes in technology, socioeconomic factors, and lifestyle affect the types and nature of the risks that are of concern (DHHS, 1985). It states that
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Table 2 RiskPerceptionFactors Voluntary or involuntary Controlled by the system or controlled by the individual Fair or unfair Having trustworthy or untrustworthy sources Morally relevant or morally neutral Natural or artificial Exotic or familiar Memorable or not memorable Certainty or uncertainty Undetectable or detectable Dreaded or not dreaded Source: Adapted from Chess et
al. (1988), Santos (1990). and Sandman (1993).
What was acceptable in the past may not be acceptable today. As e x p o s e s alter, as moreschange,aspreventionandcontroltechniquesimprove, as thelawsevolve, as needs arise, as information on health hazards increase, as alternatives become available, acceptability changes. In the United States, our ancestors had to contend with health risks from infectious diseases, caused by poor sanitation, spoiled food, and poor water. However, because of advances in epidemiological and microbiological techniques, improvements in sanitation, water purification, and the development of vaccines, these risks have decreased. With increased technological advances and environmental awareness, the tolerance for accepting risks in this country is ever decreasing. This may be different in other less-developed nations of the world, where disease areas where there and poor sanitation stillare major causesof decreased life expectancy. In such also may be depressed economies, fewjobs, low wages, and hunger, the risks that people are be greaterthanthose willingtotoleratetoacquirebasicneeds(food,water,shelter)may acceptable in a welldeveloped nation. In well-developed nations there is a greater chance that are compared with factors of comfort and general well-being, rather such needs are met and risks than basic survival. However, even within well-developed nations, there are depressed areas where basic needs are difficult to obtain and where people are willing to accept greater risks to acquire basic resources than the general population. There are current concerns about whether such areas incur greater environmental and health impact because potentially hazardous operations and facilities werepreferentiallylocatedinneighborhoodsandtownsthatmaybelessconcernedabout long-term risk and more concerned about immediate needs. U. TheS. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed specific ways of addressing environmental equity issues in the risk EPA Journal, 1992). Such measures assessment and risk management process (USEPA 1992a,b include elucidating the ethnic and cultural diversity of exposed populations to determine if there from the restof the population. are groups that have some likelihood of being affected differently
D. United States Laws That Require or Imply Risk Assessments Many decisions concerning the welfare of people and society require the review of alternative courses of actions that have varying degrees of adverse consequences and risk. There are a variety of existing environmental health and safety statutes (discussed in more detail elsewhere in this book) that require or imply the conduct of risk assessments (Federal Focus, 1991). For
es sessment: Risk
and Methods
Table 3 United States Safety, Health, and Environmental Statutes ThatImply Risk Assessments
Act Atomic Energy Act Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act Clean Air Act Clean Water Act Consumer Product Safety Act Eggs Products Inspection Act Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act Federal Hazardous Substances Act Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Federal Meat Inspection Act Federal Mine Safety and Health Act Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act Hazardous Materials Transportation Act Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Act Lead Contamination Control Act of 1988 Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act Motor Carrier Safety Act National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act Nuclear Waste Policy Act Occupational Safety and Health Act Poison Prevention Packaging Act Poultry products Inspection Act Resource Conservationand Recovery Act Safe Drinking Water Act Toxic Substances Control Act
Statute 42 U.S.C. 2011 42 U.S.C. 9601
42 U.S.C. 7401 33 U.S.C. 1251 15 U.S.C. 2051 21 U.S.C. 1031 21 U.S.C. 301 15 U.S.C. 1261 7 U.S.C. 136 21 U.S.C. 601 30 U.S.C. 801 49 U.S.C. 1671 49 U.S.C. 1801 42 U.S.C. 4801 42 U.S.C. 3OOj-21 16 U.S.C. 1431 49 U.S.C. 2501 15 U.S.C. 1381 49 U.S.C. 2001 42 U.S.C. 10101 29 U.S.C. 651 15 U.S.C. 1471 21 U.S.C. 451 42 U.S.C. 6901 42 U.S.C. 3OOf 7 U.S.C. 136
aAbbreviations: NRC, Nuclear Regulatory conrmission; EPA,Environmental Roteaion Agency; CPSC, Consumer Safety Product Commission; DOA, Depnrtment of Agriculture.; HHS, Health ,md Human Services; DOL, Department of L a k ,DOT, Department of h p a t a t i o n ; HUD, Housing and Urban Development; DA, Department of the Army. Source: Adapted from Federal Focus (1991).
example, the EPAroutinelyconducts risk assessments to regulatecontaminantsunderthe Labor provisions of the Clean Air Act and Safe the Drinking Water Act,and the Department of does so under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Other examples of risk assessment statutes are shown in Table 3.
II. RISK ASSESSMENT: DEFINITION There are various definitions for risk assessment; all, however, have a common theme.A defiis that risk nition offered by the U. S. Department of Healthand Human Services (DHHS, 1985) assessment is “the use of available information to evaluate and estimate exposure to a substance(~) and its consequent adverse health effects.” The EPA (USEPA, 1990a,b,c; 1991a,b,c) the and amounts notes thatrisk assessment involves analyzing past exposures, determiningtypes of adverse effects, and predicting the outcome from subsequent exposure. In addition to the predictive aspect ofrisk assessment, Brown (1985) indicates that there also be canretrospective
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uses for risk assessment and offers cancer and radiation as an example. He exemplifies this concept by asking the question “What is the likelihood that a person’s cancer is related to a previous exposureto a hazard?” Allof these definitions focus on potential adverse health as the outcome of exposure to a contaminant. areportthatevaluated In 1983 theNationalAcademyofSciences(NAS)published riskassessmentpractices by federalagencies(NAS, 1983). In thereportriskassessment was definedas
...thecharacterization of thepotentialadversehealtheffects ofhumanexposureto environmentalhazards.Riskassessmentsincludeseveralelements:descriptionofthe potential adverse health effects based on the evaluationof the results of epidemiological, clinical, toxicologic, and environmental research; extrapolation from those results to predict the type and estimate the extent of health effects in humans under given conditions of exposure; judgments as to the number and characteristics of persons exposed at various intensities and durations; and summary judgments on the existence and overall magnitude of the public health problem. of the risk assessment process: From this definition, NAS identifies four components 1. Hazardidentification 2. Dose-responseassessment 3. Exposureassessment 4. Risk characterization
This definition, which includes processes that may be qualitative or quantitative, is usedby the EPAandmany other agencies for most current risk assessments. This is the definition and approach thatis used in this chapter. of the risk assessmentprocess are illustrated in Fig.1. The relation between the components Hazard identification precedes the dose-response assessment. When these are combined with be developed. In a report that discusses an exposure assessment, a risk characterization can
Figure 1 The relationship between the componentsof.the risk assessment paradigm is only or exposure asstable as any“leg”(i.e.,hazardidentification,dose-responseassessment, assessment)thatsupportstheoverallriskcharacterization. If anycomponentisweakor missing, then the overall Characterization is unstable.
es sessment: Risk
and Methods
methods for assessing risk from combustion sources, the EPA suggests that risk assessments proceed from the sourceto the receptor (USEPA, 199Ob). According tothis process, the source is characterizedfirst,andcontaminantmovementawayfromthesource is thenmodeled toestimatetheexposure to thereceptor.Healtheffectsarethenpredictedbasedonthe estimated exposure.
111. RISK MANAGEMENT AND RISK COMMUNICATION There are two activities that are related to and sometimes confused with the risk assessment. are important in addressing and These are risk management and risk communication. Both regulating risk, but are concepts thatare separate from risk assessment. Risk management and riskcommunication are dependentonariskassessment.Ariskassessmentusually is not or riskcommunicationparameters or needs. dependenton or basedonriskmanagement the riskassessment,Forexample,iftechnological However,riskmanagementcanframe constraints limit contaminant removal from air, water,or soil, a risk assessment may characterize the residual risk that remains after remediation. The risk assessment is based on the best scientific data and independently precedes the other two risk activities. Risk management is the process of weighing policy alternatives and selecting the most appropriate regulatory action, integrating the results of risk assessment with engineering data 1983). It is the and with social, economic, and political concerns, to reach a decision (NAS, process of forming and implementing a strategy for acceptingor abating risks (Brown, 1985). Riskmanagement may be defined simply as "theprocess of deciding what to do about a problem," which requires the integration of a broader spectrumof scientific and nonscientific disciplines. It combines risk assessment with regulatory directives, and with social, economic, technical, political, and other considerations(USEPA, 1986). There is an overlap between the risk assessment process and risk management as shown in Fig.2. Risk characterization, the last step in risk assessment, canbe considered thefirst step in risk management. Figure 2 depicts the
Figure 2 Relation between risk assessment and risk management with examples of nonrisk analysis factors.
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Table 4 Key Principles of Risk Communication Accept and involve the public as a legitimate partner. Plan carefully and evaluate your efforts. Listen to the public’s specific concems. Be honest, frank, and open. Coordinate and collaborate with other crediblesources. Meet the needs of the media. Speak clearly and with compassion. Soume: Chess et
al. (1988), Santos (1990). and Sandman (1993).
relation between risk assessment and risk management and provides examples of some of the parameters that may be considered in managing a risk. Although risk assessment maybe one component of risk management, it also canbe totally left out ofthemanagementprocess,andcontrolstrategiescanbebasedsolelyonnonrisk parameters. For example, the decision to control an environmental contaminant can be based on a perceived hazard, rather than one defined by a risk assessment, Another example is regulating environmental contaminants at zero concentration levels when adverse health effects do not occur below higher (e.g., threshold) levels. Risk communication is a method for informing the public about the risks associated with are being consideredto mitigate them. Several definitions hazards and the control strategies that are discussed by Santos (1990). who summarizes them in basic communication theory that recognizes that the process must be “two-way” requiring both a “source” and a “receiver.” She also explains that risk communication helps explain technical information to the general public. In this effort, both the risk assessment and risk management processes may be presented. Concepts often associated with risk communication include informing the public early and involving them in the decision-making process. useof the media, and presentation of truthful and frank information (USEPA, 1990b, 1989a). Some key rules of effective risk communication are shown in Table 4. Although both risk management and risk communication are vitally important, theyare not the focusof this chapter and are presented only to eliminate any confusion with risk assessment For additional information, the reader may consult an annotated bibliography of risk assessme management, and communication sources published by theEPA (USEPA, 1991b).
A. HazardIdentification I . Definition Hazard identification,the first stepin the risk assessment,is defined by NAS as the “processof determining whether an agent can cause an increase in the incidence of a health condition are few human data available. Thus, (cancer, birth defect, etc.)” WAS, 1983). Usually there experimental laboratory animal tests, as well as with in vitro tests, and chemical structur+ activity relationships are generally used to estimate hazard to exposed persons. Most of the of animal studies.When using animal data, is it assumed available toxicity database is the result that the deleterious effects observed in animals will occur, or are expected to occur, in humans (Abernathy and Roberts, 1994). This initial step requires a review of the biological properties of the agent of interest and
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elucidation of the toxic effects thatare statistically or biologically significant. Adverse systemic effects may include organ system dysfunction, gross organ pathology, histopathology, metabolic and physiological impairment, and clinical and blood chemistry abnormalities. Cancer and gene mutation also are considered in the hazard identification process. Hazards can be physical, chemical,or biological, and can result in injury, disease, or death when there is sufficient exposure(i.e., adequate quantity of agent and exposure duration) to a susceptible receptor(e.g., people, animals, or an ecosystem). Physical hazards generally involve an energetic interaction between physical agents and a receptor. Categoriesof physical hazards (Keyet al., 1977) are
Radiation: Ionizing radiation (e.g., x-ray, gamma-ray, alpha-particle, beta-particle, pmton, and neutron) and nonionizing radiation (e.g., ultraviolet, infrared, visible, microwave, radiofrequency, and laser) Atmospheric variations: heat, cold, air pressure Oscillatory vibrations (acoustic energy): noise, vibration Examples of physical agent effects are discussed in a National Institute of Occupation Safety and Health (NOSH) manual, which addresses occupational exposures to chemical, biological, and physical insults (Key et al., 1977). Effects from ionizing radiation include somatic and geneticdamage,exemplifiedbyexposurestoradiationworkers(e.g., effects fnnrr nuclear accidents and exposures to radium dial painters). Such effects include radiodermititis, epilation, acute radiation syndrome, cancer, leukemia, cataracts, sterility, and life span shortening. Nonionizing radiation affects the skin and eyes primarily through heat generation and may cause cataracts. Heat and cold ambient temperature extremes can cause conditions that range from reversible incapacitation, through irreversible tissue damage, to death. Excess air pressure causes barotrauma, which is tissue damage that results from expansion or contraction of gas spaces found within or adjacent to body, the and can occur either during compression or decompression. Pressure changes also affect the partial pressure of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, which can cause these gasesto become toxic (Key et al., 1977). Auditoryandnonauditoryeffectsoccurfromexposuretoacousticenergy.Excessive increases in local atmospheric pressures may traumatically affect the ear and cause hearing loss ot blast overpressure effects (e.g., internal organ hemorrhages). Vibration phenomena include wholebodyvibration,segmentalvibration,acceleration,andresonance(Key et al.,1977). Vibrationeffects may includeincreasesinoxygenandpulmonaryventilation(whole-body vibhtion), and Reynaud’s phenomenon vibration), difficultyin maintaining posture (whole-body (segmental vibration). as For detailed examples ofrisk assessments associated with physical phenomena (as well chemical and biological agents), the teadet may wish to consult theU. S. Army Health Hazard or control health Assessment Program, which was created to identify, assess, arid eliminate hazards associated with the life cycle management of weapons systems, munitions, equipment, (Gross and Broadwater, 1994). clothing, traihing devices, and materiel/information systems Chemical hazards are associated with effects from exposure to substances during various durations oftime. Chemicals can be classified according to their effect either as systemic toxicants or as carcinogens. Some chemicals have systemic effects when exposure duration is acute, subchronic, or chronic, and are carcinogenic when there is chronic exposure. Animal (90days), or toxicity datamay be acute (usually one exposure), subacute (14 days), subchronic chronic (2 years),forgeneraltoxicitystudies.Othertoxicitytests,such as reproductive, developmental, and mutagenic assays use pmtocols specifically designed to examine these endpoints (USEPA, 19%). A chemical effect can vary with the exposure (e.g., mute and duration) or type.For example,
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short exposures to high concentrations of a variety of organic solvents can affect nerve cells, probably from physical alteration of the cell membranes (Andrews and Snyder, 1986), and produce central nervous system effects that range from dizziness, euphoria, and disorientation, to death from respiratory depression or cardiac arrest. Longer-term exposures to low solvent concentrations (e.g., in an occupationalsetting) may also cause neurotoxicity,as well as cancer, reproductive, hematological, dermatological, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and renal effects (Roberts, 1990). Data on the effectsof chemicals on humans are scant. Most of the human data comefrom case reports, correlation assessments, and occupational or epidemiological cohort studies. The most desirable and informative are the epidemiological cohort studies. They examine populations that have been exposedto an agent and compare them with a matched control population. This typeofstudyisthemostvaluable,sinceitprovidesinformationonhumansexposedto environmental concentrations(USEPA, 1990a). Biological hazards are associated with the diseases that mayoccur when one is exposed to microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, rickettsia, chlamydia, and fungi. Some parasites et al., 1977). Examples (protozoa, helminths, orarthropods) also cause biological hazards (Key are shown in Table5. 2. Deficit VersusExcessToxicity One intuitively associates a hazard with the presence of an undesirable agent; however, adverse healtheffectsalsocandevelopfromtheabsence of essentialnutrients (e.g..amino acids, vitamins, and trace elements).This dichotomy in hazard definition is exemplified by the focus of the sciences of toxicology and nutrition. Toxicologists generally evaluate health outcomes associated with exposures to excess amounts of agents (e.g., neurotoxicity from excess carbon disulfide exposure or carcinogenicity from exposure to excess amounts of benzene). Nutritionists, on the other hand, assess health effects of both excesses and deficiencies in the diet. Some essential nutrients have adverse health conditions associated with both dietary excesses and deficiencies and, therefore, have an optimal dose range that be must maintained for proper physiological functioning. For example, nutritional iron deficiency may result in anemia, whereas an excess may cause hemosiderosis. Another example is copper deficiency, which may causemicrocyticandnormochromicanemia;excessivetissuedeposition of copper is seen al., 1973; inpersonswithWilson’sdisease,withhepatolenticulardegeneration(Whiteet Latham et al., 1972).
B. Dose-Response Assessment I . Definition An important tenetof toxicology is that “the dose makes the poison.” This concept is discussed by Doull and Bruce (1986) who offera quote from Paracelsus (16th century):
All substances are poisons; there is none that is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy. This quoteis germane to the dose-response sectionof the risk assessment process. The NAS (1983) defines dose-response assessment as “the process of characterizing the relationship between the dose of an agent administered or received and the incidence of an adverse health effect in exposed populations and estimating the incidence of the effect as a function of human exposure to the agent.” This definition has two implications:
Risk Assessment: Principles and Methods
Table 5 Examples of Biological Hazards Diseases
Viruses Rabies Milker’s nodules Newcastle disease Viral hepatitis Rickettsia and Chlamydia Rocky Mountain spotted fever Q-fever Ornithosis Bacteria Tetanus Anthrax Brucellosis Leptospirosis Plague Food poisoning Tuberculosis Erysipeloid Tularemia Fungi Candidiasis Aspergillosis Coccidioidomycosis Histoplasmosis Mycetoma Sporotrichosis Chromoblastomycoses Dermatophytosis Parasites Swimmer’s itch creeping emption Hookworm disease Ascariasis
Rhabdovirus Paravaccinia virus Newcastle virus (paramyxovirus) Hepatitis types A and B viruses Rickettsia rickettsii Coxiella burnetti Chlamydiapsittaci Clostrkiium tetani Bacillus anthracis Brucella spp. Leptospira spp. Pasturellapestis Clostridium perfringens Staphylococcus aureus Mycobacterium tuberculosis Erysipelothrix spp. Francisella tularensis (Pasturella tularem) Candida albicans Aspergillis spp. Coccidioides immitis Histoplasma capsdatum Monosporum apiospermum Allescheria boydii Sporothrix schenkii Fonsecaea (Cladoqorium) spp. Phialphora vewucosa Tinea groups schistosoma spp.
Hookworm (filariform stage) Hookworm Nematode
Source: Klainer and Geis (1973). Davis et al., (1973). Key et al. (1977), and Jawetz et al., (1974).
1. Assessing the quantitative relation between an agent and health outcome from set of data 2. Given this data, predicting an effect
a given
The need to predict alludesto the factthat most of the definitivehealth effectsdata are based on animalstudies, usually at doses higher than those expected in human exposures from environmental exposures.Therefore,extrapolations (e.g., animal-to-human and high-to-low
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dose) are required to define potential human responses. When reliable data from humans are available, the quantitation of adverse effects is generally considered more reliable and more easilymade(AbemathyandRoberts, 1994). Datafromanimalstudiesmustbeexamined critically, since most toxic effectsare observed after relatively high doses. In addition, animals may have susceptibilities different from those of humans, and strains of experimental animals are less genetically diverse than the populations of humans. On the positive side, it is possible to carefully control experimental variables for animal studies; a situation not possible in human epidemiological studies. It is common to identify levels (doses and exposures) that are associated with biological effects, adverse effects, frank effects, and absence of effects. Markers of such effects [e.g., no-observed-adverseeffect level (NOAEL), lowest-observed-advem-effect level (LOAEL), reference dose (RfD), reference concentration (RfC), benchmark dose, and such] are discussed in Chapter 16. Sometimes dose-response curves may be constructed to assess the severity of effects or, such as in estimating cancer risks, to derive potency factors (unit risk factors), and per unit of contaminant (i.e., doseor exposure). determine the change in the severity of effect The steepness (slope) of the dose+response curve (i.e., those that are linear or have a linear component in the area of interest) may be directly related to the severity of effect (Fig. 3). However, steep curves for minor effects are not as severe as shallow curves for more severe to population heterogeneity. endpoints. Curve slopes also may be related Avarietyofmathematicalmodelsareused toestimatetherisk of developingcancer to estimate subsequent to exposure atocarcinogen. These models extrapolate experimental data effects at lower exposure levels and consist of several types to include distribution models (log-probit, Mantel-Bryan, logit. and Weibull), mechanistic models (one-hit, gamma-multihit, multistage, and linearized multistage), pharmacokinetic, and time-to-tumor (Klaassen, 1986). These models vary in their assumptions about how cancer developsor who is susceptible and, therefore, can produce risk estimates that vary by orders of magnitude.
2. SelectedToxicologicalPrinciples Dose. Basic toxicological principles, especially those associated with exposure and pharmacokinetic or toxicokinetic dynamics, must be addressed when assessing the dose-response component of the risk assessment pmdigm. These principles are presented earlier in this text,
Figure 3 Relation between dose-lesponse and severity of effect. The slopes of the curves in panel a are greater than those of panel b. Thus, the effects representedin panel a are p t e r (moresevere) than those of panel b.
Risk Assessment: Principlesand Methods
and the reader shouldbe familiar with them to fully appreciatethe significance and limitations inherent in the dose-response assessment. A few of these principles will be reiterated in the following paragraphs. When dose-responserelationships are evaluated, it isimportant to consider how the agentwasdelivered to the body. The route of deliverysometimes af€ects the type of response that is elicited. Some chemicals produce the same effect regardless of the route of entry. For example, the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)-dibenz[u,h]anthracene and benzo[u]pyrene-produce cancer in animals when administered orally or to the skin (ATSDR, 1990). Inhalation ofbenzo[u]pyrenebyanimalsproducedcancer,andpersonsexposed by inhalation to emissions that contain PAH mixtures (coke oven emissions, roofing tar emissions, and cigarette smoke) also developed cancer (ATSDR, 1990). Therefore, it appears that some PAHs may be carcinogenic by all exposure routes. In contrast, some chemicals have vastly different effects that vary according to the exposure route. Oral exposures introduce agentsdirectlytothegastrointestinalsystem,withsubsequententry to thehepatic-portal system, where the liver can metabolically alter (detoxify or increase toxicity) the substance’s activity,Theliveristheprimarysiteforchemicalmetabolism.However,inhalationand dermalexposurescanallowsubstancesto be absorbedeitherunchangeddirectlyintothe circulatory system or can modify them with local skin or lung enzymes in an extrahepatic metabolic process. Antimony is an example of a compound that has exposure mute differences.Whenadministeredbyinhalation,antimonyinducedlungneoplasmsinrats;however, there was no evidence of carcinogenicity in two lifetime studies in which rats and mice were given antimony in drinking water (USEPA, 1993). Other examples of chemical exposures for which inhalation and oral exposure routes result in different cancer risk assessments are asbestos and cadmium (Ohanian, 1992). Sometimes one routeof exposure canbe used to estimate doseby another exposure route (i.e., “route-to-route extrapolation”); however, specific physiological and metabolic conditions must exist(USEPA, 1989~). Another concern of dose-response relationships is relating exposures (e.g., contaminant to the body and, finally, concentrations in air,food, or water) to the actual dose that is delivered to the target organ. Factors suchas absorption, distribution, and metabolism can qualitatively and quantitatively modify the chemical that actually reachesaffects and the target. Advances in physiological and biological-based pharmacokinetic modeling have resulted in a toolbethat can used by the risk assessor to estimate target doses (USAF, 1990). Response. The response that is considered in the risk assessment step is a biologically, and usually statistically, significant change (increase or decrease) in a health out&me that is related to an agent. The types of responses can be general (e.g., effects on body weight or food and waterintake); they can be morespecific (e.g.,organweight,physiological,enzyme,and histological changes); or, most frequently, a combination oftwo. the m m important It should be emphasized that the presence of biological significance is thanstatisticalsignificance. This is partlydue to thenatureofstatisticalscience,which recognizes that most methods have some inherent degreeof emn: 1,4Dithiane is an example for which biological significance outweighs statistical significance (Deardorff et al., 1994). Results of oral dosing studies showed that female rat brain weights were significantly inlighter thehigh-andlow-dosegroups.However,brainweightsofthemiddosegroupwerenot significantly lighter and the differences in weights of the treated and control groups were within that expected from removing and handling the brains. Thus, even though there was statistical significance, biological significance was not demonstrated. Another endpoint (nasal lesions) was identified as the critical health effect.
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Figure 4 The “law of limiting factors’’ defines an optimal range of tolerance (also called the essential range) to an environmental factor for the survival of organisms.At environmental factor levels aboveor below the optimal range, organism survival will decline.
Law of theMinimum;Limits of Tolerance. In the previous section (Sec,N.A), them is a discussion concerning toxic effects either because of the presence of excess contaminantsor the absence of essential nutrients. This obviouslyis a dose phenomenon that should be recognized
in the risk assessment process. There are several essential trace elements(ETE), such as zinc, molybdenum, and selenium, with health-based criteria that consider both excess and deficit amounts in the daily diet (Abernathy et al., 1993; Donohue et al., 1994; USEPA, 1988). This German concept is not newandwas recognized in the 19th and early 20th centuries by a biochemist, Justus Liebig, and an American ecologist, Victor Shelford (Nadakavukaren, 1986). Liebig studied problems of fertility in agricultural soils and observed that crop yields were affected by the absence of nutrients (e.g., copper) that were needed in minute amounts. Based law of the minimum stating that “the growth of a plant on such observations, he developed the is dependent on the amount of foodstuff whichis presented to it in a minimum quantity.” Victor Shelford demonstrated thattoo much of a limiting factor canbe as harmful as not enough. For an ecologicalmaximumandminimum,and the rangein suchsubstances,organismshave between the two extremes are the organism’slimit of tolerance (Fig. 4).
V, EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT A. Definition Exposure assessment, the third step in the risk assessment paradigm, is the process of measuring or estimatingthe intensity, frequency, and duration of the human exposureto an agent currently of estimating the hypothetical exposure that might arise from the present in the environment, or release of new chemicals into the environment(NAS, 1983). It involves physical contactwith the agent, anda variety of factors shouldbe considered when assessing the potential risk that an environmental contaminant poses. These include exposure route and duration, elucidation of the
Risk Assessment: Principles and Methods size and composition of the exposure population, and determination frequency of exposure.
of the magnitude and
B. Exposure Route and Duration Exposure (and dose) routes were discussed previously relative to hazard identification (this (see Part I). The exposure route also is important in determinchapter) and toxicological impact ing the significance of an exposure to a contaminant. The exposure routes include dermal (skin, cutaneous), oral (ingestion of food and water), inhalation (air), and parenteral (skin injection, of the dose absorbedby each route. intraperitoneal). Thetotal absorbed dose is a summation Exposure sites may have differences in absorption and metabolism that can affect the (TNT), 1,2-dichloroethane, significanceofanexposure.Forexample,2,4,6-triNtrotoluene 1,2-dichloroethylene, and p-dioxane are reported to cause significant adverse health effects when are exposed by either inhalation, dermal absorption, humans or experimental laboratory animals or oral ingestion (Nadakavukaren, 1986; Roberts and Hartley, 1992). An exposure assessmentof these chemicals, thus, should consider media such as air, water, and as food exposure routes in a risk assessment. Byconhast, gases, such as carbon monoxide, ozone, and sulfur pose chloride, health effects only from inhalation; therefore, only air should be considered as an exposure route (Key et al., 1977). As discussedearlierinthis book, short-term(acuteandsubacute)exposuresfroma particular chemical may result in effects that differ from longer-term (subchronic, chronic, and lifetime) exposure to the same chemical, thus indicating the relation of exposure duration to toxicity. Table 6 shows examplesof chemicals that were evaluated for drinking water toxicity for which the critical effect, which was the basis for the recommended exposure limits, varies with the exposure duration.
C. Contact Probability Versus Number Exposed The fmal area of concern for exposure assessment is the potential for people to be exposed. There are two components: 1. The probability that people will contact the agent 2. The number of people that can actuallyor potentially come in contact with the agent Regardless of an agent’s toxicityor its degree of hazard, there simply is no risk if no exposure occurs. Therefore,as the probability that persons can come into contact with a hazardous agent increases, then the risk increases. Figure 5 illustrates how both exposure potential and the number of exposed persons relate in the determinationof risk to an agent that has an adverse health effect. When-both contact potential and number of exposedpersons’arelow, then the risk of adverse health effects also is low. Conversely, high-exposure potential and large numbers of is high and the other is low, the risk exposed persons result in high risk. When one parameter may be considered to be.medium (the relative importance of this type! of classification may be more appropriately determined in a risk management process). The figure illustrates extreme possibilities for contact potential and number of exposed persons, but in reality, thereare infinite categories. Becauseof inherent uncertainties in risk assessment and exposure assessment, it is usually difficult to fit a characterization into a neat box. Scientific experience and judgment thus become important factors in this process. Therelationbetweenriskandthenumberofexposed persons isexemplifiedbythe production of munitions chemicals. Munitions, such as hexahydro-l,3,5-trinitro-l,3,5-triazine (RDX), nitroguanidine, andoctahydm-l,3,5,7-tetranitro-l,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX), have demonstratedmammaliantoxicity.However,becauseoftheirlimiteduse,productionanden-
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Risk Assessment: Principlesand Methods
vironmental occurrence of these chemicals are limited both geographically and quantitatively (Nadakavukaren,1986). Therefore, when one considers the entire United States population, there is little potentialfor exposure, andthe human risk from such munitions is minimal to nonexistent. is carbon monoxide (CO), which is a significant urban air An example of the opposite condition pollutant primarily because of automotive emissions, but also from industrial and power plant emissions. (Nadakavukaren, 1986; Salvato, 1982). It also is a common indoor air pollutant that originates from sources, such as cigarette smoke; emissions from gas, wood, or kerosene stoves; appliances; and vehicle exhaust. Given the wide use of vehicles in the United States, CO is present in large quantities, which between 1968 and 1975 were estimated to be between 94.6 and 100.1 million tons(Ware, 1988). Coupled with the large number of people who live in urban of exposed personsare high for this chemical. areas, both the exposure potential and the number
A. Definition The final step in the risk assessment process is the risk choructerizution.The NAS (1983) defiof a health effect under the various nition for this stepis “the processof estimating the incidence conditions of human exposure describedin exposure assessment.It is performed by combining the exposure and the dose-response assessments. The summary effects of the uncertainties in the is referred to Fig.1 for the integrationof preceding stepsare described in this step.” The reader the hazard iderktification, dose-response assessment, and exposure assessment.Risk characterused bya risk manager to develop ization is the productof the risk assessment process thatbecan control and remediation strategies, and it can be used by a risk communicator to inform the for persons to develop adverse health effects. In public about the type, magnitude, and potential addition to summariziig the other three risk assessment processes, the risk characterization should discuss major assumptions, scientific judgments, and the uncertaintiesof the process (USEPA, 1986). It is onlyas reliable as the information generated by each phase in the evolution of the risk characterization.Its adequacy is determined by enumeration of both the strengths and weaknesses of each part of the qualitative and quantitative assessment (USEPA, 1986).
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B. Qualitative Versus Quantitative Risk Characterization I . Systemic Effects: Threshold Effect A risk characterization may be qualitative or quantitative. Most frequently it is both qualitaA qualitative risk characterizationis a narrative that describes the elements tive and quantitative. of the risk assessment paradigm for a particular hazard and may express hazard, exposure, and risk potential in semiquantitative terms, such as “negligible,” “minimal,” “moderate,” or “severe.” Comparisons with common, perhaps acceptable, hazards and risks may be made and comparative terms, such as “less than,” “equal to,” or “greater than,”may be used to define the nature of the risk. A quantitative risk characterization expressed hazard and risk in numerical terms. It can per unit doseor exposure of an agent (e.g., percentage change indicate a finite amount of hazard in response for each milligram of agent per kilogram of animal body weight). The factors that are derived for quantitative assessments are discussed in detailin Chapter 16. Examples of quantitative risk characterizations used by the EPA for chemicals that have health effects other than cancer and gene mutations are discussed by Barnes and Dourson(1988) andincludethe estimatedexposure dose (EED)andthe margin of exposure (MOE).The EED,whichcanbemeasured or calculatedandshouldincludeallsourcesandroutes of exposure, is compared with theRfD or RfC* for a particular agent. When the EED is less than MOE is the ratio between the RfD or RfC, the needfor regulatory action should be small. The a NOAEL and EED:
NOAEL (experimental dose) EED (human dose)
When the MOE is greater thanor equal to the product of the UF and MF the need for regulatory action is small. For noncancer effects,a threshold mechanismis assumed. As stated by Barnes and Dourson (1988). this assumption is based on the theory that “ m gae of exposures fromzero to some finite value can be tolerated by the organism with essentially no chance of expression of the toxic effect.” Although this statement appears valid for most chemicals,it does not apply toone specific group of chemicals. For essential trace elements (ETEs), zero exposure would result in deleterious effects (Abemathyet al., 1993). However, for ETEs, the concept of a finite upper1989). Therefore, bound threshold for nontoxicity is also supported by experimental data (NRC, the essentiality requirement does not prevent risk assessment of an ETE, it only means that the essential nature of the chemical must be considered during evaluation (Abemathy et al., 1993). For noncancer effects, a RfD is derived. The RfD is defined as “an estimate (with an uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of a daily toexposure the human population (including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without appreciable of deleterious risk effects during a lifetime” (USEPA, 1988). The RfD concept is similar to the acceptable daily intake (ADI) used by some regulatory and risk assessment groups. The EPA has introduced the term RfD to obviate the use of such prejudicial words as “acceptable” and “safety” (Barnes and Dourson, 1988). In the RfD process, a no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL)or a lowest*% RfC is a nlatively Icccnt development by the U. S. EPA that is descriptive of substances that have an inhalation exposure and is similar in concept to the IUD, which is baped on substances that have oral exposures. The Rfcs wen not discussed in the paper by Barnes and Dourson (1988). The reader is referred to Jarabck et al. (1990) for a discussion of RfCs.
es sessment: Risk
observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL)is determined by evaluating the toxicity database of a chemical. The appropriate NOAELsor LOAELs are selected, primarily, from animal studies or from human studies. Many factors such as toxicity endpoint, appropriateness of the species studied, methodology, route and length of exposure are critically reviewed. For example, in studies of similar quality, a human study wouldbe selected over an animal study.In addition, for drinking water regulations,data from oral exposures are preferable. The most relevant study is selected and the endpoint of toxicity is considered to be the “critical” effect. The NOAEL (or LOAEL) is divided byuncertaintyfactors (UFs) and,sometimes,amodifyingfactor (W,Table 7) to obtain an RfD: NOAEL (or LOAEL) UFSXMF
The units for the RfD are in milligrams of the chemical perkilogram of body weight per day ( m a g day”). The EPA derives RfC values for airborne chemicals; the reader is referred to Jarabek et al. (1990) for a discussionof this process.
2. Carcinogenicity:NonthresholdEffects Those agents that cause cancer in humans or in animals are considered to have no-threshold are data to thecontrary).Withthese (i.e., there is no “safe”exposurelevelunlessthere chemicals, any exposure has some risk and, as exposure increases,the probability of a carcinogenic response increases(USEPA, 1986). The EPA evaluates potential carcinogenicity from both a qualitative and a quantitative Table 7 General Description of Standard Uncertainty and Modifying FactorsU& in Deriving Reference Doses*
General comments
Basis for UFa Human (intraspecies)
A tenfold factor normally is utilized to account for variability of responses in
Animal (interspecies)
A tenfoldfactorgenerallyisusedtoaccount
human populations. Subchronic to chronic
LOAEL to NOAEL~ Data gaps
Modifying factor
for differences in responses between animal species and humans. A tenfold factor may be used when chronic data are unavailable and aW a y study is usedfor RfDb derivation. A tenfold factor may be used when a LOAEL instead of a NOAEL is used to derive the Rfd. For “minimal” LOAELs, an intermediateUF of 3 may be. used. A factor,usuallythreeto tenfold is applied for “Incomplete” data bases (i.e., missing studies). It is meant to account for the inability of any study to consider all toxic endpoints. The intermediate factor3of (M log unit)is often used when there is a singledata gap exclusive of chronic data. Usually appliedfor differencesin absorption rates,tolerance to a chemical, lack of sensitive endpoint,or other toxicokinetic/dynamic parameters.The default value is 1. ~
.professional scientific judgment is used to determine the appropriateness of each W. Values ranging from 1 to 10 (usually 1,3, or 10) may be used for each W. The tenfold value isthe most commonly used. bAbbreviations: W, uncertainty factor. LOAEb lowest-observed-adve-effctt level; NOAEL, no-obsaved-adverseeffect level; RfD, Reference dose. Source: Barnes and Dourson (1988). Abemathy etal., (1993). IRIS (1993), and Jarabek et (1990).
Roberts and
standpoint. In the qualitative evaluation, EPA usesa “weight-ofevidence” approach to determine the potential carcinogenicityof a chemical.Factors include Occumnce (orlack of) cancers in various species Dose-response data, number(s) of tumor sites Decreases in time-to-tumor Effects on different sexes Mutagenicity Human case reports and epidemiology studies 8). Each chemical is then placed in a category (Table Quantification of carcinogenic responses is accomplished by using mathematical models. Although there are several models, EPA generally usesthe linearized multistage model(LMS). It is a conservative model, and the value obtained from the LMS risk model gives a plausible upper-bound estimate of the cancer risk.A chemical’s carcinogenic potency after oral administration is given by a slope factor Fig. 6). Use of such models are generally necessary, since relatively high doses are givento experimental animals, and theEPA needs to estimate riskat the relatively low doses that may be encountered in environmental situations. When there is LMS appropriate pharmacokinetic, metabolic,or other mechanistic data, a model other than the may be applied to develop the risk estimate(USEPA, 1986). Carcinogenic risk can be expressed as the product of the actual human dose and risk per unit dose developed from dose response modeling (USEPA, 199Ob). The EPA Risk Assessmenr Guidelines for Carcinogens (USEPA, 1986) presents three ways of expressing estimates of cancer risks:
1. Unit Risk: Assuming low-dose linearity, this is the excess risk from continuous constant lifetime exposureof 1 unit (e.g., ppm or ppb in food and water( m a g day-’) by ingestion, or ppb or pg/m3 in air) of carcinogen concentration. 2. Dosecorresponding to a given level of risk: Use when nonlinear extrapolation models estimate different unit risks at different dose levels. 3. Individualand population risks: Use when risk may be characterized either in terms of individual lifetime risks, the excess number of cancers produced per year in the exposed population, or both.
Table 8 EPA Cancer Classification Categories’ Category A
Human carcinogen Probable human carcinogen B1: Limited human data B 2 Sufficient animal data and inadequate human data Possible human carcinogen Not classifiable Evidence of noncarcinogenicity
‘“he EPA is presently revising the cancer guidelines and this classificatim system will be modified. Source: EPA Risk Assessment Guidelines of 1986 (USEPA, 1987).
Risk Assessment: Principles and Methods
Experimental Dataflange
Figure 6 Schematic presentationof calculation of a slope factor(ql*)for a chemical that is carcinogenic after oral administration.The solid linerepresents actual dose levels, whereasthe dotted line represents area of extrapolation. The upper-bound estimateof the risk response is calculatedby multiplying the (q1*) times the daiiy dose. MTLl, maximum tolerated dose. Since the various mathematical models that estimate the risk can vary by orders of magnitude, a risk characterizationfor cancer riskmay contain a rangeof risk estimates (Ohanian,1992).
C. What Should Be Included in a Risk Characterization: EPA Risk Assessment Methods of characterizing risks and presenting the characterization may vary with theofnature the hazard (e.g., carcinogenvs. noncarcinogen), theexposure source, and characteristicsof the exposed population. Because of the complexities in toxicology, risk assessment methodology, and assumptions and uncertainties inherentin the process, there are various ways that federal, state, and local agencies perform and express risk assessments (USEPA, 199Oc). I . Risk Assessment: Threshold Versus Nonthreshold Whenchemicalsexertsystemiceffects,they are considered to haveathresholdmechanism, and a RfD approach is used to assess their risk. Carcinogenic chemicals are assumed to have nonthreshold effects (USEPA, 1990% Fig. 7). Cancer potential is determined by a weight-of-evidenceapproach,andthelinearizedmultistagemathematicalmodelisusedto estimate potency.
2. RiskManagement Under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)of 1974, as amended in 1986 (USC, 1974; Public Law 99-339,1986), the EPA is required to establish maximum contaminant level goals (MCLGs)
Roberts and Abernathy
8 v)
No Threrhold lrclnogen)
Threrhold (Nonoarclnogon)
Figure 7 Diagrammaticrepresentation of threshold and nonthresholdconcepts. A dose up to the of adverse healthdfects (see text). threshold intercept canbe tolerated by an organism without expression
and maximum contaminant levels (MCLs)or treatment techniques.The risk assessment process gives a scientific estimate of the magnitude of the health risk of a chemical, and this information is used to set an MCLG. The MCLG reflects risk assessment (RfD or cancer classification) and is health based; it is not enforceable. TheMCLis a riskmanagementdecision. To promulgatean MCL underthe SDWA, risk managers start with the risk characterization and then factor in such considemtions as economic impact, analytical and treatment techniques, political, legal and social aspects, to arrive at an MCL (see Fig. 2). The resulting MCL is legally enforceable (USC, 1974; Public For a morecompletediscussiononMCLGandMCL see references Law99-339,1986). (USEPA, 1989b, 1991b). 3. RiskCommunication
Riskcommunication is the process bywhichthepublicparticipates in and is a w m of EPA shares drinking water standards. Before, during, and after promulgating a standard, the risk assessment and risk management information with the public by publishing notices of impending actions in theFederal Register. The EPA also has another mechanism for sharing chemical information with the public. (IRIS).All of It maintains an electronic database, called the Integrated Risk Information System the available data used by EPA in its risk assessments for each chemical (Table 9) is listed on IRIS User Support in this system. To obtain additional information on this system, contact Cincinnati, OH at (513) 569-7254.
and Methods
es sessment: Risk
Table 9 General Fie Structure for Chemicals Listed on the Integrated Risk Information Systema Substance identification and CAS n u m e Chemical and physical p r o p e r t i e s RfD/RK: oral and inhalation reference doses for chronic noncarcinogenic health effects CRAVE oral and inhalation slope factors and unit risks for chronic exposures to carcinogens Drinking water healthadvisories:recommendedestimatesofconcentrationsofcontaminantsin drinking water that people could be exposed to for lday, lodays, longer-term (7 years), or a lifetime without causingany anticipated adverse noncancer effects
Aquatic toxicity data Exposure standards:a summary of EPA regulatory actions References “certain data sets (i.e.. RfC)may be missing if an RfC has not bem verified for that chemical. bAbbreviations: CAS number, Chemical Abstract Services registry number, reference dose; concentration: carcinogen risk assessment verification endeavor (cancer assessments).
VII. SUMMARY Risk assessmentis a dynamic science that continually evolves as a result of both scientific advancements and increased public interest. It requires a multidisciplinary approach that integrates many scientific disciplines (e.g., toxicology. biochemistry, pathology, pharmacology, biostatistics, and so on). Currently risk assessment has inherent uncertainties that reduce accuracy in estimating and predicting human health effects. Some of these uncertainties include to predict effectsto humans Extrapolating effects observed in animals Relating exposureto body burden and target organ dose; and Extrapolating high, tissue-damaging dosing studies in animals to low-dose, non-tissue-damaging exposures that persons experience (Kimbrough, 1991)
As biological and health sciences continue to improve, so will risk assessment methodology. Scientists strive to improve the methods that they employ to estimate and predict chemical, biological, and physical agent effects on persons to enhance the risk management decisions that be pursuedto regulatorsmustmake.Ohanian (1992) identifiessomeresearchthatshould improve risk assessment methodology: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Use of data on mechanismsof action in cancer classification scheme Application of maximum tolerated dose and its implication in risk assessment Risk assessment of complex mixtures using a toxicity equivalency factor(TEF) approach Role of essentiality versus toxicity in risk assessment of trace elements Application of benchmark dose approach in the derivationof reference dose Consideration of mechanism of carcinogenicity in the selection of risk assessment model (i.e.. two-stage, receptor-mediated and such) 7. Incorporation of data on active metabolites in assessing cancer risk 8. Estimation of human exposure parameters using physiologically based tissue dosimetry and response models 9. Developmentandvalidationofhumanexposuremodelsdesigned to generaterealistic prediction of exposure to chemicals
Roberts and Abernathy
These and other research efforts will reduce the uncertainties that are inherent in the risk assessment process. Theywill improve risk assessment accuracy for estimating and predicting adverse health effects and better protect thepublic's healthand improve the quality of life.
REFERENCES Abemathy, C. 0..and W. C. Roberts (1994). Risk assessment in the Environmental Protection Agency, J. Hazard Subst., 39, 135-142. Abernathy, C. O., R. Cantilli, J. T. h,and 0. A. Levander (1993). Essentiality versus toxicity: Some considedons in the risk assessment of essentialtrace elements, Hazard Assess. Chem., 8.81-113. Casarett and Doull's Andrews, L. S., andR. Snyder (1986). Toxic effects of solvents and vapors. In Toxicology, 3rd ed.(C. D.Klaassen,M. 0. Amdur,and J. Doull, eds.), MacmillanPublishing, New York, pp. 636438. [ATSDR] Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (1990). Toxicological profile for polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons,U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Atlanta, GA, (ATSDR/rP-90-20) Bames, D. G., and M. Dourson(1988).Referencedose (RfD):Descriptionanduse in healthrisk assessments, Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol.,8,471-486. Brown, S. L. (1985). Quantitative risk assessment of environmental hazards, Annu. Rev. Public Health, 6,241-267. Chess, C., B. J. Hance, and P. Sandman (1988). Improving Dialog With Communities:A Risk Communication Manualfor Government, Environmental Communication ResearchProgram, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, M . Cohen. B. L. (1991). Catalogof risks extended and updated,Health Phys., 61,317-335. Cohen, B. L., and I-S. Lee (1979). A catalog of risks. Health Phys., 36,707-722. Davis, B. D., R. Dulbecco, H.N.Eisen, H. S. Ginsberg, W. B. Wood, and M. McCarty (1973).Microbiology, Harper & Row, Hagerstown, MD. [DHHS] Department of Healthand Human Services (1985). Risk assessment and risk management of toxic substances: A report to the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services from the Executive Programs (CCERP), DHHS. Committee, DHHS Committee to Coordinate Environmental and Related Deadorff, M. B., B. R. Das, and W. C. Roberts (1994). 1.4-Dithiane. In Drinking Water HealthAdvisory: Munifions2 R. Hartley, W. C. Roberts, and B. J. Commons, eds.), P.A.S., Ann Arbor, MI. Donohue, J. M.,L. Gordon, C. K m a n , W. C. Roberts, and C.0. Abemathy (1994).Zinc chloride and other zinc compounds. InDrinking Water Health Advisory: Munitions2 R. Hartley, W. C. Roberts, and B. J. Commons, eds.), P.A.S., Ann Arbor, MI. Doull, J., and M. C. Bruce (1986). Origin and scope of toxicology. In Casarett and Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science ofPoisons, (C. D. Klaassen, M. 0. Amdur, J. Doull, eds.) Macmillan Publishing, New York,pp. 3-10. EPA Journal (1992). Washington, DC: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. 18(1), 6-61. for a presidential executive Federal Focus, Inc. (1991). Towards common measures: Recommendations order on environmental risk assessment and risk management policy. Federal Focus, Inc. and The Institute for Regulatory Policy, Washington,DC. Gross, R. A., and W. T. Broadwater (1994). Health hazard assessments. InTatbook ofMilitary Medicine, Vol. 2,Occupational Health: The Soldier and the Industrial Part Base, 3: Disease and the Environment, Department of the Amy, Office ofthe Surgeon General, The Bordon Institute, Washington, DC, pp. 165-205. Jarabek, A.M., M. G.Menach, J. H. Overton, M. L.Dourson,and F. J.Miller(1990). The U. S. EnvironmentalProtectionAgency'sinhalation RfD methodology: Risk assessment for air toxics, Toxicol. Ind. Health, 6.279-301. Jawetz, E., J. L. Melnick, and E. A. Adelberg (1974). Review of Medical Microbiology, Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos, CA. Key, M. M., A. F. Henschel, J. Butler, R. N.Ligo, I. R. Takrshaw, and L. Ede, e&. (1977). Occupational
Principles Risk Assessment:
and Methods
Diseases: A Guide to Their Recognition.U. S. Government Printing Ofllce, Washington, DC, DHEW (NIOSH) publication 77-1811. Kimbrough, R. D. (1991). Uncertainties in risk assessment, Appl. Occup.Environ. Hyg., 6,759-763. Klaassen, C. D. (1986).Principles of toxicology. In Casarett and Doull's Toxicology:The Basic Science of Poisons. (C. D. Klaassen, M. 0. Amdur, J. Doull, eds.), Macmillan Publishing, New York, pp. 11-32. Klainer, A. S., and I. Geis (1973).Agents of Bacterial Diseare, Harper & Row, Hagerstown, MD. Latham, M. C., R.B. McGandy, and F. J. Stare (1972). Scope Manual OnNutrition,The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, MI. McKechnie. J. L., ed. (1970). Webster's New World Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged, 2nd ed.The Publisher's Guild,New York Nadakavukaren, A. (1986). ManandEnvironment: A Health Perspective, Waveland Press, Prospects Heights, L,pp. 17-19. BAS] National Academy of Science (1983). Risk assessment in the federal government: Managing the process, NAS, Washington, DC. [NRC] National Research Council (1989). Recommended Dietary Allowances, loth ed., National Academy Press, Washington, DC. Ohanian, E. V. (1992).New approaches in settingdrinkingwaterstandards, J . Am. Coll. Toxicol., 11,321-324. Public Law 99-339. The Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986. exposure, dissertation, Universityof South Carolina, Roberts, W. C. (1990). Vestibular function after solvent School of Public Health. eds. (1992). DrinkingWaterHealth Advisory:Munitions, Lewis Roberts, W.C., and W.R.Hartley, Publishers, Boca Raton,FL. Salvato, J. A. (1982). Environmental Engineering and Sanitation.John Wiley& Sons, New York. Sandman, P. (1993). Responding to Community Outrage: Strategies for Effective Risk Communication, American Industrial Hygiene Association. Fairfax, VA. Santos. S. L. (1990). Developing a risk communicationstrategy, J. AWWA. (Nov.), 45-49. [USAF] U. S. Air Force (1990). Development and Validation of Methods for Applying Pharmacokinetic Data in Risk Assessment, Vol.1-7. Hany G.Armstrong Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB. OH,(AA"TR-90-072). Available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA. NTIS order Nos. AD-A237-365 through 371. USC 4. (1974). The Safe Drinking Water Act. seq. 3e. [USEPA]U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (1993). Office of WaterHealthAdvisories,Health MI. Advisoriesfor Drinking WaterContaminants,Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, [USEPA] U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (1992a).Environmental Equity: Reducing Risk for All Communities, Vol. 2. Supporting Documentation,Washington, DC (EPA23O-R-92-008A). [USEPA] U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (1992b).Environmental Equify: Reducing Riskfor All Communities, Vol. 1, Supporting Documentation,Washington, DC (EPA230-R-92-008A). WSEPA] U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (1991a). General quantitative risk assessment guideline for noncancer health effects, Washington, DC (draft). [USEPA] U. S. Envirohmental Protection Agency (1991b). Risk assessment, management, communication: A guide to selectedsources, Washington, DC (EPA/560/7-91-008). [USEPA] U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (1991~).Office of Drinking Water Health Advisories. Drinking Water HealthAdvisory: Volatile Organic Compounds, Lewis Publishers, Chelsea,MI. [USEPA] U. S. Envitonmental Protection Agency (199Oa). Seminar publication: Risk assessment, management and communication of drinking water contamination, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington. DC (EPA/625/4-89/024). [USEPA] U. S. EnvironmentalProtectionAgency (1990b). Methodology for assessinghealthrisks associated with indirect exposureto combustor emissions. Washington,DC (EPA/600/6-90/003). [USEPA] U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (1990~).Risk assessment methodologies: Comparing EPA and state approaches, Washington, DC (EPA570/9-90-012). [USEPA] U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (1989a). Office of Drinking Water Health Advisories. Drinking Water HealthAdvisory: Pesticides. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea,MI.
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[USEPA] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(1989b).Guidelines for authors ofEPA Office of Water Health Advisories, Washington,DC. [USEPA] U. S. Environmentalprotection Agency (198%). Interim methods for development of inhalation reference doses, Washington,DC (EPA/600/8-88/066F). [USEPA] U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (1988).Reference dose (RE)):Description and use in health risk assessments, Integrated Risk Information System(IRIS). Online: Intra-Agency Reference Dose Workgroup, Oftice of Health and Environmental Assessment, EnvironmentalCriteria and Assessment Office, Cincinnati, OH. [USEPA] U. S. EnvironmentalProtectionAgency (1987). The risk assessment guidelinesof 1986, Washington, DC (EPA/600/8-87/045). [USEPA] U. S. EnvironmentalProtectionAgency (1986). Guidelines for carcinogenriskassessment, Fed. Reg., 51(33992), 1-17. Ware, G . W.,ed. (1988).Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,Vol. 106, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency office of Drinking Water Health Advisories. Springer-Verlag, New York. White,A., P. Handler,and E. L. Smith (1973). Principles of Biochemistry, 5th e d . , McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 1149. Zeckhouse, R.J.. and W. K.Viscusi. (1990). Risk within reason, Science, 248,559-564.
Medium-Specific and Multimedium Risk Assessment Brian K. Davis and A. K. Klein California Departmentof Toxic Substances Control Sacramento, California
1. INTRODUCTION Risk assessment is a method usedto determine potential health risks to humans or to ecological receptors resultingfrom exposure to contaminants. The primary message of this chapter is that the risk assessor must consider the totality of exposure and risk from all contamination sources and all exposure pathways. The chapter describeshow to evaluate and sum the risk components In from different media (surface water, groundwater, air, soil, food) to estimate a total risk. addition to summing risk over different media, consideration is also given to the need to sum over time, over different chemicals, and over different sources. It is sometimes valid to evaluate exposureto various chemicals from only one medium, but in general, all media should be considered. Summationof exposure levels shouldbe done by exposure route (ingestion, inhalation, dennal contact), since the toxicity of a contaminantis often dependent on the exposure route. Therefore, exposure levels are not totaled for a specific medium, because exposure to that medium may occur through more than one exposure route. be exposed to the medium ofsoil by incidentally ingesting For example, a human receptor may soil, inhaling dust, and having direct skin contact with soil. The appropriate summation is for each routeof exposure from all media. Alternatively, summation can be deferred until the risk characterization step. isRisk characfor nonterized by comparing exposure levels of the contaminants to health-based criteria values carcinogens, andby determining an upper bound estimate on risk based on exposure levels and for criteria description). The total the cancerslope factor for carcinogens (see Chapters 1417and risk or hazard is determined by totaling over different media for carcinogens and noncarcinogens. Although logic and prudence dictate that all media shouldbe considered, unless evidence to the contrary is available, single-medium risk assessments are often perfonned in responseto legal mandates. The law may require that only one medium be addressed and may not give V.A. authority to regulatorsto consider other media. This is discussed in Section 271
Davis and Klein
II. MEDIUM-SPECIFICEXPOSUREASSESSMENT A. Overview I . The Role of Exposure Assessment Exposure assessment is one of four componentsof risk assessment (see Chapter15). The first of the componentsis hazard identification,in which the sources of contamination, suchas toxic m considered and contaminants of concern axe identified. waste sitesor smoke stack emissions, The second component is dose-response, in which the toxicity of the contaminantsis described in quantitative terms and used to derive health-based criteria. The third component is exposure assessment in which the exposure of the receptor to the Contaminants is assessed, considering each individual medium and the routes of ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. Exposure assessment evaluates fate and transport of contaminants in air, water, and soil, and derives estimates of thedosesovertimetothevariousreceptors.Thefourthcomponentisrisk characterization in which the nature and magnitude of the health hazard or risk is described by relating the estimated dosesto the health-based criteria for the contaminants being evaluated.
2. Routes of Exposure The routes of exposure are inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact. The primary route by which organisms are exposed to contaminants varies for different media: ingestion for food and water and inhalationfor air. Secondary routes of exposure may alsobe important. Inhalationofchemicalsvolatilizingfromwaterand demal contactwithcontaminantsinwater may result in significant exposure. Ingestion and dermal contact are the most important mutes of exposure for soil, but inhalation of volatilized contaminants and contaminated dust also contribute to exposure, far risk assessment because the harmful effects of The routeof exposure is a critical factor a chemical are often route-dependent. Since dermal absorption is usually less than absorption from either the gastrointestinal tract the lungs, dermal exposure often leadsto less toxicity than similar levels of exposure by ingestion or inhalation. Evenfor exceptional compounds, such are readily absorbed across the skin, each route and as carbon tetrachloride and benzene, which each medium must be considered separately. 'or
3. Chemical Changes or Transformation Chemicals are not immutable in the contaminated medium. Fate and transport of contaminants is a description of chemical changes and movement of contaminants from one medium to from physical or biological activity and may lead to either another. Chemical changes may result decreased or increased toxicity. Examples of the effectof physical aspects of the environment are the photooxidation of chemicalsairinby sunlight, and the hydrolysis of chemicals in water. Parathion, a common insecticide, be canphotooxidized in air to paraoxon, a more toxic chemical. This photooxidation is dependent bothon sunlight and the presenceof atmospheric pollutants (Woodrow et al., 1978). Parathion and paraoxonare eventually hydrolyzed in the environment et al., 1977) and,ultimately,degraded top-nitrophenol,alesstoxicchemical(Woodrow completely. A s an example of environmental transformation resultingfrom biological activity, mercury ores are primarily mercuric sulfide (cinnabar), a compound with low toxicity, but microbes in soil, sediment, and the gut can transform mercuric sulfide into much more toxic organic formsof mercury such as methylmercury (Wade et al., 1993). 4. Transportamong Media
Chemicals can move from one medium into other media. This may be unidirectional, as in the transfer of a chemical from contaminated soil into groundwater, surface water, or air followed
Medium-Specific Assessment andRisk Multimedium
by its movement away from the source of contamination. Alternatively, an equilibrium may develop,withachemicalcyclingfrom one medium toanotherandback.Theprincipal force behind the transfer of a chemical from one medium to others is fugacity, the tendency of the chemical to escape from gas, solid,or liquid phases, eventually leadingto the partitioning of the chemical among the environmental media of soil, air, biota, sediment, and water. An equilibrium develops when the escaping tendencies of a chemical presenttwo in media are equal.Atequilibrium,theconcentrationofthechemicalinonemediumwillalwaysbe This is describedby a partition coefficient proportional to its concentration in the other medium. K,which represents the partitioning between any two media, such as soil and water, water and air, or air and biota. For example, to predict whether thereis a potentialfor exposure to a surface water contaminantby the inhalation route, the relevant partition coefficient is Henry’s constant, KH. Insimpleterms, KH is theratio of theconcentration of thechemicalinair to the concentration of the chemical in water. The concentration of the chemical in air is dependent on its vapor pressure, the tendencyof the chemical to escape to a gaseous compartment, and the on its solubility inwater. A chemical with concentration of the chemical in water is dependent a high Henry’s constant would have a greater tendency to volatilize and move into air than to remain in water. Such a chemical is expected to be found as a vapor in air, even if it had originally been released into water. During the establishment of a distributional equilibrium among media, chemical changes is transformed into volatile forms, such as may also occur. For example, when mercuric sulfide elemental mercuryor methylmercury, it moves intothe air. It can later be redeposited in soil or water. Thus, as mercury cycles through air, water, and sediments, a variety of chemical species are involved (Wadeet al., 1993). A metal suchas mercury achieves equilibria among its chemical species as well as among various media.
B. Rationale for SingleMedium Risk Assessments There are several circumstancesin which itmay be appropriate to consider only a single medium in a risk assessment. In some instances, the contaminating chemical is released to a single medium andis not readily transferred to other media. Some examples are the releaseof a volatile chemical into the air from a smokestack, the release of a soluble chemical with low volatility into a lake,or the releaseof a chemical that becomes tightly bound to soil particles in soil. A second circumstance in which a single-medium risk assessmentis appropriate is when receptors are exposed to only one medium. For example, a chemical contaminant in soil may move into groundwater and into air, but if conditions prevent exposure to soil (such as restricted access) or groundwater (suchas no current use), then exposure assessment may be restricted to the airborne contaminant. Finally, theremay be. circumstances for which exposure is from several media, butis only significant from one medium. It is important to notice that the key word, significant, refers to or criterion and not relative to exposure to the significance relativeto some health-based standard same contaminantin other media. If an air contaminantposes an unacceptable health risk, it is stillunacceptable,even whenitpalesbycomparisonwiththehealthriskfrom thesame contaminant in a dflerent medium, such as water. three conditions in which the logic for evaluating only one medium This discussion has cited is based on physical, chemical, and biological considerations. Single-medium risk assessments are also donein response to legal mandates.A government agency maybe mandated to address risks and hazards from contaminants only in one medium. The discussion of statutory authorities (see Sec. V of this chapter) illustrates this point with examples of statutes and the responsible regulatory agencies thatcany them out.
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Consideration of the combined effects of different media is included in the risk characterization stepof risk assessment. This is discussedat length later (see Sec. III.D.2).
C. Water I . SurfaceWater Surface water instreams, rivers, and lakes has been a convenient place to dispose of wastes, not only from boats, but also from industry, agriculture, and residences. In addition to deliberate dumping, wastes are washed into lakes, rivers, and streams by rainwater, Eventually, surface waters deposit a portion of the contaminants in the oceans. Along way chemicals the may change form, may be lostto the air through volatilization,or may settle andbe trapped in sediment. The concentrations also diminish through dilution as transport occurs. 2. Groundwater Althoughprotectedfromtheimmediateeffects of surfaceactivitiesbyalayer of earth, groundwater canbe contaminated with a variety of chemicals. Since aquifers are replenished by as well as chemicals dissolved in water could also rainwater, one would expect that other liquids move into them. This expectation is borne out by the frequency of contaminated wells. In a et al. survey of 466 randomly selected drinking water systems using groundwater, Westrick (1984)foundthat 30 (6.4%)hadtrichloroethylene at levelsrangingfrom 0.2 to 78 p& (comparedwith adrinkingwaterstandard of 50 p a ) . TheUnitedStatesEnvironmental ProtectionAgency(USEPA) (1984) hasindependentlyestimatedthat 3.6% ofthenation's ground water supplies for drinking water are contaminated with trichloroethylene. It is wellestablished that certain chemicals can move through the soil from sources of contamination to groundwater. Sabel and Clark (1984) showed that trichloroethylene leached to groundwater from a Minnesota municipal solid waste landfill. They measured trichloroethylene at 0.7-125 parts per billion (ppb) in leachate samples. Theofrate movement depends on both soil characteristics and the nature of the chemical contaminants. The concentrations change within the soil, as discussed later, and within the groundwater. Similar to surface water, concentrations in groundwater diminish by dilution, if for no other reason.
3. Routes of Exposure Humanscan be directlyexposed to contaminants in surfacewater.Directexposurewhile swimming is primarily dermal, with some incidental ingestion and some inhalation of volatile chemicals.Surfacewaterandgroundwaterarebothsources of waterforagriculturaland residential use. Ingestion of contaminants can result directly from drinking the water, or indirectly, from one or more intermediate steps. Contaminants eating food that has become contaminated through can be transferred from water to plants in irrigating commexial fields and home gardens. This or in internal plant structures. Contaminated contamination maybe on the external plant surfaces plants may be eaten by humans or fed to livestock, introducing another step before consumption by humans. The final concentrations and formsof the chemicals reaching the receptor depend on many variables, including the types of water treatment for residences, the kinds of foods, and methods of food preparation. A complete exposure assessment should consider ingestion pathways for food, which may include fruits, vegetables, and grains irrigated with contaminated water; milk, meat, and eggs from animals consuming water or feed contaminatedby the transfer of chemicals from irrigation water, and fish and other seafood taken from contaminated water. Another food-related pathway is the use of tap water in cooking. In addition to exposure pathways involving the ingestion route, exposure to water contam-
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inants by the inhalation route can be important. Significant inhalation exposure to chemicals volatilized from water can result fromofuse residential water in showering, washing dishes and 1987). McKone and Knezovich(1991) have shown that, clothes, and flushing toilets (McKone, in households using tap water contaminated with trichloroethylene, a volatile organic chemical, the inhalation exposure while taking a shower could exceed ingestion exposwe. This discussion demonstrates the importance of considering fully the fate of contaminants in a specific medium.It is not sufficient to think only of the obvious, direct route of exposure, which in this instance, would be ingestion of drinking water. Contaminants in water can readily move to air and food, and exposure can be through the skin (dermal contact) and the lungs (inhalation). The exposure from these pathways may individually or collectively exceed that from the direct drinking water pathway.
D. Air The medium of air may be considered as two separate, but connected compartments: outdoor and indoor air. Sources of contamination of outdoor air include discharges from industries and refineries, pesticide applications, automobile exhausts, and hazardous waste sites. Sources of indoor air contamination include radon in belowground rooms; tap water containing volatile chemicals thatare released during showering, bathing, washing dishes and clothing, and flushing toilets; tobacco smoking; and various consumer products, such as cleaning agents, paints, and adhesives. Although environmental regulations have focused on identifying and controlling contaminants in outdoor air, recent studies have shown that an average person in the United States spends more than 94% of their time indoors, resulting in a substantial risk from the indoor air pollution generatedby various consumer products (Ott,1990). The two-compartment model for outdoor and indoor air is an oversimplification. First,it assumes homogeneity of contaminants within each compartment Like other media, the air within each compartment is, in fact, heterogeneous; contaminant concentrations vary according to the locationof the source and the extent ofair movement. It may also assume that the two compartments are independent, ignoring the exchange between outdoor air and indoor air. Under constant conditions, the concentration of a contaminant from an outdoor source will eventually reach the same level in indoorair as in the ambient outdoor air. The structure of the building impedes air exchange, but eventually the concentrations must equilibrate. The converse is also relevant That is,air exchange through the building moves contaminants from indoorsources into outdoor air. However, the contribution of nonindustrial indoor sources to outdoor pollution is usually insignificant because of the large volume of outdoor air. The important consequence of movement of indoor air to outdoor air is to reduce the concentration of indoor contaminants. Energy conservation measures that reduce the flow between indoor and outdoor air also contain serious indoor pollutants such as radon. Air contaminants are present either as vapors of volatile chemicals or bound to dusts or particles. For example, benzene from gasoline is present as a vapor in air near gas stations and freeways, whereas leadmay be present in house dust from lead-based paint and other sources. I . Efects of Weather Conditionson Potential Exposure Weather plays a central role in the dispersion and migration of contaminants in outdoor Dry, air. stable weather and temperature inversions may keep airborne contaminants at elevated levels for longer periods, whereas winds and precipitation both tendto rapidly decreaseair contaminant levels. Prevailing airflow patterns may dictate exposure patterns. For example, prevailing winds carrying airborne contaminants from the northeast can result in greater exposure of receptors
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southwest of the source. Because outdoorair is an exceedingly large compartment, concentrations of outdoorair contaminants decrease rapidly by dilution. Weatherconditionsinfluenceindoorairlevelsonly to theextentthattheyaffectthe ventilation of indoor airspaces. Levels of contaminants in indoor air can remain stable for longer periods relative to outdoor air and, thus, may pose a greater long-term exposure hazard to human receptors. 2. Chemical-Specijk Characteristics The vapor pressure of a chemical is the most important chemical characteristic to consider when deciding whether the medium of air should be considered in an exposure assessment. Chemicals with high vapor pressure more anstable in the gaseous phase and are important air contaminants. Chemicals with high vapor pressure and relatively low water solubility or high vapor or soil into theair. Some pressure and poor adsorption soil to particles move readily from water examples of chemicals with high vapor pressures that are important indoor air contaminants are those in dry-cleaned goods, paints,new fabrics, household cleaners, and adhesives. Chemicals adsorbed onto soil particles canbe resuspended into the airon dust particles and subsequently inhaled. On the other hand, adsqtion onto atmospheric dust particles with eventual removal from air by rain and deposition to surfaces can act to remove chemicals from air. Chemicals with high water solubility may dissolve in fog droplets be andtransported in air for some distance before being deposited onto soil or plants (Glotfelty et al., 1987). These airborne chemicals, once deposited, may then be ultimately ingested.
3. Routes of Exposure Humans can be directly exposedto contaminants in indoor and outdoor air by the inhalation of vapors or respirable particles. Respirable particlesm those with a diameter of 10 pm or less (Casmtt, 1972) that can penetrate past the terminal bronchiolesof the lung. Because humans inhale through the mouthas well as by nose, quite large (greater than100 pm) particles can be inspired, These larger particles enter the lungs, but are excluded from the bronchioles. Along with a proportion of smaller particles, they are captured by the mucus and the ciliated cells in area, and ingested. the upper respiratory tract, returned to the pharyngeal Like chemical contaminants in water, air Contaminants can also be transferred to surfaces and internal structuresof plants. Humans can thenbe exposed by eating contaminated plants or A complete exposure assessment of contamlivestock, as was discussed for chemicals in water. inants in air should consider ingestionas well as inhalation.
E. Soil Soil is usually the primarysource of contamination at hazardous waste sites. Soil contaminants can be rinsed from surface soil by rainwater, can migrate through soil to groundwater, or can volatilize and move to outdoor air or through cracks in foundations to indoor air. Soil consisting in air as a result of wind of fine particles, such as clays and silts, can also become suspended erosion or canbe tracked indoors to addto the indoor dust level.
I . Soil h y e r s The greatest exposure to soil by humansis to surface soil. For risk assessment purposes, surface soil is usually defined to include the soil at shallow depths (1-2 ft; 30-60 cm) below surface as well as the actual surface.For sites where construction could occur or where soil may be excavated and redeposited on the surface, soil concentrations of chemicals down to10-12 ft (3-3.6 m) below the surface may have tobe considered in an assessment of exposure. Humans of can be directly exposed to surface soil by dermal contact, incidental ingestion, and inhalation
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dust. The level of exposureis affected by the type of soil, moisture contentof the soil, andsoil or other “caps”). cover (vegetation, asphalt, concrete, Subsurface soil refers to root-zone soil, extending from just below surface to about 39 in. (99 cm) in depth. Direct contact with this soil layer canoccur with construction, agricultural, or gardening activities. Plant roots can transfer contaminants from subsurface soil into plant structures and to surface soil. The broad definition of surface soil in the previous paragraph overlaps with subsurface soil, as defined here. These are operational definitions that account for the potential of direct contact with surface soil and contamination of plants through the roots in subsurface soil. soil contamination is the possibility of thatmassof Theprimaryconcernaboutdeep contamination actingas a reservoir for leaching into groundwater. The rate of leaching depends on soil characteristics,as described in the following section.
2 . Kinds and Properties of Soil Soil characteristicsare too varied and complex to be presented here. This section contains a brief two soil properties thatare important discussion of organic carbon content and soil particle size, from soil to skin. for the transferof contaminants through soil and Organic carbon contentis a major factor in the ability many of nonionic organic chemicals toadsorbto soil particles.Soilswithlittleorganiccarbonadsorbchemicalspoorlyand, consequently, transfer contaminants more readily into aquifers. Similarly, contaminants in soils be transferred more easily to skin (soil to skin partitioning) with low organic carbon content can following direct soil contact. Particle size is another important characteristic. Water and other fluids move more easily through sand and gravel, which consist of large particles, than through clay, which is made up also influences the rateof exposure to contaminants in soil from of small particles. Particle size direct dermal contact. The poorer adherence to skin of soils with a high content of sandor gravel limits the time of contact with the soil and its contaminants. Clay soils adhere better to skin, providing more timefor the transferof contaminants from soilto skin. Themovement of water and contaminants through clays is usually much slower than through sand and gravel soils. This is because clay soils generally have a high organic carbon content and small particle size, whereas sand and gravel soils generally have lower organic carbon content and larger particle size. However, soils with high clay content may form deep cracks during dry weather that can act as conduits to deep soil and aquifers. 3. Chemical-SpecificCharacteristics
chemicals bind to soil particles becauseof their affiiity for organic componentsof soil or dust. This affinity isprimarilyinfluencedby two chemical-specificcharacteristics.First,larger molecular weight compounds tendto be less water-soluble and have more electrons with more opportunities for ititeractions with the organic fraction of soil. In other words, large molecules are more likely to adsorb to soil particles. Second, the p K value of the chemical, that is, the telative strength of the chemical to function as a weak acid or base, influences the tendencyof the chemicalto adsorb to soil. 4 . Routes of Exposure Humans m directly exposed to contaminants in soil by the inhalation, ingestion, and dermal eohtact routes. Activities responsible for soil contamination include industrial and manufacturing processes; transport, storage, and disposal of hazardous wastes; application of pesticides to gardens and lawns; surface water runoff;and fallout from municipal incinerators and smelters. Contaminated soil is suspended as dust in outdoor air, particularly in construction and
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agricultural work. Soils can also be a component of indoor dust, either from exchange with outside air or following tracking of soil into a building, Inadvertent ingestion of contaminated soilby adults occurs by eating foods contaminated by soil from the hands, or by other hand-to-mouth activities, such as smoking. Ingestion of eating foods that have been concontaminants can also occur through indirect pathways,assuch taminated by the transfer of chemicals from surface or root-zone soil, or by drinking water contaminated by the transferof chemicals from soilor sediment. Children ingest larger amounts of soil than adults because of their increased mouthing behavior and because of play activities in dirt (Clausing et al., 1987; Calabrese et al., 1989). Some children exhibit a “pica” behavior, craving and ingesting large amounts of dirt. Thus, exposures to contaminants in soil per unitof body weight are higher for children and may be considerable in pica children. Dennal exposure to contaminants in soil can occur during gardening, landscaping, construction, trenching, recreation, and agricultural activities.
F. Problems with Medium-Specific Focus The sectionson water, air, and soil discussed the importance of transport of contaminants among these media.As mentioned in SectionII.B., there are conditions in which it is logical or legally mandated to evaluate only one medium in a risk assessment. However, is usually it necessary to evaluate the potential exposure from all media and routes to reach the conclusion that consideration of a single medium in isolation from other mediais appropriate.
A. Environmental Fate and Transport
The preceding discussions of single media have argued that concentrations, chemical species, are not constant. Thesechangesin andenvironmentallocationsofchemicalcontaminants contaminants are collectively referred toas environmental fate and transport. The chemical and physical characteristicsof the contaminant and the characteristics of the medium determine the nature and rates of the changes. The importance of fate and transport is illustrated by the distinction between a source medium and a contact medium.A source medium is the medium thatis initially contaminated, whereasacontactmedium isthemediumfromwhichthereceptorcontactsthechemical contaminants. Contaminants can move from the source medium to the contact medium directly to medium or indirectly throughan intermediate or transport medium. Movement from medium is called transport. As discussed in Section II.A.4, the direction of transfer among media is primarily from the source medium. A contaminant be cansubjected to numerous reactions, such as, photooxidation in air, hydrolysis in water, and biodegradation in soil, which will change its are called “fate.” nature and concentration. Changes in chemical composition Although the distinction between source and contact media might appear to be obvious, confusion does arise. This is illustrated by the fieldof hazardous waste site regulation for which there is strongpressure to specifygenericsoilremediationlevelsforcommonchemical contaminants. Some states (New Jersey, Washington) are considering adoption of this approach. Theapplication of genericsoilremediationlevelsforallcasesmakesnoallowancefor site-specific conditionsof fate and transport that can drastically alter contaminant concentrations in the contact media. A hypothetical, but not unrealistic example, follows. Suppose facility A releases a high concentration of a contaminant into the soil at the site (the source medium), but because of s
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hot conditions, the contaminant rapidly volatilizes and is degraded in the air. Furthermore, the small level of remaining contaminant is blown away from the area of concern (area A) by prevailing winds. Suppose facility B releases a moderate concentration of the same contaminant onto the soil at its site, but there is little degradation under the conditions of this area. The used for residential waterby contaminant moves rapidly through the soil into an aquifer isthat the areaof concern (areaB). The concentration in the air over the area A (the contact medium) may be insignificant, whereasthe concentration in the residential water, the contact medium for area B may be of concern. Applicationof the same generic soil remediation level to these two sites could leadto inappropriate actionsfor both. The soil remediation goal might require costly B. and unnecessary activity at facility A, but insufficient remediation at facility The usefulness of generic, chemical-specific soil remediation values has been argued by analogy to maximum contaminant levels (MCLs)for drinking water, which is a contact medium. The MCLs are generic, chemical-specific drinking water standards that apply to all drinking water (see Secs. V.A.l.andV.A.2. following).TheMCLs are basedonconsiderations of as well as health. Thes o m e of the chemicals technical feasibility, economic and societal effects, and the pathway they took to reach the drinking water is irrelevant. The MCL compliance is usually at the point where water enters the distribution system of a public water system. The analogy of MCLs to soil remediation levels fails, because the contaminatedsoil at a facility or site is the source medium and mayor may not be a contact medium. Contaminated soil is not equivalent to the contact medium of residential drinking water. Site-specific soil remediation levels should be based on a fate and transport analysisto determine contaminant from the contact medium. concentrations and potential exposure Indeed, it is inappropriate to use MCLs as criteria to evaluate a source medium, such as groundwater at the origin of the contamination, although this is sometimes done. On the one hand, it may be wasteful and unnecessaryto purify groundwater, the source medium, basedon an MCL that has been set for drinking water, the contact medium. On the other hand, the collective health effectsof several chemical contaminants might exceed acceptable levels when added. For example,if two contaminants in an aquifer are both carcinogens and each is removed (or "remediated") to the target level of risk based on MCLs, the total excess cancer risk is the sum of the two risk levels or twice the target level. Finally, since MCLs are based on other considerations, in addition to health, reliance on them for remediation goals may be underprotectiveinsomeinstancesandoverprotectiveinothers.Theseproblems are avoidedby performing a risk assessment that takes into account the specific conditions at hand, rather than applying generic numbersto the source medium in all situations. are similar in soil. HealthThe problems with generic chemical-specific remediation levels based levels that are set for the contact medium are inappropriate for the source medium. Environmental fate and transport should be considered in assessing the risks and hazards from m based on existing conditions. Acceptable levels of contamiexposure to contact media that nants in the source medium can thenbe based on health protective levels in the contact media. are described The proceduresfor setting site-specific remediation goals based on risk assessment in Section 1II.E.
B. Determining the Outcome of Fate and Transport It may seem obvious that the best way to determine the outcome of environmental fate and transport is the empirical approach ofsimplymeasuringcontaminantlevelsinthecontact medium of interest. In many instances, this is true: however, the complexity of the fate and transport systems can make adequate sampling of the contact medium extremely difficult. This is often true for transferof chemicals from contaminated soil to breathing-mne air. Movement
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of theairdependsonfactorssuch as surfacetopography,windspeedanddirection,and temperature. These factors can vary considerably over space and over time, both daily and as seasonally. Sample data meansare reflective of the true contact medium means only insofar the samplesare representative. The variabilitymay make this impossibleto achieve. Furthermore, it may be important to relate the contamination in the source medium to that in the contact medium.If several sources are contributing to a contaminated contact medium, the relative contributionsof each sourcemay be importantfor establishing liability. The alternative to sampling the contact medium is to model the dispersion of contaminants in the medium of interest. There are several models currently in use for modeling the dispersion of contaminants in air. Obviously, the models also suffer from the difficulty in addressing the complexities described earlier. They attempt to predict contaminant concentrations only at an average location under average conditions. the movement within Similarly, the transferof contaminants from soil to groundwater and the groundwater canbe modeled or measured. Sampling of groundwater also presents difficulties, but notas many as sampling air.
C. IntakeEquations Up to this pointwe have considered the movement of contaminants among environmental media and the ways in which receptors may be exposed. Intake equations apply this information to calculate the amount of contaminant that a receptor will actually take into the body. I . Generic IntakeEquations TheRiskAssessmentGuidance intake equation:
I =
for Superfund (USEPA, 1989) gives the following general
C x CR x EFD BW x AT
I = intake or the amountof chemical at the exchange boundary (skin or membrane) in units of milligrams of chemical per kilogram of body weight per day [mg/(kg x day)].
C = chemical concentration in the contact medium or the average concentration contacted over the exposure periodin units of milligrams of chemical per (liter m a ) for water, milligrams of chemical per cubic meter (mg/m3) for air, and milligrams of chemical per kilogram ( m a g ) for soil. CR = contact rate or amount of contaminated medium contacted per unit ofortime event in units per day for soil. of liters per dayfor water, cubic meters per day for air, and kilograms EFD = exposure frequency and duration describing how long and how often exposure occurs in units of days. BW = body weight in kilograms. AT = averaging time,or the period over which exposureis averaged indays. This generic intake equation is applicable to any length of exposure time (e.g., subchronic, of exposure. TheEFD term may be divided into chronic) and, with modifications, to any route (ED), exposure frequency(EF), the number of days of exposure per year, and exposure duration the number of yearsof exposure. Notice that the intake is defined as administered dose or the amount of chemical at the exchange boundary (i.e., absorption is not taken into account). The exception to this is the consideration of dermal exposure to chemicals. The intake equationsdennal for exposure given
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in the Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (USEPA 1989) calculate absorbed dose or uptake of the chemical by the skin, rather than calculating simple contact with the skin. The equation for dermal contact with chemicals in water is
I =
I = dermal uptake (absorbed dose) in units of milligrams of chemical per kilogram of body weight per day [mg/(kg x day)]. C = chemical concentrationin the contact mediumor the average concentration contacted over the exposure period in units of milligrams of chemical per liter of water (ma). SA = skin surfacearea available for contact in units of square centimeters (cm2). PC = dermal permeability constant in units of centimeters perhour. ET = exposure timein hours per day. EF = exposure frequency in days per year. ED = exposure duration in years. CF = conversion factor used to convert units in the equation. BW = body weight in kilograms. AT = averaging time,or the period over which exposure is averaged indays.
An analogous equation estimates dermal uptake from contact with chemicalsin soil. The intake rates predicted by Eqs. (1) and (2) are compared with health-based criteria, either (RfD)for noncarcinogenic endpoints a health-protective dose level, called a reference dose (see Chapter 17) or multiplied by a slope factor for carcinogenicity (see Chapter 14). Most, althoughnotall,referencedosesandslopefactorsfororalandinhalationexposureare determined from administered dose levels in epidemiology studiesor toxicology studies with animals. They mustbe compared with estimated intakes thatare also administered dose levels. For inhalation exposures, reference concentrations (RES) have been established that are compared with the chemical concentration in breathing-zone air (the contact medium), rather than the calculated intake. Occasionally, health-based criteria mustbe adjusted for absorption. One example is when the absorption rates are known to be differentfor humans and the experimental animal on which the reference dose or slope factor is based, and they have not been taken into account in determining that criterion. A second example is theofuse a health-based criterion for a related If absorption rates compound because no criterion is available for the compound being evaluated. for the two compounds are established, an adjustment is appropriate. A third example is the use of a criterion for a different route because no criterion is available for the route being evaluated. This is most common with dermal exposures, for which experimental data are usually lacking, and few health-based criteria values exist. Adaptation of an oral or inhalation criterion involves correcting for differences in absorptionso that the adjusted criterion is compared with dermal uptake derived fromQ.(2). which is calculatedas an absorbed dose.
2. Assumptions Several major assumptions apply to intake [see Eqs. (1) and (2)]. First, the chemical concentration C is the concentration in the contact medium, the medium from which the receptor is exposed to the chemical,as discussed in Section IILA.It is not appropriate to use the chemical or transport medium as the C value. If there are no sample concentration in the source medium be estimated from concentradata, the concentrationof the chemical in the contact medium can tions inthesourcemediumbasedonfateand transport. Second, the exposureparameter
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estimates used in these equations may be quite variable and uncertain, indeed, some parameters can neverbe accurately describedby single values. For example,isitnot realistic to use a single value for the contact rate for incidental soil ingestionby a child over an exposure durationof years. The effect of the variability and uncertainty inherent in each of the parameters on the calculated intake or uptake values needs to be considered in any risk assessment.
D. Risk Estimation Risk estimation is performed by calculating the intake of a chemical and then comparing the result with health-based criteria for that chemical. Health-based criteria are reference doses or reference concentrations for noncarcinogenic toxicity and cancer slope factors.
l . EliminatingExposure Pathways Before calculating intakes, exposure pathways that are not applicable should be eliminated, If the chemical under consideration has or notcannot contaminate a particular medium because as a site where groundwater cannot becontaminated bethat medium is not present (such cause there is no underlying aquifer), the chemical has little or no affinity for the medium, or there is a barrier preventing movement of the chemical to the medium, then that medium and all are eliminated from consideration. If it canbe shown exposure pathways involving that medium that there is no possibility that persons will ingest foods, water, or soil contaminated by the chemical originating from the site, will have dermal contact with contaminatedorwater soil, or will inhale contaminated particles or vapors coming from the source or site, then these exposure pathways may be excluded fiom further consideration for human health risk assessment. It is necessary to do a similar evaluation for ecological receptors. After calculating intakes, insignificant exposure pathwaysmay also be eliminated. These m pathways that occur, but do not add significantly to total exposure. However, the availability of computer spreadsheets to complete the calculations obviates the incentive to eliminate minor pathways. Instead, intakes from all pathways for an exposure route can be added to get the overall inhalation and ingestion intakes and dermal uptake for each chemical. If circumstances dictate the eliminationof insignificant exposure pathways,the approach begins by identifying the most significant pathway for each exposure route. Then intakes of all the other pathways for that exposure route are comparedwiththeintakeofthemajor pathway, Any pathway with an intake that is an insignificant fraction of the major pathway can be eliminated, unless the magnitude of exposure from that pathway is so p a t that it remains of concern. Alternatively, the risks and hazards for each chemical can be calculated for each expobe doneintherisk surepathway, as describedinthenextsection,andsummationcan characterization step.
2. Converting Intakes to Risks and Hazards Carcinogeniceffects are expressed as theincrementalprobability or risk of anindividual developing cancer over a lifetime as a resultof exposure to a potential carcinogen. The equation (USEPA 1989) is Risk intakedaily = chronic
factor x slope
Risk = the probability thatan individual will develop cancer (unitless). Chronic daily intake= the intake averaged over an averaging time (AT)of 70 years in unitsof [mg/oCg x day)]. Slope factor = a constant that relates intake averaged over a lifetime and incremental risk of cancer; units are [mg/(kg x day)rl.
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chronic daily intake is the intake calculated inEqs. (1) and (2) with 70 years (anaverage lifetime) as the averaging time. This distinguishes intake for carcinogens from shorter times, such as subchronic exposure. Acarcinogen or cancer-causingchemicalmayhave adifferentslopefactorforeach exposure route.If intakes for all the pathways for each exposure route for a chemical have been added, then the summed value for each exposure route is used with the corresponding slope are then added for all exposure routes factor to get the cancer risk for that exposure route. Risks to get the total risk for that chemical. Alternatively, the risk for eachcan pathway be calculated separately for allchemicalsbeingconsidered.Thentherisks maybetotaled togetthe to multiple pathway-specific risk and summed again to get the total cancer risk from exposure chemicals. Either procedure will yieldthe same excess cancer risk estimate. Several points should be kept in mind about this estimate of total cancer risk. First, it is not NB. always appropriate to add risks from different chemicals, for reasons given later in Section Second, thisis an estimate of excess cancer risk, the risk from the exposure under consideration, which is additional to the background cancer risk all individuals face. Finally, the cancer slope alsoisan upper-bound estimate. factors are upper-bound estimates and, therefore, the cancer risk be far less. The true excess cancer risk from the exposure might Noncarcinogenic hazardsare not measured by risk, but rather, by a direct comparison of the exposure intake with a chemical-specific reference dose. When the intake value is for a specific chemical in a specific exposure pathway, the ratio is called a hazard quotient and is expressed as follows: intake Hazard quotient = reference dose where Hazard quotient = the ratioof the exposure intake to a reference dose (unitless). x day)]. Intake =the intake over a specific exposure duration in units of [mg/(kg Reference dose = a level of exposure below which no adverse health effects are expected [mg/Org x day)].
In this ratio, the intake and reference dose values must have the same units, reflect the same route of exposure, represent the same exposure duration (chronic, subchronic, short-term), and both be administered doses,or both be absorbed doses. As was described for the estimation of carcinogenic risks, the hazards may be either calculated and added by chemical, or calculated for each pathway for each chemical, added by pathway, and summed to get the total hazard from all chemicals under consideration. A sum of hazard quotients is called ahazard index. This hazard index must have the same Hazard quotients and hazard indices are not value, regardless of the summation sequence. probabilities like cancer risks.If the hazard index is less than 1, no harm is expected, because the exposure is below the threshold for an adverse effect.If the hazard index is greater than1, the threshold has been exceeded and toxicity may occur.
E. Reverse Risk Assessment Instructions are provided in the Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (USEPA, 1989) for calculating risk-based preliminary mediation goals. Although risk assessment estimates health risks and hazards based on existing contaminant concentrations, reverse risk assessment does the opposite. It solves for target contaminant concentrations based on acceptable risks and hazards. For carcinogenicity, the total risk for a chemical in a specific environmental medium is
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calculated by adding the risks from all pathways that involve that environmental medium (such as the ingestion of groundwater and the inhalation of vapors from groundwater). As shown in Eq. (3). risk equals the cancer slope factor multiplied by the intake. In reverse risk assessment, theriskequation is expanded to includetheintakeequation,which,inturn,includesthe concentrationof the chemical and the exposure parameters. This isbydone substituting the right side of intake fromQ.(1) or Eq.(2) in Q.(3). Since the total risk is a sum of risksfor individual pathways and routes, there mustbe a substitution for each intake value. That is, Total risk =
(intak~d x
slope factord)
+ (htak%halatim X SlopefaCtOrmbIati,-,d + (intakedm x slope factordeml) Each of thethree intake valuescan be replaced withthe right sideof the appropriate intake equation. Each term in the substituted equation includes the contaminant concentration in the be rearranged to solve for the medium of interest [Cin Eqs. (1) and (2)]. The equation can then concentration correspondingto any assigned target risk level. A similar technique applies to noncarcinogenic effects. The hazard index for a chemical in a specific environmental medium is the total of the hazard quotients for that chemical for all the environmental medium. The right of sidethe appropriate intake exposure pathways involving in the hazard equation is substitutedfor the intake in the numerator of each term (hazard quotient) be rearranged to solve for a target concentraidentification. The hazard index equation can then tion of chemical in the environmental compartmentby setting the hazard index equalto 1. By using the appropriate exposure parameter values, these total risk and hazard index equations calculate the risk-based remediation goals for soil, groundwater, and surface water for the land use scenarios of interest (residential, industrial, commercial, or other). A simpler methodis to apply the following ratio:
Target medium level- target risk Current medium level current risk and, therefore, Target medium level = targetrisk x current medium level current risk where
of Targetmediumlevel = theremediationlevelforthechemicalinthemediuminunits milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) soil, milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) or milligrams air, per liter (m&) water. Current medium level= the measured or modeled concentration of the chemical in the medium in units of m a g soil, mg/m3 air, or mg/L water. Target risk= the risk determined to be protective of health (unitless). in the meCurrent risk = the risk associated with the present concentration of the chemical dium (unitless). For noncarcinogenic effects, the corresponding equations are Targetmediumlevel - target HI Currentmediumlevelcurrent HI and, therefore,
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Target medium level = targetHI x current medium level current HI where Target medium level= the remediation levelof the chemical in the medium in unitsof m a g soil, m@m3 air,or m& water. Current medium level= the measured or modeled concentrationof chemical in the medium in units of m a g soil, mg/m3 air,or mg/L water. Target HI = the hazard index determined to be protective of health, a valueof 1 (unitless). of the chemical in the Current HI = the hazard index associated with the current concentration medium (unitless).
A. Ovewiew The goalof risk assessment is to evaluate the likelihood of humansor ecological receptors being the conversion of intake estimates harmed by exposureto chemical contaminants. In discussing III.D.2), it was pointed out that summation must be done to risk and hazard estimates (see Sec. to assess the total potential for problems. This can be achieved at the intake level by adding all pathways for each routeof exposure and then totaling risks from all routes and hazard quotients from all routes. Alternatively, risks and hazard quotients can be determined for each pathway and then added. This section deals with other important considerations in evaluating total risks and hazards. These include exposureto more than one chemical, exposures over time, and exposures from different sources.
B. Exposure to More Than One Chemical Everyone is exposed to a multitudeof chemicals, both synthetic and natural, in work and home environments. Nonetheless, risk assessment often focuses on a single chemical. Risk assessment for a pesticideis based on exposures to that single chemical, in most cases ignoring the plethora of other exposures. Similarly, risk assessment for an abandoned mercury mine is based on exposures onlyto those mercury compounds. Some facilitieswork with hundreds of chemicals and a risk assessment may consider all of them. Even in this situation, exposure to chemicals from other sources is not considered. Toxicity of two chemicals maybe synergistic, antagonistic,or additive. Although thereare examples of interactions, suchas the insecticide synergismof piperonyl butoxidewith pyrethrins and rotenone, and the possible potentiation of the neurotoxicity of n-hexane by methyl ethyl ketone (Abdel-Rahman et al., 1976; Couri et al., 1978), in most instances, little information is available. In the absenceof specific studies, it is assumed that chemicals that produce the same toxic endpoint doso additively. If we assume additivity, hazard quotients can be added for each target organ or system and, similarly, cancer risk estimates can be summed. For example, all hazard quotients based on toxicity to the immune system can be added to provide a cumulative estimate of possible health hazard. if infomation about mechanisms of toxicity is available. For This procedure can be refmed example, several metals are potent nephrotoxins. Since the toxicity to the kidneys (necrotic
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proximaltubuleswithproteinaceousdebrisinthelumens)appears to besimilar,itseems m both reasonable to add the hazard quotients. In contrast, the drugs atropine and quinacrine toxic to the eyes, but the former causes glaucoma, whereas the latter causes corneal edema. two chemicals would have additive toxicity. Adding the hazard is no basis for thinking that these quotients for atropine and quinacrine would likely exaggerate the hazard. These examples are at f i ai the descriptive level. Knowledge of the underlying biochemical mechanisms can provide rationale for making decisions about the additivity of chemical toxicities. Just as there are many mechanisms of noncarcinogenic toxicity, carcinogenesis proceeds through a variety of pathways. It is sometimes appropriate to add the excess cancer risks from different chemicals and sometimes inappropriate, depending on the availabilityof inforan understanding of the underlying mechanisms mation for making such a judgment. Because of carcinogenesis is only now being elucidated, regulatory agencies currently add risks from all carcinogens.
C. ExposureOverTime Exposure to a chemical has two components: concentration of the chemical in the contact medium and time. Risk assessment methods consider the fraction of a lifetime and the fraction of time during that lifetime that an individual is exposed. For example, an average worker may be assumed towork for 25 years at the location of interest and to work8for h/day, 5 days/week, and 50 weeksfyear. The implication of this procedure is that when the individual leaves the workplace, heor she enters a pristine environment. Fmm the point of view of assigning responsibility, this is a reasonable approach, but from the health standpoint, it may disregard considerable exposure. The individual continues to be exposed to chemical contaminants in his life away from the job. Exposure may be to the same chemicals, or to other chemicals with the same target be bestprotectedbyconsideringtotalexposureto organs.Theindividual’shealthwould chemicals at all times.
D. Exposure from All Sources Consideration of all sources of chemical contaminants is also important.An evaluation of the potential effects of release of a chemical often considers a single facility, For a common air pollutant, such as benzene, the risk assessment may conclude that the facility is not creating a health hazard, even thoughthe concentration of benzene from all sourcesis hazardous. This is alsoreasonablefor p y o s e s of assigningresponsibility,butunreasonablefromthehealth perspective. There needs betoan assessment of health concerns considering air quality and water quality as a whole. Thecontaminationreleased by afacilityaddstothebackgroundlevels.Background contamination may be naturally occurring,as with metals,or may be contamination from other human sources, such as pesticides. The organochlorine pesticide DDT[ l,l,l-trichloro-2,2-bis(pchlorophenyl)ethane]was widely used around the world and is quite persistent. Its ubiquitous spread to the most isolated areas and to the adipose tissues of essentially the entire population of the world have been well documented (ATSDR, 1993). Although registrationfar almost all 1,1973, it and its metabolites (DDE uses of DDT was cancelled in the United States on January and DDD)are still foundin surprisingly high concentrations. Background concentrations from any sourcemay be treated differently for threshold and nonthresholdtoxicity.Fornonthresholdtoxicity(somemechanismsofcarcinogenicityand mutagenicity) the level of exposure from a specific source generates an excess risk that is independent of background exposure. Therefore, an argument can be made for subtracting the
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background level of concentration in performing a risk assessment. In contrast, for threshold toxicity (noncarcinogenicity), whether exposure reaches the threshold depends on contaminant contributions from all sources. It is inappropriate to subtract background levels.
V. STATUTORYAUTHORITIES Environmentalstatutesthatrequirehumanhealthriskassessmentsaresummarizedinthis section. Several of these statutes are quite comprehensive, covering multiple aspects of the environmentalissueaddressed,such as theSafeDrinkingWaterAct,inwhichtreatment techniques and legal remedies, as well as treatment standards are specified. Chapter 35 gives a moredetaileddiscussionoftheselaws.Thefollowingsummariespertainonlytothose requirementsin the statutesthatareapplicabletotheperformanceorcontent ofhuman health risk assessments. Environmental statutes provide regulatory authority to specific agencies or departments within government over specific environmental issues. tu Inrn, these agencies provide guidance or promulgate regulationsto cany out and enforce such laws. In the area of health assessments, these laws, guidance, regulations, and the policies behind them have often mandated a mediumprograms. specific focus. More importantly, these laws have created medium-specific regulatory Thus,governmentmayunintentionallypromote amedium-specificapproach.Examples of medium-specific and multimedium assessments performed under federal and California statutes will be given. Theselawsandregulationshaveshapedandwillcontinuetodefinetheperformance reports are of human health risk assessments. This is because many health risk assessment either done by scientists in the regulatory agenciesor are submitted by outside contractors to those scientists for their review. In either event, the reports must conform to statutory and regulatory requirements.
A. Statutes Focusing on One Medium I . Federal The Clean Air Act. The Clean Air Act sets primary ambient air standards for air pollutants, This act callsfor environmental health assessments for based on the protection of public health. be must specific hazardousair pollutants identified in the statute. The statute also specifies what includedintheassessment.Eachassessmentmustcontain acomprehensivereviewofthe toxicological and epidemiological information for the chemical relative to its acute, subacute, and chronic adverse health effects, and levels of exposure that pose a significant threat to human health. The assessment must identify gaps in information relating to health effects and exposure levels as well as the experiments necessary to fill those gaps. This act also requires that the of other effects, suchas birth defects methods usedto determine carcinogenic risks and hazards be reviewed by and reproductive dysfunctions associated with hazardous air pollutant exposure, the National Academy of Sciences. This act gives authority to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) risks to human health to provide funds for “basic research to identify, characterize, and quantify from air pollutants.” The cumulative effect of this act relative to assessing health risks is that it requires specific components be to contained within a human health risk assessment and federal guidelines for conducting a risk assessment to be subjected to critical scientific review. In addition, through its grant-funding authority, the act can influence the direction of health risk research toward the study of air pollutants. The Safe Drinking Water Act. The Safe Drinking Water Act mandates the setting of drinking
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waterqualitystandards,calledmaximumcontaminantlevelgoals(MCLG)andmaximum known or anticipated to occur in public water contaminant levels (MCL), for specific chemicals systems. The MCLGfor a chemical is the estimate of a concentration in drinking water at which no adverse health effects wouldoccur.The MCLG must have an adequate margin of safety for the protection of public health. The MCLG is a nonenforceable goal isand strictly health-based, determined by a risk assessment. The maximum contaminant level or MCLis the enforceable concentration of a chemical in drinking water and is a level deemed to be feasible, given be set as close to the MCLG as possible, but technology and cost considerations. The MCL must may be higher because it includes considerations other than the risk assessment results. program for a single medium that has The effect of this act is to create a regulatory the potential to underestimate health risk as discussed earlier. The derivation of the MCL and MCLG includesa“relativesourcecontribution”assumptionthat a certainfraction of the total intakeof a chemical is from contaminated drinking water. This accounts for exposure to a chemical from different sources. The process does not account for cumulative risk from multiple chemicals in drinking water.
2. California TheToxic AirContaminant Act. TheToxicAirContaminantAct ( A B 1807) requiresthe evaluation of chemicals, including pesticides, for possible identification as toxic air contaminants. This evaluation takes the form of a human health risk assessment of each candidate chemical. If the risk assessment shows that a chemical may cause or contribute to adverse health effects from exposure in air, that chemical is listed in regulationas a toxic air contaminant, and appropriate measures to control the levels found in may air be instituted. This statute requires for each chemical a review of the scientific literature relating to physical and chemical properties, environmental fate, and human health effects. The statute also provides funding for measuring ambient concentrations of the chemical in air. From the review and the measurements taken, an estimate is made of the range of risk to humans resulting from current or anticipated exposure to the chemical in the air. Because the toxic air contaminant statute is concerned with a single medium, risk assessment performed under this authority emphasize air, even if partitioning of dose among other exposure media is done. This emphasis is reflected by the fact that the chemicals considered to be in air because of their volatility, such under this act are chemicals that would be expected as ethylene oxide and perchloroethylene, or because they canbe inhaled as dusts or fibers, such as some metals and asbestos. TheSafeDrinkingWater Act. The Safe Drinking WaterActof 1989 ( A B 21) requires the 5 years and the development of recomreview of maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) every Similar to federal MCLGs and MCLs, California RPHLs mended public health levels are strictly health-based and California MCLs include consideration of economic impact and technical feasibility. The statute requires risk assessment methods in the development of both MCLs and WHLs. The Air Toxics “Hot Spots”Information and Assessment Act. The Air Toxics “Hot Spots,’ Information and Assessment Act ( A B2588) mandates human health risk assessmentsfor specific sources of air pollution that are close to locations of sensitive populations, such as hospitals, be residences,daycarecenters,andschools.Thisstatutedoesnotspecifycomponentsto included in the risk assessment, but requires conformity to guidelines providedby the state. Such guidelines have been published. Risk assessments performed following these guidelines consid other media as transfer conduits. For example, the deposition of contaminants on soil from air is considered with the subsequent assessment of soil and plant contact. Since this statute addresses only air emissions from facilities, the resulting health assess-
Assessment Mediwn-Specijlc Risk Multimedium and
ments are necessarily blind to possible primary contamination of soil or water by hazardous substances released from those facilities. The Pesticide ConraminationPrevention Act. ThePesticideContaminationPreventionAct ( A B 2021) requires that adverse health effects be identified for pesticides and their degradation products that have the potential to reach groundwater. Under certain circumstances, a risk assessment must identify the adverse health effectsas carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic,or neurotoxic. A level mustbe identifed that does not cause any adverse health effects and has an adequate margin of safety. This statute establishes proceduresto identify and track potential and actual groundwater contaminants, to evaluate chemicals detected in groundwater or in soilas a resultof agricultural use, and to modify or cancel the use of these chemicals.
B. Statutory Authorities Covering All Media I . Federal The Federal Insecticide,Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) mandates that specific data be submitted before pesticides are permitted to be registered and sold. These data include acute, subchronic. and chronic toxicoprocess is not explicitly mandated in this statute, but is used logical studies. The risk assessment in carrying itout. TheComprehensiveEnvironmentalResponse,Compensation, and Liability Act. TheComprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund) and SupelfundAmendments and ReauthorizationAct (SARA) mandatehumanhealthrisk or inactive sites. These risk assessments are used assessmentsfor hazardous wastes at abandoned to establish baseline risks,as well as to help evaluate alternative cleanup options and to justify the cleanup option chosen. The guidelines publishedby the USEPA under this statute provide specific instructions for performing a site-specific multimedium human health risk assessment (USEPA, 1989). These guidelines describe environmental media in terms of their roles in the fate and transport of the transport or retention medium, chemical in question, such as exposure medium, release medium, and receiving medium. In the exposure model for hazardous substances release sites recently two types of media are described (see also foregoing developed by McKone and Daniels (1991), Sec. 1II.A). The exposure medium is the medium that humans contact (personal air, tap water, food, household dust, soil). Environmental media are ambient air, surface soil, root-zone soil, surface water, and groundwater. It is essential to consider all exposure and environmental media in risk assessments performed under this statutory authority. The CERCLA also established the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), mandatedto perform health risk assessnients for every site on the Superfund (National Priorities) List. The content of these health risk assessments is specified in the statute and includes the considerationof potential pathwaysof exposure, suchas g r m d - or surface water contamination, air emissions, and food chain contamination. Much of the codifica?ion of the risk assessment process used by regulatory agencies has taken place in the regulations and guidance associated with CERCLA. The ResourreConservation and Recovery Act. Under certain circumstances, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) mandates a human health assessment before a permit to operate a hazardous waste facility will be issued. This statute states that the assessment must include an estimationof the potential n o d and accidental releases of hazardous substances
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from the facility, the potential exposure pathways, and the magnitude of humanto those exposure exposure pathways.
2. California and the Hazardous Substances Control Account. The Hazardous The Hazardous Waste Account Waste Account and the Hazardous Substances Control Account provide California with a state superfundprogramequivalent to thefederalCERCLAandaprogramofpermittingand the overseeing facilities that transport, treat, dispose of, and/or store hazardous waste, to similar federal RCRA. Under this act the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) reviews human health risk assessments of sites and facilities where hazardous substances have been or a= being released to the environment. Like the USEPA, CalEPA requires multimedium human health risk assessments for these sites or facilities and recommends that CERCLA guidance (USEPA, 1989) be followed (CDTSC,1992). TheSafe Drinking Water and ToxicEMoxementAct. The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act (Proposition 65) requires that chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer or reproductive effects be listed in regulation and that safe levels of the chemicals be established. Health risk assessments of listed chemicals are carried out under this statutory authority to estimate those environmental concentrations considered to pose “no significant risk.” For a chemical that causes cancer, the no-significant-risk level is specifiedas that level thatmayresultin1excesscaseofcancerin 100,OOO personsexposedovertheirlifetime (excess risk= 1 x The BirthDefects Prevention Act. The Birth Defects Prevention Act of 1986 (SB950) identifies healtheffectsdataforpesticidesthatmust be submitted to thestate of Californiabefore registration and sale. Pesticides are ranked, based on the nature of the adverse health effects and themagnitudeofoccupationalandenvironmentalexposures.LiketheFederalInsecticide, doesAct not specifically Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act the California Birth Defects Prevention call for risk assessment. State toxicologists perform risk assessmentsto determine how significant the adverse effects are and whether they can be mitigated by protective measures.
REFERENCES Abdel-Rahman, M. S., L. B. Hetland, and D. Couri (1976). Toxicity and metabolism of methyl n-butyl ketone, Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J., 37, 95-102. [ATSDR] Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, U. S. Deparhnent of Health and Human Services (1 993). Toxicological profile for DDT, DDE, and DDD. Calabrese, E. J., R. Barnes, E. J. Stanek, H. Pastides, C. E. Gilbert, P. Veneman,X.Wang, A. Lasztity, and P.T.Kostecki(1989).Howmuchsoildoyoungchildreningest: An epidemiologic study, Regul. Toxicol. Phannacol., 10, 123-137. California Air ResourcesBoard (1992). CaliforniaAir Pollution ControlLaws. Casarett, L. J. (1972). The vital sacs: Alveolar clearance mechanisms in inhalation toxicology. In Essays in Toxicology, Vol. 3. (W. J. Hayes, Jr., ed.), AcademicPress, New York. [CDTSC] California Department of Toxic Substances Control (1992). Supplemental guidance for human health multi-media risk assessments of hazardous waste sites and pemitted facilities, Office of the Science Advisor. A method for estimating soil ingestion by Clawing,P., B. Bnmekreef, and J. H.VanWljnen(1987). children, Inc. Arch. Occup. Environ. Health, 59.73-82. Couri, D., M. S. Abdel-Rahman, and L. B. Hetland (1978). Biotransformation of n-hexane and methyl n-butyl ketone in guinea pigs and mice,Am. Ind.Hyg. Assoc. J., 39,295-300. Federal Environmental JAWS (1992). West Publishing, St. Paul,MN. Glotfelty, D. E., J. N. Seiber, andL. A. Liljedahl(l987). Pesticides in fog,Nature, 325,602605.
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McKone, T. E. (1987).Human exposure to volatile organic compounds in household tap water. The indoor inhalation pathway,Envimn. Sci. Technol.,21, 1194-1201. McKone, T.E., and J. P. Knezovich (1991).The transfer of trichloroethylene(TCE) fnnna shower to indoor air: Experimental measurements and their implications, J. Air Waste Manage.Assoc., 41,8324337. McKone, T E., and J. I. Daniels (1991).Estimating human exposure through multiple pathways from air, water, and soil, Regul. Toxicol.Phmmacol., 13, 36-61. Ott, W. R. (1990).Total human exposure: Basic concepts, EPA field studies, and future research needs, J. Air Waste Manage.Assoc., 40,966-975. National Research Council (1991).Environmental Epidemiology, Vol. 1: Public Health and Hazardous Wmtes;National Academy Press, Washington, DC. Sabel, G. V., and T. P. Clark (1984).Volatile organic compounds as indicators of municipal solid waste leachate contamination,Waste Manage.Res., 2. 119-130. [USEPA] U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (1984). National primary drinking water regulations; Proposed rulemakiig, Fed. Reg. 49(114). 24329. [USEPA] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(1989).Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund, Vol.1, Human Health Evaluation Manual,Part A, EPA/540/1-89/002. Wade, M. J., B. K. Davis, J. S. Carlisle, A. K. Klein, and L. M. Valoppi (1993).Environmental transformation of toxic metals. In Occupational Medicine: Stare of rhe Art Reviews. De Novo Toxicants: Combustion Toxicology, Mixing Incompatibilities, andEnvironmental Activation of Toxic Agents, Vol. 8, No.3 J. Shustman and J. E. Peterson, 4s.). Hanley & Belfus, Philadelphia,pp. 575-601. Westrick, J. J., J. W. Mello, andR.F.Thomas (1984).The groundwater supply survey,J . Am. WaterWorks ASSOC..76.52-59. Woodrow, J. E., D. G . Crosby, T. Mwt, K. W. Molianen, and J. N. Seiber (1978).Rates of transformation of trifluralin and parathion vaporsin air, J. Agric. Food Chem., 26,1312-1316. Woodrow, J. E., J. N. Seiber, D. G . Crosby, K. W. Molianen, C. J. Soderquist, and C. Mourer (1977). Airborne and surface residues of parathion and its conversion products in a treated plum orchard environment, Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.. 6, 175-191.
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Noncancer Risk Assessment: Present and Emerging Issues
John L. Cicmanec United States Environmental Protection Agency Cincinnati, Ohio Michael L. Dourson Taxicologv Excellence for Risk Assessment Cincinnati, Ohio Richard C. Hertzberg United States Environmental Protection Agency Atlanta, Georgia
One of theprimarygoalsofthischapteris to providetheriskassessorwithprinciples and guidelines to assist in the interpretation and integration of available scientific information for noncancer risk assessment of chemicals. It is recognized that, althoughthis information is essential, the difficult task concerns the use of this knowledge by the risk assessors and the judgments they will make. Not all guidelines apply at all times. For experts, these guideIn lines should serve to aid in organizing factual information and scientific interpretations. some situations, these guidelines will provide a framework to use in preparing or reviewing dose-response assessment and in defining the critical issues to be discussed with colleagues. The purpose of this section is to define high-quality, state-of-the-art risk assessment approaches. This material should also aid in formulating judgments concerning the nature and magnitude of ahazard.Ideally,thisdiscussionwillreflectsufficientflexibility to accommodatenew asknowledgeandinnovativemethods.Alsoitwillpresentscientificallysupportablerisk sessment procedures.
II. HAZARDIDENTIFICATION Hazard identificationis the first step in the risk assessment of a chemical.process The is initially basedonevaluatingscientificreports ofhuman or animalexposuretoapotentiallytoxic substance. Specifically, this process focuses on the adverse effects associated with exposure to that chemical. The hazard assessment process involves characterizing the adverse effects on the subject and the overall physiological significance of these effects, defining the magnitude of effects and selecting which effects are most crucial or represent the most serious compromise to normal function. Ultimately, the evaluation of animal studies hinges on determining the significance to human health of the key adverse effects described in the study. This process 293
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depends on experience in evaluating scientific reports and the use of professional judgment. A chemical may cause many toxic effects in animals and one of the key decisions is to determine the biological significanceof the effect and distinguishing between reversible and irreversible endpoints. The critical effect is defined as the adverse effect, or its known precursor, that first appears as dose levelsare increased and becomes more severe as the dose is increased. The critical effect serves as the basis for dose+response assessment, a topic that will be by the same chemicalmay change among discussed morefully later. The critical effects caused toxicity studiesof different durations, they may be influenced by responses in other organs, and they may differ depending on the availability of data and on the pattern of the response.
A. Principal and Supporting Studies Humanstudiesprovidethemostdirectevidencethatobservedadverseeffectswillhave significance in humans. Although epidemiological reparts often provide extensive documentation of many clinical and pathological effects, the quantitative aspects of the risk assessment process must be often done indirectly, as only approximate doses can be determined in many as the basis for risk assessment, cases. In most instances for which human exposures have served theexposureswereaccidentalandinvolvedlargepopulationsliving in remoteareas. ' b o examples are themethylmercuryexposureinIraq(Clarkson et al., 1975; Bakir, 1978) and hexachlorobenzene exposure in Turkey (Peters et 1982). al., In somem e instances, widespread human exposureto compounds, suchas fluoride in drinking water, can serve as the basis for risk assessment (Hodge, 1950). In these cases, the database and quantitative aspects are ideal. Even for instances in which the human studies or reports do not provide sufficient information to do a quantitative risk assessment, they are ofstill benefit because the human reports provide a basis to determine whether the animal studies will accurately predict the response in humans. When reviewing the summariesof animal studies, it is important to verify that the observed effects in animals include the specific type of adverse effect notedin humans, even if thedata for humans is taken from case reports. as thebasis for risk Themorecommoncircumstanceinvolvesusinganimalstudies assessment, For many environmental pollutants, a database of animal studies, involving two or three common laboratory species, is available for review. The usual database also contains animal studiesof varying length of exposure and varying detailof study design and endpoints assessed. A basic responsibility for the risk assessoris to select the most appropriate study to predict the corresponding adverse effect to be observed in humans. In many instances, one animal study will not provide a definitive answer for quantitative risk assessment. In these cases, are not other studies provide important supportive data, even though theythe critical study. When reviewing the database, it is important to determine that collectively the studies have examined a broad range of possible adverse effects, including reproductive and developmental endpoints. effect reflects the most This is necessary so that the endpoint selected as the critical adversetruly sensitive endpoint for that particular compound. Critical effects may change among toxicity studies of different durations, and these effects maybe influenced by toxicity in other organs; of however, it is thetask of the risk assessor to single out that endpoint which is most indicative the circumstance with which he or she is working. It should be recognized that, for many compounds, there may be a very limited database; hence\ a compromise judgment is employed in making the risk assessment.
B. Quality of Study Certain basic featuresof study design relate directlyto the quality of the study. This includes adequate characterizationof the test compound and possible contaminants, animal group size,
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inclusion of both sexes for testing, selection of animals of suitable age, selection of a wide range of dosagesthat are likelytodefinethe noabserved adverseeffectlevel (NOAEL) and lowestabserved adverseeffectlevel (LOAEL), andpropercharacterization of theanimal types of observations subjects chosenfor the study. It is also essential to carefully describe the and methods of laboratory analysis. It is important that appropriate statistical analysis of the data has been performed. The study report should also provide sufficient background description of the toxicological response being investigated, a description of the study rationales, and the in humans. reasons why that particular study might aid in predicting the critical response Animal and human studies that are judged tobe inadequate for quantitative risk assessment may, nevertheless, provide important supporting evidence. The most apparent example is of human case reports that indicate a toxicity endpoint similar to the one observed in animal studies, even though the human report cannot provide quantitative information. Many animal studies can contribute to the supporting database, even though they are inadequate for quantitative risk assessment because of improper study duration, inadequate number of doses, or too few test subjects. Such studies may demonstrate a pattern of response similar to the critical study and provide additional points on the dose-response curve not contained in the critical study. The combining data from studies thatare not of identical design must be done with caution. Often the keystudy,althoughverythorough,maynotexamineallcriticalendpoints;hence,the from in vitro studies often provide supporting studies take on greater significance. Data obtained insights of resultsandinformationusefulforcomparativepurposes,althoughnotdirectly providing definitive conclusions for risk assessment. One useful example of in vitro data would be the toxicity equivalency factors for various dioxin congeners. For practical reasons, it is of each of the congeners will ever be completed, yet the in vitro tests unlikely that animal testing provide a measureof comparative data for use by the risk assessor. The criteria for evaluating epidemiological studies are well defined. They include factors such as proper selection and characterizationof confounding factors and a descriptionof how they were considered; andan attempt to establish doses or levelof exposure when possible. It is important that the descriptionof an epidemiological study reflect the abilityof the study to detect specific adverse effects, and the statistical power of the methods employed should be included in the assessment. As with determining the adequacy of studies, expert judgment is necessary to determine the weight of evidence foror against a specific effect. This judgment is primarily based on experience in dealing with a variety of risk assessment challenges and from interaction with other risk assessors.
C. Route, Source, and Duration of Exposure
Human exposure to a chemical pollutantmay be by more than one route of entry. In addition, the bioavailability of a chemical ingested from one source (food) may differ from that from another source (water), even though the route of entry is the same. Usually, the toxicity database In for a compound does not provide data on all available routes and sources of administration. the absenceof data on a specific route of exposure, the risk assessorshould consider the potential for toxicity from reportsby another particular route. However, for quantitative comparison, the exact formulas for extrapolationare not often available, which increases the need for scientific be also given for potential differences in absorptionor metabolism judgment. Consideration must resulting from differentroutes of exposure. Toxiceffectsmayvarywithmagnitude,frequency,anddurationofexposure.Animal studies differ in exposure duration (acute, less than 90 days; subchronic, 90 days to 2 years; and chronic, 2 years up to lifetime), in dosing schedules (single, intermittent, or continuous), and by route. Among the possible routes of administration, oral, inhalation, and dermal e x p
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sure are themostcommonavenuesemployed.Fororalexposure,thecompoundmay be added to the food or drinking water, or it may be administered by gavage, particularly when thecompoundisdistasteful or irritating. In someinstances,theinvestigatormaychoose is administered for eachdayofdosing. oralgavage to be surethataveryspecificdose Inhalation exposure often variesby the duration of exposure (i.e., 6 h/day, 5 days/week) and, may be nose-only or entire body. Dermal depending on properties of the compound, the exposure on ashavedportion of theanimalthat is inaccessible by exposureisusuallyperformed mouth and cannot be scratched. The duration of dermal exposure may be for a prescribed period for certain irritating substances. However, in most instances, the compound is simply left in place until the next when day a new dose is applied. The risk assessor must consider each factor when evaluating studies.
D. AssessingToxicologicalSignificances Adverse toxicological effects are either manifest as a clinical sign, a biochemical change, a functional impairment, or a pathological lesion. Furthermore, an adveme effect impairs performance and reduces the ability of the organismto respond to additional challenge andcany to on normal physiological functions. The presence of change alone is not necessarily indicative of an adverse effect. The results of animal studies are often reported in terms of which changes show statistical significance. In other instances, valuesthefor test and control groups are stated, and a range of normal valuesis listed. Statistical and biological significance of an observed effect must not be equated, and a~ often considered as sequential. The determination of adversity should involve careful toxicological evaluation, for which statistics a~ only a tool used for an effect is adverse should clarifying the implications of the data. The actual decision of whether be based primarily on a biological basis. Any animal that is clearly in a state of physiological compromise shouldbe judged as exhibiting an adverse effect. Apparent differences can arise when effects that are toxicologically insignificant show are analyzed.Forexample,a 5% decreasein body statisticalsignificancewhenthedata weight in an experimental group that is statistically significant when compared with a conm1 group in a chronic study is often judged not biologically significant if both groups were fed ad lib, since a decrease in body weight is often associated with increased longevity. In most of these cases, the problem is determining the biological relevance of a change that is statistically significant. Ultimately, these decisions are based on use of professional judgment and experience.
A basic tenetof toxicology is that as the dosage of a chemical is increased, the toxic response increases (Doull et al., 1980). This increase can occur for both the severity of the response and thepmportionof thepopulationthat is affected as thedosageincreases.Dose-response assessment involves the quantitative evaluation of toxicity data to determine the likelihood of similar associated effects in humans. Data available for dose-response assessment range from well-conducted and well-controlled epidemiological studiesof human exposures, in additionto many wellcharacterized exposures and supportive studies in several animal species, to a complete of human lack and animal toxicity data, with only structure-activity relationships to guide the evaluation. Nevertheless, therisk assessor must develop a criteria for the minimal amount of information of sufficient quality to perform a dose-response assessment for a compound.
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A. Structure-Activity Relationship The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental Protection (EPA), Agencyand the pharmaceuticalindustryindependentlyhavedeveloped an approach for riskassessment of chemicals for whichlittle or no test data exist. This approach depends on evaluating data from studies of structurally related compounds; hence, the name structure-activity relationship. The first step involves the evaluation and interpretation of descriptive information for thecompound,such as physicochemicalcharacteristicsforthecompoundandstructurally similar compounds. The second step involves the evaluation of toxicological and pharmacologthe basis ical data for analogous substances and potential metabolites. Analogues are on selected of two factors: (1) structural, functional, and mechanistic similarities that control the biological activity of the substances, and an attempt is made to identify analogues with similar overall structural similarities that would have biological activity comparable with the chemical under study; and (2) the availability of pertinent toxicological data for the analogues that wouldbe usefulin theassessment.Potentialanalogues are identifiedeitherdirectlybyexpertpharmacokinetists, or by using guidance from computerized substructure searchable databases, such (SANSS). In addition, key potential metaboas the Structure and Nomenclature Search System are identifiedthroughtheapplication ofprinciplesof lites of thechemicalunderstudy metabolism, or less frequently, on the basis of actual test data for that particular chemical. Emphasis is given to potential metabolic pathways that lead to activationor inactivation. The third component involves the use of mathematical expressions for biological activity or “quantitative structural-activity relationships” (QSARs). The QSARs are generated to estimate physical and chemical properties suchas water solubility, partition coefficient, and vapor pressure, of analogues. Estimation of the log p and water that provide useful information in the selection solubility of a chemical assists greatly in determining its potential for absorption through the skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract. Once this information is gathered, the judgment of the riskassessor, used in concert with biochemists and pharmacologists, estimates a range and pattern of toxicological forresponse that chemical. In performing the evaluation, this group of scientists must consider a variety of parameters as theyapplydirectlytothechemicalunderstudyandincomparisonwithits analogues.Theseparametersincludepotential for dermal,pulmonary,andgastrointestinal absorption; biotransformation pathways; and distribution and excretion. If the analogues are reasonably close to the subject chemical and the toxicity data are reliable, then arisk estimate canbe calculated. As the analogues become more remote and the database is less complete, meaningful risk analyses are less likely to be achieved.
B. ChronicReference Dose Thechronicreferencedose (RfD) is anestimate(withuncertaintyspanning an order of magnitude) of a daily exposureto the human population (including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without appreciable riskof deleterious effects during a lifetime(IRIS, 1993). The RfD is determined by use of the following equation. or LOAEL m =NOAEL UF x MF
where NOAEL is the exposure level at which there are no statistically or biologically significant increases in the frequencyor severity of adverse effects between the exposed population and are not itsappropriatecontrol;someeffects may be producedat this level,butthey
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considered as adverse, nor precursor to specific adverse effects. In an experiment with several NOAELs, the regulator should focus primarily on theNOAEL seen at the highest dose. This leads to the common usage of the term NOAEL to mean the highest exposure without adverse effect. LOAEL = the lowest exposure level at which thereare statistically or biologically significant increases in frequency or severity of adverse effects between the exposed population and its appropriate control group. Uncertainty factor0 = one of several, generally tenfold, factors used in operationally deriving the RfD from experimental data. Modifying factor(MF) = an uncertainty factor that is greater than zero and lessorthan equal to 10; the default valuefor the MF is 1. The RfD is usefulas a reference point for gauging the potential effects of other doses. Doses at or below the RfD are not likely to be associated with health risks. In contrast, as the amount RfD,the the probability that an of the chemical that an individual is exposed to increases above adverse effect will be seen also increases. Unfomnately, the conclusion that all dosesthebelow RfD are acceptable and that all doses above theRfD are unacceptable cannotbe categorically RfD depends on the overall magnitudeof the composite uncertainty stated. The precision of the and modifying factors used in its calculation. The precision is usually one significant figure and of magnitude. more likely is in the range of one order NOAEL and The determinationof an RfD requires scientific judgment on the appropriate associated UF and MF. The reasoning behind these judgments and the underlying assumptions and their limitationsare discussed later.
l . Selection of Toxicity Data Once a hazard identification has been conducted and the critical effect@) are identified, the risk from the study that represent the highest level tested assessor must select the experimental dose at which no critical effect(s) was demonstrated. This value (i.e., the NOAEL) is the key datum gleaned from the toxicologist’s review of the entire database for that chemical, and it is the first component in the estimation of an RfD.Use of this NOAEL assumes that the critical effect does by that not occur at a lower dose and, thus, prevents all other “threshold” toxic effects caused chemical. When quantitative human toxicity data are available for use in the estimation of an RfD, it will be used in the selection of a NOAEL. Clearly, use of this data has the advantage of avoiding the uncertainty inherent with interspecies extrapolation. In the absenceof appropriate human data, the aninlal database becomes the primary focus are that the chemical dose of concern. The primary advantages in using data from animal studies is carefully controlled andis free of contaminants, heterogeneityof the exposed populations is are standardized. In reviewing animal studydata, controlled, and other environmental conditions the risk assessor should identify the specific animal speciesand strain that is most similar in of available response to humans.This decision is based on a biological rationale and makes use comparative pharmacokinetic information. In the absenceof a clearly most relevant species, the risk assessor should choose the critical study and species that shows an adverse effect at the is lowest administered dose unless he or she has specific metabolic data indicating that species more sensitive than humans. 2. Confidence in the Reference Dose The highest degree of confidence will be obtained when the test circumstances most closely resemble the “real-world” application; that is, human exposure in a semicontrolled situation. Since thistype of information is available onlyin ran instances, the risk assessor should attempt
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to construct a complete database, including many animal species and a variety of exposure scenarios, from which to determine the RfD.Ideally, the database should include 1. Two adequate mammalian chronic toxicity studies in which dosing was administered by the appropriate route in two separate species. 2. One adequate mammalian multigeneration reproductive toxicity study in which the chemical was administered by the appropriate route 3. Two adequate mammalian developmental toxicity studies in separate species in which the chemical was administered by the appropriate route. Ifthereisacompletedatabase,itisunlikelythatfurthertoxicologicaltestingwould determine an NOAEL much different from the one determined from this collection of studies. Consequently, the risk assessor can have high confidence that the not change. However, RfD will some chemicalspose only an acute health hazard, and general toxicity studies may indicate the or immunotoxic effects.In such cases, the database need for special studies to assess neurotoxic will not be complete without these special studies. The risk assessor can consider a single, well-conducted subchronic mammalian by bioassay the appropriate routeas the minimum databasefor estimating an RfD.As can be seen, in these RfD will change following additional toxicity testing is higher, instances, the likelihood that the therefore, the confidencein the RfD derived from the minimum database is low. are not Developmental toxicity data, if they constitute the sole source of information, RfD. This is because such data are often considered an adequate basis for estimation of a chronic generated from acute and short-term chemical exposures and have limitedin relevance predicting the threshold for adverse effects from chronic exposure. However, if a developmental toxicity endpoint has been establishedas the critical adverse effect from a complete database, then the chronic RfD may be derived from the developmental data.
3. Selection of Uncertainty Factors The choice of the appropriate UF and MF reflects case-bycase judgment by experienced risk assessors (Table 1). This process should accountfor each of the applicablemas of uncertainty of any factor.The primary and any nuances the in available data that might change the magnitude areas of scientific uncertainty thatare inherent in reason for using UFs is to account for several toxicitydatabases.Application of UFs reducesthedoserateworkingfromthe NOAEL Interhuman variability (designated as UFH)is intended to account for the variation in sensitivity amongmembersofthehumanpopulation.Thesusceptibilityofhumaninfantstonitrate poisoning, usually through oral exposure in drinkiig water, and that of developing fetuses to 1951). certain neurotoxicantsare examples of sensitive subpopulations among humans (Walton, Experimentalanimal-to-humanvariability(designated as UFA) isintendedtoaccount for the uncertainty in extrapolating animal data to circumstances of human exposure for a specific chemical. This is primarily due to differences in toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics between species. Subchronic to chronic variability (designated asUFs) is intended to account for the uncertainty in extrapolating from less than chronic NOAELs (or LOAELs) to chronic exposures. (Note that determination of RfDs for exposure for less than chronic conditions, such as developmental toxicity, obviate the need for this particular uncertainty factor). The LOAELto-NOAELvariability(designated as UFL) isintended to account for the uncertaintyin extrapolatingfrom LOAELs to NOAELS. Databasecompleteness(designated as UFD) is intended to account for the inability of any single study to adequately address all possible adverse outcomes. This may also be used to account for a very limited number of studies that do not examine all significant endpoints. the risk assessor withan order of magnitude Each of these areas is generally addressed by
Table l Description of Uncertainty and Modifying Factorsfor Deriving Chronic Reference Doses (RfDs) Standard uncertainty factors
General guidance ~
H (interhuman) A (experimentalanimals to man)
S (subchronic to chronic) L (LOAEL to NOAEL)
D (incompletedatabase to complete)
Use of a tenfold factor when extrapolating from experimental or occupational human exposure. This factoris intended to account for variation in sensitivity among humans. Use a tenfold factor when extrapolating from results of a long-term animal study when results of long-term human exposure are not available or are inadequate. The purpose of this factor is to account for the uncertainty in extrapolating from animals to humans. Use of a tenfold factor when adjusting from less than chronic results to true chronic exposurein experimental animalsor humans. Use of a tenfold factor when deriving an RfD from a LOAEL instead of a NOAEL. Use a tenfold factor when a database does not contain results from at least chronic studiesin two species and when reproductive and developmental results are missing. Some adjustments are made when part of these requirements are met.
factor (i.e., 10). In practice, the magnitude of any compositeUF is dependent on professional in all areas. If uncertainties inall mas have been resolved the judgment for the total uncertainty risk assessor can usea onefold UF to estimate theR D .When uncertainties exist in one, two, or three areas it is a standard practice to use a lo-, lOO-, or 1000-fold UF, respectively. When uncertainties exist in four areas it is standard practice to use a 3000-fold W. When a single subchronic animal study does not define the NOAEL, and it is the only toxicity data available for that substance, then uncertainty exists in all five areas, and an uncertainty factor of 10,000 is used. If a toxicity databaseis weaker than a single, animal subchronic bioassay that does not define a NOAEL, then that databaseis considered inadequate for quantitative risk assessment. Risk assessors occasionally use a factor less than 10 or even a factor of 1, if the existing data reduce or obviate the needto account for a particulararea of uncertainty. For example, the use of a l-year rat study as the basis of anRfD may reduce the need fora tenfold factor for the area of subchronic to chronic extrapolation to threefold. It has been empirically demonstrated that l-year rat NOAELs are closer in magnitude to chronic values than are 3-month NOAELs. A rather recent publication investigates more fully this concept of variable UF through an analysis of expected values (Lewis, 1990). for composite UFs andis Uncertaintyfactorreductionfollowsthegeneralguideline be approdone in a fashion that reflects the imprecision of uncertainty factors. It may not priate to employ anUF of 270 (i.e., 10 x 3 x 3 x 3) based on U F H X V F A x UFs x U F L when the uncertainties in A, S, and L are partial, since 270 indicates more preciseness than uncertainty factors are designed to reflect. The appropriate choiceis a UF of 300 (i.e., 10 UFH x 30 WAX UFs X UFL). The intermediate factorof 3 is used since 3is the approximate logarithmic mean of 1 and 10. 4. Selection of Modifying Factors In addition to the use of uncertainty factors, modifying factors may also be applied in the areas of calculation of some RfDs. The mson for the use of modifying factors is that the
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scientific uncertainty ofH,A, S, L,or D, do not represent all of the uncertainties involved in the are used in a dosing p u p , the estimation ofan RfD. For example, when too few animals NOAEL may be set too low, since an adequate number of subjects were not included in the trial. Consideration of this type of database would argue for modrfying the standard use of 10-fold factors-a 100-fold UF might be raised to250 if only a limited number of animals were used in a chronic study. Although scientifically reasonable, it introduces the perception that selection of the UFs is arbitrary, and a number such as 250 indicates more precision than is actually present when placing numeric values on uncertainty. Through the use of MFs some of these problems are avoided while, at the same time, maintaining the consistency of the standard use of uncertainty factors. Assumptions and Limitations. A basic assumption in the development of an RfD is that a threshold exists in the dose rate for each compound, above which an adverse effect will be induced in the animal. This concept is supported by the known methods of toxicity that show that a physiological reserve must be depleted and the repair capacityof the organism must be overcome before toxicity occurs (Doullet al., 1980). Another assumption is that theRfD represents an estimate of a population threshold dose rate; that is, it adequately protects sensitive humans withii thelargergroup.Asdescribed previously, one of the UFs accounts for the variability of individual thresholds. For certain or chemicalidiosyncrasyto compoundsthereissufficientevidenceofhypersusceptibility 10 is always warrant concern whether or not the adjustment through the use of a factor of sufficient to fully account for threshold for the entire population. In truth,ofmany the chemical so far belowthestandardpopulationthatno idiosyncrasies for certain individuals may be adjustment to the RfD will be protective for this subgroup. An example is the dermal hypersensitivity of some persons to nickel (Kaaberet al., 1978). The third assumption in the development RfD of anrelates to the defmition of critical effect. Risk assessors assume that, if the critical effect is prevented, then other adverse threshold effects that occur at higher doses will also be prevented. However, since the RfD procedure generally ignores the dose-response slope, thenif other adverse effects have less abrupt slopes, estimating the RfD on the basis of the critical effect may not be sufficiently protective. For this reason, information on slopes of dose-response curves may be used to determine the critical effect in the benchmark dose approach. Other assumptionsare used as well.
C. Dose-Response Modeling Another risk assessment goal is to estimate, through the use of a theoretical doseresponse model, the likely human response to a variety of exposure levels to a selected contaminant. However, itis necessary to have sufficient data before a dose-response model can be employed. Bywayof definition, dose-response refers to the relationship between dose (or inhalation exposure) and toxic responses. In some instances, response might equate to prevalence of a sign or symptom for an exposed population. The toxicity data that might be used in a dose-response model can be derivedfrom laboratory or clinical studies, or from epidemiological data. The initial step for using a mathematical model for dose-response analysis isto describe the risk assessmefit $oal. The next step is to evaluate the quality of the toxicity data and to consider its suitability for meeting the stated goal. Once this has beeri accomplished, the risk finill step assessor mbst select the appropriate mathematical model and its parameters. The involves evalmting the overall qualityof the model in describing the toxicity data and clearly stating the key assumptions and uncertainties involved in using the model. There is a wide variety in the content and quality of toxicity data that might be used; therefore,it is necessary
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that professional judgment and experiencebe used in application of dose-response models to risk assessment, Certain models require that exposure values be stated ina specific form, such as daily intake rate. In these instances, assumptionsmay be required to convert the reportedunits of exposure into the required form. Referringto standard biological conversion tablesmay assist with this part of the exercise; in other cases, broader assumptions and interpretation be may needed. Quite to state an internal dose, suchas steady-state concentrationor blood often the goal is to be able be derived, then no additional dose adjustment level, for a particular pollutant. If these values can is needed. If information suggests other factors that influence toxic response, then additional scaling factorsor dose adjustmentmay be calculated, but such modifications mustbe justified in each case. When chemical-specific factorsfor dosimetry are not available, then conventional conversion steps should be used for estimating daily intake for oral exposures (stated in units of in units ofm m 3 ) . mg/kg-day)or average dailyair concentrationfor inhalation exposures (state Interspecies scaling of dose so that experimental animal data can be applied to humans may involve use of a default tenfold reduction. Duration is scaled according to fraction of lifespan for exposures greater than 90 days. Procedures for scaling duration with shorter-term data, suchas using actual time exposed and duration by using the multiplied product (Haber’s principle), should be justified in each case. Forexposur+responsedata,modelsthathavebeenusedforresponseratesarethe probit-logit class, the multistage-multihit class, and the Weibull. The Weibull model is most commonly used whenmodelingsystemictoxicityfrom animal data(Crump, 1984). When low-dose behavior is the goal (i.e., exposure estimates for negligible risk), then major critical effects should be modeled, and the lowest dose corresponding to the target level of negligible risk will be used. The choice of using the central tendency estimate or confidence limit will always be made separately. Parameters will be estimated by maximum likelihood, and mode acceptability will be judged by the X2-statistic. Exposm4ntensity models describe the dependence of a measured biological parameter on for the exposure level. The application of such a model must compare the modeled value measured parameter with healthy individuals, For these comparisons, the recommended model is the exponential-polynomial class of mathematical functions. In these cases the literature source for the parameter range for normal values needs to be referenced.
I . ExposureSeverity Data Toxicological responses willbe placed into four progressive categories of no-effect, nonadverse effects, mild-to-moderate adverse effects, and severe or lethal effects. By design these categories W, namely, no-observed effect level resemble the dose categories used in determining an (NOEL), NOAEL, LOAEL, and frank effect level (FEL). Since all of the data are used in the regression, thereis no need to specify a LOAEL. Instead, the term adverse effect level (AEL), is used, since one is dealing with the lowest dose showing mild-to-moderate adverse effects. Logisticregressiononorderedcategories (Hamll, 1986; Hertzberg, 1989) willbeused to be estimated bymaximum likelihood.Model determinemodelparameters.Parameterswill acceptability by therisk assessor willbejudged by severalfactors,includingthemodel X2-statistic. Additional fitting statistics to consider are correspondence statistics, correlation coefficients, and model parameter significance levels. Visual judgment of the graphs and tables generated by these techniques isalso necessary. A recommended technique is the use of graph of dose versus duration, with each point represented by a different symbolto denote categories 10% and 1% with model results represented by a curve showing the exposure levels that predict of risks foran AEL orE L .
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D. Benchmark Dose The Benchmark approach has been the subject of numerous publications (Gaylor, 1983;Dourson et al., 1985;Kimmel and Gaylor,1988; Kimmel, 1990,Brown and Erdreich,1989). The primary advantage of this approach is that it provides a fuller explicationof the dose-response curve, which theRfD approach does not.Also, the reference dose approach does not take into account the variabilityof the data.The NOAEL froma small study will likely be higher than NOAEL the from a larger study in the same species, whereas the opposite may be true when variability is considered. Additionally, the NOAEL must be one of the experimental doses, and the number and spacingof doses in a study will influence the dose that is chosen for the NOAEL. Since the NOAEL is defined as a dose that does not produce an observable change in adverse responses from control levels, and is dependent on the power of the study, then theoretically the risk associated with that dose may fall anywhere between zero and an incidence just below that detectable from control levels. This value is usually in the range of from 7 to 10% for quantal develop data Crump (1984)and Gaylor (1989)have estimated the upper confidence limit for mental risk at theNOAEX for several data sets to vary between 2 and 6%. The benchmark dose isbased on a model-derived estimate of a particular incidence level, such as 1 or 1Wo. More specifically, the benchmark dose is the lower confidence limit for the effectivedosethatproducesacertainincreasein the incidenceabovecontrollevels.The benchmark dose is derived by modeling the data in the observed range, calculating the upper confidence limit on the dose-response curve, and selecting the point on the upper confidence curve corresponding to a10% increase in incidenceof an effect. The dose corresponding to the model estimate for a 10%0 increase in incidence is the q e c t dose for 10% of the population (EDlo), whereas the benchmark dose is that dose corresponding to the upper confidence limitof the 10% incidence is the lowest efective dose for 10% (LEDlo). With the benchmark approach, an LED10 will be calculated for each agent for which there is an adequate database. In some cases the data may be adequate to also estimate the ED01 or ED05 incidence levels that may be closer to a true no-effect dose. A level between the ED01 and ED10 is usually the lowest level or risk that can be estimated adequately for binomial endpoints from standarddevelop mental toxicity studies.
l . Assessing Risk for Less-Than-Lifetime Exposures Incontrastwiththe risks associatedwithlifetimeexposure,thereisalsoaneed for risk assessment for short-term exposures. The hazard identification process is used similarly for acute, intermittent, or other less-than-lifetime exposures as it is for chronic, low-level exposures. For less-than-lifetime exposures, the risk assessor selects the appropriate toxicity data, identifiesadverseeffects,andconsidersthesignificance of theseeffects on publichealth. Once the data are analyzed, the risk assessor draws conclusions from this information and presents the weight-ofevidence needed for the assessmentof hazard. Ideally, human toxicity data will be available for short-term exposures and can then be used in conjunction with animal is more straightforward and often involves direct application of data. In these cases, the process m the sole basis of the the human data to a specific exposure scenario. When animal data dose-response assessment, then uncertainty factors are applied to the NOAEL or LOAEL, in a process similar to chronic exposure. Less research data may be available for intermittent or less-than-lifetime exposures than for chronic exposures, and often, greater uncertainty is associated with use of the research data. A common risk assessment problem is concerned with episodic releases, similar to intermittent use of a chemical productor periodic releases for a site where a toxicantis used or made. Most often the exposure patternsfrom such releases frequently do not match thoseof animal
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shdies in either doseor duration. Judgment is required in determining the relevance of available experimental data to the analysis of effects for the exposure pattern ofconcern. Scientific judgment is also required in considering other factors such as the potential for recovery between exposures, data on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the compound, and the potential for bioaccumulation. These factors greatly influence conclusions on the likelihood and extent of toxicity for particular exposures. Some of the issues that shouldbe considered are as follows.
2. Selection of Studies and Identifleationof Effects Studiesthatcanassistintheidentification of effectsincludestudiesofacute, highdose exposures relative to tests of subchronic duration at a dose level closerto the potential range of human exposure. In some instances,the test of low-dose, chronic exposure may be of value. The effects observed at high doses for short duration arc often m m severe than chronic, low-dose exposure, and they may involve entirely different organ systems and clinical efthe m m subtle toxic effects, fects. Acute and short-term toxicity studies do not always assess nor the effects requiring a latent period before manifestation. The risk assessor should conas stantlyreviewstudy reports withtheseconsiderationsinmind.Somechemicals,such carbamates and organophosphorus compounds, show acute and chronic toxicity that are very similar, since theyare rapidly metabolized and excreted. In contrast with this, other substances accumulate and result in chronic toxicity at doses much lower than those for acute exposure. As might be expected, results from chronic, low-dose exposure are often not at all applicable to high-dose, acute exposures. 3. QuantiflingRisk Selection of a studyas the basis for quantitative risk estimation should be governed by attaining the closest possible association between dose rate and duration relative to the human exposure from short-term, high exposure will be defined not onlyby of concern. Quantifying the toxicity all of the pmesses that determine tissue dose, but alsoby the potential for recovery after the exposure ceases or between repeated exposures. Some chemicals cause delayed toxicity after a single dose. In addition, short-term, high exposure may cause a pronounced vulnerability to the effect of other toxicants present in foodor medication, or by other environmental exposureor resident microorganisms.
IV. RISK CHARACTERIZATION Risk characterization is the crucial link between a risk assessment and its application in risk management. Good risk characterization provides a solid framework for communicating the technicalbasisofariskassessmenttoriskmanagersandthepublic. It isimportantthat the risk assessors communicate their confidence in, and the potential limitations for, each risk assessment, Without an appropriate analysis of key assumptions and uncertainties, misinterpretation and misunderstanding of risk estimates are likely. It should be clear that very few risk of assessments are based on a fully satisfactory database; therefore, the strengths and limitations to the quantitative value that is routinely provided, the assessment should be provided, in addition This step is necessary to ensure objectivity and balance in the characterization of risk. Formal integration of the strengths and weaknesses from the first three steps of a risk assessment greatly clarifies the estimated risks, the uncertainties in these estimates, and the critical assumptions are organized to summarize their impact on risk estimates. Multiple risk descriptors should be provided as well as the range of possible exposures, definition of the high end of individual risk, and the particular population that may be at risk.It is also necessary to define important subgroups within the population. The desired result is that the risk managers
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will have a comprehensive overview allowing them to prioritize control options and to effectively communicate risk management decisions to the public. Risk characterization flows directly from the first three steps of the assessment. It should represent both a summary and integration the of previous key findings and conclusions, discuss the qualityof the risk characterization, and briefly state ongoing or potential research that could support the risk assessment. In addition, appropriate caveats to the description and interpretation of risk should be included, to minimize overconfidence in point estimates. Many of these concepts were recently summarizedin a memorandum prepared by Mr.F. Henry Habicht, then Deputy Administratorof EPA (Habicht, 1992).
A. An Integrated view of the Evidence In developing the hazard characterization, dose-response and exposure sections of the risk assessment, the assessor makes judgments concerning the relevance and appropriateness of the data and methodology. These judgments are summarizedwiththehazardcharacterization, dose-response, and exposure characterization sections. As a guide, the summaries may include the following: 1. Hazard identification: the qualitative, weightsfevidence conclusions concerning the potentialthatachemical may pose aspecifichazard to humanhealth;thenatureand
incidence of observed effects, and a description of the route by which these effects are expected to occur. 2. Dose-response characterization: a discussion of the dose-response behaviorof the critical effects; dose levels and ranges of the various studies; exposure duration relative to the test animal’s lifespan; choice of anNOAEL or LOAEL, benchmark dose; the magnitude of the uncertainty and modifying factors; information defining the shape and slopeof the doseresponse curves, mechanism of toxic action, and a descriptionof how this information was used for dose-mponse assessment. 3. Exposurecharacterization:theestimates of rangeofexposure;theroute,duration,and pattern of exposure; relevant pharmacokinetics; and a description of the population exposed. Inthe process of integratingthesesummaries,therisk assessor shoulddetermine if are compatible; that is, are the cancer and noncancer endall segments of the assessment points placed in the c m t perspective and are the constraints of the available data properly addressed. It is also important to present data for all endpoints for which assessments are available for each compound.
B. Key Assumptions and Uncertainties Within risk characterization, the key assumptions and defined uncertainties concerning the analysis and interpretationof data are explained, and the risk manager shouldbe given a clear understanding of the degree of scientific consensus that exists about risk assessment. Whenever more than one interpretation of the doseFesponse assessment is supported by the data and choosing between them is difficult, all views should be presented. The rationale for the selected approach should be given and all approaches should be discussed If quantitative uncertainty analysisof the data is appropriate, it is summarized in the risk characterization; in virtually all cases qualitative discussion of important uncertainties should be included. If other organizations suchas the EPA or FDA also published risk assessments, they should also be summarized and included.
C. Descriptors of Risk
Riskmaybedescribedinavarietyofqualitativeandquantitativeways.Forquantitative assessment, the risk qualifiers are often presented in more than one fashion so that the risk manager is presented with a complete picture. The range of confidence placed in a particular risk assessment can vary considerably. The most accurate way to describe risk will depend on the database. If data on actual incidence of disease in humansare available, then projections about disease incidence in a human population of exposed to similar dosesmay be possible. For example, by knowing that a certain percentage patients with angina experience chest pain on exertion at a known experimental concentration of carbon monoxide, it may be possibleto estimate the percentage of similar patients expected to experience symptoms when exposedto similar concentrations. It is essential that the risk assessor communicate to the risk manager that projections between dissimilar populations is much more tentative, and thef i a l decisions will rely more is yet no completely reliable method to heavily on professional judgment. For example, there as estimate the percentage of persons exposed to 2 mg of toluene per kilogram per day through drinking water who will develop hepatic or renal toxicity. A risk assessor can state that an for exposed risk exposure of 0.2 mg/kg per day (the oral RfD) is likely to be without appreciable populations. This value was derived following application of appropriate UFs to the NOAEL taken from an animal subchronic study, but the currently used methods of risk assessment do not provide a substantiated method for calculating risk above RfD. the I . Estimation of Incidence of Effect Within a Population
Presentation of population risk in terms of incidence (i.e., cases per thousand individuals in a population) or in actual numbers of expected cases for the population of interest is another way of expressing the hazard associated with exposure to a pollutant. For cancer risks, this as “for the 4 millionpeopleinthiscity,weprojectno is usually presented in terms such more than 1 additional cancer per year.” The usefulness of risk information depends on how well the risk is understood and the d e p e of confidence that can be placed in it. With each risk assessment, the risk manager should be given information on (1) the biological nature of the risk, (2) the information used to determine if the exposure will have consequences for humans, and (3) the degree of confidence that the risk assessor places in the database and numerical descriptorsof risk. Risk managers often have the responsibility to communicate theresults of a risk assessment to the public; therefore, some examples of practical conclusions about the risk should be part of the information associated with those risk assessments. In unusual cases sufficient data exist for human exposure to estimate a similar effect for noncancer endpoints. Techniquesdo not yet exist to give a quantitatively precise extrapolation procedure for noncancer effects from experimental animals to humans. It is also impossible at this timeto accurately predict incidence for noncancer toxicological endpoints. Determining the critical effect for the most sensitive experimental animal species and dividing by a Ufs is a straightforward procedure, but of limited precision and accuracy. Other procedures, such as establishing a benchmark dose, hold promise of improving this segment of the risk assessment process, but they also have deficiencies. At best, without a more complete understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity, existing in the stagingof chemical-induced disease for animal toxicity data provide only a general trend humans at doses higher than the reference dose. Presently risk assessment methodology is being rapidly expanded and mechanism-based, dose-response models will likely improve the methods by which this descriptor will be determined.
2. Estimation of the Number of Individuals Higher Than a Specified Risk Another common way to present risks isto specify a “cutoff point,” such as an RfD, and then estimate the percentage of persons exceeding this dose. There are several variations of this descriptor. For example,the RfD is described as a dose that is likelyto be without appreciable risk for deleterious effect during a lifetime. Presentation of a population in terms of the number at or below theRfD (“probably not at risk”) and aboveRfD the(“may be at risk”)may be useful information for risk managers. For some hazardous health effects, the existence of a toxicity “threshold” is presumed. This presumption aids in resolving the potential risk management decision of dividing the population into “probably at risk” and “probably not at risk” segments. as an estimate of a threshold dose for humans, but For clarity, theRfD should not be considered rather, as a subthreshold dose. to Thismethodisparticularlyusefultoariskmanagerconsideringpossibleactions ameliorate risk for a population. If the number of persons in the “at risk” category can be estimated in the baseline (before contemplated action) case and also after a contemplated action an indication is taken, the number of persons removed from the “at-risk” category can be as used of the efficacyof the contemplated action.
3. Specific Risk Estimatedfor Highly Exposed Individuals The purposeof this procedure is to estimate the magnitude of exposure at the upper end of the exposure distribution tobe used as an indicator of the risk for those individuals falling into the high-risk category. Calculation of this specialarea of risk allows risk managersto determine if certain individualsare at an unacceptably high degree of risk. Even in the absence of a complete database, it is often possible to estimate the specific risk to a portion of the population that is at high risk. This circumstance is more likely to happen, since animal testing is initially done at higher doses, which matches more closely with high-dose human exposure. Whenever possibleit is important to express the number of individuals in the selected highexposure group and to also show the range in the estimate of health risk. If population data are not available, mayitbe possible to describe a scenario representing high-dose exposures using upper percentile or judgment-based values for exposure variables. In these instances, caution should be used in applying assumptions that may raise the variablesso that an “unreasonable” exuosure estimate results.
margin ofexposure indicates the magnitude by whichthe NOAEL exceeds the estimated human or milligrams per cubic meter. dose when expressed as milligrams per kilogram per day Margin of exposure=
NOAEL (experimental dose) estimated human dose
If the margin of exposure (MOE)is equal to or more than the total uncertainty used as a basis for determining theRfD for that substance, then the need for regulatory concernis small. Margins of exposure can also be calculated for occasions for which the RfD has not been estimated. In these cases, the use of MOE is more uncertain, and additional guidanceby risk assessors is needed. SinceMOEs do not estimate risks per se, they do permit the risk manager or doses from different exposure scenarios are to the range to sensehow close certain exposures at which there maybe concern. Calculating theomical upper-bound risks, or very conservative worst-case risks, may lead to the conclusion that the risk is quite small; even in the worst case. This information is useful for risk managers and, like the MOE, provides a perspectiveof which areas of the assessment are unimportant froma risk management viewpoint. The preferred way of expressing these risks of risk, while is to use “less-than” terms such as “less than which clearly shows the range at the same time, that additional effortto quantify the risk more accurately was not necessary in this segmentof the assessment. owing to the very low level of risk involved
D. Communicating Results: Providing a Perspective
Once the risk characterization is complete the results mustbe communicated to the risk manager. The risk manager will then use the resultsof the risk characterization, together with social and economic considerations,as well as the important technological factors in reaching a regulatory decision. Nevertheless, because of the way these risk management factors may impact different made ona case-by-case basis. It is possible cases, consistent risk management judgments bemust be regulated differently under different that a chemical with a specific risk characterization may statutes and media. The technical information provided in this chapter does not provide guidance for considerationof the nonscientific aspectsof risk management decisions.
REFERENCES Brown, K. G., and L. S. Erderich (1989). Statistical uncertainty in the no-observed-effect-level,Fundam.
Appl. Toxicol., 13,235-244. Clarkson, T.W.,L. Amin-Mi, and S. K.Al-Tiikiti (1975). An outbreak of methylmercury poisoning due to consumption of contaminated grain,Fed. Proc..35,2395-2399. Crump, K. S (1984). A newmethod for detenniningallowabledaily intakes, Fundam. Appl. Toxicol., 4,854-871. hull, J., C.Klaasen,andM.Auder(1980). Cusarett and Doull’s Toxicology, 2nd d.,MacMillan, New York,p. 718. hurson, M. L., R. C. Hemberg, R. Hartung, and K.Blackbum (1985). Novel approaches for the estimation of acceptable daily intake,Toxicol.Ind.Heatlh, 1,2341. Gaylor,D,W.(1983). The use of safety factorsfor controlling risk,J. Toxicol. Environ. Health, 11,329-336. Habicht, F. H. (1992). Memorandum to AssistantAdministratorsandRegionalAdministratorsofthe U. S. Environmental Protection Agency regardig “Guidance on Risk Characterization for Risk Managers and Risk Assessors.” Hmll, F. (1986). The Logist Procedure, SUGI Supplemental Library Users Guide,Ver. 5th ed. SAS Institute, Cary, NC.
Noncancer Risk Assessment
Hertzberg, R.C. (1989). Fitting a modelto categorical response data with application to species extrapohtion of toxicity,Health Phys.,57.405409. Hodge, H. C. (1950). The concentration of fluorides in drinking water to give the minimum caries with maximum safety, J. Am. Dent. Assoc., 48,436-439. Kaaber, K.,N. K. Veien, and J. C. TjeU (1978). Low nickel diet in the treatment of patients with chronic nickel dermatitis,Br. J . Dennatol., 98, 197-201. Kimmel, C. A., and D.W. Gaylor (1988). Issues in qualitative and quantitative risk analysisfor developmental toxicity, Risk Anal., 8, 15-20. Kimmel, C. W.(1990). Qualitative approaches to human risk assessment for noncancer health effects, Neurotoxicology, 1 1, 1 89-1 98. L e w i s , S. C., J. R. Lynch, and A. I. Nikiforov (1990). A new approach to deriving community exposure guidelines from no-observed-adverse-effectlevels, Regul. Toxicol. Phannacol.,11,314-330. Peters, H. A., D. J. Gocmen, D. J. Cripps, C. T. Bryan, and J. Dobramiacis (1982). Epidemiology of hexachlmbenzene-induced porphyria in 'hrkey. Clinical and laboratory follow-up after 25 years, Arch. Neurol., 39,744-749. WSEPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency(1989). Interim procedures for estimating risks associated with exposureto mixtures of chlorinated dibenzo-pdioxins and -dibenzofurans (CDDs and CDFs), 1989 update. EPA/625/3-89/016. USEPA, Washington, DC. Walton, G. (1951). Survey of literature relatingto infant methemoglobinemiadue to nitratecontaminated water, Am. J . Public Health,41,986-996.
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RISK ASSESSMENTOF CHEMICAL MIXTURES AND CHEMICAL INTERACTIONS Edward J. Calabrese University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts
The evaluation of chemical interactions within the contextof risk assessment is an extremely important issue, since exposure to multiple agents and complex mixtures is, in fact, the norm. The following section will provide the reader with the theoretical foundations of how modem of toxicology and epidemiology approach the study, evaluation, interpretation, and application the knowledge of chemical interaction within a public health and risk assessment framework. The information provided within this section is also directly relevant to the rapidly emerging area of ecological risk assessment. Despite the extensive amount of toxicological research effort in the area of chemical interactions and the documenting of factors that affect such interactions, it is important that the reader appreciate the limitations in current knowledge onthe mechanistic explanationof how agents interact and how difficult it can be to finally achieve such toxicological clarity. For example, in 1978 Mehendale and colleagues fimt reported that a 15-day prior dietary dosage of of by 67-fold in male Sprague-Dawley rats.Nearly kepone (10 ppm) enhanced the lethality CC4 20 years later, there remains considerable mechanistic uncertainty concerning how the prior exposure to kepone enhances the initial and profound toxicity of CCl4, despite an impressive series of follow-up studies by the same investigators as well as other research groups. This example serves to illustrate not only how challenging the unraveling of interaction mechanisms canbe, but also the potential risk that humans and other organisms experience in the faceof exposure to agents that, given current understandings and predictive methods, would not be expected to produce such an enhancement of toxicity. The recognition of the markedly enhanced toxicity of CC4 by prior exposureto low dosages of kepone was not only important because of the enhanced toxicity (e.g., organ damage), but more importantly, because the interaction pvented tissue repair and recovery, with profound 311
Part N
lethality being the result. Thesetypes of enhancements of toxicity and their effect on survival have leadto the mom recent emphasison defining the outer boundariesof interaction responses. As a result of such reant prognss in assessing toxicological interactions the concept of “superinteractions” and how they may be predicted has emerged. Although the kepone CC4 interaction is profound, with enhanced toxicity approachingtwo orders of magnitude, lead has been shown to enhance the toxicity of endotoxin by up to 100,000-fold, depending on the temporalaspects of the joint exposure.Thattwocommonlyencounteredagentshavethe potential to af‘fect superinteractions, resulting in a profound enhancement of lethality, should make all realize that understanding how environmental toxins interact is not only a toxicological problem, but one of potentially great public health concern. The following chapters will strive to place this important areaof toxicological researchin proper public health perspective.
18 Predicting the Toxicological Consequences of Multiple Chemical Interactions Edward J. Calabrese Universiry of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts
Over the past twodecadesconsiderabledebatehasoccurredwithinthebiostatisticalepidemiological, pharmacological, and toxicological communities over the concept of interaction (Calabrese, 1991). This debate, which was spearheaded by a1974 report by Rothman, led to a successful attempt by Rothman et al. (1980) to develop a conceptual framework within which to consider theterm interaction. Before addressing their conceptual framework, a brief recapitulation of thedebateisinstructive,since it illustratespitfallsandinterdisciplinary communication challenges in dealing with the concept of interaction. In his initial report, Rothman (1974) argued that synergy or antagonism between two or more causesof disease should be evaluated by a specific criterion that equated independence of the causeswith the situation in whichjoint the effectwas equalto the sum of the separate effects, with fleet defined as “excess risk.” In addition, he noted strongly the distinction between biological and statistical interaction, stating that biological interaction, in contrast with statistical interaction, could notbe defined with arbitrariness in the choice of scale of measurement. This initial articulationby Rothman (1974) brought forth an intense debate in which Walter and Holford(1978) argued that the selection of statistical models of independence is contingent on the specification of the causal models under consideration, which varied according to different etiologic situations. Furthermore, selection of a statistical model of independence may at times reflect statistically convenient propertiesof the model. Kupper and Hogan (1978) also argued persuasively that the existenceof interaction is model-dependent. A subsequent reportby Blot and Day (1979) noted the distinction between synergy and interaction and claimed that public health objectives need to be considered separately from, and given priority over, statistical objectives in assessing whether two agentsare synergistic. 313
From this debate Rothman et al. (1980) distilled four broad contexts in which the concept of interaction should be discussed. One mustbe a w m of the context in which one is working to effectively and clearly communicate in the area of interaction. These four broad contexts are statistical, biological, public health, and individual decision-making. Each of these contexts, according to Rothman et al. (1980), have different implications for the evaluation of interaction. It was argued by these authors that past disagreements, concerning the methodological principles needed to assess interaction derived from a failure to separate these four contexts. Statistical interaction denotes the interdependence between the effects of two or more factors within the limits of a given model of risk. The assessmentof the interaction dependson the model chosen. If the choice of model is entirely basedon a desirefor statistical convenience without consideration of biological mechanism, no scientific inference about biological interaction can be made (Walter and Holford, 1978; Kupper and Hogan, 1978). Clearly, the closerthe mathematical model cmsponds to the biological process, the more accurate the prediction. Biological interactionis definedas “the interdependent operation of two or more causes to produce disease.” Rothman et al. (1980) argued that if the biological model of interaction is be deduced, the issue of whether the causes act synergistically explicit and its implications can or independentlyis moot. Specification of the biological model replaces the purely abstract and vague concept of interdependence of effects with a specific form of interdependence that is the biological process can be testable.Furthermore,theystatethatlittleinformationabout gathered from classifying the proposed biological mechanism as synergistic or independent. They provide the simple, yet relevant, exampleof the initiation-promotion model of carcinogenesis. In this example, assume that agent A increases the number of cells susceptible to carcinogen B, which can transform a susceptiblecell into malignantCells. Thus, although both A and B contribute to the development of cancer, some may say they interact synergistically, whereas others may saythey act independently. The key,as noted earlier, is better specification of the model.’ h o areas of considerable general interestm those in whichetiologic factors act interchangeablyin the same stepof a multisteppmess or, alternatively, act at different steps in the process. These two broad categories are believed to correspond to mathematical models in which the effects of factorsare additive or multiplicative, respectively. Publichealthinteraction is concernedwiththenumber of casesofdiseasewithina population and the proportional contributionof each risk factor to the case burden. For public health purposes, Rothman et al. (1980) indicate that interaction between riskis factors equivalent to a departure from additivity of incidence rate differences (“attributable risks”). Consider their example of the risk of lung cancer from two risk factors (i.e., smoking and asbestos). Assume that the riskof lung cancer is a defined period of time is 1: 100persons for those not exposed to either risk factor: Suppose that the risk for smokers who m not exposedto asbestos is 10per thousand in the same time period. For those with asbestos exposure, the risksthrare ee and 30 per thousand for nonsmokers and smokers, respectively. The risk ratiois identical for smoking (and for asbestos) at each level of the other risk factor. To some data analysts, this might indicate statistical or biologic independence, butfor public-health applicationsit is not appropriate of lung to consider the effects of smoking and asbestos as independent. Theof cases number cancer causedby cigarette smoking depends on how many of the smokersare also exposed to asbestos (or symmetrically, the number caused by asbestos depends how many on of those of the effects exposed to it are also smokers). Consequently, the public-health implications of smoking and asbestos depends on the proportion of the population in [whom] these factors occur jointly.No alternative existsto an additive criterion for evaluating independ-
Consequences Znteructions Chemical of Multiple
ence of effects for the public-health viewpoirit,'as long as the public-health burden is directly proportional to the numberof cases. (Rothman et al., 1980)
Interaction in individual decision making is considered to parallel that in public health decision making.Thus, departure from additivity of risk differences is the focus, regardlessof the underlying biological mechanisms. In summary, Rothmanet al. (1980)concluded Instatisticalcontexts,independenceandinteraction maywell be definedin an arbitrary manner. In biologic contexts addressing specificcausal mechanisms, defining interaction or synergybetweenfactors is unnecessary,sincethese tenns do not enhance the intelligibility of a mechanism which is already specified in detail ... in public-health be interpreted as departuresfrom contextssynergyandantagonismshouldordinarily additivity of incidenceratedifferences,andanalogously,inthecontext of individual decision-making, synergy and antagonism should ordinarily be interpreted as departures from additivity of risk differences.
II. PHARMACOKINETIC AND PHARMACODYNAMIC FOUNDATIONS OF INTERACTIONS A CONCEPTUALOVERVIEW A. Temporal Factors and Toxic Endpoints In testing of possible interactions, one must deal with several important considerations. These include temporal (time) factors and response+mdpoint considerations (Murphy, 1980, 1983; NAS [National Academy of Sciences], 1980). I . TheTime Factor
Althoughmostscreeningtestsforinteractionsemploysimultaneousexposure,this type of exposureapproachhasthechanceofreducingthelikelihood of detectingsomepotential interactions, as,for example, when the two agents in question affect the same cellular mechanism to cause a toxic effect, but have markedly different times of onset. If a critical threshold of tests of acute toxicityof combinations reversible cellular injury is Rquired for the adverse effect, given simultaneously may show antagonism, whereas an additive action may be seen if the dosing is spaced to cause the maximum effect. A specific example of this temporal influence of chemical carcinogenesis. More relative to interaction is seen between initiators and promoters specifically, dermal exposure to an initiating agent, such as benzo[u]pyrene must take place before the exposure to the promoter (e.g., crotonoil) for the interactionto occur. 2. TheToxicEffect Since most toxic substances have multiple toxic effects, the nature of any chemical interaction mayvary,dependingontheresponsethatonemeasures.Forexample,sincechlorinated insecticides and halogenated solvents produce liverinjury independently, they may be reasonably expected to act in an additiveor synergistic mannerwhen combined (Table 1). However, the insecticideis likely tobe a central nervous system stimulant, whereas the solvent may be a centralnervoussystemdepressant.Thus,inthiscase,theirjointactionmayresultinan antagonistic response (Murphy, 1980, 1983).
B. ChemicalInteractions There m numerous instances under which direct chemical-to-chemical interaction alters toxicological activity in both the medical-phmaceutical (Griffin et al., 1988; Smith and Dodd,
Table 1 Chemical and Biological Bases of Toxicant Interactions Examples interaction Synergism of Basis
or potentiation Antagonism
Chemical nitrosamines Formation offrom nitrites and amines
BiologicalabsorptionNeurotoxicity of EPN (oethyl o-pnitropheny phenylphosphorothioate) enhancedby aliphatic hexacarbonsdue in part to increased skin absorption (Abou-Donia et al., 1985) Distribution Increased lead levels inbrain after treatment with dithiocarbamate/thiuram derivatives (Oskarsson and Lind, 1985)
Dimethyl hydrazine reactsin vivo with pyridoxal phosphate (vitaminB6) to form a hydrazone, thus rapidly depleting tissue storesof this enzymatic cofactor (Cornish,1969) Dietary zinc inhibits lead toxicity in part by decreasing the percent dietary lead absorbed (Cerklewskiand Forbes, 1976) The mechanisms by which seleniumprotects against cadmium toxicity include decreasing the concentrationof cadmium in liver and kidneyand the re distribution of cadmium in the testes from the low-to-high molecular weight Cd-binding proteins (Chen et al., 1975)
Decreased renal excretion of penicillin when coadministered with probenecid
Ch-ganophosphorous compounds (profenfos, sulprofos, DEF) potentiate the toxicityof fenvalerate and malathion by inhibiting esterase whichdetoxifies many pyrethroid insectides (Gaughan et al., 1980) No infomation available
Interaction at receptor sites (receptor antagonism) Interactionamongre-Noinformationavailable ceptor sites (functional antagonism) Interaction at DNA No information available
Arsenic antagonizes the effects of sele nium in part by enhancing the biliary excretion of selenium (Levander and Argrett, 1969) Selenium inhibits2-acetylaminofluomeinduced hepatic damage and liver tumor incidence in part by shifting metabolism toward detoxification (ring hydroxylation) relative to metabolic activation @-hydroxylation) Marshall et al., 1979) Blocking of acetyl-receptorsites by atropine after poisoning with organophosphates Interaction of histamine and norepinephrine on vasodilation and blood pressure (antagonism) Induction of DNA repair by exposure to alkylating agents
Source: EPA (1988).
1982; Smith, 1985) and environmental health @PA, 1988) areas. On the environmental side, perhaps theinteraction that has receivedthe most attention is the formation of nitrosamines from nitrites and amines at low pH values in the stomach (Calabrese, 1980). The Environmental arsine and stibine from ores containing Protection Agency @PA, 1988) reported the formation of arsenic and antimony, respectively, when theycontact the strong acids of the stomach. Although
Consequences of Multiple Chemical lnteractions
these limited examples represent an enhancement of toxicity, thetypes of responses vary across the entire spectrumof response possibilities. Chemical-chemicalinteractionshavebeenextensivelydocumented in themedicalpharmaceutical areas and include in vivo interactions, such as the use of chelating agents to complex with metal ions, the inactivation of heparin by binding to protamine, and the oral antidotal use of ammonia, which converts ingested formaldehyde to hexamethylenetetramine (Goldstein et al., 1974; EPA, 1988). Much concern hasalso been directed to the occurrencesof invitrodruginteractions.According to Griffin et al.(1988),suchinteractionsmay be of considerable medical importance and may take place during the formulation of drugsto existing formulations (e.g., additives to intravenous fluids), or during storage of a formulation in its container (i.e., with container materials such as plastics). These authors indicate that, although to result in either drug toxicity or drug the in vivo chemical interaction of drugs may be expected inefficiency,theinvitrointeractionalmostalwaysresultsinadiminishedbioavailability (that is, reduceddrug efficiency) during dosage. In their review, Griffin et al. (1988) provided information ontypes of in vitro drug interaction. These included (1) excipients in drug formulations; (2) additives to intravenous fluids: (3) drug-container interactions, especially those involving drug-plastics interactions; and (4) drug-contact lens interactions. Excipients are additional ingredients, the function of which is to enhance the formulation of the active drug substance into a stable and uniform preparation with the necessary b i e availability and release characteristics. A wide range of pharmaceutical excipients exist and may compose the bulk of an oral dosage form. The spectrum of excipients includes aerosol propellants, antioxidants, binders, colors, disintegrants, fillers, flavors, lubricants, preservatives, on (Griffin solubilizers, solvents, surfactants, suspending agents, sweeteners, thickeners, so and et al., 1988). Even though these agents have generally been considered inert, numerous emerging examples have illustrated that modem synthetic excipients should not be considered inactive (Smith and Dodd, 1982; Smith, 1985). Examples in these papers indicted cases for which the excipient was toxic itselfor modified the bioavailabilityof the active drug. Thereis the classic example given by Qrer et al. (1970) that attributed the outbreak of phenytoin intoxicationin Australia to a change in capsule fillers from calcium sulfate to lactate. This resulted in an increased dissolution rate, and increased bioavailability and toxicity. Of particular current interest are emerging research concerns associated with toxic side effects of proprietary versus generic formulations. For example, Sanderson and Lewis (1986) have observed significantly more side effects (34.6 vs.24.8%) in patients receiving a generic formulation (i.e., propmolol) as compared with those patients receiving the proprietary drilg (Inderal). These authors suggested that the way in which the tablets were formulated may have been responsible for the difference in the incidence of side effects.
C. PharmacokineticInteractions I . InteractionsAffectingGastrointestinal Absorption Numerous f a c t m u c h as acid-base balance in the gastrointestinal lumen, gut motility, and blood flow to the htestines-may affect absorption of xenobiotics (Frescott, 1969a,b, 1974; Griffin, 1981). From a practical perspective, it is important to differentiate between interactions that (1) enhance or diminish the rate of absorption and(2) enhance or decrease theamount of xenobioticabsorbed.AccordingtoKristensen(1976),therate ofabsorption is oftennot in multiple doses to important for drugs exhibiting a long plasma half-life that are administered achieve a steady-state concentration (e.g., warfarin, psychotherapeutics, and most antihypertensive drugs). However, a diminished rate of absorption may be important in a clinical situation when a quick onset of drug effect is desired.
Acid-Base Balance and Drug Interaction. The passive absorptionof drugs across the gastrointestinal epitheliummay be contingent on the hydrogen ion concentration (pH).For example, 1 compared salicylic acid is absorbed, in experimental conditions, at a fivefold greater pH rate at with pH 8 (Brodie, 1964). At pH 1 the salicylic acid isin a readily diffusible, nonionized, and lipid-soluble state. In contrast, acetylsalicylic acid is absorbed more rapidly in physiological situations from buffered alkaline solutions than from unbuffered solutions of pH 2.8 (Cooke and Hunt, 1970). This is most likely due to a greater dissolution rate of and aqueous solubility of acetylsalicylic acid in alkaline solution and in an increase in gastric-emptying rate at higher pH values (Kristensen, 1976). Griffin et al. (1988) have noted that antacids and adsorbents thatm frequently employed in drug pharmaceutical preparations may interact with a wide range of primary drugs affecting their absorption. Of potential clinical significanceare interactions involving ferrous sulfate and three interactions have been antacid, isoniazid and antacid, and tetracyclines and antacid. These classified as ones having good evidence of actual or potential importance in patients or in relevant studies on normal subjects (D’Arcy, 1987). The drug cimetidine, which is a H2-receptor blocker, causes a rise in the gastric pH. This has resulted in its affecting the gastrointestinal absorption of several agents, including aspirin (Khoury et al.,1979) and tetracycline (Cole et al., 1980; Rogers et al., 1980). Gastric Emptyingand Drug Interaction. Variousdrugsmarkedly altertherate of gastric (1973) reported that propantheline and metoclopramide emptying. For example, Nimmo et delay and accelerate gastric emptying, respectively. Propantheline markedly diminishes the rate of acetaminophen (paracetamol) absorption, whereas, in contrast, metoclopramide enhances the rate of acetaminophen absorption. However, the total amounts of acetaminophen absorbed in both instances were similar. The anticholinergic drugs (e.g., atropine, hyoscine, tricyclic antidepressants) and the opiates (e.g., morphine, codeine, pethidine) slow down gastric emptying and diminish the absorption of other ingested drugs. Binding and Chelating Mechanisms and Drug Interacrion. Prescott (1969a,b) demonstrated (G2+, Fe2+, M$+, MS) may interact with drugs in that the saltsof divalent or trivalent metals the intestine to produce insoluble and nonabsorbable complexes. Of particularly widespread interest is the example of the interaction between Ca2+ and tetracyclines. The calcium phosphate filler markedly reduces the absorption of tetracycline. These interactions, of potential clinical significance, are avoidable if the drugs m given in properly spaced time intervals (Neuvonen and Turakka, 1974; Neuvonen, 1976). An interesting interaction has been describedby Griffin et al. (1988), who noted that the gastrointestinal absorptionof an oral doseof minocycline on tetracycline is particularly inhibitedby food and milk. However, the absorptionof minocycline wassignificantlylessaffectedthantetracycline,indicatingapossibleexplanationforwhy minocycline seems more effective than tetracycline in treating acne in teenagers who ingest large amounts of milk. The anion-exchange resin cholestyramine binds acidic drugs, such as warfarin, and diminishes the amount of warfarin absorbed (O’Reilly,1974; Robinson et al., 1971). Again, temporal factors m important, since this interactionmay also be avoided by giving warfarin an hour or more before the cholestyramine. Another chelating resin, colestipol, reduces the absorption of chlorothiazide (Kauffman andAzamoff, 1973) and digitalis glycoside (Phillips et al., 1976). An area of considerable interest is the influenceof food on xenobiotic bioavailability and toxicity. For comprehensive reviewssee D’Arcy and Merkus (1980). Toothmaker and Welling (1980). Welling (1980), and Welling and Tse (1982). A variety of factors may be simultaneously operational, including levels of divalent cations, protein, dietary fats, gastric emptying, bile flo or other, thatmay alter normal absorption efficiencies.
Consequences Interactions Chemical of Multiple
2. Plasma Protein and Tissue Binding Numerous drugs are extensively bound to plasma proteins, and itis the free (i.e., nonproteinbound) drug fraction that displays pharmacological activity.An extensive literaturenow exists that indicates the displacementof a drug from its binding site on albumin by other drugs. The extent to which such interactions affecting plasma protein binding occur and have clinical relevance are discussed in detail elsewhere (Calabrese, 1991). 3. Metabolism Introduction. Numerous agents, including commonly ingested drugs and ubiquitous environmental contaminants, stimulate the capacityof various metabolically active organs, especially the liver, to metabolize a wide range of chemical agents. Other compounds may inhibit the capability of the liver to metabolize pharmaceutical agents and environmental contaminants. The implications of being able to modifyhow the liver or other tissues metabolize potentially toxic agents are believed to be profound. In fact,it is now recognized that the insecticide synergists (i.e., agents that, when administered along with insecticides, markedly enhance the insecticide’s ability tokill insects) actby blocking the enzymes normally effecting insecticide detoxification. For example, the toxicity of the insecticide carbaryl against susceptible female houseflies has been enhanced greater than 200-fold by certain chemical synergists. Here, therefore, is an example for which researchers are learning to predict the Occurrence of chemical interactions based on an understanding of how insecticides are detoxified by the insect. In this example, they are using this knowledge to develop more effective formulations for exposing insectsmay that have developed resistance to the original insecticide, and they are also trying to find waysof using less insecticide, while still obtaining a highly effective insecticidal performance. In the foregoing example, the investigators were attempting to use theof concept synergism to develop more efficient insecticidal formulations. However, the problem for public health agencies is different, in that they try to avoid human exposures to potentially dangerous mixtures. For example, in 1957, Frawley et al. reported the first synergistic interaction of two organophosphate insecticides(i.e., malathion and EPN), and this led to the development by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of regulations requiring that every newly registered organophosphate insecticide would have to be evaluated for possible synergisms with all registered organophosphateinsecticides.Asmoreorganophosphateinsecticidesweredeveloped,this regulatory requirement became an extreme testing burden. However, with the unfolding of the biochemical mechanism for this interaction, it became possible to assess possible interactionsoforganophosphateinsecticidesbybiochemicalmeans.Thistherebycircumvented thelaboriousandimpracticaltoxicologicaltesting ofsuchpossibleinteractionsinwhole animals without sacrifice to the protection of the public’s health. Thus, in both examplesmaking a more efficient insecticidal preparation and predicting adverse public health effects from multiple agentexposures-predictions can be markedly enhanced with a clear understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity. Cytochrome P450 Enzymes. Since many, if not most, environmental toxinsrequire bioactivation to highly reactive intermediate forms capable of causing a widearray of toxic cellular and molecular lesions, the importance of cytochrome P450 enzymes inthe developmentof environis theoreticallyprofound.Thecytochrome P450 enzymes are mentallyinduceddiseases involved in the oxidative metabolism of not only an enormous range of endogenous molecules, such as steroids, prostaglandins, and biogenic amines, among others, but alsoof innumerable drugs, chemical carcinogens, mutagens, and environmental contaminants. Given this critical role I metabolismofxenobioticsof ofcytochromeP-450enzymesintheoperationofphase environmental concern, is it not surprising that genetic variationsP450 in enzyme activities and their relative capacitiesfor induction are likely to markedly affect susceptibility to an enormous
array of environmental contaminants. Consequently, the cytochrome P450 enzymes are given a special distinction in this analysis of interaction factors affecting susceptibility to environmental agents. The field of P-450 molecular biology, according to Nebert and Gonzales (1987), has “literally exploded” in the current decade, with advances occurring in the multiple facets that sumund P-450 research, such as chemicals that induce P450 activities (Nebert, et al., 1981; Waterman and Estabrook, 1983), association of P450 to cancer (Pelkonen and Nebert, 1982; Conney, 1982; Wolf, 1986; Conzalez et al., 1987). geneticdifferencesinP-450expression (Nebert et al., 1982), and others. Since the 1980s. considerable progress has been made concerning the family of P450 enzymes. In brief,thefield ofP-450molecularbiology hasshownenormousexpansion. For example, the first two P-4503 cDNA probes were reported in 1980, and the first P-450 full-length cDNA sequence appeared in 1983. By 1986, there were 67 complete P450 cDNA or protein sequences in eight eukaryotic species and one prokaryote. It is now known that there are ten P450 genefamilies,eight of theseexistinginmammals.FromthecDNA nucleotide sequencing, coherent theories of P450 gene evolution have emerged (Nebert and Gonzales, 1987). In 1987, Nebert and Gonzales proposed a standardized P-450 gene nomenclature involving the use of Roman numerals and capital letters that facilitates the matching ofpreviouslycharacterized P450 proteins with the newly defined gene families and subfamilies. The mammalianP450 families are given as from I to VIII. For example, theP450 I familyinrats,rabbits,mice,andhumanshas two genes (P1 and P3) thatrareinducible by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) and tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin(TCDD). In essence, the human P1 enzyme is what has been called aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) and is associated with the increased risk to cigarette smoking-induced bronchogenic carciP I ,P3 is highly correlated with cancer induced by 2-acetylaminofluorene noma. In contrast with andaminobiphenylsinanimalmodels(Kamatakietal., 1983). The P450 II genefamily was initially referredto as the phenobarbital-inducible family. This gene family is now organized to comprise five subfamilies (Athrough E) with subfamily IID represented by debrisoquine 4-hydroxylase(P-450IIDl).Withinthe I E subfamily are at least two P-450proteinsthat are inducedbyethanol,imidazole,acetone,trichloroethylene,andpyrazole.According to Nebert and Gonzales (1987), the P-450activity showing the highest induction rates includes the oxidation of aniline, alcohols, and nitrosamines. These authors anticipate the initiation of clinical studies attempting to correlate restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLPs) patterns of these genes with individual risk of cancer. Relative to the P-450I11 gene family, macrolideantibiotics,such as triacetyloleandromycinandgriseofulvin,induceatleastone gene of this family. Nebert and Gonzales (1987) suggest that clinical studies of the human far predicting orthologues of theseP-450 III genes m likelytoyieldimportantinsights macrolide antibiotic response or toxicity caused by these agents. The hypolipidemic peroxisomal proliferators (e.g., clofibrate) are found within the P-450 IV gene family. They induce a protein (P45OLAw) thatdisplaysatotallack ofimmunocross-reactivitywith P-450~induced by polycyclic hydrocarbonsor phenobarbital. The principal point here is that, within the unfolding of our understanding of the P450 system, lies a major foundation for predicting toxic chemical interactions. The major advances, as just summarized, are providing a coherent framework for understanding the biochemical responses of the individual to complex arrays of chemical exposures. Often the literature reports are simply descriptive; that is, compound A induces a formof cytochrome P450 that enhances the metabolism of compound B. More recently, the data are beginning to link such induction with a specific family of cytochrome P-450. Withthis type of specificity, it is possible to begin developing theoretical constructs for the prediction of interactions.
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4 . Interactions at Receptor Sites and Critical Celluiar Targets According to Griffin et al. (1988). xenobiotic agents may interact by antagonizing each other at or at separate, but physiologically related, sites the same receptor site (competitive antagonism) (physiological antagonism). There are also instances in which a drug interacts with its own metabolite at acommonreceptor.Althoughpreviousmechanismsofinteractionsaffecting absorption, distribution, excretion, and metabolism that principally affect the amount of toxicant reaching the primary receptor have yielded both antagonistic and synergistic responses, interaction at the receptor site is generally believed to yield antagonistic interactions (e.g., histamines and antihistamines, includingHzblockers, atropine and cholinergic drugs, morphine and nalorphine). As stated over30 years agoby Veldstra (1956):
. , we may say thatthe effect of a combined action oftwo compounds at the same siteof primary action will not result in a synergism, but will, generally, even be unfavorable. The competition for the receptor will usually decrease the frequency of the best interactions, and with decreasing intrinsic activity of one of the components the combined action will more and more take the form of a competitive antagonism. 5. Excretion Severalgeneralmechanismsexistbywhichxenobioticinteractions are affectedbyrenal excretory processes. The two mechanisms of greatest importance involve passive reabsorption and active secretion. Under normal circumstances, a non-protein-bound xenobiotic often undergoes glomerular filtration and becomes progressively concentrated as water is reabsorbed along its passage through the nephron. A concentration gradient is thus created and, if the xenobiotic is lipid-soluble and capable of permeating the tubular epithelium, the agent will be passively reabsorbed back into systemic circulation. One of the key features in the study of drugs is that many are weak electrolytes, with the degree of ionization of the drug being determined by pH theof the renal environment.It is now well established that weak bases are excreted more rapidly when the urine has a low pH, and more slowly at high urinary pH, whereas the reverse is true for weak acids. Griffin et al. (1988) indicated that the effectsof pH in the renal environment on the excretion of weak electrolytes is of clinical importance if the pKa value of the drug is in the range of about 7.5-10.5 for bases and 3.0-7.5 for acids, and if a significant proportion of the drug is normally excreted unchanged in the urine. is that one agent may affect the excretion pattern of another The link to chemical interactions by affecting the pHof the renal environment. The classic example of such a pH-mediated interaction concerns administration of sodium bicarbonate during amphetamine treatment. The sodiumbicarbonatetreatmentincreasesthepH,andthiswilldelay the excretionofthe 3040% of a dose of amphetamine amphetamine, a weak base. More specifically, approximately is excreted in the urine as unchanged drug over 48 h under normal circumstances of fluctuating urinary pH. If the urineis made more acidic (pH5 ) for the same 48-h period, the proportion of unchanged drug excretedis increased to6670%. The second major excretory mechanism involved in renal excretory interactions involves active secretion in the proximal tubule. Numerousare drugs secreted by the proximal convoluted tubule. offerhaus (1981) indicated that drug interactions can be expected if drugs that are principally secreted by the proximal convoluted tubulem given simultaneously. Griffinet al. (1988) noted that the plasma half-life of penicillin may be increased by a variety of drugs, including probenecid, which is a well-known interaction, and also by aspirin, phenylbutazone, sulfonamides, indomethacin, thiazide diuretics, furosemide, and ethacrynic acid.
111. CARCINOGENESIS A. Introduction That the process of carcinogenesis can be modified significantly by other chemical agents has long been known. The ways in which such modulation occurs are extremely diversified and numerous. Over the past decade, concepts such as cocarcinogenesis and promotion have become significantly clarifiedas a resultof advances in our understandings of the carcinogenic process, but also more complex as the intricacies of highly diversified processesare revealed. This section will provide an introduction to the concepts of carcinogenesis, promotion, and syncarcinogenesis, including terminology and definitions, as well as operational characteristics and mechanistic differences.
B. Cocarcinogenesis The term cocarcinogenesis was initially defined as the enhancement of neoplasm induction an initiating carcinogen brought about by noncarcinogenic factors that act in conjunction with of (Berenblum, 1974; Sivak, 1979). Cocarcinogenesistherebyencompassedseveralkinds enhancements, including promotion, during which the enhancing agent facilitates tumorigenesis following completion of initiation. Despite this broad conceptual framework, cocarcinogenesis has been operationally differentiated from promotion as the enhancement of carcinogenicity resulting from the administration of a modifying agent either just before or together with a carcinogen, with promotion refemng to enhancement caused by an agent administered after a carcinogen.Suchaconceptualdistinction is of considerableusefulness,since it provides differentiation between the enhancement of the process of neoplastic conversionby cocarcinoof mechagenesis and the enhancement of neoplastic development by promotion. At the level nism, cocarcinogenesis may be viewed as “the enhancement of carcinogenesis resulting from effects produced either immediately before or during carcinogen exposure or at a time after carcinogen exposure when chemical damage is still persistent” (Williams,1984). Differentiating the actionof a cocarcinogen from a promoter can, at times, be difficult. For instance, promoters, like cocarcinogens, can enhance cancer development when administered along with a carcinogen. Under such conditions of exposure, it is hard to discern whether the enhancement of carcinogenesis is caused bythe cocarcinogenic or the promotional activity. Williams (1984) believes that such agents should be considered promoters unless it can be shown that the processof neoplastic conversion is enhanced. A variety of possible nongenotoxic mechanisms have been proposed through which cocarcinogens may operate(Williams, 1984). Thesecouldinclude (1) increaseduptakeofthe carcinogen, (2) increased proportionof carcinogen activated,(3) depletion of competing nucleophiles, (4) inhibition of the rate or fidelityof DNA repair, and(5) enhancing conversionof DNA lesionstopermanentalterations.Specificexamples of cocarcinogensexist,including the carcinogenic capacityof ferric oxide to enhance the occurrence of benzo[a]pyrene-induced lung neoplasms in hamsters(Saffiotti et al., 1968). In this instance, it is believed that the mechanism of ferric oxide cocarcinogenesis involves the facilitated uptake of the carcinogen by bronchial 1974) and pulmonary alveolar macrophages (Autrupet al., epithelial cells (Kennedy and Little, 1979). However, themechanism of cocarcinogenesis mayvaryaccordingtothespecific circumstances. For example, ferric oxide is believed to enhance the carcinogenesisof diethylnitrosamine (DEN,Montesano et al., 1970; Feron et al., 1972) by enhancing the effects of the interaction of the DEN with cellular constituents (Williams,1984). Other important ways by which chemical cocarcinogens act are through the inhibition of detoxification, or by enhancing the activation of genotoxic carcinogens. Berry et al. (1977) have
Consequences 323Interactions Chemical of Multiple provided an example of the first mechanism. Here, the carcinogenicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is enhanced by trichloropropane oxide. This agent inhibits the enzyme epoxide hydrolase that inactivates the reactive epoxide of the carcinogens. Relative to the activation mechanism is the action of enzyme inducers; for example, ethanol enhances the hepatocarcinogenesis of vinyl chloride (Radiki etal., 1977) and n-nitrosopyrrolidine (McCoy et al., 1981). It has been suggested that cocarcinogens may also cause their effects by the inhibition of DNA repair. However, Williams (1984) indicated that most agents that inhibit repair do so in a nonspecific manner that also diminishes replicative synthesis. Consequently, there is a longer overall interval available for repair before replication; therefore, the reduced repair has not usually been associated with an increased yield of permanent alterations in DNA. However, agents that act specifically on DNA repair processes (e.g., 3-aminobenzamide) have increased the effectof hepatocarcinogenic agents (Takahashi et al., 1982).
C. Syncarcinogenic Effects The additiveor synergistic effects of two or more carcinogens in neoplasm production has been defined as syncarcinogenesis (Nakahara, 1970; Schmahl, 1970). Syncarcinogenesis may occur when two carcinogens are given either in a sequential form (Odashima, 1959), or concurrently (MacDonald et al.,1952).Williams(1984)hasemphasizedthatthese two formsofsynbe distinguishedfrominitiationcarcinogenesismayhavedifferentmechanismsandmay promotion concepts of carcinogenesis. Promotion and carcinogenesis have been distinguished from syncarcinogenesis on the basis that the cocarcinogen or promoter is theoretically considered noncarcinogenic. From a mechanistic perspective, the principal difference is that cocarcinogens and promoters are not genotoxic. Furthermore, in sequential syncarcinogenesis, the order of treatment canbe reversed and the effect still occurs (Williams and Furuya, 1984).isThis not the situation with either cocarcinogenesis or promotion unless the agent has properties of both types of processes. and the exposure to the chemical is close to that of the carcinogen to be able to produce cocarcinogenesis. The phenomenon of syncarcinogenesis has been reported in various organs, including the skin (Steiner, 1955); liver (MacDonald et al., 1952); and bladder (Deichmann et al., 1965a,b). The syncarcinogenic effect occurs when both agents have the same target organ (Schmahl, 1980).
D. Tumor Promotion I . Introduction Theconcept oftumorpromotionwas firstbroughtforwardbyJohnHillin1761inthe publication Cautions Against theImmediateUse of Snuff (Eloutwell,1974).Hillnotesthat “whether or not [cancers], which attend Snufftakers are absolutely caused by that custom, or whether the principles of the disorder [nose cancer] were there before, and Snuff only initiated the parts, and hastened the mischief, I shall not pretend to determine; but even supposing the is worth, for who is latter only to be the case, the damageis certainly more than the indulgence to say, that the Snuff is not the absolute cause, or that he has not the seeds of such a disorder which Snuff will bring into action.” Thus,was Hill not only the first to propose a cause for cancer that remains with us today, but also he proposed the possibility of more than one causative agent, with snuff acting as what modern toxicology calls a promoterto “bring intoaction. . .the seeds of the disorder.” The first major experimental advance occurred in 1915, when Yamagiwa and Ichikawa be produced by the repeated treatment of coal tar demonstrated that a similar lesion could condensate to the ears of rabbits (Yamagiwa and Ichikawa, 1915). Three years later Tsutsui
(1918) reported thatmice were also responsive, developing skin cancer after repeated exposure to coal tar.Since the coal tar treatment produced inflammation and wounds, it was considered that continuousor repetitive imtation may cause cancer. Subsequent studies by Rous and Kidd (1941) and Friedwald and Rous (1944) further clarified the role of irritation, wounding, the and resulting stimulation of rapid cell division in the process of tumor formation. In fact, they employed a two-stage technique for the development ofskin tumors in rabbits. They reported that agents and procedures that cause hyperplasia (e.g., turpentine, chloroform, and wounding) often enhanced the occurrence of tumors caused by a prior treatment with methylcholanthrene to describe or tar.In their reports, Rous and colleagues (1941) emphasized the tumor initiation action of the carcinogen to create “latent tumor cells” that would then be later revealed by subsequent administration of the same skin with a nonspecific tumor-enhancing factor. These authors referredto this process astumor promotion. Subsequent researchby Berenblum (1941) of usheredinthemodem era by his discoverythatcrotonoilpromotedthedevelopment 3,4-benzpyrene-inducdskin cancer in mice, and Mottram (1944), who noted that benzpyrene needed to be applied only once in a small subcarcinogen dose to have tumors elicited by the promotional action of croton oil. The concept of tumor promotion, therefore, has had a long history, but was principally derived from the early experimental research of Rous, Berenblum, and Mottram. In these studies it was found that a single application oftar coal or a polycyclic hydrocarbon to the skin of rabbits or mice in subcarcinogen amounts would initiatethe process of skin carcinogenesis if it were followed by a promotional event. From the historical and voluminous subsequent research, operational criteria have been defined to describe the characteristicsof a promoter in the mouse skin model (McGee, 1987). These criteriaare 1. That it should notbe carcinogenic per se 2. That it should not increase tumor yield if administered before the initiating carcinogen 3. That when applied after an initiating, subcarcinogenic dose of the carcinogen, it should accelerate the rate of development of tumors and, thus, increase the total, time-related tumor incidence 4. That the total yield of tumors produced should be dose-related to the initiator, not to the promoter, providing the promoter is used in excess of the minimum amount required to promote all initiated cells 5. That, unlike initiation, which can take place rapidly during a single exposure to the initiator and which is a permanent event, promotion requires long exposure to the promoter before the changes induced become irreversible These criteria,as noted by McGee (1987), have been the guideline for the applicationof the concept of promotion to tumor induction in other organs, including the liver, bladder, and colon. Given the foregoing description of the historical foundations of promotion action and the operational criteria, itis possible to define the term tumor promotion. Tumor promotionbemay operationally defined as: the process by which an agent brings about the selective expansion of initiated cells that increase the probability of malignant transformation. From a mechanistic perspective, this expansionof initiated cells is the resultof altered gene expression inducedby the presenceof a promoting agent. 2. Mechanism
The promotional agent for which biochemical effects have been best characterizedis the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate(”PA). Whennormalfibroblasts are exposedin culture toP A , there occurs a“mimicry of transformation.” In other words, when normal cells
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are exposed to TPA, they display many properties of cells stably transformed by oncogenic viruses or chemical carcinogens. More specifically, the cells look morphologically transformed, cell-to-cell orientation is lost, saturation density increases, serum requirements decrease, proare tease plasminogen activatoris increased, ornithine decarboxylase and polyamine syntheses increased, and transport of deoxyglucose and certain ions is enhanced, along with decreased calcium requirements. In addition, tumor promoters, such as TPA, inhibit terminal differentiation.Giventhattumorscharacteristicallydisplayaberrantdifferentiation,thisrepresentsa particularly significantproperty of tumor promoters. From these collective observations, Weinstein (1980) proposed a coherent hypothetical scheme for how a promoter, such as TPA, may act. He maintained that the cell surface represents a signaling mechanism that enables the cell to respond to extracellular environments. Hormones or agents like TPA lock onto very specific receptors that then modify the of flow signals from the cell surface to the cytoplasm and nucleus. Although initiating agents act at the level of DNA, such alterations are often insufficient to (1980), it is necessary to reprogram produce malignant transformation. According to Weinstein TPA, it is believed the cell’s previous pattern of gene expression to produce a cancer cell.forAs that its reprogramming function acts through modifications at the cell surface. The repgramming would likely result in altered differentiation, such that terminal differentiation is blocked to the leadspromotion and cells are set forth into a type of exponential division, Such a process of a clone of initiated cells subsequent to abenign tumor, thereby setting the stagefor variant cell progression to a malignant tumor.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Thispaperwasbasedonmaterialpublishedinthebook Calabrese, E. J., 1991, Lewis Publishers, Chelsea,MI.
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Consequencesof Multiple Chemical Interactions
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19 Interaction: An Epidemiological Perspective for Risk Assessment Kenneth A. Mundt
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts
Carl M. Shy
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Interaction in epidemiological research theoretically occurs if two or more causal factors in a population act together in some way to produce an event, usually disease or death, at a rate greater or less than would be expected if the effects of each of these risk factors were summed. In other words, interaction results if the causes of a disease do not operate independently of each other. Despite the apparent straightforwardnessof this concept, and the numerous scientific fields (such as toxicology, pharmacology, genetics, and others) already accommodating this and closely related phenomena, epidemiologists have not yet resolved many of the controversies pertaining to interaction, which were briskly debated in the late1970s and early 1980s. Until epidemiologists reach general consensus on the concept of interaction and more broadly subscribe to standard approachesto the assessment and interpretation of interaction, other health professionals reading and interpreting the epidemiological literature face a great challenge. At the heart of this challenge lie several major issues, some of which remain unclear to many epidemiologists. These include the following:
1. Lack of astandardterminologydescribinganddifferentiatingamongsubtleconceptual variations relatedto interaction in epidemiology 2. Inadequate appreciation of the many forms of interaction thatwoperate i t h i epidemiological for study validity, and interpretational consequences research, their causes, implications 3. Failure to plan for assessment of interaction at the design phase of epidemiological studies, often limiting the capability to adequately address interaction after the study is completed 4. Disagreement on the proper analytical methods to apply in the assessment of interaction 5. Limited guidance available on how to interpret either the presence or absence of interaction in a given study 329
The purpose of this chapter is to acquaint the reader with the various epidemiological perspectives on interaction and to provide the necessary background to allow a reasonable evaluation of interaction in an epidemiological study. For risk assessment, the identificationof risk factors participatingin an interaction should be of great interest and utility. In the chapter entitled “Evaluation of Epidemiologic Information” in the text, Epidemiology and Health Risk Assessment, Szklo acknowledges that interaction has only recently become one of the concerns of epidemiologists. Szklo notes that this recentinterestisincontrastwith the extensiveattentiongiventhenotion of susceptible subgroups in toxicology, citing Dahl’s classic studiesof genetic susceptibility or resistance to salt-induced hypersensitivity in rats @ah1 et al., 1960). Szklo suggests that discrepancies between epidemiological studies might be due to undetected interactions, and that interaction 1988). Furthermore, identification of should be an integral part of study hypotheses (Szklo, interaction may be of practical interest, as the effect attributable to a given factor may be considerably larger(or smaller) in the presenceof one or more additional risk factors. In other words, failure to account for the interaction will result in an underestimation (or overestimation, risk factors that operate interin the caseof an antagonism) of risk. Conversely, intervention of to preventive benefits greater (or less) than would be dependently with other factors should lead gained if the factors acted independently (Bulterysal., et 1990; Wacholder and Weinberg,1986). Unfortunately, several issues remain to be resolved before epidemiologists or risk assessors may fully benefit from even a modest grasp of the concepts and methods. At present, many obstacles severely limit the valid interpretation of interaction within epidemiological research to elucidate mechanisms involved in the pathological process.
II. OPERATING ASSUMPTIONS Epidemiology is subject to numerous methodological and interpretive challenges and pitfalls (such as study design options, various selection and information biases, confounding, random and systematic measurement error, andso on), the discussionof which is beyond the scopeof thischapter.Therefore,mostofthediscussiononinteractiontofollowassumesthatthe epidemiological studies described in terms of their interaction, are free from any serious or “fatal” flaws, and that the study results are otherwise valid. It is further assumed that the reader is reasonably familiar with the principles of basic epidemiology, including, as a minimum, thefollowing:studydesigns,such as cohort and case-control (and their relative strengths, weaknesses, and rangeof applications); measuresof disease occurrence, including estimates of absolute and relative risk; identification and prevention.of selection bias and information bias; the roleof random error,or chance; the identification, control, and interpretation of confounding data. Readers not familiar with these might wish to consult one of several available introductory epidemiology texts (Hennekenset al., 1987; Kelsey et al., 1986).
111. TERMINOLOGYANDDEFINITIONS In this chapter, the term interaction is used genericallyto indicate all fwms and perspectivesof both observed nonindependence and theorized interdependence of causal factors. However, numerous terms have been and continue to be used throughout the field. Some of these will be to defined in the next section, notto suggest a standard usage, but rather, to expose the reader the rangeof terms and perspectives likely to be encountered in the epidemiological literature. Some confusion arising outof the epidemiological literature on interaction no doubt stems fromthelackofstandardizedtermsanddefinitions for variousaspects of interaction, or
“nonindependence” among twoor more risk factors for a disease outcome. There are several possible reasons for the current lack of consensus among epidemiologists. One main reason is thatmethodologicalepidemiologyhasenjoyedonlyarelativelyshorthistory of about the latter half three decades, with most of the quantitative advancements formalized only in of this period. This relative youth of quantitative epidemiological concepts and methods resultsingeneralinexperiencewiththem,andsubsequentlythe“preferred”terminologyfor variousphenomenahavenotbeenfinallydecided.Becauseotherscientificfieldshadaddressed interaction-related issues previously, epidemiology has imported of some this terminology. With borrowed terms, however, come borrowed concepts and definitions, some of which maynot be entirely compatible with their new application. For example, “synergism” has historically been used to describe the joint effect of two or more factors when neither factor alone produces an effect. In common epidemiological usage, synergism is synonymous with any positive interaction. Anotherexplanation for theapparentconfusion is relatedtotheinherentdualism of interaction in epidemiology, eloquently differentiated by Miettinen as “ontologicaland epistimological” aspects.Althoughthisspecificpointwillbediscussedthroughoutthechapter, its relevance to the present topic of terminology will be described briefly here. Ontologically, interaction in epidemiology refers to and reflects the true nature, or “cooperation” of two or more factors or agents that act together physically, chemically, or biologically. Although the specific mechanism of this interaction may not be known, it is believed to cause the outcome(disease) of interestbeyondthatcaused by either or bothfactorsindividually,and includes effects entirely caused by the joint action. However, this true nature may not be inferred from epidemiological research (Miettinen, 1982). Epidemiological terminology most closely related to this perspective of interaction includes effect modification, synergism, and antagonism, although terms such as biological interaction, causal interdependence, and preventive interdependence have been used. Epistemologically, interaction in epidemiology has to do with the ways in which joint are effectsaredetected,measured,andinterpretedfromobservationaldata.Theseaspects distinct from joint actions among true causes mentioned in the foregoing paragraph in that themethodsforassessinginteractioninepidemiologyarelimitedtothemanipulationand analysis of observational data, representing an entire range of possibilities from “true” interaction effects, to spurious effects caused by possible biases (including confounding bias, selection bias, information bias) and measurement error. Perhaps of theone most important influences distancingepidemiologicalassessmentofinteractionfromelucidatingtruecausalinterdependencies is the widespread reliance on sumgate and indicator measures for underlying or unknown causal parameters. Many of thae variables may be intercorrelated in complex and in thecontextofamultivariateanalysis,maybehave indirect ways and, when considered nonindependently. TO interpret this interedependence as interaction among causal factors(i.e., ontologically), would be mistaken. The most common term reflecting this category of interaction isstatistical interaction. Many epidemiologists do not dserentiate between these two realms of interaction in epidemiology, or identify the specific context in which a particular term is used, andare terms often used interchangeably. Much of the confusion and controversy surrounding interaction in epidemiology stems from, andis reflected by, this indiscriminate use of terminology. For this reason, qualifiers or modifiers will clarify how terms usedin this chapterare being used. For example, the term interaction may be modified to specify “interaction among true causes” or “observed interaction among risk indicators.”
Mundt and Shy
A. Definitions Several common definitions for terms used in epidemiology to describe interaction are presented in the following from A Dicrionaty of Epidemiology,2nd ed., edited byJohn Last (1988). The dictionary compiled the definitions and viewsof nearly 140 contributing and corresponding editors, among them many of the leading names in epidemiology. Although various definitions m available in textbooks and published articles, this single source should most closely represent a consensus among epidemiologists. Nevertheless, several ambiguities remain, as will be discussed further. As a starting point, it seems useful to describe interaction’s complement,or what in general interaction is not, i.e., independence.
independence: two eventsare said to be independent if the occurrence of one is in no way predictable from the occumnce of the other. Two variables are said tobe independent if the distribution of values of one is the same for a llvalues of the other. Independence is the antonym of association. (Last, p.64)
Note that this definition chooses to address the issue of independence in two contexts: the relationship between events and between variables. Both reflect an applied epidemiological perspective in that they are based entirely on observed qualities or behaviors. No inference is or the measured made, however, as to how, or if, the true underlying causes of the events variables (whichare mathematical representations of attributes) act entirely separately to produce the observed effects, or if some other explanation (such as measurement error) produced the appearance of independence.Furthermore,thedistinctionbetweenindependentdistribution of the distributionof the other (i.e., a factor is distributed in the population without consideration factors) and independent action (two or more factors act identically in either the presence or absence of the other factors) should be highlighted. We have chosen interaction as the most generic term to describe phenomena-biological and statistical-but caution the reader to consider the range of ways in which this term continue to be used. The three different view points expressed in the dictionary definition below reflect this generic quality:
interaction: 1. The interdependent operation of two or more causes to produce or prevent an effect. Biological interaction means the interdependent operation of two or more causes to produce, preventor control disease 2. Differences in the effects of one or more factors according to the level of the remaining factor(s) 3. In statistics, the necessityfor a product term in a linear model (Last,p. 68). The first part of the definition focuses specifically on causes producing or preventing a nonspecified event,or in the case of biological interaction, producing, preventing, or controlling a disease. In contrast with the definition provided for independence, this definition does not (1982) necessarily address what can be observed in an epidemiological study. Kleinbaum et al. argued that “biologic interaction can be characterized only in terms of experimentally verifiable biologic models describing modes of action of substances at the cellular level.” They further chose to avoid using the term interaction to describe the mechanisms of causes, The second part describes what epidemiologists commonly call “effect modification.” For convenience in discussion, and becauseof the overlapping meaningsof effect modification and the second definition of interaction, the definition for effect modification is presented here:
@ect modifierlmodijication:A factor that modifies the effectof a putative causal factor under study. Effect modificationis detected by varying the selected effect measure for the factor under studyacross levels of another factor (Last,p. 41). Boththedefinitionofeffectmodifieranddescriptionnumber two of interactionaccommodate an epidemiological perspective in that it describes what has been observed without any inference about the biologicalor chemical interdependenceof causes. However, the definitions avoid (rather than clarify) an area of confusion in the epidemiological literature by not identifying the specific contextdither the population base or simply in the studyd a t a b a s e in which the interaction operates (Miettinen, 1974). Specific terms for these distinct phenomena include “population interaction” (Kleinbaumet al., 1982) for the population-based effect, and “statistical interaction” (Checkoway, et al. 1989) for the data-based effect. Interestingly, in their respective epidemiology textbooks, Kleinbaum et al. chose to use the term interaction for both effects, whereas Checkoway et al. selected effect modification for both, noting that both effect modification and statistical interaction are merely statistical concepts (in contrast with biological or causal) that depend upon the statistical methods used to evaluate them (Checkoway et al., 1989). To illustrate the continuing confusion, and lack of consensus within epidemiology for these specific terms and their interpretation, consider two recent publications. First, in the introductory chapter of Introduction to OccupationalEpidemiology, Hembergviewstheimportance of identifying effect modifiers as a matter of study validity: “in order to give a more complete picture of the natureof the occurrence relation” (Hemberg, 1992). However, effect modification is mentioned only once subsequently, and that in the context of an example illustrating possible effectmodification bysmokingofanassociationbetweencarbondisulfideexposureand coronary heart disease. Hemberg states, “Scrutinizing such possible effect modification could help shed more light on the mechanism whereby carbon disulfide contributes to theofcausation CHD’(Hemberg, 1992). Although this examplealso illustrates complications in the interpretation of observed effect modification,this aspect will be discussed later. to riskassessment,comesfromachaptercalled Asecondexample,directlyrelated “Biomarkers”by Naumanet in anew text,Environmental Epidemiology andRisk Assessment. In this chapter, biomarkers of susceptibility are described as “indicators of aninherent or acquired limitationof an organism’s abilityto respond to the challenge of exposure to a specific xenobiotic substance” (Nauman et al., 1993). Subsequently, these susceptibility markers-which clearly address biological or physiological qualities andare not simply statistical concepts”are . equated with effect modifiers (Naumann et al., 1993; Hulka, 1990). The third part of the foregoing interaction definition describes one statistical context, that of a linear regression. Because interaction may be assessed statistically on any mathematical scale-not just linear-this definitionisincompleteandpotentiallymisleading.Narrowly speaking, if effect modification were to be statistically evaluated in the context of a linear regression, then an interaction term, defmed as the product of two (ormore) of the model’s of the independent terms,may improve thefit of the model to the data, depending on the nature interdependence, and onhow the terms are measured and coded. An additionalpair of terms-synergism andantagonisrn-hasbeenusedvariouslyto describe the directionality of specific examples of both biological and statistical interaction. Although thereis usually little confusion over the direction of the effectof interaction described by these terms, the context is unclear, as epidemiologists use the terms to describe biological and chemical mechanisms (Kleinbaum et al., 1982) as well as statistical relationships (Rothman, 1974, 1976a.b. 1986; Hertz-Picciotto et al., 1992).
After acknowledging that the definition of synergism has been controversial in epidemiology, the followingare offered in the dictionary:
synergism: 1. A situation in which the combined effect of two or more factorsis greater thanthe sum
of their solitary effects. 2. In bioassay, two factors act synergistically if there are persons who will get the disease to either alone(Last, p. 127). when exposed to both factors but not when exposed
antagonism: 1. The situation in which the combined effect oftwo or m m factors is smaller than the
solitary effectof any one of the factors. 2. In bioassay, the situation in which a specified response is produced by exposure to either
p. 6). of the two factors but notby exposure to both together (Last, Note that the first definitionsfor each of these termsm not specific relativeto the context (biological or statistical), whereas the second addresses biological interactions. The first definisum of the tions are also not entirely congruous in that the reference point for synergism is the solitary effects, whereas the reference point for antagonism is any oneof the factors. Thus, the definition for antagonism does not allow for partial antagonism, where the combined effect of two or more factors is greater than any solitary effect, but less than their combined effects. This latter definition appears tobe common in epidemiological applications (Rothman, 1976a.b). Finally, there occasionally exists an oddity in epidemiological assessment of interaction (between one factor and the outcome, such as an occupational in which an observed effect exposure and the incidence of bladder cancer) appears positive, or harmful, for one level of the second factor (such as for males), but for the other level (females) the factor protective is of bladder cancer. This situation has been called a crossover effect, or qualitative interaction (Thompson, 1991). An alternative way to refer to the evaluationof interaction in an epidemiological study is an assessment ofjoint effects. This term is attractive in that it does not assume any biological or statistical relationship, and includes all possibilities such as positive and negative effect modifias well as independence. In evaluating and describing joint cation (or synergism or antagonism), effects in statistical terms, however, modifiers clearly identifying the mathematical scale are required. One disadvantage of the termjoint effects (which is not defined in the dictionary) is that it connotes and in some ways denotes the simultaneous consideration of exactly two terms, whereas the assessmentof interaction may involve any numberof factors. Becauseonlyamodestproportion of allepidemiologicalstudiestakeintoconsiderand methods difation some aspect of interaction, and these attempts often use terminology ferently, and interpret results inconsistently, the resulting impression may be that interaction is eitherunimportant or incompletelyunderstood.Sincethislack of solidityinthefield is reflected inthemaintextbooksaswellas the published scientific literature, students of epidemiology do not acquire a firm grasp of the concepts and terminology; therefore, the application of methods and interpretation of results also vary. One first step toward impmving our understanding of interaction, and enhancing our appreciationof its importance, would be to establish a standard terminology, and clearly differentiate between specific concepts and terms as they apply to epidemiology. With a more concerted effort toward a standard tenninology, and more widespread application, a greater range of experience with various aspects of interaction willbe generated. This experiential base will allow epidemiological methodologists to determine the true practical usefulness of assessing interaction in epidemiological data, in
terms of improving study validity and elucidating disease processes and mechanisms, a notion that currently remains largely theoretical.
W. CONCEPTS OF INTERACTION IN EPIDEMIOLOGY Although interaction and related phenomena have been recognized in various medical and health-related sciences, such as toxicology and pharmacology, the conceptual and methodological basis for interaction in epidemiology remained undeveloped until the 1970s. At that time, to the much discussion and debate over epidemiological theories of causality inevitably led consideration of the causal action of more than one etiological factor. Schools of thought in epidemiology diverged at this time, possibly as epidemiology evolved between, and somewhat out of, two often discordant realms: medicine, with a focus on the individual and on specific biological and pathological processes; and population mathematics, which addresses phenomena-biological or statistica1”on groups of individuals. Modem epidemiology owes muchto each perspective, and is it not difficult tosee how two or more contentious views on interaction each might have gained reasonable support. The tension between observational methods and biological mechanisms was illustrated in the description and definition of interaction-related terminology in the foregoing. Another aspect of the evolution of epidemiological methods that has contributed to the distancing of the biological mechanisms from the epidemiological methods comes from the as proliferation ofhigh-poweredandcomplicatedanalyticaltechniques.Thesetools,such logistic, poisson, and other nonlinear multivariable regression techniques, have been made possible only through the rapid advances made in computer technology. Now, every epidemiologist,whetheradequatelypreparedtousesuchtoolsappropriately or not,hasaccessto advanced analytical procedures on microcornputen that previously were available on costly only mainframecomputersystems.Withtheadventoftheseproceduresinepidemiology,and appropriate recognitionof their tremendous positive potential, came an infatuation with them, and often an abandonment of the usual cautious and deliberate analytical approach. In these situations,thedesiretoapplyanavailableanalyticalmethodmightwinovertheneedto employ a model that best describes the biological or other relationships among various measures or parameters of interest. Throughout the early development of epidemiological concepts of interactionis itnot clear to what extent the relationships observed in epidemiological research mimicked the underlying be disappointingly poor, disease mechanisms. Although it is now known that concordance may epidemiologists have been, and continue to be, optimistic that their study measures, including the phenomena of those of exposures and potential confounding variables, validly represent interest. Perhaps the first key to concordance between the epidemiological representation of population-based associations and the relevant underlying biological mechanisms is the degree to which the epidemiologist has directly and validly measured the appropriate causal factor. The second key, that of selecting the appropriate mathematical model to represent the relationship, will be discussed later. In his classic paper entitled “Causes,” Rothman established a simple conceptual model for multicausality of disease that has survived as a paradigm in epidemiology (Rothman, 1976a). Rothman’s model, which used causal pies repsent to sufficient causes,or specific combinations of component causes (pie slices) that, in an individual, are sufficient to lead to inception of disease. It is possible that, more than any other single reason, this conceptual model provided a of roles individualrisk factors might play in basis for all epidemiologists to consider the range the etiology of disease, ultimately leading to divergent perspectives on and controversy over the proper assessment and interpretation of interaction.
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Throughout the presentation, illustration and discussion of Rothman’s causal model, all component causes are referred to as true-risk factors fora specific outcome and, therefore, the our understanding of thepossiblevariety of model,thoughhighlyusefulforimproving relationships among multiple causal factors, remains theoretical. In practice, epidemiologists usually measure whatis convenient or easy to measure, as s m g a t e measures for the “true” risk factors. This is especially common if the true risk factors are unknown. Furthermore, for most disease processes, thefull range of component causes for any sufficient causeare likely to be unknown, and assessment of the relationship among risk indicators is limited to those recognize be determined through obserand measured. The result is that the theoretical model can rarely vational studies. Nevertheless, epidemiologists continue to describe the relationships among the measured variablesas if they were directly measured causal factors, and the observed relationships (depending on how closely they indicate the true causal factors) may have little bearing on the biological relationship among the true component causes. From these causal pies, Rothman proposed a set of definitions for various possible interrelationshipsamongriskfactorsfordisease(componentcauses),includingindependence, as well as antagonism. complete synergy, combinations of synergy and independent action, Specifically, independence was described as the scenario inwhich two causes are components of two different sufficient causes, but are not comembers of any other sufficient causes for the same disease. Thus, these component causes act (in conjunction with other component of causes the respective sufficient causes) independently of eachother.Synergy isdescribedby two component causes within the same sufficient cause, neither having any effect without the other present. If neither component cause serves as a component cause within other sufficient causes, the entire effectcan be described as complete synergy: that is, neither has an independent role in determining risk. Technically, by definition, all component causes for a specific sufficient cause act synergistically; that is, no effect results unless all component causes are present. On the other hand, what is most often observed is something less than complete synergy,which can be described in this model as the combination of synergism and independent action, stemming from one or both of the component causes participating both in the synergy and acting as a component cause in oneor more other sufficient causes.Antagonism, according to this model, would be represented by a pie in which one of the component causes might consist or the of one other of two factors, but not both of the two factors (in which case the component cause and, be satisfied, and the disease would not occur). therefore, the sufficient cause, would not This conceptual modelis attractive because ofits simplicity, but also because ofits ability to be extended to describe highly complex situations. At a very basic level, outcome or disease risks associated with various sufficient causes may be contrasted and compared. If such contrasts are carefully selected, it is at least theoretically possible to isolate and quantify the risk of the disease attributableto a specific causal factor. Although the concept of attributable risk generally oversimplifies the true interrelationships probably operating among component causes of a disease, it does provide a baseline, or default, valueof expectation under the assumption that a given factor operates independently of other causes. be compared with the observed level of risk as an indicator of This baseline value can then interaction. For example, suppose the ofrisk some cancer in an occupational population exposed is 4:100,000 per year. to factor A, as measured by the cumulative incidence in this population, We can assume that this observed risk estimate reflects the combination of risk from all suffici causes among the population (background risk), plusat least one sufficient cause in which A participates. If we examine the incidenceof this same cancer in a population not exposedA,to we can assume that this rate (say 1:1OO,OOO per year) represents the combinationof risk from all causes, except thatof A. Often, such comparison ratesare obtained from the general U. S. population, when it is reasonable to assume that the exposure of interest is rare in the general
population. To obtain the amount of risk attributable to A among those exposed to A, the background risk from the general population referent is subtracted from the risk observed among those exposed to A, leaving a quantity known as attributable risk, or absolute risk (in this example, 3:100,000 per year). A clear assumption of this measure is that A operates independently of all other background causal factors present. Unfortunately, is there no practical way that this assumption canbe verified, especiallyif no specific causesof the diseaseare known. After extending this approachto a second occupational risk factor or exposure of interest or (factor B), the default independent relationship may be quantified in terms of absolute attributable risk.If the incidenceof disease withina population exposedto B (and for simplicity, B) is 2.5:100,000 not toA;likewise, that those who were exposed to A were not also toexposed B may be estimated as 1.5: lO0,OOO per year per year, then the absolute or attributable risktodue by subtracting the background riskof 1:100,O00 per year. If we then assume that A and B act completely independently of each otherto cause the cancer, then the best estimate ofthe risk expected among a subpopulation exposed to both A and B would be 5.5:100,000 per year, estimated as the sum of the background (1:1OO,OOO per year) and the absolute risk from A (3:100,000 per year) and the absolute riskfrom B (1.5:1OO,000 per year). If the risk of disease among persons exposed to both A and B is observed to be different from that expected, this would detract from the null hypothesis of independence.
V. EVOLUTION OF METHODS FOR ASSESSING INTERACTION In 1976, Rothman popularized the direct assessment of interaction between two factors by developing and publishing an intuitive method for estimating the degree of interaction present between two (ormore) factors in an epidemiological study (Rothman, 1976a). This approach, f i t introduced in 1974, differed from the then prevailing method of eliminating interactions “by adept transformationsof scale” in thatit dealt with, rather than avoided, the possible interaction (Rothman, 1976a). The need to characterize and measure interaction was justified, according to Rothman, for purposes of completeness in describing causal relationships, which “warrants evaluation of synergyor antagonism as part of the general description leading to full elaboration, in principle, of the determinantsof a given effect” (Rothman, 1976a). He further postulated that turn to the as more risk factors for disease were identified, epidemiologists would increasingly question of interaction. The measure proposedby Rothman, was an index (S) derived from the ratio of the joint effect (of factors A and B) observed in a study to the joint effect hypothesized under the hypothesis of no interaction, or independence, as follows: S =
+ R01 -
where R11 represents Roo represents R10 represents R01 represents
the the the the
risk (incidence) among individuals with both factors A B. and risk among individuals with neither factor. risk among individuals with factor A, but notfactor B. risk among individuals with factor B but not factorA.
For relative risk estimators, including the odds ratio obtained from a case-control study, a variation of this formulation can be derived (by dividing both sides of the equation by the background risk,ROO):
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where represents the risk among individuals with both factors A and B, relative to those with neither factor. RRlo represents the risk among individuals with factor A only, relative to those with neither factor. RRol represents the risk among individuals with factor B only,relativetothosewithneither factor. RRll
Values ofS substantially exceeding unity indicate synergism, values substantially less unity than indicate antagonism, and for values at or near unity, no interaction is present. Note that the default relationship betweenA and B, indicating no interaction, is additive, Shortly after this method was published, several other authors elaborated on the concepts, andextendedthemethodologieswithnewstatistics.Increasingattentionwaspaid to the assessment of interaction among variablesmeasured on continuous scales as wellas categorically. but other than the typical (0,l) coding. Concurrently, issues pertaining to the mathematical as additiveor multiplicative), and the implications scale on which variables were evaluated (such on interaction assessment moved to the forefront. For example, Koopman criticized Rothman’s conceptualization and model for interaction as being incomplete, and offered examplesof additional sourceswhich might produce interaction in epidemiological studies (Koopman,1977). In 1981, Koopman published a paper on interaction between discrete causes, in which he supported the choice of a model of additive risks as the most reasonable. By using the interaction contrast of disease rates (ICDR) proposed by Hogan et al. for detecting interaction in the additive model, Koopman demonstrated that values for this measure (ICDR) are always zero (or slightly negative) when the assumption ofno interaction in Rothman’s sufficient-component discrete causes model holds (Koopman, 1981; Rothman,1976a).Thus,KoopmanadvocatedtheuseoftheICDRasascreeningtool for interaction, suggesting that more specific models to describe and elucidate the relationship between discrete causes be sought when values for ICDR differ from zero. Furthermore, he cautioned against using multiplicative models, despite their “statistical convenience” of producing relative measuresof association, in screening for interaction. Specifically, Koopman noted on a multiplicative scale always indicates positive interaction that, although positive interaction of obtaining an indicatorfornegativeinteractionona on an additivescale,thesituation in various cases as negative multiplicative scale might be interpreted on an additive scale interaction, no interaction,or possible even weak positive interaction (Koopman, 1981). In the same year, Walker (1981) broadened the perspective in which the assessment of interaction might prove to be useful as a basis for making decisions about personalor risk public health interventions. Noting that decisions for risk are subject to interactions present, Walker proposed an approach, based on the additivity of attributable risk, that would indicate the extent to which information onone factor (for example,B) must be taken into account concomitantly A. The suggested measure, called the when making a decision involving the risk associated with onis irrelevant (i.e., B is independent) index of interaction, takesa value of zero if information B and a value of 1 if no rational decision could be made without information on B. Walker’s method, however, does not address the relevance of the interaction model to identify plausible
mechanisms of disease production, but does reflect the additivity inherent to decision-making criteria, suchas net expected valueor attributable risk (Walker,1981). Concurrently, Siemiatycki and Thomas (1981) addressed the issue of which biological relationship mightbe inferred from epidemiological studies demonstrating interaction. Specifically, they cited three examples published in the epidemiological literature in which the relationbetweentheindividualrelativerisks for two riskfactorsandtheirjointeffects was multiplicative: cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption as risks for esophageal cancer, as well as cigarette smoking and ionizing radiation, and cigarette smoking and asbestos as risk factors for lung cancer. The authors argue that although it is tempting to use these examples to support certain multistage models of carcinogenesis, the use of such epidemiological evidence could arise from a variety of scenarios. By using a simple representation of the multistage theoryofcarcinogenesis,theydemonstrate,withasimulationapproach,thattwocarcinogens, each having no effect on the other’s mode of action (i.e., independent actions), might nevertheless lead to additive, multiplicative, or other statistical relationship (Siemiatycki and Thomas 1981). Despite this fairly early recognition of the severe limitations in the interpretation of, and the be drawn from, interactions detected in epidemiological data, many biological inference that can to attempt to refine the quantitative methods fur epidemiologists and biostatisticians continued the assessmentof interaction. Many of the papers published during 1980s the fell into one of the following topical categories, each reflecting a major areaof debate and controversy: selection of multiplicative versus additive scale; power and efficiency of interaction assessment; coding and typesof variables involved; regression techniques and alternatives; and biological inference. Some of these issues are discussed further in the following. (1983,1985,1993; Greenland and Poole,1988; Greenland and In several papers, Greenland Morgenstem, 1989; GreenlandandRobins, 1986; ThomasandGreenland, 1985) addressed statistical aspects of interaction assessment, focusing mainly on power and efficiency in the context of two binary risk factors. Greenland reviewed a number of tests, both additive and multiplicative, used to evaluate interaction in epidemiological studies. In general, he concluded that the power of the tests, under commonly encountered situations, was very low, and that several of the statistics performed poorly, renderingmany of them useless (Greenland, 1983). He did reiterate that the power of tests for interaction were much improved if instead of two binary variables, risk factors were measured on a continuous scale; however, additional difficulties arose. Specifically, with continuous factors, assessment of joint effects must also specify the (1985) presentedand shapeofthedose-responserelationship.Inalaterpaper,Greenland illustrated some general methods for determining power, sample size, and smaller detectable effects for epidemiological studies addressing multiple risk factors simultaneously, under assumptions of both additive and multiplicative models. Thomas and Greenland (1985) examined the more specific scenario of assessing interaction in case-control studies matching on oneof thefactorsinvolved in thepossibleinteraction.Interestingly,theyfoundthatinnearlyall situations,efficiencywaslostbymatching.Otherdisadvantages of matching,relativeto interaction assessment, included loss of ability to estimate the main effect of the matching variable, inabilityto fit nonmultiplicative models, and (as in any closely matched casecontrol study) increased restrictiveness in selecting controls. The late 1980s also produced numerous epidemiological publications on a diversity of quantitative approaches to assessing interaction in epidemiological Many studies. ofthese papers explored various criteriafor determining the “best” mathematical modelfor the evaluation of
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interaction. Breslow and Storer(1985) proposed a family of parametric relative risk functions that covered a range from subadditive to supramultiplicative, by varying the exponent in a power transformation for the log relative risk. In an example showing interaction between cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption and the development of esophageal cancer based on three different relative risk models (additive, intermediate, and multiplicative), they demonstrate that the choiceof model greatly influences the results. For example, under the additive model, heavy alcohol consumption is associated with an extremely high risk of cancer, regardless of smoking category (which implies independence). However, the interaction between these two factors appears to be quite striking under the multiplicative model, Ironically, the additive, multiplicative, and a range of intermediate models appeared fit theto data about equally well. The authors noted that the observed quantitative differences have profound implications for the mechanistic interpretation of these results and for any public health intervention or recommendation. More recently, Coughlin et al., (1991) compared additive and multiplicative attributable risk models and presented improved additive-model methods for use when an additive approach is deterIn a very recent paper, Greenland mined to be appropriate based on goodness-of-fit evaluation. (1993) revisited the context of matchedcase-control studies, and demonstrated that, in stratified studies,additiverelativeriskmodels do not assure theabsence of causalinteraction,or departure from additivity. Moolgavkar and Venzon (1987) reviewed several different parametric familiesof general relative risk functions, and noted that results were often based way on the in which even binary (1988) furtherdemonstratedthattheeffects covariateswerecoded.GreenlandandPoole of interdependent factors canvary with the choice of the referent category, but that @‘referenceinvariant propertiesof joint effects” exist thatmay be studied, even if the appropriate referent category is not obvious. Thus, it is evident that development of epidemiological methods for assessing interaction will continue, as will the debate and controversy. Despite the sophistication of biostatistical techniquesavailabletoepidemiologistsforthedetectionandevaluationofinteractionin epidemiological research, there has not been a parallel development in the understanding of the in concepts underlyingjoint effects observed. The next section will look at several of the ways which interactionsin epidemiological studies might arise and the subsequent difficulties in drawing biological inferencefrom these occurrences.
VI. SOURCES OF INTERACTION IN EPIDEMIOLOGY The need to describe (preferably quantitatively) what has been observed in an epidemiological study represents an epidemiological approach somewhat different from clinical and toxicoof a treatment randomly assigned to groups of logical research, which examines the action participants. These groups, because of the randomization, are intended be to identical except for or other the treatment. The action of the treatment is often understood in terms of biochemistry mechanism, and the experiment is conducted to conform or fail to confirm the anticipated action. At a minimum, the treatment is clearly identified as the main factor in the experiment, and be available. In contrast, much of epidemiological reasonably valid measures of dose may by an research sets outto describe whatis observed among human populations, often not driven of understanding of the mechanisms of action, and sometimes without knowing which, if any, the study measuresare the main risk factors. From this fairly statistical perspective, description of a relation among indicators of risk (which is usually all we have) may or may not reflect a
similar relation among underlying causal factors. In fact, it is possible, if not likely, no suchthat true relation exists, and that what was observed represents an artifact of the methodology. Proper interpretation of these situationsis difficult, partly because of difficulties differentiating between true and artifactual effects, among all observed effects. The debates that took place over the concepts and methods of assessing interaction in epidemiological research largely reflect these-two diverse epidemiological approaches: the clinical-toxicological and the statistical-descriptive. As discussed earlier, some of the confusion surrounding interaction may be attributed to the blurring of these perspectives. Even in Rothman’s pioneering descriptions of interaction among causes (using component and sufficient causes), discussion was limited true to causes, and did not elaborate on the nearly inevitable use of risk indicators and surmgate measures in epidemiological studies. In differentiating between confounding and effect modification (the form of interaction addressed), Rothman described confounding as occurringonlyinthecontextofaparticularstudy,andspecificallynot representing an inherent relation among variables.In contrast, he described effect modification as the inherent characteristic of the relation between two causes of an effect, and a possibly useful way to describe nature (Rothman, 1976a,b) In his recent commentary, Thompson (1991) reiterates this state of affairs, and concludes that “definitive conclusions regarding synergistic and antagonistic effects are generally beyond our grasp.” Nevertheless, in this review, Thompson does attempt to identify a core conceptual and interpretive issue in the interest of unifying the field with respectto interaction assessment, and urges epidemiologists to (1) recognize the limitations of our methods, (2) give careful consideration to possible mechanisms when evaluating individual factors, and (3) to exercise “extreme caution” when considering interactions. Possible sources of interaction in epidemiological studies maybe divided into two broad theoretical categories: those reflecting true interactions operating among causal factors in the mechanisms of the disease process; and those arising out of the way in which the factors involved in the interaction were selected, measured, evaluated, or interpreted. In practice, however, it is usually impossibleto differentiate between these sources. One exception may be whena specific mechanism of interaction is known, and the factors involved are correctly identified, measured, and analyzed in the epidemiological study, in which case, the interaction assessment may reflect the underlying biologicalor causal interaction.
A. Biological-CausalMechanisms The following theoretical modelsare used to illustrate how various forms of causal interaction if parameter measures are correctly identified and may be expressed in an epidemiological study validly measured. These examples assume that the epidemiological study had adequate power as such to detect the interaction and are free from other methodological and analytical problems bias caused by selection of study participants, differential quality of information collected, or failure to control for confounding. I . Suficient-ComponentCause Model Rothman’s causal model, discussed previously, states that when all component causes (pie slices) of asufficientcause(causalpie) are present,theoutcomeinevitablyresults.Underthis model,two risk factors, or componentcauses,participatingindifferentsufficientcauses, will have independent (additive) effects. For interaction to occur, two component causes must
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be part of the same sufficient cause, each factor having no individual effect without the presence of the other factor (Rothman,1974, 1976a,b). Illustrating this model with examplesof component causes makes it clear-that the model is highly accommodating of various causal mechanisms. For example, sufficient causes for a given outcome (disease) might include host factors (such as geneticsusceptibility,immunity,nutritionalstatus,orother),environmentalfactors (such as environmental exposures, pollutantsor agents, physical attributes of the environment, suchas heat, humidity, noise, radiation, andso on), or events along a pathogenic process. Essentiallyanyaspectscontributingtothediseaseprocessmaybeconsideredcomponent causes of a disease, and the number of potential component causes is limitless (Koopman, 1981). However,thisgenericmodeldoesnotspecify how or when each component cause might act, and the applicationof this model to epidemiological data becomes problematic. For example, if the component causes of a sufficient cause have a necessary temporal sequence, then two individuals with the same factors or exposures, but in a different order, will have different disease experiences. Koopman further pointed out that under the sufficientcomponent cause model, two component causes may not always appear to interact in an epidemiological investigation. They will are present exceptfor the two (or more) risk appear to interact when all other component causes occur, but not when either factors under study.When both factors are present, the outcome will one alone is present.On the other hand, in the situation for which one of the study risk factors participates in one or more other sufficient causes, no interaction may be seen in the presence of the two factors completes that sufficient cause. Finally, both ifcomponent of both, as only one causes are present, but some other component cause is missing, no disease will result, and 1981). consequently no interaction between causes will be detected (Koopman, 2. Toxicological-ChemicalInteraction Perhaps the most straightforward scenario in which interaction occurs is when two or more chemical agents combine, or their effects combine, resulting in a joint effect much greater than, or different from, that expected if each acts independently (Weinberg, 1986). For example, numerous dramatic drug interactions are known in which each pharmaceutical agent has a beneficial action on health individually, but in combination result in a serious side effect, possibly including death (Calabrese,1991). Perhaps the classic example of chemical interaction most often used to illustrate interaction in epidemiological research is the joint effect of asbestos and cigarette smoking on the incidence of lung cancer. Relative to nonsmokers with no exposure to asbestos, individuals with asbestos exposure alone experience roughly a fivefold increasein risk of lung cancer; individuals with smokingexposurealonehaveatenfoldincrease;andamongthosewithbothexposures simultaneously, riskis elevated about50-fold-far exceeding the expected increase of about 14 times if these two operated independently(i.e., if the excess risks were additive). Other examples of interaction among hazardous agents and cigarette smoking leading to greater-thanexpectd rates of lung cancer include alpha and gamma radiation (Checkoway et al., 1988) and arsenic (Hertz-Picciotto, 1992; Cohn, 1992; Hertz-Picciotto et al., 1992). Note, however, that although these examples all involve lung cancer and cigarette smoking, it is not possible to determine whether more than one constituentis participating in the perceived interaction, nor if any other chemical interactions are operating among the hundreds of potentially hazardous substances present in cigarette smoke (Steenlandand Thun, 1986; Thomas and Whittermore,1988).
3. Susceptible Subgroups . . The effect on health of an agent or risk factor is believed to vary in a population because of biological variability among individuals. This variability, in an epidemiological study, is believed to result in small deviations about an average “effect,” and appear similar to (and indistinguishable from) random measurement error. Theoretically, in this situation, whatever determines the variability of response could be considered an unmeasured effect modifier. If this factorwere validly and precisely measured, then the difference in risk related to the factor could be quantified. presence The appearance of such effect modification may reflect theof a determinantor risk factor for the outcome related to specific individuals in a population that makes them a subgroup more susceptible to the action of some risk factor. Frequently,age-especially very young or very old-functions as an indicatorof a subgroup of the populationat greater riskof a disease outcome relative to the rest of the population. For example, very young age might serve as an indicator of vulnerability of the rapidly developing nervous system to environmental neurothefor loss of a chromosomal repair function toxins; or advanced age might serve as a surrogate increasing the risk of certain cancers. More specific identification and measurement of the potential effect modifier defining a susceptible subgroup (such as a genetic trait) will lead to an increase in the relative effect (or relative risk) associated with the joint effect with the exposure or agent (Schulte,1987). For example, if increasing age were correlated with a loss in the ability to excise dimers (or correct other chromosomal damage) in the dermal layer caused by solar radiation, then age might appear in an epidemiological study of skin cancers to be an effect modifier (i.e., an interaction with age would result). If, however, some test for dimer repair function (a more direct measure of susceptibility) were applied, the magnitudeof the observed interactionwouldsubstantiallyincrease.Notethatthemathematicalrelationshipbetween the interaction terms (susceptibility measure and solar radiation) is a function of the directness and qualityof the epidemiological measure used to represent each. 4. No-HitModel
Several mechanismsfor disease induction have been proposed, and the roles of independence and interaction examined. One such model, proposed by Walter and Holfod (1978), has been if one or more beneficial events fail called the no-hit model. Under this model, disease results to occur. If two factors act independently in increasing the rate at which the beneficial event be the occurs, then the observed relative risk for both factors combined willproduct of the risks associated with each factor alone. Thus, the expected relationship reflecting independence is multiplicative, and interaction between factors would be expressed as a departure from multiplicativity. Note that an additive relationship between risks would be interpreted as negative interaction, or antagonism, according to this model. 5. Single-HitModel
Walter and Holf~d(1978) also described a mechanistic model in which a single adverse event is sufficient for disease inception. Under this model, two risk factors acting independently to increase the rate at which the adverse event occurs would appear to have additive risks, and departures from additivity would indicate interaction. 6. MultistageModels Perhaps the most popular disease models, especially those describing carcinogenesis, have been multistagemodels(Armitageand Doll, 1954; MoolgavkarandVernon, 1987). Among the
simplest of these, as wellastheonemostfamiliar to epidemiologists,isthetwo-stage, initiator-pnrmotor model. Under this model, a precursory cellular transformation (initiation) results from exposure to one risk factor or agent, followed by a second transformation (promotion) by another factor, leadingto disease; here, a malignant tumor, The relation between the two risk factors involved in initiation and promotion, respectively, may take a variety of forms under this simple model. Siemiatycki and Thomas (1981) have demonstrated thatif each factor acts exclusively at either the firstor the second stage, then the incidence rate observed for the joint effects will be approximated by the product of the incidence rates observed among those with only one of the risk factors. However, a number of be additional interpretations are possible. Consider an example in which the initiator must present for the first transformation to occur, and the promotor must follow, otherwise the cancer does not occur. In this case, individuals with only one of the factors, or with neither, should tumors, and whether the product of these rates experience the same background rate of incident describes the rate experienced by individuals with both the initiator and promotor is a matter of circumstance. Theoretically,if there is no other causal mechanism than that involving these two be zero, and the rate among those with both factors, risk factors, then the background rate will in relative terms, willbe enormous. Among individuals with both the initiator and promotor risk factors present, some variability of risk will result from the specific timing of these events. If initiation and promotion canbe accomplished nearly simultaneously, or at least within avery narrow period, then the presence of both risk factors concurrently should not interfere with tumor inception. However, if initiation must precede promotion by some substantial period, then the timing of exposure becomes critical. For instance, among employees exposed over a work history within a plant to both an initiator and a promotor, no increase in risk is expected among those exposed only to the promotor first, a large increase is expected among those exposed to the initiator and the promot in the ideal time sequence, and possibly some intermediate level of increase among those with other combinations over time. This highlights the importance of the quality of risk factor measurements made for epidemiological studies, relative to the time and nature of exposures, especially if the study resultsare to be used in elucidating the disease process and mechanisms.
B. EpidemiologicalStatistical
I . Multiple (Correlated)Surrogate Measures Parameters usedas risk factorsin epidemiology tend to be those attributes or agents that are mos conducive to being measured, and may not necessarilybe direct measuresof the true risk factor. For example, measuresof cigarette consumption in pack-years serves reasonably well as a risk are not directly identified indicator for lung cancer, even though the carcinogen(s) responsible or measured in terms of dose. The degreeto which epidemiological measuresare surrogates or indicatorsof a true causal factor probably varies from nearly measuement, direct such as isolating a pathogenic organism in the tissue of aninfected individual,to greatly removed surrogates, such as male gender as a measure of an occupational exposure more likely sustained by males. In principle, the more highly correlated a measured variable is with the underlying causal factor, the closer it will reflect the true level of risk, or the strength of association with the outcome of interest, Conversely, the weaker the association between the measured variable and the causal factor, the weaker the measure of association willbe as well. Therefore, suppose that two imperfect surrogates, such as gender and occupation, are measured jointly, and each appears
to be a weak to moderate risk factor for a specific outcome, such as bladder cancer. In this example, males mightbe at increased risk because they traditionally have been more likely to workin the dye manufacturing industry. Likewise, those with a specific job title (such as chemical operator) might have been more likely to have been exposed to the carcinogenic agent. In a given epidemiological study, however, those with both of these risk factors (male gender and chemical operator) might appearto have a level of risk far greater than the sum of risks indicated by the separate effects, an interpretation consistent withan interaction. The apparent interaction has resulted from the creationof a better risk indicator of exposure to carcinogens (the joint measure) than either measure taken alone. This effect is quite likely to occur, as epidemiologists almost always rely on indirect measures of risk factors. 2. UnmeasuredInterveningVariables Thompson (1991) describedarelatedsource of interactionstemming from theinevitable inclusion of measuresinepidemiologythat are related to, butimperfectmeasures of the phenomena that participate in the causal mechanism. He postulated that in most epidemiological settings there willbe one or more unmeasured intervening variables between those risk factors measured and the outcome of interest. In epidemiology, intervening variables are measures along a sequenceof events leading to a disease endpoint. For example, suppose exposure to a toxicant in the environment leads to a certain tissue dose which, in turn, results in metabolic production of a carcinogenic metabolite, and when a clearance mechanism is saturated, the metabolite accumulates, leading to a carcinogenic mutation and a malignancy. Although the exposure, which is measured in ambient air, is the risk factor, and cancer is the outcome, the sequence of eventsbetweenthesemeasurescangreatlyinfluencetheOccurrenceoftheoutcome.One example related to this illustration might be some nutritional factor that regulates the rate of the incidence metabolite clearance.In this example, two factors might exert their influence on of disease through a common intervening variable, resulting in an interrelationship exceeding that of additivity of rates and, therefore, resembling an interaction. Thompson further elaborates on this basic model to demonstrate thattwo or more factors need not act directly on the common intervening variable, but may act indirectly through one or more other factors along a causal chain of events. 3. Chance-MultipleComparisons
Epidemiological analyses employ numerical representations, or coding, of various phenomena such as riskfactors as well as diseaseoutcomes.Becauseofrandommeasurementerror, be entirely due to this measurement error. If theerror truly is random, however, study results may that is, no systematic bias is present, the average association observed over many repeated studies will represent the true effect. Although the distribution of all possible study outcomes will be a bell-shaped normal distribution curve centered on the true value, a small proportion of the time the result will be substantially different from this value. From basic biostatistics, recall that with an alpha (predetermined probability levelat which the null hypothesis is rejected) set at the traditional 0.05 level, 5% of all null hypotheses still will be rejected, even if there is no such associationor effect, simply becauseof measurement error. Similarly, detection of an interaction, in the absenceof all other biases, may result entirely because of the randomerrot associated with thetwo or more factors involved in the interaction. Despite that a particular statistical test may suggest that a resultis statistically significant at a specified alpha level, there is always a chance (directly proportional to the selected alpha level)
that the test represents a false-positive owing to random error. If a statistically significant interactionisobservedinasinglestudy,butnotinadditionalsimilarinvestigations, one explanation may be that the result was observed because of measurement error. Because the is related to the numberof probability of actually obtaining a false-positive test for interaction tests performed, epidemiologists attempting to evaluate every possible joint effect among all be more likelyto encounter an interaction that, despite being statistically study risk measures will significant, is spurious. 4. DatabasedInteraction Another interpretation of interaction which has not yet been described well in the literature is databased interaction. Similar to random measurement e m r described earlier, databased interaction results from the peculiar distributionof two or more factorswithin a study database. In the real world, these two factors might be distributed completely independent of each other, yet in the epidemiological study, because of the way in which study participants were selected, information collected, and such,may be interrelated. This description may be an extension of what occurs with databased confounding, in which a measureof association is influenced by the differential distribution in the study database of a second risk factor for the disease outcome of interest (Axelson, 1989). In the presence of a databased interaction, it may be advisable to “control” for it in a statistical model, as it may behavelike a confounder and spuriously influence the coefficientof the main risk factors of interest. Unfortunately, there is very little experience with this available in the published literature. 5. Scale-Coding Issues
The choice of mathematical scales on whichto evaluate interaction has been a topic of debate for many years (Walter and Holfod, 1978; Kupper and Hogan, 1978). As can be seen in the be defined as an observed departure from conceptual models presented above, interaction may the expected or hypothesized relationship. Thus, if under the sufficient-component cause mode however, we observe that two risk factors act independently, then the risks should be If, additive. is a departure from the joint effect is best represented by the productof the individual risks, there On the other hand, under a different disease model, the additivity and, therefore, an interaction. expected relation might be multiplicative, and the finding of an additive relationship would represent an interaction (specifically, antagonism). Note that in any situation that interaction is assessed, it necessarily willbe found when the “inappropriate” disease model is invoked. In most epidemiological scenarios in which no disease mechanism is known, selection of the mathematicalscale on which to evaluate interaction may be arbitrary, and detection or failure to detect an interactionofachance matterselectionof scale. In epidemiological studies evaluating the joint effects of two risk factors when no specific disease modelis known or postulated, it is best to simply describe the relationship presentthein data, whether it be additive or multiplicative, or some exponential function. Then, if it is determined later that the disease mechanism should produce a multiplicative relationship, the previous resultsmay be evaluated in this light. Given the numerous ways in which risk factors may appear to act jointly in some manner other than expected, extreme caution is urged in interpreting any example of interaction occurring in an epidemiological study.
VII. REASONS INTERACTION IS NOT ASSESSED In most epidemiological studies, interaction is not routinely assessed. There may be several reasonsforthis,mostofwhich are notscientific.Forexample, as mentionedthroughout
thischapter,thetopicofinteractioninepidemiologyhasbeensurroundedwith adegree ofconfusionandcontroversy,largelyunresolvedtodate.Epidemiologiststhenmustface the dilemma of whether to engage in the methodological uncertainties of interaction assessment and risk the interpretational ambiguities that might arise. Yet, if interaction assessment is notattemptedinindividualstudies,qualitativemetanalyses,such as thatrecentlypublished on synergism between arsenic and cigarette smoking may notbe possible (Hertz-Picciotto et al., 1992). Specific justificationsfor not attempting to evaluate the joint effectsof risk factors in an epidemiological study include the following:
1. Luckof power: Statistical power to detect interactions is drastically lower than for the main effects (Greenland, 1983, 1985). Epidemiologists rarely take this into account before starting a study, possibly because study sizes are frequently limited by logistical or budgetary constraints. 2. Znterest in only main efects: If one or more main effects are actually involved in an interaction, the results of an epidemiological study ignoring these effects may be quite different, and possibly invalid, The degree of this bias maybe quite smallor be substantial, and is not predictable. 3. Confusion over proper assessmentmethods: This is probably quite common at the present, but should diminish as more of a consensus is reached, and more direction is available to of interaction. the epidemiologist unfamiliar with the concepts 4. A priori knowledge of independence, or lack of biologically plausible rationalefor interaction: Depending on the objective of the epidemiological analysis, these may be good reasons for not evaluating interaction. As discussed earlier, however, interaction may be present in a database, possibly influencing the validity of the study results.Also, interaction frequently may occur between variables that have direct no biological interrelationship, but or an by virtue of their direct or indirect relation with a common underlying causal factor, unmeasured intervening variable,do interact. 5. Fear of findinginteraction: Becauseoftheanalyticalandinterpretationalchallenges associated with assessing interaction and accounting for it in subsequent analyses, many investigators either do not investigate the possibility of an interaction in their studies, or do not know how to address those which are discovered, in which case, the interaction may not be fully explored and reported. Again, as more guidance becomes available and agreed on, this problem should subside. In manyepidemiologicalstudies,several of theseissuesmay be relevant,makingthe of detected interactions to analytical d&isionsm m difficult. Combined with the limited ability elucidate the biological and pathological processes operating to cause disease, it is no wonder that many epidemiologists currently prefes to avoid interaction assessment. For this reason, one should not assume that the absence of mention of interaction in a published epidemiological study means that no interaction was present. On the other hand, given the numerous factors that may influence the presence or absence of interaction, interpretation of studies seeking and fiiding or failing to uncover interactions may be notstraightforward. The net result is that despite the intuitive and conceptual usefulness of interaction in epidemiology, in practice, biological inference from observed (or not observed) interaction may notbe valid, except in rare cases. Unfortunately, these cases cannotbe detected without some toxicologicalor biological confirmation (Thompson, 1991).
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Risk assessors,as well as other health scientists, frequently turn to the results of epidemiological studies in pursuitof insights on human health that cannot be obtained from any other discipline (Smith, 1988). Inmanycases, this is appropriate,andthepublichealthrewards may be recognized in terms of identifying interventions and establishing regulations that prevent disease and protect health. Much of the ability to implement appropriate interventions depends on identifying risk factors on which one might intervene, as identifying such respiratory health risks in the environment thatmay be reduced by tighter air pollution regulations. Another important aspect, in the interest of economy of limited resources and reaching those most in need of an intervention, liesin the ability to identify subgroups of human populations who are at greatest risk of death or disease caused by an etiologic agent. Both of thesecentral public health goals can be approached through epidemiology. Furthermore, the ability to achieve both of these goals is theoretically enhanced throughthe identification of interactions among risk factors for disease. First, successful identification of risk factors actingtogethertoproducediseaseatagreater-than-expectedratenecessarilymeansthat intervention on any of these should result in prevention of a relatively greater proportion of disease than would be accomplished through intervention on a single factor acting independently to cause disease. Secondly, identification of risk factors that may be personal characteristics and be factors that identify susceptible subgroups that participate in a causal interaction might also of human populations. This information is valuable, bothto the clinical scientists attempting to understand the pathological process and disease mechanism, and to the public health scientist the health of these more susceptible individuals. and risk assessor attempting to protect Although these interests in interaction in epidemiologyare compelling, the state of the art in epidemiology may not be ready to assume these noble challenges. For numerous reasons discussed throughout this chapter, epidemiologists have not been able to resolve some basic issues concerning the assessment of interaction, including useof the appropriate mathematical scale, a default choice of disease modelor mechanism, sourcesof “spurious” interaction, limited statistical power, and so on. Nevertheless, discussion of interaction in epidemiology has not of this topic, a trend that is ceased, and great strides have been achieved over the short history as creative mindsare engaged on the subject and more practical experience expected to continue accrues, In themeantime,unforhmately,interactioninepidemiologicalresearchwillbeof limited value to the risk assessor. In conclusion, the following recommendations are made for risk assessors and other health in mind that interaction scientists intemted in interactionsin epidemiological studies. First, keep is a relatively new topic of discussion, largely stimulated by rapid advances made recently in computing science. Highly complex relationships among many risk factors may be modeled mathematically by nearly any epidemiologistor biostatistician with accessto a microcomputer. However, much of the conceptual basis for interpreting and using these results have yet to be refined and better understood. Second, because of the nature of the measures used by epidemiologists to represent observed phenomena, interactions may occur for reasons other than causal In practical terms interdependence of the factors,or coparticipation in a single disease process. this suggests that observed interactions should notbe assumed to reflect a basic biological or chemical mechanism underlying the measures. Third, lack of any observed interaction cannot ( i fany) between two risk indicators. This definitively be interpreted as independence in action may be due to a simple lack of statistical power to detect an interaction, improper choice of
Epidemiological Perspective Interaction:
. ,
mathematical or mechanistic model,or most likely, selection of imperfect surrogate or indicator variables to represent the truerisk factors for an outcome. The limited situations in which interactions demonstrated in epidemiological studies might process am those in which some consistency is found over provide useful insights on the disease several studies, for which the variables participating in the interaction are highly specific (unlike gender or ram-both of which are surrogates for many health-related phenomena), or for which the biologicalor toxicological mechanism is at least partly understood. Epidemiological studies concluding thatan interaction is present should identify the assumed underlying biological and mathematical models used to determine the presence of the interaction. In situations for which known, analytical techniques should be used that assume no specific underlying no mechanism is relation and the actual relationship present should be described.
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20 The Median Effect Equation: A Useful Mathematical Model for Assessing Interaction of Carcinogens and Low-Dose Cancer Quantitative Risk Assessment James Stewart Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts
Edward J. Calabrese
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts
1. INTRODUCTION Developing a clear Understanding of the biochemical complexity of dose-lesponse relationships for even single agents represents a major toxicological achievement. Such apparent understandingshaverarelybeenachieved,evenafterconcertedandmultidimensionalresearch in each affected system, a efforts. However, despite the complexity of biochemical interactions fundamental rule to which the typically unknown biochemical details of each system’s responses conforms is the law of mass action. Thus, even though different enzymes catalyze of substrates and products, and with various sequences different reactions, with various numbers (e.g., ordered, Ping-Pong, or randomly), and with different rate constants, the basic rates and chemical reaction behavior can be generalized by either the Michaelis-Menten equation (1913) or the Hill equation (1913). These equations are governed by the mass action law. From this perspective, it follows that dose-response relationships can be evaluated by the application of the law of mass action. Although one may certainly want to develop a detailed understanding of a large numberof rate constants, even the mechanisms of specific biochemical interactions with simple enzyme reactions often contain numerous rate constants for multidirectional reactions. Even when this complexity has been apparently effectively describedin biochemical terms,it still has been sufficiently incomplete to offer only modest practical usefulness. Although the is theoretically sound, and efforts will continuously approach of delineating detailed mechanisms 353
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be made in that direction, progress will be limited by lack of resources and technological in theinterest of developing sound predictions of advances.Giventheselimitations,and dosbresponse relationships, Chou and ’lklalay (1981,1984,1987) have advocated thedevelop ment of a generalized equation that can be employed in a clear and straightforward manner for evaluating dossresponses of cellular and in vivo systems. The issue, then, was how to take this concept and apply the principle of mass action with the Michaelis-Menten and Hill equations to (1981) a mathematical form that wouldbe practical. To accomplish this task, Chou and Talalay derived what they referred to as the median effect equation. This equation, in essence, normalizes all types of dose-response results by a uniform method that, according to Chou and Talalay (1984), is “basedonsoundfundamentalconsiderations (i.e., massactionlaw)thathave physiochemical and biological validity in simpler systems.” The median effect equation operationalizes this concept by describing the equality of two dimensionless ratios, with dose on the right side of the equation versus or effect response on the left of the equation. The doseis normalized relativeto the median effect dose (ED%), and this of the slope, with the effect being normalized to the control values. value is raised to the power
The median effect equation, as derived by Chou(1976), relates dose and response in a way much different and less complicated than the models discussed previously. The assumptions underly the median effect equation are that the mass action law applies to the system, and that the system operatesatsteadystate.Theassumption of applicability of the massactionlawand the steady-state assumptionare common in biochemistry, chemistry, physical chemistry and phar1913; macokineticmodeling,receptor-bindingtheory,andothers(MichaelisandMenten, Mortimer, 1971; Laitinen and Harris, 1975; Hoel, 1985; Cornfield, 1977; Hoel et al., 1975; Scatchard, 1949). In fact,in Hoel et al. (1975, 1985), the modelof metabolic fateof carcinogens assumes that activation, detoxification, DNA repair, and binding of the activated carcinogen to are present. Cell growth kinetics DNA, all obey the mass action law and steady-state conditions have been modeled using the law of mass action (Weiss and Kavanau, 1957). Weiss and Kavanau assumed that cell mass growth was dependent on cell births, cell deaths, and cell transformations. They also assumed steady-state conditions and applied the mass action law to develop the equations to model cell mass growth. Assumptions on cell births, deaths, and transformations are also partof the two-stage of Moolgavkar and Knudson(1981) discussed earlier. are the: MichaelisSpecific examplesof equations incorporating the median effect concept Menten equation (Michaelis and Menten,1913), Hill equation (Hill,1913), Scatchard equation (Scatchard, 1949), and the pH ionization equationof Henderson and Hasselbach. The median effect equation,as derived in Chou(1976) is givenby
where Fa= fraction affected,F,,= fraction unaffected at dosed, d = the dose,dm = the median effect dose (i.e., the dose required for 50% effect), and m = Hill-type coefficient. Equation 1 describes a relatively simple relationship between dose and response. The Hill-type coefficient (m)determines the sigmoidicityof the dose-response curve (Chou, 1976; Totter and Finamore, 1978) and is an estimate of the stoichiometric ratio/kinetic order of the interaction between carcinogen and target.
The Median Efect Equation
The median effect equation can be fit to a variety of shapes of dose-response curves, depending on the magnitudem and the dm. In some casesm, which theoretically should be an integer, may take on noninteger values (Chou. 1976). If m is not an integer, it is taken to not represent the actual stoichiometric ratio, but rather, the next lowest integer value is the minimum estimated stoichiometric ratio. For example,in the Hill and Scatchard equations,m represents an estimate of the number of binding sites on a protein moleculeor enzyme (e.g., four oxygen molecules bind to one hemoglobin molecule). The number of binding sites or binding events is a concept similar to the stage concept of the multistage modelor hit theory of the multihit and one-hit models.
A. Biological Plausibility of the Median Effect Equation Inthismostgeneralform, the medianeffectequation can bethought of as describinga D.In thecontextofcancerquantitative risk reactionbetweena B andachemicaldose assessment, B = target and D= carcinogen. D
+ B e DB a cancer
Under constant chronic dosingof carcinogen the animal systemmay respond to the chemical insult by acting on the chemical enzymatically; having cellular targets interact with the chemical; repairing the targets; stimulating cells to divide, and so on. Since the dosing is constant over time, it is hypothesized that the system will adjust to the presence of the chemical, and newa state willbe achieved in which enzyme levels maybe different. DNA adducts may be formed, DNA adducts may be repaired, the chemicalmay bind to cellular receptors, the chemicalmay its detail, separate from cellular receptors. The system, although dynamic in will reach a “steady state.” Once steady state is achieved DB will not change. It is not important that the identity of DB be known. Therefore, DB can be an intermediate,a receptor-agonist complex, DNA adduct, or whatever. What is important is the assumption that the system will achieve a steady state. If cancer is the measured effect and K50 (i.e., the median effect dose) the dose required to produce a 50% effect, then Fa, the fraction of B affected by dose D, can be calculated from Eq. (3). Equation 3 is valid when the stoichiometry of the reaction of D and B is one and the interaction is steady state.
Equation (3) is equivalent to the Michaelis-Menten equation when Fa = V/Vma; Fu = 1(~/Vmax); D = S and Km = Km. If the stoichmetryof the reactionof D and B is not equal to 1,then the equation becomes
where the largest integer value of m is an estimate of the minimum number of moleculesof D 1913; Chou. 1976). In Eq. (4), that bind to a molecule of B to produce the observed effect (Hill, Fa is the fraction affected by the dose;K50 theis the dose necessary to produce the effect50% in of the targets; and D is the dose. Equation (4) is also a form of the median effect equation of Chou (1976) where dm = K50. Equation (4) also describes the relationship between the carcinoEq. (2). gen dose and fraction affected for the target-carcinogen system described in An important assumption of the median effect equation is reversibility of the reaction to
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produce DB. The concept of reversibility is not consistent with either the two-stage modelof Moolgavkar and Knudson(1981) or the multistage modelof Crump et al. (1976). Both of these models assume that the stages are irreversible (Moolgavkar et al., 1988; Crump et al., 1976). A recent example of steady-state reaction between a carcinogen and a target is DNA adduct formation and destruction (Busset al., 1990). In this study, which supported the median effect equation, the concentrationof DNA adducts took approximately4 weeks to reach steady state. Another supportive example includes the relationship between cell growth, death, and differentiation. Weiss and Kavanau (1957) modeled cell mass growth under the assumptionof steady state; in biochemistry enzymes appear to bind and release substrates under steady-state condito operate under tions (Rawn, 1983); in pharmacokinetic modeling, compartments are assumed steady-state conditions (Hoel et al., 1983; Cornfield, 1977; Gehring and Blau,1977; Hoel, 1985); in addition, in the Hartley-Seilken time-to-tumor model of carcinogenesis, the compartments ar assumed to operate a steady state and to follow first-order kinetics (i.e., m = 1 in the median effect equation; Hartley and Seilken,1977). Steady-state reactions,by definition, adhere to the mass action law and are a necessary condition for the Michaelis-Menten equation (Michaelis 1949); the Hill equation (Hill,1913); the and Menten, 1913); the Scatchard equation (Scatchard, Henderson-Hasselbach equation; the adsorption isotherm of Langimuir (Lanimuir, 1918); and 1976). No matter how many steps or what type of biochemical the median effect equation (Chou, mechanism is used to produce cancer, if the system operates at steady state, then the median 1976; 1980). effect equation can theoretically model the system (Chou, The assumption that the mass action law is obeyed and that steady-state conditions are maintained, appears tobe biologically plausible.No assumptions need be made concerning the hypothesized number of stages, hits, receptors, and such. The median effect equation requires only the two assumptions and Eq. (2). This equation and assumptions establish the biological plausibility of the median effect equation as a mathematical model for the cancer process.
B. Median Effect Equation and the Two-Stage Modelof Carcinogenesis To provide a framework for discussing the median effect equation, the two-stage model of carcinogenesis will be used (Knudson, 1979; Moolgavkar and Knudson, 1981; Moolgavkar et al., 1988). A graphic depictionof the two-stage model is given in Fig.1. The two-stage process
Dead cell
e $e,-l /
Differentiated cell
Figure 1 "stage
a J e-
Tumor Cell
\ 0
Dead Cell
model of carcinogenesis. (From Moolgavkar and Knudson, 1980.)
Effect Equation
of carcinogenesis begins with a stem cell undergoing mutation. This mutation can occur in a variety of ways, most of whichare not definitively known@PA, 1986). One way it may occur is the direct interaction of a xenobiotic with DNA (Marks and Furstenburger,1987; EPA, 1986) to form aDNA adduct. Once the DNA adduct isfomed, it may result in frameshift mutations, deletions, point mutations or other (Schaaper et al., 1990). Fromthemostbasiclevelsof chemistry and biochemistry the direct interaction of one molecule with another is assumed to adhere to the mass action law (Mortimer, 1971; Rawn, 1983). If the interaction adheres to the mass action law and occursat steady state,the reaction, by definition, must be reversible. The assumption of reversibility allows the DNA-adduct to revert toback normal DNA. Ifa mutation occursinacriticalsite,theproduct(underthetwo-stagemodel)isapreneoplasticcell (Moolgavkar et al., 1988). The preneoplastic cell is not a cancer cell, but rather, a cell that has undergone a heritable genomic event.It is also assumed that this genomic event is essential to the cancer process. One important featureof the two-stage model is its incorporation of the concept of clonal of target cells is expansion. By increasing the growth of preneoplastic cells, an expanded pool available for the second stage. Clonal expansion has been described as an altering of the balance between dying and newly produced cells (Farber and Sarma,1987). In liver cancer, during the 4%, with no clonal expansion, to clonal expansion phase, the cell growth factor increases from 8%, with clonal expansion. The cell death fraction increases3%, from with no clonal expansion, to 7%, with clonal expansion (Farber and Sarma,1987). Thus, modeling cell growth has used the assumption of a steady-state condition (i.e.. a controlled relationship between cell growth and cell death; Weiss and Kavanau,1957). The two-stage model of Moolgavkar and Knudson (1981) also incorporates ratesof cell births, cell deaths, and cell conversion. Since the median effect equation assumes that the system adheres to the mass action law and atthe steady system is state, it implicitly incorporates the same concepts. The median effect equation also provides the as cell, is seen in skin papilloma option of the preneoplastic cell reverting back to a normal stem regression after removal of promoting agent (Reddy and Failkow, 1990). The multistage and two-stage models assume that the conversion is permanent and irreversible (Crump et al., 1976; Moolgavkar et al., 1988). Reversion phenomena would be expected under the mass action law and median effect analysis, but not under the two-stage model of Moolgavkar and Knudson (1981) or the multistage model of Crump et al. (1976). Under the two-stage model, once the preneoplastic cellsare formed and clonal expansion occurs, another mutation is necessary to transform the preneoplastic cell into a cancer cell. The second stage of the two-stage model requires that the second stage be a mutation. Again, with the possible exceptionof retinoblastoma, exactly howthe second mutation occursis unknown. Once the mutation occurs the cell is transformed into a cancer cell. Potential mechanisms of cancer causation may involve activation of oncogenes and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes (Bishop,1991). Oncogenes are thought to act through several different mechanisms (Bishop,1991; Goustin et al., 1986; Cross and Dexter,1991). To activate a protooncogene, it is considered necessary that the protooncogene undergo a mutation (Vannus, 1989; Bishop, 1991). Tumor suppressor genes have been identified as having a role in a number of cancers (e.g., Wilms’ tumor, colon carcinoma, lung carcinoma, neuroblastoma, and kidney by Dowdy et al., that carcinoma; Dowdy et al., 1991; Bishop, 1991). In fact, it was hypothesized there may be three genetic loci involved in Wilms’ tumor. Under the steady-state assumption, therates of activationanddeactivationwouldreachasteadystate;therefore,theeffectsconcentrations of the products producedas a resultof activated oncogenes or deactivated tumor suppressor genes would also reach a steady state, To further illustrate the broad applicability of
Stewart and Calabrese
the medianeffectequation, consider the current controversy concerning the mechanism of action of TCDD (dioxin; Gallo et al., 1991; Roberts, 1991; Holloway, 1990). It has been argued that dioxin must fvst bind to a cell surface receptor, then (for cancer to occur) the receptor-dioxin complex must travelto the nucleus and interact with DNA. This assumed mechanisms has been used to reestimate safe levelsof exposure. In the contextof the median effect equation, it does not matter what the underlying mechanism is (i.e., direct interaction with DNA, interaction with the receptor, or interaction with a number of cellular targets);it only matters that the system,as a whole, operatesat steady state and adheres to the mass action law. In an analysis of dioxin data conducted in Stewart etal. (1992a) dioxin has anm = 2.2, indicating a sublinear dose response. Whether dioxin binds to a receptor, to DNA, or to some other cellular target, does not affect the biological basisfor applying the median effect equation. 111.
The biological plausibilityof the median effect equation can be extended to include the effects of multiple agents (Chou and Talalay, 1987). The following series of equations reflect the of scenarios, ranging from similar modes application of the median effect equation in a variety of action (addivity) to independent modes of action (synergism or antagonism).The equations m described further in Chou and Talalay (1987) and Greco etal. (1988).
A.First-OrderConditions 1. For two mutually exclusive drugs that obey fmt-order (m= 1) conditions:
where EDSOis the concentrationof the drug thatis required to produce a 50% effect. 2. For two mutually nonexclusive drugs that obey first-order (m= 1) conditions (note the extra term):
B.Higher-OrderConditions 1. For two mutually exclusive drugs that obey higher-order conditions (this means that each
drug has a sigmoidal dose-response curve):
2. For two mutually nonexclusivedrugs that obey higher-order conditions:
Greco et al. (1988) derived additional equations representing other situations, specifically when additivity is assumed and also for synergism or antagonism. The equation representing additivity (no interaction) when m1 = m2 = m is given by: [(Dl/Dml) + (DdDm2)] m
U =
1 + [(Dl/Dml) + (D2/Dm2)]m For synergisrnntagonism with m1 = m2 = m the equation becomes:
where Q = 1 if the toxins are nonmutually exclusive and zero if they are mutually exclusive (Chou and Talalay, 1987). Fmm Greco et al. (1988) for additivity when m1 # m2, the equation becomes:
whereas for synergism-antagonism the equation becomes:
C. Previous Applications of the Median Effect Equation A useful form of the median effect equation can be obtained by W i g the logarithm of both by sides of Eq. (1) yielding a linear equation given
In - = mln(d)
- mln(do5)
Thus the quantity h@&,) is linear in h(d)with slope m and intempt -m In(dm). Note that , and In(d) can be calculatedreadily from experimentalcarcinogenesis estimates of Fa, F bioassay data. Crude estimates of m and dm are obtained from the plot of Eq. (5). Once the median effect dose is determined and the slope m is known, the effect at any dose d can be estimated fromEq. (6). 1
Fa = 1+
The median effect equationhas been applied to a limited number of dose-response studiesof carcinogens. Chou (1980, 1981, 1987) used the datafrom Bryan and Shimkin (1943) and Pet0 et al. (1975) to show that the data from both acute administration (i.e., single injection) of a
Stewart and Calabrese
carcinogen and chronic administration were explainable by the median effect equation. Also investigated in Chou(1987) was the data of Pet0 et al. (1975). These data involve chronic skin exposure of mice to benzo[a]pyrene twice a week for 1 0 0 weeks. The total accumulated dose (in micrograms per mouse) was then analyzed using the median effect equation. The slope was much steeper (m= 4.569 vs. 1.388) in the chronic exposure study versus the acute exposure study. The resultingdm's also vaned substantially,98.86 pg/mouse (point estimate) in the acute for athat given study versus1579 pg/mouse in the chronic study. Thus, it seems from these data total dose of carcinogen, a single injection (acute exposure) is much more hazardous than chron exposure. To illustrate this, the dose necessaryto produce a risk ofl :1 million was calculated for each type of exposure. For acute exposure4.70 X lW3 pg/mouse is necessary, whereasfor chronic exposure the dose necessary76.77 is pg/mouse, a factorof 16,760 greater. Interestingly, 76.77 pg/mouse equates to3.94 X 10" pdapplication, again indicating that for this data, chronic be tempered by exposure appears less hazardous than acute exposure. This interpretation must all of the fact that the routes of exposure were different, which could well account for or some the difference. Chou (1980) conducted another analysis of the data of Pet0 (1975) and Bryan and Shimkin (1P43) to compare the resultsof median effect analysis and analysis by the power law:
Fa = bdk
where d = dose, k and b are constants, andF, is the fraction affected.In the analysisof the Pet0 data, instead of micrograms per mouse as the measure per dose, Chou used weeks of'application of carcinogen as a surrogate measurementof dose. He then fit the median effect equation and the power law equation to both the Pet0 data and the Bryan and Shimkin data and found that th chronic exposure datafit the median effect equation better in the high-dose range and that the (1980), two equations produced similar results in the low-dose range. The low dose, for Chou was Fa< 0.05, not the lo-' or l@ range usually discussed in quantitative risk assessment. The most extensive application of the median effect equation was made by Totter and Finamore (1978). They analyzed 38 datasets representing direct-acting carcinogens, indirectactingcarcinogens,transplacentalchemicalcarcinogens,andradiation.Thesystemstested seeds. f i e 38 included cell cultures, mice, rats, hamsters, chicks, fungi, drosophila, and barley datasets were taken from the literature and included exposure by different routes. Totter and Finamore found that the 38 datasets, although different in many ways, were explainable by median effect analysis. The m values ranged from0.33 to 3.13. Totter and Finamore excluded those data points that occurred after the maxima or minima of the dose+xponse curve. This trimming of data shouldbe partially responsiblefor the good fit obtained. Totter and Finamore also did not account for background incidence.
One of the limitations of median effect analysis and, for that matter, other types of analysis of multiplechemicalinteractions, is theneed for largeamounts of data.Since it hasbeen demonstrated that chemicals may interact synergistically at one dose, additively at another, and even antagonistically at yet another dose, testing chemicals at one concentration or one mixture is not sufficient (NRC, 1988; Chou and Talalay, 1987). Therefore, any testing protocol must involve different mixtures and different doses if the analysis is to be meaningful. These extensive
The MedianEffectEquation
Table 1 Parameter Estimates Obtained from Greco et al., (1988) after Fitting Eq. (11) to Data for Le Pelley and Sullivan (1936)
0.151 f 0.0019 0.884 f 0.011
2.64 f0.081
2.49 f 0.073
data requirements are not practical for long-term studies (NRC, 1988); however, they may be feasible for short-term studies. Mathematical modeling, if based on the biology, may provide some useful insightsfor long-term exposure scenarios. Le Palley and Sullivan (1936) applied rotenone and pyrethrins to houseflys and measured thefractionkilled at eachdose.Inthisstudy,rotenoneandpyrethrinsweregiven Greco (1988) fit Eqs. (1 1) separately and jointly, thereby allowing measurement for inteiaction. and (12) to these data and obtained estimates of the median effect doses (dm)for rotenone and pyrethrins. In Table 1, the 95% confidence intervalsfor m overlap, indicating that the dose-response curves are parallel. Since the m1 = m2 = m application of Eq. (10) is appropriate, to obtain parameter estimatesfor Eq. (10) the statisical software package BMDP-PC90, 1990 was used. The nonlinear regression program, with maximum likelihood parameter estimation, was selected and Eq. (10) fit to the Le Pelley and Sullivan data. The parameter estimates obtained are displayed in Table2. A s with the multistage model and the two-stage model, the median effect model implies that at low dose the effects willbe additive, since the interaction term approacheszero faster than either of the individual dose terms [ s e e Eq. (lo)]. To demonstrate this, Eq. (10) was applied to a theoretical dataset wheredm1 = 10, dm2 = 10, m = 3, and cc = 0 or 1. From this data, two curves were obtained and graphed simultaneously. The results of this graph are displayed in Fig. 2. The curves for a = 1 and a = 0 are indistinguishable at a low dose, and the interaction occurs only at a high dose.(Low dose in this context is 0.001 that of the dm.) A question that needs to be answered in the general sense is: “How low is low dose?” Work is underway to investigate this question.If there is a relation betweendm (i.e., the TDm; Stewart et al. 1993) and low-dose additivity, then the importance of interactionbecan assessed by the relation of the exposure to theTD50.
Table 2 ParameterEstimates Obtained from
Fitting Q.(10) to Data for Le Pelley and Sullivan (1936). Equation Fit Using BMDP-PC90 Nonlinear RegressionProgram 3R Using Maximum Likelihood (m1= m2 = m) Chemical Rotenone Pyrethrins
0.147 f 0.0018 2.57 0.895 f 0.011
f 0.047
Stewart and Cakzbrese 100 1
0.01 h
8 -B 1E-6 v)
2 1E-l0 0 .I
1E-12 1E-14 1E-16 1E-18
l 5 0 7 1E-05 1E-06
0.0001 0.001
Dose In mgkglday
c A l p h a = l +Alpha=O Figure 2 Effect of interaction tern on E!q. (11) at lowandhighdose.(Datafrom Sullivan, 1936.)
Le Pelleyand
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21 Genetic Toxicology and Risk Assessment of Complex Environmental Mixtures* Virginia Stewart Houk and MichaelD. Waters United States Environmental Protection Agency Research TrianglePark, North Carolina
INTRODUCTION In 1983, a U. S. National Academy of Sciences (USNAS, 1983) publication described what 1.
is nowcommonlyreferredto as theriskassessmentparadigm.Theassessment of risk is dividedintofourstages:hazardidentification,dose-responseassessment,exposureassessment,andriskcharacterization. Hazard identijkation and dose-responseassessment charan adversehealtheffect. Exposure acterize the relationshipbetweenexposure,dose,and assessment measures (or models) the magnitude of human contact with a substance and explains the pathwaysby which materials gain accessto the body. Risk characterization,the productof the risk assessment process, combines dose-response and exposure data to estimate the to risks public health (Fig. 1). With few exceptions, humans are exposed to complexmixtures of chemicals, rather thanto single chemicals. Mixtures have been defined as “any combination of two or more chemical substances regardlessof source or of spatial or temporal proximity” (USEPA, 1986a). Manyare anthropogenic in origin; however, a variety are generated by natural processes, such as the photooxidation of atmospheric hydrocarbons. Cigarette smoke, automobile exhaust, and drinking water are examplesof complex environmental mixtures encountered in everyday life. of single chemicals also The assumptions and uncertainties associated with risk assessments apply to mixtures of chemicals. However, the complexity and diversityof chemical mixtures to characterize, compromising an already controvertible assessmake them intrinsically difficult *This document has been reviewed by the Health Effects Research Laboratory, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents reflect the views of the agency, nor does mention of trade namesor commercial products constitute endorsementor recommendation for
Houk and Waters
Figure 1 The elements of risk assessment and the methods that provide supportive genotoxicity data. (Adapted from Lewtas et al., 1994a)
of Complex Mixtures
ment process. Dataavailableonmixturesvaryconsiderably in bothqualityandquantity. A complex mixture may contain hundreds or thousands of chemicals, many of which cannot be identified or quantified by current analytical capabilities.As the number of compounds in the mixture increases, the uncertainties of assessment increase. Toxicological data on identified constituents may be scant or nonexistent. Dose-response models, which often m based onbiologicalmechanismsofsinglecompounds, maynotapply to aheterogeneousmixture of chemicals. Exposure assessments of complex mixtures are especially problematic becauseoftheirhighlyvariabletemporalexposurepatternsandthepotentialforeffects at multipleendpoints. Insuffkient empiricaldataatany of thesestagesconfoundsthecharacterization of risk. Because of the unique problems that exist with risk assessments of complex mixtures, several approaches have been proposed that supplement the NAS risk assessment paradigm. These schemesare designed to overcome uncertainty and to provide a of degree flexibility when discussing potential outcome. One such example is the Guidelinesfor the Health Risk Assessment of Chemical Mixtures(USEPA, 1986a), which provides guidance for several approaches, rather than recommending a single procedure. Selection ofan option d i e s on the availability and quality of information gathered from three possible sources: the mixture of concern, a mixture similar to the one in question (a surrogate), or the mixture’s constituents. The best risk assessments are those conducted on the mixture of concern or a reasonably similar mixture. When data are available for only select components of the mixture, the additivity model is are summed to typically invoked, and the toxicities associated with individual constituents predict the overall toxicity of the whole mixture. Risk characterization is both a qualitative and quantitative exercise, and it relies on three levels of information: archived data, laboratory data, and field data(see Fig. 1). Archived data includedatabasesandtheapplication of computationalmethods.Laboratoryderiveddata includes analyses of physicochemical properties, in vitro and other short-term test results, and findings from long-term animal bioassays. Field data include site characterizations (in which environmental samples, plants, and feral animal species are monitored) and epidemiological are studied). Risk methods attempt to integrate these investigations (in which human populations diverse data setsto provide a cohesive characterizationof risk. A weight-of-evidence scheme, which determines the relevancy and strength of the available data,is often applied to the overall analysis. In general, field dataare held in higher regard, but laboratory data, especially results from animal bioassays, provide valuable supplemental evidence. When data are limited in quality or quantity, or when only a crude characterizationof risk is sought, a qualitative risk assessment is made. Qualitative assessments alert the investigator to potential problem mas and also help guide research efforts. Quantitative risk assessments, on or when there the other hand,are made when there is sufficient evidence of relevance to humans are appropriate data to support quantitative analysis. Quantitative assessmentsmay be probabilistic or comparative, dependingon the strengthof available data. When extensive dose-response and exposure data are available for the mixture of concern, or for specific components of that mixture, it may be possible to estimate the probability of a health effect outcome. Such probabilistic assessments yield unit risk estimates (e.g., lifetime risk per microgram of particulate matter per cubic meter of air). However, the application of risk estimates to whole mixtures is often problematic, because the evaluation 1990). As aresult, favorsdata-sparseandmodel-intensivetechniques(OwenandJones, inferential methods, such as toxicity equivalency factors (TEF)or comparative potency, are gaining acceptance (Schoeny and Margosches, 1989). These comparative approaches to risk in which estimates of riskare based on rankings of assessment rely on relative decision making hazard or toxicity. Such assessments are useful when data are available for surrogate mixture(s)
Houk and Waters
or when a mixture comprises chemical cogenersor homologues, the toxicity of which can be related toan isomer possessingan extensive health effects database, The following discussion will attempt to identify and resolve some of the unique concerns that have evolved from risk assessments of complex mixtures, especially relativeto the fieldof genetic toxicology. Genetic toxicity is any toxic effect associated with the hereditary material (DNA). Deleterious health effects resulting from genetic damage include cancer, birth defects, cardiovascular disease, and aging. The characterization and management of genetic risks not also helps ensure species vigor and diversity by protecting only helps protect human health, but the gene pool.The elements of risk assessment-as they relateto genotoxicity-are outlined in Fig. 1. The data used to support this process fall along a continuum in which confidence in the probabilityofhumanresponseincreases as onedevelopsincreasinglymorerelevant(and complex) datasets. Generally speaking, the risk assessment process is driven by formulaic guidelines providedbyfederalagenciesandstatutes. Prescribed methods for eachstage of theprocess are discussed in Section II.For various reasons, actual risk assessments of complex environmentalmixturesoftendivergefromthissomewhatdoctrinaireapproach.Therefore,subsequentsectionsofthischapterwillpresentissuesrelevantspecifically to riskassessments are approaches for assessing a mixture for potential hazard ofcomplexmixtures.Included (Sec, HI), methodologies that provide information in support of the risk assessment process (Sec. IV), and examples of real-world risk assessments of complex mixtures, ranging from qualitative to quantitative (Sec.
II. ELEMENTS OF RISK ASSESSMENT A.HazardIdentification Simply put, hazard identification is a qualitative articulation of whether an agent is causally qualitative or quantitative andmay linked to an adverse effect. Data supporting causality be may be obtained from sources as diverse as computer databases and epidemiology studies. Hazard identification is theinitialstepindeterminingwhethersufficientevidenceexistsforthe subsequent assessment of dose-response and exposure. Because of the universality ofDNA as the genetic material across species, data from phylogenetically different test systems-from microorganisms tohumans-may be incorporated into the hazard identification process. Data provided by genetic bioassays are interpreted by risk assessors according to the category of the test and the endpoint detected by test. the All relevant information contributesto the weight-ofevidence scheme, and consistent results across different test systemsor species strengthen the evaluation. The EPA's Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances has released guidelines proposing the use of a battery of genetic bioassays (Fig. 2) to detect potential carcinogens and germ cell mutagens (Dearfield et al., 1991). The initial three-test battery provides qualitative criteria for hazard identification. In addition, a hierarchical weight-of-evidence scheme for mutagenicity hazard identification has been formulated EPA by based on target tissue and target species (Fig.3). For carcinogens, evidencefrom human and animal studies are heavily favored, with data from short-term and in vitro tests providing supplemental information on the specific nature of the genetic response and potential mechanism of action. Complexchemicalmixturespresentadifficultchallenge for hazardidentification, in that most are poorly defined and vary in composition. The most comprehensive characterizations involve the mergerof chemical and toxicological data. Various computational, labora-
Genetic Toxicologyof Complex Mixtures
C l
Interaction with Gonadal DNA
Dominant Lethal HeritableTrhslocation
specific Locus Visible or Biochemical
Figure 2 The current mutagenicity testing scheme of the U. S. EPA Oftice of Revention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances. Note: Not all tests m necessarily required following completionof the base set of three tests. (From M e l d et al., 1991.) tory, and field methods (discussed hazards of the mixture.
in detail in Sec. IV)may be applied to help define the
B. Dose-Response Assessment This componentof the risk assessment process defines the relation between the of andose agent and the magnitudeof response. That relation maybe expressed quantitatively as the potency of the agent. For mutagens, two fundamental expressions of potency are typically used: (1) the calculated slope of the dose-response curve, and(2) the dose at which a specific response is observed [suchas the dose at which a50% response is obtained (ED~o),or the lowest effective dose (LED)]. Both estimatesof potency canbe used in probabilistic or comparative assessments of risk (Fig. 4). For carcinogens, similar forms of quantitation are available. Slopes may be calculated from dose-response curves obtained from animal cancer bioassays, and these potency estimates converted to “unit risk” estimates for humans (CAG, 1980). Because the goal is to estimate human cancer riskat low doses, potency is derived from the slope of the curve at its federal carcinogen regulation and discussed low-dose end. The multistage model, widely inused Sec. ILD), relies on this kind of analysis to establish an upper in greater detail later (see D 9 may be calculated, in which confidence limit on suspected cancer risk. Alternatively, a T of animals remaining potency is expressedas the chronic dose rate that halves the probability tumor-free throughout the standard life spanof the species (Goldet al., 1984). This measureof potency has an extensive database (Gold et al., 1993), and its usefulness has been demonstrated in a variety of studies, including carcinogen potency ranking (Nesnow, 1991). . In Vivo
In Vitro
Germ Cell
Somatic Cell
Figure 3 Hierarchical weight-ofevidence scheme for mutagenicity hazard identification U. S. EPA. (Adapted from Jarabek and Farland, 1990.)
used by the
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372 100
Figure 4 The use ofslope, lowest effective dose (LED), and effectivedose causing 50% response @Dm) in determining mutagenic potency.
Critical uncertainties mustbe addressed when modeling dose response, including high-tolow dose and interspecies extrapolations.Lowdose extrapolations introduce uncertainty, partly because of questions sumunding the shapeof the dose-response curve in the low-dose region. of low-dose extrapolation Although the field of pharmacokinetics is adding to our understanding are problematic for mixthrough physiologically and biologically based models, such models ture assessments owing to difficulties, for example, with mass-balance equations (Krewski and Thomas, 1992). For complex mixtures, consideration also must be given to the combined effects of the components constituting the mixture. In the absence of empirical evidence on interactions within the mixture, component additivity is assumed. Response additivity asserts that the components act on different receptor systems and that the toxicityof the mixture can be approximated by summing the known toxicities of the components. Dose additivity assumes that the components predicted in the mixture have the same mode of action and that the overall toxic responsebecan by summing the individual doses (USEPA, 1986a). Although evidence favors the additivity of of complete lack risks atlow doses, thereare inherent problems with this approach, including the data on chemical composition, the improbability that mixture components elicit similar effects or have similar modesof action, and the likelihoodof interactions among chemicals. Many in vitrostudiesofgenotoxicitydonotsupporttheadditivityassumption for highlycomplex mixtures (Houk, 1992). For carcinogenicity studies, additive relative risk has been demonstrated for joint exposure to two carcinogens affecting the same stage of carcinogenesis, but exto supra-additive or supramultiplicativerelativerisks posuresaffectingdifferentstagesled (Brown and Chu, 1989; Kodell et al., 1991). Moreover, at high-exposure levels, synergistic effects have been demonstrated in both toxicological and epidemiologicalofstudies carcinogens (Krewski and Thomas, 1992).
C. Exposure Assessment Exposure assessment generally consists of three steps: (1) characterization of the exposure setting (i.e., the physical environment and potentially exposed populations), (2) identification of exposure pathways, and (3) quantification of exposure by estimates of concentration and intake. Although exposure customarily refersto interactions at exchange boundaries (e.g., skin orlung)beforeuptake,effortstomeasureinternalexposureatthecellularandmolecular level are increasinglycommon.Methods for quantifyingexposureincludedirectchemical measurements(such as personalmonitoringdevicesorhumanbloodlevels)andindirect measurements(such as ambientconcentrationsorresultsfromfateandtransportmodels).
of Complex Mixtures
Direct measurementsare growing in acceptance owing to the preference for microenvironmental data and body-burden estimates. Exposuredata are integratedtodevelopaqualitative or quantitativeestimate of the To assess total human exposure, magnitude of human contact with the agent(s) of concern. are often conducted. In environmental-monitoring environmental- and human-monitoring studies studies, contaminantsare identified and quantified in a microenvironment, and their distribution In biomonitoring,personalexposure andmovementthroughvariousmediaaredescribed. devices are used to collect external data, which are thencombinedwithinformationfrom or tissues). biological markersof internal dose and response (using body fluids, cells, Genotoxicity assays have been used for many years in environmental-monitoring studies to detectcausativeagents, to monitortheirfate, to apportionsources oftoxicity,and to demonstrate-thugh the use of sentinel organisms"direct associationsbetween exposures and genotoxic response (see Sec. IV.C). Because resultsdo not rely on prior identification of specific chemicals, these techniques are particularly suited to studies of complex mixtures. Genetic bioassays also have been used in human studies to detect genetic damage in tissues or body fluids. Recently developed biomarkers, suchDNA as adducts, are especially useful because they canfacilitateconstruction of therelationsbetweenexternaldose,internalexposure,and response. It also is now possible to couple genetic bioassays with personal exposure-monitoring methods (J. Lewtas, personal communication). The development of these new sampling, chemical, and bioassay procedures has led to remarkable progress in this field and, when combined withavailablemoleculardosimetrydata,shouldresultinbetterunderstandingofhuman exposures to genotoxic agents.
D. Risk Characterization and Assessment
Risk characterization integrates the information produced by the otherthree components of the risk assessment process to estimate the overall likelihood of a health effect given specific conditions of exposwe. The nature and magnitude of human riskare described in both qualitative and quantitative terms. The various strengths and weaknesses associated with the estimate of risk are summarized, and biological and statistical assumptions and uncertainties are explained. For genotoxic substances, risk characterizations are made in twoareas: carcinogenicity and heritable genetic risk. The EPA has developed guidelines for risk assessment in both of these areas (USEPA, 1986b,c). Each of these guidelines rely on a weight-of-evidence approach to classify chemicalsor mixtures into categories, incorporating estimates of exposure into the final of chemical mixtures risk analysis. TheEPA also has developed guidelines for risk assessments (USEPA, 1986a). Criteria to evaluate the quality of data for mixtures are provided in three 5 is a decision tree categories: informationon exposure, health effects, and interactions. Figure be made, depending illustrating theway in which decisions on risk assessment approaches may on the availability and adequacy of these data elements. Risk assessments generally fall into two categories: qualitative and quantitative (comparative or probabilistic). The specific assessment strategy chosen will depend on the strength of available data, as well as on risk management objectives. Human data, although preferred to animal data, are often unavailable or inadequate to perform risk assessments. Consequently, results from long-term animal bioassays are typically used to estimate human cancer risk. To predict human risk from animal tumorigenicity studies requires extrapolation modeling. Mathematical models of dose-response, which combine both biological and statistical premises, are pivotal to quantitative cancer risk assessment. Tolerancedistributionmodels (probit, logit, and Weibull) and stochastic models (one-hit and multistage) form the core of quantitative cancer risk assessment (Morris, 1990). Tolerancedistributionmodels assume that each individualhas
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10. RWt .u#mwntwith Intcnccionr
l Figure 5 Decision tree of the risk assessment approach recommended by the U. S. EPA for chemical mixtures. (From USEPA,1986a)
a tolerance levelto a carcinogen. Stochastic models assume that everyone is equally susceptible to cancer, and that cancer is initiated by one or several independent, random events. Of these models, the multistage model most effectively expresses the current biological thinking about cancer(i.e., that cancer is a disease requiring multiple events in the progression of a normal cell to a malignant one; Fig. 6). The multistage model was first proposed 1950s in the (Armitage and Doll,1954), and a variationof this model (Guess and Crump, 1976,1978; Crump et al., 1976, 1977) has provided the framework for regulatory cancer risk assessment at the federal level. However, recent advances in the theory of cancer induction have uncovered important deficiencies in multistage models, such as their disregard for separate mechanisms known to be involvedintumorinitiationandpromotion.Consequently,biologicallybased models of cancer risk assessment are receiving considerable attention. Moolgavkar and Knudson
Genetic Toxicology of Complex Mixtures
Figure 6 Steps in multistage carcinogenesis showing classic and molecular details.
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DNA Damage and Molecular Adducts
Genes and Monitoring Gene2
Mechanistic Concordance
Figure 7 The use of animal and human models to provide evidenceof mechanistic concordance for biologically based cancer risk assessment models.
Genetic Toxicology of Complex Mixtures
(1981), for example, have developed a popular two-stage model of cancerrisk,basedon evidence linking mutation induction with tumor formation. Their model assumes that the first event in the formation of a tumoris the inductionof a mutation that transforms a normal cell to a preneoplastic (“initiated”) cell. The second transition is from initiated cell to malignant cancer has gained widespread acceptance because itis interpretable cell. This two-stage cancer model of thephenomenaobservedwithhumancancers inbiologicaltermsandexplainsmany (Thorslund et al., 1987). It is evident, however, from more recent research (specifically, the colorectal cancer model based on the work of Vogelstein et al., 1988, 1989) that a two-stage in tumor develop model cannot accurately explain the multiple biological processes involved ment. As our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis advances, the (Harris, 1991). . development of more realistic, biologically based cancer risk models will follow Ideally, biologically based cancer risk assessment models be willbased on evidence of mechanistic concordance between animal and human model systems, as illustrated in Fig.7.
A. Integrating Chemical and Toxicological Data Critical to any assessment of complex mixtures is the integration of chemical and biological information. Chemical analyses are indispensable for identifying and quantitating the hazardous constituents of the mixture; toxicological assessments determine which compounds or mixtures pose the greatest risk. Combining data from both disciplines provides a more thorough and in isolation. conclusive evaluationof potential hazard than either Matrixevaluation,whichinvolves the manipulation of selectedvariablestodefinea mixture, can be used to map or plot the chemicalor biological characteristics of the mixture. The goal of matrix sampling for chemical analysis and biotesting is to define the boundary conditions that permit the positioningof effects of a given mixture within a matrix of related mixtures (NRC, 1988). Ifmixturescan be mappedonto a broadrepresentation of critical physicochemical variables, manyof the uncertainties concerning interpretation of toxicological tests on chemical mixtures may be resolved (Fig.8). Conversely, as indicated in the same figure, a matrixor profile of biological data canbe used to direct the application of analytical chemical techniques (see also discussionon GAPS,Sec. IV.A, and Table2).
B. Characterization of Complex Mixtures The compositionof a complex environmental mixture (urban air, industrial effluent, river water, or other)willvaryfromonelocale to anotherandfromonecollectionpoint to another. Consequently, it is important to define the mixture a priorias carefully as possible and,when testing an actual sample, to collect material that is representative of the mixture of concern. Randomized sampling techniques should be followed, and standardized sampling methodologies should be conformed to (see, e.g., USEPA, 1980). To analyze a collected samplefor potential hazard, one of two generalized test strategies may be employed: (1) the whole mixture (heterogeneous sample) may be analyzed, or (2) the mixture may be broken into constituent parts (individual compoundsor classes of compounds) for analysis. Selection of the appropriate technique is dependent on the physical and chemical characteristicsof the sample,the purpose for which data are intended, the tests to which a sample may be assigned, and budgetary restrictions. If individual component chemicals are to be considered, a detailed chemical profile is be used to required. Gas chromatography or high-performance liquid chromatography may survey the compounds making up the mixture. Following such an evaluation, the toxic potential
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PHYLOaENY ............. ........................
\ S
/ 7
/ 11
Figure 8 Example of matrix testing in which critical physicochemical and genotoxicological variables for a series of mixtures are identified to define boundary conditions for interpreting results of chemical and toxicological testing. (Adapted from NRC, 1988.)
Genetic Toxicology of Complex Mixtures
of each constituent must be determined. This information can be retrieved from preexisting toxicological databases,or it can be genemted by individually testing each identified compound in appropriateassays.Iftheidentifiedchemicalshaveassignedpotencyvalues(such as mutagenicityslopevalues, LEDs, cancer TD50, or unitrisknumbers),aquantitativerisk assessment may be performed by invoking the additivity model and summing the individual toxicities to predict the overall toxicity of the mixture (USEPA, 1986a). be can The advantageof chemical-specific analysis is that particularly hazardous chemicals detected, whereupon control measures can be implemented. However, several factors make this approach indeterminate. Even a relatively detailed chemical analysis may fail to detect or identify toxic chemicals owing to the insensitivityof the analytical technique, the sheer number of components to be resolved, the relatively small amount of chemical present in the mixture, or the lack of appropriate standards. The evaluationof a multitudeof identified chemicals is both or costly and time-consuming. Searches of preexisting databases may yield limited information, worse, no information. Finally, the additivity model ignores chemical interactions, possible physicochemical matrix effects, and transformation or degradation. In practice, it is usually not possible to carry out complete chemical characterization of a are often partitioned into separate complex environmental mixture. Accordingly, such mixtures chemical fractions for toxicity testing. Two principal separation methods exist: liquid-liquid (NRC, 1988). Table1provides a list of conventional separation partitioning and Chromatography techniques. One especially successful method of partitioning complex mixtures is bioassayis bioassayed until the major directed fractionation(NRC, 1988). In this approach, each fraction class or specificchemical(s)responsible for theactivitycanbeisolatedandchemically characterized (Fig. 9).As an example, cigarette smoke condensate was fractionated and tested in mouse skin carcinogenicity bioassays, which led to the identification of fractions containing (Bock et al., 1969; Hoffman and Wynder, tumor-initiating activity and tumor-producing activity 1971). Subsequent studies using short-term mutagenicity and cellular transformation bioassays were able to identify specific chemicals in biologically active fractions that were responsible for the genotoxic activity (DeMarini, 1983). The advantagesof fractionation include the separation of active constituents from inactive or toxiccomponentsandtheextrication of activechemicalspresentinsmallquantities. of sample available for testing following processing, Disadvantages include the limited amount
Table 1 Conventional Methods for Separating Complex Mixturesinto Fractions Suitable for Testing
Liquid-liquid Solvent-solvent; solvent-acidibase Organic solvents different of partitioning solutions acid/base chromatography Column (open), thin-layer 0°C) Adsorption Partition Molecular exclusion Ion-exchange High-perfomance liquid(HPLC) Adsorption Partition Molecular exclusion Ion-exchange Soume:
NRC. 1988.
aqueous Aluminum, silica gel, polyamide, Florisil Cellulose Porous polymers, gels Ionexchange resins (anionic, cationic) Aluminum, silicagel, polyamide, Florisil Cellulose, bonded phases Porous polymers, gels Ionexchange resins (anionic, cationic)
Houk and Waters
Bioassay Fractionate
Mixture is separated on chemical
111 p 1 1
Bioassay ActMty Mass Recovery
4 1 60%
BioassayActMty Mass Recovery
Figure 9 Diagrammaticrepresentation of bioassay-directedfractionation in whichthemixture issequentiallyseparatedintofractions that are subjectedtobioassay.Fractionsshowinghighestactivity are pursued with additionalfractionationandbioassay to identify the mostactivecomponents. (From NRC,1988.)
the likelihood of spillover of chemical classes between fractions, and the possible loss or modification of components with fractionation. A final alternative for testing a complex environmental mixtureto istreat the mixture! as a single entity and analyze it in its crude state. Although uncommon, such studies can provide useful information. Houk and DeMarini (1988), DeMarini et al. (1987,1989), and Simmons et al. (1988) administered crude industrial waste samples to several short-term biological systems, including bacterial assaysfor mutagenicity and DNA damage, and rodent assays to detect DNA adducts, lethality, hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and urinary mutagenicity. The usefulness of suchanapproachwasdemonstratedwhenacrudewastethatwasgenotoxicinvitroalso produced urinary mutagens in the rat and DNA adducts in bladder tissue. The obvious advantages of this approach include the relevancy of the tested sampleto its environmental counterpart, decreased potential for artifact formation,the and elimination of the need for modeling interactive effects. Moreover, if the mixture is representativeof others in its class (e.g., diesel emissions from different sources would share certain characteristics), itmay bepossibletoextrapolateresultsacrosssamples. This methodalsocircumventsthelabor-
Genetic Toxicology of Complex Mixtures
intensive processof individually testing multiple chemicals. But sometimes a complex mixture be tested directly in a bioassay. Furthermore, mayitbe incompatible with the is too cytotoxic to test system becauseof its physical matrix. Other disadvantages include the inability to specify the constituent(s)of the mixture responsible for the toxicity, asaswell potential masking effects (e.g., the masking of mutagenicity by cytotoxicity).
Computerized databases and models are valuable reservoirs of information that support the risk assessment processby augmenting hazard identification and by guiding test efforts. Moreover,dose-responseinformationiscontainedinmanydatasets,and,bycombiningindividualchemicalcomponentconcentrationandtoxicitydata,situationalexposureassessments may be possible. Numerousdatabases are available from whichtoextractinformation on thegenetic toxicity or carcinogenicity of chemical constituents of a mixture, or on the mixture itself. Examples include detailed monographs on the carcinogenic hazards of individual chemicals and complex mixtures, such as those produced by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC); books such as Atmospheric Chemical Compounds: Sources, Occurrence, and Bioassuy by Graedel et al. (1986), which contains information on structures, properties, detection methodologies, and sources of chemicals; reviews such as “The genotoxicity of industrial wastes and effluents’’(Houk, 1992), which is a comprehensive analysis of the genotoxicity of wastes classified according to industrial source; personal computer software such as the Genetic Activity Profile (GAP) database (Waters et al., 1990a), which provides a computergenerated graphic representationof an array of genetic bioassay data as a function of chemical dose (see later example); data listings, such as the carcinogenic potency database compiled by Gold et al. (1993), which includes calculations of carcinogenicity TDso values; and onlinecomputerdatabasessuch as EPA‘s IntegratedRiskInformationSystem(IRIS),which or theRegistryof contains EPA consensusscientificpositions onhumanhealthhazard, Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS), which contains some toxicological data on complex mixtures. Computerized databases can complement data from in vitro tests, animal bioassays, or epidemiology studiesto assist in the evaluationof potential human health risks. For example, the information contained in genetic activity profiles (GAPs) may be combined with data from of complex other sources to estimate the genetic activity and potential carcinogenic hazard mixtures (Waters et al., 1990b). The GAPs represent graphic displays of short-term test results, either positiveor negative, for individual chemicalsor complex mixtures and the doses at which these resultsare obtained (Fig.10). Information is collected from theopen literature, and either (HID) is recorded for each agent and each bioassay system. the LED or highest ineffective dose The presentation formatis a bar graph representing the tests that have been applied to a given agent. Positive results for these individual testsare displayed as LED values superimposedon bars projected upward from the origin. Negative results are displayed as HID values on bars projected downward from the origin. The dose scale on the y-axis is constructed such that the length of the bar in the upward direction represents the average LED for agent-the the longer the bar, the lower the average LED for the agent. The length of the bar in the downward direction represents the averageHID for theagent-the longer the bar, the higher the dose applied to the test in the absenceof an extreme toxic response. The GAPs are presented with tests in either a phylogenetic sequenceor an endpoint sequence. Thus, GAPs permit direct visual assessment of
Houk and Waters
Lowest Effective Dose (LED) (Fglml or-mg/kg bwlda)
Log Dose Units
Positive Results S A 5
8 7
! 3
2 1 0
- - --- - - - -.
Highest Ineffective Dose (HID) (pglml or mglkgbw/da)
Test system code word LED for a study requiring activation Average LED
-LED for a study without
....................................... .W!!ai!QIl Zone of uncertainty ....................... , ........................... ~
-2 -3 CONFUCTINO -4 -5
HID tor a study with activation
Negative Results
Figure 10 m a m a t i c representation of a geneticactivitypmfileshowinggraphiclayout,units, and abbreviations.
the responses of an array of short-term tests to the agent and facilitate a limited comparative assessment of a test system'susefulness in evaluating the particular agent, In approaching the evaluationof the genetic activityof a complex mixture, knowledgeof chemical partitioning can indicate which chemicals are likely to be found in which chemical fractions. However, since chemical analysis is usually performed sequentially, substantial effort may be required for chemical speciation. If the chemicals likely to be present in a particular chemical fraction are known, then a search of available short-term test data, particularly as represented by GAPS, can indicate the kinds of bioassays that are most appropriate for the anticipated chemicals. Furthermore, it is possible to use computer-based GAP-matching techniques (Garrettet al., 1984,1986) to find chemicals displaying the pattern of biological response represented by the types or classes of chemicals expected in the chemical fraction. Table 2 definesalogicalsequencefortheapplication of analyticalchemicaltechniques,bioassay methods, genetic activity profiles, and rodent carcinogenicity to estimate data the genetic activity or mixture fraction. and potential carcinogenic hazard of a complex environmental mixture Finally, in addition to their role in the organization, representation, and interpretation of are a valuable tool for use in the development of structure-activity relevant databases, computers relationships (SAR).The S A R modeling uses the structural features of a chemical to alert the investigator to its potential toxicity, mutagenicity, or carcinogenicity (see Richard et al., 1989). Structural classification schemes tend to be based on common organic functionalities (e.g., (e.g., nitroaromatics). Statisticallybased esters) or on chemical classes associated with toxicity S A R methods use existing toxicity data to infer relevant molecular features, and these "descrip are no there data. Computational tors" are then used to predict the toxicity of chemicals for which S A R methodscan be usedtodeveloprationalbioassaystrategiesandtoprobeunderlying mechanisms of toxicity. They provide a quantitative basis for defining a chemical class and for differentiatingbetween class members.Ideally,continuingfeedbackshouldexistbetween quantitative computationalS A R studies, the development of bioassay data, knowledge regarding mechanisms of action, and assessment needs.
of Complex Mixtures
Table 2 Use of GAPS in Estimating the Genetic Activity and Potential Carcinogenic Hazard of a Complex Environmental Mixtureor Mixture Component 1. Collect arepmentative sample of the complex mixture. 2. Partition the sample by using chemical fractionation methods. to determine that fractionationhas been successful and 3. Use generalized chemical analytical methods to provide an inventoryof likely chemicalswithii the component fractions. of the type 4. Refer to publishedinventoriesofchemicalsdetectedincomplexmixtux!sources represented by the sample(e.g., Graedel et al., 1986). 5. Collect GAPs for all chemicals known or suspected to be present in the fractions derived from the complex mixture sample (cf. Waterset al., 1988). 6. Using GAPs, make a selectionof bioassay systems to be applied to the fractions that should detect known or suspected component chemicals. 7. If the numberof GAPs for chemicals in any fractionis large, use GAP-matching techniques to group chemicals according to the similarityof their biological activity. Select tests that are appropriate to detect the activity represented by such groupsof chemicals. 8. From the LEDs indicated in GAPs, determine if chemicals at known quantity withii a given fraction could be detected by the genetic bioassays to be applied to that fraction. on fractions of the complex mixture sampleas directed by qualitative and 9. Cany out genetic bioassays quantitative information from GAPs. 10. Determine if chemicals having GAPsare d e n t or human carcinogens and the dose range over which carcinogenicity may be detected (cf., Gold et al., 1987, 1989). are present in the complex mixture sample at levels that could lead 11. Determine whether these chemicals to cancer in animals exposed over their lifetime. 12. Determine the human exposureto the chemicals containedin the complex mixture.
B. Laboratory Data I . PhysicochemicalAnalyses When assessing complex mixtures,is itadvantageousto identify properties that exacerbate risk. Concentration, mobility and transport capabilities, solubility, electrophilicity, persistence, reactivity, and bioavailabilityare important pieces of information that canbe considered, together with toxicitydata, to substantiate potentialh a d . Information on melting points, octanol/water (e.g., Karcher and coefficients, p&, and otherdata,are readily retrievable from archived sources Devillers, 1990), but usually only for individual chemical compounds. For complex mixtures, archived informationis typically unavailable (except on individual compounds that compose the mixture), and an accurate assessment of physicochemical properties often requires laboratory be used not only in a preliminary hazard assessment, but in analyses. Physicochemical data may as well (Reitz, 1990). exposure and pharmacokinetic modeling
2. In Vitro and Short-Tern In Vivo Genotoxicity Studies Short-term bioassays are screening toolsfor the toxicological evaluationof complex mixtures. They are rapid, inexpensive, sensitive indicators of a sample’s potential to induce damage. Short-term genetic bioassaysare based on the cellular and subcellular mechanisms underlying are used to ascertain differenttypes of genetic damage. Commonly the carcinogenic process and studied endpoints include DNA damage, gene mutation, chromosomal aberrations, micronuclei, type of lesion is important sister-chromatid exchange, aneuploidy, and cell transformation. The of the genetic (orrelated) hazard because it conveys information about the intrinsic nature (Lewtas et al., 1994a). More than 200 short-term tests employing bacteria, yeast, fungi, cultured cells, plants,
Houk and
insects, and animals have been developed to assist the identification of agents that pose a genetic hazard to humans (Waters et al., 1988). The Ames Salmonella typhimurium mutagenicity assay An extensive analysisof the performanceof this test on a chemical is by far the most widely used. class basis (Claxtonet al., 1988) has shown that the sensitivity of the assay by chemical class are variesfrom 0.63 to 0.92. Thebioassay is veryefficientindetectingcarcinogensthat nitrocontaining organics or hydrocarbons, but not very efficient in detecting carcinogens that A conservativeapproachintheinterpretation of arehalogenatedorinorganiccompounds. short-term tests would be to consider any short-term or long-term bioassay that performs with as much sensitivity and specificity as a rodent bioassay to be acceptable for the screening of (1983) showed that when rat and mouse bioassay complex mixtures for carcinogenicity. Brusick data are compared, the sensitivity value ranges from0.70 to 0.85 and specificity ranges from 0.58 to 0.75. Combining all evaluations of the performance of the Salmonella assay yields a sensitivity value of 0.77 and a specificity of 0.64. These values support the usefulness of the Salmonella assay as a primary screen for complex mixtures. Furthermore, Salmonella detects most of the IARC Group I human carcinogens; exceptions include benzene, diethylstilbestrol, arsenic, nickel, and asbestos (Shelby and Zeiger, 1990). The Salmonella assay has been used to measure the mutagenic activity of numerous complex environmental mixtures, including cigarette smoke condensate (DeMarini, 1983), automobile exhaust (Lewtas, 1983). ambient air (Barale et al., 1990). industrial wastes (Houk, 1992), and drinkiig water (Meier, 1988). But the usefulnessof the Salmonella assay (and in vitro tests in general) extends beyond the mere detection of mutagens and carcinogens ain mixture. Such tests also maybeusedtodeterminethecontribution of specificenvironmentalsourcestothe genotoxicity of the whole mixture (Van Hoof and Verheyden, 1981; Lewis et al., 1988); to evaluate parameter-uch as sunlight-that may influence genotoxicity (Nestmannet al., 1984; Claxton et al., 1990); to monitor environmental sites (Donnelly et al., 1983; McGeorge et al., 1985; Driver et al., 1990); to compare responses in target and nontarget human cells and tissues al., 1990). (Lewtas et al., 1993); and to monitor human exposures (Matsushita et Recent advances in the molecular analysis of mutations in Salmonella have suggested that the mutation spectra produced by complex mixturesis reflective of the predominanceof a single (or a few) mutagenic chemical class(es) within the mixture (Fig. 11). For example, the base-pair substitution mutation spectrum produced byMX (a chlorinated hydroxyfuranone compound common to drinking water) is virtually identical with that produced by chlorinated drinking (1988), who showed water (DeMariniet al., 1993). This finding substantiates the results of Meier that MX contributes up to 60% of the mutagenicity detected in chlorinated drinking water. to mutagenicityand Molecularanalyses are beginningtocontributeimportantinformation carcinogenicity risk assessment, especially considering recent evidence that suggests striking Salmonella, rodents, and human cancer similarities between the types of mutations induced in (D. M. DeMarini, personal communication). cells exposed to the same complex mixture Short-terminvivotestsalsohavebeenusedtoevaluatethegenotoxicity of complex mixtures @as and Nanda, 1986; DeMarini et al., 1989; Gallagher et al., 1990, 1993; Lewtas sometimes the crude et al., 1993). In this type of test, an organic extract of the mixtu-r mixture itself-is administered tothe whole animal, and, over the course of a few days, tissues or body fluids are collected and evaluated. Bioindicators of genetic damage include urinary of micronuclei. metabolites, the formation ofDNA adducts, and the detection
3. Animal Bioassays Results from studies of laboratory animals, particularly mammalian species, are held in high regardinthecancer risk assessmentprocess.Becausehumandata are generallyunavailable, long-term carcinogenicity experiments in animals are often the primary source of relevant
Genetic Toxicology of Complex Mixtures
5 6 7 8 Fracilon
Figure 11 Fractionation, bioassay, molecular analysis, and construction of mutation spectrafor fractions of a complex mixture separated by liquid-liquid (acid-base) partitioning. followedby high-pressure liquid chromatography (HpLC) of the neutral fraction. (Note: A microsuspension Salmonella assay has been performed to create a mutagram.) Molaular analysis including colony p b e hybridization (pbe) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by DNA sequencing yields data used in the construction of mutation spectrafor the whole organic extract,the neutral fraction, andan HPLC subfraction of the neutral fraction. (From Lewtas et al., 1994b.)
informationforhumanresponse and m themostuniversallyacceptedmeans(otherthan epidemiological investigations)of determining carcinogenic hazard. The acceptability of animal data is based on the premise that biological effects may be extrapolated across mammalian species. Animal bioassays actually offer some advantages over human data, in that experiments can be controlled, high doses can be administered, and invasive techniques can be used (Morris, 1990). To evaluate human carcinogenic potential, most chemicals are tested in 2-year bioassays conducted inrats and mice (Huff et al., 1991). Chemicals testedin this manner have produced responses ranging from no effectsin either species, to the inductionof neoplasms in multiple tissues in both species. A weight-of-evidence scheme proposed for classifying carcinogens mspondence a of tumor sites (Ashby et al., 1990) asserts that activity in several species, and across species, are important in the identification of a human cancer hazard. This observation has been reiterated by Tennant (1993). who states that transspecies, multiple site, mutagenic rodent carcinogens should be considered fmt priority for attention for human cancer risk. Weakest evidenceis reflected in a restricted patternof tumor induction(i.e., at a specific sitein a singlesex of a single species).
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In addition to carcinogenicity, animal cancer modelsmay be effectively used to study the mixtures, by use of nature and level of DNA adducts arising from exposures to complex techniques such as 32P-postlabeling. The DNA adducts derived from the polycyclic aromatic compounds emitted from tobacco smoke, coke ovens, smelters, coal-burning, diesel exhaust, andurbanairpollutionhavebeeninvestigatedusingmouseskintumorinitiationmodels (Lewtas, et al., 1993).
C. Field Data Field data are those gathered from an environmental siteor from a human population.O f t e n , data are temporal or spatial in nature, permitting the tracking, regulation, or control of the parameter being measured (Houk et al., 1993). Environmental- and human-monitoring techniques are integral to every levelof the risk assessment process (Fig.12).
l . SiteCharacterizations The objective of site characterization is to determine the nature and magnitude of toxic substances thatmay be present in the air, waste, or soil, water proximalto a site. Investigators should attempt to describe the source of the toxicity, to determine how the toxic material is released into the environment and whether the releaseis transient or prolonged, to assess the distributionof the toxic material throughout dif€erent environmental media, and to predict the exposure potenA good example of the approaches used to characterize tial for each possible exposure pathway. sites is providedby EPA's Office of Emergency and Remedial Response(USEPA, 1989). Their are applied to the risk assessment process manual explainshow data gathered at Superfund sites and how such information can be used to perform human health evaluations. The methods described earlier under Sections 1V.A and 1V.B can also be applied to site characterizations. Inventories may be available onsite (e.g., from an industry) describing the
Evaluation of genetic hazards in a population
Evaluation of relationship between exposure. genetic effect and biological
Confirmation of risk through association
Figure 12 Five major objectives of environmental monitoring. (From Lewtas et al., 1994a.)
Mixtures of Complex
chemicals manufactwed or disposed of, or the content of emissions. Alternatively, laboratory techniques (such as analytical chemistry or biological testing) can be used to monitor a site. Measurements may be made either by collecting environmental samples and analyzing them in the laboratory, or by performing in situ monitoring. In situ monitoring employs indigenous species collected at or a asite test species intraduced to a site. These species are called indicator, or sentinel, organisms. The in situ approach monitors two basicmethods: Itmeasures the bioaccumulation of toxic environmentalpollutionby of the organisms, and it measures the adverse effects of the toxicants on chemicals in the tissues the organism. This monitoring technique is especially important because it represents a realworld exposure scenario in which complex physical and chemical interactions in the environment affect outcome. Several reviews have been published on this subject area (Sandhu et al., 1990; McBee and Bickham, 1990). of field application. They have been used Genetic bioassays have been used at every level to analyze and rank sources of environmental genotoxicity(Houk, 1992), to identify causative agents and to trace them to their source (Van Hoof and Verheyden, 1981; Lewis et al., 1988), to monitor the effectiveness of process modifications implemented by an industry (McGeorge et al., 1985). to monitor rural and urban airsheds (Wattset al., 1988, Barale et al., 1990), to monitor cleanup at Superfund sites (Hughes et al., 1993), and to monitor human exposures (Leonard et al., 1985; Matsushita et al., 1990). In situ applications include the introduction of sentinel al., 1983), organismstodetectgenotoxichazards at apetrochemicalcomplex(Loweret et al.,1993). In at industrial sites (Schairer et al., 1979), and at a Superfund site (Hughes addition, feral animals, pets, and indigenous plant species have been collected from various settings and examined for evidence of genotoxic damage. Feral rodents collected at Superfund siteswereusedtodemonstrateanassociationbetweenhazardouswasteexposuresinboth chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei (Thompson et al., 1988; Tice et al., 1987; McBee et al., 1987). Pet dogs were used in a recent studyby Backer et al. (1993) to link exposure to Superfund sites with increased micronuclei frequency. Klekowski and Levin (1979) utilized a fern growing along a heavily polluted river to demonstrate the cytogenetic effects of a pulp and paper mill effluent. 2. HumanMonitoring Epidemiological studies provide the most compelling evidencefor characterization of hazard. By definition, confirmation of a “human” carcinogen requires evidence from humans. However, periods, lack of the deficiencies normally associated with epidemiological studies (long latency sensitivity, selection of controlpopulations,and so forth)arecompoundedwhentryingto establish a causal link between exposure to a mixture and an adverse health effect. To be of use in quantitative risk assessments of mixtures, epidemiological analyses must provide quantitative dose-response functions which, in turn, rely on accurate exposure characterizations. Direct measurements of body burden maybe performed to verify uptake by exposed individuals or to estimate internal dose. Because itis not possible to measure the concentration of all xenobiotics in bodily tissues or fluids, surrogate compounds (mixture component chemiof cals) are often used as indicators of exposure to a mixture. For example, the detection benzo[ulpyrene (B[alP) would suggest exposureto polyaromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs). Radiolabeled surrogate carcinogens can be used to study the low-dose response for DNA adduct formation,therebyenhancingtheapplicationofthisapproach(Lutz et al.,1990).Another indicator of internal dose to humans is the measurement of urinary mutagens with the Salmonella assay. This method has been used to detect exposure to tobacco smoke, as toasoccupational well chemicals (Everson, 1986). or preclinicaleffects Methodsalso are availableto measm earlybiologicresponse
(Oncogen&. genes) (Monltorlng suppc genes)
Figure 13 The useof DNA adduct dosimetryto enhance exposure assessment.
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Mixtures of Complex
(the biologically effective dose). These methods, called biomarkers, reveal information about the relation between exposure, response or effect, and individual susceptibility. Because biomarkers are manifested before disease onset, they are particularly attractive to cancer epidemiology. Chromosomal aberrations, sister-chromatid exchanges, and somatic gene mutations are examples of indices of nonspecific exposure to mutagenic or carcinogenic substances. However, their observation does not necessarily result in a deleterious health outcome. DNA adducts are another example of a biomarker of carcinogen exposure. Because of evidence indicating that carcinogens initiate the malignant process by specifically alteringDNA are structure by binding to DNA bases, it has been suggested that carcinogen-DNA adducts markers of tumor initiation. The DNA adducts have beenused as biomarkers of exposure in a variety of studies involving complex mixtures, including occupational exposures (Phillips et al., 1988; Perrera et al., 1988), lifestyle exposures (Mumford et al., 1993; Savela and Hemminki, 1991), industrial exposures (Lewtas et al., 1993), and ambient exposures (Hemminki et al., 1990). In the future, determinationofcarcinogen-DNAadductlevelsinhumans may be compared with the levelsknown to produce tumors in experimental animals (a variation of the parallelogram method) to provide relevant extrapolation from animal tests to human health risk. Figure 13 illustrates the use of DNA adduct dosimetry in potential tumor-target sites and in surrogate tissues to provideconelative information on molecular dose which, in turn,may be as gene mutation (including activation of oncogenes or linked to data on biological effects, such inactivation of tumor suppressor genes) and chromosomal aberration. The combination of data in target and surrogate tissues can provide a more rational basis for exposur+effects assessment as a major componentof the risk assessmentprocess.
V. THE RISK ASSESSMENT STRATEGY The selectionof a risk assessment strategy depends on the strength of the data gathered at each stage of the risk assessment paradigm (see Fig. 1). The following discussion separates risk assessment into three groups: qualitative; quantitative, using comparative methods; and quantitative, using probabilistic methods. For complex mixtures, the amount of useful information significantly declines as one moves from qualitative to more quantitative levels.
A. QualitativeRiskAssessment The largest obstacle to generating health risk estimates for complex mixtures is the lack of relevantdata. It is impossible to quantitateall of theconstituentchemicalsinamixture; moreover, most toxicity testing has been conducted at high exposure levels on single chemicals, rather than on combinations of chemicals. Nonetheless, risk can be crudely classified with limited information. Depending on response be in genotoxicity tests and prevalence in the environment, simple classification schemes can developed based on weight-ofevidence evaluations. For example, genotoxic agents can be classified as possible, probable, or demonstrated human (somatic) mutagens, depending on available data (Lewtas et al., 1994a). When combined with information on exposure,a qualitativecategorization ofriskfromhigh to lowmay be possible.Suchassessmentscanalert areas, or they can provide guidance in the selection of agents investigators to potential problem for additional study. An example of this kindof analysis is provided byHouk (1992) in which complex mixtures (industrial wastes and effluents) were ranked according to mutagenic potency in the Salmonella assay(Table 3). Mutagenicpotencydatawerethencombinedwithinformationonindustrial emission rates to calculate a daily mutagenic burden to the surrounding environment.
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Tabk 3 Distribution of the Mumgenic Potencies of Industrial Wastes and Effiuents Based on Activity per Unit Mass (Revertantsper milligram [rev/mg]*) Potency (revhg)
Composited organic wastesfrom a hazardous waste incineration facility Petrochemical wasteoil (coke plant wasteand waste paints), crude waste
Chemical manufacturing (industrial organics)
Condensate blend of wastewater from munitions production; herbicide manufacturing (acetone/water) Effluent from the manufacture of dyesand epoxy resins;chlorinationstage effluent; pulp and paper mill effluent, biotrertted, cake plant effluent; r e f i i waste (API oil-water separator sludge), basicfraction
Pulp and paperwaste;wastewaters from the manufactumofhairdyes and herbicides; used crankcase oil Paperdyeingandmanufacture;plasticizerwaste;chemical (pemxides) manufacturing effluent; wood preserving waste, acidfraction; textile dyeing; pharmaceu(API oil-water separator sludge), tical manufacturing; petruchemical plant waste acidfraction;combined API/slopoil emulsions;neutralfraction;stormwater runoff, neutral fraction; foundry effluent; vinyl chloride production waste@ D C tar);resins manufacturing effluent; paper dyeing; wood-preserving M om sediment, crude waste; petroleum refinery effluent (2 independent studies) Kraft pulp mill fiber waste (water-soluble compounds); acetonitrile bottom stream, basic fraction
Pharmaceutical wastewater, electroplating effluent; resin manufacturing; surfactants manufacture; PVC wastewater
.See Houk (1992) for additional explanation.
of Complex Mixtures
By using published data on the range of mutagenic potencyfor other complex environmental mixtures (e.g., automobile exhaust), the mutagenic risks posed by industrial effluents couldbe compared with those of other environmental sources (Table 4). This represents a simple, but effective, way to qualitatively rank hazards (basedon a single endpoint) and to express relative risk. Such efforts canbe used to target contaminant sources for mitigation or settopriorities for regulatory action.
B. Quarrtitative Risk Assessment Using Comparative Methods Comparative assessments of risk rely heavily on experimental data to infer human risk. The information produced by thisprocess may be used to compareor rank risks between mixtures and to establish prioritiesfor action, but it should notbe considered ameasure of absolute risk, an adverse effect. nor can it predict the probability of One approach for characterizingthe risks associated with complexmixtures is the hazard index (Svendsgaard and Hertzberg, 1993). This quantitative decision aid relies onthe concept of response additivity. Constituents of the mixture are identified and assigned human cancer potency values (when available), and the risk values are then summed to estimate the overall a hazard, or toxicity, risk of the mixture (USEPA, 198611). The product of this exercise is index that can assist in assigning priorities for action. The most notable deficiency of this approach is the potentialfor incomplete d a b b o t h chemical andtoxicological-on chemicals composing the mixture.
Environmental 4 - b w - m media
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In certain circumstances, data on mixture components may be incomplete,butitmay be conjectured that the mixture consists of chemical congeners or homologues. In such instances, theEPA recommends the toxicity equivalency factor approach (seeSchany and Marogosches, 1989). Thecarcinogenicpotency (from animalbioassays) ofthe individual chemical congeners that make up the mixtureare compared with the carcinogenic potency of a signature isomer possessing a relatively extensive health effects database. The potency of each m congener relative to the signature compound is then calculated, and these relative potencies multiplied by their concentration in themixture and summed to estimate the total cancer risk, This approach has been proposed to estimate risks associated with mixtuns of chlorinated dioxinsandfuransusingtheisomer tetrachlorodibenzo-pdioxin (TCDD) as thesignature compound (Bellin and Barnes, 1987). In this scheme, TCDD is assigned a value of 1, and the The estimated dioxins and furans are assigned a toxicity equivalency factor relative to TCDD. risks for each component are summed, and exposure data are incorporated to estimate the potential human hazard. Another exampleis provided by Thorslund (1991), who suggests that risks from mixtures containing PAHs can be estimated by using the carcinogenic potency of B[a]P to establish “B[a]P equivalents” for each PAH. This method may be useful for simple mixtures or for complex mixtures for whichbeit shown can that the chemical congeners account as with the hazard index, for the majorityof the carcinogenicityof the whole mixture. However, or responses are additive.It thereby ignores the potential this method assumes that either doses for interactions among components and does not take into account agents that may display dissimilar modes of action. In contrast,comparativepotencymethods,whichrelatethegenotoxicpotency of one mixture to another, do not exclude the potential for interactions. Moreover, comparative potenc offers the advantageof evaluating the whole mixture, rather than its constituents. The comparativepotencymethodwasinitiallyconceptualized to estimatelungcancerrisks for diesel emissions (bwtas et al., 1981; Harris, 1981). Data from short-term mutagenicity assays and animal tumorigenicity studies were combined with epidemiological cancer data for specific tar emissions). occupational and high-dose exposures (cigarette smoke, coke oven, and roofing This approach provided a comparative basis by which to estimate the lung cancer risk for a similar combustion emission (diesel) for which human data were not available. Human lung cancer unit risks for diesel emission sources were then calculated (Albert et al.,1983). illustrating the ability of comparative potency methods to yield absolute estimatesof risk (Fig. 14). Since these initial studies were conducted, additional comparative potency values have been developed for gasoline vehicle emissions and coal, oil, and wood combustion (Lewtas, 1988). A high correlation was demonstrated between the mutagenic potency in the Salmonella assay and the tumorigenic potency in mice for diesel and gasoline emission engines. These tumorigenic and mutagenic potencies,in turn, were highly correlated with the concentration of nitrated PAHs and PAHsin the extracts of polycyclic organic matter. This evidence suggests that the chemical similarity of these automotive emissions may justify the use of short-term mutagenicity assays mixtures that are chemically similar. to estimate the comparative human risk for
C. Quantitative Risk Assessment Using Probabilistic Methods
Probabilistic assessments of risk involve evidence that is directly relevant to humans; that is, they rely on data obtained from studies of human populations or studies of experimental anima closely linked to humans. A numerical risk estimate, which expresses the likelihood or probability that an adverse effect willoccur, is derived from the data. For mutagenicity, this expression reflects the likelihood that a change m mutation rate will occur. This change in mutation rate may be measured by an increase of genetic disease per
Genetic Toxicologyof Complex Mixtures
" " 0.5
Figure 14 Correlation between unit cancer risks from epidemiology dataand mouse skin tumorigenicity data. The correlation constantis 0.95. (Adapted fnnn Nesnow, 1990.) generation or by the fractional increase in the assumed spontaneous human mutation rate (Jarabek and Farland, 1990). Estimation of the probability of heritable genetic disease from exposure to a genotoxic agent currently relies on in vivo mammalian germ cell mutagenicity data (USEPA, 1986b). To date, no known human heritable gene mutagen has been identified, making this endpoint of limited significance for regulatory purposes (Farland, 1992). Forcarcinogens,numericalestimatesareexpressed as unit-risk values, defied as the lifetime probability of cancer death given a specified lifetime exposure. Unit risk values are derived from a combinationof experimental and epidemiological findings, and are predicated on the linear nonthreshold extrapolation model to estimate human cancer risk lowatdoses. To illustrate, human lung cancer unit risk values were calculated for three emission sourcestar,and cokeovens-using data from animal tumorigenicity studies and cigarette smoke, roofing lung cancer epidemiology investigations (Albert et al., 1983). An extension of this research and an example of an integrated cancer risk assessment is provided bytheworkofMumford et al. (1987, 1990, 1993) in which several kinds of to examinetheetiologiclinkbetweenindoor exposureandeffectsinformationwereused air pollution and lung cancer. These researchers conducted a study of residents of Xuan Wei, an unusually high rate of lung cancer mortality. The high-mortality a rural county in China, with rate could not be attributed to tobacco use or occupational exposures. but rather, was related to exposure to emissions in poorly ventilated homes from smoky coal, a fuel used for both heating and cooking. Studies were designed to evaluate the relation between domestic fuel and lung cancer by monitoring both the immediate environment and the affected population. Information onthree different fueltype-moky coal, smokeless coal, and wood-was gathered and analyzed. Air samples were collected at each site and analyzed for PAHs and nitrogencontaining PAHs known to cause cancer in animals. Concentrationsof airborne particles and their size distributionweremeasured.Genotoxicitytests(includinginvitromutagenicity assays in Salmonella and mouse lymphoma cells, as well as cell transformation in rodent epithelial cells) were performed using extracts of the air samples. The mouse skin carcinogenicity assay was used as a two-stage cancer model to study both the initiation and promo-
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tion activity of the samples. The mouse skin tumorigenicity data was then combined with to invesair-monitoring data (for exposure estimates) and compared with epidemiological data tigate the etiological link between smoky coal combustion and lung cancer. Finally, tissues (placenta, cord blood, and peripheral blood) were obtained from exposed and control populati and analyzed for the presence of DNA adducts. Results from these studies, both collectively and individually, consistently showed a strong elements of this scientific etiologic link between indoor smoky coal and lung cancer. the Each of investigation contributed pertinent informationto the assessment of human health hazard and risk and extended the comparative potency database. It is when such consistent findings are demonstrated among chemical, physical, toxicological, and epidemiological findings that one obtains the accumulated evidence suggesting strong etiologic links between exposure to compl or other genetically mediated health effects. environmental mixtures and human cancer
The future of risk assessment research on complex environmental mixtures, especially in the field of genetic toxicology, is indeed promising. New molecular technologies have kenabled t investigationof the effectof exposures to genetic toxicantson the structureand function of DNA. These same molecular technologies are providing information on individual susceptibilities conferred by genetic heritage. Thus, it should be possible from the scientific perspective to identifythoseindividualswhowillexhibit a greater health risk from exposure to genetic toxicants, and perhapsto encourage minimizationof such exposures. This new knowledge ofthe molecular genetics of cancer and genetically mediated diseases may be expected to enhanceour understanding of the interactions between genetic susceptibilities and environmental factors. Such interactions are believed to account for the major influence of environmental exposureson cancer and genetic disease, with “purely” genetic and “purely” environmental factors individually making much smaller contributions. Key mutational eventsin cancer causation(e.g., mutation in the tumor suppressor genep53) are rapidly being discovered. These findings present unique aids in cancer diagnostics, useful the d e v e l o p n t of new biologically based biomarkers for cancer epidemiology, and tools for riskassessmentmodels.Suchmodels,now in their infancy,may be expected to guide the implementation of more appropriateand scientifically defensible risk assessment procedures. Nothing said in the foregoing is to imply that current technologies involving the use of short-term tests and whole-animal chronic studies, analytical chemical methods, and environmental exposure monitoring will not be of future importance. These technologies have made importantcontributiunstoriskassessments for complexenvironmentalmixtures, and the importance of this research will only increase as these technologies develop and as they are combined with the new molecular tools for toxicological research. Thus, advances in toxicological research willbe paralleled by advances in analytical chemistry and monitoring technology. For example, apportionment methods, such as source dispenion modeling (the modeling of of source ambient dispersionof various source emissions) and receptor modeling (the modeling tracers through the ambient environmentas they reach the receptor), will have major effects on the assessmentof human exposures to complex environmental mixtures. Critical to future risk assessments of complex mixtures will be the proper identificationand pursuit of researchtargets of opportunity to morecslrefullydefinethelinkagesbetween exposures to complex mixtures and genetic alterations (biomarkers) in human populations. Th targets of opportunity exist now in those partsof the world that have suffered severe environmental degradation. Such research to understand the long-term effects of genetic damage to
Genetic Toxicology of Complex Mixtures
human somatic and germinal tissues is essential to future environmental health protection and
genetic risk assessment.
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22 The Effect of Combined Exposures of Chlorine, Copper, and Nitrite on Methemoglobin Formation in Red Blood Cells of Dorset Sheep Cynthia J. Langlois, James A. Garreffi, Linda A. Baldwin, and EdwardJ. Calabrese University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts
Simultaneous exposure to agents that can oxidize the hemoglobin of the red blood cell to methemoglobin is common. Although the effects of some of these agents have been documented Moore and individually, few studies have assessed the interaction potential of such agents. red blood cells, reportedan additive effect Calabrese (1980), in their in vitro study with sheep in the formation of methemoglobin induced by copper and chlorite. That study, however, was limited in that the effectsof only one test level of copper and chlorite (3 mM)were examined. This chapter presents two in vitro studies that extend the initial data Moore of and Calabrese (1980) by modification of study design and provide insight into the c m n t risk assessment assumptions of mixtures. Sheep were chosen as the animal model because, unlike rodents, their 1966). In methemoglobin-reducingcapabilities are similar to humans(SmithandBeutler, addition, sheep are also a model for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency (Calabrese and Horton, 1986). Copper, chlorite, and nitrite were selected as methemoglobinare ubiquitous and exposure to them is common. forming agents because they
II. STUDY l Thefirststudycomprised two separateexperimentsdesigned to assessvariouslevels of oxidizing agents, concurrently, on nonpregnant, female Dorset sheepredblood cells (Calabrese et al., 1992). The two experiments assessedjoint concentrations of copper andnitrite (experiment 1) and 401
Langlois et al.
Table 1 Methemoglobin Production for Part A, Copper'and Nitrite Interaction, Mean Percent f Standard Deviation Concentration of Nitrite, mM 0
3 2.77 0.0625 0
g 0
*g 8
10.19 5 0.50 13.70
U 3.28 0.125 rr
5.20 8
1.27 4.78
0.75 6.44
0.0625 2.34 0.43 3.26 0.79 4.11 1.17 6.89 1.29 10.53 2.94 14.97 5.40
0.125 3.43 0.47 4.09 0.69 5.10 1.74 7.92 1.92 10.91 2.79 15.34 5.46
0.25 5.24 0.81 5.97 0.81 7.43 1.53 8.87 1.85 13.70 4.87 19.06 8.60
0.50 9.15 1.76 9.96 0.99 10.98 1.38 13.02 2.62 17.18 6.40 23.40 9.90
0.75 13.28 2.39 12.76 0.89 13.91 1.24 15.69 2.16 21.18 5.50 27.59 10.50
copper and chlorite (experiment2) that produced methemoglobin levels of 1.25,2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 15.0% separately.
A. Copper and Nitrite Joint Exposure (Experiment 1) Analysis of methemoglobin values observed in 'Igble 1 revealed that the effect of this mixture wasadditiveacross all levels of concurrent exposun. Table 2 likewisesupportsthe additive natureof the concurrentexpos-, based on the high degreeof similarity betweenthe expected and observed values throughout the entire dose In range. addition, the generally parallel nature of the dose-response curves (Fig. 1) support the lack of interaction of the copper and nitrite exposure. The statistical analyses revealed that the additive hypothesis was not rejected (p> 0.05). thereby further substantiating the additive relationship.
Table 2 Methemoglobin Production for Part B Copper/Chlorite Interaction, Mean Percent f Standard Deviation
Concentration of Chlorite, mM
3g 2.130.0625 0
6 3.03 rr
50 8
0.50 8.6
0 1.36 0.29
0.52 0.60 5.06 0.98 1 1.85
0.75 2.80
.25 1.77 0.52 2.03 0.56 3.42 0.56 5.20 0.66
9.57 1.57 14.34 2.40
.so 2.22 0.73 2.68 0.59 3.64 0.68 5.96 0.91 10.00 1.09 15.44 2.70
1.o 4.12 1.93 4.15 1.04 5.3 1 1.16 7.93 1.44 10.73 2.87 16.10 4.40
2.0 9.50 2.55 9.65 1.04 9.65 2.42 12.44 2.86 17.35 4.04 24.43 5.90
3.0 14.63 3.32 14.47 2.91 15.20 4.40 16.74 3.47 25.84 7.51 30.23 6.60
Efect of Cl, Cu, NO2 on MerHb Formation in RBC
f 0
AniMte .125mM Xnttfite .75 mM
t3niMle .0625mM +nitrite .50mM
Onitrite O.OmM Onitflte .25mM
CO~P&~&I mM
Figure 1 Combination copper and nitrite concentrations versus percentage methemoglobin inpart A.
B. Copper and Chlorite Joint Exposure (Experiment 2) As in the copper and nitrite joint exposures, the levels of methemoglobin observed in the concurrent copper and chlorite experiment suggest that effects were additive (Table 3). Table 4 supports the additive relationshipof the concurrent exposure, based onthe similarity between the expected and observed values throughout the entire dose range evaluated. Furthermore, the generally parallel natureof the dose-response curves (Fig. 2) c o n f i i the lackof interaction of , the combined copper and chlorite exposure. However, the statistical analysis rejected the additive hypothesis (p< 0.05). Although the statistical analysis did not support the additive relationship, of the thedeviationfromadditivity is quitemodest,giventhegenerallyparallelnature dose-response curves and the similarityof observed and expected values.
Table 3 Observed VersusExpected Values for Part A Concentration of Nitrite, mM 0
1.62 1.14
2.77 0.0625
U Q-l
2.24 0.125
0.25 0.50
3.28 3.34 5.20 5.54 10.19 9.94
13.70 U 0.75 14.34
0.0625 2.34 2.09 3.26 3.19 4.1 1 4.29 6.89 6.49 10.53 10.98 14.97 15.29
0.125 3.43 3.04 4.09 4.14 5.10 5.24 7.92 7.44 10.91 11.84 15.34 16.24
5.24 4.94 5.97 6.04 7.43 7.14 8.87 9.34 13.70 13.74 19.06 18.14
0.50 9.15 8.74 9.96 9.84 10.98 10.94 13.02 13.14 17.18 17.54 23.40 21.92
0.75 13.28 12.54 12.76 13.64 13.91 14.74 15.69 16.94 21.18 21.34 27.59 25.74
Langlois et al.
Table 4 Observed Versus E x w e d Values for Part B ~~
Concentration of Chlorite, mM 0
g R
1.36 1.22 2.13 1.51 3.03 2.23 5.06 4.41 8.61 9.30 13.11 14.56
0.25 1.77 1.72 2.03 2.01 3.42 2.82 5.20 4.91 9.57 9.80 14.34 15.06
2.22 2.32 2.68 2.61 3.64 3.42 5.96 5.51 10.00 10.04 15.44 15.66
1.0 4.12 3.64 4.15 3.93 5.31 4.74 7.93 6.38 10.73 11.72 16.10 16.98
2.0 9.50 9.40 9.65 9.79 9.65 10.60 12.44 12.69 17.35 17.58 24.43 22.84
3.0 14.63 15.19 14.47 15.48 15.20 16.29 16.74 18.38 25.84 23.27 30.23 28.53
111. STUDY 2 The second study involved a series of experiments in which four levels of each chemical were 1992). The concentrations employed tested in all possible combinations (Langlois and Calabrese, 0,2.5,5, and 10% methemoglobin. See Table 5 for means and standard were those that produced deviations, and Table6 for observed versus expected values.
A. Two-wayInteractions
The two-way interactions between cupric plus chlorite and cupric plus nitrite were strictly additive; as was expected. Figures 3 and 4 show the parallelism of the dose-response curves, which further suggests additivity. One interesting finding was that the other two-way interactio chlorite plus nitrite, was not additive. The observed values were significantly lower than the OcMorHe, OmM Ochlorke, 1.OmM
g *
Uchlortte, 25mM +chlorite, 20mM
Achlortte. bOmM
) 1 the curve is convex when d c (( 1 y1)b-I} and concave when d > ( (1 yl)b" } l&. If the dose is scaled to bein the range of [0,1], the inflection point is a strictly increasing function of y, and approaches 1 as y + Q). When data to be modeled are not comparable with these properties, the Weibull model, however, may notbe satisfactory. It is worthwhile to mention the model
of single-hit proposed by Rai and Van Ryzin (1985) in a pioneering effort to adapt the concept kinetics and to use the litter sizeS as a covariate to account for extrabinomial variation in the malformation rate. The use of litter size in the dose-response model alone, however, is not sufficient to characterize the extrabinomial variation. Faustman et al. (1989) applied this model NTP studies.Kodelletal. (1991) proposedaWeibull toseveraldatasetsarisingfromthe S as covariates, but found that the model incorporating both a threshold dose and the litter size inclusion of litter size S did not significantly improve the goodnessof fit of the model. On the other hand, Allen et al. (1994b) preferred the inclusion of litter size as a covariate. In a joint of 11 NTP studies, Krewski and modeling of fetal malformation and prenatal death in a series of implants m to be a significant covariate. Zhu et al. (1994), Zhu (1994) did not find the number however, reported a contrary finding in a large-scale study with the herbicide 2,4,5-T (Holson et al., 1992) conducted by theU. S. National Center for Toxicology Research. 2. Model Fitting and GEEs The maximum likelihood method based on the p-binomial distributionbeen has widely usedfor of a full fitting dose-response modelstomalformationrates.However,thespecification likelihood functionmay be avoided by using the methodof quasi-score functionsor generalized estimating equations (GEEs) proposed by LiangZeger and (1986). The quasi-likelihood method based was used by Williams(1982) to fit a linear logistic model. Whereas the moment method, on Pearson's x2 statistics was used by Williams (1982), Ryan (1992). and Krewski and Zhu (1994). quadratic GEES were used by Zhu et al. (1994), and Krewski and Zhu (1995) to estimate the overdispersion parameters involved in the variance functions. The method of GEEs has several advantages. First, it is robust against misspecificationof the underlying distribution, since only the first two moments are required. This is especially attractive in a multivariate situation for which the underlying distribution is difficultto specify. Under certain conditions, GEEs include quasi-likelihood and likelihood equations as special GEES stillyield cases.Second,withthespecificationofaworkingcovariancefunction, consistentandasymptoticallynormalestimatesundermildregularityconditions,although
Analyses of Developmental Toxiciv Data
efficiency may decrease. The GEE estimators of parameters in the mean are nearly as efficient as the maximum likelihood estimators based on the Dirichlet-trinomial distribution, although those for the dispersion parametersare less efficient (Zhuet al., 1994). Third, GEEs are often computationally simpler to implement than maximum likelihood estimation. Cam and Portier(1993) considered the estimation of the slope In a recent simulation study, in a complementary logor extreme value doseresponse model under the P-binomial distribution. Their results confirm that quasi-likelihood estimation with moderate number of litters per dose group generally provides accurate parameter estimates. Moreovet; maximum likelihood estimates based on the P-binomial distribution with equal intralitter correlation across dose groups are typically biased when the true correlation increases with dose (Kupper et al., 1986). They also showed that the variance estimates for the slope using quasi-likelihood, bootstrap, or jackknife methods arein general close to the true variance. To illustrate the use of GEEs for dose-response modeling, consider the Weibull model [Eq.(14)] and the extended P-binomial variance function [Eq.(7)] with h$ = 1 + (S- 1)pi. Here, the distinct value pi is postulated for each dose group to accommodate the intralitter correlationthat is likely to increasewithdose(Kupper et al., 1986; Zhu et al., 1994). Alternatively, it is possible to model the intralitter correlation as a smooth function of dose (Prentice, 1986; .Moore, 1987; Williams, 1988), although the choice of a simple parametric function may not always be clear. The GEES for the parameters8 = (a,b,y)Tin Eq. (14) are given by
. To estimate the dispersion parameters[pi), the quadratic GEEs nr
c { 1 + Oij-11)pi) [~ q1{+
(i = 1, .. .,t) may be used, where the squared residuals (yu - sOZli)2 are used as responses (see Appendix A). The estimates 6 and [;i] are obtained by solving the Eqs. (15) and (16) iteratively until convergence. Details concerning the estimation of the variance-covariance for these parameter estimatesare given in AppendixA. Alternative to the GEE approach based on the variance function [Eq.(7)],we can apply the Rao-Scott (1992) transformation described in Section ILA to the data, and then solve GEES the [Eq.(15)] for 0 in association with the transformed dataG;ii,Ej) with the {pi}set to be zero. In this case, the estimates obtained by methods of GEESare asymptotically equivalentto maximum likelihood estimates based on the binomial likelihood function.
111. JOINT ANALYSIS OF DEATH AND MALFORMATION The methods discussed in Section II for analyzing a single outcome ofproportioncan be generalized for jointly analyzing the incidences of prenatal death and fetal malformation on the basis of P(-y,rl m) in Q. (2). It can be seen, moreover, that analyses of higher dimensional categorical data, the disaggregation of resorption and fetal death, for instance, can be conducted in analogy.
Zhu and Fung
A. Overdispersion Similar to the binomial counts of malfomed fetuses in a given litter, the trinomial counts of malformed fetuses and prenatal deaths@,r),given the numberof implants m within a dam,arc generally overdispersed relative to the standard trinomial distribution. Suitable characterization of this overdispersionis crucial for obtaining valid statistical inferences. Koa, 1969) providesa Ingeneral,Dirichlet-multinomialdistribution(cf,Johnsonand mechanism for describing multinomial data with certain types of overdispersion. A useful property of the Dirichlet-multinomial distributionis its collapsibility, inherited from the multinomial and Dirichlet distributions. Specifically, when a group of categories are collapsed, the original Dirichlet-multinomial distribution factors into a product of two lowerdimensional Dirichlet-multinomial distributions, one conditioning on the total of counts the collapsed groups, and the other marginal, with one category being the union of the collapsed categories. Any number of groups can be collapsed in this manner. counts (y,r) Consider, for example, the Dirichlet-trinomial distribution for the trinomial given m (Chen, et al., 1991). In addition to the conditional probability n1 that a live birth becomes malformed, let 7t2 be the probability of a prenatal death, and 41 be the intralitter comlation coefficient among implants. The Dirichlet-trinomial distribution is given by
Im;n1,n2,40 = X
rly + nl(1 - n2)(1 - $)/+l r[%l(l - 'Ic2)(1 -+)/$l
( -)
1 - 49/41 m y,rJ y r [ m+ (1 - W @ ]
m - Y + (1 - Xl)(l - n2)(1 - $)/$l - nl)(l - n2M - $)/$l
l-[r + n2(1 - $)/+l
- $)/+l
where r(.)is the y-function. Denoting byp . 1 = nl(1- n2) the probability that an implant may p2 = n2, Eq. (17) remains a valid probability function for lead to a malformed fetus and letting negative valuesof @ so far as $ > m m { - m - lpk -pk'
k = 1,2,3;
with p3= 1 - p1- p2. This result holdsin higherdimensional cases(Zhu et al., 1994). Following the discussion on collapsibility, the Dirichlet-trinomial distribution P(y,rI rn;alp2,$)canbe expressed as a product of two p-binomial distributions, one being P(y ls,m;nl,p), given in Q. ( 3 ,and the other being
r/m. The likelihood factorizawith the latter reflecting the distribution of the prenatal death rate of the incidences tion in Eq. (17) indicates a connection between the joint and separate analyses of prenatal death and fetal malformation. The Dirichlet-multinomial covariance further implies that the correlation coefficient p among live fetuses is determined by p = $[ 1 n2( 1 $)]-l, given the correlation coefficient $ among implants. Fairly large amounts of computation are usually required to conduct likelihood-based inferences on the basisof the Dirichlet-trinomial distribution. Therefore,we extend the discussion in SectionII on the moment-based statistical methods to the situation of jointly analyzing the incidences of prenatal death and fetal mal-
Analyses of Developmental Toxicity Data
formation. Again,we begin with how to characterize the extramultinomial variation by means of parametric covariance functions and transformation. l . Parametric Covariance Function By lettingz = (y,r)T, the mean and covariance of z conditional on the number of implants m may be described by
and Cov(z1m) = V = rnh-l[diag(p)
- ppT]
respectively, where h is a positive, real-valued function as in Eq. When h = 1, for example, Eq. (20) corresponds to the multinomial covariance;when hd = C l , Eq. (20) corresponds to the covariance $m[diag(p)
of the generalized linear model; when h~ = [l + (mu - l)$i]-', Eq. (20) corresponds to the Dirichlet-multinomial covariance. The Dirichlet-trinomial covariance function is further extended when Eq. (18) holds. Wemay also permit 0 > $ > -(m - l)" to allow for moderate underdispersion. Becauseof the upper bound$ 5 1, however, the extended Dirichlet-trinomial covariance functionmay not be able to describe extreme overdispersion. Again, it is convenient to postulate distinct value$i for each dose groupto allow for dose-dependence (Chen and Li, 1994; Zhu et al., 1994; Krewski and Zhu, 1994). 2. Transformation
Instead of specifying a parametric covariance function for the data, RaoScott the transformation for clustered binary data can be extendedto account for the extramultinomial variation in the trinomial counts ( n u and Krewski, 1995; see Appendix B). This transformation has several advantages over direct analysis of the original correlated data. First, since the transformation does not require the specification of a covariance function, it may enjoy certain degree of robustness. Second, since the first two momentsof the transformed data can be approximated by those of the multinomial distribution, standard methods associated with the multinomial distribution are readily applicable. For example, x2 statistics may be used as a measure of goodness-of-ft. Third, the analysis of transformed data is computationally simpler than thatof theoriginaldatawithaparametriccovariancefunction.Inananalysis of11 experiments conducted under the U. S. National Toxicology Program, Krewski and Zhu (1995) found that dose-response models fitted to the transformed data were practically equivalent to models fitted to the original data using the Dirichlet-trinomial covariance function. Specifically, the Rao-Scott transformation for the overdispersed trinomial data is defined as A
= zu/Di, h
1, .
where Diis an estimateof the average design effect
Zhu and Fung
with mi.vui (k = 1,2,3) being the variances for the components of pthe u p total counts
6i.s ri.9 si. -yi.) A
given the total number of implants mi. per dose group. To compute Di, pli,f2i, and p3i are A A A A replaced by their sample estimatespli = yi./mi., p2i =ri./mi., and p3i = 1 p1i - p2i, respectively; and v m (k = 1.2.3) replaced by the corresponding sample variances
be used. Values of D[ less respectively. Other reasonable estimates of these quantities may also or greaterthan unity indicatedoverdispenion or underdispersion,respectivelyrelativeto multinomial variation. With moderately large samples, the mean and covariance of the transformed data may be approximated by
EGjI &g)
+ O(tt7ln)
and Var(gjIiiig) = &g[diag(pi)
- pipr] + O(nF1n)
respectively, which are similar in structure to those of the multinomial distribution. Therefore, methods basedon trinomial distribution canbe applied tothe transformed data.
B. Generalized Score Tests for Trend Generalizedscorestatistics can bederivedinanalogy to thosefortheincidence of fetal malformation (see Appendix C).Again, we assume that the response probabilities of prenatal are given by models of the form death and fetal malformation
[Q+ bkM4 W]
(R= 1,2) with the monotone transformations q~=q(.,yk)for dose, and that the covariance 8 = (yT,hTf, function is of the formof Q.(20).Partitioning the parameter vector8 into two sets with \v = (bl, and h = ( q ,a2, p, thecompositenullhypothesisofno-doseeffectcan be expressed as Ho:W = ( b 1 . W = (O.0lT
Analyses of Developmental Toxiciry Data
withthevalue of h, andpossibly the dispersionparametersinvolvedin the covariance, unspecified. To test the null hypothesis EEq.(23)], we can use the generalized score statistics
y1 and n involved in the transformationsmay be estimated by solving the equations
statistics or by the dispersion parameters may be estimated by, for example, Pearson’s quadratic estimating equations (see Sec. 1II.C). Since the statistics EEq. (2411 approximately
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follow the distribution with two degrees of freedom as ni +m at comparable rates, large values of the statistics indicate a significant dose effect. Similar to the generalized score statistics for fetal malformation, the statisticsin 4.(24) and their distribution under the null hypothesis are also free of F(-).The choice ofq k generally has an impact on the power of these tests, although not ontype theI error. Further research on the behavior of these statistics, especially under the alternative hypothesis, is useful. Note that the second term in Eq. (24) is exactly the square of the statistics in Eq. (11). as applied to the proportionofprenataldeath.Moreover,thefirsttermin Eq. (24) is similar to the square of Eq. (11) as applied to the proportionof fetal malformation, in that it can be obtained from Eq.(11) by substituting the expected number of live birthsrno(1- n20) for sv in the denominator, and using r(1 as given in Eq. (25) instead of Eq. (12). This connection indicates that the score tests based on the trinomial countsof prenatal death and fetal malformationare more sensitive than tests conducted separately on death or malformation, especially when the dose effect is weak in one or both outcomes.
l . Identity l'jansfonnation for Dose Under the identify transformation for dose, the statistics
[Es.(24)] reduce to
and can be easily extendedto the caseof higher-dimensional categorical data. Various function can be chosen for h to accommodate differenttypes of variation. In particular, choosing h = 1 leads to a multinomial version of the Cochran-hitage statistic, applicableto the transformed data after using the Rao-Scott transformation.
C. Joint Dose-Response Modeling Extending the discussion in Section II.C, we now describe joint dose-response modelingof the incidence of fetal malformation and prenatal death, using the Weibull models
nk(d) = 1
- exp { -(ak + b&}
(k = 1,2). Given n1 and n2, overall toxicity is then measured by the probability
to a malformation. that an implant is either resorbed, dead, or led 1. Model Fitting and GEES Let e k = (ak,bk,y# (k = 1,2). We set the working covariance matrix Wlu equal to the extended Eq. (20), with h" = 1+ (m- l)+.The GEES(see Appendix A) Dirichlet-trinomial covariance in for estimating 0 = (eT,e$ simplify totwo separate setsof equations
Data AnalysesToxicity of Developmental
involving 81 and eZ respectively. To estimate the intralitter correlation coefficients equations
(i = 1,
wemay use a set of quadratic
...,t), with
and Dzj = aOij&. We also choose W ~ =Qa$for convenience,as the third and fourth moments of ZQ m unknown.Note thatthemultivariate Pearson squaredresiduals (~g-m0pi)~Wi,$ (zu- mow) afterfittingtheWeibullmodels to data are treated as responsesinthequadratic equations. The parameter estimates 01,02, and(&} are obtained by iteratively solvingEq. (27), (28). and (29), until convergence. At each iteration, Eqs. (27) and (28) are solved for 81 and &, respectively,with ($i) fixed at (&}; &S. (29) are solvedfor ( Q i } , with 81 andfixed at { 01 } and 02, respectively. Forthe transformed dataG, 3obtained using the Rao-Scott transformation, we simply set $i = 0 and solvejust Eqs. (27) and (28)for 81 and e2, as the transformed data are approximated by the mean and covariance of the multinomial distribution. mu), appropriate sample To guard against misspecification of the covariance function Var(zg1 moments may be used to obtain the sandwich estimates (Liang and Zeger, 1986; Moore and Tsiatis, 1991) for the variance and covariance of the parameter estimates. Namely, the variance estimates are given by
Zhu and Fung
430 W.
The generalized score tests and dose-msponse modeling techniques discussed in Section and I11 can be illustratedby using boththe mouse and rat data described in Section I.B.
A. Trend Tests Tests for trend in a single outcome (i.e., the incidence of prenatal death, the incidence of fetal malformation,or the incidenceof overall toxicity) were considered. The observed statistics given in IIgble 3 were computed under three variance functions: the &binomial variance h$ = [l + si^ - 1)pzI (BB); the generalized linear model variance hzl = Q (GLM);andthebinomial variance h = 1, after applying theRaoScott transformation (RS). Power transformations for the dose were used with the parameter y either fixed at unity (the indentity transformation) or at the value obtained from fitting a Weibull model to data under the extended P-binomial variance. This is merely for the purpose of illustrating potential difference between using or not using a power transformation for the dose. Other nuisance parameters were all evaluated under the null hypothesis, and the dispersion parameters associated with the methods ofBB and GLM were x2 statistic, respectively. Itwas assumed that estimated by the quadratic equations and Pearson's the extent of overdispersion from one dose group to another is influenced only by the dose.
Table 3 Generalized Score Statisticsfor Trend in the Binomial Proportionsof Prenatal Death, Fetal Malformation, and Overall Toxicity
Species Fetal malformation Mice Rats Prenatal death Mice
2.97 1.oo 1S9 1.m
7.46 7.35 2.53 2.38
8.26 7.88 2.56 2.41
5.76 5 A8 2.30 2.16
3.35 19.67 1.m
8.60 8.48 8.07 5.80
8.78 8.52 8.02 5.75
8.36 8.10 7.95 5.70
3.03 1.oo 11S5 1.oo
9.23 9.52 8.12 6.03
9.31 9.51 8.08 5.99
8.81 9.00 7.99 5.93
1.oo Rats
Overall toxicity
Mice Rats
.All statistics follow the standard normal distribution. bBB. bbmomial variance function; GLM, variance function of gcncralized linear model; RS, binomial variance applied to hansfmed
Analyses of Developmental Toxicity Data
Therefore, the dispersion parameters would be identical for all dose groups under the null hypothesis. This ledto the use of the pooled design effect (Rao and Scott, 1992).
in the Rao-Scott transformation. Haddosespecific the design effects been used in the Rao-Scott transformation, the values of the score statistics would have been larger, indicating a gain in power for detecting the dose effect. It is seen from Table3 that for the mouse data, the observed values of the statistics under different variance functions are comparable for the incidences of prenatal death and overall toxicity, whether ot not the power transformation was used. In the case of fetal malformation, however, the RaGcott transformation yielded statistics with values somewhat smaller than those of the other two methods. For the incidencesof prenatal death and overall toxicity in the rat data, the use of a power transformation under all three variance functions resulted in larger valuesof the statistics than without a transformation. This is mainly because DEHP had little effect on the incidences at lower dose levels, but markedly increased the incidences at the highest dose, resulting in a hockey stick type of dossresponse relationship (Fig. 3). Therefore, incorporating a power transformation for the dosein the score statistics reflects such a dose effect, resulting in increased 3% increase in the fetal values of the statistics.We also note that the 2-scores indicate that the malformation rates from the control to the highest dose group is highly significant, implying a severe adverse effectof DEHP. Multivariate score statistics for simultaneously testing trend in both the incidence of prenatal deathandtheincidenceofmalformationwerealsocomputedunderthethreecovariance functions: the extended Dirichlet-trinomialPT) the , generalized linear models(GLM), and the multinomial covariance appliedto the transformed data@S). In the latter, a pooled defgn effpt was used for all dose groups. The pooled design effect was obtained by substituting pm for pk in bi and taking averageof bfusing the weights(1 - ni/n.). It can be seen from Table4 that for
Table 4 Generalized Score Statistics for Trend in Trinomial Proportions of Renatal Deaths and Fetal Malformations Statisticsab Species
Mice Rats
( (1.00, 1.00) (2.92,21.4) (1.00, 1.00)
122.97 126.61 112.78 58.98
GLM 125.25 126.91 111.51 58.16
111.32 112.80 108.45 56.57
.All statistics follow a x2-distributionwith two degrees of fkdom. bDT, Direchlet-trinomialcovariance function: GLM,covariance function of generalized linear model; RS,ninomial covariance applied to transformed data.
Zhu and Fung
the rat data the statistics involving the power transformations yielded values approximately twice as large as those without the power transformations. Except for this difference, the observed statistics under thet h e covariance functions are comparable, suggesting comparable behavior of these statistics under the null hypothesis.
B. Dosedesponse Modeling The Weibull dose-response models were both separately and jointly fitted to the incidences of themodel of prenatal death, fetal malformation, and overall toxicity, and the estimates parametersbased onGEES are giveninTable 5 andTable 6, respectively.Theextended P-binomial variance function was used in separate modeling.For the rat data, the dose-response curves for the incidencesof prenatal death, and overall toxicity exhibit the shape of a hockey stick, a commonphenomenonseen in developmentaltoxicitydata.Here,theestimates of theparameter y areusuallyaccompanied by alargestandarderror.Sincetheratsinthe second dose group had identically zero response rates in malformation, also a common phewas actuallydeletedto nomenonthatmaycausedifficultiesinanalysis,thisdosegroup obtain convergence in model-fitting. Experience indicates that deletion of a dose group with zero response rates in malformation may be avoided by joint modeling of the incidences of death and malformation.
Table 5 Estimates of the Parametem of the Weibull Models* Fitted to the Incidences of Death, Malformation, and Overall Toxicity Using GEES with P-Binomial Variance (SE)
Fetal Parameter malformation a
Y Pl/h
Pdb P3N3
pd$4 P545
0.014 (0.008) 2.179 (0.504) 2.967 (0.448) 0.181 (0.117) -0.036 (0.009) 0.240 (0.090) 0.275 (0.111) 0.299 (0.233)
Prenatal death
overall toxicity
Fetal malformation
0.104 (0.017) 1.933 (0.330) 3.347 (0.5 18) 0.494 (0.174) -0.019 (0.018) -0.013 (0.019) 0.446 (0.092) 0.409 (0.079)
0.126 (0.023) 3.887 (0.741) 3.030 (0.419) 0.397 (0.128) -0.013 (0.016) 0.106 (0.044) 0.417 (0.089) 0.277 (0.170)
0.012 (0.007) 0.029 (0.018) 1.593 (1.975) -0.010 (0.010) b
0.022 (0.049) 0.003 (0.032) 0.006 (0.044)
0.046 (0.008) 0.794 (0.1 84) 19.67 (19.25) -0.012 (0.022) -0.022 (0.020) 0.063 (0.102) -0.013 (0.018) 0.603 (0.075)
0.053 (0.009) 0.818 (0.184) 11.55 (2.245) 0.023 (0.041) -0.03 1 (0.018) 0.089 (0.090) -0.030 (0.01 6) 0.564 (0.074)
.Highest dose scaled to unity, bIncidencwof fetal malformationwere all zcro in the second dosegroup, and subsequently deletedto obtain convergence in model-fitting.
Analyses of Developmental Toxicity Data
Table 6 Estimates of the Parameters of the Trinomial Weibull Dose-Response Models Fitted to the Original (m? and Transformed Data (SE) Mice DT
Parameter RS
Fetal malformation
Intralitter correlation
0.011 (0.010) 1.832 (0.524) 2.675 (0.421) 0.106
henatal death
(0.017) 1.888 (0.281) 3.162 (0.5 18) 0.368 (0.171) 4.027 (0.011) 0.083 (0.029) 0.298 (0.061) 0.283 (0.072)
1.868 (0.532) 2.675 (0.395)
(0.003) 0.065 (0.037) 2.918 (1.993)
0.116 (0.017) 1.813 (0.278) 3.345 (0.572)
0.047 (0.008) 0.794 (0.138) 21.38 (32.71)
0.005 (0.003) 0.064
(0.041) 3.119 (2.194) 0.046 (0.007)
0.7% (0.149) 19.95 (20.69)
0.222 (0.130) -0.055 (0.023) 0.100 (0.068)
(0.018) 0.287 (0.115)
*Highest dose scaled to unity.
denotes estimates based on GEES with the extended Dirichlet-trinomial covariance; RS denotes estimates based on GEES with m u l t i n d covariance function after applying the transformation to data.
Joint modeling of the incidences of fetal malformation and prenatal deathwas performed on both the original data, with an extended Dirichlet-trinomial covariance functionPT) and , on the transformed data after applying the Rao-Scott transformation (RS). In the latter case, the estimated design effects,Bi (i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). are 3.29, 0.84, 1.64, 4.71, and 4.37 for the mouse data, and 0.95, 0.46, 1.49, 0.93, and 4.38 for the rat data. It is seen from Table 6 that the estimates of the parameters obtained by these two methods are comparable, as are the associated standarderrors. The fitted modelsare shown in Figs.2 and 3 for the mouse andrat data, respectively. Here,
Zhu and Fung
F e s J
Concentration ("h) Figure 2 Dose-responsemodels for the incidence of prenatal death, fetal malformation, and overall toxicity in mice exposed to DEW. Dotted lines denote models fittedto the transformed data; solid lines denote modelsfitted to the originaldata under the extended Dirichlet-multinomial covariance; dashed lies denote models fitted separately to a single outcome under the p-binomial variance. Circles denote observed .response rates per litter with radii proportional to the cube-root of the number of identical observations. An 'W'denotes the weighted averageresponse rate within the same dose group.
the solid and dotted lines represent the models fitted usingDT and RS methods, respectively. Models fitted separately to each of the three outcomes based on the extended p-binomial of identical proportions variance are represented by dashed lines. Each circle represents a number observed in individual litters, with the radiusof the circle being proportionalto the number of litters represented. An x denotes average response rate in a single dose group. The Weibull models with both the DT and RS methods appear to fit the data reasonably well. The model separately fitted to the incidence of fetal malformation in rats appearsto be influenced by the removal of the second dosegroup.
Analyses of Developmental Toxicity Data
1: 1 =y S O (I)
8 0.0
. 0 0.5
Concentration p!)
Figure 3 Dose-response models for the incidence of prenatal death, fetal malformation, and overall toxicity in rats exposed to DEW. Dotted lines denote models fitted to the transformed data; solid l i e s denote models fitted to the originaldata under the extended Dirichlet-multinomial covariance; dashed lies denote models fitted separately to a single outcome under the p-binomial variance. Circles denote observed response rates per litter with radii proportional to the cube-mot of the number of identical observations. An "X''dnotes the weighted average responserate within the samedose group.
V. JOINT MODELING OF DEATH, WEIGHT, AND MALFORMATION We have discussed the joint analyses of the incidences of prenatal death and fetal malformation. in the literaturefor analyzing, for example, Other multivariate methods have also been proposed and malformation. Lefkopoulou et al. (1989) used the data on prenatal death, fetal weight, quasi-likelihood methodin conjunction with logistic models to jointly analyze dataon multiple fetal malformations.Ryan et al. (1991) explored the correlation between the outcomes of fetal weight and fetal malformation. Catalan0 and Ryan (1992) suggested a probit model for fetal malformation, conditional on observed fetal weight, in conjunction with a normal regression
Zhu and Fung
model for fetal weight. More recently, Catalano et al. (1993) proposed multistage dose-response models to include the incidenceof prenatal death in the analysis of fetal weight and malformation. In this section, we briefly describe these multivariate methods.
A. Fetal Weight and Malformation Although biological mechanisms inducing multiple outcomes of developmental toxicity are not well known, there has been empirical evidence showing that malformed fetuses tend to be lighter than nonmalformed fetus (Ryan et al., 1991). This correlation between the fetal weight and malformation status of an individual fetus suggests a joint analysisof these two endpoints. For this purpose, consider the model
where wgk is the weight of the kth fetus in the ijth litter (k = 1, .. $v), and ygk = 1 m 0, indicating whether or not the fetus is malformed. The conditional model P(wlj~ Iso) implies that the fetal on the litter sizesq. Similarly, the weights are correlated among littermates and may also depend i> thatthemalformationstatus ofanindividualfetusmay be model P(yyk1 w ~ ~ i indicates mathematically related to its weight and the litter size. To use the method of GEE for dose-response modeling, the mean and variance functions are specified for the distributions P(wgk1 sii> and P(yijkl wu,si), incorporating reasonable correlation structures between multiple responses on the same fetus, and also between littermates. The factorization in Q. (30) suggests that a dose-response model should first be fit to the fetal weight wijk using both dose and litter size as covariates, and a second model then fit to the malformation indicator variables yvk, conditional on the model for the fetal weight, and using A power transformation for the dose is dose, fetal weight, possibly litter size as covariates. generally useful for this purpose. An apparent advantage of the GEE approach here is that it circumvents the difficulty in specifying a joint distribution for the continuous response of fetal weight, and the dichotomous responseof malformation status. The latent variable method was used by CatalanoandRyan(1992)inwhich it is assumedthat afetusbecomesmalformed if anunderlying,butunobservable,latentvariable exceeds a threshold. Moreover, the latent variable and the fetal weight are assumed to follow a bivariate normal distribution. This leads to a normal regression model for the fetal weight and a probit model
for the malformation indicator ygk. Here, Q(.) is the standard normal cumulative distribution di, fetal weightwgk, and possibly also the litter function, and puk is a linear function of the dose size sg. The coefficients ofthis .linear function turns outto depend on the underlying variance and covariance structure postulated on the bivariate normal distribution, although the parameters involved in this variancecovariance function are not all estimatable. In the probit model used by Catalano and Ryan (1992), the residuals from the regression modelfitted tothe fetal weight of litter size and fetal weight (residual) was actually usedas a covariate, and the interaction term was also included in the model.A similar approach was takenby Chen (1993b) who relied on the method of quasi-likelihood, and used a linear logistic dose-response model to describe the response probability of malformation. However, the examples used by these authors failed to provide evidences supporting a significant correlation between the incidence of fetal malformation and the litter size in the form of regression coefficient. The effectiveness of using litter size as a covariate to predict fetal malformation remains unclear here.
Analyses of Developmental Toxicity Data
B. Prenatal Death, Fetal Weight, and Malformation The approach described in the preceding section can be extended to include the incidence of prenatal death in the analysis on the basis of the model Eq.in(1). Specifically, a dose-response model can be first fit to the proportion of prenatal death on the basis of P(ri Imi).The fetal analyzed as described in Section V.A. weight and the incidence of fetal malformation canbe then This approach was introduced by Catalan0 et al. (1993) to conduct risk assessment.
VI. BENCHMARK DOSE FOR RISK ASSESSMENT At present, human exposure guidelines for developmental toxicantsare based on the no-observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) derived from laboratory studies. A NOAEL is defined as the in comparison with highest experimental dose that fails to induce a significant increase in risk the unexposed controls. A reference dose or reference concentration (RfD or RfC) is then obtained by dividing the NOAEL by a suitable uncertainty factor(UF) allowing for difference RfD is then used asa guideline for in susceptibility between animals and humans. The resulting human exposure. Guidelines on the magnitude of the UF to be used in specific cases were discussed by Barnes and Dourson (1988). The NOAEL, restricted in value to one of the experimental doses, fails to properly take sample size into account (smaller and less sensitive experiments lead to higher NOAELs than larger studies), and largely ignores the shape of the dose-response curve. The risk associated with doses ator above the NOAELis not made explicit. However, Gaylor (1992) has shown, for a seriesof 120 developmental toxicity experiments, that the observed risk exceeded 1% in about one-fourth of the cases. Leisenring and Ryan (1992) also found, based on the statistical properties of the NOAELs, that theNOAEL may identify a dose level associated with unacceptably high risk with a reasonably high probability. Because of the limitations associated with the use of the NOAEL (Gaylor, 1983,1989; Kimmel and Gaylor, 1988), theEPA (1991) is considering the use of the benchmark dose(BMD) method, proposed by Crump (1984), as the basisfor deriving the RfD for developmental toxicity. The BMD is generally defined as the lower confidence limit (Crump, 1984) of the effective dose, da, that induces a-percent increase in risk (EDa). Although the a-percent increase in risk may refer to the excessive risk n;(da) - ~ ( 0=)a, or relative risk [n(da)- n;(O)]/ [1- n(O)]=ol, the latter takes into account the background risk in the absence of exposure, and is more sensitive to high spontaneous risk. If the background risk is a(0) = 0, then the two measuresofrisk are equivalent. It can be shown that the relative risk also has additional mathematical properties that facilitate computation and interpretation.EDa Themay be defied as the solution to the equation
where n(a) represents an appropriate dose-response model for a particular endpoint. Crump (1984) and Chen andKodell(l989) discussed the estimation of BMD based on dose-response model for a single endpoint. Allen et al. (1994a,b) estimated the BMDs using several doseresponse models fitted to data from a large database. They found that the BMDs at are 5% level similar to NOAEL in magnitude on the average. Ryan (1992) and Krewski and Zhu (1994,1995) used joint dose-response models to estimate the BMDs. of prenatal death or the Under the Weibull models [Eq. (14)] for either the incidence incidence of fetal malformation, the EDa is given by
Zhu and Fung
where the subscriptk (k = 1,2) for the parameters (bk,yk)is suppressed for simplicity of notation. Note that the da is free of the parameter a associated with the spontaneous risk. An estimate is obtained by evaluatingEq. (31) at(8, $. The variance of can be approximated by
usingthe&method,withthe unknown (8, covariance matrix for the estimates
(8,$. Here, Q1 isthe
- - nl)( 1- x2) in Eq. (26),
The EDa for overall toxicity, based on the trinomial model x3 = 1 (1 is obtained as the solutionto the equation bl4
+b 2 &
= -log(l
The variance of based on V a r ( b = [blYI&
- a) the &method is given by
+b 4 ? - '~cTn2cz.
where Q2 is the covariance matrix of the estimates (&,91,82, and
Since the variance estimates based on the &method depend on the dose-response models and as those based on likelihood the estimatesof the unknown parameters, alternative methods, such ratio (Chen and Kodell, 1989) for obtaining confidence limits of EDa may be used. 113 = 1 - (1 IQ)( 1 x2) The EDa for overall toxicity dervied from the multivariate model is a more sensitive indicator of developmental toxicity than those for fetal malformation and prenatal death, in that the former is always below the minimum of the lattertwo (Ryan, 1992; Krewski and Zhu, 1994). In the absence of a strong dose-response relationship for one of the latter two endpoints, the EDa for overall toxicity approximates their minimum. The estimates of the EDa for overall toxicity-based multivariate dose-response models for the prenatal death yls are generally expected to be more efficient than estimates rate rlm and fetal malformation rate based on the univariate models for the combined rate 0, + r)/m (Ryan, 1992). In general, risk assessment that is based on multivariate dose-response models is preferred on the ground that it can simultaneously account for each individual source of risk. Estimates of EDoss, along with their standard errors, for the three endpoints of interest based on three diffemt estimation methods are given in Table 7. In these examples, the estimates, (DT)or the based on GEES in conjunction with the extended Dirichlet-trinomial covariance ED05 R a d c o t t transformation (RS), are quite comparable.On the other hand, the estimates of associated with the models separately fitted to an endpoint (BB) on ratsare different from those associated with the methods of orDT RS. For example, the standard error of ED05 thefor overall toxicity is considerably smaller than its counterparts associated with multivariate models. But this is mainly due to the large estimate y (1of 1.55) involved in C1 subsequently used to calculate the standard emr. In addition, the ED05 for the malformation rate is apparently influenced by the deletion of the second dose group, resulting in an inflated estimate.
Analyses of Developmental Toxicity Data
Table 7 Estimates of E h (96 in diet) of DEI" Based on the Binomial Weibull Models (BB) Separately Fitted tothe Incidences of Death, Malformation,and Overall Toxicity,and Based On the Trinomial Weibull Models Fitted to the Original (DT)and Transformed(RS) Data*
Mice Overall Fetal malformation toxicitydeath Method*
Prenatal death
Fetal malformation toxicity
(0.238) 1.759 (0.346) 1.743 (0.249)
(2.182) 1.842 (0.281) 1.867 (0.317)
(0.070) 1.655 (0.355) 1.647 (0.255)
_ _ _ _ ~
0.036 BB 0.042
0.051 (0.008) 0.048 (0.008) 0.052 (0.009)
(0.006) 0.039
(0.006) 0.034
(0.005) 0.035
0.039 (0.005)
'BB, estimates based on GEES with the extended ~ b m o m i a variance: l Dl', estimates based on GEES with the extended Dirichlet-trinomial covariance; RS, estimates based on GEES with multinomial covariance after transformation. bIncidenm were all zero in the second dose group, and subsequently deleted to obtain convergence in model-fitting.
VII. CONCLUSIONS We have discussed generalized score tests for trend and dose-response modeling of multiple outcomes from developmental toxicity experiments. Conditional on the number of implants per litter, joint analyses of several outcomes are numerically more stable and statistically more efficient than separate analysis of a single outcome. The extramultinomial variation induced by as the the litter effects may be characterized using a parametric covariance function, such extended Dirichlet-multinomial covariance. Alternatively, the Rao-Scott transformation, based on the conceptof generalized design effects,may be usedto allow for the approximation of the multinomial mean and covariance functions to thetransformeddata.Simpledose-response models, the Weibull model, for example, in conjunction with a power transformation for the dose can be used to describe thedoseresponse relationship in developmental toxicity data. are notonly Themethod ofGEE hasbeenemployedformodelfitting.TheGEEs flexible indistributionalassumptions,butalsocomputationallysimplerthanthemaximum likelihood estimation based3 for example, on the Dirichlet-multinomial distribution. The GEE estimates of the model parameter are nearly as efficient as the maximum likelihood estimates, although estimates of the dispersion parameters that are based on the quadratic estimating equations are less efficient. Generalizedscorefunctionsafterlocalorthogonalizationcanbeusedtoconstructa richclass of statisticsfortestingincreasingtrendsindevelopmentaltoxicitydata.These generalized score functions unify many of the specific statistics previously proposed in the literature. Further investigationon the behavior of these generalized score tests under various conditions would be useful. Joint dose-response models canbe directly appliedto estimate the benchmark doses in risk assessment for developmental toxicity. The BMD is currently receiving serious consideration as an alternative to theN O A E m approach to establishing reference doses. The BMD, based on a multivariate dose-response model for multiple endpoints, has the advantage that it simultaFor example, theBMD for overall toxicity neously takes into account different sources of risk. BMDs is a more sensitive measure of risk in that isit less thanor equal to the minimum of the for fetal malformation or prenatal death. Quantitative risk assessment is a relatively new area, and there are many open problems
Zhu and Fung
requiring further research. For example, biologically based dose-response models are largely unavailable. Dose-response models for continuous responsesare less well developed, although some effort has been reportedby Gaylor and Slikker (1990) and Slikker and Gaylor (1990) in riskassessment for neurotoxicity.TheuseofBMDsrequiresthattheexperimentaldata demonstrate clear dose-response relationships so that suitable models may be fit to the data with reasonable accuracy. Thisin turn requires that the current study protocol be improved so that high-qualitydatacan be generatedfromastudy.Therefore,itisdesirable to incorporate statistical design criteria into the protocol of developmental toxicity study.
APPENDIX A: GENERALIZED ESTIMATING EQUATIONS By letting E(zyIm,$ = mepi, with pi = p(&@ = (pli,pz)T specified BS functions of dose and involving unknown parameters0, the GEESfor estimating 0 are given by
i=1 j = l where Dli = apflfIT and Wly are working covariance or weight matrices, preferably chosen to Var(zy1 my) to achieve high efficiency. approximate the actual covariance matrix When the working covariance matrices[ s e e Eq. (20)] involve additional dispersion parameters, these parameters needbetoestimated using another set of equations. Consider, for example, the intralitter correlation coefficients[$ ) in the extendedD~chlet-miltinomialcovariance. By regarding the multivariate Pearson squared residualsR y = (Zij mypy)TWib(zy mepi) 8s responses, the GEEsfor estimating the dispersion parameters are given by
j= 1
.. .
(i = 1, ,?),where D20 = a(ERV)/& and a reasonable quantity WUJmay be takento approximate Var(Ry). We havechosenin Section III.C W 2 y = forconvenience as thethirdand fourth moments of zy are unknown. The usual Pearson moment equations are obtained by of the formof Eq. (29) choosing appropriateW z j .The use of the quadratic estimating equations is equivalent to generalized least squares estimation whenthe weights Wzj are evaluated at a fixed valueof Qi. They can be viewed as a multivariate version of a class of regression equations based on absolute residualsOavidian and Carroll, 1987,Eq. 4.1). Joint estimation of the mean and correlation parameters based on GEEs has also been discussedby Zhao and Prentice (1990) and Prentice. and Zhao (1991). Under mild regularity conditions, estimators of the unknown model parameters using the GEES in Eqs. (27)-(29) are consistent and normally distrjbutedas each ni + = at comparable rates (cf, Zhu et al.,1994). The covariance matrix of ..,&)' may be estimated by
Analyses of Developmental Toxicity Datu
A21 =
C m j ~ T t ~ &-dmt,vtt)(Rtj - 2 ) w Z D U j j=1
UndertheDirichlet-trinomialcovariancefunctionwiththeobservedmomentsin V11 relaced by their expectation, we have A11 = V11. Therefore, the asymptotic covariance matrix for reduces to Air, which is blockdiagonal with the two diagonal blocks corresponding to 8 1 and 62. This implies that d1 and 6 2 are asymptotically independent, a result also seen from the fact that the two sets of Eqs. (27) and (28)are uncorrelated. Since the dispersion parameters ($i) are involved only in the weight matrices W ~ Vestimation , of the ($i) affects only the efficiency of 61 and 62.
APPENDIX B: RAO-SCOlT TRANSFORMATION Suppose that the response probabilities= (Pli,p2f of fetusesfrom the jth litter in the ith dose group are constant within the dose group, and the expected number of deaths and malformed fetuses are given by ~
ymy) l = mh(pli,pz)T
For the total countsZi. = we write
1 zy = (yi.,ri.)Tand mi. =
1 m@within
the same dose POUP,
Zhu and Fung
ity. In the case cd the
The Pearson x2 statistic for the ith dose group, regardlessof the true covariance function, can be written as
= 1- pli - p2 and fii = Zi./mi.. Under the true value of pi and the true covariance where matrix mi.Vi, the limiting distribution of the statistic as ni tends large is
x2 variables Z$(k = 1,2), each having one degree of freedom, a weighted sum of two independent and with weights & > O being the eigenvalues of [vo(pi)r’Vi. These eigenvalues have been called generalized design effects by Rao and Scott (1981), and represent a multivariate ratioof Vi to Vo(cLi). After dividingX?by the average design effectsiTi = (&l + &2)/2, we have we have If the hik (k = 1,2) differ only slightly,
Since scaling X? by Ei is equivalent to scaling zq and mu, Eq. (37) implies the mean and be approximatedbythoseofthemulticovariancefunctions ofthetransformeddatacan nomial distribution.
APPENDIX C: GENERALIZED SCORE TESTS The generalized score statistics discussed here may be viewed as a sort of combination of the quasi-score functions, generalized estimating equations, and the C(a) tests. Related idea was discussed by Basawa (1991). The C(a) tests, based on the binomial distribution with the class of doseresponse models F(a + bd). was discussed by Tarone and Gart (1980). Assuming E(zul mu) = m$i(0) and Cov(zuI mu) = Vu with 8 = (y*,A,*)*,the generalized score functions (GSFs) for the parametersy and h are given by
Analyses of Developmental Toxicity Data
and Du=apJahT. Since gv and g l ~are correlatedand respectively,where D@=ilCLl/a\~~ may involve the entire parameter vector 8, gv may be locally orthogonalized with respect to gh in the sense of CoxandReid (1987). Specifically, the locally orthogonalized GSFs for \v are given by
Notice that DV%is effectively the residual design matrix after projectingD* onto the linear space spanned by the row vectors of D%. The generalized score statisticis then givenby
Tp = g?&&yh
evaluated underHo,where
= C O ~ ~ ~ ~ L=g qyt xy f)-
The unspecified value hofmay be replaced by anyfi-consistent estimate 2, the GEE estimates Ho, for example. Under the null hypothesis
(n = nl + + nt), where $ is a chi-squared variate with degrees of freedomp = dim of the null hypothesis. values of T lead to the rejection
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24 Applications of Receptor-Binding Models in Toxicology J. Denes, 6. Blakey, D. Krewski, and J. R. Withey Health Canada Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
The mechanism by which toxic substances exert their effects is an important consideration in assessing potential health risks from exposum to such agents. A number of toxic substances appear to act by binding to cellular receptors. In this chapter, we examine receptor-binding models for toxic chemicals, based on classic theoriesof ligand-receptor interactions. General mathematical relationships suchas the Hill and Michaelis-Menten equations, used to describe the formationof ligand-receptor complexes, are examined in detail. The application of receptorbinding models in toxicological risk assessment is illustrated by a case studyof the mechanism of dioxin carcinogenesis.
Toxic substances may exert their effects by a variety of mechanisms. Biologically baseda p require an understanding of thecritical steps involved proaches to toxicological risk assessment in the toxic pathways leading to the inductionof adverse health effects. (Goddard and Krewski, 1995). Biologically based risk assessment modelsbecan of great value in extrapolating toxicological data between different dose levels, different exposure patterns, and different species. In this chapter, we focus on receptor-mediated toxic effects (Lucier, 1992). Much of the existing literature on mceptor binding relates to pharmaceutical agents. The molecular theory of drug action is based on the assumption that all biological manifestations, regardless of how complex, are the consequences of physio-chemical reactions, and that a living organism is a material system subjectto the samelaws of nature as an inanimate system. Ordinary chemistryis concerned with molecules made of relatively few atoms.In contrast, those that make up living cells comprise several individual molecules, each with a molecular mass of 60,000-100,OOO with atoms in untold conformations. These systems may still be far removed from observable biological events. 447
Molecular pharmacology originated at about the turn of the century, when Langley and Erlich (1905) and others introduced the conceptof receptor binding. They assumed that drugs and antibodies act by interacting with specific “receptive substances” or “receptors.” Later of investigations of Clarke (1933) and Mens (1964) providedaquantitativedescription receptor-drug interactions. What are the receptors with which drugs and other agents interact? As recently as 1964, Mens wrote in the introduction inhis book Molecular Pharmacology: The terminology used-receptor, active siteetc.4oes not mean that we know what are we talking about. On the contrary they underline our ignorance. We need these terms about order to be able to talk on drug action on a molecular level. Subsequently, many specific receptors have been identified, including active sites of enzymes, surface receptors, and proteins. Drug-receptor interactions may result in changes in the drug may also be changes in the receptor, such molecule, so that it becomes chemically active, There that the receptor induces changes in the surrounding molecules that initiate the sequences of physicochemical events that lead to the desired biological effect. In Section 11, we review the basic principles underlying chemical reaction rates and the law of mass action. A detailed discussionof receptor-binding models is provided in Section III. is illustrated in Section IV The use of receptor-binding models in toxicological risk assessment bymeansof acasestudy of tetrachlorobenzo-pdioxin (TCDD).Our conclusions are presented in SectionV.
.. .
In a chemical reaction certain substances A, B, , called reactants, change chemically into other substancesF,G, .,called products (Frost and Pearson, 1953). This canbe expressed by the stoichiometric equation
For example, hydrogenH2 and oxygen0 2 react to form water: 2H2
+ 0 2 + 2H20
and hydrogen and iodine reactto become hydrogen iodide: H2
+ I2 + 2HI
The reaction rate is defined as the rate of change of the substances involved in the reaction, with a minusor plus sign indicating whether the substanceis a reactantor a product. At a fixed temperature, the reaction rate is a function of the concentrationof the reactants. More precisely, it is proportional to the productof the concentrationof the reactants. Thus, in Q. (l), we have
= &[A]@]
where the square brackets [ 3 denote the concentration of a reactant or product. The rate at which water is formed by the reaction in (2) is thus
Receptor-Binding Models in Toxicology
and the rate at which iodine becomes hydrogen iodide inQ.(3) is
- rn21D21
In most organic reactions, the products formed also react with each other to yield the original reactants. For example, ethyl alcoholand acetic acid react with each other and yield ethyl acetate and water: C$I5OH
+ CH3COOH + CH3COOC2H5 + H20
Ethyl acetate and water also react to yield acetic acid and alcohol. Hence, the foregoing reaction can be written more accuratelyas CzHsOH
+ H20
Reactionsofthis type are called reversible reactions. The general reactions with two reactants and two products is given by
fonn ofreversible
A + B e C + D
The reaction A B + C + D has a rate kl[A]@3] proportional to the product of the concenC + D + A + B is k2[C][D]. trations of A and B. Similarly, the rate of the reverse reaction At equilibrium the rates of the two reactions must be equal, that is: h[AIIBl = kZ[CI[Dl
where Kq is the equilibrium constant. This expression is called the Z a v of m s s action. This chemical law states that the product of the concentrations of the reactantsof a reversible chemical reaction divided by the product of the produced substancesis constant fora given temperature.
A. Basic Ligand-Receptor Interaction: The Theory of Occupancy The term Zigund is used to refer to drugs, toxic materials, antibodies, and other agents that act onlivingcells.Theactivesite of the cell acted onby theligand L is thereceptor R. Ligand+-eceptor interactions are presumed to satisfy the following assumptions (Boeynaems and Dumont, 1980): 1. The interaction between ligand and receptor is reversible. 2. The ligand can existin two states: free or receptor-bound. 3. The biological responseis measured when the interaction between ligand and the receptor has reached a state of equilibrium. 4. The biological response is proportional to the number of occupied receptors.
The interactionof the ligand andits receptor is described by the stoichiometric equation
Denes et al.
450 kl
L+R*RL kl
to where RL denotes the receptor-ligand complex. The biological response is proportional By the lawof mass action. we have
at equilibrium, whereKD is the constantof dissociation. Since a receptor may be either occupied or unoccupied, we have [R]
+ [RL] = [RT] = r
where RTis the total numberof receptors. Hence
W ] = r - &l
&l + K
or W]=-
K l+[L]
Let f denote the fraction of receptors occupied
The ligand concentration corresponding to a given fractional occupancy f can be expressed as
Hence, the ligand concentrationk . 5 1 , at which half the receptorsare occupied, is the dissociation constant. The rangeof ligand concentrations in which saturation increasesfrom a minimal (f= 0.9) is [b.g]/[b.r] = 81 or about two orders of magnitude. level (f= 0.1)to a maximal level
B. Langmuir's Adsorption Isotherm and Ligand-Receptor Interactions Langmuir (1918)considered the adsorption of a gas or vapor on a surface as a unimolecular layer in termsof the equilibrium between the molecules striking the surface of the adsorbent and those that evaporate after a time (cf. Weiser, 1949,pp. 51-54). Let p be the number of molecules striking the surface per second and let a be the constant proportion that adheres to the surface per second. If 6 is the fractionof the total available surface that is covered with gas molecules, of molecules then 1 - 6 is the fraction thatis bare. Hence,(1 - 6)apis actual rate of adsorption per unitm a of the surface. The rate at which molecules escape from the surface is proportional to the area covered, say19v. At adsorption equilibrium, both ratesare the same; hence,
ModelsReceptor-Binding Toxicology
or .B=-
+ up
Since Eq. (21) has the sameform as Eq. (16). ligand-receptor interactions can also be explained in terns of the Langmuir isotherm.
C. Graphic Representations of LiganMeceptor Interactions For brevity, let B = [RL]denote the concentrationof bound ligand, and letF = [L] denote the concentration of free ligand. WritingRT for WIT, Eq. (16) may be reexpressed as
Several different coordinatesmay be used to represent Eq. (22) graphically. Consider first the direct plot of B versus F as shown in Fig. 1. This graphic representation of Eq. (22) is an equilateral hyperbola, with a horizontal asymptote at B =RT and vertical by asymptote atF = -K. The derivative at the origin is given
dB dF F = O
- -RT K2
whereas the derivative at the midpoint is
Figure 1 A direct plot of J3q. (22) showing the concentration of bound ligand (B) as a function of the concentration of free ligand 0.
Denes et al.
Figure 2 EisenthaWomish-Bowden plot of J2q. (22).
The Eisenthal-comish-Bowden plotof IQ.(22) is shown in Fig.2 (Eisenthal and CornishBowden, 1974). This is obtained by drawing straight lines through the reflection of F on the abscissa and B on the ordinate.All of these straight lines will intersect at one point (K&). Finally, consider the Dixon plot inFig. 3 (Dixon, 1972). Straight lines parallel to the abscissa are drawn thmugh the points RTD, 2 R ~ l 3 3, R ~ l 4 , . ; straight lines axe then drawn through the origin and.the points where the parallel lines cut the hyperbole. They all intersect used to determinethe the asymptote at equidistant points. These graphic representationsbe can constants K and RT.
D. The Kinetics of Ligand-Receptor Interactions We now consider ligand+eceptor interactions before they reach equilibrium. According Eqs. to (4) and (12), this is described by the differential equation
Figure 3 Dixon plot of W. (22).
Receptor-Binding Modelsin Toxicology
- ~ l [ R l L l- klW1
453 (25)
Eliminating [R], this canbe written as
where r = [R]+ W].Assuming W]= 0 at time t = 0, we have
When equilibriumis reached at timet = 00, this reduces to
correspondingto Eq. (16).
E. The Combination of Hemoglobin and Gases: The Hill Equation The uptake of oxygen and carbon dioxide by red blood cells provides a simple example of fixation of an agent by cell. a The uptakeof oxygen by hemoglobin whenthe latter is dissolved of the in water in the absenceof salts may be accurately described by a right-angled hyperbola typeexpressedby Eq. (16); namely, -
[RL] =
t -
B = RT-
F K + F
K + L1
The oxygen presentin excess and the combination formed is freely reversible. of oxygen is described by When hemoglobin is dissolved in a salt solution, the uptake [RL] = r
K + L]"
or B = RT-
F" K
+ F"
Hill (1910) explained this behavior under the assumption in that, the presenceof salt, hemoglobin molecules are aggregated into clusters averagingn molecules per cluster. The actual value of n in this exampleis about 2.5. To arrive at Eq. (3 l), the stoichiometric equation R+nLeRL
has to be used, rather than the simpler stoichiometricEq. (12). The Hill saturation function[see Eq. (31)] is best displayed by using Hill's plot,in which log [B/& -B)] is plotted against log F (Fig. 4). This gives a straight line with slopen that intersects the verticalaxis at -1ogK.
Denes et al.
Figure 4 Hill plot of Q.(32) for n = 2.
F. The Adair Saturation Function Reactions such as the uptake of oxygen by hemoglobin can be characterized by considering hemoglobin as a receptor with n equivalent binding sites (Adair, 1925). Here, the following set of reactions take place:
,n) are called the stepwise dissociation constants, characterizing The coefficients Ks(S = 1, each addition of a ligand to a receptor. Here, [R] [RLl] + + [RLn] = r is the concentration of all receptors, whether bound or free. According to the law of mass action,
It follows that
Receptor-Binding Models in Toxicology
so that
The fractional occupancy
[L]/K1) + (2[LI2/K1K2)+ + (n[LIn/K1K2 1 + ([L]/K1)+ * * + ([L]"/K1K2.* Kn)
is called Adair's formula. When n = 1,Eq. (38) reduces to Eq. (16).K1,. If .. ,K,+l are all large, Eq. (38) approximates the Hill equation (31)].
G. DescribingLigandKinetics The rate of action of ligands, such as drugs, can be measured two ways. First, by measuring the rate at which a particular concentration produces a series of actions varying0 to from 100% of the maximum effect, a timsaction curve can beconstructed.Second,bymeasuringthe times taken by a series of concentrations to produce a particular effect, a concentration-action curve is obtained. Equation (27) is a typical timeaction curve, provided the action of the drug on the cell is proportional to the concentration of the drug-xeceptor complex[RL].Here, the measured time cases, measured does not necessarily indicate the time taken by the chemical reaction. (In some time reflects the time of diffusion, or the lag time, for a particular biological response.) Concentratiorr-action curves are constructed by observing the time taken to produce a definite action at a series of concentrations. Frequently, the product of the concentration C and time t appears to be constant: Ct = constant. More generally, most time-concentration curves can be represented by the following formula: (39) (C - C,)? = constant where C, is the concentration thatjust fails to produce an effect after an infmite time.
H. Concentration-Action Curves of Disinfection It has long been known that bacteria killed by almost any cause die in an orderly way (Clark, 1933). The numberof survivors b of an initial populationU after the passageof time t satisfies the following expression:
Denes et al. (40)
or (41)
for some constantk, which is the form of a first-orderrate process. Thisformulaiscalledthe"logarithmicorderof death."Initially, it wasthoughtthat this nsult could be explained on the basis of individual variation within the population of interest. However, it was later found that a uniform population, such as bacterial spores, also obeys the same rule. In this paradigm, the effect of interest (death) is irreversible. However, an irreversible effect occumnce of one or can be the result of a reversible action, provided it is the result of a chance more events. For example, consider a drug that causes the coagulation of protein, which is a reversible process. Assume further that death is caused byone or more protein molecules coagulating. If a drug causes say 20% of the proteins to coagulate in every bacteria, only that fraction of the bacteria that have their vital protein molecules coagulated will die. It follows that the number of deaths in a fixed time period will be proportional to the concentration of the RL complex, so that &
- = -upuA] dt
where r is the concentration of all receptors, both bound and free.Since
if Hill's law holds, we have
+ [L]"
Thus, (46)
r = r& Since the number of bacteria curve is given by
is proportional to the number ofreceptors,thetime-action (47)
b=ae* The timeconcentration curve specifies the time neededto reach a givenratio; that is a
kt = log- = constant b
in Toxicology
t = constant
457 (49)
K + [L]"
If the drug concentration [L] is very small in comparison with the dissociation constantK,the last expression canbe written as
- constant
K or
[L]"t = constant corresponding to E?q. (39).
1. Enzyme Systems: The Michaelis-llllenten Equation Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts in chemical reaction (Hayashi andSakamoto, 1986). For example, the enzyme of the yeast that catalyzes alcoholic fermentation converts sugar into alcohol: C6H1206
+ 2C2HsOH + 2C02
The enzymefmt forms an enzymesubstrate complex with the substrate (e.g., sugar in case of fermentation). This is a reversibleprocess: RI
The next step, however, is irreversible: 4 RL+R+P
where P is the final product. Thus, in case of fermentation of alcohol: sugar + enzyme e (sugar-enzyme complex), and sugarenzyme complex+enzyme + alcohol (+ carbon dioxide). of In general, the production of P can be expressed in terms of the following system differential equations:
m 1
dt = &2:.L[RLI- kl[LI[Rl + Rl[RLI,
a 1
dt = -~1LI[Rl + kllRL1,
@l - k2[RL] dt
This system of differential equations can only be solved numerically. Michaelis and Menten (1913) developed an approximate solutionby assuming that the concentration of the enzymesubstrate complexwas constant for most of the reaction time. Under this condition,
Denes et al. (59)
so that
Since [R]
+ [RL] = r, we have -
+ k2 + kl
The rate of production of the final product P is
so that V , the reaction velocity, is given by
which is the usual form of the Michaelis-Menten equation.
J. Steady-State Expressions for More Complex Systems Let us consider the enzymatic reaction withtwo enzyme-substrate complexes: kt k3 ks L+R*RLI=&+R+P
The differential equationsfor this system are
- k2[RL1I - ki[RI[Ll + k5[RL21
- ki[RI[Ll - k2[RL11 - ~ [ R L I+I &W21
Receptor-Binding Modelsin Toxicology
459 (70)
The rateof production of thefinal product P is
The maximum velocity when[L] = 00 is given by
Thus, the velocityV is given by the Michaelis-Menten formula
K. The Rapid Equilibrium Method Suppose that there exists a rapid equilibrium step, so that the formation of the ligand-receptor complex instantly reaches an equilibrium state. For example, consider the process
R+L*RL+R+P I 1
where dP
dt = k 2 E l
It follows from the lawof mass action that
[Rl[Ll - k-1 "_
This leadsto the Michaelis-Menten type formula *r
v = 1 + (KJ[L]) V where ,
= k u is themaximum reaction rate as [L] +m.
L. The Competitive Inhibition, Affiniky, and Intrinsic Activity of Drugs The purposeof cellular receptorsis to react with natural substrates or essential metabolites. The specific biological actionof many drugs can be explained by supposing that the drug competes with the natural substratefor active receptor sites, thus either inhibiting or enhancing its effects, by Mens (1954). This is the principleof competitive inhibition expounded first This theorywas an improvement over the elementary theory of drug action, but there arose phenomena that couldbe explained onlyby the competitive inhibition. Several substances were discovered thathad dual effects, actingas inhibitors as well as metabolites. As discussed previously,a drug A acts on the living cell by forminga drug-receptor complex RA with the receptorR. The actionof the drug is proportional to the concentration ofIt was shown that the concentrationof RA can be expressed as
where KAis the dissociation constant.It follows that concentration of the receptor-bound drug at a given receptor concentration depends on the free drug concentration and the dissociation of KA is, the more drugis bound to the receptor. constant KA.In fact, the larger the reciprocal afinity of the drug relative to the receptor. Affinity is thus a constant, Therefore,K2 is called the determining how much of the drug-receptor complex willbe formed under given conditions. The effectEA of drug A is proportional to [RA]:
The proportionality constanta is called theintrinsic activity of the drug. Intrinsic activity, of the thus, is a substance-specific constant relating biological effects to the concentration receptor-drug complex. The maximum value of EA(*=) = (W is reached when [A]is large. Let us now consider the interaction with two substances A and B with different intrinsic At activities U and p and with different affinities KA and KB within one receptor system. equilibrium this interaction is represented by R+A*RA
R + B =RB
and Hence,
Receptor-BindingModels in Toxicology
The total amount of receptor is
Thus, we have
IRA1= and
W1 =
The combined effectof A and B is
When the intrinsic activity of Bis near zero,
For large [A] the effect of B depends on the ratio [BIRA], rather than the concentrations [B] and [A] themselves. affinity of B is p a t e r than thatof A (KA> KB) and the Consider now the case in which the intrinsic activityof B is less than thatof A (B < a).Let us compare the effectof A alone with that of A and B together. Inthis case
It follows that
If [A] is sufficiently small, then EA Em; thus, B is a metabolite of A. If [A] is sufficiently large, itis easily seen that Bis an inhibitor of A.
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A. Toxicity of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-pdioxin 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin(TCDD) isapersistentenvironmentalcontaminantthat induces a broad spectrum of toxicological effects, including thymic atrophy, birth defects, and immunological effects (Silbergeld and Gasiewicz, 1989). It is also considered to be the most potent carcinogen among the halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs). Chronic treatment et al., 1978; with as littleas 10 pgkg is sufficient to induce liver tumors in female rats (Kociba N T P , 1982). One of the most remarkable properties of TCDD is the degree to which its toxicity varies among species, strains, and tissues. For example, the median lethal (LDS) dose of TCDD ranges from 1 pgkg in guinea pigs to 5000 pg/kg in hamsters, with mice and rats in the 50-200 pgkg range (McConnell et al., 1978). The toxic effects of TCDD can also be genderspecific. In rats, TCDD induces liver tumors in female, but not male, animals (Kociba et 1978; NTP, 1982). These variable responses make it difficult to understand its mechanismsof action and, even more so, to predict human risk on the basis of results from animal experiments. To estimate the human carcinogenic risk of TCDD, it is important to understand its mechan anism of action. The multistage theory of carcinogenesis involves initiation, promotion, and indeterminate numberof steps generally referredto as tumor progression (Barett, 1992). During initiation, mutations are induced in genes that control normal cell division and differentiation. Carcinogens capableof inducing these changesare genotoxic. The inductionof mutations is a stochastic process, with some possibility of mutation occurring even at low doses. Tumor promotion is a less clearly defined process that generally involves the clonalofexpansion initiated cells through the stimulation of cell proliferation. Cell division be may induced in normally staticcell populations by changes in the cellular environment by generation of intracellular signals. Unlike genotoxic carcinogens, tumor promoters and other nongenotoxic carcinogens induce tumors without interacting directly with the DNA of the affected cells.It is often assumed that there is a low-dose threshold for nongenotoxic components of the carcinogenic process. However, this is likely dependenton the mechanismby which these compounds leadto tumor formation. Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin is a potent, nongenotoxic tumor promoter (Pitot and Camp bell, 1987; Kociba, 1984). In cells treated with TCDD, no DNA adducts could be detected, even using sensitive methods capable of detecting one adduct in 10" nucleotides (Turtletaub et al., 1991). Furthermore, TCDD is negative in the assays used to measure genotoxic activity (Wassom et al., 1977). Clues to the mechanism of TCDD toxicity arise from its strain specificity. The induction of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase(AHH) activity is often used to measure responsivenessHAHs to such as TCDD. It was noted that 3-methylcholanthrene induced AHH activity in inbred mouse strain C57BL/6J, but not in the inbred mouse strainD B N Z (Nebert et al.,1972; Thomas et 1972). Cross-breeding experiments between responsive and nonresponsive mice demonstrated thatresponsivenesstoHAHssegregated as a dominant trait under the control of a single Ahb for responsive mice and Ahd for nonresponsive autosomal gene, The alleles were designated mice.Othertoxiceffects,includingthymicinvolution,cleftpalate, and hepaticporphyria, 1982). These segregated in a manner identical with the AHH inducibility (Poland and Knutson, are studies led to the conclusion that many, perhaps most, of the biological responses to HAHs under the control ofthe Ah locus. The identity of the Ah gene product was unknown until Poland et al. (1976) reported an intracellular hepatic protein that bound [3H]TCDDsaturably with high affinity in responsive, but notinnonresponsive,mice.Later,alow-affinityreceptor was alsoidentifiedinthenonresponsive DBA/2 mice (Okey etal., 1989). The high-affinity formof the protein in C57BW6 mice binds to TCDD with an equilibrium binding constant of approximately 10-12-10-10 M,and
in Toxicology
a binding capacity of 10-100 fmol/mg cytosol protein (Poland and Knutson, 1982; Safe, 1986; Bradfield et al., 1988; Bradfield and Poland, 1988). The low-affiinity proteinDBN2 in mice has an equilibrium binding constant about tenfold lower (Okey etal., 1989). The Ah receptor also bindsotheraromatichydrocarbons,butwithloweraffinities.Quantitativestructure-activity relationship analysis revealed that the ligand-binding site on the Ah receptor is hydrophobic arid that the tnore hydruphobic the ligand, the stronger the binding affinity (Whitlock, 1990). The are planar and contain halogen atoms at at least three of the most potent ligands, such as TCDD, four lateral positions. However, the properties required for ligand binding differ from those required for AHH induction. Therefore,it is likely that other phenomenaare required for AHH induction in additionto ligand binding (Safe, 1986). The Ah teceptor is also present in human cells. As in the mouse, the human hepatic Ah receptor has an equilibrium binding constant of 0.1-1.0 nM (Cook and Greenlee, 1989). There is also a human Ah receptor phenotype analogous to the nonresponsiveDBN2 mice, ill which AHH induction is reduced by approximately tenfold (Manchester et al., 1987; Harper et 1988). It would appear, therefore, that there is a genetically determined variation in susceptibility to Ah receptor-mediated effectsof TCDD in human populations. The binding of TCDD to the Ah receptor represents only the first step in enzyme induction and other biological responses to TCDD. After the TCDD-receptor complex is formed, it undergoes conformational changes that increase theaffinity of the complex for specific sites in the DNA. This process, referred to as transformation, is believed to involve other receptorbound molecules, including the 90-kDa heat-shock protein (Perdew, 1988; Denis et al., 1988). There is some debate over whether the location of the receptor is cytosolic (Poland et al., 1976;Okey et al., 1980;Denison et al.,1986) or nuclear(WhitlockandGaleazzi,1984), or after translocation from and whether binding of the ligand to the receptor occurs before the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Ultimately, the ligand-receptor binds to TCDD-responsive elements in the DNA, leading to increased gene expression. These binding sequences are typical of enhancers, in that they are located at relatively long distances from the target gene, and they increase the rate of gene transcription (Jones et al., 1986; Neuholdet al., 1986; FujisawaSehara, 1987; Fisheret al., 1989; Hirstet al., 1989). In each TCDD-Ah receptor-binding domain in the DNA, there is a common core recognition motif that contains a copy of the sequence (Denison et al., 1988):
3' 5'
Unlike other receptor-DNA interactions,the ligand-Ah receptor binds preferentially to doublestranded DNA (Denisonet al., 1989). The binding siteis in the major groove where the receptor comes into contact with the four guanine residues of the recognition motif (Neuhold et al., 1989; Shen and Whitlock, 1989). It also differs in the thatreceptor is bound as a monomer, rather than a dimer (Denison et al., 1989). Differences in methylation of CpG dinucleotides within the recognition sequence can inhibit receptor-enhancer interactions (Shen and Whitlock, 1989). This may account for some of the tissue-specific effects observed in response to TCDD treatment. The Ah receptor has at leastthree functional domains (Whitlock, 1990). The ligand-binding domain interacts with TCDD to convert the protein to a DNA-binding species. The DNA-binding domain recognizes a specific nucleotide sequence and positions the activated ligand receptor complex at regulatory sites in the genome. The protein-binding domain interacts with other transcriptional factorsto induce expressionof the target gene. Much of what is known about the Ah receptor mechanism was derived from studies that examined the activation of theCYPlAl gene by TCDD. CYPlAl is a specific isozymeof cytochrome P450 that is responsiblefor the activation and deactivation of many environmental contaminants, including polycyclic aromatic
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hydrocarbons (F'AHs). The amountof CYPlAl protein correlates well with other enzymes that also participate in the metabolic activation of carcinogens, including aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) and ethoxyresoxufin-O-deethylase (EROD). As a result, the induction of CYPIAI, AHH, and EROD are used as sensitive indicators of exposure to chemicals that bind the Ah receptor. CYPlA2 is a closely relatedP450 enzyme that is also induced by transcrip Ah receptor-mediated pathway (Thomas et al., 1933; Graham et al., tional activation through the 1988). Although CYPlAl can be found throughout the body, CYPIA2 is induced only in the liver m t e j a et al., 1985). CYPlA2 has been reported to bind TCDD, although with a somewhat lower affhity than the Ah receptor. This causes TCDD to accumulate in the liver (Leung et al., 199Oa). There is also evidence thatCYPlA2 can metabolize estrogen to catechol estrogen (Graham et al., 1988), reducing estradiol levels and providing a substratefor the production of free radicals that can cause mutations and cell death (Metzler,1984). The response of the cell to TCDD can be affected in many ways. Several the of factors that can influence Ah receptor-mediated effects were studied using variant hepatocyte cells. Fora detailed review,see Whitlock (1990). For example, in one celltype, mutations at the Ah locus reduced the ligand-binding affiiity of the receptor. In another type cell with high-binding affinity, AHH, the bound receptor never reached the nucleus, and there was no induction ofeven though TCDD was boundto the receptor. Assuming that a genetic locus other than Ah locus the controls the accumulation of the receptor in the nucleus, mutations at at least two loci can affect Ah receptor function. In a thirdtype of variant, thereare defects in both the receptor and its ability a dominant factor, to accumulate in the nucleus. Finally, there is a fourth variant in which possibly a repressor protein, inhibits normal Ah receptor function (A32). These studies indicate that there may be at least four genetic loci controllingAh receptor function. One locus forthe receptor protein itself, one for a factor that directs the cellular accumulation the receptor, of one that affects both properties, and one that inhibits Ah receptor function. This genetic diversity in Ah receptor activitymay also occur in human populations. P450 ofenzymes All of the studies discussed to upthis point have focused on the induction in response to TCDD and the formation of the TCDD-Ah-receptor complex. However, the relation betweenAh receptor occupancy, enzyme induction, and carcinogenesisis unclear. The C57BL/6 mice, the Ah receptor is in the 1-10 PM range (Bradfield et al., 1988; Bradfield and Poland, 1988). Thus, doses of less than 1 part per trillion (ppt) TCDD should be capable of causing biological effects. However, the accumulation of TCDD to the ppt level (pg/g) does not always lead to a biological response (CDC Veterans Health Studies, 1988; CDC, 1989). This may be because dioxins partition into the lipophilic compartments of the cell (e.g., the membranes) where they cannot interact freely with Ah the receptor (Whitlock, 1990). The agent TCDD causes a number of effects in addition to the induction of enzymes involved in the metabolismof xenobiotic agents. Effects on the endocrine system may play an even more important role in the carcinogenicity of TCDD. For example, TCDD can induce This can cause alterations in hormonal levels changes in steroid-metabolizing enzyme activities. (Goldstein and Safe, 1989; Mebus et al., 1987; Graham et al., 1988), leading to proliferative stimuliandcarcinogenicactivityinhormonedependenttissues(Kociba et al., 1978). Ah receptor-dependent reductions are also induced by TCDD in epidermal growth factor receptors (Madhukar et al., 1984), estrogen receptors (Romkes et al., 1987), glucocorticoid receptors et al., 1991), c-erbA (Bombicket al., 1988). (Sunahara et al.,1989), tumor necrosis factor (Clark and gastrin (Mably et al., 1990). These effects can interact to stimulate cell proliferation and affect cell differentation. The interaction of TCDD,the Ah receptor, and hormones can be seen in the induction of liver tumors in rats.In normal rats, TCDDis an effective promoterof liver tumors in females, but not in males. However, in ovariectomized females, the induction of
Receptor-BindingModels in Toxicology
liver tumors by TCDD is reduced(Kocih etal., 1978). These studies suggestan interaction of estrogen in the carcinogenicity of TCDD. The diversity of effects of TCDD between species, strains, sexes, and tissues is a function of endocrine and metabolic status.
B. Mathematical Models for Tetrachlorodibenzo-pdioxin Kohn and Portier (1993) developed a model for describing the action of TCDD and other halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons. Under this model it is assumed that the action of the xenobiotic is through the excess production of a particular protein, suchas cytochrome P-450. This protein is produced through the presence of a natural ligand with which the xenobiotic interactscompetitively. It is also producedcontinually,regardless of thepresenceofthe xenobiotic or the natural ligand. The ligand first binds to a receptor with multiple-binding sites, and the ligand-receptor complex binds toDNA a site, inducing the protein. The xenobiotic now competes with the ligand for receptor sites, and the xenobiotic-receptor complex competes with the ligand-receptor complex for DNA-binding sites. For both substances, receptor binding is expressed by the equations
Here, N stands for the natural ligand,X for the xenobiotic, andl denotes the numberof binding sites on the receptor. According to Eqs. (16) and (31),
where l is the Hill exponent. Both the RN and RX complexes then bind competitively to DNA, producing the complexes DNA RN andDNA RX. DNA
+ nRN
and DNA
+ nRX
where n is the number of DNA binding sites. Next, the protein P is produced and the complexes RN and RX m liberated through the irreversible processes
4 DNA-RN + P
+ DNA + RN
Denes et al.
and 12
+ P + DNA + RX
It follows that
AssumingthattheformationoftheDNA-ligandcomplexesistherate-limitingstep, in Eq. (59), we have
- kz[DNA RX] = 0. Solving these for the concentrations the of DNA - RN and DNA I1[Rx]"[DNA]
- l-I[DNA
RX complexes yields the rate
of protein induction:
where V w m n =kzd, V w a x= lzd and d is the total DNA. Here, Km and K m are the Michaelis-Menten constants for the protein productionof the RN and RX complexes. The degradationof the proteinis accomplished in theusual way through the action of some enzyme E with p binding sites:
Ep + E
+ peptides
The rateof proteolysis (prot)is assumed to follow of Michaelis-Menten kinetics
The xenobiotic itselfis metabolized through some enzymeM M+mX*MX
MX and
+ M + some productof metabolism (metab)
in Toxicology
Finally, the differential equations describing the temporal response of the model are given by
where V,t is the constant rate of productionP by of a mechanism not involving the receptor R. Kohn and Portier (1993) used this model to conduct a theoretical study on the shape of the dose-response curves of TCDD and related xenobiotics. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the dose-response curve for chemical carcinogenesis is generally assumedto be linear in the low-dose region (EPA, 1986). Changing the value of the constitutive (const) rate hadno effect on linearity at low doses. Vans,, leads to a shift in At higher doses, however, the curve is sigmoidal. Increasing the rate inflection pointof the sigmoidal curve to lower doses. Values for the Hill exponent of less than1 imply supralinearityat lower doses, and shift the inflection pointof the overall sigmoidal curve to lower doses. Positive cooperability, characterized by hill exponents of greater than 1, is associated with sublinearity in the low-dose region and a shiftof the inflection point of the sigmoid curveto higher doses. Further results are provided by Tritscher et al. (1992), Portier et al. (1993), and Kehn et al. (1993).
C. Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetics for Dioxins The pharmacokinetic behaviorof dioxins has also been investigated in detail. The longitudinal pattern of tissue distribution for TCDD has been studied in the rat (Leung et al., 1990a) and the mouse (Leung et al., 1988). The physiologically based model used in these studies was very similar to that used for polychlorinated biphenyl and kepone (Bungay et al., 1979) and 2,3,7,8tetrachlorodibenzofuran (Kinget al., 1983). The flow-limited model consisted of compartments assigned to the blood, liver (considered tobe the only site of metabolism),fat, skin, and muscle. The model also incorporated excretion of metabolites through the urine, bile, gut lumen, and feces. The binding of TCDD to blood components was described by a fmt-order linear process and two types of liver protein receptors, one having a high-affinity and low-capacity (Poland et al., 1976), and the other involving an inducible low-affhity, high-capacity microsomal protein be a potent inducer of hepatic (Voorman and Aust, 1987). Since TCDD was also known to microsomal enzymes (McConnellet al., 1984, Roseet al., 1976; Kocibaet al., 1976,1978), data from single- and multiple-dose studies were used to assess disposition and enzyme induction following oral dosing. In asubsequentstudy, h u n g et al., (199Ob)investigatedtheeffectof apreadministered ..._ inducing dose of TCDD, administered intraperitoneally3 days before an intraperitoneal dose of 2-['251]iodo-3,7,8-trichlorodibenzo-pdioxin(ITCDD), on the tissue distribution and pharmacokinetic behavior of the TCDD analogue in mice. Control animals were dosed with ITCDD alone, and these had the highest concentration in the fat. The pretreated animals had the highest concentration of ITCDD in their livers. In both control and pretreated mice, the whole-body elimination of ITCDD followed first-order kinetics, but the rate of excretion for the pretreated mice, (tin = 8.0 days), was almost twice as fast as that for the control animals, ( t l= ~ 14.2 days). Microsomal ITCDD-binding protein in the liver was increased by about 12-fold in the pretreated mice, and the overall metabolism rate was increased threefold in these animals. It was
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clear that the principal factor that influenced the liverfiat concentration ratio was the affinity and capacity of the microsomal ITCDD-binding proteins. The principal organ concentrations, as well as the interpretation of tissue concentration data for single enzyme activity, and induction, and repeated doses, was considered to be accommodated very well by the physiological model, 1988) A suitable physiologically based fugacity model has been used (Kissell and Robarge, to predict successfully the uptake and elimination of TCDD in humans. The data were obtained from previous reports of studies with Ranch Hand veterans who were knownto have adipose tissue levels of at least 10 ppt (Wolfe et al., 1988) and from a study in which an individual ingested 105 ng of tritiated TCDD (Poiger and Schlatter, 1986). Excretion half-lives ranged from 20 to 4.4 years for veterans who had adipose levels rangingfrom 10 to 100 ppt and 6.7 years for the single dosein the human who had an adipose tissue concentration of 9.0 ppt. Unfortunately, these publications did not report on metabolism or binding in the liver. and elimination, as well as receptorinterInmorerecentstudies,tissuedistribution 1993; Kedderis, 1993; actions,havebeenstudied(Weber et al., 1993; McKinleyetal., McLachlan, 1993).
V. SUMMARYANDCONCLUSIONS The mechanism by which toxic substances exert their effects is an important considerationin toxicological risk assessment. In this chapter, we have focused on mathematical models for receptor binding mechanisms thatmay be involved in chemical toxicity. Of particular interest are the Hill and Michaelis-Menten equations, which have found application in a studyof several toxic substances. Although the Michaelis-Menten equations are linear at low doses, the Hill equation can be linear (n = l), sublinear (n c 1) or supralinear (n > l), depending on the value of the Hill exponentn. Receptor binding appears to play an important role in the induction of toxic effects of TCDD. Considerable workhas been done on the development of biologically based models for both receptor binding and pharmacokinetics of TCDD. Pharmacodynamic models for tumor 1988; Tritscher etal., 1992; Luebeck etal., induction are also available (Thorslund and Charnley 1991). Ultimately, these results can be combined to obtain an integrated biologically based model of TCDD carcinogenesis (Andersen et al., 1993; Kohn et al., 1994). The receptor-binding models an important role in the development of a comprehensive detailed in this paper will play biologically based modelfor TCDD carcinogenesis.
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25 Statistical Analysis of Heritable Mutagenesis Data Walter W. Piegorsch
University of South Carolina
Columbia. South Carolina
1. INTRODUCTION The objective of heritable mutagenesis studies is to evaluate some toxic chemical’s potential to induce genetic damage that leads to disorders inoffspring of test subjects (i.e., transmissible genetic damage induced in the subjects’ g e m cells; Maxwell and Newell, 1973; Russell andKelly,1982;Shelby,1988;Shelby et al.,1993). Qpically, laboratoryanimals are employedastestsubjects.Forexample,inacommondesign,male(orfemale)rodents are administeredtheagent of interest,matedwithuntreatedpartners,andtheiroffspring are examined to determine whether or not chemically related heritable genetic effects are observed.Severaldifferentassays are availableforstudyingsuchheritabledamage,each of which centers its attention on a different type of genetic toxicity (Russell and Shelby, 1985). These assays include the dominant lethal test (Generoso, 1973; Generoso and Piegorsch, 1993; Green and Springer, 1973), the heritable translocation test (Bishop and Kodell, 1980; &nard, 1975), and the specific locus test (Selby and Olson, 1981). In these assays, data are obtained on various stages of germ cell production. The data may involve embryonic or zygotic damage or fetalmortality.Conceptual (Generosoetal.,1991).effectsonconceptualimplantation, the exposed parent damage is always associated with some mutagenic event in the germ ofcells (Shelby et al., 1993). [This contrasts with the issue of in utero developmental damage and its associated statistical concerns, as seen, e.g.,in developmental teratogenicity studies (Piegorsch and Haseman, 1991; Ryan, 1992).] There are severalimportantstatisticalissuesassociatedwiththeanalysis of heritable mutagenesis data. These include determination of the appropriate experimental unit, the selection of appropriate methodology for data analysis, and sample size and power considerations. Each of these issues willbe discussed briefly in this chapter, using as a common paradigm the male dominant lethal assay in mice (Generoso and Piegorsch, 1993). For purposes of risk assessment, this assay is often conduced as an identifying screen and, then, usually at only two treatment 473
levels: a control and a single doseof the mutagenic stimulus. Thus,the discussion herein will center on two-group statistical comparisons for heritable mutagenesis data.
The experimental unit in any toxicity study or bioassay is the sampling unit to which the treatment is applied.hoper identification of this unit is important, since statistical analyses of the data require its precise definition. For a standard heritable mutagenesis study, the experim tal unit is the exposed parent. (Technically, individual conceptuses are not exposed directly to the chemical agent under test.) For this example, data recorded on individual conceptuses from unit, and it is the same female’s litter represent multiple observations on a single experimental likely that the individual conceptual responses will be correlated (Piegorsch and Haseman, 1991). If this correlation is not taken into account, any calculated test statistics or confidence intervals could be adversely affected. In particular, tests that are being performed ostensiblyat the a=0.05 significancelevel may actuallybeoperating at somehigher,unknownlevel. Numemus investigators [e.g., Haseman and Soares (1975) and Lockhart et al. (1992)l have carried out calculations that illustrate the exaggerated significance a “perconceptus” test can engender when applied to heritable mutagenesis data, producing misleading results. To avoid the experimental unitfor statistical evaluation, and the level this serious form of analytic error, at which this evaluation and analysis occurs, should not be the conceptus. Commonly, therefore, the litter is taken as the experimental unit in most developmental assays. On occasion, such as in male mouse dominant lethal testing, the male is the experimental unit, since it is technically the sampling unit that receives the exposure. It has been noted, however, that littleif any additional “male effect” in these studies is observed beyond the effect caused by per-conceptus correlations within a litter (Aeschbacher et al., 1977; Epstein et al., 1972; Lockhart et al., 1992; Smith and James, 1984). Hence, the litter can serveas the unit of analysis here as well, although this lack of a male effect should be corroborated when any new data or assays are brought under study e.g., [cf. Lockhart et al. (1992)l. The statistical methods discussedinthefollowingallconsiderthelitter,ratherthantheconceptus,asthebasic experimental unit.
Assume that there are two experimental (control plus treated) groups in a given study.If some XI, whereas ordered score variable, such as dose, is recorded at the treated level, we it by denote x0 = 0 is the control “dose.” Within each experimental group, assume that are there Ji litters (i = 0,l) and within each litter thereare No conceptuses (i = 0.1; j = 1,2, . Ji). We denote by Y Q ~ the response of the kth conceptus within the jth litter of the ith treatment group. This can be considered the per conceptus response. The corresponding per litter response willbe the sum of 1 Yo&. theseindividualindicators,denotedby Yq = To illustrate the notation, if the endpoint of interest is conceptual resorption, then Yok = 0 if Q=~1 if it is a resorption. the kth implant in thejth litter of the ith treatment group is viable,Y and Yo is then the total number of resorbed conceptuses the in jth litter of the ith treatment group.
The primary focus of this chapter is on the analysis of discrete variables, and a variety of statistical procedures have been proposedfor this purpose. The two most common approaches are (1) nonparametric (rank-based) methods, and(2) procedures based on underlying distribu-
Methods Statistical tional assumptions and data modeling. Before discussing the various methods, however, an important preliminary issue must be addressed.
A. Number
Versus Proportion Affected
Let Yii denote the total number of resorptions in thejth litter of the ith experimental group. Since the rangesof values of Yo is limitedby the litter sizeNo,it is logicalto base statistical analyses on the proportion of affected conceptuses (i.e., RV = Yi$Ni). Indeed, statistical analyses based on RV, rather than Yo,are recommended, since there are many problems with use of Yo that can Soares disturb or confound the statistical analysis. For instance, Haseman and(1976) have’shown that, for three large populations of mice, the proportion of affected conceptuses is less dependent on litter size than is the number of affected conceptuses. One simple way to avoid these problems is to correct Yu by dividing itby the number at risk (i.e.. takeRu = Yu/Nu).
B. Nonparametric Methods
When interest centers on the proportion of affected conceptuses,Rg = Y@o, analyses are often based on the basic sampling model for proportions: the binomial distribution. Unfortunately, this simple model does not fit well under per litter sampling (Haseman and Kupper, 1979; Haseman such the binomial, and Soares, 1976;Lockhart et al., 1992), and simple statistical distributions, as may be inappropriateto describe the sampling distribution of Yq or RV.Thus, any analyses based on estimating parameters from the binomial model(i.e., “parametric” binomial methods) may lead to suspector erroneous inferences about the heritable mutagenesis of the chemicalor other stimulus under study. Distribution-free (nonparametric) methodsare an alternative to parametric models for the RV.These assume no specific parametric form for the sampling distribution RV, although of they do concede the existenceof a parameter,pi, which is the probability of resorption at treatment level i. Thus, the basic null hypothesis of no treatment effect translates tono difference in the underlying proportions: H0:po =PI. The alternative hypothesis is a one-sided increase due to chemical treatment:&:p0 8 hr. The first region (t c 1 hr) had the steepest slope. The time constants were estimated to be 2.65,0.12, and 0.04 hr-l
Pharmacokinetic Modelingof Phenanthrene
O I ' 0.01
m A
x I
Time (days)
Figure 1 Observed blood concentration (m&) for the highdose (7 mglkg) group.
for the three regions, respectively,in the high-dosegroup.In thelowdose group, they were1.43, 0.13, and 0.02 hr-l for the three exponentials, respectively. The corresponding half-lives were 0.38,8.56, and 28.09 hr for the high-dose, and 0.70,7.83, and 41.65 hr for thelowdose groups. The relation between the average blood phenanthrene concentrations in the high- and the low-dose groupsis depicted in Fig. 3. The straight line in thefigwe had a slopeof 1:lO which was the ratioof the dosage between the high (7 m a g ) and the low dose(0.7 m a g ) . At t = 30 min, the ratio of the concentrations in blood were the same as the dosage ratio (1:lO). At the
m v
0.001 i 0
1 1
Time ( d a y s )
Figure 2 Observed blood concentration (m&) for the low-dose (0.7 m a g )
Chu and Ku
Table 1 Concentration of Phenanhne in Blood (m&) Folkwing Intravenous Administration (Dose = 7 m a g bw, 6 rats) Tiie(hr)
(Dose = 0.7 m a g bw, 4 rats)
0.197 0.957 4.848 0.17 0.407 0.139 0.341 0.33 2.655 0.135 0.180 0.357 0.50 1.570 0.295 0.188 0.146 0.67 0.944 0.220 0.233 0.120 1.00 0.535 0.144 0.269 0.094 2.00 0.369 0.142 0.067 0.052 3.00 0.339 0.365 0.057 0.124 4.00 0.251 0.046 0.300 0.075 5.00 0.261 0.133 0.035 0.041 0370.1490.0340.231 6.00 .0350.1060.0220.205 7.00 0.050 0.030 0.0090.189 8.00 0.8210.014 0.090 0.0170.2960.027 24.00 0.045 0.0140.3740.017 48.00 72.00 0.220 0.006
0.041 0.026 0.017 0.020 0.013 0.013 0.011 0.010
0.229 0.177 0.139 0.213 0.200 0.225 0.239 0.233
0.005 0.006
0.153 0.215
0.004 0.001
time points earlier than 30 min, the concentration was high, and the concentration ratio became less than the dosage ratio. This might indicate that at high concentration, the phenanthrene might be ntained inthebloodproportionally m m than for the lowconcentrationowing to the saturation in the removal of the chemical. Att > 30 min, the ratios were very close or to,slightly of the dosage. higher than, the ratio Figure 4 shows the relation between the average and standard deviationof data from both of the blood phenanthrene the high- and the lowdose groups. It shows that the standard deviation concentrations in rats is proportional to the levelof the concentration, andis not dependent on 0.6
0 0
High dose
Figure 3 Relation of blood concentration m&
between highdose and lowdose experiments,
Pharmacokinetic Modelingof Phenanthrene 1
-c 0 . e 0
-> Q
00.6 0 L
-30.4 c
I n
Average Figure 4 Relation between standard deviations and averages(Hhigh dose, V low dose).
the administered dose. The regression coefficient of the standard deviation relative to the mean value was 0.186.
B. Data From Oral Dose Experiments Blood and tissue phenanthrenedata of the high (500 ppm) and the low(50 ppm) dose groups are shown in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. Only the fat and blood data for the lowdose groups were available. Tables2 and 3 display the mean and the range of phenanthrene concentrations in blood and tissues for the groups terminated. at day 70 (high-dose) and at day 77 (low-dose).
c E Q)
2 U
').I l00
e 10
Time ( d a y s )
Figure 5 Average concentrationsfor high oral dose (500 ppm in diet) (.=blood, V = liver, 0 = fat, A = muscle, X = skin).
Chu and Ku
A *
Tlme ( d a y s )
Figure 6 Same as Fig. 5 for low oral dose (50ppm in diet). At days35,42,and 63,the concentrationsin blood were about200 ndml for the high-dose and 1 0 0 ng/ml for the low-dosegroups. This ratio of 2:l was much smaller than the dosage ratio of 1O:l. The ratio for fat of the two dose groups was about 4 1, which was higher than that for blood, but was still much smaller than the ratio of the dosage. The difference between the highest and lowest fat phenanthrene concentrations at anysampling time betweenanimals was about twofold. The only exception was for highdose the group Table 2 Concentration of Phenanthrene @g%) in Blood and Tissues of Rats Exposed Orally in the DieP Time (days)
Muscle No! FatLiver Blood
35.0 42.0 63.0 70.0 70.3 71.0 72.0
3 3 3 1 4 4 6
179.3 225.4 168.O 169.3 141.1 110.2 62.8
35.0 42.0 63.0 70.0 70.3 71.0
3 3 3
32.0 91.1 24.0
Average 1082.7 1474.0 1354.3 1022.0 1373.3 224.0 300.3 Range 508.0 1046.0 63.0
1 4 4
144.8 21.S
1060.0 31.7
1198.0 388.0
D 'o s e= 500 ppm. bNo., number of animals.
3818.6 2992.1 1627.7 1782.0 1369.3 557.1 622.0
82.5 145.9 95.5 60.9
1541.1 1427.8 498.5 427.0
1966.1 1153.3 1105.7
26.1 146.4 22.4
825.3 1112.3 340.9
Pharmacokinetic Modelingof Phenanthrene Table 3 Concentration (p@) of Phenanthrene in Blood and Tissues of Rats*
Tune (days)
Muscle No! FatLiver Blood
Average 3 3 3 158.5 1
35.0 42.0 63.0 77.0 77.3 78.0 79.0
4 3
92.3 81.3 78.9 80.343.1961.0 275.3 23.O 32.9 127.0
781.3 585.7 559.5
Range 35.0 42.0 63.0 77.0 77.3 78.0 79.0
3 3 3 1 1 4 3
240.7 75.9 429.5 1967.0
26.0 38.0 7.4
33.7 139.6
D 'o s e= 50 ppm. WO..number of animals.
sacrificed at 70 days andthe lowdose group at 77 days, for whichthe ratio wasas large as 5:l. In general, the range was about half or equal to the average. Since samples were collected from different rats,this might be one of the reasons that the data had much larger variations than those of the intravenous data,for which serial blood samples were obtained from the same animals. Tables 4 and 5 give tissue/blood concentration ratios that were used as initial estimates of
Table 4 Concentration Ratios Between Tissue and Blood of Rats Fed High-Dose (500 ppm) Phenanthrene Diet Time (days)
Liver/B Muscle/B Fat/B
Average 2.76
35.0 42.0 0.55 63.0 70.0 70.3 71.0 0.32 72.0
21.15 3 6.05 0.7 3 13.34 6.70 8.04 2 7.98 10.53 1 6.04 11.89 3 11.96 3 2.1 1 7.85 3 4.13
0.46 1
8.61 6.75
Range 4.22 1.64
35.0 0.10 42.0 0.9 63.0 0.05 70.0 70.3 71.0 72.0 0.22
7.79 3 32.99 2.72 2
2.59 5.31 1.12
3 4.19 3 8.54 3
4.00 0.41 3.78
Chu and Ku
Table 5 Concenhrttion Ratio Between Tissue and Blood of Rats Fed Low-Dose (50 ppm) Phenanthrene Diet ~~
Time (days)
35.0 42.0 63.0 77.0 1.86 77.3 78.0 79.0
3 4.29 1 1 4
7.47 6.39
1.31 Range
35.0 42.0 63.0 77.0 77.3 78.0 79.0
the partition coefficient the for model study.The concentration ratios between fat and blood from animals sacrificed after42 days varied from 2 to 26 for the high dose, and 6 to 9 for thelow 12. dose. The average of all samples was 11, and half of them had values between 9 and Phenanthrene in other tissues was analyzed only for the highdose group. The ratio for liver varied from 2.4 to 9.8 and the average was 6. The ratio for muscle had the least variation of0.2-1.2, the average being 0.5, and half of the samples had ratios between 0.4 and 0.5. The skin also showed a large variationof 2-17, with an average of 7; half of the samples had values between 6 and 9.
IV. BASICMODELPARAMETERS A. PhysiologicalParameters The tissue volume and blood flowin Table 6 are the same as those described by hung et al. (1990). The cardiac outputwas as described byArms and Travis (1988). The tissue volume and blood flow in the slowly perfused organs were separated into the muscle and the skin. It was assumed that 90% of the blood flow in the slowly perfused tissues was in the muscle and the remaining 10% in the skin; 70% of the tissue volume in the slowly perfused tissues was the muscle and the remaining30% the skin.
B. Partition Coefficients and Metabolic Constants The partition coefficients were estimated by the ratio of tissueblood concentrations in rats exposed to phenanthrene orally over70 days. These valueswere used as a first approximation and are listed in Table6. The value ofV- and Km were detennined tobe 0.17 and1.7 in vitro a standard method. by incubation of phenanthrene with rat liver microsomes, using
Pharmacokinetic Modelingof Phenanthmte Table 6 PhysiologicalParameters Used in Modeling Body weight (bw)= 0.33 kg Cardiac output (QC)= 14.1 x bw0*75m) Blood
Parametersa ~
Organs Muscle Fat
0.0500.050 0.040 Volume 0.0130.017 Volume (l) Blood flow 1.o 0.250 0.510 3.1311.5356.139 Blood flow (h) 5.0 5 .O Partition coefficients 47.439 18.600 Time constant (h+) Slowly perfused tissues Volume = 0.71 Ratio
Blood flow= 0.19 Ratio V,, = O S K, = 1.78
0.110 0.036 0.050 0.307 10.0 0.846
0.497 0.164 0.171 1.050 0.5 12.802
0.213 0.070 0.019 0.117 10.0 0.166
nVolume,fraction of body weight; b l d flow, fraction of cardiac output; ratio, muscle (or skm)/slowly perfusedtissue.
V. MODELING OF INTRAVENOUS PHENANTHRENE DATA By using the physiological parameters and biochemical data given in the preceding section, a PBPK model consisting of six compartments: blood, liver, richly perfused tissue, fat, muscle, and skin was constructed. A diagram of the model is shownin Fig. 7,and the equations for each compartment are given in Eqs. 1-6.
Qi denotes the rate at which blood flows into and of out compartment i, Vi denote the tissue volume of the compartmenti. c&)is the concentration in arterial blood,Vi(t) is the concentra-
Chu and Ku
Figure 7 SixcompartmentsPBPK model. tion in venous blood, and Yb(f)is the administered dose available for systemic circulation over time. denotes the summation excluding the blood compartment and
= ZQi
The concentration in the venous blood is expressed as VXt) = CXt) / P i
where Pi denotes the partition coefficient between tissue and blood; Zi(t) is the rateof metabolic removal, and the Michaelis-Menten removal mechanism is used:
is the maximum removal rate, and K m is the concentration at half the maximum where V,, removal rate.
A. The Basic Circulatory Model In this model, the value V,, of was initially setto 0.5 and the value of Km is 1.78. The prediction are plotted in Fig. 8. It showed that att c 8 h,the model from the model and the observed data prediction was generally slightly higher than the observeddata forthe low dose, but was much higher than the observed values for the high dose.The attenuation of the model concentration > 8 hr. was faster than the observed data. This was especially obvioust at
Pharmacokinetic Modelingof Phenanthrene
1E- 4 0
Tlme (days)
I 80
Figure 8 Model (lines) and observed (symbols) data of intravenoushigh- (.l and lowexperiments.
( 4 dose
B. The Refinement of Circulatory Model for theLow Dose Since the model-fitting for low dose had a better result than for that the high dose, the low-dose model was further exploredas discussed in the following sections. I . Changesin,,V The model used in the Michaelis-Menten excretion mechanism in the liver. With the partition coefficient of P1 = 5, the time constant of liver, which couldbe expressed as Ql/PlUl, was 0.31 m i d . Therefore,theresponse of theliver wasveryfast.Forthelow-doseintravenous experiment, the venous concentration in liver reached its maximum of 0.74 at 0.04 hr. The concentration was much smaller than the Michaelis constant of 1.78. Therefore, the removal process was operating almost linearly at all times. of the concentration curve and The rateof metabolic removal determined the overall slope had little effect on the shape of the curve. Therefore, bylowering the value of V-, the attentuation rate would be decreased and, consequently, the concentration curve would rotate counterclockwise,as shown in Fig.9 for V,, = 1,0.5, and 0.25. Therefore, very little impmvement can be achieved by changing the V,, alone, and V,, = 0.5 gives the best fit among the three values.
2. Changes in the Perfusion Rate of Skin Skin had a very slow blood perfusion rate. For PS= 10, the time constantof fat compartmentis 0.166 hr-l, which was the lowest among all of the compartments. Therefore, it largely controlled the shapeof the concentration curve at a later time. By increasing the value of PS,a larger portion of the substance would be stored initially in this compartment, which resulted in low phenanthrene concentrations in blood and other compartments. After the phenanthrene concentration
Chu and Ku
526 10
c 0
m L
,'O.Ol V
c 0
Tlme (days)
Figure 9 Intravenous dose model experimentby changing V-. in the skin compartment reached its maximum, the skin would start to reverse its roleby releasing the substance. "he decrease in liver phenanthrene concentration would reduce the metabolic removal rate; therefore, the higher skin perfusion rate would result in more substance being retained in the body at any given time. Becauseof the small time constantof the skin compartment, the release 10 n
Ev 0 . 0 1
c 0
Time ( d a y s )
Figure 10 Blood concentrationfor PS= 10 and 15.
Modeling Pharmacokinetic
of Phenanthrene
of the substance from this compartment to others was also slower. Therefore, its removal by metabolism in the liver would also be slower. Consequently, the blood concentration will be higher than that obtained using PS= 10, as illustrated in Fig. 10.
3. Change in Partition CoMcient of FatlBlood The otherslow perfusion compartment was the fat, and laboratory data indicated thatwas there a large variation in the ratio of fatblood concentration (see Tables 4 and 5). Therefore, thefat partition couldbe larger than 10, which was used in the previous models. It was expected that the increase inPfwould producethe same result as that caused by changes in PS,as shown in Fig. 11. Note thatPf= 20 also gives a much better fit for data below t = 8 hr.
C. The Second-Order Metabolic Removal The basic circulatory model failed to explain the slowrate of decreaseinbloodphenanthrene concentration when its values were low. To address this problem, the Michaelis-Menten removal function was modified to make it depend on the second order of the venous blood concentration, as shownin Eq. (10). Thevalues of V- and Km obtained by fittingthe high-dose and the lowdose data by the SIMUSOLV program (Mitchell and Gauthier Assoc. Concord, MA) were 4.455[0.073] and 1.569[0.049]. The values in the bracket are the standard deviations.
The resultof the model is given in Fig.12. It showed a good fit for the low-dose data, but the predicted concentrations were t m low for the high-dose experiment. Since the rate of V,, / K m at low concentration,the removal was determined byV,, at high concentration and
c a s
c 0
0 .OD1
1E- 4 0
Tlme ( d a y s )
Figure 11 Blood concentration for Pf= 10 and U).
Chu and Ku
528 l0
-1 FI)
a V
::0 . 0 1
Tlrne ( d a y s )
predicted valuefor the high dose could be raisedby reducing V,,,=. At the same time, the value of K m should alsobe reduced to keep the ratio V- / K m unchanged for the low dose.Figures 13 and 14 show this effect. The lower curve is the result fromusing the sameV , and K m obtained previously. The middle and the upper curves are the resultby reducing the parametersto 0.5 and 0.25 of their original values. Figures 13 and 14 show that the reduction in , V and K m to 0.5 100
m E
a s V
::0 . 1 0.01
Tlrne ( d a y s )
Figure 13 Same V,,,, and K,,,as in Fig. 12 (bottom curve); parameten reducedto 50% (middle curve) (upper curve).
and 25%
Pharmacokinetic Modelingof Phenanthrene
c 0
Tlme (days)
Figure 14 Same as Fig. 13 (with second orcler removal). will improve the prediction for t c 8 hr. A further reductionto 0.25 improved fitting fort > 8 hr, but would overestimate the concentration for data t < 1 tu.Note that these changes in V,, and Km did not haveany significant effecton the prediction for the low dose.
D. The Saturation Input Model The other mechanism that was investigated was the saturation input.inThe model assumed that the amount of the dose initially availablefor circulation Yc was not equal to that administered into the body yi. This might occur when the dosage was high and where part of the dose was sequestered. These two are related by
At the low dose,Yc was almost equalto yi, but at the high dose, Yc was limited by Ki.This was a similar function usedin the Michaelis-Menten removal mechanism. The remaining compound(yi - Yc) was assumed tobe released slowlyas
d Yr(t) dt
= (Yi
- Y&(1
- e-e-p'
where K r is an integration constant whichis
Since the second-order removal model with K m = 0.442 and V , = 1.116 predicted a higherconcentrationthanthedataobservedinthe highdose group,thissaturationfuncthis model tionwasexpected to producesomereductioninmodelprediction.Therefore, was used as a basis for adding the saturation on the input. The values of the parameters Ki,
Chu and Ku
530 10
5 Q
E -
E a#
E0 . 0 1
0.001 0
Time ( d a y s )
Figure 15 Intravenous dose. Second-order removaland input saturation model. a and f3 were computed by the SIMUSOLV, using the high-dose data, and the results were 6.191[0.508], 2.469[0.097], and 0.0!34[0.005],respectively for R, a, and p (values in the brackets are the standnrd deviation]. The results of this model arc plotted in Figs. 15 and 16. The same parameters were usedto predict the low-dose data, and the results are plotted in the same two figures. It was obvious that this model produced a better fit to both the high- and the low-dose data.
1 .-. 0,
m L
c a#
::0 . 0 1 0.001
Figure 16
Time ( d a y s )
Same as Fig. 15 (with second-order removaland saturation input).
Modeling Pharmacokinetic
of Phenanthrene
VI. SUMMARY Phenanthrene can be described by a sixcompartment PBPK model consistingof liver, blood, fat, skin, muscle, and richly perfused tissue compartment. The modeling of a highly lipophilic compound, suchas phenanthrene, necessitated a number of approaches different from those used in low molecular weight hydrocarbon solvents. Because of its low volatility, the tissue/blood be determined by the headspace chromatography partition coefficientsof phenanthrene could not technique. The coefficients were estimated by the ratio of concentrations in tissues and blood of animals dosed with the compound to a steady state. This model prediction was improved by replacing the venous blood concentration in the Michaelis-Menten removal equation by its To squares.Theimprovementwasespeciallysignificantwhentheconcentrationwaslow. improve the fitting of the predicted results to the observed data, it was further assumed that a saturation mechanism, which could be represented in an equation similar to the MichaelisMenten equation, limited the immediate availability of the administered dose for circulation. The excess amount wouldbe slowly released for circulation later.This modification improved the the of second-order term in a modified prediction for the high dose. The biological significance Michaelis-Menten equation was unknown, but theeffect would make the curve similar to those causedbytheexistenceofallostericbindingsitesandincreasedaffinityathighsubstrate to phenanthrene concentrations(Roberts, 1977). aphenomenonthatmighthaveoccurred following dosing. The present study provided one model whereby the pharmacokinetic behavior of phenanthrene may be described. There may be other models to describe the kinetic behaviorof this compound. The usefulness of the modeling isit prompts that the investigator to refine the models so that they can better describe the kinetic processif the initial modelfails to fit the observed data. Therefore, meaningful biological processes might be discovered through various modeling trials, Further work is being conducted to validate the model by examining phenanthrene at additional dose levels.
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29 Biologically Based Cancer Modeling E. Georg Luebeck and SureshH. Moolgavkar Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle, Washington
1. INTRODUCTION Mathematical models of carcinogenesis serve a variety of useful purposes. Foremost, they provide a frameworkin which ideas about the mechanisms that lead to cancer can be discussed and further developed. Ultimately,, one hopes that a better understandingof the carcinogenic process will lead to improved clinical therapies and more effective cancer prevention strategies. Mathematical cancer models have been used for analysis of experimental and epidemiological our environment. data and for quantifying the hazards of putative carcinogenic agents in Several mathematical models have been developed over the 40 past years that are biologically motivated. They share much in common, but vary in details of their description and in degrees of mathematical sophistication (Nordling,1953; Armitage and Doll, 1954). The basic tenet of these models is that malignant tumors arise from a single cell that has sustained a number of irreversible critical insults to its genome. Thus, the fundamental unit of description is the of malignant transformation. susceptible target cell together with its probability The model that best embodies the multistage concept is the ArmitageDoll multistage model; Fig. 1 is a pictorial representationof this model. It has gained much popularity among risk assessors because it is intuitive, mathematically tractable, and yields age-specific tumor of many adulthumancarcinomas. incidencecurvesthatresembletheincidencepatterns Unfortunately, the ArmitageDoll model and approximations to it have been employed rather indiscriminately, often in situations that violate basic assumptions. This will be further discussedlater in thechapter.However,the idea of amultistagenature of thecarcinogenic processiswellsupportedbymodemlaboratoryobservations(Land et al., 1983, Bishop, 1991; IARC, 1992). It is important to identify the central aspects of carcinogenesis that should be modeled New insights into the explicitly and thoseaspects that are peripheral or still poorly understood. of tumor suppressor genes, such as the Rb carcinogenic process were gained with the discovery 533
Luebeck and Moolgavkar
stage n-l
malignant cell
Figure 1 Armitage+Dollmultistagemodel.
(retinoblastoma) gene and thep53 gene (Knudson, 1971; Hollstein et al., 1991; Levine et al., 1991). Both genes play important roles in the controlof the cell cycle. In1971,Knudsonshowedthatatwo-mutationrecessiveoncogenesismodelcouldexplain both the sporadic and inherited formof the retinoblastoma chil&ood cancer. According to this model the sporadic form of this cancer is due to the somatic loss (or loss in function) of both copies of the Rb gene, whereas the hereditary form of the cancer is caused bya germ of the Rb gene and the sporadic loss of line transmission of a missing or defective copy the remaining copy. For most adult cancers, the situation is less clear, and they do not seem to follow the recessive oncogenesis model just described. For instance, laboratory work suggests that a small number (three or four) of mutations are involved in colorectal carcinoma, implicating three tum (K-rm) (Fearon and Vogelstein, suppressor genes( A X ,p53, andDCC) and one protooncogene 1990). The difficulty in pinning down the exact number of rate-limiting steps is confounded by the problem of increasing genetic instability that accompanies tumor progression. Some mutational events may occur late in the development of a tumor and should not be considered rate-limiting or necessary for malignant conversion. In this context, the recent finding of a “mutator gene” on the long arm of chromosome 2 is of interest. The dysfunctionof this gene seems to be responsible for a good fractionof familial colorectal cancers and causes a strong increase in genomic instability in tumor cells (Aaltonen et al., 1993). Although earlier models of carcinogenesis, such as the Armitage-Doll model, were proposed to accountfor tumor incidence curves, new models were needed to explain the increasing number of systematic observations gathered from animal experiments that involve intermediatestage lesions. In the last 20 years, much biological evidence has been gathered showing the importance of cell proliferation in the carcinogenic process. The Annitage-Doll model adequately describes the incidence of many human carcinomas (Cook et al., 1969; Renan, 1993). However, it is ill-suited for many experimental situations, for which the endpoints are intermediate, such as the appearance of preneoplastic lesions in the rat liver or the appearance of papillomas on mouse skin. A comprehensive descriptionof these phenomena will necessarily have to include a descriptionof the underlying growth processes that result in the observable lesions or tumorsof interest. The two-mutation clonal expansion model, as formulated by Moolgavkar and colleagues (Moolgavkar and Knudson, 1981; Moolgavkar et al., 1988), provides a minimalistic framework of carcinogenesis, and the property of intermediate in which both aspects-the multistage nature! to proliferate-are modeled explicitly. Growth of intermediate lesions (initiated) cell populations is modeled as a stochastic birth and death process of the constituent cells. Cells are assigned probabilities to either divide into daughter cells, to die or differentiate, or to divide asymmetrion the cally into one cell of the same lineage and one cell that has suffered another critical event be found pathway to cancer. Acomprehensive review of stochastic models of carcinogenesis can in the book by Tan (Tan, 1991).
II. THE ARMITAGE-DOLL MULTISTAGE MODEL Despite that the ArmitageDoll model does not explicitly consider cell kinetics, it is still widely used for data analysis and in cancer risk assessment. The model has intuitive appeal and is mathematically straightforward. Here, we would like to review this model to introduce the key quantities that m used in time-to-tumor data analyses and to point out some of the potential pitfalls encountered in the common use of this particular model. It has been observed that, for many human carcinomas, the age-specific incidence rate was originally increases roughlyas apower of age [i.e., f(t) c&, and the Armitage-Doll model rate a measure of the rate of proposed to explain this observation. The age-specific incidence is is that appearanceof tumors ina previously tumor-free tissue. The appropriate statistical concept of the hazard function. First, for the tissue of interest, letT be a random variable representing the time to appearance of a malignant tumor.We define P(t) as the probability that a malignant tumor has occurred by time t; that is,P(t) = Rob [T S C].The hazard functionh(& is then defined by 1 h(t) = lim -Rob[t At+OAt
and represents the rate of change in P(t) conditional on there being no tumor present before t , also termed the time c. Obviously, S(r) = 1-P(r) is the probability ofnotumorbytime survival function. of Suppose that there are N cells susceptible to malignant transformation in the tissue interest, and let us assume that these cells are independent. Let p(t) be the probability that a Spaific susceptible cellis malignant by time r. It can then be shown that the overall hazard is the sum of all the individual hazards; that is,
As seen in Fig.1 a malignant tumor arises when a single susceptible cell sustains a number of critical insults (sayn) that take it from a normal tissue cell to a malignant cell, which grows after a short lag time into a malignant tumor. The waiting time distribution for the cell to go state i to state i + 1 is assumed to be exponential with parameterhi. Let pi(t) be the probability that a cell is in stage i. Then Eq. (1) can be rewritten as h(t) = NpL(t) 1 [l -p,#)]. If we now assume that malignancy (at the level of the cell) is a rare event [i.e., p&) 01, we may approximate the hazard function by h(t) = NpL(f). In this case, Taylor series expansion (Moolgavkar, 1978, 1991) leads to the approximation
: In is the mean of the transition rates, and f(h,t)involves second and higher where h = ?& order momentsof the transition rates. Retention of only thefirst nonzero term this in series expansion leads to the ArmitageDoll approximation, namely
Luebeck and Moolgavkar
Thus, with the two approximations made-(l) p,&) = 0 and (2) I +f(n,t)I c< l-this model predicts an age-specific incidence curve that increases with a power of ageisthat one lessthan the number of distinct stages involved in malignant transformation. Since the Armitage-Doll model does not allow for cell death, it is immediately clear that any susceptible cell eventually becomes malignant with probability 1. Furthermore, since the waiting time distribution to malignant transfornation is thesum of n exponential waiting time distributions, it follows that h(?)is a monotone increasing function. Moreover,it can be shown = &in, where &,in is the minimum of the transition that h(?)has a finite asymptote: limtA(?) rates. Thus, the Armitage-Doll approximation, which grows without bound, becomes progressively worse with increasing age. It is instructive, to rephrase the Annitage-Doll approximation in mathematical terms that in each stage. For this purpose, let Xi(?) be a sequence involve the expectation of the occupancy of random variables associated with each cell, such X,(?) that = 1 if the cell isin stage i at timet and zero otherwise. Since the probabilitypm(?)of a cell to become finally malignant obeys the Kolmogorov equation
the hazard can also be writtenas
where E denotes the expectation. In words, the hazard or incidence is proportional to the expected (or mean) number of cells inthe penultimate stage, conditional on there being no cells that are malignant. When p&) is close to zero, or equivalently, the transition rates are small enough, the conditional expectation may be approximated by the unconditional expectation, and
Thus, the Armitage-Doll approximation consists of replacingthe conditional expectation of by the unconditional expectation and, then, retaining only the first nonzero term in the Taylor series expansion of the unconditional expectation. Expressions similar to Eqs. (4) and (5) can alsobe written for the hazard functionof the two-mutation model. h, and thus eachhi, must be small enough. Obviously, for the Armitage-Doll model to hold, An example of how poorly this approximation may isdodiscussed in Moolgavkar (1978,1991). In addition, in animal experiments, the probability of tumor may be too large for p,(?) E 0 to hold, so that the approximation should be avoided altogether.
A. Dosedesponse Modeling To model the action of environmental carcinogens, one or more of the transition rates can be madefunctions of the dose of theagentinquestion.Usually,thetransitionrates are modeled as linear functions of the dose, so that hi=ai+ bid. The assumption of first-order kinetics may be justified, at least for carcinogens that interact directly with DNA to produce mutations. Then, by using the Armitage-Doll approximation [see 4.(3)], the hazard function at aget and dosed can be writtenas h(t,d) = g(@"- l , where g(d) is a polynomial in dose, and the probability of tumor is approximately givenby P(f& = 1 exp[-g(d)fn]. Note that is aproductoflinearterms.It is in this form, calledthelinearizedmultistagemodel,that theArmitage-Dollmodel iscommonlyappliedtotheproblemoflow-doseextrapolation. Generally, the proportion of animals developing tumors at a specified age at each of three
Biologically Based Cancer Modeling
different dose levels is known. The linearized multistage model is fitted to the data and the estimated parameters used to extrapolate risk to lower doses. Thereare formally at least two problems with this procedure. First, as noted earlier, the Armitage-Doll approximation holds only when the probability of tumoris low, and this condition is not satisfied in the usual animal &f) is treated as a experiments used for risk assessment. Second, in the statistical analysis general polynomial, rather than a product of linear terms. The foregoing discussion applies only when exposure to a carcinogen starts at birth or very early in life, and continues at the same constant level throughout the period of observation. With (2). timedependent exposures, the hazard function can no longer be couched in the of Eq. form A startingpoint for themathematicaldevelopment is theset ofKolmogorovdifferential Eq. (3)as their starting point equations. However, the papers in the literature use approximation (see e.g., Whittemore, 1977; Day and Brown, 1980; Crump and Howe, 1984; Brown and Chu, 1987; Freedman and Navidi, 1989). This approximationis inappropriate unless one hasreason to believe that each of the transition rates is small enough. The approximation is almost certainly inappropriate when applied to experimental data.
111. WO-MUTATION CLONAL EXPANSION MODEL To account for the experimental observationsin multistage carcinogenesis, biologicallybased cancer models need to be centered around the following points: 1. Cancer is a multistep process thatinvolvesthe clonalexpansion of intermediateand malignant cell populations. 2. Thus,modelparametersshouldrepresentbiologicalobservablesthatcan, at leastin principle, be measured and tested by experiment (e.g., the number of normal target cells, on). Parameters of interest are likely tobe those that cell kinetic rates, mutation rates, so and are affected by environmental agents. 3. The model should provide a unified framework of carcinogenesis in which both epidemiological and experimental data with intermediate endpoints be cananalyzed. 4. The model should account for the observed phenomenain initiation-promotion (P) experiments, such has the induction and promotion of enzyme-altered foci in the rat liver, or the occurrence of papillomas on mouse skin after painting with a promoter substance, suchas 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate ('PA). 5. The incorporationof time- and dose-dependent exposure patterns of carcinogens should not pose great mathematical difficulty. The two-mutation clonal expansion model, as formulated by Moolgavkar and colleagues (Moolgavkar et al., 1988; Dewanji et al., 1989; Moolgavkar and Luebeck, 1990), presents a minimalistic framework that addresses (at least in part) all of these points. Slightly different versions of the model have been considered in the past by Neyman and Scott (1967), Kendall (1%0), and more recently,by Portier and Kopp-Schneider (1991). be From a genetic pointof view, the two-mutation clonal expansion model can essentially, seen as a mathematical generalization of the recessive oncogenesis model of Knudson (Knudson, 1971; Moolgavkar and Knudson, 1981), according to which the inactivation of both alleles of a specific tumor suppressor gene can lead to cancer. The main of the feature modelis the transition of target stem cells into cancer cells through an intermediate, premalignant, stagein two rare rate-limiting mutational steps. The mutations are considered irreversible, although the possibility on the tissue level. of cell death through apoptosis may effectively remove the mutation In the form that is currently used, the model takes explicit of account the growth kinetics of normal and intermediate cells. Growth of normal target cells is assumed to be deterministic. This
Luebeck and Moolgavkw
is areasonableassumption,becausethenumberofnormalcellsislargeandundertight are assumed to undergo a stochastic birth and homeostatic control. Intermediate or initiated cells death process because their numbers are small and, furthermore, the process of initiation has of chemical carcinogenesis, the resulted in the loosening of homeostatic control. In the parlance fust rate-limiting eventmay be identified with initiation, clonal expansion of initiated cells with or malignant conversion, promotion; and the second rate-limiting event with progression as follows: The assumptions required for the mathematical development can be summarized Let X(r) be the number of normal target cells at time r. Then, initiated cells arise fromnoma1 u(r)X(r), where U(?) is the cells according to an inhomogeneous Poisson process with intensity first mutation rate. Intermediate cells then either divide witha@), ratedie (or differentiate) with rate (?). Because of the rate p(r), or divide into one intermediate and one malignant cell, with p presence of cell death, however, intermediate cells, or their clones, may become extinct before giving rise to malignantprogeny.Furthermathematicaldetailscanbefoundinreferences of Dewanji et al. (1989, 1991) and Moolgavkar and Luebeck (1990). Figure 2 is a graphic representation of the model. of malignant cellsanaloThe model has recently been extendedto include the cell kinetics gous to the kinetics of intermediate cells (Dewanji al., et 1991, Luebeck and Moolgavkar,1994). For the practical purpose of data analysis one often assumes that the occurrence of the first This is an oversimplificamalignant cell will inevitably lead to a tumor after a certain lag time. tion that most likely leads to underestimation of the mutation rates. The problems and biases that in detail by Luebeck and Moolgavkar(1994). can arise from this assumption have been studied
.ad e
6 0
death or differentiation Normal stem cells
/.\ clonal expansionof' intermediatecells
Figure 2 Pictorial repmentationof the two-mutation clonal expansion model.
It was found from computer simulations that the data analysis of tumor incidence data, within the framework of the two-stage model, was very insensitive to the use of a lag time, defined as the time between the occurrences of the first malignant transformation and the crossing of a viability threshold. In the simulations, viability was assumed when the probability of extinction of the tumor was less than lW3. In the following, unless stated otherwise, we will assume that the tumor is synonymous with the first malignant cell in the tissue. In contrast with the Armitage-Doll model, the two-mutation clonal expansion model also In general, both cell division rates allows for environmental agentsto influence cell proliferation. a and cell death ratesp can be made functions of dose and time. Obviously, if an agent increases a- p, the pool of intermediate cells that are susceptible to the net cell proliferation rate, too and, thus, the cancer risk. However, there are distinct malignant transformation will increase a- p may come about modes of action of so-called promoter carcinogens. An increase in through an increase in the cell division rate only. In this case, a corresponding increase in the the increase ina - p originates from second mutation rate is expected. On the other hand, when the decreaseof cell loss (deathor differentiation) no accompanying increase is expected in the transformation ratep. It is useful to introduce the ratio of cell death rate celland birth rate (i.e.,p / a).When both a and p are constant in time and, when a > p, this ratio equals the asymptotic probabilityof extinction; namely, the probability that a clone together with all its progeny ultimately becomes extinct. Whena Ip this Probability is 1; that is, given long enough time, a clone will become extinct with certainty. Interestingly, quantitative analysesof enzyme-altered foci in rat liver (Moolgavkaret al., 1990a; Luebeck et al., 1991) and of papillomas on mouse skin (Kopp-Schneider and Portier, 1992). all yield the result that p / a G 1. This indicates that homeostatic control among intermediate cell populations remainsvery strong. In the mouse papillomas there is actually indication that homeostatic control is protective a (i.e., < p). However, under the influence of the promoter, this protective effect seems to be abrogated. The finding that p / a = 1 intheseanalyses underlines the importance of the stochastic natureof the underlying clonal expansion processes. An example is provided in Fig.3. It shows ten processes thatstart off withone cell each. In this particular example only one out of ten expansions remains alive after 10 days. concepts of initiation-promotion and the action of Finally, the distinction between the specific environmental agents mustbe kept clearly in focus. For example, although promotion is defined within the framework of the model as clonal expansion of initiated cells, an agent other effectsas well. It could cause hyperplasia of the normal deemed to be a promoter may have
0 0
20 time
Figure 3 Computer simulation of simple birth and death process (n = 10, a = 1. and p / a= 0.9).
Luebeck and Moolgavkar
tissue and,as pointed out earlier, indirectly increase the mutation rates. Other promoting agents are mutagenic may also induce enzyme systems that produce reactive oxygen species that (Cerutti, 1985). For the analysis of epidemiological and experimental data in which the endpoint of interest is the appearanceof malignant tumors, we need,as with the Annitage-Doll model, expressions for the hazard function and the probability of tumor. However, initiation-promotion experiments as the papillomas on also often yield data on the number and size of intermediate lesions, such the epidermis of the mouse or the enzyme-altered foci in the rat liver. These data provide important information on the cell kinetics of intermediate lesions. The next section introduces the essential mathematical expressions for the analysis of tumor incidence data. Several analyses have employed an approximate solution to the two-stage model analogous to the hitage-Doll approximation given inEq. (5); that is, replacing the conditional expectation value for the number of intermediate cells by the unconditional one. Here we will not again it is worth pointing out that belabor the problems associated with this approximation. However, the use of the approximate hazard function, in our opinion, does not offer any real conceptual or computational advantages over the use of the exact hazard function. Later we shallsee that the computation of the exact hazard can be couched as a recursive procedure in the case of piecewise constant model parameters.
IV. DATA ANALYSIS USING THE TWO-MUTATION MODEL Depending on the nature of the data, different mathematical quantities need to be computed and employed. The discussions here will focus on model-fitting procedures using the maximumlikelihoodprinciple.Ingeneral,thelikelihoodexpressionsreflect theprobability of the total observed outcomes ofan experiment or a human study, properly adjusting for all the constraints and environmental factors that were present or that were built into the protocols of the experiments. Often covariate information is available on an individual for basis a cohortof subjects, and the endpoint of interest is the appearance of tumors in members, of the cohort. Here, the probability density of tumor (if the tumor is rapidly fatal or immediately diagnosed) or the probability of tumor (if the tumor is "incidental") and the survivor function are required to construct the likelihood. When aggregate data on groups of individualsare available, the hazard (incidence) function is required. Some experimental data also provide information on the number and size of intermediate lesions, such as the enzyme-altered foci in the rat liver or the papillomas on mouse. the skin of the In this case, expressions for the number and size distributions of nonextinct lesions need to be derived. A complicating factor for the analysis of foci is that the data usually come from two-dimensional sectional observations on histological slides. Construction of the likelihood requires that the resulting stereological problembe addressed. Here, we will employ a simple method based on the Wicksell transformation (Wicksell, 1925).
A. The Probability of Tumor We briefly describe the derivation of the quantities required for the model fitting of tumor (incidence)data.Thesequantities are theprobability oftumor, thedensityfunction,and the hazard function. More details can be found in a recent paper (Moolgavkar and Luebeck, 1990). Let Y(t), Z(t), represent the number of intermediate and malignant cells, respectively, at time t and let
Biologically Based Cancer Modeling
with initial conditionY(y,z;O)= 1. S(t) = Y(1,O;t) is the survival function andP(t) = 1 S(t) the probability of tumor for this model. As with the Annitage-Doll model the hazard (incidence) function is then given by Q.(1)
It follows immediately from the Kolmogorov equation that
u/(l,O;t) = -PO) -(1,O;t)
and thus h(t) = p(t)E[Y(t)I Z(t) = 01
where E denotes the expectation and where we have used the relationship E[Y(t)IZ(t) = 01 =
(1,O;t) lv(1,O;t)
Two approaches can be used to obtain the exact solution to the two-mutation model. The first approach involves solving the characteristic equations associated with the Kolmogorov equation. The second approachis somewhat more general, andit is not described here, but can be found in Moolgavkar and Luebeck (1990). Specifically, the characteristic equations are
dy du = -NY,u) = -{P(U)YZ
+ a(uly2 +
P@> - [a(@ + PCu) + PJJl = v0 exp
- lIv(u)X(u)du
where Yo = Y(y(O),z,O) = 1is the initial value of Y. We are interested in computing Y(1,O;t) for (y(O),O,O) where any t, and thus we needto find the valuesof Y along the characteristic through y(0) is the initial value yof and y(t) = 1. Now, along the characteristic, Y satisfies the differential
Moolgavkar 542
equation dy / du = -R(y,u) and this is just a Riccati equation that canbe readily integrated in closed form if the parameters of the model are piecewise constant. To be precise, the Riccati equation for y can be solved to yield a value fory(u) for any U, with initial conditiony(t)= 1. Note that y depends on u and t. Thus. the survival function
where the explicit dependence of y on u and t is acknowledged. The hazard function then is given by
where yt denotes the derivative of y relative to t.
I . Solution for Piecewise Constant Parameters Assume therem n intervals [ti- l,ti] with i = 1,2, .. ,n, covering the time period [to = O,tn= t]. Then the solution of Q. (g), y(u,t), can be computed recursively, starting from u = t = tn using the boundary conditiony(t,t) = 1. For u E [ti-l,ti] we have (see Moolgavkar and Luebeck, 1990)
where Ai (Bi) are the lower (upper) root of the quadratic f m : U$ [ai+ pi + P ~ ] X+ pi. The constant parameters ai, pi, respectively, refer to cell division, cell death, and second mutation rate in the time interval [ti-l,ti].When X(u) is constant over time, the time integral inEq. (1 1) can be computed in explicit form. For u E [ti-l,ti] we can rewritethe integrand ly - l ]as
The probability density functionfor developing atumor at time t is simply the time derivative of the tumor probabilityP(t) = 1-S(?) [i.e, P’(?) = S ’ ( t ) ] . The likelihood contribution of an individual in a study that monitors the incidence or appearance of a specific kindof malignant tumorcan then be constructed as follows: Let ti be the time of observation at which the subject i develops the tumor, dies (with or without tumor),
Cancer Modeling
or is lost to follow-up. Then subject i contributes the term &(ti) to the entire likelihood which is given by L = nYi(ti) with li(ti)
if malignant tumor was incidental malignant if tumor was fatal S(ti) = 1 - P(ti) if free of tumor
= P‘&)
If individual level information is not available, then the hazard function is needed. Since the derivative yt(u,t) in Fq. (12) is cumbersome to compute using the chain rule repeatedly, it is probably faster to compute theP‘(r) numerically with a midpoint formula. The hazard is then et al. (199Ob) and computed accordingto h(r) = P’(t) / [l P(r)]. For examples, see Moolgavkar Moolgavkar and Luebeck (1990). For many studies, one has to consider several different time intervals defined by a specific exposure pattern. On each of these intervals the parameters of the model can be assumed [see Fq.(13)] on interval i are functions constant. Themots Aiand Bi of the quadratic polynomial of the parameters of the model and, accordingly, also of the exposure rate variables. Therenois of the limitation on the number of intervals in the recursive scheme for the computation probability of tumor. An example for which this scheme has been successfully applied is in an analysis of the Colorado Plateau uranium miners’ cohort (Moolgavkaret al., 1993). It is the oldest and most completely studied cohortof underground miners who worked in the mines from 1950 to 1964. The cohort consists of 3346 miners with detailed information on the pattern of radon and cigarette exposurefor each individual. This includes the ages at which exposure to radon and cigarette smoke began, the ages at which these exposures stopped, the cumulative exposure to radori in working level months (WLM), the number of cigarettes smoked per day, and the age at last observationor death. With contiguous periods of smoking or radon exposure, thereare up to five time intervals for the integration of the cumulative hazard. A summary of this analysis that also shows the patterns of exposure is shown in Fig.4.Becausethere are very fewunexposedminers,a simultaneousanalysis of theminerscohort,togetherwiththeBritishdoctors’cohortwas conducted. Two distinct dose-response scenarios (referred to as model A and model B) were dr the rate of investigated. Letds denote the rateof cigarette exposure in cigarettes per day and (WLM) per month, then we assumed that radon exposure on working level months
V(ds,dr) = a0
+ asds + ardr
PL(ds,dr)= bo + bsds + brdr and
Luebeck and Moolgavkar
profile Exposure Group
No. of miners
No. of lung cancer deaths obsecved
No exposure
II. Radon Tobacco smoke
234.4 237.1 235
111. Radon Tobacco moke~
V. Radon Tobacco smoke
ModelA Model6 .0084
12.03 18.04
1l 6
18.02 16.25
12.72 14.16
8 8.10 8.17
VII. Radon Tobaccowndce
VIII.Radan Tobacco Mloke
Figure 4 Schematic representation of pattems of exposure. Lengths of bars do not represent actual duration of exposure. In each category the number ofminers, theobserved number of lung cancer deaths, and the expected numbers generatedby models A and B are shown.
B assumed thatCO = eo,csl(q treatment of the cell proliferation in two the cohorts, whereas model = es1(2),meaning equal dose-response to tobacco smoke for the cell proliferation in the two cohorts. The observed and expected number of tumors for the various exposure patterns are also shown in Fig. 4. In conclusion we find no indication that radon and tobacco smoke interact on the level of dsx the cell; that is, additional terms proportional todr in the foregoing parameter functions did not improve thefits significantly. Despite this, the relative risk of joint exposure is somewhere between additive and multiplicative. We also find no indication that radon or tobacco smoke affect the second mutation rate, consistent with findings in rats exposed to radon (Moolgavkar et al. 199Ob). Perhaps most intriguing, however, is the predictionof an inverse doseqate effect (i.e., protraction of a given total dose of radon increases the lifetime risk oftumor; for details see Moolgavkar etal., 1993).
B. Quantitative Analysis of Intermediate Lesions We now discuss the analysis of data that are intermediate on the pathway to cancer.In many carcinogenesis studies, such as initiation-promotion experiments, intermediate lesionsm detected and quantified according to their phenotype andsize. It is believed that at least someof these lesions represent clones of initiated cells that are precursors to malignant tumors. Examples
are provided by the papillomas in mouse skin painting experiments and the enzyme-altered foci
(EAF)in rodent hepatocarcinogenesis. Here, we will focus on the latter example. Most of the mathematical results have been derived in Dewanji et al. (1989) and in Moolgavkar et al. (199Oa). An application of themethods to mouse skin papillomascanalso be foundin Kopp-Schneider and Portier (1992). First, we discuss some of the consequences of explicitly considering cell division and cell death, rather than just the of netcell rateproliferation(i.e., the difference between division rate and death rate,a - p).The sections that followare meant to of foci data, providing sufficient detail for the serve as an introduction to the statistical analysis reader to carry out a quantitative analysis of such data.
1. The Role of Cell Kinetics in Tumor Formation An important property of populations of cells undergoing cell division and cell isdeath that the population may become extinct, Thus, if the rate of cell death is greater than zero, then an initiated cellmay die without giving riseto a detectable lesion, such as a papilloma on the skin or an altered focus in the liver. This conclusion may come as a surprise, because the irreversibilare not asserting here that individual ity of initiation appears tobe current dogma. However, we initiated cells revertto normal, but rather, that initiation may be partially reversibleon the level of the organ because initiated cells may die. If the ratesof cell division and death are constant (independentof time), then the probability is given (asymptotically)by the ratioof the rate that an initiatedcell and all its progeny will die of death and the rate of cell division, p / a.If the rate of death is larger than the cell division rate, then the (asymptotic) probability of extinction is 1. However, some foci may still become visible because of the stochastic nature of the clonal expansion process. In recent analyses of altered hepatic foci in rodent hepatocarcinogenesis experiments, it was concluded that most initiated cells (perhaps up to 90%) die without giving rise to altered foci (Moolgavkar et al., 1990a; Luebecket al., 1991). Some preliminary data onGST-P positive cells appearto support this estimate (Satoh et, al., 1989;R. Schulte-Hermann, personal communication). The mean number of initiatedcells at any time depends on rate the of initiation and the net rate of intermediate cell division, a - p. However, there is considerable stochastic variation around this mean number, andthe actual number depends on a and p individually, and notjust on their difference. Furthermore, the distribution of the number of altered cells in foci also of- p, large values ofa and p lead depends ona and p individually. Thus, for a given value a of small foci. to small numbersof large foci, and small values of a and p lead to large numbers The number of observed intermediate foci depends on the rateof initiation as well as the are there small unobservable foci in the tissue of growth kineticsof the initiated cells. Not only interest, but many of them may simply not survive if cell is death greater than zero.As a matter or differentiation must almost of fact, in rapidly dividingcell populations cell death (apoptosis) balance the number of newly created cells to otherwise avoid an explosiveofgrowth focal tissue, (i.e., p / a 1). The behavior of the number and size distribution is very sensitive to the parameter p / a under this condition. Consider a hypothetical example. Suppose a - p =0.01 per cell per day, and suppose that one has the following two combinations of parameters: (1) a = 0.5, p = 0.49, thus p / a = 0.98; and (2) a = 0.1, p = 0.09, hence, p / a= 0.90. Both these combinations of parameters lead to 01 - p = 0.01 and thus to the same mean number of initiated cells, provided that the rates of initiation are identical. However, with the fixst combination of parameters, 98% of initiated cells will ultimately become extinct, and, thus, one would expect to see a few large foci; with the second combination of parameters, 90% of initiated cells will ultimately become extinct, and one would expect to see a larger number of smaller foci. Moreover, the first combination of parameters canies a higher riskof malignant transformation than the second. This is because a
Luebeck and Moolgavkar
high cell division rate implies a high mutation rate. Examples of the phenomenon described here are provided by promoters such as 4-dimethylaminoambenzene (4-DAB) and the peroxisomeproliferators,whichleadtoasmallnumber of large foci, and others such as Nnitrosodiethanolamine(NDEOL) and phenobarbital (PB), which lead to a large number of small foci. By measuring labeling indices, it should be possible to c o n f i i that division rates in foci associated with the former compounds are higher than the division rates in foci associated with are depicted in Fig. 5. the latter compounds. Someof the ideas developed in this section
2. Modeling Initiation and Promotion of Enzymes-Altered Foci For completeness, a summary of the basic modeling ideas is provided here. Discussions of biochemical and physiological aspects and of the role of EAF in hepatotumarigenesis can be found in the literature (Emmelot and Scherer, 1980; Farber, 1980; Goldfarb and Pugh, 1981; Kunz et al., 1982; Goldsworthyet al., 1986; Buchmannet al., 1987; Pitot et al., 1987). Let us assume that at time S, 1 m l of liver contains a numberX(s) of normal hepatocytes cells, with rateU($). The change in enzyme expression in transformed that transform into altered hepatocytes is considered a hereditary and irreversible trait of the altered cell. The number of is then modeled as a Poisson distribution with initiated cells that arise from normal hepatocytes mean u(s)X(s)ds. Promotion is the clonal expansion of such altered cells and is mathematically described by a nonhomogeneous (time-dependent)birthdeath process (Cox and Miller, 1972) with birth rate a ( s ) and death (or differentiation) rate p@).As before, this means that altered cells either divide into two altered cells with rateMS)or die (or differentiate) with rate p@).The third possibility, namely, that altered cells divide asymmetrically into one altered and one further progressed when simultaneous (towardmalignancy) cell, is notexplicitlyconsideredhere.However,
acute initiation time a& I
g .-.
100 > 80 > 70
> 60 > 50
> 25 15-25 > 10' 5 lob
Adults: Encephalopathicsigns and symptoms Adulh: Anemia Children: Encephalopathic signs and symptoms, chronic nephropathy (e.g., aminoaciduria) Adults: Clinically evident peripheral neuropathy Children: Colic andother gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms Adults:Femalereproductiveeffects,CNSsymptoms (i.e., sleep disturbances, mood changes, memory and concentration problems, headaches) Adults: Decreased hemoglobin production, decreased perfonnance on neurobehavioral tests, altered testicular function, GI symtoms (i.e., abdominal paid,constipation, diarrhea, nausea, anorexia) Children: Peripheral neuropathy Adults: Decreased peripheral nerve conduction, chronic nephropathy Children: Reduced hemoglobin synthesis and vitaminD metabolism Adults: Elevated erythrocyte protoporphyrin levels in males Adults: Elevated erythrocyte protoporphyrin levels in females Children: Decreased intelligence and growth Adults:Elevatedbloodpressure(malesaged 4&59 years) Fetus: Pretem delivery, impaired learning, reduced birth weight, impaired mental ability Children:Both the level of concern and the lowestobservedadverseeffectlevel (LOAJZL) for the effectsof lead on intelligence has been determined to be 10 pddl
Source: Adapted from CDC, May 1.1992, p. 288. .Safe BLLs have not been determinedfor fetuses or children.
bBothbiological and toxicologic effects may occur at levels as low as 6-7 pg/& Scwartz (inpress)finds a continuum of lead effects down to 1 pg/dl. No absolute threshold has been identified.
Lead is known to interfere with the synthesis of heme, a component of hemoglobin, which may result in sideroblastic anemia andmay also play a role in the neurological effects of lead. Heme is also a constituent of cytochrome P450 and electron transfer cytochromes, and the impairmentof P 4 0 may result in an increased vulnerability to the harmful effects of other toxic chemicals. Decrements in heme synthesis have been observed at blood levelsas low as 10 pg/dl, butthesignificance of effectsatthislevelareunknown (ATSDR, 1990; USEPA, 1986a). A relation between iron deficiency anda reduction of MD1 scores has also been demonstrated (Lozoff et al. 1991). The dose-response curvefor neurobehavioral effects in adults is basedon the Sepplainen study in which motor nerve conduction velocity was examined in individuals occupationally exposed to lead. They we= noted to have slower motor conduction velocities in oneor more peripheral nervesas their blood lead levels increased (Sepplainen al., et 1979). The toxicity of lead is a function of both dose and duration of exposure. Once absorbed, of the body burdenis bound to bone. Tissue lead lead is found in all tissue, but eventually 90% levels can be measured by analyzing teeth, bone, or blood. Teeth and bone more accurately of lead, Most of an absorbed dose is excretedby the kidney. The reflect the total body burden single best diagnostic testfor 'lead exposureis the blood lead level (BLL), and the method of choice is the anodic stripping voltammetry, strict withattention to contamination control,as well
as quality assurance and quality control in a certified laboratory (NRC, 1993). TheBLL generally reflects recent exposure and provides an in vivo measure of exposure. Indirect measures of long-term exposure are elevated erythrocyte protoporphyrin or zinc protoporphyrin levels, which indicate that lead has had an effect on the hematopoietic system. Rabinowitz and Needleman (1982) state that measurementof lead and biological indicators of lead toxicity may correlate with specific and differing patternsof ultradian and circadian rhythmicity.
X. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Risk assessment of lead exposure is based on human epidemiological evidence of adverse effects. Children, pregnant women and their fetuses, and the lead-exposed worker have been identified as sensitive subpopulations. of lead There is no safety margin between the concern level and exposure leveland there is risk. no safe levelof intake for lead; any level of lead intake carries an incremental health Although significant progress in prevention and abatement has been accomplished, further reduction or elimination of the risks of lead to human health are necessary. Silbergeld (1990) . [It] is one of the most common states, “Lead poisoningis poorly treatable and best prevented andpreventablepediatrichealthproblemstoday.”Universalscreeningtoaidin its early be initiated ( C m , 1991). identification, prevention, and treatment should 15 pg/dl National estimates indicate that3 million children had blood lead levels exceeding and 234,000 had levels exceeding25 pg/dl in 1984. National health objectives have since been promulgated “ .. to reduce the prevalance of blood lead levels exceeding 15 pg/dl and 25 pddl among children aged6 months through 5 years to no more than500,000 and zero, respectively, by the year 2000 and to consider the year2000 objective an interim step toward the year 2010 (USDHHS, 1991a). objective of eliminating all elevated blood lead levels in the United States”
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32 Issues in Data Extrapolation Joseph P. Brown and AndrewG. Salmon CaliforniaEnvironmental Protection Agency Berkeley, California
The objective of data extrapolation in environmental toxicology is to predict more accurately the delivered effective doses, at relative low environmental exposufes, fromdata obtained at higher exposures in experimental animal and in human epidemiological studies. Extrapolationsbe may required between doses (e.g., from applied dose to absorbed or metabolized dose, and to the dose reaching the target tissue) in an experimental animal, between of exposure routes (e.g., inhalation to oral),betweenspecies(e.g.,rodent to human), or any combinations ofthese.Although many advances have been made in data extrapolation through the use of various mechanistic (e.g., kinetic) and statistical models, there remain significant areas of uncertainty in extrapolation of data as applied to chemical risk assessment. Although data extrapolations have been applicable to mostly carcinogen risk assessment, where assumptions of low-dose linearity and absence of threshold are often made, they may also be useful for noncancer toxic effects through incorporation of data variability and the slope of the dose-response relation (e.g., benchmark dose; Kimmel, 1990). This chapter will focuson some of the problems frequently encountered in data extrapolationsfor cancer and noncancer risk assessments.
II. INTERDOSEEXTRAPOLATIONS A. ExtrapolationProcedures Armitage and Doll developed a mathematical model that proposed multiple “stages” or succesof humancancers. This modelwas sive mutational events to describe the age-dependence later used toexplain the timeanddoserelationshipsfortumorincidenceseeninanimal carcinogenicity experiments, and computer software was developed by Crump and colleagues data. This “multistage model” was adopted by the to fit a dose-response equation to these 601
Salmon 602
U. S. Environmental Ptotection Agency (USEPA) and, subsequently, by many other regulatory
agencies, to provide numericalrisk estimates that couldbe extrapolated to risks from potential exposures of humans to carcinogens.The model predicts that there is no dose at which the risk falls tozero; in other words, there is no “threshold.” At low doses the dation between dose and carcinogenic response is linear, although at higher doses (suchas those in animal carcinogenicity experiments), the response curvemay become steeper. Since there is no threshold according to this model, this leads to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a safe dose of a carcinogen (i.e., a dose that carriers no risk). However, if the doseenough, the risk may is low be considered trivial for practicalpurposes.Several aspects of the multistage model remain uncertain or controversial, butit has stood up to over30 years of scientific scrutiny. Several commentators have questioned whether high-dose exposures used in animaltests should be used to develop linear relation between low doses and predicted responses, but no convincing alternatives have been proposed. Experimental data toappear support the assumption of a linear relationship. For example, in aflatoxin-exposed rats,isthere a linear relation between the tumor incidence rate and the amount of chemically modified DNA measuredtheover entire observable range. Similarly, there is a linear relation between aflatoxin dose and the amount of This is illustrated in Fig.1, DNA that has been modified by the binding of aflatoxin metabolites. which is based on data from Lutz (1986), Wild et al. (1986), and Gamer et al. (1988). The dose required for the lowest observable tumor response is higher than typical human posures, but the dose required to produce observable DNA modifications is well within the range of human dietary exposures. Although this does not prove the linearity assumption, it is supportiv
B. Pharmacokinetic Dose Modeling For many years toxic effects in experimental animals, particularly cancer, have been assumed to be proportional to the applied dose, often expresses as the average daily dose( m a g per day) for the experimental lifetime of the animal. Recently, a more in-depth understanding of the biochemical and biological mechanism of the carcinogenic process has cast on the doubt validity of such simple assumptions. The dose-response relations for many chemical carcinogens studied of in animal bioassays may show significant nonlinearities owing to progressive saturation toxifying or detoxifying metabolic or other processes that play a role in carcinogenic processes. The use of simple applied dose estimates in quantal dose-response extrapolation programs, such as the linearized multistage model (LMS), will often require discarding one or more of these 100 10
1 0.1
0.001 0.0001
0.00001 0.001
Dose (Crgn hamster of rat > mouse correlating directly with carcinogenic potency in these species. The rate of binding of atlatoxinB1 to human liver DNA ranked between hamster and mouse (Booth et al., 1986). Vinyl chloride (VC) is a known liver carcinogen in humans.isItmetabolized by cytochrome P450oxidation to vinyl chloride oxide, which binds to DNA, whereas a rearrangement produce, chloroacetaldehyde, binds to protein (Guengerich et al., 1981). Marked interspecies differences in vinyl chloride metabolism are exhibited when the clearance rate was expressed on a body weight basis, with mice and rats metabolizing VC about 5 and 12 times faster than humans, respectively. This would indicate that humans wouldbe less sensitive than these rodents to the carcinogenic effectsof VC, a conclusion supported by Allen et al. (1988). When the clearance rate is expressed in terms of body surface area, however, mice, rats, and humans have similar values. On this basis, humans should as besensitive as rodents to VC carcinogenicity. According to Gold et al. (1989), mice are about three times less sensitive than rats toVC carcinogenicity on a body weight basis, whereas a difference of two times could be expected if the data were based on surfacearea or (body weight)2n. Arsenic is a known human carcinogen by the inhalation and oral exposure routes, causinglungandskincancer,respectively(IARC,1980).Recentepidemiologicalstudiesalso indicate a link between c h i c inorganic arsenic exposure from drinking water and several internal cancers (e.g., lung, liver, kidney,or bladder; Chen and Wang, 1990, Bates et al., 1992). Arsenic is the only confirmed human carcinogen lacking an animal model. There is only a single study, in mice, reporting adenomas of the skin, lung, peritoneum, and lymph nodesin animals dosed orally over a period of 6 months (Knoth, 1966). Ishinishi et al. (1989) and Pershagen tumors in hamsters et al. (1984) have demonstrated marginal increases in the incidence of lung given arsenic trioxideby intratracheal instillation. Although the overall metabolic pathways of arsenic disposition are similar in all mammals yet studied, there are significant differences in kinetics and excreted metabolite patterns. Arsenicis much more acutely toxic in humans than in rodents; there is evidence for a nutritional role of arsenic in some animal species, but not in humans (USEPA, 1988). 1,3-Butadiene (BD) is a probable human carcinogen that shows large species differences in to air concentration ofBD potency and target sites in mice and rats. Mice exposed by inhalation rangingfrom6.25to625ppmfor 6 h/dayfor2yearsdevelopedcancersoftheheart, hematopoietic system, lung, forestomach, and ovary. Highly significant increases intumors lung were observed at 6.25 ppm and above versus concurrent controls (Melnick et al., 1990). By contrast, rats exposed to lo00 and 8000 ppm BD for 2 years showed significant increases in thyroid follicular cell adenoma and carcinoma, testis Leydig cell adenoma and carcinoma, pancreatic exocrine adenomas, and mammary fibroadenomas and carcinomas. Whether based on most sensitive site orsum of significant tumor sties, the mouse cancer potencies were about 30 times the rat potencies.This difference was about 200 times when the potencies are based on surface area, rather than body weight. Although the metabolism of BD is similar in rats and mice, are capable of producing internal steady-state it was observed, in early kinetic studies, that mice concentrations of the principal mutagenic BD metabolite, butadiene monoxide (BMO), thatare 1.5- to 3-fold higher than those in rats (Filser and Bolt, 1984; Kreiling et al., 1987). It was thought that this might explain the higher sensitivity of the mouse to BD carcinogenicity. However, more recent pharmacokinetic work by Johanson and Filser (1993) casts serious doubt on a relatively simple metabolic-kinetic explanation of the pronounced interspecies differences. in rodent target sites and potency, there has been much Inviewofsuchlargedifferences from which to extrapolate human risk. Regulatory discussion about the appropriate species agencies have usually chosen the most sensitive species, sex, target site, and so on (USEPA,
1985; Cal EPA, 1992); here, the female mouse lung. ? b o papers havereported the comparative et al., 1989; Dahl et al.,1990). metabolism and dispositionof BD in monkeys and rodents (Sun The normalized uptake values for BD were3.3,0.46, and 0.52 pmol/hr per 10 ppmkg in mouse, rat, and monke respectively. When these values were expressed in terns of surface area or (body weight)2$ the resulting values were 0.99,0.35, and 0.94 pmovhr per10 Thus, monkey and mouse appeared more similar in this comparison than monkey and rat. Also limited human epidemiology from occupational exposure is consistent with qualitative risk estimates types (i.e., lymphatic) (CalEPA, 1992). based on mouse data for similar tumor In addition to the foregoing examples cited, many more can be found in the literatm (Allen et al., 1988; Gold et al., 1992; and Dybing and Huitfeldt, 1992). It is clear that accurate interspecies extrapolation of carcinogenic effectsis seriously compromised by such large and be fully accounted for by common interspecies differences. These differences often cannot metabolic-pharmacokineticcorrections.Otherfactorsthatmaydeterminecancersensitivity include differencesin host immune response, expressionof oncogenes, DNA repair efficiency, and tissue+ell productionor detoxification of carcinogenic metabolites. Extrapolations between species needs to be performed ona case-bycase basis, taking available dynamic and kinetic data into account. Often conservative assumptions, as noted earlier, will need be employed to todeal with the remaining uncertainties.
pprn k lp.
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Metam: Animal Toxicology and Human Risk Assessment Lubow Jowa California Envimnmental Protection Agency Sacramento, California
1. 1NTRODUCTlON On July 14, 1991, a chemical release from a train derailment in the Upper Sacramento River of fish and other aquatic wildlife for miles downstream, and affected the resulted in the killing well-being of a neighboring community (DiBartolomeis et al., 1994). The released chemical was metam (also knownas metam sodium, the formulated product) used for decades throughout the used soil fumigant, metam shows world as a soil fumigant. Although not the most widely potential for broader use as other soil fumigants, suchas methyl bromideor Telone, are banned or designated restricted-use materials. In addition, the potassium salt of metam is marketed as a water biocide for use in sugar processing and cooling towers; however, its use (in tonnage) is less than thatof the sodiumsalt. Metam is usually availableas a formulation of32.7% ofthe product in water, which is stable at a self-buffered pH of about 10. Once the product is diluted with additional water, as in the spill into the river, the pH decreases and metam rapidly decomposes. Resulting products consist primarily of methylisothiocyanate (MITC), H2S. and elemental sulfur (Howd, 1992). It is the MITC, produced as the result of metam breakdown, thatis considered to be the direct agentof pesticidal activity. In the light of anticipated more extensive use of metam,it is imperative that toxicity data on this product are available, and that there is an understanding of how the data should he extrapolated to real-life situations. The present chapter represents a compilation of the health effects dataon metam. For human health assessment, metam is used hereas a case samplefor directing attention to the evaluationbirth of defects data seen in experimental animals as it relates to human exposure, and to consider the breakdown products as contributors to toxicity in humans following initial exposureto the parent compound.
11. BIOKINETICS OF METAM IN THE RAT The biokinetics of metamwasinvestigated in singledose administration studies (Hawkins,
1987). The [14C]metam, at doses of10 or 100 mg/kg, was given to five CrLCOBS(SD) CDrats of each sex, and labeled metam products were periodically sampled in blood, urine, feces, and expired air for up to 7 days. Results showed rapid and complete absorption. Plasma concentrations reached a maximum level in 1hr and dropped to near background levels at 240 h. At the low dose (10 m a g ) , about 25% of the radioactivity was eliminated through the urine in8 hr; by 168 hr, 55% was eliminated. At 100 mg/kg dose, about 18% of the label was excreted within 8 hr, and40%within168hr.Within24 hr, expired air was about 1% M I X , 15%carbon disulfide(CSz)/carbonylsulfide(COS),and17%carbondioxide (C02) at10mg/kg.At 100mg/kg, expired air was about 24% MITC, 18% CSdCOS, and6% C02. Negligible amounts of labeled products were expired from 24 to 72 hr at either dose. Approximately 2% of the labeled products associated with metam were retained by the tissues after the seventh day. The thyroid had the highest mean concentration of labeled products in the among all the sampled tissues. Significant concentrations of metabolites were also found liver, kidneys, and lungs. In summary, exhalation and excretion of products through the urine are major routes of elimination for metam metabolites. With higher doses, an increase in both COS/CS2 and MITC concentrationsin the expired breath occurs, with a corresponding decrease in urinary elimination of these products. This suggests that the metabolic pathways for elimination by urinary excretion are saturated, and eliminationof circulating metam productsby exhalation is favored. The breakdown of metamas characterized by these studies is summarized in Fig. 1. Metam degrades to either CS2 or MITC in the stomach, accelerated by the stomach pH. The CS2 is metabolized primarilyby the liver toC02. Glutathione conjugation with MITCwas suggested as the source of the major metabolite found in the urine, identifiedas N-acetyl$-(N-methylthiocarbamoy1)-l-cysteine,by mass spectrometry, This metabolite accounted for 21% of the excreted dose. Precursors of this metabolite were found in the liver and kidney within30 min after treatment.No evidence for glucuronide or sulfate conjugates of the metabolites of metam were found. Therefore, two different metabolic pathways appear to contribute to elimination of metam following administration by the oral route: one by CS2 metabolism and the other byMITC conjugation. The MlTC and CS2 are nonenzymatically produced from metam in the stomach, thenareabsorbedandmetabolizedbytheliver to MlTC-glutathioneconjugates or C02. At higher administered doses, saturation of the metabolic processes for both MITC and CS2 occurs, resulting in exhalation of unmetabolized product.
A. Acute Toxicity Metam is classified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) as slightly toxicby oral, dermal, and respiratory routes of exposure to rats. Oral and dermal median lethal doses (LDS@) were greater than lo00 m@g for rats (Morgan, 1985; Northview, 1987a). Animals receiving fatal oral doses were reported to have symptomsof depression, piloerection, ptosis, lacrimation,andyellowish,darkened skin, withanogenitalstains. Gross necropsyrevealed darkened or spotted lungs, spotted thymuses, darkened stomach mucosa, in the gas intestines and stomach,darkenedspleens,paleandroughliver,anddarkenedadrenals(Morgan,1985; Deenihan, 1985; Northview, 1987a,b,c). In respiratory exposures to aerosol droplets, LCss were estimated to be above 4.7 m&
Metam: Toxicology and Risk Assessment
CH3 NC5 (Stomach)
Exhaled Products
liver kidney Lt6END
"+ Mnor
Prima Metabolite (Urine]
Figure 1 Metabolism of metam sodium (metam) and its metabolite methylisothiocyanate (MITC).
(Miller, 1979; Rothstein, 1987). Significant symptoms noted in the respiratory studies included dyspnea, ataxia, and noisy respiration. On gross examination, focal lesions were noted in the lung, giving a mottled appearance. In studies conducted in the former Soviet Ukraine, metam produced a slightly different pattern of effects and at lower doses than in the American and European studies (Nesterova, 1969). However, no experimental details were provided, and the results were questionable. Single intragastric doses of carbathion (metam) were administered to white mice, albino rats, mgkg for albino and cats. OralLDsos we= estimated to be 146.5 mgkg for white mice and 450 rats. Cats died at 100 mgkg and had toxic signs at 50 m@g. Clinical toxicity was reported to includereducedmotoractivity,tremor,andmuscularfibrillationandincoordinationinall animals,whereasdosesabovethe LD50 producedspasmodictwitchingoflimbs.Profuse salivation was the predominant symptom in cats at lower doses. A dermal LD50 of 650 m a g was also determined for rats.
In a second study conductedin the former Soviet Ukraine (Baran et al., 1%9), oral LDsos of 200 and 450 m a g were detennined for mice and rats, respectively. The major effects seen at death in these animals were parenchymal dystrophy and necrosis of liver cells. As with the o c c dat lower doses, and the toxic signs reported were different from previous study, lethality those produced in the European and United States studies.
B. Dermal Sensitivity and Irritation In irritancy studies conducted on the eye and skin, metam showed strong skin, but not eye, initation in rabbits (Morgan, 1985; Northview, 1987b). In the Soviet study (Nesterova, 1969) metam was not irritatingto the skin if it was washed off afteran hour. A summary of the acute effects is given in Table1. A modified Buehler test was performed using Vapam Technical (32.7% metam) applied toguineapigs(Mutter, 1987). First, twoprimarydermal imtation studieswereperformed applying Vapam and MITC to the skin of guinea pigs for 3 days. Signs of irritation (erythema and edema) were observed at 30, 10, and some 3% metam doses, and at 0.5% MITC. The 1.O% metam- and 0.1 % MITC-treated animals were unaffected; therefore, these doses were selected for the Buehler test. IntheBuehlertest,asolution of 1% Vapam Technical (32.7% metam)wasused for ten induction applications (three times per week) on the right flank of ten guinea pigs. Positive (0.1% dinitrwhlorobenzene) and negative controls (vehicle) were treated in a similar fashion. No apparent systemic effects,or changes in body weight, general appearance,or behavior were noted in the Vapam or negative control animals. A slight erythemic reaction was seen by the third week in some Vapam-tested animals. Following the induction phase, a seriesof challenge doses 0.1 and 1% Vapam, and 0.1% MITC were applied to the left flank of the guinea pigs, including to the Vapam-inducedgroups. The negative controls received three challenge doses of 1% Vapam. The 1% Vapam and0.1% MITC produced mild, but persistent, erythema and edema in the Vapam-induced groups, but the 0.1% Vapamdid not produce any significant reactions.
Table 1 Acute Toxicity Summary of Metam (sex)
ExposureAnimal route L D d C m studies Oral
Rats (M) 0 Rats (M)
0 Rabbits
Rabbits (M)
1294 mghcg 1428 m a g 1415 m a g 1350 m a g 1012 m a g 3500 m a g
Morgan, 1985 Northview, 1987a Morgan, 1985 Deenihan, 1987
2100 m a g > 4.7 m& (4 hrs) > 5.4 mg/L(4 hrs)
Miller, 1979 Rothstein. 1987
Rabbits Rabbits Rabbits
Mild irritant Nonirritant Severe Corrosive
Morgan, 1985 Northview, 1987b Morgan, 1985 Northview, 1987c
Inhalation Rats
Irritation studies Eye Dermal
Dose or classification
Metam: Toxicology and Risk Assessment
Furthermore, when the negative controls were challenged for a second time, one induction dose of 1% Vapam was sufficient to produce a sensitization response. Contact dermatitis has been reported in agricultural workers exposed to metam (Jung and Wolf, 1979; Jung, 1979; Schubert, 1978). The authors of these reports suggest that the principal allergen in the positive cases of dermatitis was MITC, since “older” (probably hydrolized) metam solutions provoked a better response than freshly prepared formulations (Schubert, 1978).
IV. ORAL STUDIES A. Rats An Il-day, oral dose range-finding study was performed in rats (Cave, 1991a). Metam (32.8 g/L) 50, and 200 m a g togroupsoffour wasadministereddailybygavageatdosesof20, AlpkApfSD (Wistar) rats of both sexes for 11 consecutive days. No mortalities were noted duringthetreatmentperiod.Increasedsalivation,andreducedbodyweightgainandfood consumption was observed in the 50- and 200-mglkg dose groups in a dose-related fashion. Ulceration of nonglandular areas of the stomach was noted in animals in the 200-mghcg dose two females in the 50-mg/kg group. An increase was noted in the organbody weight group and in ratios for the liver and kidney in the 2O(rmg/kg dose group. In a second study,oral gavage dosing was replaced by administering metam in the drinking water, to eliminate side effects, such as gastric ulceration, observed in the 11day study (Cave, 1991a).Metam(Cave,1991b),wasadministeredatconcentrationsof 0, 0.018,0.089, or 0.44 mg/ml, for90 days, to groups of 12 rats per sex in drinking water buffered at pH 9 (Allen, 1991). The estimated mean daily doses were 1.7, 8.1, and 26.9 m a g for males, and 2.5, 9.3, and 30.6 m a g for females, based on the initial concentrations of metam and the volume of water consumed by the groups. Becauseof the instability of metamin water, the concentration of metamafter 24 hr wasgreater than 70%at 0.32 mg/d andhigher,butonly 3040% for concentrations lower than 0.089 mg/ml. The MITC concentrations were not determined (even though it is the major breakdown product of metam in water). Absolute body weights were reduced for both sexes in thehighestdose groups, and were marginally reduced for females at middose (Allen, 1991). Body weight gain at middose was so for males. Food and water consumption significantly reduced for females, but only marginally were reduced, particularly in the high-dose group. Water consumption was also slightly reduced for females at0.089-mg/d dose. Grossnecropsyandhistologicalexaminationrevealednosignificanttreatmenteffects, except for changes to the olfactory epithelium (Allen, 1991). There was an increase in the kidney orgadbody weight ratios for females at the high dose. Histopathology of the olfactory epithelium and Bowman’s glands were noted in both sexes at the high dose, with greater severity in females. The changes comprised prominent or vacuolated Bowman’s gland or ducts, and disorganization and vacuolationof the olfactory epithelium. The authors suggested that these changes were due to the systemic effect of metam, rather than inhalation of volatilized products from drinking water, since the most affected tissue was toward the posterior portion of the nasal cavity. No chahges weh noted in the respiratory epithelium. For clinical findings, a decrease in utine specific gravity and a decrease in urine volume was observed (Allen, 1991). Irr males, there was a slight dose-related reduction in urine pH. Urinary protein was decreased at the high dose, but slightly elevated at middose. All of these changes may have resulted from decreased food and water intakes. One death in a female rat may have been treatment-related, because marked cystitis was noted.
Plasma urea and triglyceride levels increased significantly from controls in 0.44-mgJnl the female group. In males, there were significant decreases at the high dose for only alanine aspartate transaminase (AST), plasma glucose, and alkaline phosphatase transaminase (KT), ( L P ) values. Significant decreases in red blood cell counts for males were noted at the midand high doses, whereas all dosed females were affected. Hematocrits were reduced all treated in males and females. The red blood cell counts and hematocrits showed very shallow doseresponse curves, without significant trends. to Hsd/Ola:Wlstar Tox rats In a 2-year study (Rattray, 1994), metam was administered (50 per sex per dose)at 0,0.019,0.056, and 0.19 mg/ml in drinking water. This was equivalent to a mean dose of 1.5,4.3, and 12.5 m&g for males and 2.7,6.8, and 16.8 mg/kg for females. Reduced hindlimb function and thinness were observed in males at 0.19 mg/ml at the conclusion of the experiment. Clinical effects observed included body weight reduction for both sexes at the 0.19-mg/d dose. Water consumption was reduced at all doses, whereas food intake was reduced at 0.056 mg/ml and higher. Decreases in hemoglobin were noted at 0.056 mg/ml and higher. Males at 0.056 mg/ml and higher, and females at 0.19 mg/ml had lower hematocrit and K T , AST, and phosphorus were decreased in females RBC count. Plasma levels of triglycerides, at 0.19 mg/d. At this dose, both sexes had decreases in urine volume, and males also had asignificantincreaseinrhinitis,hypertrophy ofBowadecrease in urinepH.Therewas man’sglands,hyperplasiaordegenerationofolfactoryepithelium,atrophyandadenitisof Steno’sgland,andrespiratoryepithelialhyperplasiaat0.19mg/ml,resultsconsistentwith previous observations. Furthermore, there were significant increases in the incidences of hemangiosarcomas and meningiomas at 0.056 mglml, but not higher. However, the incidence of hemangiomas was actually higher in the control group than any of the dose groups. Unfortunately, the incidences of these tumorsin historical controls were not provided for an interpretation of the significanceof these findings.
B. Mice
Metamwasadmiinistemd in drinkingwateratconcentrations of 0, 0.018,0.088,0.35,or mice of each sexfor 90 days (Whiles, 1991). Five 0.62 mg/ml to groups of 15 C57/1OJfAP/Alpk mice of each sex and group were scheduled for an interim kill on the 28th of the study. The me daily dosages for this study were 2.7,, and 78.7 m@g for males and 3.6, 15.2,55.4, and 83.8 m a g for females. Decompositionof metam over a period of 24hr in drinking water may have reduced the intended concentrations as bymuch as 20%. for the highest, and 70% for the lowest, concentrations. body weightwereevidentat0.62and Significant decreases in food consumption and 0.35 mdml for both sexes (Whiles, 1991). At termination, body weights for animals dosed at 0.62 mg/ml were 11-13% lower, and at 0.35 group, they were 7 4 % lower than controls. No other dose level was affected. Water consumption was reduced inatmales 0.62 mg/ml, with a slight reduction in consumption at 0.35 mgEml during the first 4 weeks of the study. Water was consumption in females was reduced significantly at 0.35mg/mland0.62mg/ml,but reduced only slightlyat 0.088 mg/ml (with a slight recovery). On termination, significant decreases in hemoglobin were noted in males at m 0.35 m and higher, and in femalesat 0.088 mg/ml and higher (Whiles, 1991). Hematocrit and red blood cell levels were decreased in both sexes at 0.62 mg/ml and at 0.088 and 0.35 mg/ml in females. No dose-responserelationshipwasevidentamongtheseparameters. Mean redblood cell volume was increased in both sexes at 0.62 mg/ml. There was an increased ratio of liver/total body weight in treated males at greater than
Meram: Toxicology and Risk Assessment
625 .!:
0.088 mglml and in females 0.35 at mg/ml and greater (Whiles, 1991).Kidneybody weightand
adrenal/body weight ratios were also increased for both sexes at 0.35 mg/ml and higher. Cystitis was reported in male mice at 0.62 mglml. Urinary bladder lesions were reported at 0.088, and 0.35, and 0.62 m g / d for females. However, there was no evident dose-response relationship among these parameters, except for liver- andkidneybody weight ratios. In a 2-year study (Homer, 1994). C57BL/lOJfCD-l Alpk mice were given 0.19,0.074,or 0.23 mg/ml(55 per sex per dose) for104 weeks. The mean daily dose received was 1.9,7.2,or 28.9 mgjkg for males, and 2.6,9.6, or 31.2 mgkg for females. Decreased body weights and food consumption (sporadically) were observed at 0.23 mg/ml in males. Water consumption was initially decreased in males and females at the 0.23 mglml, than recovered and increased. At 0.23mg/mltherewasincreasedmean cell hemoglobinvalueinbothsexes;femaleshad decreased RBC count at this dose. Decreases in organ weights were observed for epididymus and kidney in males at dose levelsof 0.074 mglml and above. Liver weights were increased at 0.074 mdml and higherin both sexes, and kidney weights were increased in females at the same dose levels. Signs of urinary bladder inflammation were evident: epithelial hyperplasia, mom nuclear cell infiltration, eosinophilic-hyaline cytoplasmic inclusions, submucosal inflammatory cell infiltration, and submucosal hyalinization (at 0.074 mg/ml and higher for both sexes). Increases in hepatic fat vacuolization were evident at 0.23 mg/ml in both sexes. Increases in hemosiderosis wasreportedin females at 0.23 mg/ml. Angiosarcomaof the urinary bladder was increased in both sexes at 0.23mg/ml. One transitional cell carcinoma and one transitional cell papilloma, two rare tumors of the bladder, were also reported at the high dose.
C. Dogs In a subchronic range-finding study in beagle dogs, groups of per onesex dog were given0,2.5, 10, or 25 mg/kg per day in gelatin capsules (Brammer, 1992a). Because the dogs regurgitated the capsules at25 mg/kg per day, this dose was reducedto 15 mglkg per day.An additional two dogs were added to the 15- mg/kg per day dose groups. After 3 4 weeks, two male dogs at 15 m a g per day were euthanized because of weight loss and clinical signs of jaundice. Females did not show these marked effects. The remaining dogs were dosed through the ninth week. per dayofmetamexhibitedupto 40% bodyweight Animalsdosedwith15mg/kg 5 0 4 0 % was also observed in the reductions (Brammer, 1992a). Decreased liver weight of euthanized animals. Histopathological examination of these livers showed marked hepatitis, hepatocellular necrosis, slight to moderate hepatocellular pigmentation, and lymphocyte infiltration. The surviving dogs at 15 m a g per day had minimal to slight periportal inflammation, lymphocyte infiltration, and minimalto slight hepatocyte pigmentation. Dogsat 10 r n e g per day had minimal to slight periportal inflammation, with inflammatory cell iIlfiltration, and slight to moderate hepatocyte pigmentation. Renal cortical tubular degeneration and cast formation of moderate severity were also notedin a male and female dog at 15 mg/kg per day. Clinicalchemistryresultsparalleledthoseseenfollowinghistopathologicalevaluation. Male dogs at 15mgkg per day exhibited increased bilirubin, ALP,K T , and AST levels, which are indicative of liver injury. In one dog, increases in plasma urea and creatinine were observed, suggesting renal damage. Prothrombin time was increased in the sacrificed animals, and there was an increase in platelet counts for females dosed with10 or 15 m a g per day. Significant increases in ALT and ALP and a minimal increase in AST were observed in male and female dogs at10mglkg per day. At2.5 mgjkg per day a time-dependent increase in L T was observed in a female dog. In a 90-day toxicity study (Brammer, 1992b). beagle dogs (four dogs per sex were per dose)
administered metam in capsules at doses 0,1,5, of or 10 mg/kg per day. Clinical signs included postdosing emesisat the two highest doses, and increased salivation associated with dosing at the highest dose. Decreased body weight and food consumption also occurred 5 andat10m a g per day. There were slight decreases in red blood cell parameters at5 and 10 mg/kg per day, and prothrombin time was increased at10 mg/kg perday. There were increases in plasma enzymes AST, ALP, ALT, y-glutamyltransferase(GGT), or total bilirubin. These changes were indicative of liver damage and increased in incidence and severity with dose, occurring at all treatment one female, were sacrificed near the end of levels. Two dogs at 10 mg/kg per day, one male and the treatment period owing to poor clinical condition. Necropsy findings included abnormal liver coloration and texture at 5 and 10 mg/kg per day, with jaundice also present in the sacrificed animals. Histologically, severe hepatitis, composed of hepatocyte degeneration, and necrosis, inflammation, and increased pigmentation and biliary proliferation, was present in allatanimals 10 mg/kg per day. Less severe changes were present at 5 mg/kg per day, and one female at 1 m a g per day had bile duct proliferation and inflammatory cell infiltration. Other treatmentrelated changes, included a minimal to slight increase in the number of mitoses of the urinary bladder epithelial cells in several animals at 5 and 10 m a g per day. A single occurrence of thymic atrophy, and of immature testis and prostate that occurred the per day (males) 10at mg/kg may not have been treatment-related. Finally, concluding the series of studies on the dog (Brammer, 1994). a l-year exposure study was performed. Four beagle dogs each of sex, were dosed with 0,0.05,0.1, or 1.0 mg/day daily in gelatin capsules. No overt clinical signs were observed, except for salivation with dosing, at all doses. Significant elevation of plasma ALT and histopathology was observed in the liver of one female of the l-mg/kg dose group, which paralleled the liver histopathology seen in previous studies, but was of reduced severity. One male of the same dose group had slightly less than 8% depression in body weight. There was no clear trend in inhibition of body weight gain in any of the dose groups. However, there was an increase in ALTl - for m a the g per day female dose group and a slight trend in the other dose groups. Alkaline phosphate was elevated in both sexes at 1 m a g per day, whereas plasma triglycerides decreased in females.
A. InhalationToxicity Groups of 18 adult CD (Sprague-Dawley)ofrats both sexes were exposed in chambers toVapam Technical mist generated by nebulizersat cumulative mean concentrations of either 0,6.5,45, or 160 mg/m3 for 6 hr per day, 5 daysperweek, for atotal of 65days(Knapp,1983). Concentrations of MITC were monitored in these exposure chambers and did not exceed 0.7, 2.2, and 5.7 mg/m3, respectively. No significant systemic toxicitiesor treatment-related deaths were observed. Body weight and food consumption were decreased inhighdose the animals. Reduced amounts of total serum proteins, including albumin, occurred at all dose levels of females. A significant decrease in the level of serum albumin and an increase in liver weight, suggesting some hepatic dysfunction, were noted in females exposedto 160 mg/m3. This level of metam also produced a noticeable changeinthenasalpassages,includingmildhyperplasiaofthemucigenicepitheliumand lymphocytic rhinitis. Although gastric erosion was noted, it was attributed to treatment-related stress by the investigators. Histopathological examinationof the kidneys of male rats exposed to 45 mg/m3 revealed microscopic lesions. However, it was not clear that these observations were treatment-related, since similar effects were not seen in rats exposed to 160 mg/m3, nor in treated female rats.
Metam: Toxicology and Risk Assessment
B. Dermal Toxicity Metam fluid (42%) was diluted in 0.8% aqueous hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose gel and applied or 125 mg/kgperday, to theskinof White Russianrabbits at 0 (vehicle),31.25,62.5, continuously for 21 days (Leuschner, 1979). Five rabbits per sex per dose had approximately 10%of their body covered with a nonocclusive dressing over intact or abraded skin. Animalsat 62.5-mg/kg dose group showed slight to moderate reversible erythema and edema, corresponding to Draize stage 1-2. The 125-mg/kg dose groups showed more severe skin injury, corresponding to stage 2-3, which is marked epidermal dermatitis. All skin changes were reversed after a 3-week observation period. No intolerance reaction was observed after challenge doses of the same concentrations administered 21 days skin aftertreatments. No significant differences among food and water intake, clinical chemistry parameters, clinical observation, or histological assessments were noted.
C. Developmental Toxicity Metam was administered to pregnant Wistar rats (25per group)by oral gavage on days 6-15 of gestation at dose levels of 0, 10, 40. or 120 m a g per day (Hellwig and Hlldebrand, 1987). Maternal toxicity, as evidenced by reduced body weight, reduced weight gain, and reduced food in the 40- and 120-mglkg per day groups. Significantly decreased numbers intake, was observed of live fetuses (resulting from increased embryolethality, mostly early postimplantation loss) were observed at 10 and 120 m a g per day, and preimplantation loss was increased in the 2 cases 40-mglkg per day group (Hellwig and Hildebmd, 1987). In addition to embryolethality, of 22 litters (5%) were of meningocele (a neural tube closure defect) in 261 fetuses (0.8%)1in observed with a maternaldoseof 120 m a g per day, and in12 cases outof 291 fetuses (4%) in 7 of 24 litters (29%)at 240 mgkg per day ina dose range-finding study that preceded the main study. Although onlytwo cases of meningocele andone case of microphthalmia were observed in the high-dosegroup, there was zero incidence of meningocele in historical controls. In a recent study conducted in rats, mated female AlpkAFYSD rats (24 per dose) were given metam at 0,5,20, or 60 mgkg by gavage on days 7-16 of gestation (Pearson, 1993). Clinical signs, salivation, stains around mouth, subdued behavior, and urinary incontinence, were more prevalent at doses of 20 and 60 m a g . There was a decrease in food consumption and body of 20 and60 mg/kg, and a decrease in fetal weights at 20 and 60 m a g . weight of dams at doses Preimplantation loss was significantly higher60 atm a g . An increase in skeletal anomalieswas noted at doses of 20m a g and higher, and severe malformations were noted 60 m at a g . There was one caseof meningocele and anophthalmia, and two cases of microphthalmia. In a Soviet study, an unknown quantity of white female rats, weighing 180-200 g, were of their treated with 0, 4.5, or 90 mg/kg per day carbathion (metam) from the beginning pregnancy until their 20th day (Chegrinets et al., 1990). Carbathion was diluted in water and on a daily basis. Although not specified in the study, administered to the rats in a periodic fashion the route of administration was assumed tobe oral gavage. There was a significant increase in postimplantation, but not preimplantation, deaths at 90m a g per day. The fetal body lengths and weights in this dose group were significantly less than controls. In addition, there was a significant increase in edema found in various organs and tissues andof one hydrocephalus. case Nine cases of umbilical hernia were also observed. There were no reported malformations. However, there was an increase in the number of delayed ossifications, 75% in the high-dose or group, when compared with 12.5% in the controls. No significant increases in weight, length, other identifiable changesor defects were noted for thelowdose group. before and through In an earlier Soviet study (Nesterova, 1969), rats dosed with 22 mg/kg pregnancy and for 1 month after parturition, showed no significant differences in number of
progeny, mean body weight, and length from control rats. On gross examination, young rats exhibited no pathological changes. Metam was also administeredto artificially inseminated female Himalayan rabbits (15 per group) by oralgavage at doselevelsof 0, 10, 30, or 100 m a g perdayondays 6-18 postinsemination (Hellwig,1989). Reduced food intake and weight gain were observed in dams at 100 mg/kg per day. At 100 m a g per day, a significarit increase in embryolethality (early postimplantation deaths) and a statistically significant trend toward the same effect 30 mata g per day were observed (Hellwig,1989). M Ocases of neural tube defects out 48 of fetuses (4%) in 2 of 14 litters (14%) were reported at the maternal dose of 100 mgkg per day. In another study (Hodge, 1993),20 mated New Zealand white females were administered metam at doses of 0,5,20, or 60 m@g by gavage. Food consumption and body weights were 20- and 60-mg/kg doses. Some clinical signs, including blood stains significantly reduced at the were evident at the 60-mg/kg dose. Postimplantation loss, early intrauterine deaths, and total litter resorptions were increased 60 at m a g . The incidence of skeletal variants increased the at 2 0 - m a g dose, and the increasewas significant at the 60-mg/kg dose. There weretwo fetuses with cleft palate and one fetus with meningocele at 60 mg/kg.
D. lmmunotoxicologicalStudies The immunotoxicity of metam (Vapam) was assessed in female B6C3F1 mice (6-10 weeks of age) by oral or dermal administration at a dose of 300 m a g per day orally or 150, 225, or 300 m a g per day, dermally (Pruett et al., 1992). Each experimental group included six mice in the oral study and fivein the dermal study. The greatest effects ,noted with oral administration of metam were decreases in thymus weight and cellularity at all time points and a decrease in lymphocyte numbers. There were An oral dose of 300 m a g per day of metam transient behavioral changes throughout the study. a 10% was near the “maximum tolerated dose” for up to 14 days, during which there was decrease in body weight. The body weight decrease was greater at 10 days of exposure (23%). The decrease in body weight may contribute to some immunological changes secondary to generalized toxicity, but some of the changes occurred after the 3- and 5-day treatments (and in other experiments in this report) were accompanied by less than 10% decrease in body weight; therefore, theseare not considered likelyto be secondary to generalized toxicity. Body weight, thymus weight, and lymphocyte numbers rebounded to higher values after14 days, suggesting the inductionof compensatory or detoxification mechanisms. Thechangesinbonemarrowandspleenparametersfollowing oral administration at 300 m a g per day may also represent homeostatic mechanisms to compensate for lymphocyte loss by increased hemopoiesis. Among the depletion of all thymocyte subpopulations, CD4+CD8+ cells were depleted to the greatest extent. Humoral immune response by splenocytes from mice treated at 300 mgkg per day was suppressed whenstimulatedinvitro (IgM, SRBC)butnotinvivo,andantibodyproduction (all isotypes) in vivo was not affected. The number of IgM antibody-forming colonies (AFC) was increased significantly at 150 and 225 m a g per day, but not at 300 m a g per day. Lymphocyte responses to T- and B-cell mitogens and allogeneic lymphocytes were not affected. After dermal administrationof metam to mice, significant decreases in thymus weight and selective depletion of CD4+CD8+ subpopulations at 300 m a g per day were seen, and the suppressed natural killer cell activity at 200 and 300m a g per day was consistent with the effect seen after oral administration.
Metam: Toxicology and Risk Assessment
In a different study by the same group (Padget et al., 1992), the immunotoxicity of metam was compared with two other dithiocarbamates: sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate (DEDC) and disodium ethylene-bis(dithiocarbarnate) (EDB). These compounds were administered in doses ranging from 150 to 1000 m a g per day for 7 days to female B6C3F1 mice. At sacrifice, measurements were made of thymus and spleen weights and of natural killer cell activity. In addition, direct measurement of cytotoxicity of these compounds was made toward splenocyte~and thymocytes in vitro. Significant loss of thymic weight was observed in mice following 200,225, or 300 m a g per day of metam. Spleen weight increased only marginally at 225 and 300 m a g per day. Natural killer cell activity was suppressed at doses of 150, 225, and 300 mgilcg per day, all of previous study (Fruett et al., 1992)l. Very high doses of either which confinned the results of the EBD and DEDC (over 600 m a g per day) were required to affect either spleen or thymus weight, and neither affected splenic natural killer cell activity. Thus, the lack of change in natural killer cell activity from dosing with EBD and DEDC is probably not associated with splenoin vitro among the three compounds, megaly. When relative cytotoxic potencies were compared they were all comparably toxic. This result is in direct contrast with the apparent higher toxicity of metam over the other compounds in vivo, and may be the resultof the different metabolites formed from each compound. In particular, MITC is not formed by hydrolysis from either EBD or DEDC as it is with metam.
E. Neurotoxicity An acute neurotoxicity study was performed in SD CrkCDBR rats (12-16 per sex per dose) 0, 50, 750, or1500 m a g bygavage(Lamb,1993). administeredmetaminonedoseof Animals were monitored for up to 2 weeks. There was a significant decrease in body weight gain at doses of 750 and 1500 r n o g in both sexes. There was an increase in clinical signs, such as gait alterations, high carriage hypoactive, hypothermia, ptosis, and decreased defecationandurination at dosesof 750 and1500 m a g . Mortalitywas31and19%forhighdosemalesandfemales,respectively.Therewasanincreaseineffectsinthefunctional observational battery at 750- and 1500-mg/kg doses. Locomotor activity was affected signifias dosing, but exhibited normal motor activity, cantly in both sexesat all doses on the same day subsequently. Body temperature was depressed at 750- and 1500-mgkg doses, and remained depressed for up to 7 days. Twelve male and female rats were given metam by drinking water at 0, 0.0.2, 0.06, and 0.2 m g h l for 13 weeks (Allen, 1994). Delivered mean doses were estimated to be 6, 14.7, mgkg for males and 3.3, 8.4, and 17.8 mgilcg for females. These animals were monitored for clinicalstatus,overallappearance,andmeasuresforneurologicalfunction.Thefunctional neurologic battery consisted of quantitative assessmentof landing foot splay, sensory perception, and muscle weakness and changes in respiration. At 0.2 mg/ml, food and water consumption and body weight were reduced in both sexes. Water consumption was reduced also in the 0.06-mg/ml No evidenceformetameffectswasseenonclinical, malesandtheO.OZrng/mlfemales. behavioral, or neurological status of the animals, although there was a high background of rate neuron necrosis and nerve fiber degeneration.
F. GenotoxicityStudies Metam was evaluated for its genotoxicity in in vivo and in vitro assays. Responses observed weremostlynegative,with asuggestionforpotentialchromosomalaberrationinhuman are summarized in Table 2. lymphocyte culture in one study. The studies
Table 2 Genetic Toxicity Studies for Metam Ref. Test typeResults Ames
treatment Strains/cell Salmonella typhimurium TA1535,
1537,1538,92,98,100 (+/- S9) Ames S. typhimurium TA 1535,1537, 1538.98.100 (+/- S9) Yeast Sacchromyces cerevisiaestrain D4 (+/- S9) HGPRT Chinese hamster ovary Per 1 day (+/- S91 Human lymphocyte Human lymphocytes cytogenetics Mammalian Chinese hamsterstreated with 0, cytogenetics 150, and 300 mgkg sacrificed at 6,24,48 h Rec assay Bacillus subtilisH17 and M45 (+/- S91 Unscheduled DNA Primary rat hepatocytec u l t u r e synthesis
Gentile et al., 1982
BASF, 1987a
EqUiVOCal (potential positive with S9) Aberrant chromosomes, gaps Polyploidy at all dose levels Occurrence as soon as 6 h Equivocal
BASF, 1987b
Hazleton, 198%
BASF,1987c BASF,1987d Hadeton, 1987a
VI. TOXICOLOGY: FROM ANIMALS TO HUMANS A. Toxicity: Metam Versus Breakdown Products
The existing experimental studies on metam demonstrate that the most consistent and promine of exposure include loss of body weight, which be may dependent on toxic effects by any route decreased food and water consumption, and imtation of exposed areas. Metam appears to be both a dermal irritant and sensitizer in humans. However, these irritant and sensitizing effects may be the resultof conversion of metam to MITC, itself a strong imtant. The lackof significant irritation to the eye, or the noninitancy of metam when applied to the skin, then washed off (Nesterova, 1969), indicate that metam does not immediately react with exposed surfaces. Some evidence for immunotoxicity is available, but data are limited to high doses. With long-term administration, metam exposure was associated with hepatic, renal-urinary, hematological, and olfactory system toxicity. In all three species tested, rat, mouse, and dog, changes in urinary morphology and function were noted. Mice, the most sensitive species to these changes, exhibited higher incidences of angiosarcoma of the bladder and the appearance of two rare bladder tumors. Dogs were very sensitive to the hepatotoxicity induced by metam. At very low doses,1.0-10 mgkg per day, metam was associated with mild to severe liver injury. Depressioninredbloodcellcountsandhematocritswasseeninrodentspecies,butits association with long-term toxicity is unknown. Damage to the olfactory epithelium did not appear to result from direct irritation by exhaled MITC, but from blood-borne metabolitesor from metabolites produced by the olfactory epithelium. The marked hepatoxic effects present in the dog studies were in contrast with the general lack of liver damage in most of the rodent studies. This may be due to the different methods used for dose administration. The dogs were dosed by capsule and thus received metam ina bolus,
Metam: Toxicology and Risk Assessment
whereas rodents generally received the compoundin a more gradual manner by their drinking water. The bolus dose might initially produce higher blood levels of metam or its metabolites, possibly leading to hepatocyte disruption and clinical signs of liver disease. Species differences or in the biotransformationof metam could also be involved, but studies comparing enzymatic microsomal function after metam administration have not been reported. Also unknown is the potential for permanent scarring of the liver after metam-induced cell death. loss and specific birth defects. Evidence from It is incontrovertible that metam causes fetal five studiesintwospeciesshowsanincreased fetal lossandpotential for araredefect, of metam. Therefore, metam should be considered meningocele, are associated with oral intakes a developmental toxicant. There is little evidence that would indicate the mechanism of toxicity of metam, particularly of metam may result from a how it induces death. Nesterova (1969) suggested that the effects reaction with sulfhydryl groups on proteins, which then leads to disruption of cellular respiration. be adequate for the interpretationof the localized irritant effects, Although, this explanation may it does not providean adequate explanationfor the observed teratogenicor hepatotoxic effects. The experimental results described in the foregoing indicate that metam is predominantly converted in vivoto MITC by a nonenzymatic process. The MITC is more toxic than metam in both shorter- and longer-term exposures. Besides being a ,strong skin irritant and sensitizer, of body weight gain, MITC exposure produceseye and gastric irritation, significant inhibition lower food consumption, decreasedred cell counts and increased white cell counts, fatty changes (OEHHA, 1992).However, in the liver and increases in liver weight, and decreased sperm counts in the areas the toxicity profileof MITC does not correspond well with that of metam, except of weight loss, skin and stomach irritation and, perhaps, liver pathology. Orally administered metam can also produce significant amountsof CS2 in the stomach, (catalyzed by its low pH). Therefore, some of the observed toxicities seen with oral doses of metam in experimental animals (but not with MITC administration), may be mediated by the formation of CS2. Unfortunately, the toxicity of carbon disulfide does not correspond well with metam either. Carbon disulfide is known for its neurotoxicity and cardiovascular effects reported in humans, effects that are entirely absent from the metam toxicity profile (ATSDR, 1992). However, carbon disulfide toxicity has not been studied well in experimental animals. Carbon disulfide is known to reversibly inhibit cytochrome P450 enzymes; and thus may modulate 1986). toxicities of other metam metabolites, notably MITC (Masuda, The differencesin the toxicity profiles for metam and MITC compounds could alsobe due to the substantially higher experimental doses of administered metam, when compared with doses of administered MITC. The results of dermal, inhalation, and oral studies indicate that animals were more able to tolerate higher doses of metam than MITC. MITC is much more irritating and inhibiting to normal feeding behavior than metam (OEHHA, 1992). Maximum doses administered to animals were typically three times higher for metam than for MITC. It is possible that some reported effects observed with metam administration were due to MITC,as the resultof higher internal doses of MITCachieved from metabolism of metam than from direct administration of MITC.
B. Human Hdalth Implications and Risk Assessment Metam itself is relatively nonvolatile. However, inhalation of contaminated air was the most significant source of exposure following the metam spill because of the rapid conversion in the river of metam toits volatile and more toxic breakdown product MITC. This conversion should be consideredinfutureriskassessments.Inthistoxicspill, eye irritation,headache,and respiratory effects were the most common complaints in effected individuals. It was likely that
these individuals were exposed to the more volatile MITC and CS2 than the parent compound an effect metam. Eye irritation (no lacrimination) was the most sensitive endpoint based on level 1969), but this effect was not reported with of 70 ppb of MITC in air in a rat study (Nesterova, metam.Additionaldataarebeingdevelopedforevaluatingtheodorthresholdandocular imtation of MITC. oral administration of metam was associated with fetal loss In experimental animal studies, m the most common and a potential for a neural tube defect, meningocele. Neural tube defects birth defectin humans, but the defects observed with metamrats in and rabbitsare rare in these animal species. The possibility that MITC might have contributed to this effect was considered, but cannot be validated. The concern may not exist when exposures to humans are based on long-term, low-level exposures, but acute or short-term exposures following a chemical spill can lead to high-level exposures. Although estimated human inhalation exposures relating to the 720 ppb for developmental toxicityof metam spill were generally below the reference level of MITC, based on the worst-case exposure estimates and the teratogenic potential of metam, an advisorywasissuedforpregnantwomenwhowerein the affectedareastoseekmedical ( A F P ) test (DiBartolomeis,1994). Blood consultation andbe administered the alpha-fetoprotein testing at 14-16 weeks of gestationcan detect neural tube defects. Experience gained from toxicological risk assessment of the metam spill underlines the in theoriginal importance of identifyinganybreakdownproductsandmajoringredients formulation, in addition to the parent compound. Furthermore, in this case sample, metam itself as a hazardous material under federal Department of Transportawas not specifically identified tion criteria and there wasno placard carried with the derailed train involved. Therefore, there was a delay in identifying the content of the tank car. Moreover, information on toxicity and physical and chemical property should be readily available to permit an adequate assessment. This information has to be assembled from diverse sources during the response period to the toxicspillintheprocessofriskassessment.Theinformationpresentedhereprovidesa toxicological basefor metam and some guidancefor risk assessment in thefuture.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author is grateful to Earl Meierhenry and Marilyn Silva, Department of Pesticide Regulation, of the manuscript. Cal/EPA, for their helpin obtaining and summarizing studies, and review
REFERENCES Alleh, S. L. (1991).Metam-sodium: 90 daydrinkingwaterstudy in rats.FinalReport,ICICentral Toxicological Laboratory, StudyNo.cTupL3213, Oct.21. C I Z . , Report Allen, S. L. (1994).Metam sodium: Subchronicneurotoxicitystudyinrats,Zeneca No.W l 4 3 3 4 , May 5. ATSDR (1992). The toxicological profile for carbon disulfide, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, TP-91/09. Baran, N. A., Y.A. Moreinis, and Y.A. Tmitski (1969). Nekotoriye daniye p0 gigiyenicheskoy oschinkei beologecheckoy chenosti peschevch producktov posle obrabotki karbotion. [Some data on the hygienic assessment and biological value of food products following carbathione treatment], Vopr. Rarsion. Pirun., 5, 37-41. BASF (1987a). Reporton the study of metam-sodium in the Ames test, BASF Aktiengesellschaft,FRG, Project No.40lIM0232/85, June 15. BASF (1987b). Report on the study for gene mutationsin vitro of metam-sodium in Chinese-hamster ovary cells (HGPRT locus) with and without metabolic activation, BASF Aktiengesellschaft,FRG, Project No.40/IM0232/85,Aug. 3.
Metam: Toxicology and Risk Assessment
BASF (1987~).Report on the in vitro cytogenetic investigations in human lymphocytes with metamsodium, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, FRG,Project No. 30M0232/8574, Mar. 9. BASF (198761). Cytogenetic studyin vivo of metam-sodiumin Chinese hamster, bone m m w chromosome analysis. Single oral administration, BASF Aktiengesellschaft,FRG,Project No. 10 M0232/85116, Aug. 3. Brammer,A.(1992a).Metam: Range fiding oral toxicitystudyindogs,Report No. (;TL/l%778, IC1 Central Toxicology Laboratory, April 7. Brammer, A. (1992b).Metam-sodium: 90-day oral dosing study in dogs, ICI Americas Report No. cm/p/3679, Nov. 11. Brammer, A. (1994). Metam-sodium: One-year oral toxicity in dogs, Zeneca CTL., Report No. cn/p/4196, May 23. Cave, D. A. (1991a). Metam-sodium: 11 day oral dosing studyin rats, ICI Central Toxicology Laboratory. Report No.CTL/I'l2727, Jan. 16. 90 day drinking water study in rats, Interm Report, IC1 Central Cave, D. A. (1991b). Metam-sodium: Toxicology Laboratory, Study No. Cl'L/P/3213, Oct.21. Chegrinets, G.Y.,V. E. Kmazin, I. Y.Rybchmskaya, R.P. Petrova, andG. I. Leonskaya (1990). Yzuchenia vliyania karbateona na embriohenez byelikh kris. [Study of the influenceof carbathion on embryogenesis of white rats], Gig. Sanit., 5,4041. Deenihan, M. J. (1985). Acute dermal toxicity of Vapam in rabbits, Northview Pacific Laboratories Inc., Berkeley CA, Report No. X6J034G. Jan. 7 and May 7. DiBartolomeis, M. J., G. V. Alexeef, A.M. Fan, and R. J. Jackson(1994).Regulatoryapproachto assessing healthrisks of toxic chemicalreleases following transportation accidents,J. Hazard. Maer., 39,193-210. Gentile, J. M., G.J. Gentile,J. Bultman, R.Sechriest,E. D. Wagner and MJ. Plewa (1982).An evaluation of the genotoxic properties of insecticides following plant and animal activation, Mutar. Res., 101.19-29. Hawkings, D. B. (1987). The biokinetics and metabolism of 14C-metam in the rat, Vols 1-3, Addendum and Amendment, Huntingdon Research Centre, GB,BASF Report No. 88/0030, Nov. 12. Hazleton (1987a). Report on the mutagenicity test on metam-sodium in the m-assay with Bacillus subtilis, Hazleton Biotechnologies,The Netherlands; HBC Study No. E9642-0-404, Mar. 27. Hazleton (1987b). Report on the mutagenicity on testmetam-sodium in the rat primary hepatocyte unscheduled DNA synthesis assay, Hazleton Laboratories America,Inc., HLA Study No. 9735-0-447, July 1. Hellwig, J., and B. Hildebrand (1987). Report on the studyof the prenatal toxicityof metam-sodium in rats after oral administration (gavage), BASF Aktiengesellschaft, FRG, Project No. 34023218569, Mar. 25. Hellwig, J. (1989).Report on thestudy of theprenataltoxicity ofmetam-sodium(aqueoussolution) in rabbits afteroral administration (gavage), BASF Aktiengesellschaft, FRG, Project No. 38R0232/8597, July 15. Hodge,M.C.E.(1993).Metam sodiumdevelopmentaltoxicitystudy in therabbit,ZenecaCentral Laboratory, Cheshire,U.K., Report No. RB0623, Sept. 6. Homer, S. A. (1994). Metam sodium: Two-year drinking study in mice, Zeneca CTL., Report No.cn/P/4095, Apr. 20. Howd, R. (1992). Chemistry, environmentalfate, and monitoring in evaluation of health risks associated withthemetam spill in the upperSacramentoRiver, Wlce of EnvironmentalHealthHazard Assessment, CaEPA, Draft, Sec. B. Kontaktdematitiden durchNematin(Vapam) in der Jung, H. -D., and F. Wolff(1979).Berufliche Landwirtschaft [Studyof contact dermatitisfrom nematin (Vapam) in agriculture], Drsch. Gesuntheirwes., 25,495498. Jung, H. -D. (1979) Arbeitsdennatosen durch Pestizide (Occupational dermatosis from pesticides), Dtsch. Gesundheitwes.,34, 1144-1148. Knapp, H. 1. (1983). Subchronic inhalation study with Vapam Technical in rats. Environmental Health Science Center, Stauffer Chemical, Farmington, C T , Study T11006, Aug. 31. Lamb, I. C. (1993). An acute neurotoxicity studyof metam sodium in rats, WIL Research Laboratories, Inc., WIL-1880 0 9 , Sept. 27. Leuschner, F. (1979). 3-weeks-toxicity of metam-sodium fluid (methyl-dithio carbamic sodium) lot BAS
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34 Effects of ChemicalChemical Interactions on the Evaluation of Toxicity Amy L.Yorks and Katherine S. Squibb
University of Maryland at Baltimore Baltimore. Maryland
1. INTRODUCTION The lasttwo decades have seen great strides in our ability to assess the healthrisks of chemicals present in our air, water, and food. Our ever-growing scientific databases are increasing our understanding of the dose-mponse toxicity of individual chemicals andare permitting better wenow reaching the point at which we can, and must, predictions of health effects. However, are increase the complexity of our calculations and incorporate chemical+hemical interactions into our risk assessment analyses. Although single-compound exposuresm possible, in most instances, contaminant chemicals are present in our environment as mixtures. Some of these mixtures are relatively well as those released defined, suchas coke oven emissions and diesel exhaust. Other mixtures, such from old disposal sites, are highly variable, complex, and largely undefined. As there is a considerable body of literature indicating that chemical-chemical interactions occur, factors that influence the toxicityof the chemicals in mixtures mustbe better understoodif they are to be effectively incorporated intoour health risk assessments @PA, 1986). In theory, there are many ways in which one chemical could alter the toxicityof another. to a new compound,or there As indicated in Table1, two chemicals could directly interactform may be changes in the intestinal absorption of the chemicals. Absorption could be decreased through competition for membrane-binding sites, or increased by the induction of a transport also be altered process. Plasma transport, tissue accumulation, and elimination processes could through competition or interference mechanisms. Cellular metabolism and intracellular effects may be modified either directly through competition for receptor- or enzyme-binding sites, or indirectly by the induction of metabolizing enzymesor other detoxification mechanisms, such 635
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Table 1 Mechanisms by Which Chemicals Can Interact in Biological Systemsto Alter Toxicity Formation of new compounds in the digestive tract before absorption Reactions between chemicals in the exposure media or Changes in intestinal absorption Competition for membrane-binding sites Induction of proteins that facilitate absorption Altered plasma transport Competitive binding totransport proteins Altered excretion patterns Competition for secretory pathways Altered metabolism of compounds to forms more or less easily excreted Altered cellular toxicity Competitive binding to essential ligands in catalytic and regulatory proteins Metabolism by biotransformation enzymesto more or lesstoxic forms Competitive binding to or inductionof metallothionein Changes in cellular glutathione concentrations Alterations in DNA repair enzymes
as metal-binding proteins or cellular glutathione levels (Dixon and Nadolney, 1987; Goldstein et al., 1990a; Davis, 1980). Because of these interactions,it is not surprising that the net toxicity of a groupof chemicals often cannot be predicted accurately by summing the toxicity of its individual components in additive, synergistic, or antagonistic (Dixon and Nadolney, 1987). Chemicals can interact the sum of individual effects, whereas synergism fashions. Additive refers to a response equaling is aresponsethatisgreaterthanadditive.Ontheotherhand,somechemicalxhemical interactions can lead to a decrease in toxicological activity (this process serves as the basis of antidotal treatment) (Dixon and Nadolney, 1987). In this instance, the response is less than that (Goldstein et al., 1990a). shown by each chemical and is referred to antagonistic as riskinassessmentis relatively easAlthough the problem of chemical-chemical interactions ily defined, its solution (with over 70,000 chemicals being manufactured and sold by more than 115,000 industries and firms) is extremely complex (Dixon and Nadolney, 1987). The following of chemical-chemical interactions that have occurred sections will review examples of the types in laboratory studies. We hope! that this overview will serve as a catalyst fora greater research effort in this area. If risk assessments are to be successfully appliedto chemical mixtures, we must understand the basis for theeffects that occur when multiple chemicalsare present.
II. ORGANIGORGANIC CHEMICALINTERACTIONS A. BiotransformationEnzymes The toxicity of most organic chemicals is influenced by the actionof mixed-function oxidases (MFOs) andphase II biotransformationenzymesthatcatalyzetheirmetabolism to more the synthesis of many of these enzymes hydrophilic forms in preparation for excretion. Because in the is increased by the chemicals they metabolize, multiple mechanisms may be involved chemicalinteractionsinvolving these enzymesystems(Kedderis,1990). For example,an inhibition of toxicity can occur whenthe metabolism of one chemical to its more toxic form is prevented by the preferential metabolism of another compound, or when one chemical induces a second of chemical to a less toxic an MFO enzyme system that can catalyze the transformation
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and Toxicity
form. On the other hand, enhancement of toxicity can occur when the enzyme that bioactivates a chemical is previously induced in a cell by exposure to a second compound. Thus, the toxicity of each individual chemical, in each situation, will depend on which biotransformation enzymes have been induced, the relative affinity of each chemical for the available enzymes, and the relative toxicity of the metabolized forms of the chemicals compared with the parent compounds. There are numerous examples of chemical interactions in experimental animals that have (SK&F their genesis in biotransformation. Chemicals such as piperonyl butoxide and proadifen 525A),whichinhibit MFO enzymes,decreasethehepatictoxicity of compounds,such as acetaminophen, bromobenzene, and cocaine, that require activation for toxicity (Mitchell al.,et 1973; Reid et al., 1971; Thompson et al., 1979). Increased toxicity can also occur when MFO enzymes are inhibited if a compound is normally converted by these enzymes to a less toxic occurs form. This appears to be the basis for the increased nephrotoxicity of cyclosporine that following cotreatment with compounds suchas ketoconazole, methyltestosterone, and erythromycin (Ferguson et al., 1982; Moller and Ekelund, 1985; Jensen et al., 1987). The induction of specific biotransformation enzymes can also increase or decrease the toxicity and carcinogenicity of organic chemicals by altering their metabolism (Kedderis, 1990). Phenobarbital inductionof MFO enzymes increases the acute hepatotoxicity of acetaminophen, 2-acetylaminofluorene, and cocaine (Mitchell et al., 1973; Perainoet al., 1971; Thompsonet al., 1979),butdecreasestheacutelethalityofparathion(Mourelle et al.,1986). Argus and co-workers(1978)havereportedthatthehepatocarcinogenicityofdimethylnitrosamineis increased by Enaphthoflavone, but is decreased by pregnenolone-l6acarbonitrile,presumably owing to the different enzymes induced by these compounds. Also, the nephrotoxic effectsof chloroformandcarbontetrachloridearepotentiated by ketonicsolvents,such as acetone, 2-butanone, and 2-hexanone (Raisbeck et al., 1990). Many studies have reported that coexposure to chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons can alter the toxicity of other chemicals (Goldstein et 199Ob; Kedderis,1990).Chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons, such as polychlorinated biphenyls, tetrachlorodibenzo-pdioxin, and polybrominated biphenyls (PCBs, TCDD, and PBBs), are known to be effective inducers of cytochromeP-450mixed-functionoxidaseenzymes,whichisprobablythebasisfortheir effects. Shelton and co-workers (1984) observed that coadministration of PCBs with the wellknown carcinogen aflatoxinB1 inhibited the induction of hepatocellular carcinomas in rainbow trout. In in vitro studies, livers from fish treated with PCBs were less efficient in converting aflatoxin B1to a mutagenic compound, suggesting that the effect of the PCB exposure was to alter the metabolism of the aflatoxin to a less carcinogenic form. Interactions with halogenated hydrocarbons have also been observed, and indicate that there are differences between the chlorinated aromatic compounds. Kluwe and co-workers (Kluwe and Hook, 1978; Kluwe et al., 1979) found that the nephrotoxicity of carbon tetrachloride was greater in animals or PCB (Kluwe and Hook, 1980). cotreated with PBBs, but less in animals cotreated with TCDD Thus, the metabolic activationor detoxification reactions induced by TCDD and PCBs appear to differ from those induced by PBBs.
l . Time-SequenceEffects As studies continue, the complexity of the interactions that can occur between organic chemicals because of changes in biotransformation enzyme systems becomes even more evident. As one might expect, the sequence and timing of the administration of two chemicals can significantly alter their interactive effects (Plaa and Vezina, 1990). Studies by Pessayre and co-workers (1982) have shown that rats treated with trichloroethylene and carbon tetrachloride showed few or no adverse effects when dosed with each agent alone, but when both solvents were administered simultaneously, extensive centrilobular necrosis was exhibited. When dosing was staggered,
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however, administration of a nonhepatotoxic dose of trichloroethylene5 hr before the carbon tetrachloride showed enhanced liver injury, whereas the inverse of this process, also at 5-hr increments, resulted in no liver injury (Plaa and Vezina, 1990). Thus, the sequence of exposure is important in determining the interactive effects that occur. In addition, the timing of the multiplechemicalexposures andthe doses used can affect the outcome of an interaction study (Plaa and Vezina, 1990). Plaa and Hewitt (1982), for example, demonstrated that the magnitude of hepatotoxicity caused by chloroform varied over 100-fold 10 versus 50 hr before the chlorowhen a second chemical, 2,5-hexanedione, was administered form. Also, MacDonald and co-workers (1982) have shown that, whereas low doses of acetone enhanced the toxicity of haloethanes, suchas trichlorethane, highdoses reduced toxicity. Thus, nonlinear or biphasicresponsecurvesforindividualchemicalswillleadtononlinearand biphasic interactive effects that must be considered in predictive studies.
B. Promotors
One of the most classic examples of chemical interactionsis the relation that exists between initiators and promoters in the carcinogenic process. The first step in carcinogenesis is the interaction of an electrophilic compound with nucleophilic sites, such as nitrogen and oxygen atoms, inDNA. This binding can result in mispairing during DNAreplication, eventually causing mutations in specific gene sequences, which results in transformed cells. These alterations in DNA are additive and irreversible, but in many instances they do not produce tumors unless apromotor is present.Theeffectsofpromotors,unlikethose of initiators,arereversible and nonadditive within a cell. Promotor chemicals are incapable of initiating carcinogenesis (i.e., irreversibly altering the original DNA), but they increase the chance that preneoplastic cel will develop into neoplastic lesions and, thereby, increase the carcinogenicity of an initiating chemical (Silberhom et al., 1990). Promotors appear to act through a variety of mechanisms, including the stimulation of cell division and alterations in immune surveillance systems. In the previous section, we reviewed mechanisms by which P450 mixed-function oxidaseinducing chemicals could alter the carcinogenicityof a compound by altering its metabolism. There is also evidence that mixtures ofPCBs, as well as individual congeners, can cause promotion of hepatocellular carcinomas in animals when given at appropriate fordoses extended periods (Silberhom et al., 1990). The PCB mixtures with a high chlorine content are more potent in promoting the induction of neoplastic nodules and hepatocellular carcinomas by benzene hexachloride than mixtures with less chlorination. The promotional activity of PCBs has also been demonstrated in experimental azo dye hepatocarcinogenesis, in which rats given Kanechlor 400 after treatment with3’-methyl4dirnethyaminoazobenzeneexhibited a greater incidence of hepatic tumors (Kimuraet al., 1976 as cited in Pelissier et al. 1992). Pelissier and co-workers (1992) have found that phenoclor DP6, a French commercial PCB mixture, exerts a promoting effect in aflatoxin B1 (AFBl)-initiated rats.This promotion occurred even after only short periods of exposure to the PCB mixtures. Pelissier et al. (1992) suggest that PCBs may interfere with cellular defense mechanisms that protect against oxygen free radicaldamageincells by inhibitingSe-glutathioneperoxidaseandsuperoxidedismutase activities in target cells. Baileyandco-workers(1987)haveusedrainbowtroutinexperimentsexamining the initiation, promotion, and inhibition of cancers induced -1. byDietary treatmentof trout with the compounds indole-3-carbinol @C), p-naphthoflavone(BNF), or the PCB complex, Aroclor 1254, before and during exposureto A F B 1 , showed a variety of effects, ranging from inhibition to promotion, depending on the relative timing of the initiator and modulator exposures (Bailey
Interactions Chemical-Chemical Toxicity
et al., 1987). Results from these experiments indicated that the magnitude of the carcinogenic response did not appear to depend critically on the dose of the carcinogen, but rather, on the dose of the modulator compound (Bailey et al. 1987). Rojanapo et al. (1993) have shown that DDT, an organochlorine insecticide, markedly inhibits hepatocarcinogenesis (both benign and malignant liver tumors) when it is given to rats or after A F B l treatment results at the startof A F B l exposure. Administering DDT in the middle in a significant enhancement of hepatocarcinogenesis, however. The DDT exhibited a maximal tumor-promoting effect when giveneither 1 or 3 weeks after completion of the A F B l treatment, increasing the numberof animals bearing liver carcinomas as well as the number of carcinomas per animal. These experiments, which show that DDT can be a promotor for A F B l hepatocarcinogenesis, have implications in the cause of humanhepatocellular carcinomain African and Asian countries (Rojanapo et al.,1993). It is clearfromtheforegoingdiscussionthatnotonly m interrelationshipsbetween initiators and promotors important determinantsof the final outcome of carcinogen exposure, but they are also very complex. One important aspect of these studiesis that it is not necessary for exposures to occur simultaneously for one chemical to affect the carcinogenicity of another.
111. METAL-METALINTERACTIONS Humans rarely come into contact with simply one toxic metal. Metal contamination reflects natural, as well as anthropogenic, sources in which many metals occur in association with one another. Multiple exposure of humans to toxic metals can arise from metal-based pigments in paints, metal-smelting processes, emissions from coal-fired power plants, and other industrial processes (Mahaffeyet al., 1981; Goyer, 1991). Although, historically, studies of metal toxicity haveprimarilyfocusedonacuteresponsestohighdoses of metalexposure,technological advances and society's growing health awareness have redirected our attention to lower-dose, long-term effects of metals for which interactions between multiple metalsmay become even more important (Schubertet al., 1978; Goyer, 1991). The toxic effectsof metals arise from a wide variety of metal-ligand interactions that can interfere with normal cellular metabolic and regulatory processes. Many essential metal ions, such as Ca+2,Cd2, and Zn+2, play important roles in cellsas components of metalloenzymes and DNA-binding proteins, and as activators of regulatory proteins. Toxic metals may interfere or may interact with proteinS H , with the normal binding of essential metals to cellular ligands, -COOH, or -NH3 p u p s that are required for normal receptor or enzymatic activity (Squibb and Fowler, in press). The following discussion will be divided into toxic metal-toxic metal are extremely interactionsandtoxicmetal-essentialmetalinteractions,forbothofthese important in understandingthe factors that influence the toxicity of metals.
A. ToxicMetal-Toxic Metal Interactions When more than one toxic metal is present in a cell, the occupation of the critical receptor sites by these metals becomes competitive. Since occupation of the sites by the less toxic metal can partially block the binding of the more toxic metal, it is possible to have a protective effect (1978) have demonstrated exerted by one metal on another. Studies by Schubert and co-workers this effect. They observed that pretreatment of mice with lead (Pb) reduced mortality in mice subsequently admitlistad mercuric chloride. However, these same investigators found that occurred with mercury (Hg), far less Pb synergistic effects are also possible. When pretreatment was needed to saturate or exceed a critical level of the remaining critical sites, leading to an
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increased sensitivity to lower doses of Pb (Schubert et al., 1978). Factors determining the combined effects of these metals include the intrinsic affiiity of the individual metalsfor the critical binding sites and the relative concentrations and distribution of the metals within the target organ sites (Schubertet al., 1978). Studies by Yanez and co-workers(1991) have demonstrated interactive effectsother of toxic metals on median lethal dose (LDso) values. Inrats exposed to arsenic (As) and cadmium (Cd), 24-hr LDso values were decreased when Cd and As were administered simultaneously, compared with those obtained for the individual metals. Results indicated that As had a greater effect on the LDso values for Cd than vice versa. Additional studies by this group indicated that As decreased hepatic concentrations of Cd, whereas Cd increased As concentrations in heart tissue. Recent studies, using more sensitivemeasws of toxicity, have also shown interactions of toxic metals. Studies of the nephrotoxic metals, Pb, Cd, and As, by Mahaffey and co-workers (Mahaffey and Fowler,1977; Fowler and Mahaffey, 1978; MahaiTey et al., 1981; Fowler et al., 1987) have shown that combinations of these metals modified the toxicity of each individual metal and produced unique porphyrinuria patterns. Blood hemoglobin and hematocrit levels were decreased with Pb-Cd and Cd-As combinations, whereas specific effectsof Pbon enzymes involved in heme synthesis were reduced by coexposure with Cd (Mahaffey and Fowler, 1977). In vitro studies with Gaminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD), the rate-limiting enzyme in the heme pathway, have shown that addition of Cd at low concentrations (100 phf Cd) can 1980). reverse Pb-induced inhibition of this enzyme (Jacobson and Turner, The urinary excretionof porphyrins resulting from effects ofPb and As on heme enzyme activities are also altered by multiple metal exposures. The increase in urinary aminolevulinic’acid (ALA) resultingfrom Pb exposurewassignificantlydecreasedbyCd-Pbexposure, whereas Pb-As exposure produced an additive effect on coproporphyrin excretion (Fowler and Mahaffey, 1978). The observed effects of Cd on the toxicity ofW appear to be due, at leastin large part, to reductions in blood and tissuePb concentrations (Mahaffeyet al., 1981; Mahaffey and Fowler, 1977). The numberof nuclear inclusion bodies produced by Pb in the kidneys of treated rats was markedly decreasedby coexposure toCd (Mahaffey and Fowler,1977), which is consistent with the decreased concentrationof Pb in this tissue. More recent studies by Mishy and co-workers (1985,1986) suggest that a low molecular weight renal Pb-binding protein (PbBP), which of Pb into the nucleus,may be an important siteof P W d appears to mediate the translocation is an effective competitor for the interaction within renal proximal tubule cells. Cadmium is abletodisplace Pb boundtotheprotein.This metal-bindingsitesontheprotein,and competition may lead to a decrease in Pb accumulation in cells thatare able to synthesize the PbBP (Fowler, 1992). Although minimal data exist, results from human studies also suggest that Cd influencesthe nephrotoxicityof Pb exposure. In a cohort study of men exposed to Pb and Cd, a low prevale of renal disease was shown (Greenberg et al., 1986). The 38 men in the study were industrial workers exposedto the two nephrotoxins for11-37 years. Greenberg andhis co-workers (1986) concluded that the study clearly indicated that there was no additive effect of the combined metals and suggested that there was actually a moderation of kidney damage. Mercury (Hg) is another highly toxic metal of environmental importance that has been studied relative to its interactions with other metals. Mercury-elenium (Se) interactions have been reported in rats treated with mercuric chloride and sodium selenate alone and in combination(CarmichaelandFowler, 1979). Nephrotoxiceffects of Hgwerereduced in animals receiving Se, apparently owing to the formationof unique crystalloid inclusion bodies that were present only in tissuesof rats exposed to both elements. Beattie and co-workers (1990) have studied the cytotoxicity of Cd andHginprimary
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hepatocyte cultures.Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release by cells exposedto both Cd and Hg was greater than the sum oftheLDHreleaseobserved with each metal individually. The mechanisms of this effect is unknown. Although membrane interactions of the metals are quite (1992) in likely, intracellular effectsmay also play a role. Recent studies by Blazka and Shaikh rat hepatocytes have shown thatHg inhibits the uptake of Cd and enhances Cd efflux in these cells, causing a decrease in the accumulation of Cd. Other sulfhydryl-binding metals also altered Cd uptake, as did organic“SH blockers, indicating thatCd uptake occurs primarily through a process involving “SH ligands. Cadmium and other sulfhydryl-binding agents, however, did not affect Hg uptake by the cells, suggesting that Hg and Cd do not share uptake pathways (Blazka and Shaikh,1991,1992). A second mechanism by which Cd may decrease the toxicity of Hg is through the induction of metallothionein (MT), a low molecular weight metal-binding protein that is induced by Cd exposure (Kagi and Schaffer,1988). Magos and co-workers (1974) have shown that, although pretreatment of rats with Cd increased the renal uptakeof Hg, there was a less toxic effectof Hg on this organ. Thisis consistent with the belief that one of the primary functionsof MT is to serve as a detoxification protein for sulfhydryl-binding metals, suchas Hg and Cd in cells (Vallee and Maret, 1993). Whether MT is involved in reducing the renal toxicity of Hg following exposure to other compounds is uncertain. Nephrotoxic doses of sodium chromate, administered 7 days before HgCl2 administration, decreased the tubular effects of the Hg (Tandon 1980). et al., Although Cr does not directly induce MT synthesis in cells, it is possible that higher renal concentrations ofMTwere pment because of the stress effects and cellular regeneration producedbythe Cr exposure. Other studies have shown that subtoxic doses of potassium caused an enhancement of the effects of dichromate, which presumably did not induce 1984). HgC12 on renal cell transportof organic ions (Bagget and Bemdt, Thechemotherapeuticagentcisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum)isanothermetal compound whose toxicity is influenced by intracellular concentrations of MT (Waalkes, 1993). Naganuma et al. (1993) found that bismuth subnitrate reduced the renal toxicity of cisplatin in rodents by increasing the synthesis of MT in normal renal tissue, but not in tumor tissue. Studies with cancer patients have supported this finding and demonstrate the benefits of using bismuth treatment in a regimen with cisplatin treatments of humans with renal, pulmonary, and umgenital tumors to decrease the renal toxicity of the cisplatin (Saijoet al., 1993; Kondo et al., 1993).
B. Toxic Metal-Essential Metal Interaction Essential metal ions are those that are required for normal biological functions. Ions, suchas Zn+2andforexample, are required as cofactorsformanymetalloenzymes;Feplaysan important role in oxidatio*reduction reactionsas an integral componentof the heme moiety in cytochrome P450 mixed-function oxidase enzymes; and Ca ions serveas a second-messenger system, bindingto and, thereby, activating many intracellular regulatory proteins. Although some if exposure becomes too high, our interest of these trace elements may themselves become toxic in them in this chapter is on their interactions with known toxic metalswhen they themselves are presentat nontoxic concentrations. is not it Because essential and toxic metal ions share many similar chemical characteristics, surprising that they compete within biological systems for specific protein- and DNA-binding are active sulfhydryl-binding metals that show interactions with sites. Cadmium, Hg, and As@I) essential metals that also bind sulfhydryl groups, such as zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) (Fig. 1). Other toxic metals, suchas Pb, will bind SH groups under some circumstances, but also interact withCOOHgroupsin amannersimilartoCa.Mostinteractionsthathavebeenseenin experimental systems generally follow these chemical principles. In addition to relative binding
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Figure 1 Toxic metal-essential metal interactions.
affinities, however, one also has to consider the ionic radius of these elements. Studies have of its binding sites owing to its similar shown that Cd+2, for example, can replace Ca+2 in many ionic size (Jacobson and Turner, 1980). The competitive bindingof metals to macromoleculescan influence their intestinal absorption, plasma transfer, tissue uptake, intracellular binding, and site-specific toxic effects. The following discussion cites examplesof such interactions. Although many have been studied in some detail, one can imagine thatwe are just beginning to reveal the tip of the iceberg in this area of research. I . Absorption and 'IFssue Accumulation The intestinal absorption and tissue accumulation of most toxic are metals influenced, to a large extent, by theconcentration of essential trace metals present in one's diet (Elsenhans et al., 199 l; Iturri and Pena,1986; Shukla et al., 1990; Mahaffey and Rader,1980a). The intestinal uptakeof Cd, for example, is significantly increased under conditions ofFe, Zn, and Ca deficiency (Flanagan et al., 1978; Bremner, 1978; Hamilton and Smith, 1978; Hamilton, 1978; Foulkes, 1985; Hoadley and Johnson,1987). A deficiency of Ca, Mg, and Fe also increasesPb absorption 1991; Cerklewski, (Chisholm, 1980; Six and Goyer,1972; Flanagan et al., 1979; Elsenhans et 1983). and dietaryZn alters Pb toxicity, as evidenced by decreased Pb absorption, lower blood and tissue Pb levels, and decreased inhibition of the Pb-sensitive enzyme ALAD (Cerklewski and Forbes, 1976) under conditions of elevatedZn exposure. are undoubtedlymultiplistic.Some of these Themechanismsunderlyingtheseeffects interactions occur through competition of the metal ions for membrane transport systems, in (1992) for Cd. These investigators a manner similar to that described by Blazka and Shaikh havefoundthatCduptakebyrathepatocytesoccursthroughan SHcontaining transport processthat is inhibited by concomitantexposuretoCu,Fe,and Zn.Thus,therelative extracellular concentrations of these ions will be an important determinant of Cd uptake and accumulation. In vivo studiesof hepatic Cd, Cu, andZn uptake and accumulation suggest that influx and effluxof metal ions are both important determinantsof final tissue metal concentrations (Suzuki et al., 1991). Indirect mechanisms can also affect the intestinal absorption of metals. When an animal is
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Ca-deficient, homeostatic mechanisms involving 1,25dihydroxycholecalciferol(a metabolite of vitamin D3) stimulate Ca absorption by increasing the synthesis of a low molecular weight Ca-binding protein (CaBP) in intestinal cells. Because Cd absorption can also occur by this CaBP system, Ca-deficient conditions will increaseasCd well as Ca absorption (Washko and Cousins, 1976). Studies have also shown that, although different mechanisms are involved in Ca and Pb absorptionisstimulatedby 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol Pb uptakeinintestinalcells, (Mahaffey and Rader, 1980b), suggesting that low dietary Ca levels will also increase the . absorption of Pb. . ,
2. InteractionsInvolvingMetallothionein As with toxic metal-toxic metal interactions, low molecular weight metal-binding proteins, such as metallothionein (M”) play an important role in mediating the interactions of essential metals, such as Zn and C u , with toxic sulfhydryl-binding metals, such as Cd and Hg. Zinc and copper, in addition to Cd,are potent inducersof MT synthesis (Cherian and Chan, 1993). Many studies of MT synthesis by in whole animals and cell culture systems have demonstrated that induction of Cd (Probstet al., pretreatment withZn significantly decreases the toxicity and carcinogenicity 1977; Webb, 1979; Goering and Klaassen, 1984; Waalkeset al., 1989). Goering and Klaassen (1984) have reported that Zn pretreatment increased the amount of Cd associated with MT intracellularly and decreased the amount bound to the endoplasmic reticulum and the nucleus. Manganese (Mn) pretreatmentalsoproducedtolerancetoCdlethalityowingtoincreased binding of Cd to cytosolic MT (Goering and Klaassen, 1985). Although Mn is not known to MT synthesis, suchas cytokines or steroid hormones directly induceMT, other factors that alter of essential (Cherian and Chan, 1993) may have been involved. Thus, excess concentrations metals, such as Zn and Cu, can decrease the toxicity of Cd and Hg. In addition to this, studies byNomiyamaandNomiyama(1986)havedemonstratedthatCdandHgtoxicitycan be increased under conditions of Zn deficiency, presumably because of the low intracellular MT levels present when tissue Zn concentrations are low. Increased levels of ZnMT in cells may also serve to protect sensitive enzymes from toxic effects of Pb. In in vitro studies, Goering and Fowler (1987) demonstrated that ZnMT is able to restore ALAD activity by chelating Pb from the enzyme and replacing Zn in the active site. This finding is consistent with the proposed role of MT as a protein that donates Zn to apoenzymes of ZnMT to restore (Vallee and Maret, 1993) and raisesan interesting question about the ability the activity of metal-poisoned enzymes as well as protect them from toxic metal interactions (Fowler, 1989). MT in intestinal cells alters In addition to mediating cellular toxicity in target organs, proposed the absorption of metals from dietary sources. Richards and Cousins (1975) have that MT regulates Zn absorption by chelatingZnionsinintestinalcells,preventingtheir transfer across the basal membrane into the circulatorysystem.Thisproposedfunction of MT is supported by the observation that intestinal MT concentrations are inversely proporof Cd ions to MT intheintestine tionaltoZnabsorption(Bremner,1993).Thebinding similarly decreases Cd absorption. Foulkes (1991) has demonstrated that pretreatment of animals with Zn at levels that increase mucosal MT content causes a decrease in Cd transport across the intestinal lumen. 3. Glutathione In the absence of sufficient intracellularMT concentrations, glutathione (GSH) can efficiently accept the roleof defense against toxic metal injury (Suzuki and Cherian, 1989). Glutathione is a cysteinecontaining tripeptide that is involved in numerous cell processes,includingthe detoxification of both organic and inorganic compounds (Smith and Rush, 1990). It can protect
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a cell against the toxicity of metal ions by binding the metals and decreasing their interaction with other cellular ligands. Suzuki and Cherian (1989) have reported that GSH depletion in rats increased the nephrotoxicity of Hg and, in mice, increased the lethality of Cd. Since exposure to both organic and inorganic compounds can decrease GSH levels, this may be an important, general means by which one chemical can influence the toxicity of another. 4. Carcinogenicity There is a considerable body ofliterademonstrating that essential metal ions can alter (Kaspnak, 1990).Asearly as 1974,Sundermannand thecarcinogenicityoftoxicmetals Mn dust with nickel subsulfide decreased the co-workers reported that coadministration of development of sarcomas at the injection site. Continued work in this area has shown that Ca, ofNi,Cd,and W,eitherthroughdirect Mg,Mn, Zn, or Fe can alter the carcinogenicity m asyetpoorly interaction at the site of administeration or by systemic interactions that understood (Kaspnak, 1990).
IV. METAL-ORGANICINTERACTIONS An increasingly important area of investigation in the study of chemical interactions is the effect
of metal ions on organic chemical toxicity and carcinogenicity. Naganuma et al. (1991) have reported that pretreatment of mice with zinc, bismuth, and cadmium will provide protection against the cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin (Adriamycin), a free radical-generating antitumor drug. The mechanism of this protection appears to be the induction of MT in heart tissue by these MT plays a role in controlling oxidametal ions. These results support the hypothesis that tive stress by acting as a free radical scavenger (Shiraishi et al., 1982; Thornalley and Vasak, 1985). They also suggest that metals regulating MT synthesis can influence the free radicalmediatedchemicaltoxicity of otherchemicals,such as paraquatandcarbontetrachloride (Naganuma et al., 1991). A second mechanism by which metals can influence the toxicity of organic carcinogens is through effects on DNA repair (Rossman, 1981a). Snyder (1990) has reviewed evidence that relatively low concentrations of metals, such as Hg, Ni, As, and Zn, can retard dimer removal W irradiation. This may occur through and strand break resealing in mammalian cells following direct effects on the activities of DNA repair enzymes, or may be mediated by reduction in cellular glutathione to levels below those required for normal DNA repair (Snyder, 1990). In vitro studies have found that sulfhydryl group-reacting metals (Cd, Zn, Hg, and Pb) can inhibit the activityof human 06-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase, a DNA repair enzyme responsible for removing alkyl groups adducted to guanine bases in DNA (Bhattacharyya et al., 1988) Studies by Rossman (1981b) have also shown that arsenite can enhance UV mutagenesis, by coli. The mechanism by which this occurs inhibiting the excision repair process Escherichia in is unknown, but such an effect provides a possible explanation for the apparent cocarcinogenic effects of As exposure (Leonard and Lauwerys, 1980). Although evidence, suchas that discussed in the foregoing, suggests thatmany metal ions may act as promotors of the carcinogenic process, Waalkes and co-workers (1991, 1993) found that Cd exposure suppresses the development of tumors caused by organic carcinogens. Cador by injection,inhibited diethylnitrosamine-induced tumorsinmice, mium,givenorally regardless of the exposure intervalor sequence of exposure. InjectedCd also inhibited spontaneous liver tumor formation in B6C3F1 mice. The mechanism of thisiseffect not entirely clear, but Waalkes et al. (1993) suggest that it may be due to a lack of MT in, and, therefore, an increased susceptibility of, tumor cells Cd to cytotoxic effects.
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V. CONCLUSIONS Assessment of the health impacts of chemicals presentin our environment is a pressing problem. Although we have made progress in recent years by establishing “safe” concentrations and exposure conditions for many individual chemicals, related information far the same chemicals present in mixtures is, for the most part, unavailable. Our challengenow is to accurately evaluate the risk posed by multiple chemical exposures. This willoccur only with a solid understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity of chemical agents and the factors that control their absorption, metabolism, and elimination.
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PARTVI! RISK ASSESSMENT:STATUTORY REQUIREMENTSAND RESOURCENEEDS Yi Y. Wang and Anna M. Fan CaliforniaEnvironmental Protection Agency Berkeley, California
One of the most important shifts in environmental policy since 1980s the has been the acceptance of the role of risk assessment in decision making. Risk assessment, in combination with risk management and risk communication, has been used as an important tool for establishing standards and as a subject of research by many United States and international scientific and regulatory organizationsin environmental protection, consumer product safety, and worker and public health protectionin the past 15 years. Risk assessments are typically performed to evaluate and characterize actual or potential chemical contamination situations and to set exposure limits for chemicals in environmental media, suchas air, food,and drinking water.The former wouldfulfill the general responsibilities to protect the public as such contamination situations arise. The latter often involve establishing regulatory standards required by law and subsequent enforcement actions. The need for risk assessmentmay be assumed in any process of chemical evaluation,or it may actually be required bylaw in setting environmental standards. Sometimes the approaches to be used(e.g., the to be considered (e.g., endpoints tobe considered and the uncertainty factors used) and aspects the chemicals to be considered)are also specified in the law. This section discusses the major environmental and related laws that govern the use of risk assessment directly or indirectly to fulfill the statutory requirements, Air Act; Clean Water Act;Safe Drinking Some of the major laws include the federal Clean Federal Water Act; Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act; Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; and Toxic Substances Control Act. Different states have also developed local laws and regulations. The many laws governing environmental regulation introduced during the last three decades signal the increased emphasis being put on environmental and public health protection. Inherent in the risk assessment process is the need to have accessto data (animal, human, research, or testing) that are needed for evaluation on which basis judgments are made. The 651
Part VIZ
electronic databases (e.g.,Toxline),resourceagencies(i.e., U. S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency; CaliforniaEPA), and special programs and data banks that compile such information and contribute to data availability on toxicology and environmental health, with the subject content, are presented here. These resources are the cornerstone of risk assessment, without cannot be performed. which risk assessment on toxic substances Depending on the database, the following information canbe obtained for each chemical of interest:physicalandchemicalproperties,generaltoxicologycitations(withtitles,authors, journal, year of publication, and abstract), use and occurrence, specific subject citations (e.g.,mutagen- or teratogen-related), or anoverallsurveyonseveralpertinentareas (e.g., Hazardous Materials DataBank). Some organizations(e.g., Agency for Toxic Substances andDiseaseRegistry)providetoxicologysummaries,factsheets,brochures,andspecific be by electronic communication, on-line and technical reports. Access and availability can off-line printout, telephone, and mail-in request. The in-house library, electronic communication to a successful risk assessment program. and document acquisition support is indispensable
35 Environmental Laws and Risk Assessment Denise D. Fort
University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NewMexico
1. INTRODUCTION Environmentalagenciesrely on riskassessmentintheirimplementation of environmental statutes, guidedby statutory and regulatory mandates, scientific principles, agency policies, and case law. The role playedby risk assessment and risk management policies in federal environmental law is discussed in this chapter. Those who are primarily interested in the science of risk assessment may want to gain a generalsense ofhow federalenvironmentallawsoperate.Forthispurpose,majorfederal environmentallaws are summarizedtoprovidethereaderanoverviewoftheregulatory framework that has been created to address selected environmental problems. Instances of how these statutes employ conceptsof risk are presented. Notably, the statutes selectedare directed primarily at human environmental health, not atthe protection of natural resources nor other of the Environareas of environmental concern.The discussion focuses on the responsibilities mental Protection Agency(EPA), as the principal agency with responsibility for environmental of other federal agencies are also noteworthy. These include health, but risk assessment practices the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Consumer Products Safety Commission.
II. RISK ASSESSMENT AND RISK MANAGEMENT IN ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION Risk assessment challenges both science and law. Regulatory agenciesare called onby federal statutes to make fundamental decisions abouthow stringently health risksare to be controlled in the face of the substantial benefits that may result from industrial and other waste-gemerating goals in an environmental statute, it is a regulatory activity. Although Congress expresses a ofset or a agency that will decide what concentration aofpollutant makes water unsafe for drinking, 653
hazardous waste site remediation concluded, The uncertainty of the scientific judgments inherent in risk assessments cannot obviate the regulator’s need for a numeric limit to apply to a particular dischwer, typicallyexpressed in partspermillion(ppm) or billion(ppb). The process of determining these limitations isthe focus of incense scrutiny because of the legal and financial consequencesthatfollowfromtheselectionofthatlimit,Theconsequences may also be manifested in lives lost or adverse health consequences if risks are inadequately controlled. at which newones are introduced suggest why The numberof chemicals in use and the rate riskassessmentisdifficulttosuccessfullyutilizeinenvironmentaldecision-making.The 70,000 chemicals are used commercially (NRC, National Research Council (NRC) reported that 1983, citing Fishbein, 1980). The volume of toxics released into the environment is another 1987 Toxics Release Inventory stated that 10.4 indicator of the challenge confronting society; the billion tonsof toxic pollutants were released by manufacturers (Gaines, 1990). In light of these numbers, the regulatory process proceeds excruciatingly slowly; one author suggests that a regulatory agency cannot regulate more than a few controversial chemicals a year. (Applegate, 1992). The number of chemicals in use and the lack of scientific certainty about their risks leav society in a difficult position; it is neither feasible to stop generating pollutants nor to forego regulation until scientific certainty obtains. A keyreportof the National Academy of Sciences (1983) propounded the distinction betweeh risk assessment and risk management, distinguishing between the determination of risk from exposures to hazardous materials and the policies that society applies to manage those r to characterize this distinction as the difference between science and policy Although the attempt cannot always be maintained, it is a usefulway to view the process under federal law. Environmental statutes rarely specify how Congress intends risk to be approached. Statutes do not spell out how risk assessments are to be performed, nor the use to be made of them. Furthermore, the language chosen by Congress to express what is to be regulated, and under whatstandard,variesfromstatutetostatute. ”)@ally, environmentalstatutesrequirethe administrative agency to examine “the existence, extent, and causeof harm to health and the 1991). The use madeof environment beforetakiig action” on a particular substance (Floumoy, this information depends on the mandate contained within a particular statute or regulation. Several different approaches can be identified in how statutory schemes approach risk be driven solelyby health concerns, reflect a balancing management. Essentially, regulation can of health effects against costsof regulation, orbe established by available technology. The pre-1990 air toxics regulations are an excellent exampleof a regulatory scheme driven by health concerns. The pre-1990 statute had identified hazardous air pollutant as a pollutant in serious that “may be reasonably anticipated to resultaninincrease in mortality or an increase irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness.” The administrator was directed to establish emission standards “at the level which in his judgment provides an ample margin of safety to [42 U.S.C. 9 7412 (1983),amended protect the public health from such hazardous air pollutant.” by 42 U.S.C. 0 7412 (1983 and West Supp. 1992)l. This led, one author charged, to a failure “todistinguishtheseparatefunctions of thetargetandpredicatebymakingthestringent target level of regulation automatically follow the very low threshold for listing’’ (Applegate, 1992). The EPA’s attempt to substitute technological feasibility for a health-driven standard was rejected in the Vinyl Chloride case [NRDCv. U.S. EPA, 824 F.2d1146 (D.C.Cir.1987)l. The air toxics provision was unsuccessful by any measure: EPA regulated seven substances in 14 years under this section (Flournoy, 1991). Significantly, as is discussed laterin this chapter, Congress has now changed this provision of the Clean Air Act in response to how poorly regulation underit had proceeded. The regulatory approach incorporated in the Safe Drinking Water Act represents a balancing of public health and cost. Under the act, the distinction between public health considerations a
Assessment Environmental Risk L a w s and
what is both technologically and economically feasible is made explicit. Maximum contaminant level goals are to be “set at the level at which no knownor anticipated adverse effects on the health of persons occur and which allows an adequate margin ofsafety.” In contrast, the enforceable regulations are to be set “as close to the maximum contaminant as level is feasible,” [42 U.S.C.A. 3 300g-l(b)(4), 19911. be relied on in regulation development in lieu of exclusive reliance Available technology can on either health or cost considerations. Under this approach the regulatory question becomes the practical one ofhowmuch pollution can be reduced under known technology, while still allowing the activityto continue. The merits of technology-based regulation have been severely criticized, primarily because it removes the incentives for further reductions of pollution and freezes technology at some arbitrary point. On the other hand, technology-based regulation continues to be used as a more practical means of regulation than strictly health-based standards. The Clean Water Act illustrates this evolution in regulatory methods. The act initially required EPA to identify a list of toxic substances and formulate standards dictated by the environmental effects of the substance. This rule-making moved at a protracted pace, and the Natural Resources Defense Council brought suit to compel EPA action. Thecase was ultimately settled, with EPA agreeing to a different approach than the toxics-by-toxics approach of the statute [Citizensfora Better Environment v. Gorsuch,718 E2d 1117 @.C. Cir. 1983); see Houck, 19911. Instead, EPAagreed to promulgate standards for toxics as it promulgated industrial categorystandards, so thattoxicswouldbeapproachedalongwithotherpollutantsfrom industrial facilities. The significance of this approach was that technological feasibility, not health concerns, would determine toxic standards. As depicted by these examples, Congress has played a less than clear role in determining what constitutes “acceptable” risk. On the one hand, environmental statutes do not contain explicit direction on how many excess cancers are to be avoided through regulation of a substance. On the other hand, Congress has acted when risk-based regulation has not been implementedbytheadministrativeagencies, as itdid in theinstance of airtoxics,and explicitdebateoverwhetherenvironmentalstatutes“overregulate” or “underregulate”isa of the commonone. (”%is debate is occurringasCongressconsidersthereauthorization Superfund statute, discussed later, for which the cleanup standards have been criticized as overly expensiveinview ofthe risksinvolved.)Congresscandeterminethesequestionsunder its powers to make laws, but the wisest allocationof powers among Congress, the courts, and the discretion to determine the executive branch is another matter. The proper location of “acceptable risk” in a democratic society is a richly fascinating question. These questionsare explored in Rosenthal, etal. (19%).
111. THE FUTURE OF RISK ASSESSMENT Risk-based controls on toxic substances continue to be the source of lively debate by policy be criticized for many of the reasons makers and those in academia. The current approaches can implied here: the slowness of agencies, the expense of the process, and the exclusion of the public through the device of labeling policy judgments “scientific.” Homstein has developed a comprehensive critique of the role played by risk analysis in environmental policy-making (Homstein, 1992, 1993). The most radical criticism is directed at the efficacy of regulating, rather than banning, toxics. Bany Commoner, a well-known environmental critic, characterizes risk-based regulation as “a return to the medieval approach to disease, when illness and death itself was regarded as a debit on life that must be incurred in payment for original sin. Now we have recast this philosophy into a more modem form: some level of pollution and some risk to health is the
unavoidable price that must be paid forthe material benefits of modern technology” (Commoner, 1988). In contrast, he citesthe banning of PCBs and DDTs as instances when actual pollution levels have been dramatically reduced. Widespread bans on toxic chemicals do not seem to be an immediate prospect, although the prohibition of certain substances is likely to continue. Ironically, even this approach is likely to rely on risk assessments, and the delays, scientific uncertainties, and political questions they entail. Pollution prevention, however,is also based in questioning of risk based regulation, and has become a watchword in environmental policy. As an alternative to controlling the release of pollutants, adherents of pollution prevention might seek to prevent their use, searching, for example, for changes in production methods to prevent the use of toxic agents. Examples of industries that have succeeded in reducing releases of these agents far below any regulatory requirement abound, and policymakers have been searching for means of furthering its use. The PollutionPreventionAct of 1990 [42 U.S.C.A. 99 13101-13109 (West, 1993)], containsa congressional endorsementof the hierarchyof pollution prevention, declaring that pollution should be prevented or reduced at the source whenever feasible; pollution that cannot be prevented should be recycled in an environmentally safer manner, whenever be prevented or recycled shouldbe treated in an environmenfeasible; pollution that cannot tally safe manner whenever feasible; and disposal or other release into the environment should be employed only as a last resort and should be conducted in an environmentally safe manner [42 U.S.C. 13101 (b) (West, 1993)]. Pollution prevention as a basis for environmental policy deemphasizes risk-based regulation by discouraging the use of toxic chemicals entirely. Nonetheless, pollution prevention approaches assume familiarity with the risks posed by different chemicals and, to that degree, relies on risk assessment. Pollution prevention may lessen the magnitude of the use made of toxic agents, but it is unlikely to remove enough of them from our lives to make risk assessments unnecessary. Asecondchallenge to theprominence of riskassessment is morefundamental.Risk assessment has been a critical component of regulatory schemes in the United States because the protection ofhuman health from environmental pollutants is the central theme of most environmentallegislation.Trendsinenvironmentalpolicysuggestthatthisemphasis may change. One trend comes out of the changing perception of the environmental crisis; another out of the questions raised by the fragmented approach environmental statutes take to environmental protection. Ecosystem health, both as a means of protecting human health andas an important end in itself, has been given new importance by environmental policymakers (see USEPA Science Advisory Board, 1990). The protectionof ecological systemsis a more comprehensive goal than the regulation of effluent and emission streams from individual dischargers, and regulatory approaches are being rethought to reflect that comprehensive approach. The protection of rivers, for example, is no longer viewed as primarily a problem of regulating point source discharges to the stream, but rather, as one of managing land uses, water supplies, and disturbances that m not the singular affect the functioning of the stream.In that context, chemical water analyses measure of environmental protection. The new emphasis on ecological systems has also resulted in the use of risk assessment to protect species other than the human. The greatest risk presented by toxics in certain settings may be to nonhuman species and regulatory policies are beginning to reflect those concerns. The EPA is working to developa framework for “ecological risk assessment,” in which the agency
Environmental Assessment Laws and Risk
will assess the ecological costs of actions as it now does the human health costs. (Environ. Rep., 1992, p. 1717). Environmental policies need to address the fundamental causes of environmental degradation, such as population increases, the increasing consumption of natural resources, and the generation of pollutants and greenhouse gases. These policies will need to address developmental and equity issues on a global basis, the choice of energy and transportation technologies, landuseplanning,andthepreservationofbiologicaldiversity.Thesecondaspect of the evolving role for risk assessment lies in how regulatory policies are formulated to address these enormous challenges. Fragmented pollutionprograms have been decriedas incapable of achieving the goals that the nation has set for itself in environmental protection. “Integrated pollution control”b has n offered as an answer to the failings of fragmented programs. In one sense, the term isused to refer to the oft-cited phenomenon in which an air pollution problem is transformed into a solid waste disposal problem (the use of scrubbers generating sludge) as an unexamined consequence ofregulatorypolicies.Inanothersense,“itincludesphysical,economicandsociopolitical Harris, 1992). interactions at a levelof global planning [footnotes omitted].” (Wilson and As the world grapples with a burgeoning population, resource shortages, and environmental refugees, environmental management must move far beyond determining what level of smokestack emissions pose dangers to human health. Risk assessments narrowly focused on human healthrisks from cancer may be oflimitedrelevancetothepressingissuesofmanaging environmental crises. “Risk based priority setting,” is offered as a means to direct society’s attentiontothemostimportantriskstotheenvironment(Wilsonand Harris, 1992,p. 3). Even here, the use of any form of risk analysis to determine environmental priorities has subjected to criticism for many of the reasons health-oriented risk assessment has been criticized. (Hornstein, 1992). The allure of quantifying risks to provide policy direction has been felt in Congress and is reflected in current developments there [S.l10,103d Congress, 1st Sess. (1993); Doc. Risk Assessment: Strengths and Limitations of Utilization for Policy Decisions, H.R. No. 53, 102nd Cong., 1st Sess. (1991)l. As the scientific basis for risk assessmentis refined, the use madeof it in environmental to play a law will change to reflect new scientific understanding. Risk assessment will continue role in environmental law because it will be necessary to determine what substances cause cancer in humans, but it may also beused to aid in comparisons of ecological risks and the trade-offs in different courses of societal action.
IV. OVERVIEW OF FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATUTES The remainder of the chapter provides an overview of some of the major federal statutory schemes that address environmental protection. This is an overview of these provisions; the be consulted for more precise descriptions. State laws statutes, regulations, and case law should are not described here. Many states have adopted their own versions of these federal laws, and may administer the federal law under authority delegated from EPA. States have also adopted are too innovative approaches to pollution in separate environmental statutes; these statutes numerous to discuss here, butare important to consider. Environmental law has been changing since its creation, as new policies are devised by federal agencies, courts interpret the laws, and Congress revises them. Many of the major federal statutes described here are subject to reauthorization in the near future, and they may emerge substantially altered.
A. Water
1. The Clean Water Act133 U.S.C.A. $8 1251-1387 (1986; West Supp., I992)] Water pollution and air pollution were the first areas in which Congress acted to protect the environment, although state and local regulation predated congressional action. Water pollution was identified as a major public health risk in the 19th century because of the dangers of waterborne contaminants. The utilization of public sewer systems led to marked improvements in public health. In the mid-20th century an increasing recognition that state and local govemments were not effectively regulating polluters led to a growing federal role, first in providing federal funding and finally culminating in the Clean Water Act as we now know it. The Clean Water Act and other pieces of federal legislation must all address, in some fashion, the relationship between the federal and state governments. The predominant model of environmental legislation is reflected in this act; a controlling federal framework is established under which technological standards and scientific criteriaare promulgated at the federal level, although a substantial role is retained by state governments in the standard setting function. State governments can administer the permitting provisionsof the act, provided that their programs are approved as being equivalent to the federal program [33 U.S.C.A. 9 1342(b), (c) (1986; West Supp., 1992)l. In virtually all pieces of legislation, federal standards function as a floor, not a free to regulate more stringently thanthe national ceiling for the states. This means that are states The federalism government has, without danger of preemption by more lenient federal standards. reflected in the Clean Water Act and other acts demonstrates the national commitment to clean water, while allowing,or m m frequently, encouraging, state administration of programs. TheCleanWaterActhasas itsgoaltheelimination ofdischargesofpollutantsand the protection of rivers so that they are swimmable and fishable [33 U.S.C.A. 0 1251 (1986; WestSupp.,1992)l. Itappliesto“waters oftheUnitedStates,”whichthroughcourtdecisionshasbeendetermined to encompassallwatersthatreachnavigablewaters,wetlands,intermittentstreams,andessentially,allwatersinwhichthere is afederalinterest (under the Commerce Clause) [33 U.S.C.A. 5 1362 (1986; West Supp., 1992); Quivira Mining Co. v. U.S.E.P.A., 765 E2d 126 (loth Cir. 1985)]. In all environmental regulation schemes, lawmakers must decide whether to specify a level of environmental quality to be achieved in a given environmental medium, such as the air or water, or whether to regulate the effluent from specific facilities, regardless of the condition of the receiving medium.(In fact, statutes can and do use both approaches, but a tension between the ultimate goal and the controls on a particular discharger are always present). Congress initially directed states to set standards for their rivers and streams, with pollution limits expected to follow from those standards. In 1972, Congress hied the alternative approach. Industries were classified and required, according to various timetables, to meet the effluent limits that the best of their class could meet [33 U.S.C.A. 0 1311 (1986; West Supp., 1992)]. Those dischargers that could not meet effluent limits could be required to close. Additionally, states were to continue to designate stream standards, so that additional measuresto meet the stream Standards could be required. The effluent limitations imposed under the act, by requiring use of the “best available technology economically achievable,” pushed industries to utilize new technologies to control pollution. The focus of rule-making under the act is the technical feasibility of achieving the for becoming quickly outdatedas effluent limits. The resulting regulations have been criticized technology progresses. States are also required to formulate water quality standards that reflect the state’s desired water quality for bodies of water. The standards contain both “designated uses” streams, for such
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as swimming or livestock watering, and specific, usually numerical, criteria for maximum pollution [33 U.S.C.A. 0 1313 (1986; West Supp., 1992)l. Effluent limits, water quality standards, and water quality are criteria brought togetherwhen a discharger applies for a permit to discharge. The linchpin of the Water Clean Act is the National (NPDES), under which permits are required for all point Pollutant Discharge Elimination System source dischargers [33 U.S.C.A. 0 1342 (1986; West Supp., 1992)l. The term point source is intended to encompass sources suchas pipes and outfalls[33 U.S.C.A. 0 1362(14) (1986; West Supp., 1992)l. Through a permit, an individual discharger is required to comply with effluent limits established for categorical sources. State standards and criteria canbe met by imposing limitations in a permit thatare tailored for those requirements. Sewage treatment plants (referred to in environmental law as publicly owned treatment works, or POTWs) play a major role in water pollution control. It was a major step forward, POTWS accomplished at great cost,to provide sewage treatment to most domestic users. The were subjected to a requirement of secondary treatment in 1972. Ironically, they have been a source of noncompliance with pollution standards in many instances. In the eastern United States, industrial activity occurred has along the banksof rivers, with direct discharge made into rivers. In the western United States, it is much more common for from the plants into waterways:This is discharges tobe made-intosewage treatment plants and POTurs NPDES significant for industrial dischargers, because discharges to do not have to have permits. Additionally, discharges to POTWs are exempt fmm the Resource Conservation and [42 U.S.C.A. 0 6903(27) (1983; Recovery Act’s provisions under the domestic sewage provision West Supp., 1992)l. These discharges canbe significant, becausePOTWs are designed to treat domestic wastes, not industrial wastes. Some jurisdictions are required to have “pretreatment” are regulated, but there are many questions about how programs, in which discharges POTWs to well these programsm administered. Another provision in the act has attempted to get at toxic pollution from another perspective. The so-called toxic hot spots provision required that states identify m a s that did not meet water quality standards because of the presence of toxic substances. The states are then to identify theresponsiblepointsourcedischargersandapplyadditionaleffluentlimitationstothem [33 U.S.C.A. P 1314 (West Supp., 1992)l. Despite 20 years of progress under the Clean Water Act framework, much remainsto be done before the act’s goals are met. The population and affluence of the United States continue to grow, with resulting pressure on streams, rivers, and estuaries. The act has been most effective from with certain types of point source pollution. Nonpoint source pollution, that is, pollution nondiscrete sources, suchas seepage, runoff, and groundwater, is still not regulated by the act, although it accountsfor most of the impairment of the nation’s waters. Thus far, Congress has urgedstates to controlnonpointpollution [33 U.S.C.A. 0 1329 (WestSupp., 1992)], but compliance has been mixed. The regulation of nonpoint source pollution requirestypes different of regulatory actions than technology-based effluent limits and permits, however, and use land controls will need to be utilized, along with best management practices and other controls on those who cause runoff. 2. The Safe Drinking WaterAct [42 USCA. 06 300f to3OOj-26 (1991)] The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) was enacted in1974, with a major amendment made to it in 1986. The SDWA requires EPA to set maximum levels for contaminants in water delivered to usersof public water systems. Although it provides for promulgation of health-based “goals,” and is intended to eliminate all exposure to toxic agents in drinking water that may have an adverse effect on the health of persons, its regulations take feasibility into account. Public water systemis defined in the SDWA as “a system for the provision to the publicof
piped water for human consumption, if such system has at least fifteen service connections or regularly serves at least twenty-five individuals” [42 U.S.C.A. 0 3OOf(4) (1991)l. The EPA was authorized to publish a list of all contaminants that “may have any adverse effect on the health of persons and which is known or anticipated to occur in public water systems” [42 U.S.C.A. 0 3OOg-l(b)(3)(A) (1991)l. Contaminant is defined as “any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter in water” [42 U.S.C.A.0 300F(6) (1991)l. The SDWA is an interesting statutory model because it recognizes a distinction between public health goals and regulatory limits. Under theact, EPA publishes both maximum containment level goals (MCLG), and maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). Each MCLG “shall be set at the level at which no known or anticipated adverse effects on the health of persons occur 0 300g-l(b)(4) (1991)l. Under the and which allows an adequate margin of safety” [42 U.S.C.A. national primary drinking water regulations (IWDWR), EPA sets the levels that water must achieve,themaximumcontaminantlevel(MCL). Maximum contaminant level means“the maximum permissible level of a contaminant in water which is delivered to any user ofa public water system’’ [42 U.S.C.A. 0 3OOf(3) (199111. The MCLs m to be “as close to the maximum contaminant level goal as is feasible” [42 U.S.C.A. 0 3OOg-l(b)(4) (1991)l. In this context, feasible means “feasible with the use of the best technology, treatment techniques and other means which [EPA] finds, after examination for efficacy under field conditions and not solely [42 0 300gunder laboratory conditions,are available (taking cost into consideration)” U.S.C.A. l(b)(5) (1991)l. The regulations must specify an MCL for each contaminant that has had a MCLG published forit, if “it is economically and technologically feasible to ascertain the level of such contaminant in water or public water systems” [42 U.S.C.A. 9 3OOf(l)(C)(i) (1991)l. If it is not feasible to ascertain the contaminant level, the regulations must specify an appropriate treatment technique [42 U.S.C.A. 0 3OOf(l)(C)(ii) (West, 1991)l. also authorizes EPA In addition to national primary drinking water regulations, SDWA (NSDWR), which are defined as to publishnationalsecondarydrinkingwaterregulations regulations that specify the maximum contaminant level that is required to protect the public welfare. Such regulations may apply to any contaminant in drinking water “which may adversel affect the odoror appearance of such water and consequently may cause a substantial number of people. . to discontinue its use,” or “which may otherwise adversely affect the public welfare” [42 U.S.C.A. 0 3OOf (West, 1991)l. The SDWA empowers states to have the primary enforcement responsibility for public water systems if the state: (1) has adopted drinking water regulations and variances that are no less stringent than the national regulationsof SDWA, (2) has adopted and is implementing adequate procedures for the enforcement of such state regulations; (3) will keep the necessary records and makethenecessaryreports;and(4)hasadoptedandcanimplementanadequateplanfor 0 3OOg-2 the provision of safe drinking water under emergency circumstances [42 U.S.C.A. (West, 1991)l. When a state has this primary enforcement responsibility, EPA is required to notify the state whenEPA has founda violation of national primary drinking water regulations. If the state fails to take appropriate enforcement action, EPA is authorized to commence a civil action against the violator. Owners or operators ofpublicwatersystemsmustnotifytheir customers of the violations [42 U.S.C.A. 0 3OOg-3 (West, 1991)]. to a public water sysA state withprimary enforcement responsibility may grant a variance tem for various reasons, but the state must find that the variance will not result in an unrea risk to health [42 U.S.C.A. 0 3OOg-4(West, 1991)l. A state may also exempt a public water system from any requirement as to a maximum contaminant level or any treatment technique requirement, or both, of an NPDWR if the state finds that (1) “due to compelling factors (which mayincludeeconomicfactors),thepublicwatersystemisunabletocomplywithsuch contaminant level or treatment requirement”; (2) the system was in operation on the effective
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date of such contaminant levelor treatment technique requirement; and (3) the grantingof the exemption will not result in an unreasonable risk to health [42 U.S.C.A. 0 3OOg-5 (West, 1991)l. States with primary enforcement responsibility are authorized to enforce the prohibition that “any pipe, solder, or flux, which is used ..in the installation or repair ofany public water system, or [in] any plumbing in a residential or nonresidential facility providing water for humanconsumptionwhichisconnected to apublicwatersystemshallbelead-free” [42 U.S.C.A. 6 300g-@a)(l) (1991)l. Lead-free is defined as solders and flux containing not 8.0% lead morethan0.2%lead,and as pipesandpipefittingscontainingnotmorethan [42 U.S.C.A. 0 3OOg-6(West., 1991)l. Althoughgroundwateristhe primary sourceofdrinkingwaterformanyAmericans, especially in the western United States, there is no comprehensive national groundwater law. The SDWA, however, does establish a program to regulate underground injection of wastes. These sources may be endangered “if such injection may result in the presence in underground water which supplies or can reasonably be expectedto supply any public water systemof any contaminant, and if the presence of such contaminant may result in such system’s not complying with any [NPDWR] or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons’’ [42 U.S.C.A. 0 300h(d)(West,1991)l.Specificallyexcluded from thisauthorization is theunderground injection of brine or other fluids thatare brought to the surface in connection with oil or natural gas storage operations,or any underground injection for the secondary gas production or natural 0 3OOh(b)(2) (1991)l. or tertiary recovery of oil or natural gas [42 U.S.C.A. The EPA is authorized to designate an area within a state as an area in which no new underground injection wells may be operated until an underground injection control program is has one aquifer which is the sole or principal drinking water in placeif EPA finds that “the area source for the area and which, if contaminated, would create a significant hazard to public health” [42 U.S.C.A. 0 300h-3(a)(l) (West, 1991)l. The EPA mayalso take action if a contaminant that is present in to enter a public or is likely water system or an underground source of drinking water may present “an imminent and substantial endangerment to the health of persons,” when state and local authorities have not acted to protect their health [42 U.S.C.A. 0 300i(a) (West, 1991)]. Few people would argue with the need for safe and healthful drinking water, but the SDWA presents the tension between preventing health risks and paying the costs of control in astark fashion. Because its regulatory targets are usually local governments that may plead lack of resources to comply with the regulations, the environmental and economic costs are more uniformly distributed than they are when the regulatory target is a major corporation,or when the environmental costs fall on those who receive no economic benefits. The costs involved in complianceare indeed major. For example, EPA regulations require communities with unfiltered drinking water to install filtration systems unless EPA approves an alternative watershed protection plan. New York City officials claim that a filtration system 1992). On a smaller scale, the same costs would cost the city 4 billion dollars (Percival et face municipal governments throughout the nation.
B. Air 1. The Clean Air Act[42 U.S.CA.55 7401-767Iq (1983; West Supp., 1992)] The Clean Air Act of 1970 was a major initiative by Congress to reduce air pollution in the
United States.As with theClean Water Act, Congress built on earlier federal and state programs, graduallyincreasingthefederalrole.Sincethattime,experiencewiththesuccessesand shortcomings of each statutory scheme has led to refmement of the act, with Congress acting in 1990 to comprehensively reviseit.
The architectureof the act,as established in 1970, was based on national ambient air quality standards, which were promulgated by EPA pursuant to congressional directives. The statute directs the administrator of the EPA to publish a list of pollutants that “may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare” [42 U.S.C.A. 8 7408(a)(1) (West, 1983)] and to then prescribe national standards for these pollutants. In so doing Congress distinguished between “primary” and “secondary” standards.Primary standards are “requisite to protect the public health” and contain “an adequate margin of safety”; secondary standards are set “to protect the public welfare from any known or anticipated adverse effects associated with the presence of such air pollutant in the ambient air” [42U.S.C.A. 8 7409(b)(2) (West, 1983)]. The approach used in the Clean Air Act is noteworthy because its scope is national. The primary standards do not require EPA to balance nonhealth considerations against health concerns [Lead Idusfries Assn., Ins. v. EPA, 647 E2d 1130 (D.C.Cir. 1981)l. The EPA has not, however, interpreted the statute to require it to set primary standards such that no health effects will be felt. Primary air quality standards have been promulgated for six pollutants: particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, and leadCFR [40 part 50 (1992)l. Standards are not self-implementing. The sources of air pollution are myriad, from large industrial facilities to lighter fluid. Automobiles present different challenges than do coal-fired power plants. Furthermore, although the Clean Air Act represents a substantial assertion of federal concern over air pollution, it reserves a major role for state governments. It is the states, through their own implementation plans, that identify how they will bring and maintain their regionsincompliancewiththenationalstandards.Mostrecently,theconviction ofsome economists that market approaches could result in more efficient environmental programs has been incorporated into parts of the act, so that conventional “command and control” regulations are joinedby market incentive programs. Major features of regulatory approaches under the Act are sketched in the following. Key Regulatory Features. The Clean Air Act relies in part on national emission standards, comparable to those of the Clean Water Act. One such set of standards is the new source performance standards (NSPS) thatare applicable to stationary sources of pollution. The statute of air pollutants which reflects the degree of emission defines NSPS as “a standard for emissions limitation achievable through the application of the best system of emission reduction which (taking into account the cost of achieving such reduction and any nonair quality health and environmental impact and energy requirements) the Administrator determines has been adeare quately demonstrated” [42 U.S.C.A. 8 7411(a)(l) (1983; West Supp., 1992)l. The NSPS determined by the “achievable” degree of emission reduction, which is based on reference to a system that has been “adequately demonstrated.” Additionally, EPA must take costs, nonair quality health effects, and environmental and energy impacts “into account” in setting the standard. The requirement that costsbe considered means that economically healthy industries may be subjected to stricter standards than would a weaker sector. (Novick, 1992). The scope of the problems presented by hazardous air pollutants was not well known when the Clean Air Act was adopted in 1970. Although Congress directed to promulgate EPA standards for air toxics, the program was a virtual failure. This, in no small part, was due to the problems of relying on risk assessment in a regulatory statute; the required studies, the opportunities for appeal, and what EPA and others believed to be an overly stringent statutory standard set by Congress, all contributed to EPA inaction. In 1990, Congress was faced with widespread concem over hazardous air pollutants and the need to reform an administrative scheme that had failed to address more than a few of these pollutants. Noteworthy of Congress’s 1990 approach was the list it provided of 189 hazardous air pollutants. Although this list could be amended through administrative action, that it was
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provided through congressional and not administrative action was a measure of congressional frustration with the pace of administrative action. TheapproachchosenbyCongresstoregulatethesepollutantswas to direct P A to on a source category basis. (This promulgate emission standards based on technical achievability, is analogous to how Congress was to approach toxics in water). The statute directs, in part, that “(e)missions standards promulgated under this subsection and applicable to new or existing sources of hazardous air pollutants shall require the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of the hazardous air pollutants subject to this section (including a prohibition on such emission,whereachievable)thattheAdministrator,takingintoaccountthecostofachieving such emission reduction, and any non-air quality health and environmental impacts and energy requirements, determines is achievable for new or existing sources.. .” [42 U.S.C.A. 0 7412(d)(2) (1983; West Supp., 1992)l. These standards are referred to as “maximum available contml technology,” or MACT. The EPA is no longer required to set standards based solely on health effects, and may consider the costs of regulation as well. The act, however, provides for an analysis of health effectsfrom this approach after6 years. Significantly, Congress has explicitly called on EPA to give it risk assessment information. The EPA is to prepare a report to Congresson “(A) methods of calculating the risk to public health ....(B) The remaining, or likely to remain, from sources subject to regulation under this section public health significance of such estimated remaining risk and the technologically and commercially available methods and costs of reducing such risks; (C) the actual health effects with or other health respect to persons living in the vicinity of sources, any available epidemiological studies, risks presented by background concentrations of hazardous air pollutants, any uncertainties in risk assessment methodology or other health assessment technique, and any negative health or environmental consequences to the community of efforts to reduce such risks; and (D) recommendations as to legislation regarding such remaining risk” [42 U.S.C.A. 0 7412(f) (1983; West Supp., 1992)l. Following receipt of this report, Congress may act in response to the information and recommendations contained in it. If it does not, however, the administrator is directed, within anadditionaltimeperiod,toreconsiderthestandardspromulgatedbytheagencyandto ensure that “an ample margin of safety” is provided. This language marks a return to the stringent, pre-1990 approachof the act. The provisionis also significant in specifying thatEPA must act under this section where the emissions limits for human carcinogens adopted earlier “do not reduce lifetime excess cancer risks to the individual most exposed to emissions from a source in the category or subcategory to less than one in one million” [42 U.S.C.A. 0 7412(f)(2) (1983; West Supp., 1992)l. Anothernotablefeatureofthenewapproachtohazardouspollutantsisfoundinsecpennits existing facilities to, tion 42 U.S.C.A. 0 7412(i)(5) (1983; WestSupp.,1992),that in effect, act quickly to reduce emissions in exchangeforwhichatemporaryvarianceof compliance with MACT standards willbe granted. Pollution from mobile sources, such as automobiles and trucks, is another major component of the United States’ air pollution problem. There are two key features in the revised act addressing vehicle pollution: emissions standards for vehicles and fuel content requirements. Emissions standards have a turbulent history; given the reliance of the United States on automobiles,technologicalfeasibilityhasbeentheeffectivestandard,andthishas,of necessity, been determined by legislators over the protests of manufacturers. The 1990 amendments further tightened emissions standards for automobiles, light duty and heavy duty trucks, 0 7521(1983;WestSupp.,1992)l.Theamendmentsalso anddieselengines[42U.S.C.A. defined, and under specified situations, required, the use of reformulated and oxygenated fuels.
Incertain types ofnonattainment areas, compliancewiththestricterCaliforniaemission limits are required. Stratospheric ozone depletion is one of the more serious p b l e m s facing the world. In the 1990 revisions of the CleanAir Act, Congress addressed the United States’ contribution to the problem. Ozone depleting substancesare identified as class I or class 11substances, with class I substances having a greater harmful effect on the ozone layer. Numerical ratings reflecting a relative ozone depletion potential are to be assigned by the administrator. The production of class 1 substances is to be generally phased out by the year 2000 [42 U.S.C.A. 8 7671(c) are to (West Supp., 1992)l. Class11substances, with their lower potential for ozone depletion, be phased out over a more prolonged schedule [42 U.S.C.A. Q 7671(d) (West Supp., 1992)l. The administrator is given the discretion under certain circumstances to regulate more stringently [42 U.S.C.A. Q 7671(e) (West Supp., 1992)l. Reflecting the regulatory innovations found within be traded among producers, provided a net environmental the act, production “allowances” can benefit results [42U.S.C.A. 0 7671(f) (West Supp., 1992)]. Recycling and disposal requirements are also establishedfor some of the existing sourcesof ozone depletion, such as appliances and motor vehicle air conditioners [42 U.S.C.A. QQ 7671g, 7671h (West Supp., 1992)l. of long-standing concern and controversy, primarily among states in Acid rain is the source the Northeast and Midwest, and with Canada. Because the effects of acid depositionbecan felt outsidethestatewherethedischargers are located,importantprinciples oftransboundary pollution are raised. When Congress acted in 1990, it took as its purpose the reduction over a 1980 baseline of 10 million tonsof sulfur dioxide and 2 million tons of nitrogen oxides. One of the means of forcing these cutbacks represents a change fromthe “command and control” regulatory approach typically used in environmental statutes. “Allowances” to emit 1 ton of sulfur dioxideare issued to facilitiesof a certain type. The numberof allowances will be reduced in the year 2000, with the decrease in allowances effectuating the 10 million tons reduction. (This is the concept behind the allowances; the actual scheme is far more complibe sold or transferred as the holders wish, thereby encouraging cated.) These allowances can then a market in which pollution reductions (the saved allowances) can be sold. Profits can be made by reducing pollution. States and substate regions share in responsibilityfor air pollution abatement and prevention (SIP)[42 U.S.C.A. 8 7410 through a key mechanism of the act, the State Implementation Plan (1983; West Supp., 1992)l. Here, theactual air quality of a region determines what steps a state must take to movethe area toward attainment or keep it in attainment status. Although the state formulates the plan,it is subjectto public comment and approval by EPA. The SIP is to contain an inventory of sources, an identification of control strategies, which can include land use-type reviews (reviewing indirect sources of air pollution), and a showing of the abilityto implement the plan, among other items. Nonattainment areas, of which the Los Angeles area is the most extreme case, have proved to be far more difficult to bring into compliance than earlier legislation assumed. Nationally, the progress made in reducing individual pollutants varies, but continuing population growth and growth in the useof automobiles indicate that urbanareas will alwaysbe hard pressed to meet national standards. Congress intended that states achieve compliance with national standards, b the “hammers” to be applied to the states have proved politicallytodifficult use, and a frustrating relationship, often marked by litigation among cities, environmentalists, industries, state and federal regulators, has resulted. The 1990 amendments represent the latest attempt by Congress to bring cities into compliance with the federal standards. The act now categorizes areas by the severity and nature (type of pollutant for which the areais in noncompliance) of their problem: marginal, moderate, serious, severe, or extreme, with different compliance dates for each category. Progressively
Assessment Environmental Risk Laws and more stringent regulatory measures are required of these areas. These measures range from upgradinginspectionandmaintenanceprogramsforautomobiles,totransportationcontrol measures. Additionally, the twin strategies of fuel formulation and emissions tightening described in the foregoingare part of the national program for attainment.
C. Hazardous Wastes I . The Resource Conservation and RecoveryAct [42 U.S.CA 99 6901-6992k (1983; West Supp., 1992)l The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) grew out of Congressional concern with solid waste disposal problems. This concern later broadenedto include hazardous waste. Although hazardous wastes might seem remote from common garbage, the history of wastes has shown that the province of “safe,” conventional wastes is small indeed, and that virtually all forms of waste require some management to prevent environmental contamination. Both RCRA and the Superfund program might be understood as primarily concerned with groundas water contamination because that is the medium most affected by waste sites. Although, noted earlier, there is no single comprehensive federal groundwater statute, these two programs constitute a major federal commitment to preventing groundwater contamination from specified sources. to hazardous waste, solid waste, and There are three distinct programs under RCRA, related underground storage tanks. Hazardous Wastes. The RCRA addresses the hazardous waste problem through regulations that control these wastes “from cradle to grave.” It regulates those who generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of wastes. The statutory scheme is based on a of definition solid waste, of which hazardous waste is one type. The statutedefies hazardous waste as a waste “which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may (A) cause,or significantly contribute to an increase in. mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness; or (B) pose a substantial present or potential hazardto human health or the environment when improperly mated, stored, transported, or disposed of, other otherwise managed” [42U.S.C.A. 0 6903(5) (1983; West Supp., 1992)l. The EPA was directed to identify criteria to develop a list of hazardous wastes and the characteristics of hazardous [40C.F.R. part 261 (1992)l. Exemptions were waste, which it has done through regulation statutorily created [42U.S.C.A. 0 6921 (1983; West Supp., 1992)l. are broughtundertheact,initiating Those who produce hazardous waste (generators) its regulatory controls. Regulations address record-keeping, labeling practices, container use, information to be given subsequent holders of the wastes, manifest requirements (the manifest is a form that provides information on the wastes and its transportation), and information be to given to regulatory entities [42 U.S.C.A. 0 6922 (1983; West Supp., 1992)l. Transporters are also regulated under this act. Facilitiesthattreat,store, or dispose (TSDs) ofwastesaresubjecttocomprehensive regulation under RCRA. Record-keeping and financial assurances requirements are imposed. A permitting systemis used to implement the act. Lengthy regulations and lengthy permits spell out a myriad of requirements that a facility must meet. These regulations are not intended tobe static; as new technologies are developed “minimum technological requirements”are to be revised [42 U.S.C.A. 0 6924 (1983; West Supp., 1992)l. The disposal of hazardous wastes on land was the particular target of the 1984 amendments to the act. Deadlines were imposed for the phaseout of land disposal (ibid.), which have resulted in the closing of many facilities around the country. In this respect the act represented a gamble that sufficient facilities wouldbe available to handle the nation’s waste.
The RCRA also requires corrective action and financial assumces at TDSFs which are permitted under the act (ibid.). The Corrective action provisions provide for cleanups be carriedto out under RCRA regulations and under the terms of the facility’s permit. Nonhazardous Solid Waste. Nonhazardous wastesare the provinceof state regulatory decisions under RCRA. The act contains a number of policies to encourage regional facilities for solid wastes, resource recovery, and environmentally sound disposal methods. States are required to submit plans that will, among other features, lead to the use of “sanitary landfills,” rather than “Open dumps,” and funds were provided for various forms of assistance in reaching the act’s objectives. States were directed to institute permits for solid waste management facilities that mightreceivehazardouswastefromhouseholds or small-quantitygeneratom[42U.S.C.A. § 6945(c)(l)(B) (1983;West Supp., 199211. The permits are to ensure compliance with federal criteria, including requirements for groundwater monitoring, location criteria for new facilities, and corrective action [42U.S.C.A. 0 6949(c) (1983; West Supp., 1992)l. Underground Storage Tanks. Gasoline stationsare ubiquitous in the industrialized world. It was relatively recently that theirtanks were discovered tobe susceptible to leaks, with the potential to contaminate vast amounts of water and soil. Additionally, tanks can hold other potentially hazardous materials, with a similar contamination threat. The RCRA regulates certain tanks that contain “hazardous substances” and petroleum [42 U.S.C.A. 5 6991 (1983;West Supp., 1992)l. The underground storage tank program(UST)contains requirementsfor notification of the location and other information concerning tanks, inventories by the states of tanks, regulations to detect leaks from the tanks, corrective action, closure, and financial responsibility. Fornew tanks “performance standards”are to be promulgated by EPA. Additionally, the administering agency is authorized, under certain circumstances, to undertake corrective action to “protect human health and the environment.’’ In undertaking these actions, the agency is permitted to perform an exposure assessment, which is defined as
an assessment to determine the extent of exposure of. ..individuals to petroleum from a as the nature and extent of contamination and the existence release ...based on such factors of orpotential for pathwaysofhumanexposure(includingground or surfacewater contamination, air emissions, and food chain contamination), the size of the community within the likely pathways of exposure, and the comparison of expected human exposure levels to the short-term and long-term health effects associated with identified contaminants andanyavailablerecommendedexposure or tolerancelimits for suchcontaminations [42 U.S.C.A. 0 6991b(h)(10) (West Supp., 19!32)]. The UST program follows the established pattern of providing a federal standard that states to administertheprogramsthemselves.Programauthoritycan be canmeetiftheywish withdrawn from a state by the administrator for failure to meet the requirements of the delegation [42 U.S.C.A. 0 6991(c) (West Supp., 1992)l.
2. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act 142 U.S.CA.00 9601-9657 (1983; West Supp., I992)] Regardless of how effective society’s efforts to regulate hazardous materials presently are,a long legacyofpastmismanagementwillrequireattention.TheComprehensiveEnvironmental the waste sites Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)anisattempt to deal with that dot the nation. The principles under which liability is imposed, however, also establish public policies that should discourage the creation of future sites. TheCERCLAwasinitiallyadoptedbyCongressin1980andthenamendedby the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act in 1986 (SARA). Its basic purpose was to
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create a means by which some types of hazardous wastes sites would be ‘%leaned up,” either by the government or private parties, with the responsible parties paying the costs. Fundamental of years afterits adoption, and some of these questions are still raised about this act a number concerns willbe noted. The act applies, inter alia, releases to of hazardous substances,which is defined to include wastes regulated under other named federal environmental statutes [42 U.S.C.A. 0 9601(14) (1983; WestSupp., 1992)l. Althoughthedefinition is encompassing,there are exclusions, or including one for “petroleum. ..natural gas, natural gas liquids, liquefied natural gas, synthetic gas usable forfuel. (ibid.). ThePresident is authorizedunderspecifiedcircumstances to act“whenever(A)any hazardoussubstance is releasedorthere is asubstantialthreatofsuchareleaseintothe environment, or (B) there is a release or substantial threat of release into the environment of any pollutant or contaminant which may present an imminent and substantial danger to the public health or welfare. ” [42 U.S.C.A. g 9604 (1983; West Supp., 1992)l. The response is controlled under the National Contingency Plan, which contains “procedures and standards for responding to releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, and contaminants. ..’’ [42 U.S.C.A. 0 9605 (1983; West Supp., 199211. In it, criteria are to be formulated for determining the highest priorities for action. The statutory languageis instructive in the risks for which Congress was concerned:
Criteria and priorities under this paragraph shallbe based upon relative risk or danger to public health or welfareor the environment, in the judgment of the President, taking into account to the extent possible the population at risk, the hazard potential of the hazardous substances at such facilities, the potential for destruction of sensitiveecosystems,the is associated damage to natural resource which may affect the human food chain and which withanyreleaseorthreatenedrelease,StatepreparednesstoassumeStatecostsand responsibilities, and other appropriate factors (ibid.).
. ..
From these criteria, the National Priorities List is promulgated, that identifies sites for remedial actions. The process for sites thatare remediated through CERCLAis as follows: sitesare brought to EPA’s attention, formally reviewed and scored through the hazard ranking system, highranking sitesare placed on the National Priorities List, a remedial investigation and a feasibility study are conducted to identify options, a record of decision identifies the chosen option, a remedial design is prepared and, finally, the remedial action is undertaken. Various opportunities for comment by the publicare afforded. Theliabilityprovisions ofCERCLAwere intended to encompassallwhohavesome connection to the mishandling of wastes. It imposes this liability on (1) the owner and operator of a vessel or a facility, (2) any person who at the time of disposal of any hazardous substance owned or operated any facility at which such hazardous substances were disposed of, (3) any person who by contract, agreement, or otheror treatment, or arrangedwithatransporter for transport wisearrangedfordisposal for disposal or treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by such person, by or incineration vessel owner or operated by another any other partyor entity, at any facility party or entityand containing such hazardous substances, and (4) any person who accepts oracceptedanyhazardoussubstancesfortransport to disposal or treatmentfacilities, incineration vessels or sites selected by such person, from which there is a release, or a threatened release which causes the incurrence of response costs, of a hazardous substance.. .[42 U.S.C.A. 0 9607(a) (1983; West Supp., 1992)l.
The act removes virtually all defenses and been hasinterpreted to impose liabilityon a strict, joint, and several basis[U.S. v. R.W. Meyer,Inc., 932 F.2d 568 (6th Cir. 1991);General Electric Co. v. LittonIndustriesAutomationSystems, Inc., 920E2d1415(8thCir.1990); US. v. Monsunto, 858 E2d 160 (4th Cir. 1988)l. This means that parties that are liable can be held responsible for all costs, regardless of their share of individual liability. These parties can pursue “contributions” from other potentially liable parties [42 U.S.C.A. Q 9613 (1983; West Supp., 1992)l. Liability extends to the costs of removal or remediation, loss of natural resources, and any health assessmentor health effects studies (ibid.). States and local governmentsbecan liable under the act [Pennsylvania Union Gus Co., 491 U.S. 1 (1989)l. The selection of cleanup standards, which determines to what standard the site should be remediated, has been highly controversial under the act. The 1986 reauthorization added a provision to address this issue [codified at 42 U.S.C.A. Q 9621 (West Supp., 1992)], but it has continued to attract attention from congressional members. The statute expresses a preferencefortreatmentthat“reducesthevolume,toxicityormobility” of substances,andthe transport of materials off-site is least favored (ibid.). The agency is directed to assess alternative treatment technologies for a site, and to “select a remedial action(s) that is protective ofhumanhealthandtheenvironment,that is costeffective,andthatutilizespermanent solutions and alternative treatment technologies or resource recovery technologies to the maximum extent practicable” (ibid.). The standards applicable to remediation of sites were also addressed by this provision. Controversy occurred over whether state standards shouldbe applicable to CERCLA cleanups. Furthermore, the parties responsible for cleanups argued that what numeric standards do exist under stateor federal statutory schemes were often not promulgated with superfund sites in min and were not relevant to the problems posed by such sites. In the 1986 reauthorization, Congress determined that federal standards from other statutory schemes and promulgated state standards would generally apply, in that the remedial action would have to achieve the levels of control found in a standard of this sortto the extentit is a “legally applicable or relevant and appropriate standard, requirement, criteria, or limitation” (ibid.). The CERCLA has been criticized for the protracted process under which sites are remediated and the high costs associated with site assessments and remediation. The debate over the act is over the same questions that recur in any discussionof risk Is the public attention directed to Is the judgment of “experts” hazardous waste sites proportionate to the risk they present? concerning risk considered credible by the public? How fairly are the benefits and risks of hazardous materials distributed by our society? One measure of public concern over hazardous wastesisprovidedbycongressionalappropriationsfor CERCLA 8.5billiondollarswere appropriated in 1986 for the fund. Clearly, toxic risks have a strong hold on public concern and this must be taken into account by members of Congress as they review the act.
3. The Emergency Planning andCommunity Right to Know Act 41986 [42 U.S.CA. 00 11001 to 110050 (West Supp., 1992)l The reauthorization of CERCLA in 1986 gave rise to a new approach to preventing accidental toxic exposures. The Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA), built on statutory provisions providing information to workers about the presence of toxic substances in their environment, by mandating that this information wouldbenow made available to citizens andemergencyresponseofficials.Eventhoughtheactcontainsregulatoryprovisions,its operative effect comes from a Equirement that information be made available, with appropriate local action then presumed to follow. What is novel about this approach is that, rather than promulgating standards of safety for all the substances covered by the act, the statute provides
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the informationto those who might have an interest in the facility, in the expectation that citizen action of some sort might follow. The act applies to “extremely hazardous substances” possessed in quantities over a specified to the act identify threshold [42U.S.C.A. Q 11002(a) (West Supp., 1992)l. After facilities subject themselves, local emergency planning committees are to prepare emergency response plans [42 U.S.C.A. 0 11003 (West Supp., 1992)l. Owners and operators of facilities must give notice Q 11004 (West Supp., 1992)l. “Material of certainreleasesfromthefacilities[42U.S.C.A. be made available to local emergency plansafety data sheets” (or lists of chemicals) must ning committees, the state emergency response committee, and the relevant fire department of [42U.S.C.A. Q 11021(WestSupp.,1992)l.Additionally,informationaboutinventories chemicals must be submitted to those bodies [42 U.S.C.A. 0 11022 (West Supp., 1992)l. which has been a valuOne product of EFCRA is the Toxics Release Inventory m), are reable source of information about toxic agents in the environment, Certain facilities quired to repolt (i) Whether the toxic chemical at the facility is manufactwed, processed, or otherwise used, and the general categoryor categories of use of the chemical. (ii) An estimate of the maximum amounts (in ranges) of the toxic chemical present at the facility at any time during the preceding calendar year. (iii) For each wastestream, the waste treatment or disposal methods employed, and an estimate of the treatment efficiency typically achieved by such methods for that wastestream. (iv)Theannualquantity of the toxicchemicalenteringeachenvironmentalmedium [42 U.S.C.A. 0 11023(g)(l) (West Supp., 199211. The toxic chemicals subject to the act were specified by Congress, as well as the criteria for adding to or deleting from the list. EPA publishes national data assembled from these individual toxics releasedto various media inventories, which have been used for estimates of theofvolume and trends in releases.
D. Toxics and Pesticides l . The Toxic Substances Control Act [ l 5 U.S.CA. $0 2601-2671 (1982; West Supp.,1992)] The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was passed by Congress in 1976. In contrast with earlier environmental scheme that focused on “conventional” pollutants, it reflects Congress’s growing awareness of toxic chemicals. In its fmdings, Congress stated that “human beings and the environment are being exposed each year to a large number of chemical substances and mixtures” [l5 U.S.C.A. Q 2601(a)(l) (198211,and“amongthemanychemicalsubstances and mixtures whichareconstantly beiig developedandproduced,therearesomewhose manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, or use, disposal may present an unreasonable risk of injury to healthor the environment [l5 U.S.C.A. 9 2601(a)(2) (1982)l. Environmental statutes are generally directed toward a particular environmental medium (i.e., the air or water). The TSCA, in contrast, gives broad powers to EPA to regulate toxic substances before they enter the environment as waste. The statutory scheme might have become the preeminent authority for alltypes of toxic pollution; that it has never had this significance may be indicative of the difficulty of employing risk-based statutes for the implementation of environmental policy. There are three controlling policies expressed in TSCA (1) data should be developed, primarily by industry, on the health and environmental effects of these chemicals; (2) government should have the necessary authority “to regulate chemical substances and mixtures which present an unreasonable risk of injury to health and the environment,” and “to take action with
respect to these chemical substances and mixtures which are imminent hazards”; and (3) governmental authority should be exercised so as “not to impede unduly or creak unnecessary economic barriersto technological innovation while fulfilling the primary purpose of [TSCA] to assure that such innovation and commerce in such [chemicals] do not present an unreasonable risk of injuryto health and the environment” [15 U.S.C.A.0 2601(b) (1982)]. Thus, TSCA, like the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (discussed later), is a balancing to balance the risk posed abychemical substance against statute. TheEPA is authorized by TSCA the economic consequences of regulation of that chemical substance. TO achieve these policy goals, EPA is authorized to gather q u r i e c l toxicity data, and to regulate the manufacture and distribution of chemical substances. Congress exempted from the act, pesticides, drugs, food products, cosmetics, tobacco products, devices used for diagnosis or treatment,firearms,ammunition,andmostnuclearmaterials [l5 U.S.C.A. 5 2602(2)(B) (1982; West, 1992)l. The EPA was left with the overwhelming task of reviewing each new chemical marketed (estimated at lo00 per year) (Rogers, 1988, p. 373), as well as determining if the over 60,000 “old” chemicals already in commerce (compiled in a listby EPA as required by TSCA) met the standard of no Unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment (Anderson, 1990). In 1991, approximately 23,000 chemicals had been added to the inventory database since 1979 (Outen andHart, 1992). The EPA is authorized to adopt a “testing requirement rule” that requires the manufacturer to test a chemical substance if EPA determines that (1) “there are insufficient data and experience upon which the effects of the manufacture, distribution in commerce, processing, use, or disposal of the [substance] on health or the environment can reasonably be determined or predicted” [l5 U.S.C.A. 5 2603(a)(l)(A)(ii) (1982)l; (2) testing ofthe substance is necessary to develop such effects data [l5 U.S.C.A. 0 2603(a)(l)(A)(ii) (1982)l;and either (3) “the manufacture, distribution in commerce, processing, use, or disposal of the [substance]” has the potential to “present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment” [l5 U.S.C.A. 0 2603(a)(l)(A)(i) (1982)l; or (4) the chemical is manufactured in substantial quantities and there may be significant or substantial human exposure to the substance, and it entersor mayreasonablytoanticipatedtoentertheenvironmentinsubstantialquantities [l5 U.S.C.A. 0 2603(a)(l)(B)(i) (1982)l. Chemical ManufacturersAssoc. v. EPA [S59 F.2d 977 (D.C. Cir. 1988)], In a landmark case, the court determined that, at least for an existing chemical, “a test rule is warranted when there is a more-than-theoretical basis for suspecting that some amount of exposure occurs and that the substance is sufficiently toxic at that exposure level to present an ‘unreasonable risk of injury to health’.” When EPA determines that a testing requirement rule is necessary, it must include the identification of the chemical substance or mixture, and standards for the development of test data for such substance[l5 U.S.C.A. 0 2603(b)(1) (West, 1982)l. The health and environmental effects for which standards for the development of such test data may be prescribed include carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, teratogenesis, behavioral disorders, cumulative or synergistic effects, and any other effect that may present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment [l5 U.S.C.A. 0 2603(b)(2)(A) (West, 1982)l. The characteristicsof substances for which such standards may be prescribed include persistence, acute toxicity, subacute toxicity, chronic toxicity, and any other characteristic that may present such a risk. The methodologies that may be prescribed in such standards include epidemiological studies, serial or hierarchical tests, in vitro tests, and whole-animal tests. The Interagency Testing Committee (ITC),a group composedof representatives from eight federal agencies,is authorized by TSCAto recommend to EPA, ona semiannual basis, a list of
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chemicals (not to exceed50 chemicals) to be given priority consideration for promulgation of a (1) the quantities in which test rule byIPA. The ITCis to consider all relevant factors including the substance will be manufactured, (2) the quantities in which the substance enters or will enter the environment; (3) the number of individuals who are or will be exposed to the substance in their workplace and the duration of such exposure; (4) the extent to which human is closely beings are or will be exposed to the substance: (5) the extent to which the substance to present an unreasonable risk of injury to health related to a chemical substance that is known or health or the environment; (6) the existence of data concerning the effects of the substance on the environment; (7) the extent to which testing of the substance may result in the develop ment of test data on which the effects of the substance on health or the environment can be reasonably determined or predicted; and(8) the reasonably foreseeable availability of facilities and personnel for perfonning testing on the substance [l5 U.S.C.A. 0 2603(e) (West, 1982)l. The ITC, in making the list, is directed to give priority attention to those chemical substances that are knowntocause or contributeto or which are suspectedofcausingcancer,gene mutations, or birth defects.The ITC, however, often lacks basic data needed to establish testing priorities (Percival etal., 1992). ITClist, initiate test Each year, the EPA must, within a yearof the publication of that year’s rulemaking procedures or publish an explanation why such testingis not required. In 1990 the General Accounting Office (GAO) reported that the EPA and the ITC in 1980 had identified 2226 chemicals that they believed mightbe harmful, yet EPA had compiled complete test data the enactment of TSCA and had not finished assessing any of them. for only six chemicals since Progress 3 (April 1990); cited in [GAO,EPA’sChemicalTestingProgramHasMadeLittle Percival et al., 19921. The EPA must be given 90 days premanufacture notice (PMN) before a new chemical substance is manufactured or imported, or an “old” chemical is put to a significant new use [l5 U.S.C.A. P 2604(a)(West,1982)l.ThePMNmustincludeanyknowninformationon thehealthandenvironmentaleffectsofthechemicalsubstance, as well as “insofar as is known . .or insofar as reasonably ascertainable”(1) the common or trade name, the chemical identity,andthemolecularstructureofeachchemicalsubstance or mixture;(2)proposed (4) expected by-products; category of use of the substance; (3) estimated production volume; (5) disposal method, and (6) “the number of individuals exposed, and the reasonable estimates or mixtures in their place of employment of the number who will be exposed, to such substances andthedurationofsuchexposure” [l5 U.S.C.A. 0 2607(a)(2)(West, 198211.Test datato evaluate the effect of methods of manufacturing, distribution in commerce, processing, use or disposal of a chemical substance on health or the environment are required if “in the possession or control” ofthecompanyrequiredtosubmit a, PMN [l5 U.S.C.A. 0 2604(d)(l)(B) (West, 1982)l.Also required in a PMN is any other data Concerning the health and environmental effects of such substances “insofar as known to .. or insofar as reasonably ascertainable” [l5 U.S.C.A. 0 2604(d)(l)(C) (West, 1982)l. Critics of TSCA pointto these provisions as major weaknesses (see Hanan, 1992, Ruggerio, to generate information on the potential 1989). A manufacturer is not necessarily required toxicity of a substance, butis required only to supply whatever test data may be available, which may be inadequate to determine potential toxicity. However, testing and evaluation of the “new” chemical can be required of the manufacturer by EPA using test rules promulgated by EPA. If so, these data must be included with the PMN. However, fewer than half of all PMNs contain test data, and no toxicity information is available for m m than three-quarters of all existing chemicals (Percival et al., 1992).A partial explanation for the paucity of test data maybe that the information disclosure process required of manufacturersby TSCA may result in the inad-
vertentdisclosureoftradesecrets to competitors,despitestatutoryefforts to protectthe confidentiality of data submitted. If EPA does not act within 90 days to prohibit or restrict the manufacture of the new as chemicalsubstance,manufactureofthechemicalsubstancemaycommence.However, indicated, EPA may require testing of the new chemical substance under a promulgated test rule. After review of the test results of either old or new chemicals, if EPA concludes that there is a “reasonable basis to believe [that the chemical substance] presents or will present an unreasonable risk of injuryto human healthor the environment,” then EPA can prohibit or limit the manufacture of that chemical substance [l5 U.S.C.A. 0 2605(a) (West, 1982)l. The EPA received 10,842 PMNs and requests for PMN exemptions between 1979 and 1987; 183PMNs were withdrawn in the face of regulatory action, whereas EPA accepted voluntary testing by manufactwen in an additional 149 cases and voluntary control actions by manufacturers in 45 cases. Only four PMNs resulted in prohibitionsor restrictions actually being put into effect bytheEPA.@PA,EnvironmentalProgressandChallenges:EPA’sUpdate126(Aug.1988), cited in Percival et al.,19921. Section 2607(e) of TSCA requires manufacturers, importers, processors, and distributors who obtain information “which reasonably supports the conclusion that [the substance] presents EPA of such information a substantialrisk of injury to health or the environment” to inform the 115 U.S.C.A. 0 2607(e) (1982)l. The information need not conclusively indicate a substantial risk to be subject to the reporting requirement, nor is it subject to any economic test. Thus, “substantial risk” under section 2607(e) is not equivalent to “unreasonable risk,” the TSCA threshold finding for regulation [Outen andHart, (1992)l.Section 2607(c) of TSCA requires a manufacturer, processor or distributor of a substance to maintain records of “significant adverse reactions to health or the environment. .alleged to be have been caused by the substance or mixtures” [l5 U.S.C.A. 0 2607(c) (1982)l. The EPA has defined signpcant adverse reactions for purposesof this section as “reactions thatmay indicate a substantial impairmentof normal C.F.R. activities,orlong-lasting or irreversibledamagetohealthortheenvironment”[40 0 717.3(i) (1992)l. Under another important reporting section, TSCA can gain access to unpublishedhealthandsafetystudiesofchemicalsubstancesandmixturesinthepossession of chemical manufacturers, importers, processors, and distributors [l5 U.S.C.A. 9 2607(d) (1982)l. Health and safety study isdefinedbytheEPA as any study of effects of a chemical substance or mixture on health or the environment, including toxicological and epidemiological studies, clinical and ecological effects studies, studies of occupational exposure, studies based on environmental monitoring data, data on physical and chemical properties, bioconcentration, and other data that bear on the effects of a chemical on health or the environment [40 C.F.R. 9 716.3 (1992)l. The TSCA has been used by Congressas the statutory home for its direct actions relative to especially notorious chemicals. Section 2605(e) of TSCA specifically authorized EPA to prohibit the manufacture, processing, or distribution in commerce of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) [l5 U.S.C.A. 0 2605(e) (West, 1982)l. Title 11 of TSCA, Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), was added in 1986 and specifically deals with management of asbesto in public and private schools[l5 U.S.C.A. $0 2641-2656 (1982; West Supp., 1992)l. is known as the Indoor Radon Abatement Act. The Title 111of TSCA was added in 1989 and goal of this act is that “air within buildings in the United States should be as freeof radon as the ambient air outside of the buildings” [l5 U.S.C.A. $0 2661 (1982; West Supp., 1992)l. This act provides for a limited federal role in radon pollution, primarily limiting EPA to providing infomation and funding, but not prescribing mandatory regulations. (Generally, Congress and EPA have been reluctant to regulate indoor air pollution, although concentrations of indoor air
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pollutantsmaypresentgreaterhealthrisksthanthosefoundoutdoors.) It includesmodel construction standards and techniques, radon mitigation methods, technical and grant assistance to state radon programs, information generation and dissemination, and trainingof the public [l5 U.S.C.A. $9 2662-2671 (1982; West Supp., 1992)l. Civil penalties of up to 25,OOO dollars per violation of TSCA per day can be assessed. Willful and knowing violations of TSCA can result in criminal penalties of 25,000 dollars per violationperday,inadditiontocivilpenalties.Finally,courtsmayissueinjunctionsto immediately stop manufacture, importation, distribution, and use in the event of imminent and substantial human endangerment. Environmentalists feel that TSCA’s “action-forcing” provisions, which set deadlines and been as effective as similar provisions were in promoting the authorized citizens’ suits, have not vigorousimplementationofothermajorpollutioncontrolstatutes(Anderson et al.,1990). Moreover, TSCA has been disappointingto its proponents, who do not believe that its testing and premanufacture review provisions have improved chemical product safety.isThere controversy over whether TSCA successfully shifts the burden of proof for safety to the chemical manufacturer, whether Congress really intended EPA to screen thousandsof chemicals, rather than control the few that present the greatestrisk, and whether the test of “unreasonablerisk” can be applied witha balanced emphasis on healthptection and economic productivity. On the other hand, because TSCA relies on a concept of balancing the risks and benefits been useful to EPA in developing the approach of of chemical use, TSCA rulemaking has maintaining a clear distinction between risk assessment and risk management. It is EPA’s philosophy that maintaining this distinction leads to better public understanding of the regulatory process and the scientific predictions (and uncertainties) that support it (Outen Hart, and 1992). risk than is immediately Furthermore, TSCA may have been more effective at reducing chemical apparent because manufacturers work with EPA to reduce risk before submitting formal PMNs, and because manufacturers take steps to reduce the risks they are required to report in Section 8 substantial risk notices(Outenand Hart, 1992).Mostobserverscanagreethatthe full regulatory powersof TSCA are formidable and have not been fully utilized.
2. The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide,and Rodenticide Act [7 U.S.CA. 00 136-136y (1980; West Supp., 1992}] TheFederalInsecticide,Fungicide,andRodenticideAct (FIFRA) regulatesthe sale and distribution of pesticides within the United States. It was first enacted in 1947, was amended in 1972 with the enactment of the Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act, and has been occasionally amended since that time. Pesticide is defined in FIFRA as “(l) any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling,or mitigating any pest, and (2) any substanceor mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant ..” [7 U.S.C.A. 8 136(u)(1980;WestSupp.,199211. Pest isdefinedin FIFRA as “(1) anyinsect,rodent, nematode, fungus, weed, or (2) any other form of ternstrial or aquatic plant or animal life or virus, bacteria, or other micro-organisms.which the Administrator declares to bepest. a .” [7 U.S.C.A. 0 136(t) (1980)l. The FIFRA is essentially a licensing statute. Section 3 of FWRA requires that all pesticides beregisteredwiththe EPA,whichmay limit the distribution,sale or useinany state of any unregistered pesticide [7 U.S.C.A. $ 136a (1980; WestSupp.,1992)]. A pesticide will be registered if EPA determines that (1) “its composition is such as to warrant the proposed claims for it”; (2) “its labeling and other material required to be submitted” are in regulatory compliance; (3) “it will perform its intended function without unreasonable adverse ef-
fects on the environment”; and (4) “when used in accordance with widespread and commonly recognized practiceit will notgenerally cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment” Unreasonable adverse efiects on the en[7U.S.C.A. 0 136a(5)(1980;WestSupp.,1992)l. vironment is defined as “any unreasonable risk to man or the environment, taking into account the economic, social, and environmental costs and benefitsof the use of any pesticide” [7 U.S.C.A. 0 136bb (West, 1980)l. The FIFRA,thus, requires a balancing of the environmental costs and economic benefits of pesticides. Before a new pesticidecan be registered, EPA must calculate the risks and benefits as requimd in the registration of use of the pesticide using data supplied by the registrant, be given the risks and statement. Congress has not, however, indicated what weight should benefits that EPA identify. (This is in marked contrast with the statutory provision governing pesticide residues in food, the Delaney cause [21 U.S.C. 0 348(c) (1988)l. As part of the registration process, EPA classifies the pesticide for either “general” or “restricted” use. A pesticide will be given the general classification if EPA determines that the pesticidewillnotgenerallycauseunreasonableadverseeffectsontheenvironment“when uses for applied in accordance with its directions for use, warnings and cautions and for the which it is registered or in accordance with a widespread and commonly recognized practice” a [7 U.S.C.A. 0 136a(d)(l)(B) (1980;West Supp., 1992)l. The pesticide will be givenresrricted use classification if, “without additional regulatory restrictions,” and when applied as indicated above, it may cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment, including injury to the applicator [7U.S.C.A. 0 136a(d)(l)(C) (1980; West Supp., 1992)l. If EPA further determines that “the acute dermal or inhalation toxicityof the [restricted use] pesticide presents a hazard to the applicator or other persons,” the pesticide mustbe applied only by or under the supervision of a certified applicator [7U.S.C.A. 0 136a(d)(l)(C)(i) (1980; West Supp., 1992)l. Because many existing pesticides were registered when there was a paucity of data on long-term environmental effects of the use of the pesticide, EPAwas directed in the 1972 amendment ofFIFRA to reregister pesticides. This was a daunting task because more 50,000 than pesticides have been registered under FIFRA since 1947, most before 1972 (Percival et al., office (GAO) 1992). Perhapsit is not totally surprising, therefore, that the General Accounting found in a 1986 study that none of the active ingredients in older pesticides had been fully tested and evaluated for health and environment effects; the potential toxicity of inert ingredients of Pesticides: EPA’s Formidable Task pesticides had been almost completely ignored. [GAO, 1986, to Assess and Regdate their Risks, cited in Percivalet al., (1992)l. The 1988 amendment to FIFRA [7 U.S.C.A. 0 136a-1 (West Supp., 1992)l was a response to theslowprogressofEPAin reregistering existing pesticides (Ferguson and Gray, 1989). It established a specific schedule for EPA to complete the reregistration of any pesticide first registeredbeforeNovember1,1984[7U.S.C.A. 0 136a-1 (West Supp., 1992)l. In addition, it established a priority list for reregisteration of those pesticides containing active ingredients that (1) are in use or onin food or feed and may result in postharvest residues; (2) may result in residues of potential toxicological concern in potable ground water, edible fish, or shellfish; or are used (3) have been determined. to have significant outstanding data requirements; (4) on crops, including in greenhouses and nurseries, where worker exposure is most likely to occur [7 U.S.C.A. 0 136a-l(c)(l) (West Supp., 1992)l. An importantpartofthereregistrationprocessisthesubmissionbytheregistrant or manufacturer of summaries of previous studies of the active ingredients that were included in support of the original registration. The data from these studies must be reformatted by the registrant as to “chronic dosing, oncogenicity, reproductive effects, mutagenicity, neurotoxicity, teratogenicity, or residue chemistry of the active ingredient. ” [7 U.S.C.A. 5 136a-l(e)(l)(C) (West Supp., 1992)l.
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Environmental Assessment Laws and Risk
The 1988 amendment shifted the burden of many of the costs and tasks of reregistration to the manufacturers [7 U.S.C.A. 5 136a-1 (1980; West Supp., 1992)l. The 1988 amendment also shifted the responsibility for the cost of storage and disposal of canceled pesticides to the pesticide industry. Finally, the statute does provide for reimbursement under certain conditions to endusersandregistrantsforeconomiclossesifapesticide’sregistration is canceled [7U.S.C.A. Q 136m (1980; West Supp., 199211. The FIFRA contains several pesticide registration cancellation provisions. The first provi5 years the registration has sion requires EPA to cancel a pesticide’s registration after the first been in effect (and at the conclusion of every subsequent 5-yearperiod)“unless the registrant or other interested person with the concurrence of the registrant. ..requests. ..that the registration be continued in effect” [7 U.S.C.A. 0 136d(a)(l) (1980; West Supp., 1992)l. The second cancellation provision allows EPA to propose the cancellation ofa pesticides’s registration if “it appears .. .that a pesticide or its labeling. ..does not comply with the provisions of [FIFRA] or, when used in accordance with widespread and commonly recognized practice, generally causes unreasonable adverse effects on the environment. . ” [7 U.S.C.A. 0 136d(b)(l) (1980; West Supp., 1992)l. Actual cancellation occurs only after extensive administrative hearings. The EPA may suspend the registration of a pesticide pending completionof these formal cancellationhearingsif EPA determines an “action is necessarytoprevent an imminent hazard” [7 U.S.C.A. 9 136d(c)(l) (1980; West Supp., 1992)l. Imminent hazard is defined as a “situation which exists when the continued use of the pesticide...would be likely to result or will involve unreasonable hazard to in unreasonable adverse effects on the environment the survival of a species declared endangered or threatened. .pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973” [7U.S.C.A. 9 136(1) (1980; West Supp., 1992)l. The registration of the pesticide is not suspended until there has been an expedited hearing on theofissue whether an imminent hazard exists. However, if EPA determines that an emergency exists that does not permit EPA to hold a hearing before suspending the registration, a suspension may be put into apesticide’s effect immediately[7U.S.C.A. 9 136d(c)(3) (1980; West Supp., 1992)l. Obviously, existing registration normally is not canceled easily or quickly [seeLolley (1990) for a discussion of the difficulties involved]. Although EPA is directed notto make public information that, in its judgment, contains or relates to trade secretsor commercial or financial information obtained from a person (i.e., in a registration statement) or privileged and confidential, “any information concerning the effects of [a] pesticide on any organism or the behavior of [a] pesticide in the environment, including, but not limited to, data on safety to fish and wildlife, humans and other mammals, plants, animals, and soil, and studies on persistence, translocation and fate in the environU.S.C.A. 136h ment, and metabolism, shall be available for disclosure to the public” [7 (1980; West Supp., 1992)l. A state canbe delegated the primary enforcement responsibility for pesticide use violations if its programs are as protective as EPA‘s. [7U.S.C.A. 136w-l(a) (1980; West Supp., 1992)l. Because pesticide use is supported by a powerful constituency of industry, agricultural associations, and much of the agricultural research community, Congress, in enactingFIFRA, has moderatedEpA’s duty to protect public health with extensive duties to consider the economic of riskassessmentinconjunctionwith benefits of pesticide use. It thus illustrates the use the 1988 Amendments economic analysis in determining regulatory decisions. Experience under towillbeimportantinevaluatingthepracticality of relianceonriskassessment at EPA: will more money to perform risk assessments and more information from registrants enable the agency to effectively administera statute in which risk assessment is of crucial importance?
V. CONCLUSION Risk assessment plays a major role in each of the environmental schemes described in the foregoing. Society is rarely willing to regulate or prohibit a substance, regardless of the costs involved, although there m exceptions in which a regulatory agency has done just that. The are so pronounced to economic consequences of determinations made pursuant to these statutes the regulated community, and of such concern to affected citizens, that risk assessment will remainatthecenter of environmentalcontroversy for theforeseeablefuture,despitethe increasing emphasis on broader objectives for environmental management.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Barry Goldstein, Ph.D., a law student at the Schoolof Law, University of New Mexico.
REFERENCES Anderson, E R., D. R. Mandelken, and A. D.Tarlock (1990). Environmental Protection: Lmv and Policy, Boston, Little, Brown L Co. Applegate, J. S. (1990). Worst things first: Risk, information, and regulatory structure in toxic substances control, Yale J. Regul., 9,277-353. 21, 1375-1412. Atcheson, J. (1991). The department of risk reductionor risky business, Environ. h, Commoner, B. (1988). Failure of the environmental effort,Environ. Law Rep., 18,10195-10199. Environmental Reporter (1992). Approach to ecological risk shifting to EPA fromorganisms to ecosystems, 23, 1717-1718. Ferguson, S., and E.Gray (1989). 1988 FlFRA amendments: A majorstep in pesticide regulation,Environ. Law Rep., 29, 10007. Fishbein, L. (1980). Potential industrial and mutagenic alkylating agents. In Safe Handling of Chemical Carcinogens,Mutagens,Teratogens,andHighlyToxicSubstances, Vol. 1 (D.B.Walters,ed.), AM Arbor Science, Ann Arbor), MI, pp. 329-363. Floumoy,A.C. (1991) Legislating inaction: Asking the wrong questions in prowctive environmental decisionmaking, Harvard Environ.Law Rev., 15,327-391. Gaines, S. E. (1990). Science, politics, and the management of toxic risks through law, Jurimetrics J., 30,271-321. Hanan, A. (1992). Pushing the environmental regulatory focus astep back: Controlling the introduction of new chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act, A. J.Law Med., 18,395. Hornstein, D.T.(1992). Reclaiming environmental law:A normative critiqueof comparative risk analysis, Columbia Law Rev., 92,562-633. Hornstein, D. T. (1993). Lessons fromfederalpesticideregulation on the paradigms andpolitics of environmental law reform, Yale J. Regul., 10,369. Houck, 0. A. (1991). The regulation of toxic pollutants under the CleanWater Act, Environ. Law Rep., 21,10528-10560. Lolley, M. (1990). Carcinogen roulette: The game played under FlFRA,Md. Law Rev., 49,975. National Research Council(1983). Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process, National AcademyPress, Washington, DC. Novick, S. M.,D. W. Stever,and M. G. Mellon, eds. (1992). EnvironmentalLawInstituteRelease No. 8, July. Outen. R. P., and K. M. Hart (1992). Toxicchemicals. In Law of Environmental Protection. Vol. 3 (S. M. Novick, S. W. Stever,and M. G. Mellon. eds.), Clark Boardman Callaghan, New York, 1992, pp. 151-1547.
Environmental Laws and Risk Assessment
Percival. R. V., A. S. Miller, C.H.Schroeder, and J. P. L e a p (1992). Environmental Regulation: L a w , Science, and Policy, Little, Brown & Co., Boston. Reed, P. D., P. H.Wyckoff, G. B. Forte, R. A. P a t i , L. E. Tunick, R. A. Weissman, M. A. Law, N. D.Shutler, and J. P.C. Fogarty (1992). In Law ofEnvironmenta1 Protection,V012 (S. M.Novick, D.W. Stever, and M.G. Mellon, eds.), Clark Boanjman Callaghan, New York, pp. 11-1-11-243. Rosenthal, A., G. Gray, and J. Graham (1992). Legislating acceptable cancerrisk from exposure to toxic chemicals, Ecol. Lav Q.,19,269. Rodgem, W. H.Jr. (1989). Environmental Law: Pesticides and Toxic Substances. Vol 3, West Publishing, St. Paul. Ruggerio, C. (1989). Referralof toxic chemical regulationunder the Toxic SubstancesControl Act: EPA's administrative dumping ground.Boston Coll. Environ. Affairs Law Rev., 17, 85. USEPA Science Advisory Board (1990). Reducing Risk: Setting Priorities and Strategiesfor Environmental Protection, Washington, DC. Wilson, P. S., and T. K. Harris (1992). Integrated pollution conlrok A prologue, Environ. L a w , 22.1-21.
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36 Resource Agencies with Information on Toxic Substances‘ Health Effects Hanafi Russell, Todd Miller, and Yi Y. Wang
California EnvironmentalProtection Agency Berkeley, California
Information about hazardous substances is giveninmanytextbooks,handbooks, fact sheets,materialsafetydatasheets (MSDSs), andcollectedinmanyguidesanddatabases. Not so readily accessible, however, is a directory of resource agencies that can provide informationorassistanceconcerning the healtheffectsoremergencyhandling of hazardous substances. of such organizations and This chapter contains the names, addresses, and descriptions programs. The resources have been divided into two groups: national and California. There is some overlap between them (e.g., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency listed under “national” has addresses and phone numbers for regional offices in California). The listing of Californiabased resources has been retained for this chapter because of the wealth of programs that can serve as models for providing information useful to other parts of the world. The agencies generally appear alphabetically, with some modifications to emphasize area of interest word “occupational”). An (e.g., occupationalprogramsappearalphabeticallybytheirkey index is also providedfor each section. The information presented here is updated from a California Environmental Protection Agency (CalBPA)report entitled The Toxics Directory (4th ed., 1994). This directory not only lists resource agencies, but also literature and electronic databases on toxic substances and their health effects. Scientific staff involved in risk assessment and other activities have provided recommendations for what they consider the most important resources and references on each subject for inclusion in the directory. To inquire about this directory, write to the Ofice of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Pesticide and Environmental Toxicology Section, 2151 BerkeleyWay, Berkeley, CA 94704-1011.
NATIONAL RESOURCESON TOXICS Agency for Toxic Substances and DiseaseRegistry (ATSDR) 1600 Clifton Road,N.E. Atlanta, Georgia30333 (404) 639-6360 24 hour, Emergency Response
Region IX Offiice (California) 75 Hawthorne (H-1-2) San Francisco, CA94105 (415) 744-2194
ATSDR coordinates those provisions of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Actof 1980 (CERCLA) which relate to the public health and worker safety and health and which are carried out through appropriate components of the Public Health Service. Specifically, the agency is charged with protecting the public health from exposure to hazardous substances. The agency arranges for program support to ensure adequate response to public health emergencies declared under the authority of CERCLA. For incidents in California contact U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region IX offices first, ifyou are unable to contact anyone at Region K, then contact the Atlanta 24 Hour Emergency number. The 24-hour numberis used by both the Centersfor Disease Control and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. It is therefore important for the caller to indicate that the incident involves hazardous materials and toxic wastes.
Air Risk Information SupportCenter (Air RISC) Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards(MD-13) Air RISC U.S. EPA Research Triangle Park,NC 27711 Air RISC Hotline (919) 541-0888
Monday-Thursday, 8:OO AM to 5:OO PM, EST Friday, 8:OO AM to 4:OO PM, EST
The Air Risk Information Support Center (Air RISC) provides, in a timely fashion, technical exposure, and risk assessments for toxic and criteria assistance and information relative to health, airpollutants.TheEPA hasworkedwiththeStateandTemtorialAirPollutionProgram Administrators(STAPPA), the Association of Local Air Pollution Control Offiicials (ALAPCO), and EPA regional offices in the design and development of the Air RISC to ensure that the Cente will be useful for State and local agenciesas well as EPA Regional Offiices. The primary goal of Air RISC is to provide health, exposure, and risk information for state and local air pollution in reviewing and interprecontrol agencies andEPA Regional Offices and, where needed, assist ting thatdata.
Resource Agencies
American Cancer Society National headquarters: 1599 Clifton RoadNE Atlanta GA 30329 (404) 320-3333 California DivisionOflice 1710 WebsterStreet, Suite 210 P.O. Box 2061 Oakland, CA 94604 (510) 893-7900 (See telephone book for local chapter) Offers public and professional education on cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis,and treatment. Has printedinformation on subjectsincludingcarcinogensintheworkplaceand on nutrition and cancer. Patient servicesare available.
American Lung Association National headquarters: 1740 Broadway New York, NY 10019 (212) 315-8700 American Lung Association of California: 424 Pendleton Way (State Office) Oakland, CA 94621 (5 10) 638-5864 (638-LUNG) American Lung Association ofLos Angeles County: 5858 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90036 (213) 935-5864 (935-LUNG) Also see phonedirectory for other local associations.
on education about occupational The Lung Association is a voluntary health agency that focuses and environmental causes of lung disease. also It promotes research into causes, treatments and cures for lung diseases.
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights 2530 San Pablo Ave.; Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 (510) 841-3032 Information available on environmental tobacco smoke. Promotes rights of nonsmokers. Conducts lobbying nationally at all levels of government.
Russell et al.
Asbestos Hotline Office of Toxic Substances (TS-799) U.S. EPA 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 (202) 554-1404
The Asbestos Hotline provides technical information concerning asbestos abatement problems i schools and gives referrals to other asbestos programs. Information specialists answer questions about compliance with regulations and funding sources for asbestos removal or encapsulation.
Bio-Integral Resource Center (BIRC) P.O. Box 7414 Berkeley, CA 94707 (510) 524-2567
BIRC offers practical information on the least toxic methods of managing pests and land resource problems. Its interdisciplinary staff and nationwide network of advisors and associates have designed integrated pest management programs for community groups, public agencies, and privateinstitutionsthroughoutthe U.S. andCanada. BIRC offerstwopublicationstoits members. Thefit, “Common Sense Pest Control Quarterly,” informs readers about alternatives for managing insect, weed, rodent, and plant-disease pests found in the home, on the human body, on pets, and in the garden, workplace, and community. The “PM Practitioner,” BIRC’s second publication, provides valuable information on the latest in integrated pest management for pest control professionals, farmers, and managers of community facilities. All of BIRC’s book, “Common Sense Pest Control,”are available publications, including a 715 page resource by mail order. Send $1to receive a listing of publications.
Cancer Information Service Of‘Fke of Cancer Communication National Cancer Institute NCI Building 31, Room lOAlB Bethesda, MD 20892 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237) Monday-Friday, 900 AM to 7:OO PM All phone calls are automatically routed to the nearest Cancer Information Service office. In California, itis the UCLA Johnson Comprehensive Cancer Center. Responds to questions about cancer and related diseases, including causes, diagnosis, treatment andprevention.Providesthelatestinformationoncancer,includingoccupationalcancer; treatment; medical referral, including referrals to low cost clinics; medical consultation; referrals are available on request. Spanish-speaking to patient support groups; and materials. Publications staff m available during daytime hours at some locations. of Some the written materialsare also available in Spanish.
Resource Agencies
Center for Safety in theArts 5 Beekman Street New York, New York 10038 (212) 227-6220
Responds to questions relating to hazards in the arts (e.g., visual arts and performing arts). Distributes newsletters and publications on hazards relating to various arts and crafts. Makes referrals to doctors specializingin toxic-related illnesses. Provides qualified speakers to address hazards in thearts. National clearinghouse for information on hazards in theOffers courses nationwide. Provides on-site consultation and inspection.
Chemical Referral Center Chemical Manufacturers Association Chemical Manufacturers Association 2501 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 (800) 262-8200
Monday through Friday,9 0 0 ~~4.00 PM,EST Provides a means for the public to obtain access to nonemergency health and safety information concerning chemicals.
Chemical Transportation Emergency Center (CHEMTREC) Chemical Manufacturers Association 2501 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 (800) 424-9300 (24hours a day) (202) 887-1100 (for Chemical Manufacturers Association)
***For Chemical EmergenciesOnly involving spills, leak;r,fires,or exposures to chemicals***
Provides immediate and comprehensive initial emergency response information for first responders involved in responding to or operating at the scene of hazardous material emergencies. so CHEMTREC also notifies manufacturers and shippers of incidents involving their products appropriate follow-up action and assistance can be rendered. CHEMTREC can also activate mutual aid programs such as the Chlorine Emergency Plan (CHLOREP) for chlorine emergencies and the Phosphorus Emergency Response Team (PERT) for phosphorus emergencies.
Chevron/Ortho Emergency Information Center 1003 W. Cutting Blvd., Suite120 Richmond, CA 94804-0054 (800) 457-2022 or (5 10) 233-3737 24 hours a day Ortho Consumer ServicesDept. P.O. Box 5047 San Ramon, Ca 94583-0947
The Chevron Emergency Information Center (CEIC) provides health and spill clean-up advice
Russell et al.
to membersof the medical community and consumers concerning all of the products and chemicals produced and marketed by the various Chevron operating companies and Valent USA. the consumer pesticide products. Most of the inquiries received at CEIC concern ORTHO The emergency response technicians answer all incoming CEIC inquiries and provide consultation and advice in those cases involving minor exposure to products having a low degree of toxicity andimtation potential. Situations involving either potential extensive exposure, signs and symptoms of illness, or inquiries from physicians or other membersof the medical community are referred to one of the 14 toxicologists that rotate through an “on-call” status. Attending physicians are provided with infomation concerning product composition, results of toxicology studies, clinical findings and medical management. The service includes all of the products and chemicals produced and marketed by the various Chevron operating companies and Valent USA.
Citizen’s Clearinghouse for Hazardous Wastes, Inc.
PO Box 6806 Falls Church,VA 22040
Provides citizen groups, individuals and municipalities with information needed to understand and resolve their chemical waste problems. They offer an extensive list of publications including books, fact packs, manuals, bibliographies, action bulletins, Everyone’s Backyard (magazine), and Environmental Health Monthly.
Consumer Product Safety Commission,U.S. (800) 638-CPSC (Nationwidetoll free hotline) National headquarters: 4330 East West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814-4408 Atm. Office of the Secretary
(301)504-0800 600 Harrison Street,Room 245 San Francisco,CA 94107
4929 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite320 Los Angeles, CA90010 (213) 251-7464 Provides information on health and safety effects related to consumer products. Has direct jurisdiction over chronic and chemical hazards in consumer products.
Control Technology Center(WC) Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, MD-l0 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(U.S. EPA) Research Triangle Park, NC277l1
Resource Agencies
Control Technology Center(CTC) Hotline (919) 541-0800 Monday through Friday, 8:00AM to 500 PM, EST The Control Technology Center ( C X ) supports state and local agencies and EPA regional offices in implementing air pollution programs for both toxic and criteria air pollutants by air pollution control technology. Support is providing engineering guidance and support on supplied to others on a cost reimbursement basis. In addition, the CTC has a bulletin board operating through the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) Technology Transfer Network0 Bulletin Board System. The bulletin board system is open to all.
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Information Hotline SARA Title III Hotline Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OS-120) U.S. EPA 401 M Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20460 (800) 535-0202 (703) 412-9877 FAX: (703) 412-3333 Monday through Friday, 8:30AM to 7:30 PM,EST
The Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know InformationHotliie is operated under the guidance of the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response and the Office of Pollution PreventionandToxics.TheHotlinecananswerquestionsfrommanufacturers,government agencies, and the general public regarding the Emergency Planning and Community Right-toKnow Act(known as EPCRA, or SARATitle m).This law establishes requirements for Federal, State,andlocalgovernmentsandindustryregardingemergencyplanningandcommunity right-to-know reporting on hazardous and toxic chemicals.
Environmental Action Foundation Wastes and Toxic Substances Project 6930 Carroll Avenue, 6thFloor Takoma Park, MD 20912 (301) 891-1100
An independent, taxdeductible organization founded in 1970to promote environmental protection through research, public education, organizing assistance and legal action. Offers technical assistance and organizing expertise to communityp u p s and public officials. Services include information packets, up-to-date information on state waste management plans and contacts with activists across the country. Work is currently focused on toxics, community right to know, energy, solid waste and The Energy Conservation Coalition. Publishes Environmental Action Magazine and several informational publications.
Environmental Protection Agency,U.S. FPA Headquartem 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 (202) 260-209o"EPA program locator number (202) 260-2080-Public Information Center
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(919) 541-2777-Library Services, North Carolina (202) 260-5921EPA Headquarters Library (202) 260-89OeExposure Assessment Group (800) 426-4791-Safe Drinking Water Hotline
m for ReEPAhas 10 regional offices serving the country. The following phone numbers gion IX. Some other nationwide hotline services offered by EPA have b a n listed separately in this section. REGION M (California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii, Guam, and Pacific h s t Tenitories) 75 Hawthorne St. San Francisco, Ca 94105 General Information-(415) 744-1500 Responds to information requests on acute and chronic health effects of hazardous materials. Basic function is to provide information on Environmental Protection Agency regulations and on wide rangeof issues: air and water pollution, programs. Archives available for reference use so on. toxic substances including PCBs and asbestos, pesticides, radiation, and Library-(415) 744-1500 Information on current spills: Emergency Response Section (415) 744-2000(24-hour number) Information in situations on which legal action is pending. Regional Counsel Office (415) 744-1365 Freedom of Information Officer (415) 744-1586 Information on past incidentsand responses by EPA in the agency’s files Asbestos infomation phone referral (415) 744-1690. See description under Asbestos Hotline (listed separately) for more asbestos numbers. ACCESS EPA
in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency The Office of Information Resources Management (EPA) has available ACCESS EPA, a series of directories that provide contact information and descriptionsofservicesofferedbylibraries,databases,informationcenters,clearinghouse, hotlines, dockets,records management programs, and related information sources. EPA produced the series, which is updated annually, to improve access to environmental information provided by EPA and other public sector organizations. The series includes one consolidated volume, entitled ACCESS EPA ($21), and the following seven directories.: Public Information Tools ($8); Major EPA Dockets ($7); Clearinghouses and Hotlines($7); Records Management Programs($7); Major EPA Environmental Databases ($8); Libraries and Information Services ($8); and State Environmental Libraries ($8).
Resource Agencies
TheconsolidatedvolumeofACCESS EPA isavailablethrough the GovernmentPrinting Offtce (GPO): New orders, SuperintendentofDocuments, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 Telephone (202) 783-3238 FAX (202) 5 12-2250, Publications FAX: (202) 512-2233, Subscriptions All eight titles are available from the National Technical Information Service ( N T I S ) : NTIS, SillsBuilding, 5285 PortRoyalRoad,Springfield, VA 22161; telephone (703)487-4650; fax (703) 321-8547.
Food and Drug Administration,U S . National Headquarters 200 c street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20204 San Francisco District 536, Federal Office Building, Room 50 United Nations Plaza San Francisco, CA94102 (415) 5562062 (same for emergency answering service after hours) District o f f i c e : Los Angeles District 1521 West Pic0 Boulevard Los Angeles, CA90015 (213) 252-7586(for emergency after hours(213) 245-0290) Inspects manufacturing plants and warehouses, collects and analyzes samples of foods, drugs, import cosmetics and therapeutic devices for adulteration and misbranding. Responsibilities also extend to sanitary preparation and handlingof foods, and waste disposalon interstate carriers to consumer products. Epidemiological and enforcementof the Radiation Control Act as related and other investigations are conducted to determine causative factors or possible health hazards involved in adverse reactions or hazardous materials accidents. Investigators are located in resident posts in major cities through the state. Analytical laboratories are located in the two district ofFices.
Lead Poisoning Prevention information line 1-800-LEAD"
By calling the toll-freenumber, citizens can request a Spanish or English language information package describinghow to help protect childrenfrom lead poisoning.
National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse (NATICH) National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Pollutant Assessment Branch Office of Air Quality Planning andStandards (MD-13) U.S. EPA Research Triangle Park, NC 277 11
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(919) 541-0850
Monday through Friday,7:30 AM to 5:OO PM, EST The National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse assists federal, state, and local agencies in exchanging information about air toxics and the development of air toxics programs. The core of the Clearinghouse is the NATICH data base which contains all of the information collectedfromfederal,state,andlocalagencies.Thisinformation is generallyorganized according to agency, pollutant, and emission source. The data base report is updated once a year and is available on hardcopy.NATICH also publishes other material on an annual basis, and special reports.
National Health Information Clearinghouse (NHIC) U.S. Public Health Service P.O. Box 1133, ODPHP Washington, DC20013-1133 (800) 336-4797
Monday through Friday900 AM to 5:00 m,EST
Publishes a series of resource guides, one.of whichis a listing of selected federal health information clearinghouses and information centers. Helps the general public and health profession locate health information through identification of health information resources andan inquiry and referral system. Health questionsm referred to appropriate health resources that,in turn, respond directly to inquirers. Does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or physician referrals.
National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
Dr.Anne Sassaman (Director) Division of Extramural Research and Training P.O. Box 12233 104 T.W. Alexander Drive Research TrianglePark, NC 27709 (919) 541-7723
NIEHS is the principal federal agency for biomedical research on the effects of chemical, physical, and biological environmental agents on man’s health and well being. Such research is very diverse; it includes but is not limited to:
the effects of toxic substanceson biochemical processes and body organs; pharmacodynamics of chemical substances in the body; molecular, biochemical and physiological mechanismsof toxicity of chemical and physical factors; and development and validation of test methods for health hazard assessment of environmental chemicals.
Resource Agencies
National Institutefor Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSHI Headquartem: 1600 Clifton Road Atlanta, GA-30333 Mail Stop D-32 (404) 639-3691 Western Region: California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, Pacific Trust Territories (formerly Region IX)residents contact: Federal Office Building, Rm 1185 1961 Stout Street Denver, CO 80294 (303) 844-6166 Division of Surveillance and Field Studies Alice Hamilton Laboratories(DSHEFS) 55 Ridge Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45213 (513) 841-4382 MOSH conducts research on various safety and health problems, provides technical assistance to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA), and recommends standards for OSHA's adoption. NIOSH investigates toxic substances and develops criteria for the use of such substancesintheworkplace.Whileconductingitsresearch,NIOSHmaymakeworkplace investigations, gather testimonies from employers, andmeaswe and report employee exposure to potentially hazardous materials. It mayalso require employers to provide medical examinations and tests to determine the incidence of occupational illness among employees. When such examinations and tests are required by MOSH for research purposes, they may be paid for by NOSH rather than the employer. Publications Dissemination 4676 Columbia Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45226 (513) 533-8326 Many NIOSH documents and those published fromtheNationalTechnicalInformationService fice as follows:
by other federal agencies are also available @!TIS) or theGovernmentPrintingOf-
NTIS 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (Write to establish deposit account $25.00 minimum.) (703) 487-4780 ResearchServices-Call to check for availabilityof document. (703) 487-4650 Callto order documents.
Government Printingoffice Washington, D.C. 20402 (202) 783-3238
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National Pesticide Medical Monitoring Program c/o Sheldon Wagner, M.D. Oregon State University Department of Agricultural Chemistry Agricultural and Life Sciences Room 1007 Corvallis, OR 9331-7301 (503) 757-5086 Under contract to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Dr. Wagner provides basic and clinicalinfommtion on thetoxicologyofpesticides.(Emergencycallsforacutetreatment information should be directed to poison control centers.)Dr. Wagner also provides laboratory analysis of pesticides and metabolites in human tissue.
National Pesticide Telecommunications Network Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine Department of Preventive Medicine Lubbock, TX 79430 (800) 858-7378 (toll-free, 24-hours) Provides information on pesticide toxicity, health effects, residue data, efficacy, etc. Referral services available. Specific information is available on such pesticides as herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and rodenticides.
National ResponseCenter U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters 2100 2nd Street,S.W. Room 2611 Washington, D.C. 20593 (800) 424-8802(toll-fm, 24-hOUrs)
Plan to provide for coordinated pollution Functions in accordance with the National Contingency response by federal and state government agencies. The National Response Center receives the information to the predesignated initial reportsof oil and chemical spills and rapidly passes federal on-scene coordinator for action. Technical information suchas hazard assessments and movement forecasting is available to federal on-scene coordinators through the National Response Center. The National Response Center also provides support to the National Response Team (representatives of 14 federal agencies which plan for and provide guidance during major oil and hazardous substance spills). The 14 agenciesare the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Coast Guard (Department of Transportation), Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of the Interior, Department of Justice, Department of Labor, Department of State, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Research and Specific Program. The National Response Team meets monthly to discuss and review matters pertinent to theU.S. response posture.
Resource Agencies
National Toxics Campaign Fund 1168 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02134 Tel: (617) 232-0327 Fax: (617)232-3945
West Coast Regionalorganizer 1912 F Street, Suite 1 0 0 Sacramento, CA 95814 Tel: (916) 446-3350 Fax: (916) 446-3394 Los Angeles Organizer 5450 Slauson Avenue, Suite204 Culver City, CA90230 Tel: (213) 953-8201 Fax: (213) 953-8203
The National Toxics Campaign Fund (NTCF) is a grassroots-based organization encompassing a network of over1,500 community, state and regional groups, which undertakes environmental research, education, and organizing. Fueled by the commitment of citizens who have been most directly poisoned by toxic chemicals,NTCF also educates and involves the broader public to support groundbreaking pollution prevention measures.
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) 71 Stevenson Street
Suite 1825 San Francisco,CA 94105 (415) 777-0220 The NaturalResources Defense Councilis a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of public health andthe environment. The council has worked extensively to protect children’s health andto control a variety of environmental threats to health, including pesticides. food, selectedindividual Publicationsandreports are availableonchildren,pesticidesin compounds, and pesticide regulatory issues.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor Office of Administrative Services (Headquarters) 200 Constitution Avenue,North West, RoomN-3101 Washington, D.C. 20210 (202) 219-4667
OSHA Region IX 71 Stevenson Street, Suite 420 San Francisco, CA94105 (415) 744-6670
Enfomes national occupational health and safety standards. states Insuch as California that have
their own programs, federal OSHA may only have jurisdiction for federally owned proprties and services andfor maritime activities.
Pesticide Education Center P.O. Box 420870 San Francisco,CA 94142-0870
The Pesticide Education Center works with community groups, workers, individuals, and others harmedby or concernedaboutrisks to theirhealthfrom exposure topesticidesusedin agriculture, the home and garden, and other environmental and industrial uses. Its goal is to providecriticalinformationaboutpesticides so thatthepubliccanmakemoreinformed decisionsandchoices.ThePECprovides infomation, curricularmaterials,andhelpwith seminars and workshopson a nationwide basis.
Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)/ Best Available Control Technology (BACT)/ Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER) Clearinghouse Emission Standards Division Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (MD-13) U.S. EPA Research Triangle Park,NC 27711
Monday through Friday,8:OO AM to 430 PM, EST The Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)/Best Available Control Technology (BACT)/Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER) Clearinghouse assists federal, state, and local agencies in exchanging information about RACT, BACT and LAER determinations as established under the Clean Air Act. The Clearinghouse also provides information to nongovernment groups interested in control technology applications.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)/ Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Hotline RCWCERCLA Hotline c/o Booz, Allen, and Hamilton 1725 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, Virginia22202 1-800-424-9346 or (703) 412-9810 Monday through Friday,8:30 AM to 7:30 PM,EST TheResourceConservationandRecovery Act(RC!RA)/ComprehensiveEnvironmentalResponse Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Hotline.It is operated under the guidance of the U.S. Environmental hotection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. The primary function of the RCWCERCLA Hotline is to assist the public and regulated community in understandingIPA regulations and policy under the RCRNCERCLA (Superfund) and Underground Storage Tank (UST) programs. Hotline specialists answer regula-
tory and technical questions, andcan respond to requests for documents on virtually all aspects of the RCRA, CERCLA, and UST programs.
Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800) 426-4791 This is a public information service operated byU.S. the Environmental Protection Agency.
Sierra Club 730 Polk Street (Nationaloffice) San Francisco,CA. 94109 (415) 776-2211
Founded in 1892, the Sierra Club is one of the leading environmental protection organizations assure that in the United States. Its goal is to prevent the exhaustion of our natural resources and life is available to future generations. It also has interests in preventing toxic a decent quality of contamination of air, land and water. Over the past few years, the Sierra Club has been part of a number of domestic and overseas hazardous waste and toxics management efforts. It has been extensively involved in the reauthorization of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The club has many local chapters, and produces numerous publications.
Teratogen Information System (TERIS) Department of Pediatrics RES 207, CDMRC WJ-10, BOX38 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98 195 (206) 543-2465 TERIS is an automatedsystem for theidentification,assessment,storage,andretrieval of published information regarding the teratogenicity of drugs and other environmental agents. The system summarizes896 agents, including200 of the most-frequently prescribed drugs. The summaries are derived primarily from information obtained in human investigations, but animal studies are used to amplify and clarify the analysis. Each summary includes a rating of the risk of teratogenic effects in the children of women exposed to the agent under usual conditions during pregnancy. In addition, TERIS provides an updated version of Shepard's Catalog of Teratogenic Agents which provides information on more than 2100 agents.
The Teratogen Information System is designed to assist physicians and other health professionals in counselling pregnant patients who have concerns about possible effects of environmental partonly of a comprehensive agents on their developing babies. The agent summaries comprise pregnancy risk evaluation which must also include obtaining information on the patient's state of health, previous and current pregnancy history, and family history. TERIS can be used throughout theU.S. in an on-line version that is accessible by terminal and modemover ordinary telephonelines. TERIS is alsoavailableinaharddiskversionfor E. Polifka, industry-standardsMS-DOS microcomputers. (For further information contact Janine Ph.D., at (206) 543-2465).
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Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Assistance Information Service TSCA Assistance Information Service Ofice of Toxics (TS-799) Pollution Prevention andU.S. EPA 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 (202) 554-1404
Monday through Friday, 8:30 FAX (202) 554-5603
to 500 PM, EST
The Toxic Substances Conwl Act (TSCA) Assistance Information Services provides information on TSCA regulations to the chemical industry, labor and trade organizations, environmental groups, and the general public. The TSCA Assistance Information Service can direct inquiries to theappropriate EPA personnelandhandlerequestsforcertainpublicationsrelatedto management of toxic substances.
White Lung Association National Headquaters: 3030 Barclay St. Baltimore, MD 21218 (410) 243-5864
Southwestern Region 39 17 Linden Ave Long Beach, CA 90807 (310) 305-6406
A volunteer organization dedicated to the protection of the worker and general public from asbestos through legislation, procurement of compensation, education, and other efforts. Provides information including Eferrals to physicians and attorneys who are versed in the problems of asbestos.
Resource Agencies
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 680 Air Risk Information Support Center (Air RISC), 680 Air toxics information See National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse, 687 American Cancer Society,681 American Lung Association,681 Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights,681 Asbestos Hotline, 682
B Best Available Control Technology, 692 Bio-Integral Resource Center,682
National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse, 687 National Health Information Clearinghouse, 688 National Institutefor Environmental Health Sciences, 688 National Institutefor Occupational Safetyand Health, 689 National Pesticide Medical Monitoring Program, 690 National Pesticide Telecommunications Network, 690 National Response Center,690 National Toxics Campaign Fund,691 Natural Resources Defense Council, 691
Cancer Information Service,682 Center for Safety in the 683 See also Art Hazards Program Chemical Referral Center,683 Chemical Transportation Emergency Center,683 Chevrun/Ortho Emergency Infurmation Center, 683 Citizen’s Clearinghousefor Hazardous Wastes, Inc., 684 Consumer Roduct Safety Commission, U.S., 684 Control Technology Center,684
Occupational Safetyand Health Administration, U.S., 691
Emergency Planning and Community Right-toKnow Jnformation Hotlie, 685 685 Environmental Action Foundation, Environmental ProtectionAgency, 685
RCRA/CERCLA Hotline,692 Reasonably Available Control Technology,692
P Pesticide Education Center,692 Pesticide medical monitoring See National Pesticide Medical Monitoring Program, 690 Pesticide Telecommunications See National Pesticide Telecommunications Network, 690
F Food and Drug Administration,U.S., 687
Safe Drinking Water Hotline, 693 Sierra Club, 693
Health information See National Health Information Clearinghouse, 688
Teratogen Information System,693 Toxic Substances Control Act Information Service, 694
Lead Poisoning Prevention information line, 687
White Lung Association, 694
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CALIFORNIA RESOURCES ON TOXICS Air Quality Management Districts and Air Pollution Control Districts, California Theairqualitymanagementdistrictsandairpollutioncontroldistrictsregulate stationary sources of air pollution, including factories, dumps, and industrial sites. Mobile sources of airpollution,suchascars,trucks,andbusesareexemptfromtheirjurisdictionand are regulated in California by the state Air Resources Board. The districts have the authority to grant permits, enforce emission regulations, issue violation notices, and impose civil penalties on companies or individuals who violate air quality regulations. They maintain networks of air to ambient (outdoor) air. The districts monitoring stations. Jurisdiction, by law, is largely limited do enforce severalEPA regulations on hazardous air pollutants, however, including demolition and disposalof asbestos.
Air Resources Board, California P.O. Box 2815 Sacramento, CA 95812 (916) 322-2990 The Air ResourcesBoard (ARB) and the local air pollution control and air quality management districts work together to preserve and enhance the air quality in California. The ARB has publications on air pollution and air toxics.
Art Hazards Program Office of Environmental HealthHazard Assessment 601 North 7th Street, Room 307/276 P.O. Box 942732 Sacramento, CA 94234-7320 (916) 445-6900 California’s Education Code requires the state to develop a listof art and crafts materials which cannot be purchasedor ordered for use in kindergartenor grades one through six because they of the art and contain toxic substances. This office can answer questions on and provide copies crafts materials list.
Asbestos Hotline Offce of Toxic Substances (TS-799) U.S. EPA 401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20460 (202) 554-1404 The nationwide Asbestos Hotline provides technical information concerning asbestos abatement problems in schools and gives referrals to other asbestos programs. Information specialistsanswerquestionsaboutcompliancewithregulationsandfundingsourcesforasbestos removal or encapsulation. Some California sources for information and assistance on asbestos are as follows: (415) 744-16-EPA
Region D( referral line (Recorded message with different services listed).
Resource Agencies
(415) 744-1093EPA Region IX also has information on asbestos inspection and management (AHERA) andon plans for schoolsundertheAsbestosHazardEmergencyResponseAct abatement funding under the Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Act (ASHAA). (916) 445-236O"office of the State Architect has a program for identification and abatement of hazardous asbestos conditions in state-owned buildings. (415) 703-5501-Cal/OSHA, for information on asbestos in the workplace. (see also Occupational Safetyand Health, California Division of, in this section for phone numbers and locations of area offices). (415) 703-5501"Cal/OSHA for a list of licensed asbestos certified contractors. There is a charge for this list, currently $30, make a check out to: The State of California, D.O.S.H., and send it to: Asbestos Contractors List D.O.S.H. P.O. BOX 420603 San Francisco,CA 94142 A m . O.C.C.U. (916) 255-3900"California Licensing Board for information on how contractorscan become licensed asbestos contractors. (800)638-2772-U.S.ConsumerProductSafetyCommissionforinformationonconsumer products containing asbestos.
Birth Defects Monitoring Branch, California California Department of Health Services Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control 5900 Hollis Street, SuiteA Emeryville, CA 94608 (510) 540-3091 The California Birth Defects Monitoring Branch (CBDMB) conducts an ongoing birth defects registry and cluster identification and investigation program. Theregistry includes all children borntoresidentsofthefollowingCaliforniacounties:Fresno,Kern,Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Merced, San Fmncisco, San Joaquin, Santa Clara, Shasta, Siskiyou, Stanislaus, and Tulare, who havea birth defect representedby one or more of over 500 diagnostic codes. Cases are identified and data abstracted by CBDMP fieldstaff.Theclusterinvestigationsystem responds to public inquiries regarding birth defect clusters or suspected birth defects from exposure to environmental agents including chemicals, infections, dietary factors, drugs, mediare cation, occupational exposures, etc. California clinicians and other community members encouraged to reportsuspected clusters of birth defects to the CBDMV.
Bureau of Home Furnishings 3485 Orange Grove Avenue North Highlands, CA 95660 Inquiries aboutfurniture or bedding: Sacramento: (916) 574-2040 Los Angelex(213) 897-4408
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Inquiries about thermal insulation: Sacramento: (916) 574-2046 The bureau provides free brochures on product flammability and howto purchase water beds, furniture, mattresses, etc., and how to deal with custom upholsterers. Publications are also available in Spanish. The bureau enforces California statutes and regulations governing upholstered furniture, bedding, and thermal insulation industries. Oversees guarantees, wananties and advertising for thermal insulation, waterbeds and furniture that contain filling materials (for example, sofas, to request a complaint form. The form pillows, quilts). For registering complaints call or write used by the Department of Consumer Affairs, Division of Consumer Services, is acceptable. also
California Environmental Protection Agency,Office of the Secretary 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 235 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-3846 (General Information) (916) 324-9670 (Communications office) (916) 324-9667 (Enforcement) (916) 323-2520 (External Affairs) (916) 322-7315 (Legislation) (916) 322-5844 (Regulatory Reform) (916) 327-1848 (Help Desk) InJuly1991,theCaliforniaEnvironmentalProtectionAgency(Cal/EPA)wascreatedto coordinate the State’s environmental quality programs and assure that there is a cabinet level voice for environmental protection. As a result the reorganization process, CaWPA consists of: Office of the Secretary
Air Resources Board Department of Pesticide Regulation Department of Toxic Substance Control Integrated Waste ManagementBoard Office of Environmental HealthHazard Assessment Boards State Water Resources Control Board and Regional Water Quality Control These programs represent the basic components of the State’s environmental protection efforts, m individually but more programs may be included in the future. The CayEPA programs describedelsewhere in thissection.Seealso,theHazardousMaterialsDataManagement Program, Cal/EPA.
California Institute for Rural Studies P.O. Box 2143 Davis, CA 95617 (916) 756-6555 The institute is a nonprofit, public interest organization specializing in contemporary problems andconcernsofruralCalifornia.Takesinterestinexaminingquestions of pesticideuse, worker health and safety, and resource use issues. Educational materials include 2 slide showsa 15-minute one, “Pesticides: A Guide for Farmworkers” and a 22-minute one, “Clean Water: Who Needs It?” These come with a cassette tape sound track in Spanish or English. Also
Resource Agencies
available is a guidebook for California farmworker agencies that includes information on how to handle a poisoning case, the symptoms of pesticide illness, workers' legal rights, etc. The CIRS Rural Toxics Project provides direct support (advice and referrals) for individuals who have been adversely affected by exposure to agricultural chemicals. This program also organizes technical assistance for farmers are whoseeking to reduce or eliminate the use of toxic chemicals in growing crops.
Cancer Surveiilance Section California Department of Health Services 601 N. Seventh St. P.O. Box 942732 Sacramento, CA 94234-7320 (916) 327-4663 Hours: 8 ~ 0 0AM":OOPM Operates the California "umor Registry (CTR), which is a statewide population-based cancer reporting and surveillance system. Data collected through ten regional registries will enable the Department of Health Services to monitor the Occurrence of cancer among the entire population of the state. Each year the CTR collects data on an expected 120,000 cancer cases a year diagnosed throughout the state. Mandatory cancer reporting was initiated on a staggered basis, 1, the first registries reporting data effective January 1,1987, and the last registry effective July 1988. Non-confidential data are made available on request to universities, health departments, be updated annually. Access to confidential data by and the public on magnetic tape which will qualified researchers is possible upon review and approval of a detailed study proposal by the Human Investigation Review Committee of the State of California or its designee.
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch California Department of Health Services 5801 ChristieAve., Ste., 600 Emeryville, CA94608 (5 10) 450-2445 TheCaliforniaChildhoodLeadPoisoningPreventionBranch(CLPPB)providestechnical assistance and educational materials to local health departments andc health m providers on the identification, treatments, and environmental management of childhood lead poisoning. Since lead poisoning is a reportable condition,program this maintains a surveillance system that assists local health departments in effrciently following up cases and determining the magnitude and causes of identified cases. Conducting research on medical, epidemiological, abatement, and environmental issues areprogram a mandate. CLPPB also works with the Air DHS and Industrial Hygiene Laboratory on a laboratory proficiency assurance program.
Citizens for a Better Environment-California 501 Second Street, Suite 305 San Francisco, CA 94107 (415) 243-8373 CBE is a California organization that seeks to reduce human exposure to toxic chemicals in the urban environment. It works through technical research, watch dogging government agencies
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and industry, public information and participation and responsible legal action. Current concerns in California include toxics in San Francisco Bay, state hazardous materials policy and environmental racism. Publishes Environmental Review and various reports.
Communicable Disease Control, Divisionof California Department of Health Services 2 15 1 Berkeley Way, Room708 Berkeley, CA94704 (510) 540-2566 (days) (510) 540-2308 (nights, weekends, holidays) This Branchis responsible for the surveillanceof infectious diseasesof public health importance in California. The Branch also provides consultation and assistance to local health departments, other agencies, and physicians on the diagnosis and public health control and management of infectious disease problems. In addition, the Branch consults on public health aspectsof food borne diseases caused by natural biological toxins suchas paralytic shellfish poisoning(PSP), possiblemushroompoisoning,andbotulism.TheBranchcollaborateswithpoisoncontrol centers in the management of these food borne toxin diseases.
Consumer Affairs, California Department of Consumer Assistance Office 400 R Street, Suite 1040 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-1254
The California Department of Consumer Affairs’ Division of Consumer Services educates and informsconsumersabouttheirrightsandresponsibilitiesinthemarketplace,andprotects consumen from deceptiveor fraudulent business practices. The Division of Consumer Assistance Office:Assists consumers with complaintsby advising them on steps toward resolving marketplace problems. General Complaints Main Office (See above) Consumer Infoline (800) 344-9940 Provides California consumers with a variety of pre-recorded consumer information. Thedepartment’sconsumerbookletscoveravariety of subjects,includingsalestactics, landlord-tenant relations, and auto repair. To obtain a copy of the publications list, send a stamped, legal-size envelope to: Publications List 400 R Street Sacramento. CA 95802
Resource Agencies
Consumer Protection Offices State, county, and some city governments have consumer protection offices locatedinthe stateattorneygeneral'sandlocaldistrictattorney's offices. The staff in these offlces can help consumers resolve complaints, furnish information and helpful publications, or provide otherservices.Becausemostofficesrequirethatcomplaints be inwriting,theconsumer might save time by writing, rather than calling, with the initial complaint. (See also Dept. of ConsumerAffairs)
Cooperative Extension, University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Each countyin California is served by the University of California Cooperative Extension, with offices in 57 of the Counties. Sometimes called the Farm and Home Advisors Office, it isstaffed by farm, home, marine, forest,and 4-H youth development advisors whoare academic employof the University and apply them to the ees of the University. They bring together the resources needs of localareas.The advisorsare often ableto help with information on the uses and hazards are supportedbyCooperative of pesticidesforhome,farm,andforestuse.Theadvisors m located at the Extension specialists and other University researchers. Statewide specialists Berkeley, Davis, and Riverside campuses of the University of California and at the Kearney Agriculture Center in Parlier. Several special services should be mentioned
The m c e of Pesticide Information and Coordination provides liaison between the University of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the various state agencies which of California Division Program generates benefit assessment data regulate pesticides. The Pesticide Impact Assessment on registered pesticides. For both of these programs contact: M.W. Stimmann Statewide Pesticide Coordinator Environmental Toxicology University of California Davis, CA 95616 (916) 752-7011
U.C. Cooperative Extension also produces pesticide education and safety training materials in both the English and Spanish languages and has a full-time Extension Toxicologist who is to members of the public: available to provide information A. Craigmill Extension Toxicologist Environmental Toxicology University of California Davis, CA 95616 (916) 752-2936
The Centerfor Pest Management Research and Extensionserves as a clearing house for pest and management informationin UC, helping to identify emerging issues and recommend short long term research and extension priorities.
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Center for Pest Management Research and Extension Robert K.Washino, Director University of California Davis, CA 95616 (916) 752-5274
The Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project was created by the California Legislature to develop and promote the use of integrated, ecologically sound pest management programs, is available in publications and on-line data systems, also conducts A wide variety of information extensive programs in pesticide applicator training.
P M Project F.W. Zalom, Director University of California Davis, CA 95616 (916) 752-8350 Drinking Water and Environmental Management, Division of California Department of Health Services 21 51 Berkeley Way, Room 458 Berkeley, CA 94704 (510) 540-2158 Headquarters: 601 North Seventh Street P.O. Box 942732 Sacramento, CA 94234-7320 (916) 323-6111 Collectsandevaluateswaterqualityinformationondrinkingwaterin California Provides assistance to local health departments, water purveyors, and the general public on issues related to water quality, water supply, and water treatment. Advises state and regional water quality control boards on public health protection of water supplies. In cooperation with the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Branch, develops state drinking water standards and insures compliance with drinking water standards by water purveyors. Other regional and/or district officesare as follows: Santa Rosa-50 D Street, Suite 205,95404-4752, (707) 576-2145 Sacramento-8455 Jackson Road., Room 120,95826, (916) 387-3126 Redding415 Knollcrest Drive, Suite 110,96002, (916) 224-4800 Fresno-5545 E. Shields Avenue, 93727, (209) 297-3883 StocktonState Bldg. 31 E. Channel Street, Room270,95202, (209)948-7697 Santa Barbara-530 E. Montecito St, Room 102,93105, (805) 963-8616 Santa Ana-28 Civic Center Plaza, Room 325,92701, (714) 558-4410 L o s Angeles-l449 West Temple Street, Room 202,90026, (213) 620-2980 San D i e g e t a t e Bldg., 1350 Front Street, Room 2050,92101, (619) 525-4159 San Bernardino-l836 S. Commercenter Circle, Suite B, 92408, (909) 383-4328
Resource Agencies
Emergency Medical Services Authority, California 1930 9th Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA958 14 (916) 322-4336 FAX # (916) 324-2875
The Emergency Medical Services Authority has developed general guidelinesfor the medical management of hazardous materials victims in the field and hospital emergency departments. are available to health professionals. The “Hazardous Materials Medical Management Protucols” Training courses are jointly offered with the University of California Hazardous Substances Programs and the California Specialized Training Institute(CSTI) for personnel involved inor planning for the emergency medical response to hazardous materials incidents. This training of patients, and limiting covers such topics as site safety, triage and medical management secondary contamination. CSTI and the University of California at Davis Extension shouldbe contacted directly to register. The EMS Authority also manages the Regional Poison Control Centers Program.
Emergency Services Warning Center, Office of (California) 2800 Meadowview Road Sacramento, CA95832 (9 16) 262- 1800 General information (800) 852-7550 24 hours a day, (916) 391-7715 for radiation emergencies
Serves as the central notification point for hazardous materials incidents throughout the State. Notifies other State agencies which are qualified to give technical assistance and information regarding hazardous materials incidents. (See chart on inside of back cover for notification information flow).
Environmental Health Investigations Branch Caliiomia Department of Health Services 5900 Hollis Street, Se., E Emeryville, CA 94608 (510) 540-3657 The Environmental Health Investigations Branch(Em) assists local governments and regulatoryagenciesininvestigatinghealthproblemsthatmay be relatedtochemicals or other non-infectious agents in the environment. For example, EHIB has investigated unusually high illnesses that have occurred in some neighborhoods where numbers of cancer cases or other rare to other concerns about there may havebeen exposures to toxic substances. EHIB also responds possible long-term health effects from exposure to agents in the environment, such as effects food contamination, or newmedicaltechnologies.Thestaff,which fromachemicalspill, includes physicians, scientists, and health educators, provides information to the public, and training and technical assistance on environmental health issues for local governments, regulatory agencies, health care providers, and non-governmental organizations. of exposure to EHIBisoverseeing the conduct of studiesonthepossiblehealtheffects electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated by electric power lines and electric appliances. The
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studies m focused on childhood cancers and spontaneous abortions. The section has also produced educational materials, sponsored trainingon EMF for local health staff, and worked with the Public Utilities Commission, Energy Commission, and others in developing public policy regarding the complex EMF issues. In late 1991, funding for this activity was terminated. be reinstated at a later date. However, there is a possibility that the program may
Environmental Health Division California Department of Health Services 601 North Seventh St, P.O. Box 942732 Sacramento, CA 94234-7320 (916) 322-2308
Responds to information inquiries on all environmental health effects. Coordinates activities involving State Food and Drug, Radiological Health, and Environmental Management.
Exposure Assessment and Molecular Epidemiology Section California Department of Health Services Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control 5900 Hollis Street, Suite E Emeryville, CA 94608 (510) 540-3657, FAX (510) 540-2673 This section assesses human exposure to environmental, chemical, and physical agents. Exposure assessment is needed for thetoxicologicalcharacterization of risk or theinterpretation of environmental epidemiological results.The National Priority List Health Assessments Unitof this section reviews existing historical, environmental, and epidemiological information about Superfund sites in the state. This unit assesses the potential health consequences, further needed information, and necessary public actions related to each site. The Exposure Field Investigation Team carries out exposure field investigations and provides technical guidance to laboratories and regulatory agencies. They also assess measurements taken by others to estimate human exposures and provide training to county personnel on exposure assessment.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/ Fetal Alcohol Effects Prevention Assistance Program California Urban Indian Health Council, Inc. 3637 Marconi Ave. Sacramento, CA95821 (916) 484-4353
The California Urban Indian Health Council (CUIHC) Fetal Alcohol SyndmmePetal Alcohol Effects Prevention Assistance Program (FASFAE) is available to provide workshop training upon request to health care professionals who want to learn more about FASFAE. Technical assistance is also provided to help local agencies establish referral and treatment networks with Indian Health Clinics and other agencies throughout the State of California. Assistance will also be given in designing and implementing public awareness campaigns about FASPAE. FASPAE Community Education Materialare available at cost.
Resource Agencies
Food and DrugBranch California Department of Health Services 601 North Seventh Street Sacramento, CA 94234-7320 (916) 445-2263
Regional offices: 2151 Berkeley Way, Room 610 Berkeley, CA94704 (5 10) 540-2261 8455 Jackson Road, Suite120 Sacramento, CA 95826 (916) 387-3125
1449 W. Temple St, Rm. 224 Los Angeles, CA 90026 (213) 620-2965
Responsible for public protection programs for food, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, hazardous household products, and cancer quackery. Programs are designed to prevent manufacture, distribution and sale of adulterated, misbrandedor falsely advertised products. Activities include but are not limitedto investigation of complaints, routine inspectionof facilities, licensing of a variety of manufacturers, and preparation of materials relevant to court actions. State Food and 10 district offices. Food and drug investigators are Drug is headquartered in Sacramento and has located throughout thestate and may be called into service at any time.
Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service (HESIS) caliomia Departments of Health Services and Industrial Relations Divison of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control 2 15 1 Berkeley Way, Annex 11,3rd Floor Berkeley, CA 94704 For workplace hazard information, please write. For other business, call (510) 540-2115. Reviews and evaluates information on health effects of toxic substances in the workplace only. Providesearlywaming of newlyidentifiedoccupational health hazards, so thatworkers, employers, health professionals and government agencies can take action to reduce exposures. Responds to inquiries concerningthe health effects of toxic substancesin the workplace, safe work practices, health and safety controls, and methods for monitoring workers’ health. Inquiries must be work-related.Occasionallyprovidesplanningassistanceandspeakersforoccupational health training programs. Staff includes toxicologists, physicians, a health educator, and industrial hygienists.
Hazardous Materials Data Management Program Caliiornia Environmental Protection Agency 555 Capitol Mall, Sutie235 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 327-1848 or (916) 327-1849 The Hazardous Materials Data Management Program in the California Environmental Protection
Agency (CaWA) collects, manages and distributes toxic information in California. The Office has the following features: Help Desk A central location for obtaining assistance and referrals on any hazardous substancerelated question. Guide to Toxic Databases: Document that lists existing hazardous substances databases, summato contact for further information. rizes their purpose and content, and tells who
from various Facility Inventory: A database that combines facility identification and information programs which regulate facilities handling hazardous substances at federal, state, and local levels of government. 313 of the Emergency Planning and CommuToxic Chemical Release Inventory: Under section nity Right-To-Know Act (Title 111 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Actof 1986), facilities are required to file a Toxic Chemical Release Form with the United States Environmental hotection Agency and the California Environmental Affairs Agency, on any release to air, water and land as well as discharges to publicly-owned treatment works and as well as copies of the transfers to off-site locations. Summaries of the information reported, Desk.” forms, may be obtained from the “Help
chemical Cross-Index(ListofLists):Undercontract,theUniversityofCalifornia,Davis compiled a cross-index of hazardous chemicals regulated by various state and federal agencies. The cross-index shows,for each chemical, whetheror not the chemical is regulated under each of 14 programs. The Guide to Hazardous Substances Reporting Requirementsdescribes the current structureof state, federal, and local environmental regulatory agencies, and lists appropriate contacts. Over 40 state and federal environmental reporting forms are illustrated, along with specific regulatory program contact information, filing criteria, filing frequency, and due dates for the reports. The relevant local business plan form, a listof helpful telephone numbers and possible sourcesof financial assistance are included. Copies of the guide, which costs $30, may be ordered by writing to the Hazardous Materials Data Management Programat the above address.
Indoor Air Quality Branch, California California Department of Health Services Divison of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control 2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA94704 (5 10) 540-2469 California has established the first state program devoted entirely to addressing indoor environmental problems in private residences, schools, offices, and public buildings. The California Indoor Air Quality Sectionis responsible for promoting, coordinating, and conducting research aimed at understanding the determinants of healthful indoor environments. The ultimate goal is so that health risks can to assem the nature and magnitude of potential hazards within the state be evaluated rationally.
Resource Agencies
Labor Occupational Health Program (LOHP) School of Public Health University of California, Berkeley 2515 ChanningWay Berkeley, CA 94720 (5 10) 642-5507 Provides training sessions, publications, films, slide shows and technical assistance on occupational health and safety issues. Allows use of their extensive resourcelibrary with information available on hazard identification, toxicology, industrial hygiene, health and safety organizing, standards and regulations, ergonomics and VDT training, hazardous waste and toxic cleanup, trainingsessionsonAIDS in theworkplace,etc.Hazardawarenessandwastetrainingis available in both Spanish and English.
Labor Occupational Safw and Health (LOSH) Program Center for Labor Research and Education University of California, Los Angeles 1001 Gayley Ave., 2nd Floor L o s Angeles, CA90024 (310) 794-0369, or (310) 794-0390 Offers training courses for workers, union members, and health professionals on health and safety as requested, large conferences on current issues in occupational health; a quarterly newsletter, “Workers Connection”; brochures on health and safety topics (some in Spanish); technical and research assistance; and student interns specializing in occupational safety and health. Provides educational, audio visual, and written materials as well.
Laboratory Accreditation Program, Environmental California Department of Health Services 2 15 1 Berkeley Way, Annex 2 101 Berkeley, CA 94704-1 (510) 540-2800 Accreditation as a certified environmental laboratory in California is provided to applicant private and public laboratory facilities inareas the of drinking water, wastewater, and hazardous areas of certification are available, such waste testing, and for pesticide residues in food. Other as bulk asbestos testing and shellfish sanitation.ofLists laboratories certifiedto conduct drinking water, wastewater, or hazardous waste testing is available from the program. Lists are also available for bulk asbestos testing, bioassay testing (wastewater and hazardous waste), and radiochemistry. Special lists canbe produced, but are charged at the rateof $0.25/page.
Local health agencies, county andcity Local health agencies fresuently serve as a good information or referral source especially on hazards particular to their jurisdictions. They may also provide help to local citizens. Their general duties in respect to toxic substances are as follows: Local directors of environmental to toxic substance health are frequently involved in emergency and regulatory actions relative control. These actions might include inspection programs for underground storageor generation
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of hazardous materials, emergency response, and implementation of community right-to-know ordinances. Local health officers have broad authority and responsibility to protect the health and safetyof the public within their jurisdictions. This authority includes powers to take action in emergency and nonemergency situations involving toxic chemicals.
Local Government Commission, Inc. 909 12th Street, Suite 205 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 448-1198
The Local Government Commission, a nonprofit organization, serves both cities and counties and is directed toward promoting cooperative efforts among all levels of government. It is to problems of state and national involved in developing and implementing local solutions significance. In particular, the commission assists elected officials, government staff, and citize intheirefforts to designcomprehensivelocalpolicieswhichpreventpublicexposureto hazardousandtoxicmaterials.Thecommissioncanprovidetechnicalinformation,model policies, and strategic guidance on a wide variety of local programs to address the toxics problem (e.g.,zoningordinances;householdhazardouswastecollection;sanitary,building,and fire codeamendments;andseweruseordinances.)Publicationsinclude:“HouseholdHazardous Waste: Solving the Disposal Dilemma” (a handbook); “Low Cost Ways to Promote Hazardous Waste Minimization: A Resource Guide for Local Governments”; “Reducing Industrial ToxicWastesandDischarges:TheRoleofPOTW’s(PubliclyOwnedSewageTreatment Works)”; “Minimizing Hazardous Wastes: Regulatory Options for Local Governments”; and “Making the Switch, Alternativesto Using Toxic Chemicals in the Home.”
Medical Waste Management Program California Department of Health Services 601 North 7th Street P.O. Box 942732 Sacramento, CA 94234-7320 (916) 322-2042
The Medical Waste Management Program of the California Department of Health Services administers the Medical Waste Management Act(theAct) which stipulates how medical waste is to be contained, stored, transported, and treated (rendered non-infectious). This office responds to inquiries regarding appropriate handling of medical waste, inspects medical waste generators, permits medical waste treatment facilities and enforces the act in the 24 counties and 1 city for which the state Department of Health Services is the local enforcement agency. In the remaining 34 counties and 3 cities the local health jurisdiction serves as the enforcement agency. The counties and city for which this officeis the local enforcement agency are: Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Fresno, Glenn, Imperial, Inyo, Kings, Lake, Los Angeles, Mariposa, Mendocino, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Riverside, San Benito, Luis San Obispo, Sierra, Solano, Sutter, Yolo, and the City of Berkeley.
Resource Agencies
Occupational and Environmental Health, Center for, Davis University of California Division of Occupational/Enviromnental and Epidemiology Institute of Toxicology and Environmental Health Old Davis Road Davis, California95616 (916) 752-3317
The goalof the Centeris to increase understanding of the causes of human health problems due hazards and to worktowardsreducingmorbidityand tooccupationalandenvironmental mortality from these hazards through research and educational and clinical service. Research activities are concentrated in the area of epidemiology, toxicology and occupational medicine.
Occupational and Environmental Health, Center for, UCLA University of California,Los Angeles School of Public Health 10833 Le Conk Avenue, Room41,230 CHS Los Angeles, CA90024-1772 (310) 206-6920
The UCLA Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) is housed in the School staff from the Schools of Public Health, Nursing, and of Public Healthand embodies faculty and Medicine and the Institute of Industrial Relations.The mission of COEHis to train occupational healthprofessionals,conductresearch on occupationalandenvironmentalhealth,provide community outreach through continuing education, clinical services, and technical consultation. The Center is equipped with elaborate laboratory facilities to conduct toxicity tests and to identify and quantify organic compounds. Recently, the COEH has expanded its efforts to include environmental health research and two are theSchool training.TheCOEH is one of thethreeparticipatingunits(theother of Engineering and Architecture & Urban Planning) in the UCLA Toxics Reduction Group. COEH also has active collaborations in occupational and environmental health researchand are underway in Mextraining with scientists in Latin America and Asia. Special activities ico, Taiwan and Indonesia. The Occupational Health Clinical center and the Labor Occupational Safety Program and Health (LOSH) are integral parts of the COEH, which offer consultative services and educational opportunities to the community. See separate listings for detailed program descriptions.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine Clinic, UC Davis University of California, Davis Medical Center Professional Building, SuiteI 4301 X Street, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 734-2715
Clinic for medical evaluation of work related illness and injury, both industrial and agricul-
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tural. Screening of working populations, medical surveillance programs, workplace evaluaare Thursday afternoons tion, and medico-legal consultation and/or referral available. Hours from 1 t0 5 PM.
Occupational Health Center, UC lrvine University of California 19722 MacArthur Blvd. Irvine, CA 927 15 (714) 856-8640
The Occupational Health Center (IOHC) is headquarteredat the University ofCalifomia campus in h i n e . The center provides professional education, research and community services.
in industrial hygiene, occupational epidemiIOHC’s professional education includes specialties ology, occupational health nursing, occupational and environmental medicine, occupational and environmental toxicology, and occupational and environmental health education. IOHC’s community services include consultative assistance to nurses and physicians working in occupationa health engineering, industrial hygiene and safety evaluation, diagnosis of referred patients either by individual occupational medicine physicians or through the UCI Occupational Medicine Clinics, toxicity information, a resource centerfor published materials, a classroom space for community groups concerned with occupational health issues, environmental community health information, research into causesof occupational disease and cancer, and involvement with a regional tumor registry. Eligibility requirements: For professionalprograms, check with IOHC; medical services at UCI available only through referral. Bilingual services: Spanish College of Medicine Irvine, CA 927 17 (714) 856-7438
Occupational Health Clinicat UCSF and San Francisco General Hospital
San Francisco General Hospital Bldg.9, Room
1001Potrero Avenue San Francisco, CA94110 (415) 206-5391
Providesconsultation,diagnoses,andtreatmentofoccupationalandenvironmentalhealth problems by referral and appointment. Medical surveillance of lead, asbestos, and other worksite problems. Industtial hygiene services and worksite evaluations.
Occupational Health Clinical Center, UCLA Center for Health Sciences UCLA School of Medicine 10833 Le Conte Avenue Los Angeles, CA90024-1736 (310) 206-2086
Provides California employers and workers with convenient access to the resources of UCLA
Resource Agencies
Medical Center. Full range of services which include access to all UCLAMedicalCenter Services, the Occupational Medical Branch, independent medical examinations, occupational lung disease, occupational back pain program, and occupational medical seminars.
Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program California Occupational Health Branch California Department of Health Services 2 151 Berkeley Way, Annex 1 1,3rd Floor Berkeley, CA94704 (510) 540-3448(leave message) The Occupational Lead Posioning Prevention Program (OLPPP) maintains a registry of laboratory-reportedcases ofwork-relatedleadpoisoning in Californiaadults.Periodicanalysis identifies patterns of lead poisoning among individual industries and population groups. The program provides follow-up to occupational lead poisoning cases, to identify and control sources of lead exposure, and to investigate whether workplace lead exposures may result in take-home exposure and lead poisoning in household members. OLPPP develops educational materials and provides training about the hazards of lead to workers, employers, and health professionals. The program also makes recommendations for the prevention of lead poisoning. Legislation passed in 1991 established OLPPP, and provided for funding of the program through an annual fee assessed on lead-using industries.
Occupational Medicine Branch, UCLA Center for the Health Sciences, Room 37-131 University of California 1099 Heybum Avenue, Suite344 Los Angeles, CA90024-7027
Clinicalevaluation of occupationalandenvironmentalillnessandinjury.Medicalsurveillance of worker populations, worksite walk through surveys, applied research, and preventive and medico-legal consultative servicesare available. On-site worker training and medical testing can be arranged.
Occupational Medicine Clinics, UC lrvine University of California atb i n e 19722Mac Arthur Blvd. Irvine, CA 92715
Services and programs include patient evaluation and diagnosis, toxicity information, medical referral, and medical treatment.
Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA), California Division of The CaVOSHA Program has four independent cooperating components. Two which pertain here are the following. Alsosee units listed below.
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THE DMSION OF OCCUPATONALSAFETY AND HEALTH (DOSH) E n f o ~ e occupational s safety and healthstandards and regulations. Headquarters 455 Golden Gate Ave., Room 5202 San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 703-4341 Regional Offices Anaheim-2100 E. Katella, Suite 125, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 939-8611 Los Angeles-3550 West 6th Street, Room 413, Los Angeles, CA90020 "el: (213) 736-4911 Sacrament-2424 Arden Way, Suite 125, Sacramento CA 95825 Tel: (916) 263-2803 San Francisco-1390 Market Street, Suite 822, San Francisco CA 94102 Tel: (415) 557-8640 District offices are located in the following cities: Anahemanta Ana, Bakersfield, Concord, Covina, Fresno, Los Angeles, Modesto, Oakland, Pic0 Rivera, Redding, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, San Mateo, Santa Rosa, Torrance/Long Beach/ South Bay, Van Nuys, Ventura.
Provides free on-site consultation to employers and advice and information on occupational safety and health to employers and employee groups. The consultation service is not involved in CaVOSHA enforcement activities. Headquarters 455 Golden Gate Ave., Room 5246, San Francisco 94102 (415) 703-4050
Area Offices Downey-l0350 Heritage Park Drive, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670, (310) 944-9366 Fresno-l901 N. Gateway Blvd. Suite 102, Fresno, CA 93727, (209) 454-1295 Sacramen-2424 M e n Way, Suite 410, Sacramento, CA 95825, (916) 263-2855 San Dieg-7827 Convoy Court, Suite 406, San Diego, CA 921 11, (619) 279-3771 San Mat-3 Waters Park Drive, Room 230, San Mateo, Ca 94403, (415) 573-3864 units Inaddition,CaVOSHAhasthefollowingunits, descriptions follow the list):
alllocated in its headquarters(notethat
Public Informatiorr"(415) 703-4981 Audio visual Library-(415) 703-4050 Occupational CarcinogenControl-(415) 703-3631 Research and Standards Development"(415) 703-5501 Right to Know"(415) 703-45 11 Cal/OSHA PUBLIC INFORMATIONis as o m e for all CaVOSHA publications, which include fact sheets on general and specific job health and safety standards and issues. All Cal/OSHA publications are available at any local Cal/OSHA office or by calling (415) 703-5281.
Resource Agencies
AUDIO VISUAL LIBRARY provides VHS videotapes free of charge to those in California interested in promoting safety and health on the job. Tapes may be selected from a list of all tapes available through the Unit. The tapes am available without charge; the user need only pay return postage charges.For tape service information write to this unit at455 Golden GateAve. Room 5246, San Francisco, call(415) 703-4050, or FAX (415) 703-5131. MEDICAL UNIT responds to inquiries on all regulatory aspects of workplace exposure to toxic substances. Determines whether adverse health effects are being caused by a workplace of problems handled include tight or exposure and,if so, formulates corrective action. Example sick building syndrome and ergonomic work problems. There are 3 offices, San Francisco (415) 557-8640, Los Angeles (213) 736-4927, and Sacramento(916) 263-2793. OCCUPATIONAL CARCINOGEN CONTROL UNlT (OCCU) maintains a list of all industries usingregulatedcarcinogens (22 atpresent)andprovidesinformationregardingemployee exposures to carcinogens in California. All employers who work with asbestos on jobs greater Also contractors mustbe than 100 square feetof surface area must have a special registration. certified by the Contractors State License Board. (415) 703-5501 RESEARCH STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT UNIT develops healthstandards in conjunction with advisory committees.(415) 703-5501. RIGHT TO KNOW UNIT (aka HAZARD COMMUNICATION) reviews material safety data sheets (MSDSs) for accuracy and assists employers or employees in obtaining MSDSs from companies that refuse to give them out. (415) 703-4511.
Occupational Safety and Health, Santa Clara Center for 760 North First Street San Jose, CA95112 (408) 998-4050
Provides infomation on health effectsof toxic substances, including health and safety information onthe electronics industry. Provides health and safety advocacy information and movie and slide show rentals on occupational safety and health. Permits public use of library resources. Distributes newsletter and conducts workshops and trainings on specific occupational hazards, is a second language. especially for workers of limited literacy and those for whom English
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) Main oRce: 601 North 7th Street,Room 307/276 P.O. Box 942732 Sacramento, CA 94234-7320 (916) 324-7572
Address for sections listed below: 2151 Berkeley Way, Annex 11 Berkeley, CA94704
Air Toxicology and Epidemiology Section,(510) 540-3324 Pesticide and Environmental Toxicology Section, (510) 540-3063 Reproductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Section, (510) 540-2084, (916) 324-7572 The mice of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) of the California Environ-
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mental Protection Agencyis responsible for identifying the adverse effects of chemicals in the environment, and assessing the health risks associated with exposures to environmental contaminants. The department includes the following sections: The Air Toxicology and Epidemiology Section assesses air toxic contaminants and pollutants for the development of regulatory standards and health advisories. This section also reviews risk assessments ofair emissions from industrial facilities.
risks of envimmental ThePesticideandEnvironmentalToxicologySectionassessesthe contaminants in food, water, and some consumer items,as well as the risks of community and worker exposure to pesticides. This section also educates health professionals and the public about health effects of environmental toxicants.A list of publications is available. The Repraductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Section recommends which chemicals to include on the lists of Proposition 65 carcinogens and reproductive toxicants. It also develops guidelines that the State uses in determining which chemicals should be treated as carcinogens and reproductive toxicants, and in assessing their risks.
Pesticide Regulation, California Department of 1020 N Street, Room 100 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-4300
This departmentof the California Environmental Protection Agency is charged with ensuring the safe use of pesticides, protecting human health and the environment, and providing adequate tools and alternatives for pest managment.The Departmentof Pesticide Regulation (DPR) is the primary agency charged with assessing and mitigating the environmental and human health impacts of pesticide use. DPR oversees pesticide registration and the safety of the pesticide workplace, and enforces state and federal pesticide laws. DPR consists of six branches, five of which are pertinent here. These units are headquartered in Sacramento with various branch offices located throughout the state, as listed below. PESTICIDE ENFORCEMENTBRANCH 1020 N Street Room300 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-4038
Enforces EPAand Departmentallawsandregulationsandlabelrequirementsconcerning pesticide use throughout the state. Enforces pesticide residue regulations pertaining to food. Conducts a programof testing raw commodities intended for human consumption for pesticide residue levels. Oversees local enforcement by county agricultural commissioners. Branch Wlces: 727 Allston Way Berkeley, CA947 10 (5 10) 540-29 10 169 E.Liberty Ave. Anaheim, CA 92801-1014 (714) 680-7903
Resource Agencies
2895 N. Larkin, SuiteB Fresno, CA 93727 (209) 445-5401 PESTICIDE REGISTRATION BRANCH 1020 N Street, Room 332 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-4400 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1020 N Street, Room 445-4130 P.O. Box 942871 Sacramento, CA 94271-0001 (916) 654-1353 Responsible for all pesticide registration actions and a repository supporting registrationof all pesticides.
of registrant information
WORKER HEALTHAND SAFETYBRANCH 1020 N Street, Room 200 . Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-4222 Evaluates potential workplace hazards of pesticides. Evaluates pesticide exposure studiess u b risks from exposure mitted by registrants and conducts its own studies to evaluate potential to pesticides. Recommends measures designed to provide a safer environment for workers who handle or are exposed to pesticides. Provides medical advice and assistance on pesticide exposures. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORINGAND PEST "ENTBRANCH 1020 N Street, Room 161 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 324-4100 Monitors the environment(air, water and soil) to determine the environmental fateof currently registered pesticides, and identifies and recommends chemical, cultural and biological alternatives for managing pests. Branch Wlce: Statewide Air Pollution Center, Trailer 14 University of California, Riverside Riverside, CA 92521 (714) 787-4683 MEDICAL TOXICOLOGY BRANCH 1020 N Street, Room 234 Sacramento, Ca 95814 (916) 445-4233 Medical Toxicology Branch hastwo major functions: reviewof toxicology studies and prepmation of risk assessments. Data are reviewed for chronic andacute health effects for:new active ingredients and new products containing already registered active ingredients; label amendments on currently registered products which include major new uses; for and reevaluation of currently
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registered active ingredients.The results of these reviewsas well as exposure infomation from other branchesm used in the conduct of health risk characterizations.
Poison Control Centers Regional Poison Control Centers are staffed ,around-the-clock by clinical pharmacists with professional ceaification doctor of pharmacy degrees and specially trained registered with nurses as poison center specialists. Additional consultativesupport from a staff of oncall physician toxicologists certified in medical toxicology with primary specialties in internal, emergency, laboratory, or occupational medicine are immediately available. The staff provide the public, physicians, and other health care providers with information and consultation on poisoning emergencies involving household products, industrial chemicals, mushrooms and other plants, foods, and drug reactionsor overdoses. Referralsfor the diagnosis and treatment of poisonings are also given. The centers are a resource for the education of both the public and health are researching the epidemiology, prevenprofessionals, and most have health educators. They tion, and treatment of poisonings. The centers maintain extensive hazardous materials and for toxicopoisoning library with computerized databases, have access to chemical laboratories logical analyses to meet the needs of the public, health professionals, fist responders, and governmentagenciesforemergencyinformationonthetoxicandhazardouspropertiesof an important part in the hazardous material spill response system. chemical substances. They are A state program coordinating the regional poison control centers is operated under the Emergency Medical ServicesAuthority, listed separately. A list of Regional Centers and the counties each serves follows
FRESNO COMMONITY HOSPITAL Fresno Regional Poison Control Center P.0.Box 1232 Fresno, CA93715-1232 (800) 346-5922 (209) 445-1222
Counties served under the Fresno Regional Poison Control Center Mariposa, Madera, Merced, and "blare.
are Fresno, Kern, Kings,
LOS ANGELES REGIONAL DRUGAND POISON INFORMATION CENTER Drug and Poison Control Information Center 1925 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA90057-1465 (800) 777-M76(Public) (213) 222-3212(Public) (800) 825-2722(Physicians) (213) 222-8086(Physicians) (213) 226-4194 (Fax) Counties served under the Los Angeles RegionalDrug And Poison Information Center are Inyo, Los Angeles, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, and Ventura. S A N FRANCISCO BAY AREAREGIONAL POISON CONTROLCEN"ER
San Francisco General Hospital 1001 Potrero Avenue San Francisco, CA94110
Resource Agencies (800) 523-2222 (415) 206-6600 (415) 821-8513 (Fax)
Counties served under the San Francisco Bay Regional Poison Control Center are Alameda, Contra Costa, Del Nom, Humboldt, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Sonoma SANTA CLARA VALLEY MEDICALCENTER Regional Poison Control Center 75 1South Bascom Ave. San Jose, CA 95 128 (800) 662-9886 (408) 299-5112 (408) 286-2344(pa) Counties served under the Santa Clara Valley Regional Poison Control Center are Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara,Santa CNZ, and San Luis Obispo. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS MEDICALCENTER Poison Control Center 2315 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95817 (800) 342-9293 (916) 734-3692 (916) 724-7796(Fax) Counties served under the UCD Poison Control Center are Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa,ElDorado,Glenn,Lake,Lassen,Modoc,Nevada,Placer,Plumas,Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Solano, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, lbolumne, Yolo, and Yuba. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA S A N DIEGO MEDICAL CENTER San Diego Regional Poison Control Center 225 Dickenson Street, H-925 San Diego, CA 92103-1990 (800) 876-4766 (619) 543-6000 (619) 692-1876 (Fax) Counties served underthe San Diego.
San DiegoRegionalPoisonControlCenter
m Imperialand
Proposition 65 Implementation office (916) 445-6900 As the lead agency for the implementation of theSafe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65), the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) formulates policies and promulgates regulations relating to the Act; convenes meetings of a Scientific Advisory Panel responsible for identifying chemicalsto be listed and reviewing risk assessments on listed chemicals; and compiles the of listchemicals known to the State to cause
Russell et al.
cancer or reproductive toxicity. These activities Implementation Office.
m carried out by OEHHA's Proposition 65
Technical and scientific activities in support ofthesefunctions m carried out bytheReproductive Cancer Hazard Assessment Section. (See Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment) For more information, contact: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment P.O. Box 942732 601 N 7th Street Sacramento, CA 94234-7320
Public Health Library, University of California, Berkeley 42 Warren Hall University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 (5 10) 642-25 11 Hours when school is in session are 9:OO A"9:OO PM Monday-Thursday 9:OO AM":00PM Friday and Saturday 1:oo PM-5:00 PM Sunday Please callfor hours during intersession Contains a collection of approximately 80,000 monographs and 2,100 journals to support the research needs of the students, faculty, staff of the UC Berkeley campus, the personnel of the Department of Health Services, and the general public.
Radiologic Health Branch California Departmentof Health Services P.O. Box 942732 601 North SeventhSt. Sacramento, CA 94234 (916) 445-0931 Has general information on radiologic health effects and handling of materials. Makes referrals to consulting physicians and technicians. Offers hands-on help in emergency incidents. 24-hour emergency phone: (916) 445-0931.
Radon Program, California California Dept. of Health Services Environmental Management Branch P.O. Box 942732 601 North 7th Street Sacramento, CA 94234-7320 (916) 322-2040 (800) 745-7236 (recordingfor leaving information requests) Theradon program (1) identifies radon levels in California, including homes and schools;
Resource Agencies
(2) assesses public health effects; (3) develops appropriate mitigation response measures; and (4) develops educational materials.
Reproductive Epidemiology Section California Department of Health Services, Divison of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control 2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704-1011 (510) 540-2669
of miscarriage and infertility. The Reproductive Epidemiology Section investigates clusters This group conducts long term studies to identify causes of impaired reproductive function in menandwomen,particularlylookingforeffectsofsuchenvironmentalexposuresasenvironmental tobacco smoke, occupational solvent exposure and electro-magnetic radiation on fertility and pregnancy outcome.
San Francisco Bay-Detta Aquatic Habitat Institute 180 Richmond Field Station 1301 South 46th Street Richmond, CA 94804 (510) 231-9539 The San Francisco Bay-Delta Aquatic Habitat Institute conducts a research and monitoring program to evaluate the present and potential future effectsof pollution on the beneficial uses of the waters of San Francisco Bay and theSacramentGan Joaquin River Delta. The institute maintains an inventoryof existing research and monitoring in the Bay-Delta and provides this information to all scientists, organization, and the public. The on-line system can be accessed without charge by modem.
Structural Pest Control Board California Departmentof Consumer Affairs 1422 Howe Avenue, Suite 3 Sacramento, CA 95825-3280 Provides licensing and regulationof structural pest controloperators. General information and complaints (916) 263-2533 Sacramento (415) 557-9114 San Francisco (213) 897-7838Los Angeles Licensing information (916) 263-2544
Teratogen Information Services, California U.C. San Diego Medical Center Department of Pediatrics, 8446 200 W. Arbor Drive San Diego,CA 92103-8446
Russell et al.
(800) 532-3749 (619) 294-6084 Monday-Friday 9:00 A"5:OO PM TheTeratogen Infomation Serviceprovidesinformationontheeffects of drugs,medications, environmental exposures, infections, etc., on pregnancy to pregnant women and their health care providers,
Tox-anter 266 El Portal Palm Springs, CA 92264 (800) 682-9000 (in California only) (619) 778-1077 (619) 323-6275 (619) 323-6289 24 hours a day service The Tox-Center provides information from computerized databases on toxics to public safety rooms, and also to individuagencies, industries, physicians, chemists, hospital emergency alswho are referred bypoison controlcenters.Informationcan be faxed to theuser. In conjunction with state and county agencies, the center has also developed protocols, which satisfy state requirements,forresponding to spills, fires, andotheremergenciesinvolving hazardous materials.
Toxic Substances Control, Department of 400 P Street, 4th Floor, Sacramento P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 (916) 324-1826 The Department of Toxic Substances Control provides the executive management and control of the state's toxic control program and provides the necessary focus and leadership to assure adequate protection to human health and the environment.
are: SiteMitigation,HazardousWasteManagement Thedepartment'scoreprograms includes permitting and enforcement responsibilities) and External Affairs.
The overall goal of the Site Mitigation Program is to identify and clean up California sites where is anuncontrolledreleaseofhazardoussubstanceshasoccurred.Theprogram'semphasis directed toward base closures, privatization of site cleanup, and cost recovery. (916) 255-2006 The Hazardous Waste ManagementProgram combines the functions of permitting and enforceto themanagementofhazardouswaste.Waste mentforanintegratedstatewideapproach are alsoincorporatedintothe classification,treatmentstandards,andrecyclingstandards program to foster coordination of these distinct management elements. (916) 324-7193. This program also operates the Waste Alert Hotline (listed separately). The office ofExternalAffairsfocusesonpollutionprevention,technologydevelopment, industry and small business assistance, industry and community xelations, public participation and public education. (916) 324-2471 The department now has regional ombudspersons in each Egional office. The ombudspersons
Resource Agencies
m available to assist any outside interest with concerns, issues, and questions that the department is responsible to address.
The department has four regional offices
Toxic Substances Research and Training Program, University of California Systemwide University of Cdifornia Davis, CA95616 (916) 752-2097
The Toxic Substances Research and Training Program supports long-term research and graduate education in toxics-related fields that will help provide the new concepts and scientific talent of toxic chemicals in our environment. The program essential to solving the growing problems also servesas a focal pointof communication among researchers, industry, the government, and the public. A compendium of courses and research in the toxic substances field for the University of California is available on request.
Toxics Coordinating Project The California Toxics Coalition c/o National Toxics Campaign Fund 1912 F Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95814 (919) 446-3350
A statewide coalitionof environmental, labor, public health, victims, and community organizations and individuals. TCP’s missiontoisbuild a stnmg advocacy network to prevent the adverse impact of toxics on California’s health, economy, and environment. Thegroup’s policy focus includes: (1) prevention of toxic pollution before itoccurs, such as by supporting legislation to requireindustrytoreducetheuseoftoxics inmanufacturing; (2) expansionanduseof right-to-know laws, which enable citizens and workers to become better informed about the presence of toxic chemicalsin their area; (3) greater citizen participationin the formulationof toxics policies; and (4) the rights of those injured by toxic chemicals and the strict liability TCP was formedin 1985 by statewide toxics leaders of polluters responsible for those damages. representing key public interest constituencies. TCP brings together over100 California-based organizations with a broad spectrum of issue, geographical, and tactical perspectives, ranging from grassroots neighborhood groups to large statewide organizations. TCP’s newsletter, the “Toxics Watchdog,” is published six times per year.
Underground StorageTanks (UST) Contact address: State Water Resources Control Board P.O. Box 100 Sacramento, CA 95812-0100 General Information: Office of Legislative and PublicAffairs (916) 657-2390
Russell et al.
All58counties, by statelaw,havelocal “UST” programs. In addition,49citiesoperate independent urban UST programs within some counties. Whereas these local agencies are responsible for permitting, inspecting and overseeing UST closures, the nine regional water quality controlboards often take the lead in overseeing cases where releases from USTs affect,or threaten to affect., ground or surface water.
Video Display Terminals Coalition 2515 ChanningWay-2nd Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 642-5507
Statewide coalition of VDT users, unions, health and safety professionals. Provides on-site training sessions, technical assistance, and publications on video display terminal health and safety issues. Extensive library with files open to public. Publishes quarterly newsletter, Video Views, containing updates on legislation, research technology, etc.
Waste Alert Hotline Department of Toxic Substances Control 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 958 12-0806 (800)69-TOXIC(800)698-6942 This hotline is operated by the Hazardous Waste Management Program of the Department of Toxic Substances Control (see separate listing). It is for reporting suspected illegal hazardous waste managment activities suchas “midnight dumping.” Messages canbe left at any time, but only during normal working hours. Anonymous m calls accepted. An informant staff is available reward option is available.
Waste Information Service Hotline California Integrated Waste Management Board 8800 Cal Center Drive Sacramento CA 95826 1-800-553-2962 (Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM) Providesinformationonreducing,reusing,recycling,andcompostingwaste. Link4 toan electronic database that includes the location of more than 2,600 recycling centers and contains information about upcoming household toxic “roundups” and collection facilities.
Water Resources Control Board,State and Regional 901 P Street P.O. Box 944213 Sacramento, CA 94244-2130 (916) 657-0768
TheStateWaterResourcesControlBoardandnineregionalwaterqualitycontrolboards work together to preserve California water. The law assigns opera11 responsibility
for water
Resource Agencies
rights and water pollution control to the State WaterBoard and directs the regional boards to plan and enforce water quality standards within their boundaries.
Western Medical Center 1001 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 953-3339 Provides acute treatment for poisonings and spills. Furnishes complete decontamination services including a special decontamination facility which can simultaneously treat and decontaminate severely injured patients requiring stretchers. The facility is also capable of containing all drain are trainedandequippedwith water for testingandpossiblespecialdisposal.Personnel protective gearto minimize the potential of secondary injuries. Hyperbaric oxygen is available for treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Workers Compensation Insurance Carriers Workerscompensationinsurancecompaniesoftenprovideoccupationalhealthandsafety services to policy holdersfor free or at reduced cost. Many have industrial hygiene consultants who can provide adviceor on-site consultation and evaluation regarding chemical hazards.
Russell et al.
A Air quality managementhr pollution control districts, 696 Air Resources Board, California, 696 Air Toxicology and EpidemiologySection
See Office of Environ. Health Hazard Assessment, 7 13 Art Hazards Program, 6% See also Center for Safety in the Arts Asbestos Hotline, 6%
B Birth defects See also, TeratogenInfomation, 697 Birth Defects MonitoringProgram, California, 697 Bureau of Home Furnishings,697
C California EnvironmentalRotection Agency, 698 California Institutefor Rural Studies, 698 Cancer Surveillance Section,699 Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch, 699 Citizens for a Better Environment,699 Communicable Disease Control, Division of, 700 Consumer Affairs, CaliforniaDepartment of,700 Consumer ProtectionOffices, 701 Cooperative Extension, University of California, 701
Environmental Health Investigations Branch, 703 Environmental Information See Hazardous Materials Data Management Program, 705 Exposure Assessment Section,704
F Fetal Alcohol SyndromePetal Alcohol Effects Prevention Assistance Program,704 Food and Drug Branch, 705
H Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service, 705 Hazardous Materials Data ManagementPro. gram, 705 Home furnishings See Bureau of Home Furnishings, 697
I Indoor Air Quality Branch, 706 Integrated Waste Management Board, California See Waste Infomation Service Hothe, 722
Labor Occupational HealthProgram, 707 Labor Occupational Safety and HealthProgram 707 Laboratory AccreditationProgram, Environmental, 707 Lead Poisoning Prevention,699,711 Local Government Commission, Inc.,708 Local health agencies, county and city,707
Drinking Water and Environmental Management, Division of, 702
M Medical Waste ManagementProgram, 708
E Electromagnetic fields See Environmental Health Investigations Branch, 703 Emergency Medical Services Authority, California, 703 Emergency Services Warning Center,office of (California), 703 Environmental Health Division,704
0 Occupational and Environ. Health, Center for, Davis, 709 Occupational and Environ. Health, Center for, UCLA, 709 Occupational and Environ. Medicineclinic, UC Davis, 709 Occupational Health Center,UC Irvine, 710
Resource Agencies
Occupational Health Clinicat UCSF andSan Francisco General Hospital,710 Occupational Health Clinical Center, UCLA, 710 Occupational Lead Poisoning PreventionProgram, 711 Occupational Medicine Branch, UCLA, 71 1 Occupational Medicine Clinics, UC Irvine, 711 Occupational Safety and Health, California Division of, 711 Occupational Safety and Health, Santa Clara Center, 7 13 Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, 7 13
P Pest management and pesticide safety See Cooperative Extension, University of California, 701 Pesticide and Environmental ToxicologySection See Office of Environ. Health HazardAssessment, 7 13 Pesticide Regulation, California ment of, 7 14 Poison Control Centers,716 Proposition 65 See Office of Environ. Health Hazard Assessment, 713 Proposition 65 Implementation Office, 717 Public HealthLibrary, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 718
R Radiologic Health Branch,718
Radon Program, California, 718 Reproductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Section, 713 See Office of Environ. Health Hazard Assessment, 7 31 Reproductive Epidemiology Section, 719
S San FranciscoBay-Delta Aquatic Habitat Institute, 719 Structural Pest Control Board,719
T Teratogen Information Services, California,719 Tox-Center, 720 Toxic Substances Control, Department of,720 Toxic Substances Research and TrainingProgam University of California Systemwide,721 Toxics Coordinating Project,72 1
U Underground Storage Tanks,721
V Video Display Terminals Coalition,722
W Waste Alert Hotline, 722 Waste Information Service Hotline,722 Water Resources Control Board, State and Regional, 722 Western Medical Center,723 Workers Compensation Insurance Carriers, 723
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37 Resources for Toxicology Risk Assessment Po-Yung Lu and JohnS. Wassom Oak Ridge National Laboratory* Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Beneath the imposing structure of toxicological risk assessmentlies the dingy basement of uncertainties, extrapolation factors, and elusive information(Lu and Wassom,1994).
Risk assessment canbe viewed as a means of organizing and analyzingall available scientific information associated with probability. The purpose of this chapter is to review key information resources that can be used in conducting toxicological risk assessments. Before beginning an examination of these resources, we provide definitions of key words used in the text. The following definitionsare from theAmerican HeritageDictionary.
Information: Resource: Toxicology: Risk: Assessment:
Communicationofknowledge An availablesupplythatcanbe drawn uponwhenneeded The study ofthe nature, effects, and detection of any substance that causes injury, illness, or death Thepossiblity of suffering harm or loss; danger;afactor,element, or course involving uncertain danger; hazard Evaluation; appraisal.
From these words and definitions, two words form the cornerstone of all discussions regarding risk assessment:possibility and uncertainty. Over the past few years, toxicologyas a science has evolved into a multidisciplinary field . of study (Fig. 1) [see Casarett(1975) for an excellenttreatise on this subject]; however, no easy *Managed by Lockheed MartinEnergy Systems for the U.S. Department of Energy, under DEAC05-84OR21400.
contract number
Lu and Wassom
Figure 1 The disciplines of toxicology.
and quick means are available to assess the overall toxicity of a substance, whether it is chemical, physical, or biological. Risk assessment is not a precise science, and no magical methods, as y willprovideready-made,error-freeriskevaluation.Everyassessmentisunique,andeach combines knowledgeof specific data parameters and other information with a liberal portion of sound reasoning. Those who perform risk assessments must use all available reliable data and information to make sound forecasts. In 1983 and1994, the National Research Council (NRC) defined four steps in assessing the toxicological risks of an agent (e.g., a chemical). Access to dataand infomation may be necessary at any time during the risk assessment process, particularly for the first two steps. These stepsare 1. Hazardidentification 2. Dose-responseevaluation 3. Humanexposureevaluation 4. Riskcharacterization
For step one-identifying potential hazards posed by the agent-data and information must be reviewed on the toxicity, epidemiology, adsorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of action. Whenthe hazard has been identified, of the agent,as well as on the agent’s mechanism a dose-response evaluation must be made because the nature, severity, and risk of toxicity vary form of toxicity (e.g., genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, or teratogewith dose. For each established be established between an experinicity) caused by an agent, quantitative relationships should of the lackof human mental dose and one that induces a toxicological effect. However, because be done data, extrapolation from animal studies is frequently required. This extrapolation should with a good scientific basis, creating further need for reliable soumes of data and information. Determination of human exposure thus considers dose received, period of exposure, individual and population sensitivity, and population segments at risk of exposure. Finally, risk characterization can be established. The key to addressing these four steps effectivelyis the availability of required data and information.
Resourcesfor Toxicology Risk Assessment
II. INFORMATIONREQUIREMENTSFOR THE RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESS Much attentionis being givento the importanceof computer applications in the study of modem biology and in data storage. Risk assessment practitioners should have a thorough working knowledge of the personal computer and its applications. Another requirement in the risk assessment process is information access. With the emergence of computer networks suchas Internet, the infomation access opportunities available to risk assessors have been expanded significantly. By using this international information highway, of subjects and scientific one may access databases from all over the world to cover a variety disciplines. Several excellent references will provide interested individuals with details about this information resource (see Sec.
111. INFORMATION RESOURCES AVAILABLE FOR USE IN TOXICOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT The foundation of all research studies and health risk assessments is data that are usually obtained from the peer-reviewed scientific literature. Experimental data to needed make a health riskassessmentcan be obtained from theprimarytoxicologyliterature,orfromreliable, specialized information resources. For those who wish to do the searching themselves, we recommend a recent paper by Lu Wassom and (1993), which provides a guide to various sources that can be used to screen primary and secondary literature. Conversely, for those without the we recommend that such searches be done by time or experience to conduct literature searches, experiencedindividualswhoseprofessionaldutiesfocussolelyonsearchingtoxicological literature. One organization specifically designed this for purpose is the Toxicology Information Response Center (TIRC). The TIRC was organized at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in 1971 under the sponsorship of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). The center provides custom search services to the scientific, administrative, and public communities under a cost-recovery system. It has access to the expertise and information resourcesof ORNL, as well as on-line access to virtually all theworld’s scientific and technical databases (Table 1). of The TIRC cansupplyinformationonthetoxiceffectsofchemicals;theamounts chemicals released in specific locationsbyorspecific companies; the environmental uptake and transport of chemicals; protective measures and cleanup procedures for hazardous chemicals; genetic, teratogenic, and carcinogenic effects of chemicals; regulatory standards; and properties and structural classification of chemicals. repom, to Products available fromTIRC range from customized bibliographies and formal the design of specialized databases. The TIRC staff works closely with the requestor to refine and clarify needs and develop a reasonable cost estimate based onstaff per-hour charges, on-line use of copyright fees, andrepduction costs. Products canbe provided in printed or electronic form. Requestsmay be directed to TIRC by mail, telephone, or fax. Toxicology Information Response Center Attention: Kimberly G. Slusher Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1060 Commerce Park MS-6480 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Telephone: 615/576-1746Fax:615/574-9888 e-mail: [email protected]
Lu and Wassom
Table 1 Sampling of National On-Line Infomtion Systems Seamhed by TIRC Database Integrated AGRICOLA Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Aquatic Information Retrieval (AQUIRE) Data Chemical Information System (CIS) Chemical Regulationsand Guidelines System (CRGS) Chemical Carcinogenesis Reseamh Information System (CCRIS) Chemical Identification (ChemID)Fie Chemical Abstracts On-line (CAS ONLINE) EffectsToxic ofCHEMLINE Registry Congressional Information Service(CIS) Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Dialog Information Service (DIALOG) Energy Science and Technology ENFLEX ENVIROLJNE Environmental Bibliography Environmental Fate Data Bases Federal Research in P r o p s (FEDRIP)
Federal Register Abstracts Federal Register Integrated Technical Information System(ITIS)
Risk System Information Legal Resource Index LEGISLATE
Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System (MEDLARS) National Technical InformationService (NTIS) NEXUS Occupational Safety andHealth (NIOSHTIC) Pollution Abstracts PTS Newsletter Data Base @=CS) Scientific and Technical Information Network (Sm) Toxic Chemical Release Inventory(TRI) Toxicology Literaturefrom special sources (TOXLl'T andTOXLlT65)
Toxicology Information Online(TO-) Toxicology Data Network (TOTransportation Research Information Service (TRW
Water Resources Abstract(WRA) WATERNET
In response to the needs of individuals faced with the voluminous array of expanding environmental requirements and regulations, TIRC has expanded its services to include environmental regulation information. In additionto customamputerizedsearches for specific regulations or analysis, TIRC provides analyses ofU.S. Department of Energyorders, assessment of probablecomplianceissues,identification of treatmentoptions,proceduraloptions,expert identification, legislative tracking, and litigation history. Environmental regulatory products from customsearchesandanalytical reports to thedesignof availablefromTIRCrange specialized databases, PC-expert systems, newsletters, and reference books. To illustrate the nature and complexity of the types of questions that can be answered by TIRC, the following list is a sample of searches received and processed during the last few months.
Is the chemical dioxin a carcinogen? been shown tobe teratogenic? Has the chemical ethylene oxide Does the chemical 13-butadiene induce point mutations? On which regulatory listsis the chemical benzo[a]pyrene found? in water? What is the acceptable concentration of the chemical acrylamidedrinkiig What is theslopefactor,thereferencedose,andthereportablequantity for thechemical ethylene glycol? Have anyQ S A R studies been performedon the class of compounds called nitrosamines? What transgenic animal models are available for the study of diabetes?
Resources for Assessment Toxicology Risk
To address effectively the responsibilities associated with the risk assessment of chemicals, access to reliable toxicological information resourcesis needed. To provide some insight into such resources, descriptions and commentaries are given in this section for selected databases, information files, and publications dealing with genetic toxicology, carcinogenicity, and general toxicology. An excellent historical review on the development of several key databases (Waters, 1994) is described in the following sections.
A. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Genetic Toxicology Database The Genetic Toxicology (Gene-Tox) database is a product of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) GeneTox Program (Waters, 1994, Auletta et al., 1991). This program was initiatedin1979at ORNL, for conductingasystematicevaluationofselectedshort-term bioassays detecting genotoxic activity and presumptive carcinogenicity. Sponsored and directed EPA’s Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances, by the Officeof Testing and Evaluation within by the Environmental Mutagen informathe Gene-Tox Program was conducted and coordinated tion Center(EMIC) of the Biomedical and Environmental Information Analysis (BEIA) Section for establishing standard genetic toxicolof OWL.The Gene-Tox Program provides a resource ogy testing and evaluation procedures in the regulation of toxic substances. At the end of 1991, peer-reviewed informationon over 4600 different chemicals had been entered intothe Gene-Tox database. This information represents evaluation of these compounds in 1 or more of 64 genetic toxicology and9 cell transformation assaysor test systems. The Gene-Toxdatabase is available on-line through U ’ s ToxicologyDataNetwork CroXauET) system (Vasta and Casey, 1991). Information from the Gene-Tox database is also included in chemicalrecords of the Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB), and locator tags are placed with chemical records that are part of the Chemical Identification file and the Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances database (Hazard and Hudson, 1993). Information on accessing the Gene-Tox database may be obtained from theHSDB address shown on page 733. In our opinion, the Gene-Tox database provides the best, and most reliable, means of acquiring an assessment ofa chemical agent’s genotoxicity. This resource is a suggested starting point when gathering information about the ability of a chemical to induce damage to the genome of different organisms. Answers to several types of questions, suchas the following, are possible for chemicals evaluatedby the Gene-Tox program. What genetic toxicology data exist for a specific chemical? For which chemicals have certain specific mutagenicity assays been conducted? What chemicalsor classes of chemicals are responsive (or unresponsive) in given test systems? What are the best assay systems to use in determining genotoxicity of a specific chemical? What assaysare unlikely to give a good indication of the genotoxicityof a specific chemical? What is the likelihood that an untested chemical will be genotoxic basedon the known activity of chemicals thatare structurally or functionally analogous? are the in vitro assay systems? How predictive of mammalian in vivo genotoxicity How predictive of heritable mutagenicity and of carcinogenicity are given assays?
B. International Agencyfor Research on Cancer Monographs In 1 9 71,the International Agency far Research on Cancer (IARC) initiated a program to evaluate the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans. The object of the program was to provide government authorities with expert independent scientific options concerning environmental carcinogenesis through the publicationof critical reviews of Carcinogenicity and related data.
Lu and
The aim of IARC is to evaluate possible human carcinogenic risk from detailed review and analysis of pertinent literature. The IARC Monographs summarize evidence for the carcinogenicity of individual chemicals and other relevant information on the basis of data compiled, reviewed, and evaluated by a working panel of experts. Priority is given to chemicals, groups of chemicals, or industrial processes for which at least some suggestion of carcinogenicity exists, either from evidence of humanexposureorfromobservationsinanimals.Notethattheinclusion of aparticular compound in an IARC volume does not mean that it is carcinogenic. As new data become available on chemicalsfor which monographs have already been prepared, or as new principles for evaluation evolve, reevaluations may be made at subsequent IARC meetings. If the new evidence wanants, revisedIARC Monographs are published. or other agents have been reviewed by IARC. More than loo0 chemicals, chemical groups, Asof October1995, 62 volumesof the IARC Monographs andseveralsupplements had been published. These volumes contain indexes both for chemical name and molecular formula as well as Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)registry numbers. The monographs provide the best and most thorough review of chemical-induced cancer in animals. Carcinogenicity evaluations have not been made on all the chemicals reviewed because either the data were unavailable or the data were judged inadequate for evaluation. Specialized information files and databases developed at ORNL, such as the EMIC file and the Gene-Tox database, are used routinely byIARC in the production of its monographs. The IARC Monographs may be obtained by contacting any bookseller through the network ofWorldHealthOrganization sales agents. Thesemonographs also are distributed internationally to governmental agencies, industries, and scientists. The monographs canbe used as a quick reference sourcefor information on the chemicals reviewed by IARC in the followingareas: 1. Chemical and physical data and analysis 2. productionand use 3. Occurrence
4. Regulationsandguidelines 5. Carcinogenicity In experimental animals Human potential 6. Adsorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion Toxicity 7. 8. Genotoxicity 9. DeveloprnentaVreproductivetoxicity
C. Hazardous Substances Data Bank The Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB), formerly called the Toxicology Data Bank in the early 1970s under the sponsorship of NLM. (Oxyman et al., 1976), was prepared ORNL by of over 4300 comprehensive chemical records. It is a numerical and factual database composed These records contain about 150 different data elements grouped into 11 categories, as well as administrativeinformation.Thecategoriesincludepharmacologicalandtoxicologicaldata (e.g., LD50 values), environmental and occupational information, manufacturing anduse data, regulatory information, analytical methods, and information on the physical properties of each chemical. Substances selectedfor HSDB include high-volume production or exposure chemicals; drugs and pesticides exhibiting potential toxicity or adverse effects; and other substances subject to regulation under the provisions of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Assessment Resources Riskfor Toxicology
Compensation, and Liability Act(CElRCLA) of 1980 (Supexfund) and the Superfund Amendment Reauthorization Act(SARA) of 1986. The information used inan HSDB record is selected mostly from secondary sources, such as standard referencebooks, handbooks, criteria documents, and monographs. The data extracted from secondary sources are reviewed quarterly by a scientific review panel (SW)of experts SRP are professional toxicologists, industrial hygienists, and convened by NLM. Members of the or industry. TheSRP may select additional information environmental engineers from academia from pertinent literature and develop it into consensus statements for on-line databases, suchas Toxicology Information Online (TOXLINE). The additional information is then incorporated intoan HSDBrecord to ensurethat the recordcontainsthe' most! relevantandaccurate information available. Records in HSDB are, in our opinion, the best on-line resources for obtaininginformation on thegeneraltoxicit) of achemical.Componentsincludedinthe toxicology category of theHSDB database are shown in Table 2, which illustrates thetype of information that this database can provide. Readers can obtain further information on HSDB by contacting Specialized Information 8600 Rockville Pike; Service; Toxicology Information Program; National Library of Medicine; Bethesda, MD 20894.
D. The U.S. Air Force Installation Restoration Toxicology Guide The U.S. Air Force Installation Restoration Toxicology Guide (AFTG) was sponsored by the and by staff ofthe BEIA Harry G. Armstrong Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory prepared Section of ORNL. It is a peer-reviewed, five-volume document consistingof over 3500 pages that are devoted to a review of the toxicology of select chemical compounds. One of the objectives of AFKi is to provide individuals responsible for managing and Table 2 Data Elements of Toxicity and Biomedical Effects of the Hazardous Substances DataBank, National Library of Medicine Toxicity summary Toxic hazard rating Antidote and emergency treatment Medical surveillance Toxicity excerpts Human toxicityexcepts Nonhuman toxicity excerpts Toxicity values Human toxicityvalues Nonhuman toxicity values Ecotoxicity values Minimum fatal dose level Populations at special risk Pharmacokinetics Absorption, distribution and excretion Metabolism/metabolites Biological half-life Mechanism of action Interactions
Lu and Wassom
implementing theU.S. Air Force Installation RestorationProgram with informationto evaluate health hazards associated with actual or potential contamination of drinking water supplies. Volumes 1through 4 of AFTG contain information on70 chemicals and complex mixtures that are of environmental concernto the U.S. Air Force. Volume 5 contains similar information on 7 metals and over 80 environmentally significant compounds containing these metals. Data summary sections that provide concise, easily accessible data useful to environmental engineers precede detailed environmental and toxicological review sections. These summaries include chemical names and synonyms: registry numbers; physicochemical data; information on reactivity and handling precautions; soil-water persistence; pathways of exposure; health hazard data; environmental standards and criteria; and state, federal, and European Economic Community regulatory status. AFTG include detailed information The toxicology review sections for each chemical in the well as information on developmental toxicity, on acute, subchronic, and chronic toxicityasdata, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity. Environmental information for each chemical encompasses environmental fate and exposure pathways and fate and transport in soil and ground water. A section on biological monitoring for each metal-containing compound is included. the Components ofAFT'G are shown in Table3. A review of these components will indicate type of questions thatAFTG material may be able to answer. Information on AFTG may be obtained by contacting the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield,VA 22161.
IV. RECOMMENDEDINFORMATIONRESOURCES FOR CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY AND REGULATION Peer-reviewed or value-added databases, such as those previously described, offer the most expedient and comprehensible toxicology information resources for use by risk assessors and
Table 3 Components of the US.Air Force Installation Restoration Toxicology Guide (m)
Synonyms Reactivity Physical and chemical properties Persistence in soil Exposure pathways Health hazard data summaries Acute toxicity Chronic toxicity Teratogenicity, embryotoxicity,and reproductive effects Carcinogenicity Genotoxicity Handling precautions Air exposure limits Water exposure limits Reference dose Regulatory status Federal State
Human and epidemiological studies
Assessment Resources Risk for Toxicology
others involved with chemical regulations. Most,ofien,. individuals who must assess the toxicity of chemicals are faced with tight schedulesand must reach decisions quickly. These decisions must be supported by factual data, whenever possible, or with liberal applications of intuitive reasoning when the data are weak or nonexistent. We believe that the f!rst tier in the data and information selectionprocess should include theresources reviewed in this section, as summarized in Table 4, and should be supplemented with otherresources from those listed in Table 1. Because of a lack of peer-reviewed toxicity informationon most chemical substances, resources. such as chemical structure analysis must be used to support intuitive reasoning. The nextsection discusses this approach.
Table 4 Recommended Sources' for Accessing the Toxicology Literatme
Genetic toxicology Recommended sourn for access to primary literam Environmental Mutagen Information Center files available through the N" TOXNET system (over 90,000 records).This file covers literature published from 1968present. to Recommended source for evaluated (peer-reviewed) data a. Gene-Tox through TOXNET system (over4600 chemicals) b. International Agency for Research on Cancer Monograph, Supplement 7,1987 (950 chemicals) c. Hazardous Substances Data Bank (over 4200 chemicals) Teratology and reproductive and developmental toxicology Recommended s o m e for access to primary literature EnvironmentalTeratologyInformationCenterfilesavailablethrough TOXNET for literature published from 1950 to 1989 (46,OOO records); literature published since 1989 may be obtained from NL,M's Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology file, also availableon TOXNET Recommended source for evaluated (peer-reviewed) data Although several books and monographs are available summarizing experiments, no comprehensive peer-reviewed computerized database is publicly available through 1994. Evaluations of the teratogenicity and developmental and reproductive toxicology of compounds reviewed by IARC are available in the IARC monograph series (62 volumes); currently Over loo0 chemicals have been reviewed. Carcinogenicity Recommended source for accessto primary literam No specific information file devoted solely to this area of research is available. Bibliographic information is scattered throughout numerous biological-oriented information files. Recommended source for evaluated (peer-reviewed) data a. IARC monographs (62 volumes covering over loo0 chemicals) b. Gene-Tox database available through theNLM TOXNET system (392 chemicals) General toxicology Recommended sourcefor access toprimary literature NL"s TOXLINE and TOXLlT systems Recommended source for evaluated (peer-reviewed) data a. Hazardous Substances Data Bank available through theTOXNETsystem b. U.S. Air Force Installation Restoration Toxicology Guide, available through DTIC No.Vol. 1: ADA219797,Vol.2:ADA214999,Vol. 3 ADA215001,Vol. 4 ADA215002, and Vol. 5: ADA238093 (Volumes 1 4 covers 70 organic chemicals and Volume 5 covers 6 metals with 87 environmentally significantmetalcontaining compounds) c. IARC monographs (described above) 'For details on accessing the information files, databases. or computer systems refemd to in this table, contact the Toxicology InfomtimResponse Centec Oak Ridge Naticmal Laboratory;-1060 Commerce Park " 4 8 0 ; Oak Ridge,
TN 37830.
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A considerable amount of activity is focused on the way in which chemical structure influences biological activity, and attention is being given to studies to develop machine-based systems th willallowpredictions of toxicologicaleventsfromchemicalstructure.Severalinteresting techniques, models, and systems have been devised (Beauchamp, 1993; Ashby and Tennant, 1988; Rosenkranz and Klopman,1988; Malacarne et al., 1993), but none of these has evolved into all-purpose systems for widespread application. Because structure-activity relationships (SAR)is an important component of the risk assessment process, this section contains a brief review of the S A R concept as it relatesto toxicology. of The correlationof chemical structure with biological activity is rooted in the early history the pharmaceutical sciences, when compounds with structures similar to known medicinal agents were selected tested for their efficacy in combating human disease, The principles of drug ac that are based on chemical structure have been carried over to the toxicological sciences, for which structural characteristics of chemicals with known activity are compared with compounds for which activities are unknown. Such comparisons make it possibleto predict the activityof a chemicalfor some specific toxilogical endpoint (e.g., mutagenicity and carcinogenicity). Because the volume of toxicological literature has grown significantly over the years, an enormousinformationbaseonvarioustoxicologicalendpointsisavailable for comparing chemical structure with untoward biological activity. The information resources reviewed in this chaptercanserve as valuableresourcesin S A R studiesforparticularendpoints,such as genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, and reproductive toxicity. Several other worthwhile toxicology databases also can be used for S A R studies. These databases were reviewed comprehensively in a recently published paper (Lu and Wassom, 1993). Through the use of these information resources, the quality and the quantity of S A R predictions can be improved and increased. be applied to S A R studies appears Additionally, new computer software and hardware that can onthemarketwithincreasingfrequency.Theseingredients(i.e.,informationbase,novel hardware and software) should make notable advancements possible in the use of S A R for toxicological risk assessment; however, these advancements have not maturedto the point of practical application. Even though the informationbase and technology for the efficient conduct SofA R studies 01 haveimproved,individualsengagedinregulatingchemicalsmustrealizethatnoeasy completely effective method exists for predicting toxicological activity from chemical strucm. is still the intuitive reasoningof a person knowledgeablein The best and most efficient method both chemistry and a given area of toxicology. Federal agencies [e.g., EPA and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)] responsible for the regulation of chemicals and exposure to toxic substances employ the intuitive reasoning technique when usingS A R in risk assessment studies. EPA convenes a In evaluating chemicals under section5 of the Toxic Substances Control Act, structure-activity team composed of chemists, toxicologists, and environmental scientists. These individuals use their professional judgment to study a chemical structure and, then, compare it with data of structural analogues to render an assessmentof potential health and environmental hazards (Auletta, 1993). Because of the lack of a sufficiently validated machine-aided method or procedure to augment human reasoning, application of S A R varies in the evaluation of chemical risksor the assessmentof chemical hazard, and the contribution of S A R to chemical hazard assessmentmay not befully realized. As with the example cited for EPA, the S A R studies that are performed among federal agencies usually are approached through intuitive and deductive reasoning by responsible staff, much to the credit of the individual practitioners of this procedure. Although separating human
Resourcesfor Toxicology Risk Assessment
reasoning fromS A R practices will never be practical, total reliance on "personal views" should not be the primary methodof choice. Most of the methods and models proposed for S A R work m too complicated, theoretical, or costly for practical use in day-to-day efforts to assess chemical hazards or risks. Furthermore, current machine predictions with computer models, artificial intelligence programs, or neural networks should be used only in categorizing chemicals for further study and assessment. This opinion is based on the fact that most of these models and approaches have not been validated thoroughly. However, the use of S A R is important in the risk assessment process. Success amdng current methods capitalizes on the human element a toxic effect. when making inferences about the role that chemical structure plays in initiating
VI. FUTURE DIRECTIONS FOk INFORMATION RESOURCES AND ACCESS TO RISK ASSESSMENT The futureof risk assessment is linked proportionally to the future and well-being of data and Risk assessment information resources that endeavor to provide access to the scientific literature. is not a precise science; however, precision will come with the production and availability of quality data and information. Support of research to generate the needed data must continue and increase along with the activities to collect, analyze, evaluate, and store scientific information. Unfortunately, supportof activities that strive to make the scientific literature available to users (risk assessors) has been curtailed severely over the last decade in favor of new-age informatics. In this matter, the focus is almost totally on software development to manipulate data, not to make data available and ensure data quality. A balance is needed among efforts to monitor scientific literature. Documentsin a particular discipline mustbe selected, analyzed, and indexed; techniques, methods, andsoftwm are then developedto analyze and evaluate specialized data sets. This balance mustbe maintained to allow the information cycle (Fig. 2) to continue. The futureof risk assessment also will be linked with the much-acclaimed information super highway,whichiscurrentlyprovidedbytheInternet(Fig. 3). In ever-increasing numbers, databases and information files needed by the risk assessor are becoming availableon Internet. Internet provides vast amountsof information and the meansto communicate with colleagues anywhere. If risk assessors wantto stay current in the 1990sand into the next century, familiarity with Internetis a must.
Figure 2 Risk assessment paradigm and the infomation cycle.
Figure 3 Internet The network of networks.
Because of the importance and diversity of the Internet, we recommend several books now available onthis subject, including the following: Falk, B. (1994). The Internet Roadmap,SYBEX,Inc., San Francisco, CA,263 pp. Krol, E. (1992). TheWholeInternet User’s Guideand Catalog, O’ReillyandAssociates, Sebastopol, CA, 376 pp. LaQuey, T.,and J. C. Ryer (1993). The Internet Companion,Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, PA, 1% pp. Hahn, H. andR. Stout (1994). TheInternet Complete Reference, OsbomeMcGraw-Hill, Berkeley, CA, 817 pp. Another area that will play an ever-increasing rolethe inrisk assessmentprocess is the use of computer models andexpert systems. Computer-assisted risk assessment will become more common as a result of the ability to link and integrateinfomation from various databases and to use this assembled knowledge with computer models designed to assess the risk of a particular toxicological endpoint. Several models or systems have already been developed (Mamicio et al., 1991), and many moreare under development. Because technical advancementssoftware in and hardware developmentare being made at afast pace, computer science experts should monitor these new developments for possibleapplication to aparticular type ofriskassessment. Information is the fuel that powers a risk assessment model, and all modelsare only as goodas the information used. Sharing informationis another “key resource” for risk analysis. Because toxic and hazardous wastes are found throughout the country, many chemicals are common to many waste sites, particularly at National priority Listing sites. The lack of an expedient means toshare infonnation ensures that risk assessment is continually repeated for the same agent. A national risk analysis repositoryor clearing house is urgently needed to capture the procedures, models, and results of risk analysis performed on chemicals so that a common structure for risk assessments A central segment of this proposed repository would be a sectionfor searching can be developed. and capturing all the relevant data and information resources. Users of this repository could
Assessment Resources Risk for Toxicology
benefit from what has been done by other investigators and repoded in the literature; they could also review the toxicity evaluations or extrapolations of exposures reported directly to the repository. Note that basic toxicity information or toxicity summariesare independent of time be and place. In addition, both the merits and pitfalls of earlier risk assessment efforts can reviewed to minimize the repetitionof problems or mors. A foundation for such a repository can be established from resources currently available.As previously stated, risk assessment is not a precise science; it will become more mature itasgrows, with assistance from a resource such as the risk assessment repository.
VII. CONCLUSIONS Risk assessment residesin the fieldof “trans-science” (Weinberg,1971), thus making it difficult to derive quantitative risk estimates and extrapolate them to human health hazards. Generating are not always based on scientific a risk assessment requires the of use extrapolation factors that observations because of the lack of reliable data and information. Although uncertaintiesare involved in making sound toxicological risk assessments, legislative mandates and the intrinsic concern for the well-being of the human population dictate that health risk assessments be made. Although defining the risk extrapolation process may be overwhelming, progress toward a better understanding of this process and its implications for society will be made only through the be meticulous use of available data and information to create risk assessment models that can tested and evaluated. The intent of this chapter has been to review several key information resources that can offer great help in assessing toxicological risks and creating risk assessment models, thus making it possible to focus more directly on the problem at hand. A national data and information repository is critically needed to document the four steps in the risk assessment process for environmentalagents.Thisresourcewould bean effectivetoolineventually area and in evaluating the effectiveness of the elevating risk assessment from the trans-science risk assessment process. The chapter has endeavored to present problems and solutions in acquiring toxicological be based on available data so that risk assessors can measure how much their assessments can data and how much has to be given over to speculation. Presently, risk assessmentis anything buteasy.Conductingthoroughsearchesoftheliteratureandapplyingextracteddataand information to the risk assessment p e s s will make the task of determining potential health risks more credible. The quote below illustrates the dilemma facing individuals who attempt to conduct genetic risk assessments. Similar statements be can madefor all other toxicity endpoints. The main problem with current genetic risk assessment exercises is the concept that induced genetic damage will only provide increases in thetypes of adverse biological effects that occur spontaneously. The marked specificity of the genetic damage produced by such chemical mutagensas Atlatoxin B 1 and Acrylamide in experimental organisms has provided impetus for the acceptance of an alternative concept that the induced spectrum of adverse biological effects can be quite different from that occurring spontaneously.new This concept makes the overall problem of genetic risk assessment inherently more difficult, since risk management exercises will become agent specific(E J. de Serres, 1994). Accuracy and precision in making toxicological risk assessmentsanon agent-by-agent basis or any other basis will be determined largelyby the quality and quantity of data available for analyses. Ideally, assessments using a diverse assemblage of data and information from epideof risk. miological studies, laboratory testing, SAR or studies, should provide the best estimates Efficient and effective use of these critical information resources will be predicated on the availability of a good access map. This chapter has attempted to provide such a map.
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REFERENCES Auletta, A. E., M. Brown,J. S. Wassom, and M. C.Cimino (1991). Current statusof the Gene-Tox program, Environ. HealthPerspect., 96.33-36. Auletta, A. (1993). Structure activity relationships assess to new chemicals under TSCA.In Proceedings of the Symposiumto Access and Use of Information Resources in Assessing Health Risks From Chemical Exposure, pp. 53-60. Ashby, J., and R. W. Tennant (1988). Chemical structure, salmonella mutagenicity and extent of mcinogenicity as indicators of genotoxic carcinogenesis among chemicals tested in rodents by the US.NCIiNTP, Muta. Res., 204, 17-115. Beauchamp,R. O., Jr. (1993). Chemicalsubstructureanalysisintoxicology. In Proceedings of the Symposium on the Access and Use of Information Resources in Assessing Health Risks From Chemical Exposure, pp. 211-217. Casarett, L. J. (1975). Origin and scopeof toxicology. In Toxicology, The BasicScience of Poisons J. Casarett and J. Doull, eds.) Macmillan Publishing, New York, pp,3-25. de S m , F.J. (1994). Commentary on an unresolved problem: Effective genetic risk assessment of human exposure to mutagenic environmental agents,Environ. Mol. Mutagen,23 (Suppl. 24), 7-10. Haziud, G. J., Jr., and V. W. Hudson (1993). Chem-ID: Gateway to NLM Files, 206th Meeting of the American Chemical Society. August1993. Lu, P. Y.,and J. S. Wassom (1993). Risk assessment and toxicology databases for health effects assessment. In Proceedings of the Symposiumon the Access and Use of Information Resources in Assessing Health Risks From Chemical Exposure,pp. 179-194. Malacame, D., R. Pesenti, M. Paolucci, andS. Parodi (1993). Relationship between molecular connectivity and carcinogenic activity:Aconfmation with a new software program based on graph theory,Environ. Health Perspect., 101, 332-342. Mamicio, R. J., P. J. Hakkinen, S. D.Lutkenhoff,R. C, Hertzberg, and P.D. Moskowitz (1991). Risk analysis software and databases: Review of Riskware '90 Conference and Exhibition, Risk A d . , 11,545-560. National Research Council (1983). Risk assessment in the federal government: Managing the process, Committee on the Institutional Meansfor Assessment of Risks to Public Health, Commissionon Life Sciences, NRC National AcademyPress, Washington, DC. National Research Council(1994). Science and judgment in risk assessment, Committeeon Risk AssessmentofHazardous Air Pollutants, Commission on Life Sciences, NRC National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Oxyman, M. A., H. M. Kissman, J. M. Bumsides, J. R. Edge, C. B. Habennan, and A. A. Wykes (1976). The Toxicology Data Bank,J. Chem. I n . Comput. Sci., 16, 19-21. Rosenkranz, H. S., and G. Klopman(1988). CASE, the Computer-Automated Structure Evaluation Method, correctly predicts the low mutagenicity for salmonellaM nitrated cyclopenta-fused polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Muta. Res., 199.95-101. Vasta, B. M., and S. M. Casey (1991). Down-sizing: A case study of the National Library of Medicine's TOXNET system. Manage. Technol.Q., 21.11-15. Waters, J. D.(1994). Development andimpact of the Gene-Tox Program, genetic activity profiles, and their computerized data bases, Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 23 (Suppl. 24). 67-72. Weinberg, A. M. (1971). Science and trans-science,CIBA Found. Symp., 1, 105-122.
38 Electronic Resources for Toxicology and Environmental Health Mary Ann Mahoney andCharleen Kubota University of California at Berkeley . Berkeley, California
There is an immense number of databases available to those searching for information about is a selection of the databases that toxicology and environmental health hazards. The following are onlycommerciallyavailabledatabases. haveproved to be the mostuseful.Included Databases that are primarily regulatory have been excluded. The list is arranged by database vendor. Often, the same databaseis available fromtwo or more vendors.The choice of vendor, and the order that they appear in this document, is very subjectiv-prime considerations are always cost and ease of searching software. There is only one major organizational division: online databasesare separated from those that are in other formats, such as CD-ROM. Thedatabasesdescribed are of twogeneral types, factualandbibliographic.Factual databases provide a profile of a specific chemical, drawing from the scientific literature. Atypical record may provide a common chemical name, synonyms, trade names, CAS registry number, molecular formula, and molecular weight for a specific substance along with its physical/ and healthandsafety chemicalproperties,toxicity,environmentalfate,regulatorystatus, requirements. Bibliographic databases generate a listing by subject or author of journal articles, books, government reports, and published proceedings. Some databases also provide abstracts of the cited materials. In addition to different types of databases, suchas factual and bibliographic, databases also come in varied formats. Most of the databases on the list are available online. Online access means the searcher connects to the database, usually by modem, and is charged according to the length of the search session with an additional charge for each record that is displayed. Each vendorhasits own pricestructure.Withonlinedatabases,thesearcher is charged for the information retrieved during the search session. If a database needs to be searched frequently, it might be cost-efficient to purchase the entire database. Databases are increasingly becoming available in CD-ROM format, and you can purchase some environmental toxicology databases as packages. Many are also availableas magnetic tapes or computer diskettes. The Internet, an 741
international network of networks, also provides access to many resources: actual documents, and access to manydatabases. To searchcommercial discussiongroups,bulletinboards, databases through the Internet, you still need to establish an account with the vendor. Once a bibliographic listing of relevant citations is compiled from the appropriate database, you may wantto obtain someof the articles or reports. Check the resources and of services local libraries. Alternatively, many of these database vendors offer document delivery services and will supply requested materials for a fee. the authors to update the listing in the Toxics Thislistingwasoriginallypreparedby Directory: References and Resources on ?heHealth Eflectsof Toxic Substances:4th ed., which may be purchased by mail order only from the California Department of General Services, Publications Section,P.O.Box 1015, North Highlands, CA 95660.
National Libraryof Medicine (NLM) 8600 Rockville Pike #38/4N-421 Bethesda, MD 20894 (800) 2724787 Internet address: [email protected] The following database descriptions are reproduced by permission of Medlars Management Services, National Library of Medicine. cANcmIT@ Coverage: 1963 to the present Updates: Monthly Data Type: Bibliographic Availability: Online Provider: U.S. National Cancer Institute CANCERLIT@ provides carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, tumor promotion, tumor inhibition information from more than 3,500 journals, monographic series, government reports, symposia, dissertations, books and thesesas well abstracts of papers presented at meetings. Topics covered include: all aspectsof experimental and clinical cancer therapy; information on chemical, viral, and other agents that cause cancer; mechanisms of carcinogenesis; biochemistry, immunology, physiology, and biology of cancer, and both in vivo andin vitro studies of growth factors and other agents that stimulate cell division, mutagens, and mutagen testing. CHEMID Data 'Islpe:Factual Availability: Online Provider: U.S. National Library of Medicine A chemical dictionary/thesaurus containing about 200,000 records on chemicalsof biomedical CAS@ registry number, or regulatoryinterest.Recordscontainthefollowingdatafields: MESH heading, classification code molecularformula,systemicname,synonyms,mixture, (general use category from RTECS), note, and locator. CHEMLINE@ FactualData Availability: Online Provider: U.S. National Library of Medicine National Libraryof Medicine's chemical dictionaryfile developed in collaboration with Chem-
Electronic Toxicology Resources
ical Abstracts Service. The file contains records for over550,000 chemicals indexed in other NLM files (e.g., MEDLINE@, TOXLINE@,HSDB@). Records contain the following chemical identifiers: full nomenclature and synonyms; structural data on fragments; preferred, alternate replaced, and replacing Chemicals Abstracts registry numbers, molecular formula and other linear notation systems; and ring system information. CHEMICAL CARCINOGENESIS RESEARCH INFORMATION SYSTEM (CCRIS) Data Type: Factual Availability: Online Provider: U.S. National Cancer Institute National Cancer Institute's scientifically evaluated and fully referenced database containing O O ,O carcinogenicity, tumor promotion and mutagenicity test results for over 1 chemicals. Data are derivedfrom primary literature, special reviews, and a wide range of NCI reports. DEVELOPMENTAL AND REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY@ m T m ) Coverage: 1989 to the present Updates: Monthly Data Vpe: Bibliographic Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Environmental Teratology Information Center DART is a bibliographic database that contains citations to publications concerning developmental and reproductive toxicology. DART primarily covers teratology (birth defects) information and is a continuation of ETICBACK(back file of the Environmental Teratology Information Center). DART contains citations to documents published since 1989. For older information, refer to ETICBACK. Approximately 2400-3600 citations will be added annually. Citations in DART are either derived from MEDLINE or created especially for this database. Many citations contain abstracts and all citations contain MeSH terms. ENVIRONMENTAL MUTAGEN INFORMATION CENTER (EMIC) Coverage: 1991 to the present Data 'Qpe: Bibliographic Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Environmental Mutagen Information Center EMIC (Environmental Mutagen Information Center) is a bibliographic database that contains citations to literature concerning agents that have been tested for genotoxic activity. EMIC covers literature published since 1991. Older citations (1950-1990)are found in EMICBACK are eitherderivedfromMEDLINE or created (thebackfileforEMIC).RecordsinEMIC especially for this database. Many records contain abstracts and MeSH terms and all records contain EMIC specialized indexing keywords and the names and CAS Registry Numbers of all chemicals. The database is produced by theOak Ridge National Laboratory and is supported by the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Library of Medicine.
(ETICBACK) ENVIRONMENTALTERATOLOGY INFORMATION CENTER BACKFILE Coverage: Pre-1950 to 1987 Updates: Continued by DART Data Qpe: Bibliographic Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Environmental Teratology Information Center ETICBACK contains less current material than the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) bibliographic database.This database includes citationsto articles concerning teratol-
Mahoney and Kubota
ogy and developmental toxicology and coverspre-1950 from to 1987.Citations contain complete bibliographic citations, Chemical Abstract Service registry numbers for chemicals, and specialized indexing keywords. The database is produced by the Environmental Mutagen, Carcinogen, and Teratogen Information Program of the Oak Ridge National Laboratoryis and funded by the federal government. Current teratology infomation is found in Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART).
GENE-TOX Data Type: Factual Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Oak Ridge National Laboratory GENE-TOX is an online database created by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency@PA) 4,000chemicals. The database is the containing genetic toxicology (mutagenicity) data on over result of reviews by work panels of experts in the specific test systems of papers published in the open scientific literature. These reviews were themselves published in the “Reviews in Genetic Toxicology’’ section ofMutation Researrh. The database is structured into two subject categories: onefor substance identification and the other for information on specific test systems Theinformationforeachassaysystem is organizedintodatatabsandcarriesa**PEER REVIEWED** status tag. Each test system is referenced with an EMIC number and brief bibliographic citationfor the original source paper and/or to the Gene-Tox panel report publication for the assay. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES DATA BANK (HSDB@) Updates: About 100 new chemicals added annually and 400+ existing records revised annually FactualData Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 4,3004Detailed, scientifically reviewed, fully referenced profile for chemicals. Records have up to 144 data fields in 11 categories including substance identification, manufacturinghse information,chemical and physicalproperties,safety and handling,toxicity/biomedicaleffects, pharmacology, environmental fate/exposure potential, exposure standards and regulations, monitoringandanalysismethods,additionalreferencesandexpressdatacategorywhichallow retrieval of the most up-to-date information.
IN’EGRATED RISK INFORMATION SYSTEM (IRIS) Data T y p e : Factual Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency @PA) database provides scientifically reviewed health risk assessment information on 600” chemicals. Contains reference oral and inhalation reference doses, carcinogenicity assessment, U.S. regulatory actions and drinking water advisories. The information on IRIS is most useful if applied in the larger context of risk assessmentas outlined by the National Academy of Sciences. IRIS supports the hazard identification and dose-response steps of the risk assessment process. The reference dose and carcinogenicity assessments IRIS on can serveas guides in evaluating potential health hazards and selecting a response to alleviate a on IRIS will be potential risk to human health. It is important to note that the risk information revisedasadditionalhealtheffectsdatabecomeavailableand new developmentsinrisk assessment methods arise. Health Risk Assessment information on is included inIRIS a chemical only after a comprehensive reviewof chronic toxicity databy work groups composed of U.S. EPA scientists. The information presented in the Noncarcinogenic Assessment and Carcinoge-
nicityAssessmentcategoriesrepresentsaconsensusreachedinthereviewprocess.Other information in IRIS,such as the Drinking Water Health Advisories, have undergone reviews dictated by the responsibleEPA Office.Users shouldbe aware that Regulatory Action information (e.g., CleanAir Act Requirements) may not reflect the most recent EPA risk assessment data found elsewhere in the record and may take into account factors other than health effects. Background documentation with data definitions and explanations of the methods usedto derive the valuesin IRIS are available from EPA.
MEDLINP? Coverage: 1966 to the present Updates: Weekly Data Bibliographic Availability: Online (NLIVI) Provider: U.S. National Library of Medicine Comprehensive index to world medical and health literature. Especially useful for research toxicology of a particular chemical by using subheadings (adverse effects, poisoning, toxicity); fot biological monitoring of a chemical apply subheadings analysis, blood, urine; for linking a disease to chemical exposure apply subheading chemical induced to name of disease; use subheadingmetabolismforabsorption,distribution,excretion:andpharmacokinetics (1988) for pharmacokinetics (mechanisms, dynamics and kinetics of exogenous chemical and drug absorption,biotransformation,distribution,release,transport,uptakeandeliminationasa function of dosage, extent and rate of metabolic processes).
REGISTRY OF TOXIC EFFECTS OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCE (RTECS@) Coverage: June1971 to the present Updates: Quarterly Data T y p e : Factual Availability: Online Provider: U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health produced and maintained by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Providesbasictoxicity data for 90,oOck potentiallytoxicchemicals,includingacuteand chronic toxicity data, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity and reproductive effects, chemical identifiers,exposurestandards, N'IT teststatusandstatusundervariousFederalregulationsand programs. Selected Federal regulatory requirements and e x p u r e levels are also presented. References are available for all data. RTECS is built and maintained by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), which also periodically publishes paper and microfiche versionsof the file.
TOXIC CHEMICAL RELEASE INVENTORY("RI) Coverage: 1987Updates: Annual Data lJp: Factual Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency The Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (nu) is authorized under Section 313 of the Emerof 1986. EPA collects information on gencyPlanningandCommunityRight-to-KnowAct releases of over 300 listedchemicalsandchemicalcategoriesfromfacilities in Standard IndustrialClassification(SIC)codes 20 through 39 with 10 ormorefull-timeemployees. Information is collected on an annual basis and organized into a series of files based on reporting years, TRI87, TRI88, etc. While the data entry accuracy is checked, the information is entered
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as the reporting facility submitted it on EPA Form R. Each chemical reported by a facility is treated as a separate submission.
TRI contains information on the annual estimated releases of toxic chemicals into the environment based upon data collected by theEPA. Includes facility identification, substance identification, environmental release of chemical, waste treatment, off-site waste transfer. Data includes names, addresses of public contacts of plant manufacturing, processing or using the reported stored on site, the estimated quantity emitted intoairthe (point chemicals, the maximum amount of water, injected underground, or released to and non-point emissions), discharged into bodies of chemicals land, methods usedin waste treatment and their efficiency, and data on the transfer off-site for treatment/disposal. TRIFACTS supplements the environmental release data on chemicals inthe TRI series of files, of these with infomation related to the health and ecological effects, and safety handling chemicals. The data may be useful to workers, employers, and community residents. The data should be supplemented with technical literature to answer in-depth questions. In case of health be consulted. emergencies, a physicianor Poison Control Center should TOXLINE@ Coverage: Varies by subfile Updates: Monthly y p e : Bibliographic Data T Availability: Online Provider: U.S. National Library of Medicine Toxicology Literature Online(TOXLINE)is the central database in a collection of bibliographic databases covering the pharmacological, biochemical, physiological, and toxicologicalofeffects drugs and other chemicals. Covers the pharmacological, biochemical, physiological, environmental, and toxicological effects of chemicals and drugs.TOXLINE is comprised of Eferences from major published secondary sources and from special literature collections. It provides comprehensive coverageof all ams of toxicology related to published studies of health effects in humans and animals andto chemical (especially pesticide) pollutionin the environment and the related analytical methodology. Specialized information is included in the fieldsof teratology, neurotoxicity, mutation data, and poisonings. TOXLINE@
Aneuploidy Toxicological Aspects of Environmental Health from Biological Abstracts Environmental Mutagen and Teratology Information Centers Epidemiology Information System from U.S. Food and Drug Administration Hazardous Materials Technical Center International Labour Office International Pharmaceutical Abstracts NIOSHTIC National Technology Information Service Toxicology Document and Data Depository (TD3) Pesticides Abstracts Poisonous Plants Bibliography Toxic Substances Control Act Test Submissions Toxicity Bibliography from MEDLINE
Electronic Toxicology Resources
DIALOG Information Services, Inc. World-wide Headquarters 3460 Hillview Avenue P.O. Box 10010 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0993 (800) 334-2564 (415) 858-3810 (415) 858-7069 FAX The following database descriptions are reproduced with permission of DIALOG Information Services, Inc. AGRICOLA FILES, 10,110 Coverage: 1970 to the present Updates: Monthly Data Bibliographic MD Provider: U.S. National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, AGRICOLA is the database of the National Agricultural Library (NAL). This massive file provides comprehensive coverage of worldwide journal literature and monographs on agriculture and related subjects. Related subjects include: animal studies, botany, chemistry, entomology, fertilizers, forestry, hydroponics, soils, and more.
THE AGROCHEMICALS HANDBOOKFILE 306 Coverage: Current Updates: Twicea year Data Type: Factual, directory Provider: The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, U.K. The Agrochemicals Handbook provides information on the active components found in agrochemical products used worldwide. This information provides the identity of substances used in crop protection and pest control. For each of the substances found in the Agrochemicals Handbook, the following information is given: chemical name (including synonyms and trade names), CASR Registry Numbers, molecular formula, molecular weight, manufacturers' names, chemical and physicalproperty,toxicity, mode of action, activity, health and safety, and much more.
ANALYTICAL ABSTRACTS FlLE 305 Coverage: 1980 to the present Updates: Monthly Data Type: Bibliographic Provider: The Royal Societyof Chemistry, Cambridge Analytical Abstractsis devoted to all aspectsof analytical chemistry: any general application, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, environmental chemistry and more. The database contains references from approximately 1,300 journals which are core books, standards, and technical journals, as well as information gathered from conference papers, reports. Information found in a record from ANALYTICAL ABSTRACTS includes chemical names, including synonyms and/or trade names, CAS@ Registry numbers, analyte and matrices information, and more. AQUATIC SCIENCESAND FISHERE3 ABSTRACI'S FILE 44 Coverage: 1978 to the present Updates: Monthly
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Data Type:Bibliographic Availability: Online Provider: United Nations Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) is a comprehensive databaseon the science, of marine and freshwater environments. The database corresponds technology, and management to the print Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, Part 1: Biological Sciences and Living Resources; Part 2 Ocean Technology, Policy, and Non-Living Resources; and Part 3: Aquatic Pollution andEnvironmental Quality. ASFA includescitations to 5,000 primaryjournals, monographs, conference proceedings, and technical reports, BIOSIS PREVIEWS@FLES 5,55 Coverage: 1969 to the present Updates: Weekly y p e : Bibliographic Data T Availability: Online Provider: BIOSIS, Philadelphia,CA 8.3 million citations from Biological Abstract (BA), BiologBIOSIS PREVIEWS contains over ical Abstracts/RRM (Reports, Reviews, Meetings (BAiRRM)), and BioResearch Index (Biol), the major publications of BIOSIS. Together, these publications constitute the major Englishlanguage service providing comprehensive worldwide coverage or research in the biological and biomedical sciences.
CA SEARCH@mLEs 399,308-313 Coverage: 1967 to the present Updates: Every two weeks Data W : Bibliographic Availability: Online Provider: Chemical Abstracts Services, Columbus,OH The CA Search database includes over 10 million citations to the literam of chemistry and its applications, CA Search is an expanded database that contains the basic bibliographic information appearingin the printChemical Abstracts. CANCERLIT@FILE 159 see NLMfor database description 317 CHEMICAL SAFETY NEWSBASE FILE Coverage: January 1981 to the present Updates: Monthly Data 'IsIpe:Bibliographic Availability: Online Provider: The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, U.K. CHEMICAL SAFETY NEWSBASE provides information on the hazardous and potentially hazardous effects of chemicals and processes encounteredby workers in industry and laboratories. It also covers microbiological and radiation hazards encountered in the workplace. It is of interest to workers, safety officers, and all those concerned with health and safety management. The database includes information on: animals, microorganisms, and radiation; biological effects of chemicals; chemical reactions; emergency planning;f i i s and explosions; laboratory design, management, and practice; legislation and standards; occupational health and hygiene; safe practices and equipment; transportation and storageof chemicals: and waste management. Items on well-known hazardsare not included unlessnew information is given. Chemical Safety
Newsbase correspondsto the print publicationsChemical Hazards in Indzutry and Laboratory Hazards Bulletin.
CHEMSEARCH~FILE 398 Coverage: 1957 to the present Updates: Monthly Data 'I)l?e:Factual Availability: Online Provider: Chemical Abstracts Service, Columbus OH CHEMSEARCHm contains over 12 million chemical substances registered by Chemical Abstracts Service since 1957. It is the most comprehensive collection of organic and inorganic substancesavailableonDIALOG.EachrecordinCHEMSEARCHmcontainsidentifying information about the chemical substance, such as CAS@ Registry Number, molecular formula, CA Substance Index Name(@, synonyms, complete ring data, and other chemical substance information. Name searching is available, as well as substructure searching via nomenclature. The primary purpose of this file is to support specific substance searching for all substances cited in the CAS literature since 1957. CHEMTOfl ONLINE FILE 337 (forthcoming file) Coverage: Current Update: Quarterly Data ?Lpe:Factual Availability: Online TN Provider: Resource Consultants, Inc., Brentwood, CHEMTOX ONLINE, a file of regulated toxic and hazardous substances, is a comprehensive collection of data on over 6,400chemicals having physical and chemical properties that make them dangerous to individuals and/or the environment. Data coverage includes a chemical's physical, chemical, and toxicological properties: health, safety, and risk management aspects; first aid procedures; and regulatory status under various United States EPA (RCRA, EPCRA,CAACWA,etc.)DOT (HM181). andOSHAregulations.Inaddition,achemical's regulatory status on numerous state lists is included. Of special interest in the total as reported by IARC,NTP, OSHA integration of toxicity data, including carcinogenicity status ACGIH, and other agencies. EMBASE (formerly Excerpta Medica) Files 72,73 Coverage: June 1974 to the present Updates: Weekly Data 'Ijlx:Bibliographic Availability: Online Provider: Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands The Excerpta Medica database, EMBASE, is one of the leading sources for searching the 3300 biomedicaland biomedicalliterature.Itconsists of abstractsandcitationstoover is known for its coverage pharmacological journals published throughout the world. EMBASE of the drug-related literature. ENVIRONLINE@ FILE40 Coverage: 1971 to the present Updates: Monthly Data 'l)qx: Bibliographic Availability: Online
Provider: R. R. Bowker, a Reed Reference Publishing Company,New Providence, NJ. ENVIROLINE covers the world's environmental information. Its comprehensive, intedlsciplinary approach provides indexing and abstracting coverage of m m than 5,000 international on all aspects of the environment. Included primary and secondary source publications reporting arc such fields as: management, technology, planning, law, political science, economics, geology, biology,andchemistry as theyrelate to environmentalissues.Literaturecoveredincludes periodicals,governmentdocuments,industry reports, proceedings of meetings,newspaper articles, films, and monographs. ENVIRONMENTAL BIBLIOGRAPHY FILE68 Coverage: 1973 to the present Updates: Bimonthly Data Type:Bibliographic Availability: Online Barbara, CA Provider: Environmental Studies Institute, Santa Environmental Bibliography covers the fields of general human ecology, atmospheric studies, energy, land resources, water resources, and nutrition and health. KIRK-0"ER ONLINE FILE 302 Coverage: 4th edition of the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology Update: Irregular Data type:Factual, full text Availability: Online Provider: Wiley Electronic Publishing, New York, NY Kirk-Othmer Online is an exhaustive and comprehensive treatise of applied chemical science 302covers methods and materials, as well as the latest scientific and industrial technology. File advances in every branch of the useful arts of chemistry. The databaseis the online equivalent to the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopediaof Chemical Technology,well knownas the standard reference or industry. File302provides accessto a wide rangeof chemistry work on any chemical topic subject areas, including: agricultural chemicals, energy, drugs, fibers and textiles, food, fossil fuels, glass and ceramics, metals and metallurgy, semiconductors and electronic materials, and more. All tabular materials in the hard copy is included and is searchable online. MEDLINE@Files 152, 153,154,155 see NLM for database description NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE (NTIS) File 6 Coverage: 1964 to the present Updates: Biweekly Data type:Bibliographic Availability: Online (NTIS) Provider: National Technical Information Services U.S. Depattment of Commerce, Springfield,VA U.S. government-sponsoredresearch, The NTIS databaseprovidesaccesstotheresultsof or development, and engineering, plus analyses prepared by federal agencies, their contractors grantees. It is the means through which unclassified, publicly available, unlimited distribution EPA,DOE, HUD, DOD reports are made available for sale from agencies such as NASA, Department of Commerce, and some 600 other agencies. In addition, some state and local government agencies now contribute theirreports to the database.
NTIS alsoprovidesaccess to theresultsofgovernment-sponsoredresearchand develop U.S. Organizationsthatcurrentlycontribute to the NTIS mentfromcountriesoutsidethe database include: the Japan Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI); laboratories administered by the United Kingdom Department of Industry; the German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMFT); the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS); andmanymore. ,
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (NIOSHTIC@) File161 Coverage: 1973 to the present Updates: Quarterly Bibliographic Data Availability: Online OH Provider: U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSHTIC@) is a product of the Technical Information Branch, a component of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. It includes citations to more than 2,000 journal titles, as well as over 70,000 monographs and technical reports. NIOSHTIC covers all aspectsof occupational safety and health.
POLLUTION ABSTRACTS FILE41 Coverage: 1970 to the present Updates: Bimonthly Data Typec Bibliographic Availability: Online Provider: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Bethesda,MD Pollution Abstracts is a leading resources for references to environment-related literature on pollution, its sources, and its control. Among the subjects covered by the Pollution Abstracts database are: air pollution, environmental quality, noise pollution, pesticides, radiation, solid wastes, water pollution, and more. REGISTRY OF TOXIC EFFECTS OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES (RTECS@) FILE 336 see NLM for database description
TOXLII'W@ FILE156 seeNLM for database description
DIALOG/DATASTAR One CommerceSquare 2005 Market Street, Suite 1010 Philadelphia, PA 19103 (800) 221-7754 (215) 587-4400 Thefollowingdatabasedescriptions Services, Inc.
are reproducedbypermissionofDialogInformation
ANALYTICAL ABSTRACTSsee DIALOG for database description BIOSIS PREVIEWS@see DIALOG for database description CANCERLIT@see NLM for database description CHEMICAL ABSTRACTSsee DIALOG for database description
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CHEMICAL SAFETY DATABASE see DIALOG for database description ENVIROLINE@see DIALOG for database description EXCERPTA MEDICA see DIALOG for database description HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES DATABANK see NLM for database description HSELINE”HEALTH & SAFETY Coverage: 1977 to date Updates: Monthly Availability: Online Producer: Health & Safety Executive,Shefield UK HSELINE is produced by the United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Library and of health and safety Information services. The subjectmas of this database include all aspects at work. The database reflects HSE’s wide subject interests and covers science, technology manufacturingindustries,agriculture,production,occupationalhygiene,safety,explosives, engineering, mining and nuclear technology. The references cover all the United Kingdom Health and Safety Commission and the Safety Executive’s publications and also books, reports, translations, standard specifications, guidance, conference proceedings, decided cases, legislation in theUK and elsewhere relevant to health and safety at work. Approximately 250 national and international periodicalsare abstracted. KIRK-OTHMER ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGYsee DIALOG for database description
MEDICAL TOXICOLOGY& HEALTH-DHMT Coverage: October 1983 to the present Updates: Weekly Availability: Online Producer: Department of Health, London DHMT offers specialized information covering medical toxicology and environmental health, in London. The DHMT database using the resources of theDepartmentofHealthLibrary specializes in medical toxicology and environmental health. Areas covered include: chemicals in food, consumer products and the environment, health consequences of smoking, radiation an noise, pesticides, air andwaterpollution,industrialchemical,andradiationbiology.Other subjects covered include: veterinary medicines, good laboratory practice, cosmetics and general toxicology. Articles indexed from about 2,000 mainly English-language journalsare included, together with records of conferenceproceedings,reports,books,pamphlets,administrative An important featureof the database is the inclusion of circulars and other official publications. are availablefor fulldetails,includingsources of supply,ofDOHpublications.Abstracts documents addedto the database from1984. MEDLINE@see MLM for database description POLLUTION ABSTRACTS see DIALOG for database description
T O X L I N E @
see NLM for database description
Electronic Toxicology Resources
STN (Science and Technology Network) c/o Chemical Abstracts Service 2540 Olentangy River Road P.O. Box 3012 Columbus OH 43210-0012 (614) 447-3600 (800) 848-6538 FAX (614) 447-3751 Internet address: [email protected] The following database descriptions are reproduced by permission ofSTN. AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ABSTRACTS (AQUASCI) see DIALOGfor database description BIOSIS Previews@/RNsee DIAL00 for database description. On STN, BIOSIS has been enhanced with CAS registry numbers for substances appearing in the title and added keyword fields. CHEMICALABSTRACTS (CA) see DIALOG for database description. While CA is available from many vendors, only STN has all the abstracts available online. TOXLIT on the NLM system has CA abstracts, but TOXLIT is only a subset of the entire CA database. CAOLD Coverage: 1957-1966, limited number prior to1957 Updates: Intermittently Data 5pe:Bibliographic Availability: Online Provider: Chemical Abstracts Service CAOLD file contains records for Chemical Abstracts (CA) references 1957-1967, with a limited STN. number of references priorto 1957. This file is only available through CApreviews@ Coverage: Current Updates: Daily Bibliographic Data W : Availability: Online Provider: Chemical Abstracts Service CApreviews containsinfomation for records that will appear in the CA file. The information in CApreviews is available sixto eight weeks before the full document record appears in the CA in CA, it can no longer be searched in CApreviews@. file. Once the reference appears CHEMSAFE Updates: W Otimes a year Data Type: Factual Availability: Online Provider: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Bundesanstalt fuer Material forschung undpruefung, and DECHEMA Provides evaluated safety characteristicsof 1,500 flammable substances and their mixtures and
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more than 40 properties for gases, liquids, dusts, and hybrid mixtures. If possible, values are marked with a safety recommendationfor the user. Database is in English. CHEMICAL SAFETY NEWSBASE (CSNB)see DIALOG for database description EMBASE see DIALOG for database description
HEALSAFE Coverage: 1981 to the present Updates: Quarterly Data m e : Bibliographic Availability: Online Provider: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Health and Safety Science Abstracts file covers public health, safety, and industrial hygiene. Topicsincludeaviation;aerospace:andenvironmental,nuclear,medical,andoccupational safety. HEALSAFE corresponds to the printed Health and Safety ScienceAbstracts. HAZARDOUSSUBSTANCESDATA BANK (HSDB@) see NLM for database description. On STN, HSDB@ displays chemical structures, and data appear in a tabular format. JICST-E Coverage: 1985 to the present Updates: Monthly Data ?)p:Bibliographic Availability: Online Provider: The Japan Information Center of Science and Technology JICST-EcontainsabstractsandindexesinEnglish to scientificandtechnicalinformation published in Japan. The JICST-E file provides access to toxicology and other health and safety reports from Japanese companies and research institutes. MEDLINE@see NLM for database description MSDS-CCOHS FactualData Availability: Online Provider: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety The MSDS-CCOHSfile contains MSDSsfor over 9,OOO U.S. and Canadian products manufactured or used in Canadian workplaces. Data sheetsare prepared and supplied by producersor distributors and contain product identification information, relevant addresses, emergency contacts, and full textof the material safety data sheet,
MSDS-OHS Data Qpe: Factual Availability: Online Provider: Occupational Health Services, Inc. The MSDS-OHSfile contains occupational and safety data for2 O !O ,over O Osubstances, including approximately74,000 mixtures. Thefile is available through a gateway with STN providing access to the file that is loaded at the remote host in Nashville, Tennessee. Each material data safety names, CAS sheet includes occupational, environmental, and regulatory information, as as well Registry Numbers, EPA numbers and RTECS numbers.
Electronic Toxicology Resources
MSDS-PEST Data T y p e : Factual Availability: Online Provider: Occupational Health Services, Inc. The MSDS-PEST file contains material safety data sheets for over1,100 pesticide and related chemicals including pesticide products and active ingredients registered with the EPA, inert ingredients and other chemicals used in the formulation of pesticides. This file is available through the same gateway as MSDS-OHS. MSDS-SUM Data Qpe: Factual Availability: Online Provider: Occupational Health Services, Inc. The MSDS-SUMfile contains occupational and health summaries, in lay terms, of12,000 of the chemical substances foundin the MSDS-OHS file. MSDS-SUM is available through the same gateway as MSDS-OHS. NATIONALTECHNICALINFORMATIONSERVICE description
(NTIS) see DIALOG fordatabase
POLLUTION ABSTRACTS (POLLUAB) see DIALOG database description REGISTRY Coverage: 1957 to the present Updates: Weekly Availability: Online Provider: Chemical Abstracts Service of over 11.5 unique substances. The REGISTRY is a chemical structure and dictionary database REGISTRY file contains records for all the substances cited in the CASRegistrySystem. All substance records contain a unique CAS REGISTRY Number@ and index name. Substance records may also have synonyms, molecular formulas, alloy composition labels, polymer classes, of which are nucleic acid and protein sequences, ring analysis data, and structure diagrams"al1 displayable and searchable. REGISTRY OF TOXICEFFECTS OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES (RTECS@) see NLM for database description.On STN, RTECS@ displays chemical structures, anddata appear in a tabular format.
The Chemical Information System (CIS) A Division of PSI International, Inc. 810 Gleneagles Court, Suite 300 Towson, Maryland 21286 (410) 321-8440 (800) CIS-USER FAX (410) 296-0712 The following database descriptions are reproduced by permission ofCIS. AQUATIC INFORMATION RETREVAL (AQUIRE) Updates: Last Update, September,1993 Data Factual Availability: Online
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Provider: US. Environmental Protection Agency Aquatic Information Retrieval contains dataon acute, chronic, bioaccumulative, and sublethal effects from experiments performed on freshwater and saltwater organisms. Each record contains experimental results from a single assay. Includes data on more5,200 thanchemical substances in 114,000 records. CHEMICALCARCINOGENESIS RESEARCH INFORMATIONSYSTEM (CCRIS) seeNLM for database description CHEMICAL EVALUAmON SEARCH& RETRIEVAL SYSTEM (CESARS) Updates: Irregular Data ")p: Factual Availability: Online Provider: Michigan Department of Natural Resources Chemical Evaluation Search8z Retrieval System provides detailed information and evaluations on a group of chemicals of particular importance in the Great Lakes Basin. CESARS provides detailed, evaluated chemical profiles, including toxicity data and environmental fate, taken from primary literature for over194 compounds. CHEMICAL HAZARD RESPONSE INFORMATIONSYSTEM (CHRIS) Data 'Qpe:Factual Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Coast Guard Chemical Hazard Response Information System provides infomation needed to respond to emergencies that occur during the transport of hazardous chemicals. Contains information on labeling, physical and chemical properties, health hazards, fire hazards, chemical reactivity, water pollution, and hazard classificationsfor over 1,200 chemicals. CHEMICAL HAZARDS INFORMATIONSYSTEM (CHEMHAZIS) Data Q ' pe:Factual Availability: Online data compiled Chemical Hazards Information System contains information drawn primarily from by the National ToxicologyProgram (NTP).The NTP was established as a U.S. Department of Health and Human Service cooperative effort to coordinate and provide information about potentiallytoxicchemicalswithpotential for humanexposuretoregulatoryandresearch agencies. The database contains information on2,280 chemicals drawn from the literature and experimentally determined under the sponsorship of the NTP. CLINICAL TOXICOLOGYOF COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS (CTCP) ' pe:Factual Data Q Availability: Online Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products is based on the fifth edition (1984) of the book of the. sametitleby Drs. Gosselin,SmithandHodge. It contains manufacturer, uses, and composition information for approximately 23,000 commercial products. For chemicals comprising a product, CAS Registry Numbers, concentrations, and indication of toxicity (if a p plicable) are given. DERMAL ABSORPTION (DERMAL) Data Qpe: Factual Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Electronic Toxicology Resources
Demal Absorption contains data on toxic effects, absorption, distribution, metabolism, and of chemical exposure excretion relatedto dermal applicationof chemicals. Data on toxic effects through other routes, such as oral or inhalation, are included if they appear in articles along with 3,000 test records for655 substances dermal data. Dermal contains over EMERGENCY RESPONSE NOTIFICATION SYSTEM(ERNS) Coverage: 1987 to the present Factual Data W : Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Transportation Emergency Response Notification System provides data compiled on accidental release notification of oil and hazardous substances in the United States.ERNS The program is a cooperative of Transportation. The data sharing effort between the U.S. EPA, and the U.S. Department database contains more than 231,312 records of initial notifications. ERNS may be used to examine the characteristics of hazardous substance release notifications under the following categories:transportationaccident,equipmentfailure,operatorerror,naturalphenomenon, dumping,andunknown.Fivestatutesrequirereleasereportingand are included in ERNS: CERCLA, SARA, CWA, NCP and HMTA.Users may also search the database by the location of the spill. ENVIRONMENTAL FATE (ENVIROFATE) Data ?Lpe:Factual Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Fate deals with environmental fate or behavior (transport and degradation) of chemicals released in the environment. Envirofate includes data on environmental transformation rates and on physicalchemical properties. Includes over15,000 records on approximately 16,000 substances. GASTROINTESTINAL ABSORPTION DATABASE (GIABS) Updates: Last Update, October, 1988 Data Factual Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency GIABS contains references to articles in the scientific literature on absorption, distribution, metabolism, or excretion of chemical substances in test animals or humans. Each recordin the database deals with a specific experiment involving a specific chemical. At its most recent update (October, 1988), GIABS included12,052 citations to a total of 4,941 unique literature references from 1967 to 1987; information on more than3,100 unique chemicalsis included.
GENE-TOX see NLM for database description HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS INFORMATIONAND DISPOSAL GUIDE@IAZINF) Data m e : Factual Availability: Online Hazardous Chemicals Information and Disposal Guide is based on the Hazardous Chemicals the Information and DisposalGuide byM.A. h o u r , L. M. Browne,andG.L.Weirof Alberta. Chemistry Department of the University of The database provides information necessary to assess and respond to hazards associated with chemical substances, particularlyas they are
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likely to arise in the laboratory. Contains detailed instructions on the safe handling and disposal of some 220 chemicals or classesof chemicals. INTEGRATED RISK INFORMATION SYSTEM(IRIS) see NLM for database description
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDSs: BAKER,MALLIN, CCOHS, and CROPPRO) Data ’Is.pe:Factual Availability: Online p p a r e d by the J. T. Baker BAKER and MALLINare collections of material safety data sheets Chemical Company of Phillipsburg, New Jersey, and Mallinckrodt, Inc. of St. Louis. BAKER contains 1,960 MSDSs and MALLIN contains 1,635 MSDSs. One chemical substance is covered in each sheet/record. Each sheevrecord contains a variety of information on safe handling, storage, and disposalof the substance. CCOHS is a collectionof MSDSs provided by the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety. Database as described in theSTN section. Access to the CCOHS collectionis by CIS “valet service” only. CROPPRO (Crop Protection Chemicals) is aof database MSDSsfor various types of crop protection products such as insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides, with more than 1036 data records representing over twenty-five manufacturers. CROPPRO is based on two published volumes: MSDS Reference for Crop Protection Chemicals and Turf & Ornamental Chemicals Reference.Both books am from Chemical and Pharmaceutical Publishing Corp.,a subsidiary ofO W of Paris. As with BAKER, MALLIN and CCOHS, records contain all of the standard MSDS data fieldsin a general MSDS format. MERCK INDEX ONLINE (MERCK ONLINE) Data Qpe: Factual, full text Updates: Semi-annually Availability: Online The Merck Index Online includes all the monographs on chemical substances from the 11th printed edition plus 100 additional monographs that are not in that edition and a number of monographsrevisedsincetheeleventheditionappeared.Coverspreparation,chemicaland physical properties, principal pharmacological action and toxicity of substances. Full text is searchable online. OIL AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALSmCHNICALASSISTANCE DATA SYSTEM (OI”/rADS) Data W:Factual Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Envimnmental Protection Agency Oil and Hazardous MaterialslI’echnical Assistance Data System provides information for responding to emergency situations involving substances that have been designated as oils m hazardous materials by the EPA. Provides up to 126 different fields of information for 1,402 data on these materials. Includes physical, chemical, biological, toxicological, and commercial materials, with emphasis placed on their environmental effects and emergency response. REGISTRY OF TOXIC EFFECTS OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES (RTECS@)see NLM for database description TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT TEST SUBMISSIONS (TSCATS) Updates: Quarterly Bibliographic Data
Electronic Toxicology Resources
Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Substances Control Act Test Submissions includes information on unpublished health and safety studies submitted toU.S. EPA under the provision of the Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCATS presently includes over 49,899 citations on more than 6,454 chemical substances. Studies can be identified by CAS registry number, chemical name, by name of submitting organization, by study purpose, by observed effects, and by a variety of other entries. Copies of the studies (distributed on microfiche) be canordered through the Chemical Information System and the National Technical Information Service.
CD Plus formerly BRS (Bibliographic Retrieval Services Online) CD Plus Technologies 333 7th Avenue New York, NY 10001 (800) 950-2035 (212) 563-3006 The following database descriptions are reproduced by permission of CDP Plus/BRS. BIOSIS PREVIJ3WS@' see DIALOG for database description CA SEARCH@see DIALOG for database description CANCERLIT@see NLM for database description COMPREHENSIVE CORE MEDICAL LIBRARY (CCML) Coverage: Current and retrospective issues of journals and current editions of textbooks and reference works Updates: Twice a week, textbooks updated with issuance of new edition Data type: Bibliographic, full text Availability: Online The Comprehensive Core Medical Library database is a master library of medical information drawn from prominent reference works, textbooks and journals in the fields of emergency, is conveyed internal and critical care medicine. The content of this medical information resources in its entirety online. Coverage includes J M A : Journal of the American MedicalAssociation. HAZARDLINE Updates: Monthly Data w e : Factual Availability: Online Provider: Occupational Health Services, Inc. The HAZARDLINE database provides regulatory, handling, identification, and emergency care information for over 4,000 hazardous substances. The information in HAZARDLINE is gatherecl from regulations issued by state and U.S. government agencies, court decisions, books and journal articles, in order to assemble a comprehensive record for each substance.
MJDLINE@see NLM for database description NTIS see DIALOG for database description TOXLINE@see NLM for database description
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Questel Inc. 2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 1111 Arlington VA 22201 (703) 527-7501 (800)424-9600 FAX (703) 527-9664 CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS (CAS)see DIALOG for database description CIS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTHAND SAFETY Data Qpe: Bibliographic Availability: Online (CIS), International Provider: International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre Labour Office (ILO). CIS Occupational Health and Safety provides international coverage of occupational health and safety documents. MERCK ONLINE (MRCK) see CIS for database description MEDLINE@see NLM for database description
ORBIT QUESTEL/ORBIT 8000 Westpark Drive McLean, VA 22102 (800)456-7248
(703) 442-0900 (703) 893-4632 FAX ANALYTICAL ABSTRACTSsee DIALOG for database description CHEMICAL, ABSTRACTSsee DIALOG for database description
CHEMICAL DICTIONARY Coverage: 1957 to the present Updates: Monthly Data type: Dictionary Availability: Online Provider: Chemical Abstracts Service, American Chemical Society See DIALOG for database description CHEMICAL SAFETY NEWSBASE see DIALOG for database description
ENVIROLINE@see DIALOG for database description HEALTH & SAFETY EXECUTNE LINE Coverage: 1977 to the present Updates: Monthly Data type:Bibliographic Availability: Online Provider: U. K. Health and Safety Executive Contains more than 150,000 bibliographic references from journals, books, pamphlets, governmentpublications,andconferenceproceedings.Coversoccupationalhealthandsafety aspects of the following areas: manufacturing and process industries, agriculture, engineer-
ing, mines and quarries, nuclear technology, offshoreoil industry, railway transportation, and hazardous substances. NIOSHTIC see Dialog for description NTIS see DIALOG for database description
National Pesticide Information RetrievalSystem (NPIRS) Center for Environmental & Regulatory Information Systems 1231 Cumberland Avenue Suite A West Lafayette, IN 47906-1317 (317) 494-6616 The following database descriptionsare reproduced by permission ofNPIRS. MATERIAL, SAFETY DATA SHEETS Updates: Quarterly( C P C R ) ; Annually (TOCR) Factual Data W : Availability: Online This database contains over 1,OOO MSDSs from 29 chemical manufacturersof pesticides used of C&P in the protectionof crops, turf, and ornamental plants. The database is an online version Press'CropProtectionChemicalsReference (CPCR),and Turf & OrnamentalChemicals Reference (TOCR). PESTICIDE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENTSYSTEM Updates: Monthly Data Qpe:Bibliographic Availability: Online Pesticide Document Management System provides an index ofall citations to more than 260,000 studies submitted to EPA in support of pesticide registrations. One can search this database to obtain a list of all studies submitted by a specific company in support of registration of a specific pesticide. PESTICIDE FACT SHEETS Data 'Qpe:Factual Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Environmental protection Agency Pesticide Fact Sheets provides access to fact sheets for over 200 registered pesticides. These Office of Pesticide Program's Registration pesticidesummariesissuedbytheU.S.EPA's Division. Each fact sheet containsa description of the chemical, use patterns, toxicity information, environmental characteristics, asummary science statement, a summary of the regulatory position, a summary of major data gaps and a contact person at EPA. PESTICIDE PRODUCT INFORMATION Data Factual Availability: Online Provider: U.S. Environmental protection Agency PesticideProductInformationcontainskeylabelinformationonmorethan21,000active pesticide products federally registeredfor use in the U.S., and more than 6 0 , O O O canceled and transferred products. There are about 1,700 active ingredients represented in the database, 8s well as more than 2,100 company registrants, and over 17,000 distributors and 130,000 currently
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registered products by brand name. Thirty-six state regulatory agencies also provide information on all state registered pesticide products. PESTICIDE TOLERANCE INFORMATION Updates: monthly Data Qpe: Factual Availability: Online This database contains pesticide tolerances listed in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. ppm residue levels by chemicalfor raw agricultural comodiEach entry shows the allowable ties, processed food, and animal feed. This database covers more 40() thanchemicals and about 1,200 commodities. STATE REGISTRATION REPORTS Data 1Lpe:Factual Availability: Online Thirty-six state regulatory agencies submit product registration data for this database. For the states that participate, the following data is available: master state registration list, selected product lists, state pesticide registration cross reference list of products in brand name, EPA registration number or state registration number sequence, and state pesticide state registration number range for each registrant.
SilverPlafter Information Inc. 100 River Ridge Drive NoWood, M A 02062-5026 (800) 343-0064 (617) 769-2599 (6171 769-8763fax Internet address: [email protected] Thefollowingdatabasedescriptions mation, Inc.
m repduced bypermissionof
AGRICOLA see DIALOG for database description BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS ON COMPACT DISC for database description BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS/RRM ON COMPACT DISCsee DIALOG for database description CANCER-CD Coverage: 1984 to the present Updates: Quarterly Data m e : Bibliographic Availability: CD-ROM Provider: Elsevier Science Publishers and the U.S. National Cancer Institute Made up of references, abstracts and commentaries from the world’s literature on cancer and related subjects. CANCERLIT@ see NLM for database description
Electronic Toxicology Resources
CHEM-BANK Updates: Quarterly Data Factual Availability: CD-ROM Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, National Library of Medicine providesthree National Library of Medicine databases: IRIS (Integrated Risk Information System), RTECS (Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances), and HSDB (Hazardous Substances Data Bank), Chemical Information Service's OHMTADS (Oil and Hazardous Material-Technical Assistance Data) and CHRIS (Chemical Hazard Response Information System).
See NLM for IRIS, RTECS, and HSDB database descriptions and CHRIS database descriptions.
EMBASE ON CD see DIALOG for database description IARCancer Disc Published since1971, this database series focuses on the links between environmental chemical exposure andthe development of human cancer and genetics defects. It contains evaluationsof over 700 chemicals, complex mixtures and lifestyle factors. Coverage: 1971 to the present Data Qpe: Full text Availability: CD-ROM Provider: International Agency for Research on Cancer INTERNATIONAL OCCUPATIONALSAFETY AND HEALTH (CISDOC) Updates: Quarterly Data l')q.~: Bibliographic Availability: CD-ROM Provider: International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS),International Labour Office( L O ) Providescitationsandabstractstoworldwideliteraturepertaining to occupationalhealth and safety. See QUESTEL for database description MEDLINE@(EXPRESS AND PROFESSIONAL)see NLM for database description
OSH-ROM Coverage: 1960 to the present Updates: Quarterly Bibliographic Data Availability: CD-ROM Offke, U.K. Health and Safety Executive, U.S. National Institute Provider: International Labour for Occupational Safety and Health OSH-ROM brings together four bibliographic databases. All of these databases together form a see resource for researching international occupational health and safety issues: NIOSHTIC DIALOG for description, HSELINE, from the Health and Safety Executive (U.K.) covering occupational health and safety issuesin the United Kingdom. CISDOC from the International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre, International Labour Organisation providing an international perspective on occupational health and safety and MHIDAS, from the Unite in handling hazardous materials. Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, covering potential dangers
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PEST-BANK Updates: Quarterly Factual Data W : Availability: CD-ROM Provider:CenterforEnvironmentalandRegulatoryInformationSystem;PurdueResearch Foundation Covers approximately27,500 currently registeredU.S. pesticides used in agriculture, industry, and general commerce as well as data on over 35,000 canceled products. The information in PEST-BANK is developedby the Center for Environmental and Regulatory Information System (CERIS) from data supplied by theU.S. Environmental Protection Agency and state pesticide regulatoryagencies. PEST-BANK recordsprovidepesticideproductnamesandsynonyms registration dates and registering companies, active ingredients, composition and formulation, sites and pestsfor which the pesticideis registered, and permissible residue levels. POLTOX I: NLM, CSA, IFIS Coverage: 1966 to the present Updates: Quarterly Data ?Lpe:Bibliographic Availability: CD-ROM Provider: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, InternationalFood Information Service (IFIS), U.S. National Library of Medicine Offers single search access to seven pollution and toxicology databases; contains l0 years of coverage and over 800,000citations to the world’s pollution and toxicology literature. Pol-Tox I combines the entire TOXLINE subfile from the National Library of Medicine, the complete from International Food toxicologysubsetoftheFoodScienceandTechnologyAbstracts Information Service, and five databases from Cambridge Scientific Abstracts including Pollution Abstracts, Toxicology Abstracts, Ecology Abstracts, Health and Safety Science Abstracts and portions of the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. Topics covered include air, water, soil, noise and radiation pollution, environmental risks, food additives, pharmaceuticalside effects, agrochemicals, and industrial chemicals.
POGTOX Ik EMBASE Coverage: 1983 to the present Updates: Quarterly Bibliographic Data Availability: CD-ROM Provider: Elsevier Science Publishers (see Dialog for database description). Extracts pollution and toxicology citations from EMBASE on humans, animals, plants, and Topics covered include chemical pollution and its effects microorganisms, environmental impact of chemical pollution, waste water treatment and measurement, meteorological aspects of pollution, pharmaceutical toxicology, chemical teratogens, mutagens and carcinogens. TOXLJNE@ON SILVERPLAIITER see NLM for database description TOXLJNE@ PLUS Coverage: 1985 to the present Updates: Quarterly Data Type: Bibliographic Availability: CD-ROM Provider: American Society of Hospital Pharmacists (ASHP), Biological Abstracts, Inc. (BIO-
SIS),ChemicalAbstractsService(CAS),NationalChemicalsInspectorate(Sweden), U.S. National Library of Medicine Combinesthecomplete TOXLIIW file (including BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts, and Interdata from the National Chemicals Inspectorate. Covers national Pharmaceuticals Abstracts) with adverse drug reactions, interactions of chemical substances with biological systems, environmental pollution, industrial medicine, occupational health, waste disposal, and hazardous materials management. WAS'IEINFO Coverage: 1973 to the pment Updates: Quarterly Data Type: CD ROM 20 years The world's literature on waste management is covered in WasteInfo. Provides nearly of reference to the world's literature on non-radioactive waste management. WasteInfo encompasses over 60,OOO citations and abstracts. The database offers current information on waste to the treatment,disposal,recycling,andassociatedenvironmentalhazards.Corresponding of waste monthly print publication,Waste and Environment Today,WasteInfo covers all aspects disposal and treatment, s x h as landfill, incineration, biological or chemical treatment, and separationtechniques,aspects ofwasterecycling,impactofwastesontheenvironment, and waste management policy, guidelines, legislation and regulation.
CCINFO Canadian Centre for Occupational Health andSafety 250 Main Street East Hamilton Ontario Canada L8N 1H6 (800) 668-4284 or (905) 570-8094 FAX (905) 572-2206 MSDS SERIESA1 MSDS Series A1 is a CD-ROM product that contains the CHEMINFO and MSDS databases: CHEMINFO Data Type: Factual Availability: Online, CD-ROM, magnetictape, (forthcomingon the Internet, Fallof 1994) Provider: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Containssummarizedoccupationalhealthandsafetyinformationonchemicals.Each chemical profile uses non-technical information to describe potential workplace hazards and control measures.
MATERIAL,SAFETY DATA SHEEI'S (MSDS) Data 'I).pe:Factual Availability: Online, CD-ROM, magnetic tape, (forthcomingon the Internet, Fallof 1994) Complete textof over 92,000 Material Safety Data Sheets on chemical products, exactly as contributed directly by over500 manufacturers and suppliers. Each MSDS provides information on product hazards, emergency response and first-aid measures, as well as safe working procedures. Many new and updated MSDSs are added to the database each quarter. Records are in Englishor French as provided by contributors. CHEM SOURCE SERIES A2 CHEM Source Series A2 is a CD-ROM product that contains thirteen different databases on
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regulatory, transportation, environmental and health information for industrial chemicals. Some of these databasesare highlighted below: CHEMICAL, EVALUATION SEARCHAND RETRIEVAL, SYSTEM (CESARS) Factual Data Availability: Online, CD-ROM, (forthcoming on theInsrnet, Fall of 1994) Provider: Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Ontario Ministry of Environment Databaseas described in the CIS section.
CHEMINFO see CCINFO MSDS SERIES A1 "UMRESIDUE LIMITS IN FOODS Availability: Online, CD-ROM, (forthcoming on the Internet, Fall of 1994) of registeredpestcontrol Providesaccess to informationonmaximumresiduelimits products on agricultural commodities. These limitsare set by Health and Welfare Canada in the Regulations under the Food and Drugs Act.
NEW JERSEY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE FACT SHEETS Data ")p: Factual Availability: CD-ROM Provides workers, employers, emergency responders and others with information on the hazards and safe use of industrial chemicals and environmental contaminants. Fact Sheets on thehazards,safestorage,handling,control containbasicsummarizedinformation measures, first aid, and emergency procedures for common chemicals. Hazardous Substance Fact Sheetsare prepared bythe RightTo Know Program, New Jersey Department of Health. About 800 of these non-technical6-page summaries are currently available. OSH INTERDATA SERIES B2
OSH InterData Series B2 is a CD-ROM product providing access to five databases on international aspects of occupational health and safety. One of these databasesis highlighted below: CISILO Provider: International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS), International Labour Office(LO) Data Bibliographic Availability: Online, CD-ROM, (forthcoming on the Internet, Fall of 1994) See Questel for database description
NIOSHTIC SERIESC l NIOSHTIC Series Cl is a CD-ROM product that contains two databases, one of which is [email protected] otheris a listing ofNOSH documents that canbe ordered fromMOSH, the U.S. Government Printing Office or the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). NIosHTIc@ Provider: Technical Information Center, US. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Data 'I).pe:Bibliographic Availability: Online(in Canada only), CD-ROM, (forthcoming on the Internet, Fall of 1994) See DIALOG for database description
Electronic Toxicology Resources
RTECS SERIES C2 RTECS Series C2is a CD-ROM product that contains the RTECS database. REGISTRY OF TOXIC EFFECTS OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES (RTECS? FactualData Availability: Online (in Canada only), CD-ROM, (forthcoming on the Internet,1994) Fall of Provider: U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health See NLM for database description
NIOSH MANUAL OF ANALYTICAL METHODS Data Type: Factual Availability: Diskette for microcomputer Provider: U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Electronic versionof the third edition of theNIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods. Contains 440 substances. over 200 methods covering approximately CHEMICAL HAZARD RESPONSE INFORMATION SYSTEM(CHRIS) Data Qpe: Factual Availability: Online, CD-ROM (expected Fall,1994) Provider: U.S. Coast Guard See CIS for databases description
OIL AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALSKECHNICAL ASSISTANCE DATA SYSTEM Data 'Qpe:Factual Availability: Online, CD-ROM (expected Winter, 1994) Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency See CIS for database description Micromedex, Inc.
600 Grant Street
Denver CO 80203-3527 (303) 831-1400 (800) 525-9083 FAX (303) 837-1717 Database descriptionsm reproduced by permission of Micromedex.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) Data Qpe: Factual Updates: Quarterly Availability: CD-ROM Provider: Micromedex and U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention O 1O ,Omaterial data sheets issued by the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention. Provides access to over POISINDEX@ SYSTEM Provider: Micromedex Data Qpe: Factual Updates: Quarterly Availability: CD-ROM POISINDEX@ identifies ingredientsfor hundreds of thousands of commercial, pharmaceutical
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and biological substances. For each substance, information on clinical effects, toxicity, and treatment protocolsare provided. TOMES plus@System (TOXICOLOGY, OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE & ENVIRONMENTALSERIES) TOMES Plus@ System is a CD-ROM product that brings together fourteen different databases, including:
HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES DATA BANK (HSDB@) see NLM for database description HAZARDTEXTm Hazard Managements Data .'rLpe:Factual Updates: Quarterly Availability: CD-ROM Provider: Micromedex as well HAZARDTEXT contains informationfor the safe handling of industrial chemicals, as for responding to hazardous chemical spills.
"MMedical Managements Data Factual Updates: Quarterly Availability: CD-ROM Provider: Micmmedex MEDITEXT provides information for the evaluation and treatment of persons acutely exposed to industrial chemicals.
NEW JERSEY FACT SHEETSsee CCINFO for database description NIOSH POCKET GUIDETO CHEMICAL HAZARDS Data Qpe: Factual Availability: CD-ROM Provider: Micmmedexand U.S. National Institutefor Occupational Safety and Health Electronic versionof the popular industrial hygiene guide of the same name
OIL AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALQTECHNICALASSISTANCEDATASYSTEM ( O W A D S ) see CIS for database description REGISTRY OF TOXIC EFFECTS OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES (RTECS@)see NLM for database description SARAmXT@ Database Factual Data Updates: Quarterly Availability: CD-ROM hovider: Micromedex
Provides information on the acute and chronic effects of the chemicals included on the SARA Title III Extremely Hazardous SubstanceList. REPROTOXm SYSTEM REPRODUCTIVE HAZARD INFORMATION Data Factual Updates: Quarterly Availability: CD-ROM Provider: Micromedex and Reproductive Toxicology Center, Columbia Hospital for Women Providessummarizedinformationonchemicalandphysicalagentseffectsonhuman fertility, pregnancy and fetal development. Includes industrial and environmental chemicals as well as prescription, over-the-counter and recreational drugs. The reviewsare designed primarily for use in counseling pregnant patients. Database contains more4,000 than agents (as of 1992) with an average of 500 new agents added each year.
REPROTEXT@ REPRODUCTIVE HAZARD REFERENCE Data Type: Factual Updates: Quarterly Availability: CD-ROM Provider: Micromedex Provides reviews on the health effects, including reproductive, carcinogenic and genetic effects, of over 600 chemicals and physical agents encountered in the workplace. Originally developed by BettyJ. Dabney, Ph.D. and now maintained by the Micromedex TOMES Plus editorial board. SHEPARD’S CATALOG OF TERATOGENIC AGENTS Data 15lpe:Factual Updates: Quarterly Availability: CD-ROM Provider: Micromedex and ThomasH. Shepard, M.D., University of Washington Electronic versionof Thomas H. Shepard’s Cardog of Teratogenic Agenrs.Information on more than2 . m teratogenic agents, including chemicals, food additives, drugs, viruses, and environmental pollutants. TERIS Data Factual Updates: Quarterly Availability: CD-ROM Provider: Micromedex and University of Washington Provides information on the teratogenic effectsof more than 700 drugs and environmental agents.
REPRORISK@ SYSTEM Data Type: Factual Updates: Quarterly Availability: CD-ROM Provider: Micromedex and others REPRORISK@System isacompilation of fourreproductive risk informationdatabases: REPROTEXT@, REPROTOXm, SHEPARD’S Catalog and TERIS. For database descriptions see the Micromedex TOMESPlus@System section.
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Reproductive Toxicology Center Columbia Hospital for Women 2440 M Street N.W. Suite 217 Washington D.C. 20037-1404 (202) 293-5137 REPROTOX Data Type:Factual Availability: Online, diskettes for microcomputer, CD-ROM Updates: Diskettes and CD-ROM updated quarterly Provider: Reproductive Toxicology Center, Columbia Hospital for Women See Micromedex TOMES Plus@ System for database description.
National TechnicalInformation Senrice (MIS) 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650 FAX (703) 321-8547 or (703) 321-9038 Online ordering through Fedworld": via modem by dialing (703) 321-8020or telnet via Internet to fedworld.0ov The following database descriptions are reproduced by permission of NTIS. AQUATIC INFORMATION RETRIEVAL (ACQUIRE) Data Factual Availability: Magnetic tape Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Science and Technology See CISfor database description
ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING METHODS INDEX (EMMI) Data Type:Factual Availability: Diskettes for microcomputer Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EnvironmentalMonitoringMethodsIndex is adatabaseonallEPA-regulatedsubstances, methods for their analysis, and regulatory and office-based lists on which they appear. The EMMI database includes information on more 2600 than substances from over 50 regulatory and non-regulatory lists andmorethan 900 analytical methods. The database provides a crossreference between substances and analytical methods and contains information on related laws and organizations and additional databases for further information. GASTROINTESTINAL CHEMICAL ABSORPTION DATABASE (GIABS) March 1987 Updates: Last Update, March, 1987 Data Type:Factual Availability: Magnetic tape Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Science and Technology See CISfor database description-database on CIS updated October 1988.
Electronic Toxicology Resoutres
INTEGRATED RISK INFORMATION SYSTEM@US) Updates: Quarterly Factual Data W : Availability: Diskettes for microcomputer Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency See NLM for database description NIOSH POCKET GUIDETo CHEMICALHAZARDS Data Factual Availability: Diskettes for microcomputer Provider: U.S. National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety See Micromedex for database description
OIL AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/l?XHNICAL ASSISTANCE DATA SYSTEM (OHNVTADS) Data w e : Factual Availability: Diskettes for microcomputer Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency See CIS for database description ROADMAPS Data Qpe:Factual Availability: Diskettes for microcomputer Provider: U.S. Envimnmcntal Protection Agency, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxic Substances Roadmaps to Sources of Information on Chemicals Listed in the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (also know as SARA Title m), Section 313, Toxic Release Inventory, is a database of sources of information on the chemicals listed in Section 313 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA). This database is intended to assist users of the Toxic Release Inventory data to perform exposure and risk assessments of these for the chemicalson health chemicals. The Roadmaps system displays and/or prints information and environmental effects, federal regulations and state air and water regulations, monitoring data and state contacts. ("RI) TOXIC CHEMICAL RELEASE INVENTORY
Coverage: 1987Updates: Yearly Data Type: Factual as diskettes for microcomputer Availability: CD-ROM, magnetic tapes, and Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency See NLM for database description TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT TEST SUBMISSIONS (TSCATS) Data T y p e : Bibliographic Availability: Magnetic tape Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Science and Technology See CISfor database description
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Chemtox System
8 West Franklin Avenue Pennington, New Jersey 08534
(609) 737-9009 FAX (609) 737-3323 CHEMTOX@ DATABASE Updates: Quarterly Data W :Factual Availability: Diskettes for microcomputer, magnetic tape, CD-ROM See DIALOG for database description
Occupational Health Services, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 12th Floor New York, NY 10036 (212) 789-3535 (800) 445-MSDS FAX (212) 789-3646 OHS MSDS ON DISC Updates: Quarterly Data Type: Factual Availability: CD-ROM Provider: Occupational Health Services, Inc. are included in this Over 100,OOO differentchemicalproductMaterialSafetyDataSheets collection.OHS MSDS reports containallthelegally required informationplusadditional toxicological, regulatory, transportation, and environmental information. Texts of current C F R s for the regulations that apply to the chemicals are available on the disc. The CFR database is also searchable separately.
Lewis Publishers 2000 Corporate Blvd., N.W. Boca Raton FL 33431 (407) 994-0555 The following product descriptionsare reproduced by permission of Lewis Publishers.
EPA'S PESTICIDE FACT SHEET DATABASE Availability: Diskettes for microcomputer Provider: Mary M. Walker and Lawrence H. Keith See NPIRS (National Pesticide Information Retrieval System) for database description EPA'S SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS METHODS DATABASE Availability: diskettesfor microcomputer Provider: Edited by Lawrence H. Keith, Radian Corporation and William Meuller and David Smith, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency This database was compiled by EPA chemists. It provides access to sampling and analytical methods summaries for 150 EPA-approvedmethods.Thedatabase is divided into three
volumes: Industrial chemicals; Pesticides, Herbicides, Dioxins, and PCBs; Elements and water Quality Parameters INTEGRATED RISK INFORMATION SYSTEM(IRIS) Coverage: Cumnt Updates: Quarterly Factual Data W : Availability: Diskettes for microcomputer Provider: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Adapted for publication by Lawrence H. Keith, Radian Corporation See NLM for database description PC ENVIRONMENTAL FATE DATABASES Availability: Diskettes for microcomputer Provider: Philip H. Howard, Syracuse Research Corporation The DATALOG, CHEMFATE, BIOLOG, and BIODEG databases provide data for predicting the behaviorof chemicals in the environment.
THE NATIONAL TOXICOLOGY PROGRAM'S CHEMICAL DATABASE VOLUMES 1-8 Availability: Diskettes for microcomputer Provider: Lawrence Keith, Radian and Douglas B. Walters This database is divided into eight volumes.It contains information on chemicaland physical properties, standards and regulations, medical hazards and symptoms of exposure, medical first aid, personal protective equipment, hazardous properties and uses, and shipping classifications and regulations for2,270 chemicals.
DIALOG OnDisc Dialog Information Services, Inc. 3460 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94304-0993 (800) 334-2564 (415) 858-3810 FAX (415) 858-7069 COMPACT DISC FORMAT KIRK-OTHMER ENCYCLOPEDIAOF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGYsee DIALOG for database description MEDLINE@see NLM for database description
NTIS see DIALOG for database description Electronic Handbook Publishers, Inc. P.O. Box 3571 Bellvue, WA 98009-3571 (206) 836-0598 ELECTRONIC HANDBOOKOF RISK ASSESSMENT VALUES (EHRAV) Updates: Monthlyor quarterly Data ?Lpe:Factual
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Availability: Diskettes for microcomputer This electronic handbook provides access to risk assessment values from the EPA's Integrated Risk Information system (IRIS) and the EPA's Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (HEAST), including RfDs, RES, slope factors, unit risk factors, MCLs, AWQCs, and health from HEAST aswell as a chemicaVphysica1 advisories,Theradionuclidestoxicityvalues propertiesdatabase of morethan 450 chemicals are alsoavailableinthe handbook. The Electronic Handbook of Risk Assessment Values (EHRAV) contains more than 40,000 data enties for more than 700 chemicals.
PARTVlll RISK ASSESSMENTAND RISK MANAGEMENT Michael J. DiBartolomeis CaliforniaEnvironmental ProtectionAgency Berkeley, California
Risk assessment, as described in the contextof this book, might be definedas a process using
scientific dataand judgmentto evaluate the probability that some external threat (e.g., chemical Risk management might then pollutant) will adversely affect human health or the environment. be definedas a value-based process to determine what level ofisrisk significant, andto identify or maintain risk below that level. Risk management considers risk options and means to reduce along with other factors such as cost, benefit, public perception, technical feasibility of controls, and enforcement capabilities, to name a few. Historically, risk assessment and risk management have been separated into two distinct steps; risk assessment being first followed by risk management, Recent debate, however, has proved that the line drawn between risk assessment and risk management is blurred, and the separation of the two steps may not be advantageousor even possible. The separation model assumes that risk assessment should be based on the “best available science,” with no consideration of managementor social values in estimating risk. Under this model, significant risk is defined independently of the risk assessment, and “no significant risk” am developed after the results of the would be accomplished through management options that risk assessment are known. Critics of the separation model argue that risk assessmentis not a are, and shouldbe, an integral partof the process. Indeed, the pure science and value judgments distinction between objective science and subjective scientific judgment is often unclear and promotes debate among the involved parties. That is, what is considered science to one risk assessor, may be considered policy by another. A fully integrated model would assume that risk assessment should combine scientific analysis and judgment with management and social values. Under this model, risk assessment results would include management considerations, such as costs, benefits, and other or technical social factors. Critics of the integrated model argue that risk assessment should remain pure, devoid of social input that might dilute the science. In addition, some argue that public health
and the environment wouldbe ill-served because the magnitude of a risk would be masked by factoring in management and social factors. h practice, features of these two models m generally combined into some form of a hybrid model. A hybrid model allows interaction of risk assessors and risk managers throughout the process. In a hybrid application, a series of “checks and balances” are mated allowing risk assessors and risk managers to communicate and thus share ideas, critique, and problem solving. Proponentsof a hybrid model suggest that decisions resulting from early and frequent interaction of risk assessors and risk managersare more clearly understood and defensible. Critics of this model might argue that this type of interaction does not allow theo ~ r t u n i t yfor independent scientific and value-based evaluations from perspectives that serve public health, environmental, and business interests. Risk assessment was evolved to aid in the evaluationof the safety of synthetic chemical use or the exposure to humans from chemicals contaminating the environment. As such, the current practice of risk assessment is best describedin this context. However, the types of “threats” to are now consideredmoreinclusivethan just synthetic humanhealthandtheenvironment chemicals. For example, we now apply risk assessment to evaluate the safety of naturally occurring chemicals, plant and animal toxins, bioengineered microorganisms, and other categories of potential health hazards. The broadeningof the application of risk assessment methods results in more complicated risk management issues and problems. This lends further justification to the belief that our decision-making process is multifaceted and must incorporate views from a variety of scientific disciplines and social perspectives. Ingovernment,themannerinwhichriskassessmentresults are usedinmanagement decisions mayvarydependingonstatutorilyspecifiedrequirementsrelevant to themgulatory agency involved. Federal and state agencies have developed approaches for considering risk assessment and risk management issues. Regardless of the approaches adopted by any group or agency, the intent of the risk assessment and management process is to prevent overexposure of some threat to the public or the environment, and to minimize the associated risks, Risk assessment and risk management principles and methods are also used by the private sector, nonprofit organizations, and citizens’ groups to feed information into their decision-making processes. This section includes five chapters that describe the relation between risk assessment and risk management from different perspectives, concentratingon the roles, results, and effectsof risk assessment as they relate to risk management and regulatory decision-making in environare only examples of how risk assessment and risk management mental and public health. These relate in practice, and they by no means attemptto include a surveyof all relevant applications. ~
39 Role of Risk Assessment in Regulatory DecisionMaking for Biotechnology: EPA’s Experience Under TSCA Ellie F. Clark United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency Washington,D.C.
Microorganisms have provided humans with useful products for centuries. At the same time, humans have always workedto improve the efficacy of these products as well as to expand the uses to which they could be put. Recent advances in scientific knowledge have allowed scientists to speed up the development of new microbial products. Many of the beneficial new products represent improvements to traditional usesof microorganisms, whereas others represent expansion to new uses of microorganisms. Some of these traditional and new uses fall under the purview of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), which is administered byU.S. theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA’s regulation of microorganisms under TSCA provides an excellent illustration of how the basic concepts of risk assessment have been adapted and applied to the development of regulations for an emerging technology. This chapter will describe EPA’sTSCA biotechnology program and discuss the role of risk assessment in the evolution of that program. BiotechnoIogy has been defined as “any technique that uses living organisms (or parts oforganisms)tomakeormodifyproducts,toimproveplantsoranimals, or todevelop microorganisms for specific uses’’ (US.Congress, 1987). This definition includes centuries’ old uses of microorganisms, such as yeasts for baking and brewing,as well as the modem highly sophisticatedmanipulationsinvolvingrecombinant DNA(rDNA)and cell fusion.Products developed from the less-sophisticated biotechnology techniques have been traditionally regulated, in general, by a variety of product-specific laws administered by different federal agencies. When products of the more-sophisticated biotechnology techniques began to be developed,
concernwasexpressedthatthesenewproductsmightposerisksthat m greater than, or significantly different from, the older products and, therefore, they might needbe to regulated under a different framework. an interagency working To address the issues presented by the new biotechnology products, groupwasformedundertheWhiteHouseCabinetCouncilonNaturalResourcesandthe Environment in 1984. This working group determined that the network of existing laws that regulated older biotechnology products could, with some modifications, also adequately regulate the newer biotechnology products. The results of the working group were presented in a propo as statementthatwaspublishedonDecember31,1984,andfinalizedonJune26,1986, the“CoordinatedFrameworkforRegulationofBiotechnology”undertheauspices of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) (OSTP, 1986). The announcementincludeddescriptionsoftheregulatoryandresearchpoliciesofeach of thefederal agencies involved EPA, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of (NSF), the Occupational Safety and Health Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation of Agriculture (USDA). While the notice Administration (OSHA), and the U.S. Department included individual agency statements, it also provided a framework for interagency coordination wherever possible. EPA administers two, statutes which can cover biotechnology products, depending on the specific uses of the products. Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (m), EPA reviews and may register pesticide products. Under TSCA, EPA reviews chemical substances, with the exceptionof products covered by other federal statutes. In 1986 as part of the Coordinate9 Framework, EPA issued a policy statement which provided EPA’s plans and rationale for addressing biotechnology products subject toF’IFRAor TSCA. EPA was able to implement part of its biotechnology program for microbial products with the publication of the 1986 Policy Statement, To fully implement programs under both statutes, however, additional rulemakingwasnecessary. In September1994, EPA’s OfficeofPesticidePrograms(OPP) FIFRA (USEPA, 1994a). Atthe same published final regulations for microbial pesticides under time, on September 1, 1994, EPA’s Office of Pollution, Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) published proposed rules to fully implement its biotechnology program under TSCA (USEPA, 1994b). OPPT will continue to operate under the 1986 Policy Statement until final rules have been published under TSCA.
II. EPA’s BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRAM UNDER TSCA A. The Toxic Substances Control Act The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was enacted in 1976to identify and control chemical substances that present unreasonable risks of injury to human health or the environment. The TSCAdefinitionof achemicalsubstanceincludesanyorganicsubstanceofaparticular molecular identity, including any combination of such substances occurring in whole or in part or occurring in nature (U.S. Congress, 1976). Therefore, this definition from a chemical reaction describes not only the nucleic acids that compose an organism’s genetic material, but also the living organism as a whole, because it is a combination of substances of particular identities (OSTP, 1986). EPA has included living organismsin its definitionof chemical substances since the development of its initial regulations under TSCA. 5 provides forEPA In orderto identify potentially hazardous substances early, TSCA section to requiresubmissionofanotificationfornewchemicalsubstancesprior to theirinitial manufacture for commercial purposes. The EPA has 90 days to determine whether additional controls should be imposed on the chemical substances. Notification is not triggered by a risk
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determination; however, risk is considered during the review process. Premanufacture notias s u b fication (PMN) is required for new chemical substances that are defined in TSCA stances not on the TSCA Inventory of Chemical Substances manufactured in the United States. TSCA required EPA to initially compile the Inventory; EPA keeps the Inventory current by listing each substance on the Inventory following EPA’s review and the initiation of production of the substance by the manufacturer. Once a substanceis listed on the Inventory,it is no longer new. ThePMNs do nothavetobesubmittedbeforesubsequentuses,unlessEPA determines that a use presents new risk concerns and issues a significant new use rule (SNUR) requiring additional reporting. During the 9Oday review period for a PMN,EPA mustdecide whether use of the chemical substance may present an unreasonable risk,as opposed to no risk at all. Although TSCA does not specifically define “unreasonable risk,” the legislativehistory for the statute does give an indication of how Congress expected the term to be applied. The house report indicated that implementation of the no unreasonable risk standard required a balancing of the risks of the product against the benefits to be derived from the product. Congress recognized that scientific data would always possess some amount of uncertainty and should not be the sole determinant of a regulatory decision. Therefore, EPA must consider the weight of the evidence for both risks and benefits. When the likelihood and severity of risk are high, a no unreasonable risk finding is lesslikelyto be made,andrestrictions are morelikelyto be imposed.Alternatively,a higher level of risk will be acceptable if a product is shown to be very beneficial to society (USEPA, 1994b). Other uses of the TSCA “no unreasonable risk” standardbe will discussed in the rulemaking section. At the conclusionof the review, EPA may make one ofthree determinations. First,if EPA determines that use of the substance would not present an unreasonable risk, EPA will take no action. Production of the substance may begin at the end of the %day review period. Second, if EPA determinesthatthereisinsufficientinformation to makeadeterminationandthe substance may present an unreasonable risk, or its use may result in substantial exposure, EPA may issue a TSCA section 5(e) consent order to prohibit or limit production. The EPA generally negotiates a consent order with the submitter to restrict use of the substance until additional informationis available. Third, ifEPA finds that a substance presents or will present an unreasonable risk, EPA may use TSCA section 5 0 to issue an order or rule to restrict or prohibit productionof the substance(OSTP, 1986). Section 501) of TSCA provides EPA with mechanisms for exempting chemical substances from full reporting under certain circumstances. Sections 5(h)(3) and 5@)(4) have been tokey reducing reporting requirements for certain substances. Section 5(h)(3) allows EPA to exemptfrom full reportingpersonsmanufacturingor processing substances in “small quantities” only for research and development (R&D), if all employees ~IE notifiedofanyhealth risks posedbythesubstance.EPA isrequired by section 5(h)(3) to define “small quantities” by rule and is directed to determine what constitutes appropriate employee risk notification (U.S. Congress, 1976). As part of the New Chemicals Program, EPA developed an“R&D exemption” for traditional chemicals produced “only in small quantities solely for the purposes of research and development’’(OSTP, 1986). Under section 5(h)(4),EPA may exempt manufacturers of new substances from allor part ofthe full reporting requirements, if EPA determines that the substances will not present unreasonablerisks ofinjurytohumanhealth ortheenvironment (U.S. Congress,1976). Section 5(h)(4) provides EPA with the flexibility to develop a variety of exemptions. EPA’s utilization of this flexibility to develop proposed rules for its biotechnology program will be discussed in the rulemaking section.
B. The 1986 Policy Statement Since 1986, EPA has been reviewing TSCA section 5 notices for microorganisms and continues to operate its biotechnology program under the policy statement made as part of the aforementioned interagency “Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology” (OSTP, 1986). The biotechnology program was adapted from the New Chemicals Program established for traditional chemicals under TSCA section5 during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Differences between the two programs are due to different risk concerns for microorganisms versus traditional chemicals. to the original TSCA Inventory established in the late Living microorganisms were reported 1970s. However, in 1984, EPA clarified that living microorganisms were considered “chemical to TSCA, just like traditional chemicals. Although plants substances” and thus potentially subject and animals could also be chemical substances under TSCA, as a matter of policy, EPA has limited its current biotechnology program under TSCA to microorganisms. In the future, EPA will consider whether it would be appropriate to develop aprogram under TSCA section 5 to include transgenic plants and animals. Figure 1 shows how potentialsubmitterscandetermineiftheymighthavereporting obligations under TSCA section5. The f i i t step is to determine whether a product is subject to TSCA jurisdiction. TSCA authorizes EPA to regulate any chemical substance except certain substances covered by other federal statutes. The specific TSCA exclusions most relevant to microorganisms are exclusions for (1) pesticides (but not pesticide intermediates), which are subject to F ” R A , and (2) foods, food additives, drugs, and cosmetics, and their intermediates, which are covered by the Federal Food, Drug. and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). Any other environmental, industrial, or consumer uses of microorganisms could potentially be subject to TSCA. Certain microorganisms thatare subject to TSCA, butare also known plant pests are regulated of Agriculture (USDA) under the Federal jointly by EPA under TSCA and the U.S. Department Plant Pest Act, If the microorganisms are not known to be plant pests, those used for TSCA purposes wouldbe regulated solely by EPA. However, USDA would become involved if an EPA No TSCA Jurisdiction
New Microorganism (Intergeneric)
Figure 1 Determining TSCA section 5 obligations under the 1986 policy statement.
review determined that the microorganism had plant pest qualities. Uses of microorganisms that are subject to TSCA include specialty chemical production, nitrogen fixation, bioremediation, biosensors, biomass conversion, and mineral recovery.To date, the primary uses reviewed by EPA have been for microorganisms developed for enhanced nitrogen fixation, or for microorganisms usedas intermediates to produce enzymes for use in laundry detergents. The next step is to determine whether the product would be considered a “new” microorganism under TSCA section 5 (see! Fig. 1). In the biotechnology program, new microorganisms trigger PMN reporting, justas new chemical substances do in the traditional chemicals program. When EPA originally established the TSCA Inventory, it considered naturally occurring substances to be implicitly included on the Inventory and, therefore, notnew. No specific policy was outlined addressing what constitutes new a microorganism. Determining how the “naturally occurring” distinction should be interpreted for microorganisms has been a continuing challenge be for EPA. Under the 1986 policy statement, EPA determined that new microorganisms would intergeneric microorganisms not listed on the TSCA Inventory. Intergeneric microorganisms contain deliberate combinations of genetic material from source organisms in different taxonomic genera. Excluded from the definition of new microorganisms are naturally occurring microorganisms, genetically modified microorganisms other than intergenerics, and intergeneric microorganisms resulting fmm only the addition of well-characterized, noncoding regulatory regions (OSTP, 1986). If a productis being manufacturedfor a TSCA use and is a new microorganism, it will be subject to some requirements under TSCA section 5. As Fig. 1 indicates, the specific TSCA section 5 reporting obligations for new microorganismsare determined by whether the microorganisms willbe used for R&D activities, or will be manufactured for distribution in commerce. If a microorganism willbe used for R&D activities thatare contained, thatuse could qualify for the R&D or “smallquantities”exemptiondevelopedundersection 5(h)(3) fortraditional chemicals.The 1986 policystatementindicatesthatamicroorganismwillbeconsidered environmentally contained if it is used either in a laboratory that complies with the National Institutes of Health(NJH) guidelines or in a contained greenhouse, fermentor, or other contained structure. The latterare defined as buildings or structures that have roofs and walls.is It further suggested that these structures have certain features designed to minimize unintentional releases of of microorganisms (OSTP,1986). This is a broad definition that could include a variety structures. Persons eligible for the R&D exemption must comply with the same requirements as those using the R&D exemption for traditional chemicals. The key featureis that there is no required reporting to EPA. In 1986, EPA indicated that because microorganismsmay reproduce and increase beyond be eligible for the R&D the quantity initially released to the environment, they should not exemption. Persons whoare using new microorganisms inR&D activities involving releaseto the environment are encouraged to file avoluntaryPMNwithEPAbeforeinitiatingsuch activities. If theydo notfile a voluntaryPMN,they should, nevertheless, follow the requirements for the R&D exemption. EPA includes mandatory R&D release-reporting requirements in its proposed rule, which will be discussed in a later section. Once use of new microorganisms has moved beyond the R&D stage, PMN submission is required before commencementof manufacture for distribution in commerce. TSCA requires PMN submitters to include all reasonably ascertainable information that would assist EPA in determining whether use of the new substance would pose an unreasonabletorisk human health or to the environment. Because codified information requirements are not yet available specifically for microorganisms, EPA has prepared for submitters a “Points to Consider” document to 1994~). assist them in preparing microorganism PMNs (USEPA,
C. Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Microorganisms
The EPA used the risk assessment process developed under TSCA for traditional chemicals as the starting pointfor developing its risk assessment process for microorganisms. The same general =hazard x exposure, The assessment formula isused for both typesof assessments, that is, Risk of genetically modified microorganisms under TSCA has been Eviewed recently elsewhere (Sayre and Kough,1993); therefore, onlya few summary comments will be made here. Generally, four individual scientific assessments are prepared during a workgroup PMN reviewof amicroorganism.Theseinclude (1) a humanhealthhazardassessment, (2) an environmental hazard assessment, (3) a construct analysis of the genetically modified microorganism, and (4) an exposure assessment (Sayre and Kough, 1993). These individual assessments are combined to develop an integrated risk assessment. At the same time, a marketing analysis has been prepared by the economist on the workgroup. The marketing analysis includes the economist’s estimates of the microorganism’s benefits based on information supplied in the PMN as well as independent economic research, when appropriate. The risk assessment and the marketing analysis are usedto prepare a regulatory decision document. Following the balancing of potential risks and benefits presented by a PMN microorganism, EPA comes to one of the threeregulatorydecisionsdiscussedintheprevioussection.Thesedecisions are basedon EPA feels that whether EPA has enough informationto make a risk determination and whether use of the productmay present an unreasonable risk(OSTP, 1986). Two important characteristics ofPMN microorganisms have dominated the process. First, since unlike chemicals, living microorganisms have the ability to reproduce and increase beyond thenumberinitiallyreleasedtotheenvironmentandthusmay be able to transfer genetic information to other organisms, emphasis is placed on the examination fateofand effectsof the microorganisms. For the types of microorganisms reviewed to date under TSCA, the particular emphasis has been on environmental effects, as opposed to human health effects ( S a p and Kough, 1993). Then, because TSCA section 5 excludes naturally occurring substances from PMN reporting, during the risk assessment the behavior of the genetically modified microorganism is compared with that ofits naturally occurring parent microorganism. If data indicate that aPMN microorganism exhibits behaviors within a range expected for the naturally occurring parent microorganism, then uncertainty about use ofPMN the microorganism is greatly reduced. The two characteristicsof PMN microorganismsdiscussedintheforegoinghavehad important effectson EPA’s decisions to date. First, mostof the PMN microorganisms have not been found to exhibit behaviors significantly different from the naturally occurring parents, and this has greatly reduced risk concerns. Second, fate of microorganisms in the environment has received considerable scrutiny during reviews, since the inability to survive and disseminate als lessens concerns for risk to the environment, For microorganisms used as intermediates in fermentation systems, the focus has been on unintended releases of microorganisms through exit ports or waste disposal. Where microorganisms have been intentionally released in field tests, the focushas been on whether the microorganisms could move beyond the site test and establish in the environment. Since 1986, EPA has reviewed voluntaryPMNs for 25 genetically modified microorganisms for sequential field for use in small-scale field tests for R&D. Most of these reviews have been tests conducted with the goal of developing a commercial product that would be a genetically modified bacterium with enhanced nitrogen fixation capabilities. Because these field tests were some of the earliest reviewsof environmental releasesof genetically modified microorganisms under TSCA, the reviews also significantly influenced the development of the TSCA biotechnology program andthe proposed rules, which will be discussed in the next section. PMNs, EPA used its authority underTSCA section 5(e) to negotiate For all of the voluntary
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consent orders to restrict use of the microorganisms to the specific field tests and to obtain additional data before allowing larger-scale uses of the microorganisms. In 1994 the company that had been field testing the bacteria with enhanced nitrogen fixation capabilities asked EPA to approve one of itsstrains for commercialization. If approved,thiswouldbethefirst commercialization under TSCA ofa genetically modified microorganismfor intentional environmental release.EPA hasalso reviewed PMNsfor commercial use ofa variety of intergeneric microorganisms used as intermediates in specialty chemical production, primarily of enzymes. All of these have been mandatory PMNs for contained structure uses beyond theR&D stage. For all of the microorganisms used as intermediates to produce enzymes, no regulatory action has been taken, because EPA determined during the PMN reviews that their use would not present an unreasonable risk. Most of these microorganisms are in production and have been added to the TSCA inventory. TheEPA's experience with both typesof reviews has ledto the development of many of the provisions in its proposed rule. The remainder of this chapter considers how risk assessment has affected the development ofthe proposed rule.
A. Introduction I . History of Proposed Rulemaking The EPA could implement only part ofits TSCA biotechnology program with the 1986 policy statement. To fully implement the program, EPA needed to employ the official rulemaking of aproposedruleforpubliccommentfollowedby process,whichrequirespublication promulgation ofa final rule. Therefore, after publication of the 1986 policyEPA statement, began working toward this goal by developing a proposed rule to address TSCA uses of microorganisms. In 1988, EPA sent a proposed TSCA biotechnology rule to the Officeof Management and Budget (OMB) for review before publication. The OMB sent the proposal to theOSTP's BiotechnologyScienceCoordinatingCommittee(BSCC)forconsideration.Followingunsuccessful negotiations during most of 1988, EPAwithdrewtheproposed rule from OMB (USGAO, 1992). On February 15, 1989, EPA published a notice in theFederal Register asking (USEPA, 1989). for commenton certain issues in the 1988 draft proposed rule Following the close of the comment period in May 1989, EPA reviewed the public comof some of the key elements in the 1988 draft proposal. In June ments and began reconsideration 1991, EPA madea draft of the new proposed TSCA biotechnology rule available to the public as part of its announcement of a meetingof its Biotechnology Science Advisory Committee to provide advice on certain scientific issues raised in the draft proposal (USEPA, 1991). After on September 1,1994, EPApublished the proposed making additional revisions to the 1991 draft, TSCA biotechnology rule for public comment(USEPA, 1994b). The development ofthe basic reporting mechanisms and exemptions in the 1994 proposal is the subject of this section.
2. Use of TSCA Section5(h)(4) One goal of the proposed rule is to tailor the basic TSCA section 5 PMN reporting process specifically to microorganisms. However, the basic PMN reporting process is just one part of the proposal. The EPA has taken advantage of the flexibility offered by TSCA section 5(h)(4) to develop a program for microorganisms that recognizes the differences in risk concerns for different uses of microorganisms and attempts to adjust the reporting requirements accordingly. As noted earlier, TSCA section 5(h)(4) provides that EPA may exempt manufacturers of new substances fromall or part of the fullPMN reporting requirements, ifEPA determines that the substances will not present unreasonable ofrisks injuryto human health or the environment. This
essentially requiresEPA to make a generic risk assessment upfront about the substances it wishes to exempt. However, a balancing of risks and benefits is required, sinceEPA must determine whether a new substance will present an unreasonable risk, as opposed to no risk. Thus, EPA must weigh the potential harm that could result from allowing an activity to proceed without full PMN reporting against the gain in social and economic benefits from that activity, EPA can The or a full exemption from reporting. Therefore, a more complete exemption from develop a partial reporting can be developed for an activity that presents low risk and provides greater benefits (USEPA, 1994b). When EPA does not have sufficient information to allowa full exemption,it can develop a partial exemption that would consist of limited reporting requirements and a shortened reviewperiod, as well as compliance with specific eligibility requirements. In the 1986 policy statement, EPA indicated its intent to use its TSCA section 5(h)(4) authority, when appropriate,to reduce the burden of PMN-reporting requirements (OSTF, 1986). 5 obligations under the Figure 2 shows how potential submitters would determine TSCA section are the 1994proposedrules.AcomparisonwithFig.1indicatesthattheprimarychanges inclusion of exemptions from full reporting for R&D and commercial uses of certain microorganisms. Although Fig. 2 appears to present submitters with a more complicated flowchart, it also shows howEPA has utilized its section 5(h)(4) authority both to provide regulatory reliefandtotailor its section 5 programmoreappropriatelytomicroorganisms.Three of the exemptions willbe discussed to illustrate the useof risk assessment in regulatorydevelop ment. In each example, EPA had to craft an exemption that successfully balanced the need to meet the no unreasonable risk standardof TSCA against the desire to provide a mechanism less costly than full reporting.
No Jurisdiction TSCA
yes New Microorganism (Intergeneric)
Tiered Exemption ‘ O n T
RExemption &D
(No reporting)
Tier I Certification Tier II Exemption Required Request
Noi Ph4N
TERA Required
Figure 2 Determining TSCA section 5 obligations under the proposed d e .
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B. Development of the Tiered Exemption
In the 1986 policy statement, EPA reminded readers that, although most of the agency’s attention was focused on environmental releases of microorganisms, TSCA also required reporting for contained-structure uses of microorganismsat commercial scale. The EPAfurther stated its belief that many contained-structure uses of new microorganisms would present less risk than environmental releases of those same microorganisms. For that reason, P A announced its intent to explore the use of TSCA section 5(h)(4)to create an exemption for contained-structure uses of new microorganisms (USEPA, 1994b). An internal EPA workgroupevaluatedavarietyofalternatives for developmentofa contained-structureexemption.Thetieredexemptionthatresultedfromthesedeliberations illustrates how EPA was able to successfully develop criteria to define low-risk categories plus offer the submitter an option of no review or limited review, either choice representing a substantial benefit to the submitter, The tiered exemption provides specific criteria for the recipient microorganism, the introduced genetic material, and the conditions for manufacture and use ofthe microorganism. The recipient microorganism is the key to making the no unreasonable risk determination required by TSCA section 5(h)(4). If the recipient is a low-risk microorganism, then adding introduced genetic material meeting the specified criteria would not cause the new microorganism’s behavior to be significantly different from that of the recipient parent. Additionally, the conditions of manufactureand use aredesignedtominimizereleasesof microorganismsfromthestructure,therebyprovidingafurtherreduction in potential risk. Although these criteria wefe developed to reduce risk to both human health and the environmen the emphasis ison human health, because the primary exposure to these microorganismsbewill to workers in fermentation facilities. The following six criteria were used to select candidates to be listed as recipient micro(1) the microorganism canbe clearly identified and organisms eligible for the tiered exemption: classified; (2) the relationof the microorganism to known pathogens canbe evaluated ; (3) the microorganism has a history of safe commercial use; (4) the microofganism’s commercial uses (5) informationisavailableonthepotential for the indicateapotentialforTSCAuses; microorganism to cause adverse effects on human health and the environment;(6) and information is availableon the survivalof the microorganism in the environment. From a review using the six evaluiltioh ckiteria, EPA weighed the combination of responses befoe determining the candidate’s eligibility. Initial candidates were chosen and a subset wasfor selected complete risk assessments by EPA staff. These risk assessments were placed in the public docket as support for EPA’s TSCA section 5(h)(4) determination. The candidates listed in the 1994 proposed rule include the following: Acetobacter aceti, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus oryzae, Bacillus licheniformis,Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli K-12, Penicillum roqueforti, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Saccharomyces uvarum. To be eligible for the tiered exemption, the introduced genetic material must be limited in size, well characterized, free of certain toxin. sequences, and poorly mobilizable.. Introduced be limited in size to those genes required to perform the intended function. genetic material must as well as their Those genes must also be well characterized, meaning that their function phenotypicexpression is known.Thesefirst two criteria serve to exclude extraneous and uncharacterized DNA, thereby improving the ability to predict the behavior of the new microorganism. The well-characterized criterion also helps assure that the introduced genetic material is free of certain toxin sequences that EPA listed in the 1994 proposed regulations. The toxins were excluded listed were all polypeptides with fairly high vertebrate toxicity. Other toxins because of their lower toxicity and their multigenic derivation. The three criteria combine to reduce risk concerns about behaviors, such as pathogenicity, that are of multigenic origin.m e
fourth criterion, that the introduced genetic material be poorly mobilizable, reduces the potential for transfer of the genetic material to other microorganisms. TheEPA included this criterion, because no restrictions are being placed on the organisms that can serve as sources of the introduced genetic material. are manufactured andused axe what create The conditions under which the microorganisms a tiered exemption. For the tierI exemption, specific performance standards must be followed. Manufacturers who use the tier I exemption would be required to file a one-time certification statement with EPA 30 days before first commercial manufactureof their microorganism. The statement would certify that the manufacturer is complying with all of the tierI requirements. There would beno EPA review. For the tier11exemption, manufacturers would be asked to use the tier I standards as guidance for developing their conditionsof manufacture and use. Manufacturers would then send EPA a tier 11 exemption request certifying compliance with the recipientmicroorganismandintroducedgeneticmaterialrequirementsanddescribingtheir conditions of manufacture and use, which would be subjectto a 45-day review by EPA. The conditions ofmanufactureanduseincluderequirementsthatthestructurebedesigned and operatedto contain the microorganism, accessbe limited to essential personnel, and EPA isspecifyingthat generalworkerhygieneandprotectionpracticesbefollowed.The liquid and solid wastes containing microorganisms be inactivated to give a validated 6-logreduction in viable organisms, and that aerosols and exhaust gases be treated to give a 2-log reduction in viable organisms. The EPA is prescribing specific standards to minimizethenumberofmicroorganisms released from a contained structure, because a diverse group of microorganisms will be eligible for the exemption and because the tier I exemption involvesEPA no review. In addition,EPA is broadly defining astructure as a building or vessel that effectively surrounds and encloses the microorganism; so that a variety of structures could potentially be used under this exemption. Therefore, to make the no unreasonable risk for finding the tier I exemption, EPAmust be assured that microbial emissions are minimized. Because EPA is not specifying performance standards for conditions of use in the I1 tier exemption, EPA is propsing a 45-day review. Not only is the review period abbreviated, but the information in a tier I1 exemption request would be limited EPA to determine whetherthe conditions of use would be appropriate to that which would allow for the microorganism. Both the tier I and tier I1 exemptions provide benefits to EPA and the industry. EPA has focused on microorganisms that have been subject to TSCA reporting to guarantee that this EPA will also benefitby exemption could be used after promulgation of final regulations. The being able to focus its resources on organisms presenting greater risk as will industry from reduced reporting costs and decreased delays associated with reporting. The EPA believes its requirements for minimizing microbial emissionsm within standard operating procedures for the microbial fermentation industry. However, the tiered exemption gives industry the opportunity to choose between the trade-offs offered by tier I, using EPA standards andno EPA review, EPA review. In bothcases, EPA believes versus tier11,using company standards and abbreviated it has successfully achieved a balance of providing an exemption that reduces costs for both industry and EPA, while still meeting the no unreasonable risk standard. A further benefitis the EPA indicated in the proposed rule that flexibility offeredby future expansion of the exemption. it is considering nominating other microorganisms as recipients eligiblefor the tiered exemption. It would be necessary for EPA to complete a risk assessment before each recipient is added to the list. Therefore, in the 1994 proposed rule EPA asked commenters to nominate additional candidate organisms and provide information to support a no unreasonable risk determination (USEPA, 1994b).
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C. Development of the E R A Process The greatest difference between the TSCA section 5 programs for traditional chemicals and to exempt from microorganisms is in the area of R&D. The TSCA section 5(h)(3) allows EPA reporting R&D activities involving chemical substances produced in small quantities ( U S . Congress, 1976). What has often been overlooked is that is athis conditional exemption. TSCA gives EPA the authority to define “small quantities” and to impose controls on the R&D activities. EPA has usedthis authority to make supervision by a technically qualified individual (TQI) a requirement for eligibility for the exemption. Under the traditional chemicals program, most R&D is exempt when chemicals are used in small quantities solely for R&D. Although this definition is appropriatefor discrete amountsof chemicals, it cannotbe applied with the same expectations to living microorganisms, since microorganisms have the ability to reproduce and spread in the environment. In 1986, EPA indicatedthat if the existing small quantities definition was applied to living microorganisms, many R&D releases micwrganisms of would occur without EPA review. The EPA would review only microorganisms and uses that became commercial products. Because of the concern that some R&D releases could present significant risks, EPA stated its intent to change the R&D exemption to require reporting of R&D activities involving environmental releases of new microorganisms. EPA asked for voluntaryPMN reporting of R&Dreleases until a final rulewas promulgated (OSTP, 1986). In the 1988 draft of the TSCArule, the public got its first glimpse ofEPA’s proposal for an R&D reporting process. The EPA proposedthe establishment of the TSCA Experimental Release Application (TERA) process, specifically tailored to reportingR&D activities involving environmental releases of new microorganisms. Of all the issues raised for public comment EPA’s in 1989 Federal Registernotice, TSCA oversightof R&D field testsof microorganisms provedto bethemostcontroversial.Forthisreason,afteraninternal EPA workgroupreconsidered coverage of R&D releases, EPA held a 2-day meeting in September 1989 with interested parties to discuss major issues Concerning TSCA oversight of R&D field tests. Althoughthere was a diversity of opinion about what the actual process should be, many meeting participants felt that there should be some TSCA section 5 review of R&D field tests. In developing theTERA process proposed in the 1994 proposal, EPA carefully considered the issues raisedby public commentersas well as the experience gained in reviewing voluntary PMNs submitted for R&D field tests. The proposed TERA process would involve a 60-day review that would focus on information concerning the R&D activity for which approval is on sought. This is in contrast to full reporting for commercialization, which requires information allmanufacture,processing,transport,use,anddisposalactivitiesinvolvinganewmicroreview, the TERA process would allow organism. Unlikefull reporting that mandates 90-day a a submitter to proceed at any time during the 6O-day period upon EPA’s determination thatthe R&D field test presented no unreasonable risk. TERA The process also includes a more flexible method for negotiating a legal agreement, thereby avoiding the delays involved in developing Consent Orders under TSCA section 5(e). In establishing theTERA process, EPA is also proposingto use its authority under TSCA section 5(h)(4) to conditionally exempt from full reporting requirements R&D activities involving releases of new microorganisms to the environment. The exemption is conditional, because EPA believes that case-by-case review is needed to determine whether a microorganism used in environmental testing has the potential to establish in the environment and presentan unreasonable risk and, thus, should be restricted in its use. EPA has proposed, therefore, that all R&D activitiesinvolvingenvironmentalreleases be eligiblefortheabbreviated “ERA
process in lieuof full reporting. TheEPA believes that theTERA represents a balanceof EPA's need to review some infomation to make itsno unreasonable risk finding against the flexibility and reductionin burden providedby the abbreviated review period, information requirements, and TERA agreement. To propose the TERA process under section 5@)(4), EPA must find that R&D activities R A ,in lieu of the full 9O-day process, will not present an unreasonable reviewed under the E risk. TheEPA has beenable to make that finding, since the same risk determination will be made at the conclusionof both the "ERA and the full-reporting pmesses. Because theTERA review should reduce reporting costs by eliminating EPA procedures that are unnecessary for R&D, it should encourage innovation and beneficially affect organizations conducting R&Dnew with microorganisms (USEPA. 1994b).
D. Development of the TERA Exemption Publiccommentsreceivedin1989recommendedthata process forexemptionfrom EPA review be developedin conjunction with any R&D reporting process. The "TKRA exemption" is an outgrowth of the "ERA process, but it also represents a synthesis of EPA's experience developing the R&D exemption and the tiered exemption as well as reviewing voluntaryPMNs for R&D field tests. In developing the "ERA pmess for reporting R&D releases, EPA recognized that not every R&D test would need to be reviewed. EPA f i i t developed the abbreviatedTERA process and then examined ways to craft an exemption from TERA reporting. EPA took advantage of its success with the tiered exemption and focused on setting for criteria the recipient microorganism, the introduced genetic material, and the conditions of use. For candidate recipients,EPA had to look no further than itsPMN reviews of microbial field tests. At the time this exemptionwas being developed,EPA had completed reviews of voluntaryPMNs for six intergeneric strainsof Bradyrhizobium japonicum and 13 intergeneric strains of Rhizobium meliloti. These microorganisms had been genetically modified for enhanced nitrogen fixation. Instead of conducting additional risk assessments, EPA relied on the risk assessments generated by its staff for the PMN reviews as well as the data received from the field tests of the intergeneric strains. Naturally occurring rhizobial strains have been used safely in agriculture for over 80 years. As with the tiered exemption, knowledge of a history of safe use with the recipient microof the risk assessment. organism was an important component to the tiered exemption, The introduced genetic material had general requirements similar that is, limited in size, well characterized, and poorly mobilizable. However, based on PMN reviewexperienceandknowledge of potentialrisks, EPA alsolimitedthesource of the introduced genetic material to the genera of Bradyrhizobium and Rhizobium, although any organism could serve as the source of antibiotic-resistance marker genes. Neither the recipients nor the introduced genetic material could have the capacity to produce rhizobitoxinor trifolitoxin. Borrowing from the R&D exemption, EPA required that the field tests be supervised by a TQI. Again, basedon its reviews,EPA limited the test sitesto 10-acresor less. The TQIwas to assure that practices were in place to limit the spread of the organisms beyond the test site. Persons eligible for this exemption would be required to certify to EPA that they complied with the requirementsof the exemption. Therewouldbe no EPA review. This exemptionwould be field test-specific. Once a researcher plannedto test on greater than 10 acres, a "ERA would be required. Full reporting would be required before commercialization of the microorganisms. Since a significant degree
Assessment Risk
Decision-Making in Regulatory
of R&D field testing of rhizobia takes place in tests df less than 10 acres, this exemption can provide an important reduction in reporting. The EPA is proposing this exemption under section 5(h)(4).Here, EPA was able to make tiered exemption and the no unreasonable risk finding by usingthe framework established in the proposingcandidatesforwhichitalreadyhadthenecessaryinformation.Likethetiered exemption, the TERA exemption also establishes a framework to which eligible candidates can be added byEPA,and the proposed rule encourages commenters to suggest additional candidates and provide information necessary to support exemptions from TERA reporting (USEPA, 1994b).
E. Concluding Remarks The three proposed exemptions discussed in the foregoing provide ample illustration of the flexibility offered by TSCAsection5(h)(4)andtheroleplayedbyriskassessment in the is proposing other usesof development of EPA's proposed TSCA biotechnology rule. The EPA to predict a future publicationdate for section 5(h)(4) in this rule. Although it is not yet possible the biotechnology rule, EPA will analyze the public comments received on the 1994 proposal and then begin to draft the final rule. Until the final rule is published, EPA will continue to operate its program under the1986 policy statement andwill continue to review PMNs. As EPA gainsmoreexperiencethroughitsreviewsand as generalscientificknowledgeincreases, EPA will continue to take advantageof the flexibility offered by TSCA section 5(h)(4) to tailor its TSCA biotechnology program to achieve an appropriate risk-cost balance.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Theauthorgratefullyacknowledgestheassistance of thefollowingindividualsfromthe U.S. EPA who helped with editorial review of this manuscript: Lawrence Zeph, Robert Andrei, and David Giamporcm.
DISCLAIMER The views expressed axe those of the author and not of the Agency or the U.S. government.
U.S. Environmental Protection
REFERENCES [OSTP] OfficeofScienceandTechnologyPolicy.(1986).Coordinatedframework for regulation of biotechnology; announcement of policy and notice for public comment,Fed. Regist.5 1,23302-20093. S a p , P. G., and J. L.Kough (1993). Assessment of genetically engineered microorganisms under TSCA Considerations prior to use in fermentorsor small-scale field release. In Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment G. Landis, J.S. Hughes, and M. A. Lewis, eds.), ASTM STP 1179, American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 65-79. U.S. Congress (1976). Toxic Substances Control Act, andas amended, U.S. Code, 15,2601 et seq. U.S.Congress, Office of Technology Assessment (1987). New Developments in Biotechnology: Ownership of Human Rssues and Cells-Speciul Report, OTA-BA-337,U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. [USEPA]U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (1989). Biotechnology; quest for comment on regulatory approach, Fed. Regist. 54,7027. [USEPA] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1991). Microbial Products of Biotechnology; proposed
regulation under the Toxic Substances Control Act, Chemical Control EPA Division, office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Washington, DC (unpublished draft). [USGAO] U.S. General AccountingOffice (1992). Biotechnology: Delaysin and Starusof EPA's Effortsto Issue a TSCA Regulation, GAORCED-92-167, U.S. General Accounting Office, Washington, [USEPA] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1994a).40 CFR Part 172, Microbial pesticides: Experimental use pennits and notifications, final rule, Fed. Regist., 59,45600-45615. [USEPA] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1994b).40 CFR Part 700, et al. Microbial products of biotechnology; proposed regulation under the Toxic Substances Control Act: proposed rule, Fed. Regist., 59,4552645585. [USEPA] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (19%). Points to Consider in the Preparation of and Submission of TSCA Premanufacrure Notices (PMNs) for Microorganisms,Chemical Control Division, EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Washington, DC (Unpublished).
Risk Assessment for Risk Management and Regulatory Decision-Making at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration P. Michael Bolger, Clark D. Carrington, and Sara Hale Henry United States Food and Drug Administration Washington,D.C.
One of the major responsibilities of the Center forFood Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)is to ensure that foods in U.S. commerce are safe to eat. The C F S A N , therefore, is charged with protecting the public from chemical hazards in foods. The FDA regulates food safety under the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act).
In 1958 Congress enacted theFood Additives Amendmentto the FD&C Act. Currently, section 409 of the act provides that a food additive must be shown to be safe under its intended be shown to serve a conditions of use before itis allowed for use in food. A food additive must technical function in the food at levels of safe use. The FDA has been provided with authority to issue tolerances and regulations approving the useof food additives in or on food; the act requires preclearance evaluation of safety by the agency (Kokosial.,et1989). The FD&C Act also recognizes generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and “prior sanction” status for certain food ingredients, which technically are not considered food additives under the of “experts” qualifiedby scientific act. General recognition of safety mustbe based on the views training and experience to evaluate the safety of substances added toThis food. recognition may be based on either a safe historyof common use in food before 1958 or scientific procedures (Kokoski et al., 1989). The Food Additives Amendment includes both direct (or secondary direct) and indirect food additives. Direct additives are substances added deliberately in finite amounts, for whatever 791
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technical purpose served, and remain in the food as consumed. Secondary direct food additives represent substances added to food or food components somewhere during manufacture or processing, but thatare removed beforethe final productis consumed, only low levelsof these substances, usually processing aids, might remain in the final food, Zndirect food additives represent potential residues of substances that may become components of food because they migrate from food contact surfaces during production, manufacturing, packing, processing, preparing, treating, packaging, transporting,or holding the food, including sources of radiation (Kokoski et al., 1989). In 1960, CongressenactedtheColorAdditivesAmendmentsthatrequiredthat color additives be shown be to safe foruse in or on food, drugs,or cosmetics before being allowed by color additive regulation. The provisions of the FD&C Act and the regulations for color add et 1989). are very much the sameas those for food additives (Kokoski al., The Delaney Anticancer Clause of the FD&C Act precludes the use of quantitative risk assessment for substances deliberately added tofood and contains the proscription against the addition to food of substances determined to induce cancer in humans or animals. Unavoidable are regulated under Section 402 or 406 of the act when the Delaney Clause contaminants of foods is not applicable and for which FDA has the authority to set for tolerances substances that cannot 406, FDA is required to balance the be avoided by good manufacturing practices. Under Section food might pose to the benefits of the availabilityof food against the risk a contaminant in that public health. Risk assessment is atool used by FDA to estimate the upper limitof risk posed by the contaminant. The FDA has also found risk assessment to be a useful tool in estimating the risk from contaminantsof food or coloradditives(impuritiespolicytobediscussedlater);and in estimating the risk from residues of animal drugs in animal food products (Sensitivity of Method to provide information guideline). Risk assessment is also usedby FDA to help set priorities and for the urgency of a regulatory action. The FDApublished on April 2,1982, an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) describing its impurities or constituents policy. The impurities policy represents a significant change for FDA in its general policy toward regulating carcinogenic chemicals in food and color additives. The impurities policy may be described as follows: if a foodor color additive itself is found to induce cancer, it is clearly subject to the Delaney clause; however, if the additive itself is not a carcinogen, but a contaminant or constituent of the additiveis found tobe a carcinogen, the General Safety Clause applies. Under this clause, FDA will use risk assessment procedures, when appropriate, to determine the upper limit of risk to the consumerfrom the presenceof the contaminant or constituent chemical. FDA continues tobe concerned about carcinogenic contaminants that get into the food supply, but it believes that a reasonable scientific approach, taking into consideration new developments in science, may be used without compromising their mandate to protect public health. For example, on April2, 1982, FDA approved for permanent listing D&C Green No. 6, which had not been shown to be carcinogenic in appropriate tests, even though it contains the carcinogenic impurity, puru-toluidine. In this decision, FDA stated its belief that the upper limit of risk can be adequately estimated from animal data and applied to humans. The impurities policy survived legal challenge in the 6th Circuitof Court Appeals in a unanimous ruling in favor of FDA.
II. THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL REPORT ON RISK ASSESSMENT The National Research Council’s (NRC) repoa Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Munaging the Process (NRC, 1983) defiies risk assessment as the “use of the factual base to
by the FDA
define the health effects of exposure of individuals or populations to hazardous materials and/or situations." According to NRC, an ideal risk assessment should contain some or all of the following four steps:
Hazard identification: The determinationof whether a particular chemicalis or is not causally linked to particular health effects. Dose-response assessment: The determination of the relationship between the magnitude of exposure and the probability of occurrence of the health effects in question. Exposure ussessment: The determination of the extent of human exposure before or after application of regulatory controls. Risk characterization: The description of the natu-d often themagnituds-of human risk including attendant uncertainty. The NRC notes that both scientific judgments and policy choices may be involved in selecting from among possible inferential bridges, and recommends the use of the term risk assessment policy to differentiate those judgments and choices from the broader social and are inherent in risk management decisions. Controversy surrounding economic policy issues that regulatory decisions has resulted from failing to distinguish risk assessment policy from risk management policy. The NRC report points out that the term risk assessment is oftem given a very narrow on meaning and becomes synonymous with quantitative risk assessment and heavy reliance numerical results. But quantitative numerical estimates ofrisk are not always scientifically possible or feasible for reasons of policy. The NRC reportdiscussesthefoursteps of riskassessment,which are nowsummarized briefly. Hazard identification involves determining whether exposure to an agent can cause an increaseintheincidenceofahealthcondition,such as cancer,birthdefects,andother adverse health outcomes. This is seldom a simple question; data from mutagenicity studies may provide useful support for findings from epidemiological investigations or animal studies; comparing an agent's chemical or physical properties with those of known carcinogens also can provide some support. Dase-responseassessment is usedtoevaluatetestsperformedonlaboratoryanimals. Several problemsmay arise here. The NRC report notes that animal carcinogenicity bioassays are rarely able to detect even a1% increase in tumor incidence, and regulatory agencies often are much lower(1:l million or 1:lOOO). Several methods for low-dose must deal with risks that extrapolation have been developed, but the current state of knowledge does not permit the determinationof an optimal method; currently, regulatory agencies must make a risk assessment policy choice among various methods. In quantitative risk assessments, regulatory scientists must compensate for size differences between animals and humans. Some methodsfor making this compensation may be used more frequently than others may or be preferred by certain regulatory agencies, but one single method has not been established as preferable to others by rigorous scientific evidence. The NRC report defines exposure assessmentas the determination of the concentration of the chemical to which humans are exposed. Frequently, human exposure cannot be directly measured and must be estimated from incomplete or indirect data. As described in the NRC report, risk characterization involves estimating the nature and often the magnitude of the public health problem. Scientific judgment and experience on the part for ofregulatoryscientists are criticalinthisstep.Suchimportantconsiderationsinclude, example, the statistical and biological uncertainties in estimating the extent of health how effects,
HenryBolger, Carrington,and
to describe those uncertainties to risk managers, which dose-response and exposure assessments to use, and which populations to choose as the primary targets for protection.
111. GUIDELINES FOR RISK ASSESSMENT A second important set of principles for risk assessment of carcinogens is thatasembled by the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), Executive Office of the President, entitled Chemical Carcinogens: A Review of the Science and its Associated Principles (1985). The federal interagency group that authored this set of guidelines included scientists from theNationalCenterforToxicologicalResearch, Rood andDrugAdministration,National Cancer Institute, Environmental Protection Agency, Consumer Product Safety Commission, National Instituteof Environmental Health Sciences, and Food Safety and Inspection Service of the U.S. DepartmentofAgriculture.Inperformingriskassessments,CFSANfollowsthe principles contained in this document. The purpose of the OSTP document was(1) to articulate a view of chemical carcinogenesis that scientists generally hold in common and (2) to draw uponthis common viewto construct a series of general principles that can be used to establish guidelines for assessing carcinogenic risk. The document points out that, because of present gaps in understanding, the principles contain judgmental (science policy) decisions about unresolved issues, as well as statements of generally accepted fact. However, an attempt was made to distinguish clearly between these differenttypes of information. TheOSTP document does not suggest that one method of cancer risk assessment is better than another, but instead, ties to evaluate the effect on the scientific or principles importantto risk assessment, findings of the last decade on general assumptions The OSTP document points out that risk assessments by federal regulatory agencies are done in response to various forms of legislation. Some legislation calls for action in the presence of any risk; other legislation uses the concept of reasonable risk, often defined as a condition in which the risks outweigh the benefits (e.g., the Toxic Substances Control Act and the Federal Insecticide,Fungicide,andRodenticideAct).Differentlegislationcallsforaspectrum of responses from federal agencies that range from informing the public of risks, through restricted use, to a completeban. Part I of the OSTP document presents31 principles relevantto the evaluationof the roleof chemicals in carcinogenesis. These principles cover such topics as mechanism of carcinogenesis (including the application of the threshold principle in carcinogenesis), the role of short-term tests in determining carcinogenicity, interpretation of long-term animal bioassays, strengths and limitations of epidemiology studies and exposure assessments, and risk characterization (includingtheweight-of-evidenceapproachandrecognition of thevariousimportantsources of uncertainty in risk assessment). Part I1 of the OSTP document is divided into six chapters, each containinga discussion of current information in an area of science relevant to risk assessment. Discussions of recent advances in understanding the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, short-term testing and the relation between genetic toxicity and carcinogenicity, long-term animal bioassays and their importance to human in assessing cancer risks, the current state of epidemiological knowledge relating cancer, and recent advances and current problems in exposure assessment are included. The final chapter in Part I1 describes how the hazard and exposure elements discussed in the preceding five chaptersare used as inputs into qualitative and quantitative cancer risk assessment. Otherguidelinedocumentshavebeendeveloped for specificareas ofinterest,such as exposure,carcinogenicity,reproductivetoxicity,Superfundsites,amongothers, by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These are discussed in other chapters in this book.
FDA Risk Assessment by the
IV. RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESS AT CFSAN The Food and Drug Administration follows NRC guidelines containedin Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process(1983). At the Center forFood Safety and Applied Nutrition ( C F S A N ) , the Cancer Assessment Committee (CAC) performs hazard identification with input from various scientifc disciplines, such as chemistry, toxicology, pathology, epidemiology, and mathematics. The exposure assessment portion of the qualitative risk assessment is performed by chemists andexperts in statistical modeling and dietary surveys. The Quantitative Risk Assessment Committee (QRAC) performs dose-response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. The risk assessment process atC F S A N may be set in motion when industryfiles a foodor color additive petition. In other cases, C F S A N management requests a risk assessment on a particular chemical compound,or additional scientific information compels anew risk assessmentonacompoundcurrentlyregulated byFDA.In addition,increasinglysophisticated analytical methodology may reveal a previously unrecognized contaminant of a food or food additive,andCFSANmanagementmayrequestanassessmentofpossibleconsumerrisk from the contaminant. Experts within FDA (internal experts) independently evaluate all data relevant to each chemical under consideration. These include experts in pathology, toxicology, mathematics and statistics, food chemistry, and epidemiology. In the case of suspect carcinogens, these persons present and collectively discuss this information in CAC meetings. The Cancer Assessment Committee, therefore, serves as an additional internal peer review body for chemicals that involve possible carcinogenicity. The Cancer Assessment Committee plays a central role in the risk assessment processat CFSAN. This standing committee, which was established in 1978, is made up of ten CFSAN experts in the various fields of expertise relatedto chemical carcinogenesis: pathology, toxicology, mathematics, andfood chemistry and technology. The decisions of the Cancer Assessment to Committee form the basis for the center’s recommendationsFDA. In additionto reviewing information presented by various scientific disciplines, the Cancer AssessmentCommitteemayrequestadditionalinformationfrominternalandexternalexperts, suchas a review of available epidemiology data or a special reviewof mutagenicity data. The Cancer Assessment Committee may choose to postpone a final decision on the carcinogenicity of a compound pending the outcome of ongoing or anticipated animal or analytical experiments. In somecases,theCancerAssessmentCommittee may requestthatCFSAN pathologists review slides from an animal bioassay. External scientific peer review is sometimes requested by the Cancer Assessment Committee when a particularly difficult or controversial scientific issueis involved. The primary task of the Cancer Assessment Committee is to determine whether or not a substance that has been regulated or petitioned for regulation by C F S A N , or whether a substance that is a contaminant of food or cosmetics is a carcinogen. If a determination is made that a substance is a carcinogen, andif it is believed that a quantitative risk assessment may impinge on the regulation of the substance, the Cancer Assessment Committee informs the Quantitative Risk Assessment Committee (QRAC) of this decision. The QRAC was formed in 1983; although quantitative risk assessments were performed under the auspices of the Cancer Assessment Committee before this, the QRAC was formed CFSAN. because of the increasing number of quantitative risk assessments needed by Given its evaluation of all relevant data on a substance, the Cancer Assessment Committee recommends to the QRAC the bioassays or epidemiological studies most appropriate for low-dose extrapla-
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tion. The Cancer Assessment Committee also recommends to the QRAC the tissue site(s), species, and sex most suitable for quantitative evaluation. The QRAC then conducts a quantitative risk characterization. This portion of the risk assessment process is highly controversial, even among experts. Currently, the QRAC uses a linear-at-lowdose approach, similar to that described by Gaylor andKodell(l980). The QRAC cannot determine the most probable expected human risk for any case because of the uncertaintiesandsources of errorinherentinquantitativeriskassessmentusinghigh-doseanimal data. However, the QRAC believes that, in cases for which dose-response data are suitable, it canpredicttheupperlimit of riskwithadegreeofconfidence.Althoughdetailsvary with particular cases, a generally acceptable level of risk (upper bound) is consideredbeto106, a population of 1 million. The QRAC or one additional human cancer over background in reports to CFSAN management, who then uses this assessmentas a partial basis for a decision on how to manage the risk. The discussion untilthis point has been a presentation of the carcinogenic risk assessment or constituents of foods. However, risk assessment is process used by the FDA for contaminants not a process that should be confied to carcinogenic endpoints. Nor is it a static process, but ratheranevolutionaryoneinwhichcontinualimprovementswillneed to bemade. The remaining discussion will focus on possible improvements that should be explored inthe risk assessment process, particularlyby more closely linkiig research and risk assessment and, not incidentally, better separating risk assessment and risk management.
There are two types of questions that a toxicologist may be asked. The first question-“Is it safe?’-is basically a “yes”or “no” question; it does not require, and need not be answered by use of a quantitative risk assessment. Rather, the toxicologist is asked to identify an acceptable or tolerable level of exposure to a compound that is thought to result in an inconsequential increase in risk. It does not communicate the elements of the risk (e.g., magnitude, heterogeneity and uncertainty). The use of the no-observed adverse effect level-uncertainty factor approach is primarily designed to produce a decision, thereby answering the safety assessment question. The second question”‘How badis it?”-is a request to the toxicologist to supply infonnation specifically about the levelof risk. There are at least two and usually three dimensions to this information that the decision maker will need. (1) The magnitude of the response or effect in an individual;(2) the extent of variability in the population of concern that may be expected (heterogeneity); and(3) the range of uncertainty associated with the prediction of the firsttwo dimensions (the likelihood that other possible answers may also be correct). Although cancer risk assessment beginsto address these questions, a great deal more can be done.
A. The Interplay Behnreen Risk Assessment and Scientific Research
Although research is a process for developing knowledge, a risk assessment needs to provide a snapshot of current human knowledge. In other words, is used it to answer a questionas well as it can be answered with the available knowledge. While risk assessment and scientific research In can and should interact, this interaction will not occur without some deliberate planning. particular, a rigorous description of uncertainty is needed to identify those areas for which information is most lacking and for which additional research would reduce the uncertainty. Scientists are trained to generate facts through hypothesis testing. However, this training and
FDA Risk Assessment by the
the desirefor certainty does not necessarily prepare an individual to make the best use of data in answering risk assessment questions. Scientists are frequently willing to dismiss a data set even though it may possess some predictive power (even if it is the only data set available). A statistical standard for evaluating whether or not a particular data set supports a particular hypothesisforacceptanceinascientificpublicationisnotnecessarilyuseful in therisk assessment process.
B. The Value of Measuring Heterogeneity Research study designs are often constructedto eliminate all variability to obtain a reproducible result. However, variabilityis often an inextricable part of the question the risk assessment must answer. In such circumstances, therefore, it is desirable to design an experiment that will provide some measureof the variability, rather than to eliminate it. For instance, taking great pains to ensure that all animals within an experimental group are identical makes the data less useful in predicting what will happen in a highly heterogeneous human population.
C. Description of Uncertainty In additionto identifying areas in which additional research is needed, description of uncertainty is essential in separating risk assessment from risk management. If the risk assessor does not communicate uncertainty to the “decision maker,” then he or she has no choice but to manage the uncertainty in a manner deemed, by the assessor, to be appropriate for the situation. This obviously constitutes participation in the decision-making process. There are many uncertainties in toxicological risk assessmentfor which descriptive techniques have not been developed. For instance, techniques for describing uncertainties associated with model selection, balancing mechanistic data versus empirical data, and categorical extrapolation (e.g., speciesextrapolation) are notencompassedbycurrentstatisticaldiscipline. This occurs partly from a reticence to deviate from the application of probability theory; that is, uncertainties that cannot be ascribed to random variation are often considered to be too uncertain to describe. We would suggest that any measure is better than no measure. In fact, the qualityof a risk assessment cannotbe evaluated (by an expert or anyone else) without some internal standard of certainty.Byexplicitlyidentifyingwhatthosestandardsare,ameansofcommunicating be possible to ensurethatstandards of uncertaintywillbeobtained.Furthermore,itwill uncertainty are consistently applied across risk assessments, thereby making them moremmparable. Even a “bad” measure is an opportunity for improvement. Once a standard of uncertainty has been described explicitly, its usefulness can be publicly inspected and discussed. As an example, we would suggest that the likelihood that a model is correct is proportional, in some way, to the degree to which it is able to describe the data. For instance, a model that provides a perfect fit should be considered more likely to be correct than one that does not. As a corollary, a prediction based on a data set that may be fitted equally wellby a number of different models is less certain than one that fits much more by closely one and only one model. The C F S A N has generated a computerprogram that uses this principle to generate a continuous measure of uncertainty arising from model selection. The product ofa risk assessment is an answer, nota fact, andit should be the best available at the time. To separate risk assessment and risk management, to and provide an explicit means of evaluating the value of additional data, descriptionsof uncertainty, magnitude of response, and heterogeneity need tobe integral partsof the risk assessment answer.
and Henry
REFERENCES Code of Federal Regulations (1988). Food additives. In Food and Drugs,Title 21, Parts 170-199, April 1, US.Government Printing Office, Washington DC. Food and Drug Administration(1982). Policy for regulating carcinogenic chemicals in additives, advanced notice of proposed rulemaking, Fed. Regist.,47, 14464. Kokoshi,C.J., S. H. Henry,C. S. Lin, and K. B.Edelman (1989). Methods used in safety evaluation. In Handbook of Food Additives (A. L. Branen, P.M. Davidson, S. Salminen, eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York. National Research Council (1983). Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process. National AcademyPress, Washington, DC. U.S. Office of Science andTechnology Policy (1985). Chemical carcinogens:A review of the science and its associated principles,Fed. Regist.,50, 10672-10442.
Comparative Risk: Adding Value to Science Richard A. Minard,Jr.
Vermont Law School South Royalton, Vermont
Reviled by some as “antidemocratic” (Hornstein, 1992) and embraced by others as scientific and objective, the “comparative risk process” is becoming a widely used tool for guiding environmental policy: for deciding which environmental problems are most serious and which solutionswill be mosteffective.The process remainscontroversial,evenas it evolves in response to justified criticism. This paper will trace that evolution and demonstrate that the process is maturing into a practical tool that can help democratic governments make wiser environmental choices. By the end of 1993, 25 states, plus Guam,numerous cities from Seattle to Atlanta, the federal government, the10regional officesof the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and cities and states across Eastern Europe and the developing world had turned to some form of the comparative risk process.* Comparative risk is gaining adherents because it provides a framework for bringing both more science and more public involvement into publicThis policy. combination can produce better policy and budget decisions on technical environmental issues, and it can help counter pressures the that come from crisis management and environmental fads. Just as important, the process can strengthen the badly frayed bond between people and their government (Minardet al., 1993).
*States and cities with EPA-supported comparative riskprojects either completed, underway, or in advanced planning stages, as of November 1993 included Washington, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Louisiana, Michigan, Utah, Alabama, Hawaii, California. Maine, Florida,Arizona. Maryland, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Minnesota,Alaska, New Hampshire, Guam, Seattle,Atlanta, Jackson, Miss.. Baltimore, the Northern Ohio Region,Columbus,OH,Charlottesville, VA, andHouston.EPA has also supported projects on NativeAmerican reservations in Wisconsin and throughout the West. Oregon conducted a related “m-media” risk project. Several other states and cities were preparing to announce projects at this writing(Northeast Center for Comparative Risk1993).
Comparative risk can do the opposite, however. Some scientists argue that comparative risk is a technical tool that should empower them-the experts-to set the environmental agenda in a way that is rational, scientific, and wholly superior to any process corrupted by politics and public misperceptions. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, D-NY, intmluced legislation in 1991 (U.S. Senate Bill 2132) based on the assertion that “ranking of relative risks to human health, welfare, and ecological resources is a complex task, and is best perfomed by technical experts free from interests that could bias their objective judgment.” The bill would have created two panels of experts to reshape EPA’s activities based on their comparisons of risks. Fortunately, this “hard” version of comparative risk appears tobe losing ground to more democratic versions. This chapter will argue that the comparative risk process works. By examining the experience gained in several state and city projects, the paper will demonstrate that the process will have its biggest influence on public policy when projects m conceived as pragmatic, politicaltools,ratherthanabstracttechnicalinquiries,and whentheyreachout to,rather than exclude, the public. Implicit in these assertions is a definition of risk that extends well beyond those used in most quantitative risk assessments: A risk is any damage or potential damage to something people value. Thethingspeoplevaluemayincludehumanhealth,ecologicalhealth,economicwellbeing, environmental justice, aesthetic qualities in the environment, and even the quality of life of future generations. Environmental problems may pose serious risksto how a community functions as a social institution, or to individuals’ spiritual relationships withthe land, or to a culture’s very sustainability. Needless to say, describingriskstoall of thesevaluesrequiresmorethanscientific analysis. Just as toxicology, epidemiology, and ecology can help people understand the biologicalandphysicalprocesses at workin theenvironment, so economics,publicopinion polling, and the results of political elections can help measure the social and emotional effects of environmental problems. Taken together, this body of knowledge, systematically gathered and carefully articulated, can be a foundation for comparing problems, ranking risks, and setting priorities. However, for those priorities to have any political consequence-and, hence, any environmental one-the comparative riskprocess must be designedfrom the start as a political process for change, rather thanas a search for scientific truth. The power of comparative risk stems less from the qualityof the scientists’ technical analyses than from the scientists’ ability to help the decision-making public answer its most fundamental questions: What problems are most serious? How best can we solve them? Thischapterwillfocuson how thebasictechniques of quantitativeriskassessment can and should be integrated into the demanding world of public policy, and on how comparativeriskcanhelppolicymakersuse risk assessmentswisely.Ratherthanrehashthe causes and consequences of the uncertainties inherent in risk assessments, the paper focuses ontheimportanceofhonestlyconfrontingthevalue-ladenchoicesthatriskassessments may obscure. To illustrate its major points, the paper starts with a few definitions and then follows a roughly chronologic path from EPA’s internal, technically oriented projects in the mid-1980s to some of the states’ highly public and socially responsive efforts of the early 1990s.
Comparative Risk
II. THE WHY AND HOW OF COMPARATIVE RISK The.comparative risk process is a political responseto three seemingly universal conditions: 1. Neither the public sector, the private sector, nor the public at large, has sufficient resources to eliminate all environmental problems at once. 2. Not all environmental problems are equally severe. 3. In a democracy, power flows from the people to their govenunent. Eventually, the people will get what theyask for. n e first two conditionsleadtothesimpleconclusionthatgovernmentshoulddirect itslimitedresourcestowardwherethey can dothemostgood. Any observer ofgovernment might rightly conclude that it is unliiely that, in fact, most governments are spending their resources where they could do the most good. The failure may not only be “where” but “how”: Not only are governments typically failing to address the most serious problems, they also are failing to use the most appropriate techniques to reduce risks. Thus, even large increases in investments in environmental protection maybuy lessthantheyoughtunless governments change their priorities and approaches. Most comparative risk projects to date have provided ample evidence to support these conclusions. F e introduction to EPA Region 6’s “Comparative Risk Project Overview Report,” for example, notes: “The percentage of resources [in Region 6’s budget] which m committed to resolving the Region’s combined ecological and human health problems in the high and moderate-high risk categories is 9.8 percent. Ninety percent of the Region’s resources are utilized to address problems in the moderate-lowto lowest risk categories” (U.S. EPA, Region 6, 1990).] In a sense, the comparative risk projects’ results have defined the challenge:
Comparative risk is a process to identify which environmental problems are most severe and which strategies for risk reduction will do the most good. The third condition defines the cuntext for setting priorities in a democracy: Government In other words, it will ultimately be agencies and legislatures need the consent of the governed. up to the public to decide which problems or risks are most “severe,” and which solutions would do the most “good.” Indeed, as noted in the definitionof risk, it is up to the public to decide which criteria analysts should use to define and measure risk. In America today, these decisions usually emerge in contradictory fragments from the of elections, legischaotic, crisis-driven, inarticulate, short-sighted, and poorly informed world latures, and courts. New laws and programs rarely seem to have been created with a knowing tegard for old lawsAnd programs, let alone for the actual fate of chemicals and changes in the real globalenvironment.Althoughtheenvironmentisinterconnected,comprehensive,and are not. Nor do existing federal statutes provide any long-term, America’s environment policies clear sense of priority: BS then EPA Deputy Administrator Henry Habicht told a conference in November1992,federalstatutescreate“dozensofnumber-onepriorities”andbolsterthe greatestenemy of effectiveenvironmentalprotection:bureaucratic“compaTtmentalization” (Habicht, 1992). A comparative risk project can help improve this situation by providing decision-makers with the best technical and social data available about a comprehensive set of environmental problems. Engaging in the process encourages decision-makers to look at the real, complex, physical world, rather than the comparhnentalized world of specific bureaucratic programs. The process can encourage decision-makers to use the data in a fairly rigorous and systematic way.
The process of comparing and ranking environmental risks educates decision-makers about a wide range of problems and possible solutions, and thus makes it possible for them to make better-informed judgments about environmental priorities. The strength of the comparative risk process is that it can be open to people without advanced degrees in science, law,or economics. Although generating and analyzing the data at the heartof a comparative risk project requires highly specialized skills, understanding and using open mind and a habit of critical thinking. Judgment, that data to make decisions requiresanonly after all, is in nearly everyone’s domain. As this paper will demonstrate, lay bodies have made risk-ranking decisions that differ very little from the experts’ opinions, except, perhaps, howin the decisionsare perceived by the lay public. Comparative risk projects have taken many different shapes and approaches, but all have followed a basic sequence:
1. Start-up:settinggoals for theproject;assigningresponsibilitiesanddeciding whom to involve and who is in charge; deciding on the role of the press and the public; defining risks; selecting analytical methods for estimating risks; selecting the environmental problems to analyze. 2.Riskanalysis:findingthemostusefulandcompletedata;estimatingrisks;documenting risks. 3. Risk ranking: deciding which problems pose the most serious risks, 4. Goal setting: deciding which risksare most important to reduce, andby how much. 5. Strategic analysis: developing and analyzing possible risk-reduction strategies, 6. Implementation: deciding which strategies to adopt and implement. 7. Monitoring: determining the impact over time of the choices madeas a resultof the project. One of the first challenges of any comparative risk project isto define what it means by risk. All comparative risk projectsto date have looked at risks to human health and the health ofecosystems. A few early EPA projects also estimated and compared risks to “welfare,” bywhichtheymeantthelostincome or higherexpensescaused by apollution-induced illness, for example, or thelostmarketvalue of acrop or commercialfishingoperation because of environmental degradation. Several of the more recent state and municipal projects have included risks to the “quality of life,” including risks to aesthetics, outdoor recreation, peaceof mind, the sense of community, fairness, and future generations (Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, 1991). Note that every one of these definitions of risk flows from the public’s values, not from the natural sciences, and many require further definition. Risks to human health, for example, are many and diverse, ranging from occasional itchy eyes to a lifetime of mental retardaare generally not evenly distributed whereas tion or premature death from cancer. These risks whole populations may be exposed to some risks, only very small groups may be exposed to others. It is up to people-not some preprogrammed black box-to decide which types are most important or severe. Because these answers of health endpoints and exposure scenarios are based on values, not science, they will probably be different in different locations and at different times. Some comparative risk projects and enthusiasts have ignored these values-related questions. Senator Moynihan’s 1991 legislation, for example, concluded that “funds can only be used most effectively when they protect the largest number of people from the most egregiousharm” (U.S. SenateBill2132,1991).Thisdefinitionignores the possibilitythatin the interest of justice, acute risks to subpopulations might merit the nation’s attention before moderate risks tomany. Although the importance of values was rarely mentioned EPA’s in early work on compara-
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tive risk (or risk assessment), the agency did understand that environmental risks would differ across the nation. In a move that was relatively daring for a federal agency, EA’S Regional and State Planning Branch encouragedEPA’s ten regional offices and numerous states to conduct their own comparative risk projects to set geographically specific priorities. This effort has led to the floweringof comparative risk in America today.
111. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A PRODUCT OF SCIENCE AND NECESSITY Comparative risk wasborn at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the mid-1980s out of the highly technical and controversial discipline of risk assessment, the field that brought together toxicologists and epidemiologists to estimate the risks that environmental chemicals pose to human health. The EPA has long struggledto win its policy battles on the merits: on scientific or technical to bring grounds. (See Landy et al., 1990, for a thorough discussion of efforts in the 1970s science to the forefront in decisions on ozone standards, cancer policy, and other issues. Note, also, the lack of attention the agency paid to engaging the public in decisions based on values.) Good science would win the agency credibility, and in the mid-l980s, EPA desperately needed credibility. The tenure of Administrator Anne Gorsuch Burford had made the public deeply suspicious of EPA. When William Ruckelshaus, the Agency’s first administrator (1970-1973) returned to rescueEPA in 1983 and 1984, he set a tone that continued for a decade. In articles, speeches, and in deeds, he sought to strengthen the quality ofEPA’s science as well as the public’s understanding of risk and involvement in risk management. In a 1983 articlein Science, Ruckelshaus wrote: We also need to strengthen our risk assessment capabilities. We need more research on the health effectsof the substanceswe regulate. I intend to do everything my in power to make clear the importanceof this scientific analysis atEPA ... , Risk assessment at EPAmust be basedonlyonscientificevidenceandscientific consensus.Nothingwillerodepublicconfidencefasterthanthesuspicionthatpolicy considerations have been allowed to influence the assessment of risk. . .. To effectively manage the risk, we must seek new ways to involve the public in the decision-making process. Whether we believe in participatory democracy or not, it is a part of our social regulatory fabric. Rather than praise or lament it, we should seek more imaginative ways to involve the various segments of the public affected by the substance at issue (Ruckelshaus, 1983). Although Ruckelshaus overstates the objectivity of risk assessment, his call for putting good science in the hands of the public still rings true. [See Landyet al., 1990 for a thorough discussionoftheimpactof“conservative”assumptions on the interpretation of bioassays (Chapter 6, “Forging a Cancer Policy,” pp. 172-203).] Nine months after his presentation to the National Academy of Sciences, from which the Science article was drawn, Ruckelshaus madeanevenmoresignificantcallforsharingtechnicalinformationanddecision-making authority with the public. In a speech at Princeton University he said that EPA should “expose our analysis,).including“thestacking of to publicscrutinytheassumptionsthatunderlie conservative assumptions one on top of another” (BNA Environ. Rep., 24 Feb 1984, p. 1829, quoted in Landy 1990, p. 253). Two-and-a-half years after Ruckelshaus made his public pronouncements about risk and democracy, his successor, Lee M. Thomas, asked75 EPA career staff people to conduct thefirst comparative risk project, assessing the relative risks posed by 31 pollution sources over which EPAhad jurisdiction,including,forexample,stationarysources of criteria air pollutants,
municipal sewage treatment plant discharges, abandoned hazardous waste sites, and leaking underground storage tanks. The project’s result, published in February 1987, was calledUnfinishedBusiness: A ComparativeAssessment of EnvironmentalProblems. Thomasmodestly echoed some of Ruckelshaus’ themesin his preface to the thick document:
Their report-although subjective and based on imperfect data-represents a credible first step toward a promising method of analyzing, developing, and implementing environmental as I have received it. policy. That is why I am presenting it to the public In a world of limited resources, it may be wise to give priority attention to those the measure this pollutants and problems that pose the greatest risks to our society. isThat study begins to apply. It represents, in my view, the first few sketchy linesof what might become the future picture of environmental protection in America ( U S . EPA 1987). The project’s technical work groups startedby analyzing 31problems for four types of risk: cancer risk; noncancer human health effects; ecological effects; and welfare effects. The health risk analysis, like most of those that have followed, tried to use the basic techniques of site-specific risk assessments and scale them up to cover the entire population. The workgroup first broke each problem area down into a list of a few of the most serious “stressors”-chemical pollutants, or physical agents such as ultraviolet radiation. Then the team attempted to estimate human exposures to these stressors and the likely health risks each problem posed to the most exposed individuals and the population as a whole. When data were sparseor nonexistent, the analysts substituted their best professional judgment. Given the paucity of national exposure data or hazard assessments on most stressors, the team had to resort to judgment in almost all decisions. The ecological risk analysis inUnjkished Business, like others that have followed, relied on analogous techniques to estimate the risks that stressors pose to the environment. Typically, the ecologic risk investigators attempt to estimate the exposure and likely consequences of the most pervasiveor toxic stressors on varioustypes of ecosystems. Most analysts define the effect in terms of damage to an ecosystem’s structure or function. The spatial scale of the impact is considered, as is its reversibility-the time it would take the system to recover once stressor the is removed. These definitionsof risk are necessarily broad because ecosystems are enormously complex and dynamic, and because the effects of stressors most over timeare extremely difficult to measure andas yet not well understood. The ecologists working on Unjlnished Businesshad to rely heavily on their own professional judgment. The welfare team focused on types the of damage to which dollar figures could most easily be affixed economic losses caused by damage to materials and crops, and health care costs. The introduction to Unfinished Business candidly recognizes that the analysis omitted “intangible characteristics that people often find just as important,” suchas equity, degreeof voluntariness, existence value-the value people place on having something around, and what economists call even if they never plan to useit. After estimating the risks, the Unfinished Businessteams compared the risks and used their best judgment to rank the problems in order of the seriousness of the risks they posed. The work groups did nottry to integrate the four rankings into a single list, nor did they suggest the that rankings ought to be taken up as a political priority list. They did, however, point out that the biggest risks in various categories (e.g., indoorair pollution and radon, global warming, ozone depletion)weregenerallynot EPA budgetprioritiesorevencovered by EPA’s statutory mandates. Moreover, the biggest risks tended to rank low in the public’s ranking of risk, as revealed by opinion polls. EPA’s most expensive programs (e.g., those addressing hazardous waste facilities and abandoned hazardous waste sites, and underground storage tanks) tended to
address problems that the publicranked as high risks, even though the comparative risk teams ranked them medium to low (U.S. EPA, 1987). The report did not changeEPA policy overnight and it certainly did not change the public’s perception of risks. Although Unfinished Business was a ground-breaking document, it had relatively little direct political impact, because it never really emergedEPA from bureaucracy the and technical staff. The tentativeness revealed by Thomas’s suggestion thatit “may be wise” to base priorities on risk delayed the impact of Unfinished Business until William Reilly took over EPA in 1989. Reilly, like Ruckelshaus, constantly stressed the need for better science at EPA. During his term as administrator, he complained publicly about the lack of rational planning at the agency and its failure to address the most serious risksin an appropriate manner. In a special issue of the EPA Journal devoted entirely to a “debateon risk,” Reilly explained why he believed risk should be the foundation for setting priorities: Each time a new issue appeared on the radarsmen of public concern, we would unleash an arsenal of control measures in a style reminiscent of the old ‘space invaders* video game. . .The consequenceof this approach is obviousto all our employees: For20 years we have established goals on a pollutant-by-pollutant and medium-by-medium basis without adequately considering broader environmental quality objectives. Rarely have we evaluated the relative importanceof pollutants or environmentalmedia-air, land, and water. Nor did weassessthecombinedimpactsonwholeecosystemsandhumanhealth.Giventhe scatter-shot evolution of the Agency and its missions, we were seldom encouraged to look of at the total loadings of pollutants deposited through different media from separate routes exposure at various locations. We have seldom if ever been directed by law to seek out the best opportunities to reduce environmental risks, in toto,or to employ the most efficient, cost-effective procedures (Reilly,1991).
By the time this article appeared in 1991, Reilly had already transformed the debate about risk. He had moved intwo directionsat once: from the top. and fromthe bottom. Soon after the publication of UnfinishedBusiness, EPA headquarters began recruiting otherjurisdictionstoconductsimilarcomparativeriskprojects. EPA’s regionaloffices in New England, the Mid-Atlantic states, and the Pacific Northwest were the first to volunteer. They followed headquarters’ model closely arid produced similar results. The projects were careful in-house exercises that neither sought nor produced much external publicity. Although of many within the regions and EPA headquarters dismissed both the validity and the usefulness the process, someof EPA’s mostinfluential policy leaders found the work persuasive enough to encourage states to try comparative risk. Over the next two years, five states started projects with EPA’s financial and technical support, The first group included Washington, Pennsylvania, and Colorado, and then Vermont and Louisiana (Minardet al., 1993). In 1990, EPA’s Regional and State Planning Branch directed eachof the seven remaining EPA regions to conduct in-house comparative risk projects and use to themas the basis for their strategic plans. The regions complied and,in the process, explored several new approaches to comparing risks. Several of the regions strove to make the process as scientific as possible. ‘‘rank‘‘ ecological Region 6, for example, used a computerized system to interpret the data and risks, and a Geographic Information System to illustrate the results on maps. The regions generally perceived the process as a questfor technical answers andas an internal management tool. In most regions, staff scientists did the work with little if any involvement from state governments or the general public. Some regions never even publicly announced their results, EPA’s The regions’ technical approach was a reasonable response to their culture and hierarchy.Theprojects’resultswereprimarilyintendedtopersuadeteams of senior EPA
managers-the scientists and appointees who had some discretionary control over the regional offices’ budgetsor who could influence the marginsJPA’s of overall strategic plan. Because the managers could exercise this minimal discretion without appealing to Congress, state legislatures, or local constituents, the regional projects could be effective while involving only a small cadre of well-trained professionals. As the regions were doing their work, EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) agreed to of and follow-up toUnfinished Business.The result, a Reilly’s requestto conduct a peer review four-volume report called Reducing Risk: Setting Priorities and Strategies for Environmental Protection, was published with maximum public fanfm in September1990. The S A B acknowledged many of the problems with the comparative risk method, but endorsed it as a valuable tool for setting priorities. S A B report,the EPA hasinvested in or encouraged Inthethreeyearsfollowingthe comparative risk projects in more than a dozen more states, as well as the cities of Seattle, Atlanta,Jackson,Mississippi,andColumbus,Ohio, as well as Guam,Bangkok,Poland, Bulgaria, and India. Other cities, counties, and regional governments, as well as nongovernment organizations at various levels, are now turning to comparative risk. As a measure of the institutional acceptance of comparative risk, note that by the end of 1993, the National Governors’ Association and the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government had endorsed the tool (National Governors’ Association,1993; Carnegie Commission, 1993), theWesternGovernors’Associationwassponsoringamultistateenvironmentalprojectthatincludedcomparativeriskmethods(WesternGovernors’EnvironmentalPolicyCouncil, 1993), and three national organizations dedicated to improving the quality of state governments-the Council of Governors’PolicyAdvisors,theCouncil of State Governments, and the National Conference of State Legislatures-were introducing their members to the process. Although comparative riskis becoming almost a standard tool of “good government,”isit still controversial, evolving, and being practiced in many forms. The future of comparative risk will depend onhow its practitioners resolve the critical issues of public involvement and public values. If the scientific priesthood clings to the myth that the process is scientific and thus exclusively theirs, it will die. A closer looktwo at projects-the Science Advisory Board’s and the Stateof Vermont’s-will help illuminate someof these issues.
IV. EPA’S SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD: TO THE EDGE OF SCIENCE Reducing Risk was the torch that William Reilly used to guide EPA in new directions. Threeof the report’s conclusions continue to be particularly powerful, framing the debate about comparative risk and defining the general approach 1. The report’s fmt recommendation endorsed the policy choice inherent in comparativerisk “EPA should targetits environmental protection efforts on the basis of opportunities for the greatest risk reduction” (U.S. EPA Science Advisory Board, 1990). The report also urges EPAto createrisk-basedbudgetsandrisk-basedstrategicplans.TheSABspecifically endorsed the comparative risk process, including its subjective components: In orderto set prioritiesfor reducing environmental risks,EPA must weigh the relative risks posed by different environmental problems, determine if there are cost-effective opportunities for reducing those risks, and then identify the most cost-effective risk Unfinished in reduction options.This effort should build on the analytical process begun Business and in this report and its appendices.
However, the SAB recognizes that risk analyses always will be imperfect tools. No matter how much the data and methodologies are improved, EPA’s decisions to directspecificactionsatspecificriskswillentailalargemeasureofsubjective judgment. Yet the SAB believes that relative risk data and risk assessment techniques should inform that judgmentas much as possible. 2. “EPA should attach as much importance to reducing ecological risk as it does to reducing
human health risk.” Although the SAB did not formally compare remaining ecological risks and human health risks and decide which were most serious, its conclusion implied that EPA had paid too little attention to ecological threats. 3. “EPA-and the nation as a whole-shouldmake greater use of all the tools available to reduce risk.” The project’s Strategic Options Committee showed that many of the most serious remaining environmental problems were not amenable to traditional command-andcontrol regulation.New tools, including market-based incentives, education, and the aggressive use of information, would need to be employed to help achieve the most risk-reduction at the lowest cost to society. Reilly embraced these recommendations with gusto. In January 1991, he and severalof the principals in the SAB project presented their conclusions at a formal hearing ofthe State Environmental and Public Works Committee. Reilly endorsed the report’s call for risk-based priorities and pointedly showed the divergence betweenSAB’s the “expert” rankingof environmental risks and the public’s judgment, as revealeda inRoper opinion poll (Stevens, 1991). The SAB had reached conclusions similar to those in UnBnished Business: The highest risks to ecosystems included habitat alteration and the loss of biodiversity, global climate change, and ozone depletion; the highest human health risks included air pollution, indoor air pollution, drinking water contamination, and worker exposure. The SAB’s risk list contrasts with the public’s, which still put hazardous waste sites at the top. Note, however, that the SAB report made no pretense of being the fmal answer or of having discovered the “scientific truth” about the nation’s environment. The recommendathe foregoing were political suggestions on how EPA could make better decisions tions quoted in and be more effective. the SAB said, but do not expect science alone toallresolve of the nation’s Use more science, environmental policy issues. Do not even expect science to simplify the problem of setting priorities, the board concluded. (For more on how additional scientific information can make decision-making more complex, see Chap. 7 of Graham et al., 1988.) Although theSAB’s Ecology and Welfare Subcommittee had no intellectual or moral trouble dividing the nation’s environmental problems into three ranked groups, the project’s Human Health Subcommittee refused to do the same, despite the repeated requests of the project’s cochairmen to offer some policy guidance to EPA. the The health subcommittee concluded that there were not enough exposure data to justify a ranking, and that answering critical value-laden as a technical questions about the relative severity of diseases would exceed their responsibilities committee. The health scientists did not believe that their expertise qualified them to make what are essentially political decisions. Instead of ranking the problems, the health subcommittee be worse suggested only that some problems posing direct human exposure to toxicants might than problems posing no such direct exposures: Given the limitations in the taxonomy of the environmental problem areas in the UB [UnfinishedBusiness] report and in the toxicity and exposure data on which their respective riskassessmentswerebased, it is not ilZogica1 thatthoseproblem areas representing
proximal human exposure situations were assigned the highest relative risk rankings for cancer and/or other adverse health effects in the report. Such problem areas included the following: criteriaair pollutants, hazardousair pollutants, the application of pesticides.. (U.S. EPA, Science Advisory Board, 1990b; emphasis added).
The health scientists declined to make the value judgments inherent in deciding which health report is clear about the challenge, however: effects were the most severe. The committee’s “To attempt a relativeranking in terms of severity(orsignificance) of such disparate health outcomes as birthdefectsininfantscompared[with]paralysisinolderpersonsrequires consideration on many dimensions of the values we place on various members of society, families, and the utility of specific physical and mental functions for individuals and society. Such a comparison requires that the impact of each effect be scored for severity, a process necessitatingselection of suitablemeasuresandscales ofseverity, as wellasappropriate weighting factors.” The health subcommittee ultimately recommended that lay people be involved in a process to rank various types of health effects: “One possible wayto accomplish thisis through the use of lay and professional focus groups meeting separately and then together. The process by which this is done, whatever it may be, the way in which the views of informed potential sufferers (and how they become informed) and of medically and technically trained experts are brought together is critical to developing severity factors or indices with any validity or credibility.” The subcommittee, when faced with huge gaps in essential technical data and little if any indication of the public’s values, chose to withhold its judgment. Rather than ranking risks, the committee produced a model for ranking health risks when, in some distant age, all the data about exposures, toxicity, and public attitudesknown. are Science could not answer the question that Reilly had asked, so the scientists on the committee chose to ask more questions and to recommend a politically based process to answer someof them. The response to this problemin EPA’s Region 6 could not have been more different. The region’s Overview report notes thatrankiig various types of pollution-induced health problems requires the use of a “hazardous index” [sic] that gives different scores to different types of illnesses, but the lengthy volume offers no hints about what the index, is, where it came from, be imbedded in the index. Instead, the report or the significanceof the values choices that must explains that science provided the answers:
The Human Health workgroup had to find common ground upon which to compare and ultimately rank the 21 problem areas. This became very difficult in that different programsandmedia(air,land,andwater)oftenhadlittleincommonfromaregulatory data standpoint. Data bases were not compatible, nor were the problem area languages (MCL, NAAQS standards, restricted days, future vs. presentlresidual risks). Given these difficulties, workgroup members found that basic scientific approaches and adherence to th concepts provided by EPA risk assessment methodologies became the needed common ground. The Human Health workgroup believes that the rankings represent the risks in the Region (U.S. EPA, Region 6, 1990). Many in EPA have embraced Region 6’s comparative risk work as a model of clarity and sophistication. Supportersare justified in their respect for the project’s thoroughness and attempts at intellectual rigor. The project probably does represent the best that the process can achieve when it is conducted by scientists for scientists, rather than for public decisionmakers. Yet the Overview report’s omission of any explanation of the source or implications of itsseverityindexobscurestheroleofhumanvaluesinmakingdecisionsabouthealth
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risks. The approachbetrays an unfortunate disconnection between the analysts and those whom the analysis would serve. At nearly the same time that theSAB’s health subcommittee and Region6’s work groups were reaching such different conclusions about the of ability science to compare health risks, the SAB’s Ecology and Welfare Subcommittee was expeditiously sorting the nation’s environmental problemsinto six rankedtiersofrelativerisk.How,whenmostpeoplecomplainedthat as advanced a science as health risk assessment, did ecological risk assessment was not nearly the team come up with answers?The ecology subcommittee certainly did not have allthe data it wanted. The debate about global climate change in 1990, for example, was still based on conflicting computer models. Experts could point to very few definitive studies to quantify either the extent of chemicals in the environment or the magnitude of the repercussions they were having on biological processes. What the ecology committee did have, however, was a leader who understood his mission the public. Bill Cooper, and who positively enjoyed making controversial decisions on ofbehalf an aquatic biologist from Michigan State University, was fond of saying that his subcommittee bunch of lawyerscould, could certainly make better decisions about ecological prioritiesa than so he and his colleagues took the plunge into the realm of risk-based policy. The committee focused its analysis on the intensity of a problem’s effect on an ecosystem’s of the damage and the timeit would take function andstructure, emphasizing the spatial extent (U.S. Science Advisory Board, 199Oa). the system to recover once the stress was removed The “values issues” that had plagued the health subcommittee were simpler here, but not less important. The emphasis on recovery time, for example, reflects the value the committee placed on future generations; the emphasis on space reflects not only a technical assumption that all ecosystems are interrelated, but also a value placed on maintaining ecosystem health across the globe, not merely in a few nice places. Perhaps the strongest value represented in the analytical criteria and results was on the preservation of genetic diversity and the survival,in somethingapproachingtheirnaturalstate, of adiverserange of ecologicalcommunities. Maintaining that degreeof diversity would be the best guarantor that ecosystems would be able to adjust to a broad range of unpredictable stresses. The subcommittee’s analysis of the nation’s environmental problems was brief, general, easy to understand, and compelling. The localized, sbw-moving problems caused by hazardous waste dumps dripping contaminants into the groundwater simply paled in comparison with the global distributionof airborne toxics, greenhousegases, and omne-depleting chemicals. Likewise, the dramatic and obvious destructionof rare habitats and the consequent permanent loss of species proved to be demonstrably more serious in ecological terms than most oil spills, which bacteria can obliteratein a short while. The subcommittee’s analysis was not quantitative in any sense ofthe word. The researchers did not estimate the precise numberof acres of wetlands being destroyed each year. Nor did they try to push whatdata they did have through a formula or a computer program that would produce a numerical ranking of risk. Rather, the analysis and ranking process relied on a series of simpler by the comparisons that were captured inA series of tables. The first table sorted the problems by spatial scaleof the stress; the second sorted the risksby environmental media; and the third recovery time. Finally, the members used their judgment to combine the three tables into a single ranked list. Thereport explains: “The synthesis rankings were derived qualitatively using expert judgment rather than a numerical metric based on the more detailed risk matrices discussed previously, as the Subcommittee decided that any specific quantitative or semi-quantitative .. would not be defensible methodology for combining risks assigned across scales and media with present ecological risk assessment capabilities.” As this conclusion was comingoff the presses, however, severalof the EPA regions were
finishing up their ecological risk estimates and rankings. Most started data and withcriteria quite similar to theSAB’s, but then assigned numerical valuesto the different piecesof information area, The higher the score, in away that madeit simple to calculate a risk score for each problem the higher the ranking.Many people argue that using an algebraic formula rank to problems is more rigorous and scientific than the SAB’s discussion-based ranking. The formula’s illusion of precision,however, is false.Moreover,theformulaobscurestheimportanceofjudgment throughout the process. If the SAB committees pushed their analyses to the edge of science, some of the regions went one step beyond. on to proposea“welfareranking” of TheEcologyandWelfareSubcommitteewent the environmental problems. The subcommittee’s approach boiled downto concluding that if aproblemisbad for ecosystemsitisbadforpeople,too.Thegroupacknowledgedthat or measuring itsmembershipincluded no economistsorotherswithexpertiseindefining or other social welfare effects, andit made no significant attempt to wrestle with equity issues values. The subcommittee made several valuable points about the danger of using simplistic, on the whole, the SAB’s short-term economic measuresto quantify environmental damage, but welfare discussion has had little influence and rarely gets mentioned when EPA compares its of priorities, as whenReillytestifiedbeforetheSenate “realrisks”withthepublic’slist 1991. Thecommitteereceivedthe EnvironmentandPublicWorksCommitteeinJanuary recommendations warmly. is still pumping most of its money and attention into Threeyearslater,however,EPA Superfund and Congress has not given the agency authority to reorganize its management or its of its limiteddiscretionaryfundsin priorities.Theagencyhas,however,redirectedsome nsk-based ways. Its regional offices have submitted strategic plans proposing small but significant resource shifts toward higher-risk problems. Some of the program offices have adopted the vocabulary of risk and risk-reduction. SAB’s Reducing Risk report seemsto have been both profound and Thus, the impact of the his top management team invested in creating a climate puny, Because of the energy Reilly and within EPA for risk-reduction, pollution-prevention, cross-media analysis, and geographically specific protection strategies, the report seems to have changed how EPA thinks as an institution. Reillysucceededinstartingadebateaboutriskandprioritiesamongpolicymakersand academics across the country. The S A B report has not made much of a dent in how the general public thinks about 1992 presidential environmental risks or priorities, ‘however, and neither Congress nor the candidates seemed to have noticed that the debate was supposed to have changed. The news media have not shifted their attention from the drama of hazardous waste and oil spills to the mundane destruction of wetlands and natural prairie communities. Most Americans have not by the cumulative effects of their cars, energy heard theSAB’s alarm about the great risks posed consumption, and lifestyles. Instead, most Americans stillofthink “heavy industry”as the source of most environmental degradation, the bad guys who must be regulated and punished. Clearly,Congress is unlikelytomakesubstantialspending or policyshifts until the public catches up with the experts’ opinions. State legislatures and city councils may be a bit faster to act.
V. COMPARATIVE RISK IN THE STATES: SCIENCE TO THE PEOPLE One of the corollariesto EF’A’s goal of reducing the nation’s worst risks f i t is that environmental risks are unlikely to be uniform across the country. Colorado has acid mine drainage to worry loss of coastal wetlands; the East has the Midwest’s sulfur and nitrogen about; Louisiana has the
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oxides. Not only will the physical nature of the environmental problems differ from region to region, but so too may the public’s values and, hence, their priorities for risk reduction. Congress createdEPA withstrong regional offices precisely to ensure geographic sensitivity and decentralized management. Despite the tension that the structure has always created between Rico), Washington, the 10 regional offices, and the50 states (not to mention Guam and Puerto EPA’s focus on comparative risk has included an effort from headquarters to further decentralize control. Grants from headquarters have helped the states conduct their own comparative risk projects and, thereby, toset their own risk-based environmental agendas. In additionto cash to m t of “grant flexibility”: the power support the analysis, headquarters has held out the elusive to move EPA money destined for the state from one mandated program to another of higher risk. Among thestates that have undertaken comparative risk projects, Pennsylvania most closely followed the EPA regional model of conducting the study within an administrative agency far removed from the political process or public oversight. That insularity proved fatakwhen the work groups completed their rankings, the state’s political leaders refused to sign on. A draft reportneversawthelightofday.Thisfailurecontrastedwiththeenormoussuccessof Washington State’s project which featured an aggressively inclusive public process that culminated in a statewide environmental summit. The summit’s open discussion of the comparative risk project’s results created the momentum for several significant legislative initiatives (Minard et al., 1993). Washington’s politically tunedproject set a pattern for the state and municipal projects that followed. Most state projects now involve not only state employees, but also public advisory boards and ordinary citizens. The best projects use town meetings, statewide environmental summits, the electronic media, public opinion polls, and the Governor’s bully pulpit to reach out to residents and draw them into the risk analysis and ranking, and ultimately, into changing the environmental agenda. The official leadersof the Vermont comparative risk project, for example, were a team of appointed commissioners and agency secretaries, but they put a lay board completely in charge of the risk analysis and ranking. Jonathan Lash, then of secretary the Vermont Agency for Natural Resources, knew that the only way to change Vermont’s environmental agenda would be through changing the perceptionsof the decision-making public: the legislators, interest group leaders, and ordinary voters. For the results of the analysis to have any political power they had tobe credible to the public; and for members of the public to believe the results, theyhad to be in control. Good science could not survive a bad process. The Vermont experiment worked, up to a point. The so-called Public Advisory Committee, composed of 20 Vermonters fromall walks of life, did an extraordinary Itjob. made thoughtful decisions about the scope of the analysis and the criteria to use to measure the impact of environmental problems on Vermonters’ “quality of life.” The committee actively engaged interestedmembers of thepublicinthediscussionaboutvaluesandtechnicalissues. For example, in public forums and ainprinted survey, the committee asked Vermonters what types of environmentally induced illnesses they wanted government to address first.* The committee studiedthehundred of pages of technicalinformationproduced by the professionalswho 10 months of work, the public composed the project’s three technical work groups. After about committee spent two days discussing the analysis with the technical committee members, then
rzhe Vermont survey’s respondents said that govemment should address healthrisks in this order: problems that may be fatal to people when they are young; problems that may cause permanent mental disabilities in children; problems that may cause long-term pain; problems that may be fatal to people when they are old; and problems that may cause many people to get sick for a while (Vermont Agencyof Natural Resources, 1991).
another two days ranking the problems. The public members used their own judgment to fill in the data gaps and wrestle with the values choices. all points,andclearlyarticulatedthefew Thecommitteewasunanimousonnearly disagreements it had about interpretation of data or weighting of values. It believed strongly in its work and urged the Agency of Natural Resources and the Department of Health to use its ranking of risks as a foundation for changes in state policy and spending. The committee’s ranking had only a modest effect on spending and policy decisions, The Department of Health,for example, found that because of the project,it had the public support it needed to focus more attention on radon and childhood lead poisoning. The Agency of Natura Resources initiated efforts to emphasize the preservation of biodiversity in Vermont, to bolster public information and education programs, to capitalize onEPA’s offer of “grant flexibility” based on risk, and to create a pollution prevention division. The project’s political influence was sharply reduced, however, by the political upheaval that accompanied a gubernatorial election that switched theparty in power, and eight months later, the subsequent death of the governor and another change of party. During both transitions, neither governor madeit a priority to engage the public in a debate about environmental risks and the valueof rethinking the state’s agenda. Although the Vermont project’s political influence has been subtle, it still demonstrated several important points about the comparative risk process. The most important of these was that it is not dangerous to ask nonscientists to make risk-based decisions. The Public Advisory Committee’s ranking of Vermont’s environmental problems was very similar to the rankings generated by the project’s technical work groups and consistent with results from other state and federal comparative risk projects.In other words, the public members demonstrated that a lay board’s judgment couldbe sound. The committee proved wrong those scientists who argued that only scientists could rank problems without contaminating the results with bias, ignorance, or political opportunism. State ToxicologistDr. William Bress of the Vermont Department of Health putit this way in a note to his colleagues in other states: “My first impression , of the comparative risk process was thatit was a huge wasteof time.. Ifelt that Iknew what the comparative risks for different problems were. Why should 1 spend many hours confiiing something Ialready knew ? , My opinion of the process started to change aftermy first meeting of the citizens’ committee, When Isaw how they were using the data we supplied, I was pleasantly surprised. Ihad. as Groups of people from all walks of life were often ranking problems in the same order They cameup with these rankings on their own.. .Risks we had high onour [the Department of Health’s] priority list are now a high priority to the public. This has resulted in shifting of funds and resources to these areas of concern. This might not have happened without going through this useful, although painful, process” (Bress,1992). Vermont’s process also demonstrated that when given the chance to learn about environmental problems, ordinary citizens can and will change their minds. The advisory committee’s fiial ranking was as far from the Vermont public’s perception of risksas Uqfznished Business’s ranking was from the Roper Poll. A third lesson from the Vermont projectis that comparative risk should not disguise itself as hard science. The project’s technical reports on human health and ecological risks were as quantitative as the data would permit. The health reports,for example, included individual and population cancer risks derived from EPA’s cancer potency figures and a variety of exposure estimation techniques. The reports tied to pinpoint the sources of pollution and the range of exposures individuals might encounterin the state. All of these data made thereports the most comprehensive and quantitative that had ever been generated in Vermont. Nevertheless, the
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reports frankly discussed the gaps in both the data and the science of risk assessment and the resulting uncertainty inherent in manyof these estimates. When it came time to rank the problems, the Advisory Committee arrayed the health risk size the exposed population on one axis data on a fairly simple matrix that put the estimated of the other axis. This array helped the and the relative individual risk the exposures might on pose committee see the relationships between the risks posed by the problems, without conveying more precise risk estimates than the crude data would s u p r t . The project’s honesty about uncertainty and the importance of subjective values seem to have made its findings more credible it somewhat more difficult for critics to dismiss among its readers. The report’s openness made it as “unscientific” and hence worthless. The Vermont project also showed that comparative risk can and should incorporate some ofwhat UnfinishedBusiness called those “intangible characteristics that people often find just as important” as the risk assessors’ probabilities. After conducting a dozen public forums throughout the state, the advisory committee had heard enoughto conclude that Vermonters’ definition of risk included threats to fairness (such as involuntary risks of inequitable distributions of risk and benefits), sense of community, peace of mind, and future generations, as wellasthreats to theireconomicwell-being,aesthetics,andrecreationalopportunities. Althoughthetechnicalanalysis of theserisks was necessarilyqualitative,itwassystematic, thoughtful, and illuminating. Most importantly, the quality of life analysis and ranking helped the advisory committee more precisely answer its driving question: “What problems pose the most serious risks to Vermont and Vermonters?” The health and ecological analysis of solid waste, for example, showed that landfills pose relatively low health and ecological risks; and the quality of life analysis showed that landfills pose relatively high risks to aesthetics and fairness (the risks are borne by the few who live nearby, while the benefits accrue to everyone in the region). Thus, solid waste ranked in the middle of the quality of life list. This moderate ranking pulled solid waste up one level from the lowest tier in the integrated ranking. That result reflects the “intangible” risks in a way that is both accurate and potentially useful for risk management purposes. to see that the comparative risk project was not The qualityof life analysis helped the public It also helped Vermonters just a trickto force an unfeeling technocracy’s rules down their throats. better understand the nature ofthe environmental problems facing the state. The quality of life information strengthened the project’s foundation for effective risk reduction efforts. Risk reduction, after all, is the goalof environmental protection. At least it should be if the definition of risk is broad enough to include those intangibles that people want their government to promote or protect, including social justice and the well-being of future generations. The challenge of identifying and implementing the best possible risk-reduction strategiesis made somewhat simplerif both the physical and social goals are clearly articulated in advance.
VI. RISK REDUCTION: FROM DATA TO ACTION The usefulness of comparative risk has to be measured in terms of its ability to help decisionmakers make and implement better decisions about the environment. In an ideal world where both the science and political processes were more advanced, perhaps comparative risk could In the face of leadtothe right decision, the ideal set ofpoliciesandspendingchoices. uncertainty, however, no one should sell the process as a device to find perfect answers. One of the unfounded complaints about comparative riskEPA‘s and emphasis on risk-based budgeting is that any changes driven by the risk rankings will only make the environment worse.
According to this view, EPA or a state environmental agency will spend money futilely trying to solve the highest risks (global climate change, for example) only after dropping the programs that are keeping the relatively low-risk problems as (such sewage treatment) under control. Taken to its extreme, the critique envisions people across America dying of cholera because EPA stupidly stopped spending money on sewage treatment systems. Some critics take the same theme and add a paranoid conspiracy theory to it: the whole ris assessment and comparative risk business is a fraud designed to justify EPA’s hidden agenda: dropping all of its controls on industry by fooling the public into believing that radon in their cellars is the real devil. Both versionsof this complaint rest on two false assumptions: that environmental programs are all or nothing; and that decision-makers are idiots or crooks. Part of this perception has grown out ofEPA’stendency to promote the ranked list of environmental problemsas the most important product of comparative risk. If the list really were would simply move money from the the most important product, then simple-minded managers problems at the bottomof the list to the problemsat the top. In reality, the rankings are just a shorthand, a reminderto decision-makers, the press, and the public that if their goal to is reduce environmental risks, they needto change their individual and collective spending and policies. A ranking of risks with habitat alteration at the top and Superfund sites at the bottom is so startling to most people that it tends to grab their attention. The most important products of comparative risk are the complex collectionsof data that maketherankingpossible,andthenewperspectivesontheproblemsthattheproject’s participants share. By having worked through all the details, the participants should complete the process with afar more sophisticated understandingof the environment, the problems that threaten it, and the strategies available to reduce risks (Minard,et al., 1993). These people are of hand just because they were notat not goingto let risks from failed sewage systems get out the topof the risk list. Indeed, as long as the participants remain focused on reducing risks they will demand a constantly improving set of data and risk-reduction policies. They will develop better environmental monitoring systems to help them anticipate, prevent, corm t growing problems. They will develop and implement policies that reduce a wide of range risks at once.And if economic conditions demand spending cuts, at least the cuts will increase risks as little as possible. If the definitions of environmental risk include threats to social justice and future generations, a be sociallyconstructiveandforward-looking, risk-basedapproachtoproblemsolvingcan contrary to the conclusions of some critics (see,e.g., Atcheson, 1991; Homstein, 1992). A focus on risk shouldbe an agent of constant change and adjustment. Most importantly,if the project’s participants have included a broad mix of public leaders and decision-makers-and, through the press, the general public as well-the process may have to have happenedin Washington made the conventional wisdom considerably wiser. That seems State, and it created a potent political forcefor change. Comparative risk projects continue to demonstrate the truth behind the adage that public policy can be no more sophisticated than a public’s understandingof a problem. The technocratic approachto comparative risk not only ignores this law of public policy, but also exacerbates the problem by forgetting another post-Watergate fact of American life: the people do not trust their governments. Credible science, in the public’s mind, is not synonymo to havebeen withprestigiousscientists. It isnotenough for acomparativeriskproject meticulous, systematic, and “scientific,” if it has notalso been open to the public and based on the public’s values. And God help the technocracy that believescan-or it should-significantly change environmental priorities without first persuading legislatures, governors, Congress, and
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ultimately the voters, that the specific revisions are truly in the public’s interest. Without securing that authority from the voters, the technocrats’ policies will not long survive and only further discredit their agencies. These political imperatives are all the more significant given the conclusions that most comparative risk projectsare reaching. Command-and-control regulationof industrial polluters cannot go much further, at any reasonable social price, to reduce risks. The most serious risks in many parts of the country are those causedby the aggregationof many individuals’ actions, particularly wasting energy, ignoring indoor air pollutants, and bulldozing natural habitats. The most effective strategies to address these problems will include pollution prevention techniques and market incentives to companies and individualsto change their behavior.By their nature, some of these approaches may be less predictable or certain to succeed than command-andcontrol methods, and they do not satisfy the public’s desire to treat someone else as the enemy. of reducing risks only when they It is asafe bet that Americans will agree to shoulder the costs have decided that the evidence shows that the risks are serious. The comparative risk process cannot bring instant wisdom or altruism to a population. It probably will not even create a “consensus.” It certainly cannot prove scientifically that a ranked list of problems is the correct basis for public action; but comparative risk projects havestartedimportantdebatesaboutriskandpolicy.Theyhaveencouragedthedebates’ to make participantstomarshalthebesttechnicalandsocialinformationavailabletoday decisions. Both the process and the results strengthen America’s ability to make sound decisions about the environment.
REFERENCES Atcheson. J. (1991). The department of risk reductionor risky business,Environ. Lav. 21, 1375-1412. Bress. W. (1992). Unpublished written statement presented to attendees at a conference for comparative risk practitioners sponsored by the Northeast Center for Comparative Risk, Feb.1992. Camegie CommissiononScience,Technology,andGovernment (1993). RiskandtheEnvironment, Improving Regulatory Decision Making, Camegie Corporationof New York, New York. Graham, J. D., et al. (1988). In Search of Safety: Chemicals and Cancer Risk, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, pp. 179-219. Habicht, H. (1992). Speech to Resources for the Future’s conference, “Setting National Environmental priorities,” November 15.1992, Annapolis, MD, quoted in Comp. Risk Bull., 12, Dec. 1992. Hornstein, D.T.(1992). Reclaiming environmental law: A normative critique of comparative risk analysis, Columbia LawRex, 92,562-633. Landy, M. K.,et (1990). The Environmental Protection Agency: Asking the Wrong Questions. Oxford University h s , New York. Minard, R. A., et al. (1993). State Compurutive Risk Projects:A Force for Change, Northeast Center for VT. Comparative Risk, South Royalton, National Governors’ Association (1993). The Cumulative Impact of Environmental Regulation, policy adopted February 1993, Washington, DC. Northeast Centerfor Comparative Risk(1993). Cow. Risk Bull., 11.74. Reilly, W. K. (1991). Why Ipropose a national debateon risk, EPA J, 2.2-5. Ruckelshaus, W. D. (1983). What really threatens the environment? New York Zlmes, Jan. 29. U.S.EPA, Office ofPolicy,Planning,andEvaluation (1987). UnjlnishedBusiness: A Comparative Assessment ofEnvironmenta1 Problems, Overview Report, Washington, DC. U.S. EPA, Region 6 Office of Planning andAnalysis(1990). CompurutiveRiskProjectOverview Report, Dallas, TX. U.S. EPA, Science Advisory Board (1990). Reducing Risk: Setting Priorities and Strategiesfor Environmental Protection, EPA publication no. SAB-EC-90-021. Washington, DC.
U.S.EPA, Science Advisory B o d (1990). Reducing Risk: Appendix A: The report of the Ecology and Weljhre Subcommittee,EPA publicationno. SAB-EC-90-021A, Washington, DC. US.EPA, Science Advisory Board (1990).Reducing Risk: AppendixB: The report of the Human Health Subcommittee, EPA publication no. SAB-EC-90-021B, Washington, DC. U.S. Senate Bill 2132 (1991). The Environmental Risk Reduction Act proposed bySenatorDaniel P. Moynihan, Nov. 27. VermontAgency of Natural Resources (1991). Environment 1991: Risks to Vermont And Vermonters, Waterbury, W. Western Governors’ Environmental Policy Council (1993). Our Lad:New Strategies for Protecting the West: Blueprintsfor Action, Western Governors’ Association, Denver, CO.
42 The Use of Comparative Risk Judgments in Risk Management’ Carl F. Cranor University of California at Riverside Riverside, California
Whenriskmanagersmustmakedecisionsaboutwhatrisks to addressandmanage,they must make comparativerisk judgments”that is, judgments of which of many risks are most A substantialliteratureexplicitlyorimplicitly importantandwhichshouldhavepriority. appears to assume that risk managers need only examine the magnitude and probability of risks to compare risks and to decide on a course of action. Although there is some truth in this, it can be quite misleading and can lead to public policy effects possibly quite at odds with the public and with a more morally defensible course of action. What is important for publicdecisionsisnotonlythemagnitudeandprobability of risks,butalsoavariety of factors that bear on the acceptability of risks posed, factors that in many cases are ignored in discussions of these issues. of the acceptability of risk; In what follows, we will explore some morally salient properties properties that I believe all ofus take into account, and that we should take into account implicitly or explicitly, in t h i i i g coherently from a moral point of view about risks that confrontus.Thefeaturessurveyedarenotnecessarilycompleteorevenalwaysmutually exclusive, butare some of the major facets of the acceptability of risk exposure. Clarifying these features will enable us to think somewhat more clearly about the acceptability of risks and to avoid some obviousas well as some more subtle mistakes. This also suggests what is important and valid in public perceptionsof risk, as well as irldicating the importance of such considerations to the management of toxic substances suchas carcinogens. perrnissibfe for individMoreover, other literature fails to distinguish between risksare that uals to takein their own lives and those that they are required to livewith as a matterof public from insufficient attention to the normative components of the policy. Both failures results acceptability of risk exposure. 817
II. A PARTIAL MATRIX OF THE ACCEPTABILITY OF RISKS Risk assessment is concerned with the evaluation of risks to humanbeings. A risk is the chance, or the probability, of some loss or harm-the chance of mishap?v3 (In what follows we focus mostly on only life-threatening risks.) In discussing risks, we need a term that is imposed ononeandrisksthatonehas taken; thesomewhat neutralbetweenrisksbeing awkward phrasese.xposure to risks or risk exposure serve that purpose. In addition, we can use acceptability to characterize the nonnative status of exposure to risks, to characterize the risks that are morally justifiedor defensible from those that arenot! For most of the discussion we focus on the acceptability of risk exposure for an individual. Thus, we are concerned with features of risk exposure that, other things being equal, tend to bear on the acceptability of exposure to the riskin question by a representative person.We rely on persons’ commonsense pretheoretical notions of acceptability for the risk in question. Occasionally, the discussion is broadened to address more general notions of the moral acceptability of risks to the public. To clarify the acceptabilityof exposure to risks and to use risk assessment numbers sensitively several distinctions must be addressed.
A. Naturally Caused Versus Humanly Caused Risks The first distinction is that between risks to which people are exposed resulting from natural phenomena and risks that arise because of human activities. In each case, if the risks materialize, human beings suffer injuries, diseases,or premature death. Thus, reducing risks from whatever the cause will reduce human suffering. However,if we distinguish betweenthe causes of each type of risk, those resulting from human activitiesare, in principle, avoidable if human beings change their activities, whereas risks that arise from nahval causes may or may not be so easily are potentially avoidable. If we risk injuring or killing one another by driving our cars, these risks or it may be undesirable to avoid them avoidable, even though we may choose not to avoid them, because the lossof benefits from having automobiles would be too great. By contrast, no matter where one lives, one is exposedto cosmic rays; the higher the altitude at which one lives, the may be avoidable, greater the riskof contracting canceras a resultof such exposure. Such risks but only at considerable cost (e.g., living in lead-lined buildings, possibly wearing lead-lined clothes). Other natural risks (e.g., exposure to malaria-infected mosquitoes breeding in swamps) might be more easily avoided (e.g., by draining the swampsor by moving away). us very This distinction between naturally caused and humanly caused risks does not take far morally. Nevertheless, some commentators appear to conflate these two, apparently thinking from the two classes ofactivitiesthe that merely by comparing the probabilities of harm differencebetweenhumanlyandnaturallycausedrisksisnotworthremarking.Thus,for instance, M o d 1 remarks that: There is an 2-in-100,OOO annual riskof cancer from background radiationat sea level, from of diagnostic X-rays? drinking one beer a day, or from receiving an average number
He further states that “other activities, both voluntary and involuntary, also carry cancer risks that are substantially greater relative to those thatare targets of regulatory control.’“ Notice that he has compared naturally occurring risks, voluntarily incurred risks from dietary (or enjoyment) considerations, and risks incurred in trying to detect and prevent,if necessary, life-threatening diseases. His description suggestsan implicit argument that, since naturally occurring risks are as bad as, or worse than, humanly produced risks, these risks are all in some sense properly comparable. Although it might be true these risks have a similar probability of producing the same endpoint harm, cancer, their acceptability vanes substantially. Diagnostic x-ray studies used to try to detect a life-threatening diseaseor other substantial disease threatsare probably
Judgments Comparative Risk Management Risk in
much more acceptableto individuals than similar risks that are incurred from drinking polluted drinkingwater. An argumentativestrategysuch as Morrall’s is oftenusedtopersuadean are caused by human activitiesare more acceptable than risks that audience that those risks that are lower than naturally are naturally caused. It might thenbe argued that if humanly caused risks caused ones, then thereis no need to worry aboutthe first. is not persuasive.We cannot merely compare the probability However, the implicit argument of risks associated with naturally and humanly caused risks and rest content that we have dealt are imposed adequately with the issue of acceptability of exposure to risks. Humanly caused risks on a person by institutions or practices that could be changed (or in some cases that imposed by the agent himself or herself, e.g., by smoking). And such risks typically have at least some compensating benefits, whereas naturally caused risks might not. Such benefits may or may not be sufficient to justify the risks; that is a separate matter. Moreover, on the morality of risk exposure, human activities may be judged right or wrong, just or unjust, defensible or not, whereas none of these predicates apply to natural phenomena or apply only in metaphorical or extended senses.
B. The Magnitude of the Harm, if the Risk Materializes A second consideration in judging the acceptability of risks is the magnitude of the harm that will befall persons if the risk materializes. Some risks will materialize into death, others into serious irreversible injuries, some into serious, but reversible injuries (e.g., broken ribs or legs), and still others into relatively minor injuries. Such harmsmay also be mental or physical, but we restrict our discussion to physical and health harms. And, for the most part we consider only risk of death as the harm of concern. This is not to ignore the importance of risks of serious reversible or serious irreversible harms that may befall one. Clearly the magnitude of a harm,ifitmaterializes, is a consideration in judging the acceptability of risk exposure.It is not the only and not necessarily the most important, however. Mountain climbers may appropriately judge that taking life-threatening risks in climbing are more acceptable despite .the. greater magnitudeof injury they pose than the threat of serious diseasefrompollution.Thus,otherfactorsrelevanttoacceptability ofriskexposurecan outweigh the magnitudeof the harm posed by the risk.
C. The Magnitude of Benats that Accompany Risks Third, benefits may or may not be produced as a result of risk exposure, but if they are, their magnitude is a relevant consideration in judging the acceptability of risk exposure. Benefits for an individualmay be lifesaving (analogous to lifetaking risks), or important, but not lifesaving, or even minor or trivial. The magnitude of benefits accompanying risks both for each individual and for the group affected is important to an overall judgment of acceptability. Thus, some comparison of the magnitude of the harms risked with the magnitude of the benefits realized by the individual affected is pertinent to the acceptance of the risk in question. A similar balancing of benefits and harms to society as a whole is also relevant to the acceptability of social risks, for judging the but thisis a more complex issue, for there are several different normative views acceptability of social risks and harms.We return to an aspect of this distributive issue later.
D. The Probability of Harms and Benefits The probabilities of harms and benefits from a course! of action clearly are important considerations in judging the acceptability of risks. Much of the discussion about comparative risk exposure concerns the relative probabilities that different risks will materialize into Many harm.
discussionsinvolvingcomparativeriskjudgmentsappear to stopwitharecitationofthe probabilities of two different risks of death, and some appear to assume that the risk having the higher probability is the one we should be more concerned about. Although this may be true when all other features of risk exposures are equal, the other features are rarely equal for manyriskcomparisons.Manyotherfacetsofriskexposuremayalsoberelevant to judgments of acceptability.
E. Voluntary Versus Involuntary Exposure to Risk A fourth distinction needed for thinking about the acceptability of risks and the use of risk assessment is that between voluntarily and involuntarily incurred risks. Both humanly caused and naturally caused risksmay be voluntarily incurred,for one may choose to put oneself next to explode and one may choose to walk across a busy freeway or street to a volcano that is about at rush hour. Voluntarily placing oneself at risk, in the sense of deliberately making decisions that place oneself in danger, does not, however, imply that one is necessarily aware of the nature, extent, and magnitudeof the risk? Many of us have voluntarily consumedour favorite alcoholic beverage, but were likely unaware that ethanol is a carcinogenor that we were taking some (quite small) chance of contracting canceras a consequence.We may voluntarily perform an act that has various risks without being aware or at leastfully aware of many features ofthe act or of the risks it presents. Voluntariness in exposure to risk is thus one consideration in of exposure to risks, but by itself in this limited sense does not assessing the moral acceptability possess much moral weight.
F. Voluntary and Knowing Exposure to Risks
Fifth, thus, we should distinguish between voluntarily and knowingly putting oneself at risk from humanly or naturally caused forces and voluntarily butunknowingly doing s o 8 These distinctions are often ignored in much of the literature that indiscriminately compares risks-note the foregoing Morrall statement that conflates voluntarily incurred risks such as drinking beer with to background radiation at sea level. Either act might involuntarily incurred risks from exposure have been done knowingly. Conflating risks that one voluntarily and knowingly incurs with those that one involuntarily incurs blurs an important distinction. Our legal system and most moralities place substantial importance on this distinction and recognize it in the principle volenti nonft inuria-"he who this aphorism is that he who has voluntarily consents cannot receive an injury.'@ The idea behind and knowingly consented to a risk of harm that materializes is not in a position to complain that an injustice has been done to him.l0 What activities count as those to which we might have voluntarily and knowingly assented requires further discussion. Whether, for example, choiceof employment, which poses considerable risks to one's health, is one that is either fully voluntary or fullyinformedisamuchmoreopenquestionandonethatrequiresmorediscussion. (We return to this in Sec.In.) Furthermore, most of us would agree that a person might knowingly and voluntarily incur greater objective risks (e.g., in mountain climbing, motorcycling, or boxing) than it is morally justifiable to impose on a person unknowingly and involuntarily (e.g., fugitive emissions from a benzene or vinyl chloride plant, or perchloroethylene or carbon tetrachloride from a dry-cleaning establishment). Thus, from a normativeofpoint view the magnitude and probability of risks a~ not determinative, especially where one incurs them knowingly and voluntarily. In an empirical study, Starrargued that the general public voluntarily accepts risks that are three orders of magnitude(lo00 times) greater than risk posed by involuntary exposures.*' Thus,
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if he is correct, objective probabilities and magnitudes of risks are not considered determinative of the acceptabilityof risk, evenby the general public. However, just becausa persons knowingly and voluntarily take greater mponsibility for risks than they would accept if they were involuntarily imposed, it does not follow that such elevated risks should become the standard for a whole community. Yet, curiously, some authors seem to suggest this by inviting us to compare the “objective risks” from activities central to to plan of particular plansof life, suchas mountaineeringor skiing, with risks not central one’s life or even with involuntary exposure to risks. Such comparisons, conflating involuntarily incumd, naturallycaused, or humanlycausedriskswiththoseknowinglyandvoluntarily assumed, misleadsus, commits a kindof moral mistake, and blurs important distinctions. Compared with the foregoing pairof cases is the contrast between involuntarily incurred, humanly caused risks that materialize to harm one versus voluntarily and knowingly assumed human risks that harm one.12 When others have imposed risks of harm on one without one’s knowledge and the risks materialize into harm,isthis much closer to a matter of injustice. (One needs a theory of justice according to which such treatment would indeed be unjust.) Had the victim suffered the same harm as a consequenceof knowingly and voluntarily incurring risks of of the volentifit harm, this wouldnot typicallybe a matterof injustice (perhaps in part because inuria principle cited earlier). Noneof these arguments is decisive because the issuesare quite complicated, but they serve as reminders that risks carry with them quite different moral properties, depending on some of the distinctionsjust indicated. Merely comparing objective risks exor death rates obscures such properties and frustrates understanding. pressed in numerical injury
l . The Palpability of Risks An important species of knowing risk exposure concerns what we might callPalpability the of the risks in question. By this we mean that the risk is easily perceptibleby one of the senses, or by the mind.13 Exposure to various chemical carcinogens(e.g., trichloroethylene or chloroform in drinking water, or benzene or vinyl chloride in the air) may place one at risk without one being continuously reminded of the risk in question or its consequences for one. Such risks of the should be contrasted with thosefor which one is continuously and palpably made aware possibility of harm. Some risks are accompanied by obvious reminders of the harm that can materialize (e.g., a stamping machine operator needs little imagination or reminding to know what a stamping machine can do to his arms or legs should they getinto thepress, and a sawyer is continually reminded that a saw can do to his appendages what it does to timber). The palpaawareness of the possibility and magnitude of harm before one, bility of risks serves to keep the so that one can better exercise caution, care, and control in providing self-protection. Conversely, where risks are not palpable, those exposed need better protections, because they have greater difficulty detecting the risks, they may have a lesser awarenessof them, and thus realistically they are less able to protect themselves. It is also a mistake to suggest which risks that are palpable and voluntarily incurred should be used to set the standard for regulating involuntarily incurred, nonpalpable risks imposed by the actions of others, yet some suggest such arguments.14 2. The Appreciation of Risks Moreover, clear warnings because of the palpability of risks or because of posted notices may is properly fully awareof a risk. Although one has in some sense been put not ensure that one one may not havethe appropriate appreciation of the risk in on notice about the possible harm, that one recognizes the properties of the risk and its consequences for one through judgment, perception, or insight.15 Ordinarily aifrisk is palpable, one wouldalso have appreciation of its consequences, but since there is no logical or evidentiary guarantee of this, two the concepts are treated separately. Moreover, the idea of appreciation goes beyond the ideas of either knowledge
or the palpability of a risk, since it suggests one has appropriate recognition of the risk for oneself. Thus, one must be both aware of a risk and have proper understanding and appreciation of it to have incurred it knowingly. bear to some extent onour judgment of a We have considered several features of risks that person’s responsibility forh m suffered when risks materialize and on features of risk exposure be exposed. The more that would affect the level of risks to which we might think one should one is palpably aware of, appreciates, and thus knowingly incurs a risk, the less concern we typically would have in preventing one from being exposed to such a risk and the higher the is a risks we would likely tolerate inour own case or others, other things equal (assuming one normal adult human being with at least average intelligence). Moreover,it is certainly permissible for people to incur such risks, but this permissible level of risks surely should not set the required standard of risk exposure for a whole community. The less such featuresare present, the more important it is to prevent such harms from occumng, especially forhumanly caused risks, and the more concern we would have to lower the odds of a person being harmed, for persons in these circumstances cando much less to protect themselves.16
G. The Avoidability of Risky Courses of Action
The features discussedto this point do not exhaust the properties of risk exposure that bear on To the extent that it is its acceptability. We also want to know how avoidable the risks difficult to avoid exposure to risks, this argues for greater protection from them, if it is availabl and feasible. If one cannot avoid humanly produced air pollution, or can avoid it only at great cost and inconvenience, this argues for better protections from it. At the other extreme when risks are easily avoidable, much less protection may be justified. Thus, risks from mountaineering are easily avoidable through abstention in the activity.A number of facets of risk exposure bear on the issue of avoidability: alternatives open to one, control over the risks, sacrifices incurred in avoiding them, and the centrality of risksto one’s life.
I . Alternatives to Risky Courses of Action The fewer alternatives there are to risky activities and the harder risks axe to avoid, other things being equal, the more this calls for preventive and protective measures, theyifcan be provided. For example, if air is polluted, thereaxe few alternatives to breathing it, thus making a case for removing or reducing the pollution. us very far. If our drinking The issue of alternatives to a risky course of action does not take water were polluted with carcinogens, many people could easily avoid the risks by drinking bottled water. However, the norms implicit in the public nature of a water supply tendto argue for cleaning it up, evenif there are some readily available alternatives to drinking it. Social alternatives to using toxic substances are especially important in judging the risks from exposure to these substances.Are there other substances that servethe same purposes, but without such high risks? Clearly in judging the acceptability of risks imposed on the society at large, we want to know the facets of the acceptabilityof the particular risky action, but also all facets of the acceptabilityof all the alternatives to it before we can make some judgment of the overall acceptability of the risk.
2. Degree of Control Over the Risk We should distinguish between those risksto which we voluntarily and knowingly consent,but over which we do not exercise much continuing control, andthose over which we have some Risks overwhichwehaveconsiderablecontrolaremore considerablecontrol.Thepoint? avoidable through our own actions than those over which we have less control. For example, one may voluntarily and knowingly incur risks while driving one%car, but can one control such
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risks to some extent by driving defensively and by using safety devices. There is a spectrum of one’s ability to control risks, rangingfromthose for which one has no control (e.g., when one is in the midst of an earthquake), to those for which one has considerable control over the outcome (e.g., when one is an expert machinist working with dangerous equipment or when one is an expert rock climber on good hard rock). Andisthere a spectrum of control concerning the be exposed to risks. The greater continuing extent to which one has put oneself in a position to control one has over a risky situation, the less intervention by others may be needed to protect one. Again this is a complicated matter and true only if everythingelse is equal. Failure to make these distinctions again betrays an insensitivity to the complexity of the issues involved, perhaps even a kind of moral insensitivity. We might well tolerate ourselves and are knowingly and voluntarily incurred and others having greater exposure to risks when they overwhichparticipantshaveconsiderablecontrolthanwewouldwhensimilarriskswere imposed by others without knowledge, consent, or control, or when the risks were imposed on us knowingly and voluntarily, but over which we might not have much continuing control. Roughly speaking, other things being equal, greater control over risk exposure and over the materializing of risks carries withit greater responsibility for the outcome, for one can do much to protect oneself.To the extent one lacks control over whether risks materialize and, thus, can do less to protect oneself, other things W i g equal, the greater the need for protection from the risks. The more control one has, the higher the risks a community might tolerate, if it could influence the level of risk exposure. This appears to accord with Starr’s results noted earlier. The upshotof the preceding paragraph is that it is a conceptual and a moral mistake for one to argue that, because people incur greater risks in activities over which they have considerable control than they incur from emissions of carcinogens from industrial plants (risks over which be they have littleor no control), the risks from carcinogens should not be regulated or should regulated so that therisks from carcinogens are as high as those to which we have control over. The mistake is forone implicitly to argue that, other things being equal, the risks that one has considerable ability to control set the standard below which there shouldbe no regulation for involuntarily incurred risks.17 3. Sacrifice Incurred in the Alternatives
Once we have the idea that a complex factor analysis is important to judging the acceptability of the sacrifices that might of a courseof action, we see thatit is also important to take account be required to avoid a particular risk. The greater the required sacrifice of one’s interests to avoid risk, the less acceptable the risk is likely to If avoiding a risk would require changing one’s life in unacceptable ways, then the risk is less acceptable and lessto be used as a standard for comparing other risks. For instance, if one can avoid risks from airborne malathion spraying only byleavinghomeduring the spraying, such a personal cost might seem exceedingly high. reason Sacrifice is a cost; the greater the sacrifice the greater the cost and, thus, a for reducing the risksin the present courseof action.
H. Centrality of Risks to One‘s Life The previous points (Sec.G.l-G.3) are related to deeper views aboutthe centrality of risks to one’s life plans. Certain moral views place great importance on an individual having the.capacity to choose, revise, and act on orher his own conceptions of the good life.I8 Thus, one might with full knowledge have embraced a particular kind (e.g., of life one that centrally involves mountain are greater than climbing), and the goals of such a may life be inseparable from risks, risks that those faced by the general populace. The more that risky activities are central to one’s plan of life, and the more that they are part of what makes life worth living, the more acceptable they
are to the individual. In such cases, the objective natureof the risk may be less significant in assessing its acceptability to the person or to others. Such people, thus, embrace or at least accept the risks as part of the kind of lives they live. Most moral traditions consider such choices as quite permissible, recognizing these life-enhancing features. Thus, it would be a mistake to or scuba diving) thatare central to one’s life compare risks from activities (e.g., mountaineering plan with those that are not central and not “chosen” at all (e.g., involuntary exposure toTCE in drinking wateror benzene in the air). Of course, avoiding risks that are central to one’s life would requirep a t sacrifice and thus seems inconsistent with the previous point. However, we distinguish between sacrifices required to avoid unwanted risks imposed by others and sacrifices required to avoid risks that are an integral partto what makes our lives worth living.
1. The Distribution of Risks and Environmental Justice To this point we have considered individual risks to persons in isolation from other risks and different aspectsof their acceptability. However, this has ignored cumulative risks, as asthe well distribution of risks in a community. As with previous discussions, we cannot have an extensive assessment of the issue, but some points are in order. First, persons are typically exposed to multiple risks, both those resulting from the everyday activities of life as well as those from substances that might be subject to regulation. Thus, any consideration of the acceptability of risk exposure must take account such cumulative effects, because may thesebe unduly burdensome for particular individualsm groups in the community. Second, whether they are unacceptably burdensome is a question of justice, a question of whether theymuchfor one person are too or group, and a question of the burdens imposed on an exposed p u p in the community, compared with the burdens imposed on others in the community. Aprinciple frequently appealed toinordertoaddresssuchquestions,namely,utilitarianism, or itsoffspring,cost-benefit analysis, has difficulty accounting for such distributive considerations. Utilitarianism and its offspring tend to focus on maximizing overall community welfare; this may, except for very special versions of these views, tend to ignore the distribution of risks and benefits as well as ignoring minimal protections for person^.'^ By contrast, theoriesof justice tend to account better for both considerations. For example, according to the best contemporary theory of justice, unequal distributions of wealth in basic institutions, such as the economic system, are to be arranged so that they “are the greatest benefit of the least advantaged [representative] person . . 9’20 Thus, this principle suggests that, in the distributions of harms and benefits that affect a person’s wealth, including risks, the avoidance of adversely affecting those who are already in the worst off group in the community is an important consideration. That is, further exposure of persons in such groups to greater risks is justified only if they will be better offas a result of such exposure than they otherwise would have been compared with alternative distributions. However, this appears to be a claim difficult to justify, because, as a matterof fact, in the United States, for example, there are already a number of people in many communitiesare who suffering frompoverty,disease,lackof o p p m i t i e s , andsuch.Theirexposuretoadditionallifethreatening risks would not likely be permissible on such considerations of justice. If this is correct, such a principle, or one similar to it, provides the moral foundation for some of the claims of the environmental justice movement. Principles, such as Rawls’, accommodate both comparative judgments between groups in the community (they are bearing an unjust burden of social life in comparison to others) and judgments that some groups have already been disadvantaged toobymuch the exigenciesof life and social arrangements (they have been burdened too much in comparison with a baseline
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distribution). Any adequate risk managemkt policy should, thus also take into account these comparative and cumulative effects. . .
111. SOME APPLICATIONS OF THE MATRIX Once we have some the of foregoing distinctions, the arguments comparing various risks become more sophisticated, more obviously dependent on implicit moral theories and, thus, the argumentsabouttheacceptabilityofrisksbecomemorephilosophical,withfundamentalideas dividing those who disagree. Nonetheless, several arguments for certain uses of risk assessment are of considerable moment. must be evaluated because the moral issues they raise
A. SomeCommonMistakes l . The Alar Argument Alar is a systemicgrowth regulator sprayed on apple trees and other plants to make the stay fruit on the plant longer, ripen more slowly, stay firmer longer, have a longer shelf life, and retain color and attractive properties longer. Its metabolites in the body are also, apparently, fairly potent carcinogens?1 The salient feature about Alar is that many people have argued that substantial benefits come from using it, even though its metabolites appear to be a potent human carcinogen. However, this argument commits a certain kind of mistake or at least begs an benefits to individuals fromAlarisrelatively importantquestion.Themagnitudeofthe minor-using it provides fruiton a more nearly year-round basis, makes its nutritional benefits available longer, prolongs shelf life, keeps fruitsf m e r looking for a longer time period. The magnitude of the harmto individuals threatened by Alar, however, is life-threatening if, in fact Alar, and some ofits metabolites are potent carcinogens for human beings,as the EPA and theCaliforniaEnvironmentalProtectionAgencyhavejudgedthemto beJ2 Alarpresents relatively minor benefits to each of millions of people while posing a low probability of the most serious harmto those who ingest it or who work withit in the fields. Summed over many people, Alar appears to have huge benefits, compared with very low probability risks to some. Even though the magnitude of the risk to each individual posed by Alar is not at all comparable with the magnitude of the benefitsprovided to each person, the cumulative benefits appear to outweigh the possible harms. While this seemsbetoan obviously acceptable trade-off to some, because ofthegreatdiscrepancybetweenthemagnitudeofthebenefitsprovidedandthe magnitudeoftheharmsthreatenedtoeachperson, for mostpeople, I believe, this is not obviously an acceptable risk. Whetherit is or not depends on more fundamental moral views, an extensive discussionof which is beyond this paper, but a few remarks are in order. Some ethical theories would compare such serious risks and minor benefits quite readily and use the minor benefits to many to outweigh life-threatening risks to a few. Utilitarianism would compare the probability of the benefits times the magnitude of the benefits times the number of people benefited with the probability of harm times the magnitude of the harms times the nuhber of people likelyto be harmed. Then, this complex cross product would be compared with alternative waysof providing fruits and vegetables to the public. The alternative with the of action.23 However, many ethical theories highest netcross product would bethe correct course In attend to considerationsthattheutilitariantheoriesignoreorweighthemdifferently. particular, such theories attend tomagnitude the of the benefits and harms to discrete individuals, and they pay attentionto the distribution of the benefits and harms to individuals.a Other moral incomparability between the minor benefits to each person of using views would emphasize the Alar on the one hand, even though millions are so benefited, versus the great magnitude of harms on the other. Such views take seriously the importance to each person that might befall a few,
of each person and tend to be typical of justice theories. The public may well implicitly take account of such considerations in its reaction to the use of Alar in apples and other produce. The point here, however,is not to argue for one ethical theoryor the other,for space does not permitit, but rather to point out that on a fairly straightforward issue, as the such acceptability of risks posed by Alar, fundamental moral issues of the acceptability of risks for individuals and for the community bear on these questions. Consequently, judging the acceptability of risks is not a simple matterof comparison of the probability and the magnitude of benefits and harms times the number of people affected,for this ignores other featuresof the acceptability of risks to individuals andto the public at large.Any judgment of the acceptability of such risks must take these other features into account. A more elaborate argument on these points will have to be developed elsewhere. 2. TheChloroformArgument The next argument is the “chloroform argument,” so named because some suggest that the risks from chloroform, a carcinogen, in drinking water constitute a normative standard against which to judge the acceptability of all risks the government should regulate. Such critics argue that, since chlorine in our drinking water reacts with the organic material in the water to produce chloroform and other trihalomethanes, carcinogens both, and sincewe incur certain low level risks from these carcinogens,we should not regulate any carcinogensto which we are exposed to lower levels of risk than the risks posed by chloroform and trihalomethanes.25 In short, the risk of contractingcancerfromexposuretochloroformindrinkingsetstheappropriate standard for all other exposures to carcinogens. This is a nonsequitur. Chlorine is added to water to protect human beings from a variety of diseases and possibly death that are by posed organic material and bacteria in water. Furthermore, according to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Drinking Water, the risks of death and disease posed by biological materials in water much greater than the risks of death and disease posed by exposure to chloroform in drinking water.n The invalidity in the chloroform argument is this:just because the useof chlorine in water protects us against much greater risks of death and disease than the risks presented by the chloroform and trihalomethanes in water, it does not follow thatwe should set the levelsof risk presentedby chloroform tobe the standard for all carcinogensto which we might be exposed from whatever source and whatever benefits are derived fromthem. By analogy, whileit may be permissiblefor you to break my legor to risk breakingit when or car (because this probably prevents me from knocking me outof the way ofan oncoming train suffering even greater injuries), it does not follow that it is permissible for you to go around breaking people’s legs or to risk breaking their legs when this is not a meansto prevent them from some probability of suffering substantial harms. be that, since we have long consented to and A variation on the chloroform argument might of risks we lived with cancer risks from chloroform inour drinking water, this shows the level are prepared to live with, and thus shouldset the standard appropriatefor regulating risks from other carcinogens. This argument is similarly not persuasive. First,the notion of consent would be misplaced if the community were not aware that it faced certain lifetime risks of contracting cancer. In many cases of industrially produced carcinogens in our food, air, or water, weare not likely are palpably reminded of them and appreciate to be aware of risks from them, much lesswethat the nature of the risks. However, even if we grant that the community was aware of the nature and extent of suchrisks, it does not follow that such risk levels shouldset the standard for other regulatory purposes. Again, if thecommunityhadconsentedtotherisksfromchloroform in order toprotect itserffrom evengreater harms, it does not follow thathas, it or that itwould,
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or that it should consent to the same level of risks from carcinogens that do not similarly protect to be offered in each it from such substantialhart’ns. Muchmore by way of argument would have case. Finally, even if the community has consented to risks from carcinogens from certain substances in certain contexts, it does not follow that the level of risk thereby consented to should set the standard for other, disanalogous cases. Thus, even if such a consent argument were a plausible one, whichis doubtful becauseof the probable absenceof awareness and appreciation of the nature, extent, and magnitude of the risk,it does not follow that isthis a plausible rationale to set the standard for other risks.
3. The Peanut Butter Argument Similar arguments have been used concerning naturally occurring carcinogens that occur in our food. For example, peanuts, peanut butter, corn, and raw mushrooms, all appear to contain carcinogens-some of them possibly more potent than industrial carcinogens that may invade our water or air.28 Call this the “peanut butter” argument,It is argued that since we are at risk from such carcinogens in our food, this “consent level” of risk should set the standard for exposure to other carcinogens in our environment. This argument is not plausible. It is even more doubtful in this case than for chloroform that we havewith awareness of the risks involvedlegitimately consented to be exposed to such risks. For one thing we are only just now learning of the risks presented by many carcinogens that occur naturally in our foods (if in fact they have such effects when part of a complex food)F9 If these have come as recent scientific discoveries, we can hardly have consented as individuals or as a communityto take the risk of contracting cancer from eating these substances. And, even if some scientistsare aware of such risks, this information is not appreciated by the public at large. If we now know the public is exposed to several potent carcinogens in its food, consumers could be put on notice so they could avoid such substances and this might make a substantial difference in their behavior. This typically has not been done, however. Moreover, does it not follow that we should use the level of carcinogensin our food to set regulatory levels for other carcinogens. Just because we may be burdened by carcinogens in our foods, it does not follow that we should add to our body burdens because theindividual risks from humanly produced carcinogens are no higher in magnitude and probability than the individual risks from naturally occumng carcinogens. Thecumulative effect of adding many such humanly produced carcinorun, and theremay be synergistic effects from exposure gens could be substantial over the long to many carcinogens. There are some differences between the chloroform and peanut butter arguments. Chlorine, which produces chloroform in drinking water, protects us fromofrisks even p a t e r harms than thoseposedbythechloroform. No suchclaimcanbemadeonbehalfofpeanutbutter, mushrooms, or charbroiled meats.Any justificationfor remaining exposed to aflatoxins in peanut butter or corn rests on our traditional use of such foods?O on the centrality of the foods toour lives, on their nutritional benefits, or on our consenting to the presence of carcinogens, none of which is particularly weighty. Even the nutritional benefits of any single food are probably not decisive,althoughthe cumulative nutritionalbenefitsfromanumber of foodscontaining naturally occumng carcinogens might be substantial. Thus, the peanut butter argument is not as seriously flawedas the chloroform argument, but it remains unsound. There is a generalization to the chloroform and peanut butter arguments. Critics suggest that because there are a number of (even many) carcinogens to which we are exposed naturally, throughourfoodandwater,weshouldnothavemuchconcernforindustriallyinduced onesP1 carcinogens, many of which are much less potent substances than the naturally occumng However, just because weare exposed toor have consentedto exposure to many carcinogens in the past, it does not follow thatwe should permit exposure to more carcinogens. Just because
we have consented to some bad thingsour in lives (if infact we haveso consented, many times a doubtful assumption), it does not followwe should be exposed to more harmful substances. The argument is not persuasive with reference to harmful drugs, (e.g., alcohol or marijuana); it seems no more persuasive for carcinogens. Moreover, it ignores the cumulative effects of many individual exposures.A s a matterof social policy we should seek to minimize the harms to which we are exposed.
4. ComparativeRiskArguments A fourth argument placed in doubt by the matrix of considerations pertinent to the acceptability of risks m “comparative riskarguments.” Such argumentsare generalizations of the foregoing the generalityofthemistake arguments,buttheydeserveseparatecommentbecauseof committed. Some authors (e.g., Wilson and Crouch;32 as well as Morrall, cited earlier) explicitly compare the magnitude and probability of risks that tend to be quite differentand suggest that risks of similar magnitude and probability may be comparably acceptable. For instance, in one table?3 they compare the annual risk from motor vehicle accidents, air pollution in the eastem United States, sea level background radiation, chloroform in drinking water EPA within limit, the police killed in the line of duty, and mountaineering, Enough has been said to illustrate the difficulty with suggesting that the acceptability of these risks is the sameor suggesting that they of probability and magnitude. should be compared in some straightforward way on grounds Although it is true that one can learn something about the relative probabilities of these risks by putting them into a common table where they can be compared, it is quite misleading to suggest their acceptability should be the same. It is important to know the magnitude and comparative probabilitiesof different risks, for, if our principle is that we should prevent the most likely risks of the same magnitude (e.g., death), this would dictate that we compare risks on magnitude and probability only. Moreover, this is quite consistent with a principle to prevent harm from befalling others. However, this is not the only moral consideration relevant in most circumstances. For example, the risk of death from automobile accidents, which is relatively high compared with some others, is a risk over which individuals have considerable control. And we appear to recognize that they have such control because we teachdriver training and defensive driving believing that thatis important to reducing the chances of an accident. Such control introducesan additional moral consideration.We might do more to prevent such accidents; that is a separate matter. But the simple comparison of the probability of such risks can be quite misleading. Wilson and Crouch similarly compare morally disanalogous risks by citing the chance of dying from sea level background radiation, a naturally caused risk we cannot that escape, except by adopting extremely expensive protective devices, suchas living in lead houses or wearing lead suits, andgreatly altering our lifestyle and undergoing great personal sacrifices. And they compare these kindsof risks with the EPA limit of chloroform in drinking water, which results from chlorinating our drinking water to protect us from other life-threatening harms. Finally, they include in the same table the riskof death to a frequent flying professor, whose trips may be critical to his profession andhis way of life, and the riskof death from mountaineering,an activity thatmay well be centralto a mountaineer’s conception of life. By implication in comparing these risks, Wilson and Crouch appear to commit several mistakes because the risks exhibit quite diverse levels of acceptability. For one thing, the acceptability of risksis the outcomeof a complex weighing of magnitude, probability, avoidability, control over the risks, voluntariness of the risks, knowledge of the risks, distribution of risks, and so forth. In the end, the acceptability of a risk is an on-balance judgment of the relative importance of all of these properties to an individual (where we are talking aboutan individual making a judgment about the acceptability of these or risks) to the communityas a whole in how
inJudgments Comparative Risk
these are weighed Thus,to simplify the issues by focusing only on the magnitudeof outcome if the risk materialized and the probability of that outcome and even the numbers of people affected is to ignore other substantial factors in the overall judgment of the acceptabilityof risk. Furthermore,theycommitakindofmoralmistake,fortheyignoreanumberofmoral considerations that both individuals and the community take into account in making these are morally judgments about the acceptability of risks. In addition, they lump together risks that permissible (because they are voluntary and central to one’s life and/or those over which persons haveconsiderablecontrol)withinvoluntarilyimposedrisksand,atleastbyjuxtaposition, suggest that the permissible risks might set the required level of acceptability of risks for regulation. Moreover, they tend to compare life-threatening risks to individuals with nonlifesavingbenefits,therebybeggingaquestion ofwhethersuchcomparisons areappropriate. Finally, theyfail to give sufficient weight to risks that are central one’s to life and that it is within one’s prerogative to accept. Some of the same considerations are aprops when we consider some of the risks from substances that are typically subject to regulation. For example, some substancesto which we are exposed protect us from other life-threatening entities (e.g., chlorine in drinking water or anticancer drugs), whereas other potential carcinogens do not obviously hold out such promise (e.g., Alar in apples). Forthe formerwe tend to tolerate (correctlyin my view) greater exposure than for the latter, precisely because of the lifesaving benefits. Thus, it is a difference in the magnitude of the benefits to individuals versus the potentialhann to individuals that appears critical here. However,for many substances thatare subject to regulation, the matrix discussed in this paper does not necessarily provideway a of discriminating between them. The reason is that virtuallyall such substances share a variety of risk characteristics that make them similar to each other (discussed in the next section), but quite different from the risk ofcharacteristics many everydayactivities (e.g., drivinganautomobile,beingexposedtocosmicrays,dangerous as a recreational activities, andso forth). Qpically, risks from substances subject to regulation group are more similarto each otherthan they are to many of the risksof every day life; that is what makes arguments comparing the risks of regulated substances with those of everyday activities pernicious. In fact, typically the risks posed by substances that are regulated have a number of special characteristics.
B. Risk Management and What is Special About Carcinogens Whenwe focusonrisksfromcarcinogensandothertoxicsubstances,theconsiderations discussed earlier suggestwhy the managementof exposure to such substances requires a more comprehensive approachto the acceptability of risk exposure. Carcinogens (which are used for illustrative purposes) have several properties that make them special, that call for sensitive of the risks theypose, and that suggest the need for special evaluation of the moral acceptability considerations in managing their risks. canthat cause catastrophic harms Carcinogens are typically invisible, undetectable intruders to the individuals affected after a long latency period and that typically, but not invariably, provide modest benefits in return. Moreover, they typically have a low probability of harm. part exposure to them is involuntary and unknowing; any risks they pose However, for the most are not palpable.And most environmental and workplace carcinogens are not easily avoidable, individuals do not have continuing control over the nature or extent of exposure, avoiding them may require great individual sacrifice, and exposure to them is not something that tends to make the exposed individuals’ lives worth living. This cluster of characteristics in conjunction with the foregoing distinctions and analysis tends to make a good case for m m stringent preventive measures than for many other risks in
our lives. The magnitude of the harm ifit materializes to individuals is among the most serious, are typically quite small.If these are the only but the probabilities of such harms materializing considerations pertinent to judging the acceptability of risks posed, governmental agencies should place some such substances low on theiroflist priorities for attention. However,carcinogenshavenumerousotherpropertiesthatargue for greaterattention is ordinarand more stringent control by risk managers. Exposure to environmental carcinogens ily neither voluntary nor knowing, since they may be present in tiny amounts in our food, water, or air. Even if members of the public have some idea that carcinogens are present in some media, they are not palpably put on notice about this and, undoubtedly, fail to appreciate the nature and extent of the threat. Lack of palpability and appreciation both argue for moreprotectivemeasures,sinceindividualscannotutilizetheir own sensesandresources to protect themselves; nor given the public nature of such contaminated media should they be expected to. Because such exposures are typically involuntary, it is wrong to treat such risks as comparable with voluntary risk exposures or in the same way one might “regulate” exposures thatare voluntary. Moreover, such substancesin the environment are not easily avoidable, for we typically do nothavecontinuingcontroloverthem,avoidingthem may requiresubstantialsacrifices (e.g., selling of homes at losses, or giving up a good paying job and moving to a different are not centralto persons’ area of the country), and ordinarily embracing risks from carcinogens plans of life. Because they are not easily avoidable or avoidable only at great personal cost, these characteristics m a reason for providing greater protections so that exposure does not occur in the f i t place. Workplace risks from carcinogens do not have all the properties of environmental risks. In particular it appears that they might be more easily avoidable and that exposure is m m nearly voluntary and knowing. Although there is something to this claim, the apparent attractiveness of thisargumentcan be misleading.Workplaceexposuresarelessvoluntary thantheyappear.Whereas some peoplehavewidechoicesofemployment,manydonot and those with constrained choices are likely to be the ones in the heavily polluted industries. This deserves substantial investigation, which cannot be pursued here, but substantial subpopulations have little choicein place of employment. And, even if workers could choose theirindustry, this doesnotensurethattheirknowledgeandappreciationofexposureto to be undetectablewhetherinthe carcinogenicriskswillbeverygood.Carcinogenstend environment or in an industrial plant; to the extent this is true, it argues for providing greater protection for employees. Furthermore, as an additional normative claim, even if employees had if the risks were more palpable and greater choice and control over their workplaces, and even workers had greater appreciationof them, they should notface the Hobson’s choice between a decent job and their health. Neither should lower costs of our consumer and economic goods be purchased at the price of their health. That is, fewer preventive regulations might lower the cost of goods produced, but itis a debatable issue when such a policyis justifiable. These complex issues are beyond the scope of this short discussion. However, what appearsto be a plausible argument to separate environmentalfrom workplace exposure to carcinogens is not obviously persuasive and is, in fact, quite problematic. Finally, most carcinogens, unlike chloroform produced in chlorinatedW i g water, do not save us from more serious harms than they pose. If they do, however, this is a significant consideration that should weigh in the balance in favor of permitting such exposures, provided better.However, if thereare substancesor processes there are no safer substitutes that dojobthe (e.g., ozonization vs. chlorine), thatwill do the samejob with lower risksto our health at about the same cost, itis not defensible to use the more dangerous substance or process. The general pointof the remarks in this concluding sectionis that the acceptability of risk
Comparative Judgments Risk
Management in Risk
exposue is a complicated on-balance judgment involving many factors. Risk managers should recognize and acknowledge the plurality of considerations that go into such judgments and take them into account in making decisions about which risks havepriority and which to manage. It is difficult to give general guidance bekause of the complexity of the issues and because decisions will have to be made ona case-by-case basis. However, enough should been havesaid of life, to discourage the use of simple heuristics and comparisons between the ordinary risks such as those incurred in our recreation (e.g., mountaineering or sky diving), or in every day activities (e.g., driving our cars) and the risks of carcinogens in the environment. Moreover, similar cautions apply to risk communication. Although there may be occasions on which it is insightful to call attention to the low probability of a risk by comparingit with ordinary risksof life, the foregoing discussion suggests such communicative strategies be canquite alsomisleading if the public has a rich and complicated matrix for judging the acceptability of risks. While I have presented the casefor these conclusions on nonnative grounds, Paul Slovic has reached similar conclusions from empirical investigations. Slovic concludes his paper “Perception of Risk”34with the following passage: Perhaps the most important message from this research is that there is wisdom as well as error in public attitudes and perceptions. Lay people sometimes lack certain information about hazards. However, their basic conceptualization of riskismuchricherthan that of the experts and reflects legitimate concerns that are typically omitted from expert risk assessments. As a result, risk communication and risk management efforts are desas atwo-wayprocess. Each side, expertand tinedto fail unlesstheyarestructured public, hassomething valid to contribute. Eachsi&mustrespecttheinsightsand intelligence of the other.35 Thus; the philosophical theses argued for in this paper and the risk perception research done by Slovic appear largely to converge. Some people, largely the experts on risk assessment and risk management, tend to focus on the probability and magnitude of the risks faced by thepublic,andtendtoignoreamuchbroaderconceptualizationoflegitimateandvalid considerations that go into judging the acceptability of risk. The broader matrix for judging the acceptabilityofrisk is quitelegitimate. To ignoresuchconsiderationsis to commitboth in managing risks we must appreciate the legitimate and conceptual and moral mistakes. Thus, complex matrix that goes into making these risk judgments and we must make comparative risk judgments with care.
NOTES 1. An earlierdraft of thiswasreadat the UCLAJxgal & Moral PhilosophyDiscussionGroup. Ken Dickey provided valuableresearch assistance in the writingof this paper. Reseawh on this paper was supported bythe University of California Toxic Substances Research and Teaching Program and by NSF research grant#Dm-8912782 (1990-93). 2. Rescher, N. Risk: A Philosophic Introduction to the Theory of Risk Evaluation and Management, Washington, D.C.: UniversityPress of America, 1983.5. 3. The assessmentof risks,where the probability distribution of some harm is known is contrasted with uncertainty, where the probabilities of loss or harm are not known. Very0 t h risk assessmentis more characterized by the many uncertainties in trying to estimate probabilitiesof harm than by known or narrowly identifiedprobabilities. 4. The idea of “acceptable,” “morallyjustified,” or “morally defensible” risks isa complex and difficult one. Lack of space prohibits a general account of these issues here. However, one burden of the paper is to draw attention to considerations that bear on the justificationof risks. For a discussion of moral
justification see Franbura, W. Ethics, 2nd ed., EnglewoodCliffs,NJ, hntice-Hall, 1970, and Feldman, F. Introductory Ethics, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Rmtice-Hall, 1978. 5. Morrall, J. F. A review of the record.Regulation. November/Lkcember, p. 27, 1986. 6. Ibid. 7. The logic of ordinary languageis not decisive on this issue; thus, for purposes of clarity I treat the voluntariness of risk exposureas logically distinctfrom knowing risk exposure. 8. Perhaps voluntarily exposing oneselfto a risk implies thatone does so knowingly, but I think notas thealcoholexampleshows,thus at least initially the two concepts shouldbekeptseparate for conceptual purposes. 9. Black‘s Law Dictionary, St. Paul, Minnesota: West Publishing,1%8.1746. A better statement of this might be “to he who consents no injustice done,” is or “he who consentshas no right to complain.” person he may The first is better than Black‘s definition because clearly a can be injured, even though is weaker than the first; if a person not be treated unjustly, sincehe consented. The second alternative has consented to his treatment, this may eliminate his legitimate right to complain, but it may not eliminate all claims that he was treated unjustly, 10. Of course, even thischaracterizationof the principleis too simple. One can knowingly and voluntarily be exposed to risks, but do so because of facing constrained choice“-e’s choice range may not be very broad. 11. Starr, C. Perspective on BenefitRiskDecision-Making, Washington DC, NationalAcademyof Sciences, 1972. However, that there has been considerable discussion of this methodology, so we should not regard this workas definitive. 12. Rescher,N. Risk: A Philosophical Analysis notes one can be “at risk” without voluntarily and knowingly having “takena risk.” 13. This account is fairly close to the meaning of the term as defined m Webster’s Third Infernational Dictionary of the English Language (Springfield, Mass.: G. and C. Memam andCo., 1966), p. 106. 14. Wilson R., Crouch, E. A. Risk assessment and comparisons:An introduction,Science, 236,267-270; The authors create a table in which they compare the estimates of risks of harm fromair pollution and from a policeman beiig killed in the line of duty. The latter activity presents more palpable and voluntary incurred risk than the former. 15. Ibid. 16. This analysis may appear quite individualistic in thesense of focusing on individual responsibilityfor exposure to at least some risks.Whereas this is truefor voluntary incurred risks,I do not suggest that are in the publicmedia-air, water, food, and individuals shouldbear the burden of avoiding risks that in the workplace. 17. Wilson and Crouch, Risk assessment and comparisons: An introduction, appearto blur this distinction. They begin “Everyday we take risks and avoid others.” This seems to ignore the point that one can be at risk (unknowingly and involuntarily) withouttaking a risk (knowingly and voluntarily). 18. Rawls,J.Socialunityandprimarygoods. In Utilitarism andBeyond, Cambridge,Cambridge University Press,1982,15!3-187. Rawls, J. A. Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1971; and Scheffler, S. The Rejection of Consequentialism,Oxford, ClarendonPress, 1982. 19. Cranor, C. F. Regulating Toxic Substances: A Philosophy of Science and t a w . New York: Oxford University Press; 1993,163-168. 20. Rawls. A Theory of Justice. 1971,302. 21. Zeise, L., et al., Alar in fruit: Limited regulatory action in the face of uncertain risks. In Gorick and Gesler, ed. The Analysis, Communication and Perception of Risk, New York, Plenum Press, 1991,275-284. 22. Zeise, et al., Alar in fruit. 23. Frankena, W. Ethics, New York, Prentice-Hall, 1977. 24. Rawls, J. A. Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1971; Scanlon T. M. Contractualism andutilitarianism. In Sen, A. andWilliams, B. d., UtilitarianismandBeyond, Cambridge, Cambridge UniversityPress, 1982,103-128. 25.Dr.Bruce Ames had made this argument before the State of California’s Proposition 65 Science
Comparative RiskinJudgments
27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
32. 33.
34. 35.
Risk Management
Advisory Panel and in numerous other contexts as well. Ames, B.et al. Ranking possible carcinogenic hazards, Science 236271-280. 1987. Chlorinated drinking water consumed at the rateof 2 Uday over a 40-year lifetime appearsto double the rate of bladder cancer. Reported by Kenneth Canter, “Bladder Cancec Association with Water Source, ”keatment and Consumption Level,” at the California Department of Health Services Symposium “Mechanism of Carcinogenesis and Reproductive Toxicity: Implications for Public Health,” Asilomar Confmnce Center, Pacific Grove, California, March23-25, 1988. PersonalcommunicationfromJosephCotruvo, U.S. EnvironmentalProtectionAgency, Office of Drinking Water, July 1986. Ames, B. Ranking of possible carcinogenic hazards,Science 236273-275.1987. See Ames, ibid., and Ames, B. Dietary carcinogenics and anticarcinogens, Science 2321256-1264, 1983. Ames, B. Ranking, and Menill, R. Regulating carcinogensin f d . A legislator’s guide to the food safely provisionsof the FederalFood, Drug andCosmeticsAct. Michigan Law Rev. 77: 171-250.1979. Even though this argument is not persuasive as a matter of social policy, from the perspectiveof an individual there maybe some reason not to worry overly much about carcinogens in one’sThere life. may be so many naturally occurring carcinogens in my foods, in peanut butter, celery, mushrooms, charbroiled foods, fried foods, etc., thatI may not reasonably be able to eliminate all of these from one’s life. Tryingto eliminate them may be nearly impossible. However,even if it werenot, the attempt so bland that one may not choose todo so. would take so much time and effort and render one’s diet Even from one’s point of view, if one acknowledges allthe carcinogens in one’s diet, one may still prefer not to be exposed to additional carcinogens from human sources in the environment. Wilson,R.and Crouch,E. A.C.Risk assessment and comparisons: An introduction, Science, 236~267-270, 1987. Wilson, R. and Crouch, E. A. C. ibid, p. 268. Slovic, P. Perception of risks, Science, 236:28&285, 1987. Slovic, P. Perception of risks, ibid., p. 285. (emphasis added).
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43 Risk Assessment in Monitoring, Compliance, and Enforcement Barton P. Simmons CaliforniaEnvironmental Protection Agency Berkeley, California
1. INTRODUCTION This chapter discussesthe use of risk assessment in monitoring, compliance, and enforcement. These activitiesare part of the risk managementprocess, and are normally developed after an evaluation of public health, economic, social, and political consequences of regulatory options (NRC, 1983). The typical result is a risk-based limit, established in law or regulation. This chapter will discuss somecommon elements to any risk-based monitoring, which involves the collection of measurements and comparison with a risk-based limit. The problems associated with this process are discussed, along with examples of current applications. Often the product of the risk assessment process is a single concentration limit for each medium, such as air, water, or food, usually with no estimate of the associated uncertainty. As riskderived standards have been lowered, two typical problems haveemerged (1) the goals based on risk assessment am sometimes less than the reliable measurement level, and(2) the variability of measurements near the standard becomes significant, leading to both false-positive and false-negative results. Many solutions have been proposed for these problems, generally based on statistical models. However, these are multidisciplinary problems, with their rootsin toxicology, analytical chemistry, and statistics; comprehensive solutions have not been found. This chapter describes these and related problems and discusses potential solutions,
II. THE IMPACTS OF INADEQUATE MONITORING A. Public Health Impacts I . Mistakes in Setting Priorities A principal use of environmental data is the establishment of priorities for intervention and mitigation efforts.If the collection of environmental data is flawed, the resulting priorities will 835
be distorted andwill result in mitigationof relatively minor risks.A prominent example of the risksriented Hazard Ranking Systems( H R S ) in setting of environmentalpriorities is the formal the federal SuperfundProgram (USEPA, 1991). The HRS scores, which determine placementon the federal National Priorities List, are based on data for toxicity, hydrogeology, and exposure. The calculation of exposure (usually potential exposure) is based on environmental measurements. Evaluations of sites scored with the HRS have found both false-positive (sites with no significant risks and high H R S scores) and false-negative (sites with significant risk and low HRS scores) results (Doty, 1990). False positive calculations allocate resources to relatively the relatively important risks. One source of the problem minor risks; false-negative ones ignore is inequitable designof site investigations. Other things aside, the more one looks for contamination, the more one finds. The relationshipof design to false positives and false negatives is discussed in the following. On a larger scale than hazardous waste site risk assessment is comparative risk assessment, for which priorities can also be distorted by poor monitoring data. Riskassessors have found ,the poor quality of data and the uncertainties about exposure extrapolations as the most problematic aspect of the endeavor” (Hornstein, 1992). Comparative risk assessment m intended to help establish policy based on a quantitative ranking of risks, but inadequate exposure measurements can obscure the differences in risks from disparate sources,or worse, can skew the ranking of risks based on biased exposure assessments.
“. .
2. Uncertainty A major effect of inadequate monitoring is the failure to reduce uncertainty about human exposure andrisks. The public perception of environmental risks depends, among other factors,
on the uncertainty of exposure data. If the affected community has legitimate concerns about the adequacy of potential or actual exposure data, it will be rightfully skeptical about the selection of choices for the mitigation of risk. Onewaytoreducetheuncertainty of humanexposure is tousebiologicalmarkers, or “biomarkers” of exposure; the assets and limitations of this approach are discussed in a later section.
B. EnvironmentalImpacts Inadequate environmental measurement can misidentify potential ecological risks. Selenium m a of Californiawasunrecognizedbecauseof accumulation in theKestersondrainage the inadequacyof measurements in water, sediment, and tissue. The discovery of birth deformities in migratory birds led to better measurement and speciation of selenium (USGS, 1984). Birth deformities in Great Lakes waterfowl did not correlate with total polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)measurements,butdid correlatewiththemosttoxic“coplanar”PCBs.The congener-specificmeasurementofPCBsisdiscussedinthesectiononmonitoringmixed chemical exposures. for assessing ecologicalrisks is often Because of bioconcentration, the sensitivity required greater than that neededfor human risk assessment. In addition, sublethal effects canbe found for concentrations of metals, suchas copper, far below the levels of concern for human health.
111. MONITORINGDESIGN A. Goals Monitoring goalsm generally established by law for specific programs. For example,the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requires the administrator to establish “maximum contaminant
Risk Assessmentin Monitoring and Enforcem’ent
level goals” for any contaminants that “may have any adverse effect on the health of persons and which are known or anticipated to occur in public water systems”(USEPA, 1991a). For U.S. EPA category I drinking water contaminants, the maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) is set at zero. The ultimate monitoring program would measure downzero, to that is, in each sample. A major issue in the design of monitoring prowould detect a single molecule reliably measured grams is that monitoring program goals are established at levels thatbecannot by existing methods. Various solutionsto this problemm discussed in this chapter. Another exampleis the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement of 1986 Act (Proposition 65). The regulations adopted pursuant to this act established “no significantrisk levels (NSRLs)” for cminogens based on a lW5 incremental cancerrisk. Levels for reproduceffect level (NOEL). Since these levels tive toxicantsare based on 1/1000 of the no observable were basedon risk only, without consideration of the feasibility of monitoring, conflicts between these levels and monitoring feasibility can occur.
B. Objectives The objectives of monitoring are generally (1) detection monitoringor (2) compliance monitoring. Detection monitoring seeks to detect the lowest concentration of a substance in some environmental medium. Compliance monitoring is designed to determine whether a regulatory limit has been exceeded.
I . DetectionMonitoring One exampleof detection monitoring is routine analysisof groundwater near hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities that are regulated by the federal Resource Conservation ( R C R A ) , as amended. The purpose of the monitoringis to detect leaks or other and Recovery Act releases into groundwater. For naturally occumng substances, such as metals, nitrate, sulfate, and chloride, the objectiveis to determine whether there is a statistically significant increase in hydrologically down-gradient wells compared with up-gradient wells. In practice, this is a complex task, sincemanysubstances are measured,andavarietyofparametricandnonparametric statistical testsmay be used. For nonnaturally occurring substances, suchas organic of a release.To accomplish this objective requires solvents, the objective toisdetect the first sign a good knowledge of local hydrogeology, correct placement and construction of monitoring wells, reliable sampling, and sensitive analytical methods. 2. ComplianceMonitoring
The objectiveof compliance monitoringis to determine whether a regulatory or limit other action level has been exceeded. One problematic example is reaching cleanup for levels contaminated solid and groundwater under site cleanup programs, such as the federal Superfund Program. Factors thatmay be included are The limitsof remedial techniques Site-specific conditions The rangesof risk estimates The quantitation level of available methods Uncertainty of monitoring results 3. Data Quality The objectives for environmental monitoring programs are often contained in a quality assurance (QA) plan. The purpose of a QA planis to produce data of known and acceptable quality for the requirements of theproject.Thequalityofmonitoringdatacan be inadvertentlyaffected (e.g., by the use of improper samplingor analysis techniques), or directly affected as the result
of fraud. A good QA program will include sufficient quality control so that invalid datacan be identified. TheEPA requires aQA plan for all major projects(USEPA, 1984). The originalEPA QA project plan guidelines (USEPA, 1980) have evolved with an increasing emphasis on data quality objectives (DQOs). Conceptually, the DQOs include a consideration of false-positives (type I error) as well as false negatives (type II error). In practice, false-positive and falsenegative values are often considered onlyfor analytical procedures, although greater contribuAs shown in Fig. 1, the tions to errors come from the sampling and the risk-based limit itself. of a monitoring program. acceptable levelsof type I and typeI1 errors can affect the design The design of a monitoring program typically involves the balancing of false-positive with false-negative values. For example, the design of a monitoring program to detect contamination in groundwater can decrease false-negative results by increasing theofnumber monitoring wells, increasing the frequency of sampling, increasing the number of substances monitored, and choosing analytical methods with low detection limits. However, this is done with some increase in the probability that artifacts in sampling and analysis will produce false-positive values. The costs associated with both errors can be incorporated into the monitoring design. The decrease in false-negative results is also done with increased cost, although some strategies (e.g., composite sampling) can reduce false-negative results without significant increases in monitoring costs,as discussed in the section on sampling strategies. 4. Confirmation Sampling andAnalysis In principle, one would confirm positive and negative results with the same proportion. In practice, however, the frequencyof false-positive results is reduced by includingconfmation analysis or confirmation samplingin the monitoring program.For example, if a single sample result is greater than a drinking water limit, confmation samples will typically be collected and analyzed before a limit is considered exceeded. If confinnation sampling is done only on positive results, the effectis a reduced frequency of false-positive results, no buteffect on the frequency of the false-negative ones.
C. Environmental Monitoring Versus Biological Exposure Monitoring Humanexposurescan be monitored bymeasuringlevelsinenvironmentalsamples or by exposure indices monitoring the internal levels with biological exposure monitoring. Biological (BEIs)havebeenestablished for occupationalexposures by theAmericanConference of GovernmentalIndustrialHygienists(ACGIH, 1991) andbyotherorganizations(Fiserova. Bergerova, 1990). Biological monitoring has the advantage of measuring integrated exposure from all sources
Decision Exceeded Not
Risk Level Exceeded a l
Risk Level Not Exceeded a (Type I)
(Type It) DamDles
False Environmental Positive variability (Type I e m 0 False Negative Insufficient number
(Type 11 error) Insufficient number
Inaccurate or Imprecisemethods of samples of sampling locations (e.g., monitoring wells) Insensitive analytical methods
Figure 1 The effects of errors on monitoring design.
Assessment Risk
in Monitoring and Enforcement
(air, food, water, dermal absorption, and such).It has the disadvantageof being more invasive and often requiring medical professionals for design and implementation. Approved human subjects protocolsmay be required before monitoring, and confidentiality of results is necessary. In contrast with medical surveillance, biological exposure monitoring is intended to measure a of exposure. chemical,itsmetabolite, or areversiblebiochemicalmarkerorothereffect Biological markers, or biomarkers, have numerous applications for environmental monitoring (McCarthy, 1990).
D. Sampling Strategies Steps in developing sampling strategies include (Keith, 1988) Establish data quality objectives Plan sampling Design quality assurance Prepare matrix-specific samplingprotocols Although risk-based levelsare often based onan external dose, monitoring programs typically measure exposures indirectly. For example, the federal Safe Drinking Water Program generally monitors the wateras supplied by the water purveyor, rather than at the tap. Exceptions include to includecontributionsfromlead pipe, and leadmonitoring,whichusestapmonitoring monitoring at the tap to measure the possible contamination from permeation of plastic pipeby volatile organic compounds(Vocs) (USEPA, 1991a). Sampling strategies shouldbe appropriate for the standard,the medium being monitored, andtheacceptablelevels of a and p, as shown in Fig. 1. Forexample, if acleanup of contaminated soil were tobe done, the probabilityof calling clean soil contaminated might be set at a = 0.10. The probability of concluding that contaminated soilis clean (false-negative) might beset at p = 0.05. With these levelsof error established, the required number of samples and sampling strategies canbe determined.
I . Frequency of sampling The environmental variability over time will generally determine the frequency of sampling. an initialquarterlymonitoring, Forexample,drinkingwatermonitoringtypicallyrequires are detected (USEPA, 1991a). If confollowed by annual monitoring if no target contaminants taminants are detected, quarterly monitoring is continued unless the system is “reliably and consistently*’ under the maximum contaminant level (MCL). 2 . Composite Sampling Composite samplingis the technique of combining portions of homogenized primary sample to form a composite that is representativeof the original samples. The advantagesand disadvantages of composite sampling are listed in Table 1. Since savings in analytical costs can be of composite sampling. considerable, thisis a driving force in the selection
Table 1 Considerations for CompositeSampling
Reduces analytical costs
can dilute ‘Ilot spots”
Reduces variance per sample Reduces sampling costs
May require reanalysis of primary samples
E. The Effect of Variability on Monitoring The major sources of variability in monitoring are the following: Environmental or industrial process variability Sampling Choice of analytical method Analysis Environmental or process variability is generally the major of source monitoring variability. Although some compliance programs address only the variability in sampling and analysis, micas, 1991). environmentalvariabilityshould be consideredinthedesignofmonitoring Environmental variability generally follows a lognormal distribution, whereas sampling and analysis errors tend to follow normal distributions. Forexample,the EPAhasfoundthatthechoiceofanalyticalmethodwas amajor source of variability in measuring PCBs (USEPA, 1982). The establishment of approved test protocols and environmental laboratory accreditation has reduced the variability caused by the choice of method. Thefinalsource of variabilityistheanalysisitself.Analyticalvariability is generally estimated by the analysis of replicate samples or replicate spiked samples. Of all sources of uncertainty, this has received the most attention. So that all of the major sources of uncertainty are known, the study must be designed accordingly.Table 2 showsthekinds of samplesthat are neededtomeasurethemajor sources of uncertainty.
F. Analysis I . LaboratoryAccreditation The EPA requires approval for laboratories that analyze drinking water, but not other environmental media.In addition, many states and other organizations have accreditation or certification programs for categories, such as wastewater, hazardous waste, air, and pesticide residues in food. A national environmental laboratory accreditationprogram has been proposed. The minimum requirements of accreditation programs typically include the following: Education and experience of key laboratory personnel An approved quality assurance plan Use of approved analytical methods Acceptable resultson performance evaluation samples However, the useof a laboratory that is accredited for the needed analysis does not provide a be reliable. guarantee that the results will
Table 2 Estimating Sources of Variability Estimation Sources variability Environmental
Samples takenover time or area
Sampling Choice of analytical method
Colocated samples Analysis of split samples by reference method and proposed method
Analysis of homogenized replicatesamples with the same protocol
Assessment Risk
Enforcement in and Monitoring
Table 3 Analytical Methods for PCBs Example of method
Total PCBs screen
EPA method 508A (perchlorination GC-FCD) EPA method 8270 EPA methods 8080 8081 or
Selected individual congeners Aroclor mixtures Congener-specific analysis Huckins, 1988 Results
Comments Cannot identify Aroclor mixtures
Does not identify Aroclor mixtures Uses pattern identification can be used with TEFs
2 . Selection and Validation of Analytical Methods Several sources of approved analytical methods exist. For the measurement of occupational exposures, for example, the sampling and analysisare generally described in the same procedure in NIOSH Methods of Analysis. Other risk-based monitoring may require the modification of an approved protocol, typically by extending the range to lower concentrations. In a publichealthorenvironmentalemergency,anexistingprotocol may requiremodiiication andvalidation.Criteriahavebeenestablishedforthedevelopment of methodsin a crisis (Conacher, 1990). It issometimesdesirable to validateamethodwithactualmonitoring samples. For example, matrix-specific detection levels and quantitation levels can be established by using actual samples. These site-specific levels will provide more realistic estimates of detection levels because they will incorporate interferences and other “matrix effects” from actual monitoring samples. All methodsare not equalin their performanceor results. For example, Table3 shows some choices available for the analysis of PCBs. As shown, the available methods offer a range of specificity, from total PCB concentration to congener-specific concentrations. The congenerspecific measurements can be used with toxicity equivalency factors (TEFs) to calculate toxic equivalents (USEPA,1991b), as discussed laterin this chapter.
3. ChemicalSpeciation The risk assessment process may produce risk estimates for an exposure that is not easily measureddirectly.Table 4 listsexamples of regulatedsubstancesandthecorresponding monitoring target. tarSomecompliancemonitoringwill require speciationtomeaningfullymeasurethe get substance. For example, hexavalent chromium is generally consideredto be carcinogenic by federal and state regulations, but trivalent chromium and elemental chromium are not. Themeasurement of onlyhexavalentchromiumrequiressamplingandanalyticalmethods that can reliably measure hexavalent chromium, even in the presence of trivalent and ele-
Table 4 Risk-DerivedMonitoringTargets
oringsubstanceRegulated Asbestos Lead Nickel subsulfide PCBs
Tetrachlorodibenzo-pdioxin (PCDDs) (TCDD)
Specific mineral forms chrysotile) (e.g., Total lead Total nickel Aroclor mixtures Congener-specific polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs)
mentalchromium.Thedesignofsuchaspeciationmethodscanbeacriticalelementof a monitoring program.
4. DetectionLimits When the concentration of a contaminant is near zero, the reliabilityof measurementis an issue. At some concentration, the contaminant can be reliably detected. This threshold, or detection level, primarily depends on the type of sample, the sampling method, and the analytical method. The detection level cannot be measured directly, but is generally estimated using some statistica For example, the model. The actual detection process depends on the analytical techniques. detection of a substance using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is the measurement of a peak within the expected retention time. Detection by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), on the other hand, involves (1) detection of a peak with the correct ratios of the retention time,(2) measurement of the key ions of the suspected compound,(3)and key ions within an expected range (EPA Method 8270; USEPA, 1986). Thus, the reliability of thedetectionprocessisverydifferent in the two techniques.Unfortunately,thecommon estimates of detection levels ignore the differences in the actual detection criteria and use statistical estimates that assume one measurement (e.g., a single peak measurement).
5. MethodDetectionLimit The EPA has defined the method detection limit o L )as: T ' he minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greaterthan zero.', It is calculatedbyanalyzingreplicatesamples ofhigh-puritywater containing the concentration of the analyte of interest near the expectedMDL, and calculating the MDL by using the following equation:
MDL = method detection limit t = Students t value at a99% confidence level withn 1 degrees of freedom S = sample standard deviation
This definition of MDL does not include the reliability of identification. For example, gas chromatographywithflameionizationdetection(GC-FID)andGC-MSmayhavesimilar MDLs, but the reliability of identification by GC-MS is much higher; therefore, it has a much lower proportion of false-positive results. Other definitions of detection levels have been established by the American Chemical Society (ACS, 1980), but a consensus has not yet been established for the definition and use of detection levels. If a regulatory limit is established at the detection limit, thereis a significant probability of false-negative results.If, for example, the true concentration of a substance was equal to the detection limit (which is assumed to be the same as the regulatory limit), half of t measurements would fall below the detection limit; that is, the probabilityof a false-negative of value would be 50%. If the detection limit is lower than the regulatory limit, the probability false-negative results will be less. Monitoring is often designed with regulatory levels that are at twice theDL. A simple gaussian model, illustrated in Fig. 2, shows that if the regulatory limit (a,the probability that a substance will is at twice the detection limit, the false-positive values be reported as presentwhen it really is not),are low, and false-negative ones(p, the probability that a substance is reported absent whenisitpresent at the regulatory limit), are also low. 6. QuantitationLimits
At some concentration above the detection level a substance can be reliably quantitated. This level is sometimes called a quantitation level (QL). The quantitation level has been generally
Risk Assessmentin Monitoring and Enforcement Concentration
843 2X(DL)
Figure 2 A gaussian model for the detection limit. be reported with some specified level of precision. (Other defined as the concentration that can terms which have been used include “limit of quantitation” and “determination limit.,’) For EPA has established a “practical quantitation limit (PQL)” as the drinking water monitoring, the concentration at which 75% of laboratories participating in an interlaboratory study report results that are within 355% of the true value(USEPA, 1991a). However, when this procedure would result in PQL a that is greater than 1a p cancer risk, thePQL was established at another (MDL).Other programs, suchas the level: five times the interlaboratory method detection limit RCRA hazardous waste management program, routinely calculate PQLs as a multipleof a MDL (USEPA,1986). For example, Table5 shows the multipliersfor various matrices that are used for guidance in RCRA analysis. Some programs have explicitly used the quantitation level as a regulatory limit to determine presence or absence of a contaminantFor example, theEPA has used the practical limit of quantitation for PCBs in air, water, wastes,or products to define the “absence of PCBs” (USEPA,1982). In summary, thereis no consensus on the definitions of detection level and quantitation level.
G. Qual‘tyAssurance 1. Random Error and Systematic Error In general,aqualitymanagementprogramseeks to control four sources of dataerrors: random error, systematic error (bias), blunders, and fraud. The allowable levels of random be determined by thedataqualityobjectives.Oncethe errorandsystematicerrorshould are usedtodetermine allowablelevels are established,specificqualitycontmlprocedures whether data meet the specified objectives. For example, EPAthe Contract Laboratory Program,
Table 5 Examples of Guidance PQLS Matrix
Groundwater 1.2 10 Low-level soil 10 Water-miscible waste liquid 500 High-level soil and sludge 150 1250 150 1250 Non-water-miscible waste Source: USEPA. 1986.
FQL for TCE (MDL = 0.12 p@) Pgn. 1-2 Pg/kg 60 I ra
P&z I.lg/kg
which provides datafor the SuperfundProgram,has a detailed set of quality control procedures and reporting requirements. 2. Blunders Quality control procedures can identify, but not necessary eliminate, the effects of blunders in the field or laboratory. The effect of blundersis greater with a smaller setof samples, such as composite samples, that represent a greater set of original samples. 3. Fraud Unrealistic scheduling, overly detailed contract requirements, and increased useof automated data storage have led to several cases of reporting fraudulent data. One example is “timetraveling,” when an analyst falsifies a date and time of analysis to meet holding time requirements. Fraud canbe difficult to detect and can have devastating effects on exposure assessments. Draft good automated laboratory procedures have been established in an attempt to improve the security of automated data (USEPA,1990a).
4. QualityAssurancePlans The goal of quality assurance is to produce data of known and acceptable quality. TheUSEPA requires quality assurance program plans for any major monitoring program, and quality assurance project plans for site-specific investigations, such as a remedial investigatiodfeasibility study in the Superfund program. 5. Data Validation
Inaddition to laboratoryqualitycontrol,aquality assurance program should include data in sampling or analysis. validation, which is generally done by someone who was not involved raw laboratory data, and results for quality control samples are The results, including field notes, reviewed and a judgment is made about whether the data are valid, invalid, or oflimited usefulness. One problem that arises in data validation is: Should resultsbe adjusted for bias in the sampling or analytical procedure? To get an unbiased estimate of an exposure dose, the answer is clearly,yes.However,adjusting for bias is notasimplematter;somemethods (e.g., NIOSH methods) explicitly include corrections for blank results and recovery bias; some methods (e.g., isotope dilution GC-MS methods) have a “built-in” correction with the use of internal standards; and some methods have no bias conection specified at all. The EPA has this has proposed that bias correctionbe done routinely during the data validation process, but not become common practice. 6. Data Qualij?ers When dataare determined to be acceptable and reported, they still may be “flagged” with data qualifiers to indicate the limitations on their usefulness. For example, Table 6 shows examples
Table 6 DataQualifiers Qualifiers
The substance was not detected. Indicatesan estimated value; for example,when a concentration is less more than zero. than its quantitation limit, but Thecompoundwasfoundinanassociatedblank as well as in the sample. Indicatesaresultthatexceedsthecalibrationrange of the analysis.
Source: USEPA, 1990.
ginAssessment Risk
and Enfomement
of data qualifiers used in the EPA Contract Laboratory Program. Needless to say, it is important are included in a larger data base. that these qualifiers not be lost when the results
A. MixtureRules Risk-basedlimits are usuallybasedon one substanceatatime.Otherthanwell-defined mixtures, such as PCBs, monitoring and compliance programs seldom include limitsfor exposure to chemical mixtures. The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGM) uses a mixture rule for substances that "..,act upon the same organ system. .." (ACGIH, 1992): If
c1 + c2 c, > + .. . TI
1,thenthelimit isexceeded.
Ci = concentration of substance i. Ti = threshold limit of substancei. Most regulatory compliance programs do not address the issue of exposure to chemical mixtures, but consider compliance with regulatory limits one substance at a time.
B. Well-DefinedMixtures Monitoring is often doneforwell-definedmixturesofrelatedsubstances,such as PCBs, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins-polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDDs-PCDFs), or petroleum products. The measurement of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination is problematic. A variety of methods have been established to measure either total petroleum hydrocarbon contamination (e.g., solvent extraction and infrared spectrophotometry; EPA418), or specific petroleum product contamination (State of California, 1989). Immunoassay procedures have been developed that demonstrate various sensitivities to petroleum hydrocarbon mixtures.However, the measurement technique in such assays should match the risk-based limit. Gasoline contamination, for example, is typicallymeasuredby acombination of individualmeasurementsforbenzene,toluene, ("BTEX"), plus total petroleum hydrocarbons calculated as gasoline, ethylbenzene, and xylenes The PCBs have been typically measured as Aroclor mixture, based on the composition of the original commercial product. However, if risk assessment is based on specific PCB compounds, or congeners, the analysis must be congener-specific or measure the potency of the mixture using an appropriate assay. When exposures involve complex mixtures, monitoring and compliance is more complicated. Pattern recognition techniques, such as principal component analysis, have been used to identify sources for mixed chemical exposure (Wold, 1987). The field of source receptor analysis has developed to better understand the sources of airborne chemical mixtures (Gordon, 1988). Other multivariate models such as neural networks may offer even more powerful techniques for monitoring complex mixtures (Jansson, 1991).
A.ComplianceLevels Risk-derived dose limits have been used to establish compliance levels as shown in Fig. 3. Forexample,thecompliancelevel(MCL) for chromiumindrinkingwater,basedonthe
2 L of watedday
Toxicity characteristlc UC) limit 20X TC limit
Figure 3 Derivation of compliance limits. assumption of 2 L of water consumed a day, is 50 p a . The hazardous waste l i i i t for the concentration of chromium in an extract from the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) is 100 times the MCL, or 5 m&. The total concentration screening level for a solid waste (todecide if extraction by TCLP is necessary) is20 times the TCLP limit, or 100 mgkg. In this way, compliance limits have been set to reflect the dilution and/or attenuation that could occur before ingestion of contaminated groundwater.
B. Statistical Analysis of Data for Compliance I . Treatment of Data Below the Detection Limit
Compliance with risk-based limits often involves results below the detection limit. Several techbe grouped into(1) substiniques have been usedfor dealing with nondetect values, which can of tution techniques,(2) distributional methods, which assume some model for the distribution results, and (3) robust methods (Helsel, 1990). As shown in Tables7 and 8, substitution methods can introduce bias into estimates of the mean, median, or other parameters. Distributional methods can produce unbiased parameters if the data match the assumed distribution. Robust methods have the advantage of not assuming particular distributions. Another approach to “less-than” values is the useof nonparametric tests, which do not require estimatesof the mean, standard deviation,or other parameters.
2. Comparison with Regulatory Levels Groundwater monitoring is required of owners and opemtors of hazardous waste facilities, The EPA or states have adopted regulations on the statistical analysis of groundwater monitorTable 7 Estimation Methodsfor “Less Than” Values method Estimation Substitution One-halfdetection thelimit Distribution Maximum likelihood estimation Robust Extrapolation below detection the to
Risk Assessment in Monitoring and Enforcement
Table 8 SubstitutionTechniques for “Less Than” Data
Value substituted
Bias LOW
Detection High limit DL/2
Depends on distribution Less bias than D W for lognormal distributions
ing data using both parametric and nonparametric tests (SWRCl3, CCR Title 2 3 , 0 2550.7). In “detection monitoring,” the objective is to determine statistically significant differences between hydraulically down-gradient and hydraulicallyupgradient wells. Since the objective are notused. is todeterminewhetherareleasehasoccurred,risk-basedregulatorylimits The desire to detectareleaseattheearliesthasplacedadditionalattentionondetection levels and quantitation levels. In compliance monitoring, however, a comparison is made with an established MCL or “alternate concentration limit (ACL).” A permitmayrequirethataMCLorACLnot be exceeded, or alternatively, that the limit not be exceeded more than a specified proportionof measurements. The confidence interval method is a recommended method. If data appear to be lognormally distributed, a log transformation is done, then a confidence interval is created for either the untransformedor log-transformed data:
x f t(O.99, n- 1)
-x = mean of values for a sampling @.W, - 1) = t value for a = 0.01
S = sample
standard of deviation n = number of samples
C. Reliability of Compliance Monitoring Data Most compliance monitoring programs do not deal directly with the uncertainty of monitoring data. The EPA rules for the Safe Drinking Water Act,for example, set limits on the laboratory results for performance evaluation samplesas MO% for concentrations less than 10 v&, but do not indicatehow this uncertainty is tobe used in determining compliance(USEPA, 1992). Monitoring may involve a choice of approved methods that may differ in precision and accuracy. If the issue of false-positive and false-negative results were not dealt with in the monitoring design, the review of compliance datamay reveal these problems. Analytical methods often include criteria for the quality of results, but these generally do not include criteria for variability from sampling activities. If analytical results do not meet required criteria, corrective action should be taken to identify and solve the problem. Results are generally unusable. that do notmeet the acceptance criteria
VI. ENFORCEMENT Environmental enforcement has recently moved increasingly to criminal prosecution ofcorporations and individuals. Since some environmental crimes may have penaltiesas high as100,OOO dolladday (Calif. H&SC25189.5). the challengeof data usedin enforcementmay be intensive.
Enforcement of environmental standards usually involves regulations, rather than statute, since risk-based limits are normally establishedby an administrative rule-makingbody.
A. Admissibility of Scientific Evidence If risk-based limits are established in statute or regulation, the scientific basis of the limit is used to document a violation may be challenged. usually not an issue. However, methodsare that Criteria for admissibility of scientific evidence have been generally based on Frye v. United of polygraphresults (Frye v. States, a 1923 federalappellatecourtdecisionontheuse United States, 1924), and subsequent decisions. m i c a 1criteria are (1) a new scientific technique must be generally accepted in the scientific community,(2) a person testifying on the acceptability of the method mustbe sufficiently qualifiedas an expert to testify aboutit, and (3) there must be a demonstration that correct scientific procedures were used in the particular case (People v. Kelly, 1976). In 1993, the U.S. Supreme Court, in the case Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, ruled that, in federal cases, judges should have more latitude in deciding the acceptability of evidence based on its relevance, and reliability (CDOS, 1993). If sampling and analytical methods are established in regulation, there is little question about the acceptability of methods. For programs that do not have established approved methods, however, the choice of sampling and analysis techniquesbemay at issue, and may be challenged by expert witnesses.
B. Weight of Scientific Evidence Beyond the question of admissibility is the questionof what weight will be given to compliance of the sampling and testing data. This can be argued using several factors, including the reliability methods,thequalityassuranceprogram,andeventhecredentials of the witnesses. Expert witness testimony may be used to establish the reliability of sampling and testing methods. Although sampling and analysis guidelines may exist for some regulatory programs, techniques are not limited to those published by regulatory agencies (NEET, 1989). As the recent Supreme of methods may shift from general recognition in the Court decisionis applied, the acceptability scientific communityto reliability as determined at trial.
REFERENCES [ACS] American Chemical Society (1980). Guidelines for data acquisition and data quality evaluation in environmental chemistry,Anal. Chem.,52,2242-2249. [ACGIHI American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (1992). 1992-1993 Threshold Limit Valuesfor Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Eqosure Indices. (1993).934825 William Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals. [CaEPA] California EnvironmentalProtectionAgency (1992). Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Prop. 65), Status report,July 1992. California State Water Resources ControlB o d , California Codeof Regulations,Title 23. g 2550.7(e)(8). Conacher, H. B. S. (1990). Validation of methods usedin crisis situations:Task force report,J . Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem.,73,332-334. Doty, C. B., and C. C. navis (1990). Is EPA’s National priorities List c m t ? Environ. Sci. Technol., 24, 1778-1780. Draper, W.M.,D. W1jekoon.and R. D. Stephens (1991). Speciation and quantitationofAroclors in hazardous wastes based on PCB congener data, Chemosphere,22,147-164. Fiserova-Bergmva, V., and M. Ogata, eds. (1990). BiologicalMonitoring of Exposure to Industrial Chemicals,American Confmnceof Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Cincinnati.
[CDOS] California Daily OpinionService
Assessment Risk
Enforcement inand Monitoring
Frye v. United States (1924). Fed. Rep., 293,NO.3%8, 1013-1014. Gordon, G. E. (1988). Receptor models, Environ. Sci. Technol.. 22, 1132-1142. Helsel, D. R. (1990). Less than obvious; statistical treatment data of below the detection limit, Environ. Sci. Technol., 24, 1766-1774. Homstein, D. T. (1992). Reclaimiig environmental law: A normative critique of comparative risk analysis, Columbia Lav Rev., 92,614. Huckms, J. A., T. R. Schwartz, J. D. Petty, and J. M. Smith (1988). Detennination, fate, and potential significance of PCBsin fish andsedimentsampleswithemphasis on selectedAHH-inducing congeners, 17,1995-2016. Jansson, P. A. (1991). Neural networks: An overview, Anal. Chem., 63,357A-362A. Keith, L.H., ed. (1990). Principlesof Environmental Sampling,American chemical Society, Washington DC. McCarthy, J. F., and L. R. Shugart, eds. (1990). Biomarkers of Environmental Contamination, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton,FL. [NEETI National Environmental Enforcement Journal (1989). 4, 15-16. W C ] National Research Council (1983). Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process, NationalAcademy Press, Washington, DC. Nicas, M., B.P. Simmons, andR. C. Spear (1991). Environmental versus analytical variability in exposure measurements, Am. Ind.Hyg. Assoc. J., 52,553-557. People v. Kelly (1976). Cal. Rep., 17 C.3d 24; 130 Cal Rptr 144.549 P2d 1240.2541. State of California (1989). Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Field Manual: Guidelinesfor Site Assessment, Cleanup, and Underground Storage Tank Closure, October 1989. [USEPA] Environmental Protection Agency. Guidance Document on the Statistical Analysis of GroundWater Monitoring Dataat RCRA Facilities. [USEPA] Environmental Protection Agency.Office of Monitoring Systems and Quality Assurance, Office of Research and Development (1980). Interim guidelines and specifications for preparing quality assurance project plans,QMAS-005/80, Washington, DC. [USEPA] Environmental Protection Agency. (1982). Fed. Regist., 47,204,46980-46996, Oct. 21. [USEPA] Environmental Protection Agency. (1984). EPA Order 5360.1, Policy and Program Requirements to Implement the Mandatory Quality AssuranceProgram, April. B to Part 136Definition and pro[USEPA]EnvironmentalProtectionAgency.(1984a).Appendix cedure for the determinationof the method detection limit-revision 1.11, Fed. Regist., 49(209):198199, Oct. 26. [USEPA] Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (1986). Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, 3rd ed., Nov. [USEPA] Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (1988). Methodr for the Determinationof Organic Compounds in Drinking Water, EP4/600/4-88/039, Dec. [USEPA] Environmental Protection Agency (1990). Contract Laboratory Program. Statement of work for organics analysis; multi-media, multi-concentration,No. OLMOl .O, Dec. OfFice of Administrationand Resources Management (199Oa). [USEPA] Environmental Protection Agency Drafi Good Automated Laboratory Practices, Dec 28. 40 Code of Federal Regula[USEPA] Environmental Protection Agency (1991). Hazard ranking system, tions 8 300, Appendix A. [USEPA] Environmental Protection Agency (1991a). Drinking water; National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; monitoring for volatile organic chemicals; MCLGs and MCLs for aldicarb, aldicarb sulfoxide, aldicarb sulfone, pentachlorophenol, and barium, Fed, Regist., 56(126, PartXII), 30266, July1. [USEPA] Environmental Protection Agency (1991b). Workshop on toxicity equivalency factors for polychlorinated biphenyl congeners, EPA/625/3-91/020, June. [USEPA] Environmental Protection Agency (1992). Fed. Regist., 56 (126, Part XU)30266. July 1. [USGS] U.S. Geological Survey (1984). Selenium Concentrations in Waters Tributary to and in the Vicinity of the Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge. Fresno and Merced Counties, California, Water Resources Investigations Report 84-4122,May. Wold, S. (1987). PrincipalCohponent analyhis, Chemomet. Intell. Lab. Syst.,2,3742.
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Absorption (see pharmacokinetics) Acetaminophen, 66 Acetanilid, 66 Acetone, 637-638 Acetoxymethylmethyl nitrosamine, 605 2-Acetylaminofluorene, 17,129,226, 236,612 Acifluoren, 260 Acute, subchronicand chronic toxicity testing acute toxicity, 108-1 11 chronic toxicity, 113-1 14 dermal and eye irritation, 11 5-1 16 dermal sensitization, 114-1 15 good laboratory practices, 118-119 metabolism, 116-1 18 objectives and approaches, 105-108 subchronic toxicity, 11 1-1 13 types of toxicity endpoints, 4-6, 103-120 Additives color, 792 food, 791-792 Adverse effects, 294,296 Aflatoxin, 18,58,602,612,639,827
Alar, 8254326,829 Alcohol, 38 Aldicarb, 60,563 Aldrin, 60 Alkylnitrosoureas, 18 Allergy (see Immunotoxicology) Allethrin, 60 Allometric interspecies scaling, 609-612 Alpha-2 p-globulin nephropathy, 21 Aluminum, 61 Ames test, 28-29 Ametryn, 260 Amphetamines, 58 Apoptosis, 11 Arachidonic acid, 18 Annitage Doll multistage model, 533-552,601 Aromatic amines andam dyes as carcinogens, 17,236 Arsenic, 570,613,640441,644 Asbestos, 18,570 Atopic or anaphylactic reactions (allergy) (see Immunotoxicology) Autoimmune disease, 78 851
Barbital, 65 B cells, 73 Benchmark dose,267,303,422, 437439,504
Benthiocarb, 66 Benzene, 58,61,66,603-605 Benzidine, 612 Benzo(a)pyrene, 17,58,257 Beryllium, 18 Bicuculline, 61,188 Biological hazards,255 Biotechnology risk assessment and decision making under TSCA, 777-789 Birth defects,see Developmental toxicology Bismuth, 644 Bladder tumors, 237 Blood brain barrier,62-63 Bootstrap method,507-512,601 Bromocil, 260 Busulfan, 38 Butadiene, 604,608,613 Butylate, 260 Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), 232 Cadmium, 570.606-607,640-641 Cancer (see also Carcinogenesis) bioassay, 136-143 biologic based cancer modeling,533-552 statistical analysis,483-499 risk assessment (see Risk assessment) slope factor,265, 282 (see also Cancer, potency) potency, 31,227,610 risk estimates,282-283,285 Carbamazepine,38 Carbofuran, 60 Carbon monoxide,38,247,259 Carbon tetrachloride, 18,637,641 Carcinogenesis as a multistage process,12,533-552 initiation, 12, 15,220-221 promotion, 12, 16,220-221,638-639 progression, 13, 16,220-221 genetic and epigenetic changes,13-14 chemical, 15-18,219-220 mechanism, 220,231 mode of action, 15-16 principles of,9-22
[Carcinogenesis] stochastic models,226,534 threshold, 21-22,226,230,235,237. 265,602
testing (see Carcinogenicity testing) two-stage model, 356 Carcinogenicity testing, 121-149 controls, concurrent and historical, 224-225
evaluation, 141-145 long-term cancer bioassay,136-143 mouse skin tumor assay, 124-127 multiple-organ model,135-136 rat liver altered-foci assay,127-128 rat mammary gland tumor assay,133-135 related scientific bodies and government agencies, 145-149 strain A mice lung tumor assay, 131-133 Carcinogens, 1618,219-220 anticarcinogens, 18 categorization (likelihoodto produce tumors), 222,264 genotoxic and epigenetic,13-14, 122-123, (see also Carcinogens, nongenotoxic) nongenotoxic, 230-231, 237 Chloral hydrate, 66 Chlorambucil, 38 Chlordane, 60 Chlordecone, 60 Chlorine, 401410,837 Chloroform, 604,638,826-826 Chlorophenoxy acid herbicides,23 1 Cholinesterase inhibition(see Neurotoxicity) Chromium, 18,570 Cigarette smoke,607 Clofibrate, 18,231 Cocaine, 58.66 Cocarcinogenesis,322-322 Cochran-Armitage test, 419,421,488 Codeine, 66 Cofactors, 561 Coumarins, 38 Comparative risk,799415,817431 Compliance and risk assessment,835-848 Confidence limits computing methods,503-5 12
Index Congenital defects (see Developmental toxicity) Copper, 401410,641-643 Cortisone, 42 Critical effect, 294 Cyclophosphamide, 38 Cyclosporin, 637 Cytarabine, 38,4647 Cytokines, 75 Cytolytic reactions, 77 Data bases for toxicological information (see Resources) DDT, 60,286,639 Decalin, 234 Decision making (see Regulatory decision making) Delaney Anticancer Clause, 792Delayed hypersensitivity reactions, 78 Delayed neuropathy, 188 Delnav, 67 7,12-Demethylbenz(a)anthramne, 11 Developmental toxicity testing, 171-185 developmental toxicity studies, 174-181 general considerations,172-174 interpretation, 181-185 Developmental toxicology causes of congenital defects, 38 embryonic developmental,43 gestation milestone and embryonic sensitivity, 4 3 4 6 historical perspective, 3 7 4 0 human teratogens, 38 maternal-placentalembryonicrelationship, 49-5 1 modifiers of embryonic dose, 49-50 organogenesis, 43 pharmacokinetics, 49-5 1 principles of,40-53 testing (see Developmental toxicity testing) threshold, 47-48 mathematical modeling, 413-443 Dibromochloropropane (DBCP), 413-443 Dichlorodifluoromethane, 260 1,2-Dichlomthane,259 1,2-Dichloroethylene, 259 1 ,l-Dichloromethylene, 260 Dieldrin, 60
Diethylhexylpthalate (DEW) peroxisome proliferation,18,231 statistical analysisof developmental toxicity data, 4 13-443 Diethylnitrosamine, 58 Diethyl stilbesterol(DES), 38 Dimphylate, 60 2,4-Dinitrophenol, 88-89 p-dioxane, 259 Dioxin, 295,358,447,462-468,637 Dirichlet-trinominal distribution, 424, 433435,438 Distribution (see Pharmacokinetics) Di-syston, 67 DNA repair in carcinogenesis, 70 (see also Genetic toxicology testing) Docosahexaenoic acid, 18 Dominant lethal assay, 473 Dose-response modeling, 301-302,417, 421423,428429,432437,504, 536-537 Dose-response relationship definition, 254-256 in carcinogenesis, 21,359 in carcinogenicity assessment, 225 in developmental toxicology, 47 in genetic toxicology, 30,371 (see also Median effect equation) in noncancer assessment, 294 principles, 256258,296 Dysplasia, 9 ED01 study (see 2-Acetylaminofluorene) Eicosapentaenoic acid, 18 Elimination (see Pharmacokinetics) Ellagic acids, 18 Endrin, 60 Enforcement and risk assessment, 835-848 Environmental statutes, 248-249,287, 653-675 California specific, 28,288-290 Clean Air Act (CAA), 249,287,661-665 Clean Water Act(CWA), 249,658-659 Comprehensive Environmental Response, compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), 249,289,666-668
[Environmental statutes] Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA),
Formetanate, 60 Frank effect level,302 Fugacity, 273
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act(FIFRA), 249,289, 673475
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 249,289,665-666 Safe Drinkiig Water Act (SDWA),249, 287,659461
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 669673
Environmental equity, 248 Environmental fate and transport,273, 278-280
Environmental justice,824-825 Environmental transformation,273 Ephedrine, 66 Epidemiological perspective data analysis,569-570 epidemiological paradigm,561 of lead exposure,573-592 principles and methods,559-571 risk assessment of interactions,329-348 surveys, 567 Epigallocatechin gallate, 18 Essential trace elements,258 Estimated exposure dose,262 Ethanol, 66 Ethiofencarb, 60 Ethylacrylate, 608 Ethylene dibromide, 18 Ethylene oxide,605 Etiology, 560 Etretinate, 38 Exposure assessment,258,272,295, 302-304 (see also Intake equations) Extrapolation from animals to humans,225-226,233,
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)(see Neurotoxicity) ~ ~ p - - g l ~ b24 ~lin, Gasoline, 234 Generalized estimating equations (GEES), 417423,436,438,44&441,478 Generalized score test,417,419,426-428, 442-443
Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status, 791 Genes oncogenes, 11,26,221,233 pmtooncogenes, 11 tumor suppressor,11, 13,26,22 1 Genetic activity profile database,381-383 Genetic toxicology and carcinogenicity,26-29 and germ-cell mutations,27 principles of, 25-32 and risk assessment, 27,473479 testing, 27-29 (see also Genetic toxicology testing) Genetic toxicology testing,153-163 bacterial mutagenicity assays,154-157 chromosomal aberration assay, 157-158 cytogenetic assays, 157-159 guidelines, 161-163 mammalian cell mutagenicity assays, 156157
micronucleus test, 158-159 sometic mutation theory for carcinogenesis, 153 transgenic mouse assay,160-161 unscheduled DNA synthesis assay,159 Genotoxic (see Carcinogens) Granulomatos reactions,78
Fatty acids, 18 Fenthion, 60 Fisher exact test,223-224 Fluoride, 294,570 Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD and C Act), 791-797 Formaldehyde, 611-612
Hazard identification,252-254,293 Hazard index,283-285 Hazard quotient,283 Hazardous waste toxicity criteria,109 Henry’s constant,272 Hesane dione,638 N-hexane, 68 Hill equation,453
Hydrazines, 18 Hyperplasia, 9
Hexahydro-l,SJ-trinitro-l,3J-triazine @DX),259 Hexachlmbenzene, 294
Immune complex reactions,77 Immunosurveillance, 11 Immunotoxicity testing,203considerations, 203-208 general testsof immune status,208-209 host resistance,212 human immunotoxicology,212-213 immune modulation,206 in risk assessment,213 specific testsof immune enhancement, 209-210
specific testsof immune suppression, 210-212
Immunotoxicology, 71-79 immune response,7475,205 immune system biology,71-74,76 functional cell types (lymphocytes, macrophages), 72-74 inflammatory response,72 lymphoid tissues,7 1-72 types of immunity, 72,705 immunopathology, 76-79 immunosuppression, 75 pesticides, 204 testing (see Immunotoxicity testing) Incidence, 306,564-467 Information resources(see Resources) Intake equations,280-281 Integrated Risk Information System(IRIS), 266-267
Interactions chemical, 315-3 17 concepts, 313-321,335-337 epidemiological perspective,329-348 assessment methods,337-340,346 sources of interactions, 341-346 in carcinogenesis, 322-325 pharmacokinetic, 317-321 Interactions chemicalchemical, 635-645 drugchemical, 199 metal-metal, 639-644
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 15 (see also Carcinogenicity testing) Introsourethanes, 18 Ionizing radiation,236,253 Iron, 642-644 Isophorone, 234 Isotretinoin, 38 Jet fuels, 234 Laws (see Environmental statutes) Law of the minimum,258 Lead, 38,61,247,570,573-592,639-644 Legionnaires disease,567 Life expectancy,246-247 Life table analysis,568 Likelihood ratio,503-512 Limits of tolerance, 258 d-limonene, 234 Lindane, 60 Linoleic acid, 18 Lithium carbonate,38 Lowest-observed effect level(Lon), 262-263,295,297-301 (see also Toxicological testing) Lowest-observed-adverse effect level (LOAEL), 302 Macrophages, 74 Magnesium, 644 Malathion, 60,66 Male rat kidneytumor, 234 Malformation (see Developmental toxicology) Malignancy, 11 Manganese, 644 Margin of exposure,262,308 Mass action law,44&449,454459 (see also Median effect equation) Maximum likelihood estimate,505-512 Maximum tolerated dose (MTD),137,222, 228-230,267
Median effect equation,353-362 Meperidine, 66 Mercury, 61,272,570,639441,644 Metaanalysis, 584 Metam, 619-632 Metaplasia, 9
Methanol, 61,66 Methemoglobin formation effect of combined chemicalexposures,
[Modeling, mathematical] W Ostate modelof carcinogenesis, 356. (see also Weibull, ArmitageDoll, 401-410 and Cochran-Armitage) Modifying factor,264,298-301 3-Methylcholanthrene,11 Molybdenum, 258 Methylene chloride, 604 Monitoring Methyl isobutyl ketone,234 and risk assessment,835-848 Methylisothiocyanate(MITC),619-632 biological, 838-839 Methylmercury, 38,58,272,294,570 compliance, 837,845-847 4-(methylnitrosamino)-l-(3-pyridyl)-ldetection, 837-845 butanone (NNK), 18 Monte Carlo, 610 Methylnitrosourea,605 Morbidity, 562, 564 l-Methyl-4-phenyl-l,2,3,6562,564 tetrahydropyridinem) 66,188 , Mortality, Mouse liver tumors,232 Michaelis-Menten equation,457458,524, Munitions, 259-260 527,529,603 Mutagenic potency,30,371-372,390-391 Mixtures, complex approaches, 374 2-Naphthylamine, 17,228,612 considerations, 377 2-Naphthylhydroxylamine,17 genetic toxicology, 367-395 National Research Council guidelines, 369 risk assessment, 654,793-795 mutagenic potency,390-391 National ToxicologyProgram, 223,230, risk assessment of, 313 (see also Risk 232 (see also Carcinogenicity testing) assessment., of chemical mixtures Natural killer cells,74 and interactions) Neoplasm, 9,25 Neoplastic transformation, 11, 13 Modeling, mathematical Neurotoxicity 226, biologic based cancer modeling, acute and chronic exposures 256,533-552 classification of neurotoxicants, 58,6041 for cancer process(see Median effect neurotransmitters, 6245 equation) principles of, 57-68 for cancer studies,223-227,256, in risk assessment,68 . 483499 site of action, 59,63 for developmental toxicity,4 1 M 3 structure and functionof the nervous for heritable mutations,473479 System, 58-59 for nonquantal toxic effects,53-512 Neurotoxicity testing for receptor binding,447468 behavioral, 187-188 hierarchial model,416-417 neurochemical, 188-189 linearized multistage,227,256 neuropathological, 189 logit, 226,255,302 neurophysiological, 189 multihit, 226,255,302 U.S. EPA guidelines, 189-197 multistage model(see Armitage Doll) Neurotransmitters (see Neurotoxicity) physiologically based pharmacokinetic Nickel, 18,258,W modeling, 515-532.602414 Nitrate, 570 probit, 226,302 Nitrite, 401410 two-stage clonal expansion model, p-nitrophenol, 272 226,537-552 Nitrosoquanidines, 18,259 N-Nitrosamine, 605,612 Weibull (see Weibull)
N-nitroso compounds as carcinogens, 17 N-nitrosodimethylamine, 17
N-nitrosomethyl-n-propylamide,18 N-Nitrosomorpholine(NNM), 551 Noncarcinogenic hazards,283 Nonquantal response, 503-5 12 No-observed adverse effect level (NOAEL), 302303 (see also Toxicological testing) No-observed effect level (NOEL), 262-263,295,297-30 1
Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-l,3,5,7tetrazocine (HMX), 259 Octamethylpmphosphoramide,67 Odds ratio,337,565-566 Oncogene, 11 0-phenylphenol high to low dose extrapolation,90-91 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OEDC) (see Toxicological testing) Organogenesis(see Developmental toxicology) Organophosphorous cholinesterase inhibitors, 198-199 Ozone, 259 Pairwise comparison test,223-224 Paraquat, 644 Paraoxon, 272 Parathion, 6047,272 Partition coefficient,273 PBPK, physiological based pharmacokinetic modeling(see Pharmacokinetics) Penicillamine, 38 Pentachloroethane,234 Pentachlorophenol cancer risk estimate, 233-234 sex difference in elimination, 91-92 Pentobarbital, 65 Permethrin, 60 Peroxisome proliferation,231-232 Pesticides and affect on immune system,204 hazard category, 109
Pharmacokinetics and developmental risk,94 compartment concept, 81-85 extrapolation from animals to humans, 88-89
in risk assessment, 95-97 linear vs. nonlinear kinetics, 87-88 physiologically modeling,92-93,503, 512,515-532,602414
plateau principle,85-86 principles of, 81-97 Phenacetin, 66 Phenanthrene physiologic based pharmacokinetic modeling, 515-532 Phenethyl isothiocyanate,18 Phenobarbital, 65 Phenytoin, 38 Phosphorous, 260 Pica behavior,278 Picrotoxin, 61,188 Piperonyl butoxide, 637 Placental transfer, 49 Polybrominated biphenyls,637 Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs), 38, 549-550,637638,836
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) as carcinogens, 17,257 species specificity,612 Polyhydric phenol,236 Polyphenol, 18 Prevalence, 564 Primidone, 66 Progesterone, 42 Pmpazine, 260 Proportional mortality ratio studies, 568 Prospective studies,565-567.581 Quantal response,503-5 12 Radon, 247 Rao-Scott transformation,425,430-433, 44142
Rate, 564 Reference concentration,262,281 Reference dose,262,281,297-301 Regulations, see Environmental statutes
Regulatory decision making biotechnology at U.S. EPA, 777-789 at U.S. FDA, 791-797 Relative risk in epidemiology, 337, 565-567 Resources agencies, 679-723 electronic, 741-774 organizations, 727-739 Resources for toxicological information, see Resources Retinoid (vitamin A derivative),18,38,94 Retrospective studies,565-566 Risk, 245,264,282,559 acceptability of, 246248 comparative, 799-831 natural versus human caused, 818-819 perception, 284 ranking, and environmental problemranking (see Comparative risk) voluntary versus involuntary,820 Risk assessment cancer (USEPA), 221-238 decision tree, 374 definition, 249-25 1 environmental statutes,248-249,653-675 guidelines, 794 noncancer, 293-308 of biotechnology, 777-789 of chemical mixtures and interactions effect on methemoglobin formation, 401410 epidemiological perspective,329-348 genetic toxicology, 367-395 median effect equation,353-362 predicting toxicological consequences, 3 13-325
of developmental toxicity,413-443 of environmental chemicals,219-309 cancer risk assessment,219-238 medium-specific and multimedium, 27 1-290
non-cancer risk assessment, 293-308 principles and methods,245-268 af food, 791-797 versus safety management,796-797 at US.EPA, 219-238,245-267,293-308 at U.S. FDA, 791-797
Risk Risk Risk Risk Risk
characterization,261-268,304-308 communication,252,266,304-308 descriptors,306308 factor,233,341, 348,559-560 management,251-252,265-266, 791-797,829-83 1,835
risk summation,284-287 Saccharin, 236 Saxitoxin, 61 Scaling factor,225-226.609612 Selenium, 18,570,640,836 Sensitive individuals risk estimate, 307 SIMUSOLV program, 527,530 Skin uptake,281 Somatic mutation theory,26 Sphingolipids, 18 Standard mortality ratio studies, 568 Statistical methods, analysisof cancer modeling,533-552 cancer studies,223-224.226.256. 483-499
developmental toxicity,4 13-443 epidemiological studies,569-570 heritable mutations,473-479 non-quantal response, 503-5 12 receptor binding,447-468 stationary populations,568 Statutes (see Environmental statutes) Steroid hormones, 42 Structure activity relationship, 297 Strychnine, 61,188 Sulfur dioxide,247 Syncminogenic effect, 323 Systemic effects, 262 Syston, 67
T cells, 73 Teratogen (see Developmental toxicology) Teratology, 40 (see also Developmental toxicology) Testing (see Toxicological testing) %trachlorodibenzo-p-doxin (TCDD) (see Dioxin) Tetrachloroethylene,604,607 Tetracycline, 38 Terndotoxin, 61 Thalidomide, 3&42,5 1,570 Thionamide, 236
Thiopental species differencein metabolism, 65,91 Threshold, 47,21-22,262-266.283, 298,602
Thyroid follicularcell tumors, 235-236 Toxicological resources(see Resources) Toxicity equivalency factors,267,295 Toxicological testing acute, subchronic,and chronic, 103-120 carcinogenicity, 121-149 . developmental toxicity,171-185 genetic toxicology testing, 153-163 guidelines, pp, 103-104 immunotoxicity, 203-213 neurotoxicity, 187-200 Toxicology principles of, 3-7 profession in,4 testing, 4-6 (see also Toxicological testing) Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) biotechnology, 777-789 statute, 669477 Trend analysis Cochran-Armitage test,223-224,419 generalized estimating equations, 426432
generalized score test,417,426,432 Trichloroethylene,276275,607,637
2,4,6-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 260 Trimethadione, 38 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene, 259 Tri-o-cresyl-phosphate (TOW),61-67 Tumor, 10 promotion, 323 suppressor genes,11 Tumor promotion(see Carcinogenesis) Uncertainty factor,264,298-301 Valproic acid, 38 Vapam (see Metam) Vinyl chloride, 18,570 biotransformation, 19 interspecies differencein metabolism, 613 inmdose extrapolation, 604 liver cancer, 227 pharmacokinetics and cancerrisk assessment, 95-97 Vitamin A (see Retinoid) Vitamin E, 18 Weibull model,226,302,421422,432, 437,495
White phosphorus,260 Zinc, 258,641-644
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About the Editors
ANNA M. FAN is Chief of thePesticideandEnvironmentalToxicologySection,Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, California Environmental Protection Agency, Berkeley, and Adjunct Professor of Toxicology at San Jose State University, California. The author or coauthor of over 100 professional papers and technicalreports,she is a diplomateof the American Board of Toxicology and a member of the Society of Toxicology, among other organizations. She serves on the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Science AdvisoryBoard,DrinkingWaterCommittee,andpreviouslyservedontheCommitteefor Groundwater Recharge, Water Science and Technology Board, and National Research Council. Dr. Fan received the B.S. degree (1972) in biological sciences from College of the Holy Names, Oakland, California, the M.S. degree (1974) in biology from the University of San Francisco, California, and thePh.D. degree (1978) in toxicology from Utah State University, Logan. LOUIS W. C H A M is aProfessorintheDepartments of Pathology,Pharmacology,and Toxicology, and Director of Graduate Studies in Experimental Pathology at the Universityof Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock Dr.Chang also serves as a Visiting Professor at both Beijing Medical University and the Institute of Occupational Medicine, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Beijing, andis a Scientific Advisor and Honor Professor at the National Institute for the Controlof Pharmaceutical and Biological Products, Beijing, People’s Republic of China. Aside from being the author of over 200 scientific articles, he is also the editor of the Handbook sf Neurotoxicology (with Robert S. Dryer) and Principles of Neurotoxicology (both titles, Marcel Dekker, Inc.),Neurotoxicology: Approachesand Methods, and Toxicology of Metals, Volumes l and 2. Dr. Chang is a member of the Society of Toxicology, the American Association of Neuropathologists, the American Association of Pathologists, the Society for Neuroscience, and the International Society of Neuropathology, among He others. has served on
the editorialboard of numerous scientificjoumals as well as on the teview panel and advisory board of various federal agencies and industries. Dr.Chang received theB.A. degree (1966) in chemistry and biology from the University of Massachusettsat Amherst, theMS.d e p e (1969) in neuroanatomy and histochemistry from Tufts University Schoolof Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, and the Ph.D. degree (1972) in pathology from the University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison. Dr. Chang also received training in neurocytology from Harvard Medical in in vim and biochemical neurotoxicology from the Brain School, Boston, Massachusetts, and Los Angeles, School of Medicine. Research Institute at the University of California,